The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Robots Eliminate Menial Work, Humans Reassigned to More Productive Work
Robots Eliminate Menial Work, Humans Reassigned to More Productive Work
According to reports, automation replaced 17,000 “roles” in back office processing at Accenture, a professional services and tech firm over the past year and a half. Thankfully, in this case, no jobs were lost. According to Accenture, automation eliminated menial work, allowing the company’s workforce to do more productive work on behalf of the company.
A team from PolyU in Hong Kong studied the design of precision tools created for space exploration, and with these insights created a new motorized, minimally invasive robotic system for single incision surgery. In India, at the World Laparoscopy Hospital in Gurgaon, more than 1,500 robotic surgeries have taken place over the past six years.
Tech campuses around the world, such as Texas A&M, are leading the development and commercialization of robotics across a wide range of industries. Robotics is so popular today that training is occurring in elementary, middle, and high schools, and in community centers such as East Palo Alto, where disadvantaged youth participate in competitions.
Robotics & Automation to Change Employment Forever
This thirst and interest for robotics is occurring around the world. Countries including China and India have found that importing developing advanced technologies is expensive and it’s better to have a homegrown robotics industry. At the recent World Economic Forum that just wrapped up in Cologny, Switzerland, Manpower Group, one of the world’s largest employment agencies with 400,000 clients in 80 countries, presented a report explaining how the technological revolution, especially robotics, is going to change employment forever.
Following is a video from Manpower Group: “Learnability: The only way to stay relevant in the future workplace.”
David Russell Schilling
David enjoys research and writing about cutting edge technologies that hold the promise of improving conditions for all life on planet earth.
According to reports, automation replaced 17,000 “roles” in back office processing at Accenture, a professional services and tech firm over the past year and a half. Thankfully, in this case, no jobs were lost. According to Accenture, automation eliminated menial work, allowing the company’s workforce to do more productive work on behalf of the company.
A team from PolyU in Hong Kong studied the design of precision tools created for space exploration, and with these insights created a new motorized, minimally invasive robotic system for single incision surgery. In India, at the World Laparoscopy Hospital in Gurgaon, more than 1,500 robotic surgeries have taken place over the past six years.
Tech campuses around the world, such as Texas A&M, are leading the development and commercialization of robotics across a wide range of industries. Robotics is so popular today that training is occurring in elementary, middle, and high schools, and in community centers such as East Palo Alto, where disadvantaged youth participate in competitions.
Robotics & Automation to Change Employment Forever
This thirst and interest for robotics is occurring around the world. Countries including China and India have found that importing developing advanced technologies is expensive and it’s better to have a homegrown robotics industry. At the recent World Economic Forum that just wrapped up in Cologny, Switzerland, Manpower Group, one of the world’s largest employment agencies with 400,000 clients in 80 countries, presented a report explaining how the technological revolution, especially robotics, is going to change employment forever.
Following is a video from Manpower Group: “Learnability: The only way to stay relevant in the future workplace.”
David Russell Schilling
David enjoys research and writing about cutting edge technologies that hold the promise of improving conditions for all life on planet earth.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
The exceptional discovery: the body of King Anunnaki for 12,000 years completely intact.
The exceptional discovery: the body of King Anunnaki for 12,000 years completely intact.
FIND human giants in suspended animation 12000 YEARS This discovery is done completely by chance in the spring of 2008, and if we know happened is no doubt thanks to the Russian media, and television premsa. This occurs in Kurdistan, Iran, a country rather closed to the world, at least in the Western world, but it has good relations with Russia. Although hidden until today, 2015, we managed to know by what has published the Russian press (thanks Google Translator), that the discovery occurs in a work, when digging the ground to make the foundations of a house.
Then appear a mausoleum containing three coffins, and after more concise excavations, a layer of ground containing the remains of an ancient civilization and the ruins of a city. By the stratum in which it was found, but also thanks to the artifacts found inside, archaeologists determined that the monument and the city were built Sometime between 10 000 and 12 000 years old, a date quickly reviewed by the Islamic authorities after publication of the finding in the Russian press, the Iranian authorities publicly said that the ruins had a 850 years old, which obviously does not correspond to the facts and is, again, an official lie.
Of the three sarcophagi found in the mausoleum, we only have video evidence of the first two. We know nothing of the third, or their content, or who was inside.
Project Grudge was a short-lived program launched in 1949 to study unidentified flying objects. Containing 273 UFO sighting reports, 23% of these were listed as “unidentified”.
Project Grudge was formed when Project Sign was decommissioned officially on February 11, 1949. The name was about all that would change. Project Sign’s final report was classified “Secret.” At this time in history, there were a number of Air Force investigators who accepted the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligence.
One small change from Sign to Grudge was the desire to actually explain or put a tag on every single report; not only a difficult task but totally without precedent. This would look good in a report, yet offer no new scientific theory as to what UFOs were.
One item of interest to the student of UFOs would be an article written by Sidney Shalett of the Saturday Evening Post about the Government’s research into UFOs. At the time, the name Project Grudge was not known to the public, and Shalett used the name “Project Saucer” instead. It has been said that Shalett penned the first public use of the term “UFO” in his article of April 30, 1949.
Grudge would fair no better than its predecessors, and closed down after about eight months. They issued a final report also, containing 273 UFO sighting reports. A whopping 23% of these were listed as “unidentified”.
Critics of Project Grudge said the program solely set out to debunk UFO reports, and very little actual research was conducted. In his book on the topic, Edward J. Ruppelt, Air Force Captain and director of Project Grudge, wrote: “It doesn’t take a great deal of study of the old UFO files to see that standard intelligence procedures were not being followed by Project Grudge. Everything was being evaluated on the premise that UFOs couldn’t exist. No matter what you see or hear, don’t believe it.”
Little was done for a time, until on September 11, 1951. A last gasp effort was organized by Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, who took over as head of Grudge. Shortly a month later, a new short lived effort was begun. Usually tagged Grudge II, about all that was new was office forms. The Battelle Memorial Institute, actually a think tank, was asked by the Government to take over the job of explaining UFO reports. They were to review all reports to date. In March of 1952, enter Project Blue Book, which would be the official UFO study group for the United States. Blue Book lasted until 1969.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
What Is the Likelihood That Europa’s Oceans Harbor Alien Life? We May Soon Find Out.
What Is the Likelihood That Europa’s Oceans Harbor Alien Life? We May Soon Find Out.
An artist's concept of water plumes erupting from the icy surface of Jupiter's moon Europa.
Credit: G. Bacon (STScI)
Most enthusiasm in exoplanet searches is reserved for so-called "Earth-like" planets —approximately Earth-sized worlds within their star's habitable zone.
But speculation about the life-bearing potential of some of the icy moons of the outer planets may help broaden this narrow, provincial outlook; and proposed missions to Jupiter's moon Europa aim to answer the question of whether there might be life beneath its icy mantle.
It’s one of the most pressing questions in science: is there alien life somewhere out there within the great wide demesnes of the universe—beyond the homely, terrestrial sort that we’re all familiar with?
We’re still searching for the answer, but it seems that each day brings word of some new exoplanetary discovery that may at last resolve the issue—our technology has evolved to the point where we can now detect Earth-sized (note the distinction between “Earth-sized” and “Earth-like”) exoplanets residing in the habitable zones of their parent stars.
But are we restricting ourselves—unnecessarily—with the fetters of a geocentric prejudice? The circumstellar habitable zone (HZ) merely represents that part of a planetary system where temperatures are conducive to the existence of liquid water—in other words, precisely where the Earth currently resides in the Solar System. Certainly, with everything being equal, a planet with these conditions in a star’s HZ would be habitable to terrestrial life as we know it—but whoever said that’s all we’re looking for? Furthermore, we know that the HZ isn’t static in time; as a main sequence star evolves, its temperature increases, and the zone of habitability sweeps further outward—which is something to consider for highly-evolved, red giant stars, as a recent study has shown.
The Sun’s habitable zone, as it is today (top); the habitable zone as it will be in about 7 billion years (bottom). Credit: Wendy Kenigsberg/Cornell University
Putting aside the question of completely alien life, founded upon chemical organizations radically unlike anything we know, it’s not even clear that terrestrial-type life could only evolve upon an Earth-like planet within its star’s HZ. That’s where studying the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn becomes important.
Ever since the Voyager probes winged their way galaxy-ward, there’s been a great deal of speculation that Jupiter’s second moon, Europa, might harbor a warm, liquid ocean beneath its piebald shell of red-and-white ice; recent observations with the Hubble Space Telescope even suggest some of that water is escaping into space, in the form of geysers—akin to what we see on Saturn’s moon Enceladus.
The existence of such an ocean on Europa is attributable to the intricate celestial mechanics of the Galilean Moons; this remarkable dance—choreographed across billions of years between Io, Ganymede, Europa and the prodigious mass of Jupiter—has squeezed and warmed Europa’s mysterious innards through the action of tidal flexure. It’s a bit like what’s happened to twisted, volcanic little Io—only with a far happier and less Dantean result.
Now, it doesn’t necessarily follow that a motley assortment of marine monsters has evolved in Europa’s putative subglacial world-ocean—though we all prefer to believe that’s exactly the case. But there’s certainly reason enough to be hopeful.
Europa, the mysterious moon of Jupiter. Is there alien life lurking beneath all of that ice? (Credit: NASA)
Life on Earth, for instance, needs water and a source of energy—the Sun, in most cases. But it’s also true that certain organisms, particularly in the deep oceans, derive their energy from purely non-solar sources; it’s even possible that the earliest life on Earth was of just such a type, at a time when the Sun’s radiation was far weaker than it is today.
A recent study has shown that an exothermic chemical reaction known as “serpentinization,” whereby saltwater reacts with rocky minerals to produce heat and hydrogen, may be as common on Europa as in terrestrial oceans. Furthermore, the blistering radiation of Jupiter may be enough to separate oxygen atoms from water molecules in the moon’s icy mantle, with the oxygen then cycling deep into the interior. If correct, it means all the ingredients for a thriving ecosystem are theoretically in place; all that’s needed is the spark of life—unfortunately, ascertaining the likelihood of that happening is beyond our statistical models.
“Observations of Europa have provided us with tantalizing clues over the last two decades, and the time has come to seek answers to one of humanity’s most profound questions,” says John Grunsfeld, associate administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate.
Regardless of what the probe discovers, it’s about time we start expanding our definition of what the “habitable zone” really means—in our own Solar System, as in the myriad exoplanetary systems swimming daily within our ken.
Scientists Release Incredible Image of a Four Planet System
Scientists Release Incredible Image of a Four Planet System
Gemini Observatory/Lynette Cook
A short video shows the movement in a system of planets about 129 light-years away from ours. The planets' orbits seem to be in resonance, producing a wonderful visual effect.
The star system presents an opportunity for more exoplanet research, including the planet-formation process.
Located about 129 light-years from Earth in the direction of the Pegasus constellation is the relatively young star system of HR 8799. Beginning in 2008, four orbiting exoplanets were discovered in this system which – alongside the exoplanet Formalhaut b – were the very first to be confirmed using the direct imaging technique. And over time, astronomers have come to believe that these four planets are in resonance with each other.
In this case, the four planets orbit their star with a 1:2:4:8 resonance, meaning that each planet’s orbital period is in a nearly precise ratio with the others in the system. This is a relatively unique phenomenon, one which inspired a Jason Wang – a graduate student from the Berkeley arm of the NASA-sponsored Nexus for Exoplanet System Science (NExSS) – to produce a video that illustrates their orbital dance.
Using images obtained by the W.M. Keck Observatory over a seven-year period, Wang’s video provides a glimpse of these four exoplanets in motion. As you can see below, the central star is blacked out so that the light reflecting off of its planets can be seen. And while it does not show the planets completing a full orbital period (which would take decades and even centuries) it beautifully illustrates the resonance that exists between the star’s four planets.
As Jason Wang told Universe Today via email:
“The data was obtained over 7 years from one of the 10 meter Keck telescopes by a team of astronomers (Christian Marois, Quinn Konopacky, Bruce Macintosh, Travis Barman, and Ben Zuckerman). Christian reduced each of the 7 epochs of data, to make 7 frames of data. I then made a movie by using a motion interpolation to interpolate those 7 frames into 100 frames to get a smooth video so that it’s not choppy (as if we could observe them every month from Earth).”
The images of the four exoplanets were originally captured by Dr. Christian Marois of the National Research Council of Canada’s Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics. It was in 2008 that Marois and his colleagues discovered the first three of HR 8799’s planets – HR 8799 b, c and d – using direct imaging technique. At around the same time, a team from UC Berkeley announced the discovery of Fomalhaut b, also using direct imaging.
These planets were all determined to be gas giants of similar size and mass, with between 1.2 and 1.3 times the size of Jupiter, and 7 to 10 times its mass. At the time of their discovery, HR 8799 d was believed to be the closest planet to its star, at a distance of about 27 Astronomical Units (AUs) – while the other two orbit at distances of about 42 and 68 AUs, respectively.
Image of HR 8799 (left) taken by the HST in 1998, image processed to remove scattered starlight (center), and illustration of the planetary system (right). Credit: NASA/ESA/STScI/R. Soummer
It was only afterward that the team realized the planets had already been observed in 1998. Back then, the Hubble Space Telescope’s Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) had obtained light from the system that indicated the presence of planets. However, this was not made clear until after a newly-developed image-processing technique had been installed. Hence, the “pre-discovery” went unnoticed.
Further observations in 2009 and 2010 revealed the existence of fourth planet – HR 8799 e – which had an orbit placing it inside the other three. Even so, this planet is fifteen times farther from its star than the Earth is from the Sun, which results in an orbital period of about 18,000 days (49 years). The others take around 112, 225, and 450 years (respectively) to complete an orbit of HR 8799.
Ultimately, Wang decided to produce the video (which was not his first), to illustrate how exciting the search for exoplanets can be. As he put it:
“I had written this motion interpolation algorithm for another exoplanet system, Beta Pictoris b, where we see one planet on an edge-on orbit looking like it’s diving into its star (it’s actually just circling in front of it). We wanted to do the same thing for HR 8799 to bring this system to life and share our excitement in directly imaging exoplanets. I think it’s quite amazing that we have the technology to watch other worlds orbit other stars.”
In addition, the video draws attention to a star system that presents some unique opportunities for exoplanet research. Since HR 8799 was the first multi-planetary system to be directly-imaged means that astronomers can directly observe the orbits of the four planets, observe their dynamical interactions, and determine how they came to their present-day configuration.
Astronomers will also be able to take spectra of these planet’s atmospheres to study their composition and compare this to our own Solar System’s gas giants. And since the system is really quite young (just 40 million years old), it can tell us much about the planet-formation process. Last, but not least, their wide orbits (a necessity given their size) could mean the system is less than stable.
In the future, according to Wang, astronomers will be watching to see if any planets get ejected from the system. I don’t know about you, but I would consider a video that illustrates one of HR 8799’s gas giants getting booted out of its system would be pretty inspiring too!
Le déboisement rapide en combinaison avec Google Earth a permis de détecter 210 géoglyphes sur 200 sites différents, dans une bande de 250 kilomètres sur 10 kilomètres de large...
Le déboisement rapide en combinaison avec Google Earth a permis de détecter 210 géoglyphes sur 200 sites différents, dans une bande de 250 kilomètres sur 10 kilomètres de large en Amazonie.
Tout comme les lignes de Nazca, les incroyables dessins géométriques, zoomorphes et anthropomorphes de l’Amazonie ne peuvent être vraiment appréciées que dans les airs. La question reste, pourquoi ?
De nombreux restes de ce qui fait évidemment partie d’une civilisation ancienne et jusqu’alors inconnue sont apparus sous les arbres de la forêt amazonienne. Selon les chercheurs, 260 avenues énormes, de longs canaux d’irrigation et des barrières pour le bétail ont été repérées depuis les airs. La découverte a été faite à proximité de la frontière entre la Bolivie et le Brésil
Les ruines ont été découvertes en raison de la déforestation rapide, un processus qui révèle ce qui était précédemment caché sous des couches profondes de végétation. L’idée traditionnelle de nombreux historiens est que, avant l’arrivée de l’espagnol et des portugais au quinzième siècle, et contrairement à l’histoire conventionnelle dans les Andes, il n’y avait pas de civilisations avancées dans la région amazonienne. Mais, compte tenu du fait que la déforestation a révélé une grande partie des secrets cachés de la région, les savants sont convaincus qu’une civilisation avancée habitait la région dans le passé lointain. Les nombreuses images aériennes et satellitaires révèlent un réseau complexe de villes, de routes et de structures qui jusqu’alors étaient restées cachées sous la couche impénétrable de l’Amazonie.
Jusqu’à présent, les chercheurs ont été aidés par Google Earth qui leur a permis d’identifier les structures qui ne sont pas visibles du sol. Jusqu’à présent, de nombreuses découvertes ont été faites, certaines étant des structures carrées ou rectangulaires, tandis que d’autres forment des cercles concentriques ou des figures géométriques complexes comme des hexagones et des octogones, tous reliés par un réseau de larges avenues.
Les chercheurs ont trouvé des tranchées ou des fosses propres, qui mesurent entre 1 et 4 mètres de profondeur, et renversées de 11 à 12 mètres de large. On les trouve dans différentes tailles et dessins: cercles, carrés, rectangles, formes composées, lignes droites et parallèles. En outre, les chiffres sont reliés par ce qui semble être des «routes».
Bien qu’il n’y ait aucune preuve que les anciens habitants de l’Amazonie ont construite des pyramides et développé une langue écrite, comme l’ont fait les anciens Égyptiens, ils ont montré des signes de grande complexité sociale et une aptitude à dompter l’environnement, quelque chose de très différent de ce qu’ils font Aujourd’hui, comme les tribus isolées vivant dans l’amazone d’aujourd’hui ont un agenda social très différent.
Grâce à la fouille, les chercheurs ont découvert des poteries, des pierres sculptées et d’autres éléments qui pointent vers des signes d’habitation humaine, bien que certains sites ne produisent aucun artefact, les chercheurs suggèrent que certains des sites archéologiques pourraient avoir eu des fonctions cérémoniales alors que d’autres pourraient avoir été conçus à des fins défensives.
Les traits dominants de la géométrie et la dimension des géoglyphes révèlent quelque chose de fascinant sur les anciens habitants de la région. Les chercheurs pensaient que les anciens, locaux de la région, n’étaient que des nomades, des chasseurs et des cueilleurs dans le passé lointain, mais le nombre de structures et leur taille pointaient vers une société complexe avec d’énormes capacités dans de nombreux domaines. Les chercheurs estiment que dans certains des sites archéologiques découverts jusqu’à présent, la population était d’environ 70 000.
Les chercheurs savent très peu sur cette civilisation amazonienne, jusqu’à présent, grâce à la poterie découverte au cours des fouilles, les chercheurs ont pu placer la civilisation dans l’histoire il y a 2000 ans.
En parlant aux NYTimes, Denise Schaan, archéologue à l’Université fédérale de Pará au Brésil, qui mène maintenant la recherche sur les géoglyphes, a déclaré des essais de radiocarbone a indiqué qu’ils ont été construits 1000 à 2000 ans et auraient pu être reconstruits plusieurs fois au cours de cette période.
«Si l’on veut recréer l’Amazonie précolombienne, la plupart de la forêt doit être enlevée, avec beaucoup de gens et un paysage géré et hautement productif le remplaçant», a déclaré William Woods, géographe à l’Université du Kansas qui fait partie d’un Équipe étudiant les géoglyphes d’Acre. « Je sais que cela ne va pas bien avec les ardents écologistes », a déclaré M. Woods, « mais que peut-on dire ? »
Earth just narrowly escaped being hit by an asteroid...AGAIN!
Earth just narrowly escaped being hit by an asteroid...AGAIN!
This asteroid is dubbed 2017 BH30, it is equal to a pickup truck's size and the closest encounter of the asteroid with Earth occurred at 0459 GMT on January 30, 2017 (2359 EST on January 29 2017)
This asteroid, 2017 BH30, was the size of a pickup truck and at 0459 GMT on January 30, 2017 (2359 EST on January 29, 2017), it came the closest to Earth, said astronomers from the Minor Planet Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
It passed by Earth at a distance of 51,820 kilometres (32,200 miles) — equal to 13% of the distance between the Earth and the moon.
This space rock is 5.8 metres (19 feet) wide, according to researchers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California.
This asteroid was spotted by scientists on January 29, at the Catalina Sky Survey, located in Tucson, Arizona. This space rock's orbit is more elliptical than the Earth's and it takes around 3.8 years to complete one revolution around the sun.
As revealed by the Minor Planet Center, the asteroid gets as close as 0.81 AU to the sun and goes as far as 3.4 AU, reported.
According to researchers, asteroids of this size cause no significant danger to Earth.
This asteroid is small compared to 2017 BH30, the object that came down just outside the Russian city of Chelyabinsk, wounding more than a thousand people, in February 2013, which was estimated to be 20 metres (65 feet) wide.
In order to cause severe devastation on Earth, the asteroid should be at least a kilometre (0.6 miles) in diameter.
On January 7, scientists discovered an asteroid, 2017 AG13. It passed close to Earth on January 9, 2017 at around 192,500 kilometers (119,500 miles), according to an IBTimes report.
That asteroid was estimated to be as wide as 34 meters (111 feet), according to astronomers at the Minor Planet Center.
What's common, and scary, about these asteroids is that they are spotted only a short period before they pass by Earth.
UFO Spotted: A couple reveals seeing cops and a jet plane following a UFO in California!
UFO Spotted: A couple reveals seeing cops and a jet plane following a UFO in California!
According to the woman's statement to Mutual UFO Network investigators, the movement of the UFO was being tracked by the police from the ground, while an air force plane followed the UFO in the sky
According to the woman's statement to Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) investigators, the movement of the UFO was being tracked by the police from the ground, while an air force plane followed the UFO in the sky.
This strange incident occurred at 6:45 pm local time, when the couple was on their way back home in their car. They spotted a luminous object in the sky getting closer to them, as reported by Daily Express.
"Before we knew it, it was flying directly over our car and it was so close we could see details underneath the craft," the woman said, as quoted by Science World Report.
This bizarre incident left the woman baffled, she first thought that the object was a missile. She and her boyfriend tried to figure out what just happened, but were clueless.
They could still see the UFO from their house, along with police cars and a jet plane tracking the unidentified craft.
"When we got home we could still see the craft hovering in the sky from our house. It seemed to go higher in the sky. It hovered in the same spot for about 10 minutes, then it started going back in the direction it initially came from," she said.
"I couldn't believe what I was seeing and both of us still can't comprehend what happened. We finished driving home and saw some police cars headed towards the direction of the scene. It was then the plane became involved," she added.
It's not clear why the information regarding the incident has not been conveyed to the public as yet. Some instances of UFO sightings have been covered up on social media, which has infuriated conspiracy theorists.
These strange happenings are likely to remain a mystery till space agencies such as NASA say they didn't happen, a Daily Star report stated.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
From UFOs and spy tricks, you can now read the CIA's once-secret files online
From UFOs and spy tricks, you can now read the CIA's once-secret files online
By Glenn Garvin Miami Herald
Millions of pages of once-classified CIA documents are now available for the first time on your home computer after the agency moved one of its databases online.
MIAMI–If you ever wanted to know the CIA’s secret recipe for invisible ink, how to spot spy messages hidden in suspicious fruit, or which top American spy was asked to appear in Penthouse magazine, you’re in luck. Millions of pages of once-classified agency documents are now available for the first time on your home computer after the agency moved one of its databases online.
The documents run the gamut from classic espionage (a Cold War mission to tunnel into East Germany to tap the Soviet Union’s military telephone system) to borderline-goofball research (trying to see whether “psychic” Uri Geller could read the minds of intelligence officers half a mile away) to tediously mundane housekeeping tasks (the opening of the agency’s new child care center).
Most of the documents have been declassified for decades or even longer. But they were available for viewing only on a handful of computers at an outpost of the National Archives, in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, D.C. After years of wrangling with open-government advocates, ranging from lawsuits to a mocking Kickstarter campaign to pay for photocopying that was intended to shame the CIA, the agency finally relented this month.
“Now you can access it from the comfort of your own home,” Joseph Lambert, the CIA’s longtime director of information management, said grandly as the database — known as the CIA Records Search Tool, or CREST — went online.
That may sound a bit overblown, but researchers across the United States saluted Lambert. “I’ve been using that database for years, but it’s not easy flying to Washington and driving out to Maryland to get on their computers,” said Jeffrey T. Richelson, the Los Angeles-based author of several well-regarded academic studies of intelligence. “The last few days, I’ve been finding all kinds of things on it that I didn’t even know existed.”
None of them, at least so far, have been blockbusters, though the bits of intelligence run from the oddly fascinating (East Germany, in the summer of 1973, faced a daunting shortage of barbers) to the monumentally incorrect (a breezy pronouncement that Iran’s Muslim clergymen didn’t constitute “a well-organized threat to the regime,” made barely years before they toppled the government and put the country on a disastrous collision course with the United States that persists to this day).
There are even tantalizing hints of James Bondish bang-bang. Who drew that hand-drawn map of an explosives plant in Romania, including a diagram of the wiring of its electronic security gate, and why? Will an answer turn up as journalists and academics plow through the 12 million pages on the database?
But a few days spent sifting random documents reveals a couple of unexpected things. One is the indefinably vast expanse of the CIA’s interests. There are large numbers of documents about UFOs, psychic research and any number of other subjects that would excite a New Age Wiccan priestess.
Some are so peculiar as to defy comprehension. What on Earth prompted a CIA officer to even pick up a leaflet advertising the (now defunct) Buffalo Bill Wax Museum and its “107 life-size wax figures” of Bill, Wyatt Earp and Butch Cassidy’s Hole in the Wall gang (“in living wax!”) — much less to preserve it in an agency file — will likely remain a cryptic secret for generations to come.
What is very clear is that the CIA’s declassification team has the come-on coquetry of a striptease dancer and the piquant sense of humor of the editors at the Onion. The title of one document — “Clarifying Statement to Fidel Castro Concerning Assassination” — sent journalistic hearts pounding across the world. It turns out to be an unremarkable 1977 exchange of notes between then-CIA director Stansfield Turner and an agency press public affairs officer about getting a transcript of a television interview of Fidel Castro by Barbara Walters.
At the bottom of the 26-page file, though, is a payoff of sorts: a letter from the porn magazine Penthouse, requesting an interview. Four decades later, the idea of Turner — a legendarily straight-laced Christian Scientist who didn’t drink, smoke or swear — agreeing to an interview to be sandwiched between Penthouse’s nakeder-than-naked photo displays still makes CIA veterans giggle four decades later. “It would have been hysterical, if he had done it, which I’m sure he didn’t,” said one former agency official. Apparently not; the letter got no reply.
Another wisecrack title is attached to a package of files on the CIA’s interest in UFOs: “Top 5 CIA Documents Mulder Would Love To Get His Hands On,” a reference to Fox Mulder, the FBI agent on TV’s The X-Files who believes the world is secretly governed by space aliens.
Those files, and many others, detail an interesting trajectory in CIA attitudes toward UFO reports. The minutes of a secret 1952 meeting of senior agency officials — conducted at a time when reports of flying saucer-sightings were popping up all over the world — recount a discussion about directing the CIA’s physics and electronic division to investigate.
CIA spies complied enthusiastically, filing report after report about flying saucer sightings around the world, including behind the Iron Curtain, where an East German defector reported having seen a UFO crew poking around on the ground — though, technically speaking, it was really a flying “frying pan” by his account.
But by the next year, a group of distinguished physicists convened by the CIA was dismissing tales of flying kitchen accoutrements of all types, arguing in a report that even talking about UFOs would result in “mass hysteria and greater vulnerability to possible enemy psychological warfare.”
Anyway, the report added, even if space aliens were prowling the skies and streets of the United States, so what? “Extraterrestrial artifacts, if they did exist, are not cause for alarm.” The report conceded that at least one member of the panel disagreed, arguing that any verified evidence of space invaders would be “of immediate and great concern not only to the U.S. but to all countries.” But the report dismissed him as a paranoid war hawk: “Nothing like a common threat to unite peoples!”
The real threat, concluded the report, was not from flying saucers but the people who reported seeing them, who might be pursuing “subversive purposes.” Groups that urged more serious government investigation of UFOs, the report added, “should be watched.”
The CIA’s interest in flying saucers, and even the minutes of the two meetings, have long been known to UFO researchers, said Mark Rodeghier, scientific director of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies. But he’s happy the documents are finally available on the internet where they can be easily accessed.
UFO researchers — for decades among the most aggressive users of the federal Freedom of Information Act to force government documents out into the open — have been eagerly combing the new database, Rodeghier added, but so far they’ve found no blockbuster revelations, and don’t really expect to: “One of the things the CIA is really good at is never releasing anything that means anything.”
Deviating from the racing-oriented offerings we've seen given away for free on the Humble Store in the form of DiRT Showdown and GRID, we now find ourselves offered a game plucked out of the strategy genre from the stable of MicroProse Software.
X-COM: UFO Defense was originally released in the early 1990s for PC as a DOS title but was later re-released with support for Windows 2000, XP, and Vista. Given the game's age, formal game reviews on the web are somewhat scarce compared to modern releases, however, X-COM: UFO Defense for PC still pulls off an admirable GameRankings score of 93.6%.
Normally, the game goes for $4.99 on both the Humble Store and Steam but you can put your wallet away and grab the game for nothing for a limited time.
As always, with Humble Store purchases, head on over to the website and click on the 'Get it Free!' button. You'll then be prompted to log in with your Humble account credentials (or go through the process to create one) before completing the transaction.
Once checkout has been completed, you can click through to obtain your complimentary Steam key which you can then instantly redeem via the Steam client. However, don't wait too long as the offer to obtain X-COM: UFO Defense for free remains available for roughly the next 34 hours. Furthermore, your key must be redeemed by 10:00 am Pacific on Wednesday, February 15th, 2017 otherwise it will disappear from your Humble Store account.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
The science of alien encounters: Researchers reveal what really happens during an 'abduction'
The science of alien encounters: Researchers reveal what really happens during an 'abduction'
By Neil Dagnall, Ken Drinkwater
The theory that alien abductions are hoaxes may be true in a few cases, but there is no reason to assume that the majority of 'experiencers' are frauds. Photo / Getty Images
Accounts of mysterious flashing lights in the sky, spacecrafts and encounters with 'real' aliens reflect high levels of public interest in UFOs and the belief that there is "something out there".
However, many psychologists are less convinced, and think they can provide more down-to-earth, scientific explanations.
Belief in aliens has increased steadily since the birth of modern alien research in the 1940s and 1950s, following the news surrounding a classified US military project at Roswell Air Force Base, New Mexico.
Surveys in Western cultures estimated belief in aliens to be as high as 50 per cent in 2015.
And despite the fact that it is considered rare, a significant number of people also believe they have experienced alien abduction.
Present day awareness of alien abduction dates to the 1961 case of Betty and Barney Hill, who witnessed odd lights and experienced 'missing time' and 'lost memories' while driving.
The reported consequences of abduction are often loss of memory, missing time, and problems such as sickness, sleepwalking, nightmares and psychological trauma.
Following their experience, Betty and Barney experienced psychological problems and subsequently sought therapy.
Although the accuracy of the numbers is questioned, a poll by the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research conducted 30 years after this account said that around 3.7m Americans believed that they too had experienced alien abduction.
Sceptics argue that alien-related encounters are merely hoaxes created for financial gain or social advantage.
Perhaps Roswell is the most famous example.
A classified US military project at Roswell Air Force Base, New Mexico, has raised alien questions. Photo / Getty Images
Initial reports from the 1940s left sufficient gaps of explanation for Ray Santilli to release in 1995 what he claimed was film footage showing an alien autopsy from the time, further confusing the issue.
He later admitted it was a hoax.
The incident sparked controversy and prompted claims that an alien craft had crash-landed in the New Mexico desert and that US authorities were involved in a cover-up.
The theory that alien abductions are hoaxes may be true in a few cases, but there is no reason to assume that the majority of 'experiencers' are frauds.
In fact, psychologists have come up with a number of plausible, scientific explanations for people's supposed alien encounters.
One explanation is that when people believe they have had an experience of alien abduction, they have misinterpreted, distorted and conflated real and imagined events.
Hence, sceptics of alien encounters explain them away in terms of psychological processes and personality characteristics.
Several studies report that experiencers do not typically differ from non-experiencers on objective psychopathological measures - those that assess psychological well-being and adjustment - and have no history of mental instability.
Sceptics argue that alien-related encounters are merely hoaxes created for financial gain or social advantage. Photo / Getty Images
However, one characteristic that is associated with abduction experiences is a proclivity for fantasy.
Mixed evidence supports the theory that fantasy-prone people engage in elaborate imaginings and often confuse fantasy with reality.
There are also other psychological explanations, such as dissociation - where an individual's mental processes detach from each other and from reality, often in response to extreme or stressful life events.
A tendency towards being fantasy-prone and dissociation has been linked in studies to childhood trauma and hypnotic suggestibility.
Psychologists argue that hypnosis encourages the creation and recall of detailed fantasies.
For example, Betty and Barney Hill's account was typical of reported alien encounters: medical examinations or procedures, communication with alien captors, a powerful, mystical feeling, tours of spaceships and journeys to other planets before being returned to the car.
And it was under hypnosis that these 'missing memories' were 'recovered'.
It's for these reasons that it's believed alien abduction experiences may arise from a combination of personality characteristics and susceptibility to false memories.
Studies suggest that neuropsychological theories, particularly sleep paralysis and temporal lobe sensitivity, also could explain claims of alien abduction.
Sceptics argue that alien-related encounters are merely hoaxes created for financial gain or social advantage. Photo / Getty Images
Sleep paralysis is a feeling of being conscious but unable to move, which occurs when a person passes between stages of wakefulness and sleep.
Experiencers' claims share characteristics with sleep paralysis: a sense of being awake, not dreaming, and realistic perceptions of the environment.
The inability to move, a feeling of fear or dread, and the sense of another presence - perhaps evil or malevolent - are common symptoms.
Also common are a feeling of pressure on the chest and difficulty breathing, and of being held or restricted to a lying position: most sleep paralysis attacks occur while the individual is lying on their back.
Sceptic Michael Shermer once collapsed from sleep deprivation following an 83-hour bike race and his support team rushed to his aid.
Shermer was caught in a 'waking dream' and so perceived them as aliens from the 1960s television series The Invaders.
It also explains some ghost sightings, such as the 'night hag', often experienced by those who suffer from sleep paralysis.
Temporal lobe sensitivity is a theory that suggests the temporal lobes of some people's brains are more vulnerable to influence from low-level magnetic frequencies.
Michael Persinger, a neuroscientist at Laurentian University in Canada, is among those who believes that increased temporal lobe activity can explain paranormal experiences such as alien abduction.
His theory is that magnetic fields stimulate the temporal lobes, resulting in hallucinatory experiences similar to those reported by alien abductees.
None of this is to say that many people who believe they have experienced alien abduction are liars, merely that their accounts and experiences can be explained through recourse to theories with a scientific basis.
There are many logical, plausible scientific explanations, none of which rely upon the existence of aliens.
However, it should also be noted that not all reported alien abduction experiences can be easily explained by any of these scientific theories - and this throws up many more questions.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
The science of alien encounters: Researcher reveal what REALLY happens during an 'abduction' - and say sleep paralysis could be to blame
The science of alien encounters: Researcher reveal what REALLY happens during an 'abduction' - and say sleep paralysis could be to blame
Surveys in Western cultures estimated belief in aliens to be as high as 50%
Accounts of encounters with aliens reflect public interest in UFOs
But many psychologists think they can provide more down-to-earth explanations
Fantasy-prone people can create imaginings and confuse fantasy with reality
Studies suggest that neuropsychological theories, particularly sleep paralysis and temporal lobe sensitivity, also could explain claims of alien abduction
Accounts of mysterious flashing lights in the sky, spacecrafts and encounters with 'real' aliens reflect high levels of public interest in UFOs and the belief that there is 'something out there'.
However, many psychologists are less convinced, and think they can provide more down-to-earth, scientific explanations.
Belief in aliens has increased steadily since the birth of modern alien research in the 1940s and 1950s, following the news surrounding a classified US military project at Roswell Air Force Base, New Mexico.
Scroll down for videos
The theory that alien abductions are hoaxes may be true in a few cases, but there is no reason to assume that the majority of 'experiencers' are frauds
Surveys in Western cultures estimated belief in aliens to be as high as 50% in 2015.
And despite the fact that it is considered rare, a significant number of people also believe they have experienced alien abduction.
Present day awareness of alien abduction dates to the 1961 case of Betty and Barney Hill, who witnessed odd lights and experienced 'missing time' and 'lost memories' while driving.
If there are any intelligent alien life forms out there, Stephen Hawking thinks we're playing a dangerous game by trying to contact them.
The physicist believes if aliens discovered Earth, they are likely to want to conquer and colonise our planet.
'If aliens visit us, the outcome could be much like when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans,' he said in an interview.
But co-founder and former director of the Seti Institute, Jill Tarter, doesn't think this will be the case.
She argues any aliens who have managed to travel across the universe will be sophisticated enough to be friendly and peaceful.
'The idea of a civilisation which has managed to survive far longer than we have...and the fact that that technology remains an aggressive one, to me, doesn't make sense,' she said.
The reported consequences of abduction are often loss of memory, missing time, and problems such as sickness, sleepwalking, nightmares and psychological trauma.
Following their experience, Betty and Barney experienced psychological problems and subsequently sought therapy.
Although the accuracy of the numbers is questioned, a poll by the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research conducted 30 years after this account said that around 3.7m Americans believed that they too had experienced alien abduction.
Sceptics argue that alien-related encounters are merely hoaxes created for financial gain or social advantage.
Perhaps Roswell is the most famous example.
Initial reports from the 1940s left sufficient gaps of explanation for Ray Santilli to release in 1995 what he claimed was film footage showing an alien autopsy from the time, further confusing the issue.
He later admitted it was a hoax.
The incident sparked controversy and prompted claims that an alien craft had crash-landed in the New Mexico desert and that US authorities were involved in a cover-up.
The theory that alien abductions are hoaxes may be true in a few cases, but there is no reason to assume that the majority of 'experiencers' are frauds.
In fact, psychologists have come up with a number of plausible, scientific explanations for people's supposed alien encounters.
One explanation is that when people believe they have had an experience of alien abduction, they have misinterpreted, distorted and conflated real and imagined events.
In 1961, the alien abduction story of Betty and Barney Hill (pictured) captured the public's imagination. They claimed to have spotted a UFO while driving from Montreal to New Hampshire and arrived home later than expected, unable to account for the previous two hours
Hence, sceptics of alien encounters explain them away in terms of psychological processes and personality characteristics.
Several studies report that experiencers do not typically differ from non-experiencers on objective psychopathological measures – those that assess psychological well-being and adjustment – and have no history of mental instability.
However, one characteristic that is associated with abduction experiences is a proclivity for fantasy.
Experiencers' claims share characteristics with sleep paralysis: a sense of being awake, not dreaming, and realistic perceptions of the environment
Mixed evidence supports the theory that fantasy-prone people engage in elaborate imaginings and often confuse fantasy with reality.
There are also other psychological explanations, such as dissociation – where an individual's mental processes detach from each other and from reality, often in response to extreme or stressful life events.
A tendency towards being fantasy-prone and dissociation has been linked in studies to childhood trauma and hypnotic suggestibility.
Psychologists argue that hypnosis encourages the creation and recall of detailed fantasies.
For example, Betty and Barney Hill's account was typical of reported alien encounters: medical examinations or procedures, communication with alien captors, a powerful, mystical feeling, tours of spaceships and journeys to other planets before being returned to the car.
Whale or alien? Weird sound from Mariana Trench puzzles experts
And it was under hypnosis that these 'missing memories' were 'recovered'.
It's for these reasons that it's believed alien abduction experiences may arise from a combination of personality characteristics and susceptibility to false memories.
Studies suggest that neuropsychological theories, particularly sleep paralysis and temporal lobe sensitivity, also could explain claims of alien abduction.
Sleep paralysis is a feeling of being conscious but unable to move, which occurs when a person passes between stages of wakefulness and sleep.
Experiencers' claims share characteristics with sleep paralysis: a sense of being awake, not dreaming, and realistic perceptions of the environment.
The inability to move, a feeling of fear or dread, and the sense of another presence – perhaps evil or malevolent – are common symptoms.
Some individuals believe they have experienced alien contact but don't remember.
For example, a person may have 'seen' a UFO then after having a 'missing time' experience, notices bruising on their body.
These are sometimes known as 'bedroom invader' incidents and they may be explained by sleep paralysis - the temporary inability to move for a few seconds just as you are about to fall asleep or wake up.
While this is relatively common and a bit disconcerting, some people suffer from rare forms, which cause them to 'feel' an evil presence or hallucinate by seeing lights or grotesque faces, hearing voices and feeling like they're being dragged out of bed.
Scientists have a relatively good understanding on why sleep paralysis is caused.
During deep, or rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is associated with dreaming, the body's muscles are paralysed, perhaps to stop people acting out their dreams.
Sleep paralysis is caused when the mechanisms controlling the sleep cycle go wrong so it's as if the brain is working and the body has yet to catch up.
This means creepy imagery, perhaps involving aliens, creeps through into a person's wakeful consciousness, perhaps inducing terror or a belief in abduction.
Also common are a feeling of pressure on the chest and difficulty breathing, and of being held or restricted to a lying position: most sleep paralysis attacks occur while the individual is lying on their back.
Sceptic Michael Shermer once collapsed from sleep deprivation following an 83-hour bike race and his support team rushed to his aid.
Shermer was caught in a 'waking dream' and so perceived them as aliens from the 1960s television series The Invaders.
It also explains some ghost sightings, such as the 'night hag', often experienced by those who suffer from sleep paralysis.
Temporal lobe sensitivity is a theory that suggests the temporal lobes of some people's brains are more vulnerable to influence from low-level magnetic frequencies.
Michael Persinger, a neuroscientist at Laurentian University in Canada, is among those who believes that increased temporal lobe activity can explain paranormal experiences such as alien abduction.
His theory is that magnetic fields stimulate the temporal lobes, resulting in hallucinatory experiences similar to those reported by alien abductees.
None of this is to say that many people who believe they have experienced alien abduction are liars, merely that their accounts and experiences can be explained through recourse to theories with a scientific basis.
There are many logical, plausible scientific explanations, none of which rely upon the existence of aliens.
However, it should also be noted that not all reported alien abduction experiences can be easily explained by any of these scientific theories – and this throws up many more questions.
Paul Hellyer: At least four alien species have visited Earth
Het Japanse ruimtevaartbureau Jaxa heeft vandaag laten weten problemen te hebben om zijn experimentele ruimteschoonmaker te laten werken. Het betreft een daarvoor speciaal uitgeruste onbemande cargo om de omgeving van onze planeet te bevrijden van de rommel die erom heen draait.
Een in december naar het Internationaal Ruimtestation ISS gelanceerde Japanse cargo heeft zich zaterdag weer van het complex losgemaakt voor een uniek experiment voor het opruimen van ruimteschroot.
Elektromagnetische effecten Bedoeling was een 700 meter lange elektrodynamische kabel van staal en aluminium te ontplooien. Die moet dan dankzij elektromagnetische effecten rondom onze planeet wentelende rommel zoals afgedankte satellieten of rakettrappen zodanig verplaatsen dat zij in een lagere baan terechtkomen en uiteindelijk in de atmosfeer opbranden.
Poging mislukt Een poging om zaterdag de kabel te ontplooien mislukte echter. Het Jaxa probeert uit te zoeken waarom het misliep en hoe te remediëren. Het Japanse ruimtevaartbureau geeft zichzelf tot 4 februari de tijd. Twee dagen later brandt de Kounotori-6 op in de atmosfeer.
18.000 brokken Er draaien zowat 18.000 brokken ruimteschroot van minstens tien cm rondom onze planeet. Zij vormen een risico voor het ISS of andere satellieten. Er hebben zich reeds botsingen voorgedaan, met als gevolg dat de omvang van het schroot nog toenam.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
An alleged photo of a flying saucer landing on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier is genuine, according to William Tompkins, a retired aerospace engineer who had a four decade career with leading U.S. corporations up until 1984.
William Tompkins reveals a pact between the American military and the nordic aliens and that this pact lasts from this World War II when the North American aliens allied with the American military to defeat the reptilian aliens who aid the Nazis.
He also tells us that while working on the secret projects of building a space fleet, he worked at that time with two female aliens who advised him on spacecraft projects
As for the photo of the ship placed in the port, he assures it is true and represents a ship of the Nordic aliens who came to fetch the admiral of the fleet for a meeting in the ship of the Nordic aliens
The Martian surface is brimming with surprises for eagle-eyed space fanatics who devote their time to scouring the Red Planet for unusual details and anomalies. While most of the so-called ‘revelations’ can easily be attributed to pareidolia (the human tendency to attribute familiar patterns and structures to random objects), others cannot be dismissed quite so easily. Falling firmly into the latter camp is the discovery of three towers in the Terra Meridiani region of Mars.
The perfectly aligned tower like structures was spotted by UFO researchers investigating the possibility of alien bases on Mars. Interestingly, the three towers resemble almost exactly the positioning of the pyramids of Giza which are suspected to have been placed in homage to the three main stars in the constellation of Orion. The Ancient Egyptians’ astrological knowledge and incredible capacity for engineering have long baffled scientists and archaeologists with some people suggesting that these ancient people were given a helping hand by an advanced alien race. Could it be possible that the same race of aliens that helped the Ancient Egyptians was responsible for building these structures on the Martian surface?
As of yet, there is no clear evidence to suggest a definitive link between the pyramids built by the Ancient Egyptians and the trio of towers on Mars. However, UFO researchers such as Jose Luis believe that owing to the peculiar features of the towers it is certain that they are of ‘artificial origin’.
There are dozens of theories abounding about alien colonization of the red planet, but perhaps the most compelling come from Dr. John Brandenburg of the University of California, an expert in theoretical plasma physics. According to Dr. Brandenberg, there is clear evidence that advanced alien civilizations once existed on Mars but that they were wiped out by nuclear attacks. Dr. Brandenberg supports this theory by pointing to the evidence, including unusually high levels of uranium and thorium, which suggests that Mars was the victim of at least two major nuclear blasts in the distant past. While Dr. Brandenberg says, it is likely that they were attacked by a separate hostile species. He has warned that the same thing could happen to Earth if human beings are not properly prepared for an alien attack.
However, it is equally feasible that ancient Martians managed to wipe themselves out in a planet-wide nuclear war. Given the current agitated and highly tense international landscape at this current time, Mars could provide an example of what can happen to a planet if nuclear weapons are allowed to proliferate without restraint.
Despite being the most remote location upon the planet Earth, completely uninhabited according to the CIA's World Factbook, the subantarctic volcanic island called 'Bouvet Island' is home to the top-level internet country domain code .bv and is located in the direct vicinity of several recent unsolved mysteries.
This uninhabited island which is situated near the continent of Antarctica and belongs to Norway has been referenced because bizarre facts have occured in it.
A nuclear explosion that was detected a few years ago by a satellite but that was promptly muffled until an anomaly discovered by a conspiracy theorist and that will be able to see in the video below until the cyber attacks from this uninhabited island that they rival the attacks of china and other countries.
Norse that monitors the cyber attacks in real time even gave a simpolo to this island represented an exagón, what this means?
Over the years reports of UFO sightings have been reported by individuals in the world. There have also been former CIA agents who have come forward revealing information about the incident at Roswell and Area 51.
However, some of these reports have been laughed at by nonbelievers who feel that these individuals are just trying to get fifteen minutes of fame by giving stories. But what if it was someone who was dying who was revealing such a story? In other words, a death bed confession.
Let's face it when a person is dying they tend to tell all they know if they feel the public has a right to know, after all, what is left for them to lose? Turns out this is exactly what happened, a CIA agent who worked under the Eisenhower Administration has now come forward to tell all in an online interview. Although this man has chosen to remain anonymous no doubt to protect those he leaves behind after death, he did indeed tell what he was privy to when it came to the notorious place known as Area 51.
In the video that is now available online this man close to dying discussed in grave detail about the activities on this base that many in the public over the decades have suspected. This included the alien autopsy that also somehow leaked out. So, why would there still be a cover-up if there was already those who suspected we had been visited by aliens from other planets? Maybe to prevent mass panic, maybe not to lose creditibility with those who chose to cling to the belief that there were no aliens out there.
But over the years, the irony is that even those in higher positions have had to disculose more to the public. Perhaps because technology was getting us to the point where there was just to way to try to keep people in the dark any longer. Yes, now there are reports such as the one from NASA that now says that there is a possibility that there is life forms out there as close as on the moon Enceladus which is now being deemed habitable. Astronomers have now reported to the actual public that there are many planets out there beyond our solar system that could be habitable. But notice that so far none have wanted to come out and say yet that there is proof of aliens from other planet. That includes the crash at Roswell and Area 51.
Again, why, the public isn't dense about this. Over the centuries many have suspected this, and some have been revered for the theories they have had that we are far from alone in this vast galaxy, these individuals include notable author Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking. The thing is those of us who were open to the idea of life on other planets have always believed these visitations to be true, and suspect all along there was a cover-up. The thing is the truth is out there, well online that is in many places including wikileaks where many documents can be found. For further proof the very detailed video of a dying former CIA agent can also be viewed, and it is hard to dispute the words of a dying man.
Intelligent extraterrestrial beings are out there, and we’ll be meeting them shortly – perhaps within the next 25 years, according to one scientist.
A researcher for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence says humanity will detect aliens by the year 2040, reports.
By 2040, astronomers will have scanned enough star systems to give themselves a great shot of discovering alien-produced electromagnetic.
A three-path race to discover life in space
The look for alien life does not concentrate exclusively on mechanical social orders, obviously. Numerous different researchers are entering in on straightforward living things, which must be appropriated considerably more ordinarily all through the universe.
The main proof of microbial life on earth, for example, dates from 3.8 billion years prior — only 700 million years after our planet framed. However, it took another 1.7 billion years for multicellular life to develop. People didn't rise until 200,000 years back, and we've turned into a genuinely innovative animal groups in simply the most recent century or thereabouts.The race may come last possible minute, as Shostak thinks every one of the three methodologies could prove to be fruitful in the following couple of decades.
This video contains more details about an amazing discovery which scientists have demonstrated the possibilities of finding and living with Alien ln 2040
When it comes to Air-Force pilots and UFOs, it is actually not uncommon to hear reports of pilots coming back from operations with reports of seeing UFOs and other unexplained phenomena, out there in the sky.
One can argue that flying through the air at speeds that require you to perform specialized breathing techniques may lead to seeing unreliable, however, a number of pilots that report similar sitings has to add some credence to the claims.
Some of the different claims by Airforce members have been that the objects look like a transparent flying disc and a triangular craft with mysterious markings, or a triangular craft in a clearing in the woods with blue and yellow lights swirling around the exterior.
There have been interviews given by prominent members of the government and air force such as Fife Symington, a former governor of Arizona and air force pilot who said "We want the US government to stop perpetuating the myth that all UFOs can be explained away in down-to-earth, conventional terms, "When he saw a UFO in 1997.
Finally, this brings us to James Penniston, a retired US Air Force pilot who claims he saw and touched a UFO when he was in Woodbridge stationed on a British military base overseas.
James said "Nothing in my training prepared me for what we were witnessing, "he saw an inexplicable triangular craft in a clearing in the woods with "blue and yellow lights swirling around the exterior".
The UFO was "warm to the touch and felt like metal" Penniston said.
He goes on to further claim that one side of the craft had pictorial symbols and "the largest symbol was a triangle, which was centered in the middle of the others" .
The most interesting part of James' claim is that after 45 minutes the light from the object "began to intensify" and it then "shot off at an unbelievable speed" before 80 Air Force personnel he said. "In my logbook, I wrote speed: impossible."
The unfortunate thing about claims like these is you can never verify them and always have to take them at face value, we can only hope that in the future we will have a verifiable piece of evidence that a UFO has visited or a UFO that we could all touch one day.
A photographer looks at the sky at night to see the annual Geminid meteor shower near Provenzales' rock, in Maira Valley, northern Italy on December 6, 2016 AFP
The universe might just be one "vast and complex hologram". And our vision of life as being in 3D may just be an illusion.
That's according to astrophysicists who have studied the cosmic microwave background, or the afterglow that is left over from the Big Bang. After doing so, they have found substantial evidence that our universe is holographic, they said.
There is at least as much evidence for the strange theory as there is for the traditional idea of the structure of our universe, according to the astrophysicists from the University of Southampton, who worked with colleagues in Canada and Italy.
What we see of the universe might be compared with what it's like to watch a 3D film at a cinema, even though those are not made with holograms. Just like those films, we experience the depth of the image – even though we know that it really all comes from a flat screen.
Our universe may just be a more convincing version of the same thing – meaning that we can touch the objects and they look and behave as if they are real.
Scientists find source of the most mysterious message in the universe
The idea that our universe is a hologram was first proposed in the 90s. It suggests that all of the information – what we think is our 3D reality, and time – is actually just contained on a flat surface on its boundaries.
"Imagine that everything you see, feel and hear in three dimensions (and your perception of time) in fact emanates from a flat two-dimensional field," said Kostas Skenderis, a professor of mathematical sciences at the University of Southampton. "The idea is similar to that of ordinary holograms where a three-dimensional image is encoded in a two-dimensional surface, such as in the hologram on a credit card.
"However, this time, the entire universe is encoded."
Four things you may not know about the speed of light
The research could unify two of the most central parts of our understanding of physics – general relativity, which explains it at the biggest scale, and quantum theory, which explains it at its very smallest.
"Holography is a huge leap forward in the way we think about the structure and creation of the universe," said Professor Skenderis. "Einstein's theory of general relativity explains almost everything large scale in the universe very well, but starts to unravel when examining its origins and mechanisms at quantum level.
"Scientists have been working for decades to combine Einstein's theory of gravity and quantum theory. Some believe the concept of a holographic universe has the potential to reconcile the two. I hope our research takes us another step towards this."
Astrofysici: Het universum is niets meer dan een groot hologram
Astrofysici: Het universum is niets meer dan een groot hologram
Het is goed mogelijk dat het universum een reusachtig en complex hologram is en dat de driedimensionale wereld om ons heen slechts een illusie is.
Dat zeggen astrofysici die onderzoek hebben gedaan naar de kosmische achtergrondstraling, de warmtestraling die kort na de oerknal is uitgezonden.
De wetenschappers stellen bewijs te hebben gevonden dat ons universum holografisch is.
Er is net zoveel bewijs voor deze vreemde theorie dan bewijs voor de traditionele verklaringen, aldus de astrofysici van de Universiteit van Southampton.
Wat we waarnemen in het universum kan worden vergeleken met het kijken naar een 3D-film in de bioscoop.
We nemen diepte waar, hoewel we weten dat de beelden afkomstig zijn van een plat scherm.
Plat oppervlak
Ons universum is mogelijk een overtuigendere versie van zo’n scherm. We kunnen de objecten aanraken en ze zien er echt uit.
In de jaren negentig werd voor het eerst geopperd dat ons heelal een hologram is. Volgens deze theorie is alle informatie opgeslagen langs de rand van een plat oppervlak.
“Stel je voor dat alles wat je ziet, voelt en hoort in drie dimensies in werkelijkheid voortkomt uit een plat tweedimensionaal veld,” zei professor Kostas Skenderis.
Op geld of creditcards staan ook hologrammen, waarbij een echt driedimensionaal beeld gecreëerd wordt via fotografische projectie. Stel je nu eens voor dat het hele universum zo’n hologram is.
Het onderzoek kan de algemene relativiteitstheorie, de beschrijving van de zwaartekracht, verenigen met de kwantummechanica.
“Wetenschappers proberen al tientallen jaren de relativiteitstheorie van Einstein en de kwantumtheorie te combineren,” aldus Skenderis.
“Sommigen menen dat een holografisch universum de twee met elkaar kan verzoenen,” vervolgde hij. “Ik hoop dat ons onderzoek ons een stap dichterbij brengt.”
CIA: Zes vliegende schotels waargenomen boven India, Nepal en Bhutan
CIA: Zes vliegende schotels waargenomen boven India, Nepal en Bhutan
De CIA houdt waarnemingen van vliegende schotels boven India en haar buurlanden nauwlettend in de gaten, zo blijkt uit de 930.000 documenten die de spionagedienst onlangs vrijgaf.
In een rapport uit april 1968 worden zes waarnemingen van onbekende vliegende objecten genoemd boven India, Bhutan en Nepal.
De CIA en de Amerikaanse luchtmacht namen vliegende schotels zo serieus dat er een speciaal panel in het leven werd geroepen dat het fenomeen moest gaan bestuderen.
Enorm schijfvormig object
Het document verhaalt over ‘felle objecten die gezien zijn boven het zuiden van Ladakh, het noordoosten van Nepal, het noorden van Sikkim en het westen van Bhutan’.
Op 25 maart 1968 werd in Kaski in Nepal een felle vuurbal gezien die ‘uit elkaar viel’.
In het document staat dat in een krater op enkele kilometers van de stad Pokhara een ‘enorm metaalkleurig schijfvormig object werd gevonden’.
Harde knallen
In Ladakh werd op 4 maart 1968 een wit licht gespot, waarna twee harde knallen werden gehoord. Er verscheen ook een rood licht dat witte rook achterliet.
Er werden op 4 en 25 maart ook andere objecten gesignaleerd boven Ladakh. Het object dat op 25 maart werd waargenomen ‘leek op een raket’ en liet op een hoogte van zes tot zeven kilometer een wit-geel-wit spoor achter.
Op 19 februari 1968 werd een helder object gezien dat met grote snelheid over het noordoosten van Nepal en het noorden van Sikkim vloog. Het object ‘veranderde nacht in dag’.
Interplanetaire ruimteschepen
Boven Thimphu, de hoofdstad van Bhutan, werd op 21 februari 1968 een ‘blauwkleurig object’ opgemerkt. Het maakte geen geluid en deed het hele gebied oplichten.
In het rapport wordt niet duidelijk gemaakt wat de experts van de CIA dachten over deze waarnemingen.
Na een aantal UFO-waarnemingen in de jaren veertig en vijftig overwoog de CIA dat het ging om interplanetaire ruimteschepen.
Geen bedreiging
Het panel dat de CIA had gevormd om UFO-waarnemingen te bestuderen, moest vooral nagaan of de objecten een gevaar vormden voor de nationale veiligheid.
In januari 1953 concludeerde het panel dat ‘er geen bewijs is dat deze fenomenen een directe fysieke bedreiging vormen voor de nationale veiligheid’.
Desondanks bleef de CIA UFO-waarnemingen nauwgezet volgen.
In de geopenbaarde stukken wordt gesproken over UFO’s boven Zuid-Korea, Iran, Marokko, Kazachstan, Spanje, Uruguay, Rusland en Frans-West-Afrika.
Het is bekend dat door het schuiven van de tektonische platen op aarde er dingen gebeuren zoals aardbevingen, maar niet dat overal scheuren ontstaan in de aarde waar je die niet zou verwachten.
En de straling van de zon schijnt wel degelijk veranderd te zijn en is nog veel feller dan wij dachten.
Enkele dagen geleden schreven wij een artikel over hoe de straling van de zon zo intensief geworden schijnt te zijn, dat koraalriffen onder water verbleken evenals nummerborden op auto’s.
Naar aanleiding van dat artikel ontvingen wij een aantal interessante reacties (dank!) met aanvullende informatie.
Hier volgen enkele:
De eerste:
Poeh, het is veel erger dan in jullie artikel van vandaag vermeld staat (over alleen de invloed van UV straling op het Great Barrier Reef).
Kijk maar eens op You Tube naar de kanalen: Higher Truth Channel en ook BP Earth Watch. Met name het eerst genoemde kanaal toont met keiharde, objectieve grafieken aan (dus geen eigen interpretaties!) hoe erg de mensheid dagelijks in toenemende mate gebombardeerd wordt door met name helium en lithium (wat die sterke roze ochtend en avondluchten geeft, ochtend en avondrood bestaat niet meer), beide afkomstig van 'Nemesis'/de bruine dwerg van het zonnestelsel, dat zo'n destructieve invloed heeft (en nog krijgt) op met name onze planeet en op alles wat daarop leeft.
Alsof we met z'n allen iedere dag naar het ziekenhuis gaan voor een X-ray ... Hij legt precies uit hoe dit in z'n werk gaat, in combinatie met de zon en geeft ook adviezen, bijv. om uit de zon te blijven, ook huisdieren, welke supplementen je kunt innemen om de schade zoveel mogelijk te beperken (maar goed, het is toch dweilen met de kraan open, een echte oplossing is er niet voor) etc.. Ga er maar eens voor zitten ...
De tweede:
Naar aanleiding van het artikel over het bleken van kleuren op onze planeet aarde wil ik u graag een korte reactie geven. Ik woon in Bolivia en hier is het een algemeen bekend verschijnsel dat de zon heter wordt! Mensen weten dit en ook de regering maakt er geen geheim van. Het verschijnsel van soms extreem verbleekte kleuren is me al eerder opgevallen. Maar zoals met zoveel dingen, je ziet het en vergeet het daarna weer. Het zijn slechts momenten en het leven gaat verder. Ik vond de video dan ook heel goed. Het verschijnsel benoemen en uitleggen maakt je ervan bewust dat dit proces naar alle waarschijnlijkheid speelt op veel plekken in de wereld.
De derde:
Op deze site is de stijging per dag te vinden. Dit is al een behoorlijke tijd aan de gang. Mensen hebben er last van. De klachten die je dan krijgt zijn bijv. Ik ben zo moe, ik heb al maanden griepverschijnselen. Ik kan niet slapen...... Dit is naar mijn mening het antwoord op jullie stijging van het licht. Spiritueel zien wij dat de mensen aan het veranderen zijn. Gevoeliger, liefdevoller, meer verbonden met elkaar.
Succes met jullie site. Lees hem al jaren met veel belangstelling en maak er veel mensen op attent.
De vierde:
Het stuk over de zon gelezen.
Ik heb al een paar jaar geleden op een ochtend gezien dat de zon totaal veranderd is. De zon was zo vreselijk fel, dat ik haast tegen de grond sloeg toen ik uit een winkel stapte. Ik was echt van slag, maar vervolgens, bij navraag, bleek niemand verder van slag te zijn.
Het gebeurt nu regelmatig zeker in de vroege ochtend zo tussen 9 en 10 uur. De kracht is enorm en de uitstraling niet van deze wereld. Ik bedoel dat je die kleur en kracht normaal niet ziet.
Ik vind de zon in de middag afnemen in kracht vergeleken met een tijd geleden.
Ik neem aan dat het ervaringen zijn, die voor een ieder anders zijn. Mensen, die gevoelige ogen voor kleuren hebben, zullen het wel zien, maar anderen niet. Ook moet de pijnappelklier zijn werk doen.
Ik ben er inmiddels aan gewend en moet soms gewoon gaan liggen, omdat vele kleuren mij te veel zijn. Na een tijdje trekt het weer weg en zie ik normaal. Het heeft geen enkele zin naar een oogarts te gaan, daar ben ik al 14 jaar(voor een andere kwaal), maar die weet het ook niet. Het is meer iets neurologisch zegt zij
Ik zie duidelijk alles verbleken, maar dat komt omdat de kleuren die ik af en toe zie zo levend en warm zijn, dat verder alles er bij verbleekt.
Misschien zijn er meer mensen die er last van hebben?
Tot zover reacties.
Mensen die nog steeds denken dat de aardveranderingen die momenteel plaatsvinden, worden veroorzaakt door de mens, willen wij vragen nog eens goed logisch na te denken over een aantal zaken.
Je komt een eind met de theorie dat de vervuiling van de mens dusdanige gevolgen heeft dat de temperatuur op aarde daardoor stijgt. Die theorie zou waarschijnlijk ook stand kunnen houden, ware het niet dat er natuurlijk nog veel meer tekenen zijn die wijzen op heftige aardveranderingen.
De tektonische platen van de aarde zijn permanent in beweging en daardoor krijgen we ook regelmatig te maken met bevingen en scheuren op plaatsen waar twee of meerdere van die platen elkaar ontmoeten.
Op het volgende plaatje zie je de tektonische platen en de grenzen daarvan in het rood. Dan wordt ook duidelijk waarom er veel aardbevingen voorkomen op de zogenaamde Ring van Vuur en waarom landen rond het Middellandse Zee gebied regelmatig in het nieuws te vinden zijn wat dat betreft.
De plekken waar die tektonische platen samenkomen zijn dan ook de lokaties waar je zou kunnen verwachten dat er zich dingen voor doen zoals scheuren in het aardoppervlak.
Maar, wat als die op plekken voorkomen waar je dat helemaal niet zou verwachten, zoals nu het geval is? Dit zijn dingen die tien jaar geleden niet op deze schaal zich voordeden.
En of we het nu leuk vinden of niet, alles wijst erop dat er krachten werkzaam zijn op aarde die wij niet zomaar kunnen verklaren en dat het niets te maken heeft met wat de mens wel of niet doet.
Of het nu in de lucht is met de zon en de straling of de aarde die op sommige plekken letterlijk uit elkaar lijkt te vallen, een "normale" verklaring is er niet.
Nog niet, misschien wel aan het einde van het jaar als we inderdaad twee zonnen hebben zoals door sommigen wordt voorspeld.
Dark UFO Over California This Week, Jan 30, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Dark UFO Over California This Week, Jan 30, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 30, 2017 Location of sighting: California, USA
Secureteam10 is reporting this dark UFO over California this week. The UFO has sharp edges and is easily hidden in the smoggy sky. The UFO almost looks like a b2 stealth bomber on its back end, but that jet cannot perform such a manoeuvre. Excellent catch. Scott C. Waring
Bigelow Aerospace has created an agreement with NASA to continue its secretive testing of an experimental new module aboard the International Space Station (ISS). While the recent press releases announcing these tests have been made public, the ultimate purpose of the module still remains a mystery. The company has been tight-lipped about the module and its use aboard the space station, only stating they will announce details at a later date. The module is called the Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM), and is essentially an inflatable orb-shaped space station which can dock onto the ISS. It was flown to the space station aboard a SpaceX Dragon last year.
BEAM modules can easily attach to standard ISS ports.
When the first BEAM/ISS tests were announced, it was stated that no ISS astronauts would enter the module except for four pre-scheduled times throughout each year of its two-year test period in order to ensure that all systems were working properly. With no NASA astronauts allowed on board, it makes you wonder: what could be going on inside the module? With so many UFO sightings occurring in and around the ISS, and given Bigelow’s past UFO-related dealings, it’s not too much of a leap to assume that the UFO-obsessed Robert Bigelow might want to search for UFOs from space.
The BEAM module can be fitted with any number of systems for…uh, you know, space stuff.
See, Bigelow Aerospace has been accused of shadowy, or at least secretive backroom dealings related to UFO research in the past. Those theories were fueled in part by several policy announcements made by America’s Federal Aviation Administration, who have instructed pilots and personnel to direct UFO reports straight to Bigelow’s many research organizations no less than three times:
Persons wanting to report UFO/unexplained phenomena activity should contact a UFO/ unexplained phenomena reporting data collection center, such as Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) (voice: 1-877-979-7444 or e-mail:, the National UFO Reporting Center, etc.
In 2009, Bigelow partnered with MUFON to create a rapid-response unit that could respond to “high value UFO cases” within twenty-four hours of a sighting. While there was much speculation that Bigelow was attempting to capture and de-engineer a UFO, MUFON contends that these accusations were nothing but harmful conspiracy theories:
Unfortunately, dissident UFO buffs quickly came up with nonsense conspiracy theories about the cooperative agreement and spread malcontent and disinformation about it across the Internet.
Those speculative internet writers, when will they learn? Until they do: could this new module be related to the numerous UFO sightings surrounding the ISS and Bigelow’s rapid response UFO team? As with all things Bigelow Aerospace, this one remains a mystery.
Viewers of the ISS live feed constantly spot UFOs in the background beyond the station. Maybe that’s why NASA is phasing out the live feed…or they’re just debris and satellites.
A new UFO sighting took place lately between the US and Mexico border.
YouTube screenshot/ secureteam10
A new UFO sighting was reported along the United States' border with Mexico. Eyewitnesses claim that a fleet of seven to eight UFOs flew right over the border control post at Tijuana.
According to reports, hundreds of people were stunned at the bizarre sight. The crowd also included customs and border protection officers.
"The footage was captured on the Tijuana border, on the Mexican side. The clip captures what can best be described as a fleet, or an extremely large grouping, of UFOs that look like they are stopping traffic or at least slowing it down," said Tyler from UFO monitoring group Secureteam, according to the Sun.
The video of these strange flying objects was uploaded on Instagram, and garnered over 30,000 views and 200 comments. The post has since been removed.
"Even border patrol agents can be seen with their cameras, eyes up, focusing on these objects that seem to be just littering the clouds. This was posted on Instagram, but then the page was removed. The footage has been taken down. This is actually really strange," Tyler added.
Instances of such controversial videos and images are often found to go missing off the internet. On November 28, 2016, a group of UFOs was seen hovering in the skies over Istanbul, Turkey.
The videos and images created quite a stir on Twitter. The hashtag #UFOAttacktoTurkey also started trending on Twitter, but the website tried censoring the incident, which left people infuriated.
Four of these UFOs can be seen aligning taking a rectangular form in this screenshot.
Tyler claims that the video is genuine. The footage shows around seven or eight mysterious luminous objects hovering in the sky. Four of these 'UFOs' can be seen aligning into a rectangular form. One of the UFOs emitting light can be seen going dark in the video.
"At first they are random, but towards the end four of them align in a rectangular formation so they can't be balloons. Whatever they are, even the border control agents were focusing on them," Tyler said.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Area 51 Revisited
Area 51 Revisited
Area 51 goes by a lot of other names these days, such as Dreamland, Groom Lake, Homey Airport, Paradise Ranch, Home Back and Waterland. Area 51 was developed in 1955 primarily for U-2 spy plane testing.
Area 51 is a detachment of Edwards Air Force Base, and is located about 83 miles north, north-west of Las Vegas. It is a restricted area by land and by air.
The use of Area 51 has been dominated by the CIA, along with the Air Force. Over the years, Area 51 has been a testing ground for top-secret aircraft, new weapon systems and foreign technology evaluation.
We used Area 51 to evaluate aircraft that was shot down or captured from USSR. So the tools and ability of breaking something down and finding out what makes it tick, was already built into Area 51.
If the US Government ever captured, or found a UFO, Area 51 is the most likely place it would end up, under the control of the CIA. The amount of information the United States government has been willing to provide regarding Area 51 has generally been minimal.
In July 2013, following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed in 2005, the CIA publicly acknowledged the existence of the base for the first time.
Area 51 and the UFO connection
Its secretive nature and connection to classified aircraft research, together with reports of unusual phenomena, have led Area 51 to become a focus of modern UFO and conspiracy theories. For Example:
The storage, examination, and reverse engineering of crashed alien spacecraft.
The study of UFO occupants (living and dead).
The manufacture of aircraft based on alien technology.
Meetings or joint undertakings with extraterrestrials.
The development of exotic energy weapons for the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) or other weapons programs.
The development of means of weather control.
The development of time travel and teleportation technology.
The development of unusual and exotic propulsion systems related to the Aurora Program.
Activities related to a supposed shadowy one world government or the Majestic 12 organization.
There is so much information about Area 51, much of it conspiracy related.
The one thing I know for sure is that the US Government has a tendency to manipulate public opinion, and anyone who even tries to get at the truth of Area 51 is subject to being publicly ridiculed, and considered at nut-job.
NASA Spin-off Advancements
I am not changing the subject here, because I am considering the fact that NASA has claimed a lot of spin-off technology, based on their advancements in space exploration.
Seems like a lot of it is medical related, such as:
Infrared ear thermometers
Ventricular assisted devices
Artificial limbs
Light-emitting diodes in medical therapies
Invisible braces
Scratch-resistant lenses
Space blankets
Plus a lot more.
Other areas of advancements are in :
Consumer, home, and recreation
Environmental and agricultural resources
Computer technology
Industrial productivity
And a lot more.
Seems to me that if NASA has developed all of these new discoveries and advancements, why then was NASA defunded by Obama? Why would you remove or discontinue something that brings so many advancements into the world? Unless – Maybe these advancements didn’t actually come from NASA.
Maybe they came from Area 51 and the reverse engineering of UFOs or collaboration with aliens. I know how this sounds, but just look at all the advancements during the past 60 years.
Is it my imagination, or did man-kind advance super fast during the last 6 decades. It took us thousands of years to go from riding horses, to the invention of motor powered vehicles. Look where we have gone during the past 60 years. From looking at the moon to visiting the moon.
Did we do that on our own? Or did we have help? I know one thing for sure, if our government did have help, they would never admit it. The question that a lot of UFO conspiracy people have is: How much of this is related to UFO or alien technology?
What I think is going to happen during the next few years.
I think the defunding of NASA will come back to bite the government on the ass. For the history of our country, NASA has been the organization responsible for space exploration. Now private companies are getting into the game, with private launches of satellites.
With virtually everyone having a smart phone that is capable of taking photos and sharing them instantly online. Social Media is giving everyone in the world a voice and connection to others. This is going to make keeping something top-secret, very hard to do.
People are starting to trust Social Media over news outlets. My opinion is this is justified because of news outlets only providing stories that suit their agenda.
I understand that there are a lot of crazy people online, but generally speaking, I tend to trust images, and video that comes from places like Twitter. Twitter, Facebook, You-Tube and other social media platforms gives people the ability to by-pass the news organizations, and government cover-ups.
I think we will discover and accept that we are not alone in the universe, and that maybe we have had visitors in the past. That would explain a lot of things.
If you have comments or ideas about this, I would love to hear them!
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
The real story behind Close Encounters
The real story behind Close Encounters
Everyone remembers “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.” The movie was released in 1977, written and directed by Steven Spielberg, and starring Richard Dreyfuss. What you may not know is that the US Air Force and NASA decided not to cooperate on the film. In fact they were totally against the release of this movie.
NASA reportedly sent a 20-page letter to Spielberg, telling him that releasing the film was actually dangerous. The question remains “What were they trying to hide?” Although the movie was created by Spielberg, just the idea of a government cover up made a lot of people nervous.
Maybe it’s because they are really covering up encounters.
During the 1940s a person by the name of Donald Keyhoe investigated flying saucers for True Magazine. Keyhoe believed that flying saucers were from outer space, and were on a scouting mission. Keyhoe claimed that his information came from Air Force and Navy intelligence.
Project Sign, based at Air Technical Intelligence Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and its successors Project Grudge and Project Blue Book were officially tasked with investigating the flying saucers. Keyhoe started a civilian investigation group called NICAP and asserted that the US Government was lying about UFOs and doing everything they could to cover them up. Now on the surface you might think, ok so he found some kooks to agree with him, but where is the real evidence?
Consider this fact: Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter was a Rear Admiral and an influential board member of NICAP, and Hillenkoetter was also the first director of the CIA. You got to ask the question” If this was all BS, then why would the director of the CIA be involved?
Probably the best example of a UFO government cover up was the 1947 Roswell incident. The United States Air Force actually issued a press release stating that a “flying disk” had been recovered near Roswell, New Mexico. This information was quickly withdrawn and replaced by claiming that a weather balloon was simply misidentified.
About a year later, in 1948 an Air Force pilot by the name of Thomas Mantell was killed in an air accident while in pursuit of an aerial artifact he described as “a metallic object…of tremendous size.” The official government story claims that Mantell had been chasing the planet Venus, a conclusion which was met with extreme skepticism, and later changed to a Skyhook balloon.
Over the years there have been many UFO sightings, and each time the government is quick to discredit the story and in some cased even the person who reported the encounter. Even people who have no reason to lie about something like this are quickly discredited. Many airline pilots have spotted UFOs over the years, but very few report it because of ridicule and the possibility of being fired. According to the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena, (NARCAP) there have been over 3,500 documented sightings of “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” by military, commercial, and civilian pilots.
Captain Jim Courant, a commercial pilot for over 31 years spoke to the National Press Club, and said “It is almost astounding how many people are in the know on this subject.” Captian Courant also said “There are many more sightings that are just not reported.” Since Captian Courant was so out spoken and willing to talk to the press, many commercial and military pilots have opened up to him, also claiming to have had encounters with UFOs.
Where did the term “Close Encounter” come from?
The meaning of a close encounter is an event in which a person witnesses an unidentified flying object. This terminology and the system of classification was started by J. Allen Hynek, a astronomer and UFO researcher. It was first suggested in his 1972 book “The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry.” Allen came up with 7 kinds of encounters:
Visual sightings of an unidentified flying object.
A UFO event in which a physical effect is alleged.
UFO encounters in which a creature is present.
A UFO event in which a human is abducted by a UFO or its occupants.
A UFO event that involves direct communication between aliens and humans.
Death of a human or animal associated with a UFO sighting.
The creation of a human/alien hybrid, either by sexual reproduction or by artificial scientific methods.
Hynek’s scale became well-known after being referenced in a 1977 film, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, which is named after the third level of the scale. Posters for the film recited the three levels of the scale, and Hynek himself makes a cameo appearance near the end of the film.
A question that has come up since 2010: With everyone having a video camera with them most of the time, why hasn’t there been more UFO sightings?
I think I can answer that questions. First of all, there are a ton of sightings, many of them have been documented on You-Tube and other social media sites. So why aren’t more people talking about this? I think it’s a matter of trusting the videos. Yes, it’s true, just about everyone has a video camera with them at all times with the use of smart phones, however with the increased technology of these devices, we are also have the ability to fake videos. Anyone can do computer generated Images (CGI) now days.
This means that even though you might be viewing an actual image of a UFO you are more skeptical than ever before. If you go back to those earlier films, back in the 1970s or 80s, it was much harder to fake videos. Most people didn’t have the equipment or ability to fake a video, so the images were more believable.
It seems that we have come full circle. Going back before film, people claimed to see UFOs and their only proof was their word. Now that we have the ability to fake encounters on video, we are going back to someone’s word of honor.
I look at it this way, there are a lot of people who have nothing to gain, and are in a position that commands respect, who are claiming to have encountered a UFO in their past. People like airline pilots, very high-ranking military personnel, astronauts, even the President of the United States, Jimmy Carter claims to have seen a UFO.
At some point you have to admit, something is out there.
The race to become the first private entity to land a robot on the Moon is heating up, as five teams close in on the Google Lunar XPrize. The final heat of candidates were winnowed down from dozens of contenders that couldn’t clear hurdles or meet deadlines for the prize, which included designing and building original spacecraft, meeting flight regulations, and securing a launch contract scheduled to blast off by the end of 2017.
The last groups standing were announced on Tuesday: They are (drum roll) Moon Express, SpaceIL, Team Indus, Hakuto, and Synergy Moon. All five teams are tentatively on track for launches this year.
Established in 2007 by the nonprofit XPrize organization, the Google-sponsored Lunar XPrize is an open challenge to create a robot that can voyage to the Moon, travel at least 500 meters on its surface, and send high-resolution visuals back to Earth. A total of $30 million in prize money is at stake, two thirds of which will be awarded to the first team to successfully meet the contest’s requirements.
The impetus for the Lunar XPrize was to stimulate innovation in the global space community, and by that standard, the contest is already successful. The hopeful companies advancing into the 2017 home stretch have wildly different lunar exploration strategies and goals, plus they hail from all around the world. Here’s a quick rundown of the five penultimate lander concepts.
Animation of MX-1E landing on the Moon. Image: Moon Express
Moon Express: MX-1E Lander
Moon Express, a Florida-based company founded in 2010, is the first private entity to be granted clearance to land on the Moon, an achievement it hopes to build on by putting its MX-1E Lander on the lunar surface as soon as possible. The company has a launch contract with Rocket Lab, a US aerospace venture with launch facilities in New Zealand. Their lander is expected to hitch a ride on that company’s lightweight Electron rocket at some point this year, after the Electron has been adequately flight-tested.
The MX-1E represents a significant departure from the traditional “lab-on-wheels” lunar rovers deployed by the American, Russian, and most recently, Chinese space programs. Instead of driving around, the robot will leverage the Moon’s weaker gravity well by executing controlled hops to various locations on the surface.
"Why crawl when you can fly?"
“Why crawl when you can fly?” a Moon Express spokesperson told me over email. “Although rovers have an important place in planetary surface exploration, our business model is to provide lunar access to a wide variety of locations on the Moon.”
Indeed, Moon Express has long-term aspirations to establish mining operations on the Moon and other celestial bodies, so it makes sense for them to focus on vehicles that can examine and prospect several sites over vast areas.
The Sparrow lander, developed by the Israeli nonprofit SpaceIL, takes the cake for the most futuristic design concept in play for the XPrize. With its spindly legs and funnel-shaped bus, the spacecraft looks completely different from past lunar rovers. Like the MX-1E, it is designed to hop from place to place, which team leads say will conserve mass and gas relative to its rival rover concepts.
SpaceIL has brokered a contract with SpaceX, and is on track to be bundled into a Falcon 9 rocket launch at some point in 2017. The project was largely developed and executed by volunteers, and the team leads have pledged to invest most of the XPrize to educational programs should they win it.
Synergy Moon is a diverse collective of specialists spanning 15 nations, and is working on developing “at least one rover” in its Tesla series, illustrated above, according to its XPrize page. The rovers are equipped with two identical cameras that provide stereoscopic vision. Synergy Moon aims to make its high-definition view of the Moon to be accessible to anyone online. The group has arranged its launch through Interorbital Systems’ Neptune rocket.
TeamIndus, a for-profit spaceflight company based in New Delhi, is shooting to land its adorably anthropomorphic 11-pound rover, currently codenamed ECA, in the Moon’s Mare Imbrium region. The team has already won a $1 million Milestone award for its landing technology.
For launch arrangements, the company is joining forces with one of its XPrize rivals, the Japanese group Hakuto. The two teams have arranged to bundle both their landers into the same PSLV rocket, a model developed by the Indian Space Research Organization. The launch is currently scheduled for late December 2017.
Last but certainly not least, meet the Moonraker and Tetris dual rovers developed by the Sendai-based Hakuto. The two-wheeled Tetris is designed to be tethered to the four-wheeled Moonraker like a trailer, which will enable it to be lowered into so-called “skylights” on the Moon. The lunar surface is thought to be riddled with underground caves, tunnels, and basaltic lava tubes, some of which may be accessible through skylight channels. The Hakuto team aims to be the first to explore these tantalizing lunar realms with its unique roving tag-team.
These diverse and innovative concepts herald a crucial turning point in lunar surface operations, which have been on hold since the 1970s (with the notable exception of China’s Yutu rover, deployed in 2013). Previous mobile robots sent to the Moon by the Russia, China, and the US were primarily tasked with studying the alien environment, and to occasionally blast back samples of lunar rock. All of them bundled scientific instruments into a traditional rover design.
The XPrize finalists have broken out of that mould in a few significant ways. Moon Express and SpaceIL may demonstrate that hopping around on alien bodies is a promising alternative transportation method to driving over terrain. This could have big repercussions for future missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond, especially if hoppers can reliably clear hurdles, like cliffs or extreme terrain, that rovers must avoid.
“Rovers are very slow and cannot travel significant distances,” the Moon Express team told me. “Our robotic spacecraft can re-launch and fly to distant locations for science and exploration diversity. We can deploy rovers in each location—consider the advantage of multiple landings for a single launch.”
"We can deploy rovers in each location—consider the advantage of multiple landings for a single launch."
More broadly, the smorgasbord of objectives and design concepts each team has put forth shows that private groups can greatly diversify avenues of space exploration over a relatively short timespan. Impressively, many of these companies are less than a decade old, and some are based in countries that have never ventured to the Moon before.
It’s difficult to predict which finalist will end up snagging the winning $20 million prize, and at this point, much of it is up to luck. If the novel Electron and Neptune rockets require further testing, or if SpaceX needs to alter its launch manifest for some reason, the teams relying on those vehicles will be held up through no fault of their own.
That said, the fact that these teams have gotten this far distinguishes them all as pioneers. While one of them will likely succeed in cinching the honor of being the first non-governmental group to land on the Moon, explore it, and send back pictures, the runners-up no doubt earn a shout-out in the history books as well.
The Moon may be liberally sprinkled with oxygen created by life on Earth, according to new research published Monday in Nature Astronomy. This opens up the possibility that “the Earth’s atmosphere of billions of years ago may be preserved on the present-day lunar surface,” in the words of the paper’s authors, led by Osaka University planetary scientist Kentaro Terada.
The notion that Earth has been periodically sneezing its sky stuff on the Moon, spraying it with the exhalations of now-extinct lifeforms, is not entirely new. Previous teams have suggested that nitrogen and noble gases embedded in the Moon’s soil originated on Earth.
But Terada and his co-authors are the first to present evidence that oxygen, an essential ingredient and byproduct of terrestrial life, is regularly peppered all over the Moon’s surface.
The team used data collected by the Japanese Kaguya spacecraft in 2008 to show that Earth-brand oxygen ions can make this giant leap during a special five day period in the satellite’s orbit, when Earth is located between the Sun and the Moon.
During this time, Earth’s magnetic plasma sheet protects the Moon from the bombardment of the solar wind, which is a powerful stream of charged particles emitted by the Sun. But our planet’s magnetosphere is filled with its own homegrown energetic particles, and the Kaguya orbiter’s Ion Energy Analyzer (IEA) and the Ion Mass Analyzer (IMA) detected them during those five-day breaks from the onslaught of the solar wind.
“Even when the geomagnetic field was less developed or absent in ancient times, the Earth’s plasma sheets could have existed and led to effective transportation from the Earth’s atmosphere to the lunar surface,” Terada’s team reported. “This mechanism would be enhanced if the distance between the Earth and the Moon was much smaller than today, as it seems it was. A consequence of this finding is that the entire lunar surface can be contaminated with biogenic terrestrial oxygen, which has been produced by photosynthesis over a few billion years.”
If that makes you want to hop on over Moonside in order to excavate the untapped respiratory history of life on Earth, you are not alone (and fortunately, the Moon is becoming a popular destination for landers again).
But the paper’s authors warn that it will be extremely challenging to differentiate between the ions embedded into the lunar soil by the solar wind, and those that came from Earth.
“It is the accumulated oxygen over billions years of both the solar wind and the Earth wind that the lunar soil preserves,” Terada told me over email. “To decipher the accumulated oxygen, we need to distinguish which one is recent, and which one is ancient, even in the single grains.”
In other words, it’s not as if the lunar soil’s oxygen ions come with a clear timestamp, or a paper trail about their origins. But Terada said that drilling into the Moon for a deeper core sample, representing older layers of regolith beneath the surface, might help solve the mystery.
In the meantime, however, Terada’s strategy is to look to other worlds for analogous processes. “Very recently, NASA’s MAVEN mission reported that even non-magnetic Mars also has plasma sheets,” he told me. “So, we predict that ancient Mars’ atmosphere is preserved in [the Martian moon] Phobos’ soil."
“I believe that the JAXA Phobos mission in the near future will prove this hypothesis,” he said. This mission is called Martian Moons eXploration (MMX), and is scheduled to launch to Phobos in 2022, where it will collect samples of the moon to be returned to Earth.
So, there you have it: Earth and Mars may have stashed valuable deposits of information about their atmospheric pasts into the soil of their natural satellites. That’s should give you a premium bump of Sagan-level scientific wonder to start off your week.
SECRET BASE INSIDE VOLCANO? 'TR-3B UFO' flares into warp speed after 'leaving magma mount'
SECRET BASE INSIDE VOLCANO? 'TR-3B UFO' flares into warp speed after 'leaving magma mount'
ALIEN chasers claim a new video appearing to show a "UFO" burst into a ball of light after "leaving a volcano" boosts their theory extra terrestrials have hidden bases under the ground.
The strange event was caught by a camera of, which has a series of livestreams continuously monitoring magma mountains across the central American country.
The footage was taken at around 6.46pm local time on January 24, according to YouTube channel Streetcap 1, which broadcast it in a video entitled "Awesome Weird Light leaves Mexican Volcano".
Alien chasers think it could be evidence of an secret base inside the Popocatépetl Volcano in the Puebla region of Mexico.
Others think it could be a secret military base and the UFO was actually an alleged top-secret triangular spy plane known as a TR-3B which can allegedly hit "warp speed" in a ball of light.
A still from the video and (inset) a CGI image of an alleged TR-3B.
The footage shows a small bright light appear from behind the volcano in the background of the shot, which then moves closer to the camera.
The image suddenly increases in size and intensity of light before going out of shot.
Some alien chasers claim there is much UFO activity around volcanoes, because there are secret alien bases inside.
There appears to be no actual evidence for this madcap theory, and sceptics say the UFOs are just magma, or ash being ejected from the volcano, or even out of focus birds.
But the latest ball of light in this video has set tongues wagging, with claims it was a TR-3B.
Conspiracy theorists, who also believe world leaders capture flying saucers and reverse engineer them before creating their own hi-tech space craft, claim a mysterious US Air Force TR-3B has been developed.
The TR-3B, pictured here in a CGI impression, is a legend among UFO seekers.
The TR-3B is alleged to be a secret "black project" spy craft of the US Government that can be flown into space.
Allegations include the crafts are created at top-secret military bases like Area 51 in Nevada, by reverse engineering alien technology.
Others claim they are actual UFOs flown by aliens.
The theory claims they are triangular in shape with lights at the corners and a large circular one in the middle that can blast it into warp speed.
Scott C Waring, editor of UFO Sightings Daily, said: "This UFO was caught by Streetcap1 over Mexico coming from a volcano. It starts out far away and quickly grows in size.
"That's one powerfully bright UFO. As you can see from looking at the time, the UFO passes the volcano and then moves behind the camera all in just a few minutes. The moon could not do that."
That's one powerfully bright UFO. As you can see from looking at the time, the UFO passes the volcano and then moves behind the camera all in just a few minutes.
Scott C Waring
Viewers of the video were amazed, with many posting on YouTube: "OMG and WTF.”
One posted: "WTF is that?!! OMG, I'm so scared it’s huge!!!"
Another said: "TR3B 100 per cent. I have done a lot of research, which is freely available.
"I was fortunate to see a similar light above my house, I was gobsmacked, all my research made sense
"It's a plasma ball of light in the craft's middle, you will normally see this on black triangle crafts.
"The plasma light extends to cover all the craft and then will normally disappear cloaking the craft.
"These are facts - God knows how long this technology has been available."
Another commented on the speed, saying: "The video is being played at one frame per second, meaning whatever that thing is it's going at very high speeds."
And, Leandro Murta added: "Just wonder how fast it is from volcano to camera in about 50 seconds, very interesting."
Another poster went back to the alien theory, suggesting: "What if extraterrestrials live in volcanoes because they've got tech that can withstand tremendous heat? It would make a good hiding place, you know."
Scott Brando is a sceptical UFO investigator who claims there has never been any inexplicable UFO video or picture taken yet.
He runs the hoax-busting website
The expert was not phased by the seemingly extraordinary footage and concluded that the bright light effect was caused by the camera having a long exposure, because it was filming at night.
He said it was likely just a standard plane or helicopter.
He told "Webcams are often set to take images at night with a long exposure, to capture every small source of light. That object is most likely a plane (or a helicopter) with its navigation/landing lights."
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What REALLY happened? MoD’s 'secret investigation' into mass UFO sightings
What REALLY happened? MoD’s 'secret investigation' into mass UFO sightings
MINISTRY of Defence (MoD) chiefs launched a top-secret probe into one of Britain's most notorious mass UFO sighting cases 40 years ago at the height if the Cold War, it has been claimed.
The MoD carried out a secret investigation into UFO sightings, it is claimed.
The 1977 Broad Haven Triangle sightings are being remembered with a special 40th anniversary event.
An explosive novel revealed details of a declassified MoD document which suggests top-ranking officials carried out a covert inquiry into the 1977 sightings in Wales.
The area was gripped by UFO and paranormal fever after several people saw lights and objects hovering in the sky, a being in a metallic space suit, while poltergeists allegedly plagued one family, animals were seen cowering and ghostly figures reportedly peered into farmhouse windows.
Among the witnesses were 14 children who all drew similar pictures of a craft said to have landed near their school.
The book - The Watchers by Neil Spring - is said to be based on "true events" and claims to reveal the truth about what really happened at remote Broad Haven along a strip of rugged coastline in Pembrokeshire National Park near an RAF base.
Mr Spring, who is a key speaker at the event on Saturday, researched the case through documents sent to the National Archives 30 years after the bizarre happenings and after a new witness came forward.
At the time, MoD officials expressed no interest in the sightings, saying there was no threat to national security.
However, among the documents was a letter from the head of the MoD's S4 wing to the Provost & Security Service, the RAF's internal police force.
The S4 chief wrote "I have not even told the Minister I am consulting you" and called for a "discreet enquiry" after expressing bewilderment at the number of apparently "level-headed" witnesses to the strange activity.
Mr Spring said: "(The new witness’) testimony rocked the very foundations of the British Government.
"I visited Broad Haven a sceptic, and came away convinced that some of the locals knew far more about the mysterious occurrences of 1977 than they are willing to reveal."
I visited Broad Haven a sceptic, and came away convinced that some of the locals knew far more about the mysterious occurrences of 1977 than they are willing to reveal.
Neil Spring
The disclosures prompted Tory peer Lord Black of Brentwood to call for a full explanation from the MoD of what it uncovered.
The Tory peer has been long involved in getting official government files of UFO sightings and inquiries made public.
Lord Black said: "A number of recently released MoD files leave little doubt that a small number of sightings of aerial phenomena - particularly by military personnel, pilots and air traffic controllers - remain unexplained and unidentified.
"There needs to be further examination of these issues in the hope of learning something new."
Three years ago a former US Navy sailor came forward to say that the cause of the silver-suited being was in fact a US military personal wearing their standard fireproof uniform and the UFOs were new harrier gets being flown.
Since disbanding a unit set up to investigate alleged UFO sightings in 2009, the MoD will no longer comment on the subject.
The Swansea UFO Network is holding a Welsh Triangle 40th Anniversary Conference in Broad Haven from 10am to 5pm.
Dubbed the “West Wales flap” of 1977, the incident was second only to the “Warminster Thing” in British UFO history.
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Monday morning fireball sighting in the Mid-South
Monday morning fireball sighting in the Mid-South
By Spencer Denton, Meteorologist
(WMC) -If you saw a bright flash in the sky around 6:16 a.m., it wasn’t lightning. It was a short trail, exploding fireball that lasted around three seconds.
Check out this still image captured by near Greenbrier, Arkansas. They caught a big flash on their camera in the lower part of the sky between 20 and 30 degrees above the horizon.
There were several sightings in Collierville and scattered reports from Louisville, KY to Austin, TX. Check out the map to see all the sightings as of 9:30 a.m.
Did you see it? Go to my Facebook or Twitter page and let me know.
Copyright 2017 WMC Action News 5. All rights reserved.
This artist's rendition shows the Earth-mass planet GJ 1132b circling its parent star. New observations suggest the planet's thick atmosphere may harbor water or methane. Credit:Dana Berry / Skyworks Digital / CfA
For astronomers seeking Earth twins around other stars, the exoplanet GJ 1132 b probably isn’t an identical sibling—but it may be the closest cousin yet found. It weighs in at just over one Earth mass, but circles its star in a warm orbit that could make it more like Venus than our own world. Moreover, its diameter is nearly 50 percent larger than that of Earth, suggesting it possesses a thick atmosphere. Now, after taking the closest-ever look at GJ 1132 b, a European collaboration has confirmed the presence of its atmosphere and found hints it might contain water and methane. The results are currently under review for publication in The Astrophysical Journal.
As mere discoveries of exoplanets become routine, efforts to learn more about them—their compositions, climates and histories—are moving to the fore, with studies of their atmospheres occupying center stage. Although astronomers detected the first exoplanet atmosphere more than 15 years ago, they have only managed to observe a handful ever since, mostly for very hot worlds as big as Jupiter or even larger. With their first glimpse of GJ 1132 b’s alien air, astronomers are now entering a new frontier as they examine the atmospheres of smaller, more Earth-like worlds.
“We have shown that an Earth-mass planet is capable of sustaining a thick atmosphere,” says John Southworth, lecturer in astrophysics at Keele University in England and lead author on the discovery paper. “This is one step towards investigating whether a planet could host life.”
Finding the tenuous atmospheres around other worlds strains the limits of current technology. Luckily, GJ 1132 b has the advantage of being relatively easy to study, because it is only 39 light-years away—just a hop, skip and a jump across our cosmic neighborhood. It also orbits an M-dwarf, the smallest and coolest type of star, which allows astronomers to more readily probe the planet’s atmosphere.
“Detecting the atmosphere of Earth-sized planets around M-dwarfs is an essential step in the search for habitable exoplanets,” says astronomer Julien de Wit, postdoctoral researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology unaffiliated with the study. “The concern, however, is that they may not always be able to sustain an atmosphere because of the potential history of strong activity of their star. Finding one with an atmosphere would provide us with hope.”
The team studied GJ 1132 b’s atmosphere using a variation on the “transit” planet-detection method, in which a world traverses the face of its star as seen from Earth. As the planet crosses its star, it blocks a small portion of the star’s total light and casts a planetary shadow toward our solar system. A planet’s atmosphere will absorb a tiny fraction of starlight around the shadow’s edges, filtering out certain wavelengths in accordance with its composition. Gathering enough light to discern this minuscule effect usually requires observing multiple transits using some of the world’s most powerful telescopes.
Using the MPG/ESO 2.2 meter telescope at the European Southern Observatory in Chile, the team monitored nine transits of GJ 1132 b across a wide range of wavelengths, from optical to near-infrared. The measurements allowed them to line up a simple spectrum, which shows the amount of light at each wavelength. Their results showed extra absorption at certain wavelengths—indicating the possibility of water and/or methane in GJ 1132 b’s atmosphere in approximately equal proportions as is found in Earth’s air.
Because astronomers have good measures for both the mass and the size of GJ 1132 b, they can estimate the planet’s density—and thus its possible composition. Given that the atmosphere may contain water vapor, one model suggests the planet could be a steamy space oasis with a substantial envelope of water surrounding a rocky core. Other models with rockier compositions are also possible, however, and the mass measurements are not detailed enough to wholly confirm the exact interior makeup. “Our own observations have shown that it has an atmosphere, but we have not been able to put many constraints on what the atmosphere is actually made of,” Southworth says. “The next step is to take observations with bigger telescopes, and space telescopes, covering a bigger wavelength range at a much better resolution.”
Given the limitations of current instruments, it will fall to the next generation of telescopes such as the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to glean more information about the nature of Earth-size exoplanet atmospheres. “The James Webb Space Telescope will be able to measure the spectra of exoplanets in great detail, and perhaps GJ 1132 b will be one of the more interesting exoplanets to be observed extensively” with the JWST, says Renyu Hu, a planetary scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. “We will continue to see astronomers pushing the limits, towards better spectra of smaller and perhaps more temperate exoplanets.”
Boasting a mirror some six times the size of the Hubble Space Telescope’s, JWST will be able to efficiently seek out signs of carbon dioxide and oxygen as well as water vapor and methane in some exoplanet atmospheres. Eager planet hunters, however, should not hold their breath for these breakthrough capabilities—JWST will not launch until October 2018, and the telescope has a full docket of other science objectives that will limit any time-consuming observations of exoplanets.
“This is a great start, but we need higher signal-to-noise data and spectral resolution,” Sara Seager, a professor of astrophysics at MIT, says of the results. “We need to await the JWST to make any real progress on small-planet atmospheres.”
Many of us have stories. One night as a kid in the car with my dad in Northampton, Pennsylvania, I remember looking out the window as a beam of light flashed down from the sky, seemingly dissipating as it hit the ground. Unsure if my eyes were deceiving me, I stayed silent for a few moments before my dad looked over from the driver's seat and asked with a hint of anxiety in his voice, "Did you see that?"
For all of our stories of unidentified flying objects, there's one place to put them all together. The National UFO Reporting Center, based in Washington state, has been tracking reported sightings since its founding in 1974.
Before you start conjuring up images of tin-foil hats, it's important to know that NUFORC doesn't just post every submitted sighting of bright lights or floating objects on its website.
Peter Davenport, director of NUFORC, said in an email that for each submission, there is a "somewhat careful reading of each report, and we then compare it to other reports that have come in from the same area, and/or for the same time period."
"I believe that someone who is experienced in reading UFO reports is able to detect out-and-out hoaxes," Davenport said, noting that many completely explainable phenomenas are often reported as UFOs.
NUFORC filters hundreds of reports each year. For 2016, there were nearly 200 reported sightings in Pennsylvania alone, Patch notes.
Using NUFORC's reports, PhillyVoice's managing editor Jon Tuleya mapped out all of the reported 2016 sightings in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.
In the below maps, you can click on the location of each reported sighting to get a date and description, which may sometimes includes notes from NUFORC that point out possible hoaxes or potential explanations.
Columnist Cheryl Costa discusses how shapes of UFOs help determine which ones are off-world crafts.
People ask me all the time about the UFOs I report on in stories or talk about in my statistics. They state incredulously “but Cheryl, they can’t all be real!” I always tell them that as Unidentified Flying Objects, they most certain are real. But are they real off-world crafts? That’s the real question My answer to that: The truth is in the UFO shapes.
In the past, people have put out these statistical charts writing off many sightings to common, ordinary things. The numbers these folks use typically denigrate the potentially real off world craft to percentages numbers around 20 percent and as low as 4 percent.
For the past 14 months, my spouse and I have been compiling a book of UFO sighting counts for all 50 states. In that sighting compilation, we’ve taken great care to tabulate the UFO shapes that have been reported from 2001-2015.
For the sake of a new way of looking at UFO sightings, I decided to remove certain classes of UFO Shapes to illustrate a point.
The chart above lists the top-20 UFO shapes for New York state from 2001-2015. The total number of New York sightings for the 15-year period is 5,141. The top-20 shapes represent 95.6 percent of the shapes reported. Let’s take out the obviously vague and hard-to-pin-down shapes: light, unknown, other, star-like, flash and changing. That exercise just removed 35.24 percent of the undefinable sighting shapes or about 1,811 of the 5,141 sightings.
We kept these shapes that in my opinion couldn’t be easily mistaken for conventional aircraft. These shapes are: circle, sphere, fireball, triangle, oval, disc, cigar, cylinder diamond, formation, chevron, egg and rectangle.
This list represents 60.36 percent of the total New York sighting shapes of unusual silhouettes. The remaining 4.4 percent of shapes with well under 1 percent in each category totals about 226 of the 5,141 sightings.
So if 3,103 UFO sighting reports don’t resemble any conventional aircraft, it begs the question: Are these the genuine articles that everybody wants to believe are off-world crafts?
Wikileaks has revealed a leaked diplomatic cable with evidence of a remarkable chapter in UN history – when Grenada’s PM ‘showed evidence of UFOs’.
UFO believers think that there’s a huge international cover-up of extraterrestrial visits – so naturally, they love this 1978 hearing.
Grenadian PM Sir Eric Gairy said that he had come before the UN because of a ‘deep personal conviction’ that UFOs were of ‘worldwide importance and significance.’
He said that the UN needed to ‘come alive to its responsibilities and take a serious look at the UFO phenomenon to which planet Earth has been conspicuously exposed’.
The leaked cable said, ‘As anticipated, Grenadian PM Sir Eric Gairy addressed the special political committee on Agenda Item 126, and introduced a resolution (datafaxed), which would establish an expert group to set guidelines for a UN study of UFOS.
Picture: WikiLeaks
‘He was followed by Dr Friday (Minister for Education) and four other speakers, all of whom argued in favour of a ‘UN clearing house’ for the exchange of data and and coordination of research on UFOs.
‘The speakers were supplemented by a short film which consisted of still and motion pictures spliced together to depict actual sightings of UFOs.
Picture: Open Minds Production/YouTube
Up to 77% of Americans believe that there is evidence aliens have visited Earth, according to a 2014 Harris poll.
Conspiracy theorists believe that the American government has contacted aliens – but has concealed the fact for decades.
Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, called for the release of UFO files last year, saying, ‘The American people can handle the truth.’
During her campaign, Clinton said, ‘He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out. One way or another. Maybe we could have a task force go to Area 51.’
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Witness spots UFO while waiting for rocket launch
Witness spots UFO while waiting for rocket launch
A Florida witness at Titusville reported watching an oval-shaped object crossing the sky “shrouded in the bright, meteor-like light” while waiting for an Atlas V rocket launch, according to testimony in Case 81674 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
Witness illustration.
(Credit: MUFON)
The events occurred about 8:15 p.m. on January 19, 2017.
“My husband and I were in the viewing bleachers for the launch of the Atlas V rocket carrying a missile detecting satellite,” the witness stated. “We were in a launch delay. I was standing in the bleachers and others were sitting.”
The witness says she was staring at the sky as she had heard that UFOs sometimes frequent launches.
“I was looking towards the east and suddenly I saw an extremely bright, yellow/green light and it was wide, and it was close. It was horizontal to the ground and it streaked by us. I yelled, ‘Look’ and people in the stands caught a glimpse. It was so fast that many missed it, but some didn’t. The woman behind me who was sitting down and just caught a glimpse said it was a meteor. I said, no, there was something in it.”
The witness saw a light streak by with something metallic in it.
(Credit: Google)
The witness described what she saw.
“Just before the yellow/green steak of light vanished, for a fleeting bit of a second, I saw part of something metallic. It had a seam and a shape that was rounded. But the yellow/green light obscured all but a small part of the object. I know what I saw and there was definitely something in that light.”
“We all got on the buses and left. But I was still filled with excitement as I believe that was a UFO. I checked the web and cannot find any record of a meteor on that night.”
The witness said the light obscured all but a small part of the object. Pictured: Titusville, FL.
(Credit: Google)
Florida MUFON Field Investigator Scott Christopher Schaller is investigating. The witness provided one illustration with the report, which was filed on January 22, 2017. Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
Editor’s note: The “wayward aircraft” was identified as a Homeland Security plane. That is not to say this is what the witness saw.
Another unidentified flying object was captured on video by NASA’s space cameras. In the video footage, a mysterious object –with a peculiar disk-shaped design—appears to be traveling out of Earth’s atmosphere causing a massive debate on social networks. What was it? Alien vehicle? Space Debris? Optical Illusion, or just Swamp Gas? Some are convinced it is the ultimate evidence Earth is visited by Alien beings while others remain skeptical and still, unconvinced.
Ever since the footage was uploaded to YouTube, it generated great controversy both among those who support the idea that it might be an extraterrestrial object, as among those who are completely skeptical of the subject, and as a joke suggest that “UFO’s that are planning on entering our air space should be registered and pay taxes.”
The truth is that on many occasions only fragments of videos in which these mystery objects are visible are released.
However, the fact that NASA interrupts its live feed transmissions is what arouses more suspicion among those who are eager to find new evidence of the existence of alien life, UFO’s and how we are all part of a massive conspiracy.
One user wrote on YouTube:
“The question isn’t “is this an alien spacecraft?”, but actually “Why NASA didn’t cut or blur this video as they always do with other strange sights?”
According to many people, in today’s era, it isn’t a question anymore whether or not UFO’s are real.
In fact, if we look back into the past we will see numerous fascinating statements made by former astronauts, military officials and scientists about Alien life and the existence of UFOs.
Here are only a few:
“Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, Et’s, etc…They are visiting Earth now; this is not a matter of conjecture or wistful thinking.” – Theodor C. Loder III, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire.
We cannot address the UFO phenomena without mentioning Dr. Edgar Mitchel, one of the best-known Apollo astronauts and the sixth man to walk on the moon; a retired Captain in the US Navy, aeronautical engineer and founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) who had much to say about Alien life:
“I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real…Yes, there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. We are not alone in the universe; they have been coming here for a long time.”
Franklin Story Musgrave, an American Physician, retired NASA astronaut who worked on the design and development of the Skylab Program and the only astronaut to have flown missions on all five Space Shuttles had very interesting things to say about life elsewhere in the cosmos:
“Statistically it’s a certainty there are hugely advanced civilizations, intelligence, life forms out there. I believe they’re so advanced that they’re even doing interstellar travel. I believe it’s possible that they even came here. It’s logical to presume the universe must have other life in it and by virtue of association that we could be visited at some point.”
Two Harvard scientists have succeeded in creating an entirely new substance long believed to be the “holy grail” of physics — metallic hydrogen, a material of unparalleled power that could one day propel humans into deep space. The research was published Thursday in the journal Science.
Scientists created the metallic hydrogen by pressurizing a hydrogen sample to more pounds per square inch than exists at the center of the Earth. This broke the molecule down from its solid state and allowed the particles to dissociate into atomic hydrogen.
The best rocket fuel we currently have is liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, burned for propellant. The efficacy of such substances is characterized by “specific impulse,” the measure of impulse fuel can give a rocket to propel it forward.
“People at NASA or the Air Force have told me that if they could get an increase from 450 seconds [of specific impulse] to 500 seconds, that would have a huge impact on rocketry,” Isaac Silvera, the Thomas D. Cabot Professor of the Natural Sciences at Harvard University, told Inverse by phone. “If you can trigger metallic hydrogen to recover to the molecular phase, [the energy release] calculated for that is 1700 seconds.”
Metallic hydrogen could potentially enable rockets to get into orbit in a single stage, even allowing humans to explore the outer planets. Metallic hydrogen is predicted to be “metastable” — meaning if you make it at a very high pressure then release it, it’ll stay at that pressure. A diamond, for example, is a metastable form of graphite. If you take graphite, pressurize it, then heat it, it becomes a diamond; if you take the pressure off, it’s still a diamond. But if you heat it again, it will revert back to graphite.
Scientists first theorized atomic metallic hydrogen a century ago. Silvera, who created the substance along with post-doctoral fellow Ranga Dias, has been chasing it since 1982 and working as a professor of physics at the University of Amsterdam.
Metallic hydrogen has also been predicted to be a high- or possibly room-temperature superconductor. There are no other known room-temperature superconductors in existence, meaning the applications are immense — particularly for the electric grid, which suffers for energy lost through heat dissipation. It could also facilitate magnetic levitation for futuristic high-speed trains; substantially improve performance of electric cars; and revolutionize the way energy is produced and stored.
But that’s all still likely a couple of decades off. The next step in terms of practical application is to determine if metallic hydrogen is indeed metastable. Right now Silvera has a very small quantity. If the substance does turn out to be metastable, it might be used to create room-temperature crystal and — by spraying atomic hydrogen onto the surface —use it like a seed to grow more, the way synthetic diamonds are made.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Ancient Egypt and Aliens - Forbidden Archaeology!
Ancient Egypt and Aliens - Forbidden Archaeology!
Published on Jan 30, 2017
Egyptian Archaeologist Admits That Pyramids Contain UFO Technology Actually ancient Egyptian writings very often talk of beings from the sky, the sky opening and bright lights coming down to teach them technology and give them wisdom. Many pictures and symbols resemble UFOs and aliens. POSSIBLY aliens built the Great Pyramid. And these solid long lasting construction techniques were adopted by the Egyptians. Ancient Egyptian legends tell of Tep Zepi, or the “first time”. This is described as an age when “sky gods” came down to Earth and raised the land from mud and water. They supposedly flew through the air in flying “boats” and brought laws and wisdom to man through a royal line of Pharaohs.
De aarde heeft al heel wat natuurrampen moeten doorstaan, van een meteorietenregen die het einde betekende voor de dinosaurussen tot tsunami's die bijna kernrampen ontketenden. Toch blijft de kleine blauwe bol ondanks al die tegenslag intact tot op heden. En hopelijk blijft dat zo. Maar mocht een van deze vijf rampen de aarde treffen, dan is het waarschijnlijk gedaan met het leven op aarde.
Astronoom Daniel Brown van de Nottingham Trent University legt aan nieuwssite The Conversation uit hoe het leven op aarde in één klap kan worden weggevaagd. Hij haalt vijf rampen aan die elk fataal zouden kunnen zijn.
Asteroïden betekenden het einde van de dinosaurussen, dus zouden ze ook het einde kunnen inluiden van de mensheid. Technologieën om toekomstige inslagen te vermijden, staan momenteel nog in de kinderschoenen, dus zijn we tegen grote asteroïden kansloos. Hoewel ze niet noodzakelijk de aarde zouden vernietigen, zouden ze wel verwoestende natuurrampen als tsunami's, aardbevingen en branden ontketenen.
We weten zeker dat de zon over 7,72 miljard jaar sowieso een einde zal maken aan het leven op aarde, als we dan al niet zijn uitgeroeid door een andere ramp. Over 7,72 miljard jaar zal de zon haar buitenste atmosfeer afscheiden om een planetaire nevel te vormen. Dat fenomeen zou het leven op aarde uitroeien, maar zover zal het nooit komen omdat de mensheid dan al van de aarde verdwenen zal zijn.
Naarmate de zon ouder wordt, zal ze afkoelen en groeien. Uiteindelijk zal ze zo groot zijn geworden dat ze Mercurius en Venus volledig zal inpalmen. De aarde blijft dan wel voorlopig buiten schot, maar de supersterke zonnevlammen zullen de aarde vertragen. Over 7,59 miljard jaar zal de aarde ergens rond een gigantische zon draaien en zal er geen leven meer mogelijk zijn.
3. Gammastralen
Een uitbarsting van gammastralen, die energie bundelt in een dunne straal, is zo krachtig dat ze de ozonlaag onherroepelijk zou beschadigen. Mocht de ozonlaag worden getroffen door een dergelijke energie-uitbarsting, dan zouden we worden blootgesteld aan UV-straling.
Een uitbarsting van gammastralen kan worden veroorzaakt door twee sterren die rond eenzelfde punt draaien of door ontploffende sterren, beter bekend als supernova's. Astronomen hebben een sterrenstelsel (WR 104) ontdekt dat een gevaarlijke uitbarsting zou kunnen veroorzaken. WR 104 is tussen 5.200 en 7.500 lichtjaren verwijderd van de aarde, wat onvoldoende is om geen risico te vormen.
Het is een raadsel wannneer het sterrenstelsel een uitbarsting zal veroorzaken, maar het is ook perfect mogelijk dat de fatale straal de aarde volledig mist.
Wanneer een ster haar levenseinde heeft bereikt, gaat dat gepaard met een explosie. Dat fenomeen wordt een supernova genoemd. Elke eeuw vinden één of twee supernova's plaats in onze melkweg en gelukkig komen ze vooral voor nabij het compacte centrum van de melkweg. Omdat de aarde ongeveer twee derden van het centrum verwijderd is, lijkt de kan gering dat een supernova ons ooit zal vernietigen.
De ster Betelgeuze vormt nog het grootste gevaar voor de aarde. De ster is aan het einde van haar leven en kan dus nu een supernova veroorzaken. Maar voor hetzelfde geld blijft de ster nog een miljoen jaar intact. Betelgeuze bevindt zich in de Orion-constellatie, 'slechts' 450 à 650 lichtjaren van hier. Omdat een supernova pas gevaarlijk kan zijn vanop 50 lichtjaren, hoeven we ons om Betelgeuze geen zorgen te maken.
Een bewegende ster die zich door de melkweg begeeft, kan zo dicht bij onze zon komen dat ze in contact komt met de zogenaamde 'Oortwolk' aan de rand van ons zonnestelsel. De Oortwolk is de bron van onze kometen, dus zorgt een verstoring er mogelijk voor dat een monsterkomeet op de aarde afstevent.
De zon, ook een ster, begeeft zich ook door de melkweg en neemt zo de aarde mee. Momenteel bevinden we ons in een minder compacte bubbel die werd gecreëerd door een supernova, dus we hoeven niet al te veel problemen te verwachten. Wanneer we deze veilige regio verlaten over 20.000 à 50.000 jaar, zal de aarde gevoeliger worden voor veranderingen. Mogelijk zal het klimaat dan zodanig opwarmen dat het voor de mensheid moeilijk, zo niet onmogelijk, wordt om te overleven.
Deze vijf rampen betekenen ooit misschien het einde van het leven op aarde, maar het ziet er niet meteen naar uit dat we snel met een van deze rampen te maken zullen krijgen.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Als je geïnteresseerd bent in het UFO fenomeen en buitenaardse zaken, dan is waarschijnlijk Mexico het beste land om te wonen.
Ook nu is er weer druk verkeer bij de vulkanen, waar net zoals in 2012 een object de Popocatépetl vulkaan in duikt en waar UFO’s nieuwsgierig zijn naar de muur van Donald Trump.
Eind oktober 2012 staat de hele wereld verbaasd te kijken naar een programma van de Mexicaanse televisie, waarin te zien is hoe een sigaarvormige UFO met grote snelheid de bekende Popocatépetl vulkaan in Mexico in schiet.
Tot op de dag van vandaag heeft nog nooit iemand hier een “logische verklaring” voor kunnen bedenken.
Het ging om de volgende opname.
Enkele weken geleden, op 21 december 2016, wordt er weer iets dergelijks door een webcam geregistreerd.
Wederom een sigaarvormig object dat linea recta de vulkaan lijkt in te duiken.
Omdat de webcam waarmee deze opname is gemaakt, maar een beperkt aantal beelden per minuut maakt, is het hele traject van dit object niet goed te volgen. Van de beelden die er wel zijn, lijkt het heel veel op het object dat in 2012 dezelfde vulkaan binnen schoot.
Dan komt er een hele bijzondere opname tevoorschijn van een vulkaan in Mexico, eveneens afkomstig van de webcams en vastgelegd door de inmiddels bekende Streetcap1.
Wat er niet bij staat is om welke Mexicaanse vulkaan het gaat, maar de opname is er niet minder mooi door.
Je ziet in de verte eerst een klein licht vertrekken van de top van de vulkaan dat allengs dichterbij komt omdat het in de richting van de camera vliegt. Dan opeens wordt het een stuk groter en feller totdat het boven in uit beeld verdwijnt.
Hierna volgt de video-opname en daarbij zie je rechtsboven de datum en tijd. De klok houdt de uren, minuten en seconden bij. Als je ziet in wat voor korte tijd dit licht de afstand aflegt van de vulkaan totdat het boven de camera uit beeld verdwijnt, dan weet je dat het niet een planeet of iets dergelijks kan zijn, omdat die nooit die afstand in zo’n korte tijd kunnen overbruggen. Ook vertoont het geen enkele overeenkomst met een vliegtuig, helikopter of drone.
Mexico, het land waar je over de weg kunt rijden om ineens boven je hoofd een bizarre wolk te ontdekken.
Een speling van de natuur of toch iets anders…. Zeker in Mexico kun je van alles verwachten op het gebied van buitengewone waarnemingen die allemaal wijzen naar buitenaardsen die meerdere bases hebben in dit land.
Dan, enkele dagen geleden bij de inmiddels beroemde grensovergang naar Amerika, aan de Mexicaanse kant bij Tijuana.
Iets dat wordt omschreven als een vloot UFO’s die door talloze mensen wordt waargenomen, inclusief de grenswachten die allen met hun mobiele telefoon proberen opnames te maken.
Een Mexicaanse dame plaatste de beelden op Instagram, waar ze na enkele uren worden verwijderd. Gelukkig heeft Secureteam de beelden bewaard en zijn ze te zien in de volgende video.
UFO Photographs at Kozakai-Cho, Japan, June 22, 1977, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Photographs at Kozakai-Cho, Japan, June 22, 1977, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: June 22, 1977 Location of sighting: Kozakai-Cho, Japan Open Minds recently released a video about a sighting back in 1977 from Japan. The photos are magnificent and the description detailed. Not only did he see the object hovering over the building, but he parked his car so he could take pictures. A sight to see. Scott C. Waring Report states: Around 11:30am, on June 22, 1977, thirty-nine-year-old Yukio Ishida was driving along the bank of the Toyokawa Canal in Kozakai-Cho, Aichi Prefecture, when he noticed a strange object flying above a building alongside the canal. He stopped his car and proceeded to capture a sequence of six shots using a Canon F-1 camera with a 55mm lens. According to a report published by editor Hachiro Kubota in the Japanese periodical UFOs and Space “the circular craft was silvery metallic in the center with a greenish metallic flange around it and the center on top was raised into a dome.” After the UFO left the scene. Mr. Ishida sat in his car for a few minutes before continuing his drive. Shortly thereafter he noticed the object again, this time over some power lines and shot the remaining four photos. It was also reported that many witnesses observed a flying disc over nearby Aichi High School.
10 Most Compelling Pieces Of Evidence That Prove Time Travel Exists, Video, UFO Sighting News.
10 Most Compelling Pieces Of Evidence That Prove Time Travel Exists, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Video by Lutch Green of Youtube. Since aliens exist and UFOs are seen hundreds of times daily around the world, and the closest Earth like planet is Proxima b at 4 light years away, then time travel must be real. You see, aliens wont spend 4 years traveling at light speed to get here. Instead they will spend several minutes to travel here. So if they travel faster than light speed, they are also traveling through time. So UFOs not only travel through space, but also time. They can be used as time machines to travel to selected moments in history of any planet anywhere in the universe. Watch the video, and see what you think. Scott C. Waring
UFO Over London Near Passenger Jet, Nov 9, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Over London Near Passenger Jet, Nov 9, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: November 9, 2016
Location of sighting: London, England
News source: MUFON #81809
This just came in MUFON a few hours ago. A passenger jet and a UFO came very close to each other. Something very noteworthy is that the planes left no chem trails at the beginning, but after the UFO shot away, the temperature may have changed and the chem trails became more visible.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
I had just gone out to take photos for desktop wallpaper, using a Fujifilm X-T1 and XF16-55mm f2.8 zoom lens. I noticed the object within 30 metres of leaving home and resorted quickly to manual focus and aperture at 55mm (longest focal length) between f5.6 and f8, trying to zone focus. The wind was about 3 kts gusting 7 kts from around 190 degrees; the object moved almost orthogonally to the wind, heading arround 300 to 330 degrees and varying in altitude. It had a very smooth motion. Towards the end of this sighting the object appeared to occult, although it was quite far away and increasingly difficult to see. While I was changing lenses to a 55-200mm, it rose in the distance and disappeared. Oddly, every high-altitude aircraft in that vicinity started to leave persistent contrails thereafter, as if there had been an ambient temperature change. Two "best shots" are attached, both heavy crops. The A/C in photo 2 is on the "S" curve to the Heathrow flightpath and at that point is at 4000 - 5000 feet up.
UFO caught on tape over Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK – December 2016
UFO caught on tape over Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK – December 2016
This UFO video was filmed on 20th December 2016 over Salisbury in Wiltshire, UK.
Witness report:
Pulsing light in sky there for 5-6 hrs. I was standing at my back doors and ofton look at sky it was around 2.30 in afternoon, i saw a bright star looking shape in the sky first of all i thoightit was a plane i walked back inside then an hour later i went for a cog and the light caught my eye again it seemed to be pulsating but seemed so far away it moved very slowley around the sky but not in a triangle shape i made a video on my phone and uploaded as it got darker a strange red cloud cover started to appear and the object as getting bigger disapperared but not big enough to see
UFO Sighting Video – Donut-Like Spinning UFO Hovers Above New Zealand
UFO Sighting Video – Donut-Like Spinning UFO Hovers Above New Zealand
A teenager may have captured an unknown airborne object on camera after recording a video of a strange spinning disc in the night sky.
An amazing video of the UFO sighting seems to show the object in question floating in a night sky while spinning in the same spot.
The 16-year-old Josh Marshall recorded the video using his phone on Wednesday night.
He claimed that the strange incident just took place while he was at a house of his friend in New Zealand. The amateur videographer can be heard in the background telling someone on the video that the UFO seems to have a hole in the middle.
Josh believes that it is not a plane, not a satellite, and not a star, but he can’t tell exactly what the thing is. He reportedly observed the UFO had hovered for at least 40 minutes in the sky before it vanished behind clouds.
Adding to the mystery, Josh said that stars looked to move around the UFO. He recorded the mysterious aerial thing on video in northwest part of his friend’s house in Blenheim, New Zealand’s South Island. He estimated it to be above the suburb of Springlands.
John Homes, a member of Wellington Astrological Society, said he would have identified it as Venus if not for the dark hole in the middle.
Bright Orb UFO Breaks Apart and Assembles Into One Again
Bright Orb UFO Breaks Apart and Assembles Into One Again
A man in Lake County, Illinois spotted a strange UFO that looked like a bright light hovering in the night sky. Adding to the mystery, the UFO reportedly broke apart into five different orbs before forming into a large craft again. Some alien hunters believe the unidentified flying object is not an ordinary star or light.
The witness reported the sighting to Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). According to the report, the witness saw a bright glowing light, which he initially thought to be a bright planet. However, the UFO started moving to the right side of the witness, who believed this time that it was too huge to be a satellite. The witness included a video in his report of the apparent UFO from a distance.
The witness zoomed in his camera and observed the object from it. Moments later, the object mysteriously broke apart into five orbs and reassembled again into one large sphere. The witness then noticed an orb detached itself, went left of the giant ball and disappeared. The witness claimed that the object was in his sight for approximately 2 hours before it slowly disappeared behind the tree line.
MUFON investigator James Wolford said that the UFO sighting was an incredible event. He stated that the behavior and complex structure of the UFO could rule out natural phenomena. He further speculated that the technology being used in the orb might be more advanced than any human-made constructions.
Filer’s Files #5 -2017 Underground Alien Signals - PART I
Disc was photographed over Sutherland Springs
Filer’s Files #5 -2017 Underground Alien Signals - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Dr. Bruce Cornet Underground Alien Signals, CIA Releases 43 Million Pages of Declassified Documents, and Is Russia Our New Ally?
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Texas, and Washington D.C.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a m
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Dr. Bruce Cornet writes about his evidence For An Underground Magnetic Focusing System An Entombed Triangular Alien Robotic Probe in Pine Bush, New York. Large numbers of alien craft have been sighted in Southern New York with hundreds of people going to view the anomalies. Dr. Cornet tried to find the significance of the UFO Corridor not far from Stewart Air Force Base. Dr. Ellen Crystall claims in her 1991 book, Silent Invasion, that she detected evidence for an underground alien base near Pine Bush, NY.
George Filer and Dr. Bruce Cornet on my TV show “UFO Investigations”
In 1992, I began a three year, 24 square mile, magnetic mapping project in the Wallkill River Valley of New York in order to test her hypothesis. Magnetic measurements were made at 1,800 locations or stations within the mapping area. Several maps were generated which show underground geologic features, and various types of magnetic anomalies. Some of these anomalies appear to be unnatural and technologically based.
The magnetic map that I generated for Orange and Ulster counties is displayed below. It shows the distribution of over 15 magnetic anomalies distributed along the axis of the valley. These anomalies are buried and most are not visible at the surface. They represent iron-rich granite and metavolcanic rocks that were part of an ancient island system or archipelago. Mt. Adam and Mt. Eve are a major exception to the south between Pine Island and Warwick, NY. This is a panoramic shot of the area along the Wallkill River where the anomalies occur.
The ancient pyramid like structures of Mt, Adam and Mt. Eve have been nearly completely exposed due to erosion of surrounding softer shales. One island in the mapped area is represented by a magnetic anomaly, and is not completely buried. It is located at the northern end of Red Top road, due west of the City of Wallkill. Brown, weathered metavolcanic rock pokes up through a sea of surrounding black Ordovician shale (Austin Glenn Formation). Prospecting pits in that rock are still visible, and were areas where iron ore was probably being sought.
It became clear during my initial geologic investigation that these islands were being identified on the magnetic map below as magnetic anomalies. Most of these anomalies are stationary, meaning their magnetic values do not change. As my research on UFOs in the valley continued, and after I had made my first map of magnetic anomalies in that 24 square mile area, I realized that most if not all sightings of craft at night were occurring directly over or near those magnetic anomalies.
The thought that the Visitors were using natural underground magnetic anomalies to disguise their technology underground was my first suspicion. That explanation would seem to confirm Ellen Crystall’s hypothesis of an underground base. As a geologist, I knew that the rocks causing the magnetic anomalies were of igneous origin, and as such would be much more competent and stronger structurally than the surrounding ancient marine shale’s, made up of claystone and siltstone. The ancient islands, if like the rocks exposed in Mt. Adam and Mt. Eve further south, were made up of granites and metamorphosed volcanic rocks, where the mineral crystals would be interlocked and much harder than clay minerals. Those islands would make better areas for underground bases, which could be carved out and excavated, forming underground caves. Crystall provides evidence for digging activity in the woods, which supports her idea of underground tunnels and caverns. It was not until I discovered the underground alien probe beneath the Beth Hillel Jewish Cemetery that an alternative explanation came to light. Because that probe was sending three magnetic beam signals out into space, I was able to locate with my magnetometer exactly here those beams were located when they came out of the ground. A triangular array of three similar beams defined the triangular shape and size of that buried object. Because that probe was resting on top of a larger and more extensive magnetic anomaly, the possibility of the signals coming from an ancient alien probe that had landed on an island when this area was an ocean seemed more reasonable than underground activity coming from tunnels and caverns. And the question of why the signals could only be detected when the Constellation Booties was overhead had to be explained.
As initial or early questions were answered, more questions arose as a consequence of this discovery:
1) Why would the Visitors be sending signals out into space from underground when they could exit their underground base and transmit through our atmosphere?
2) How could magnetic beams pass through solid rock if the probe was entombed in black marine shale?
3) Were there other energy beams coming out of the ground that were not magnetic, but which other people had observed when they generated light?
4) Were other areas where I detected similar signals coming out of the ground nearby also coming from alien probes that had landed on other islands of this ancient archipelago?
5) What was the alien probe trying to signal or communicate with out in space?
6) Could these signals be intercepted by other alien probes out in space, and that is why the area has attracted so many visitors coming to Earth to investigate the source of that signal? Was ET trying to call home?
7) How could these probes still be active and functioning after 420 million years after being entombed and even buried deeply at one time in the Earth’s crust?
Three notable anomalies have been observed over and around the triangular magnetic array:
1) A very large triangular craft was observed hovering directly over the array (and cemetery) one evening.
Image from Silent Invasion by Ellen Crystall (1991).
2) Strange sounds and rapid drops in air temperature have been reported at the cemetery and near the transmitter array.
a) The author has experienced such drops in temperature and popping sound (cf. vacuum seal being broken) coming from the magnetic transmitter located at the cemetery entrance.
b) Sue Mann reported feeling vibrations and a distinct humming coming out of the ground within the cemetery one night.
c) Plants and animals have grown or behaved strangely in and around the cemetery and magnetic sources – including plants that grew downwards and towards one source, and worms/insects that allegedly glowed at night.
3) The ground around the magnetic source array is sometimes unusually warm – enough so that it rapidly melted snow banks only along the road in front of the cemetery.
4) Witnesses (Phil and Lynn Martin) observed a tracking beam of light arising from between the three magnetic sources, which tracked a low flying commercial airliner as it passed over the cemetery, and then disappeared as quickly as it appeared. 5) Strange sounds and rapid drops in air temperature have been reported at the cemetery and near the transmitter array.
a) The author has experienced such drops in temperature and popping sound (cf. vacuum seal being broken) coming from the magnetic transmitter located at the cemetery entrance.
6) Sue Mann reported feeling vibrations and a distinct humming coming out of the ground within the cemetery one night.
Animals have grown or behaved strangely in and around the cemetery and magnetic sources – including plants that grew downwards and towards one source, and worms/insects that allegedly glowed at night.
Scot L. Stride, engineer for JPL in Pasadena, CA, raised some important points when I shared my discoveries with him. Scot designed and engineered the telecommunication system for the first Mars Rover, so he was very experienced in electromagnetic signals. As far as being a signal, for it to transmit into space it needs to be electromagnetic. The SETI definition of signal is a very narrow-band (1 Hz or less) CW signal detected at any given microwave frequency. Pulsed magnetic fields can be used to focus particle beams and electromagnetic fields, and that theory is certainly more plausible than a magnetic transmitter. The strength of the signals detected implies artificiality more than regular pulses or geographic spacing. The three equilaterally spaced magnetic sources could be part of a beam focusing system. With three magnets, a beam of charged particles can be steered and pointed into space. Four or more magnets could be used, but controlling them gets complicated. Thanks to Bruce Cornet for providing evidence of an alien or ancient civilization.
CIA Releases 43 Million Pages of Declassified Documents
About 13 million pages of declassified documents from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have been released online.
The records include UFO sightings and psychic experiments from the Stargate programme, which has long been of interest to conspiracy theorists.
The move came after lengthy efforts from freedom of information advocates and a lawsuit against the CIA.
The full archive is made up of almost 800,000 files.
Take a Peek Into Our “X-Files”
The CIA declassified hundreds of documents in 1978 detailing the Agency’s investigations into Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). The documents date primarily from the late 1940s and 1950s.
To help navigate the vast amount of data contained in our FOIA UFO collection, we’ve decided to highlight a few documents both skeptics and believers will find interesting. Below you will find five documents we think X-Files character Agent Fox Mulder would love to use to try and persuade others of the existence of extraterrestrial activity. We also pulled five documents we think his skeptical partner, Agent Dana Scully, could use to prove there is a scientific explanation for UFO sightings.
The truth is out there; click on the links to find it.
Top 5 CIA Documents Mulder Would Love To Get His Hands On:
While many of the reports have sensitive information blacked out, there is still a surprising amount of detail that outlines events, locations and people.
Little grey men
UFO conspiracy theorists have long held that governments around the world are covering up evidence of the existence of aliens and UFOs, and even collaborating in secret with beings from another planet. While the declassified CIA documents don’t provide any definitive evidence of alien encounters or alliances, they do show the very real acknowledgement that UFOs were a source of concern. Since 1947, approximately 1500 official reports of sightings have been received and, of these about 20% remain unexplained. Ignoring the 17 years since that report, that’s 300 events a government agency with an annual budget of around $15 billion is unable to explain.
The US was an ally of Russia in World War II. Russia is bombing effectively in the fight against Islamic terrorism and allegedly against alien intervention. It now seems likely, President Trump is going to prioritize more cooperative relations with Russia and even coordinate to fight jihadists in Syria.
Capitalist Russia is not the Soviet Union. It has no ideological reason to want to expand its territory. Neither is it Nazi Germany, with a clear need to expand into Eastern Europe in order to feed its large and expanding population. Don’t forget that Russia, with a relatively small population, already controls a vast territory with 11 time zones, has lots of oil and gas, and is now a net exporter of wheat.
Vladimir Putin became the second and fourth President of the Russian Federation, holding the office since 7 May 2012. Born in Saint Petersburg, Putin studied German at Saint Petersburg High School 281, and speaks fluent German. He then studied law at the Saint Petersburg State University, graduating in 1975. Putin was a KGB foreign intelligence officer for 16 years, rising to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel before retiring in 1991. He became a strong Christian realizing the chief failure of Communism. It is obvious his beliefs would not allow him to be taunted by Hillary Clinton who supported the Sunni Muslim over throw of President Assad in Syria. The average Russian feels World War III would have occurred if Hillary Clinton was elected. NATO and US forces virtually surround Russia, and Hillary stated if she was elected she would stop the Russians from bombing in Syria.
Putin’s annexation of Crimea was a special case, given that it was part of Russia for 161 years. In Ukrainebecame part of the Soviet Union in 1922 and declared it was a separate nation in 1991, along with the Autonomous Republic of Crimea with Sevastopol having its own administration, within Ukraine but outside of the Autonomous Republic. The ex-Soviet Black Sea Fleet and its facilities were divided between Russia’s and the Ukrainian Naval Forces.
The Russian military needed a southern port for its Black Sea Fleet and the strategic importance of the Crimean peninsula to the Russians was of utmost importance. Crimea and Sevastopol are populated by 60% Russians.
Since the Russians have escalation dominance in that theater, then why did Hillary Clinton’s State Department (specifically her neo-Con protégé Nuland) spend $5 billion destabilizing Ukraine by sponsoring a violent coup against a elected government? Spearheaded by Banderite neo-Nazis? Hillary has taken harsh rhetoric against Russia that has been repeated in the news media. With the political upheaval in Ukraine and poor economy, Putin felt it was time to get the port back and , Crimean’s voted 97% for secession and annexation and it ruling Supreme Council of Crimea voted overwhelmingly to join Russia.
On 19 December, the UN General Assembly 70 countries adopted a resolution to recognize Russia as an occupying power of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol – as occupied territory while 28 nations voted against it. The Russians have the Naval Port they needed and part of the Ukraine to get to the port from Russia.
It’s hard to understand why the Russian Federation would want to start a war with NATO in order to overrun Poland or the Baltic States. It makes no sense. They are primarily concerned about their own security, given that NATO has expanded into Eastern Europe, and has now placed their forces within 85 miles of St. Petersburg. Obama has sent an Armored Brigade with 250 tanks to Poland seeming to want to poke the bear.
Thanks to Air Force Association
Our ABM systems don’t help either. They are clearly intended to give NATO an eventual first strike capability against Russia. Unless we actually want to get into a shooting war with Russia, which is likely to quickly go nuclear, we clearly need a new security system for Europe that can accommodate legitimate Russian security concerns — instead of poking the bear. If we don’t want a war with Russia in Europe which we might well lose its better to attempt to continue to work together has we do in space. It costs Staxpayers about $75 million for every ride on a Soyuz rocket to the spacestation. Under the new contract, that will rise to nearly $82 million in 2018, according to NASA. We’ll pay the new price, of course, because in the absence of a Space Shuttle program, or any U.S. rocketships certified to carry astronauts into orbit, we really have no choice. Meanwhile, ISS is up there. It cost us more than $100 billion to build it.
Russian strategic missiles can wipe out all our major cities in 30 minutes, and we have no effective defense. I can only understand the impulse to constantly provoke the Russians and back them into a corner as a kind of collective death wish.
According to NATO’s Assistant Secretary General for Defense Investment Patrick Auroy, the NATO’s theatre missile defense contract will be a major technical milestone for an integrated air and missile defense (IAMD) capability. Of course most of the NATO countries have not lived up to their promise to pay their fair share for defense.
Russia has 60 submarines and the new Borei Class is a Russian fourth-generation nuclear-powered missile submarine. It is intended to eventually replace the ageing Delta III and Typhoon Class submarines and become an important deterrent for the Russian Navy. It is the first class of submarines developed by Russia since the Soviet era using the (SLBM) Bulava (SS-NX-30) missile, Four submarines are currently operational and have capabilities that can likely slip through our anti submarine patrols.
Borei Class Submarine
The missile is 12.1 meters long and has a diameter of 2.1 meters (including the launch container). It weighs a total of 36.8 metric tons and is capable of carrying six to ten re-entry vehicles with a yield of 100kt-150 kilotons each. The improved versions of the Borei Class submarines may carry 20 missiles. The submarine also carries six of the SS-N-15 missiles. Each SS-N-15 is a 533mm caliber anti-ship missile that has a range of 45km and is capable of being fitted with a 20 kt warhead or a type 40 torpedo.
It is thought the submarine can operate at depths in the ocean are too deep for standard detection methods and could operate undetected by anti-submarine forces. Theoretically the four subs could launch 80 missiles with six to ten re-entry vehicles each or 480 warheads virtually wiping out all east coast cities and military facilities.
Make no mistake: Experts agree that the U.S. military’s globe-spanning conventional force and NATO would clobber the Russian military in any toe-to-toe conventional fight. But modern wars are not toe-to-toe conventional fights; geography, politics and terrain inevitably give one side an advantage.
Today, the U.S. spends nearly 10 times more than Russia on national defense. The U.S. operates 10 aircraft carriers; Russia has just one. And the U.S. military maintains a broad technological edge and a vastly superior ability to project power around the world. Russia is now developing some key technologies, new fighting tactics and a brazen geopolitical strategy that is aggressively undermining America’s 25-year claim to being the only truly global superpower. The result: Russia is unexpectedly re-emerging as America’s chief military rival. Russia has 7,700 nuclear warheads versus 7100 for the US. The first nation to launch has an advantage with EMP that can wipe out computers, satellites, and communications.
“Russia has the potential to generate superior forces,” said David Ochmanek, a former Pentagon official who is now a defense analyst at the RAND Corp. “And looming over the entire U.S.-Russian relationship are their nuclear arsenals. Russia has preserved, even modernized, its own “triad” with nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles, a large fleet of long-range strike aircraft and increasingly sophisticated nuclear-armed submarines.“The Russian defense industry is being rebuilt from ruins,” said Vadim Kozyulin, a military expert at the Moscow-based PIR Center, a think tank. “The military balance can only be ensured by Russia’s nuclear might, which isn’t as expensive to maintain as many people think.”
While Russia’s conventional forces are less impressive than its nuclear forces, there are specific conventional areas where the Russians excel — among them aircraft, air defenses, submarines, and electronic warfare. hey pretty much invented the idea of “integrated air defenses” with different weapons systems engaging attackers at different distances.
The Soviet-era weapons design bureaus remain prominent internationally. Russia’s aerospace industry, for example, has benefited greatly from international exports to non-Western nations, which go to Russia to buy effective fighter jets that are cheaper than their Western variants. China today spends more on defense annually than Russia, but still imports platforms and advanced weaponry from Russia.
S 400 Triumf Air Defense System We have unconfirmed reports the Triumf Missiles were able to down a UFO.
Attempting side-by-side comparisons of the U.S. and Russian militaries is a bit like comparing apples to oranges, many experts say; the Russians have distinctly different strategic goals, and their military structure reflects that. Russia views itself as a land-based power, exerting influence in a sphere expanding outward from its Eurasian heartland into Eastern Europe, Central Asia and possibly the Middle East and Pacific rim. Its airspace also is heavily fortified. Russia has cutting-edge anti-stealth systems, and also has invested heavily in robust surface-to-air missile systems, and arrayed its forces domestically to protect its border regions.
“The static airpower picture would favor the Russians because they have a lot of capability in terms of air defense and a variety of tactical and cruise and ballistic missiles,” said Paul Schwartz, a Russian military analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Russia’s electronic warfare capability is also daunting to Pentagon military planners; left unclear is the extent to which Russia could jam the radars and signals intelligence that forms the foundation of the U.S.’s advanced air power. Any attempt by the U.S. and its allies to infiltrate Russian air space “would not necessarily be easy,” Schwartz said. “It would be a contested environment. But over time I think we would be able to degrade it. The problem is, with a nuclear power, you try to avoid a full-scale fighting.”
Meanwhile, the Russian army, still predominantly a conscripted force, is being transitioned to an American-style professional force. About one third is outfitted with top-notch gear, including the Armata T-14 Main Battle Tanks. In sum, the Russian military is not the equal of the U.S. conventional military forces, but just getting U.S. forces to the European battlefield would take a momentous effort. But the gap has narrowed in recent years.
Russia has deployed a number of Su-30 fighters to Syria, aircraft that are capable of striking ground targets as well as those in the air. Photo Credit: Pavel Golovkin/AP
Russian air strikes against ISIS started on September 30, and according to President Bashar al-Assad have been very effective.
In an attempt to defend Christians in the Middle East and other parts of the world where they’re being persecuted, Pope Francis asked Russian President Vladimir Putin for help. President Vladimir Putin declared Russian intervention was necessary for the defeat of ISIS and moved aircraft into Syria. Assad has praised Russia in coming to his aid while criticizing the United States for emboldening ISIS in his country. The reason many Christians in Syria support Assad is because he has vowed to protect them from ISIS and other jihadists. By Middle Eastern standards, the Assad regime, including his father’s tenure as president, have treated Christians fairly. If ISIS takes over they will likely slaughter all Christians and is one of the reasons Putin a Christian decided to fight for Assad. Assad gave permission for Russia to conduct strikes in Syria, but claims the US is bombing in Syria without his permission. Assad felt Russia is very effective in its strikes, but the US air strikes are ineffective.
The new forward operating bases in Syria will give Russia the capability to fly combat air sorties, intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance missions and drones across the Middle East. Assad welcomed the Russians to assist in the fight against the Islamic State and other terrorists who started a civil war in Syria after Assad had refused to allow a pipeline through Syria.
The base will help secure Russia’s longtime naval support facility at the Syrian port of Tarus, a key to the Russian military’s ability to maintain and project power into the Mediterranean. Russia reportedly is expanding its footprint at the Tarus facility.
More broadly, Moscow is signaling a long-term interest in extending its umbrella of anti-access area denial capabilities into the Middle East. The Russians reportedly are shipping some of their most advanced surface-to-air missile systems into Latakia, raising concerns inside the Pentagon because that move runs counter to Russia’s claims of limiting the focus of its military activities to Syrian rebel groups like the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL.
Digital Globe January19, 2017 satellite photo of Russian SU 24 Fencer Bombers
“We see some very sophisticated air defenses going into those airfields, we see some very sophisticated air-to-air aircraft going into these airfields,” In effect, the Russians could challenge the air superiority maintained — even taken for granted — by the U.S. over large swaths the Middle East for more than 20 years. Experts inside Russia believe the incursion into Syria; signal his long-term interest in becoming a key player in the region.
Bullying Christians may be a favorite strategy of the left and the news media, but it’s not necessarily an effective one as the results of election indicates. Every night on the national news they conduct propaganda against the new administration. The new president will likely move ahead with plans to arm Syrian Kurdish fighters battling the Islamic State in order to launch the long-awaited assault to retake Raqqa, the terrorist group’s de facto capital. So far Trump does not seem to be alerted to the alien threat, but he will likely be briefed in the near future.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files #5 -2017 Underground Alien Signals - PART II
Filer’s Files #5 -2017 Underground Alien Signals - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
Arizona Light
Phoenix — I took some pictures at night in April 2015.
They show a striking resemblance to the picture from New Jersey
(See attached from #3-2017). Also attached are some of my pictures. Love and Light, Dan
California Object
San Diego –These three fire like lights were just hovering inside a big rain cloud on January 23, 2017. You see half ways through that the one of the left starts to fade away or go into the horizon. My batteries were low on my cell phone but after this video a 4th light appeared to the right of the street lamp and the one that had disappeared re-appeared. This happened around 8:15pm Pacific Time.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Connecticut Light
Groton –
1) Getting out of my car. 2) Caught my attention because of how bright it was on January 26, 2017
3) Wasn’t sure until got the camera to zoom in. 4) Hovering circular shape. 5) A bit nervous. 6) Still there at the moment.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Lights
iPod started to turn off/glitch randomly and I felt uneasy like I was being watched on January 16th 2017, 2-3 pm. It was a nice day and I had my iPod with me to catch sunset shots later that day. I looked up and saw them and watched the objects for about 15 minutes. I ruled out planes although normal air traffic was still going on. It was silent so was not a loud drone. I realized that it was much farther away than first thought. It was at least 2/3 the size of a plane. I took video evidence and for a while was unsure weather it was worth reporting. My iPod had 100 percent full battery but as I was filming the low battery warning would keep popping up. I watched it for another 40 minutes. It disappeared off in the distance all the while at a constant speed while visible. He objects are white/grey and semi reflective cylinder/cigar shaped with a small spec of something on lower dead center.
Illinois Sight Sided Star-Burst Lights
Chicago– I saw an eight sided stationary star burst of lights with a center dot in the northern sky about on January 14, 2017. Green blue lines connected the dots. I took a photo, but the flash took the colors away. The phone camera showed an oblong and square bright light with no other lights showing that bright. It was weird. I am 62 and have never seen anything like it. My sighting was about 2 AM in the morning.
Response from Witness The starburst does not show up on the photos. I took 5 photos. Note: The witness thought the photo taken of a green object over Llano, CA on Jan 11, 2017 was similar. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
New Jersey Black Triangle
New Brunswick — At 7:10 AM, on January 19th, 2017, I was driving north on Route 1 in New Brunswick, NJ and approaching the Route 18N exit when I saw a large black triangle looking craft descending below the clouds and immediately begin to disappear. I estimate that object to be between ½ and ¾ of a mile away. The sighting lasted two seconds before it simply faded away.
The attached photo is an example of the type of clouds that were present when I observed the object. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Two Orange Glowing Lights
Long Island– On January 15, 2017, there were the clear skies looking north of Orion we saw the two orange glowing lights brighter than anything in the sky. They felt close and moving around each other fading in and out until one disappeared followed by the other one. They looked like stars, but with an orange glow they were closer.
Note: The images were extracted from a video. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
spotted two different objects while viewing a video of Mr. Trump’s flight to the White House from New York on January 20, shape object. Then later near the end of the video and black square one.
I took photos off my pc to show my UFO group. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Disc
Sutherland Springs— Witness was loading PVC pipe into the back of his pick-up parked at the diesel pump at the VP gas station / convenience store on Hwy 87 in. Witness was facing southeast when he first saw the object to the southeast on January 21, 2017. Its silver reflective color caught his attention in the mid day, bright sunlight. It was hovering 450 feet southeast of witness’s position, about 300-400 off the ground SE of Hwy 87. He describes the object as a silver disc about 8 – 10 feet in diameter. He did not see any markings dome, or lights, etc. From its hovering position it made an “erratic” sudden move to the south then ascended somewhat, tilted and moved off toward the northeast. Witness took out is cell phone and took four photos as the object. It was flying off as an extended arc, similar to skeet being launched on a gun range. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Note:The report is being submitted by a mufon field investigator and star team member (id# 18377.
Washington D.C. Object
D.C. — Watching the inauguration on Fox News Channel on January 20, 2017, at 1:50 pm. I saw what I first thought to be formation outline of Canada geese to right side of Washington Dome. This outline did not move although birds in a live shot of the Capital Dome flew and flags were blowing. Curiously I noticed the lower outline of a UFO. PLEASE go to Fox news and ask them for tape of inauguration and SEE for yourself. It was there until the newscast changed the picture to something else at approx. 2:05 PM. This was a total outline of a UFO stationary for at least 12 to 15 minutes. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Cylinder
Bellbowrie– The Ufo sighting of pill shaped red and white cylindrical object over Brisbane during full moon rising of October 16, 2016. The object was recorded on unmanned time-lapse video and later discovered upon viewing of the digital images from 559- 600. The Panasonic Lumix Fz1000 Bridge Camera with Leica zoom lens set to manual focus, mysteriously lost focus near the end of the recording, and then regained focus once the object had left the area. This object was descending on a steady flight path from left to right. It doesn’t appear to be a case of motion blur; rather an evenly halved red and white body. If it was an aircraft heading to Brisbane Airport, why then do I see it as a well lit, thick cylinder instead of just what I would normally see from a conventional aircraft? Also the object had a rounded curved shape. I was a professional photographer for over 30 years and have other sightings. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Flying Object
I looked out my bedroom window northwest and saw something hovering in the sky close to the horizon. We live on a hill and I saw a bit like a string with lights on it. It was moving a bit like a snake would, but it had lights on it in different colors. My brother was still up and I grabbed the camera. I told my brother to come look, that there was something floating in the air above my neighbor’s house. We ran outside and I took 4 photos and it was slowly moving and started to move away from us. It simply stopped in the air, seemed to spin around and then start to move and disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Germany Disc
Marloffstein– I was on a walk with friends in the nature on April 24, 2004, when I took the pictures. The day after by viewing the video there were some optical reflections that were too fast to be made by man. I never saw it, but my video camera got more than just nature by accident. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexico Sightings
I made a picture with a long exposure of telecom towers, 800 meters away from my house.
The exposure was for three minutes and I found these blue lights on the photo
I returned the next week and took another with the same parameters and this looked different as nothing appeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Jerez, Zacatecas — A friend took a picture of Eduardo Velaabd behind him on November 19, 2016, was this triangle shaped craft.
It seems to be something that was not seen when the picture was taken. The photo was taken in the Sierra De Los Cardos, Mexico. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Zealand Triangle
Martinborough— On the way home from Mums with my daughter in the car I noticed 5 birdlike objects drop from the sky on January 19, 2017. They turned showing their underside which was shining silver. They then flew off diagonally upwards towards the treetops. It was beautiful, precise and unearthly craft. I said to my daughter, “Whoa what was that?” She answered a second later, “Yeah what was that?” I said, “I thought it was birds at first”. She answered, “Aliens”. We laughed. Later I felt excited but a little unnerved.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Lights
Amersham— I watched the weirdest thing on a cold night here on January 16, 2017, as we had snow. I awoke strangely at around 2.00 Am and felt suddenly awake. I decided to go to the kitchen and have a cup of tea. When I saw our beautiful snow frosted garden I decided to go outside and have a quick look.
That’s when I spotted 7 strange lights in the sky that were quite far apart but like a complicated grid form. My First thought was they were planes, but they were completely silent and I quickly realized they were silently hovering. It was quite hard to judge their distance 1/4 – 1/2 mile? The two lowest, nearest ones were perfectly in line with each other just a mile apart. And above that right hand one was another one which seemed exactly up above it, albeit another half a mile above. Then there was another a mile in front of that at roughly the same height. There were also two more to the left of the first one. They looked like a giant diamond pendent off a woman’s necklace with jewels hanging down. One had a blue green flash. One was mostly yellow and one seemed orange and two white.
They just seemed to stay for ages. I don’t know what they were. I’ve never seen anything like it. I stayed watching for an hour but I was so tired I went to bed. Thanks to James
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have macular degeneration of my eyes so have trouble editing these files and need to hire more help. A donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Un phénomène nuageux rare dans le ciel suédois
Un phénomène nuageux rare dans le ciel suédois
J.Re. - L'Avenir
Ces nuages sont à l’origine de plusieurs légendes sur les OVNI.-Instagram/mimmidahlstrom
Un étrange nuage en forme d’OVNI a été observé jeudi dans le ciel suédois. Il s‘agit d’un phénomène rare formé par la réunion de trois ingrédients: l’humidité de l’air, le vent et la montagne.
Jeudi, les skieurs des centres Åre et Duved en Suède ont été nombreux à sortir leur smartphone pour immortaliser un étrange nuage stagnant au-dessus des deux stations. Un phénomène inhabituel que beaucoup ont comparé à un OVNI de part sa forme de soucoupe volante.
Ce nuage est en réalité ce qu’on appelle dans le jargon scientifique un «altocumulus lenticularis». Ces nuages d’ondes stationnaires se forment lorsque deux masses d’air se rencontrent, obligeant l’une des deux à passer au-dessus de l’autre, ou lorsque les courants aériens rencontrent un relief et sont obligés de s’élever. C’est pourquoi ce phénomène est généralement observé dans les régions montagneuses.
«L’aspect en lentille du nuage est dû au fait que le nuage se forme au sommet ou en aval des pics montagneux alors que l’onde ne permet pas à l’humidité de se condenser plus bas. Sa position stable est dûe à la présence de l’onde stationnaire qui elle dépend de la stabilité de l’air.»
SPOTTED: The unidentified couple reported the sighting to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
“We were about a mile from our house and I noticed a really bright light in the sky”
Female witness
UFO investigators are now looking into the incident which happened around 6.45pm in Santa Rosa, California, on Saturday.
The unidentified couple reported the sighting to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) – the world’s biggest organisation dedicated to UFO research.
The woman claimed the pair “could not comprehend what happened to them” in the report.
She said: “It was me and my boyfriend in the car.
HOTBED: There have been more than 50 UFO sightings in Santa Rosa since 2005
“We were about a mile from our house and I noticed a really bright light in the sky.
“I asked him ‘Woah is that a planet?’
“He said he didn't think so and it just started getting closer and closer.
“Before we knew it, it was flying directly over our car and it was so close we could see details underneath the craft.
“It has red and green blinking lights down the belly of the craft and was long, rectangular and wingless.”
More than 50 UFO sightings have been reported in Santa Rosa since 2005.
Wikileaks has released documents from a country’s PM claiming UFOs are real.
Prime Minister of Grenada Eric Gairy went to the United Nations (UN) to call for a international probe into UFO sightings and reports of alien life.
Documents detailing his appearence at the UN have now been released by Wikileaks.
The woman became convinced “it was some sort of missile”.
She said: “I couldn't believe what I was seeing and both of us still can’t comprehend what happened. We finished driving home and saw some police cars headed towards the direction of the scene.”
It was then that the plane became involved, she said.
She added: “When we got home we could still see the craft hovering in the sky from our house.
“It seemed to go back up higher in the sky. It hovered in the same spot for about 10 minutes, then it started going back in the direction it initially came from.
“While it was hovering we captured a video. It was really high up in the sky at this point.
“It slowly started getting higher in the sky and further away.
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CIA declassify UFO documents: The truckloads of information will now help alien hunters
CIA declassify UFO documents: The truckloads of information will now help alien hunters
By Debkumar Mitra
What a way to begin the year for unidentified flying object (UFO) enthusiasts. Finally, they have truckloads of declassified Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) documents with which to face the naysayers.
Along with scientists of the Seti (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) Institute, flying saucer lovers believe we aren’t alone in the universe. The crucial difference between the two groups is that the latter believe that aliens have been visiting us regularly — some actually having ‘met’ the visitors — while the scientists don’t accept the UFO argument even with barrels of salt.
Often, the ‘scientific’ ET-trackers have been accused by UFOlogists that their Seti research is keeping the truth away in databanks. The Project Blue Book of the CIA, which monitored alien activity and recorded all ‘encounters’, was a closely guarded secret which aroused much suspicion. Despite many announcements by the US government debunking UFO conspiracy theories, the CIA was not let off the hook by conspiracy theorists. The recently declassified documents may ‘prove’ the flying saucer clubs right. There are indeed several ‘incidents’ that the CIA could not ‘explain’.
One such report documents a UFO spotted by two police officers patrolling the Lithuanian border on June 26, 1996. “Vehicleloads of soldiers from the ARAS rapid reaction force, sniffer dogs and police reinforcements immediately arrived on the scene of the emergency,” read an ITAR-TASS report that’s part of the declassified material.
It’s interesting to note that the two policemen were interviewed by the Lithuanian authorities which later deemed that both men were mentally stable and suffered no hallucinations during the encounter. This would be enough to add fuel to the dying embers of UFOlogy.
After its heydays in the 1960s-80s, the UFO is once again flying. But without clinching evidence that is verifiable by independent scientific inquiry, it is impossible to say that Earth has been a playground for alien visitors. Grainy images, a burnt blade of grass, or statements from psychologically stable Lithuanian policemen are not enough to prove these visits. But the documents that recorded them are enough to spread the UFO lore.
Is anybody out there?
UFO or not, one cannot wish away the question: Are we alone in this universe?’ In 2015, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) estimated there were 1billion possible ‘Earths’ in the Milky Way alone. While the data may appear to be too optimistic, there is still a sizeable population of exoplanets — planets that orbit a star outside the solar system — that may be habitable within the realm of scientific possibility.
Whether these other worlds had been sending spaceships to inspect Earthlings is still speculation. These speculations marketed as ‘science’, as in the case of Swiss writer Erich von Daniken in his Chariots of the Gods and other ‘aliens seeded Earth’ books, make fun reading but do no good to Seti research.
The people at the Seti institute have been painstakingly searching various parts of the sky to catch a glimpse of intelligent life forms. They have come across strange signals in the past and their science has not been able to decode the messages as yet. But has not spured them on to tell the world that ‘ET wanted to contact us’.
In 2007, Duncan Lorimer at West Virginia University was rummaging through historical records from the Parkes radio telescope in Australia, when he and his colleagues stumbled across an unusual signal. It was a burst of radio energy that no one had ever seen before. Lorimer published this discovery and that raised a lot of questions including, “Are we looking at a real set of data?”
The reaction of the astronomy community was one of astonishment. But soon it was pointed out that a microwave oven in the kitchen below the control room of Parkes was responsible for the ‘strange signals’. But doubts lingered. When other, similar bursts were later found by the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico, everyone realised that these quick radio blasts — christened ‘fast radio bursts’ or FRBs — are for real.
What is causing FRBs? The question has to be answered and here are some candidates: It could be a black hole gorging up matter. It could be tell-tale signs of a neutron star. They could be screeches transmitted by intelligent beings. But then, why are the broadcasts so brief ?
There are 18 known FRBs and investigating these would be better for ‘alien hunters’ than peering over inconclusive CIA declassified documents. And if you are on the side of physicist Stephen Hawking, you would stay clear of an alien. The result of such a contact, according to Hawking, would be catastrophic for humanity — as it has for so many human cultures after having encountered a technologically superior alien civilisation.
DISCLAIMER :Views expressed above are the author's own.
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The Most Interesting Science News Articles of the Week
The Most Interesting Science News Articles of the Week
By Live Science Staff
The wolf-size otter lived in a shallow swamp surrounded by thick vegetation.
Credit: Mauricio Antón
Each week we uncover the most interesting and informative articles from around the world, here are 10 of the coolest stories in Science this week.
Doomsday Clock Ticks Half-Minute Closer to Midnight in Historic Move:
On Jan. 26, a team of scientists and experts announced the Doomsday Clock’s new position for 2017. [Full Story]
Extended Trip: Why LSD's Effects Last So Long:
Scientists found that when LSD attaches to serotonin receptors, the drug gets locked inside for a long time, which could explain the duration of acid trips. [Full Story]
Lab-Made 'Metallic Hydrogen' Could Revolutionize Rocket Fuel:
Scientists have finally created a metallic form of hydrogen that conducts electricity and could be used as an ultralight rocket fuel. [Full Story]
Human-Pig Chimeras Created, Could One Day Aid in Organ Transplants:
Researchers recently succeeded in making embryos that contained both pig and human and pig cells. [Full Story]
Buried Treasure: Ancient Grave Found Brimming with Jewels:
An Iron Age tomb brimming with treasures fashioned out of gold, bronze and amber was recently uncovered after lying undisturbed by the Danube River for nearly 2,600 years, archaeologists report. [Full Story]
Elon Musk Sees Brain-Computer Systems in Humans' Future:
Elon Musk has a plan to help humans keep up with artificial intelligence. [Full Story]
Adorable Terror: Wolf-Size Otter Hunted in Ancient China:
A fearsome, wolf-size otter with a large head and a powerful jaw once swam around the shallow, swampy waters of ancient China, likely hunting for clams and other shellfish, a new study finds. [Full Report]
Doctors Remove 6-Foot-Long Tapeworm from Man's Gut:
Doctors in India removed a lengthy pork tapeworm from a man's gut, according to a recent report of the man's case. [Full Story]
Fake News 'Vaccine' Could Stop Spread of False Information:
Warning people that they may see misleading information can nudge them toward the truth. [Full Story]
Possible Medieval 'Synagogue' Uncovered Near Sea of Galilee:
A medieval building that may have been used as a synagogue has been uncovered at the site of Huqoq near the Sea of Galilee in Israel. [Full Story]
People in Austin are saying they spotted UFOs in the sky last Monday and they have video to prove it, Fox 7 reports.
"I believe they were UFOs," Rachel Jensen told the Fox affiliate in Austin.
"By the time they actually got here, it's like they went up and then took off. The speed of them was so fast. Just as I stepped out, I looked to the sky and saw the triangle. Just as it was separating into three. Well there was one in the front and two behind it. They were bright orange, glowing, almost fiery.”
Jensen recorded video and turned it into Fox. The American Meteor Society said it received sighting reports of a fireball by at least five people over Louisiana and Texas.
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Partially uncloaked UFO flies past windmills above Indiana
Partially uncloaked UFO flies past windmills above Indiana
A UFO has been photographed as it flies past windmills in Indiana and although the object is partially uncloaked the outline of the craft is clearly visible.
Witness report: We were on our way to Chicago to see a concert. We didn't actually see the object.
My girlfriend was taking pictures of the windmills at the time and didn't notice the object until a couple of months later when she was looking through the pictures and noticed a light in one of them.
There were no airplanes, helicopters, weather balloons or any other objects in the air at the time of the pictures taken on 2016-030-03. Mufon nr. 81728.
In addition, it is always the question of whether the disc-like object is man-made or an alien craft.
Retired aerospace engineer William Tompkins said a photograph showing a flying saucer that is apparently landing on the aircraft carrier’s flight deck is genuine. Tompkins, who had served leading U.S. corporations for four decades up until 1984, discussed the photo on May 4 in a radio interview. He stressed that the picture was taken from one of the landings by friendly Nordic extraterrestrial UFOs, which were considered regular incidents on U.S. Navy aircraft carriers.
Tompkins career started in 1942 as a Naval Intelligence operative. His duties include giving intelligence briefings to select U.S. aerospace corporations on Nazi Germany’s secret development of anti-gravity spacecraft. To support his claims, he supplied multiple documents as proofs he was assigned to such secret operation and operated out of Naval Air Station in San Diego.
Tompkins said that the extraterrestrial craft would land to get the admiral of the naval battle group and bring him to the mothership in space to hold meetings with commanders of a Nordic Space Navy.
Tomkins explained that the alien craft would go down to talk to the admiral in command on a particular battle group. They would then conduct other programs and meetings. The admiral, together with some other people, would get into the extraterrestrial craft to go to the alien mothership. These aliens, of course, brought them back later, according to Tompkins. Tompkins further emphasized during the interview that the UFOs landed on their aircraft carriers many times.
Frank Chille, the one who got the photo, shared the story about it. He said the original photograph that shows the disk landing on the aircraft carrier was shown to him by Graham Bethune over 15 years ago. The photo was on thick paper and the back side it said “U.S. Navy, top secret, eyes only, 1955.” Chille stated that Bethune allowed him to make a copy of it.
Two recently “fired” NASA “officials” have revealed the best-kept secret of the US government that had been kept “safe” for forty years, saying that there are traces of constructions on the Moon.
Earth’s Moon has always been a much talked about subject and speculation about what it may have always been present. We have always wondered why we have not been to the moon recently, we have all seen the mysterious images of the moon that appear to show strange constructions on the surface of the moon yet no one has reached and explored the possibilities thoroughly.
As revealed by the Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, Ken Johnston, former manager of the Data and Photo Control Department at NASA’s Lunar Receiving Laboratory during the manned Apollo Lunar Program and Richard Hoagland, a former consultant of NASA, uncovered the secret at a conference held at the National Press Club in Washington. Both of them were involved in the Apollo missions, Hoagland in particular, who presided the Apollo moon landing transmission on television.
Skeptics have already attacked both Johnston and Hoagland suggesting that they have little to none evidence that can support their claims. But is there a chance that they might be right? And that there is something happening on the moon?
Johnston confirmed that, in the 70s, American astronauts saw and recorded “vestiges of human constructions of antiquity” on the moon and photographed some of the technological evidence found on the surface. After the astronauts brought back the images to Earth, they were handed over to Johnston, responsible for the conservation of the images. Even though some officials had ordered Johnston to destroy the images he kept them as a secret. Nearly forty years after, Johnston decided to publish these pictures. He accused NASA of editing original images of the Moon and replacing them with fake images where the structures on the moon had been erased.
The official photos underwent special treatment and, particularly those of the moon landing, which were eventually modified. According to Hoagland, the Apollo mission astronauts even brought back physical evidence of extraterrestrial technology, advancements that have already been incorporated and are used by countries such as the United States, Russia, China, India and Japan. The United States astronauts brought back from the moon, clear evidence of structures, and items.
Johnston believes that a new round of struggle will have its outcome and, unlike political competition with Russia 50 years ago, this outcome will decide the fate of each and every human being on Earth. Hoagland stated clearly that besides the truth hidden on the Moon, there are several pieces of evidence that point to the existence of life and traces of life on the red planet. Adding to the mystery, packages 698,699 and 700 where the moon landing records were kept have vanished from sight.
Whether these two individuals are right about their theories and are telling the truth is something that we will perhaps, not known. But we have to accept for a fact that the moon missions have been, since the beginning, surrounded by numerous enigmas. Why we have not been to the moon recently is another quest that nobody seems to address.
Clyde Tombaugh was the American astronomer who discovered the planet, Pluto. What many people do not know is that he also observed several UFOs during his career. In 1949 he had a UFO sighting in Las Cruces, New Mexico. The object consisted of several rectangles of light, which moved from northwest to southeast.
He was one of the first preeminent astronomers that made an official report about seeing UFOs.
In late 1948 and through the early 50's he saw three of the mysterious green fireballs, that made headlines in New Mexico.
Mr. Tombaugh stated: "I have seen 3 objects in the last 7 years which defied all explanations of the known phenomena, such as Venus, meteors, atmospheric optics or planes. I am a professional, highly skilled astronomer. ...I think that several reputable scientists are unscientific in refusing to entertain the possibility of extraterrestrial origin and nature."
In 1952 Clyde Tombaugh was one of the people that UFO researcher Allen Hynek interviewed. Hynek was working as a scientific consultant to the Air Force's Project Blue Book UFO study. He wanted to know whether other astronomers also witnessed UFOs.
Recently Pluto has been demoted. It's no longer considered to be a planet but was downgraded to the status of dwarf planet. Some researchers suggest that Clyde Tombaugh's outspoken opinion on the UFO subject could have been the cause for these actions. Did he see something he wasn't supposed to see?
VIDEO: Luister naar wat deze Canadese oud-minister heeft te zeggen over UFO’s en de Nieuwe Wereldorde
VIDEO: Luister naar wat deze Canadese oud-minister heeft te zeggen over UFO’s en de Nieuwe Wereldorde
De Canadese oud-minister van Defensie Paul Hellyer sprak tijdens een MUFON-lezing over buitenaardse invloed op aarde.
Hij zei dat deze buitenaardse invloed al in Bijbelse tijden werd gevoeld, maar pas in de Tweede Wereldoorlog begon door te dringen ‘toen we erachter kwamen dat een buitenaards ras de Duitsers had geholpen’.
Op hetzelfde moment adviseerde een andere groep aliens de geallieerden, aldus Hellyer.
Jaren voor het einde van de Tweede Wereldoorlog begon de Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) al plannen te smeden voor een Amerikaans rijk dat nog veel groter was dan het rijk dat Hitler voor ogen had.
De CFR, Bilderbergers, banken, oliebedrijven, grote corporaties, inlichtingendiensten en strijdmachten werden samengevoegd tot wat Hellyer ook wel de ‘Cabal’ noemt, een organisatie die in Amerika en daarbuiten ‘ongekend veel macht heeft’.
Het uiteindelijke doel van deze organisatie is volgens de oud-minister een Nieuwe Wereldorde, een werelddictatuur, afgedwongen door de combinatie van financiële en militaire macht.
Hellyer claimt dat de Cabal ook beschikt over ruimteschepen die zijn gebouwd met behulp van buitenaardse technologie.
Alien Abducted 19th century Locomotives rest on the floor of the ocean, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Alien Abducted 19th century Locomotives rest on the floor of the ocean, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: About 2008
Location of discovery: Ocean, 8 miles off New Jersey Shore
Lets face it, aliens steal stuff all the time. Jets, planes, ships, sailboats, people just disappear and we accept it as...normal. Well, here is a great video of not one, but two train engines that were found 8 miles off the New Jersey coast. There is no clear and exact explanation about how these trains got out there, but we can easily figure it out, once we realise that aliens love examining the most recent technology that humans have created. Like Hollywood Paparazzi, aliens seem overly anxious to get their grubby little green mitts on them.
This UFO was caught by Streetcap1 over Mexico coming from a volcano. It starts out far away and quickly grows in size. Thats one powerfully bright UFO. As you can see from looking at the time, the UFO passes the volcano and then moves behind the camera all in just a few minutes. The moon could not do that. Scott C. Waring Streetcap1 states: This was caught on the Live Stream of Webcams de Mexico. You can see the clock in the right hand top corner. Streetcap1.
Wikileaks has an email that states that the PM of Granada flatly states that UFOs exist and that the United Nations needs to do some serious research. All this makes me think that the tiny island of Granada must be having some serious UFO sightings for the Prime Minister of the country to step out and say it. Scott C. Waring
This UFO was caught by Streetcap1 over Mexico coming from a volcano. It starts out far away and quickly grows in size. Thats one powerfully bright UFO. As you can see from looking at the time, the UFO passes the volcano and then moves behind the camera all in just a few minutes. The moon could not do that. Scott C. Waring Streetcap1 states: This was caught on the Live Stream of Webcams de Mexico. You can see the clock in the right hand top corner. Streetcap1.
Location:Space Date:20 January 2017 Submitted by John
Witness report:Iss live feed ufo came came into shot top of screen made its way to earth. Have been watching for years seen nothing then there it was amazing always believed now more than ever.
Nearby Alien Planet's Climate Swings May Be Too Wild for Life
Nearby Alien Planet's Climate Swings May Be Too Wild for Life
By Elizabeth Howell, Contributor
Artist's illustration of a possibly habitable exoplanet.
Credit: NASA/Ames/JPL-Caltech
One of the closest rocky planets to Earth could have a wild climate that oscillates quickly between hot and cool periods, a new study reports.
This planet, known as Wolf 1061c, resides in the "habitable zone" of its host star, that just-right range of distances where liquid water could theoretically exist on a world's surface. But it's far from clear if Wolf 1061c could actually support life as we know it, study team members said.
For starters, Wolf 1061c — which circles a star located just 14 light-years from Earth's sun — lies at the inner edge of the habitable zone, similar to where Venus is in Earth's solar system. Venus has a hellish environment today, with surface temperatures reaching nearly 900 degrees Fahrenheit (480 degrees Celsius). [Gallery: The Strangest Alien Planets]
Venus likely had oceans on its surface in the past, but was so close to the sun that the heat made all the oceans evaporate. The water vapor assisted in trapping heat, contributing to Venus' runaway greenhouse effect.
Something similar may have happened on Wolf 1061c, said the new study's lead author, Stephen Kane, of San Francisco State University.
Wolf 1061c is "close enough to the star where it's looking suspiciously like a runaway greenhouse," Kane said in a statement.
Kane and colleagues studied Wolf 1061c's parent star in detail using the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy array, which is located at the Mount Wilson Observatory in California. The researchers' detailed measurements allowed them to better characterize the star's habitable zone and the conditions that planets in the system likely experience. (Wolf 1061c is one of three worlds known to circle the star; all are "super-Earths," planets slightly larger than Earth.)
"The Wolf 1061 system is important because it is so close [to Earth], and that gives other opportunities to do follow-up studies to see if it does indeed have life," Kane said.
The team found that Wolf 1061c's orbit varies at a faster rate than that of Earth, and this likely leads to greater climatic variations than Earth experiences.
"It could cause the frequency of the planet freezing over or heating up to be quite severe," Kane said.
So it's unknown whether or not Wolf 1061c actually is habitable, study team members said. Getting to the bottom of this question may require more-advanced telescopes than are currently in operation, the researchers added.
One future instrument that should help is NASA's $8.8 billion James Webb Space Telescope, which is scheduled to launch in late 2018 and succeed the Hubble Space Telescope, Kane said. Webb is expected to reveal the composition of nearby exoplanet atmospheres in detail.
Findings from the new study will appear in the next issue of the Astrophysical Journal. A preprint version is available now on the website arXiv.
Clingy Alien Planets May Fling Their Moons Out of Orbit
Clingy Alien Planets May Fling Their Moons Out of Orbit
By Charles Q. Choi, Contributor
This artist's rendering shows the atmosphere of Mars being stripped off by particle surges from the sun. A new study suggests high levels of radiation from a parent star could reduce the number of moons around planets that orbit close to their parent star.
Alien planets that orbit especially close to their stars have a bigger chance of losing their moons, which may reduce the chances that habitable alien moons will survive for very long around those planets, a new study finds.
In the past 20 years or so, astronomers have confirmed the existence of more than 3,400 worlds outside Earth's solar system. These discoveries have revealed that many exoplanets are very different from those seen in Earth's solar system; for instance, about 40 percent of exoplanets discovered to date orbit their stars at least 10 times closer than Earth orbits the sun. (In comparison, Mercury is at most about three times closer than Earth is to the sun.)
In Earth's solar system, there are far more moons than planets, with Jupiter alone having at least 67 moons. Previous work has suggested that exomoons, or moons around exoplanets, could be as big or larger than Earth. If an exoplanet happens to lie in a star's habitable zone — the area in which worlds have surface temperatures warm enough to host liquid water — then an Earth-size exomoon around such a planet could potentially harbor life. [Alien Life Possible on Exoplanet Moons]
However, so far, exomoons have eluded confirmed discovery, said Ji-Wei Xie, an astronomer at Nanjing University in China and a co-author of the new study. He and his colleagues wanted to uncover a potential explanation for why exomoons remain elusive. One possibility is that exomoons are difficult to see and thus simply haven't been detected yet. But another possibility, Xie said, is that, for some reason, exomoons are rare around the exoplanets that astronomers have spotted.
Most of the exoplanets that scientists have detected so far are close to their host stars, because those types of planets are easier to spot using the planet-hunting strategies astronomers have been able to employ. For instance, the radial velocity method looks for repeated wobbles in a star's movements that are signs of a planet's gravitational pull yanking it back and forth, and this quivering is bigger the closer an exoplanet is to its star. In addition, the transit method looks for dips in a star's brightness whenever a planet crosses in front of it, and such darkening is more frequent the nearer an exoplanet is to its star.
Planets that orbit close to their stars are naturally exposed to more high-energy radiation than ones farther away. The authors of the new paper reasoned that, over time, those higher levels of radiation might blast away the atmospheres of exoplanets that are close to their stars; in fact, this idea has popped up in other exoplanet studies as well. Such a "photo-evaporation" process could, in principle, make the orbits of moons around those exoplanets unstable, Xie said.
To see how strong an effect a star might have on an exoplanet's moons, Xie and his colleagues simulated a range of Neptune-like gas giant planets about 14 to 20 times the mass of Earth, each of which orbited a star about 10 times closer than Earth does the sun. The planets started out with up to 500 moons. The scientists simulated what would happen if photo evaporation gradually eroded away the gas planet's atmosphere, reducing the planet's total mass by half over time.
The scientists found that photo evaporation could play a major role in the fate of an exoplanet's moons. As photo evaporation caused the simulated exoplanet to lose mass, the planet's gravitational pull weakened and the orbits of the exomoons grew and became more eccentric, or oval-shaped. Eventually, many of those orbits became unstable, meaning the moons could exit their orbits around those planets altogether. Xie said the simulations could leave few or no moons around the planets.
In the scenario where planets had 500 small moons, the researchers found that only about a quarter of the moons still remained in orbit around their worlds by the end of the simulations. About half of these moons collided with their planets, while a quarter of the moons escaped their planets to become new planet-like objects circling their stars. In the simulations, some of the moons flew away on trajectories that could make them go on to become free-floating "rogue planets" that wander the galaxy.
In scenarios that included larger moons with masses up to twice that of Earth, even fewer moons remained in stable orbits around their evaporating planets. In these scenarios, in addition to escaping from or colliding with their planets, moons also collided with one another, the researchers found.
All in all, these findings "can help guide the future search for exomoons," Xie said. For instance, their findings suggest that exomoon hunters should avoid exoplanets that are very close to their stars. This holds especially true for red dwarf stars, which are luminous with X-rays that enhance photo evaporation, he said.
As for whether habitable exomoons are possible, Xie noted that sun-like stars possess habitable zones that are about as far away from them as Earth is from the sun. At such distances, "the photo-evaporation effect is very limited, and thus our findings will not apply to them," Xie said.
However, red dwarfs, which constitute up to 70 percent of the stars in the cosmos, are up to 50 times fainter than the sun, and so their habitable zones are much closer to them. "Our findings would suggest that there would be less habitable moons around red dwarfs due to the photo-evaporation effect," Xie said.
The scientists detailed their findings online Dec. 1 in The Astrophysical Journal.
'Alien' Life Could Exist High in Earth's Atmosphere
'Alien' Life Could Exist High in Earth's Atmosphere
By Elizabeth Howell, Seeker
Credit: NASA
Life on Earth shows up in surprising places. It's been found in high-temperature vents deep undersea and high in the air. But we're still trying to learn more about these so-called "extremophiles." Researchers are now pondering how well can life reproduce in these environments. Also, could microbes of this type be found on other worlds?
In March, a group of University of Houston students — piggybacking on a payload with a prime mission to scope out auroras — will fly a high-altitude experiment from Alaska to see what microbes are in the high atmosphere, between 18 km and 50 km (11 miles and 31 miles) from the ground. The instrument, which looks almost like a small laundry hamper, pops open to collect what's in the atmosphere. Then, as the balloon descends, it shuts closed for researchers to analyze.
Jamie Lehnen, a fourth-year student on the team, says this system could be less open to contamination than pumps and other complicated mechanisms that require servicing on Earth. But it's the first time her group has used it, so isn't sure how well it will function. If it does, however, she's interested in learning about how microbes will react under the stresses of living at high altitudes.
"A lot of times, these microbes when they go up there, they shut down. They are not replicating and they are not metabolically active," she said. "I'm interested in how their stress response is similar to those [microbes] back on Earth's surface."
Some of the earliest high-altitude microorganism experiments did not involve air travel at all — Charles Darwin picked up African dust on his ship while crossing the Atlantic Ocean, while Louis Pasteur made measurements on top of alpine glaciers. Both found microorganisms.
Researchers commonly search for microbes using high-altitude balloons, but airplanes are also a possibility.
Credit: NASA
That said, microorganism research in the upper atmosphere has been active since the 1930s at least. One of the earliest flights involved Charles Lindbergh, a pilot best known for piloting the Atlantic solo in 1927. Accompanied with his wife, Lindbergh periodically passed the monoplane controls over to her to take samples from the atmosphere around them. The research team found spores of fungi and pollen grains, among other specimens.
Planes still require a substantial amount of atmosphere to fly, so it's with high-altitude balloons and rockets that we can get even higher — to the stratosphere and the mesosphere. According to NASA microbial researcher David Smith, some of the pioneering work in this field was done in the 1970s, particularly in Europe and the Soviet Union. "Everything they did was fascinating, but there hasn't been a lot of follow-up work to validate the results of those collections," he told Seeker.
There are open questions about how valid these early results are, given that contamination protocols may not have been strict. So Smith and other researchers are trying to figure out what kind of microbes live above Earth, and for how long. In May and June, Smith's team will fly with the team from NASA ABoVE (Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment), which uses a Gulfstream III jet to monitor how climate change affects animals, plants, the environment and infrastructure. In the spring, a vast airstream on the Pacific Ocean moves millions of tons of dust across the ocean, mostly from Asia.
"We want to know what kind of microorganisms are making that leap across the ocean, co-transported with aerosol species," Smith said. "Alaska will allow us an opportunity to test the atmospheric bridge hypothesis, which simply speaking, is continents sneezing on each other."
Smith's team will use a cascade sampler for collection, which passes air through progressively finer impact plates with holes in them, he said. As the air moves through, dust and any microorganisms impact the surface of those plates. A portion of them stick to the surface, allowing researchers to analyze what is there afterwards.
In ultraviolet light (as seen here by the Venus Express mission), Venus has mysterious dark streaks that absorb UV radiation. Some researchers have suggested this could be life in the upper atmosphere, but more research is needed.
Smith is skeptical that microorganisms are growing or dividing at such high altitudes, because it's so cold and dry up there. But he says that microorganisms may be "persisting", or lingering and not being killed. "Nobody's been able to measure how long microorganisms can stay in the stratosphere. There's works that still needs to be done."
"Virtually all terrestrial and marine surfaces have microorganisms associated with them that can get disattached from the surfaces by wind or other physical disturbances," wrote Aarhus University assistant professor Tina Santl-Temkiv, who has studied microorganisms in hailstones, in an e-mail to Seeker.
"[They] can reach higher levels of troposphere, above around one kilometer, can stay suspended in air for around a week and can travel thousands of kilometers, riding on wind currents. Eventually, they get deposited back to the ground wither through the formation of rain or simply due to gravity."
If Earth's atmosphere is shown to be a great spot for life to divide, however, it could have implications for locations such as Venus. Back in the 1960s, astronomer and science popularizer Carl Sagan suggested that the upper atmosphere of Venus could harbor the descendants of organisms that could have evolved on the surface of the planet when it was cooler.
Even though today the surface can crush and cook unprotected spacecraft, 50 kilometers (31 miles) above is more temperate. Moreover, researchers have found an intriguing substance that blocks ultraviolet light in Venus' clouds. Life hasn't yet been ruled out as a possibility.
"Venus and Earth were similar for 3 billion years [of their evolution] and perhaps as recently as up to about half a billion years ago," said Dr. Lynn Rothschild, a NASA astrobiologist and synthetic biologist that is on Smith's research team. She said this includes liquid oceans, similar atmosphere, and probably the same sorts of minerals and organic compounds as well.
But Venus would be a difficult prospect if the life returns to the surface. The sun got more luminous as the solar system aged, evaporating the water from Venus' oceans. The water vapor, now in the atmosphere, contributed to giving Venus a hellish greenhouse effect on its surface.
It seems that life is hardy, but we don't know if it's tough enough to survive living high above a planetary surface. If it does, however, that could mean that even missions that sample a planet's atmosphere could have to worry about protections against hurting possible life. We'll have to see what these new experiments yield, though, before reaching any conclusions.
Unidentified Flying Objects seen over the United States for the past 18 years may be visitors from outer space here on reconnaissance missions, an eminent University of Arizona physicist said yesterday.
By Bob Thomas The Arizona Republic 1-7-1966
Dr. James E. McDonald, senior physicist in the Institute of Atmospheric Physics at the university, said he reluctantly has accepted the extraterrestrial theory after intensive research into UFOs.
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This is the most CONVINCING video footage that proves UFOs exist
This is the most CONVINCING video footage that proves UFOs exist
A recently uploaded video footage shows a disc-shaped UFO traveling at 10,000 mph. A researcher from the Mutual UFO Networks says he is perplexed by the video footage. The video footage has reportedly been sent to NASA for analysis. “The object appears to be solid and emitting its own light, or reflecting light.”
Don’t believe in aliens? Check out this mind-boggling video which apparently shows a small UFO traveling at unimaginable speed. The video has reportedly been sent to NASA for analysis.
I guess its true when they say The truth is out there. The truth is all around us some would say. A newly uploaded video to Youtube, filmed by a US Air Force veteran, 59, sent to the ‘Mutual UFO Network’ for investigation promises to leave you shocked.
The object filmed in the video footage is estimated to have flown around 50 feet of the ground at an estimated speed of 10,000 mph.
In an interview with the Daily Star, the veteran from Ayden, North Carolina said: “This UFO video was captured with my DJI Phantom 3 Professional 4K aerial camera. I thought I had seen it all. This footage took me back. I was flying my aerial camera from Ayden District Park. The skies were clear with unlimited visibility. I did not witness this object first hand; it wasn’t until I reviewed the 4K footage on my 4K TV that I first spotted the object on video.”
The video footage has left The Mutual UFO Network’s North Carolina investigator, Sanford Davis perplexed.
In a report detailing the sighting Davis wrote:
“It was observed as the witness was reviewing aerial drone footage.
“The whole sighting occurs within a third of a second – a streak arising in the background, streaking across the screen before disappearing in the foreground.
“It appears as a white dot, flattening out somewhat into a ‘light disk’ right before it disappears off screen.”
What do you think about the video? What could the object be? Is it really the ultimate proof that the UFO phenomenon is real?
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Un OVNI chaque soir au dessus de La Roche-sur-Yon
Un OVNI chaque soir au dessus de La Roche-sur-Yon
Rédigé par Olivier de Sedona
Cela fait maintenant 2 semaines que des habitants de La Roche-sur-Yon observent une boule de feu qui émet des rayons bleus dans le ciel.
La photo a été prise d'un balcon, qui donne sur la rue Friedland dans le quartier de la Garenne, en direction de la prison.
Plusieurs hypothèses semblent déjà émerger de ce casse-tête qui a même passionné les plus sceptiques... :
-Le drone (livraisons de drogues ou de téléphones portables en prison?) -La planète Vénus selon Richard Tanguy, le président du Centre Astronomique Vendéen (par contre il faudrait juste l'informer que Vénus ne se déplace pas) -La lanternes thaïlandaise bien utile quand on n'a pas le moindre début de réponse.
Et enfin l'hypothèse qui semble pour le moment la plus sérieuse: L'Objet Volant Non Identifié...
Autre photo qui donne sur la rue Friedland dans le quartier de la Garenne, en direction de la prison.
'Buitenaards' insect gevonden; eerste nieuwe insectenorde sinds 2002
'Buitenaards' insect gevonden; eerste nieuwe insectenorde sinds 2002
Tim Kraaijvanger
Onderzoekers van de staatsuniversiteit van Oregon hebben een bijzonder diertje gevonden in een barnsteen. Met zijn driehoekige kop lijkt het een buitenaards wezen. Niets is minder waar: het is een nieuw insect.
Er zijn ongeveer een miljoen insecten bekend, maar er zijn nog miljoenen onbekende exemplaren. Ieder insect op aarde behoort tot een van de 31 orden. Een orde is één van de taxonomische ranken: hoger dan de onderorde en familie, maar lager dan de superorde of klasse. Dankzij de nieuwe vondst zijn er niet 31 insectenorden, maar 32. Het is voor het eerst sinds 2002 dat er een nieuwe insectenorde is toegevoegd.
“Dit nieuwe insect heeft een aantal kenmerken wat we niet kunnen matchen met andere insectenorden”, beweert professor George Pionar Jr. “Ik heb nog nooit zoiets gezien. Het lijkt een uniek wezentje. Na een flinke discussie is besloten om het aantal insectenorden uit te breiden.”
Het nieuwe insect behoort tot de nieuwe orde Aethiocarenodea. De naam van de nieuwe soort is Aethiocarenus burmanicus. Het is een referentie naar de Hukawng Valley-mijnen in Myanmar (voorheen Burma) waar dit insect is gevonden.
De meest opvallende kenmerken van de Aethiocarenus burmanicus zijn de grote ogen en de driehoekige kop. Het topje van de driehoek bevindt zich aan de onderkant van de nek. Dit maakt het insect uniek. Volgens Pionar Jr. kon de Aethiocarenus burmanicus 180 graden om zich heen kijken door zijn kop te draaien.
“Met zijn lange nek, grote ogen en vreemde kop lijkt dit insect op ET”, zegt Poinar Jr. “Ik heb een Halloween-masker gemaakt dat lijkt op de kop van dit insect. Toen ik het droeg tijdens ‘Trick Or Treat’, schrokken de kleine kinderen hier zo van, dat ik besloot om het masker af te zetten.”
Op dit moment zijn er twee exemplaren van de nieuwe insectenorde bekend. De Aethiocarenus burmanicus leefde zo’n honderd miljoen jaar geleden in de bossen van Burma, maar is ergens in de loop ter tijd uitgestorven. Toch is dit nog niet met zekerheid te zeggen. Wie weet kruipt deze ET nog ergens rond, zonder dat wij dit weten.
Al tachtig jaar proberen wetenschappers metaalwaterstof te maken, maar nu is het mogelijk eindelijk gelukt. Dit beweren wetenschappers in het wetenschappelijke vakblad Science Magazine.
Waterstof komt in normale toestand in gasvorm voor. Toch zou het theoretisch mogelijk zijn dat waterstof onder extreme druk de vorm van een hard metaal aanneemt. De atomen en elektronen gedragen zich dan als een metaal, waardoor er allerlei interessante toepassingen mogelijk zijn. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan raketbrandstof.
Harvard-wetenschappers Ranga Dias en Isaac Silveira schrijven dat het metaalwaterstof niet groter is dan de breedte van een haar op jouw hoofd, oftewel veertig tot vijftig micronen. Het is dus nog te weinig om raketbrandstof te maken. Toch verwachten Dias en Silveira dat ze de productie in de toekomst kunnen opschroeven.
4,95 miljoen bar Om het metaalwaterstof te creëren, plaatsten de onderzoekers een kleine hoeveelheid moleculair waterstof tussen twee synthetische diamanten. De diamanten werden tegen elkaar geduwd, waardoor de druk toenam tot 495 gigapascal, oftewel 4.950.000 bar. Eén bar is de atmosferische druk op aarde, dus bijna vijf miljoen keer deze druk is waarschijnlijk niet voor te stellen. Zelfs in het midden van de aarde is de druk minder groot.
Van waterstof naar metaalwaterstof Naast dat de druk flink werd opgevoerd, koelden de onderzoekers het waterstof tot een temperatuur van -270 graden Celsius werd bereikt. De wetenschappers beweren in het paper dat de waterstofatomen aan elkaar kleefden, waardoor de atomen elektronen met elkaar gingen delen en een kristalrooster ontstond. Het materiaal zou vervolgens dezelfde eigenschappen hebben als metaal. “Toen we de druk opvoerden, zagen we de kleur van het materiaal veranderen van zwart naar glanzend metallic,” zegt Silvera tegen BBC. “Het materiaal kaatst evenveel licht terug als een spiegel van aluminium.”
Reacties De grote vraag is of het metaalwaterstof is. Eerst moeten de wetenschappers aantonen dat experiment herhaald kan worden. Daarnaast moeten grotere hoeveelheden metaalwaterstof gemaakt worden om aan te tonen dat het ook daadwerkelijk metaalwaterstof is. Andere onderzoekers zijn sceptisch, maar ook optimistisch. “Bij zo’n hoge druk is een overgang naar metaalwaterstof niet ondenkbaar”, reageert Marcus Knudson van Sandia National Laboratories. Natuurkundige Rinke Wijngaarde van de Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam laat aan NRC weten dat de kans dat het echt metaalwaterstof is ongeveer zeventig procent is.
Raketbrandstof 2.0 Als metaalwaterstof ooit in grote hoeveelheden gemaakt kan worden, dan is dit wellicht de nieuwe raketbrandstof. Bij de omzetting van metaalwaterstof in waterstof komt twintig keer zoveel energie vrij als bij de verbranding van waterstof met zuurstof, waardoor metaalwaterstof drie tot vier keer meer stuwkracht per kilo brandstof biedt. Daarnaast kan metaalwaterstof gebruikt worden als supergeleider, waardoor windenergie bijvoorbeeld efficiënter getransporteerd kan worden naar huishoudens. Voor nu is dit allemaal nog toekomstmuziek.
Scientists at Harvard University succeeded in creating a tiny amount of the rarest, and possibly most valuable, material on the planet
For nearly 100 years, scientists have dreamed of turning the lightest of all the elements, hydrogen, into a metal.
Now, in a stunning act of modern-day alchemy, scientists at Harvard University have finally succeeded in creating a tiny amount of what is the rarest, and possibly most valuable, material on the planet, they reported in the journal Science.
For metallic hydrogen could theoretically revolutionise technology, enabling the creation of super-fast computers, high-speed levitating trains and ultra-efficient vehicles and dramatically improving almost anything involving electricity.
And it could also allow humanity to explore outer space as never before.
But the prospect of this bright future could be at risk if the scientists’ next step – to establish whether the metal is stable at normal pressures and temperatures – fails to go as hoped.
Professor Isaac Silvera, who made the breakthrough with Dr Ranga Dias, said: “This is the holy grail of high-pressure physics.
“It's the first-ever sample of metallic hydrogen on Earth, so when you're looking at it, you're looking at something that’s never existed before.”
At the moment the tiny piece of metal can only be seen through two diamonds that were used to crush liquid hydrogen at a temperature far below freezing.
The amount of pressure needed was immense – more than is found at the centre of the Earth.
The sample has remained trapped in this astonishing grip, but sometime in the next few weeks, the researchers plan to carefully ease the pressure.
According to one theory, metallic hydrogen will be stable at room temperature – a prediction that Professor Silvera said was “very important”.
“That means if you take the pressure off, it will stay metallic, similar to the way diamonds form from graphite under intense heat and pressure, but remains a diamond when that pressure and heat is removed,” he said.
If this is true, then its properties as a super-conductor could dramatically improve anything that uses electricity.
“As much as 15 per cent of energy is lost to dissipation during transmission, so if you could make wires from this material and use them in the electrical grid, it could change that story,” the scientist said.
And metallic hydrogen could also transform humanity’s efforts to explore our solar system by providing a form of rocket fuel nearly four times more powerful than the best available today.
“It takes a tremendous amount of energy to make metallic hydrogen,” Professor Silvera said.
“And if you convert it back to molecular hydrogen, all that energy is released, so it would make it the most powerful rocket propellant known to man, and could revolutionize rocketry.
“That would easily allow you to explore the outer planets.
“We would be able to put rockets into orbit with only one stage, versus two, and could send up larger payloads, so it could be very important.”
However some scientists have theorised that metallic hydrogen will be unstable on its surface and so would gradually decay.
Asked what he thought would happen, Professor Silvera said: “I don’t want to guess, I want to do the experiment.”
But it could be a moment almost as exciting as the time the researchers first realised what they had created.
“Ranga was running the experiment, and we thought we might get there, but when he called me and said, ‘The sample is shining’, I went running down there, and it was metallic hydrogen.
“I immediately said we have to make the measurements to confirm it, so we rearranged the lab ... and that's what we did.
“It's a tremendous achievement, and even if it only exists in this diamond anvil cell at high pressure, it's a very fundamental and transformative discovery.”
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Please scroll down for video
In 1947 a craft crashed near the town of Roswell. Soon rumors start going arround that the military had captured a UFO.
Later military authorities claimed it was a downed weather balloon, but the genie was out of the bottle and years later UFO researchers are convinced that the government was covering up a UFO crash.
Recently some researchers have claimed that the Roswell UFO crash was actually linked to a testing of the notorious "Bell" (Die Glocke in German). The Bell was a copper coloured aircraft that used anti gravity technology. At the core of the craft was a mysterious propulsion unit.
The craft was a prototype of the stealth fighter that exists today. It was developed by a team of former V2 rocket experts that entered the US via operation Paperclip.
One of them was mass Nazi killer, S.S. general Hans Kammler, head of construction and defence projects´in Germany.
The documentary uses fantastic archived material and is well documented.One of the experts is Igor Witkowski, a Polish former journalist and historian of military and aerospace technology.
This article (Was the Roswell UFO that crashed a secret Nazi experiment?) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with full attribution and a link to the original source on
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Coyne Helicopter Incident
Coyne Helicopter Incident
Coyne Helicopter Incident
Date: October 18, 1973
Location: Mansfield, OH
The four-man crew of an Army Reserve UH-1H helicopter, based in Cleveland, Ohio, was returning from Columbus, Ohio, at about 10:30 p.m. following regularly scheduled physical examinations. It was a clear, starry night with no moon. They were cruising at 100 MPH at an altitude of 2,500', over a country landscape. Lt. Arrigo Jezzi,was at the controls from the left hand seat. Sgt. John Healey, the flight medic, sat behind him. In the right rear seat was Spec. 5 Robert Yanacek, the crew chief. Commanding the flight from the right front seat was Capt. Lawrence J. Coyne.
About 11:00 p.m. near Mansfield, Ohio, Healey saw a red light off to the left heading south. 3-4 minutes later, Yanacek noticed a single steady red light on the eastern horizon, and reported it to Coyne. About 30 seconds later, Yanacek announced that the light appeared to be converging on the helicopter, and they all watched it warily. As the light continued its approach, Coyne grabbed the controls from Jezzi and began a powered descent of approximately 500 FPM. He made radio contact with Mansfield approach control, requesting information on possible jet traffic. After Mansfield acknowledged their transmission, radio contact was lost on both UHF and VHF.
The red light appeared to be on a collision course, approaching at a speed estimated to be more than 300 MPH Coyne increased the rate of descent to 2,000 FPM until they reached about 1,700', about 600' above the tree tops. With the unknown object about to ram them, the crewmen feared for their lives. Just as a collision appeared imminent, the light suddenly stopped and hovered above and in front of the helicopter. They saw a cigar-shaped, gray metallic appearing, domed object whose apparent size filled the entire windshield.
The object appeared solid, blotting out the stars behind it. It had a red light at the nose, a white light at the tail, and a distinctive green beam emanating from the lower part of the otherwise featureless fuselage. The green beam swung up over the helicopter nose, through the windshield, and into the upper tinted window panels. The cockpit was bathed in intense green light. No noise or turbulence was noted. After a few seconds, the object accelerated and moved off to the west. Coyne and Healey reported that it then made a distinct 45° turn to the right, heading toward Lake Erie. While the object was still visible, Jezzi and Coyne both noted that the altimeter read 3,500' with a rate of climb of 1,000 FPM. Yet the collective was still in the full down position set during the descent. As Coyne cautiously raised the collective, the helicopter continued climbing, as would be expected. At an indicated altitude of 3,800' feet Coyne finally felt that he had regained positive control. Then they felt a slight bump. He descended to the previously assigned cruise altitude of 2,500' and made radio contact with Akron/Canton, which now was easily achieved. The remainder of the flight to Cleveland was routine.
At about 11:00 p.m., Mrs. Erma C. & four children were returning from Mansfield to their rural home southeast of town. As they drove south on Laver Road, they noticed a bright red light flying south. She turned the car eastward and continued on across the Charles Mill Reservoir, a distance of 3.6 miles, covered in about 5 minutes. At this point they saw to the east a red and green light, moving together, coming down rapidly toward them. At first they assumed it was a low flying light plane, but changed their minds almost immediately. The red was too bright, especially compared to the green. They could not see any shape or, at first, hear any sound. When they stopped the car and got out to look, they heard the typical sounds of a helicopter. As they watched, the red light and the helicopter converged.
After the red lighted object stopped, the green light flared up. When we got out, everything was green. I saw that thing and the helicopter. The witnesses agreed that the helicopter was green because of the light from the thing up above, It was so bright that you couldn't see too far. Everything was green. The trees, the car, everything. The helicopter with the other object above and slightly ahead of it moved in tandem from southwest to northeast. Suddenly the green light went out and the object was gone. When the light went out you couldn't see the object. And then the helicopter went northeast. Then we got back in the car and went on,and saw it fly out over the lake. Jeanne Elias, was watching the news at her home southeast of Mansfield just after 11:00 p.m. She recognized the sound of an Army helicopter approaching so loud and near that she feared it was going to crash into the house. The sound persisted for a long time, and when it was over her son John, called out from his room. He had been awakened by the sound, and then had observed a bright green light that lit up the bedroom. The light persisted long enough for him to realize that there must be some kind of object right above the house, because it was coming in so heavy in my room.
Last Updated: 01/14/2017 14:16:00
28-01-2017 om 22:15
geschreven door peter
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Georgia UFO landing site considered from 1973 incident
Georgia UFO landing site considered from 1973 incident
A Georgia witness at Danielsville recalled an incident from 1973 where the events may have been a UFO landing site, according to testimony in Case 81562 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
Sometime in the early 1970s, the witness came upon an unusual scene along a dirt road. Pictured: Danielsville, GA.
(Credit: Google)
The witness is right up front reporting that they have never seen a UFO, but wishes to recount an incident that occurred on June 1, about 1973.
“I suppose you would call it a ULA – an Unidentified Landing Area,” the witness stated. “Guessing early to mid-70s which is my age early teens. I was on the dirt road below my house. I would ride my motorcycle or horse almost daily. No houses on the dirt road and rarely traveled. Heavily wooded on both sides with no clearings.”
But one day as the witness rounded a corner, a bright white area was glowing off of the road about 20-30 feet.
The witness found all of the trees removed and white sand in its place. Pictured: Danielsville, GA. (Credit: Google)
“I walked up a bank through the trees and saw something I had never seen before. A huge circle maybe 100 feet or more completely flat and covered in pure white sand. I had never seen white sand before. I remember it was so bright it hurt my eyes. There was no vegetation, no red clay, no sticks, no rocks – no anything. There was no road and no trail going to or from it.”
The witness first just wondered what the site was.
“How did they do it? Where did all the trees go? How did they make the sand so white? I remember the more I thought about it the creepier it felt. I would ride by almost daily for the next few years and red mud was gradually taking back over the white sand. However, I do remember that nothing grew there for as long as I lived there which was probably another 10 years.”
The witness recently returned to the spot and is still able to see the circle area originally created more than 40 years ago. Pictured: Danielsville, GA.
(Credit: Google)
But the witness recently thought of the site again and went back to check on it.
“It now has vegetation and the circular outline is harder to distinguish, but you can still see it. One other thing that may or may not be related – I have no memory of my younger years. Doctors have told me it was probably due to the trauma of losing a sibling and may be. Probably a coincidence.”
Danielsville is a city in Madison County, Georgia, population 457. MUFON Georgia is investigating. Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
UFOs over Nepal? CIA had reported two sightings 49 years ago
UFOs over Nepal? CIA had reported two sightings 49 years ago
File – A bright Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) sighted in the sky over Minneapolis, in Minnesota, US, on October 20, 1960. Photo:
KATHMANDU: Recently declassified documents of the US intelligence agency revealed that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had reported several sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) over Nepal and neighbouring countries — India and Bhutan — in 1968.
In a confidential “information report” disseminated on April 11, 1968, the CIA listed seven sightings in the region from South Ladakh to Bhutan, including twice over Nepal, from February 19 to March 25 that year.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 1/5 - (1 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
US colonel speaks about Roswell UFO crash: ‘circuit chips, fiber optics, and lasers are alien technology’
US colonel speaks about Roswell UFO crash: ‘circuit chips, fiber optics, and lasers are alien technology’
No matter how many years go by the conspiracy of what happened in Roswell, New Mexico seems not to die down. Now it would seem that an army intelligence officer who served under President Eisenhower and witnessed the event first hand has come clean in a new book along with an interview he gave regarding the book. Colonel Phillip Corso, Sr who sat on the President’s security council at that time went into grave detail into what he saw.
Corso gave detail account to the fact that he saw dead bodies within the wreckage in the crash scene at Roswell. He went into how the bodies had to be those of Extraterrestrials due to the overall appearance of the carnage. He told how the bodies seem to have no faces such as defined mouths or noses. This was just one of the definite differences in overall appearance to that of an actual person.
So, in writing this book entitled “The Day After Roswell” is Corso trying to profit off of this conspiracy. Well, during the interview Corso stated that he never intended to write the book but he felt that the generations that came after the Roswell incident had a right to the know the truth that he witnessed.
As for the book itself Corso gives a detailed account of how he was involved in the cover-up to try to keep the truth from leaking out to the public. He also goes into how he was witness to technology used by the alien visitors that was so out of our reach at that time being seen for the first time. He also tells how much of this such as integrated circuit chips, lasers and other technological advancements were leaked into the world market over time.
So, is there any truth to what Colonel Corso claims here? No one knows this for sure, it is certainly an account that could give pause no doubt about that. Another thing to bear in mind is no matter how much time seems to go by the incident at Roswell remains one many continue to question. Perhaps it’s one that will never truly be exposed as fact or fiction but it it is certainly something that has drawn the interest of many for decades now.
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Fishermen Films Millitary Jets Chasing UFO Over Mediterranean Sea
Fishermen Films Millitary Jets Chasing UFO Over Mediterranean Sea
A group of Galician fishermen were taking care of business when they heard some loud noises coming from the horizon.
Apparently the footage was captured in late 2009, offering a relatively low quality image but, the streak of events that followed offer a shocking view of a UFO submerging into the Sea with military jets hot on its tail.
Turning the camera on with panic and confusion, the fishermen manage to surprise what seems to be two fighting jets coming in from the right side.
Over a short period of time, a UFO appears to the right, quickly submerging into the water, followed by the two jets that previously passed by the fishermen’s boat.
Panic can be read on the Galician fisherman’s face, unaware of what is happening.
While still in shock, the guy holding the camera surprises a military helicopter approaching the boat, with its personnel yelling at the crew to remain in position.
If this video is supposedly real, then we are witnessing a magnificent scene of an UFO chased and at the same time harassed by the military.
The fishermen’s face is cloaked, and so is the name of the boat for obvious protection reasons, leading towards the conclusion of the video being legit.
As it happens, the Mediterranean Sea has seen other encounters of such sort.
In 1968, a NATO squadron performing in the area on a battleship witnessed a similar event, this time during nighttime.
Strange bright lights appeared over the sea, performing a number of maneuvers and then disappearing into the sky. The lights were like flares and rose out of the water near the port beam.
There were five of these objects, at first coming out of the water and vanishing into the same place but, after a few minutes the mysterious objects rose out of the water and performed synchronized maneuvers, moving up and laterally in perfect formation. The entire scene lasted for about three minutes.
After the bright UFOs performed their spectacle, they flew towards the sky, disappearing into the night.
Aliens and UFOs are believed to possess such technology that allows them to travel underwater or underground. They allegedly pick remote areas to perform their rituals and are sometimes surprised by humans, unaware of what is happening.
We are not surprised that aliens tend to run from us, as they get chased and sometimes even captured by the military or secret agencies. They try to offer us a peaceful lesson by not using their advanced technology against us.
In return for their friendly approach, we show the world how they are greeted by our Governments with battle devices meant only for destruction.
How will humanity manage to establish contact with these advanced species, which prove to exist after all, if all they receive from us is aggression and death?
This amazing discovery would be incredible and historic enough just by virtue of the fact of its being located in Turkey and suggesting that Queen Nefertiti fled with a small band of followers and escaped her husband’s fate at the hands of the corrupt Amun Priesthood.
But this historic find has even more secrets to reveal. The early testing of the artifacts reveals the extraordinary data that carbon dating tests put the age of the artifacts at approximately 10,000 BC, which throws a completely new light on the age of royal lineage of the Amarna ruling family.
AKHENATEN Discovery Changes History Forever!
In this earth-shattering episode full of historic changing revelations, Daniel Liszt and Pyramid expert Dr. Carmen Boulter talk about the shocking discovery of a secret site unearthed in Turkey of an Ancient Egyptian chamber that bears a strong resemblance to King Tut’s tomb and that contains a wealth of Egyptian treasure and lifelike statues of the heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten along with exotic antiquities of the Amarna period.
Exclusive photographic evidence provided in this episode to substantiate the claim makes this the most important Dark Journalist episode to date and represents an earthquake for our understanding of the ancient past, Changing History Forever! This royal like includes Akhenaten, Amenhotep, Nefertiti, Hatshepsut and Tutankhamen. It raises all kinds of important questions about our ancient history and strongly suggests that this unusual Amarna lineage may have been a Heritage of Blood transferred down from Royal Atlantis and is linked with advanced spiritual understanding and extraordinary psychic abilities
Queen Nefertiti and The Pharaoh Akhenaten
The story of Pharaoh Akhenaten and his wife, Nefertiti has been portrayed by mainstream Egyptologists in a way that suggests that the Amun Priesthood was heroic, in deposing the heretically monotheistic “mad king”, says Boulter. According to her, the real story is much more intriguing and it relates to Akhenaten’s esoteric knowledge about the founding of Ancient Egypt. Why did the Priesthood attempt to strip Akhenaten and Nefertiti from history?
Was Nefertiti able to escape, to conceal ancient knowledge of Egypt’s Atlantean past and exotic origins in a secret sacred tomb in Turkey? The newly released Bombshell Photographs answer that question with a resounding YES!
Dr. Boulter explains that her new discoveries, inspired by her intuitive sense as well as her expertise as a researcher, reveal that the corrupt Amun Priesthood attempted to eliminate the royal family in Egypt and killed the Pharaoh Akhenaten and his son Tutankhamun (King Tut), but that Queen Nefertiti fled to Turkey and escaped their vicious treachery.
She also explores the possibility that Akhenaten and Nefertiti were Atlantean supernatural beings that were giving humanity a new mystical philosophy of peace and spiritual attunement.
Russische ‘astronoom’: “NASA liegt dat ze barst over Nibiru”
Russische ‘astronoom’: “NASA liegt dat ze barst over Nibiru”
Internationale wetenschappers hebben donderdag de symbolische Doemdagklok een halve minuut vooruitgezet.
Ze willen hiermee aangeven dat de mensheid nog dichter in de buurt is gekomen bij de totale vernietiging van de aarde.
De zogenaamde Doomsday Clock staat nu op tweeënhalve minuut voor twaalf, met als achterliggende gedachte dat om 12 uur de ‘dag des oordeels’ aanbreekt.
Niet voorstellen
Een zelfverklaarde astronoom gaat nog een stap verder en claimt dat 2016 WF9, een asteroïde die vorig jaar is ontdekt, op 16 februari in botsing zal komen met de aarde, schrijft de Daily Mail.
De Russische astronoom Dyomin Damir Zakharovitsj claimt dat de asteroïde, die is ontdekt door NASA-satelliet NEOWISE, momenteel recht op de aarde afkoerst.
“NASA liegt dat ze barst,” zei ‘dr.’ Zakharovitsj. “Ik kan me niet voorstellen dat ze de waarheid niet kennen.”
“Wij hebben de gegevens gezien!” ging hij verder. “Het object dat ze WF9 noemen verliet het Nibiru-stelsel in oktober toen Nibiru tegen de klok in rond de zon begon te draaien.”
Hij verwijst met Nibiru naar Planeet X, een mysterieus hemellichaam dat in een langgerekte baan door ons zonnestelsel zou reizen.
“NASA weet dat het [object] de aarde zal raken,” vervolgde Zakharovitsj. “Maar ze brengen mensen nu pas op de hoogte. En ze vertellen leugens.”
“Dat ze het object 2016 WF9 noemen bewijst dat ze liegen,” aldus de astronoom. “Als ze het net hadden ontdekt, zou het 2017 WF9 hebben geheten.”
Volgens de NASA passeert het hemellichaam de aarde op een afstand van ruim 51 miljoen kilometer.
“Het object vormt geen bedreiging voor de aarde,” aldus het ruimteagentschap.
De zonnestralen op aarde lijken heftiger te worden en wel zodanig dat het op sommige plaatsen een vernietigend “bleek effect” veroorzaakt.
Je merkt het in de natuur zoals bij de bekende koraalriffen voor de kust van Australië, maar ook nummerborden van auto’s ontkomen niet aan het “bleek effect”.
Het Groot Barrièrerif is het grootste koraalrif ter wereld. Het bestaat uit meer dan 2.900 individuele riffen en 900 eilanden die zich uitstrekken over 2600 kilometer over een gebied van ongeveer 334.400 vierkante kilometer. Het rif is gelegen in de Koraalzee, voor de kust van Queensland in Noord-Oost Australië.
Het Groot Barrièrerif kan gezien worden vanuit de ruimte en is 's werelds grootste alleenstaande structuur, gemaakt door levende organismen. Deze rifstructuur bestaat uit en werd gemaakt door miljoenen kleine organismen, bekend als koraalpoliepen.[6] Het bevat een grote diversiteit aan leven en werd in 1981 geselecteerd voor de Werelderfgoedlijst
Waar het vooral om bekend is, zijn de prachtige kleuren die je daar onderwater tegenkomt, zoals te zien op de volgende foto:
Echter, vorig jaar kwam men tot de ontdekking de een enorm gedeelte van het koraalrif slachtoffer was geworden van wat men een “bleach effect” noemt. Een bleek effect, waarbij weinig of niets meer overblijft van de prachtige kleuren.
Echter, er zijn anderen die daar heel anders over denken. Zoals de maker van onderstaande video. Iemand die misschien geen wetenschappelijk onderzoek heeft gedaan, maar wel twee ogen heeft en logisch kan nadenken.
Hij stelt dat het "bleek effect" wordt veroorzaakt niet door de opwarming van de aarde en de mens, maar door de zonnestralen die veel intenser zijn geworden.
De manier waarop hij dat onder meer heeft vastgesteld, is door afgelopen zomer op verschillende dagen de kracht van de UV straling te meten.
Ultraviolet (afgekort uv, ook wel ultraviolette straling, black light of uv-licht genoemd) is elektromagnetische straling net buiten het deel van het spectrum dat met het menselijk oog waarneembaar is (zie ook: licht). De golflengte van ultraviolette straling ligt tussen 10 en 400 nanometer, dus 'voorbij het violet', wat ook de letterlijke betekenis is van 'ultraviolet'.
En dan zie je in de video dat zijn meter op verschillende dagen hoger aangeeft dan het bereik van de schaal. Met andere woorden, de straling door de zon is enorm.
Hij laat verder voorbeelden zien van het bleekeffect van de zon. Zoals nummerborden die eveneens helemaal verbleken en straatborden die zo heet worden dat de verf er vanaf smelt.
Hij suggereert dat men misschien via geo-engineering of chemtrails onderstaande luchten maakt om de mensheid enigszins te beschermen tegen de felheid van de zonnestralen (redactie: als dat zo is dan zouden ze niet zo geheimzinnig hoeven doen over het chemtrails denken wij. Maar wie weet is het een van de positieve bijkomstigheden van een duistere agenda).
Heeft deze man gelijk en zijn de stralen van de zon feller dan ze ooit waren? Graag zouden wij van mensen vernemen of ze ook dergelijke ervaringen hebben of dat het niet zo is en de man zich verbeeldt dat de zonnestralen feller zijn geworden.
Two major newspapers in Sweden reported these UFO clouds over the country and people all over started posting photos of these amazing UFO clouds lit up like giant orange disks. Here you get to see four different views of the UFO cloud as it moves from place to place and mostly keeps its form.
As I have said before, aliens have rules, not our rules, but their rules, and one of them is that they have to at least attempt to keep us from seeing them so they don't cause panic down here. So they make a cloud around the UFO. This is also a great way to come in low and bold just a hundred meters over the land itself so they can monitor our internet, phones, and even scan the people, homes, tech within the homes. Mostly its gathering intel, but...why? I hope its just out of curiosity of learning early development of our society in general, but they could be using the data to access if we are worthy to continue living on this planet...a test that may never end, but happen again, and again, and again throughout human history.
Why History PROVES UFO's & Aliens visited us in the ancient past
Why History PROVES UFO's & Aliens visited us in the ancient past
Why History PROVES UFO's & Aliens visited us in the ancient past
A flyingsaucer (also referred to as a flyingdisc) is a descriptive term for a supposed type of flying craft having a disc or saucer-shaped body, commonly used generically to refer to an anomalous flyingobject. The term was coined in 1930[1] but has generally been supplanted since 1952 by the United States Air Force term unidentifiedflying objects or UFO's. Early reported sightings of unknown "flying saucers" usually described them as silver or metallic, sometimes reported as covered with navigation lights or surrounded with a glowing light, hovering or moving rapidly, either alone or in tight formations with other similar craft, and exhibiting high maneuverability.
While disc-shaped flying objects have been interpreted as being sporadically recorded since the Middle Ages, the first recorded use of the term "flying saucer" for anunidentified flying object was to describe a probable meteor that fell over Texas and Oklahoma on June 17, 1930. "Some who saw the weird light described it as a huge comet, a flaming flying saucer, a great red glow, a ball of fire."[1] The highly publicized sighting by Kenneth Arnold on June 24, 1947, resulted in the popularity of the term "flying saucer" by U.S. newspapers. Although Arnold never specifically used the term "flying saucer", he was quoted at the time saying the shape of the objects he saw was like a "saucer", "disc", or "pie-plate", and several years later added he had also said "the objects moved like saucers skipping across the water." Both the terms flying saucer and flying disc were used commonly and interchangeably in the media until the early 1950s.
Arnold's sighting was followed by thousands of similar sightings across the world. Such sightings were once very common, to such an extent that "flying saucer" was a synonym for UFO through the 1960s before it began to fall out of favor. A lot of sightings of the cigar-shaped UFO were reported following it.[2] More recently, the flying saucer has been largely supplanted by other alleged UFO-related vehicles, such as the black triangle.[citation needed] The term UFO was, in fact, invented in 1952, to try to reflect the wider diversity of shapes being seen. However, unknown saucer-like objects are still reported, such as in the widely publicized 2006 sighting over Chicago-O'Hare airport. Interestingly though Hitler had commissioned some covert planes to be build which he coined had to be designed with the rule of 3x a thousand. Hitler wanted a private enterprise or technology company to design and create a flying craft that could Reach a speed of 1000 kilometers an hour, with a range of 1000 miles and with the carry capacity to transport and deliver (drop) a payload of 1000 lbs.
Someone met that challenge too!
The HortenH.IX, RLMdesignation Ho229 (or GothaGo 229 forextensive re-design work done by Gotha to prepare the aircraft for mass production) was a German prototype fighter/bomber initially designed by Reimar and Walter Horten to be built by Gothaer Waggonfabrik late in World War II. It was the first flying wing to be powered by jet engines.[1]
Given this was first flown in 1944 and the above 'drawn' craft was first spotted in it possible that the first ever UFO or then called a 'Flying Saucer' was in fact a top secret German military craft?
How similar do they look?
The Horton HO229 was a remarkable aircraft and well ahead of it's time, even then it was a built to a shape that was invisible to radar, in 1944 the Germans had stealth technology!!
It also had jet turbine engines making it the most powerful and maneuverable aircraft in the skies at that time..
This advanced technology really could have turned the war for Hitler!
It had such range and was so fast, by the time it evaded England's radar and was visible to the anti aircraft gunners, it would have been too fast and too close to prevent it dropping 1000lb payload bombs!! - Game over.
So what happened and why did this incredible endeavor fail?
During the final stages of the war, the U.S. military initiated Operation Paperclip, an effort to capture advanced German weapons research, and keep it out of the hands of advancing Soviet troops. A Horten glider and the Ho 229 V3, which was undergoing final assembly, were secured for sending to the United States for evaluation. On the way, the Ho 229 spent a brief time at RAE Farnborough inthe UK,[3] during which it was considered whether British jet engines could be fitted, but the mountings were found to be incompatible[6] with the early British turbojets, which used larger-diameter centrifugal compressors as opposed to the slimmer axial-flow turbojets the Germans had developed. The Americans were just starting to create their own axial-compressor turbojets before the war's end, such as the Westinghouse J30, with a thrust level only approaching the BMW 003's full output.
After the war, the designer Reimar Horten said he mixed charcoal dust in with the wood glue to absorb electromagnetic waves (radar), which he believed could shield the aircraft from detection by British early-warning ground-based radar that operated at 20 to 30 MHz (top end of the HF band), known as Chain Home.[10] A jet-powered flying wing design such as the Horten Ho 229 has a smaller radar cross-section than conventional contemporary twin-engine aircraft because the wings blended into the fuselage and there are no large propeller disks or vertical and horizontal tail surfaces to provide a typical identifiable radar signature.[11][4]
Engineers of the Northrop-Grumman Corporation had long been interested in the Ho 229, and several of them visited the Smithsonian Museum's facility in Silver Hill, Maryland in the early 1980s to study the V3 airframe, in the context of developing the Northrop Grumman B-2 of engineers from Northrop-Grumman ran electromagnetic tests on the V3's multilayer wooden center-section nose cones. The cones are 19 mm (0.75 in) thick and made from thin sheets of veneer. The team concluded that there was some form of conducting element in the glue, as the radar signal attenuated considerably as it passed through the cone.[11] However, a later inspection by the museum found no trace of such material.
UFO's in the Bible
Earlier still there are recorded events of UFO sightings in the various ancient Scriptures and the Bible. It depends how you chose to read these descriptions as to determine your own interpretation.
Images tell no lies though and there are many ancient pictures that provocatively suggest UFO's did visit humans even back in antiquity..
More on this subject in the attached video documentary, please watch and enjoy.
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6 UFOs sighted over India, Nepal, Bhutan in 1968: CIA report
6 UFOs sighted over India, Nepal, Bhutan in 1968: CIA report
'One white light and simultaneously two blasting sounds were heard,' on March 4, 1968, above Ladakh.
The CIA documented three UFO sightings in Sikkim and Ladakh in March 1968.
(Photo: Pixabay/Representational)
Mumbai: Of the thousands of declassified documents published online by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), one contains details about sightings of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, in India, Nepal and Bhutan.
The CIA documented a total of six UFO sightings over “south Ladakh, north east Nepal, north Sikkim and western Bhutan” in 1968. Three UFOs were sighted in Ladhak, India.
The CIA report, dated April 11, 1968, gives specific details of the date, local time and area of the UFO sightings in the regions. Two flying saucers were spotted in Ladakh, one on March 4 and another on March 25 and one in Sikkim on the night of February 19, 1968, according to the CIA report.
The UFO in Sikkim was flying “from South-east to North-west over Lachung, Lachen, Thangu, Muguthang and Chholamu”. A “thunder sound was heard in Chholamu after sighting the object”.
In Ladakh, “one white light and simultaneously two blasting sounds were heard. Also, one reddish light followed by white smoke,” was seen at 1 pm on March 4, 1968, above Chang La, Fukche and Koyul.
The one cited over Ladakh on March 4 was “following a circular path. Left a trail of smoke behind it”. Another flying saucer was spotted on the night of March 25, 1968, and it was “rocket-like” with a “white-yellow-white trail about 20 yards long at a height of 20-25,000 feet”.
While two UFOs were sighted in Nepal, one on February 19 and another on March 25, one was spotted over Thimpu in Bhutan on February 21.
One “blazing object,” was seen over Kaski in Nepal on the night of March 25, 1968. It was flashing intermittently” and “disintegrated”, the report said. “A huge metallic disc-shaped object with a six-foot base and four feet in height was found in a crater at Baltichaur, five miles NE of Pokhara,” it added.
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UFOs in India? CIA report lists not 1 but 3 sightings
UFOs in India? CIA report lists not 1 but 3 sightings
One white light and simultaneously two blasting sounds were heard,' on March 4, 1968, above Ladakh.
The CIA documented three UFO sightings in Sikkim and Ladakh in March 1968.
(Photo: Pixabay/Representational)
Mumbai:Of the thousands of declassified documents published online by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), one contains details about sightings of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, in India, Nepal and Bhutan.
The CIA documented a total of six UFO sightings over “south Ladakh, north east Nepal, north Sikkim and western Bhutan” in 1968. Three UFOs were sighted in Ladhak, India.
The CIA report, dated April 11, 1968, gives specific details of the date, local time and area of the UFO sightings in the regions. Two flying saucers were spotted in Ladakh, one on March 4 and another on March 25 and one in Sikkim on the night of February 19, 1968, according to the CIA report.
The UFO in Sikkim was flying “from South-east to North-west over Lachung, Lachen, Thangu, Muguthang and Chholamu”. A “thunder sound was heard in Chholamu after sighting the object”.
In Ladakh, “one white light and simultaneously two blasting sounds were heard. Also, one reddish light followed by white smoke,” was seen at 1 pm on March 4, 1968, above Chang La, Fukche and Koyul.
The one cited over Ladakh on March 4 was “following a circular path. Left a trail of smoke behind it”. Another flying saucer was spotted on the night of March 25, 1968, and it was “rocket-like” with a “white-yellow-white trail about 20 yards long at a height of 20-25,000 feet”.
While two UFOs were sighted in Nepal, one on February 19 and another on March 25, one was spotted over Thimpu in Bhutan on February 21.
One “blazing object,” was seen over Kaski in Nepal on the night of March 25, 1968. It was flashing intermittently” and “disintegrated”, the report said. “A huge metallic disc-shaped object with a six-foot base and four feet in height was found in a crater at Baltichaur, five miles NE of Pokhara,” it added.
This artist's rendition shows the Earth-mass planet GJ 1132b circling its parent star. New observations suggest the planet's thick atmosphere may harbor water or methane. Credit: Dana Berry / Skyworks Digital / CfA
For astronomers seeking Earth twins around other stars, the exoplanet GJ 1132 b probably isn’t an identical sibling—but it may be the closest cousin yet found. It weighs in at just over one Earth mass, but circles its star in a warm orbit that could make it more like Venus than our own world. Moreover, its diameter is nearly 50 percent larger than that of Earth, suggesting it possesses a thick atmosphere. Now, after taking the closest-ever look at GJ 1132 b, a European collaboration has confirmed the presence of its atmosphere and found hints it might contain water and methane. The results are currently under review for publication in The Astrophysical Journal.
As mere discoveries of exoplanets become routine, efforts to learn more about them—their compositions, climates and histories—are moving to the fore, with studies of their atmospheres occupying center stage. Although astronomers detected the first exoplanet atmosphere more than 15 years ago, they have only managed to observe a handful ever since, mostly for very hot worlds as big as Jupiter or even larger. With their first glimpse of GJ 1132 b’s alien air, astronomers are now entering a new frontier as they examine the atmospheres of smaller, more Earth-like worlds.
“We have shown that an Earth-mass planet is capable of sustaining a thick atmosphere,” says John Southworth, lecturer in astrophysics at Keele University in England and lead author on the discovery paper. “This is one step towards investigating whether a planet could host life.”
Finding the tenuous atmospheres around other worlds strains the limits of current technology. Luckily, GJ 1132 b has the advantage of being relatively easy to study, because it is only 39 light-years away—just a hop, skip and a jump across our cosmic neighborhood. It also orbits an M-dwarf, the smallest and coolest type of star, which allows astronomers to more readily probe the planet’s atmosphere.
“Detecting the atmosphere of Earth-sized planets around M-dwarfs is an essential step in the search for habitable exoplanets,” says astronomer Julien de Wit, postdoctoral researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology unaffiliated with the study. “The concern, however, is that they may not always be able to sustain an atmosphere because of the potential history of strong activity of their star. Finding one with an atmosphere would provide us with hope.”
The team studied GJ 1132 b’s atmosphere using a variation on the “transit” planet-detection method, in which a world traverses the face of its star as seen from Earth. As the planet crosses its star, it blocks a small portion of the star’s total light and casts a planetary shadow toward our solar system. A planet’s atmosphere will absorb a tiny fraction of starlight around the shadow’s edges, filtering out certain wavelengths in accordance with its composition. Gathering enough light to discern this minuscule effect usually requires observing multiple transits using some of the world’s most powerful telescopes.
Using the MPG/ESO 2.2 meter telescope at the European Southern Observatory in Chile, the team monitored nine transits of GJ 1132 b across a wide range of wavelengths, from optical to near-infrared. The measurements allowed them to line up a simple spectrum, which shows the amount of light at each wavelength. Their results showed extra absorption at certain wavelengths—indicating the possibility of water and/or methane in GJ 1132 b’s atmosphere in approximately equal proportions as is found in Earth’s air.
Because astronomers have good measures for both the mass and the size of GJ 1132 b, they can estimate the planet’s density—and thus its possible composition. Given that the atmosphere may contain water vapor, one model suggests the planet could be a steamy space oasis with a substantial envelope of water surrounding a rocky core. Other models with rockier compositions are also possible, however, and the mass measurements are not detailed enough to wholly confirm the exact interior makeup. “Our own observations have shown that it has an atmosphere, but we have not been able to put many constraints on what the atmosphere is actually made of,” Southworth says. “The next step is to take observations with bigger telescopes, and space telescopes, covering a bigger wavelength range at a much better resolution.”
Given the limitations of current instruments, it will fall to the next generation of telescopes such as the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to glean more information about the nature of Earth-size exoplanet atmospheres. “The James Webb Space Telescope will be able to measure the spectra of exoplanets in great detail, and perhaps GJ 1132 b will be one of the more interesting exoplanets to be observed extensively” with the JWST, says Renyu Hu, a planetary scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. “We will continue to see astronomers pushing the limits, towards better spectra of smaller and perhaps more temperate exoplanets.”
Boasting a mirror some six times the size of the Hubble Space Telescope’s, JWST will be able to efficiently seek out signs of carbon dioxide and oxygen as well as water vapor and methane in some exoplanet atmospheres. Eager planet hunters, however, should not hold their breath for these breakthrough capabilities—JWST will not launch until October 2018, and the telescope has a full docket of other science objectives that will limit any time-consuming observations of exoplanets.
“This is a great start, but we need higher signal-to-noise data and spectral resolution,” Sara Seager, a professor of astrophysics at MIT, says of the results. “We need to await the JWST to make any real progress on small-planet atmospheres.”
Document du FBI : la Terre a été visitée par des êtres d’un monde parallèle
Document du FBI : la Terre a été visitée par des êtres d’un monde parallèle
Le FBI a déclassifié un document de consultation incroyablement intéressant qui leur a été fourni par un universitaire anonyme qui a affirmé que la Terre a été régulièrement visitée par des êtres interdimensionnels qui seraient venus d’une autre dimension avec une mission pacifique .
Le FBI déclassifie un document étonnant
Le document, qui a été clairement lu par plusieurs individus, dont beaucoup ont fait des annotations détaillées, met en garde contre la menace d’attaquer les engins spatiaux extraterrestres appelés «soucoupes volantes». Il dit que si les extraterrestres étaient attaqués par un aéronef, ils pourraient répondre avec force, ce qui entraînerait sans doute la destruction immédiate du véhicule humain. Cette éventualité pourrait mener à un certain nombre de conséquences extrêmement graves, y compris la panique du public au sujet des envahisseurs interdimensionnels.
Le professeur a ensuite détaillé certaines informations qu’ils avaient réussi à glaner sur les vaissaux spatiaux extraterrestres et les raisons pour lesquelles les extraterrestres avaient décidé de visiter la planète Terre. En ce qui concerne l’engin spatial, le professeur a écrit que tandis qu’une partie des vaisseaux transportent un équipage, d’autres sont contrôlés à distance. Il a également dit qu’ils possédaient une forme d’énergie radiante qui pourrait facilement détruire tout navire attaquant. Ils étaient également capables de se matérialiser et de dématérialiser à volonté. L’auteur a noté que les vaisseaux n’étaient probablement pas équipés d’équipement radio, mais qu’il était possible que d’autres véhicules volants puissent communiquer avec eux par radar.
Il a également écrit quelques notes sur les extraterrestres eux-mêmes. Il a affirmé qu’ils ressemblaient assez aux êtres humains mais qu’ils étaient beaucoup plus grands en taille. Il a affirmé qu’ils ne venaient pas du plan astral comme les gens ont tendance à le comprendre, mais plutôt d’une autre dimension. Il a dit que cette dimension et le monde d’origine des extraterrestres n’étaient pas perceptibles aux humains en utilisant la technologie actuelle.
Alors qu’il a souligné l’importance d’éviter la confrontation avec ces créatures, il a également été clairement indiqué qu’ils ne représentent pas une menace pour les êtres humains sur la planète Terre. Il a été spécifiquement noté que les extraterrestres étaient en mission pacifique.
Il est très intéressant de noter que le FBI a pris ce document assez au sérieux pour voir qu’il a été largement diffusé au sein du Bureau et pour s’assurer qu’il a reçu une très haute cote de sécurité. Cela pourrait-il prouver qu’ils connaissent les visiteurs interdimensionnels de la Terre depuis plus d’un demi-siècle ?
Vous trouverez ci-dessous une copie réécrite du rapport. (REMARQUE) Certains mots dans le texte original sont illisibles en raison des nombreuses notations censurées.
Le document, reçu le 8 juillet 1947, déclare :
« Ce mémorandum est adressé respectueusement à certains scientifiques de distinction, à d’importantes autorités aéronautiques et militaires, à un certain nombre d’agents publics et à quelques publications. L’écrivain a peu d’espoir que tout ce qui importe sera accompli par ce geste. Le simple fait que les données ci-dessus soient obtenues par des moyens dits supra-normaux suffisent probablement à en faire abstraction par la quasi-totalité des personnes adressées : néanmoins, il semble le rendre public. (Le présent écrivain a plusieurs diplômes universitaires et était autrefois un chef de département d’université).
Une situation très grave peut se développer à tout moment en ce qui concerne les « soucoupes volantes ». Si l’une d’entre elles doit être attaquée, l’attaquant sera certainement détruit. Dans l’esprit du public, cela pourrait créer un vent de panique et une suspicion internationale. Les principales données concernant ces engins sont maintenant à portée de main et doivent être offertes, aussi fantastiques et inintelligibles que cela puisse paraître, à des esprits qui n’avaient pas été précédemment chargés de penser à cela.
1. Une partie des soucoupes transportent des équipages, d’autres sont sous contrôle à distance.
2. Leur mission est pacifique. Les visiteurs envisagent seulement d’observer.
3. Ces visiteurs sont de type humain, mais beaucoup plus grands en taille.
4. Ils ne sont pas des êtres excarnés de la Terre mais viennent de leur propre monde.
5. Ils ne proviennent pas d’une planète comme nous l’imaginons, mais d’une planète éthérique qui interpénètre avec la nôtre et n’est pas perceptible pour nous.
6. Les corps des visiteurs et de l’engin se matérialisent automatiquement en entrant dans la vitesse vibratoire de notre matière dense.
7. Les soucoupes possèdent un type d’énergie rayonnante ou un rayon, qui désagrégera facilement tout navire attaquant.
8. Ils rentrent dans l’éthérique à volonté, et disparaissent ainsi simplement de notre vision, sans aucune trace.
9. La région d’où ils viennent n’est pas le «plan astral», mais correspond aux Lokas ou Talas. Les étudiants en matière ésotérique comprendront ces termes.
10. Ils ne peuvent probablement pas être atteints par radio, mais probablement par radar. Si un système de signal peut être conçu pour cet appareil.
Nous donnons des informations et avertissons et ne pouvons pas faire plus. Que les nouveaux arrivants soient traités avec toutes les bontés. A moins que les soucoupes ne soient (illisibles) (illisibles, illisibles) que notre culture et notre science sont incapables de traiter. Une responsabilité lourde repose sur les quelques personnes autorisées qui sont capables de comprendre cette question.
Addenda : Les Lokas sont ovales, avec de longues cannelures, composés un métal résistant à la chaleur ou un alliage pas encore connu, la partie avant contient les commandes, la partie centrale un laboratoire ; L’arrière contient l’armement, qui consiste essentiellement en un appareil énergétique puissant, peut-être un rayon… »
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7 Pieces of Ancient Art that Prove the “Gods” Were Here
7 Pieces of Ancient Art that Prove the “Gods” Were Here
Art can be interpreted in numerous ways but sometimes it’s just plain obvious what the artist wanted to express: aliens and UFOs.
1. The Alien Statues on Nuku Hiva Island
Stone stands the test of time. Because of this, we have the unique opportunity to see through the eyes of the ancients and, in the case of the Nuku Hiva sculptures, we can also gaze into the large, almond-shaped eyes of what could easily be described as a race of extraterrestrials.
Nuku Hiva is the largest island in the Marquesas Archipelago in French Polynesia. European explorers reached the archipelago in the late 16th century but by then, the islands had been inhabited for close to 2,000 years by native Polynesians. This culture had left behind a number of intriguing works of art depicting beings with bulbous heads, large eyes; their appearance is eerily reminiscent of the Grey alien form we’re accustomed to.
Some sculptures appear to represent hybrid beings exhibiting a mix of human and alien features. There are ufologists who claim there are two alien races carved in stone at Nuku Hiva: reptilian and grey.
Could these ancient works of art be a testament of extraterrestrial involvement? Did ancient aliens come into contact with the native populations, impacting them in such a way the humans felt compelled to carve their masks in stone?
Whatever the case may be, one more thing needs to be said: in the South Marquesan dialect, the island was called Te Fenua ‘Enata, meaning “The Land of Men.” Maybe as opposed to aliens?
2. The magnificent spaceships of the Anunnaki
Myths and legendary accounts from all over the world offer an abundance of clues regarding the presence of an extremely advanced race of aliens in ancient times, their influence still pervasive today.
In all likelihood, these beings helped erect massive monuments that have survived millennia, many more still waiting to be discovered.
Known by different names and considered gods, these creatures once crisscrossed Earth’s sky in spaceships, immortalized in various works of ancient art. Flight was not just a dream in antiquity, it was a reality, as evidenced by sculptures and engravings of rockets, vimanas, spaceports, landing pads. The Sanskrit epic Mahabharata describes in rich detail great battles that took place in the sky. The Mayan ruler Pakal’s tomb features a bas-relief showing the king in a seated position, controlling what looks to us like a flying machine.
Is it wise to see these artifacts only in a symbolic light? Do they not offer insight into the reality of ancient flight? What will we gain by ignoring the obvious?
3. The ancient star map at Mount Satan, Indonesia
In 1992, a geologist exploring a cave in Indonesia’s Devil Hills made a remarkable discovery. On top of a strange pile of rocks, C.A. Castillo saw a mysterious stone that looked like it had been carved by the hand of man.
On the surface of the mysterious stone, Castillo noticed a series of patterns that have yet to be explained. The engravings appear to show stars, the Sun, humanoid fingers and arrows pointing in multiple directions. Ufologists were quick to notice the symbols look very similar to one of our modern star maps, the golden disc aboard the Pioneer space probe. Could this ancient rock have served a similar purpose? Is it a map and if so, where does it lead to?
If the markings show a star system, it is not ours; this stone shows seven planets and a sun, arranged differently than the solar system we inhabit.
Even stranger is the fact that, whenever placed near electrical equipment, the stone starts exhibiting weird magnetic properties.
This puzzling artifact raises more questions than it answers. Who were its creators? Did they possess astronomical knowledge and if so, where did they get it from? We may never find the answers to these questions so we are left only with speculation.
4. The Ubaid Lizardmen
The Ubaid Lizardmen is the name given to a collection of 7,000 year-old statuettes found in Mesopotamia, the region widely considered as the cradle of civilization. All of these sculptures show an uncanny resemblance to modern depictions of reptilian humanoids.
Most of these artifacts were uncovered in an archaeological site called Tell Al’Ubaid, a small settlement in modern-day Iraq. This ancient community predates the nearby Sumerian citadel of Ur by more than 1,000 years.
The ancient Ubaid culture remains an enigma to this day. No one knows where they came from, how they looked or where they got the idea to craft representations of reptilian beings.
The strange figurines show both males and females in a variety of postures ranging from mothers breastfeeding to dignified characters holding staffs and exuding an air of dominance. This variety of representations has led open-minded archaeologists to conclude that the statues do not show intangible gods, but rather flesh-and-bone creatures that shared the same space with the humanoid Ubaids.
Their reptilian characteristics are plain to see and include elongated heads, serpentine eyes, scales and lizard-like snouts.
Are these statuettes proof of reptilian hybrid and human cohabitation in the land where civilization arose?
Figurines left behind by the Serbian Vinca culture have been puzzling archaeologists for a long time. The scientific world is divided and explanations vary but the mind thinks what the eye sees: these sculptures appear to depict a race of extraterrestrial visitors.
The peculiar head shape and the non-human eyes bring to mind the Grey alien archetype, with a bit of insectoid fused into it.
Over 7,000 years old, these statuettes were found in a lot of areas in South-eastern Europe, attesting to the non-locality of these alien visitors.
6. Alien Hybrid heads from Papua New Guinea
In the 1960s, two brave adventurers, husband and wife managed to become introduced with a mysterious Pygmy tribe in the jungles of Papua New Guinea. As a token of their mutual respect, the two parties exchanged gifts. The tribe elders gave the couple two unexplained artifacts that should not have been in their possession.
The intriguing relics speak for themselves: a bust with an elongated head, large otherworldly eyes and a decidedly-alien appearance. The other relic represented a bird or even a flying machine.
These ancient artifacts are definitely out-of-place and raise a few legitimate questions. How did the natives know about features not present anywhere in their population? Where did they get the technology to shape, carve and smooth the extremely hard rock?
The elders claimed these stone representations had been a part of their tribe for countless generations, their origin lost amid the inscrutable depths of time.
Do they show travelers from another dimension? From another time? Or are they simply the product of human imagination? But without reference, how could a tribe hold sacred a pair of stone idols? We’ll never know the answer.
7. The Tri-lobed Disc of Sabu
The first floor of the Cairo Museum is home to an enigmatic piece whose function archaeologists have yet to discover. A round plate with three sections bent towards the center, this oopart was uncovered in the tomb of Sabu, the son of Pharaoh Anedjib.
Dated at over 5,000 years, this relic could be seen as proof of advanced technology being employed in Ancient Egypt. Its function is unknown and, in an effort to dismiss the conundrum, researchers simply called the object a decorative plate. But it is plain to see that the disc of Sabu is the result of a complex technological process, so its function must have been very specific. Does it not look like a propeller of some kind?
Crafted from a very hard stone that was used to make delicate objects, the disc is incredibly thin even by today’s standards. Strong and light is the creed in modern aeronautics, so it makes sense that the same principles also applied 5 millennia ago.
Coupled with the idea that ancient Egyptians produced and used electricity, this piece of machinery could suggest we were not the first civilization to reach a somewhat advanced technological level.
Ignored by mainstream science, these incongruous relics hold in them the potential to awaken humanity to an alternative scenario, one where life is cyclic and most of the times, there is nothing new under the sun. And who knows how many other artifacts are hidden away or await discovery.
Mysterious metallic 'alien' sound heard 10 Km deep in the Mariana trench (AUDIO)
Mysterious metallic 'alien' sound heard 10 Km deep in the Mariana trench (AUDIO)
While thousands of climbers have successfully scaled Mount Everest, the highest point on Earth, only two people have descended to the planet’s deepest point, the Challenger Deep in the Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench. Mr. Cameron plunged about 11 kilometres down the Mariana Trench in the western Pacific, the first one-person mission to the lowest point of the oceans.
“I felt like I — in the space of one day — had gone to another planet and come back,” he said, saying the ocean floor was a “completely featureless, alien world.” The Mariana Trench or Marianas Trench is the deepest known part of the world's oceans.
It is located in the western Pacific Ocean, to the east of the Mariana Islands. The trench is about 2,550 kilometres (1,580 mi) long with an average width of 69 kilometres (43 mi).
Now, researchers have released audio of a strange booming sound heard in the deepest part of the ocean, lasting between 2.5 and 3.5 seconds, the five-part call includes deep moans at frequencies as low as 38 hertz and a metallic finale that pushes as high as 8,000 hertz.
Huge Staircase in Antarctica – UFO Landing Spot or the Work of Giants?
Huge Staircase in Antarctica – UFO Landing Spot or the Work of Giants?
Google Earth images revealed the presence of what looks like an enormous staircase in Antarctica. Who’s responsible, aliens or giants?
A heated debate is ongoing on many conspiracy forums, fueled by the recent discovery of what many claim is evidence of an ancient and unexplained presence on Earth. Many claim the structure that looks like a giant staircase leading up the side of a massive mountain in Antarctica might be the work of ancient aliens and could be the remnant of a structure that was once used as a landing spot for UFOs.
The user credited with discovering the unusual structure said he began looking for clues about ancient civilizations in Antarctica after taking part in a debate about prominent personalities’ recent visits to the frozen continent. Recently, Antarctica was toured by former astronaut Buzz Aldrin, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and weirdly, Russian Patriarch Kirill.
UFO hunters have claimed that the U.S. Government is aware of the existence of an extensive network of ancient ruins buried under the Antarctic ice, ruins which hold alien technology left behind by alien visitors. As a result, the NASA astronaut was sent to investigate whether the extraterrestrial ships that might still be there were similar in nature to the ones he saw when he was on the Moon.
The same UFO enthusiasts speculated that John Kerry’s mission to Antarctica served the same purpose. Why a Russian religious leader would be delegated on a similar mission remains a mystery.
This morning, in the work van, we were talking about conspiracies… so I pulled out Google Earth [and] came across something that looked like a giant staircase.”
While some have proposed the alleged staircase is actually the result of a topographic glitch in the satellite imagery, many remain convinced this could be the remains of an ancient marker leading UFOs to a landing spot. They claim that in ancient times, it could have been equipped with some kind of navigational beacon to direct the extraterrestrial flying machines to their destination.
The following comments paint a clear picture about what people think about this recent discovery:
“It’s more likely a landing site than stairs.”
“It does look like stairs – maybe on a pyramid structure?”
“I attribute it to fallen angels and Nephilim… high-tech demonic activity.”
“I’m not an alien believer but I do believe we’ve been all over this planet many times in our past.”
It’s no secret that conspiracy communities have long held the belief that pyramids and step structures served a different role than the one attributed to them by archaeologists and historians. Proponents of alternative history are convinced aliens with advanced technology visited earth in the distant past and oversaw the construction of landing pads and beacons. They imparted their knowledge to the people of ancient Sumer and Egypt, as well as to cultures in South America. Over time, the real purpose of these wrongfully-called monuments has been lost and our connection with the aliens now lies dormant under thick layers of dust or vegetation.
But there could be another explanation behind this controversial structure: the equally-controversial builders of many other megalithic structures, the ancient giants.
The sons of the Nephilim possessed great strength, intelligence and they had a pride to match their size. Many ancient structures are credited to these proficient builders and the staircase in Antarctica could be one of them.
The recent discovery of the staircase comes just weeks after another unexplained ruin was found hidden under Antarctic snow.
If there are pyramids in Antarctica, it stands to reason that our understanding of Earth’s history is incompleteat best.
Trump Vowed to “Unlock the Mysteries of Space.” Does that Include ALIENS?
Trump Vowed to “Unlock the Mysteries of Space.” Does that Include ALIENS?
In an unexpected move, President Trump said he was “ready to unlock the mysteries of space.” Bold declaration, but was he referring to aliens?
Some hate him, some love him. No matter the sentiment, Trump is President of the United States of America. And prior to this, he has evaded all questions regarding alien life, the UFO phenomenon and the much-anticipated disclosure.
His inauguration sparked fires and protests and his speeches always have consequences. But it came as a surprise when his inauguration speech veered to an area populated with UFO hunters and alien enthusiasts. Should they raise their hopes that, against all odds, Trump will finally provide the revelations we’ve all been waiting for?
We stand at the birth of a new millennium,ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow,” Trump said. He added that “a new national pride will stir our souls, lift our sights, and heal our divisions.”
During his presidential campaign, Trump steered clear of this subject and avoided answering questions about aliens at all costs. Space aliens, that is.
On the other hand, Hillary Clinton was outspoken about her intentions to reveal crucial aspects that UFO hunters were waiting for. She claimed to be willing to declassify a trove of secret files pertaining to the subject and even shed some light on the mysterious Area 51 facility. Whether she really planned on doing this or was just playing a card to win the vote of believers will remain a mystery but the reality is once she lost, conspiracy theorists felt the pursuit of truth was dealt a strong blow.
Perhaps the most optimistic of them hoped Trump would reveal what Hillary couldn’t but even their expectations were pretty low. With the president having made a vague but somewhat promising statement, hopes are once again rising.
So, what’s your take on this? Is this another one of Trump’s unfounded assertions or should we prepare for great news?
Black Knight Satellite - There is an Alien Satellite Watching Earth (VIDEO)
Black Knight Satellite - There is an Alien Satellite Watching Earth (VIDEO)
There are stories that tells us that is right there among the darkness of the sky, spotted on the dark side of the Earth.
This unidentified, silent satellite has been discovered circling the darkness of the sky through his orbit. Amazed by this unidentified object, the Earth is moving below him.
This is the satellite called Black Knight, a mysterious object circling the Planet, unidentified, an object that eventually could be nonhuman in origin.
The story of the Black Knight made it's media debut with Nikola Tesla, suchlike many others stories. Rumors are that it was Nikola Tesla the first man to "intercept" a signal from this otherworldly satellite in 1899, as he related in a conference.
In 1920 the radio amateurs were able to intercept the same signal. After Tesla's discovery, the scientists from Oslo, Norway, who were experiencing radio signals to pulsars, had detected in 1928 delayed echoes named Long Delay Echoes ( LDEs) ,a strange phenomen , meaning to intercept echoes after few seconds before the radio signallings starts wich was not understood at that moment.
Since 1960's both USA and Soviet have satellites on their orbits. But on 11th of February 1960, media reported a shocking news: someone else could have an object like this on Planet's orbit, as well.
On a radar screen projected by US Navy something occured. A dark object appers to circle the Earth. It does not belonged nor to americans nor to soviets.
Aliens Give Escort To US President Donald Trumps Plane In Washington DC (VIDEO)
Aliens Give Escort To US President Donald Trumps Plane In Washington DC (VIDEO)
An UFO was seen nearly colliding with the presidential jet itself. As you can see the UFO shot past at such a speed even the camera had difficulty focusing on it.
Fox News was lucky enough to catch it and show it on national TV.
It looks like that aliens have a deep interest in Americas new president and what he has destined for the world. Also a UFO was seen following President elect Donald Trump chopper during one of his campaigns. That UFO was following Donald Trump's helicopter as it flew in Iowa during one of his election campaigns.
EVERYONE was talking about what Hillary Clinton might do for UFO disclosure if she was elected US president, but what about Donald Trump now he has made it to the White House, will he order UFO disclosure?
Now an Ufo was seen escorting to US Presidential plane.
Attack Of The Green Goblins | NASA's Unexplained Files
Attack Of The Green Goblins | NASA's Unexplained Files
Published on Dec 6, 2016
For years pilots and the public have reported sightings of mysterious green lights in the sky, but what are the theories behind them? Subscribe to Discovery TV for more great clips:
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VIDEO: Wereldwijd zien piloten vreemde groene lichten in de lucht
VIDEO: Wereldwijd zien piloten vreemde groene lichten in de lucht
In New Mexico zien piloten geregeld groene vuurballen in de lucht. Niemand heeft een verklaring voor wat de piloten waarnemen.
Op 5 december 1948 zag een piloot boven New Mexico zo’n groene vuurbal richting zijn toestel vliegen.
De vuurbal werd ook gezien door twee andere piloten, die niet konden verklaren wat ze hadden gezien.
De vuurballen komen soms zo dichtbij dat de piloten moeten uitwijken, aldus Nick Pope, die jarenlang voor het Britse ministerie van Defensie werkte.
Volgens de Amerikaanse luchtmacht waren de vuurballen slechts lichtkogels, maar die bereiken geen hoogtes van meer dan 600 meter.
Eén van de felste vuurballen werd gezien boven Roswell in New Mexico. De waarnemingen haalden het landelijke nieuws en de media vroegen zich af of Amerika was bezocht door aliens.
De vuurbal verscheen slechts 18 maanden na het beroemde Roswellincident.
Toen de groene vuurballen boven Amerikaanse legerbases begonnen te verschijnen, besloot de luchtmacht maatregelen te nemen.
Legerfunctionarissen begonnen nerveus te worden. Onbekende objecten werden gezien boven diverse streng bewaakte Amerikaanse bases en niemand wist waar ze vandaan kwamen.
De Amerikaanse astronoom Lincoln LaPaz van de Universiteit van New Mexico werd belast met het onderzoek naar de mysterieuze lichten. Zijn conclusie was dat ze kunstmatig waren.
In 2005 opperde een onderzoeker dat de lichten mogelijk werden veroorzaakt door atoomproeven, maar die blijken niet overeen te komen met de waarnemingen.
De groene vuurballen worden tot op de dag van vandaag gezien in de VS, maar ook in Groot-Brittannië en Australië. Een sluitende verklaring is er nog altijd niet.
Kun je je de planeet aarde voorstellen waar over een jaar of tien zo goed als alle leven zal zijn uitgestorven?
Volgens een Amerikaanse professor is dit wat wij kunnen verwachten en misschien is dat de reden dat er ook deze week weer een enorm moederschip is waargenomen bij de zon.
Van een lezer ontvingen wij een e-mail (dank!) waar onder andere het volgende in staat:
De berichten over klimaatverandering houden mij zo bezig dat ik aan vrijwel niets anders meer kan denken. Problemen blijven verder gaan en hoe meer ik denk over zo een soort samenleving, hoe somberder ik daar van word. Nu hoor ik opnieuw professor McPherson roepen dat het leven op aarde eindigt voor 2030.
Wat nu?
Er zal iets moeten gebeuren en of de buitenaardsen, waar jij graag over schrijft, ons komen redden is inderdaad de actuele hoofdvraag. Voor mij staat wel vast dat we wel een handje hulp kunnen gebruiken want hier komen we niet uit. Betekent het feit dat ze Avril Lavigne gekloond hebben dan ook dat ze ons met overleven zullen helpen?
Ik lust bijna geen eten meer. Alles vind ik vies. Ik zie het hopeloos in. Ik mag hopen dat de buitenaardsen die een geliefd onderwerp vormen ons inderdaad zullen redden.
Mensen zijn niet eens meer in staat hun bed te gebruiken – want die is ook al stuk. Ik heb immers geen pasje van de geheime UFO basis. Kun je de buitenaardsen niet 's nachts even bij mij langs sturen voor een geruststellend gesprek? Dan bied ik ze meteen een glas water aan.
Professor Guy McPherson denkt inderdaad dat al het menselijk leven over ongeveer tien jaar volledig is uitgestorven. Volgens hem hoeven wij ons dan ook helemaal niet druk te maken over klimaatverandering omdat er iets gaande is dat vergelijkbaar is met de situatie op aarde zo’n 252 miljoen jaar geleden.
In die tijd vond er een abrupte stijging van temperatuur plaats hetgeen resulteerde in het zo goed als uisterven van alle leven op aarde, behalve enkele elementaire vormen zoals microben.
McPherson denkt dat er nu weer zoiets staat te gebeuren en ook dat het heel snel zal gaan. Hij denkt dan ook dat we er beter aan doen om dit feit te accepteren, maar dat hij altijd openstaat voor een wonder.
Als de situatie inderdaad zo precair wordt op aarde als dat deze professor denkt, zijn er dan inderdaad mogelijkheden dat buitenaardsen (een deel) van de mensheid op tijd zouden kunnen evacueren?
Die mogelijkheden hebben ze inderdaad, want juist de afgelopen week kwamen er weer beelden tevoorschijn van enorme moederschepen in de buurt van onze zon, zoals te zien op de volgende afbeelding.
In de video hierna zie je meer opnames van grote UFO’s in de buurt van de zon. Het lijkt alsof ze daar de laatste tijd vaker worden gesignaleerd en ook in grotere aantallen.
De schepen die daar worden waargenomen zijn zo groot dat ze met gemak de complete wereldbevolking of een deel daarvan zouden kunnen evacueren en overbrengen naar een andere planeet ergens in het universum.
Op dit moment klinkt dat misschien als science fiction, maar wij leven in bijzondere tijden waar we keer op keer in situaties terechtkomen die we nog nooit eerder hebben meegemaakt.
Dus, wie weet, gaan we straks met z'n allen een (ruimte)reis maken.
UFOs were once at the heart of popular culture and science fiction, with even an American president claiming he'd had a strange encounter. Jeremy Allen looks at the strange decline of the little green men, asking if it's a symptom of our troubled age
"The lack of any serviceable or even credible ruling ideas has created a situation that resembles a tabula rasa - almost anything might appear. The phenomenon of the UFOs may well be just such an apparition."
- C.G.Jung
During the Cold War heyday of UFOlogy, even the President of the United States claimed to have witnessed something extraterrestrial floating in the sky. "There were about 20 of us standing outside a little restaurant I believe, a high school lunchroom, and a kind of green light appeared in the western sky," recounted Jimmy Carter when he was governor of Georgia in 1973. "This was right after sundown. It got brighter and brighter and then it eventually disappeared. It didn't have any solid substance to it, it was just a very peculiar-looking light. None of us could understand what it was."
The post war UFO craze was nothing new, of course. "People have seen mysterious objects and lights in the sky since we first looked up, and that was, obviously, a very, very long time ago," Mark Pilkington, author of Mirage Men: A Journey Into Paranoia, Disinformation and UFOs, tells me. "How those things are interpreted is entirely determined by the prevailing cultures of knowledge, religion, mythology and folklore."
Jacques Vallée, who co-developed the computerised mapping of Mars for NASA, compiled a book full of word-of-mouth unexplained phenomena in his underground classic Passport to Magonia, with sightings stretching back to the Japanese Heian period ("On August, 989, during a period of great social unrest, three round objects of unusual brilliance were observed.") In his bracing 1959 analysis of the extraterrestrial phenomenon, Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen In The Sky, Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung referenced 16th century pamphlets, yet even these were positively contemporary when compared with reports of "fiery discs" flying over Egypt around 1500BCE.
But shortly after World War II, UFOs became the gold standard paranormal activity, a bellwether that trumped ghost hunting or the pursuit of mythical beasts like Sasquatch, the Yeti or the Loch Ness Monster. These manifestations darting in and out of the ether caught the western imagination, given that they could be aliens or stealthy Russian spy planes, at once pulling on our paranoia and fascination with the exotic.
In this climate, UFOs became what Jung described as "a living myth". He wrote "we have here a golden opportunity to see how a legend is formed, and how in a difficult and dark time for humanity a miraculous tale grows up of an attempted intervention by extra-terrestrial ‘heavenly’ powers - and this at the very time when human fantasy is seriously considering the possibility of space travel". Times were superstitious too - "The heyday of astrology was not in the benighted Middle Ages but in the middle of the 20th century," observed Jung, "when even the newspapers do not hesitate to publish the week’s horoscope."
As the iron grip of religion eased people were now looking to the heavens for a different kind of truth. "As recently as the First World War, we still told stories about encounters with angels," John Higgs wrote in 2016 book Stranger Than We Can Imagine: Making Sense of the Twentieth Century. "One example, popularised by the Welsh author Arthur Machen, involved angels protecting the British Expeditionary Force at the Battle of Mons. But by the Second World War, Christianity had collapsed to the point where meetings with angels were no longer credible, and none of the previous labels for otherworldly entities seemed believable. As a result, the strange encounters which still occurred were now interpreted as contact with visitors from other planets. The ideas of science fiction were the best metaphors we had to make sense of what we didn’t understand."
As movie special effects improved, so too did people’s appetite for space-age fantasy at the cinema. Three of the top 10 highest grossing films at the box office in the 1970s could be judged to have supernatural or sci-fi content, with Star Wars inevitably leading the pack. By the 1980s, six of the 10 Hollywood blockbusters were sci-fi related (while the three Indiana Jones films had a touch of the supernatural about them). Steven Spielberg’s E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial was the biggest grossing film of that decade, and the 6th highest grossing film of all time (adjusting to inflation).
"Since the early 1950s, Extraterrestrial spacecraft have been the go-to explanations for mysterious lights and objects in the skies," says Pilkington, "and successive waves of TV and film entertainments have maintained that mythic dominance and exported it to pretty much every corner of the planet. I like to say that UFOs are one of America’s greatest cultural exports." UFO sightings are most frequent when popular fiction related to the phenomenon is at its most fashionable - they increased manyfold while The X Files was on air during the 90s, for instance. Are people more likely to see things when their minds have been stimulated by film or television? "Undoubtedly yes," says Pilkington.
"The stimulus does not cause people to ‘invent’ paranormal or UFO experiences," says Roger Marsh, communications director of The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). "We do believe that the information about an experience, although fictionalised, causes the population to heighten their interest, and then try to report an incident. We quickly discovered that every time an episode of our television show Hangar 1: The UFO Files aired on the History Channel - for the first time or a re-run - our UFO reports dramatically increased. Even as those two seasons move into other markets around the world, we see an increase from the countries where the show is airing."
"The interrelationship between science fiction and UFOs is complex," says Nick Pope, who used to investigate UFOs and other mysteries for the British government, "and I speak as someone who’s had a foot in both camps, having also been a sci-fi author and a commentator on the genre. I don’t think having seen a sci-fi movie about aliens causes people to see UFOs, but it probably makes it more likely that they’ll report what they saw, because the release of a sci-fi movie creates a receptive environment where people feel they’re less likely to be ridiculed or disbelieved."
1980 arguably saw the peak of UFO activity, coming three years after Spielberg's other paranormal blockbuster Close Encounters of the Third Kind had been to cinemas. Partworks like The Unexplained were all the rage, whilst Charles Berlitz and William Moore’s book The Roswell Incident brought the 1947 New Mexico conspiracy to the wider public for the first time. 1980 also saw Britain’s most notorious "visitation" at Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk. Pope, who worked for the Ministry of Defence between 1985 and 2006 - and specifically on UFOs between 91 and 94 - has gone on record to describe the Rendlesham incident as a "smoking gun". I emailed him to ask him how he could be so sure, given that he started working at the MoD five years after the incident took place.
"While investigating UFOs I had access to all the MoD’s previous files on the subject, including the one on the Rendlesham Forest incident. In parallel, I conducted a cold case review in 1994, and over the years I’ve met and interviewed most of the key military witnesses. The ‘smoking gun’, that tells us we were dealing with not just lights in the sky but a landing, is a Defence Intelligence Staff (the DIS is part of the MoD) document that contains an official assessment of radiation readings found at a landing site where there were physical traces of a heavy object having landed on the hard, frozen ground. This scientific assessment states that the radiation levels seemed ‘significantly higher than the average background’. In fact, they were around seven times higher."
If it seemed like we were drawing ever closer to ratifying an alien encounter of some kind, then something inexplicable happened, or rather didn’t happen. As the 20th century became the 21st century, interest in celestial apparitions of an unexplained variety suddenly dropped off, as did sightings. Even just a few years into the new millennium, UFOs felt very much a 20th century phenomenon.
In 2009, the Ministry of Defense closed the desk setup for the reporting of such anomalies, partly to save money after the credit crunch, and partly due to a lack of interest. In a terse statement, the department said: "Please note it is no longer MoD policy to record, respond to, or investigate UFO sightings," adding, "the MoD has no opinion on the existence or otherwise of extraterrestrial life. However, in over 50 years, no UFO report has revealed any evidence of a potential threat to the United Kingdom." Nick Pope told The Sun at the time that Britain was leaving itself open to terrorist attacks if there was nowhere to report "something unusual in our skies".
Many investigative organisations began shutting their doors or downscaling, and the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena, or ASSAP, had a meeting in 2012 to decide whether to continue or not. In an article in The Telegraph entitled ‘UFO enthusiasts admit the truth may not be out there after all’, chairman Dave Wood said: "It is certainly a possibility that in ten years time it will be a dead subject. The lack of compelling evidence beyond the pure anecdotal suggests that on the balance of probabilities that nothing is out there. I think that any UFO researcher would tell you that 98% of sightings that happen are very easily explainable. One of the conclusions to draw from that is that perhaps there isn’t anything there. The days of compelling eyewitness sightings seem to be over."
I contacted ASSAP and they’re still a going concern, though Robert Moore who answered the email admitted "yes, interest in UFOs in the UK and Europe is now fairly low, and while UFO reports are still made, most are now resolved very quickly. BUFORA claims they only acquired one ‘high strangeness’ event last year."
In September 2001, two flying objects that were quickly identified as aeroplanes crashed into the World Trade Center, killing nearly 3,000 people and wounding more than 6,000. The trauma inflicted on that day had massive geopolitical and psychological repercussions that we have not yet fully recovered from. Terrorism was nothing new, but an attack on such a massive scale was unprecedented. Soon it became apparent that this was no one off; that the West was now "under attack". The present reality is that the train you’re travelling on, or the rock concert you like to attend, could as easily be a legitimate target as anywhere else on any given day.
"An event is officially ‘traumatic’ only if it opens in the mind a corridor to the apprehension of our essential helplessness and the possibility of death," wrote psychologist Martha Stout in her book The Paranoia Switch. "In this fashion, and in a big way, 9/11 officially traumatised nearly all of us." Soon after the tragedy came the recriminations, and calls for revenge, although against whom it wasn’t clear. "Speeches playing on our existing fears were made by candidates on both sides of the American political fence," wrote Stout, "and we accumulated a new vocabulary of menace to rival any apocalyptic novel: weaponised anthrax, Office of Total Information Awareness, orange alert, terrorist cell, dirty bomb, axis of evil, WMDs, shock and awe, perpetual war."
The War on Terror was a new kind of war too, a clash of civilisations largely driven by ideology. In an article in The Guardian in 2004 called ‘What happened to weird?’, Walter Furneaux, a clinical psychologist from Brunel University specialising in the paranormal and parapsychology, suggested that "to the public the idea of the al-Qaida terrorist, is almost like an alien. We don't quite understand their culture, we don't quite know what they look like, they live far away, and they are a perceived threat, in a way perhaps we thought aliens could have been."
Could it be that we were suddenly too busy looking over our shoulders to bother looking into the sky anymore? Had our brains replaced fear of one alien with another: the illegal alien, sat on a train looking suspicious, carrying a large rucksack? "I suspect that pragmatic and mundane concerns tend to trump extra-mundane ones," says Mark Pilkington. "If you’re busy worrying about how you are going to get your next meal, or whether you are going to get blown up by drones, then you tend not to be so concerned about what ET is doing."
He adds that technology is an issue: "Historically, the technological and flight capabilities attributed to UFOs tend to be just ahead of what we ourselves are capable of, and civilians are aware of. Certainly the military technologies we have now far exceed those attributed to ET visitors up to the mid-1990s. Also with the rise of the civilian drone swarms, I think people are more aware that there are multiple technologies of human origin that they might be mistaking for alien ones."
And then of course, there’s distraction. You only have to stand on a railway platform and observe commuters transfixed by their smartphones to realise people are looking at the sky less. And anyone who’s sat through the frankly risible Australien Skies or other UFO "documentaries" on Netflix will have endured bullshitting cranks and hazy orbs in the distance shot by shaky cameras that could as easily distant street lamps or lights from a teasmaid as intelligent life from outer space. In a world of Facebook and Twitter, virtual reality, gaming, cosplay, Pokemon Go, Bitcoin and immersive online cults, squinting into the night sky hoping that distant entities will deign to appear feels a bit like paranormal trainspotting in the ultra-connected 21st century. The ‘I’m loving aliens instead’ article Jon Ronson wrote for The Guardian in 2008 about his trip with Robbie Williams to a convention in the Nevada desert demonstrated how committed a believer has to be for what appears to be scant reward. Why would anyone in this day and age want to stare up at the sky all night when they can pop little green men to their heart’s content on a high-end games console?
Writing for Aeon in an article called ‘Why we have stopped seeing UFOs in the skies’, journalist and author Stuart Walton ponders on whether or not there were ever any UFOs now that people have stopped spotting them. "Once, the skies were refulgent with alien craft; now they are back to their primordial emptiness, returning only static to the radio telescopes, and offering the occasional meteor shower to the wandering eye," he writes. "It isn’t only flying saucers that have receded into history. They are being followed, more gradually to be sure, by a decline in sightings of ghosts, recordings of poltergeists, claims of psychokinesis and the rest." Walton refers to Guy Debord’s The Society of the Spectacle for inspiration, and theorizes that it’s the bread and circuses of capitalism distracting us: "In the age of electronic mass media, when so much flashes around the world instantaneously, when video clips, in a telling usage, ‘go viral’, there should be no doubt about what is real and what isn’t. Yet the critical mass is no longer critical" (my italics).
Walton wrote that article in 2013, and four years later we have seen just what the uncritical mass is capable of. In a year of political earthquakes such as Brexit and Trump, 2017 promises further surprises in a new age of ‘post-truth’ politics. As The X Files hit the peak of its popularity in 1996 a Texan libertarian and conspiracy theorist called Alex Jones was starting out on public access cable TV, a hive for late night cranks who could easily be dismissed. He quickly moved onto radio and then the internet, with his shows picking up two million listeners weekly in the early 2000s. Jones’ broadcasts and his website Infowars were also dismissed by the mainstream media and the political establishment, though with hindsight we know that that was a mistake.
Jones believes in aliens, UFOs and accompanying government cover-ups. He also believes that 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombings were inside jobs, and that the Sandy Hook massacre was a setup using professional actors as victims. "Sandy Hook is a synthetic completely fake with actors, in my view, manufactured", said Jones. "I couldn’t believe it at first. I knew they had actors there, clearly, but I thought they killed some real kids. And it just shows how bold [the establishment] are - that they clearly used actors".
You’d think this could be easily dismissed as the ravings of a madman, but people take Alex Jones and his ilk seriously. We now have to take Jones very seriously indeed; his legacy is assured as the part inspiration for the 2016 Republican campaign for the White House of Donald Trump. As Jon Ronson noted in The Elephant in the Room: A Journey into the Trump Campaign and the ‘Alt-Right’, Trump at the Travis County Expo Center, "attendees had basically come here for a Trump version of an Alex Jones show, a brassy, cathartic, crazy, dramatic explosion of anti-political correctness, a night of flipping the bird at the mainstream, a fuck you to the liberal elites for ridiculing or ignoring their concerns. This was evident by the large number of Infowars shirts and Hillary for Prison shirts in the crowd". The sloganeering, like the Leave campaign in Britain, was succinct catchy and deliberately vague: "make America great again"; "build a wall"; "lock her up"; while the more Trump ranted that President Obama had founded ISIS, Ted Cruz’s father was involved with the assassination of JFK, that thousands of American Muslims in New Jersey cheered the 9/11 attacks, the more traction he gained. It appeared the more outlandish the claim, the more voters lapped it up; as did the MSM while tutting disapprovingly as hits went through the roof. These brash, bloviating and blatantly populist proclamations of disinformation by a demagogue are a world away from the quaint and almost embarrassed account of an unidentified light in the sky by President Carter 40 years ago, demonstrating that in 2017, the truth is far stranger than anything fiction has to offer.
In this age of fake news disseminated online, large swathes of Americans believe three million immigrants were allowed to vote for HRC in California, Germans are being told Angela Merkel was in the Stasi and is the daughter of Adolf Hitler, and in France Alain Juppé’s charge to steer the Republican Party towards a moderate right path has been undone by false links to the Muslim Brotherhood. This erroneous sensationalism used to be the domain of newspapers like The National Enquirer and The Sunday Sport that we could easily laugh off. Nobody’s laughing now with Steve Bannon, founder of Breitbart, appointed Trump’s chief strategist and senior counsellor. The age of the dark enlightenment is upon us.
"If sensation is predominant, intuition is barred, this being the function that pays the least attention to tangible facts," said Jung. His friend, Sigmund Freud, meanwhile saw "our culture and civilisation as a thin veneer through which the destructive forces of the underworld could break at any moment", according to the Austrian writer Stefan Zweig. If it’s beginning to feel like we’re about to enter our final chapter, then we desperately need some kind of deus ex machina in this narrative to deliver us from untold tragedy. If there really is intelligent life out there, then now would be a good time for our extraterrestrial friends to make an appearance, and save us from ourselves.
Accounts of mysterious flashing lights in the sky, spacecrafts and encounters with "real" aliens reflect high levels of public interest in UFOs and the belief that there is "something out there". However, many psychologists are less convinced, and think they can provide more down-to-earth, scientific explanations.
Belief in aliens has increased steadily since the birth of modern alien research in the 1940s and 1950s, following the news surrounding a classified US military project at Roswell Air Force Base, New Mexico. Surveys in Western cultures estimated belief in aliens to be as high as 50% in 2015. And despite the fact that it is considered rare, a significant number of people also believe they have experienced alien abduction.
Present day awareness of alien abduction dates to the 1961 case of Betty and Barney Hill, who witnessed odd lights and experienced "missing time" and "lost memories" while driving. The reported consequences of abduction are often loss of memory, missing time, and problems such as sickness, sleepwalking, nightmares and psychological trauma. Following their experience, Betty and Barney experienced psychological problems and subsequently sought therapy.
Although the accuracy of the numbers is questioned, a poll by the Roper Center for Public Opinion Researchconducted 30 years after this account said that around 3.7 million Americans believed that they too had experienced alien abduction.
Sceptics argue that alien-related encounters are merely hoaxes created for financial gain or social advantage. Perhaps Roswell is the most famous example. Initial reports from the 1940s left sufficient gaps of explanation for Ray Santilli to release in 1995 what he claimed was film footage showing an alien autopsy from the time, further confusing the issue. He later admitted it was a hoax. The incident sparked controversy and prompted claims that an alien craft had crash-landed in the New Mexico desert and that US authorities were involved in a cover-up.
The theory that alien abductions are hoaxes may be true in a few cases, but there is no reason to assume that the majority of "experiencers" are frauds. In fact, psychologists have come up with a number of plausible, scientific explanations for people's supposed alien encounters.
Personality traits
Belief in aliens steadily increasing (representational image)istock
One explanation is that when people believe they have had an experience of alien abduction, they have misinterpreted, distorted and conflated real and imagined events. Hence, sceptics of alien encounters explain them away in terms of psychological processes and personality characteristics.
Several studies report that experiencers do not typically differ from non-experiencers on objective psychopathological measures – those that assess psychological well-being and adjustment – and have no history of mental instability. However, one characteristic that is associated with abduction experiences is a proclivity for fantasy.
Mixed evidence supports the theory that fantasy-prone people engage in elaborate imaginings and often confuse fantasy with reality. There are also other psychological explanations, such as dissociation – where an individual's mental processes detach from each other and from reality, often in response to extreme or stressful life events. A tendency towards being fantasy-prone and dissociation has been linked in studies to childhood trauma and hypnotic suggestibility.
Psychologists argue that hypnosis encourages the creation and recall of detailed fantasies. For example, Betty and Barney Hill's account was typical of reported alien encounters: medical examinations or procedures, communication with alien captors, a powerful, mystical feeling, tours of spaceships and journeys to other planets before being returned to the car. And it was under hypnosis that these "missing memories" were "recovered".
It's for these reasons that it's believed alien abduction experiences may arise from a combination of personality characteristics and susceptibility to false memories.
Sleep paralysis is a feeling of being conscious but unable to move, which occurs when a person passes between stages of wakefulness and sleep.
Experiencers' claims share characteristics with sleep paralysis: a sense of being awake, not dreaming, and realistic perceptions of the environment. The inability to move, a feeling of fear or dread, and the sense of another presence – perhaps evil or malevolent – are common symptoms. Also common are a feeling of pressure on the chest and difficulty breathing, and of being held or restricted to a lying position: most sleep paralysis attacks occur while the individual is lying on their back.
A scene from The InvadersQuinn Martin Productions
Sceptic Michael Shermer once collapsed from sleep deprivation following an 83-hour bike race and his support team rushed to his aid. Shermer was caught in a "waking dream" and so perceived them as aliens from the 1960s television series The Invaders. It also explains some ghost sightings, such as the "night hag", often experienced by those who suffer from sleep paralysis.
Temporal lobe sensitivity is a theory that suggests the temporal lobes of some people's brains are more vulnerable to influence from low-level magnetic frequencies. Michael Persinger, a neuroscientist at Laurentian University in Canada, is among those who believes that increased temporal lobe activity can explain paranormal experiences such as alien abduction. His theory is that magnetic fields stimulate the temporal lobes, resulting in hallucinatory experiences similar to those reported by alien abductees.
None of this is to say that many people who believe they have experienced alien abduction are liars, merely that their accounts and experiences can be explained through recourse to theories with a scientific basis. There are many logical, plausible scientific explanations, none of which rely upon the existence of aliens. However, it should also be noted that not all reported alien abduction experiences can be easily explained by any of these scientific theories – and this throws up many more questions.
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Some scientific explanations for alien abduction that aren’t so out of this world
Some scientific explanations for alien abduction that aren’t so out of this world
There’s got to be a perfectly logical explanation for this. Shutterstock
Accounts of mysterious flashing lights in the sky, spacecrafts and encounters with “real” aliens reflect high levels of public interest in UFOs and the belief that there is “something out there”. However, many psychologists are less convinced, and think they can provide more down-to-earth, scientific explanations.
Belief in aliens has increased steadily since the birth of modern alien research in the 1940s and 1950s, following the news surrounding a classified US military project at Roswell Air Force Base, New Mexico. Surveys in Western cultures estimated belief in aliens to be as high as 50% in 2015. And despite the fact that it is considered rare, a significant number of people also believe they have experienced alien abduction.
Present day awareness of alien abduction dates to the 1961 case of Betty and Barney Hill, who witnessed odd lights and experienced “missing time” and “lost memories” while driving. The reported consequences of abduction are often loss of memory, missing time, and problems such as sickness, sleepwalking, nightmares and psychological trauma. Following their experience, Betty and Barney experienced psychological problems and subsequently sought therapy.
Although the accuracy of the numbers is questioned, a poll by the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research conducted 30 years after this account said that around 3.7m Americans believed that they too had experienced alien abduction.
Sceptics argue that alien-related encounters are merely hoaxes created for financial gain or social advantage. Perhaps Roswell is the most famous example. Initial reports from the 1940s left sufficient gaps of explanation for Ray Santilli to release in 1995 what he claimed was film footage showing an alien autopsy from the time, further confusing the issue. He later admitted it was a hoax. The incident sparked controversy and prompted claims that an alien craft had crash-landed in the New Mexico desert and that US authorities were involved in a cover-up.
The theory that alien abductions are hoaxes may be true in a few cases, but there is no reason to assume that the majority of “experiencers” are frauds. In fact, psychologists have come up with a number of plausible, scientific explanations for people’s supposed alien encounters.
Personality traits
One explanation is that when people believe they have had an experience of alien abduction, they have misinterpreted, distorted and conflated real and imagined events. Hence, sceptics of alien encounters explain them away in terms of psychological processes and personality characteristics.
Several studies report that experiencers do not typically differ from non-experiencers on objective psychopathological measures – those that assess psychological well-being and adjustment – and have no history of mental instability. However, one characteristic that is associated with abduction experiences is a proclivity for fantasy.
Mixed evidence supports the theory that fantasy-prone people engage in elaborate imaginings and often confuse fantasy with reality. There are also other psychological explanations, such as dissociation – where an individual’s mental processes detach from each other and from reality, often in response to extreme or stressful life events. A tendency towards being fantasy-prone and dissociation has been linked in studies to childhood trauma and hypnotic suggestibility.
Psychologists argue that hypnosis encourages the creation and recall of detailed fantasies. For example, Betty and Barney Hill’s account was typical of reported alien encounters: medical examinations or procedures, communication with alien captors, a powerful, mystical feeling, tours of spaceships and journeys to other planets before being returned to the car. And it was under hypnosis that these “missing memories” were “recovered”.
It’s for these reasons that it’s believed alien abduction experiences may arise from a combination of personality characteristics and susceptibility to false memories.
Sleep paralysis is a feeling of being conscious but unable to move, which occurs when a person passes between stages of wakefulness and sleep.
Many encounters occur in sleep, much like sleep paralysis and associated hallucinations.Shutterstock
Experiencers’ claims share characteristics with sleep paralysis: a sense of being awake, not dreaming, and realistic perceptions of the environment. The inability to move, a feeling of fear or dread, and the sense of another presence – perhaps evil or malevolent – are common symptoms. Also common are a feeling of pressure on the chest and difficulty breathing, and of being held or restricted to a lying position: most sleep paralysis attacks occur while the individual is lying on their back.
Sceptic Michael Shermer once collapsed from sleep deprivation following an 83-hour bike race and his support team rushed to his aid. Shermer was caught in a “waking dream” and so perceived them as aliens from the 1960s television series The Invaders. It also explains some ghost sightings, such as the “night hag”, often experienced by those who suffer from sleep paralysis.
Temporal lobe sensitivity is a theory that suggests the temporal lobes of some people’s brains are more vulnerable to influence from low-level magnetic frequencies. Michael Persinger, a neuroscientist at Laurentian University in Canada, is among those who believes that increased temporal lobe activity can explain paranormal experiences such as alien abduction. His theory is that magnetic fields stimulate the temporal lobes, resulting in hallucinatory experiences similar to those reported by alien abductees.
None of this is to say that many people who believe they have experienced alien abduction are liars, merely that their accounts and experiences can be explained through recourse to theories with a scientific basis. There are many logical, plausible scientific explanations, none of which rely upon the existence of aliens. However, it should also be noted that not all reported alien abduction experiences can be easily explained by any of these scientific theories – and this throws up many more questions.
A mysterious UFO-shaped cloud baffled skiers when it appeared in the sky over Sweden.
The bizarre cloud floated in the sky over ski resorts Åre and Duved on Thursday, prompting some to speculate that Martians had arrived for a day on the slopes.
Many rushed to take pictures of the unusual phenomenon and posted them on social media.
"I thought it was pretty cool," one of them, Elvira Kuper, told broadcaster SVT.
Experts explained it was a so-called lenticular cloud, which forms over mountain peaks when the air is forced to rise as it hits the hillside. As it cools it condenses into a cloud.
Thanks to their peculiar shape, they are often mistaken for UFOs.
If you don't believe that humans have contacted aliens, then new evidence has emerged that may change your mind.
A British man says he believes he has spotted a UFO rising above the Earth's surface during Nasa International Space Station's live feed. He claims that the object appeared as the stream from the ISS was inexplicably cut for several seconds.
John Craddick, a self-styled 'alien hunter', spends a lot of his time watching the live feed, and says he's 'never seen anything like it before'.
Watch the shocking footage yourself here...
Credit: Nasa
Mr Craddick, from Wolverhampton, told the Mirror: "I've been watching it [the live feed] for years but never seen any UFOs on it before.
"I was showing a friend how it worked at around 11.30pm when the feed cut out, and 35 seconds after it came back on, this object appeared.
"At first it was really small and then it grew bigger, lasting for about 25 seconds."
Mr Craddick is now convinced that it is proof of alien life because he says there is "nothing human that can fly that high."
This isn't the first time something mysterious has happened with the ISS feed. In July last year, conspiracy theorists raised the alarm after the ISS feed was cut when an object was spotted just above the Earth's atmosphere. The incident was reported by YouTuber Streetcap1 through a video.
Other Alien Spottings
Credit: PA Images
Professor Stephen Hawking is a believer in the existence of extra-terrestrial life. He has previously said: "To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational. The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like."
And the number of extra-terrestrial sightings appears to be on the rise.
Footage uncovered on YouTube last month appeared to show a four-side structure in Antarctica reminiscent of the pyramids of Giza in Egypt.
Watch the video here...
Credit: YouTube / thirdphaseofmoon
The construction of Egypt's Giza - built around 2500BC - has baffled experts for centuries. Slave labour has been offered as one explanation for the complex structure, but several theories have also suggested they could only have been built with the help of extra-terrestrial beings.
'Thirdphaseofmoon', the YouTuber posting the video online, has suggested that US Secretary of State John Kerry has landed in Antarctica in order to make contact with the aliens, although it remains unclear what evidence he is using to make that assertion.
Many scientists believe the freezing climate in Antarctica was much warmer in the past, which could suggest they were built millions of years ago when the climes there was more temperate. A 2011 study found tiny pollen fossils buried deep beneath the seafloor in the continent, suggesting the last remnants of vegetation in Antarctica vanished about 12 million years ago.
Dr Vanessa Bowman previously told the Daily Star: "Go back 100 million years ago and Antarctica was covered in lush rainforests, similar to those that exist in New Zealand today."
Another theory for the Antarctic pyramids is that it could be a natural phenomenon known as nunatak, when mountain peaks appear just above large glaciers.
However, if the structures do prove to be man or alien-made, it could change our understanding of history.
While many alien hunters search the cosmic for extraterrestrials, one claims to have spotted ‘an Iron Man robot’ hitchhiking on Comet 67P.
The bizarre sighting was found in an image of Churyumov–Gerasimenko that was snapped by the Rosetta spacecraft a few days before it met its demise is September.
The conspiracy theorist has also claimed that there is a lion face etched in one of the rocks and another sculpture laying in the dust that were 'made by intelligent beings’.
Scroll down for video
While many alien hunters search the cosmic for extraterrestrials, one claims to have spotted ‘an Iron Man robot’ hitchhiking on Comet 67P. The Iron Man robot appears to be peaking out of a cave opening in the lower portion of the image
Pareidolia is the psychological response to seeing faces and other significant and everyday items in random stimulus.
It is a form of apophenia, when people see patterns in random, unconnected data.
There have been multiple occasions when people have claimed to see religious images and themes in unexpected places.
On the red planet, one of the most famous is the 'face on Mars' spotted by one of the Viking orbiters in 1976.
This was later proven to just be a chance alignment of shifting sand dunes.
Scott C. Waring of UFO Sightings Daily shared the sighting with his followers after examining images of Comet 67P, or the comet formally knows as Churyumov–Gerasimenko, from the European Space Agency (ESA) website.
The Iron Man robot appears to be peaking out of a cave opening in the lower portion of the image.
‘I call it an Iron Man-like robot only because it has a center chest circle on it,’ explained Waring.
‘Perhaps it’s just art, perhaps it is just coincidence, but I bet you see it too.’
Looking at the original image from the ESA and it appears to be just edges of a cave or shadows from other rocks on the comet.
In the same area, Waring also claims there is a giant lion head also sitting on the comet, which he said is smiling and just below it is ‘another very large rock area with lines that look like they have been made by intelligent beings’, Waring explained referring to both of the sculptures.
‘The one constant about anomalies found is that there is no constant,’ he shared in the blog post.
‘You never know what you will find next.’
Looking at the original image (pictured) from the ESA and it appears to be just edges of a cave or shadows from other rocks on the comet
Although many photos beamed back by the Rosetta spacecraft show comet 67P in black and white, recent data has revealed the distant ball of ice recently underwent a color transformation.
After months of monitoring, scientists have seen, for the first time, how heat from the sun can change the composition of the surface of a comet.
Over a period of three months, the European Space Agency's Rosetta space probe recorded the brightness changing by more than a third.
The color change is thought to be due to ice hidden below the surface being gently warmed by the sun.
As it warmed, the ice sublimated into gas and escaped, lifting some of the surface dust away and contributing to the comet's coma and tail.
As these dust layers were slowly ejected, fresher material was gradually exposed.
This new surface was both reflective, making the comet brighter, and richer in ice, resulting in bluer measurements.
The image where Warning believes to have spotted the bizarre objects are actually ‘small and large boulders scattered in the Anubis region,’ according to the ESA’s official website.
The image was taken by Rosetta on September 14, about 1.6 miles from the surface.
In the same area, Waring also claims there is a giant lion head also sitting on the comet, which he said is smiling
just below it is ‘another very large rock area with lines that look like they have been made by intelligent beings’, Waring explained referring to both of the sculptures
The Rosetta probe, which was carrying Philae, launched into space in 2004, using the gravity of Earth and Mars to slingshot its way towards comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Scott C Waring is making this claim because he believes it has a center chest circle like the Marvel character
It chased the comet through space for more than ten years, entering orbit in August 2014.
After a four-billion-mile (6.4 billion km) journey, the probe then successfully released the Philae lander from its grip to land on the comet on 12 November 2014, travelling at 3.3ft (one metre) a second relative to the comet.
But when it first made contact with the surface it failed to fire harpoons that would have kept it attached to the comet.
This resulted in it bouncing to a height of 0.62 miles (1km) above the comet before again landing on the surface. It then bounced again, but to a much lower altitude.
Philae managed to perform more than 90 per cent of its goals before running out of power. Rosetta, meanwhile, is continuing to orbit and study the comet.
The image where Warning believes to have spotted the bizarre objects are actually ‘small and large boulders scattered in the Anubis region,’ according to the ESA’s official website. The image was taken by Rosetta on September 14, about 1.6 miles from the surface
Comet 67P has a larger lobe and a smaller lobe separated by a thin 'neck' region, each of which appear to be made up of 'onion-like' layers.
Professor Matteo Massironi, a geoscientist at the University of Padova, Italy, and his colleagues have found that the larger lobe is made up a series of layers 2,130 ft (650 metres) thick.
However, these are quite different from the layers that appear in the smaller lobe.
Combined with data about the comets gravity, the researchers said this suggests 67P is the result of a low-speed impact between two separate bodies sometime in the distant past.
They say these 1.2 mile wide (2km) smaller comets appear to have formed through similar processes by gradually accruing matter as they traveled through the solar system.
Although erosion is not the root cause of the comet's double-lobed shape, it nevertheless does play an important role in the comet's evolution today.
Local variations in the structure of the surface likely result from different rates of vaporization of the ice that forms on the surface of the comet.
From data collected by the two probes, Esa said that water on the comet was different to that on Earth - suggesting water on our world came from an asteroid, not a comet.
And on September 30, 2016, the historic Rosetta mission had officially ended, as the spacecraft crashed onto its comet. The £1 billion ($1.3 billion) quest to 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko ended with a crunch at around 12:20 BST (07:20 ET)
"The Biggest Mystery in Astrophysics Today" --Flashes from an Unknown Source Far Beyond the Milky Way (Today's "Galaxy" Stream)
"The Biggest Mystery in Astrophysics Today" --Flashes from an Unknown Source Far Beyond the Milky Way (Today's "Galaxy" Stream)
Perhaps the source "is a dwarf galaxy that contains a supermassive black hole, or is the nucleus of a disrupted galaxy or even just an isolated black hole,” Heino Falcke, a radio astronomer and astroparticle physicist at Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands told the LA Times about mystery milliseconds-long flashes detected by researchers at Cornell University and a global team. “Maybe the persistent source is something completely different – for example, an exploding star ‘disguised’ to look like a black hole. And are these bursts made by the black hole itself, or by something else in orbit around it? After all, supermassive black holes are typically surrounded by dense star clusters."
Once thinking these bursts had emanated from within the Milky Way galaxy, or from cosmic neighbors, the astronomers now confirm that they are long-distance flashes from across the universe – more than 3 billion light-years away, according to a new report published Jan. 4 in the journal Nature.
“Because these flashes last only a millisecond, you can’t just go back and look at that patch of sky at a different time and catch that fast radio burst,” said Shami Chatterjee, an astronomer at Cornell University and leader of the Nature paper. “You have to be looking at that right millisecond to be able to catch a fast radio burst. These radio flashes must have enormous amounts of energy to be visible from over 3 billion light-years away.”
Astronomers now believe that these fast radio bursts, once deemed a rarity, are so common that they light up the night sky roughly twice a minute, Falcke said – and yet, in the near-decade that we’ve known about them, they’ve only managed to catch a total of 18 in the act, let alone figure out where they’re coming from.
“Every day, all over the sky, there are 5,000 to 10,000 of these flashes going off,” Chatterjee said. “It’s a huge rate. … That tells you how little of the sky we’re seeing at any given time.”
Fast radio bursts, or FRBs, were first seen about 10 years ago. In November 2012, Cornell astronomers using the Arecibo Observatory captured its first FRB – which lasted three one-thousandths of a second, discovered as a postdoctoral researcher sifted through radio telescope data. It was called FRB 121102 located in the pentagon-shaped constellation Auriga. “There’s a patch of the sky from which we’re getting this signal – and the patch of the sky is arc minutes in diameter. In that patch are hundreds of sources. Lots of stars, lots of galaxies, lots of stuff,” said Chatterjee.
To locate the source of this sporadic flash, astronomers blended detective work with modern telescope technology, while combing through terabytes of data.
The Arecibo radio telescope has a resolution of three arc minutes or about one-tenth of the moon’s diameter, but that is not precise enough to identify uniquely the source. Needing higher resolution to find it, the astronomers sought the help of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory’s Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array, near Socorro, New Mexico, which provided more than 80 hours of observation time. The radio telescope array – a collection of dishes aimed at the cosmos – allows for better than one arc-second resolution.
After 50 fruitless hours of staring, the scientists hit the jackpot. “We caught the fast radio burst in the act,” said Chatterjee.
The astronomers used a full range of telescopes to observe that sliver of sky, including NASA’s Chandra X-ray satellite, Chile’s Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, and the Gemini optical telescope in Mauna Kea, Hawaii. “With the Gemini telescope, this optical blob looks like a faint, faint, faint galaxy – and this faint, fuzzy blob corresponds with, smack onto, the radio source,” Chatterjee said.
Then, using a range of telescopes including NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and Hawaii’s Gemini optical telescope to peer into the slice of space. According to the New York Times they were able to trace the FRB to a tiny dwarf galaxy.
“We were not sure what to expect, but I think the whole team was surprised to see that our exotic source is hosted by a very puny and faint galaxy,” co-author of the study Cees Bassa says in a press release from the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy.
The next big question is the nature of the source: What powers these bursts and are there other ones that repeat? “We think it may be a magnetar – a newborn neutron star with a huge magnetic field, inside a supernova remnant or a pulsar wind nebula – somehow producing these prodigious pulses,” said Chatterjee. “Or, it may be an active galactic nucleus of a dwarf galaxy. That would be novel. Or, it may be a combination of those two ideas – explaining why what we’re seeing may be somewhat rare.”
Astronomers study the universe in wavelengths of light that are higher energy than the visible spectrum (including ultraviolet, X-ray and gamma rays) and lower energy than what we can see (including infrared and radio waves). Each slice of light reveals something different about the nature of the universe.
When it comes to radio light – the longest, most low-energy wavelengths – scientists largely thought they knew what the universe looked like, said Falcke. “You would see an impressively bright Milky Way galaxy, smoke rings from exploded stars, plumes of gas escaping from black holes and blinking radio emissions from cosmic lighthouses called pulsars,” he wrote in a commentary on the Nature paper.
Fast radio bursts, first reported in 2007 by a team analyzing archived data from Australia’s Parkes Observatory, changed that. Here was a new, unexplained source of radio light in the sky – and unlike any they had ever seen. If these flashes were coming from beyond the Milky Way’s borders, then they must be produced by incredibly powerful sources.
“There are literally more theories for what FRBs are than there are detected examples of FRBs,” said Shami Chatterjee, an astronomer at Cornell University and leader of the Nature paper. “It’s been a paradise for theorists; they’ve come up with all sorts of ways that you could produce these kinds of radio flashes.
Just some of John Mooner's many 'UFO' and 'alien' sightings over the last few months
SELF-proclaimed UFO expert John Mooner has become a bit of a legend in Newton Abbot for his wacky tales and bizarre claims — but now for the first time, he has spoken out about his other-worldly beliefs and how his paranormal passion started.
John recently claimed that he was abducted after a punch-up with an alien in a Newton Abbot garden and has now claimed that his interest was sparked when he was just a boy when his own granddad was abducted while enjoying a nice bike ride.
According to John, his own paranormal experiences began when he was confronted by The Mothman in Buckland, claiming that ever since that night he started to experience sightings of UFOs almost daily.
John said: "I have been interested in UFOs since I was young. It all started when my grandad told me how he had an encounter and missing time.
"He had stopped to rest after pedalling up a steep hill on his bike. He was leaning on his bike to catch his breath when a large shadow was cast over him and the ground around him.
"He looked up to see what could be casting such a large shadow. He was shocked to see a large black cylindrical object that appeared to have squares in each corner. The black cylindrical object just hovered there right above him. He became paralysed and could not move he then blacked out.
"He remembered seeing the strange object start to move away while letting out a trail of vapor as it flew right over Newton Abbot and into the distance.
"He could not believe what he had just seen so he started to make his way home. Later on after arriving home he realised he had missing time of about an hour and knew that it should only take about ten minutes to get home.
"This story has intrigued me and it still does to this day. From that moment on I took a huge interest in Ufology and the paranormal. "There was no internet available to the public back then so I would read books on the subject and watch TV Documentaries."
John says that his own 'real adventure' began in the summer of '93 — making the wacky claim that he was confronted by a being with bat wings and no head in Buckland.
"My real adventure into the unknown began back in the summer of 1993 when I had an encounter with mothman in broad daylight," added John.
"This sighting took place at Buckland, Newton Abbot.
"This strange mothman creature had bat-like wings and had no visible signs of a head on it's body. On it's chest there appeared to be red glowing eyes. As if this wasn't strange enough the creature was wearing heavy looking well made black boots that had downward facing triangles on them.
"The mothman creature flew off into the distance over the town and out of sight. I was left standing shocked, shaking and paralysed in fear by what I had just seen.
"After this sighting I have been encountering UFOs and other strange phenomenon on a daily basis.
"I have witnessed things that should not exist.
"Ufology is definitely an interesting field for discovery and my adventures into the unknown continue to this day."
However a resident of one of the houses shown underneath the 'UFO' said she would have noticed any bright lights above her house.
She said: "All of the houses along here have conservatories in their back gardens, but mine is the only one with the glass roof. It looks like the shape was caused by sunlight reflecting off of my conservatory.
"I would have noticed if there were any bright lights. I'm in most evenings, and I normally keep my curtains open, so I definitely would have noticed."
But despite the many, many sceptics, John insists that his tales are true, and even claims that the government are trying to cover-up alien activity.
John added: "I believe in freedom of speech people have the right to comment in any way they please. People can be sceptical about alien visitation but it is true, although you do some times need to see it to believe it.
"People I know do believe me and they have witnessed many UFOs and strange phenomena themselves. It doesn't upset me one bit that some people don't believe me. None of the comments posted on any of my featured articles have been intellectual.
"I share my sightings because this is a major scientific discovery there is life in the universe and we are being engaged by many different alien species.
"The government covers up alien visitation with mockery and falsehoods. The governments truth embargo has gone on for far too long and we believe that it has to end. People have the right to know that we are not alone in the universe.
"All the encounters and UFO photographs I have submitted are true accounts and other people have witnessed many of my UFOs encounters."
Wrapping up the interview, John made perhaps his strangest claim yet, stating that aliens do exist, and not only do they visit Newton Abbot and Dawlish in their flying spaceships, but they may even be living there 'undetected'.
John said: "The aliens are in their final stages of the genetic work with human DNA they have perfected their hybridisation techniques and perfected there hybrid clones who now live among us and continue to go undetected.
"Only under certain circumstances can they be photographed and when they are photographed they exhibited very unusual characteristics indeed.
"I have had weekly sightings of UFOs and other strange phenomena. I believe the main reason why I have these encounters is some how related to my encounter with mothman back in 1993. I urge everyone to look to the skies."
Here are just a few of John's sightings over the last few months:
The Hoia Forest has earned its fame as the Bermuda Triangle of Romania due to its reported incidents of UFO sightings and other paranormal phenomena. (Photo: Paranoid Times/YouTube)
The Hoia Forest is located to the west of the city of Cluj-Napoca, near the open-air section of the Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania. The forest is used as a common recreation spot. A biking park has been added to the forest, alongside areas for other sports such as paintball, airsoft, and archery recently.
The Hoia Forest covers an area of approximately 3 square kilometers. Its southern border begins on a ridge which runs east-west. To its north, the forest ends on a smoother slope, which meets the Nadăș River.
Hoia Forest has earned a unique fame in Romania and all over the world over the years due to paranormal phenomena occurring here. On August 18, 1968, a military technician from Cluj named Emil Barnea caught a famous photograph of a UFO over the forest's Poiana Rotundă. Starting in 1960, Alexandru Sift, a professor of biology, has studied the phenomena of light and magnetism, which reportedly occur in Hoia Forest.
This study generated a rich archive of photographs of the phenomena, which was lost few days after Sift's death in 1993. Recently, Dr. Adrian Patruta chemistry professor conducted an investigation into the area, in hopes of explaining Hoia Forest's mysterious sights and sounds. His study revealed that there is a scientific explanation of the phenomena but has not yet disclosed anything until he has proven it.
The enigmatic nature of the forest does not end with its effect on humans, either. In Hoia Forest, misshapen trees sprout irregularly out of the ground, while other trunks seem inquisitively singed. Furthermore, deep in the woods is a closely perfect circular clearing where no plants can grow. Even the woodland creatures of Hoia Forest are strange. A group of hikers once reported that they were surprised by the unexpected appearance of a great wolf. The beast gazed blankly at the intruders, and then calmly walked away.
Perhaps no one will ever know just what is going on in the thick woods of Hoia forest. Speculations of time travel, parallel universe, and doors to other dimensions are certainly inflated. Nevertheless, it is clear there is something uncommon about Hoia Forest that creates shivers down the spines of all those visitors brave enough to visit, says, The Line-up.
CIA release report detailing UFO sightings in India
(Freegreatpicture - Image Courtesy)
CIA release report detailing UFO sightings in India
The information report was created on April 11, 1968.
The Central Intelligence Agency has released 930,000 declassified documents online detailed information report.
One report in particular which was curated on April 11, 1968, details UFO sightings on six separate incidents spanning from Ladakh (in India), Sikkim, Nepal and Bhutan from February to March of the same year.
The information report which describes “particulars of bright objects seen over south Ladakh, north east Nepal, north Sikkim and western Bhutan,” specifies the date, local time, area, direction of flight and particulars of the object.
According to the report, “One white light and simultaneously two blasting sounds were heard. Also, one reddish light followed by white smoke,” was seen moving from East to West at 1 p.m. on March 4, 1968, above Chang La, Fukche and Koyul in Ladakh.
The event was followed by two subsequent findings in Ladakh on March 4 and March 25, 1968.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG ) in WikiLeaks as reference for Bill Clinton’s UFO interests and remarks in WikiLeaks as reference for Bill Clinton’s UFO interests and remarks
One of the big stories during the election was the release of leaked emails by WikiLeaks of the alleged emails of Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta. Among these emails were the behind the scenes organizing of Hillary’s appearances on Jimmy Kimmel Live! On her latest appearance on the program, she discussed UFOs, and apparently, her staffers used an article as background regarding Bill Clinton’s prior UFO comments.
Hillary Clinton talking UFOs with Jimmy Kimmel.
(Credit: Jimmy Kimmel Live!)
It was expected by many that Kimmel would be asking Hillary about UFOs because he had previously asked Bill Clinton and Obama about them. In Podesta’s email we learned that her campaign was helping shape the scripting of the question and her response.
Bill Clinton discussing UFOs, Area 51 and aliens with Jimmy Kimmel.
(Credit: Jimmy Kimmel Live!)
However, in one particular email an individual on Hillary’s campaign staff was confused as to why Kimmel would want to talk to Hillary about UFOs. In a reply to that question, there were two stories referenced as background. One was a Mother Jones article, and the other was an article from The later was used to give background on Bill’s appearance on Kimmel’s show, but it also outlines his history of interest in UFOs, as well as that of Podesta, who is referred to as JDP in the email.
>> “What do we know now? We know we live in an ever expanding universe. We
>> know that there are billions of stars and planets, literally, out there,
>> and the universe is getting bigger. We know from our fancy telescopes that
>> just in the last two years more than 20 planets have been identified
>> outside of our solar system that seem to be far away enough from their suns
>> and dense enough that they might be able to support some form of life. So,
>> it makes it increasingly less likely that we are alone.”
So why are we only posting a story about this email now, when the election is long over? Well, although we did cover the existence of these WikiLeak emails discussing Hillary’s comments on UFOs on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, somehow I missed the reference to one of my own stories. I was made aware by Ben Hansen. He is going to speak at the 2017 International UFO Congress on his voice and body language analysis of comments made on television by the Clintons and Obama regarding UFOs. While preparing his talk, he asked me about the above email with the reference to, and that is how I found out. Thank you, Ben.
Ben Hansen talking UFOs at the 2011 International UFO Congress.
Hansen’s talk will shed light on whether there is any indication the Clintons or Obama had something to hide while talking about UFOs or aliens on TV. He has a couple of videos on YouTube where he takes a look at these appearances in details, but he will be sharing much more analysis at next month’s conference. Don’t miss it!
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
In the significant ranges of our nearby planetary framework, 40,000 kms away, revolving around the planet Saturn - exists a moon with a most interesting part.
The moon is Iapetus.
This planetary body that difficulties what we think about moons and planets. Late pictures sent from NASA's Cassini test have revealed a monstrous equilateral "edge" encompassing the equator. The mind blowing size of the edge are not seen wherever else in the universe.
The extent of this 20KM high equilateral edge is basically tremendous. In photographs taken of Iapetus you can unmistakably watch the edge, evident from space. These are not your "mass of China" degrees.
Here on Earth, Mt. Everest most raised apex is around 9 KM. This edge is twofold that size and circles about the whole planet. In the event that you lived close to the edge, one portion of the whole sky would be eaten up by this enormity!
Clarke's Alien Monolith Prediction
Creator of the 1968 "2001: A Space Odyssey", Arthur C. Clarke, clarifies Iapetus. In the last portions of the book, space adventurer Dave Bowman finds a dumbfounding outcast stone point of interest sitting tight for him on the surface of Iapetus.
Did Arthur C. Clarke have acceptance to mystery information? It is guessed that some of hollywood's best scientists, including George Lucas and Steven Spielberg have known about getting to secured puzzling information. By the day's end: not the vast majority of their considerations are uncommon. It is dazzling that Arthur C. Clarke explained an outsider stone milestone on Saturn's Moon Iapetus, as soon as possible in the 1960's when NASA knew close by no about this moon. By then, in 2004 it is found a shocking mountain edge joins essentially the whole planet - in what is likely the most bizarre course of action in the nearby via planetary social affair. What is inside the equilateral edge? Does an outsider stone historic point imagine us?
Visit To Antarctica Confirms Discovery Of Flash Frozen Alien Civilization
Visit To Antarctica Confirms Discovery Of Flash Frozen Alien Civilization
According to the secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode, the first scientific excavations of ruins from an ancient frozen civilization buried under two miles of ice started in Antarctica earlier this month. And, he was taken there to witness the discovery.
It was a Nazi expedition in 1939 that first made this discovery, but, as stated by Goode, excavations by archeologists and other scientists have only been allowed since 2002. Reportedly, documentaries and academic papers have already been prepared by the archeologists working at the site. It’s said that the scientific community will be astounded by the find.
Goode had heard of the Antarctica excavations from several different sources, including a senior officer within a USAF led secret space program he dubbed “Sigmund”, information he released in a December 11, 2016 update. Allegedly, Sigmund was involved in a secret mission involving multiple abductions and debriefings of Goode, who was being tested for the reliability of his information.
Only when Goode’s information and sources were found accurate, Sigmund shared some of his knowledge about the Antarctica excavations. According to him, it involved a civilization led by 10-12 foot tall “Pre-Adamites” with elongated skulls.
The Pre-Adamites were aliens who had arrived on Earth about 55,000 years ago, a fact determined with the discovery of three oval-shaped motherships, about 30 miles in diameter, at the site. Immediately after being unearthed, one of the three ships has been found to have many smaller spacecrafts inside. The Pre-Adamite civilization, at least part of it based in Antarctica, had been flash frozen due to a catastrophic event, roughly dated back 12,000 years ago.
Unfortunately, the most advanced technologies, along with the remains of Pre-Adamites have been removed from one archeological site that will be made public, and now the teams of scientists are working with what is left at the site. Needless to mention, everyone is sworn to utmost secrecy.
What will be available for public release is a selection of ancient artifacts from other locations that will be brought in from vast warehouses and seeded into the archeological site. In order to avoid the shock that the general public will be faced up with, emphasis will be put on the terrestrial elements of the flash frozen civilization. This was stated in the impending announcement about the Antarctica excavations.
Until early January 2017, all information Goode had on the Antarctica excavations came from insider sources or Sigmund. But, at the beginning of this month, Goode was taken to Antarctica to witness the ruins and the excavations underway.
In a statement he gave, Goode said that imediately after New Year, 2017, he was taken to Antarctica by an “Anshar” spacecraft, which is one of the seven Inner Earth civilizations that he has encountered so far including Kaaree, a High Priestess of the Anshar, who has acted as his guide and friend in many trips into the Earth’s interior, Antarctica and into deep space.
Russia: Thousands Of People Observe A Mysterious “VORTEX OF LIGHT” In The Skies Of OMSK
Russia: Thousands Of People Observe A Mysterious “VORTEX OF LIGHT” In The Skies Of OMSK
A mysterious luminous object was sighted on the evening of November 17, 2015, thousands of people in the skies of the city of Omsk in Siberia (Russia).
The bright object was seen by thousands of people then flocked to the streets to watch the show in the skies of Omsk. Subsequently there was a real invasion on social networks, where thousands of witnesses, who shared photos and videos, as well as the various experiences of this exceptional sighting. Until now, the Russian Ministry of Defense has never stated that the sighting of Omsk was due to the launch of a spacecraft or the return of an intercontinental ballistic missile.
A group of former pilots who have recounted seeing strange phenomena in the sky has demanded the US government reopen an investigation into UFOs.
Several pilots offered dramatic accounts of witnessing UFOs - including a transparent flying disc and a triangular craft with mysterious markings - as they insisted their questions needed to be taken seriously more than 30 years after the US file was closed.
"We want the US government to stop perpetuating the myth that all UFOs can be explained away in down-to-earth, conventional terms," said Fife Symington, former governor of Arizona and air force pilot who says he saw a UFO in 1997.
"Instead our country needs to reopen its official investigation that it shut down in 1969,"Symington said.
"We believe that for reasons of both national security and flight safety, every country should make an effort to identify any object in its airspace," said a statement from the 19 former pilots and government officials from around the world.
The subject of UFOs came up in a recent debate among US presidential candidates, with Democrat Dennis Kucinich saying he once saw a UFO - making him the object of ridicule and jokes by late night television comedians.
Sceptics say UFO sightings are merely aircraft, satellites or meteors re-entering the Earth's atmosphere.
But the retired pilots spoke to a sympathetic audience of UFO "believers" who heard them recall their encounters with seemingly other-worldly objects appearing out of the sky.
"Nothing in my training prepared me for what we were witnessing," said James Penniston, a retired US Air Force pilot, as he described seeing and touching a UFO when he was stationed at a British air base in Woodbridge.
He said he saw an inexplicable triangular craft in a clearing in the woods with "blue and yellow lights swirling around the exterior".
The UFO was "warm to the touch and felt like metal," Penniston said. One side of the craft had pictorial symbols and "the largest symbol was a triangle, which was centred in the middle of the others," he said.
Then after 45 minutes the light from the object "began to intensify" and it then "shot off at an unbelievable speed" before 80 Air Force personnel, he said. "In my logbook, I wrote 'speed: impossible'."
Rodrigo Bravo from Chile's air force said UFOs needed to be studied but lamented that the media often belittle the sightings.
"Sadly the UFO subject has been contaminated with false information, out of touch with reality, provided by unqualified people to the media," Bravo said.
"One of our most important civil aviation cases occurred in 1988, showing that unidentified flying objects can be a danger for air operations," he said.
"A Boeing 737 pilot on a final approach to the runway at the Puerto Montt airport suddenly encountered a large white light surrounded by green and red."
The pilot took a sharp turn to avoid a collision, according to Bravo.
The panel included a former Iranian fighter pilot, Parviz Jafari, who said in 1976 he tried in vain to fire from his jet at an "object which was flashing with intense red, green, orange and blue light" over Tehran.
But when he approached, "my weapons jammed and my radio communications garbled".
A former Air France captain, Jean-Charles Duboc, said in 1994 he and his crew saw "a huge flying disc" near Paris with a diameter of about 300 metres that left no sign on radar.
The disc "became transparent and disappeared in about 10 to 20 seconds," Duboc said.
The former pilot said like other major airlines Air France was mindful of its image and it was difficult to raise the subject of UFOs.
A former official with the Federal Aviation Administration, John Callahan, said government agencies discourage inquiries into UFOs.
"'Who believes in UFOs?' is the kind of attitude of the FAA all the time," he said.
"However, when I asked the CIA person: 'What do you think it was,' he responded 'a UFO'."
When Callahan suggested the government tell Americans about a UFO, the CIA official allegedly told him: "'No way, if we were to tell the American public there are UFOs they would panic."'
NASA schakelt weer livestream uit nadat UFO bij het ISS verschijnt
NASA schakelt weer livestream uit nadat UFO bij het ISS verschijnt
Op de livestream van de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA is een mysterieus object gezien bij het internationale ruimtestation ISS. Sommige alien-jagers zeggen dat het een UFO is.
John Craddick uit het Engelse Wolverhampton vertelde aan de Daily Mirror dat hij vaak naar de livestream van het ISS kijkt, maar er nog nooit UFO’s op heeft gespot.
“Ik liet een vriend zien hoe het werkte, toen het beeld plotseling op zwart ging,” zei hij. “Toen het beeld weer terug was, verscheen dit object.”
Steeds groter
“Het was eerst klein en werd steeds groter,” vervolgde hij. “Het was ongeveer 25 seconden te zien.”
UFO-expert Nigel Watson vertelde aan de Daily Mail dat UFO’s bij het ISS vaak reflecties zijn.
“Veel UFO’s die worden vastgelegd door de camera’s van het ISS kunnen worden verklaard als beelden van ruimtepuin of satellieten in de verte,” zei hij.
“Zelfs kleine deeltjes kunnen eruitzien als UFO’s als ze worden beschenen door het licht van de zon,” ging hij verder.
NASA heeft nog niet gereageerd op de waarneming die Craddick heeft gedaan.
In november 2016 gingen beelden rond van een vlekje bij het ISS waarna de NASA de livestream uitschakelde.
Complottheoretici concludeerden dat het object een buitenaards ruimteschip was en suggereerden dat NASA dit soort informatie bewust achterhoudt.
Volgens de ruimtevaartorganisatie komt het soms voor dat de verbinding tussen het ISS ende aarde wordt verbroken.
James Cameron links find of bronze-age anchors to lost city of Atlantis
James Cameron links find of bronze-age anchors to lost city of Atlantis
Jamie SeidelNews Corp Australia Network
TITANIC director James Cameron thinks he’s found Atlantis. His documentary team has stumbled upon a cluster of six 4000-year-old anchors just outside the entrance to the Mediterranean.
Myth? History? Or just a good storytelling opportunity?
The idea of an advanced ancient civilisation lost to history certainly has eternal appeal.
It’s certainly been a favoured subject among documentary makers.
Now Oscar-winner James Cameron joins them.
His National Geographic series Atlantis Rising goes to air in the United States this weekend.
Suitably, he’s got a tantalising find to pin his narrative upon.
The mystical nature of Atlantis has made it a popular subject of books, television and and movies.
Is there more to Atlantis than just an ancient fireside tale?
The idea exploded among the modern popular imagination with pseudoscientific books such as Erich von Daniken’s Chariots of the Gods in 1968 and, more recently, the likes of Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock.
Atlantis has been linked to just about everything: The pyramids were really an astral power station to charge its technology. Its survivors seeded just about every ancient civilisation. It was buried under Antarctica’s ice (or off the Bahamas, or Japan, or just about any mysterious place).
There are more plausible, though equally unproven, theories.
It could be a distorted memory of the Black Sea Flood which saw a vast swath of Europe engulfed about 5600BC. Or a memory the Minoan palace vaporised on the island of Santorini erupted, sending tsunamis through the Eastern Mediterranean at some point around 1600BC.
That last one looks particularly enticing.
But the fact remains all we really have is a few throwaway lines included in two moral tales written by the Greek philosopher Plato. Most academics feel this was likely to have been an allegorical warning to the then vibrant city-state of Athens not to turn its back on the gods.
James Cameron’s Atlantis Rising documentary series has been picked up by National Geographic. Picture: Alistair Guthrie
Oceanic explorer Robert Ballard beat Cameron to the Titanic in 1985. Now Cameron’s attempting to go one better.
“We set out to investigate the most interesting theories that argue that there is some kind of history behind the myth of Atlantis,” Cameron says.
Expedition leader Richard Freund (an archaeologist from the University of Hartford) is more ebullent: “This is the world’s most sophisticated and extensive search ever made.”
The plot sounds familiar.
It’s the most “sophisticated and extensive search ever made”. They use ‘cutting edge technology’ to explore a ‘virtual map’ built from Plato’s ancient writings.
While the show travels throughout Greece, the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean tracking ‘sightings’ of Atlantis, much is made of the discovery of a cluster of Bronze Age anchors on the Atlantic side of the Strait of Gibraltar — which some believe to be the “Pillars of Hercules’ Plato states the civilisation was ‘beyond’.
“These anchors could be 3500 to 4000 years old and establish a harbour in the Atlantic, where I didn’t even dare dream to find anchors,” filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici said in a statement. “It’s easier to find a needle in a haystack than Bronze Age anchors in the Atlantic.”
The fun part will be linking them to Plato’s 4th Century BC writings.
The ancient Minoan civilisation, based on Crete, was an advanced race of ocean-going traders. Snake and bull worshipping goddesses feature prominently among their art.
A map of ancient Santorini found on the wall of a ruined Minoan building, buried deep under volcanic ash.Source:Supplied
Plato mentions Atlantis in his works ‘Temaeus’ and ‘Critas’, but provides only an outline sketch of this mysterious civilisation.
He describes it as an island, formed of concentric rings. At its heart was a great city. It’s inhabitants were half-god and half-human. They were rich in resources and mysterious metals. They were proficient seagoers.
The story goes that, through their greed, they upset the great god fo the sea Poseidon. So he got rid of them through enormous earthquakes and floods.
There is one historic event that fits Plato’s tale remarkably well.
It’s the story of the eruption of the volcano Thera (now called Santorini) in 1650BC.
Archaeologists in recent decades have uncovered the remains of an ancient settlement there belonging to the then remarkably advanced Minoan civilisation.
Among the ruins they found a map. It shows a palace on an island in the middle of volcanic caldera.
The fallout of the eruption, and its subsequent tsunamis, are believed to have triggered the collapse of the entire civilisation as it engulfed much of northern Crete.
Into the ruins marched tribes of Greeks - the predecessors of the great nations of Sparta, Corinth and Athens.
So the idea that the disaster that destroyed the Minoans may have somehow wound its way through the centuries down to Plato certainly seems enticing. Though unsubstantiated.
Alien Base Entrance That The American Gov Doesn't Want You To Know About! Jan 2017, UFO Sighting News.
Alien Base Entrance That The American Gov Doesn't Want You To Know About! Jan 2017, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: January 27, 2017 Location of discovery: Turks And Caicos Islands Google Earth Coordinates: 21°43'44.66"N 71°48'59.23"W Hey, this new HP Pavillion computer really kiss @#$. Love it, thanks 54. Google Earth works smoothly with it. Found this with it today. I found an entrance to an underground base. There is a large circular entrance that goes deep below the ground on the island of Turks and Caicos. Not far from Cuba. The hole is huge! I mean its 500+ meters across, big enough for the US military to build a submarine base down there. This is massive. Now, think of the most isolated place on Earth that could hide an alien base. Are you thinking the ocean...good job, and maybe a isolated small island in the middle of nowhere...great work. Here it is. The alien base entrance that alien don't want you to know about. Scott C. Waring-Taiwan
Black UFO Hides Over Clouds Caught By NASA Space Station Cam, Jan 27, 2017, UFO Sighting Daily.
Black UFO Hides Over Clouds Caught By NASA Space Station Cam, Jan 27, 2017, UFO Sighting Daily.
Date of sighting: January 27, 2017 Location of sighting: NASA/Russia Space Station, ISS I was watching the live cam and was a bit irritated that they were going to blue screen and glitch screen about 65% of the time this week. Either they are trying to hide UFOs or they are causing their own glitches so they can finally shut down their spy cameras to the public. Yes, the two new cams which the public are not allowed to use can read a license plate of a car anywhere on the planet. A dark object passed on the clouds below the space station. The object has openings and was very black, making it easy to spot on top of the white clouds. Its non reflective black, much like a lot of the structures I have found on Earths moon. That is where the USAF got their stealth materials, alien tech. Scott C. Waring
UFO Lights Filmed Over Goodyear, Arizona – January 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Lights Filmed Over Goodyear, Arizona – January 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 2017
Location of sighting: Goodyear, Arizona, USA
A lot of skeptics would say that the lights are on the mountain top. So I added some light to the above photo so you can clearly see, the lights are far above the mountains. The are lined up, as if military formation to watch out for one another. Probably UFOs from the Tall White base at Nellis AFB old firing range. Nice video byTheSkyUFO of Youtube.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
My daughter and I were driving at night in the dark when we noticed 4 lights that looked very bright above the distant mountains. Four of them lined up next to one another from right to left. They stayed stationary for a few moments and then 1 would fly swiftly away from the others leaving 3 in a linear horizontal line before it disappeared. It would spontaneously reappear and then fly above the other 3, move left again and then realign with the other 4 leaving 4 brightly shining in the sky. We also saw a distant airplane but it appeared farther away, higher and with blinking lights. The UFOS we saw were solid bright white/yellow and were brilliant against the night sky. They flew fluidly, and would move great lengths across the sky in an instant, disappearing and reappearing. They were much larger than stars in the sky and brighter than the brightest star. We felt excited and in awe, and happy they would reappear so we could get good pictures and videos. Our neighbors also saw them while out driving. We finally left to go home. We have seen them before in a dark night sky over the Estrella mountains to the East. They are common in this part of Goodyear. We see them several times a year.
Deleted from Web! UFO Fleet Over Mexico Stops Traffic! Jan 26, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Deleted from Web! UFO Fleet Over Mexico Stops Traffic! Jan 26, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 26, 2017 Location of sighting: Mexican Boarder Here is a mind-blowing video from Tyler of SecureTeam10. He got hold of a video of a fleet of glowing UFOs during the day over Mexico. And Just in time too, because the original was deleted by either its source or government hackers. That happens a lot more than you know. If Tyler hadn't saved this video for us, it would have been lost forever, so click here to subscribe to his Channel and stay up to date on the latest sightings. Mexico is a hotbed of UFO activity and there are a lot of things in the sky their daily, that the world governments don't want you to see. Its just amazing to watch this video as traffic almost comes to a stop. You can hear the angry people honking their horns and guys pointing their cameras to the sky. Awesome raw footage. Scott C. Waring
U.S. Navy Photo Showing UFO Landing On Aircraft Carrier Is Genuine, Claims Retired Aerospace Engineer
U.S. Navy Photo Showing UFO Landing On Aircraft Carrier Is Genuine, Claims Retired Aerospace Engineer
Retired aerospace engineer William Tompkins said a photograph showing a flying saucer that is apparently landing on the aircraft carrier’s flight deck is genuine. Tompkins, who had served leading U.S. corporations for four decades up until 1984, discussed the photo on May 4 in a radio interview. He stressed that the picture was taken from one of the landings by friendly Nordic extraterrestrial UFOs, which were considered regular incidents on U.S. Navy aircraft carriers.
Tompkins career started in 1942 as a Naval Intelligence operative. His duties include giving intelligence briefings to select U.S. aerospace corporations on Nazi Germany’s secret development of anti-gravity spacecraft. To support his claims, he supplied multiple documents as proofs he was assigned to such secret operation and operated out of Naval Air Station in San Diego.
Tompkins said that the extraterrestrial craft would land to get the admiral of the naval battle group and bring him to the mothership in space to hold meetings with commanders of a Nordic Space Navy.
Tomkins explained that the alien craft would go down to talk to the admiral in command on a particular battle group. They would then conduct other programs and meetings. The admiral, together with some other people, would get into the extraterrestrial craft to go to the alien mothership. These aliens, of course, brought them back later, according to Tompkins. Tompkins further emphasized during the interview that the UFOs landed on their aircraft carriers many times.
Frank Chille, the one who got the photo, shared the story about it. He said the original photograph that shows the disk landing on the aircraft carrier was shown to him by Graham Bethune over 15 years ago. The photo was on thick paper and the back side it said “U.S. Navy, top secret, eyes only, 1955.” Chille stated that Bethune allowed him to make a copy of it.
U.S. Navy Photo Showing UFO Landing On Aircraft Carrier Is Genuine, Claims Retired Aerospace Engineer
U.S. Navy Photo Showing UFO Landing On Aircraft Carrier Is Genuine, Claims Retired Aerospace Engineer
Retired aerospace engineer William Tompkins said a photograph showing a flying saucer that is apparently landing on the aircraft carrier’s flight deck is genuine. Tompkins, who had served leading U.S. corporations for four decades up until 1984, discussed the photo on May 4 in a radio interview. He stressed that the picture was taken from one of the landings by friendly Nordic extraterrestrial UFOs, which were considered regular incidents on U.S. Navy aircraft carriers.
Tompkins career started in 1942 as a Naval Intelligence operative. His duties include giving intelligence briefings to select U.S. aerospace corporations on Nazi Germany’s secret development of anti-gravity spacecraft. To support his claims, he supplied multiple documents as proofs he was assigned to such secret operation and operated out of Naval Air Station in San Diego.
Tompkins said that the extraterrestrial craft would land to get the admiral of the naval battle group and bring him to the mothership in space to hold meetings with commanders of a Nordic Space Navy.
Tomkins explained that the alien craft would go down to talk to the admiral in command on a particular battle group. They would then conduct other programs and meetings. The admiral, together with some other people, would get into the extraterrestrial craft to go to the alien mothership. These aliens, of course, brought them back later, according to Tompkins. Tompkins further emphasized during the interview that the UFOs landed on their aircraft carriers many times.
Frank Chille, the one who got the photo, shared the story about it. He said the original photograph that shows the disk landing on the aircraft carrier was shown to him by Graham Bethune over 15 years ago. The photo was on thick paper and the back side it said “U.S. Navy, top secret, eyes only, 1955.” Chille stated that Bethune allowed him to make a copy of it.
Apparent Fleet OF UFOs Photographed Over Telecoms Towers In Mexico
Apparent Fleet OF UFOs Photographed Over Telecoms Towers In Mexico
Claims of space aliens intercepting human messages have sparked after a stunning image of apparent green and blue UFOs over a telecommunications tower made the rounds online.
The picture of the towers in Mexico was snapped on May 2, 2006, but only recently made some noise after it was submitted to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) for expert analysis.
The unnamed photographer said he was about 800 meters away from the telecommunications towers when he snapped the photo with a long exposure. He claimed that he took other rounds of pictures of the same towers in similar conditions three weeks later, but nothing unusual appeared in them.
Some observers say that it is just lens flares, which typically appear when a camera pointed at bright artificial lights or sunlight that refracts inside the lens, and the light reflection then appears on the printed image.
However, others conclude that these were alien craft wanting to intercept data from the telecommunications towers. They say that one photograph actually shows four glowing green disks recording data and information from those towers. They speculate that the so-called lens flares do not appear in other pictures because the aliens already realized that they had been seen. They further explain that powerful lights below, which some of them contain infrared lights, reveal the UFOs to the camera for a few moments until the aliens altered the shield harmonics to hide them.
Some residents in Austin want to know if a UFO visited their area on Monday night after they recorded a video of a strange airborne object. It appears that they are not alone as many others reported seeing something mysterious in the sky over Texas.
Witness Rachel Jensen believes they are UFOs giving an impressive show in the sky over East Austin. Jensen says that by the time they arrived, they just went up and took off at a tremendous speed.
On Monday night, her roommate saw three lights in a triangle formation coming at him. He then called Jensen outside to check the fantastic aerial event.
Just when Jensen stepped out, she looked to the sky and noticed the triangle that just separated into three. She says there was one object in front and two others behind it. Jensen describes them as bright orange, glowing, and almost fiery.
At one point the two witnesses saw another light. They say it was moving back-and-forth erratically. Jensen grabbed her phone and captured as much of the mysterious light on camera. After the unusual event, she called Austin 311 to report it.
On the same night, the American Meteor Society also got sighting reports of a fireball over Louisiana and Texas from at least five people.
Meanwhile, Austin Photographer Christopher Sherman captured a stunning photo showing Downtown Austin, but looking closely at it, a long curved light-streak passing through the tree can be seen, and another smaller streak to the left is also visible. The picture was also snapped around the same time Jensen saw strange lights in the sky.
Ooit werd de aarde door een heel andere mix van meteorieten bekogeld
Ooit werd de aarde door een heel andere mix van meteorieten bekogeld
Caroline Kraaijvanger
De meteorieten die we nu als zeldzaam bestempelen, landden meer dan 466 miljoen jaar geleden regelmatig op aarde.
Tot die conclusie komen onderzoekers in het blad Nature Astronomy. Het is verrassend. Aangenomen werd namelijk dat het zonnestelsel de afgelopen 500 miljoen jaar vrij stabiel was. “Dus het is verrassend dat de meteorietenstroom zo’n 467 miljoen jaar geleden zo anders was dan nu,” vindt onderzoeker Birger Schmitz.
466 miljoen jaar geleden Meteorieten zijn stenen die vanuit de ruimte op aarde vallen. De stenen komen vrij tijdens botsingen tussen planetoïden, manen en zelfs planeten en vormen een afspiegeling van de samenstelling van deze hemellichamen. Zo’n 466 miljoen jaar geleden vond er op grote afstand van de aarde een enorme botsing plaats. Een object sloeg in op een planetoïde die vervolgens uit elkaar spatte. Brokstukken van die planetoïde vallen sindsdien richting de aarde.
Micrometeorieten Maar hoe zagen de meteorieten die vóór die grote botsing plaatsvond op aarde terechtkwamen, eruit? Daarvoor moet je eigenlijk kijken naar meteorieten die meer dan 466 miljoen jaar geleden op aarde landden. Maar dergelijke meteorieten worden niet vaak teruggevonden. Daarom richtten onderzoekers zich in hun studie op micro-meteorieten – kleine stukjes steen (met een diameter kleiner dan 2 millimeter) – die voor die tijd op aarde terechtkwamen. Dergelijke micro-meteorieten zijn wat minder zeldzaam.
Vesta Uit een analyse van die micro-meteorieten blijkt dat deze heel anders waren dan de meteorieten die vandaag de dag op aarde landen. Maar liefst 34 procent van de onderzochte meteorieten die meer dan 466 miljoen jaar geleden op aarde landden, behoorden tot de zogenoemde ‘primitieve achondrieten’. Ter vergelijking: slechts 0,45 procent van de meteorieten die vandaag de dag op aarde landen, behoren tot dit type. Weer andere, oude micrometeorieten bleken resten van Vesta te zijn: de helderste planetoïde die ook vanaf de aarde zichtbaar is en meer dan een miljard jaar geleden een botsing meemaakte.
“We ontdekten dat de meteorietenstroom en de variatie aan meteorieten die op aarde vielen, heel, heel anders was dan vandaag de dag,” concludeert onderzoeker Philipp Heck. “Wanneer je naar de meteorieten kijkt die de afgelopen 100 miljoen jaar op aarde zijn gevallen, krijg je geen compleet beeld.” Onderzoeker William Bottke legt uit: “Het bestuderen van meteorieten die vanuit de planetoïdengordel op aarde worden afgeleverd kun je vergelijken met het bestuderen van aardverschuivingen die op verschillende momenten op de helling van een berg ontstaan. De stenen die je vandaag de dag aan de voet van de berg vindt, komen voornamelijk voort uit een aantal recente aardverschuivingen. Ga je verder terug in de tijd dan zijn oudere landverschuivingen belangrijker. Hetzelfde geldt voor planetoïden die uiteen zijn gevallen: jongere exemplaren domineren de huidige meteorietenstroom, terwijl in het verleden de oudere exemplaren domineerden.” Meer inzicht in die verschillende meteorietenstromen is belangrijk, benadrukt Heck. “Meer weten over de verschillende soorten meteorieten die door de tijd heen zijn gevallen, geeft ons meer inzicht in de evolutie van de planetoïdengordel en de wijze waarop verschillende botsingen ontstonden.”
Ooit werd de aarde door een heel andere mix van meteorieten bekogeld
Ooit werd de aarde door een heel andere mix van meteorieten bekogeld
Caroline Kraaijvanger
De meteorieten die we nu als zeldzaam bestempelen, landden meer dan 466 miljoen jaar geleden regelmatig op aarde.
Tot die conclusie komen onderzoekers in het blad Nature Astronomy. Het is verrassend. Aangenomen werd namelijk dat het zonnestelsel de afgelopen 500 miljoen jaar vrij stabiel was. “Dus het is verrassend dat de meteorietenstroom zo’n 467 miljoen jaar geleden zo anders was dan nu,” vindt onderzoeker Birger Schmitz.
466 miljoen jaar geleden Meteorieten zijn stenen die vanuit de ruimte op aarde vallen. De stenen komen vrij tijdens botsingen tussen planetoïden, manen en zelfs planeten en vormen een afspiegeling van de samenstelling van deze hemellichamen. Zo’n 466 miljoen jaar geleden vond er op grote afstand van de aarde een enorme botsing plaats. Een object sloeg in op een planetoïde die vervolgens uit elkaar spatte. Brokstukken van die planetoïde vallen sindsdien richting de aarde.
Micrometeorieten Maar hoe zagen de meteorieten die vóór die grote botsing plaatsvond op aarde terechtkwamen, eruit? Daarvoor moet je eigenlijk kijken naar meteorieten die meer dan 466 miljoen jaar geleden op aarde landden. Maar dergelijke meteorieten worden niet vaak teruggevonden. Daarom richtten onderzoekers zich in hun studie op micro-meteorieten – kleine stukjes steen (met een diameter kleiner dan 2 millimeter) – die voor die tijd op aarde terechtkwamen. Dergelijke micro-meteorieten zijn wat minder zeldzaam.
Vesta Uit een analyse van die micro-meteorieten blijkt dat deze heel anders waren dan de meteorieten die vandaag de dag op aarde landen. Maar liefst 34 procent van de onderzochte meteorieten die meer dan 466 miljoen jaar geleden op aarde landden, behoorden tot de zogenoemde ‘primitieve achondrieten’. Ter vergelijking: slechts 0,45 procent van de meteorieten die vandaag de dag op aarde landen, behoren tot dit type. Weer andere, oude micrometeorieten bleken resten van Vesta te zijn: de helderste planetoïde die ook vanaf de aarde zichtbaar is en meer dan een miljard jaar geleden een botsing meemaakte.
“We ontdekten dat de meteorietenstroom en de variatie aan meteorieten die op aarde vielen, heel, heel anders was dan vandaag de dag,” concludeert onderzoeker Philipp Heck. “Wanneer je naar de meteorieten kijkt die de afgelopen 100 miljoen jaar op aarde zijn gevallen, krijg je geen compleet beeld.” Onderzoeker William Bottke legt uit: “Het bestuderen van meteorieten die vanuit de planetoïdengordel op aarde worden afgeleverd kun je vergelijken met het bestuderen van aardverschuivingen die op verschillende momenten op de helling van een berg ontstaan. De stenen die je vandaag de dag aan de voet van de berg vindt, komen voornamelijk voort uit een aantal recente aardverschuivingen. Ga je verder terug in de tijd dan zijn oudere landverschuivingen belangrijker. Hetzelfde geldt voor planetoïden die uiteen zijn gevallen: jongere exemplaren domineren de huidige meteorietenstroom, terwijl in het verleden de oudere exemplaren domineerden.” Meer inzicht in die verschillende meteorietenstromen is belangrijk, benadrukt Heck. “Meer weten over de verschillende soorten meteorieten die door de tijd heen zijn gevallen, geeft ons meer inzicht in de evolutie van de planetoïdengordel en de wijze waarop verschillende botsingen ontstonden.”
Scientists: There is a Mirror Universe where Time moves backwards
Scientists: There is a Mirror Universe where Time moves backwards
Time as we know it is something extremely complex that according to many researchers around to globe, isn’t fully understood. We, humans, experience time in one direction meaning that we all get older, we remember our past but we cannot look at the future. However, nothing in the known laws of physics tells us that time MUST move forward.
Among other theories, some suggest the Big Bang was not the beginning of the universe and that we may be living in the past of a parallel universe.
In order to try and solve the biggest mystery of all, two separate groups of prominent scientists are creating models that are able to examine the initial conditions in the universe that might have created what we call ‘arrow of time’. Interestingly, both groups seem to show time moving in two different directions, a contradictory finding according to many researchers around the globe.
Scientists believe that when the Big Bang created our universe, it also created a second ‘mirror universe’ where time actually moves in the opposite direction. Looking at it from our perspective, time in the parallel universe moves backwards. However, ‘anyone’ inside the parallel universe would perceive our universe’s time as if it were moving backwards:
The first model which was published over a year ago in Physical Review Letters tells us that one of the most basic implications proposed in Newton’s theory of gravity creates the necessary conditions for time as we know it to move in a certain direction.
According to Julian Barbour from the University of Oxford, Tim Koslowski from the University of New Brunswick and Flavio Mercati from the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, for any confined system of particles—a self-contained universe like the one we live for example—gravity creates a point when the distance between particles is reduced to a minimum. But, when the particles expand outwards, it occurs into different temporal directions, researchers argue.
According to, Barbour and his colleagues created a simplified 1,000 particle point model of the universe showing this dual expansion, with gravity creating structure in both directions.
According to the Second Law of thermodynamics, systems like that converge and expand by necessity explains, Flavio Mercati.
According to researchers, the moment before the ‘expansion’ is referred to as the “Janus Point”.
In an interview with, Barbour explains “Time is not something that pre-exists.”
“The direction and flow of time we have to deduce from what’s happening in the universe. When we look at it that way, it’s natural to say that time begins at that central point and flows away in opposite directions.”
To simplify the explanations, Barbour compares the so-called Janus Point to the moment a river splits in two and flows in opposite directions.
“It’s the simplest thing,” he says. “You start at that central Janus point where the motion is chaotic –that’s like the Greek notion of primordial chaos—but then in both directions you get this structure forming. If the theory is right, then there’s another universe on the other side of the big bang in which the direction of experience of time is opposite to ours.”
While the above-mentioned theory isn’t accepted by all researchers, it did create excitement in the scientific community, what led towards more scientists exploring the theory.
Now, a new study, reported by popular website New Scientist suggest that two other researchers, —Sean Carroll from California Institute of Technology in Pasadena and Alan Guth from Massachusetts Institute of Technology— have come up with a similar model that demonstrates time moving in both directions, in ‘parallel universes.
Even though their study remains unpublished, the two researchers agree that their theory is, even more, simplified than that proposed by Barbour and his team since their study does not rely on gravity or particles confined in another system. According to reports, the study proposed by Carroll and Guth is based on the concept of entropy alone and does not include any other preconditions, meaning that it applies to particles in ‘infinite space’ rather than self-contained systems as in previous studies.
“We call it the two-headed arrow of time,” Guth tells the New Scientist. “Because the laws of physics are invariant, we see exactly the same thing in the other direction.”
The theory, however, is far from being accepted in the scientific community as reports suggest. According to New Scientist, there are initial stages in the model where the direction of entropy growth—and so the arrow of time—is not clearly defined, and so difficult to account for.
Barbour added that the work is being based on everything we know about classic physics.
Once questions of quantum physics are introduced, “all bets are still off.” He adds:
“Instead of having two streams emanating from a river, it could be more like a fountain where you have lots of pairs of springs. Or just a whole host of springs flowing out of a fountain in different directions.”
Meteorite Studies Reveal Surprises About Earth's Formation
Meteorite Studies Reveal Surprises About Earth's Formation
By Elizabeth Howell, Contributor
Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) satellite on Jan. 9, 2017.
Credit: NASA
Scientists now have a better understanding of three concepts regarding the early Earth: what kind of raw materials coalesced to form Earth long ago, when water arrived on our planet, and why Earth and its moon have such similar compositions.
Two studies published Wednesday (Jan. 25) in the journal Nature suggest that Earth's main building blocks were rocks similar to meteorites known as enstatite chondrites, and that the planet got most of its water gradually during the formation process, rather than in one big burst toward the end.
"The results presented in these papers lead to the troubling conclusion that the meteorites in our collection are not particularly good examples of Earth's building blocks," Richard Carlson, a geochemist at the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, D.C., wrote in a commentary article that accompanied the two studies in Nature. (Carlson was not involved in either study.) [Photo Timeline: How the Earth Formed]
When did water come to Earth?
Scientists have known since the 1970s that Earth rocks' oxygen-isotope abundance differs from that of most meteorites, except for enstatite chondrites, Carlson wrote. (variants of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons in their atomic nuclei.)
But Earth rocks and enstatite meteorites differ in elemental composition, so most researchers have used Earth-formation models based on different meteorites called carbonaceous chondrites, which are rich in volatiles (compounds with low boiling points, such as water), he added.
By tracking different isotopic abundances in Earth rocks and meteorites, both new Nature studies concluded that carbonaceous-chondrite-like building blocks were not common late in the Earth's formation history.
Section of the enstatite chondrite meteorite Sahara 97096. Throughout its formation, Earth accreted material that was isotopically most similar to this group of enstatite meteorites. The dimensions of the section are 10 centimeters by 4 centimeters (4 inches by 1.6 inches).
Credit: Nicolas Dauphas
Specifically, one of the studies — by University of Chicago geochemist Nicolas Dauphas — suggested that several different meteorite types were likely responsible for the first 60 percent of Earth's growth, while almost all of the remaining 40 percent came from enstatite chondrites.
The second study, performed by Mario Fischer-Gödde and Thorsten Kleine of the University of Münster in Germany, bolstered that conclusion, showing that enstatite-like rocks probably dominated Earth's late accretion history.
These findings indicate that water came to Earth throughout the planet's formation history, and not just in a flurry of carbonaceous chondrites and/or comets near the end, as some researchers have proposed, Carlson wrote.
"If the last 0.5 percent of material accreted by Earth had been composed of a particular type of volatile-rich carbonaceous chondrite, known as a CI chondrite, an amount of water equivalent in mass to Earth’s oceans would have been added to the planet," he wrote. "Fischer-Gödde and Kleine's measurements instead show that this late-accreted material consisted of relatively 'dry' enstatite chondrites."
However, this conclusion still leaves a question: Why doesn't Earth's surface composition match that of enstatite chondrites? Carlson suggested two possible explanations: Earth's deep interior is very different from the surface (which is unlikely for a variety of reasons, he wrote), or, as Dauphas suggested in his paper, the enstatite chondrites were altered on Earth's surface as the planet evolved.
Why is the moon so similar to Earth?
Dauphas' study also sheds light on how the moon formed. Most astronomers think that, long ago, one or more Mars-size bodies smashed into the proto-Earth, blasting out material that eventually coalesced to form the moon.
Models suggest that such giant impacts likely would have created a moon whose composition was different from Earth's, because proto-Earth and the impactor(s) likely would have been made of different stuff. But measurements of Earth, the moon and enstatite meteorites "have almost indistinguishable isotopic compositions," Dauphas wrote in his new study.
The apparent problem can be traced to older models that suggest a diversity of meteorites formed Earth, Dauphas added. His research, on the other hand, indicates that the proto-Earth and the moon-forming impactor(s) probably formed in the same "isotopic reservoir," which was dominated by enstatite chondrites.
"Accordingly, the giant impactor that formed the moon probably had an isotopic composition similar to that of the Earth, hence relaxing the constraints on models of lunar formation," Dauphas wrote.
Texans report mysterious ‘big boom’ with no conclusion
Texans report mysterious ‘big boom’ with no conclusion
A Texas witness at Lake Jackson reported a loud rumbling sound “like thunder” that shook the house and was followed by an unusual whining sound, according to testimony in Case 80863 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness recounted what happened about midnight on December 6, 2016.
“We have a mystery, locally,” the witness stated.“About 12 midnight, many people felt/heard a boom and shaking. Some people reported that it was followed by a high-pitched whine. The area that seems to have gotten the worst effects was Lake Jackson, about 12 miles from us. Some people as far as Alvin (about 35 miles away northeast), and Brazos Bend State Park, (about 30 miles north) said they had experienced it also.”
‘The Facts’ newspaper covered the story.
(Credit: The Facts)
The witness has been hearing from more and more people who had the same experience.
“More recently, someone said that it had been reported as far away as Cypress, (80 miles north), and Porter, TX, (81 miles northeast), although those are unsubstantiated and single reports, as opposed to the hundreds of people who have been blowing up local Facebook threads. Police have checked all local chemical plants, all possible companies that place explosions to map geologic stuff – nothing. No natural gas explosions in residential areas. No major fires. Our only local paper has a thread going on their website; no news of what might have caused it. One of the Houston news channels sent a reporter, and it was treated about as credibly as a Santa sighting. (country hicks imagined feeling stuff).”
The witness believes that the incident is being treated as a mass delusion.
“Hundreds of people in the area, especially in Lake Jackson, felt their houses shake, and heard a loud rumble like thunder, although skies were clear. A friend in Detroit, TX, about 350 miles north, read my post on Facebook, and said that at about 11:30 a.m. she had heard a loud and odd rumble of thunder, and even brought it to her husband’s attention. They, also, were under clear skies.”
At least 100 witnesses at or near Lake Jackson, TX, heard a mysterious boom sound that shook homes on December 6, 2016.
(Credit: Google)
Texas MUFON State Section Director Charles Stansburge investigated this case and closed it as an Unknown.
“To really get some information about what happened, I made it my duty to go to Lake Jackson and find out what I could,” Stansburge wrote in his report. “I contacted the Clute Police Department and the dispatcher said that she did not hear the boom because she was out of town. I did contact a couple of other officers and three of them that I had talked to claim they may have heard it, but they had no idea what it was and they also said that they made phone calls and to all the big companies such as BASF Corporation, Dow Chemical Company, OLIN, Phillips 66 and Chevron Phillips in the area.
“I contacted Lake Jackson Police Department and one of the officers that was there brought me into the room and we talked about what took place. I asked him if he heard the noise, and he said no, but that we did get a lot of reports coming in from people saying that their houses were even shaking because of the boom. I asked him if he knows how many that had reported it and he stated about 75 that he knew of.”
The investigator also polled people in the street – and found an additional approximately 40 new witnesses. He also described the immediate area.
“The location is one big city, Lake Jackson, with a couple other smaller towns around it. There are railroad tracks, lots of housing and businesses, police departments, sheriff’s office, schools and multiple plants such as Dow Chemical, Phillips 66 and Chevron Phillips and others. Also a few lakes and they are not far from the Gulf of Mexico.”
The reporting witness is from Lake Jackson, TX.(Credit: Google)
The investigator filed case conclusions.
“There is no real evidence of anything other than a big boom. From here I went ahead and got the phone numbers of the different plants and made a phone call and asked them what they thought it might be or if they had any problems with their planet. Every one of them said that they had no explosions and no problems with anything. They all also said that they kept the plants operational and did some investigation on their own throughout the plants and found nothing.
“I also contacted the National Weather Service and asked them about the atmosphere if that was a boom from an exploding meteorite or was it something else. They claim that they have no idea what it was other than maybe a possible meteorite in the atmosphere and it exploded, but they claim they have no information of that from anywhere. I also talked to them about any earthquakes and they claim no earthquakes anywhere around the area or even in the state or surrounding states and they are just as baffled about it as anyone.
“The others I have contacted said that other people have told them about different cities. One of those was Katie, Texas, and the police department claims they had no reports about any kind of a boom. Sugarland Police Department also claims no calls from anybody and claimed not to hear any kind of big boom. I called the Sheriff’s Office and asked about any calls of this big boom and they sent me to records and the person in records claims they had calls from citizens but she did not hear herself being inside the building. I also contacted Rosenberg Police Department and I talked to dispatch and they don’t remember having anybody call in and I asked for records and she said they were closed right now – but you can call back on Monday. I called back on Monday and records claims there were people that had called in about the boom.
“I also contacted Alvin P D, Ellington Field, Harris County Sheriff’s Office, Huston Police Department, and these were the ones that claim no calls. The city of Brazoria claim they had a few people call in. Also the Brazos Bend State Park also had people that were out in the park and Rangers as well that had heard the big boom.
“I contacted the Clute newspaper which is called The Facts and they went ahead and gave me a copy of the paper with the article in it.
“At the time of the big boom, which was on the 6th of December, I was sitting at my computer at about 12 to 12:15 and heard a big bang and couldn’t figure it out. I even went outside to check. I did not see any smoke anywhere and had no idea what it was.
“No other cases of the big boom have been reported to our database.
“The case is completed as an Unknown with at least 100 or more people witnessing hearing this big boom with some homes shaking. As far as my conclusion is, that I don’t know what it is or what was it could have been, perhaps an atmospheric explosion of a meteorite, but nobody knows what it was.”
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Soon printing a human heart on demand will no longer be sci-fi
Soon printing a human heart on demand will no longer be sci-fi
Julian Littler, special to
Sebastian Kaulitzk | Getty Images
Imagine being able to grow a liver in a laboratory from cells and tissue for a transplant patient. Or engineering cells to grow into a heart valve to replace one damaged from heart disease. Around the world, start-ups — like Tokyo-based Cyfuse Biomedical — are emerging to develop such breakthroughs in the field of regenerative medicine. It is a market projected to reach $101.3 billion by 2022.
Unlike conventional medicines and treatments, regenerative medicines have the ability to restore or heal the body's own cells or create new body parts from a patient's own cells and tissues, thereby eliminating tissue rejection and the excessively long wait for a donor organ.
It may sound like science fiction, but already scientists at Cyfuse have bioprinted blood vessels able to withstand 10 times the pressure of those already in the human body, according to Koji Kuchiishi, co-founder and former CEO.
Bioprinting works like this: Scientists harvest human cells from biopsies or stem cells, then allow them to multiply in a petri dish. The resulting mixture, a sort of biological ink, is fed into a 3-D printer that is programmed to arrange different cell types and materials into a three-dimensional shape. Doctors hope that when placed into the body, these 3-D printed cells will integrate with existing tissue.
While breakthroughs in central nervous system and cardiac treatments remain in the future for now, Cyfuse's Regenova bioprinter is attracting attention from the scientific community. The bioprinter is a robotic system that facilitates the fabrication of 3-D cellular structures by placing cellular spheroids in fine needle arrays according to predesigned 3-D data. Among Cyfuse's goals: to treat spinal injuries and heart failure.
This year the company transplanted human neural tissue into the brain of a small animal with positive results. Blood vessels migrated into the transplanted tissue and the graft was healing after a month.
Cyfuse has also started a clinical trial of a cartilage project, transplanting its stem cell construct into damaged articular cartilage that will gradually differentiate into cartilage and bone and regenerate the tissue.
Cyfuse is one of a growing number of tech start-ups trying to get a toehold in the global marketplace. The sector is blossoming due to innovations in stem cell therapy and tissue engineering. North America accounted for nearly 50 percent of revenue share of global market revenues for regenerative medicines in 2016. Europe is second, at US$24 billion, with Germany leading the region.
Japan and South Korea are steadily gaining ground, however. Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry forecasts the regenerative medicine market to grow to 1 trillion yen ($9.6 billion) domestically by 2030.
With technological adoption and emphasis on research of these medicines, Asia-Pacific is currently one of the fastest-growing regions for regenerative medicine.
The medical power of Japanese art
While there are several companies around the globe leading the 3-D bioprinting space — including Organovo in San Diego, Aspect Biosystems in Vancouver, 3D Bioprinting Solutions in Russia and Rokit in South Korea — Cyfuse says its Kenzan method, a proprietary technique developed by Cyfuse co-founder and human tissue engineer, Koichi Nakayama, differentiates it from the pack.
Named after the spikes used to secure flowers in place in the Japanese art of Ikebana, Kenzan relies on the cultivation of cell aggregates into spheroids that are skewered on stainless-steel spines in the bioprinter.
Regenova is also scaffold-free, meaning the printer fabricates tissue without needing to add any extraneous matter that might pollute it. And unlike many of the other bioprinters, there is no need for collagen or hydrogels; the cells produce their own extracellular matrix.
"To unlock the potential [of bioprinting], it's going to take the marriage between the machine and the imagination of scientists."
-Dr. David Yu, vice president of business development at Cell Applications
In February 2016, San Diego-based Cell Applications became the first U.S. company to use Regenova. In the same month, Virginia-based Lifenet, an institution specializing in regenerative medicine and transplants, became the first buyer anywhere in the world to purchase the system.
"I did a market assessment and review and reached out to a number of companies, including Cyfuse," said Cell Applications' vice president of sales and marketing Daniel Schroen, Ph.D. "Some of them were pretty far upstream from commercialization."
The Californian company is using the bioprinter to create 3-D tissue for a range of clients spanning academic and corporate research.
"We've printed small, tiny beating heart tissue here. We've also printed blood vessels," explained Dr. Schroen.
Medical schools are finding uses for the bioprinter as well. Pediatric cardiac surgeon Narutoshi Hibino of Johns Hopkins is using Regenova to develop bioprinted heart patches to patch the damaged hearts of patients with heart failure who are unable to cope with medication or receive complex cardiac surgery.
At the Indiana University School of Medicine, Dr. Lester Smith, assistant research professor of radiology and imaging sciences and manager of the school's 3D Bioprinting Core,is engaged in clinical biofabricating projects aimed at repairing bone and tendon damage and nipple tissue generation, as well as liver, pancreatic and breast cancer models for metabolic activity and drug-response analysis.
"The bioprinter holds promise to more naturally reproduce tissues in the body than other current bioprinting methods," said Dr. Smith.
Now, with a staff of 23, the company has eight 3-D printer systems operating at Japanese universities and five in U.S. institutions and companies.
While Cyfuse's prospects seem bright, just how quickly futuristic ideas resembling science-fiction fantasy can be realized is unknown.
"This system has a lot of potential because it is unique in many ways," said Dr. David Yu, vice president of business development at Cell Applications. "To unlock that potential, it's going to take the marriage between the machine and the imagination of scientists.
When liquid water was first discovered on Mars, experts thought the water was too salty to sustain life. But now a new study, published on the preprint archive server biorXiv, has shown that Earth microbes can survive in extremely salty waters, which suggests that alien microbes on Mars may have survived in them.
A long-time supporter of the Roswell UFO theory appears to have concluded he was wrong.
It is a question that has been at the forefront of the UFO debate ever since, with claims surfacing that dead aliens were even found there.
Roswell has been at the heart of the UFO scene since the military announced in a press release it had found the remains of a crashed flying saucer in the nearby desert, in July 1947.
But the following day it retracted the statement, saying it was in fact a damaged US Air Force air balloon.
Witnesses later came forward to say there had been alien bodies within the "crashed craft", which along with the wreckage were then taken to the mysterious top-secret Area 51 military base in Nevada.
A CGI image of a 'boomerang UFO' said to have been seen in Roswell.
But, now one of the leading supporters of the theory that aliens did crash land in the destroy nearly 70 years ago, appears to have had second thoughts.
Kevin Randle co-wrote with Donald Schmitt the 1991 book UFO Crash at Roswell, and in 1994, The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell.
But, in a new solo book revisiting the case, entitled Roswell in the 21st Century, he appears to have reached a different conclusion.
Writing on his own blog after a debate blew up on line that he had recanted the whole Roswell case in his new book, Mr Randle stopped short of a full admission of this, but did admit to a change of heart.
He said: "The question being asked about me, but never actually put to me, is if I have abandoned the alien model for the Roswell crash.
The short, flip answer is read the book.
"The more lengthy answer is well sort of.
"The book was meant to be a cold case look at the Roswell crash, starting at the beginning and shifting through the mountains of evidence that have been gathered by a number of researchers… all of whom seemed to have a biased opinion from 'yes, it was alien' to 'no, it was a Mogul balloon'.”
"To all of them (which at one time included me with some of them), I say I don’t know.
The question being asked about me, but never actually put to me, is if I have abandoned the alien model for the Roswell crash. The short, flip answer is read the book. The more lengthy answer is well sort of.
Kevin Randle
"And there you have it… I go through the whole story, document it as best I can, and in the end, I have to say that the case is built on testimony gathered decades after the fact and that everything we know about memory is that it really is no good when it comes to something like this."
Mr Randle in his new book said he had concluded that the eight people who told him they had actually seen alien bodies at the crash site "had not been telling the truth."
Sceptic Robert Sheaffer, who wrote Bad UFOs: Critical Thinking About UFO Claims, said: "So Randle has raised the number of those who lied about seeing alien bodies at Roswell from four to eight, and there never were more than eight.
"This completely undercuts the need for bizarre ET or non-ET explanations for alleged alien body sightings at Roswell.
"Stalin and Mengele sent in deformed children in a Commie Nazi saucer: Annie Jacobs.
"The US Army flew in dwarfish captured Japanese pilots in a bizarre craft: Nick Redfern. "The Air Force dropped crash test dummies in the desert: US Air Force.
"All of these highly implausible explanations are unnecessary, because there are no truthful accounts of alien bodies at Roswell to explain.
"Randle doggedly pursued the Holy Grail of alien evidence at Roswell for more than thirty years.
"When he realised it wasn't there, he was brave enough to admit it."
UK UFO expert, Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, does not believe the mystery will ever be solved.
He said: "Randle doesn't exactly debunk Roswell rather he hedges his bets and is open to an alien
explanation, but at the moment we don't have sufficient evidence to say one way or the other.
"Given the time lapsed and the many contradictory witness statements and rumours surrounding this incident I don't think there will be an answer that satisfies everyone, unless of course it was an alien spaceship craft and the US releases this to the public."
But Nick Pope, a former UFO researcher in the UK Ministry of Defence, has launched a campaign to solve the case before the 70th anniversary this July, in the hope that someone in the town hung on to a piece of the wreckage and can produce it.
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If you want an answer to the age-old question "are we alone in the universe?", than Neil Degrasse Tyson is pretty high on the list of people that can give you a satisfying answer.
But wait... there let's throw Brian Schmidt into the conversation, and the answer gets even better.
Brain Schmidt was the Nobel Prize winner in Physics in 2011 for his work on the discovery of the accelerating universe. He is best known for his work in Astrophysics and his research in using supernovae as cosmological probes.
Astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson doesn't really need an introduction, but did you know that he appeared in a Superman comic in which he helps Superman catch the bad guys?
In this amazing conversation Neil talks about the democratization of space, cube satellite technology and ... alien life in the universe.
We all know that it's statistical very probable that we are not alone in the universe, but if we would like to find our cosmic neighbors, how would we do that? What would they look like and what type of technology would they use? And most important question of all: "would they consider us humans as an intelligent species?"
This article (Are We Alone In The Universe? Neil Degrasse Tyson In Conversation With Nobel Prize Winner Brian Schmidt) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with full attribution and a link to the original source on
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Our Universe is Expanding Faster Than it Should, Hinting at New Physics
Our Universe is Expanding Faster Than it Should, Hinting at New Physics
Bloomsbury T&T Clark
Astronomers used telescopes in space and on the ground to examine five galaxies – leading them to arrive at an independent measurement of the Hubble constant.
This new measurement is challenging the way we understand the universe, as it could possibly point toward new physics beyond our current knowledge.
The theory that the universe is expanding is widely accepted by astronomers. It’s believed that this expansion happens at a constant rate, known as the Hubble constant, which is considered to be one of the fundamental quantities that describe our universe. However, this rate of expansion has been the subject of many studies, each presenting their own measurement of the Hubble constant.
One recent study offers another measurement of the Hubble constant. Astronomers from the H0LiCOW collaboration led by Sherry Suyu used telescopes in space and on the ground, including the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, to examine five galaxies – leading them to arrive at this independent measurement of the Hubble constant.
The five massive galaxies the study observed were located between the Earth and very distant quasars. These quasars are very luminous and the light they emit tends to bend around the huge masses of the galaxies due to strong gravitational lensing, which creates multiple background images of the quasar that usually smear into arcs.
“Our method is the most simple and direct way to measure the Hubble constant as it only uses geometry and General Relativity, no other assumptions,” said co-lead researcher Frédéric Courbin. The team measured the delays between the flickers of these different images of the quasars, which are directly related to the Hubble constant.
Using the time delays between the multiple images and computer models, the team arrived at an incredibly precise (at a 3.8 percent rate) measurement of the Hubble constant. “An accurate measurement of the Hubble constant is one of the most sought-after prizes in cosmological research today,” said researcher Vivien Bonvin.
The measurement Suyu and her team arrived at agrees with other measurements of the Hubble constant in the local universe that relied on Cepheid variable stars and supernovae as points of reference. These measurements, however, differ in value with those made by the ESA Planck satellite. This is to be expected because Planck measured the Hubble constant by observing the cosmic microwave background for the early universe.
“The expansion rate of the universe is now starting to be measured in different ways with such high precision that actual discrepancies may possibly point towards new physics beyond our current knowledge of the universe,” Suyu explained. The values acquired by groups of astronomers for the local universe — the region of the nearby universe that stretches about 1 billion light years in radius — seem to disagree with the accepted theoretical model of the universe.
This new measurement of the Hubble constant is challenging the way we understand the universe. It’s not surprising, though, especially since there’s still a lot we don’t understand about our home. “The Hubble constant is crucial for modern astronomy as it can help to confirm or refute whether our picture of the universe — composed of dark energy, dark matter and normal matter — is actually correct, or if we are missing something fundamental,” Suyu further explained.
Scientists Create the Highest Quality Hologram Device Ever Made
Scientists Create the Highest Quality Hologram Device Ever Made
Lei Wang, ANU
A researchers from Australian National University were able to develop a hologram device that gives the highest quality images to date.
According to the study, the compact device is made up of millions of tiny silicon pillars, which are up to 500 times thinner than human hair.
Holograms are a staple of almost every science fiction movie or TV show out there – from Star Wars to Star Trek. Now, thanks to researchers from the Australian National University (ANU), we may be a step closer to achieving just that — and sending messages to Obi Wan Kenobi.
The ANU team was able to develop a hologram device that gives the highest quality images to date. “As a child, I learned about the concept of holographic imaging from the Star Wars movies. It’s really cool to be working on an invention that uses the principles of holography depicted in those movies,” said lead researcher Lei Want, from ANU’s Research School of Physics and Engineering. The team published their research in the journal Optica.
Wang’s device is able to create high-quality hologram images in infrared, using “transparent metaholograms based on silicon metasurfaces that allow high-resolution grayscale images to be encoded,” according to the study. The device is also quite small. It’s made up of millions of tiny silicon pillars, which are up to 500 times thinner than human hair.
“This new material is transparent, which means it loses minimal energy from the light, and it also does complex manipulations with light,” said co-researcher Sergey Kruk. “Our ability to structure materials at the nanoscale allows the device to achieve new optical properties that go beyond the properties of natural materials. The holograms that we made demonstrate the strong potential of this technology to be used in a range of applications.”
The real-life applications of such a hologram device aren’t too far from the sci-fi counterparts. “While research in holography plays an important role in the development of futuristic displays and augmented reality devices, today we are working on many other applications such as ultra-thin and light-weight optical devices for cameras and satellites,” Wang said.
Furthermore, because of its size, this device is very portable. This significantly reduces the size and weight of the usually bulky components used in other imaging devices. This can cut the cost for space missions, for example, where heavier loads translate to higher rocket fuel consumption. Apart from these, holograms can also be used to aid medical research and develop treatments for various diseases.
Holography isn’t very different from what augmented or virtual reality (AR/VR) technology is enabling us to do. Essentially, this technology allows us to see and interact with our environment in a much deeper way, so to speak. This tech can even let us see something as if we were really there, in the moment, with added empathy. This could change the way we enjoy news, documentaries, or even live events from afar. Soon, we may be able to send messages that capture emotion or urgency much better than a phone call ever could.
The U.S. military claims to no longer investigate UFO sightings. That does not mean that there is no interest, nor does it mean UFOs are not being seen by military personnel. Two former Colonels have been researching this phenomenon for decades. One was a witness to the UK’s most famous mass-UFO sighting, and the other worked in intelligence and, along with colleagues, made inquiries as to what the government really knows about UFOs. He has since had his own sightings, and believes a number of strange phenomenon are associated with UFO experiences. Both will be sharing their insight into these topics at the International UFO Congress in Fountain Hills next month.
Charles Halt in 1981.
Retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Charles Halt was the deputy base commander at RAF (Royal Air Force) Woodbridge on December 27, 1980 when strange lights were witnessed by base security in the early morning hours. The lights were over the Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk, England. Woodbridge, along with her sister base, RAF Bentwaters, on the other side of the forest, were both on lease to the U.S. Air Force.
Base security police were allowed to leave the gate and investigate. They returned saying they had seen unusual lights, and a triangular shaped craft that hovered over a field before raising into the sky above tree level and darting off into the night sky.
Halt was skeptical of the claims, even though the next day, impressions were found in the field where the craft was seen, along with elevated levels of radiation. That night, in the early morning of December 30, the lights were seen again. This time, Halt wanted to see them for himself. He took a group of men out into the field, and what they encountered was spectacular.
In a memo Halt sent to the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD), Halt wrote: “red sun-like light was seen through the trees.” He then described the object breaking into five white objects before disappearing. According to the memo, soon after, “three star-like objects” were seen in the night sky. They changed color and moved erratically. They also beamed a light down periodically. These objects were seen by Halt and others, and were in the area for two or three hours.
Memo written by Col. Halt related to the incident that was leaked to the press.
Halt had no intention of discussing the event with the public, but once his memo and an audio recording of Halt and his men in the field were leaked, the media sought him out. He has been asked to discuss the event in public ever since. In an effort to maintain the integrity of the sighting, Halt has sought to keep the facts straight. He has also begun to suspect the government knows more about UFOs than they are sharing.
John Alexander
Retired Army Colonel John Alexander feels differently. Assuming the government did know more than they were willing to admit, Alexander, a former intelligence officer, gathered colleagues to seek out the secret holders. What he says he discovered was less akin to a conspiracy, and more akin to bureaucratic bumbling. However, he is convinced there is a real mystery when it comes to UFOs.
In fact, Col. Alexander has seen a UFO, and he feels a number of paranormal experience are related to his UFO encounter. This will be the subject of his presentation on Friday, February 17, at the International UFO Congress.
The International UFO Congress is presented by, an Arizona based organization dedicated to the dissemination of information related to UFOs and the search for extraterrestrial life. The conference was established in 1991 and is held annually. The event holds the Guinness World Record for the largest UFO conference in the world. It features presentations by scientists, academics, authors, researchers, experts, and those who have experienced paranormal or anomalous phenomena from all over the world. The event has over 20 Speakers, a Film Festival, and scores of vendors. Topics generally covered are UFO sightings, alien abduction, UFO crashes, crop circles, paranormal experiences, governmental UFO secrecy and more.
For more information about the UFO Congress, visit
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Incredible super rare UFO-shaped cloud spotted in the sky over California
Incredible super rare UFO-shaped cloud spotted in the sky over California
'UFO' like cloud over California.
Picture: SWNS/Mega
Margi Murphy The Sun
A MYSTERIOUS UFO-shaped cloud has appeared over California.
Incredible pictures show the moment the clouds parted as though a spaceship was about to makes its descent into Huntingdon Beach, California.
The Sun reports, bizarre mile-long white cloud drifted eerily across the sky without breaking its shape before disappearing out of sight, according to witnesses.
It follows a super rare sphere-shaped ‘Death Star’ cloud spotted in the sky over Japan.
Resident Jake Epstein, 48, captured the spooky shapeshifting phenomenon during an afternoon walk last Saturday.
Another shot of the cloud over California.
Picture: SWNS/MegaSource:Mega
“I just looked up and there it was out of nowhere,” he said.
“The strange thing about it was when it was moving across the sky it didn’t change shape.
“People from 50 miles away could see the same thing later in the day.
“That’s really unusual for a cloud. It looks like a UFO, an alien flying saucer in the sky.”
Cloud experts dismissed suggestions the cloud was caused by aliens — and instead said it was a rare hole punch formation or fallstreak hole.
They form when a propeller plane flies through thin vertical cloud layers causing warmer temperatures below the wings which suddenly evaporates part of the clouds, leaving a hole.
This week NASA released an image of Saturn’s icy moon Tethys. The ‘Twitterverse’ responded by comparing the heavenly body to the Death Star from “Star Wars”.
The moon is one of many satellites orbiting the ringed gas giant. According to NASA, the image was taken late last year by the Cassini spacecraft. The probe has been traveling the solar system for nearly 20 years.
Scott Edgington, the deputy project scientist for the Cassini mission to Saturn, says it’s unlikely George Lucas found the inspiration to create the Death Star after the likeness of Tethys.
“We first saw that moon up close and personal with the Voyager flybys,” he told FoxNews. “Those took place well after the release of the Star Wars movie.”
He added that he wasn’t surprised people found the likeness nostalgic. Edgington himself watched "Star Wars" and other Sci-Fi movies during his childhood. His interest in science fiction inspired him to become a scientist.
“It invoked thoughts of my childhood,” Edgington said when asked about the Tethys’ comparison to the Death Star. “Because obviously you see that and you go ‘wow, here’s this moon which looks like something from a movie that I grew up with’.”
Edgington says the crater seen on the surface of the moon was created by an impact. The surface of Tethys is covered with many other craters, he explained, but the Odysseus crater stands out.
After traveling for nearly 20 years in space, the Cassini spacecraft is winding down its mission. Edgington says a planned descent into the atmosphere of Saturn will take place later this year after a series of orbits around the gas giant.
“In April we’ll begin our last phase of the mission,” he told Fox News. “[We’ll] have literally 22 orbits that will take the spacecraft in between the planet and the rings.”
He added that spacecraft like Cassini have expanded our understanding of the solar system and the search for life outside of Earth. He remains inspired by images of planets and moons beamed back from outer space.
But when asked the million-dollar question, “Death Star or eyeball?” here’s how he responded. “I think it looks like a Death Star,” Edgington said with a laugh.
Willie James Inman is a Fox News multimedia reporter based in Jackson, Mississippi. Follow him on twitter: @WillieJames
Alleged UFO under artillery fire in Tehran, Iran. Iranian Airforce identified the objects as UAVs.
(Photo : tsehay Sunshine/YouTube)
A strange UFO sighting from Iran triggered claims of extraterrestrials and government cover-ups. The Iranian Airforce was filmed firing on an alleged white orb UFO on Jan 17, which the Airforce later identified as drones. However, some alien enthusiasts and paranormal researchers does not believe the government report.
This is not the first incident of similar UFO sightings in Iran. The Iranian Airforce has encountered alleged UFOs as early as 1976 in the infamous Tehran UFO Incident. According to reports two F-4 Phantom II jet interceptors temporarily had system failures such as losing communication and failure to use weapons while approaching an unidentified object detected on radar. Residents reportedly saw bright light in the sky in the area and the system of the jets were restored upon withdrawal.
The latest incident also happened in Tehran. According to the anonymous report in filed in Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), the incident was witnessed by a thousand of Iranian residents in the center of Tehran Enghelab square. Videos of the alleged UFO has also gone viral in the internet.
"Many Airforce aircrafts started flying above Tehran searching for these glowing orbs but they couldn't find anything," the report said. It added that the Airforce identified it as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones, however, the report continued that it looked nothing like drones. "As you see in videos UAVs can't fly like that and can't change their direction suddenly."
The report also pointed out that the Iranian Airforce doesn't need and start shooting UAVs in the center of Tehran like they are in the middle of war, hinting that it may be controlled by extraterrestrials. "Just UFOs and alien technology can fly and move like that," the report said describing the its swift movements.
The case is currently under investigation in the MUFON. However, the details of the UFO sighting were called into question because same videos have been uploaded in the internet a day before the reported date of the sighting according to Daily Express. MUFON also admitted that some videos submitted to their database are hoaxed.
A study released this fall posits that the universe has at least 2 trillion galaxies, 10 times the number previously thought. Scientists say the probability is high that one of those galaxies has a solar system with a planet that sustains life.
Some creationists insist that life exists only on Earth and point to the fact that no evidence of extraterrestrials has been found. But that has not been the Catholic approach
Nancy Wiechec/Catholic News Service
Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno, director of the Vatican Observatory, leads a faith and astronomy workshop in 2016 at the Redemptorist Renewal Center in Tucson, Arizona.
“Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures on Earth, there can be other beings, even intelligent, created by God,” Jesuit Father José Funes, then head of the Vatican Observatory, said in 2008. “This is not in contrast with our faith because we can’t put limits on God’s creative freedom.”
Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno, new president of the Vatican Observatory Foundation, says it’s only a matter of time before we encounter extraterrestrial life.
Brother Guy, a planetary scientist who has studied meteorites and asteroids, says the discovery will pave the way to questions on salvation and how it relates to intelligent species.
If we’re not alone in the universe, what are the implications for our Christian story, in which God became incarnate on our planet and worked human salvation?
‘God loves his people’
“Scripture says Jesus is king of the universe,” says Father Bill Holtzinger, pastor of St. Anne Parish in Grants Pass. Father Holtzinger, who speaks and writes on the relationship of faith and science, says either way, it’s stunning: If we’re alone, we are pretty impressive; if we are part of a bustling cosmos, we have been cherished by the Creator despite our smallness.
“I come up with the same conclusion,” Father Holtzinger says. “God loves his people.”
he priest assumes that if there is other life in the universe, chances are it’s in need of a savior. He laughingly recalls the so-called perfect civilizations visited by the crew in “Star Trek” television shows and films. Things were never as ideal as they seemed.
“The savior would be incarnated in the form of those he is coming to save,” Father Holtzinger theorizes. He knows that the notion of a savior in other life forms may be disturbing, but says that would follow the pattern set on Earth.
“It used to be people thought the Mediterranean was the whole world, then the East and the West, then the globe,” Father Holtzinger says. “Science gives us more and more. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger.”
This is first in a series on faith and science.
A matter of degree
Jesuit Father Michael Maher, a theologian at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington, remembers 1969. In addition to the moon landing, that was the year Pope Paul VI changed the feast of Christ the King to the “Feast of Christ King of the Universe,” just in case life were discovered elsewhere.
“What will happen if we find life on Mars?” Father Maher asks. “It would be no different than finding the Chinese in the age of discovery. If the Jesus event begins in Jerusalem, it expands and the expansion in space is just a matter of degree, not a whole new thing.”
When Catholic missionaries encountered Chinese civilization, it was more advanced than in Europe. Jesuit Father Matteo Ricci wrote of deeply moral people who had never heard the Ten Commandments or the Beatitudes. That was a theological problem to solve. It eventually broadened everyone’s idea of God’s power and revealed the multipronged nature of goodness, beauty and truth.
For Europeans in the 16th century, the trek across the Atlantic was not different than our hoped-for trips across space. Father Maher reminds students that the Europeans called North and South America “The New World.”
The encounter with extraterrestrial life may follow the same path, the priest says.
From the head of the Vatican Observatory
• “Religious believers tend to say that the existence of extraterrestrials would support their religious faith, and the nonbelievers tend to say just the opposite — that the existence of extraterrestrials would invalidate religious faith.”
• “Nineteenth-century believers such as the German theologian Joseph Pohle or the English astronomer John Herschel argued that because God is so overabundant in his creativity, he must have filled the universe with intelligent beings, not just us.”
• “Instead of thinking we’re so tiny that God couldn’t possibly find us and love us, the fact that he actually does find and love each one of us, individually, and gives each of us all his attention, shows just how big God is. God doesn’t care about humanity; he cares about individual humans.”
SOURCE: Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno, “Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?” written with Jesuit Father Paul Mueller, Image, 2014, 294 pp, ISBN 9780804136952; hardcover, $25.
A cosmic event?
Jesuit Father Christopher Corbally, president of the National Committee for Astronomy at the Vatican and a member of the International Astronomical Union, says St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Bonaventure paved the way in the 13th century for an expansive understanding of creation.
“They put more emphasis on the incarnation being cosmic,” says Father Corbally, who works at the Vatican Observatory at the University of Arizona. “The idea is to complete the cosmos in Christ. The incarnation is not an Earth-based event; it is a cosmic event.”
Should we humans feel less valuable, since we may be among a crowd of sentient life forms among the galaxies? The answer is no, according to a long line of Catholic thinkers.
By the mid-19th century, an astronomer-priest named Angelo Secchi was observing the massive splendor of the universe and speculated that God and God’s love must be boundless, too. The Jesuit now has a crater on Mars named for him.
“Think of the billions of people on Earth,” Father Corbally says. “How could God possibly love me? Well, you and I would have trouble recalling all the names and faces. But not God. What we forget is that God is infinite. God can love anyone, wherever they are in the universe.”
Father Funes, the former Vatican Observatory chief, confirms the idea of God’s boundless love, but is not ready to accept the idea of incarnations elsewhere. “The discovery of intelligent life does not mean there’s another Jesus,” Funes told Agence France-Presse in 2015. “The incarnation of the son of God is a unique event in the history of humanity, of the universe.”
“I was not really sure if I believed in UFO’s or not,” said the senior studying civil engineering at Colorado State University. “But, after this there is no other explanation for it.”
According to Sphatt, he was letting his roommate’s dog out at about 11:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 18 when he saw “a group of fluorescent green lights in the form of a chevron,” Sphatt said. He saw the Chevron for about five to 10 seconds at approximately four blocks south of CSU’s campus.
“There were five to seven lights in the formation and were first seen 20 to 30 degrees above the horizon,” Sphatt said. “I was looking south when I first sighted them and watched them move north almost directly overhead.”
The event was quick as the Chevron, which shifted into a straight line, started accelerating and gaining altitude, disappearing when it reached 40 to 50 degrees above the horizon looking north without making a sound, according to Sphatt.
“The lights appeared relatively small but much larger than a star,” Sphatt said. “The individual lights were round, with a hazy edge and appeared to be about 1/6 the size of the moon.”
Sphatt said he has a good understanding of directions, physics, optics and trigonometry, which allowed him to determine that this flying object was not a plane.
Photo courtesy of: Jacob Sphatt
“I just know if it was something like a plane or something that low going that quick I would have heard something,” Sphatt said.
Sphatt urges others who may have seen the UFO to report their sighting to the National UFO Reporting Center. If anyone reports a similar experience it will be compiled together in the database, making it a more relevant occurrence, according to Sphatt.
“I was totally coherent when it happened,” Sphatt said. “It was on a weeknight. I didn’t think anything crazy would happen, just letting the dog out before bed, and then I just saw it. My roommates were up, and I immediately told them about it, and they were just as freaked out as me. The guy that I reported it to said that they had been getting some common reports significant to that, not from the area necessarily, but it has been a common occurrence recently.”
Scott Christensen is an art professor at Colorado State University and has also experienced an alien sighting and encounter in 2014 and a sighting in October of 2016. After his first encounter, Christensen has dedicated a lot of time to researching aliens and UFOs. As an active member of the Mutual UFO Network, he attends conferences as well contacts prominent researchers studying alien activity such as Michael Salla of exopolitics.
“For me, it happened because of that direct encounter,” Christensen said. “It had just never been more than entertainment except since then, and even today, I have already been researching, every single day. That’s the biggest change.”
Christensen said this big change has made a significant impact on his life.
“My life got changed, and I was just in my backyard,” Christensen said. “I look at it from all these ways and think sometimes I just wish I could go back to before the accident. You get into things that are so beyond. Even the physics of what I saw is beyond.”
According to Christensen, his worldview shifted after his first encounter. He dealt with this change by being open to his family and fellow faculty members about his experience.
“I’m always willing to talk about it,” Christensen said. “And, I don’t apologize for it but what other people do with it is sort of open.”
Christensen displayed an exhibited featuring art he had created inspired by his UFO experience. He has made no effort in creating an alien research group at CSU due to the complications that would bring up with the parents of students, according to Christensen.
“Some people find it interesting to a point, but then I have to stop because they get to a point when they get uncomfortable, even my family,” Christensen said.
According to Christensen, when looking at the circumstances of his encounter, he takes note of other alien activity that has occurred in Colorado and surrounding states including the Phoenix Lights phenomenon, Roswell UFO incident, cattle mutilation in the Colorado Springs area and the location of the Air Force in the area. Other states in the area are educating about alien activity on Earth, Christensen said.
“Arizona has had so much information about this,” Christensen said. “It is changing their education. If you went to the University of Arizona, you would find someone to talk to about UFO information. It would be open and accepted.”
At CSU, according to Christensen, there is no real community of people who are interested in the research of aliens. He goes to organizations such as the Mutual UFO Network, and to reach out to other people who have interest or experience with these phenomenon.
“Those have been great,” Christensen said. “I recommend joining an organization after an encounter or sighting because they are so helpful, and it does give you a way to find qualified information and evidential information.”
Sphatt said he wishes there were more of a community around alien encounters at CSU.
“I think a lot of people believe in aliens, and a lot of people have probably seen something too but just haven’t came forward or just don’t want to come forward,” Sphatt said.
Although Christensen’s research is mostly solitary due to the lack of community around it, he finds it to be a unique spiritual outlet.
“I think that’s why in some ways it’s this real inspiring research, but I just have this feeling that it just doesn’t go anywhere except for me,” Christensen said. “And, in some odd way I am trying to use that for my own benefit in a very humble, private connection to the almighty grace. So, it couldn’t come back to the more simpler thing that all of us have to deal with in some way.”
Through his extensive research, Christensen has drawn some possible conclusions about the future of “Earthling’s” relationships with aliens.
According to Christensen, disclosure, or the act of making secret information about aliens known, will be the “biggest event of the millennium,” whether the information is disclosed by the aliens or by “Earthlings” is up for debate.
“It isn’t that disclosure isn’t happening, it is happening, but along the way there will always be these forces of non-disclosure or disinformation or misinformation or downright lies in order to keep it boxed up for some people who would not be able to accept it for whatever reason. When the aliens would want to disclose, then it happens. I could be a mouthpiece for folks who what to have this information out there.”
According to Christensen, there is some debate on whether the general public is ready for full disclosure of this information.
“I think there are definitely some facts that are not known by the general population,” Sphatt said. “I think the government is holding back some information probably.”
Historically, Hollywood, more specifically within the sci-fi genre, has served as a platform for artists to represent their creative take on aliens, Christensen said. This subtle integration into culture is both helpful and detrimental to full disclosure.
“(Hollywood) helps us digest these things in a way,” Christensen said. “The difficulty is going to be taking the veil away from the sci-fi genre and just saying well this has actually happened, and then what?”
Sphatt advises those who want to learn more about aliens to be more aware of their surroundings, urging people to “keep looking up at the sky and off of their phones.”
De National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) heeft een prachtige update vrijgegeven van de iconische foto 'Blue Marble' die Apollo 17 45 jaar geleden nam. De nieuwe versie van de nieuwe supersatelliet GOES-16 nam op 15 januari een nieuwe foto, veel gedetailleerder.
Op 7 december 1972 nam de Apollo 17 een foto van de aarde. De foto, die 'Blue Marble' (blauwe knikker) werd genoemd, is ondertussen een van de meest iconische ruimtebeelden. Maar na 45 jaar was het tijd voor een update met de nieuwste satelliet GOES-16. Het resultaat is verbluffend.
De GOES-16 neemt elke vijf minuten een foto van de Verenigde Staten en elk kwartier een van de volledige aarde. NOAA-directeur Stephen Volz liet in een statement weten dat een van zijn wetenschappers de nieuwe foto's vergeleek met het zien van de eerste foto's van een pasgeboren baby. "Zo enthousiast zijn we."
De nieuwe beelden tonen de aarde in meer detail dan ooit mogelijk was. "De beelden zijn het resultaat van de meest geavanceerde technologie die ooit in de ruimte heeft gedreven", aldus Volz.
De GOES-16 bevindt zich 35.888 kilometer boven de aarde.
Boeing heeft de nieuwe ruimtepakken voorgesteld waarmee astronauten vanaf 2018 naar het internationaal ruimtestation ISS zullen trekken. Ze zijn lichter, minder warm en hebben een aantal leuke nieuwe snufjes. En ze kregen ook een nieuw kleurtje: fel blauw.
Gedaan dus met de witte of oranje pakken waarmee astronauten tot nu toe de ruimte in werden gestuurd. "De nieuwe ruimtepakken wegen nog maar 9 kilogram, dat is 4,5 kilogram minder dan de huidige", aldus astronaut Eric Boe. "Ze passen beter en zijn eenvoudiger gemaakt. Dat laatste is een voordeel, want hoe complexer iets is, hoe meer er fout kan gaan."
Water Andere nieuwe eigenschappen: de pakken zijn flexibeler aan de ellebogen en de knieën, de helm is nu een onderdeel van het pak en de handschoenen zijn touchscreengevoelig. Verder is er ook een nieuw ventilatiesysteem, waardoor water uit het pak kan ontsnappen zonder daarbij lucht te verliezen. Dat maakt het pak meteen een stuk minder warm.
De pakken zullen voor het eerst gebruikt worden op de Starliner van Boeing, een ruimteschip dat astronauten naar het internationaal ruimtestation moet brengen. De eerste testvlucht staat volgend jaar gepland.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
This statue has been removed from the temple and is in a private collection in an unknown location, so we have been told.
This type of statues are found all over the world from asia to the American continent, they represent a race of beings that lived in the past and certainly still live today among the humanity.
Some say that there is a reptilian race that is benign and another malignant that seeks to enslave humanity and use it to feed.
These beings are very intelligent and have the capacity to contact telepathically and to inflame the leaders of the world.
This statue that was in the temple Horyuji Nara, Japan was withdrawn to a private collection and is in an unknown location.
It is not the first time that certain types of art and even bones of giants and strange creatures that defy the logic of educational institutions are taken from the eyes of the general public and hidden.
Het artikel uit 1981 meldt dat het Pentagon zes miljoen dollar had geïnvesteerd in psychologische oorlogvoering, inclusief pogingen om Sovjetcodes te ontcijferen met behulp van buitenzintuiglijke waarneming.
Het Pentagon werkte ook aan een raketsysteem boven de Noordpool dat vijandige kernbommen zou opzuigen en naar het verleden zou sturen.
Ben je een zelfbewust mens of een geprogrammeerde slaaf?
Dit document uit 1974 is geschreven door de National Caucus of Labor Committees nadat ze tot de ontdekking waren gekomen dat de CIA mensen hersenspoelde om vervolgens moorden te laten plegen.
Dit document uit 1973 verhaalt over de pogingen van twee mannen, Harold Sherman en Ingo Swann, die probeerden de planeet Jupiter te onderzoeken met behulp van paranormale vermogens.
Het tweetal voerde los van elkaar experimenten uit en vergeleek vervolgens de resultaten. Ze hoopten dat NASA’s Pioneer 10 mogelijk enkele van hun claims zou kunnen bevestigen.
In de database vinden we ook een getuigenis uit 1969 van een Russische ingenieur over een lokale helderziende die mensen met zijn handen zou kunnen genezen.
Het document is een vertaald stuk over een ‘magiër’ die deuren naar onbekende werelden in Tbilisi in Georgië kan openen.
Vliegende schotels
In haar geheime archief bewaarde de CIA ook een nummer van het tijdschrift Flying Saucers UFO Reports uit de jaren zestig.
Meer UFO’s
In een krantenknipsel uit 1966 wordt de CIA ervan beschuldigd het debat over UFO’s de kop in te drukken. Het artikel was getiteld ‘UFO Hush Blamed on CIA Men’.
De Weekly Surveyor publiceerde in 1975 een analyse van Sovjetliteratuur uit de jaren zestig over het onderzoek naar parapsychologie.
Uit de analyse bleek dat de Russen verder waren dan de VS op het gebied van onder meer telekinese en remote viewing.
Bewijs voor buitenaardse ontvoering op Google Earth?
Bewijs voor buitenaardse ontvoering op Google Earth?
John Mooner uit de Engelse stad Torquay stelt dat Google heeft vastgelegd hoe hij vorig jaar werd ontvoerd door buitenaardse wezens. Zelfs het ruimteschip zou op Google Earth te zien zijn, meldt de Torquay Herald Express.
“Toen ik onlangs problemen had met Google Earth, kwam ik uit bij online satellietbeelden,” aldus Mooner. “Uit nieuwsgierigheid ging ik eens kijken naar de plaats waar ik vorig jaar ontvoerd werd door aliens.”
Mooner en de ‘Grey’
“Ik was sprakeloos toen ik de beelden zag,” vervolgde hij. “Alles was heel duidelijk te zien.”
Wat er voor, tijdens en na de ‘buitenaardse ontvoering’ is gebeurd, is onduidelijk. Mooner herinnert zich alleen dat hij zwarte gaten had in 2016 en dat het voelde alsof hij door de tijd was gereisd.
Mooner zegt dat het beeld zo gedetailleerd is dat te zien is hoe hij probeerde een ‘Grey’ af te weren. “De satelliet heeft een echte buitenaardse ontvoering vastgelegd,” zei hij.
“Ik herinner me alleen nog dat ik een zwarte pet droeg,” voegde hij toe. “Ik ben er zeker van dat ik op het satellietbeeld sta.”
“Ik zag ook drie UFO’s die mijn kant opkwamen,” zei Mooner. “De drie UFO’s waren identiek en leken in formatie te vliegen.”
“De UFO die het hoogst vloog had een groen licht en leek een spoor met een rode gloed achter te laten,” vervolgde hij. “De andere twee UFO’s waren wit.”
Mooner zei dat de UFO’s erg veel gelijkenissen vertoonden met een UFO die boven Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada is vastgelegd.
“Ik denk dat de UFO’s met aan boord de Grey me kwamen halen,” besloot hij. “Ik ben ontvoerd en dit satellietbeeld is bewijs.”
Er komen nu met de regelmaat van de klok nieuwe ontdekkingen tevoorschijn op Antarctica, het continent dat wordt omgeven door een waas van geheimzinnigheid.
Nadat er eerder een piramide was ontdekt, komen er nu beelden van iets dat bijna niets anders kan zijn dan een vliegende schotel.
Het afgelopen jaar heeft het continent bijna voortdurend in de belangstelling gestaan en niet in de laatste plaats vanwege de bezoeken van allerlei hooggeplaatste mensen. Zo bracht de Amerikaanse Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, John Kerry, daar een bezoek op het moment dat in de VS de presidentsverkiezingen waren, was eerder dat jaar de Russische Orthodoxe Patriarch Kirill op bezoek geweest na een bespreking met de paus en kwam ook de bekende astronaut Buzz Aldrin nog even op bezoek.
Door het verschuivende klimaat op aarde waarbij het in sommige streken veel kouder wordt en andere weer warmer zien we dan ook soms dingen tevoorschijn komen die tot voor kort permanent door, in dit geval, ijs waren bedekt.
Echter, op nog geen vijf kilometer afstand van deze piramide is nu een andere kleinere ontdekt.
Maar, waarschijnlijk de meest vreemde ontdekking van de afgelopen dagen is de volgende.
Via Google is er iets tevoorschijn gekomen wat absoluut niet natuurlijk is en heel duidelijk lijkt op wat wij een vliegende schotel plegen te noemen. Het ligt half onder een soort rotswand en de andere helft is heel duidelijk zichtbaar.
Hebben we hier te maken met een gecrashte of een geparkeerde UFO en zo ja, van wie?
Wie het zelf wil bekijken, kan dit doen via de volgende coördinaten: -66.273354 100.984661.
Het bijzondere is dat deze vliegende schotel niet gek ver verwijderd is van de plek waar velen menen dat er een soort ingang is.
Het gaat om de volgende afbeelding en het lijkt inderdaad een met een laser uitgesneden opening waardoor deze schotels in en uit zouden kunnen vliegen. Ook hier is er duidelijk geen sprake van een natuurlijk gevormde opening.
En dan onlangs het onder water gevonden object, wat ook weer veel lijkt op een vliegende schotel (zie video onderaan dit artikel).
Nog weten we niet zeker wat er zich daar allemaal afspeelt, maar met de week wordt duidelijker dat dit continent veel geheimen herbergt die nu langzaam maar zeker tevoorschijn komen.
Misschien wordt het hoog tijd dat het stel op de volgende foto eens wat meer openheid van zaken gaat geven over wat er zich daar werkelijk allemaal bevindt.
I love the description from the woman who recorded the UFO. She stated that she saw a triangle that suddenly broke into there pieces, each taking off into a different direction. Wow! I haven't heard a description like that in years! That must have been something to see. Also this may be the same UFO seen in Sutherland Springs, Texas just 69 miles away from this new sighting in Austin. It sounds like this little UFO is having fun exploring Texas. Scott C. Waring
News states: Some Austin residents want to know if the truth really is out there. On Monday night, they recorded video of what they think could be UFO's. They're not alone. There are reports that several people saw something in the sky over Texas. It's a bird, It's a plane... "I believe they were UFO's," says Rachel Jensen, witness. Jensen says it was an impressive show in the sky over East Austin. "By the time they actually got here, it's like they went up and then took off. The speed of them was so fast," says Jensen. On Monday night her roommate noticed three lights coming at him. They were somewhat in a triangle formation. He called Jensen outside to check it out. "Just as I stepped out, I looked to the sky and saw the triangle. Just as it was separating into three. Well there was one in the front and two behind it. They were bright orange, glowing, almost fiery," says Jensen. At one point they saw a fourth light. They say it was moving back-and-forth erratically. Jensen made sure to grab her phone and capture as much of it on camera. When it was over, she called Austin 311 to report it. The American Meteor Society also received sighting reports Monday night. They say a fireball was seen by at least five people over Louisiana and Texas. Photographer Christopher Sherman from Over Austin, captured this stunning photoIt shows Downtown Austin, but if you look closely you can see a long curved light-streak passing through the tree and another smaller streak to the left. It was also captured around the same time Jensen saw lights in the sky. "You know sometimes you see things and you're like, what was it? Well this time it was like, somebody else saw it. Like I said, I'm excited to see what it was," says Jensen. For now, it's a mystery.
UFO Drops Off Whale In Wrong Place, Found On Grass In Oklahoma, Jan 2017, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Drops Off Whale In Wrong Place, Found On Grass In Oklahoma, Jan 2017, UFO Sighting News.
A reader just sent me an article from 2013 in London of a whale life like sculpture...What the hell? Looking just like this whale, the wrinkles and colors match exactly.
Date of event: January 25, 2017 Location of event: Muskogee, Oklahoma, USA News source:
It looks like a UFO dropped it off in the middle of nowhere, but as a reader pointed out, its a sculpture that was made life like. Scott C. Waring-Taiwan
News states: Muskogee| A city worker made an incredible discovery while cleaning up a public park on the banks of the Arkansas river: he found a 40-foot long humpback whale laying lifeless, hundreds of miles away from its natural habitat. The worker discovered the beached whale around 9:00 this morning, just after arriving to work. Thinking that the cetacean could have been left there as a creepy prank by some neighborhood youngsters, he contacted the Muskogee Police Department. The investigators rapidly dismissed his theory, as no traces of vehicles or machinery large enough to carry it were found near the animal. They admit that they don’t know at the moment, how the marine mammal found its way in the park. “We found no signs suggesting that the animal could have been placed there by humans,” said Lt Darrell Remmington. “For all we know, it probably probably got lost and swam up the Arkansas river until it got stuck for some reason.” A team of biologists from the University of Oklahoma has already arrived on the site to examine the whale and collect some samples. They will perform various tests and analysis on the remains of 25-ton cetacean to try and determine how it made its way to Muskogee. (More at source)
Strange sound are being heard around the world and there are no apparent explanations. In San Diego, another large earth quake shaking boom caused thousands of residents to panic and worry about a bomb having exploded. However no bombs exploded and the true source of the loud sound is still unknown. Many UFO researchers like myself do believe that UFOs entering and exiting wormholes in Earths atmosphere causes such sounds. Also when an underground alien base is being expanded, such sounds are created. Remember the alien base in the shape of an oval disk found off the coast of Malibu, California? (Click here to view old post) It could be the cause. Have you heard these in your area. They are happening around the world. Scott C. Waring
When thinking of ancient civilizations many think of the Mayans, but the Aztecs came later in the timeline. Families of Aztec descent have been collecting artifacts and have been asked to bring them together for observation.
There are many helmet-like objects that have elongated faces and large eyes. Most of these were crafted out of precious metals such as gold and copper. Others are made out of stone. These heads that have also been carved have carvings of what appears to be comets and some sort of ship on them.
The Aztec Empire was a great one and was very advanced. They had irrigation and complex cities and buildings. It is not known what else they had considering their mass genocide when the Americas were “discovered.”
When looking at these artifacts one may wonder if these carvings are authentic Aztec pieces. Although they have not been carbon dated, appraisers can say with confidence that these were not made using modern techniques. The shine that gives the appearance of glaze on these stones is not in fact a glaze, but an ancient way of sealing the rock. This gives a little more credibility to the pieces.
The strange thing is that many of these artifacts seem to model a modern take on a space ship or flying saucer. They depict the beings that come from these ships as gods of some sort. Those who are obviously not “others” in the carvings are often on their knees at the sight of these other beings. Some are depicted with wings in an angelic fashion.
The sheer amounts of artifacts that remain are amazing. This gather said to have seen over four hundred of these carvings.
Below are some examples of these original artifacts. These would shock the most open minded people, and certainly, will be a topic for research in the future.
This article (Secret X-Files and ancient Aztec objects presented in Ojuelos de Jalisco, Mexico for the first time) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with full attribution and a link to the original source on
Niet alleen bij huidtransplantaties, maar ook bij cosmetische en farmaceutische tests kan de 3D-geprinte huid gebruikt worden. Proeven op dieren kunnen zo overbodig worden.
Een team biologen heeft een prototype gebouwd van een 3D-bioprinter die menselijke huid kan maken. Dat betekent niet alleen een doorbraak in de huidtransplantaties, de nieuwe techniek kan ook een einde maken aan proeven op dieren en kan gebruikt worden voor chemische, cosmetische en farmaceutische tests.
Vorsers van de Carlos III universiteit in Madrid maakten de menselijke huid na, geheel met een opperhuid die beschermt, een dikkere laag die als eigenlijke huid dienstdoet en een laag fibroblastcellen die collageen aanmaken, het eiwit dat de huid zijn elasticiteit en sterkte verleent. Ze maken zich sterk dat hun in het labo gemaakte huid kan gebruikt worden bij transplantaties voor brandwonden en allerlei proeven.
"Je moet weten hoe je de biologische componenten moet mengen en in welke omstandigheden je ermee moet werken opdat de cellen niet stukgaan. Ook de juiste manier om het product aan te brengen is van cruciaal belang", stelt onderzoeker Juan Francisco del Cañizo.
3D-huid die voor transplantaties bestemd is, moet van de cellen van de patiënt gemaakt worden zodat diens lichaam de nieuwe huid niet afstoot. Voor industrieel gebruik zoals chemische proeven kan huid massaal geproduceerd worden van willekeurige cellen.
"Bioprinten laat ons toe op een gestandaardiseerde, geautomatiseerde manier huid te maken. Het proces is minder duur dan de manuele productie", aldus Alfredo Brisac, CEO van biotechnologiebedrijf Biodan Group dat de nieuwe techniek wil commercialiseren.
Het onderzoek werd gepubliceerd in het vakblad Biofabrication.
From a pyramid created by a lost civilisation to a staircase built by aliens, Antarctica has been a hotspot for sightings by UFO hunters in recent months.
Now, in their latest bizarre claim, alien enthusiasts claim they have spotted ET's ship hidden in a cave in the South Pole.
Their 'discovery', made from what they claim are Google Earth satellite images, was described as 'final proof of secret technology' on Antarctica.
Scroll down for video
From a pyramid created by a lost civilisation to a staircase built by aliens, Antarctica has been a hotspot for sightings by UFO hunters. Now, in their latest bizarre claim, alien enthusiasts claim they have spotted ET's ship hidden in a cave in the South Pole
The claim has been made by a YouTube channel called Secure Team based in Cleveland, Ohio.
They zoomed in on a mountainous region of the South Pole and found what they believe to to be a disc in a cave.
The 'discovery', made from what they claim are Google Earth satellite images, was described as 'final proof of secret technology' on Antarctica
Over the course of three online-based studies, researchers at the University of Kent showed strong links between the belief in conspiracy theories and these psychological traits.
The results showed that those people who rated highly on the narcissism scale and who had low self-esteem were more likely to be conspiracy believers.
However, while low self-esteem, narcissism and belief in conspiracies are strongly linked, it is not clear that one - or a combination - causes the other.
But it hints at an interesting new angle to the world of conspiracy and those who reinforce belief.
An image has surfaced which is alleged to be a satellite image of the Antarctic, and believers in extra-terrestrial life claim it could prove aliens are visiting Earth.
The picture was posted on a UFO and conspiracy theory forum.
The image was posted online by an anonymous member on the forum Godlike Productions, along with a message.
'This morning, in the work van, we were talking about conspiracies, and one of them were about so many big names going to Antarctica out of the blue,' the message read.
'I was bored so I pulled out Google Earth for a while, just exploring, when I came across something that looked like a giant staircase.
'Anyone have an idea what it is? Just a glitch with satellite cameras? Or something more?'
Others offered more logical explanations, like an anomaly with the lens or snow dunes.
The latest in a series of bizarre claims by conspiracy theorists says there is a giant staircase in Antarctica. An image has surfaced which is alleged to be a satellite image of the Antarctic, and believers in extra-terrestrial life claim it could prove aliens are visiting Earth
Giant 'staircase' appears to be discovered in Antarctica
Some doubted the origin of the image, which the poster claimed was from Google Earth, because the user did not provide co-ordinates
A YouTube channel called SecureTeam10 found the co-ordinates of the image (pictured)
Another image of a 'dome' in Antarctica sparked claims there was once a civilisation living in the frozen continent.
The picture, which was said to be from Google Earth, showed an oval-shaped structure that is believed be 400 foot (121 metres) across.
Some claimed the structure is 'evidence' that a human civilisation once lived in the South Pole, while others said it may be a natural phenomenon.
A Google Earth image of Antarctica has sparked claims of evidence there was once a civilisation living in the frozen continent. The picture shows an oval-shaped structure that conspiracy theorists claim to be 400 foot (121 metres) across
'What if, in the distant past, when Earth –and Antarctica— was much different then today, an ancient civilization developed there, creating fascinating structures, monuments and temples there?' a post on Ancient Code says.
The post says scientists initially thought the discovery could be a sastrugi – a natural phenomenon formed by years of battering by strong, freezing winds and heavy snowfalll.
The post says scientists initially thought the discovery could be a sastrugi – a natural phenomenon formed by years of battering by strong, freezing winds and heavy snowfall. Pictured are sastrugi in a radar image around the south edge of Lake Vostok in Antarctica
Another strange theory surfaced last year, claiming that there is a mysterious pyramid in the Antarctic had emerged.
Conspiracy theorists have posted a video on YouTube, in which they claim that US Secretary of State, John Kerry, visited Antarctica last week to visit an 'alien base' within the pyramid.
The video suggests that the images have been taken from Google Earth, but it is unclear whether they have been edited.
The video was posted by Third Phase of the Moon, a YouTube channel that regularly posts conspiracy theories on aliens.
It showed a pyramid-like structure in the snow, with a Google Earth-type label and pin.
The label reads 'Antartica Pyramid' – a misspelling of Antarctica, which suggests that image might have been doctored.
Responses to the video were varied, with some users backing-up the claims, such as James Jason, who commented: 'Excellent report Third Phase, I also believe things are about to get very dramatic, and that is for everyone on our planet.'
But others dismissed it, such as Gordon Anderson, who said: 'I have spent a LOT of time on snow covered mountains- skiing down, and this looks natural to me - not man made anyway!'
A strange theory claiming that there is a mysterious pyramid in the Antarctic emerged last year. Conspiracy theorists posted a video on YouTube, in which they claimed US Secretary of State, John Kerry, visited Antarctica last week to visit an 'alien base' within the pyramid
Others joked John Kerry was there for other reasons, such as Daniel Schultz, who commented: '#27 on his bucket list, fly to Antarctica and make 'snow angels' where no man has gone before.'
It is unclear what the structure could be, but it looks similar to a nunatak – a natural mountain peak that juts up above glaciers.
Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, told MailOnline: 'Pictures of the pyramid structures are either photoshopped, cropped pictures to make the mountains look more like pyramids or simply pictures of natural formations called nunataks.
'They are mountainous formations created by shifting glaciers and erosion, not by laser zapping aliens.'
Pyramids are often an area of interest for conspiracy theorists.
It is unclear what the structure could be, but it looks similar to a nunatak – a natural mountain peak that juts up above glaciers
It shows a pyramid-like structure in the snow, with a Google Maps-type label and pin. The label reads 'Antartica Pyramid' – a misspelling of Antarctica, which suggests that image might have been doctored
In October last year, a video posted on YouTube claimed there was a crystal pyramid beneath the Bermuda Triangle, which was to blame for the disappearance of several planes and ships in the area.
Mr Watson added: 'There is always a mystique about pyramid structures.
'Back in the 1970s there were many claims that such objects could preserve food, generate health benefits and even keep razors sharp.'
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
UFO sightings unlikely – expert
UFO sightings unlikely – expert
BY Kavindya Chris Thomas
Despite reports of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) being sighted in several parts of the country there's not enough information to form a definite opinion about the phenomenon, Dr. Chandana Jayaratne said yesterday.
Dr. Jayaratne of the Department of Physics, University of Colombo, said there was insufficient information about the sightings which after all could have merely been the appearance given by Drones passing over areas in which people have not seen Drones before.
He added that inquiries have come to a halt as no possible conclusions could be made on the basis of studying unclear pictures of the sightings last Saturday..
Dr. Jayaratne said that the lack of plausible information made it impossible to ascertain the nature of the object in the pictures. However, he added that several field studies are being conducted to collect eyewitness reports of the sightings.
A square object radiating a bright light with a moving core was captured by telescopic lenses last Saturday as it moved over Ratnapura, Hambantota, Galle and Matara areas. Following initial reports, it was announced that the UFO sighting might be related to quadcopter drones that were commandeered in the areas.'
- Gemiddelde waardering: 5/5 - (1 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
When The Mysterious And Inexplicable Happens
When The Mysterious And Inexplicable Happens
Getty Images
Nearly everyone has had weird experiences, things that happen in life that seem to defy any sort of rational explanation.
It could be strange sightings, events that apparently challenge the laws of nature, that evoke the supernatural, or feelings of being possessed by some kind of universal awe, that elicit a connectedness with something grander, timeless.
What are these events — and what are they trying to tell us, if anything?
For a rationalist, the usual response is one of dismissal, based on the law of large numbers: When there are billions of people experiencing billions of different events every day, chances are that some will encounter events that are so rare that they are deemed, on the surface, as unexplainable. Tanya Luhrmann, a professor of anthropology at Stanford and an expert on what could be called the experience of the sacred, has written extensively on the subject in The New York Times as an op-ed contributor, in books for the general public, and in more academic settings. When she was a graduate student in England, she had one such experience that left her wondering. She was on a train, going to interview with a group of people that practiced a form of powerful magic, when she felt strange:
"I was reading a book by a man they called an 'adept' — someone they regarded as deeply knowledgeable and powerful... And as I strained to imagine what the author thought it would be like to be that vehicle, I began to feel power in my veins — to really feel it, not to imagine it. I grew hot. I became completely alert, more awake than I usually am, and I felt so alive. It seemed that power coursed through me like water through a chute. I wanted to sing. And then wisps of smoke came out of my backpack, in which I had tossed my bicycle lights. One of them was melting."
She writes of the experience:
"I walked off that train with a new respect for why people believed in magic, not a new understanding of reality. Sometimes people have remarkable experiences, and then tuck them away as events they can't explain."
Luhrmann mentions how Michael Shermer, publisher of Skeptic magazine and a notable rationalist, had one such experience that defied any sense of logic and left him stunned. I know Michael and can attest to his rock-solid convictions. A few weeks before his wedding, his German bride-to-be shipped many of her belongings to their home in California. Among them was an old radio that belonged to her dear grandfather, the closest father figure she had growing up. The transistor radio had been broken for years and Shermer's attempts to fix it failed. They tucked it into a drawer in their bedroom and forgot about it. On their wedding day, they were surprised to hear music coming from upstairs. After searching for possible sources, they were amazed to see that it was the transistor radio, as if it had come back to life on its own. "My grandfather is here with us," Shermer's wife Jennifer said, tearfully. "I'm not alone." The radio stopped playing the next day, as mysteriously as it had started.
I also have had one such experience (actually more than one), that I relate in detail in my recent book The Simple Beauty of the Unexpected, under the chapter heading "The Witch of Copacabana." Here is a brief summary:
When I was growing up in Rio, my parents loved hosting dinner parties. My father, a dentist, had welcomed to his practice many of the Portuguese immigrants that flooded Brazil after the Carnation Revolution of 1974. One day, he invited the former Minister of Justice (a sort of attorney general) and other friends to dinner. He offered the minister a whisky. After taking a sip, the minister gave my father a perplexed look. "Izaac, this is tea, not whisky." My father's mouth dropped. He ran to the closet where he stored his liquor and confirmed that the open whisky bottle had been filled with tea. The same with every open bottle with amber-colored liquid. My father ran to the kitchen to find our cook Maria, a small black lady in her 50s with pitch-dark beady eyes. We knew she was a high priestess of the Macumba, a widespread religious practice mixing elements of African black magic and fetishism with Catholicism. Maria confessed immediately, as if what she had done had been obvious. My father was furious, and fired her on the spot. Maria looked him in the eye and cursed the house: "Something bad will happen to this house." I was horrified. Maria tried to comfort me. "Don't worry, boy, you have 'corpo fechado' (closed body), and nothing will harm you."
My father, a superstitious man, took his precautions, filling his pockets with garlic and the house with branches of rue, a plant that many in Brazil believe is a sort of chlorophyllous evil barometer that shrivels when harm is near. A month passed and nothing happened. We went back to our routines and hired a new cook. One day, as I was studying for an exam, I felt a compulsion to go to the dining room. Our rococo-style dining table was flanked on both ends by furniture containing fine crystal. Behind my father's seat at the head of the table was a closet with glass doors and three glass shelves, where my parents stored beautiful wineglasses made of Bohemian crystal. At the opposite end of the table was a brass beverage trolley, with a top glass shelf covered with crystal bottles filled with port, sherry and liqueurs of all colors, each labeled with a small silver necklace.
I was standing by the dining table in a strange sort of daze when something, maybe a subtle noise, made me turn toward the closet. At that very moment, the top shelf broke in half, and all the heavy glasses came crashing down onto the second shelf, which in turn collapsed onto the first shelf in a horrifying waterfall of shattering crystal. Dozens of priceless antique glasses were instantly destroyed. I hardly had time to blink, when another cracking noise made me turn toward the trolley at the other end of the table. In a flash, the top shelf collapsed, taking all the crystal bottles to the floor with it. The noise was deafening. Shards of glass flew everywhere. I was paralyzed. The new cook came running from the kitchen and crossed herself. She packed her things and vanished that same night, never to be seen again.
Shaking uncontrollably, I phoned my father at his office. "It's the curse, dad. She did it! Everything crashed, right in front of me. The closet and the trolley, practically at the same time!"
I spent a long time trying to come up with a reasonable explanation: a supersonic boom; an earthquake; maybe I was in a hypnotic trance and did it myself. Nothing added up though. To have both events in almost synchrony was deeply perplexing. And it involved drinking, as it should. This is a mysterious event that remains unexplained.
People react differently when faced with such situations. Some feel it as convincing evidence of the supernatural and embrace a religion (a conversion event) or a mystical practice. Others, perhaps in fear for what such event may represent to their worldview, vigorously push it aside as an odd coincidence. Or they honestly think of such stories as some of life's bizarre twists, without any opening to otherworldly dimensions.
In my case, I remain agnostic. Being a scientist, I'm well-aware that nature tends to follow precise rules, some of which we have managed to understand and to describe. However, I'm also well-aware of our limitations, of the fact that we are surrounded by mystery and by what we don't understand.
Science's purpose is to crack open some of these mysteries, and it does so magnificently. But science can't crack them all. And that's okay. A bit of the unexplained is good, as it keeps us a little unsettled. We must keep an open mind as we peel layer after layer of reality, prepared to be surprised at every step — and humbled by what we can't know.
Leah Haley on Alien Abduction: “It Doesn't Happen”
Leah Haley on Alien Abduction: “It Doesn't Happen”
Former self-described alien abductee Leah Haley has revised her perspectives about her experiences of high strangeness to conclude that no alien abductions ever took place in her life. She now completely attributes her remarkable perceptions to having been an involuntary research subject. Commenting on literal alien abduction from her home in Pensacola, Florida, Haley stated, “It doesn't happen.”
Pensacola Beach, Florida, a short distance from massive Eglin Air Force Base.
Haley attracted widespread attention within the UFO community in 1993 with the publication of her book, Lost Was the Key, in which she described her extraordinary experiences consisting of fragmented memories of UFOs and apparent non-human beings. She became a well known speaker and was commonly sought for interviews. Ten years later she published Unlocking Alien Closets: Abductions, Mind Control and Spirituality, further documenting her descent into an increasingly complex web of deceit, disinformation and character assassination within ufology. Sales of her books climbed well into the thousands although word of mouth was virtually the only means of marketing.
Haley initially thought aliens were responsible for her experiences but that changed following years of investigation. She long acknowledged military personnel were involved in her experiences to some extent, but she fully re-evaluated circumstances after viewing select Freedom of Information Act and U.S. Patent Office documents. Haley further based her revised conclusions on hundreds of interactions with abductees and researchers, as well as having mysterious individuals enter and later abruptly vanish from her life. She is now thoroughly convinced mind control experiments are responsible for what became known as the alien abduction phenomenon.
“I really can explain every alien abduction away using human technology,” Haley said.
Commenting on what she termed “legitimate” reports of abduction, she continued, “I don't know for sure, but every case that I know very, very well – every single one of them – if I probe deeply enough, I'm going to find that there were humans here and there too. That tells me that it was a human-instigated situation. I can't think of a single case, not a single one, that I've really delved into that didn't have humans in it too, so I just don't think alien abductions are happening. I don't know, but I just don't think they are.”
Who Is Leah Haley?
The polite yet confidently direct woman who came to be embraced - for better or worse – by the UFO community said she was born in 1951 in Decatur, Alabama. According to her books, Haley earned a bachelor's degree in secondary education from the University of Alabama, a master's degree in education from the University of North Alabama and a master's degree in business administration from Mississippi State University. She told me she is a Certified Public Accountant, currently employed in the field.
I first contacted Haley via email in June of 2009 due to my interest in her reported experiences which involved apparent military personnel. Our interactions led to me interviewing her over the course of a couple days in March, 2011.
As much an artist as she is a business administrator or anything else, Haley loves to write. She enjoys many forms of art and particularly appreciates theater. While the name Leah Ann Haley will be forever joined with the UFO phenomenon, the woman came to prioritize a healthy social life and enjoying herself, as was indicated by the presence in her den of gifts from her birthday celebration. “If I put the gifts away, I'll forget to send thank you notes,” she explained with a laugh.
During a drive through downtown Pensacola, she fondly pointed out locations where bands regularly perform. She enjoys concerts, and told me about attending a Lynyrd Skynyrd gig, remarking that she of course likes the band's music due to her roots in (Sweet Home) Alabama.
Haley developed a strong faith which she attributes in part to her traumatic experiences and the stress of going public with her story. She enjoys attending casual worship services held Sunday mornings at picnic tables on Pensacola Beach. “I think that's so cool,” she said while describing the services.
Her first marriage ended as she became increasingly committed to investigating her experiences and publicly sharing her findings. Was her involvement in ufology responsible for her failed marriage? “Oh, yeah,” she responded decisively, “absolutely.” Her status as a relatively high profile, controversial figure severely strained family relations, but Haley feels she picked up the pieces as well as could be expected.
Take her or leave her, Leah Haley is willing to be scrutinized. Other high profile members of the UFO community often hide from objective evaluation, reciting their largely unchallenged rhetoric with relentless and annoying persistence. Contrastingly, Haley at least seemingly provides us with a refreshingly transparent view of the path of an experiencer of high strangeness who embarked upon a sincere journey of investigation and self-discovery. It is only natural that such a journey included evolving perspectives, changing over time, and it appears Haley happens to be secure enough to tell us when she changes her mind.
“The most important thing about my case,” she said, “is that my memories were of alien abductions, and that after spending thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars and years and years and years of research trying to find evidence that alien abductions occurred, the only evidence I found is of human-instigated mind control.”
Circumstantial Evidence
The UFO House of Pensacola Beach serves as an eerie reminder of the Gulf Breeze UFO craze that snowballed into a frenzy.
Haley cited circumstances such as confirmed mind control operations and Freedom of Information Act documents, substantiating details of such black budget operations, as supporting evidence for her perspectives. Suggesting the general population lacks adequate understandings of relevant issues, such as conditioned behavior and subliminal programming, Haley stated, “Doing my lectures and radio shows I met people all over the country, and most of the alien abductees just accept what's happened at face value. What they remember - to them - is what happened. Very few of us have ever questioned it to the extent that you and I obviously have.”
Haley cited U.S. Patent Office documents, demonstrating evolution of electronic technology and non-lethal weapons that correlates with the time line of reports of alien abduction. Advances in technology during the 20th century included using electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) to remotely entrain brain waves, induce altered states of consciousness and transfer an otherwise inaudible voice directly into the brain. Overexposure to EMFs was documented to cause hallucinations, nausea, short term amnesia (missing time) and reddened skin, circumstances which became staples of abductee testimonies.
Haley has claimed to have been interrogated and tortured by military personnel, but do not expect her to name alleged perpetrators. Though much speculation has circulated about Haley's alleged abusers, she is well aware she cannot prove accusations and therefore chooses to withhold public comment on identities.
She also claimed to have been approached repeatedly by mysterious people interested in her experiences, and on at least one occasion such a person apparently claimed to be acting on behalf of intelligence officials. Haley believed she confirmed the claim to a reasonable extent.
Marc Davenport
Haley met Marc Davenport at the 1993 Ozark UFO Conference. He attended her lecture and approached her afterword, finding her presentation of interest. Like Haley, Davenport was a researcher, author and speaker.
The two discovered many mutual interests. They eventually married and plunged ever deeper into the world of ufology. The duo spent extended periods of time conducting research and presenting their work through Greenleaf Publications, a corporation founded by Haley in 1992 and subsequently jointly operated by the couple. It was with Davenport's help as a researcher and support as a friend that Haley dissected the world of military intelligence and black budget research projects.
She explained, “It was like a progression with me until I finally came to the conclusion that everything with me was human-instigated. That's where the evidence pointed. I didn't find any concrete evidence - no absolute concrete evidence - of aliens, but plenty of evidence of human intervention.”
Such evidence included two events reportedly occurring the morning of June 16, 2000. Haley experienced abduction-like visions, non-ordinary states of consciousness and the sensation of hearing voices in her head. Haley was home alone during the second episode, which also included paralysis. Davenport returned unexpectedly, observing a helicopter hovering within 100 feet of their house. The helicopter soon departed, leaving Davenport to find Haley ill and disoriented inside the home.
It was therefore not only Davenport's help as a colleague, but also his experience as a direct witness, that assisted Haley in re-evaluating her experiences. Davenport continued to report on mind control and non-lethal weapons.
In 2005 Davenport was diagnosed with what Haley called an unusual form of cancer. He lost his life to what proved to be the painful and disabling illness.
Does Haley think Davenport's cancer was intentionally induced? “I will go to my grave believing so,” she said.
Carpenter Affair
Haley's experiences included missing time, disturbing body markings and a retrieved possible implant, in addition to interactions with mysterious strangers and military personnel. Her search for answers included regressive hypnosis sessions conducted by John Carpenter, a mental health counselor who served as the MUFON director of abduction research during the early 1990's. For what is in all likelihood a variety of reasons, Haley's mental imagery during the sessions included implications of aliens and emotional trauma.
Carpenter conducted some 14 regressive hypnosis sessions with Haley, encouraging her to accept alien abduction, before selling her case file. In what became known as the Carpenter Affair, Carpenter betrayed 140 clients and alleged alien abductees when he accepted $14,000 for their case files. The purchaser was Robert Bigelow, whose activities and associates never stray far from controversy. Non-lethal weapons expert and consultant to the CIA, Colonel John B. Alexander, was termed a science advisor to Bigelow at the time.
When asked how she now feels about Carpenter, Haley took a long breath and exhaled deliberately. She replied that she thinks Carpenter was “manipulated” into his actions, but that does not mean she completely absolves him of all responsibility.
Haley explained it was very distressing when the names of Carpenter's clients were briefly posted on the Internet. Literally over night, anonymity was lost, family members were outed and similar such situations befell those who sought support and were assured confidentiality by Carpenter and MUFON. Haley remains uncertain exactly who was responsible for originally posting the client names on the Internet.
Haley said most of the 140 probably never knew Carpenter sold their files to Bigelow. About a dozen of them were aware of it and convinced Haley “to join them in the lawsuit that turned out to go nowhere,” she explained with frustration.
Would she rather not discuss the Carpenter Affair? “I don't mind talking about it,” she said. “It's just that the statute of limitations expired.”
“We had a clear cut case,” she continued. “The first attorneys said, 'There are no doubts.'”
Haley explained the attorneys initially met with the plaintiffs, assuring them testimony and evidence, which they had, was all they needed. However, the first group of attorneys later turned over the case to a second group, and lines of communication declined to a non-functional mess. Haley felt certain the lawsuit fell through the cracks “because of threats.”
In a bit softer and more despondent voice, Haley concluded, “There's not anything that can be done about it. That whole group just got away with it.”
Matters of Compassion and Responsibility
Haley long since stopped fearing public criticism. Such criticism is inevitable when revising opinions destined to be as unpopular as in the case of suggesting there are no aliens in alien abduction. Rather than buckle to peer pressure, Haley appeared willing to draw on her experience as a relatively public figure - and her resulting thick skin - to set examples of honesty and realism by publicly acknowledging perspectives are simply bound to change as more information becomes available.
The sun sets on the waterfront in downtown Pensacola where crowds of eager skywatchers once gathered regularly.
Haley considered sharing her story to be matters of compassion and responsibility. “It disturbs me greatly that there are people who are still being victimized by that system,” she commented.
Perhaps it is ultimately Haley's ability to successfully navigate the no-nonsense world of accounting that enabled her to painstakingly re-evaluate everything she thought she knew about alien abduction and her experiences. Maybe it was a genuine desire to seek truth. I really cannot say for sure, but Haley's message is certainly clear enough: A check and balance of facts versus belief systems reveals alien abduction dogma does not properly add up, particularly in her specific case.
Haley said she periodically distanced herself from ufology and her past but kept getting “drawn back in.” She explained she was most recently drawn back in by me and what she found to be my interest in black budget operations and her case. I thanked her for her willingness to interact with me, then asked what was most important to her to ultimately accomplish.
Without hesitation, Leah Haley leaned back in her chair, looked skyward and replied with animated emphasis, "I want mind control and other invasive experiments on unwitting U.S. citizens to be stopped. And I want the mind control perpetrators brought to justice!"
I’ve been intending to review Jack Brewer’s book, The Greys Have Been Framed: Exploitation in the UFO Community, for some time now. I’ve linked to some of Jack’s research posted on his blog The UFO Trail before. Jack has devoted considerable effort into tracking the connections between what passes for alien abductions and documented, historical mind control programs run under the auspices of U. S. agencies since the Cold War began. Those connections are not coincidental. Whereas Jack’s blog gives readers glimpses into the tangled web that results from the intersection of the high strangeness of alien abduction reports and things like MK-ULTRA, his book delivers the motherlode and — most importantly — citations and links to the available documentation.
If you can’t already tell, I consider this book a must-read for anyone interested in the alien abduction phenomenon. Most readers of my material will know my view of what people experience in this regard. I don’t think it has anything to do with extraterrestrials. While I leave room for certain cases that sound a lot like genuine demonization or possession, I think most of what passes for alien abduction is either natural brain function (e.g., sleep paralysis) or very human (and very sinister) intentional abuse of people. Jack’s book chronicles the latter, providing the paper trails that lead to people, events, clandestine agendas, psychological techniques, and drugs and other “technologies” for inducing such experiences and manipulating victims. And the data for all that aren’t new.
His book goes even further in that he documents how the abuse extends to defending the extraterrestrial narrative for what experiencers report when they seek help. This doesn’t mean, of course, that the same people behind inducing experiences are the ones intentionally furthering an extraterrestrial explanation. The latter typically occurs in the office or correspondence of a therapist or researcher already convinced that the abductions are part of an alien agenda. One would hope that the factual documentation offered in this book would persuade any reader to look elsewhere for answers, but I’m not holding my breath. At the very least honesty ought to require researchers to track through Brewer’s sources and demonstrate how they fail to account for something. Sure, that takes work, but it took work to ferret out the data in this book. Is it too much to ask that those who desperately want the abduction experience to prop up an extraterrestrial visitation worldview to do the same sort of work? Frankly, instead of funding and conducting a survey about peoples’ abduction experiences, whose questions are often leading, and whose raw data is apparently off limits to the public, perhaps Edgar Mitchell’s Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE) could pay for research into the truckload of material that connects these experiences to sinister human causation? Dear FREE: While trying to validate an experience through a survey, did it ever occur to you that the cause of said experience might not be what you presumed it to be when you wrote the survey? That’s called objectivity.
I won’t survey every chapter of The Greys Have Been Framed here (there’s just too much significant material), but a few stand out in their importance, at least to my thinking.
Chapters 2 (“Hypnosis and Memory”) and 3 (“Go West, Trance States, Go West”) are for anyone who has ever wondered about the accuracy (and even coherence) of memories solicited under hypnosis, and whether there might be some relationship of hypnosis to known mind-control programs. I’ve wondered both, so this chapter and its sources was worth the price of the book. The presumed validity of what hypnosis yields and the notion that it is purely “recovering” memories (instead of something is) are fundamental to the alien abduction phenomenon. Both are far from being assured.
Chapters 4 and 5 constitute a two-part treatment of the abduction experience colorfully titled, “The Raping, Murderous, Mind-Reading, Sperm-Collecting, ET Human-Hybrid Baby Snatchers” (Acts One and Two). While the chapters naturally overview what people claim happens to them during an alien abduction, these chapters overview the now-infamous Emma Woods case that has so tarnished the reputation of David Jacobs. Chapter 7’s interview with Dr. Tyler Kokjohn (PhD in Biochemistry) is also focused on thoughts about the Emma Woods case.
For those who’d be inclined to trust Budd Hopkins’ work with abductees over that of David Jacobs (with or without the demolition of Jacobs in the wake of the Emma Woods testimony), Chapter 6 will cut off that retreat (“Carol Rainey and the Priests of High Strangeness”). Rainey was the wife of Budd Hopkins and assisted him in his work with abductees. The chapter isn’t filled with whining and ranting about her ex-husband. Instead it recounts her habit of asking simple questions about ethics and method that Hopkins found irritating. Point: anyone who sincerely wants to find truth won’t be threatened by calls for transparency.
Chapter 11 (“Betty and Barney go to Montreal”) sheds light on inconsistencies and forgotten details of the mother of all alien abduction cases, that of Betty and Barney Hill. The chapter is a combination of Brewer’s own investigation and the work of Nick Redfern, a well-known UFO researcher who is convinced the Hill case is best explained by its MK-ULTRA connections. Why is Montreal mentioned? You’ll have to read the chapter, but here’s a hint: McGill University.
Chapter 13 (“Leah Haley and the 139”) is a shot across the bow not just to abduction research, but ufology in general. It details MUFON complicity (and ineptitude) in regard to what has become known as the Carpenter Affair. The experiences, research, and turnabout (rejection of an ET explanation for abductions) of Leah Haley are part of the chapter. Readers will be intrigued by connections between the Carpenter affair and the emerging panopticon state glimpsed through the case of Edward Snowden.
Chapter 14 (“21st Century U.S. Illegal Human Experimentation”) speaks for itself. In simplistic terms, this chapter seeks to connect the modern question of torture (think Abu Ghraib) to 20th century Cold War justification of human experimentation with respect to mind control programming. (One could add things like Project Sunshine as well). I was a little dissatisfied with the analysis here because the threats are somewhat different, but it’s legitimate to say they are similar enough to avoid dismissing points of connection that are real.
As noted above, the book is highly recommended. I can think of only one potential improvement. Jack’s resources are mostly online. That doesn’t mean the links don’t lead to solid sources. They overwhelmingly do. But the links leave me wondering if he deliberately included only those sources to make access to those sources easy for readers. I’m not sure that Jack had access to major databases that would no doubt provide more material that isn’t available for free online (like scholarly journals). Some of the links do of course lead to journal articles. I just didn’t check every link, so I’m thinking that his case could be made even more compelling.
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National Security Agency, Fort Meade, MD
Documents declassified by the NSA paint an intriguing picture of interest and activities in the UFO community. Please follow along as we cross reference files that explore UFO-related deception and establish the existence of a report on a UFO symposium authored by an NSA assignee in attendance. I'll also explain my efforts to learn more via the Freedom of Information Act. "Surprise or Deceptive Data" The January, 1997, Volume 43 of The Skeptics UFO Newsletter is available at The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry website. Its author, the late Philip J. Klass, described a batch of docs released by the NSA due to various efforts, including a lawsuit launched by Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS). I point out the work of Klass because not only did he discuss the docs we're going to explore, but primarily because he speculated about the possible author of some of the NSA material. Klass suspected Tom Deuley, a long time MUFON director and former NSA employee, was "almost certainly" involved in compiling a portion of the information held by the NSA. I bring this up not to be overly conspiratorial, but because I find the chain of events interesting, and I suspect some of you will agree. To try to be clear, please allow me to emphasize it is not news that Deuley was employed by the NSA or that he discussed the UFO community with his employer, but it warrants mention in relation to the following material. A declassified doc available on the NSA site is a draft titled, UFO's and the Intelligence Community Blind Spot to Surprise or Deceptive Data. Its author is not disclosed, as is standard policy, and it is undated. However, we know it was obviously composed prior to the info release as described by Klass because he discussed it in the 1997 newsletter, and it is referenced in another NSA doc from the same era. More on that shortly, but let's consider the draft a bit. "The implications of the UFO phenomena go far beyond the particular phenomena itself," the 7-page doc begins. It goes on to explain that "surprise attack is such a basic ingredient of military success" because "it is able to rely on a most dependable human blind spot: The inability of most men to objectively process and evaluate highly unusual data and to react to the data in a meaningful way." The author then cites celebrated ufologist Dr. Jacques Vallee while establishing the human response to observations of unusual phenomena "is predictable and graphically depictable." The assault of a person's psychological structure is considered, with the emotional impact of the strangeness of a UFO sighting compared to witnessing a brutal murder, and identified as "the same."
Conditions attributed to trauma are reviewed, including amnesia, and a chart with a "strangeness index" (see right) estimates the likelihood a person will discuss experiences with others in proportion to the perceived extent of peculiarity. It suggests the stranger the incident, the less people the witness will tell, which could also easily be interpreted as the more traumatized and mentally paralyzed they stand to become. The first of two redacted sections is apparently an example of how human response to perceived unusual phenomena can be detrimental, particularly from a military perspective, as the author concludes, "It is apparent that we cannot allow such a human flaw to leave us blinded to unusual or surprising material. The example indicates that some people are less affected by strange phenomena than others, though still frightened by it, they remain capable of reporting it with a fair degree of objectivity." It might be interesting to know more about the details of that redacted example. The second redacted section is the author's recommendations to solve the challenge. Seeking more information about the two redacted sections brings us to another document you've probably heard about or seen around. It's an affidavit of NSA man Eugene F. Yeates in the case of Citizens Against Unidentified Flying Objects Secrecy v. National Security Agency - and there are two affidavits, one public, the other originally classified but later released. Nothing's ever simple in UFO Land. Fork in the Road Steven Aftergood, the director of the Project on Government Secrecy at the Federation of American Scientists, once said about UFOs, "Well, it turns out that the government does have something to hide, but it has nothing to do with extraterrestrials." He may very well be right, and he's certainly correct in at least most cases, yet many of us, Mr. Aftergood included, might find the circumstances quite interesting.
CAUS sued the NSA in the early 1980's to release its UFO files. This resulted in a chain of events which included the affidavit of Eugene F. Yeates. The long and short of his statements suggest the reasons the NSA desired to selectively withhold information had nothing to do with the UFO community's popular suspicions and collective definition of UFOs. The concerns, Yeates stated, were about national security involving matters of communications intelligence (COMINT) and signals intelligence (SIGINT). Did you notice that fork in the road? Some people always chase aliens, and if there aren't any around, they're not interested. Others always debunk aliens, and if they're convinced they've established there aren't any around, they're not interested anymore either. If, however, you're interested in how the intelligence and UFO communities bump into each other in dark alleys, then thanks for sticking with me and we're well on our way. There is a public Yeates affidavit and a formerly classified, now available affidavit. The NSA hosts a copy of the public doc, and The Black Vault provides a copy of thedeclassified doc. The formerly classified affidavit contains statements from Yeates on the "Blind Spot" document explored above, including comments on the two sections remaining redacted. Yeates explained:
This document was discussed in paragraph 20b of my public affidavit. It is entitled UFO's and the Intelligence Community Blind Spot to Surprise or Deceptive Data. In this document, the author discusses what he considers to be a serious shortcoming in the Agency's COMINT interception and reporting procedures -- the inability to respond correctly to surprising information or deliberately deceptive data. He uses the UFO phenomena to illustrate his belief that the inability of the U.S. intelligence community to process this type of unusual data adversely affects U.S. intelligence gathering capabilities. Deletions in this document were made as follows:
(2) Paragraph three of this document uses a signals intelligence operation against [redacted] to illustrate the author's point. This paragraph contains information about SIGINT activities that is currently and properly classified... The material in this paragraph also concerns the organization and operational activities and functions of NSA directed against [redacted]...
(3) Paragraph four of the memorandum states the conclusions and recommendations of the author. While it talks of the ability of the Agency employees to deal with unusual phenomena it is not responsive to the plaintiff's request regarding UFO or UFO phenomena. In any event, as I stated in my public affidavit (paragraph 20b), the subject matter of that paragraph is exempt from disclosure because it contains the employee's specific recommendations for addressing the problem of responding to surprise material... One specific recommendation suggests an operational approach to solving the problem which reveals NSA activities and is, therefore, exempt from disclosure...
That sounds pretty interesting and potentially relevant to me. I'd like to know more. The formerly classified Yeates affidavit went on to address a document withheld, once again on the grounds it had nothing to do with actual UFO phenomena, but was instead an "account by a person assigned to NSA of his attendance at a UFO symposium":
In processing the plaintiff's FOIA request, a total of two hundred and thirty-nine documents were located in NSA files. Seventy-nine of these documents originated with other government agencies and have been referred by NSA to those agencies for their direct response to the plaintiff. One document, which I addressed in paragraph 20c of my public affidavit, was erroneously treated as part of the subject matter of plaintiff's FOIA request. It is an account by a person assigned to NSA of his attendance at a UFO symposium and it cannot fairly be said to be a record of the kind sought by the plaintiff.
The same circumstances described by Yeates, yet this time as he stated in the public affidavit:
The third non-COMINT document is a memorandum for the record by an NSA assignee that was originally withheld in its entirety... In my review today I have ascertained, however, that this memorandum is neither in whole nor in part responsive to the plaintiff's request. It does not deal with UFOs or the UFO phenomena. Rather, it is a document voluntarily prepared by the assignee to report an incident that occurred during his attendance at a UFO symposium. It is the assignee's personal account of his activities and does not include reference to any UFO sighting or phenomena.
FOIA It is apparently the statements about the UFO symposium that led Philip Klass to be most confident Yeates was referring to Tom Deuley, at least in that particular instance. As Klass explained in his 1997 newsletter, Deuley spoke publicly of discussing his attendance at a UFO conference with his employer, the NSA. Regardless, I identify a number of things of potential interest about the documents. I therefore filed a couple of FOIA requests. In the first, I requested that the declassified draft, UFO's and the Intelligence Community Blind Spot to Surprise or Deceptive Data, once again be reviewed with consideration given to releasing the two currently redacted paragraphs. If possible, it might be interesting to know more about the operations, examples and recommendations contained therein and offered by the author. The second FOIA request was to review the feasibility of now releasing the previously withheld report on the UFO symposium. It could be interesting to read, whether or not composed by Deuley, and it is of potential historic value. I've got a few more requests pending to other agencies on different cases and will be sure and pass along any relevant info as it develops. Last but not least, I do not consider myself experienced at wading through declassified docs, identifying the latest declassified version (sometimes a doc will be declassified and "more" declassified repeatedly over time) and similar relevant tricks to know of the FOIA trade. If you're aware of docs and material relevant to the above cases or other topics I write about, a heads up is always welcome.
There’s no shortage of intrigue amidst the CIA’s newly released archive of nearly 13 million pages of declassified records. Some of the more peculiar revelations detail the handling of UFO sightings and the potential weaponization of psychic powers.
In this particular document concerning such reporting, a UFO is defined as “any object which, by performance, aerodynamic characteristics, or unusual features, does not conform to known aircraft or missiles.”
There are a number of documents relating to sightings in Norway,Spain and North Africa and the former USSR among the millions of pages. While many sightings feature throughout the extensive release, there have been no conclusive findings documented as of yet.
It seems the CIA was keen to emphasize the importance of rapid but thorough reporting of any such sightings as a matter of national security, listing the four phases of air defense as: detection, identification, interception and destruction. The Unidentified Flying Object Program requires that all US Air Force (USAF) commanders adhere strictly to these guidelines.
The procedure calls on air force commanders to report all UFO sightings including those received from other agencies, governmental bodies or civilians.
When reporting a sighting, the document states that the following data points must be specified and explained in as much detail as possible: shape, size, color, number, formation, distinct or unique features, any tail, trail or exhaust, any sounds and any other unusual features not covered by the preceding points.
The USAF also highlights the three major reasons for taking UFO sightings so seriously: air defense and the elimination of any potential threats to the United States or its armed forces; to determine the technical or scientific characteristics of such UFOs and thus maintain military intelligence and technological dominance; to explain or identify all such instances in order to maintain strategic readiness in all eventualities.
The CIA had also previously published its own handy set of guidelines for amateur stargazers out there to organize themselves and flood their local air force bases with sighting reports:
In another bizarre revelation, it’s been revealed that the CIA conducted a series of experiments to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of employing psychic spies to “collect foreign intelligence information against documents shielded from normal perception,” in a project code-named ‘Stargate.’
These efforts weren’t limited to mere mortals, however, as none other than Israeli-born, celebrity psychic Uri Geller was brought in to test his psychic mettle against the researchers.
Geller attempted to duplicate a series of drawings produced in a nearby room without any knowledge of the topic or theme of the doodles.
They ranged from a firecracker to a bunch of grapes and even a quick sketch of our solar system. While Geller did have some surprising success throughout the experiments, the CIA decided not to pursue the research beyond its initial stage.
If this all sounds familiar, that’s because it is; the 2009 film starring George Clooney and Ewan McGregor named ‘The men who stare at goats’ drew heavily from rumors and reports about psychic warfare research conducted by the CIA and other US intelligence agencies.
While the release of millions of pages of documents may come as exciting news, it should be pointed out that they have been accessible since the year 2000, but only on specific computers housed in National Archives in College Park, Maryland in the United States.
Streams of water have been spotted funnelling up to the heavens
(Photo: YouTube/SECURETEAM10)
The unusual footage was recorded by a group of eyewitnesses of the coast of Algeria and is being analysed by UFO experts who see objects in the sky
UFO experts have been analysing this remarkably clear footage of what looks like a waterspout, after eyewitnesses spotted something floating in the sky near it.
In the unusual clip, recorded on a mobile phone, a waterspout can be seen shooting out of the water of the coast off Algeria.
But what has caught the attention of conspiracy theorists, is the craft that is spotted going into a cloud, just before the water starts pouring.
The witnesses sent the footage to SecureTeam10 , a group of UFO experts, who investigate the footage and share their findings online.
UFOs Sucking Up Water From Oceans Around The Globe (Photo: YouTube/SECURETEAM10)
Tyler from SecureTeam explained: “Some of the witnesses that saw this thing, say what to them looked like a UFO had flown up into the clouds, shortly after which we see this waterspout like formation, or what amounts to water being sucked up put of the Mediterranean ocean off the coast of Algeria.”
He notes there are a “couple of strange things that happen in this footage”.
He added: “Just before the waterspout dissipates we see a UFO fly out of sight, and this was said by one of the eyewitnesses to be the same UFO that flew up into the clouds just before the water began cyphering up into clouds.”
Say the words “UFO” and “Goodyear” together and it brings to mind a famous incident from the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. This is not about that. Two witnesses recently reported seeing four lights above the mountains in Goodyear, Arizona. This is not the first UFO sighting of this type in Goodyear either. Are aliens looking for blimps in all the wrong places?
According to their report on the MUFON website (case # 81684), a woman and her daughter were driving on the night of January 22, 2017, when they saw four solid white/yellow glowing lights in the sky over Goodyear. They described them as being “larger than stars” and detailed how one of them acted independent of the other three, moving around them before returning to the alignment. The witnesses had the presence of mind to record the sighting.
They also mentioned that “our neighbors also saw them while out driving” and that this has happened before.
We have seen them before in a dark night sky over the Estrella mountains to the East. They are common in this part of Goodyear. We see them several times a year.
Estrella! The name conjures up tales of the so-called Estralla lights. Not to be confused with the (here comes the obligatory mention required in all UFO stories centered in Arizona) Phoenix lights, Estrella lights have been seen over these mountains frequently from Goodyear, which is close to them. One string of lights was seen in 2004 and another in 2015.
Yes, the mountains are located between Luke Air Force Base and its favorite practice target – Barry Goldwater Range. With an ancient Native American history, the mountain range was once part of Mexico and often rumored to be hiding the gold known as Montezuma’s treasure, but it’s never been found.
Then there’s that name … Goodyear. Until the TR-3 Black Manta is proven to exist, no manmade object has been mistaken for a UFO more often than a Goodyear blimp. Perhaps the most famous confusion came in 2012 when the Summer Olympics-watching world saw a blurred white saucer-shaped object over the Olympics opening ceremony.
Goodyear finally admitted that it was the “Spirit of Safety” blimp flying over London without the usual “Goodyear” name on it because the company, although it was covering the ceremony for NBC, was not an official sponsor of the 2012 games.
See how easy it is to get confused? Which brings us back to the Goodyear UFOs of 2017. Could be those pesky Chinese lanterns. Could be military flares. Could be ancient spirits. Could be aliens. Definitely not blimps. The witnesses had an interesting attitude about their sighting.
We felt excited and in awe, and happy they would reappear so we could get good pictures and videos.
Whatever it is you think you see in the sky, that’s a nice outlook to have.
Greetings, fellow Coppertops! We continue with the chronicling of the Conil close encounter, when a group of 5 local kids witnessed all sorts of otherworldly phenomena at a beach in the coast of Cádiz, which included red-glowing UFOs, orbs of light, a 10-foot-tall levitating giant, and (last but not least) two cloaked entities who transformed themselves into a human-looking couple right in front of them. So strap in, because the high strangeness surrounding this remarkable case is far from over!
The Debunking
As we briefly mentioned by the end of part 1, it only took a few days until the incidents occurring on the night of September 29th, 1989 became a matter of public knowledge. After El Diario de Cádiz ran a story about the case on October 5th, members of the Spanish Group of UFO Investigations (GEIFO in the Spanish acronym), a skeptically-oriented organization, visited Conil de la Frontera to conduct a field research and interview the witnesses; they asked the same local newspaper to publish their findings, which it did on October 16th.
Cover of El Diario de Cádiz from October 16th, 1989, running the debunking explanation by the GEIFO group
The conclusion by GEIFO’s researchers? The whole episode had been nothing but a big misidentification caused by over-excited imagination. The red UFO observed by the group of local boys and girls for the past couple of weeks —“as big as the moon” according to their testimony– had actually been a British ship in charge of laying down underwater cable for the Telefónica phone company in that area, which was near the coast of Conil during the night in question according to their findings, and used ‘light signals’ to coordinate the work with ground personnel. The ‘aliens’, according to the skeptics, were two crew members of said vessel wearing scuba-diving equipment and covering themselves with blankets or towels, and the ‘white cloud’ they had observed coming down from the sea, was nothing but the wake left by a Zodiac boat they divers had used to reach the beach. Case closed, Scooby Doo!
“But wait!” you may be asking, “what about the trench the ‘divers’ dug out in the sand? What about the blue light they passed around each other while they were lying down on it? What about the TEN-FOOT-TALL GIANT which appeared after the couple walked to the town (leaving their ‘towels’ AND all their equipment behind?)?”
GEIFO’s answers to all these questions –and the way they left other questions unanswered– seem to be more incredible than the testimony of the witnesses itself: The trench was built by the divers because they wanted to ‘remove their gear in privacy’ –you know, instead of doing it much more easily onboard the British ship or the Zodiac?– or maybe because after a hard night’s work laying out cable, they wanted to spend a few hours under the Cádiz’s fair weather doing *ahem* ‘other things’ *wink wink*. The ‘orb’ they had on their hands was a mere torchlight, and the black-suited giant was another diver, possibly in charge to pilot the Zodiac boat (!)
So, in the eyes of the ‘scientifically-oriented’ investigators –the ones who think any sort of explanation, no matter how tenuous or downright improbable, is always better than entertaining the possibility of a truly anomalous event– the 5 Conil witnesses rather than being UFO hoaxers seeking publicity, were just a bunch of gullible idiots. I’ll leave you Coppertops to decide which is more insulting…
The Counter-Debunking
Juan José Benítez: Reporter, UFO investigator, author and globetrotter
5 months after GEIFO’s report had ‘satisfactorily’ solved the case –and quite possibly subjected the 5 witnesses to all sorts of ridicule in the process– investigator Juan José Benítez visited Conil to make a research of his own. Benítez is one of the most famous UFO hunters in Spain and has been instrumental in coaxing his government to declassify a good number of cases which were investigated by the Spanish Air Force. He has also traveled thousands of miles all across the globe to conduct field investigations and interview hundreds of witnesses, most of them humble townsfolk living in remote villages, who had never shared their testimony outside their circle of friends and family. He is a bestselling author not only in his home country but in all of Latin America, and it was in 1990 when he described his involvement on the Conil case in his book La Quinta Columna.
Benítez’s approach to put GEIFO’s theory to the test was simple and straightforward: The skeptics’ main argument was that the UFO observed by the witnesses had been one of two British vessels laying down underwater cable –this despite the boys’ insistence that during the night in question there was NO ship or boat on sight.
Benítez did corroborate the existence of two oceanographic ships, the British Enterprise Two and the C.S. Monarch, which had been hired by a Spanish subcontractor to conduct work for the Telefónica phone company. According to GEIFO, the Monarch had been the one near the coast on the night of September 29th; yet their first mistake was in stating the ship was laying down the cable, whereas in fact they were conducting preliminary prospecting of the littoral.
It took some hard work, but in the end Benítez managed to uncover 3 important pieces of the puzzle:
When the Monarch started working in the area (September 18) its position was 60 miles away from the coast, which was too far to have been able to be spotted from the beach (not to mention the witnesses started to observe the red UFO on the night of September 14th).
On the night of September 29th the meteorological report indicated the weather conditions were inadequate for any medium-to-large ship to even approach the coast, due to the strong winds winds mixed with the low tide and the littoral currents.
But the coup’ de grace came when Benítez was able to contact captain, J. A. B. Simkins –Chairman and Chief Executive of BT Marine, the oceanographic fleet which owned the Monarch– who on July of 1990 wrote him a letter stating the approximate position of their vessel during the night in question (36º 23′ N, 06º 44′ W), placing it 30 miles away from the Bateles beach. Consider how during the best viewing conditions, the horizon line on the sea only extends 8 miles.
And if that is not enough, here’s a link to Benítez’s own web page describing the Conil case, where if you scroll down you can find a scanned copy of Simkins’ letter. In it one can read the final nail in GEIFO’s coffin:
“[During our operation] (W)e would not have employed frogmen.”
Check. And mate.
As an aside note, Benítez also managed to discover (according to an article written by Bruno Cardeñosa published by the magazine Año Cero in 1996) that around the time of the incidents two individuals bearing the characteristics of the ‘changeling’ couple were lodging on a small guest house in Conil around the days of the encounter; these ‘tourists’ registered themselves using the passports of German citizens who, supposedly, hadn’t abandoned their country in those days –unfortunately, La Quinta Columna doesn’t mention this detail, nor can further information be found in Benítez’s website.
But wait, there’s more! Benítez also uncovered another interesting part to this mystery: On the nights from Sept 27th to Sept 30th, the military radar station located in Algeciras (Cádiz) suffered an inexplicable malfunction, which rendered the whole Conil area ‘dark’ during the period in which the alleged UFO activity and close encounter took place. Coincidence, or did someone (or something) was trying to avoid detection?
Benítez’s detective job showed GEIFO’s main argument failed to convincingly explain the events that took place at Conil. But although it proved the UFO was not a British oceanographic ship, and the humanoids were not British scuba divers, it can’t unfortunately substantiate the testimony of the witnesses and what they claimed they saw.
Corroboration to their fantastic story did take place, though; albeit indirectly and in the typical inconclusive manner in which the phenomenon tends to conduct itself…
The Return
How many UFO hunters, I wonder, feel as if they are doomed to always remain 2 steps behind their ‘prey’? Always trying to document cases, interview witnesses and collect whatever evidence remains AFTER the objects and their occupants take off or leave the area; but never having the chance, just for once, of actually be able to witness the high strangeness with their own eyes.
Well, for local UFO hunter Jesús Borrego López that was about to change when he decided to travel to Conil in search for more answers on October 15th. A police officer of 44 years old assigned to the Security and Control office of the Cádiz town hall, Borrego López easily managed to locate four of the witnesses (Loli, Isabel and the two Pedros) who politely accepted to answer his questions.
Once they finished talking at one of the witnesses’ home, the researcher asked them to accompany him to the Bateles beach, which they accepted even though it was already late at night. Once Borrego López was satisfied with his field survey, he invited the group of boys and girls to a local bar for a refreshment, where they remained lively discussing the incident.
It was around 10:35 pm when the group instantly fell silent, because they had all taken notice of a strange couple crossing in front of them toward the sea. Borrego López was the first to say “have you noticed the forehead of that man?”
The youngsters said nothing and kept looking at the odd individual and each other in total amazement. Borrego López insisted: “look at his height! He measures 2 meters tall, easily!”
The boys finally dared to open their mouth, confirming that was indeed the same ‘man’ and ‘woman’ they had observed leaving the Bateles beach after their ‘transformation’ inside the ‘sand trench’.
The male with the prominent cranium was walking 2 steps ahead of his female partner. Like the witnesses had described in their original testimony, he had long blond hair reaching up to his shoulders, and was wearing a denim attire which looked somewhat worn out and tightly fit. The woman was way above regular height (1.90 meters) and wore similar clothes as her less-conspicuous companion.
Borrego López and Pedro Sánchez quickly got up the table and left two of the witnesses behind, with the clear intention of intersecting the couple who were ahead of them by at least 150 meters.
“Visibility was perfect,” Borrego López reported later to Benítez, “despite the fact the streetlights at the marine promenade were turned off (according to town hall’s regulations). But the night was very clear. There was a full moon and also low clouds reflecting the town’s illumination and lunar light over the sea.”
La Quinta Columna (The Fifth Column). The book where Benítez narrates (among many other encounter reports) the events surrounding the Conil case
Yet despite these optimal viewing conditions, and the fact the two UFO hunter and his young sidekick were keeping pace with the odd couple, the individuals suddenly vanished in front of Borrego López and Pedro’s very eyes. Bewildered, the two chasers looked in all directions, but their pursuants were nowhere to be found.
The unexpected disappearance raised goosebumps on both Pedro and the seasoned researcher, who had now become another witness of this incredible case. But the surprises were not over: When they both looked toward the east they noticed what looked like a ‘black dot’ the size of a soccer ball approaching rapidly from the sea shore.
Meanwhile the two other kids they had left at the bar joined them in time to observe the dark ‘ball’ which kept moving toward them at a preternatural speed. As it got nearer, the witnesses saw how its shape started to change; its trajectory became more erratic, at times looking as if it was floating above the ground, and at others as if it was being ‘yanked’ or ‘dragged’ by an invisible force.
The group continued to observe the mesmerizing vision, until they finally realized the incoming dark mass was actually a human figure; though its legs were moving so fast they were a mere blur.
When the ‘sprinter’ was just 60 meters away from the witnesses, it stopped. It was a woman! She was standing in front of the group very close to the water age, and without any warning she removed the upper portion of her clothes to reveal her female curves, and started walking toward the Roche cape, faraway in the west. And when she had put some distance between herself and the astonished group, these observed yet another figure who joined her and watched the two individuals lose themselves in the night.
According to their later calculations given the apparent size of the figure from their position, the strange female had managed to traverse a distance of 4 kilometers in around 45 seconds; something impossible to achieve even with a land vehicle. Not to mention the woman didn’t raise a tremendous wake of sand while racing through the beach, nor even make any discernible noise.
Had that been the same man and woman Borrego López and Pedro had tried to pursue? Or were they an additional element to this absurd stage play, intended to distract the witnesses the same way the ten-foot-tall giant had done on the night of September 29th, when it showed itself floating inches above the ground while the couple of changelings were making their move toward the anonymity of the Conil streets?
Whatever the case, the only thing Borrego López could do was analyze the footprints left by the (original) couple before they vanished. While the tracks made by the woman were very light and faintly discernible, the man’s were very profound; so much so that Borrego López estimated the individual had to weigh more than 100 kilograms. The size and shape were consistent with the ones found by the youngsters on the night of the 29th, not only in their unusual shape and monstrous size, but also due to the fact the researcher found tracks hinting how whomever made them, had been apparently making strange swirls as if going in circles –movements unobserved by neither Borrego López nor Pedro, the same way the original witnesses had watched the couple walk straight toward the town, yet they later found a great number of large footprints going in different directions.
After the ‘circles´, only one set of footprints was detectable… and it went straight into the water.
It was close to midnight when Borrego López confirmed there were no more tracks to be found in a 100-meter radius, and with that he was ready to call it a night. While he was advising his young acquaintances not to reveal to anyone what had transpired that night, Pedro suddenly yelled “here they come!”. Sure enough, the enigmatic couple was making yet another uncalled-for appearance right in front of the witnesses. One of the boys was (finally!) carrying a super-8 film camera and began recording the seemingly hurried movements of the couple as they passed by.
The man looked straight into Borrego López’s with cold, unfriendly eyes. His face was very pale. The woman on the other hand was stunningly beautiful, and she seemed to have somewhat oriental features, with her eyes slanted slightly at the edges and glimpsing at the gathering of witnesses with an expression of animosity or nervousness. The seasoned UFO hunter noticed both their clothes were completely dry, which ran counter to the evidence of the tracks heading into the sea.
The witnesses never dared to address the couple. They just kept staring at them until, for the second time, they reached the streets of Conil and were lost out of sight. They didn’t return that night, nor any other subsequent night.
When they revealed the Super-8 film, nothing appeared on screen. ‘Convenient’ would say the hardcore skeptic; ‘customary’ would reply the experienced Fortean, who knows fully well these sort of things happen all the time.
The Epilogue
Our tale has basically come to an end, which doesn’t mean the UFO activity in the area fully ceased; Benítez reveals other interesting incidents near Conil during that time of 1989 in his book La Quinta Columna –including the observation of another giant being by a local artisan on the morning on September 22nd. Further confirming the supposition made by few people in the UFO field –including yours truly– that high strangeness events almost never happen in isolation; rather, it seems the ‘energy’ conducing to these manifestations slowly increases, until a final dramatic ‘crisis’ unfolds.
And if someone needs further confirmation that the year 1989 was exceptionally ‘charged’ with high strangeness, we but need to remind our dear Coppertops of another remarkable close encounter report, which happened just two days before the Conil case: I’m talking of course about the landing in the Russian city of Voronezh, where children and other witnesses interacted with giant humanoids and robotic entities.
Which begs the question: Why does the phenomenon chooses to manifest so prominently in places like Voronezh, or in Conil de la Frontera?
The Conclusion
In the comic book world, the Marvels mini-series created by Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross holds a prominent place because it managed to show all the familiar stories of the Marvel super-heroes from a fresh new perspective: That of the human bystanders, who are forced to observe their actions and epic battles of these god-like beings from a safe distance, not fully understanding their motives or even what’s really going on.
When I think of the Conil case, I feel it is a similar situation. Because this amazing story is far more suggestive by what it doesn’t reveal, than by what it actually does. The testimony of the main witnesses feels like broken pieces of a larger puzzle, hinting to a bigger tapestry of events that took place covertly in that placid beach town of Cádiz, which we will probably never fully understand.
Comparing Conil with a comic book story may look like a cheap literary trick on my behalf, yet it you think about it there are MANY aspects of this close encounter that seem almost plucked out of a pulp novel or a Sci-Fi B-movie. Forget about the grotesque appearance of the male ‘changeling’, which we already equated to that of the extraterrestrial invaders in This Island Earth (1955) or how the ten-foot-tall giant is slightly reminiscent of Gort in the classic The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) –at least in the sense of how it seems to serve as a ‘protector’ of the couple, by distracting the attention of the witnesses away from them. Consider also how there’s this strong link between the humanoids’ ability to transform themselves into a human form, and the ability of the extraterrestrial visitor portrayed by Jeff Bridges in the 1984 movie Starman to do the same thing –and do you remember the main form of ‘technology’ shown by this alien? That’s right: small metallic spheres which glowed with a blue light. Sound familiar?
Make no mistake, my dear Coppertops: Those who read the previous paragraph as an attempt to shoot down the case on my part, should do well to grab a copy of Jeffrey Kripal’s book Mutants & Mystics. Kripal is a scholar of comparative religious studies at Rice University, and rather than being skeptic on the subject of UFOs and paranormal phenomena –his last book was co-authored with Whitley Strieber– he points out there’s an undeniable ‘cross-pollination’ between these type of events and the pop culture we consume in our literature, television and films; to the point that trying to play ‘chicken-and-the-egg’ between fantasy tales and paranormal cases becomes a rather tricky proposition…
Because the truth of the matter is that stories of paranormal agencies infiltrating our world in human guise have existed way before the existence of Sci-Fi movies, or even cinematography. In fact, such folklore goes back centuries –if not millennia– into the dawn of Time. Oxford scholar W.Y. Evans-Wentz managed to gather the remnants of the belief in the Fey folk in his seminal book The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries (1911), and talked to a lot of honest, hard-working country folk who still believed –or had actually interacted– with these elusive beings who from time to time chose to meddle in the affairs of men:
“They are able to appear in different forms. One once appeared to me, and seemed only four feet high, and stoutly built. He said “I am bigger than I appear to you know. We can make the old young, the big small, the small big.”
The Celtic peasants also believed lakes and bodies of water acted as ‘bridges’ or conduits in which the transmutation from the human to the fairy state took place. But if that is the case… couldn’t the OPPOSITE be also possible? Could water be a medium by which liminal beings could get entrance into our world? Both Evans-Wentz and Guillermo Del Toro would probably concur…
When you boil them down to their bare essence, and you stop the bickering caused by either trying to validate or debunk a given case, the true main difference between fictional stories and factual close encounters is that Fiction HAS TO MAKE SENSE. A novel or movie plot needs to have a core of consistency in order to make all the elements fall into place.
Finding sense in the events that took place in Conil on the night of September 29th is practically impossible: If what Juan José Benítez reveals in La Quinta Columna concerning the military radar station which remained inoperable during those days is true, then it would hint the beings making their appearance at the Bateles Beach wanted to perform their infiltration activities covertly, away from the eyes of the Spanish government; yet if that is the case, then WHY choose a tourist town, instead of a more remote location? WHY suffer the presence of pesky human interlopers near them? WHY was Pedro González the only one in the group who could see the giant at first? WHY perform their shape-shifting spectacle lying down on a beach, instead of the safety of their own ‘craft’ (if that is what the ‘red moon’ observed by the witnesses was)? WHY the imperfect transformation, which still rendered the male with such abnormal-looking facial features? WHY the incapacity to cover the unusual shape and size of their tracks?
…And WHY O WHY the need to reappear in front of the witnesses not once, but twice??
These are just a few of the open questions left by the Conil case. How one chooses to approach them tells more about one’s personal opinion about the UFO phenomenon, than about what really happened on that fateful night. In a polarizing world demanding to view things as either ‘black’ or ‘white’, I personally feel this case was always meant to remain ‘gray’. I consider the actions allegedly performed by the entities manifesting at Conil de la Frontera as *deliberately* absurd; like a well-crafted act enacted for the benefit of the young witnesses, who also had a part to perform in this play, even if they didn’t know it or were capable or comprehend it. The high strangeness of this encounter is both equally suggestive of non-human intervention, while at the same time being sufficiently devoid of enough concrete evidence so that almost 30 years after the story broke, it sadly remains scarcely known outside the Spanish-speaking UFO community.
“We want you to believe in us,” said one of the UFOnauts who abducted patrolman Herbert Schirmer in 1967, “… but not too much.” If the tall blond who left those inhuman footprints on the Bateles beach had ever opened his mouth and talked to the witnesses, he might have said similar words. Just as it was in 1989, his cold eyes remain an open question hinting at answers that could be not just incomprehensible… but also deeply unsettling.
Since the 17th century, scientists and astronomers have searched for clues of life on Mars through every method available to them. While the search for Martian life began by peering through telescopes, we now have the ability to send autonomous robotic rovers to the Martian surface to dig through the soil by hand. Creepy robotic hand, that is.
That’s some nice soil you got there. It’d be a shame if someone roved all over it.
While concrete evidence of life on Mars has yet to be found, there have been some recent promising developments. Evidence of flowing water on Mars, including a massive underground frozen lake, has been found which gives some hope to the theory that where there is water, there is likely life. However, scientists are still uncertain if the geological and atmospheric conditions of the planet are hospitable for any forms of life. Just last year, however, a team of Dutch scientists found that Martian soil – the most abundant resource on the barren planet – is capable of sustaining plant life.
Lead author Rebecca Mickol, left, poses with her Martian pressure chamber.
Now, more promisingly, a new research project at the NASA-funded University of Arkansas Center for Space and Planetary Sciences have found that Mars could indeed have the necessary conditions to sustain certain microbial life forms. The study resolved one of the most enduring questions surrounding life on Mars: whether or not any life could withstand the low Martian atmospheric pressure. To test this question, researchers placed four separate species of methanogens – microbes which survive on ambient hydrogen and carbon dioxide – into a hypobaric chamber which simulated conditions on Mars. According to the published data, the microbes survived for days, meaning they could hypothetically survive the Martian climate:
The study reported here tested the survivability of four methanogen species under low pressure conditions approaching average martian surface pressure (6 mbar – 143 mbar) in an aqueous environment. Each of the four species survived exposure of varying length (3 days – 21 days) at pressures down to 6 mbar.
The Martian atmosphere pressure ranges anywhere from one-hundredth to one-thousandth of Earth’s. Water does not easily stay liquid at pressures so low, which could be one reason why liquid water has yet to be found on the Red Planet. Despite the lack of water, this research shows that life could exist in places we haven’t examined yet, such as deep below the Martian surface.
The methanogens survived for several days. If there are microbes on Mars, they are likely more adapted to the environment than puny Earth microbes.
In a NASA press release, lead researcher Rebecca Mickol stated that while this study gives researchers hope in the search for life on Mars, more testing is of course needed before any firm conclusions can be drawn:
These experiments show that for some species, low pressure may not really have any effect on the survival of the organism. The next step is to also include temperature.
Temperatures on Mars fall far below temperatures found on Earth, meaning any potential life on Mars would have to survive an extremely inhospitable environment. However, given that microbial life has been found in some of the most inhospitable depths of our own planet, it’s not an impossibility that life might indeed be somewhere on Mars.
We may be able to holiday on the moon within the next decade, experts claim.
Now, one designed has created a novel spacecraft concept that he claims would someday ferry tourists, supplies and equipment to the lunar surface within two days - as long as you have $10 million (£8 million) to spare.
The concept, dubbed Cycler, is based on technology available today, and could even take people to asteroids and Mars once its reliability and safety are proven.
If you're desperate to explore the solar system beyond our planet, there's good news – a novel spacecraft concept could soon let you go to the moon. The Cycler is a novel spacecraft that could ferry people, supplies and equipment to the lunar surface
- Main part is made up of three inflatable space wagons
- Each wagon would be manned by four astronauts and could transport 12 passengers
- Each wagon would have two modules to be used as command centres and emergency escape vehicles
- A tail behind the main module would serve as space cargo hold
- The Cycler will leave Earth at 40,000km/hr (25,000 mph) before slowing to an orbital speed of 8,000km/hr (5,000 mph)
- A master rocket at one end of the spacecraft would control most of the movements, while smaller rocket thrusters would control the direction
The Cycler is the brainchild of Montreal-based Charles Bombardier of Imaginactive, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to 'inspire future generations to create the future of mobility'.
Mr Bombardier said: 'I believe that a spacecraft like the Cycler could serve as a modular prototype to test multiple technologies assembled together and demonstrate on a small scale that this vision can be accomplished.
'It would also become a way to 'kickstart' the space tourism industry and develop space travel.'
The spacecraft concept is designed using technology from several other space firms, including Bigelow Aerospace, Masten Space Systems, and SpaceX.
Its main body would be comprised of Bigelow Aerospace's inflatable B330 modules, which would be linked together to form a series of three space wagons.
Each wagon would be manned by four astronauts and would each be capable of transporting up to 12 passengers, who would probably be space tourists going on the six-day trip around the moon.
On each wagon there would be two modules based on the SpaceX Dragon, which would serve as both command centres, radiation safe havens, and emergency escape vehicles.
The main part of The Cycler would be Bigelow Aerospace's inflatable B330 modules, which would be linked together to form a series of three space wagons. Each wagon would be manned by four astronauts and would each be capable of transporting up to 12 passengers, most of whom would probably be space tourists going on the six-day trip around the moon
Forming a 'tail' behind the three B3330s there would be a 100 foot (30.5 metre) long space cargo hold, used to secure cargo brought to orbit by rockets
The spacecraft concept is designed using technology from several other space firms, including Bigelow Aerospace, Masten Space Systems, and SpaceX. Pictured are Bigelow Aerospace's inflatable B330 modules
The first B330 could be used as private sleeping quarters for the passengers, while the middle module could be used for daily activities, as a viewing lounge, and a dining area.
The third one would serve as storage and the crew's sleeping quarters.
Forming a 'tail' behind the three B3330s there would be a 100 foot (30.5 metre) long space cargo hold, used to secure cargo brought to orbit by rockets.
When the Cycler leaves Earth, it will be going at an astounding 40,000 km/hour (25,000 mph), before slowing down to a constant orbital speed of 8,000 km/hour (5,000 mph) after leaving Earth's atmosphere.
This means the spacecraft would need approximately two days to travel to the moon.
A master rocket at one end of the spacecraft would control most of the movements, while smaller rocket thrusters would control the direction of the Cycler.
To land material on the moon, a lunar landing vehicle equipped with new 'Xaxxon' rockets could be designed and built by Masten Space Systems.
Within the next ten years, the word 'honeymoon' might start to live up to its name.
Newly-wed couples could celebrate their love with a trip to our satellite, according to the founder of a a space exploration company called Moon Express.
The company wants to team up with Elon Musk's SpaceX to get humans there.
Naveen Jain, the founder of Moon Express, has said his start-up is willing to work with Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, in a recent interview.
'It's very complimentary as a matter of fact…Elon will build the rocket and we do the rover. 'Essentially, he lays the cables and we do the last mile,' Mr Jain told CNBC in an interview in Helsinki, Finland.
Moon Express hopes to mine our satellite for materials like platinum-group metals, rare earth metals, helium-3 and moon rocks.
But it now seems the company also wants to be a part of getting humans to the moon. Mr Jain said within the next ten years, the cost of going to the moon could become as cheap as $10,000 (£7,921).
The spacecraft also takes inspiration from SpaceX and Masten Space Systems. Pictured left is the SpaceX Dragon, which would serve as both command centres, radiation safe havens, and emergency escape vehicles, and pictured right is the Xaero rocket by Masten Space Systems, which would inspire the 'Xaxxon' rocket on the Cycler
This vehicle's purpose would be to meet with the Cycler, pick up cargo ejected during a lunar fly-by, and land it safely on the moon's surface using rocket landers.
But a trip to the moon wouldn't be cheap.
When asked how much a six-day trip would cost, Mr Bombardier told MailOnline: 'That is one tricky question.
'Probably between $5 million - $10 million (£4 million - £8 million). So it will definitely be for ultra wealthy individuals.
'However it would be a good way to create jobs and develop the space industry because with volume the price will go down and most probably entrepreneurs will find more affordable ways to go into space over time.'
When the Cycler leaves Earth, it will be going at an astounding 40,000 km/hour (25,000 mph), before slowing down to a constant orbital speed of 8,000 km/hour (5,000mph) after leaving Earth's atmosphere. This means the spacecraft would need approximately two days to travel to the moon
The U.S. Air Force protocol for UFO sightings from 1958 has finally been declassified.
On Tuesday, a large collection of about 930,000 CIA documents were made available online, including a file on UFOs. This file gives us insight on what steps the Air Force would take if a UFO was spotted.
Officially, a UFO was defined as “any airborne object which, by performance, aerodynamic characteristics or unusual features, does not conform to known aircraft or missiles.”
So let’s say it’s 1958, and you’re in the Air Force, and you spot a UFO zipping through the air. First thing’s first — you’d report all information and evidence of the sighting to your commanding officer, who would forward it to necessary personnel. Next, the Air Force would conduct a follow-up investigation on it. Then they would analyze the information and evidence from these sightings. Finally, they would release information on UFO sightings to the public and answer congressional inquiries about the UFO sighting.
When reporting a UFO sighting, one would have to describe the UFO’s shape, size, color, number, formation, sound, and other features, as well as the time, date, location, and weather conditions of the sighting.
If journalists, writers, publishers, or private civilians release unofficial information about a UFO sighting, the protocol says “every effort will be made to assure that these statements and theories are not associated with or represented as official information.”
There are many conspiracy theories flying around regarding UFOs and aliens and how the government has spent more than half a century covering up their sightings. For example, last summer, NASA shut down a live-stream of the International Space Station, and conspiracy theorists believed NASA was covering up an alien invasion. And when SpaceX’sFalcon 9 rocket exploded on the launchpad on September 1, conspiracy theorists said a UFO sabotaged the test (an investigation later found that the explosion originated from the rocket’s second stage liquid oxygen fuel tank).
But the CIA has released declassified files on UFOs before — it’s far from an unprecedented action. Last January, the agency released some documents and even photos of possible UFO sightings dated from between 1949 and 1953. And UFOs have been a political issue in the past. With an increasing number of reported UFO sightings in 1966, then-Congressman and future president Gerald Ford called upon Congress to conduct a “congressional inquiry” into these sightings.
Why was the Air Force so interested in UFOs? The reasons are in the name — an unidentified object has no known origin or explanation, and thus poses “a possible threat” to American security. Besides clearing away fears that the UFOs were hostile, the Air Force wanted to determine the scientific or technical characteristics of UFOs in case we were looking at some kind of highly advanced or experimental technology. And finally, if UFOs weren’t super-advanced flying ships, the Air Force simply wanted to get an explanation — however boring or benign — of what was causing people to see UFOs in the sky.
“Since the possibility cannot be ignored that UFOs reported may be hostile or new foreign air vehicles of unconventional design, it is imperative that sightings be reported rapidly, factually, and as completely as possible,” the document reads.
About 466 million years ago, before dinosaurs ruled the Earth, a giant collision broke an asteroid into pieces. These pieces were hurled to Earth as meteorites and transformed the meteorite landscape to what it is today.
In a study published Monday in Nature Astronomy, researchers found that many types of meteorites that are currently hit Earth only on rare occasions used to slam into the planet much more frequently.
“Looking at the kinds of meteorites that have fallen to Earth in the last hundred million years doesn’t give you a full picture,” lead author Philipp Heck of the Field Museum in Chicago said in a press release. “It would be like looking outside on a snowy winter day and concluding that every day is snowy, even though it’s not snowy in the summer.”
The giant collision at the center of this study happened during the Middle Ordovician period, which ranges from 458 to 470 million years ago. (Dinosaurs started appearing on Earth 230 million years ago, and one theory says their extinction was caused by an asteroid hitting Earth.)
By studying meteorites, scientists can better understand how the solar system developed. Since the meteorites and micrometeorites from over 466 million years ago are different from the ones that have fallen since then, most meteorites we see today are fragments of this collision.
The research team analyzed micrometeorites from about 467 million years ago that they found in a river valley in northwestern Russia. They then dissolved the rocks in acid so that only chromite crystals remained. These crystals remain unchanged, even after hundreds of millions of years. Using these crystals, scientists can find out what the original meteorite was made of.
“The conventional view is that the Solar System has been very stable over the past 500 million years,” coauthor Birger Schmitz of Sweden’s Lund University said in a press release. “So it is quite surprising that the meteorite flux at 467 million years ago was so different from the present.”
They also found micrometeorites from Vesta, an asteroid that experienced a collision over a billion years ago, causing a 500-km crater to form and filling the inner main asteroid belt with fragments.
Back then, up to 34 percent of meteorites before the collision are primitive achondrites, a type of meteorite. In contrast, only 0.45 percent of meteorites today are this kind.
Going forward, the team plans to study meteorites for other periods in the Earth’s geological past.
“Knowing more about the different kinds of meteorites that have fallen over time gives us a better understanding of how the Asteroid Belt evolved and how different collisions happened,” Heck said.
Photos via Don Davis, Southwest Research Institute.
Carl Sagan may have died back in 1996, but one of his predictions has some people a little tweaked out 21 years later.
Making the rounds on Twitter (but not so much to warrant a “viral” label) is a passage from Sagan’s Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark in which he forecasts a future where America’s manufacturing would be totally outsourced and people would be unable to question authority among grim possibilities.
Here’s the complete passage from Sagan’s 1995 book that has some people on edge:
“I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time — when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and whats true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.”
Director of Science Friday Charles Bergquist was the first to notice Sagan’s prediction and shared on Twitter a screenshot of the passage on Sunday.
It definitely has people talking, mesmerized by the iconic scientist’s words. Theoretical physicist Robert McNees tweeted, “Good grief, I couldn’t believe how spot-on that Carl Sagan quote was. I had to check to make sure it was accurate.”
While it’s great that major scientists like Sagan, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Bill Nye are treated like celebrities nowadays, it’s also vital to remember that these men can be wrong and sometimes their high profile ends up being detrimental to actual progress. People should probably take what these scientists say or tweet with a grain of salt.
Dan Seitz at Uproxxobserves that doomsayers tend to be wrong (looking at you, ancient Mayans who said we’d all be gone in 2012). Predicting a bleak future isn’t anything revolutionary. Somebody’s always going to be pessimistic about what’s next — that doesn’t necessarily mean that we should all lay down and let it take over.
Sagan’s prediction holds some legitimacy, but parts of it can also be debunked. Yes, China beats out the United States when it comes to manufacturing. But the United States is still the second most competitive manufacturing economy. Also, “awesome technological powers” aren’t in the hands of “a very few.” According to a 2015 Pew Research Center report, 64 percent of Americans own a smartphone of some kind. And the approximately 470,000 people in the women’s march just in Washington, D.C. will probably contest that they know how to “knowledgeably question those in authority.”
Then there are those that are genuinely intrigued by Sagan’s prediction and are questioning whether or not he’s actually a time traveler.
OK, they’re probably all joking, because you know, time travel’s practically unattainable, according to experts.
Fittingly enough, the prediction comes from the same book that Sagan touts the “fine art of baloney detection,” also known how to recognize bullshit when it lands right on your face. While there definitely is some truth to Sagan’s prediction, it might be worth it to evaluate all parts of before choking on some fake deli meat.
An object spotted flying by the International Space Station moments after its livestream went dead has conspiracy theorists claiming NASA is covering up proof of a UFO.
In the footage, an object seems to be floating above the planet.
The man that spotted the object says it is definitely a UFO, but this is unlikely.
There are many alternative explanations - like reflections from the station windows or lights from Earth - that could explain the sighting.
Scroll down for video
An object spotted flying by the International Space Station moments after its livestream went dead has conspiracy theorists claiming NASA is covering up proof of a UFO. The object is circled in red
While it is not always possible to determine exactly what these objects are during the brief period they appear in the stream, there are a number possible explanations for these types of sightings.
In the past, a Nasa spokesperson has explained, 'Reflections from station windows, the spacecraft structure itself or lights from Earth commonly appear as artefacts in photos and videos from the orbiting laboratory.'
John Craddick, from Wolverhampton, told the Sun he was sitting with a friend, teaching him how to use the Nasa live feed when he spotted the object on Friday 20 January.
'I've been watching it for years but never seen any UFOs on it before,' he said.
'At first it was really small and then it grew bigger, lasting for about 25 seconds.'
Mr Craddick said 'there's nothing human which can fly that high', which he took as evidence it was a UFO.
While it is not always possible to determine exactly what these objects are during the brief period they appear in the stream, there are a number possible explanations for these types of sightings.
'It is astonishing how many UFOs are seen buzzing around the ISS, but like this video there is usually a simple explanation for them,' Nigel Watson, UFO expert and author of the UFO Investigations Manual, told MailOnline.
'This could well be a lens reflection that appears and then goes as the light changes, giving the impression of an extraterrestrial space coming into view and then cruising out of sight.
'Many UFOs caught by the ISS's cameras can be also be explained as images of space junk or satellites in the distance, and even very small flecks of paint or particles can appear like UFOs when caught by the bright light from the sun.'
In the past, a Nasa spokesperson has explained, 'Reflections from station windows, the spacecraft structure itself or lights from Earth commonly appear as artefacts in photos and videos from the orbiting laboratory.'
John Craddick, from Wolverhampton, told the Sun he was sitting with a friend, teaching him how to use the Nasa live feed when he spotted the object on Friday 20 January
Mr Craddick said 'there's nothing human which can fly that high', which he took as evidence it was a UFO. Pictured is the mysterious object disappearing out of sight
This is just the latest in a series of claims Nasa footage shows UFOs before cuttin out.
In footage from the ISS channel uploaded to YouTube by user ColdPyro in November last year, a white speck can be seen emerging from the darkness just above Earth's horizon.
Right before the 'UFO' travels out of view, the feed cuts to a grey screen, followed by a statement asking users to 'please stand by' due to technical issues.
ISS feed cut off as possible UFO flies by space station
A fast-moving object spotted flying by the International Space Station moments before its livestream went dead has conspiracy theorists claiming NASA is covering up proof of a UFO. The white speck can be seen emerging from the darkness just above Earth's horizon
The object in question can only be seen for a moment – it emerges around the 5-second mark, just to the left of center in the frame, and then the feed cuts out to grey just two seconds later. A blue screen follows this, and then a statement
While many viewers may not have noticed anything out of the ordinary, UFO hunters claim the 'amazing footage' shows the appearance of a mysterious spacecraft.
'This was found on the official ISS channel it appears a UFO comes into frame and the feed it then immediately cut,' wrote YouTuber ColdPyro.
The object in question can only be seen for a moment – it emerges around the 5-second mark, just to the left of center in the frame, and then the feed cuts out to grey just two seconds later.
A blue screen follows this, and then a statement:
'Please stand by. The High Definition Earth Viewing experiment is either switching cameras, or we are experiencing a temporary loss of signal with the International Space Station.'
This isn't the first time UFO hunters have spotted something strange near the ISS.
Just last month, alien enthusiasts claimed a strange light captured in the livestream was a glowing blue UFO hovering close to the space station.
And in September, it was argued that footage from the ISS showed two UFOs traveling around a progress capsule, a feature that's used to supply the station.
People who doubt the moon landings are more likely to be selfish and attention-seeking, according to a study earlier this year.
Over the course of three online-based studies, researchers at the University of Kent showed strong links between the belief in conspiracy theories and negative psychological traits.
In the first study, a total of 202 participants completed questionnaires on conspiracy beliefs, asking how strongly they agreed with specific statements, such as whether governments carried out acts of terrorism on their own soil.
Alongside this, they were asked to complete a narcissist scale and a self-esteem assessment.
The results showed that those people who rated highly on the narcissism scale and who had low self-esteem were more likely to be conspiracy believers.
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Buzz Aldrin: On the Moon we were ordered by aliens to move away
Buzz Aldrin: On the Moon we were ordered by aliens to move away
Here are the statements by the former astronauts:
Professor: What really happened out of Apollo 11?
Buzz Aldrin: An amazing thing, even though we have always known of this possibility. The fact is that they (aliens) have ordered us to turn away!.
Professor: What do you mean “warned to move away”?
Buzz Aldrin: I can not go into details, there are structures on the Moon, and not ours. I can only say that their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology. Wow if you were big! … And menacing!
Professor: But NASA also sent to the moon missions after Apollo 11 ….
Buzz Aldrin: Naturally, NASA had already announced at that time, and could not risk panic on Earth .
According to the American ufologist Vladimir Azhazha, “Buzz Aldrin said to Mission Control that two large unknown objects were watching him and Aldrin after landing on the moon. But this message was never heard by the public, because NASA censored it. “But a 2006 video interview made astronaut Buzz Aldrin, it is analyzed the footage of the meeting between the Apollo 11:02 UFO. This was just one of many “encounters” with aliens, duration the journey to the moon.
Aleksandr Kasantesev says Buzz Aldrin made a color film of the UFO from inside the ship, and continued filming them, Buzz Aldrin and himself even when they were out. Buzz Aldrin confirmed that the story was true but refused to give more details, then admitted that the CIA wanted to hide the incident.
It should also add that for some time circulating on the Internet an audio file that contains the conversation between the astronauts and control center in Houston, captured from various terrestrial radio stations frequency ultra-fast, before NASA suppressed in the telecast that illustrated the ‘ arrival of Apollo XI on the moon (NASA despite assertions to the contrary, there was in fact a slight shift between the real-Apollo NASA communications and those relayed to the world).
Here is the full text:
Astronaut 1: But what is that?
Astronaut 2: Do you have an explanation?
Houston: Do not worry, stick to the program!
Astronaut 1: My God, it’s amazing, that’s great, do not you could ever imagine!
Houston: We know this, go to the other side!
Astronaut 1: What the hell is that? It’s amazing …… God … but what is it? So, you tell me?
Houston: Change frequency, use Tango, Tango!
Astronaut 1: Then it is a form of life, that one!
Houston: Change frequency.
Houston: Use Tango Bravo, Bravo Tango, choose Jezebel, Jezebel!
Astronaut: …… yes! Matutto … .. this is incredible!
Earth Size UFOs Visiting Our Sun On Daily Basis, NASA Ignores It, Video, January 24, 2017, UFO Sighting News.
Earth Size UFOs Visiting Our Sun On Daily Basis, NASA Ignores It, Video, January 24, 2017, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 24, 2017 Location of sighting: Earths Sun Source: NASA/SOHO images This video with many UFOs near our sun was made by UFOnearSun of Youtube also famously known as Myunhauzen74 among UFO researchers. I have been following his discoveries for years and every video causes me to wonder how NASA could ignore this information and not confess to the public about moon size alien craft making regular visits to our sun. The UFO in the above photo is actually 2-3 times the size of Earth itself. In the photo above, the visible part is only a section of the craft. 70% of its hidden in the shadows. Scott C. Waring
Here is a great UFO report from and we were lucky enough to get hold of a copy of the original video from UFO researcher Andries Riphagen of Youtube. When you see something like this in the sky you have to wonder where it came from, but I am glad that the local residents say that they will keep and eye out for its return. We may be getting more footage in the coming months of this UFO from a new angle. I believe the cycles within circles are due to the energy pulse or flow of the energy around the UFO causing this effect. As the eyewitnesses said, it only had the waves in photos, but not with the naked eye. Scott C. Waring
Inexplicata states: Colombia: Mysterious Phenomenon in the Skies Northeast of Antioquía Residents of Segovia and Remedios were bewildered around 9 o'clock in the evening by a phenomenon looking like a static red fireball in the middle of the dark sky. This region of Northeastern Antioquía is rich not only in gold, but also in stories of witchcraft and sorcerers, so local residents would find nothing odd in having a "supernatural" force making itself visible. Yen Milea Bran, who took photos and made cellphone recordings like many others, said that her family and neighbors took to the streets - in the La Cruzada district in Remedios - to see a sort of "very bright star" that hung in the heavens for some three minutes before disappearing,. "It looked like a very large, shining star, lighting everything around it. But when recorded with the cellphone, it wasn't captured the way one's eyes perceived it. It looked like a fireball and in some images it displayed hypnotic circles," added the young woman. Many hypotheses have been put forth about the phenomenon, which had never been seen in the skies of northeastern Antioquía. "Many say it could be a UFO. Others say it could be a portal to another world. Others say it is surely a sign that the end is near and that we should repent, and others say that it has something to do with astronomy, that a star had surely exploded into a fireball," Yen Milenia explained. The images have already been inspected in the Planetarium of Antioquía’s capital city, and have yet to ascertain its true nature. Angela Perez, the astronomical coordinator, noted that the possibilities range from unidentified flying objects, to an optic phenomenon with the lens or a fire balloon. "Objects that cannot be identified are UFOs. However, the term is generally associated with spaceships and other things, but this cannot be said to be the answer until any other possibility has been discarded. Let's say that given the image's brightness, it could be one of those little balloons that get sent aloft with a candle inside," Pérez explained. The fact of the matter is that some residents intend to be vigilant these days to see if the mysterious phenomenon stages a return. [Translation (c) 2017 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
Silver Disk Seen Over Sutherland Springs, Texas During Day, Jan 21, 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Silver Disk Seen Over Sutherland Springs, Texas During Day, Jan 21, 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting:January 21, 2017
Location of sighting: Sutherland Springs, Texas, USA
News source: MUFON #81691
Here is a cool sighting just in today. A thick silver disk was moving over Texas when a guy noticed it and snapped four photos before the UFO shot off. You will notice some dark rectangles on the UFO, those are windows. Its very rare to get such a sweet shot of a UFO during daylight hours. Because of this, we can clearly make out the windows as well as its metallic shell. The UFO also has a rigged look to it instead of a smooth even look.
Now, this reminds me of the Stephenville UFO incident that took place back in January 8, 2008. It happened just 140 miles from this new sighting at Sutherland Springs. It too was metallic but it was a rectangle craft that was 300 meters long and seen by hundreds including the local sherif, but the UFO then continued making a bee line to Presidents Bush ranch near Crawford...after that the gov says the UFO was off radar, but we all know radar will cover the Bush ranch. All this happened not far from this new sighting. I believe they are connected. But is it a secret USAF project making these part alien part human craft or is it truly 100% alien?
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
Witness was loading PVC pipe into the back of his pick-up parked at the diesel pump at the VP gas station / convenience store on Hwy 87 in Sutherland Springs. Witness was facing southeast when he first saw the object to the southeast. It's silver reflective color caught his attention (mid day, bright sunlight). It was hovering approximately 450 feet southeast of witness's position, about 300-400 off the ground, to the right / SE of Hwy 87. Witness had no idea what it could be so he continued to watch it. He describes the object as a silver disc about 8 - 10 feet in diameter. Did not see any other markings or shapes (ie dome, lights, etc). From it's hovering position it made an "erratic" sudden move to the right (south)then ascended somewhat, tilted and began moving off toward the northeast, crossing Hwy 87. Witness took out is cell phone and took four photos as the object flew off toward the north. Witness describes the motion of the object as it was flying off as an extended arc, similar to skeet being launched on a gun range.
Witness remained in has position behind his truck throughout the sighting. He did not hear, smell or sense anything else from the object. The sighting lasted approximately 45 seconds from when it was first noticed until it flew out of sight. Witness states that later in the day, he felt some anxiety, but does not think this was related to this sighting.
A UFO in the Russian skies has brought amazement to some Russian sky watchers who thought it was something unusual airborne object. Initially, the video shows a lattice-like sphere of light that appears nothing more than an ordinary small light in the sky.
However, when the woman who filmed the event zoomed in, the bright thing seemed more like a giant ball with visible microstructures within.
According to the report, the object appears like a tiny sea creature under a microscope.
The object’s scale is somewhat emphasized as the sky gazer filming the event zooms in and out. Many observers believe that the thing is too small to be the moon but too big to be any other identifiable objects.
When something appears to be moving on the surface of the UFO, the videographer notices a grey strip running on it. She can be heard in the background talking about the particular moment.
The UFO was filmed in the sky over the city of Ryazan in western Russia. As of date, no information yet on the nature of the mysterious aerial thing.
Luminous spheres usually come from an atmospheric phenomenon called ball lightning, but they are much smaller than the one caught in the video. They range from a pea size to a few meters in diameter. Furthermore, these luminous spheres only last a few seconds before exploding or disappearing.
Triangle UFO captured over National City, California 23-Jan-2017
Triangle UFO captured over National City, California 23-Jan-2017
This UFO video of a triangular-shaped formation was taken over National City in California on 23rd January 2017.
Witness report:
These 3 fire like lights were just hovering inside a big rain cloud. You see halfways through that the one of the left starts to fade away or go into the horizon. My batteries were low on my cell phone but after this video a 4th light appeared to the right of the street lamp and the one that had disappeared re-appeared. This happened around 8:15pm Pacific Time.
Unknown lights caught on tape over Goodyear, Arizona – January 2017
Unknown lights caught on tape over Goodyear, Arizona – January 2017
Check out this interesting UFO sighting video of a bright unidentified flying object hovering above Goodyear in Arizona. This was filmed this month (in January 2017).
What do you think about this footage? Please leave your comments below.
Witness report:
My daughter and I were driving at night in the dark when we noticed 4 lights that looked very bright above the distant mountains. Four of them lined up next to one another from right to left. They stayed stationary for a few moments and then 1 would fly swiftly away from the others leaving 3 in a linear horizontal line before it disappeared. It would spontaneously reappear and then fly above the other 3, move left again and then realign with the other 4 leaving 4 brightly shining in the sky. We also saw a distant airplane but it appeared farther away, higher and with blinking lights.
The UFOS we saw were solid bright white/yellow and were brilliant against the night sky. They flew fluidly, and would move great lengths across the sky in an instant, disappearing and reappearing. They were much larger than stars in the sky and brighter than the brightest star. We felt excited and in awe, and happy they would reappear so we could get good pictures and videos. Our neighbors also saw them while out driving. We finally left to go home. We have seen them before in a dark night sky over the Estrella mountains to the East. They are common in this part of Goodyear. We see them several times a year.
Portugal UFO sighting: Huge object appears and disappears 17-Jan-2017
Portugal UFO sighting: Huge object appears and disappears 17-Jan-2017
Here’s one new footage of a huge bright lights that appeared over Portugal. This happened on 17th January 2017.
Witness report:
Yesterday around 10 pm in the sky a bright, static light of white color was captured “increasing and decreasing the density of light. Enthusiast of the ovnology and collaborator of Ufo Portugal of the parish of Maceira, Leiria, has sighted and filmed in the same place hundreds of UFOs in the space of 4 years.
The stargazer films the weird phenomenon in the sky as her dog cannot stop barking.
He growls at the hovering orb as if frightened.
Is the canine protecting his owners?
ALIENS: A weird circle of light in the sky has baffled stargazers
The film was taken in the city of Ryazan in western Russia's Ryazan Oblast.
Footage shows the orb above blocks of flats as the baffled family look on.
The camera operator sound confused, saying: "It's still there, it's shining."
WEIRD: The orb UFO appears to be textured like a spaceship
She zooms in and out to reveal a weird circular light with structures visible on it like a spacecraft.
As something seems to be moving on the surface of the unidentified object, she is heard saying in Russian: "And there is also a strip moving on it, a grey one.
"Look at it."
The video has gone viral online but people are baffled as to what it is.
Some people believe is may be ball lightning, which is an atmospheric phenomenon that produces luminous spheres.
However, they are much smaller than the one in the video, ranging from pea size to a few metres in diameter, and only last a few seconds before disappearing or exploding.
“There is also a strip moving on it, a grey one”
There have been some crazy UFO sightings recently.
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Experiment Resolves Mystery About Wind Flows on Jupiter
Experiment Resolves Mystery About Wind Flows on Jupiter
Jupiter’s colorful, swirling winds known as “jets” have long puzzled astronomers. One mystery has been whether the jets exist only in the planet’s upper atmosphere — much like the Earth’s own jet streams — or whether they plunge into Jupiter’s gaseous interior. If the latter is true, it could reveal clues about the planet’s interior structure and internal dynamics.
Now, UCLA geophysicist Jonathan Aurnou and collaborators in Marseille, France, have simulated Jupiter’s jets in the laboratory for the first time. Their work demonstrates that the winds likely extend thousands of miles below Jupiter’s visible atmosphere.
“We can make these features in a computer, but we couldn’t make them happen in a lab,” said Aurnou, a UCLA professor of earth, planetary and space sciences, who has spent the past decade studying computer models of swirling winds. “If we have a theoretical understanding of a system, we should be able to create an analog model.”
The challenge to re-creating swirling winds in the lab was building a model of a planet with three key attributes believed to be necessary for jets to form: rapid rotation, turbulence and a “curvature effect” that mimics the spherical shape of a planet. Previous attempts to create jets in a lab often failed because researchers couldn’t spin their models fast enough or create enough turbulence, Aurnou said.
The breakthrough for Aurnou’s team was a new piece of laboratory equipment. The researchers used a table built on air bearings that can spin at 120 revolutions per minute and support a load of up to 1,000 kilograms (about 2,200 pounds), meaning that it could spin a large tank of fluid at high speed in a way that mimics Jupiter’s rapid rotation.
The scientists filled an industrial-sized garbage with 400 liters (about 105 gallons) of water and placed it on the table. When the container spun, water was thrown against its sides, forming a parabola that approximated the curved surface of Jupiter.
“The faster it went, the better we mimicked the massively strong effects of rotation and curvature that exists on planets,” Aurnou said. But the team found that 75 revolutions per minute was a practical limit: fast enough to force the liquid into a strongly curved shape but slow enough to keep water from spilling out.
While the can was spinning, scientists used a pump below its false floor to circulate water through a series of inlet and outlet holes, which created turbulence — one of the three critical conditions for the experiment. That turbulent energy was channeled into making jets, and within minutes the water flow had changed to six concentric flows moving in alternating directions.
“This is the first time that anyone has demonstrated that strong jets that look like those on Jupiter can develop in a real fluid,” Aurnou said.
The researchers inferred that the jets were deep because they could see them on the surface of the water, even though they had injected turbulence at the bottom.
The researchers are looking forward to testing their predictions with real data from Jupiter, and they won’t have to wait long: NASA’s Juno space probe is orbiting Jupiter right now, collecting data about its atmosphere, magnetic field and interior. Initial results from the Juno mission were presented at the American Geophysical Union meeting in December in San Francisco, and Aurnou was there.
“The Juno data from the very first flyby of Jupiter showed that structures of ammonia gas extended over 60 miles into Jupiter’s interior, which was a big shock to the Juno science team,” Aurnou said. “UCLA researchers will be playing an important role in explaining the data.”
This year, Aurnou and his team will use supercomputers at Argonne National Laboratory in Argonne, Illinois, to simulate the dynamics of Jupiter’s interior and atmosphere. They’ll also continue their work at the laboratory in Marseilles to make the spinning table simulation more complex and more realistic.
One goal is to add a thin, stable layer of fluid on top of the spinning water, which would function like the thin outer layer of Jupiter’s atmosphere that’s responsible for the planet’s weather. The researchers believe this will help them simulate features like Jupiter’s famous Great Red Spot.
The research was funded by the National Science Foundation Geophysics Program, the French Agence Nationale pour la Recherche and the Aix-Marseille University Foundation.
NASA develops AI for future exploration of extraterrestrial subsurface oceans
NASA develops AI for future exploration of extraterrestrial subsurface oceans
by Tomasz Nowakowski,
Credit: NASA
NASA is developing technology that could enable autonomous navigation of future underwater drones studying subsurface oceans on icy moons like Jupiter's Europa. The agency is working on artificial intelligence (AI) that would allow submersibles to make their own decisions during exploration of extraterrestrial water worlds.
Space exploration missions and astronomical observations in recent years have shown that our solar system is abundant in water and could host at least several subsurface liquid oceans. The scientific community assumes that water exists beneath the crust of Europa, as well as on other icy moons like Saturn's Dione and Ganymede. Compelling evidence of hidden oceans on dwarf planets Ceres and Pluto has been also presented recently, proving that many mysteries may lie deep within these frigid celestial bodies, waiting to be uncovered by underwater robotic explorers.
NASA is aware of the emerging challenges that it must face if it wants to successfully explore subsurface oceans on Europa and other icy worlds. Such underwater drones would focus on searching for microbial life in this harsh environment, which strongly impedes nominal communications with mission control on Earth. Therefore, the key issue is to develop highly autonomous, submarine-like probes capable of making decisions on their own in real time in order to continue exploration and research uninterrupted.
"Depending on the exact mission concept under consideration, autonomous underwater vehicles exploring ocean worlds will need to operate autonomously for days to months. Within this timeframe, they must manage their own resources, explore a largely unknown environment, including navigating to and from a single point of insertion which also serves as a communications link to the outside world," Steve Chien of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) told
Chien leads the Artificial Intelligence Group at JPL, which is currently developing AI for underwater drones. From August 26 to September 4, 2016, the team tested a fleet of coordinated drones in Monterey Bay, California, with the aim of detecting changes in temperature and salinity.
The fleet that was tested includes three autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), two ocean gliders, and one Tethys-class Long-Range AUV. The system is complemented by a 300-meter resolution ROMS (Regional Ocean Modeling System) free-surface, terrain-following, primitive equations ocean model developed especially for this project, and a suite of planning software. The software identifies the location of specific scientific targets based on the ROMS output and autonomously determines the optimal sampling strategy for a heterogeneous array of autonomous vehicles.
During last year's test runs, the fleet of these six small submersibles sensed how the ocean actively changed around them, which is essential for the development of autonomous navigation systems. The gliders were deployed earlier in the summer to provide over a month of data prior to the intensive field program.
These tests were part of the team's continuous effort to design and plan future autonomous vehicles with the focus on further refining and demonstrating AI technologies. The next set of test runs is planned for the spring 2017.
"We are developing mission concepts and developing some of the needed technologies as well as demonstrating technologies to Earth analogues and Earth science problems," Chien said.
Given that the main goal of future underwater drones exploring subsurface oceans would be looking for microbial lifeforms, Chien proposes that the probes should concentrate on searching for fissures in a planet's surface known as hydrothermal vents. These features, commonly found on ocean basins, are perceived as potential life-supporting environments due to geothermally heated water emissions. Furthermore, more general characterization of such an alien underground watery world is also needed, as these represent totally unknown and unexplored realms.
The team is convinced that their project will provide a framework for designing robotic missions to extraterrestrial ice covered oceans.
"The vast majority of space exploration is conducted by robotic probes. Increasing the autonomy in future missions is essential to both increasing the effectiveness of space exploration as well as exploring more distant, challenging environments, such as sub-ice oceans," Chien concluded.
Researchers have discovered that chemically active droplets grow to a set size and then divide on their own accord in a way that's very similar to living cell division.
The discovery could help us understand how the very first living cells initially evolved from protocells billions of years ago, though much more research is still ahead of us.
Modern science has advanced significantly over the last couple of decades. We’ve managed to answer several of the world’s most long-standing questions, but some answers have continued to elude today’s scientists, including how life first emerged from the Earth’s primordial soup. However, a collaboration of physicists and biologists in Germany may have just found an explanation to how living cells first evolved.
In 1924, Russian biochemist Alexander Oparin proposed the idea that the first living cells could have evolved from liquid droplet protocells. He believed these protocells could have acted as naturally forming, membrane-free containers that concentrated chemicals and fostered reactions.
In their hunt for the origin of life, a team of scientists from the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems and the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, both in Dresden, drew from Oparin’s theory by studying the physics of “chemically active” droplets (droplets that cycle molecules from the fluid in which they are surrounded). Unlike a “passive” type of droplet, like oil in water, which will just continue to grow as more oil is added to the mix, the researchers realized that chemically active droplets grow to a set size and then divide on their own accord.
This behavior mimics the division of living cells and could therefore be the link between the nonliving primordial liquid soup from which life sprung and the living cells that eventually evolved to create all life on Earth. “It makes it more plausible that there could have been spontaneous emergence of life from nonliving soup,” said Frank Jülicher, co-author of the study that appeared in the journal Nature Physicsin December 2016. It’s an explanation of “how cells made daughters,” said lead researcher David Zwicker. “This is, of course, key if you want to think about evolution.
Some have speculated that these protocellular droplets might still be inside our system “like flies in life’s evolving amber.” To explore that theory, the team studied the physics of centrosomes, which are organelles active in animal cell division that seem to behave like droplets. Zwicker modeled an “out-of-equilibrium” centrosome system that was chemically active and cycling constituent proteins continuously in and out of the surrounding liquid cytoplasm. The proteins behave as either soluble (state A) or insoluble (state B). An energy source can trigger a state reversal, causing the protein in state A to transform into state B by overcoming a chemical barrier. As long as there was an energy source, this chemical reaction could happen. “In the context of early Earth, sunlight would be the driving force,” Jülicher said.
Lucy Reading-Ikkanda/Quanta Magazine
Odarin famously believed that lighting strikes or geothermal activity on early Earth could’ve triggered these chemical reactions from the liquid protocells. This constant chemical influx and efflux would only counterbalance itself, according to Zwicker, when a certain volume was reached by the active droplet, which would then stop growing. Typically, the droplets could grow to about tens or hundreds of microns, according to Zwicker’s simulations. That’s about the same scale as cells.
The next step is to identify when these protocells developed the ability to transfer genetic information. Jülicher and his colleagues believe that somewhere along the way, the cells developed membranes, perhaps from the crusts they naturally develop out of lipids that prefer to remain at the intersection of the droplet and outside liquid. As a kind of protection for what’s within the cells, genes could’ve begun coding for these membranes. But knowing anything for sure still depends on more experiments.
So, if the very complex life on Earth could have begun from something as seemingly inconspicuous as liquid droplets, perhaps the same could be said of possible extraterrestrial life? In any case, this research could help us understand how life as we know it started from the simplest material and how the chemical processes that made our lives possible emerged from these. The energy and time it took for a protocell to develop into a living cell, and the living cells into more complex parts, until finally developing into an even more complex organism is baffling. The process itself took billions of years to happen, so it’s not surprising we need some significant time to fully understand it.
This transparent film can detect a warm body the size of a teddy bear from a meter away and is twice as sensitive as human skin at sensing temperature changes.
Because it is made of low-cost pectin, the material could prove very useful in creating heat-sensitive humanoid robots that could navigate crowds or assist in search and rescue missions.
Drawing inspiration from nature, scientists have created a heat-sensing film that would allow robots to detect temperature changes in their environment.
Image Credit: D-MAVT, ETH, CIT
Developed by the team from ETH Zurich in Switzerland, the material mimics how the natural membrane of a snake works to help the animal identify nearby prey. Surprisingly, the researchers were able to achieve this using pectin — a low-cost substance that’s primarily used to thicken jam.
To make the film, a pectin solution was mixed with calcium chloride and then dehydrated to create a transparent, flexible material. Unlike traditional electronics, which detect temperature changes via currents of electrons, this film senses temperature variations through ion currents, which is the process used by snakes. Any change in the nearby temperature would affect the film’s resistance, which the researchers could measure via electrodes along the film’s edges.
To test the film, the team microwaved a teddy bear to 37° C (98.6° F) and measured how it affected the film from various distances. Results showed that the membrane was able to recognize the warmed bear from as far away as one meter. It could also detect temperature changes as small as 10 millikelvin — that’s twice as sensitive as human skin.
“Pectin films are ultra-low cost and scalable, insensitive to pressure and bending, and can be used to augment temperature sensing when integrated in synthetic skin platforms,” the researchers explain in their published study. This could be particularly useful in creating artificially intelligent (AI) robots, as covering a robot’s entire body with this film would essentially give it a layer of “skin” capable of 360-degree thermal sensing.
“The most important thing about combining AI and humanoid robots is that this AI needs to be shaped by its senses like we are,” research lead Raffaele Di Giacomo told New Scientist. “You need to provide full sensory feedback so the AI can build up a picture of the world.” Indeed, heat-sensing features could help robots learn more about their environment and function more efficiently. For starters, the technology could allow robots to seamlessly navigate crowded areas. It would also make it easier for robots developed for emergency response to locate humans during search and rescue missions.
Because the film makes it possible to give nearly any object temperature-sensing capabilities, it has applications outside of robotics as well. It could be used in prosthetics to help provide sensory feedback for wearers, and given the film’s flexibility, it could easily be fitted around mechanical parts, too. The team says that it can be applied either as a spray-on or dip-coating — yet another example of the technology featured on the show “Westworld” potentially cropping up in real life.
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Roswell - What's Next?
Roswell - What's Next?
The other day someone asked me, “What’s the next step for Roswell?”
It was a question that I hadn’t thought about much but is one that needs to be addressed though I thought I had made a note of this in Roswell in the 21st Century. (Sure, some of you might be annoyed at these little promotional mentions, but hey, I don’t charge you a membership to visit here.)
One of the displays in the Roswell UFO
Museum. Copyright by Randle.
Let’s look at it this way. If there is a first-hand witness still alive who saw anything, if he or she has not come forward and we all who have been searching for every possible witness hasn’t found that person, I would bet that person simply didn’t see much at all or is long past providing us with any useful information. Certainly nothing that would break the case open and provide the smoking gun. Everyone at the top levels of the Roswell command structure, whether officer or NCO, is dead. Some of the lower ranking and therefore younger members might still be out there, but the odds are that they are deep into their nineties with the 70th anniversary looming. There has been an effort to find papers, documents, diaries, journals, letters, anything that mentions the crash and recovery and written prior to 1978 when Jesse Marcel first burst onto the scene. To this point there is simply nothing of value found, certainly nothing that can be properly dated and nothing that leads us into the realm of the alien.
So, witnesses can no longer be interviewed, unless you resort to talking to the children or the grandchildren of those stationed at Roswell. This is something that I don’t think bears much fruit. Those former service members certainly could have been spinning a tale or two, the listeners could have misinterpreted what was said, or thought they heard things that weren’t said. If someone had written it down in one of those seemingly nonexistent diaries or journals at the time the tale was uttered, then we might have something interesting or something that would provide a lead, but none of that has borne fruit either.
There really isn’t a next step, except for the search for documents, and that hasn’t gone all that well. Personally, I’ve made dozens of FOIA requests and I’m not alone in that. Hundreds, if not thousands, have been made, and I’m still waiting for responses on some of them. (Or I get snide letters such as the one from the CIA… I had asked about the analysis of the Ramey Memo done in the mid-1990s by an organization that was, at that time, part of the CIA… I mentioned that the photo had been taken in 1947 and they told me that the CIA didn’t exist in 1947. I didn’t bother telling that the Central Intelligence Group did but my question dealt with the Air Force inquiry that came in the 1990s not something from 1947).
We can review the information already collected. Many, if not most, of the interviews were conducted on audio and videotape so that a record of them exists that might provide some clues. These can be reviewed. As I was doing that, I did find some interesting tidbits overlooked at the time. Oh, nothing that would alter anyone’s view, but interesting tidbits that helped complete an overall picture. And, of course, we can compare later statements with earlier ones to see if any, or rather how much, those statements have changed. Sometimes it’s just little things and other times it is a major alteration. That also can provide information but that sort of data won’t lead us to the extraterrestrial, or any other answer for that matter.
We can continue the onslaught of FOIA, but the records sought, if they even exist, would be so highly classified that national security would come into play and the records would be withheld. We would be told that the specific agency under FOIA could neither confirm nor deny the existence of the records sought. And that’s if they even bother to look for them. We just might just be told that they have no records that are responsive to our requests. I once FOIAed a document, giving the title, the date it was written, the author, and the overall topic and was told that my request hadn’t been specific enough. I’m not sure that if I have even given them the first page or two that would have been specific enough. I just don’t know what else I could have included to make it clearer to them and there seemed to be nowhere to go with the next request.
Thinking about this carefully, I just can’t seem to think of anything more to be done except another “cold case” review of the information. The testimony has been collected, the documentation has been sought, and archives have been searched. A review might suggest something to someone who has not been immersed in the case for decades, or he or she might think of an avenue of research that hasn’t been explored, but I don’t know what it would be. We are now dead in the water, waiting for inspiration.
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Sci-fi holograms a step closer
Sci-fi holograms a step closer
January 24, 2017
Australian National University
Physicists have invented a tiny device that creates the highest quality holographic images ever achieved, opening the door to imaging technologies seen in science fiction movies such as 'Star Wars.'
Concept artwork of the holographic image that was created with the ANU invention.
Credit: Lei Wang, ANU
Physicists from The Australian National University (ANU) have invented a tiny device that creates the highest quality holographic images ever achieved, opening the door to imaging technologies seen in science fiction movies such as Star Wars.
Lead researcher Lei Wang said the team created complex holographic images in infrared with the invention that could be developed with industry.
"As a child, I learned about the concept of holographic imaging from the Star Wars movies. It's really cool to be working on an invention that uses the principles of holography depicted in those movies," said Mr Wang, a PhD student at the ANU Research School of Physics and Engineering.
Holograms perform the most complex manipulations of light. They enable the storing and reproduction of all information carried by light in 3D. In contrast, standard photographs and computer monitors capture and display only a portion of 2D information.
"While research in holography plays an important role in the development of futuristic displays and augmented reality devices, today we are working on many other applications such as ultra-thin and light-weight optical devices for cameras and satellites," he said.
Mr Wang said the device could replace bulky components to miniaturise cameras and save costs in astronomical missions by reducing the size and weight of optical systems on space craft.
Co-lead researcher Dr Sergey Kruk said the device consisted of millions of tiny silicon pillars, each up to 500 times thinner than a human hair.
"This new material is transparent, which means it loses minimal energy from the light, and it also does complex manipulations with light," said Dr Kruk from the ANU Research School of Physics and Engineering.
"Our ability to structure materials at the nanoscale allows the device to achieve new optical properties that go beyond the properties of natural materials. The holograms that we made demonstrate the strong potential of this technology to be used in a range of applications."
Dr Kruk said ANU led the design, fabrication and optical testing of the device.
Part of the research was conducted in collaboration with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the United States and Nanjing University in China.
From Georgia Tech, a news release that we missed when it first came out, but still well worth talking about.
First Optical Rectenna – Combined Rectifier and Antenna – Converts Light to DC Current
Using nanometer-scale components, researchers have demonstrated the first optical rectenna, a device that combines the functions of an antenna and a rectifier diode to convert light directly into DC current.
This schematic shows the components of the optical rectenna developed at the Georgia Institute of Technology. (Credit: Thomas Bougher, Georgia Tech)
Based on multiwall carbon nanotubes and tiny rectifiers fabricated onto them, the optical rectennas could provide a new technology for photodetectors that would operate without the need for cooling, energy harvesters that would convert waste heat to electricity – and ultimately for a new way to efficiently capture solar energy.
In the new devices, developed by engineers at the Georgia Institute of Technology, the carbon nanotubes act as antennas to capture light from the sun or other sources. As the waves of light hit the nanotube antennas, they create an oscillating charge that moves through rectifier devices attached to them. The rectifiers switch on and off at record high petahertz speeds, creating a small direct current.
Billions of rectennas in an array can produce significant current, though the efficiency of the devices demonstrated so far remains below one percent. The researchers hope to boost that output through optimization techniques, and believe that a rectenna with commercial potential may be available within a year.
“We could ultimately make solar cells that are twice as efficient at a cost that is ten times lower, and that is to me an opportunity to change the world in a very big way” said Baratunde Cola, an associate professor in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech. “As a robust, high-temperature detector, these rectennas could be a completely disruptive technology if we can get to one percent efficiency. If we can get to higher efficiencies, we could apply it to energy conversion technologies and solar energy capture.”
The research, supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Space and Naval Warfare (SPAWAR) Systems Center and the Army Research Office (ARO), was reported September 28 in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.
Developed in the 1960s and 1970s, rectennas have operated at wavelengths as short as ten microns, but for more than 40 years researchers have been attempting to make devices at optical wavelengths. There were many challenges: making the antennas small enough to couple optical wavelengths, and fabricating a matching rectifier diode small enough and able to operate fast enough to capture the electromagnetic wave oscillations. But the potential of high efficiency and low cost kept scientists working on the technology.
“The physics and the scientific concepts have been out there,” said Cola. “Now was the perfect time to try some new things and make a device work, thanks to advances in fabrication technology.”
Using metallic multiwall carbon nanotubes and nanoscale fabrication techniques, Cola and collaborators Asha Sharma, Virendra Singh and Thomas Bougher constructed devices that utilize the wave nature of light rather than its particle nature. They also used a long series of tests – and more than a thousand devices – to verify measurements of both current and voltage to confirm the existence of rectenna functions that had been predicted theoretically. The devices operated at a range of temperatures from 5 to 77 degrees Celsius.
Fabricating the rectennas begins with growing forests of vertically-aligned carbon nanotubes on a conductive substrate. Using atomic layer chemical vapor deposition, the nanotubes are coated with an aluminum oxide material to insulate them. Finally, physical vapor deposition is used to deposit optically-transparent thin layers of calcium then aluminum metals atop the nanotube forest. The difference of work functions between the nanotubes and the calcium provides a potential of about two electron volts, enough to drive electrons out of the carbon nanotube antennas when they are excited by light.
In operation, oscillating waves of light pass through the transparent calcium-aluminum electrode and interact with the nanotubes. The metal-insulator-metal junctions at the nanotube tips serve as rectifiers switching on and off at femtosecond intervals, allowing electrons generated by the antenna to flow one way into the top electrode. Ultra-low capacitance, on the order of a few attofarads, enables the 10-nanometer diameter diode to operate at these exceptional frequencies.
“A rectenna is basically an antenna coupled to a diode, but when you move into the optical spectrum, that usually means a nanoscale antenna coupled to a metal-insulator-metal diode,” Cola explained. “The closer you can get the antenna to the diode, the more efficient it is. So the ideal structure uses the antenna as one of the metals in the diode – which is the structure we made.”
The rectennas fabricated by Cola’s group are grown on rigid substrates, but the goal is to grow them on a foil or other material that would produce flexible solar cells or photodetectors.
Cola sees the rectennas built so far as simple proof of principle. He has ideas for how to improve the efficiency by changing the materials, opening the carbon nanotubes to allow multiple conduction channels, and reducing resistance in the structures.
“We think we can reduce the resistance by several orders of magnitude just by improving the fabrication of our device structures,” he said. “Based on what others have done and what the theory is showing us, I believe that these devices could get to greater than 40 percent efficiency.”
This work was supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Space and Naval Warfare (SPAWAR) Systems Center, Pacific under YFA grant N66001-09-1-2091, and by the Army Research Office (ARO), through the Young Investigator Program (YIP), under agreement W911NF-13-1-0491. The statements in this release are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views of DARPA, SPAWAR or ARO. Georgia Tech has filed international patent applications related to this work under PCT/US2013/065918 in the United States (U.S.S.N. 14/434,118), Europe (No. 13847632.0), Japan (No. 2015-538110) and China (No. 201380060639.2)
CITATION: Asha Sharma, Virendra Singh, Thomas L. Bougher and Baratunde A. Cola, “A carbon nanotube optical rectenna,” (Nature Nanotechnology, 2015).
FBI document: We’ve been visited by ‘beings from ANOTHER dimension’
FBI document: We’ve been visited by ‘beings from ANOTHER dimension’
While most people are clinched into a worldwide debate about aliens, discussing UFO sightings in space, on Earth, and the sheer number of whistleblowers who have come forward saying that we aren’t alone in the universe, the FBI has a very interesting document posted on their website.
Image credit: Indiana Jones And The Crystal Skull. (Illustration)
The declassified document states that not only have we’ve been visited by ET, apparently we’ve been visited by “beings from other dimensions.”
However, it is noteworthy to mention that the document itself DID NOT ORIGINATE within the FBI. The document –which is an extract from a 69-page document called ufo1.pdf— was written by a former university head.
Nevertheless, the document was treated with great importance by the FBI, which is something I find VERY interesting.
The official link from the FBI vault can be found here:
A rewritten copy of the report can be found below. (NOTE) some words in the original text are illegible due to the numerous notations and stamps.
The document, which was received on July 8, 1947, states:
This memorandum is respectfully addressed to certain scientists of distinction, to important aeronautical and military authorities, to a number of public officials and to a few publications. The writer has little expectation that anything of import will be accomplished by this gesture. The mere fact that the data here-in were obtained by so-called supernormal means is probably sufficient to ensure its disregard by nearly all the persons addressed: nevertheless it seems a public duty to make it available. (The present writer has several university degrees and was formerly a university department head).
A very serious situation may develop at any time with regard to the “flying saucers”. If one of these should be attacked, the attacking plane will almost certainly be destroyed. In the public mind, this might create near panic and international suspicion. The principal data concerning these craft is now at hand and must be offered, no matter how fantastic and unintelligible it may seem to minds not previously instructed in thinking of this type.
Part of the disks carry crews, others are under remote control.
Their mission is peaceful. The visitors contemplate settling on this plane.
These visitors are human-like but much larger in size.
They are not excarnate Earth people but come from their own world.
They do NOT come from a planet as we use the word, but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us.
The bodies of the visitors, and the craft, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter.
The disks possess a type of radiant energy or a ray, which will easily disintegrate any attacking ship. They reenter the etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without a trace.
The region from which they come is not the “astral plane”, but corresponds to the Lokas or Talas. Students of esoteric matters will understand these terms.
They probably cannot be reached by radio, but probably can be by radar. if a signal system can be devised for that apparatus.
We give information and warning and can do no more. Let the newcomers be treated with every kindness. Unless the disks are with-(illegible) a (illegible, illegible) with which our culture and science are incapable of dealing. A heavy responsibility rests upon the few in authority who are able to understand this matter.
Addendum: The Lokas are oval-shaped, fluted length, oval with a heat-resisting metal or alloy not yet known, the front cage contains the controls, the middle portion a laboratory; the rear contains armament, which consists essentially of a powerful energy apparatus, perhaps a ray…
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The hollow Earth theory
The hollow Earth theory
One of the most interesting question many people have asked for centuries is whether there is a possibility that our planet is hollow? For many years it was believed that the earth was hollow, but even though many have come up with theories, until 1968 there was no proof. That year, pictures taken by a satellite orbiting Earth clearly showed a gaping hole located at the North Pole; enough evidence to support the hollow Earth theory according to many.
In the early 1970’s, ESSA, a project belonging to the Department of Commerce of the United States, gave media access to images of the North Pole taken by the ESSA-7 satellite on November 23, 1968. One of the photographs showed the North Pole covered by the usual cloud; the other one showed the same area without clouds, revealing a huge hole where the pole was supposed to be located. Little did ESSA’s team know that these images would awake the interest of researchers around the globe who had already suspected of anomalies at the north Pole, anomalies that would fuel the research of unidentified flying objects that according to many, were deeply connected to the North Pole and the hollow Earth theory.
For a long time, ufologist Ray Palmer and others believed that the Earth was in fact hollow and that UFOs came and returned to a civilization of superior beings hidden in its unexplored interior. In 1970, with support from the images that proved the existence of the hole at the North Pole, Palmer was finally able to conclude that the underground civilization existed and that it could probably be reached through the holes in the North and South poles.
Vice Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the US Navy was a distinguished pioneer aviator and polar explorer who flew over the North Pole on May 9, 1926 and led numerous expeditions to Antarctica, including a flight over the South Pole on 29 November 1929. Between 1946 and 1947, he and his team carried out a large-scale operation called “High Jump”, during which he discovered and mapped 1,390,000 km² of the Antarctic territory.
The famous Byrd expeditions first entered in dispute of the hollow Earth theroies when several articles and books like Worlds beyond the Poles by Amadeo Giannini claimed that Byrd had not flown over the Pole but inwardly through large holes leading into the Earth. Ray Palmer, mainly based on the book by Giannini, introduced his theory in the December 1959 issue of its magazine and obtained very positive results form the audience because of his theories and ideas regarding the Hollow Earth theory.
According to Giannini and Palmer, Vice Admiral Byrd announced on February of 1947, just before venturing into a 2,750 km journey across the North Pole, “I like to see the land beyond the Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the center of the Great Enigma.”
According to Giannini and Palmer during Vice Admiral Byrd’s alleged flight over the North Pole in 1947, Admiral Byrd radioed that he saw beneath him, not snow, but areas of land with mountains, forests, vegetation, lakes and rivers and in the undergrowth, a strange animal that looked like a mammoth. Also in January of 1956, after leading an expedition to Antarctica, Admiral Byrd had stated that his expedition had explored 3,700 km beyond the South Pole and also just before his death, Byrd had said there existed a land beyond the Pole that was “an enchanted continent in the sky, a permanent mystery of Earth.” That land, according to other theories, was the legendary Rainbow City, home to a fabulous lost civilization.
To Giannini and Palmer, these stories from Admiral Byrd did nothing but confirm what they had always suspected: that the Earth has “strange” Poles, and that the Earth was essentially like a donut, where at the center, these is an access going many kilometers into the earth, forming a giant hole passing through the axis of the earth, from one pole to another.
Due to geographical reasons, it is impossible to fly 2,750 miles beyond the North Pole or 3,700 miles beyond the South Pole without seeing water, according to Palmer, Admiral Byrd must have flown into the huge convex cavities of the poles. Researchers also believe that, had he ahead, it would have taken him to the secret base of UFO’s that belongs to the hidden civilization inside our planet
The possibility that the earth is hollow, and that it can be accessed through the North and South poles, and that secret civilizations flourish within it, has spurred the imagination of people through centuries. Evidence of this we find in the history of countless ancient civilizations. The Babylonian hero Gilgamesh visited his ancestor Utnapishtim in the bowels of the earth; in Greek mythology, Orpheus tries to rescue Eurydice from the underground hell; it was said that the Pharaohs of Egypt communicated with the underworld, which could be accessed via secret tunnels hidden in the pyramids; and Buddhists believed (and still believe) that millions of people live in Agharta, an underground paradise ruled by the king of the world. So just when you think that these theories could be nothing more than excessive imaginations, you actually come across evidence in ancient history pointing towards the possibility of a world inside Earth.
Christian Gottlieb Kratzenstein, Orpheus and Eurydice, 1806, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen. Image Credit: Wikipedia
Before the advancements in technology of the twentieth century man could only guess what planet Earth actually looked like. Today, the Earth has been photographed from space and analyzed with high-tech equipment, allowing researchers and scientists to get to know ur planet in a much more complex way.
Leonard Euler, a mathematical genius of the eighteenth century, concluded that the Earth was hollow, containing a central sun and was inhabited; and Dr. Edmund Halley, discoverer of Comet Halley and Royal Astronomer of England also believed that the Earth was hollow on the inside with three “Floors”. Regrettably none of these theories were supported scientifically, on the other hand these theories were present in several works of fiction on the same subject, the most important of which were The Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym by Edgar Allan Poe (1833), in which the hero and his companion have a terrifying encounter with beings from within the Earth; and Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne (1864), where an adventurous teacher, his nephew and a guide manage to enter into the interior of the Earth through an extinct volcano finding new skies, gigantic seas seas and gigantic prehistoric reptiles that populate the forests Earth’s interior.
The belief in a hollow Earth was so widespread that even Edgar Rice Burroughs, the celebrated author of Tarzan, felt compelled to write Tarzan in the bowels of the Earth (1929). Thanks to these and other science fiction titles, interest in the hollow earth theories has is still alive and has kept the interest flames burning in the possibility that the Earth is or once was hollow and that it hides countless mysteries.
The possibility of the Hollow Earth theory has also been present every time when we see one of those strange UFO videos where unidentified objects enter volcanoes, like the Popocatepetl.
So are the UFO sightings really related to extraterrestrial beings visiting our planet? Or is there a possibility that these strange sightings are actually connected to beings living inside the Earth, like the Hollow Earth Theory. All of these theories fueled researchers to search for “lost” civilizations like Atlantis.
So what’s to the Hollow Earth theory?
It is possible that “the land beyond the Pole” and “Great Enigma” refried to by Byrd are actually reference to unexplored regions of Earth rather than inside the Earth itself. The “enchanted continent in the sky” could have been only a description of a common phenomenon in Antarctic latitudes: a kind of mirage that brings the reflection of distant lands. All of the wild goose chases can be attributed to misinterpretation of words actually.
According to the diary of Byrd, “We have flown a total of about 25,900 km² beyond the Pole. As expected, although disappointing to say, we have not observed any significant feature beyond the Pole. Only the immense white desert that covered the horizon. As for the legendary Rainbow city it might have been just the description referring to the geological features: The planet is composed of crust, mantle and core; no hollow areas than in the imagination
However, could it be that the hollow Earth theory is correct? Well its something that cannot be disproved. there are countless stories that can lead you to believe that there is something inside the Earth beyond a core, we have seen it in ancient mythology of countless stories that lead toward the interior of the planet. Some believe that there is nothing to find and that the theories regarding civilizations living deep under the surface of the Earth are spikes of imagination.
Given the fact that the physical properties and structure of the interior of the Earth can be measured today “exactly” with seismographs and electronic measurements researchers can conclude that far from being hollow, the Earth is composed of four main layers: the crust, mantle, core and the nucleolus. The crust of granite and basalt rock has a thickness of 30-40 km. Under the crust researchers believe the mantle is found, which extends down to around 2,900 km. It is a solid formation that consists of silicates of magnesium, iron, calcium and aluminum. Below that we find the core, believed to be primarily composed of melted iron. Finally, at a depth of about 5,090 km is the nucleolus, which may be solid as a result of freezing iron under extraordinary pressure. Although many details are only hypotheses waiting to be reviewed as sciences progress allowing all of the theories to be confirmed.
As for the huge hole that can be seen in the photograph of the Arctic, Well the explanation is ridiculously simple:
The picture is a mosaic of images taken by the satellite for 24 hours, showing the Earth from different angles. The images were processed by a computer to form a complete view of the Earth as if the observer was located in a point directly above the Pole. During those 24 hours, some of the points in equatorial latitudes received sunlight for some time, and look bright in the composite photograph. But the regions near the Pole were in darkness, therefore there is an unlit area in the center of the photo. So apparently there are no holes at the poles and the Earth isn’t hollow as some believed it to be for centuries.
“Ten zuiden van Area 51 liggen buitenaardse schepen opgeslagen”
“Ten zuiden van Area 51 liggen buitenaardse schepen opgeslagen”
Area 51 is een topgeheime vliegbasis van de CIA en het Amerikaanse leger waar onder meer spionagevliegtuigen worden getest.
“Voor zover wij weten zijn daar geen UFO’s of aliens,” zegt MUFON-directeur Jan Harzan in een interview met Forbes.
“Maar er is ook nog een gebied ten zuiden van Area 51 genaamd S4,” gaat hij verder. “Op basis van informatie van ingewijden kunnen we zeggen dat daar wordt gewerkt aan geborgen buitenaardse schepen.”
Als de president of andere functionarissen stellen dat er geen UFO’s of aliens zijn in Area 51, liegen ze technisch gesproken niet omdat ze kunnen worden gevonden in S4, aldus Harzan.
Waarschuwingsbord bij Area 51
“Als ze niets te verbergen hebben moeten we die basis toch gewoon kunnen bezoeken?” vraagt hij zich af.
Volgens Harzan kun je topgeheime Amerikaanse vliegtuigen en buitenaardse schepen gemakkelijk uit elkaar houden.
“Onze toestellen zijn erg hoekig en hebben uitsteeksels,” zegt hij. “Ook kun je duidelijk naden zien.”
“Het oppervlak van buitenaardse schepen is volkomen glad en alles is geïntegreerd,” vervolgt hij. “Er zijn geen naden of uitsteeksels te zien.”
Harzan stelt dat de Amerikaanse overheid al buitenaardse technologie heeft bemachtigd door te sleutelen aan vliegende schotels.
“Eén bron die ik kan aanraden is kolonel Corso,” zegt Harzan. “In zijn boek The Day After Roswell zegt hij dat hij aan het hoofd stond van een afdeling van het Pentagon die moest onderzoeken hoe de technologie van gecrashte UFO’s precies werkte.”
“Een andere bron is Bob Lazar die claimt in S4 te hebben gewerkt aan geborgen buitenaardse toestellen,” gaat hij verder.
“Zijn verhaal is uitgeplozen door verslaggever George Knapp van KLAS-TV en blijkt te kloppen,” zegt hij.
Harzan merkt op dat er nog meer mensen zijn die zich hierover hebben uitgesproken, maar dat de inlichtingengemeenschap steeds probeert om deze mensen in diskrediet te brengen.
Every so often, we hear about a strange radio signal winging its way Earthward from the cold, lifeless depths of outer space. Suddenly, bored news personnel around the world come alive and begin churning out sensational stories with lurid headlines promising that this is really it — our first contact with alien minds.
In fact, radio astronomers have a long history of detecting mysterious signals that just don't seem to fit into their carefully ordered vision of the universe. For instance, pulsars were initially thought to be intelligent signals from beyond the solar system. When discovered by astronomers in Cambridge, England, the first pulsar signals were dubbed "LGM" —that's "little green men," in case you didn't know.
The famous—or infamous—”Wow!” signal detected in 1977.Big Ear Radio Observatory and North American AstroPhysical Observatory
And who could forget the famous "Wow!" signal of 1977, detected by astronomer Jerry Ehrman at Ohio State University's "Big Ear" radio telescope. It was a 72-second anomalous transmission in the 1,420 MHz range — the natural frequency of neutral hydrogen emissions, which physicists Philip Morrison and Giuseppe Cocconi speculated might be the medium of ET communications, given its cosmic ubiquity. The "Wow!" signal is still unexplained, and its like has never been seen again.
These instances were hardly the first —Nikola Tesla and Guglielmo Marconi, those indefatigable pioneers of technology and radio, claimed to have heard interplanetary transmissions in the early years of the 20th Century.
"The changes I noted were taking place periodically," Tesla wrote of the "signals" he detectedduring his work in Colorado Springs, "and with such a clear suggestion of number and order that they were not traceable to any cause then known to me…The feeling is constantly growing on me that I had been the first to hear the greeting of one planet to another. "
Alas, we are still awaiting that momentous day when the announcement of such a communication will be verified as true.
It isn't aliens, folks
The alien "signal" in question needn't be restricted to radio or other electromagnetic transmissions encoding deliberate messages; it could be something as innocuous as the absence of a signal — repeated or arranged so as to arouse a suspicion of intelligent origin. For instance, there's the controversy surrounding the mysterious "Tabby's Star" (KIC 8462852), which has been amply reported in Futurism. Scuttlebutt has it that Tabby's Star might be surrounded by some sort of alien megastructure that's causing the astonishing dips in the star's bolometric luminosity — at least, that's what some astronomers have suggested, with tongues at least partially planted in cheek.
Emmanuel Ocbazghi
But let's not deceive ourselves. Invoking extraterrestrial intelligence to explain a mystery that, for the moment, confounds us to no end and monkeys up our cherished understanding of things is a bit of a deus ex machina —like the god swinging down from on high in the old Greek plays, happily arrived at just the right time to resolve all the unspliced threads of the plot.
The truth is, a mysterious signal is just that — and nothing more. To say it must be of extraterrestrial origin is to say precisely nothing at all; sure, it could be an alien signal, because intelligence could be responsible for virtually anything. In a universe that doubtless has many more surprises in store for us, it's safer to search for alternative explanations.
As for Tabby's Star? It's probably just surrounded by a swarm of comets, asteroids, and planetary debris — that, or some equally prosaic and entirely dull explanation.
Now, if a giant alien mothership lands atop Devil's Tower in Wyoming, pukes out some abducted WWII airmen, and beings playing strange musical tones, well that's probably an extraterrestrial signal.
Detailed encounter of Japan AIrlines jumbo cargo jet with massive UFO over Alaska in 1986. Video includes actual recorded cockpit communications with FAA tower and military radar. The end of the video includes testimony from FAA Chief of Accidents and Investigations who said the CIA, FBI and the Presidents scientific team got involved and were excited to have over 30 minutes of radar data of an extraterrestrial craft. Then everyone involved was sworn to secrecy by the CIA to never discuss this again...which the FAA chief obviously ignored. The FAA chief admitted the truth was covered up and he still has a copy of the data to prove it even though the CIA thought he turned over everything he had.
During the next month over Alaska, two separate incidents, one military, occurred where they saw this same alien craft and this also is recorded conversation between the pilot and tower. The actual FAA recorded audio tapes which are also played during this video.
By definition, black holes are so horrendously dense that not even light can escape them. And this means we’ve never actually gotten a good look at a black hole — we have no idea what they really look like. Nevertheless, we know what their effects are on their surroundings — and this animation provides a better glimpse of how that works.
The UCLA Galactic Center Group and the W.M. Keck Observatory Laser Team created an animation using images from 1995 to 2013 tracking stars orbiting the supermassive black hole at the Milky Way’s center, called Sagittarius A*. These orbits provide some solid evidence of that black hole’s existence — they move around in ways that can only be explained by the presence of an object in the middle possessing an intense degree of gravitational power.
The European Southern Observatory also captured images of stars orbiting around the black hole over the course of 16 years. The time-lapse below might just look like faded white dots, but it’s actually the images of real stars accelerated by a factor of 32 million.
Nevertheless, we’re still stuck without any data that can give us a direct snapshot of what the supermassive black hole looks like. That might change soon thanks to the upcoming Event Horizon Telescope.
This isn’t like any normal telescope. It’s a global network of nine radio telescopes that together will form a telescope as large as the Earth, and it will produce the first image of the event horizon of the black hole in the center of the Milky Way. Scientists think the black hole might look like this:
Scientists have made steady progress on improving the capability of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) at short wavelengths. In other words, they have linked together radio telescopes in different places to create a space telescope and gather data. The final telescopes of the Event Horizon Telescope are expected to come online this spring. We might get our first picture this year.
The black hole above weighs 4 million solar masses, or has the same mass as 4 million suns. And a VLBI detection has marked Sagittarius A*’s likely location. During this decade, scientists plan to probe this region for the black hole’s event horizon. So far, the Event Horizon Telescope has made the first ever measurements of magnetic fields just outside the black hole’s event horizon.
Black holes are still much of a mystery to us. They streak through space, suck up and stretch out stars, and hurl spitballs. Detecting gravitational waves took us one step closer, as they were the first-ever observation of a collision of two black holes. But the Event Horizon Telescope would help us better understand black holes and black hole physics and also advance the study of Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity. We’ll find out if Einstein was right after all.
Lights Out: Asteroid Triggered Freezing Darkness That Killed Dinos
Lights Out: Asteroid Triggered Freezing Darkness That Killed Dinos
By Laura Geggel, Senior Writer
Credit: solarseven |
When a giant asteroid careened into Earth about 66 million years ago, the enormous collision led to the formation of an airborne "curtain" of sulfate molecules that blocked the sun's light and led to years of freezing cold and darkness, a new study finds.
The finding shows how these droplets, or aerosols, of sulfuric acid formed high in the atmosphere, and likely contributed to the deaths of 75 percent of all animals on Earth, including nonavian dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus rexand long-necked sauropods, the researchers said.
Earlier studies suggested that the dino-killing asteroid kicked up dust and debris that hung in the air and blocked sunlight in the short term. But by using computer simulations, the researchers of the new study showed how droplets of sulfuric acid contributed to long-term cooling. [Wipe Out: History's Most Mysterious Extinctions]
Moreover, the sudden, drastic drop in temperature likely caused the surface of the oceans to cool, which would have massively disturbed the marine ecosystems, the researchers said.
"The big chill following the impact of the asteroid that formed the Chicxulub crater in Mexico is a turning point in Earth history," the study's lead researcher Julia Brugger, a climate scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in Germany, said in a statement. "We can now contribute new insights for understanding the much debated ultimate cause for the demise of the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous era."
Brugger and her colleagues employed a type of computer simulation typically used for climate modeling. The model showed that gases containing sulfur evaporated during the violent impact. These sulfuric molecules were the main ingredients that blocked the sun's light on Earth and led to plummeting temperatures, they said.
For instance, before the asteroid hit, the tropics were an average temperature of 81 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius). But after the massive impact, the average temperature was 41 F (5 C), the researchers said.
Hans Sues, a scientist at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, excavates a dinosaur fossil at Dzharakuduk in the Kyzylkum Desert of Uzbekistan, September 2006.
"It became cold, I mean, really cold," Brugger said. Globally, temperatures fell at least 47 F (26 C). For at least three years following the asteroid's crash, the average annual temperature fell below freezing, and the polar ice caps grew in size.
"The long-term cooling caused by the sulfate aerosols was much more important for the mass extinction than the dust that stays in the atmosphere for only a relatively short time," study co-researcher Georg Feulner, a climate scientist at PIK, said in the statement. "It was also more important than local events like the extreme heat close to the impact, wildfires or tsunamis."
In all, it took 30 years for Earth's climate to recover, the researchers said.
As the air cooled, so did the ocean's surface waters. This cold water became denser and thus heavier, and sank into the depths of the ocean. Meanwhile, warmer water from the deeper ocean rose, bringing up nutrients that likely led to giant algal blooms, the researchers said.
It's possible these algal blooms produced toxic substances that affected life along the coasts, the researchers said. But regardless of whether they were toxic or not, the ocean's massive mixing would have disrupted the marine ecosystem, and likely contributed to the extinction of its species, including the ammonites and the reptilian sea beasts known as plesiosaurs.
The new research illustrates what might happen to Earth if another asteroid were to cross its path, the researchers said.
“It is fascinating to see how evolution is partly driven by an accident like an asteroid’s impact — mass extinctions show that life on Earth is vulnerable," Feulner said. "It also illustrates how important the climate is for all life-forms on our planet. Ironically today, the most immediate threat is not from natural cooling but from human-made global warming."
A team of American and European researchers have confirmed that the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction — the event that wiped out roughly 75% of the planet’s species, including almost every dinosaur — was caused by an asteroid impact in Mexico 66 million years ago. The Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction was the last great extinction event to
Preserving Bodies in a Deep Freeze: 50 Years Later
Preserving Bodies in a Deep Freeze: 50 Years Later
By Peter Gwynne, INSN Contributor
Credit: U.S. Department of Agriculture via Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0
(Inside Science) -- Early in the 1960s, a group of enthusiasts advanced the concept of freezing humans as soon as they die, in hopes of reviving them after the arrival of medical advances able to cure the conditions that killed them. The idea went into practice for the first time 50 years ago.
On Jan. 12, 1967, James Bedford, an emeritus professor of psychology at the University of California, became the first person to be "cyropreserved." A small team of doctors and other enthusiasts froze him a few hours after he died from liver cancer that had spread to his lungs.
A few days later the team placed the body into an insulated container packed with dry ice. Later still, Bedford was immersed in liquid nitrogen in a large Dewar container. Fifteen years on, after a series of moves from one cryopreservation facility to another, his body found a home at the Alcor Life Extension Foundation in Scottsdale, Arizona, where it still resides.
By current standards of cryonics, the procedure was remarkably untidy and disorganized. Nevertheless, a visual evaluation of Bedford's condition in 1991 found that his body had remained frozen and suffered no obvious deterioration.
"There's no date set for another examination," said R. Michael Perry, care services manager at Alcor.
But as promoters of cryopreservation celebrate the 50th anniversary of Bedford's death and freezing -- known to some as "Bedford Day" -- they emphasize improvements to the freezing and preservation procedures that Bedford's experiences advanced.
The community is also undergoing a significant change in its expectations for reviving frozen patients. Rather than planning for a Lazarus-like resuscitation of the entire body, some proponents of the technology focus more on saving individuals' stored memories, and perhaps incorporating them into robots.
A scan of a young woman’s brain after being frozen.
Aura of suspicion
Beyond the cryopreservation community, however, an aura of scientific suspicion that surrounded Bedford's freezing remains.
"Reanimation or simulation is an abjectly false hope that is beyond the promise of technology and is certainly impossible with the frozen, dead tissue offered by the 'cryonics' industry," neuroscientist Michael Hendricks of McGill University in Montreal, Canada, wrote in Technology Review.
Scientists aren't the industry's only critics.
Families of individuals designated for freezing -- including Bedford's own family -- have gone to court to protest or defend loved ones' decisions to undergo freezing.
In a more recent case, in 2011, a Colorado probate judge upheld a contract that Mary Robbins had signed with Alcor over objections from Robbins' children. And last year the High Court of England upheld a mother's right to seek cryonic treatment of her terminally ill 14-year-old daughter after her death, despite the father's wishes.
Public reaction to the technology reached its nadir in New England in 2002, when court documents revealed that Boston Red Sox baseball icon Ted Williams was frozen in the Alcor facility, with his head severed from his body. Williams' son John Henry, who arranged the process, was himself frozen after he died of leukemia.
Politics has also impacted the technology's progress. In 2004, for example, Michigan's state government voted to license a facility called the Cryonics Institute, located in Clinton, as a cemetery. That move, reversed eight years later, prevented the institute from preparing bodies for cryopreservation on its own, because applying such procedures to a dead body required the services of a licensed funeral director.
The cryonics industry flatly disagrees with its critics.
Alcor asserts on its website that "[t]here are no known credible technical arguments that lead one to conclude that cryonics, carried out under good conditions today, would not work." The company adds: "Cryonics is a belief that no one is really dead until the information content of the brain is lost, and that low temperatures can prevent this loss."
Certainly the controversies have not discouraged candidates for cryopreservation.
Worldwide, more than 250 individuals are now housed in cryonic facilities, at a minimum per-person cost of about $28,000 in the U.S.
Russia's KrioRus company offers a cut-rate level starting at $12,000, with the condition that it stores several human bodies and assorted pets and other animals in communal Dewar containers. Individual contracts can specify the length of storage. At present, the U.S. and Russia are the only countries with facilities that offer human cryopreservation.
Difficult beginning
The first attempt at cryopreservation did not go particularly smoothly.
Bedford died before all preparations for his cryopreservation were complete. So instead of draining his blood and replacing it with a customized antifreeze solution to protect the body's tissues from freezing damage, the team simply injected the antifreeze into Bedford's arteries without removing the blood.
The team then surrounded the body in dry ice, and started it on a series of transfers from one container to another that ended up in a Dewar container in Alcor's facility.
Because of those difficulties, cryonics experts feared that the body had suffered serious damage. But the examination in 1991 quelled those concerns.
"We were really relieved that he was not discolored," Perry recalled. "And corners of the ice cubes [around him] were still sharp; he had stayed frozen all the time."
In recent years, cryonics promoters have borrowed from medical advances in such fields as cryobiology and nanobiology.
To prevent ice crystals from damaging cell walls in the frozen state, cryopreservationists replace the body's blood supply with mixtures of antifreeze compounds and organ preservatives -- a technique developed to preserve frozen eggs for fertility treatments.
Another emerging approach accounts for the separation of Ted Williams' head and body. Based on studies of roundworms, promoters of cryonics argue that freezing can preserve the contents of individuals' brains even if their bodies can't be revived. That opens the possibility of downloading cryopreserved personalities into a robotic future body.
Hendricks disagrees. "While it may be possible to preserve these features in dead tissue, that is certainly not happening now," he pointed out in Technology Review.
A distant dream
Scientists such as Barry Fuller, a professor of surgical science and low temperature medicine at England's University College, London, emphasize that even preserving body parts in such a way that they remain viable on thawing remains a distant dream.
"There is ongoing research into these scientific challenges, and a potential future demonstration of the ability to cryopreserve human organs for transplantation would be a major first step into proving the concept," he told The Guardian. "But at the moment we cannot achieve that."
Nevertheless, Perry expresses optimism about a timeline for the revival of frozen humans.
"We think in terms of decades," he said. "Sometimes we say fifty to a hundred years."
David Gorski, a surgeon at Wayne State University Medical Center in Michigan, takes a darker view.
"Fifty years from now," he said, "it's likely that all that will remain of my existence will be some scientific papers and a faint memory held by my nieces and nephews and maybe, if I'm lucky, a few of my youngest readers."
This article is provided by Inside Science News Service, which is supported by the American Institute of Physics.
Military Mind Control? Psychic Army Division Revealed in CIA Files
Military Mind Control? Psychic Army Division Revealed in CIA Files
By Mindy Weisberger, Senior Writer
Mind over matter? One government test of paranormal abilities tasked alleged psychic Uri Geller with replicating unseen drawings, such as a bunch of grapes. Geller's result (right) was produced in isolation from the target illustration.
Credit: PD-US
When the CIA recently shared millions of pages of declassified documents online, the agency included a collection of files for what was arguably one of the U.S. Army's strangest initiatives: investigating psychic abilities for use by military intelligence.
Known as Stargate, the program launched in 1978 and lasted for two decades, exploring reports of so-called psychic phenomena that originated behind the Iron Curtain and around the world, and conducting experiments testing "mind control" techniques. [The 10 Most Outrageous Military Experiments]
The Stargate files were recently made available online as part of the CIA Records Search Tool (CREST) database, which included a total of 930,000 declassified files containing more than 12 million pages, CIA officials explained in a statement.
One of the CREST documents, a mission statement for Stargate stamped "Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals," described the project's goal: "To establish a program using psychoenergetics for intelligence applications."
A search on the Merriam-Webster dictionary site yields a discouraging "Words fail us" result for the term "psychoenergetics." However, the William A. Tiller Institute for Psychoenergetic Science defines psychoenergetics as energy exchanges that can be influenced by consciousness.
To understand how these energy exchanges could work — and how they might be used to benefit military intelligence — the Stargate project documented numerous reports of people using their minds to manipulate objects or read others' thoughts. The documents include accounts of spiritual healers in Russia and Mexico, "firewalkers" in Greece, assorted tales of poltergeists and hauntings, and experiments testing metal bending through mind control.
Stargate also conducted tests to see if psychic abilities could be performed on command under controlled circumstances. The well-known performer and alleged psychic Uri Geller participated in a series of experiments over eight days in August 1973. During these tests, researchers asked Geller to duplicate drawings that were produced by another person, whom he could neither see nor hear.
In one notable example, the word "bunch" was selected at random, and the control subject drew a bunch of grapes. Meanwhile, Geller was expected to duplicate this drawing while isolated in a room nearby that was shielded electrically and acoustically and had no window openings, the summary of the experiment said.
Geller first mused about seeing "drops of water," then described "purple circles." He finally said he was "quite sure" he had the picture, and proceeded to draw a bunch of grapes that had 24 globes in the cluster, the same number as in the control drawing.
His performance in this and other experiments provided convincing evidence of his psychic abilities, CIA observers wrote in the study. But overall, the Stargate program failed to amass enough data to support or replicate psychoenergetics activities, and was finally dissolved in 1998.
Underneath Venus’ acid clouds, UFO hunters claim, rests a permanent structure that seems to suggest the planet was not only visited in the distant past – it was deemed secure enough to house massive outposts!
Today, Venus is a hellhole. Although its size and composition has earned it the nickname of Earth’s Sister, the reality is you wouldn’t last 3 seconds on its surface. Calling Venus’ climate unpleasant would be a gross understatement.
With surface temperatures high enough to melt lead and an atmospheric pressure 90 times greater than what we have here, Venus would be near the bottom on your list of exotic vacation spots. Come for the thrills, stay for the sulphuric acid rains! Just to drive the point home, the longest a man-made probe’s ever survived on its surface was a little over two hours. The Soviet Venera 13 landed, took a few photos and measurements and then succumbed to the infernal conditions.
But, astronomers determined, Venus wasn’t always this way. Like Mars, it is almost certain at one point in the distant past, Venus had a much lighter atmosphere and oceans of liquid water on its surface. It got the way it is today because of global volcanic eruptions and a runaway greenhouse effect. As CO2 and other greenhouse gasses accumulated in the atmosphere, temperatures rose, water turned to steam and the planet’s habitability index dropped below the threshold.
Recently, alien hunters have spotted an enormous, apparently stationary structure underneath Venus’ thick layer of acid clouds. Responsible for the discovery is Tyler Glockner, self-entitled conveyor of the “exposure of the alien phenomenon.”
The video he uploaded to YouTube shows what looks like an enormous curving band that stretches along a portion of the planet’s circumference.
Scientists have yet to ever see something as massive as what is being depicted here on Venus.”
Glockner added: “Maybe this is something else all together. Some sort of massive structure hidden in the clouds. Or possibly a grouping of something. All coming together to form this giant band. […]”
“You always hear about Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto but you really don’t hear about Venus. Maybe there’s something about this planet they don’t want us to know.”
The scientific community was quick to dismiss Glockner’s hypothesis because caution saved the scientist’s career. If prominent figures suddenly started backing every outrageous claim involving aliens, their credibility would drop lower than Venus’ real estate value.
Their explanation for the unusual band on the planet is gravity waves. Not to be confused with gravitational waves (ripples in space-time), gravity waves form when there is a difference in the atmospheric pressure of two neighboring regions. Think of clouds going over a mountain and you’ve got a pretty good picture.
“Gravity waves are an atmospheric phenomenon we often see in mountainous parts of Earth’s surface. Crudely speaking, they form when air ripples over bumpy surfaces,” French astrophysicist and atmospheric climate expert Jean-Loup Bertaux told Fox News. “The waves propagate upwards and grow larger and larger until they break below the cloud top and forms a wave,” he added.
If there’s one thing Venus is known for, it has to be strange cloud formations. So while gravity waves could potentially account for the weird structure, there is no proof it was actually caused by a mountain.
The planet’s strange history parallels our present and its present might foretell ours. Mankind sent only a handful of probes to Venus’ surface and to be completely honest, our knowledge of our next door neighbor is superficial. Taking this into consideration, it would be unwise to claim there are no alien relics on Venus. Until we succeed in mapping its surface (and we might never get to), there is plenty of room for sensible speculation.
At the end of the day, Glockner remains convinced what he saw on Venus is proof of ancient (or even present) alien habitation. He says gravity waves only last for a few days before dissipating. On the other hand, the strange band has been there for a while and shows no signs of disappearing anytime soon.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
This Giant Cube UFO Keeps Returning to our Sun. Why?
This Giant Cube UFO Keeps Returning to our Sun.Why?
No one knows what this ginormous cube UFO is doing out there, but it keeps coming back to its position in front of our Sun.
No, we’re not sure it’s a Borg Cube, but that doesn’t mean its intentions are benign.
The enormous cube-shaped UFO was spotted near our Sun on December 22 by myunhauzen74 of YouTube, a conspiracy theorist known for his stance on NASA and the truth he believes they keep hidden.
In the photos released by NASA’s SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory), a cube the size of Earth can be seen hovering near the star that gives us warmth. While some speculate that the cuboid shape is the result of NASA censorship done to hide the actual craft, there are others who invoke pretty convincing arguments in favor of the cube UFO hypothesis.
According to UFO hunter Scott Waring, the object in the photos appears to reflect sunlight and therefore must be a solid object.
“Did you notice the light extending out from the sun and around the cube?” he asked on his blog. “The light is going out further than other places around the sun. This means the light is reflecting off the dark surface of the UFO and the UFO is getting hit by the Sun’s heat.”
If this object is indeed a physical UFO, it definitely has a vetted interest in our Sun. Many UFO experts believe aliens could harness the power of our star and transform it into energy they could use. Some even speculate that the Sun’s immense power output could be manipulated into tearing the space-time around it, opening up a wormhole for the aliens to use.
The precise geometric form of the enigmatic presence could be enough to suspect it has an artificial origin. But that origin could be more prosaic than you think. NASA maintains that it is an image artifact, the result of cameras recalibrating themselves.
This explanation fails to convince UFO hunters who are determined to get the truth out one way or another. They claim that this UFO was photographed dozens of times in the past few years, a testament to the persistent presence of advanced aliens in our Solar System.
What do you think, glitch, cube UFO or the cover-up of something much darker?
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Early Meteorite Bits Reveal Clues About Solar System's Evolution
Early Meteorite Bits Reveal Clues About Solar System's Evolution
By Sarah Lewin, Staff Writer
More than 460 million years ago, a massive solar-system collision generated many of the meteorites still falling to Earth. Now, researchers are probing the meteors that came before that event.
Credit: Don Davis, Southwest Research Institute
Many meteorites found on Earth are remnants of one titanic solar-system collision that took place more than 460 million years ago. But for the first time, researchers have specifically targeted meteorites that fell to Earth just before that asteroid collision and found that the composition of those earlier space rocks is quite different than those today.
By sifting through the minuscule remnants of those ancient solar-system crashes, called micrometeorites, the researchers found that the most common types of meteorites today used to be quite rare — and the rarest ones used to be common. Understanding the makeup of asteroids provides insight into the history of solar-system collisions and the evolution of the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, scientists say.
"We spend lots of time studying the debris from the big asteroid destruction event 466 million years ago, but recently, we went a little bit further back in time," said Philipp Heck, a researcher at The Field Museum in Chicago and lead author of the new research paper. "We found it very different from what comes down today — that was our big surprise," Heck told [The Strangest Asteriods in the Solar System]
Meteorites come from flying debris after a collision of two bodies in the solar system, and their makeup reflects the asteroid, comet, moon or planet that suffered through the crash. The rarest meteorites found on Earth today come from differentiated or partially differentiated bodies — big clusters of dust and debris that got hot enough to form (or partially form) a core, mantle and crust, as on Earth, Mars or the asteroid Vesta. It's much more common for meteorites today to come from undifferentiated bodies, which remained mixtures of rock, dust and metal.
But according to the new research, that type of meteorite, called an ordinary chondrite, used to be much less common than ones from differentiated bodies were. By avoiding the most recent meteorites, researchers can get a glimpse of more collisions in the solar system's past.
"This is not an event, what we're looking at — this is basically the background," Heck said. "You can say these are tails of different events; the results of different [collision] events in the solar system, in the asteroid belt, that generated fragments … and those fragments arrived to Earth."
A few events and asteroid populations seem to dominate that background, he added: 34 percent of the micrometeorites came from partially differentiated bodies, which had partially melted and begun to separate out, whereas only 0.45 percent of meteorites today are that type. This indicates that many more of those bodies were experiencing collisions in the past, Heck said. The researchers also found micrometeorites that originated from a collision at Vesta, the brightest asteroid visible from Earth, billions of years ago, as well as meteorites that the researchers think came from the formation of the Flora asteroid family, also about a billion years ago. Both reside in the asteroid belt.
Notably, there were very few ordinary chondrites — most were generated later, by the 466-million-year-old collision or by an even later event, which generated another type of ordinary chondrite, Heck said.
A false-color image taken by an electron microscope of a polished cross-section of chrome spinel. The mineral was taken from a fossil micrometeorite that likely came from the asteroid 4 Vesta.
Credit: Philipp Heck/The Field Museum
"Using relict minerals in the rock record to determine the previous asteroid flux is incredibly inventive," Tasha Dunn, a planetary geologist at Colby College who was not involved in the research, told by email. "I was quite surprised by the results."
Dunn noted that the proportions of meteorite types that rain down today don't match the populations of asteroids found in the belt — a disparity that has puzzled meteorite researchers. "Trying to understand why the proportion of asteroids in the asteroid belt doesn't match what we see in the meteorite collection has been one of the biggest questions in meteorics for some time," she said.
Dunn said she was particularly interested in seeing the large proportion of meteorites from the Flora family back then, because researchers have wondered why there weren't many of them coming down despite the Floras' good position. Maybe, she said, much of the material was expelled during the initial breakup of the family. [The Asteroid Belt Explained (Infographic)]
"Needle in a haystack"
Understandably, meteorites that fell more than 466 million years ago are difficult to find. Heck's Russian and Swedish colleagues turned to micrometeorites less than 2 millimeters (0.08 inches) across. By sifting through samples of rock from a river valley in Russia that used to be seafloor, they managed to separate some. They chose a location that would have had a slow buildup of sediment, leading to a greater proportion of the desired micrometeorites.
The researchers took advantage of a lucky fact: chromites and chrome spinels, the key grains necessary to determine the age and makeup of a micrometeorite, are resistant to acid. So to find the meteorite compounds, they treated the material with hydrochloric or hydrofluoric acid to eat away the Earthly sediments, leaving the meteorite markers behind.
"The approach is essentially a needle-in-a-haystack problem, and we use the crude method of burning down the haystack to find the needle," Heck said.
Heck's group analyzed samples dating back from the target era, zeroing in on the chromites and chrome spinels whose makeup can help scientists classify the type of object they came from.
"Even almost 500 million years in the sediment didn't change them," Heck said. "They still preserve the original composition, which makes it a really, really good and robust mineral to study meteorites that arrived in the past."
They also measured the oxygen isotopes — that is, oxygen with different numbers of neutrons — whose proportions likely represent how far from the sun the body formed, Heck said.
Going forward, Heck said, researchers should look at different time windows to try to understand those earlier solar system collisions, like the one that blasted fragments off of Vesta.
"We can do that for the different types of fragments from different parent bodies, parent asteroids, and get a better picture of what collisions happened and what were the effects on planets in the inner solar system," he said. One could also track meteorite fragments on places like the moon and Mars for a more complete view. All results can be fitted into models of the events, increasing their accuracy and our understanding of the solar system's evolution — and, potentially, those titanic crashes' impact on Earth's life and climate.
"It's really a multidisciplinary collaboration with different fields — geology, cosmochemistry, planetary science, chemistry — all working together to try to tackle that problem," Heck said.
The new research was detailed today (Jan. 23) in the journal Nature Astronomy.
Saturn's icy moon Mimas highlights with shadows the vast size of Herschel Crater and its centerpiece Herschel peak. The image was captured by Cassini's narrow-angle camera on October 22, 2016 using several of its spectral filters.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute
Saturn's moon Mimas glows a shining white in this photo from NASA's Cassini spacecraft. Dominating the image is Mimas' defining feature Herschel Crater, named after the astronomer William Herschel who first discovered the moon, where shadows offer a clue into how large the cavity actually is.
The Cassini spacecraft imaged the icy moon's hemisphere opposite Saturn with north being up and roughly 21 degrees left. Cassini's narrow-angle camera utilized a combination of its special filters to capture the image on Oct. 22, 2016, though NASA only released the image this month. Cassini was almost 115,000 miles (185,000 kilometers) from the moon.
Cassini, a cooperative project of NASA, ESA (the European Space Agency) and the Italian Space Agency and managed by Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, has been on its mission to gather data about the outer planets for nearly 20 years. In late 2016, the craft began the first portion of its Grand Finale where it will orbit Saturn more than 20 times gathering data about the planet, its moons and its rings before diving into the planet in late 2017.
Since the inauguration of President Barrack Obama in 2008, world leaders have shown an unusually keen interest in the continent of Antarctica.
Both President Obama and his Vice President Joe Biden made trips to the wintry land along with other prominent world leaders such as the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin. In addition to that, there has been a lot of building activity in Antarctica recently with countries such as South Korea, China, and India all establishing a fairly formidable presence. But why is everyone suddenly so interested in the inhospitable continent?
Antarctica has no permanent settlements and nor does it has a government. It is primarily visited only by scientific researchers investigating natural weather phenomenon and the environmental changes caused by global warming in the region. While their work may be fascinating, it is surely not a compelling reason for world leaders and spiritual figures to amass on the continent at the rate they have been in recent years. Furthermore, while Antarctica may be rich in valuable minerals, there has been a moratorium on mining in the region which will not be lifted for decades. All decisions relating to the territory will be made at the UN level and not on the continent itself. Therefore there does not seem to be a particularly obvious answer to why Antarctica has suddenly become so attractive to the most powerful individuals in the world.
According to the author Steve Quayle, the answer to this perplexing mystery begins with the Nazi Party.
In his book, ‘Empire Beneath the Ice’ Quayle explained the hidden history of the Second World War. He described how the Nazi Party established a huge and highly secretive presence in both the Arctic and Antarctica. Falling the military feat in the Second World War, the most important and influential members of the Nazi Party, including Adolf Hitler, migrated to Antarctica where they established the Fourth Reich. Here, top Nazi scientists and personnel members, with the assistance of influential people all over the world, established themselves as the most scientifically advanced collective in the world.
While much of the technology developed in these mysterious icy bases is still unknown, it is believed that the Nazi Party have used technology such as CERN to open wormholes or stargates to other galaxies. In doing so, the collective has increased its knowledge and power exponentially. Now, they are sufficiently powerful enough to command a shadow government in all of the most important locations of influence in the world.
According to Quayle, the reason that world leaders have suddenly decided to visit Antarctica is, therefore, clear. Those leaders who have been seen visiting the continent are among the individuals selected by the Nazi Party to act as their agents all over the world.
Image above can be found on Google Earth at coordinates: 69°19'57.71"S 158°52'28.99"E
A UFO enthusiast named John Mooner was left ‘speechless’ when he found images of himself attempting to punch an alien in the face on Google Earth. He is convinced that the pictures are incontrovertible proof that he was abducted by an alien species. However, he has absolutely no memory of the bizarre encounter.
Mooner stumbled across the extraordinary images when he was experiencing technical problems with the Google Earth app that was installed on his computer. He went online to look for an alternative where he discovered Google satellite maps. As a test, he decided to look up an area where he had witnessed a UFO in the preceding year. “I was left speechless by what I saw, ” he said.
Mooner discovered that the satellite camera had captured footage of an alien abduction in process. As if that were not shocking enough, he found that he was the victim of the abduction. He said that the satellite image quite clearly shows him grappling and resisting the attack of a grey alien. One of the images actually depicts Mooner trying to fight off the alien by punching it in the face. "Looking at the image it appears that the alien has blocked my punch and has grabbed my fist and must have been able to subdue me, ” said Mooner.
"The strangest thing about this captured incident is that I do not remember this taking place at all, ” said Mooner. However, he said that he did have sporadic episodes throughout 2016 where he had a distinct impression that he was ‘missing time’.
Speaking of the UFO sighting that preceded this presumed abduction, Mooner describes three identical UFOs flying in formation at different altitudes. He said that the UFO at the highest level of altitude was emitting a green light and leaving a red glowing contrail. By contrast, the other two UFOs were glowing with some kind of white energy. He noted that this was very interesting to him at the time as they were very similar to the UFOs that had been filmed hovering over the Nellis air force base in Nevada.
Als er een land ter wereld is waar buitenaardsen net zo gewoon zijn als toeristen in Amsterdam, dan is het wel Mexico.
Keer op keer worden daar hele bijzondere waarnemingen gedaan, zoals ook nu weer: een groot moederschip dat onder uit een wolk tevoorschijn komt.
We hebben door de jaren heen hier al heel wat bijzondere wolken gepubliceerd. Vooral toen op een bepaald moment bleek dat er dikwijls een verband bestond tussen wolken en objecten die er omheen vlogen.
Na talloze opnames en getuigenverklaringen kwamen wij tot de conclusie dat we in sommige gevallen niet met wolken te maken hadden, maar met vermomde moederschepen of portalen die eruit zien als (onweers)wolken en waar UFO’s aankomen en vertrekken naar of van hun bestemming door te reizen via andere dimensies.
Een van de meest overtuigende opnames hiervan is nog steeds de volgende uit Mexico:
Iedere wolk vermomd als moederschip of een UFO is, wordt door de mainstream-media standaard als lenticularis bestempeld, een lenswolk. Nu komen die mogelijk ook best voor, dus het is inderdaad goed om voorzichtig te zijn, maar niet iedere vreemde wolk past in die categorie.
Een voorbeeld van een vermomd moederschip deed zich afgelopen zaterdag voor en wederom in Mexico, het land waar verreweg de meeste en ook de meest interessante UFO waarnemingen vandaan komen.
Op zaterdagochtend vroeg zagen de inwoners van de plaats Huetamo de volgende vreemde wolk in de lucht.
Als je wat verder inzoomt op die wolk, dan krijg je het volgende beeld.
Je ziet onderaan de wolk een soort schijf tevoorschijn komen die volkomen glad is en ook een andere kleur heeft dan de rest van de wolk.
Volgens ufoloog Scott Waring die deze foto publiceerde, is de reden dat buitenaardsen de grote moederschepen op deze manier verbergen omdat mensen anders teveel zouden schrikken en wellicht in paniek raken.
Dat geldt waarschijnlijk niet voor de lezers van deze website, maar zeker voor mensen die tot nu toe rotsvast geloven dat er geen buitenaardsen bestaan en dat UFO’s dingen zijn die bedacht zijn door aluhoedjes of het wordt tegenwoordig weggezet als nepnieuws.
Mexico was niet het enige Zuid Amerikaanse land waar een zeer bijzondere wolk waar te nemen was.
Ook in Colombia keken de mensen met open mond naar de volgende wolk:
Als er een land ter wereld is waar buitenaardsen net zo gewoon zijn als toeristen in Amsterdam, dan is het wel Mexico.
Keer op keer worden daar hele bijzondere waarnemingen gedaan, zoals ook nu weer: een groot moederschip dat onder uit een wolk tevoorschijn komt.
We hebben door de jaren heen hier al heel wat bijzondere wolken gepubliceerd. Vooral toen op een bepaald moment bleek dat er dikwijls een verband bestond tussen wolken en objecten die er omheen vlogen.
Na talloze opnames en getuigenverklaringen kwamen wij tot de conclusie dat we in sommige gevallen niet met wolken te maken hadden, maar met vermomde moederschepen of portalen die eruit zien als (onweers)wolken en waar UFO’s aankomen en vertrekken naar of van hun bestemming door te reizen via andere dimensies.
Een van de meest overtuigende opnames hiervan is nog steeds de volgende uit Mexico:
Iedere wolk vermomd als moederschip of een UFO is, wordt door de mainstream-media standaard als lenticularis bestempeld, een lenswolk. Nu komen die mogelijk ook best voor, dus het is inderdaad goed om voorzichtig te zijn, maar niet iedere vreemde wolk past in die categorie.
Een voorbeeld van een vermomd moederschip deed zich afgelopen zaterdag voor en wederom in Mexico, het land waar verreweg de meeste en ook de meest interessante UFO waarnemingen vandaan komen.
Op zaterdagochtend vroeg zagen de inwoners van de plaats Huetamo de volgende vreemde wolk in de lucht.
Als je wat verder inzoomt op die wolk, dan krijg je het volgende beeld.
Je ziet onderaan de wolk een soort schijf tevoorschijn komen die volkomen glad is en ook een andere kleur heeft dan de rest van de wolk.
Volgens ufoloog Scott Waring die deze foto publiceerde, is de reden dat buitenaardsen de grote moederschepen op deze manier verbergen omdat mensen anders teveel zouden schrikken en wellicht in paniek raken.
Dat geldt waarschijnlijk niet voor de lezers van deze website, maar zeker voor mensen die tot nu toe rotsvast geloven dat er geen buitenaardsen bestaan en dat UFO’s dingen zijn die bedacht zijn door aluhoedjes of het wordt tegenwoordig weggezet als nepnieuws.
Mexico was niet het enige Zuid Amerikaanse land waar een zeer bijzondere wolk waar te nemen was.
Ook in Colombia keken de mensen met open mond naar de volgende wolk:
These UFOs were over Colima Volcano around the same time that the volcano erupted on live cam. Colima has been the site of thousands of UFO sightings, and most of those are still stored on Youtube today. Sometimes when its a larger UFO, the camera will actually go white screen, probably a deliberate method of aliens to stop themselves from being seen entering the volcano mouth. Scott C. Waring Streetcap1 states: Best view this in 1080p as they are very far away. White ufos first then one dark ufo. Then 20 seconds later Colima Volcano Erupts. Streetcap1.
News states: A Blenheim teenager has captured a mysterious glowing object in the night sky on camera - and thinks he may have spotted a UFO. Josh Marshall, 16, took a video on his phone of the spinning, disc-like object on Wednesday night. It "sort of just appeared" in the sky when Josh was at his friend's house about 9.20pm."I'm not sure what it is but it's not a plane, it's not a star, and not a satellite," Josh said. "I've got no idea what else it could be," the Marlborough Boys' College student said. Josh watched it along with his friend's family until about 10pm, when clouds came over and covered it. "It was quite cool to watch." The object did not really move, but the stars seemed to move around it, Josh said. The object appears to get smaller and brighter before the video ends. It was interesting there was a lightning storm the same night, after he spotted the UFO, and he wondered if the two were connected. Marshall said he spotted the UFO northwest of his friend's house in Blenheim, and thought it was out over the Springlands suburb. (More at source).
Thousands of years ago, advanced technology from an ancient civilization on Earth was lost. The keepers of this technology were regarded as gods. In this video, you will see how the pieces of this puzzle, together with Sumerian, Egyptian and Mayan artwork and symbolism, reveal a shared vision held by these diverse cultures — a vision of the “Stargate of the Gods,” which was considered to be a Stairway to Heaven according to their shared beliefs.
Analyzes a number of worldwide predictions, symbols, and scientific discoveries to drive a conclusion that there is a beam of some “atomic particles” is about to arrive from the center of Milky Way into our solar system. One must have at least some basic knowledge in ancient mythology, religious philosophy, and NASA discoveries prior to watching this workshop.
A Stargate is an Einstein–Rosen bridge portal device within the Stargate fictional universe that allows practical, rapid travel between two distant locations.
Fictional? Is it really fictional? Let us know what you think in the comments section. Thanks for stopping by.
Check out more contributions by Jeffery Pritchett ranging from UFO to Bigfoot to Paranormal to Prophecy
A North Carolina witness at Elizabeth City reported watching a triangle UFO hover under 500 feet over his vehicle, according to testimony in Case 81565 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The reporting witness was a passenger in his mother’s vehicle on January 11, 2017, as they were driving into town for a birthday dinner.
The witness was first drawn to the craft because it had unusually bright lights. Pictured: Elizabeth City, NC. (Credit: Google)
“On our way to town, I happen to notice what I thought at first was maybe a helicopter or aircraft,” the witness stated. “But it had unusually bright, white lights, with what appeared to be red/green flashing lights, kind of like a normal aircraft might have. Didn’t think too much of it at the time, but kept kind of looking towards it, as it moved slowly.”
As their vehicle moved along, the witness kept watch of the unusual object.
“It arrived at the edge of town, just about the time we did, and was hovering low, over trees and houses. About the time we turned to head towards town, its flight path was heading right for us, so I was like, okay, I’ll see what it was for sure now, cause it’s about to be right over our heads.”
The object eventually moved toward the witness and hovered over his vehicle. Pictured: Elizabeth City, NC.
(Credit: Google)
The witness continued to watch the object.
“So I look out the window as it slowly hovered overhead and was dumbfounded by what I saw. It was a triangular-shaped craft, unlike anything I have ever seen before. Three bright, white lights at the corners of the craft. Red lights towards the center. And orange lighting in various places. It seemed to have orange lit, engine-like vents towards the back end of the craft. It seemed to be dark gray in color, but the whole thing had this translucent blueish aura about it.”
The witness described his encounter as brief, but life changing.
“I’ve never seen anything with this level of tech. You could just feel how powerful this thing was. I’m a bit of sci fi fan, and have kind of somewhat believe the possibility of stuff like this existing. The crazy part is, the thing was still in the area on our way home, an hour or so later. Though it didn’t come close to us again. But seriously, it just made everything I’ve ever seen, including fantasy, just pale in comparison. I’ve actually been kind of scared to drive or even go out at night since seeing it. It’s really kind of shaken me up. My mother was driving, so she never got a close look at it like I did, unfortunately. And no pictures either. I honestly was so amazed and shocked, I didn’t even think to try.”
An hour after the original event, the witness was still able to see the object, but further away. Pictured: Elizabeth City, NC.
(Credit: Google)
Elizabeth City is a city in Pasquotank County, North Carolina, population 18,047. North Carolina MUFON Field Investigator Sanford Davis investigated this case and closed it as an Unknown. Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
If you develop a passion for the UFO phenomenon for as long as I have, sooner or later you wake up to notice them saucers are not as sexy as they used to be. Aerial sightings, photos of disk-shaped or triangular objects, they all start to feel irrelevant. Even the landing cases, with their trace evidence on the ground, eventually lose their allure.
Perhaps UFOs, like any other dependency, cause the user to slowly grow a certain ‘resistance’, forcing you to ‘increase the dosage’ in order to get that thrilling buzz…
Thus, the seasoned saucer addict ends up getting his kicks from the hardcore stuff: The close encounters of the 3rd kind, in which witnesses end up in hair-raising, hand-trembling proximity with the enigmatic entities in (apparent) control of the phenomenon. And make no mistake, my fellow junkies! When it comes to this old Fortean fiend, the weirder and more nonsensical the case, the sah-weeter!
And so it is, my dear Coppertops, that I present to you a prime-time, vintage humanoid encounter so head-scratchingly bizarre, you’ll probably end up with a mean case of the munchies: The Conil case.
The Location
The Spanish province of Cádiz, part of the autonomous community of Andalusia, has always had its fair share of exotic visitors. Its capital of the same name was originally founded by the Phoenicians, and was subsequently occupied by the Carthaginians, Romans and Arabs, until the latter were expelled by the Catholic kingdom of Castilla. Because of its enviable geographical position, Cádiz has always been a crossroads of civilizations, and its future will probably remain closely tied to the sea just as it has always been for thousands of years; although instead of Phoenician traders, Roman conquerors or Ottoman invaders, the local economy now depends on attracting tourists with dollars or euros to spend.
The Light
Aerial view of ‘Playa de los Bateles’ at Conil de la Frontera. Cabo Roche can be seen in the distance.
Our story takes place in the coastal town of Conil de la Frontera –Conil for short– on the night of September 29th, 1989. Although to be precise, our story began weeks earlier, with 2 couples of local youngsters: Loli Bermúdez and Pedro Sánchez, Isabel Sánchez and Pedro González (relationship between the members is not entirely clear) who were taking a placid stroll along the ‘playa de los Bateles’ or ‘Bateles beach’ (“Batel” is a traditional local term for a small, oar-propelled boat). The age of the kids varied between 17 and 23 years old, and just when they were enjoying the cool breeze from the sea and each other’s company, at around 8:30 or 9:00 pm, they suddenly noticed something odd: A glowing, round, reddish-orange object, as big as the full moon, which appeared to be standing still, some 200 meters directly above the Roche cape, approximately 5 kilometers away from their viewing position.
The amazed group contemplated the ‘light’ for around half an hour, until it silently moved toward the horizon and was out of sight. Driven by curiosity, the young witnesses decided to return the next night at the same hour, equipped with a pair of 7×50 binoculars, to see if by any chance the object would return; sure enough, the ‘red moon’ was punctual to the meeting, and performed exactly the same as the night before. The binoculars allowed the adolescents to discern 4 white dots in a square formation at the center of the glowing circle, like the flamboyant button missing from a god’s jacket.
The ‘button‘ would emit a random flash from time to time, and then it was lost out of sight towards the western horizon, after completing it’s indecipherable ‘mission’. The same bizarre operation was repeated for 14 or 15 consecutive nights, always leaving around 9:30; the kids would always remain up until 10, in hope the light would make a second come-back; it never did.
The Encounter
By that time, the witnesses’ families and others in their inner circle were aware of what the youngsters had been witnessing for a whole fortnight –whether they all gave credence to their testimony or not is clear. What we do know is that on the night of September 29th, a 5th member had joined the group of intrepid UFO hunters: Lázaro, the brother of Isabel, and the youngest member of the party.
As it was by now their routine, they all sat on the beach at 8:30, directly in front of the Los Corales bar. The sea was calm and the coast was practically empty, with no boat in sight (we’ll get back to this on part 2). Their approximate distance from their position to the bar was around 300 meters. And they waited.
They didn’t have to wait long. Aside from their old friend, the “red moon,” which had faithfully appeared in its accustomed position, for the first time the witnesses also saw a new development: What looked like a bright white ‘semicircle’ coming from the sea; with the help of their binoculars they could observe, at the center of it, a group of ‘red lights’ forming a sort of triangle. This new UFO silently flew past above their heads, moving toward the town, leaving the group amazed, and excitedly commenting the impressions of the event among themselves.
But then a third, blaring light appeared right over them, seemingly so high or bright they couldn’t discern any sort of shape. The witnesses noticed that when the UFO above them made three consecutive flashes, the red UFO at Roche cape would respond with two, and so on and so forth. A sort of ‘communication’ between these two objects seemed to be taking place, which lasted for around half an hour.
While they were fascinatingly observing this luminous ‘exchange’, something else caught the attention of our young witnesses: At around 9 pm, they noticed two strange figures standing by the beach’s shoreline; their presence raised the alarms of the UFO hunters, not only because of the literally ‘alien’ appearance of the entities –identical in appearance, almost 7 feet tall, covered with white flowing ‘cloaks’ whose ends reached all the way down to the water, and with round, featureless white heads with no hair– but because their arrival had not been detected by the youngsters; almost as if they had suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
Sketch of the ‘cloaked’ figures observed by the witnesses
One of the girls of the group, understandably unnerved by this observation, proposed to the rest of them to leave. Pedro González urged his companions to remain calm, suggesting the two ‘cloaked’ individuals could be some ‘pranksters’; perhaps two of their town neighbors had decided to play a joke on them by –rather lamely– dressing themselves as ‘ghosts’ with white sheets? The idea, however improbable –if nothing else because the tunics of the two beings were so bright they almost looked as if glowing– momentarily swayed the fears of the witnesses, who decided to stay.
But suddenly, the two entities started to move out of the water, towards them. Their gait was awkward and laborious, as if they were unable to bend their knees, and while they walked they kept their arms firmly on each side of their torso. Their long clothes covered their feet, as well as their hands.
The approaching figures finally managed to trigger the fight-or-flight response in all the members of the group. Panicked, they started to run away –in all honesty, could ANYONE blame them?
The group broke down their escape, though, once they realized the beings were not in pursuit of them. Instead, they had stopped and turned on their axis to face the sea, apparently looking in the direction of the ‘red moon’, which had faithfully remained on its fixed position the whole time. The group of witnesses miraculously controlled their nerves, and decided to remain observing the amazing sight from a cautionary distance (approximately some 30 meters or 100 feet away from the figures).
The unfolding of otherworldly events on this fateful night were far from over…
The Transformation
While the two cloaked visitors kept their attention toward the glowing red object in the distance, the young UFO hunters observed something akin to a ‘shooting star’ on the night sky: a small, white-blue light the size of a tennis ball falling toward the beach, yet vanishing or ‘turning off’ just 2 feet or so before crashing over the heads of the entities. As if on cue by the disappearance of the orb, the two humanoids proceeded to seat on the beach, with their backs kept stiffly straight, while at the same time swiftly digging into the sand to build a sort of u-shaped wall surrounding them; once completed, they presently lied on their backs of this makeshift fortress.
In-situ reconstruction of the ‘trench’ built by the beings, in which they laid down
If the purpose of the sand ‘trench’ was to obstruct the sight of the humanoids from uninvited interlopers, it was only partially successful; let’s not forget our original witnesses were still at the scene and quite capable to observe the prostate figures, although with more difficulty. Pedro González was once again forced to calm the nerves of the more jitterish among them, while the rest kept passing on the binoculars to better watch the bizarre spectacle, which proceeded to yet another unexpected act.
Soon after the beings lied down on their backs, they proceeded to pass around them a bright, small sphere of a cyan-blue color –perhaps, we could speculate, the same orb which had fallen down moments before– although this time it seemed as small as a ping-pong ball in the eyes of our young witnesses, who observed this strange ‘ball game’ performed among the humanoids around a half-dozen times or so, until Pedro González –the one who had bravely convinced the rest of the friends to stick around– without any warning tossed the binoculars to the ground and started to flee the scene. The other Pedro (Sánchez) quickly intercepted him to know what was going on, and that’s when the terrified young man informed his friend he had observed a third figure at the scene, at the foot of the other two entities. This new humanoid was considerably taller (around ten foot, according to their testimony), clad on a dark, tight-fitting suit and displaying an enormous pear-shaped head. The two young men decided not to tell the rest about the ‘giant’ and returned to their friends, but when Pedro González took the binoculars, he could not longer find the enormous humanoid near the two others, who still remained lying on their backs and passing the little blue sphere back and forth between each other.
The strangest act in this alien stage play the young men and women had been observing, was about to commence.
Suddenly the little blue light disappeared, and a few seconds later the two beings got up from the sand. To the amazement of our witnesses, though, they no longer retained their original appearance: The white, cloaked figures had somehow changed into what looked like a human couple! The male was tall (around 7 feet, which was the original height of the white beings) had long blond hair and was wearing dark jeans and a checkered shirt; the woman was slightly shorter than the man, her hair was also long but dark in color, and wore a thin blouse and long skirt.
Without saying any word, they turned and started walking toward the town, one in front of the other, without even bothering to ever once look at the startled group of youngsters who had bore witness to their entire transformation; a transformation, it should be pointed out, that for some reason wasn’t 100% perfect: The witnesses later revealed to the researchers who went to Conil to investigate the case, that although the features of the ‘female changeling’ were very beautiful and perfectly ordinary, the forehead of his male companion on the other hand was abnormally prominent. How could someone looking like an extra in a cheesy sci-fi flick could go around unnoticed in a tourist town??
Exeter, the extraterrestrial leader in the B-movie This Island Earth (1955). Did the Conil male ‘infiltrator’ look like this?
The Giant
Just when they were about to reach one of the Conil’s dark alleys, the witnesses’ attention was shifted once again toward the beach, where they could see above the water a small, white cloud coming from the coast toward them at great speed. When the compact ‘cloud’ reached the shore it stopped and rapidly evaporated, and at that moment is when Loli –who was using the binoculars– alerted her friends about the presence of a dark figure near the water. Pedro González snatched the field glasses out of the girl’s hand, and confirmed it was indeed the same enormous being he had seen before.
The black giant with the pear-shaped head stood motionless in front of the young, baffled witnesses, until it quickly moved rapidly away toward the west. As if this wasn’t already strange enough, the humanoid –according to the witnesses– wasn’t even ‘touching’ the ground! Rather, its feet hovered some 8 inches above the sand, and as it floated away its arms were kept firmly on each side of its torso.
The being’s departure elicited a strange response among the members of the UFO party: The oldest and the youngest in the group –Pedro G. and Lázaro– suddenly started to run in pursuit of the giant. Asked later why they reacted in such a way, they couldn’t give a proper explanation; their chase turned out fruitless though, since no matter how hard they ran, the giant moved (or ‘floated’) even faster. When the two were about 50 or 60 meters away from the being, they finally heeded the desperate shouts of their companions pleading them to stop, which they did.
Sketch of the black-suited ‘giant’ observed by the witnesses
It was at that moment when the giant also stopped moving and turned its head toward Pedro and Lázaro. Its black eyes, huge as hen eggs, robbed the two of whatever courage they still possessed, and even though the being’s attitude was not menacing, it somehow gave the impression to the young men that it was warning them not to follow any further. At last they returned to their frantic friends and let the giant lose itself in the night.
With the couple nowhere to be seen, and the giant gone –was its purpose just to deviate the witnesses’ attention and prevent them not to chase the other beings?– the incredible events of the night were apparently over… or so they seemed.
The Aftermath
Graphic explaining the location of the sand trench in relation to the witnesses’ viewing position. It also shows the distance between the beach shore and the town
As the group of young men and women remained at the beach, excitedly commenting among themselves on what had just transpired at that humble location of the Cádiz province, they were able to witness one last unknown phenomenon around 10 pm: By the coast and heading from west to east, a small white light followed a silent, zigzagging trajectory, like a bouncing ball in one of those old sing-along children TV shows. A rather unimpressive finale, judging by the sort of spectacle preceding it.
Shortly after, an additional witness appeared on the beach and joined the group. Juan Bermúdez was an adult town resident –possibly related to Loli, one of the girls– correspondent for a local radio station as well as a painter; he had heard of his young neighbors’ nightly escapades at the Bateles beach, and as he had done on previous occasions decided to go there and see if anything interesting occurred –in a later interrogation with UFO investigator Bruno Cardeñosa, Bermúdez confessed he himself had actually had the chance to observe the giant humanoid on 3 previous separate occasions, during the first hour of dawn; if true, that would mean the Bateles beach had been the scene of extreme high strangeness even before the night of September 29th.
When the boys and girls told him what had happened, Bermúdez helped them investigate the area where the two cloaked humanoids had accomplished their incredible transformation. The group noticed the ‘trench’ the beings had built –which was approximately 2 meters wide by 1 meter long– showed discernible ‘scratch marks’ on the sand, as if it had been done by long and slender fingers.
Reconstruction of the footprints left by the couple, compared with the size of an ordinary foot
But was even more interesting were the ‘footprints’ the beings had left on the beach as they made their escape toward the town. They were enormous: 18 inches long and 6 inches in their widest part, with a very prominent arc as well as a huge toe impression that seemed to go deeper than the rest of the foot. Which raises the question: When the young witnesses saw the ‘transmogrified’ alien couple walk out of the beach, why didn’t they notice such abnormal feet?
…Unless the image of the human couple wearing ordinary clothes was just an elaborate illusion, one that was nevertheless unable to conceal their actual imprints left in the sand? This might serve to explain why both set of footprints had exactly the same size, despite the fact the female walk-in was not as tall as her 7-foot companion.
Adding to the confusion was the fact the group also found many more footprints than they expected. Aside from the ones going from the ‘sand trench’ to the Conil, an action observed by the witnesses, 20 paces away from the trench there were imprints of the same size and characteristics, but going in several different directions and covering an area of approximately 10 feet in diameter. What’s confusing about this is the fact the 4 boys and girls NEVER observed the couple deviate from their straight line toward the town alley, so they couldn’t had the time to leave all those additional prints.
But if they didn’t do it, then who did?
Local newspaper running an article about the Conil encounter (October 5th, 1989)
The fantastic Conil encounter with what seemed to be shape-shifting humanoids took little time to garner attention from the local media. First through the radio station Juan Bermúdez worked for, and then via an article published by El Diario de Cádiz on October the 5th. On the second part on my retelling of this wonderful episode, we will explore what else transpired after debunkers attempted to shoot down the case. But far more interestingly, we will discover what happened after the enigmatic couple of alien infiltrators returned to the ‘scene of the crime’.
Hot on the heels of the video of what looks like two different UFO’s flying near then president-elect Donald Trump’s plane on the day before his inauguration comes two new reports of strange inauguration-related sightings. Another video allegedly taken the same day (January 19th, 2017) shows an interview with what looks like a cigar-shaped UFO flying over the Capitol Building where the inauguration was held. But the best one appeared a day later when sharp-eyed watchers of the inaugural parade spotted what they believed to be a shape-shifting reptilian Secret Service agent. If that sounds familiar, it’s because there was a report in 2012 of a shape-shifting reptilian Secret Service agent guarding President Obama who looked very similar to this one.
The UFO video was broadcast by the CTV Television Network and shows what appears to be an interview about the inauguration conducted on January 19th, 2017, according to the date displayed on the screen. There’s no sound in the segments provided by the UFOvni Youtube channel, which spotted the UFO. While there is an allusion to the video being deleted, it appears to be readily available, although the UFOvni version seems to be the only one. The fast-moving object doesn’t become much clearer under magnification or in slow-motion so its cause is open for speculation.
The video of the alleged reptilian Secret Service agent is more interesting, especially because of its historical implications. Two things are pointed out in most accounts of this scene during a short time when the president-elect and his wife stepped out of their limo to walk in the pre-inaurguration parade. One is that the bald agent behind Mrs. Trump seems to have unusually long fingers and that his hands never move from the odd position he’s holding them in. One though is that they’re fake hand and arms and his real ones are under his coat holding a weapon.
That would make sense if it weren’t for the other observation by many that this agent strongly resembles another bald agent who was seen guarding President Obama while he spoke at the 2012 AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) conference. In the video, the agent’s face and nose appear to change shape slightly with one of his ears seeming to disappear. Skeptics point out that the agent is in shadows (like a smart reptilian would be) and the lighting and camera angles make some of the shots distorted, while he looks normal (human) in others.
There was enough attention given to this video that Caitlin Hayden, the chief spokeswoman for the National Security Council, issued a statement:
I can’t confirm the claims made in this video, but any alleged program to guard the president with aliens or robots would likely have to be scaled back or eliminated in the sequester. I’d refer you to the Secret Service or Area 51 for more details.
Is there money in the budget again for reptilian agents? If President Obama could have reptilian agents, even if for only a while, shouldn’t President Trump be offered the same protection?
Whether you believe the UFOs and reptilian agents are real or anomalies, President Trump has had multiple encounters in just a few days in office. Is this what we should expect during his entire term?
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The Real Science Behind Supposed Alien Communications
The Real Science Behind Supposed Alien Communications
Robin Van Schaik
Throughout the history of humanity, we have received mysterious signals from unknown sources and our knee-jerk reactions tend to scream: ALIENS!
The "Wow! Signal" from 1977 – a 72-second anomalous transmission in the 1,420 MHz range – is just one such example, but has never been seen again.
Every so often, we hear about a strange radio signal winging its way Earthward from the cold, lifeless depths of outer space. Suddenly, bored news personnel around the world come alive and begin churning out sensational stories with lurid headlines promising that this is really it—our first contact with alien minds.
In fact, radio astronomers have a long history of detecting mysterious signals that just don’t seem to fit into their carefully ordered vision of the universe. For instance, pulsars were initially thought to be intelligent signals from beyond the solar system. When discovered by astronomers in Cambridge, England, the first pulsar signals were dubbed “LGM”—that’s “little green men,” in case you didn’t know.
And who could forget the famous “Wow!” signal of 1977, detected by astronomer Jerry Ehrman at Ohio State University’s “Big Ear” radio telescope. It was a 72-second anomalous transmission in the 1,420 MHz range—the natural frequency of neutral hydrogen emissions, which physicists Philip Morrison and Giuseppe Cocconi speculated might be the medium of ET communications, given its cosmic ubiquity. The “Wow!” signal is still unexplained, and its like has never been seen again.
The famous—or infamous—”Wow!” signal detected in 1977. Credit: Big Ear Radio Observatory and North American AstroPhysical Observatory (NAAPO)
These instances were hardly the first—Nikola Tesla and Guglielmo Marconi, those indefatigable pioneers of technology and radio, claimed to have heard interplanetary transmissions in the early years of the 20th Century.
“The changes I noted were taking place periodically,” Tesla wrote of the “signals” he detected during his work in Colorado Springs, “and with such a clear suggestion of number and order that they were not traceable to any cause then known to me…The feeling is constantly growing on me that I had been the first to hear the greeting of one planet to another.”
Alas, we are still awaiting that momentous day when the announcement of such a communication will be verified as true.
The alien “signal” in question needn’t be restricted to radio or other electromagnetic transmissions encoding deliberate messages; it could be something as innocuous as the absence of a signal—repeated or arranged so as to arouse a suspicion of intelligent origin. For instance, there’s the controversy surrounding the mysterious “Tabby’s Star” (KIC 8462852), which has been amply reported in Futurism. Scuttlebutt has it that Tabby’s Star might be surrounded by some sort of alien megastructure that’s causing the astonishing dips in the star’s bolometric luminosity—at least, that’s what some astronomers have suggested, with tongues at least partially planted in cheek.
Artist’s rendering of what a Dyson Sphere alien megastructure might look like. Credit: Kevin Gill/Flickr
But let’s not deceive ourselves. Invoking extraterrestrial intelligence to explain a mystery that, for the moment, confounds us to no end and monkeys up our cherished understanding of things is a bit of a deus ex machina—like the god swinging down from on high in the old Greek plays, happily arrived at just the right time to resolve all the unspliced threads of the plot.
The truth is, a mysterious signal is just that—and nothing more. To say it must be of extraterrestrial origin is to say precisely nothing at all; sure, it could be an alien signal, because intelligence could be responsible for virtually anything. In a universe that doubtless has many more surprises in store for us, it’s safer to search for alternative explanations.
As for Tabby’s Star? It’s probably just surrounded by a swarm of comets, asteroids, and planetary debris—that, or some equally prosaic and entirely dull explanation.
Now, if a giant alien mothership lands atop Devil’s Tower in Wyoming, pukes out some abducted WWII airmen, and beings playing strange musical tones, well that’s probably an extraterrestrial signal…
IMAGES: John Mooner claims the images show he was abducted by aliens
John Mooner says a grey alien was caught in a series of photos capturing him on a street in Torquay, Devon.
And the ufologist – who claims he cannot remember the incident – says the images also show him trying to fight off the extraterrestrial by punching it in the face.
The “truth-seeker” said he stumbled upon the incredible “evidence” of his encounter when he tried to view an area of a UFO sighting using Google satellite maps.
It was then that he was left “speechless” by what he saw online.
PUNCHED: John Mooner says this image captures the exact moment he walloped an alien in the face
“The satellite image clearly shows me trying to fight off the grey alien by punching it in the face”
John Mooner
"The satellite has captured a real alien abduction taking place. The shocking thing about this was that it's me being abducted by a grey alien and the satellite image clearly shows me trying to fight off the grey alien by punching it in the face,” he told the Torquay Herald.
Mr Mooner continued: "Looking at the image it appears that the alien has blocked my punch and has grabbed my fist and must have been able to subdue me.
"The strangest thing about this captured incident is that I do not remember this taking place at all. I do however remember sporadic episodes of missing time throughout the year of 2016 and going back through the previous years.
“I do remember wearing a black baseball cap and shirt. This is definitely me on the satellite image.”
He added that further “proof” is in his account of spotting three UFOs flying in formation that he believes were sent to collect him and the alien.
Mr Mooner is one of a number of people recently to make outlandish abduction claims.
SPACESHIP: Locals were reportedly stunned by the the unidentified flying object
The giant object was snapped over the state of Michoacán and could reportedly be seen for miles around.
According to local reports, residents across three municipalities observed the bizarre swirling object for more than an hour on Saturday.
Numerous so-called “truth-seekers” have since shared the pictures, claiming the disc-like shape of the airborne mass “proves” it is aliens.
BIZARRE: The strange phenomenon was seen in Mexico on Saturday
But there could also be a scientific explanation for it.
The natural phenomenon called Altocumulus Lenticularis explains saucer-shaped clouds that are totally still and formed at high altitudes away from other clouds.
AccuWeather explains they "are formed when air moves over mountains, cooling sufficiently for condensation to take place."
It adds: “Lenticular clouds are different from other clouds because they don’t move.”
Alien-hunters regularly have their hopes dashed when they think they’ve captured the extraterrestrial invasion on film.
Just weeks ago, a lenticular cloud was photographed over the US state of Arizona, with locals initially thinking it was a spaceship.
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Beyond Fermi's Paradox--Where Did All the Aliens Go?
Beyond Fermi's Paradox--Where Did All the Aliens Go?" --Today's "Galaxy" Stream (VIDEO)
The Fermi paradox is the apparent contradiction between high estimates of the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and the lack of evidence for, or contact with, such civilizations. As physicist Enrico Fermi asked, if the Universe is conducive to intelligent life, “Where is everybody?”
SETI Institute's chief astronomer, Seth Shostak, provides a brilliant and engaging perspective on the Fermi paradox. The image above is from Arrival --hailed as a new science fiction classic. When 12 mysterious spacecraft appear around the world, linguistics professor Louise Banks is tasked with interpreting the language of the alien visitors.
“Evolutionary selection, acting on a cosmic scale," says Adrian Kent of the University of Cambridge and Canada's Perimeter Institute giving a stark contrast to Seth Shostak's analysis. "tends to extinguish species which conspicuously advertise themselves and their habitats.”
The answer proposed by Kent is that extraterrestial life sufficiently advanced to be capable of interstellar travel or communication must be rare, since otherwise we would have seen evidence of it by now. This in turn is sometimes taken as indirect evidence for the improbability of life evolving at all in our universe.
“Intelligent species might reasonably worry about the possible dangers of self-advertisement and hence incline towards discretion” -- the “Undetectability Conjecture,” put forth by Beatriz Gato-Rivera, a theoretical physicist at the Instituto de Fisica Fundamental of the CSIC (Spanish Scientific Research Council) in Madrid.
According to Gato-Rivera, we may find ourselves in a universe in which there exist intelligent technological civilizations but they have chosen to be undetectable, camouflaging themselves mainly for security reasons (because advanced civilizations could also be aggressive).
“It often seems, Kent concludes, "to be implicitly assumed, and sometimes is explicitly argued, that colonising or otherwise exploiting the resources of other planets and other solar systems will solve our problems when the Earth’s resources can no longer sustain our consumption. It might perhaps be worth contemplating more seriously the possibility that there may be limits to the territory we can safely colonise and to the resources we can safely exploit, and to consider whether and how it might be possible to evolve towards a way of living that can be sustained (almost) indefinitely on the resources of (say) our solar system alone.”
In another take on the "Fermi Paradox," Stephen Hawking asks In his famous lecture on Life in the Universe: "What are the chances that we will encounter some alien form of life, as we explore the galaxy?"
If the argument about the time scale for the appearance of life on Earth is correct, Hawking says "there ought to be many other stars, whose planets have life on them. Some of these stellar systems could have formed 5 billion years before the Earth. So why is the galaxy not crawling with self-designing mechanical or biological life forms?"
Why hasn't the Earth been visited, and even colonized? Hawking asks. "I discount suggestions that UFO's contain beings from outer space. I think any visits by aliens, would be much more obvious, and probably also, much more unpleasant."
Hawking continues: "What is the explanation of why we have not been visited? One possibility is that the argument, about the appearance of life on Earth, is wrong. Maybe the probability of life spontaneously appearing is so low, that Earth is the only planet in the galaxy, or in the observable universe, in which it happened. Another possibility is that there was a reasonable probability of forming self reproducing systems, like cells, but that most of these forms of life did not evolve intelligence."
We are used to thinking of intelligent life, as an inevitable consequence of evolution, Hawking emphasized, but it is more likely that evolution is a random process, with intelligence as only one of a large number of possible outcomes.
Intelligence, Hawking believes contrary to our human-centric existece, may not have any long-term survival value. In comparison the microbial world, will live on, even if all other life on Earth is wiped out by our actions.
Hawking's main insight is that intelligence was an unlikely development for life on Earth, from the chronology of evolution: "It took a very long time, two and a half billion years, to go from single cells to multi-cell beings, which are a necessary precursor to intelligence. This is a good fraction of the total time available, before the Sun blows up. So it would be consistent with the hypothesis, that the probability for life to develop intelligence, is low. In this case, we might expect to find many other life forms in the galaxy, but we are unlikely to find intelligent life."
Another possibility is that there is a reasonable probability for life to form, and to evolve to intelligent beings, but at some point in their technological development "the system becomes unstable, and the intelligent life destroys itself. This would be a very pessimistic conclusion. I very much hope it isn't true."
Hawking prefers another possibility: that there are other forms of intelligent life out there, but that we have been overlooked. If we should pick up signals from alien civilizations, Hawking warns,"we should have to be wary of answering back, until we have evolved" a bit further. Meeting a more advanced civilization, at our present stage, Hawking says, "might be a bit like the original inhabitants of America meeting Columbus. I don't think they were better off for it."
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UFO spotted again and governments are still not revealing
UFO spotted again and governments are still not revealing
A CNN poll taken in 1997 showed 72 percent of the American public believes the U.S. government knows more about aliens and UFOs than they are telling us.
Conspiracy theorists have claimed for decades that the U.S. government has been hiding evidence that extraterrestrials (E.T.s) and their vehicles have been visiting Earth and partaking in other dubious acts. However, many Presidents themselves may have been believers in E.T.s and believers that there is more to the unidentified flying object (UFO) phenomenon than just cases of mistaken identity.
Former President Bill Clinton has openly spoken out about extraterrestrial life and UFOs and has been very forthcoming about his belief that E.T.s exist.
The following video was captured by the public recently and that went viral over the internet. Is this a hoax or we are not alone? Leave us your feedback and comments.
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The Disclosure We Received
The Disclosure We Received
Columnist Cheryl Costa discusses the CIA’s latest release of UFO information.
We had hoped for a crisp informative presidential news conference with a big extraterrestrial reveal. It just didn’t happen that way; a website was the disclosure we got.
I guess some conservative heads reigned. So instead of an ice bucket splash of information about UFOs and the extraterrestrial presence, we were given disclosure in the form of a well-curated website with declassified CIA material of about 930,000 documents.
Yes, there were many pages of UFO-related material spanning decades. It is a website with documents from the 1940s through the 1990s. This material clearly illustrated the fact that UFO reports from foreign countries were being seriously tracked by the CIA for decades.
In one sense this is very validating for those of us in the UFO research community.Why? We in the civilian community have toiled away at data gathering and researching for years and were ridiculed for our efforts. We’ve been labeled UFO buffs, true believers, conspiracy theorists and the ever popular, crackpot. Now we find out on the front page of the New York Times that our government has been doing very much the same thing on a much larger scale and very clandestinely.
Researcher Nick Pope pointed out that many of the documents have been known about, but only those who had physical access to the national archives in College Park, Maryland, could do serious research. Now this information is freely available to all citizens with internet connectivity.
As well I must compliment the library staff who created the website. It is well organized and professionally presented. Hail to the librarians!
Perhaps having our president come out to the national press corps and say that extraterrestrials are here and that our government has contact with various species from across the galaxy would be an exercise in having the public drinking from an information fire hose. In that context this modest disclosure effort has been the proverbial 32 ounce drink for most people.
I am personally impressed that the newspaper of record for breaking the story was the New York Times. In 70 years they have been less than friendly to the UFO topic matter and the UFO research community. My compliments to the New York Times.
Hopefully we, as a free people, will get regular installments of disclosure information as time goes on.
Here is a couple of links to the disclosure website:
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14 Q&As w/ Alien Abduction researcher Professor David Jacobs #AlienAbductions
14 Q&As w/ Alien Abduction researcher Professor David Jacobs #AlienAbductions
Published on Jan 22, 2017
The Outer Dark interviews Dr David Jacobs, a 30 year researcher of the alien abduction phenomenon. And world expert on UFOs and Alien Abductions. #AlienAbductions#RhNegative
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100% Proof NASA is Lying About Pluto : Animation Reproduced #NASA
100% Proof NASA is Lying About Pluto : Animation Reproduced #NASA
Published on Jan 23, 2017
Has NASA been caught on a lie? NASA published 'Landing on Pluto' on its channel. On my father's grave I say the Pluto video is a lie, pure CGI made most likely in Adobe After Effects.
"Breakthrough?" --Magnetic Fields May Reveal Evidence of Dark Matter
"Breakthrough?" --Magnetic Fields May Reveal Evidence of Dark Matter
Dark matter is needed to explain the motions of galaxies and some of the current theories of galaxy formation and evolution. For example, the galaxy that contains our solar system, the Milky Way, seems to be enveloped by a much larger halo of dark matter. Its halo is quite different from the one we draw behind angels; it is actually invisible, but its existence is inferred through its effects on the motions of stars and gases.
Scientists at the Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research (CAPP), within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) have optimized some of the characteristics of a magnet to hunt for one possible component of dark matter called axion.
Although it sounds hard to believe, everything we see with our naked eyes or through microscopes and telescopes accounts for just 4% of the known Universe. The rest comprises dark energy (69%) and dark matter (27%). Although there seems to be more dark matter than visible matter in the Universe, we still have not been able to directly detect it. The reason is that dark matter does not emit light or absorb electromagnetic waves, so it is really hard to observe.
Although dark matter particles have not been detected so far, scientists know that these particles have a very small mass and are distributed throughout the Universe. One dark matter particle candidate is the axion. Axions have extremely weak interactions with matter and so scientists need special equipment to catch their presence. Specifically, scientists use the so-called axion to two-photons coupling technique, which takes advantage of the fact that an axion passing through a strong magnetic field can interact with a photon and convert into another photon. To record this interaction, IBS scientists are in the process of building haloscopes in Daejeon in South Korea.
Haloscopes contain resonant cavities immersed in extra-strong magnetic field. "In simple terms, you can image the resonant cavity as a cylinder, like a soft drink can, where the energy of the photons generated from the axions-photons interaction is amplified," explains KO Byeong Rok, first author of this study.
The magnets used for these types of experiments so far have the shape of a coil wound into a helix, technically known as a solenoid. However, depending on the height of the magnet, there is the risk of losing the signal coming from the axion-photon interaction. For this reason, IBS scientists decided to look deeper into another type of magnets shaped like donuts, called toroidal magnets.
"Magnets are the most important feature of the haloscope, and also the most expensive. While other experiments seeking to detect dark matter around the world use solenoid magnets, we are the first to try to use toroidal magnets. Since it has never been used before, you cannot easily buy the equipment, so we develop it ourselves," explains Professor Ko.
In order to hunt the axion, scientists need to get out in front of it, and predict the magnitude of the electromagnetic energy expected from the axion-to-photon conversion. Electromagnetic energy is due to the sum of electric and magnetic energies. Both of them can be easily calculated for a solenoid magnet, but if the magnet is toroidal shaped, it is practically impossible to calculate the magnetic energy analytically. Because of this, it was believed that toroidal magnets could not be used for the haloscope.
This paper from IBS shows the opposite. Starting from an adjusted version of the Maxwell equation, which defines how charged particles give rise to electric and magnetic forces. Scientists found that electric energy and magnetic energy from the axion-photon interaction are equal in both types of magnets. Therefore, even though the magnetic energy of a toroidal magnet is unknown, in order to obtain the electromagnetic energy which is the sum of the two, it is possible to double up the electric energy and obtain the magnetic energy.
Another finding is that the energy emitted from the interaction and conversion of the axion to photon is independent from the position of the cavity inside a solenoid magnet. However, this is not the case for toroid magnets.
IBS CAPP scientists have nicknamed the toroidal cavity "CAPPuccino submarine" because its color resembles the beverage, and its particular shape. All the theoretical findings published in this paper are going to form a solid background for the development and prototyping of new machines for the search of dark matter.
“Wat getuigen van de Roswell-crash zeggen doet je de rillingen over de rug lopen”
“Wat getuigen van de Roswell-crash zeggen doet je de rillingen over de rug lopen”
In 1947 kwam er een UFO neer bij het plaatsje Roswell in New Mexico. Was er sprake van een cover-up? MUFON-directeur Jan Harzan laat in een gesprek met zakenblad Forbes zijn licht over de zaak schijnen.
Op de vraag waarom overheden zo geheimzinnig doen over de mogelijkheid van buitenaards bezoek antwoordt Harzan:
“Eén mogelijke reden is dat ze geloven dat de wereldbevolking niet klaar is voor een dergelijke onthulling. Een andere mogelijkheid is dat zoiets zou leiden tot grootschalige paniek, een beurscrash en het einde van religie.”
“Er wordt ook gezegd dat de technologieën waarover deze wezens beschikken zo geavanceerd zijn – denk aan sneller reizen dan het licht of tijdreizen – dat ze een bedreiging vormen voor de nationale veiligheid, helemaal als ze in vijandige handen vallen,” voegde hij toe.
Volgens Harzan is het Roswellincident geen hoax. “UFO-onderzoeker Stanton Friedman interviewde 30 getuigen van Roswell,” zei hij.
Jan Harzan (MUFON)
“Wat zij vertellen in Recollections of Roswell doet je de rillingen over de rug lopen,” ging hij verder. “Ik kan je vertellen dat het geen weerballon was.”
Harzan zag naar eigen zeggen als kind zelf een UFO. “Ik was 10 jaar oud en zag met mijn jongere broer Jeff een vaartuig landen in onze achtertuin,” zei hij.
“Het bevond zich op 10 meter afstand van ons en hing slechts een paar meter boven de grond,” ging hij verder.
“Het maakte een zoemend geluid en bevatte een landingsgestel met vier poten,” aldus Harzan. “Het was een levensveranderende ervaring.”
Volgens hem laten de ruim 100.000 dossiers op de website van MUFON zien dat we worden bezocht door aliens.
“Waarom weten we niet,” zei hij. “Misschien omdat onze planeet uniek is in ons zonnestelsel omdat zij voor drie kwart uit water bestaat.”
“Daarnaast hebben we veel zeldzame metalen,” zei Harzan. “Wellicht zien ze onze planeet als een vakantiebestemming. Of ze willen ons gewoon observeren.”
NASA Spotted 70 Mile Long Crack Splitting Antarctica – Edgar Cayce Predictions Coming True?
NASA Spotted 70 Mile Long Crack Splitting Antarctica – Edgar Cayce Predictions Coming True?
A massive crack in the Antarctic ice shelf could be the first sign that the predictions of Edgar Cayce are starting to come true.
You can’t deny climate change unless you’re a fan of ignoring the thawing elephant in the room holding a ticking time bomb in its trunk. For decades, scientists have known about what’s coming, their voices silenced and drowned out by money and the true rulers of this world. But if we’re to give credence to the predictions of Edgar Cayce, the signs might have come even earlier.
At the beginning of the last century, American mystic Edgar Cayce began using his clairvoyant powers to uncover details about our planet’s hidden past. But the controversial personality also claimed to be able to peer int the future and what he saw did not bode well for mankind. He claimed that in a relatively short period of time, our world will change, ultimately ending up as a place beyond recognition. He wrote:
“The earth will be broken up in many places. The early portion will see a change in the physical aspect of the west coast of America. There will appear open waters in the northern portions of Greenland.
There will be seen new lands of the Caribbean Sea. South America will be shaken from the uppermost portion to the end; and in the Antarctic off Tierra del Fuego there will be land, and a strait with rushing waters.”
Is this giant crack proof of the predictions of Edgar Cayce? Are they finally coming true?
Recently, NASA spotted a crack in the frozen continent.
The fracture was photographed on November 10 as part of Operation IceBridge, an airborne survey of Antarctic ice. The survey has been tracking the change in the South Pole due to the devastating effects of global warming.
Located in the Larsen C region, the crevasse now measures 70 miles in length and is slowly extending. The fragmentation of the Antarctic is obvious in satellite imagery and data shows large chunks of ice constantly breaking up and drifting away. If this new crack will reach the ocean and separate Larsen C from the rest of the ice shelf, a new iceberg with a surface area of over 6,500 square miles will have formed. When this melts, global ocean levels could see a raise of 0.8 to 2 meters (2.6-6.5 feet).
When there is first the breaking up of some conditions in the South Sea and those as apparent as the sinking or rising of that which is almost opposite it, or in the Mediterranean, and the Aetna area, then we may know it has begun.
– Edgar Cayce
This is yet another sign that the antarctic ice is melting and sea levels will undoubtedly rise, wreaking havoc on coastal regions. Weather patterns are going to get more unpredictable and freaky. Considering the current state our world is in, just imagine what global hurricanes and severe storms would do…
Source: RCN Radio (Colombia) and Planeta UFO Date: 01.20.2017
Colombia: Mysterious Phenomenon in the Skies Northeast of Antioquía
Residents of Segovia and Remedios were bewildered around 9 o'clock in the evening by a phenomenon looking like a static red fireball in the middle of the dark sky.
This region of Northeastern Antioquía is rich not only in gold, but also in stories of witchcraft and sorcerers, so local residents would find nothing odd in having a "supernatural" force making itself visible.
Yen Milea Bran, who took photos and made cellphone recordings like many others, said that her family and neighbors took to the streets - in the La Cruzada district in Remedios - to see a sort of "very bright star" that hung in the heavens for some three minutes before disappearing,.
"It looked like a very large, shining star, lighting everything around it. But when recorded with the cellphone, it wasn't captured the way one's eyes perceived it. It looked like a fireball and in some images it displayed hypnotic circles," added the young woman.
Many hypotheses have been put forth about the phenomenon, which had never been seen in the skies of northeastern Antioquía.
"Many say it could be a UFO. Others say it could be a portal to another world. Others say it is surely a sign that the end is near and that we should repent, and others say that it has something to do with astronomy, that a star had surely exploded into a fireball," Yen Milenia explained.
The images have already been inspected in the Planetarium of Antioquía’s capital city, and have yet to ascertain its true nature. Angela Perez, the astronomical coordinator, noted that the possibilities range from unidentified flying objects, to an optic phenomenon with the lens or a fire balloon.
"Objects that cannot be identified are UFOs. However, the term is generally associated with spaceships and other things, but this cannot be said to be the answer until any other possibility has been discarded. Let's say that given the image's brightness, it could be one of those little balloons that get sent aloft with a candle inside," Pérez explained.
The fact of the matter is that some residents intend to be vigilant these days to see if the mysterious phenomenon stages a return.
[Translation (c) 2017 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
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Drone Tests New Tech to Help FAA Track Commercial Spacecraft
Drone Tests New Tech to Help FAA Track Commercial Spacecraft
By Hanneke Weitering, Staff Writer-Producer
Near Space Corp.'s High Altitude Shuttle System (HASS), a drone that carries new technologies to high altitudes for testing, was used to simulate the return of a spacecraft through controlled airspace.
Credit: Near Space Corp.
A drone that drops into flight from a high-altitude balloon is helping the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to test new technologies for surveillance of commercial spacecraft in national airspace.
Near Space Corporation (NSC), a private spaceflight company that operates at the Tillamook Naval Air Station in Oregon, sent its High Altitude Shuttle System (HASS) into flight using a stratospheric balloon on Oct. 3. The unmanned drone, which regularly carries new technologies for in-flight testing, brought along a payload of equipment designed to help the FAA detect and track commercial spacecraft.
The stratospheric balloon lifted HASS to an altitude of 70,000 feet (21,336 meters) before releasing it for a semiautonomous glide flight that simulated how a winged spacecraft would enter Class A-controlled airspace, which includes altitudes over 18,000 feet (5,486 m) and up to 60,000 feet (18,288 m).
Near Space Corp. launched this high-altitude balloon carrying a drone with a special payload of new FAA technologies from an FAA test site in Tillamook, Oregon.
Credit: Near Space Corp.
It took about 30 minutes for the drone to return to its launch site. During that time, the FAA tracked the drone to test its new surveillance technology. Although the results of this flight test are still being analyzed, plans for similar experiment are underway.
This flight test made NSC the first commercial suborbital space company to fly under the FAA's new Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) rules that went into effect in August. Regulations now require drone pilots to have a special Certificate of Authorization (COA) for flying at high altitudes.
"It was great to get this first flight with the new COA under our belt," Near Space CEO Tim Lachenmeier said in a statement. "It took a long time, and a lot of dedicated support from the FAA to get this accomplished. NSC is very excited about the opportunities this high-altitude UAS COA provides, and the unprecedented ability to support testing of technologies for the commercial space industry."
NASA funded the balloon-aided drone flight through its Flight Opportunities Program, which supports the use of commercial suborbital vehicles to test new technologies.
"Flight testing and advancing technologies needed by the FAA to allow detection and surveillance of future spacecraft while entering the national airspace is crucial for the Flight Opportunities program," Paul De Leon, NASA'S Flight Opportunities campaign manager, said in the statement. "The program is continuing to grow by adding new commercial suborbital launch vehicles as they become viable, which can increase opportunities for maturing technologies much needed for future space exploration."
There’s a potentially habitable planetary system just 14 light-years away from Earth — a big distance, sure, but just a stone’s throw away in cosmic terms. It hosts a planet that’s surprisingly similar to Earth — raising high hopes that it could be potentially habitable to life.
When many people think about potential nearby planets that could sustain life, Proxima b comes to mind. Orbiting nearby star Proxima Centauri, Proxima b is just over four light-years away from our planet. Its discovery last year sent shockwaves through the astronomy community.
But a star called Wolf 1061 is just a bit further, and it has three super-Earths in its orbit. A team of researchers have been hard at work conducting in-depth studies of this planetary system, and are about to publish their new findings in an upcoming issue of The Astrophysical Journal.
“The Wolf 1061 system is important because it is so close and that gives other opportunities to do follow-up studies to see if it does indeed have life,” San Francisco State University astronomer Stephen Kane, who led the research team, said in a news release.
When scientists look for planets with life, they look for a planet with similar properties of Earth, meaning that they orbit in a zone that’s perfect for life. If it’s too close to the star, it will be too hot to sustain life. But if it’s too far, it will be too cold. That’s why it’s sometimes referred to as the Goldilocks zone.
One of the planets in the Wolf 1061 system, called Wolf 1061c, is rocky and is within the “Goldilocks zone.” Unfortunately, it resides on the inner edge of this zone, closer to the star — so it might instead have an atmosphere that’s more similar to Venus.
“It’s close enough to the star where it’s looking suspiciously like a runaway greenhouse,” Kane said.
What he means by “runaway greenhouse” is that some scientists believe Venus once had oceans, but the planet became so hot that the water evaporated. The water vapor made the planet even hotter, further exacerbating an increasingly inhospitable environment.
Wolf 1061c’s orbit also changes at a faster rate, unlike Earth. The changes in climate are probably much more extreme and rapid — for example, the planet might often freeze over or heat up.
It’s possible that Wolf 1061c might contain life — but we won’t know for sure until we’re able to study it with better technology. Hopefully, Kane and his colleagues’ findings persuade the astronomy community to develop more advanced instruments to investigate the planet and others like it in better detail.
Last week, NASA shared an absolutely jaw-dropping video of a probe’s descent and landing on Saturn’s moon, Titan. We haven’t landed anything like that probe, Huygens, on the far-out former planet Pluto yet, but NASA came up with the next best thing — video simulating a “landing” on the distant world pulled together from photographs the New Horizons mission snapped during its flyby.
New Horizons offered us an unprecedented view of Pluto when it flew past it in the summer of 2015. NASA unveiled a bevy of detailed, stunning maps and pictures from that flyby on Thursday. The “landing” video is a neat little experience, but putting it together wasn’t so simple. NASA explains on its websitethat experts had to stitch more than 100 images together to create a fairly seamless video out of the pictures New Horizons took over the course of six weeks.
“To create a movie that makes viewers feel as if they’re diving into Pluto, mission scientists had to interpolate some of the panchromatic (black and white) frames based on what they know Pluto looks like to make it as smooth and seamless as possible,” NASA explains. “Low-resolution color from the Ralph color camera aboard New Horizons was then draped over the frames to give the best available, actual color simulation of what it would look like to descend from high altitude to Pluto’s surface.”
Watch the full video, which starts with a distant view of Pluto and its moon Charon, and ends on an extreme closeup of that big ol’ heart, right here.
Did a UFO give Uri Geller magical powers when he was three years old? It sounds crazy but in fact, an air force captain saw it all - and confirmed every detail
Did a UFO give Uri Geller magical powers when he was three years old? It sounds crazy but in fact, an air force captain saw it all - and confirmed every detail
On Saturday, in our exclusive serialisation of Uri Geller's biography, we told how the CIA's bid to turn him into a psychic weapon backfired because he was such a show-off. Today, in the final part, we reveal how a UFO unlocked his talents...
When freelance CIA investigator Dr Andrija Puharich met Uri Geller in 1971, the young Israeli psychic had one driving ambition.
And it had nothing to do with spies or science.
‘I want to be famous,’ insisted Uri, who had grown up in poverty in the backstreets of Tel Aviv.
‘I want to be successful. If you want to work with me, you will have to deal with my need for fame and fortune.’
Contacts in the Israeli military told Puharich that this ‘unabashed egomaniac’ was not worth his trouble.
Uri Geller, pictured, had a 'need for fame and fortune' which ended any real chance of working for the CIA, a biography has revealed
Geller, pictured as a child, centre, with his mother Manzy, left, and dog Joker, right, in Nicosia, Cyrpus
Uri had been a celebrity in his home country, after prime minister Golda Meir joked on the radio about his talent for predicting the future.
But his fame was already on the wane and he was reduced to bending spoons and reading minds on stage in tawdry nightclubs.
‘You know, we have a word for a kid like Uri — putz, a punk,’ one friend told Puharich. ‘He really is insufferable.’
But early tests left Puharich convinced there was far more to the young man than his outrageous ego.
At the sixth-floor apartment that the eccentric Serbian-American scientist had rented, close to the Mediterranean coast north of Tel Aviv, he conducted basic paranormal exercises. The results stunned him.
Uri could accurately pick up three-digit numbers from Puharich’s mind when the men were in different rooms. And he could deflect a compass needle by thought.
For some reason, they discovered, this effect was strongest when Uri wrapped a rubber band tightly around his wrist as a tourniquet.
One result that fascinated Puharich was Uri’s ability to bend a thin stream of water from a tap, by holding his hand a few centimetres away.
This is easily done with an electrically charged piece of plastic, such as a comb, but with just a finger it was unprecedented.
They noted this effect failed when his finger was wet.
Another test Puharich devised was to see if Uri could direct a beam of energy narrowly or if he produced a random, scattergun effect.
He laid out five matchsticks in a row on a glass plate monitored by a film camera.
Using psychokinesis —purely mindpower, without physical contact — Uri was able to move whichever matchstick he chose by up to an inch and a quarter. But after a few weeks of this, Uri was getting bored.
In his early days Geller, pictured, was described as arrogant
One night after dinner at a restaurant, and despite Puharich’s protests, he gave a reckless display of driving blindfolded — three miles on hilly roads, at speeds of 50 mph.
At one point, behind the wheel and apparently unable to see anything, Uri announced that a red Peugeot was approaching on the other side of the road.
Moments later, from around a sharp bend, a red Peugeot appeared.
Perplexed and shaken, Puharich tried to persuade Uri to demonstrate his powers in less flamboyant, self-destructive ways.
He urged the arrogant young psychic to go under hypnotism and try talking about his gifts and how they worked.
It was Uri’s turn to be sceptical. He was immune to hypnotism, he said. But on November 30, 1971, after a late-night cabaret performance at a tatty club called Zorba’s, he agreed to lie down on Puharich’s living-room sofa and close his eyes, while the scientist counted backwards from 25.
By the time the count reached 18, Uri was in a deep trance. He began to talk of fragmented childhood memories.
And what he described was stranger than any Hollywood movie.
Uri Geller was born in a Tel Aviv hospital on December 20, 1946. His mother Margaret had already been pregnant eight times and on each occasion had an abortion.
Her husband Tibor, a soldier, was adamant that he did not want children. He was from Hungarian Jewish and gypsy stock, Margaret from the well-to-do Freud family of Vienna: the psychiatrist Sigmund Freud was a distant cousin.
Defying her husband, Margaret kept their ninth child, though her decision nearly broke up the marriage.
Tibor was a philanderer and often left his wife and son for long periods to fend for themselves.
Devastatingly handsome and impeccably uniformed, Tibor paraded with a series of girlfriends while his wife worked long hours as a seamstress to pay the bills.
As a baby, Uri was almost killed by stray bullets during the street fighting in Tel Aviv that preceded Israeli independence in 1948.
Though he was only a few months old, in his pram next to the living room window of his parents’ flat, Uri recalled it vividly: ‘I remember the glass falling almost in slow motion.
Geller, pictured during his early career, claims to have been hit by a 'beam of light' when he was growing up in Israel aged three
‘My mother had put a little teddy bear next to me in the pram, and somehow it rolled over my face and saved me.’
As a toddler, he spent most of each day outside on the street without any supervision.
When he was barely three, on Christmas Day 1949, he had an extraordinary encounter that he would remember vividly for the rest of his life.
Opposite the Geller flat there was an old Arabic house on the corner of Yehuda Halevi Boulevard.
It was surrounded by a rusty iron fence and, attracted by the sound of kittens mewing, the young Uri slipped inside. The tall grass towered over him.
Telling the story to friends over the years, his account never varied: ‘I felt something above me and looked up. I saw a ball of light.
‘It wasn’t the sun — it was something more massive, something that you could touch.
‘It was really weird, like a sphere, just hanging there, shining and strobing, and then it gently and silently drifted down towards the ground.
‘Then something struck me. It was like a beam or ray of light. It really hit my forehead and knocked me back into the grass.’
Picking himself up, he ran home and tried to tell his mother what had happened. She refused to believe him.
But when he recounted the adventure under hypnosis on Andrija Puharich’s couch in 1971, an incredible new detail emerged.
This time, he described the light as a large, shining bowl from which a figure appeared — faceless, but exuding what Uri said was a ‘general radiance’.
The figure raised its arms above its head so it appeared to be holding the sun and then became so bright that Uri passed out.
When he came out of his hypnotic trance, Uri listened to the recording of his session with Puharich.
The entertainer said the moment he was struck by the beam of light was 'the moment his powers were activated'
He claimed not to remember anything he had said — and when his voice on the tape began to describe the events in the Arabic garden, he became frightened and agitated.
Ejecting the cassette, he rushed out of the apartment. It was half an hour before Puharich found him, dazed and motionless ‘like a standing mummy’.
To Uri Geller, the moment he was struck by the beam of light was the moment his powers were activated.
Whether the phenomenon was purely physical (ball lightning, for example) or something paranormal and even extraterrestrial, it changed his life forever.
But bizarre and unique as it was, the story was unverified. Even the account he gave under hypnosis proved nothing.
That was to change more than 35 years later when a credible witness came forward, out of the blue, to say he had witnessed what happened.
In 2007, having seen a TV documentary about the star that talked about his strange childhood experience, retired Israeli reserve air force captain Ya’akov Avrahami contacted Uri to tell him he had been walking to the bus stop on Yehuda Halevi Boulevard on Christmas Day 1949.
‘Suddenly, I saw a powerful light, a sphere-shaped light, a metre in diameter, bright and dazzling,’ he said.
‘At the same moment, I noticed from the building on the left a small child coming out, dressed in a white shirt and black trousers.
'The light halted again and, as if it had senses, it suddenly turned around and approached the child. The light embraced him.’
Then, he said, the boy ran to an apartment building, with the light following him.
When he went through the door, the light apparently exploded on the side of the building, leaving a black residue.
‘After being told all these years that it was my imagination or that I was hallucinating, for this man to come forward was a very emotional thing for me,’ says Uri.
‘The way he described me as a little boy, with the white shirt and black trousers, which is how my mother always dressed me — that convinced me he was not lying.’
A few days after the strange encounter with sphere of light in the Arabic garden, Uri and his mother were eating soup at their kitchen table when the stem of his spoon suddenly drooped and deposited a splash of hot liquid in his lap. Margaret inspected the spoon.
‘It must be loose,’ she decided. Even at the age of three, Uri thought that was odd — spoons don’t get ‘loose’.
Geller, pictured, joined up with the Israeli Army paratroopers but was wounded in action during the Six Day War of 1967
After he started school, his father gave him a watch. Bored in class, he would stare at the hands. One day, he saw them leap forward, whirling round on their own.
He shouted out ‘Look at this watch!’ and learned his first hard lesson about sceptics — his classmates refused to believe him and laughed at his claim.
Angry and embarrassed, young Uri decided he must have a ‘weird watch’ and refused to wear it.
Saving her pennies from her work as a needlewoman, his mother bought him another watch, a better one.
This time when he stared at it, the hands bent upwards and hit the glass cover.
His father was angry, but Margaret was not: she had seen metal bend in the presence of her son and decided to regard it as a special talent, not a curse.
The marriage was disintegrating, and aged ten, Uri was sent to live on a kibbutz near Ashdod, which specialised in children from broken homes.
Friends from those days remember his eerie ability to foretell the future.
One day he announced in class that ‘something terrible’ was going to happen in the wheat fields.
The next day, a military jet missed the runway of the neighbouring airbase and crash-landed in the corn.
When Margaret remarried, to a former concert pianist called Ladislas, she reclaimed her son from the kibbutz and they moved to Cyprus to run a motel in Nicosia.
The Pension Ritz catered to actors and nightclub performers, and Uri was attracted to their lifestyle.
He discovered that by bending spoons and moving the hands of watches, he could win their applause.
But within a year his stepfather died and, with civil war on the island, Uri was sent to a school in the hills run by monks.
At this Christian establishment, he was known as George Geller.
Teachers started to notice his abilities. He never seemed to work hard, but he got consistently high marks in exams, even in subjects that he didn’t appear to understand.
Oddly, his exam papers often mirrored those of the top students — even mimicking their mistakes.
Accused of copying, Uri denied cheating, but admitted that he could look at the back of a classmate’s head and see what they were writing.
He didn’t mean to do it, he said — the words appeared, as if on a TV screen in his mind.
He also revealed a talent on the basketball court. When he threw the ball, it would swerve in mid air and the hoop seemed almost to lean towards it.
Teacher Joy Philipou said: ‘He could shoot from almost anywhere. He never missed the basket.
'I thought it must be my imagination, but several people began to talk about it. In truth, it was scary.’
By the time he was 18, Uri was eager for army service and was desperate to make his soldier father proud.
Volunteering for the paratroops, he began basic training and dreamed that one day, if he became an officer, he could join the secret services and use his telepathic gifts as a spy.
The Six Day War put an end to his fantasies. In June 1967, 18 months after he joined up, his unit was ordered into action to cut off enemy supply lines to Jerusalem.
Caught in an ambush by Jordanian tanks, he and his comrades took shelter in a graveyard, and Uri was hit in the left elbow by a bullet.
He staunched the blood with bandages. Minutes later, he saw his best friend Avram killed by a tank shell.
After predicting the death of the Egyptian president in 1970, Geller, left in 1974 and right in 2008, became an overnight star who would go on to achieve fame for decades
Pinned down by fire from a pillbox above them, Uri led a party to knock it out. As they worked their way up, a Jordanian soldier leapt out from behind a rock and fired twice, missing from just a few yards away.
With his gun at waist level, Uri returned fire. He said he was looking the soldier in the face as he killed him. A few moments later, he was hit himself — either by a ricochet or by a stray bullet.
Wounded in the head and right arm, he passed out.
Weeks later, he was discharged from hospital — badly scarred on both arms and unable to fully straighten his left elbow, but alive.
With his hopes of a military career wrecked, but still a serving soldier, he was given an assignment where he could recuperate, and sent to organise a government summer camp for children.
Tasked with entertaining them, Uri showed the youngsters his abilities to read minds and bend metal.
Word got around and before long he was invited on national TV. At that point, the security services started taking an interest.
Prime minister Golda Meir invited him to a party and quizzed him on his vision of Israel’s future.
Days after Uri Geller described his childhood encounter with the mysterious ball of light, he and investigator Andrija Puharich had another inexplicable experience.
It began with a test: the scientist handed the psychic a heavy wooden box with a fountain pen locked inside and asked whether he could make the pen disappear without opening the box.
Uri concentrated for several minutes but, when the lid was opened, the pen was still inside the box. But on closer inspection, the brass ink cartridge inside the barrel had vanished.
A few days later, they were driving at night in a Tel Aviv suburb when they saw a bluish, pulsing ball of light above a building site.
Uri demanded they pull over and leapt out of the car to take a closer look, telling the scientist to stay where he was. Moments later, he disappeared from view.
When he returned, Uri claimed he had been plunged into a trance state once more and had stepped inside the ball of light.
A dark shape had loomed close to him and pressed something into his hand.
When he uncurled his fingers, he was holding the brass cartridge from the fountain pen.
Defence minister Moshe Dayan, a war hero famous for his black eyepatch, took a less esoteric interest — he wanted to know if Uri could locate buried archaeological treasures.
The turning point came in September 1970, when Uri was performing at the Tzavta theatre in Tel Aviv.
He suddenly stopped in mid-act, looked ill, sat down and asked if there was a doctor in the house. Then he started to ramble — he said an enormous event with a massive significance for Israel was about to occur.
Suddenly, he became specific. President Gamal Abdel Nasser, Egypt’s hardline dictator, was dead, he announced. He was certain of it.
The show was halted and the audience filed out. One journalist in the auditorium rushed to a phone, called the newsdesk to check and reported that there were no rumours that Nasser was dead or even ill.
It was not until the next day that the news became public: the Egyptian leader had died of a heart attack, the night that Uri broke the news from the stage.
That striking incident made him a national celebrity. Prime minister Meir joked on the radio: ‘They say there’s a young man who can foresee exactly what will happen. I can’t!’
And across the Atlantic, the CIA began to take an interest. Fame and fortune...Uri Geller was about to get his heart’s desire.
Adapted from The Secret Life Of Uri Geller by Jonathan Margolis (Watkins, £8.99). To order a copy for £6.74 (25 per cent discount), or call 0844 571 0640. P&P free on orders over £15. Offer valid until January 30, 2017.
Mystery deepens over world's biggest explosion 110 years ago in Russia as experts 'debunk proof' that blast the size of 185 Hiroshima bombs felt in the UK and US was caused by a meteorite
Mystery deepens over world's biggest explosion 110 years ago in Russia as experts 'debunk proof' that blast the size of 185 Hiroshima bombs felt in the UK and US was caused by a meteorite
Blast over Siberia flattened 80 million trees and left charred reindeer carcases
Explosion on June 20, 1908 was felt in Britain and lit up sky in Europe and the US
Italian scientists initially thought Lake Cheko filled a 'missing' meteorite crater
But Russian experts say it is 'not young enough' to be a crater lake caused by the explosion
The world's biggest explosion - a blast in Russia the size of 185 Hiroshima bombs that was felt as far away as Britain and the US - remains a mystery after experts debunked 'proof' it was a meteorite.
A large fireball was seen crossing the Siberian sky on June 20, 1908 before an eruption six miles above ground flattened 80 million trees and left charred reindeer carcases.
Italian scientists spent 21 years researching the so-called Tunguska event, claiming the blue-water Lake Cheko filled a 'missing' impact crater - giving rise to the theory that the phenomenon was caused by a meteorite.
But a new study by Russian geologists suggests the idea is flawed, meaning the huge blast - which lit up the night sky in Europe and even America - is still a mystery, according to reports in Moscow.
While they have not put forward an alternative explanation for the explosion, outlandish theories in the past have included a massive volcanic eruption, a comet mainly composed of ice not solid space rock, a black hole colliding with Earth and even aliens shooting down a meteor from a UFO in order to save Earth.
Local Evanki people believed it was a visitation by an angry god called Ogdy.
The world's biggest explosion in Russia in 1908 was initially thought to have been the result of a meteorite that created Lake Cheko (pictured) in Siberia
A large fireball was seen crossing the Siberian sky on June 20, 1908 before an eruption six miles above ground flattened 80 million trees and left charred reindeer carcases
A study by Russian geologists (pictured) suggests early theories about the explosion are flawed, meaning the huge blast - which lit up the night sky in Europe and even America - is still a mystery, according to reports in Moscow
There were reports at the time that the blast was felt as far away as Britain while the explosion lit up the sky in the US
The biggest-ever documented explosion was the size of 185 Hiroshima nuclear bombs - yet there was no evidence of human fatalities.
'There was a bang in the sky and a mighty crash. The crash was followed by a noise like stones falling from the sky, or of guns firing. The earth trembled,' said a native Siberian some 40 miles from the epicentre.
It appeared to be Armageddon. 'I became so hot I couldn't bear it, as if my shirt was on fire,' said another account.
'I wanted to tear off my shirt and throw it down, and then the sky slammed shut. A strong thump sounded and I was thrown a few yards.'
It caused shockwaves as far away as Britain and dust from the explosion lit up the night sky in its wake in Europe and even America.
From the first Soviet expeditions to this remote region of Siberia, the puzzling aspect was a lack of debris, for example craters caused by fragments of a meteorite, on the surface.
Italian scientist Luca Gasperini, from the University of Bologna, has long believed crater-shaped Lake Cheko (pictured), some five miles from the epicentre, to be the missing link in the Tunguska mystery
Italian scientist Luca Gasperini, from the University of Bologna, has long believed crater-shaped Lake Cheko, some five miles from the epicentre, to be the missing link in the Tunguska mystery.
It was not marked on tsarist-era maps of Siberia, and his team's seismic measurements of its bottom indicated sediment had been building for around a century.
They concluded that dense stony matter lies beneath the lake's floor and is the 'remnant' of the exploding meteorite.
The Italian theory based on the pattern of tree destruction is that two bodies entered the atmosphere. One exploded about five miles above ground, and the other hit the Earth forming Lake Cheko.
More than 110 years ago, a massive explosion ripped through the sky over the Tunguska region of Siberia, flattening trees nearly 31 miles around.
The blast is thought to have been produced by a comet or asteroid hurtling through Earth's atmosphere at over 33,500 miles per hour, resulting in an explosion equal to 185 Hiroshima bombs as pressure and heat rapidly increased.
But, with no definitive impact crater and little evidence of such an object ever found, scientists remain perplexed as to what truly caused the event in which 'the sky was split in two'.
Numerous studies have attempted to make sense of what happened on June 30, 1908 at Tunguska.
The biggest-ever documented explosion was the size of 185 Hiroshima nuclear bombs - yet there was no evidence of human fatalities. Pictures show trees flattened by the blast
From UFO theories to speculation about the supernatural, the mysterious event has spurred explanations of all kinds, many of them lacking scientific basis.
Some scientists even suggested a black hole had collided with Earth – but other experts quickly shot down the idea.
In a review published in 2016 in the Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Natalia Artemieva of the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona explains that the event followed a clear course.
Whatever caused the event likely entered the atmosphere at 9-19 miles per second, and would have been extremely fragile, destroying itself roughly six miles above Earth.
The possibility of an asteroid explosion was first proposed in 1927 by Leonid Kulik, 20 years after the event.
Others suggested the space-object may instead have been a comet, made up of ice rather than rock, meaning it would have evaporated as it entered Earth's atmosphere.
But, some scientists warn that these findings do not definitively explain the bizarre explosion – with meteor showers being a frequent occurrence, these samples could be the remnants of a much smaller, unnoticed event.
To some degree, the Tunguska event still remains a mystery, which scientists are continually working to solve – but, whether it be from a comet or asteroid, most agree that the explosion was caused by a large cosmic body slamming into Earth's atmosphere.
The blast led to a host of theories on the cause apart from a meteorite: from a massive volcanic eruption, to comet mainly composed of ice not solid space rock, to a black hole colliding with Earth, to aliens shooting down a meteor from a UFO in order to save Earth. Fallen trees could still be found at the site in the 1990s (pictured)
Italian scientists (pictured in 1999) spent 21 years researching the so-called Tunguska event, claiming the blue-water Lake Cheko filled a 'missing' impact crater - giving rise to the theory that the phenomenon was caused by a meteorite
The explosion - the force iof 185 Hiroshima bombs - was recorded over Siberia but was felt as far away as Britain
Now Russian researchers have examined the sediment from the deepest part of the lake, some 50 metres below the surface, and undertaken geochemical and biochemical analysis.
The study indicates that the deepest sample they obtained is about 280 years old, which means that the lake is probably even older, because the researchers did not manage to obtain samples from the very bottom of the sediment layer.
'Besides, there are other deep, practically round lakes in the Tunguska reserve, which look like Lake Cheko and probably have the same geological origin,' said a statement from the expedition centre of the Russian Geographical Society in the Siberian Federal District.
According to local reports, traces of the mysterious Tunguska event can be seen even now
An aerial photograph of the Lake Cheko was obtained by an earlier Italian survey of the area
Aerial images show the pattern of trees flattened after the 1908 explosion and the inferred epicentre
'Geologically the lake appears young. But not young enough to be a crater lake caused by Tunguska,' reported The Siberian Times, which also said the reason for its formation remains a mystery.
So the puzzle over Tunguska remains, but the answer could be that it was a meteorite and that it exploded in the air.
In 2013 rock samples of meteoric origin with traces of a carbon mineral called lonsdaleite were found in this part of Siberia.
These are known to form when meteorites crash to Earth but could have been from other unrelated meteor showers.
It’s one of the big, important questions facing mankind today – why are visitors from beyond the stars so interested in Devon?
This week, dedicated UFO spotter John Mooner saw yet another hi-tech spacecraft over the county.
Mooner – who has previously spotted several other aliens – says, ‘I was stargazing looking at different astronomical bodies and taking photographs of the moon when I just happened to notice a very bright star like object to the left of me. I knew that it could not be a star because it was moving.
‘I zoomed in on the bright object which then to my surprise started to move anticlockwise in a semi circle. The bright object then shot towards my direction and then just disappeared.
But UFO investigator Mooner says he saw eight UFOs in just three months – including a close-up encounter with aliens in a Newton Abbot car park, chronicled on his site World UFO Photos and News.
Either that, or it could be evidence that people from Devon are just really, really weird.
Picture: John Mooner
On 12 September, 2016, a man reported triangular spacecraft flying over the county – and others spotted them, too, according to the London Economic.
That very same month, a family saw strange bright lights over the area.
Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, says, ‘Devon has had a long history of UFO visitations, that have ranged from sightings of lights in the sky to close encounters with UFO craft. Triangular UFOs seem to be in vogue at the moment, plus interest in looking to the skies of Devon has been encouraged by postings of UFO videos and picture that show unusual aerial activity over the county. For believersthis shows ‘they’ are on the verge of publicly revealing themselves, to sceptics it highlights the folly of internet rumours and human perception.’
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The human body is a super complex machine that we probably won't understand until the day of our eventual extiction.
Scientists have studied the little details that make up our body system, how blood vessels work, how oxygen circulates throught he body, how the brain functions, etc. There are tons of details that are so complex and mind blowing about the human body which makes us an incredible species meant to do great things.
But there are several other mysterious human characteristics that we have never encoutnered within our own species, at least alive today.
The elongated skulls from Peru are some of the most peculiar remains of human beings that was ever discovered. It is known that elongated skulls can be made artificialy and takes a few months to get the desired results. But the Paracas elongated skulls are all natural, meaning it's part of a genetic making up an ancient and lost humanoid species.
Recently, one of the most fascinating Paracas skulls ever discovered has something very odd about it.
In 1838, Edgar Allan Poe published "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym" describing an adventure to Antarctica where the adventures found ancient ruins, labyrinths and Egyptian hieroglyphs on the walls.
Pym and Peters hide discover a labyrinth of passages in the hills with strange marks on the walls, and disagree about whether these are the result of artificial or natural causes. Facing a shortage of food, they make a desperate run and steal a pirogue from the natives, narrowly escaping from the island and taking one of its inhabitants prisoner.
In 1936, Howard P. Lovecraft published an article about a scientific expedition to Antarctica titled “At the Mountains of Madness” The story details the events of a disastrous expedition to the Antarctic continent in September 1930.
By using Google Earth ufosightings hotspot found some structures and anomalies in Antarctica which could be remnants from the past. Of course, all of this proves nothing really, but merely deepens the Antarctic mysteries even further.
It has been believed for decades if not centuries now that there was such a thing as UFO's and that individuals did have ESP or psychic powers. Of course, there was never any documentation by any government sanctioned office that these phenomena exist. That is none that was made open to the public, that is until now.
The CIA has now declassified million of documents that use to be top secret information. Some of these documents were stuff that many of us would expect to find, such as information about various war efforts over the years, But among these was also stuff that proved once and for all what so many of us already knew was true, the UFO sightings were real and there have been extensive study into ESP behavior.
The documentation shows investigations into UFO's dating back to the mid-seventies. These go into the fact that around twenty percent of these sightings were that of a flying craft that couldn't easily be explained nor did it seem to be anything that was technology known to man. There was also information on the fact that the Air Force did research into whether or not these UFO's were a threat to the earth and whether or not we should prepare for an attack.
According to one of the papers at least 20 percent of unidentified flying craft sightings could not be scientifically explained.
"The IAC has reviewed the current situation concerning unidentified flying objects, which have caused extensive speculation in the press and have been the subject of concern to Government organizations… Since 1947, approximately 1,500 official reports of sightings have been received and, of these about 20 percent are as yet unexplained," the document says.
There was also documentation that in the early seventies the CIA was doing a study on ESP. This study included doing research on an illusionist from Israel by the name of Uri Gellar. Gellar over the years had displayed signs of having psychic abilities, and he was among those well-known figures the CIA wanted to study.
But why was the CIA interested in those who displayed such abilities? Well, it would seem that US Military was initiating Project Stargate in 1978 which was about finding out about how psychic abilities were being used by military and other organizations in foreign countries or even at home. As for, Gellar's part of this research how did he pan out?
It would depend on who did the research according to the documentation he did have ESP. However, a few nights before he did this study he appeared on Tonight Show then hosted by Johnny Carson and didn't fair up as well. Maybe it comes down to what some say psychic abilities isn't something someone can turn on like a light switch it just happens. In any case, as for this, research and even Project Stargate it ended in the mid-nineties and this information was declassified.
Anyway, these documents prove what so many of us knew there were cover-ups going on. The truth was out there; it was just not being made known. That is until now, and it isn't anything knew that we didn't already suspect.
'Big Bang not true': This is what REALLY created universe, says man 'abducted by aliens'
'Big Bang not true': This is what REALLY created universe, says man 'abducted by aliens'
THE Big Bang never started the universe, according to a man who bizarrely claims to have been abducted by aliens who put him straight on the scientific theory.
The man detailed his experience on a popular conspiracy forum, giving details of what he alleges they told him.
Among his supposed revelations are that the universe did not come about as a result of the Big Bang and that aliens are able to communicate with each other via telepathy.
The anonymous man claimed his first contact with beings from outer-space happened when he was young when one got in touch with him through his brainwaves.
He the says that since then, he has been constantly conversing with them.
Aliens told a man they abducted the big bang did not happen... allegedly.
He wrote: "For the last 17 years it’s been an on and off again thing. I’d just gone five years without any contact or communication incidents, but in August 2016, things got very serious, very fast.
“I went to bed one Saturday night just like any other night. But Sunday morning was not anything like any Sunday I’d been through before.
"I woke up and realised immediately what happened. I was freezing. And soaking wet. And I felt like I was in a dream. Have you ever been under anaesthetic? Same feeling when waking up.”
He claims that during this encounter, he was told that the universe was created by something called “The One” – something that is neither alive nor dead, male nor female, but responsible for everything in existence.
I was told that the universe was created by something called The One – something that is neither alive nor dead.
Alleged alien abductee
The man then made a series of outlandish claims about the history of the Earth from the Garden of Eden to today.
He added: “You likely won’t believe me yet, but that voice in your head, your conscience, is actually what’s left of the telepathic connection to our counterpart on Eden.
“Of course today we are raised to believe thinking anything other than ‘it’s your own voice’ will get you locked up in a psych ward.”
Several people believe or claim that they have been abducted by aliens, to the point that a "close encounter" conference was held in Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia, this week.
A CGI impression of how the Big Bang may have happened at the start of the universe.
Wolf 1061c sits in its host star’s ‘habitable zone’ – massively increasing the chance of finding alien life.
The planet is relatively close by, sitting in a star system just 14 light-years away – which is “so close and that gives other opportunities to do follow-up studies to see if it does indeed have life”, San Francisco State University astronomer Stephen Kane.
Wolf 1061c orbits the star Wolf 1061 with two other planets and is in the goldilocks zone – an orbital region which is neither too hot, nor too cold to sustain life.
However, the astronomers say that it is on the edge of being too close to the star, which could mean that heat gets trapped in its atmosphere, leading to a greenhouse effect where the temperature steadily rises.
Experts state that this is likely what happened to Venus where temperatures now reach 880 degrees Fahrenheit – way too hot to sustain life.
Speaking about Wolf 1061c, Mr Kane said: “It's close enough to the star where it's looking suspiciously like a runaway greenhouse.”
Venus was once a habitable planet
The team also state that, unlike Earth which experiences climatic changes such as the ice age because of minor variations in its orbit, Wolf 1061c’s orbit changes rapidly which could lead to chaotic climate change.
An artist's illustration of an exoplanet
Mr Kane added: "It could cause the frequency of the planet freezing over or heating up to be quite severe.”
However, the team says that this could actually counter the effects of the “runaway greenhouse” cause, essentially keeping the planet cool enough to support life.
Two computer scientists say they proved that there is a holy supreme force after confirming the equations.
In 1978, mathematician Kurt Gödel died and left behind a long and complex theory based on modal logic.
Dr Gödel’s model uses mathematical equations that are extremely complicated, but the essence is that no greater power than God can be conceived, and if he or she is believed as a concept then he or she can existin reality.
But two computer scientists have used computers to run such complicated which they say confirms that the equation does indeed add up.
The point of the researchers’ argument was that they were not directly trying to prove the existence of God, but rather to showcase the power of computers.
Christoph Benzmüller of Berlin's Free University, who ran the calculations along with Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo of the Technical University in Vienna, told Spiegel Online: "It's totally amazing that from this argument led by Gödel, all this stuff can be proven automatically in a few seconds or even less on a standard notebook.
“I didn’t know it would create such a huge public interest but [Gödel’s ontological proof] was definitely a better example than something inaccessible in mathematics or artificial intelligence…
It’s a very small, crisp thing, because we are just dealing with six axioms in a little theorem.
“There might be other things that use similar logic.”
Wetenschappers gebruiken wiskundige berekeningen om te ‘bewijzen’ dat God bestaat
Wetenschappers gebruiken wiskundige berekeningen om te ‘bewijzen’ dat God bestaat
Twee computerwetenschappers zeggen aan de hand van wiskundige vergelijkingen te hebben bewezen dat er een hogere macht is.
In 1978 stierf de Oostenrijks-Amerikaanse wiskundige Kurt Gödel. Hij wordt gezien als één van de belangrijkste logici aller tijden.
Hij ontwikkelde een complexe theorie op basis van de modale logica.
Gödel, een persoonlijke vriend van Einstein, geloofde in een leven na de dood. Hij stelde: “Ik ben overtuigd van een hiernamaals. Als de wereld rationeel in elkaar zit, moet er een leven na de dood zijn.”
In de jaren zeventig verspreidde hij onder zijn vrienden een uitwerking van Anselmus van Canterbury’s ontologisch bewijs van het bestaan van God.
Gödels wiskundige vergelijkingen zijn extreem ingewikkeld. Zijn complexe theorie gaat ervan uit dat het concept van God te groot, te anders is voor het menselijke begrip, dat hij gemaakt moet zijn door God.
Kurt Gödel
Twee computerwetenschappers zeggen dat Gödels godsbewijs klopt.
De onderzoekers wilden niet zozeer het bestaan van God bewijzen, maar vooral laten zien over hoeveel rekenkracht computers beschikken.
“Het is zeer indrukwekkend dat dit slechts in een paar seconden kan worden bewezen met behulp van een laptop,” vertelden Christoph Benzmüller van de Vrije Universiteit Berlijn en Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo van de Technische Universiteit Wenen aan Spiegel Online.
De twee wetenschappers maakten de theorie van Gödel compleet.
“Gödels ontologisch bewijs was zeker een beter voorbeeld dan iets onbereikbaars in de wiskunde of kunstmatige intelligentie,” aldus het tweetal.
UFO Appears From Bottom OF Cloud Over Mexico, Jan 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Appears From Bottom OF Cloud Over Mexico, Jan 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 2017 Location of sighting: Michoacan, Mexico News source: Yesterday in Mexico a large cloud was forming when suddenly a round disk was seen appearing pushing through its bottom layer. The disk was of a different color than the cloud itself and looked smooth and rounded. Some people ask me, why would a UFO want to make a cloud to hide it? Because it can really rock the world of those people who are on the edge already or a little unstable or especially sensitive. They don't want to be the cause of someone getting hurt down here. They just want a close look and want you to think...they are not there, its just a coincidence that such a cloud exists. It keeps people calm. I remember a report from the W56 Friendship case at Rocca Pia Italy, where some people were becoming friends with the aliens in the base below the castle there. One of the aliens said that they could never harm another living thing. To do so would be against all they believe and stand for (this only represents views of W56, not all aliens). That they would rather self destruct than harm a single human being. Its odd, but we certainly can't judge multiple alien species based on our culture, also compounded by the fact that humans have a small IQ and aliens have an astronomically high IQ. Level of intelligence changes the perceptual field...the way each individual views the world around them. Scott C. Waring News states: HUETAMO.- At approximately 06:30 in the morning of this Saturday a strange meteorological phenomenon was visualized in several municipalities of the state of Michoacán, mainly in the hill of Tejerias, pertaining to the municipality of Huetamo. It is a spot with swirling figure and in the lower part a red light, which was appreciated in the sky, and was seen in several municipalities of Michoacan territory. People observed for more than an hour this phenomenon, which had never been seen.
UFO Shoots Past Live Interview At Capital Hill, Jan 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Shoots Past Live Interview At Capital Hill, Jan 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 22, 2017 Location of sighting: Washington DC, USA News Source: This is a great find by UFOvni of Youtube. Its a UFO shooting past a guy giving an interview at Capital Hill. The white craft moves quickly from the left to the right side of the screen. This is similar to what we saw at the Obama inauguration long ago on live CNN, but back then, even the CNN announcers noticed it and were trying to figure it out, but couldn't. This looks very similar. Strangely enough, the source video was gone, possibly deleted by CTV News after the UFO was made public, or maybe its just my location here in Taiwan. Some videos don't work outside the US. Can anyone confirm in comments inside the US if the video source works please? Thanks, Scott C. Waring
Giant Glowing UFO Over Portugal Leaves Dark Trail. Jan 17, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Giant Glowing UFO Over Portugal Leaves Dark Trail. Jan 17, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 17, 2017 Location of sighting: Portugal Source: MUFON This just in from Andries Riphagen of Youtube. The video not only shows a bright UFO that appears and disappears, but it shows a dark trail behind the UFO. The object moves slightly to the right and then is gone. It wasn't falling to earth and it was very slow, so we know it was not a meteor. Its huge and yet disappears in a heart beat. Very odd, but very exciting to get a report from Portugal. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states:
Yesterday around 10 pm in the sky a bright, static light of white color was captured "increasing and decreasing the density of light. Enthusiast of the ovnology and collaborator of Ufo Portugal of the parish of Maceira, Leiria, has sighted and filmed in the same place hundreds of UFOs in the space of 4 years.
Filer’s Files #4 – 2017 UFOs are interplanetary devices - PART I
Hawaii Flying Objects above plane on January 12, 2017
Filer’s Files #4 – 2017 UFOs are interplanetary devices - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Admiral Hillenkoetter UFOs are interplanetary devices, Letter from Reader about an Underground Base, Ancient Dowth, Ireland one of the World’s Oldest Structures, Leprechauns, Japan Would Use a Tether to Nab Debris and Destroy Them, Clark McClelland Verifies Some of Bill Tompkins Data, and December Sightings.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Alaska, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Germany, Ireland, Iran, New Zealand, Taiwan, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Admiral Hillenkoetter UFOs are interplanetary devices
Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, was the third Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) from 1947 to 1950, and the first Director of the CIA, which was established in September 1947.
Hillenkoetter was one of the first intelligence chiefs to make public his conviction that UFO’s were real.” On August 22, 1960, he stated,
“I am aware that hundreds of military and airline pilots, airport personnel, astronomers, missile trackers and other competent observers have reported sightings . . . These UFOs are interplanetary devices systematically observing the earth, either manned or under remote control, or both.”
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27 (UPI)–The Air Force has sent its commands a warning to treat sightings of unidentified flying objects as “serious business” directly related to the nation’s defense, it was learned today. An Air Force spokesman confirmed issuance of the directive after portions of it were made public by a private “flying saucer” group. The new regulations were issued by the Air Force inspector general Dec. 24. The regulations, revising similar ones issued in the past, outlined procedures and said that “investigations and analysis of UFO’s are directly related to the Air Force’s responsibility for the defense of the United States.”
Committee Reveals Document
Existence of the document was revealed by the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. The privately financed committee accused the Air Force of deception in publicly describing reports of unidentified flying objects as delusions and hoaxes while sending the private admonition to its commands. Vice Admiral R. H. Hillenkoetter (Ret.), a committee board member and former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, said in a statement that, “A copy of the inspector general’s warning had been sent to the Senate Science and Astronautics Committee.”
Letter from Reader about an Underground Base
Richard Bantel writes, “In 2000, I was flying my Cessna 150 my home base airport in Maryland (2W2) to Lewisberg, West Virginia airport.
9lWB). I chose to fly direct because of the solid VFR weather VFR weather and this direct route took me over the most rugged mountains in the eastern U.S. I was flying about 5000 feet AGL and I was enjoying the beautiful mountains. The terrain was all forest and no dwellings were visible in any direction and I believe the national forest was below me in this part of West Virginia. As I was looking around I noticed a C-123 a mile away at a flight level much below my flight level commencing what appeared to be final approach to landing. From my experience in Vietnam I know this aircraft was used for supply. The C-123 was not very far above the tree level in a relatively flat area and was headed directly for a rather high mountain. I immediately became concerned because there was no landing area visible and the aircraft continued heading for the mountain. I watched closely expecting the C-123 to impact with the mountain and prepared to notify ATC of a crash. There was no indication of a crash, smoke or fire, etc as it flew into the mountain and I found it difficult to believe what I had seen.
C-123 Provider
The incident was so unbelievable I neglected to get GPS coordinates. I believe the location was south southwest of Grant County, WV. A year later I mentioned it to Stephen Bassett who stated, “He was not surprised because he had heard of an underground facility in the general area where government officials meet with alien representatives”.We both agreed that stealth technology available most likely concealed an entrance to an underground facility. Thanks to Richard Bantel
Ancient Dowth, Ireland one of the World’s Oldest Structures
Dowth the Fairy Mound of Darkness is about the same size as Newgrange and Knowth ancient sites and was built in the same period over 5000 years ago before the pyramids or Stonehenge. It is one of the oldest structures on Earth and thought to have an astronomical purpose. Marie Moroney has been observing winter sunsets at Dowth since 1997. From the beginning of October to the end of February the sun sends its rays from the south-west into the chamber. As the sun appears progressively lower in the sky towards the winter solstice, the beam travels first over the sill stone, then enters the chamber and finally shines directly onto the stones at the back of the chamber. The Irish are one of the most ancient nations that I know of at this end of the world, and are from as mighty a race as the world ever brought forth-Edward Spenser. Motorways continue to be constructed over ancient cairns and cromlechs, stone circles continue to be leveled, and geomantically positioned monuments aligned to the constellations are replaced by shopping malls, housing estates, and corporate towers. The testimony of Megalithic Europe and of the Western origin of civilization continues to be deliberately obliterated so that men are condemned to believe what they are told from official sources about their history and origins.
Most of the Dowth art are discs
The men who looked up into the night sky were really looking into themselves. The gnosis of the heavens is the gnosis of the soul. Civilizations erected upon astronomical principles are erected upon the infinite ancestral reservoir of knowledge within man’s own being. There are no stronger foundations. As the Hermetic motto states: As Above, So Below. Most historians accept that Egypt was a cradle of civilization, and that many cultural idioms and traditions come from there. What has yet to be understood, however, is the manner in which Egypt inherited its cultural elements from the lands of the North-West. …the Irish system is the oldest surviving complete codified legal system in Europe. Peter Berresford Ellis (The Druids)
The traditions of the Irish people are the oldest of any race in Europe north and west of the Alps, and they themselves are the longest settled on their own soil – Edmund Curtis (A History of Ireland: From Earliest Times to 1922)
It is known as Eire in the Gaelic language, which comes from the old Irish Eriu, the name of a daughter of the mother goddess Ernmas of the Tuatha De Danaan, the mystical pre-Celtic race of Ireland. Eriu and her sisters asked that they name the island after them. also known by the earlier name Tuath Dé (“tribe of the gods”),[a supernatural race in Irish mythology. They are thought to represent the main deities of pre-Christian Gaelic Ireland.[1]
Much of Irish mythology was recorded by Christian monks, who often depicted the Tuath Dé as kings, queens and heroes of the distant past who had supernatural powers or who were later credited with them. Other times they were explained as fallen angels who were neither good nor evil.[
The Tuath Dé dwells in the Otherworld but interact with humans and the human world. Each member of the Tuath Dé has been associated with a particular feature of life or nature. Much of Irish mythology was recorded by Christian monks, who often depicted the Tuath Dé as kings, queens and heroes of the distant past who had supernatural powers. Other times they were explained as fallen angels who were neither good nor evil.[
Some of their key red and blonde haired gods were the Tuatha De Danann, also known as… The Dragon Lords of Anu … the name means literally “the folk of the god whose mother is Dana.” because they were said to be the offspring of the fallen angels (Anunnaki). They allegedly landed out of the heavens in a dark dense cloud on Iron Mountain. They were the alien gods, the ancient spacemen, and a group of blond, fair-skinned, and handsome beings, who ruled the Earth in prehistoric times. Their superior intelligence, artistic skills, and magical powers, which were based on highly advanced technology, laid the foundation of Druids. The ancient stories are significant, but they actually built some of the oldest structures in the World have an interesting resemblance to disc UFO mother ships and smaller disc craft.
From November to February the rays of the evening sun reach into the passage and then the chamber of Dowth South. During the winter solstice the light of the low sun moves along the left side of the passage, then into the circular chamber, where three stones are lit up by the sun. Much of the art is also in disc shapes.
There is mounting evidence in Ireland to support the notion that the ancients were adept in studying the movements of the heavens. The July 2008 issue of Astronomy & Space magazine article appraises the capabilities of the astronomer builders of 5,000 years ago and examines some of the evidence pointing towards a more complicated knowledge than is currently acknowledged.
The stories of Leprechauns in Ireland have always intrigued me. They are described as three feet tall often with large eyes that have magical powers. Leprechauns are protected by Irish law and stories about them have been told for centuries. People have observed wonderful aerial objects, variously designated as flying saucers, unidentified flying objects (UFOs), and so on. Many narratives describe bountiful blonds or three foot tall aliens with large eyes. But investigators have neglected to recognize one important perspective of the phenomenon: the fact that beliefs identical to those held today have recurred throughout recorded history and under forms best adapted to the believer’s country, race, and social regime. If we take a wide sample of this historical material, we find that it is organized around one central theme: visitation by an aerial people from one or more remote, legendary countries.
A gray alien could easily disguise himself as a Leprechaun. Some claim to visit the Leprechauns home, to catch one he will allegedly give a pot of gold to be released. The names and attributes vary, but the main idea clearly does not. Magonia, heaven, hell, Elf land – all such places have in common one characteristic: we are unable to reach them alive, except on very special occasions. Emissaries from these supernatural abodes come to earth, sometimes under human form and perform wonders. They serve man or fight him. They influence civilizations through mystical revelation. They can produce rings or designs on the ground and sometimes take children or babies. These matters are the subject of Passport to Magonia, Jacques Vallee’s seminal master-work that changed our understanding of the UFO phenomenon. An instant classic the book remains a must-have resource for anybody interested in the topics of UFOs and alien contact, as well as those fascinated by fairy folklore and other paranormal encounters.–Magonia-Folklore..
Japan Would Use a Tether to Nab Debris and Destroy Them
Calla Cofield writes, “The Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency will test an early space junk removal tether prototype using its HTV-6 robotic cargo ship, as seen in this artist’s illustration.” The cargo ship launched to the International Space Station will attempt to test the prototype.
Space debris, or “space junk,” is becoming an increasingly large problem for space agencies and private companies. Even small pieces of space debris, when moving fast enough, can tear through satellites and human habitats such as the International Space Station; a collision with space debris may have been responsible for the loss of a Japanese science satellite earlier this year.
In 2013, more than 500,000 pieces of space junk were being tracked by space agencies, according to NASA. That includes more than 21,000 pieces of space trash larger than 4 inches (10 centimeters) in size, and half a million bits of junk between 0.4 inches and 4 inches (1 cm and 10 cm). Thanks to
Clark McClelland Verifies Bill Tompkins Data
There was some very interesting validation of the Bill Tompkins material by the return of Clark McClelland (former NASA Apollo Engineer who had direct, longtime access to Dr. Debus the Director of NASA) to the Jeff Rense program on Thursday night. Bill Tompkins designed the NASA Control Room for the Apollo Project.
Links to the archived program have been emailed out. Much more will be revealed regarding the planet Aldebaran’s connection. One of Clark’s final comments about giving notice – upon his passing – that his remains are to be returned to Aldebaran was fascinating!
Tompkins told me that Dr. Debus was indeed telepathic and was in touch with the Nordic Navy women that were working alongside him inside the secret think tanks. Debus really bonded with Tompkins having him chair three project missions and participate in design work & consulting for seven mission projects.
Dr. Debus Director of NASA
Tompkins said that when he was tasked with presenting the original design concept for the Apollo Program on a Monday morning at the Redstone Arsenal outside Huntsville, Alabama to Dr. Debus, and Dr.Von Braun and the entire team of German scientists assigned to the project. After the one hour the presentation was completed Debus approached Tompkins, and took him into his office.
Again, Debus bonded immediately with Tompkins, introduced him to all the other German scientists working there, asked Tompkins to both lunch and then much later dinner where they discussed extreme details of the Apollo Program and the overarching master plan of the program. At the end of that first evening Debus asked Tompkins to remain at Redstone as his personal guest for the balance of the week – of course Tompkins did so and he had the full approval of Douglas Aircraft to pursue this endeavor. Tompkins said it was an amazing week in his life – much was confirmed to him by Debus regarding the info gained by the German operatives debriefed during WWII.
Just some really astounding secret history is coming to Light. Thanks to Frank Chille and the
Letter from Colonel Steve Wilson
Steve Wilson writes, “I worked under with MAJI Chain of command.” The MJ-12 Index is all I know to be true, whereas the document Index is a conglomeration of things so people could get the most documents floating around the web in one spot. Incidentally, when Bob Lazar was interviewed several years ago for Michael Lindemann’s “Six Viewpoints” book; he mentioned that his supervisor wore a “MAJI” badge. Supervisors there must have a Cosmic Q, level 10 clearances.
I have pretty amazing pictures of alien craft and our hope is to capture one before the authorities can get there and hide it. I’m fighting cancer so I’ll leave my photos to the person I trust most in this world, and will receive the location of all the photos and documents I have in the event of my death. Don’t ask who the person is. Whitley Strieber seems to believe that and it would really depend on the “aliens” themselves – if they chose to reveal themselves to the world on a mass scale. Do you agree with him? Do you think they would ever reveal themselves?
I do agree we won’t ever know the truth from our government although I saw a plan once to stage a landing of our benevolent brothers from space. Then they could say our benefactors have arrived, and everyone would soon forget the rest. It was to be staged tentatively at White Sands, New Mexico on Aug 28, 1997 or 98 but was never put into effect.
Of all the crashes I was at there was strong evidence was that the aliens are from other galaxies, two of those were questionable about coming from other dimensions.
Jacques Vallee thinks they’ve been with us throughout our history and he may be correct.
Maybe the very highest in MAJI might know why they are here. I sure don’t, but wouldn’t trust a grey or reptoid out of my sight, no matter how much others voice their opinion about how benevolent they think they are. Their ability to make a person think what they want them too is uncanny. It doesn’t matter what Vallee believes. Our government knows they have been coming here for hundreds of thousands of years.
The strongest evidence is the frozen body of a blond, seven foot tall woman hand in hand with a Neanderthal man found in the Ice Caves in France. Somehow they were frozen in mid stride. The caves were closed for a year or two while they removed them. Similar ancient blondes have been found near a hundred ancient pyramids in China. Another is the 30,000 year old skeleton of a gray found in Colorado. This was hushed up and the skeleton removed.
There seems to be well over 100 different races of extraterrestrials currently operating on this planet. Some are conducting medical experiments, military maneuvers, and cultural observations. Some have a much darker, malevolent intent, and have been responsible for controlling our species for thousands of years. It is tough to know why they are here. Is there a friendly Universal alliance of planets? What is their purpose and their goal? Are they taking action to stabilize the Earth? They appear to be taking samples of surface flora and fauna into great underground Halls of Remembrance to replenish and repopulate the upper world once a possible Great Purification begins? Will they step in to help humanity and rescue us in time or are we on our own, against forces we cannot hope to win? They do claim it will be a wonderful world when they take over. Thanks to Colonel Steve Wilson Note: Steve allegedly passed away and I doubt if he was Colonel, but appears to have some inside information.
December 2016 Sightings
December 2016 saw a total of 539 UFO sightings reported to MUFON from around the world. US 405, UK 36, Canada 28, Mexico 6, Australia 6, Brazil 6, Puerto Rico 4, China 4, and Iran 4.
The National UFO Reporting Center also had 323 reports in December according to Peter Davenport.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files #4 – 2017 UFOs are interplanetary devices - PART II
Filer’s Files #4 – 2017 UFOs are interplanetary devices - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
Alaska Orange Orbs Aligned
Girdwood–- I saw orange orbs at 10:38 PM on January 1, 2017, from Hightower Road and Stumpy’s Way. The weather was clear without any wind. They looked to be hovering east over a mountain. At first, one looked on top, another near the middle and third towards the bottom.
They might be Chinese lanterns. But still it didn’t seem right. The more I thought it just didn’t make sense. They stayed too aligned although maybe the pressure was keeping them lined up because of how still the weather was. They were spaced apart and were not really moving suggestive these were not Chinese Lanterns. The glow was steady and intense, but not bright.
After the video, I walked towards my place and trees blocked the view, but I could still see them. The kids went inside. I petted the neighbors’ dog, looked up and couldn’t see them. I walked back to the end of the driveway and they were gone.
Note: The orbs were not visible on the two video clips sent by the witness. This is not unusual as objects have to be very bright to show up on conventional cameras.
Update – Jan 11, 2017: The witness sent the above enhanced images which show the “aligned orange orbs.” Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
California Object
Llano— My sighting was on January 11, 2017, about 9 PM. If you can zoom in one picture you will see two small aircraft of some sort flying and there were about 6 of them. I was only able to capture these.
Note: The witness sent 3 photos an identified two much smaller lights that appeared to be star-like. The photo of the large (green colored) object is shown in this report. One could conclude that the green object could be a reflection, but the witness said that he saw six objects including the above object so the object could be real? Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Colorado Cylinder
Denver — I saw it for about 45 minutes on January 4, 2017, and finally stopped and took pictures at 11:00 pm. I kept noticing it in the sky while driving around doing deliveries. So I was in several places around the metro area during this time. I was compelled to stop and grab my camera after not getting a good shot with my phone. It was foggy that night and you can’t see the city well in the photo, but the object appeared to be over downtown Denver. From my perspective south of the city it looked like it was between mile high stadium and the buildings of downtown. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Lights
Pensacola — On the evening of Tuesday, January 10, 2017, at around 18:47 CST. I was recording time lapse footage on my GoPro HERO 5 camera of the moon. Looking towards northeast Pensacola I was using a short exposure and capturing at 3 fps. The event happened in less than one minute. While editing the footage I noticed two long cylindrical objects close to the center of the screen, one and then the other as if one was chasing the other. The objects enter the frame and exit in a distinct arch. When I zoom in on the second object and frame that shows the object permanently I see a clearly defined cylindrical object. I then realized that I may have captured something incredible and unidentified. I lost sight of the objects when they exited the frame after having momentarily entered the frame. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Hawaii Flying Objects
This was just seen on a picture I took out the airplane window on January 12, 2017.
I noticed while I was looking at my pictures.
I never saw these other than in my photos.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Hovering Light
Naperville – I was outside smoking at dusk on January 12, 2017, and I noticed right away a bright light beaming in the sky, just above a plane flying level. I even observed planes flying a distance below it. It was definitely in our atmosphere. In the far distance, a red/orange object was observed as well. The red object hovered way out in the distance, directly about the bright light. It looked to beyond our atmosphere, up in the stars. Perhaps, it was watching the bright white light.
The bright light did move and seemed to be moving forward. As I continued to watch, it stopped suddenly and hovered. I watched for almost an hour, both lights did not move. I went inside for about 30 minutes and looked back outside, but could not see anything due to cloud coverage. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Iowa Triangle
Des Moines – I was driving from my dad’s house to my mom’s house. When I got very near my mom’s house I saw a bright orange light over some condos. Maybe a couple thousand feet above it there was a fainter yellow light. As I drove a bit more I had to stop in the middle of the street and watch. It was moving very very slowly and almost right towards my car. As it got closer I noticed that there were also green and red lights on this thing. I figured it was a drone but it kept getting bigger as it got closer. It must have been 100 feet across which is not a drone. It was triangular with a couple of pointed edges on the back. It made a faint humming noise as it passed and I just watched it until I couldn’t see it anymore. My estimation for speed is about 40 mph. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Sphere
Buena— So I took a picture of the sky on January 6, 2016, upon looking at the pictures the next day noticed a yellow sphere in the sky with smaller yellow dots it looked like on it. I didn’t see the object with my naked eye only noticed it in the picture the day after.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Lights
I was outside feeding my dogs and I heard a loud humming noise on January 12, 2017.
I looked to my right and there was an aircraft like I’ve never seen before. It was shaped like a triangle with three bright lights but had no color. I got a video of it and then it was like it just disappeared; it was weird. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Lights
Philadelphia — I usually get up to go to work, so I decided to go outside to smoke a cigarette, then I notice a flash of light real bright light on January 11, 2017,. Then as I look up to see what it was I freak out a little as I notice that these two objects were silently chasing each other. Then one leads the other to follow. When I saw this I took a picture with my phone and ran inside to tell my wife what I just saw. She does not believe me, but I know what planes and helicopters look like. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Cookport— On January 15, 2017 at 1:15PM, I was driving when I noticed a huge completely round hole through cloud cover in the sky. There was a visible cloud trail up through the hole as if something huge just went right up through it. I stopped, took some photos, and also noticed that everything was completely silent. Too silent with no sounds of any kind whatsoever. Also as I began to drive off I saw a relatively large black helicopter flying right by the hole. I unfortunately didn’t get a photo of the helicopter. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virginia Triangle
Chesapeake — I love looking at the stars on clear nights and January 18, 2017, was cloudless at the time when I saw this object. It was flying low, maybe around 500 feet or so, almost directly over my house. It was triangular in shape and had three lights near each angle. It was traveling at approximately 100-200 mph and I only observed for approximately five seconds before it faded away in what appeared to be it cloaking itself. When it was visible it seemed like it was already semi-cloaked. The three lights were not bright but still visible enough to where I could make out its triangular shape and the exact placement of its lights. This object made zero noise. I was a Military Police Officer and have seen some questionable things in the sky, but never anything like this. It was an absolutely amazing experience! I live in a heavily populated area with a heavy military presence. There are always aircraft in the sky. After I observed this object I continued to look at the sky and observed aircraft flying in ways they normally don’t as if they were searching for something.
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Brazil Triangle
I was sitting in the front of the garage looking at the sky, waiting for them to appear when suddenly the dark triangular ship appeared and she turned to the side of my house. They are appearing every day with side lights in the form of ” V. ” It stopped in the air almost on top of my house. It then turned back continuing his way toward the highway. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Long Light
Whitehorse— I flew to the Yukon Territory from San Francisco to try to film the Aurora Borealis lights. There were a few clouds on January 13, 2017. My wife was doing timed shots leaving the shutter open for 8 seconds. She said there was nothing seen in the air, but this streak turned up on her picture. If you look closely you can see a halo of sorts in the picture. Also if you look in the background you can see the big dipper. We are stumped as to what it is. Any help is welcome. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oshawa— On Sunday, January 8, 2016, I went outside and thought to capture the moment of some good clarity in the sky in very cold temps below 0 C.
Random pictures taken between 2:43 – 3:11 pm, had a series of anomalies.
These series of UFOs were taken on my deck facing west towards Durham and towards Lake Ontario. I captured these various round blue orbs to thin cigar types. It is even more interesting to wonder what flies around NOT seen with the naked eye. Thanks to Paul Shishis
Costa Rica Disc
Liberia — I was on a ride with friends near Playa Panama on Culebra Bay in the province of Guanacaste on January 5, 2017. We stopped to take pictures of the bay at about 14:00 hours. (2 pm) We took several pictures and got on our bikes and rode home it was not until today 01/18/2017 that I uploaded and viewed them on my computer. After looking I found one picture that had an object in the right corner so I zoomed in on it. Frankly, it does not look like a plane or a bird to me and it has a distinct disk shape when zoomed in. I did not see it when the picture was taken and saw it only when I reviewed my pictures. The camera that I used is a Sony Cyber shot set to Auto so if it was a bird the Auto Focus would have picked it as being the closer object I think. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Germany Disc
Rust– My girlfriend and I went to a coaster park last year in August 2016. My complete life I see things that nobody else can see. Since I am nearly blind and can only see two percent of a complete seen. We were in the park and go to a tower 50 meters high. On top I believe I saw an invisible object directly in front of me 100 meters away. But nobody else does. Two times more that day I saw them. Now I was looking at our pictures and there it is, but not invisible. I took two photos maybe three seconds between and one has the disc and the other it is gone at 5:01 PM. It’s an UFO far away. I had sleep paralysis and men in my room since I was a child. There are always three and always the same essence. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Iran Sightings
Tehran City— A lying object was seen on TV over the city and military tried to attack the UFO on January 16, 2016.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tehran — Iranian Air Force Defense started shooting heavily at many ufos on January 17, 2017, at 5 PM, at the center of Tehran’s Enghelab Square. Thousands of people were seeing this unbelievable incident and many pictures and videos captured the shooting. Many Iranian Air Force aircraft flew above Tehran searching for these glowing orbs, but they couldn’t find anything. Then they said they were UAVs to sensor and tried to debunk this incident. But as you see in videos the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can’t maneuver fly like that. They can’t change their direction suddenly like these craft are able to do. Only ufos and alien technology can fly and move like that. Also they don’t start to shoot that heavily at the center of Tehran at UAVs like it’s a war! They don’t use the air force aircraft just for finding UAVs! I am the admin of the biggest disclosure page on Instagram: Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ireland Strange Cloud
Dublin –This video presents real flying spacecraft captured during my usual drive from my town to Dublin on September 9, 2016.
Thanks for Your Time Witold Ligezowski
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Zealand Sphere
Rangier — I was trying to make my dog jump into the air to get an action shot of her on January 13, 2017, I do this often and end up with allot of dud photos. I was about to delete this off my camera when I noticed what looks like a large rock in the sky with a blue glow.
I did not see this with my naked eye but wish I had so I could have zoomed in on it!
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Taiwan Strange Object
Taipei– I saw the light after I took the picture at Yehliu Geopark on January 14, 2017.
It looks like an object shooting out of the water. There was a yellowish trail of light following the object.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Light
Rattlesden, Suffolk – I was out walking alone on Mitchery Lane heading north and saw a reflective object that caught my eye. There’s a gliding club in the village not far from there, so I thought it was a glider but I couldn’t see any wings. I tried to take some pictures and video whilst it was still to the west. I lost sight of it trying to take a photo as a helicopter passed- but the object was much higher than the helicopter. The object reappeared more or less directly above me seven minutes later. Then it just disappeared again. I felt like it was watching me. I’ve always wanted to see a ufo, and I convinced myself it was wishful thinking. When I got home I forgot about the event, until a week later I looked at my pictures and to my surprise I had actually captured the object three times. It’s an old Samsung phone, so not the best camera, but when I zoomed in on the object- in one of the photos, it looked bulbous at the ends like two white balls stuck together. It’s definitely not a glider!! Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have macular degeneration of my eyes so have trouble editing these files and need to hire more help.A donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
New Paradigm Of Alien Contact
New Paradigm Of Alien Contact
If ETs are traveling the stars by means beyond our knowledge of physics, they are likely violating time and space to the point where they get from one-star system to the next within a span where intelligences at that level can interact. I think that it’s the wrong point of view not only to go by the SETI model of contacting ET, but Propulsion traveling mentality is even worse.
As long as our scientific orthodoxy evaluate highly intelligent ET beings based on our limited knowledge of physics, we will assume that they cannot get here because we’re still stuck on very physical means of space exploration based on propulsion based science. It is almost as though we keep thinking that riding horses is the only way to cross wide expanses. What’s boggling my mind is that the conservative scientific status quo refuses to imagine outside the box and project reality as such. If we accept the idea that there are thousands of civilizations in our galaxy that’s at least five hundred thousand years more advanced than us, then we must entertain the idea that some have figured out how to manipulate space-time and roam the stars.
Life on Earth began as chemical reactions between proteins and enzymes which are highly abundant in the universe that formed the first DNA and cells. Meteorites have been recovered containing some of these chemicals. Life on Earth is also dependent on carbon and composed mainly of hydrogen and oxygen (water H2O), some of the most abundant reactive elements in the universe. This suggests a possibility that DNA-based life on aquatic-terrestrial planets could be more abundant than commonly thought.
Early life on Earth came in all kinds of whacky shapes and forms. Weird worm things with no apparent back or front, animals with no symmetry etc. These forms mostly gave away and aside from the cnidarians (jellyfish and hydras) and the echinoderms (sponges and starfish) most animal genera possess certain common traits, such as bilateral symmetry (mouth and anus on opposite ends, an equal number of limbs on each side of the body if limbs present). These traits have won out, particularly among land-dwelling animals, because they possess certain evolutionary benefits. Having the food receptacle placed as far away as possible from the waste disposal is good for reducing the danger of infection. Having equal numbers of limbs reduces necessary brain power devoted to balance and coordination. Also, having the sensory organs located as close as possible to the brain reduces reaction times and increases reflexes as signals have less distance travel, thus leading to the evolution of heads. These are a few examples, I’m sure evolutionary biologists would have more.
This is not to say that aliens are likely to look like humans with prosthetics stuck on their noses but I think it’s entirely implausible that there would be worm-like aliens or reptile-like aliens or mammal-like aliens out in the universe. We will see unique expressions of life, not ones we are familiar with. The biggest most obvious difference might be size (scale). Slightly larger terrestrial planets with higher gravity would favor smaller organisms to reduce the energy and structural requirements of resisting gravity. Vice versa on smaller worlds. Planets with more oxygen-rich atmospheres would also favor larger animals that respire via gas exchange, so animals with exoskeletons could grow larger, like how arthropods on Earth used to be much larger when there was more atmospheric oxygen then shrank when it reduced.
Of course, there could also be aliens whose evolution and biology is nothing like ours and whose entire consciousness, if they even have one, is totally alien to ours. In this case, in my opinion, sci-fi writers are perfectly reasonable in creating any kinds of aliens they want and having them be equally plausible as long as they obey the laws of physics and chemistry.
We have all heard that we inhabit an average planet, orbiting an average star, in an average place in an average galaxy … nope.
Most galaxies are either “red” or “blue.” A “blue” galaxy is actively forming stars. This means it is forming a lot of really big stars. These stars outshine the great majority of smaller, dimmer stars, and since their characteristic colors tend toward the blue end of the spectrum they are called “blue” galaxies. What seems to drive star formation in these galaxies is that they have active giant black holes in their centers, that emit jets of material and radiation that roil the tenuous gas within the galaxy into concentrated areas that then produce stars.
A “blue” galaxy has a lot of heavy elements because these big stars become supernovas that “seed” the galaxy with heavy elements. But all these supernovas mean these galaxies are awash with radiation; which will effectively keep complex life from developing.
A “red” galaxy has stopped star formation because its central supermassive black hole is quiet. It’s “blue” stars have exploded, and all that is left are red dwarfs (which last for hundreds of billions of years). These galaxies do not have enough heavy elements to form much in the way of rocky planets. No significant planets, no significant life.
There are a few “green” galaxies. These are galaxies where the supermassive black hole at the center periodically turns “on” and “off.” There are enough supernovas to “seed” heavy elements, but not so many that they sterilize all the higher life.
The Milky Way is one of those very few “green” galaxies.
Only a really massive galaxy can form supernovas densely enough to have enough heavy elements to create large rocky planets. The Milky Way is the most massive galaxy in our Local Group of galaxies. (The Andromeda Galaxy is half again larger, but has slightly less mass.) There are galaxies far larger than the Milky Way or Andromeda, but they are rare; the Milky Way is one of the largest, most massive galaxies in the known universe.
The central core of a galaxy has too much radiation; too far out and there are not enough heavy elements. We are in the Milky Way’s “Goldilocks” zone, about 2/3 of the way toward the rim.
The bigger a star, the bigger its zone where liquid water can exist. But a star that is too big will die before intelligent life can evolve. Our sun is unusually large (95th percentile), but still small enough to last long enough.
Most solar systems are binary or trinary; planets can form around such stars but usually, the orbits are unstable. Even with a stable orbit the extreme variations in heating make most such worlds uninhabitable. But our solar system has only one star.
Most single-star systems have a gas giant that migrates into a position very close to its star. On its way, it usually expels other planets (or at least puts them into wildly elliptical orbits). Jupiter was on its way to doing that but ended up in a resonance orbit with Saturn that stabilized it. Thus Earth, Mars, and Theia were spared.
Earth and Theia were too close to the sun for life to develop; too much ultraviolet radiation for the precursor molecules to stick together. But Mars was far enough away that life could develop. It was also smaller, so it cooled faster, allowing simple life to develop while Earth was still molten.
Theia crashed into Earth in such a way that most of the material of Theia was absorbed by (molten) earth, but some of Theia ended up in orbit and ultimately coalesced into our very unusual moon. It was very close to Earth and raised huge tides. Tidal forces sent the moon spiraling out while slowing Earth’s day from 6 to the current 24 hours.
Meteor impacts on Mars ejected Mars rocks, some with primitive life “aboard.” Freeze-dried in space, a very few of these unintentional space travelers reached Earth. A subset unfroze and was viable; thus seeding Earth with life. (Meanwhile, Mars cooled and froze.)
The high tides caused by our (relatively) huge moon resulted in tidepools, which accelerated earlyevolution.
Most rocky planets are bigger than Earth, and if they are in the right place and have the right conditions they no doubt have complex life. However, being large they are still in their prime. Earth’s prime was the age of dinosaurs; not a time when intelligent life is going to evolve. Earth has passed its prime and is dying. (On a galactic time scale.) This led to conditions where intelligence was a survival characteristic since it allowed for instant adaptation in the face of rapidly changing conditions. (Again, “rapidly” in galactic timescales.) Ultimately the Pleistocene with its ice ages produced … us.
The point of all of the above is that the preconditions for intelligent life are quite rare. It is hard and slow to make an intelligent life form
Getting to other galaxies will be a challenge but not impossible. Especially if a usable “faster-than-light” drive works out. The point of all this is, if there were aliens, they would already be here. Intelligent life by nature inhibits the development of other intelligent life. So if there were aliens, they would already be here, and they would be us. So while some of us are, unfortunately, we’re not collectively ready for this new paradigm of Alien contact. If they are here and have nearly always been here we can infer a few interesting things. For something to be allegedly so pervasive and be still subject to debate after all this time it has to be elusive and invisible.
Life forms may be so advanced that we can not perceive them. Our senses may not be up to the task of perceiving them in their true nature.
Bacteria are entirely incapable of comprehending us. In fact, they are not capable of being aware of us at all. They inhabit the same space we do, even living inside our bodies as symbionts, but they are entirely incapable of being aware of us. Consider ants, which are far more complex than bacteria and are separated from us by only 500 million years of evolutionary development. They too inhabit the same space. They can be affected by our actions. They can see us, eat the food we drop on the ground, crawl all over our picnic tables, but they aren’t really aware of us. They are entirely incapable of understanding any message we might try to send to them. We have come to understand the chemical signals ants use to communicate with each other, and we can lay down trails for them to follow etc., so basically we humans are able to speak an ant’s language, but still we cannot convey to them any concept of what we are because ants lack the brains to comprehend what we are.
So, assuming the pace of evolutionary development is roughly constant, aliens out there would likely be so much more advanced that we would be incapable of comprehending them even if we were living right in front of them on their picnic table. They could even learn to speak our language, as we have with ants, and it wouldn’t do much good. That in itself could explain why it seems that no alien intelligence has contacted is. But really, the difference is even more extreme than the rate biological evolutionary development would suggest.
With the advent of technology, the rate of development has increased enormously, such that the complexity gap will be even bigger over the coming few billion years
About 40,000 years ago, humans began to develop Technology. Unlike evolutionary development, which advances by a process of random mutation, technological development advances through directed and systematic procedures. As a result, the pace of development has accelerated enormously.
Most people are probably familiar with cargo cults. For those who are not: cargo cults exist on some remote islands in the pacific. During WW2, the American and Japanese militaries established bases on some remote islands that had little to no previous contact with developed civilizations. When the war ended, the bases were abandoned. The natives on the islands had seen technologies that they did not understand. The lights and flying machines appeared to them as magic. Now, some of the people on these islands have adopted rituals that mimic the movements of air traffic controllers and radio operators, hoping that they can call down cargo from the sky.
These people are separated from us by only 8,000 years of development (the time it took from the establishment of the first agricultural civilizations until the present day) and yet they couldn’t understand what they saw, and they worship our technology in a religious manner.
8,000 years is far less than an eye-blink on the billions-of-years timescale of the head start that some planets had on ours. It took 8,000 years for us to appear as gods to other humans – how much longer would it take before we would recede from their ability to understand altogether? Maybe 100x that amount of time? But consider also that the rate at which technology is developing is increasing exponentially. Most of the developments that separate us from hunter-gatherers were made in the last 200 years.
So, with technological development beginning 3.4 billion years ahead of ours, the gap between us and an alien race would not be just the gap between bacteria and us, but conceivably exponentially greater.
Now consider again the ants. They can’t conceive of what we are. All they know are that there are lots of crumbs that tend to show up in a certain area near their anthill. For the ants, this is just a fact of life–“there are lots of crumbs over there usually” is just part of the nature of reality as they perceive it. Similarly, the evidence of alien life is probably all around us, but they are so much more advanced than we are, that the evidence of their existence appears to simply be woven into the nature of reality as we perceive it.
We must somehow prepare ourselves for alien contact of such obfuscation and occultation that makes our brains boil. Such an event to our monkey brain physiology is going to be traumatic. Perceptual filters will paradox. Extruded through the looking glass. Curiouser and curiouser. You knew who you were when you got up in the morning, but, you think it has been changed several times since then. You’re not the same as you were before. You are much more… muchier… you’ve lost your muchness. Everything’s got a moral, if only you can find it. Can we find the moral, the meaning from such an advanced creature as is hypothesized here?
No matter what happens perspective must be preserved. The perspective is that what we think it might mean is almost assuredly wrong and incomplete. We will be nothing but spectators in this exchange. Frantically grappling at meaning from the mix of infinity. Maybe just knowing they exist in its own way is enough? Just a flicker of comprehension. Proof of concept. More questions than answers.
The slice of extraterrestrial life is not going to be like anything envisioned in any entertainment media. It will be stranger than imagined, it will be stranger than we can imagine.
Universe Is Too Big For Extraterrestrial Life To Get Here… Wrong!
Universe Is Too Big For Extraterrestrial Life To Get Here… Wrong!
At the blackboard
In our daily mundane lives, we are oblivious to much of the Universes grand weirdnesses. Our neurology has evolved to react to and manipulate its environment. To survive. Our minds and our intellect are forever separate and silent witness to the Universe. Many of science’s grandest and profound discoveries go against all those billions of years of evolutionary programming. On the surface, they do not make colloquial sense. Our sense which is a product of a long line of evolutionary winners, the ones that managed to survive to breeding age. Each and every one of us is the product of a very long unbroken line of winners.
The Universe has no obligation to make sense. The advanced science of the last century began to shed light on some of the more intriguing and profoundly bizarre physical characteristics of the Cosmos. It is one of these counter-intuitive bizarre physical characteristics that can if not destroy the old argument that the “Universe is too big for extraterrestrials to get here” it will put a huge kink in it.
We all have heard about light speed. It is an old staple in TV and Movies. The true implications of Special Relativity on what happens at light speed is not usually discussed with any actual substance on TV shows or documentaries. For some people, my explanation and supposition will be a new interpretation.
We must consider several aspects of Albert Einstein’s magnum opus “Special Relativity”.
Note:The following is an import part to understand to follow my suppositions later on.
One of the bizarre characteristics is what is called “Time Dilation”. A good example that some people have heard of is called the “Twin Paradox”. Embracing the twin paradox is an important first step as you dip your toe into the nonintuitive world of special relativity. If you dig a little deeper into the links given here (and show a little determination), hopefully, you’ll begin to be more comfortable that Einstein really was right.
One must be very careful. The “relativity” in the theory’s name comes from the absolute core premise of Einstein’s idea, which is that nothing is absolute. If you are standing on a train platform and a train whizzes by, you would say that a person on the train is moving. On the other hand, a person sitting on the train would say that he is stationary and that you are moving. Relativity says that both of you are right. Who is moving and who is stationary is just a matter of perspective, and the laws of physics must work equally well for both people.
But this raises a conundrum when applied to the question of moving clocks. How can moving clocks tick more slowly than stationary ones if the question of who is moving is a matter of opinion? If I can say you are moving and your clock is slow, and if you can say I am moving and my clock is slow, something is inconsistent.
This longstanding question about special relativity is called the twin paradox. Suppose one in a set of twins sets off in a spaceship, travels to a distant star and then returns. On both legs of the trip, he accelerates to high velocity and then coasts for most of the journey. According to the “moving clocks tick slower” premise, the twin who stays on Earth will have experienced one duration, while the traveling twin will have experienced another, slower duration. The spacefaring twin will return to Earth younger than his homebody brother.
“But wait,” says the traveling twin, “according to my definition, I was just sitting there on my stationary spaceship while the Earth zoomed away from me and then zoomed back. By all rights, Earth twin should be younger!”
The solution to this seeming paradox has to do with the idea of a reference frame, which is central to special relativity. “Reference frame” is just a fancy term that means “the world according to me,” putting each person at the center of his or her universe. All “inertial” observers — those who don’t experience any acceleration — will agree that the homebody never changed his reference frame. He just sat there. Similarly, all observers will agree that the traveler lived in two reference frames, one moving away from Earth and one returning. Any third observer coasting through space will see that the homebody’s velocity doesn’t change while the traveler’s velocity does.
The law of relativity takes the traveler’s two reference frames into account. Thus the so-called paradox isn’t really a paradox. While the question of who is moving is a matter of opinion, the question of who has experienced two reference frames is not.
This is not just unfounded claims, it has been proven way back in 1971. In 1971, American physicists Joseph Hafele and Richard Keating verified time dilation at low relative velocities by flying extremely accurate atomic clocks around the Earth on commercial aircraft. They measured elapsed time to an accuracy of a few nanoseconds and compared it with the time measured by clocks left behind. Hafele and Keating’s results were within experimental uncertainties of the predictions of relativity.
If in the “Twins Paradox” one twin zooms off in a rocket at 90% of the speed of light. Time on the spaceship would be running 44% as fast as his twins on Earth. If the spaceship kicked it into overdrive and traveled at 99.9% of light, the brother’s clock on the spaceship would be running at 4.5% as fast as the Earthbound one now. What this means is if the twin (from his reference frame) went on a trip for 5 years at 99.9% speed of light, he would age 5 years. But his brother would have aged 110 years on Earth. This is a fact.
That is interesting but not my point. Using the laws that we know to be true. It is what happens when 100% light speed is achieved. Only one thing that I am aware of travels at light speed and that is a photon. If time slows down as we approach the speed of light the equations tell us that at the speed of light time stops. That means that if you were a photon time does not pass for it at all. That has some freaky consequences and is the crux of my assertion.
What this means is that at the instant that a photon is emitted anywhere in the Universe, typically they come out of atoms or get sent out by a star. The instant it gets emitted it gets absorbed at its destination. If you are the photon. For the rest of us, we observe it trundle through the Universe at light speed. But, for the photon time does not elapse. Hundreds of millions or billions of years of our time are zero time for the photon. From its unique point of view, the Universe goes by in an instant. From the point of view of the photon distance as we know it does not matter. It can traverse a googolplex squared in zero time. It can be everywhere, from its reference frame. For the rest of us, we bask in the time it takes to get to its destination. If time is the fire in which we burn, we burn incredibly slow. With this built-in transit ability in our Universe, is it so unfathomable that someone has figured out how to utilize it? The power of infinity is a strong pull.
Think about that for awhile…
Now hypothesize about a highly advanced alien civilization that has solved the light speed barrier and can traverse space at the speed of light. They have mastered an ocean of unimaginable technology. Not the least of which is Mass cancellation.
What they would have to have figured out is how to cancel Mass. We do not have any clue at all at this time in our scientific pursuits how to do that. But who knows if an intelligence that is a million or a billion of years advanced has not figured this stumbling block out. If they can make their ships or crafts massless they could be everywhere and I mean everywhere at will at any time. Shades of Douglas Adams “Infinite Improbability Drive”. It is only us primitives that think distance is an issue, a showstopper for alien visitations. But that is not the case.
This alien race could act like the photon. Instantaneous Universal transport. Zero time for them to cross from one side of the Universe to the other. As soon as they turn on the light drive they are already at their destination. This, of course, would require some amazingly high and unfathomable abilities in which we have no human analog. The reason that mass is an important factor in this hypothesis is that it is integral to the properties of light speed. Nothing with mass can travel at the speed of light.
No need for such human contrived nonsense such as warp drive. No need for such things if they could cancel the physical property of Mass (there are other issues as well to consider which are beyond this article). As soon as the turn on the light drive they are already at their destination no matter where it is in the Universe. This, of course, would require some amazingly high and unfathomable abilities in which we have not discovered so far.
The aliens that were left at home would age as we do but their emissaries on the craft are timeless. For a civilization such as this, I would hypothesize that they bring their entire culture with them on civilization ships. Otherwise, the forces of relativity would disjoint the two factions of the civilization severely. Makes sense to bring them all with you to keep the temporal differential to an absolute minimum.
It must be noted that us primitive humans have already begun the quest towards Mass cancellation. It is startling to ponder that we newcomers to the pantheon of galactic intelligence’s have already had an inkling, a beginning success, a baby step, a beachhead in our sciences. Our cutting edge scientific frontiers have identified and have been able to quantitatively gather information on what is referred to as the “Higgs Boson”. This tiny elusive subatomic particle is believed to a high degree of certainty to be the harbinger of all Mass in the Universe. It and it’s corresponding “Higgs Field” is the reason and method the Universe uses to create the phenomena of Mass. We can see it using billions of dollars of technology in infinitesimally small slices of time. We are nowhere anywhere near being hands on with it at all. But if we hairy primates even can fathom it, it must not be that difficult in the grand scheme of things.
I get tired of the same old rhetoric that spouts such unfounded certainty in UFOlogy. We must open our minds to unconventional thoughts. No one knows what is possible in the Universe. Our knowledge is woefully incomplete. I do not know of course if any of this supposition is true or not. We must have this type of intelligent dialog or UFOlogy will fall stagnant and be taken over by the UFO lunatic fringe. I wish that part of the human condition that is in each and every one of us contained the drive towards logical truths. It has manifested in many, many of us but not nearly enough. The real and verifiable Universe is more fascinating, wondrous, and awe-inspiring than we can handle. No need to play make believe with UFOlogy.
“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed.”
~ Albert Einstein (The World As I See It, 1930)
Science is the language of the Universe… Learn how to play.
A Man In Arizona Observes Reflective UFO Hiding Behind Cloud
A Man In Arizona Observes Reflective UFO Hiding Behind Cloud
A witness claimed he noticed a cloud hiding an alien spaceship. Anthony Sakowski said he observed the cloud surface to be reflective while driving along a country road in Arizona.
Anthony published the video to YouTube on January 6, but the exact date and time of the sighting is not stated. The video has received mixed comments or reactions from the viewers. Anthony said that a UFO reflected on haze above.
Most viewers suggested that Anthony has indeed caught on video something that’s not frequently seen. They stated that he just captured a video of a lenticular cloud, which has often been mistaken for UFO sightings. Lenticular clouds are stationary lens-shaped clouds in perpendicular alignment to the wind direction. They form in the troposphere- the lowest portion of Earth’s atmosphere.
However, some viewers offered a different view. They said that the unidentified flying object appeared to the view of the witness when the sun lit it up, which caused a disk reflection above it on the clouds. They explained that only a metal reflective surface could do such thing. They further speculated that the actual UFO is the dark area of the cloud.
A Man In Arizona Observes Reflective UFO Hiding Behind Cloud
A Man In Arizona Observes Reflective UFO Hiding Behind Cloud
A witness claimed he noticed a cloud hiding an alien spaceship. Anthony Sakowski said he observed the cloud surface to be reflective while driving along a country road in Arizona.
Anthony published the video to YouTube on January 6, but the exact date and time of the sighting is not stated. The video has received mixed comments or reactions from the viewers. Anthony said that a UFO reflected on haze above.
Most viewers suggested that Anthony has indeed caught on video something that’s not frequently seen. They stated that he just captured a video of a lenticular cloud, which has often been mistaken for UFO sightings. Lenticular clouds are stationary lens-shaped clouds in perpendicular alignment to the wind direction. They form in the troposphere- the lowest portion of Earth’s atmosphere.
However, some viewers offered a different view. They said that the unidentified flying object appeared to the view of the witness when the sun lit it up, which caused a disk reflection above it on the clouds. They explained that only a metal reflective surface could do such thing. They further speculated that the actual UFO is the dark area of the cloud.
Two Types Of Invisible Terrestrial Entities Identified
Two Types Of Invisible Terrestrial EntitiesIdentified
Nuclear physicist Ruggero Santilli claimed to have detected invisible entities living in the atmosphere of the Earth. Harvard-educated Santilli published an article revealing the existence of these mysterious invisible entities, which are the black and bright type. The Italian-American said that they are completely invisible to the human eyes. Dr. Santilli added that these beings could be spying on human activities.
Interestingly, Santilli, who runs an energy, nuclear physics, and optics company Thunder Energies Corporation, said that these entities appear to be performing unauthorized surveillance of sensitive military, industrial, and civil installations. He suggested that the government should answer the question about the real identity of those invisible beings.
President of the Corporation, Dr. George Gaines, said that they learned the reality is much bigger than they originally thought. He stated that there are things that are invisible even using a standard telescope.
Dr. Santilli said that they were able to identify two different kinds of invisible terrestrial entities or ITEs and added that more types of these beings might be identified in not so distant future.
Beyond Pluto: NASA's New Horizons Spacecraft Heads to Next Adventure
Beyond Pluto: NASA's New Horizons Spacecraft Heads to Next Adventure
By Hanneke Weitering, Staff Writer-Producer
Artist's illustration of the New Horizons spacecraft flying by the Kuiper Belt object 2014 MU69 on Jan. 1, 2019
Credit: NASA/JHUAPL/SwRI/Alex Parker
To Pluto and beyond!
Nearly two years after its historic encounter with the dwarf planet Pluto, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is getting ready for its next big adventure in the icy outskirts of the solar system.
Now, the spacecraft is on its way to a small, ancient object located about 1 billion miles (1.6 billion kilometers) beyond Pluto in the Kuiper Belt. This distant region surrounds the solar system and is filled with trillions of icy rocks that have yet to be explored. The new target was discovered by the Hubble Space Telescope in June 2014, and it was dubbed 2014 MU69.
Pluto, which officially lost its planetary status shortly after New Horizons launched in 2006, is also a Kuiper Belt object (KBO), and the largest of its kind. New Horizons became the first spacecraft to visit the Pluto system when the probe flew by the dwarf planet and its moons on July 14, 2015. [Destination Pluto: NASA's New Horizons Mission in Pictures]
Artist's illustration of NASA's New Horizons probe flying through the Pluto system in July 2015.
Credit: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute
A world of discoveries
It took the spacecraft about 16 months to beam back all of its data from the Pluto flyby, and planetary scientists have had a ball with that data.
"The New Horizons flyby of the Pluto system was completely successful, and now we've got all the data on the ground and we're putting a bow around it," Alan Stern, the New Horizons principal investigator at Southwest Research Institute, said in a Facebook Live event on Thursday (Jan. 19).
Thanks to New Horizons, scientists now have a global map of Pluto and the most detailed images yet of the dwarf planet's bizarre, mountainous landscape and icy volcanoes. Tall mountain ranges seen on Pluto also suggest recent geological activity on the dwarf planet's surface.
New Horizons additionally beamed back a gorgeous photo of a huge, heart-shaped basin (unofficially called "Tombaugh Regio") that quickly became Pluto's most famous feature, taking the internet by storm and gracing the front page of hundreds of newspapers worldwide. The New Horizons science team has said Pluto's "heart" seems to indicate the presence of a subsurface ocean.
The Pluto flyby also provided an opportunity to study Pluto's moons, particularly Charon. Researchers discovered that Charon and Pluto are both tidally locked, meaning the same side of the moon always faces the dwarf planet and vice-versa. As a result, Pluto's heart is always facing Charon. A giant red spot discovered on Charon's surface revealed that the moon is taking some of its atmosphere from Pluto.
"One thing that we discovered is that small planets can be just as complex as big planets, and that really blew away our expectations," Stern said, adding that all the new findings from Pluto "wet our appetite for future exploration of the Kuiper Belt."
New Horizons' photo of Pluto showing the heart-shaped area now informally named "Tombaugh Regio"
Exploring beyond Pluto
While the team continues to analyze the plethora of data — something that could go on for decades — it's also busy planning for the next big stage of the mission, the flyby of 2014 MU69. That will occur in January 2019.
Pluto is the largest object known to exist in the Kuiper Belt, but MU69 is much smaller and more representative of the trillions of other KBOs, Kelsi Singer of the New Horizons science team told Pluto is comparable to the size of North America at 1,475 miles (2,370 km) in diameter, while MU69 is less than 30 miles (about 45 km) across.
But MU69 isn't just any old KBO. Singer said that the object "has a special kind of orbit that makes it possibly a type of object that is primordial and left over from early solar system formation. So we think that we'll be able to look at what the building blocks of the solar system were like by going to this special object that has a special orbit."
This overhead diagram of the solar system shows New Horizons' full trajectory and current position. The green part of the line shows where New Horizons has already traveled, and the red shows the probe's future path to and beyond the Kuiper Belt Object 2014 MU69.
Plutonium power
Part of the rationale for choosing MU69 as the next target was that it had a good location given the amount of fuel left on the New Horizons spacecraft.
"MU69 turned out to be really interesting, but we also had limited options," Singer said. Using the Hubble Space Telescope, "we were searching the area of space where we had enough fuel left in the spacecraft to get to any objects that were there," she said. Three good potential targets were located, but the other two "were just on the edge of where [the spacecraft] had enough fuel to get to."
New Horizons runs on a radioactive plutonium power supply that could keep the spacecraft going through the mid-2030s, Glen Fountain, the New Horizons encounter project manager at Johns Hopkins University's Applied Physics Laboratory, said during the Facebook Live event.
But after the 2019 flyby of MU69, the spacecraft probably won't have much fuel left for special maneuvers, Singer said. "We won't be able to switch directions, but we'll still keep going out. It's possible that we'll be able to observe some other objects, but we haven't identified any of them yet. So we're going to keep an eye out to see what we can find."
Get ready for MU69!
For now, the team will remain focused on planning the MU69 flyby and sifting through data from Pluto. The researchers need to plan the spacecraft's every move far ahead of time; because of a 6-hour delay in communications with the distant spacecraft, they won't be able to tell the probe what to do in real time. Instead, the team must program New Horizons at least several months in advance to do every observation and data transmission.
The spacecraft will take photos of MU69 along the way, starting out with pictures of a single-pixel speck from afar, Singer said. During the flyby, New Horizons will be able to get even closer to MU69 than it did with Pluto, because the small object has much less gravity. This means that the photos of MU69 will have a higher resolution than the photos of Pluto. Singer said that's something she and the team look forward to seeing.
In April, New Horizons will be halfway to MU69 from Pluto, with 21 months of spaceflight left to go.
An artist's impression of what Mars might have looked like with water, when any potential Martian microbes would have evolved.
Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser
Microbes that rank among the simplest and most ancient organisms on Earth could survive the extremely thin air of Mars, a new study finds.
The Martian surface is presently cold and dry, but there is plenty of evidence suggesting that rivers, lakes and seas covered the Red Planet billions of years ago. Since there is life virtually wherever there is liquid water on Earth, scientists have suggested that life might have evolved on Mars when it was wet, and life could be there even now.
"In all the environments we find here on Earth, there is some sort of microorganism in almost all of them," said Rebecca Mickol, an astrobiologist at the Arkansas Center for Space and Planetary Sciences at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, and the lead author of the study. "It's hard to believe there aren't other organisms out there on other planets or moons as well." [Mars Methane - Could It Mean Life? (Video)]
Mickol and her team detailed their findings in the paper "Low Pressure Tolerance by Methanogens in an Aqueous Environment: Implications for Subsurface Life on Mars," which was published in the journal Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres.
Previous research detected methane, the simplest organic molecule, in the Martian atmosphere. While there are abiotic ways to produce methane — such as volcanic activity — much of this colorless, odorless, flammable gas in Earth's atmosphere is produced by life, such as cattle digesting food.
"One of the exciting moments for me was the detection of methane in the Martian atmosphere," Mickol said. "On Earth, most methane is produced biologically by past or present organisms. The same could possibly be true for Mars. Of course, there are a lot of possible alternatives to the methane on Mars and it is still considered controversial. But that just adds to the excitement."
On Earth, microbes known as methanogens produce methane, also known as natural gas. Methanogens typically live in swamps and marshes, but can also be found in the guts of cattle, termites and other herbivores, as well as in dead and decaying organic matter.
Methanogens are among the simplest and most ancient organisms on Earth. These microorganisms are anaerobes, meaning they do not require oxygen. Instead, they often rely on hydrogen for energy, and carbon dioxide is the main source of carbon atoms they use in creating organic molecules.
Methanogens contained in these test tubes, which also contained growth nutrients, sand and water, survived when subjected to Martian freeze-thaw cycles.
Credit: Rebecca Mickol
The fact that methanogens neither require oxygen nor photosynthesis means they could live just beneath the Martian surface, shielded from harsh levels of ultraviolet radiation on the Red Planet. This could make them ideal candidates for life on Mars.
However, the area just below the surface of Mars is exposed to extremely low atmospheric pressures, normally considered inhospitable to life. The surface pressure on Mars on average ranges from one-hundredth to one-thousandth that of the surface pressure of Earth over the course of the Martian year, too low for liquid water to last on the surface. In such thin air, water easily boils. (In contrast, the pressure at the highest point on Earth's surface, the top of Mount Everest, is about one-third that of Earth's surface pressure at sea level.)
To see if methanogens might survive such extremely thin air, Mickol and Timothy Kral, the senior author of the study and an astrobiologist at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, experimented with four species of methanogens. They included: Methanothermobacter wolfeii, Methanosarcina barkeri, Methanobacterium formicicum, and Methanococcus maripaludis. Previous experiments on these four species over the course of more than 20 years generated a lot of data on these organisms and their rates of survival in simulated Martian conditions. [Water on Mars: Wet Martian Discovery Explained (Infographic)]
The more recent set of experiments, which took about a year, involved growing the microbes in test tubes within liquids as a proxy for the fluids potentially flowing through underground Martian aquifers. The microbes were fed hydrogen gas, and the liquids were covered with cotton swabs, which in turn were covered with dirt simulating what might be found on the Martian surface. The insides of each test tube were then subjected to low pressures.
Graduate students Rebecca Mickol and Navita Sinha prepare to load methanogens into the Pegasus Chamber housed in W.M. Keck Laboratory.
Credit: University of Arkansas
Oxygen kills these methanogens, and maintaining a low-pressure, oxygen-free environment "was a difficult task," Mickol said. Moreover, water evaporates quickly at low pressure, which can limit how long the experiments can last and can also clog the vacuum system with water.
Despite these problems, the researchers found that these methanogens all survived exposure of lengths varying from 3 to 21 days at pressures down to roughly six-thousandths of Earth's surface pressure. "These experiments show that for some species, low pressure may not really have any effect on the survival of the organism," Mickol said.
The scientists are also measuring methane to see whether methanogens are actively growing at low pressure and producing methane.
"The next step is to also include temperature," Mickol said. "Mars is very, very cold, often getting down to -100ºC (-148ºF) at night, and sometimes, on the warmest day of the year, at noon, the temperature can rise above freezing. We'd run our experiments just above freezing, but the cold temperature would limit evaporation of the liquid media and it would create a more Mars-like environment."
Mickol stressed that these experiments do not prove life exists on other planets. "That being said, with the abundance of life on Earth, in all the different extremes of environments found here, it's quite possible there exists life — bacteria or tiny microorganisms — somewhere else in the Universe," she said. "We're just trying to explore that idea."
This research was supported by the Exobiology & Evolutionary Biology element of the NASA Astrobiology Program.
Anunnaki Base Discovered in the Bucegi Mountains — The Giant Aliens that Created Mankind
Anunnaki Base Discovered in the Bucegi Mountains — The Giant Aliens that Created Mankind
The article was originally published on November 30th, 2010, at 11:11 AM. It was improved, corrected and republished in May 2013. I. Short Introduction
In the summer of 2003, in an unexplored area of the Bucegi Mountains, a team from Zero Department (a top secret section of the Romanian Intelligence Service— SRI), had made an epochal discovery, which could had completely change mankind's destiny. The United States of America exercised colossal diplomatic pressure on the Romanian Government, which intended to disclose the findings to the entire world.
The implications became far more complex due to the brutal interference of the Order of the Illuminati, which sought to take control of both the location of the discovery, and the joint Romanian - American expedition.
The expert on strange phenomena, and also the leader of operations for the Romanian State, Cezar Brad, is the “hero” of the shocking events that occurred in the Bucegi Mountains. He also had two memorable meetings with a leading representative of the Illuminati, and top Bilderberg member.
The location of the alien base inside the 'Masivul Bucegi' mountain, Romania. Also, notice the locations of the Sphinx of Bucegi and the Babele monoliths above the alien base.
II. A Strange Visit From the Most Powerful Bilderberg Member
In May 2003, Cezar was visited by a highly important character. The meeting request came through SRI, as a result of the government's intervention. The person was a foreigner, but spoke the Romanian language very well. He was also familiar with the country.
The SRI informed Cezar that the visitor was a high ranking member of a very important Masonic lodge from Italy, he was a noble, and had very strong financial influence in Romania.
His political influence was also very high, since he was able to penetrate the wall of SRI agents and reach the DZ.
Cezar felt a high pressure and a heavy weight around this person. He was surrounded by a cloud of heavy, unpleasant radiation which concealed his true intentions. For this meeting, Cezar prepared thoroughly, isolating himself in a room and falling into a state of deep meditation, to learn more about the person.
A SRI helicopter brought this arrogant, tall gentleman, wearing a black suit. He had a cane with ivory handle and gold inlay. His face expressed harshness and his green eyes had a strange effect, radiating unusual coldness. He presented himself as Senior Massini (probably not the real name). He was very confident of his power and created the impression of a person who was used to give orders.
He was the leader of one of the most important Masonic Lodges of Europe and also to one of the most influential Masonic organizations in the world: the Bilderberg Group.
Massini was very direct and stated that humans are of two kinds: those who can be manipulated and ruled (these form the majority), and those who have certain virtues and strong personalities. He said that his group is part of the highest Masonic order and is very interested in the outcome of the discussion.
Mister Massini explained that the Bilderberg Group is not a Masonic lodge, and it means much more than that. He said that the lodges are just facades and the real power is much higher than the thirty-third hierarchical level. Massini invited Cezar to join the group, letting him understand that he will have many advantages. According to Cezar, Massini was both physically and psychical strong, which contrasted with his age. Unfortunately for him, his power was centered on a huge ego, arrogance and sense of superiority over the rest. Massini informed Cezar that he requested him personally, using his political influence, because he was impressed by Cezar's psychic power.
III. The Pentagon Spies With Satellites A Pentagon satellite used for geodetic espionage, based on bionic technology and shape waves, discovered in 2002 a separate unit in a specific area of the Bucegi Mountains. The empty space inside the mountain had no correspondence with the outside, and looked like it was carved from the inside, by intelligent beings. It was definitely not a cave.
The satellite scan of the mountain revealed two major energetic blocks. These barriers were made of artificial energy. The first one was like an energetic wall, blocking the access to the tunnel, while the second one was shaped like a dome (or hemisphere), and was located at the opposite end of the tunnel, near the center of the mountain. Massini was sure that inside the dome they will discover something extremely important.
He had deep knowledge about the origin of this discovery and had knew of the existence of at least one item located inside the great hemispherical hall. The tunnel and dome were strangely aligned with the rock formations from the top of the mountain, known as "Babele" and the "Sphinx of Bucegi".
The Romanian Sphinx of Bucegi
IV. A Similar Structure In Iraq
The Pentagon team noted that the hemispherical energy barrier had the same vibrational frequency and the same shape as one other top secret underground structure that they had discovered prior, near Baghdad, Iraq.
Shortly after this discovery, the Iraqi war broke out and after a few months, the Americans had access to the biggest secret in the area -- which the Iraqis knew nothing of.
Massini explained Cezar that the content of that discovery had to do with Earth's mysterious past and the history of their secret organizations.
When the Pentagon investigation noted the similarities between the underground structure of Baghdad and the one from the Bucegi Mountains, Massini and his masonic lodge became extremely agitated. Initially, they've almost panicked. The panic was due to the fact that this structure - much larger and more complex than the one from Iraq - is on Romania’s territory.
The location of the alien base, on Romania's map
[Apparently, Romania is probable to play an important role in the downfall of the secret societies that control the world and enslave mankind. It was also suggested that somewhere above the Bucegi Mountains, an energetic pyramid is located, which is invisible to the naked eye, and contains the real history of our planet. One can imagine their panic].
Massini brought to the drilling site an ultra sophisticated, hard rock drilling machine, used by the US military. The device used a strong plasma jet and a sort of rotating magnetic field, literally melting the rock with no visible effort.
V. The Secrets of the Bucegi Mountains -- Year 2003 They were able to achieve penetration about 60-70 meters away from the first energetic barrier, and reached the first gallery, which looked like a subway tunnel. Its walls were perfectly polished.
At the end of the tunnel there was a massive stone gate, which was protected by an invisible energetic barrier.
Three members of the first special intervention team tried to touch the door, and immediately died of cardiac arrest.
Any object (rock, plastic, metal or wood) threw at the barrier, immediately turned into fine dust. Two generals from the Pentagon and the U.S. presidential adviser arrived on the spot.
VI. The Grand Gallery Beyond the formidable energy barrier, which caused the deaths of three people, there was also the solid rock gate. On the tunnel’s wall, just in front of the gate, there was an area of 20 square cm, on which there was precisely drawn an equilateral triangle pointing up. The square was located between the huge grinding stone gate and the invisible energy barrier.
Tunnel and dome inside the Bucegi Mountains
Cezar felt that there is some kind of compatibility between the energetic barrier and himself, something like a mutual “sympathy”.
His hand lightly touched the surface of the energetic barrier and he felt a tingling on the skin. The shield was completely harmless to him, so he stepped forward, passing right through it. The U.S. officials were absolutely stunned.
Cezar estimated the barrier to be no more than an inch thick.
He touched the triangle drawing located in the center of the square, and the gigantic stone door silently slid to the left, into the wall. That command also cancelled the energetic barrier, giving them access to a huge room, which was later named "The Grand Gallery".
Even though there was no visible light source, the Grand Gallery was perfectly lit.
After turning off the first energetic barrier, the huge hemispherical shield at the other end of the room, suddenly tuned to a higher vibration and started emitting higher radiations. On a closer analysis, the wall inside the Grand Gallery seemed synthetic but also felt like something organic was part of it. It had the color of oil, but the reflections were green and blue.
Later tests revealed that the wall's material was somewhat rough to the touch, but it could not be scratched or bent. It withstood any attempt of breaking, piercing or cutting it. Later, the scientists tried to burn the material, but in a mysterious way, the flames were somehow absorbed within it, leaving it untouched.
The American scientists agreed that the material is a mysterious combination of organic and inorganic matter. After 280 feet, the gallery suddenly turned to the right in a sharp angle. Further ahead a blue, sparkly, light could be seen. The blue light at the end of the gallery was the reflection of the protective shield of energy.
VII. A Similar Base in Iraq The U.S. adviser on national security issues received a call and he was notified that the energetic shield from Baghdad, Iraq, had been suddenly activated, and it was also pulsating at a higher frequency.
In front of the shield from Baghdad, a hologram of our planet appeared, which sequentially and progressively depicted the European Continent, then moved to the south-east, then it showed the Bucegi Mountains from Romania and, finally, it showed their own location within the structure’s corridor. It was obvious that the two hemispherical energy shields were in a direct connection.
Basically, the Iraqi base had been notified about the presence of people inside the Romanian base.
The bad news was that the U.S. presidency was notified and it contacted the Romanian diplomacy. In just a few minutes, the whole operation had been disclosed, and Lord Massini's plan went down the drain.
The U.S. presidency demanded to take control over the secret base and the entire operation. The Romanian politicians, who knew nothing of the undergoing secret operation, panicked.
The Pentagon's generals present at the scene, had been informed that Washington demanded an urgent meeting.
VIII. CSAT (Supreme Defense Council) Emergency Meeting An emergency session of the Supreme Defense Council (CSAT) had created a huge wave of sympathy for the Zero Department.
Most were shaken by the news they’ve received. The CSAT's decision was to continue the research, but under Zero Department's complete control. They've had also demanded an inventory of everything found in the Great Room.
From Bucharest (Romania's capital), the orders came in waves, canceling each other. Some were very vehement and strict, while others were elusive -- denoting the huge tension.
CSAT's members were in continuous session, keeping in touch with the Bucegi Mountains team. After discussing everything for hours, they had decided to make the discovery public. The Romanian government was to make a formal statement to the entire world. Some CSAT members vehemently opposed the decision.
IX. Romania's Official Statement When the U.S. diplomacy had been informed that Romania will disclose the discoveries, everything tuned into chaos. The President was called for a direct phone conversation with the White House.
Within hours, the U.S. blocked all financial transactions with Romania and its access to all other financial institutions. Romania was about to declare “State of emergency” in the Bucegi Mountains and the capital.
The talks between the U.S. officials arrived in Bucharest and the Romanian Emergency Department took place without a translator. The U.S. officials were verbally violent, constantly shouting and uttering threats to Romania and its officials.
Romania's official disclosure to the world would have provided photographic evidence and anything else essential for a complete clarification. Leading scientists and researchers from all over the planet were to be invited for in depth studies.
But most importantly, it would have revealed the truth about mankind's distant past and the real history -- which according to what Cezar witnessed inside the Grand Gallery, is almost entirely counterfeit.
The reaction of the U.S. government was so brutal because that disclosure would have shattered their global influence and power, in a instant.
The official reason cited by the U.S., was not to create panic in the world, but they had omitted to acknowledge that the current state of global anguish is a direct result of deliberate deceit and manipulation conducted by the Freemasonry and other secret societies, for millenia.
There was also an intervention from the Vatican (if you wonder how did the Vatican found out about this discovery, then you should know that they are at the very top of the world's control pyramid, and their religious piety is merely a facade — read: The Darkest Secrets of the Vatican), in which the Pope (!) called for moderation before this great, fundamental, step for mankind.
The Pope promised to make certain documents available to the Romanian state from the ancient papal secret archives, which were of great importance for Romania. The documents were backing up the discoveries (yes, that's how powerful a Pope is).
After 24 hours of negotiations, a final agreement occurred between Romania and the USA. The Romanian state was to postpone the disclosure, and gradually present everything to the people.
X. The Projection Room The Grand Gallery ended abruptly with a giant auditorium, 30 meters in height (98,5 feet) and a length of 100 meters (328 feet). The Projection Room was smaller in size and it was protected by an energetic shield.
Advancing towards the shield, a portion of it disappeared, in the shape of a door, allowing access inside it. The shield protected the room by any outside influences. Once inside the room, the shield became compact and looked like a white-golden wall.
Basically, the shield formed this dome-shaped room, with curved walls and ceiling. At the back of the room, at a height of a about 10-12 meters (33-39,5 feet), the shield ended where it touched the room's stone wall.
In this wall there were three enormous tunnel holes: one located straight ahead, and the other two were symmetrical on both sides. They were lit by a diffuse light in a greenish tint. Both sides decided to prohibit the access to these tunnels and a protocol was signed between them.
XI. Tables For Giants A series of huge stone tables were arranged along the right and left walls (five on each side), following their curvature. The tables were about 2 meters in height (6,6 feet).
The table tops had precision cut-in reliefs, different signs of an unknown writing and characters that resembled ancient cuneiform.
The writing also contained more general symbols, such as triangles and circles. Although the signs were not painted, they've had a fluorescent light radiating in various colors, different for each table.
On some of the tables there were different objects, which appeared to be technical tools. From many of these tools, translucent-white wires descended to the floor, and entered inside shiny, silver-like, rectangular boxes. These boxes were placed directly on the floor.
At a closer inspection, the cables were extremely flexible and lightweight, and light pulses could be seen circulating along their length. Each time someone approached the tables, a holographic projection was automatically activated, presenting aspects of a particular scientific field.
The three dimensional images were perfect and had height of almost two and a half meters (8,2 ft).
The projections were automated and ran by themselves, but at the same time they were interactive, and changed according to the signs touched on the tables' surface.
Picture of an actual giant skeleton unearthed in the 1970s inside a Romanian gold mine, at Rosia Montana(please save & re-upload it because it's one of the very few surviving pictures of an actual giant skeleton)
XII. A Great Discovery: Holographic DNA Combinations Between Extraterrestrial Species Because of the great height of the tables, the scientists used special tripods to climb at a comfortable height. At a closer investigation they've observed a dark-glassy material covering the table tops. The material was divided into several large squares, bounded by straight lines, which formed some kind of a grid. One of the tables contained information from the field of biology, and it projected images of plants and animals, some of which were completely unknown to the scientists.
After touching one of the squares, a hologram presenting the structure of the human body was activated. The hologram was constantly rotating, highlighting various areas of the human body.
Touching other squares activated holographic projections of extraterrestrial beings, from other planetary systems. Simultaneously touching two different squares, a complex scientific analysis was projected, showing the DNA of both species, and compatibility possibilities between the two.
On the sides, in vertical lines, there were written explanations in the same, alien alphabet. At the end of the simulation, a crossbreed between the two species was displayed.
XIII. Real Giants Judging by the size of all the objects within the Projection Room, the creators of the edifice were probably very tall beings.
A confirmation of giant humanoid skeletons found in Romania could be found in a newspaper called “Ziarul”:
"The team from the newspaper is accompanied by researcher Vasile Rudan, who noted that the people of the Bozioru village have concrete evidence: a cemetery with skeletons of giants. It was discovered by chance over 20 years ago, when the authorities decided to plant apple trees in the village of Scaieni. Digging on a hill, the villagers discovered huge skeletons, measuring more than 2,40 m (7 ft 10 in).
"Dragoi Ilie, one of those who worked in the apple orchard, takes us to the spot. Mister Ilie shows us around the orchard: 'Everywhere are tombs of giants. We were making holes, to plant saplings, when we found a human head as big as a pumpkin. Neither one of us had ever seen anything like that. We were all amazed. Digging further, we've found some bones of the feet, as big as the vineyard poles. The dead one must have been very big.'"
XIV. The Library of the Universe
The Projection Room contained detailed information from fields like: physics, cosmology, astronomy, architecture, technology, biology, genetics, and even religion. Because it contained so much information, the room was compared to a library.
In the middle of the room, there was a podium-like area which contained an interesting device. The scientists speculated that it might have been a device to enhance various cerebral functions.
XV. Romania's Control Panel Next to it there was a command panel, covered with various geometric symbols, in different colors. There were also two sliding levers and a red button, in the center of the panel, above all other commands. A holographic simulation explained the purpose of the button.
It showed an image of the Carpathian Mountains as seen from 25 km (15,5 miles) above them and next, an enormous quantity of water flooded the lowlands and plains.
Next, from the territories of Romania, Hungary and Ukraine, more streams of water appear, heading towards the Transylvanian plateau, in the form of huge rivers. The image focused on Romania's territory and showed most of its surface covered by the waters of a great sea. Some of the tallest mountain peaks could now be seen as small, floating islands.
Next, the waters begun to withdraw, as soon as the leavers found on the panel were activated, leaving sunk only a small area near the Retezat Godeanu mountain. A true manual.
XVI. A Mysterious Amphora Behind the control panel there was a square pedestal, of about three meters (9 ft 10 in) per side, on which a mysterious amphora was resting. Lord Massini had knowledge of its existence and, for him and his Masonic elite, this was the most important discovery.
The amphora contained a very fine white powder. The researchers were dismayed to find that the powder was a high purity formula of monatomic gold, with an unknown crystalline structure.
The gold powder in its pure form greatly stimulates certain waves and energy exchanges at cellular and neural level. This causes an accelerated process of rejuvenation.
Theoretically, a man can live in the same physical body for several thousand years, provided they consume from time to time, a well-defined quantity of monatomic gold powder. This explains many puzzling aspects about the incredible longevity of some important figures and uncovers part of the hidden intentions of the global elite.
XVII. The Real History of Our Planet Behind the amphora, in the middle of the square, there was a huge dome that projected holograms. It displayed the main aspects of humanity's most distant past, from its very beginning. Cezar explained that according to the images projected by the hologram, about 90% of mankind's official history is false and counterfeit. Darwin's evolutionary theory is also incorrect.
In the middle of the square is a huge dome which projects a hologram of moving parts. It contains the main aspects of the very distant past of humanity, from its very beginning. Cezar explained that according to the images projected by the hologram, Darwin's evolutionary theory is completely false.
The true origin of man is depicted in a condensed holographic form. After these lessons of truth, we can say that 90% of the official history of mankind is false and counterfeit. Unbelievable, but what is now considered to have really happened in our history, never did, while the so called "myths" and "legends" are almost entirely true.
Also, most archaeological theories are false. For example, the dinosaurs did not went extinct 65 million years ago, and the old continents of Lemuria and Atlantis existed. This strange inversion caused many problems and conflicts between people in our past. For a correct dating of the presented events, a star map corresponding to that period was projected on the background.
Although the time period covered by the projections was very large (several hundred thousand years), and the procession cycle of the Earth is 25,920 years, by observing the number of “Platonic years” (the 25,920-year cycle) the exact dating of the events was possible. The Bucegi Mountains are 50-55 thousand years old.
XVIII. Shocking Revelations Cezar saw what happened during the so called Great Flood and where the human civilization originated, but he decided not to reveal this, as the revelations are too shocking for the mentality, ideas and knowledge of the contemporary man.
Personally, I think people like him are also responsible for the current state of unawareness and latency of the human species. We have been lied and manipulated for millenia, and as soon as we are close to the truth, someone decides that we are not yet ready to hear it.
This is an arrogant and selfish approach! The people are as ready today as they will ever be, and the sooner the truth will be released, the better. Having more pieces of the puzzle will make them accept the truth easier and, more importantly, will make convince them to take action against the manipulators and enslavers.
In a disturbing display of images, the existence of Jesus and his crucifixion was also presented. The projections revealed that many of those who witnessed the crucifixion came there from other historical periods.
They were wearing the same kind of clothing as the rest of the people, but their facial features were different, hence they were constantly covering their faces. The hologram also presented fragments from the spiritual lives of other exceptional characters of mankind's distant past, including people that we know nothing of.
In those times, the social and population distribution were completely different from what is known today, so the archaeologists and anthropologists should review their theories from scratch.
XIX. The Three Mysterious Tunnels The discovered tunnels are thousands of miles in length and lead to three different areas of the planet. The one in the left connected the Romanian base to a yet to be discovered underground base somewhere in Egypt (which was definitely discovered and explored by now).
The right tunnel led to a similar but smaller structure, in the "Tibetan Plateau". This tunnel had three secondary ramifications. One led to an underground area near the Romanian city of Buzaru (close to the "Carpathian Bend"). Another one led to the already mentioned Iraqi base, while the final ramification led to an underground base in the "Gobi Desert", in Mongolia.
XX. The Third Tunnel -- A Secret World The middle tunnel was the most important to both Lord Massini and the U.S. Government, which strongly requested to be kept secret to the public. This tunnel descended to extreme depths towards a veritable underground world, located near the center of our planet.
Those of you who are not familiar to the hollow earth theory, please note that there are important figures who support the theory that all planets are probably hollow on the inside, and bring interesting scientific arguments to support their claims.
Also, there are some very interesting and beautiful stories about people who allegedly traveled to this world. The realm is commonly known as Agartha, and the third tunnel was probably leading straight to it. It only makes sense that the shadow elite were not interested to make the discovery known to the people.
Intense preparations begun for expeditions inside all 3 tunnels, as following: the first one to Egypt, the second to Tibet, and the third one to Earth’s core.
(Summary of events from the book: "Viitor cu cap de mort", by “Radu Cinamar” -- the pen name for an undisclosed writer, which in my opinion, is none other than ex-General Emil Strainu. I base my statement on the extremely similar writing style and the fact that the author had direct access to this above-Top Secret alien base -- something that couldn't have happened unless the person was an insider.) In 2009, a local television “Antena 1” briefly presented these events:
After the program, they've received an anonymous phone threat: The following is a transcript of the phone call. The reporter from "Antena 1" answered the phone: Reporter: Hello, good afternoon!
Anonymous caller: We’re sending you a warning: be very careful! Stop talking about the Bucegi [Mountains]!
R: Who are you?
A.c.: This information must remain at the level of some structures and must not be made public! You've entered a dangerous game. You are young, you have families... there are enough subjects in this country to speak about.
R: Mister, who are you?
A.c.: Don’t wish to know us and to be yourselves interviewed by us! That’s all I've had to say.
Modern UFOlogy, at least since its formalization in the early 1950s under the USAF’s Project Bluebook, has been rife with varied reports of unusual aerial objects. The sheer variety of shapes attributed to these UFOs, ranging from the famous “flying saucers” of yesteryear, to the modern reports of massive, looming triangles sneaking through the night skies, do little to help with understanding what such objects may be, let alone their possible sources.
If anything, the UFO mystery has derived more problems from the varieties of the experiences contained within; often, no two reports are alike enough to be able to account for the appearance of mystery that they imply.
Amidst the varieties of UFO descriptions and shapes are, however, varieties that do appear frequently enough that they can fall within categories. The aforementioned flying discs or “saucers” are among the best examples, along with the equally compelling flying triangles that are still often reported. Other varieties include deltoid or chevron-shaped objects, long cigar or torpedo-shaped aircraft, missiles or rockets, spheres, cylinders, and perhaps more often than all the rest, amorphous nighttime illuminations that imply little else but some illuminative energy source.
Another variety of object which has appeared time and time again involves flying egg-shaped objects. The famous Socorro, New Mexico incident of April 24, 1964, is widely regarded as one of the most convincing UFO cases of the last century; while some believe it had involved a Bell helicopter with an experimental lunar landing module attached, the description given by the primary witness, a State Police Officer named Lonnie Zamora, seemed to indicate little more than a massive egg-shaped object with three or four landing legs, which produced flames and a loud roaring sound as it flew through the sky.
A similar aircraft was described to me by veteran researcher and friend Christopher O’Brien, author of The Mysterious Valleyand, more recently, his exhaustive Stalking the Herd, which examines the cattle mutilation phenomenon. O’Brien described his encounter as follows:
“I had a daylight sighting of what appeared to be a 30′-40′ in diameter flying chicken egg on March 27, 2005 in Sedona, AZ. It was matte white colored; appeared to be 1-1200′ in altitude; flying about .6 -.7 miles away about 70-80 mph and it was headed south-to-north up Oak Creek Canyon. The following day I found out that a group of hikers in the canyon also saw and reported a strange, silent, flying egg that flew above them. They estimated its size as 50-60′ in diameter.”
A more recent encounter involving a egg-shaped UFO, which I managed to discover in the archives of NASA’s Aviation Safety Reporting System, described a near collision between pilots of a small engine aircraft with what they described, once again, as resembling a “flying chicken egg”. The pilots who filed the report suspected the craft had been some unidentified hobby or experimental plane.
However, perhaps one of the most unusual UFO reports detailing so-called “flying eggs” is notable not just for the objects it describes, but for the era in which it took place. The observation in question here occurred from aboard the USS Supply, a Naval World Warschooner-rigged iron steamer built in the late nineteenth century. It was commissioned in April of 1898 by the U.S. Navy following it’s purchase from the International Navigation Company for a sum of $325,000.00. The Supply would go on to see service during the Spanish-American war, serving as a supply ship for U.S. fleets in Cuban waters.
Following the war, after a short period removed from service, the USS Supply would be recommissioned for service in the Asiatic Station of the Pacific. An anomalous incident occurred on February 28, 1904, at which time three members aboard the USS Supply had claimed to see a trio of large, illuminated objects coasting along through the sky as the vessel sailed approximately 300 miles west of San Francisco. One of the the three witnesses, a lieutenant aboard the ship named Frank Schofield, wrote a description of the three illuminated craft, which recalled them as “three bright red egg-shaped and circular objects.” The strange craft appeared to be traveling in formation; at the time of their appearance to Schofield and his company, the objects had been moving beneath the cloud deck, eventually swooping upward and moving above the ceiling and “away from the earth.” The sighting lasted a total of about three minutes.
Schofield, who would later be promoted to position of Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Battle Fleet, also claimed that the largest of the three objects, which presumably took the lead position amidst the three travelling objects, had appeared roughly six-times the size of the sun in the sky. Again, taking into consideration that this encounter took place in 1904, there are extreme limitations placed on what, precisely, the craft observed from aboard the USS Supply could have been. One possible solution might envolve a variety of plasma phenomenon, such as ball lightning; although the description of their flight behavior (namely their flying formation) presents difficulties in terms of reconciling with this explanation.
Does this early UFO report illustrate one of at least a handful of early twentieth century UFO incidents that occurred prior to the advent of more advanced wartime technologies, the likes of which would appear during the World Wars to come in the following years? Alternatively, could the three men, despite Lieutenant Frank Schofield’s eventual rise in stature, have merely fabricated the story?
Even taking into consideration the advances of the coming decades, the greatest known technologies to arise during World War II could not provide a technological explanation for the appearance of the strange, anomalous craft witnessed by the crew aboard the USS Supply in February of 1904. Perhaps their ultimate purpose and origin will remain mysterious, as UFO cases like this so often (and frustratingly) tend to do.
The American public can access these documents from the comfort of their homes.
Approximately 13 million pages of declassified documents from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) were released online this week and are available for viewing in the CIA’s Electronic Reading Room on its website, which can be accessed by anyone. The documents include formerly classified information on UFO sightings, psychic experiments and other paranormal subjects.
Where should you begin your search? Start with Uri Geller. According to his files, the self-proclaimed psychic was tested by the CIA in 1973 and “demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner.” That meant he was able to reproduce pictures of grapes drawn by agents in a sealed room.
Uri Geller’s drawings from the declassified CIA files
The next thing to look for in the database is how this related to the development of the Stargate Project in 1978 whose purpose was to investigate the use of such psychic abilities, especially over long distances, in military and intelligence operations. One document details how the CIA recruited subjects and attempted to train them to become a psychic weapon for which there is “no known defense.”
In view of the obvious military value of being able to disturb sensitive enemy equipment, it is to the advantage of the Army to assess the validity of the claims.
The CIA didn’t just investigate celebrity psychics and human mental weapons. One report called “Magician Walks Into The Laboratory” describes questioning a magician from Tbilisi, Georgia, who claimed his hands had healing powers. Why?
It would be well to register (for example, photograph) this strange phenomenon.
Once you’ve satisfied your thirst for psychic secrets, move on to the UFO files. One document estimated there have been at least 1,500 official reports of UFO sightings from 1947 up until the early 1990s (documents less than 25 years old are still classified) and 20 percent of them were listed as unexplained. One such unsolved event occurred in June 1966 on the border between Iran and what was then the USSR and the document included the eyewitness’ description.
We suddenly observed a brilliant white sphere approximating the colouration and intensity of [a] full bright moon. The sphere appeared suddenly and at the first sighting was approximately three times the size of a full moon. Toward the end of this period it became very faint and its enormous size seemed to fill the sky.
The CIA files include numerous photographs of UFOs
That witness might have benefited from reading the CIA’s now-declassified document on “How To Investigate a Flying Saucer.” Many other reports from around the world are more descriptive, including “two fiery disks” seen in 1952 above uranium mines in the former Belgian Congo that made a “penetrating hissing and buzzing sound” and another 1952 UFO in Spain seen “leaving a wide smoke trail.”
This is just the tip of the 800,000-document iceberg and you haven’t even begun to look at the Kissinger, Castro and Kennedy files.
Leave that to the political conspiracy theorists. Just type “UFO” in the search box and read what you’ve been missing.
What put Roswell, New Mexico, on the map? If you said, “The UFO that crashed there in 1947,” you’d be wrong … because the UFO crashed (allegedly, of course) many miles away. However, the debris was brought to the Roswell Army Air Field, linking its name to the incident forever. Roswell residents take pride in their UFO heritage and no place shows it better than the International UFO Museum And Research Center.
Built in 1991, the museum welcomed visitors with a large flying saucer mounted to the wall out front. That is, until March 19th, 2016, when it was stolen from a back lot where it was being repaired. Roswell may love UFOs but it’s not good for their health – the flying saucer had been damaged by a recent snowstorm.
Fortunately, Roswell cared enough for its UFO to keep it under surveillance and the camera caught three individuals loading it into a pickup truck at 3 am. The saucer was later found two miles from the museum – damaged again and this time beyond repair. One thief was identified by the video and 17-year-old Newman Seely was arrested and charged with one felony count of larceny and one felony count of conspiracy. That’s right … conspiracy. Roswell is definitely serious about its UFO, as Eric and Carolyn Jackson pointed out in media reports after the theft.
You think of things like that happening only in large metropolitan cities not small ones like this… People want to see these things… then you just take the spaceship away? That’s terrible.
Residents like Marvin Myers took it personally in Facebook posts.
I don’t care for all this alien stuff here in Roswell, but this was just stupid. In a way, this was an assault on every person in Roswell.
Inside the Roswell museum
Prosecutors may have been upset because Seely refused to divulge a motive for the crime and would not reveal the identities of his accomplices. Or they could have been angry at the fact that the flying saucer cost $500 in 1991 but the price of its replacement will be many times that. In fact, nearly a year after the original was found destroyed, a new one has not yet been commissioned.
The original UFO was beyond repair
According to Roswell TV station KRQE, justice has finally been served and the punishment was severe. Newman Seely pleaded guilty to the crimes of conspiring to and stealing the Rosewell flying saucer and was sentenced to up to a year in a juvenile facility.
A year! Let that be a lesson to anyone thinking of committing a crime that affects the lifeblood of the city of Roswell, New Mexico. They will find you and lock you up. Don’t mess with Roswell.
Back in 1991, UFO researcher Leonard Stringfield published his then-latest of many reports on crashed UFOs. I had read all of Stringfield’s earlier reports, booklets and books, but this one stood out for me. The reason being that it referenced the alleged crash of a UFO, in 1964. The location was an area of woodland and fields near the Staffordshire, England market-town of Penkridge. It’s a town only a short drive from where I grew up as a kid. At the time, however, I was down in the south of England, in Harlow, Essex. But, I made a note to look into the affair next time I was back in the Staffordshire area.
As for Stringfield’s story, it was an intriguing one. Unfortunately, and as was the case with so many of Stringfield’s informants, the name of the person who provided the story was not listed. Or, rather, it was, but in the form of a pseudonym: “S.M. Brannigan.” According to the story, back in early 1964 “Brannigan” was serving in the US military aboard “…a specially rigged LST, a flagship that was attached to a naval amphibious force at an unspecified point in either the Caribbean or the Atlantic…”
Stringfield’s source informed him that it was his job to intercept and translate Soviet military transmissions. One such transmission – of early 1964 – stood out. Reportedly, the US Navy monitored Soviet chatter concerning the tracking and spiraling to Earth of nothing less than a UFO. Supposedly, the malfunctioning UFO split into two segments: one coming down somewhere in Germany and the other in a wooded/field area near to Penkridge. There were rumors of “remains” and of “bodies” hastily and secretly recovered by UK and German forces.
Well, it was quite a story! But, it lacked a real name for “Brannigan.” And it also lacked solid data, back-up sources, and a specific date. Nevertheless, I have found myself faced with less material to work with – and on more than a few occasions, too. I looked into it for a while, but I could not find a single piece of data to support the story. Now, we move on to 1995. That was the year in which a woman with a deep interest in UFOs, Irene Bott, established the Staffordshire UFO Group. One year later, in September 1996, Irene had a first anniversary SUFOG conference in the area, at which I spoke.
During the booze-quaffing session after the gig, I told Irene about the 1964 affair and she found it all very interesting. To the extent that she made mention of it in the local (but now defunct) newspaper, The Chase Post (which covered the towns and villages in and around Staffordshire’s Cannock Chase). It was an article that led an elderly man named Harold South to contact Irene with a startling story. According to South, he was on-site shortly after the 1964 crash occurred and while hordes of British military personnel were racing around, closing roads through a particular part of the Cannock Chase, and loading a small, delta-shaped vehicle (or parts of it) aboard a large, transporter vehicle.
South also claimed he was later visited by local police, who, he believed, had seen him as he drove close to the makeshift cordon and tracked him down by the license-plate of his vehicle. He also said they confiscated his camera, which he eventually got back, minus the film – which allegedly showed shots of the crash-site. Well, that was quite as story, too! It was not until December 1996 that me and Irene were able to arrange to meet with South in person – which we did, at his small apartment in the town of Brownhills. We called him, around the end of November, to see if one particular date was suitable. It was. Then, on the morning of that particular date (December 11, 1996), we called him again, just to make sure a meet was still cool. Yes, it was.
Well, that was all good. Or, at least, we thought it was. When we got to South’s apartment, his entire demeanor had changed. He didn’t want to talk to us – at all. He was clearly a worried man. He did, at least, invite us in. If nothing else, that was something positive. We asked South what was wrong and, for a few moments, he hemmed and hawed. Finally, however, he told us about the reason for his sudden change of heart. According to South, in between us phoning him and arriving at his home he had received a phone call from the British Ministry of Defense, warning him not to talk to us!
Yes, you know what I’m going to say: that was quite a story too! I have heard a lot of similar such controversial claims over the years, many of which led nowhere. This one, however, was a bit different. We asked South if anyone had called since the MoD phoned. He replied, “No.” So, we asked if we could use his phone and dial 1471. It’s a UK service that allows the caller to obtain the number of the previous, incoming call. Providing, that is, it’s not withheld by the caller.
Sure enough there was a number. We dialed it as South looked on, not unlike someone awaiting a firing squad or castration without anaesthetic. Or both. Not only did we dial, but someone answered. It was a woman who was very cagey about identifying herself by name. We were, however, able to prove the number had taken us to an operator-service that was run by the military. It was responsible for channeling calls to and from military establishments in the West Midlands and Staffordshire regions of the UK. In other words, the call to South could have come from any number of military bases in the area. But, all we had was the operator-number that called South, rather than the originating source that was connected to South by the operator.
Needless to say, it didn’t take us anywhere. But something did. South added that as well as the Ministry of Defense warning him not to speak with us, rather oddly they gave him a number to call in the event that he “might want to speak with” them again. So, we asked for the number and dialed it. This one took us to an office of the Ministry of Defense Guard Service at Whittington Barracks, near the city of Lichfield.
The voice on the other end of the line was cordial (throughout the brief conversation the man at the other end genially called Irene “flower”), but careful about what he said. He gave up nothing at all and the conversation was soon ended. He clearly reacted when we phoned though, since he wanted to know how we had got an internal number at the Guards Service, rather than their main-line. Well, he told us nothing, so we did likewise and said our goodbyes. “Bye, flower,” he said to Irene.
Over the next couple of years, Irene got a few more snippets of data, which collectively suggested there may have been some truth to the story that originally surfaced via “S. M. Brannigan” and Leonard Stringfield, and which was later expanded on by Harold South. It’s an episode that I still occasionally think about, nineteen years after we met that worried old man. Of course, none of what happened on that freezing cold, winter’s morning in December 1996 confirms aliens crashed near Penkridge 51 years ago. All I can say for sure, is that we were able to 100 percent prove that on the day in question – when we were due to speak with him about his crashed UFO claims – Harold South had a call directed to his home from a military operator-based service, and he was given an internal number at the MoD Guard Service, in case he might “want to speak” with someone about his experience.
All of this begs a couple of questions: (A) why was it made so easy for me and Irene to find the military operator’s number via the 1471 service? And (B) why was South even given a number at Whittington Barracks at all? Irene and I wondered if we had a hidden whistle-blower somewhere in our midst. One who was feeding us a few snippets of data (in the form of odd but easily traceable phone calls), in an attempt to try and convince us of the validity of the 1964 crash. But, in a way that didn’t compromise his or her identity.
Admittedly, I have no firm opinion on what went down on that day in December 1996, except to say it was very strange, deeply memorable, and extremely intriguing. Beyond that? Nothing but a mass of questions that are unlikely to ever be answered.
UFO spotters in Swansea are looking for people who have witnessed unexplained flying objects in our area to take part in a special conference next month.
Whatever you experience – from seeing bright lights in the sky to believing you have come face to with an interplanetary traveller – the Swansea UFO Network wants to hear from you.
The event will take place in the Pembrokeshire seaside village of Broad Haven the scene of, 40 years ago to the day, one of the most infamous UFO sighting Wales has ever seen.
An Evening Post reader sent this image of an unidentified object hovering in the sky over Swansea in 2014.
Emlyn Williams, of Swansea UFO Network, said: "We are holding a special conference in Broad Haven to mark the 40th anniversary of a famous UFO sighting when on Saturday, February 4, 1977, a whole class of school children from Broad Haven Primary School saw a landed craft in a field next to the school, including a figure walking about.
"The case was extensively investigated at the time and sparked world-wide interest in what turned out to be the start of a major series of sightings in the area - dubbed The Welsh Triangle.
"We are looking for witnesses to UFO sightings in South-west wales during the 1977 flap to tell us what they saw and experienced."
A series of keynote speaks and UFO experts have been lined up to appear at the event.
Mr Williams added: "The speakers confirmed so far arew Neil Spring (The Watchers), David L Richards (UFO Wales) and by special video link will be Peter Paget, author of the Welsh Triangle and UFO-UK. We hope to have witnesses present too."
Swansea UFO Network was founded last year by Emlyn Williams and Steve Drewson to document and investigate sightings.
The group has been collecting strange sightings across the bay in the hope that one day, something may come of it all. Among their collection is an "alien" spotted in St Thomas, Swansea, and an object resembling a jellyfish seen over Langland Bay.
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Het lijkt dat buitenaardsen bijzondere belangstelling hebben voor de nieuwe Amerikaanse president Donald Trump.
Toen hij in Air Force Two onderweg was van New York naar zijn inhuldiging in Washington werd het vliegtuig begroet door verschillende UFO’s.
Afgelopen vrijdag werd iedere stap die de nieuwe Amerikaanse president Donald Trump deed nauwlettend gevolgd.
Alles werd op beeld vastgelegd, zo ook zijn korte vliegtrip van New York onderweg naar de inhuldiging in Washington.
Voor het vervoer werd niet gebruikt gemaakt van de eigen Boeing van Donald Trump, maar van het regeringsvliegtuig Air Force Two, het vliegtuig dat normaal gesproken door de Vice president wordt gebruikt.
Je kunt in de onderstaande videoclip van Fox News het vliegtuig volgen vanaf de startbaan en dan op 1 minuut 50 in de video zie je plotseling een witte UFO onder het vliegtuig doorschieten.
Dan op 2 minuut 55 komt er van links een donkere UFO die met enorme snelheid langs het vliegtuig schiet.
Zijn twee incidenten met een UFO op zo'n korte vlucht op het moment dat Donald Trump onderweg is naar zijn inhuldiging als president nog toeval te noemen?
Dit is trouwens niet de eerste keer dat UFO’s bijzondere belangstelling aan de dag leggen voor Donald Trump.
In september 2015 werd een UFO waargenomen naast de helikopter van Donald Trump en de inmiddels bij ons bekende ufoloog Scott Waring schreef toen dat wanneer buitenaardsen dergelijke belangstelling tonen voor Donald Trump, hij zeker de verkiezingen zal winnen.
Waring schreef dat op een moment dat volgens de officiële mediakanalen Trump geen schijn van kans had om ooit de verkiezingen te winnen van Hillary Clinton.
Wie weet waren het dus wel buitenaardsen die de Amerikaanse verkiezingen hebben beïnvloed in plaats van degene die daar (onbewezen) nog altijd de schuld van krijgt: Poetin.
Area 51, Facts, Secrets, Things You Did Not Know About
Area 51, Facts, Secrets, Things You Did Not Know AboutUpdated October, 2016
With all the secrecy shrouding Area 51, it's time for some light to be shed. Learn more about the nicknames, entertainment, food, spy planes, and rumors surrounding this infamous site. On August 15, 2013 the CIA finally acknowledged the existence of Area 51. After repeated freedom of information request made by George Washington University the CIA lifted the veil of secrecy on Area 51. On December 8, 2013 President Obama makes an off hand comment about Area 51, becoming the first President to publicly acknowledge its existence. This does not mean they are talking openly about UFOs and military secrets but it does open the door for lawsuits and additional freedom of information request from the public.
The name ‘Area 51’ derives from its marking on 1950’s Nevada Test Site maps. Today, the official name of Area 51 is Air Force Flight Test Center, Detachment 3, or AFFTC Det. 3 for short. For years even our own government denied its existence until Soviet pictures confirmed what many knew all along. The base did exist. The facility was originally designed for the testing of U-2 spy planes, and ultimately Stealth technology would be born there. The secret site has grown to many times its original size. The USAF took over command of Area 51, and its airspace in 1970.
Area 51 was also referred to as Groom Lake (the name of the dry lake Area 51 was built around), Paradise Ranch (a half-serious way to entice employees to accept positions at the remote, rustic base), Watertown (the official name of the test site, given in 1956), and Dreamland (after an Edgar Allan Poe poem).
Area 51’s nickname DREAMLAND was allegedly derived from an Edgar Allan Poe poem by the same name. It admonishes that “the traveler, traveling through it, may not-dare not openly view it; Never its mysteries are exposed, to the weak human eye unclosed.”
The first known use of the area was the construction in 1941 of an auxiliary airfield for the West Coast Air Corps Training Center at Las Vegas Air Field. Known as Indian Springs Airfield Auxiliary No. 1, it consisted of two dirt 5000' runways.
Under President Dwight Eisenhower the Groom Lake facility was put in the hands of the CIA for Project Aquatone, for the development of the Lockheed U-2 reconnaissance aircraft in April 1955.
This mysterious fortress and its surrounding grounds are strictly off-limits. What secrets are kept inside this highly guarded facility? The rumors abound. Yes, there have been pictures of craft doing amazing maneuvers over these guarded skies and pictures and video smuggled from inside have become legend. These smuggled articles show living and dead aliens, spacecraft of futuristic design, but still the government denies these claims.
Helen Frost, whose husband Robert died in 1988 from the fumes, filed a lawsuit against the government in 1996 but the case was dismissed by the judge because the government could neither confirm nor deny the allegations, and it was also stated that the base is exempt from any environmental laws.
During the 70's and 80's the workers at Area 51 were exposed to jet fuel toxins like JP7. Supposedly old computer parts were also burned in trenches. The workers were ordered to go into the trenches and mix up the material and were only allowed to wear protection up to their waist.
The A12 Oxcart
When Area 51 was chosen as the testing site for the A-12 OXCART, a new, 8,500-foot runway had to be built. So as not to draw attention, contractors worked under cover of night.
Flying at 2,200 mph, it took OXCART pilot 186 miles just to make a U-turn. To accommodate the plane, an additional 38,400 acres of land around the base had to be withdrawn from public access and the restricted airspace expanded to create a 440-square mile box.
Early on, the only entertainment at Area 51 consisted of a single cement tennis court and a small bowling alley. There was no television, and radio signals only made it through the surrounding mountains in the evening.
The Area 51 mess hall sometimes served lobsters and oysters. Once a week it was steak night.
There is a sliver of truth to the conspiracy theory that the moon landing was staged at Area 51. Various space equipment – including land rovers and life support systems – were tested by the astronauts at the adjoining nuclear testing grounds.
Area 51 has not been spared by the downturn in the economy, it is estimated that there are 1600 to 2000 employees working at the military facility involving at least a dozen defense contractors as of 2013. This is down by 200-400 employees since 2012.
A recent poll showed that 70%+ of Americans believe that UFOs are real.
After an increase in UFO sightings in 1952, the CIA concluded that “there is a remote possibility that they may be interplanetary aircraft,” and that it was necessary to investigate each sighting.
90% of reported UFO sightings could be easily debunked, while the other 10% were “a number of incredible reports from credible observers.”
Over half of all UFO reports from the late 1950s through the 1960s were accounted for by manned reconnaissance flights (namely the U-2) over the United States, virtually all originating from Area 51.
The A-12 OXCART required special fuel in order to fly at such extreme speeds and heights. The fuel was made to withstand extremely high temperatures and would not ignite even if someone threw a match into a barrel full of it.
The OXCART cruised at 2200 miles per hour, but because the plane was secret it was kept out of official speed competitions.
The A-12 OXCART consisted of more than 90% titanium. It was the world’s first titanium plane.
An A-12 spy plane was used when the USS Pueblo was captured by North Korea to photograph the area and determine the ship's location.
The OXCART's engines acted as vacuum cleaners, sucking up any debris left on the runway. So personnel would vacuum the runway before each test flight.
The Air Force has acknowledged the existence of the Nellis Range Complex near the Groom Dry Lake for many years now. There are a variety of activities, some of which are classified, throughout the complex.
The range is used for the testing of technologies and systems training for operations critical to the effectiveness of U.S. military forces and the security of the United States.
Some specific activities and operations conducted on the Nellis Range, both past and present, remain CLASSIFIED and cannot be discussed.
The A12 - Spy Plane could travel at 2200 MPH
Suspended upside down, a titanium A-12 spy-plane prototype is prepped for radar testing at Area 51 in the late 1950s.
But pushing the limits came with risks—and led to the catastrophic 1963 crash of an A-12 based out of Area 51.
After a rash of declassification's and the acknowledgement of the existence of Area 51, details of Cold War workings at the Nevada base, are coming to light—including images of an A-12 crash and its cover-up pictured publicly for the first time in May.
Remnants of a crashed A-12 spy plane—including two engines and the shattered rear fuselage—litter the ground near Wendover, Utah, in a 1963 picture recently declassified by the CIA and published here for the first time.
After pilot Ken Collins had parachuted to the ground, he was stunned to be greeted by three civilians in a pickup, who offered to give him a ride to the wreckage of his plane. Instead, Collins got them to give him a ride in the opposite direction, by telling them the plane had a nuclear weapon on board—a prearranged cover story to keep the Area 51 craft a secret.
Nearly undetectable to radar, the A-12 could fly at 2,200 miles (3,540 kilometers) an hour—fast enough to cross the continental U.S. in 70 minutes. From 90,000 feet (27,400 meters), the plane's cameras could capture foot-long (0.3-meter-long) objects on the ground below.
You won't find it on any geological or aeronautical maps and yet like a place in the Twilight Zone, flights to it leave Las Vegas' McCarran Airport every day. Some say alien aircraft are stored there and reverse-engineered to create new aircraft and weapons, or it's the site of genetic testing or other diabolical plots. Others say it's just a very secret aircraft development site. No matter, what it is, Area 51 remains shrouded in mystery.
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Why Are Aliens Visiting Earth? The Answer May Surprise You
Why Are Aliens Visiting Earth? The Answer May Surprise You
UFOs Have Been Visiting Earth For a Long Time, Why?
While many acknowledge the presence of extraterrestrials in our world they are at a complete loss to explain why they are here. As with most things in life the explanation is fairly straightforward and not that difficult to comprehend. Understanding the primary motive for extraterrestrials visits will help explain theUFO Phenomena.
Most people believe that extraterrestrials are visiting Earth to monitor the progress and behavior of humanity. To a certain extent that might be true, but it is much more likely that they are periodically coming here to examine the health of Planet Earth. After all, even our scientist are beginning to come around to the idea that Planet Earth is a living sentient being. In the greater cosmos, human and extraterrestrial life may be fairly common. On the other hand what little we know about other planets, and the universe at large, indicate that our home planet is an extremely desirable and rare occurrence within the cosmos.
People have wondered for a long time why ET has not made their presence known. If we are not the primary reason why they are here, why would they disclose their existence. The survival of mankind is probably very far down their list of priorities. For that matter survival of humanity may not even be on their list of priorities. Have you ever stopped to consider that Planet Earth has more value to an alien race if there were no humans inhabiting the planet.
Everything we need to sustain life has been provided for us on Planet Earth. We are blessed with an abundance of water, sunshine, breathable air, enough land and food to house and feed 7 billion people. We share Earth with millions of species of plant, animal and insect life, each playing an important role in the ecosystem, that in itself is remarkable. It makes our planet an astonishing place, a very rare and unusual gem among the stars.
Those that follow UFOs closely, know the largest wave of UFO sightings in modern time coincided with the discovery of splitting the atom and the use of Atomic Energy during WWII. In other words, when we discovered how to manipulate nuclear energy we triggered an unprecedented wave of UFO sightings.
There are well documented cases of UFOs hovering over nuclear military facilitiesin both the United States and Russia. Reliable witnesses state that the craft were tampering with the nuclear armament control systems. This behavior by UFOs and their occupants was not an accident and it was clearly a message to humanity.
Many people 'want' to believe that if things get out of control and WWIII gets under way our extraterrestrial brethren will step in and save humanity, nothing could be further from the truth. ET may step in and save Planet Earth, but they will have little time and no admiration for a species that never understood how good they had it in the first place.
There is little doubt that Earth's oceans, forest and species of plants and animals are worth saving. The living, breathing, self-regulating sentient being that we are living on is at the core of their mission.
UFOs have a long and documented history of appearing just after natural or man-made catastrophic events. There is not much question that they are keeping their eye on the prize we call Earth.
Last week the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) released 13 million previously classified Top Secret documents, including detailed investigations of UFO activity.
Available now via the CIA online library, the declassified documents include reports on: investigations into UFOs; top secret cables from government executives; the agency’s behaviour control program, MK-ULTRA; and reports from experiments carried out with renowned TV psychic and ‘spoon bender’, Uri Geller.
While many of the reports have sensitive information blacked out, there is still a surprising amount of detail that outlines events, locations and people.
Little grey men
UFO conspiracy theorists have long held that governments around the world are covering up evidence of the existence of aliens and UFOs, and even collaborating in secret with beings from another planet.
Ideas such as this entered the public mind decades ago, with the supposed crash landing of a UFO at Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.
Legend has it the US Air Force moved the crashed flying saucer and its occupants to a testing facility near Groom Lake, called Area 51 – a site the US government has denied existed until 2013.
Stories like this were then popularised in the 1990s, in television series like The X-Files – a science-fiction drama where FBI Special Agents Fox ‘Spooky’ Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) investigate unsolved cases of a paranormal nature, with UFOs, aliens and government conspiracies playing the central role in the series.
While the declassified CIA documents don’t provide any definitive evidence of alien encounters or alliances, they do show the very real acknowledgement that UFOs were a source of concern.
One document, dated January 2000, declared that:
Since 1947, approximately 1500 official reports of sightings have been received and, of these about 20% remain unexplained.
Ignoring the 17 years since that report, that’s 300 events a government agency with an annual budget of around $US15 billion is unable to explain.
Scene of one of the most speculated about alien stories in history. Photo: Getty
Threat analysis
Many of the declassified reports explore the security issues posed by UFOs to the United States, with a number concluding that secret scientific advisory panels, committees and ad hoc research groups be convened to draw up proposals for yet more secret scientific advisory panels, committees and ad hoc research groups.
Ultimately, there were a number of scientific advisory groups who determined that UFO phenomena posed “no direct threat to national security”, and that they “did not find any evidence that related the objects sighted to space travel”. Sorry to disappoint you, Spooky.
Incidentally, there are a number of documents on Area 51, but, sadly, these are nothing more than attendance records and staffing reports. Apparently, it was hard to get good help at super-secret airforce bases in1963.
There is no spoon
It appears the CIA also enjoyed a brief period of fascination with Uri Geller – a television illusionist and self-proclaimed psychic who came to public attention in the 1970s.
Despite being the focus of numerous lawsuits, accusations of fraud and very public debunkings, Geller volunteered his psychic services to the CIA, who performed various interviews and practical experiments to determine his authenticity.
The CIA were fascinated with Uri Geller’s abilities. Photo: Getty
The newly-declassified experiments show Geller demonstrated inconsistent psychic abilities. In one experiment, the psychic was asked to determine the result of a six-sided dice roll – Geller guessed correctly roughly half the time.
In another report, Geller successfully copied various line drawings contained within sealed envelopes, despite some of his productions being mirror images of the original.
Ultimately, it was stated: “There is serious doubt that Geller’s accomplishment transcends the range of activities of a skillful magician can perform …”
Geller was passed off as a very talented magician and mentalist, and sent back to a life of luxury and lawsuits.
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Pink UFO Caught During Sunset Over Slovakia On Jan 11, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Pink UFO Caught During Sunset Over Slovakia On Jan 11, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 11, 2017
Location of sighting: Slovakia
This pink disk was caught over Slovakia this week. Its a bit out of focus, but I noticed that as it passed behind this one bush, it suddenly jumped into perfect focus for a few seconds. It is a disk, perfectly round and has the appearance of a pink cloud that moves incredibly fast. The ship is incredibly beautiful and looks pink because it was caught during sunset. The eyewitness who filmed it says its a Pleiadian ship, which are often a pinkish orange in color.
Four UFO Disks Sucking Data Over Communication Towers In Mexico, Photo, UFO Sighting News.
Four UFO Disks Sucking Data Over Communication Towers In Mexico, Photo, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: 2-5-2006
Location of sighting: Mexico
Source: MUFON #81662
I think I report more UFO sightings from Mexico than any other country in the world. Here is a UFO report that came in today, but occurred back in 2006. Look closely, you can even see into the clear dome on top of the ships. Four glowing green disks were recorded near some telecommunication towers. The UFOs were obviously recording data and information being sent around the globe from those towers. One photo caught them, but by the time the second photo was taken, the UFOs self monitoring systems had already detected the person and camera and altered their cloaking shields to once again appear invisible. AI probably runs these functions on their ships so it can react lightening fast. All photos are untouched, original. At first, the UFOs might be mistaken for a reflection, but in all actuality, the UFOs were revealed by the powerful lights below, some of which contain infrared lights which can see at night, and it was night, so this caused them to become visible to the camera for a few moments until shield harmonics were altered to hid them. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states:
Take a photograph with a long exposure of the telecommunications towers, about 800 m away, seeing the photograph in my house I discovered those lights, the exhibition was 3 minutes. Return to the following week and take another with the same parameters and this time did not appear anything.
This looks like a plane, flying away from the camera considerably higher than the helicopter (somewhere around 15,000 to 25,000 feet), that briefly creates an aerodynamic contrail.
Based on analysis by @Trailblazer, @Trailspotter, myself, and others, There were only two planes possibly involved: IB6830 and LA330. The plane that initially seems to fit best is LA330, a two engined A320, which was reported to be climbing through 20,000 feet at that exact visual position at 14:01:39.
While this seemed like a good fit just based on this overhead view, subsequent 3D analysis revealed that IB6830 (a four engined A340) is actually a perfect match. IB6830 left earlier, and was climbing out more to the south, nearer to the helicopter. At the time this was spotted (the very first sighting on the video, at 13:52:34) IB6830 was actually around 35 miles away. However it would very quickly get further away. By 13:57 IB6830 would be 65 miles away. This explain why it was not seen on radar (IB6830 was on radar, just not where they thought it was)
Initially I had to extract the data for the track from Planefinder, but then I located the FlightAware GPS track. Using this, multiple other examples of IB6830's departure, and the official departure charts, I was able to create a track in google earth using actual GPS coordinates (blue) and estimated positions (orange).
Since we have timestamped GPS locations, we can now geolocate IB6830 and LA330 in Google Earth, and create views of frames from the helicopter video using the coastline and mountains to get the exact heading.
IB6830 is in exactly the right position. We can position both the planes and the chopper precisely with the GPS data, match the camera direction from the wide shot, and the position of IB6830 then matches exactly.
The two large blobs are flared images from the heat of the engines (much smaller in reality). You can see this effect with some candles if you view them from a distance with an IR camera. I used the FLIR ONE to do this:
We can see how large the flares look at various stages of the path.
The flaring is more apparent if you look at it uninverted. The engines appear as two very bright lights
The aerodynamic contrail starts ands stop in a similar way to the trail in this video (not a "chemtrail" though, this just a regular aerodynamic contrail)
There are a few different relevant images from the video:
This is a close-up of the object early in the video:
This shows that the plane is banked at this point - i.e. it is turning to the right. This matches the part of the track for IB6830 where it turns to the north, based on the time.
Compare it with this video of a plane taking off. It is much closer, however at the end of the video you see the two engines tilted at about the same angle as the "UFO" while the plane turns right.
At one point (9:08) they switch between the IR camera and a regular (visible light) camera. you can see the trail qute distinctly. It looks very like a contrail.
Why is it showing up as warmer? Aerodynamic contrails are essentially clouds, and at this altitude they will be ice clouds, below below freezing. They show up as darkly colored for the same reason that other clouds in the scene show up dark. It's simply the camera adjusting the exposure for the very cold sky. The engines are small so they don't effect the exposure much (and hence they flare). So the net result is that anything warmer than radiation coming from clear sky will appear dark.
A few seconds later
It also seems a bit odd that there is very little change in the heading and elevation angles in the video. This becomes clear if you look at the angles and distances involved
The thin white lines here connect the chopper and the plane at equal times, as you can see the heading angle between them does not change much.
The altitude of the plane varies from ~5000m to 9000m, while the distance varies from 70km to 170km, the chopper is about 1400m, we can draw a diagram to see the angles
As you can see there is very little change from the start (2.93°) to the end (1.94). Basically it should vary from about 3° to about 2° (appearing to be descending faster at the start)
[Note: this top post will be updated with information from the discussion below, so some of what follows may seem repetitive]
Q: If it was a plane then why did it not respond to hailing A: A pilot familiar with Santiago departure responds:
Q: Why did it not show up on radar? They were looking for a low flying object south of the airport about 35 miles away, by the time they looked it was at a high altitude and 65 miles away. The plane actually does show up on radar in data supplied by CEFAA
Q:How can it be a contrail cloud if it's as hot as the engine? A: It's not as hot as the engines, it's a similar color in the IR to other clouds in the images. It's just a dense cloud which is a lot warmer than the far background sky. Even if they were dumping boiling water it would have been atomized by the 300 mph wind into a cloud and cooled to ambient temperature in seconds.
Q: Don't contrails only form above 30,000 feet? A: That's where exhaust contrails are most frequent. However this appear to be a semi persistent aerodynamic contrail which often form on climbing aircraft between 20,000 to 30,000 feet (and sometimes lower).
Q: Why did you change from LA330 to both IB6830 and then to just IB6830? There were only every two possible planes. LA330 looked better when simply viewing the tracks from above. But later 3D recreation showed that IB6830 (flying a similar path) was a better fit. LA330 still looked like a good fit for the final shot, but more detailed analysis of the path eventually showed it could only be IB6830
Q: Why should we trust your theory over the experts? A: I could argue I'm an expert too (at identifying planes and contrails), or that the CEFAA lacks expertise in some areas, or that even experts make mistakes. However let's drop that "Argument for authority", and look at facts you can verify yourself.
We have some very solid verifiable evidence in
The helicopter video with timestamps and GPS coordinates.
The IB6830 and LA330 ADS-B tracks with timestamps and GPS coordinates.
1 matches 2 in every way
IB6830 is in the right place at the right place
IB6830 is going in the right direction
IB6830 banks when the "UFO" banks,
IB6830 would create a visual thermal signature the same size as in the video.
IB6830 engine configuration matches the flares seen in the banking
The size of IB6830's thermal signature shrinks proportional to its distance, matching the video.
Contrails derived from the IB6830's track would have the same apparent size as in the video.
This is not my theory. These are verifiable facts that I (and others) simply discovered. Unless there was a UFO flying between the plane and the helicopter, mimicking the motion, the banking, the size and and the thermal signature of the plane, then it's a plane.
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School Children Witness Non-Human Beings & A Large Craft Landing
School Children Witness Non-Human Beings & A Large Craft Landing
School Children Witness Non-Human Beings & A Large Craft Landing
One of the most intriguing/astonishing UFO mass witness cases comes from a supposed encounter with over sixty schoolchildren in the town of Ruwa, Zimbabwe, on September 16th 1994.
The children ALL claim to have seen multiple hovering objects, that resembled what we ‘adults’ can only describe as spaceships’.
Please do remember, unidentified objects have been tracked on radar scores of times – and at the same time have been visually confirmed even by military pilots (and more) from all over the planet. Dozens of governments have already disclosed the existence of UFOs.
What is so very much intriguing about these disclosures is the fact that these unknown objects perform extraordinary manoeuvres that defy our current understanding of physics….
“Until this day, he has never stopped talking about it.” – Mother of one of the children
What did the children see!?
So What Actually Happened?!
Just like title of this post states, over sixty school children were playing outside at recess when they all stated that they saw a large craft, and multiple small crafts land in a field nearby to them. The Children also stated that they saw multiple “beings” that they described as most definitely ‘non-human’.
This famous UFO story has been very well documented, is taken very seriously, and was actually studied by various different researchers. One of them being Harvard University psychologist Dr. John Mack. Dr John Mack interviewed these children personally, as well as many others. This story spread around the world very quickly and his interviews with the children were conducted shortly after the incident.
There is footage (in the videos linked within this article) of interviews with the children many years after the incident.
Some of the children who witnessed this bizarre/surreal event were so taken back by this experience that they ran back into the school crying!
The most remarkable thing about this whole story is that all of the children told exactly the same story, precisely, as if confirming what had happened really did happen; they were all completely sincere about their scary experience. Another incredible fact about this exciting yet scary case is that the children’s drawings of what they saw were also extremely consistent with one another (please see below). They were, as Dr. Mack points out, clearly telling a story as if it had definitely happened – they believed exactly what they were saying was a 100% true, and there was no evidence of psychosis or any delusion!
“After researching this case and others, I have no doubt that these children were being completely sincere, and that what they said happened really did occur” Dr.John Mack
Below is quite a shocking clip of some of the children talking to Dr. Mack about what they saw, as well as drawings (left) and some footage with school teachers and administrators. Anybody who has any type of experience with children will know that these children believe what they are saying, and anybody who feels the same way as I do about children would know that something big probably happened here. What adds even more validity to the story is the fact that these children are on a very long list of (completely normal) people who have had real, genuine unexplained encounters.
“They came running up here in such a panic, and even if we staged it they could have not all run together like that. They came up here like a living snake, we were in a staff meeting and we just heard them screaming and screaming… A child cannot make that up.” – Teacher from the school (video below)
“I was very skeptical in the beginning as well, I believed that they had seen something, but I wasn’t prepared to accept that it was anything supernatural, but I think the consistency of what’s been going on indicates that it was more than I was prepared to admit in the beginning.” – A second teacher from the school (video below)
As stated before, the children in the video above are described as being completely mentally stable, and there are no indications that they were in any shape or form distorting the truth or were confused, or otherwise unable to make an account of what they saw that day!
“They describe these events like a person talks about something that has happened to them. I can tell that these are people of sound mind telling me something…” (quote continued in the video) –Dr. John Mack, professor of psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
A lot of the children who witnessed this incredible event were asked what they got from this strange experience. One of them had answered that they were here to tell us that “we don’t look after the planet properly.” This makes us wonder that perhaps these extra-terrestrial beings from another world were trying to get children to think about what damage we are doing to Planet Earth? Out of the many extra-terrestrial encounters that have been reported previously, this type of theme is extremely common among those who have claimed to have had contact with extra-terrestrial beings. This was in no way a joke of any kind, some of the children were stricken with a horrible feeling and vision that the world might end, that “all the trees would go down and nobody would be able to breath.” (quote taken from video above)
20 Years After The Event!
One of the drawings off the children
The video footage in the above also includes footage from some of the children 20 years later from the event speaking about their experience that day. All of them are able to communicate maturely and clearly about what happened. We just wanted to re-iterate that here, as it is some important footage of them from another perspective speaking about their experience, years after the event occurred. There is also some more great footage which can be found – HERE. We found some quotes (below), taken from the same children in their mature adult years. Again, you can find some footage of some of the other kids that were also involved in the incident shortly after the event occurred, as well as many years later in the video above as well.
“All of a sudden it was just like imaging going through my head, a message, telepathic communication.”(source)
“We met up on many occasions after that, hugged and shook our heads and said that was the most amazing experience of our lives wasn’t it?” (click HERE)
When you have more than sixty children doing it with such accuracy, it’s difficult to believe that something extraordinary didn’t happen here, It’s not uncommon for a child to make something up, but this simply cannot be the case with this event!
“I must say that if your listeners could see for themselves the mass of reports coming in from airborne gendarmerie, and from the gendarmerie charged with the job of conducting investigations, all of which reports are being forwarded by us to the CNES (National Center for Space Studies), then they would see that it is all pretty disturbing.” – Former French Minister of Defense, Robert Galley (Dolan, Richard. UFOs For the 21st Century Mind: New York: Richard Dolan Press, 2014.)
There is obviously no official documents at hand that actually prove the existence of extra-terrestrial life, or that intelligent extra-terrestrial life is operating these unusual crafts. But then again on the other hand, we do have an awful lot of evidence lending belief to the idea that some of these craft could indeed be controlled by a non-human intelligence, and this specific case in Zimbabwe is one of many supposed encounters that has so many people believing that we are not alone, and that intelligent extra-terrestrial life is, and has been, visiting us for a VERY long time now.
“There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, by other civilizations. Who they are, where they are from, and what they want should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not be the subject of ‘rubishing’ by tabloid newspapers.” (click HERE) – Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time. That their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic Western point of view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, that seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon.” (click HERE) – Dr. Brian O’leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor
“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after.” – Former Canadian Defense Minister, Paul Hellyer (click HERE)
Please see below some more pictures that the children drew;
U.I.P Summary
Quite a scary thought for a child to bear aye!? Can you imagine how your child would react at seeing this!?….Perhaps just perhaps the Alien Beings accidentally came upon these children? OR Perhaps they meant to? Maybe they were there for other reasons that are unknown!? The fact that all of the adults were in a staff meeting is also extremely intriguing….did these beings purposefully make an appearance, timing it perfectly for when there were no adults around? What do you think the purpose for such an encounter could be?
There are way too may question marks against this story to come up with a clear cut answer, but doesn’t it seem very coincidental that after this event many schools around the world have had ‘practise drills’ with staged UFO landings in school playgrounds (SOURCE)…..No coincidence at all, they are trying to prepare the children for what could happen and for what’s to come!
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
CIA files: Uri Geller has real powers
CIA files: Uri Geller has real powers
Following a CIA document dump, it is revealed that the CIA experimented with Uri Geller's psychic abilities, and discovered that he is 'unequivocally' psychic; more to be released soon.
Uri Geller
The CIA has published the first of 13 million top-secret documents following a freedom of information act.
The documents include, amongst other things, research documents, intelligence briefs, UFO sightings, psychic experiments, and others.
Among the documents there are records of Henry Kissinger, secretary of state under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, hundreds of thousands of pages of intelligence analysis, and other scientific studies. There are also documents from the "Star Gate" program, which dealt with mental powers and extrasensory perception.
Uri Geller (Photo: Dana Koppel)
According to the papers, scientists from Stanford University tested Israeli mentalist Uri Geller in 1973. Geller was already famous all over the world by this point.
The scientists said of Geller that he had “proven his supernatural perception unequivocally.”
The CIA's drawings, right, with Geller's drawings, left
A 2013 documentary claimed that the CIA asked Geller to use his powers, but that he refused the request once he was instructed to stop pigs’ beating hearts. He worried that he will be requested to do this on a human. Geller said that he refused to do several other “dark” experiments, and only would do positive tasks.
Some of the other tasks requested of Geller were to levitate plates, and to recreate a drawing drawn by researchers in a separate, closed room. Geller, having never seen the drawings, was able to reproduce them to a high degree of accuracy.
A UFO sighting was reported in 1973 by at-that-time future president president Jimmy Carter. It didn't attract much attention at the time. I began investigating the case in 1976, when Carter was running for president. However, there was no accurate information available to make it possible to find out what Carter saw. I began making various inquiries, looking for someone who might be able to provide some facts on the case. Finally, someone suggested that I contact Hayden Hewes, director of the International UFO Bureau, who had written a brief piece on the Carter sighting for Argosy UFO [Nov., 1976]. I reached Mr. Hewes by telephone at his home in Oklahoma City, and it was he who provided the first significant lead. When brief press reports appeared during the big UFO flap of 1973 to the effect that Governor Carter had previously spotted a UFO, the International UFO Bureau mailed a UFO sighting report to Carter at the State Capitol in Atlanta. Carter apparently filled out the form in some haste, his handwritten replies brief and not easily legible. He then mailed it back to Oklahoma. Mr. Hewes was kind enough to lend me a photographic transparency of the 1973 report in Carter's own handwriting.
It turns out that the sighting occurred in Leary, Georgia, about forty miles from Carter's home town of Plains, on the evening of January 6, 1969. (Carter mis-remembered the date as sometime on October, 1969, but I contacted the Lions Club headquarters in Illinois, which established the date as January 6). The future president was then the local district governor of the Lion's Club, and had come to Leary to boost the local chapter. While standing outdoors at approximately 7:15 pm, waiting for the Lion's Club meeting to begin, Mr. Carter reported seeing a single "self-luminous" object, "as bright as the moon," which reportedly approached and then receded several times. A reporter taped Carter's exact words in 1973 describing the UFO sighting. Carter said,
There were about twenty of us standing outside of a little restaurant, I believe, a high school lunch room, and a kind of a green light appeared in the western sky. This was right after sundown. It got brighter and brighter. And then eventually it disappeared. It didn't have any solid substance to it, it was just a very peculiar-looking light. None of us could understand what it was. I've never made fun of people who've seen other things of that kind (From the documentary recording Factual Eyewitness Testimony of UFO Encounters, Chicago: Investigative Research Associates, Inc., 1978).
A copy of Carter's hand-written UFO sighting report, that I obtained from Hayden Hewes.
Although Carter reports that "ten members" of the Leary Lion's Club also witnessed the event, attempts to locate ten other witnesses proved fruitless. No one else seems to have paid much attention to the "UFO." While most Leary residents I interviewed did recall Mr. Carter's visit, even those who attended the meeting had no recollection or knowledge of any unidentified object being sighted.
I began making inquiries of various UFO researchers, looking for someone who might be able to provide some facts on the case. Finally, someone suggested that I contact Hayden Hewes, director of the International UFO Bureau, who had written a brief piece on the Carter sighting for Argosy UFO [Nov., 1976]. I reached Mr. Hewes by telephone at his home in Oklahoma City, and it was he who provided the first significant lead. When brief press reports appeared during the big UFO flap of 1973 to the effect that Governor Carter had previously spotted a UFO, the International UFO Bureau mailed a UFO sighting report to Carter at the State Capitol in Atlanta. Carter apparently filled out the form in some haste, his handwritten replies brief and not easily legible. He then mailed it back to Oklahoma. Mr. Hewes was kind enough to lend me a photographic transparency of the 1973 report in Carter's own handwriting.
Mr. Carter reports that his "UFO" was in the western sky, at about 30 degrees elevation. This almost perfectly matches the known position of Venus, which was in the west-southwest at an altitude of 25 degrees, azimuth 237 degrees. It was shining brilliantly at Magnitude -4.3, brighter than anything else in the sky. Weather records show that the sky was clear at the time of the sighting. Given the long history of Venus as "Queen of the UFOs," it seemed that we had the clear solution on hand. I wrote in The Humanist magazine (then edited by Paul Kurtz), July-August, 1977 (p.46)
President Carter's "UFO" Is Identified as the Planet Venus
President Jimmy Carter's widely-reported "UFO sighting," which he made public while Governor of Georgia, was in fact a misidentification of the planet Venus. Several errors of identification within Mr. Carter's report demonstrate that the eyewitness testimony of even a future president of the United States cannot be taken at face value when investigating UFO sightings.
The incident occurred in Leary, Georgia, about forty miles from Plains, on the evening of January 6, 1969. Mr. Carter was the local district governor of the Lion's Club, and had come to Leary to boost the local chapter. While standing outdoors at approximately 7:15 pm, waiting for the Lion's Club meeting to begin, Mr. Carter reported seeing a single "self-luminous" object, "as bright as the moon," which reportedly approached and then receded several times. Mr. Carter reports that his "UFO" was in the western sky, at about 30 degrees elevation. This almost perfectly matches the known position of Venus, which was in the west-southwest at an altitude of 25 degrees. Weather records show that the sky was clear at the time of the sighting.
No other object generates as many UFO reports as the planet Venus. Venus is not as bright as the moon, nor does it actually approach the viewer, or change size and brightness, but descriptions like these are typical of misidentifications of a bright planet. Every time Venus reaches its maximum brilliance in the evening sky, hundreds of "UFO sightings" of this type are made. At the time of the Carter UFO sighting, Venus was a brilliant evening star, nearly one hundred times brighter than a first-magnitude star.
And for the most part, serious UFO researchers accepted this identification. After all, Jacques Vallee, who is certainly no debunker, had written,
No single object has been misinterpreted as a "flying saucer" more than the planet Venus. The study of these mistakes proves quite instructive, for it shows beyond all possible dispute the limitations of sensory perception and the weakness of accounts relating shapes and motions of point sources or objects with small apparent diameters. (Challenge to Science, 1966, p. 110).
The southwest sky as seen from Leary, Ga, at 7:15 PM January 6, 1969. The Bull's Eye shows the calculated position where a barium cloud might have been visible, quite close to Venus. (Sky chart generated using the free open-source program Cartes du Ciel.)
So there the matter stood for forty years. Then just a week ago, an associate of space writer and skeptic James Oberg contacted him, suggesting the possibility that what Carter might have seen was a bright barium space cloud from a NASA rocket, launched to study the behavior of the upper atmosphere. In fact, this possibility was discussed in episode 561 of the popular skeptics' podcast Skeptics Guide to the Universe on April 9, 2016, although neither Oberg nor I was aware of this. I was familiar with such launches, and even saw one in the 1970s when I was living in Maryland. (Frankly, the one I saw was not all that bright or spectacular.)
James Oberg made this map, showing the location of Leary, Georgia, and the path of the rockets.
It turns out that there were in fact two rocket launches from Eglin AFB in the Florida panhandle on the evening of January 6 that might possibly have been seen from Leary. The first one was launched at 6:41 PM, and contained Barium, which would usually appear red. The second was launched at 7:35 PM, and contained Tri-methyl aluminum (TMA), which would appear white or blue. Each would have become visible about 3-4 minutes after launch, and might have remained visible for 30 minutes or more. Carter said that he was "Outside waiting for a meeting to begin at 7:30 PM." If that information is correct, it would seem to rule out them seeing the second launch. However, the cloud that became visible about 6:45 PM might still be visible at 7:15. And that cloud would have been right next to the brilliant Venus!
Supporting the Barium cloud hypothesis are Carter's statements that the object "Seemed to move tow(ard?) us from a distance - Sto(p?) move partially away Return then depart Bluish at first - then reddish - Luminous - not solid.
Against the Barium cloud hypothesis is Carter's statement that the object was "sharply outlined."
More research needs to be done before we can conclude that a Barium space cloud was definitely responsible for this famous sighting. But it seems an intriguing possibility.
André SkondrasIs it true, as some skeptics proclaim, that most UFOs are IFOs caused by the planet Venus, ice crystals, clouds and other atmospheric phenomena? Is this substantiated from the sightings statistics?Bekijk vertaling
André SkondrasI just received a reply from a highly skeptical researcher: "Skeptics and debunkers cannot provide any Venus IFO stats. I challenged a Belgian UFO researcher a few years back and he had nothing, in fact could not even find a single recent case on his UFO reporting group's sighting list." ;)Bekijk vertaling
André SkondrasAnd this highly skeptical researcher went on to say: "The Carter sighting has been nailed as the rocket barium cloud and here we find Sheaffer trying to oppose it with nitpicking and pleas for open mind because it explodes his Venus theory." ;)Bekijk vertaling
Marsrover Curiosity heeft mogelijk sporen van opgedroogde modder in het vizier
Marsrover Curiosity heeft mogelijk sporen van opgedroogde modder in het vizier
The Horten Ho 229 being restored at Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center (Credits: Cynrik de Decker)
By 1983, the fundamental elements of American stealth innovation were at the point of being public knowledge.
After the war, the latest scientific improvements prompted the idea of planning an airframe that could sidestep radar. It was found that a jet-powered, flying wing design, just like the Horten Ho 229 will have a little radar cross-area to traditional contemporary twin-motor aircraft. This is because the wings were merged into the fuselage and there were no extensive propeller disks or vertical and horizontal tail surfaces to give a locatable radar signature.
Reimar Horten said he blended charcoal dust with the wood paste to soak up electromagnetic waves (radar), which he accepted could shield the aircraft from identification by British early warning ground-based radar that worked at 20 to 30 MHz (the top end of the HF band), which is called Chain Home radar.
Engineers of the Northrop-Grumman Corporation had a great interest on the Ho 229, and a few of them went to the Smithsonian Museum’s office in Silver Hill, Maryland in the 1980s to learn about and study the V3 airframe. A group of engineers from Northrop-Grumman did some electromagnetic experimentation the V3’s multilayer wooden middle-area nose cones.
The cones are 3/4 of an inch (19 mm) thick and made up of thin sheets of veneer. The group inferred that there was surely some type of conducting element within the paste, as the radar signal lessened extensively as it passed through the cone.
So it turns out Hitler was far along with developing a plane that was far ahead of its time!
The Horten Ho 229 being restored at Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center (Credits: Cynrik de Decker)
The Horten Ho 229 being restored at Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center (Credits: Cynrik de Decker)The Horten Ho 229 being restored at Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center (Credits: Cynrik de Decker)The Horten Ho 229 being restored at Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center (Credits: Cynrik de Decker)The Horten Ho 229 being restored at Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center (Credits: Cynrik de Decker)
Marsrover Curiosity heeft mogelijk sporen van opgedroogde modder in het vizier
Marsrover Curiosity heeft mogelijk sporen van opgedroogde modder in het vizier
Caroline Kraaijvanger
De rover heeft gesteente met daarop kleine richeltjes ontdekt die mogelijk een heel interessant verhaal vertellen.
Wat nu richeltjes zijn, waren in een grijs verleden waarschijnlijk scheuren in opgedroogde modder, zo stelt NASA. De opgedroogde modder met daarin de scheuren zou zo’n drie miljard jaar geleden met sedimenten bedekt zijn. Veel later werden die sedimenten door toedoen van erosie verwijderd. Materialen die de scheuren in de modder gevuld hadden, konden die erosie beter hebben dan de opgedroogde modder eromheen. Vandaar dat we de scheuren nu als hogergelegen richeltjes aantreffen. NASA heeft de plek waar de vermoedelijke sporen van opgedroogde modder zijn aangetroffen Old Soaker gedoopt.
Old Soaker. Afbeelding: NASA / JPL-Caltech / MSSS.
Curiosity doet onderzoek in de Gale-krater en heeft diverse aanwijzingen gevonden dat deze krater in het verleden gevuld was met water. Maar Old Soaker suggereert dat dit meer ook periodes van droogte kende, zo stelt NASA. Eerder zijn in gesteentelagen die lager liggen dan Old Soaker sporen gevonden van een oud meer. Hetzelfde trof de ruimtevaartorganisatie aan in gesteentelagen die jonger zijn dan Old Soaker. Die gesteentelagen – die elk uit een andere periode in de geschiedenis van Mars stammen – lijken van elkaar gescheiden te worden door een gesteentelaag die getuigt van een periode van droogte. Blijkbaar varieerde de diepte en omvang van het meer van tijd tot tijd en verdween het meer zelfs zo af en toe compleet. “We zien meer bewijs voor droge perioden,” stelt onderzoeker Ashwin Vasavada.
Onderzoekers zullen de komende tijd gebruiken om de gegevens die Curiosity over Old Soaker heeft verzameld te analyseren. De rover heeft Old Soaker inmiddels weer verlaten. De rover zoekt het nog altijd hogerop op Mount Sharp, de berg in het hart van de Gale-krater. Binnenkort zou Curiosity één van de gesteentelagen die deze berg rijk is nader moeten bestuderen met behulp van zijn boor. Onderzoekers kijken momenteel hoe de rover dat het beste aan kan pakken, aangezien er vorige maand een probleem met de boor ontstond.
Hoe zou een landing op dwergplaneet Pluto eruitzien? NASA heeft meer dan honderd New Horizons-foto’s gebruikt om een bijzondere video te maken van een afdaling op de ijskoude dwergplaneet.
In werkelijkheid is New Horizons natuurlijk niet geland op Pluto. Het ruimtevaartuig schoot in de zomer van 2015 langs de dwergplaneet en is nu op weg naar Kuipergordelobject 2014 MU69.
Om het gevoel te geven van een landing op Pluto hebben wetenschappers beelden naadloos aan elkaar geknipt. Het resultaat spreekt voor zich! “Het is grappig om een keer mee te maken hoe het voelt om op deze dwergplaneet te landen”, zegt Alan Stern, de hoofdonderzoeker van de New Horizons-missie.
'Het leven is mogelijk meerdere keren op aarde ontstaan'
'Het leven is mogelijk meerdere keren op aarde ontstaan'
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Voordat onze voorouders ontstonden, leefden er wellicht andere complexe levensvormen op aarde die het uiteindelijk niet gered hebben.
Aangenomen wordt dat het ontstaan van complexe levensvormen op aarde heel bijzonder was en in de lange geschiedenis van onze planeet maar één keer plaatsvond. En wel nadat de hoeveelheid zuurstof in de atmosfeer rap was toegenomen. Maar nieuw onderzoek trekt die aanname nu ernstig in twijfel. De studie toont namelijk aan dat de hoeveelheid zuurstof in de atmosfeer niet één keer, maar zeker twee keer rap toe nam.
Kleine kans “Er is fossiel bewijs voor complexe levensvormen die tot zo’n 1,75 miljard jaar geleden leefden,” legt onderzoeker Roger Buick uit. “Maar het oudste fossiel is niet per se het oudste organisme dat ooit geleefd heeft, omdat de kans dat een organisme fossiliseert vrij klein is.” Onderzoek wijst nu uit dat de hoeveelheid zuurstof in de atmosfeer meer dan 1,75 miljard jaar geleden al eens sterk toenam om vervolgens – ongeveer een kwart miljard jaar later – weer af te nemen. “Dit onderzoek laat zien dat er nog voor het fossiele bewijs (voor complex leven ontstond, red.) genoeg zuurstof in de atmosfeer zat om de evolutie van complexe cellen mogelijk te maken. Het betekent niet dat dat ook echt gebeurde, maar het kan wel zijn gebeurd.”
Sedimenten Buick en collega’s trekken die conclusie nadat ze 2 tot 2,4 miljard jaar oude sedimenten bestudeerden. Ze richtten zich daarbij met name op het element seleen dat door de aanwezigheid van zuurstof beïnvloed wordt. Het onderzoek wijst uit dat er lang voor de oudste meercelligen waarvan resten zijn teruggevonden leefden, een periode was waarin de hoeveelheid zuurstof op aarde sterk toenam. En die hoeveelheid bleef ook een lange tijd hoog. Dat is belangrijk. Want de evolutie van complexe levensvormen vereist tijd. En dat was ze gegund in de eerste periode waarin de hoeveelheid zuurstof op aarde rap toenam.
Uniek Grote vraag is natuurlijk waarom de hoeveelheid zuurstof in de atmosfeer rap toenam om vervolgens een kwart miljard jaar later weer af te nemen en dus de ondergang in te luiden voor eventuele complexe levensvormen die dankzij de hogere zuurstofconcentratie waren ontstaan. Onderzoekers weten het niet. “Het is onbekend waarom het gebeurde en waarom er een einde aan kwam,” stelt onderzoeker Eva Stüeken. “Zoiets hebben we nooit meer in de aardse geschiedenis meegemaakt,” voegt Buick toe. “Als je kijkt naar de seleenisotopen door de tijd heen, dan is het een unieke interval: zowel ervoor als erna is alles anders.”
Het onderzoek vertelt niet alleen meer over de geschiedenis van de aarde, maar heeft tevens implicaties voor de zoektocht naar buitenaards leven. “De erkenning van deze periode in het verre verleden van de aarde waarin er bijna net zoveel zuurstof in de atmosfeer zat als nu het geval is, maar de bewoners heel anders waren, kan erop wijzen dat de detectie van een zuurstofrijke wereld niet direct bewijst dat er sprake is van een complexe biosfeer,” stelt onderzoeker Michael Kipp. Want hoewel het goed mogelijk is dat er meer dan 1,75 miljard jaar geleden meercellige organismen ontstonden, was deze eventuele meercelligen niet genoeg tijd gegund om te diversificeren.
Wolf 1061c is een interessante kandidaat voor buitenaards leven. De mogelijk leefbare exoplaneet is slechts veertien lichtjaar van de aarde verwijderd en bevindt zich in de leefbare zone om de rode dwergster Wolf 1061.
De exoplaneet Wolf 1061c is vier keer zwaarder dan de aarde. De planeet is gehuisvest in de zogenoemde Goldilocks zone. Dit is een gebied om een ster waar water in vloeibare vorm voor kan komen. Ook de aarde bevindt zich in de Goldilocks zone van de zon. Mars bevindt zich net buiten deze zone: hier is het te koud, waardoor water bevriest. Op Venus is het weer te warm, waardoor hier water direct verdampt. De Goldilocks-zone is nooit op dezelfde plek. Bij een grote reuzenster is deze leefbare zone verder verwijderd van de ster, dan bij een kleinere dwergster als Wolf 1061.
Astronoom Stephen Kane van de staatsuniversiteit van San Francisco en zijn collega’s hebben de leefbare zone om Wolf 1061 uitgebreid onderzocht. De resultaten verschijnen in de eerstvolgende editie van de Astrophysical Journal.
Binnengrens Volgens Kane bevindt Wolf 1061c zich dicht bij de binnengrens van de leefbare zone. Dit vergroot de kans dat de exoplaneet minder leefbaar is dan we denken. Misschien lijkt Wolf 1061 meer op Venus: een overhitte broeikasplaneet waar het veel te warm is voor buitenaards leven.
Razendsnel van ijstijd naar interglaciaal Een andere conclusie is dat de baan van Wolf 1061c om zijn moederster onregelmatiger is dan die van de aarde om de zon. De aarde is soms verder verwijderd van de zon dan op andere momenten. Deze variaties zorgen op aarde voor klimaatveranderingen, zoals het ontstaan van een ijstijd. Dit proces duurt op onze aarde vele duizenden jaren. Omdat de baan van Wolf 1061c sneller verandert, geldt dit mogelijk ook voor het klimaat van de exoplaneet. Te snelle fluctuaties (van ijstijd naar interglaciaal en weer terug) zijn mogelijk niet gunstig voor buitenaards leven, omdat leven zich ook moet aanpassen aan veranderende omstandigheden.
Onzeker Terugkomend op de vraag bovenaan dit artikel: is er leven op Wolf 1061c? De onderzoekers kunnen deze vraag niet beantwoorden. Dankzij toekomstige telescopen – zoals de James Webb-telescoop – leren we mogelijk meer over de omstandigheden op het oppervlak van deze mysterieuze exoplaneet.
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Is this a UFO coming out of the ocean in El Salvador?
Is this a UFO coming out of the ocean in El Salvador?
According to Vladimir Azhazha, former navy officer and a famous Russian UFO researcher “Fifty percent of UFO encounters are connected with oceans.”
So UFOs tend to stick to the oceans and flying in and out of the water?
Now look at this satellite image of the Gulf of Fonseca near the Island of Meanguera in El Salvador, it shows a very strange unknown object in the sea that generates strange patterns on the water.
According to researchers it is a natural maritime phenomenon but I don’t buy it. What kind of a natural phenomenon can create such strange patterns and ripples in a further perfectly calm ocean?
There is much discussion as whether it is a natural phenomenon or a UFO coming out of the water or going into the water.
Though essentially a love story [spoiler!], the film Passengers is set inside the starship Avalon, a futuristic interstellar spaceship carrying more than 500,000 passengers for a 120-year journey to a distant, habitable planet called Homestead II. These space colonists had to be put in hibernation in order to survive the journey, with the Avalon traveling via an intelligent autopilot, at half the speed of light.
The starship Avalon certainly doesn’t look like any ship that we have at present. Okay, it looks like an uber futuristic version of the ISS. But how much of the Avalon reflects real world science? Speaking to, a bunch of space travel experts weighed in on just how much of the technology seen in Starship Avalon can be real.
The Avalon is huge. So, most probably, it wasn’t built on Earth but rather in space. NASA physicist and science fiction author Geoffrey Landis thinks that it would have been built mostly in space, relying on space mining. Actual space mining is not so far off in the future, it would seem, but we are slowly getting there. A couple of companies are already working on the prospect—Deep Space Industries and Planetary Resources—with plans to scout nearby asteroids to learn about their composition. They are also studying how to send spacecraft to these potential space mines.
Credits: Sony Pictures, screenshot
Landis believes that this would all be very possible in the near future. “In the long term, if we’re going to build these enormous habitats, we are going to have to build them from material in space,” he said. “That’s a very feasible idea. There’s literally millions of asteroids out there from which we could harvest materials without having to drag it out of the gravity well of the Earth.”
Another aspect to consider is generating gravity aboard the ship, and Landis thinks that the Avalon uses its spin to generate gravity artificially.
The film shows pods and pods of people in a prolonged state of hibernation—as long as 120 years—to survive their space exodus. This kind of stasis technology, however, doesn’t yet exist, although we do have ways of inducing coma that can last for a couple of days.
There is a company working on developing a similar kind of technology, one that can induce stasis in human beings much longer than what’s currently possible. This company is called SpaceWorks, and according to its COO, aerospace engineer John Bradford, induced stasis is theoretically possible, given that some mammals are known to be capable of long hibernation. SpaceWorks is working on developing a technology that can induce a similar state of hibernation in humans.
It’s different from what’s in Passengers, however, as “[w]e’re not trying to extend the human lifetime,” Bradford said. “We’re trying to put people in a small container to minimize the mass and power requirements, and the consumables [during spaceflight].” SpaceWorks has been working on the project since it received a NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) grant in 2015.
Credits: Sony Pictures
Currently, we don’t really have technology yet that will allow for faster interstellar travel. Several options are being explored, like using nuclear fusion and the impossible EM drive. But both of these remain theoretical, at best—although the EM drive remains theoretically questionable. Nuclear fusion, on the other, if made possible would present logistical problems of constructing big enough reactors in space.
Other potential technologies are also being explored. A project under a NIAC grant is testing the idea of using lasers. University of California physics professor Philip Lubin is working on developing a concept known as Directed Energy Propulsion for Interstellar Exploration, which would use laser photons reflected on mirrors to generate propulsion in space. The idea is to generate enough propulsion to push a spacecraft to move through space at a fraction of the speed of light, similar to the starship Avalon.
Another idea involves building antimatter engines. “The energy [an antimatter engine] generates is very pure in that it generates a lot of photons when matter reacts with antimatter,” co-founder and president of Icarus Interstellar Andreas Tziolas told “All of the matter is annihilated and it turns into pure photonic energy. However, the photons themselves are hard to capture.”
So, the bottom line is that a spaceship of the magnitude and sophistication of Avalon is theoretically attainable; it’s beyond the reach of present technology, but there’s nothing involved that requires a contravention of the known laws of physics. All that’s needed is a space-based economy to support the construction of such a monstrous interstellar “ark,” and the large-scale implementation of space propulsion technologies that are already on the drawing board.
Now all we need do is discover a cause challenging and urgent enough to provoke our ingenuity, and muster the willpower to just build the darned thing.
starship Avalon approaches Arcturus in a scene from “Passengers.” (Sony Pictures via YouTube)
Cassini Gets Up Close and Personal With Saturn's 'Wavemaker' Moon Daphnis
Cassini Gets Up Close and Personal With Saturn's 'Wavemaker' Moon Daphnis
By Ian O'Neill, Seeker
Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute
Cassini's daring ring-skimming orbits of Saturn are already paying off, producing some beautiful and awe-inspiring views that have, until now, been too far away to see. But now, as this almost surreal observation of Saturn's tiny moon Daphnis shows, we're finally getting a really good look at the small-scale processes that are at work in Saturn's rings.
Orbiting the Saturnian system since 2004, NASA's Cassini mission has enriched us incredible views of the seemingly flat ring plane. Beyond the robotic probe's camera resolution, however, are the ripples and waves that are inevitably caused by the gravities of small moons embedded in the many ring gaps. In one 26-mile-wide gap, called the Keeler Gap, a 5-mile-wide moon roams and it has a pretty dramatic effect on the tiny particles at the gap's borders.
The oblique viewing angle is a little misleading; we're not looking directly down on the ring plane, we're actually looking at the moon from the side. The waves in the foreground are therefore rippling up and down as the moon goes about its orbit. The ring gap also looks more narrow than its 26-mile width, an optical effect known as foreshortening. Cassini was 17,000 miles from the moon when this image was captured on Jan. 16.
Previously, in 2009, Cassini was able to spot these waves in Saturn's rings, albeit from afar, when the ringed gas giant was passing through its equinox. At this time, the ring plane was parallel to the direction of sunlight, allowing any vertical structures in the rings to cast a long shadow:
Cassini's view of Daphnis and the waves it creates in 2009 when the spacecraft was 414,000 miles from the moon.
Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute
Viewing Daphnis so close means that previously unseen details pop into view. Of particular note is the narrow ridge that seems to run around the moon's equator and the smooth layer that covers its surface — traits shared by other ring moons Atlas and Pan. These features are likely a build-up of ring particles that have collided with the moon and accumulated during its orbits. Also, small craters are evident, proving that even the smallest of moons are not immune from impacts.
Another feature is a thin wisp of dusty material to the left of the moon, likely a clump of dust pulled from the gap's edge, which is now trailing the moon and spreading out.
Although Cassini's mission will end in September, with a fiery farewell into Saturn's atmosphere, as this latest observation shows, there's a lot more surprises in store as it sets itself up for a sequence of polar orbits that will take the spacecraft through the ring plane — a feat that has never before been attempted.
Apollo 17 astronaut Gene Cernan, the last human to set foot on the moon, seen on the lunar surface in December 1972. Cernan passed away on Jan. 16, 2016.
Credit: NASA
The last human to walk on the moon died. A first-time astronaut shared his first-ever spacewalk with the world. The U.S. got a new president, leaving experts to contemplate the future of space policy. 2016 set a record for global temperatures. And scientists found ice spikes on Pluto and a meteorite on Mars. Here are our picks for the best and most important space stories of the week.
Donald J. Trump, who was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States Friday (Jan. 20), may have to make some big decisions regarding NASA programs. Here are six things to know about the new administration's relationship with and plans for the nation's space agency. [Full Story: 6 Things to Know About Trump and NASA]
It's getting hot in here
2016 was officially the hottest year on record, and human activity is to blame for the rise in temperatures, according to a new report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This is the third consecutive year to reach record temperature highs. NASA's Earth Science program assisted NOAA in measuring the year's global temperatures.[Full Story: 2016 Was Earth's Hottest Year on Record, and Humans Are to Blame]
This rock's not from around here
NASA's Mars rover Curiosity found a rock that might have fallen from space. This photo shows the likely meteorite, known as "Ames Knob," on the surface of Mars on Jan. 12, 2017.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
NASA's Curiosity Mars rover has been a busy little bot of late. NASA released a photo from the rover showing shallow crevices in the Martian soil, perhaps formed from ancient mud cracks, indicating the presence of water. Curiosity also recently spotted a rock on the Red Planet's surface that likely fell from space. The gray, iron-nickel meteorite, dubbed Ames Knob, looks distinctly different from the typical red-hued Martian rocks. It is not the first meteorite that Curiosity has identified on the Martian surface. If the rock hit the planet long ago, scientists could use the meteorite to learn something about the ancient Martian surface. [Full Story: Weird Mars Rock Spied by Curiosity Rover Is Probably a Meteorite]
Ice spikes spotted on Pluto
Scientists think they've found evidence of naturally forming, spiked columns of ice and snow called "penitentes" on Pluto's surface. On Earth, these features can grow to be several feet high; they form at high altitudes where ice can transform directly into vapor. If Pluto has these features, it's likely that they also exist on other icy worlds in the solar system. [Full Story: Prickly Pluto Could Reveal Ice Spikes Are Common on Other Worlds]
The cost of a perfect solar storm
If a perfect solar storm were to hit the United States and knock out major power grids, it could create an economic loss of $42 billion per day, according to a new study. Solar storms are ejections of charged particles from the sun, and space experts have warned federal agencies of these storms' potentially devastating impacts on power grids and satellite communications. [Solar Storm Blackout Could Cost the US $42 Billion Per Day]
A photogenic spacewalk
European Space Agency astronaut Thomas Pesquet snapped a series of awesome space selfies during his first spacewalk, on Jan. 13, 2017
Credit: ESA/NASA
First-time astronaut and Frenchman Thomas Pesquet, who is currently living on the International Space Station, recently completed a 6-hour spacewalk. Pesquet is proving to be quite the space photographer; he snapped several photos while he was outside the station, including some spectacular self-portraits. [Full Story: Astronaut's First Spacewalk Photos Are Out of This World!]
Space traffic jams
Experts on spaceflight and space-based technologies say the federal government needs to act now to address the growing issue of space traffic. As more and more countries and private companies launch objects into orbit, the problem of space traffic grows larger, and experts fear governments aren't adapting quickly enough. [Full Story: Many Questions, Few Answers When it Comes to Space Traffic Management, Experts Say]
Mirror, mirror
The Giant Magellan Telescope will peer deep into the cosmos using the largest single-piece mirrors ever made. Each mirror takes years to complete, and even microscopic errors could sabotage the entire instrument. [Full Story: Making the Giant Magellan Telescope's Massive, Incredibly Precise Mirrors]
Waiting to boldly go …
The much-anticipated new television show that will take place in the "Star Trek" universe seems to have been delayed again. "Star Trek: Discovery" was initially scheduled to debut this month, but that date was pushed to May. Now, network executives say the debut date is "flexible," and that production is set to begin before February. [Full Story: 'Star Trek: Discovery' Delayed, Classic Character Re-Cast]
While the idea of alien life touching down on Earth has been around since the earliest of civilizations, no one had really been addressing any occurrences in our lifetime until the abduction of Barney and Betty Hill.
On September 19th,1961 while driving up Route 3 towards Portsmouth, NH from a Niagara Fall vacation, Betty had noticed something in the sky. It appeared to be a falling star, only its trajectory was abnormal and seemed to be getting bigger and brighter as they kept driving.
Since it moved so erratically, Betty’s curiosity grew to the point she urged Barney to stop the car for a closer look. They stopped just south of Twin Mountain. Here Betty observed the flying craft, through binoculars, and noticed flashing multi-colored lights as it traveled across the face of the moon.
When Barney first observed the craft, he came to the reasoning that it was just a commercial airliner. This conclusion changed however once the object changed course and descended, accelerating towards him without turning around. With the realization that no plane could maneuver in such a way, he quickly returned to the car and drove toward Franconia Notch, a narrow mountainous stretch of the road.
Driving slowly through the isolated road of Franconia Notch, the Hills observed the object as it came even closer. They watched as it passed over a restaurant, a signal tower on top of Cannon Mountain, and even near the Old Man of the Mountain.
Betty had stated that compared to the mountain profile, it was at least one and a half times its length, which was 40 feet (12 m) long. She also stated that it seemed to be rotating. The Hills kept watching the ever changing movements of the craft as it bounced through the night sky.
Just south of Indian Head, Barney had to stop in the middle of the highway as the object instantly descended toward their vehicle. As the enormous, inaudible craft hovered over the Hills’ 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air, Barney grabbed the binoculars and pistol he kept in the car and headed towards the object by foot. Looking through the binoculars, Barney saw 8 to 11 humanoid figures who seemed to looking back at him from the windows of the spacecraft.
As if all at once, all but one figure moved towards a panel on the rear wall of the hallway that encircled the front section of the craft. While the others went to the panel, the one stationary figure stayed looking at Barney and conveyed a message telling him to “stay where he was and keep looking.”
At this point, batwing-like fins with red lights began to telescope out of the sides of the craft and a long structure descended from the bottom of the craft. The spacecraft, still silent, approached Barney with an estimated distance of 50–80 feet (15–24 m) overhead and 300 feet (91 m) away from him.
Looking through the binoculars, Barney saw 8 to 11 humanoid figures who seemed to looking back at him from the windows of the spacecraft. As if all at once, all but one figure moved towards a panel on the rear wall of the hallway that encircled the front section of the craft. While the others went to the panel, the one stationary figure stayed looking at Barney and conveyed a message telling him to “stay where he was and keep looking.”
At this point, batwing-like fins with red lights began to telescope out of the sides of the craft and a long structure descended from the bottom of the craft. The spacecraft, still silent, approached Barney with an estimated distance of 50–80 feet (15–24 m) overhead and 300 feet (91 m) away from him.
At this point, batwing-like fins with red lights began to telescope out of the sides of the craft and a long structure descended from the bottom of the craft. The spacecraft, still silent, approached Barney with an estimated distance of 50–80 feet (15–24 m) overhead and 300 feet (91 m) away from him.
Ripping the binoculars from his face, Barney ran back to the car. As he rushed into the car he told Betty, with frantic hysterity, “They’re going to capture us!” At that same moment he saw the object shift its location to directly above their vehicle. With great urgency, Barney drove away post haste, alerting Betty to keep an eye on the object.
This is where the Hills would finally hear the craft make its first sounds. They recalled hearing a rhythmic series of beeping, buzzing sounds which seemed to bounce off the trunk causing the whole vehicle to vibrate and send a tingling sensation through the Hills’ bodies. From this point, the Hills remember going through an altered state of consciousness that left their minds dulled.
The couple were returned to consciousness with a second series of melodic beeping, buzzing sounds. When coming to, they found that they had traveled somewhere around 35 miles (56 km) south. Their recollection of their trek down this road was vague and muted. One thing that stuck out was an unplanned turn, encountering a roadblock, and observing what appeared to be a fiery orb in the road.
This is where the Hills would finally hear the craft make its first sounds. They recalled hearing a rhythmic series of beeping, buzzing sounds which seemed to bounce off the trunk causing the whole vehicle to vibrate and send a tingling sensation through the Hills’ bodies. From this point, the Hills remember going through an altered state of consciousness that left their minds dulled. The couple were returned to consciousness with a second series of melodic beeping, buzzing sounds.
When coming to, they found that they had traveled somewhere around 35 miles (56 km) south. Their recollection of their trek down this road was vague and muted. One thing that stuck out was an unplanned turn, encountering a roadblock, and observing what appeared to be a fiery orb in the road.
The couple were returned to consciousness with a second series of melodic beeping, buzzing sounds. When coming to, they found that they had traveled somewhere around 35 miles (56 km) south. Their recollection of their trek down this road was vague and muted. One thing that stuck out was an unplanned turn, encountering a roadblock, and observing what appeared to be a fiery orb in the road.
With great urgency, Barney drove away post haste, alerting Betty to keep an eye on the object. This is where the Hills would finally hear the craft make its first sounds. They recalled hearing a rhythmic series of beeping, buzzing sounds which seemed to bounce off the trunk causing the whole vehicle to vibrate and send a tingling sensation through the Hills’ bodies.
From this point, the Hills remember going through an altered state of consciousness that left their minds dulled. The couple were returned to consciousness with a second series of melodic beeping, buzzing sounds.
When coming to, they found that they had traveled somewhere around 35 miles (56 km) south. Their recollection of their trek down this road was vague and muted. One thing that stuck out was an unplanned turn, encountering a roadblock, and observing what appeared to be a fiery orb in the road.
From this point, the Hills remember going through an altered state of consciousness that left their minds dulled. The couple were returned to consciousness with a second series of melodic beeping, buzzing sounds. When coming to, they found that they had traveled somewhere around 35 miles (56 km) south. Their recollection of their trek down this road was vague and muted. One thing that stuck out was an unplanned turn, encountering a roadblock, and observing what appeared to be a fiery orb in the road.
At that same moment he saw the object shift its location to directly above their vehicle. With great urgency, Barney drove away post haste, alerting Betty to keep an eye on the object.
This is where the Hills would finally hear the craft make its first sounds. They recalled hearing a rhythmic series of beeping, buzzing sounds which seemed to bounce off the trunk causing the whole vehicle to vibrate and send a tingling sensation through the Hills’ bodies.
From this point, the Hills remember going through an altered state of consciousness that left their minds dulled. The couple were returned to consciousness with a second series of melodic beeping, buzzing sounds. When coming to, they found that they had traveled somewhere around 35 miles (56 km) south. Their recollection of their trek down this road was vague and muted. One thing that stuck out was an unplanned turn, encountering a roadblock, and observing what appeared to be a fiery orb in the road.
The couple were returned to consciousness with a second series of melodic beeping, buzzing sounds. When coming to, they found that they had traveled somewhere around 35 miles (56 km) south. Their recollection of their trek down this road was vague and muted. One thing that stuck out was an unplanned turn, encountering a roadblock, and observing what appeared to be a fiery orb in the road.
Their recollection of their trek down this road was vague and muted. One thing that stuck out was an unplanned turn, encountering a roadblock, and observing what appeared to be a fiery orb in the road.
More on the Hills’ experience can be heard at Alien Expo from guests like Stanton Friedman, who along with the Hills’ niece Kathleen Marden, co-wrote the book Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience: The True Story of the World’s First Documented Alien Abduction.
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During the presidential campaign, neither of the two candidates made space exploration or the American space exploration NASA a primary part of their agenda, and no questions were put to them on the topic during the presidential debates.
Reporters working specifically in the field of space said that when they directed questions towards the two candidates that Hillary Clinton showed herself to be a keen supporter of NASA and was very knowledge on the topic. Donald Trump, on the other hand, was described as giving vague and perfunctory answers. However, now Trump has been declared the President-elect, he has come out with a more detailed plan for NASA’s activities for his time in office, and his agenda promises to be the most ambitious in recent decades.
Trump has expressed his desire for NASA to move from a primarily Earth-monitoring agency to one that is more dedicated to space exploration. He has said that he would like NASA to be capable of exploring the farthest reaches of the solar system by the end of the century.
“I will free NASA from the restriction of serving primarily as a logistics agency for low Earth orbit activity… Instead we will refocus its mission on space exploration.”
He has also spelled out specific plans for mining valuable minerals from the asteroid belt, visiting Europa (one of Jupiter’s moons which are believed to be a likely habitat for extra-terrestrial life) and perhaps even discovering planets close to our solar system which is home to alien life forms.
Robert Walker, a Republican congressman who sat on the Science, Space, and Technology Committee in the 1990s, is believed to have been instrumental in drawing up Trump’s plans for NASA. In public statements, he has focused more on the kind of technology the Trump administration hope that NASA will be able to create. He said;
“If you’re looking at technology that looks for the solar system, you are then likely to move toward plasma rockets, toward nuclear-powered rockets, certainly toward solar sails.”
Trump’s ambitious program for American space exploration has been compared to the goals set by President Kennedy in 1961 when he expressed a desire for the United States to overtake the Soviet Union in the space race.
“We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.”
If the words of Jim Bridenstine, who has been shortlisted to take over as the head of the space agency, are anything to go by then this patriotic line of thought is also prevalent in Trump’s plans for NASA.
“The United States of America is the only nation that can protect space for the free world and for responsible entities, and preserves space for generations to come, ”
said Bridenstine,
“America must forever be the preeminent spacefaring nation.”
This article (Trump to NASA: 'Forget Mars. I want you to find ALIENS! Go to Jupiter's Moon Europa.') is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with full attribution and a link to the original source on
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If there's one place that is still full of wonder, containing many different mysteries, it's probably the bottom of the ocean.
The deep, dark depths are a final frontier of sorts, and there is still much to see down there.
As an example of what's potentially waiting for us thousands of leagues under the sea, I'd like to introduce you to the so-called Baltic Sea Anomaly...
The Baltic Sea Anomaly is an unidentified structure that was discovered via sonar and radar by a Swedish diving team back in 2011.
The Swedish-based "Ocean X Team" was looking for a shipwreck somewhere between Sweden and Finland when they found the anomaly.
Since its discovery, theories about exactly what it is and where it came from have run the gamut. Most of the extreme opinions are based around the idea that what we're seeing is actually an ancient crashed UFO.
Conspiracy theorists postulate that the UFO must have crashed sometime during the Ice Age, though they aren't certain why it's there.
Sadly there is an extreme lack of evidence to support these claims. Rock samples of the structure collected by the Swedish diving team found nothing anomalous about the structure.
This has led many reputable authorities to brand the Baltic Anomaly a hoax. But that still hasn't stopped the conspiracy theory community from making videos like this about the anomaly.
I really want one of these "mysteries" to turn out to be a real alien one day, but I'm patient. I won't sacrifice logic and critical thinking just because I want something bad enough ( via ).
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Science ‘Finally’ Proves That We Are DEFINITELY NOT Alone In The Universe!
Science ‘Finally’ Proves That We Are DEFINITELY NOT Alone In The Universe!
Even though most of know that it is impossible for us to be the only advanced(ish) beings in an infinite Universe(s) Science has finally proven that we are very much not alone in the Universe, in fact it is impossible for us to be the only ones!
A New York Times article, by Adam Frank, published in the Sunday Review points out that “the Odds Are Less One in 10 BILLION TRILLION That We Are Not The First” advanced civilizations, and that the possibility of communicating with extraterrestrials and proving the the existence of an alien society can be viewed with the aid of the “Drake Equation”. Here are excerpts from Frank’s outstanding article.
“LAST month astronomers from the Kepler spacecraft team announced the discovery of 1,284 new planets, all orbiting stars outside our solar system. The total number of such “exoplanets” confirmed via Kepler and other methods now stands at more than 3,000.
This represents a revolution in planetary knowledge. A decade or so ago the discovery of even a single new exoplanet was big news. Not anymore. Improvements in astronomical observation technology have moved us from retail to wholesale planet discovery. We now know, for example, that every star in the sky likely hosts at least one planet.
But planets are only the beginning of the story. What everyone wants to know is whether any of these worlds has aliens living on it. Does our newfound knowledge of planets bring us any closer to answering that question?
A little bit, actually, yes. In a paper published in the May issue of the journal Astrobiology, the astronomer Woodruff Sullivan and I show that while we do not know if any advanced extraterrestrial civilizations currently exist in our galaxy, we now have enough information to conclude that they almost certainly existed at some point in cosmic history.
Among scientists, the probability of the existence of an alien society with which we might make contact is discussed in terms of something called the Drake equation. In 1961, the National Academy of Sciences asked the astronomer Frank Drake to host a scientific meeting on the possibilities of “interstellar communication.” Since the odds of contact with alien life depended on how many advanced extraterrestrial civilizations existed in the galaxy, Drake identified seven factors on which that number would depend, and incorporated them into an equation.
Just imagine he wonders out there!
You might assume this probability is low, and thus the chances remain small that another technological civilization arose. But what our calculation revealed is that even if this probability is assumed to be extremely low, the odds that we are not the first technological civilization are actually high. Specifically, unless the probability for evolving a civilization on a habitable-zone planet is less than one in 10 billion trillion, then we are not the first.
To give some context for that figure: In previous discussions of the Drake equation, a probability for civilizations to form of one in 10 billion per planet was considered highly pessimistic. According to our finding, even if you grant that level of pessimism, a trillion civilizations still would have appeared over the course of cosmic history.
In other words, given what we now know about the number and orbital positions of the galaxy’s planets, the degree of pessimism required to doubt the existence, at some point in time, of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization borders on the irrational.
In science an important step forward can be finding a question that can be answered with the data at hand. Our paper did just this. As for the big question — whether any other civilizations currently exist — we may have to wait a long while for relevant data. But we should not underestimate how far we have come in a short time.”
Basically people, we are VERY much not alone in the Universe and it is now pretty much impossible to think we are! Perhaps this is part of the drip feeding of disclosure!?
There was a time when the human race as a whole believed that we were completely alone in the Universe and that you would be crazy to think anything different – NOW, you would have to be crazy to think that we are alone in the Universe!
What with Sightings on the rise across the planet of UFO’s and Scientists now confirming the existence of Alien Beings and the Universe being infested with life, perhaps this is all part of the big build up to official disclosure, educating the masses that we are very much not alone in space.
If you read in between the lines of the above article it is clear that the odds are now changing as to whether or not the Elite are going to tell us the Truth about the ET’s – Thanks to people like all of us, we are all dragging the truth out kicking and screaming!
Wonder what other announcements will be coming out in 2017?
Astronomers estimate 100 billion habitable Earth-like planets in the Milky Way, 50 sextillion in the univer
Astronomers estimate 100 billion habitable Earth-like planets in the Milky Way, 50 sextillion in the univese!
Alone in the Universe…..Yeah right!
Astronomers at the University of Auckland claim that there are actually around 100 BILLION habitable, Earth-like planets in the Milky Way — significantly more than the previous estimate of around 17 billion. There are roughly 500 billion galaxies in the universe, meaning there is somewhere in the region of 50,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (5×1022) habitable planets. I’ll leave you to do the math on whether one of those 50 sextillion planets has the right conditions for nurturing alien life or not.
The previous figure of 17 billion Earth-like planets in the Milky Way came from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in January, which analysed data from the Kepler space observatory. Kepler essentially measures the dimming (apparent magnitude) of stars as planets transit in front of them — the more a star dims, the larger the planet. Through repeated observations we can work out the planet’s orbital period, from which we can usually derive the orbital distance and surface temperature. According to Phil Yock from the University of Auckland, Kepler’s technique generally finds “Earth-sized planets that are quite close to parent stars,” and are therefore “generally hotter than Earth [and not habitable].”
The University of Auckland’s technique, called gravitational microlensing, instead measures the number of Earth-size planets that orbit at twice the Sun-Earth distance. This results in a list of planets that are generally cooler than Earth — but by interpolating between this new list, and Kepler’s list, the Kiwi astronomers hope to generate a more accurate list of habitable, Earth-like planets. “We anticipate a number in the order of 100 billion,” says Yock.
Gravitational microlensing, an effect theorized by Einstein back in 1936, is exactly what it sounds like. Essentially, light emitted by a star is bent by the gravity of massive objects, ultimately allowing astronomers to work out just how large those objects are. Gravitational microlensing has been used in recent years to detect planets the size of Neptune or Jupiter, and now Yock his colleagues at the University of Auckland have proposed a new method for detecting Earth-sized planets. The astronomers hope to use this new microlensing technique with a huge suite of telescopes — located in Chile, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, and Texas — to confirm their estimate of 100 billion Earth-like habitable planets.
Suffice it to say, if the Milky Way contains 100 billion Earth-like planets, and there’s somewhere in the region of 500 billion galaxies, then there’s an extremely high chance of other planets harbouring life. As for how we’ll get to those planets, though — or, alternatively, how the residents of those planets will get to us — remains a very big question. The nearest probably-habitable planet is Tau Ceti e, which is 11.9 light years from Earth. The fastest spacecraft ever, Helios II, traveled at 43 miles per second (70km/s), or 0.000234c (the speed of light). At that speed it would take 51,000 years for a spacecraft to reach Tau Ceti e.
It gets worse: Helios II was only travelling that fast because it was orbiting close to the Sun; Voyager, for example, travels at just 8 miles per second (so, about 200,000 years to reach Tau Ceti e). To reach another star within a reasonable time period (say, 50-100 years) we would need a propulsion system that’s capable of around 0.1c (10% light speed). There are a few proposed methods for reaching such insane speeds (antimatter rockets, fusion rockets), but nothing that’s being immediately (and seriously) considered for interstellar travel. Who knows, maybe NASA’s warp drive will pan out? If they can work out the whole annihilating-the-star-system-upon-arrival issue, that is…
[The image at the top of the story is an infrared image of the core of the Milky Way, captured by NASA’s Spitzer space telescope. Infrared imaging allows you to see many stars which are normally obscured by intergalactic dust.]
UIP Summary
I remember as a child always being led to believe that we are alone in the vastness of the Universe and that we are all just some kind of a ‘miracle’ and out there in the darkness of space is just lots of dying stars and planets! How VERY wrong were they….The Galaxy we live in is infested with life! Out of a 100 Billion habitable planets there is going to be a lot of other planets out there that are inhabited, much like planet earth, but perhaps some far more sophisticated.
With all of these Scientists coming out with such amazing news such as this, it really does make me thing that perhaps this is part of the drip feeding of disclosure like everything else we have been presented with in the last few years! So that in the near future our so called world leaders can say “hell, we told you there was life out there” (even though they probably know where and who ‘some’ of the ET beings are!).
I don’t know about you, but this makes us here at UIP pretty damn excited about the prospect of meeting some of our 100 Billion neighbours out there….lets hope we meet the friendly neighbours first!
And some people think we are still alone in the Universe!!
“Nous sommes face à l’un des cas les plus extraordinaires de l’ufologie
“Nous sommes face à l’un des cas les plus extraordinaires de l’ufologie"
L e Chili vient de rendre publique une vidéo tournée par un hélicoptère de la marine en 2014 au large de Santiago. Les images laissent sans voix les spécialistes depuis deux ans.
“Nous sommes face à l'un des cas les plus extraordinaires, les plus documentés et les plus incontestables de l'ufologie.” Paris Match consacre sur son site internet un long article à une affaire d'Ovni présentée comme exceptionnelle.
Selon l'hebdomadaire, qui s'appuie notamment sur une enquête du Huffington Post, les autorités chiliennes ont décidé début janvier de déclassifier une vidéo dont les images ont agité pendant deux ans militaires et scientifiques. Sans que personne ne parvienne à expliquer le phénomène que l'on peut désormais observer publiquement sur YouTube.
Le film, d'un peu plus de 9 mn, a été tourné en novembre 2014 par un hélicoptère de la marine au large de Santiago. L'appareil était piloté par un capitaine expérimenté et à son bord se trouvait un technicien chargé de tester une caméra infrarouge ulra performante.
Les deux hommes ont aperçu peu avant 14 h, à une soixantaine de kilomètres, un objet volant non identifié, dont la forme - tout en longueur - ne ressemblait à aucun appareil connu. Ils ont tenté d'entrer en contact avec lui, sans résultat. L'Ovni, pourtant “vu” également par la caméra, était indétectable aux radars. Et, précise Paris Match, “les contrôleurs aériens ont confirmé qu'aucun appareil civil ou militaire n'était signalé dans la zone”.
L'hélicoptère a dû rentrer à la base avant la fin du phénomène. Qui reste à ce jour une énigme. Le chimiste nucléaire Mario Avila, qui étudié de près la vidéo, se dit sur le Huffington Post “très impressionné”, notamment parce que les témoins sont particulièrement crédibles.
Watch as a UFO comes exceptionally close to the space station, totally not caring if they are noticed or not. On Earth, aliens are suppose to respect our rules, but in space, its their rules. I love the detail on the UFO, and it looks like the same UFO we reported last week, just much closer this time. How often do UFOs appear near the space station? They are there 24/7 but usually they are not seen on the camera due to the camera angles and NASA often turns away from the blackness of space, because its easiest to spot a glowing UFO amid the darkness, so instead, NASA puts the cams on the Earth below. But believer you me, NASA is highly aware of them and even communicating with some of them from the space station. Excellent capture by Streetcap1. Scott C. Waring-Taiwan
Streetcap1 states: I honestly don't know what to think of this as it just disappears. Best watched in 1080p.
For some unknown reason, probably just out of the kindness of their iron hearts, the CIA has released some ancient CIA intelligence gathered from past UFO sightings and decided to ALLOW the public to read over them. You see, we the UFO researchers around the world have put so much pressure on the world governments by us getting in the news daily and different UFO facts and sightings, all of which are the latest sightings and news, that the CIA must have figured that these old documents from a time before most of us were born would some how appease our appetite for the truth, but, and I say this with laughter...why did they even waste their time posting this old information? Its a pile of garbage documents that have been picked out as being the least important and least revealing, and then they edit them until its so unreadable that no one will ever learn anything from them. The documents are not with the paper they were copied onto. Things you wont find in these documents...
1. No Roswell information. 2. No info about the March 1969 UFO crash in Russia 3. No info about the Brazil UFO crash of 1996 (USAF was gifted the UFO as a token of Brazil friendship.) 4. No info about the Kecksburg UFO crash in Dec 1965 5. No info about the UFO fleet the US Army shot at and had no effect on over Los Angeles in Feb of 1942 6. No info about the UFO crash in New Mexico in 2003 7. No info about the UFO crash in Needles, California in 2008 8. No info about the alien base below Los Alamos Labs
Look, I can go on and on with this list. What I'm saying is that the CIA documents are only good for carrying to the outhouse. Don't waste your time going though them. They want you to find nothing so you will give up on the subject, but we already know there their plan. So we keep on keeping on, doing what we do daily, trudging forward no matter what. We are already winning and the CIA and aliens know it too. Scott C. Waring
Aliens Give Escort To US President Donald Trumps Plane In Washington DC, Jan 19, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Aliens Give Escort To US President Donald Trumps Plane In Washington DC, Jan 19, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting:January 19, 2017 Location of sighting: Washington DC, USA
Another UFO was seen near trump, but this time it was seen nearly colliding with the jet itself. As you can see the UFO shot past at such a speed even the camera had difficulty focusing on it. Fox News was lucky enough to catch it and show it on national TV today. It looks like Fox News has found proof that aliens have a deep interest in Americas new president and what he has destined for the world. The jet flies over a white disk at 1:50 into the video, then at 2:55 in the original Fox News video, there is another dark UFO that shoots past the jet and nearly hits it. I found the original and am placing it at the bottom of the post, but pause at the times I stated, and you will see them. Last year we reported a UFO that was seen near the Trump helicopter and I told you then, and no one believed me, that if aliens were watch Trump, then it means he will get elected. It happened as I said it would. And now, again, we see Trump landing at the airport with a alien escort to watch over him. Now, the big question is, is Trump where he is today, because aliens were helping him achieve it? The alien power of metal manipulation of controlling others thoughts could make an average person into a Trump very fast. Scott C. Waring
NASA Claim “Dozens” Of Advanced Civilisations Existed Before Us
NASA Claim “Dozens” Of Advanced Civilisations Existed Before Us
A new NASA study reveals that dozens of ancient advanced civilisations much like ours once existed on Earth, but they all came to an abrupt end.
The study suggests that humanity as we know it could come to an end in the next few decades based on the patterns observed with these previous civilisations.
If we look back in history, 3000 – 5000 years, we will find a historical record that clearly shows us how advanced and complex civilizations were just as susceptible to collapse as we are today. This ongoing pattern has led researchers to question the future existence of society and civilization as we know.
If we were to look back further back in time, over 10,000 years, we would encounter evidence of advanced civilizations that possibly predate the Pre-Inca, Olmec, and Ancient Egyptian civilization, not to mention other advanced ancient civilizations in ancient Mesopotamia.
It is difficult to overlook the repeating patterns identified by scholars in most of these civilizations and the NASA funded study is clear evidence of the path ancient civilizations on EArth have taken for thousands of years. This is considered by many people as a sign that clearly states that ancient civilizations have reset a number of times.
These factors have kept on repeating themselves and have been the culprit for ancient civilizations before us. In the report, applied mathematician Safa Motesharri and his “Human and Nature Dynamical” model claims that “the process of rise-and-collapse is actually a recurrent cycle found throughout history.”
“The fall of the Roman Empire, and the equally (if not more) advanced Han, Mauryan, and Gupta Empires, as well as so many advanced Mesopotamian Empires, are all testimony to the fact that advanced, sophisticated, complex, and creative civilizations can be both fragile and impermanent.”
The study came to the conclusion that there are two key social features that contributed to the collapse of every single advanced civilization from the past: “the stretching of resources due to the strain placed on the ecological carrying capacity”; and “the economic stratification of society into Elites [rich] and Masses (or “Commoners”) [poor]” These social phenomena have played “a central role in the character or in the process of the collapse,” in all such cases over “the last five thousand years.”
Even though our civilizations is at a very advanced technological stage, this does not necessarily mean that we are saved from imminent chaos. In the study we find that “Technological change can raise the efficiency of resource use, but it also tends to raise both per capita resource consumption and the scale of resource extraction, so that, absent policy effects, the increases in consumption often compensate for the increased efficiency of resource use.”
One of the best examples of advanced ancient civilizations disappearing can be found in Mesoamerica.
If we take a look at the ancient Maya who were an extremely advanced ancient civilization we find that several factors played a crucial role for this once great empire to crumble eventually. While most researchers would agree that Deforestation, Famine and Drought where some of the key components in the failure of the ancient Maya, we find a similar pattern in other civilizations, not only I the Americas, but around the globe.
Motesharrei and his colleagues conclude that under conditions “closely reflecting the reality of the world today… we find that collapse is difficult to avoid.” In the first of these scenarios, civilization:
“…. appears to be on a sustainable path for quite a long time, but even using an optimal depletion rate and starting with a very small number of Elites, the Elites eventually consume too much, resulting in a famine among Commoners that eventually causes the collapse of society. It is important to note that this Type-L collapse is due to an inequality-induced famine that causes a loss of workers, rather than a collapse of Nature.”
This article was originally published in 2016 and is frequently updated
From spy planes to cyberattacks to the private lives of foreign leaders, the president gets access to more confidential material than anyone else on the planet. Now, it’s all in Donald Trump’s hands.
When Dwight Eisenhower was elected president in 1952, outgoing president Harry Truman informed him of an important secret: Days before the election the United States had tested the world’s first hydrogen bomb in the Pacific. The nation now possessed a weapon roughly a hundred times as powerful as any before—and almost nobody else knew.
Eight years later, when Eisenhower handed the keys to John F. Kennedy, his administration passed along its own secret: America had a covert plan underway to invade Cuba. Kennedy let the Bay of Pigs mission proceed, and the result was a fiasco that would take the world to the brink of nuclear war.
The president of the United States has more access to official secrets than any other human being in the country—and the potential to know more about the world than anyone else on the planet. And on January 20, the person being handed access to all of those secrets will be Donald J. Trump.
While much attention has been focused on Trump’s access to the nuclear launch codes and the President’s Daily Brief—the classified intelligence report delivered inside a locked briefcase each morning to the Oval Office—those represent only a tiny sliver of the massive top-secret universe that Trump personally will suddenly be privy to. He will have the ability to see inside the most sensitive and covert programs run by the United States and its allies around the world; he will have access to surveillance tools, covert payrolls and personal secrets about foreign leaders. He will know about blacked-out special forces raids and UFO-like spy planes, the next-generation cyberattacks that would come in the opening minutes of a new war, and the dozens of secret classified procedures and laws written down by his presidential predecessors. He’ll even be first in line for some mundane but important things: As president, Trump will be one of just four senior officials to learn sensitive market-moving economic data from the Labor Department up to 12 hours before it is released publicly.
The United States has invested trillions of dollars to ensure that its president can know more than anyone else on Earth—knowledge meant to be deployed to the country’s advantage in trade negotiations, military posturing and a thousand other ways big and small. Given Trump’s behavior so far, it seems almost assured that he will deploy and weaponize those same secrets in “unpresidented” ways, to win personal fights and minor PR battles. Already, before taking office, he has tweeted out claims about his meetings with intel agencies, asserted that he knows information the rest of the government doesn’t and tried to embarrass and undermine rivals or critics through insinuation. And that’s all before he has learned any of what President George W. Bush once called “the good stuff.”
What is the good stuff, and how might Trump use it? Many of the specifics are cloaked in deep shadow—that’s obviously the point—but thanks to decades of dogged reporting, lawsuits and historical archives, we do know a significant amount about the types of secrets a president learns. It’s anyone’s guess what Trump might do to embarrass intransigent foreign leaders, or what late-night or early-morning tweetstorms might erupt from the White House if he senses hypocrisy from an ally—or what will happen when a president whose family will still control his complex business empire has access to important geopolitical developments or early market data.
The Kill List
One of the relatively new powers of the presidency is the ability to sign off on strikes from Predator and Reaper drones run by the CIA and the Pentagon. While political assassination is forbidden by Executive Order 12333, Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush have enjoyed wide latitude in designating suspected terrorists for lethal strikes in areas like Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan. The exact process for such “kinetic” attacks, never publicly revealed in depth and not beholden to any judicial oversight, will be explained carefully to the new president. We’ll never know who exactly will be named to the new administration’s “kill list,” and we may never know what happens to them. But Trump will: After such attacks, the president and vice president are also among the select group of government officials who can, if they choose, watch the high-tech videos of the drone strikes themselves. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney regularly watched such “kill videos” during their morning intelligence briefings. As president, Trump will also have sway over the opaque process itself, so he could well tweak or expand the lethal authorities of the commander in chief without any public disclosure that the rules have changed.
Covert Action
Whereas most people tend to think ofclassified information as broad categories like Confidential, Secret and Top Secret—the three levels of security clearance that individuals are typically granted—the nation’s most sensitive secrets occupy their own category of “Special Access Programs” of “Sensitive Compartmented Information,” labels colloquially known as “beyond top secret.” These SAPs include information like specific National Security Agency technological surveillance and hacking capabilities, as well as ongoing intelligence projects and joint operations with allies. In one of his early such briefings, Obama was told of the joint U.S.-Israeli efforts to disable the Iranian nuclear program through cyberattacks like the Stuxnet malware. Eight years later, the NSA’s elite hacking unit, as well as its British and Israeli counterparts, has an even broader suite of tools and operations underway, both spying and sabotage. And the United States doesn’t spy on just its enemies: Leaks from Edward Snowden revealed that U.S. intelligence regularly listened to the telephone calls and read emails of foreign officials, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and top overseas business leaders—transcripts and documents that Trump could routinely access if he so desired.
Secret Agents
Those beyond-top-secret files would alsoinclude details about which foreign officials are on the payroll of agencies like the CIA or the Drug Enforcement Administration. These payments can run into the millions and last for years; President Jimmy Carter was shocked to discover that the CIA had beenpaying King Hussein of Jordan six and seven figures annually for nearly two decades to ensure his cooperation with American interests. Presidents have traditionally refrained from asking the identities of specific sources, but that’s just a custom: If Trump asks for a briefing on the clandestine payroll, the agency would almost certainly comply. The DEA, whose drug-fighting efforts give it a broad global footprint, also works closely with foreign governments and deploys its own powerful surveillance tools. WikiLeaks, for instance, exposed how Panama’s leader pressured the agency in 2009 to use its wiretapping program, codenamed Matador, to uncover who was “sleeping with his wife.” (The agency demurred.)
The whole point of these laws and procedures is to grant the president power the public doesn’t even know he has—and might not know until it’s unveiled in a crisis.
The Nukes
In addition to the “nuclear football”—the briefcase carried close to the president by a military aide that contains the nation’s nuclear war plans—the president will automatically gain access to what’s known as “Q clearance” information from the Department of Energy. This includes the operational details of the nation’s nuclear weapons program: its weapons stockpiles, damage estimates, technological specifications and the procedures for securing and launching the nation’s nuclear triad—the bombers, submarines and silo-based ICBMs that can rain nuclear destruction on the nation’s enemies in as little as 30 minutes.
Spy Satellites and Secret Aircraft
Beyond the secrets buried in missilesilos,Trump will also receive briefings—if requested—on the constellation of spy satellites and detection technologies that watch the Earth from above, many of which are run by the National Reconnaissance Office, an intelligence agency so secretive that its very name and existence were classified from its creation in 1960 until 1992. According to people who have been briefed on such technologies, the nation’s spy satellite capabilities, while not quite at the read-the-newspaper-over-your-shoulder level implied by movies like Enemy of the State, are vastly more advanced than the public realizes. There are also a number of classified aircraft with unique capabilities (including a growing number of drones) whose existence has never been acknowledged; one such helicopter, a stealth version of the Black Hawk, was only made public when it crashed during the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Such aircraft are often tested at Nevada’s Area 51—where conspiracy theorists claim the government holds its fleet of captured UFOs—and experts estimate that there are upward of a dozen aircraft that the United States has never publicly acknowledged, the modern successors of earlier secret programs like the U-2, the SR-71 spy plane and the B-2 stealth bomber. (And, if the government does have a secret set of UFOs captured from Roswell and other close encounters, Trump might be soon learning that, too.)
Secret Law
In 2015, when Obama released his newhostage policy—known as Presidential Policy Directive No. 30—close watchers of the administration realized the last publicly announced PPD had been No. 28, which meant that sometime between January 17, 2014, and June 24, 2015, he had signed yet another directive whose very existence was classified. Whatever it is, PPD 29 is one of dozens of secret presidential national security orders, some of which stretch back decades. Each president has calledthese documents something slightly different, but collectively they deal with high-level strategic and policy decisions around national security and, more recently, homeland security. While the subject matter or title of most such documents are made public upon signing, or declassified rather quickly, dozens remain classified even years or decades later. From the titles, we know that most classified directives appear to deal with nuclear weapons, continuity of government, the war on terror or relationships with foreign countries, but we have no idea what some of these documents are even about. Together, these represent an increasingly broad body of “secret law” opaque to the outside world, including Congress. The whole point of these laws and procedures is to grant the president power the public doesn’t even know he has—and might not know until it’s unveiled to us in the midst of a crisis, either real or invented.
Counterterrorism Reports
The two most recent occupants of theOval Office received regular briefings on unfolding domestic terror threats and potential suspects; in the wake of 9/11, Bush met every morning with FBI Director Robert Mueller to review an Excel-like spreadsheet of possible plots known as the “threat matrix.” Obama, for his part, often devoted Tuesday afternoons to what the White House called “Terror Tuesdays,” reviewing unfolding investigations and larger strategic questions. Both presidents were regularly informed about individual terror plots; Bush even tracked individual suspects day to day. Given Trump’s campaign obsession with the Islamic State, terrorism and immigration—and his habit of self-congratulation when horrific attacks unfold around the world—it’s not hard to imagine him personally dictating raids and arrests and then announcing them via Twitter.
World Leaders’ (and Americans’) Personal Lives
One of the favorite presidential perksin decades past was reading the FBI surveillance reports on other politicians and prominent Americans, collected and delivered to the White House by an eager-to-please J. Edgar Hoover. While, in theory, the FBI no longer serves up personal secrets for prurient entertainment or political blackmail, presidential aides do get to review the results of background investigations for classified clearances. Moreover, intelligence agencies like the CIA and NSA regularly provide the White House and high-level diplomats with information on the drug habits, sexual preferences, financial shenanigans, criminal associations, allegations of corruption or family squabbles of other world leaders, foreign business figures or other prominent individuals. WikiLeaks, for example, made public a U.S. diplomatic cable hinting at Libyan dictator Muammar Qadhafi’s relationship with his “voluptuous blonde” Ukrainian nurse.
These reports lead to interesting moments across the negotiating tables: For instance, the president will know whether, the night before an Oval Office grip-and-grin, a Middle Eastern prince spent the previous evening carousing with call girls in Georgetown (a frequent enough occurrence in Washington). Historically, such information has been kept tightly held, but given Trump’s flair for the theatrical and his proclivity for scorched-earth tactics with his opponents—to say nothing of his friendship with National Enquirer publisher David Pecker—perhaps we’ll soon be learning a lot more about our allies and foes around the world.
ROSWELL N.M. (KRQE) –Remember the teen who was caught last year for stealing the flying saucer that used to be on the outside of the Roswell UFO Museum? It was a prank caught on tape.
You may be surprised at what kind of punishment he got for that dumb move. If you were thinking that teen probably got a slap on the wrist, guess again. KRQE News 13 has learned the judge sentenced him to up to a year in a juvenile facility.
Surveillance video caught him and two friends stealing the UFO back in March. It was sitting behind the museum after it was damaged during a blizzard when 17-year-old Newman Seely and two others swiped it and took off.
After the crime, a tip led police to Seely. Court records show that Seely then confessed to the crime, and was sentenced to up to a year in a juvenile detention facility.
While Roswell loves its UFO Museum, some people around town were surprised by the sentence.
“I would think that one year is too excessive. I would think that a small fine would be appropriate and also maybe community service,” said Rob Dilbeck, who lives in Roswell.
The UFO was found trashed in a ditch outside town. Although it wasn’t worth that much, the flying saucer was a well-known sight in Roswell and the theft really bothered a lot of people, including workers at the museum.
Police say that Seely would not tell them who the other two teens were.
It’s not clear how much time Seely ended up serving, but his Facebook posts stopped for nine months and then started back up about a month ago.
The UFO at the museum has still not been replaced.
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The Sahara was ‘green’ for over 6,000 years and had 10 times more rain than now
The Sahara was ‘green’ for over 6,000 years and had 10 times more rain than now
Based on erosion marks, several researchers and geologists have suggested that the Great Sphinx was built thousands of years earlier than the official story suggests.
According to a new study recently published in the journal Science Advances, evidence shows that humans occupied much of the Sahara during the ‘wet period’ around 8,000 years ago.
Through an analysis of marine sediments, researchers at the University of Arizona have determined rainfall patterns in the Sahara over a period of 6,000 years obtaining fascinating results. The UA-led team has identified the climate pattern that generated a “Green Sahara” from 5,000 to 11,000 years ago. The region had 10 times the rainfall it does today.
As it turns out, what is now the Sahara Desert was the home of hunter-gatherers who lived off the animals and plants present in the savannas of the region and off the wooded prairies sometime between 5,000 and 11,000 years ago.
“It was 10 times as wet as today,” said lead author Jessica Tierney of the University of Arizona. Annual rainfall in the Sahara now ranges from about 4 inches to less than 1 inch (100 to 35 mm).
Although other research has already identified the existence of a “Green Sahara” period, Tierney and colleagues managed to compile a continuous record of rainfall in the region that existed 25,000 years ago.
Interestingly, archaeological evidence shows that humans occupied much of the Sahara during the wet period, but gradually withdrew some 8,000 years ago.
Other researchers have suggested that the Sahara became drier by the time people left, but the evidence was inconclusive, says Tierney, an assistant professor of geosciences at the UA, whose work was published in Science Advances.
The Sahara Desert is the warmest in the world and the third largest after Antarctica and theArctic.
According to the new study, rainfall records gathered by the team indicate a period that lasted for one thousand years, some 8,000 years ago, in which the Sahara became drier, which coincides with the time when people left.
“It looks like this thousand-year dry period caused people to leave,” Tierney said.
“What’s interesting is the people who came back after the dry period were different — most raised cattle. That dry period separates two different cultures. Our record provides a climate context for this change in occupation and lifestyle in the western Sahara.”
According to UA News, Instead of lake sediments, Tierney and her colleagues used cores of marine sediments taken off the coast of West Africa at four different sites. Because the cores were taken over a north-south distance of about 800 miles (1,300 km) — from offshore Cape Ghir, Morocco, to the northwestern corner of Mauritania — the cores revealed both the ancient rainfall patterns and the areal extent of the Green Sahara.
Star Trek's return to television has been delayed indefinitely – the company believes "it's more important to do this right than to do it fast" according to a source at CBS.
Star Trek has done more than inspire sci-fi visions, it has impacted real scientific innovations including the stem cell spraying gun, tricorders, and warp drive.
Trekkies across the world once again have to endure some bad news regarding the Star Trek universe’s highly anticipated return to television. The Hollywood Reporter has received confirmation directly from CBS that the show is delayed indefinitely.
“This is an ambitious project; we will be flexible on a launch date if it’s best for the show. We’ve said from the beginning it’s more important to do this right than to do it fast. There is also added flexibility presenting on CBS All Access, which isn’t beholden to seasonal premieres or launch windows,” said a rep in a release to the Reporter. Hopefully, them worrying about getting it right more than getting it done can be a source of solace for fans.
Image source: CBS
Star Trek and its many stories have made an important impact on the world. And that impact is not just reserved for the arts; many scientific innovations have their roots in the series. Even the Star Trek vision of the future is something that we strive to achieve. One of the series’ most notable taglines is an inspiring call to action: “To boldly go where no man has gone before.”
There has been a ton of technology displayed on the Enterprise long before it was available in the real world. For just a taste of the embarrassment of riches that Star Trek may have had a hand in making real, take a look at this stem cell spraying gun used to help heal skin after severe burns similar to something a hypospray could accomplish, or the currently-in-development medical scanners being billed as actual tricorders.
The technological capabilities of the spacecraft on the series are also finding their way into our reality. Virtual and augmented reality are burgeoning technologies and even in their infancy are allowing some pretty incredible experiences. Also, even photon torpedoes and warp drives are in the earliest stages of development.
So while we may have to wait longer for new episodes, we can have some solace in the profound impact this beloved universe has had on the world, and the future it has helped to make possible.
Millions of secret files have recently been released by the US, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), but only a handful relate to UFOs.
Their ‘electronic reading room’ provides access to documents released by the CIA through the Freedom of Information Act, which can be viewed here.
By inputting the word UFO you can view several hundred CIA reports that date from to 1949 to 1997. Some amount to a few scribbled notes whilst others are more substantial UFO reports and studies from throughout the world.
The site also contains two articles about the CIA’s involvement with UFO research. The most extensive is the ‘CIA’s Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90’ by the National Reconnaissance Office historian, Gerald K. Haines.
An earlier report ‘The Investigation of UFO’s’ by Hector Quintanilla, Jr., who was a USAF major who ran Project Blue Book from 1963 to 1969, is published here.
This reviews the various official UFO projects and considers the various explanations for UFO sightings.
He notes that in 1953 the CIA put together a panel of experts to study UFO reports. It was headed by H. P. Robertson and included Luis W. Alvarez, Lloyd V. Berkner, Samuel A. Goudsmit and Thornton Page. The Robertson Panel after considering evidence from of a selection of experts firmly concluded:
‘We firmly believe that there is no residuum of cases which indicates phenomena which are attributable to foreign artifacts capable of hostile acts, and that there is no evidence that the phenomena indicate a need for the revision of current scientific concepts.’
It advised:
‘That the national security agencies take immediate steps to strip the unidentified flying objects of the special status they have been given and the aura of mystery they have unfortunately acquired.’
At the end of his report, Quintanilla details a sighting by police officer, Lonnie Zamora. On 24 April 1964 at Socorro, New Mexico, he saw an oval shaped object slowly rise from the ground and fly away.
The United States, has made great strides in making such files available online from a range of different official organisations and agencies, and many other governments are following their example. This is a trend that has gathered pace over the years, but the pressure for ‘disclosure’ is still very strong because the majority of the documents on release are of low-grade cases or lack many details.
So we have an embarrassment of riches yet these have been largely ignored by UFO researchers, even though they can provide lots of information about types of sightings and their patterns over time and place.
More UFO files will be put online, but it is doubtful any of them will provide absolute evidence that our governments have communicated with, or encountered aliens from outer space.
Those who seek full disclosure believe the release of UFO files is just a smokescreen to hide the real files, whilst sceptics say there is no evidence of this type to release, and ufologists are just chasing their tails.
The problem is alien saucers and body parts remain as elusive now as they always have been, and it frustrates the hell out of conspiracy mongers and ufologists.
Nigel Watson is the author of numerous UFO books including the UFO Investigations Manual (Haynes), UFOs of the First World War (The History Press) and the e-book Government UFO Secrets (UneXplained Rapid Reads)
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ROSWELL: 'Aliens did crash UFO but truth would 'end religion and cripple stock markets'
ROSWELL: 'Aliens did crash UFO but truth would 'end religion and cripple stock markets'
AN ALIEN spacecraft definitely crashed in the New Mexico desert near Roswell, but the truth has been covered up amid fears it could end religion and cripple global finances, an expert has claimed.
An alien flying saucer did crash at Roswell, according to MUFON boss Jan Harzan.
Jan Harzan, chief executive of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), believes the legendary Roswell incident DID involve aliens and a cover up by the US Airforce.
Roswell has been at the heart of the UFO scene since the military announced in a press release it had found the remains of a crashed flying saucer in the nearby desert, in July 1947.
But the following day it retracted the statement, saying it was in fact a damaged US Air Force air balloon.
Witnesses later came forward to say there had been alien bodies within the "crashed craft", which along with the wreckage were then taken to the mysterious top-secret Area 51 military base in Nevada.
Speaking to, Mr Harzan was asked if he thought Roswell was real or a hoax.
He said: "Real. Get a copy of the video presentation of 'Recollections of Roswell' filmed by MUFON member and well-known UFO researcher Stanton Friedman.
If you don’t believe something extraordinary happened after watching this video, then nothing will convince you.
Jan Harzan
He said: "One possible reason is because they believe, rightly or wrongly, that Earth’s population is not ready for such a revelation.
"Other thoughts are that the knowledge would create widespread panic, cripple the stock market and end religion as we know it.
"Another possible reason is that the technology these beings have is so far advanced - whether it be faster-than-light travel, time travel or other far-advanced technology - that it poses a national security threat to America, especially if these capabilities were to fall into enemy hands."
US-based MUFON is the world's largest organisation dedicated to research of UFO and alleged alien sightings and keeps a global database of incidents going back years.
The CIA released millions of previously top secret documents this week under the Freedom of Information Act following mounting pressure from activists.
Among the eye-opening discussions featured are Uri Geller , Nazi War criminals, assassinating Fidel Castro and Cold War surveillance.
But the one that has got alien hunters most excited are the numerous documents on UFOs .
There are a number of documents relating to sightings in Norway,Spain and North Africa and the former USSR, but none of these were proven.
Conspiracy theorists claim documents released by the Central Intelligence Agency prove aliens exist
Just some of the photos released by the CIA
There are a number of documents relating to sightings in Norway,Spain and North Africa and the former USSR
The organisation emphasises the importance of rapid response to any sightings as a matter of national security, following its four phases of air defence; detection, identification, interception and destruction.
It also reveals that The Unidentified Flying Object Program requires that all US Air Force (USAF) commanders to adhere to strict guidelines that calls for them to report all UFO sightings, including any they have been
The guidelines dictate reports have to contain data points and as much detail on the look of the object as possible- including size, colour, sounds it may have made and any "unusual features."
The Unidentified Flying Object Program requires that all US Air Force (USAF) commanders to adhere to strict guidelines when reporting UFOs
A submitted drawing of a UFO
Despite the excitement over the release, conspiracies theorist Tyler Glockner said in one of his latest Secure Team 10 videos: "When it comes to the intelligence agencies, specifically the CIA, you have to be very suspicious of them - especially any time they are making documents known to the public."
He says this is because the organisation is well-known for "keeping secrets, lying and ousting dictators"
Also revealed in the documents, spanning from the 1940s to the 1990s, is information on spoon bending aficionado Geller.
Uri Geller's CIA tests
US spooks ran tests on Geller to see if his supposed psychic abilities were real – and could be weaponised.
CIA files reveal the Israeli, famed for his ability to seemingly bend spoons with his mind, was taken to Stanford Research Institute in the 1970s.
Following the documents’ release Geller told the Mirror how he was repeatedly tested between 1972 to 1976 including at NASA ’s Goodard Space Laboratory, the Naval Surface Warfare Centre and a nuclear laboratory.
He claimed the Americans went on to successfully use his telepathic skills to force the Russians to sign the nuclear arms reduction treaty.
Uri Geller was tested by US spooks(Photo: Getty)
And he says he was flown to Geneva where he ‘bombarded’ the mind of a top Russian nuclear official to make him sign the treaty.
According to the papers, during a week-long series of tests, scientists placed Geller in a sealed room covered by monitors.
Once inside a random word was selected from the dictionary. The first chosen was ‘fuse’.
To illustrate the word a research assistant drew a firecracker away from Geller before then taping the sketch to a wall outside the room.
Uri drew an image of a horse
Uri passed on the camel test(Photo: CIA)
Geller, now 70, was then asked to use his psychic power to draw what he thought the word was.
The CIA documents say: “His almost immediate response was that he saw a ‘cylinder with noise coming out of it’.
“His drawing to correspond with it was a drum, along with a number of cylindrical-looking objects.”
The second word chosen was “bunch” and a scientist drew a bunch of grapes.
The report states: “Geller’s immediate response was that he saw ‘drops of water comingout of the picture’.
One of the drawings from Uri's spy tests
“He then talked about ‘purple circles’.
“Finally, he said that he was quite sure that he had the picture. His drawing was indeed a bunch of grapes.
Scientists concluded Geller had “demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner”.
The tests formed part of the Stargate Project, which dealt with psychic powers and extrasensory perception.
The image Uri reproduced(Photo: CIA)
The grapes that were reproduced(Photo: CIA)
Speaking to the Mirror on Wednesday from his home in Israel, Geller said: “The release of these secret documents surprises me because I continued working for the CIA after those experiments and I am very surprised they allowed such information out.”
Explaining why he felt he was targeted by US intelligence, he said: “They probably made a deal with Mossad, the Israeli secret service, to get me out of Israel in 1972.”
Recalling the tests, said he was tested at numerous facilities before then going on to work abroad for the CIA.
“The CIA tested me at Stanford Research Institute, and I passed all the sets under laboratory controlled conditions, and I did that twice, so there was no way of cheating or hoodwinking them.
A drawing of the solar system(Photo: CIA)
The solar system from the tests(Photo: CIA)
“Although I am very controversial, the controversy around me was actually very good for me, in a way it was intentional because I had to have a cover. It was like an in built safety device for me, the controversy.
“The CIA then tested me at the American Surface Weapons Centre, which very people few people know, that was in Maryland.
“Then the most extraordinary tests were done at the Lawns Livermore Radiation Labs, where they carry out nuclear research. They wanted to see if my mind could trigger a nuclear weapon.”
Detailing how he helped broker a nuclear arms deal with Russia claimed: “Washington wanted me to convince the Russians to sign the nuclear arms reduction treaty telepathically.
Another of the drawings form the test(Photo: CIA)
“So Senator Claiborne Pell, who was the head of the American foreign relations committee flew to my house in England and convinced me to do that.
“Then he sent Ambassador Max Kempleman, who was presidential star winner, and they took me to Geneva.
“I got very close to Yuli Vorontsov who was the head Russian nuclear negotiator. I know it sounds fantastical, scene fiction, but I actually bombarded his mind to sign the treaty and they signed.
“Of course, I cannot take full credit, but there is no doubt in my mind I convinced him telepathically.”
The CIA spooks' version of Uri's bird(Photo: CIA)
Uri's image of a bird(Photo: CIA)
also claimed he was responsible for seeing the Americans ploughing millions of dollars into telepathic research after meeting President Jimmy Carter.
“A high-ranking agent called Kit Green called me,” he explained.
“He said to me “I want to test to your personally’. He was sitting in Langley, Virginia.
“Green said ‘I want you to tell me something. Convince me’. So I said to him. ‘well grab a book in your office, any book?” and I described the picture in the book. I said ’I am getting the word ‘architect’.
“The agent freaked out as I described the picture. That convinced him, and that is why the CIA got millions of dollars in finance.
“Then the CIA asked me to convince President Carter.
“So they managed to get me into the White House, I grabbed President Carter by the hand on his inauguration day, I looked directly into his eyes, and telepathically I ordered him to let millions of dollars into physic research which he did.”
Another of the drawings from the tests(Photo: CIA)
The release of the secret documents came after lengthy efforts from freedom of information advocates and a lawsuit against the CIA.
The full archive is made up of almost 800,000 files.
They had previously only been accessible at the National Archives in Maryland.
The trove includes the papers of Henry Kissinger, who served as secretary of state under presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, as well as several hundred thousand pages of intelligence analysis and science research and development.
A "UFO shaped like a boomerang" was spotted in Borough Green earlier this week.
The sighting was logged on three UFO websites as being seen at 4.08am on Monday (January 16) in the Tolsey Mead area.
It was spotted around 500 feet away from a house, and was said to be "shaped like a boomerang" and "hovering" before leaving a flight path behind it.
The viewer, who has remained anonymous, wrote: "I was at home, looked outside my window and just see a spacecraft not from this earth. Expect the unexpected."
UFO Sighting in Borough Green, England on 2017-01-16 04:08:00 - Expect the unexpected -
2:42 PM - 18 Jan 2017
It was logged online the following day, Tuesday (January 17) at 1.59pm. No images of the alleged UFO were posted.
No other UFO sightings have previously been reported in Borough Green itself, but there have been 63 others nearby.
Chairman of Borough Green Parish Council, Mike Taylor, said: "How did they know it wasn't from this earth? It was probably just a pillock with a drone!"
The sight was logged on the Mutual UFO Network, UFO Stalker, and 1 UFOs websites.
A UFO, or unidentified flying object, is a mysterious thing seen in the sky for which it is claimed no orthodox scientific explanation can be found. It is often supposed to be a vehicle carrying extra-terrestrials.
What do you think about this? Did you see the UFO too? Get in touch on
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Mysterieus geluid in noordpoolgebied stelt Canadezen voor raadsel
Mysterieus geluid in noordpoolgebied stelt Canadezen voor raadsel
Een mysterieus geluid in het noordpoolgebied stelt Canadezen voor een raadsel. Het leger is erop uitgestuurd om onderzoek te gaan doen, meldt persbureau AFP.
Is het een onderzeeër? Een collectieve hallucinatie? Of misschien een UFO-basis?
Eind vorig jaar hoorden Inuit-jagers uit het dorp Igloolik het zoemende geluid voor het eerst langs de Fury and Hecla Straight.
Deze waterweg wordt doorgaans druk bezocht door narwallen, Groenlandse walvissen en zeehonden.
Afgelopen jaar verdwenen ze allemaal plotseling, zeggen Inuit-jagers.
“Er zijn geen dieren meer,” zei de lokale functionaris Paul Quassa, die denkt dat het geluid de dieren wegjaagt.
“Het komt van de zeebodem,” zei Quassa nadat hij met een groep jagers naar de plek ging waar het geluid voor het eerst was gehoord.
Geen onregelmatigheden
In november stuurde het Canadese leger een vliegtuig vol sensoren naar het gebied. De bemanning nam echter geen onregelmatigheden waar.
“De bemanning zag wel twee groepen walvissen en zes walrussen in de regio,” zei majoor Josee Bilodeau.
Het leger stuurt nu twee akoestisch specialisten naar Igloolik. Zij zullen zich aansluiten bij Canadese militairen die tussen 25 januari en 2 februari in het gebied verblijven.
De specialisten gaan onder meer gesprekken voeren met de lokale bewoners die het mysterieuze geluid hebben gemeld, aldus Bilodeau.
Er is een vreemde satellietfoto opgedoken, genomen voor de kust van El Salvador waar het lijkt alsof er een UFO omhoog komt uit de oceaan.
Dit is het zoveelste voorbeeld van talloze waarnemingen van vreemde objecten die vanuit het water tevoorschijn komen of erin verdwijnen.
Volgens de voormalig Russische marineofficier en UFO onderzoeker Vladimir Azhazha, bestaat er in 50 procent van alle UFO waarnemingen een verband met de zeeën en oceanen.
Als dat waar is en er worden wereldwijd heel wat UFO’s waargenomen, dan moeten er zich talloze onderwater bases in onze oceanen bevinden.
In dat kader is het dan ook niet zo vreemd om te denken dat de volgende satellietopname een UFO laat zien die uit het water komt.
Volgens onderzoekers is het een natuurlijk fenomeen, maar dat is nog maar de vraag. Want, welk natuurlijk fenomeen creëert dit soort vreemde patronen en rimpelingen op het water. En dat in een zee die verder volkomen kalm lijkt?
Als je goed kijkt, zie je zelfs een soort draaikolken.
Het lijkt verdacht veel op een UFO die vertrekt of aan komt bij zijn onderwater bases.
We hebben onlangs geschreven over de eind 2001 vermoordde Bill Cooper die onder andere werkzaam was voor de Amerikaanse marine. In die hoedanigheid heeft ook hij ervaringen gehad met een UFO die vanuit de zee kwam.
Gedurende zijn tijd bij de marine, maakte hij een aantal dingen mee die voorgoed zijn leven zouden veranderen, zoals het volgende:
Hij was een erg avontuurlijke en een beetje gekke, nog jonge man en dacht dat het wel spannend zou zijn om werkzaam te zijn op een onderzeeër, waarvoor hij zich dan ook vrijwillig aanmeldde. Tijdens één van de oefeningen waren ze op weg van Portland/Seattle naar Pearl Harbor en had hij dienst op de uitkijk, waar hij zijn levensveranderende ontdekking deed met wat hij zag. Plotseling zag hij een schotel-achtig object vanuit de zee omhoog komen (ter grote van een vliegdekschip), die om zijn as draaide en meteen tussen de wolken verdween. Omdat wat hij zag gebeuren zich op ongeveer 2 zeemijl afstand van hem afspeelde, leek het langzaam te gaan, maar in feite ging het zeer snel omdat het uit het water kwam, om z`n as draaide en direct uit zicht was.
Hij melde het voorval dat hij iets gezien had bij zijn meerdere, waarop deze ook op dek kwam kijken. En warempel een paar minuten later komt datzelfde DING terug uit de lucht met volle snelheid, en verdween weer in zee zonder ook maar een spetter/plons te veroorzaken. Het was net of de zee zich opende waardoor het object zonder iets te raken erin kon vliegen. U moet zich voorstellen dat wat hij gezien had, zo groot was als een vliegdekschip en zoiets kan NOOIT in zee terechtkomen zonder ook maar een plons.... althans niet in de wereld zoals wij die kennen. Het ritueel herhaalde zich meerdere keren waarvan beide mannen ooggetuige waren.
En zo zijn er wereldwijd ontelbare getuigen die vreemde objecten hebben waargenomen onder water of deze hebben zien vertrekken of aankomen van en bij hun ondergrondse basis.
Retired Professor Offers Reasons Behind Roswell UFO Incident Cover Up
Retired Professor Offers Reasons Behind Roswell UFO Incident Cover Up
Aliens had indeed visited Earth and crashed at Roswell in the 1940s, according to a retired professor. Former professor Don Donderi of McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada said that the United States Government recovered the craft that crash-landed in the New Mexico desert, near Roswell, in 1947.
Mr. Donderi even claims aliens have been abducting people. A doctorate in psychology from Cornwell University, Mr. Donderi is behind a course called “UFOs: History and Reality” at McGill University. The course argues extraterrestrial, and UFO are real. He believes aliens exist beyond a reasonable doubt.
Mr. Donderi said that the U.S. government recovered the remains of the crashed UFO or what he particularly called as an extraterrestrial vehicle. Furthermore, the government also retrieved dead bodies of space aliens, Mr. Donderi claimed.
Roswell has been the center of UFO stories since July 1974 when the military announced in a press release it had recovered debris of a crashed flying saucer in the desert nearby.
However, the military retracted the statement following day, saying the flying saucer was just a damaged U.S. Air Force air balloon.
Later, witnesses came forward claiming that there was debris of the crashed craft and remains of aliens retrieved, which were taken to Area 51, a secret military base in Nevada.
Mr. Donderi said the technology involved in the events is extremely advanced, which brings incredible implications for human society. He further explained that this technology could be upsetting as well because of the notion that technologically advanced beings from other planets put human society under surveillance.
He said that it has not known what these advanced beings do, as well as, their motives or interests. He added that no active defenses or preparations at the moment could deal with the situation. He explained that the reality about Roswell Incident was kept secret because the government wants to figure out how the new technology works to protect the American turf first. Unfortunately, Mr. Donderi points out that the U.S. government has no plan to share what they discovered to the world.
Mr. Donderi believes some reported UFOs are extraterrestrials, some extraterrestrial vehicles have alien crews, and some of these alien crews abduct humans to study them.
Canadian Witness Records A Video of Hovering UFO Over Estey’s Bridge
Canadian Witness Records A Video of Hovering UFO Over Estey’s Bridge
A woman at Estey’s Bridge in Canada claimed to have witnessed and recorded a video of a stationary light in the sky emitting some kind of a growling sound that quickly moved away. The witness, who requested to remain anonymous, reported the sighting to Mutual UFO Network, which filed it as Case 81127 in the witness reporting database.
According to the report, the incident started at 5:10 pm on December 23, 2016, when she let her pet dogs out into the backyard. She heard a “growling noise” in the sky, so she looked up to know where the unusual sound was coming.
She initially thought an airborne object would crash to the ground, but after observing it for a few more minutes, she realized that the UFO remained stationary, then went side by side. The witness called the attention of her husband and asked him to bring the camera outside.
Her husband watched it for a while and said to her that the camera would not pick it up. He thought that it was just a plane. She argued that an aircraft would not stay in one place. The UFO shifted back toward them, so the husband then went in the house and got a camera phone.
The reporting witness pointed out that it was really a fantastic view at the beginning, but did not get it on camera because she was kind of bewildered at the start trying to figure out what she was seeing. The video shows the UFO fleeing toward the horizon.
UFO Hunters Claim Cover-Ups On Evidence of Actual UFOs Passing Near The International Space Station
UFO Hunters Claim Cover-Ups On Evidence of Actual UFOs Passing Near The International Space Station
A recently posted video that shows an apparent astronaut who allegedly makes an attempt to obscure the view of a UFO passing the International Space Station (ISS) adds to claims of government cover-ups on the existence of UFOs and aliens. Interestingly, some UFO hunters argue that this behavior is not the first time and in fact can be found in other ISS videos.
The SecureTeam10, an organization focusing on UFO-related news, posted the recent video to YouTube this week. The team claims that astronauts have been attempting to hide proof of actual unidentified flying objects during their space missions. The known narrator of the SecureTeam10, Tyler Glockner, says that the video highlights deliberate attempts by astronauts to block any evidence of UFOs in videos.
The video titled “ASTRONAUT BUSTED Trying To Hide UFOs Near ISS! 1/14/17” shows a video clip of a view of space from the ISS and a tiny object. Though barely noticeable, the team shows the moving object or maybe more objects frame-by-frame. The small object moves diagonally from upper right of the screen to the left and vanishes from the view, which the group speculated that the ISS blocked it. Moments later, the video shows the same object or another object traveling back upward, curving around and disappearing from the video. Glockner then alleged the astronaut outside the space station obscuring the view of the open space by placing his gloved hand across a part of the viewing lens.
After the astronaut glove is removed from the view, Glockner says that even more UFOs appear. Glockner explains that they move in different directions and various shapes. The camera then mysteriously panned away from the view, a move that Glockner points out is made to limit the view of the passing unidentified objects.
The SecureTeam10 then continues their video by showing UFO video clips taken from different missions in the last four decades. Glockner says that all the videos show evidence of attempts to hide the presence of UFOs in videos.
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Diary of Missing Scientist Sheds Light on Alien and UFO Enigma
Diary of Missing Scientist Sheds Light on Alien and UFO Enigma
The personal notes and scientific diary of a scientist working for the government on alien matters are now making the rounds on the internet. The scientist himself —missing.
According to a document entitled Project Pulsar, the search for and study of extraterrestrial life comes at a price. The unnamed scientist is believed to have been employed by the government to study crash sites and the salvaged equipment, interrogate and establish communication with surviving extraterrestrial biological entities and analyze all gathered data.
His work for the government spanned a 33 year period, a time during which the scientist uncovered information that would have derailed an unprepared mind. By 1990, he had managed to collect information pertaining to over 160 species of alien life forms, once again confirming our belief that the universe is teeming with intelligent life.
He also came upon various documents related to the subject and fortunately for us, the scientist also kept personal notes of his work experience. By the way, it was the habit of keeping a personal diary that got him into trouble with his employer.
“This individual was discovered to have kept and maintained such personal notes and therefore was scheduled for termination,” the document claims. “He narrowly escaped termination by the government and is currently in hiding out of this country.”
His notes are an amalgamation of controversial subjects ranging from secret pharmacology and the use of various synthetic drugs and hormones on human beings to details about alien psionics and extraterrestriallanguages.
The document details how several species of aliens possess the ability to control their surroundings and even manipulate and rearrange matter through thought. Using various substances developed with the aid of extraterrestrials, governmental agencies have managed to recreate these effects in humans, albeit on a much smaller scale.
A different portion of the scientist’s notes grazes the surface of alien propulsion systems, giving several examples on the way.
One of them is the impulse propulsion engine that powers basic Grey alien UFOs. Apparently, this drive system works by channeling superhot plasma through a system of space-time driver coils and thus creating a limited distortion of the space-time continuum. These smaller craft can accelerate to nearly the speed of light in a matter of seconds but are only useful for interplanetary travel inside a solar system.
Interstellar travel is another matter and requires speeds much greater than the speed of light. As such, the document claims, alien mother ships are powered by a different assembly called the speed gear drive propulsion engine.
This incredibly advanced engine allows the interstellar cruisers to eschew the known laws of physics and traverse space and time at over 32,000 times the speed of light. In a case of emergency, this speed can be doubled. Mind-bending!
This catastrophically fast propulsion system is powered by a MAGNIUM Crystal Assembly that creates and controls antimatter collisions, creating successive “time-space bubbles” ahead of the starship.
The document then lists several extraterrestrial species enlisted in the service of Grey aliens, who apparently have become masters at genetic manipulation and the creation of synthetic beings.
The photo above shows a creature the scientist calls SQH, a lower-level servant with the intelligence needed to carry out orders but not capable of harnessing any thoughts of its own. The drawing below showcases the Tah’Hay, a mutative clone whose purpose is to complete various forms of research.
The scientist’s data shows that Grey aliens prefer to employ biological creatures, while Nordic and Orange aliens favor the synthetic humanoid form, hi-tech inorganic servants that inexorably do their masters’ bidding.
In the document, the missing scientist references several secret governmental projects, chief among them the infamous MK-ULTRA. The scientist’s notes cite applications that we’ve known about for a long time; the project’s main objective was to develop and improve methods of mind control through various means.
The most success they’ve had was when they enlisted the help of aliens in overcoming the natural barriers of the human mind. Thus, MK-ULTRA achieved breakthroughs in hypnotic manipulation and electronic stimulation of the brain trough microchips or low frequency waves.
Another interesting subject in the scientist’s notes was the idea of a takeover performed by hostile aliens. He dismisses this scenario, claiming that advanced aliens could have done that a long time ago if they wanted to.
“If ETIs have been observing, and to some extent interacting with Earth for centuries, why delay a hostile occupation? The rather marked increase in UFO and ETI activities coinciding with the dawn of the human nuclear age in the mid-1940s would indicate a genuine concern about human hostile capabilities,” the document claims.
In the end, we have no guarantee that this document is authentic. Given the fact that the scientist is unnamed, we cannot look him up and verify his credibility. On the other hand, a researcher working for the government on such delicate matters would most likely be expunged from any records.
While the veracity of the document’s claims is up for debate, the situation it explores is real: people are worried their leaders struck deals with ETs and are secretly studying alien technology while mankind receives no benefits from these agreements.
Numerous ancient texts make reference to an ancient and highly advanced alien species, who were often taken for gods, called the Anunnaki. But who are these the Anunnaki? And why do so many people consider them to be absolutely central to the history of humanity?
One of the most commonly used translations for the Anunnaki comes from the Sumerian meaning ‘those who came down from heaven’. According to latter period Assyrian and Babylonian myths, these beings were descendants and Anu and Ki, brother and sister gods. The beings originate on a huge planet in the outer reaches of this solar system called Nibiru. The planet is said to have a 3600 elliptical orbit and an unbelievably powerful gravitational field which could be one day cause an existential threat to the planet Earth.
The Anunnaki first visited the planet Earth with the intention of harvesting its natural resources, particularly its gold. For that purpose, they used the Igigi as workers on the huge number of gold mines they established on the planet. However, the Igigi people, who are also an advanced alien race, revolted against their Anunnaki masters. This led to the Anunnaki creating human beings who they believed would serve as far more compliant worker drones than the Igigi.
Various aspects of the Anunnaki creation has permeated world culture and religion. For instance, in the Abrahamic religions, the first man is said to have been named ‘Adam’. In ancient Sumerian, the word ‘Adamu’ refers to the first men who were the Anunnaki slaves. For a long period, these artificially constructed human beings could not procreate. However, when the Anunnaki needed a sustainable and ever-expanding workforce, it was deemed expedient to allow human beings to reproduce without assistance from their creators.
Over the generations, the Anunnaki watched in horror as their creation, which was supposed to be compliant and docile, gradually began to gain confidence and autonomy. Their army of human drone workers became a restless and inefficient workforce that was increasing making decisions at odds with the will of the creator gods. This eventually led to the Anunnaki planning to allow the human race to die out entirely by allowing the Great Flood to wipe out the entire population of Earth. Indeed, the Great Flood probably would have killed every human being had it not been for the intervention of the Anunnaki being, Enki.
From the culmination of the Great Flood onwards, the Anunnaki have not been as invested in human beings as they were in the distant past. However, throughout the centuries there have been tales and artifacts which reveal that at least some of these alien beings still take an interest in human beings and the state of the planet Earth. For the most part, the Anunnaki have been forgotten on this planet and live on only in the various ancient texts and archetypal myths which hint at their phenomenal impact on this planet.
NASA Scientist: “An Extinction Event is Long Overdue!”
NASA Scientist: “An Extinction Event is Long Overdue!”
Earth is in real danger and we should get to work building defense systems if we want to be safe, a NASA scientist argued.
During its rich and long history, planet Earth has seen a number of cataclysmic predicaments. One such phenomenon is known as an extinction event. Modern science recognizes 6 such major extinctions but there were probably many others of smaller magnitudes.
Fearing one such scenario might be waiting to happen, a concerned NASA scientist made some sour valuations on mankind’s ability to defend itself in the face of imminent, catastrophic danger.
This week, the American Geophysical Union held a meeting to discuss important matters regarding the security of our world. One of the guest speakers was researcher Joseph Nuth from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and his message was not a very comforting one.
Apart from all the man-made dangers and catastrophes that could befall all of us, there is a long list of natural phenomena that could obliterate thousands of years of human civilization, effectively sending the survivors, if any, back to the Middle Ages. It would probably be even worse since we would then have the memory of a paradise lost.
Nuth’s main point was the scenario where a large asteroid or comet would impact Earth and the damage it would cause. Although Nuth argued that such an event sees a low probability of ever occurring, we need only look into the past to realize that it happened, therefore it could happen again
Things like dinosaur killers, they’re 50 to 60 million years apart, essentially,” Nuth told attendees. “You could say, of course, we’re due.”
Today, NASA claims to have identified 90% of all objects near Earth that are larger than one kilometer in diameter. While this percentage is somewhat reassuring, there still remains a large number of unaccounted, potentially life-ending space rocks in our cosmic neighborhood.
But the problem is that, while we can detect some of these bollides, there isn’t much we can do should one come hurtling toward us.
The biggest problem, basically, is there’s not a hell of a lot we can do about it at the moment,” Nuth said.
Drawing on the same premise, the space agency recently announced plans for establishing a planetary defense office, but despite the sumptuous name, the office is in no position to defend us. At the moment, all efforts are focused on detection, none on prevention or mitigation. Because of that, Nuth proposed a sci-fi scenario that could one day save our hides from an extinction event.
The researcher maintains we should start building a defense system consisting of interceptor rockets with a nuclear payload strong enough to annihilate, deviate or at least reduce the damage an incoming asteroid could cause if it were to hit Earth.
In conjunction with this interceptor, Nuth proposes we also build a space-based observatory that could offer us a better vantage point in our watch for danger. Unfortunately, Nuth pointed out these are mere suggestions and, despite the real peril, no such plan is under consideration.
“We’re talking a considerable amount of money,” he said. “The NASA request would probably be for several hundred million dollars to produce one of these spacecraft.”
We sincerely hope those with bank accounts fat enough to fund this venture love life on earth as much as the rest of us do and I bet my ass the dinosaurs didn’t see it coming either, but it still came. We as humans have the ability to run scenarios and use our imagination, so we should definitely build that rocket or at least keep Bruce Willis on speed dial.
French Astronaut Cried ‘Earth Must Be Warned!’ Before Attempting Suicide
French Astronaut Cried ‘Earth Must Be Warned!’ Before Attempting Suicide
Astronauts went out there and saw strange things that took a toll on their lives. Claudie Haigneré is one of them.
The incident took place in 2008 but was once again brought into attention by thecontroversial death of Max Spiers. Spiers was a British UFO investigator who was found dead on a friend’s couch after texting his mother that she should start an investigation if anything happened to him. It seems that those who encounter or pursue extraterrestrials are destined to get in trouble.
Claudie Haigneré is a French doctor and politician but prior to that, she was an astronaut. In 1996, Claudie and her husband, Jean-Pierre Haigneré spent more than two weeks aboard the Russian MIR space station.
Having studied rheumatology and neuroscience, Claudie’s outer space research aimed to provide insights about how astronauts adapted their motor and cognitive skills in zero gravity.
In 2001, she became the first European woman to visit the International Space Station. She saw things that regular Joes never get to see. And it probably left a mark on her.
Claudie retired from space work and between 2002 and 2005 she became involved with politics, acting as a minister delegate for research and new technologies. Following budget cuts, she started working in a biology lab at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. Obscure media reports claim that while there, Claudie was at the forefront of human/alien DNA research. And then things started going south for her.
In 2008, a fire ravaged the laboratory she worked in: Fire broke out Wednesday in a biology laboratory at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, famed for research on fighting infectious diseases, officials said.
No victims were reported, and no sensitive materials or viruses were affected by the fire, which was extinguished by firefighters, an official at the institute said. The official was not authorized to be publicly named according to company policy.
The cause of the blaze was unclear.
In December of 2008, news outlets reported that Claudie Haigneré had to be rushed to a local hospital after an attempted suicide. She had taken a fistful of sleeping pills and was screaming “Earth must be warned!”
Before falling in a coma, Claudie had to be restrained. Such a strong reaction from a renowned and respected astronaut scientist could not have come without a cause. While Claudie herself blamed the whole incident on burnout syndrome, conspiracy theorists are convinced there was something darker that determined her to try and take her own life.
Sources claim that the former astronaut’s stay in Earth’s orbit opened her eyes regarding our planet’s hidden history:
FSB internal reports on Dr. Haigneré state that since her return from space she had become convinced that our Earth had been visited in our historical past by ‘ancient astronauts’ who had not only had colonized our Planet but had genetically engineered the then existing semi-human life forms into our present day human race.
Claudie is alive and well today but she chooses not to speak publicly about her ordeal. We can only speculate about her reasons to remain silent, but sometimes, actions speak for themselves.
Alien Contact Will Happen by 2060, Claims Futurist Who Worked With Steve Jobs
Alien Contact Will Happen by 2060, Claims Futurist Who Worked With Steve Jobs
Futurist Dr James Canton believes our lives and perceptions will see a radical shift in the upcoming decades. And we’ll find aliens too.
Dr. James Canton is a world-renowned expert who worked with a young Steve Jobs and he recently shared some of his insight and predictions for the years to come. In his opinion, the rapidly-changing pace of the world will continue to accelerate and our understanding of the universe is set to grow. We might even achieve alien contact.
On the subject of extraterrestrial life, the futurist believes not only it exists, but that we are also on the verge of uncovering details about its presence in the cosmos.
I think the likelihood of finding other forms of life on other planets is very good,” Dr Canton told Express. “We will find between now and 2060 life forms in other parts of the universe and I think that will be very exciting.”
While discovering alien life might be a possibility, the actual interactions with these extraterrestrial beings could prove harder to achieve. At the moment, any signal we send or is sent our way would have to traverse the vast distances between stars and that takes a very long time.
“Whether we’ll be able to share a beer or cappuccino with them remains to be seen,” the futurist said. “I think life is pervasive, we just need to understand the different forms.”
In recent years, the concept of discovering intelligent alien life and then reaching out to said civilization has gained traction like never before. What was once considered taboo or at best, wishful thinking, is now a scientific venture that incorporates some of the world’s brightest minds and businessmen with the capital to back it up.
But like most specialists, Dr Canton agrees we will need to enlist the help of Artificial Intelligence in out search for extraterrestrial life. One of the best ways we could achieve very long distance space travel would be to send intelligent robots to do the exploration work. Once these robots become sufficiently advanced, their specific needs would be much easier to meet than those of humans.
“Artificial Intelligence is the real breakthrough; a breakthrough in machine intelligence and deep learning which are the new forms of AI, which are the way the car or robot can learn,” Dr Canton said.
Another major area that will be vastly improved is our understanding of the human brain and implicitly, the mind that goes with it. As we dig deeper into the mechanisms inside our own skulls, we draw nearer to completing an artificial mind in our own image. Besides building immensely powerful computers, this process will undoubtedly provide us with valuable information about ourselves.
Few people really understand that it’s emerging. One of the big breakthroughs is that we are learning through the use of MRI devices how the brain works. We’re making computers based on the brain.”
Dr Canton’s hypotheses are believable because he’s not some nutjob throwing wild guesses into the wind. For the past decades, he has been making predictions about the future and the vast majority of them turned out to be quite accurate.
Former CIA Contractor Claims Aliens Are Using Our Planet “Like a Supermarket”
Former CIA Contractor Claims Aliens Are Using Our Planet “Like a Supermarket”
A former CIA employee reveals the reason why some aliens keep visiting our planet.
The deepest echelons of the U.S. Government run a number of very dark ventures collectively known as Secret Access Programs. In 1997, the U.S. senate released a report describing the SAPs as being “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.”
One of these infamous SAPs was focused on people endowed with “special abilities,” the CIA’s remote viewing program:
“In July 1995 the CIA declassified, and approved for release, documents revealing its sponsorship in the 1970s of a program at Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, CA, to determine whether such phenomena as remote viewing “might have any utility for intelligence collection“. Thus began disclosure to the public of a two-decade-plus involvement of the intelligence community in the investigation of so-called parapsychological or psi phenomena.” (source)
One of the participants in this Secret Access Program was Ingo Swann and his story is one that will really make you consider what is publicly dismissed as wishful thinking.
Using his unexplained power, Ingo Swann was able to see and describe the thin ring around Jupiter before astronomers had a chance to detect it. The following year NASA’s Pioneer 10 spacecraft executed a fly-by around Jupiter and photographs it sent back confirmed the existence of the wispy ring.
Drawing on this success, the CIA went further with his training and the remote viewing program was considered worth investing into. As far as the declassified files tell, the program continued for another two and a half decades, a period during which the U.S. military was the primary beneficiary of intelligence acquired through multiple participants.
The reason behind the program’s termination is still unclear and there is an ongoing debate regarding the amount of information that was indeed declassified.
One of the most notable incidents involving this particular SAP was retold by one of the programs’ biggest supporter, U.S. Major general Albert Stubblebine. According to his admission, the remote viewers discovered structures on Mars –both on the planet’s surface and underneath its seemingly deserted facade– that did not appear to have been built by humans.
The story of Ingo Swann cannot be found amid the declassified dossiers. Although he did take part in the program, the particularities of his involvement came from a book he later published —Penetration. The book explores the subject of aliens and UFOs (both man-made and extraterrestrial) and is one of the strangest reads out there.
On one particular occasion, Swann describes an incident involving a secret agent going by the moniker Mr. Axelrod.
Swann met Axelrod while he was working with scientists at the Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, CA. One day, despite the strict policy of no outsiders allowed, Mr. A managed to enter the Institute and convince Swann to accompany him on a state-sanctioned mission.
Axelrod was in the good company of “two blond haired, blue eyed, military looking assistants” who were unusually tall and exuded an air of mystery. The group boarded a nondescript, unmarked Learjet and flew to the west coast; Swann’s best guess was that they landed somewhere in the Alaskan hinterland.
After an uncomfortably long hike, they reached an even more secluded area, deep in the heart of the forest. What follows next is vividly described in leading UFOlogist Richard Dolan’s book UFOs & The National Security State, The Cover -Up Exposed 1973-1991 on page 154. Here is the direct quote:
“They came to a small lake, and Axelrod said that as dawn approached, Swann would be able to see “it” through the pines. ‘We now wait and hope we are lucky. Say nothing, do not make any noise…they detect heat, noise, motion like mad.”
“Dawn arrived, and Swann saw a fog developing over the lake. This went on for five minutes, until the fog developed a luminous neon-blue color. Then, according to Swann, the color changed to an “angry purple” Axelrod and one of the twins each placed a hand firmly on Swann’s shoulders while “a network of purple, red, and yellow lightning bolts shot in all crazy directions through the ‘cloud.’ Swann said he would have jumped if the two had not held him down. He saw an object, almost transparent at first, but then “solidly visible over the lake.” It was triangular or diamond-shaped, growing in size.”
“Swann, in terror and amazement, heard a strong wind moving past, rustling the pine trees so much that some cones and branches fell on them. The object then began to shoot out ‘ruby red laster-like beams’ as it continued to grow even more in size while maintaining its position on the lake. Very quietly, one of the twins said, ‘Shit! They’re enveloping the area. They’re going to spot us.”
“As Swann later recalled the event, some of the red laser beams from the object were ‘blasting’ pine trees, and he could hear low frequency pulsations. Axelrod whispered to Swann that the beams were probably honing in on deer or other forest creatures, as they sense biological body heat. ‘They’re sure to hone in on us,’ he told Swann. Just then, one of the twins literally lifted and dragged Swann away, but not before Swann noticed the water of the lake surging upward, ‘like a waterfall going upward, as if being sucked into the ‘machine.’”
“The four ran quickly and at great length, sustaining minor cuts and bruises. Eventually they stopped, breathing hard, and waited for more than thirty minutes, until one of the twins said all was clear.”
“Axelrod then asked Swann whether he could ‘sense’ anything form the craft.”
Though Mr. Axelrod never told Swann why he was taken from Stanford, it became plenty obvious to him during this incident. The secret agent acted on the belief that Ingo Swann would be able to use his power and gather some insight on the extraterrestrial presence in the wilderness.
“Swann burst out laughing. ‘You’re completely nuts, Axel! I have to be calm, cool, collected and in good shape to sense anything.’ But Swann offered the insight that the craft was ‘a drone of some kind, unmanned, controlled from somewhere else.” Axelrod asked him what it was doing there, to which Swann replied ‘Well, for chrissakes! It was thirsty! Taking on water, obviously. Someone, somewhere needs water…so I suppose they just come and get it. You don’t need to be a psychic to see that.’ Essentially, said Swann, ‘they’ treated Earth as the neighbourhood supermarket.’
“Before taking Swann back,Axelrod said, ‘I shouldn’t tell you, but our mission will be disbanded shortly and the work picked up by others, because of strategic security reasons involved…’ ‘Others,’ said Swann, ‘who will not mix in with psychics, I take it.’ ‘You got it,’ Axelrod replied. Swann last saw Axelrod at the San Jose Airport, and never heard from him again.”
If this conspiracy story managed to raise your interest in Ingo Swann and the government’s dabbling in remote viewing, the video below contains some interesting, albeit hard to digest information.
UFO Found On North Pole Region On Google Earth Map, Jan 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Found On North Pole Region On Google Earth Map, Jan 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: January 2017
Location of discovery: North Pole region
Google coordinates: 74°35'39.74"S 164°54'44.56"E
This UFO hiding just below the surface of the water in the North polar region of the globe is a great example at how UFOs hide in places with low chances of encountering humans. Notice that the outer edge of the alien disk is extremely thin, and then it suddenly becomes much thinker with a odd shaped dome over the top. Google ruler says the UFO has a diameter of 40 meters. If the UFO parked in this location, it may also explain the pinging noises heard under the ocean not far away. When a craft lands for an extended amount of time, it means there is an alien base nearby. Probably on the floor of the ocean, or maybe in the shallows of the area.
UFOs and invisible ink: CIA shares trove of declassified files online
UFOs and invisible ink: CIA shares trove of declassified files online
File photo - a 'UFO' sighting over Sheffield, U.K, March 4, 1962 (CIA).
The CIA posted almost a million declassified files online this week, offering a fascinating record of unexplained UFO sightings and the agency’s secret operations.
Around 930,000 documents, totaling more than 12 million pages, have been posted online. Previously, the files were only available to the public at the National Archives in Maryland. Spanning early CIA history, the Cold War, Vietnam, and the U-2 reconnaissance aircraft, the archive also details a number of UFO incidents.
A ‘UFO’ search of the archive at Electronic Reading Room on the CIA’s website returns 1,738 items, the earliest of which is dated 1942. Strange sightings are described in files such as a 1966 file detailing an “unusual phenomenon” on the horizon near the border between Iran and the former Soviet Union.
“As we were approaching the Rudeshur beacon, located approximately 25 miles WSW of Mehrabad Airport, Teheran, we suddenly observed a brilliant white sphere approximating the coloration and intensity of full bright moon,” the report says. “The sphere appeared suddenly and at the first sighting was approximately three times the size of a full moon.” The source’s identity is redacted.
A 1953 document describes UFO sightings in Spain, Greece, Algeria and the then French Morocco, detailing a number of incidents based on local newspaper reports. The subject of the file is “Military – unconventional aircraft.”
This is not the first time that the CIA has opened up its UFO files. Last year the agency posted a smaller trove of once-classified UFO documents online.
The documents also offer a rare insight into the CIA’s clandestine operations, such as a confidential document titled “Invisible photography and writing, sympathetic ink, etc.” The file describes a number of methods for producing invisible ink, such as writing with starch on linen. Another method involves a heavily diluted sulphate of copper, which can be used “in writing with a soft tooth pick between printed lines.”
Since 1999, the CIA has regularly released historical declassified records to the National Archives Records Administration (NARA), in College Park, Maryland, but is now placing more and more files online.
“Access to this historically significant collection is no longer limited by geography. The American public can access these documents from the comfort of their homes,” said Joseph Lambert, the CIA Director of Information Management, in a statement.
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Massive CIA Data Dump Reveals Work on UFOs, Secret Tunnels and Soviet Jokes
Massive CIA Data Dump Reveals Work on UFOs, Secret Tunnels and Soviet Jokes
12 million newly declassified files shine new light on the Cold War
Pixabay edited by The Moscow Times
The CIA published 12 million pages of declassified documents online Jan. 17, releasing to the public decades of U.S. intelligence files that shine new light on Washington's foreign policy during the last century.
The electronic files, which cover a period between the 1940s and the 1990s, offer new insights into the Cold War, and U.S. conflicts with Vietnam and Korea. Around 33,000 of the documents are intelligence files pertaining to Russian territory. Another 150,000 relate to other Soviet Republics.
The files, known as the Crest database, also feature the papers of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and documents that detail Nazi war crimes. The Crest files also contain declassified U.S. intelligence on UFOs, research into telepathy, and recipes for invisible ink.
The Failed Berlin Tunnel
Some of the most interesting files describe the early history of the Cold War. One document tells the story of Operation Gold, a joint scheme concocted in the 1950s by the CIA and British security services to tap into communications of the Soviet army in Berlin using a tunnel into the Soviet-occupied zone.
This excerpt from the Crest database describes how the U.S. and British intelligence plans for the tunnel were thwarted from the very beginning of planning and construction:
“The engineers decided at one point that an object of known size in the East Zone would be useful as a reference point, so a baseball game was organized with the objective of knocking a baseball as far as possible into the East Zone. This scheme was frustrated by the friendliness of the East German guards who kept returning the baseball.”
Here is a candid description of how the CIA learned a British mole had foiled their plot:
“In April 1956, MI5 discovered that George Blake, a case officer, had been recruited by the Soviets as a prisoner in North Korea in 1952 and had continued working under Soviet control. Blake had stated he had informed his Soviet contact of the planned tunnel.”
Soviet Jokes
What most amused the Russian Internet was a list of Soviet jokes prepared for the CIA's deputy director of counter-intelligence. The documents contain both popular and lesser known jokes from the Soviet era, including the following:
"A man walks into a shop. He asks the clerk, "You don't have any meat?" The clerk says, "No, here we don't have any fish. The shop that doesn't have any meat is across the street."
"An American explains to a Russian that the United States is a truly free country because he can stand in front of the White House and shout 'To hell with Ronald Reagan!' The Russian says that this is nonsense, because he can easily stand in Red Square and shout 'To hell with Ronald Reagan."
A large section of the Soviet-related database describes anti-Moscow sentiment in Ukraine and the Baltic states, including the formation of resistance groups.
What may be of most interest to historians are the details of Moscow's Brezhnev-era crisis with Ukrainian Communist Party chief Petro Shelest. Shelest was ousted for defending the Ukrainian language and culture against Russian influence in the 1960s.
Not Everyone Was Happy
Retired Soviet cosmonaut Aleksey Leonov, who became the first human to conduct extravehicular activity in 1965 in a 12-minute spacewalk, had some harsh words for the CIA's reports on alleged UFO sightings.
A 1966 file describes an “unusual phenomenon” spotted on Iran's border with the USSR. Another report featured diagrams of what spacecraft from other worlds might look like, if they existed, and asked if such crafts posed “a possible threat” to U.S. security.
“Is the CIA a serious organization?!” Leonov told Russian TV channel Zvezda. “I worked in Houston and I saw no such thing.”
But, Jan Harzan, executive director of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), says UFOs HAVE been recovered and ARE being stored nearby.
Mr Harzan claims there is a secret underground facility built into the base of the Papoose Mountains, in Lincoln County, Nevada, where recovered alien space crafts and extra terrestrial beings are kept hidden away.
Ever since the legendary Roswell UFO crash of July 1947 alien conspiracy theorists have claimed the remains of a flying saucer, and even dead aliens, were secretly taken into storage - something the US Government denies.
Roswell has been at the heart of the UFO scene since July 1947 when the military sensationally announced in a press release it had found the remains of a crashed flying saucer in the desert nearby.
But the following day it retracted the statement, saying it was in fact a damaged US Air Force air balloon.
Witnesses later came forward to say there had been alien bodies within the "crashed craft", which along with the wreckage were then taken away. There has been speculation the remains were taken to Area 51 in the Nevada desert, or the Wright Patterson Airforce base near Dayton, Ohio.
Area 51 is not where UFOs are hidden, claims Jan Harzan of MUFON.
Last summer revealed the claims of Andre Milne, founder of defence technology firm Unicorn Aerospace, that Area 51 did not house aliens, but was used for so-called "black projects" to develop new secret flying technology.
US-based MUFON is the world's biggest organisation dedicated to UFO and alien research and keeps a global database holding tens of thousands of reported sightings and tip offs.
Mr Harzan appears to agree with Mr Milne about Area 51, but said alien technology was stored elsewhere.
He said: "Area 51 is a top-secret airbase for the CIA and military to test super-secret aircraft years ahead of what the general public is aware of.
"As best we know, there are no UFOs or aliens at Area 51.
"There is, however, an area just to the south and on the same Tonopah Test Range called S4.
"Based on insider information, this is where work on extraterrestrial recovered craft takes place.
As best we know, there are no UFOs or aliens at Area 51.
Jan Harzan
"So when the President, or other officials proudly proclaim that there are no UFOs or aliens at Area 51, they may be technically correct because they are at S4."
Mr Harzan believes many other conspiracy theorists that the US Government uses alien technology to create new craft of its own.
He said up to 10 per cent of UFO sightings reported to MUFON could be secret human technology being tested.
He added: "I am certain that at least five to 10 per cent, maybe more, of what is being reported to us could, in fact, be top-secret US aircraft built for the CIA and/or military.
"There appears to be telltale signs of what is ours and what is theirs (ET).
"Our craft are very angular looking, with external plumbing, seams and protrusions on the body of the craft.
"Those of extraterrestrial origin are very smooth and integrated with no seams or rivets showing, and no protrusions.
"At least that’s our hypothesis based on what we are seeing."
He is also convinced that by now the US authorities would have been able to recreate a recovered UFO.
He said: "Based on the research I have done, and the people I have talked to, including first-hand witnesses, absolutely yes.
"It would be one of the highest priorities of the military and intelligence community to get their hands on a flying saucer of extraterrestrial origin.
"There are others who have come forward to share their stories, although as one might imagine our intelligence community does its best to attempt to discredit them."
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CIA files: UFOs, mind control, and strange lights above Kaikoura in 1978
CIA files: UFOs, mind control, and strange lights above Kaikoura in 1978
The world famous Kaikoura 'UFO' sightings of December 1978. They appeared on Wellington air traffic radar and were sighted by hundreds of people.
There is some weird material among the searchable online Central Intelligence Agency trove of declassified archives.
In 1978, strange lights were reported in the sky above Kaikoura.
The sighting, intense public interest and media coverage of the "UFO", as well as interest from the prime minister Robert Muldoon, sparked an official inquiry by the air force.
The CIA online archive gives the public access to 13 million pages of declassified material.
An air force Orion was sent on a reconnaissance mission to Kaikoura in January 1979, but the official investigation concluded natural phenomena were the most likely explanation.
Strange lights appear in Wellington night sky during 2016's 7.8 magnitude Kaikoura earthquake.
Strange lights have also been reported in the skies in New Zealand - including Kaikoura - before earthquakes, known as earthquake lightning.
The CIA trove cites the Kaikoura incident, which was referred to in a publication called the Journal of Scientific Exploration in 1987.
"The New Zealand UFO sightings of December 31, 1978, are unique among civilian UFO reports because there is a large amount of documentary evidence which includes the recollections of seven witnesses, two tape recordings made during the sightings, the detection of some unusual ground and airplane radar targets, and a 16mm colour movie."
The CIA trove also includes archives of controversial CIA programmes, such as the MKULTRA programme, in which subjects were hypnotised, tested for psychic abilities and given LSD.
In another programme called "STARGATE" the CIA investigated whether psychic powers existed and whether they could be harnessed for military and intelligence purposes.
Documents on "remote viewing" sessions are now online, detailing subjects' efforts to beam their mind towards targets. A remote viewing is defined as the "acquisition and description, by mental means, of information blocked from ordinary perception by distance, shield, or time."
An overview document describes the programme's focus on psychokinesis - the ability to move objects with mental thought - and telepathy, and remote viewing.
STARGATE was declassified in 1995 and the CIA admitted its research did not provide any useful intelligence.
Regarding earthquake lights, or lightning, seismologists aren't in agreement about the causes, but one study documents hundreds of sightings of strange lights, glowing, and aurora-like phenomena from 1600 to the 19th century.
The study in the Seismological Research Letters suggested a charge builds up in rock inside the Earth's crust and, as it becomes rapidly unstable in a quake, expands outward, the electrical charge transfers from below the surface to the surface, or above, depending on the conductivity of the rock, and appears as light.
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CIA files: UFOs, mind control, and strange lights above Kaikoura in 1978
CIA files: UFOs, mind control, and strange lights above Kaikoura in 1978
The world famous Kaikoura 'UFO' sightings of December 1978. They appeared on Wellington air traffic radar and were sighted by hundreds of people.
There is some weird material among the searchable online Central Intelligence Agency trove of declassified archives.
In 1978, strange lights were reported in the sky above Kaikoura.
The sighting, intense public interest and media coverage of the "UFO", as well as interest from the prime minister Robert Muldoon, sparked an official inquiry by the air force.
The CIA online archive gives the public access to 13 million pages of declassified material.
An air force Orion was sent on a reconnaissance mission to Kaikoura in January 1979, but the official investigation concluded natural phenomena were the most likely explanation.
Strange lights appear in Wellington night sky during 2016's 7.8 magnitude Kaikoura earthquake.
Strange lights have also been reported in the skies in New Zealand - including Kaikoura - before earthquakes, known as earthquake lightning.
The CIA trove cites the Kaikoura incident, which was referred to in a publication called the Journal of Scientific Exploration in 1987.
"The New Zealand UFO sightings of December 31, 1978, are unique among civilian UFO reports because there is a large amount of documentary evidence which includes the recollections of seven witnesses, two tape recordings made during the sightings, the detection of some unusual ground and airplane radar targets, and a 16mm colour movie."
The CIA trove also includes archives of controversial CIA programmes, such as the MKULTRA programme, in which subjects were hypnotised, tested for psychic abilities and given LSD.
In another programme called "STARGATE" the CIA investigated whether psychic powers existed and whether they could be harnessed for military and intelligence purposes.
Documents on "remote viewing" sessions are now online, detailing subjects' efforts to beam their mind towards targets. A remote viewing is defined as the "acquisition and description, by mental means, of information blocked from ordinary perception by distance, shield, or time."
An overview document describes the programme's focus on psychokinesis - the ability to move objects with mental thought - and telepathy, and remote viewing.
STARGATE was declassified in 1995 and the CIA admitted its research did not provide any useful intelligence.
Regarding earthquake lights, or lightning, seismologists aren't in agreement about the causes, but one study documents hundreds of sightings of strange lights, glowing, and aurora-like phenomena from 1600 to the 19th century.
The study in the Seismological Research Letters suggested a charge builds up in rock inside the Earth's crust and, as it becomes rapidly unstable in a quake, expands outward, the electrical charge transfers from below the surface to the surface, or above, depending on the conductivity of the rock, and appears as light.
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Two flying objects seen over Komtar most likely drones
Two flying objects seen over Komtar most likely drones
GEORGE TOWN: Two purported UFOs seen flying over Komtar in a short video that has gone viral, are most likely drones.
The 18-second video, uploaded on Facebook at 1.05pm on Tuesday, shows two white objects flying side by side above the iconic tower.
Warren Tan, 29, a drone pilot with Sevena Networks and an IT consultant, said although the shapes of the unidentified flying objects did not resemble a drone, it could be the only rational explanation.
“It looks slightly egg-shaped while a drone is symmetrical. Maybe it’s a fixed-wing drone,” he said when contacted yesterday.
Tan, who owns a white-coloured DJI Phantom 4 pro, plans to fly it up to about the same height and see if his drone would look similar.
“Komtar is 250m above sea level and I estimate that the UFOs are about 100m above Komtar’s roof.
“It is an easy altitude for the DJI Phantom to fly and I’ll give it a try,” he said.
George Town OCPD Asst Comm Mior Faridalathrash Wahid said if the white objects in the video were drones, they should not be flying that high.
“The drone operators would need permission from the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) to do so,” he said when contacted.
The Penang DCA could not be reached for comments at press time.
Star-like object over South Devon spotted by UFO expert John Mooner
NEWTON Abbot's resident UFO expert believes he has captured on film the 'exhilarating' moment a 'star-like' UFO zoomed across the skies in South Devon before disappearing.
Self proclaimed World UFO expert John Mooner has managed to snap an astonishing amount of possible alien activity over South Devon in the last year - and can now add this latest find to his portfolio with a star-like UFO that reminded him of 'magnesium metal burning'.
"The star like object then got so bright that It reminded me of magnesium metal burning. It was so bright and very intense."
John quickly jumped into action, setting up his camera to record evidence of the unidentified flying object.
"I turned my camera around on the tripod and quickly fixed it into position looking in the direction of the object," added John.
"I zoomed in on the bright object which then to my surprise started to move anticlockwise in a semi circle. The bright object then shot towards my direction and then just disappeared."
This latest incident left John so shocked that he 'fell back onto the grass with surprise'.
He said: "I fell back onto the grass with surprise by the extreme speed of the object. The object was miles away but because of the cameras high magnification it looked very close and like it was going to collide with me and that gave me quite a fright.
"It was exhilarating and quite an experience in fact.
"Fortunately I had my camera set to burst mode and I had just pressed the shoot button and managed to capture the objects movement and incredible speed. To have witnessed this was phenomenal."
Below is a a shot GIF of the object that John created from the images he captured, showing the object moving in a circle.
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CIA-archief onthult geheime experimenten met paranormale vermogens Uri Geller
CIA-archief onthult geheime experimenten met paranormale vermogens Uri Geller
De Israëlische helderziende Uri Geller, die claimde lepels te kunnen buigen met zijn gedachten, beschikt echt over speciale krachten. Dat blijkt uit de resultaten van geheime experimenten die zijn vrijgegeven, schrijft The Times.
De CIA heeft na lang juridisch getouwtrek 13 miljoen pagina’s geopenbaard. Een aantal documenten gaat over experimenten die werden gedaan om de vermogens van Geller te testen.
De experimenten maakten deel uit van het Stargate Project, een wetenschappelijk onderzoeksprogramma dat door veel mysterie is omgeven.
Volgens journalist Michael Best was dit project een poging van de inlichtingendiensten om helderziendheid, precognitie en telepathie te gebruiken om informatie te verzamelen.
In 1972 werd Geller overgebracht naar het Stanford Research Institute en in een afgesloten ruimte geplaatst.
Tijdens één van de experimenten selecteerde een onderzoeker willekeurig een woord en een foto die te maken had met dat woord.
Geller moest vervolgens proberen de foto na te tekenen. Soms lukte hem dat met precieze nauwkeurigheid.
Paranormale vermogens
Volgens de onderzoekers demonstreerde hij daarmee zijn paranormale vermogens op een overtuigende en ondubbelzinnige wijze.
De CIA-documenten gaan verder over plannen om Fidel Castro te vermoorden en waarnemingen van vliegende schotels.
In 1995 gaf Bill Clinton de CIA opdracht documenten te openbaren die meer dan 25 jaar oud waren en die ‘historische waarde’ hadden.
Pas in 2000 gaf de spionagedienst hier gehoor aan. De stukken waren eerder alleen in de nationale archieven in Maryland te bekijken, maar staan nu voor het eerst online.
Geller vocht in 1967 als paramilitair in de Zesdaagse Oorlog.
In 2013 werd in de documentaire The Secret Life of Uri Geller uitvoerig bewijs getoond dat hij als geheim agent had gewerkt voor zowel de Mossad als de CIA.
Er kwamen wetenschappers en voormalige inlichtingenofficieren aan het woord die op de hoogte waren van zijn activiteiten.
De maker van de documentaire, Vikram Jayanti, zei: “Veel mensen denken dat hij een charlatan is, maar hij heeft veel volgers en doet dingen die niemand kan verklaren.”
CIA zet miljoenen geheime stukken online, waaronder informatie over UFO’s en paranormale krachten
CIA zet miljoenen geheime stukken online, waaronder informatie over UFO’s en paranormale krachten
De CIA heeft miljoenen geheime documenten vrijgegeven. De database wordt zo druk bezocht, dat de website soms moeilijk bereikbaar is.
Er is informatie te vinden over UFO-waarnemingen en onderzoeken en experimenten die in het verleden gedaan zijn.
In totaal staan er liefst 13 miljoen pagina’s online. Veel tekst is helaas wit gemaakt.
Er staat onder meer een document online getiteld ‘geheime Amerikaans-Egyptische contacten’, maar de inhoud is onleesbaar.
Er is ook een stuk te vinden dat gaat over het bezoek van de Nederlandse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken aan Londen in 1974.
Het document was bestemd voor Henry Kissinger, die toen nog minister van Buitenlandse Zaken was. Het zou onder meer codewoorden bevatten.
Er zijn ook stukken over de experimenten die de CIA deed met hersenspoeling en de rol die de dienst speelde bij het afzetten van de regimes in Chili en Iran.
Je kunt daarnaast lezen over paranormale experimenten die de CIA deed. Zo werden mensen onderzocht die een buitenlichamelijke ervaring hadden.
Een aantal documenten gaan over Project Star Gate, waarbij mensen werden ‘opgeleid’ tot helderziende en door muren moesten leren kijken.
De CIA heeft de stukken vrijgegeven na een rechtszaak die tegen de Amerikaanse spionagedienst was aangespannen. Ze waren eerst alleen te bekijken in de nationale archieven in Washington.
De groep MuckRock klaagde de CIA aan en dwong de dienst om de verzameling vrij te geven.
Tegelijkertijd begon journalist Mike Best documenten uit de archieven uit te printen en op internet te zetten, om de druk op te voeren.
In november kondigde de CIA aan het materiaal te zullen publiceren. Het hele archief is te bekijken op de website van de CIA Library.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Nieuws van Paul ( NL)
Australisch onderzoek: Mensen zijn overweldigend positief over hun buitenaardse ervaringen
Australisch onderzoek: Mensen zijn overweldigend positief over hun buitenaardse ervaringen
Er is in Australië een onderzoek gedaan naar mensen die naar eigen zeggen een ontmoeting hebben gehad met aliens.
De resultaten van het onderzoek, waar bijna 3000 mensen aan meededen, zijn gepresenteerd tijdens een conferentie in de staat Nieuw-Zuid-Wales.
Anna zei dat ze was meegenomen in een ruimteschip, waar aliens met haar eicellen buitenaardse hybrides maakten. “Ze hadden hulp nodig voor hun project en kozen mij uit,” zei ze.
De resultaten van het onderzoek werden gepresenteerd door Mary Rodwell van de Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE).
“Mensen zien vreemde vaartuigen in de lucht, zeggen dat ze aan boord van ruimteschepen zijn geweest en dat ze daar informatie hebben gekregen,” zei Rodwell.
Mary Rodwell (Samantha Turnbull)
De onderzoeksresultaten worden binnenkort gepubliceerd in het Journal of Consciousness Studies, meldt nieuwszender ABC.
Overweldigend positief
Rodwell merkte op dat velen in de UFO-gemeenschap buitenaards contact associëren met angst en negativiteit.
“Wij zien juist dat mensen overweldigend positief zijn over hun ervaringen,” zei ze.
“Hun kijk op de materialistische wereld verandert, ze voelen meer empathie voor de planeet en zichzelf, en ze veranderen op manieren die veel mensen niet kunnen begrijpen,” voegde ze toe.
De verhalen van de mensen hebben Rodwell ervan overtuigd dat er leven buiten de aarde is.
Onder de mensen die zeggen dat ze buitenaards contact hebben zijn ook artsen, zusters, maatschappelijk werkers, piloten, beroemdheden en advocaten, aldus Rodwell.
“De ervaringen beïnvloeden hun leven en veranderen hen, dat gebeurt niet na een hallucinatie of fantasie,” zei ze.
Op de conferentie konden mensen hun ervaringen delen in een omgeving waarin ze niet belachelijk werden gemaakt en waarin ze tot de ontdekking kwamen dat ze niet alleen zijn.
4 Of The Creepiest & Coolest Things in Outer Space Today, Jan 2017, UFO Sighting News.
4 Of The Creepiest & Coolest Things in Outer Space Today, Jan 2017, UFO Sighting News.
This video covers a variety of very cool and thought provoking subjects that never get enough attention, but seriously need it. This video explores the universe in ways that make it the next big adventure for humanity in a beautiful attempt at charting the unknown possibilities of existence. Scott C. Waring Video states:
A regular old black hole is creepy enough, as these time-bending regions of space allow nothing to escape from their grasp. The only thing scarier than a supermassive black hole is a bunch of black holes screaming across the galaxy at nine-hundred million miles per hour. If you were to try and imagine what something called the Bootes void might look like, you may have to take yourself off for a quick cold shower. Dark Flow is the name scientists have given to the mysterious force which they have detected beyond the borders of our visible universe. Posted by Strange Mysteries.
Small UFO Produces Giant UFO Twice Over Las Vegas, Nevada On Jan 17, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Small UFO Produces Giant UFO Twice Over Las Vegas, Nevada On Jan 17, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 17, 2017 Location of sighting: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA At 8 min into the video, you will see the real deal. A giant glowing orb at the mountain side flashes, then a small UFO shoots out. twenty seconds later, the little UFO flashes and leaves behind a larger glowing UFO holding position in the sky, but then the big one suddenly disappears or cloaks. Amazing footage near Nellis AFB, where behind the old firing range sits the entrance to the Tall White alien base that the UFAF allows to exist there and protects its privacy at the same time. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states:
I shot this video from my backyard in the Summerlin area of Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of January 17, 2017. The only way to tell how unnatural some of the moves are in this video is to speed it up. I saw two orange lights very high in the northern sky but by the time I was getting ready to film them they disappeared. I scanned the sky lower using the night vision camera because I couldn't see these objects visually. Once I saw them I followed them not knowing for sure if they were UFOs. I'm glad I did because as your watching the sped up version one of the objects make an impossible move. Of course, I am showing both the faster and actual speed versions. I have to do that sometimes because when the video is playing at actual speed it's really hard to detect some of the incredible directional changes.
Southbound on a lone desert highway, police officer Lonnie Zamora was in pursuit of a speeding car outside the town of Socorro, New Mexico, when he was startled by a loud roar! Seconds later, he saw a large flame rise from the ground and pierce the sky above a remote patch of desert southwest of the highway. Fearing a nearby dynamite shack might have exploded, Zamora let the speeding car go, turned right, and drove down a bumpy gravel road that ran alongside the shack.
Zamora’s cruiser clunked along the rocky road until he came upon a steep hill. Rising from behind the hill was a smokeless fire that glowed in a funnel of blue and orange tinted flames. The hill obscured the origin of the flames, so Zamora attempted to drive up it. His cruiser’s tires slipped and swayed on the loose gravel, but after three attempts, Zamora finally made it to the top.
A shiny object, the size of a sedan, sparkled in the late afternoon sunshine about 150-200 yards from where Zamora was perched on the hilltop. At first glance, he thought it was a car overturned in an arroyo (dry creek bed), but when he drove closer, it appeared to be aluminum in color, not chrome, and oval-shaped like a football.
Zamora drove toward the object, along the hill’s crest, for about 50 feet and then stopped the car. He radioed back to the sheriff’s office that he would be busy checking on a wreck “down in the arroyo,” and then he descended on foot down the hill toward the object.
Roooaaarrr! Zamora was startled again by a very loud rumble, not exactly like a blast but also not steady like a jet engine. It started at a low frequency, with the pitch slowly rising. The flame appeared to be coming from the underside of the object, glowing light blue on top and orange at the bottom. Zamora panicked, afraid the object was about to blow.
He ran to take cover but turned back to look at the object as he fled. He noticed a red symbol on the side, shaped like a point that was about 2 inches high and 2 inches wide. The object was smooth, a shiny white aluminum, with no visible windows or doors. There appeared to be two metal legs, slanted outward, supporting it.
Zamora sprinted to his car, hit his leg on the fender, and crashed to the ground. He got up, ran another 25 feet or so, and when he looked back again, he saw the object begin to rise.
It rose to the level of the car, then higher, about 20 to 25 feet in the air.
Zamora ran another 50 feet from his car, just over the edge of the hill, and ducked. Kneeling as close to the ground as he could, he covered his face with his arms for protection. Suddenly, the roar stopped. In the uneasy silence, Zamora lifted his head and looked.
The object sped away from him, toward the southwest, appearing to go in a straight line at about 10-15 feet off the ground. It cleared the eight foot tall dynamite shack by about three feet and then continued in a southwesterly direction, until it went over the high desert mountains and disappeared...
Hector Quintanilla, the last chief officer of the US Air Force’s famous UFO investigation program, Project BLUE BOOK, was in charge of the Zamora case. His team was convinced that Zamora was telling the truth, and despite an extremely thorough investigation, they were unable to locate the object or its origins. In an article for Studies in Intelligence called, “The Investigation of UFO’s,” Quintanilla says that the Zamora sighting is “the best-documented case on record.” It remains unsolved.
Project BLUE BOOK was based at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio. Between 1947 and 1969, the Air Force recorded 12,618 sightings of strange phenomena — 701 of which remain "unidentified" like the Zamora case. Although the CIA was not directly affiliated with Project BLUE BOOK, the Agency did play a large role in investigating UFOs in the late 1940s and early 1950s, which led to the creation of several studies, panels, and programs. Former CIA Chief Historian, Gerald K. Haines, wrote an in-depth article looking at the Agency’s role in studying the UFO phenomenon for Studies in Intelligence. In his article, “CIA’s Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90,” Haines says that “while the Agency’s concern over UFOs was substantial until the early 1950s, CIA has since paid only limited and peripheral attention to the phenomena.”
With over 20 years of investigations, from the late 1940s until Project BLUE BOOK’s termination in 1969, the CIA and USAF have learned a thing or two about how to investigate a UFO sighting. While most government officials and scientists now dismiss flying saucer reports as a quaint relic of the 1950s and 1960s, there’s still a lot that can be learned from the history and methodology of “flying saucer intelligence.”
10 Tips When Investigating a Flying Saucer:
1. Establish a Group To Investigate and Evaluate Sightings
Before December 1947, there was no specific organization tasked with the responsibility for investigating and evaluating UFO sightings. There were no standards on how to evaluate reports coming in, nor were there any measurable data points or results from controlled experiment for comparison against reported sightings.
To end the confusion, head of the Air Force Technical Service Command, General Nathan Twining, established Project SIGN (initially named Project SAUCER) in 1948 to collect, collate, evaluate, and distribute within the government all information relating to such sightings, on the premise that UFOs might be real (although not necessarily extraterrestrial) and of national security concern. Project SIGN eventually gave way to Project GRUDGE, which finally turned into Project BLUE BOOK in 1952.
2. Determine the Objectives of Your Investigation
The CIA’s concern over UFOs was substantial until the early 1950s because of the potential threat to national security from these unidentified flying objects. Most officials did not believe the sightings were extraterrestrial in origin; they were instead concerned the UFOs might be new Soviet weapons.
The Project BLUE BOOK team, according to Quintanilla, defined three main objectives for their investigations:
To determine if UFO phenomena present a threat to the security of the US;
To determine if UFO phenomena exhibit any technological advances which could be channeled into US research and development; and
To explain or identify the stimuli which caused the observer to report a UFO.
Although BLUE BOOK, like previous investigative projects on the topic, did not rule out the possibility of extraterrestrial phenomena, their research and investigations focused primarily on national security implications, especially possible Soviet technological advancements.
3. Consult With Experts
Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, various projects, panels, and other studies were led or sponsored by the US government to research the UFO phenomenon. This includes the CIA-sponsored 1953 Scientific Advisory Panel on Unidentified Flying Objects, also known as the “Robertson Panel.” It was named after the noted physicist H.P. Robertson from the California Institute of Technology, who helped put together the distinguished panel of nonmilitary scientists to study the UFO issue.
Project BLUE BOOK also frequently consulted with outside experts, including: astrophysicists, Federal Aviation officials, pilots, the US Weather Bureau, local weather stations, academics, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, NASA, Kodak (for photo analysis), and various laboratories (for physical specimens). Even the famous astronomer Carl Sagan took part in a panel to review Project BLUE BOOK’s findings in the mid-1960s. The report from that panel concluded that “no UFO case which represented technological or scientific advances outside of a terrestrial framework” had been found, but the committee did recommend that UFOs be studied intensively to settle the issue once and for all.
4. Create a Reporting System To Organize Incoming Cases
The US Air Force’s Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) developed questionnaires to be used when taking reports of possible UFO sightings, which were used throughout the duration of Project BLUE BOOK. The forms were used to provide the investigators enough information to determine what the unknown phenomenon most likely was. The duration of the sighting, the date, time, location, or position in the sky, weather conditions, and the manner of appearance or disappearance are essential clues for investigators evaluating reported UFO sightings.
Project BLUE BOOK categorized sightings according to what the team suspected they were attributable to: Astronomical (including bright stars, planets, comets, fireballs, meteors, and auroral streamers); Aircraft (propeller aircraft, jet aircraft, refueling missions, photo aircraft, advertising aircraft, helicopters); Balloons; Satellites; Other (including missiles, reflections, mirages, searchlights, birds, kites, spurious radar indications, hoaxes, fireworks, and flares); Insufficient Data; and finally, Unidentified.
According to Quintanilla, “a sighting is considered unidentified when a report apparently contains all the data necessary to suggest a valid hypothesis, but its description cannot be correlated with any known object or phenomenon.”
5. Eliminate False Positives
Eliminate each of the known and probable causes of UFO sightings, leaving a small portion of “unexplained” cases to focus on. By ruling out common explanations, investigators can focus on the truly mysterious cases.
Some common explanations for UFO sightings discovered by early investigations included: misidentified aircrafts (the U-2, A-12, and SR-71 flights accounted for more than half of all UFO reports from the late 1950s and most of the 1960s); celestial events; mass hysteria and hallucination; “war hysteria;” “midsummer madness;” hoaxes; publicity stunts; and the misinterpretation of known objects.
Even history can shed some light. An interesting citation found by the 1953 Robertson Panel noted that some sightings had been attributed to an older phenomenon – “Foo Fighters” – that pre-dated the modern concept of UFOs: “These were unexplained phenomena sighted by aircraft pilots during World War II in both European and Far East theaters of operation wherein ‘balls of light’ would fly near or with the aircraft and maneuver rapidly. They were believed to be electrostatic (similar to St. Elmo’s fire) or electromagnetic phenomena… but their exact cause or nature was never defined. If the term ‘flying saucers’ had been popular in 1943-1945, these objects would have been so labeled.”
6. Develop Methodology To Identify Common Aircraft and Other Aerial Phenomena Often Mistaken for UFOs
Because of the significant likelihood a common (or secret military) aircraft could be mistaken for a UFO, it’s important to know the characteristics of different types of aircraft and aerial phenomenon to evaluate against each sighting. To help investigators go through the troves of reports coming in, Project BLUE BOOK developed a methodology to determine if the UFO sighting could likely be attributable to a known aircraft or aerial phenomenon. They wrote up detailed descriptions characterizing each type of aircraft or astronomical phenomenon, including how it might be mistaken for a UFO, to help investigators evaluate the incoming reports.
7. Examine Witness Documentation
Any photographs, videos, or audio recordings can be immensely helpful in evaluating a reported UFOsighting.
A famous case examined by the Robertson Panel was the “Tremonton, Utah Sighting” of 1952, where a couple and two children traveling cross-country on State Highway 30 outside of Tremonton saw what appeared to be 10-12 bright shining objects moving westward in the sky in a rough formation. The husband was able to capture some of the objects on film.
The case was considered significant because of the “excellent documentary evidence in the form of Kodachrome motion picture films (about 1600 frames).” The Panel examined the film, case history, ATIC’s interpretation, and received a briefing from representatives of the USN Photo Interpretation Laboratory on their analysis of the film. The laboratory believed the objects were not birds, balloons, aircraft, or reflections, and therefore had to be “self-luminous.” The panel disagreed with the assessment that the objects were self-luminous, believing that if a controlled experiment was conducted, a terrestrial explanation for the sighting would be confirmed.
8. Conduct Controlled Experiments
As suggested by the Robertson Panel for investigating the Tremonton, Utah sighting (mentioned in tip #7), controlled experiments might be required to try and replicate the unknown phenomena. In the Tremonton case, the Panel suggested an experiment where scientists would photograph “pillow balloons” at different distances under similar weather conditions at the site. They believed such an experiment could help dispel the “self-luminous” theory about the objects in the film. Unfortunately, in this case, the cost of conducting such an experiment made the idea unfeasible.
9. Gather and Test Physical and Forensic Evidence
In the Zamora case (from the introduction), Quintanilla contends that during the course of the investigation and immediately thereafter, “everything that was humanly possible to verify was checked.” This included bringing in Geiger counters from Kirtland Air Force Base to test for radiation in the landing area and sending soil samples to the Air Force Materials Laboratory. “The soil analysis disclosed no foreign material. Radiation was normal for the ‘tracks’ and surrounding area. Laboratory analysis of the burned brush showed no chemicals that could have been propellant residue,” according to Quintanilla. “The findings were all together negative.” No known explanation could be found for the mysterious event.
10. Discourage False Reporting
The Robertson Panel found that the Air Force had “instituted a fine channel for receiving reports of nearly anything anyone sees in the sky and fails to understand.” This is a classic example of needing to separate the “signal from the noise.” If you have too many false or junk reports, it becomes increasingly difficult to find the few good ones worthy of investigation or attention.
The CIA in the early 1950s was concerned that because of the tense Cold War situation and increased Soviet capabilities, the Soviets could use UFO reports to ignite mass panic and hysteria. Even worse, the Soviets could use UFO sightings to overload the US air warning system so that it could not distinguish real targets from supposed UFOs.
In order to lessen the amount of false-positive reports, the Robertson Panel suggested educating the military, researchers, and even the public on how to identify objects or phenomena commonly mistaken for UFOs. For example, they recommended training enlisted, command, and research personnel on how to properly recognize unusually illuminated objects (like balloons or aircraft reflections), as well as natural phenomena (such as meteors, fireballs, mirages, or noctilucent “night” clouds). By knowing how to correctly recognize objects that were commonly mistaken for UFOs, investigators could quickly eliminate false reports and focus on identifying those sightings which remained unexplained.
Mysterious-looking light pillars have appeared in the night sky above Canada
What's causing the phenomenon?
Images of incredible beams of light that appear to burst into space in Ontario, Canada, have gone viral this week, with people comparing them to something out of Star Trek or Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
To be fair, the phenomenon does look pretty alien. But, don't panic, there's a scientific explanation here.
The images were captured in North Bay, Ontario, by photographer and YouTuber Timmy Joe Elzinga, who initially freaked out when he spotted them out of his bathroom window in the middle of the night.
Elzinga was woken up on the early morning of January 6 by his son, when he saw this crazy light show going on, which he described as "beams of light flashing in the sky". The temperature at the time was around –18 degrees Celsius (–0.4 degrees Fahrenheit).
"I was freaking out, my wife came and took a look at it but I had to investigate further," Elzinga told ScienceAlert.
"I opened the bathroom window and even took the screen out so I could get those images. It was really cold. I thought they were the Northern Lights at first but I quickly realised this was something a lot more localised to my area," he added.
"The beams seemed to be coming from the ground in a lot of spots."
So what's going on?
The lights are actually a pretty common atmospheric phenomenon called light pillars. Although they look a lot like aurora, they're not related to the Northern Lights, which are caused by electrically charged particles from space exciting atoms in Earth's upper atmosphere, causing them to release spectacular light.
Instead, light pillars occur in freezing temperatures when flat, hexagonal ice crystals form lower in the atmosphere than they usually would.
When this happens, the crystals essentially form a collective, giant mirror, that can reflect a light source - such as city and car lights, which is what's happening here.
That sounds a little counterintuitive, because it looks like these pillars are beaming up to the sky. But in reality the opposite is happening - light travelling into space is being reflected back down to Earth, creating the illusion of a pillar.
Impressively, Elzinga was even able to capture some footage of the incredible light pillars.
Light pillars are an optical phenomenon that belongs to the halo family, because it's caused by the interaction of light with ice crystals. Other examples are sun dogs and halos - a halo photographed over the Himalayas is shown below:
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Vietnam vet claims UFOs and US military were in contact during conflict...and STILL are
Vietnam vet claims UFOs and US military were in contact during conflict...and STILL are
A SENIOR Vietnam vet who claims to have seen several UFOs during his service says there were several confrontations between alien spacecraft and the military during the conflict.
A huge "mothership" George Filer claims to have photographed over Stonehenge
George Filer explains that he was a former Air Force Intelligence Officer required by US authorities to record sightings and information on UFO activity during the 1960s and 70s.
He is the latest in a number of ex-military and NASA veterans to come forward with stories of UFO and alien encounters.
Mr Filer claims while stationed in Vietnam during the War he had “top secret clearance” and gave daily reports to General George S Brown, the deputy commander for air operations during the conflict
Initially his reports consisted of strategic intelligence, but the retired officer claims it often resulted in him logging strange sightings of alien craft and contact between them and US troops and airplanes.
He told the Huffington Post: "The military was interested in UFOs because they had capabilities far above anything that we had, and they wanted to find out what the technology was and, frankly, who they belonged to.
“Frequently, the Vietcong or North Vietnamese would be attacking an outpost and I would explain that (to Brown), and we would have ground-air support, particularly at night where we’d go in there with these gun ships, and I would give briefings on all of that. Some of the time, there would be unidentified craft over the demilitarised zone.”
Mr Filer insists his experience and reports from other military personal went beyond just distant UFO sightings and there were unidentified craft "engaging" with US jets.
Major George Filer as young US Air Force pilot around time of first UFO sighting in Vietnam
The KB-50J fuel tanker aircraft George Filer III was flying in UK in 1962 when mothership seen
You’d have an aircraft flying along, doing around 500 knots and a UFO comes alongside and does some barrel rolls around the aircraft and then flies off at three times the speed of one of the fastest jets we have in the Air Force
George Fiver, former US intelligence officer based in Vietnam
He added: "You’d have an aircraft flying along, doing around 500 knots and a UFO comes alongside and does some barrel rolls around the aircraft and then flies off at three times the speed of one of the fastest jets we have in the Air Force. So, obviously, it has a technology far in advance of anything we have."
He claimed much of it was reported to him unofficially as someone expressing "too much interest" could have ruined their career.
Mr Filer claims the sightings continue today with veterans of the most recent war in Afghanistan also reporting sightings to him through his UFO research website.
He claims, in another reported 1968 Vietnam UFO encounter, an American patrol boat radioed in that they were being followed by “two glowing circular” UFOs as the boat made its way through the demilitarised zone between North and South Vietnam.
A second patrol boat then saw a flash, followed by an explosion that reportedly destroyed the boat that had initially reported the UFOs stalking them, he insisted.
A recent picture of George Filer taken from a recent video of him on the UFO seminar circuit
The UFO buff, who runs, also tells of a notable incident over the UK when he was navigator on a refuelling tanker in 1962, came face to face with a massive unidentified object.
He described being in the North Sea when London Control asked if his crew would intercept an unidentified object over Stonehenge.
Mr Filer reported “seeing lights around it, outlining the shape of a cylinder, like a cruise ship,” before it "rapidly ascended and disappeared."
Last month Clark C McClelland, who says he worked with NASA as an aerospace engineer for 35 years from 1958 to 1992, maintained he had a number of sightings including allegedly seeing a nine-foot tall alien in a space suit interacting with two NASA astronauts on the Space Shuttle while he observed the mission from the Kennedy Space Centre in Cape Canaveral, Florida, in 1991.
He also told how he lost his pension and was living on welfare following his disclosures also made on his own website
Major George Filer was an Air Force Intelligence Officer who not only had an extraordinary encounter with a massive UFO on radar over the United Kingdom but later, in the 1970s while he was at McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey, found out that an extraterrestrial biological entity had been shot at Fort Dix.
A Canadian witness at Estey’s Bridge reported watching and videotaping a stationary light in the sky emitting a “growling noise” that quickly moved away, according to testimony in Case 81127 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
Cropped and enlarged still frame from witness video.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness was letting her dogs out into the backyard when the incident began at 5:10 p.m. on December 23, 2016.
“I heard a growling noise in the sky, so I looked up as I was thinking to myself that this is was an unusual sound,” the witness stated.
Cropped and enlarged still frame from witness video.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness first thought that an object was crashing to the ground.
“But as I observed it for a few more minutes, it stayed stationary, then it went side-to-side.”
The witness called out to her husband and asked him to bring a camera outside.
Cropped and enlarged still frame from witness video.
(Credit: MUFON)
“He watched it for a bit and said that the camera wouldn’t pick it up. It’s probably a plane, he says. I said, does a plane stay in one place, and then it started shifting back toward us, so he went in the house and retrieved the camera phone. What I got on camera is not what I envisioned, but at least it was something. It really was an amazing view at the beginning, which of course I do not have on camera, because you are kind of bewildered at the start trying to decipher what you are seeing. The video definitely shows my excitement, but it also shows it fleeing toward the horizon.”
Cropped and enlarged still frame from witness video.
(Credit: MUFON)
Estey’s Bridge is in York County, New Brunswick. MUFON New Brunswick Provincial Director Wade Melanson is investigating. Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
Since its release on The Huffington Post on January 5, a video taken from a Chilean Navy helicopter of an unidentified object has gone viral, with almost two million views. (Please see my previous story for necessary background.) I reported on the Chilean government CEFAA’s conclusion, based on the collective opinion of its many committee members, that the object was a UAP and could not have been an airplane. Since then, this has come into question, and has raised doubts in some people’s minds.
It is now becoming clear that this possibility is a legitimate one, and needs to be explored further. Scrutiny and debate are always a good thing, of course. But putting any conclusions about the case aside, my colleagues and I would like to suggest that a more scientific and respectful approach be taken than what we have seen so far, if further investigations are to be undertaken.
And, a note on the images included here: They are not to be reproduced anywhere without permission. The videos and photos from my previous story were taken and spread wildly around the internet. Also, many news outlets and blogs re-phrased the article or simply copied it outright, as if it were theirs, without giving credit to its source. This time, I am stating up front that these images belong to CEFAA and reproduction is strictly prohibited. Anyone is free to link to any story I write for TheHuffington Post, but please do not steal its content!
A plume formed to the right of the object, at the end of the video. Could this be a plane? The CEFAA ruled out that possibility, but some critics are not convinced.
Since this widely distributed story broke, people using social media and blogs have taken it upon themselves to solve this case in a matter of days, and with minimal information. These platforms have presented arguments without properly developing them, and in some cases people with prior agendas have made derogatory, sometimes inaccurate statements that do not facilitate cooperative relationships between CEFAA and those seriously interested in the case.
The French IPACO study of 2015 made a start in the right direction, and it is vitally important that France and Chile, the only two governments with official UAP offices, work together. But this report is preliminary and may not have included all the data; for instance, it did not use the correct camera in its analysis. The French analysts did not have the radar at this time either, as far as I understand it.
The French conclusion, which CEFAA and its committee did not accept, stated that the object was a medium-haul plane coming in for a landing and dumping water. Dumping of any kind requires permission from ground control which directs the plane to a specific zone for this purpose, from where the pilot must report the start and finish of the operation. The IPACO study was not nearly enough to settle this case, and shows that further study would be beneficial.
Robert Powell, one of two authors of the radar/witness report on the 2008 Stephenville Lights case and the head of MUFON’s Science Review Board, contacted me right after the story broke, with a genuine interest in the case. As a member of The Scientific Coalition of Scientists for UFOlogy (SCU), a think tank of scientists and researchers, Powell co-authored the outstanding, detailed report on the 2013 Aguadilla Puerto Rico UAP video from the Department of Homeland Security, also captured with a FLIR camera on an aircraft shooting in infra red. He is more than qualified to study this case.
With CEFAA’s permission, I provided him with the radar tracking data. Powell verified that the time shown on the camera matches the time on the radar exactly, by synchronizing them while looking at the longitude and altitude of the helicopter. This timing is very precise, and it doesn’t allow wiggle room for data that may come close but doesn’t fit. Let me share with you some interesting steps he took.
The location of the object in two stills from the video, as the helicopter moved up along the coast towards it.
Powell could tell from the radar that if the object were an airplane, the most likely candidate would be Flight IB6830, an Iberia Airlines four-engined A340, which has been discussed on the internet.
To examine this hypothesis, Powell noted the angle of the camera in relation to the helicopter, as indicated on the bottom of the video. According to the data there, it averages about nine degrees, pointing N/NE. This means the camera is pointing almost straight ahead, but is aimed about 9 degrees to the right of the helicopter. (I was in error when I wrote that the object was to the left of the plane and over the water in my previous story.) This angle determines the camera’s line of sight from the helicopter outwards. Any aircraft which was further East than the nine degree angle of the camera could not be captured in its viewfinder.
Powell then took various radar images which showed both the helicopter and IB6830, and measured the camera angle from the chopper with a protractor, marking it on the image. He then measured the angle of IB6830 in relation to the chopper. He discovered that IB6830 appeared to be at too wide an angle - too far to the east - to have been captured by the camera.
For example, the object first appears at 13:52:38 military time, as shown on the video. At this time on the radar (16:52:38 local time), one can measure that the angle of IB6830 to the chopper is 18 degrees. This means it is about nine degrees too far away to register in the viewfinder of the camera. Other frames on the radar indicate the same approximate angle.
Radar at 13:52:38 military time. The Cougar helicopter is designated by the green arrow, in a green circle, and flight IB6830 with the red arrow. The apparent angle of the camera relative to the Cougar prohibits the viewing of IB6830, which is too far to the right.
The Cougar and IB6830 when the plume first appeared, at 14:00:09 (17:00:18 on the radar).
Then, Rob Jeffs, a UK programmer with an interest in recorded radar data and how it relates to UAP, made some discoveries from the radar tracking images which challenge this simple, preliminary finding.
The plot of the chopper’s flight path is clearly shown on the radar, and it can be plotted using the altitude and longitude given on the video. The French IPACO flight path diagram in my previous article matches that on the radar.
Jeffs took images of the landscape from the video, like those shown above, and found a reference point on the coastline to approximate the absolute bearing of the camera at that time. Then on a map from google earth, he was able to align the chopper with IB6830 - which can be plotted based on the radar data - and see what the angle was between them. In doing so, Jeffs found an error in the azimuth reported by the video camera of about 7 degrees as compared to what he found using this approach.
When he added this “error” to the direction of the Cougar and plotted this against the flight path of IB6830, the path of IB6830 and the camera viewfinder align. In other words, if you add 7 degrees to what we thought the camera angle was, based from the data on the video, it looks like flight IB6830 is the object.
Above: Absolute magnetic bearing of the Cougar (red) with a correction of 7 degrees as compared to that of IB6830 (blue). Ignore the first point on the graph, as the object was not in view. It appears that the camera was not centered on the Cougar’s nose (azimuth of zero), but was offset by about 7 degrees, (inferred from an analysis of the video images of the coastline combined with radar data images).
On Google Earth, it can be determined that the helicopter is flying on a course of 17.4 degrees to true north. To round it off, let’s say the camera azimuth shows a bearing of ten degrees rather than nine. We would add this onto the helicopter’s bearing (of 17.4) to get a total bearing of 27.4 It turns out that IB6830 is another 7 degrees (on average) on top of that, at 34.3 degrees.
The values are consistent along the pathways, just like they were for Powell. What are the chances that a plane could share the same path as the object, except for a 7 degree difference from how it was registered on the camera but not when plotted on google earth, and not be the object?
But does it make any sense that the camera’s measurement of it’s angle was off by 7 degrees? Perhaps it had not been set to zero at the beginning. Or, maybe there is a defect in the system. In fact, during the video, the camera’s internal compass was not working or was turned off - it’s not showing the cameras movement in relation to true north, as it should. And, nowhere is the helicopter’s bearing of 17.4 degrees shown, as it should be. So, one possibility is that all the camera functions were not turned on. Was it a new camera that had not been put to full use yet? We don’t know the answer.
Jeffs also provided the following image and caption:
At 13:52:38, IB6830 is turning hard to starboard, to head north and probably banking. Distance from Cougar: 38 nautical miles
Many intriguing questions remain, calling any conclusion at this point into question. The Navy crew said the visibility from the Cougar was 30 nautical miles. Since the IB6830 was farther from that during much of the video, how could the camera have recorded it? And it is hard to imagine that the experienced pilot would not recognize an airplane.
If the camera was recording IB6830, why did it not record other planes that went across its path during those ten minutes? Why didn’t the on-board radar pick up the plane at any point? And, when IB6830 made a loop (visible in the radar images) after being spotted by the camera, why didn’t the camera have to change angles radically in order to follow it?
Work on the case has been developing and changing every day. It is time for me to bow out and leave this to the experts to sort out. I am not qualified to conduct any studies myself, but only to report on further findings when they become available.
So from here on out, I hope that those who wish to contribute to the further understanding of this case will present their findings in papers that can be studied properly, rather than in quick, superficial examinations on blogs or by issuing uninformed and disrespectful opinions on social media. We all have to step back for a while, because proper investigations take a long time.
And what about CEFAA? The staff there do not spend time putting together long reports after conducting an investigation, because this is not something that is needed for the work they do. They collect the data and rely on committee members from many disciplines to provide their views, which usually takes a long time. Much of the work is done during discussions at lengthy meetings. At the end, they simply move on. The agency is not a research organization. It is not mandated to provide reports for UFO investigators in other countries, nor does it have the time or interest to do so.
“Concerning our studied cases, we at CEFAA respect every opinion issued either by individuals or organizations as long as they are made in good faith and with serious knowledge to back them up,” Jose Lay, interim director of CEFAA, told me in a January 17 email.
Actually, I believe that the resolution of this video is of secondary importance. What’s more significant is the fact that, in Chile, a government agency investigates reports of UAP. It is setting an example for the rest of the world. There are already so many strong cases for which conventional explanations can be ruled out, but this has not solved the UFO problem. One more such case is not as newsworthy as the existence of the CEFAA, functioning in a country where the military, aviation, and scientific communities take this subject seriously and are open about it. That is the most important message I always attempt to provide here in America, whenever I write about CEFAA’s work.
“I commend the Chilean military for making the video and radar public,” says Powell. “I had no success in getting such data from the American military while investigating Stephenville, and we are supposed to be a free country.” We must not forget the importance of what CEFAA is doing, regardless of the outcome of any specific case.
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Georgia witness describes UFO chased by military helicopter
Georgia witness describes UFO chased by military helicopter
A Georgia witness at Cumming reported watching a low flying military helicopter apparently chasing a “tubular-shaped, glowing white object,” according to testimony in Case 81841 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was outside on a back patio sitting in a hot tub at 7:22 p.m. on December 2, 2016, when the incident occurred.
“I was facing south towards the back of my house,” the witness stated.“I heard the faint chop, chop, chop of a helicopter and just a few seconds after I heard the first ‘chop’ I saw a red light (I assume it was a running light from the helicopter) in the sky emerge heading southwest.”
Illustration of the sighting area.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness stated that this is a fairly common occurrence as news and traffic choppers are common in this area.
“The chopper proceeded south for approximately 30 seconds. I didn’t give it another thought and went back to enjoying the tub. Within another 30 seconds, I started hearing the chopper again, but this time (even over the noise of the 6 HP tub jets) it was getting considerably louder. I leaned up and looked towards the sound and the red light was coming back towards my way on a north-northeast heading and moving fast, very fast.”
The sound reached levels that the witness had never heard before.
“At this point the rotor chop was getting so incredibly loud, I reached over and turned the tub jets off because I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and now feeling in my chest. The chop was so powerful that I then realized this has to be a military chopper. I couldn’t see the chopper itself yet, but I could see its red running light (the only light visible) as it approached.”
The witness could clearly see what the military helicopter was chasing. Pictured: Cumming, GA.
(Credit: Google)
A few seconds later, the chopper passed right in front of the witness just above treetop height.
“When it passed by, the chopper was completely black as in there were no lights emanating from the cabin, just the red running light. This is where it gets interesting. Just in front of the chopper, about 50 to 70 feet, was a tubular-shaped, glowing white object silently screaming by. I know it made no discernible noise simply because the chopper thump, thump, thump is intermittent. If this was a jet or a missile going that fast, I feel very confident it would have made a loud jet engine or rocket sound. It was silent.”
The witness felt compelled to report the sighting to MUFON.
“1. It was an extremely fast and powerful military-style chopper. 2. It was flying way below legal altitude (just above treetops). 3. It was obvious to me that the chopper was chasing something due to its very fast and erratic flight path. 4. Right as it passed in front of my line of sight, I saw what it was chasing as described above. 5. When the chopper abruptly changed course, it was now coming towards me and did not have a white light coming out of the front of it. 6. And finally, because this all happened over a residential area.
Cumming, GA, is about 40 miles northeast of Marietta.
(Credit: Google)
Cumming is a city in Forsyth County, Georgia, population 5,430. Georgia Field Investigator Sandra Johnston and State Director Ralph Howard closed this case as an Unknown.
“After discussing different possibilities with the witness, it seems unlikely the lights seen on December 2 could have been aircraft, a satellite, a balloon, meteorites or any other natural known phenomenon,” Johnston and Howard stated in their report.“We also discussed drones, but concluded the object was moving too fast and the shape was not drone-like in appearance.”
Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
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On the 16th of January 2017 a UFO was hit by a lightning strike during a heavy thunderstorm in a mountain valley in France. The moment the lightning bolt hits the object, a smoke trail is visible. After the impact the UFO stays on course for some time untill the propulsion stops and the object starts a crash dive behind some mountains.
The video clearly shows the moment of impact and the fact that it stays on it's trajectory for some time. If it would have been a bird, this would not have happened.
The lightning bolt holds 120.00 amperes/350 coulombs of electric charge/500 megajoules of energy. If it would have been a drone, it would have fallen from the sky immediatelly after the moment of impact.
After the events there was no wreckage to be found in the area. Could it be that the UFO somehow continued it's journey? Could it be that lightning is one of their weak spots?
This article (UFO hit by lightning during thunderstorm - Moment of impact and crash filmed - France 2017) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with full attribution and a link to the original source on
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CIA releases 13m pages of declassified documents online
CIA releases 13m pages of declassified documents online
Image copyrightSCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARYImage captionThe documents include records of UFO sightings
About 13 million pages of declassified documents from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have been released online.
The records include UFO sightings and psychic experiments from the Stargate programme, which has long been of interest to conspiracy theorists.
The move came after lengthy efforts from freedom of information advocates and a lawsuit against the CIA.
The full archive is made up of almost 800,000 files.
They had previously only been accessible at the National Archives in Maryland.
The trove includes the papers of Henry Kissinger, who served as secretary of state under presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, as well as several hundred thousand pages of intelligence analysis and science research and development.
Among the more unusual records are documents from the Stargate Project, which dealt with psychic powers and extrasensory perception.
Those include records of testing on celebrity psychic Uri Geller in 1973, when he was already a well-established performer.
Memos detail how Mr Geller was able to partly replicate pictures drawn in another room with varying - but sometimes precise - accuracy, leading the researchers to write that he "demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner".
Image copyrightCIAImage captionOne set of documents details results of psychic tests on Uri Geller, where he attempted to copy drawings made by researchers from within a sealed room
Other unusual records include a collection of reports on flying saucers, and the recipes for invisible ink.
While much of the information has been technically publicly available since the mid-1990s, it has been very difficult to access.
The records were only available on four physical computers located in the back of a library at the National Archives in Maryland, between 09:00 and 16:30 each day.
Image copyrightCIAImage captionRecipes for invisible ink
At the same time, journalist Mike Best crowd-funded more than $15,000 to visit the archives to print out and then publicly upload the records, one by one, to apply pressure to the CIA.
"By printing out and scanning the documents at CIA expense, I was able to begin making them freely available to the public and to give the agency a financial incentive to simply put the database online," Best wrote in a blog post.
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La CIA publie 13 millions de pages de documents déclassifiés en ligne.
La CIA publie 13 millions de pages de documents déclassifiés en ligne.
crédit image:
Article source : Traduction Era pour
Publication de la BBC -Le 18 Janvier 2017
Environ 13 millions de pages de documents déclassifiés de la CIA ont été publiées en ligne.
Les rapports incluent des observations d’OVNI et des expériences psychiques du programme Stargate, qui a longtemps intéressé les théoriciens de la conspiration.
De longs efforts amorcés par les avocats des défenseurs de la liberté de l’information, qui ont intenté un procès contre la CIA, ont abouti à ce résultat.
L’archive complète est composée de près de 800 000 fichiers.
Auparavant, ils n’étaient accessibles qu’aux Archives nationales du Maryland.
Le précieux dossier comprend les papiers de Henry Kissinger, qui a occupé les fonctions de secrétaire d’état sous les présidents Richard Nixon et Gerald Ford, ainsi que plusieurs centaines de milliers de pages d’analyse de renseignement et de recherche scientifique et de développement.
Parmi les dossiers les plus inhabituels figurent les documents du Projet Stargate, qui traite des pouvoirs psychiques et de la perception extrasensorielle.
Ceux-ci incluent des dossiers d’essais du célèbre médium Uri Geller en 1973, lorsqu’ il était déjà un artiste reconnu.
Les notes détaillent comment M. Geller a réussi à reproduire en partie des images dessinées dans une autre pièce avec une précision variable, mais parfois précise, ce qui amène les chercheurs à écrire qu’il «a démontré sa capacité perceptive paranormale de manière convaincante et sans ambiguïté».
JFK et la montée des théories du complot:
D’autres dossiers inhabituels comprennent une collection de rapports sur les soucoupes volantes, et les recettes pour l’encre invisible.
Bien qu’une grande partie de l’information soit techniquement disponible au public depuis le milieu des années 1990, il a été très difficile d’y accéder.
Les dossiers étaient seulement accessibles sur quatre ordinateurs physiques situés à l’arrière d’une bibliothèque aux Archives nationales dans le Maryland, entre 09:00 et 16:30 chaque jour.
MuckRock,un groupe a but non lucratif pour la liberté d’information, a poursuivi la CIA pour forcer celle ci à télécharger la collection, dans un processus qui a pris plus de deux ans.
Dans le même temps, le journaliste Mike Best a financé plus de 15 000 $ pour consulter les archives et les publier ensuite, une par une, afin de faire pression sur la CIA.
«En imprimant et en numérisant les documents aux frais de la CIA, j’ai pu commencer à les mettre librement à la disposition du public et à donner à l’agence un incitatif financier pour simplement mettre la base de données en ligne», a écrit Best dans un billet sur son blog.
En novembre, la CIA a annoncé qu’elle publierait la matière, et toute l’archive CREST déclassifiée qui est maintenant disponible sur le site Web de la bibliothèque de la CIA.
The CIA published a trove of declassified documents online for the first time this week — including reports from as far back as the 1940s on topics like the Cold War, thousands of pages of daily briefings from two presidential administrations and eerie, unexplained UFO sightings.
Roughly 930,000 documents – more than 12 million pages in all – were posted Tuesday to the spy agency’s Reading Room, a searchable database of the documents that was previously only available to the public at the National Archives in College Park, Md.
“Do UFOs fascinate you?” the site reads. “Are you a history buff who wants to learn more about the Bay of Pigs, Vietnam or the A-12 Oxcart? Have stories about spies always fascinated you?”
Users who enter “UFO” into the database can find more than 1,738 results, with publication dates spanning from 1942 through 2009. One document, originally published on Aug. 3, 1966, detailed an “unusual phenomenon” on the horizon near the border between Iran and USSR.
“We suddenly observed a brilliant white sphere approximating the coloration and intensity of [a] full bright moon,” the document reads. “The sphere appeared suddenly and at the first sighting was approximately three times the size of a full moon.”
The sighting lasted for up to five minutes, according to the report.
“Toward the end of this period it became very faint and its enormous size seemed to fill the sky,” it continued. “The base of the sphere appeared to rest on the horizon throughout the period it was observed, indicating that the center of the sphere was rising during the time that it was expanding. The weather conditions were excellent and the unusually clear sky afforded unlimited visibility.”
The CIA had disseminated historical declassified documents to its CIA Records Search Tool (CREST) since 1999, and agency officials said the new searchable documents reflect the CIA’s commitment to increased accessibility.
“Access to this historically significant collection is no longer limited by geography,” Joseph Lambert, the agency’s director of information management, said in a statement. “The American public can access these documents from the comfort of their homes.”
The published documents cover a wide range of other topics, including the early history of the spy agency, the Cold War, Vietnam and the Berlin Tunnel Project, a surveillance program on the Soviet Army Headquarters in Berlin dubbed as one of the most ambitious CIA operations of the 1950s.
There are also documents pertaining to the Korean War and 28,000 pages of declassified presidential daily briefs (PDBs) from the Nixon and Ford president administrations.
“The PDBs contain the highest level of intelligence on the president’s key national security issues and concerns,” according to the CIA’s Electronic Reading Room. “These documents were the primary vehicle for summarizing the day-to-day sensitive intelligence and analysis, as well as late-breaking reports, for the White House.”
The documents also include the unpublished fifth volume of CIA historian Jack Pfeiffer’s history of the Bay of Pigs invasion during April of 1961. Unlike the four earlier versions, the latest draft was not fit for print, according to CIA historians and other reviewers because of “serious shortcomings in scholarship, its polemical tone, and its failure to add significantly to an understanding of the controversy surrounding operation,” according to the document.
The Central Intelligence Agency has published nearly 13 million pages of declassified files online, documents which previously were physically accessible only from four computer terminals at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland.
The record include info on Nazi war crimes, the Cuban Missile Crisis, UFO sightings, human telepathy ("Project Stargate") and much more. The release has been a long time coming: Bill Clinton first ordered all documents at least 25 years old with "historical value" to be declassified in 1995. The agency complied, however anyone who wanted access had to trek all the way to the US National Archives in Washington DC to get a peak.
In 2014, a nonprofit journalism organization called MuckRock filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit pressing the CIA to post all of its documents online, but the agency said it would take up to six years to scan everything according to engadget. At the same time, journalist Mike Best crowd-funded more than $15,000 to visit the archives to print out and then publicly upload the records, one by one, to apply pressure to the CIA. "By printing out and scanning the documents at CIA expense, I was able to begin making them freely available to the public and to give the agency a financial incentive to simply put the database online," Best wrote in a blog post.
"Access to this historically significant collection is no longer limited by geography," said Joseph Lambert, the CIA's information management director in a press release. The agency was aiming to publish the documents by the end of 2017, but finished the work ahead of schedule.
“We’ve been working on this for a very long time and this is one of the things I wanted to make sure got done before I left. Now you can access it from the comfort of your own home,” said outgoing CIA director of information Lambert. The agency continues to review documents for declassification, so the treasure trove has not been unearthed in full, and there’s definitely more to follow.
* * *
The online records, shed light on the agency's activities throughout the Vietnam, Korean and Cold War conflicts; they also includes documents relating to UFO sightings and psychic experiments from the Stargate program, which has long been of interest to conspiracy theorists. The archives also cover events from the 1940s the 1990s (each year, a new batch are declassified) and include details about the flight of war criminals from Nazi Germany, the quarter-mile Berlin tunnel built to tap Soviet telephone lines, internal intelligence bulletins and memos from former CIA directors, UFO reports and more.
The released trove also includes the papers of Henry Kissinger, who served as secretary of state under presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, as well as several hundred thousand pages of intelligence analysis and science research and development.
Among the more unusual records are documents from the Stargate Project, which dealt with psychic powers and extrasensory perception. Those include records of testing on celebrity psychic Uri Geller in 1973, when he was already a well-established performer.
Memos detail how Mr Geller was able to partly replicate pictures drawn in another room with varying - but sometimes precise - accuracy, leading the researchers to write that he "demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner" the BBC reported.
One set of documents details results of psychic tests on Uri Geller, where he attempted to copy drawings made by researchers from within a sealed room.
One of the tests involved drawings. A word was selected at random from a dictionary. The first word selected was “fuse”. A firecracker was then drawn by someone outside the locked room. The picture was then taped to the wall outside Geller’s cell and he was told via intercom the drawing was finished. The CIA documents say: “His almost immediate response was that he saw a ‘cylinder with noise coming out of it’. “His drawing to correspond with it was a drum, along with a number of cylindrical-looking objects.”
The second word chosen was “bunch” and a scientist drew a bunch of grapes. The document states: “Geller’s immediate response was that he saw ‘drops of water coming out of the picture’. “He then talked about ‘purple circles’. “Finally, he said that he was quite sure that he had the picture. His drawing was indeed a bunch of grapes.”
The researchers concluded Uri “demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner”.
* * *
Other unusual records include a collection of reports on flying saucers, and the recipes for invisible ink.
"None of this is cherry-picked," said CIA spokesperson Heather Fritz Horniak, cited by CNN. "It's the full history. It's good and bads."
Nothing in the archive is newly declassified. Although the documents are declassified, redactions do exist throughout the millions of pages. The redactions, which Horniak describes as light, were done to protect sources and methods that could potentially harm national security, she explained.
The archive is massive, and new developments on the CIA's activities throughout its storied history are likely to come out as the millions of pages are reviewed.
So is the online database likely to reveal anything particularly juicy? It is not likely, especially since the documents have likely been extensively scrubbed in advance even though CIA Director of Information Management Joseph Lambert said the agency did one last check through the collection before releasing it, and did not reclassify any more documents.
However, the documents will surely provide hours of inquiry for historians, war buffs, UFO enthusiasts and others. The archives cover events from the 1940s the 1990s. It can be accessed as the following link.
The CIA released nearly 800,000 declassified files on Wednesday. The massive document dump came after two years of battling to keep the information private after the non-profit freedom of information group MuckRock filed a lawsuit demanding the federal agency upload the documents online. The files consisted of 13 million pages, featuring reports on everything from UFO sightings to psychic tests, invisible ink recipes and even intelligence briefings Henry Kissinger received as secretary of state under presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.
The documents also provided insight on the agency’s role during the Vietnam War, Korean War and Cold War conflicts. But dozens of declassified reports making waves online revealed the U.S. government had a deep interest, at least at the time the documents were produced, in revealing whether life on other planets existed, and to what extent that life was capable of traveling to Earth.
The moon shined above a group of people on an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) tour in the desert outside Sedona, Arizona Feb. 14, 2013.Photo:Reuters
The documents also revealed an exhaustive scientific research effort by the United States government into the "Star Gate program," a controversial and long-rumored secret Army unit the Defense Intelligence Agency established in 1978 at Fort Meade, Maryland. The papers included information on flying saucers, as well as research into supernatural forces at the domestic scale.
The government even tested famed psychic Uri Geller in 1973, apparently having the performer draw a series of images a government official was producing in another room at the same time. Researchers wrote Geller "demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner" after successfully replicating a nearly-identical image of the official’s drawings of grapes and the solar system from the other room.
"None of this is cherry-picked," Heather Fritz Horniak, CIA spokesperson, told reporters Wednesday. "It’s the full history. It’s good and bads."
Some documents were likely to give way to a whole host of other questions, including whether the government is spying on its own citizens. One paper even revealed secret methods the government was interested in using for sensitive investigations. The 1978 report, titled "How to open sealed letters," provided a list of options in how to get into someone’s mail without them ever finding out.
Meanwhile, the documents did not provide an answer to whether the government was aware of extraterrestrial life. However, the files certainly indicated the CIA was interested in discovering that answer first. Horniak said the agency was forced to include some slight redactions, noting those were only included to protect certain informants and defend national security.
In Part 1 of this interview with MUFON executive director Jan Harzan, we discussed Harzan’s own UFO encounter as a boy, some well-documented sightings and Roswell, NM, among other things strange. Here, Harzan tackles Area 51, possible reverse engineering of UFOs, History Channel's Hangar 1 television series, famous people who have seen UFOs and more. Again, you and I can agree or disagree with Harzan about his ideas, but they sure are interesting.
Nevada's secretive Area 51 is off-limits to regular folk.
(Courtesy of Wikipedia)
Jim Clash: Your Hangar 1 television series - how did it come about?
Jan Harzan: In 2011, MUFON was approached by TV producer Paul Villadolid with a request to tell the story of what is in the MUFON files. MUFON has over 100,000 cases of UFO reports that need to be shared with the world. This information is vital to our growth as humans and the human race. If we are ever to become a space-faring nation, then the reality of our neighbors visiting us is one that needs to be told. Working with Go Go Luckey productions, Paul and his partner Doug Segal created 20 episodes over two seasons (2014, 2015) of Hangar 1 for the History Channel. These were real cases from the real case files of MUFON and were very well received by the public.
JC: What’s your opinion of Nevada’s Area 51 as it relates to UFOs?
JH: Area 51 is a top-secret airbase for the CIA and military to test super-secret aircraft years ahead of what the general public is aware of. As best we know, there are no UFOs or aliens at Area 51. There is, however, an area just to the south and on the same Tonopah Test Range called S4. Based on insider information, this is where work on extraterrestrial recovered craft takes place. So when the President, or other officials proudly proclaim that there are no UFOs or aliens at Area 51, they may be technically correct because they are at S4. If there is nothing to hide, then we should all be allowed to go there as citizens of the U.S. just like other U.S. military bases, right?
JC: How many UFO sightings are advanced military craft the public knows nothing about?
JH: That’s hard to say. I am certain that at least 5-10%, maybe more, of what is being reported to us could, in fact, be top-secret U.S. aircraft built for the CIA and/or military. There appears to be telltale signs of what is ours and what is theirs (ET). Our craft are very angular looking, with external plumbing, seams and protrusions on the body of the craft. Those of extraterrestrial origin are very smooth and integrated with no seams or rivets showing, and no protrusions. At least that’s our hypothesis based on what we are seeing.
History Channel's TV series "Hangar 1" follows MUFON as it investigates unexplained UFO files.
(Courtesy of MUFON)
JC: Do you think we have reverse-engineered a UFO?
JH: Based on the research I have done, and the people I have talked to, including first-hand witnesses, absolutely yes! It would be one of the highest priorities of the military and intelligence community to get their hands on a flying saucer of extraterrestrial origin. One source that your readers can check is that of Colonel Corso. In his book, “The Day After Roswell” he talks about being in charge of the Foreign Technology Division at the Pentagon and being responsible for getting crashed saucer technology into the hands of the best in industry to figure out exactly what it was made of and how it worked. Another source is Bob Lazar who claims to have worked at S4 near Area 51 on reverse engineering captured ET craft. His story has been checked and rechecked by KLAS-TV news reporter George Knapp and seems to hold together. There are others who have come forward to share their stories, although as one might imagine our intelligence community does its best to attempt to discredit them.
JC: Who are some famous people who've said they have seen UFOs?
JH: Well my two favorites are a President and one of our original seven Mercury astronauts: Jimmy Carter and Gordon Cooper. President Carter had his sighting while governor of Georgia in 1969 at a talk he was giving to the Lion’s Club. He and a dozen other people witnessed a strong blue light in the sky which he could not explain. The Governor was interviewed by a UFO investigator and his report was filed with his signature on it. One may see this report on the Internet by googling, “Jimmy Carter UFO report.” Based on personal experience with this UFO, Carter vowed in 1975 that if elected President he would make every file the U.S. Government had on UFOs available to the public. Of course, we know that never happened. Who stopped him? Isn’t the President the most powerful man in the world?
The second and more interesting is two sightings astronaut Gordon Cooper had as an Air Force F86 Fighter pilot over Europe in 1951. where he actually chased a UFO. Later, as a Major at Edwards AFB in the late 1950s, a crew he was in charge of actually filmed a saucer-shaped craft descend at Edwards, extend landing gear and land. All of this was caught on motion picture film as well as in still photographs. If you ‘d like to know what happened to the film and photographs, read chapter 4 of Cooper's autobiography, “Leap of Faith.” Suffice it to say, this whole subject is tightly controlled by the intelligence community in concert with the U.S. military. In the words of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, “Who are those guys?” and what is it that they don’t want you and I to know?
JC: How does one become a part of MUFON?
JH: Just go to our website, and click on "join." For as little as $4.99 a month, you can help support UFO research and be on the team.
(Editor’s note: For part 1 of this interview with MUFON’s Jan Harzan, click here)
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UFO hunter finds 'bizarre' stationary structure on Venus that has 'no evident explanation'
UFO hunter finds 'bizarre' stationary structure on Venus that has 'no evident explanation'
Conspiracy theorists have dismissed the popular theory to explain the object and believe it could be an 'alien-made' structure
UFO hunters have found a 'bizarre' stationary structure on Venus that cannot be explained and could be 'alien-made'.
Dismissing an explanation posited by scientists, conspiracy theorists believe there has been a media blackout surrounding Venus, and suggest there could be some kind of cover-up.
The object was first spotted by the Akatsuki spacecraft, also known as the Venus Climate Orbiter which was originally launched to study the atmosphere of Venus .
It is believed that the object was first spotted at the end of 2015 but there are still a number of explanations for what it could be.
The band can be seen stretching across the planet's surface(Photo: Youtube/secureteam10)
At the beginning of the video, a caption reads: "Why is Nasa ignoring the strange happenings around Venus?"
The clip, uploaded by UFO hunter and Secure Team 10 founder Tyler Glockner , then goes on to claim that a large object is hidden beneath the sulphuric acid clouds of the planet.
Tyler says: "What you're seeing here was captured by Japan's Venus orbiting Akatsuki spacecraft, which photographed the anomaly for the first time in infrared light (a form of heat vision)."
Conspiracy theorists believe Venus is being deliberately hidden by the media(Photo: Getty Images)
He points out a giant band that appears to be stretching vertically over the surface of the entire planet, something that has allegedly left scientists stumped.
One theory proposes that the huge band could be a gravity wave - ripples through clouds of water vapour and ice - occurring when warm, expanding air rises and then suddenly cools, becoming more dense and falling back towards the surface due to gravity.
But Tyler dismisses this theory, claiming gravity waves are much smaller and sometimes only last a number of days, or even hours, before dissapating.
Gravity waves on Earth like these ones are said to be much smaller(Photo: Youtube/secureteam10)
Tyler does not believe the gravity wave theory(Photo: Youtube/secureteam10)
"Scientists have yet to ever see something as massive as what is being depicted here on Venus.
"Maybe this is something else all together. Some sort of massive structure hidden in the clouds. Or possibly a grouping of something. All coming together to form this giant band.
"It's one of a kind."
Tyler claims Japanese researchers have said that the object is "far being than any so-called gravity wave seen or planet Earth or Mars, making it 'perhaps the greatest ever observed in the solar system'."
Other scientists have called the structure: "Very, very bizarre," with "no evident explanations", a "surprise for all of us".
It is believed that the structure is located directly above a mountain, on the equator of Venus.
Is there a media blackout surrounding Venus?(Photo: Planet-C)
And conspiracy theorists believe the unidentified object could be part of some big cover-up.
Tyler adds: "You always hear about Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto but you really don't hear about Venus.
"It's almost as if there has been some sort of media blackout surrounding it. It's almost as if they have been trying to take out attention away from these two planets [Venus and Mercury].
"Maybe there's something about these planets they don't want us to know."
The CIA has dumped 13 million pages of declassified documents online to make them easier to find - and you can peruse them all here.
The mass file dump is the result of a long-running push by freedom of information activists demanding the release of documentation that is no longer classified. The collection should make for fascinating reading, with scientific research, policy files, senior correspondence and yes, UFO sightings and psychic experiments conducted under the ‘Stargate’ programme, ranging from the 1940s up to the 1990s. The BBC has pulled out reports made in the 1970s into Uri Geller's apparent psychic abilities.
Since 2000, the CIA has been operating a searchable database, known as Crest, from the National Archives in Maryland. It was populated with records that were each manually reviewed by staff, who checked to see if they fell under the terms of the “25-year program”, a policy implemented by former President Bill Clinton who said documents should be made public if they were of “historical value”. Following that bulk drop, and since, the CIA says researchers have printed 1.1 million pages. However, it was necessary to physically go to the National Archives in the US to access files.
Now, the agency has asserted on its site: “The CIA recognised that such visits were inconvenient and presented an obstacle to many researchers. Therefore, in January 2017, the CIA published the records of the Crest collection online.”
What the CIA fails to mention on its website is the battle nonprofit MuckRock has been waging to force the agency to make the whole database publicly available, and soon. As a result of that freedom of information lawsuit, every file has finally been made accessible.
Crest has organised the millions of pages into “collections”, with names like “General CIA Records” and “Berlin Tunnel” - the short-lived tunnel the CIA and British Intelligence services dug to carry intelligence between East and West Berlin during the Cold War. The “Secret Writing” and “STARGATE” collections will likely get more hits.
The files are not all that easy to read, though, being scanned copies of the originals. There are also clumsy tools in the advanced search that don’t help - rather than being able to select the dates you would like to search between, there is an option to manually type in a date and then select one of seven options in a drop down menu including “is it greater than or equal to”, and other such irritating questions.
“We’ve been working on this for a very long time and this is one of the things I wanted to make sure got done before I left,” departing director of information management at the CIA, Joseph Lambert, told Buzzfeed. “Now you can access it from the comfort of your own home.”
A janitor mops the floor at the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images
The CIA is putting its secret history online, uploading millions of newly declassified documents.
The documents include previously unseen information about the agency's hunt for UFOs and its work on the "Star Gate" project, which tried to teach humans to become psychic and see through walls.
One document, for instance, describes that project in detail. It shows how the CIA recruited volunteers to go through a programme of training that would let people access information without any of the usual means, and which would be used as a weapon for which there is "no known defense".
The US spy agency will put up 12 million pages into its online "reading room", where people will be able to search through the documents.
The previously classified pages include private briefs given to presidents and the information that is passed between its operatives. They cover everything from the Cold War and Vietnam to relatively modern problems like terrorism.
That means that people can see its history from its formation until the early 90s, for now. None of that is selected, the agency claims, meaning that it shows some of the agency and the US government's most controversial episodes.
The CIA has to declassify records that are 25 years old, unless they are made exempt. That means that each year it releases a whole new set of documents.
But this year that has been accompanied by the first time that the documents have been made available online. Until now, the documents could only be read on four terminals inside the US National Archives, in their original format.
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Bulgaria's communist UFO: The abandoned Buzludzha Monument
Bulgaria's communist UFO: The abandoned Buzludzha Monument
By Jarryd Salem, CNN
The BUZLUDZIHA Monument is better know as "Bulgarian's UFO", for obvious raisons...
(CNN)Three hours from Sofia, in the heart of the Balkan Mountains, a potholed road twists its way up Mount Buzludzha, leading to "Bulgaria's UFO."
A red star, the symbol for communism, glares over the valley from the top of its 70-meter-high tower. The expansive, spaceship-like base is straight out of an early science fiction movie.
The UFO reference is justified.
Officially named the House-Monument of the Bulgarian Communist Party, but better known as the "Buzludzha Monument," it's been attracting urban explorers from around the world since the mid-1990s.
While hundreds of abandoned communist memorials are scattered all over the Balkans, few hold quite as much intrigue.
A journey to the Buzludzha Monument passes through picturesque farmlands and bucolic villages. With no public transport connecting this part of Bulgaria, a visitor's only option is to make their own way there.
Offering views of the Balkan Mountains, the location of the monument was chosen because of its historical significance.
The Buzludzha Monument wasn't placed at random. Its location in the middle of the Shipka Pass witnessed a series of famous battles between Bulgarian rebels and the Ottoman Empire in 1868.
Years later during the Russo-Turkish War from 1877-78 a small army finally overthrew the Ottomans on Mount Buzludzha, leading to Bulgaria's independence.
Later, on August 2, 1891, a group of men met on the peak to create the Bulgarian Social Democratic Workers' Party, which later became the Bulgarian Communist Party.
The historical significance of the site led the government to approve a large memorial to celebrate Bulgaria's communist progression. In 1981, after nearly eight years of construction, the Buzludzha Monument was unveiled.
The giant monument was open to the public and used for official parties and events until the collapse of the Soviet Union resulted in its closure in 1989.
Left to the elements, it only took a few years without maintenance for it to fall into disrepair. Today, rising numbers of intrepid travelers make the pilgrimage to explore this rotting shrine to communism.
Graffiti covers the exterior, with slogans like "never forget your past" and "enjoy communism" painted by the entrance, which has been bolted shut for years.
The Solemn Hall was an auditorium covered with intricate mosaics.
A circuit around the outside of the enormous, cylindrical building eventually leads to a hole high in the concrete.
Here, at their own risk, it's possible for intruders to climb cautiously over a precarious drop and get access to the inside of the Buzludzha Monument.
The interior is eerie and foreboding. Litter and debris lie scattered across the floor and every footstep echoes off the decaying walls.
A broken staircase leads to the huge auditorium, originally named Solemn Hall.
The circular room is surrounded by over 500 square meters of intricate mosaics. The faces of famous Bulgarian politicians, as well as Engels, Marx and Lenin, keep watch over the hall.
The roof has been rapidly collapsing over the years, allowing rain, snow and light to penetrate into the building.
The center of the ceiling holds another huge mosaic of the iconic hammer and sickle emblem. In time, it may also come crashing down.
Above the hall is the outer ring, with more mosaics and views over the Shipka Pass. Moving deeper into the heart of the monument leads to a series of tunnels and service rooms, often choked with rainwater, rubble and spider webs.
Further exploration follows corroded pipes down a narrow passage that heads towards the soaring tower. Towards the end an old shaft rises vertically into the unknown while, hidden to the left, are ladders and steps ascending upwards.
This is where the darkness begins.
Armed with a torch and navigating by blind groping, it's possible to scramble up the rusted ladders into the depths of the tower. Level after level passes by before the ladders make way for steep iron stairs.
Some argue that the structure should be restored and turned into a museum.
Red-tinted daylight eventually begins to fill the space, filtering in from the damaged communist stars above.
Jagged shards of glass are everywhere, having been smashed out by looters reputedly told the stars were made of rubies.
Decrepit ventilation systems line the upper levels before the final breach through a steel manhole allows access to the exposed top of the tower.
The vistas over the Balkan Mountains are sensational and, for those without a fear of heights, climbing the aged and fragile scaffolding and onto the edge of the tower's wall is an exhilarating experience.
Photos:Crumbling monuments of the Soviet Union
Sport center in Belgrade, Serbia. Built between 1973-75.
Aliens May Have Flown Over Cornwall As A St Austell Man Spotted A UFO Above Bodmin Moor
Aliens May Have Flown Over Cornwall As A St Austell Man Spotted A UFO Above Bodmin Moor
A man in St Austell believes aliens visited Cornwall after he observed a hovering UFO above Bodmin Moor. The witness was from work and on his way home in the early morning hours when he spotted the large black triangle hovering without a sound in the sky.
The man said that he was certain he saw something, not from Earth.
He described the experience as weird, and the UFO was something like from Star Trek. He has never seen anything like it before.
He was driving home after working a night shift when the encounter took place. He drove up the hill and got a clear view of Bodmin Moor at a distance. Then all of a sudden, a black triangular object appeared in the sky. He first thought the aerial thing was just a cloud. However, he realized that clouds don’t have straight lines like he spotted.
He described the UFO to be as big as football pitches. He estimated it to be a few miles away when he saw it hovering in a bright morning sky.
He kept an eye of the unidentified flying object while driving. He heard no noise as the UFO moved like it was turning gradually. He also observed the UFO had a tail fin type on top, and two other things were attached to it underneath, but the witness could not identify them.
He was in his 40s when he spotted the UFO in summer 2009, but has never spoken about it publicly for fear of being ridiculed. Only recently he shared his story but asked not to be named.
Dave Gillham of Cornwall UFO Research Group, talk about UFO sightings in the region.
Aliens May Have Flown Over Cornwall As A St Austell Man Spotted A UFO Above Bodmin Moor
Aliens May Have Flown Over Cornwall As A St Austell Man Spotted A UFO Above Bodmin Moor
A man in St Austell believes aliens visited Cornwall after he observed a hovering UFO above Bodmin Moor. The witness was from work and on his way home in the early morning hours when he spotted the large black triangle hovering without a sound in the sky.
The man said that he was certain he saw something, not from Earth.
He described the experience as weird, and the UFO was something like from Star Trek. He has never seen anything like it before.
He was driving home after working a night shift when the encounter took place. He drove up the hill and got a clear view of Bodmin Moor at a distance. Then all of a sudden, a black triangular object appeared in the sky. He first thought the aerial thing was just a cloud. However, he realized that clouds don’t have straight lines like he spotted.
He described the UFO to be as big as football pitches. He estimated it to be a few miles away when he saw it hovering in a bright morning sky.
He kept an eye of the unidentified flying object while driving. He heard no noise as the UFO moved like it was turning gradually. He also observed the UFO had a tail fin type on top, and two other things were attached to it underneath, but the witness could not identify them.
He was in his 40s when he spotted the UFO in summer 2009, but has never spoken about it publicly for fear of being ridiculed. Only recently he shared his story but asked not to be named.
Dave Gillham of Cornwall UFO Research Group, talk about UFO sightings in the region.
UFO over Tehran, Iran. Allegedly attacked by the military 16-Jan-2017
UFO over Tehran, Iran. Allegedly attacked by the military 16-Jan-2017
Here’s a new video of an unidentified flying object hovering in the sky above Tehran in Iran on 17th January 2017. It was allegedly attacked by the military artillery.
What’s your opinion about this sighting? Please leave your comment below.
Gif of Tehran “drone” exhibiting unusual flight characteristics
This day in UFO history: Japanese Researcher Snaps A Metallic UFO Over His House In Yokohama
This day in UFO history: Japanese Researcher Snaps A Metallic UFO Over His House In Yokohama
17 January 1957; A UFO, about 20 to 30 feet in diameter, was caught on camera hovering for around one to two minutes at approximately 60-70 feet.
UFO researcher Yusuke J. Matsumura at Flying Saucer Research group in Japan had snapped a picture of the object before it was able to take off at an estimated Mach 152 in 70- degree elevation.
The witness was outside his resident at 1687 Hama Isogo Ku Yokohama at around 13 minutes to 10 in the morning when the incident took place. He said that he was leaving his house to go to Tokyo when he saw a metallic flash just above his house. He managed to get his primoflex automatic – Japanese rollei automat – camera and took a picture.
After hovering for a minute or two, the large UFO took off toward southeast in general direction of Tokyo Bay.
AN alien hunter has accused the police of withholding information about the recent, suspected, UFO sighting above the Bristol Channel.
Editor of the UFO Truth magazine, Gary Heseltine, has been investigating the recent sighting of the object that was capture by thermal cameras, 1000ft over the Bristol Channel in September 2016.
Mr Heseltine has demanded a thorough scientific inquiry into the sighting.
It is understood the footage was captured over Bristol on Saturday, September 17 2016, and shared online by NPAS St Athan, the National Police Air Service which is based in South Wales, more than a week later.
NPAS St. Athan tweets about possible UFO sighting
Some have suggested it could be a balloon or a Chinese lantern, but police have ruled out both ideas because of the heat and movement.
The mystery craft was said to be flying against the winds at the time and was said to be undetected by air traffic control.
Mr. Heseltine said his investigation has included several Freedom of Information Requests to South Wales police to obtain flight maps and audio from the cockpit.
He said: "I've waited until now to see how much information I could obtain from the police via the FOI requests I've submitted. What I can say is that in my opinion the police have not been as open and transparent as they could have been."
He claims the case bears a resemblance to another case in Chile where a Navy helicopter captured a UFO on infra-red.
Mr. Heseltine added: "I believe this British case is a major UFO event and should be the subject of a scientific enquiry."
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REVEALED: US Military develops top secret weapon that PARALYSES cities but leaves NO MARK
REVEALED: US Military develops top secret weapon that PARALYSES cities but leaves NO MARK
A TERRIFYING new super-weapon is being developed by the United States Army that is capable of crippling an entire city without leaving a physical trace.
PARALYSE: The weapon can shut down all electronic equipment in an entire city
A non-explosive electromagnetic pulse artillery shell would effectively make most electronic equipment and computer systems useless if it was detonated.
But despite the weapon destroying vital communications and defence systems, it doesn’t actually do any visible physical damage.
A new army research proposal has looked at ways the devastating instrument could be used against enemy cities.
“It is for the neutralisation of an adversary’s underlying industrial, civil, and communications infrastructure”
US Army report
It said: “[The weapon] provides an alternative attack vector for the neutralisation of an adversary’s underlying industrial, civil, and communications infrastructure without the destruction of the hardware associated with those systems.
“Advances in munitions-based microelectronics and power technologies make possible the implementation of non-kinetic cyber and electromagnetic or electronic warfare (EW) attacks that could be delivered via artillery launched munitions.”
The report goes on to state the military’s eventual goal after testing is to widely distribute it.
It reads: “The final NKE electronics system will support a number of commercial communications protocols.
“The ruggedised, hardened electronics subsystem may be transitioned to a wide variety of industrial and civil applications that call for operation in extremely harsh environments."
The person filmed a giant bright light appear in Lake Country, in the US state of Illinois, this month.
It breaks apart into six identical miniature orbs of light, which the unnamed witness later described as being smaller UFOs breaking away from a larger ship.
The eyewitness said: "I then noticed an orb by it detach itself and then sporadically went left of the orb and then vanished.
“The object was in my sight for about two hours and then slowly vanished behind the treeline of my house.”
SPACESHIP: A witness has described seeing an unidentified object
“The complex structure and behaviour of the object rules out natural phenomena”
James Wolford, Mutual UFO Network
James Wolford, a director at paranormal investigation website Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), said the technology used to create the orb may be something too advanced to be man-made.
He added: “The complex structure and behaviour of the object rules out natural phenomena.” This is the second strange sighting in Illinois in just a few months.
Joseph Tezek filmed the strange sighting from three different locations and uploaded the separate videos on YouTube in the hope of finding answers.
Days ago, so-called "truthers" claimed they had evidence of NASA hiding alien evidence after footage from the space agency appeared to show an unidentified white object near the international space station.
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The truth IS out there – CIA documents on ALIENS and state-funded MIND CONTROL released
The truth IS out there – CIA documents on ALIENS and state-funded MIND CONTROL released
MILLIONS of top secret CIA documents have been made public, finally revealing the truth behind state-sponsored mind control, UFO sightings and classified operations deep in the Vietnamese jungle.
The CIA has made millions of secret UFO and mind control documents publicly available
The records, accessible online, cover 13 million hidden CIA records also relating to the Cold War and Korean conflict and even the agency's spokesman admits there's some "bad stuff" in there.
Some items relate to the mysterious Star Gate mind control project, which was the code name for a secret US Army unit established in 1978 at Fort Meade, Maryland, by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and SRI International to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications.
The mystical military project was only founded because the Americans were convinced the Soviet Union was spending 60 million roubles annually on psychotic warfare.
The documents have only become available thanks to a long-running court case, which tackled the CIA over their failure to grant public access to historic material.
CIA headquarters released the information after coming under legal pressure
Newly released documents expose the CIA's activities spanning from 1940-1990 and also includes scientific research papers and intelligence reports.
Joseph Lambert, the CIA's director of information, said: "This is one of the things that we think improves transparency for us, and it's a simple thing."
He said he wanted to make the secretive documents "more widely available".
CIA spokesperson Heather Fritz Horniak said: "None of this is cherry-picked. It's the full history. It's good and bad."
A non-profit organisation called MuckRock took the CIA to task over their lack of obtainable information.
One of the agency's excuses for not releasing the information was it could not cope with printing costs, but when journalist Michael Best started a Kickstarter campaign to raise money to manually print off the documents, the CIA was forced to act.
Mr Best said: "The hope was that the financial pressure, the negative press and making it not only a legal but a practical inevitability that these files would be put online would force the Agency to speed up their timetable.
"The CIA isn't doing this out of the goodness of their hearts."
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Unexplained UFO video just released from the Chilean Navy
The remarkable nine-minutes recorded by two Chileans from military showing an unidentified flying object (UFO) ejecting an unknown substance into the air, was introduced into the media society by Chilean government, after two years of long analyses and investigations.
CEFAA, the Chilean government's UFO investigations branch, was the only one at that time released such type of images. CEFAA works under the auspices of Chilean Air Force, committees of military experts, technicians and academics from many disciplines. None of them have been able to reach a consensus about what that object is, an object observed by those two militaries from coastal patrol.
When all the investigations among UFO's cases are accomplished, and the events are named as unidentified air phenomenas, the government's branch release them into the media. The General Ricardo Bermudez, the director of CEFAA in that period, explained: "We do not know exacly what that object was, but we do know for sure what that object wasn't." And "what that object wasn't" comes up with a long list of conventional explanations.
This is Gerald Anderson's story of the Roswell UFO crash. He was interviewed by famous UFO researcher Stanton Friedman (the same researcher who first obtained Major Jesse A. Marcel’s testimony about the Roswell incident.
During this interview, Gerald Anderson tells of him as a young boy of walking up on a crashed UFO complete with its crew of 4 and with one alien creature still alive.
Anderson was out rock hunting with some family members on the Plains of St. Augustine near Socorro on the July 1947 morning that this event took place.
His testimony was polygraph proved, which proves that the UFO phenomenon is real and the Roswell Incident was, in fact, a crashed UFO.
When they were out rock hunting, they discovered a silver disk. There were three creatures, three bodies, lying on the ground underneath this thing in the shade. Two weren't moving, and the third one obviously was having trouble breathing. There was a fourth one next to it, sitting there on the ground. There wasn't a thing wrong with it, and it apparently had been giving first aid to the others.
After a couple of minutes, Anderson investigated the UFO and the alien that was still alive turned and looked at him. Anderson had the feeling the creature was inside of his mind. He could hear his thoughts.
A group of armed soldiers suddenly appeared. The extraterrestrial creature, which had calmed down after its initial fright, "went crazy" at the sight of the soldiers. Thinking back on the creature's plight today brings on the "most awful, horrible feeling," Anderson says.
"His situation was hopeless. He was aware of it. He'd just lived through a nightmare that most of us wouldn't be able to psychologically stand. He'd watched two of his crew die. He knew there's no chance of rescue because our military is here and his people aren't going to be able to get him.
"As a kid, I was aware of what being afraid of the dark was like., and the feeling I got from him at the moment was that feeling multiplied a million times. It was really scary. It was terrifying.
De vreemde geluiden die mensen soms waarnemen, overal ter wereld, stoppen niet en nemen zelfs in frequentie toe, zo lijkt het.
Ook in ons land worden met de regelmaat van de klok vreemde geluiden gehoord en dit keer is het raak in Vlissingen.
Via een lezer ontvingen wij de volgende video (dank!).
Zijn commentaar:
Afgelopen nacht was er in Vlissingen een mysterieus geluid te horen in de lucht, het leek op het blazen van een scheepshoorn. Maar dit kon uitgesloten worden omdat er nauwelijks tot geen scheepvaartverkeer op dat moment aanwezig was.
Het geluid was 15 minuten lang te horen, daarna verdween het weer. Veel mensen uit het westen en zuiden van het land hoorden de afgelopen weken/jaren vreemde tonen in de lucht, maar ze weten niet waar die vandaan komen.
Over de hele wereld worden vreemde geluiden uit de hemel waargenomen. Sommige van deze geluiden lijken heel erg op dat van een trompet.
Bewoners van de Zeewijksingel in Oost-Souburg liggen 's nachts wakker van mysterieuze geluiden in hun wijk. En niemand weet wat het drietonige geluid is en waar het precies vandaan komt.
De tonen zijn al wekenlang te horen. Met vaste prik, om de tien minuten. Eerst een lage toon, gevolgd door een iets hogere toon, daarna een pauze van enkele seconden en dan een nog schellere toon die zo'n vier seconden aanhoudt. Verslaggever Mark van Leijden was in de wijk en hoorde de vreemde tonen meermaals.
Een verkeerd afgestelde cv-ketel, is de enige oorzaak voor het mysterieuze geluid in Oost-Souburg die de gemeente Vlissingen nu kan bedenken.
Leuk bedacht, maar vreemde trompet-achtige geluiden komen overal ter wereld voor en ook in gebieden waar ze geen CV ketels hebben.
Dit fenomeen is eerder voorgekomen in de geschiedenis van de mensheid, zoals wij eerder schreven:
Er wordt volop gespeculeerd, maar niemand heeft een antwoord.
Maar er is dan ook niemand in mainstream-land en de aan hen geliëerde alternatieve media die teruggaat in de tijd en ontdekt dat dit eerder is voorgekomen.
In de tijd waarin er in de Kolbrin bijbel wordt gesproken van de Verwoester.
Ook in de Kolbrin Bijbel wordt gesproken over vreemde geluiden: “Zij zullen de trompetten horen en de strijdkreet van de Verwoester” en “De ster zong zoals nog nooit eerder was voorgekomen".
A British witness at Wolverhampton recalled a UFO incident from 2007 when a triangle-shaped object was seen hovering under 60 feet off the ground, according to testimony in Case 81208 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness first saw the object as having 40 feet in height and hovering under 60 feet off the ground. Pictured: Wolverhampton, United Kingdom.
Credit: Google.
The witness was outside walking along a “previously busy lane” in an industrial area about 7:10 p.m. on October 25, 2007, when the incident occurred.
“Having just crossed over a railway bridge, I looked up across the land to my left and saw a triangular UFO,” the witness stated. “It was equilateral, around 40 feet in height and hovered vertically at about 50 or 60 feet. It was dark/black, had three lights at each apex and one in the center. They were mainly white though changed to rose gold and red pink at times and intermittently flashed on and off.”
The triangle UFO then moved and hovered over a timber yard. Pictured: Wolverhampton, United Kingdom.
Credit: Google.
The witness described what happened next.
“The UFO, still in the vertical plane, hovered 100 feet to the east and more adjacent to my view. Now, clearly above a timber yard, it moved short distances, to the left, right, down and up. After around two minutes from the first sighting, the UFO, then stationary and still vertical, transformed into a giant spherical, white light, which disappeared and five lights shot upwards and outwards in different directions at great speed.”
The witness recalls handling the situation well.
“With hindsight, I realize I watched the whole thing very calmly and objectively, which surprises me as it was one of the most astonishing and life changing events I have witnessed and has led to an enormous fascination with the UFO phenomena. I feel very lucky indeed.”
The triangle UFO then moved and hovered over a timber yard. Pictured: Wolverhampton, United Kingdom. Credit: Google.
Wolverhampton is a city and metropolitan borough in the West Midlands, England, population 249,470. MUFON United Kingdom Field Investigator Andrew Akers is investigating. Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
Moon Has Shadow Structures Proof Of Hollow Moon Theory, Jan 18, 2017, UFO Sighting News.
Moon Has Shadow Structures Proof Of Hollow Moon Theory, Jan 18, 2017, UFO Sighting News.
Above you see the added light altered photo, and below you see the untouched normal photo of the same area.
Date of discovery: January 18, 2017 Location of discovery: Earths Moon, Method used: Google Moon Coordinates: 83°55'14.20"S 121°31'6.46"E Welcome to the shadow structures of Earths moon. These are large structures hidden in the shadows of the dark side of the moon and polar regions. Locations that are hard to view from Earth. The structures are proof that the moon is actually a hollow space station created by ancient aliens long before Earth was even created...moon samples concur with this conclusion. Look at the high perfect detail of the surrounding area and you will know that this is not pixilation, but 100% authentic structures found hidden within the shadows. All I did was added a smidgen of light to the photos, the rest is all moon. The moon's mean density is 3.34 gm/cm3 (3.34 times an equal volume of water) whereas the Earth's is 5.5. What does this mean? In 1962, NASA scientist Dr. Gordon MacDonald stated, "If the astronomical data are reduced, it is found that the data require that the interior of the moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere." Nobel chemist Dr. Harold Urey suggested the moon's reduced density is because of large areas inside the moon where is "simply a cavity." MIT's Dr. Sean C. Solomon wrote, "the Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the moon's gravitational field... indicating the frightening possibility that the moon might be hollow." In Carl Sagan's treatise, Intelligent Life in the Universe, the famous astronomer stated, "A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object." So, as you see, the theory of a hollow moon is more realistic than that of a solid authentic moon. Scott C. Waring
Beautiful UFO Disk Visits Space Station Them Moves Away, Jan 17, 2017 Video, UFO Sighting News.
Beautiful UFO Disk Visits Space Station Them Moves Away, Jan 17, 2017 Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 17, 2017
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at ISS
Source: NASA Live Cams
Watch as this UFO rises up from earths atmosphere at the horizon and then moves closer for a few seconds, then moves away in the opposite direction. We not only get to see movement, but how smoothly these UFOs move, as if they were though controlled and move as the speed the pilots think. Excellent catch byStreetcap1 of Youtube.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
I recorded this just as you see it then added music.
City In The Clouds Seen In China Again! Jan 15, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
City In The Clouds Seen In China Again! Jan 15, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 15, 2017
Location of sighting: Yueyang, China
This floating city in the sky was recorded over Yueyang, China a few days ago. That is a city of about 1 million people so I am sure loads of people noticed it. I believe that this is a UFO mothership that is using the China smog problem for its own benefit so that it can make a rare appearance by flying low and doing some serious research on the humans in Yueyang city. This is not the only time that such a strange event has ever occurred. It has been seen several times a year in China over various cities, last time a floating city was hovering above water. Also another floating city was seen in the sky that was 5 times bigger than the city below and very high up, looking more like an ancient castle than anything else. Aliens are highly interested in China as you can see.
UFOs Over City In China Cause Crowds To Gather On Jan 17, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFOs Over City In China Cause Crowds To Gather On Jan 17, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 17, 2017 Location of sighting: Penvmpakan, China This week in China there was a UFO sighting in downtown Penvmpakan, which as you can see, caused a crowd to gather as two or more UFOs flew near a contrail in the sky. In the video, two large white disks are seen moving to the right of the screen. The crowd is so in awe, most forgot they had cellphones, but you do notice them pointing at the sky. Lucky for us, one person managed to get a shot of them. Proof that UFOs are no strangers to China. Scott C. Waring
Filer’s Files #3 – 2017 General Twining’s Report on UFOs - PART I
Mexico City – On January 5, 2017 a tourist spotted a series of cylinder shaped craft
Filer’s Files #3 – 2017 General Twining’s Report on UFOs - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: General Twining’s Air Material Command UFO Report, Teller Claims Great Menace from Space Exists, William Tompkins Reveals Solar Warden on the Jeff Rense Radio program, The Final Revelation, and Fukushima Much Bigger Than Chernobyl
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, China, Columbia, Mexico, Spain, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers. Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
General Twining’s Air Material Command UFO Report
General Twining
Air Accident Report by General Twining to Headquarters, July 16, 1947.
Twining was asked to study UFO reports; he recommended that a formal study of the phenomenon take place; Project Sign was the result. General Twining flight logs of 1947 have been recently released in the past few years. Also, Twining’s pilot flight logs have been reviewed, so his whereabouts between July 7th and July 9th 1947 have been confirmed and authenticate part of this document. This trip to New Mexico was Twining’s one and only trip during summer of 1947.
IPU Summary Page 4 states the following: – 7th July 1947 – Twinning went to Alamogordo AAF for a secret meeting with AAF Chief of Staff Spaatz and to view recovered remains of craft from crash landing site 20 miles northwest of Socorro.8th July 1947 – Twinning went to Kirtland AAF to inspect parts recovered from its power plant. 9th July 1947 – Twining & staff went to White Sands Proving Ground to inspect pieces of craft being stored there. 10th July 1947 – Twining made inspection of R&D facilities at Alamagordo and then returned to Wright Field.
This three page bureaucratic report provides the first glimpses of Lt. General Nathan F. Twining’s Air Accident Report originally published in Leonard Stringfield’s (now deceased) Status Report VII, in 1994.
Twining apparently describes in detail the inside of a “flying disc”, everything from typewriter-like keys that control the propulsion system to a thirty-five foot doughnut shaped one-inch tube inside the craft filled with a clear substance and a coil of copper-like material.
Twining’s engineers from Engineering Division T-3 scientific personnel from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and other educated experts report that the object was not manufactured by the US, Germany or the USSR for a variety of reasons including; lack of any known design resemblance, lack of external propulsion system and power plant, and the lack of identifying markings.
The experts theorized about how the craft is powered, how it moves, and how and where it is controlled from, but there is no real knowledge beyond the theories. The inability f or the experts to prove the object to be made in any of the advanced technological societies on Earth is intriguing and thought provoking. The significance and consistency of the technological societies is intriguing and thought provoking. The significance and consistency of the technical content has not been evaluated, although it is clear that the writing is consistent with 1947 state of the art, not modern.
Stanton Friedman met with Twining’s pilot from instruction with Twining’s wife, to find out information about Twining meeting with President Truman on 25th September 1947as reported in Humelsine dictation to President Truman on this date. There was no record of meeting with Truman on Twining’s pilot flight log, but his pilot said Twining sometimes made secret flights himself, with Truman actually flying the plane. Twining’s personal flight log does actually state that he flew to a meeting with Truman on that date and also flew to Wright Field on same day. Why did Hummelsine send a memo to Truman dictated from Marshall? Hummelsine was executive secretary to Marshall. Hummelsine’s office was in Washington, and on this date Marshall was miles away at the UN (building in progress) building in New York, so Marshall would have had to dictate his memo over the telephone to Hummel sine. Until this document came out, hardly anyone in Ufology had even heard of Hummelsine. 1st Annual Report of Majestic Twelve 1952 – Page 11
Dr. Teller Claims Great Menace from Space Exists
Edward Teller, Ph.D., in memo to President Ronald Reagan states, “A menace greater than the nuclear arms race exists. It does not originate here on Earth, but comes from space itself.”
President Ronald Reagan awarded physicist Edward Teller, Ph.D., the National Medal of Science in 1983. Teller was Director of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (1958-1960) and then an Associate Director. He also served concurrently as a Professor of Physics at the University of California, Berkeley. He was a tireless advocate of a strong nuclear program. In 1975, he retired and was named Director Emeritus of the Livermore Laboratory.
President Reagan and Dr. Teller
In the 1980s, Teller began a strong campaign for the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), also called “Star Wars”, the concept of using lasers or satellites to destroy incoming Russian ICBMs or possibly alien incursions. Teller lobbied with government agencies—and got the sanction of President Ronald Reagan—for his plan to develop a system using elaborate satellites which used atomic weapons to fire X-ray lasers at incoming missiles.
The project was eventually scaled back but now exists in altered form. Teller was later encouraged, however, by the Bush administration’s revitalization of the missile defense program in the early 21st century (known to its critics as “Son of Star Wars”) that is at least partially effective against some alien incursions. Fortunately, it has curbed North Korea and other nations from launching missile attacks on the US.
William Tompkins Reveals Solar Warden on the Jeff Rense Radio program
William Mills Tompkins
William Mills Tompkins is one of the most important witnesses to come forward revealing details about the Secret Space Program and human interactions with ETs. Due to his excellent memory and model building skills he was assigned to Naval Intelligence working for Admiral Rick Abatta during World War II and his unit had a series of US Naval spies who returned from Germany who had discovered that the Germans were working on advanced wingless aircraft or types of discs apparently with the help of extraterrestrials.
Tomkins job was to take this information to various aviation companies, universities and research organizations. Later he worked for Douglas Aircraft Company from 1950 to 1963, in the late 1960s he was hired by TRW and off and on with NASA, Northrop, and Boeing. He worked in highly secret think tanks helping to develop advanced space ships. Tomkins revealed information about the space fleet he helped build the Jeff Rense Radio program as follows:
Tompkins States: Those are essentially cruiser-type shape craft carriers. They have also hangar decks for fighter aircraft. And versions of these two are what you would call a landing assault aircraft carrier the Navy uses now. And so these then are used as assault carriers with Marines on board and they have large hangars on underneath inside. But they also operate as attack vehicles so that if you would look at it as if it were a Marine mission on the Earth, they would have attack capabilities, and they would have the large hangar deck. And so they would have small boats that would take the tanks ashore Rense: These are LSTs [Landing Ship, Tank or tank landing ship]?
Landing Assault Carriers Wasp Class
Tompkins: No, they are not landing tanks. These vehicles are what you would class as Marine aircraft carriers that we have which are called Landing Assault Carriers. And we have a lot of them. They are 800-feet long and they operate as Marine-attack vehicles. So they have hangar decks in the back.
Rense: They operate in the ocean and they operate in space. Is that what you’re saying? Tompkins: Well, I’m saying what you’re looking at is the space version of your U.S. Navy Landing Assault Carriers that we have here. (Wasp Class)
Rense: Okay. That’s the space version. I got it, all right.
Tompkins: This is a space version. Now, you notice that it’s sort of streamlined. And, of course, everybody says, we don’t need streamlining out in the galaxy. We don’t need that.
Rense: You do if you’re in water though.
Tompkins:Well, yeah, but you’re not in water either. But if the vehicle is going to have to get into an atmosphere on some planet, that their misunderstanding is, they have to have a streamlined shape.
Rense: I see. Any planet atmosphere would require an aerodynamic capability, and that’s what you’re showing. Yes, okay.
Tompkins: That’s what you’re showing here. And so a lot of people say, on some of the other configurations that I’ve got of different ones that we did the design on, they’re streamlined. And so this is a space vehicle that would operate like Marines would out there and many of the missions that we designed for the Navy, for Navy-space, in that secret think tank, were landing assault space vehicles to land on planets that were part of the war. So that’s what you’ve got here are two versions of them. They’re not copies. They’re different. And they had similar weapon systems. Okay, could we go to the large tubular shape extraterrestrial
Rense: Yes, of course, USSS Hillenkoetter. Tompkins: Yes. Hillenkoetter.
Rense: Hillenkoetter. All right, now, that looks like a traditional cigar-shaped craft with four . . . one, two, three, four, five domes on the end of it. Four are rounded, top bottom, side, side, and then the end is rounded as well. That’s what we’d call, I guess, a cigar, for lack of a better term. What is that we’re looking at?
Tompkins: Okay, it’s a spacecraft carrier, and when Frank Chille and I were talking about this earlier today, he on his computer blew up the hole in the side of it – the rectangular hole near the middle.
Rense: Uh huh.
Tompkins: And actually you’re looking, as you pull it up, you can see you’re in a hangar deck and you can see four vehicles in there.
Rense: I can barely see them. Yeah.
Tompkins: And so it’s an interesting illustration. And, again, you can count . . . I think there are nine sections that you can actually see. They’ve done an excellent illustration there. And you can see the various sections.
Rense: Excuse me, Bill. Are those sections put together like the Germans used to build their submarines in the war?
Tompkins: Yes, that’s the way we put together submarines. And it’s the way we put together ships.
Rense: Okay.
Tompkins: But you’ve got to realize that you’ve got almost a 1,000-foot long vehicle to play with here and so the tubular sections . . . This is very interesting that they used that one, because it’s the least expensive structure that you can come up with.
If you look at the old Lockheed 4-engine transports that we had in the earlier days here in this country, the fuselage was streamlined. It was four engines and three rudders and it was streamlined. And then you look at the Boeing . . .
Rense: Was that like the Super Constellation, the Lockheed?
Tompkins: Yeah a Super Constellation of Lockheed. Okay. Then if you look at the DC4 that Douglas had, it’s a big tube. You know? We didn’t need the thing to be streamlined, but they really didn’t check that at Lockheed. And at Douglas it was the cheapest thing to make. So that philosophy was carried right through to the design you’re looking at. It doesn’t have to be streamlined, because this is only operating out in the galaxy. So there’s no . . . This is never going to land.
Rense: I understand. They’d send the smaller ships down. Sure.
Tompkins: Yeah. So it’s different than the photographs of the two we just looked at.
Rense: Where did this picture come from, Bill? Do you know?
Tompkins: I don’t know where this one came from, but this is one of dozens of these that are sometimes quite different in shape.
Rense: Uh huh.
Tompkins: It’s the spacecraft carrier of the space and takes the mission of a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier and it’s nice they showed you the new one down at the bottom of the picture, because you can compare the size.
Spaceship Video Over England
Rense: Wow! Well this reminds me . . . Yeah, I see the size comparison. This reminds me of images that a fellow in England was getting. Do you remember this guy, George Filer? I used to run his stuff all the time – his videos. He had a telescope and he hooked it up to a video making lots of footage of what appeared to be enormous craft in orbit around the Earth. Long. They weren’t quite as sleek as the Hillenkoetter, but they were big. They were different. They were, obviously, constructions of some type that were floating around up there. Do you remember that, George? That guy . . . I forgot the guy’s name. I used to run his footage all the time.
Major George Filer: Yes, I’ve seen some of those.
Rense: Yeah, they’re very interesting.
Note: I appear on the Jeff Rense Radio show the first Tuesday of each month at 10 PM eastern. .
The Final Revelation
In this new and controversial book, The Final Revelation; the Sun Project a group of former military and intelligence analysts break the code of silence and share their knowledge of what could be the most closely guarded secret in the history of mankind. And while some people may dismiss these claims, the evidence is growing every day that intelligent extraterrestrial life exists based on almost daily feedback from the fleet of space probes NASA has scattered throughout the solar system. In fact, NASA estimates there are conservatively 14 billion earth-like planets within our Milky Way galaxy alone. The questions regarding UFOs, UFOs and the US Government, alien abductions, and the truth about the Roswell incident, as well as secrets concerning Extraterrestrials on Earth, their relationship with the church, and ET involvement in the origins and destiny of humankind are addressed here.
These highly regarded sources address some of the most popular topics concerning the UFO phenomenon including recently discovered Roswell Base Logs and Reports, what is real and what is not regarding some of the most infamous UFO Reports like the Hudson Valley sightings and the flying triangles as well as classified reports concerning UFO Abduction Cases such as Betty and Barney Hill and Travis Walton, the Apollo 13 mystery, the government sponsored archaeological Search for Extraterrestrial Artifacts (SETA) and the secret SETI missions assigned to every space probe, the government’s weapon’s initiatives for Managing an ET Threat including the Inspiration for the HAARP Project, the Church’s Long-Standing Involvement in the UFO Phenomena and association with the notorious Men in Black, secret programs for achieving Global Dominance using the ET Advantage, and Evidence of ET Involvement in Human Evolution and the Ecosystem.
The information presented will challenge the reader’s sense of reality.
RJ Teles has been an investigator and “student” of the UFO phenomenon for almost 50 years and has worked with numerous UFO groups.
He has completed over 300 investigations and numerous interviews with military and government witnesses. He holds a Master’s degree in Information Technology Research and Development and worked as a technical consultant on cyber systems security, threat assessment and mitigation, and forensic data analysis for the government and private corporations. It was his work in these areas that gave him access to the military and intelligence communities where he met individuals willing to share their experience in regards to the UFO phenomenon and extraterrestrial life.
Fukushima Much Bigger Than Chernobyl
Japan’s nuclear disaster is “much bigger than Chernobyl” and could rewrite the international scale used to measure the severity of atomic accidents, a Russian expert said. “Chernobyl was a dirty bomb explosion. The next dirty bomb is Fukushima and it will cost much more” in economic and human terms, said Natalia Mironova, a thermodynamic engineer and anti-nuclear activist in Russia.
Chernobyl, which a 2005 report by UN bodies called “the most severe in the history of the nuclear power industry,” was ranked a seven on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES). Mironova said, “Chernobyl was level seven and it had only one reactor and lasted only two weeks. We have now have years from Fukushima and we have four reactors which we know are in very dangerous situations,” she warned. Environmental groups such as Greenpeace say up to 100,000 people could die.
UFOs have a way of showing up before, during and after natural disasters. This recent earthquake of 2011 has seen an increase in UFO activity just prior to the disaster with many seen during and after Fukushima in Japan.
Two globes the size of beach balls, one black and the other fuzzy white, both opaque with short tails, were seen by a helicopter exiting the 20 foot wave onto the beach in Japan. See Videos of tsunami on Japan. Sincerely, Thomas G. Lee c
Japan’s Nuclear Plants Dumps Radioactive Water into Sea
Contaminated water pouring out of the Fukushima nuclear plant has raised concerns about the safety of seafood prompting the government to set limits for the first time on the amount of radiation permitted in fish. The company that owns the plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co., said that the leak of highly radioactive water had been stopped.
According to the Agence France –Presse TEMPCO was pumping 300 tons of groundwater for treatment before pumping into storage. It is tested for radiation and then pumped into the Pacific Ocean. The company has frequently been criticized for dumping large amounts of radioactive water into the sea.
The leak had lessened after the company began pouring liquid glass into gravel below the concrete pit that had been the source of the leak. Radiation is some 5 million times the legal limits. The Japanese built 40 percent of their coast with seawalls that were only 33 feet high. When the 9.0 quake hit and the Tsunami went over the seawalls the diesel-powered generators and water pumps on the ground floors of the nuclear power plants stopped. The temperature rose to 2200 degrees F that led to explosions and fire in the reactors. Workers the real heroes fighting the catastrophe tried to contain the overheating, fires, possible meltdowns and radioactivity. Five years later the radiation continues to flow into the Pacific Ocean causing the death of many types of sea life and danger to you if you eat the fish.
Celene Pascal of American University did a study of the content of 2100 articles and editorials published in the New York Times, Washington Post, Politico and Huffington Post. Pascal found only 6 % referred to the risk to the general public. This is a significant finding for the focus of the news media during the largest nuclear disaster in history does not protect the public. Thanks to Nexus Magazine
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Filer’s Files #3 – 2017 General Twining’s Report on UFOs - PART II
Filer’s Files #3 – 2017 General Twining’s Report on UFOs - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
Arizona Lights
Scottsdale— I was working as a Licensed Armed Security Guard, at a residential community at around 11 pm on November 26, 2016, I saw an orb. It was a bright amber/red color far outside of the flight path for the nearby Sky Harbor International Airport. The orb did not move but had unusual solid color. I soon saw an airplane much closer to me that was not the orb.
So I began taking pictures of it, because I thought it might be a UFO. It was soon joined by two other similar craft – which also hovered in place near to it changing colors. After 15-20 minutes I watched them disappear, rapidly one after the other over the McDowell Mountain Regional Park. These photos are the original images with a “zoom” of the lights to the right. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Object
Rancho Santa Margarita— On New Year’s Day, on January 1, 2017 at midnight to 1AM in the morning, I was going for a quick walk around the local lake, and I saw these “Lights” in the side of my vision, so then I looked and then I fully saw them, there was about 6 of these “Lights” at first, and they were going away from the local forest/mountains, they were flying away slowly, and THEY CHANGED DIRECTION RAPIDLY.
And after that, two more fast moving lights came from the forest/mountains on the same path of the others. These are not helicopters or airplanes. When they got about a mile away from the mountains they vanished from plain sight. Thanks to MUFON CMS
San Pedro/Long Beach– On January 3, 2017, I was closing our blinds for evening and noticed a bright “star” over the ocean at 9:15 pm. I decided to take out my binoculars and I was surprised to see this large energy ball. There were several orbs and the south orb was the brightest. I took video and still shots with my iPhone. It did not capture what I saw in detail. The orb actually danced with red, blue green and blue auras of lights. It looked like a round ball of DNA, changing to look like the New York crystal ball dropping on New Years. I watched it for about an hour just fascinated. The ball that was the brightest broke in three pieces and shot off. The next night at 7 pm, my husband saw what I saw and then it disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Lights
Saint Augustine— On Friday night December 30, 2016, about 9:45, I saw what I believe to be a UFO making a beachside visit from the northwest to the southeastern sky. I was going out to my car to go into St. Augustine and glanced to the Northern Sky towards Jacksonville. I thought it might be a Coast Guard helicopter but noticed the lights did not flash, and there was no sound. It was not one object but at least 10 that I saw, almost in a row but still staggered. There was no sound at all, just an orangish globe like a giant lantern. Probably about 2000 feet up. It was not moving very fast. They appeared to be moving effortlessly and not really in a hurry. I was almost hyperventilating by this point as it was cold and I did not have a jacket on. I didn’t think I would be outside this long. My feeling was don’t go away. The objects finally disappeared heading southeast over the Atlantic. Our phone batteries died at the same time outside so we plugged them in, they “jumped” to 50 percent charged immediately. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Idaho Disc
Horseshoe Band— This is a short story. I was on Jerusalem Road outside of Horseshoe Bend ID. I stopped to take a picture of the landscape. I saw no planes in the air nor did I hear anything. There were no birds around. Later when I reviewed the picture an object was present. This photo was taken on a Samsung Galaxy 3
Note. A second photo of the same site showed nothing. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kentucky Triangle
Louisville — My son was looking for his phone and picked it up and a Google satellite was somehow pulled up on his phone on January 7, 2017
He was like what the heck, so he started looking at what the satellite map was on. He realized it was on our house, he was shocked to see an object hovering over our house.
The object appears to be triangle in shape and brown in color. He snapped shots from different angles. I am not sure what this object is, it could be a leaf or something on the satellite lens, but looks to be a UFO. Was a UFO was really over our house? Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan Disc
Holland— Heavy overcast skies with snow falling with 19 degrees outside and a wind-chill of three degrees. We first thought it was a plane, however the object was disk shaped glow with a dome at the top-center. Glow was seen through grey skies with a blanket style cloud-cover at roughly 8:30 PM on January 4, 2017.
The light faded slightly and grew brighter, and lasted roughly 15 seconds then moved west slowly over Lake Michigan. It may have traveled upward slightly as it moved away. It was very, very large in size. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Sightings
Wrightstown — While standing at Gate 6 at McGuire Air Force Base looking into the woods I saw a small 4 foot entity with big eyes on January `1 1989, It was possibly naked and climbed swiftly over a fence, stopped looked at me then proceeded to jump another fence and disappeared. It was humanoid but not human. Later when telling the story to another military serviceman he told me that the base’s water treatment plant operator saw an identical creature recently. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Shamong— On December 29, 2016, at 1:00 am, I was outside my home to take the dog out when I noticed a very bright, cross shaped “star”. It appeared brighter than any other stars in nearby constellations, which could be observed in the clear southern night sky. This anomaly appeared to pulsate, change color, and moved slowly, with abrupt changes in direction.
I immediately retrieved my cell phone and Nikon digital camera. With a clear view of this anomaly, and while holding the cameras steady, Over the course of two hours, I was able to capture 44 still digital pictures and several good videos. The anomaly remained at the time I went inside my home.
Over the past two years, I have observed, recorded, and reported similar anomalies in this same south/area of the night sky. Close ups reveal a multi-colored “chain” or tube like anomaly that moves at random and appears to morph as quickly as digital photos can be taken. Digital video shows a bright blue orb type anomaly, quickly moving about while appearing brighter or dimmer at random (possibly due to rapidly changing its distance from the observer).
Coincidentally, on this same evening two years ago, I observed and reported an identical appearing anomaly, in this same south/southeast area. Please note: I am a certified MUFON NJ Field Investigator. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Browns Mills – I was outside in my backyard looking at the bright moon on December 9, 2016, so I took a picture of it Weeks Later I looked at the picture and I see another light in the picture to the left side from the Moon so I enlarge the picture and I seen a triangular shaped object which looks to be a light in each corner of it. It looks like many of the other pictures people have sent in of triangular UFOs, I live close to McGuire Air Force Base but this does not look like a plane.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Lights
New York — I was walking down West End Avenue after 5:00 PM on the first evening of the New Year January 4, 2017. I was photographing the young moon and Venus. The skies were clear, at first a deep Parish blue and then black, when I uploaded the photographs to my computer I observed a white shape above the moon and slightly to the west. It resembled a classic cylinder UFO. With the shape that seems to have a bubble top. The shape does not appear in any of the other photographs. I did not notice any objects in the sky when I took the photograph. I did have momentary trouble with the camera, and had to press the button several times before I got the picture. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oklahoma Light
Tulsa– I was at work driving in the yard on January 3, 2017, and noticed some lights that I’ve never seen before.
I attempted to get a video of the lights but the picture was too dark. So I then tried to take some pictures with my phone.
The lights just hovered in the distance. As I changed to the black and white filter on my phone, the lights started to disappear one by one. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Light
I was out walking our large high energy dog who is a Chesapeake Bay retriever around 6:30 pm and a few minutes into our walk she just suddenly sat down and would not move on January 9, 2017. This is completely unlike her, and it was then that I realized she was looking up into the sky at something and as soon as I looked up, I was suddenly mesmerized by this glowing, stationary orb like object that she was looking at as well. I have never seen anything like it. I have worked in aviation and with many airlines, and I know this object was not like anything that I have ever seen. I know this was a UFO. I can’t explain it but judging by the physical and emotionally overwhelming reaction that I felt during the sighting, I just “knew”. After several minutes, my dog nudged me to go back inside, but I just couldn’t. I took some videos and pictures, and as soon as I began recording, I suddenly saw two other lights in the sky. The original orb I saw continued to hover in the same position, while the other two were following what looked like normal flight paths. Then suddenly one made a strange maneuver that seemed very abrupt turned toward the object in question and seemed to have intentionally crossed into the area where the orb was that I had seen initially. It was at that moment that the orb started to slowly move “backwards” as if it were a car that was in reverse, and disappeared into the clouds. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Big Object
League City — My son and I were on our way home when I noticed this huge object coming towards us on December 22, 2016. At first I thought it was a hand glider but as it got closer it clearly was not a hand glider. This object was big. It was not a drone. It did not make any noise. It was going at a steady pace. I was driving so I had my son take the picture. I have never seen anything like it. I do not even know how to describe.
Washington Lights
Issaquah — I woke up in bed, and my cat was on the coffee table in my bedroom and I noticed something had her attention on January 4, 2017. I got out of bed and went over to her and noticed large orange/red lights moving south slowly towards Tiger Mountain. I became confused because there was no noise and it was dark. I felt anxious, as it was low and close!
I grabbed my cell phone to take a photo, when I looked back out the window the lights had vanished. The time was 3:30 am.
I wondered if what I saw was a stealth bomber or a large drone? I had a hard time getting back to sleep. The next day at work I had the worst headache ever. I took the following day off work; the pain in my head went away in the late afternoon. Attached is a drawing of what I saw and I have filed a report in Calgary, Canada. My first sighting was in Glasgow, Scotland where there was a mass sighting that made nationwide news. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Lights
Marino Rocks — On the 3rd of January 2016, at 7:55 pm a friend and I were driving in my hometown of Adelaide, and pulled up next to the ocean and noticed what I thought was a part of a rainbow shining through the clouds. It only contained three colors and I realized it wasn’t a rainbow but could have been some sort of reflection or refraction of the sun. My neighbors rushed out with his SLR to take some pictures. So everyone was photographing the strange object. When I studied the photos later I noticed the objects light was actually reflecting off the water in some photos so possibly was producing its own light?
Even stranger it wasn’t until I looked at the pictures later that I noticed a green ball. Initially it was in all the photos taken and was moving rapidly. My friend sent me his pictures appear to show four lights in the object that weren’t evident in my photos. He used a Samsung Galaxy S7 and I was using an iPhone 6 plus. Also the object looks rounder in his pictures. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Cylinder
St-Alphonse-Rodrigue — My spouse and I remain in the country with low light pollution. We were on vacation in August 2016 and saw a particularly brilliant star which we had never noticed before. We could see that the star moved slightly and we saw some color chips. So I went to get my cell phone and a pair of binoculars. We saw it every night and drove higher into the mountain. The thing seemed to get closer to us and we were afraid. I took hundreds of photos. As of October, the observations become more intense when we note that there is more than one. One November night, there were 6. All were “posted” over lakes. There are over 40 lakes in the area. We went back to meet them, too overwhelmed by the event. We know that they are not stars. These “stars” remain stationary and are below the clouds. The object changes its shapes and colors, as if it makes us understands us. These are not stars, nor drone, nor anything known. My last observation was last night on January 6, 2017, at 3:30 AM; she was still in the same place. Thanks to MUFON CMS
China Light
Shanghai— I saw three blinking objects that formed triangle at “Oriental Pearl Tower” on September 26, 2016. It seems they were hovering in the same place about 30 minutes and keeping triangle formation.
All objects had several lights, and blinking up to down. The lowest position light has maximum size. All lights were shining colored pink or purple.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Columbia Black Object
Valledupar — An object of black color that was descending on the river bank of our city on December 20, 2016,
It did not make noise and was diamond-shaped and seemed like a kind of combat aircraft.
There is a battalion of engineers from the Colombian army in the area.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Israel Cloud
Jerusalem — On December 28, 2016, at 11:00 PM, a strange cloud was captured. The way I understand the case of these strange Jerusalem clouds, a mass of cool dense air happened to be sitting just above these cumulus clouds and began to sink. This created a vertical wind, a downdraft, a column of cold air that traveled downward through the center of the clouds. The downward moving winds caused a low pressure condition, and that’s why the clouds surrounding the downdraft were drawn in toward the center, in a circular pattern.
Mexico Cylinders
Mexico City – On January 5, 2017 a tourist spotted a series of cylinder shaped craft flying above the city at high altitude.
Thanks to Tom
Spain Lights
Alicante — We were sitting on our balcony looking out to sea across to Benidorm Island when a strange object suddenly appeared to the right of the horizon. It kept haphazardly pulsating and appeared to change shape and glowed. It moved from west to east and appeared to go over the top of Benidorm Island and then we could not see any more as our view was obstructed by several buildings, as shown in the picture taken the following morning. At first, we thought it was an airplane, but then realized it definitely was not as many airplanes pass over the island and none of them looked anything like what we saw. We both felt very excited at the thought that it could have been a UFO. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Lights
Portsmouth— I had just finished work and for some strange reason something caught my eye moving very slowly west from the north on September 20, 2016. I called two people that were there to look at the object, we were all saying what is it as did not move like a plane, helicopter or balloon. It stopped and hovered for a good 5 minutes before going vertically up and disappearing into the clouds. I took photos of object and a few weeks later was watching a mufon tv program and freaked out when I a saw video clip of an object in Chile flying over a volcano that looked like it was the same object.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Corby – I was both filming the almost “full moon” taking single images and was not aware of anything unusual until I checked my nights total images of 215 actuations and 5 videos. On December 13, 2016, the light appeared to be flashing intermittently in the left top centre above the moon. The small odd shape not circular was clearly bright green and had a solid shape then changed to red. It seemed to become clearer and larger. I first thought it a background star, but the anomaly moved with the moon. I have two videos and about 30 single images at between 4-6 am. I imagine its shape changed as it revolved but the colours were very vivid and a bit of a mystery. The object seemed to be hovering over one crater. I used a Nikon d5000 camera and an Opteka 1300 mm lens. Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have macular degeneration of my eyes so have trouble editing these files and need to hire more help.A donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Scientists ‘prove’ that the soul does not DIE: It returns to the UNIVERSE
Scientists ‘prove’ that the soul does not DIE: It returns to the UNIVERSE
According to two leading scientists, the human brain is in fact a ‘biological computer’ and the ‘consciousness of humans’ is a program run by the quantum computer located inside the brain that even continues to exist after we ‘die.’ As experts explain it; after people die, their soul comes back to the universe, and it does not die’.
The debate about the existence of the soul and whether it is immortal or dies with the person is an endless story that for centuries has occupied the time of the great thinkers of universal history. Its mysterious nature continues to fascinate different areas of science, but now a group of researchers has discovered a new truth about it: the “soul” does not die; it returns to the universe.
Since 1996, Dr. Stuart Hameroff, an American Physicist and Emeritus in the Department of Anesthesiology and Psychology, and Sir Roger Penrose, a mathematical physicist at Oxford University, have worked in a Quantum Theory of Consciousness in which they state that the soul is maintained in microtubules of the brain cells.
Their ‘provocative’ theory states that the human soul is be contained by the brain cells in structures inside them called microtubules.
The two researchers believe the human brain is in fact a ‘biological computer’ and the ‘consciousness of humans’ is a program run by the quantum computer located inside the brain that even continues to exist after we ‘die.’
Furthermore, both scientists argue that what humans perceive as ‘consciousness’ is in fact the result of ‘quantum gravity’ effects located within the so-called ‘microtubules.’ This process is named by the two scientists “Orchestrated Objective Reduction” (Orch-OR).
The theory indicates that when people enter a phase known as ‘clinical death,’ the microtubules located in the brain lose their quantum state but maintain the information contained within them. In other words – as experts explain it after people die, their soul returns to the universe, and it does not die’.
Speaking to the Science Channel’s Through the Wormhole documentary, Dr. Hameroff said:
“Let’s say the heart stops beating, the blood stops flowing; the microtubules lose their quantum state. The quantum information within the microtubules is not destroyed, it can’t be destroyed, and it just distributes and dissipates to the universe at large. If the patient is resuscitated, revived, this quantum information can go back into the microtubules and the patient says “I had a near-death experience.” If they’re not revived, and the patient dies, it’s possible that this quantum information can exist outside the body, perhaps indefinitely, as a soul.”
According to this theory, the human souls are more than just ‘interactions’ of neurons in our brain and could have been present since the beginning of time.
The subject of UFOs has always been controversial – still is. To get a look at the subject from the perspective of MUFON, America’s premier investigator of the phenomenon, we sat down with its executive director, Jan Harzan. You may know MUFON from Hangar 1, a popular TV series recently on the History Channel about the organization and its work with unexplained UFO sightings. In part 1 of our chat below, Harzan discusses two big UFO cases, possible cover-ups, Roswell, NM, and his own encounter with a UFO. You and I may or may not agree with Harzan but his arguments are interesting.
A purported UFO over New Jersey in 1952.
(Courtesy of Wikipedia)
Jim Clash: Briefly, what is MUFON?
Jan Harzan: A membership-based 501.c.3 non-profit whose mission is, “the scientific study of UFOs for the benefit of humanity.” We offer a place for the public to report UFO sightings, and then we assign trained MUFON field investigators to contact the witness(es) and investigate the reports and determine exactly what happened. The information is then available to the public. We have over 100,0000 cases on file now, with that number growing rapidly. We are 100% publicly funded through two primary sources, memberships and donations.
JC: Give us two compelling UFO cases.
JH: One of the best-documented cases of an extraterrestrial encounter is Travis Walton from Nov. 5, 1975, near Snowflake, AZ. Travis and six co-workers had just finished clearing brush in the mountains and were heading back to town when they encountered a glowing, silvery disc-shaped craft in the forest. Travis exited the cab of the truck they were in, and approached the craft. In doing so, he was struck by a beam of light knocking him to the ground unconscious. His buddies filled with fear high-tailed it out but returned a while later to find both Travis and the saucer gone. Five days passed when Travis suddenly reappeared to tell the story of where he had been. He reported being aboard a craft and seeing creatures that did not look human. All seven of the crew and Travis took, and passed, lie-detector tests regarding their ordeal.
The second is known as the Rendlesham Forest case involving the U.S. military in Suffolk, England. Around 3 a.m. on Dec. 26, 1980, strange lights were reported by a security patrol near the east gate of RAF Woodbridge apparently descending into nearby Rendlesham Forest. Servicemen initially thought it was a downed aircraft but, upon entering the forest to investigate, they saw a strange glowing object, metallic in appearance, with colored lights. As they approached, it moved through the trees and left three impressions in the ground that were visible the next day. One of the servicemen, Sgt. Jim Penniston, later claimed to have encountered a "craft of unknown origin" and to have made detailed notes of its features, touched its "warm" surface and copied the numerous symbols that were on its body. The object flew away after their brief encounter.
Jan Harzan, executive director of MUFON.
(Courtesy of Jan Harzan)
JC: Why do you think governments have been buttoned up regarding the possibility of visits to Earth?
JH: Well, the real answer is we don’t know. One possible reason is because they believe, rightly or wrongly, that Earth’s population is not ready for such a revelation. Other thoughts are that the knowledge would create widespread panic, cripple the stock market and end religion as we know it. Another possible reason is that the technology these beings have is so far advanced - whether it be faster-than-light travel, time travel or other far-advanced technology - that it poses a national security threat to America, especially if these capabilities were to fall into enemy hands. I tend to think it is this latter reason.
JC: Roswell, NM - real or hoax?
JH: Real. Get a copy of the video presentation of “Recollections of Roswell” filmed by MUFON member and well-known UFO researcher Stanton Friedman. It is interviews with some 30 survivors of Roswell, including first-hand witnesses, their spouses and their children. What they tell you will send chills up your spine. If you don’t believe something extraordinary happened after watching this video, then nothing will convince you. I can tell you this: It was no weather balloon.
JC: Have you seen a UFO yourself?
JH: I had the good fortune of having a close encounter with a UFO as a kid. I was 10 years old at the time with my brother Jeff (age 9) when we witnessed a landing craft in our backyard in Thousand Oaks, CA. It was 30 feet from us, hovering 10 feet off the ground, making a humming noise much like a transformer on a telephone pole. There were four landing gear on the craft, and it was completely smooth and seamless. It was a life-changing experience, to say the least.
JC: Why should we believe extraterrestrials are interested in our planet?
JH: Well, first off I don’t think one has to believe. Just read our sighting reports - it’s happening. Why is anyone’s guess. If I had to make an educated guess, I would say first that our planet is unique, at least in our solar system, as three-quarters of it is water. And second, we are abundant in resources and rare-earth metals. Another thought is we might be known as the "vacation spot" of the universe. Seriously though, it could be for any number of reasons, perhaps even just wanting to observe and study us as humans.
(Editor's Note: For more of our interview with MUFON's Jan Harzan, including the possibility of re-engineering UFO technology, Area 51, famous people who have seen UFOs and Hangar 1, stay tuned to the Forbes channel.)
The Close Encounters Conference in Byron Bay heard claims of human-alien hybrids.
The woman, who refused to be identified and was only known as Anna, said she believes she was taken onto a spacecraft where the bizarre operation took place.
Anna is one of thousands of people, including doctors, lawyers, and pilots, who claim to have been taken by aliens.
She said: "They wanted some help with their hybrid project, so they chose me.
“I discern who I tell and who I don't because I can tell who's ready for that information and who's not.
The woman spoke out at the world’s first conference which intended to convince the globe that alleged alien abductions are a positive thing.
The Close Encounters Conference in Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia, saw believers turn up to share stories.
The results of a survey of nearly 3,000 people who claim to have been abducted were also reported at the conference which ended yesterday.
The survey was conducted by the Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE), set up by the late astronaut who walked on the Moon.
FREE board member and researcher Mary Rodwell presented the survey's initial findings at the conference.
They wanted some help with their hybrid project, so they chose me.
Alien abductee Anna
She said: “They've talked about seeing strange craft in the sky, being taken to a spacecraft, procedures being done to them, being educated on the craft.
"And what we're finding is that 85 per cent of people change their lifestyle after these experiences.
"What we're finding is that people are speaking about their experiences in an overwhelmingly positive way.
"Their attitude to the materialistic world changes, they become more ecologically minded, they feel more empathy for the planet and themselves, and they are being changed in ways that many people can't understand.
"When you hear doctors, nurses, social workers, pilots, celebrities, lawyers, farmers, children, talking about this experience … when they're all talking about similar things and similar patterns and you hear the emotion and the feeling, all of that is an authenticity you cannot dismiss.”
Kathryn Hand organised the conference and said people had previously feared speaking out for fear of being called insane.
She said: “We found that by organising this, people have started to feel more comfortable talking about it. We're giving them a platform to talk about it.
"People are scared that if they start talking about it too openly other people might think they're crazy.
"We're bringing people together who have had encounters, and trying to make it something that can be discussed in an environment where they won't be ridiculed and where they can discover they're not alone."
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'Aliens DID crash UFO at Roswell' and THIS is 'why it was covered up' A RETIRED professor says he is convinced aliens HAVE visited Earth and did crash at Roswell in the 1940s. By JON AUSTIN
'Aliens DID crash UFO at Roswell' and THIS is 'why it was covered up'
A RETIRED professor says he is convinced aliens HAVE visited Earth and did crash at Roswell in the 1940s.
Don Donderi of McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, said the US Government did recover a crashed extraterrestrial craft in the New Mexico desert near Roswell in 1947.
Mr Donderi, who has a PhD in psychology from Cornell University, even claims people have been abducted by aliens.
He is behind a course at McGill University called UFOs: History and Reality. The course argues “UFOs are real and extraterrestrial.”
He told the Montreal Gazette he believes aliens exist “beyond a reasonable doubt.”
Referring to Roswell, he said: “The US government recovered the remains of a crashed unidentified flying object or to be more correct, an extraterrestrial vehicle.
“It is believed that they also recovered bodies of dead aliens.”
Professor Don Donderi claims and alien UFO did crash at Roswell in 1947.
Roswell has been at the heart of the UFO scene since the military announced in a press release it had found the remains of a crashed flying saucer in the nearby desert, in July 1947.
But the following day it retracted the statement, saying it was in fact a damaged US Air Force air balloon.
Witnesses later came forward to say there had been alien bodies within the "crashed craft", which along with the wreckage were then taken to the mysterious top-secret Area 51 military base in Nevada.
Mr Donderi explained why the events had been covered up.
He said: “The technology involved is extremely advanced; the implications for human society are incredible and possibly upsetting because we are under surveillance by technologically superior beings from other planets.
The US government recovered the remains of a crashed unidentified flying object or to be more correct, an extraterrestrial vehicle.
Professor Don Donderi
“We don’t know how to do what they do. We don’t know what their motives are or their interests are.
“And at the moment, as far as I know, we don’t have any active defences or preparations to deal with the situation.
“So it’s obviously upsetting. Secrecy is because when governments, any government, gets hold of new technology, and want to figure out how it works, their first interest is protecting their own turf on this and not sharing it with the world.”
Asked if he was certain of aliens existing, he said: “I’m 100 per cent certain of that.
“Some of what people report as UFOs are extraterrestrial vehicles. That proposition, I believe, is established beyond reasonable doubt.
“Proposition two is that some of the extraterrestrial vehicles have ET crews, and proposition three is that some of these ET crews ‘catch and release’ humans to study them, so-called alien abductions.
“Proposition two, I think, is established beyond a reasonable doubt, and proposition three is bound on probabilities.
“I know many people. I’d say 10, at least, who have claimed to be abducted. And in many cases, I respect their claims because I think they’re based on sound evidence.”
I’m obsessed with the “Mothman”, a winged creature with beaming red eyes that typical appears before a major disaster. They once made an excellent movie about it, The Mothman Prophecies, which starred Richard Gere as a reporter who is drawn to a small West Virginia town to investigate a series of strange events, including psychic visions and the appearance of bizarre entities.
The Mothman of Point Pleasant chronicles the historic happenings that took place over the span of 13 months in 1966-67 in West Virginia. After a late-night run in with a freakish flying “thing” near an abandoned munitions factory, four people report their sighting to local police which sparks a “media frenzy”. Over the following year more strange happenings take place as Men in Black and UFOs descend on the town.
But what actually happened in Point Pleasant? Learn the true story behind the infamous motorman accounts from the people who lived them in this follow-up to STM’s award-winning “Boggy Creek Monster”.
The documentary film looks to retell the Mothman legend through eyewitness testimony and the perspective of Point Pleasant citizens. The Mothman was first sighted in 1966 and sightings continued until around the time a bridge that connected the West Virginia town of Point Pleasant to the Ohio town of Gallipolis collapsed in 1967. The documentary will tell not only the Mothman stories but the entire thirteen month span between the first sightings and the bridge collapse.
Seth Breedlove, the film’s director promises recently-discovered history connected to the Mothman legends as well as new, untold encounter stories. He goes on the say that the collapse of the Silver Bridge is integral to the story but does not believe the tragedy was connected to the Mothman stories.
Small Town Monsters has produced three award-winning films including the recent, Boggy Creek Monster which took all honors at the annual Hollywood International Independent Documentary Awards. Production of The Mothman of Point Pleasant was entirely self-financed though, a Kickstarter campaign to help fund post-production (as well as a fifth STM film, already in the works) will launch on February 2nd.
The Mothman of Point Pleasant has tapped Brandon Dalo to compose an original score (heard briefly in the teaser) and author and television personality, Lyle Blackburn, to executive produce and narrate. Zac Palmisano has returned as director of photography while Seth Breedlove directs, writes, and produces the film. Famed poster artist, Sam Shearon will contribute a brand new take on the Mothman in the official one-sheet
Prince William, Duke of Cambridge (R) poses next to the droid C3P0 from Star Wars as they visit the creature and droid department at Pinewood studios on April 19, 2016 in Iver Heath, England. Prince William and Prince Harry are touring Pinewood studios to visit the production workshops and meet the creative teams working behind the scenes on the Star Wars films.
(Photo : Adrian Dennis-WPA Pool/Getty IMages)
Considering that no one exactly knows what aliens look like and whether they really exist or not, a number of UFO enthusiasts believe that aliens might not be the typical humanoid creatures that we've been expecting it to be. On Neil deGrasse Tyson's science show "Star Talk," SETI Astronomer Seth Shotsak and comedian Michael Ian Black have recently discussed alien sightings and the way aliens are portrayed in the media nowadays. Shotsak claimed that aliens do have the ability of sending signals that can be detected by the Earth's most advanced set of technologies and will likely transcend beyond the biological form to live instead as intelligent machines. Hence, it is not impossible that an all-digital civilization will soon take place, he adds.
Are Aliens The Same As Machines Of The Future?
In one of his statements reported by CNet, the SETI astronomer was quoted to have said that one-third of the US population are allegedly hooked into the UFO phenomena. He explains that there are roughly 10,000-20,000 sightings reported every year in the US, so that's considerably a lot. Shotsak has also added that with the forms of technology the humanity has, he believes that aliens have already done that way past ahead of us which makes him even more convinced that the real aliens probably look like machines.
Furthermore, as Daily Mail reports it, futurist Ray Kurzweil has also claimed that the idea of singularity, when humans will merge with technology, was apparently projected to take place in 2045. On the other hand, it was found that the SETI astronomer believes that the time when it will take place doesn't actually matter anymore because the bottomline is, the phenomenon is inevitable. The expert also added that this is also the same path that we should be expecting for intelligent alien life as well. Ultimately, the researcher explained that the machines humans create for themselves will just eventually continue to get smarter at an accelerated rate, which would then mark the creation of better and better technologies.
A nearly full moon shines on January 22, 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The city is set to host the Rio 2016 Olympic Games in August.
(Photo : Mario Tama/Getty Images)
A series of images that has been taken in quick succession has recently been the talk of the town as it has went viral online. The discussion surrounds a seemingly mysterious object being taken under a spooky full moon's night which has then been linked and spawned ghost theories on Reddit. On the first photo, it looks like it was just an empty lawn and a full moon, while in the second picture, most of the people who have seen the photos say that it's somewhat showing the same scene only with a small, ghoulish figure appears running across the grass.
Another UFO Sighting Under A Spooky Full Moon Caught On Cam
In one of his statements reported by Daily Mail, the uploader, whose Reddit name is MeTarzanYouJane, has allegedly posted the two images on the website while asking other users to help him figure out what might have happened in the photo. While being unsure of what might be the image in the photo, the said Reddit user has assured the people that the photos are not edited and has even claimed that there were no smudges on the lens at the time when the photos were taken.
Furthermore, according to Daily Star, the uploader of the images have also explained that the mere fact that it produces a shadow makes him rule out the possibility of it being something like a smudge on the lens. It also is opaque all except for what he would suppose as a human face. While some remain skeptics about the said image, others can't help but to agree with the uploader. One user said that by basing it to the size and stature, they are on the paranormal spectrum. Ultimately, the uploader adds that the creature wasn't seen by the photographers, and only noticed when they later viewed the pictures.
Alien hunter demands 'scientific inquiry' after police helicopter captures UFO over Bristol Channel
An alien hunter has accused police of withholding facts about a suspected UFO sighting by a helicopter above the Bristol Channel.
Gary Heseltine, editor of UFO Truth magazine, has been investigating the sighting of the invisible object, which was capture by thermal cameras 1000ft over the Bristol Channel.
He has demanded a 'scientific inquiry' into the sighting in September 2016.
Footage shared on Twitter by the National Police Air Service shows an object which could not be seen with the naked eye, accompanied by the caption, 'Any suggestion??' and an alien emoji.
The UFO was filmed by a police helicopter 1000ft above the Bristol Channel
Some have suggested it could be a balloon or a Chinese lantern, but police have ruled out both ideas because of the heat and movement.
The mystery craft was said to be flying against the winds at the time and was said to be undetected by air traffic control.
Mr Heseltine said his investigation has included several Freedom of Information Requests to South Wales police to obtain flight maps and audio from the cockpit.
He said: "I've waited until now to see how much information I could obtain from the police via the FOI requests I've submitted. What I can say is that in my opinion the police have not been as open and transparent as they could have been."
He claims the case bears a resemblance to another case in Chile where a Navy helicopter captured a UFO on infra-red, the Mirror reports.
Gary added: "I believe this British case is a major UFO event and should be the subject of a scientific enquiry."
It is understood the footage was captured over Bristol on Saturday, September 17 2016, and shared online by NPAS St Athan, the National Police Air Service which is based in South Wales, more than a week later.
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Rabbijn: “Sterrenexplosie in 2022 zal gepaard gaan met wederkomst van Jezus”
Rabbijn: “Sterrenexplosie in 2022 zal gepaard gaan met wederkomst van Jezus”
De dodelijke dans van dubbelster KIC 9832227 eindigt in 2022 met een enorme explosie. Beide sterren zullen dan op elkaar botsen en met elkaar versmelten.
Door de supernova die deze botsing tot gevolg heeft, zal de ster ongeveer 1000 keer helderder worden aan de nachtelijke hemel.
Astronomen van het Amerikaanse Calvin College voorspellen dat de explosie van de dubbelster in het sterrenbeeld Zwaan 1800 jaar geleden heeft plaatsgevonden en dat het licht ervan in 2022 de aarde bereikt.
Vanaf onze planeet zal er dan een rode flits te zien zijn waarbij een nieuwe, massieve ster ontstaat.
“De kans om zo’n explosie te voorspellen is één op de miljoen,” aldus astronoom Larry Molnar. “Zoiets is nog nooit eerder gedaan.”
Rabbijn Yosef Berger claimt dat de explosie in 2022 gepaard zal gaan met de wederkomst van Jezus Christus, meldt de Daily Express.
Rabbijn Berger wijst op een Bijbelse profetie die de verschijning van een nieuwe ster linkt aan de wederkomst:
Wat ik zie is niet in het heden, wat ik waarneem is niet nabij. Een ster komt op uit Jakob, een scepter uit Israël. Hij verbrijzelt Moab de slapen, de kinderen van Set slaat hij neer.(Numeri 24:17)
Berger citeerde ook de 12e-eeuwse rabbijn Maimonides, ook bekend als de Rambam, wiens filosofische werk tot op de dag van vandaag een grote invloed heeft op het joodse denken.
“Volgens de Rambam is dit vers over een ster die verschijnt bewijs dat Jezus op een dag zal komen,” zei Berger tegenover Breaking Israel News.
Descending from the cloudless sky and touching down in a burst of flames and cloud of gas, the first-stage booster of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket landed safely on the droneship landing pad Just Read the Instructions (named for one of the starships in Iain M. Banks’ novel The Player of Games) today at just after 10 a.m. Pacific time. You could almost hear Elon Musk unclench his jaw. This successful mission was a much- needed win for the private spaceflight company, whose last launch ended before it began. In September of 2016, one of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rockets exploded on the launchpad during a routine pre-launch test. This was a serious setback for a company that’s been at the forefront of an industry effort to recover and reuse rockets instead of ditching them in the ocean, as had been the custom since the beginning of spaceflight. This landing today was the first successful one on Just Read the Instructions.
Today’s launch and landing weren’t just about getting to space and back, though. In addition to SpaceX’s ongoing attempts to recover and reuse their rockets, the mission of this launch was to deploy ten Iridium Communications satellites.
The mission was the first of seven scheduled launches, creating a satellite communication network that will cover the entire globe. The satellites’ successful deployment is important for SpaceX, especially in light of recent news that the company has suffered millions in financial losses since 2015. Today’s success bodes well for SpaceX, as the company has bet heavily on these satellite contracts.
In addition to launching other companies’ communications satellites, SpaceX plans to make its own internet-providing satellites a major source of revenue in the near future. According to financial documents obtained by The Wall Street Journal, the company projects that its internet business will eclipse its launch division in profitability, earning $30 billion in revenue by 2025, eventually helping to fund missions to Mars.
The live video was typically choppy, but here’s a clip of the landing:
Airbus has a big plan to conquer the skies with an array of vertical takeoff and landing machines (VTOL), starting as soon as this year with a prototype. The company wants to use its Vahana project to solve the problems of traffic congestion that plague major cities, with users booking trips using a smartphone app in a similar fashion to Uber.
“One hundred years ago, urban transport went underground, now we have the technological wherewithal to go above ground,” Airbus CEO Tom Enders at the DLD Conference in Munich. “We are in an experimentation phase, we take this development very seriously.”
He added that he expects a prototype to take to the skies this year, Reutersreported.
And beyond this year, Enders offered this prediction for 2031:
“We are thinking that in fifteen years, we can do 90-100 passengers with an electric or hybrid aircraft,” Enders said, noting that “this is not yet an intercontinental-range aircraft, this is not an A-380 or something like that, but it’s good progress.”
Airbus has previously expressed an interest in bringing a flying car to consumers by 2020, but it now seems to have made the project greater a priority. The Urban Air Mobility division, which is working on the project, was set up last year as a way to explore ambitious transportation concepts for the future.
“If we ignore these developments, we will be pushed out of important segments of the business,” Enders said.
The Airbus concept will use a four-rotor design for the VTOL capabilities, which are seen as useful in urban environments — they don’t require the same size spaces as traditional aircrafts.
The big hurdle remains autonomous technology. Manufacturers are only just beginning to work autonomous technology for land-based vehicles, and even then, automakers aren’t expected to hit the mainstream with self-driving cars for another few years, when more data is gathered that can help the vehicles navigate.
Despite this trajectory, Enders did observe that’s sort of backward. Flying should come first.
“Autonomous flying is easier than autonomous driving and I think more and more people realize that, never the less, I think it might be autonomous driving, or partially autonomous driving, is implemented first,” he said.
Airbus is not the only company that believes the way forward is VTOL transport. Uber released a white paper on its plan for flying car service late last year, explaining that the vehicles are ideal for longer journeys where traditional cars would have to tackle traffic in and out of the city.
And what did Uber project would be its Prius or Camry for the skies? The Airbus Vahana, of course.
Adam Ruben’s tongue-in-cheek column about the common difficulties and frustrations of reading a scientific paper broadly resonated among Science Careers readers. Many of you have come to us asking for more (and more serious) advice on how to make sense of the scientific literature, so we’ve asked a dozen scientists at different career stages and in a broad range of fields to tell us how they do it. Although it is clear that reading scientific papers becomes easier with experience, the stumbling blocks are real, and it is up to each scientist to identify and apply the techniques that work best for them. The responses have been edited for clarity and brevity.
Do you have your own tips or other questions you’d like answered? Leave them in the comments section.
How do you approach reading a paper?
I start by reading the abstract. Then, I skim the introduction and flip through the article to look at the figures. I try to identify the most prominent one or two figures, and I really make sure I understand what's going on in them. Then, I read the conclusion/summary. Only when I have done that will I go back into the technical details to clarify any questions I might have.
- Jesse Shanahan, master's candidate in astronomy at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut
I first get a general idea by reading the abstract and conclusions. The conclusions help me understand if the goal summarized in the abstract has been reached, and if the described work can be of interest for my own study. I also always look at plots/figures, as they help me get a first impression of a paper. Then I usually read the entire article from beginning to end, going through the sections in the order they appear so that I can follow the flow of work that the authors want to communicate.
If you want to make it a productive exercise, you need to have a clear idea of which kind of information you need to get in the first place, and then focus on that aspect. It could be to compare your results with the ones presented by the authors, put your own analysis into context, or extend it using the newly published data. Citation lists can help you decide why the paper may be most relevant to you by giving you a first impression of how colleagues that do similar research as you do may have used the paper.
- Cecilia Tubiana, scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research inGöttingen, Germany
If I’m aiming to just get the main points, I’ll read the abstract, hop to the figures, and scan the discussion for important points. I think the figures are the most important part of the paper, because the abstract and body of the paper can be manipulated and shaped to tell a compelling story. Then anything I’m unclear about, I head to the methodology.
If I want to delve deeper into the paper, I typically read it in its entirety and then also read a few of the previous papers from that group or other articles on the same topic. If there is a reference after a statement that I find particularly interesting or controversial, I also look it up. Should I need more detail, I access any provided data repositories or supplemental information.
Then, if the authors' research is similar to my own, I see if their relevant data match our findings or if there are any inconsistencies. If there are, I think about what could be causing them. Additionally, I think about what would happen in our model if we used the same methods as they did and what we could learn from that. Sometimes, it is also important to pay attention to why the authors decided to conduct an experiment in a certain way. Did the authors use an obscure test instead of a routine assay, and why would they do this?
- Jeremy C. Borniger, doctoral candidate in neuroscience at Ohio State University, Columbus
I always start with title and abstract. That tells me whether or not it’s an article I’m interested in and whether I’ll actually be able to understand it—both scientifically and linguistically. I then read the introduction so that I can understand the question being framed, and jump right to the figures and tables so I can get a feel for the data. I then read the discussion to get an idea of how the paper fits into the general body of knowledge.
I pay attention to acknowledgement of limitations and proper inference of data. Some people stretch their claims more than others, and that can be a red flag for me. I also put on my epidemiologist hat so that I can try to make sure the study design is adequate to actually test the hypotheses being examined.
As I go deeper into the argument framing, figures, and discussion, I also think about which pieces are exciting and new, which ones are biologically or logically relevant, and which ones are most supported by the literature. I also consider which pieces fit with my pre-existing hypotheses and research questions.
- Kevin Boehnke, doctoral candidate in environmental health sciences at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
My reading strategy depends on the paper. Sometimes I start by skimming through to see how much might be relevant. If it is directly applicable to my current topic, I’ll read the paper closely, apart from the introduction that is probably already familiar. But I always try to figure out if there are particular places or figures that I need to pay close attention to, and then I go and read the related information in the results and discussion.
I also check if there are references that I may be interested in. Sometimes I am curious to see who in the field has—or more likely has not—been referenced, to see whether the authors are choosing to ignore certain aspects of the research. I often find that the supplementary figures actually offer the most curious and interesting results, especially if the results relate to parts of the field that the authors did not reference or if they are unclear or unhelpful to their interpretation of the overall story.
- Gary McDowell, postdoctoral fellow in developmental biology at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, and visiting scholar at Boston College
When reading papers, it helps me to have a writing task so that I am being an active reader instead of letting my eyes glaze over mountains of text only to forget everything I just read. So for example, when I read for background information, I will save informative sentences from each article about a specific topic in a Word document. I'll write comments along the way about new ideas I got or questions I need to explore further. Then, in the future, I’ll only need to read this document instead of re-reading all the individual papers.
Likewise, when I want to figure out how to conduct a particular experiment, I create a handy table in Excel summarizing how a variety of research teams went about doing a particular experiment.
- Lina A. Colucci, doctoral candidate at the Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology program
I usually start with the abstract, which gives me a brief snapshot of what the study is all about. Then I read the entire article, leaving the methods to the end unless I can't make sense of the results or I'm unfamiliar with the experiments.
The results and methods sections allow you to pull apart a paper to ensure it stands up to scientific rigor. Always think about the type of experiments performed, and whether these are the most appropriate to address the question proposed. Ensure that the authors have included relevant and sufficient numbers of controls. Often, conclusions can also be based on a limited number of samples, which limits their significance.
I like to print out the paper and highlight the most relevant information, so on a quick rescan I can be reminded of the major points. Most relevant points would be things that change your thinking about your research topic or give you new ideas and directions.
- Lachlan Gray, deputy head of the HIV Neuropathogenesis Lab at the Burnet Institute and adjunct research fellow in the Department of Infectious Disease at Monash University inMelbourne, Australia
What I choose to read is based on relation to my research areas and things that are generating lots of interest and discussion because they are driving the way we do psychology, or science more widely, in new directions. Most often, what I am trying to get out of the papers is issues of methodology, experimental design, and statistical analysis. And so for me, the most important section is first what the authors did (methods) and second what they found (results).
It can also be interesting to understand why the authors thought they were doing the study (introduction) and what they think the results mean (discussion). When it is an area that I know a lot about, I don't usually care much about these sections because they often reflect the authors' theoretical predilections and one of many ways to think about the method and results. But when it is an area that I know very little about, I read these closely because then I learn a lot about the assumptions and explanatory approaches in that area of research.
- Brian Nosek, professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Virginia and executive director of the Center for Open Science in Charlottesville
First I read very fast: The point of the first reading is simply to see whether the paper is interesting for me. If it is I read it a second time, slower and with more attention to detail.
If the paper is vital to my research—and if it is theoretical—I would reinvent the paper. In such cases, I only take the starting point and then work out everything else on my own, not looking into the paper. Sometimes this is a painfully slow process. Sometimes I get angry about the authors not writing clearly enough, omitting essential points and dwelling on superfluous nonsense. Sometimes I am electrified by a paper.
- Ulf Leonhardt, professor of physics at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel
I nearly always read the abstract first and only continue on to the paper if the abstract indicates that the paper will be of value to me. Then, if the topic of the paper is one I know well, I generally skim the introduction, reading its last paragraph to make sure I know the specific question being addressed in the paper. Then I look at the figures and tables, either read or skim the results, and lastly skim or read the discussion.
If the topic is not one I know well, I usually read the introduction much more carefully so that the study is placed into context for me. Then I skim the figures and tables and read the results.
- Charles W. Fox, professor in the Department of Entomology at the University of Kentucky in Lexington
It is important to realize that shortcuts have to be taken when reading papers so that there is time left to get our other work done, including writing, conducting research, attending meetings, teaching, and grading papers. Starting as a Ph.D. student, I have been reading the conclusions and methods of academic journal articles and chapters rather than entire books.
- Rima Wilkes, professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver
As editor-in-chief of Science, I have to read and comprehend papers outside of my field all the time. Generally, I start with the corresponding editors’ summaries, which are meant for someone like me: a science generalist who is interested in everything but dives deeply only into one field. Next, I check to see if someone wrote a News article on the paper. Third, I check to see if there is a Perspective by another scientist. The main goal of a Perspective is to broaden the message of the paper, but often the authors do a great job of extracting the essence of the article for non-specialists at the same time.
Then I tackle the abstract, which has been written to broadly communicate to the readership of the journal. Finally, I move on to the paper itself, reading, in order, the intro, conclusions, scanning the figures, and then reading the paper through.
What do you do when there is something you don’t understand?
I like to read online so that I can easily cut and paste words I don’t know into a browser to check what they mean.
- McNutt
If it's only a few things in the article, I'll make a note to look them up later. If I am really struggling to proceed through the paper, I try to look up a review article or a textbook chapter to give me the necessary background to proceed, which I generally find much more efficient.
There are a lot of acronyms and jargon that can be subfield-specific, so I usually don't wade through the details unless it's for my own research. But I always try to take my time to really understand the methods being used.
- Shanahan
I will typically pause immediately to look up things I don’t understand. The rest of the reading may not make sense if I don’t understand a key phrase or jargon. This can backfire a bit, though, as I often go down never-ending rabbit holes after looking something up (What is X? Oh, X influences Y. … So what’s Y? etc…). This can be sort of fun as you learn how everything is connected, but if you’re crunched for time this can pull your attention away from the task at hand.
Sometimes, all the jargon in a paper can cloud the whole point of the experiments in the first place. In such cases, it helps to ask yourself, “What question were the authors trying to answer?” Then you can determine whether they succeeded or failed.
- Borniger
It depends on how much the non-understandable bits prevent me from following the main ideas. I usually do not try to understand all the details in all the sections the first time I read a paper. If non-understandable parts appear important for my research, I try to ask colleagues or even contact the lead author directly. Going back to the original references to get all the background information is the last resort, because time can be limited and collaborations and personal contacts can be much more efficient in solving specific problems.
- Tubiana
Sometimes, you can just read through a paper and any terms you're not familiar with will become clearer by the end. If it is very heavy going, then stopping and seeking additional information is usually the way to go. I do a quick Google search on the topic, theme, method, jargon, etc. If it is a very dense article, sometimes it will require a few read-throughs before it all starts to make sense.
- Gray
The question I ask myself is, “Do I need to understand what that means in order to get what I need from this paper?” I now read articles in research areas well outside of my expertise, and I often don't need more than superficial knowledge of the substantive content. If I can't do anything with the paper unless I don't understand that depth, then I do more background research.
- Nosek
Lately, I have had to read a number of papers outside my area of expertise with a lot of unfamiliar jargon. In some cases, I am able to directly extract the information I need from the results or figures and tables. In other cases, I use Google searches to define terms and concepts in the paper or read the cited references to better understand the points being made. Occasionally, papers are so incomprehensible (to me, at least) that I don't bother reading them.
- Fox
Do you ever feel overwhelmed reading papers, and how do you deal with that?
All the time. If the paper is relevant to a problem I am trying to solve, you can be sure that there are key things in the paper that I do not understand. That confusion is not a threat; it is an opportunity. I am ignorant; I need to become less ignorant. This paper may help me.
Simultaneously, some papers are written terribly and are not worth the effort. Someone else has surely written about the concepts more clearly so that I can keep my confusion focused on understanding substance rather than poor grammar.
- Nosek
I especially get overwhelmed if it's not in my subfield, if it's long, and if it's full of technical jargon. When this happens, I break it down into chunks and will read it over the course of a few days, if possible. For really difficult papers, it also helps to sit down and work through it with a colleague.
- Shanahan
Yes, many times. This is why I developed my own reading strategies, by talking to other scientists and by trial and error. I also have thrown up my hands in frustration and tossed the offending papers away, never to read them again.
- Boehnke
Yes, and in these cases you have to realize that some papers are the result of years of work by dozens of scientists. Expecting to digest and understand everything in it in one afternoon is a far-fetched idea.
- Borniger
I have often felt overwhelmed! But certain sections might not need as deep an understanding as others. You also need to know your own limits: Are there some parts of the paper that you would like to emulate but are not part of your expertise and might become “accessible” through collaborations?
- Tubiana
If I feel the paper is very important to what I’m doing, I’ll leave it a while and go back to it again a couple of times. But if it’s too overwhelming, then I have to leave it aside, unless someone among the colleagues I have contacted has been able to interpret it.
- McDowell
Do you have any other tips you’d like to share?
If there is a seminal paper I want to thoroughly understand, I find some way to give a journal club-style presentation about it. Speaking about a particular paper and answering questions is the best way for me to learn the material.
Also, get a good reference manager. Mendeley helps me do my research, read literature, and write papers.
- Colucci
At the beginning, new academic readers find it slow because they have no frame of reference for what they are reading. But there are ways to use reading as a system of creating a mental library, and after a few years, it becomes easy to slot papers onto your mental shelves. Then you can quickly skim a paper to know its contribution.
- Wilkes
Be patient. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to use Wikipedia or other, more lay-audience sources like blog posts to get a feel for your topic. Ask many, many questions. If you can’t get a clear understanding of the paper, talk with people in your circle. If you are still confused and it's really important to understand the concepts, email the authors.
- Boehnke
Don’t hesitate to talk to more experienced scientists. You will be doing THEM a favor by having them explain to you in terms you understand what a complex paper means. All scientists need more experience translating complex concepts into common terms.
- McNutt
If at all possible, read often. Try to keep a bibliography file with a summary of the article, any important points, even a figure or two, along with citation information. Pay attention to different ways of structuring an article, and pay attention to different styles of writing. This will help you develop a style that is effective and also unique.
This is Gerald Anderson's story of the Roswell UFO crash. He was interviewed by famous UFO researcher Stanton Friedman (the same researcher who first obtained Major Jesse A. Marcel’s testimony about the Roswell incident.
During this interview, Gerald Anderson tells of him as a young boy of walking up on a crashed UFO complete with its crew of 4 and with one alien creature still alive. µ
Anderson was out rock hunting with some family members on the Plains of St. Augustine near Socorro on the July 1947 morning that this event took place.
His testimony was polygraph proved, which proves that the UFO phenomenon is real and the Roswell Incident was, in fact, a crashed UFO.
When they were out rock hunting, they discovered a silver disk. There were three creatures, three bodies, lying on the ground underneath this thing in the shade. Two weren't moving, and the third one obviously was having trouble breathing. There was a fourth one next to it, sitting there on the ground. There wasn't a thing wrong with it, and it apparently had been giving first aid to the others.
After a couple of minutes, Anderson investigated the UFO and the alien that was still alive turned and looked at him. Anderson had the feeling the creature was inside of his mind. He could hear his thoughts.
A group of armed soldiers suddenly appeared. The extraterrestrial creature, which had calmed down after its initial fright, "went crazy" at the sight of the soldiers. Thinking back on the creature's plight today brings on the "most awful, horrible feeling," Anderson says.
"His situation was hopeless. He was aware of it. He'd just lived through a nightmare that most of us wouldn't be able to psychologically stand. He'd watched two of his crew die. He knew there's no chance of rescue because our military is here and his people aren't going to be able to get him.
"As a kid, I was aware of what being afraid of the dark was like., and the feeling I got from him at the moment was that feeling multiplied a million times. It was really scary. It was terrifying.
This article (Roswell UFO Crash - First Hand Witness Testimony - One Alien Was Alive!) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with full attribution and a link to the original source on
UFOs are a common thing in the skye of Mexico and have been since ancient times. The live cam feed only gives us one photo every 20-30 seconds, but still thats helpful. Here we have a UFO thats very big, about the size of a 727 compared with the width of the mouth of the volcano. When you add light to it, the UFO does take a fat disk shape to it. There are no wings, no strings, no jet trail and its gone in the next photo 20 sec later. It is probably heading from or to the mouth of the volcano.
You want a famous date in Lafayette history? How about April 12, 1897?
That's when our newspaper ancestor, the Lafayette Evening Courier, told its first UFO story.
It went like this:
"Nearly every town in this part of the United States claims to have seen the phantom airship, the 'Flying Dutchman' of the midnight air. ... Some strange object is being seen in the air (with) funny little lights, red, white and green, (that) flit about ..."
This led the Courier's rival, the Morning Journal, to report in early May 1897 that "a well-known young man told of seeing a cigar-shaped flying ship with lights and two men aboard. It landed in a meadow on a dark road between Stockwell and Crane Station while the man was bicycling about 9 p.m."
This eyewitness said he had been "wheeling" (bicycling), presumably on country roads now numbered 560 South, 900 South, 500 East, 525 East, 700 South and Stockwell Road, near today's Woodland Elementary School.
The "well-known young man" (call him WKYM) continued:
"It was dark, I was alone and moving. ... All at once there was a loud, hissing noise similar to the escape of steam from a locomotive. ... My hat was almost lifted from my head by the wind of an object passing over my head. I threw my hands up to catch my hat. My wheel struck a rock or something and I fell on my back on the road.
"Only a few yards away in a small meadow I saw the strangest object that any mortal has ever seen.
"It looked like a perfecto-shaped cigar about 20 feet long and perhaps 8 feet in diameter at the biggest point. A box or car was suspended from the cigar-shaped arrangement by a network of tubular wires. The cigar-shaped affair was pointed toward me. From the end there flashed a large light. It was a scintillating blaze and different colors came and went with startling rapidity.
"Two men were standing on the ground by the side of the strange object and seemed to be busy with several of the wires. I heard one say, 'I wonder where we are?' He spoke with a foreign accent and I thought at the time he was some French scientist. His companion replied in excellent English, and I supposed he was an American."
When WKYM decided to overcome his fright and make friends with the strangers, he told the Journal: "The men saw me. Lights flashed from both ends of the cigar-shaped arrangement. In another instant it rose like a thing of life and was many hundred feet high in the time it takes to tell it."
But the Courier created its own credibility gap when it quoted WKYM as having said: "I picked up my wheel, took a small pull at an amber-colored fluid I had purchased at Lebanon, and pedaled for home as fast as I could."
About this series
Each week, the Journal & Courier is reprinting some of the best of Bob Kriebel's Old Lafayette columns. Today is a look at an 1897 reported UFO sighting in Tippecanoe County. This is taken from a column published April 12, 2009.
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BLOGS Triangle UFOs Over New York State
Triangle UFOs Over New York State
Columnist Cheryl costa discusses triangle-shaped UFO sightings in New York state.
They are big, black and triangular in shape. They’ve been reported to be 75-100 feet long and 45-60 feet wide. Some witnesses suggest that they are two stories high. These are triangle UFOs over New York state.
Many people think the triangle UFOs are strictly occurrences reported in the 20th and 21st centuries. Yet in Charles Fort’s 1919 work The Book of the Damned, there are accounts of triangle sightings from various far-flung parts of the world from the early as 1880s. The earliest-known sighting in New York state dates from June of 1962 in Bethpage in New York’s Nassau County.
Triangle UFOs rank fifth among the most commonly reported UFO shapes. Nationally, triangle UFOs are 9.14 percent of the total triangle sightings of about 11,000, from 2001 through 2015. California ranks first with 1,454 reported triangle sightings or about 13 percent of the national sightings.
New York state ranks sixth for triangle sighting reports, about 3.74 percent, with 414 from 2001 to 2015.New Yorkers have reported as little as 12 triangles in 2005 and 42 in 2014, with an average of about 27 per year.
The map above shows New York state’s top 14 counties for triangle sightings. These 14 counties represent 62 percent of New York’s triangle sightings from 2001-2015.
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Austin Backyard Becomes a Haven for UFO Searchers
Austin Backyard Becomes a Haven for UFO Searchers
Reporting Texas
Members of Austin Skywatchers scanned the sky in search of UFOs on at a private helipad oin Southwest Austin. Qiling Wang/Reporting Texas
On a breezy fall evening in Southwest Austin, a group gathered around a stone circle in a backyard as dusk fell.
Yvonne Self, a spiritual counselor who founded Austin Skywatchers in 2014, welcomed new members as they prepared to search the sky for UFOs.
The organization brings together people who say they have interacted with beings from outer space. According to the group’s MeetUp profile page, over the past few years, it has attracted more than 200 “first-contact ambassadors” to facilitate interaction with extraterrestrial civilizations.
The members meet fortnightly to share their UFO experiences and to practice meditation while they observe the night sky.
The idea that we may not be alone in the universe, and a fascination with outer space, dates back centuries. The belief in UFOs persists, despite the absence of scientific evidence.
“It’s not impossible that you could have visitors from outer space to the Earth. But if you are going to claim that’s true, you should present some good evidence,” said Peter Shostak, senior astronomer for the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, which conducts exploratory research into the possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, among other astronomy topics. “It’s like ghosts. People report ghosts, and I am sure that you can find tens of thousands of reported cases every year.”
His organization — the acronym stands for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence — is among the professional scientific groups that look for evidence that other parts of the universe may have had conditions that could support life, such as water. Several large radio telescopes, including one in Puerto Rico associated with the National Science Foundation, search for signals that could indicate intelligent life in the great beyond.
Self and other UFO enthusiasts say they have the evidence they need, and that others would believe them if they only saw the research, which they think the government suppresses.
“All of you are here because even though you may not be aware of it at the moment, you are very likely interacting with them (aliens) now and assisting them as well to establish the first contact,” Self told the group in October.
Self said she has been interacting with what she calls “off-world beings” since she was a toddler, and that it’s time to embrace them “in a more open and physical way.”
“We’ve come to a time as a species where we are moving away from being planetary-centric beings, and moving towards becoming galactic beings,” said Self.
She established the group to provide people a platform to share their UFO sighting experiences and to prepare themselves for further contact with beings from outer space. She believes that can be achieved through meditation and feeling the connection deepens with these beings.
As the sky darkened that fall evening, the group switched into a meditative pose. A mellow-sounding meditation guide played on Self’s laptop as she instructed the group to close their eyes and focus their attention inwards.
After a 15-minute session, the group walked to a private helipad nearby. Carrying lawn chairs, blankets and binoculars, they were ready for the UFO-gazing experience. They keenly watched every blinking object in the sky.
“Don’t flash at it!” someone shouted, when one man aimed a laser to pinpoint at a flying object.
“It’s a great bunch of folks,” said Emin Navarro, 64, an Austin-based guitarist and Army retiree. “Everyone accepts what is being said and stays positive about the possibilities.”
Navarro joined the group two years ago after he said he spotted a UFO shaped like a Chinese box kite in Dallas. However, he seldom talks about his experience with his family or friends because he thinks they will belittle his encounter.
“People are not very accepting of the unusual,” he said.
Robert Powell is director of research and field investigator in Texas for the Mutual UFO Network. or MUFON, based in Newport Beach, California, investigates UFO sightings and has a weekly “traffic report” digital radio show.
“If you meet a friend in a coffee shop, he might want to talk with you about his UFO experience,” said Powell. “But if you met him in a classroom and the teacher asked if anyone had a UFO experience, he would probably not raise his hand.”
While there has been stigma and mystery surrounding UFOs, on a national level, more than 90,000 UFO sighting cases have been curated at the National UFO Reporting Center, a Seattle-based organization. Texas is one of the top states for UFO reports, according to the organization’s website.
UFO enthusiasts have different opinions about why the topic has been marginalized. Some claim that it is a government conspiracy, while others believe it has to do with the belief system.
“We’ve built our society over the last 2,000 years on certain beliefs to come to what we have today,” said Ken Jordan, director of MUFON’s San Antonio Chapter. “It took us a while to accept that we are not the center of the universe, and we’ll get used to the fact that we are not the only ones in the universe eventually. In many major religions, there is still a stigma attached to the fact that somebody else might be out there.”
During her campaign, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said in a radio interview that she would open government files on the subject of UFOs and Area 51, a restricted part of Edwards Air Force Base in Nevada that has been the topic of numerous conspiracy theories. Clinton’s statement led some UFO enthusiasts to declare her the “ET candidate.”
Jordan wasn’t buying it. “She is a member of the secret organization that is committed to keeping information quiet,” he said.
Diana McManus, 65, one of the original members of Austin Skywatchers, said she became a believer after seeing something hovering over her backyard in Austin three years ago.
“I was trying to meditate and I thought to myself, ‘If you are really out there, then show me’,” said McManus.
When she looked up, McManus suddenly saw a white ball of light, half the size of the moon, darting across the sky and then disappearing.
“I was amazed,” said McManus. “I feel that they must have heard me.”
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VIDEO: “ISS-astronauten verbergen bewijs voor mysterieuze lichten bij ruimtestation”
VIDEO: “ISS-astronauten verbergen bewijs voor mysterieuze lichten bij ruimtestation”
Alien-jagers claimen dat astronauten aan boord van het internationale ruimtestation ISS doelbewust bewijs voor UFO’s verbergen. Dat schrijft de Britse Daily Mirror.
In een video op YouTube is een astronaut van het ISS te zien met op de achtergrond de aarde.
Op het moment dat in de verte mysterieuze lichten in beeld verschijnen, doet de astronaut zijn hand voor de camera.
Hetzelfde gebeurt in een ander fragment waarin een oplichtend object voor de aarde langs zoeft. Opnieuw wordt het beeld afgedekt door een witte handschoen.
Complottheoretici zien hier bewijs in dat we niet alleen zijn in het heelal en dat de overheid tegen ons liegt.
“Dit zijn indrukwekkende beelden,” zei iemand. “Ik heb zoiets nog nooit gezien. Hoe kan iemand dit debunken?”
Onverklaarbaar object
Afgelopen maand werd nog een UFO vastgelegd boven het centrum van de stad Sheffield.
Daarnaast heeft de Chileense overheid opmerkelijke videobeelden vrijgegeven van een onverklaarbaar object.
De UFO werd eind 2014 bij daglicht gespot door de bemanning van een legerhelikopter die boven zee vloog.
Er zijn verschillende werelden op de planeet waarop wij leven.
Er is de “normale” wereld die voor iedereen zichtbaar is en er is de verborgen, geheime en vaak ondergrondse wereld waar zich dingen afspelen die onze stoutste dromen overtreffen.
Zo is ondertussen bekend dat er voor, tijdens en direct na de Tweede Wereldoorlog een deel van de Duitse wetenschapswereld met hun kennis is vertrokken naar Antarctica, waar ze tot op de dag van vandaag nog de nodige bases hebben.
Niet alleen in Antarctica zijn ze zeer actief, ook in Zuid Amerika en dan met name in Brazilië. In dat land wordt volgens sommige onderzoekers een versie gebouwd van de zogenaamde retro vliegende schotel, dat wil zeggen een soort schijf met platte onderkant.
In de volgende video wat ouderwetse polaroid foto’s van de Duitse basis in Brazilië.
Iemand die zich bezighoudt met onderzoek naar geheime (ondergrondse) basis is Dr. Richard Sauder. Hij heeft hierover een boek geschreven met de titel “Hidden in plain sight”, wat zoveel betekent als “verborgen in het volle zicht”.
Jarenlang heeft Sauder door vrijgegeven overheidsdocumenten gespit en met vroegere insiders gesproken over hun kennis van alle verborgen installaties en bases. Van de dingen die Dr. Sauder heeft ontdekt, val je van je stoel.
Er is een complete ondergrondse wereld, bestaande uit een enorme experimenteel wetenschappelijke en militaire infrastructuur. Een wereld die specifiek is ontworpen voor geheime operaties.
Met overheidsinstanties die aan niemand (publiekelijk) verantwoording afleggen, onbeperkte begrotingen en zonder media-aandacht bestaan deze enorme complexen compleet in het geheim.
Het begon allemaal weer met de Nazi’s die al de gewoonte hadden om hun geheime militaire industriële bases onder de grond te bouwen. Van daaruit zijn we tegenwoordig terechtgekomen bij de DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases).
Volgens Sauder hebben de zogenaamde schaduwregering die hij noemt de US National Security State, enorme wat men noemt Black Budgets tot hun beschikking. Geld dat zo zwart is als de nacht en helemaal nergens voor komt in de officiële boeken van de overheid.
Met al dat geld hebben ze een enorme ondergrondse infrastructuur opgezet met commando- en controle centra die, zoals ze zeggen, nodig zullen zijn voor het overleven van de mensheid in een eventueel rampscenario en om te zorgen dat de overheid kan blijven functioneren, de zogenaamde Continuity of Government (COG) in geval van een nucleaire oorlog.
Naast deze mainstream verklaring voor alle ondergrondse activiteiten is er ook nog de verborgen agenda van het ontwerpen, testen en ontwikkelen van UFO’s, net zoals de Duitsers dat doen op Antarctica en in Brazilië.
De benodigde toegang tot dit soort faciliteiten vereist een nog hogere classificatie dan die van de mensen die werken aan nucleaire zaken.
Hieruit concludeert Sauder dat men er alles aan zal doen om de verkregen geheimen van UFO-technologie voor zich te houden en te zorgen dat deze niet onder ogen van onbevoegden komen.
Bovenstaande en nog veel meer komt aan de orde in het hiernavolgende interview dat Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt had met Dr. Richard Sauder.
Amateur photographer Ann Gutschlag caught the aurora australis (southern lights) over her back fence in Invercargill, the southernmost city of New Zealand, on Sept. 20, 2015.
You cannot feel or hear the world turning. It does not rumble through space. But you can see it turn with your own eyes every day and night. And, with patience, you can see Earth travel around the Sun.
As the globe turns and night falls, stars appear to travel from east to west across the night sky. Or do they?
How stars move across the sky is a touch more complicated than you may first imagine. And the motion of the stars tells us about our place on the world and our travels around the Sun.
We live on a spinning globe, and as we turn different swathes of the universe come into view. However, what you see depends on where you are.
Guiding light
The bright North Star, Polaris, from Slooh Observatories.
Credit: Slooh
Almost directly above the North Pole is the star Polaris. As the world turns on its axis, Polaris remains above the North Pole. If you had the misfortune of being at the North Pole in midwinter, Polaris would be a constant companion overhead.
Imagine an alien looking down from Polaris at Earth. What would they see? They would see Earth’s Northern Hemisphere, spinning anticlockwise around the North Pole. A Polarisian would never see Earth’s Southern Hemisphere, with its red Australian deserts and frozen Antarctic wastes.
Who can see Polaris from Earth? People across the Northern Hemisphere can see Polaris, and it never rises nor sets.
However, while Polaris is high in the sky when viewed from inside the Arctic circle, as you move towards the Equator, Polaris gets closer and closer to the northern horizon. If you travel into the Southern Hemisphere, Polaris falls below the northern horizon, and never rises at all.
So which stars you see and how high they get in the sky depends on where you are. Indeed, navigators have used the stars for centuries to determine how far they are from the Equator.
In the Northern Hemisphere, Polaris allows you to find north. Unfortunately, people in the Southern Hemisphere are not blessed with a bright star above the South Pole, making navigating by the stars a tad trickier.
If you were on a distant star above the Arctic, watching the world turn, you would never catch a glimpse of Antarctica.
Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio and Reto Stockli (NASA/GSFC).
Breakdancing hunters
Of course some stars do rise and set. The stars in the constellation Orion, the hunter, are almost directly above the Equator. From almost anywhere on Earth, the stars of Orion rise and then set roughly 12 hours later.
Use the stargazing app on your mobile device to spot the constellation Orion, The Hunter. His famous three-star belt is well placed due south in the evening. Your app should show you the bright reddish star Betelgeuse at his eastern shoulder, the bright-blue star Rigel at his western foot and the beautiful Orion Nebula, also known as Messier 42, in the sword hanging below his belt.
However, our view of Orion depends on where we are. If you are in London, and looking at Orion when he's highest in the night sky, then you see Orion towards the south (because Orion is directly above the Equator). Orion's feet are sensibly pointing towards the southern horizon.
If you are in Melbourne and looking at Orion when he's highest in the night sky, then you see Orion towards the north. Now Orion has his head pointing towards the northern horizon, with his feet in the air.
I actually prefer the fun-loving breakdancing Orion of the Southern Hemisphere to the more staid Orion seen from the Northern Hemisphere.
Our view of constellations can also change throughout the night. The Southern Cross isn't directly above the South Pole, instead being 60 degrees above the South Pole's horizon at all times. From southern Australia, the Southern Cross is above the horizon all the time, moving clockwise in a giant circle every day.
On a summer's evening in Melbourne (or Wellington, or Patagonia), the Southern Cross starts near the southern horizon and is "upside down" (at least compared to the Australian Flag). But by morning twilight it has risen high in the sky and is (roughly) the right way around. Of course, the "motion" of the Southern Cross isn’t caused by the constellation moving, but by us being spun around on a turning world.
A time lapse taken at La Silla Observatory in Chile, showing stars moving clockwise above the southern horizon.
A world in motion
The world isn't just turning on its axis, but also orbiting the Sun. This means we see different stars during the middle of the night at different times of year.
During early January, the Sun is in the direction of the constellation of Sagittarius, while Gemini is visible at midnight.
Six months later, the Earth has moved 180 degress around the Sun. Now the Sun is in the direction of Gemini, while Sagittarius is visible at midnight. The stars and planets we see change as the months go by.
More critically, the seasons and length of day change as we move around the Sun. Earth's axis is tilted with respect to its orbit. Between late September and late March our Southern Hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun, while the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun for the remainder of the year.
Between late September and late March, the Sun is directly above the tropics of Earth's Southern Hemisphere. Across the Southern Hemisphere, daylight extends beyond 12 hours per day. Indeed, at the South Pole the Sun is above the horizon 24 hours a day. In January, the Southern Hemisphere is basking in summer.
Between late September and late March, the opposite is true in the Northern Hemisphere. Across the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun is relatively low in the sky and daylight is less than 12 hours per day. In January, the Northern Hemisphere is in the depths of winter.
We may not feel the globe spinning and our motion around the Sun, but we can experience it. We spin beneath the stars each night, and as the months pass different stars come into view. Which stars we see changes as we move across the world. And the changing length of the days and seasons are driven by our orbit around the Sun.
The daylight side of the Earth over an entire year. For months at a time, the North or South Pole experiences sunshine 24 hours a day.
This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article. This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article. Follow all of the Expert Voices issues and debates — and become part of the discussion — on Facebook, Twitter and Google +. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. This version of the article was originally published on
According to Discover the World, no month guarantees better sightings, but December to February have the longest hours of darkness whilst in the spring or autumn, the weather conditions are more stable.
One of the best places to see the northern lights, especially for Brits, are countries around the North Pole.
Iceland in the winter is known for the stunning auroras and is one of the most convenient and affordable destinations to visit from the UK.
Sweden is another country where the captivating show is best seen. In particular, the Swedish Lapland where visitors can enjoy a unique experience of staying in an ice hotel whilst watching the northern lights.
The aurora borealis in Norway
Nature's greatest light show in Iceland
The Finnish Lapland is also a popular destination for seeing the auroras.
A stunning white snowy background is set against the showstopper lights, making Finland the ideal spot for snowmobiling, reindeer safaris or sitting in a sauna whilst enjoying the view.
Northern Norway offers dramatic northern light scenes thanks to the wide open spaces and minimal light pollution.
Visitors wanting to experience a polar night should head to Spitsbergen and those just wanting to explore vast open skies should go to North Cape.
The Northern Lights in Norway
The northern provinces of Canada extend deep into the Arctic Circle, making for some fantastic locations to see the northern lights.
Discover the World recommends the town of Whitehorse in the Yukon Territory as the ideal spot as it allows visitors to combine a host of winter activities in the picturesque snowy scenes.
Alaska - most people see it as the place to go for a winter adventure, but it is also one of the greatest places to the auroras. Dalton Highway is the most popular, where visitors can set up camp right beneath the auroral oval.
Greenland has some beautiful spots to view the lights. It is difficult to get to during the winter months but East Greenland during September or between March and April offers some exciting shows in the sky.
It is also claimed that the spaceman tried to use his hand to hide another light that was seen flashing across the earth.
One commentator wrote: “These are some incredible clips, I've never seen any of them.
“How could anyone possibly debunk these?”
The claims were made after the UFO hunters spotted strange flashing lights in a video
Another conspiracy theorist said: "I bet aliens are actually truthful to their people that we 'aliens' do exist while our government lies to us.”
However, Nasa has previously addressed what causes these kinds of lights.
A Nasa spokesperson said: “Reflections from station windows, the spacecraft structure itself or lights from Earth commonly appear as artefacts in photos and videos from the orbiting laboratory.
“Alien' objects near the ISS appears to be a favourite topic among conspiracy theorists who often scour Nasa feeds to find what they believe to be evidence of ET.”
UFO hunters have spotted a new video footage that supposedly shows off aliens intervening and maneuvering humans from their spacecrafts. The UFO was near the ISS and was captured by a GoPro Camera.
( Acid Pix | Flickr )
UFO hunters are claiming that aliens are monitoring humans on the International Space Station (ISS). Researchers have drawn this conclusion after rare objects were spotted via an astronaut's live camera.
The video which exposes technologically advanced alien species observing ISS in low Earth orbit has gone viral.
"This amazing footage was shot from an astronaut's GoPro while outside the space station this week. The GoPro was hooked up directly with the live Internet link for all to see," shared Scott C. Waring, a well-known UFO blogger.
According to the ET chasers, the footage was taken using a GoPro camera which was mounted outside the ISS. It is here that the alien spacecraft is seen taking an incredible 180-degree turn while flying close to the center.
Revelations By UFO Hunters
An astronaut who was out on a space odyssey captured the video by using a GoPro Camera. The GoPro Camera houses some of the finest features in terms of visual display and audio coverage. The advanced video stabilization lets one capture rare moments like these in the best way possible.
The footage was uploaded by Just Gaz on YouTube on Jan. 5, 2017. Once uploaded, the video became quite popular as it attracted the attention of viewers. However, whether the video is authentic is circumspect.
This is not the first time that UFO hunters have chanced across a mysterious alien intervention close to or having some connect with the ISS.
In July 2016, Tech Times reported that NASA had intentionally cut ISS video feeds as a mysterious object - a UFO - was spotted descending from Space.
In November 2015, an ISS astronaut posted a phot on Twitter which showed off a UFO-like object, spurning UFO hunters into action that it evidenced alien life.
Rumors And Speculations
Skeptics have debunked the claims made by UFO hunters and deem the video farcical. The video footage in their opinion is a mere reflection of light on camera lenses, such as lights from earth, meteors in space or possibly even man-made junk. Some are of the belief that the video is not of aliens but simply debris.
UFO hunters, however, dismiss any such allegations. They believe there is ET life and humans are being watched. They feel it is their duty, as well as that of the government, to not keep people in the dark about these facts.
They stress that humans are not alone in the universe and that the solar system is teeming with ET's who are busy conducting explorations in their advanced spacecrafts. Skeptics, on the other hand, maintain that the footage is inaccurate and merely an image glitch.
Opinions are divided but you can judge for yourself by checking out the video below.
For the First Time, We Can Watch Storms on the Sun in Real Time
For the First Time, We Can Watch Storms on the Sun in Real Time
[Foto: NASA]
Scientists used a device called multi-conjugate adaptive optics, which captures light from different altitudes on Earth’s atmosphere, to see a real-time view of solar activity.
This not only marks the very first time that solar storms were observed in real time by scientists, it also gives us an opportunity to learn more about how solar storms work.
For the first time, scientists were able to get real-time images of the Sun using the world’s highest resolution telescope in Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) in California.
The images, gathered after the telescope was given a critical upgrade, gave researchers the opportunity to view solar activity in real time. A macro view is critical when it comes to observing and understanding solar storms because large flares occur across various points and nearly all at the same time.
According to Philip Goode, a research professor of physics from the New Jersey Institute of Technology:
To understand the fundamental dynamics of the Sun, such as the origin of solar storms, we need to collect data from as wide a field of view as possible. During large flares, for example, magnetic field changes appear to occur at many different places with near simultaneity. Only by seeing the comprehensive array of eruptions all at once will we be able to accurately […] analyze the forces that propel the star’s magnetic fields to twist around each other until they explode, spewing massive amounts of radiation and particles that, when directed earthward, can cause disruptive space weather.
The team used a device called multi-conjugate adaptive optics (MCAO), which captures light from different altitudes on Earth’s atmosphere via three mirrors, guided by cameras capturing images at two thousand frames per second. To accommodate the Earth’s atmospheric light distortions, the mirrors adjust to provide a corrected and real-time view of solar activity. The result was a view three times wider than what was possible before this upgrade.
“Over the years, we had reconfigured the mirrors scores of times, waiting for that ‘Wow!’ moment,” Finally, late last July, we saw what we had long sought – a continuous stream of sharp, wide-field corrected, but essentially identical images,” he adds.
Image Credit: NJIT
This not only marks the very first time that solar storms were observed in real time by scientists, it also gives us an opportunity to learn more about how solar storms work. Solar storms are large explosions that take place in the Sun’s atmosphere. Once the radiation and particles from the storm interact with Earth’s magnetic field, they can cause a geomagnetic storm that can wreak havoc on critical technologies.
A world like ours, where everything runs on electricity and is dependent on the reliability of our telecommunications systems, is particularly vulnerable to geomagnetic storms, as they could kill the Earth’s power grid and shut down telecommunication systems for years.
Having the ability to observe the solar flares simultaneously thus gives scientists the chance to “accurately measure the size, strength, and sequencing of these magnetic events,” says Goode.
A jetpack is finally looking for its first civilian test pilot but only the "well qualified" need apply to ensure safety.
The pack can take a ride up to 914 meters (3,000 feet) but only for a short period of five to ten minutes.
Jetpack Aviation CEO David Mayman with the older model JB-9 jetpack(Credit: Loz Blain/New Atlas)
The New Wave of Personal Flight
In November, we wrote about a jetpack that was being made available to the general public – well, for those who have $250,000 to spare.
It’s called the JB-10, and it was fabricated by Jetpack Aviation. A month prior, CEO David Mayman successfully flew the jetpack off the coast of Monaco.
Regarding specs, this jetpack comes packed with twin jet engines and 7 percent more power than it’s former JB-9 model. It can ascend to 305 meters (1,000 ft) per minute and lasts about 5 to 10 minutes per ride.
“It’s like a Segway,” Mayman described. “If you want to go forward, you just lean forward. If you want to stop, you just lean back. It’s incredibly simple. If you wanted to fly a helicopter, you’d need 150 hours of training — but with this, you can learn everything you need to know in about 3 hours.”
Ready to buy one? Not just yet. The JB-10 might be available for consumers, but only to “well-qualified buyers.” It’s a company tactic to prevent people from flying recklessly. So they announced a contest to award one lucky person the special opportunity to test fly the JB-10 as Jetpack Aviation’s first civilian guinea pig. This is an incredible occasion, knowing that Mayman is the only one to have flown one as of yet.
Mayman hopes to include safety training for potential customers as part of the sales process in the near future. If this civilian flight is successful, it will pave the way for a new era of personal flight. Also on his radar is an all-electric jetpack that will be used to train test pilots without the gas-guzzling feature.
Other options for a good time in the air include BW-Air, a golf cart jetpack that was released by the Martin Aircraft Company. It can rise up to 914 meters (3,000 feet), and can reach speeds of up to 46 mph (74 km/hr). Only hurdles: a mere $200,000 and a permit to ride from authorities.
Martin Aircraft Company also engaged in another project, partnering with Dubai officials in order to tackle the issue of fighting fires from skyscrapers. These jetpacks accelerate up to speeds of 75 km/hr (46 mph) and can reach up to 914 meters (3,000 feet). That’s slightly taller than the Burj Khalifa.
With all these technological advancements, what will they come up with next? We’re excited to find out.
Astronauts on board the International Space Station are hiding evidence of aliens.
At least that's the latest wild claim made by a group of UFO hunters who believe they have spotted strange flashing lights near the ISS.
The 'mystery lights' were seen in video uploaded by conspiracy theorist group Secure 10.
Scroll down for video
Astronauts are hiding evidence of aliens. At least that's the latest wild claim made by a group of UFO hunters who believe they have spotted mystery flashing lights near the ISS. When the glowing lights appear, the astronaut places his hand in front of the camera, Secure 10 claims
They claim it was filmed from the ISS by an astronaut filming the view of Earth from outer space.
When the glowing lights appear, the astronaut places his hand in front of the camera, Secure 10 claims.
A similar 'cover up' takes place when a light is seen crossing Earth. At around the same time, the astronaut covers the camera with his hand.
One commentator wrote: 'These are some incredible clips, I've never seen any of them.
'How could anyone possibly debunk these?'
While it isn't always possible to determine exactly what these objects are during the brief period they appear in the stream, there are a number possible explanations for these types of sightings.
Is this proof astronauts on the ISS are hiding evidence of UFOs?
When the glowing lights (circled) appear, the astronaut places his hand in front of the camera, Secure 10 claims.
In the past, a Nasa spokesperson has explained, 'Reflections from station windows, the spacecraft structure itself or lights from Earth commonly appear as artefacts in photos and videos from the orbiting laboratory.'
'Alien' objects near the ISS appears to be a favourite topic among conspiracy theorists who often scour Nasa feeds to find what they believe to be evidence of ET.
In November, a fast-moving object was spotted flying by the International Space Station moments before its livestream went dead.
People who doubt the moon landings are more likely to be selfish and attention-seeking, according to a study earlier this year.
Over the course of three online-based studies, researchers at the University of Kent showed strong links between the belief in conspiracy theories and negative psychological traits.
In the first study, a total of 202 participants completed questionnaires on conspiracy beliefs, asking how strongly they agreed with specific statements, such as whether governments carried out acts of terrorism on their own soil.
Alongside this, they were asked to complete a narcissist scale and a self-esteem assessment.
The results showed that those people who rated highly on the narcissism scale and who had low self-esteem were more likely to be conspiracy believers.
Conspiracy theorists argued this provided evidence that Nasa is covering up proof of a UFO.
In the footage from the ISS channel uploaded to YouTube by user ColdPyro, a white speck can be seen emerging from the darkness just above Earth's horizon.
Before the 'UFO' travels out of view, the feed cuts to a grey screen, followed by a statement asking users to 'please stand by' due to technical issues.
ISS feed cut off as possible UFO flies by space station
This was found on the official ISS channel it appears a UFO comes into frame and the feed it then immediately cut,' wrote YouTuber ColdPyro.
The object in question can only be seen for a moment – it emerges around the 5-second mark, just to the left of center
in the frame, and then the feed cuts out to grey just two seconds later.
A blue screen follows this, and then a statement: 'Please stand by. The High Definition Earth Viewing experiment is either switching cameras, or we are experiencing a temporary loss of signal with the International Space Station.'
This isn't the first time UFO hunters have spotted something strange near the ISS.
The object in question can only be seen for a moment – it emerges around the 5-second mark, just to the left of center in the frame, and then the feed cuts out to grey just two seconds later. A blue screen follows this, and then a statement
A fast-moving object spotted flying by the International Space Station moments before its livestream went dead has conspiracy theorists claiming NASA is covering up proof of a UFO. The white speck can be seen emerging from the darkness just above Earth's horizon
NASA has been accused of covering up evidence of aliens – literally – after an astronaut appeared to block a video of UFOs.
An astronaut was filming his work on the International Space Station when a series of mysterious lights were seen above Earth.
Each time one of the unidentified flying objects passed in front of the camera, the spaceman appeared to cover the lens with his hand.
FLY PAST: A UFO flies past the International Space Station
“Caught out NASA!”
BlueCat Blue
Conspiracy theorists claim the footage proves NASA is hiding proof of extraterrestrial life.
Tyler, from UFO hunting group Secure Team – which posted the clip on YouTube – said: “We have an astronaut working on the International Space Station where we not only see a UFO fly overhead but we are also going to see the astronaut attempt to hide this activity by putting his hand in front of the camera.
The “truther” said: “Virtually every time that there has been a video camera in space, it almost never fails that we get a perfect example of what I have called in the past a literal highway of activity.
“By that I mean unidentified objects that are not part of the ISS or the shuttle, have nothing to do with the astronauts up there – but have been seen flying by at a distance, manoeuvring, making turns, changing velocity and we’ll say doing everything that satellites don’t do.”
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Recently there has been a lot of news reports of strange sightings at Antartica and there seems to be a high interest in the continent from lots of high profiled people.
Pyramides have been spotted on Google Earth, pictures of UFO above the ice have emerged,... It seems that strange things are happening at Antartica at an increasing pace.
Maybe if we dive into history we'll find an explanation for recent events.
Richard Evelyn Byrd, Jr., (October 25, 1888 – March 11, 1957) was an American naval officer who specialized in feats of exploration. He was a recipient of the Medal of Honor, the highest honor for valor given by the United States, and was a pioneering American aviator, polar explorer, and organizer of polar logistics.
In 1947 he flew directly to the North Pole with his plane. Some believe that instead of going over the pole, he actually entered the Inner Earth. His diary reports of his experience of entering the hollow interior of the Earth, and traveling 1700 miles over mountains, lakes, glaciers, rivers, green vegetation and animal life.
Admiral Byrd stated that the North and South Poles were actually only two of many openings to the center of Earth.
Admiral Byrd also stated that the inner Earth has an inner Sun. His theory and that of earlier scientists, is that the poles of the Earth are convex, rather than concave. Ships and planes could float or fly into an opening.
Will disclosure take place to bring about a better future for all of us? There is extraordinary hope in our midst. The Los Angeles Air Raid on February 24/25, 1942 opened an unprecedented chapter in the evolution of the U.S. Navy.
In response to this incident, a covert research program to investigate the feasibility of exotic antigravity propulsion technologies was developed.
Navy operatives learn about the nazi advanced saucer programs, and they discovered the Nazis were receiving assistance from two extraterrestrial groups.
The Washington Post reports, “As proof that aliens were secretly behind the Nazis, the report explains that Germany built hundreds of submarines toward the end of the war, far more than would have been possible with mere human technology.”
Nordics are typically described as six to seven feet tall with long blond hair and blue eyes, and are commonly reported as being female. Their skin is said to range from fair colored to tanned, and they are sometimes reported to wear skintight clothing. Purported contactees claim to have witnessed the Nords beaming down from gold or silver colored crescent-shaped UFOs or from gigantic bright cigar-shaped UFOs.
The Huygens Probe landed on the surface of Titan in January of 2005, after a 7 year journey.
This movie was created with data collected by the Huygens Descent Imager, and depicts the view from Huygens during the last few hours of it's descent. The mission was a joint effort between NASA and The European Space Agency.
It was the first time the surface of Titan was seen in visible light. These are the only surface images ever taken of a body so far away from the sun.
As the probe plunges through the moon's hazy atmosphere and the strange alien landscape is revealed,an anomalous feature can be seen. It's odd shape captures our attention. At first it seems as if it could be a cave, closer inspection however shows that it is a stand alone structure in what appears to be a clearing.
The moon's atmosphere is hazy and the imager is taking images in motion making it difficult to see. As the object gets closer, we zoom in on it to explore further. Once a good visual is established we can clearly see that the object looks like a tent. A white tent with two beings standing outside of it to the right.
They look very much like alien grey's with large bulbous heads and long arms. . They even appear to be clothed, with the taller one wearing white and the small one wearing red.
Perhaps the small one is a child. There are objects in the interior of the tent.
A tent on a grassy clearing. With two very human looking figures. Does life thrive throught the universe? Has it taken a similar course on other planetary bodies within our solar system and elsewhere? Or is it possible that we have never left earth?
Recently a video appeared that shows a US predator drone an a mission that is being attacked by a UFO.
The drone was flying true a landscape of high mountains when it suddenly notices a unknown object. The drone starts to track the drone untill it gets out of sight.
The predator drone tries to track the object but the UFO decides it's time to shut down the drown. It seems to shoot some sort of energy beam towards the drone and the video stream gets messed up.
The object appears to be pretty small but it does not want to be tracked by the drone.
The weapon used by the UFO seems to be some sort of energy weapon. It does not stop the drone from working, but it clearly affects the video capabilities of the drone.
It's not clear what the source of this video is.
By the look of the drone interface, it seems to be a recent military drone.
According to multiple sources this footage was leaked to the public. No other information could be found on the origin of this video.
UFO at Space Station, Appears out of nowhere, then camera follows it, Jan 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO at Space Station, Appears out of nowhere, then camera follows it, Jan 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 14, 2017
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at space station (ISS)
This glowing orb, when enlarged actually looks like a square with an aura of light around it. The camera begins to move toward the light, pauses, then continues past as if the camera guy is trying not to let others know he sees the UFO, but its really obvious he did. Scott C. Waring-Taiwan Streetcap1 states: NASA spotted this appearing and started to move the camera slowly to the right. Whatever it was it has not reappeared to the best of my knowledge. Date 14 January, 2017. Streetcap1.
Guy Surprises UFO In His Back Yard In New Zealand, Jan 13, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Guy Surprises UFO In His Back Yard In New Zealand, Jan 13, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 13, 2017 Location of sighting: Rangiora, New Zealand Source: MUFON #81538 The shape of this UFO is uneven like it has a deep thick indent going through it. The UFO was probably scouting the backyards of the community and was surprise that in the other yard when it noticed someone playing with their dog. Lucky for him he had a camera or he would most defiantly have missed it ever being there. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states:
I was trying to make my dog jump into the air to get an action shot of her, I do this often & end up with alot of bad photos. I was about to delete this off my camera when I noticed what looks like a large rock in the sky with a blue glow. I did not see this with my naked eye but wish I had so I could have zoomed in on it!
Skeptic Turns A Believer After Seeing A Star Trek UFO Above A Lake
Skeptic Turns A Believer After Seeing A Star Trek UFO Above A Lake
A UFO that can be likened to the Star Strek Enterprise was observed apparently hovering over a lake. Former Skeptic Chad Haines was left convinced on the existence of aliens after taking the image of the bizarre of UFO above Clarenville in Canada.
He claimed that he saw the strange aerial thing moving up and down before shooting out of sight. Mr. Haines pointed out that the UFO was too big to be a drone and definitely not a plane. The UFO stayed there for two or three hours, according to the witness.
The still photo was featured in a video by Tyler Glockner of SecureTeam10. Glockner says in the video that something is observed flying in the skies above Canada. He describes it as saucer-like with similarities to the Star Trek ship.
Mr. Glocker adds that the unidentified flying object was noticed in the same place back in 1978.The mysterious cigar-shaped craft was caught hovering above Random Island by a police officer.
However, skeptic Scott Brando, who runs, concluded that the apparent flying object could be just a bird that had been backlit by sunlight. He also pointed out that the image is low quality and does not have metadata to identify the UFO.
Photographer Experiences Two UFO Sightings In The Same Spot
Photographer Experiences Two UFO Sightings In The Same Spot
After previously witnessing a UFO landing in a field and abducting cows for genetic material, a self-proclaimed UFO expert returned to Dawlish Warren for further investigations.
John Mooner claimed to have seen a UFO landing in a field in Dawlish on November 25, 2016. He came back to the area on January 4, 2017, and to his surprise, he saw the same thing flying across the sky.
The second sighting came just days after he noticed the first UFO of 2017 flying over Newton Abbot on Monday.
Mr. Mooner of Newton Abbot, who claimed to be a chief photographer for World UFO Photos, said he made a return visit to Dawlish Warren to conduct more investigations into his UFO sighting involving a landing in a farmer’s field. He was standing in the same position as the last time he experienced his UFO sighting to observe the area. He said that it was cold that time, but it was not enough to discourage him from his UFO watch.
He said he stood in the area looking in the field for hours when a similar or perhaps the same UFO flew across the sky that made him dumbfounded.
He started taking photos as the unidentified flying object flew over the field and off into the distance.
Because of the tremendous speed of the UFO, he did not manage to take a zoom into it. He just managed to take four photographs that show the movement of the UFO as it passed over the field. When he got home, he enlarged the pictures to see the object closer. He said the UFO had no wings and looked oval. He was certain; the strange aerial thing was not a commercial aircraft.
He feels that the second UFO he spotted was the same transit van sized UFO he observed landing in the field last time. The photographs were snapped on January 4, 2017, at 3:27 pm at Dawlish Warren.
A helicopter pilot at Orlando, Florida claimed to have seen and videotaped a bright craft at approximately 1,500 feet altitude that eventually flew upward and disappeared.
The witness was outside when the incident took place at 5:24 pm on December 18, 2016. He said that he got a feeling to look up as if he needed to when he saw the glowing craft flew from a southerly direction to north. The strange thing was reportedly flying high but below the commercial airplanes flight altitude that were in traffic during that time.
The witness managed to record the UFO in video through his cell phone.
The witness said that he doesn’t know the size of the mysterious craft, but it was flying at around 1,500 feet. He took out his cell phone and recorded it on video as it went inside a very small cloud.
e expected the strange aerial thing to come out in a second, but it did not. He thought it disappeared for good and decided to stop recording it. However, to his amazement, he saw it came out of the same cloud. It turned and flew upward and disappeared, according to the witness.
The witness claimed that he is a certified helicopter pilot and he knows that what he saw and recorded on video was not something known, such as a plane, rocket, meteor, helicopter, birds, blimps, balloons and among other things.
The sighting was reported to MUFON and filed under Case 81052 in the witness reporting database.
The “Anti-Gravity” Machine Could Combat Problems With Living in Space
The “Anti-Gravity” Machine Could Combat Problems With Living in Space
Astronaut in de Lower Body Negative Pressure device on IML-2
In order to keep astronauts active in zero-gravity conditions, a horizontal treadmill has been developed to combat the plethora of deleterious effects of being in space.
As space travel is becoming easier and more economical, the number of people in space will be growing in the coming years. Making their stays healthier will undoubtedly help in their goals.
The large vacuum cleaner-like device seals around the astronaut’s waist, creating the impression of weight on the lower body through a powerful suction force.
Photograph: Alan Hargens
Being in space for extended lengths of time can place a great deal of physical stress on an astronaut’s body. The weightlessness associated with lack of gravity can cause health issues such as skeletal deterioration, back pain, and fluid collection in the upper body. Readapting to the conditions on Earth places even further stress and pressure on the lower body. To counteract these risks and improve overall health, scientists have invented a ‘space suction device’ that allows astronauts to exercise at their normal body weight.
It’s called the Lower Body Negative Pressure (LBNP) device, and its purpose is to create an ‘artificial form of gravity.’ The device itself creates a seal around the person’s waist, giving the sensation of weight on the lower body. A diagram of the device shows the astronaut resting with their back on a support structure, while running on what is, essentially, a vertical treadmill.
Photograph: John Charles/Watenpaugh et al
Regarding long-distance space missions such as those to Mars, these rehabilitative exercises are required to prevent chronic health conditions. “Crews get very little of this type of loading so their butts and feet are hypersensitive to touch after six to twelve months in space,” stated Alan Hargens, an orthopedic surgeon at the University of California, San Diego, who was responsible for co-developing the LBNP device.
The efficacy of the apparatus was tested during a trial involving 15 sets of identical twins. The experiment lasted for 28 days, where both sets of twins laid horizontally in bed. One set of twins did not exercise, while the others exercised using the LBNP mechanism for 40 minutes a day. After the trial had been completed, the results showed a substantial decrease in back muscle strength within the non-exercise group.
If successfully implemented, Hargens’ vision for the machine in the future would be to include a virtual environment that would allow astronauts to exercise while walking on the beach or in the mountains. A more compact version of the device was also mentioned for the possibility of prolonged Mars missions.
Other space agencies have taken to the test and developed this more compact version for space travel. Roscosmos State Corporation of Russia fabricated and tested their Chibis Suit aboard the International Space Station (ISS), although it could not be used for exercising. The China National Space Administration also invented their own suit that allows users to perform squats inside the compressible tube. Unfortunately, such mechanisms are nearly weightless in space and could cause injury to astronauts. For extended space travel to Mars, for example, these could not prove worthwhile. Even with an LBNP device onboard for Mars missions, there would be no medical facilities on the planet that could assist with physical rehabilitation.
Hargens and his colleagues seem confident in the long-term effectiveness of their apparatus onboard long transits. The next big hurdle is in convincing the space agencies to support their idea.
The Chinese space agency’s version of a vacuum suit. By doing squats the astronaut pumps the device up and down creating their own vacuum.
Mars in Three Days: Here’s the Tech That Could Make It Happen
Mars in Three Days: Here’s the Tech That Could Make It Happen
Artist’s rendition of a solar sail on the announcement of Breakthrough Starshot.
The vast distances between us and other points of particular interest in space are vast, and the speed limitations of our technology are a significant barrier to exploration.
NASA's DEEP-IN program is working toward a new propulsion system that can get us to Mars in only three days.
The clever girls and boys at NASA are always dreaming up new ways to circumvent the biggest obstacle to effective space travel: the speed barrier. Space is big, as you might have heard—and it takes a long time to get around.
It’s about three days to the Moon, which isn’t too bad; but Mars is another story altogether. With current methods of chemical rocket propulsion—the same that have been used for some three-quarters of a century—a voyage to the Red Planet would take about five months.
But a team of NASA scientists, headed by Philip Lubin of the University of California, Santa Barbara, have envisioned a different means of getting about space—one that requires nothing more than a beam of light. Called “photonic propulsion,” it requires little more than a solar sail of ultralight material, which is pushed along by energy beamed from an orbital laser array.
A solar sail. By NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Lubin’s team was awarded a NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) grant, to the tune of $100,000, to begin the planning and testing phase of the project. It is being called—with a typically NASA-esque acronymic flair (though in this case to a somewhat unfortunate effect)—Directed Energy Propulsion for Interstellar Exploration (DEEP-IN).
The idea is to yoke a small probe to a solar sail, orbit a laser array, and push the probe toward its destination at speeds far in excess of anything we can attain these days. Lubin estimates a probe weighing only a few hundred pounds could be accelerated to Mars using this method in just three days. Scale the technology up from unmanned probes to manned vessels (no mean feat), and we could be talking about a journey to Mars in a month—one-fifth of the travel time via conventional techniques.
As we begin to seriously prepare for our first journey to Mars, there’s been a flurry of research into novel propulsion methods to help get us there. One very promising avenue leads to the VASIMR nuclear electric thruster, which opens up the possibility of a journey to the Red Planet in only 40 days. The technology is still in development, and has some key challenges—most notably building a space-capable nuclear reactor to power the engine array—but it seems to be one of the most immediately realizable technologies for fast interplanetary travel.
Other ideas have been mooted, including Charles Bombardier’s somewhat fanciful Solar Express concept, which could—theoretically—reach something like 1% of the speed of light. The peculiar “EM drive,” meanwhile, still makes headlines; although, barring a significant contravention of the laws of physics, it seems destined to follow cold fusion into the dustbin of scientific history.
So it seems photonic propulsion is one of the better options we currently have. If the technology can be scaled up and made to endure the rigors of frequent space travel, it might just be our best hope for colonizing the Solar System; when it comes to reaching for the stars, it might just be the only option we have for a very long time.
There are several mysteries in the world we live in and of course in the solar system surrounding us. But perhaps one of the greatest and most compelling mysteries surrounds a planet that wasn't known to astronomer decades ago. This is, of course, the mysterious and elusive planet that has been nicknamed Planet 9. There have been actual reports by astronomers that there have captured the planet and there is film online of it. But unfortunately, these pictures aren't capturing all there is to know about the planet and some still question whether this footage is real because the film isn't too good. There is a reason to be skeptical, after all, if Planet 9 does exist where did it come from and why hasn't it been seen in the past?
There has been much research into the origins of Planet 9 and how it came to be seen in our solar system on occasion. One group of researchers from the University of New Mexico reported their theory of the origins of Planet 9 at the 229th American Astronomical Society meeting that took place in Grapevine, Texas. Their findings are that Planet 9 had come into this solar system due to the gravitational pull of our sun. According to this theory, the planet known as Planet 9 is just one example of stay planets outside our actual solar system that was pulled in temporarily then are pushed out yet again. Which could explain why not everyone seems to be able to find Planet 9 out thee, it could be coming in and out periodically.
But there is another theory that has come out about Planet 9 as well. This one is that Planet 9 isn't a planet at all but an Alien space probe. Given how elusive the planet has become perhaps a theory that is understandable. Especially since no one as of yet has been able to produce any concrete data on Planet 9 and it's atmosphere. So far the only things known about Planet 9 that has been documented is that is around 17 times larger than the earth and yet smaller than Neptune.
Needless to say with so little to go on Planet 9 remains a mystery. But it's a mystery that many astronomers want to unravel. The research into Planet 9, where it came from and what it's composed of continues. There are those who believe that 2017 will be the year that they will uncover the mystery of Planet 9, only time will tell if they are successful.
This article ('Planet Nine' Could Be an Alien Intruder To Our Solar System) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with full attribution and a link to the original source on
In video uploaded by UFO experts Secure 10 and apparently filmed from the ISS, an astronaut can be seen filming the view from outer space. with the earth lit up in the background
But when mysterious moving and glowing lights appear in the distance, the astronaut puts his hand in front of the camera or pans away to cover up the lights.
An astronaut appears to cover up a mysterious glowing light in outer space
It's a similar story when a eerie cartwheeling light form is seen zooming across the earth. Once again a white suited hand can be seen covering the view or moving the camera.
Conspiracy theorists say it is proof that we are not alone in the universe and that the government is lying to people.
A mysterious glowing light is seen moving in the distance
And the clips have certainly convinced UFO fans and sceptics alike of the existence of extraterrestrial life, who say the video exposes a government cover-up.
One poster said: "These are some incredible clips, I've never seen any of them. How could anyone possibly debunk these?" while a conspiracy theorist said "I bet aliens are actually truthful to their people that we "aliens do exist" while our government lies to us.
Are astronauts covering up evidence of UFO's?
Last month a CCTV camera captured a UFO hovering over Sheffield city centre before rising into the night sky. Footage of the supposed alien spacecraft, titled 'UFO in Sheffield', has racked up more than 10,000 views since it was posted on YouTube.
And two weeks ago a Mirror reader shared an incredible video that appeared to show a UFO mothership flashing signals to a smaller craft in Lake, Isle of Wight.
Baboons Vocalizations Hint at Origins of Human Speech:
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The ancient Egyptian cemetery contains large crypts holding the remains of complete families and smaller, simpler tombs holding individuals, including children and infants. [Full Story]
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Tree Man' Has Surgery: What Causes This Rare Condition?
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Antarctic Science Lab On the Move to Escape Breaking Ice:
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On October 7, 1965, at Edwards Air Force Base near Palmdale, California, up to 12 UFOs were spotted and observed by military personnel. A fighter jet was 'scrambled' to intercept and pursue the objects.
The objects were described as having ‘flashing red lights on the bottom and green, glowing lights on top‘ and were reported to be performing extremely unusual flight characteristics (including right angle turns) over the restricted airspace of Edwards -the pilot of an F106 fighter jet sent up to intercept the objects also stated one UFO gained a ‘tremendous amount of altitude’ and ‘appeared to move right out into space’.
The event took place over a five hour period, documented with at least forty hours of communications audio recordings. Of those, only six hours of audio were declassified and released to the public.
The audio has now been synced with the transcript which makes it easier to grasp what is happening.
Interesting facts, at some point during the events, they contac the air force base "UFO officer". There is also an audio part in which they talk to the fighter jet pilot to give him directions on where the UFO was heading.
This case is a true classic!
This article (Audio Recording Declassified: UFO incident at the Edwards Air Force base in 1965 ) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with full attribution and a link to the original source on
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NASA Releases New High-Resolution Earthrise Image
NASA Releases New High-Resolution Earthrise Image
NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) recently captured a unique view of Earth from the spacecraft's vantage point in orbit around the moon.
"The image is simply stunning," said Noah Petro, Deputy Project Scientist for LRO at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. "The image of the Earth evokes the famous 'Blue Marble' image taken by Astronaut Harrison Schmitt during Apollo 17, 43 years ago, which also showed Africa prominently in the picture."
In this composite image we see Earth appear to rise over the lunar horizon from the viewpoint of the spacecraft, with the center of the Earth just off the coast of Liberia (at 4.04 degrees North, 12.44 degrees West). The large tan area in the upper right is the Sahara Desert, and just beyond is Saudi Arabia. The Atlantic and Pacific coasts of South America are visible to the left. On the moon, we get a glimpse of the crater Compton, which is located just beyond the eastern limb of the moon, on the lunar farside.
LRO was launched on June 18, 2009, and has collected a treasure trove of data with its seven powerful instruments, making an invaluable contribution to our knowledge about the moon. LRO experiences 12 earthrises every day; however the spacecraft is almost always busy imaging the lunar surface so only rarely does an opportunity arise such that its camera instrument can capture a view of Earth. Occasionally LRO points off into space to acquire observations of the extremely thin lunar atmosphere and perform instrument calibration measurements. During these movements sometimes Earth (and other planets) pass through the camera's field of view and dramatic images such as the one shown here are acquired.
This image was composed from a series of images taken Oct. 12, when LRO was about 83 miles (134 kilometers) above the moon's farside crater Compton. Capturing an image of the Earth and moon with LRO's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) instrument is a complicated task. First the spacecraft must be rolled to the side (in this case 67 degrees), then the spacecraft slews with the direction of travel to maximize the width of the lunar horizon in LROC's Narrow Angle Camera image. All this takes place while LRO is traveling faster than 3,580 miles per hour (over 1,600 meters per second) relative to the lunar surface below the spacecraft!
The high-resolution Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) on LRO takes black-and-white images, while the lower resolution Wide Angle Camera (WAC) takes color images, so you might wonder how we got a high-resolution picture of the Earth in color. Since the spacecraft, Earth, and moon are all in motion, we had to do some special processing to create an image that represents the view of the Earth and moon at one particular time. The final Earth image contains both WAC and NAC information. WAC provides the color, and the NAC provides high-resolution detail.
"From the Earth, the daily moonrise and moonset are always inspiring moments," said Mark Robinson of Arizona State University in Tempe, principal investigator for LROC. "However, lunar astronauts will see something very different: viewed from the lunar surface, the Earth never rises or sets. Since the moon is tidally locked, Earth is always in the same spot above the horizon, varying only a small amount with the slight wobble of the moon. The Earth may not move across the 'sky', but the view is not static. Future astronauts will see the continents rotate in and out of view and the ever-changing pattern of clouds will always catch one's eye, at least on the nearside. The Earth is never visible from the farside; imagine a sky with no Earth or moon - what will farside explorers think with no Earth overhead?"
NASA's first Earthrise image was taken with the Lunar Orbiter 1 spacecraft in 1966. Perhaps NASA's most iconic Earthrise photo was taken by the crew of the Apollo 8 mission as the spacecraft entered lunar orbit on Christmas Eve Dec. 24, 1968. That evening, the astronauts -- Commander Frank Borman, Command Module Pilot Jim Lovell, and Lunar Module Pilot William Anders -- held a live broadcast from lunar orbit, in which they showed pictures of the Earth and moon as seen from their spacecraft. Said Lovell, "The vast loneliness is awe-inspiring and it makes you realize just what you have back there on Earth."
Look at that spectacular limb! The sharp black outline is from mountains still on the night side of the terminator.
A helicopter pilot at Orlando, Florida claimed to have seen and videotaped a bright craft at approximately 1,500 feet altitude that eventually flew upward and disappeared.
The witness was outside when the incident took place at 5:24 pm on December 18, 2016. He said that he got a feeling to look up as if he needed to when he saw the glowing craft flew from a southerly direction to north. The strange thing was reportedly flying high but below the commercial airplanes flight altitude that were in traffic during that time.
The witness managed to record the UFO in video through his cell phone.
The witness said that he doesn’t know the size of the mysterious craft, but it was flying at around 1,500 feet. He took out his cell phone and recorded it on video as it went inside a very small cloud.
e expected the strange aerial thing to come out in a second, but it did not. He thought it disappeared for good and decided to stop recording it. However, to his amazement, he saw it came out of the same cloud. It turned and flew upward and disappeared, according to the witness.
The witness claimed that he is a certified helicopter pilot and he knows that what he saw and recorded on video was not something known, such as a plane, rocket, meteor, helicopter, birds, blimps, balloons and among other things.
The sighting was reported to MUFON and filed under Case 81052 in the witness reporting database.
Check out more contributions by Jeffery Pritchett ranging from UFO to Bigfoot to Paranormal to Prophecy
Case 1: Flying Saucer over Rangiora, NZ – Mufon case nr. 81538.
2017-01-13 – Witness: I was trying to make my dog jump into the air to get an action shot of her, I do this often and end up with a lot of dud photos.
I was about to delete this off my camera when I noticed what looks like a large rock in the sky with a blue glow. I did not see this with my naked eye but wish I had so I could have zoomed in on it!
Case 2: airplane passenger captured two UFOs over Hawaii islands HI, US – Mufon case nr. 81529.
2017-01-12 – Witness: “This was just seemed on a picture I took out the airplane window and noticed while I was looking at pictures. I never saw this other than in my photos.”
Case 3: Large Orb with five small Orbs inside captured over Illinois – Mufon case nr. 81037.
2016-12-18 – Witness: “Thought it was a star or planet, but then it started flashing and then started moving more to my right, thought it was a satellite, but thought it was too large to be one.”
“I saw a big orb with five little orbs inside. I tried to take a video, but it was too far out there to zoom in on for a video.”
“I kept looking at it through a zoomed picture and it kept breaking up into five smaller orbs, then three, then two, and then reassembled itself into one big orb.”
“I then noticed an orb by it detach itself and then sporadically went left of the orb and then vanished. The object was in my sight for about two hours and then slowly vanished behind the treeline of my house.”
Case 4: UFO at Space Station: Comes out of nowhere, then camera moves.
2017-01-14 – The following video captured by Streetcap1 shows a UFO near the International Space Station.
NASA spotted this appearing and started to move the camera slowly to the right.
Whatever it was it has not reappeared to the best of my knowledge.
Discovered by archaeologist Professor Winwood. The enigmatic symbols suggest an interaction of presumed Aliens or Extraterrestrials with ancient monarchs of this nation. Includes Egyptian characters like Thoth, Orus, and elongated skulls.
THE Strange medallion and coins found in the tomb of the ancient
In the being that is above we can see in his hands, what seem eyes, or holes, also around his head we could say that the sun rises. The object under the Alien-type Being, resembles a ship or galaxy.
The side cylinders that leave the circle look like glass containers with something inside. Inside the central circle there is a sun making a spiral and the representation of two Pharaohs.
At the bottom, on the right and left are two winged angels, who remember by their form the Ark of the covenant. Alongside the winged angels are Isis and Horus.
The archaeologist Professor Winwood. He allegedly stole several objects from the tomb and years later would publish them in a magazine, this English archeologist was arrested and the recovered objects were placed in custody of the museum, objects were called in the so-called forbidden area of archeology.
This area is where objects that are not attached to the protocol hierarchy and to the beliefs of official science, hiding them from the public. In January 2011 after the Egyptian riots, many treasures were removed from the Cairo museum among them allegedly this medallion, which was put up for sale on the Internet black market in 2012.
A group of people who worked on the renovation of a house in southern Egypt found a number of very rare coins.
They are unique in its kind that curiously have no images of a strange human figure. So far no one could explain the origin of these parts. “
The mysterious Vinca figurines; Evidence of extraterrestrial contact thousands of years ago
The mysterious Vinca figurines; Evidence of extraterrestrial contact thousands of years ago
The Mystery of the Vinca figurines. Researchers believe they are depictions of extraterrestrial beings that visited ancient man in the past
Excavations in the vicinity of Belgrade have yielded over 2000 of these mysterious looking figurines
Various styles of zoomorphic and anthropomorphic figurines are hallmarks of the culture the Vinča culture, also known as Turdaș culture or Turdaș-Vinča culture
The Mystery of the Vinca figurines
According to numerous researchers, the ancient Vinca (Vinča) culture depicted extraterrestrial visitors, gods that came from the sky and provided the necessary push for the advancement of civilization and technology among humans.
Small mask, terracotta. From Predionica, Kosovo. Vinca-Plocnik Culture, Late Mesolithic (5th mill. BCE). Height 16 cm Inv. 158
There has been a lot of speculation about the existence of extraterrestrial beings and the possibility of them interacting in the distant past, with ancient civilizations on Earth. Evidence of such encounters can be found across the world. In every single continent there appears to be evidence recorded in texts, monuments, and artifacts pointing toward the existence and interaction of extraterrestrial beings.
In many ancient depictions we see beings with oval-shaped heads, giant almond-shaped eyes that have specific dark pupils, narrow noses with slightly marked small mouths that most of the mites have no lips. The head is composed out of the specific shape that is in most cases, larger than the rest of the bodies. The color of the creatures ranges from blueish gray colors to light brown.
The depictions of these creatures has been attributed, from the standpoint of rationalistic and materialistic science, to hallucinations due to the ingestion of drugs or alcohol, fantastic projections of the collective unconscious, and hallucinations that are a result of certain brain injuries or diseases. Strangely, these depictions have existed in the distant past, about 7000 years BC in some European countries including the Balkans, former Yugoslavia and Northern Greece.
Map showing the extent of the Vinča culture within Southeastern Europe.Image Credit: Wikipedia
There is a great amount of evidence and many archaeological findings that have been proven to be authentic. The sequence of the Vinca (Vinča) culture is a set of very well documented items in the Vinca region, in the vicinity of Belgrade – 14 km of Belgrade, Serbia. Excavation in the area have yielded over 2000 of these mysterious looking figurines, the largest number of items of that type discovered in the region.
Putting the puzzle together, this has allowed archaeologists to verify that several centuries ago, human groups that inhabited the region received almost spontaneously a significative impulse that helped them become a civilized society, enabling them to develop a syllabic-alphabetic language and or linear writing system judging by the amount of phonetic signs used in it. All of this occurred several thousand years before the rise of the great ancient civilizations of the Euphrates and the Nile. This according to most researchers is considered as an archaeological anomaly.
Numerous archaeologists who have studied this enigmatic civilization do not have a convincing explanation for this anachronistic culture that was obviously too evolved for a time when most of the cultures of the Old World were still in the Neolithic stage, a time when not a single megalithic monument was erected.
What is perhaps most disconcerting is the fact that along with numerous samples of ceramic-naturalistic paintings and objects, engraved with amazing inscriptions, there are over three thousand ceramic and stone figurines where besides human and animal representations, are mainstream representations of strange humanoid beings whose characteristics fit perfectly into modern-day descriptions of otherworldly beings such as the grey aliens, believed to have visited Earth in the distant past, and even today. The Vinca (Vinča) culture figurines are original and unique items yet resemble art of other cultures in Mesopotamia and the Americas. The question many have asked is, why?
Even though the Vinca culture has had contact with other neighboring cultures, the sculptural art of the Vinca (Vinča) remained markedly different from that of other cultures in the region.
The most distinctive feature of these mysterious figurines are triangular shaped faces, large almond shaped eyes, mouths and noses that are nonexistent in most cases, which strangely seem to resemble animals such as grasshoppers. Some of these figurines mysteriously depict a combination of hybrid beings, half-human half reptile.
Most of these strange humanoid figures are depicted as guardian deities, some of them are believed to have been good while some of them evil. The zoomorphic-anthropomorphic depictions are a mystery that many researchers have not found an answer to.
The mysterious depictions of the Vinca Culture – Extraterrestrial beings?
According to researchers, the most striking sculptures representing the latest development of Vinca art are the monumental heads with a relatively normal size, that have some sort of helmet or mask. The widening of the mask follows the oblique line of the eyes, and its projection goes all the way to the height of what appear to be ears. What was the artists goal upon creating these masks and figurines? Did the artist intend to depict the Gods and deities which brought numerous advancements to their society and other human beings?
The objective here is to go beyond mere classification or identification of objects according to the criteria and principles of methodology of mainstream archaeological research. What caused the ancient Vinca do depict such mysterious creatures? What inspired them to create such sticking figurines, clearly not of human nature? Everything man does is, in one way or another, an imitation of the real world and nature around him. This points to the fact that the depictions of the ancient Vinča culture, are actually what they had seen thousands of years ago.
Is the Vinca culture evidence of prehistorical contact with extraterrestrial beings, around 9000 years ago? Researchers believe that the origin of the strange iconography is not only based on the physical appearance but also on other aspects such as the appearance of advanced linear syllabic-alphabetic writing and language, a form that would reappear several thousands of years later in other advanced civilizations of the mediterranean.
Interestingly, in civilizations of Southeast Europe there are no previous phases in the evolution of the writing system. Writing came to be “suddenly” in a relatively evolved form. It is a destabilizing fact breaking all previously established patterns, breaking the foundations of structures established by scholars of one of the most important marks of ancient civilizations, the writing system. It may not be coincidental that this cultural and so to speak technological leap appears associated with the first depiction of otherworldly creatures that could have been considered as gods thousands of years ago.
Researchers believe we are facing one of the oldest proofs of human contact with extraterrestrial beings that came from other planets or other dimensions. We are faced with depictions of human-like beings obviously not connected or similar to any of the races or species of known hominids. This has led to the conclusion that these depictions are anything but human from a anthropogenic point of view.
Ancient oriental texts and doctrines speak of highly advanced beings which participated in the formation of civilization as we know it today. Depictions and texts about these beings are found in cultures across the globe, in every single corner of the world, yet for some reason, we seem to look past these depictions.
Retired McGill professor Don Donderi in his office at home on January 13, 2017.
A retired McGill professor is convinced we have been visited by UFOs and extraterrestrial life forms.
In fact, Don Donderi knows people who claim to have been abducted by aliens from outer space.
Donderi teaches a course at McGill University called UFOs: History and Reality. The course, part of McGill’s Community for Lifelong Learning, outlines why “UFOs are real and extraterrestrial.”
Donderi, who holds a PhD in psychology from Cornell University, spoke to the Montreal Gazette about his lifelong interest in UFOs and why he believes aliens exist “beyond a reasonable doubt.”
This interview was condensed for space reasons.
Q. How did teaching this course come about?
A. Well, I’ve been interested in the topic since I was 10 years old. I was certainly literate at 10 and I was following what was going in the papers and magazines in the United States, where I grew up.
And in 1947, there were (UFO) sightings. There was a famous sighting by a guy named Kenneth Arnold who was a private pilot who flew up in the Cascade (mountain range in Washington) and he saw and reported nine silvery objects flying over the mountains. He was very articulate in his report. … The story got into AP (Associated Press) the next day in June of 1947. And the AP headline writer coined the phrase ‘flying saucers’, which is where it all began.
Q. Wasn’t that the same year as the famous Roswell UFO incident in New Mexico?
A. It’s the same year actually, just a few weeks later. The whole Roswell thing came just after the Kenneth Arnold sighting in 1947.
Q. What’s your take on what happened at Roswell?
A. The U.S. government recovered the remains of a crashed unidentified flying object or to be more correct, an extraterrestrial vehicle.
Q. Do you believe aliens were found at the crash site?
A. It is believed that they also recovered bodies of dead aliens.
Q. Why so much silence and secrecy for all these years?
A. Well, that’s a very good question, and I raise it in my course. … The technology involved is extremely advanced; the implications for human society are incredible and possibly upsetting because we are under surveillance by technologically superior beings from other planets. We don’t know how to do what they do. We don’t know what their motives are or their interests are. And at the moment, as far as I know, we don’t have any active defences or preparations to deal with the situation. So it’s obviously upsetting. Secrecy is because when governments, any government, gets hold of new technology, and want to figure out how it works, their first interest is protecting their own turf on this and not sharing it with the world.
Q. How certain are you of life beyond our planet?
A. I’m 100 per cent certain of that. The way I put it in my course and to the public is this: I have three main propositions. One, some of what people report as UFOs are extraterrestrial vehicles. That proposition, I believe, is established beyond reasonable doubt. And if you know your law, you’ll know that’s the standard for a conviction of a felony. Proposition 2 is that some of the extraterrestrial vehicles have ET crews, and proposition 3 is that some of these ET crews ‘catch and release’ humans to study them, so-called alien abductions. Proposition 2, I think, is established beyond a reasonable doubt, and proposition 3 is bound on probabilities.
Q. Do you personally know anyone who was abducted by aliens?
A. I know many people. I’d say 10, at least, who have claimed to be abducted. And in many cases, I respect their claims because I think they’re based on sound evidence.
Q. There are doubters, of course. How do you handle skepticism?
A. Listen, skepticism is absolutely OK. If you pick up my book (UFOs, ETs and alien abductions: A scientist looks at the evidence, 2013) which you probably won’t do, you’ll find I have a great deal of respect for skeptics who are doing their best to make sure what they know and what the world knows is based on reasonable sound evidence. That’s good. I’m a scientist.
Q. With the proliferation of drones, wouldn’t it be easy to fly one above Mount Royal and say: ‘Hey, look up, it’s a UFO!”
A. Exactly. One of my better friends, who is a drone user commercially — takes real estate photos for people — he and I and everyone else in the field knows it’s perfectly possible to fake UFO photographs and experiences.
Q. Have you ever seen a UFO yourself?
A. Only the kind that wouldn’t impress anyone as sound evidence because nocturnal lights, which is a technical term, are a dime a dozen and you couldn’t be sure at a distance what it was.
Q. What are the chances of a UFO landing on Ste-Catherine St. and an alien climbing out to shake my hand?
A. (Laughing) Ah yes, the famous White House lawn landing. I have no idea; I can’t possibly tell you on the basis of anything I’ve learned on the subject. Except that … whoever shows up will go away and not come back here for a while.
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Canadese professor: “Geen twijfel dat we worden bezocht door aliens”
Canadese professor: “Geen twijfel dat we worden bezocht door aliens”
Een gepensioneerde professor van de Canadese McGill-universiteit is ervan overtuigd dat we zijn bezocht door UFO’s en buitenaardse levensvormen.
Don Donderi kent ook mensen die claimen dat ze zijn ontvoerd door bezoekers uit de ruimte.
Donderi geeft op de universiteit het vak UFOs: History and Reality. Hij brengt studenten bij waarom UFO’s volgens hem echt zijn en worden bestuurd door aliens.
Buitenaards ruimteschip
De professor is al van kinds af aan geïnteresseerd in UFO’s.
In 1947 zag piloot Kenneth Arnold negen zilverkleurige objecten boven de bergen. Persbureau AP schreef een verhaal over de waarneming, herinnert Donderi zich.
Datzelfde jaar gebeurde er iets vreemds bij het plaatsje Roswell. “De Amerikaanse overheid heeft daar de wrakstukken van een buitenaards ruimteschip geborgen,” stelt hij in gesprek met de Montreal Gazette.
Geavanceerde technologie
“Er werden ook lichamen van dode aliens geborgen,” voegt hij toe.
Volgens Donderi worden we in de gaten gehouden door wezens van andere planeten. “We weten niet wat hun motieven of belangen zijn,” zegt hij.
“We hebben hier te maken met extreem geavanceerde technologie,” gaat hij verder. “Overheden zijn niet van plan deze technologie met de wereld te delen.”
Degelijk bewijsmateriaal
Professor Donderi is er 100 procent zeker van dat UFO’s buitenaardse vaartuigen zijn. En sommige van die buitenaardse vaartuigen zijn voorzien van een buitenaardse bemanning.
Er zijn ook aliens die mensen ‘vangen en weer vrijlaten’ om ze te bestuderen, zegt hij. Dit zijn de zogenoemde buitenaardse ontvoeringen.
“Ik ken tenminste 10 mensen die claimen te zijn ontvoerd door aliens,” zegt de wetenschapper. “In de meeste gevallen zijn hun claims gebaseerd op degelijk bewijsmateriaal.”
De meeste mensen kennen de dreiging van asteroïden die richting aarde komen alleen uit films zoals Deep Impact en Armageddon.
Het Witte Huis heeft nu echter een uitgebreid plan gepubliceerd over hoe om te gaan met de snel toenemende dreiging van een meteorietinslag.
Het publiceren van een dergelijk plan betekent dat voor de overheid in Amerika de dreiging van onbekende objecten uit de ruimte groter is geworden dan alleen maar iets dat bestaat in Hollywood films.
En hiermee wordt ook maar weer eens aangetoond dat waar wij al jaren over schrijven, de significante toename van het aantal vuurballen in de ruimte oftewel meteorieten, niet iets is dat verzonnen is door aluhoedjes.
Het is iedere keer hetzelfde liedje. De alternatieve media ziet dingen lang van te voren aankomen, wordt uitgelachen en belachelijk gemaakt, en dan opeens blijkt het toch werkelijkheid te zijn. En lijden de meesten plots aan geheugenverlies lijkt het.
Dan is er paniek in de tent, want men heeft geen flauw idee hoe nu precies om te gaan met die enorme toename van asteroïden.
Het document dat nu is gepubliceerd door het Witte Huis houdt zich bezig met een strategie voor het omgaan met wat men noemt NEO (Near Earth Object).
Ondertussen blijft NASA maar verkondigen dat er geen onmiddellijke dreiging bestaat en worden zij zelf keer op keer verrast door objecten die volkomen onopgemerkt opeens in onze atmosfeer verschijnen. Bij NASA zijn ze zo scherp dat ze bekende meteoriet bij Tsjeljabinsk pas opmerkten toen ze het bestaan ervan via Twitter vernamen.
Bij een haastig ingesteld onderzoek in 2014 bleek dat NASA slechts een heel basic systeem had om inkomende objecten waar te nemen. Het feit dat er de laatste tien jaar een enorm toename is geweest van dit soort objecten, is door NASA in ieder geval volkomen genegeerd.
Het lijkt alsof men de verloren tijd wil inhalen, want er wordt volop actie ondernomen zoals oefeningen in samenwerking met de beruchte FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), ruimteschepen werden gelanceerd om informatie omtrent asteroïden te verzamelen en er werden zelfs plannen voorbereid om eventuele dreigingen uit de ruimte te vernietigen met kernwapens.
Ondanks dat er nu miljoenen, zo niet miljarden, dollars worden besteed aan de dreiging van asteroïden en inslaande meteorieten, NASA blijft het publiek vertellen dat er helemaal geen dreiging bestaat. Net zoals ze het publiek vertellen dat de planeet Nibiru een fabeltje is en dat er nooit leven is geweest op Mars.
Wanneer je het document van het Witte Huis leest, zie je dat er met alle mogelijke scenario’s rekening wordt gehouden, inclusief noodprocedures voor wanneer een NEO op aarde dreigt neer te storten.
Nog maar enkele dagen geleden passeerde een asteroïde de aarde op korte afstand, twee dagen nadat deze was ontdekt. Een brok steen ter grootte van een flatgebouw van tien verdiepingen raasde langs de aarde en de meesten onder ons wisten het niet eens. Dit soort dingen is de laatste jaren vaker voorgekomen en al diverse keren is de aarde ternauwernood aan een ramp ontsnapt.
Er zijn op dit moment door wetenschappers ongeveer 10.000 NEO’s ontdekt, waarvan zo'n tien procent groter is dan een kilometer in doorsnede. Ieder van deze objecten zou het einde van het leven op aarde kunnen inluiden, mochten zij neerstorten op onze planeet. Naast die ontdekte NEO’s zijn er uiteraard misschien nog wel veel meer die niet of pas op het laatste moment ontdekt zijn, of helemaal niet worden waargenomen.
Net zoals men de toename van vuurballen zolang mogelijk voor het grote publiek heeft verzwegen, zo gaat het ook met de bekendmaking van het Nibiru mini-zonnestelsel in onze omgeving, dat verantwoordelijk is voor de enorme toename van vuurballen.
Ook wanneer je kijkt naar de waarnemingen van het aantal vuurballen, zie je dat deze sedert eind 2012 sterk zijn toegenomen.
Je hebt natuurlijk vuurballen in alle soorten en maten, maar de voor de mens meest gevaarlijke zijn natuurlijk de wat grotere.
Een bekend voorbeeld daarvan is natuurlijk de gebeurtenis in Rusland in 2013.
Op 15 februari 2013 ontplofte een meteoroïde nabij Tsjeljabinsk in het Russische Oeralgebied. Rond 9.15 uur plaatselijke tijd werden aldaar verschillende explosies gehoord en werd er een vuurbal in de hemel waargenomen.
Meteoren kunnen eigenlijk worden ingedeeld in vier verschillende soorten: vallende sterren, vuurbollen, bolides en superbolides.
Vooral de laatste twee zijn gebeurtenissen die je niet wilt meemaken. Deze ontploffen in de lucht net zoals Tsjeljabinsk met een enorme knal en een bijbehorende lichtflits.
De energie die bij een dergelijke ontploffing zoals Tsjeljabinsk vrij komt, staat gelijk aan 30 keer die van de atoombom op Hiroshima en de lichtflits is 30 keer feller dan de zon. Bij die gebeurtenissen raakten dan ook 7.200 gebouwen beschadigd en 1.500 mensen gewond. Veel van die verwondingen hadden te maken met de gevolgen van rondvliegend glas of brandwonden.
In het algemeen kan je stellen dat hoe meer mensen een vuurbol waarnemen, des te groter en gevaarlijker zal deze blijken te zijn. Masters heeft dan ook als definitie van een enorme vuurbal genomen het criterium dat deze door minstens 100 verschillende mensen moet zijn gemeld.
Wanneer we voor dat soort gebeurtenissen wederom kijken naar een grafiek van wat er na die bewuste decembermaand is gebeurd, dan lijkt verder commentaar overbodig.
Als je kijkt naar de cijfers per maand, dan zie je dat het grootste aantal van dit soort gebeurtenissen zich heeft voorgedaan in het eerste kwartaal van dit jaar. Ook Tsjeljabinsk gebeurde in de maand februari.
De conclusie van Masters is dan ook dat de Maya’s wel degelijk wisten dat er rond deze tijd iets bijzonders zou gebeuren en dat die datum een soort laatste waarschuwing was voor de mensheid om serieus voorbereidingen te treffen voor de dingen die gaan komen.
Bovenstaande en nog veel meer wordt door Marshall Masters in de volgende half uur durende video uitgelegd en toegelicht.
I wanted to see the Space X rocket launch and land over the ocean, and this is the most recent video of it happening, but as the rocket entered a low orbit, several glowing UFOs were seen from behind...watching. Then a few seconds later a larger UFO is seen in the clouds on the right side of the screen. Such rocket launches and landings are historical and technological marvels in human history. Its no wonder they are watching this event so closely.
UFOs are often seen near low populated areas, this seems to be the case here. The island is a county in England. It also happens to be an island. UFOs love low populated areas and this look like the famous Dudley Dorito UFO that has been seen since the mid 1980s over England. Awesome catch, and proof that there is a base someone on this side of England under the ocean. Scott C. Waring News states: James Ward, 22, of Lake filmed the mysterious sighting on January 2 and the video went on to be featured around the globe. "It was really cool. I didn’t expect it to get national attention," James said. James said seeing his video on national media outlets was an 'overwhelming experience’. James, a full-time carer, filmed the sighting outside his home in Lake. Some have dismissed the sighting as a drone but James said the behaviour of the object ruled out that possibility. The footage has sparked the interest of UFO hunters and alien enthusiasts nationwide but James does not consider himself an enthusiast. "I just looked up and saw this light and thought 'I better film this’, so I took my phone out," James said. The video shows unidentifiable lights in the sky. "I was mesmerised. It looked like a typical round UFO space craft. "Before, I was 50/50 about whether there was life out there but this to me now is 100 per cent proof they exist. "The sighting has made me believe."
Picture perfect blastoff of SpaceX Falcon 9 on Jan. 14, 2017, Return to Flight launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California carrying fleet of ten advanced Iridium NEXT comsats to low Earth orbit.
Credit: SpaceX
Picture perfect blastoff of SpaceX Falcon 9 on Jan. 14, 2017, Return to Flight launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California carrying fleet of ten advanced Iridium NEXT comsats to low Earth orbit.
The primary goal of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 launch from Space Launch Complex 4E on Vandenberg Air Force Base in California was to deploy the payload of the first ten Iridium Next communication satellites to low Earth orbit on the Iridium-1 mission.
“Thanks @elonmusk – a perfect flight! Loved watching sats deploy with you in the control room,” tweeted Matt Desch, Iridium Communications CEO, soon after receiving full confirmation that all 10 Iridium NEXT satellites were successfully deployed from their second stage satellite dispensers.
“More to go, but now to celebrate!!”
The inaugural ten will serve as the vanguard of a fleet that will eventually comprise 81 satellites.
SpaceX Falcon 9 first stage successfully soft lands on drone ship stationed in the Pacific Ocean off California coast after launching on Jan. 14, 2017, from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California carrying fleet of ten advanced Iridium NEXT comsats to low Earth orbit.
Credit: SpaceX
Today’s successful blastoff took place barely four and a half months after another Falcon 9 and its $200 million Israeli commercial payload were suddenly destroyed during a prelaunch fueling test on the Florida Space Coast on Sept. 1, 2016.
Another launch failure would have dealt a devastating blow to confidence in SpaceX’s hard won reputation.
The Sept. 1, 2016 calamity was the second Falcon 9 failure within 15 months time. Both occurred inside the second stage and called into question the rockets reliability.
The 229-foot (70-meter) Falcon 9 rocket was rolled out from its processing hangar to the launch pad and raised vertically yesterday.
Picture perfect blastoff of SpaceX Falcon 9 on Jan. 14, 2017, Return to Flight launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California carrying fleet of ten advanced Iridium NEXT comsats to low Earth orbit.
Credit: SpaceX
Today’s entire land, landing and satellite deployment event was shown live on a SpaceX hosted webcast. It offered extremely sharp views of Saturdays on time liftoff at 9:54:34 a.m. PST or 12:54:34 p.m. EST, and unbelievably clear images of the first stage descending back to Earth towards a tiny drone ship.
“Overall a wonderfully nominal mission,” gushed the SpaceX commentator during the webcast.
Since the Iridium 1 mission only had an instantaneous launch opportunity precisely at 9:54:34 a.m. PST or 12:54:34 p.m. EST, there was no margin for any technical or weather delays. And none happened. Although an errant boat had to be quickly escorted out of the exclusion zone less than 20 minutes before blastoff.
Confirmation of a successful deployment of all 10 Iridium NEXT satellites came at about T plus 1 hour and 17 minutes after liftoff from Vandenberg.
“So, so excited – finally breathing again!” tweeted Desch.
“Thanks for all the great vibes – I felt it! All 10 sats deployed; good orbit; good telemetry! WOW.”
“It was a clean sweep of 10 for 10,” said the SpaceX commentator during the live webcast.
In the final moments before the propulsive landing, you could read the lettering on the “Just Read the Instruction” drone ship as the engine was firing to slow the descent and the landing legs deployed.
Really there was no cutout or loss of signal the whole way down. So the world could watch every key moment as it happened in real time.
The first stage softly landed approx. 8 minutes and 18 seconds after the California liftoff.
“First stage has landed on Just Read the Instructions,” SpaceX tweeted post landing.
This was the first launch by SpaceX since last August from the Florida Space Coast, and it came off without a hitch.
Iridium 1 is the first of seven planned Falcon 9 launches to establish the Iridium NEXT constellation which will eventually consist of 81 advanced satellites.
At least 70 will be launched by SpaceX.
The inaugural launch of the advanced Iridium NEXT satellites will start the process of replacing an aging Iridium fleet in orbit for nearly two decades.
SpaceX Falcon 9 poised for Jan. 14, 2017, Return to Flight launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California carrying ten Iridium NEXT comsats to orbit.
Credit: SpaceX
This Falcon 9 was been outfitted with four landing lags and grid fins for a controlled landing on the tiny barge prepositioned in the Pacific Ocean several hundred miles off the west coast of California.
SpaceX Falcon 9 booster from Thaicom-8 launch on May 27, 2016 arrives at mouth of Port Canaveral, FL on June 2, 2016.
Credit: Ken Kremer/
Watch this space for continuing updates on SpaceX.
Stay tuned here for Ken’s continuing Earth and Planetary science and human spaceflight news.
IridiumNEXT satellites being fueled, pressurized & stacked on dispenser tiers at Vandenberg AFB for Falcon 9 launch.µ
Credit: Iridium
Mission patch for Iridium-1 mission showing launch of the first 10 Iridium NEXT voice and data relay satellites on SpaceX Falcon 9 from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, for Iridium Communications, and planned landing of the first stage on a droneship in the Pacific Ocean.
Twelve years ago today, the Huygens probe landed on Titan, marking the farthest point from Earth any spacecraft has ever landed. While a twelfth anniversary may be an odd number to mark with a special article, as we said in our previous article (with footage from the landing), this is the last opportunity to celebrate the success of Huygens before its partner spacecraft Cassini ends its mission on September 15, 2017 with a fateful plunge into Saturn’s atmosphere.
But Huygens is also worth celebrating because, amazingly, the mission almost failed, but yet was a marvelous success. If not for the insistence of one ESA engineer to complete an in-flight test of Huygens’ radio system, none of the spacecraft’s incredible data from Saturn’s largest and mysterious moon would have ever been received, and likely, no one would have ever known why.
As I detail in my new book “Incredible Stories From Space: A Behind-the-Scenes-Look at the Missions Changing Our View of the Cosmos,” in 1999, the Cassini orbiter and the piggybacking Huygens lander were on their way to the Saturn system. The duo launched in 1997, but instead of making a beeline for the 6th planet from the Sun, they took a looping path called the VVEJGA trajectory (Venus-Venus-Earth-Jupiter Gravity Assist), swinging around Venus twice and flying past Earth 2 years later.
While all the flybys gave the spacecraft added boosts to help get it to Saturn, the Earth flyby also provided a chance for the teams to test out various systems and instruments and get immediate feedback.
“The European group wanted to test the Huygens receiver by transmitting the data from Earth,” said Earl Maize, Project Manager for the Cassini mission at JPL, who I interviewed for the book. “That’s a great in-flight test, because there’s the old adage of flight engineers, ‘test as you fly, fly as you test.’”
The way the Huygens mission would work at the Saturn system was that Cassini would release Huygens when the duo approached Titan. Huygens would drop through Titan’s thick and obscuring atmosphere like a skydiver on a parachute, transmitting data all the while. The Huygens probe didn’t have enough power or a large enough dish to transmit all its data directly to Earth, so Cassini would gather and store Huygens’ data on board and later transmit it to Earth.
Boris Smeds was head of ESOC’s Systems and Requirements Section, Darmstadt, Germany.
Credit: ESA.
ESA engineer Boris Smeds wanted to ensure this data handoff was going to work, otherwise a crucial part of the mission would be lost. So he proposed a test during the 1999 Earth flyby.
Maize said that for some reason, there was quite a bit of opposition to the test from some of the ESA officials, but Smeds and Claudio Sollazzo, Huygens’s ground operations manager at ESA’s European Space Operation Centre (ESOC) in Darmstadt, Germany were insistent the test was necessary.
NASA’s Deep Space Network is responsible for communicating with spacecraft. Pictured is the Goldstone facility in California, one of three facilities that make up the Network.
“They were not to be denied,” Maize said, “so they eventually got permission for the test. The Cassini team organized it, going to the Goldstone tracking station [in California] of the Deep Space Network (DSN) and did what’s called a ‘suitcase test,’ broke into the signal, and during the Earth flyby, Huygens, Cassini and Goldstone were all programmed to simulate the probe descending to Titan. It all worked great.”
Except for one thing: Cassini received almost no simulated data, and what it did receive was garbled. No one could figure out why.
Six months of painstaking investigation finally identified the problem. The variation in speed between the two spacecraft hadn’t been properly compensated for, causing a communication problem. It was as if the spacecraft were each communicating on a different frequency.
Artist concept of the Huygens probe descending to Titan.
Credit: ESA.
“The European team came to us and said we didn’t have a mission,” Maize said. “But we put together ‘Tiger Teams’ to try and figure it out.”
The short answer was that the idiosyncrasies in the communications system were hardwired in. With the spacecraft now millions of miles away, nothing could be fixed. But engineers came up with an ingenious solution using a basic principal known as the Doppler Effect.
The metaphor Maize likes to use is this: if you are sitting on the shore and a speed boat goes by close to the coast, it zooms past you quickly. But that same boat going the same speed out on the horizon looks like it is barely moving. “Since we couldn’t change Huygens’ signal, the only thing we could change was the way Cassini flew,” Maize said. “If we could move Cassini farther away and make it appear as if Huygens was moving slower, it would receive lander’s radio waves at a lower frequency, solving the problem.”
Maize said it took two years of “fancy coding modifications and some pretty amazing trajectory computations.” Huygens’ landing was also delayed two months for the new trajectory that was needed overcome the radio system design flaw.
Additionally, with Cassini needing to be farther away from Huygens than originally planned, it would eventually fly out of range to capture all of Huygens’ data. Astronomers instigated a plan where radio telescopes around the world would listen for Huygens’ faint signals and capture anything Cassini missed.
Huygens was released from the Cassini spacecraft on Christmas Day 2004, and arrived at Titan on January 14, 2005. The probe began transmitting data to Cassini four minutes into its descent through Titan’s murky atmosphere, snapping photos and taking data all the while. Then it touched down, the first time a probe had landed on an extraterrestrial world in the outer Solar System.
Because of the communication problem, Huygens was not able to gather as much information as originally planned, as it could only transmit on one channel instead of two. But amazingly, Cassini captured absolutely all the data sent by Huygens until it flew out of range.
“It was beautiful,” Maize said, “I’ll never forget it. We got it all, and it was a wonderful example of international cooperation. The fact that 19 countries could get everything coordinated and launched in the first place was pretty amazing, but there’s nothing that compares to the worldwide effort we put into recovering the Huygens mission. From an engineering standpoint, that might trump everything else we’ve done on this mission.”
The view of Titan from the descending Huygens spacecraft on January 14, 2005.
Credit: ESA/NASA/JPL/University of Arizona.
With its ground-breaking mission, Huygens provided the first real view of the surface of Titan. The data has been invaluable for understanding this unique and mysterious moon, showing geological and meteorological processes that are more similar to those on the surface of the Earth than anywhere else in the Solar System. ESA has details on the top discoveries by Huygens here.
Noted space journalist Jim Oberg has written several detailed and very interesting articles about the Huygens’ recovery, including one at IEEE Spectrum and another at The Space Review. These articles provide much more insight into the test, Smeds’ remarkable insistence for the test, the recovery work that was done and the subsequent success of the mission.
As Oberg says in IEEE Spectrum, “Smeds continued a glorious engineering tradition of rescuing deep-space missions from doom with sheer persistence, insight, and lots of improvisation.”
A modest Smeds was quoted by ESA: “This has happened before. Almost any mission has some design problem,” says Smeds, who says he’s worked on recovering from pre- and post-launch telecom issues that have arisen with several past missions. “To me, it’s just part of my normal work.”
For more stories about Huygens, Cassini and several other current robotic space missions, “Incredible Stories From Space” tells many behind-the-scenes stories from the amazing people who work on these missions.
When Huygens landed on Titan, it saw river channels, beaches, islands and swirling fog. So Saturn's largest moon is definitely wet: not from water, but from liquid methane (aka natural gas). And if this methane can fall as rain, it's entirely possible that there could be rainbows, as the Sun's…
The term UFO has a way of stirring up speculation and controversy. Even though this bland acronym refers only to an airborne object who’s appearance hasn’t been explained yet – with no references whatsoever to “aliens” or “extra-terrestrials” – one cannot mention it without inspiring talk of little green men and massive conspiracies.
This has certainly been the reaction to a video that was recently released by the Committee for the Study of Anomalous Air Phenomena (CEFAA), the Chilean government agency responsible for investigating UFOs. Originally captured by a helicopter belonging to the Chilean navy two years ago, the release of this 10-minute video coincided with the conclusion of the Committee’s investigation into the anomaly.
Such is the procedure of the CEFAA whenever a UFO – or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) as they call them – comes to their attention. And once an investigation into the sighting is concluded, the details are released to the public. Interestingly, this particular encounter – which took place on November 11th, 2014, in the coastal region between San Antonio and Quinteros – had them stumped.
A Chilean Navy version of the Europcopter Airbus Cougar AS-532, which was being flown by the aircrew that spotted the UFO.
Credit: Wikipedia Commons/Evogol
According to their report, a Chilean navy helicopter (an Airbus Cougar AS-532, like the one pictured above) was conducting a daytime patrol when a technician aboard spotted an object flying in their airspace. The technician then directed the helicopter’s infrared camera towards it and began filming. As the CEFAA recently indicated on their website:
“At 1:52 pm, while filming the terrain, the technician observed a strange object flying to the left over the ocean. Soon both men observed it with the naked eye. They noticed that the velocity and the altitude of the object appeared to be about the same as the helicopter, and estimated that the object was approximately 35 to 40 miles (55-65 km) away. It was traveling W/NW, according to the Captain. The technician aimed the camera at the object immediately and zoomed in with the infra red (IR) for better clarity.”
Further details from the investigation revealed that the officers reported the sighting to the General Directorate of Civil Aviation (DGAC) in Santiago. The DGAC reported that no air traffic was authorized to be in the region, and that they could detect no trace of the object on their radar. They also confirmed that their attempts to communicate using the standard radio frequencies (which the helicopter crew had also attempted) yielded no response.
What was even more strange was the way the object appeared as two “hot spots”, which looked to be connected. In addition, on two occasions, the object threw off some kind of trail before finally disappearing into the clouds. According to the technician who filmed it, the plume of material appeared to be very hot, which was indicated from the footage that showed how the stream glowed bright in the infrared band.
The route of the helicopter, based on the displayed geographic coordinates displayed on the camera.
Credit: CEFAA
Much like the object itself, the CEFAA investigation was hard-pressed to explain the appearance of these hot plumes:
“Some analysts have suggested the hypothesis that it is a medium-sized line aircraft and that the stelae of the detachable element may be the reserve water inside the apparatus, thrown by the crew. However, meteorology asserts that neither the altitude at which the object moved, nor the ambient temperature of that moment, allowed such a wake of condensation.”
After the encounter, the Chilean Navy submitted the footage to the CEFAA, which has spent the past two years looking into it. However, their investigation proved inconclusive. As General Ricardo Bermúdez, Director of CEFAA during the investigation, told Leslie Kean of the Huffington Post, “We do not know what it was, but we do know what it was not.”
In essence, they ruled that the anomalous object could not have been a military or civilian aircraft. They also ruled out the possibility that the clouds it emitted were caused by the expulsion of waste water, and that the object was too low to emit contrails. In the end, the CEFAA cataloged this object as an UAP, which is standard practice whenever a particular sighting merits that designation.
Image captured from the footage shot by the Chilean Navy helicopter, showing the thermal trail cast by the object, and its two bright spots.
Credit: CEFAA
However, since the video went public, one UFO hoax-buster has come forward with what he believes to be a sound explanation for the sighting. According to Mick West, an administrator at – a website dedicated to debunking unscientific theories – what was seen in the video was actually the result a four-engine airplane leaving flying out of Santiago and leaving aerodynamic contrails in its wake.
Using online flight records, West tracked down two flights that were in the same airspace at the time – LA330 (from Santiago to La Serena) and IB6830 (from Santiago to Madrid). After examining the flights GPS data and conducting a 3D analysis, West concluded that the four-engine IB6830 was the likeliest culprit. The thermal plumes were engine exhaust, and its failure to show up on radar was because the radar operators were looking in the wrong place.
As West explained in his write-up about the incident:
“At the time this was spotted (the very first sighting on the video, at 13:52:34) IB6830 was actually around 35 miles away. However it would very quickly get further away. By 13:57 IB6830 would be 65 miles away. This explain why it was not seen on radar (IB6830 was on radar, just not where they thought it was).”
Image captured from the video showing two connected white circular lights, or “hot spots”. “Envoltura” means “envelope”, refers to the glow surrounding the two spots.
Credit: CEFAA
In addition to being in exactly the right position (according to West), aerodynamic contrails explains the thermal flare and the two “thermal spotlights” on the object itself (see image above). Basically, the pilots were looking at the plane’s engine glow, which was caused by its two engines on either side of the fuselage glowing hot and giving the appearance of two connected hot spots.
As the plane climbed, its engine exhaust created hot trails that looked like plumes when viewed through an IR camera. Given the fact that the plane was at a higher altitude than originally reported, the presence of contrails would therefore be a possibility, which is something the CEFAA had ruled because the object was believed to be too close to the ground for those to form.
As William of Ockham famously said, “Among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.” In this case, it would seem that West’s hypothesis accounts for all the knowns and unknowns in this case, and is therefore the correct one. In the coming weeks and months, the Chilean government may choose to revisit their ruling and reconsider designating this a UAP.
But in the meantime, UFO enthusiasts are likely to interpret this however they want. And many (not all) may indeed see this video as further confirmation that extra-terrestrials are already among us!
Cue the theme music from X-Files! And be sure to watch West’s video explaining his conclusions:
Deep Underground Bases: Military Experiments & UFO Technology
In this fascinating episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt interviews Underground Bases Expert Dr. Richard Sauder about his landmark book on the subject of secret underground bases: Hidden in Plain Sight.
Sauder details his decade long research effort to sift through declassified documents and speak with former inside government whistleblowers about their knowledge of these hidden installations. What he discovered in his cutting-edge research will blow your mind with the reality that there is an extensive world that's been built underground of a massive, experimental scientific and military infrastructure designed for deep covert operations. With no public oversight, no budget limits and zero media exposure, these massive facilities exist as an entirely secret world operated by the most covert operators in the Deep State.
UFOs & The Breakaway National Security State The development of deep underground bases goes far back into human history, but more recently got an amazing boost from the advent of two World Wars and the decades of the paranoid Cold War in the 20th century. The early Nazi obsession with developing wonder weapons underground and hiding their industrial base miles beneath the surface gives us a glimpse into the strategic importance of this strategy.
The National Security State Black Budget The US National Security State dedicated massive black budget resources to the development of a sprawling network of secret underground command and control bases ostensibly for the survival of humanity in a doomsday scenario and to set up Continuity of Government operations in the event of a Nuclear War. Beyond this surface explanation there are fascinating reports of massive underground facilities designed specifically to test advanced and exotic UFO Technology obtained by crash retrieval teams with a secrecy ranking that is higher than those set for nuclear classification. This development of this reverse-engineered ET technology may be largely responsible for the massive secrecy surrounding the activities of this global network of deep underground bases.
Controversial, chilling and potentially explosive, don't miss part 1 of this fascinating Dark Journalist episode!
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Published on Jan 13, 2017
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Nearing a tipping point, artificial intelligence research today could unleash a world of morally ambiguous issues in the future.
We’ve all encountered artificial intelligence on the internet. Those AI programs are bots that are designed to mimic human behavior and make you feel more at ease with your decisions. As the programs became more advanced, it was shown that they could in fact influence your behavior. Artificial intelligence research today is nearing a tipping point that could unleash a world of morally ambiguous issues.
The Twitter war you had with that liberal pig or conservative nut job that never seemed to end. It never would end because you were likely speaking with a program whose sole purpose was to be defiantly defensive of its position forever. While you were smashing away on your keyboard in fits of existential rage, the likely cloud based software wasn't even getting a chuckle. The artificial intelligence used in these bots is simplistic in its directive, but can be extremely effective.
AI Twitter Bots
A study that was completed before the 2016 presidential election found that nearly 15 percent of the studied Twitter population were in fact bots. They are used by indeterminable, malevolent sources to build on each other and focus the conversation in a more desirable direction. Bots produced almost 20 percent of the conversation and the impact that may have had on the election is staggering. The study shows that both sides of the political landscape used bots to support their agenda. While these bots cannot yet directly impact policy, or vote for that matter, their impact on society cannot be ignored.
Propaganda has been used by governments since their conception in order to manipulate and control the proletariat. All means of communication have been used to rally support for whatever causes the government, monarchy, or dictator thought was prevalent. These bots are particularly effective, however, because of their ability to target specific demographics. The artificial intelligence analyzes all of the human intelligence we so willingly provide, to adjust the strategy it uses that has the highest probability of having the preferred result. The result being that one person in one battleground state changes their opinion, and the ripple effect that could influence the outcome of the most conflicted election in recent memory.
Artificial Intelligence Personality
Art by Hans Rudolf "Ruedi" Giger
With the artificial intelligence of bots and similar programs increasing at an alarming rate, the question might be, how good are they really at judging human personality? A Stanford study found that computers can judge personality traits better than people close to you. The computer used Facebook likes to match the subjects own scores of the five basic personality dimensions: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.
The Uncanny Valley (UV) hypothesis posits that the degree of human likeness of an agent has a complex relationship to the reaction of the humans to the agent. So, as artificial intelligence is better able to judge our personalities, the bots that we interact with on a daily basis will be better at manipulating us into behaving in a way that their programmer wants.
The internet is being catalogued all the time, partly by companies storing their user info, and also by our own hands when we store our information in cloud based software. A bot that has access to information about every click you make and word you type could direct you ever more accurately to the page that it wants you to see, and in a way that most affects your subconscious. If you are skeptical of this, think about the cereal you eat, the car you drive, and the phone you are likely reading this on. The advertisers know their audience and they directed their ads at you to subtly angle you toward their products. Think of that effect, times the 200 plus Facebook likes that each user, on average, makes.
AI Vetting Politicians
There has not been much empirical research regarding the personality traits of politicians. When given the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI), along with some clergy and librarians, the politicians scored the highest in total narcissism. Without statistical significance this study is merely a suggestion, but one that few psychoanalysts would likely disagree with. That relentless self assurance is used to convince the American people that they are the best person for the job. It is inherently a destructive personality trait that all too often results in implosion. Artificial intelligence could be used in the vetting of presidential candidates. It could use all of their personal social media presence and any factual data imputed to decide if they are statistically fit for public office. In theory, proper testing of individuals in power could keep populations from making bad choices.
Military Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly present in future plans. When armed with advanced weaponry and an upgraded AI, a drone that could be bought on Amazon becomes a deadly weapon. The Pentagon is spending billions to develop autonomous and semi autonomous weapons. One example is a missile that can decide its own target with pinpoint accuracy. It can go through a crowded room and kill only whom it has decided is the target. The fear, of course, is that the more autonomy we give these machines, the more chance we are taking that they drift from their core directives and kill an unintended target. This is something that has been explored in science-fiction for some time and is now reality. The Aegis warships can fire defensive missiles without human order. Israel and South Korea both have AI defense systems that are capable of killing targets a mile out. The letter presented by the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence said it best. Members include Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking, and Steve Wozniak.
"Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has reached a point where the deployments of such systems is practically if not legally feasible within years, not decades, and the stakes are high: autonomous weapons have been described as the third revolution in warfare, after gunpowder, and nuclear arms."
The US Army is developing robots that can navigate an environment when given a voice command. They are meant to act as teammates with the soldiers, and to keep human lives out of danger as much as possible. The robots all have memory, gathered and stored in a central unit. Cognition will come about once the algorithms for perception and long term memory are perfected. The Army's own website states that they are using psychological theory to augment the robots in areas such as learning and memory. The US Army Research Laboratory Human Research and Engineering Directorate (HRED) are attempting to mimic the way humans use memories to problem solve and develop those methods into algorithms for an autonomous system. This isn't just happening in the US. The Japanese are attempting to humanize robots. Humans react less harshly to robots that resemble humans. Japanese engineers aren't as focused on military use but they have developed very sophisticated robots that are able to accomplish human-like tasks. Artificial intelligence isn't inherently inimical to mortal life, it is the purpose humans give AI that creates the danger.
Technological Singularity
Art by Dominic Elvin
The technological singularity (or just singularity) is the hypotheses that the invention of artificial super intelligence will abruptly trigger runaway technological growth, resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization. This really isn't hypothetical as the current math correlated to pace of technology creates a very clear path to incredible exponential growth.
By 2045 a computer with artificial intelligence will improve itself to the point of becoming a super intelligence and initiate a new era. This is becoming less science fiction and more science inevitability. Moore's Law is named after Intel co-founder Gordon Moore. The law originally stated that the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits would double every year since their invention. When these limitations are inevitably overcome, computers will have the processing ability more akin to the human brain which is approximately 10,000 trillion cycles per second. Engineer Peter Diamandis believes that by the year 2025, we will have a $1,000 dollar computer that can process at the speed of human brain.
Zoltan Istvan, a transhumanism activist, believes the eventual problem is, when the machine realizes it can do anything and grow in terms of speed, capacity, and memory, it might learn to deceive us very quickly as well.
Medical Artificial Intelligence
There is another side to artificial intelligence that could mean great things for quality of life. Medicine has made fantastic advancements in the last 100 years. The medical community is divided regarding the use of AI in hospital systems. The Department of Medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center has a research program called AIM (Artificial Intelligence in Medicine) that is working to apply AI techniques to increase our understanding of the body. AI systems can work objectively and without variability. The AIM algorithms are used to take the raw digital data and make images of parts that the surgeon wouldn't be able to see. It takes images and can evaluate them and offer objective information to the physician. Lastly, it can also adjust itself when new information is given. This update aspect is important because it can detect minor changes that may have otherwise been missed.
Artificial Intelligence and the Government
The government has acknowledged the influence of artificial intelligence. President Obama's Precision Medicine Initiative and the Cancer Moonshot will rely on artificial intelligence to find data to help in diagnosis and treatment of cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. In 2016 the Federal government created the National Science and Technology Council sub-committee on machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. It is designed to monitor the advances in AI but also coordinate how to use the science in government services more effectively. It is a challenge for any breakthrough in medicine to be deployed and become commonplace. There isn't an efficient system for new algorithms to be included in hospital systems. Hospitals tend to prioritize the money and if an algorithm won't greatly increase revenue, they are less likely to apply it.
Japan is also applying 10 billion yen to the science ministry. There is a focus there in the medical industry, diagnosing of symptoms and finding optimal treatments. Imagine a world where machines could analyze themselves and either fix what is wrong, or alert someone before it breaks completely. We can avoid having entire systems down in a crisis. Twenty firms and research institutions in Japan, including Toyota, NEC, and the government itself, are backing the RIKEN research Institute. Many of these groups believe that we are within striking distance of the tipping point and that AI itself is now not only inevitable but may be the only solution to the chaos that will inevitably follow its own birth.
Riding the wave of popular enthusiasm for 'Star Wars' and the Marvel universe, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) has found renewed interest and funding.
Irrespective of Hollywood's perspective on the implications of alien contact, the dialogues that would inevitably follow an actual encounter are enormous, almost too staggering to conceive. Imagine the questions we could ask a visiting extraterrestrial: Do you have a cure for cancer? Is there life after death? Are the physical laws in your part of the universe the same as in ours? Is there a way to overcome the burden of gravity, prolong youth, exceed the speed of light...? Think of the things we could learn, among them, as Carl Sagan put it, how "possibly to avoid the dangers of the period of technological adolescence we are now passing through."
Yet despite the obvious benefits to be reaped from such contact, there exists a vociferous group that appears to oppose any and all efforts to make it. Riding the wave of popular enthusiasm for Star Wars and the Marvel universe, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) has found renewed interest and funding. Its detractors have argued that after untold sums of money and over half a century, there has been not a single piece of credible evidence that their exists life outside of our universe.
Vintage OMNI: The Future of Space Travel
Much to the skeptical late Senator Proxmire's disappointment, NASA joined in SETI efforts at a low-level in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Some of these SETI-related efforts included Project Orion, the Microwave Observing Project, the High Resolution Microwave Survey, and Toward Other Planetary Systems. On Columbus Day in 1992, NASA initiated a formal, more intensive, SETI program. Less than a year later, however, congress canceled the program. For nearly two decades, SETI was secondary to the search for new technology and ideas here on Earth, in the dawn of the digital age.
Throughout the 1970s, SETI projects were not the only imaginative opportunities to be fleeced by then Senator Edward William "Bill" Proxmire. Funds for the Solar-Polar Orbiter, a spacecraft designed to fly over the poles of the sun, were cut as were funds slated to outfit the Enterprise, the test space shuttle. As one vintage writer put it, the cuts left "barely enough to keep the Enterprise from being cannibalized for spare parts." Similarly, Proxmire vigorously opposed the Apollo-Soyuz rendezvous on the grounds that the Russians were somehow inferior to us in aerospace. This has been debunked, as evidence now shows that the space race was actually quite close. The senator seemed blind to the fact that the Russians were there first with Sputnik and that the Soviets were regularly sending men into space before Neil Armstrong.
The arguments behind this depreciation of a government sponsored space program are simple: the program itself is too expensive, we get too little for the money spent, and, besides, it could be better deployed on such things as poverty, education, and national infrastructure spends. This has led to a migration of brain power to the private sector and what is becoming the privatization of space
Neil Armstrong
Ironically, we got a great deal for the money we spent on the 20th century race for space and listening for aliens. The development of communications satellites alone, an advance that has done more for human understanding than all the social welfare projects funded to date, would seem worth the cost. Moreover, who can put a dollar value on the tremendous uplifting of the human spirit that occurred on July 20, 1969, when Neil Armstrong walked on the surface of the moon, setting the tone for America's world leadership? In a time where we have serious deficits in our world leadership, fragile economies and very little that unites us globally, SETI remains rare exception. There is still a vast unknown that may be the answer to the human condition.
Finally, it is foolish to think that money cut from space programs will actually be used to better the quality of life here on earth. Lumped under the general category of "defense," more than 60 percent of the federal budget for research and development, for example, still goes to the creation of newer and more sophisticated means of destruction. We may have ended the space race, but we never stopped the arms race.
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UFOs: The Stiff Reality of a Flexible Phenomenon
UFOs: The Stiff Reality of a Flexible Phenomenon
When facing the UFO phenomenon head on, the most problematic question one may ask is actually the most simple: Are UFOs real?
The answer is yes. The answer is always yes. In fact, it’s literally right there in the letters; UFO. It is, in essence, an object in flight that is unidentified. Perhaps the most common place definition comes from the late astronomer, J. Allen Hynek. In his book, 'The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry', Hynek dryly yet appropriately describes a UFO as being:
“… the reported perception of an object or light seen in the sky or upon the land. The appearance, trajectory, and general dynamic and luminescent behavior of which do not suggest a logical, conventional explanation and which is not only mystifying to the original percipients but remains unidentified after close scrutiny of all available evidence by persons who are technically capable of making a common sense identification, if one is possible.”
Dr. J. Allen Hynek
It doesn’t get much more self-explanatory than that. But where did this painfully obvious term stem from? And why, throughout the past sixty years or so, has it become not so obvious? The acronym was coined by Captain Edward Ruppelt, who in 1953, led the official investigation into aerial phenomena through the channels of the U.S. Air Force. To further the public from any notion that these objects were extraterrestrial, Ruppelt , serving as a catch-all for the mysterious objects appearing, flying, and sometimes floating through the skies. The acronym stuck, remaining the go-to letters for almost every media outlet known to man.
Thousands and thousands of declassified documents by intelligence agencies around the world can be found in reference to UFOs. These documents boast reports from the simply mundane misidentifications and natural phenomena, to the most intriguing and perplexing, begging more questions on just exactly what these UFOs are and are not. Here, in the United States, we left it up to the military to investigate what could potentially be a threat to our own safety on the hard ground below and the cushioned security of our skies above. Let’s take a look at how it all began.
The Official Study of the Phenomenon Begins… and Ends
The U.S. Air Force first attempted to decipher the enigmatic code behind these aerial phenomena back in 1947 with Project Sign. As the project’s personnel compiled case after case of sightings, they argued that what they seemed to be dealing with was, in fact something of extraterrestrial intelligence. However, this notion was quickly swept under the rug, and replaced in 1949 by Project Grudge. Headed by aeronautical engineer, Edward J Ruppelt, Project Grudge was in essence, a continuation of looking into these phenomena with a much more objective eye, dismantling the possibility that UFO activity was caused by anything but natural and/or manmade anomalies and intervention.
The study of UFOs continued in its final iteration, Project Blue Book, in 1952 with chief investigator, Hector Quintanilla. This was the longest, and most publicized Air Force study which compiled over 12,000 reports of sightings in the western world alone. Project Blue Book continued until 1968, when the Air Force-funded Condon Committee was created to draft a final report on their findings.
Project Blue Book Staff, including Chief Officer, Hector Quintanilla (Center)
Physicist, Edward U. Condon, and an investigative group out of the University of Colorado, used files from Project Blue Book and several independent UFO research organizations to determine that, first and foremost, UFOs caused no threat to national security. They also concluded that there was absolutely no scientific evidence proving that UFOs were extraterrestrial in origin. And with that, the official American study of the phenomenon came to a whimpering end. But that didn’t stop certain members of these projects from looking further into the phenomenon and case reports.
Civilian Research Organizations
Many individuals within the government were involved in the study of UFOs. Most notably of these individuals was none other than the aforementioned J. Allen Hynek. Hynek, having been a lead investigator all throughout Project Grudge and Project Blue Book, was first hired to explain away each and every UFO report as natural or manmade phenomena. But after seeing Blue Book out until the very end, he simply couldn’t accept that that was a conventional explanation for every sighting or incident. His skeptical view slowly tilted to a more open-minded approach, favoring the idea that some of the UFOs being seen could, in fact, be of an extraterrestrial or non-human intelligence. And in 1973, he would found the Chicago-based Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS). This organization consisted of many credible scientists and researchers who evaluated UFO reports in a careful and thorough way. To this day, a large archive of the work done by Hynek and CUFOS can be found through various online outlets and through the publication of Hynek’s definitive book, The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry.
While many other organizations came and went, perhaps the most visible and well known would have to be the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Originally founded by Walt Andrus, a technology manager and educator, and John Schuessler, a retired aerospace engineer, the two would invite many of their colleagues to join the organization, such as notable nuclear physicist, Stanton Friedman and optical physicist, Dr. Bruce Maccabee. Using their technical and analytical skills in many different arenas throughout the years, MUFON now boasts chapters in every single state, investigating cases of aerial phenomena, close encounters, and in its most modern iteration, even supposed alien abduction cases. Investigators bring their reports and data to the state directors who then follow up on many of the cases with an objective and critical approach. MUFON remains active today, hosting several large conferences throughout the year and an annual journal of case reports.
Unlike the investigative organizations above, there is another ambitious undertaking that consists of compilation of UFO reports by the public. The National UFO Reporting Center, (NUFORC) founded in 1974 by Robert J. Gribble, the center has catalogued a staggering 90,000 reports in its history. Aside from its cataloguing endeavors, the center also provides regional statistics to assist specific geographical needs of those who seek information about local sightings and reports. The center remains active as this book is being published, having been taken over in 1994 by Peter Davenport, a former MUFON member, and professor of genetics and biochemistry. Davenport sing-handily runs the center from his home, and updates case reports on a weekly basis.
Peter Daveport of NUFORC
While many other civilian organizations have come and gone, the challenge for each seemed to be that of funding. Each organization held highly esteemed scientists and every facet, yet very little money had ever been set into place to provide any substantial sustainability. This is something the scientific community, UFOs aside, have always wrestled with. How does one fund their research when theory is their only means in which to progress? Perhaps this may be why scientific study into the UFO phenomenon lay deep on the fringe, splintering off into the above organizations in all their ambitious efforts. Perhaps by looking closer at the relationship between mainstream science and the UFO phenomenon, we can begin to narrow in on the phenomenon’s deeply embedded, and often ridiculed reputation.
Mainstream Science and UFOs
After the sobering determination made by the Condon Committee’s report, all hope of a possible intelligent extraterrestrial presence seemed to dissipate. But a small shred of debate by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) cracked open the possibility that the scientific community wasn’t completely against the notion of a possible alien phenomenon. In response to the Condon Report, the AIAA noted that at least thirty percent of cases studied remained unexplained by conventional and natural sciences, and that scientific benefit could still be gained by furthering the study of the phenomenon.
Michael Shermer, publisher of Skeptic Magazine and contributor to Scientific American, once stated that:
“In all fields of science there is a residue of anomalies unexplained by the dominant theory. That does not mean the prevailing theory is wrong or that alternative theories are right. It just means that more work needs to be done to bring those anomalies into the accepted paradigm. In the meantime, it is okay to live with the uncertainty that not everything has an explanation.”
While Shermer accepts living in this uncertainty, many scientists keep the current paradigm in a stagnant purgatory, not only by ignoring the UFO phenomenon entirely but refusing to even acknowledge the potential of such technologies and how they could ultimately benefit both science and on a greater scale, humanity. But the dark cloud looking above has always been that of pure ridicule, a festering specter whispering in the collective scientific ear that UFOs are simply bunk, and not worth the time, talents, or intelligence of some of the greatest thinkers in history. In a field where thought reigns supreme, and reputations hang on the threads of governmental influence, far-out theories on exotic aircraft of potentially non-human intelligence could completely overshadow even the most influential of scientists and the contributions they have made to their respective fields. But there are those who are willing to put their thoughts in the face of ridicule and speak publicly about such fringe topics, and are willing to call others out for their woeful ignorance to the topic in general.
Of those who reject it right out, “They’re wrong, naive, stubborn, narrow-minded, afraid and fearful,” says Eric Davis, an American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics award winning- propulsion physicist at the Institute of Advanced Studies. In an interview with Lee Spiegel of the Huffington Post, Davis would elaborate: “It’s a dirty word (UFOs) and a forbidden topic. Science is about open-minded inquiry. You shouldn’t be laughing people off. You should show more deference and respect to them. Scientists need to get back to using the scientific method to study things that are unknown and unusual, and the UFO subject is one of them.”
While such accusations can seem generalized, Davis also admits that there are many scientists who do study the phenomenon, if even from the peripheral. “There are those who are aware of the evidence and observational data that is irrefutable. It is absolutely corroborated, using forensic techniques and methodology. But they won’t come out and publicize that because they fear it. Not the subject, but the backlash from their professional colleagues.”
Davis goes on to admit that this topic isn’t just meant to be studied by the scientific community. “It’s the domain of military intelligence,” he suggests. “The fact that [unknown] craft are flying around Earth is not a subject for science, it’s a subject for intelligence-gathering, collection and analysis. That’s because UFOs are not a natural phenomenon, and that’s what science studies.”
Dr. Eric Davis
Whatever these UFOs may or may not be, they seem to defy most conventional propulsion theories that we readily know of here on our planet. But therein lay the limitations scientific methodology. For instance, why do UFOs, making the most dramatic and unconventional maneuvers, need to be piloted by some sort of biological entity? Why is this the reason that some scientists dismiss the objects being piloted craft whose said pilots could not conceivably survive such speeds, velocity, or maneuvers? We send hundreds of unmanned spacecraft out into the heavens constantly for this very reason. What if the objects we witness, racing, floating, and suddenly appearing and disappearing in our skies are nothing more than highly advance drones from somewhere off-planet? Perhaps it could be best summarized by theoretical physicist, Michio Kaku. He once remarked:
“Some scientists have scoffed at UFOs because they don’t fit any of the gigantic propulsion designs being considered by engineers today, such as ramjet fusion engines, huge laser-powered sails and nuclear pulsed engines, which might be miles across. But UFOs can be as small as a jet airplane, and can refuel from a nearby moon base. So sightings may correspond to unmanned reconnaissance ships.”
Dr. Michio Kaku
So if we are dealing with potential craft (some being unmanned perhaps, some not) entering our atmosphere from space, who better to carry the proverbial weight of UFO observation and possible investigation than those who study celestial bodies and space itself? With the most powerful telescopes observing objects of great distance, and individuals with vast knowledge of what could potentially lay within and beyond earth’s atmosphere, it would be more than appropriate for astronomers to play a large role in the search for truth behind these elusive anomalies.
In 2010, a barrage of UFO sightings saturated the headlines of Chinese newspapers, reports coming in almost on a daily basis. As strange lights and solid objects plagued the skies of China, local airports were temporarily shut down until the objects could no longer be observed as a potential threat for landings and takeoff. Clearly, this was turning into more than just a simple misidentification by civilians.
Planetary astronomer, Wang Sichao, of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, investigated many of these sightings throughout the years, taking a keen interest in the phenomenon as it hit closer and closer to home at the Purple Mountain Observatory where he worked. In at interview with the Beijing Review, Sichao would comment on the UFO reports as “events of credible facts backed by observation. But these facts cannot yet be explained by existing scientific knowledge or natural phenomena.” And while Sichao took on the bulk of UFO sightings in China for self interest and curiosity, he would go on to explain why astronomers are not primarily in the business of searching for or investigating UFO reports: “The reason is that a UFO only appears randomly and often disappears rapidly in a few minutes,” he would continue. “By the time large professional telescopes are started up, it has already disappeared. So, we can only rely on information from occasional sightings or encounters by observers.”
Purple Mountain Observatory, Nanjing, China
In his book, The UFO Phenomenon: Should I Believe?, author and scientist, Dr. Robert Davis points out that:
“Evidence within Ufology is largely based on such anecdotal claims, it is very difficult to build testable hypotheses to either reject or confirm through a validation process, such as, testing predictions against observations to confirm a hypothesis…. ufology would greatly benefit from collaborative research efforts with the scientific community, but instead, have often alienated (no pun intended) them.”
It would seem that with the amount of dedicated scientists connected to the study of UFOs in its sordid independent organizational past, that rigorous scientific method and mainstream acceptance would gradually become inevitable. But with such a complex and frustrating phenomenon taunting us from the corner, it just doesn’t seem to be moving as swiftly as we may have hoped it would. To further the point that science and UFO studies are not exactly in synch, Richard Hall, assistant director of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) once stated: “Although the ranks of Ufology contain the seeds of science, it should not now pretend to be a science, but a popular movement advocating scientific investigation. It should (and could) clarify and present the factual evidence in a manner designed to encourage a true scientific investigation, which would make use of all the techniques and facilities available to science today.”
The Journey Begins
So while we seem to have varying opinions on a governmental, scientific, and civilian level, one factor remains constant: UFOs are on the mind of individuals in every walk of life, from the simple observer on the side of the road, to the most forward-thinking (and sometimes skeptical) scientists of yesterday and today. So again, we are faced with many dilemmas of how to move forward. These phenomena are far more complex than a singular non-human intelligence pulling the proverbial strings of mystery. A fellow colleague of mine, author and researcher, Micah Hanks, suggested the following in his book, The UFO Singularity:
“The mere proof of official interest in the UFO presence throughout the years cannot by itself make concrete the existence of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, nor can it prove that any single phenomenon can be attributed solely to the identity of the kinds of unidentifiable aircraft in our skies…probing even deeper into the mystery, there could yet be stranger solutions to the enigma that exists somewhere in our midst.”
Micah Hanks
While we continue to search for these strange answers in our midst, we also continue to question the approaches we take in that search. Whether it be from the anecdotal evidence of eyewitnesses or the analytical eye of scientists throughout the world, the phenomenon remains as elusive as ever. So in all its enigmatic glory, all we can truly do is continue to search somewhere in the skies for the answers we seek, and the questions we crave. Will we be satisfied with the answers science eventually gives us? Or will we deny it, leading us back down the path of the illogical and immeasurable? Only time will truly tell. And in that telling, we can be certain of one thing: the UFO phenomenon isn’t going to ever leave us. In fact, it seems that it has only begun its invasion on our curious, and ever-expanding minds.
Ryan Sprague is the author of 'Somewhere in the Skies: A Human Approach to an Alien Phenomenon' (Available on Amazon). He's written for Open Minds Magazine, Phenomena Magazine, and UFO Truth Magazine. Speaking on the UFO topic, he has been featured on ABC News, Fox News, and The Science Channel. He is a regular on the Travel Channel's 'Mysteries at the Museum'. When not writing, he is the co-host for both the 'Into the Fray' & 'UFOmodPOD' podcasts, available on iTunes. Learn more at
Drones that can fly and steer themselves show promise for tasks such as carrying urgent medical supplies or making farming more efficient. But to be truly independent, they also need to launch, land, and take care of themselves on the ground without human help.
Airmada is working on drones that act as autonomous security guards to watch over industrial facilities. Its robotic ground station stores a drone until it is needed, and then opens up and folds out a launchpad so it can take off.
Airmada says that its drones—and its boxes—could be stationed around sites such as warehouses and work yards so companies can easily perform remote security patrols or respond more quickly when an alarm is tripped. When a drone is needed, it would pop out of its box, fly to the place in question, and stream back video to security staff over the Internet.
After a drone completes its mission, it lands back on its launchpad and folds back inside its box. A mechanism inside can swap out the drone’s battery and recharge it.
Dan Danay, Airmada’s cofounder and CEO, hopes to see his first drones and ground stations deployed by customers this year. His company is focused on the security market, but Danay predicts that systems that allow drones to launch, land, and recharge on their own will be needed to make other applications, such as package delivery, practical and cheap at large scale.
“Commercial drones have a lot of potential in many industries, but as long as you have to have a human operate on the site, you’re very limited,” he says. “One of the main benefits of drones is being able to do things without a lot of human labor.”
Video shows fighter jets launch swarm of tiny drones
Video shows fighter jets launch swarm of tiny drones
A stunning video released by the Department of Defense shows a swarm of micro-drones being released by fighter jets.
The demonstration of the Perdix micro-UAV swarm was held at China Lake, Calif. on Oct. 26, 2016. Three F/A-18's were deployed to launch the swarm of tiny drones, according to the Department of Defense.
The drones, which have a wingspan of 12 inches, can operate autonomously and share a distributed brain, the BBC reports, and could be used for surveillance.
In the Department of Defense video, the drones can also be seen flying through the air like a swarm of high-tech bees.
The U.S. military is keen to harness the power and versatility of microdrones. The U.S. Navy, for example, has already demonstrated its Low-Cost UAV Swarming Technology (LOCUST), which aims to deploy swarms of compact drones.
Another goal of the U.S. military is to develop flying ‘aircraft carriers’ to deploy drones
Could dark streaks in Venus' clouds be signs of alien life?
Could dark streaks in Venus' clouds be signs of alien life?
By Keith Cooper, Astrobiology Magazine
An artist's impression of the uncrewed Venus Atmospheric Maneuverable Platform (VAMP) flying through Venus' clouds.
(Northrop Grumman)
The question of life on Venus , of all places, is intriguing enough that a team of U.S. and Russian scientists working on a proposal for a new mission to the second planet — named Venera-D — are considering including the search for life in its mission goals.
If all goes as planned, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) could one day be cruising the thick, sulfuric-acid clouds of Venus to help determine whether dark streaks that appear to absorb ultraviolet radiation could be evidence of microbial life.
Venus has long been a focus of Russian planetary science, which has the proud legacy of the record-breaking Venera space probes that landed on the Venusian surface in the late 1970s and early 1980s. [Mysterious Venus: 10 Weird Facts]
With many questions remaining unanswered, the joint mission of Roscosmos and NASA, if approved, would see an orbiter launch toward Venus in 2025 with the aim to make remote-sensing observations of the planet and its atmosphere; deploy a lander on the surface; and search for future landing sites.
Among several possible additions to the mission are a small sub-orbiter to study Venus' magnetosphere, and either a balloon or an UAV taking measurements of the atmosphere over a long duration.
Should the UAV be approved, its main goal would be to take meteorological measurements to determine why the atmosphere rotates so fast relative to the surface, a phenomenon known as super-rotation . This fast rotation was discovered in the 1960s by astronomers tracking the motion of the dark streaks in the atmosphere. Puzzlingly, astronomers do not know the origin and composition of these dark streaks, nor do they understand why the streaks haven't mixed with the rest of the atmosphere and why they are absorbing ultraviolet light.
"These are questions that haven't been fully explored yet, and I'm shouting as loud as I can, saying that we need to explore them," said Sanjay Limaye, an atmospheric scientist from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and a former chair of NASA's Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG).
According to Limaye, the nature of the UV absorber is completely unknown. It could be particulate matter mixed into the clouds, or a substance that has been dissolved by the droplets of sulfuric acid, or it may be crystalline in nature, like ice. Iron chloride has been proposed, but there is no confirmed mechanism that could loft particles of iron chloride 31 to 37 miles (50 to 60 kilometers) above the surface, particularly as winds near the surface only blow weakly through the dense lower atmosphere.
Life in the clouds?
A more exciting explanation for the dark streaks is that they are evidence of microbial life . "It's a possibility we can't overlook," said Limaye, who is a member of the Venera-D science definition team.
Finding life at high altitude in the atmosphere of a planet would make sense. After all, microbes have been found at similar heights in Earth's atmosphere. The challenge for life on Venus is the planet's extreme temperature. The surface, at 864 degrees Fahrenheit, is hot enough to melt lead, and the surface pressure of 92 bar is the equivalent of being almost 0.6 miles under water.
However, in a region beginning around 31 miles in altitude and extending 7.5 miles outward is a sweet spot where the temperature ranges between 86 degrees F and 158 degrees F, and the pressure is similar to that on Earth's surface. Life could potentially survive in this zone where the dark-streaking UV absorber is found.
Intriguingly, the sulfuric acid droplets within the clouds aren't necessarily a show-stopper to life. Earlier Venera missions detected elongated particles in the lower cloud layer that are about 1 micron long, about the width of a small bacterium. These particles could be coated in ring-shaped polymers of eight sulfur atoms, called S8 molecules, which are known to exist in Venus' clouds and which are impervious to the corrosive effects of sulfuric acid, researchers said. [5 Bold Claims of Alien Life]
Furthermore, S8 absorbs ultraviolet light, re-radiating it in visible wavelengths. If the particles are microbes, they could have coated themselves in S8, making them resistant to the corrosive effects of sulfuric acid. It has even been postulated that the S8 exists as a result of microbial activity. Is this then the key to life on Venus?
"I cannot say that there is microbial life in Venus' clouds ," Limaye said. "But that doesn't mean it's not there, either. The only way to learn is to go there and sample the atmosphere."
Powered flight
The original Russian plan for Venera-D featured balloons patrolling the atmosphere, but balloons are not very maneuverable and would not necessarily be able to reach the regions with the dark streaks. A solar-powered UAV would stand a far better chance, according to Limaye.
"The idea is that, with a large enough wingspan, you can generate enough power and actually fly through the atmosphere of Venus, with electric propellers, for a very long time," Limaye said.
Descending hypersonically into the atmosphere after detaching from the orbiter, the UAV would be filled with hydrogen or helium gas, keeping it buoyant at a nominal floating altitude of 31 miles, allowing it to glide through the clouds while moving through the night-time hemisphere. Upon daylight, the solar-powered propellers would kick in and raise the craft's altitude to around 37 miles.
Over the course of three to four days, the craft could move around the planet along the upper atmosphere's "super-rotation," the strange phenomenon where the atmosphere seems to be uncoupled from the solid planet and rotates much faster. The UAV would therefore be able to explore the clouds at different altitudes, moving from air mass to air mass, from regions with UV absorbers to regions devoid of them, sampling and measuring the composition of the atmosphere.
The aerospace company Northrop Grumman has already independently developed a concept for a Venusian UAV, called VAMP (Venus Atmospheric Maneuverable Platform), which would have a giant 180-foot wingspan and be designed to operate in the atmosphere for at least a year.
The ‘D' in Venera-D's name stands for "dolgozhivushaya," which in Russian means "long-lived." This originally referred to the hopes of keeping a lander operational on the Venusian surface for days or weeks, although the oppressive conditions on the surface mean that realistically the most that any lander could survive is mere hours. Instead, the UAV, continually circling around Venus, would take the mantle of being long-lived.
The final report describing the science goals of the Venera-D mission will be submitted to Roscosmos and NASA by the end of January 2017, at which point the two space agencies will have to decide whether they will collaborate on the mission. An answer is not expected until late 2017 at the earliest.
Enthusiasts will be looking to the skies again next month as the 40th anniversary of UFO sightings which rocked a coastal village is celebrated.
The Swansea UFO Network is holding a Welsh Triangle 40th Anniversary Conference in Broad Haven the village where a whole class of school children saw a UFO in 1977.
On 4 February 1977, a whole class of school children from Broad Haven Primary School saw an unusual craft landed in a field next to the school as well as mysterious silver figure walking about.
Their stories were dismissed as fantasy but the children were so adamant they had seen something unusual they handed in a petition to the police station. Their head teacher later asked them to draw the UFO and was amazed at how similar their pictures were.
Randall Pugh was instrumental in bringing the story to the attention of the media and it became an overnight sensation.
The case was extensively investigated at the time and first appeared in the Western Telegraph sparking world-wide interest in what turned out to be the start of a major series of sightings in the area - dubbed 'The Welsh Triangle'.
Dubbed the “West Wales flap” of 1977, the incident was second only to the “Warminster Thing” in British UFO history.
According to documents released in 2005 a secret military investigation was launched into claims that alien craft and their tall humanoid occupants were taking a particular interest in the local coastline.
Organisers of next month’s conference are looking for witnesses to UFO sightings in south-west Wales during the 1977 'flap' to tell people what they saw and experienced.
The conference will be held at Broad Haven Village Hall, 10am to 5pm. Speakers confirmed so far include author Neil Spring (The Watchers), David L. Richards (UFO Wales) and special video link with Peter Paget, author of the Welsh Triangle and UFO-UK.
There will also be a visit to the UFO sighting location at the exact time it happened 40 years ago.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
ALIEN hunters have launched a major push to prove aliens DO exist by scouring through thousands of newly-released Nasa images of the Moon landings looking for extra-terrestrials.
Ever since the images were released, UFO researchers and people from around the globe searched for the tiniest mysteries hidden in the images, the result: countless UFO’s are present in the images released by NASA.
The images have created debate among skeptics and UFO believers whether or not there are certain ‘things’ on the moon which NASA has tried to keep in the dark for decades.
For decades strange 'lights' and artificial seeming structures have been observed and recorded on the Moon by amateur astronomers. Science writer Joseph Goodavage observed that over two hundred white 'dome shaped' structures had been seen and catalogued, only for them often to vanish and reappear somewhere else?. There are even colour photos from the Apollo 8 missions that clearly show evidence of green vegetation on the lunar hills.
This article (Dozens of UFO's seen in 'new' images of the Moon released by NASA) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with full attribution and a link to the original source on
VIDEOTimothy Joseph Elzinga werd op 6 januari in het holst van de nacht wakker gemaakt door zijn wenend zoontje. Toen hij uit zijn badkamervenster keek, zag hij dit adembenemende natuurverschijnsel. Eerst dacht Timothy dat hij het noorderlicht zag, maar het bleek om een ander fenomeen te gaan.
"De lichtstralen deden me denken aan Star Trek of aan Close Encounters of the Third Kind", vertelt Timothy aan Mashable. Timothy woont in North Bay, Ontario, waar het kwik die nacht zakte tot -18 graden.
Het was door die vrieskou dat de zogenaamde lichtzuilen ontstonden. Door de lage temperatuur bevroren waterpartikels in de lucht zo snel dat ze amper een paar molecules dik werden. Hierdoor stegen ze niet op om in wolken te veranderen en vielen ze ook niet naar beneden als sneeuw. Ze bleven als minuscule spiegels in de lucht dwarrelen waardoor ze licht konden reflecteren.
Timothy haastte zich snel in zijn pyjama naar buiten om het fenomeen vast te leggen met zijn smartphone. Zijn verhaal en de prachtige beelden kan je bewonderen in zijn YouTube-filmpje.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
“De elite is niet blij met de ontdekking van de Bosnische piramides”
“De elite is niet blij met de ontdekking van de Bosnische piramides”
In 2005 deed zakenman, onderzoeker en professor aan de American University in Bosnië en Herzegovina dr. Semir Osmanagic een baanbrekende ontdekking, die de wetenschappelijke gemeenschap 12 jaar later nog steeds verdeelt.
In gesprek met OMTimes Magazine legt hij uit waarom alles wat we dachten te weten over de geschiedenis van onze beschaving en het doel van piramides, volgens hem onjuist is.
In het Bosnische plaatsje Visoko doet hij onderzoek naar vijf structuren. Die blijken te bestaan uit blokken die ‘door intelligente handen gemaakt zijn’.
Daarnaast is Osmanagic op een omvangrijk prehistorisch tunnelnetwerk gestuit onder de bouwwerken.
In Egypte werden de piramides gebouwd met behulp van kalksteen en graniet, in Peru werd gedroogde klei gebruikt en in Guatemala vulkanisch gesteente.
De Bosnische piramides bestaan uit beton, aldus Osmanagic.
Genezende werking
“Onder de piramides zijn negatieve ionen gemeten die elektromagnetische velden opwekken,” voegt hij toe.
Dergelijke ionen zouden goed zijn voor ons omdat ze het zuurstofgehalte in het bloed verhogen. “Ze doden virussen en bacteriën,” zegt hij.
Ook het water dat in de tunnels wordt gevonden, zou een genezende werking hebben.
Stuk ouder
Hij merkt in gesprek met OMTimes Magazine op dat er liefst 250 piramides in China zijn. “Maar de Chinese overheid laat er geen archeologen bij in de buurt komen.”
“Ik heb met vooraanstaande Chinese archeologen gesproken en kreeg te horen dat de grote piramides zijn gebouwd met graniet en zandsteen,” zei hij.
Osmanagic denkt daarnaast dat de Egyptische piramides een stuk ouder zijn dan algemeen wordt aangenomen, zo rond de 12.000 jaar oud.
Volgens hem werden de grootste piramides in Egypte, China en zelfs in Mexico en Bosnië gebruikt om energie op te wekken.
“Als wetenschapper kan ik niet zeggen of de piramides zijn gebouwd door mensen, buitenaardsen of wezens uit een andere dimensie,” legt hij uit.
Dr. Osmanagic wijst erop dat in de tunnels veel lichtbollen worden vastgelegd op camera, die duidelijk ‘tekenen van intelligentie vertonen’.
“We kunnen ze niet waarnemen met onze zintuigen, hoewel er mensen zijn geweest die ze wel konden zien,” zegt hij.
Waarom is er zo veel kritiek op hem en zijn ontdekking?
“Dit zijn de grootste piramides op aarde. Veel groter nog dan de Egyptische piramides.”
“Het zijn ook de oudste bouwwerken op de planeet,” legt hij uit. “Ze veranderen de geschiedenis.”
“Zij die ons verleden beheersen, beheersen ook het heden,” aldus Osmanagic. “En dat zijn de elites.”
“Als er een grootse ontdekking wordt gedaan in een klein land als Bosnië die onze geschiedenis verandert, wordt de elite daar niet blij van,” zegt hij.
“En dus gebruiken ze National Geographic, Wikipedia of hun archeologische instituten om ons de mond te snoeren, te boycotten en petities tegen ons te lanceren,” gaat hij verder.
“De kennis behoort ons allen toe en niet alleen de elite,” besluit hij.
UFO Over Lunar Surface Watching Apollo 15, Jan 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Over Lunar Surface Watching Apollo 15, Jan 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery:Jan 2017 Location of discovery: Earths Moon Photo: Apollo Image AS15-M-1510 Great News, Streetcap1 of Youtube is going to be a a TV show about aliens soon. He is an awesome alien artefact hunter with years of experience and loads of success. Awesome he is getting the recognition he deserves. Scott C. Waring Streetcap1 States: A strange Object on this NASA photo. Link at the end of this video. I have been asked to appear in a Russian TV Documentary about the Planet MARS. REN TV. Moscow - Producers. I have accepted and am filming on Thursday 19th January, 2017. I have never revealed who I am before, but have decided it's time for Streetcap1 Disclosure.
White Biological Life Forms Seen During Shuttle Mission STS 134, NASA Video, UFO Sighting News.
White Biological Life Forms Seen During Shuttle Mission STS 134, NASA Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of video: May 16, 2011
Location of video: Earths Orbit, STS 134
Source:NASA Youtube Account
A reader here has asked me to look into a video about the shuttle Endeavour mission. He pointed out the video below posted by UFOorbs of Youtube. It was suspicious...but when I went to the official NASA youtube account and found the original...they matched. At 4:52 into the official STS 134 NASA video, we see a massive white object, as big as the empty fuel tanks falling to Earth from the shuttle. Nothing could be as big as those tanks...nothing, unless the shuttle itself exploded, which it did not. These white objects are not moving with the tank, but instead, they are being passed by as the tank moves faster than them, passing them one by one. Now, I have heard about such UFOs which are white and seen by an astronaut when he orbited the Earth...John Glenn reported to newspapers back in Feb of 1962 that he saw tiny white butterfly like glowing flakes moving in a swarm around his orbiting craft, landed on it, he banged on the hull, they flew off and away. I believe these are the same biological creatures, but here we see them in different sizes, holding onto one another to become bigger. This still has my head whirling...remember the last video has many of these objects in it. PLEASE WATCH IN FULL SCREEN TO SEE. Scott C. Waring-Taiwan
Sting Ray UFO Over Family Celebration In New Zealand On Jan 13, 2017, UFO Sighting News.
Sting Ray UFO Over Family Celebration In New Zealand On Jan 13, 2017, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 13, 2017 Location of sighting: Gizborne, New Zealand Source: MUFON #81517 In the above screenshots, one is normal untouched, the other has added light to see the detail of the objet. As you can see, its a sting ray UFO. UFOs often move so fast that the human eye is incapable of even noticing it. This looks like such a case. Scott C. Waring-Taiwan Eyewitness states:
Photo Location was 92 Lavenham Road, Patutahi, Gisborne, New Zealand. Several outdoor photos taken due west from private home after a family celebration. Several photos were taken from cellphone around 8.00 pm, and no sighting of any unusual aerial activity was observed. Within 10 minutes the photos were reviewed and the attached photo contained an unknown object. No other photos contained this object.
I was watching the official NASA Youtube channel trying to catch a UFO near the space station, when I found this video taken Dec 13, 2016. In it I see the Japanese cargo ship arriving at the International Space Station. As it approaches the space station, the camera focuses on the Japanese cargo craft.
This UFO in the above and below photo is the one that almost hit the Japanese Cargo Ship.
Suddenly UFOs started appearing and shooting in all directions. Some were flashing, others were a steady white light. One UFO shot towards the Japanese Cargo craft, so close, I really thought it hit it, but must have skimmed the hull. I got a nice close up of one colourful UFO that was rotating as it moved past the cargo craft, I included it in the video I made.
Now the confusing question, are these alien craft, alien drones or biological entities? They move with intelligence, but only the future will tell us more. Scott C. Waring-Taiwan NASA video states: Loaded with more than four tons of supplies and experiments, the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency’s unpiloted H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV-6) arrived at the International Space Station Dec. 13 four days after its launch from the Tanegashima Space Center in southern Japan. Dubbed “Kounotori”, the Japanese word for “white stork”, the resupply craft completed its rendezvous to the station and was captured by Expedition 50 Commander Shane Kimbrough of NASA and Flight Engineer Thomas Pesquet of the European Space Agency operating the Canadarm2 robotic arm from the station’s cupola.
I was watching the official NASA Youtube channel trying to catch a UFO near the space station, when I found this video taken Dec 13, 2016. In it I see the Japanese cargo ship arriving at the International Space Station. As it approaches the space station, the camera focuses on the Japanese cargo craft.
This UFO in the above and below photo is the one that almost hit the Japanese Cargo Ship.
Suddenly UFOs started appearing and shooting in all directions. Some were flashing, others were a steady white light. One UFO shot towards the Japanese Cargo craft, so close, I really thought it hit it, but must have skimmed the hull. I got a nice close up of one colourful UFO that was rotating as it moved past the cargo craft, I included it in the video I made.
Now the confusing question, are these alien craft, alien drones or biological entities? They move with intelligence, but only the future will tell us more. Scott C. Waring-Taiwan NASA video states: Loaded with more than four tons of supplies and experiments, the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency’s unpiloted H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV-6) arrived at the International Space Station Dec. 13 four days after its launch from the Tanegashima Space Center in southern Japan. Dubbed “Kounotori”, the Japanese word for “white stork”, the resupply craft completed its rendezvous to the station and was captured by Expedition 50 Commander Shane Kimbrough of NASA and Flight Engineer Thomas Pesquet of the European Space Agency operating the Canadarm2 robotic arm from the station’s cupola.
UFO Photographs – Kozakai-Cho, Japan – UFO Photo Archive
UFO Photographs – Kozakai-Cho, Japan – UFO Photo Archive
Around 11:30am, on June 22, 1977, thirty-nine-year-old Yukio Ishida was driving along the bank of the Toyokawa Canal in Kozakai-Cho, Aichi Prefecture, when he noticed a strange object flying above a building alongside the canal.
Just when you thought our planet had enough doomsday problems to grapple with, Saturn went ahead and changed colors on us. Specifically, Saturn’s north pole—a hexagonal vortex that Gizmodo claims could swallow our planet whole. While no one knows for certain how Saturn’s north pole came to be this way, scientists have been tracking its shifting hue thanks to the Cassini Imaging Team, a probe that has been circling the planet since 2004.
Based on images beamed back from Cassini, the hexagonal pole was blue back in 2012; since then it’s progressed into bright gold. Based on the images, which were released by the Cassini Imaging Team last week, scientists theorize that accumulating haze particles could be sparking this startling change. While it may seem bizarre for a vast swath of a planet to change colors so rapidly, there was a time between 1995 and 2009 when Saturn’s north pole grew increasingly dark. This, scientists deduced, was a result of diminishing photochemical reactions (i.e., less sunlight reached the planet to react with the atmosphere’s molecular components).
Now that the northern pole is tipping back toward the sun, increasing amounts of light are igniting more of these photochemical reactions, and in turn, producing more bright gold haze. As NASA put it in a statement released on Friday,
“The color change is thought to be an effect of Saturn's seasons. In particular, the change from a bluish color to a more golden hue may be due to the increased production of photochemical hazes in the atmosphere as the north pole approaches summer solstice in May 2017.”
As alarming as these color changes may seem from our tiny marble, we may just be getting a better feel for Saturn’s natural seasonal cycles—something that will take decades, maybe centuries to understand completely. In the meantime, we can appreciate Saturn as the biggest mood ring in our solar system.
Vancouver, BC– Exclusive new video published to social media on January 13, 2017, purports retired United States Marine Corps General James N. Mattis appeared eager to direct a Mars military program during yesterday’s senate defense secretary confirmation hearing. When discussing threats to the United States, the prospective Trump cabinet member is shown to have uttered a mirror-encrypted message citing a “Mars mission”.
Scientists are now said to be awaiting news of the president-elect’s plans for NASA with looming changes to policy, budgets and diplomacy involving international space partners (including Russia). These changes are expected in an era when rights to privatized space research and exploration are being claimed by private corporations including SpaceX and Mars One.
According to the space agency, NASA is not a part of the Department of Defense or of any other Cabinet-level department. If confirmed as SecDef, James Mattis can look forwards to steering strictly military missions to their completion. Attempts to identify origins and meanings of the Mars mission message therefore shift to mythological and archetypal invocations to the Roman god of war. At further outreaches along the investigative continuum we recognizes claims of a supposed US secret colony on Mars, a topic covered by Wired in 2012 and widely attested to in the alternative and Exopolitical press.
An entrenched “I-went-to-Mars” cottage-industry pop subculture claiming secret interplanetary missions involving time travel, President Barack Obama and members of the second Bush administration has dominated alternative media and Exopolitical discourse in recent years. The claims of this movement reinvigorate discussions of “Alternative 3,” a 1977 British television science fiction broadcast that cited secret joint US/Soviet visits to Mars in the early 1960s. President Obama’s White House responded to the second wave Mars Colony whistleblowers in 2012 via a limited hangout published to Wired in which then-National Security Council spokesperson Tommy Vietor offered his denial of the president’s involvement.
Notable witnesses who claim personal knowledge of/experience in a secret United States military program on Mars include Andrew D. Basiago (now a political candidate running for president in 2020) and Laura Magdalene Eisenhower (great-granddaughter of U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower). Their extensively detailed claims are the subject of both voluminous celebratory interviews and searing criticism appearing online as well as in terrestrial media.
Perhaps this newly-discovered leak concerning a secret military mission to Mars involving the United States Secretary of Defense provides an experiential link for audiences who can’t time travel and haven’t yet visited the red planet to directly evaluate the integrity of witness testimonies for themselves. Perhaps the citation of a “Mars mission” emerging from a retired general during yesterday’s confirmation will embolden further witnesses who can one day facilitate greater more experiential “show-me”-oriented disclosure in the interests of public education and transparent governance.
Suggestions of how the United States is preparing for real life star wars surrounded revelations of former extradition target Gary McKinnon, the Scottish sysadmin accused of perpetrating what was once described as “the biggest military computer hack of all time.” Said to be motivated in 2001 by the Disclosure Project, Gary McKinnon told the press how he secured unauthorized access to NASA, US military and Pentagon computers while searching for evidence of UFOs, antigravity technology, and the suppression of “free energy” over a two-year period.
The UK hacker still claims he found logs of troop transfers between non-seagoing warships (said to be a secret space fleet) and saw the screen image of a cigar-shaped UFO hosted on one of the computers during his incursions. A US attempt to extradite Gary McKinnon to face charges and potential lengthy overseas imprisonment was blocked by the British government in 2012 on grounds of human rights concerns.
The following is a partial transcript of United States Marine Corps General James N. Mattis’ remarks during yesterday’s senate defense secretary confirmation hearing held in Washington, D.C., preceded by the secret message encrypted backwards therein. Discussion of methods and philosophy guiding this practice can be found throughout this reporter’s previous related coverage discussed in links below.
Bring Mars mission:
“Sir, I would consider the principal threats, to start with, Russia. And it would certainly include any nations that are looking to intimidate nations around their periphery, regional nations nearby them, whether it be with weapons of mass destruction or I would call it unusual, unorthodox means of intimidating them. That sort of thing. And at the same time, as the chairman’s pointed out, we face now an era where we’re going to be fighting the terrorist threat. I mean, that’s simply a reality. We’re going to have to address that one.”
Er zijn steeds meer aanwijzingen die erop wijzen dat er niet altijd sneeuw en ijs heeft gelegen op Antarctica en dat er ooit een menselijke beschaving heeft gewoond.
Nu zijn er op een satellietfoto duidelijk de contouren van een ovaal gebouw diep onder het ijs waar te nemen.
Naast de huidige belangstelling voor Antarctica, is het continent ook interessant vanuit historisch oogpunt.
Als er zich daar namelijk inderdaad gebouwen onder het ijs bevinden, kunnen wij onze geschiedenisboeken herschrijven.
In 1929 vonden een aantal historici een verbazingwekkende kaart. Hij was getekend op de huid van een gazelle door de beroemde Turkse admiraal Piri Reis die rond 1500 leefde. Hij had toegang tot de bibliotheek van Constantinopel dat tegenwoordig Istanbul heet.
Achter op de kaart had Reis aantekeningen gemaakt waaruit bleek dat hij hem gemaakt had gebaseerd op onderzoek in de bibliotheek. Hij had hierbij gebruikgemaakt van bronnen die dateerden uit de vierde eeuw voor Christus en nog ouder.
Op de kaart van Piri Reis is de westkust van Afrika te zien, de oostkust van Zuid Amerika en de noordkust van Antartica. De details van de noordkust van Antartica zijn absoluut perfect. Niet alleen is het verbazingwekkend dat hij dat continent wist aan te geven, 300 jaar voordat het werd ontdekt, maar dat het bovendien de kustlijn laat zien zoals die zich onder het ijs bevindt.
Volgens geologen was de laatste periode dat er geen ijs lag in dat gebied ongeveer 4.000 jaar voor Christus. Meer recente onderzoeken hebben echter aangetoond dat die ijsvrije periode 6.000 jaar voor Christus eindigde. Dit was voordat volgens de geschiedenisboeken de eerste primitieve beschavingen zich op aarde vertonen. Waar heeft Reis die informatie vandaan gehaald om een kaart te maken die wij pas tegenwoordig met behulp van moderne technologieën kunnen maken?
Nu is er echter een satellietfoto opgedoken die een soort ovale constructie onder het ijs laat zien. Het lijkt een doorsnede van ruim 100 meter te hebben en heeft alle kenmerken van een door mensen gemaakt gebouw.
Als dit inderdaad wordt bevestigd, kunnen de geschiedenisboeken op aarde worden herschreven, want dan blijkt duidelijk dat er hoogstaande beschavingen op aarde waren, voordat dit volgens onze huidige geschiedenisboeken het geval was.
Volgens de hoofdarcheoloog Ashoka Tripathi van de Universiteit van Calcutta, zijn de afbeeldingen duidelijk bewijs van vroegere menselijke nederzettingen onder de dikke laag ijs.
Hij zei, “Dit zijn duidelijk kenmerken van bepaalde door mensen gemaakte structuur. De patronen laten níets zien van wat wij normaal gesproken zouden verwachten bij een natuurlijk gevormde formatie. Wij hebben hier ontegenzeglijk bewijs van menselijke constructie”.
“Het enige probleem dat we hebben, is dat deze foto’s zijn genomen in Antarctica, onder een twee kilometer dikke ijslaag. Dat is duidelijk een puzzel waar we op dit moment geen verklaring voor hebben”.
Wetenschappers dachten eerst dat er sprake zou zijn van een zogenaamde sastrugi, een natuurlijk fenomeen dat wordt veroorzaakt door jarenlange blootstelling aan sterke, ijskoude wind en zware sneeuwval.
Maar deze sastrugi hebben altijd een bepaalde vorm, gebaseerd op de windrichting en doen zich eigenlijk nooit voor in een ovale vorm zoals het beeld op de bewuste satellietfoto.
Onlangs kwamen er beelden tevoorschijn, waarop duidelijk piramides te zien zijn die omhoogsteken uit de sneeuw op Antarctica.
Eén van de tekenen die Cayce geeft voor het echt beginnen van die aardveranderingen is het beginnen van het “afbreken van condities” in de Zuid Zee. De Zuid Zee als zodanig bestaat niet, maar algemeen wordt aangenomen dat hij de Zuidpool Zee of Zuidelijke Oceaan bedoeld.
Dan zien we in het nieuws hoe een bijna 130 kilometer lange scheur in het ijs van de Larsen C ijsplaat op Antarctica grote gevolgen kan hebben.
Niet alleen zal dat enorme gevolgen kunnen hebben voor de stijging van de zeespiegel, maar wie weet wat voor andere geheimen daardoor ook worden blootgelegd.
Here’s one new UFO video, unfortunately in bad quality, of a bright triangular craft flying across the sky above North Carolina. This was filmed on Thursday, 12th January 2017.
Witness report:
I was out side feeding my dogs and I herd a loud humming noise I looked to my right and there was a air craft like I’ve never seen before it was shaped like a triangle with three bright lights but had no color I got a video of it and then it was like it just disappeared it was weird
Amazing footage of bright orbs flying over Canton, Mississippi 9-Jan-2017
Amazing footage of bright orbs flying over Canton, Mississippi 9-Jan-2017
Check out this amazing footage of a bright orbs flying in the sky above Canton, Mississippi. This happened on 9th January 2017.
Witness report:
I was standing outside, talking to a neighbor, when I saw this orb start flying around. It disappeared then when it reappeared, it came back with 15 more. It swirled above us for a few seconds then disappeared. This is not the first time that I’ve seen UFOs and this is the second time that I’ve summoned them. Thanks to Robert Bingham’s video, I know how to do it. The first time I did it, I saw the orbs but then they morphed into a bird like creature with white bodies and black tipped wings but continued to glow. They swirled above me and my neighbor, flew into a formation and then disappeared. I googled a description into Google search (orbs that shape shift into a bird like creature)and found a few pictures and a video that looked exactly like what I saw. One word to describe this is….AWESOME!
UFO Sighting Video Shows A UFO With Green Halo Of Light Over Italy
UFO Sighting Video Shows A UFO With Green Halo Of Light Over Italy
A video of a mysterious bright green spherical object has created speculations of a UFO in the sky over Italy. The strange thing in the four-minute video appears to change shape and color. It was reportedly captured on camera in Salento this week. The video is said to be genuine and untampered.
Music teacher Lucio Margiotta of Music Academy of Salento posted the footage on Facebook. He reportedly noticed the strange light in the sky at around eight in the evening local time on January 9, 2017.
The footage shows a bright white, spherical object that seemingly changes shape, size, and color. The bizarre thing turns bright green and transforms into a ring – like a smoke ring – at one point.
The ball then splits into two before fading away. The video was recorded using a smartphone at maximum zoom. According to Lucio, no effects or filters were used.
Some viewers suggest that the UFO is the result of autofocus that distorts the image especially prevalent when recorded with a smartphone.
Some UFO investigators explain that the light turns into a halo when Lucio apparently zooms on it, which may suggest that the camera autofocus system distorts the light and produces the strange effect.
The witness did not mention whether he saw the light transformed into a halo, or he just saw a distant light.
Some Facebook users propose another idea. They say the unusual phenomenon may just be the Venus. They explain the planet becomes highly visible from 7:30 pm to 8 pm. The sighting reportedly took place at 7:38 p
m. The planet is more visible if there’s a little haze, they say. They further explain that the visible circle is the result of image distortion from zooming in.
However, others say that it is one of the sphere beings that regularly visit the area. They say that these beings often respond with a bright flash if someone speaks to them as friends and wave.
Mothership UFO Appears To Send Out Secret Signals For An Approaching Smaller Craft
Mothership UFO Appears To Send Out Secret Signals For An Approaching Smaller Craft
Some enthusiasts claim that a mothership UFO was caught on camera flashing signals to an approaching smaller aircraft. The footage was allegedly taken on the night of January 2, 2017, Monday. It apparently shows a strange shimmering UFO over the sea off the southeast coast of England’s Isle of Wight.
According to the UFO enthusiasts, the video is the latest evidence supporting claims from different parts of the world of unusual UFO activity involving mothership UFOs seemingly dropping smaller ones to Earth or getting them back on board.
These UFO enthusiasts further claim that multiple videos showing mothership UFOs with smaller aircraft or dropping smaller aircraft suggest that a secret alien invasion of Earth is in progress. UFO hunters argue that a new video of the Isle of Wight in England depicts a mothership UFO giving off signals to retrieve a landing craft it unloaded earlier.
According to UFO enthusiasts, the so-called latest evidence video shows a shimmering mothership UFO floating over the sea, off the Shanklin coast on the Isle of Wight. The unidentified flying object in question is apparently flashing secret signals to a smaller craft that looks to appear a few seconds into the footage. The video also shows the smaller landing craft that seems to respond to the signals by flying toward the mothership and boarding it.
The 22-year-old James Ward took the footage with two video clips before 9 pm on Monday, January 2, 2017. The witness was in his car close to this home in Lake, on the English Isle of Wight. He was looking toward Shanklin beach when he saw the mothership UFO. According to the witness’ report, the giant UFO hovered in the dark sky while flashing signals in different colors. Moments later, a small UFO came with a bright white light flying towards the giant UFO. Ward took videos and pictures of the strange aerial activity with his phone.
Despite appearances, aliens have not descended upon a snowy scape in Ontario, Canada. Rather, an Earthly phenomenon is the cause of a ring of brilliant shafts of pastel-colored lights, captured in the wee hours of the morning by Timmy Joe Elzinga using his smartphone camera.
It was 1:30 a.m. local time in northern Ontario on Jan. 6 when Elzinga spotted the phenomenon.
"When I first saw these light beams shooting through the sky from my bathroom window, I was sure they were the northern lights," Elzinga told Live Science in an email. "I was able to capture these images both because the lights were so bright and pronounced and because I'm a bit of an amateur photographer." That experience, he said, led him to use "the manual settings on my phone to adjust the time the aperture was open to 8 seconds."
Ice from high altitudes explains the pillars that Elzinga saw, NASA said. During some cold, wintry nights, flat ice crystals that normally reside higher up in the atmosphere come fluttering closer to the ground, according to NASA. These whimsically wobbling ice crystals are sometimes referred to as crystal fog. When the crystals reflect ground lights from nearby cars and other bits of civilization, the result can be glorious: columns of light called "light pillars."
"The pillars are not physically over the lights or anywhere else in space for that matter — like all halos, they are purely the collected light beams from all the millions of crystals, which just happen to be reflecting light towards your eyes or camera," said Les Cowley, a retired physicist and atmospheric optics expert, on his site Atmospheric Optics.
The light pillars are so strange-looking that people often mistake them for UFOs, according to "There are said to be a lot of UFO reports caused by light pillars over Niagara Falls, where the mist from the rush of descending water interacts with the city's many upward-facing spotlights," EarthSky reported.
The beams resemble so-called sun pillars, which appear as columns of light extending from the sun due to light reflecting off ice crystals in the upper atmosphere, according to NASA.
And Elzinga saw quite a show.
To capture the northern Ontario pillars, Elzinga said he got creative.
"I also opened the window and removed the screen so I could get an unobstructed view, and I used the ridges in my bathroom window's track as a make shift tripod so I could avoid motion blur," he said. "I ran outside to see if I could get some more images and even went for a drive, but the light pillars seem[ed] to look best right from my area of town."
After 45 minutes or so, the lights were too dim for Elzinga to see them, he said.
Despite appearances, aliens have not descended upon a snowy scape in Ontario, Canada. Rather, an Earthly phenomenon is the cause of a ring of brilliant shafts of pastel-colored lights, captured in the wee hours of the morning by Timmy Joe Elzinga using his smartphone camera.
It was 1:30 a.m. local time in northern Ontario on Jan. 6 when Elzinga spotted the phenomenon.
"When I first saw these light beams shooting through the sky from my bathroom window, I was sure they were the northern lights," Elzinga told Live Science in an email. "I was able to capture these images both because the lights were so bright and pronounced and because I'm a bit of an amateur photographer." That experience, he said, led him to use "the manual settings on my phone to adjust the time the aperture was open to 8 seconds."
Ice from high altitudes explains the pillars that Elzinga saw, NASA said. During some cold, wintry nights, flat ice crystals that normally reside higher up in the atmosphere come fluttering closer to the ground, according to NASA. These whimsically wobbling ice crystals are sometimes referred to as crystal fog. When the crystals reflect ground lights from nearby cars and other bits of civilization, the result can be glorious: columns of light called "light pillars."
"The pillars are not physically over the lights or anywhere else in space for that matter — like all halos, they are purely the collected light beams from all the millions of crystals, which just happen to be reflecting light towards your eyes or camera," said Les Cowley, a retired physicist and atmospheric optics expert, on his site Atmospheric Optics.
The light pillars are so strange-looking that people often mistake them for UFOs, according to "There are said to be a lot of UFO reports caused by light pillars over Niagara Falls, where the mist from the rush of descending water interacts with the city's many upward-facing spotlights," EarthSky reported.
The beams resemble so-called sun pillars, which appear as columns of light extending from the sun due to light reflecting off ice crystals in the upper atmosphere, according to NASA.
And Elzinga saw quite a show.
To capture the northern Ontario pillars, Elzinga said he got creative.
"I also opened the window and removed the screen so I could get an unobstructed view, and I used the ridges in my bathroom window's track as a make shift tripod so I could avoid motion blur," he said. "I ran outside to see if I could get some more images and even went for a drive, but the light pillars seem[ed] to look best right from my area of town."
After 45 minutes or so, the lights were too dim for Elzinga to see them, he said.
A St Austell man says he believes Cornwall was visited by aliens after he spotted a UFO hovering in the sky above Bodmin Moor.
The man was on his way home from work in the early hours of the morning when he saw the giant black triangle floating soundlessly in the sky.
He said he was in no doubt about what he saw – and it wasn't of this Earth.
"It was really weird. It was something like out of Star Trek. I think it was something from somewhere else in space and time. I have never seen anything like it before," he said.
"It wasn't from this planet."
Watch: Dave Gillham of Cornwall UFO Research Group, talk about UFO sightings in the county
He said he was driving back home from a night shift and as he drove up the hill gained a clear and far reaching view of Bodmin Moor.
However, he suddenly saw a black triangular object in the sky and his first thought was this it was a cloud.
"Then I thought, clouds don't have straight lines like that," he said.
"It was very big, the size of a few football pitches. It was a clear morning and I had a very clear view. I would say it was a few miles away when I saw it.
"I kept my eye on it while I was driving and it just hung there. There was no noise. It was moving like it was gradually turning.
The object was seen hovering above Bodmin Moor
"It seemed to have a tail fin type thing on top and underneath there were two other things that were attached, but I don't know what they were. Then it suddenly sped off."
The man, who was in his 40s when he spotted the phenomenon in summer 2009, told his wife as soon as he got home.
However, he has never spoken of it publicly for fear of being ridiculed and has asked CornwallLive to withhold his identity.
"I got home and told the wife and she was surprised but accepted what I said.
"But I didn't mention it to anyone else because I thought people would think I was mad or something. They would probably say it was just because I was tired after working a night shift or that I had had a drink.
A map compiled by Cuforg showing sightings of UFOs
"But I know what I saw."
He has recently reported it to the Cornwall UFO Research Group (Cuforg), which documents sightings and whose member, Lionel Fanthorpe, has identified a triangle of UFO activity which runs from Land's End to Falmouth Bay to St Ives Bay.
He found figures which revealed more than 60 reported sightings of UFOs in Cornwall compared to a national average of 40 sightings for comparable areas.
Last month, CornwallLive reported new newly revealed sightings of flying saucers in the skies above Cornwall which have a remarkable similarity to the one at Bodmin Moor.
Watch: Dave Gillham of Cornwall UFO Research Group, talk about UFO sightings in the county
The sightings include two of a giant black floating triangle, with one man seeing the object emerge from the depths of St Ives Bay and another describing how it traced the journey of their car on the Lizard.
Dave Gillham, founder of Cuforg, said he dealt with around 30 to 40 reports of flying saucers every year and though most had a rational explanation, some remained a mystery.
He said: "We get a lot when the space station goes over, but you can easily go online and pin that down. Sometimes the UFO sighting can be explained by drones, or laser pens, which can be quite powerful, or even Chinese lanterns."
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WATCH: Police footage of a circular object in the sky - is it a UFO?
WATCH: Police footage of a circular object in the sky - is it a UFO?
A strange object in the sky was caught on camera by officers back in September
A UFO expert based in Holme Valley has criticised police as he investigates an incident of a suspected UFO spotted by one of their helicopters.
Footage emerged in September of a circular object in the sky, caught on an infra-red camera from a police helicopter in South Wales.
Scholes-based Gary Heseltine, editor of UFO Truth magazine, says he has since been submitting numerous Freedom of Information requests to South Wales Police to shed light on the incident.
Gary, who runs annual UFO conferences in Holmfirth which attract people from across the country, claims police have not been “transparent” about the encounter.
Strange object filmed by FLIR infrared camera on board the police helicopter
He said: “I’ve waited until now to see how much information I could obtain from the police via the FOI requests I’ve submitted. What I can say is that in my opinion the police have not been as open and transparent as they could have been.”
Gary says he has requested logs from the force in relation to the helicopter that captured the UFO footage, including flight maps and audio from the cockpit.
He claims the case bears a resemblance to another case in Chile where a Navy helicopter captured a UFO on infra-red.
Gary added: “I believe this British case is a major UFO event and should be the subject of a scientific enquiry.”
Strange object filmed by FLIR infrared camera on board the police helicopter
After the Chilean Navy released the footage from its two-year investigation of a strange UFO caught on camera by one of its helicopters, the internet lost its mind for a few days. The Huffington Post’s UFO investigator and conspiracy watcher Leslie Kean first broke the story, which soon went viral. While many not-so-skeptical outlets have been hailing the footage as the first definitive footage of an alien spacecraft, others aren’t so convinced.
The mysterious object left two separate plumes behind it, sparking the usual chemtrail claims.
Naturally, many reddit discussions sprung up to examine the footage, with many users claiming that the object resembles a U.S. military helicopter or even the thermal signature of a commercial jet. According to the Chilean Navy’s investigation, however, there were no other known aircraft in the vicinity its helicopter’s location which could have been misidentified as the UFO in the footage. Furthermore, according to the investigation reports, the Chilean Navy’s radar picked up no aircraft in the area. Some outlets have claimed the footage to be a hoax, as Leslie Kean and the Chilean Navy have been known in the past to over-hype some rather dubious UFO claims.
To complicate the conversation surrounding the UFO claims further, fact-checking site has published a comprehensive examination of the Chilean Navy’s footage along with flight traffic data from the area on the date of the sighting and comparisons of other infrared heat signatures.
Flight data from a nearby airliner on the date of the sighting.
Image credit:
According to the post, written by Metabunk administrator Mick West, the object in the footage can be explained away as simply the aerodynamic contrails left by one of two possible commercial airliners:
Based on analysis by @Trailblazer, @Trailspotter, myself, and others, There are likely TWO planes involved IB6830 and LA330. The plane that initially seems to fit best is LA330, a two engined A320, which was reported to be climbing through 20,000 feet at that exact visual position at 14:01:39.
The post includes flight path data of the two flights, showing that they were approximately 65 miles (100 km) away from the helicopter, and West claims the distance could be the reason the object did not appear on the helicopter’s radar. The post goes on to compare images of normal jet thermal signatures against those in the footage, and the resemblance is indeed quite apparent.
Comparison of a commercial jet’s thermal signature with that of the object in the video.
Image credit:
West’s final conclusion is that the helicopter’s infrared footage is merely picking up on the temperature fluctuations of the aerodynamic contrail left by a commercial aircraft out of range of the helicopter’s radar. According to their website, is “dedicated to the art and pastime of honest, polite, scientific investigating and debunking.” The site is mainly concerned with debunking contrail claims and 9/11 conspiracy accusations, but will occasionally report on UFO matters.
Despite a few well-publicized instances of flying-under-the-influence, most people have a high regard for pilots, where they be military, space or commercial pilots. That – plus the fact that they spend most of their on-the-job time in the air scanning the skies – is why UFO reports by pilots are taken more seriously than others. On December 26th, 2016, two commercial pilots claim to have had a 10-minute encounter with a UFO off the U.S. coast near Atlantic City, New Jersey, and attempted to communicate with it using the lights on their plane. Is this smoke or the smoking gun?
I looked up I saw a very large and bright flashing light, which I brought to the other pilot’s attention. His response when seeing it was pretty much the same as mine…. “What in the hell?”… “What is that?”
According to their report to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), a UFO investigation organization based in Davenport, Washington, the pilots were on a flight from New York to Miami on a clear night with unlimited visibility. The sighting occurred 100 nautical miles east of Atlantic City over water between 2130-2200 EST (9:30-10:00 pm). They described it as being 3-5 times as big as the brightest star they could see and moving from the horizon to 35 degrees up.
At first sight the light was approximately at our 1 o’clock position. It moved to 12, 10, 11, back to 12. At that time, the light appeared to move North, then south at a pretty rapid rate.
Rather than a solid light, the pilots said the UFO was flashing and one noticed an orange/red flash in between the white flashes.
We did flash our lights at it a few times, and the other pilot believes it flashed back in sequence; I felt the return flashes were probably coincidental, but possible. Neither one of use have ever seen and/or heard of an occurrence like this.
This sounds like something that should be reported to air traffic control, doesn’t it?
We were going to report it to ATC, but mutually decided to let it be. I have no explanation for what we saw, nor does the other pilot. We did try to video the incident, but it wasn’t possible.
While there are many UFO sightings by pilots, they are reluctant to report them – especially using their real names – for fear of ridicule or job loss or – in the case of commercial flights – fear of lawsuits from passengers.
Andrew Danzinger – a pilot who saw a UFO but waited years to reveal it publicly
Did these two pilots see more on December 26th than they’re willing to disclose, even anonymously? Did any of their passengers see it? Was their communication with the UFO something more than coincidental? Time may tell. Commercial pilot Andy Danzinger waited 25 years to talk about his UFO encounter publicly. Had he revealed it before, would he have been hired to pilot President Obama’s plane during his campaign?
Are there any other reasons these pilots might be afraid to reveal their UFO sightings?
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12 Years Later, Scientists Remember Epic Landing on Saturn Moon Titan
12 Years Later, Scientists Remember Epic Landing on Saturn Moon Titan
By Nola Taylor Redd, Contributor
As NASA's Saturn-orbiting Cassini spacecraft begins its final eight months of operation, scientists are looking back at one of the mission's most dramatic moments: the landing of the piggyback Huygens probe on the huge moon Titan.
Huygens touched down on Titan's frigid surface on Jan. 14, 2005, three weeks after separating from the Cassini mothership. It was a landmark moment in planetary science, mission team members said.
"The Huygens descent and landing represented a major breakthrough in our exploration of Titan as well as the first soft landing on an outer-planet moon," Cassini project scientist Linda Spilker, of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, said in a statement. "It completely changed our understanding of this haze-covered ocean world." [Huygens Probe's Titan Landing Revisited 12 Years Later (Video)]
Cassini and Huygens launched together in October 1997 and reached the Saturn system in July 2004. On Dec. 24 of that year, Huygens separated from the Cassini orbiter to begin a 20-day voyage toward the lander's final destination.
The Huygens lander revealed a never-before-seen world in the landscape of Saturn's moon Titan. This view was created using images taken during the probe's descent, from an altitude of about 6 miles (10 kilometers).
At the time, little was known about the 3,200-mile-wide (5,150 kilometers) Titan; dense atmospheric haze kept the moon's surface features shrouded in mystery. To an extent, the Cassini mothership has been able to use radar to peer through the haze from orbit, but Huygens' up-close photographic views were a revelation, mission scientists said.
During its 2.5-hour descent, the lander captured hundreds of images of the moon's surface, revealing bright highlands cut by steep ravines and channels. Huygens also took photos of its surroundings after touching down, on a dark granulated surface that resembled a dry lake bed. (The lander operated for a few hours before ending its mission.)
"The Huygens images were everything our images from orbit were not," Carolyn Porco, Cassini imaging team lead at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colorado, said in the same statement.
"Instead of hazy, sinuous features that we could only guess were streams and drainage channels, here was incontrovertible evidence [that] at some point in Titan's history — and perhaps even now — there were flowing liquid hydrocarbons on the surface," Porco added. "Huygens' images became a Rosetta Stone for helping us interpret out subsequent findings on Titan."
Titan is the only solar system object aside from Earth known to harbor stable bodies of liquid on its surface. But Titan's seas contain liquid ethane and methane, not water.
Huygens also sampled the atmosphere of the huge moon while passing through, measuring winds and analyzing the organic chemistry of the unusual world.
In the dozen years since Huygens touched down on Titan, Cassini has continued studying the moon from Saturn orbit during a series of flybys. The spacecraft has examined the clouds in the moon's atmosphere and analyzed the satellite's climate and seasonal changes. Cassini has probed the variation in surface features, including lakes, rivers, channels and reservoirs. Bizarre "magic islands" have been observed appearing and disappearing over time in one of Titan's northern lakes. The moon also shows signs of potential cryovolcanism, low peaks that may permit cold lava flows on the surface.
"Cassini and Huygens have shown us that Titan is an amazing world with a landscape that mimics Earth in many ways," said Cassini scientist Alex Hayes, of Cornell University in New York.
"During its descent, the Huygens probe captured views that demonstrated an entirely new dimension to that comparison and highlighted that there is so much more we have yet to discover," Hayes added. "For me, Huygens has emphasized why it is so important that we continue to explore Titan."
The $3.2 billion Cassini-Huygens mission is a collaboration involving NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency.
The venerable mission is nearing its end. In April, the Cassini mothership will begin its "Grand Finale" phase, a series of 22 dives between Saturn's cloud tops and the planet's innermost ring. Then, on Sept. 15, the probe will perform an intentional death plunge into Saturn's atmosphere, to ensure that microbes from the craft don't contaminate Titan or the icy moon Enceladus, two worlds that may be capable of supporting life.
Green Glow from Ancient Galaxies Surprises Scientists
Green Glow from Ancient Galaxies Surprises Scientists
By Calla Cofield, Staff Writer
This image shows the results of a deep field survey by the Subaru Telescope. A new analysis used a Subaru deep field image to identify the location of nearly 1,300 distant galaxies. The analysis then combined the UV radiation from those galaxies to learn about their composition. A few bright supernovas can also be seen in the image.
Credit: Subaru Telescope, NAOJ
GRAPEVINE, Texas — The galaxies are greener on the other side of the universe, it seems: A new analysis reveals that some of the most distant galaxies ever observed are radiating green light, a finding that could deeply affect developing models of those early galaxies.
"It’s a very distinctive, intense green light that these galaxies are just pouring out," Matt Malkin, a professor of physics at the University of California, Los Angeles, who led the new research, said on Dec. 8 during a news conference at the 229th American Astronomical Society meeting.
Researchers have seen this same kind of green light coming from a few galaxies in the nearby universe, but, according to Malkin, the "shocking" part of the new analysis is in the number of galaxies involved: The green light that researchers observed in the new study appears to be coming from most or all of the galaxies that formed in the first 1 billion or 2 billion years of the universe. The finding is further evidence that scientists don't fully understand many of the characteristics of stars and galaxies that existed in this early period of the universe's lifetime. Thankfully, that's an era that a few upcoming telescopes are going to illuminate. [The History & Structure of the Universe (Infographic)]
Being green
Green is a not a typical color for a galaxy. Most galaxies that scientists observe tend to be whitish in color, with a few subtle deviations — some may have a red, orange or yellow hue if they contain a lot of cool, red stars; others appear bluish-white if they contain a lot of hot, short-lived blue stars. Regions with a lot of hot gas can have strong, distinct colors, as well. For example, regions of recent heavy star formation, like the Orion Nebula, may radiate a pinkish glow created by the presence of hydrogen. (Thanks to a technique called spectroscopy, scientists can look at the light from an object and figure out what chemicals are present.)
A Hubble Space Telescope image of the compact green pea galaxy J0925+1403. The diameter of the galaxy is approximately 6,000 light years, and it is about twenty times smaller than the Milky Way.
Credit: NASA
But there are a few exceptions in the relatively nearby universe: a sprinkling of dwarf galaxies with high rates of star formation known as "green pea galaxies" that were identified through the citizen scientist project Galaxy Zoo. The greenish tint comes specifically from oxygen atoms that have had two of their electrons ripped away (the symbol for this type of oxygen atom is O++).
For a star to produce enough energy to doubly ionize oxygen atoms, it would have to have a temperature of around 50,000 Kelvin, according to Malkin; the hottest known stars in the universe reach temperatures of 50,000 or 60,000 Kelvin. It could be that these green peas have an unusually high number of very hot stars that send their energy through oxygen-rich gas clouds and deliver a solid wallop to the oxygen atoms therein, removing two electrons from the atoms. But a full explanation for how green-pea galaxies produce such a large amount of these specific types of oxygen atoms is still a matter of debate, according to a statement from UCLA about the new work.
Green peas make up less than one hundredth of 1 percent of known galaxies. The galaxies that Malkin and colleagues studied are all very, very far away, and because light takes time to travel through space, that means that astronomers are seeing those galaxies the way they were a long, long time ago. The light from the galaxies that Malkin and his team are studying was emitted about 11 billion years ago, when the universe was only about 2 billion or 3 billion years old.
Those early galaxies were a little less chemically cluttered than modern ones. The furnace at the heart of a star fuses atoms together, creating stuff like carbon, iron and oxygen. When massive stars die, they explode and spread those elements out into space, and those explosions can also compress and heat material to create more heavy elements. After more than 10 billion years of star formation and star death, modern galaxies are a rich stew of heavy elements (astronomers characterize these stars as having "high metallicity") — a condition that wasn't present in those young galaxies.
When those heavy elements are inside a star, they tend to absorb the energy coming from the star's internal furnace, so stars in the modern universe (where there are more heavy elements) tend to be cooler than stars in the early universe. In other words, lower metallicity stars tend to be hotter and release more high energy radiation, Daniel Stark, an assistant professor of astrophysics at the University of Arizona who was not involved in the new analysis, told Modern galaxies may certainly display a little bit of the green light indicative of O++ atoms, according to Malkin, but that light doesn't dominate the color of the galaxy.
If early galaxies didn't contain quite so many heavy elements, then there should be more of those very hot stars. That energy could pass through oxygen-rich interstellar gas clouds, and potentially create a stronger O++ green glow. Models of those early, massive stars indicate that this is likely the case, but the new finding shows that the green light is a factor of two more intense than what the models predict. Malkin said the models "depend on a lot of unknown parameters" and are currently fairly simplistic, but he estimates that the light from the O++ atoms is "four or more times stronger" than the pink light from gaseous hydrogen; most models predict that the signature of hydrogen should be equal or stronger than O++. (A study released earlier this year confirmed the presence of oxygen in one equally distant galaxy).
Malkin's new results highlight how underdeveloped those models are, Stark said.
"We can study the massive stellar populations in the Milky Way in great detail. But stars that are present in the early universe are likely to have much lower metal content," Stark said. "The massive stars in such low metallicity systems remain very poorly understood."
It's possible that the stars are actually "somehow much hotter, more energetic than even the hottest energetic stars we're familiar with today," Malkin said during his presentation at AAS. "So they're not just emitting UV photons, they're emitting extreme, high-energy UV photons. They're practically X-rays, coming out of these stars."
For comparison, the surface temperature of the sun is around 5,000 or 6,000 Kelvin and thus the central body of our nearest star is not hot enough to produce X-rays or knock two electrons off an oxygen atom. (The surrounding corona reaches temperatures of up to a million Kelvin, and can produce X-rays.)
This image shows a planetary nebula — a very hot star near the end of its life. The greenish tint arises from the presence of oxygen atoms with two electrons removed.
Credit: Bruce Balick (University of Washington), Jason Alexander (University of Washington), Arsen Hajian (U.S. Naval Observatory), Yervant Terzian (Cornell University), Mario Perinotto (University of Florence, Italy), Patrizio Patriarchi (Arcetri Observatory, It
Greenlighting new telescopes
One of the reasons models of ancient galaxies aren't very robust is because those galaxies are incredibly far away, and thus they're incredibly difficult to study; there's simply not a lot of observational data to go on. Malkin and his colleagues could not see the green glow from the individual galaxies they studied; by themselves, the galaxies are too faint. But by combining the observations from the Subaru Deep Field of 1,294 galaxies (a technique called "stacking"), Malkin and his colleagues were able to see the general characteristics of these galaxies. They were shocked when they saw that the green light they observed was so much stronger than what their models anticipated; in fact, it's the strongest emission line emitted by these galaxies, which means that even though hydrogen should be the most common element in these galaxies, the light they're emitting is dominated by this doubly ionized oxygen.
According to Malkin, the signal is so strong that it can't easily be explained by a few outliers; it appears that most of the young galaxies that existed at that particular point in the universe's evolution were emitting this green light.
A new generation of telescopes will be needed to answer major questions about these stars and galaxies, both Malkin and Stark said. Right now, scientists can't see the very high-energy UV light that these galaxies might be emitting. But the James Webb Space Telescope will be sensitive to the green light that Malkin and his colleagues detected; the instrument will also very quickly provide a resolution that's high enough to study those distant galaxies individually.
If that strong O++ green glow is truly characteristic of most galaxies from that time, then scientists could use that doubly ionized oxygen signal to help date the age of distant galaxies, and confirm the detection of new galaxies from that period in the universe's history.
The results of the new analysis by Malkin and his colleagues are currently undergoing review for publication.
« Les civilisations avancées de l'espace utiliseront un jour les signaux de télévision pour contacter l'humanité », prédisait, en 1975, le grand astronome et astrophysicien américain de l'Université Stanford, le Dr Ronald N. Bracewell (1). Et d'ajouter: « A mon avis le message nous sera envoyé par l'entremise de la télévision parce qu'il est plus aisé d'échanger des idées par des signes et des images. Ce seront probablement des signaux géométriques que les extra-terrestres enverront comme test pour savoir s'il existe de la vie intelligente sur la Terre ». L'ennui, chez les scientifiques, fussent-ils aussi illustres que le Dr Bracewell (1921-2007), c'est qu'ils sont certes les champions en matière de prospective technologique et les maîtres dans le domaine de la futurologie à long terme, mais ils demeurent bassement anthropomorphiques dès qu'il s'agit d'imaginer des comportements, des intentions, des lignes de conduite émanant d'intelligences autres que la nôtre. Dans le cas précis qui nous occupe, il est question de déterminer quelle forme pourrait prendre le message que des êtres « étrangers » auraient décidé de transmettre par le biais de la télévision. Et là l'idée de l'astronome américain, à savoir un message formé d' « images géométriques », paraît simpliste pour ne pas dire naïve. Beaucoup plus grisante est la démarche qui consiste à se demander comment « ils » interféreraient avec nos propres émissions pour se signaler à notre attention sans déclencher la vague de panique si souvent redoutée. Cette manière de raisonner est d'autant plus féconde qu'elle permet d'envisager que de tels messages aient pu déjà nous parvenir sans que quiconque, sur Terre, ne les ait reconnus comme tels ! Plutôt que d'ajouter foi à quelques relations peu crédibles selon lesquelles des entités étrangères seraient apparues sur des postes TV isolés et y auraient transmis un message - le cas se serait produit, selon le St Petersburg Times du 28 Novembre 1977, à Southampton (Grande Bretagne), penchons-nous ici sur le cas d'une anomalie TV observée autour des années soixante, oubliée depuis, mais qui pourrait constituer la manifestation du message tant attendu et pas assez explicite pour emporter la conviction des spécialistes. Du Texas à l’AngleterreVoici les faits, en un premier temps. Jusqu'en 1950, il y avait à Houston, Texas (USA) une station de télévision dont la marque d'identification était constituée par le sigle de 4 lettres: KLEE. C'est sur le même principe que nos trois chaînes TV françaises sont désignées respectivement par TF1, A2, FR3 et autre M6. Comme il est coutume, pendant les périodes creuses ou la station ne diffusait aucune émission (2), elle transmettait tout de même une mire destinée aux réglages que doivent nécessairement effectuer les professionnels en dehors des heures de programmes. Ainsi, la mire de la station comportait-elle, en grosses lettres sur l'écran, l'inscription KLEE TV. En juillet 1950, la station texane fut revendue à un groupe concurrent qui la débaptisa en « KPRC TV ». Automatiquement, la mire marquée « KLEE TV » fut remplacée et alors, selon toute logique, elle n'aurait plus dû jamais réapparaître en direct ou autrement sur aucun appareil récepteur de télévision et ceci au Texas, certes, mais aussi ailleurs, à plus forte raison. Or, justement de façon tout à fait imprévue - voire impossible - des images de cette mire furent captées plusieurs années plus tard, non seulement dans la banlieue de Houston, mais dans des lieux aussi éloignés que le Wisconsin, le Connecticut, le New Jersey, l'état de New York et même en Angleterre ! C'est ainsi que des particuliers tels que Charles W. Batley de Londres, H. C. Taylor de Morecambe, Lancashire, spécialiste des réceptions TV longue distance et des professionnels de l'Atlantic Electronics Ltd de Lancaster, signalèrent le fait à plusieurs reprises à l'automne 1953 et au début de 1954.
Une photo du signal parasite
Et des photos d'écrans affichant le sigle « KLEE TV » furent même envoyées à Paul Huhndorff, ingénieur en chef à la KPRC.Pas de doute, bien qu'ayant subi certaines distorsions, les lettres étaient tout à fait reconnaissables et leur disposition correspondait exactement à celle qu'elles occupaient sur la mire de KLEE transmise jusqu'en 1950 et qui n'avait plus été diffusée depuis plus de 3 ans!
Le phénomène continua à être rapporté pendant plusieurs mois... même des années puisqu'en février 1962, une téléspectatrice de Millwaukee (Wisconsin) vit apparaître sur son écran la fameuse inscription KLEE TV. Mrs Rosella Rose, c’était son nom (!), relata : « C'était le matin, entre 7 et 7 h 30, avant de partir au travail, je tentais de capter une émission sur ma télé. Soudain, sur l'écran, apparut l'inscription KLEE TV. Or, je n'avais jamais entendu parler de cette station et je ne savais pas d'où cela pouvait provenir. L'image clignota plusieurs fois et disparut ». Un « différé » de plus de 11 ans totalement incompréhensible. Une « absurdité technique selon les techniciens britanniques de la BBC et ce, à plus d'un titre. Absurdité technique ?Tentons d'expliquer simplement pourquoi la réception différée d'un signal de télévision sur ainsi plusieurs années, et à une telle distance de l'émetteur, peut constituer « une des plus étranges énigmes des temps modernes » ; une « impossibilité technologique », surtout à une époque où aucun satellite de communication n'était officiellement installé dans le ciel et où les liaisons transatlantiques étaient laborieuses. Tout d'abord, la nature même des ondes TV dites de hautes fréquences (longueur 1 à 10 m, fréquence 30 à 300 mégahertz selon les pays) exclut complètement l'éventualité d'un « signal vagabond » ricochant sur les couches supérieures de l'atmosphère; l'hypothèse évoquée d'un train d'onde errant à réflexion multiple est donc une utopie. Les ondes TV se propagent, en effet, en ligne droite et traversent normalement l'atmosphère, s'échappant directement dans l'espace, si bien que, compte tenu de la rotondité de la terre, il a fallu les rabattre vers le sol afin d'atteindre et « arroser » une plus vaste zone ; comme, ainsi, au delà de l'horizon optique le champ décroît très vite, on a dû disposer sur le territoire visé de hautes antennes relais pour augmenter la portée de la diffusion et, plus tard, placer des satellites en orbites destinés au même effet. En 1950, il n'y en avait pas que je sache. Qui n'a pas, par ailleurs, remarqué que les ondes porteuses de TV ont un champ de transmission extrêmement limité et qui n'en a jamais pâti (3), à l’époque héroïque des premières réceptions TV, en suivant un film où les images étaient désagréablement déformées ? Bien que les ondes TV soient plus pénétrantes que les ondes radio -lesquelles ont de plus grandes longueurs d'onde -, elles butent sur les obstacles matériels solides, créant de véritables « zones d'ombre ». C'est bien connu. Et la propagation indirecte par réflexion, peu importante au demeurant, ne peut pas être exploitée techniquement, sauf cas particuliers, à cause des effets d'échos ou de distorsion. C'est pourquoi les relais sont de complexes systèmes récepteurs- réémetteurs et non pas de simples miroirs réfléchissants. Quant à la réflexion des signaux TV sur les couches gazeuses de l'ionosphère, elle ne se produit pratiquement pas, contrairement à celle des ondes radio qui, elles rebondissent dessus et peuvent ainsi faire le tour de la Terreplusieurs fois de suite, provoquant de la sorte des messages « errants ». Ce type de phénomène de ricochet est donc totalement exclu en télévision. De la sorte, les ondes TV traversent la coquille gazeuse de l'atmosphère terrestre et se perdent alors dans l'espace. C’est ainsi qu’on a pu dire que d’éventuels extraterrestres sont avisés de nos programmes de télé depuis plus d’un demi-siècle. Pour expliquer le retour incongru du signal KLEE TV, on a bien émis l'hypothèse que les ondes porteuses avaient pu être renvoyées vers la Terre dans des conditions atmosphériques particulières. De l'avis des experts, c'est possible mais peu probable. De cette manière, justifierait-on par des circonstances climatiques exceptionnelles que le fameux sigle eût pu être réceptionné à une distance aussi lointaine du point d'émission que l'Angleterre ? Difficile déjà à admettre. Problème du décalageMais le mystère reste entier pour ce qui est du « décalage temporel » enregistré entre le moment de la dernière diffusion (1950) et celui de la première « réception impossible » en 1953 ! Car une autre propriété des ondes TV, c'est qu'elles se propagent à une vitesse proche de celle de la lumière ; donc, même si elles subissaient des réflexions successives autour du globe terrestre - et les chances en sont naturellement infinitésimales, on l’a vu -, elles seraient captées avec un retard qui ne saurait excéder quelques dixièmes de seconde ! Par conséquent, que le dernier signal KLEE TV ait pu errer entre ciel et terre de façon captive, pendant trois ans et même plus, répercuté alternativement au sol et sur les couches supérieures de l'atmosphère comme une mouche enfermée dans une bouteille, relève de la pure utopie ou plutôt de la plus grande stupidité. D'ailleurs, si par extraordinaire cela s'était produit, la mire aurait dû être régulièrement interceptée entre 1950 et 1954 ; or, elle ne l'a pas été... Ce retour à l'envoyeur fortuit après tant de déviations aurait dû aussi générer des déformations telles qu’elles auraient rendu la mire non identifiable. Une autre conjecture avancée en la circonstance pour solutionner le problème posé est que les ondes TV porteuses du fameux message KLEE TV aient traversé l'ionosphère (comme toute onde TV qui se respecte), se soient échappées dans l'espace normalement et réfléchies accidentellement sur « un corps céleste inconnu » propice à cela, situé à quelques années lumière de distance de la Terre. On peut toutefois et on doit se demander lequel. Et là les réponses ne se bousculent pas au portillon. A propos de KLEE, un ingénieur de la BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) déclarait : « Il est physiquement impossible que ces ondes de télévision soient allées rebondir par hasard sur quelque obstacle céleste situé à une si grande distance. Nous sommes confrontés à un phénomène qui défie complètement nos connaissances actuelles sur les transmissions TV ». Autre impossibilité !Mais il y avait pire que cela pour inscrire cette énigme au livre de l'amphigourique. Car, quand bien même la réflexion aurait eu lieu sur un corps inconnu de l'espace, il était de surcroît hors de question à l'époque que, émis par une station TV américaine, le message puisse être capté et rendu « télévisuellement » directement par un appareil récepteur britannique puisque les deux pays n'utilisaient pas le même système de transmission. Les caractéristiques techniques des images transmises par l'un et l'autre des pays étaient totalement incompatibles : polarité, balayage horizontal et vertical (nombre de lignes), fréquence, amplitude de modulation, etc. Même aujourd'hui, lorsque des émissions américaines en direct sont relayées par satellite pour être diffusées sur le continent européen, cela nécessite une opération intermédiaire effectuée par un convertisseur électronique pour les rendre compatibles et intelligibles à nos appareils européens. La tendance actuelle (4) est à la vente de postes TV qui fonctionnent selon les deux systèmes (PAL et SECAM) mais, en 1955, ils n'étaient pas encore inventés ! Restait alors la seule solution admissible cadrant réellement avec les faits qui semblent indubitablement établis, à savoir dernière émission du sigle KLEE TV en juillet 1950 et réception à partir de 1953 dans différentes régions de la planète : la récupération par « quelqu'un » du signal KLEE pendant la durée de son émission, son enregistrement, son stockage quelque part pendant plusieurs années et sa réémission en différé, reconverti ou non. Mais dans quel but et par qui ? Telles sont les questions clés sur lesquelles repose désormais le mystère. Deux possibilités ont été évoquées: les plaisantins et le contact extra-terrestre. Canular ?La première - et c'est malheureusement celle à laquelle s’arrêtèrent les autorités, bien embarrassées par cette histoire - ne voit dans l'affaire du message retardé qu'une farce de radio-TV amateur isolé ou non. Le fait que la réception pirate signalée à Milwaukee ait eu lieu à peu près à la date où les stations TV non professionnelles - locales dirions-nous aujourd'hui - obtenaient l'autorisation d'utiliser les ultra-hautes fréquences (UHF) pour leurs diffusions aux USA, a largement conforté cette idée. Une diapositive de la mire KLEE TV avait-elle été gardée en souvenir par un opérateur, TV amateur à ses heures, et n'avait-il rien trouvé de plus intelligent que de la réémettre histoire d'enflammer les imaginations de ses contemporains ? La malignité humaine, certes, n'a pas de limites et personne ne peut savoir où elle va se loger. Mais dans ce cas, le jeu en valait-il la chandelle ? D’autre part, l’idée d’un seul bouc émissaire a été contestée parce qu’il a fallu disposer d'un matériel fort onéreux pour réussir cette tromperie et on voit mal ce qu'elle a pu rapporter à son auteur ; on a parlé d’un groupe anglais (non identifié) qui, à l'époque, aurait tenté ainsi de faire homologuer l'invention d'un système (lequel ?) de transmission TV longue distance. Sinon la satisfaction de constater avec quel sérieux l'affaire fut considérée par les meilleurs spécialistes anglo-saxons en matière de détection de signaux suspects en provenance de l'espace. Surtout s’il s’agissait d'une pub pour la marque KLEE… NEX) ! Il y avait, en effet, encore une autre hypothèse pour expliquer la réception différée du sigle KLEE TV et elle est directement en rapport avec les déclarations de R. Bracewell, rapportées ci-dessus mais fut traitée beaucoup plus confidentiellement. Message extraterrestre ?N'est-ce pas excitant de penser que ce « message TV impossible » ait pu constituer le test psychologique d'intelligence évoqué par l'astronome américain ? En tout cas, il dénoterait une subtilité de jugement sans égale à celle qui consisterait à nous envoyer « des signaux géométriques » en guise d'examen probatoire de mesure de notre QI. L'absurdité d'un tel retour décalé dans le temps et l'espace, selon les lois communes de la transmission d'images sans fil, serait franchement un moyen génial de jauger le niveau de nos capacités mentales. Ce raisonnement pourrait paraître gratuit si l'on ne savait pas qu'à l'époque où le message KLEE TV fut reçu en Grande Bretagne, un enquêteur américain important fut dépêché sur les lieux.
C'était le Dr Frank Drake, de l'observatoire astronomique de Green Bank et fondateur du projet OZMA, une des premières tentatives élaborées par les Etats Unis dans le dessein de détecter les signaux intelligents émanant de l'espace. Le Dr Drake, à l'époque reconnu comme le plus grand expert du monde sur ces questions de contacts interstellaires, fut l'hôte ni plus ni moins du ministère britannique de la Défense. Pour parler, en autre, du mystèreKLEE ? Finalement, le rapport de Frank Drake sur cette affaire, autant qu'on puisse en savoir, conclut à la mystification en une variante de ce qui a été indiqué plus haut. Selon Drake, les auteurs de cette farce seraient « deux hommes d'affaires anglais qui auraient voulu faire croire que les images TV pouvaient traverser l'Atlantique ». A quelle fin ? Cela n'a pas hélas été divulgué. Bien entendu, jamais personne ne fut informé des éléments qui avaient amené F. Drake (5) à conclure dans ce sens. De son côté, le projet OZMA fut ajourné sans aucun résultat positif. D'autres opérations similaires furent lancées et elles avortèrent toutes. Le projet SETI - search for extraterrestrial intelligence = recherche d'intelligences extra-terrestres - est toujours en cours, n'ayant encore rien donné à ce jour (2009). Il est de plus en plus contesté dans sa forme plutôt que dans son principe : les extraterrestres ne seraient pas forcément des accrocs de la communication électromagnétique ! N'avons-nous pas reconnu le message contenu implicitement dans le retour vers la Terre de la mire KLEE TV? Les responsables de cet écho insolite - mais pas unique - basés à quelques années lumière de la Terre, ont-ils placé trop haut la barre d'intelligence susceptible de retenir leur attention (périphrase qui peut cacher des intentions plus inquiétantes) et ainsi, en ont-ils conclu que notre planète est encore sans intérêt pour eux, les créatures y vivant étant incapables d’identifier et de déchiffrer la signification de leur subtil appel ? C'est une éventualité cocasse qui me plaît énormément et que j'aimerais voir envisager avec le plus grand sérieux même si celle-ci heurte quelque peu notre orgueil d'Homo Sapiens...
Notes et références :
1/ Auteur, notamment, de The Galactic Club ; Intelligent Life in Outer Space, Stanford Alumni Association, Stanford, Californie, 1974. 2/ Les chaînes de l’an 2000 diffusent aujourd’hui tant de programmes enregistrés et de rediffusions que l’on ne voit plus guère les « mires ». 3/ Je parle d’un temps que les moins de 50 ans ne peuvent pas connaître ! Quand, par exemple, mon père devait se rendre au fond du jardin de la maison familiale pour modifier l’orientation de l’antenne TV afin que nous puissions continuer à suivre une émission !! 4/ Dans les années 1990. 5/ Frank Drake, consacre 5 pages à l’affaire KLEE dans le chapitre 12 qu’il a écrit pour le livre collectif UFO A Scientific Debate, édité par C. Sagan et T. Page, aux Cornell University Press, Ithaca et Londres, en 1972. Chapitre sur les « capacités et les limitations des témoins » (sic) des phénomènes ovnis et similaires ! A noter qu’il omet de mentionner son implication personnelle dans l’affaire, ce qui dénote une mentalité disons assez équivoque.
Paru initialement in LE MONDE INCONNU, N°82, avril 1987 (mensuel disparu en 1993). Republié en abrégé dans DIMANCHE SAÔNE & LOIRE, 29 juillet 1990. Dernière mise à jour le 3 décembre 2009.
Le mystère des « échos à long retard » (E.L.R.) apparut quasiment simultanément dès les premières expériences de transmission radio longue distance, dans les années 20 du siècle dernier.
Il est intéressant, selon moi, de les examiner comme des indices qui pourraient accréditer l’idée que des extraterrestres, autres êtres pensants que nous-mêmes vivant ailleurs dans l’univers, auraient tenté un jour, en les provoquant, de faire un test sur notre capacité d’intelligence. Histoire de détecter notre niveau intellectuel! Hélas, il se pourrait bien que nous ayons été bel et bien recalés à l’examen.
C'est en juillet 1927 qu'un jeune radioamateur norvégien, Jorgen Hals, en essayant d'intercepter sur son poste à ondes courtes des messages en provenance d'une station radio hollandaise, signala qu'il enregistrait des « échos » inexplicables.
Professeur C. Strömer
Aussitôt, il en parle au Professeur Carl Strömer (1874-1957), de l'Université de Oslo, qui vérifie le phénomène et s'étonne du fait que des signaux, émis les uns après les autres (toutes les 5 secondes dans le cas précis), même s'ils rebondissent sur un obstacle céleste, ne mettent pas toujours le même temps pour en revenir. Car, en effet, les « échos » ne sont pas réguliers et leur retard varie de 3 à 30 secondes. Aucune explication d'échos classiques n'est satisfaisante, à moins de supposer que le miroir réfléchissant se situe entre 500 000 et 5 millions de kilomètres et se déplace entre ces bornes à une vitesse quasi infinie. A titre indicatif, une répercussion radio sur la Lune induit un écho décalé de 2,5 secondes. De plus, les échos norvégiens qu'on corrobore en 1928 à Oslo, Londres et Eindhoven, ont une autre caractéristique absurde: ils ne s'atténuent pas avec le retard. C'est même le contraire qu'on constate.
B. Van Der Pol
Tous ces problèmes n'empêchent pas le Professeur C. Strömer et son collègue B. Van Der Pol (1889-1959) de publier la théorie lénifiante selon laquelle c'est un phénomène naturel qui crée les échos, à savoir des courants de particules chargées, soumis à l'influence du champ magnétique terrestre (?).Et, bien qu'observés encore en 1929 par des Français en Indochine, lesquels constatent une cessation complète des E.L.R. durant une éclipse de Soleil et par O. G. Villard, de l'Université américaine Stanford en 1932, le mystère est oublié pendant plus de 30 ans.
Un break de trois décennies
Jusqu'en 1960, date à laquelle la question de la vie extra-terrestre devint d'une brûlante actualité avec le démarrage de la conquête spatiale. C'est alors que l'illustre Professeur R.N. Bracewell (1921-2007), de Stanford, lui aussi, exhumant le rapport de Strömer sur les E.L.R., suggéra audacieusement que ce pouvait être une sonde interstellaire stationnaire présente quelque part dans le système solaire qui était responsable des échos. Elle aurait été mise là par une civilisation lointaine pour contrôler les signes d'intelligence sur la Terre. Sans égard à la notoriété de son auteur, cette hypothèse ne souleva pas l'enthousiasme de la communauté scientifique. Il fallut qu'un Ecossais, Duncan Lunan, astronome (amateur ?) et écrivain de science-fiction (!), prenne l'idée de Bracewell au sérieux, qu'il affirme avoir décodé le message des E.L.R. et qu'il vienne exposer ses résultats devant les membres médusés de la Société Interplanétaire Britannique (BIS), pour secouer la somnolence des esprits. L'interprétation du message était résumée en ces termes: « Je viens de l'Etoile Epsilon du Bouvier, à 103 années lumière de votre planète autour de laquelle je tourne depuis 13 000 ans. Répondez ! »
Malgré son côté exceptionnel
- n'était ce pas l'annonce du premier contact avec une civilisation extra-terrestre ? - cette traduction du message des E.L.R., selon D. Lunan, parut « très convaincante » à beaucoup d'astronomes.
C'est que D. Lunan avait fait un travail remarquable et ingénieux de décryptage à partir des séquences de retard des échos de 1928-29. Elles lui avaient permis de reconstituer la carte stellaire de la constellation du Bouvier.Et il concluait que c'était de là que venait la sonde émettrice d'échos et qu'elle faisait partie d'une flottille d'engins similaires, envoyés vers « des soleils prometteurs », afin d'y chercher une preuve de vie et surtout un « nouvel habitat », la planète d'origine devenant inhospitalière du fait d'un soleil défaillant. La proposition de Duncan Lunan (1) était de reproduire les séquences d'échos sur Terre « et la sonde, reconnaissant le code, se mettra à communiquer véritablement avec nous ». Il s'agissait ni plus ni moins que de répondre au S.O.S. d'une civilisation E.T. en détresse. Plusieurs prétextes s'opposèrent à ce projet. Tout d'abord, il n'est pas certain que la population terrienne aurait pris le risque de réagir à un tel appel au secours. Ensuite, parce que les données astronomiques de l’époque infirmèrent que la distance à la Terre d'Epsilon du Bouvier, pierre angulaire des diagrammes de Lunan, était bien de 103 années lumières. On trouva 203 ! Et aujourd’hui, on la situe à 209,75. De plus, des chercheurs indépendants prenant pour bases d'autres séquences de E.L.R. trouvèrent, qui une carte de la constellation du Lion située à l'opposé du ciel (Ilyev), qui aucune carte céleste du tout (Lawton), ce qui redonna de la vigueur aux partisans de l'explication naturelle. Et on en resta là. Le hasard avait bien servi le petit astronome écossais ou plutôt « trop d'imprécisions et de degrés de liberté », terme édulcoré pour dire qu'il s'était fourvoyé. Et les E.L.R. étaient dus, comme on l'avait subodoré, à des ricochets sur des nuages de gaz fortement ionisés de la basse atmosphère qui se comportent comme de « gigantesques tubes ampli radio ». Certaines mauvaises langues trouvèrent curieux, tout de même, que si les E.L.R. étaient si naturels que cela, on envoie copie du rapport final d'étude de Crawford/Sears & Bruce (2) à tout l'état-major des armées américaines et au ministère de la Défense nationale. De toute façon, il n'y avait donc plus à s'étonner des E.L.R., même si 92 radioamateurs les mentionnèrent entre 1968 et 1971. Quant à la sonde, soit elle n'existait que dans l'imagination de Duncan Lunan, soit elle attend toujours notre réponse, croyant que la Terre est peuplée de créatures obtuses et myopes puisqu'elles regardent si loin en négligeant une évidence rapprochée (3).
Pour en savoir plus :
1/ Duncan Lunan, A l’écoute des galaxies, Les énigmes de l’Univers, Robert Laffont, 1976. A noter qu’un curriculum vitae de Duncan Alasdair Lunan datant de 2007 (lui-même est encore en vie étant né en 1945), qu’on peut trouver sur Internet, ne donne même pas la référence de ses écrits sur le message E.L.R. qu’il avait prétendu avoir décodé. Il faudrait se procurer une « revisitation » de cette affaire qu’il a effectuée dans le numéro de mars 1998 de Analog Science Fiction and Fact, volume 118 n°3, titré : « Epsilon Boötis Revisited », ce que je m’apprête à faire à la date de la remise à jour de ce texte. Depuis, ce travail été effectué avec l’aide de D. A. Lunan lui-même et publié dans LE MONDE DE L’INCONNU de février-mars 2011 (n° 48). Cette revue est encore disponible à l’achat version papier sur 2/ F. W. Crawford, D. M. Sears, R. L. Bruce, « Possible observations and mechanism of very long delayed radio echoes », Journal of Geophysical. Research, section A = Space Physics, vol. 75, no. 34, pages 7326 à 7332, décembre 1970. 3/ Ce constat n’est-il pas applicable au phénomène ovni ?
Publié in LE COURRIER DE SAÔNE & LOIRE DIMANCHE du 25 mai 1986.
Black hole at centre of galaxy spitting out PLANET-sized objects towards Earth
Black hole at centre of galaxy spitting out PLANET-sized objects towards Earth
THE BLACK Hole at the centre of the Milky Way is spitting out planet-like objects that are much bigger than any celestial body in our solar system and they are Earth-bound, researchers have warned.
An artist's impression of the objects being flung from a black hole
Astronomers have discovered that supermassive black holes which usually occupy the centre of galaxies are propelling planet size object out into space.
While the objects have yet to be discovered, researchers strongly suspect, through computer algorithms, that these “spitballs” could be as much as several times the size of Jupiter – by far the biggest planet in our solar system.
When stars wander too close to a black hole, the intense gravitational pull of the black hole has the power to completely shred the star.
The new research shows however that that is not the end of the story.
The objects could be three times the size of Jupiter
The gas from the star then gathers itself into a massive planet-sized object which is then flung out into space.
Lead author Eden Girma, an undergraduate student at Harvard University, said: "A single shredded star can form hundreds of these planet-mass objects. We wondered: Where do they end up? How close do they come to us? We developed a computer code to answer those questions.”
Black holes are riping up stars and spitting them back out
From the centre of the Milky Way, the researchers say that these object could whizz past us just a few hundred light years away.
There is a supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way
However, other galaxies, like the nearby Andromeda, is firing these “spitballs” at us.
Co-author James Guillochon of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics said: "Other galaxies like Andromeda are shooting these 'spitballs' at us all the time.”
Despite being similar in stature to planets, the mysterious objects are made up of the same stuff as stars and do not have a rocky core.
They are also formed in just a year, whereas planets can take millions, even billions, of years to form.
Once they have been flund out of the black hole, travelling at speeds of 20 million miles per hour, it would still take them about one million years to reach this part of the Milky Way.
Twelve years ago, a small spacecraft parachuted through a thick, extraterrestrial haze and drifted down toward an alien surface. It punched a small hole in the icy ground, bounced, slid, and wobbled.
After a few seconds, it came to rest in a damp floodplain on Titan, Saturn’s largest moon.
On January 14, 2005, the European Space Agency’s Huygens probe became the first robot explorer to touch the surface of this smoggy, orange moon and beam back detailed pictures. Huygens frantically gathered data for about an hour before its batteries died and its mothership, NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, disappeared over the horizon.
During its descent and those moments on the surface, the probe gathered enough data to give scientists a glimpse of an alien world that looks deceptively Earth-like.
Saturn's largest moon, Titan, passes in front of the planet and its rings in this true-color snapshot from NASA's Cassini spacecraft.
This colorized mosaic from Cassini shows Titan's northern land of hydrocarbon lakes and seas.
Titan's thick atmosphere long obscured our view of the moon's surface.
Titan hangs like a gem above Saturn's rings in this view from Cassini.
One of Saturn's smaller moons, Tethys, slips behind Titan in a sequence of pictures from Cassini.
Peering through the haze, Cassini is able to map Titan's hydrocarbon lakes and icy dunes.
Titan, as seen from 6 miles above the surface. This view was created by stitching together images from the Huygens probe.
Nearly 900 million miles from the sun, temperatures on Titan are so low that ice is as hard as rock and organic compounds like ethane and methane—which are normally gases on Earth—are chilled into liquids that pool and flow into enormous lakes and seas.
But with its mountains, rain, winds, and waves, 3,200-mile-wide Titan is really more like a planet than just another dead, cratered moon. It not only has those oily seas on its surface, but it also harbors a buried ocean of liquid water, making it among the best places to search for life beyond Earth.
“Titan is kind of a double ocean world,” said planetary scientist Sarah Hörst of the Johns Hopkins University. “In principle, there’s the possibility that it has both life as we know it and life as we don’t know it.”
The Huygens probe hitchhiked to the Saturn system on board NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, which dropped off the lander not long after pulling into orbit around the ringed planet.
Though Cassini had been assigned the task of exploring Saturn and its many moons, that little probe—named after the Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens—had just one target in sight: Titan, which is shrouded in a puffy atmosphere that mostly obscures the moon’s surface.
After a 20-day journey to Titan, Huygens sank through the moon's atmosphere for more than two hours before landing on a frigid plain, where temperatures are nearly 300 degrees below zero, and gathering data.
“Huygens revealed Titan’s environment directly, whereas most of what was 'known' before was rather indirectly determined,” says the University of Arizona’s Ralph Lorenz. “It showed us the surface close up.”
Data showed us highlands, ravines, and channels carved by liquids, as well as winds whipping through Titan’s nitrogen atmosphere. Measurements from the surface showed the probe didn’t land in a dry desert, and that some kind of liquid was moistening the sand beneath it.
Huygens’ atmospheric measurements have since helped scientists reconstruct the composition of Titan’s ancient atmosphere (probably a combination of ammonia and methane) and study how organic molecules can behave in a predominantly nitrogen atmosphere, as Earth’s once was before life evolved and oxygen became abundant.
“It’s the only other substantial nitrogen atmosphere besides ours,” Hörst says. “Presumably, a lot of the chemistry in Titan’s atmosphere could have been happening on the early Earth, before oxygen.”
The Huygens mission marks the first and—so far—last time humans set a spacecraft on a moon other than our own.
A mission called the Titan Mare Explorer was once among NASA’s top picks for a future interplanetary adventure. Had it been selected, that mission would have sent a space boat to explore Ligeia Mare, one of Titan’s largest northern seas. Made of runny, liquid hydrocarbons, the moon’s surface seas could be home to life with a completely different chemistry than ours.
“That’s a test for a diversity of life: Could you also find life that uses a different liquid than life on Earth?” Hörst says.
In addition, humanity will soon lose its ambassador to the whole Saturn system: Cassini’s mission ends later this year, with a dramatic plunge into the giant planet. Still, even after they’re gone, data gathered by spacecraft like Huygens and Cassini can continue to offer new clues to our solar system and help scientists build the case for future missions.
With Titan, we’ve found a world that is both totally alien and yet somewhat familiar. Seasonal rains darken its plains, it’s rich in organic molecules, and a wintry vortex decorates its poles (complete with hydrogen cyanide clouds).
“Titan's appeal is its mix of the familiar and exotic,” Lorenz says. “Ultra-low temperatures, ices, organics, liquid methane—but making familiar rain, rivers, dunes, seas.”
Simply put, it’s a world that scientists would dearly love to get to know a little bit better, not only because of the excitement of exploring extraterrestrial terrains, but because it can teach us more about this planet we call home.
“Titan is so active and has so many Earth-like processes, it’s such a good test for our fundamental understanding of how planets work,” Hörst says.
Abandoned in space in 1967, a US satellite has started transmitting again
Abandoned in space in 1967, a US satellite has started transmitting again
An American satellite abandoned in 1967, now assumed to simply be space junk, has started transmitting again after 46 years.
This was one of the satellites designed and built by Lincoln Laboratory at MIT between 1965 and 1976, for testing techniques for satellite communication.
They made the series of satellites easy to recognize by naming them LES1 through to LES9. LES1-LES4 suffered different launch issues. LES1 and LES2 were supposed to be delivered to the same 2800 x 15000 km orbit, but a failure of a boost stage left LES1 in a 2800 km circular orbit.
LES3-LES4 were supposed to land in geostationary orbit, but didn’t make it due to a launch problem which left them in transfer orbit. Even though the first four satellites in the series ended up in the wrong orbits, they all produced remarkable results. LES 5, 6, 8, and 9 all ended up where they were supposed to. LES7 never made it anywhere due to the funding drying up and the program being canceled.
In 2013 in North Cornwall, UK, an Amateur Radio Astronomer picked up a signal which he determined to be the LES1 that was built by MIT in 1965. The satellite never made it to its intended orbit and had been spinning out of control ever since.
Phil Williams, the amateur radio astronomer from near Bude, picked out the odd signal which was transmitting due to it tumbling end over end every four seconds as the solar panels became shadowed by the engine. “This gives the signal a particularly ghostly sound as the voltage from the solar panels fluctuates,” Williams said.
It’s more than likely the onboard batteries have disintegrated, and something else caused its 237Mhz transmission to resume when it was in sunlight.
The LES1 is about the size of a small automobile and should not cause any issues more than any other piece of space junk in orbit.
This proves electronics built around 50 years ago, 12 years before Voyager 1, and far before microprocessors and integrated circuits are still capable of working in the hostile environs of space. Phil refers to his hobby as “Radio-Archaeology”.
LES1 and LES2 were almost identical experimental communication satellites. They both had a single X-band transponder and an 8-horn electronically switched antenna. Altitude control and sensing experiments were conducted on these twin satellites.
Their first project initiative was to build, launch, and field a system to show off practical military satellite communications. Project West Ford’s availability for the advanced super-high-frequency (SHF) technology (at seven-to-eight gigahertz) contributed to the decision to design the system for that band.
The concurrent procurement of a series of satellites and terminals for the Department of Defense that commenced with the Initial Defense Communications Satellite Program (IDCSP) meant lessons were learned from the experiments would find an additional application.
On February 11, 1965, LES1 was launched from Cape Canaveral but only accomplished a few of its objectives. It seems miswiring of the satellite circuitry was what caused it to never leave the circular orbit and it stopped transmitting in 1967. LES2, the twin of LES1, did much better; it made its planned final orbit on May 6, 1965.
Astronomen wijzen vijf gestolen sterren aan in de Melkweg
Astronomen wijzen vijf gestolen sterren aan in de Melkweg
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Vijf van de elf meest afgelegen sterren in onze Melkweg blijken eigenlijk thuis te horen in een ander sterrenstelsel.
Dat schrijven onderzoekers in het blad The Astrophysical Journal. De vijf sterren – die zo’n 300.000 lichtjaar van de aarde verwijderd zijn – zouden oorspronkelijk aan het Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy (kortweg Sgr dSph) hebben toebehoord.
Trekken Het Sgr dSph is één van de tientallen kleine sterrenstelsels die de Melkweg omringen. Het sterrenstelsel is onze Melkweg – in de lange geschiedenis van het universum – al meerdere malen gepasseerd. En elke keer wanneer dat gebeurde, trok de Melkweg aan het sterrenstelsel waardoor het steeds verder uit elkaar werd gerukt.
Een simulatie van de bewegingen van Sgr dSph over een periode van acht miljard jaar. Ook het hart van de Melkweg (GC) is aangeduid. De blauwe deeltjes staan voor donkere materie. De rode deeltjes voor sterren.
Afbeelding: Marion Dierickx / CfA.
Stromen Onderzoekers hebben nu – met behulp van computermodellen – de bewegingen van Sgr dSph in kaart gebracht. Zo gingen ze na hoe het sterrenstelsel zich de afgelopen acht miljard jaar ontwikkeld heeft. Uit het onderzoek blijkt dat Sgr dSph aan het begin van de simulatie een massa had die ongeveer 10 miljard keer groter was dan de massa van de zon. Maar door de tijd heen verloor het sterrenstelsel ongeveer een derde van zijn sterren en maar liefst 90 procent van zijn donkere materie. Het resulteerde – volgens de simulaties – in drie goed van elkaar te onderscheiden stromen sterren die zich uitstrekken tot aan de rand van de Melkweg. En zeker vijf van de elf meest afgelegen sterren die ons in de Melkweg bekend zijn, blijken deel uit te maken van één van deze stromen. De simulaties tonen namelijk aan dat de vijf sterren posities en snelheden hebben die overeenkomen met de positie en snelheden die je van Sgr dSph gestolen sterren zou verwachten. De andere zes sterren lijken niet afkomstig te zijn van Sgr dSph en zijn waarschijnlijk van een ander dwergsterrenstelsel gestolen, zo vermoeden de onderzoekers.
In dit door de computer gemaakte plaatje zie je een rood ovaal. Het staat symbool voor de schijf van de Melkweg. De rode stip geeft de locatie van Sgr dSph aan. De gele cirkels staan voor sterren die van Sgr dSph weg zijn gerukt en door de ruimte zijn geslingerd. Vijf van de elf meest afgelegen sterren die ons in de Melkweg bekend zijn, zouden op deze manier van Sgr dSph zijn ontvreemd.
Afbeelding: Marion Dierickx / CfA.
Eén van de van Sgr dSph afkomstige stromen sterren is tijdens de Sloan Digital Sky Survey al in kaart gebracht. Maar de simulaties suggereren nu dat de stroom veel groter is dan dit onderzoek ons liet geloven. Met nieuwe, betere telescopen zouden we in staat moeten zijn ook de minst heldere sterren in de stroom te detecteren en zo de ware omvang ervan vast te stellen. “Meer uitlopers van Sgr dSph wachten om ontdekt te worden,” verwacht onderzoeker Marion Dierickx. “De stromen die tot op heden in kaart zijn gebracht, zijn beekjes in vergelijking met de gigantische rivieren die we naar verwachting uiteindelijk gaan waarnemen.”
Het centrale zwarte gat van de Melkweg braakt reuzenballen
Het centrale zwarte gat van de Melkweg braakt reuzenballen
Tim Kraaijvanger
Het supermassieve zwarte gat in het centrum van de Melkweg spuugt af en toe reusachtige ballen de ruimte in. Deze braakballen vliegen met een snelheid van 10.000 kilometer per seconde bij het zwarte gat vandaan.
Het centrale zwarte gat van de Melkweg trekt met zijn zwaartekracht veel sterren naar zich toe. Wanneer een ster te dichtbij komt, wordt deze uit elkaar getrokken en ontstaat er een lange sliert gas. Uit nieuw onderzoek blijkt dat het gas weer kan samenklonteren en dat hierdoor bizarre objecten ter grootte van een planeet ontstaan, die door het zwarte gat worden weggeworpen.
“Uit de lange gasstroom van één ster kunnen honderden gasballen ontstaan”, schrijft student Eden Girma van de Harvard-universiteit. “We vroegen ons af: waar blijven deze ballen? En kunnen ze wellicht in de buurt van de aarde komen? Dankzij een computerberekening weten we het nu.”
In de buurt van de aarde Uit de berekeningen van Girma blijkt dat sommige van deze braakballen minder dan een paar honderd lichtjaar van de aarde verwijderd zijn. Deze gasballen zijn zwaarder dan de planeet Neptunus en kunnen zelfs een paar keer zwaarder dan Jupiter zijn. De gasballen gloeien waarschijnlijk heel licht, al zijn ze niet te vinden met hedendaagse telescopen. Wellicht dat het de James Webb-ruimtetelescoop of de Larger Synoptic Survey-telescoop wel lukt om enkele braakballen te spotten.
Gasbollen zijn geen planeten Overigens zijn de objecten geen planeten. Een planeet heeft al snel miljoenen jaren nodig om te ontstaan, terwijl deze gasballen in een jaar tijd ontstaan. Ze worden gevormd uit verschillende delen van de vroegere ster, waardoor ook de samenstelling van deze bollen varieert.
Hoe snel verdwijnen ze? De overgrote meerderheid van de gasballen – zo’n 95 procent – zien we nooit meer terug. Op hoge snelheid verlaten ze de Melkweg. We hebben hier even zitten rekenen. Licht legt zo’n 300.000 kilometer per seconde af. Dit betekent dat de braakballen dertig keer langzamer reizen dan licht. De Melkweg heeft een lengte van 100.000 lichtjaar, wat betekent dat een braakbal binnen 1,5 miljoen jaar (= 50.000 lichtjaar * 30) ons sterrenstelsel verlaat. Stel dat zo’n bal richting het Andromedastelsel gaat, dat 2,5 miljoen lichtjaar van ons verwijderd is, dan duurt deze reis zo’n 75 miljoen jaar. Kosmisch gezien is dat een korte tijd. Zo is onze planeet al 4,5 miljard jaar oud.
Eén op de duizend solitaire planeten is een braakbal Stel, we vinden ooit een solitaire planeet (oftewel een planeet zonder moederster), dan is de kans volgens Girma een op de duizend dat het een kosmische braakbal van ons centrale zwarte gat is.
NASA fotografeert de enige echte Death Star: maantje Mimas!
NASA fotografeert de enige echte Death Star: maantje Mimas!
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Ruimtesonde Cassini heeft een prachtige foto gemaakt van de maan die akelig veel lijkt op de Death Star uit Star Wars.
De bijnaam ‘Death Star’ heeft Mimas natuurlijk te danken aan de enorme krater die het maantje rijk is. De krater is ongeveer 139 kilometer breed en pronkt op een maantje dat slechts 396 kilometer breed is.
Mimas. Afbeelding: NASA / JPL-Caltech / Space Science Institute.
De krater – die vernoemd is naar zijn ontdekker: William Herschel – draagt de naam Herschel-krater. In het hart van de krater bevindt zich een berg. Deze is bijna net zo hoog als de Mount Everest. Op de foto van Cassini komt die berg – net als de omringende kraterwanden – prachtig uit de verf, omdat ze een schaduw werpen op hun omgeving. Cassini maakte de foto vorig jaar en was toen zo’n 185.000 kilometer van de maan verwijderd.
Ruimtesonde Cassini bestudeert Saturnus en zijn manen al een tijdje. Daar komt later dit jaar echter – helaas – verandering in. Dan komt de Cassini-missie met een geplande duik in de atmosfeer van de gasreus tot een einde. Maar zover is het nog niet: de komende maanden mogen we nog spectaculaire beelden van de ruimtesonde verwachten. Zo bestudeert deze momenteel de buitenste randen van Saturnus’ grote ringen (het leverde eerder al dit prachtige kiekje van maan Pandora op) en zal deze later dit jaar in de ruimte tussen Saturnus en zijn ringen gaan duiken.
Are Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) piloted by aliens from outer space preparing to invade Devon? UFOs certainly seem to have been taking a great interest in this county in recent months.
On 12 September 2016 a man saw two triangular objects fly at a fast rate over his back garden in Exmouth at 10.30pm. They were bouncing around the sky and were being followed by a helicopter. Other witnesses in the area also saw the same three craft in the sky, including a serving soldier who said he has never seen anything like these objects moving in the sky like this before.
The sightings led to speculation that if these were not the infamous triangular spaceships seen by many witnesses throughout the world then it was due to military testing in the area.
A resident of Rolle Street, Exmouth claimed he saw the same thing. He thought it was a police helicopter that flew so low over his home that it caused his front door to rattle. Immediately, before the arrival of the helicopter a bright blue light swept over his garden and it was his view someone was playing around with a drone with a laser strapped to it. Another person claimed the lights were caused by an Edinburgh to Southampton aircraft that coincidentally flew over at the same time as the helicopter.
In the same week Tanya Davis and her daughter, Charlee, filmed a bright light outside their home in Exeter Road, Exmouth. Charlee said:
“Me, my friend and my mum went rushing outside and the light stood still for two minutes. We thought it was a plane until we saw that it wasn’t moving. It was making no noise, and as it eventually got closer I saw five lights spinning and it was a diamond shape.
“We were thinking that it was a drone at one point, but really could not explain it. I ran off screaming!”
It is noteworthy this activity occurred near the Phear Park area of Exmouth where in 2010 retired engineer Roy Shaw was walking his dog had a close encounter with a translucent object that made a droning sound. He said:
“The object was round in shape and about 30 feet in diameter with blue and red flashing lights on its perimeter, and it appeared to land at the top end of the park by the bowling green.
“My dog started to growl when what I can only describe as a white shape came towards us.
“It was about four-feet high and seemed to be translucent, and moved very slowly towards us.”
Tyron Osbourne, 52, from Exmouth, Devon, spotted a mystery object above the Devon town, from his garden (SWNS).
Not surprisingly, he ran away from the scene and that night his dog kept whimpering as it looked out the window facing the park, and Roy had trouble sleeping.
In those instances no one took a picture of the UFOs but in the past year a few people have managed to capture images of them. John Mooner who describes himself as the chief photographer for the World UFO Photos website, who lives in Newton Abbot has been particularly prolific. In September he claimed that he had taken photographs of eight UFOs in the past three months leading him to think Newton Abbot is a hotspot for alien activity.
These pictures were mainly of distant objects, but one of the most spectacular was spotted on 18 July 2016. This was of a cigar shaped object that emitted white smoke as it travelled slowly across the sky. John said:
“An alien being with black eyes then proceeded to stick his head out from the back of the cigar shaped UFO and looked in my direction.
“The alien then stuck it’s long tongue out at me and then smiled. What the hell. They have tongues? I managed to capture the alien in the photograph.”
In October 2016, John said he was walking in a local park when he came face to face with a grey alien who was blocking his way. He had the presence of mind to quickly take a picture before the batteries fell out of the camera. The staring black eyes of the alien scared him so much he ran “like hell through the woods”. He ran for what seemed like miles before coughing up blood.
At the very end of December 2016 a UFO flew at high speed towards three witnesses in Churchill Road, Exmouth. Mark Emmins said:
“It was lit up like a white light at first, then changed colour to a dark shade before it vanished. But it was stationary for a few hours before it moved.”
His neighbour Tyron Osbourne who managed to take pictures of the object said:
“It was in Upper atmosphere well above civil aviation but still in our atmosphere when it started moving even with a tripod I struggled to keep up, so as a cameraman I pre-empted where it was going to be so as not to move the camera.”
Mark like many other witnesses in Devon of strange phenomena in the sky, concluded:
“I have no idea what it was, we have been baffled.”
Whether you are a believer or a sceptic it is fascinating to wonder what is really going on and if we should get ready to welcome extraterrestrial visitors to the splendours of Devon.
Nigel Watson is the author of numerous UFO books including the UFO Investigations Manual (Haynes) and UFOs of the First World War (The History Press).
Are Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) piloted by aliens from outer space preparing to invade Devon? UFOs certainly seem to have been taking a great interest in this county in recent months.
On 12 September 2016 a man saw two triangular objects fly at a fast rate over his back garden in Exmouth at 10.30pm. They were bouncing around the sky and were being followed by a helicopter. Other witnesses in the area also saw the same three craft in the sky, including a serving soldier who said he has never seen anything like these objects moving in the sky like this before.
The sightings led to speculation that if these were not the infamous triangular spaceships seen by many witnesses throughout the world then it was due to military testing in the area.
A resident of Rolle Street, Exmouth claimed he saw the same thing. He thought it was a police helicopter that flew so low over his home that it caused his front door to rattle. Immediately, before the arrival of the helicopter a bright blue light swept over his garden and it was his view someone was playing around with a drone with a laser strapped to it. Another person claimed the lights were caused by an Edinburgh to Southampton aircraft that coincidentally flew over at the same time as the helicopter.
In the same week Tanya Davis and her daughter, Charlee, filmed a bright light outside their home in Exeter Road, Exmouth. Charlee said:
“Me, my friend and my mum went rushing outside and the light stood still for two minutes. We thought it was a plane until we saw that it wasn’t moving. It was making no noise, and as it eventually got closer I saw five lights spinning and it was a diamond shape.
“We were thinking that it was a drone at one point, but really could not explain it. I ran off screaming!”
It is noteworthy this activity occurred near the Phear Park area of Exmouth where in 2010 retired engineer Roy Shaw was walking his dog had a close encounter with a translucent object that made a droning sound. He said:
“The object was round in shape and about 30 feet in diameter with blue and red flashing lights on its perimeter, and it appeared to land at the top end of the park by the bowling green.
“My dog started to growl when what I can only describe as a white shape came towards us.
“It was about four-feet high and seemed to be translucent, and moved very slowly towards us.”
Tyron Osbourne, 52, from Exmouth, Devon, spotted a mystery object above the Devon town, from his garden (SWNS).
Not surprisingly, he ran away from the scene and that night his dog kept whimpering as it looked out the window facing the park, and Roy had trouble sleeping.
In those instances no one took a picture of the UFOs but in the past year a few people have managed to capture images of them. John Mooner who describes himself as the chief photographer for the World UFO Photos website, who lives in Newton Abbot has been particularly prolific. In September he claimed that he had taken photographs of eight UFOs in the past three months leading him to think Newton Abbot is a hotspot for alien activity.
These pictures were mainly of distant objects, but one of the most spectacular was spotted on 18 July 2016. This was of a cigar shaped object that emitted white smoke as it travelled slowly across the sky. John said:
“An alien being with black eyes then proceeded to stick his head out from the back of the cigar shaped UFO and looked in my direction.
“The alien then stuck it’s long tongue out at me and then smiled. What the hell. They have tongues? I managed to capture the alien in the photograph.”
In October 2016, John said he was walking in a local park when he came face to face with a grey alien who was blocking his way. He had the presence of mind to quickly take a picture before the batteries fell out of the camera. The staring black eyes of the alien scared him so much he ran “like hell through the woods”. He ran for what seemed like miles before coughing up blood.
At the very end of December 2016 a UFO flew at high speed towards three witnesses in Churchill Road, Exmouth. Mark Emmins said:
“It was lit up like a white light at first, then changed colour to a dark shade before it vanished. But it was stationary for a few hours before it moved.”
His neighbour Tyron Osbourne who managed to take pictures of the object said:
“It was in Upper atmosphere well above civil aviation but still in our atmosphere when it started moving even with a tripod I struggled to keep up, so as a cameraman I pre-empted where it was going to be so as not to move the camera.”
Mark like many other witnesses in Devon of strange phenomena in the sky, concluded:
“I have no idea what it was, we have been baffled.”
Whether you are a believer or a sceptic it is fascinating to wonder what is really going on and if we should get ready to welcome extraterrestrial visitors to the splendours of Devon.
Nigel Watson is the author of numerous UFO books including the UFO Investigations Manual (Haynes) and UFOs of the First World War (The History Press).
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De elementen van leven zijn verspreid te vinden in de Melkweg
De elementen van leven zijn verspreid te vinden in de Melkweg
Tim Kraaijvanger
Wij bestaan uit ‘sterrenstof’, dus het is niet gek dat de elementen van leven te vinden zijn in andere sterren. Wetenschappers hebben een kaart gemaakt van de verdeling van de elementen van leven in ons melkwegstelsel.
“Voor het eerst kunnen we nu zien hoe deze elementen verdeeld zijn”, vertelt astronoom Sten Hasselquist van de staatsuniversiteit van New Mexico. “Het gaat hier om de atomen die 97% van de massa van het menselijk lichaam vormen.” De zes meest voorkomende elementen van leven op aarde zijn koolstof, waterstof, stikstof, zuurstof, zwavel en fosfor. Ons lichaam is voor meer dan 97% uit deze elementen opgebouwd. Ieder element heeft een belangrijke rol. Zo is zuurstof belangrijk voor onze longen, terwijl fosfor onmisbaar is voor onze botten.
Deze mooie illustratie laat goed zien welke elementen op welke plekken in ons lichaam cruciaal zijn. Overigens vertekent de afbeelding wel, want de zes elementen kom je overal in jouw lichaam tegen.
Meer dan 150.000 sterren Van meer dan 150.000 sterren uit de database van de Sloan Digital Sky Survey is de verdeling van deze zes belangrijke elementen, plus een aantal andere elementen in kaart gebracht. Dankzij een techniek die spectoscropie heet kunnen astronomen het sterrenlicht opsplitsen en het spectrum bestuderen. Op die manier is te achterhalen welke elementen een ster heeft en om welke hoeveelheden het gaat.
Oudere ster = meer zware elementen De sterren in het binnenste deel van ons melkwegstelsel huisvesten meer zware elementen dan de sterren die verder van het centrum zijn verwijderd. Dit is te verklaren. De sterren in het binnenste deel zijn ouder. Wanneer een ster geboren wordt en start met stralen, dan bestaat deze doorgaans uit lichte elementen. Door middel van kernfusie worden lichte elementen omgezet in zwaardere elementen. Oudere sterren hebben dus simpelweg meer tijd gehad om lichte elementen om te zetten in zwaardere elementen en bevatten dus gemiddeld meer zwaardere elementen dan jonge sterren.
Oké, en buitenaards leven dan? Hoewel mensen voor 65% uit zuurstof bestaan, is zuurstof verantwoordelijk voor minder dan één procent van het totale gewicht van alle elementen in de ruimte. Betekent dit dat wanneer een ster te weinig zuurstof heeft, dat er dan geen leven mogelijk is? Nee, eigenlijk kunnen wetenschappers hier niets over zeggen. Leven kan er op andere plekken in het heelal heel anders uitzien. Koolstof, waterstof, stikstof, zuurstof, zwavel en fosfor zijn voor aards leven enorm belangrijk, maar op een verre exoplaneet zijn de kaarten mogelijk anders geschud.
Toevallig schreef Bas Cartigny hier onlangs een mooi artikel over: hoe zien buitenaardse wezens eruit? Als er buitenaards leven is, dan zijn het niet per definitie groene mannetjes met zwarte oogjes.
De inmiddels wereldberoemde ster KIC 8462852 blijft de gemoederen bezighouden. Astronomen hebben een mogelijke verklaring voor het vreemde gedrag van deze ster gevonden: de ster at een planeet op.
Ken je het verhaal van KIC 8462852 – met de bijnaam Tabby’s ster – nog niet? In oktober 2015 richtte de Kepler-telescoop zijn ogen op de ster in de hoop een dipje in de lichtcurve van de ster te spotten. En jawel, de lichtcurve van Tabby’s ster vertoont ‘dipjes’, maar die zijn onregelmatig. Zo zagen onderzoekers de helderheid tussen dag 788 en 795 met vijftien procent afnemen. En tussen dag 1510 en 1570 nam de helderheid zelfs met 22 procent af. Dat laatste is abnormaal: wanneer een exoplaneet voor een ster langs beweegt, houdt deze maar een fractie van het licht van de ster tegen.
Buitenaards leven? Het afgelopen jaar zijn er allerlei verklaringen geopperd. De meest bijzondere verklaring is dat buitenaardse wezens een megastructuur om de ster hebben gebouwd. Mogelijk een zogenoemde Dyson-bol: een bol die bestaat uit een systeem van satellieten die de energie van een ster opvangen. Zo’n bol houdt een deel van het licht van de ster tegen en zou de vreemde dipjes in de lichtcurve kunnen verklaren. Toch zijn de meeste wetenschappers het er over eens dat dit zeer onwaarschijnlijk is. Er moet een andere plausibele verklaring zijn.
Sterren lusten wel een planeetje. Zo zal onze zon over een paar miljard jaar Mercurius, Venus en mogelijk ook de aarde absorberen. Wees dus blij dat er wordt geïnvesteerd in ruimtevaart, want ooit is dat onze redding.
Planeet op het menu Wetenschappers van de Columbia Universiteit in New York hebben nu een mogelijke verklaring gevonden. Volgens Brian Metzger en zijn collega’s heeft KIC 8462852 een exoplaneet verorberd. Dit verklaart tevens waarom Tabby’s ster in de periode van 1890 tot 1989 veertien procent in helderheid is afgenomen.
Even dimmen Als Tabby’s ster een planeet heeft opgegeten, dan zou de ster eerst helder worden en daarna langzaam dimmen. Des te groter de planeet, des te langer de afname in helderheid duurt. Afhankelijk van de grootte van de planeet heeft deze gebeurtenis 200 tot 10.000 jaar geleden plaatsgevonden.
Stofwolk Tijdens het vernietigingsproces is de planeet mogelijk uit elkaar gescheurd en zijn eventuele manen weggeslingerd. Hierdoor is er waarschijnlijk een stofwolk rondom de ster ontstaan. Iedere keer als brokstukken tussen de aarde en Tabby’s ster zweven, wordt een deel van het licht van deze ster geblokkeerd. Dit zou de dipjes in de lichtcurve verklaren.
Tabby, we houden je in de gaten Is deze hypothese te testen? Misschien wel. De astronomen hopen in de toekomst opnieuw een dipje in de lichtcurve te spotten en te achterhalen of het planetaire brokstukken zijn. “Zo’n dipje duurt slechts enkele dagen, dus als we er één zien, moeten we snel zijn en iedere telescoop op Tabby’s ster richten”, zegt Metzger.
The first detailed event to be reported on the Island was at the former Cowes Airport on July 27, 1950.
Ex-RAF pilot Capt Jessop spotted a Gloster Meteor jet sweeping south at 8,000ft, followed by a brilliant white oval-shaped light above it at 20,000ft, scorching across the sky, as he taxied his own aircraft on the runway.
"It was unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. It’s speed was fantastic — doing at least 2,000mph," he said.
Ryde. July, 1961
Clare Taylor, of Ryde, with her mother, reported a UFO sighting in July 1961. Miss Taylor, who was interviewed on local television, described the UFO as a 'disc craft’, which they saw hovering low over trees as they looked out towards The Solent just after midnight.
It began with a row of lights above the horizon, rapidly getting nearer, which Miss Taylor and her mother initially believed was the Saunders-Roe N1 hovercraft on trials.
The UFO was uncommonly silent and it eventually hung almost at eye level over trees.
Miss Taylor said she could see its dome-like structure, lit up by a row of five porthole lights, which, from its underside, emanated a red, furnace-like glow, which lit up the tops of the trees, before it flew off at 'vertiginous’ speed.
"One moment it was there and the next instant it was going away in the direction from which it came, like a shooting star," she said.
She said all that remained in its wake was an expanding, luminous ring of smoke, leaves and debris that rose and hung above the trees for several minutes.
Niton. Autumn, 1964
On one autumn morning in 1964, a Niton farmer reported a large, mysterious 5ft hole in his field — its sides clean and sharp, which bent sharply and dropped a further 10ft, without evidence of any vehicle being around it, said investigators.
It was as though the mass of dirt and stones had been sucked cleanly from the ground by a device suspended above the hole.
Investigators came to the conclusion a UFO may have been dropped low enough to collect a sample of earth.
Whippingham. July 1967
Experts in the paranormal descended on Whippingham in July 1967, after two boys saw a 37ft-wide UFO flying low, which had then hovered near their school.
During a six-week investigation, civil aviation officials said they were 'at a loss’ as to what caused a 12ft swathe of flattened barley, where the boys said the object had been, together with other puzzling crop formations from the scene down to the River Medina, almost a mile away.
Adgestone. 1975
Farmer Tom Reynolds was stunned to see a brightly lit and silent object, 100ft long and 30ft wide, appear very low over his buildings at Adgestone Farm one evening in 1975. He claimed it travelled towards Brading, at a height no more than 150ft, before it dipped down and disappeared from view.
Ryde. Spring 1976
In Ryde, at another former airfield, there was another unusual but detailed night sighting in the spring of 1976.
It was just after 10.30pm when former Royal Navy serviceman David Spicer and his wife noticed a strange, bright light, silent and triangular in shape, hanging 2,000ft above the airport tower.
As they puzzled over what it could have been, it made a sudden movement and rocketed into a vertical climb.
At the top of the climb, the UFO — a black mass with red lights around its perimeter — hovered momentarily before it banked and flashed back towards the startled couple, who claimed it bore no similarity to conventional aircraft but flew in a controlled manner.
Godshill. September 1976
In September 1976, Pan estate residents saw and heard the hum of a formation of grey, oval discs in broad daylight.
Nurse Shirley Rimmer, an eyewitness who saw the objects suddenly accelerate away over houses, said: "The sound was incredible — like deep thunder. It was terrifying. The whole area trembled as though an earthquake had hit us. The sound was like the chiming of church bells."
Fellow witness, Tim Woodward, said: "The roar as they passed overhead shook my house so violently I dashed outside to see what was happening.
"From the garden, I saw five discs streaking towards Godshill at lightning speed. They stopped and held station over Godshill for a few moments before shooting off out to sea."
Shanklin. December 23, 1993
There was an independent probe into UFO sightings after reports of UFO's in the Shanklin area. Mainland investigators of the paranormal called for Island witnesses. Among them was Christopher Harrington of the Havant-based Southern Paranormal investigations, who said there had been a number of reports of sightings over the Island from people living on Hayling Island.
Across the Island. October 13, 1996
On October 13, 1996, three Island residents came forward to record their sightings of what was seemingly the same UFO.
At 5.30am, a woman reported seeing a large, glowing orange light from her Shanklin home, heading towards The Solent.
An hour later, Richard Cattle, who was in Hunnyhill, Newport, saw a large, silent, pulsating ball of white light.
Interviewed at the time, he said: "It appeared on the horizon north of me. At first, I thought it was a planet still visible in the morning light, but soon dismissed the idea when it drew nearer. It passed over the Island from north west to south east at high altitude.
"I discovered two other people I had never met before, one from Ryde and the other, Shanklin, saw the same object that morning."
Mr Cattle, of Niton, has been documenting UFO phenomena over the Island ever since, weeding out the genuine witnesses.
"Over the years, I’ve looked at the UFO enigma on the Island. For some reason, certain areas are more prone to strange objects in the sky than others, particularly the kite-shaped UFO and white triangle that makes a ghostly appearance in our skies now and again," he said.
Across the Island. January 28, 2008
The last 'big’ sighting over the Isle of Wight came in January 2008, in which a number of Islanders spotted strange lights in the night sky from a silent, low-flying, brightly lit craft.The County Press first ran a story after former RAF technician, Frank Webb, reported his sighting over Newport, when walking along Terrace Road with his wife.
"I saw these very bright lights coming towards us, from east to west. They were unusually bright. It had no engine or landing lights and it wasn’t losing height, so it had got its power from somewhere."
Others came forward and the County Press was inundated with calls.
Among them was Barry Holland, who was cleaning at Calbourne Classics, near Shalfleet.
He said: "I’m not saying it was little green men from Mars but it was an object in the sky I couldn’t identify."
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
“NASA vindt lichamen van aliens en vliegende schotel op Mars”
“NASA vindt lichamen van aliens en vliegende schotel op Mars”
Een opzienbarend bericht in een Russische krant: NASA-wetenschappers zouden tijdens het bestuderen van foto’s vreemde objecten hebben aangetroffen op Mars die lijken op een vliegende schotel en lichamen van aliens.
Toen de wetenschappers inzoomden zagen ze duidelijk twee hoofden en een borstkas, aldus de krant Pravda.
Het zou onmogelijk zijn om scherpere foto’s te maken, aangezien de Marsrover de locatie waar de vreemde objecten zijn gevonden alweer heeft verlaten.
Primitieve wezens
Wetenschappers van de Russische Academie van Wetenschappen geloven daarnaast dat de kans groot is dat er nog primitieve levensvormen zijn op Mars, met name rond de polen.
“We gaan er mogelijk oases vinden waar nog steeds primitieve wezens leven, die zich daar miljarden jaren geleden hebben ontwikkeld,” zei Igor Mitrofanov van het astronomische instituut RAS.
De aanwezigheid van waterijs in de Marsbodem wijst op de mogelijkheid van leven, aldus de wetenschapper.
Daarnaast zou methaan in de atmosfeer van de rode planeet een biologische oorsprong kunnen hebben.
Verwacht wordt dat er resten kunnen worden gevonden van organismen die Mars meer dan 3,5 miljard jaar geleden bewoonden, toen de planeet een dichtere atmosfeer had, zo schrijft de krant.
Sante Fe witness recalls disc UFO near ground level
Sante Fe witness recalls disc UFO near ground level
A New Mexico witness at Santa Fe recalled a UFO encounter from the late sixties when a disc-shaped object hovered under six feet off the ground near his family’s mobile home park, according to testimony in Case 81404 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was 11 years old when he saw the hovering disc. Pictured: Santa Fe, NM.
(Credit: Google)
The witness believes it was late 1966 or early 1967 when the incident occurred.
“The weather was cold, but no snow,” the witness stated.“I lived with my Mom and Dad. Dad was overseas. I lived outside the city limits of Santa Fe in a mobile home park with my mom.”
The witnesses’ Mom decided to go to the drive-in theater which was about half a mile west of the trailer park on the road to Albuquerque.
“We saw the movie and left to go home, late at night, yet a lot of traffic was going both ways. Mom got into the left turning lane to enter the park and had to wait for a lane to be clear. I was sitting directly behind her and was looking at the tree line alongside the mobile home park where the six-foot cyclone fence was. Then I spotted it.”
With all of the traffic surrounding him, the witness rolled his window down to get a good look at the object.
The object was between 18 and 24 feet long. Pictured: Santa Fe, NM.
(Credit: Google)
“Just about 100 feet away I saw a hovering saucer in the shadow of the pine trees that were along the fence line on the west side of property. The reflection of the object could be seen from the road. It was a bright moon so through the trees light was hitting the craft. The pine trees were casting a shadow and it was in it hovering above the ground, but I could still see it because the moon lit up the field behind it.”
The witness was able to see a dark looking hovering craft.
“It had an arm of some sort pointing and extending to the back of the trailer, but not touching it. There was no sound coming from it at all. It was 18 to 24-feet-wide. It hovered four to six feet off the ground and I saw blasts of blue-red-orange-yellow short flames coming from ports around the mid-section of it.”
The witness described the ports.
“These ports were evenly spaced around the furthest section, a little lower of its mid-section. Round and about six to eight inches in size. The flames came out from left to right and seemed to go around the craft because there were bright flashes of light continuing as long as I could see it on the ground on the other side. It wasn’t light. It was flames. Because the next time I saw the same ports facing me, the fire was a little different each time. I saw it was a hole where the flames came out of each time.”
The entire event lasted about five minutes.
“I played in this area all the time. It was an empty field with 3-foot-tall dry grass. Directly under the craft the grass was moving violently back and forth, but outside the craft the tall grass wasn’t moving at all. I could make out small lines that went around one side and met up with the other. This was a saucer-like object, thicker on the bottom and with some sort of dome on the top.”
The witness was very disturbed by what he was seeing.
The witness described ports around the object that were round. Pictured: Santa Fe, NM.
(Credit: Google)
“It may have been great to finally see one, but I was only 11 years old. My mom didn’t know what it was, but she saw it. Saw the lights, saw the grass moving and it hovering above the ground. We spoke about it a couple of times, but she ended the conversation as soon as I started it. My father finally returned from overseas and I couldn’t talk about it again until the day he opened the newspaper to the “Living” section of The New Mexican newspaper and there was a picture of a UFO going over a farmer’s barn in the Santa Fe area that a farmer took and turned over to the paper. It was the same UFO that I saw, exactly, but taken during daylight hours.”
The witness told his father that this is what he saw and the photo was proof.
“I clipped it out of the paper and saved it in my mother’s scrap book, but it too has disappeared as well the paper. I never ever forgot and now that I’m 62 years old, I thought it time to tell my story of what we saw. My family has died and all I have is this memory of what was seen that night. I have a drawing, but it’s difficult to figure out how to send it even though I have a B.A. degree in social science. Get back with me if there’s more you can find out what I saw. I appreciate it.”
New Mexico MUFON Assistant State Director John Fegel investigated and closed this case as an Unknown. Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
UFO Over Hills Of Peru Causes Awestruck Crowd On Facebook, Jan 11, 2016, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Over Hills Of Peru Causes Awestruck Crowd On Facebook, Jan 11, 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 11, 2017 Location of sighting: Ocuviri District, Peru News Source:Inexplicata This is a fantastic video of a cloud orb moving about. Cloud orbs are usually soft looking like a cloud, but can move at great speeds. Often seen darting from cloud to cloud, this particular type of UFO is thought to be an alien drone or an undiscovered biological life form. Scott C. Waring Inexplicata states: Perú: Strange Object Recorded Over the Ocuviri District - a UFO? The images caused some fear among local residents. A camera employed by a resident of the Ocuviri District, Province of Lampa, Puno (Perú) raised doubts yet again as to whether we are alone in the universe. The object was taken on the morning of January 1, 2017 at approximately 7:00 a.m.. The image shows an unidentified flying object (UFO) in the Puna skies. The images caused some fear among local residents, who at first thought they were looking at an airplane, but dismissed the hypothesis after seeing it was motionless. It should be noted that the object appeared a few days after the earthquake that occurred in the district. Some locals noted that these sightings are in some way related to the tremor. Video is on Facebook, click here to watch the video on Facebook.
The green area of the UFO is the outer edges of the craft, the dark center is not a hole, but a window area or solid area that can be turned clear for observations. The photo below shows the clear area on top of the UFO in the Rocca Pia, Italy case that lasted for decades. This new video makes me think the aliens below the castle atRocca Pia are becoming interactive with humans again. This is good news. Scott C. Waring-Taiwan
Eyewitness states on Facebook:
UFO sighting of 9/1/2017 at about 19.38 hours. I don't know what was and what it is to call it but it is very strange. I was always in the company of my girl Angelica Scupola. Here's the video you do your considerations and especially tell me what I saw.
5 mind-boggling Moon mysteries that science cannot explain
5 mind-boggling Moon mysteries that science cannot explain
With a diameter of about 3,476 kilometers the Moon is a quarter the size of Earth, all other moons in our solar system orbit their planets around the equator, our moon does not, and there are lunar rocks that have been found to contain PROCESSED METALS such as Brass, Uranium 236 and Neptunium 237.
Simply put, Earth’s moon is one of the most mysterious objects in our solar system. It is considered a ‘weird’ celestial body due to its numerous physical qualities which scientists are unable to explain, and due to the fact that it is the most unique object in the solar system, incomparable to any other moon found to date.
In fact, the moon is so unique that Dr. Robert Jastrow, the first president of NASA’s Commission of Lunar Exploration called the moon “the Rosetta Stone of the planets.”
To get an idea just how weird the moon is, we only have to take a look at a quote by Robin Brett, a scientist from NASA who stated, “It seems easier to explain the non-existence of the Moon than its existence.”
But what makes the moon so weird?
It’s big. In fact, it is huge. With a diameter of about 3,476 kilometers the Moon is a quarter the size of Earth. Except for Pluto and Charon, this is the largest known proportion between a moon and its parent body among the numerous objects of our system.
It has a weird orbit that’s so unique scientists have not been able to find it anywhere else in the solar system. It turns that all other moons in our solar system orbit their planets around the equator. Our moon does not, and orbits Earth at an inclination of five degrees. The moon has a precise altitude, course, and speed, allowing it to “function” properly in regards of planet Earth. Simply put the Moon should not be where it is currently.
The Moon is almost an Earth. The composition of our natural satellite is similar to that of Earth, unlike most other moons. Who are clearly different from their parent planets.
If the above details did not catch your attention, there’s more.
There are some lunar rocks that have been found to contain PROCESSED METALS such as Brass, Uranium 236 and Neptunium 237. These elements have NEVER been found to occur naturally. Uranium 236 is a radioactive nuclear waste which is found in spent nuclear and reprocessed Uranium. More interestingly, Neptunium 237 is a radioactive metallic element and a by-product of nuclear reactors and the production of Plutonium.
These mysterious lunar characteristics have led Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcerbakov from the Soviet Academy of Science to write an article in the 1970’s about the moon called “Is the Moon the Creation of Alien Intelligence?”
Furthermore, Dr. Harold Urey, Nobel Prize winner for Chemistry said he was “terribly puzzled by the rocks astronauts found on the moon and their Titanium content. The samples were unimaginable and mind-blowing since researchers could not account for the presence of Titanium.
In other words, our Moon does not share any characteristics with other moons found in our Solar System. If that isn’t strange enough, consider that from any point on the surface of our planet only one side of the Moon is visible.
Phoenix Lights 20 years later: UFO witnesses take the stage at UFO conference in February
Phoenix Lights 20 years later: UFO witnesses take the stage at UFO conference in February
It has been 20 years since the UFO sighting that has had Arizona buzzing ever since the incident took place in March of 1997. Over 1000 witnesses reportedly came forward, including former Arizona Governor Fife Symington. Several of the witnesses who experienced the most spectacular sightings will be sharing what they saw on-stage at the International UFO Congress in Fountain Hills on February 18, 2017.
The ‘Phoenix Lights’ sightings were reported by thousands of people, both as a triangular formation and stationary lights. Phoenix City Councilwoman Frances Barwood says she personally spoke with over 700 Phoenix-area residents who claimed to have seen a large object float silently over the city. Symington, Arizona’s governor at the time, made light of the sightings in 1997, however, he now claims to have seen the UFO himself and says he does not think it was from this planet.
According to Fox News, Symington said, “I’m a pilot and I know just about every machine that flies. It was bigger than anything that I’ve ever seen. It remains a great mystery. Other people saw it, responsible people. I don’t know why people would ridicule it”
Fife Symington discussing his UFO sighting on CNN.
(Credit: CNN)
Symington first admitted to seeing the object during an interview with filmmaker James Fox. Fox had provided Symington with testimony from several witnesses who were disappointed with the way Symington dealt with the incident in 1997. Symington then admitted to Fox he had also seen the object, and he agreed it was unworldly. Symington then went on to discuss his sighting with CNN and other news outlets.
Fox will be presenting at the International UFO Congress, and will share footage of his interview with Symington, he says, he has not shared publicly before. Fox has also arranged to have several of the witnessed he spoke with, all of whom had a spectacular view of the strange object that cruised over Phoenix that fateful night, join him on-stage during his presentation to share their experiences with the audience.
UFO researchers, local Arizona UFO investigators and local UFO filmmaker Dr. Lynne Kitei will also be discussing their findings regarding the Phoenix Lights UFO event, and putting the sighting in perspective in relation to alleged UFO sightings throughout history.
Scientists, former military officers, authors and UFO researchers will also be discussing UFO sightings and related topics at the International UFO Congress this year. For a full list of speakers and their topics, visit
About the International UFO Congress
The International UFO Congress is presented by, an Arizona based organization dedicated to the dissemination of information related to UFOs and the search for extraterrestrial life. The conference was established in 1991 and is held annually. The event holds the Guinness World Record for the largest UFO conference in the world. It features presentations by scientists, academics, authors, researchers, experts, and those who have experienced paranormal or anomalous phenomena from all over the world. It also provides a forum to discuss experiences and findings. The event has over 20 Speakers, a Film Festival, and scores of vendors. Topics generally covered are UFO sightings, alien abduction, UFO crashes, crop circles, paranormal experiences, governmental UFO secrecy and much more.
A mysterious new video has emerged which conspiracy theorists believe may show a UFO in the sky over Italy.
An unusual bright green spherical object, which changes shape and colour in the four minute video, was caught on camera in Salento this week.
It is unclear what the object is, but the video is said to be completely genuine, untampered footage.
Scroll down for video
A mysterious new video has emerged which conspiracy theorists believe may show a UFO in the sky over Italy. An unusual bright green spherical object, which changes shape and colour in the four minute video, was caught on camera in Salento last night
Over the course of three online-based studies, researchers at the University of Kent showed strong links between the belief in conspiracy theories and these psychological traits.
The results showed that those people who rated highly on the narcissism scale and who had low self-esteem were more likely to be conspiracy believers.
However, while low self-esteem, narcissism and belief in conspiracies are strongly linked, it is not clear that one - or a combination - causes the other.
But it hints at an interesting new angle to the world of conspiracy and those who reinforce belief.
The video was posted on Facebook by Lucio Margiotta, a music teacher at the Music Academy of Salento, who saw the light in the sky at around 8pm local time.
Mr Margiotta said: 'UFO sighting of 9/1/2017 at about 19.38 hours. I don't know what was and what it is to call it but it is very strange.'
In the film, a bright white, spherical object can be seen in the sky, which appears to change shape, size and colour.
At one point it turns a bright green colour, and becomes a ring, similar to a smoke ring.
Finally, the ball splits into two, before quickly fading away.
The video was shot on a smartphone at maximum (x8) zoom, and Mr Margiotta said that no filters or effects were applied.
It is unclear what the object is, although the fact that it was filmed on a smartphone suggests that the rings may be a result of autofocus, distorting the image.
Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, told MailOnline: 'It is noteworthy that the distant light only turns into a halo when Lucio Margiotta zooms in on it, which suggests that the autofocus system of the camera is distorting the light to produce this unusual effect.
'It would be interesting to know if the witnesses saw this light turn into a halo, or whether they just saw a distant light.'
In the comments on the Facebook video, others have suggested that the phenomenon may be Venus.
Emy Negro said: 'was Venus ... the highest peak of visibility of this planet goes from 19:30 to 20:00 ... if there is little haze is more visible.
'The circle you saw was merely caused by the zoom of your were trying to focus and the image distorted.'
But others were convinced that it was a sign of alien life, such as John Martin, who said: 'They visit me at my home on a regular basis. They are the sphere beings.
'If you speak to them as friends and wave, they often will respond with a bright flash.'
While some are convinced that flying saucers exist, most sightings turn out to be man-made objects such as weather balloons or satellites, or down to natural phenomenon like ball lightening or meteors.
In the film, a bright white, spherical object can be seen in the sky, which appears to change shape, size and colour
What have pulsars, quasars, dark matter and dark energy got in common? Answer: each of them took the discoverer by surprise. While much of science advances carefully and methodically, the majority of truly spectacular discoveries in astronomy are unexpected.
Many of our telescopes are built to discover the known unknowns: the things we know we don't know, such as identifying the stuff that makes up dark matter.
But the real breakthroughs are the unknown unknowns. These are the things we don't even suspect are out there until we accidentally find them.
In other words, we had a question about something that we knew about, and we thought Hubble could answer the question. Most of the other discoveries are unknown unknowns: we didn't know what they were until we stumbled across them.
Consider pulsars. They were discovered in the 1960s when a bright young PhD student in the UK, Jocelyn Bell Burnell, was studying the twinkling of radio waves by electrons in space (a known unknown).
She noticed odd bits of what she called "bits of scruff" on her chart recorder, and realised they were something much more startling than mere tractor interference, and thereby discovered pulsars — an unknown unknown — for which her supervisor Antony Hewish won the 1974 Nobel prize for physics.
So how did she make that discovery?
Apart from being a bright, persistent, open-minded student, Bell Burnell was also observing the universe in a way in which it had never been observed before. By looking at rapid changes in the radio waves, she was observing the universe using a parameter — in this case short timescale observations — that hadn't been used before.
Other discoveries happen when people observe with a different parameter, such as faintness, or area of sky, that hasn't been observed before. Together, these parameters make up our parameter space.
Most major astronomical discoveries seem to happen when somebody observes a new part of parameter space; observing the universe in a way it hasn't been observed before.
This new way might consist of looking more deeply, or with better resolution, or on a larger scale, or maybe just seeing much more of the universe. Extending any of these parameters into their unexplored regions is likely to lead to an unexpected discovery.
Right now several next-generation telescopes are being built, boldly going where no telescope has gone before. They will significantly expand the volume of observational parameter space, and should in principle discover unexpected new phenomena and new types of object.
For example, CSIRO’s A$165-million ASKAP telescope, now nearing completion, is exploring several areas of uncharted parameter space, with an excellent chance of stumbling across a major unexpected discovery that could shake the scientific world.
But will we recognise it when we see it? Probably not.
Bell Burnell discovered pulsars by laboriously sifting through all her data, and noticed a tiny anomaly that didn't fit her understanding of the telescope.
How much data?
If Bell Burnell were observing with ASKAP, she would have to sift through about 80 petabytes of data a year, from a machine that is so complex that nobody truly understands every bit of it. Sorry, not even Bell Burnell's brain is up to the task of sifting through that amount of data.
We cannot possibly examine all that data by eye. So the way we do our science is that we decide on the scientific question we are asking, and turn it into a data query.
We then mine the database looking for those bits of data that will answer our question.
This is a very efficient way of answering the known unknowns. Sadly, it is useless at finding the unknown unknowns. We only receive answers to the questions that we ask, and not to the questions that we didn't know we ought to ask.
Now remember the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy science fiction/fantasy series by author Douglas Adams? When a giant computer, Deep Thought, found the answer to "life, the universe, and everything" to be 42, another, even bigger, computer had to be built to find out what the actual question was.
So can we design a machine, or a piece of software, to replicate Bell Burnell's brain in detecting unknown unknowns but working comfortably with petabytes of data and unbelievably complex telescopes?
WTF into the unknowns
I think we can, and we've already started the project WTF, which stands for Widefield ouTlier Finder, with the progress so far published just last month. The WTF machine will sift through the petabytes of data, searching for something unexpected, without knowing exactly what it's looking for.
The trick is to use machine learning techniques, where we teach the software about all the things we know about, and then ask it to find things we don't know about.
For example, it might plot a graph of radio brightness against optical colour. On that graph, it would find a cluster of quasars grouped together, another cluster of galaxies like the Milky Way, and so on.
Maybe it will find another cluster of objects that we didn't expect and didn't know about. Our puny brains couldn't make more than a small dent into all the possible graphs that need to be plotted, but WTF will take these in its stride.
This process won't be easy. At first, WTF will probably turn up things we forgot to tell it, and it will also find radio interference and instrumental artefacts.
As we gradually teach it what these are, it will start to recognise truly new objects and phenomena. More significantly, it will start to learn new things from the data that are made invisible to our brains by their sheer multidimensional complexity, but will be grist to the mill for WTF.
We expect WTF to become smarter than us, able to find those rare discoveries buried in the data. Perhaps WTF may even win the first non-human Nobel prize.
This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article. Follow all of the Expert Voices issues and debates — and become part of the discussion — on Facebook, Twitter and Google +. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. This version of the article was originally published on
Air Force's Mysterious X-37B Space Plane Wings by 600 Days in Orbit
Air Force's Mysterious X-37B Space Plane Wings by 600 Days in Orbit
By Leonard David,'s Space Insider Columnist
An Air Force X-37B robotic space plane is shown after it landed at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The fourth mission of the program is now underway and just passed 600 days in Earth orbit.
Credit: USAF/Boeing
The U.S. Air Force's mysterious X-37B space plane has now spent 600 days in Earth orbit on the vessel's latest mission, and is nearing a program record for longest time spent in space.
The robotic X-37B lifted off atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Florida's Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on May 20, 2015, kicking off the program's fourth space mission (which is known as Orbital Test Vehicle-4, or OTV-4).
If the uncrewed spacecraft spends 74 more days aloft, it will break the duration record set during OTV-3, which touched down in October 2014. [The X-37B's Fourth Mystery Mission in Photos]
But it's unclear how long OTV-4 will last, or just what the X-37B is doing as it circles Earth; most details about the space plane's missions and payloads are classified.
The first OTV mission began on April 22, 2010, and concluded on Dec. 3 of that year, following 224 days of orbit. OTV-2 lifted off on March 5, 2011, and landed on June 16, 2012, after 468 days in orbit.
The record-setting OTV-3 mission chalked up nearly 675 days in orbit, circling Earth from Dec. 11, 2012, until Oct. 17, 2014.
All three previous OTV missions have come down to Earth at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, but that may change for OTV-4's landing, whenever it occurs.
Heading for Florida?
Progress has been made on consolidating X-37B space plane operations, including the use of NASA's Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida as a landing site for the robotic space plane.
A former KSC space-shuttle facility known as Orbiter Processing Facility-1 (OPF-1) was converted into a structure that will enable the Air Force "to efficiently land, recover, refurbish and relaunch the X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle (OTV)," according to representatives of the aerospace giant Boeing.
X-37B vehicle development falls under the control of Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems in El Segundo, California, which is Boeing's center for all space and experimental systems and government and commercial satellites.
The Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office is leading the Department of Defense's OTV initiative, by direction of the under secretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics and the secretary of the Air Force.
Fleet size
To date, only two reusable X-37B vehicles have been confirmed as constituting the space plane fleet. The current OTV-4 mission is the second flight of the second X-37B vehicle built for the Air Force by Boeing.
The U.S. Air Force's X-37B space plane waits in the encapsulation cell of the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle on April 5, 2010, at the Astrotech facility in Titusville, Florida. The vehicle launched on the first X-37B mission on April 22, 2010.
Credit: U.S. Air Force
The military space plane looks like a miniature version of NASA's retired space shuttle orbiter. The X-37B is just 29 feet (8.8 meters) long and 9.6 feet (2.9 m) tall, and has a wingspan of nearly 15 feet (4.6 m). For comparison, the space shuttles were each 122 feet (37 m) long, with wingspans of 78 feet (24 m).
The X-37B has a payload bay about the size of a pickup truck bed that can be outfitted with a robotic arm. It has a launch weight of 11,000 lbs. (4,990 kilograms) and is powered in orbit by gallium arsenide solar cells with lithium-ion batteries.
Payloads aboard
Some payloads aboard the OTV-4 craft have been previously identified.
For example, Aerojet Rocketdyne has said that its XR-5A Hall Thruster had completed initial in-orbit validation testing aboard the X-37B space plane. Also on board is a NASA advanced-materials investigation.
Such test-bedding of equipment is one of the main purposes of OTV missions, along with the development of reusable-spacecraft technologies, Air Force officials have said.
"It remains a very useful way to test out things," Winston Beauchamp, deputy undersecretary of the Air Force for space, told last September during an American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) meeting in Long Beach, California.
When asked about adding more X-37Bs to the nation's fleet, Beauchamp said that the current number of vehicles meets the Air Force's needs.
Leonard David is author of "Mars: Our Future on the Red Planet," published by National Geographic. The book is a companion to the National Geographic Channel six-part series, "Mars." A longtime writer for, David has been reporting on the space industry for more than five decades. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook or Google+. Published on
Today’s UFO news focuses on a bizarre UFO sighting off the Atlantic Coast of the United States, where two commercial pilots attempted to communicate with a UFO by using the lights of their aircraft, according to a report filed with the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), and one pilot believes that they succeeded in doing so. The two pilots, who for obvious reasons given the history of UFO news reports, have chosen remain anonymous. Their UFO report outlines a 10-minute sighting that occurred off the coastline nearest to Atlantic City, New Jersey, during a routine flight from New York to Miami the day after Christmas.
The details included in the report are both professional and appear to be highly reliable. The pilots describe the altitude of their aircraft, the weather, and a detailed report about how the UFO appeared to them. Like many other UFO reports over the last two months, this UFO disappears.
“At first sight the light was approximately at our 1 o’clock position. It moved to 12, 10, 11, back to 12. At that time, the light appeared to move North, then south at a pretty rapid rate. Or I would describe it as closer and further from our position as the size seemed to get larger and smaller. The light ended in the 1st position and then moved out east and once at our 10 o’clock position disappeared.”
In this description, the pilots are clearly establishing a fast-moving UFO, as earlier in the report the pilot commenting established that his aircraft was moving at Mach 0.80. In civilian terms, the pilots are traveling at over 600 miles per hour. That means that the UFO in this news report is moving at a rate of speed that likely exceeded Mach 1, or breaking the sound barrier, many times in order to close the distances both toward and away from the commercial airliner. At this point, the pilot who was captain on this flight turns the report from interesting to astonishing.
“The other pilot stated he could see an orange/red flash in between the white flashes. We did flash our lights at it a few times, and the other pilot believes it flashed back in sequence; I felt the return flashes were probably coincidental, but possible. The flashing didn’t really appear to have any pattern. The whole incident lasted a minimum of 10 minutes.”
The pilots saw the UFO at roughly the same time as two subsequent events later that week. [Image by mscornelius/iStock]
It’s important to establish a key point regarding this UFO news. A commercial pilot’s experience is invaluable, but that pilot’s conclusions about a UFO are just as subject to confirmation bias as anyone else’s. Is the captain filing this UFO report seeing random light flash responses, or is the second pilot seeing patterns where none exists? Two human beings that operate at a high level of situational awareness are watching the same object, and both are seeing entirely different realities. That makes this UFO news more interesting and raises other questions.
The uncertain shape of the craft and the red and orange colors do mimic those UFO news stories. However, unlike the other reports, these pilots were observing a craft at high altitudes instead of on the ground so it is hard to know without more specific details about the UFO sightings from the ground. But the witness in Texas did note altitude changes with the UFO he observed.
That disagreement strengthens the veracity of this report by acknowledging the differences in experience, but it also begs a question. Does the disparity also serve to validate the probability that a UFO was moving along the New Jersey coastline? Neither pilot is in dispute that a UFO was moving at extraordinary speeds and with fast changes in altitude and direction. Two highly trained observers of the sky are unable to identify a craft moving in front of them, which is worthy of the news coverage alone, but could this also be a UFO that is similar to the news in the states of Washington and Texas a few days later?
The uncertain shape of the craft and the red and orange colors do mimic those UFO news stories. However, unlike the other reports, these pilots were observing a craft at high altitudes instead of on the ground so it is hard to know without more specific details about the UFO sightings from the ground. But the witness in Texas did note altitude changes with the UFO he observed.
It would be fascinating to get further details on why the second pilot perceived communication in the flashes. Did two commercial pilots communicate with a UFO? Hopefully, further research will clarify that exciting possibility.
The six most blatant alien hoaxes – and the people who fell for them
The six most blatant alien hoaxes – and the people who fell for them
A flying object becomes very exciting when no-one can identify it.
But once alien hunters realise they’ve been fooled by a flying frisbee or mugged off by a model spaceship, the whole thing feels a bit silly.
Here are six of the most audacious hoaxes – and the reasons why some people were fooled by them.
1. The Adamski images
George Adamski claimed to have been visited by Nordic aliens, writing three books about his experiences.
Later analysis showed the UFOs in his films and photographs were cobbled together using lightbulbs or other bits and bobs.
Although Adamski was labelled a hoaxer, he continued to peddle strange stories throughout his life, claiming aliens lived on most planets in the solar system.
Nonetheless, his images of cigar shaped motherships and strange craft flying in formation are among the most famous in UFO history.
2. Crop Circles
A complex crop circle formation at Monument Hill, Wiltshire (Photo: Barcoft Media)
Strange patterns have appeared in fields for decades, but the most famous outbreak of crop circles happened in England during the 1980s and 90s.
When two “jovial con-men in their sixties” stepped forward to claim responsibility in 1991, the cereal scam appeared to have been exposed.
“They called us ‘superior intelligence’ and this was the biggest laugh of all,” said David Chorley, who claimed to have pulled off the stunt with his chum Doug Bower.
Cereologists – people who believe crop circles were created by paranormal activity – gave the pair a frosty response, questioning how two elderly chaps could make the stunning patterns.
Scientists might not think crop circles are created by aliens, but a thriving community of cereologists beg to differ, suggesting ET is sending messages by squashing down farmer’s prize plants.
3. Alien Autopsy
This is perhaps the most famous hoax of all and supposedly shows the autopsy of a grey alien who crashed to earth.
The film was released in 1990 by a London-based entrepreneur called Ray Santilli and was marketed as bona fide footage of an extraterrestial who crashed at Roswell.
But it was later exposed as a hoax, after allegedly making its owner a tidy sum.
The footage was broadcast in more than 30 countries and is one of the best-known attempts to fool the public with a faux-alien.
4. The Great Moon Hoax
A lithograph of what an astronomer ‘saw on the moon’
We think of alien scams as a 20th century phenomenon, but this stunt happened way back in 1835 when an American paper called The Sun claimed to have observed life on the moon.
A story was fabricated about illustrious astronomer Sir John Herschel spotting bat-like humanoids, unicorns, beavers and bison on the lunar surface.
Sir John was initially amused by the scam, but later grew sick of being asked about the hoax throughout his life.
Circulation of The Sun skyrocketed after the moon hoax – and it never issued a retraction.
5. War of the Worlds
You’re Welles out of order: Reporters quiz director after War of the World panic
In October 1938, American radio listeners were sent into a panic when a CBS radio bulletin announced that Martians had launched an invasion.
Of course, the fake news program was actually a dramatisation of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds, directed and narrated by Orson Welles, and wasn’t meant to be a hoax.
But American public was already keyed up, used to hearing breaking news about Hitler’s annexation of German-speaking parts of Czechoslovakia.
Many tuned in late without hearing an introduction which revealed the show to be a drama, making them believe aliens really were massing for an attack.
Mass hysteria then ensued and although newspapers have been accused of talking up the extent of the panic, there is no doubt Welles put the willies up a huge number of Americans – before the rest of the world laughed at them.
6. McMinnville UFO photographs
One of the McMinnville UFO photographs
The first of Oregon farmer Paul Trent’s two photos of a supposed “flying saucer,” May 11, 1950.
These incredible photos are still controversial, with some describing them as a “UFO-model-hanging-by-a-string” scam and others claiming they depict a genuine alien craft.
Tyey were snapped in 1950 by farmer Evelyn Trent, who spotted a “slow-moving, metallic disk-shaped object heading in her direction from the northeast”.
She shouted to her husband, who took a photograph which has been discussed ever since.
The pair insisted the photographs were real until they died and initial examinations of the images suggested they had not been tampered with.
Subsequent research claimed to have detected evidence of a thread of string in the snap, although no-one has yet fully answered the question of whether the McKinville UFO was real or fake.
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Date de l’observation: 5 janvier 2017 Lieu de l’observation: A bord de l’ISS
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan: Cette vidéo incroyable a été prise par un astronaute équipé d’une GoPro alors qu’il effectuait une sortie dans l’espace. La GoPro était directement relié à un stream en direct sur internet.
Comment je sais que c’est un ovni?
Observez bien la façon dont cet objet effectue un virage parfait à 180 degrés abruptement, ce mouvement est impossible dans l’espace et sur Terre un F16 serait incapable de le reproduire. L’objet savait qu’il allait trop se rapprocher de la station spatiale et qu’il allait être visible donc il a fait demi tour et s’est taillé. Aucune météorite et aucun outil perdu dans l’espace ne peuvent effectuer un tel virage tout en accélérant.
C’est donc une vidéo incroyable à partager absolument… Les extraterrestres nous observent 24h/24, 7j/7…
Does US have a secret space programme? Probe as more than 100 triangle UFOs spotted
Does US have a secret space programme? Probe as more than 100 triangle UFOs spotted
EXCLUSIVE: INCREASED sightings of bizarre "triangle UFOs" have fueled speculation the US is involved in a secret space program and witnesses are seeing test craft being flown.
The intensity of sightings had led the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) to probe the reason behind the apparent increase.
US-based MUFON is the world's biggest organisation dedicated to UFO research, and it keeps a global database of alleged sightings, which is crammed with reports of the so-called triangle craft.
Many UFO buffs and conspiracy theorists believe the triangles are genuine craft in the sky.
Some believe they are flown by aliens, while many conspiracy theorists believe the US Government has a secret "black project" space program to develop these spy craft that can even travel into space.
There are suggestions billions of dollars from US defence budgets cannot be accounted for and are funnelled into these secret projects, but there is no hard evidence to back up the theory.
MUFON has made no comment on who may be behind such craft, if they exist, but does believe the triangles could be intelligently controlled.
Roger Marsh, MUFON director of communications, said in an article on the website: "MUFON receives a steady stream of triangle reports, including cases where the object is under 500 feet – offering the witness a rather close-up opportunity to inspect what appears to be a manufactured and intelligently controlled ship that makes no sound and can move into and out of an airspace quickly like no known craft.
A manufactured and intelligently controlled ship that makes no sound and can move into and out of an airspace quickly like no known craft.
Roger Marsh
That probe was unable to establish what the sightings were, but MUFON continues to examine an increased level of reports.
Mr Marsh added: "Since this brief study, MUFON has received 91 additional triangle cases worldwide that have closed as unknowns; where 66 of those cases occurred between May 22 and December 22, 2016 – and 59 of that final set occurred within the US."
He said the triangle UFO was the second most-reported shape in recent years, with as many seen as standard discs.
The most witnessed is a sphere shape, he said.
A UFO buff, only going by the name of Cliff, posted on the MUFON website the organisation needs to sift out hoax images and up investigations into genuine pictures.
A witness sketch of a triangle UFO they claimed to see in the USA.
"The triangle UFO is my favourite shape to report on for several reasons.
"MUFON receives a lot of reports of this shape, and the witness testimony is some of the most compelling where the craft is silent and very close to the ground – often just skimming the tops of homes and businesses or local tree tops as it meanders along – and then just as quickly as it appeared – it moves away incredibly fast until it’s a mere speck of light in the distance."
Mr Marsh investigated triangle UFO sightings between January and May 2016, with colleagues director of strategic projects Richard Hoffman, director of research Robert Powell, and archivist Cassidy Nicholas.
He said: "I think for 2017, MUFON should aggressively pursue a two directional approach, using Mr Marsh's report of these collected cases from 2016 to:
"1, aggressively further investigate these mentioned cases as a collection; I think there might be some overlooked, yet binding similarities, linking each case--as they are, I believe, to be indeed GENUINE incidents.
"2, from the plethora of photographs of this enigmatic UFO, MUFON needs to CALL OUT THE FAKES AND THEIR SOURCES.
"I believe the closer look efforts Mr Marsh has made into these 15 cases are close to discovering at least one, hopefully many, answers regarding the sightings of the black triangle UFO."
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WATCH: ‘UFO’ filmed on ISS camera is ‘AMAZING evidence ALIENS are watching us’
WATCH: ‘UFO’ filmed on ISS camera is ‘AMAZING evidence ALIENS are watching us’
UFO hunters are claiming they have evidence aliens are watching humans on the International Space Station after spotting what they believe is a craft hurtling past an astronaut’s live camera.
The footage, showing a “UFO” spinning 180 degrees at speed, is the latest in a string of alleged sightings caught on NASA livestream cameras on the International Space Station (ISS).
Many of the earlier films have been dismissed by sceptics and hoax busters as anything from a reflection on the camera lens.
But committed UFO investigators, who are convinced aliens in space craft are investigating human presence on the ISS, claim this one cannot be talked down.
How do I know this is a UFO? Watch and see how this does a perfect 180 degree turn in the sharpest possible way that even an F16 could not match.
Scott C Waring
"It knew that it was coming too close and might come into view, so it did a quick U turn by doing an upside-down 180 degree turn and returned to where it came from.
"No meteor or lost tools could do a 180 degree turn and accelerate while doing it.
"Excellent evidence that the space station is not only being visited, but is under the 24/7 watchful eyes of well as UFO researchers."
But UFO hoax buster Scott Brando, who runs website, tracked down the original footage and found it had been heavily zoomed in to make the object look bigger.
The original footage was actually filmed during a space walk by astronaut Terry Virts on February 25 2015.
Mr Brando concluded the object seen doing the flip was just an ice particle - something that has previously triggered claims of UFOs in NASA space footage.
He told "I found it is old footage from ISS Expedition 42.
"The video was taken by US astronaut Terry Virts during two spacewalks.
"It's just a small piece of debris, a small ice particle that's all."
The Chile-based Very Large Telescope needs a "new pair of sunglasses" to detect exoplanets in the star system Alpha Centauri. The Stephen Hawking-backed Breakthrough Initiatives will provide the funding for the upgrade.
( J.L. Dauvergne and G. Hüdepohl | European Southern Observatory )
The world's most advanced visible-light astronomical observatory, the Very Large Telescope ,will get an upgrade to search for planets in the Solar System's neighboring star system, the Alpha Centauri.
The European Southern Observatory, which operates the telescope facility, and the Breakthrough Initiatives program agreed that the latter would fund an upgrade to the observatory's instrumentation.
The observatory will in turn search for exoplanets in the nearby Alpha Centauri. Such planets are potential targets for the miniature spacecraft that may eventually be launched by the Breakthrough Starshot initiative.
Breakthrough Initiatives
The Breakthrough Initiatives is a program backed by physicist Stephen Hawking and Russian tycoon Yuri Milner to search for extraterrestrial life in the universe. It was revealed last year that Hawking and Milner plan to send a fleet of nano spacecraft to Alpha Centauri.
The Breakthrough Starshot project, hailed as among the most ambitious space projects ever, plans to use an Earth-based giant laser to push the fleet of interstellar space probes to nearly the speed of light.
Very Large Telescope Upgrade
The Breakthrough Initiative and ESO agreement is for the program to fund the modification of the VLT Imager and Spectrometer for mid-Infrared instrument that is mounted at the VLT. The aim of the upgrade is to sharpen the observatory's ability to hunt planets that may possibly support life around the nearby stellar system.
Challenges In Detecting Exoplanets
Detecting a potentially habitable planet is enormously challenging because the brightness of the host star in the planetary system where the planet resides tends to overwhelm the relatively dimmer planets in the system.
Making observations in the mid-infrared wavelength range reduces the brightness gap between the orbiting planet and the host star. The host star, though, is still millions of times brighter compared with the planet that needs to be detected, and this poses challenges to VLT's existing mid-infrared instrument VISIR.
Giving VLT A New Pair Of Sunglasses
Breakthrough's answer to this would be to give VISIR an upgrade, a new hardware that will include adaptive optics that would counter the distortions of light passing through the Earth's atmosphere. It is comparable to giving the observatory a new pair of sunglasses to reduce the blinding light coming from the host star of a planetary system.
"The new hardware includes an instrument module contracted to Kampf Telescope Optics (KTO), Munich, which will host the wavefront sensor, and a novel detector calibration device," Breakthrough Initiatives said in a statement.
Coronagraphy For Hunting Potential Planets
The upgrade would allow VLT to employ the technique known as coronagraphy that would reduce the stellar light and reveal possible signal coming from potential exoplanets.
"Multi-star high-contrast imaging opens up a huge diversity of star systems, and Alpha Centauri in particular," Ruslan Belikov, from NASA's Ames Research Center, explained during a presentation at the American Astronomical Society on Jan. 6. "If you wanted to detect Earth 2.0 around the nearest sun-like star to us, then this technology is required."
The Breakthrough Initiatives will fund the large fraction of the technologies and development costs while ESO will provide the necessary observing capabilities and telescope time.
The Chile-based Very Large Telescope needs a "new pair of sunglasses" to detect exoplanets in the star system Alpha Centauri. The Stephen Hawking-backed Breakthrough Initiatives will provide the funding for the upgrade.
( J.L. Dauvergne and G. Hüdepohl | European Southern Observatory )
The world's most advanced visible-light astronomical observatory, the Very Large Telescope ,will get an upgrade to search for planets in the Solar System's neighboring star system, the Alpha Centauri.
The European Southern Observatory, which operates the telescope facility, and the Breakthrough Initiatives program agreed that the latter would fund an upgrade to the observatory's instrumentation.
The observatory will in turn search for exoplanets in the nearby Alpha Centauri. Such planets are potential targets for the miniature spacecraft that may eventually be launched by the Breakthrough Starshot initiative.
Breakthrough Initiatives
The Breakthrough Initiatives is a program backed by physicist Stephen Hawking and Russian tycoon Yuri Milner to search for extraterrestrial life in the universe. It was revealed last year that Hawking and Milner plan to send a fleet of nano spacecraft to Alpha Centauri.
The Breakthrough Starshot project, hailed as among the most ambitious space projects ever, plans to use an Earth-based giant laser to push the fleet of interstellar space probes to nearly the speed of light.
Very Large Telescope Upgrade
The Breakthrough Initiative and ESO agreement is for the program to fund the modification of the VLT Imager and Spectrometer for mid-Infrared instrument that is mounted at the VLT. The aim of the upgrade is to sharpen the observatory's ability to hunt planets that may possibly support life around the nearby stellar system.
Challenges In Detecting Exoplanets
Detecting a potentially habitable planet is enormously challenging because the brightness of the host star in the planetary system where the planet resides tends to overwhelm the relatively dimmer planets in the system.
Making observations in the mid-infrared wavelength range reduces the brightness gap between the orbiting planet and the host star. The host star, though, is still millions of times brighter compared with the planet that needs to be detected, and this poses challenges to VLT's existing mid-infrared instrument VISIR.
Giving VLT A New Pair Of Sunglasses
Breakthrough's answer to this would be to give VISIR an upgrade, a new hardware that will include adaptive optics that would counter the distortions of light passing through the Earth's atmosphere. It is comparable to giving the observatory a new pair of sunglasses to reduce the blinding light coming from the host star of a planetary system.
"The new hardware includes an instrument module contracted to Kampf Telescope Optics (KTO), Munich, which will host the wavefront sensor, and a novel detector calibration device," Breakthrough Initiatives said in a statement.
Coronagraphy For Hunting Potential Planets
The upgrade would allow VLT to employ the technique known as coronagraphy that would reduce the stellar light and reveal possible signal coming from potential exoplanets.
"Multi-star high-contrast imaging opens up a huge diversity of star systems, and Alpha Centauri in particular," Ruslan Belikov, from NASA's Ames Research Center, explained during a presentation at the American Astronomical Society on Jan. 6. "If you wanted to detect Earth 2.0 around the nearest sun-like star to us, then this technology is required."
The Breakthrough Initiatives will fund the large fraction of the technologies and development costs while ESO will provide the necessary observing capabilities and telescope time.
A growing concern for offshore races is the danger of UFOs – unidentified floating objects. While on occasion it is a collision with a marine mammal, it is too frequently a result of items not meant for the sea – timber, trash, or worse, shipping containers.
Germany’s Central Command for Maritime Emergencies said the mine was found January 10 by a security vessel at the edge of the Gode Wind 2 offshore wind farm in Germany.
The mine will be towed to shore where it is expected to be detonated on a sandbank of the River Jade. The plan to detonate the mine at sea was cancelled due to weather conditions, the Command for Maritime Emergencies said.
Even now, over 70 years later, more than 2,000 tons of unexploded munitions are uncovered on German soil every year. Before any construction project begins in Germany, from the extension of a home to track-laying by the national railroad authority, the ground must be certified as cleared of unexploded ordnance.
Do we need to be sweeping the race courses now too?
The Spiral-tailed Monkey is just one of the many immense and mysterious ‘geoglyphs’ in Peru’s desert. The Nazca Lines strongly suggest the existence of ancient aliens on earth. (Photo: Naked Science/Youtube)
In 2012, a survey by the National Geographic found that 77% of the Americans believe that intelligent beings outside our planet not only exist, but also already come into contact with human beings. Disclaimer: this article may be sympathetic to the belief of alien visitation, but it does not boldly claim that sapient extraterrestrial beings actually exist, let alone live among humanity. All of the top 5 alien sites on earth just seem too strange to comprehend.
1. Nazca Desert, Peru
In the vast desert of Peru, several centuries old geoglyphs marked the terrain depicting recognizable images. Among them include a spider, a monkey, a dwarfish human, and a hummingbird - all of which drawn on land at an immense scale only visible from bird's eye view. Arguably, the most misunderstood of the images is the 'anachronistic' airplane landing pad stretching a distance of several miles.
2. Easter Island, Chile
The flat and elongated faces of the Moai statues located in Chile's Easter Island continue to baffle visitors. Each one of these colossal stone heads erected firmly on the ground proved an unsolved (definitively) engineering puzzle - leaving the average people to speculate on 'ancient alien' knowledge being responsible.
3. Giza, Egypt
It is not so much as the engineering marvel which made the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx a subject of 'ancient alien' speculation, but rather the curious placement of the structures. The coordinates of these monuments not only map the Orion constellation, mathematicians even decode a sophisticated calendar counting 50,000 years per segment.
4. Tiwanaku, Bolivia
The ruins of Puma Punku continue to baffle even the advanced engineers of contemporary times. With each stone weighing about 800 tons, it is plausible to question how most of these stone blocks resemble a level of stone carving theoretically achievable with powered precision tools - while these ruins were built centuries ago.
5. Nevada, USA
If there is any other place on earth that seems to suggest alien existence on earth, it is the infamous Area 51 in Nevada. This classified US Air Force facility is believed to be an asylum for extraterrestrials in our present time. Although the nearest town attracts visitors, the armed soldiers stationed at the base are authorized to use deadly force against intruders.
“If YOU Don’t Change, We Will REMOVE you” NASA warns about the ET’s Agenda
“If YOU Don’t Change, We Will REMOVE you” NASA warns about the ET’s Agenda
Lets be honest with ourselves, there is an exceptionally good chance that the Aliens are not here to help us, but instead here to REMOVE us and protect other species of the world!
A scene from the Film ‘The day the earth stood still” – could this become a true story!?
This is NOT a fear mongering article, but instead a very real article about the true possibilities of WHY the ET Beings are here. The Human Race as whole are very destructive creatures and sadly the earth and all of the other living things on this planet are feeling the price for our ‘greed and aggression’
In a very recent study conducted by top researchers at the ‘ University of Pennsylvania and the NASA and published in the academic journal Acta Astronautics ( Would Contact with Extra-terrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity? A Scenario Analysis ), leading scientists have claimed that intelligent Beings from other planetary systems could very well reach Earth, in order to destroy humanity “in order to make the galaxy a better place to live” and protect other civilizations from the destructive fury of man.
“A pre-emptive strike would be particularly likely in the early phases of our expansion because a civilisation may become increasingly difficult to destroy as it continues to expand. Humanity may just now be entering the period in which its rapid civilizational expansion could be detected by an ETI because our expansion is changing the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere, via greenhouse gas emissions,” the report states.
“Green” aliens might object to the environmental damage humans have caused on Earth and wipe us out to save the planet. “These scenarios give us reason to limit our growth and reduce our impact on global ecosystems. It would be particularly important for us to limit our emissions of greenhouse gases, since atmospheric composition can be observed from other planets,” the authors write.
Is there Aliens out there who are about to teach us some lessons in manners?
Lets be honest with all of ourselves, if we take into account the VAST amount of changes mankind is causing the planet; environmental damage, wars and violence, making certain types of Animals extinct, we then start to realize that humanity is as a civilization completely out of control and destroying this blue marble planet!
It is clear that we are being watched by the ET’s in the sky who undoubtedly will consider man as a very real danger to the galaxy/Universe and could very well consider the possibility to deliver a pre-emptive strike on Planet Earth, perhaps firstly as a warning shot, or maybe even a key direct strike to end humanity full stop….for the Greater Good! But please guys remember, this is only a hypothesis!
It has also been stated by the researchers that the aliens may even consider the possibility of enslaving the Human Race in order to control it and ‘hopefully’ teach us all how to have care and empathy again, or worse comes to worse use as food! (the Food part sounds a little ‘scare-mongering – courtesy of NASA!)
Other Possible Situations!
Another possible reason for attack on Humanity could be the rising greenhouse emissions, which could very well tip off the Alien Beings that we are a rapidly expanding threat growing outwards, warns the report by the researchers!
Have the Aliens had enough of our actions!?
Ok to be fair this may not exactly rank as one of the most compelling reason to curb greenhouse gases, but there is a possibility that reducing our internal emissions might just save the Human Race from a pre-emptive alien attack, scientists have claimed.
Watching us all from afar, ET beings might very well view changes in Earth’s atmosphere as clear cut sign of a civilisation growing quickly and aggressively out of control – which could lead them to take drastic direct action to stop us from becoming a far more serious threat and expanding outwards in our Solar system, the researchers have suggested.
This is one of a few extremely speculative scenarios as described by NASA-affiliated scientists and colleagues at Pennsylvania State University that, while considered unlikely, they say could play out were humans and alien life to make contact at some point in the future, which doesn’t look very attractive to us! But lets be fair, we KNOW what damage we are doing to this planet and if we don’t stop what we are doing NOW we could be leading to our own peril anyway, sadly taking everything else on Planet Earth with us!
Nasa’s Planetary Science Division, Shawn Domagal-Goldman of NASA and his colleagues have actually compiled a list of very plausible outcomes that could unfold in the aftermath of a close encounter, in order to help humanity “prepare for actual contact” and how things could end up for us.
In this intriguing report (which was drafted together way back in 2011 discreetly) Would Contact with Extra-terrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity? A Scenario Analysis is actually , divided into 3 broad categories of alien contacts, which are; beneficial, neutral or harmful.
Shawn Domagal-Goldman and his colleagues at NASA have a warning for us
The ‘Beneficial’ encounters ranged from the mere detection of Extra-terrestrial intelligence (ETI), for example through the interception of alien broadcasts, to contact with cooperative organisms that help us advance our knowledge and solve global problems such as hunger, poverty and disease….basically the majority of the reasons what we all hope the Aliens are here for…..TO HELP US!
Another very thought provoking beneficial outcome the authors of the report entertain puts together a situation were humanity actually triumphs over a far more powerful Extra-terrestrial aggressor, or possibly even being saved by a second group of ETs:
“In these scenarios, humanity benefits not only from the major moral victory of having defeated a daunting rival, but also from the opportunity to reverse-engineer ETI technology,” the authors write.
Other kinds of close encounters have been suggested by the report which may be less rewarding and leave much of human society feeling indifferent towards alien life. The extra-terrestrials may be too different from us to communicate with usefully. They might invite humanity to join some kind of “Galactic Club” only for the entry requirements to be too bureaucratic and tedious for humans to bother with. They could even become a nuisance, like the stranded, prawn-like creatures that are kept in a refugee camp in the 2009 South African movie, District 9, the report explains.
One of the most unappealing outcomes would arise if extra-terrestrials caused harm to humanity, even if by accident. While aliens may arrive to eat, enslave or attack us, the report adds into the mix that people might also suffer from being physically crushed or by contracting diseases carried by the visitors. In especially unfortunate incidents, humanity could be wiped out when a more advanced civilisation accidentally unleashes an unfriendly artificial intelligence, or performs a catastrophic physics experiment that renders a portion of the galaxy uninhabitable….Or like the famous book ‘War of the Worlds’ we could even accidentally kill off some of the ET Beings with some of our own bugs, which would not make us very popular!
Aliens or Humans may be a lethal mix together due to what viruses or bacteria we have in each other
The report also added that to bolster humanity’s chances of survival in the future, the researchers call for caution in sending signals into space, and in particular warn against broadcasting information about our biological make-up, which could be used to manufacture weapons that target humans. Instead, any contact with ETs should be limited to mathematical discourse “until we have a better idea of the type of ETI we are dealing with.”
But the positives are?
It all appears a bit doom and gloomy doesn’t it, but as much as the majority of time I disagree with NASA on how they appear to ‘hide’ things, I feel this report is kind of fair as we are destroying this planet and like I have said many times before, perhaps we are the next species that needs to be made extinct!?
But on a more positive note the report does not abandon us only to prospects bleak and an apocalyptic end. Scientists also suggest other situations which are more optimistic for us all. An alternative angle on this matter raises the potential of a victory of human civilization against any Alien invaders. This would potentially allow humanity to get hold of extra-terrestrial technologies to use to their own use and learn how to travel the stars and treat incurable diseases. Another variant which the vast majority of us want and hope for is the possibility that extra-terrestrials want to spontaneously share their knowledge with humanity and help us solve age-old problems like hunger, poverty and disease….and even learn of ways to slow down the aging process of our delicate bodies!
But when?
According to the top geeks, anything could happen in the next 20 years:
“Humanity is entering a period in which its rapid expansion could be detected by an extraterrestrial intelligence. The change in the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere due to greenhouse gas emissions could be the signature of our presence in the galaxy.”
The Report confirms.
Even though envision Aliens to look like something out of the movies, according to Andrei Finkelstein , director of the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences , the aliens could very well be similar looking to us humans. The extra-terrestrials will probably have a head, two arms and two legs, while the color of their skin may be different…..But like us guys at U.I.P always state:
“In an infinite Universe, comes infinite possibilities!”
This all sounds very much like a movie and one in particular comes to mind which I am sure that most of you care thinking of the same one ” The Day The Earth Stood Still” A famous book which was adapted into two very popular films and a radio show – in fact the radio show which Broadcasted this story originally in the US had American citizens cowering under their beds thinking that this story was real!
In this charming film, the main character is called Klaatu, an alien who has come to our planet to save Earth from mankind’s destructive ways!
The Aliens actual mission is to destroy humanity and to help the world breathe again! But at the end of the film (sorry to be a plot spoiler if you haven’t seen it) the alien has been moved with compassion and then decides to give us humans another chance – Hopefully IF something like this ever happens, lets just hope that the Aliens can see that there is some good left in the Human Race, and that these aliens have a heart too….
But we do need to change as a species and appreciate this beautiful planet that we live on and respect every other walk of life too that we share this world with…..perhaps the only way forward for the Human Race is by the Aliens teaching us a lesson in respect for world and ourselves. U.I.P
Renowned astronomer Seth Shostak wants you to know there are probably tons of aliens out there, but they don't look like the green space men you might have in mind. Shostak, the senior astronomer at the SETI Institute in California, said there are likely many common misconceptions about aliens because of what we know from movies and TV shows that don't reflect reality.
“Think what were gonna do in this century, which is invent thinking machines,” Shostak said while speaking to Neil deGrasse Tyson last week during a National Geographic Star Talk. “The aliens have probably already done that, so the real aliens probably look like machines.”
Shostak pointed out that roughly 30 percent of all Americans believe in “UFO phenomena.” You can count Shostak, who hosts the SETI Institute’s weekly science radio show, “Big Picture Science,” as a believer, too.
"Seth claims to have developed an interest in extraterrestrial life at the tender age of ten, when he first picked up a book about the solar system," the SETI Institute website reads. "This innocent beginning eventually led to a degree in radio astronomy, and now, as Senior Astronomer, Seth is an enthusiastic participant in the Institute’s SETI observing programs. He also heads up the International Academy of Astronautics’ SETI Permanent Committee."
Shostak has been spreading his message about what aliens could look like for years. He has said that alien life could exist on billions of planets in the universe.
“It doesn’t seem unreasonable to think that we are not alone, if all those planets are completely sterile, you’ve got to think, wow there must be something really special and miraculous about Earth – but generally those people are not scientists,” he told the Guardian last year.
For whatever it's worth, DeGrasse Tyson, the popular TV astrophysicist, also believes in aliens.
"At the moment, life on Earth is the only known life in the universe, but there are compelling arguments to suggest we are not alone. Indeed, most astrophysicists accept a high probability of there being life elsewhere in the universe, if not on other planets or on moons within our own solar system. The numbers are, well, astronomical: If the count of planets in our solar system is not unusual, then there are more planets in the universe than the sum of all sounds and words ever uttered by every human who has ever lived. To declare that Earth must be the only planet in the cosmos with life would be inexcusably egocentric of us," he wrote in 2003 in NASA's Astrobiology magazine.
“If Communion is not a piece of modern erotic mystical literature, then I do not know what it is. I consider Whitley Strieber and his most famous text to be, in effect, litmus tests for my field. If we cannot take this text seriously, if we cannot exegete it in some satisfying fashion, if we cannot make some sense of this man’s honest descriptions of his traumatic-transcendent experiences, then we have no business trying to understand his spiritual ancestors in the historical record. We either put up here, or we shut up there.” –Jeffrey Kripal, “Better Horrors: From Terror to Communion in Whitley Strieber’s Communion (1987),”in Social
Research 81:4 (Winter 2014).
Jeff Kripal is the kind of scholar who “puts up.” A distinguished professor of religious studies at Rice University, he rises to his own challenge in the extraordinary book called The Super Natural. Using all the tools of his trade, the same ones he’d apply to the mystical experiences of St. Teresa of Avila in the 16th century or the Hindu holy man Ramakrishna in the 19th, he dares to tease out the meaning and implications of Whitley Strieber’s encounters with “the visitors”–usually but lazily identified as UFO aliens–at the end of the 20th.
It’s a controversial book, but Kripal is used to controversy.
Of course, Ramakrishna couldn’t talk back to Kripal. Whitley Strieber can; and in alternating chapters of The Super Natural, he does. It’s the dialogue between these two partners, the “experiencer” and the “theorist” as Kripal puts it, that makes this book such an exhilarating read.
What is the “erotic mystical” experience described in Communion? At its heart is something that happened, or allegedly happened, to Strieber on the night of December 26, 1985. His bedroom in his cabin in upstate New York was invaded by one, or possibly more, small beings. Naked, paralyzed, his arms and legs extended, he felt himself carried out to “a small sort of depression in the woods,” which transformed itself into a “small, circular chamber” above the trees. (This is the closest Strieber comes to actually speaking of a UFO.)
While in this chamber he was subjected to a string of weird, unsettling experiences, including a sort of anal rape performed by a narrow, “gray and scaly” object. He also seems to have first encountered the female entity, uncanny and inhuman in her appearance yet for him “the most essentially and powerfully feminine presence I have ever known,” whose portrait on Communion’s cover has given us our iconic image of the UFO alien. She would be a feature of Strieber’s life through the years to come.
When he awoke in the morning, he remembered nothing of this. He had only an implausible but compelling recollection of a barn owl staring at him through his bedroom window sometime during the night. The details of his experience came back to him about a week later, spontaneously, without the aid of hypnotic regression (though that would come later).
Strieber’s “Communion” (1987). “… the most essentially and powerfully feminine presence I have ever known …”
This was only the beginning. For the next thirty years the “visitors,” in different sizes, shapes and colors, remained intertwined with Strieber’s life. They manifested their presence in a long string of bizarre, inexplicable events that must have been as unintelligible to him as they are for his readers. The aggregate meaninglessness soon grows tiresome. I want to shake off my frustration and bafflement with a dismissal like Aah, he’s nuts, or The guy’s making it up as he goes along!
But Kripal shows me why I mustn’t do that.
These reflexive reactions, says Kripal, are “protective strategies” employed to ward off the threat posed by a book like Communion to our preconceived notions of how the world ought to work and what a human being ought to be. (He speaks of “the public shaming of sincere and serious people … who see or say otherwise,” and since Communion’s publication Strieber has been showered with public mockery of the grossest kind.) Yet they’re wholly natural. To acknowledge and absorb an event, or a series of events, we have to be able to fit them into some recognizable pattern of meaning. Strieber’s encounters resist any such patterning.
Hence the odd experience I’ve had more than once, of picking up my copy of Communion and realizing that I had no notion what was inside it. Had I really read it? I must have—the pages were blanketed with annotations in what I recognized as my handwriting. But I had no recollection of what I’d read. Only the face on the cover; that I would never forget.
Both authors make the point forcefully: if Strieber’s encounters with the “visitors” refuse to show the coherence I expect of them, the problem lies not with them but with my expectations.
I’ve long noticed, for example, that Strieber’s recollections are drenched in sex. It’s pretty obvious; I doubt if anyone past puberty would fail to notice it. My next step follows naturally. What Communion is about is Strieber’s very terrestrial, very human sexual fantasies and anxieties, with a strong masochistic component. (That “essentially and powerfully feminine presence,” he says in The Super Natural, caused him to be “dragged out of the house and essentially beaten until I realized that she was real and I was not dreaming.”) With this Freudian Open Sesame, I ought to be able to make sense of the whole string of experiences.
I can’t, so I blame Strieber.
What I ought to blame, says Kripal, is not my awareness that Strieber’s experiences are fundamentally about sex—that is beyond all question—but my implied “nothing but sex.” In other words, I limit sex to what goes on in our fleshly crotches. If I’d incorporated the ancients’ awareness of it as something “sacred … [with] a terrifying and terrific divinity in it,” I’d be better poised to grasp what Strieber is talking about.
A goddess and her lover (from the Kali Puja festival in Calcutta). ” … had me dragged out of the house and essentially beaten until I realized that she was real and I was not dreaming.” (Source: Wikimedia.)
“I am haunted,” Strieber writes in this new book, “by the paradoxical sweetness of many of these ferocious experiences. One way to put it would be that I had a love affair with a goddess. Another would be that it was an affair with an alien. But the third way to describe it–which is, I suspect, closer to the truth–is that I didn’t know who or what my wife really was, or myself, or any of us. I don’t know what human beings are, and, based on my own life experience, I have every reason to suspect that the form we live in every day is not our only state.”
We’re miles away from any simplistic notions of people being kidnapped by space invaders. The UFO experience is essentially a human experience–I can stand up and cheer that sentiment–only, “I don’t know what human beings are.” Both Strieber and Kripal suggest that we’re something vaster, grander, and stranger than we’d ever imagined.
Strieber speaks now of Anne, his passionately loved wife of 45 years, whom he lost to cancer about six months before The Super Natural came out and whose longed-for ghost pervades the book:
“Sometimes when Anne was sleeping or distracted or her face blossomed with pleasure, I would see in it a flickering shadow of the great-eyed being I’d painted for the cover of Communion. [Actually the cover was done by an artist named Ted Jacobs, at Strieber’s direction.] Now, I am not making a claim here that my wife was an alien or anything so concrete as that. What I am saying is that the shadow of my wife–her life, her ways, my awareness of her body–ghosts through the experiences that I am about to describe like a sylph.”
Kripal, the religious-studies professor, believes in the truth of these experiences. He believes, not least because he’s had one of his own. When he positions himself as “theorist” as opposed to the “experiencer” Strieber, he’s not being entirely fair to himself. He’s an “experiencer” too.
November 1989. Young Jeff Kripal is in Calcutta, researching his Ph.D. dissertation on Ramakrishna. “I had been participating in Kali Puja, a multiday cycle of festivities and rituals celebrating the goddess in her fiercest and, in some more esoteric traditions, most erotic forms.” And it would appear that the goddess, or something very like Her, came to him in his hotel room.
“As this presence did whatever it did to me (the unprintable f-word would be entirely appropriate), the aroused state I was in became more and more intense. It felt as if the energies were reaching down into every single cell of my body, or–if this is even possible–into every subatomic particle, each of which seemed to be humming at an unbelievable frequency. … Whitley’s description in this book of ‘being with an invisible tiger or an invisible saint’ (the double sacred) perfectly describes what I knew on that Night, tigers and saints being what they are: oh so common in West Bengal.”
This is about as strong as an endorsement as you can give, and it functions as empirical groundwork for Strieber and Kripal’s joint assault on the materialist orthodoxy of contemporary science. Strieber is not religious in any conventional sense. To my recollection, he mentions the idea of “god” (lower case) only to dismiss it.
Yet the materialism that equates the human being with the physical body and brain is just as false. So Strieber’s encounters with “the visitors” have taught him.
Experiences like his, or like Kripal’s own (says Kripal, taking up the baton) can lead “out of the consensual trance of culture and religion into something other or more, something so other that it feels and seems alien. … It is not us, not us as rational social egos anyway. And yet it is us, as soul, as spirit. … Consciousness is not ego. Consciousness is not culture.”
Nor is it a product of the brain, doomed to perish with the brain. It’s something transcendent, eternal, filtered through the brain yet unaffected when the brain turns to dust.
This explains, says Kripal, “why the skeptics are so honestly and understandably skeptical (their egos or consensual trances have not yet been invaded or broken). It explains the utter convictions of the mystics, poets, and modern-day abductees (their egos or consensual trances have been invaded and broken).”
So where does that leave me?
Alas, with the skeptics, my “consensual trance” still unbroken, my cherry yet untaken. Which puts me, as I read Communion and The Super Natural, in the position of a lifelong virgin doing his feeble best to understand what sexual ecstasy is all about.
Whitley Strieber and Jeffrey J. Kripal, “The Super Natural” (2016).
“Obviously something incredibly intense had happened to Whitley. I never have doubted the veracity of the intensity of it. … As is the case with almost all of these kinds of experiences, they combine the quality of intense meaningfulness within the first person and a frustrating lack of external corroboration. … We can be talking about a religious experience, we can be talking about a symptom of temporal lobe epilepsy, we can be talking about a possible allergic response to common or not-so-common chemicals, or even a response to electromagnetic phenomena, one way or another. We can be talking about somebody who’s been abducted by real flesh-and-blood aliens. We don’t know, but my problem, as a third-person observer, who believes in the scientific method, is how to interpret it. You can’t just deny it.” –Dr. John Gliedman, quoted in Ed Conroy, Report on Communion (1989)
In the 1980s Gliedman knew Whitley Strieber well. He knew–or at least was entirely certain–that Strieber wasn’t just making up the fantastic experiences that found their way into his 1987 bestseller Communion, many of which Strieber had confided to him over lunch long before the book appeared. In C.S. Lewis’s famous “trilemma” of Lunatic-Liar-Lord (referring to Jesus), the second option seems ruled out.
The first also? Is it thinkable that Strieber’s mind–his perceptions, his memories–though demonstrably free from any of the “mental disorders” defined as such by the American Psychiatric Association, nevertheless doesn’t work quite the way our (statistically) “normal” minds do? That he sees and hears, feels and remembers things that most of us can’t or wouldn’t?
If so, does that make him crazy? Or the rest of us limited?
Like Gliedman, I’m a “third-person observer.” So, in a certain measure, is Jeffrey Kripal, the Rice University religious-studies professor who co-authored with Strieber the mind-bending, mind-opening book that I’m discussing in this and the preceding post. But Kripal has an advantage over me. Unlike me, he’s had his own direct and undeniable experience of “erotic mysticism” of the kind that suffuses Communion, immediate encounter with a cosmic sexuality “reaching down into every single cell of my body, or–if this is even possible–into every subatomic particle, each of which seemed to be humming at an unbelievable frequency.”
It happened to Kripal only once. The experience never came to dominate his life as it did Strieber’s. But that one time was enough for Kripal to know that what Strieber experienced was real. (Whatever “real” may mean.)
Whitley Strieber, “Communion” (1987).
I haven’t had even that one experience. Which puts me in a dilemma. On the one hand, I want to believe Strieber, simply as the decency owed by one human being to another: not to laugh or diagnose away experiences that he or she has felt as soul-shatteringly real.
But I can’t help but disbelieve.
I don’t like the materialist scientific paradigm that Strieber and Kripal attack in their book, any better than they do. “Matter is made up of tiny dead things. … There is no meaning. There is no mind. Evolution is without a goal. It intends nothing. It is going nowhere. The universe is pointless.” This is Kripal’s characterization of it; and he asks, rhetorically, why anyone would want to believe such a depressing vision of reality.
He at once goes on to answer his own question: “those who embrace it do so because they think it is true.”
With good reason, I would add. The materialist paradigm has proven its utility ten thousand times over.
If like many of us I feel compelled as a matter of intellectual honesty to think within this paradigm, I can’t believe Strieber. The events he describes just make no sense. In the scientific paradigm, the world and its happenings may have no meaning or intention–but they’ve got to make sense.
To this we must add a very real and troubling problem. We know Strieber’s experiences only via his claims about them. He himself, assuming (as I do) that he’s sincere in his claims, knows them only through his recollections of them. And these recollections show a distressing capacity to shift over the course of time.
On pages 212-213 of The Super Natural, Strieber tells the story of a strange and unsettling event that happened to him in 1968.
“That year, I was living in London and attending the London School of Film Technique, now called the London Film School. During the summer break, I decided to travel on the Continent. On an overnight train to Florence, I fell in with a girl. We began traveling together. For a couple of weeks in Florence, we had a lovely time, living together in chaste intimacy. But then we went on to Rome, and when we toured St. Peter’s, she became crazy, stalking through the church in raging silence. She scared me. I was living with her in a small pensione near the railroad station. I decided, ‘No more,’ and headed off to the pensione to collect my suitcase and get out of there.
“I went into our tiny room, threw my toothbrush into my suitcase, and started to leave. Then I stopped. Her suitcase was lying at the foot of the bed. I have always been a bit too curious, and I opened it. What I saw shocked me to my core. In it was a nun’s habit and, lying beside it, a dry, flattened owl carcass.
“I didn’t get off the train again until I was in Strasbourg.
It’s a gripping, goosebump-raising tale, if perhaps a trifle implausible. (When I was 23, as Strieber was in 1968, I would have had the most immense difficulty sharing a “tiny room” with an attractive young woman “in chaste intimacy.”) But contrast it with what’s patently an account of the same incident in Communion, page 135:
“I took the train to Italy, second class. On the train I met a young woman and we began to travel together. At this point my memories become extremely odd. If I do not think about them they seem fine, but when I try to put them together they don’t make sense. I recall that we went to Rome, but that we spent a few days in Florence on the way. … For some reason, I left the young woman in Rome and dashed off on the train with no ticket, traveling almost at random. I ended up in Strasbourg, where I saw the cathedral, then suddenly rushed to the station and grabbed another train, a local, that crept across France, ending in Port Bou on the Spanish border.”
Strieber must have written these words in 1986, 18 years after the incident occurred. “For some reason, I left the young woman in Rome.” After 18 years, he couldn’t remember the reason he left her. Another 29 years later, he remembered it vividly. What are we to say of such a memory?
Compare also the half-comical, half-shivery story that Strieber tells on pages 99-100 of The Super Natural, of how William Morrow & Co. editor Bruce Lee encountered two huge-eyed aliens poring over Communion in a New York City bookstore, with the account he gave of the same episode in his 1988 book Transformation, pages 235-237. (And with Lee’s own version of the incident, in Ed Conroy’s Report on Communion.) “He [Lee] watched them walk off into the afternoon crowd on Madison Avenue,” Strieber writes in The Super Natural. “Nobody seemed in the least concerned that two aliens were strolling down the street in overcoats and hats on a warm afternoon.”
Whitley Strieber and Anne Strieber, “The Communion Letters” (1997).
But when he wrote Transformation, Strieber knew perfectly well why they’d be wearing overcoats and hats. The incident didn’t happen on a warm afternoon in 1988, as Strieber remembered it for the 2016 book, but “on a cold, windy Saturday afternoon” in January 1987.
I need to be clear. By questioning the integrity of Strieber’s recollections, I am not questioning his personal integrity. I take that as a given. But if the things that Strieber remembers having undergone are to be used to mount a challenge to the current scientific understanding of how the world works, his memories need to have a solidity that puts them beyond question. They don’t.
Or they don’t always, and that casts a shadow of suspicion on the rest.
And yet …
There’s one monumental fact that persuades me there’s something real and important going on here, that wherever Strieber’s memories come from they tap into something deep within the human psyche. This is the response that Communion evokes in many of those who read it, or simply see its cover.
“I bought Communion in March 1988 on my way to Los Angeles to sing at my cousin’s wedding. I was simply glued to it. There was a strange sense–yet a vague sense of recognition in what you were saying. … I felt drawn to the cover of Communion like a duck to water.”
“Last spring, I saw Communion in the library for the first time. The face on the cover scared me so much that I went home. … I couldn’t understand why I was so afraid of a book.”
“When I walked past the bookstore, it was only out of the corner of my eye that I saw the cover of your book staring out into the mall. I stopped and looked at it, not believing what I was seeing … just how close the depiction of the being on [the] cover was to the real thing.”
“Sitting right there on the kitchen stove [in 1958, when the writer was four], in front of God and all my family and relatives, was this creature that I had never seen before. I remember pointing to the creature on the stove, and by now I had everyone’s attention. Obviously I was the only one who could see it, which only added to the terror. … I never again saw that face staring at me, that is, until I was browsing in a bookstore a few years ago and saw the book Communion, and right there on the cover was that all too familiar face almost laughing at me.”
These are quotes from the book The Communion Letters (1997), co-authored by Strieber and his late wife Anne. They’re extracts, selected by Anne from what Strieber estimates (in The Super Natural) to have been upwards of half a million letters he received between 1987 and 2000. “We stopped counting at two hundred thousand, and that was in 1992. … We have kept around thirty thousand on file.” (The full collection is not currently open to researchers, though I’m given to understand that this may soon change.)
There were others who didn’t write to Strieber, yet whose memories were triggered by Communion and its cover. In his 1994 book Abduction: Human Encounters With Aliens, the distinguished Harvard psychiatry professor John Mack–whose tragic death in 2004 we’re still grieving–tells of an abductee who “saw a face in the craft ‘looking down at me,’ and when he later saw the picture of an alien on the cover of Communion he was shocked, for ‘that’s what I imagined was looking down at me when I was nineteen.'” Nobel-laureate biochemist Kary Mullis tells of seeing Communion in a California bookstore and realizing that this book was somehow, mysteriously, connected with his own bizarre experience a few years earlier in his mountain cabin. He was in the middle of reading it when his adult daughter phoned. “Dad, there’s a book I want you to read. It’s called Communion.“
She too, Mullis’s daughter went on to explain, had undergone something uncanny and inexplicable in that same cabin. “When she saw the book, she had experienced the same sort of vague recognition as I had.”
Very few of the stories related in The Communion Letters pose any particular challenge to 21st-century science. Most give the impression of being unusually vivid and powerful dreams, with a few waking hallucinations mixed in. (In the last of my quotes from that book, the four-year-old witness is surrounded by relatives, none of whom sees anything unusual.) But they attest to the incredible resonance that Strieber’s recollections–his narration of them, the artistic rendering that appears on his cover–have had with an incredible range of men and women, who can’t be dismissed as all insane. (Though some perhaps are, such as the author of the letter on pages 239-242.)
This resonance, unlike the memories themselves, is documented fact.
Grant, if you’re willing, that Strieber remembers events that can’t have happened, involving entities that don’t exist. His memories remain genuinely his, genuinely shared with hundreds of thousands of others. As such they’re vitally important, although in what way they’re important we don’t yet understand.
Attention must be paid.
Of all the merits of this wonderful book Strieber and Jeffrey Kripal have given us, this may be the most fundamental. It pays attention. It invites us to do the same.
Ed Conroy, “Report on Communion” (1989). Ed Conroy, “Report on Communion” (1989). Collage from the “True free thinker” website, The cover portrait of Strieber is by Ted Jacobs, the same artist who painted the cover of “Communion.”
Mac Intyre drew a picture of the aliens he saw inside the spacecraft
A story about an apparent UFO sighting in the 1940s right here in Shepparton has made waves across the globe and sparked the interest of an extraterrestrial researcher.
In last Monday’s News, retired Shepparton policeman Neil John McIntyre spoke of seeing a UFO hover just metres away from him in his youth.
A French UFO researcher published a translated version of the story on his website, and on Facebook the story was shared by a number of UFO groups.
One researcher who took a great interest in the story was former Shepparton man Shane Ryan, who spent years trying to find out more about the famed Westall incident, when a group of teachers and students claimed to have seen a UFO in a Melbourne suburb in 1966.
‘‘What blew me away is that this happened in my home town,’’ Mr Ryan said.
‘‘It felt close to home. I knew the location of that pool hall (where the incident took place).’’
Mr Ryan’s interest in UFOs began when he was on the lookout for a subject to write a book about and he came across the Westall incident.
He spent months speaking to witnesses and documenting their stories.
Now he wants to speak to Neil to make sure his story is shared.
‘‘If it was a genuine UFO I have no idea, but either way something unusual happened,’’ he said.
The weird UFO snapped after it caused power to drop
The strange circular UFO is said to have hovered across the night sky, with power cuts following the mysterious appearance, according to The Bucks Herald.
One resident from Buckingham Park, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, said: "We were lying in bed and this extremely bright light lit up the room. We assumed it was a star because it was a clear night but it was so bright.
"Then it slowly rose up and suddenly shot over the top of our house and you could hear an aircraft like noise but it was too fast to be a plane.
"As it passed over the power in our house dropped and came back. It really freaked us out. Then about 45 minutes later we heard the same sound and the power dropped again briefly and came back. We took a picture but didn't have time to do a video as it suddenly shot off."
Another resident separately contacted the paper claiming to have seen the same event in the Watermead estate in north Aylesbury.
"Then it slowly rose up and suddenly shot over the top of our house and you could hear an aircraft like noise but it was too fast to be a plane.
UFO eyewitness
The eyewitness said: "I was sat watching telly with the blinds closed but one of them was sort of lit up, as if someone was shining a torch on it.
"I looked out and saw this really bright light and then it suddenly shot across the top of the house and as it did all the lights went down and came back on.
"The lights went down a few more times in the next hour too, I'm no conspiracy theorist but it was really bizarre." sent the image to Scott Brando, who runs UFO hoax-busting website
He believed it was just a picture of the planet Venus which has been visible in our skies and the power cuts must be a coincidence.
He said: "I think it could be the planet Venus taken with a catadioptric lens."
He provided a video showing a similar effect.
Did you see anything or lose power in the same area over night on Thursday?
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Scientists Propose a New Explanation for the “Alien Megastructure” Star
Scientists Propose a New Explanation for the “Alien Megastructure” Star
Researchers believe that, 10,000 years ago, a planet (not an alien megastructure) collided with KIC 8462852 causing the erratic flickering we see.
KIC 8462852 is 8.7 quadrillion miles away – even if we could take New Horizons to explore it, it would take 27.5 million years to reach the star.
KIC 8462852
As exciting as it would be to know that an ‘alien megastructure’ was discovered in our lifetime, it’s also getting more and more unlikely. Another non-alien related explanation surfaces for the light patterns coming from KIC 8462852. Now, Columbia University researchers believe that the star may have, at some point, swallowed a planet in its lifespan. The erratic flickering that we see? This could be caused by remnants of this planet or its moons occasionally blocking the star’s light.
Assuming this is the reasoning behind KIC 8462852’s unusual light patterns, the researchers estimate the collision took place 10,000 years ago. The increased brightness is due to the star releasing energy after consuming the planet. The recently observed dimming was because it is “digesting” and returning to its normal state.
Their theory is based on existing and available research on the star (also called Tabby’s Star), combined with materials that explore outer-space physics. And if their calculations are confirmed, they would also support the theory that this kind of phenomenon (planet and star collisions) are more common than we thought.
“We estimated that if Tabby’s star were representative, something like 10 Jupiters would have to fall into a typical star over its lifetime, or maybe even more,” said one of the researchers of the study, Brian Metzger, in an interview with New Scientist.
Typically, as a planet orbits around a star, the star’s brightness goes down about one percent. With KIC 8462852, the dips were so erratic that its brightness would dip as low as 22 percent. Because of this, scientists assumed that there had to be a massive object moving around it, which is where the ‘alien megastructure’ theory came from.
The latter theory by the way, will prove nearly impossible to prove, given that KIC 8462852 is 8.7 quadrillion miles away. And even if we could take New Horizons (our fastest probe) to explore it, it would take 27.5 million years to reach the star. We could just send a message, but it won’t get there until 3495.
The point is, the technology we have today isn’t equipped to explore and confirm the existence of alien worlds…yet. But with this new theory presented, it looks like we don’t have to. Columbia adds another feasible, non-alien explanation to both the sudden dimming and gradual decrease of the star’s light.
Obviously it’s not the only hypothesis being floated around to explain the phenomenon. Some speculate that the changes in light are caused by cosmic debris, while others think the flickering is caused by a swarm of comets. It’s also wholly possible for new theories to pop up as scientists work towards finding a definitive answer, so we’ll just have to wait and see.
Scientists believe there could be ALIEN life on VENUS
Scientists believe there could be ALIEN life on VENUS
It turns out that a joint team of American and Russian scientists believes there could be alien life on Venus, and they want to send a spacecraft to find out. Called Venera-D, the potential mission would investigate curious dark streaks found on Venus, which experts believe may be caused by Alien life.
Venus, the second planet from the sun, with a temperature that is maintained at 462 degrees Celsius, no matter where you go on the planet –therefore the hottest planet in the solar system— may be home to ALIEN life.
As described by Inverse, Venus has some rather “spooky looking clouds” that just might contain alien life.
Interestingly, in the past, the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, published a series of photographs, taken by the Venera probe which allegedly shows evidence of living organisms on Venus. According to an explanation by Leonid Ksanfomaliti, doctor of physical and mathematical science, at the Institute of Space Research, the images taken 30 years ago reveal the movement of extremely strange objects on the surface of Venus.
According to Russian scientist Leonid Ksanfomaliti, this image, taken from a Russian probe that landed on Venus in 1982, we can see a scorpion-shaped life form
These enigmatic dark streaks have captured the imagination and attention of experts since the 1960’s, but now, a team of American and Russian scientists are determined to find out the exact nature of the enigmatic bands in Venus’ atmospheric cover.
Experts from Russia and the US will submit plans for a new mission dubbed as Venera-D, which is basically an unmanned spacecraft that would be sent to Venus, and determine if the mysterious dark streaks are evidence of microbial alien life on Venus.
Ever since the dark streaks were spotted, scientists have tried explaining them. Some believe the enigmatic marks are particulates (like iron and sulfur) that are mixed into the clouds. Other theories propose that it could ice, and there are those who theorize ALIENS may be the ultimate answer.
Scientists are confident there is a so-called ‘sweet spot’ in Venus’ atmosphere at about 50 kilometers in altitude and extending a dozen kilometers outward. It is precisely there, where temperatures range from 30ºC and 70ºC, a more hospitable range for living organisms.
“I cannot say that there is microbial life in Venus’ clouds,” Sanjay Limaye told Astrobiology Magazine, an atmospheric scientist from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and member of the Venera-D science definition team. “But that doesn’t mean it’s not there either. The only way to learn is to go there and sample the atmosphere.”
While a new mission to Venus may sound extremely exciting, it is noteworthy to mention that in the past, there have been complications with exploring the second planet from the Sun.
Venus has a high surface pressure, and its temperature of 462 degrees Celsius are a huge challenge for today’s technology.
In the past, the only successful mission that was able to land on Venus was the Mariner 5, which survived for 93 minutes before being destroyed by the hostile conditions on Venus.
If experts want the new Venera-D mission to be successful, they will have to create a spacecraft unlike any other.
Don’t believe in UFOs? These 3 Declassified Military videos will change your mind
Don’t believe in UFOs? These 3 Declassified Military videos will change your mind
One of the videos was recorded in 2004, another one in 2013 and the newest one in 2014. In the videos, we see a UFO performing maneuvers, unlike anything mankind can create today, ignoring gravity and laws that govern over manmade vehicles. Both videos were analyzed by experts who agree that the objects in question are extraordinary and unlike anything they’ve ever seen. Some of these UFO’s were not visible to the naked eye and somehow managed to avoid being detected on radar.
In the 21st century, there are two types of people when alien life is discussed. Those who firmly believe we are being visited –and have been visited for thousands of years— and those who believe that UFO sightings are entirely a man-made phenomenon.
Certainly, while there are countless faked videos available on the internet, there are a couple of videos which are beyond fascinating. They are bewildering.
Two of those videos have recently been declassified by the government.
One of the most fascinating UFO videos was recorded by Homeland Security. The video is out of this world. In the video, a mysterious UFO is seen performing maneuvers, unlike anything mankind can create today. The unidentified flying object is seen moving at extremely fast speed over land and then shoots off into the distance. The laws of physics that govern over man-made aircraft have little effect over this UFO which seems to ignore gravity completely, moving through the sky at speeds up to 120mph. But more interestingly, at one point, the UFO seems to dive into the water without slowing down. what kind of aircraft can do that?
The laws of physics that govern over man-made aircraft have little effect over this UFO which seems to ignore gravity completely, moving through the sky at speeds up to 120mph, while performing turns and maneuvers our aircraft are not capable of. Interestingly, at one point, the UFO seems to dive into the water without slowing down. What kind of aircraft can do that?
The video was revised by the Scientific Coalition for Ufology, a group of people who have an extensive and long background in science have teamed up to study evidence which points to otherworldly visitations.
The following Unidentified Flying object was recorded on video by a thermal imaging camera on a DHS aircraft, in the sky over Aguadilla in Puerto Rico. Ufologists believe that this is the best evidence of UFOs monitoring our activity on planet Earth. You can check out the full report here.
Researchers analyzed the video and came to the conclusion that the object in question exhibits characteristics that defy the laws of physics as we know them. It simply cannot be catalogued as a drone, military aircraft or natural phenomena.
The second video –equally bewildering— was recently declassified and filmed in 2014.
The incident occurred on November 11, 2014, when a Chilean Navy helicopter (Airbus Cougar AS-532) was on a routine patrol, west of Santiago, flying north.
The Unidentified Flying Object was followed and recorded for 9 minutes and 12 seconds. The crew tried several times to contact the UFO using the multi-national, civilian bandwidth designed for this purpose but received NO answer. The Navy Captain stated that the object was a “flat, elongated structure” with “two thermal spotlights like discharges that did not coincide with the axel of motion.” The technician described it as “white with a semi-oval shape on the horizontal axis.”
Furthermore, reports state that the pilot tried numerous times to communicate with the UFO, using the multinational, civilian bandwidth designed specifically for his purpose.
He received NO reply. Simply put, unbelievable.
Videos like these are precisely what is needed for society to understand that there are some things out there that conventional explanations do not satisfy.
Another equally amazing sighting was recorded on March 05, 2004, when the Mexican Air Force witnessed 11 flying objects flying along side of them during an air patrol of a drug smuggling.
Strangely, the unidentified flying objects were only visible through the military plane’s IR-system (infrared), and could not be seen with the naked eye. According to reports, the equipment was operated by highly skilled Air Force officers and analyzed by the Department of Defense.
Neither the crew nor ground personnel could see the 11 UFOs on radar.
The Mexican Department of Defense ruled out all mundane explanations for the sightings. The atmospheric conditions were nearly perfect. There was no temperature inversion in the area and winds were light at less than 20 mph. There was a complete absence of lightning, seismic activity, or volcanic activity. Venus was not visible at the time.
There are some skeptics who have dismissed this UFO encounter as an oil platform burn-off flares, but the Mexican military pilots said that the elevation of the lights was clocked at a higher altitude than theirs.
Furthermore, the Mexican Air Force stated they were chasing something, and it disappeared right as the lights appeared.
But, UK UFO expert Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, believes he knows what is causing the crop in sightings - and it is from outer space.
Venus has been visible in the night sky since the start of the new year and he believes it is the planet which is behind the huge rise in claims.
Mr Watson said: "The latest crop of UFO videos in the UK and Europe might well be due to the current brightness and visibility of Venus in our night skies.
"It not only looks strange to human observers but when videoed can appear even odder due to lens reflections, autofocusing and the motion of the camera that can give the illusion a stationary object is darting about."
The green UFO filmed in Salento, Italy, that may just be Venus.
He pointed to a video on YouTube entitled "A Real Huge, Silent, Triangular UFO Hovering Nr Bitterne, Southampton, Hants, UK" which was posted this month.
He said: "It looks impressive but could well be Venus and reflections on a window."
Mr Watson also looked at footage of a green UFO taken in Salento, Italy, at around 8pm on January 9 by Lucio Margiotta and posted on Facebook.
He said: "The light in the sky that turns into a ring of light looks impressive, but much of the mystery was probably caused by the smartphone used to video this event.
"It is noteworthy that the distant light only turns into a halo when Lucio Margiotta zooms in on it, which suggests that the autofocus system of the camera is distorting the light to produce this unusual effect.
"Other independent witnesses said they also saw this light, but without further details we can only assume at this stage that the video is just a product of the smartphone technology rather than the product of aliens intent on surveying our planet in preparation for the day they finally reveal themselves to us."
There have also been reports in local media of people believing there as a spaceship over Watford earlier this month, when Venus was visible near the moon.
Mr Watson's theory appears to be backed by an report from September 2015.
Then we reported how a man recorded a series of bizarre shapes when he zoomed in on what he knew to be Venus over New York.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Er zijn de laatste weken regelmatige berichten over grote sigaarvormige UFO’s die worden waargenomen.
Zo werd er één boven Chili gefilmd en via een lezer ontvingen wij een prachtige opname van een grote sigaarvormige UFO boven de Bahama’s.
Van een lezer die samen met zijn vrouw ergens op de Bahama’s woont, ontvingen wij het volgende bericht (dank!):
Mijn echtgenote gaat iedere morgen naar het strand in South Andros, Bahamas, om foto's te maken van de opkomende zon. Gisteren was ik haar eerste foto aan het bekijken en vond ik een interessant anomalie op de foto.
Vanmorgen heeft ze er 2 gezien maar haar iPad memorie was vol.
Waarschijnlijk kun je meer verwachten want ze ziet ze regelmatig, en telkens met de zonsopgang verdwijnt de UFO!!!
Ook boven Chili werd onlangs een vergelijkbaar object waargenomen:
Onlangs schreven wij over een andere waarneming van dit type UFO boven Cyprus en de mogelijke connectie met Duitse UFO technologie:
UFO’s zijn er in alle soorten en maten, van de klassieke zogenaamde retro UFO tot de ronde witte of oranje bollen.
UFO’s die niet zo dikwijls worden waargenomen, zijn de zogenaamde sigaarvormige, die de vorm hebben van een cilinder.
Afgelopen week is er een zaak ingediend bij Mufon onder nummer 81145 over een foto die al is genomen in 2009 op het eiland Cyprus.
De fotograaf wilde mooie opnames maken van een berg in combinatie met de maan die ook zichtbaar was, maar op het beeld verscheen ook wat anders.
En dan zie je rechts van de berghelling duidelijk een groot sigaarvormig object:
En wanneer je goed kijkt, zie je boven de sigaarvormige UFO nog een kleinere:
Natuurlijk is het mogelijk dat het hier een buitenaards schip betreft, maar veel waarschijnlijker is dat we hier te maken hebben met een zogenaamd Andromeda Gerät, compleet met een aantal kleinere UFO’s.
No, this exquisite photo is not from LG’s new paper-thin OLED TV; it’s a snapshot of a planetary nebula with a strange square shape, taken by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope.
The image you see here is a composite of several images from the Hubble Space Telescope, created in 2002, of a nebula called IC 4406. When we view it from Earth, we are looking at it from the side. But, if we could fly over it we would find it resembles more of a donut.
The reason it seems to be confined to such strict lines is because the gravitational force from the dying star keeps the dust and gas swirling around it in perfect alignment, making for a beautiful image.
This square nebula is the result of hot gas and dark dust being forced out from the star.
The bright colors come from hot gas flows on the inside of the donut that are ionized by light shining from the star. When the light hits oxygen atoms it turns blue, when it hits hydrogen it turns green, and when nitrogen is struck, it turns as red. The final image shows the differences in concentration of these three gases in the nebula.
Another interesting detail within the nebula is the dark black lines criss-crossing about within the dusty ring. They are also made up from the gas being emitted from the nebula but the density of this gas is so great compared to the rest of the ring, that it shows up as a veiny silhouette throughout the formation.
It’s called a planetary nebula because when the first astronomer to discover this type of object, William Herschel, saw it through his telescope, he mistook it for a planet because of it’s round shape. Here’s an image of a planetary nebula from the center of the ring.
Planetary Nebula
This is the last stage of a nebula’s lifespan before it goes dark, like a farewell celebration. In just a few million years it’ll be nothing more than a white dwarfdrifting around the universe. Poor thing!
Titan, the largest of Saturn’s many moons, is one of the most fascinating bodies in the solar system, and scientists think there could just be some sort of strange life living in the moon’s liquid methane lakes. Now, NASA has shared an absolutely amazing video of this alien world taken from a probe as it landed on Titan’s surface.
The probe, Huygens, landed on Titan back in 2005. Huygens, which was named after Titan’s discoverer, Christiaan Huygens, separated from NASA’s Cassinispacecraft on Christmas eve in 2004 and entered the moon’s atmosphere 20 days later. As the probe began its descent, it passed through Titan’s thick atmosphere, revealing a stunning landscape underneath.
“The Huygens images were everything our images from orbit were not,” said Carolyn Porco, the leader of the Cassini imaging team.
Instead of hazy, sinuous features that we could only guess were streams and drainage channels, here was incontrovertible evidence that at some point in Titan’s history — and perhaps even now — there were flowing liquid hydrocarbons on the surface. Huygens’ images became a Rosetta stone for helping us interpret our subsequent findings on Titan.
On its way down, Huygens sampled the atmosphere and took hundreds of pictures, the last few of which even showed the shadow of the probe’s parachute as it floated down on Huygens after it landed. The probe, which was created by the European Space Agency, still holds the record for being the most distant landing of any craft that mankind has ever achieved.
NASA and the ESA, who worked together on the Cassini-Huygens mission alongside the Italian Space Agency, are highlighting Huygens 12-year-old landing with this astounding video because Cassini’s own mission will soon draw to a close. After two decades in space, Cassini has begun its final series of orbits grazing the Saturn’s rings. On September 15, Cassini will dive into the gas giant’s atmosphere, and that will be the end. One can only imagine, for now, what Cassini will see, but you can check out Huygens view of Titan in the video above.
The Russian billionaire-funded, Stephen Hawking-backed Breakthrough Initiatives project, whose goal is to find extraterrestrial life, has been pretty rapidly enlisting the world’s most powerful telescopes to listen to the sky for signs of intelligent aliens. But the project just managed to finalize something a bit more exciting an agreement with the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope in Chile to use its optical instruments to look for signs of aliens in Alpha Centauri, the nearest star system to Earth.
Breakthrough, and its benefactor Yuri Milner, are obsessed with Alpha Centauri. The Starshot project is already looking to develop low-cost, ultra-fast spacecraft that could make it to the star system in about 20 years and look for potentially habitable worlds and extraterrestrials. There are strong reasons to believe life could survive and make a home for itself in Alpha Centauri — just 4.37 light-years away.
But it’s going to be a very long time before Starshot finally launches its nanocraft off into space (if ever. Instead, we ought to use some of the tools we have here on Earth to see if we might be able to spot something in Alpha Centauri earlier. Though we have reason to believe it’s habitable zone could support life, we actually have no idea whether any planets actually exist in Alpha Centauri’s neighborhood.
That’s what Breakthrough wants to use the VLT for — pinpointing potential objects that deserve increased, detailed study. In this way, not only can use better technology to get a better view of these planets and determine whether they possess any signs of life, but we’ll have actual targets to shoot the Starshot nanocraft towards when the time comes.
Because Alpha Centauri is so close to us, the brightness obscures our view and keeps us unable to really study whether there are any planets in its orbit. The VLT, however, has some instruments that can employ different techniques to reduce stellar light — if they can be upgraded. Breakthrough’s new agreement means it will pay a large portion for those necessary upgrades.
Furthermore, the new agreement lays a precursor framework for a future collaboration with ESO’s upcoming Extremely Large Telescope — which Breakthrough may be interested in using for studying exoplanets are greater distances.
The new partnership means those upgrades should be completed within the next few years, and the telescope will allocate search time to the Alpha Centauri region in 2019. In two years’ time, we may have some answers about whether there are potentially habitable worlds we’ll be traveling to one day.
On Monday, an asteroid zoomed past the Earth, coming closer to our home planet than the moon orbits around it. The asteroid, which was about the size of a 10-story building, didn’t hit the Earth — which is a pretty good thing since astronomers didn’t even know it existed until Saturday — just two days earlier.
The asteroid, 2017 AG13, is between 36 and 111 feet long. It flew by the Earth at 7:47 a.m. EST, coming within about half of the distance from the Earth to the moon (around 100,000 miles) at its nearest point. The asteroid was traveling pretty fast too, zipping through the solar system at a spritely 9.9 miles per second.
The University of Arizona’s Catalina Sky Survey only discovered 2017 AG13 on Saturday. This asteroid travels around the sun in an elliptical orbit, according to scientists, and on this pass, it crossed the orbits of both Earth and Venus. Experts could be forgiven for not spotting this one until the last minute, though. there are millions of asteroids out there, and we only have tabs on a few thousand of them — luckily, we’re tracking the biggest, most apocalyptic ones, and they’re not about to hit us. (Or at least we hope we’re tracking all of them).
Had 2017 AG13 hit Earth, we would’ve been fine. As Business Insider notes, Purdue University’s Impact Earth simulator predicts that an asteroid even on the larger side of 2017 AG13’s range would’ve exploded about ten miles above the surface, assuming it entered the atmosphere at a 45-degree angle. That would’ve released about 700 kilotons of energy, but at that height, all folks on the ground would have to deal with would be a loud, harmless boom.
Amateurarcheologen stuiten op ‘Siciliaans Stonehenge’
Amateurarcheologen stuiten op ‘Siciliaans Stonehenge’
Een groep vrienden is op Sicilië op een vreemde verzameling stenen gestuit, die het ‘Siciliaanse Stonehenge’ is gedoopt.
Experts hebben ontdekt dat het gaat om een prehistorische zonnewijzer die dateert uit de bronstijd.
“Het doen van een archeologische ontdekking is op zichzelf al een belangrijke gebeurtenis, maar deel uitmaken van één van de meest sensationele vondsten in jaren vult me met trots,” zei Giuseppe La Spina, één van de groepsleden.
La Spina en zijn collega’s troffen de stenen aan terwijl ze bunkers uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog aan het onderzoeken waren.
De Italiaanse professor Alberto Scuderi, die regionale archeologische groepen aanstuurt, stelde voor om experts naar de stenen te laten kijken.
De professor, die gespecialiseerd is in archeoastronomie, heeft de vondst drie maanden bestudeerd. Hij legde zijn bevindingen voor aan het archeologisch museum van de stad Gela.
Op 21 december, de winterzonnewende, bevestigden deskundigen dat de zonnewijzer gebruikt werd om de seizoenen en zonnewendes te bepalen.
Experts maakten gebruik van camera’s, een kompas en een drone met een camera om uit te vogelen hoe de zonnewijzer precies werkte.
Het ‘Siciliaanse Stonehenge’ dateert uit 6000 tot 3000 voor Christus en bevindt zich vlak bij de prehistorische necropolen van Grotticelle, Ponte Olivo en Dessueri.
Het spannende is volgens La Spina dat de vindplaats mogelijk nog meer archeologische schatten zal prijsgeven, die waarschijnlijk ‘nog spectaculairder zijn dan de zonnewijzer zelf’.
UFO Does 180 Degree Turn On Live GoPro Space Station Cam! Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Does 180 Degree Turn On Live GoPro Space Station Cam! Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 5, 2017
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at ISS
This amazing footage was shot from an astronauts GoPro while outside the space station this week. The GoPro was hooked up directly with the live Internet link for all to see.
How do I know this is a UFO? Watch and see how this does a perfect 180 degree turn in the sharpest possible way that even an F16 could not match. It knew that it was coming to close and might come into view, so it did a quick U turn by doing a upside-down 180 and returned to where it came from. No meteor or lost tools could do a 180 degree turn and accelerate while doing it!
Awesome live International Cam Footage caught by Youtuber Just Gaz...please click this link and give him the thumbs up for support. Excellent evidence that the space station is not only being visited, but is under 24/7 watchful eyes of well as UFO researchers.
UFO Lights Up Sky Over Willis, Texas On Jan 11, 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Lights Up Sky Over Willis, Texas On Jan 11, 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 11, 2017 Location of sighting: Willis, Texas, USA Source: MUFON #81488 This UFO looks really high up and is below the clouds cover. The UFOs that the person described are the same as the Denver, Colorado descriptions of UFO reports and the same as we saw in the many video of the Dome of Rock in the old city of Jerusalem. The the UFO left straight up, was exactly the same as the Dome of Rock UFO back in 2011. I will include a video of the event below. Some CIA operatives have tried to spread rumors that the Dome of Rock was faked...don't believe it. I will bet my life on it. Thats how confident I am about it. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states:
Backyard, laying on lawn chair listening to wind in the trees, watching shadows race across the moon, lights appeared out of nowhere, bright almost lumescent. Object moved back and forth over mile radius in literally 2 seconds flat, then descended instantly, out of sight, reappeared 3 seconds later, then ascended straight up into sky and was gone. So fast.
Ovnis, rencontres paranormales... 40 ans de phénomènes inexpliqués en Occitanie
Ovnis, rencontres paranormales... 40 ans de phénomènes inexpliqués en Occitanie
La Dépêche du Midi
Depuis 1977, le Groupe d'études et d'informations sur les phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés (Geipan) du Cnes (Centre national d'études spatiales), basé à Toulouse, enquête sur les témoignages de phénomènes étranges dans le ciel qui lui sont envoyés de toute la France.
Carte des cas inexpliqués, histoires les plus mystérieuses, témoignages d'enlèvements, hauts-lieux de l'ufologie et canulars... À l'approche des 40 ans du Geipan et à l'occasion de la publication de ses données 2016, La Dépêche du Midivous propose un tour d'horizon des ovnis en Occitanie.
Installé dans trois petits bureaux sur l'immense campus toulousain du Centre national d'études spatiales (Cnes), le Geipan enquête sur les phénomènes spatiaux étranges observés dans toute la France. Chaque année, près de 500 témoignages sont envoyés et traités par la petite équipe d'enquêteurs affectée à cette tâche à temps plein. « Notre mission est de répondre aux gens comme vous et moi qui souhaitent avoir une explication après avoir fait une observation visuelle ou sonore insolite dans le ciel », explique Jean-Paul Aguttes, responsable de cette unité du Cnes.
Les témoignages sont directement déposés par les témoins sur le site du Geipan ou transmis par la gendarmerie, vers laquelle se tournent souvent les Français en demande de réponses. Sur les 500 témoignages recueillis chaque année, la moitié est écartée rapidement puisqu'ils ne correspondent pas aux attributions du Geipan (phénomènes paranormaux ou observations sur Terre).
Une fois ce premier écrémage effectué, l'équipe du Geipan mène une enquête approfondie sur chaque cas. Pour écarter les méprises les plus fréquentes, les équipes consultent d'abord les conditions atmosphériques, les relevés radars de l'armée ou encore les lancements d'appareils dans l'espace qui pourraient entraîner des retombées de pièces sur Terre au moment de l'observation. Si ces premières recherches n'ont pas pas permis de trouver une explication, les équipes du Geipan se déplacent sur le terrain.
Les témoins sont alors interrogés par l'un des nombreux enquêteurs bénévoles recrutés dans tous le pays selon un protocole très encadré. Les mêmes questions sont posées plusieurs fois et reformulées par l'enquêteur pour évaluer la fiabilité des témoignages. L'enquête sur le terrain permet aussi de faire des relevés et de prendre des photos. Dans certains cas, comme pour une investigation criminelle, des reconstitutions sont même organisées sur les lieux.
Si le phénomène ne peut toujours pas être expliqué, le Geipan réunit un collège d'experts constitué de spécialistes en sciences humaines, astronomie, météorologie, plasma, rayonnements ou aéronautique pour mobiliser toutes les connaissances actuelles qui pourraient lever une part du mystère.
10 % des cas non élucidés
Globalement, la plupart des cas sont rapidement expliqués, mais 10% d'entre eux ne sont pas élucidés. « Certains cas ne peuvent être éclaircis faute d'indices. D'autres seront peut-être élucidés grâce à de futures recherches scientifiques », espère Jean-Paul Aguttes. « Il nous arrive de temps en temps de rouvrir des cas anciens et de pouvoir les expliquer grâce à de nouvelles découvertes. C'est notamment le cas des avancées sur les éclairs en boule, qui peuvent entrer par les cheminées comme dans Tintin et les 7 boules de cristal, et qui nous ont permis de classer plusieurs dossiers anciens ».
Et l'hypothèse extraterrestre ? Jean-Paul Aguttes reste prudent, sans fermer tout à fait la porte aux petits hommes verts. « Nous devons rester ouverts sur ces sujets. C'est quelque chose qui fait partie des hypothèses, mais parmi beaucoup d'autres et avec une vraisemblance très faible ».
En raison de la prudence du Geipan sur ces questions et de son lien avec le Cnes, organisme public, beaucoup d'ufologues, nom donné aux passionnés d'ovnis, mettent en doute la crédibilité du groupe d'études et dénoncent « un écran de fumée » ou « une coquille vide » qui ne viserait qu'à « cacher la vérité à la population »...
Julie Guérineau
Chaque année, le Geipan enquête sur près de 250 témoignages de phénomènes insolites observés dans le ciel de France. L'ensemble des documents qui s'y rapportent sont rendus publics sur le site Internet du Geipan après avoir été étudiés, classés et anonymisés. La classification des cas s'effectue en quatre catégories, la catégorie D recouvrant les 9% de « phénomènes spatiaux non identifiés »*.
Au 15 décembre dernier, 174 cas observés en ex-région Midi-Pyrénées étaient recensés sur le site du Geipan et 138 en ex-région Languedoc-Roussillon. Sur ces 312 cas déclarés en région Occitanie, 32 restent toujours non identifiés. Avec la carte compilée par La Dépêche du Midi, découvrez les phénomènes insolites qui restent aujourd'hui encore sans réponse dans notre région.
Mathilde Pujol, Anne-Charlotte Mariette et Julie Guérineau
Réalisation :
*Dans un document publié le 14 décembre dernier, le Geipan précise que le nombre de cas classés D est en forte baisse depuis dix ans : « Il est passé de 6,8 cas classés D par an en moyenne entre 1975 et 2004, à 2,5 cas D par an en moyenne depuis 2005 » grâce, entre autres, à des enquêtes plus approfondies.
Les cas les plus étranges recensés dans la région
Des extraterrestres./SIPA
L'un des cas les plus étranges recensé dans la région remonte au 12 décembre 1987. C'est une journée pluvieuse. Dans la matinée, vers 10 h 45, Maurice*, comme il a l'habitude de le faire, se rend près de l'usine de raffinage de l'uranium, dans une vieille maison en ruines pour ramasser du bois. Alors qu'il rentre toujours directement dans la vieille bâtisse, il décide ce jour-là de continuer sur le petit sentier qui longe l'usine pour se protéger de la pluie. C'est à ce moment-là qu'il fait la rencontre de six êtres étranges, « petits de taille, de type asiatique et au teint terreux », selon les dires de l'homme. Ils s'abritaient de la pluie sous les buissons.
Maurice pense dans un premier temps que ce sont des joggeurs qui attendent que l'ondée soit passée. Intrigué par ces petites personnes qu'il n'avait jamais vues auparavant, il tente timidement de lancer la conversation. « Vous êtes du coin ? », questionne-t-il. Une femme lui répond d'une petite voix nasillarde « Planète Earth »...
Quelques secondes s'écoulent, lorsque cette même femme s'agenouille et commence à dessiner sur le sol : le signe « ciel » et l'autre « démon ». En continuant de converser avec eux, Maurice en apprend beaucoup sur leur mode de vie, notamment qu'ils « viennent d'une autre planète », sans toutefois savoir laquelle. Ils vivent très vieux, et de nombreux humains les ont déjà suivis sur leur planète. C'est d'ailleurs la raison pour laquelle ils connaissent notre langage. Pour se déplacer, ils utilisent des engins qui ressemblent à des scooters des neiges, sans moteur, sans roue, de couleur très claire.
La conversation prend brusquement fin lorsqu'un septième personnage sort de derrière les fourrés, visiblement en colère. Les sept petits êtres enfourchent alors leurs « motos », qui s'élèvent lentement dans les airs et disparaissent rapidement. Maurice, quant à lui, perd connaissance quelques secondes, du fait de l'onde qui s'est propagée à leur envol. Il a parlé de cette histoire à sa femme et ses enfants une semaine plus tard, un peu sonné par la rencontre insolite qu'il avait vécue.
Après avoir été auditionné par la gendarmerie, le cas étrange de Maurice a été classé D par le Geipan, c'est-à-dire en tant que phénomène non identifié, parmi les cas les plus rares recensés par le centre d'études. Il a été modifié quelques temps plus tard et passé en classe C, faute de preuves et d'informations fiables. Il s'avère en effet que la gendarmerie ne trouvera pas de traces de vaisseau au sol comme le leur avait indiqué le témoin, en plus d'un récit douteux : la planète d'origine des extraterrestres n'était qu'une traduction en anglais du mot « Terre », ils parlaient en français, en plus de nombreuses incohérences dans son discours. Alors, simple hallucination, ou réelle rencontre du 3ème type ? Le mystère ne sera probablement jamais résolu...
Extrait de l'article de l'Indépendant du 28/12/1987. Source : GEIPAN.
*le prénom a été modifié
Anne-Charlotte Mariette
Source : GEIPAN
Quel était cet étrange objet qu'a observé Marie* dans la nuit du mercredi 26 au jeudi 27 septembre 2001 ? Un ovni, un avion ou un simple phénomène météorologique ? En tout cas, Marie est certaine de ce qu'elle a vu cette nuit-là. « J'ai vu une forme triangulaire, bien découpée dans le ciel, de forme bombée, avec une source de lumière phosphorescente qui ne clignotait pas, à chaque extrémité. La forme triangulaire était assez sombre. Je n'ai pas pu en déterminer une couleur. Cette forme se trouvait à environ 600-700 mètres d'altitude. Selon moi, cet objet devait avoir une grandeur que j'évalue à plus de 5 fois la superficie d'un Boeing ». Ainsi, pendant environ 10 secondes, Marie a pu observer cet ovni, qui ne faisait aucun bruit, ne laissait aucune trace derrière lui. « Sa trajectoire était directe et d'une vitesse d'environ 2 à 3 fois plus rapide qu'un avion ».
«Je l'ai vu cet objet, je suis sûre de moi»
Cependant, Marie est le seule témoin de ce phénomène étrange, les gendarmes n'ayant recueilli aucun autre témoignage. De plus, le contrôle aérien de l'aéroport n'a rien signalé d'anormal cette nuit-là. Alors, était-ce juste une hallucination ? Un rêve éveillé ? « Non, pas du tout, j'étais parfaitement éveillée et j'ai même noté l'heure très précisément : deux heures et huit minutes », justifie Marie. « Je ne bois pas, ne fume pas, je pense être parfaitement équilibrée et je l'ai vu cet objet, je suis sûre de moi », affirme-t-elle.
Ce qui pourrait mettre sur une piste, c'est la forme triangulaire de cet objet, identique à la voilure de l'avion américain B2, qui aurait très bien pu voler discrètement jusqu'à cette base « ultra secrète » de la DGSE (Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure) qui se trouve non loin de là, au milieu d'un marais. Mais non, Marie est certaine de ce qu'elle a vu. « Non, ça n'était pas un avion, cela avait quelque chose de bizarre qui ne ressemblait à rien de ce que l'on voit couramment en matière aéronautique », assure-t-elle. Le lendemain matin, elle explique à son frère et à sa mère ce qu'elle a observé, et dès le vendredi, elle contacte un journal local pour faire part publiquement de son étrange observation, dans l'espoir de rencontrer quelqu'un qui aurait vu la même chose qu'elle cette nuit-là. « Cela me rassurerait de savoir que je n'ai pas été la seule », avait-elle confié au journaliste. « J'ai été témoin de phénomènes d'observation dans le ciel et d'autre nature que je ne souhaite pas préciser. Ces observations ont été effectuées au cours de ces dix dernières années dans la région. Concernant ces autres observations, j'en avais fait part à mon entourage, mais je n'avais encore jamais contacté les médias ou signalé cela à la gendarmerie ».
Aucune explication n'a pu être donnée par le Geipan, le cas a donc été classé D. Et 16 ans après, l'énigme reste entière ...
Extrait de l'article paru le 29 septembre 2001. Source : GEIPAN.
*le prénom a été modifié
Anne-Charlotte Mariette
Dans la nuit du 27 au 28 juin 1998, Romain*, 20 ans, a vécu une bien étrange expérience. Vers 1 heure du matin, alors qu'il rentrait chez lui en voiture, son véhicule tombe en panne sèche. Il tente de repérer d'où vient le problème mais s'interrompt lorsqu'il aperçoit une lumière verte pâle, non loin de lui. Le jeune homme arrive face à l'objet. Il ne peut ni avancer ni faire demi-tour. « J'étais comme paralysé des jambes », expliquera-t-il aux gendarmes. Il a alors le temps d'observer attentivement ce qui se trouve face à lui : un objet en forme de cône, de dix mètres de long et deux de haut, qui flotte dans les airs à quelques centimètres du sol. « Je ne pensais à rien, je regardais juste cet objet », se souvient Romain.
« Devant moi, un être d'à peu près un mètre cinquante de haut se dirigeait vers l'intérieur de l'objet qui était ouvert. Une sorte de passerelle était sortie ». A l'intérieur de cet objet, il voit trois sièges, dont deux occupés. Celui qui s'apprête à s'engager sur la passerelle lui fait un signe de la main. Romain a le temps de noter qu'il ne possède que quatre doigts, dont un plus long que les autres. « Il avait deux bras, deux jambes, une tête un peu ovale. Tout son corps était blanc. La tête aussi, sans cheveux. Il mesurait un mètre cinquante à peu près. On aurait dit qu'il portait un vêtement mais il n'avait pas d'encolure, pas de poignet ».
Les dessins réalisés par Romain. Source : GEIPAN
Lorsque l'être est monté dans l'objet conique, la porte s'est refermée, les lumières se sont éteintes et « il est parti en 5 secondes ». Quand Romain arrive enfin à bouger et à remonter dans sa voiture (qui n'est plus en panne), il prend conscience de la rencontre du troisième type qu'il vient de faire. « Je tremblais tellement que je ne suis pas parti de suite. Une fois mon calme revenu, je suis reparti à bord de mon véhicule ». Le dimanche matin, lendemain de sa rencontre extraordinaire, Romain se rend compte qu'il a un trou de mémoire, il ne se souvenait plus de ce qu'il avait fait entre 21 heures et 1 heure du matin. Mais sa rencontre avec les extraterrestres, il s'en souvient parfaitement. Après avoir étudié son cas, le Geipan ne parviendra pas à donner une explication rationnelle à cette rencontre, et le classera D, parmi les cas inexplicables.
Samedi 25 mai 2013. Dans un quartier pavillonnaire de Colomiers, en banlieue toulousaine, Gérard, 53 ans, salarié dans une société d'aéronautique, profite de la douceur de la soirée pour préparer un barbecue sur sa terrasse. Les saucisses grillent tranquillement quand sa femme l'interpelle en ramassant le linge dans le jardin : « Tiens, y'a tes copains là-haut ! ». Aucun invité n'est attendu ce soir-là, et pour cause, les invités surprises viennent d'ailleurs.
« J'y suis allé et j'ai vu trois boules orangées alignées plus grosses que des étoiles », se souvient Gilles. « L'une était au-dessus de la cheminée et les deux autres au-dessus des arbres. Il n'y avait aucun bruit ». Tout en gardant un œil sur ses saucisses, Gérard observe le phénomène lumineux pendant une dizaine de minutes avant que les boules ne descendent une par une sous la ligne d'horizon. « Ma femme n'était pas plus impressionnée que ça, et mon fils a regardé un peu avant de partir ».
Le lendemain, Gilles a déjà tout oublié quand sa femme vient lui dire que le phénomène a réapparu à la même heure, au même endroit. Le surlendemain, rebelote. Cette fois, certaines des boules se déplacent à une vitesse fulgurante avant de disparaître. Mais surtout, le Columérin pense à aller chercher sa paire de jumelles pour observer le phénomène de plus près. Avec son fils, il voit devant la sphère lumineuse une barre horizontale parcourue de flashs colorés qui se déclenchent les uns après les autres. « C'était comme dans Rencontres du troisième type », décrit-il. Là où d'autres auraient commencé à s'inquiéter, Gilles reste très calme, mais à aucun moment il ne pense à prendre de photos.
Depuis trois ans, les boules lumineuses n'ont plus réapparu. « Je m'intéresse un peu aux ovnis depuis que je suis enfant. J'ai tout de suite su que c'en était un », assure Gilles. Signalé au Geipan, le cas n'a toujours pas été expliqué malgré plusieurs visites d'enquêteurs. « Vu la vitesse, ça ne peut pas être de chez nous. À moins que ce soit un projet de la CIA, mais je vois mal ce qu'ils viendraient faire là... », s'interroge Gilles. Celui qui n'aime pas être décrit comme un fanatique d'ovnis formule une autre hypothèse : « Ça pourrait aussi venir de la Terre. Vu la vitesse à laquelle la technologie évolue, pourquoi cela ne pourrait pas être des Terriens qui ont trouvé un moyen de revenir dans le passé ? ».
Julie Guérineau
Lanternes cosmiques
Des lanternes thaïlandaises./SIPA
C'est une belle nuit d'été. Dans le ciel, la Voie Lactée scintille et quelques étoiles filantes traversent l'horizon. Au loin, la musique d'un mariage résonne dans les rues du village. Quand soudain, venues de nulle part, des boules orangées scintillantes apparaissent sur la voûte étoilée. Pendant une dizaine de minutes, les objets se déplacent lentement en escadron avant de disparaître au loin dans une accélération fulgurante. Pour certains, ces boules lumineuses font partie d'un seul et même vaisseau amiral extraterrestre dont les signaux lumineux marquent les contours.
Vidéo : GEIPAN
Depuis 2007, le Geipan reçoit très régulièrement des signalements de ce type, à tel point qu'il a mis en ligne sur son site Internet un guide pour apprendre à identifier ce phénomène pas si étrange. Malheureusement pour les ufologues, dans une grande majorité de cas, ces boules lumineuses n'annoncent pas un contact prochain avec une population extraterrestre, mais plutôt un lâcher de lanternes thaïlandaises.
Depuis quelques années, ces lampions de papier qui s'envolent grâce à la chaleur d'un petit brûleur sont de toutes les fêtes. Tous les ans, le principal fournisseur en vend près de 60 000 en France. Ces lanternes sont aujourd'hui parmi les méprises les plus fréquentes signalées au Geipan et représentent plus de 300 signalements traités par le service du Cnes, sans compter les innombrable cas qui ne leurs sont pas déclarés, comme à Albi l'an dernier.
Généralement lâchés par dizaines, les lampions s'envolent ensemble puis se déplacent dans le ciel, poussés par des vents d'altitude que l'on ne perçoit pas au sol. L'extinction progressive de la flamme donne l'impression que la lumière s'éloigne à une vitesse supersonique. Quant à ceux qui ont l'impression de percevoir un gigantesque vaisseau, il ne s'agit que d'une manipulation de leur cerveau. « Comme pour les constellations, le cerveau relie naturellement les points lumineux entre eux et imagine une forme pleine. C'est une illusion très courante », explique Jean-Paul Aguttes, responsable du Geipan.
Pour savoir si vous avez affaire à des lanternes thaï ou à un phénomène plus inexplicable, suivez ces quelques conseils :
- Observez le phénomène aux jumelles pour voir si vous distinguez la structure du lampion. - Renseignez-vous pour savoir si un lâcher de lanternes n'a pas été organisé dans le cadre d'un mariage ou d'une fête locale. - Vérifiez le sens du vent dans votre commune sur un site de météo pour le comparer au sens de déplacement des objets que vous observez. Attention, certains vents soufflent en altitude mais sont imperceptibles au sol. Enfin, sachez que les lâchers sont plus fréquents dans la nuit du vendredi au samedi et du samedi au dimanche. Si vous avez toujours un doute, contactez le Geipan ou la gendarmerie pour leur faire part de votre observation.
Les méprises les plus fréquentes
Rentrées atmosphériques, ballons sondes, reflets dans une vitre, chute d'éléments de fusées... Si les lanternes thaïlandaises sont actuellement les méprises les plus fréquentes, d'autres erreurs d'interprétation sont régulièrement recensées par le Geipan.
Selon Jean-Paul Aguttes, responsable de ce groupe d'études, les phénomènes aéronautiques (avions, ballons, lanternes, drones, etc.) expliquent de 40 à 50 % des cas étudiés. D'autres cas sont fréquemment expliqués par des phénomènes astronomiques (étoiles, planètes) ou météorologiques.
Dans son bureau, Mary-Pierre Desvignes, documentaliste pour le Geipan, a confectionné un « mur des émotions » sur lequel elle a affiché les photos et croquis fournis par les témoins de phénomènes étranges. Ses souvenirs les plus amusants ? « Un jour, une famille affolée a vu voler au fond de son jardin une gigantesque araignée. Le lendemain, les gendarmes ont retrouvé un gigantesque ballon en forme de coccinelle dans les buissons », sourit-elle. « Une autre fois, c'est une habitante de Marseille qui découvre une étrange soucoupe volante sur une photo de sa ville sous la neige. Il s'est avéré que l'ovni en question n'était que le reflet de l'abat-jour de sa cuisine dans la baie vitrée... »
« J'ai subi quatre abductions depuis mon enfance. Mais je ne m’en suis rendue compte qu’en 2007. Je ne savais pas que ça existait ». À l’étage du Flunch de Jean-Jaurès en partie privatisé pour l’occasion, une soixantaine de passionnés d’ovnis écoute attentivement le témoignage troublant de l’intervenante du jour : Myriame Belmyr, présidente de l’association tarnaise Cero-France qui vient en aide aux victimes d’enlèvements extraterrestres.
Dans la salle tout juste débarrassée des plateaux-repas, des hauts-parleurs diffusent les derniers tubes à la mode, ce qui ne semble pas troubler la concentration des ufologues. Tous les deuxièmes mercredis du mois depuis près de 12 ans, les passionnés d’ovnis du département participent en nombre à ce repas ufologiquemis en place par la mystérieuse Isaure. « Les gens viennent parce qu’ils ont un réel intérêt pour le phénomène extraterrestre ou parce qu’ils ont vu ou vécu des choses et que ça les rassure d’être dans un groupe qui ne les juge pas », explique-t-elle.
Convaincue de l’existence des ovnis depuis sa plus tendre enfance, Isaure a créé ces repas ufologiques par curiosité après avoir découvert leur existence dans d’autres départements. « Je suis passionnée par ça depuis toute petite. Ma mère et ma marraine ont vu des ovnis au Maroc avant ma naissance et pour moi ça a toujours été quelque chose de naturel », raconte l'artiste. Isaure regrette de ne jamais avoir vu d'ovnis elle-même, mais se souvient d'avoir « vu des lumières roses dans la nuit. Je n'en fais pas toute une affaire, c'est un phénomène qui m'amuse et qui joue avec moi régulièrement ».
Aujourd’hui, un petit noyau dur d’une quarantaine de personne ne raterait les repas ufologiques mensuels pour rien au monde. « Je ne parle pas d’ovnis à mon entourage. Ici, je peux avoir des discussions profondes sans crainte d’être pris pour un fou », explique Marc*, un habitué depuis plus de dix ans.
Les repas ufologiques au Flunch de Jean Jaurès à Toulouse (Isaure au centre). Photo DDM, Michel Viala.
Ouvriers, étudiants, scientifiques...
Pour Pascal, Florence, Florian et Audrey, oncle, tante et cousins, c'est une grande première. A l'été 2015 d'abord puis l'été dernier, les membres de cette famille ont observé en pleine nuit des phénomènes lumineux sur les coteaux de Muret. « On est très ouverts dans la famille, donc ça ne nous a pas plus choqués que ça. Alors on vient ici par curiosité, pour en savoir plus, écouter ce que les autres ont à dire », explique Audrey, une jeune psychologue.
Seuls, en couple, entre amis, en famille, hommes et femmes de tous âges : à l'étage du Flunch ce soir-là, le public est très varié. « Ce qui est formidable, c’est que les participants représentent un échantillon très représentatif de la société : étudiants, retraités, cadres, enseignants, scientifiques, ouvriers... », explique Isaure, regardant avec fierté l’assistance qui écoute la suite du témoignage de Myriame Belmyr. La conférencière évoque comment, depuis sa plus tendre enfance, des Visiteurs ont régulièrement mené sur elle des examens médicaux poussés et des prélèvements.
« La déontologie des repas veut qu'on laisse parler sans interrompre, même si on n'est pas d'accord », précise Isaure. Les conférences des intervenants sont immanquablement suivies d'un échange avec les participants. Ce jour-là, l'intervention de Myriame Belmyr suscitera de nombreuses questions, toutes très documentées et très précises.
« Evidemment, parfois, on rencontre des farfelus qui disent être des élus après avoir vécu une expérience bouleversante avec des ovnis », reconnaît Isaure. « C'est vrai que ce genre d'expérience peut les faire se sentir spéciaux, mais je les oriente vers des gens qui ont vécu les mêmes choses pour les inciter à relativiser et revenir sur Terre».
But now, after a two-day investigation, one UFO hoax buster claims it is just a regular plane.
The UFO was filmed flying over the ocean for around nine minutes.
The video has just been made public by the Chilean Navy after being probed by the the Committee for Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena (CEFAA), a government body which investigates UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) under the control of the Chilean Air Force.
The amazing video shows a dark, disc-shaped object flying above the sea, which “in two instances discharged some type of gas or liquid with a high thermal track or signal,” according to a naval technicians who filmed it.
At about eight minutes in, there appears to be an ejection of a plume of material, which then trails behinds the UFO, before another one happened.
The footage was caught on camera by the technician and a naval captain who were pilots in a helicopter over the ocean off Chile, and despite the extensive inquiry, no expert was able to explain it away.
CEFAA General Ricardo Bermudez said: "We do not know what it was, but we do know what it was not.”
But, now Mick West, an administrator for the website, based in Sacramento, California, claims to have solved the case.
In an extensive article on the website, he pointed to evidence suggesting it was just a plane leaving aerodynamic contrails.
Using online flight records, he even tracked down two likely flights which were in the area at the time.
These were LATAM airlines flight 330 from Santiago to La Serena, also in Chile and Iberia Flight 6830 from Santiago to Madrid in Spain.
This UFO baffled UFO investigators for two yeras but the cse may now have been solved.
Mr West wrote: "This looks like a plane, flying away from the camera considerably higher than the helicopter (somewhere around 15,000 to 25,000 feet), that briefly creates an aerodynamic contrail.
"Based on analysis by @Trailblazer, @Trailspotter, myself, and others, there are likely TWO planes involved IB6830 and LA330.
"The plane that initially seems to fit best is LA330, a two engined A320, which was reported to be climbing through 20,000 feet at that exact visual position at 14:01:39.
"It was actually 65 miles away, not 35-50.
"This explains why it was not seen on radar - the actual plane was on radar, just not where they thought it was.
"The second plane is IB6830 which left earlier, and was climbing out more to the south, nearer to the helicopter.
This looks like a plane, flying away from the camera considerably higher than the helicopter (somewhere around 15,000 to 25,000 feet), that briefly creates an aerodynamic contrail.
Mick West
"At the time this was spotted the plane was actually around 35 miles away.
"However it would very quickly get further away."
The video was also looked at by, a French-based UFO investigation group, which identifies hoaxes and misidentifications.
In a report, the group concluded: "The object observed in the video was most probably a medium-haul twin jet airliner in a landing phase, flying ahead of the helicopter at a higher velocity, with a low altitude and a low velocity, in view of landing."
The video had baffled number of experts.
Nigel Watson, a UK-based UFO investigator, who wrote The UFO Investigations Manual, told on Friday: "This is a very unusual object and it is noteworthy that South America is a hotbed for UFO activity.
"This is certainly a UFO that is hard to explain."
The two witnesses had been convinced it was not a plane.
The video was filmed on November 11, 2014, from an Airbus Cougar AS-532 helicopter which was west of Santiago flying northwards at 4,500 feet and 152 mph.
A Naval technician was filming, when at 1.52 pm (local time) he spotted the UFO at about 40 miles away and zoomed in on it with infra-red.
Has solved the case of the Chilean UFO?
Radar on board the helicopter could not detect the object.
The pair then made contact with radar operators at two stations, but neither could pick up the object, although they tracked the chopper they were flying in easily.
Enquiries with air traffic controllers found no recorded traffic in the area, and no aircraft were authorised to be where the UFO was seen, it was said.
The CEFAA held eight meetings of experts to analyse the footage.
Mr Bermudez said: "This has been one of the most important cases in my career as director of CEFAA because our committee was at its best.
"I am extremely pleased as well with the conclusion reached which is logical and unpretentious.
“The great majority of committee members agreed to call the subject in question a UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) due to the number of highly researched reasons that it was unanimously agreed could not explain it.”
The CEFAA was created on October 3, 1997, by order of General Gonzalo Miranda, the General Director of Civil Aeronautics after several UFO sightings in March and April of that year.
A bizarre shadow cast on the disk of dust and gas surrounding the young star TW Hydrae is likely evidence of an unseen exoplanet orbiting within the disk, astronomers report in a new study.
The research team noticed the shadow after analyzing 18 years' worth of observations of TW Hydrae, which is about 8 million years old and lies 192 light-years from Earth, in the constellation Hydra. The images, taken by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, showed that the shadow rotates around the 41-billion-mile-wide (66 billion kilometers) disk once every 16 years. [The Hubble Space Telescope: A 25th Anniversary Photo Celebration]
"This is the very first disk where we have so many images over such a long period of time, therefore allowing us to see this interesting effect," study lead author John Debes, of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, said in a statement. "That gives us hope that this shadow phenomenon may be fairly common in young stellar systems."
An unseen exoplanet is the best explanation for the shadow, Debes and his colleagues said. If they're right, the alien world itself isn't casting the shadow; rather, the planet's gravity has twisted and tilted the inner portion of the dust-and-gas disk, blocking starlight headed toward the outer reaches.
This diagram reveals the proposed structure of a gas-and-dust disk surrounding the nearby young star TW Hydrae
(NASA, ESA and A. Feild (STScl))
The team's calculations suggest that the planet lies about 100 million miles (160 million km) from TW Hydrae — about the distance from Earth to the sun. That's way too close to the star for Hubble or any other telescope now in operation to photograph it directly. (Planets that orbit so tightly are drowned out by their parent stars' overwhelming glare.)
The putative planet must be about five times more massive than Jupiter to sculpt the inner disk in this manner, the researchers added.
The results — which Debes presented Saturday (Jan. 7) at the 229th meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Grapevine, Texas — map out a promising new way to hunt for infant planets in the inner portions of the disks surrounding young stars, study team members said.
"What is surprising is that we can learn something about an unseen part of the disk by studying the disk's outer region and by measuring the motion, location and behavior of a shadow," Debes said. "This study shows us that even these large disks, whose inner regions are unobservable, are still dynamic, or changing in detectable ways which we didn't imagine."
The Mutual UFO Network's 'Stalker' map shows an incredible trend in sightings since 2007 along the Katy Freeway corridor, heading east into downtown Houston.
See the top nine places to see a UFO in Houston below...
PHOTOS: UFO sightings in Texas
The MUFON UFO stalker map shows a great trend in sightings along the Katy Freeway. (MUFON)
If you're viewing on our ABC13 news app, tap on the photo above to see more images.
Film clips from the early 60's show saucers, rockets and jet cars
But just like these unidentified flying objects themselves, things aren't always as they appear, says Texas MUFON Section 6 director and UFO field investigator Charles Stansburge.
"There are a lot of sightings in and around the Houston area," Stansburge said, adding, "And there are some along the I-10 Corridor, but there are a lot that aren't reported."
The investigator, who lives in Rosenberg, said for every two or three sightings that are reported, there are a great number that aren't.
This photo was taken by Alfonso Servin on Friday, Feb. 20, 2015. He said he is convinced it is a UFO.
Right now, Texas MUFON gets about 53 or 54 sightings per month, but he said if everyone who saw something said something, the number would probably reach into the thousands.
"You may have a big flag of UFOs all of a sudden, and then you might have one or two over four or five months," he said. "But these things are happening multiple times a day."
Top 9 places to see UFOs in Houston While Stansburge didn't have any ideas as to why there were so many sightings of UFO along I-10, he has some ideas.
"Most sightings happen where it is pretty dark, where you can't see a lot of light specters around, city lights and such," Stansburge said. "But sightings could be anywhere."
If you're viewing on our ABC13 news app, tap on the photo above to see more images.
What to do if you see a UFO in Houston Stansburge said if you really want to see a UAV, your first step is to look up.
"A lot of people never see one, and then they come to the meetings we have and say they saw something," he said. "It really depends on what you do, but the main thing is you have to look around, actually look at the sky, or you're not going to see anything."
Next, he encourages you to submit a report if you do see something, even if you're not convinced these things exist.
"A lot of people, when they send a case to MUFON, say, 'I still am skeptical, but it was awesome to see something like that, I don't know if it's real,'" Stansburge said.
Photo: Eddy Hartenstein, McClatchy-Tribune News Service
A UFO is spotted over Seguin, Texas.
A woman in Seguin took this photo at 7:30 a.m. Sept. 23, 2015, and submitted it to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). She said she noticed a star to the east, which changed shape and flattened out to this disk shape.
This image made during a Houston thunderstorm Aug. 11, 2014, shows what some people say could be a UFO.
Photo: NDN
Website UFO Stalker offers a reporting platform for people who've seen UFOs in their neighborhood. For Houston, the Katy Freeway east of downtown, the Galleria area, downtown, Bellaire and among others are the highest reported locations for the city.
Continue clicking to see recent UFO sightings throughout Texas.
UFO enthusiasts have a website to congregate with each other to report the "alien spacecraft" that they see in their area.
Website UFO Stalker offers spacecraft spotters a place to report their sightings, which are then displayed on an interactive map that shows what type of craft was seen, where and what time of day.
The map, which uses Google Maps interface, covers the entire world and users are able to zoom in and out of different cities. For Houston, there are distinct hotspots throughout the metropolitan area.
The densest locations clearly lie in Katy near the Grand Parkway, downtown Houston, the Sugar Land area, Willowbrook area, near Space Center Houston off of I-45, Humble (near Bush Airport) and Pasadena.
You would think that sightings near Bush Airport would be written off as an airplane, yet there is a large concentration of reports right by the large airport.
Photo: UFO Stalker
Shockingly, Houstonians keep seeing "UFOs" near and around Houston's busy airports, like the George Bush Intercontinental Airport.
The postings detail what day the event occurred, the location, a summary of the sighting and the object that was seen. Spotters can choose from several categories for their report, including "alien encounter," "black triangle sighting" and a "UFO sighting." The UFO sightings are the most common in the Houston area, though there are several black triangle sightings.
Users are also able to upload photos and videos of their encounter to use as additional evidence to their experience. To see some of the recent UFO sightings in Texas, click through the gallery above.
And if you're wondering why you've never seen a UFO yourself, there's a simple way to increase your chances - just look up to the sky, especially if you're near an airport.
Amper twee dagen nadat wetenschappers een naderende planetoïde opmerkten, is de vliegende rots de Aarde gepasseerd aan een snelheid van 16 kilometer per seconde.
De planetoïde, die de naam 2017 AG13 kreeg, vloog op een afstand van ongeveer 190.000 kilometer voorbij onze planeet: dat is ongeveer halfweg de afstand tussen de aarde en de maan.
2017 AG13 werd zaterdag ontdekt door Catalina Sky Survey, dat gebaseerd is in de universiteit van Arizona. De rots is naar schatting tussen 11 en 34 meter groot, zeggen wetenschappers van het Minor Planet Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Ter vergelijking: de planetoïde die in februari 2013 ontplofte boven de Russische stad Chelyabinsk en daarbij meer dan 1000 mensen verwondde, had een diameter van ongeveer 20 meter.
De passage van een planetoïde die pas zo laat wordt opgemerkt, is niet uniek. Per dag worden ongeveer vijf nieuwe planetoïden ontdekt.
Miljoenen planetoïden zweven door de ruimte in nabijheid van de Aarde. Ze verschillen onderling in omvang, helderheid en de baan die ze afleggen, waardoor ze vaak moeilijk te identificeren en traceren zijn. De planetoïden kunnen variëren van enkele meters tot verschillende kilometers in doorsnede. Sommigen bestaan uit ijs, anderen uit gesteente of zelfs puur metaal.
Het goede nieuws is dat de overgrote meerderheid van de planetoïden die zware schade kunnen berokkenen als ze op de aarde zouden botsen, ontdekt zijn. Geen van hen stelt een gevaar in de nabijgelegen toekomst, zeggen wetenschappers van ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA.
Deze week maakte het Witte Huis bekend dat het in samenwerking met de NASA en het Amerikaanse ministerie van Defensie werkt aan een plan om de aarde voor te bereiden op een eventuele meteorietinslag. Hoewel een inslag beschouwd wordt als weinig waarschijnlijk, maar met een potentieel gigantische impact, werd er werk gemaakt van een uitgebreide strategie die de VS en bij uitbreiding de hele aarde moet beschermen mocht het ooit zo ver komen.
Zwarte gaten zijn erg moeilijk op te sporen: ze absorberen niet alleen licht, maar hun bestaan wordt vaak verdoezeld door stof en gassen, waardoor het voor wetenschappers moeilijk is om hun omvang in te schatten. Maar nu is een NASA-telescoop erin geslaagd om door de obstakels heen te kijken. De NuSTAR ontdekte twee gigantische zwarte gaten.
"Deze zwarte gaten bevinden zich dicht bij de Melkweg, maar tot nu toe bleven ze verborgen voor ons. Ze zijn zoals monsters die onder je bed liggen te bonken."
Ady Annuar, Durham University
NASA's ruimtetelescoop NuSTAR ziet geen zichtbaar licht, maar wel röntgenstralen, waardoor de telescoop door het stof heen kan kijken. Twee teams van wetenschappers gebruikten de NuSTAR om de sterrenstelsels IC 3639 en NGC 1448 te bestuderen. IC 3639 ligt op ongeveer 170 miljoen lichtjaren, terwijl NGC 1448, in kosmische termen, relatief dichtbij ligt: op ongeveer 38 miljoen lichtjaren.
Daarbij ontdekten ze twee bijzonder heldere gigantische zwarte gaten - met een massa die miljoenen keren groter is dan die van onze zon.
De ontdekking van deze zwarte gaten is niet nieuw, maar de omvang ervan wel. Aangezien gassen verhinderden dat de zwarte gaten volledig konden waargenomen worden, konden wetenschappers tot nu toe niet inschatten hoe groot ze precies waren.
"Deze zwarte gaten bevinden zich dicht bij de Melkweg, maar tot nu toe bleven ze verborgen voor ons. Ze zijn zoals monsters die onder je bed liggen te bonken", zegt Ady Annuar, een student van de Durham University in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, die de resultaten voorstelde op de American Astronomical Society conventie in Grapevine, Texas.
De zwarte gaten zijn "actieve sterrenstelsels": sterrenstelsels die zeer veel energie vrijgeven en erg helder zijn door de opwarming van deeltjes rondom het zwarte gat.
"Net zoals we de zon niet kunnen zien op een bewolkte dag, kunnen we niet direct zien hoe helder deze actieve sterrenstelsels echt zijn omwille van al het gas en stof nabij de kern," aldus Peter Boorman, een student van de universiteit van Southampton die de studie van IC 3639 leidde.
Nieuwe sterren
Behalve de zwarte gaten ontdekten de wetenschappers ook dat NGC 1448 een grote populatie jonge sterren telt, wat doet vermoeden dat het sterrenstelsel nieuwe sterren blijft creëren terwijl het zwarte gat sterren en andere materie opslorpt.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Mysterious spinning ice circle forms in Washington river
Mysterious spinning ice circle forms in Washingtonriver
Hikers in North Bend, Washington, were treated to an unusual natural phenomenon on Saturday morning -- a massive ice circle spinning in the Snoqualmie River.
"Calm winds this week combined with 6 mornings in a row in the low 20s made for perfect conditions to form the circles," commented KCPQ Chief Meteorologist Walter Kelley on the sight.
But unlike its cousin, the "crop circle," no alien activity is suspected in the making of this natural, albeit rare, pattern.
The thin, circular slab of ice, sometimes referred to as an ice disc, forms on the outer bends of rivers where accelerating water creates a slow rotation.
As the ice spins, it grinds against other surrounding ice, smoothing it into a circle.
Here's some footage of the hypnotizing phenomenon:
Ice discs have been most frequently observed in colder climates like Scandinavia and North America, but have also been recorded further south.
And although they're rare, when they do happen to form, they can grow to be quite massive.
In 2013, an ice circle was observed in North Dakota's Sheyenne River with a diameter measuring about 50 feet in diameter.
VIDEO: Mysterieuze draaiende ijscirkel ontdekt in Washington
VIDEO: Mysterieuze draaiende ijscirkel ontdekt in Washington
Wandelaars in Washington werden afgelopen weekend getrakteerd op een bijzonder fenomeen: een enorme ijscirkel in de Snoqualmie River. Dat meldt AOL News.
Door de zachte wind en de lage temperaturen waren de omstandigheden voor ijscirkels ideaal, aldus meteoroloog Walter Kelley van zender KCPQ.
In tegenstelling tot graancirkels kwam er in dit geval geen buitenaardse activiteit bij kijken, hoewel zo’n patroon wel zeldzaam is.
Als twee waterstromen tegen elkaar botsen ontstaan golven of draaikolken. Wanneer het erg koud is ontstaat er vervolgens een draaiende ijscirkel.
Hieronder kun je beelden zien van het hypnotiserende fenomeen:
Koud klimaat
Dergelijke schijven van ijs worden het vaakst gezien in gebieden met een koud klimaat, bijvoorbeeld in Scandinavië en Noord-Amerika, maar ze komen ook voor in Engeland.
Hoewel ze zeldzaam zijn, kunnen ze een enorme omvang bereiken als ze ontstaan.
Mijnwerkers in Siberië ontdekten in 1969 een vreemd uitziende zwarte kist op een diepte van 70 meter.
Toen de kist werd geopend bleek deze tot aan de rand gevuld met een roze/blauwe vloeistof, met daarin een mooie vrouw van rond de 30.
Soms komen de meest merkwaardige en interessante verhalen uit Rusland en de volgende is er daar één van.
Het betreft een vondst die is gedaan in een Russisch dorp, Rzhavchick Tisulskago. Ook wij moesten even nadenken waar dat ook alweer lag, maar dat bleek te zijn in de buurt van Kemerovo.
Kemerovo is een stad in Siberisch Rusland, hoofdstad van de gelijknamige oblast, gelegen bij de samenvloeiing van de rivieren Tom en Iskitim. Tot 1932 heette de stad Sjtsjeglovsk.
De stad ligt 3500 kilometer ten oosten van Moskou en heeft door haar ligging een landklimaat. De gemiddelde temperatuur varieert van -18°C (januari) tot +20°C (juli) en er is relatief weinig neerslag, zo'n 420 mm per jaar.
In het jaar 1969 toen het land nog een communistische bewind had, vond er daar een vreemde gebeurtenis plaats bij de plaatselijke kolenmijn.
De mijnwerker Karnaukhov was aan het werk op een diepte van 70 meter en ontdekte bij toeval een marmeren soort (doods)kist, die er uitzag alsof het met precisieapparatuur was gemaakt.
De baas van de mijnwerkers, Alexander Alexandrovich Masalygina, gaf opdracht om onmiddellijk daar alle werkzaamheden te staken en men bracht de kist naar de oppervlakte.
Men probeerde de kist te openen, maar dat ging niet zomaar, want er zat een soort versteende stopverf die de kist ferm gesloten hield, maar door het zonlicht begon dit weg te smelten en veranderde in een heldere vloeistof die wegstroomde, waardoor men de kist kon openen.
Iedereen schrok, want de kist was tot aan de rand gevuld met een roze/blauw kristalheldere vloeistof.
En daarin bevond zich een ongewoon mooie vrouw die eruit zal alsof ze rond de 30 was, met een fijnbesneden Europees uiterlijk en grote blauwe ogen die wijd open stonden.
Ze was bedekt met een soort bruin doek en was gekleed in een witte transparante jurk tot net boven de knie met korte mouwen die prachtig waren geborduurd met kleurige bloemen. Ze droeg geen ondergoed. Het leek alsof ze niet dood was, maar sliep.
Bij haar hoofd bevond zich een zwart rechthoekig metalen doosje, met aan één kant afgeronde hoeken. De afmetingen waren 10 bij 25 centimeter en het leek wel wat op een tegenwoordige mobiele telefoon.
De eerstvolgende 10 tot 15 uur was de kist open en kwam het hele dorp langs om dit mirakel te aanschouwen.
Echter, omdat de vondst ook was aangegeven bij de autoriteiten, kwamen deze met veel bombarie langs, inclusief brandweer, soldaten en politie. Ook zij zagen allemaal de kist met inhoud en tegen twee uur in de middag landde er een vuurrode helikopter en werd het gebied afgezet in verband met “besmettingsgevaar” en werd het publiek op afstand gehouden.
Iedereen die in de buurt van de kist was geweest of deze had aangeraakt werd in quarantaine geplaatst en het gebied werd hermetisch afgesloten.
Er wordt gezegd dat de vrouw 800 miljoen jaar geleden heeft geleefd en volgens de gangbare geschiedenisboeken is dat onmogelijk.
Als die ouderdom inderdaad klopt, dan kan zij onderdeel vormen van eerdere hoogwaardige menselijke beschavingen op aarde of zij kan natuurlijk ook van buitenaardse oorsprong zijn.
Volgens ufoloog Scott Waring hebben we hier te maken met een buitenaardse vrouw en gebruikten zij die vloeistof om in feite eeuwig jong te blijven. Hij denkt dat de Russische onderzoeker van destijds waarschijnlijk nog steeds leeft en misschien wel het geheim van de vloeistof heeft geanalyseerd en de resultaten voor zichzelf heeft gehouden.
Hieronder een tien minuten durende video in het Russisch die over dit onderwerp gaat. Wij kunnen dat niet verstaan, maar als er lezers zijn die dat wel kunnen en er komt interessante informatie in voor wat hierboven niet genoemd, dan horen wij dat graag.
Illinois UFO described as five orbs inside bright light
Illinois UFO described as five orbs inside bright light
An Illinois witness at Lake County reported watching and photographing a bright light UFO that appeared to have five smaller orbs inside of it, according to testimony in Case 81037 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
Witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness noticed a bright light in the sky at 5:30 p.m. on December 18, 2016.
“Thought it was a star or planet, but then it started flashing and then started moving more to my right,” the witness stated. “Thought it was a satellite, but thought it was too large to be one.”
The witness then used a cell phone and zoomed in on the object.
Witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
“I saw a big orb with five little orbs inside. I tried to take a video, but it was too far out there to zoom in on for a video. I kept looking at it through a zoomed picture and it kept breaking up into five smaller orbs, then three, then two, and then reassembled itself into one big orb. I then noticed an orb by it detach itself and then sporadically went left of the orb and then vanished. The object was in my sight for about two hours and then slowly vanished behind the treeline of my house.”
Cropped and enlarged witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness uploaded five images with the MUFON report, which was filed on December 18, 2016. Illinois MUFON State Section Director James Wolford investigated and closed this case as an Unknown.
“The complex structure and behavior of the object rules out natural phenomena,” Wolford stated in his report. “This was something artificial with technology that may be beyond man-made construction. My disposition for this case is Unknown – Other.”
Cropped and enlarged witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
Artists of long ago incorporate their UFO Sightings & Abductions into their paintings, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Artists of long ago incorporate their UFO Sightings & Abductions into their paintings, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Art is like the earliest forms of photography, recording the true history of mankind all the way back the those paintings on cave ceilings and walls. When an artists and a regular person stand side by side and observe a UFO sighting, many irregularities will come from their reports. The regular person will give one or two details, but the artist with his discriminating eye for beauty will describe twenty or more important details that the other person easily overlooked. So, looking at the paintings of historical artist is extremely important. I'm not saying an artist born in the 1300s or 1400s was transported to the birth of Jesus to witness and then paint it. What I am saying is that these artists had a more personal experience, one where they themselves witnessed a UFO or were abducted by aliens, and being unable to speak of it, instead they hid their experience in the painting, hoping that future generations may understand it better than his own towns people 600+ years ago who might label them as the town fool. Look in the above photo, you see something that doesn't belong there, an old man and looking upward at a UFO. He painted his personal experience into the important religious painting to preserve it forever. Many artists in the world used secret messages in their paintings. Scott C. Waring-Taiwan
Alien Drone With Face Of Alien Watching Over Quebec, Canada On Jan 10, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Alien Drone With Face Of Alien Watching Over Quebec, Canada On Jan 10, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Can you see the face watching? Above screenshot has only added light, below is normal.
Date of sighting: January 10, 2017 Location of sighting: Quebec, Canada This is a video of a UFO drone that was flying over Quebec this week. These drones hold still for long amounts of time, then suddenly darken, and light up in an entirely different location. As you can see and even the eyewitness saw, there is a very large face in the sphere at 2:07 into the video. I believe that this is because an alien is sitting on a ship or at an alien base, in a chair controlling this drone that allows them to feel, smell, even tough everything the drones comes in contact with as if it were their own body. The face is the aliens face, because the orb is like a two way window...where it could see out, and we can see in. I am not guessing at this, but gathered it from the data about such drones I learned about when studying a UFO and alien interaction case that took place in Tipoztian, Mexico back in the 1985 and 1992-3 years. The aliens described in detail these drones and even showed it to a human firsthand. Eyewitness states: Bright balls watch us on the ground, watch the video and the photos. Attention to the photos, you will see faces and others. You can take breaks to see other unexplained images.
Dark Triangle UFO Over Neighbourhood In Louisville, Kentucky Following Google Map Car, UFO Sighting News.
Dark Triangle UFO Over Neighbourhood In Louisville, Kentucky Following Google Map Car, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 2017 Location of sighting: Louisville, Kentucky, USA Source: MUFON #81433 This is a cool report, but was lacking the Google coordinates to confirm it. I luckily found the coordinates and yes, the triangle UFO is there. At the coordinates of 38° 6'23.28"N 85°51'20.04"W if you go into street view by dragging and dropping the orange person icon in this location, you will notice a dark UFO hanging over a white house. I look around the neighborhood on street view and found that the dark triangle was following the Google car for a little ways. The triangle was sometimes in front of the trees, meaning its size was only about 1 meter from corner to corner. It was probably cloaked, but the Google cameras digital eye caught it. Google has a program that blurs faces, license plates and apparently UFOs now. If you notice the blur over the window and the blur over the UFO appear to be made by the same cover up tool. Scott C. Waring-Taiwan Eyewitness states:
My son was looking for his phone and realize it was on his bed, when he picked it up google satellite was some how pulled up on his phone, he was like what the heck .. so he started looking at what the satellite map was on.. he realized it was on our house, he was shocked to see a object hovering over our house.. the object appears to be triangle in shape and brown in color... he snapped shot from different angles ... I am not sure what this object is, it could be a leaf or something on the satellite lens... but looks to be a UFO.., would love for your team to look at pictures and let us know if this is a object on the lens or if a UFO was really over our house!
Below, notice the UFO is in front of the trees and is a perfect triangle.
UK: Residents Experience Power Cut As Mysterious UFO Shoot Over Houses
UK: Residents Experience Power Cut As Mysterious UFO Shoot Over Houses
Stunned witnesses have claimed a UFO hovered above a park before shooting over houses. Some Buckingham Park residents claimed they observed a mysterious circular object hovering before flying into the distance in the night sky. They further reported power interruptions following the strange event.
One Buckingham Park resident, who requested not to be named, said that they were lying in bed when a dazzling light lit up their room. It was a clear night, so they assumed it was just a bright star. Then the thing that they thought a star slowly rose up and shot over the top of their house with an aircraft like noise but a speed toofast to be an airplane.
The concerned resident further reported that a sudden power interruption took place in his home. They said that as it passed over their house, the power dropped.
Approximately 45 minutes later, they heard the same sound and the power dropped for the second time briefly and came back.
They managed to take a photo of the UFO but did not have a chance to take a video since the UFO shot off suddenly.
Another resident claimed to have observed the same aerial thing. They were sitting watching television with blinds closed, but one of them was lit up as if someone was aiming a torch on it. They looked up and spotted a bright light that then shot across the top of the house. All the lights went down as the UFO passed over the house and came back on after the UFO shot off. They also said that the lights went down a few more times before they returned to normal.
Triangle UFO formation in the sky above Gosport, UK 9-Jan-2017
Triangle UFO formation in the sky above Gosport, UK 9-Jan-2017
Here’s one new footage of a bright orbs in triangular formation in the sky above Gosport in South Hampshire, UK. This was filmed on Monday, 9th January 2017.
Witness report:
3 lights flying randomly side to side, up and down, forming triangles, seemed random flight paths. I work as a cleaner, I went outside at 22.50 to dispose of rubbish bags into a bin and noticed 3 green lights at around a 30 degree angle north-west of my position. Distance and height were too difficult to estimate from my position but after checking on google maps there are mostly only fields in that direction. The postcode I observed from was PO13 0HR. The lights were evenly spaced in a large triangle formation with one more forward than the others when I first noticed them. They then all turned purple and started to move. You can observe in the video how them moved. I had full zoom using a phone camera so quality isn’t great but they were all bright purple in colour and didn’t change again. They seemed to move in a random manor, moving side to side and up and down very quickly and turning very sharply. They would pass each other to swap sides, sometimes coming back to form triangles for a few seconds before moving again. Several times it looked as though one moved into another and became one light before breaking apart again. They disappeared below the houses several times so that I couldn’t see from my position what they were doing until the final time when I waited several minutes before giving up that they wouldn’t appear again so whatever it was possibly landed because they didn’t appear above the houses again. I went back inside the building onto the second level to view from a higher angle and could see one light again just above the house but it quickly disappeared downwards and that was the last I saw of them. They never went higher than the initial height I observed them at. There were no other aircraft I noticed in the area although there is a small airfield behind my position. The weather was dry (although rain earlier in the day), the sky seemed clear, stars were visible overhead but none visible at the angle/height of these lights, presumably because of light pollution. When I left where I was 30 minutes later, the sky around the area where the lights were was a hazy red colour. The rest of the sky in the surrounding area was black but this area specifically was a different colour. I thought this might be some kind of heavy light pollution in that direction but according to google maps there are mostly just fields there, nothing that would give off unusual light pollution.
UFOs caught on tape over Las Vegas, Nevada 8-Jan-2017
UFOs caught on tape over Las Vegas, Nevada 8-Jan-2017
Here’s a new video of a bright objects hovering in the night sky above Las Vegas in Nevada. This was filmed on Sunday, 8th January 2017.
Witness report:
The end of 2016 and the beginning of 2017 have been strange here in Las Vegas. I don’t remember a time where we had so much wind and rain. Between November of 2016 and now I have only had a few opportunities to get outside to do some skywatching and last night was one of them. I got video from Nellis, Henderson and a short night vision clip from the Blue Diamond Hills and the Southern Valley. This video is just Nellis. In parts of the video, you can see it hasn’t been very warm here because you can see heat waves from somebody’s home distorting the objects I am filming. I didn’t speed this video up at all so that you could witness these incredible objects just like I do. When one of my videos is really good the tabloids get hold of them and make up all kinds of stories to go along with them. To date, not one of the tabloids has ever tried contacting me to get the real facts and that really bugs me. All along I have said that I don’t know exactly what these are and I would never make an “as a matter of fact” claim that these are anything other than amazing technology that is being systematically withheld from us. My hope is that one day soon I will be able to tell you exactly what they are but until that happens they are just amazing aerial objects that defy plausible explanations.
‘Flaming UFO’ lights up skies over Devon for three hours
‘Flaming UFO’ lights up skies over Devon for three hours
Above Image: Tyron Osborne snapped the rare sight shortly after 1pm on Wednesday (Picture: Tyron Osborne/Facebook)
A ‘flaming UFO’ has been spotted soaring above Exmouth in Devon.
At least that’s what this musician claims he saw shortly after 1pm on Wednesday.
According to Mark Emmins, the oval-shaped luminous object appeared in the sky and remained there for about three hours.
His friend, Tyron Osborne, snapped the rare sight as the pair looked on in amazement, convinced it was a UFO.
The rare object remained in the sky for three hours (Picture: Tyron Osborne/Facebook)
Posting pictures online, Mark wrote: ‘Today for the second time in my life I can honestly say that myself and my neighbour watched a UFO.
‘It was stood still in the sky for some hours and then decided to move and then vanish. We got photos too.’
The object, which is most likely not a UFO, was initially dismissed as a star, but Mark insists he later windows on it.
He said: ‘If you look closely you can see what appears to be windows. I have never seen anything like this.
His post led to dozens of people speculating at what it could be (Picture: Tyron Osborne/Facebook)
‘As for believing in aliens, I’ve always thought we are not alone in the universe and hoped to see something that would make me believe they would visit us.
‘I didn’t expect it to actually happen.’
Mark believes the object came from the US after he noticed it was traveling east from Dawlish.
His post led to dozens of people speculating at what it could be, with most people saying it was probably not a UFO.
Wendy Seaman wrote: ‘Looks like the Enterprise. Are you sure it wasn’t a satellite, one goes over about 4ish daily. When its a clear day you can see it clearly.’
Paul Oxenham said: ‘It could have been someone’s drone.’
But Steph Pommier wasn’t going to put it off that easily, writing: ‘UFOs have been spotted since the beginning of Man. Just accept it. We cannot know nor control everything.’
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
According to a story circulating in the UFO and alien conspiracy theory blogosphere, a British Police Sergeant had an encounter with Tall White Aliens on July 6, 2009. The aliens were allegedly inspecting a freshly-made crop circle in a field in Wiltshire, England, when the police officer, who was off-duty at the time, encountered them.
The mystery of the incident was reportedly compounded by the refusal of Wiltshire Police to comment when contacted by local UFO and paranormal investigators. A police spokesperson reportedly said the authorities could not comment on the incident because it was a “personal matter,” according to the paranormal blog Tales from Out There.
“The police officer was apparently off duty when this happened so we have no comment to make because it is a personal not a police matter.”
The unnamed Wiltshire Police officer was driving past a field when he saw strange-looking men walking in the field. He had a “strange feeling” about the appearance of the “men” from afar, so he stopped his car to investigate, Express reports.
As he walked towards the field, he saw three tall men with long blond hair, all more than six feet tall. The men were walking slowly in the middle of the field as if they were searching for something or inspecting the crop. Because the men were dressed in white overalls, he thought they could be forensic officers investigating an incident in the field.
When he reached the side of the field, he heard a crackling sound similar to the “sound of static electricity.” The strange sound seemed to be running through the field and the crop moved in ripples with the crackling noise.
He raised his voice to draw the men’s attention, but they ignored him and refused to look up. But as soon as he entered the field, they looked up and appeared agitated.
And as he approached, they suddenly took to their heels.
The strange men, according to the officer, “ran faster than any man he had ever seen.”
“I’m no slouch but they were moving so fast. I looked away for a second and when I looked back they were gone.”
The crackling noise continued spreading around on the field as the strange-looking men ran away. The officer noticed they ran with an odd gait.
Unnerved by the strange encounter, he hurried back to his car and drove back to Marlborough in Wiltshire.
“I then got scared,” he said. “The noise was still around but I got an uneasy feeling and headed for the car.”
He reported the incident to his superiors but they did not take his story seriously. He continued to have an uneasy feeling all day, with a pounding headache.
“For the rest of the day I had a pounding headache I couldn’t shift,” he said.
The witness heard a sound like static electricity passing through the field [Image via Shutterstock]
Determined to get to the bottom of the mystery, he contacted Andrew Russell, a local crop circle expert. Russell investigated the incident with the help of a colleague identified as Colin Andrews.
“At first he thought they were forensic officers as they were dressed in white coveralls,” Russell wrote in a report summarizing the officer’s experience. “He stopped his car and approached the field.”
“The figures seemed to be inspecting the crop,” he continued. “When he got to the edge of the field he heard what he believed to be a sound not dissimilar to static electricity.”
“This crackling noise seemed to be running through the field and the crop was moving gently, close to where the noise was,” he added.
“He shouted to the figures who, at first, ignored him… When he tried to enter the field they looked up and began running.”
The investigators said they were convinced the officer’s account was truthful.
“I am quite convinced the officer had an experience that day and one that we have not fully explored,” Russell wrote.
According to Russell, the witness’s description of the tall men matches the appearance of Tall White Aliens. The crop circle experts concluded after investigations that the aliens were inspecting crop circle created a few days before.
Who made the crop circle remains a mystery. Russell could only guess the crop circle carried a coded message that the Tall White Aliens were trying to decode at the time the police officer saw them.
When the investigators contacted the Wiltshire police, the authorities refused to comment. They insisted the incident was a “personal matter” and that the police authorities were not investigating the strange claims.
The incredible story sparked discussion on Scott C. Waring’s UFO Sightings Daily blog.
According to Waring, the police officer’s claim that the strange men moved oddly could be explained by the structure of the legs of Tall White Aliens. Tall White Alien legs below the knees have a shape similar to a dog’s, Waring claimed.
“The police officer says that they moved oddly, which they do, because the shape of their leg (from the knee down) actually goes opposite direction from ours,” the alien hunter commented.
But, according to Waring, Tall Whites are able to mingle with humans unnoticed because they use advanced technology to disguise their appearance.
“Some kind of holo-emitter makes [their feet] appear human like, but they still cannot mask their odd walk,” Waring wrote.
Alien conspiracy theorists claim that Tall White Aliens concluded a trade agreement with the U.S. government in the 1950s. The treaty required the U.S. government to provide certain mineral resources the aliens needed in exchange for access to advanced aerospace technology needed to run Pentagon black projects.
It is claimed that a community of Tall White Alien scientists, engineers, and technicians live in an underground base at the Nellis Air Force Base, a few miles outside Las Vegas.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Illinois UFO described as five orbs inside bright light
Illinois UFO described as five orbs inside bright light
An Illinois witness at Lake County reported watching and photographing a bright light UFO that appeared to have five smaller orbs inside of it, according to testimony in Case 81037 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
Witness image. (Credit: MUFON)
The witness noticed a bright light in the sky at 5:30 p.m. on December 18, 2016.
“Thought it was a star or planet, but then it started flashing and then started moving more to my right,” the witness stated. “Thought it was a satellite, but thought it was too large to be one.”
The witness then used a cell phone and zoomed in on the object.
Witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
“I saw a big orb with five little orbs inside. I tried to take a video, but it was too far out there to zoom in on for a video. I kept looking at it through a zoomed picture and it kept breaking up into five smaller orbs, then three, then two, and then reassembled itself into one big orb. I then noticed an orb by it detach itself and then sporadically went left of the orb and then vanished. The object was in my sight for about two hours and then slowly vanished behind the treeline of my house.”
Cropped and enlarged witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness uploaded five images with the MUFON report, which was filed on December 18, 2016. Illinois MUFON State Section Director James Wolford investigated and closed this case as an Unknown.
“The complex structure and behavior of the object rules out natural phenomena,” Wolford stated in his report. “This was something artificial with technology that may be beyond man-made construction. My disposition for this case is Unknown – Other.”
Cropped and enlarged witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Some additional Rendlesham documentation from the US Air Force
Some additional Rendlesham documentation from the US Air Force
In the summer of 1984, the year after the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident first hit the headlines, the celebrated American broadcaster Chuck de Caro produced a documentary on the Rendlesham case for the US Cable News Network (CNN). At that time, Captain Victor Warzinski was the Public Affairs Officer for the twin bases of Bentwaters and Woodbridge and as such was responsible for answering de Caro’s research inquiries. Warzinski’s written responses, obtained by researcher Peter Robbins and released publicly in 2014*, add interesting insight into official knowledge of the Rendlesham case on the twin bases.
Telexes from the Public Affairs Office at Bentwaters
Warzinski’s replies to de Caro’s inquiries consist of three telexes: one three pages long dated 21 August 1984 and headed “Interim feedback, CNN queries”; the second of five pages, dated three days later and headed “CNN queries”; and a third consisting of two pages dated 6 November 1984 and headed “CNN queries, RAF Bentwaters UFO incident”.
The questions were forwarded to Warzinski by the headquarters of the US Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) at Ramstein Air Base, Germany. Warzinski replied to Ramstein, with copies to the USAF’s UK headquarters at Mildenhall, Suffolk. Hence these telexes amount to internal USAF correspondence between Bentwaters and Ramstein. Copies were kept in a file at the Public Affairs Office at Bentwaters along with other correspondence concerning the case. Copies of de Caro’s original questions were sent to the MoD by the British base commander, Squadron Leader Donald Moreland, and form part of the MoD Rendlesham file (DEFE 24/1948/1), but the MoD left the USAF to provide answers.
Even back in 1984, less than four years after the events in the forest, Warzinski was hard-pressed to find any documentation about the incident, but he did report as follows.
1. In Telex 2, pages 2 and 4, Warzinski says that the disaster preparedness branch, which deals with nuclear and biochemical incidents, had no reports or records of the event. [My comment: Sergeant Nevels, the geiger counter operator with Halt’s party, was a member of the disaster preparedness department but evidently never wrote up his findings for the record and the whole episode remained unofficial.]
2. In Telex 1, page 2, Warzinski tells us that a letter on file from the (unnamed) OSI commander at the time of the incident says that “OSI did not do any investigation”. In Telex 2, page 4, Warzinski further states “OSI informs they were not informed of the incident. Did not investigate or compile a report.” In Telex 3, page 1, Warzinski emphasizes the same point: “No one was later interviewed by OSI as they did not conduct any investigation.” [My comment: OSI is the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations. This denial of any official investigation, of course, does not preclude some unofficial inquiries being made out of personal interest but there is certainly no evidence for the massive OSI interrogation of witnesses that some have claimed.]
3. In Telex 1, page 2, Warzinski quotes a letter from Col Cochran, the commander-in-chief of the base at the time of the incident, saying “no audiovisual documentation was done, nor was any report or investigation initiated by the USAF”. Elsewhere Warzinski acknowledges that he knows of Col Halt’s tape recording but says he regarded this as Halt’s personal property and did not ask for a copy of it.
4. The files also contain a letter dated 9 November 1984 to an inquirer addressed as Mr Bateman in which Warzinski explains: “Colonel Halt’s report makes specific mention of the type and strength of the radiation readings. However, it should be understood that these reported readings fall within the range of normal background radiation counts.” Hence it is clear that no one on the base at the time regarded the radiation readings obtained by Col Halt’s team as anything out of the ordinary.
5. In a letter to researcher Mark Birdsall dated 30 July 1985, Warzinski tartly notes: “We do not have any unknown vehicles stored underground at Bentwaters. Indeed, there are NO underground storage areas on either of the twinbases.”
Warzinski sums up the Rendlesham Forest Incident
Throughout the files, Warzinski’s bemusement at the public interest in what to him was evidently a non-event comes through clearly. Warzinski summarized the situation better than he knew when he wrote to Mark Birdsall in August 1984 wondering: “Was it simply an unexplained incident blown completely out of proportion, like the fisherman’s tale of the ‘one that got away’ that keeps getting bigger and bigger with each retelling?” He could scarcely have realized how big this tale would eventually get.
* Warzinski’s telexes and other correspondence from the Public Affairs file at Bentwaters are contained in Part 2 of Peter Robbins’s Special Report for Phenomena magazine. They can be seen on pages 109–116 and 121–122. The letters to Mark Birdsall are on pages 117 and 128. Congratulations and thanks to Peter Robbins and Stephen Mera of Phenomena magazine for making these valuable and little-known USAF documents publicly available, which helps us to form a more complete picture of the official response to the incident.
This looks like a plane, flying away from the camera considerably higher than the helicopter (somewhere around 15,000 to 25,000 feet), that briefly creates an aerodynamic contrail.
Based on analysis by @Trailblazer, @Trailspotter, myself, and others, There are likely TWO planes involved IB6830 and LA330. The plane that initially seems to fit best is LA330, a two engined A320, which was reported to be climbing through 20,000 feet at that exact visual position at 14:01:39. It was actually 65 miles away, not 35-50. This explain why it was not seen on radar (the actual plane was on radar, just not where they thought it was)
The second plane is IB6830 which left earlier, and was climbing out more to the south, nearer to the helicopter. At the time this was spotted (the very first sighting on the video, at 13:52:34) the plane was actually around 35 miles away. However it would very quickly get further away. By 13:57 it would be 65 miles away.
Plane Finder misreports the altitude in the web browser, likely because of some zero altitude ADS-B report. Inspecting the actual data packets reveals the real reported altitude. Repairing the data by interpolating the missing altitudes allows us to recreate 3D tracks in Google Earth with correct timestamps (attached). (Update 1-10-2016: Added Flightaware track)
We can now geolocate the LA330 and the other candidate (plane IB6830) in the helicopter image. Their tracks intersect in the region viewed in IR, they have correct slope, and appear in that region at the same time as they appear in the video.
And it is not simply that the tracks intersect. The planes are in exactly the right position. We can position both the planes and the chopper precisely with the GPS data, match the camera direction from the wide shot, and the position of the plane then matches exactly.
The two large blobs are flared images from the heat of the engines (much smaller in reality). You can see this effect with some candles if you view them from a distance.
The flaring is more apparent if you look at it uninverted. The engines appear as two very bright lights
The aerodynamic contrail starts ands stop in a similar way to the trail in this video (not a "chemtrail" though, this just a regular aerodynamic contrail)
There are a few different relevant images from the video:
This is a close-up of the object early in the video:
This shows that the plane is banked at this point - i.e. it is turning to the right (remember it is flying away from the camera). This matches the earlier part of the track for both LA330 and IB6830 (and is likely IB6830, based on the time). Compare it with this video of a plane taking off. It is much closer, however at the end of the video you see the two engines tilted at about the same angle as the "UFO" while the plane turns right.
At one point (9:08) they switch between the IR camera and a regular (visible light) camera. you can see the trail qute distinctly. It looks very like a contrail.
Why is it showing up as warmer? Aerodynamic contrails can form in air is that is water saturated, but in which no clouds have yet formed. The drop in pressure increases the relative humidity enough for a water condensation cloud to form. This can also freeze if the temperature is cold enough.
There's a couple of possibilities. Possibly we are seeing a water cloud aerodynamic contrail that has absorbed heat from the exhaust, temporarily making it warmer than the surroundings.
But a more likely possibility is that the dense contrail is simply reflecting heat. FLIR measures the temperature of things by the heat they emit, so if they are reflective then they can give a misleading reading. Clouds reflect heat, in one shot in the video the clouds seem like the same color as the jet exhaust (black). That does not mean they are the same temperature:
A few seconds later
[Note: this top post will be updated with information from the discussion below, so some of what follows may seem repetitive]
[Note on change from just LA330 to mostly IB6830 - I had originally identified the entire sequence as LA330 when I was working with only the image of the planes tracks from After I was able to extract the actual 3D tracks and view them from the position of the Chopper in google earth, it became apparent that IB6830 was the better fit (pretty much a perfect fit). However it did not fit the last short sequence, which still was best explained by LA330]
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: If it was a plane then why did it not respond to hailing A: A pilot familiar with Santiago departure responds:
Q: Why did it not show up on radar? They were looking for a low flying object south of the airport about 35 miles away, by the time they looked it was at a high altitude and 65 miles away.
Q:How can it be a contrail cloud if it's as hot as the engine? A: It's not as hot as the engines, it's a similar color in the IR to other clouds in the images. It's just a denser cloud, and so reflects more radiation. Even if they were dumping boiling water it would have been atomized into a cloud cooled to ambient temperature in less than a minute. But this looks just like a contrail.
Q: Don't contrails only form above 30,000 feet? A: That's where exhaust contrails are most frequent. However this appear to be a semi persistent aerodynamic contrail which often form on climbing aircraft between 20,000 to 30,000 feet (and sometimes lower).
Q: Why should we trust your theory over the experts? A: I could argue I'm an expert too (at identifying planes and contrails), or that the CEFAA is really a UFOology group, or that even experts make mistakes. However let's drop that "Argument for authority", and look at facts you can verify yourself.
We have some very solid verifiable evidence in
The helicopter video with timestamps and GPS coordinates.
The IB6830 and LA330 ADS-B tracks with timestamps and GPS coordinates.
1 matches 2 in every way
The planes in the right place at the right place
They are going in the right direction
IB 6830 banks when the "UFO" banks,
The planes would create a visual thermal signature the same size as in the video.
The size of IB6830's thermal signature shrinks proportional to its distance, matching the video.
This is not my theory. These are verifiable facts that I (and others) simply discovered. Unless there was a UFO flying between the plane and the helicopter, mimicking the motion, the banking, the size and and the thermal signature of the plane, then it's a plane.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Koppel filmt ringvormige UFO boven Italië
Koppel filmt ringvormige UFO boven Italië
Video: Lucio Margiota
De Italiaanse muziekleraar Lucio Margiotta en zijn verloofde zagen maandag in de lucht boven Salento een fel licht in de nacht. Lucio nam er meteen zijn smartphone bij en filmde het bizarre fenomeen, dat een ringvormige UFO leek te zijn die na enkele minuten plots verdween.
In het filmpje zie je hoe de UFO van vorm verandert en zelfs lijkt te bewegen, al valt niet uit te sluiten dat de beweging te wijten is aan de manier van filmen. Het licht lijkt de vorm aan te nemen van een rookcirkel, voor het uiteindelijke in twee lijkt te splitsen en verdwijnt.
Margiotta zei dat het licht feller was dan de maan en uit het westen kwam. Dat zou overeen komen met verklaringen van mensen in het Turkse Gallipoli, ten westen van Salento, die het vliegende object ook gezien zouden hebben.
Op Facebook kwamen er al snel reacties op het filmpje van de man die zeiden dat de UFO in kwestie hoogstwaarschijnlijk de planeet Venus zou zijn, en dat de vervormingen het gevolg van de autofocus van zijn camera zouden kunnen zijn. Dat zorgt er wel vaker voor dat er een zwarte vlek verschijnt in het midden van het object waar op gefocust wordt.
The UFO sighting captured in the video occurred in 2014, when a Chilean naval helicopter captured 10 minutes of infrared footage of a mysterious craft from an estimated distance of 35 to 40 miles. But the blockbuster moment comes around minute eight of the footage, when the UFO releases a spurt of hot chemical vapor, projecting an immense black streak (indicating heat) across the frame.
Released by the Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos (CEFAA), a Chilean government agency within the civil aeronautics directorate, the original report by independent journalist Leslie Kean (author of the excellent book UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go On The Record) noted a possible explanation for the UFO raised by UFO video analysts Antoine Cousyn, François Louange and Geoff Quick of
“The French analysts proposed that the object was a ‘medium-haul aircraft’ coming in for a landing into the Santiago airport, and ‘the effluent trail observed on two occasions probably results from dumping some cabin waste water, forming a plume oriented along the local wind blowing from the west.’ They based this on their calculation that the distance between the two hot spots was ‘consistent with the standard distance between the two jet engines of a medium-haul aircraft.’”
The IPACO conclusion is portrayed as unlikely and refuted at length:
“Chilean experts knew that this would have been impossible, for a number of reasons: This plane would have been seen on primary radar; it would have had to be cleared for landing in Santiago or at another airport; it would likely have responded to radio communications. Airplanes do not throw out water when landing. In fact, in Chile a plane wishing to eject any material must request permission from the DGAC before doing so; that regulation is widely known and respected. And, it seems unlikely that this experienced pilot would not have recognized this as an airplane, or at least kept that option open afterwards if it were a possibility.”
But while the original article makes the dissenting report seem faintly ridiculous, even condescending to the work of CEFAA, additional analysis by independent researchers at authoritatively backs up the report’s conclusion: the Chile UFO video is likely footage of flight LA330, flying approximately 800 miles north from Santiago to the Cerro Moreno Airport.
Since the original report (available as a PDF here) is primarily a video analysis, little work was done beyond offering a plausible explanation for what’s seen on the video. This leads to the several deficiencies noted by Kean, including their conjectures regarding the vapor released by the UFO. However, members Mick West, Trailblazer and Trailspotter uncovered a number of corroborating details that strengthen their case considerably.
Using publicly available data at, West and other Metabunk users uncovered two flight paths (LA330 and IB6830) that perfectly intersected the footage frame. They hypothesized that IB6830 accounts for the craft originally spotted by the pilots, but it’s LA330 seen in close-up in the video. But what about the other problems with the plane hypothesis, such as lack of radar confirmation and radio response?
According to their analysis, the biggest perceptual mistake was made when CEFAA and the pilots misestimated the craft’s distance. The flights they determined were responsible did show up on radar, just 15-30 miles further in the distance.
As for the craft not responding to a hail, here’s Metabunk user TWCobra, who claims to be a pilot familiar with Santiago departure protocols:
The helicopter seems to have tried to call on 121.5. The are a couple of problems with that, Most aircraft don't set that frequency until some time after takeoff which can vary from airline to airline, and if they were listening, unless whoever was calling used their callsign, they wouldn't respond.
They even proposed a new explanation for the chemical cloud released from the UFO, one more satisfying than dumped cabin waste water. No, not chemtrails, but an aerodynamic contrail.
But while their specific answers to objections raised by CEFAA may or may not satisfy, the ultimate conclusion seems near inescapable. West concludes, “unless there was a UFO flying between the plane and the helicopter, mimicking the motion, the banking, the size and and the thermal signature of the plane, then it's a plane.” Since both the original UFO footage has timestamps and GPS coordinates that match the timestamps and GPS coordinates for flights LA330 and IB6830 there can be little doubt that this UFO has gone from unidentified to identified.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 3/5 - (1 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
De nachthemel gaat in 2022 veranderen
De nachthemel gaat in 2022 veranderen
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Een dubbelster zal in dat jaar fuseren en exploderen, waarna de ster ongeveer duizend keer helderder wordt en één van de helderste sterren aan de nachthemel is.
Tot die unieke voorspelling komen Amerikaanse onderzoekers. “De kans dat je een explosie kunt voorspellen is één op een miljoen. Het is nog nooit gedaan,” stelt onderzoeker Larry Molnar.
KIC 9832227 Het draait allemaal om de dubbelster KIC 9832227. “Twee sterren die een gezamenlijke atmosfeer hebben, net zoals twee pinda’s een dop delen,” legt Molnar uit. De twee sterren draaien om elkaar heen. En onderzoek wees eerder uit dat hun omlooptijd geleidelijk aan afneemt. Het wees er voorzichtig op dat de twee sterren naar elkaar toe aan het bewegen zijn, zo stelde Molnar begin 2015. Kortom: het leek erop dat deze twee sterren gingen fuseren.
Vervolgonderzoek Maar het was nog te vroeg om te stellen dat de twee sterren elkaar binnenkort tegen het lijf zouden lopen. Daarvoor was meer onderzoek nodig. En daar zijn Molnar en collega’s de afgelopen jaren mee bezig geweest. Zo kunnen ze nu aantonen dat de omlooptijd van de sterren de afgelopen twee jaar verder is afgenomen. “Conclusie is dat we echt denken dat onze fuserende sterren-hypothese nu serieus moet worden genomen en we de komende jaren moeten gebruiken om deze dubbelster intensief te bestuderen, zodat we – wanneer deze explodeert – weten wat tot deze explosie geleid heeft,” stelt Molnar.
Naar verwachting zullen de sterren in 2022 – of een jaartje eerder of later – fuseren en exploderen, zo voorspelt Molnar nu. Op dat moment zal de ster zo’n duizend keer helderder worden en één van de helderste sterren aan de nachthemel zijn. Matt Walhout, verbonden aan dezelfde universiteit als Molnar, maar niet betrokken bij het onderzoek: “Als de voorspelling klopt zullen ouders voor het eerst in de geschiedenis in staat zijn om te wijzen naar een donker plekje aan de hemel en te vertellen: “Kijk, kinderen daar verstopt zich een ster die binnenkort oplicht.”
ESO gaat op zoek naar exoplaneten rondom Alpha Centauri
ESO gaat op zoek naar exoplaneten rondom Alpha Centauri
Tim Kraaijvanger
We weten dat er een planeet draait om de nabij ster Proxima Centauri, maar geldt dit ook voor de ster Alpha Centauri? Dat gaan wetenschappers uitzoeken!
Het Alpha Centauri-stelsel bestaat uit drie sterren, waarvan Proxima Centauri de zwakste is. In 2016 ontdekten wetenschappers een exoplaneet bij de rode dwergster. De planeet Proxima b bevindt zich in de leefbare zone rondom Proxima Centauri, wat betekent dat het waarschijnlijk niet te warm en niet te koud is op het oppervlak van deze buitenaardse wereld. Vloeibaar water op het oppervlak is een mogelijkheid, wat de kans op de aanwezigheid van lezen aanzienlijk vergroot.
Breakthrough Starshot Filantroop Yuri Milner en de bekende wetenschapper Stephen Hawking willen in twintig jaar tijd een ruimtevaartuig naar het Alpha Centauri-stelsel sturen. Dit project wordt ook wel Breakthrough Starshot genoemd. Een reis van 4,37 lichtjaar, oftewel 40 biljoen kilometer. Hawking en Milner willen de omgeving rondom Alpha Centauri helemaal in kaart brengen, zodat hun ruimtevaartuig wellicht exoplaneten kan fotograferen.
Vandaar dat Hawking en Milner een overeenkomst hebben gesloten met de Europese Zuidelijke Sterrenwacht. Het VISAR-instrument van de Very Large Telescope wordt aangepast om planeten rondom de sterren van het Alpha Centauri-systeem te vinden. In 2019 zal het onderzoek beginnen.
Dichtbij, dus makkelijk? Nee hoor! Dit klinkt simpel, omdat de afstand tot Alpha Centauri maar vier lichtjaar is. Als een schoen vier meter bij je vandaan ligt, zie je die waarschijnlijk beter dan op een afstand van veertig meter. Hoewel een ster die dichterbij staat beter te zien is, geldt dit niet voor exoplaneten. Alpha Centauri staat namelijk zo dichtbij de aarde, dat de ster enorm helder is en dus het zwakke schijnsel van een eventuele exoplaneet overstraalt.
Mid-infrarood Gelukkig zijn er andere manieren om exoplaneten te vinden. Er kan uitgeweken worden naar de mid-infrarode golflengten, waar de thermische gloed van een planeet de helderheidskloof tussen hem en zijn moederster aanzienlijk verkleint. Maar ook dan is de moederster alsnog miljoenen keren helderder dan een eventuele exoplaneet.
Weg met het sterrenlicht Het mid-infraroodinstrument VISAR kan een trucje. Het instrument kan de beeldkwaliteit sterk vergroten, waarna het sterrenlicht deels wordt tegengehouden. Dit wordt coronagrafie genoemd. Dankzij deze techniek kunnen wellicht exoplaneten ontdekt worden, maar dan moeten ze er wel zijn. Hoe dan ook: Breaktrough Initiatives betaalt een groot deel van de ontwikkelingskosten van dit experiment, waar ESO uiteindelijk natuurlijk weer van profiteert voor andere onderzoeken. ESO zorgt ervoor dat het team van Hawking en Milner tijd krijgt om het instrument op locatie te gebruiken.
De ster passeert onze zon op veel kleinere afstand dan gedacht en zal tijdens zijn reis door de Oortwolk heel wat kometen in onze richting kaatsen.
De ster Gliese 710 haast zich richting ons zonnestelsel en zal over zo’n 1,35 miljoen jaar langs onze zon scheren. Grote vraag is natuurlijk: hoe dichtbij komt de ster precies? Daar is al veel onderzoek naar gedaan en uiteindelijk concludeerden wetenschappers dat deze op een minimale afstand van 59.817 AU (1 AU is de afstand tussen de aarde en de zon) langs de zon zou scheren.
Gaia Maar daar klopt niks van, zo schrijven onderzoekers nu in het blad Astronomy & Astrophysics. Ze baseren zich op nieuwe informatie, verzameld door ruimtetelescoop Gaia. Deze telescoop werd in 2013 gelanceerd en moet uiteindelijk de positie en snelheden van ongeveer 1 miljard sterren in onze Melkweg vaststellen. En Gaia heeft ook de positie en snelheid van Gliese 710 bestudeerd en op basis daarvan kunnen de onderzoekers de koers van de ster nauwkeuriger voorspellen. En wat blijkt? De ster komt véél dichterbij dan gedacht. De nieuwe data suggereert dat de ster onze zon op een minimale afstand van zo’n 13.365 AU (+/- 6250 AU) passeert. “Daarmee is het de ster die onze zon in een periode van 10 tot 20 miljoen jaar het dichtst nadert,” zo schrijven de onderzoekers.
Kometen En dat heeft gevolgen. “De ontmoeting met Gliese 710 zou geen significante invloed moeten hebben op de banen van de belangrijkste hemellichamen in het zonnestelsel, maar de ster zal een significante verstoorder van de kometen in de Oortwolk zijn,” zo voorspellen de onderzoekers. Ook dat is eigenlijk niets nieuws: wetenschappers hadden dat eerder ook al bedacht. Maar op basis van de nieuwe gegevens hebben onderzoekers ook de implicaties van het bezoek van Gliese 710 herzien. En hun verwachtingen liegen er niet om. “Gliese 710 zal een waarneembare kometenregen veroorzaken met een gemiddelde dichtheid van ongeveer 10 kometen per jaar en dat drie tot vier miljoen jaar lang.” De onderzoekers trekken die conclusie nadat ze ervan uit zijn gegaan dat de ster onze zon op zo’n 13365 AU passeert. “Maar we benadrukken dat de onzekerheid nog steeds zo’n 6250 AU is en krachtigere interacties dus mogelijk zijn.”
Het onderzoek laat de grote waarde van de Gaia-missie zien, zo stellen de onderzoekers. Dankzij de missie kunnen we veel accurater voorspellen waar sterren zich in de toekomst gaan begeven en welke invloed ze op onze omgeving gaan hebben. “Op minimale afstand (van de zon, red.) zal deze ster het helderste en snelste object dat buiten ons zonnestelsel gevormd is, aan de nachthemel zijn. De scheervlucht van Gliese 710 zal een enorme stroom van nieuwe kometen genereren en velen zullen in staat zijn om de binnenste delen van het zonnestelsel te bereiken.”
Hubble voorspelt wat de Voyager-sondes allemaal tegen gaan komen
Hubble voorspelt wat de Voyager-sondes allemaal tegen gaan komen
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Voyager 1 zal bijvoorbeeld over zo’n 40.000 jaar op zo’n 1,6 lichtjaar afstand langs ster Gliese 445 zoeven.
De ruimtesondes Voyager 1 en Voyager 2 werden in 1977 gelanceerd en haasten zich met meer dan 61.000 kilometer per uur door de ruimte. Voyager 1 is inmiddels bijna 21 miljard kilometer van de aarde verwijderd en zoeft door de interstellaire ruimte: het gebied tussen de sterren dat onder meer gevuld is met gas en stof. Voyager 2 is inmiddels bijna 17 miljard kilometer van ons verwijderd.
Hubble Terwijl de sondes zich van ons vandaan haasten, bestuderen ze het materiaal dat hen omringt. Maar wat gaan zij in de toekomst nog meer tegenkomen? Dankzij ruimtetelescoop Hubble hebben we daar nu een iets beter beeld van. De ruimtetelescoop bekeek het materiaal op en langs de route van de ruimtesondes.
Hubble ging na wat Voyager 1 en Voyager 2 te wachten staat.
Afbeelding: NASA / ESA / Z. Levay (STScl).
Context “De Voyagers bestuderen kleine gebieden terwijl ze zich met zo’n 61.000 kilometer per uur door de ruimte haasten,” vertelt onderzoeker Seth Redfield. “Maar we hebben geen idee of deze kleine gebieden heel gewoon of zeldzaam zijn. De Hubble-observaties geven ons een breder beeld, omdat de telescoop langs een langer en breder pad kijkt. Dus Hubble voorziet ons van context bij alles waar de Voyagers doorheen bewegen.”
De toekomst Uit het onderzoek blijkt dat Voyager 1 over zo’n 40.000 jaar – de sonde is dan natuurlijk allang niet meer operationeel – op zo’n 1,6 lichtjaar afstand langs de ster Gliese 445 glijdt. Voyager 2 zal zover zo’n 40.000 jaar op een afstand van zo’n 1,7 lichtjaar langs de ster Ross 248 glijden. Deze sonde zal over een paar duizend jaar bovendien de interstellaire wolk die ons zonnestelsel omringt, verlaten. Vervolgens zal deze zo’n 90.000 jaar op rij in een tweede interstellaire wolk vertoeven alvorens een derde interstellaire wolk binnen te gaan. De observaties van Hubble suggereren dat de elementen waaruit de interstellaire wolken zijn opgebouwd van wolk tot wolk ietsje verschillen “Deze variaties kunnen betekenen dat de wolken op verschillende manieren of op verschillende plekken zijn ontstaan en daarna samen zijn gekomen,” stelt Redfield.
De observaties van Hubble geven niet alleen context aan wat de Voyagers (gaan) zien, ze geven ook een beter beeld van wat onderzoeker Julia Zachary “de lokale interstellaire omgeving” noemt. Zeker wanneer we ze combineren met wat de Voyagers – die nog zo’n 10 jaar in staat zijn om gegevens te verzamelen en naar de aarde te sturen – allemaal ‘zien’.
Venus has some spooky looking clouds swirling around its atmosphere, and scientists think it might be the evil doing of extraterrestrial life. Certain dark streaks embedded in those clouds have been stumping scientists since the 1960s, prompting a new proposal to probe the second planet from the sun for potential alien life by 2025.
A team of American and Russian scientists will be submitting plans for a new mission, known as Venera-D, which will send an unmanned aerial vehicle into the heart of this mysterious occurrence. If accepted, Venera-D would be a joint endeavor between Roscosmos (Russia’s space agency) and NASA.
Their main goal is to determine if those dark streaks could be evidence of microbial life. For decades now, scientists have been dreaming up all kinds of hypotheses about the streaks: Some think it could be particulates, like iron or sulfur, that have mixed with the clouds. Others think it could actually be ice, though with a planet that’s nearly 900 degrees Fahrenheit on the surface, that’s probably not the case.
“I cannot say that there is microbial life in Venus’ clouds,” Sanjay Limaye toldAstrobiology Magazine, an atmospheric scientist from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and member of the Venera-D science definition team. “But that doesn’t mean it’s not there either. The only way to learn is to go there and sample the atmosphere.”
As Limaye pointed out, scientists have very few clues as to what causes the streaks. But they do know that the streaks absorb ultraviolet light unlike the rest of the atmosphere. They also know that if the streaks did consist of microbial life, they might have a protective layer of ring-shaped polymers, which would stave off large quantities of sulfuric acid. Another factor to consider is the planet’s super rotation, a phenomenon that occurs when the atmosphere rotates at a faster pace than the surface.
There have been previous complications with exploring Venus in the past. Its high surface pressure and even higher temps make it a very challenging landscape for our technology. Mariner 5 was the first successful landing, but it only survived for 93 minutes. For Venera-D to be successful, it will have to be like nothing scientists have ever created before.
An artist’s impression of the VAMP UAV flying through Venus’ clouds.
Credit: Northrop Grumman
The proposed design calls for a solar-powered vehicle that would be able to propel through the clouds to collect data at night. During the day, it would have helium reserves that would allow it to stay buoyant without using power. It would also have large wings that would help it navigate the stormy conditions. These mechanisms would allow the craft to shift between different altitudes of the atmosphere.
Surprisingly, with this design, the team thinks the vehicle will be able to survive for a year or more, offering up enough information for scientists to potentially confirm whether we have other life in our solar system or not. Unfortunately, we won’t have a response from NASA or Roscomos until late this year.
Rogue planets just had their unfortunate introduction to the public consciousness via an especially silly conspiracy theory involving a collision and the subsequent end of the world. Let us not allow that to bury the actual new research coming forth about them, because that’s what’s really worth your time.
Researchers testing whether a much-mythologized object called Planet Ninemight indeed be a captured rogue planet found it certainly looks like one. They also performed simulations of various different kinds of rogue encounters with our solar system; they found that if the rogue had a mass equal to or greater than that of Jupiter, it could subsequently leave a physical impact on the configuration of the entire system. James Vesper of New Mexico State University presented the research Friday at the 229th American Astronomical Science meeting in Grapevine, Texas.
We can easily picture the stars that don’t have planets, but it’s a bit odd to imagine in inverse (sorry) — free-floating planets rolling around in space, not tethered by any kind of regular orbit, either because they’ve escaped their original host star or because they never formed around one to begin with. Those planets are rogue planets, and they’re often prone to being “captured” by a new star when they wander into its system.
Vesper said their data showed 60 percent of all rogue encounters being “slingshotted” into the galaxy — they come in close to the sun and then shoot right back out. About ten percent of these encounters take one or more planets out with them. If two or more planets are knocked out — but the rogue is captured — Vesper refers to the exchange as a “kick and stay.”
Suffice it to say rogue planets can mess things up in a variety of ways.
There are scores of rogue planets in our galaxy — possibly numbering in the billions — and a handful relatively close to our own solar system. There are enough to possibly provide an explanation for some of the dark matter in the Milky Way’s disc, and they actually outnumber stars.
Children return to school after Christmas break to discover a UFO has landed in the school grounds
A strange flying saucer-like craft has landed in the grounds of Sibford School near Banbury in Oxfordshire. Children returned after the Christmas break to discover that an unidentified flying object had crashed into their Forest School area
By the time the children arrived, the scene of the crash had been cordoned off with police tape and investigations are on-going as to how and why the space ship came to land at Sibford.
Junior School Head, Edward Rossiter said: “To say the children were surprised would be an understatement! We had received reports of strange sounds and flashes being seen in the sky overnight but the scene at the crash site and the size of the craft was incredible and really left the children in awe.”
Traditionally, Sibford Junior School marks the first half of the Spring Term with a creative curriculum where by all lessons are centred around a central theme.
In the past, topics have included Beneath the Waves and The Rainforest and, as luck would have it, the theme for 2017 is Out of this World!
Said Edward Rossiter: “I suspect it will take the children a good five weeks to really get to the bottom of what happened here!”
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Talking Close Encounters
Talking Close Encounters
Mary Rodwell RN is the founder and principal of Australian Close Encounter Resource Network (ACERN). Since 1994 Mary has worked in private practice as a professional counsellor, hypnotherapist, metaphysical teacher, researcher, author, Reiki master, and international speaker. A thrice-published author in the field, Mary is recognised internationally as one of Australia’s leading researchers in the UFO and contact phenomenon.
She spoke with The Echo in the leadup to her keynote presentations at the Close Encounters Conference.
Mary, how did you come to be working in such a unique area?
I was working in private practice counselling when I was approached by a client who had heard I was open-minded and said that for this there are no support groups, for this they just think you are a loony. He proceeded to say that he and his family were having ‘visits from extraterrestrials’ and taken… he often woke up with marks and shaved areas on his body and his family were very frightened. He asked if I could help.
Fortunately I had read two books on this phenomenon. Abduction – Human Encounters with Aliens (former professor of Psychiatry at Harvard University) Dr John Mack, who believed those he worked with this experience, and Communion by author Whitely Streiber (who had extraterrestrial experiences throughout his life). This enabled me to be supportive and help the family. From that time I researched this phenomenon and now have worked with more than 3,000 cases globally.
When people ask you what do you do, what do you say?
I normally will just mention I am a counsellor and hypnotherapist. If they want me to share more I say I help people with their ‘anomalous’ paranormal experiences. If they ask for more information I say experiences where someone believes they have had contact or encounters with extraterrestrials
How do you deal with sceptics or people who are reticent to believe in alien abduction or contact experiences?
I suggest they become ‘informed’, as there is a huge amount of whistleblower evidence by credible military personnel, pilots, and even two presidents, Reagan and Carter, who have said they have seen UFOs. Every six minutes around the globe someone sees a UFO; they have been seen on footage taken by NASA. What it really says is that they are just uninformed.
As a therapist, did you ever consider that these experiences were delusions or some sort of projection?
No. As a counsellor one can easily tell when someone is being truthful and authentic. It is very obvious when someone is unstable or delusional. It can hardly be delusional when a whole family are having similar experiences even as young as four or five years. In some cases these people don’t even believe in aliens except their experiences leave little doubt that’s what they are experiencing. My clients range from MDs nurses, and social workers to psychologists (they know full well how this may sound) but they also know this is real.
What caused you to come to a point of view that these were ‘real’ experiences?
Video and photographic evidence (I will be showing images of craft at the Close Encounters conference). Marks on the body that appear after these experiences… these fluoresce under ultra-violet light. Implanted objects seen on X-ray and removed surgically and show magnetic anomalies. Ground EMF traces.
Missing time periods they cant explain. And major changes in the individual. For some it may create trauma such as PSTD; for others changes in lifestyle, focus on holistic lifestyles with heightened psi senses; they may write and draw unusual scripts and show healing abilities… this does not occur unless something very real has happened.
What are the commonalities in the stories that you have been told?
There are many patterns that evidence the experiences.
Sighting an anomalous bright light moving in a strange sequence in the sky, or a cigar- or saucer-shaped object etc.
waking up with a bright light/blue or white in the room at night and sensing beings/presences in the room
feel paralysed… aware of being taken somewhere…
aware of being in a room having medical procedures
waking up with marks, strange triangular dots, bruises and scars on the body
feeling very tired and exhausted the next day after the experience
wake up with nightclothes in strange places or outside with all the doors locked
find you are writing unusual scripts or drawings
become more psychic… may see people’s energy fields.
Is alien abduction and contact more common than we think… do some people just not tell because they’re worried someone will think they’re mad?
Correct. I believe there are probably thousands or even millions of people who are having contact/encounters but are too fearful of sharing their experiences because they will be judged as unwell, or attention seeking etc.
How can extraterrestrial contact transform your life?
In our latest in-depth surveys one and two (600 questions) with almost 3,000 surveyed and conducted by The Dr Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE) co chaired by Dr Bob Davis neuroscientist (another keynote speaker at Close Encounters Conference) and Dr Jon Klimo, former professor of psychology. Eighty-five per cent of those surveyed said their encounters had been positive, transformative and life changing. There are many reasons for this and I will explain why in my presentations at the conference. But simply these contacts expose people to information and experiences that change their understanding of themselves. They learn who they really are, why these beings are interacting with them, and how we are all connected.
In films I have seen, ET contact is generally negative and harmful, except of course for the gorgeous ET. Is this a common representation of life beyond the stars? Why is it presented like this? Can it be benevolent and positive?
Only 25–30 per cent of those surveyed said they had negative experiences; more than 75 per cent had loving and positive encounters. This is new information and I suspect it’s only the fear-based ones that catch public attention.
What do you believe ETs have to teach us?
I believe we are a hybrid species and intelligently designed with some DNA from the beings that are interacting with us. This DNA evidence of intelligent design I explore in my presentation. If they are our creators then of course they are still interacting and monitoring us. The children and adults speak of being taught a range of subjects on spacecraft and the origins of who we really are. Much of what we are taught as to our ancient history I believe is inaccurate; the ‘gods’ of old were extraterrestrials. The indigenous peoples know this as they also know our ancestors came from the stars.
What should we expect from your presentation at the Close Encounters Conference?
A panel that shares the FREE research data on what we have found on our surveys globally so far and how this information has changed how we understand contact with these intelligences.
I have been working on three Powerpoint presentations; one is for the Afterlife conference, which primarily shares stories from children and their encounters, which is in my second book The New Human that I am launching at the conference.
I have two presentations on Sunday and Monday; one is called Triggers of Consciousness and shows the many ways we are being awakened and activated by these non-human intelligences. Real footage of UFOs, whistleblower info, paranormal phenomena, orbs and strange artwork/scripts, languages etc that are expressed after contact with similar information coming from China…
Transformation:my final Powerpoint covers adults who have had such powerful ET contacts that have changed them forever. One is a molecular biologist; another a medical doctor. I show evidence in our DNA that we are intelligently designed and how this dormant DNA is being activated as we are evolving now.
Mary Rodwell is a guest speaker at the Close Encounters Conference at the Byron Theatre on Sunday and Monday. For program and ticket information go to
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Alien Surfaces at Infamous Santa Monica's UFO Wreckage?
Alien Surfaces at Infamous Santa Monica's UFO Wreckage?
NEW YORK, NY - JANUARY 01: Confetti falls throughout Times Square during the New Years Eve celebration on January 1, 2013 in New York City. An estimated one million revelers from around the world endured long hours of cold weather to have a front seat to this year's star studded celebration.
(Photo : Photo by Christopher Gregory/Getty Images)
It is always great and mysterious news when a UFO is seen or captured entering the realms of our world. They prove to be great experimental matter, and with every UFO that lands on earth, we gain more information on the extra-terrestrial world.
On New Year's day, a crashed UFO made its way to a Santa Monica alleyway where it lay broken near a couple of trash cans. Sources like SMObserved state that the alien occupant inside had left its broken down transport machine.
Not just that but a Christmas tree that was somewhere in the alley proved to be a great snack for the little fella'. Some say that the UFO must have been brought down by the incessant gun firing that took place over the skies of Texas.
And other reports state that it might be a 2-decade old NASA launch that faced malfunctioning and lost its way in space. Or maybe it was something awesome and new to start off 2017 right. And perhaps the latter could be true.
Tyron Osborne claimed to have witnessed a UFO lit aflame on the 28th of December, 2016 over the skies of Britain's Devon. Thankfully the 52 year old was aware this was a once in a lifetime discovery and he quickly grabbed his camera to record the moment. EastDevon24 has all the pictures.
That UFO which was seen over the port town, Exmouth in Devon was sighted by Tyron on Wednesday around 1 PM in the afternoon. Some say that the orbiting UFO may have been the same one that was seen over the UK. If not, then there is still one out there.
Although many people connect UFOs with aliens and ET life, that cannot yet be assured and certified. Because the evidence that is provided is so weak and of low quality, nothing can be assumed, calculated or even proven. Yet the hearts of many stay hopeful.
But that is not a hard and fast rule for many times out of this world evidence has come along with crashed UFOs. UrbanGhostsMedia has the truest and most shocking stories that have truly happened and there is no use denying it.
Do you think we are alone in the universe? If not, then have aliens visited earth? (Photo: Top5s/YouTube)
The good thing on reported 'UFO Landing Sites' is that these places became a hotspot for tourists because it is really a great place to travel to. UFO up to the present time still remains a mystery and total fantasy to everyone as there is no strong evidence to prove their existence most especially aliens.
Many places in the world have the advantage to their claim as 'UFO Landing Sight' as they relive the controversy in reality. Some places have even annual UFO-themed festivals and other adventures. Check out the list of place provided by CN Traveler:
Roswell, New Mexico- UFO landing site reported in the year 1947. The must-see ceremony in this place is the Roswell UFO Festival that is conducted during June 29- July 1. The festival features a 10k 'alien chase', light parade, UFO-themed art show, and a pet costume contest.
Elmwood, Wisconsin- UFO landing site in the late 70s. Extraterrestrial celebration in this place is conducted annually known as UFO days which features a parade, craft fair, and concerts. The region consists of less than 800 population and just outside the Twin Cities.
Area 51, Nevada- A military base wherein UFO sightings have been reported. Currently, the road leading to the base was declared as Extraterrestrial Highway. The place is actually remote but adventurers can and visit the town of Rachel, Nevada.
Kennedy Space Center, Canada- This is not a reported UFO landing site rather a place where questions regarding 'flying discs' are answered. NASA Headquarter provides footage of space lights wherein astronauts answers a person's curiosity about aliens. People who are fond of research for UFOs are recommended to go here.
Other sightings related to UFO landing which science- fiction lover wish to visit includes; Aurora (Texas), Mineral Lake (Washington), Kecksburg (Pennsylvania), and Gover's Mill (New Jersey). Many experts until the present time are subjecting their researchers to provide the existence of these UFO landing controversies.
A report from the Huffington Post talks about the bizarre giant symbols that are seen on Google maps near Roswell UFO Crash Site. The symbol is one prominent Buddhist symbol. Some believe that the symbol is a message from the aliens to humans regarding their entry in the territory. Meanwhile, some of Canada's beautiful places are endangered; dare to visit them before gone click here for full details.
Thinking about attending Stephen Hawking’s party for time travelers? Don’t bother. If you were going to go, the whole world would know by now. Unless he killed you when you arrived at the party he didn’t announce until the next day back in 2009. Six years later, on his 75th birthday, he still hasn’t announced that any guests showed up.
This stunt, which the famous physicist used to illustrate that time travel isn’t possible (though some people contest that notion) is just one example of Hawking’s extraordinary mind at work. For a man whose life has been defined by exploring and explaining unseen, unproven, and even untestable phenomena, the time traveler party incident, replete with his signature bombast, was par for the course.
Hawking was born in Oxford, England in 1942, but his family moved away when he was a child. He returned to his hometown for university — studying physics at the local institution known as University College, Oxford. From there, he went on to study cosmology at Cambridge, eventually holding the same professorship that Sir Isaac Newton once held.
In the decades since his college days, Hawking has turned his gaze towards space, ceaselessly adding to humanity’s body of knowledge. When he’s not publishing in academic journals — which he’s done over 100 times — he’s making bold proclamations about aliens or the fate of humanity.
It may take Stephen Hawking a few minutes to compose sentences with his voice synthesizer, but when he does, they're often sick burns or proclamations of alien annihilation.
In the year since his 74th birthday, he continues to weigh in on society’s woes, curtly replying, “I can’t,” when asked to explain Donald Trump’s rise to prominence. That being said, he continued, in characteristically Hawking fashion, to make some rather demeaning remarks about Trump appealing to the lowest common denominator.
But he hasn’t just talked about Earthly issues. With an ear to the skies, in 2016 Hawking’s research group shouldered the task of analyzing signals that scientists suspect may be alien civilizations attempting to communicate.
Dreaming of finding a future for humanity in space, the physicist purchased a ticket on Virgin’s future space flight. Have we mentioned that he thinks humanity is doomed on Earth? Well, apparently Hawking has put his money where his mouth is.
While he regularly talks about how humanity is doomed, he also speaks publicly about his own health from time to time. “I relish the rare opportunity I’ve been given to live the life of the mind,” said Hawking in the 2014 documentary Stem Cell Universe. “But I know I need my body and that it will not last forever.”
And though his body won’t last forever, it’s something of an anomaly that it’s lasted this long. Diagnosed with ALS when he was 21, Hawking has lived with the typically fatal disease for 54 years. In spite of the health complications that come with living in a wheelchair for over 40 years, he maintains a sense of humor. He’s even programmed the voice synthesizer through which he speaks to respond to encounters with fans, saying “No, but I’m often mistaken for that man.”
He was spotted celebrating his birthday as close to outer space as one can get on short notice: watching Rogue One in the cinema.
Lest we forget for one second that space is terrifying, there is now new data about what the black hole in the center of our galaxy does to any star that gets too close. Not content with rendering unfortunate celestial objects “spaghettified,” black holes also turn them into “spitballs”, essentially, ripping them to literal shreds. Those shreds — streamers of gas — can then coalesce into planet-sized balls and find themselves subsequently spewed across the galaxy. The research was presented last week at the American Astronomical Society’s annual winter meeting.
The initial shredding could take place in a single day (for comparison, actual gas planets like Jupiter need many millions of years to fully form), with the resulting spitball forming in less than a year. And they’re not a phenomenon unique to the Milky Way — black holes at the center of galaxies like Andromeda are spewing them out at a good clip as well.
“A single shredded star can form hundreds of these planet-mass objects. We wondered: Where do they end up? How close do they come to us? We developed a computer code to answer those questions,” said lead author Eden Girma at the meeting.
Artist's rendering of galactic spitballs.
To that end, some spitballs would be as light as Neptune and potentially as heavy as multiple Jupiters. They also glow — a symptom of the intense heat that went into their formation. They can still be hard to distinguish from rogue planets — only one in 1,000 of these similar-looking objects will end up being a spitball — but they could also be just a few hundred lightyears from Earth. Still, they won’t remain close for too long — about 95 percent are traveling at incredible enough speeds (20 million miles/hour) to soon clear the galaxy entirely.
Seth Shostak, Senior Astronomer at the SETI Institute, has an answer for why aliens probably don’t look like the way we usually illustrate them in pop culture (the skinny gray/green body beneath a bulging, vaguely triangular head and glassy bug eyes). Speaking to Neil deGrasse Tyson last week for a National Geographic Star Talk entitled, “The Science of Alien Sightings,” Shostak discussed common (supposed) misconceptions about how aliens are often portrayed in the media. Comedian Michael Ian Black was also present, if you were for any reason worried that Tyson wouldn’t bring sufficient personality.
Humor-wise, it’s still pretty watery stuff, but Shostak’s correction (if we can call it that) about our collective perception of aliens is worth noting. As he points out to Tyson, a third of the public believes in the “UFO phenomena”. Yet despite the massive number of people who have claimed alien sightings (and abductions), the description of their appearance usually falls along familiar lines.
Have u seen this alien
“Think what were gonna do in this century, which is invent thinking machines,” Shostak said. “The aliens have probably already done that, so the real aliens probably look like machines.”
At this juncture we do have questions, mostly revolving around the implied idea that machines all look alike and that alien machines would look like machines as we tend to picture them, but perhaps that is for another day. Shostak, who’s also the former Center for SETI Research director, has spoken before about how aliens are more likely to resemble something mechanical rather than something soft and tentacle-y.
You can watch the full clip below, though don’t say we didn’t warn you about the humor. It is bad.
If robots are destined to become our overlords, we might as well work to get a little perspective on that future — literally. NASA Ames Research Center’s Intelligent Robotics Group is creating robots with 3D user interfaces that let you (or at least, the lucky human operating them) see the world through their eyes. The Visual Environment for Remote Virtual Exploration (VERVE) has already been adapted to Nissan’s autonomous vehicle systems to give the operator the means to see Mars through their eyes. The Silicon Valley-based center released a new video detailing the technology and its applications.
Astronauts aboard the International Space Station have already been able to use the VERVE system to control the robots on the ground at Ames. Fluid communication between deep-space astronauts and the autonomous rovers they command will be a cornerstone of our missions to explore and eventually colonize Mars.
Much as the VERVE technology will allow autonomous rovers on the Red Planet to intelligently navigate its rocky surface, it’s facilitating Nissan vehicles’ ability to make the safest decisions about surrounding traffic in real time.
“This is not only a demonstration of the transfer of space technology to industry, but also the application of their research back to our space technology, with additional uses for our unmanned aircraft systems research. This is a perfect example of technology literally driving exploration and enabling future space missions,” said Ames Center Director Eugene Tu at the 2017 International CES.
The Intelligent Robotics Group specializes in developing technology to explore remote and extreme terrain — like Mars — and, in the case of VERVE, providing 3D views of that terrain.
We tend to associate NASA’s Mars-focused robotics efforts with the Curiosity rover, but there’s a fairly deep bench of fascinating missions — these diminutive bouncing robots for instance, or this recent effort to partner with private companies testing their robots on the moon as a means of proving their worthiness to progress to Mars.
Department of Homeland Security films UFO - Puerto Rico - 2013 - Official Government Footage
Department of Homeland Security films UFO - Puerto Rico - 2013 - Official Government Footage
Published on Jan 10, 2017
On 26th of April 2013 the Department of homeland security filmed a UFO that was flying over Puerto Rico.
The object in the video was captured by a thermal imaging camera on a DHS aircraft, and according to the researchers, it exhibits characteristics that cannot be explained by any known aircraft or natural phenomenon.
The video is overlaid with the sort of telemetry one would expect from a military or law enforcement thermal image video. It shows an object apparently moving very quickly over land and then into the ocean. It seems to be tumbling or changing shape. It moves over buildings, through trees, and eventually over the ocean. Then things get weird. The object appears to go in and out of the ocean without slowing down, and at the end of the video is either joined by another object or breaks in two.
“The object was between three to five feet in length and its speed varied between approximately 40 mph to 120 mph. Its median speed was roughly 80 mph.”
An interesting characteristic at the end of the flight was when it apparently submerged into the ocean, traveled for over half a mile, and then flew back out. “Its speed through the water reached a high of 95 mph and average 82.8 mph.”
A group of independant, skeptical researchers with backgrounds in various fields of science and technology released a 161 page document detailing their findings:
In March 2016, scientists detected 10 powerful bursts of radio signals coming from outer space. Recently, six more mysterious signals dubbed fast radio bursts (FRB) have been detected coming from the same location far beyond the Milky Way galaxy.
These mysterious FRBs are very powerful and short-lived signals, as they last only for a few milliseconds. But, they generate as much energy as the sun releases in an entire day. Although these signals are extremely powerful, scientists still aren’t sure about their source.
Scientists named the region from where the signals are coming as FRB 121102. That spot is about 3 billion light-years away from Earth.
As per the research team, “Our discovery of repeating bursts from FRB 121102 shows that for at least one source, the origin of the bursts cannot be cataclysmic, and further, must be able to repeat on short [less than 1 minute] timescales. Whether FRB 121102 is a unique object in the currently known sample of FRBs, or all FRBs are capable of repeating, its characterization is extremely important to understanding fast extragalactic radio transients.”
The researchers are working to find the reason behind these FRBs. The international team of researchers suspects that the source could be an exotic object, like a young neutron star or a supernova remnant. However, it is also possible that these FRBs are from different sources as well, perhaps even aliens.
NASA just explained why Moon dust is 'levitating' above the lunar surface
NASA just explained why Moon dust is 'levitating' above the lunar surface
It's floating with no air.
NASA scientists have figured out why dust particles on the Moon are floating several centimetres above the surface, despite the fact that there’s no wind or flowing water to propel them up there.
The discovery could not only explain how these dust particles are transported across vast distances on the Moon - they could also describe processes that are occurring in many airless environments, including the rings of Saturn.
"This new ... model resolved a fundamental mechanism of dust charging and transport, which has been puzzling scientists for decades," said one of the team, Xu Wang, from NASA’s Ames Research Centre in California.
Scientists have known about these levitating particles for over five decades now, and they’ve been used to explain the Moon’s strange 'horizon glow' - a phenomenon first observed by the Apollo astronauts and NASA’s Surveyor probes in the 1960s.
When the Apollo mission orbited the far side of the Moon, they saw an incredibly bright arc of light shining on the horizon just after sunset.
In 1994, NASA's Clementine spacecraft captured this amazing image of the phenomenon:
The Moon's horizon glow. Credit: NASA
The same thing that was first witnessed by the Apollo astronauts surrounding the Moon in the 1960s was later recorded over the rings of Saturn, and in craters on the asteroid Eros.
"These are all the examples of dust transporting across vast regions without winds or flowing water," says NASA.
"Scientists believed electrostatic dust processes could explain these space observations, but until now, there were no studies to support these explanations."
To figure out if these particles are actually being held in suspension above the lunar surface by electrostatic forces, Wang and his team performed an experiment in the lab to see what micron-sized dust particles would do when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation or electrically-charged gases known as plasmas.
In both cases, the dust particles would leap several centimetres above the surface, and the team says that on the Moon, light would scatter through these levitating particles to create the horizon glow.
"On Earth’s moon, these dust particles would have been lofted more than 4 inches (10 centimetres) above the lunar surface," NASA reports.
"[T]he Moon’s horizon glow - seen in images taken by Surveyor 5, 6, and 7 five decades ago - may have been caused in part by sunlight scattering in a cloud of electrostatically lofted dust particles."
You can see the results below:
The study found that the strange properties of Moon dust combined with UV radiation or plasma from the Sun can loft single particles - or sometimes even large clusters of dust - up above the surface.
This is due to the reaction causing an emission and re-absorption of electrons inside 'micro-cavities' formed between neighbouring particles, which can generate unexpectedly large electrical charges and intense repulsive forces.
These forces cause the dust particles or clusters to lift off the surface, or 'levitate'.
And it's not just causing the 'horizon glow' effect - it's maintaining a frustratingly hostile environment on the Moon, because of how 'sharp' those floating particles actually are.
As the Soil Science Society of America explained back in 2008, the powdery dirt found on the lunar surface was formed by micrometeorite impacts that pounded local Moon rocks into fine particles.
The energy from these impacts actually melted the lunar dirt into a vapour, and once that vapour cooled and condensed on the soil particles, it covered them in a glassy shell.
"The dust was so abrasive that it actually wore through three layers of Kevlar-like material on Jack’s boot," Larry Taylor, director of the Planetary Geosciences Institute at the University of Tennessee, said of Apollo 17 crewmember Harrison 'Jack' Schmitt's 1972 Moon walk.
The NASA team says that this phenomenon could theoretically occur in any airless environment, and could explain how dust particles can move across the rings of Saturn, or form 'dust ponds' on the Eros asteroid, without any winds to propel them.
"We expect dust particles to mobilise and transport electrostatically over the entire lunar surface, as well as the surface of any other airless planetary body," said Wang.
NASA Solves the Mystery of How Matter Moves on Exotic Worlds
NASA Solves the Mystery of How Matter Moves on Exotic Worlds
Custom. M.A
The mystery of how dust on the moon travels through an airless environment. Researchers discovered UV radiation and the sun's plasma can cause the particles to spring above the surface creating the "horizon glow."
Researchers noticed the same phenomena was also occurring on the rings of Saturn and the craters of Eros, which could help us learn more about how matter behaves in other airless environments.
How dust particles on the Moon’s surface levitate and transport themselves across vast distances have baffled scientists for more than 50 years now — and has been used to explain the Moon’s ‘horizon glow.’ But, it seems that a team of scientists from NASA solved the mystery.
“This new ‘patched charge model’ resolved a fundamental mechanism of dust charging and transport, which has been puzzling scientists for decades,” explained researcher Xu Wang, from NASA’s Ames Research Centre in California. The journal Geophysical Research Letterspublished the study.
The team wanted to figure out if these dust particles are suspended by an electrostatic force. Wang, together with Mihaly Horanyi at the University of Colorado in Boulder, and their team of researchers conducted lab experiments to see how micron-sized dust particles would behave when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation or electrically-charged gasses (or plasmas).
The team discovered, in both cases, the dust would actually leap by a few centimeters above the surface. On the Moon, the strange properties of its dust combined with UV radiation or plasma from the Sun can loft single particles and, sometimes, even large dust clusters up above the surface.
The NASA team’s lab tests. Credits: NASA
On the Moon, these dust particles would scatter light reflected from the Sun, creating that famous ‘horizon glow’ that was first captured in the 1960s by the Apollo astronauts and NASA’s Surveyor probes.
“[T]hese dust particles would have been lofted more than ten centimeters (four inches) above the lunar surface, leading researchers to conclude that the moon’s “horizon glow” — seen in images taken by Surveyor 5, 6, and 7 five decades ago — may have been caused in part by sunlight scattering in a cloud of electrostatically lofted dust particles,” according to NASA.
The same phenomenon was observed later over Saturn’s rings and in the craters of the asteroid Eros — where dust is also transported across vast regions devoid of winds or flowing water. “We expect dust particles to mobilize and transport electrostatically over the entire lunar surface, as well as the surface of any other airless planetary body,” said Wang.
Unfortunately, the dust particles on the Moon actually create a rather harsh environment on its surface. The particles can be sharp and therefore dangerous to anything on the surface. These dusts are partly formed by meteorite impacts that pounded the Moon’s surface rocks into fine particles, which are actually sharp due to being covered by a glassy shell. The glassy shell comes from lunar dirt that’s melted into vapor, thanks to the energy from the meteorite impacts, which cooled and condensed on the dust particles.
“The dust was so abrasive that it actually wore through three layers of Kevlar-like material on [Harrison Schmitt’s] boot,” explained Larry Taylor, director at the Planetary Geosciences Institute at the University of Tennessee, speaking of the Apollo 17 crewmember’s 1972 moon walk.
A man was convinced he'd spotted a cloud hiding an alien spaceship after he noticed the surface appeared to be 'reflective'.
Anthony Sakowski was baffled by his discovery, which he spotted in the sky while driving in Arizona.
He films the strange saucer-shaped cloud for over two minutes while driving along a country road.
Alongside the footage, Anthony wrote: "Strange cloud hiding UFO . Reflected above."
The man claimed the spaceship was hiding behind the cloud(Photo: YouTube/Anthony Sakowski)
He added: "UFO reflected on haze above."
Anthony published the video on YouTube on January 6 although the exact date and time of the sighting is unknown.
The clip has now been viewed more than 5,400 times.
The cloud appeared to be reflective(Photo: YouTube/Anthony Sakowski)
Most viewers were convinced that Anthony had simply spotted a lenticular cloud , which are stationary lens-shaped clouds and have often been mistaken for UFO sightings.
But UFO hunter Scott Waring, of UFO Sightings Daily disagreed, saying: "The UFO was noticed when the sun lit it up and caused a disk reflection above it on the clouds.
"Only a metal reflective surface could do this, and, as you see, the dark area of the cloud is the actual UFO."
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Chilean Navy still puzzled over UFO footage
Chilean Navy still puzzled over UFO footage
Its been almost three years since one pilot from the Chilean Navy caught footage of an unidentified flying object (UFO) in the country’s airspace, but the government body still could not put their finger around the situation.
The seemingly dubious craft—which was first sighted in November 2014 but was only shared to the public recently— was shot using an infrared camera during a routine coast patrol in broad daylight, according to The Huffington Post
The supposed UFO was hovering high in the clouds before emitting what seemed to be a type of gas as it cruised along.
After unsuccessfully trying to communicate with it multiple times, the pilot tracked the craft from around 40 miles and reported it to nearby radar stations.
Even more surprising was that neither of them were able to detect the ‘UFO’ on their screens, despite being completely visible to the nearby navy choppers.
More so, no other aircraft were authorized to fly in the area where the aircraft was sighted, the report said.
The UFO sighting incident has been the subject of a thorough investigation by the Chilean government agency, the CEFAA (Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos), for the past two years.
However, its officials remain clueless about the matter, even after questioning the pilots, air traffic controllers, and radar operators who witnessed the levitating object.
“We do not know what it was, but we do not know what it was not,” director of CEFAA, General Ricardo Bermúdez, described the complexity of the incident in the report.
The executive added that even their organization’s cream-of-the-crop could not identify nor give out possible suggestions regarding the obscure vehicle.
“I was very impressed by these witnesses. They were highly trained professionals with many years’ experience, and they were absolutely certain that they could not explain what they saw,” he said.
As of this writing, the CEFAA is still seeking help from expert groups to resolve the mystery. Khristian Ibarrola
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
1952 Washington D.C. UFO Incident
1952 Washington D.C. UFO Incident
The 1952 Washington D.C. UFO incident, also known as the Washington flap or the Washington National Airport Sightings, was a series of unidentified flying object reports from July 12 to July 29, 1952, over Washington D.C. The most publicized sightings took place on consecutive weekends, July 19-20 and July 26-27.
Events of July 19-20
At 11:40 p.m. on Saturday, July 19, 1952, Edward Nugent, an air-traffic controller at Washington National Airport, spotted seven objects on his radar. The objects were located 15 miles south-southwest of the city; no known aircraft were in the area and the objects were not following any established flight paths. Nugent's superior, Harry Barnes, a senior air-traffic controller at the airport, watched the objects on Nugent's radarscope. He later wrote:
"We knew immediately that a very strange situation existed ... their movements were completely radical compared to those of ordinary aircraft". Barnes had two controllers check Nugent's radar; they found that it was working normally. Barnes then called National Airport's other radar center; the controller there, Howard Cocklin, told Barnes that he also had the objects on his radarscope. Furthermore, Cocklin said that by looking out of the control tower window he could see one of the objects: "a bright orange light. I can't tell what's behind it".
At this point, other objects appeared in all sectors of the radarscope; when they moved over the White House and the United States Capitol, Barnes called Andrews Air Force Base, located 10 miles from National Airport. Although Andrews reported that they had no unusual objects on their radar, an airman soon called the base's control tower to report the sighting of a strange object.
Airman William Brady, who was in the tower, then saw an "object which appeared to be like an orange ball of fire, trailing a tail ... it was unlike anything I had ever seen before." As Brady tried to alert the other personnel in the tower, the strange object "took off at an unbelievable speed." Meanwhile, another person in the National Airport control tower reported seeing "an orange disk about 3,000 feet altitude".
On one of the airport's runways, S.C. Pierman, a Capital Airlines pilot, was waiting in the cockpit of his DC-4 for permission to take off. After spotting what he believed to be a meteor, he was told that the control tower's radar had picked up unknown objects closing in on his position. Pierman observed six objects - "white, tailless, fast-moving lights" - over a 14-minute period. Pierman was in radio contact with Barnes during his sighting, and Barnes later related that "each sighting coincided with a pip we could see near his plane. When he reported that the light streaked off at a high speed, it disappeared on our scope."
At Andrews AFB, meanwhile, the control tower personnel were tracking on radar what some thought to be unknown objects, but others suspected, and in one instance were able to prove, were simply stars and meteors. However, Staff Sgt. Charles Davenport observed an orange-red light to the south; the light "would appear to stand still, then make an abrupt change in direction and altitude ... this happened several times".
At one point both radar centers at National Airport and the radar at Andrews AFB were tracking an object hovering over a radio beacon. The object vanished in all three radar centers at the same time. At 3 a.m., shortly before two jet fighters from Newcastle AFB in Delaware arrived over Washington, all of the objects vanished from the radar at National Airport. However, when the jets ran low on fuel and left, the objects returned, which convinced Barnes that "the UFOs were monitoring radio traffic and behaving accordingly". The objects were last detected by radar at 5:30 a.m. Around sunrise, E.W. Chambers, a civilian radio engineer in Washington's suburbs, observed "five huge disks circling in a loose formation. They tilted upward and left on a steep ascent."
Publicity and Air Force Reaction
The sightings of July 19-20, 1952, made front-page headlines in newspapers around the nation. A typical example was the headline from the Cedar Rapids Gazette in Iowa. It read "SAUCERS SWARM OVER CAPITAL" in large black type.
By coincidence, USAF Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, the supervisor of the Air Force's Project Blue Book investigation into the UFO mystery, was in Washington at the time. However, he did not learn about the sightings until Tuesday, July 22, when he read the headlines in a Washington-area newspaper.
After talking with intelligence officers at the Pentagon about the sightings, Ruppelt spent several hours trying to obtain a staff car to investigate the sightings, but was refused as only generals and senior colonels could use staff cars. He was told that he could rent a taxicab with his own money; by this point Ruppelt was so frustrated that he left Washington and flew back to Blue Book's headquarters at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio. Before leaving Washington, Ruppelt did speak with an Air Force radar specialist, Captain Roy James, who felt that unusual weather conditions could have caused the unknown radar targets.
Events of July 26-27
At 8:15 p.m. on Saturday, July 26, 1952, a pilot and stewardess on a National Airlines flight into Washington observed some strange objects above their plane. Within minutes, both radar centers at National Airport, and the radar at Andrews AFB, were tracking more unknown objects. A master sergeant at Andrews visually observed the objects; he later said that "these lights did not have the characteristics of shooting stars. There were no trails ... they traveled faster than any shooting star I have ever seen".
Meanwhile, Albert M. Chop, the press spokesman for Project Blue Book, arrived at National Airport and refused several reporters' requests to photograph the radar screens. He then joined the radar center personnel. By this time (9:30 p.m.) the radar center was picking up unknown objects in every sector. At times the objects traveled slowly; at other times they reversed direction and moved across the radarscope at speeds calculated at 7,000 mph.
At 11:30 p.m., two jet fighters from Newcastle AFB in Delaware arrived over Washington. Capt. John McHugo, the flight leader, was vectored towards the radar pips but saw nothing, despite repeated attempts. However, his wingman, Lt. William Patterson, did see four white "glows" and chased them. Suddenly, the "glows" turned and surrounded his fighter. Patterson asked the control tower at National Airport what he should do; according to Chop, the tower's answer was "stunned silence". The four objects then sped away from Patterson's jet and disappeared.
After midnight on July 27, Major Dewey Fournet, Project Blue Book's liaison at the Pentagon, and a Lt. Holcomb, an Air Force radar specialist, arrived at the radar center at National Airport. During the night, Lt. Holcomb received a call from the Washington National Weather Station. They told him that a slight temperature inversion was present over the city, but Holcomb felt that the inversion was not "nearly strong enough to explain the 'good and solid' returns" on the radarscopes.
Fournet relayed that all those present in the radar room were convinced that the targets were most likely caused by solid metallic objects. There had been weather targets on the scope too, he said, but this was a common occurrence and the controllers "were paying no attention to them." Two more jets from Newcastle AFB were scrambled during the night. One pilot saw nothing unusual; the other pilot moved towards a white light which "vanished" when he closed in. A Capital Airlines flight leaving Washington spotted "odd lights" which remained visible for about twelve minutes. As on July 20, the sightings and unknown radar returns ended at sunrise.
White House Concern and the "Shoot-down" Order
The sightings of July 26-27 also made front-page headlines, and even led President Harry Truman to personally call Capt. Ruppelt and ask for an explanation of the sightings. Ruppelt, remembering the conversation he had with Capt. James, told the President that the sightings might have been caused by temperature inversion, in which a layer of warm, moist air covers a layer of cool, dry air closer to the ground. This condition can cause radar signals to bend and give false returns. However, Ruppelt had not yet interviewed any of the witnesses or conducted a formal investigation.
CIA historian Gerald Haines, in his 1997 history of the CIA's involvement with UFOs, also mentions Truman's concern. "A massive buildup of sightings over the United States in 1952, especially in July, alarmed the Truman administration. On 19 and 20 July, radar scopes at Washington National Airport and Andrews Air Force Base tracked mysterious blips. On 27 July, the blips reappeared."
White House concern may possibly have resulted in an order to shoot down the UFOs, reported in various International News Service (INS) stories on July 29, 1952. E.g., one such story reported that "jet pilots have been placed on a 24-hour nationwide 'alert against the flying saucers' with orders to shoot them down if they ignore orders to land."
An Air Force public information officer, Lt. Col. Moncel Monte, confirmed the directive stating, "The jet pilots are, and have been, under orders to investigate unidentified objects and to shoot them down if they can't talk them down." It was further stated that no pilot had been able to get close enough to take a shot at a flying saucer, as the objects would disappear or speed away as soon as an interceptor approached, sometimes outflying their pilots by "as much as a thousand miles an hour."
However, in seeming contradiction to the admitted "shoot-down" order, Air Force headquarters also put out statements that the unidentified flying objects were no threat to the United States and not controlled by "a reasoning body."
Some public protests resulted, including telegrams and letters to the White House stating that the policy was dangerous if the UFOs were controlled by extraterrestrial beings, who would obviously be much more technologically advanced than humans.
The July 29 Air Force Press Conference and Air Force's Explanation
In response to the INS "shoot-down" stories, to calm rising public anxiety and answer the news media's questions about the sightings - and, hopefully, to slow down the numbers of UFO reports being sent to Blue Book, which were clogging normal intelligence channels - Air Force Major Generals John Samford, USAF Director of Intelligence, and Roger Ramey, USAF Director of Operations, held a well-attended press conference at the Pentagon on July 29, 1952. It was the largest Pentagon press conference since World War II. Press stories called Samford and Ramey the Air Force's two top UFO experts.
Samford was heavily influenced by Capt. Roy James, who had discussed the sightings with him earlier in the day and who also spoke at the conference. Samford declared that the visual sightings over Washington could be explained as misidentified aerial phenomena (such as stars or meteors). Samford also stated that the unknown radar targets could be explained by temperature inversion, which was present in the air over Washington on both nights the radar returns were reported.
In addition, Samford argued that the radar contacts were not caused by solid material targets, and therefore posed no threat to national security. In response to a question as to whether the Air Force had recorded similar UFO radar contacts prior to the Washington incident, Samford admitted that there had been "hundreds" of such contacts where Air Force fighter interceptions had taken place, but stated they were all "fruitless." The conference proved to be successful "in getting the press off our backs", Ruppelt later wrote.
Among the witnesses who supported Samford's explanation was the crew of a B-25 bomber, which had been flying over Washington during the sightings of July 26-27. The bomber was vectored several times by National Airport over unknown targets on the airport's radarscopes, yet the crew could see nothing unusual. Finally, as a crew member related, "the radar had a target which turned out to be the Wilson Lines steamboat trip to Mount Vernon...the radar was sure as hell picking up the steamboat".
Air Force Captain Harold May was in the radar center at Andrews AFB during the sightings of July 19-20. Upon hearing that National Airport's radar had picked up an unknown object heading in his direction, May stepped outside and saw "a light that was changing from red to orange to green to red again ... at times it dipped suddenly and appeared to lose altitude." However, May eventually concluded that he was simply seeing a star that was distorted by the atmosphere, and that its "movement" was an illusion.
At 3 a.m. on July 27, an Eastern Airlines flight over Washington was told that an unknown object was in its vicinity; the crew could see nothing unusual. When they were told that the object had moved directly behind their plane, they began a sharp turn to try to see the object, but were told by National Airport's radar center that the object had "disappeared" when they began their turn.
At the request of the Air Force, the CAA's Technical Development and Evaluation Center did an analysis of the radar sightings. Their conclusion was that "a temperature inversion had been indicated in almost every instance when the unidentified radar targets or visual objects had been reported".
Project Blue Book would eventually label the Washington radar objects as "mirage effects caused by double inversion" and the visual sightings as "meteors coupled with the normal excitement of witnesses". In later years two prominent UFO skeptics, Dr. Donald Menzel, an astronomer at Harvard University, and Philip Klass, a senior editor for Aviation Week magazine, would also argue in favor of the temperature inversion/mirage hypothesis.
Criticisms of the Air Force Explanation
Almost from the moment of General Samford's press conference, eyewitnesses, UFO researchers, and Air Force personnel came forward to criticize the temperature inversion/mirage explanation. Captain Ruppelt noted that Major Fournet and Lt. Holcomb, who disagreed with the Air Force's explanation, were not in attendance at Samford's press conference. Ruppelt himself discovered that "hardly a night passed in June, July, and August in 1952 that there wasn't a temperature inversion in Washington, yet the slow-moving, solid radar targets appeared on only a few nights".
According to a story printed by INS, the United States Weather Bureau also disagreed with the temperature inversion hypothesis, one official stating that "such an inversion ordinarily would appear on a radar screen as a steady line, rather than as single objects as were sighted on the airport radarscope."
Also, according to Ruppelt, when he was able to interview the radar and control tower personnel at Washington National Airport, not a single person agreed with the Air Force explanation. Michael Wertheimer, a researcher for the government-funded Condon Report, investigated the case in 1966. He found that the radar witnesses still disputed the Air Force explanation, but that did not stop the report from agreeing with the temperature inversion/mirage explanation.
Ruppelt related that on July 27 the control tower at Washington National had called the control tower at Andrews AFB and notified them that their radar had an unknown object just south of the Andrews control tower, directly over the Andrews AFB radio range station. According to Ruppelt, when the Andrews control tower personnel looked they all saw "a huge fiery-orange sphere" hovering over the range station.
When Ruppelt interviewed the tower personnel several days later, they insisted that they had been mistaken and had merely seen a bright star. However, when Ruppelt checked an astronomical chart he found that there were no bright stars over the station that night, and that he had "heard from a good source that the tower men had been 'persuaded' a bit" by superior officers to state that their sighting was merely a star.
There were also witnesses who claimed to see structured craft and not merely "glows" or bright lights. On July 19 an Army artillery officer, Joseph Gigandet, was sitting on the front porch of his home in Alexandria, Virginia, across the Potomac River from Washington.
At 9:30 p.m. he claimed to see "a red cigar-shaped object" which sailed slowly over his house. Gigandet estimated the object's size as comparable to a DC-7 airplane and at about 10,000 feet altitude; he also claimed that the object had a "series of lights very closely set together" on its sides. The object eventually flew back over his house a second time, which led Gigandet to assume that it was circling the area.
When the object flew away a second time, it turned a deeper red color and moved over the city of Washington itself; this occurred less than two hours before Edward Nugent first spotted the unknown objects on his radar at Washington National. Gigandet claimed that his neighbor, an FBI agent, also saw the object.
Dr. James E. McDonald, a physicist at the University of Arizona and a prominent ufologist in the 1960s, did his own analysis of the Washington sightings. After interviewing four pilot eyewitnesses and five radar personnel, McDonald argued that the Air Force explanation was "physically impossible". Harry Barnes told McDonald that the radar targets "were not shapeless blobs such as one gets from ground returns under anomalous propagation", and that he was certain the unknown radar blips were solid targets; Howard Cocklin agreed with Barnes.
Aftermath: The Robertson Panel
The extremely high numbers of UFO reports in 1952 disturbed both the Air Force and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Both groups felt that an enemy nation could deliberately flood the U.S. with false UFO reports, causing mass panic and allowing them to launch a sneak attack.
On September 24, 1952, the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) issued a memorandum to Walter B. Smith, the CIA's director. The memo stated that "the flying saucer situation ... have national security implications ... in the public concern with the phenomena ... lies the potential for the touching-off of mass hysteria and panic". The result of this memorandum was the creation in January 1953 of the Robertson Panel.
Physicist Howard Percy Robertson chaired the panel, which consisted of prominent scientists and which spent four days examining the "best" UFO cases collected by Project Blue Book. The panel dismissed nearly all of the UFO cases it examined as not representing anything unusual or threatening to national security.
In the panel's controversial estimate, the Air Force and Project Blue Book needed to spend less time analyzing and studying UFO reports and more time publicly debunking them. The panel recommended that the Air Force and Project Blue Book should take steps to "strip the Unidentified Flying Objects of the special status they have been given and the aura of mystery they have unfortunately acquired".
Following the Panel's report, Project Blue Book would rarely publicize any UFO case that it had not labeled as "solved"; unsolved cases were rarely mentioned by the Air Force.
Clark, Jerome, The UFO Book: Encyclopedia of the Extraterrestrial. Visible Ink, 1998. ISBN 1-57859-029-9
Michaels, Susan, Sightings: UFOs. Simon and Schuster, 1997. ISBN 0-684-83630-0
Peebles, Curtis, Watch the Skies!: A Chronicle of the Flying Saucer Myth. Berkley Books, 1994. ISBN 0-425-15117-4
Randle, Kevin D., Invasion Washington: UFOs Over the Capitol. HarperTorch, 2001. ISBN 0-380-81470-6
Ruppelt, Edward J. The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects
The structure was discovered pyramids from space satellites. Images that do, can clearly see its form and shape. It is about 1.7 times larger than the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Orthodox scientists and skeptics, of course, argue that, in this structure, it is only natural, geological formation created, but satellite images and photographs of people who were in it, speak a different language.
From the perspective of classical science, which in harmony with religion does not admit the possibility that long before our civilization was built by someone on our planet unique technical monuments, it is understandable that something like a gigantic pyramid under the ice of Antarctica can not and must not exist.
Its undeniable existence but implies the issue, rather the fact that either was for some reason built an alien civilization, or – the other possibility – that in Antarctica, which was at times her of building not covered by ice, it has built a developed terrestrial civilization, which for some reason ( natural disasters, or self-destruction ….) ceased to exist.
However, the fact that Antarctica was ice-historic times, the meantime science already knows and accepts.
In Antarctica there under the ice even two other, smaller pyramid. It announced a group of eight scientists who do research there. Since this is a serious scientists who are very careful and do not want to premature closures, so their statements are restrained. In addition, also because while they want to remain anonymous – they are two Americans and six Europeans.
These scientists say that it is necessary to send a new big adventure, which will be equipped with all necessary devices and will be able to conclusively determine whether the artificially built pyramids.
The highest of the pyramid is located directly on the coast. Mentioned two smaller pyramids are close to each other and the distance from the coast 16 km.
Modern science is based on the fact that Antarctica looked like in ancient times completely different way than today. The analyzes showed that the Antarctic in those days were warm summers, with temperatures above twenty degrees. Rainwater was even covered with forests, similar to those now in New Zealand. It is inhabited by a large number of organisms. If at that time on the continent they were living human beings – which now admit more courageous scientists – so there would have been very appropriate and favorable conditions for life.
Cheops pyramid in Egypt has a length of one side of its base of 230 meters. The same party giant pyramid in Antarctica but has up to 400 meters.
I conclude that it allowed to-view that in recent years occurred in the Antarctic to the large amount of warming, glaciers and snow cover was melted, and thus from the eternal snow and ice liberated apex of the pyramid, while a substantial part of it is still hidden. From the pyramid stands
De maan, die je overmorgen weer in al haar glorie kan aanschouwen, zou wel eens samengesteld kunnen zijn uit een heleboel kleine maantjes die ooit allemaal rond de Aarde cirkelden. De maan zoals we die kennen zou het resultaat zijn van een reeks kosmische botsingen. Die zorgden voor veel maantjes die samensmolten tot de maan die we elke avond zien.
De gangbare theorie is dat de Maan is ontstaan doordat de Aarde botste met Theia, een planeet van ongeveer de grootte van Mars. Theia zou hierbij volledig vernietigd zijn en versmolten met de aardmaterie, waarvan een dikke brok vloeibare lava zou weggeslingerd zijn. Die enorme brok vloeibare materie trok samen als een gigantische druppel die geleidelijk stolde tot de vorm van de Maan.
Israëlische wetenschappers zijn echter van oordeel dat een aantal kleine botsingen samenklonterden en een reeks minimaantjes vormden. Over een periode van miljoenen jaren zouden die minimaantjes op hun beurt samengeklonterd zijn tot de maan die we kennen.
De wetenschappers voerden ongeveer duizend computersimulaties uit en schatten dat zowat twintig botsingen zouden hebben volstaan. Volgens hen zou dit ook verklaren waarom de maan samengesteld lijkt uit materiaal afkomstig van de Aarde en niet van een andere planeet.
"Ons model gaat ervan uit dat de oude Aarde ooit een reeks manen had, telkens gevormd door een andere botsing met de proto-Aarde", zegt co-auteur Hagai Perets van het Israëlisch technologie-instituut in Haifa.
The transition from one year to the next is always a little uncertain – an uneasy blend of anxiety and optimism, it’s also a time of retrospection, introspection, and even a little tentative prognostication. And since the latter is our stock-in-trade at Futurism, we believe now is the perfect time to look ahead at what 2017 has in store for us.
Here’s some of what we can expect for artificial intelligence in the year ahead.
Personal AI
2016 saw the growth of more consumer-oriented AI. Alexa, Siri, and Cortana—among many others—now come standard in our handy personal devices, and Amazon even open-sourced Alexa for developers. Look for 2017 to be the year when AI begins to be a commonplace in some apps, and also expect the other major tech companies to follow Amazon’s lead in opening up their AI systems to outside development.
With this more collaborative approach to the evolution of AI, we may finally begin to see the personalization of artificial intelligence, and a great proliferation of new AI programs with idiosyncratic personalities, temperaments, and even intellectual outlooks.
Some of the artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms currently helping machines think. Credit: CIO Journal/Narrative Science
A Better Conversationalist
Trying to hold a conversation with Siri or Alexa is like watching two people in the same canoe paddling in opposite directions—it just ain’t goin’ anywhere. For one thing, neither have much a sense of humor; furthermore, these robotic ladies just lack that wonted je ne sais quoi we expect in our intellectual sparring partners—they’re dull, frankly, and haven’t really got much to say.
But in 2017, that’s all about to change.
“In 2017 there will be a chatbot that passes the Turing test, exhibiting responses so human-like that an average person wouldn’t be able to tell if it’s human or machine,” forecasts Jim McHugh, Vice President and General Manager at NVIDIA. Such extraordinary capabilities will be the natural sequel to the new advances in machine learning, natural language processing, and pattern recognition that will finally beget more empathic and intuitive AI programs.
“In the coming year, we will see advances that are used to endow systems with new human-centered qualities, including more natural, fluid conversation—that can address several topics or needs in one ongoing interaction, and deeper understanding of human values and intentions, such as recognizing the commitments we make to others in our email and text messaging,” observes Eric Horvitz, Technical Fellow and Managing Director at Microsoft Research.
Very soon now, you’ll really be able to have that deep, meaningful conversation with Alexa that you always wanted.
Cognitive Machinery
According to the big brains at Ovum, “machine learning will be the biggest disruptor for big data analytics in 2017.” They’ve got a point, too—a damn good one. Deep learning and neural networks have shown remarkable promise, even holding out the hope that they might point the way toward achieving some sort of serviceable, human-like machine intelligence—not a terrible surprise, since their mechanism mimics the layered cognitive processing employed by the human brain.
And in 2017, we can expect even greater strides in machine learning, as massive upgrades to parallel processing power enable the networks to crunch ever-larger blocks of data. “Generative adversarial networks” (GANs) are the next big thing in machine learning—essentially dual networks, one that learns from datasets and another that distinguishes between real and fake data.
So look for our machines to become better learners in 2017, as AI approaches its “terrible twos” and begins to cognitively mature.
A Companion Mind
Harry Shrum, Executive Vice President of Microsoft’s AI and Research Group, is cheerfully optimistic about AI’s outlook in the coming year:
“In 2017 we’ll see increased acceleration in the democratization of AI for every person and every organization. With advances in technology, computers will gain even greater ability to see, hear and understand our world—to make us more productive, to have more fun and also enable greater strides towards solving some of society’s most pressing challenges like fighting disease, ignorance, and poverty.”
And that seems to be the general consensus about what the New Year holds for artificial intelligence. Not a mystical singularity; not the sudden “awakening” of an inchoate machine mind—inhuman, alien, perhaps even malevolent or at least antipathetic to all we hold dear. That’s a fantasy—the reality will be far more prosaic.
If AI is taken to mean the evolution of tools that act in concert with their makers, and are instilled with a limited, almost instinctual awareness, then we seem to be well on the way toward building a world in which our machines are active partners in the business of life. So don’t look for the coming of Skynet or HAL 9000 in 2017—nothing so dramatic as all that. For now, baby steps—incremental steps toward a world in which our very tools are endowed with the same sort of sensory and reactive faculties that are found throughout the living world.
Now, as for 2018… that’s a different story altogether.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
L’alchimie : superscience ou vestige d’une ancienne civilisation ?
L’alchimie : superscience ou vestige d’une ancienne civilisation ?
Il pourrait sembler paradoxal que la science moderne, après avoir acquis ses lettres de noblesse en accumulant des milliers de faits et en homologuant une multitude d’expériences, revienne aujourd’hui à des hypothèses formulées il y a plusieurs millénaires. C’est ainsi que l’on sait que Démocrate parlait déjà, bien avant l’ère chrétienne, d’atomes et qu’il envisageait que la Voie lactée était formée d’innombrables étoiles, ce qui conférait cette blancheur laiteuse à la région du ciel où on l’observe. Les Egyptiens, construisant le temple d’Edfou et installant de longs mâts en cuivre pour briser l’orage étaient à cent lieues de penser que Benjamin Franklin « inventerait » le paratonnerre trente siècles plus tard…
Il existe une foule d’exemples de ce genre dans tous les domaines scientifiques, mais d’autres faits plus troublants sont restés inexpliqués et même inexplicables à l’heure actuelle. Il semble donc naturel que les scientifiques armés de leur matériel ultramoderne s’attaquent à ces bastions de la connaissance.L’Île de Pâques, dans le Pacifique, est un cas typique. On peut y voir près de six cents statues gigantesques de plusieurs dizaines de tonnes dont il est impossible de formuler la provenance et la manière par laquelle elles furent érigées. Dans les Andes on a retrouvé des sculptures d’animaux de l’ère secondaire et des ports de mer à six mille pieds d’altitude ! Les Mayas utilisaient, en plus du calendrier basé sur l’année solaire, un calendrier basé sur l’année vénusienne de 584 jours…Plus on s’enfonce dans le temps et plus les faits fantastiques se multiplient. Cependant notre histoire est limitée : au-delà de 6000 ans on ne sait que des généralités, le plus souvent d’ordre géologique, et pourtant il est certain que l’homme existe depuis un nombre inconnu de siècles.
L’alchimie : une science ?
Il semble que sur terre les civilisations se font et se défont, qu'elles évoluent dans le temps et dans l'espace. Il est possible que des civilisations plus avancées nous ont précédé sur terre et qu'à notre tour nous tendons vers une supercivilisation. Malgré l'apocalypse d'une ancienne civilisation, certaines bribes, certains aphorismes, certaines conclusions auraient pu échapper au déluge universel et se perpétuer. Les Incas, les Egyptiens, les Chinois n'ont peut-être utilisé que des recettes ou des résultats d'une science passée qu'ils ne comprenaient pas mais qui leur était parvenue par tradition et s'était enrobée de considérations mystiques et religieuses.L'une de ces sciences ou doctrines, celle qui nous serait la mieux connue, retransmise depuis des siècles sans subir d'évolution et que l'on retrouve sous des formes très voisines dans les mondes orientaux, arabes ou européens, est l'alchimie.L'alchimie ne se développe pas, elle se transmet. Rien de nouveau n'est découvert. C'est l'« adepte », qui a appris son savoir d'un « maître », de chercher à réaliser le « grand œuvre », toujours pour un moyen immuable. Le grand œuvre c'est l'obtention de la pierre philosophale (ou poudre de projection) qui permet de transmuter les métaux vils en « or plus fin que celui de la minière ».Cependant le but essentiel de l'alchimie n'était pas la transmutation des métaux en or, mais bien la transmutation de l'alchimiste lui-même. Le véritable alchimiste méprisait et méprise encore (car il en existe toujours) celui qui œuvre dans un but intéressé.
Les adeptes modernes de l'« art sacré »
Le 20ème siècle est sceptique mais il est aussi curieux. De nos jours, les rééditions et traductions de textes alchimiques connaissent des succès non négligeables. Les espoirs entrevus par la physique et la chimie d'aujourd'hui trouvent leur pendant dans l'alchimie. Mais cette curiosité ne peut demeurer passive devant cet inconnu surgi du néant. C'est pourquoi il existe encore de vrais alchimistes oeuvrant contre vents et marées, disséminés de par le monde et de plus en plus recherchés. Un pays comme l'URSS n'hésite pas à prospecter l'Europe afin de les localiser et à leur offrir des bonnes conditions de travail.Contrairement à ce que l'on pense, les alchimistes actuels sont des gens très sérieux qui, pour fuir le halo de charlatanisme qui les poursuit, évitent toute publicité et s'entourent du secret le plus complet. L'un des plus célèbres alchimistes du 20ème siècle est aussi peu connu et auréolé de légende que l'était Paracelse ou Basile Valentin au Moyen-Âge. Il a écrit sous le nom de Fulcanelli et son ouvrage le plus célèbre « Le Mystère des Cathédrales » est toujours une énigme. Personne ne sait qui a été Fulcanelli, s'il est mort ou encore vivant. Il existe une société secrète « les frères d'Héliopolis » qui a été au second siècle après J.-C. à Alexandrie et dont Fulcanelli était un initié ; une telle société serait susceptible de détenir les traditions et les techniques les plus anciennes qui associent l'expérience scientifique et l'expérience spirituelle.Parmi les alchimistes prémodernes, on peut citer l'étrange personnage français qu'était Tiffeneau. Celui-ci, le 8 mais 1854, révéla devant l'Académie des Sciences de Paris certains résultats de ses expériences menées à Guadalajara, au Mexique, où il aurait préparé de l'or artificiel par une technique dérivée de l'alchimie. Selon lui, une explication rationnelle pourrait être l'action catalytique du rayonnement solaire au Mexique et la possibilité que certains rayons cosmiques traversant la terre possèdent une intensité et une énergie qui varient avec le temps et les sites géographiques, rendant impossible la répétition de l'expérience jusqu'à ce que ces conditions s'y prêtent de nouveau. Un phénomène qui apporte de l'eau au moulin de Tiffeneau est celui observé par le professeur Bruno Rossi, aux Etats Unis, en 1957. Des particules d'une énergie considérable, venant peut-être d'un autre monde, furent détectées dans un rayon de trois miles par des centaines d'appareils enregistreurs.
La croyance en l'unité de la matière
Bien que les « souffleurs » (alchimistes non initiés qui cherchent au hasard) aient permis de faire des découvertes valables, celles-ci ayant servi de base pour notre chimie moderne, l'obscurité des écrits « hermétiques » et la vague de rationalisme du siècle dernier, tout en ayant permis à l'ensemble des sciences de faire un bond gigantesque, ont malheureusement exagéré les contradictions et les aberrations des travaux alchimiques. Ceux-ci furent pendant longtemps complètement discrédités et considérés comme un assemblage d'absurdités et de folies. A présent, on se rend compte qu'une folie persistant avec tant de force pendant des siècles doit être étudiée avec sérieux, même si cela doit révéler jusqu'à quel point l'humanité peut déraisonner.De nos jours, des équipes de savants ont commencé l'étude critique et encyclopédique de l'alchimie ; certains faits se dégagent déjà tels que le chiffrage de certains textes alchimiques. Plusieurs grimoires ne sont que des cryptogrammes qu'il reste à traduire en langage clair, ceux-ci étant constitués d'une grande quantité de symboles qui n'étaient accessibles qu'à un petit nombre d'initiés. Depuis les débuts de la physique nucléaire, et plus récemment à la suite des observations du Français C. L. Kervran dans le domaine de la biologie, il est devenu évident que des transmutations sont possibles et que l'unité de la matière n'est plus une légende mais une réalité scientifique.Sur le même plan, les alchimistes décrivaient également la façon d'obtenir l'élixir de longue vie, ce procédé consistant en une série de distillations de l'eau et ensuite en une incorporation intime de certains sels métalliques. Aujourd'hui, on a mis en évidence le fait que le vieillissement pouvait provenir de l'accumulation de l'eau lourde dans les tissus. L'élixir de longue vie serait donc une substance capable d'éliminer l'eau lourde.Pourquoi alors notre science actuelle serait-elle la seule technique permettant la vérification des résultats déjà décrits par les alchimistes ? Des hommes (ou, devrait-on dire, des êtres humains ou non, terrestres ou pas) ont-ils déjà découvert les secrets de l'énergie et de la matière dans un passé sans fin ?Un passé ayant connu une brillante civilisation, aux techniques et philosophies très avancées mais différentes des nôtres, aurait-il réussi à nous transmettre un peu de son savoir malgré les cataclysmes géologiques, climatiques ou autres, par le biais d'une science traditionnelle et mystique ? Notre propre civilisation, au seuil de connaître un prodigieux épanouissement, se met à douter de son « exclusivité » et cherche à interroger le passé d'une façon scientifique afin de trouver peut-être un moyen de percer le mystère de son essence, et de nouveaux outils pour forger son avenir. Ce texte, écrit en collaboration avec Jacques Carles, parut dans la page « sciences » du journal La Presse de Montréal, le samedi 13 septembre 1969. Il constitue un préambule au livre que nous avions en projet comme coauteurs et qui, écrit en 1969-70 à Montréal alors que nous étions thésards, parut en août 1972 chez Albin Michel à Paris sous le titre :L’Alchimie, superscience extra-terrestre ? On y retrouve d’ailleurs la fin de l’article en dos de couverture.
UFO cover up - Needles, California - Men in black - Documentary
UFO cover up - Needles, California - Men in black - Documentary
Published on Jan 9, 2017
In the early morning hours of May 14, 2008, witnesses in Needles, CA saw a turquoise glowing object in a rapid descent over the Colorado River. Soon after, military helicopters carried away an object that appeared to be glowing, and according to witnesses, military personnel canvassed the town, intimidating witnesses and townspeople.
From the investigative report of George Knapp:
"A large object with a turquoise hue plummeted out of the sky earlier this summer and plowed into the earth south of Las Vegas near Needles, California.
Eyewitnesses say this was no meteorite, especially since a bunch of helicopters came looking for it and then hauled it away.
The object was seen in the early morning hours of May 14. It appeared to crash into the ground just west of the Colorado River. And that's when things got interesting for residents of the area.
Somewhere in the rough terrain just west of the Colorado River and south of Needles is a point of impact, maybe some burn marks, created by something that fell from the sky. Frank Costigan saw it because he got up at 3 a.m. to let his cat out -- a fiery object that flashed across the sky, but it wasn't a meteor he says.
"It was bright, bright enough that it illuminated the ground," he said.
For seven years, Costigan worked as the chief of airport security at L.A.X. He says the mystery object flew out of the north east, heading southwest, traveling very fast, but at one point it slowed down, then sped up again.
"It went behind a hill, and I waited to see if I could hear it crash because as big as it was, it was bound to make noise," he said.
But he didn't hear a crash. Hours later, David Hayes, the owner of KTOX Radio in Needles, was coming to work when he spotted an odd formation of dark vehicles getting off the highway. He drew a picture of the lead vehicle, a large truck with a dome on top and a black structure that reminded him of a stealth fighter.
"It seemed like it was some kind of surveillance vehicle -- four-wheel drive. It had government plates, U.S. government plates and behind it were a couple of vans that looked like support vehicles," said Hayes.
The men inside had a military bearing, Hayes said, but weren't in uniform. He made eye contact with one of the drivers and the guy followed him. Later in the day, one of the vehicles was parked outside the station, seemingly conducting a surveillance of the place."
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‘Very quickly, very nearby’: Jumbo asteroid flashes by Earth in close-shave
‘Very quickly, very nearby’: Jumbo asteroid flashes by Earth in close-shave
According to the Slooh Observatory, the space rock, dubbed 2017 AG13, was moving at about 10 miles per second, making it hard to spot with a telescope.
“This is moving very quickly, very nearby to us,” Eric Edelman, an astronomer with Slooh, said during a live broadcast of the surprise flyby at 7:47am ET on January 9.
The near-Earth object, or NEO, has “a particularly elliptical orbit,” he noted, adding that “it actually crosses the orbits of two planets, Venus and Earth.”
The asteroid was initially spotted by the University of Arizona’s Catalina Sky Survey as recently as Saturday.
If a “good size chunk of it made it through Earth’s upper atmosphere near a populated area, there might have been damage like we saw in 2013,” technology website CNET reported.
Earth appears to be utterly defenseless in the face of comets and asteroids that bring little warning, a NASA scientist warned in December. The researcher believes building an interceptor rocket and an observer spacecraft could avert catastrophe.
“The biggest problem, basically, is there’s not a hell of a lot we can do about it at the moment,” Dr. Joseph Nuth, a researcher with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, said at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in San Francisco, as quoted by the Guardian.
In February 2013, Russia’s southern Urals Region was rocked by a meteorite explosion in the stratosphere. NASA said the shockwave force was equivalent to a 500-kiloton explosion. The 20-meter-wide (65 feet) meteor exploded over the town of Chelyabinsk. As windowpanes shattered throughout the city, around 1,500 people were injured, but luckily no one was killed. The impact wave damaged a number of buildings, blowing out thousands of windows amid the extremely cold weather.
The US space agency has spotted over 90% of near-Earth objects that are larger than a kilometer. This is thought to be the required size for causing devastation on Earth.
As of January, a total of 15,451 Near-Earth Objects have been discovered, according to NASA. An estimated 875 of these NEOs are asteroids with a diameter of approximately one kilometer or larger. Around 1,766 of these NEOs have been classified as Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs).
Zijn donkere strepen in wolken op Venus bewijs voor buitenaards leven?
Zijn donkere strepen in wolken op Venus bewijs voor buitenaards leven?
In de atmosfeer van Venus zijn vreemde wolken ontdekt die volgens wetenschappers mogelijk verband houden met buitenaards leven.
Donkere strepen in die wolken stellen de wetenschap al sinds de jaren zestig voor een raadsel.
In 2025 wordt een sonde naar de tweede planeet van de zon gestuurd om te kijken of er leven is.
Mysterieuze wolken
Amerikaanse en Russische wetenschappers zijn van plan een onbemande sonde naar de mysterieuze wolken te sturen. Die gaat Venera-D heten.
Het belangrijkste doel van de missie is bepalen of de donkere strepen bewijs kunnen zijn van microbieel leven.
“Ik kan niet zeggen dat er microbieel leven is in de wolken van Venus,” zei Sanjay Limaye van de Universiteit van Madison tegenover Astrobiology Magazine.
Geen idee
“Maar dat betekent niet dat het er niet is. De enige manier om erachter te komen is ernaartoe te gaan en een monster te nemen,” voegde hij toe.
Wetenschappers hebben geen idee hoe de strepen ontstaan. Ze weten alleen dat ze in tegenstelling tot de rest van de atmosfeer ultraviolet licht absorberen.
Vanwege de extreme druk en temperaturen op Venus is het verkennen van de planeet erg lastig.
Grote uitdaging
Mariner 5 landde als eerste succesvol op de planeet, maar begaf het al na 93 minuten. Wetenschappers staan dus voor een grote uitdaging.
Het missieteam is van plan een op zonne-energie aangedreven vliegtuig ‘s nachts door de wolken te laten vliegen.
Een dergelijk vaartuig zal ongeveer een jaar kunnen overleven op Venus, zo denkt het team.
An Arizona witness at Tucson reported watching and photographing a “starfish-like disc” hovering and rotating over his back backyard, according to testimony in Case 81033 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
Witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness was outside in his backyard about 11:30 a.m. on December 18, 2016, when the object was first noticed a reflection coming in from the west at about 5,000 to 10,000 feet.
“When I focused on it, I could see that there was something that was metallic and rotating clockwise in a slow, stable, and consistent manner,” the witness stated. “There was no noise at all. I had my phone and tried to take a picture, but the object was too high up for me to get a good shot.”
Cropped and enlarged portion of witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness then ran inside to retrieve an SLR camera and quickly changed lenses to a telephoto; then ran back outside.
“It was still there, so I started taking pictures.”
Cropped and enlarged portion of witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness uploaded nine images with his MUFON report, which was filed on December 18, 2016.
“The object appeared and then disappeared from my view based upon how it was reflecting the sunlight. Since it seemed to be several miles away, I had a hard time focusing my camera on it, but I was able to get several good shots.”
After around 15 minutes, the witness was no longer able to find it in his viewfinder or by simply looking in that direction.
Cropped and enlarged portion of witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
“I got the impression that it exited my view following a consistent northwest path until it left my field of vision. The only thing that was left in the sky was a jet heading from the west to east at approximately the same height. This is an estimate from my vantage point, and I am not an expert so couldn’t say for certain. I also took pictures of the jet for comparative reference.”
State Section Director Diane Gleason is investigating for Arizona MUFON. Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
Leslie Kean and Jose Lay – Chilean Navy UFO Video – January 9, 2017
Leslie Kean and Jose Lay – Chilean Navy UFO Video – January 9, 2017
Journalist Leslie Kean recently posted an article in The Huffington Post about a two year investigation by the Chilean government’s official UFO investigation organization into a video captured by the Chilean Navy showing an object they cannot identify. The object was caught on an infrared camera, and according to the director of the UFO organization, “We do not know what it was, but we do know what it was not.”
The video was investigated by CEFAA, an organization in Chile’s equivalent of the FAA, which also falls under the jurisdiction of the Chilean Air Force. CEFAA has full cooperation with other branched of the Chilean government and also reaches out to other UFO research organization throughout the world.
In this interview, we discuss the case with Leslie and CEFAA Director of International Affairs Jose Lay.
MEGA-OCEAN ANOMALY NEAR UFO HOT-SPOT!! Google Earth Myrtle Beach, SC 1/9/17
MEGA-OCEAN ANOMALY NEAR UFO HOT-SPOT!! Google Earth Myrtle Beach, SC 1/9/17
Drew found an interesting ocean anomaly near a well-known UFO hot spot (Myrtle Beach, SC). Original Link MEGA-OCEAN ANOMALY NEAR UFO HOTSPOT!! Google Earth Myrtle Beach, SC 1/9/17
33°00’03.66”N 77°09’38.83”W
#1 Most Viewed UFO Youtube Channel Thirdphaseofmoon Shares Your Incredible UFO Videos To the World! Upload your UFO Video To Youtube, Then Copy Paste The Link To My Email! Keep Your Eyes on the Skies! We are not Alone!
Dyson Sphere Found Near Aquarius Constellation Using Google Sky Map, Jan 2017, PHOTOs, UFO Sighting News.
Dyson Sphere Found Near Aquarius Constellation Using Google Sky Map, Jan 2017, PHOTOs, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: January 10, 2017
Location of discovery: Near Aquarius
Google Sky Coordinates: 22h35m54.80s -4 25'27.22"
Looking through Google sky is a lot of fun. Its a bit slower that Google Mars or Moon to find an alien structure, but when you do, its well worth the effort.
This is an alien megastructure...also known as a Dyson sphere. That is a megastructure that completely encompasses a star and captures most or all of its energy output. It makes sense, since the more technologically advanced a species grows, the more dependent on energy that species becomes.You can see the light of the sun...which is a green light shining through the gaps in one side of the sphere. These gaps may be unfinished areas, since it take millions of years to construct, or it could have been made that way so ships can travel easily in and out. You see, the inside of the Dyson sphere would have the the inside area that is 600 million times that we have on Earth. That is a lot of room for a lot of people.
Sure it might take a long time to build such a large sphere, but if aliens constructed millions of robots, they could work 24/7 for a million years and probably finish it. They could even mine their own materials and construct their own materials. Then...the aliens just wait for the work to be finished, while they do something more important with their times.
UFO Shoots Past Passenger Jet Over Mudgee, Australia On Jan 6, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Shoots Past Passenger Jet Over Mudgee, Australia On Jan 6, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 6, 2017
Location of sighting: Mudgee, Australia
This passenger jet had a really close flyby with a UFO in broad daylight over Australia this week. The UFO moves so fast that it almost makes the jet seem like its standing still. Aliens are always interested in the latest and greatest human technology. Aircraft often have this, so the drone UFOs will shoot by so fast the plane will not see them, and it will not be seen on radar. They scan the craft, the humans on board and the interesting tech it has...all in the span of a few seconds or less.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
The camera was using: CANON X A.25. Full H D camera.50 X optical zoom.
Filer’s Files #2 – 2017 Solar Warden Space Fleet - PART I
First unknown object of the New Year over Syracuse, New York on January 1, 2017
Filer’s Files #2 – 2017 Solar Warden Space Fleet - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: General L.M. Chassin UFOs Are Real, Solar Warden – The Secret Space Program, President Reagan, TR-3B, and Jupiter.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Florida, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Texas.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Columbia, Germany, Mexico, Portugal, Romania, England in the United Kingdom and Uruguay.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
General L.M. Chassin, NATO coordinator of Allied Air Service, warning that “The number of thoughtful, intelligent, educated people in full possession of their faculties who have “seen something” and described it, grows every day. We can say categorically that mysterious objects have indeed appeared and continue to appear in the sky that surrounds us.”
“If we persist in refusing to recognize the existence of the UFOs, we will end up, one fine day, by mistaking them for the guided missiles of an enemy – and the worst will be upon us.”
These concerns were taken seriously enough to be incorporated into the 1971 US-Soviet “Agreement on Measures to Reduce the Outbreak of Nuclear War.” Note: Direct communication was set up from the Pentagon to the Soviet Command Headquarters to prevent nuclear war. US and Soviet aircraft jointly would track and chase UFOs.
Solar Warden – The Secret Space Program
US Naval Network and Space Operations Command photo
UK News Darren Perks reports since 1980, a secret space fleet code named ‘Solar Warden’ has been in operation unknown to the public that allegedly includes key world governments. While conducting an FOI (freedom of information) request with the DOD (department of defense) in 2010, I had a very unexpected response by email from them which read:
“About an hour ago I spoke to a NASA rep who confirmed this was their program and that it was terminated by the President Obama. He also informed me that it was not a joint program with the DOD. The NASA rep informed me that you should be directed to the Johnson Space Center FOIA Manager. The program not only operates classified under the US Government but also under the United Nations authority. So you might be wondering, how do I know this information? Well there are a few people and many others that have tried hard to find out the truth, and have succeeded by leaked information or simply asking questions and have government departments slip up and give away information freely, just like what happened when Darren Perks asked the DOD. One notable contributor is Gary Mckinnon.
When Gary McKinnon hacked into U.S. Space Command computers several years ago and learned of the existence of “non-terrestrial officers” and “fleet-to-fleet transfers” and a secret program called “Solar Warden”, he was charged by the Bush Justice Department with having committed “the biggest military computer hack of all time”, and stood to face prison time of up to 70 years after extradition from UK. But trying earnest McKinnon in open court would involve his testifying to the above classified facts, and his attorney would be able to subpoena government officers to testify under oath about the Navy’s Space Fleet. McKinnon also found out about the ships or craft within Solar Warden. It is said that there are about eight cigar-shaped Motherships (each longer than two football fields end-to-end) and 43 small “scout ships. The Solar Warden Space Fleet operates under the US Naval Network and Space Operations Command (NNSOC) [formerly Naval Space Command]. There are approximately 300 personnel involved at that facility, with the figure rising.
On July 24, 2016, ·Theresa May became the new Conservative Party leader and second female prime minister, taking charge of the UK. So how did Theresa May become popular enough to become the Prime Minister of the UK?
The Obama Administration was forcing the UK to extradite Gary McKinnon to face trial in the US with a possible seventy years in prison.
“Mrs. May as the Home Secretary took the highly unusual step of blocking the extradition of Mr. McKinnon making her popular with the British people.
McKinnon claims Solar Warden is said to be made up from U.S. aerospace Black Projects contractors, but with some contributions of parts and systems by Canada, United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Russia, and Australia. It is also said that the program is tested and operated from secret military bases and includes personnel from many countries including Russia.
We have a space fleet, which is code named; ‘Solar Warden.’ There were, as of 2005, eight ships, an equivalent to aircraft carriers and forty-three ‘protectors,’ which are space planes. One was lost recently to an accident in Mars’ orbit while it was attempting to re-supply the multinational colony within Mars. This base was established in 1964 by American and Soviet teamwork. Not everything is, as it seems.”
The name “Solar Warden” is a term that generically refers to the ultra-secret space fleet. If the program does exist, it would require a tremendous amount of capital to construct its fleets. Last year, the United States’ black budget for secret programs spanning dozens of agencies was $52.6 billion, according to the Washington Post. However, if the government did decide to build a space fleet of exotic technology and design, the money could be utilized, especially if more than one nation is involved and funneling money into this program as postulated by some disclosure advocates.
Allegedly, “We have visited all the planets in our solar system, at a distance of course, except Mercury. We have landed on Pluto and a few moons. These ships contain personnel from many countries and have sworn an oath to the World Government. The technology came from back engineering alien-disc wreckage and at times with alien assistance.” William Tompkins and others claim this is true. So should we just write this off as utter nonsense?
No we shouldn’t and as time goes on the truth will slowly come out. Many people around the world are now witnessing craft moving around in the skies and sub space that completely defy gravity. Whether they are part of the Solar Warden secret program, military experimental aircraft or not, thousands of people know what they see. In my view is very real and a very strong possibility. Sensitive is an understatement. This program would change the world and our views on space exploration and travel, so no wonder that it would be kept a big ‘secret’. We should all keep it in the back of our minds… for now at least! Thanks to Darren Perk’s investigation work here:
President Reagan
It’s well known that President Ronald Reagan gave a speech at the United Nations in September 1987 calling for the world to unite in dealing with an alien threat. He said:
“In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us?”
Reagan then appeared to walk back his startling remarks by asking: “What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?” Earlier and subsequent comments reveal that what he really meant by “alien force” was an extraterrestrial threat, rather than a more mundane reference to the danger of global war.
In 1995, he had asked the Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, whether he would pledge cooperation with the USA in responding to an extraterrestrial threat. In a 2009 interview, Gorbachev confirmed Reagan’s request during their 1995 Geneva Summit: President Reagan suddenly said to me, “What would you do if the United States were suddenly attacked by someone from outer space? Would you help us?”
I said, “No doubt about it.”
He said, “We too.”
Reagan’s views about extraterrestrial life were not dismissed by the Kremlin. Gorbachev did eventually respond in a serious way to Reagan’s scenario of an extraterrestrial invasion. In February 1997, Gorbachev responded to Reagan’s comments at their 1985 Geneva Summit.
At our meeting in Geneva, the U.S. President said that if the earth faced an invasion by extraterrestrials, the United States and the Soviet Union would join forces to repel such an invasion. I shall not dispute the hypothesis, although I think it’s early yet to worry about such an intrusion.
In May 1990, shortly before the fall of the Soviet Union Gorbachev made a second more direct statement about UFOs he stated,.”The phenomenon of UFOs does exist, and it must be treated seriously.”
The Solar Warden Spacecraft indicates the US and the Soviet Union did join forces against and outside alien threat.
UFO attacks.
General Igor Malsev, Chief of the General Staff for Air Defense Forces (PVO), admitted that over a hundred observations of UFOs had been reported to him, mostly by pilots, on March 21, 1990. The Soviets were very concerned about the attacks and the new threats provided by UFOs.
According to filmmaker and Russian ufologist Dr. Vladimir Avinsky, on September 13, 1990, just after midnight a Soviet radar station near Samara was attacked by a black triangular shaped UFO. It was about 50 feet in length on each leg of the triangle. A fire stated and the radar antennae seemed to melt. These extraordinary events were reported in the Red Star Military Newspaper. Dr. Avinsky provided this drawing of the attack.
In 1989, the Cold War came to a rapid end with the collapse of the Berlin Wall, and by December 1991, the Soviet Union was no more. President Yeltsin became the first President of the Russian Federation, while Vladimir Putin became the second and fourth President of the largest republic from the former Soviet Union. Putin claims to be a Christian and supports President Assad in Syria who has protected the Christians who are being killed by Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
There appears to a strong link between the rapid collapse of communism in Europe, and Reagan’s efforts to get the world to unite in opposing an extraterrestrial threat. Key members of the United Nations did covertly come together to form a group of nations to fight an extraterrestrial threat usually described as reptilians.
The National Archive Records Administration made available almost 250,000 pages of documents from President Reagan’s administration that includes sight into a curious comment found in President Reagan’s Diary. The entry for Tuesday, June 11, 1985 (page 334) reads:
Lunch with 5 top space scientists.
“It was fascinating. Space truly is the last frontier and some of the developments there in astronomy etc. are like science fiction, except they are real. I learned that our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people.”
The Space Shuttle grounded by President Obama held a maximum of eight people and only five were built for space flight. Even if all five took off fully loaded it would be impossible to place and maintain 300 astronauts in orbit. Apparently President Reagan revealed the existence of a highly classified space program that could accommodate hundreds of astronauts in orbit?
Apparently hidden within one of the ten unified combatant commands of the U.S. military, Strategic Command, is a highly classified fleet of aircraft carrier sized antigravity vehicles that operate in outer space.
The United States has organized its military forces into ten unified combatant commands respectively led by a single four star General or Admiral who reports directly to the Secretary of Defense. Only these commanders know of the existence of UFOs and appoint who has a need to know. From 1985 to 2002 Space Command was responsible for outer space operations by the U.S. military. In June 2002, Space Command merged with another of the functional commands the United States Strategic Command, Offutt Air Force Base, Neb. which is responsible for a range of space, satellite, missile, nuclear and intelligence activities.
Rumors that the U.S. has a highly classified fleet of antigravity vehicles have circulated for years. On March 23, 1993, at an engineering conference in Los Angeles, Dr. Ben Rich former CEO of Lockheed’s Skunkworks, showed a slide with a black disk headed for space and said: “We now have the technology to take ET home”.
Military emblems often tell secrets. A recent Navy ad stated:
Sailors Wanted on Spaceships . NASA applications now being accepted. 14 December 2015 By Terrina Weatherspoon, Defense Media Activity.
As the Navy’s information warfare systems command, SPAWAR develops, delivers and sustains communications and information capabilities for warfighters.
Corporate and military whistleblowers have come forward to claim firsthand knowledge of classified space vehicles using antigravity technology. In his book, “The Hunt for Zero Point,” Jane’s Defense Weekly analyst Nick Cook writes about the Aurora: “there has been speculation since the late 1980s about the existence of a secret replacement for the Blackbird, a mythical plane called the Aurora that supposedly flew twice as fast and on the edges of space” (p. 14). Other whistleblowers such as Edgar Fouche, a former contractor with the Department of Defense, states, “The Aurora comprises the SR-75 capable of speeds above Mach 5, and acts as a mother ship for the SR-74 that can travel at speeds of Mach 18 or more into space to deliver satellites.”
More significant is the large black triangular vehicle, the TR-3B that Fouche claims generates an intense magnetic field that reduces its weight by 89 percent. He says that the TR-3B uses the Biefeld-Brown effect (created by large electrostatic charges) to reduce its weight so that more conventional propulsion systems such as scramjets can give it amazing speeds. This would be well above Mach 18 that he claims is the speed of the SR-74. Fouche claims the TR-3B is 600 feet across which would make it similar in size to an aircraft carrier.
Ted Twietmeyer writes that a Space Command photograph had the following citation: … highlights the team for its exceptional support in keeping the space shuttle, International Space Station and its crews safe from the dangers of orbital debris, spacecraft collisions and other inherent hazards of orbit operations.
Neither USAF Space Command nor Strategic Command is publicly known to have any kind of space vehicle that would assist the Space Shuttle or International Space Station from orbital dangers.
Normally, space vehicles would require gradual orbital corrections that would take much time and be insufficient to deal with an immediate threat. According to Ted Twietmeyer, the citation is circumstantial evidence for the existence of antigravity vehicles with advanced particle beam weapons that could remove orbital debris from the path of space vehicles. These triangles must be armed with particle beam or quantum weaponry, or lasers and other weaponry. These weapons could also be used to destroy objects in the path of the space station or space shuttle.
There is a massive anti-gravity energy field surrounding these vehicles which interferes with all electronic devices, making it unlikely anyone could ever get images of them. War has historically been the best proving ground for all new weapons. In the UK, the press and media are forbidden under the UK Secrets Act from covering or reporting on sightings of black triangles. That act speaks volumes about whether or not black triangles exist. The TR-3 has been in service since the mid-1990’s.
Michael E. Salla, PhD writes, The idea that a secret space fleet exists that can intervene to assist the Space Shuttle or International Space Station is also supported by the testimony of a former NASA employee Clark McClelland.
“On one occasion he claims to have witnessed delta winged antigravity vehicle nearby. The delta shaped vehicle may in fact have been part of a classified Space Fleet attached to U.S. Strategic Command.”
Important clues may emerge from the recently released Reagan records about Strategic Command’s classified space fleet. More significantly, the public may soon learn about the advanced antigravity technologies that have been secretly developed and used for decades to fly military astronauts into deep space.
Out of This World! The Most Amazing Space Discoveries of 2016
The JunoCam aboard NASA’s Juno probe instrument snapped this photo of Jupiter during a close flyby of the gas giant. The first science results from the mission are expected to appear in 2017.
Credit: NASA / SwRI / MSSS / Public Domain
2016 has been a bountiful year for space science. Before the calendar runs out, here’s our list of the biggest space stories and events of the past 12 months.
There were monumental new discoveries, including the first-ever direct detection of gravitational waves, which gives scientists access to a whole new realm of information about cosmic events. This year, scientists also discovered a potentially habitable planet orbiting the star nearest to Earth’s sun. Thanks to and NASA By Calla Cofield, Staff Writer
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Filer’s Files #2 – 2017 Solar Warden Space Fleet - PART II
Filer’s Files #2 – 2017 Solar Warden Space Fleet - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
California Large light
Redwood City — Pre-arranged with occupants sighting of glowing orb.
Yes I knew they were coming on December 21, 2016.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Lights
Port Richey — About 12:15 I went to let my dog out on December 13, 2016. Looked up at the sky above the field of satellite, HAARP and cell phone towers and saw that there was a wall of blue plasma like lights. To the left the sky looked as if it was sunrise. In the middle of the blue wall was a black cloud like funnel. Next to the cloud like funnel were two orbs dancing around the funnel. Called my wife to see everything and for the next few hours we watched as the orbs danced around the funnel. The funnel then became more defined and looked more like a tower. One of the orbs went into the top of the tower and moved like a gyrosphere, the other orbed stayed stationary to the top and to the left of the tower. It was now about 4 am. The tower dissipated and we heard and felt very loud rumbles. The two orbs then merged and shot up. The wall of blue lights gradually fell just looming over the horizon until sun up around 7 am. It was like a movie, as the blue lights dissipated a fog rolled in instantly blanketing the entire region until about 10 am and the fog disappeared like it was turned off by a switch. Next day there was lots of air traffic. They seemed like they were spraying something by night the town was covered with mist falling from the sky. Our house smelled like chemicals and our infant became sick. We continue to see weird phenomenon by our house. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Hampshire Disc
Lincoln — I brought my grandson’s to see where to old man in the mountain was on July 29, 2016. I took a bunch of pictures with my phone about two weeks ago. I was looking at the pictures and noticed a little black dot over the mountain. I thought it was a speck of dirt and tried to clean the screen, and it didn’t go away. So I made the screen bigger, and found something I can’t exin. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Lights
Bordentown— This occurred in a small town in the eastern United States. I looked out my second floor window at 7:03 a.m. on December 25, 2016, and saw the sun rising to the right of the house next door. The sun always rises to the left of the house next door, and on this date, it was scheduled to rise at 7:19 a.m. I took three photos of the “false sunrise,” which looked like a sun-like egg shining through the forest behind a house on the next block. There are no towers, buildings, reflective objects behind that house. The object was stationary and did not pulse. After observing it for five minutes, I went to feed the cats, and when I returned around 7:13, it was entirely gone. I took a photo of this. Around 7:20 there was a glow to the left of the house next door to me and soon I saw and photographed the true sunrise (two photos). I later learned there is a phenomenon called the False Sunrise which could have accounted for the presence of the object I observed. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Camden — On the evening of December 18th (not sure the exact day, it was the 17, 18, or 19th of December 2016) I was driving home from a job that I had started in Collingswood, NJ. I was on a very busy 3 lane highway, route 130, stopped at a traffic light when I first noticed 3 red glowing objects which seemed to emerge from a strip of trees. The trees were right on the street line, and the objects were EXTREMELY LOW, no more than 10 ft off the ground. I thought it must be some kind of prank, lights attached to balloons by kids for fun, or some kind of toy drones. It wasn’t until I was stopped again, at another traffic light that I was able to get my phone out and record what was going on. I have a 2 minute clip I posted to my YouTube channel (but I unfortunately cannot figure out how to post to the media attachments below), but I will post a few screens hot from the video, and I am more than happy to give the URL link to my video upon request). What I recorded was 3 red orb/plasma light UFOs, they appeared to be pure energy, or light. The way they ascended into the sky showed intelligence-two of the orb UFOs touch one another and the 3rd, which was lagging behind sped up as the other 2 hovered, eventually passing the 2 that converged on one another. I have recorded many videos of UFOs, as I have been ufo/sky hunting for 4 years now. I have not turned anything into Mufon, as I was waiting for a video that had undeniable rock solid proof of ufos. I believe I have that proof with this video, as it has silenced every skeptic I’ve shown it to. One thing that I may add is a jet plane enters the frame towards the end of the video. This is a topic for another time, but I and many others have video proof that ufos are cloaking themselves somehow, appearing as jet airplanes/helicopters. So even the airplane in the clip very well may also be a cloaked ufo. Thanks to MUFON
New York Reflective Object
Syracuse— My wife and I were driving SW from State Route 690S in Syracuse onto State Route 5 (West Bound) when we observed an object in the sky at approximately 5:44 PM EST on January 1, 2017. The object looked like it was on fire and falling, and as we followed the object, we noticed it was stationary in the sky. Other airplanes were flying near the same airspace and were noticeably moving. This object, upon closer examination from different viewpoints, seemed to have two large tails that came off the main body. It appeared to be highly reflective. From the vantage point of our observation, as we traveled towards Skaneateles, NY, it would appear that it was hovering somewhere over the Finger Lakes region (Cayuga, Seneca Lakes?). It was much larger than any other identifiable airplanes in the sky, approximately 3-5 times the size to the visible eye. We tracked the object, unmoving in the sky, from 690S in Syracuse until Rt. 321 in Skaneateles for about 20 minutes where we lost sight of it.
We travelled SW of Skaneateles towards Owasco Lake, but the object had either disappeared or gone below the skyline that we could observe. We were able to take several pictures and a video, although they don’t truly present the significance of the color and reflective nature of the object.
Oklahoma White Flash
Pawhuska — I was practicing CE-5 meditation protocol and I seen a bright white flash in the sky, so then I used my laser pointer to circle around the flash, and this happened a couple times as you can see through the video. I took the pictures with a modified dsl camera. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oregon Orange Several Balls
Hillsboro –I had stepped out onto my deck to hear the neighborhood firecrackers going off as the clock struck midnight on New Years for January 1, 2017. I was listening to Louis Armstrong and opened the door to my deck and noticed a glowing ball of red light pop into view from the southwest. I’m on the third floor apt with an unobstructed view of skies over rooftops. The orb just moved very slowly and deliberately towards me. I noticed it was very round and quiet. I could clearly see a cluster of red and orange glowing lights inside it. Then it seemed to be pulsing within itself or spinning like a top. Then another popped into view and then another. I counted six all moving about 1 to 2 minutes apart from each other. I watched them pop up from southwest and move northeast. I counted up to 10 to 12 units and one was a “pair” in the center flight formation. This whole thing lasted about 18 to 20 minutes. About 12 were flying across sky at 1 to 2 minute intervals.
Note: The witness quite likely viewed Chinese lanterns. They are launched frequently to celebrate the New Year. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Pennsylvania Red Light
Camp Hill, Carlisle — On November 11,/2016 at 8:03 PM, I was taking out my trash to the compactor when I looked up and saw a red solid light hovering over my work facility where behind the building is a football field is. Our bailer room is right behind me with only plastic flaps covering its entrance and it’s noisy so therefore I could not hear the observed object’s noise but I noticed that it may have been observing the football game. The object light seemed round mimicking a light off of a tower or a solid light from an aircraft. I did not hear a propeller sound from a helicopter as it would have easily over powered our bailer room’s sound. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Philadelphia –: I used my phone to zoom in to what I thought was the brightest star I have ever seen on January 1, 2017. When I zoomed in, this did not look like all the other stars sand was a glowing pulsating.orb with a small dark center. I continued to hold my camera zoomed in on this “star” and as it was pulsating I saw it expand to where it looked like it had double ring of lights. I keep watching through my zoomed lens and now I see 4 distinct lights and it seemed as if it was changing shape. It changed from a simple pulsating white orb with double ring of lights to an aircraft shaped object that is displaying blue lights which there had six lights. Smaller sets of orange lights flew away from this aircraft. Then it turned again to where it now looks like a white double ringed pulsating orb. To the naked it eye it looked noticing larger than what we call the north star and brighter. The news reported that it was Venus.
Note: The witness makes a good point that Venus is not a good explanation for he saw and photographed. Many reports this past month have been sightings of Venus. However, the photos suggest that the witness saw something else. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Texas Object
Odessa — This is a object I reported in 2016 and filed by mufon in November. Visible from 5.40 to 8.30 PM, The phone pictures are zoomed at 4x when I zoom in the shots get wild. Now you can see daylight orbs that are visible. I have counted over a hundred.
When an object comes into view I have noticed three lights in a triangle. The three lights set up around Odessa stay all-night until daylight. I’m up late and get up before daylight and they’re visible as others have seen now. I hope you get mufon investigators here to properly document what is going on. In the same area chemtrails run nonstop over same direction. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Light
Neales Flat — We saw a bright light on January 1, 2017. We thought someone was spotlighting but it was way too far up in the air. It hovered and zipped around like a torch up in the sky without a beam. The light made it down to the ground then disappeared and another appeared later and much higher in the sky where it still is now. It is red and is getting harder to see. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Brazil Triangle
Santo Antônio Da Platina– On December 18, 2016, I was looking at the clouds and was wondering if UFOs can see us through the clouds. That’s when I saw a star-like UFO passing through the clouds above me that came out of a circle. I ran into my house and told my parents. My dad asked me to get the camera and go to the front of the house and take pictures.
Canada Objects
Port Greville — We were 10-15 minutes from home in an area that provided a great view of the orange sunset and noticed fireballs on November 10, 2016. We assumed the fireballs were a meteor shower but something was out of place as three orange globes were traveling at different speeds leaving behind a trail which didn’t last long. It was more of a rocket type with greater speeds and longer tails length, There was three of these objects but I never saw the spidery object until I looked at the pictures to see if they were any good. It stayed with us above the power lines until we lost him when we arrived home.
We lost sight of the orbs but spidery went over us one final time and this is when it changed colour from grey to red, green and white. However my camera took too long to focus on the object and we missed the shot. My wife still doesn’t believe in ufos but I’m convinced now. We lost sight of the objects when they were 20 kms distance over Spencer’s Island. Thanks to Mike Aris and Thanks to MUFON CMS
Wuhan— My wife and I were on our way back home when I saw a light at the west side of the sky on December 15, 2016. This light surprised me because once it arrived on a dome shaped building it changed the direction from south to north, to east then west! After awhile it flew out of my site, I was about to turn around to go to home when I saw the second exact one 10 seconds after the first one disappeared! I started to capture the light with my phone but it is low quality. In the video you can see the third one but that was the last one. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Columbia Two Objects
Two unknown objects were flying near our aircraft over Columbia on December 31, 2016, and were too high to be birds. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Germany No Film
Munich— During a rare clear sky in Munich I set my camera for shooting stars on December 29, 2016 taking one picture every 16 seconds with Shutter speed of 15seconds, ISO 1600, F 2.8, Focal length 25mm, The camera kept shooting for six hours for a total of 2260 pictures. After enhancing the images and displaying them one frame at the time, you can clearly see airplanes in each frame as they fly straight or have slight turns. However, for the first time I saw a 15 second light which seems to come from an airplane in one frame as it was flying straight. In the next frame the direction changes 90 degrees. Also it hovers at the point of direction change. The next five frames are followed by hovering for about 15 seconds. This followed by one frame for a direction change by 90 degrees facing toward the original direction. Then increasing speed to original location. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexico Cylinder
Mexico City – Today January 5, 2017 a tourist spotted a series of cylinder shaped craft flying above the city at high altitude. Photos are being sent. Thanks to Tom
Portugal Triangle
Azores — I had stepped out from my house at around 9pm to smoke a cigarette before bed on January 2, 2017, and looked up to observe Orion, who has appeared in the East at an elevation of about 20/25 degrees. I noticed an unusual star in the sky near where Sirius should be. I decided to move onto my terrace to take a better look. I rushed up to my terrace and continued to view the star and realized that it was in fact three lights very close together in the sky, marking the corners of an equilateral triangle. The lights seemed to be pulsating randomly and alternating color randomly between red, blue and green – there was no discernible pattern. Occasionally there were visible lines going from the lights in the corners to the centre of the triangle, always the same color as the lights. The lines never met in the centre, which was already dark.
They were fading in brilliance and then growing again in unison. The object was visible in the NEE, above the ocean (I live on Ilha das Flores, Azores). There was also a second object at a slightly lower elevation visible at NE. I called my wife out, and she came up to the terrace and confirmed what I saw for roughly fifteen minutes, and then faded away. I was unaffected psychologically (apart from my obvious excitement at seeing an unidentifiable object in the night sky. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Romania Light
Cluj2 — I noticed later, this light on the photo taken on December 29, 2016.
Nothing is similar on the other photos taken before or after on the same trip.
, the light does not appear to be a reflection although I’m not being a specialist.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Light
Portadown — I was the age of 10 in April of 2010, and my dad had came out of the house to tell me and my two friends that it was time to go leave when I noticed a orange object in the sky I said “Look!, what’s that?” Everyone looked up and there was this stationary orb thing in the sky. It looked like there was a vibrating small white orb in the middle of the object and around it was yellow to light orange to red colors and it was just sitting stationary in the sky. It was a clear night and it suddenly disappeared and reappeared lower to the left. Then stationary and again disappeared and reappeared this time bottom to the right of where it originally was. It kept disappearing and reappearing this time forward from where the object originally was, Finally it disappeared again when I realized it was moving in a triangular formation: center of the triangle, bottom left of the triangle, bottom right of the triangle, the tip of the triangle and the returned back to the center of the triangle. My youngest friend just started crying because he was scared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
I was in Manchester town centre with my brother on June 9, 2012; we were driving through the ‘Northern Quarter’ when I saw a ball of different colored lights hovering at 30-50 feet away to my left. I said to my brother to stop the car and I got my phone out to take a photo. My brother only saw the object very briefly. There was a car behind beeping so I said for us to turn left and to drive down the road it was on. We turned left and accidentally passed the road we should have turned so I said to stop. We looked down the road the object was on and the object had disappeared. I looked at phone and we saw that I had captured the object quite clearly. I cannot explain it. The object was a hollow ball made up of round downturned discs with vivid colors on the outside. I could see through into the hollow. The object was between 3 and 8 foot in size and seemed to be hovering over a nearby car. If you can help to explain what I saw that would be great. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Uruguay Light
La Barra — I was waiting for the bus to go home after work on December 28, 2016 and noticed red lights in the sky. I thought were those of an airplane, but suddenly, the lights seemed to stop. And suddenly the lights went back very fast and again stood still. That`s when I grabbed my phone and recorded the event. I realized that under the red lights also blue lights were shining too. The object flew back and forth at tremendous speed and would suddenly stop. Another guy also noticed the strange behavior of the flying object and as I recorded it. After minutes, the object simply disappeared from sight. I was really happy that finally I had a recording of what I think is a UFO. Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have macular degeneration of my eyes so have trouble editing these files and need to hire more help.A donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
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I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Astronomers Think A Rare And Explosive 'Red Nova' Will Light Up The Night Sky In A Few Years
Astronomers Think A Rare And Explosive 'Red Nova' Will Light Up The Night Sky In A Few Years
The V838 monocerotis red supergiant which may have been two stars that collided as a red nova
NASA/ESA/ The Hubble Heritage Team ( STSCI/AURA)
Every once in awhile, the stars actually do align — then merge, catastrophically explode, and spray their guts all over space.
Or at least that's the suspected trigger of rare "red novas," so-named for their characteristic red color.
One of the best-studied red novas happened in 2008. The object, called V1309 Scorpii, was a double-star system (also called a binary) measured for over 6 years before it merged and erupted.
But astronomers are desperate to find more such binary systems before they detonate, since watching the cosmic collisions would not only reveal a lot about the evolution of stars and nebulas, but also how space gets seeded with elements necessary for life.
Part of that effort has been a thorough search for binary star systems that look ready to blow.
However, Larry Molnar, an astronomer at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, has gone a big step further with a few colleagues: Over the past 2 years, he's claimed not only to have found such a system, but also predicted when it will blow up as a red nova.
"No one has ever seen a star go into this kind of explosion. No other situation has come up where any astronomer has ever been able to say, 'this is a star about to blow up,'" Molnar said in a preview for an upcoming documentary, called "Luminous."
His prognostication is specific enough to make any astrophysicist squirm: Molnar now says the whole thing will go down just 5 years from now.
In fact, according to Molnar's prediction, the stellar outburst should be visible in the night sky without any help from binoculars or a telescope.
"[I]n the lack of viable alternatives we must take seriously the unlikely hypothesis at hand," Molnar told Business Insider in an email.
The stars in question are a system called KIC 9832227, and they're locked in a dance of death.
In fact, they're so close together that they share each other's million-degree-plasma atmospheres: an object called a "contact" binary.
If you could magically teleport to the system, which is located about 1,700 light years from us amid the constellation Cygnus, it might appear as a brilliantly glowing bowling pin.
But no one was certain that KIC 9832227 was actually a double-star system; all astronomers knew was that its brightness varied over the years. Many types of stars and star systems "pulsate" their brightness in this way, so Molnar and a Calvin College student had to first rule out any doubt that it was two stars.
What they found in 2015 is that it behaved much like V1309 Scorpii — one of the best-known binary systems to unpredictably merge — and that the stars' mutual orbits were closing in.
"Over the past ten years, the period of KIC 9832227 has been getting shorter at a faster and faster rate," Molnar and his team wrote in a research poster about their discovery. "This implies that the stars are orbiting faster and getting closer together."
The team has recently ruled out more "mundane" explanations for what they see, according to a January 7 press release by Calvin College.
Predicting a violent stellar outburst
By using data from the few known examples, especially V1309 Scorpii, Molnar has calculated the approximate moment that the two stars of KIC 9832227 will collide: in the year 2022, "give or take a year," according to the release.
Molnar said the explosion should increase the brightness of the star system 1,000-fold, to about magnitude 2 — roughly as bright as Polaris, the North Star.
If and when the two stars collide, they aftermath might look something like V838 Monocerotis, a star which suddenly flashed in 2002, temporarily becoming 600,000 times brighter than the sun — and the brightest star in the Milky Way galaxy.
Astronomers aren't certain V838 Monocerotis is actually a red nova, but ever since 2002, the Hubble Space Telescope has kept its wandering eye on the expanding gas and dust of the object.
Researchers in 2006 morphed eight of those Hubble photos to show off the red nova's evolution. This animation shows 4 years compressed into 6 seconds:
Should Molnar's prediction of the merger of KIC 9832227 prove correct, then astronomers will get one of the greatest heads-ups ever to a relatively rare and important event in the evolution of stars.
And being many times closer than a star like V838 Monocerotis, which is located some 20,000 light-years away, KIC 9832227 may also afford among the closest views of a stellar mega-eruption.
"If the star can completely merge, it can release as much energy as the sun would release in its entire lifetime," he said in the teaser video for "Luminous", adding that there's only "a one-in-a-million chance" to catch an event like this.
"Given the percentages of how many systems we have looked at and how unusual this event is," Molnar told Business Insider, "it seems unlikely that we should have found the next red nova so 'easily.'"
Read the original article onTech Insider. Copyright 2016
The Chilean government has declassified a video and released a report on an unidentified flying object sighting that occurred over two years ago.
The nine-minute video was picked up by a Chilean Navy helicopter at an altitude of 1,370 meters (4,500 feet) along the coast between the port of San Antonio and Quinteros on November 11, 2014. The helicopter’s infrared camera operator detected an unknown object in the distance, which appeared to be flying at a similar speed to the helicopter, at around 244 kilometers (152 miles) per hour.
Two experienced Navy officers on board also saw the object. According to the Huffington Post, one told the investigation that the object had a “flat, elongated structure” with “two thermal spotlights like discharges that did not coincide with the axle of motion.”
Most bizarre of all, the heat-sensitive infrared cameras show the object appearing to thrust out a plume of an unidentified hot material at least twice.
They contacted two radar stations in an attempt to identify the object, neither of which could find it. Before they knew it, the object vanished into the clouds.
After two years of investigation by a team composed of leading scientists and aviation technicians, the CEFAA – a wing of Chile’s aviation agency – appears to be no closer to solving the mystery than before.
In a statement, translated by Google, they said: “Some analysts have suggested the hypothesis that it is a medium-sized line aircraft and that the stelae of the detachable element may be the reserve water inside the apparatus, thrown by the crew. However, meteorology asserts that neither the altitude at which the object moved, nor the ambient temperature of that moment, allowed such a wake of condensation.”
For now, the object remains unidentified. You can see the video for yourself below.
The Chilean navy has admitted it can’t explain a video filmed by its pilots showing a “UFO” in the country’s airspace.
A military helicopter captured the incredible footage in November 2014 during a routine coastal patrol.
The craft – spotted in broad daylight – was filmed using the chopper’s infrared camera.
The “UFO” can be seen hovering in the clouds before appearing to give off some sort of gas as it moves along.
The pilots tracked the craft from around 40 miles away and tried several times to communicate with it.
After receiving no response, they reported it to a pair of nearby radar stations.
But shockingly, neither of them were able to see it on their screens – despite being able to detect the navy choppers.
Air traffic controllers also confirmed that no aircraft had been authorized to fly in the area where the craft was sighted, according to the Huffington Post.
Chilean government agency the CEFAA, which investigates UFO sightings, has been probing the incident for two years.
But after examining the footage and quizzing the pilots, air traffic controllers, and radar operators, CEFAA are still stumped as to what the object is.
General Ricardo Bermúdez, Director of CEFAA during the investigation, said: “We do not know what it was, but we do not know what it was not.”
Speaking after interviewing the airmen, Bermúdez added: “I was very impressed by these witnesses.
“They were highly trained professionals with many years’ experience, and they were absolutely certain that they could not explain what they saw.”
If there is life on Mars it could be playing games, according to conspiracy theorists who claim to have spotted a small marble in the Martian soil.
Captured by the Mars Rover Curiosity,an image taken on 1 January shows a small dark sphere looking out of place lying among the familiar red dust and craggy rocks.
Some suggest it is a marble, but a much more likely explanation is that it is an example of a Martian spherule, thought to be formed when volcanoes spray molten rock into air.
Captured by the Mars Rover Curiosity,an image taken on 1 January (pictured) shows a small dark sphere looking out of place lying among the familiar red dust and craggy rocks
Also known as blueberries because of a blue hue given to the objects in false-colour images, Martian spherules were discovered by the Mars rover Opportunity in 2004.
One theory is that the spheres may have formed when molten rock was sprayed into the air by a volcano or a meteor impact.
Another suggests they formed when groundwater flowed through porous rocks creating chemical reactions that cause iron minerals to precipitate into layered balls.
A black and white picture taken on 20 December 2016 shows the same ball in the same place, although Martian dust appears to have covered surrounding rocks since then.
The pictures were taken by Nasa's Curiosity rover - which has been examining the surface of Mars since it landed in 2011 - using its right mast camera.
The images are most likely to show an example of a Martian spherule.
Also known as blueberries because of a blue hue given to the objects in false-colour images, Martian spherules were discovered by the Mars rover Opportunity in 2004.
One theory is the spheres may have formed when molten rock was sprayed into the air by a volcano or a meteor impact.
Another theory suggests they formed when groundwater flowed through porous rocks creating chemical reactions that cause iron minerals to precipitate into small, layered balls.
'A number of straightforward geological processes can yield round shapes,' says Dr Hap McSween, an Opportunity science team member from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
The marble is just the latest in a series of 'discoveries' of strange objects on Mars by conspiracy theorists.
The pictures are most likely to show an example of a Martian spherule. One theory is that the spheres may have formed when molten rock was sprayed into the air by a volcano or a meteor impact
The pictures were taken by Curiosity's rover (artist's impression pictured), which has been examining the surface of Mars since it landed in 2011
A black and white picture taken on 20 December 2016 shows the same ball in the same place, although Martian dust appears to have covered surrounding rocks since then
This mosaic image shows some Martian spherules partly embedded, spread over the (smaller) soil grains. Another theory suggests they formed when groundwater flowed through porous rocks creating chemical reactions that cause iron minerals to precipitate into layered balls
Over the course of three online-based studies, researchers at the University of Kent showed strong links between the belief in conspiracy theories and these psychological traits.
The results showed that those people who rated highly on the narcissism scale and who had low self-esteem were more likely to be conspiracy believers.
However, while low self-esteem, narcissism and belief in conspiracies are strongly linked, it is not clear that one - or a combination - causes the other.
But it hints at an interesting new angle to the world of conspiracy and those who reinforce belief.
Last month, alien enthusiasts believe they have found an exciting clue in the ongoing search for life on Mars - a spoon.
It was the second 'spoon' to be found on Mars in recent years, with believers claiming it could be proof of developed life on the planet.
Other objects such as rings and gloves have also been found.
The video was first noticed properly when it was uploaded to YouTube by the UFO Hunter account, with the description: 'There is a giant spoon on Mars! This thing is amazing! Probably left over from a lost civilization'
And some users were amazed at the discovery - one said: 'Wow, it could'nt possibly be natural, could it.'
Another added: 'Considering this is the second spoon they have found, this could be a sign of intelligent life.'
However, others were more skeptical, suggesting it could be an optical illusion.
One user commented: 'We see what we want to see. Some folk see the face of Jesus in tea-leaves, others see the man in the moon.'
On Neil deGrasse Tyson's science show "Star Talk," guest SETI Astronomer Seth Shostak and comedian Michael Ian Black discussed alien sightings and the way aliens are portrayed in the media.
"Most people who are into the UFO phenomena -- by the way, that's not a small percentage, that's one-third of the public," Shostak said in a video clip from the show. "There are 10,000-20,000 sighting reported per year in the US, so that's a lot."
While Tyson seems unconvinced, Black thinks this search for aliens is a deeper need for humans to believe there's more life in the universe than just us.
There's also an interesting side note about the common perception of what aliens look like. Instead of the familiar "X-Files" and "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" images of an alien with the tiny gray body, big head and bulging dark eyes, Shostak thinks they could be more machine-like in appearance.
"Think what we're going to do in this century... invent thinking machines," Shostak said. "The aliens have probably already done that. So the real aliens probably look like machines."
A SELF-PROCLAIMED UFO world expert returned to Dawlish Warren for more investigations after previously spotting a UFO landing in a field to abduct cows for genetic material - and was astonished to see the same UFO flying in the sky again.
Mr Mooner, from Newton Abbot, who describes himself as chief photographer for World UFO Photos, said: "I made a return visit to Dawlish Warren to carry out further investigations into my sighting of a UFO that had landed in a farmer's field. I stood in the same position as last time to watch the field and surrounding area for Strange UFO activity. It was cold out but I did not let this deter me from my UFO watch.
"I was there for hours looking in the direction of the field, when to my amazement a similar or maybe the same UFO flew across the sky. I was flabbergasted.
"I started taking photographs as the UFO passed over the field and flew off into the distance.
"The UFO moved so fast that I did not have time to zoom into it. I only just managed to photograph the UFO. I took four Photographs that show the movement of the UFO as pasted over the field. It was absolutely incredible.
"When I got back home I looked at the photographs on my computer and I was able to enlarge the photographs to see the object close up.
"This UFO definitely had no wings and appeared to be oval shaped. This was definitely not a commercial aircraft.
"I feel that this object was the same transit van sized UFO I spotted landing in the field last time.
"The photographs were taken on the 4th of January 2017 at 3:27 PM at Dawlish Warren."
Records from the National UFO Reporting Center reveal more than half a dozen reports originating from Braintree in the past decade, ranging from black spheres hovering over Weymouth Landing's train station to metallic balls that appear - and disappear - in broad daylight over Skyline Apartments.
Braintree's most recent entry in the catalog of the bizarre was logged in December of 2015, while surrounding towns and cities, including Quincy with three reports in 2016 alone, also populate the database.
That December 2015 sighting, dubbed a "sighting report" by the UFO reporting center, allegedly involved more than five people who observed dark black spheres hovering above the Weymouth Landing commuter rail station shortly after 8 a.m., two days before Christmas.
"During most of the sighting it was difficult to tell how many spheres/shapes there were, but it was a tight group of multiple dark black spheres (they seemed to occasionally change shape) moving roughly east to west," the report, filed anonymously, read. "No way to tell how far away they were, but there was a solid cloud deck, so they were under that altitude whatever it was.
"I have held an FAA certification as a single engine pilot in the past and previously never witnessed anything I'd consider to be a UFO," the Dec. 23, 2015 sighting report concluded.
Here's a brief rundown of some other sighting reports filed from Braintree in recent years.
Triangular UFOs and black helicopters
In July of 2015 a report filed with the UFO reporting center claimed that a triangle shaped object had been observed moving over Quincy and East Braintree in the early morning hours of Sept. 2, 2012.
"I was sitting outside facing west when a triangle shaped object, about the size of a commercial airliner, approached from the north heading south," the report stated. "The object was flying at a much lower altitude than any aircraft of that size normally would."
The sky-watcher said the object made a noise that sounded like a fan buffeting air and had a red light on the front with two white lights in the back.
"When the object was directly in front of me it turned east, moving straight towards me as it lowered its altitude and its speed. When it was less than a football field away from me it suddenly turned southeast, quickly accelerating its speed and moving out of my field of vision."
The report ends claiming that "several black helicopters were seen in the area for the remainder of the night and the following day."
First a light, then a 'bear hug'
The most unsettling sighting report from Braintree was filed in November of 2011 by a man who said he was driving his girlfriend home on the night of July 14, 2011.
When turning onto his girlfriend's street, not named in the report, the driver said he saw "lights that looked like a plane was landing or doing a very sharp turn."
The driver said he stopped his car to look at the object and watched it disappear and reappear over a nearby house.
"It got weird later that night," the sighting report stated, with the driver claiming the lights then followed his car home from Braintree.
"I could hear my name outside my window, weird noises, so I open up my window and something hit me right away like someone had a bear hug on me," the report said. "I could hear in my head 'your species will fall' and then saw a flash in front of the window."
That sighting report ends on a defiant note.
"I never wanted to tell anyone this because no one will ever believe this and I don't care because I'll never forget it till the day I die."
Metallic spheres over Skyline Apartments
A sighting report from August of 2012 is unique to this list in its specificity to the location it supposedly occurred in, at a wooded area behind Skyline Apartments on the afternoon of July 1, 2005.
The person who reported the incident, 15 at the time, said they were walking along railroad tracks from Quincy Point into Braintree when they noticed something strange behind the apartments.
"So we're walking along and notice a basketball-size metallic sphere suspended in mid-air, nothing holding it or propping it up, just still about 40 or so feet in the air, maybe 10 feet above the trees."
The sighting report continues, "it seemed like it knew we were watching it. Then I looked away and my brother looked down or something and it was just gone."
Een nieuw beeld dat de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA heeft vrijgegeven, toont de aarde en de maan op één foto. De foto werd samengesteld uit beelden van de Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter van NASA, en toont ons hoe we er vanop 205 miljoen kilometer uitzien.
Het bruine continent dat zichtbaar is in het midden van de aardbol is Australië, daarboven ligt Azië. Het beeld werd samengesteld uit meerdere foto's van de camera High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE).
Foto's die de aarde en de maan samen tonen, vanuit verschillende perspectieven, kunnen helpen om onbekende details bloot te leggen. Zoals de samenstelling van de achterkant van de maan, die pas bekend is sinds het begin van het ruimtevaarttijdperk.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Politieagent verbreekt na 70 jaar stilte over waarneming van vliegende schotel met 2 aliens aan boord
Politieagent verbreekt na 70 jaar stilte over waarneming van vliegende schotel met 2 aliens aan boord
Een oud-politieagent uit de Australische staat Victoria heeft na bijna 70 jaar zwijgen een boekje opengedaan over zijn waarneming van een vliegend object dat volgens hem niet van de aarde kwam.
Neil John McIntyre claimt dat hij op een avond in juni 1947 een buitenaards ruimteschip heeft gezien, schrijft de lokale krant Shepparton News.
“Het was op een zondag,” zei McIntyre. “Het was een koude avond.”
Niet bang
Op enkele meters afstand zag hij samen met zijn vriend Max Carlos een UFO boven de straat hangen.
Het object bleef volgens de oud-agent vijf minuten op dezelfde plek, terwijl de twee jongens verdwaasd toekeken.
“Ik was niet bang, maar wel verrast,” zei hij. “Het [object] leek op de klassieke vliegende schotel die overal ter wereld wordt gezien.”
“Je kon in de cockpit van het vaartuig duidelijk twee personen zien zitten die we aliens noemden,” voegde hij toe.
Hij claimde dat de twee aliens geen haar hadden en er mensachtig uitzagen.
Na het voorval maakte zijn vriend Max tekeningen van het object. In dezelfde periode kwam bij Roswell in New Mexico een UFO neer.
McIntyre moest zijn vriend beloven nooit over de waarneming te spreken. Nu Max is overleden, besloot hij de stilte te doorbreken.
“Het is het vreemdste wat ik ooit heb gezien,” zei de oud-politieagent.
Wat gebeurt er nadat we sterven? Bijna-doodervaringen schijnen licht op dit mysterie
Wat gebeurt er nadat we sterven? Bijna-doodervaringen schijnen licht op dit mysterie
Wat gebeurt er als we sterven? Sommige mensen zeggen een glimp van het leven na de dood te hebben opgevangen tijdens bijna-doodervaringen.
Er zijn artsen die onderzoek doen naar dit fenomeen. Eén van hen is dr. Sam Parnia van de State University of New York.
“Mensen die dicht bij de dood komen voelen zich vaak erg vredig en fijn,” zei hij in het Amerikaanse tv-programma Today. “Sommigen zien een tunnel en een fel licht.”
“Het meest interessante aspect is dat een kleine groep uit het lichaam treedt en toekijkt hoe artsen en zusters proberen hun leven te redden terwijl ze klinisch dood zijn,” voegde hij toe.
Parnia en zijn collega’s onderzochten 2000 patiënten die een hartstilstand hadden gekregen.
Bij veertig procent van de mensen werd bewustzijn gemeten terwijl het brein geen activiteit vertoonde. “Dat is een fenomenaal hoog percentage,” aldus dr. Parnia.
Overleden geliefden
Eén man kon zich gebeurtenissen herinneren tot vijf minuten na het moment waarop hij klinisch dood was verklaard.
Oncoloog Jeffrey Long, schrijver van het boek God and the Afterlife, heeft meer dan 4000 patiënten bestudeerd die een bijna-doodervaring hebben gehad.
“Sommigen zien hun hele leven of een deel van hun leven aan zich voorbij gaan,” zei hij. “Of ze komen overleden geliefden tegen.”
Minder bang
“De twee woorden die het vaakst worden gebruikt om een bijna-doodervaring te omschrijven zijn ‘vrede’ en ‘liefde’,” zei Long.
Na een dergelijke ervaring veranderen mensen volgens hem heel erg. Zo geloven ze sterk in het hiernamaals en zijn ze minder bang voor de dood.
Sommige mensen zeggen zelfs hun baan op om minder materialistisch te leven. Veel artsen kunnen leren van bijna-doodervaringen,” aldus Long.
Nieuw onderzoek
Parnia is nu bezig met een nieuw onderzoek, waarbij hij patiënten die een hartstilstand hebben gehad geluiden laat horen.
Ook plaatst hij afbeeldingen in ziekenhuiskamers die naar boven gericht zijn, zodat ze alleen kunnen worden gezien door iemand die omlaag kijkt, bijvoorbeeld een ziel die is afgescheiden van een fysiek lichaam.
‘Buitenaardse klauw en schedel’ gevonden in tunnels onder Peruaanse stad
‘Buitenaardse klauw en schedel’ gevonden in tunnels onder Peruaanse stad
Een groep zelfverklaarde paranormale onderzoekers claimt een enorme klauw te hebben gevonden in een tunnelstelsel in Peru die toebehoorde aan een alien of een mensachtig wezen.
De groepsleden zeggen dat de hand met drie lange vingers is gevonden in tunnels vlak bij de oude stad Cuzco, meldt de Daily Mail.
De groep heeft tot dusver geweigerd de exacte locatie te onthullen waar de botten zijn ontdekt.
De onderzoekers beweren ook een vreemd gevormde buitenaards aandoende schedel te hebben aangetroffen op de plek waar de hand is gevonden.
De beweringen zijn nog niet bevestigd door een wetenschapper of onderzoekers van een erkend instituut, schrijft de krant.
Brien Foerster, een bekende onderzoeker die actief is in Peru, kreeg het mysterieuze voorwerp naar eigen zeggen overhandigd van de groep.
Hij zei dat ‘experts’ na een aantal tests hebben geconcludeerd dat elke vinger zes botten bevat.
Het onderzoeksteam zou aan de hand van röntgenapparatuur hebben bepaald dat de hand en schedel echt zijn.
Het team is van plan om later dit jaar DNA-onderzoek te laten doen in de Verenigde Staten.
800 Million Year Old Woman Found And Looks Just decades Old, Sept 1969, Video, UFO Sighting News.
800 Million Year Old Woman Found And Looks Just decades Old, Sept 1969, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: Sept 1969 Location of discovery: Kemerovo Region, Russia I imagine the Russian scientist that studied this woman is probably still alive. This was an alien woman, and she was preserved inside a stone-like capsule with a liquid inside, the liquid would have been studied, and eventually found to be regenerating. Although it didn't bring the woman back from death, it kept her looking young. Therefore the scientist probably found this out, hid the info about it, and kept it for himself. He is probably still alive and well today somewhere using this liquid every so often to become younger. Alien technology could keep us young forever. Scott C. Waring Video translation states: TRANSLATION FROM RUSSIAN: In September 1969, at the village of Rzhavchik Tisulskago in the Kemerovo region, a very strange burial was discovered. During the stripping work at a coal mine in the core coal seam which lies at a depth of over 70 metres, miner Karnaukhov discovered a marble casket of amazingly accurate mechanical manufacture. At the command area Alexander Alexandrovich Masalygina ordered all work to be stopped immediately. The casket was brought to the surface and workers began to open it by pecking on the edges of the fossilized putty. Not so much from the blows, but from the effects of solar heat, the putty melted into a clear liquid and flowed. This was a shock to all who saw it. the coffin was filled to the brim with pink-blue crystal clear liquid. In it lay a slim, unusually beautiful woman — who looked about thirty, with a fine European features and large, wide-open blue eyes. Her covering was dark brown She was dressed in a white lace transparent dress length just below the knee. The short sleeves were embroidered with colorful flowers. Underwear was absent. It seemed that she was not dead, but sleeping. At her head was a black, rectangular metal box, rounded at one end (something like a cell phone), of approximately 25 to 10 cm in size. After about ten to fifteen hours, the coffin was open for all to see. The whole village came to see this wonder. However, in less than 24 hours the mysterious finding was reported in the district centre. The fire brigade, the military, and militia all confirmed the discovery. By 2 pm that day, a brick-red helicopter landed and the place was declared contagious and onlookers pushed away. Then the authorities sealed off the place and quarantined all who touched the coffin, even those who had been standing near.
UFO and alien research are fast becoming a new science. Its make its place among other scientific areas like astronomy and astrophysics, yet it gets far more attention that both those science areas combined. UFOlogists are the new scientists of this era that will make the biggest difference in the world than any other area of science in the world. The discovery of alien will change the perceptual field of every human being on Earth, how they see themselves, their home, their community and their planet, at which point humans will begin to scrutinise every faucet of human history and contemplate how alien interaction and interference throughout our evolution has changed our history. Scott C. Waring
News states: NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. (KABC) -- For many, UFOs are the stuff of science fiction movies that belong in the same category of little green men and alien abductions - but one Orange County nonprofit begs to differ. Jan Harzan, the executive director of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) in Newport Beach, believes that we are definitely not alone in the universe. "UFOs are real. These are structured, highly technological, structured devices flying in and about our planet under obvious intelligent control that's not us," Harzan said. Harzan has spent most of his life researching UFOs along with field investigators and a research team. MUFON looks into the reports that come in daily. "Could it possibly have been an aircraft? A satellite? The space station?" Harzan said. The organization has investigated more than 7,000 cases in the past year. It considers a small percentage of those cases hoaxes, and about 30 percent are classified as UFOs. According to Harzan, a man who has worked as a contractor for the Department of Defense says he and his friends spotted a UFO in 2013 during a hunting trip in Canada. "The very first thing that was intense was just how bright this thing was," said the man, whose identity was not revealed. Harzan considers this case, which was reported in 2016, as one of the most compelling pieces of evidence. Despite the many skeptics who believe UFOs only belong in Hollywood, Harzan believes his research can lead to huge advancements in technology. "Number one, we can move instantaneously anywhere on the planet, we wouldn't need to be sitting on airplanes," he said. "What about moving off planet and going to the moon or going to Mars?"
Alien enthusiasts claim they discovered three large fingered hand that might belong to a giant humanoid or an alien buried deep in a desert in Peru.
Though any serious scientific bodies are yet to examine the discovery, the claw is quite the find. The team that unearthed the so-called giant alien claw called themselves as paranormal enthusiasts. Members of the team say they excavated the appendage in Cusco, Peru.
The team further claim that they also discovered an elongated human skull near the giant claw site, which they say in a desert in the South American country. The exact location is not yet revealed, but the team gave a hint that the finding was done in a system of underground caves.
The discovery was sent to alien investigator Brien Forester, a Peru-based paranormal researcher. Brien then allegedly let a team of unnamed experts examined the fingers, and they concluded that it had too many bones to be from a human.
The team also claimed the hand was verified to be a genuine biological object through an x-ray. The claw is scheduled for further testing in America.
The team revealed that radiocarbon and DNA testing would bring out the true origin of the strange hand.
UFOs making maneuvers over Melbourne, Australia 31-Dec-2016
UFOs making maneuvers over Melbourne, Australia 31-Dec-2016
Here’s one new footage of a fast unidentified flying objects making maneuvers in the sky above Melbourne in Australia. This was filmed with a night vision camera on 31st December 2016.
UFOs were seen flying in and out of 'a major underwater alien base' near Guantanamo Bay almost 50 years ago, according to bizarre claims of a former US Marine.
The ex-Marine has come forward to reveal what he and his comrades experienced in 1968 to 1969 while station at the Guantanamo Bay Naval base.
Although the dates he put down 'are a shot in the dark', he recalls 'heavy UFO traffic over and around the base' that were '50 feet to 100 feet across'.
Scroll down for video
An ex-Marine has come forward to reveal what he and his comrades experienced in 1968 to 1969 while station at the Guantanamo Bay Naval base (pictured). Although the dates he put down 'are a shot in the dark', he recalls 'heavy UFO traffic over and around the base' that were '50 feet to 100 feet across'
The interview was published by the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), which is said to be the 'largest UFO sightings documenting and investigation organization in the world', reports the Inquisitr.
The interview describes many nights of sightings that he and his fellow soldiers witnessed and although they talked about the activity on base they were forbidden to discuss it in public.
'All of us Marines were amazed at the amount of UFO activity over and around this base,' the witness said.
'Virtually every night UFOs were flying overhead with altitudes of less than 300 feet.'
The Marine, whose name remains anonymous, was given orders to monitor the fence line when he spotted the Martian vehicles.
The testimony was filed as Case 74794 in the archives of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON. The Marine remembers seeing a UFO that looked like a 'big beautiful cloud with a blue and white pulsating light' quietly hovering over their heads. Most of the sightings were near the fence line of the base
He described the UFOs being about 50 feet to 100 feet cross, but were not the flashy saucers shown in the movies.
'Most of these UFOs were approximately 50 to 100 feet across, but to the naked eye came off as a dull, hazy hull with a small red light trailing behind it,' he said.
UFOs were seen flying in and out of 'a major underwater alien base' near Guantanamo Bay, according to bizarre claims of a former US Marine.
'When I stood guard duty on the south side of the base, I witnessed on many, many nights UFOs landing and taking off out of the ocean.'
'There were large blue lights moving around after their landing in the ocean and then slowly dimming down as they obviously descended deeper.'
While monitoring his post, he witnessed several UFOs flying around the area night after night – 'landing and taking off out of the ocean', he explained to investigators.
The witness recalled one event that he said was 'most exciting', which he observed while standing guard at the main gate of the base. He remembers seeing the UFO that looked like a 'big beautiful cloud with a blue and white pulsating light' quietly hovering over their heads
'It was approximately 7p.m. (dark) when I stepped out of the guard shack and looked across the fence at the deserted Cuban guard house when something caught my eye,' the former Marine said.
'Behind the Cuban guard shack near the ground was a huge white cloud with a blue/white, baby blue pulsating light in the middle of it.'
Bewildered by the sighting, he asked of his comrades what they were seeing as it passed over the shack in their direction.
He remembers seeing the UFO that looked like a 'big beautiful cloud with a blue and white pulsating light' quietly hovering over their heads.
A few minutes later the silence was broken by someone yelling 'get the hell out of there'.
A sergeant was yelling from the observation tower, ordering them to vacate the area.
The Marine and other soldier walked towards the barracks just 200 feet away, which allowed them to observe the action from a safe distance.
They saw Intelligence officers pull up to the scene with what looked like a film crew that recorded the alien vehicle while it hovered for about three hours before shooting off into the west.
'The UFO traveled about quarter of a mile, stopped for a moment, then like a bullet, shot straight up in the air until it disappeared,' he said.
After watching the ships take off and land, he assumed there had to be a major underwater UFO base in the Guantanamo Bay.
The witness recalled one event that he said was 'most exciting', which he observed while standing guard at the main gate of the base, reports Open Minds.
Around 7 pm, the former Marine stepped out of the guardhouse, looked over the fence at an empty guardhouse on the other side of the base and saw an enormous white cloud with blue flashing lights near the ground.
U.S. Marines on guard at Guantanamo base in Cuba (pictured), the area where the former Marine witnessed countless UFOs landing on the bay and taking off. He described the UFOs being about 50 feet to 100 feet cross, dull and hazy with a single red light that trailed behind them and blue lights flashed as they landed on the ocean
'It was approximately 7p.m. (dark) when I stepped out of the guard shack and looked across the fence at the deserted Cuban guard house when something caught my eye,' the former Marine said.
'Behind the Cuban guard shack near the ground was a huge white cloud with a blue/white, baby blue pulsating light in the middle of it.'
Bewildered by the sighting, he asked of his comrades what they were seeing as it passed over the shack in their direction.
Aliens came to Earth to stop a nuclear war between America and Russia, according the bizarre claim of a former astronaut.
Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, says high-ranking military officials witnessed alien ships during weapons tests throughout the 1940s.
The UFOs, he says, were spotted hovering over the world's first nuclear weapons test which took place on July 16, 1945 in the desolate White Sands deserts of New Mexico.
The Nasa veteran has regularly spoken about his belief in aliens ever since he landed on the surface of the moon during the Apollo 14 mission in 1971.
'White Sands was a testing ground for atomic weapons - and that's what the extra-terrestrials were interested in,' the 84-year-old Texan told Mirror Online.
NASA contractor explains UFO NASA 'conspiracy'
'They wanted to know about our military capabilities.
'My own experience talking to people has made it clear the ETs had been attempting to keep us from going to war and help create peace on Earth.'
Dr Mitchell says stories from people who manned missile bases during the 20th Century back up his claims.
'Other officers from bases on the Pacific coast told me their [test] missiles were frequently shot down by alien spacecraft,' he said.
He previously said supposedly real-life ET's were similar to the traditional image of a small frame, large eyes and head.
He claimed our technology is 'not nearly as sophisticated' as theirs and 'had they been hostile', he warned 'we would be been gone by now'.
He remembers seeing the UFO that looked like a 'big beautiful cloud with a blue and white pulsating light' quietly hovering over their heads.
A few minutes later the silence was broken by someone yelling 'get the hell out of there'.
A sergeant was yelling from the observation tower, ordering them to vacate the area.
The Marine and other soldier walked towards the barracks just 200 feet away, which allowed them to observe the action from a safe distance.
An air view of the Guantanamo US Naval base (pictured) during the 1960s, which is the same time when the ex-Marine swears that 'virtually every night UFOs were flying overhead with altitudes of less than 300 feet'. The Marine, whose remains anonymous, was given orders to monitor the fence line when he spotted the UFOs
They saw Intelligence officers pull up to the scene with what looked like a film crew that recorded the alien vehicle while it hovered for about three hours before shooting off into the west.
'The UFO traveled about quarter of a mile, stopped for a moment, then like a bullet, shot straight up in the air until it disappeared,' he said.
'I would love to go back there just to see if the UFOs are still showing up.'
Agents Mulder and Scully may have said 'the truth is out there' in the X Files, but it may instead be buried inside the brains of people who claim they have been abducted by aliens.
Those who believe they have had a close encounter of the so-called 'fourth kind' may suffer from false memories or sleep paralysis, a psychologist has claimed.
A rare form of the condition, which can involve hallucinations or the feeling of being dragged out of bed, may explain 'alien abductions' that people sincerely believe happened but can't remember.
Writing for The Psychologist, Christopher C French, of Goldsmiths, the University of London, who specialises in the psychology of paranormal belief and experiences, said there are plausible explanations for why people 'see' flying saucers and think they have been abducted.
He noted that most of the people making these claims are clinically sane, but their belief in life in outer space may influence what they see or feel in strange situations.
'The dates that I have put down is a shot in the dark because that was 50 years ago.'
Last year, a former Nasa employee came forward about the agency covering up a series of UFO sightings that they code named 'Santa Claus'.
Donna Hare claims she was told by numerous sources, which she does not name, about three UFOs that landed shortly after one of the moon landings and Nasa airbrushing UFOs out of satellite pictures, reportedExpress.
The deepest X-ray image ever taken took more than 7 million seconds of observing time.
X-ray: NASA/CXC/Penn State/B.Luo et al.
Hubble has its iconic deep field filled to the brim with galaxies. The Chandra X-ray Observatory has one of its own. In an area just 60 percent the size of the full moon, it peered into an area of ancient galaxies and their massive black holes. Bright, energetic, explosive events hide in this area.
Over 81 days, Chandra looked at 1,055 black holes in this small region, able to see energetic events caused by black holes at the center of galaxies visible only in x-rays. It marks, to date, the best survey of active galactic nuclei in the universe, and creates an even bigger estimate: hiding behind city lights and small backyard telescopes, there are 1 billion active galaxies in the night sky somewhere (though many of those are out of view to even the best ground-based telescopes.)
“The density of these black holes is the deepest we’ve ever seen in the sky,” W. Niel Brandt, the Verne M. Willaman Professor of Astronomy & Astrophysics at Pennsylvania State University, said in a press conference at the 229th gathering of the American Astronomical Society. A pre-print of the findings is available here.
But all of the information contained in this area would be nothing without a technique often utilized by backyard astronomers.
“We’ve had to use a bit of a trick to get there, and the trick we use is stacking,” Brandt said.
Stacking involves taking multiple exposures of an object and using these individual frames to build a better composite image. While one exposure may only show a certain amount of light from an energetic event, a progressive number of exposures can build a bigger and brighter pictures. Because events like this move on slow timescales (from a human observer point of view) stacking helps bring clarity to the data.
In addition to Chandra data, archival data from Hubble helped complete the pictures of these active galactic nuclei.
While the dataset, termed the Chandra Deep Field-South, has some of the best resolution of distant supermassive black holes ever, it only reaches a redshift of 10. The galaxies range in age from 3.5 billion to 12.5 billion years old, leaving a little over a billion years of galaxies yet uncharacterized in an area / time called the Epoch of Reionization because these early galaxies ignited neutral hydrogen in the universe and cleared away the opacity it caused, representing the first galaxies.
While the James Webb Space Telescope will be able to see some of these galaxies, a proposed mission called LYNX, a succesor to Chandra, would bring even more clarity to the early universe. It might help determine how supermassive black holes form and attract enough matter to form a galaxy. There are two competing schools of thought: that a small seed grows into a massive one, or that galaxies form from direct collapse black holes, where a massive cloud of gas creates a gravitational well before it can form into a star.
“It would give us real prospects of detecting these seeds individually,” Brandt said.
If LYNX is approved, one thing is certain: stacking will be the key to unlocking the discoveries.
The Crab Nebula is surrounded by synchrotron emission in the surrounding pulsar wind nebula.
WikiMedia Commons
A recent study on intermittent pulsars at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico done by a team of radio astronomers at Jodrell Bank in the UK, led by Professor Andrew Lyne of the University of Manchester, discovered two pulsars putting on a “cosmic vanishing act.”
Pulsars are highly magnetized neutron stars that spin very quickly, emitting narrow beams of electromagnetic radiation. When these beams sweep across the Earth, like the light from a lighthouse, we detect a pulsar.
The intermittent pulsars, which are a type of pulsar not commonly observed, switch between emitting as they usually would and then not producing any radio waves at all.
“They switch instantaneously between the states,” said Lyne in a press release. “They’re ON and then they’re gone, disappearing without any apparent warning.”
The team used a 7-beam receiver in their study to do a usual pulsar search, which they called the Pulsar Arecibo L-Band Feed Array (PALFA) Survey.
Pulsar PSR J1929+1357 was discovered in September of 2012 due to its very bright pulse emissions, but wasn’t confirmed as a pulsar until February 2013 after follow-up observations at Jodrell Bank.
“During the next 9 months it was observed no fewer than 650 times – 100 hours,” said Professor Benjamin Stappers of the Jodrell Bank Center for Astrophysicas and co-author on the paper. “It was ON on only five occasions – just 0.8 percent of the time.”
During the study, the team also discovered that the pulsar’s rotational slow-down rate is about 80 percent slower when it’s in the OFF period. They believe this is due to a lack of charged particle emission (for a reason still unknown) during the OFF state that causes a decreased spin-down rate.
Dr. Victoria Kaspi of McGill University in Canada and the principal investigator on the PALFA project said there may be more of these disappearing pulsars than regular ones and they may “redefine what we think of as normal.”
Other researches are still unsure about the disappearing pulsars.
“The explanation of the ON-OFF behavior remains a puzzle,” says Dr. Andrew Seymore, a USRA postdoc at Arecibo. “It indicates that the pulsar environment is changing, but just what those changes entail is open to debate.”
The pulsar community is not agreeing yet about the ON-OFF mechanism, but Lyne is still hopeful that more studies on PSR J1929+1357 will produce more answers on the spin-down phenomenon and the pulsar emission mechanism.
Artist’s concept of NASA’s newest Discovery Program missions. Lucy (left) will visit six of Jupiter’s Trojan asteroids; Psyche (right) is the first mission to the unique “metal world” of main belt asteroid 16 Psyche.
SwRI and SSL/Peter Rubin
Our modern-day solar system is a result billions of years in the making. Unfortunately, rewinding time to witness the formation of the solar system is out of the question. To determine our solar system’s origins, astronomers instead study “planetary leftovers” for clues about the makeup of the original solar nebula around our infant Sun. NASA’s newest Discovery-class missions, Lucy and Psyche, will provide valuable insight into the past lives of the planetary building blocks that share our local neighborhood.
Asteroids represent a vital part of our solar system’s fossil record. Uncovering their secrets will further astronomers’ understanding not only of how our own solar system formed, but how planetary systems form around stars throughout the galaxy as well.
The newest missions to receive NASA Discovery Program backing will study these fossils in greater detail. Lucy, set to launch in 2021, will examine both a main belt asteroid and six of the Trojan asteroids that share Jupiter’s orbit around the Sun. According to Harold F. Levison, the mission’s principal investigator and a researcher at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, CO, “the Trojans … hold vital clues to deciphering the history of the solar system.” This is because astronomers believe that the Trojans may have formed much further out in the solar system, and only settled into their current orbits once they were captured by Jupiter’s gravity. The mission is named after the famous 3.2 million-year-old Lucy fossil to highlight the Trojans’ potential for revolutionizing our understanding of the early solar system.
Psyche, launching in 2023, is set to encounter its namesake, the asteroid 16 Psyche, in 2030. Unlike the majority of asteroids found in the main belt, which are icy or rocky, the 130-mile (210 km) wide 16 Psyche is metallic, comprised largely of iron and nickel. With a makeup so unlike its neighboring asteroids and so similar to the Earth’s core, astronomers wonder whether 16 Psyche could be the remnants of an early protoplanetary core that has lost its outer rocky layers via collisions. Psyche’s principal investigator, Lindy Elkins-Tanton of Arizona State University, hopes the mission will shed light on this unique solar system object and help scientists understand how planetary bodies separate into layers over time. Currently, Psyche’s mission plan includes a 20-month mission duration once the spacecraft reaches its destination to map the surface and study its properties.
The data gathered by Lucy and Psyche will add to the ever-sharpening picture of asteroids that other missions such as NEAR, Dawn, and OSIRIS-REx are designed to provide. According to Jim Green, NASA’s Planetary Science Director, “These additional pieces of the puzzle will help us understand how the sun and its family of planets formed, changed over time, and became places where life could develop and be sustained – and what the future may hold.”
NASA’s Discovery Program has been in operation since 1992. Designed to promote missions that complement NASA’s largest “flagship” projects while focusing specifically on solar system science, the Discovery Program consistently launches smaller, less expensive spacecraft with shorter turnaround times. Discovery mission budgets are capped at $450 million, but their “smaller” budgets have in no way limited these missions’ contributions to planetary science. Some of the program’s most famous missions include Lunar Prospector, Stardust, Mars Pathfinder, MESSENGER, and Kepler. The Discovery Program’s core directive also emphasizes education and outreach, bringing the excitement of solar system science and discovery home to the public.
An artist's illustration of an asteroid breaking apart in space. A new study suggests this might be the fate of the asteroid 3200 Phaethon.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Purple rocks on Mars, the sudden loss of a "Star Wars" icon, unexpected orbits from China's satellites and (expected) New Years' comet flybys — it's's best space stories of the week.
Redhead goes purple
Although Mars looks entirely red from Earth, NASA's Curiosity rover caught a glimpse of purple rocks embedded in the planet's surface. The rocks, near the foot of the Red Planet's 18,000 ft (5.5 km) Mount Sharp, likely contain an iron-oxide mineral called hematite, also found in other Mars rocks. [Full Story: NASA's Curiosity Rover Spots Purple Rocks on Mars]
Loss of a legend
Carrie Fisher, the actress best known as Princess Leia from the "Star Wars" films, passed away the morning of Dec. 27 after suffering a heart attack two days earlier. She most recently reprised her famous role in 2015's "The Force Awakens." [Full Story: Actress Carrie Fisher, 'Star Wars' Icon, Dies at 60]
Out of place
Two commercial Chinese Earth-observation satellites reached a different orbit than intended, looping around Earth lower than expected after their Dec. 28 launch. The two are following an egg-shaped orbit, and would re-enter Earth's atmosphere within months without adjustment. [Full Story: China's New Earth-Observation Satellites in Unexpected Orbits: Report]
See also:China's Lofty Space Ambitions Include 2018 Landing on Moon's Far Side (New White Paper)
Ancient seas
The dwarf planet Ceres holds what seems to be an ocean's worth of ice layering its cold, dark craters — suggesting it could have hosted an ocean billions of years ago. Ceres is the largest body in the solar system's main asteroid belt, and it is about a third the size of Earth's moon. [Full Story: Dwarf Planet Ceres Likely Had Ocean Long Ago]
Slow-motion breakup
A rocky object called 3200 Phaethon, an asteroid with comet-like features, is being slowly shredded to pieces as it orbits hair-raisingly close to the sun. The strange asteroid features a comet-like tail of debris because of its extremely close orbit — it approaches closer to the sun than any other named asteroid, to within half Mercury's orbit, before swinging away again — and its trail of debris sparks the yearly Geminid meteor shower when Earth passes through. [Full Story: Space Shredder: Sun May Be Tearing Asteroids Apart]
Earth-sci panic
Amid rumors and what-if scenarios regarding Earth science's fate in the new US presidential administration, NASA tells researchers to "be a source of signal, not a source of noise." [Full Story: Earth Scientistss Are Freaking Out. NASA Urges Calm.]
Go deep
Astrobiologists are advocating for NASA's 2020s lander on Jupiter's moon Europa to drill into the moon's ice — in order to avoid any contamination caused by thrusters blasting to slow the lander down. The moon's tantalizing water-vapor plumes make the moon one of the solar system's most promising potential sites for extraterrestrial life. [Full Story: NASA's Europa Lander May Drill to Find Pristine Samples on Icy Moon]
Good location
New research suggests that the faint star Proxima Centauri, home to the newly-discovered exoplanet Proxima b, is indeed gravitationally bound to the nearby Alpha Centauri binary system. Researchers have wondered since Proxima Centauri's discovery whether the star orbits the binary system — and if it does, that's a very good sign for the habitability of Proxima b, our nearest exoplanet neighbor. [Full Story: Proxima Centauri's Origins Could Mean Its Exoplanet Really Is Habitable]
New Mars digs
NASA has made progress toward picking the landing site for its Mars 2020 rover, narrowing the choices down from 54 to 8 high-priority sites that could have hosted water (and therefore supported life) in the ancient past. The agency is also considering the best locations for a future human landing site. [Full Story: Where to Land on Mars: NASA Makes Progress in Quest for 2020 Rover Site]
The White House Now Has a Plan for Handling an Asteroid Disaster
The White House Now Has a Plan for Handling an Asteroid Disaster
Impact: An asteroid impact wold spark climate disaster claim the theorists
(Photo: PA)
Who can forget the startling scenes of a giant meteor flashing across the cold winter skies of Russia in 2013, when the "Chelyabinsk Event" reminded us of just how vulnerable we really are to asteroid impacts?
Now, the White House has finally released a report outlining the protocols for responding to an Earth-bound near-Earth object (NEO).
In 2013, a meteor broke apart over Russia, sparking panic and injuring over 1,400 people. Called the “Chelyabinsk Event,” the culprit meteor was estimated to be around 17-20 m (56-65 ft) in diameter and released approximately 500 kilotons of energy. In fact, before the atmosphere absorbed most of the energy, the meteor had about 29 times the energy of the atomic bomb blast at Hiroshima.
Every year, there could be dozens (if not more) of interstellar objects like comets and asteroids that come very close to Earth. In fact, as of January 3 of this year, 15,420 Near-Earth Objects(NEOs) had been discovered. On March 21, 2016, an NEO under 1 LD (lunar distance) from Earth was estimated to be 35-86 m (114.8-282.1 ft) in diameter. If that object had broken through the atmosphere and landed on Earth, the damage and devastation would be immense.
Yet even more threatening is the possibility of asteroid 2013 TV135 impacting the Earth. This asteroid has only a 1 in 63,000 chance of impacting within the next 100 years, but if it does, it would be absolutely catastrophic. The asteroid measures in at about 400 m (1,300 ft), which is around 4% of the size of the asteroid that is said to have killed the dinosaurs. So, while no dino-killer, the asteroid would certainly pack enough of a wallop to give the Earth one cosmic migraine.
A size comparison of some of the more notable objects to strike the Earth in the last 50,000 years or so. Credit:
The United States government is not taking the possibility of an asteroid impact lightly. In January of 2016, NASA joined with US defense and research agencies to form the Detecting and Mitigating the Impact of Earth-bound NEOs (DAMIEN) group. This group released a report detailing its strategy for dealing with NEOs.
The authors of this report state that “While it is highly unlikely that there will be a civilization-ending NEO impact over the next two centuries, the risk of smaller but still catastrophic NEO impacts is real…There is currently no whole-of government or international strategy to respond to such an even through all phases of a NEO impact scenario.”
Within the report, this group outlines seven strategic goals that they will use to help mitigate the risks of a possible asteroid impact.
1. Enhance NEO Detection, Tracking, and Characterization Capabilities
2. Develop Methods for NEO Deflection and Disruption
3. Improve Modeling, Predictions, and Information Integration
4. Develop Emergency Procedures for NEO Impact Scenarios
5. Establish NEO Impact Response and Recovery Procedures
6. Leverage and Support International Cooperation
7. Establish Coordination and Communications Protocols and Thresholds for Taking Action
According to Lindley Johnson, NASA’s Planetary Defense Officer: “The amount of time needed to mount a robotic planetary mission is typically 5-6 years, so I’d say realistically, you’d need about 8-10 years advance warning to do something about an asteroid in space.”
Our civilization is now truly global in scale and scope, and it behooves us to comport ourselves accordingly and take cognizance of all the potential threats to our survival—whether destructive wars, disease pandemics, climatic change, or the threat of extraterrestrial impactors. Hopefully, the survival of humanity will not be threatened by the impact of an NEO anytime soon; but if it is, we can rest a little easier knowing that measures are being taken and there is finally a sound plan in place.
Space disaster: Artist's impression of a 'super-impact'. A very large asteroid, about 800km in diameter, strikes the Earth
How likely is it that UFO’s are indeed just secret military aircraft? When all the evidence is compiled and what facts we know are brought forth, could all these UFO sighting really just be a catagory of military technology that is so secret that only a handful of top officals truely know about it?
We all know the Goverment has decieved the public time after time,in fact they tend to cover the truth with rumors on top of rumors then a few far fetched tales to confuse the public even more. Could the UFO phenomenon really just be th ultimate cover story for one of the most secret operations.
The presidents of the United states most likely have very little information into these operations, as it would give the the deniablity when asked questions. Think about this, top generals of the military hold there position for years longer than a president can be in office so who really controls what is happening, and what secrets can be withheld.
Given the pace of how fast technology moves and how advanced our computers alone have become I think it is quite possible that the majority of sighting really are prototype systems.
What better cover than its a “unidentified flying object” you can literilly fly it over a vast population and then say “We dont know” its the perfect cover. Dont get me wrong i stongly believe that we are not alone in this universe however there really has not been a smoking gun that could not be disputed. If there is that smoking gun that has crossed the path of the public then the “man’ has done a very good job at making it go away. Especilly in this day and age where just about anything can be duplicated by fancy graphics programs.
Could there be both manmade systems as well as extraterestrial systems among us?
Leslie Kean's new Infrared UFO Video from Chile - Solved?
Leslie Kean's new Infrared UFO Video from Chile - Solved?
Leslie Kean is a well-known UFO writer, author of UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record (2010.See my review of it here).
In recent years Kean has been working with the CEFAA, an official organization within the Chilean Air Force to investigate UFOs (similar to the now-disbanded Project Blue Book in the U.S. Air Force). In 2012, she promoted a newly-released "UFO video" by CEFAA, asking provocatively "Is this the case UFO skeptics have been dreading?". In the end, the much-hyped "UFO" turned out just to be a fly buzzing near the camera, and all those Chilean Generals and Pilots and Government Officials who pronounced it authentic were full of baloney.
The CEFAA, a government agency investigating unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) within the department of civil aeronautics (DGAC) in Chile, has released a summary of its meticulous investigation into the relatively recent “AGA case.” The acronym “AGA” refers to the prestigious Air Force War Academy (Academia de Guerra Aérea) in Santiago, Chile, which provides training for high level Air Force officers.
The sighting of unexplained lights in formation at the Academy was video taped on two cell phones. Due to technical problems, the videos are not accessible on the CEFAA website.
By "technical problems," she apparently means that none of the Chilean Generals, Pilots, or government officials could figure out how to upload a cell phone video to a website. However, since that video only showed indistinct lights in the sky, taken on a shaky camera, practically nobody else got excited about this case.
But now she is back, big time. The CEFAA recently released a new UFO video, some of it using infrared imaging, and it quickly became the #1 trending item on Facebook. In a January 5, 2017 article on the Huffington Post, Kean wrote
An exceptional nine-minute Navy video of a UFO displaying highly unusual behavior, studied by Chilean authorities for the last two years, is now being released to the public. The CEFAA - the Chilean government agency which investigates UFOs, or UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena), has been in charge of the investigation. Located within the DGAC, the equivalent of our FAA but under the jurisdiction of the Chilean Air Force, CEFAA has committees of military experts, technicians and academics from many disciplines. None of them have been able to explain the strange flying object captured by two experienced Navy officers from a helicopter.
The object and its "envelope," according to astrophysicist Luis Barrera.
UFOlogist Ted Roe is a member of NARCAP, the group that investigated the CEFAA's fly video and pronounced it to be an unknown object. Roe posted to a Facebook discussion of the current video, "Our experience w CEFAA has been pretty good. .. they've got a pretty strong college of experts and, at first glance, this case is provocative" (ellipsis in original). Apparently by describing his experience with the CEFAA as "pretty good," that means "we made fools of ourselves over this video of a fly." (Roe is currently embroiled in a nasty controversy concerning how he allegedly drove Isaac Koi, an outstanding researcher, out of UFOlogy.)
CEFAA caption: "The object moved away from the massize plume it ejected just moments earlier. "
IPACO updated the CEFAA's map to show the calculated path of the presumed aircraft (blue). The red line shows the helicopter's path.
And now Mick West of Metabunk seems to have driven the final nail into the coffin of the great Chilean IR UFO video. After explaining how all of the aspects of the video are consistent with that of an aircraft, West writes
This looks like a plane, flying away from the camera considerably higher than the helicopter (somewhere around 15,000 to 25,000 feet), that briefly creates an aerodynamic contrail.
The plane that seems to fit best is LA330, a two engined A320, which was reported to be climbing through 20,000 feet at that exact visual position at 14:01:39. It was actually 65 miles away, not 35-50. This explain[s] why it was not seen on radar (the actual plane was on radar, just not where they thought it was)
As the French skeptic Gille Fernandez noted, we have a situation here where a major UFO case was solved by 'amateurs' in two or three days, after having been unsuccessfully investigated by "experts" for two or three years. The same thing happened with the "Roswell slides" in 2015.
Leslie Kean doesn't agree with this at all. On January 7 she wrote on her Facebook page
There are many holes in this flight LA330 hypothesis. First and foremost is that the Chilean authorities would have easily determined this to be the explanation if indeed it were.
Those same Chilean "authorities" who gave us the El Yeso reflection UFO and the El Bosque fly UFO video? She has a lot more confidence in them than I do.
NASA is plunging into the solar system’s origins, selecting two planetary missions to visit mysterious asteroids. The agency has chosen Lucy, which will visit Jupiter's Trojan asteroids, and Psyche, which will orbit a large metallic asteroid, for its next Discovery missions, its low-cost planetary science mission line.
Lucy, set for a 2021 launch, will take advantage of a unique orbital moment to fly past six of Jupiter's Trojan asteroids, which precede and follow the gas giant's orbit, a region previously unexplored by spacecraft. Launching in 2023, Psyche will orbit a rare iron and nickel asteroid of the same name, believed to be the stripped-bare core of an ancient planetesimal, and will test whether such bodies could have been hot enough to have formed molten, spinning cores.
“Lucy and Psyche will take us to unique worlds that humankind has never explored before," says Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington, D.C. "With this, NASA is continuing its legacy of firsts.”
The Jupiter Trojans have long been an exploratory goal for NASA. But Harold Levison, Lucy's principal investigator and a planetary scientist at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, came to the project from his theoretical work. A decade ago, he helped devise a leading model of the solar system's formation that, among its virtues, gave birth to objects with orbits like the Jupiter Trojans. These are the fossils of planet formation, he says. "If we're going to detangle what happened out there, the Trojans are the place to look."
Lucy will make a grand tour, examining its targets with an infrared spectrometer and new versions of the black-and-white and color cameras found on New Horizons, the Pluto explorer. After passing one asteroid in the main belt, in 2027 it will fly past four Jupiter Trojans over the course of a year and a half. And then, 5 years later, it will pass a rare binary asteroid system in an orbit highly tilted from Jupiter’s orbital plane. It's a complicated trajectory that was only possible with the 2021 launch, which may have helped its selection. "I've been worshipping at the feet of the celestial mechanics god for the last 30 years," Levison says, "and they're paying us back."
Little is known about Lucy's targets. The team knows their colors, from which they infer composition, and some of their reflectivity. From this limited information, it's clear they are diverse in type, and not homogenous leftovers from the formation of Jupiter. It's likely they originated farther out from their current orbit, Levison says, and found their way to Jupiter during the reconfiguration of the planets. The most interesting target is the binary pair Patroclus and Menoetius, Levison adds. Binaries are rare in much of the solar system, but common in the Kuiper belt beyond Neptune, far from the gravity of planets. That could indicate the duo are nearly pristine leftovers from that early era.
Psyche, meanwhile, has its origins in research conducted by Lindy Elkins-Tanton, the project's principal investigator and planetary scientist at Arizona State University in Tempe. With several colleagues, Elkins-Tanton identified remnant magnetic fields in meteorites that could be linked to ancient planetesimals, the building blocks of planets. Such magnetism was thought only to come from the spinning molten cores of full-fledged planets, not cooler, smaller protoplanets. But they surmised that a radioactive isotope of aluminum may have been abundant enough to heat the planetesimals from the inside-out, forming a molten core.
It was controversial. At the first meeting where they presented this idea, in 2011, "they lined up three deep at the microphones to rebut me even before I started talking," Elkins-Tanton says. But it gradually caught on, and then the Jet Propulsion Lab called, suggesting a mission to test their hypothesis.
They settled on 16 Psyche as a target. At 210 kilometers in diameter, it is one of the largest known members of the asteroid belt, and thought to be largely iron and nickel in composition, similar to Earth's core. They suspect it could have once been the molten core of a planetesimal that might have neared Mars in size. And late last year, observations from NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility also discovered signs of what looks to be water or hydroxyl on Psyche's surface, which could make it a promising resource-rich depot for human exploration in the future.
After its launch in October 2023, Psyche will arrive at its target in 2030. While orbiting, it will use a magnetometer to search for signs of a remnant magnetic field, which could have once been half as strong as Earth’s. "A little fridge magnet in space," Elkins-Tanton says. It will also employ a gamma-ray and neutron spectrometer to study radiation emitted by the asteroid, to judge its metallic composition. It's not an asteroid mission in the classic sense, Elkins-Tanton adds. "We want to understand the interior of a planet. It just happens this planet is categorized as an asteroid."
The Lucy mission will visit six Trojans, asteroids that precede and follow Jupiter’s orbit.
NASA has supported many missions to small bodies in recent years, but its appetite has not waned. Lucy and Psyche are different, but worthy, missions, says Michael A'Hearn, an astronomer at the University of Maryland in College Park. "Psyche is important because it will tell of the evolution of bodies in the solar system, whereas Lucy is telling us more about the origins of Trojans." Many scientists suspect the Jupiter asteroids are similar in composition to comets, he adds.
Each capped at $450 million in costs, these proposals were selected from five final candidates, all focused either on Venus or small solar system bodies. After an initial cull in 2015, the teams received $3 million to flesh out their proposals. After weeks of waiting over the holidays, the candidates learned of their selection only hours before the final announcement today.
The agency also announced it would extend another year of funding to the Near-Earth Object Camera (NEOCam), one of the finalists, though its plans beyond that were not immediately clear. “This mission is an important capability for the agency,” says Jim Green, NASA’s planetary science division director in Washington, D.C.
The final five candidates were:
Lucy and Psyche;
NEOCam, a space-based telescope that would discover and study 10 times more Earth-threatening asteroids and comets than known today;
DAVINCI (Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging), a probe that would plunge into Venus's atmosphere for 63 minutes and study its chemical and isotopic composition; and
VERITAS (Venus Emissivity, Radio Science, InSAR, Topography, and Spectroscopy), a Venus orbiter that would map the planet with radar at high resolutions, hunting for active volcanism.
The announcement comes as a particular rebuke for planetary scientists focused on Venus. For years, these researchers have been frustrated by NASA's refusal to return the planet, which it last directly targeted in the early 1990s. After failing to win selection in the previous Discovery round earlier this decade, scientists worked to clarify their scientific questions and needed measurements. By selecting two Venus missions among its final five candidates, NASA seemed to signal their success in coming together.
Many planetary scientists were also wary of the NEOCam mission. NASA faces a congressional mandate to identify 90% of mid-sized near-Earth objects by 2020. Although NEOCam would provide worthy scientific research, scientists feared it would take a Discovery slot away from more deserving work—fears that were ultimately unfounded. But bypassing NEOCam means it is unlikely that NASA will meet its congressional obligation, unless Congress ultimately decides to separately finance the mission.
The B612 Foundation, which once promised to launch a private asteroid telescope similar to NEOCam, has backed away from its plans. The $650 million Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), currently being built in Chile with the support of the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy, will identify many near-Earth asteroids as it surveys the entire sky every 3 nights once it begins operations in 2023. But simulations suggest the LSST is unlikely to meet the 90% threshold on its own. According to a White House strategy memo released late last month, the best strategy may be to combine a space-based telescope with the LSST.
For 2 decades, NASA's Discovery program has supported low-cost planetary missions, with a goal of launching a new probe every 2 to 3 years. However, it has been 5 years since the last launch, and the most recent selection, the InSight probe to Mars, has been plagued by delays, with its launch falling back to 2018. NASA had a goal of selecting two Discovery missions this round to help it get back on schedule, though there had been concerns whether federal budget uncertainty would allow it. Green says missions should launch every 32 to 36 months going forward. “The program is now back, now healthy.”
NASA is Sending a Probe to Explore a “New Type of World”
NASA is Sending a Probe to Explore a “New Type of World”
NASA's given the go-ahead for a mission to the asteroid 16 Psyche—a giant piece of metal that may be all that's left of the nickel-iron core of an ancient protoplanet.
As part of the agency's low-cost Discovery Program, it may furnish us with some insight about the Earth's mysterious inner core, and shed some light on the evolution of the Earth and the other planets.
Psyche is believed to be the stripped-bare core of an ancient planetesimal.
It’s the only known asteroid in the Solar System not made of rock or ice. Discovered way back in 1852, 16 Psyche is a strange hunk of metal orbiting between Mars and Jupiter, and is one of the ten most massive objects in the asteroid belt. Recently, NASA just gave the thumbs up for a mission to send a probe to 16 Psyche, as part of two newly approved Discovery Program missions—missions that could reveal a great deal about how the earliest planets that orbit the Sun were formed.
“This is an opportunity to explore a new type of world—not one of rock or ice, but of metal,” explained planetary scientist Lindy Elkins-Tanton, who first proposed the mission in 2015. “16 Psyche is the only known object of its kind in the Solar System, and this is the only way humans will ever visit a core. We learn about inner space by visiting outer space.”
The Psyche mission is expected to launch by 2023 and arrive at its destination in 2030. The long journey will include an Earth gravity assist maneuver in 2024, and a Mars flyby in 2025—two encounters that will provide an opportunity to do some interesting science on the voyage. The robotic mission will spend 20 months in orbit taking photos of 16 Psyche, measuring its composition, and registering the object’s magnetic field strength and gravity.
Believed to have once been the liquid metallic core of a planet about the size of Mars, 16 Psyche has a diameter of more than 200 kilometers (124 miles) and seems to be mostly made up of iron and nickel—with a surface possibly bearing volatiles like water or hydroxyl, according to observations from the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility. It’s thought that the surface of the ancient planet was whittled down after a series of collisions with multiple objects in the Solar System, leaving behind the naked metallic core as a kind of stillborn protoplanetary embryo.
The Psyche mission can open a window onto the earliest ages of the Solar System, an era less than 10 million years after the birth of the Sun. The mission will help us understand how planets were formed, and give us an idea as to how planets and other bodies in the cosmos develop and differentiate into multiple layers—cores, mantles, and crusts—in their earliest histories.
Apart from the Pysche mission, NASA also approved a mission called Lucy to Jupiter’s Trojan asteroids. “Lucy will visit a target-rich environment of Jupiter’s mysterious Trojan asteroids, while Psyche will study a unique metal asteroid that’s never been visited before,” explains Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington.
Like Psyche, Lucy will also help us understand an earlier, fascinating era in our Solar System’s history. “This is what Discovery Program missions are all about—boldly going to places we’ve never been to enable groundbreaking science,” Zurbuchen added. At the moment, both Psyche and Lucy are in their mission formulation stages.
While Discovery Program missions are relatively low-cost, the significance of their potential contributions is priceless. “These are true missions of discovery that integrate into NASA’s larger strategy of investigating how the Solar System formed and evolved,” said Jim Green, Planetary Science director at NASA. “These additional pieces of the puzzle will help us understand how the Sun and its family of planets formed, changed over time, and became places where life could develop and be sustained—and what the future may hold.”
Our Universe May Exist in a Multiverse, Cosmic Inflation Discovery Suggests
Our Universe May Exist in a Multiverse, Cosmic Inflation Discovery Suggests
By Miriam Kramer, Staff Writer
Our universe may be one of many, physicists say.
Credit: Shutterstock/Victor Habbick
The first direct evidence of cosmic inflation — a period of rapid expansion that occurred a fraction of a second after the Big Bang — also supports the idea that our universe is just one of many out there, some researchers say.
On Monday (March 17), scientists announced new findings that mark the first-ever direct evidence of primordial gravitational waves — ripples in space-time created just after the universe began. If the results are confirmed, they would provide smoking-gun evidence that space-time expanded at many times the speed of light just after the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago.
The bottom part of this illustration shows the scale of the universe versus time. Specific events are shown such as the formation of neutral Hydrogen at 380 000 years after the big bang. Prior to this time, the constant interaction between matter (electrons) and light (photons) made the universe opaque. After this time, the photons we now call the CMB started streaming freely.
Credit: BICEP2 Collaboration
The new research also lends credence to the idea of a multiverse. This theory posits that, when the universe grew exponentially in the first tiny fraction of a second after the Big Bang, some parts of space-time expanded more quickly than others. This could have created "bubbles" of space-time that then developed into other universes. The known universe has its own laws of physics, while other universes could have different laws, according to the multiverse concept. [Cosmic Inflation and Gravitational Waves: Complete Coverage]
"It's hard to build models of inflation that don't lead to a multiverse," Alan Guth, an MIT theoretical physicist unaffiliated with the new study, said during a news conference Monday. "It's not impossible, so I think there's still certainly research that needs to be done. But most models of inflation do lead to a multiverse, and evidence for inflation will be pushing us in the direction of taking [the idea of a] multiverse seriously."
Other researchers agreed on the link between inflation and the multiverse.
"In most of the models of inflation, if inflation is there, then the multiverse is there," Stanford University theoretical physicist Andrei Linde, who wasn't involved in the new study, said at the same news conference. "It's possible to invent models of inflation that do not allow [a] multiverse, but it's difficult. Every experiment that brings better credence to inflationary theory brings us much closer to hints that the multiverse is real."
When Guth and his colleagues thought up cosmic inflation more than 30 years ago, scientists thought it was untestable. Today, however, researchers are able to study light left over from the Big Bang called cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB).
In the new study, a team led by John Kovac of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics found telltale signs of inflation in the microwave background. The researchers discovered a distinct curl in the polarization pattern of the CMB, a sign of gravitational waves created by the rapid expansion of space-time just after the Big Bang.
If multiple universes exist, they may collide with each other and leave behind signs in the cosmic microwave background radiation, researchers say.
Credit: Stephen Feeney/UCL
Linde, one of the main contributers to inflation theory, says that if the known universe is just one bubble, there must be many other bubbles in the cosmic fabric.
"Think about some unstable state," Linde explained. "You are standing on a hill, and you can fall in this direction, you can fall in that direction, and if you're drunk, eventually you must fall. Inflation is instability of our space with respect to its expansion.
"You have something growing exponentially," he added. "If you just let it go … it will continue exponentially growing, so this [the known universe] is one possibility of something going wrong with this instability, which is very, very right for us because it has created all of our space. Now, we know that if anything can go wrong, it will go wrong once and a second time and a third time and into infinity as long as it can go."
Worlds Without End: The Many Kinds of Parallel Universes
Worlds Without End: The Many Kinds of Parallel Universes
Detlev van Ravenswaay / Photo Researchers, Inc
Parallel universes are a staple of science fiction, but the notion originates in some very important cosmological theories that may help us understand our universe.
And if parallel universes really do exist, could we ever travel to one?
It’s a frequent staple of science fiction—the notion that there’s another universe out there, coextensive with yet sejunct from our own; a distinct, alternate reality populated by our doppelgängers, who made all the right choices and are happily living the life we always dreamed for ourselves.
Or perhaps there’s a “multiverse”—a multitude of divergent spacetime continua, offspring of that same primordial Big Bang that gave rise to our own, each exhibiting some uniquely different physical, mathematical, or chemical property that might preclude the evolution of life as we know it.
These are familiar concepts—but what is a parallel universe, really? There are nearly as many definitions as there are potential universes in a multiverse, but let’s take a look at just a few of the myriad possibilities of cosmological plurality.
But if the universe were infinite, then it’s mathematically conceivable that somewhere out there amidst all that immeasurable vastness is a lonely pocket of spacetime where matter and energy have assumed identical, or nearly identical, configurations to our own little corner of cosmic creation.
This form of “parallel universe” would be safely cushioned from us by the universal speed limit set by the velocity of light; but if you really wanted to get there, it’s been calculated that an identical cosmological volume would only be 1010^115 meters away, and your identical copy just 1010^29 meters away.
And that’s hardly the strangest form of parallel universe. Some cosmologists envision the early inflationary epoch spawning a multitude of “bubble universes”—in other words, the universe expanded at such a breakneck speed that pocket spacetimes pinched off and became contiguous but separate universes.
“Every experiment that brings better credence to inflationary theory brings us much closer to hints that the multiverse is real,” says Andrei Linde, a theoretical physicist at Standford University.
And there are, of course, many other scenarios that admit of cosmological parallelism. If certain superstring cosmologies are correct, our universe is a 3-dimensional “brane,” one of many, floating like drifting plankton within a hyperdimensional “bulk.” Or, according to the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, in which alternate universes are continually generated by every particle in the universe exploring every possible timeline, we’re living in a sea of infinite potential subject to our every whim.
The cyclic, oscillating ekpyrotic model of the universe.
So even if there are multiple universes floating around out there somewhere, what are the odds of us ever being able to reach and explore one? Probably less than zero. We’ve already discussed above the physical impossibility of traveling fast enough to reach the disparate pockets of statistical repetition in an infinite universe; the odds hardly improve when it comes to universes even further removed from us.
And if the brane-theories are remotely correct, it would require liberating oneself completely from the tridimensional constraints of our local brane and “casting off” into the hyperdimensional spaces beyond, hoping somehow to locate and enter another brane. Or, if the “ekpyrotic” scenario is correct, you could conceivably wait until two branes collide, and make the transition at that catastrophic and highly uncertain point in time. This all assuming one is in possession of near-godlike powers of control over matter and energy, and is invulnerable to cosmos-creating energies.
Bottom line: parallel universes or no, we’ve got plenty to keep us occupied within the humble ambit of our own restricted and provincial little spacetime configuration, so perhaps it’s time we adjust our expansive imaginations to just accept the Lilliputian dimensions of our local spacetime.
China Claims It’s Made the Impossible EmDrive Possible
China Claims It’s Made the Impossible EmDrive Possible
Rumor has it that the Chinese are testing that fabulous Sangraal of spacecraft propulsion—the EmDrive.
But the Chinese have been known to make some pretty fantastic, and insupportable claims; and there's so far not a shred of evidence that the EmDrive actually works.
If you’ve seen Rogue One (or any Star Wars movie), you’ve seen how those X-Wing and TIE fighters were able to do those crazy maneuvers in space using just their thruster engines, right? Well, that’s supposed to be impossible in a vacuum. But with the EmDrive (short for Electromagnetic Drive), which is able to generate thrust without needing a propellant, it just might be possible—of course, it’ll need more than just that.
This is assuming that the EmDrive actually works—and not just in theory.
Well, China claims to have been able to prove that it does, and says it’s already begun testing one. The news comes from a government-sponsored article published at the Science and Technology Daily, the official newspaper of China’s Ministry of Science and Technology, which claims that the country has been doing “key technology research” for five years now into the EmDrive for “possible engineering applications.”
In a press conference announcement, officials from the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) confirm that they have indeed developed EmDrive prototypes and have begun testing if the device could actually work in space.
“We have successfully developed several specifications of multiple prototype principles,” claimed CAST communication satellite division head Chen Yue. “The establishment of an experimental verification platform to complete the milli-level micro thrust measurement test, as well as several years of repeated experiments and investigations into corresponding interference factors, confirm that in this type of thruster, thrust exists.”
Also at the press conference, Li Feng, chief designer of the communication satellite division of CAST, explained what exactly it is they’re doing. “This technology is currently in the latter stages of the proof-of-principle phase, with the goal of making the technology available in satellite engineering as quickly as possible,” he said. “Although it is difficult to do this, we have the confidence that we will succeed.”
This would seem to confirm information from unnamed sources which claim that an EmDrive is being tested on its Tiangong-2 space laboratory.
Apart from these mysterious sources, however, there’s no actual indication that China indeed has a functioning EmDrive in space—especially since China doesn’t exactly enjoy a good record when it comes to trustworthy research. And, Chinese tests or no, it’s certainly not proven that this “propellantless” thruster technology actually works. Despite NASA’s recent publication of their peer-reviewed study, experts remain skeptical about the EmDrive. They are also taking the NASA study with a sizable grain of salt.
This is a violation of Newton’s third law of motion, which says that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Action and reaction is a direct result of the conservation of momentum. The violation of such a basic law as the conservation of momentum would invalidate much of the basis for all of physics as we know it. Hence, many scientists and engineers feel the thrust measurements reported for the EM Drive are due to experimental error. Adding to this is the fact that those who believe the results are valid do not yet have an experimentally or a theoretically plausible proven physical explanation.
The EmDrive created by Shawyer's space company Satellite Propulsion Research LtdRoger Shawyer, Satellite Propulsion Research Ltd
The EmDrive is the invention of British scientist Roger Shawyer who, in 1999, proposed that – based on the theory of special relativity – electricity converted into microwaves and fired within a truncated cone-shaped closed metal cavity causes microwave particles to exert more force on the flat surface at the large end of the cone. There is less combined particle momentum at the narrow end due to a reduction in group particle velocity, so this thereby generates thrust.
His critics say that – according to the law of conservation of momentum – his theory cannot work as, in order for a thruster to gain momentum in one direction, a propellant must be expelled in the opposite direction – and the EmDrive is a closed system.
However, Shawyer says that, following fundamental physics involving the theory of special relativity, the EmDrive does in fact preserve the law of conservation of momentum and energy.
Hello! This is how scientists plan to communicate with aliens
Hello! This is how scientists plan to communicate with aliens
The song Across the Universe by The Beatles, and compositions by Vivaldi and Gershwin have been sent to space for communicating with aliens.
Scientists from San Francisco-based Messaging Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (METI) plan to send signals to distant planets and communicate with aliens instead of waiting for them to initiate the interaction.
An image of Sun's nearest star Proxima Centauri shot by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope (HST).
ESA/Hubble & NASA
The astronomers are planning to start the talks with aliens by sending laser or radio signals. The first celestial body they will send the message to is none other than Proxima Centauri, the star that is nearest to the Sun. Other far-off celestial bodies located hundreds or thousands of light years away will then be sent the communication signals.
"If we want to start an exchange over the course of many generations, we want to learn and share information," said Douglas Vakoch, president of METI and former director of Interstellar Message Composition at the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute (SETI) in California, reported.
Founded last year, METI is going to host two workshops in 2017 in St. Louis and Paris. The organisation also plans to raise $1 million for its mission to install transmitters at remote spots in space.
For now, the researchers are thinking about how to create and send the simple yet powerful message, "Hello," to the aliens. However, the project is also turning controversial, with people asking whether we want aliens to know our whereabouts, especially if they are hostile.
To this question, physicist Mark Buchanan reacted by stating: "We have almost zero idea of whether aliens are likely to be dangerous," according to the journal,Nature Physics.
On the other hand, positive responses have also been received by METI.
"I think there's something to be learned, nothing to be feared, and at least the possibility of discovering something truly revolutionary: We have company nearby," Seth Shostak, senior astronomer with the SETI Institute, was quoted as saying by
The first mission of this sort was spearheaded by NASA in the early 1970s, when Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft had carried a message in the form of a gold plaque, which was followed by a phonograph record.
Also, a radio message was beamed by SETI's Frank Drake, which could be collected in the form of a pictogram of images.
The song Across the Universe by The Beatles, and compositions of Vivaldi and Gershwin have also been sent to space for communicating with distant celestial bodies and aliens.
So far, no regulations have been formulated for sending the signals to space.
Internet entrepreneur Yuri Milner funded the SETI and the $100 million Breakthrough Listen project at the University of California, Berkeley, which aims at scanning space in order to discover any sign of alien technology.
Watch: Chilean government declassifies UFO encounter details after 2 years [VIDEO]
Watch: Chilean government declassifies UFO encounter details after 2 years [VIDEO]
In a rare instance, the government agency of Chile has confirmed that one of its helicopters encountered an "Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon".
In picture: A screenshot from the video that shows the UFO.Video Screengrab
The Chilean government has declassified a video from two years ago that shows what is apparently an unidentified flying object (UFO) moving at speeds equal to its Navy helicopter. There have been several sightings of what people consider UFOs across the world, but rarely are they acknowledged by governments.
The Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos (CEFAA) or the Committee for the Study of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena — a Chilean government agency that studies paranormal and possible extraterrestrial encounters or evidence -- have categorised this one as an Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon, which could be just another term for UFO.
According to an official statement from CEFAA: "On November 11, 2014, a helicopter of the Chilean Navy (Airbus Cougar AS-532), equipped with an infrared high-definition FLIR camera, was patrolling in the coastal sector between the port of San Antonio and Quinteros a At 16:48 UTC, when the camera operator detected an unknown object, apparently flying at a constant speed similar to that of the helicopter, and moving forward."
This seems consistent with other UFO sightings, where the objects reportedly fly at speeds matching those of the aircraft they are being recorded from. Also, in most cases, the objects move closer to the human air vessels before disappearing.
The CEFAA has said in the statement that the encounter — which lasted for more than 10 minutes — was confirmed by both the helicopter pilot and the camera operator. They then reportedly tried to confirm the existence of the object with the local Air Traffic Control (ATC), but the ATC said it did not detect any such object on the radar.
The ATC also did not detect any other airplane or weather balloon in the area, debunking theories that this might have been a man-made vessel. Other theories on what it could have been have also been debunked, given the altitude at which it was flying and other such metrics.
The helicopter crew then reportedly tried to hail the object over known radio frequencies, but received no reply. The object then reportedly disappeared in the clouds before the helicopter crew could make out more of its details.
De Chileense autoriteiten hebben een opmerkelijk filmpje van het leger van ruim 9 minuten vrijgegeven waarin een onverklaarbaar vliegend object is te zien. De ufo werd op 11 november 2014 bij daglicht gespot en geregistreerd door een helikopter die een controlemissie vloog boven zee ten westen van de hoofdstad Santiago.
Experts van de CEFAA - een overheidsorganisatie die merkwaardige verschijnselen in de lucht onderzoekt - hebben twee jaar lang intensief gespeurd naar een verklaring. Omdat die niet is gevonden, zijn de beelden nu openbaar gemaakt. CEFAA-generaal Ricardo Bermúndez, die nauw betrokken was bij het onderzoek, staat voor een raadsel. "We weten niet wat het was, maar we weten wel wat het niet was", meldt hij in een verklaring.
Wat er precies gebeurde op de dag dat het object werd gezien, is uitvoerig beschreven. Aan boord van de legerhelikopter (een Airbus Cougar AS-532) waren een piloot, een legerkapitein en een legertechnicus die tijdens de missie een nieuwe, geavanceerde infraroodcamera zou testen. Het weer was helder, de temperatuur 10 graden Celsius en de vliegsnelheid 152 kilometer per uur. Om 13.52 uur ontdekte de techicus, terwijl het toestel over de kustlijn vloog om de grond te observeren, boven zee een vreemd object.
Blote oog De drie mannen konden, zo blijkt uit verklaringen die ze los van elkaar gaven, het raadselachtige ding makkelijk met het blote oog zien. Het vloog op een afstand van circa 65 kilometer bij de heli vandaan. De technicus richtte direct de camera op de ufo, zoomde in terwijl de piloot en legerkapitein contact zochten met twee radarstations op de grond. Die konden wel de heli zien, maar niet het vliegende object. Ook de radars van de heli en de camera registreerden het verschijnsel niet.
Uit een bandopname blijkt dat de helikopterpiloot meermaals heeft geprobeerd tijdens de vlucht contact te maken met de CEFAA. De man gebruikte daarvoor een internationale radiofrequentie die zowel door het leger als burgers mag worden gebruikt. Hij kreeg echter nooit antwoord. Terwijl hij zat te bellen bleef de techicus filmen met als eindresultaat een zwartwit-filmpje van bijna 10 minuten. De beelden tonen zwarte, grijze en witte gebieden die gerelateerd zijn aan verschillende temperaturen. Zwart staat voor heet, grijs voor warm en wit voor koel.
Omkeren De drie mannen zouden zich zijn rotgeschrokken van de verschijning. De technicus stopte met filmen toen de heli weer terug moest naar het vliegveld. Tijdens het keren verdween de ufo achter de wolken. Weer op de grond alarmeerden ze de CEFAA die de beelden direct ging onderzoeken. Gedurende die analyse werd ook de heli-crew ondervraagd. "Het zijn goed getrainde, betrouwbare professionals die geen enkele reden hebben om zoiets te verzinnen. Ze hebben iets gezien wat ze niet kunnen verklaren, zo benadrukken ze nog steeds'', aldus Ricardo Bermúndez.
Op de vrijgegeven beelden is te zien dat het object lijkt te bestaan uit twee, door een horizontale as verbonden, ovale of ronde delen die naast warmte mogelijk ook een soort gas, rook of vloeistof produceerden. Volgens de Chileense autoriteiten, die ook nog ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA en andere landen inschakelden, zijn het in geen geval straalmotoren van bijvoorbeeld een vliegtuig, omdat er tijdens de bijzondere waarneming geen andere toestellen in de lucht waren. Ook was geen sprake van een weerballon, bijzondere weersomstandigheden of apparatuur van de heli die onvoldoende functioneerde.
Het filmpje is volgens de CEFAA reglementen openbaar gemaakt, omdat de organisatie er verder niks mee kan. "Wij weten het niet. Laat het publiek nu maar oordelen", aldus de generaal.
In de derde eeuw was het hommeles op het Europese vasteland: talrijke oorlogen deden het Romeinse rijk langzaam maar zeker afbrokkelen. Maar niet alleen op aarde stond die periode in het teken van onrust, ook in de ruimte heerste er chaos. Twee sterren botsten met elkaar en veroorzaakten zo een gigantische explosie. Het resultaat daarvan kunnen we binnenkort bewonderen, bijna twee millennia later.
Het licht dat 1.800 jaar geleden ontstond bij een monumentale ontploffing tussen twee sterren komt in 2022 eindelijk aan op aarde. Dat betekent dat er een mooie ster bijkomt aan het firmament. De verwelkoming van een nieuwe ster is een uiterst uitzonderlijke gebeurtenis die je echt niet wil missen.
Voor ze met elkaar in botsing kwamen, waren de twee sterren te zwak om ze vanop aarde met het blote oog te kunnen waarnemen. Het licht dat ontstond na de botsing is 10.000 keer helderder en dus wel perfect waarneembaar. De nieuwe ster zou misschien zelfs even helder zijn als de Poolster.
We hebben er 1.800 jaar op moeten wachten, maar straks komt het licht van de nieuwe ster op aarde aan. Maar na ongeveer zes maanden moeten we er helaas weer afscheid van nemen.
"Voor het eerst in de geschiedenis kunnen ouders naar een donkere vlek in de hemel wijzen en zeggen: 'Kijk kinderen, daar verstopt zich een ster die weldra zal oplichten!'" zo zegt Matt Walhout, astronoom aan het Calvin College in Michigan, waar de voorspelling werd gedaan. "Niemand heeft ooit de geboorte van een ster voorspeld. We denken dat amateur astronomen zullen wedijveren met andere liefhebbers om de ster als eerste te spotten."
Niet alleen is dit een prachtige en unieke gebeurtenis voor sterrenliefhebbers, het is ook een uitgelezen kans voor astronomen om de geboorte van een nieuwe ster van dichtbij mee te maken. De wetenschap kan er alleen maar wel bij varen.
Zes maanden lang zal de zogenoemde 'Boom Star' een van de helderste sterren aan het firmament zijn voor ze geleidelijk aan weer uitdooft. Na twee tot drie jaar zou de ster haar oorspronkelijke helderheid terugkrijgen.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
We all probably know a very small percentage of our world's past history because what we have learned until now is all according to ancient records.
But sometimes recorded history is not interpreted correctly and once it happens we can humbly assume that we know so very little about our ancestors and the countless unknown ancient civilizations that roamed the Earth.
One such ancient and legendary city that remains to this day one of the most intriguing topics is the lost and almost forgotten "Atlantis". The city was barely mentioned during ancient times with the name Atlantis being mentioned only by the great philosopher Plato. There are writtings from other diverse cultures that speak of mythical lands, which could be a hint that Atlantis is the one and the same as those legendary lands.
Some people even think that Atlantis is located in the continent of Antarctica. The freezing continent is indeed a stage for mystery and all sorts of conspiracies. But every now and then we have new reports of strange phenomena happening there and photographic evidence of strange land anomalies that could very well be ancient structures buried in the ice.
Recently a mysterious staircase was spotted via satellite, with many truthers pointing that it's probably a long lost pyramid or temple, perhaps from the mythical Atlantis.
We are used to treating myths and legends as something that does not actually exist. However, if we have a closer look on the cultural inheritance of the people, we might notice remarkable things. For example, some peoples that live absolutely separately from each other, have legends that describe one and the same thing or event.
Almost all the nations of the world, there are myths and legends about giants, remarkably similar to humans. All the world's faiths and religions talk about them. On Earth, there are no inhabited land, where neither would live, according to legend, giants.
In the minds of people so deeply ingrained belief in them, even the huge stones of Europe (megaliths), or South America, and the pyramids of Egypt called cyclopean buildings.
There are hundreds of mysterious locations spanning the entire globe. Some are similar to the ones we’ve mentioned already, featuring stone circles and other megalithic structures—and others are entirely unique. All of them are ancient—and they hint at the strong possibility that we don’t know anywhere near as much about our distant past as we think we do.
UFO Over Mountains In Horseshoe Band, Idaho In Great Photo, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Over Mountains In Horseshoe Band, Idaho In Great Photo, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: 9-1-2014 but released today Location of sighting: Horseshoe band, Idaho, USA Source: MUFON #81381 This is a great capture of a UFO over a small area of Idaho back in 2014, but released today. Smaller UFOs will shoot past and examine any activity that stands out, like a human in a forest area. These smaller UFOs will later gather in a cloudy area and wait to be picked up by the main ship. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states:
This is a short story. I was on Jerusalem Road outside of Horseshoe Bend ID. I stopped to take a picture of the landscape. I saw no planes in the air nor did I hear anything. There were no birds around. Later when I reviewed the picture an object was present. This photo was taken on a Samsung Galaxy 3 Note. A second photo of the same site showed nothing.
UFO Over Arizona Causes Reflection Of Itself On Clouds Above, Arizona, Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Over Arizona Causes Reflection Of Itself On Clouds Above, Arizona, Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 6, 2016
Location of sighting: Arizona, USA
This UFO was noticed when the sun lit it up and caused a disk reflection above it on the clouds. Only a metal reflective surface could do this, and as you see, the dark area of the cloud is the actual UFO. The lighter parts are the thin cloud as the sun shines through it. Even cloaked in a cloud, this is clearly a UFO. Below is the negative colors, making the UFO stand out from all its surroundings. Its metallic surface is a different material than anything in the sky or the ground. Scott C. Waring
Mysterieuze signalen uit de ruimte komen van ver, heel ver
Mysterieuze signalen uit de ruimte komen van ver, heel ver
Astronomen zijn al geruime tijd in de ban van een raadselachtig fenomeen uit het heelal. Het gaat om zogeheten korte radioflitsen aan de hemel.
Wetenschappers hebben nu voor het eerst de exacte locatie vastgesteld van zo’n radioflits: een sterrenstelsel op drie miljard lichtjaar van de aarde.
Korte radioflitsen werden in 2007 voor het eerst ontdekt. Er zijn in totaal een twintigtal geregistreerd, maar slecht één – FRB 121102 – herhaalde zich geregeld.
De signalen duren slechts een fractie van een seconde en produceren in die tijd evenveel energie als de zon in 10.000 jaar.
Wat de radioflitsen precies veroorzaakt, blijft onderwerp van debat.
Sterrenkundigen van de Cornell University onderzochten de flits van 2 november 2012 door zes maanden lang de ruimte in de gaten te houden. Ze legden afgelopen jaar in totaal 13 flitsen vast.
Geen antwoord
“We weten inmiddels dat de flits afkomstig is van een klein sterrenstelsel op meer dan drie miljard lichtjaar van de aarde,” aldus het team.
De ontdekking biedt alleen geen antwoord op de vraag wat de mysterieuze signalen veroorzaakt.
Volgens sommigen zijn ze afkomstig van de overblijfselen van een zware ster, bijvoorbeeld een neutronenster.
Verschillende soorten
Anderen menen dat ze worden opgewekt in de nabijheid van een zwart gat dat gas uit zijn omgeving opslokt.
Duncan Lorimer van de Universiteit van West Viriginia, die de eerste snelle radioflits ontdekte, zei: “Voor zover bekend is dit de enige zich herhalende flits. Misschien zijn er wel verschillende soorten.”
The ultimate evidence: Earth has been visited by intelligent Alien civilizations
The ultimate evidence: Earth has been visited by intelligent Alien civilizations
It’s very true that humans continue learning throughout their lives, but not only humans, society in general and even perhaps our civilization as one, has strived to evolve and develop through time, and if we have learnt one thing from the past is that we are continuously exploring our past, uncovering the true origin of mankind. As society and civilization on Earth develop, we seek to uncover the enigma of our origin, and just as we strive to understand where we come from, we have always wondered if we are the only ones out there, in the vast cosmos which was believed to be insignificantly small in the distant past when the Earth was believed to be flat, until Pythagoras asserted that our planet isn’t flat but spherical.
Major turnarounds have happened recently, and the best example is Mars.
Not so long ago, it was believed that Mars was a completely dead planet, without water, without any chance of life. Today, thanks to the rovers exploring our neighboring planet we have learnt that not only is Mars much different than what we thought, it has flowing liquid water on its surface, in the distant past, it had huge oceans lakes and rivers on its surface.
So, we continue to learn new things about our planet, solar system and the universe, and as we travel along this galactic path of knowledge we understand that it is very unlikely that we are the only ones out there. Those who have remained skeptical about the possibility of Alien life in the cosmos have changed their views in recent years, and it is very likely that the next major paradigm-shift that will change everything we know about life in the universe is the ultimate proof that life, intelligent life exists beyond Earth.
According to astronomers there could be over 200 billion galaxies in the observable universe that is if you don’t believe in the multiverse theory, which could prove to be another game-changer. Scientists say that the number of planets similar to Earth aren’t that rare as we believed before, and this increases the chance that life cold have developed elsewhere in the cosmos as it did on Earth.
So, what are the chances that Alien life exists, and Earth has been visited?
Well, according to experts in the field, it is nearly impossible that we HAVE NOT been visited by beings not from Earth.
Unrecognizable Alien technology
An intelligent Alien civilization capable of visiting other Solar Systems and galaxies must have very advanced technology at their disposal, technology that goes far beyond anything our civilization has. The chances that this kind of technology is present in our solar system and that we can’t even recognize it is something that according to researchers is a very likely possibility.
According to scientists from the University of Edinburgh there are possibilities that “self-replicating” robotic alien spacecraft are venturing into our solar system. If this turned out to be true, these probes would be product of such highly advanced technology to our understanding, that these probes would literally appear invisible to human perception, researchers said. And it isn’t that far-fetched is it? The idea that somewhere out there are alien civilizations which are so advanced in every aspect, that we could not even see their existence in our reality.
The mathematicians used computing power to inform their predictions, which might not sound out of place in a sci-fi novel. The two mathematicians analyzed the possibility that probes could travel through space in a study published in the Journal of Astrobiology.
In their work, Duncan Forgan and Arwen Nicholson affirm the possibility that highly advanced alien races are taking advantage of the gravitational field of the stars to speed up “their” spacecraft travelling through space. Interestingly, this “technique” would not be something exclusive to highly advanced alien beings: in fact, we use this technology for our own spacecraft. For example, the voyager probes are making use of the gravitational field of the planets to gain speed through space. According to a mathematical analysis, a fleet of alien probes, with highly advanced technology could self-replicate constructing new realities for themselves, making use of cosmic dust and gas, dividing into parent and child probes which would set off to explore a different star, in their goal to look for signs of life and so on in their never-ending journey through the universe.
Unclassified Secret documents about Alien Life
In the last couple of years, a number of secret documents about Alien life and UFOs have become accessible to the general public. These documents are considered by many as the ultimate proof that alien life exists elsewhere in the universe and that we have been visited by beings not from Earth for thousands of years.
NSA Top Secret Document about 29 Alien messages
On October 21, 2004 the National Security Agency (NSA) authorized the release of a then top secret document, NSA Journal Vol. XIV No 1, which is in fact a report presented to the NSA by Dr Howard Campaigne. The report addresses the decoding of extraterrestrial messages that were received from ‘outer space’. To verify the authenticity of the document, visit the following link: which will take you to the official website of the NSA. To download the document click here.
According to reports, the messages were intercepted by the Sputnik satellite but no one had the necessary knowledge to decode them at the time they were received.
FBI and visitations from Beings from other dimensions
In 2011 after some documents were “declassified” a report written by a special agent of the FBI in 1947 reached the public. The special agent of the FBI, a lieutenant colonel whose identity, remained anonymous because of “national security” gather numerous data on the UFO phenomena after interviewing and studying the phenomena for years. According to reports and “Declassified” documents, we have been visited by numbs extraterrestrial species, some of these, are not only from other planets, but from other dimensions. Some of these beings originate from an ethereal plane coexistent with our physical universe. These “entities” that could “materialize” on our planet appeared as giant translucent figures. The official document from the FBI vault can be found by clicking here.
There is a top-secret (now unclassified) document written by Robert Oppenheimer, an American theoretical physicist, and Albert Einstein, a German theoretical physicist who wrote a report about the “Relationship with Inhabitants of Celestial Bodies”. This enigmatic six-page document is one of the first to make reference to Extraterrestrial Biological Entities and states that the presence of UFOs is something accepted by the military for a long time. (You can read the entire document by clicking here).
Project Blue Book
The Project began in 1947 after a series of UFO sightings that shocked media and people across America. One of those cases that caught the attention of the government was when pilot Kenneth Arnold observed nine unidentified flying objects moving at high speeds through the skies over Washington’s Mount Rainier; a scenario that has not been explained and people today still wonder what happened.
Project Blue Book investigated 12,618 UFO sightings over a period of two decades. Huge amounts of data were collected, researched and analyzed, and even though we can get access to the data, some Ufologists believe that the truth has been hidden even though secret documentation has been declassified.
As a result, from 1947 to 1969, a total of 12, 618 sightings were reported to Project BLUE BOOK, where 90 percent of those sightings were attributed to explainable phenomena, caused by known astronomical phenomena, atmospheric or artificial (man-made) phenomenon, but out of the 12,618 sightings, 701 remain “Unidentified” meaning that there was insufficient information to assign or attribute the event to a known cause.
Surely 701 unexplained cases is a number that has something to say. What are those 701 unidentified cases? Is there a slight possibility that out of those 701 reports, some can be credited to extraterrestrial beings visiting Earth? While project blue book might seem at first as a real initiative that looks into the unexplained sightings over the U.S. some believe that this project is an actual marketing trick, or a public PR campaign created to calm people’s nerves.
If the above documents aren’t enough material to believe in Alien life, we can look at some of the statements made by highly-ranked officials in the military and government.
Official Transcript: How the CIA informed President Reagan about UFO’s
Transcript of Classified Tape Recording Made At Camp David, Maryland
During A Presidential Briefing RELEASE 27a – Reagan Briefing
Transcript of classified tape recording made at Camp David, Maryland during a presidential briefing regarding the subject of UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS and EXTRATERRESTRIAL VISITATION of EARTH. President RONALD REAGAN was present.
The recording was made between March 6 and 8, 1981. You can read the entire transcript here.
Many have made shocking comments about alien life and omitted information regarding alien life, here below are some of our favorite quotes
“Not every discovery has been announced.”
— Dr. Farouk El Baz, NASA scientist.
In a recent interview, renowned scientist Professor Stephen Hawking said: “To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational” (Source)
“I was testing a P-51 fighter in Minneapolis when I spotted this object. I was at about 10,000 feet on a nice, bright, sunny afternoon. I thought the object was a kite, then I realized that no kite is gonna fly that high.” As I got closer it looked like a weather balloon, gray and about three feet in diameter. But as soon as I got behind the darn thing it didn’t look like a balloon anymore. It looked like a saucer, a disk. About the same time, I realized that it was suddenly going away from me — and there I was, running at about 300 miles per hour. I tracked it for a little way, and then all of a sudden the damn thing just took off. It pulled about a 45 degree climbing turn and accelerated and just flat disappeared.” – Donald Slayton, Mercury astronaut, 1951
It was a little different when James Lovell on board the Apollo 8 command module came out from behind the moon and said for everybody to hear: ‘PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS.’ Even though this happened on Christmas Day 1968, many people sensed a hidden meaning in those words. [B] ‘PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS.’ – Astronaut James Lovell, Apollo 8. December 25th, 1968
“We thought they could have been Russian ¬ we regularly had MiG-15s over flying our base. We scrambled our Sabre jets to intercept and got to our ceiling of 45,000 feet . . . and they were still way above us traveling faster than we were.” “These vehicles were in formation like a fighter group, but they were metallic silver and saucer-shaped. Believe me, they weren’t like any MiGs I’d seen before! They had to be UFOs.” – Major Gordon Cooper
According toJames Godwell,an aerospace journalist who wrote for several publications like Jane’s Defense Weekly, Aviation Week and Space Technology, and Interavia, during some of his interviews with highly ranked individuals in the military and aerospace industry, some of his contacts said “we have things out there that are literally out of this world, better than Star Trek or what you see in the movies.”
UFO sightings of the past: the Ultimate Ancient Alien Evidence
According to experts, the Vedas speak about two categories of flying objects that visited ancient India in the distant past. These mysterious objects are described in Sanskrit writing, where you can find incredible devices and technologies that were not supposed to be present on our planet for thousands of years. In the Mahabharata, the Puranas, and the Ramayanas, we find more descriptions of mysterious devices that surpass technological understanding of ancient man.
The descriptions of highly advanced vehicles found in ancient texts are both incredible and confusing. In the ancient book of the Vaimanika Shastraor the Science of Aeronautics, there are texts which speak about crafts that are literally controlled with our minds, made possible because of extremely advanced technology which has been kept away from society in modern times.
According to Dr. V. Raghavam, a well-known a Sanskrit scholar and musicologist, who authored over 120 books and 1200 articles, ancient Indian texts speak about humans that lived on other planets and alien beings that visited our ancestors thousands of years ago. Dr. V. Raghavam won the Sahitya Akademi Award for Sanskrit in 1966.
We quote Dr. Raghavan:
“Fifty years of researching this ancient work convinces me that there are living beings on other planets, and that they were visiting the earth as far back as 4000 B.C.”
He further explains:
“There is a just a mass of fascinating information about flying machines, even fantastic science fiction weapons, that can be found in translations of the Vedas (scriptures), Indian epics, and other ancient Sanskrit text”.
Ancient Egypt and the Tulli papyrus: Evidence of a massive UFO sighting
In Ancient Egypt the Tulli papyrus tells an incredible story of a mass UFO sightings. It is believed that this ancient document, which in fact isn’t a papyrus actually, offers the earliest citation of flying saucers on the planet. The Tulli “papyrus” is a translation of a modern transcription of an ancient Egyptian document:
“In the year 22, of the third month of winter, sixth hour of the day […] among the scribes of the House of Life it was found that a strange Fiery Disk was coming in the sky. It had no head. The breath of its mouth emitted a foul odor. Its body was one rod in length and one rod in width. It had no voice. It came toward His Majesty’s house. Their heart became confused through it, and they fell upon their bellies. They [went] to the king, to report it. His Majesty [ordered that] the scrolls [located] in the House of Life be consulted. His Majesty meditated on all these events which were now going on.
After several days had passed, they became more numerous in the sky than ever. They shined in the sky more than the brightness of the sun, and extended to the limits of the four supports of heaven […] Powerful was the position of the Fiery Disks.
The army of the King looked on, with His Majesty in their midst. It was after the evening meal when the Disks ascended even higher in the sky to the south. Fish and other volatiles rained down from the sky: a marvel never before known since the foundation of the country. And His Majesty caused incense to be brought to appease the heart of Amun-Re, the god of the Two Lands. And it was [ordered] that the event [be recorded for] His Majesty in the Annals of the House of Life [to be remembered] forever.”
In Roman history numerous mysterious objects were reported in the sky. In 154 BC, in modern-day Italy people from the north reported seeing countless objects flying in the sky. In 217, people witnessed shiny disks- resembling shields in the sky. These mysterious UFO’s were reported in many parts of Europe not only over modern-day Italy. In 214 BC, Roman historian Livy wrote about ‘phantom ships gleaming in the sky.’
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Aliens Existence: The Undeniable Proof that we are not Alone in the Universe
Aliens Existence: The Undeniable Proof that we are not Alone in the Universe
Photo Credits: via
Wikileak’s founder Julian Assange recently got the attention of the world when he mentions the site plans to publish leaked cables that reference UFOs. Believe it or not, WikiLeaks released secret cables that disclosed information about ETs in our solar system and hardly anybody battered an eyelid!
The documents offered hints about aliens and extraterrestrial presence. NASA has been accused of hiding alien life. However, with the release of the new evidence, would they accept the fact that we are not alone in the universe?
If all goes as planned, we will meet aliens in a decade or two! Wikileaks documents did not mention any people from the government or agencies that have deceived us and have implicated in the cover-up, but it did tell us all one crucial thing, way before NASA breathed a word and that is the existence of extra-terrestrial beings.
We’re already halfway through 2013 and the world continues to wake up to the fact that we are not alone in the universe. This year alone we’ve seen a tremendous step forward regarding UFO disclosure. In early May, researchers, activists, political leaders and high ranking military/agency personnel from around the world testified to the reality of the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon in front of several former United States members of congress. To watch an interview with the former 2008 presidential candidate and ex-congressman Mike Gravel (who participated in the hearings) click here. You can watch interviews with all of the senators that participated in the event here.
For more CE articles on the subject of UFOs and extraterrestrials, click HERE.
Prior to the recent hearing on UFOs and extraterrestrial life, we’ve had explosive statements made by NASA astronauts and professors, you can watch some of those statements here and here. Not only has the world heard from all of these credible people, its also been privy to official documentation released by dozens of governments worldwide that outline the reality of the UFO phenomenon. Documents indicate that UFOs are of concern to governments, and they put a significant amount of time, effort and resources into studying them. Apart from governments, agencies like the National Security Agency also released official files regarding UFOs, you can view some of these previously classified documents here.
It’s now a fact that UFOs are tracked on radar, performing maneuvers that defy our idea of physics. Jets are constantly scrambled to take a closer look at them. This is no longer a conspiracy theory, it’s a fact. Release of files began early in 2007 with the UK, among others. Since then they’ve released thousands of pages every year, with the latest ones published in June 2013 made available at the UK’s National Archives. You can view them here.
Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.
—Former CIA Director, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960.
The UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon is extremely top secret, access to this type of documentation and the deeper truth behind it is almost impossible. CIA directors, presidents and other high ranking officials barely have any access to these programs. That being said, all of the information that’s already out in the public domain is overwhelming. It makes you wonder how far down the rabbit hole this topic goes.
As most of the world today already knows, Wikileaks is an international, online, non-profit organization that publishes secret information, news leaks, and classified material from anonymous sources. They’ve been a tremendous threat to the controlling elite for a number of years, and have gained the attention of major mainstream media outlets worldwide. For the most part, these mainstream media outlets have bashed Assange, pointing to the idea that the release of classified documents is a threat to national security. That’s not true, it’s more like a threat to the truth that the elite try to cover up on a daily basis that would threaten their ability to control the human race.
Since a large amount of official documentation has already been released, documents from the Wikileaks cables shouldn’t come as a big surprise. Assange has already mentioned that there are yet to be published cables that make reference to UFOs. This is no joke, below are quotations taken from official transcripts via the official Wikileak cables. You can view it here:
On January 13 Ambassador called on Dushanbe Mayor and Chairman of the upper house of Parliament Mahmadsaid Ubaidulloev at his parliamentary office. The Mayor began the meeting with a lengthy discourse on Afghanistan, thanking the United States for its contributions and sacrifices there, and saying that U.S. activities there were very important “as we enter the third millennium and the 21st century.” Ubaidulloev thought the main task there was to build a sense of national identity among ethnically disparate groups, and said the United States was an example for this. He noted that “war is very dangerous”, and said “we know there is life on other planets, but we must make peace here first.
In a platitude-ridden meeting, Dushanbe Mayor Mahmadsaid Ubaidulloev said upcoming elections would be free and fair, that contributions to the Roghun Dam were voluntary, and that the losses suffered by the United States in Afghanistan were felt by Tajiks as their own. Ubaidulloev asked for help in getting Tajik students admitted to Harvard University, but effectively declined to help find a new location for an American Corner in Dushanbe. He asserted the existence of life on other planets, caveating this by noting that we should focus on solving our problems on Earth. End Summary.
Not only do these cables raise an eyebrow, but a statement given by Julian Assange himself raises the need for further inquiry. The audio on the video is delayed. What points to this interview being real? For one, if you can read lips it’s not hard to follow. Secondly, it sounds exactly like Julian. Thirdly, multiple mainstream media outlets (Telegraph, CBS news and more) published the original version of the video which was taken down immediately. One of the mainstream media outlets was Forbes, you can view that poorly written article here in which you will see access to the video has been cut off. Articles written by major media outlets are usually very poor, and do their best to ridicule the subject of UFOs. The original version had perfect audio, the same sound and was in the same setting.
“I have said in passing there is information about UFOs in Cablegate. And that is true, but these are only small passing references. Most of the material concerns UFO cults, and their behaviour in recruiting people. For instance, there is quite a large cable, which we’ll try and release in the next few days, concerning the Raelians, a UFO cult which has a strong presence in Canada and was of concern to the U.S. ambassador in Canada – Julian Assange”
It’s not surprising that that the U.S. ambassador in Canada was concerned with this group. High level agencies are also concerned with abductees and ET contactees. Their mail is stamped in a special way, they are constantly surveyed by army intelligence, phone tapping and are also confronted by ‘men in black’ (intelligence officers). Agencies that are active in the UFO phenomenon keep close tabs on UFO/extraterrestrial activity outside of their sphere of influence. That being said, again, it’s no surprise that the U.S. ambassador had an interest in this ‘UFO cult.’ Anything extraterrestrial would be a concern to the elite, as they are the ones active in the cover up.
We are living in an extremely unique time, our world has become much more transparent than ever before. One aspect of multiple realizations is the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon, but it seems to branch into every aspect of our reality depending on how far down the rabbit hole you want to go. Our perception of life on other planets largely comes from external sources like television programming. As a result, many are filled with fear when giving thought to this subject. Hopefully as we move through the shift in consciousness the planet is currently experiencing, fear will dissipate as it will no longer serve the human race. This is undoubtedly one of the largest realizations in human history. The only thing that goes beyond it, in my opinion, is the realization of humanities infinite potential to create a new experience from a place of peace, love, co-operation and understanding.
“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time. That their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic western point of view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, that seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon.” – Dr Brian O’leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor (source)
“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time” Apollo 14 Astronaut (source # 1)(source # 2)
“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. It is ironic that the US should be fighting monstrously expensive wars, allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on black projects which both congress and the commander in chief have been kept deliberately in the dark.” –
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Chile Navy Release 10 Min of UFO Footage In Infrared, Gov Calls It 100% Real, 3 Videos, UFO Sighting Daily.
Chile Navy Release 10 Min of UFO Footage In Infrared, Gov Calls It 100% Real, 3 Videos, UFO Sighting Daily.
Date of sighting: Nov 11, 2014 but released this week Location of sighting: Along ocean area of Chile, Vina Del Mar This incredible raw military footage was captured by two naval officers on a military helicopter with a high tech infrared camera with computer target tracking. The footage was taken by Santiago when they were flying at an altitude of 4,500 feet up. They first noticed the UFO with the naked eye when they were 34 to 40 miles away from it. The helicopter pilots were a Navy captain and a camera technician who's specially falls into this area, so with an expert like him behind this high tech military grade IR camera...this UFO was not going to escape from being recorded. They captured ten full minutes of video that is absolutely mind blowing. The captain stated that the UFO was a "flat, elongated structure with two thermal spotlights-like discharges that did not coincide with the axis of motion." During this chase, the pilot contacted two different radar towers, but both were unable to track the UFO the pilot was recording. The pilots helicopter radar also failed to pick up this alien craft, and yet they it was big enough to notice 40 miles away and record for over 10 minutes! The pilot of the helicopter did attempt to contact the UFO with his radio, but there was not reply, probably because alien craft communicate in different ways than our old ancient radio waves. This ground breaking footage realised by the Chile government and their statement of it having been analysed and scrutinised for over 2 years before its release, only adds to the authenticity and importance of this sighting. Also something thats really amazing is that the helicopter records the UFO MAKING A CLOUD!!! Thats right. The UFO makes a long thick trail...which I knew it could because it has four cloud spray coming from it, but to see it, to get military confirmation about what I have been saying almost daily on this site feels really good. I believe this UFO made this cloud trail behind it, because it was releasing some drones...probes if you will that will collect the data and scans that the aliens want. It must have been very important, because the UFO itself was visible but the drones were hidden in the cloud cover. A simple magic trick of watching what the right hand is doing, while the the coin is really in the left hand. Simple and yet amazing. Scott C. Waring
Notice that the above photo of the UFO has four streams of clouds coming out. When this exits the UFO it quickly becomes a cloud.
Every year, the Consumer Electronics Show highlights the latest in tech, and this year's innovations include paper-thin televisions, autonomous cars, and advanced AI systems.
Though not all of the products showcased at the CES will make it to market, the event is an inspiring showcase of humanity's capacity for innovation and imagination.
It’s the first week in January, and that can only mean two things — painful hangovers from New Year’s revelries and the international Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas! Forget Christmas…for tech nerds, the CES is like dying and going to heaven — a heaven full of shiny new technology, self-driving cars, flying cars, vibrating pants, robots, smart beds, and loads of other neat stuff.
There’s a lot of new tech to get through, so let’s take a look at some of the coolest (and weirdest) offerings at the CES 2017:
NVIDIA founder and CEO Jen-Hsun Huang was the keynote speaker on Wednesday night, and he revealed some of the company’s big plans for the coming year. Among the most notable was the “Shield,” a 4K HDR streaming media player, but it’s NVIDIA’s new AI platforms that are really turning heads. NVIDIA’s SPOT device, which can be simply plugged into any outlet and linked with the Shield, is capable of natural language processing and voice recognition, and it even knows where you are in your house. Big Huang is watching you!
Bosch’s new concept car gives us a preview of a world in which cars are personalized and, frankly, little more than big, expensive smart devices that can move you from place to place. Bosch’s futuristic vehicle concept includes facial recognition technology to customize the driving experience to an individual driver’s tastes, and the car’s haptic touch display, gesture control, and eye-tracking systems seem awfully “sci-fi” to us.
Credit: Bosch
Faraday Future, meanwhile, launched its FF91 — a fully electric, fully connected self-driving car with a 1,050-hp engine that can take it from 0 to 60 mph in 2.39 seconds. And it even includes a smartphone-operated “driverless valet” that parks the car for you. Eat your heart out, Tesla!
In other news, the German automotive company ZF has partnered with NVIDIA to create the ProAI, a deep-learning artificial intelligence (AI) program that represents a huge step toward “intellectualizing” our vehicles. According to an NVIDIA press release, the ZF ProAI “will be able to process inputs from multiple cameras, plus lidar, radar and ultrasonic sensors, in a process we call sensor fusion,” generating a 360-degree sensory sphere for the vehicle.
Looks like our vehicles are finally getting the futuristic smarts they’ll need to survive in the 21st century.
COMING SOON - LG SIGNATURE OLED TV W - 4K HDR Smart TV - 77" Class (76.7" Diag)
In the world of television (a perennial favorite), LG debuted the Signature OLED TV W — known on the street as “The Wallpaper TV.” It’s got a flexible screen with a depth of just 4 millimeters (.15 inches). You can hang it on the wall with magnets, and it comes in 65- and 77-inch versions. It’s slim, sleek, and futuristic, and you can have it in April for the low, low price of only $8,000.
Easily the most anticipated product at the CES 2017 — and without question 2017’s most promising transformative technology — is Spinali Design’s vibrating short-shorts, which sync with your phone and translate directions from your favorite navigation app into goading twitches to your left or right cheeks. For the time being, however, the technology is limited to women who habitually go braless and have an unhealthy denim fixation.
Credit: Spinali Design
Virtual reality shoes
Developed by Japanese firm Cerevo, the Taclim VR shoes allow you to use your feet to interact with what you see in virtual reality.
The shoes give haptic feedback and vibrations to the wearer to give them a sense of walking on the virtual surfaces they see in front of them.
Another extension to a virtual reality headset, the Hypersuit is a wearable simulator from French firm THEORY that gives the wearer the impression they have wings or can fly like a superhero.
Intended for entertainment and gaming purposes, users lie on a movable exoskeleton platform and use their arms to control the direction of "flight", while a fan blows in their face to complete the illusion.
Smart cane
Created by French company Dring, this smart cane for the elderly is designed to learn the user's habits and detect any unusual activity, such as falling over.
It can then automatically alert carers and family, without any action from the user, and share their location over text or email.
Smart bed
The Sleep Number 360 smart bed is designed to keep you comfortable by sensing your movements and automatically adjusting your position to keep you sleeping blissfully.
It works even when there are two people in the bed, can warm your feet to help you fall asleep faster, and even raise you head to stop snoring.
We’ll continue to keep you updated on the weird and wonderful technology being showcased at the CES 2017.
Het Chandra-röntgenobservatorium heeft een fraaie opname gemaakt van een stukje hemel ter grootte van de volle maan. In totaal zijn er 5.000 röntgenobjecten te zien, waaronder heel veel supermassieve zwarte gaten.
De onderzoekers beweren dat zo’n zeventig procent van alle röntgenobjecten op deze opname supermassieve zwarte gaten zijn. Dit zijn zwarte gaten met een gewicht van 100.000 tot tien miljard zonnen.
Om de foto te maken keek de röntgensatelliet zeven miljoen seconden naar een klein stukje hemel. Dat komt overeen met 11,5 weken. “Dankzij deze foto kunnen we zien hoe zwarte gaten er in het jonge universum uitzagen en hoe ze de afgelopen miljarden jaren zijn geëvolueerd”, vertelt professor Niel Brandt van de Penn State universiteit.
Straling verraadt aanwezigheid zwarte gaten Een zwart gat trekt materie aan. Dit gas warmt op naarmate het dicht in de buurt komt van de waarnemingshorizon van het zwarte gat. Voorbij deze ‘grens’ kan licht niet meer ontsnappen. Het opgewarmde gas geeft op een bepaald moment röntgenstraling af. “Het is lastig om zwarte gaten in het jonge universum te vinden, omdat ze ver van ons verwijderd zijn en alleen straling produceren als ze actief materie naar zich toe trekken”, verklaart professor Bin Luo van de Nanjing Universiteit. “Maar wanneer we lang genoeg kijken – zoals Chandra nu heeft gedaan – zien we steeds meer zwarte gaten.”
Groeispurt Dankzij deze foto kunnen wetenschappers zien hoe supermassieve zwarte gaten een tot twee miljard jaar na de oerknal groeiden. Volgens astronomen groeiden deze zwarte gaten niet langzaam, maar hadden ze flinke groeispurts. Daarnaast waren de ‘zaadjes’ – waaruit de supermassieve zwarte gaten groeiden – vrij zwaar. Niet 100 keer het gewicht van de zon, maar eerder 10.000 tot 100.000 keer het gewicht van onze moederster.
Jonge sterrenstelsels Maar dat is nog niet alles. Astronomen zien ook röntgenstraling van massieve, jonge sterrenstelsels op een afstand van 12,5 miljard lichtjaar van de aarde. Waarschijnlijk is deze straling afkomstig van grote groepen stellaire zwarte gaten. Zo’n stellair zwart gat ontstaat nadat een extreem zware ster sterft. Een miljard jaar na de oerknal waren er veel reusachtige sterren in het jonge universum, dus dit kan verklaren waarom een jong sterrenstelsel veel stellaire zwarte gaten heeft en dus veel straling afgeeft.
Een miljard röntgenobjecten De foto laat een stukje hemel zien ter grootte van de volle maan. Stel, Chandra zou de volledige hemel in kaart brengen, dan zou dit resulteren in een foto met daarop een miljard röntgenobjecten. Er is dus nog genoeg om te ontdekken!
Banned Disney UFO Documentary - Unedited - Alien Encounters
Banned Disney UFO Documentary - Unedited - Alien Encounters
Published on Apr 29, 2016
This film was shown only once, and with no advance notice on stations in only five US cities. The original Michael Eisner intro hit me right in the nostalgia.
Lost Walt Disney UFO Documentary, Alien Encounters: In March of 1995, Walt Disney Television aired an intriguing UFO special. This highly unusual UFO video special presents UFOs and alien visitation to our planet as a matter of fact.
At first glance, the special appears to be a promotion of the "New Tomorrowland" area, in particular the new "Alien Encounters" ride. This was in the mid 90's. (This venture was cancelled almost immediately)
However, upon closer is much more. The entire program, which opens with a short segment by Disney CEO Michael Eisner, does not even question the existence of UFOs and a major UFO cover-up. In fact, at times it has A Tone Of ridicule Towards Those Who Still Deny That UFO's exist; quite unique ___ ""It's easily located today online, but the circumstances of its production and (highly limited) distribution, and its oddly firm view of the reality of the phenomenon, make it decidedly weird and unique.""
""If all Disney wanted to do was promote its new theme park ride with an alien theme, they needn't have gone to nearly as much trouble. As it is, it's almost like the ride-promo mission was used as a Trojan horse / excuse to deliver a lot more subversive and revolutionary information. Maybe this really was a disclosure exercise gone awry, maybe it was out-of-control filmmakers who produced an end product the Disney chiefs didn't know what to make of. But it sure is fun speculating, and the show has since become a UFO conspiracy' staple -- another tantalizing hint of the truth, allegedly.""
Enlarge/ A screen grab from a Chilean Navy video showing an odd signature in the infrared.
The Ars Files casts a skeptical eye on developments in the UFO community. Is the truth out there? Maybe. Maybe not. But we try to find it here.
Early on the afternoon of November 14, 2014, a Chilean Navy pilot and a technician were flying their helicopter along the coast when they saw something strange. They were going north at an altitude of 1.4km in a twin-engine Airbus Cougar when something appeared in the sky and matched their velocity of 130knots.
As part of the flight, which took place west of Santiago, the helicopter's technician was testing the thermal imaging properties of an infrared FLIR high-definition camera. Naturally, he turned the camera on the unidentified object. After several minutes the pilot and technician observed the object make two distinct discharges of some type of liquid, or gas, which produced a very hot signal captured by the infrared imager. The technician captured nearly 10 minutes of video, which shows both visible and infrared camera views.
After this sighting, the Navy turned the video over to the the Committee for the Study of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena, known as CEFAA. This is the Chilean government group that investigates UFO sightings, or Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. On Friday, after a study by scientists, military officials, and even some photo analysis experts from France, the committee released its conclusion.
"The Committee for the Study of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena, comprised of leading scientists, analysts, and aviation technicians, after an extensive study of the case, determined that it was a UAP, or Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon," the agency stated in a news release.
Full video from the Chilean helicopter
A US-based journalist who investigates UFOs, Leslie Kean, has interviewed some of the principals and had access to the case files. She provided more details about the incident in a report for the Huffington Post, which she characterized as a "groundbreaking UFO video."
We're not ready to go that far, but the infrared video is intriguing. According to Kean, the French analysts explained the sighting as a medium-haul aircraft on approach to the Santiago airport, with the heat signals due to waste water being dumped from the cabin. The Chilean committee dismissed this explanation, however, because the "plane" in question was not seen on primary radar. (As he observed the object, the Chilean pilot radioed an air traffic control along the coast and another at Santiago, both of which failed to observe a plane on radar. Nor was any aircraft in the vicinity cleared for a landing at Santiago.) Moreover, the plume of heated material does not fall as one would expect water or other material to do at an altitude of about 1km above the surface.
Other hypotheses included falling pieces of space debris, which might possibly release compressed gases at a lower atmosphere, as well as a bird, flying insect, drone, parachute, hang glider, or some kind of hoaxed video. Those hypotheses were ultimately dismissed.
The significance of this sighting is that it was made by credible Navy officers, lasted nearly 10 minutes, and involved observation in both the visible and infrared portions of the spectrum. While this falls far short of providing any evidence of aliens, it nonetheless is well documented and worthy of additional consideration, if only because the explanation might reveal some kind of new US military stealth technology.
After a two-year investigation on an unidentified flying object, the Chilean government has thrown its hands up and said 'We don't fuckin' know' and asked the public for their opinion.
The video footage, spanning 10-minutes, was examined by the Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos [Committee for the Study of Anomalous Air Phenomena] but was failed to be classified.
"We do not know what it was, but we do know what it was not," CEFAA Director General Ricardo Bermúdez told the Huffington Post.
The video was taken by a Chilean naval helicopter on November 11th, 2014 as it patrolled the country's west coast.
The object, flying at approximately 4,500-feet in altitude - same as the helicopter - was not picked up on any ground radar systems. All attempts of contact failed.
Credit: Chilean Navy
"In two instances it discharged some type of gas or liquid with a high thermal track or signal," the helicopter technician reported.
So guys, it's up to us. The Chilean government even says so. What in the name of fuck is this?
Featured image credit: Chilean navy I guess? Scared pilot who might have been 40 miles away from aliens? Whoever it was, thank you.
Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos (CEFAA), a Chilean government agency within the civil aeronautics directorate (the DGAC, roughly equivalent to the United States’ Federal Aviation Administration) released a video taken by a Navy helicopter of a mysterious craft in 2014.
The remarkable footage was captured by two naval officers on a helicopter-mounted Wescam infrared camera, typically used in covert, aerial surveillance. If you’ve seen Predator drone footage, you’ve seen these cameras in action. Captured west of Santiago at an altitude of approximately 4,500 feet (far lower than commercial airliners), the Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon (UAP, the new preferred term for UFOs) was first observed with the naked eye from an estimated distance of 35 to 40 miles.
The helicopter crew — a Navy captain and camera technician — captured 10 minutes of some of the most baffling and well-sourced video ever taken of a UFO.
Described by the captain as a “flat, elongated structure” with “two thermal spotlights-like discharges that did not coincide with the axis of motion,” the UFO can be seen discharging a chemical plume at approximately eight minutes into the video. The darker color indicates high heat, as captured by the infrared lens.
In addition to the video itself, the pilots and subsequent investigation provide a number of additional reasons to view this as perhaps the most consequential UFO sighting of the past decade. During the encounter, the pilot contacted two separate radar stations who were unable to track the object (their on-board radar also failed to pick up the UFO) and confirmed that there was no other air traffic in the area. Multiple attempts to contact the craft received no reply.
A UFO flying away from a plume in this frame from the 2014 Chile helicopter video.
For the past two years CEFAA has been sharing the video with experts, including a nuclear chemist, astrophysicist and video and image experts.
So far the only mundane explanation offered came from the French UFO organization GEIPAN, whose video analysts proposed the possibility of a “medium-haul aircraft” dumping cabin wastewater before landing. The Chilean researchers and witnesses pointed out a number of reasons this would be unlikely, including the lack of radar corroboration, the unlikelihood of an experienced pilot failing to recognize an airplane and the lack of any nearby flight path scheduled for a landing at either of the two nearby airports.
“This has been one of the most important cases in my career as director of CEFAA because our Committee was at its best,” General Ricardo Bermúdez, former CEFAA director, told Kean. “The CEFAA is well regarded partly because there is full participation from the scientists of the academic world, the armed forces through their representatives, and the aeronautic personnel from the DGAC, including its Director. I am extremely pleased as well with the conclusion reached which is logical and unpretentious… the great majority of committee members agreed to call the subject in question a UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) due to the number of highly researched reasons that it was unanimously agreed could not explain it.”
The public release of the footage should bring new scrutiny to this fascinating 2014 sighting. After years of patently phony sightings, drone fakery and inadequate evidence, 2017 opens with a UFO sighting worthy of our attention.
Col. Charles Halt (Retired) revisiting Rendlesham Forest last summer
“The Rendlesham Forest incident can truly be regarded as the ‘perfect storm’ of a UFO case”, explains former Ministry of Defence investigator Nick Pope in his introduction to a new book on the 36-year-old mystery.
John Hanson's latest book, The Halt Perspective, tells the story of the Rendlesham Incident through the accounts of Colonel Charles Halt
John Hanson’s 800-page study promises “the truth” about what happened outside RAF Woodbridge over two nights in late December 1980 – as told by one of the highest ranking military officers embroiled in the debate.
The Halt Perspective opens in 1940s Pittsburgh – birthplace of the future US airforce commander whose name would be synonymous with an audio tape recording of the ensuing investigation.
As deputy commander of the twin bases of Bentwaters and Woodbridge, Colonel Charles I. Halt prepared a memo for the MoD describing “unexplained lights”, and recorded what became known as the Halt Tape – a documented analysis of the nearby forest scene, where Halt saw more mysterious lights, like those witnessed by airmen Jim Penniston and John Burroughs two nights earlier.
In 2010, the retired colonel signed an affidavit claiming the encounter was extraterrestrial and had been covered up by the government.
Rendlesham Forest UFO trail
Over three-and-a-half decades, the mystery has been variously explained away as an elaborate prank, a military training exercise, or even the result of confusion caused by beams from Orford Ness lighthouse – in response to which, Mr Halt said: “I’m tired of all the disinformation out there. It seems that every time I turn around, I hear more nonsense or am accused of something.”
Mr Halt claims his initial memo on the unexplained lights was passed to the United States intelligence service without his knowledge, and that exaggerated UFO stories were deliberately spread to camouflage the truth.
Before the incident, labelled himself a sceptic. “I was a non-believer,” he said. “I never really gave it a second thought before the incident.
“I still didn’t say much publicly until people started putting out all kinds of garbage and nonsense – so much disinformation out there – and people bugging me about what happened.
Press cutting from the incident in 1980
“I finally decided, it’s time to tell the truth. I believe the objects that I saw at close quarter were extraterrestrial in origin, and that the security services of both the United States and the United Kingdom have attempted, both then and now, to subvert the significance of what occurred at Rendlesham Forest and RAF Bentwaters by the use of well-practiced methods of disinformation.”
Mr Halt’s own version of events has been called into question by his then commanding officer, Col Theodore (Ted) Conrad, in a series of statements to Dr David Clarke, a Sheffield Hallam University academic and the UFO adviser to the National Archives. Meanwhile, Mr Halt has cast his own doubts over the credibility of another witness, Larry Warren, to whom he directed open criticism at a public conference in Woodbridge last July.
The book’s author and publisher, Mr Hanson, a former West Midlands police officer turned UFO investigator, has also written 11 volumes on the history of UFO sightings from 1939-1990.
He called the The Halt Perspective an “in-depth look at possibly the greatest UFO event in modern British history”.
Did a UFO land in Rendlesham Forest?
“The truth, that needs no added sensationalism, is that the deputy commander of a US Air Force base in Suffolk, along with others, observed what they believe to be an extraterrestrial craft,” he added.
“In late December, 1980, there was a series of reported sightings of unexplained lights near Rendlesham Forest, which became linked with claims of UFO landings.
“What’s more, the events occurred just outside RAF Woodbridge, at that time used by the US Air Force – a very strategic military base at the height of the Cold War.”
Among the many UFO sightings reported across East Anglia in the years before and after the Rendlesham Incident, Mr Hanson documents a succession in north Essex between 1978 and 1990, with triangular objects also seen over Sizewell nuclear power station, near Leiston.
The Halt Perspective is available via
A mind boggling video from the Chilean navy showing a UFO making unusual movements and omitting plumes of an unknown substance has been released causing swathes of speculation.
CEFAA, the Chilean government agency which investigates UFOs, have been studying the footage for two years but have failed to identify the object seen in the country's airspace.
A naval helicopter gathered the footage on a routine daylight coastal patrol in November 2014 when the camera operator noticed a flying object ahead.
The Chilean navy helicopter tracks the UFO which was an estimated 35-40 miles away
The technician aimed the camera at it immediately and zoomed in with the infra red (IR) for better clarity.
The pilots tracked the UAP (Unidentified aerial phenomena) from around 35 to 40 miles away and tried several times to communicate with it but received no response.
They then reported the unknown traffic to two radar stations either side of the UFO but neither could detect it on radar despite the object being well in range of both.
However the stations were able to detect by the navy helicopters.
Air traffic controllers confirmed that no traffic, either civilian or military, had been reported in the area, and that no aircraft had been authorized to fly in the controlled air space where the object was located, the Huffington Post reported on Friday.
The flying object starts to omit a gas or liquid substance. The pilots tried to engage with it but received no response
Despite being able to see it the helicopter's on-board radar was unable to detect the object
The helicopter's on-board radar was also unable to detect the object.
The UFO, which was said to be the same size as a helicopter, omitted a long plume of gas or liquid before disappearing into the clouds.
General Ricardo Bermúdez, Director of CEFAA during the investigation, said: 'We do not know what it was, but we do not know what it was not.'
General Bermúdez, accompanied by nuclear chemist Mario Avila, a CEFAA scientific committee member, conducted interviews with the two officers at their Navy base.
'I was very impressed by these witnesses,' he said.
'They were highly trained professionals with many years experience, and they were absolutely certain that they could not explain what they saw.'
The footage was captured on a sophisticated Surveillance & Reconnaissance (SAR) camera in broad daylight.
And despite two years of investigations the CEFAA with its committees of military experts, technicians and academics from many disciplines couldn't explain the flying object.
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Vidéo d’OVNI tout juste rendue publique par la marine chilienne.
Vidéo d’OVNI tout juste rendue publique par la marine chilienne. 1
Credit photo / EVOGOL AT ENGLISH WIKIPEDIA à Mejillones, au Chili. hélicoptère Cougar AS 532SC de la marine Chilienne
Traduction Sylvain pour : ( avec l’aide des traducteurs en ligne) le 06-01-2017
Une vidéo exceptionnelle de neuf minutes de la Marine à propos d’un OVNI affichant un comportement très inhabituel, étudié par les autorités chiliennes depuis deux ans, est maintenant diffusée au public. Le CEFAA – l’agence gouvernementale chilienne qui enquête sur les ovnis, ou UAP (phénomènes aériens non identifiés), a été chargé de l’enquête. Situé au sein de la DGAC, l’équivalent de notre FAA mais sous la juridiction de l’armée de l’air chilienne, CEFAA dispose de comités d’experts militaires, de techniciens et d’universitaires dans de nombreuses disciplines. Aucun d’entre eux n’a pu expliquer l’étrange objet volé et capturé par deux officiers expérimentés de la Marine à partir d’un hélicoptère.
L’agence gouvernementale chilienne rend toujours ses cas publics lorsque l’enquête est terminée et reconnaît l’existence de l’UAP lorsqu’une affaire mérite une telle conclusion. Le général Ricardo Bermúdez, directeur du CEFAA au cours de l’enquête, m’a dit: «Nous ne savons pas ce que c’était, mais nous savons ce qui ne l’était pas.» Et «ce qui ne l’est pas» comprend une longue liste d’explications conventionnelles.
Voici ce qui s’est passé:
Le 11 novembre 2014, un hélicoptère de la Marine Chilienne (Airbus Cougar AS-532) effectuait une mission de patrouille de jour en volant vers le nord le long de la côte, à l’ouest de Santiago. À bord se trouvaient le pilote, un capitaine de la Marine (avec de nombreuses années d’expérience en vol) , et un technicien de la Marine qui a testé une caméra infrarouge MX-15 HD Forward Looking Infra Red (FLIR) de WESCAM, utilisée le plus souvent pour » De la reconnaissance « , selon le site Web du produit. L’avion volait à une altitude d’environ 4 500 pieds ( 1371, 6 m ) par un après-midi clair avec une visibilité horizontale illimitée, la température de l’air à cette altitude était de 10 ° C (50 ° F). Il y avait une base de nuage au-dessus à 10.000 pieds(3048m) , et une couche de stratocumulus, des nuages situés en-dessous. L’hélicoptère volait à environ 132 nœuds( 244,464 km/h -245 km/h environ).
À 13 h 52, pendant le tournage sur le terrain, le technicien a observé un étrange objet volant se situant à gauche sur l’océan. Bientôt les deux hommes l’ont observée à l’œil nu. Ils ont remarqué que la vitesse et l’altitude de l’objet semblaient être à peu près identiques à celles de l’hélicoptère et ont estimé que l’objet se trouvait à environ 35-40 km (55-65 km). Il voyageait W / NW, selon le capitaine. Le technicien a orienté la caméra sur l’objet immédiatement et a zoomé avec l’infrarouge (IR) pour une meilleure clarté.
Credit illustration/COURTESY CEFAA La route de l’hélicoptère en suivant les coordonnées affichées par la camera.
Peu de temps après, le pilote a contacté deux stations radar – l’une à proximité de la côte et l’autre qu est le principal système de contrôle de la DGAC (Ground Radar primaire) à Santiago – pour signaler le trafic inconnu. Aucune station ne pouvait le détecter sur le radar, bien que les deux aient facilement pris l’hélicoptère. Les contrôleurs de la circulation aérienne ont confirmé qu’aucun trafic, civil ou militaire, n’avait été signalé dans la zone et qu’aucun aéronef n’avait été autorisé à voler dans l’espace aérien où l’objet était situé. Le radar embarqué était également incapable de détecter l’objet, et le radar de la caméra ne pouvait pas le verrouiller.
Le pilote a essayé à plusieurs reprises de communiquer avec l’UAP, en utilisant la bande passante multi-nationale, civile conçue à cet effet. Il n’a reçu aucune réponse. Le technicien a filmé l’objet pendant neuf minutes et douze secondes, principalement en IR. Ce capteur produit une vidéo en noir et blanc dans laquelle les tons noir, blanc et gris sont directement liés à la température. IR détecte la chaleur, et plus la matière filmée est chaude, plus elle apparaît sur l’image. Les officiers ont arrêté la caméra quand ils ont dû retourner à la base et l’objet a disparu derrière les nuages.
La Marine a immédiatement remis les images à la CEFAA, et le général Bermúdez, accompagné du chimiste nucléaire Mario Avila, membre du comité scientifique de la CEFAA, a interrogé les deux officiers de leur base navale. «J’ai été très impressionné par ces témoins, m’a dit Avila. «C’étaient des professionnels hautement qualifiés ayant de nombreuses années d’expérience et ils étaient absolument certains qu’ils ne pouvaient pas expliquer ce qu’ils voyaient.» Les deux délégués ont également fourni des rapports écrits à la base, comme cela est requis, par le CEFAA.
Le capitaine de la Marine a déclaré que l’objet était une «structure plate et allongée» avec «deux projecteurs thermiques « comme des décharges » qui ne coïncident pas avec l’axe du mouvement». Le technicien l’a décrit comme «blanc avec une forme semi-ovale dans l’axe horizontal. »
Mais il y a une composante supplémentaire qui rend ces images particulièrement unique: «Dans deux cas, il a déchargé un type de gaz ou de liquide avec une piste thermique ou un signal thermique élevé», a déclaré le technicien. Après le tournage pendant environ huit minutes, l’éjection étonnante d’un énorme panache d’un matériau très chaud est capturé sur la vidéo, traînant derrière l’objet. (Le panache s’est mélangé dans les nuages quand vu en HD.) Une autre éjection s’est produite des moments plus tard. Il est en effet bizarre de regarder cela sur la vidéo.
Credit photo/COURTESY CEFAA La vidéo représente deux lumières circulaires blanches connectées ou des points chauds, libérant beaucoup de chaleur (à gauche). Cette image faisait partie d’une analyse réalisée par l’astrophysicien Luis Barrera. «Envoltura» signifie «enveloppe».
Les trois extraits vidéo ( captures) sont dans l’ ordre chronologique :
Plus tard, j’inclus la vidéo complète de dix minutes. Notez que l’appareil passe parfois du mode IR en mode HD. Je recommande de regarder ces clips vidéo silencieux sur un grand écran. Le premier montre l’objet en mouvement. La caméra a capturé cela pendant environ huit minutes avant l’affichage spectaculaire dans la prochaine vidéo. (Cliquez sur « retour à la vidéo youtube » à la fin pour empêcher une nouvelle vidéo sans lien de démarrage.)
Credit photo/ COURTESY CEFAA L’objet s’est éloigné du panache massif qu’il a éjecté quelques instants plus tôt.
Ce clip montre la première expulsion du matériau chaud de l’objet et le mouvement de l’objet loin du panache:
Vidéos via Youtube
Mise en ligne le 3 janv. 2017 Pour l’article officiel de la journaliste d’investigation Leslie Kean expliquant cette vidéo d’OVNI (publiée par la Marine Chilienne),
Objet de clip de la Marine seul (voir article de Leslie Kean pour backstory)
Au cours des deux années suivantes, au moins huit rencontres quelque peu litigieuses ont eu lieu avec des membres du comité scientifique de la CEFAA déconcerté, parmi les membres présents il y avait le général de l’armée de l’air actif qui dirige la DGAC. Selon le directeur des affaires internationales du CEFAA, José Lay, le ton général des réunions a été l’étonnement: «Qu’est-ce que c’est que ça? Que diable est cela ? »» Aucun accord ne pourrait être atteint pour expliquer la vidéo – les théories que l’on a proposé ont été exclu par les données.
7 Pieces of Ancient Art that Prove the “Gods” Were Here
7 Pieces of Ancient Art that Prove the “Gods” Were Here
Art can be interpreted in numerous ways but sometimes it’s just plain obvious what the artist wanted to express: aliens and UFOs.
1. The Alien Statues on Nuku Hiva Island
Stone stands the test of time. Because of this, we have the unique opportunity to see through the eyes of the ancients and, in the case of the Nuku Hiva sculptures, we can also gaze into the large, almond-shaped eyes of what could easily be described as a race of extraterrestrials.
Nuku Hiva is the largest island in the Marquesas Archipelago in French Polynesia. European explorers reached the archipelago in the late 16th century but by then, the islands had been inhabited for close to 2,000 years by native Polynesians. This culture had left behind a number of intriguing works of art depicting beings with bulbous heads, large eyes; their appearance is eerily reminiscent of the Grey alien form we’re accustomed to.
Some sculptures appear to represent hybrid beings exhibiting a mix of human and alien features. There are ufologists who claim there are two alien races carved in stone at Nuku Hiva: reptilian and grey.
Could these ancient works of art be a testament of extraterrestrial involvement? Did ancient aliens come into contact with the native populations, impacting them in such a way the humans felt compelled to carve their masks in stone?
Whatever the case may be, one more thing needs to be said: in the South Marquesan dialect, the island was called Te Fenua ‘Enata, meaning “The Land of Men.” Maybe as opposed to aliens?
2. The magnificent spaceships of the Anunnaki
Myths and legendary accounts from all over the world offer an abundance of clues regarding the presence of an extremely advanced race of aliens in ancient times, their influence still pervasive today.
In all likelihood, these beings helped erect massive monuments that have survived millennia, many more still waiting to be discovered.
Known by different names and considered gods, these creatures once crisscrossed Earth’s sky in spaceships, immortalized in various works of ancient art. Flight was not just a dream in antiquity, it was a reality, as evidenced by sculptures and engravings of rockets, vimanas, spaceports, landing pads. The Sanskrit epic Mahabharata describes in rich detail great battles that took place in the sky. The Mayan ruler Pakal’s tomb features a bas-relief showing the king in a seated position, controlling what looks to us like a flying machine.
Is it wise to see these artifacts only in a symbolic light? Do they not offer insight into the reality of ancient flight? What will we gain by ignoring the obvious?
3. The ancient star map at Mount Satan, Indonesia
In 1992, a geologist exploring a cave in Indonesia’s Devil Hills made a remarkable discovery. On top of a strange pile of rocks, C.A. Castillo saw a mysterious stone that looked like it had been carved by the hand of man.
On the surface of the mysterious stone, Castillo noticed a series of patterns that have yet to be explained. The engravings appear to show stars, the Sun, humanoid fingers and arrows pointing in multiple directions. Ufologists were quick to notice the symbols look very similar to one of our modern star maps, the golden disc aboard the Pioneer space probe. Could this ancient rock have served a similar purpose? Is it a map and if so, where does it lead to?
If the markings show a star system, it is not ours; this stone shows seven planets and a sun, arranged differently than the solar system we inhabit.
Even stranger is the fact that, whenever placed near electrical equipment, the stone starts exhibiting weird magnetic properties.
This puzzling artifact raises more questions than it answers. Who were its creators? Did they possess astronomical knowledge and if so, where did they get it from? We may never find the answers to these questions so we are left only with speculation.
4. The Ubaid Lizardmen
The Ubaid Lizardmen is the name given to a collection of 7,000 year-old statuettes found in Mesopotamia, the region widely considered as the cradle of civilization. All of these sculptures show an uncanny resemblance to modern depictions of reptilian humanoids.
Most of these artifacts were uncovered in an archaeological site called Tell Al’Ubaid, a small settlement in modern-day Iraq. This ancient community predates the nearby Sumerian citadel of Ur by more than 1,000 years.
The ancient Ubaid culture remains an enigma to this day. No one knows where they came from, how they looked or where they got the idea to craft representations of reptilian beings.
The strange figurines show both males and females in a variety of postures ranging from mothers breastfeeding to dignified characters holding staffs and exuding an air of dominance. This variety of representations has led open-minded archaeologists to conclude that the statues do not show intangible gods, but rather flesh-and-bone creatures that shared the same space with the humanoid Ubaids.
Their reptilian characteristics are plain to see and include elongated heads, serpentine eyes, scales and lizard-like snouts.
Are these statuettes proof of reptilian hybrid and human cohabitation in the land where civilization arose?
Not only the US, but Brazil has its own city, where he had wrecked amount testimony unknown flying object, which, as it turned out later, was a minor alien ship. On board were some unfamiliar creatures that Brazilian army began to gradually catch.
Direct witnesses of the events were Although strictly forbidden to talk about it, but leaked information that shocked the world. Silence of the Brazilian Army and the Brazilian government is more than suspicious.
The whole mysterious event that is very similar to the American city of Roswell, began to take place on the night of 12 to 13 January 1996 still over the territory of Alaska. There currently caught radar station the US Air Defense formation of several unidentified flying objects that moved in the amount of 18 km at speeds of more than 6000 kilometers per hour. One of the flying objects over Arizona, he began to suddenly slow down, and it turns out that this is not machine failure on landing. Experts therefore calculated in Alaska, where could this unknown flying object crash. It turned out that it will be somewhere near the Brazilian city of Varginha, and US authorities are thus informed about it, and the Brazilian government and the army. The Brazilian Army immediately upon receipt of this information, trying to find an unknown object crashed. Events, however, after a few days gained rapid momentum, and clandestine military operation was revealed. Later it turned out that the object crashed and escaped alien creatures who scared locals.
The hunt for aliens Since this event already have passed more than 20 years, but many people about it’ve never even heard of. The entire incident, however, is very famous in Brazil, and there are witnesses who have met face to face with the unknown creatures have escaped from a crashed alien ship. Any information, however, try the Brazilian government, together with the army ututlávat. What are the direct and circumstantial evidence that the Brazilian city of Varginha really crashed alien spaceship?
The whole event was a continuation January 20, 1996, ie 7 days after being informed about the crashed object Brazilian army air defense USA, and described it in detail Brazilian journalist Vitorio Pacaccini. In the morning, the local fire brigade received a report that several girls had seen in the woods very strange animal. Firefighters immediately went there and actually also caught the creature – a humanoid that smelled very strange. But after catching he died, and was handed over to the Brazilian army.
In the morning, they saw a strange creature, and three young men – fourteen Valquiria Fatima Silva and his sister Liliana sixteen, twenty-two, and her boyfriend, Xavier Andrade. According to their description of the creature was about one meter tall, had dark brown skin, large red eyes and head three elongated growths. Once the creature he saw, he fled. On the site after it left an unpleasant odor that resembled ammonia. On the same day, however, the police turned the other frightened people who have also seen strange creatures fishing around Varginha. However, the police could not intervene because they all took the Brazilian army, which immediately came on the reported sites of unknown creatures.
Mysterious events that are etched in the memory of local residents continued on the same day but in the evening. The army had closed and occupied the local hospital, and most of the hospital staff, but the patients had to leave the building. Those patients who had a hospital stay, were locking in hospital rooms. According to witnesses, then arrived in front of the hospital several trucks and cars with unknown contents and men with briefcases. The whole area hospital was closed for almost two full days. Later, it became apparent from the son of one of the doctors who stayed in the hospital, he revealed that his father was in the operating room under the supervision of the army dissected unknown humanoid creature that smelled foul. Army autopsy after all the equipment of the operating room took.
One alien reportedly survived Journalist Vittorio Pacaccini found that one alien police caught up alive, but later it signed on the death of a young police officer, as evidenced by police records. Police received reports that at the edge of the woods is an unknown creature. Since the place was already outside the area which concluded the army, the police came to the place. Creature they have found and surrounded, but he jumped over their heads, and ran into the open police car. One of the officers twenty-three heres Marco Eli did not want to shoot, and alien caught right in the car. The young policeman but then after a few days ill unknown disease, he ceased to feel his arms and legs, lost appetite, had a high temperature and his skin turned purple. The doctors failed to save him already, and they killed him by some unknown pathogen. While the police officer was
Announcements There are a large number of Egyptian artifacts found in Jerusalem that have been Maintained under total secrecy, due to its great level of strangeness and relation with the extraterrestrials.
Egyptologist William Petrie was the discoverer of these strange relics, according to William these objects could “Rewrite the history of ancient Egypt.” According to the news portal Intellihub News, the alien objects were found hidden in a hidden room behind a shelf in the house of the Egyptologist. Mr. Petrie had apparently discovered evidence of extraterrestrial life on our planet just before his death in 1942, but he made the decision to keep these discoveries secret in his house in Jerusalem.
It is known that the artifacts were taken by the Rockefeller Museum and feared the possibility that they will never be taught to the world. Dwarf beings represented in hieroglyphics The physical details represented in mummified bodies would seem to support the idea that “they were probably extraterrestrials” according to the researchers the skeletons have a stereotype of “very large and elongated heads with huge ocular cavities and very long arms.
All kinds of incredible objects representing electronic and mechanical devices, with very complex and advanced features that reveal a great technological creativity. A strange gold object with a transparent lid and some hieroglyphs was found by researchers, this object makes speculate that it is directly the representation of the model of an alien ship.
Advertisements Strange gold disk could be a navigation device Some experts believe that they could be advanced interstellar extraterrestrial navigation devices. The representations of extraterrestrial ships are also noticed in the stones, it is not the first time that the archaeologists find very old tables with very suggestive Egyptian inscriptions that make direct think that they are extraterrestrial ships or some very sophisticated machinery.
Helicopters and advanced ships represented. Some of the most incredible hieroglyphics seem to intend to represent some kind of aircraft, but some scientists attribute this relationship to a psychological phenomenon called pareidolia. However there is a very strong and well-argued belief that ancient alien civilizations had contact with human beings and directly influenced cultural levels or even the technological advance of human civilizations at a more primitive level of development, some experts confirm this theory Based on the precocity of Egyptian civilization, which would seem to firmly support the idea of extraterrestrial contact.
We must remind you that to these evidences the mysterious constructions of the wonders in the Egyptian architecture like the Pyramids of Giza are added to him, some experts and investigators affirmed that the pyramids “They are not of our planet”.
According to a quote attributed to Nostradamus, it is believed the French prophet said that ‘Mankind will discover objects in space sent to us by the watchers.
For years the Black Knight satellite has caused a huge debate among people on social networks, blogs, and websites.
This “Artificial Satellite” has caused major media interest since the late 50′s, and it has become one of the most talked about objects in space.
First thought to be an Russian spy satellite, the Black Knight satellite has gripped the interest of millions worldwide.
As the shadow of the 20th century loomed large, enigmatic scientist Nikola Tesla claimed to have received the most amazing message from the black Satellite.
The signal was decoded and they found a diagram of epsilon bootes star system.
In 1973, science fiction author Duncan Lunan wrote an article for Spaceflight Magazine that speculated that a 13,000-year-old alien object in orbit around the Moon could have been responsible for these otherworldly echoes.
Footage Of Marine Biologists Encountering A Huge Glowing Sea Creature
Footage Of Marine Biologists Encountering A Huge Glowing Sea Creature
Pyrosomes are sometimes referred to as the unicorns of the sea because their habits are so mysterious and they are so difficult to find that they have achieved something of a mythical status for marine biologists which is why this new video of a glowing pyrosome is causing such a stir in scientific communities.
Many scientists who specialize in marine life believe pyrosomes to be among a fascinating creatures to swim beneath the depths of the world’s oceans and it’s easy to see why.
Pyrosomes are not individual creatures but are actually colonies made up of thousands of clones of the same creature. These clonal colonies are sometimes incredibly small, but larger pyrosomes can grow to an astonishing sixty feet in length. No matter what the size, the colonies always adopt a bell-like shape which opens at one end. In the case of larger specimens, this opening can be large enough for an adult human being to fit comfortably inside.
Despite their formidable size, pyrosomes are fairly harmless filter feeders that sustain themselves by ingesting a huge volume of sea water containing the plankton they need for nourishment. After their bodies filter the plankton, they excrete the waste water through their natural opening which also serves the purpose of pushing the body of the pyrosome forward using jet propulsion. This process takes a long period of time which means that pyrosomes move incredibly slowly, according to R.R Helm.
But perhaps the most interesting thing about pyrosomes is the fact that they are bioluminescent. According to Helm, when the clonal colonies perceive a source of light or touch another colony they will respond by creating a bright blue-green light of their own. It appears as though they emit this light to attract other colonies, or perhaps even to communicate with them. Sailors have reported seeing dozens of illuminated pyrosomes swimming together underneath the surface of the ocean on calm nights.
Het Witte Huis heeft een plan in de steigers gezet om onze aarde voor te bereiden op een eventuele inslag van een meteoriet. Het heeft daarover deze week een rapport gepubliceerd. Daaraan werkten verscheidene organisaties mee, onder meer de NASA en het Amerikaanse ministerie van Defensie.
De meteoriet die in 2013 ontplofte boven Chelyabinsk in Rusland en waarbij naar schatting 400 mensen gewond raakten, deed de VS een versnelling hoger schakelen. In Rusland was in 1908 ook al eens een meteoriet ontploft net boven de grond in Tunguska, Siberië en daarbij was meer dan 2.000 vierkante kilometer bos verwoest. Hoewel een inslag beschouwd wordt als weinig waarschijnlijk, maar met een potentieel gigantische impact, werd er werk gemaakt van een uitgebreide strategie die de VS en bij uitbreiding de hele aarde moet beschermen mocht het ooit zo ver komen.
Doorsnede Er was overigens al nuttig werk geleverd. In 1990 vroeg het Amerikaanse congres de NASA al om alle potentieel gevaarlijke asteroïden in kaart te brengen. Daaronder werden alle objecten gezien met een doorsnede van groter dan 140 meter. En president Obama startte ook al een programma om astronauten naar een asteroïde te brengen in een oefening om die van koers te doen wijzigen.
Een van de belangrijkste factoren om te bepalen hoe we zullen reageren volgens het nieuwe rapport, is hoeveel tijd we hebben tot een potentiële meteoriet inslaat: dat kan gaan van een dag tot ettelijke decennia. Het eerste doel van het plan zal dan ook het bepalen zijn van hoe we de detectie van gevaar kunnen verbeteren en potentieel gevaarlijke asteroïden beter kunnen volgen.
Baan Een tweede doel is methodes te ontwikkelen om de baan van een gevaarlijke asteroïde te veranderen, zodat die onschadelijk wordt voor onze aarde. Verder komen ook het ontwikkelen van noodprocedures aan bod, wat te doen mocht een asteroïde ondanks alles tóch inslaan en hoe we van zo een inslag kunnen herstellen. Er moet ook een commandostructuur komen en internationale samenwerking, zo staat verder in het rapport van het Witte Huis te lezen.
De Amerikaanse overheid heeft al beloofd om een update te geven over de stand van zaken om de drie jaar.
Wetenschappers hebben na intensief onderzoek eindelijk de herkomst achterhaald van een mysterieus radiosignaal uit de ruimte dat tien jaar geleden voor de eerste keer werd opgevangen. Het buitenaardse bliepje blijkt, zo heeft een team internationale experts vastgesteld, afkomstig van een dwergsterrenstelsel dat 3 miljard lichtjaren van de aarde is verwijderd. Een ruimtesonde naar die locatie sturen is vooralsnog onmogelijk, omdat één lichtjaar al 9,5 biljoen kilometer (9.500.000.000.000) is.
Sterrenkundigen ging er in eerste instantie van uit dat het ultrakorte radiosignaaltje - het duurt maar drieduizendste van een seconde - uit de Melkweg afkomstig was waar ook de aarde deel van uitmaakt. En anders een sterrenstelsel vlak daarnaast. Wetenschappers die zijn verbonden aan de vooraanstaande Cornell-universiteit in Amerika hebben recent vastgesteld dat het bliepje met de werknaam FRB121102 het resultaat is van energie die moet zijn vrijgekomen in het dwergsterrenstelsel dat 99 procent kleiner is dan de Melkweg.
FRB121102 werd ontdekt in 2007 met een extreem geavanceerde radiotelescoop: een soort schotelantenne die zelfs de allerkleinste signalen uit het heelal kan opvangen. Momenteel zijn 18 van die FRB's die worden onderzocht, maar die zijn volgens de experts allemaal waargenomen met niet-officiële en vrij onnauwkeurige telescopen. "Radiosignaal FRB121102 kon echter wel worden herleid", aldus de wetenschappers die hun ontdekking hebben gepubliceerd in het vakblad Nature.
Volgens de astronomen was het niet eenvoudig om het petieterig bliepje te traceren. Het wordt namelijk maar sporadisch 'uitgezonden', waardoor ernaar zoeken zeer lastig is. "We wisten de globale plek en zijn daar vervolgens minstens 50 uur lang gaan peilen in de hoop dat we het weer zouden horen. Dat het lukte is puur geluk. Het was immers zoeken naar een de allerkleinste speld is de allergrootste hooiberg."
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Chileense marine geeft opzienbarende beelden van UFO vrij
Chileense marine geeft opzienbarende beelden van UFO vrij
De Chileense marine heeft videobeelden vrijgegeven van een UFO die vreemde manoeuvres uithaalt.
Het voorval wordt al twee jaar bestudeerd door de Chileense autoriteiten, zo schrijft de Huffington Post.
Vele legerdeskundigen, technici en wetenschappers hebben zich al over het filmpje gebogen, maar geen van hen heeft een verklaring voor het vreemde vliegende object dat door twee officieren werd vastgelegd vanuit een helikopter.
“We weten niet wat het is, maar we weten wel wat het niet is,” zei generaal Ricardo Bermúdez, oud-hoofd van de CEFAA, het Chileense agentschap dat UFO’s onderzoekt.
Op 11 november 2014 vloog een helikopter van de Chileense marine ten westen van Santiago langs de kust toen de bemanning een vreemd object zag vliegen boven de oceaan.
Generaal Bermúdez (CEFAA)
Het object, dat zich op een afstand van zo’n 60 kilometer bevond, werd vastgelegd met infraroodapparatuur aan boord van de helikopter.
Er werd contact opgenomen met twee radarstations, maar die zagen het object niet op de radar verschijnen. Ook de radar aan boord van de helikopter pikte het object niet op.
Luchtverkeersleiders bevestigden dat er op dat moment verder geen vliegtuigen in het gebied vlogen. Er waren ook geen weerballonnen in de regio.
De piloot probeerde meerdere keren te communiceren met de UFO, maar kreeg geen antwoord.
Ovaalvormige structuur
“Dit object is waargenomen door getrainde professionals met vele jaren ervaring,” zei Bermúdez. “Ze konden niet verklaren wat ze hadden gezien.”
Het ging om een ‘witte, ovaalvormige structuur’ met twee schijnwerpers. Tot twee keer toe kwam er een soort gas of vloeistof uit het object.
“Dit is één van de belangrijkste cases geweest in mijn carrière als directeur van de CEFAA,” zei generaal Bermúdez, die in december met pensioen ging.
Bekijk hieronder de beelden van het vreemde object:
Internet in de ban van gevleugelde ‘demon’ in Arizona
Internet in de ban van gevleugelde ‘demon’ in Arizona
Een foto van een ‘demonische’ verschijning is een regelrechte hit op internet.
Zondag plaatste Facebookgebruiker Richard Christianson een foto van iets wat lijkt op een duistere figuur met vleugels.
De foto, gemaakt in Arizona, toont een soort gevleugelde verschijning met op het hoofd hoorntjes, schrijft het AD. De verschijning zou net zo groot zijn als een huis.
“Wat zien jullie in deze foto? Iemand?” vroeg Christianson. Binnen de kortste keren werd de foto tienduizenden keren gedeeld.
Hoewel sommigen menen dat de maker een ‘demon’ heeft vastgelegd, denken anderen dat het beeld is gefotoshopt. Weer anderen geven de belichting de schuld.
Facebookgebruiker Danielle Holland zei dat de maker van de foto overdag nog eens dezelfde foto moet maken.
Iemand anders zei dat de vreemde figuur mogelijk een verwaaide palmboom is.
“Het is een palmboom,” schreef Gabriella Swedin. “Als je links kijkt kun je er nog één zien.”
Sommigen linken de verschijning aan de apocalyps. “Het bewijs dat het einde der tijden nadert,” schreef iemand.
Navy Releases Video Showing A UFO Spraying Chemicals Into Atmosphere
Navy Releases Video Showing A UFO Spraying Chemicals Into Atmosphere
A Navy helicopter captured a video of a mysterious craft in 2014. The video was released by Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos (CEFAA), a government-based agency in Chile within the civil aeronautics directorate, DGAC – about the same to the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration.
The naval officers captured the strange craft through a helicopter-mounted Wescam infrared camera, usually used for covert, aerial surveillance. These types of cameras are taken into action in Predator drone footage. The Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) or popularly known as UFO, was first noticed by the naked eye from around 35 to 40 miles. Taken west of Santiago at an altitude of about 4,500 feet – far lower than commercial airliners – the video probably caught the most baffling and the well-sourced video ever taken of a UFO.
The captain described the object in question as a flat, elongated structure with chemical plume discharges at around eight minutes into the video. Captured by the infrared lens, the darker color indicates high heat.
The pilot contacted two separate radar stations during the encounter. The radar stations, however, reportedly failed to track the object as their onboard radar was unable to pick up the unidentified flying object. They further confirmed that there was no other air traffic in the area where the UFO was observed.
The CEFAA shared the video to experts, including astrophysicist, nuclear chemist, and image and video experts. Video analysts of French UFO organization GEIPAN offered a possibility of a medium-haul craft dumping cabin wastewater before landing.
However, Chilean witnesses and researchers have not accepted this mundane explanation. They pointed out three reasons; first, the lack of radar corroboration, second, the unlikelihood of an experienced pilot to identify an airplane, and third, the absent of nearby flight path for a landing at the two nearby airports.
Bright UFO caught on tape over Kampinos Forest, Poland 1-Jan-2017
Bright UFO caught on tape over Kampinos Forest, Poland 1-Jan-2017
Check out this interesting footage of a huge unidentified flying object that was hovering in the sky above Kampinos Forest, Poland. This was filmed on 1st January 2017.
This interesting photo of a bright apparition in the sky above Brooklyn church in New York was filmed from a moving bus. This happened in early January 2017.
Al een decennium lang zijn astronomen in de ban van een raadselachtig fenomeen uit het heelal: korte radioflitsen aan de hemel. Wetenschappers hebben nu de herkomst ervan ontdekt. Het gaat om een klein sterrenstelsel op 3 miljard lichtjaren afstand, schrijven ze in het vakblad Nature. Maar wat er precies flitst, is nog niet duidelijk.
De zogenaamde 'fast radio bursts' (of snelle radioflitsen, FRB's) werden voor het eerst ontdekt in 2007. Sindsdien zijn er nog achttien waargenomen, maar slechts eentje - waargenomen in 2012 in het Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico - deed zich talloze keren voor.
De flitsen duren een duizendste van een seconde en kunnen in die tijd evenveel energie uitstoten als de zon in 10.000 jaar. De onderzoekers schatten dat er elke tien seconden een dergelijke uitbarsting plaatsvindt. Maar omdat je op het juiste moment met een radiotelescoop in de juiste richting moet kijken, zijn er nog maar heel weinig waargenomen.
"We weten nu dat deze uitbarsting afkomstig is van een klein, zwak sterrenstelsel op meer dan 3 miljard lichtjaren van de aarde", zeggen de onderzoekers. De ontdekking biedt geen antwoord op de vraag wat de flitsen juist veroorzaakt.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Hoelang zou NASA het nog vol kunnen houden door simpelweg nergens op te reageren en alle vreemde vondsten op Mars volkomen naast zich neer te leggen?
De eigen camera’s van de organisatie leggen de ene na de andere bizarre ontdekking vast op beeld en de wereld doet net alsof het niet bestaat.
Bij het Youtube kanaal Paranormal Crucible zijn ze nogal gespecialiseerd in het beter zichtbaar maken van foto’s die door de NASA karretjes op Mars zijn genomen.
Vaak krijg je dan met het aanbrengen van wat kleur en contrast opeens een veel duidelijker beeld van wat iets zou kunnen zijn.
Zoals het volgende object wat vreemd uitsteekt in het anders vlakke Mars-landschap. In alle gevallen geldt, wat het ook moge zijn, duidelijk is dat we hier te maken hebben met iets dat door intelligente wezens is gemaakt en niet iets dat spontaan is ontstaan in de natuur.
Door de jaren heen zijn er talloze voorbeelden gevonden van mogelijke restanten van dieren, zoals de volgende:
Niet alleen restanten van dieren, maar ook iets dat verdacht veel lijkt op een soort skelet van een mens-achtige:
Of iets dat lijkt op een soort buitenaardse schedel:
Wat te denken van het volgende object dat veel lijkt op een pistool zoals wij die op aarde hebben en op geen enkele manier doet denken aan iets dat natuurlijk is gevormd.
En nog steeds komt NASA ermee weg door simpelweg alles wat er op Mars wordt gevonden te negeren.
Paranormal Crucible heeft een overzicht gemaakt van de meest opmerkelijke vondsten van het afgelopen jaar. Daarnaast zijn er natuurlijk de jaren daarvoor nog talloze ontdekkingen gedaan.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
USS Enterprise UFO Seen Near Earths Sun On NASA Images Jan 3, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
USS Enterprise UFO Seen Near Earths Sun On NASA Images Jan 3, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Jan 3, 2017 Location of sighting: Earths Sun This UFO was near the sun this week and something amazing about it is that not only is it huge, but it has a visible steam of energy leaving its bottom. The craft silhouette looks similar to the side view of the USS Enterprise. This ship is as big as Earths moon. Compare the size of it with the size of the radius of the sun...I'm being conservative here. The size indicates its several times bigger than Earth, but I believe that the distance is closer to the SOHO satellite and that his craft is being used to harvest a rare energy particle from our sun. Awesome catch byTheWatcher252 of Youtube. Scott C. Waring
This alien hand seems impossible, but X-rays confirm that real bones are below the skin. Humans have three bones in each finger area, yet this has 6 bones, so we know its not human. DNA results cannot tell us its an alien since we have no aliens to compare it too. Instead DNA results will only say the DNA doesn't match any known species. Sure there is a skull, but it looks to be the size of an infant if its the same species as the hand, however several different kinds of aliens may have been working together and died in the Cusco cave tunnel where it was found.
Scott C. Waring
News states:
Though easy, initially, to call fake, a Hollywood prop or whatever, the above artifact was seen by us in person recently in Cusco Peru. It was presented to us, along with a small mummified elongated humanoid skull and body by a local person.
Above is the skull; it was x-rayed and examined by physicians here in Cusco who stated that it clearly was not a human, but was a life form of some kind. The skull is composed of bone and skin of some sort. Plans are in the works for radiocarbon and DNA testing early in 2017 in the US.
X rays of the “hand” show that each of the 3 fingers has 6 bones, while a human hand has 3. Once again, as with the skull, physicians in Cusco determined that clearly this is not the hand of a human, but is made up of bone and skin. They were unable to determine what kind of life form it is, or was.
The detailed photo of one of the ends of the fingers, seen above, shows the skin as well as a fingernail which is surprisingly human looking. The keeper of this and other artifacts does not want to sell them, he simply wants to know what they are.
And again, another x-ray of the ends of the fingers shows that under the skin there are well defined bones, looking quite mammalian. The artifacts were found in a secret location, in a tunnel in the southern desert of Peru; more details and perhaps artifacts will be discussed when available.
This UFO is made of energy, and has been seen around the world, but most notedly over the mountains of Colorado and was once seen by tens of thousands of people over the holiest place on Earth...dome of rock. They can change shape, and in our ancient history, these UFOs have been called angels when they appeared before people, because they can take any form, but when they do, they usually have a glowing aura around them. The holy place of Dome of Rock...has a story about an angle that ascended into heaven at that very place...just like the glowing UFO in the video below from Argentina. Angel or can be both at the same time. Scott C. Waring.
News states:
A family camping at El Chocón on the evening of Saturday, December 31 (2016) claims having seen a UFO floating over the lake. The video they recorded shows a round light that moves and changes shape. Dario Carrizo, one of the people at the site, said that his wife and a friend recorded a light in the sky for 25 minutes. It moved quickly and changed sizes. They believe it was an unidentified flying object. "We spent the evening in a rough campground beyond the dam. That's where we saw the light, and it caught our attention, as it was very bright and moved all the time. It was quite striking," Carrizo explained. He further added that the cellphone shows a spinning object, but this detail cannon be made out clearly on YouTube. He ended by saying that it was a "lovely sight" for the adults, but no so much for the children, who "refused to go to sleep alone."
Experts baffled by 'crashed UFO' discovered at bottom of sea
Experts baffled by 'crashed UFO' discovered at bottom of sea
A MYSTERIOUS object found beneath the waves has had experts speculating whether they have discovered a crashed UFO.
By Douglas Patientµ
The huge 200ft-wide Baltic Sea Anomaly appears to be formed of pieces of metal and cuts out electrical equipment when you get too close.
Sitting at the bottom of the ocean, a mind-boggling 300ft down, it has had experts scratching their heads since they found it back in 2012.
Now explorers are set to head back to the object to finally work out what it is.
Swedish explorer Peter Lindberg and his Ocean X team found the "crash site" while diving to explore a shipwreck.
INCREDIBLE: The explorers could not believe what they discovered on the ocean floor
“It could be something really awesome that we’ve found”
Denis Asberg
Denis Asberg, who was in the search team, told Swedish TV: “There is a mountain, It could be 20-25 metres tall with a canyon in the middle, and below it there is a lot of loose rocks.
“We were really surprised and puzzled. We were thinking what is it that we have found here.
“We contacted geologists, marine biologists and when they said they had never seen anything like this, of course more thoughts were triggered. It could be something really awesome that we’ve found.”
ALIEN: The structure appears to be a crashed UFO
There has been an explosion of theories as to what the object actually is.
Some say it is a WW2 device designed to disable submarines, a battleship gun turret or – of course – an alien spaceship.
And Daily Star Online revealed a handy guide of what to do if – or indeed when – aliens invade Earth.
Stefan Hogerborn, a professional diver with Ocean X, said: “Anything electric out there, and the satellite phone as well, stopped working when we were above the object, then when we got away about 200 metres, it turned on again.”
Geologist Steve Weiner believes the structure is not natural and is made of “metals which nature could not reproduce itself”.
It is nearly 300ft below the surface and measures 26ft tall.
MYSTERY: The formation is made of metal, scientists claim
Mr Lindberg said: “I have been the biggest sceptic, I was kind of prepared for finding just stone. For me it has been an amazing experience.
“I think it is very odd in its shape. It is tough to give an explanation as to what it might be exactly, since different scientists have many different theories.
“Whatever it is, it is something we do not usually find in nature sitting in the dark cold depths of the Baltic Sea.”
Ocean X is expected to return to the wreck to continue investigating the discovery.
The telescope Clyde Tombaugh used when he first saw Pluto.
Lowell Observatory
After January 12, anyone going through Lowell Observatory will not be able to see the telescope Clyde Tombaugh used to discover Pluto. The telescope is being removed temporarily for a year-long renovation project on the instrument.
The telescope may be a popular instrument to visit at the observatory, but it is in need of some major work to repair and restore it. The dome of the telescope is rotting, some parts have worn out, and several areas need to be cleaned, stripped, and repainted. Lowell’s technical staff will make sure all these issues are addressed and will also clean and repair the control mechanisms and photographic plate holders, among other accessories.
The renovation, which will cost $155,000, will both restore and preserve the 1920’s era telescope.
The Pluto Telescope is designed specifically for taking pictures of space objects and was used to study comets, asteroids, and stars with detectable proper motions, as well as the famous Pluto discovery in 1930 by Tombaugh.
“Like the Alvan Clark refractor across campus, the Pluto Discovery Telescope is a national treasure,” said Lowell Director Jeff Hall in a press release. “People come to Lowell from all over the world to see these historic telescopes, and I’m so pleased to see them restored and preserved for decades to come.”
The money for the renovation was raised through crowdsourcing, private donations, and a grant from Crystal Trust.
“We can’t undertake major projects like this without external support, and we’re grateful to everyone who has donated to make this happen,” Hall said.
Orionnevel geeft zijn geheimen prijs op nieuwe foto
Orionnevel geeft zijn geheimen prijs op nieuwe foto
Caroline Kraaijvanger
De foto onthult wat de nevel en zijn directe omgeving achter dikke wolken stof allemaal voor ons verborgen houden.
Je ziet de bekende Orionnevel helemaal links op de foto. De nevel maakt deel uit van de moleculaire wolk Orion A. Dit is een reusachtige moleculaire wolk die relatief dicht bij de aarde in de buurt staat: Orion A is zo’n 1350 lichtjaar van ons verwijderd. Orion A maakt op zijn beurt – samen met de moleculaire wolk Orion B – weer deel uit van het Orion Molecular Cloud Complex.
Hoge resolutie Op de nieuwe foto is de reusachtige moleculaire wolk in zijn geheel en in zeer hoge resolutie te zien. De foto is een montage van opnamen, gemaakt door de telescoop VISTA van de ESO-sterrenwacht in Chili. Deze infraroodtelescoop kijkt dwars door het stof van de moleculaire wolk heen en onthult wat er achter dat stof allemaal schuilgaat. We zien bijvoorbeeld tal van jonge sterren. Maar ook schijven van materie waaruit weer nieuwe sterren kunnen ontstaan en nevelflarden die in verband kunnen worden gebracht met pasgeboren sterren en kleine sterrenhopen.
Op deze foto zie je tal van jonge sterren en andere objecten die normaliter schuilgaan achter het stof.
Afbeelding: ESO / VISION survey.
Geboorte van een ster Door diep in het stof van deze moleculaire wolk te turen, hopen onderzoekers meer te weten te komen over hoe sterren in dergelijke moleculaire wolken tot stand komen. Ook hopen ze meer inzicht te krijgen in de ontwikkeling van sterren van verschillende massa’s.
Hier zie je de hoogtepunten van de nieuwe infraroodopname van Orion A. Als je op die infraroodopname inzoomt, zijn tal van merkwaardige structuren te zien, waaronder donkere stofwolken, kleine afbeeldingen van zeer verre sterrenstelsels en rode straalstromen van piepjonge sterren.
Afbeelding: ESO / VISIONsurvey.
Tijdens het bestuderen van de Orion-regio hebben astronomen verschillende bekende objecten in detail bekeken. Maar ze hebben ook nieuwe objecten ontdekt, waaronder vijf potentiële jonge stellaire objecten en tien mogelijke clusters van sterrenstelsels.
Astronomen weten mysterieuze snelle radioflitsen eindelijk thuis te brengen
Astronomen weten mysterieuze snelle radioflitsen eindelijk thuis te brengen
Caroline Kraaijvanger
De flitsen vinden hun oorsprong in een sterrenstelsel hier heel, heel ver vandaan, zo blijkt uit nieuw onderzoek.
Zo’n tien jaar geleden spotten wetenschappers er voor het eerst eentje: een fast radio burst (FRB) oftewel een snelle radioflits. Wanneer zo’n snelle radioflits – die hooguit enkele milliseconden duurt – ontstaat, komt een enorme hoeveelheid energie vrij.
Herhaling Hoe een FRB precies ontstaat, is tot op de dag van vandaag onduidelijk. Sommige onderzoekers dachten dat zo’n snelle radioflits ontstond tijdens een botsing van neutronensterren. En daarmee namen deze onderzoekers automatisch aan dat zo’n radioflits een eenmalige gebeurtenis was. Die theorie kwam op losse schroeven te staan, toen astronomen op FRB 121102 stuitten. Deze radioflits gaf namelijk meerdere malen acte de présence. De radioflits ging de boeken in als de eerste zichzelf herhalende radioflits en heeft inmiddels al zo’n zeventien keer van zich laten horen. De theorie dat een radioflits ontstaat tijdens een eenmalige catastrofale gebeurtenis lijkt daarmee van tafel te zijn geveegd.
Dwergsterrenstelsel En nu krijgt het onderzoek naar FRB 121102 opnieuw een staartje: wetenschappers hebben de exacte locatie vastgesteld van de snelle radioflits. En wat blijkt? De radioflits vindt zijn oorsprong in een dwergsterrenstelsel op z’n drie miljard lichtjaar afstand. We kunnen nu dus met 100 procent zekerheid zeggen dat het een extragalactisch verschijnsel is. “We zijn de eersten die aantonen dat dit een kosmologisch fenomeen is,” vertelt onderzoeker Casey Law. “Het is dus niet iets in onze achtertuin. En we zijn de eersten die zien waar het ontstaat: in een klein sterrenstelsel. En dat is in mijn optiek heel verrassend.” Onderzoeker Shriharsh Tendulkar is het daar mee eens. “Men zou verwachten dat de meest snelle radioflitsen ontstaan in grote sterrenstelsels met het grootste aantal sterren en neutronensterren (resten van zware sterren).”
Hoe de radioflitsen precies ontstaan, blijft voor nu gissen. Wellicht zijn ze afkomstig van het ineengestorte overblijfsel van een zware ster. Een andere optie is dat ze gegenereerd worden in de nabijheid van een zwart gat dat gas uit zijn omgeving opslokt. Meer onderzoek zal uit moeten wijzen hoe de FRB’s precies ontstaan. Onderzoekers zullen daarvoor een beroep moeten doen op de beste radio-, optische, röntgen- en gammatelescopen die voorhanden zijn.
Tot wel 500 meter hoge penitenten ontdekt op Pluto
Tot wel 500 meter hoge penitenten ontdekt op Pluto
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Voor het eerst is er overtuigend bewijs dat deze ijzige pieken ook op andere hemellichamen dan de aarde voorkomen.
Penitenten zijn uit sneeuw of ijs opgebouwde pieken. Je vindt ze op grote hoogte, bijvoorbeeld in de Andes. De pieken – die allemaal in dezelfde richting wijzen – kunnen op aarde wel enkele meters hoog worden.
Onderzoekers vermoeden dat penitenten ook te vinden zijn op Jupiters maan Europa. Maar het bewijs daarvoor is lang niet zo overtuigend als het bewijs dat nu wordt aangevoerd voor het bestaan van penitenten op Pluto.
Pluto Nieuw onderzoek toont nu aan dat deze penitenten geen typisch aards verschijnsel zijn. We treffen ze namelijk ook aan op Pluto, zo is in het blad Nature te lezen. Het is voor het eerst dat er overtuigend bewijs is gevonden dat penitenten ook op plaatsen buiten de aarde voorkomen (zie kader).
Slangenhuid In september 2015 gaf NASA onderstaande foto vrij. We zien een heel bijzonder landschap op Pluto dat doet denken aan een slangenhuid: er zijn tal van ‘schubben’ zichtbaar die tot wel 500 meter hoog zijn en enkele kilometers uit elkaar liggen. Lang was onduidelijk hoe deze ‘slangenhuid’ was ontstaan. Maar onderzoekers stellen nu dat de ‘schubben’ penitenten zijn.
Je ziet hier Pluto’s ‘slangenhuid’, te vinden in een gebied dat informeel Tartarus Dorsa wordt genoemd.
Afbeelding: NASA / JHUAPL / SwRI.
Modellen en simulaties Ze trekken die conclusie onder meer op basis van modellen. Deze modellen tonen aan dat Pluto over alle ingrediënten en omstandigheden beschikt die nodig zijn om penitenten te laten ontstaan. Met behulp van computersimulaties gingen de onderzoekers bovendien na hoe penitenten op Pluto er dan uit zouden zien. En de gesimuleerde penitenten hebben exact dezelfde omvang als de ijzige ‘schubben’ die we op de foto’s van New Horizons zien. Ook de afstand tussen de gesimuleerde penitenten, hun oriëntatie en de leeftijd van de gesimuleerde penitenten komt keurig overeen met wat we op Pluto zien.
Zowel de aarde als Pluto beschikt dus hoogstwaarschijnlijk over penitenten. Best opmerkelijk als je bedenkt dat de verschillen tussen onze planeet en de dwergplaneet heel groot zijn. Zo is het op Pluto veel kouder, is de atmosfeer er dunner, het zonlicht minder sterk en bestaat sneeuw en ijs op het oppervlak van Pluto uit methaan en stikstof in plaats van water. En toch gelden hier dezelfde natuurwetten en kunnen dus ook hier penitenten ontstaan. En onderzoekers verwachten – op basis van dit onderzoek – dat penitenten op nog veel meer plekken in het zonnestelsel en zelfs buiten ons zonnestelsel te vinden zijn. “Zolang de omstandigheden maar goed zijn,” stelt onderzoeker John Moores. Zo wijst de ontdekking erop dat een atmosfeer nodig is om penitenten te laten ontstaan. “En dat kan verklaren waarom ze niet eerder zijn waargenomen op atmosfeerloze ijzige satellieten en dwergplaneten.”
We gaan voor het eerst een ijzeren planetoïde bezoeken!
We gaan voor het eerst een ijzeren planetoïde bezoeken!
Caroline Kraaijvanger
NASA heeft twee prachtige ruimtemissies aangekondigd: eentje naar een ijzeren planetoïde en eentje naar Jupiters Trojanen.
De missies – die de namen Lucy en Psyche dragen – moeten meer inzicht geven in hoe het er in de kinderjaren van ons zonnestelsel aan toeging. Lucy moet al in 2021 gelanceerd worden en voert naar de nog vrij mysterieuze Trojanen van Jupiter. “Terwijl Psyche een unieke ijzeren planetoïde zal bestuderen die nog nooit eerder bezocht is,” zo vertelt Thomas Zurbuchen namens NASA.
Psyche Zoals de naam al doet vermoeden, bezoekt Psyche de planetoïde 16 Psyche. Deze bijzonder grote planetoïde – met een diameter van zo’n 210 kilometer – bevindt zich in de planetoïdengordel tussen Mars en Jupiter en is zo’n drie keer verder van de zon verwijderd dan de aarde. In tegenstelling tot de meeste planetoïden is 16 Psyche niet opgebouwd uit steen of ijs. In plaats daarvan bestaat de planetoïde – net als de kern van de aarde – voornamelijk uit ijzer en nikkel. Astronomen sluiten dan ook niet uit dat 16 Psyche een restant is van een planeet die ongeveer net zo groot was als Mars, maar miljarden jaren geleden zijn rotsachtige buitenlaag tijdens gewelddadige botsingen met andere hemellichamen is kwijtgeraakt. “Dit biedt ons de kans om een nieuw type wereld te bestuderen – niet eentje van steen of ijs, maar van metaal,” stelt onderzoeker Lindy Elkins-Tanton. “Het is de enige manier waarop mensen ooit een kern kunnen bezoeken.” Psyche zou in oktober 2023 gelanceerd moeten worden en vervolgens in 2030 bij de planetoïde arriveren.
Een artistieke impressie van de twee ruimtemissies. Links zie je Lucy die zich ophoudt bij Euryabtes, één van de Trojanen van Jupiter. Rechts zie je Psyche en een stukje van 16 Psyche.
Afbeelding: SwRI & SSL / Peter Rubin.
Lucy Lucy kiest naar verwachting twee jaar eerder – in 2021 – het luchtruim. Tussen 2027 en 2033 zal Lucy zes Trojanen van Jupiter bestuderen. Dit zijn planetoïden die in dezelfde baan als Jupiter draaien. Ze bewegen op 60 graden boogafstand met de planeet mee en komen dus nooit met de gasreus in botsing. Aangenomen wordt dat de Trojanen resten zijn uit een veel vroeger stadium in de geschiedenis van het zonnestelsel. En wellicht zagen ze ver voorbij de huidige baan van Jupiter het levenslicht. “Dit is een unieke kans,” vindt onderzoeker Harold F. Levison. “Omdat de Trojanen restanten zijn van oermateriaal waaruit de buitenste planeten zijn opgebouwd, bevatten ze aanwijzingen die ons kunnen helpen om de geschiedenis van het zonnestelsel te ontrafelen
Uiteindelijk moeten Psyche en Lucy zo – in aanvulling op andere ruimtemissies – meer inzicht geven in hoe de zon en planeten ontstonden en door de tijd heen veranderden. En hoe de aarde uiteindelijk een plek werd waar leven kon ontstaan en zich kon ontwikkelen.
Ancient Alien Stargate or Gate Of The Gods Discovered In Peru?
Ancient Alien Stargate or Gate Of The Gods Discovered In Peru?
There are many people around the world that believe that the Large Hadron Collider at CERN is being used as some kind of portal/stargate to travel to other dimensions – as far fetched as this may seem, there is now also talk of some kind of Ancient stargate discovered in Peru, which has also been described as some kind of ‘Gate of the Gods’
This bizarre looking monument gives you an idea at the achievements of the ancient people who once lived in this area. This HUGE stone gate has an incredible history as the ancient people had once described, that is along with a mystical design that gives more credibility to the local legends.
It was actually a local guide named Jose Luis Delgado Mamanu who discovered this bizarre great door-like structure in the Hayu Marca mountain region of Southern Peru, mostly by coincidence/accident! The Gate of the Gods, or also known as the ‘Puerta de Hayu Marca’ was carved in a huge natural rock, which measures precisely seven meters in height, as well as in width and it has a small compartment in the center at the base of the monument.
Please check out below the full picture of this incredible gate way – looking very much unlike anything else ever discovered before:
It is believed by many researchers that the smaller entrance was created for earthly beings, whilst the bigger symmetrical entrance was used by deities (god or goddess) when they visited our realm. It is also believed that the larger entrance was designed for beings to pass through from other dimensions/parallel worlds.
What is even more bizarre about this discovery is the fact that the local guide, Luis Delgado has said that he actually had dreams which the mysterious gate was leading him too, sending him creepy visions of people of old who opened the gate while invited him to pass through it – so even though many people consider his finding a pure coincidence, Luis believes that a strange force guided him to the gate, because of the many visions he received, almost like he had been chosen in some strange way for making such an incredible discovery. He said:
“When I saw the structure for the first time, I almost passed out. I have dreamed of such a construction repeatedly over the years, but in the dream, the path to the door was paved with pink marble statues that aligned on both sides of the path. In the dream, I also saw that the smaller door was open and there was a brilliant blue light coming from what looked like a shimmering tunnel.
I have commented to my family many times about these dreams and so when I finally gazed upon the doorway, it was like a revelation from God…How do you make order of such a strange occurrence?”
WHAT lies beyond?
Similar to the famous film stargate, there are many people around the world that believe that there are stargates dotted around the universe, possibly used by Alien beings to travel the vastness of the Universe. Perhaps these are how some of the supposed Ancient Aliens managed to travel to earth, hence there are so many markings on walls/monuments of ET interactions (please click HERE for more).
If it was some kind of God or perhaps some unearthly alien/interdimensional being who set this potential path for this man, we can only presume, but the local Indian population has named the place the “City of the Gods.” Although no city has ever been discovered in this region, strangely many of the rocks surrounding the area resemble buildings and artificial structures, which helped shape the idea of yet another unknown and possibly unearthly civilization who once had inhabited the area in the far distant past.
There is actually a different legend which tells of the Spanish Conquistadors who arrived in Peru and once robbed the Inca temples at that time which supposedly full of gold and precious stones. As a result of the alarming situation, a Inca priest of the Temple of the Seven Rays named Aramu Maru, fled the temple with a revered disk known as “the key of the gods of the seven rays” and hid in the mountains of Hayu Marca. When he finally arrived at the Gate of the Gods, which at that point in time was guarded by shaman-priests, he revealed the sacred key and in the moments that followed a great ritual began. The performance triggered the golden disk which opened a portal into the gate, and according to the legends, blue light did come out of it. Aramu Maru offered the golden disk to the priests and went through the portal, never to return again.
To make things even stranger and to add up to the mystery, some important archaeologists at the time found a small depression on the right side of the entrance way designed for humans, and confirmed that in this compartment, a small disk could be placed tight to the rock – Could it possibly be that this particular spot could very well be the place where the mechanism was once activated?
To help give an impression of the sheer size of the entrance!
It will only be when the worlds leading archaeologists discover this supposed saced golden disk, that we can only presume that ‘something’ may happen when placed in the slot in the wall. Interestingly many people have actually told how when they placed their hands on the small rocky door, they felt sudden significant ‘wave of energy’ flowing through their bodies – it has also been said that some of these individuals also had several experiences based, which appeared to be some kind of ‘cosmic visions’ which involved stars, columns of fire and the sound of some kind of unexplainable strange rhythmic music.
Another very strange coincidence is that Gate of the Gods strongly resembles the other fascinating “Gate of the Sun” near Lake Titicaca. Another bizarre coincidence is that if you link up the two sacred gates and five other mystical archaeological sites by grid lines, they actually intersect each other exactly where Lake Titicaca is located.
The Gate Of The Sun
The figures that decorate the stone on the Gate of the Sun are believed to have astronomical connotations and resemble human-like beings with wings and curled-up tails, and appear to be wearing rectangular ‘helmets’, although interpretations differ. The ‘ Sun-God’ is in the centre and is sculpted with rays omitting from his face in all directions. He also appears to be holding a staff in each hand. The ‘Sun-God’ figure is also called the ‘Weeping God’ because things similar to tears are carved on its face. Many have believed for a long time that the Gates of the sun may have been some kind of gateway to another worlds, a bit like the Gates of Gods in Peru.
Interestingly many UFO sightings have been witnessed in the skies above Peru and Lake Titicaca, which have often been described as looking like blue sphere’s or white luminous discs, which have been suggested as being connected somehow with these prominent ‘mysterious’ sites.
Please check out one of the many strange sightings of UFO’s being captured around Peru, notice how it is frozen in one place:
If Extra-terrestrials once visited this area, and this ‘doorway’ was of some prominence to other worldly beings, it seems more than likely that they may return someday. It has been mentioned in the legends that speak about the reopening of the Gate of the Gods, that this time it would be a far more significant entrance from these Beings/Gods, claiming that; “many times bigger than it actually is”, allowing the Gods to return in their “sun ships.”
This theory has been accompanied by the native Indian which legends say discovered, only after the area where the gate stands was surrounded by archaeologists. The stories depict a gateway leading to the land of the gods, used by ancient heroes in order to join their deities and have a glorious new life on the plain of immortality. The adventurers sometimes returned from the mystical plain accompanied by their gods who “inspected all the lands in the kingdom” before going back through the gate.
Could it be that this supposed Gate of the Gods has been sealed until the beings from other Dimensions one day return? This truly is such a fascinating story, just by looking at the incredible structure you can tell there is something very different/mysterious about this area of Peru!
Perhaps it is possible that these supposed ‘gods’ were potentially advanced Alien beings from a parallel universe or some other reality?
It is according to the local stories in the area, that these supposed gods had actually revealed themselves to the old indigenous people and occasionally offered great visions on the night sky – perhaps showing visions of other worlds/times that these Beings come from!?
Perhaps the Large Hadron Collider as CERN is being used as some kind of portal to other dimensions, like some kind of modern day stargate equivalent!? They have already admitted to discovering Parallel Universes and other dimensions.
Perhaps the majority of strange sightings being seen over the world are Beings crossing over from other dimensions. Lets not forget that the FBI and leading Scientists have already admitted to this theory.
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The Nazi Antarctic fortress: Base 211 and Operation Highjump
The Nazi Antarctic fortress: Base 211 and Operation Highjump
Numerous ‘alleged’ covert operations took place during the Nazi era, and one of the most memorable one’s is that of Neuschwabenland and their enigmatic Base 211 located within Antarctica.
Neuschwabenland or New Swabia is located on the Antarctic continent between 20°E and 10°W in Queen Maud Land. This faraway land was explored in great detail by the German Antarctic expedition which even came across parts with warm fresh-water, ice-free areas and vegetation, in an area where according to science, everything is frozen. According to geologists who participated in the German expedition, the areas where vegetation was present were due to hot springs or other geothermal sources.
One of the most interesting quotes about Neuschwabenland and Antarctica comes from German Navy Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz who said that: “The German submarine fleet is proud of having built for the Führer in another part of the world a Shangri-La on land, an impregnable fortress.”
For half a century, rumors about secret Nazi expedition and a secret base called ‘Station 211’ has existed among writers and researchers. But were the Nazis equipped to carry out such fascinating missions? And is the above-mentioned quote from Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz true?
According to a number of rumors, ‘Station 211’ did exist, and if it did, then it must have been (maybe till is) located inside the ice-free mountain range in the Muhlig-Hofmann Mountains of Neuschwabenland, aka Queen Maud Land.
However, today many people rush and dismiss the existence of secret bases on Antarctica suggesting there is no evidence to support such claims.
As always, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Facts are though to track down since there is a mind-boggling amount of stories and ‘alleged’ witnesses who state the Nazis had created a Shangri-La on land, an impregnable fortress at Neuschwabenland.
Many authors propose that in 1946-47 Admiral Byrd, one fo the most famous American polar explorers searched for secret Nazi bases. Many authors propose that the so-called Operation Highjump when Admiral Byrd had at his disposal the largest armada ever to be sent to Antarctica.
Operation Highjump included a staggering 13 ships, an aircraft carrier, a submarine, two destroyers and a total of 4,700 men with full battle gear in what was officially called an ordinary ‘training exercise.’
However, many people believe that Operation Highjump was anything but a training mission.
The flotilla included:
Aan escort aircraft carrier (the Philippines Sea)
two seaplane carriers (the Pine Island and Curritich)
two destroyers (the Brownsen and Henderson)
two escort ships (Yankee and Merrick)
two fueling ships (Canister and Capacan)
A submarine (the Sennet)
Operation Highjump was curiously terminated six months earlier than expected. An excerpt from February 19, 1947, describes Admiral Byrd’s arrival over the pole at 1000 hours:
We are crossing over the small mountain range and still proceeding northward as best as can be ascertained. Beyond the mountain range is what appears to be a valley with a small river or stream running through the center portion. There should be no green valley below! Something is definitely wrong and abnormal here! We should be over Ice and Snow! To the portside are great forests growing on the mountain slopes. Our navigation Instruments are still spinning; the gyroscope is oscillating back and forth!
Conspiracy theories surrounding Byrd, Station 211 and other mysterious discoveries made by Admiral Byrd –like the existence of blue-skinned people—are endless.
Interestingly, many people believe Admiral Byrd made a number of cryptic comments while he was interviewed by the International News Service correspondent Lee Van Atta aboard the USS Mount Olympus. The article appeared on the March 5th, 1947 edition of Chilean newspaper ‘El Mercurio’:
“Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. The admiral further stated that he didn’t want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds. Admiral Byrd repeated the above points of view, resulting from his personal knowledge gathered both at the north and south poles, before a news conference held for International News Service.”
While ‘El Mercurio’ is in fact a real newspaper, many people remain skeptical about the article and Admiral Byrd’s comments. Is it possible that a real danger did exist in the southernmost parts of Antarctica after World War II? If so, what were these threats? Were the Nazis involved?
No one can say for sure whether or not Admiral Byrd searched for the secret Nazi base, or if he ver stumbled across it.
However, researchers did find the so-called ice-free mountains. Between 1956 and 1960, a Norwegian exploration team mapped extensive parts of Queen Maud Land where they stumbled across areas with vegetation and to the surprise of many, they also discovered the mountains matching the description of the rumors behind Station 211.
What are your thoughts? Do you believe that the Nazis had the ability and means to construct secret bases around the globe? Among them Base 211 on Antarctica? Or are these stories just elaborate myths without conclusive evidence?
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Spacecraft 'Sees' the Mysteries Buried Under the Polar Ice Caps of Mars
Spacecraft 'Sees' the Mysteries Buried Under the Polar Ice Caps of Mars
By Ian O'Neill, Seeker
Mars' south pole as seen by Mars Express.
Credit: ESA
Like Earth, Mars possesses north and south polar ice caps. Unlike Earth, however, the Martian versions not only contain water ice, there's there's a thick layer of carbon dioxide ice acting as a blanket. Frozen CO2, also known as "dry ice", is known to wax and wane in thickness depending on the Martian season. Though we have a pretty good understanding of the ice caps' surface features and how they interact with Mars' predominately carbon dioxide atmosphere, what lies beneath the most ancient layers of ice has been a mystery.
That was, however, until NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) arrived in orbit in 2006.
On board the veteran Mars satellite is an instrument called SHARAD — short for "Shallow Radar" — that has been bouncing radio waves off the planet's surface for over a decade. Individual observations by the instrument, for 2,000 orbits over the poles, have revealed some interesting icy findings over the years, but now, with a huge archive of data, planetary scientists have been able to build a 3-D view of the ice covering the north and south poles in the hope of better understanding the structures we cannot see inside the ice and how the ice changes over time. With this information they hope to build a picture of climatic changes over millions of years.
"We have applied industry-developed techniques in a very novel fashion to a Martian dataset, producing 3-D volumes that are each over 600 times larger than any terrestrial or planetary dataset of this kind," said senior scientist Nathaniel E. Putzig, of the Planetary Science Institute, in a statement.
A cutaway view of Planum Boreum at Mars' north polar cap. The blue and red areas show regions of high and low radar return power, respectively, which corresponds with ice thickness — white is the thickest.
Hidden within these data are previously unknown features, including possible impact craters and vast layers of ice that likely highlight eras of climate changes as the Red Planet's tilt precessed. There also appears to be a larger than expected volume of frozen carbon dioxide locked in the south pole's cap.
"It is gratifying to see so plainly in the SHARAD volumes structures that took years of effort to characterize with the single-orbit profiles," Putzig added. "I'm excited about what we will learn from newly revealed features such as the probable impact craters."
"While 3-D seismic and ground penetrating radar have become routine tools in terrestrial geophysical exploration, our 3-D treatment of the SHARAD data is a first in planetary geophysical exploration," said Frederick J. Foss of Freestyle Analytical & Quantitative Services. "The 3-D imaged SHARAD volumes significantly enhance the detectability and interpretability of features within the Martian polar ice caps."
These 3-D maps of Martian ice cap interiors will no doubt aid future discoveries of what lies beneath, in turn developing our understanding of how Mars' atmosphere evolved from an apparently habitable state into the harsh, dry climate we find today.
By Leonard David,'s Space Insider Columnist
Artist's illustration of a large asteroid headed for Earth.
Credit: ESA
The White House has released a "National Near-Earth Object Preparedness Strategy" — a document developed by the Interagency Working Group (IWG) for Detecting and Mitigating the Impact of Earth-bound Near-Earth Objects (DAMIEN).
According to the strategy document, it "seeks to improve our nation's preparedness to address the hazard of near-Earth object (NEO) impacts by enhancing the integration of existing national and international assets and adding important capabilities that are currently lacking."
The strategy builds on efforts at NASA to better detect and characterize the NEO population, as well as recent efforts at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to prepare for and respond to a NEO impact. [Potentially Dangerous Asteroids in Images]
The document was published last month by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
The document was published last month by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
Seven strategic goals
There are seven main goals underpinning the effort to enhance the United States' preparedness for NEO impacts, the Strategy notes:
"Enhance NEO Detection, Tracking and Characterization Capabilities. Objectives include: developing a capability roadmap to inform a strategy for investing in both U.S. and foreign abilities for detection, tracking and characterization; improving observation capabilities for more complete and rapid observation of the entire population of NEOs; and updating existing observatories with capabilities to improve characterization assessments.
"Develop Methods for NEO Deflection and Disruption. Objectives include: developing capabilities for fast-response, focused reconnaissance and characterization; researching deflection and disruption capabilities for NEOs of varying size, mass, composition and impact warning times; and researching technologies required for deflection and disruption concepts.
"Improve Modeling, Predictions, and Information Integration. Objectives include: ensuring that adequate modeling capabilities are developed for each topical need, especially for modeling NEO trajectories to reduce orbit uncertainties and predicted impact effects; determining what outputs are required by whom; and establishing an organizational construct to coordinate the development and dissemination of modeling results.
"Develop Emergency Procedures for NEO Impact Scenarios. Objectives include: promoting a collaborative national approach to defend against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from a NEO impact event; and developing coherent national and international communication strategies to facilitate NEO impact preparations.
"Establish NEO Impact Response and Recovery Procedures. Objectives include: establishing national and international protocols to efficiently respond to a NEO impact, whether in deep ocean, coastal regions or on land; and facilitating international cooperation and planning to recover from a NEO impact in a timely manner with minimal disruption.
"Leverage and Support International Cooperation. Objectives include: building international support and policies for acknowledging and addressing the potential Earth impact of a NEO as a global challenge; fostering consultation, coordination and cooperation channels and efforts for the planning for, impact emergency preparedness before, and response to a NEO impact; increasing engagement with the international community on observation infrastructure, data sharing, numerical modeling and scientific research; strengthening international coordination and cooperation on NEO data and National Near-Earth Object Preparedness Strategy analyses; and promoting a collaborative international approach to preparedness for NEO events.
"Establish Coordination and Communications Protocols and Thresholds for Taking Action. Objectives include: coordinating the communication of detected impact threats within the U.S. Government, as well as with other governments, media and the public; developing a set of thresholds to aid U.S. decisions in whether to implement deflection or disruption missions; developing decision flowcharts for NEO hazard scenarios incorporating benchmarks and decision thresholds; and developing protocols for international interactions regarding NEO impacts outside of U.S. territory."
These seven high-level goals and associated objectives are intended to support a collaborative and federally coordinated approach to developing effective policies, practices and procedures for decreasing the nation’s vulnerabilities associated with the NEO impact hazard, according to the Strategy.
Significant and complex challenge
In a concluding statement, the Strategy document notes that, as with other low-probability, high-consequence hazards, "potential NEO impacts pose a significant and complex challenge."
The Strategy is seen as "a step in addressing the myriad challenges of managing and reducing the risks posed by both large and small NEOs."
Leonard David is author of "Mars: Our Future on the Red Planet," published by National Geographic. The book is a companion to the National Geographic Channel six-part series, Mars. A longtime writer for, David has been reporting on the space industry for more than five decades. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook or Google+. Published on
What is dark matter? New detector results have left physicists in the dark.
Credit: sakkmesterke /
The early universe may have contained more dark matter than there is today, new research suggests. The findings could help scientists better understand what the universe was like just after the Big Bang, researchers said.
Most of the matter in the universe seems to be invisible and largely intangible; it holds galaxies together and only interacts with the more familiar matter through its gravitational pull. Researchers call the strange stuff dark matter, and one of the biggest questions for astrophysicists is what it actually is and how it might evolve or decay. [Twisted Physics: 7 Mind-Blowing Findings]
New work by a team of Russian scientists may offer insight into that question. Dmitry Gorbunov, of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology; Igor Tkachev, head of the of the Department of Experimental Physics at the Institute for Nuclear Research in Russia; and Anton Chudaykin, of Novosibirsk State University in Russia considered whether some unstable dark matter might have decayed since the universe's early days, turning from whatever type of particle or particles make up dark matter — that's still unknown — into lighter particles.
"We have now, for the first time, been able to calculate how much dark matter could have been lost and what the corresponding size of the unstable component would be," Tkachev said in a statement.
Their new calculations suggest that no more than 5 percent of the current amount of dark matter in the universe, could have been lost since the Big Bang.
Besides suggesting new properties for the elusive dark matter, the work could be important in helping scientists understand how the universe has changed over time, the researchers said. For example, the findings may show how the universe's rate of expansion has varied and what happened in the universe's first few hundred thousand years, when matter as we know it started to form into atoms.
Mysterious matter
Dark matter is a kind of matter that has mass, so it exerts a gravitational pull. However, it doesn't interact through electromagnetism with ordinary matter, so it is invisible. That is, it doesn't reflect or absorb light. The lack of electrical charge also makes dark matter intangible. Physicists are still debating what kind of particles make up dark matter, but most researchers agree that the substance accounts for some four-fifths of the matter in the universe.
Researchers have said Planck telescope data shows only about 4.9 percent of the universe is ordinary matter, about 26.8 percent is dark matter, and the remaining 68.3 percent is dark energy, which accelerates universal expansion.
The finding could be important in helping scientists understand how the universe changes over time. For example, the research could help reveal the change in the rate of expansion and what happened in the first few hundred thousand years of the cosmos, when matter as we know it started to form atoms. That was the first time photons (light) could start moving relatively freely through the universe.
Unstable universe
In its study, the team looked at data from the Planck space telescope, which studies the cosmic microwave background coming from a point located about 932,000 miles (1.5 million kilometers) from Earth. The cosmic microwave background is an "echo" of the Big Bang; it's the radiation from photons (light) that first started moving freely through the universe. By studying fluctuations in that radiation, it's possible to calculate the value of different parameters, such how fast the universe was expanding, at the time the radiation was emitted.
What they found was that the universe in its early days — about 300,000 years after it formed — behaved a bit differently than it does now. That conclusion comes from measuring the rate of expansion, as well as the number of galaxies in clusters, which are easier to explain if the amount of dark matter was anywhere from 2-5 percent greater than it is today.
To get that figure, the researchers compared the real universe with two models: one that assumed dark matter is stable and one that assumed the total amount of dark matter could change. The latter model did a better job of producing something like the universe seen today. So the early universe might have had two kinds of dark matter, the researchers said in a statement: one kind that decays into other particles and another that remains stable over billions of years.
"We are not currently able to say how quickly this unstable part decayed; dark matter may still be disintegrating even now," Tkachev said in a statement.
In addition, by looking at gravitational lensing – the bending of light by massive objects -- of the background radiation, the researchers found an upper limit for how much of that dark matter had to decay, the scientists said. The study appears in the journal Physical Review D.
The existence of dark matter is generally accepted by the sort of scientists who care about that kind of thing. After all, it’s a pretty robust explanation for why some stars and galaxies around the universe move around and accelerate in ways that can’t be explained simply by the gravitational effects of observable objects in the vicinity. Globs of an unseen substance, making up almost 85 percent of the total mass of the universe, have long been an integral part of our modern understanding of gravity.
But not everyone is buying it. There are quite a few alternative theories to gravity that don’t involve dark matter — some wilder than others — but the latest is worth lingering on because it’s a stickier idea. University of Amsterdam theoretical physicist Erik Verlinde is claiming that gravity isn’t an interaction or force as first described by Albert Einstein. Instead of being a static property since the Big Bang, gravity has, according to Verlinde, been an emergent phenomenon, constantly growing and expanding and adhering to the rules of increasing entropy as outlined by the second law of thermodynamics.
Verlinde first explained this theory of emergent gravity in 2010 and, in his latest paper, he doubles down and insists that the distribution of gravity throughout the universe doesn’t need to be explained by dark matter and dark energy. Verlinde studied Stephen Hawking’s and Jacob Bekenstein’s framework for black hole entropy and came to the conclusion that these principles might explain an observation about the connection between the acceleration scale in galaxies and at the cosmological horizon.
“I immediately realized that this should have a connection with my ideas on emergent gravity and entropy and that this implied a relation between the observed phenomena associated to dark matter and the presence of dark energy,” he tells Inverse.
At its core, Verlinde’s theory hypothesizes that gravity is driven by the entanglement of entropy in a vacuum. “Just like the normal laws of thermodynamics can be understood from the statistical treatment of the microscopic molecules that make up matter, gravity can be derived from the microscopic ‘molecules’ that make up the space time,” he says.
Those molecules are bits of quantum information, or qubits. As qubits aggregate and move around, they become more and more entangled with one another. This disorder increases the entropy of the quantum state of spacetime.
“When one assumes that this entanglement entropy grows like the area, one can derive the Einstein equations,” says Verlinde. “My insight was that in a universe with a positive dark energy there is a contribution to the entanglement entropy that grows like the volume. This contribution changes the laws of gravity from the ones by Einstein at large scale and low acceleration and precisely gives rise to the phenomena currently contributed to dark matter.”
In other words: Gravity is the root cause and an emergent property of the universe’s expansion.
There’s reason to believe Verlinde might be on to something. His theory helps resolve some unknown questions in physics that dark matter hasn’t been able to answer yet. It helps reconcile quantum mechanics with gravity in one description, consenting the laws of thermodynamics with black holes.
That’s why there are physicists out there currently trying to run tests to see whether emergent gravity is real. Margo Brouwer at Leiden Observatory in the Netherlands and her team have worked to compare gravitational distribution predictions based on Verlinde’s theory with actual astronomy observations, and found that the data matched remarkably well with the predictions.
This is simply the first step, but it’s critical for turning Verlinde’s theory from a fringe idea into a serious field of research. A lot more work will need to be done to prove it, but if Verlinde is right, we’re not just looking for dark matter in the wrong way — we shouldn’t be looking for it at all.
Il y a bien un mystère qui se cache sous l'Antarctique, mais les nazis et les extraterrestres n'y sont pour rien
Il y a bien un mystère qui se cache sous l'Antarctique, mais les nazis et les extraterrestres n'y sont pour rien
Une vidéo vue de 3 millions de fois prétend que des bases militaires nazies et un monde paranormal seraient cachés sous les glaces. Son auteur serait-il complètement givré ?
La mer de Ross en Antarctique, le 12 novembre 2016. (MARK RALSTON/AP/SIPA / AP)
La chaîne YouTube conspirationniste Secureteam10 a publié le 27 décembre une vidéo prétendant qu'un objet massif était enterré sous les glaces de l'Antarctique. Elle suggère notamment que des bases nazies et un monde paranormal souterrain y seraient cachés. La vidéo a été visionnée plus de 3 millions de fois et a été relayée sur les sites internet de tabloïds anglo-saxons comme The Sun ou le New York Post. Franceinfo se penche sur cette démonstration, mais cette fois pour démêler le vrai du faux.
Ce qui est vrai : la découverte scientifique originelle
Oui, il y a bien eu des "anomalies" détectées en Antarctique. C’est en tout cas le constat d’une équipe de chercheurs dirigée par Ralph von Frese. Laquelle a observé des anomalies gravitationnelles mais aussi magnétiques dans la Terre de Wilkes, en Antarctique, et a publié plusieurs articles sur le sujet. Interrogé par franceinfo, le chercheur confirme que, selon lui, il s’agit d'"une des plus grandes anomalies de la planète". "Certaines personnes ont avancé qu’une activité volcanique aurait pu expliquer ces anomalies, raconte le chercheur. Mais il faut étudier la topographie (...) et la croûte à cet endroit se trouve être très fine ; une activité volcanique l’aurait rendue épaisse."
Selon lui, ces anomalies s’expliquent par l’impact d’une météorite géante, qui aurait provoqué l’apparition d’un énorme cratère, avec une remontée du manteau au centre et un épaississement anormal de la croûte sur les bords. "Ces anomalies sont très caractéristiques des réplétions que l’on observe sur Mars et sur la Lune", explique Ralph von Frese.
Cette interprétation est basée sur des données satellitaires, celles du programme Grace, lancé en 2002. Anthony Mémin, géodésien et géophysicien spécialiste de l’Antarctique, travaille depuis des années avecces données. Pour le scientifique, contacté par franceinfo, l'analyse de Ralph von Frese "semble tout à fait cohérente, c'est une explication qui se tient".
Mais cette théorie scientifique est-elle fidèlement rapportée dans la vidéo conspirationniste ? "La vidéo est assez exacte quant aux détails scientifiques de notre découverte d’un impact de météorite dans la Terre de Wilkes, estime von Frese. Ils soulignent ce que j’ai essayé de montrer". Même constat de la part d’Anthony Mémin pour qui "la première partie de la vidéo semble assez scientifiquement honnête".
Ce qui laisse planer le doute : un continent encore méconnu
A l’heure actuelle, l’existence du cratère est une interprétation, une déduction de données satellitaires. Si cratère il y a, il est enterré profondément sous la glace. Pour attester formellement de son existence, Ralph von Frese aimerait conduire une opération d’excavation, mais ce n’est pas pour demain : "L'effort déployé sur le terrain coûterait très cher", explique le chercheur, citant notamment les conditions de travail particulièrement rudes. "Tant qu'il n'y aura pas d'échantillonnage géologique, cela restera des théories, corrobore Anthony Mémin. L'Antarctique est un continent qui est tellement grand, avant d'en avoir fait le tour il va falloir quelques décennies."
La difficulté et la taille du terrain empêchent l'Antarctique de livrer tous ses secrets.Et quand on connaît peu de choses sur un sujet, notre imagination peut s’emballer. "Les pôles ont toujours beaucoup intrigué", confirme Frédérique Rémy, directeur de recherche au CNRS, spécialiste des zones polaires et auteur d’Histoire des pôles, mythes et réalités polaires au XVIIe et XVIIIe siècle (éd. Desjonquères). "Entre la boussole qui indique les pôles et les aurores boréales, on se disait autrefois qu'il s'y passait forcément quelque chose.""En Antarctique, on peut imaginer beaucoup de choses",analyse aussiAnthony Mémin.
Ce qui est faux : les théories complotistes et paranormales
Ralph von Frese se veut prudent quant à la partie finale de la vidéo, dans laquelle l'auteur suggère que des bases nazies et un monde paranormal seraient enterrés sous la glace : "Je ne peux pas commenter les affirmations militaires de cette vidéo, car je n’en sais rien." "La transition est tellement mal faite qu'on a l'impression que ce sont deux reportages différents", réagit de son côté Anthony Mémin. Effectivement, la greffe des théories conspirationnistes sur les travaux de Ralph von Frese paraît grossière.
"Si vous tapez 'Hitler' et 'Antarctique', c'est dément tout ce que vous allez trouver", souligne Frédérique Rémy. Des auteurs du mysticisme nazi ont en effet exploité le décor de l’Antarctique. Le diplomate chilien Miguel Serrano, figure de l'ésotérisme d’extrême droite, avance par exemple qu’Hitler aurait survécu et se serait réfugié dans la Terre de la Reine-Maud en Antarctique. Dans la vidéo de Secureteam10, le narrateur montre des photos de prétendues fentes dans la terre donnant sur un monde souterrain et de supposées bases nazies.
Capture d'écran de la vidéo secureteam10. (SCREEN GRAB)
Des photos qui sont loin de constituer des preuves tangibles. "En sciences, on ne montre jamais une photo comme ça sans donner une idée de l'échelle", décrypte Anthony Mémin. "Ça peut être aussi une photo d'une roche avec un trou."
L’auteur de la vidéo ne s’arrête pas seulement à la théorie du complot nazi, mais il saupoudre aussi le tout de paranormal. Il utilise notamment les propos de l’amiral Richard Byrd à son retour de l’opération Highjump, une expédition américaine lancée en 1946. "L'amiral Byrd est rentré de l'Antarctique et il était complètement fou", raconte Frédérique Rémy à franceinfo. "Il a dit qu'il avait vu des extra-terrestres."
A l’époque, la taille de cette expédition américaine, composée de plus de 4 000 hommes,a laissécertains penser que son but n’était pas uniquement scientifique. Il s'agissait, d'après l'auteur de la vidéo, vu leur nombre et leur équipement, de trouver une entrée vers un monde paranormal souterrain. "Ils sont effectivement partis comme pour faire la guerre, mais d'abord parce que c'est un milieu très dur, explique Frédérique Rémy. Il y a plein d'explorateurs qui sont morts là-bas. Par ailleurs, s'ils étaient si nombreux, c'est qu'on était à la fin de la guerre et qu'il fallait occuper les jeunes de retour."
Si autant de thèses farfelues s'agrègent en Antarctique, c’est aussi parce qu’"il y a pas mal de photos qui sont assez ambiguës", note Frédérique Rémy. Le soleil rasant peut causer des déformations optiques alors que la glace peut provoquer des mirages froids. Du pain béni pour les conspirationnistes ; l'Antarctique n'a pas fini de nourrir leurs théories les plus folles.
Silent triangle UFO observed low over California town
Silent triangle UFO observed low over California town
A California witness at Manteca reported watching a low flying, black triangle UFO crossing the sky silently, according to testimony in Case 81275 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The triangle UFO was seen over Manteca, CA, about 70 miles northeast of San Jose.
(Credit: Google)
The witness stepped into his backyard about 11:10 p.m. on December 31, 2016, to look for the New Year’s comet with a green laser pointer.
“Moon had already set,” the witness stated.“I just stopped playing with the laser and in the darkness and I noticed movement directly above me out of the corner of my eye.”
The witness first thought he was seeing a flock of geese flying in triangle shape.
The object was blocking out the sky behind it. Pictured: Manteca, CA.
(Credit: Google)
“It was very difficult to see; just triangle edges blocking out stars, and maybe not as dark as the sky behind it. It was completely silent, moving at a perfectly slow pace without a sound. I just kept moving.”
Still thinking it might be a flock of geese, the witness lit it up with a green laser.
“I was completely shocked when it bounced off the bottom of it – similar to how a laser reflects off a stop sign, but not as bright. I think I moved the laser around quickly like drawing in the sky to reveal the shape of the craft. It was a triangle – long angled front, and appeared to be a slightly curved back. I yelled for my wife to come out and look. She did, but didn’t have her glasses. I was still able to reflect the laser off the bottom and pointed it out to her as it disappeared behind the trees. I looked for several minutes just in case it would return. It did not. It moved behind the treeline.”
The object was silent and shaped like a triangle. Pictured: Manteca, CA.
(Credit: Google)
The witness indicated in the MUFON report that the object was under 500 feet.
Manteca is a city in San Joaquin County, California, population 71,948. California MUFON State Section Director Nancy Felipe is investigating. Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
“Alien: Covenant zal geheime missie van de Illuminati onthullen”
“Alien: Covenant zal geheime missie van de Illuminati onthullen”
De film Alien: Covenant zal de geheime missie van de Illuminati uit de doeken doen. Dat zegt althans de bekende complottheoreticus Alex Jones, schrijft AOL News.
De Illuminati is een geheim genootschap dat het menselijk ras tot slaaf zou willen maken.
Jones, presentator van The Alex Jones Show en eigenaar van de website, staat bekend om zijn radicale theorieën.
Nieuwe Wereldorde
In een nieuwe video geeft hij tekst en uitleg over zijn complottheorie over Alien: Covenant.
Volgens Jones opereren de ‘globalisten’ vanuit de Illuminati en werken ze aan een Nieuwe Wereldorde die over alle mensen zal heersen, weet mediabedrijf Vocativ.
De Illuminati bestaat uit wereldleiders, zakenmagnaten, kunstenaars en andere invloedrijke mensen.
In zijn video legt Jones uit dat de globalisten die deze planeet besturen geloven in directed panspermia, de theorie dat organismen naar aarde zijn gebracht door een buitenaards ras.
Hij legt uit dat de Illuminati geïnspireerd is geraakt door dat ras en de menselijke evolutie probeert over te nemen.
“Ze veranderen de hele planeet in een petrischaaltje, waarin ze experimenteren op de bevolking en een superras creëren,” zei Jones.
Hoe sluit dit aan op een film van Ridley Scott? Volgens Jones onthult de regisseur de strategie van de globalisten.
“Ridley Scott gaf toe dat het schip een wapen was en biomechanische wezens aan boord had die door een hoogontwikkeld ras werden gebruikt voor een oorlog,” aldus Jones.
“Dit is precies waar de globalisten naar verluidt aan werken,” voegde hij toe. “De Alien-films onthullen de methode die ze gebruiken.”
In Alien: Covenant verkennen mensen een planeet die op het eerste oog aandoet als een paradijs.
Niets is wat het lijkt: Jones claimt dat het ‘een reusachtige reageerbuis is waarin van planten en dieren bizarre nieuwe vormen worden gemaakt – een religieus experiment van de Anunnaki’.
Complottheoretici menen dat de Anunnaki in werkelijkheid aliens waren die op Nibiru of Planeet X leefden en het mensenras hebben gemaakt, schrijft Vocativ.
De manier waarop het buitenaardse ras in Alien: Covenant nieuwe organismen creëert lijkt volgens Jones erg op de biotechnologie waarmee globalisten op aarde genetisch gemodificeerde organismen (ggo’s) maken.
“We worden opgeofferd in dit enorme experiment,” zei hij.
“Er zijn de afgelopen 20 jaar duizenden studies gedaan waaruit blijkt dat ggo-gewassen en ggo-vaccins doelbewust ons DNA veranderen en ons muteren,” voegde hij toe.
In december 2015 was Donald Trump te gast in zijn show. De aankomend president zei: “Je reputatie is geweldig. Ik zal je niet teleurstellen.”
Zowel Clinton als Obama noemden Jones tijdens campagnetoespraken. De huidige president van Amerika vertelde aan het publiek dat hij geen demon is, zoals Jones had gesuggereerd.
Groundbreaking UFO Video Just Released from Chilean Navy
Groundbreaking UFO Video Just Released from Chilean Navy
An exceptional nine-minute Navy video of a UFO displaying highly unusual behavior, studied by Chilean authorities for the last two years, is now being released to the public. The CEFAA - the Chilean government agency which investigates UFOs, or UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena), has been in charge of the investigation. Located within the DGAC, the equivalent of our FAA but under the jurisdiction of the Chilean Air Force, CEFAA has committees of military experts, technicians and academics from many disciplines. None of them have been able to explain the strange flying object captured by two experienced Navy officers from a helicopter.
The Chilean government agency always makes its cases public when an investigation is complete, and acknowledges the existence of UAP when a case merits such a conclusion.
General Ricardo Bermúdez, Director of CEFAA during the investigation, told me that “We do not know what it was, but we do know what it was not.” And “what it is not” comprises a long list of conventional explanations. Here is what happened:
On November 11th, 2014, a Chilean Navy helicopter (Airbus Cougar AS-532) was on a routine daytime patrol mission flying north along the coast, west of Santiago. On board were the pilot, a Navy Captain with many years of flying experience, and a Navy technician who was testing a WESCAM’s MX-15 HD Forward Looking Infra Red (FLIR) camera, used most often for “medium-altitude covert intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance,” according to the product website. The aircraft was flying at an altitude of approximately 4,500 feet on a clear afternoon with unlimited horizontal visibility, and the air temperature at that height was 50 degrees F (10 C). There was a cloud base above at 10,000 feet, and a layer of stratuscumulos clouds below. The helicopter was flying at about 132 knots, or 152 mph.
A Chilean Navy AS 532SC Cougar helicopter in Mejillones, Chile.
At 1:52 pm, while filming the terrain, the technician observed a strange object flying to the left over the ocean. Soon both men observed it with the naked eye. They noticed that the velocity and the altitude of the object appeared to be about the same as the helicopter, and estimated that the object was approximately 35 to 40 miles (55-65 km) away. It was traveling W/NW, according to the Captain. The technician aimed the camera at the object immediately and zoomed in with the infra red (IR) for better clarity.
The route of the helicopter derived from the displayed geographic coordinates displayed on the camera.
Shortly thereafter, the pilot contacted two radar stations - one close by on the coast, and the other the main DGAC Control system (Ground Primary Radar) in Santiago - to report the unknown traffic. Neither station could detect it on radar, although both easily picked up the helicopter. (The object was well within the range of radar detection.) Air traffic controllers confirmed that no traffic, either civilian or military, had been reported in the area, and that no aircraft had been authorized to fly in the controlled air space where the object was located. The on-board radar was also unable to detect the object and the camera’s radar could not lock onto it.
The pilot tried several times to communicate with the UAP, using the multi-national, civilian bandwidth designed for this purpose. He received no reply.
The technician filmed the object for nine minutes and twelve seconds, mainly in IR. This sensor produces a black and white video in which the black, white and grey tones are directly related to temperature. IR detects heat, and the hotter the material being filmed, the darker it appears on the image. The officers stopped the camera when they had to return to the base and the object disappeared behind the clouds.
The Navy immediately turned over the footage to the CEFAA, and General Bermúdez, accompanied by nuclear chemist Mario Avila, a CEFAA scientific committee member, conducted interviews with the two officers at their Navy base. “I was very impressed by these witnesses,” Avila told me. “They were highly trained professionals with many years experience, and they were absolutely certain that they could not explain what they saw.” Both offiicers also provided written reports at the base, as is required, and for CEFAA.
The Navy Captain stated that the object was a “flat, elongated structure” with “two thermal spotlights like discharges that did not coincide with the axel of motion.” The technician described it as as “white with a semi-oval shape on the horizontal axis.”
The video depicts two connected white circular lights or hot spots, giving off much heat (left). This image was part of an analysis by astrophysicist Luis Barrera. “Envoltura” means “envelope.”
But there is one additional component that makes this footage particularly unique: “In two instances it discharged some type of gas or liquid with a high thermal track or signal,” the technician stated. After filming for about eight minutes, the stunning ejection of a massive plume of a very hot material is captured on the video, trailing behind the object. (The plume blended into the clouds when seen in HD.) Another ejection occurred moments later. It is indeed bizarre to watch this on the video.
The object moved away from the massize plume it ejected just moments earlier.
Following are the three key video excerpts in chronological order; later I include the full ten minute video. Note that at times the camera switches from IR to HD mode. I recommend watching these silent video clips on a large monitor.
The first one shows the object in motion. The camera captured this for about eight minutes prior to the spectacular display in the next video. (Click “back to youtube video” at the end to prevent a new unrelated video from starting.)
This clip shows the first expulsion of the hot material from the object and the object’s movement away from the plume:
The second expulsion occurred at the end of the video:
During the following two years, at least eight somewhat contentious meetings were held with members of the baffled CEFAA scientific committee, some of which included the active Air Force General who directs the DGAC. According to CEFAA international affairs director Jose Lay, the general tone of the meetings was astonishment: “What the hell is that?” No agreement could be reached to explain the video - theories that were proposed were ruled out by the data.
A rather somber meeting of the CEFAA scientific and military committee to discuss the Navy video. The DGAC Director presided (with his back to the camera).
Written reports or video analyses were provided by the well-known astrophysicist Luis Barrera; an image expert from the Air Force photogrammetric service; photo and video analyst Francois Louange and colleagues from France, arranged through the French agency GEIPAN; Luis Salazar, Chilean Air Force meteorologist; a DGAC aeronautic engineer; a digital images specialist from the National Museum of Aeronautics and Space in Santiago; and Mario Avila, a nuclear chemist. All radar, satellite weather data, and details of air traffic in that sector at that time were provided.
DGAC’s Director, Air Force General Victor Villalobos, attended two committee meetings on the case.
The French analysts proposed that the object was a “medium-haul aircraft” coming in for a landing into the Santiago airport, and “the effluent trail observed on two occasions probably results from dumping some cabin waste water, forming a plume oriented along the local wind blowing from the west.” They based this on their calculation that the distance between the two hot spots was “consistent with the standard distance between the two jet engines of a medium-haul aircraft.”
Chilean experts knew that this would have been impossible, for a number of reasons: This plane would have been seen on primary radar; it would have had to be cleared for landing in Santiago or at another airport; it would likely have responded to radio communications. Airplanes do not throw out water when landing. In fact, in Chile a plane wishing to eject any material must request permission from the DGAC before doing so; that regulation is widely known and respected. And, it seems unlikely that this experienced pilot would not have recognized this as an airplane, or at least kept that option open afterwards if it were a possibility.
In fact, if - hypothetically - water was expelled, it would have immediately plummeted to the ground given the warm air temperature. According to NASA, “Contrails are human-induced clouds that usually form at very high altitudes (usually above 8 km - about 26,000 ft) where the air is extremely cold (less than -40ºC). Because of this, contrails form not when an airplane is taking off or landing, but while it is at cruise altitude.” The plume ejected from the object must have been some kind of gas or energy, and was not something tangible like water.
The French calculations confirmed that the UAP’s altitude was the same as the helicopter’s, and that “the helicopter’s velocity along its linear trajectory was constant (120 kt),” just as the witnesses had stated. In addition, Louange and his colleagues determined that the average distance between the helicopter and the object was “almost exactly the estimated value reported by the Navy (55 km).” Clearly the two witnesses were competent and accurate observers.
Data from the various reports eliminate other conventional explanations. Meteorologists determined that no weather balloons were in the sky at that time, and noted that a ballon would not move horizontally along with the plane because the wind was blowing from the west towards the shore. Comparing the footage to similar IR satellite imagery with known temperature values, they stated that the object’s temperature must have been higher than 122 degrees F (50 C). The object was not a drone; all drones require registration with the DGAC and whenever flown, the DGAC is informed, just like it is with aircraft. Also, radar would register drones. CEFAA staff went up the chain of command to a Navy Admiral who informed them that there were no joint Naval exercises underway with the US or any other country. The Admiral confirmed that this could not have been a US drone, or any type of espionage or secret vehicle from a foreign country.
Astrophysicist Barrera explored the possibility of space junk re-entry - especially Russian - which somehow may have broken and released compressed gases at this low altitude. It was confirmed that no space debris entered the atmosphere on that date in that location, and in any case, such an object would have fallen rapidly and not flown horitzontally. Two independent experts on explosives told CEFAA staff that in such a scenario, the rounded vehicle would explode in the air due to the high internal pressure, and that the gas would catch fire in a flash. And any such re-entries would have been communicated to the Chilean government so that aircraft can be warned, as is the protocol.
Barrera also noted that when the first ejection event occurred, the material came out from two different parts of the object and then joined in space making one wake. The first was massive and dark in the IR (meaning very hot); the second lighter and semi-transparent.
Air Force photo analysts confrmed that the object was a real, three dimensional form with volume and that it “has control in its movements.” It was not affected by the winds, reflected the light, and threw out “some kind of energy.” They established that there was no evidence of hoaxing or of “alteration of the video by any computer application in the editing and processing of the images.” They also ruled out a bird, flying insect, drone, parachute or hang glider. “It can be concluded that the object has all the characteristics to be classified as an unidentified aerial phenomenon” wrote Alberto Vergara, the lead analyst from the Air Force Photogrammetric Department.
It is unclear how much of the apparent horizontal motion of the object may be the clouds moving or the relative motion of the camera on the helicopter, but the witnesses reported that the object kept pace with the chopper and the French analysts confirmed this. Also noteworthy is the fact that when in HD mode, the large plume looked like part of the cloud and would never be noticed as anything unusual by an observer. Without the IR camera, it would have been difficult to see the white object against the sky and impossible to capture this remarkable footage. It makes one wonder what kind of actiivites may take place within clouds that are unknown to us.
Here is the full ten minute video of the sighting:
“This has been one of the most important cases in my career as director of CEFAA because our Committee was at its best, “ General Bermúdez said in an email. “The CEFAA is well regarded partly because there is full participation from the scientists of the academic world, the armed forces through their representatives, and the aeronautic personnel from the DGAC, including its Director. I am extremely pleased as well with the conclusion reached which is logical and unpretentious.” The official conclusion was that “the great majority of committee members agreed to call the subject in question a UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) due to the number of highly researched reasons that it was unanimously agreed could not explain it.”
This case represents one of the most puzzling and fascinating of all cases in the CEFAA files, according to Jose Lay. “It is our first video taken with a sophisticated camera in the infra red; the first time we have ever seen the ejection of a substance from a UAP; the first time we have a sighting lasting over nine minutes with two highly reliable witnesses,” he said when we spoke.
General Ricardo Bermúdez has directed the CEFAA since its inception in 1997. He retired on Jan. 1, 2017, but will remain an advisor to the agency.
The CEFAA has been a world leader in official and open investigations of UFOs. I have been priviledged to work closely with the staff there for about five years, learning a great deal. At the end of December, General Bermúdez retired, and although he remains an external advisor to the agency, Lay has assumed the duty of interim director until another General is appointed by the DGAC. I am grateful to General Bermúdez for giving me access to the outstanding CEFAA case files, inviting me to attend meetings there, and for his time in answering my questions. He has left a tremendous legacy with regards to the serious study of UAP and the official recognition of a real unexplained phenomenon in our skies.
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For many, UFOs are the stuff of sci-fi movies that belong in the same category of little green men and alien abductions - but one Orange County nonprofit begs to differ. (KABC)
For many, UFOs are the stuff of science fiction movies that belong in the same category of little green men and alien abductions - but one Orange County nonprofit begs to differ.
Jan Harzan, the executive director of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) in Newport Beach, believes that we are definitely not alone in the universe.
"UFOs are real. These are structured, highly technological, structured devices flying in and about our planet under obvious intelligent control that's not us," Harzan said.
Harzan has spent most of his life researching UFOs along with field investigators and a research team.
MUFON looks into the reports that come in daily.
"Could it possibly have been an aircraft? A satellite? The space station?" Harzan said.
The organization has investigated more than 7,000 cases in the past year. It considers a small percentage of those cases hoaxes, and about 30 percent are classified as UFOs.
According to Harzan, a man who has worked as a contractor for the Department of Defense says he and his friends spotted a UFO in 2013 during a hunting trip in Canada.
"The very first thing that was intense was just how bright this thing was," said the man, whose identity was not revealed.
Harzan considers this case, which was reported in 2016, as one of the most compelling pieces of evidence.
Despite the many skeptics who believe UFOs only belong in Hollywood, Harzan believes his research can lead to huge advancements in technology.
"Number one, we can move instantaneously anywhere on the planet, we wouldn't need to be sitting on airplanes," he said. "What about moving off planet and going to the moon or going to Mars?"
The search for extraterrestrial intelligent life in the universe may sound like science fiction to some, but it’s been a legitimate and active part of astronomy research for decades. Now, some researchers want to take the next step, from looking for signs of life to sending out signals and telling any aliens out there: “Hey, we’re down here!”
This idea has drawn criticism from the likes of Stephen Hawking and launched a debate that will come to a head this year as a young organization rolls out its plan to craft a message to blast out to potential aliens some time in 2018. METI International, launched in 2015, is a nonprofit research group that plans to start messaging by the end of next year. Their name means “messaging extraterrestrial intelligence” (a play on SETI, the “search for extraterrestrial intelligence”).
“One of the big questions has been: is this dangerous, to be transmitting to extraterrestrials?” said Douglas Vakoch, the president of METI International. “Maybe they’re having a bad millennium and they’re feeling malevolent. But if that’s the case, they can come anyway.”
The main criticism that arises is how little we know about any potential life forms out there, and if they’re unfriendly, alerting them to our existence could be fatal. They might decide to attack our planet for resources, or eliminate our entire species just for fun. Or, if they’re like the heptapods in Arrival, just trying to help unite us.
“We have almost zero idea of whether aliens are likely to be dangerous,” wrote Mark Buchanan, a physicist, in an issue of Nature Physics last summer. “The single history of evolving biological life that we know of — here on Earth — carries a strong theme of violent conflict, perpetual battle for resources and the oppression of weaker groups by stronger ones.”
We’re not exactly an optimistic case study. But those in favor of reaching out, like Vakoch, believe if these unfriendly life forms are out there, and have the scientific advancement to travel to us, they would have already been able to find us: the Earth has been leaking radio waves for decades, which have reached the nearest 7,000 stars.
Vakoch has a PhD in psychology but has been grappling with the question of whether to try to communicate with intelligent life in the universe—and what to say if we do—since the late 90s with the SETI Institute. He told me part of the METI mission is to test out a challenge to the Fermi paradox—which questions why, if the universe is theoretically teeming with life, we still haven’t met any aliens.
One theory is that intelligent alien life surrounds us, but is keeping itself hidden from us plebeian life forms. The only way to get their attention would be to reach out first. (Fellow Star Trek fans will recognize this theory as fitting in nicely with the Prime Directive.)
It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve deliberately sent messages into space: NASA has done it, with its golden record on Voyager, plaques on Pioneer 10 & 11, and (for some reason) a Beatles song it beamed out in 2008. But the difference is that these messages were tangential to the real mission: great, if some aliens stumble across them, but they were not directed at a planet where we think life might exist. METI, by contrast, would be very deliberately sending messages to specific locations, such as Proxima B, an Earthlike planet in the habitable zone near our closest neighbor, Proxima Centauri. That message could travel to Proxima B in just over four years, meaning we could have a response (if there is indeed intelligent life there) just over eight years after sending the message.
But if you’re still siding with Stephen Hawking with this one and are worried it’s too risky, don’t panic yet. Vakoch told me METI will be hosting three important meetings this year to continue this debate. One meeting, in St. Louis in May, will specifically consider the potential risks and benefits of alerting other possible life forms to our existence, and may in fact convince the group to hold off on sending out messages.
“That’s possible,” Vakoch said. “We want to hear from people who do have concerns and we want to look for a method that will let us find common ground.”
And even if METI goes forward with its plan to send out a message in 2018, it will need either the permission of one of Earth’s existing large radio telescopes, or enough funding to build their own, so there’s no guarantee either will happen.
Whatever side of the debate you fall on, it’s pretty fascinating to see the different arguments unfold. The possibility of intelligent life in the universe is so real, it’s causing some of our greatest scientists to freak out over whether or not we want to find it.
A policeman has broken his silence about an encounter with a flying saucer where he claims he could ‘clearly see’ aliens in the cockpit – after 70 years of silence.
Neil John McIntyre worked as a policeman in Shepparton, northern Victoria, Australia – but says he had his close encounter aged 12, in 1947, at around the same time as the Roswell incident.
He and his friend Max – now deceased – both saw the aliens for ‘four or five minutes’, he told local paper the Shepparton News – but swore not to speak of it, as Max had a promising boxing career and didn’t want to be associated with UFOs.
He’s even drawn chilling pictures of the strange beings he saw inside the craft, which he claims was hovering near a lamppost, ‘sucking power’ out of it.
McIntyre told local newspaper Shepparton News, ‘It was a Sunday, and it was a cold, dark night.
‘It was a bit smaller than a Melbourne tram, it was similar to flying saucers seen around the world.
‘You could clearly see two guys (in the craft) that we called aliens in the front cockpit.’’
‘Their hands were not in my view, but I got the impression they were controlling some sort of instrument It might have been extracting power from the lamp post.’’
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Russian Cosmonauts and Their Sightings of UFOs and Other Strange Phenomena
by Paul Stonehill
Soviet, and later, Russian cosmonauts have observed interesting , unusual, and often inexplicable phenomena while in space. Some of them have talked about their experiences, although doing so is not encouraged by their space program. A cosmonaut is a person trained by a human spaceflight program to command, pilot, or serve as a crew member of a spacecraft; cosmonauts are professional space travelers.
Cosmonaut Vladimir Lyakhov once remarked about a very unusual phenomenon he observed from his spaceship looking down on Earth: two gigantic waves ascended from the waters of the Indian Ocean, and crashed onto each other. The mass of water resulting from the crash seemed to be a giant mountain that had vanished in an instant (published in Tekhnika-Molodezhi,Issue 3, 1980). Cosmonaut Vladimir Kovalyonok reported a very similar water pillar of over 100 kilometers in height in the Timor Sea near Australia (NLO magazine, 10/11, 1996). In an article published in Tekhnika-Molodezhi(Issue 3) back in 1979, cosmonaut and scientist Yevgeny Khrunov, remarked that UFOs cannot be denied, as thousands of people have observed them. Properties of unidentified objects simply astound the imagination. He was outspoken in another interview, a year later. It was in the pre-perestroika times, and Khrunov could not speak freely. Cosmonaut Aleksei Gubarev went a step further: he admitted that he believed in aliens. Interestingly enough, he mentioned the information that the Americans had at their disposal, information that confirmed his belief (Tekhnika-Molodezhi,Issue 1, 1980). Cosmonaut Valery Rozhdestvensky, a cosmonaut who does not believe in the presence of extraterrestrial civilization anywhere in the close vicinity to us, at the same time revealed knowledge about secret rumors or information that those outside of special circles (the Soviet space program and their military) could not know. In the article in Tekhnika-Molodezhi (Issue 10, 1980) he stated that he did not believe that a “smallgreen man” actually knocked on the porthole of a Soyuz spaceship.
Russian UFO researchers managed to collect more information about cosmonauts and strange phenomena. An article published in Spektra newspaper (Issue 8, Leningrad, 1992, after the demise of the Soviet Union) lists several incidents. In 1976, Cosmonaut Vladimir Kubasov told a reporter that he and others had numerous facts that prove the existence of UFOs. This was the year of the famous Teheran UFO incident. In 1978, Vladimir Kovalyonok observed a strange object on August 15 from the Salyut-6 space station: it approached and distanced itself repeatedly. Cosmonauts Valery Ryumin and Leonid Popov, while aboard the same station in 1980 (from June 14 to 15) had observed a school of white glowing dots that took-off in the area of Moscow, and flew into space above their station. They reported it to the ground control.
An interesting sighting took place on September 2, 1978. Soviet cosmonauts Kovalyonok and Ivanchenkov observed the shadow of Salyut-6 orbital station over the clouds. The shadow had very strange orange-reddish color. What’s more amazing, it changed its size. Earlier that year, on August 25, both cosmonauts observed iridescent clouds: green, purple, reddish, blue, and even violet. Other Soviet cosmonauts (V. Sevastyanov, P. Klimuk) had reported silvery clouds. Their origin remains unexplained. Sevastyanov was mesmerized by their dull, occasionally pearly-white, cold, glitter. The structure of such clouds was either very thin (or bright) on the edges of the pitch-dark sky, or porous, resembling a swan’s wing.
These clouds are said to be a magic spectacle. Russian astronomer Vitold Tsesarsky first reported them in 1885. The clouds are the highest in the Earth’s atmosphere, located at the altitude of 70-90 kilometers. They consist of diffused particles, its nature still unclear.
Colonel Yury Nazarov, former deputy commander of the Soviet Space Mission Control Center, recalled that on August 29, 1978, cosmonauts Kovalyonok and Ivanchenkov (mentioned earlier) , and the newly arrived cosmonaut Bykovsky and East German cosmonaut Sigmund Jähn had observed an unidentified large-sized spherical object that flew around Salyut-6. After the cosmonauts returned to Earth, Soviet UFO researcher Vladimir Ajaja approached Bykovsky, to get some explanations, but the cosmonaut only admitted that they did observe something inexplicable from aboard the Salyut. The source is V. Ajaja’s booklet Znakomtes’, NLO (1990).
Cosmonaut Georgy Grechko reported seeing a strange being of gigantic dimensions over Mongolia. Georgy Grechko and Yuri Romanenko had also reported to the Tsentr (Soviet Space Mission Control Center) that while in their orbital station over the Falkland Islands they had actually observed huge letters. The photograph they took was delivered to Earth by visiting cosmonauts Dzhanibekov and Makarov.
Cosmonaut Vladislav Volkov, who perished in 1971, recalled the inexplicable noises he had heard in space, in his headset intercom: Sounds of dogs barking and babies crying. The Earth was below, and he was in orbit, yet he heard strange noises.
To his death Volkov was not able to explain it.
Cosmonauts Gagarin and Leonov heard music that the former described as “not of this Earth.” Not everything could be explained by sensory depravation. Nor did everyone involved attempt to seek explanations (NLO, 1999).
Cosmonaut Yury Malyshev said that when it comes to UFOs, no one in the world, probably, can say what they are. It is impossible to refute similar phenomena, for there were thousands, or tens of thousands of people who have witnessed them. But the physical nature of the (UFO-P.S.) phenomenon remains indeterminate (Tekhnika-Molodezhi, Issue 11, 1981). Earlier that year, Cosmonaut Vladimir Aksyonov was more cautious. He said that cosmonauts often observe peculiar light phenomena as of yet inexplicable in nature. The contemporary stage of research of the phenomena is similar to the early establishment of such sciences, as zoology and botany, when the naturalists simply described unknown species of animals and plants (Tekhnika-Molodezhi, Issue 1, 1981)
In the year 1982, on July 12, Soviet cosmonauts Georgy Beregovoy and Valentin Lebedev were able to observe an unusual drop-shaped object on the monitor’s screen of the Salyut-7. It flew, ascending, between the orbital space station and Progressor-14 craft. The object, at the distance of 200 meters, could have been the size of a spaceship. The cosmonauts reported their sighting to the Tsentr. This information comes from the books authored by Gherman Kolchin, former Soviet colonel and UFO phenomenon researcher. The author also recalled speaking with Cosmonaut Pyotr Klimuk in April of 1989, who confirmed he does not refute the existence of UFOs (Fenomenon NLO: vzglyad iz Rossii, Kolchin’s book published in St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1994).
An interesting interview was published in Sputnik magazine. The subject of the article was perception of UFOs by cosmonauts and astronauts. It contained stories told by ten Soviet and American space explorers. Only one did not refute the possibility of UFOs coming to our galaxy. Yevgeny Khrunov actually mentioned that it is not possible to deny their (UFOs) presence in our galaxy. Thousands of people have observed them. Maybe they are but optical illusions, but some of their characteristics, for instance the change of their flight course at 90 degrees, boggle imagination.
Cosmonaut Gennady Strekalov mentioned that he saw strange phenomena several times, but is hesitant to classify what he saw as UFOs. But his colleagues did see “flying saucers,” and he envies them. Strekalov did not provide details about their sightings. He described the phenomenon he observed in 1990, on September 28, during his sojourn on the space station MIR: a sphere over the Newfoundland (at the altitude of 20-30 kilometers). The source is Rabochaya Tribuna newspaper, October 16, 1990 issue. The atmosphere was clear and visibility was perfect. The sphere was beautiful, and changed colors. It remained visible for ten seconds, and vanished instantly. Strekalov remembers that it had a perfect shape. He reported the incident to the Mission Control Center, but did not classify it as a UFO explaining that cosmonauts must be cautious. Cosmonaut Gennady Manakov was with Strekalov aboard the MIR space station station, and observed the same phenomenon.
In 1984, the crew aboard the Soviet orbital station Salyut-7 consisted of six cosmonauts: Leonid Kizil, Oleg At’kov, Vladimir Solovyew, Svetlana Savitskaya, Igor Volk, and Vladimir Dzhanibekov.
On the 155th day of the station’s flight, the crew was busy with planned experiments, tests, and scientific observations. They were about to start medical experiments. All of them were experienced, skilled cosmonauts. Then, something that was out of their experience, knowledge, and understanding occurred. In front of the Salyut- 7 station, out of nowhere, a large, orange, gas cloud suddenly appeared, its origin unknown. The cosmonauts immediately informed the Tsentrupravleniya poletom (Soviet Space Mission Control Center). While the astonished Tsentr analyzed the report, Salyut-7 entered the cloud. The crew had a brief impression that the orange cloud entered their station.
They were all engulfed by the mysterious orange glow, blinded, out of contact with their comrades. But their sight, however, was restored quickly. The cosmonauts stumbled to the station’s portholes. What they saw left them speechless: seven gigantic shapes could be easily discerned inside the orange cloud. Their political ideals, their faith in Marxist-Leninist postulates were gone in a flash. None doubted their eyes. None questioned the shapes: seven heavenly angels. The angels looked like humans, and yet they were different. Yes, the angels possessed huge wings, and blinding halos. The main difference, however, lay in the angels’ smiles. When they gazed upon the Soviet crew, they smiled. The Soviet cosmonauts recalled what wonderful smiles the angels had. Smiles of joy, of rapture…no human could smile like that. Ten minutes passed quickly. As the clock ticked away the time, the angels disappeared, along with their cloud. The crew of Salyut-7 felt a devastating loss. But Earth was demanding explanation. When the Tsentr received the report, it was immediately classified as “top secret.” A special team of doctors was formed to study cosmonauts’ well-being. Hence, instead of carrying out further experiments in space, the crew was ordered to measure its own physical and mental health. The tests indicated that the cosmonauts were well and of sound mind.
In view of the dominant ideology, the incident, quite embarrassing to the Soviet regime, was hushed up for years. The popular Russian NLO magazine (Issue 9, 1998) carried one account of the incident. The incident took place before the perestroika period, and in order to create unnecessary furor, the Politburo made sure that the report remained secret. The crew of the Salyut-7 was warned to keep silent. No angels could exist inside or outside the Soviet Union.
There are still episodes of the Soviet space exploration that are not widely discussed in Russia. Such are the accounts of the so-called “space whisper.” One former cosmonaut known only as, Cosmonaut X, revealed some information, but demanded that his name remain anonymous. He recalled that Soviet cosmonauts heard hushed up rumors about the “whisper,” but did not share definite information among themselves, nor did they report anything to the doctors. They were afraid that the latter would remove them from the space program. Cosmonaut X and his colleague believed the rumors to be a legend created by the first team of Soviet cosmonauts, to scare the greenhorns. He was wrong.
They were aboard a Soviet spacecraft, flying over the Southern hemisphere, when the “whisper” came to them. The narrator said that he suddenly felt as if someone else was next to them. He felt that some invisible being stared into his back; and it was a hard gaze. The cosmonaut had no doubt he was being observed. A second later his comrade, the flight engineer, who was looking into the porthole, sharply turned around and looked about him. Both were quite ordinary people, far removed from any mystical beliefs. But they were good friends, and knew each other long before the Star City training. They were not afraid to compare their impressions after the episode. They received different “texts,” but their initial reaction to the “whisper” was identical: both became mute and dumbfounded. The “whisper” came from the depths of Cosmonaut X’s consciousness and said: “You arrived here too early, and you did it in a wrong fashion. Trust me, for I am your ancestor on the maternal side. Do you remember, she told you; back when you were a child, about your great-grandfather, who had founded the D-s factory in the Urals? Sonny, you should not be here, go back to Earth, do not violate the Laws of the Creator…Sonny, you must return, return, return…”
The “whisper” also told the cosmonaut a very private story, as if to prove knowledge that existed only inside the family; it concerned the cosmonaut’s great-grandfather.
Both cosmonauts were back on Earth two days later. The “whisper” came back to them one more time; the “texts” of what it said were the same as the first time; and both felt the alien presence throughout their time in orbit.
The cosmonauts faced a dilemma: to report the incident or not. If they did, their careers could end immediately. They could be considered impressionable people, their psyche too unstable for further flights into space. Other cosmonauts kept somewhat silent about the “whisper,” at least nothing was reported to their superiors.
Cosmonaut X and his colleague spent endless hours trying to determine what it was that they had experienced. They were atheists, and both liked science fiction. This led them to a conclusion that alien intelligence, using some king of hypnosis, is determined to prevent the mankind from exploring the outer space. To convince the mankind that its sons and daughters in outer space are not experiencing hallucinations, hard facts are presented, facts picked up from probing human brains, memories and subconscious. How long have “they” researched our civilization? Perhaps for thousands of years.
But are the aliens so naïve as not to understand that we would see their ploy? Then, if it was not an alien “whisper”… whose would it be? Did the departed relatives truly visit Soviet crews in space? This conclusion shattered the cosmonauts’ convictions, their atheism, and their view of the world. Does it mean that there is life after death, and that the consciousness (not the physical body) continues to exist on other stages of existence? There must be a hierarchy to such stages, and on the top of the hierarchy would be the Creator, as the great-grandfather had informed the cosmonaut.
Their sense of duty told both cosmonauts that a report had to be made. They did not listen to that sense. But some other cosmonauts, who had heard the “whisper,” did make reports. As a result, special medical teams were introduced into the training program, top-rated medical hypnotists began to explore cosmonauts’ psyches, and the whole fight-training program underwent changes.
Cosmonaut X, who has since retired, does not know how the “whisper” is treated nowadays, and what conclusions Russian scientists have come to (the report was published in Press-Extra newspaper, Issue 135, 1997). He did say that his whole outlook on life had changed. The outer space is full of intelligence, and is much more complicated than we imagine it to be. Our present knowledge does not allow us to understand the essence of most processes taking place in the Universe. Our abilities are still quite limited. But for those who had heard the “whisper” one thing is clear: the future exists, and it is endless, just as time and space are endless.
Who knows what awaits the humans in our exploration of the outer space? We have not wandered far from the embrace of our planets, but have already encountered wonders we are not able, as yet, to explain…
About the Author
Paul Stonehill is a researcher, author and lecturer. He is author of numerous articles for UFO-related and paranormal magazines, as well as of several books about Soviet and Russian UFOs; some of them co-authored with British UFO researcher and writer Philip Mantle.
Paul Stonehill is fluent in Russian, and knows Ukrainian.
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VIDEO: Deze gigantische steencirkel stelt archeologen voor een raadsel
VIDEO: Deze gigantische steencirkel stelt archeologen voor een raadsel
Tegen het einde van de Arabisch-Israëlische Oorlog werd op luchtfoto’s een enorme steencirkel ontdekt op de Golanhoogten.
De plek wordt in het Hebreeuws Gilgal Refaim (Wiel van Reuzen) genoemd, omdat volgens de Tenach het oervolk van de Golan een ras van reuzen was. Zij werden Rephaites genoemd.
Nergens in de literatuur werd verwezen naar dit mysterieuze bouwsel. Experts droegen allerlei verschillende theorieën aan.
Sommigen denken dat het een ceremonieel centrum was, terwijl anderen van mening zijn dat het voor defensieve doeleinden werd gebruikt.
Er zijn ook mensen die geloven dat het door reuzen is gebouwd en ook voor hen bedoeld was, desnoods als graf.
Er is bovendien een publiek voor de opvatting dat het is gebouwd door buitenaardse wezens of door een soort hogere machten.
“Wat echt verrassend is, is de perfectie van de cirkels,” zegt schrijver Adrian Gilbert in het tv-programma What On Earth?
Enorme stenen
Het bouwwerk heeft een doorsnee van maar liefst 155 meter.
Experts hebben geen idee door wie en waarom de steencirkel is gemaakt. “Dit is niet gebouwd door primitieve mensen,” aldus Gilbert.
“Ze hebben alles nauwkeurig uitgemeten en vervolgens enorme stenen gebruikt om het bouwwerk te maken,” voegde hij toe.
Astronomische waarnemingen
Sommige archeologen zien overeenkomsten met andere oude bouwwerken die werden gebruikt om astronomische waarnemingen te doen.
Zo zijn er twee stenen in het oostelijke deel van de steencirkel die de dagen van de equinoxen markeren.
Er is een verband tussen de manier waarop de cirkel is aangelegd en hemellichamen die belangrijk waren voor de bouwers.
Complottheoreticus claimt dat mysterieuze planeet Nibiru in 2017 op de aarde afkomt
Complottheoreticus claimt dat mysterieuze planeet Nibiru in 2017 op de aarde afkomt
Hoewel we het jaar 2016 zonder kleerscheuren zijn doorgekomen, staat volgens een boek de apocalyps voor de deur. Dat schrijft de Britse Daily Mail.
David Meade, auteur van het boek Planet X – The 2017 Arrival, claimt dat een ster met zeven planeten op ramkoers met ons zonnestelsel ligt.
De ster zou kleiner zijn dan onze zon en sommige van de planeten groter dan onze eigen aarde.
Meade zegt dat één van de zeven planeten die rond de ster ‘Nemesis’ draaien de beruchte planeet ‘Nibiru’ is. Soms wordt naar deze planeet verwezen als ‘Planeet X’.
Al jaren gaan er geruchten rond over het mysterieuze hemellichaam, dat vanwege zijn langgerekte baan uit het zicht zou blijven.
Volgens Meade komt de planeet in oktober 2017 op de aarde af. De vraag is natuurlijk waarom de NASA er niet bovenop zit.
Meade zegt dat Nemesis en Nibiru lastig te spotten zijn vanwege de hoek waarin het systeem de aarde nadert.
“Dit systeem staat natuurlijk niet op één lijn met de ecliptica van ons zonnestelsel,” schreef Meade in een stuk voor Planet X News. “Het nadert ons vanuit een schuine hoek richting de Zuidpool.”
“Hierdoor zijn waarnemingen lastig, tenzij je met een hele goede camera hoog boven Zuid-Amerika vliegt,” voegde hij toe.
Eerder werd het einde der tijden al voorspeld in augustus, september en december 2016.
Angel UFO Appears over Brooklyn, NY Church, But Lets Dig Deeper. Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Angel UFO Appears over Brooklyn, NY Church, But Lets Dig Deeper. Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Jan 2017 Location of sighting: Brooklyn, New York, USA I see this a lot, a reflection off a window is not seen by the person filming, but is caught by the camera, because the digital eye is near perfect and misses less. It happens most often in airplanes where the interior is dark and the LEDs are turned on, or from a tall building where the lights behind the person actually reflect off the inside of the window and get caught on camera. This is a valuable lesson from UFO Planet of Youtube, and great presentation so that people can avoid this mistake in the future. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states:
"This was taken from a bus that was moving very slowly during a tour of Brooklyn, NY. I did not have my flash on my iPhone when I took the photos. Also, I only took a photo of this because I knew what the building was but was not mentioned by the tour guide so there would probably not be others taking photos." "I saw the light after the fact when I was looking at my photos. If anyone has the knowledge to judge if this is a reflection, I would welcome that. I took many photos from the bus that day and that particular image did not appear in any of others."
UFO over the Kampinos Forest in Poland Jan 1, 2017, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.
UFO over the Kampinos Forest in Poland Jan 1, 2017, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Jan 1, 2017 Location of sighting: Kampinos Forest, Warsaw, Poland This UFO in just under two minutes moves across the sky becoming smaller in the distance. The UFO is mimicking the suns coloration in order to fool those who might see the craft. Remember, UFOs will attempt to blend into the environment any way they can. Any effort by them would create doubt about it being a UFO in the mind of a human, but as we know, the sun doesn't travel that far that fast. It it were the sun, it would take over an hour to make it that far. Scott C. Waring
Flying Saucers to Mind Control: 22 Declassified Military & CIA Secrets
Flying Saucers to Mind Control: 22 Declassified Military & CIA Secrets
By Denise Chow and Elizabeth Peterson, Live Science
Credit: U.S. Air Force
INTRO: A secret history
Government and military secrets can range from terrifying to amusing to downright absurd, but most are nothing short of intriguing. From a secret U.S. Air Force project to build a supersonic flying saucer to a now-famous World War II-era research program that produced the first atomic bombs to a plan to train domesticated cats to spy on the Soviet Union, here are 22 declassified military and CIA secrets.
Credit: National Archives
1. Project 1794
In late 2012, the U.S. Air Force declassified a trove of documents, including records of a secret program to build a flying saucer-type aircraft designed to shoot down Soviet bombers. The ambitious program, called Project 1794, was initiated in the 1950s, and a team of engineers was tasked with building a disc-shape vehicle capable of traveling at supersonic speeds at high altitudes.
The declassified documents reveal plans for the plane to reach a top speed of Mach 4 (four times the speed of sound), and reach an altitude of 100,000 feet (30,480 meters). The project's estimated cost was more than $3 million, which in today's dollars would be more than $26 million.
Project 1794 was canceled in December 1961 after tests suggested the flying saucer design was aerodynamically unstable and would likely be uncontrollable at high speeds (let alone supersonic speeds).
In the 1960s, the U.S. Army embarked on a secret mission to build a series of mobile nuclear missile launch sites under the Greenland ice sheet. The objective was to house medium-range missiles close enough to strike targets within the Soviet Union.
The program was codenamed Project Iceworm, but to test its feasibility, the Army launched a cover research project called "Camp Century" in 1960. Under this guise, engineers built a network of underground buildings and tunnels, including living quarters, a kitchen, a recreation hall, infirmary, laboratories, supply rooms, a communications center and a nuclear power plant.
The base, which was kept secret from the Danish government, operated for seven years. The program was canceled in 1966 after shifting ice created unstable conditions. Today, the crushed remains of Project Iceworm are buried beneath Arctic snow.
During the Cold War, the CIA initiated Project MK-ULTRA, a secret and illegal human research program to investigate potential mind-control systems. The program's operators examined the effects of hypnosis, biological agents and drugs, such as LSD and barbiturates, on human subjects. Some historians suggest the program was designed to develop a mind-control system that could be used to "program" the brains of potential assassins. [The 10 Craziest Military Experiments]
In 1973, then-CIA director Richard Helms ordered that all documents from Project MK-ULTRA be destroyed, but a formal investigation into the program was launched several years later. The project became the basis for several movies, such as "The Manchurian Candidate" and "The Men Who Stare at Goats."
Credit: Public domain
4. Area 51
Almost no other site has garnered as much attention from conspiracy theorists and UFO-enthusiasts as Area 51, a remote desert tract near Groom Lake in Nevada, roughly 83 miles (134 kilometers) northwest of Las Vegas. The intense secrecy surrounding the base sparked peoples' imaginations, and Area 51 was commonly linked to paranormal activities, including pervasive theories that suggested Area 51 hid aliens and UFOs.
In July 2013, declassified documents from the CIA acknowledged the existence of Area 51 for the first time, and confirmed that the top-secret site was used to test a variety of spy planes, including the well-known U-2 reconnaissance aircraft.
While Area 51, which operates as a detachment of Edwards Air Force Base in neighboring California, has never been declared a covert base, the research and activities conducted there were some of the nation's most closely guarded secrets.
While Area 51 was not a top-secret base designed to study extraterrestrials, the U.S. Air Force did study the existence of UFOs. Project Grudge was a short-lived program launched in 1949 to study unidentified flying objects. The mission followed an earlier program, known as Project Sign, which published a report in early 1949 stating that while some UFOs seemed to be actual aircraft, there was not enough data to determine their origins. [Top 10 States for UFO Sightings]
Critics of Project Grudge said the program solely set out to debunk UFO reports, and very little actual research was conducted. In his book on the topic, Edward J. Ruppelt, Air Force Captain and director of Project Grudge, wrote: "[I]t doesn't take a great deal of study of the old UFO files to see that standard intelligence procedures were not being followed by Project Grudge. Everything was being evaluated on the premise that UFOs couldn't exist. No matter what you see or hear, don't believe it."
Credit: NASA
6. Operation Paperclip
In September 1946, President Harry Truman authorized a program called Operation Paperclip, which aimed to lure scientists from Nazi Germany to the United States following World War II. Officials at the Office of Strategic Services (the predecessor to the CIA) recruited German scientists to America to aid the country's postwar efforts, which would also ensure that valuable scientific knowledge would not end up in the hands of the Soviet Union or the divided East and West Germany.
The tense relationship between the United States and Cuba during the Cold War led the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to hatch a slew of bizarre schemes aimed at taking down the Castro regime. While the goal of most of these covert operations (such as Operation Mongoose) was to assassinate Fidel Castro himself, other plans aimed to incite an all-out war between the U.S. and Cuba, experts have said.
In 1998, the National Security Archive (NSA) — a non-governmental organization that publishes information made available through the Freedom of Information Act — posted declassified documents related to Operation Northwoods. The scheme, dreamed up in 1962 by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (uniformed members of the U.S. Department of Defense who advise the president and others), involved committing acts of violence against U.S. and Cuban civilians and then blaming those acts on the Cuban government, according to the NSA documents. These acts, which included faked terrorist attacks in U.S. cities, the hijacking of planes and the sinking of boats full of Cuban émigrés en route to the U.S., would then be used to justify a war with Cuba, according to the documents.
The Kennedy administration recognized the folly of Operation Northwoods and rejected it, according to news reports.µ
Credit: Jack Aeby
8. Manhattan Project
One of the most well-known secret research programs is the Manhattan Project, which eventually produced the world's first atomic bombs. The project began in 1939, and was cloaked in secrecy as physicists investigated the potential power of atomic weapons. From 1942 to 1946, Major General Leslie Groves of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers led the Manhattan Project.
The first nuclear bomb was detonated at 5:30 a.m. on July 16, 1945, during the so-called Trinity test at the Alamogordo Air Base, 120 miles (193 km) south of Albuquerque, N.M. The explosion created a mushroom cloud that stretched 40,000 feet (12,200 m), and the bomb's explosive power was equivalent to more than 15,000 tons of TNT.
A month after the Trinity test, two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan in the waning stages of World War II. To date, the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki remain the only uses of nuclear weapons in war.
Credit: National Archives and Records Administration
9. Operation Gladio
During the Cold War, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, developed a classified plan for keeping Europe "safe" in the event of a Soviet invasion. The plan, known as Operation Gladio, called for the formation of secret armies or "stay-behind" organizations in many NATO countries, including Italy, Belgium and France, according to declassified documents.
The mission of the secret armies was simple: Prepare for a potential communist takeover and lead an armed resistance should such a takeover occur. In some countries, "preparing" for Soviet invasion included espionage and the hoarding of ammunitions.
And these clandestine armies weren't just kept secret from the Soviet Union. High-ranking government officials in countries where the military forces operated were sometimes not aware of the armies' existence. Italian Prime Minister at the time, the late Giulio Andreotti divulged information about Italy's secret Cold War army (known as Gladio) in 1990, becoming the first leader of a NATO country to publicly acknowledge one of these forces. Declassified documents related to NATO's stay-behind armies are accessible via The Black Vault, a website that makes declassified documents available to the public.
Credit: Public Domain
10. My Lai Massacre
In March 1968, American soldiers murdered hundreds of unarmed civilians in the South Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai, according to accounts of the massacre that describe harrowing killings of at least 300 women, children and elderly people.
Army officials managed to cover up the massacre for a year before an investigative journalist with the Associated Press (AP) brought the atrocity to the attention of the American people in November 1969. In light of news reports, an official inquiry was made into the events at My Lai and was concluded in March 1970. The inquiry resulted in criminal charges against 14 U.S. Army officers, all but one of whom were acquitted for their crimes. Declassified documents associated with the inquiry are available from the Library of Congress.
In the wake of the My Lai massacre, the Pentagon established a task force known as the Vietnam War Crimes Working Group, which investigated incidents similar to the killings at My Lai. That group compiled more than 9,000 pages of documents detailing crimes by U.S. troops during the Vietnam War, many of which were declassified during the 1990s. These and other declassified documents regarding Vietnam War crimes can be accessed through the National Archives.
Credit: M. Cornelius/
11. Operation Washtub
Secret armies also existed in the United States during the Cold War. In 2014, declassified documents from the U.S. Air Force and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) revealed a plan dreamed up in 1950 for a "covert intelligence and evasion and escape operation in Alaska."
Nicknamed "Operation Washtub," the plan called for the training of ordinary Alaskans in coding, decoding and other espionage techniques so that they could spy on the enemy in the event of a Soviet invasion of Alaska. While such an invasion never occurred, a total of 89 "agents" were trained for this purpose, according to news reports.
Credit: Central Intelligence Agency
12. Oleg Penkovsky
Oleg Penkovsky was a high-ranking Soviet military intelligence officer who worked as a spy for the United States and Great Britain during the Cold War. Best known for his role in the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, Penkovsky supplied the U.S. government with valuable details about the capabilities of Soviet missiles that had been installed in Cuba.
The spy was eventually sniffed out by his fellow Soviet intelligence officers, charged with treason and executed in 1963. However, there are some people who believe that Penkovsky was just a decoy who may have relayed false information about Soviet arms capabilities to U.S. intelligence agents. Some point to declassified documents outlining the intelligence provided by Penkovsky as proof that the spy's loyalty was really to the Soviet Union.
Credit: Central Intelligence Agency
13. Acoustic Kitty
A report from 1967 shows that the CIA spent millions of dollars in an attempt to train domesticated cats to spy on the Soviet Union. Yes, you read that correctly. Nicknamed Acoustic Kitty, the program involved implanting electronic spying equipment into live cats and then training them to "eavesdrop" on unsuspecting Cold War rivals.
If you don't believe this ridiculous program existed, you can read more about it in this memorandum published by the National Security Archive.
Credit: U.S. Air Force
14. Greenland's Lost Bomb
In 1968, a U.S. B-52 bomber carrying four hydrogen bombs on a routine (but secret) mission crashed near Thule Air Base in Greenland. In the aftermath of the crash, American and Danish officials launched a project to clean up radioactive debris and collect the scattered pieces of the nuclear bombs. However, for years later, news reports out of Denmark and the U.S. questioned whether all four bombs had really been located. [Photos: Top-Secret, Cold War-Era Military Base in Greenland]
In 2008, the BBC published an article based on declassified documents regarding the Thule accident, asserting that one of the four hydrogen bombs was never recovered from the crash site. This claim by a respected publication led the Danish prime minister to request a new investigation of the declassified documents used for the BBC report. That investigation, led by Danish scholar Svend Aage Christensen, found that the BBC's report was not based on any new declassified information (it drew from information that had previously been declassified) and that all four weapons had, in fact, been destroyed during the crash in 1968, according to the National Security Archive.
Credit: U.S. Army
15. Project Horizon
Before the civilian space organization NASA put the first astronaut on the moon in 1969, at least two U.S. military organizations drew up plans for establishing strategic lunar military outposts. In 1959, the U.S. Army drew up a proposal for a "manned military" base on the moon. That proposal, which was submitted by the Army's chief of research and development, was dubbed Project Horizon and would "develop and protect potential United States interest on the moon," according to declassified documents.
Another program, this one developed by the U.S. Air Force, sought to establish a "Lunar Based Earth Bombardment System" that met specific military requirements. Another Air Force study, this one submitted in 1959, involved detonating a nuclear weapon on the moon. The study was spearheaded by Leonard Reiffel, then a physicist at the Illinois Institute of Technology, and also included contributions from the astrophysicist Carl Sagan. In a 2010 interview with The New York Times, Reifell said that the "foremost intent [of the nuclear detonation] was to impress the world with the prowess of the United States."
Credit: Creative Commons license
16. Mapimi Silent Zone
A declassified document could help clear up some urban legends at one of Mexico's most bizarre tourist traps. The so-called Mapimí Silent Zone is a small stretch of desert in Durango, Mexico, where, according to local legend, radio waves cannot be transmitted. Often compared to the Bermuda Triangle, Mapimí is frequented by tourists looking for a paranormal adventure.
But the real reason that Mapimí is an interesting location has nothing to do with aliens or paranormal energy — it has to do with a big mistake by the U.S. Air Force. In 1970, an ATHENA V-123-D rocket carrying two small vials of cobalt 57 (a radioactive isotope that is sometimes used in salted bombs) crashed in the Durango desert. The rocket was supposed to land in New Mexico, according to documents declassified in 2013. Local legends may have sprung up as a result of this Air Force flop.
Credit: U.S. Navy
17. Iran Flight 655
In 1988, a U.S. warship in the Persian Gulf shot down an Iranian civilian aircraft en route to Dubai, killing all 290 passengers on board. Navy personnel incorrectly identified the civilian plane as an Iranian fighter jet before launching the missile that took down the flight, according to declassified documents.
The U.S. reached a settlement with Iran in 1996 in which it agreed to pay $61.8 million to compensate families of the Iranian victims. However, the U.S. government never issued an apology. The Pentagon conducted a now-declassified official investigation into the incident in 1988 and did not find fault with the naval officers who brought down Flight 655.
However, in the wake of the investigation by the Department of Defense, several journalists pointed out discrepancies between the official report and later accounts of what occurred. For example, the flight was originally said to have deviated from its standard route, but this was later found to be false. The report also states that the warship was operating in international waters at the time of the missile launch, when it was in fact operating in Iranian territorial waters.
Credit: CIA
18. Kidnapping of the Lunik
Sometimes, declassified documents read like a scene out of a James Bond film. That's the case with this document, titled "The Kidnapping of the Lunik." It tells the story of a CIA-led mission to "borrow" a Soviet lunar satellite for just one night.
The so-called kidnapping occurred in the early 1960s, at the height of the U.S.-Soviet space race. To make it clear that they were winning this race, the Soviets launched a multinational exhibition of their Lunik satellite, the first spacecraft to reach the vicinity of the Earth's moon. [Top 10 Soviet and Russian Space Missions]
One night, undercover CIA agents convinced the truck driver who transported the satellite from city to city to get some rest at a nearby hotel and leave the satellite in their care, the documents revealed. They then "borrowed" the Soviet orbiter — taking it apart and photographing its components before putting it back on the truck. There was no indication that the Soviets knew what had happened that fateful night, according to the declassified documents.
Credit: U.S. Navy
19. USS Liberty
In 1967, in the midst of the Six-Day War (a conflict between Israel and its neighboring Arab states), Israeli aircraft attacked the USS Liberty, a ship gathering intelligence for the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA). Thirty-four Americans were killed in the attack and 171 more were injured. But was the attack intentional?
Many people believe that the Israeli government meant to open fire on the so-called "spy ship" to prevent it from intercepting sensitive information about upcoming battles, according to the declassified NSA report. But official investigations by both U.S. and Israeli agencies concluded that the attack was not deliberate, with pilots confirming that they believed the USS Liberty to be an enemy ship. This declassified NSA report explains the agency's position on the contentious issue.
Credit: SF photo |
20. FBI Surveillance Planes
In 2015, the AP broke the news of an FBI surveillance program that uses small aircraft to spy on suspects on the ground. The planes carry video and cellphone surveillance technology and are registered to fictitious companies. When the AP released its report in June 2015, the planes had been observed above more than 30 cities in 11 U.S. states in a 30-day period.
While the FBI told the AP that its aerial surveillance program is not a secret, details about what information the planes collect is highly censored in publicly available documents, according to the AP. The report also states that the FBI operates these planes without judicial approval. One document, obtained by the National Security Archive, shows the names and addresses of the fictitious companies that operate the planes. NSA expert and historian Matthew M. Aid also created a list of the aircraft that are used in this FBI "air force."
Credit: Public Domain
21. Operation Crossroads
In July 2016, the National Security Archive posted declassified documents, films and photographs that show U.S. tests of atomic bombs in the Bikini Atoll in 1946. Dubbed Operation Crossroads, the tests marked the first atomic explosions since the bombings of Japan during World War II in August 1945. [In Photos: Dive to USS Independence Wreck]
While much is publicly known about the tests, the declassified documents shed new light on how the tests affected people of Bikini Atoll, who were forced to relocate. They also offer a view of the objections raised by scientists and military officials before the bombings, as well as the rationale behind the decision to carry out the tests despite these objections.
Credit: Central Intelligence Agency
22. Zhivago
During the Cold War, the CIA played a role in distributing the book "Doctor Zhivago" throughout the Soviet Union. The book by Russian writer Boris Pasternak was banned by the Soviets, according to a Washington Post article, because it displayed an open-minded view of the Bolshevik Revolution and its protagonist, a doctor-poet, was staunchly individualistic.
Seeing the book's potential as a propaganda tool, the CIA worked with its allies in Dutch Intelligence to deliver about 1,000 copies of the book into Soviet hands, according to documents declassified in 2014. The books were distributed to visiting Soviets at the World's Fair in Brussels in 1958 with help from the Vatican, according to the National Security Archive.
Bound in unmarked blue linen and wrapped in brown paper, the books made their way into the Soviet Union, where the CIA hoped they would stir up anti-communist sentiment among disgruntled citizens. The CIA also smuggled other banned books into the Soviet Union, including James Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" and Vladimir Nabokov's "Pnin."
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Surprise! Monster Burst of Radio Waves Arose in Tiny Galaxy
Surprise! Monster Burst of Radio Waves Arose in Tiny Galaxy
By Calla Cofield, Staff Writer
For the first time, scientists have directly traced an incredibly intense, blindingly bright burst of radio waves — known as an FRB — back to its home galaxy. Surprisingly, this impressive cosmic radio flasher has somewhat humble origins, according to three new studies detailing the findings.
FRB stands for "fast radio burst." These flickers of light were just discovered in 2007, and although they last for just a fraction of a second, they release more energy than our entire sun will radiate in 10,000 years. Eighteen FRBs have been detected, but scientists estimate that one of these bursts occurs somewhere in the sky about once every 10 seconds.
What cosmic event could release such an intense burst of radio waves? That's still a mystery, but narrowing down the precise location of one of these radio blasts is a big step toward cracking the case. [8 Baffling Astronomy Mysteries]
The new study shows that the burst, known as FRB 121102, originated about 3 billion light-years away from Earth, from inside a dwarf galaxy — a collection of stars much smaller than large galaxies like the Milky Way.
A visible-light image of the host galaxy of FRB 121102.
Credit: Gemini Observatory/AURA/NSF/NRC
A surprising source
The fact that FRB 121102 originated from a dwarf galaxy was a bit unexpected, said Cees Bassa, an astronomer at the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON) and a co-author of one of the three new studies.
"We were not sure what to expect, but I think the whole team was surprised to see that our exotic source is hosted by a very puny and faint galaxy," Bassa said in a statement from the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, Germany (where some of the co-authors are based).
The surprising finding could provide clues about the source of these radio bursts.
"One would generally expect most FRBs to come from large galaxies which have the largest numbers of stars and neutron stars," study co-author Shriharsh Tendulkar said in a statement from McGill University in Montreal, where he is a postdoctoral researcher. "This dwarf galaxy has fewer stars but is forming stars at a high rate, which may suggest that FRBs are linked to young neutron stars." (Neutron stars are dense objects that form when a star explodes and its remaining material collapses on itself.)
An artist's impression of the Gemini telescope detecting the signal of a fast radio burst in a distant dwarf galaxy.
Because FRBs appear and then disappear in the night sky very quickly, they are incredibly difficult to detect and study. A telescope must already be looking at the region of the sky where the flash appears in order to see it, and there's no time to alert other telescopes and have them turn their eyes toward the source. That makes it extremely difficult to refine the location and distance of these flashes. (A study released earlier this year claimed to have traced an FRB back to its source galaxy, but doubt was later thrown on that finding. In addition, that study used an indirect method to trace the FRB's origin, whereas the studies of FRB 121102 trace its location directly.)
But FRB 121102 is unique because it's a repeater. This radio burst was first discovered in November 2012 by astronomers using the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, and was seen by that telescope again in 2014. In 2016, it was caught flashing nine times, during a dedicated study using the Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico. Additional observations of the burst were also taken with telescopes belonging to the European VLBI Network, including the 100-meter (330 feet) Effelsberg radio telescope in Germany.
Those observations helped researchers narrow down the source of this radio flasher. With the 8-meter (26 feet) Gemini North telescope in Hawaii, the researchers then showed that the FRB was coming from a dwarf galaxy located about 3 billion light-years away.
"Before we knew the distance to any FRBs, several proposed explanations for their origins said they could be coming from within or near our own Milky Way galaxy," Tendulkar said in a statement from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. "We now have ruled out those explanations, at least for this FRB."
The repeated appearance of FRB 121102 could also offer clues to its origin: If the flashes are caused by a neutron star, they might be expected to occur regularly. Spinning neutron stars that radiate beams of light are known as pulsars, and they appear to flicker on and off because of a lighthouse effect: The beam sweeps across Earth as the pulsar spins, moving in and out of view with a regular frequency. Astronomers are now studying FRB 121102 with radio, optical, X-ray and gamma-ray telescopes to search for clues.
Tendulkar said two other classes of extreme events are also known to occur frequently in dwarf galaxies: long-duration gamma-ray bursts, or very bright flashes of high-energy light, and superluminous supernovas, or very bright exploding stars.
"This discovery may hint at links between FRBs and those two kinds of events,” Tendulkar said.
But some of the authors also cautioned that the repeating nature of FRB 121102 could indicate that it is somehow physically different than other known FRB's. FRB 121102 is not alone. The researchers also found a persistent sourceof radio waves in the same area of the sky, and the evidence suggests that both sources of radio waves are connected somehow; they either arose from the same source or are linked in some other way, the researchers said.
The results of these studies will appear in three separate papers on Jan. 5 — one in the journal Nature and two in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
NASA Unveils 2 New Missions to Study Truly Strange Asteroids
NASA Unveils 2 New Missions to Study Truly Strange Asteroids
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
NASA's next low-cost planetary missions will attempt to unravel the mysteries of some seriously bizarre asteroids.
The space agency has selected projects called Lucy and Psyche via its Discovery Program, which funds highly focused space missions to destinations throughout the solar system. The Lucy project will investigate the Trojan asteroids, which share an orbit with Jupiter, while Psyche will journey to the asteroid belt to study a huge, metallic asteroid named 16 Psyche that resides there.
"This is what Discovery Program missions are all about — boldly going to places we've never been to enable groundbreaking science," Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington, D.C., said in a statement today (Jan. 4). [NASA Mission to Metal Asteroid Psyche (Images)]
Lucy is scheduled to launch in October 2021. If all goes according to plan, the probe will visit an asteroid in the main asteroid belt — located between Mars and Jupiter — in 2025, and then go on to study six Trojan asteroids between 2027 and 2033, NASA officials said.
(Left) Artist’s illustration of the Lucy spacecraft flying by the Trojan asteroid Eurybates. Trojans are fossils of planet formation and so will supply important clues to the earliest history of the solar system. (Right) Psyche, the first mission to the metal world 16 Psyche, will examine a landscape unlike anything explored before. Psyche will teach us about the hidden cores of the Earth, Mars, Mercury and Venus.
Credit: SwRI and SSL/Peter Rubin
This infographic takes a look at the strange magnetic asteroid Psyche, which may be all that remains of what was once a protoplanet in the early solar system. See the full Psyche asteroid explainer infographic here.
Credit: by Karl Tate, Infographics Artist
There are two streams of Trojan asteroids. One trails Jupiter, and the other leads the giant planet around the sun. Scientists think both streams may be planetary building blocks that formed far from the sun before being captured into their current orbits by Jupiter's powerful gravity.
"This is a unique opportunity," Lucy principal investigator Harold Levison, of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, said in the same statement. "Because the Trojans are remnants of the primordial material that formed the outer planets, they hold vital clues to deciphering the history of the solar system. Lucy, like the human fossil for which it is named, will revolutionize the understanding of our origins."
Psyche will explore one of the oddest objects in the solar system — a 130-mile-wide (210 kilometers) metallic asteroid that may be the core of an ancient, Mars-size planet. Violent collisions billions of years ago might have stripped away the layers of rock that once lay atop this metallic object, scientists say.
"This is an opportunity to explore a new type of world — not one of rock or ice, but of metal," said Psyche principal investigator Lindy Elkins-Tanton, of Arizona State University. "16 Psyche is the only known object of its kind in the solar system, and this is the only way humans will ever visit a core. We learn about inner space by visiting outer space."
Psyche is scheduled to launch in October 2023 and arrive at the asteroid in 2030, NASA officials said.
Asteroid Basics: A Space Rock
Asteroids are fascinating for lots of reasons. They contain a variety of valuable resources and slam into our planet on a regular basis, occasionally snuffing out most of Earth's lifeforms. How much do you know about space rocks?
Lucy and Psyche were among five Discovery finalists that NASA announced last year. One of these other finalists, the dangerous-asteroid-hunting Near-Earth Object Camera (NEOCam), will get an additional year's worth of funding for continued development, NASA officials said.
The Discovery Program, which was founded in 1992, supports relatively low-cost planetary missions; development costs for the current crop are capped at about $450 million apiece, NASA officials said. The agency has funded 12 other Discovery missions in addition to those announced today, including the planet-hunting Kepler space telescope, the Dawn mission to the huge asteroids Vesta and Ceres, and the InSight Mars lander, which is due to launch next year.
Aresearch camera captured an incredible view of a meteor torching up the sky and disintegrating in the atmosphere in a six-second video. That’s already a pretty cool thing to watch. But when it passes behind an erupting volcano? It’s downright epic — and a fitting ending for what’s been a strange year.
Cameras at the Observatorio Vulcanológico y Sismológico de Costa Rica (OVSICORI) were trained on the region’s Turrialba volcano — one of the country’s largest volcanoes — which is actively erupting. Whizzing through the skies, the former space rock-turned-fireball soared nearly three miles above the ground and through the volcano’s ashy ejecta.
Eric Sanchez, of the University of Costa Rica’s San José Planetarium, said the event was captured by a specialized observatory camera. Despite being in operation since 2011, this is the first incident involving a meteor that the camera has captured.
A local astronomer, Victor Fung, estimated that despite the seemingly decent sized fireball, the meteorite might actually be small in size. “It has all the appearance of being a meteor of a size of a grain of dust,” he told the Q Costa Rica, a local news outlet. “The shooting stars are pebbles the size of a grain of sand. As they move at high-speed and enter the atmosphere, they burn and we see the result.”
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'Star Trek ship' spotted in the sky by UFO sceptic - who admits he's baffled by the sighting
'Star Trek ship' spotted in the sky by UFO sceptic - who admits he's baffled by the sighting
The man said he was the 'last person' to believe in aliens - but admits he has no explanation for this strange object
A 'Star Trek' style spaceship has allegedly been spotted hovering in the sky in Canada.
Images of the strange object were captured by a self-proclaimed UFO sceptic who admitted he was the 'last person' to believe in aliens or extra-terrestrials.
The video has been uploaded to YouTube by Tyler Glockner, UFO hunter and founder of Secure Team 10.
In the clip, Tyler says: "Something [has been] caught flying in the skies over Canada.
"It looks like a saucer, it kind of looks like the Star Trek ship from the TV series."
The bizarre UFO looks like a 'Star Trek ship'(Photo: Youtube/secureteam10)
The strange object was spotted over Random Island in Canada, by a man named Chad Haines.
After handing in the footage to a Canadian news site, Mr Haines admitted to reporters that he was the last person to believe in aliens , extra-terrestrials or UFOs.
But after witnessing the unidentified craft hovering in the sky near his house, he says he now can't explain what else it could have been.
The ship was spotted hovering next to the moon(Photo: Youtube/secureteam10)
Haines was deleting images off his camera in preparation when he stumbled upon photographs he'd taken earlier in the year.
He said the object was hovering over water 'near to the moon' and was visible for two to three hours.
After remaining still for most of that time, the object then moved up and down before rapidly shooting offout of sight.
Even a UFO sceptic can't come up with a rational explanation(Photo: Youtube/secureteam10)
Haines says the object definitely wasn't a plane, and said the UFO was far too large to be a drone.
According to Tyler, a sighting in the same place was spotted more than 37 years ago in 1978.
This time, it was a strange cigar-shaped craft hovering over Random Island. The police officer who spotted the object was subjected to so much ridicule that he barely mentioned the sighting ever again.
Rare and brief bursts of cosmic radio waves have puzzled astronomers since they were first detected nearly 10 years ago.
Some suggested these mysterious bursts of energy could be a sign of alien life trying to contact us.
Now the signals have finally been tied to a source - a dwarf galaxy more than 3 billion light years from Earth.
Rare and brief bursts of cosmic radio waves have puzzled astronomers since they were first detected nearly 10 years ago. Now the signals have finally been tied to a source - a dwarf galaxy more than 3 billion light years from Earth.
Artist's impression pictured
Fast radio bursts, or FRBs, were first 'heard' by radio telescopes back in 2007.
A repeating burst discovered in 2012, however, provided the opportunity for a team of researchers from the University of California, Berkeley and Cornell University to repeatedly monitor its area of the sky.
The team used the Karl Jansky Very Large Array in New Mexico and the Arecibo radio dish in Puerto Rico, in hopes of pinpointing its location.
Using new software, the VLA last year detected a total of nine bursts over a period of a month, which was enough to pinpoint its location in the sky.
'We now know that this particular burst comes from a dwarf galaxy more than three billion light-years from Earth,' said Shami Chatterjee, of Cornell University.
The discovery that the bursts come from such a long distance away rules out any source in our own galaxy.
Fast radio bursts, or FRBs, were first 'heard' by radio telescopes back in 2007.
The signal was so temporary and seemingly random that it took years for astronomers to agree it was not a glitch in one of the telescope's instruments, and none of those first observed were ever seen again.
A repeating burst discovered in 2012, however, provided the opportunity for a team of researchers from the University of California, Berkeley and Cornell University to repeatedly monitor its area of the sky.
'We now know that this particular burst comes from a dwarf galaxy more than three billion light-years from Earth,' said Shami Chatterjee, of Cornell University.
'That simple fact is a huge advance in our understanding of these events,' he added.
The team used the Karl Jansky Very Large Array in New Mexico and the Arecibo radio dish in Puerto Rico, in hopes of pinpointing its location.
'For a long time, we came up empty, then got a string of bursts that gave us exactly what we needed,' said Casey Law, from the University of California at Berkeley.
Using new software, the VLA last year detected a total of nine bursts over a period of a month, which was enough to pinpoint its location in the sky.
Further analysis by other telescopes allowed its location to be narrowed down.
'The VLA data allowed us to narrow down the position very accurately,' said Sarah Burke-Spolaor, of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) and West Virginia University.
Berkeley's Casey Law says his favourite hypothesis about the origin of fast radio bursts is a magnetar surrounded by either material ejected by a supernova explosion.
Artist's impression of a supernova shown
The discovery that the bursts come from such a long distance away rules out any source in our own galaxy.
Fast radio bursts, or FRBs, are radio emissions that appear temporarily and randomly, making them not only hard to find, but also hard to study.
The mystery stems from the fact it is not known what could produce such a short and sharp burst.
This has led some to speculate they could be anything from stars colliding to artificially created messages.
The first FRB was spotted, or rather 'heard' by radio telescopes, back in 2007.
But it was so temporary and seemingly random that it took years for astronomers to agree it was not a glitch in one of the telescope's instruments.
'Before we knew the distance to any FRBs, several proposed explanations for their origins said they could be coming from within or near our own Milky Way Galaxy,' said Shriharsh Tendulkar, of McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
'We now have ruled out those explanations, at least for this FRB.'
But exactly what is causing the bursts in the dwarf galaxy is still not known.
Extremely bright exploding stars, called superluminous supernovae, and long gamma ray bursts also occur in the type of galaxy discovered in the new paper.
Both are hypothesized to be associated with massive, highly magnetic and rapidly rotating neutron stars called magnetars.
'All these threads point to the idea that in this environment, something generates these magnetars,' Law said.
'It could be created by a superluminous supernova or a long gamma ray burst, and then later on, as it evolves and its rotation slows down a bit, it produces these fast radio bursts as well as continuous radio emission powered by that spindown.
One alternative possibility is the galaxy's active nucleus, with radio emission coming from jets of material emitted from the region surrounding a supermassive black hole.
Artist's concept pictur
Whale or alien? Weird sound from Mariana Trench puzzles experts
'Later on in life, it looks like the magnetars we see in our galaxy, which have extremely strong magnetic fields but rotate more like ordinary pulsars.'
Berkeley's Casey Law says his favourite hypothesis about the origin of fast radio bursts is a magnetar surrounded by either material ejected by a supernova explosion or material ejected by a resulting pulsar.
But there are other possibilities.
One alternative is the galaxy's active nucleus, with radio emission coming from jets of material emitted from the region surrounding a supermassive black hole.
The source of the fast radio burst is within 100 light years of the continuous radio emissions from the core of the galaxy, which means they are the same or physically associated with one another.
In that interpretation, he said, fast radio bursts are like the tantrums of a toddler.
'We are the first to show that this is a cosmological phenomenon. It's not something in our backyard. And we are the first to see where this thing is happening, in this little galaxy, which I think is a surprise,' Law said.
'Now our objective is to figure out why that happens.'
Law says his favourite hypothesis about the origin of fast radio bursts is a magnetar surrounded by either material ejected by a supernova explosion or material ejected by a resulting pulsar.
But there are other possibilities.
One alternative is the galaxy's active nucleus, with radio emission coming from jets of material emitted from the region surrounding a supermassive black hole.
The source of the fast radio burst is within 100 light years of the continuous radio emissions from the core of the galaxy, which means they are the same or physically associated with one another.
'Finding the host galaxy of this FRB, and its distance, is a big step forward, but we still have much more to do before we fully understand what these things are,' Chatterjee said.
'Even without a clear answer, the authors' finding is a real game-changer, and the hunt for FRBs is afoot,' said Professor Heino Falcke, from the Radboud University Nijmegen who was not involved in the study, in an accompanying Nature News & Views article.
Introducing Starshot: a $100 mil space exploration project
Michio Kaku - Project 'Starshot' for Interstellar Space Exploration
2017 a year of UFOs and Aliens? ET hunters watch for huge, 'incoming' piece of disclosure
2017 a year of UFOs and Aliens? ET hunters watch for huge, 'incoming' piece of disclosure
The alien theory enthusiasts couldn't have bargained for a better start to the New year 2017, with the first notable UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) sighting of the year coming just days after the New Year's eve. Professional British UFO photographer John Moony spotted a mysterious flying craft over Newton Abbot, Devon. This literally out of the world incident, which took place around 1:30 p.m. local time on Monday, has encouraged the photographer to believe that 2017 will indeed prove to be a very vital year in terms of hunting extra terrestrial (ET) life in space.
Moony, one of the most distinguished contributors on World UFO Photos (an UFO dedicated website), stated that, he was sky watching, while after gazing through the blue for an hour or so suddenly he noticed a "faint contrail" over Newton Abbot's skies. It was hard to recognize the object from so far, so it was only after zooming in on that quickly ascending object with his Nikon P900 he could make out that the contrail was not coming from a plane but it was coming from a mystifying flying craft, which was shaped like a classic UFO.
"The round glowing object was at a very high altitude and I doubt that many people would be able to see this without a telephoto lens or a pair of high zoom binoculars. The object was moving at a high rate of speed across the sky and I had real trouble stabilizing it in the camera's viewfinder. I began taking photographs of this strange object and I managed to take six photographs that show the movement of this object," said John Moony, according to the Inquisitr.
The photographer seems to be quite positive about finding more extraterrestrial phenomena throughout this year and his optimism is well-grounded, as what he captured through his lens might just be the first UFO sighting of 2017. In 2016 we had many experts saying that 2017 might be the year of UFOs and ETs. Moony's finding at the very beginning more or less sealed it.
Scientists were excited earlier in 2016 when strange signals were detected from deep space. While many experts state that it is likely to be another false alarm, there is hope that significant news will arise from it either way.
Not only in Newton Abbot but New Year's Eve was rife with a number of interesting UFO-related news from around the globe. One of the most significant ones came from Queen Creek, Arizona, where witnesses reported seeing three mysterious lights slowly ascending to the sky. The lights most definitely evoked lots of speculations and theories with a number of them saying the lights might not be of this world at all.
While the actual source or justification of those lights is still unknown, skeptics have already given their share of explanations.
According to Sputnik News, Julie Baumann, one of the witnesses and a consultant for marketing company Isagenix, stated: "I just saw these three lights consecutively spaced out and they were close so it definitely caught my eye. They were moving slow. They didn't speed up or slow down. We were looking at it, all of us and we were going 'Okay, it's definitely just paper lanterns.' The other three were like a ball of light and the last one just looked like a plastic bag floating in the wind. It draws that curiosity of what could it be and aliens and I know people want to believe what they want to believe... but I saw three lit paper bags and one unlit paper bag."
Unsurprisingly, while some agree with Baumann's explanation, some strongly differ with it. Just like other UFO sightings it will be extremely difficult to prove who's right!
These UFO sightings of this year might just increase in number if we go by a very famous theory by some of the researches, according to which, a mysterious unknown object, an 'alien probe', is set to fly past Earth in 2017. The strange object which is now known as 1991 VG, was first spotted way back in November 1991 by astronomer James Scotti at the University of Arizona.
Initially it was suggested to be a section of Apollo 12 rocket, but Scotti claims that the timings do not match and instantly dismissed the notion as a ridiculous idea designed to cover up the reality of the situation!
When Scotti first spotted this mysterious strange object which is now called 1991 VG, it was about 10 metres in diameter, passing 280,000 miles from Earth – around 50,000 miles further than the Earth and the moon.
An artists Impression of this unknown potential Alien probe
This strange object showed an unusual rapid rate of rotation and its brightness appeared to fluctuate. This behaviour has not ever been seen before from any asteroid of its size – This mysterious object also had an orbit that was strikingly similar to that of Earth.
Once data was gathered on 1991 VG, Scotti realised this was the second time the unidentified object had passed Earth. The first was March of 1975.
Many truth seekers around the world are excited about this discovery and believe this could be a huge 'incoming' piece of disclosure in 2017, citing Steele's work as their source piece of evidence. When it does fly past Earth sometime in the summer of 2017, it will only be seen in the southern hemisphere.
The past year has already been filled with numerous sightings, including Curiosity Rover sending evidences of life from Mars the now-infamous mass sightings in Turkey that triggered the hashtag #ufoattacktoturkey, which was spotted by numerous residents and strangely covered up by social media. With the frequency of UFO-related incidents being reported around the globe, it seems completely possible that something very significant is going to happen soon.
Some interesting facts about aliens:
1. More than 40,000 Americans have taken out insurance against being abducted by aliens.
2. According to a report it is illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles under Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal regulations, implemented on July 16, 1969.
3. In a push to draw in more tourism and additionally extra terrestrials, the town of St Paul, Alberta made the world's first UFO landing site.
4. Edgar Mitchell, the 6th individual to stroll on the moon, guarantees that "outsiders have reached people a few times".
5. One of the Presidents of the World Chess Federation claims that he was abducted by aliens trusts that chess was concocted by 'outsiders'.
6. Astronomer Frank Drake made the first scientific attempt to contact extra-terrestrial life forms in 1960.
7. Ohio State University inquires about spotting a sign originating from almost 220 million light years away that was so intense, it was named the "Wow Signal".
8. Some firefighters in the USA are actually trained to deal with aliens in case of a UFO crash or invasion
9. Three Days into the Apollo 11 Mission, the team reported an interesting flying question not far away from their location. They accepted it was a bit of the disengaged SIV-B rocket. That is, until they realized, that it was more than 6,000 miles away. The group of NASA still can't clarify what sort of article it was.
10. The Crop Circles are often believed to be created by aliens, as there is no proper explanation behind this phenomenon.
11. In 1957 a Brazilian farmer reported that he was abducted by aliens , who covered him in gel and mated with him. Surprisingly he is not the only one to claim being abducted by aliens. Mr. Ilyumzhinov from Kalmykia claims he was kidnapped by outsiders wearing yellow spacesuits on the night of September 17, 1997.
12. Scientist were stunned when they discovered a little, half-crawl long outside article implanted inside of the skeletal stays of once French ruler, Napoleon Bonaparte. This appears to run as an inseparable unit with Bonaparte's own account of snatching when he vanished for a few days in July 1794, asserting he had been held detainee without wanting to by an 'interesting gathering of men'.
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Source of weird space signals turns out to be weird, too
Source of weird space signals turns out to be weird, too
Fast radio bursts have puzzled scientists for a decade. Now a team has traced one source of those signals to a distant galaxy.
For a decade now, astronomers have been puzzled by phenomena called "fast radio bursts." These FRBs are what they sound like -- split-second radio signals -- and they're coming from a mysterious source (or sources) across the cosmos. Exploding black holes, magnetars, hypothetical blitzars and even aliens are among the suggested causes. Now, for the first time, scientists say they've traced one of the bursts to its source, but the revelation may only serve to deepen the mysteries of its origin.
A team at West Virginia University discovered the first FRB in 2007 using archived data from Australia's Parkes telescope collected in 2001. A dozen more bursts detected in subsequent years by different radio telescopes all seemed to be random one-off remnants of far-away colossal cosmic collisions reaching our world.
That is until an FRB signal that repeats itself was identified for the first time.
The mysterious signals are coming from a tiny galaxy in the constellation Auriga.
Photo by Gemini Observatory/AURA/NSF/NRC
On Wednesday at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Grapevine, Texas, an international team of scientists detailed a major breakthrough: they've been able to trace that repeating signal to a specific galaxy, another first.
"We know that at least one of these FRBs originated in a discrete source within a distant dwarf galaxy located some three billion light-years beyond our Milky Way Galaxy," said Shriharsh Tendulkar of McGill University and a member of the discovery team.
The astronomers traced repeating FRB 121102, which was first discovered in November of 2012 at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, to the surprisingly tiny galaxy in the direction of the constellation Aurigia using the Very Large Array in New Mexico and other large telescopes.
The revelation only deepens the mystery of this odd phenomena, because the cosmic address they pinpointed is not at all what you'd expect.
"That's weird isn't it? You'd expect to find FRBs where there are more stars... more stars means more neutron stars," Tendulkar told a room of reporters and scientists at the meeting. He went on to explain that neutron stars -- remnants of massive stars -- are among the top candidates to explain FRBs.
The findings, which the scientists refer to as the first "localization" of a fast radio burst, are published in the journal Nature.
Locating the source of an FRB for the first time also opens a new pathway for studying parts of space beyond our own galaxy.
"This detection has really opened the gates to a new realm of science," Sarah Burke-Spolaor, who worked on tracing FRB 121102 to its source at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory told the audience. "This phenomenon is so well-tuned to explore the universe, particularly the space between galaxies ... We can study the structure and the content of this empty space."
In other words, the discovery could give scientists a new technique to see and study what's otherwise invisible between galaxies.
The fact that FRB 121102 sends repeating signals eliminates an early theory that suggested all FRBs were basically aftershocks of huge cosmic cataclysms. Knowing FRB 121102's repeating signal comes from a tiny galaxy makes it unlikely there's space-shaking collisions or explosions happening there multiple times per day.
One possible explanation is that there's more than one type of FRB.
The Gemini telescope in Hawaii was used to zoom in on the dwarf galaxy hosting the source of the signal.
Photo by Danielle Futselaar
"I think that this is a huge breakthrough but also extremely puzzling," Prof. Matthew Bailes, who is at Australia's Swinburne University of Technology and was involved in the discovery of the first fast radio burst in 2007, told me. "The nature of the host galaxy - a dwarf, was a bit of a shock. The proximity to an active galactic nuclei even more intriguing. Are there two or one class of FRB? We'll need to find more to get all the answers."
Big stuff can happen in a dwarf galaxy though, as UC Berkeley astronomer and team member Casey Law points out. Small galaxies can play host to major events like superluminous supernovae and long gamma ray bursts that are connected to magnetars, a crazy kind of neutron star with a powerful magnetic field that can give rise to powerful bursts of x-rays and gamma rays.
"All these threads point to the idea that in this environment, something generates these magnetars," Law said. "It could be created by a superluminous supernova or a long gamma-ray burst, and then later on, as it evolves and its rotation slows down a bit, it produces these fast radio bursts as well as continuous radio emission powered by that spin-down."
Hubble's best views of the mysteries of space (picture)
The detection of FRB 121102 by multiple radio telescopes would appear to rule out the most embarrassing possible cause seen in the past - some signals picked up a few years ago seemed at first like more fast radio bursts, but were later determined to be caused by someone opening a microwave oven door while it was running at the Parkes Observatory.
Then there is the explanation that none of the scientists directly involved with pinpointing FRB 121102 have mentioned, but that will probably continue to be associated with FRBs until their mysteries are solved: aliens.
At least one scientific organization is already looking into that possibility.
METI International (the acronym stands for Messaging Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) pointed the Boquete Optical SETI Observatory in Panama toward FRB 121102 starting Tuesday evening and has so far spent a total of about an hour searching for evidence of advanced civilizations in the neighborhood.
"That's not a lot of time for a phenomenon known to be intermittent and unpredictable. So far we've found nothing that looks like the telltale sign of extraterrestrial technology," METI International President Douglas Vakoch told me shortly after the press conference concluded Wednesday.
Vakoch doesn't think there's any call for jumping to conclusions about FRBs coming from ancient advanced alien civilizations just yet, but says investigating for the possibility is good practice for the day evidence of an alien civilization is detected and follow-up observations are needed.
Ironically, FRB 121102 itself actually helps discredit one of the early notions around FRBs that seemed to point to a pattern behind the bursts - a pattern that some believed couldn't be a coincidence and may have been designed by something intelligent, perhaps?
The year's wackiest 'evidence' aliens and UFOs are real
As it turns out, the pattern only applied to the first ten FRBs recorded and others that followed, including FRB 121102, didn't fit the pattern. Sorry, E.T. We haven't received your call just yet.
While we're just beginning to understand these strange space signals better through FRB 121102, there's likely to be many more opportunities on the way, as it's believed that if we could observe and process incoming data from the entire sky, we'd likely find that earth is actually being bombarded with FRBs all the time.
"Finding the host galaxy of this FRB, and its distance, is a big step forward, but we still have much more to do before we fully understand what these things are," team leader Shami Chatterjee of Cornell University said.
The search for extraterrestrial intelligent life in the universe may sound like science fiction to some, but it’s been a legitimate and active part of astronomy research for decades. Now, some researchers want to take the next step, from looking for signs of life to sending out signals and telling any aliens out there: “Hey, we’re down here!”
This idea has drawn criticism from the likes of Stephen Hawking and launched a debate that will come to a head this year as a young organization rolls out its plan to craft a message to blast out to potential aliens some time in 2018. METI International, launched in 2015, is a nonprofit research group that plans to start messaging by the end of next year. Their name means “messaging extraterrestrial intelligence” (a play on SETI, the “search for extraterrestrial intelligence”).
“One of the big questions has been: is this dangerous, to be transmitting to extraterrestrials?” said Douglas Vakoch, the president of METI International. “Maybe they’re having a bad millennium and they’re feeling malevolent. But if that’s the case, they can come anyway.”
The main criticism that arises is how little we know about any potential life forms out there, and if they’re unfriendly, alerting them to our existence could be fatal. They might decide to attack our planet for resources, or eliminate our entire species just for fun. Or, if they’re like the heptapods in Arrival, just trying to help unite us.
“We have almost zero idea of whether aliens are likely to be dangerous,” wrote Mark Buchanan, a physicist, in an issue of Nature Physics last summer. “The single history of evolving biological life that we know of — here on Earth — carries a strong theme of violent conflict, perpetual battle for resources and the oppression of weaker groups by stronger ones.”
We’re not exactly an optimistic case study. But those in favor of reaching out, like Vakoch, believe if these unfriendly life forms are out there, and have the scientific advancement to travel to us, they would have already been able to find us: the Earth has been leaking radio waves for decades, which have reached the nearest 7,000 stars.
Vakoch has a PhD in psychology but has been grappling with the question of whether to try to communicate with intelligent life in the universe—and what to say if we do—since the late 90s with the SETI Institute. He told me part of the METI mission is to test out a challenge to the Fermi paradox—which questions why, if the universe is theoretically teeming with life, we still haven’t met any aliens.
One theory is that intelligent alien life surrounds us, but is keeping itself hidden from us plebeian life forms. The only way to get their attention would be to reach out first. (Fellow Star Trek fans will recognize this theory as fitting in nicely with the Prime Directive.)
It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve deliberately sent messages into space: NASA has done it, with its golden record on Voyager, plaques on Pioneer 10 & 11, and (for some reason) a Beatles song it beamed out in 2008. But the difference is that these messages were tangential to the real mission: great, if some aliens stumble across them, but they were not directed at a planet where we think life might exist. METI, by contrast, would be very deliberately sending messages to specific locations, such as Proxima B, an Earthlike planet in the habitable zone near our closest neighbor, Proxima Centauri. That message could travel to Proxima B in just over four years, meaning we could have a response (if there is indeed intelligent life there) just over eight years after sending the message.
But if you’re still siding with Stephen Hawking with this one and are worried it’s too risky, don’t panic yet. Vakoch told me METI will be hosting three important meetings this year to continue this debate. One meeting, in St. Louis in May, will specifically consider the potential risks and benefits of alerting other possible life forms to our existence, and may in fact convince the group to hold off on sending out messages.
“That’s possible,” Vakoch said. “We want to hear from people who do have concerns and we want to look for a method that will let us find common ground.”
And even if METI goes forward with its plan to send out a message in 2018, it will need either the permission of one of Earth’s existing large radio telescopes, or enough funding to build their own, so there’s no guarantee either will happen.
Whatever side of the debate you fall on, it’s pretty fascinating to see the different arguments unfold. The possibility of intelligent life in the universe is so real, it’s causing some of our greatest scientists to freak out over whether or not we want to find it.
Method-2, the world’s first mech, is something to behold. After it was unveiled late last month, the internet has been abuzz with uses for Hankook Mirae Technology’s creation. Just days after the reveal, designer Vitaly Bulgarov uploaded a new video on Saturday of the machine doing a merry jig in the South Korean firm’s lab.
Sure, today it’s dancing, but one day it could be used for a whole number of applications. Yang Jin-ho, the brains behind the project, made it simply because mechs are awesome. Which they are! But at a cost of 242 billion won (around $200 million), it’s probably best to come up with a real-world application at some point.
It’s a beast: the machine stands 13 feet high, weighs over 1.5 tons, and each arm weighs nearly 200 pounds. Bulgarov has worked on the designs of films like Terminator and Transformers, and those influences are on display in Yang’s creation.
There are plenty of changes that still need to be made before the bot is production-ready. For starters, it’s still tethered to a power source. As the team conducts more experiments, it may become clearer what the best uses for the bot are, meaning the team can focus on making the improvements that are going to best benefit the bot’s use cases.
“We’re currently revising the frame to reduce the vibration,” Bulgarov said in the video’s description.
Watch the video of Method-2 making some of its first steps here:
It is of course still rather early to say which of 2016’s more regrettable trends will carry over into the 2017 and which will simply be allowed to die, but a physicist from the Imperial College London is doing his part to make sure we all stay hyped about the idea that aliens are waiting for us just around the corner. Simon Foster believes that the moons Europa and Enceladus, which respectively orbit Jupiter and Saturn, will soon yield signs of alien life. “[T]here is a breakthrough just around the corner,” he sagely told the Daily Mail. Let us now discuss why, while Mr. Foster is not exactly wrong to direct his energies and hype up the prospect of life on Europa and Enceladus, he is still basically wrong.
The reason Foster is optimistic enough to claim that we’re really truly about to find aliens is because of the work currently being undertaken by the Cassini probe, which is studying Saturn and its moons — including Enceladus. Yes, Cassini could indeed find signs of microbial life, but the odds are not great. It has to do with the logistics of Cassini itself relative to Europa and Enceladus.
The two moons have a better potential for hosting life than other worlds because they both possess subsurface liquid oceans. But that means they need a probe to be able to actually dig below the surface. Cassini, tasked with flying through and investigating the Saturnian system, already completed its last flyby of Enceladus a year ago. Still, Cassini will be active until September 2017, which Foster and the Daily Mail believe will lead to a startling discovery.
Foster also says that the attention to Mars should arguably be redirected to other ocean worlds. That’s fine; NASA is hyped about them too! There’s nothing wrong with concentrating the search for alien life around distant icy moons — they’re arguably our most promising lead. Their ice means they might have subsurface liquid oceans, which in turn means they might be able to sustain life, though you don’t need me or the Daily Mail or anyone else to tell you what a long shot this all still is. Europa and Enceladus have both proved to be intriguing in their own ways, and certainly more promising than other moons in that there’s not not the possibility of life, but to state that we’re guaranteed some discovery of microbial life in the next calendar year, or whatever “just around the corner” means, is a bit much.
At any rate, after making these points Foster proceeds to tell the Daily Mail that Trump might actually be good for science and alien-hunting because it will simply be the practical investment to make, so you’d be forgiven for not getting quite as hyped about this latest round of aliens-or-maybe-not-but-definitely-stay-tuned.
“I think when he gets in he will be different,” said Foster. “Because from a business point of view, he is going to look at things like hurricanes and how they’ll affect America, so you are going to get more intense and frequent and people are losing their homes and businesses are being ruined by this, he is a businessman and that will cost you tax I think he will take a more pragmatic view on this.”
This mysterious object is known as 1991 VG and it was first spotted in November 1991 by astronomer James Scotti at the University of Arizona. Today, many conspiracy theorists think that this is a genuine “alien probe”, which is deliberately set to fly near Earth in 2017.
The object has confused astronomers ever since it was first spotted, mainly because of its strange rotation and longevity in space. Some people think that this is a section of the Apollo 12 rocket, but according to Scotti it is probably something else:
An artistic depiction of what the “alien probe” may look like. “We looked into all the possibilities for it being man-made. There were a few possible spacecraft and rocket bodies that might be 1991 VG. But, when we looked into each, we were able to eliminate each of them
According to other people, the strange object may also be a secret Soviet rocket from the Space Race era. It is a fact that the Soviets had equally powerful rockets as the American ones and it is quite possible that they launched one to get to the moon and covered it up if things went badly.
This is the orbit of VG 1991. Scotti realised that this object had passed Earth one more time in March 1975. When 1991 VG was first spotted, it was around 10 metres in diameter, passing 280,000 miles from Earth – around 50,000 miles further than the Earth and the moon. The object showed a rapid rate of rotation and its brightness fluctuated. At that time, this kind of behaviour was not observed at any asteroid of similar size. The object’s orbit was also similar to Earth’s orbit.
After gathering more information about 1991 VG, Scotti realised that this object had passed Earth one more time in March 1975. Again this is something that is not characteristic for an asteroid. They don’t tend to pass twice in the same spot
Duncan Steel, an astronomer at University of Adelaide, suggested it might be an “alien probe observed in the vicinity of our planet.” He only mentioned this theory in order to disprove it. In further interviews, he has stated that he isn’t convinced that VG 1991 is of extraterrestrial origin.
This hasn’t stopped conspiracy theorists from continuing to spread the idea of an extraterrestrial origin of the object. They still keep citing Steele’s work as their main source.
Nostradamus is quoted as saying mankind would discover a machine in space that was sent to us by the WATCHERS! in 2017!
NASA footage shows mysterious flying saucer UFO sailing above Earth’s atmosphere in space [Video]
NASA footage shows mysterious flying saucer UFO sailing above Earth’s atmosphere in space [Video]
It is being claimed that an alien flying saucer UFO was recorded in Earth’s atmosphere. This footage was excerpted by Alien hunters.
Footage from NASA’s ISS live stream uploaded to YouTube on September 27, 2016, by user UFO Sightings, titled “New NASA uncut footage shows clear UFO,” purports to show a UFO flying in space past NASA’s HD cameras on board the ISS.
According to UFO hunters, the flying saucer may have been flying out or entering into the Earth’s atmosphere at the time it was captured on camera. Although most analysts described the mysterious object as disc-shaped, the footage reveals a v-shaped indentation in the rear in contrast with a curved front (see video below).
The footage, according to YouTube UFO hunters, shows clear evidence of alien UFO activity above Earth’s atmosphere.
Enthusiasts debated the veracity of the claim that it provides conclusive evidence of extraterrestrial presence in our solar system and alien UFOs visiting Earth, according to Mirror.
Skeptics tried as usual to debunk the claim that the flying object was an alien UFO. Many suggested it could have been space junk making re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere.
But a believer pointed out that the object could not have been space junk because space junk and natural space bodies falling under the force of gravity normally spin, rotate or tumble. But the object shown in the video appeared to be stabilized and thus could not have been a natural space body or space junk making re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere.
“If that was space junk, I would have expected it to be rotating or spinning,” the viewer commented, according to HNGN. “If an object is in a very low orbit, the upper atmosphere is going to cause it to spin, unless it’s made like a dart. This object seemed to be stable. Meaning it…. was a spacecraft, flying under control of technology that stabilized its flight.”
Some skeptics wondered aloud why UFO videos tend always to be blurred, thus making it difficult to identify the alleged extraterrestrial craft.
“OMG! An alien spaceship just entered our planet,” a skeptic commented sarcastically. “Quick, grab our worst possible camera.”
“UFOs entering our airspace should be registered and required to pay for a permit or license and be regulated as to flight paths,” another skeptic joked. “Given the multitude of ‘sightings’ on YouTube the money collected could resolve our national debt.”
The latest alleged UFO sighting is remarkably similar to a sighting first reported on July 9, 2016, by UFO hunter Streecap1. UFO hunters claimed that the footage, taken from the live ISS stream, showed an alien UFO making a stealth incursion into the Earth’s atmosphere.
In the description of his YouTube video titled “UFO Enters Earth’s Atmosphere,” Streetcap1 acknowledged that the mysterious object shown entering into the Earth’s atmosphere from space could have been a meteor. But a singular reason to suspect that it was an alien UFO was that NASA prevented alien hunters from having a closer look at it by quickly cutting live transmission.
The alien hunter also argued that the object was likely an alien craft because just before NASA cut the video feed, it was seen slowing down and hovering momentarily above Earth’s atmosphere. UFO Sightings Hotspot agreed with Streetcap1 that NASA would not have cut transmission had the object been a natural space body, such as a meteor.
UFO hunters believe that NASA has a policy of covering up UFO evidence to prevent people from knowing the truth about the presence of technologically advanced extraterrestrial species in our solar system and alien UFOs visiting our planet.
“At first glance it could be a natural object like a meteor or an artificial object like space junk or a satellite, but what made it interesting was that NASA cut the live camera feed just at the moment the UFO seemed to stop just above earth’s atmosphere,” UFO Sightings Hotspot commented. “If it [was a] recognizable and identified object then there is no reason to shut down the live streaming.”
But other UFO analysts, such as Scott C. Waring, disagreed that the flying object could have been a meteor. Waring suggested on his UFO Sightings Daily that it could have been the Chinese space station Tiangong-1, China’s first unmanned space station, launched into orbit in September 2011.
“I have watched the International Space Station a lot over the last 6 years and I can tell you that this is not the moon, nor a meteor,” Waring commented. “It may be the Chinese space station cargo ship, called Tiangong-1, or the other one Tangong-2.”
Repeated allegations against NASA that it deliberately shuts down live transmission to hide UFOs that appear on its live ISS stream have forced the agency to issue multiple denials, the Inquisitr reported.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
UFO filmed today 04.01.2017 slow motion shots are very mysterious transition to another dimension ?
UFO filmed today 04.01.2017 slow motion shots are very mysterious transition to another dimension ?
Published on Jan 4, 2017
Many people still doubt the existence of a flying saucers, but I tell you, just wait until they appear in large quantity. Around the entire planet will demonstrate their ability to fly, their appearance and disappearance. In a way that confuses people into the large extent, that no one really understand what is happening. It has been written that the sky will "sign". This "sign" already seen a lot of people, but by the end of this age will see it every man of the earth and will be surprised" Corpuscular ship is constructed in detail in accordance with the law of God in the form of light energy. Light corpuscular ship is therefore better as a spiritual power manifested corpuscular ships. The ship can move faster than light. When the object moves faster than light, disappearing from sight. Goes into another dimension. The human eye sees everything that is inside of the light spectrum. When I mention the light spectrum and hit the light spectrum of the sun. With increased intensity of light would blind man. His senses would not notice a higher form of vibration. It can not therefore see the world resulting on a different frequency, although located around beside him. Corpuscular ship can move at high speed. It is therefore invisible to the human eye. By increasing the energy of the corpuscular vessel there is an increase of its speed. If it goes into the vessel by its frequency, it means that moves slower than the maximum speed. This makes it the human eye sees. It manifests itself in the form of light. Reducing the speed to changing light and the human eye, the ship must appear as a solid object. If the moving ship and if it stays on the molecular level, the maximum rate will remain invisible to the human eye. That they are explained in words that corpuscular ship may be the front door of your house and you will not see it. The ship can come to a man secretly. People of it may remain hidden from man. The people of the corpuscular vessels reduces its frequency to a protein molecule in the cell become visible to the human eye. They therefore come secretly and suddenly appear before you in the form of light and energy. At that moment comes the light source, the energy in the form of spirit. You will be influenced by your spirit will be affected the most energy, which manifested itself around you and you will be allowed contact with corpuscular ships. In contact with them you should not worry. Believe me, it's something natural. There is nothing mysterious. Only one who manifests the spirit of mentally able to take this energy will be able to experience the transition from one age to another.
UFO'S Het aantal ufomeldingen is vorig jaar bijna gehalveerd in vergelijking met het jaar ervoor. Er werden 143 meldingen genoteerd in 2016 en dat waren er 89 minder dan in 2015, toen 232 meldingen binnenkwamen. "Hoofdreden is vermoedelijk de nieuwe methode die we hanteren voor het registreren", aldus Frederick Delaere - zelf een non-believer - van het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt, "maar het verklaart niet alles."
Een en ander staat te lezen in het 52-bladzijden tellende jaarverslag 2016 van het 'Belgisch UFO-meldpunt'. Daaruit kan verder worden opgemaakt dat de meeste meldingen binnenlopen in de maand januari. "Vermoedelijk is de media-aandacht die gegenereerd werd door de publicatie van het vorige jaarverslag, hier verantwoordelijk voor", zo staat in het verslag.
De 143 waarnemingen van het ufomeldpunt zijn waarnemingen in Vlaanderen, want daarnaast is er nog een ander centrum, het Comité Belge pour l'Etude des Phénomènes Spatiaux (COBEPS), dat meldingen in Franstalig België registreert. Die noteerde 74 meldingen voor 2016, in 2015 waren dat er nog 93. Wat de 143 Vlaamse meldingen betreft, kwamen de meeste uit de provincies Oost-Vlaanderen (33) en Antwerpen (30)
De aanzienlijke daling van het aantal meldingen uit Vlaanderen is naar alle waarschijnlijkheid voor een deel veroorzaakt door het feit dat het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt sinds februari 2016 een nieuwe werkmethodiek hanteert. Aan de waarnemer wordt nu gevraagd om bij voorkeur alleen nog verschijnselen te melden waarvan de waarschijnlijke verklaring niet terug te vinden is op de internetpagina "verklaringen" van het ufomeldpunt.
"Maar dat verklaart niet de volledige daling", aldus Delaere. "In Wallonië gebruiken ze nog dezelfde methodiek als vroeger en daar loopt het aantal meldingen ook terug. De piek in 2011 en 2012 was volgens ons overigens vooral te wijten aan de hype rond wensballonnen die er toen was."
Waarnemingen krijgen de status van "hoge vreemdheid" toebedeeld, wanneer ze aan bepaalde criteria voldoen. Hoewel de getuigen aangespoord werden om hun meldingen zo gedetailleerd mogelijk te beschrijven, kreeg het grootste deel (51 meldingen) van de binnengekomen waarnemingen "gegevens onvoldoende" als evaluatie. Deze meldingen bevatten voor het meldpunt te weinig bruikbare gegevens om een eventuele verklaring te kunnen geven of een verder onderzoek te starten.
Bij de verklaringen voor de beschreven en vaak ook gefotografeerde of gefilmde "niet geïdentificeerde vliegende voorwerpen" noemt het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt in zijn jaarverslag onder meer "meteoren of ruimteschroot, ballonnen, satellieten (inclusief ISS), vliegtuigen en helikopters, vogels en drones". Het laat zich aanzien dat vooral laatstgenoemde verklaringsgrond de komende jaren nog in aantal zal toenemen.
In totaal bleken amper drie meldingen niet te verklaren te zijn. "Zo werd er in Lembeke een toestel gespot met een raster onderaan", aldus Delaere. "We vermoeden dat het een vliegtuig was, maar konden geen toestel identificeren dat daar voorbij gevlogen zou zijn. De getuige leek ons wél betrouwbaar."
En er was ook een melding van een vreemd voorwerp in de Oost-Vlaamse gemeente Wachtebeke, vlakbij het provinciaal domein Puyenbroek. "Het deed wat denken aan een drone, maar aangezien er in die regio een verbod geldt op drones, hebben we deze waarneming ook als onverklaarbaar bestempeld", aldus nog Delaere.
De vreemdste melding? "Dat was iemand die een wezen in haar slaapkamer had gezien", aldus Delaere. "Het gebeurde in Zoutleeuw. We vermoeden dat het hier ging om een geval van slaapverlamming. Patiënten zitten dan vast tussen slapen en waken en kunnen zich niet bewegen. Het is typisch dat ze dan vreemde figuren zien. Alle symptomen kwamen hiermee overeen."
Er is een nieuw orgaan ontdekt in het menselijk lichaam. Het gaat om het 'mesenterium' waarvan wetenschappers eeuwenlang dachten dat het uit verschillende delen bestond maar het blijkt nu één afzonderlijk geheel te vormen in ons maag-darmstelsel. Maar de functie van dit nieuwe orgaan stelt onderzoekers voorlopig voor een raadsel.
"Deze vondst opent een heel nieuw gebied voor de wetenschap", verklaarde de Ierse onderzoeker J. Calvin Coffey die de ontdekking deed. "We hebben al de anatomie en de structuur van het orgaan ontleed, nu moeten nog te weten komen wat de eigenlijke functie ervan is", aldus de vorser van het universitaire ziekenhuis in het Ierse Limerick.
"Eens je weet wat de functie van dit orgaan is, kan je ook achterhalen wanneer het mesenterium niet normaal functioneert en bepaalde ziektes vaststellen."
Dubbele plooi Het mesenterium is eigenlijk een dubbele plooi van het buikvlies dat onze buikholte bekleedt. Het hecht onze darmen vast aan de binnenkant van onze onderbuik en houdt alles op zijn plaats.
De ontdekking werd uitvoerig beschreven in het gerenommeerd wetenschappelijk vakblad The Lancet. Alle medische naslagwerken krijgen een update zodat geneeskundestudenten voortaan leren dat het mesenterium een afzonderlijk orgaan is.
Da Vinci Het was Leonardo Da Vinci die in 1508 het mesenterium voor het eerst beschreef. Daarna werd het eeuwenlang genegeerd omdat het als onbetekenend werd beschouwd. Tot de Ier Coffey deze belangrijke ontdekking deed.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
A number of incredible discoveries in 2016 have led scientists searching for life on other planets to conclude that they are quietly hopeful that 2017 will be the breakthrough year when human beings will finally come up with conclusive proof of extra-terrestrial life.
Scientists are always very cautious when it comes to proclaiming that they have found life on other planets. This is because there have been so many false alarms in the past which have led to disappointment both among the scientific community and the public.
Dr. Simon Foster, a physicist, based at the prestigious Imperial College in London said; “In the past when we thought we had discovered aliens previously, it was a new form of star called the pulsar. We don’t know hardly anything, and when we come up against something we don’t know or doesn’t fit into out current understanding, it is quite nice to say that it could be aliens, whereas a lot of it is just a phenomena that we haven’t discovered.” But despite all of that, Dr. Foster still believed that there was a reason to be confident that aliens would be discovered in the near future. “Either way there is a breakthrough just around the corner, ” he said.
There are numerous reasons why scientists are becoming more certain that a breakthrough is imminent. Last year, scientists detected highly unusual pulse signals from deep space which they believe are likely to have been caused by an advanced alien civilization. The research is currently being reviewed by bodies such as SETI, but even if this particular theory does not pan out, scientists believe that less sophisticated forms of life may be discovered in this solar system in the coming year.
NASA and other large space agencies across the world are launching several exploratory missions this year that may well reveal that this solar system is home to microbial life forms. According to Dr. Foster, the probe Cassini which is currently orbiting Saturn and its moons is fairly likely to discover bacterial life. “What’s interesting is that one of Saturn’s moons, Enceladus, is an icy moon and that leaves the tantalizing prospect of looking for life, ” he said. He also suggested that another moon, Europa, may well have life in its vast underground ocean.
In addition to this, scientists have recently discovered a new planet orbiting Proxima Centauri, which is only four light years from Earth which they believe could be a very hospitable environment for life. According to Professor Phillip Lubin of the University of California at Santa Barbara, “The discovery of a possible planet around Proxima Centauri is very exciting. It makes the case of visiting nearby stellar systems even more compelling.” Later this year, astronomers will use some of the world’s most powerful telescopes to search the planet for life.
Merkwaardige UFO-waarnemingen in België: Felle lichten en twee vreemde wezens
Merkwaardige UFO-waarnemingen in België: Felle lichten en twee vreemde wezens
Drie UFO-meldingen uit België hebben het label onverklaard gekregen. Dat blijkt uit het jaarverslag van het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt, waarover Het Nieuwsblad bericht.
Het meldpunt vond het noodzakelijk om twee van die meldingen onder de loep te nemen. Op 25 januari vorig jaar zag een persoon uit Wachtebeke ‘een schijf met bovenaan een uitsteeksel’.
Het meldpunt ging eerst uit van een drone, maar daarna rees er twijfel aangezien drones in de omgeving van de waarnemingsplaats verboden zijn.
Te groot
Het object op de ontvangen schets is daarnaast veel te groot voor een drone.
Het meldpunt stelde vast dat een foute inschatting onwaarschijnlijk was aangezien de waarneemster het object vanuit verschillende hoeken zowel voor als achter een bomenrij waarnam.
“De korte waarnemingsduur, de duisternis en het feit dat de getuige zich in een rijdend voertuig bevond, zijn er de oorzaak van dat er geen gedetailleerde beschrijving van het object kon worden gegeven,” klonk het.
Twee felle lichten
Op 27 juni werd in Lembeke een voorwerp met twee felle lichten en knipperlichtjes waargenomen.
Het meldpunt dacht in eerste instantie dat het object een Boeing 737 was, maar de getuige kon niet geloven dat hij slechts een vliegtuig had gezien.
Aangeleverde extra details sluiten de vliegtuighypothese niet uit, maar maken het tegelijkertijd niet langer goed mogelijk om uit de beschikbare informatie een overtuigende conclusie te trekken.
Twee vreemde wezens
De meest merkwaardige melding werd gedaan door een vrouw uit Zoutleeuw. Op 23 mei zag ze naar eigen zeggen twee vreemde wezens.
“Ik open mijn ogen, kijk rond in de kamer […] en zie 2 hele grote tengere figuren staan die enorme armen en benen hebben en ik zie 4 uitgesproken langwerpige ogen naar me kijken,” schreef de vrouw.
Volgens het meldpunt ging het om een bijzondere vorm van zinsbegoocheling die optreedt vlak voor het ontwaken.
Omdat deze ‘dromen’ zich afspelen in een half wakkere toestand, zijn de beelden bijzonder levendig.
In de UFO-literatuur worden deze slaapkamerverschijningen vaak aangeduid als bedroom invaders.
143 meldingen
Het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt kreeg vorig jaar 143 meldingen binnen. Dat is een daling van 89 waarnemingen in vergelijking met 2015.
In januari kwamen de meeste meldingen binnen. Ook in de zomermaanden werden meer UFO’s waargenomen.
6 Hidden Clues Behind Mysterious Ancient Civilizations, Were Aliens Responsible? Jan 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
6 Hidden Clues Behind Mysterious Ancient Civilizations, Were Aliens Responsible? Jan 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of video: Jan 3, 2017 Maker of video: Strange Mysteries of Youtube Here is a thought provoking video about some ancient mysteries that are still being questioned about if aliens were or were not involved in making these ancient civilizations. The more we learn, the more questions we have. I am confident aliens have been here for millions of years and have interfered with the rise and fall of many civilizations. Scott C. Waring Video states:
The Seven Mayan Prophecies foretold by the Mayan people claimed that a series of devastating events would occur to humanity beginning in 1999 and ending with Earth's apparent destruction on December 21st 2012. The ancient kingdoms of Egypt, Greece and the Mycenaeans were some of the most influential civilizations in human history, with many of their teachings and discoveries forming the basis of our modern scientific, religious and philosophical ideas. The Nazca Civilization existed in modern-day Peru between 100BC and 800AD, and this intriguing society seemed strangely advanced considering when and where they lived. The Sumerian people of southern-Mesopotamia were one of if not the very first examples of civilised society here on Earth, yet we still have a lot of questions about where these people came from, where their language was derived from, and where their genetic descendants are today. In the centuries since the west first clasped eyes on Easter Island's Moai statues, archaeologists have been confused over how the relatively primitive Rapa Nui people moved these big hunks of rock. Here's another mysterious bunch of old timey rocks for you, and we still don't know exactly how the Stone-age people of southern-Britain built this astonishing rock formation either. Viking lore is well known to many of us today thanks to the simple fact that it contains all kinds of awesome, but what remained a mystery for quite some time was exactly how these sea-faring Scandinavians interacted with their Norse mythology on a daily basis.
UFO Moves Over Small Town As They Sleep, Aug 15, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Moves Over Small Town As They Sleep, Aug 15, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Aug 15, 2016 but reported in Dec 2016 Location of sighting: Bolton, GB Source: MUFON 79014 This UFO would be mistaken by many to be a meteor, but it has no tail and is moving very slowly at a horizontal position. The object is bright and not too far above the city. Caught by a home security camera, the UFO would have normal gone unnoticed, but cams are becoming the essential tools that will bring about disclosure. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states:
We were actually on holiday away from home when we caught this ufo on our surveillance camera at home. We noticed the following morning that we had captured something strange. We cannot find anyone else at this moment in time who saw it too but to record it on video I think is very lucky. On the video it has recorded the date and time. On the video after our security light comes on and then goes off a few seconds later, above the neighbours houses but further away a light appears to the centre of the screen. This light seems to have a trail after it. We thought we were watching a meteor at first but realising it was quite big and not straight up in the sky, it would have to be pretty close to the earth if it was. Also, the light changes direction, it actually turns around and comes a little closer as it goes back to the same direction it came from. The light comes into view in the centre of the screen and moves left, when it turns around it slightly disappears behind a tree but can still be seen. When it comes back it seems to come closer and moves off to the right and in the same direction it came from. I feel as it was moving over some water to the outskirts of our village.
This footage from the last year has made rounds online showing one strange bright round object in the sky that bursts into three.
Jared A, a YouTube user, drove along Alaska at three early in the morning when he noticed a burning bright light.
He was able to grab a camera and record the object split into two. One of them had vanished, and the other one erupted into three separate lights, which then formed a triangle in the sky and disappeared.
Jared posted the video to YouTube first, but more detailed explanations were shared on Reddit.
He wrote that he was about to approach the Morris Thompson Visiter Centre area when he looked up again and spotted a bright light went straight down and vanished.
Jared said that the one shown in the video just kept on flashing. He felt afraid but excited at the same time with the anomaly he witnessed.
He also pointed out that the object was brighter than in the video.
Some UFO enthusiasts believe the object is from another planet. One Reddit user described it as genuinely unearthly that might make to history books.
Another user said that it was just amazing to see in the video one light split into two and then three different objects separately.
As expected, not everyone was convinced about the UFO theory.
A YouTube user said that it looked more of strobes on a helicopter.
Another one said that it was just a weather balloon.
The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) are investigating the photographs from the sighting of a flying saucer that snapped over homes and allegedly sprayed chemicals into the air.
The unnamed witness said that he happened to look up and saw what he first thought a passenger plane on fire.
A few seconds later, he realized that it was not a plane. He described the aerial thing as a blunt silver-domed object having orange lights around the UFO’s middle. He added that it was a usual domed UFO looking craft.
Eventually, it became apparent to the witness that the craft was in trouble. The witness saw no flame or intense burning, but some kind of a vapor trail was left. He said that the vapor trail did not appear to be from any place on the craft. It nearly enshrouded the craft, slipped off and fell behind. The trail then dissipated within seconds later, according to the witness.
He thought the trail was radioactive or highly poisonous. He noticed an increased intensity of the rumbling hiss as the craft left the smoke.
The sighting took place on July 20, 2013, at around 11 am in Huntington Beach, California, but has only been reported to MUFON recently.
The witness estimated the object to be a mile away, moving to south or southwest. He further guessed the size to be the same of a school bus at approximately 35 to 40 feet wide.
The witness managed to get photos of the mysterious aerial thing as it moved from right to left towards the coast.
UFOs do make trails behind them sometimes, but they do it on purpose. UFOs make cloud tunnels for others to follow safely inside without being seen, but here its trying to look like a jet. Such antics by aliens works more often than not, so its difficult to laugh at them when the majority of the world is still in the dark about the existence aliens. When looking at the UFO, you see its bottom is in the shape of an alien face, the face of the species flying it. This sighting is right next to the English Channel where only a few km away island where two planes recorded several yellow mile long disks over the area of French military airspace, which shows the French have allotted a area of ocean to the aliens. Scott C. Waring News states:
A PROFESSIONAL UFO spotter has captured pictures of his first UFO of 2017. John Mooner, from Newton Abbot, who calls himself the chief photographer for World UFO Photos, snapped the strange object when he was 'sky watching' on Monday at around 1.30pm. Mr Mooner said: "I decided to go out sky watching and I had my trusty Nikon P900 camera at the ready. "After about an hour of sky watching I spotted a faint contrail and began to zoom in. "At a higher magnification I could clearly see that this contrail was not coming from a plane, but was in fact coming from a round object that appeared to be glowing. "The round glowing object was at a very high altitude and I doubt that many people would be able to see this without a telephoto lens or a pair of high zoom binoculars. "The object was moving at a high rate of speed across the sky and I had real trouble stabilizing it in the camera's viewfinder. "I began taking photographs of this strange object and I managed to take six photographs that show the movement of this object." Mr Mooner, who call himself the chief photographer for World UFO Photos, said it was a good start to the year for UFO spotters. "This is my first UFO photographs of 2017 and I can't wait to photograph more UFOs over Devon," he added.
Two objects are currently hurtling towards Earth’s orbit and will come close to Earth in January and February.
One of the bodies is a comet known as C/2016 U1 NEOWISE, which was first discovered by Nasa’s NEOWISE mission – the asteroid hunting project – in October last year, is set to reach its closest point on January 14.
According to Nasa’s Paul Chodas, the comet ”has a good chance of becoming visible through a good pair of binoculars, although we can't be sure because a comet's brightness is notoriously unpredictable.”
There is a bit of confusion surrounding the other object however, with experts unsure as to whether it is a comet or an asteroid.
An asteroid and potentially a comet are hurtling towards Earth
The comet ”has a good chance of becoming visible through a good pair of binoculars"
The object in question has been dubbed 2016 WF9 is not followed by a trail of icy debris, like a comet usually does, but it does seem to have the reflective body structure of a comet.
As it approaches, scientists will be studying it to confirm what type of celestial body it is.
Comets are made up of icy material
Nasa’s Deputy Principal Investigator James Bauer, of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said: "2016 WF9 could have cometary origins.
"This object illustrates that the boundary between asteroids and comets is a blurry one; perhaps over time this object has lost the majority of the volatiles that linger on or just under its surface."
It is due to reach its closest point to Earth on February 25 when it will be just 32 million miles away – while that seems a safe distance, in galactic terms it is not far at all.
While this time around it does not pose any danger, experts worry that when it returns, as it orbits Jupiter and the Sun, it could be significantly closer.
The truth embargo and official disclosure regarding extraterrestrials is still an issue.
Reality check:Hillary Clinton didn’t win the election so she will not be the disclosure president. But the truth embargo and official disclosure regarding extraterrestrials is still an issue. So it’s time for plan B: the Congressional Hearings Initiative.
In April and May of 2013, the Paradigm Research Group hosted the first citizen hearings on disclosure. The 30 hours of hearings were designed to look and feel like congressional hearings and even employed several former congressional representatives to chair the proceedings. The mainstream media yawned, made fun of and most certainly ignored the proceedings. Nobody in Congress stepped up to the plate and called for UFO disclosure hearings.
Without a doubt, it’s time for Congress to do its job and look into the truth embargo.
This issue really boils down to research money, and in our system of government for most major scientific research, the purse strings are held by Congress. The truth is, getting any kind of serious research done, like the kind that is done by the National Academy of Science, requires congressional support in the form of funding. If we’re talking about Congress, then we have to talk about voter numbers.
In 2012, National Geographic sponsored a national poll to measure interest on the topic of UFOs. The poll indicated that 36 percent of Americans, or about 80 million people, believe in UFOS.
In New York State, 36 percent translated to about 7.11 million, or most of upstate. The poll also found that 47 percent of Americans were on the fence about the topic and 17 percent flat out didn’t believe in UFOS.
Interestingly, the poll revealed that 80 percent believe that the government is hiding what it knows about UFOs. Nationally, that’s about 255 million people. Here in New York state, its 15.8 million of our 19.75 million residents. That’s a lot of voter interest in the topic of UFOs. These very same voters don’t think that the government isn’t being square with us.
Let’s think about this for a moment: Getting a member of Congress to call for hearings about UFOs carries a stiff media stigma that’s been culturally reinforced for over 50 years. In my opinion, what is needed is a team effort to give any one Congress member cover. This could be done by an individual state’s congressional delegation calling for such hearings.
In that line of thinking I have compiled a statistical list of the past 14 years worth of New York states’ 5,141 UFO sightings. The data has been gathered from the databases of National UFO Reporting Center and from the Mutual UFO Network.
I have ranked those UFO sighting statistics by New York Congressional Districts in the chart below:
Click to enlarge.
Click to enlarge.
As you can see from the data presented, there are many New York congressional districts that have large amounts of eye witness UFO reports.
Those 5,141 reports rank New York sixth in the nation. The United States as a whole logged over 100,000 sighting reports from 2001 through 2015, and sightings are on the rise.
Note that the 27th District in Western New York, the 21st District in the North Country, and the 1st District of Long Island are UFO sighting hot spots. With all the interest in border security we heard during the presidential election, you’d think the congressional representatives of the 1st, 21st and 27th border districts would be extremely interested in potential security issues.
Since 2001 we’ve all been asked to remove our shoes, have body pat downs in airports and most importantly told to “report what we see.” We’ve done our part. It is time for Congress to start asking serious questions about what goes on over our heads.
Perhaps a little plan B voter pressure might encourage our state’s congressional delegation to call for hearings on disclosure. I encourage my New York state readers to contact their congress person and ask them to support hearings.
‘It was stood still in the sky for some hours and then decided to move and then vanish. We got photos too.’
The object, which is most likely not a UFO, was initially dismissed as a star, but Mark insists he later windows on it.
He said: ‘If you look closely you can see what appears to be windows. I have never seen anything likethis.
His post led to dozens of people speculating at what it could be (Picture: Tyron Osborne/Facebook)
‘As for believing in aliens, I’ve always thought we are not alone in the universe and hoped to see something that would make me believe they would visit us.
Mark believes the object came from the US after he noticed it was traveling east from Dawlish.
His post led to dozens of people speculating at what it could be, with most people saying it was probably not a UFO.
Wendy Seaman wrote: ‘Looks like the Enterprise. Are you sure it wasn’t a satellite, one goes over about 4ish daily. When its a clear day you can see it clearly.’
Paul Oxenham said: ‘It could have been someone’s drone.’
But Steph Pommier wasn’t going to put it off that easily, writing: ‘UFOs have been spotted since the beginning of Man. Just accept it. We cannot know nor control everything.’
A PROFESSIONAL UFO spotter has captured pictures of his first UFO of 2017.
John Mooner, from Newton Abbot, who calls himself the chief photographer for World UFO Photos, snapped the strange object when he was 'sky watching' on Monday at around 1.30pm.
"After about an hour of sky watching I spotted a faint contrail and began to zoom in.
"At a higher magnification I could clearly see that this contrail was not coming from a plane, but was in fact coming from a round object that appeared to be glowing.
"The round glowing object was at a very high altitude and I doubt that many people would be able to see this without a telephoto lens or a pair of high zoom binoculars.
"The object was moving at a high rate of speed across the sky and I had real trouble stabilizing it in the camera's viewfinder.
"I began taking photographs of this strange object and I managed to take six photographs that show the movement of this object."
Mr Mooner, who call himself the chief photographer for World UFO Photos, said it was a good start to the year for UFO spotters.
"This is my first UFO photographs of 2017 and I can't wait to photograph more UFOs over Devon," he added.
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Florida helicopter pilot reports ‘glowing craft’ (Video)
Florida helicopter pilot reports ‘glowing craft’ (Video)
A Florida witness at Orlando who is also a helicopter pilot reported watching and videotaping a “glowing craft” at about 1,500 feet altitude that eventually “flew upward and vanished,” according to testimony in Case 81052 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
Witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness was outside at 5:24 p.m. on December 18, 2016, when the incident occurred.
“Had a feeling to look up as if I had to, and then I saw the glowing craft fly from south direction to north,” the witness stated.“It was flying high, but well below the commercial airplanes flight altitude that were in traffic during the afternoon.”
The witness then took out a cell phone and shot video.
Witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
“It was lower than the clouds. I don’t know the size of the craft, but I’m guessing that it was flying at 1,500 feet. I filmed it and I saw it go inside a very small cloud. It should had flown out of it in a second, but it didn’t. I thought that somehow it had disappeared and stopped filming it. But I kept staring at that cloud. Then after quite sometime, I saw it come out of the same small cloud. It turned and flew upwards and vanished.”
The witness is sure that the object was not something known.
“I’m a certificate helicopter pilot and I know that this was not a plane, helicopter, rocket, meteor, birds, balloons, blimp, etcetera.”
Witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
The case was investigated by Florida MUFON Field Investigator James Thomas Horne and closed as an Unknown. In addition to two pieces of video, the witness also included three still frames from the video.
“This is not a flight characteristic of a conventional aircraft,” Horne stated in his report. The witness pointed out that the object’s vector was divergent from theusual flight path for air traffic in his area. The object did not visually appear to be a meteor from the video.Witness is a helicopter pilot and shows specificknowledge in the interview process.No correlating cases.It is suggested that the case be recorded as UAV.”
Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
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Florida helicopter pilot reports ‘glowing craft’ (Video)
Florida helicopter pilot reports ‘glowing craft’ (Video)
A Florida witness at Orlando who is also a helicopter pilot reported watching and videotaping a “glowing craft” at about 1,500 feet altitude that eventually “flew upward and vanished,” according to testimony in Case 81052 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
Witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness was outside at 5:24 p.m. on December 18, 2016, when the incident occurred.
“Had a feeling to look up as if I had to, and then I saw the glowing craft fly from south direction to north,” the witness stated.“It was flying high, but well below the commercial airplanes flight altitude that were in traffic during the afternoon.”
The witness then took out a cell phone and shot video.
Witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
“It was lower than the clouds. I don’t know the size of the craft, but I’m guessing that it was flying at 1,500 feet. I filmed it and I saw it go inside a very small cloud. It should had flown out of it in a second, but it didn’t. I thought that somehow it had disappeared and stopped filming it. But I kept staring at that cloud. Then after quite sometime, I saw it come out of the same small cloud. It turned and flew upwards and vanished.”
The witness is sure that the object was not something known.
“I’m a certificate helicopter pilot and I know that this was not a plane, helicopter, rocket, meteor, birds, balloons, blimp, etcetera.”
Witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
The case was investigated by Florida MUFON Field Investigator James Thomas Horne and closed as an Unknown. In addition to two pieces of video, the witness also included three still frames from the video.
“This is not a flight characteristic of a conventional aircraft,” Horne stated in his report. The witness pointed out that the object’s vector was divergent from theusual flight path for air traffic in his area. The object did not visually appear to be a meteor from the video.Witness is a helicopter pilot and shows specificknowledge in the interview process.No correlating cases.It is suggested that the case be recorded as UAV.”
Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
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A Promising Spot for Life on Mars
A Promising Spot for Life on Mars
By Alison Hawkes, Astrobiology Magazine
The main goal of the Mars Curiosity mission is to determine whether the area around Gale Crater offered an environment favorable for microbes.
Credit: NASA
As NASA's Mars rover Curiosity makes its way up the central peak of Gale Crater, it has been gathering evidence from ancient lake beds and long ago groundwater environments that are promising for life.
Scientists in charge of the mission gave an update of their findings Dec. 13 at the American Geophysical Union's annual fall meeting in San Francisco, saying the landing site at Gale Crater had exceeded their expectations. They said they have "hit a jackpot" of exposed mineral layers as the rover moves up Mount Sharp, offering a glimpse into the geologic history of the site and how global environmental conditions might have changed on Mars over the course of millions of years.
"We see all of the properties in place that we really like to associate with habitability," said mission team member John Grotzinger, a geologist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. "There's nothing extreme here. This is all good for habitability over time." [The Life on Mars Search: Photo Time Line]
Gale Crater is the lowest point within thousands of kilometers in all directions, and scientists believe water once pooled there into a lake and also seeped underground. They believe the groundwater may have persisted even after the surface water dried up, offering a prolonged period for life to persist. So far, there's been no evidence of life, microbial or otherwise, but if Mars did once support living organisms, this would have been one of the most likely spots on the Red Planet.
After traveling 9 miles (15 kilometers) from its landing site, Curiosity has now entered a critical part of its mission, boring into the exposed mudstone every 82 feet (25 meters) as it goes uphill to progressively younger layers and analyzing the contents of the fractured rock.
"You might think mudstones would be boring, but they're definitely not," said Curiosity deputy project scientist Joy Crisp, of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena.
One clue to the changing conditions is the type of iron oxide present in the rocks. The lower, more ancient layers appear to be dominated by the mineral magnetite, indicating less weathering in the environment. Meanwhile, the upper rock layers show a greater amount of oxidizing hematite, a sign of chemical reactivity that would indicate a more acidic environment, though not extremely so.
NASA's Mars rover Curiosity at the base of Mount Sharp.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
"It's acidic, but never super-acidic. It's totally the kind of environment where an acidophilic organism could enjoy it," said Grotzinger.
Curiosity has also detected the element boron for the first time on Mars, and it’s appearing within mineral veins that are mainly comprised of calcium sulfate. On Earth, boron — or rather, a certain form of it — is a component in the formation of RNA, usually found in arid sites with much-evaporated water like in Death Valley National Park in California.
"The only problem with this is, we don't know what form of boron it is," said Patrick Gasda, of Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. If the kind of boron present on Mars is found to be similar to what we see on Earth, that would be a strong sign that the ancient groundwater that formed these veins would have been between 32 degrees and 140 degrees Fahrenheit (0 to 60 degrees Celsius) and a neutral-to-alkaline pH, making the location entirely plausible for life, researchers said.
The boron was identified by Curiosity's ChemCam instrument, a laser-shooting device that vaporizes materials and then uses a spectrograph to analyze the elemental composition of the resulting plasma of super-heated ions and electrons. The scientists propose that the boron was deposited there by moving water, suggesting a dynamic system in which minerals and elements interacted with groundwater and surface water as it moved through the landscape.
"We are seeing chemical complexity indicating a long, interactive history with the water," said Grotzinger. "The more complicated the chemistry is, the better it is for habitability. The boron, hematite and clay minerals underline the mobility of elements and electrons, and that is good for life."
Curiosity's laser-induced remote sensing for chemistry and micro-imaging instruments identifies atomic elements like boron in Martian rocks.
Credit: NASA/JPL/Caltech/ LANL
The scientists also gave a brief update on how Curiosity is faring. The rover continues to operate, although it has faced some recent malfunctions, including a break in the motor of the drill feed, a piece responsible for moving the drill up and down during rock sampling. Mission scientists are currently troubleshooting that problem with the hope of keeping the Curiosity drill going, though the rover has already well exceeded its nominal two-year mission that began in 2012.
Earth Scientists Are Freaking Out. NASA Urges Calm.
Earth Scientists Are Freaking Out. NASA Urges Calm.
By Debra Werner, SpaceNews
"We don't do policy in NASA," said Michael Freilich, head of the agency's Earth Science Division.
Credit: NASA
At a time when NASA earth scientists are concerned their research may be scuttled by the incoming Trump administration, the space agency's top science official is preaching pragmatism and unity.
The names of the two key Trump administration figures who will have the most significant impact on NASA's future — the new NASA administrator and the director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy — have not been announced. To put that in scientific terms, all the rumor and discussion swirling around the scientific community about NASA's future under a Trump presidency is noise, "not signal," said Thomas Zurbuchen, who took over as the leader of NASA's Science Mission Directorate in October.
"You are leaders in your community, please be a source of signal, not a source of noise," Zurbuchen said Dec. 12 during the annual Earth Science Town Hall meeting at the American Geophysical Union conference in San Francisco. [Analysis: The Biggest Space Issues Facing the Trump Administration]
Although it is possible that NASA's Earth Science program "might get somewhat smaller in the new administration, it is not at all obvious to me that is going to happen," said Michael Freilich, NASA Earth Science Division director. "I am actually optimistic the benefits will be recognized as they have in the past."
"You have earned tremendous credibility from your work over the years," Freilich said through a two-way internet link that allowed him to interact with people at the town hall from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, where he was awaiting the launch of NASA's Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System. "You earned that credibility by being good scientists, by being logical, attacking problems and letting the data speak for themselves. We don't do policy in NASA. We provide the information for all the policymakers to draw their own conclusions."
Even if NASA's Earth science program shrinks, scientists should focus diligently on their work instead of "spending time pining for what could have been," Freilich said.
Zurbuchen also emphasized the importance of producing high-quality research. "Let's behave like scientists and deal with absolute ethics with our science," he said. "At the end, history will judge us by whether we did the right thing."
Funding for NASA's Earth science program has traditionally waxed and waned with changing administrations. Funding as a percent of NASA's overall budget declined sharply from 2001 to 2006, the early years of the George W. Bush presidency, dipping from about 11 percent of NASA's budget to six percent. It was not until NASA's first Earth science decadal survey published in January 2007 declared that the space agency's Earth-observing satellite system "was in danger of collapsing" that funding began to rise, Freilich said.
Since 2007, NASA's Earth science budget has climbed back up to comprise about 10 percent of the agency's budget, nearly $1.93 billion in 2016. With the money appropriated since 2007, NASA has "truly revitalized our space-based Earth-observation system," Freilich said.
NASA has 19 major Earth science missions flying on satellites and instruments mounted on the International Space Station. The space agency plans to launch about 20 Earth science missions between late 2016 to 2023, including small satellites, cubesats and space station instruments. "We will continue launching several missions per year on average," Freilich said. [50 Years of Presidential Visions for Space Exploration]
No Ordinary Time
NASA's Earth Science Division also is working with other U.S. government agencies to identify Earth-observation data they are interested in acquiring in 2017 through a new program, Interagency Satellite Needs-Collection Process, led by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
"We have embraced that process," Freilich said, noting that agencies have submitted requests for 77 data products that NASA might be able to obtain from Earth-observation satellites. "Perhaps subtle changes to our programs could address the needs of other federal agencies," Freilich said. "In a time of transition, demonstrating that we do support other agencies is of paramount importance."
That type of comment was a clear indication that this was no ordinary town hall, which traditionally is a relatively well-attended meeting of scientists keeping tabs on NASA's Earth science portfolio. This year, many scientists claimed seats in the meeting room before the previous session ended. By the time Freilich began to speak, every seat was filled and latecomers lined the walls. [In Photos: NASA's 16 Best Earth Photos from Space by Astronauts]
Scientists in the room clearly recognize their work could be affected by the incoming administration, which includes cabinet nominees skeptical of climate change and a space policy adviser, Robert Walker, former chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Science Committee, who has publicly questioned the value of NASA's Earth science work.
While NASA officials did not mention any names or specific threats to the future of the agency's Earth science program, Zurbuchen preached unity. "United communities are a lot harder to beat," he said Dec. 13, during NASA's Planetary Science Town Hall. "Lets stick together and stick up for each other. Together our narrative is a lot stronger than any small narrative any one of us could come up with in a small segment of the community."
Since it is not clear how NASA programs will fare in the coming years, it is natural for scientists to feel worried, Zurbuchen said. Nevertheless, he is operating under the assumption that "when everything is said and done, we will have a community that does Earth science."
"Earth is a planet that is worthy of scientific investigation and discovery," Zurbuchen said. "The research not only teach us about nature, but it also affects our lives directly on a daily timescale, a yearly timescale or beyond."
NASA's Earth science research also ties in with much of the agency's other work. "When we are thinking about other planets or the early solar system, the Earth is an important part," Zurbuchen said. "The instruments that we are flying elsewhere were invented to look at the Earth first."
Instead of speaking in general terms about the benefits of NASA's Earth science program, Zurbuchen told scientists to point to concrete contributions of their work. On Nov. 29, for example, Louisiana experienced severe thunderstorms and tornadoes while wildfires broke out in Tennessee. Space-based sensors developed by NASA helped firefighters battle the Tennessee blazes and assisted forecasters in Louisiana.
Pointing to that type of vivid example helps people understand the value of Earth science instruments such as the the Geostationary Lightning Mapper developed by NASA and flying on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R. "That instrument is on that GOES-R spacecraft because NASA invests in these kinds of instruments and matures them until the day when they change our lives," Zurbuchen said.
Zurbuchen told SpaceNews that his emphasis on making NASA's scientific work concrete is not a reaction to the changing presidential administration, but rather a reflection of his background.
Before becoming NASA's associate administrator for science, Zurbuchen was a scientist whose research focused largely on solar and heliospheric physics. As a professor at the University of Michigan, he also established the Center for Entrepreneurship in the College of Engineering.
Entrepreneurs focus on solving a problem for a community in a way that changes lives, Zurbuchen said. When he looks at NASA programs, Zurbuchen said he wants to see the data showing how the agency's work is solving programs for farmers or helping other groups.
"That's how I look at the world," he said.
This story was provided by SpaceNews, dedicated to covering all aspects of the space industry.
Corpuscular ship is constructed in detail in accordance with the law of God in the form of light energy. Light corpuscular ship is therefore better as a spiritual power manifested corpuscular ships. The ship can move faster than light. When the object moves faster than light, disappearing from sight. Goes into another dimension.
The human eye sees everything that is inside of the light spectrum. When I mention the light spectrum and hit the light spectrum of the sun. With increased intensity of light would blind man. His senses would not notice a higher form of vibration. It can not therefore see the world resulting on a different frequency, although located around beside him. Corpuscular ship can move at high speed. It is therefore invisible to the human eye. By increasing the energy of the corpuscular vessel there is an increase of its speed. If it goes into the vessel by its frequency, it means that moves slower than the maximum speed. This makes it the human eye sees. It manifests itself in the form of light. Reducing the speed to changing light and the human eye, the ship must appear as a solid object. If the moving ship and if it stays on the molecular level, the maximum rate will remain invisible to the human eye. That they are explained in words that corpuscular ship may be the front door of your house and you will not see it. The ship can come to a man secretly. People of it may remain hidden from man.
The people of the corpuscular vessels reduces its frequency to a protein molecule in the cell become visible to the human eye. They therefore come secretly and suddenly appear before you in the form of light and energy. At that moment comes the light source, the energy in the form of spirit. You will be influenced by your spirit will be affected the most energy, which manifested itself around you and you will be allowed contact with corpuscular ships. In contact with them you should not worry. Believe me, it’s something natural. There is nothing mysterious. Only one who manifests the spirit of mentally able to take this energy will be able to experience the transition from one age to another.
A good friend made this comment and asked me a few questions. And while i was typing the answer,i realized it’s bigger for a comment to reply, because it might be a question what others also thought of. So, i thought il put the answer on my blog, to show the answer to everyone else.
Three years now Mark. Have you noticed changes in behavior of these lights, changes in your thoughts of what they might be, new ideas?, you have been studying them for a long time now. I’m wondering if you have formed any conclusions.
Thank you for the comment Frances. Yes this all started precisely three years ago on new year’s eve, and the reason i share this video, is that this, is the object what fly pass my window, that evening. My journey started with a close encounter, where i latterly saw this object a few meters away from me. From that day i had a variety of encounters, some close and some far away.
But all where strange, weird and uncommon. And with every encounter they show of there technology in there behavior, like vanish or hover in a storm or fly in high speed or hang around like a star. And not only at the hot spot, i honestly see them almost everywhere i go.
I also notice that they must know or hear or predict, where i look or where i want to go, because they reacted many times on my thoughts. Another thing i noticed, that they appeared on crucial moments, in a way that there appearance changed the negative vibes into positive.
So for the above reasons, i am convinced that there is an intelligent life force out there, who don’t want to be completely filmed, but want to show itself to individuals. And those individuals could start to raise questions like…WTH was that and start on a journey for that truth. And while they are a on a journey, they will find more answers and that could enlighten others with the knowledge or information they gather.
So if you ask me, the sightings are a preparation to train the mind of the individual. To raised his knowledge and wisdom if he goes on a journey for the truth. And there for i think, there purpose is to show others the light, to enlighten the people that there is more in our reality then what we believe.
There for i am convinced, that science will not get answers about the UFO phenomena, the answer will come from individuals, who raise them self to that level of conciseness, to communicate with those visitors. Like someone needs to put his humanity behind, and raise him self to a universal level, what many Buddhist call enlightenment.
No scientist will walk that path, because they follow the path of logic. While i am convinced it’s needed to use logic, but also to step out of your own box to find answers. I don’t think we can find answers by interpretate what we see, with our knowledge. We have to step out of the cage of ignorance to find the truth.
For that reason i mostly go alone or with some friends who are on the same level as i do. The point is not to believe in anything, and simply to observe what we see, until we find answers.
And on this day, i don’t think the point is to expose them to the public. And more that the point is to free our selves from this prison of our society. There for they hide for the military, because the military works for the leaders who in prison us as human being.
We are the only species on this planet who enslave each other, and we might also be the one who had to take care of this planet. But if we are enslaved by ignorance, then also this planet is screwed.
I also realize the impact of an encounter on my body, the moment when i saw something was devastated. It’s really weird to see the unknown out of the blue, and when you see that, a thought will come in your mind, what will think……
“”I hope i will survive this, and when they fly over then happiness and joy will come because i survived and realized, they only show them self.””
Because the sight of seeing them, and seeing what they can do, really show that we are ants and they are like giants, if i compare the technology. And this was the impact on me when i had a encounter, and i am a philosopher who don’t believe in anything, and i also don’t fear death.
That means i am mentally strong, that was because of my life experience. So, if any believer or someone who never felt pain or have any life experience will see something like that?? Then they might get a heart attack. If people saw what i saw, they would run away for sure!! Inner knowledge is needed to overcome your body on those moments.
That is the reason i think they wound show to people face to face, always in distance or it depends on the state of mind of the viewer, and fear plays a key role.
And when people go in groups to hunt UFOS, they will also wound see them in close range. This has to be solo or with a few people, and then they must go into the forest or an abandon place in the dark and then w8 for them.
This is what i think the reason why UFOLOGY can’t find answers for 70 years, because they are searching in the wrong way.
And all those sightings in range, or made with night vision are exactly invitation to seek further than what people had done.
Why do i think all this? Because that is latterly the path i walked, i changed from a business man into someone who seek for the truth and who is helping people on this moment with information, knowledge and real soon with donations.
And those people are pore people from third world countries, that would not have happened if i did not saw them. It changed my point of view in life, now i know for sure that there is more in our reality than what we learn on school or from the media.
So, if you ask me, then yes we are not alone, and i don’t know if il find the answer in my life. And i will not break my mind above it either, or turn my life around. No i wound,i have peace with the knowledge, i have on this moment, but ill will always keep searching for more answers, even if am 90 year’s old. Il died trying!!
Like on this moment i have a good idea of what type of camera i need, because i know now to what i need to focus on. There for, is my focus on to get a good camera and from there i might capture on video, what my eyes had seen. I think it’s a matter of time,
And if you want to know what camera i think is needed, then i would say. A very good camera what can film the object in slow motion speed in full color mode, and night vision cameras must be used to find them.
But i also know those cameras are very expensive on this moment ,and am counting on that maybe after 5 years those cameras are cheap, or cheaper ones will have better quality.
And in those five years the people around the world will be smarter and wiser. Truth seekers will change tactics and strategy to search for UFOs, and for these reasons i am convinced that it will be a matter of time before we know more about our visitors.
And i think the government knows that also, that the people will get smarter and that you can’t keep fooling them. So, the only option is to keep the enslavement going on, is to make our visitors into our enemies. They are already doing that with the movies, the fear for UFOs comes from that.
And yes, there are many assumptions in this blog, but there for it’s my hypothesis of the UFO phenomena and my thoughts about the UFO research and about my own research.
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3 Alien Skulls Found In Antarctica By Smithsonian?!
3 Alien Skulls Found In Antarctica By Smithsonian?!
Published on Jan 2, 2017
An expedition led by Smithsonian archaeologist Damian Waters, to the Antarctic, in what appeared on the surface, to be a long shot search for traces of human remains, has successfully uncovered along with his team, three abnormally large elongated skulls, in the region of La Paille. The discovery came as a total surprise to the world of archaeology as they are the first human remains uncovered from Antarctica, thought never to have been visited by humans until the modern age. mr waters has been quoted as saying, We just can’t believe it, We didn’t just find human remains on Antarctica, we found elongated skulls, I have to pinch myself every time I wake up, I just can’t believe it, This will redefine our view of mankind’s history as a whole, end quote. Elongated skulls have been found in Peru and in Egypt, evidence of past civilisations making contact long before history books acknowledge. this discovery is set to show there was contact thousands of years ago, between civilisations in Africa, South America and Antarctica. Elongated skulls were a common deformation practice done upon children of the elite in many ancient cultures, this is according to the Smithsonian Institute of New York. It was done by wrapping a cloth around the infant’s head when the skull plates were not yet fixed. This characteristic was used to amplify visible differences between the higher ranking classes of society and lower classes. however, the Antarctica skulls are different, they appear to have come from giants. skull elongation can deform the skull, which can make it appear longer, but it does not change the skulls mass. and these skulls are very large indeed. In addition, these skulls have quite a few other important physical characteristics that set them apart from normal human skulls, further tests are set to be done, and officially released. could these skulls be non human? what other secrets is Antarctica's ice hiding? i will keep you posted.
Antarctica is the coldest of Earth’s continents and is known for its white landscapes and distinctive wildlife.
So, it stands to reason that an accidental discovery of a complex technicolor underwater ecosystem far beneath the Antarctic ice has surprised scientists.
In fact, a research team was retrieving a data recorder from waters near the Casey Research Station and sent down a camera with lights to record the mission. The team was studying the impact of acidification on marine life on the seafloor. The team was surprised to find that the camera had recorded a unique glimpse of life beneath the Antarctic ice.
Can you imagine these species are surviving in water that is -1.5 degrees Celsius (29.3 degrees Fahrenheit) year round and are covered with 1.5-metre (4.9-foot) thick sea ice for about ten months?
Glenn Johnstone, an Australian Antarctic Division biologist, said, “It’s an area that we have been working very close to for a long time, but we’ve never actually dived or put any cameras down. It was a great surprise to find such a beautiful, vibrant environment. This footage reveals a habitat that is productive, colourful, dynamic and full of a wide variety of biodiversity, including sponges, sea spiders, urchins, sea cucumbers and sea stars.”
Most enthusiasm in exoplanet searches is reserved for so-called "Earth-like" planets —approximately Earth-sized worlds within their star's habitable zone.
But speculation about the life-bearing potential of some of the icy moons of the outer planets may help broaden this narrow, provincial outlook; and proposed missions to Jupiter's moon Europa aim to answer the question of whether there might be life beneath its icy mantle.
It’s one of the most pressing questions in science: is there alien life somewhere out there within the great wide demesnes of the universe—beyond the homely, terrestrial sort that we’re all familiar with?
We’re still searching for the answer, but it seems that each day brings word of some new exoplanetary discovery that may at last resolve the issue—our technology has evolved to the point where we can now detect Earth-sized (note the distinction between “Earth-sized” and “Earth-like”) exoplanets residing in the habitable zones of their parent stars.
But are we restricting ourselves—unnecessarily—with the fetters of a geocentric prejudice? The circumstellar habitable zone (HZ) merely represents that part of a planetary system where temperatures are conducive to the existence of liquid water—in other words, precisely where the Earth currently resides in the Solar System. Certainly, with everything being equal, a planet with these conditions in a star’s HZ would be habitable to terrestrial life as we know it—but whoever said that’s all we’re looking for? Furthermore, we know that the HZ isn’t static in time; as a main sequence star evolves, its temperature increases, and the zone of habitability sweeps further outward—which is something to consider for highly-evolved, red giant stars, as a recent study has shown.
The Sun’s habitable zone, as it is today (top); the habitable zone as it will be in about 7 billion years (bottom). Credit: Wendy Kenigsberg/Cornell University
Putting aside the question of completely alien life, founded upon chemical organizations radically unlike anything we know, it’s not even clear that terrestrial-type life could only evolve upon an Earth-like planet within its star’s HZ. That’s where studying the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn becomes important.
Ever since the Voyager probes winged their way galaxy-ward, there’s been a great deal of speculation that Jupiter’s second moon, Europa, might harbor a warm, liquid ocean beneath its piebald shell of red-and-white ice; recent observations with the Hubble Space Telescope even suggest some of that water is escaping into space, in the form of geysers—akin to what we see on Saturn’s moon Enceladus.
The existence of such an ocean on Europa is attributable to the intricate celestial mechanics of the Galilean Moons; this remarkable dance—choreographed across billions of years between Io, Ganymede, Europa and the prodigious mass of Jupiter—has squeezed and warmed Europa’s mysterious innards through the action of tidal flexure. It’s a bit like what’s happened to twisted, volcanic little Io—only with a far happier and less Dantean result.
Now, it doesn’t necessarily follow that a motley assortment of marine monsters has evolved in Europa’s putative subglacial world-ocean—though we all prefer to believe that’s exactly the case. But there’s certainly reason enough to be hopeful.
Europa, the mysterious moon of Jupiter. Is there alien life lurking beneath all of that ice? (Credit: NASA)
Life on Earth, for instance, needs water and a source of energy—the Sun, in most cases. But it’s also true that certain organisms, particularly in the deep oceans, derive their energy from purely non-solar sources; it’s even possible that the earliest life on Earth was of just such a type, at a time when the Sun’s radiation was far weaker than it is today.
A recent study has shown that an exothermic chemical reaction known as “serpentinization,” whereby saltwater reacts with rocky minerals to produce heat and hydrogen, may be as common on Europa as in terrestrial oceans. Furthermore, the blistering radiation of Jupiter may be enough to separate oxygen atoms from water molecules in the moon’s icy mantle, with the oxygen then cycling deep into the interior. If correct, it means all the ingredients for a thriving ecosystem are theoretically in place; all that’s needed is the spark of life—unfortunately, ascertaining the likelihood of that happening is beyond our statistical models.
“Observations of Europa have provided us with tantalizing clues over the last two decades, and the time has come to seek answers to one of humanity’s most profound questions,” says John Grunsfeld, associate administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate.
Regardless of what the probe discovers, it’s about time we start expanding our definition of what the “habitable zone” really means—in our own Solar System, as in the myriad exoplanetary systems swimming daily within our ken.
An Alternate Universe: Our Cosmos May Have Been Spawned by a Hypermassive Black Hole
An Alternate Universe: Our Cosmos May Have Been Spawned by a Hypermassive Black Hole
Experts discuss the possibility that the universe could have started from a black hole, a scenario supported by the singularity, an occurrence found in only two instances — the Big Bang and black holes.
This could mean that each time a black hole is formed, a two-dimensional universe spawns.
The most accepted theory of the origin of the universe is still the Big Bang. The theory proposes the universe started from a small singularity (the gravitational kind), then began to expand over the succeeding 13.8 billion years. Although this expansion has its own issues, a bigger question remains: what preceded the Big Bang?
Ethan Siegel, physicist and contributor at Forbes, explains the possibility that the universe could have started from a black hole. Physicists Niayesh Afshordi, Razieh Pourhasan, and Robert Mann originally proposed the idea in 2013 — a scenario that’s survived the scrutiny of other physicists ever since.
The evidence that supports that theory is the singularity, an occurrence found in only two instances in the universe — the Big Bang and black holes. A gravitational singularity is a one-dimensional point where the laws of physics regarding spacetime breaks down.
Credits: ESO / M. Kornmesser
In black holes, the singularity exists in the event horizon. This event horizon defies everything that supposedly governs the physics of our universe, both quantum mechanics and general relativity. A black hole’s event horizon is supposedly more massive than what the particles in it can hold.
“The fact that black holes in our Universe are much more massive than this isn’t a problem,” Siegel explains. He adds, “the laws of physics that we know break down at the singularity we calculate at the center. If we ever want to describe it accurately, it’s going to take a unification of quantum theory with General Relativity.”
Because our understanding of the universe is still limited, we simply call this point the singularity. Basically, a black hole’s event horizon is a one-dimension iteration of our three-dimensional universe. This is what the Perimeter Institute study explores. Is it possible that our universe is a product of a larger, primeval black hole’s singularity? Is our universe the three-dimensional wrapper around another universe’s event horizon?
“In this scenario, our universe burst into being when a star in a four-dimensional universe collapsed into a black hole,” according to a Perimeter Institute press release.
Siegel explains how this is possible:
“As the black hole first formed, the event horizon first came to be, then rapidly expanded and continued to grow as more matter continued to fall in. If you were to put a coordinate grid down on this two-dimensional wrapping, you’d find that it originated where the gridlines were very close together, then expanded rapidly as the black hole formed, and then expanded more and more slowly as matter fell in at a much lower rate. This matches, at least conceptually, what we observe for the expansion rate of our three-dimensional universe.”
Would this mean that each time a black hole is formed, a two-dimensional universe spawns? Siegel comments: “As crazy as it sounds, the answer appears to be maybe.”
As fascinating as this may be, it’s still just theory. We’ll need a better understanding of the physics of our universe in order to confirm it.
An exclusive video interview with Aaron McCollum has been released from the makers of Project Camelot and it is by far a gigantic leaping for anyone’s imagination, the rabbit hole of conspiracy hypothesis has just got deeper
If you haven’t been up to date with the latest conspiracy theories of late but have been following the news you may have heard of much to do with the Gulf of Aden. Over the last many months it has been reported of a large congregation of a multinational group of Battle Ships that have been patrolling the waters.
It has been reported across mainstream media that all countries involved are protecting their interests from the growing Somali Pirates threat. But conspiracy theorists have been reporting this story as a Red Flag Operation to cover the real purpose of their unprecedented Navel activity in the water of Aden.
It has been said and also in-depth in this video interview with Aaron McCollum from Project Camelot that a strange magnetic anomaly has been found in the Gulf of Aden. This strange magnetic anomaly is making what conspiracy theorists believe to be a portal, a kind of Intergalactic Stargate, that only now is slowly being activated and the Governments and the Elites can’t stop it.
There are many strange hypothesis surrounding the 2012 phenomena but now the objective is escalated to Universal proportions, what’s causing this Stargate to become activated is well anybody’s guess but there are now many synchronised hypothesis being reported throughout the Internet that well is too greater for a mention here.
In Aaron McCollum’s interview he bravely or insanely acknowledges to have been working for Top Secret or Black Projects run by the world’s Elites/ Governments. He boldly opens a mega tsunami of Intel and reports to have been working in secret underground facility’s that are also under the sea, he says one of these facilities are on the west side of Puerto Rico and was aware of Project Seagate, he also tells of ongoing genetic experimentations, the cohesion and calibration of extraterrestrials working in these facilities, the existence of the TR-3bs triangular shaped UFOs as a black government aircraft, interdimensional travel and the listing goes on and on, deeper and deeper!
So if you are still interested and think your intellect can handle it, I recommend having a look at this video, as a note or merely an observation have a look at his T-Shirt he is wearing, think he is trying to tell us something subliminally?
Most great inventions fundamentally change the society in which they exist. Since the people at the top of the social structure have more to gain by reinforcing the status quo, they suppress revolutionary technologies favorable to the world but dangerous to their existence.
Engineering genius Nikola Tesla was no exception. Here are some of those technologies, ‘they’ don’t want you to know about Nikola Tesla. (Video below as well!)
Nikola Tesla claimed to have invented a “death beam” which he called Teleforce in the 1930s. The device was capable of generating an intense targeted beam of energy “that could be used to dispose of enemy warplanes, foreign armies, or anything else you’d rather didn’t exist”.
The so-called “death ray” was never constructed because he believed it would become too easy for counties to destroy each other. Tesla proposed that a nation could “destroy anything approaching within 200 miles… [and] will provide a wall of power” in order to “make any country, large or small, impregnable against armies, airplanes, and other means for attack”. He said that efforts had been made to steal the invention. His room had been entered and his papers had been scrutinized, but the thieves, or spies, left empty-handed.
In 1898, Tesla claimed he had built and deployed a small oscillating device that, when attached to his office and operating, nearly shook down the building and everything around it. In other words, the device could allegedly simulate earthquakes. Realizing the potential terrors such a device could create, “Tesla said he took a hammer to the oscillator to disable it, instructing his employees to claim ignorance to the cause of the tremors if asked”. Some theorists believe the government continues to use Tesla’s research in places like the HAARP facility in Alaska.
With funding from JP Morgan, Tesla designed and built Wardenclyffe Tower, a gigantic wireless transmission station, in New York in 1901-1902. Morgan thought the Wardenclyffe Tower could provide wireless communication across the world. However, Tesla had other plans.
Tesla intended to transmit messages, telephony and even facsimile images across the Atlantic to England and to ships at sea based on his theories of using the Earth to conduct the signals. If the project worked, anyone could have electricity by simply sticking a rode into the ground. Unfortunately, free electricity is not profitable. And this system could be incredibly dangerous for the global elite because it could profoundly change the energy industry. Imagine how different the world would be if society didn’t need oil and coal to function? Could the great world powers maintain control? Morgan refused to fund the changes. The project was abandoned in 1906 and never becameoperational.
In 1911, Nikola Tesla told The New York Herald that he was working on an anti gravity “flying machine”.
“My flying machine will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety, at higher speeds than have yet been reached, regardless of weather and oblivious of “holes in the air” or downward currents. It will ascend in such currents if desired. It can remain absolutely stationary in the air, even in a wind, for great length of time. Its lifting power will not depend upon any such delicate devices as the bird has to employ, but upon positive mechanical action.”
Tesla’s flying saucer was powered by free energy system at a time when the fledgling aviation and motor car industry depended on oil and petroleum. His invention met the same fate as his free energy system.
Tesla proposed that electrically-powered airships would transport passengers from New York to London in three hours, traveling eight miles above the ground. He also imagined that airships might draw their power from the very atmosphere, never needing to stop for refueling. Unmanned airships might even be used to transport passengers to a preselected destination or for a remote aerial strike. He was never given credit for his invention. However, today, we have unmanned drones carrying out combat missions, supersonic airplanes that fly at amazing speeds and space shuttle technology that can circle the Earth in the upper atmosphere.
It was long suspected that the FBI literally stole all of his work, research, and inventions that he had in his possession when he died. This rumor has now been confirmed by recent, heavily redacted Freedom of Information Act requests released by the FBI.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Alien existence could be confirmed ‘by September 2017’, claim experts who think a ‘breakthrough is just around the corner’
Alien existence could be confirmed ‘by September 2017’, claim experts who think a ‘breakthrough is just around the corner’
Margi MurphyThe Sun
A SPACE mission set to end next year could be about to make a startling discovery about alien life, according to experts.
With probes orbiting Jupiter and Saturn, there are high hopes 2017 could be the year that we find alien life.
The Cassini space probe, which will end its mission in September 2017, has been hotly tipped as the one to watch, according to Doctor Simon Foster, a physicist from Imperial College London.
Cassini is orbiting Saturn’s moon Enceladus and Jupiter’s moon Europa, which have a “good prospect of finding life”, he told The Express.
But the life forms are more likely to be microbial, rather than in the shape of ET.
It follows several false alarms of alien sightings this year, which got UFO hunters in a tizz.
Strange signals from Space sparked theories that other life forms were trying to make contact.
Scientists were forced to consider whether a mystery flashing star was due to an alien mega-structure being used to harvest energy from a star.
Despite this, Doctor Simon Foster insisted that a breakthrough is on the horizon.
He said: “In the past, when we thought we had discovered aliens previously, it was a new form of star called the pulsar.
“We know hardly anything and when we come up against something we don’t know or doesn’t fit into out current understanding, it is quite nice to say that it could be aliens, whereas a lot of it is just a phenomena that we haven’t discovered.
“Either way, there is a breakthrough just around the corner.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Het mysterie van de 24 zwarte kisten bij de piramiden van Gizeh
Het mysterie van de 24 zwarte kisten bij de piramiden van Gizeh
Ze wegen meer dan 100 ton, zijn gemaakt van graniet uit Aswan en zijn met grote precisie vervaardigd.
Hoe hebben de oude Egyptenaren 24 vreemde zwarte ‘doodskisten’ gemaakt die zijn ontdekt in een tunnelstelsel op enkele kilometers van de Grote Piramide van Gizeh?
Sommige experts hebben geconcludeerd dat ze niet zijn vervaardigd door Egyptische farao’s, maar achtergelaten door een buitenaards ras, schrijft de Britse Daily Express.
De zwarte ‘kisten’ zijn voorzien van hiërogliefen, maar omdat ze van slechte kwaliteit zijn denkt men dat het gaat om graffiti.
Het doel en de functie van de kisten blijven onduidelijk. Ze werden met zulke grote precisie gemaakt dat ze vele duizenden jaren luchtdicht bleven.
Ze staan bekend als het Serapeum van Saqqara in de inmiddels verlaten stad Memphis. De begraafplaats zou zo’n 3300 jaar geleden zijn aangelegd door Ramses II.
Uit recent onderzoek blijkt dat er Apis-stieren werden begraven, die werden vereerd als incarnatie van de god Ptah.
Egyptologen zeggen dat een zoon van Ramses II een tunnel liet graven naar de plek om er de grote granieten sarcofagen te plaatsen die tot wel 100 ton per stuk wegen.
Het Serapeum van Saqqara werd ontdekt door de egyptoloog Auguste Mariette, die naar Egypte was afgereisd om koptische manuscripten te verzamelen, maar later geïnteresseerd raakte in de necropool.
In 1850 trof hij het hoofd van een sfinx aan dat in de woestijn uit het zand stak.
Nadat hij explosieven had gebruikt om de rotsen voor de ingang van de catacombe te vernietigen, legde hij het grootste deel van het complex bloot.
“Doorbraak nabij”: Wordt 2017 het jaar waarin we buitenaards leven ontdekken?
“Doorbraak nabij”: Wordt 2017 het jaar waarin we buitenaards leven ontdekken?
Een ruimtemissie die later dit jaar afloopt zou weleens belangrijke onthullingen kunnen doen over buitenaards leven, zo zeggen experts.
Zal 2017 het jaar worden waarin we buitenaards leven vinden? De verwachtingen zijn in ieder geval hooggespannen, schrijft nieuwssite
Cassini, die op 15 september zijn dood tegemoet stort in de atmosfeer van Saturnus, is dé ruimte-expeditie om in de gaten te houden, aldus natuurkundige Simon Foster van Imperial College London.
Goede kans
De sonde bestudeerde onder meer de ijsmanen Enceladus en Europa. Er is een goede kans dat we daar leven gaan vinden, vertelde hij aan de Britse Daily Express.
Vorig jaar werden vreemde signalen opgevangen uit de ruimte, waarna UFO-jagers suggereerden dat buitenaardse levensvormen contact probeerden te maken.
Wetenschappers onderzoeken daarnaast of rond een mysterieuze knipperende ster mogelijk een buitenaardse megastructuur draait die wordt gebruikt om energie op te wekken.
Foster denkt dat een doorbraak nabij is. “In het verleden bleek dat we een nieuw soort ster, een pulsar, hadden ontdekt toen we dachten aliens te hebben gevonden,” zei hij.
“We weten vrijwel niets,” voegde hij toe. “Vaak blijkt het niet te gaan om aliens, maar om fenomenen die we nog niet hebben ontdekt.”
“Hoe dan ook is een doorbraak nabij,” besloot hij.
Het Landelijk UFO-Meldpunt heeft de afgelopen dagen meerdere meldingen ontvangen van driehoekige UFO'S boven Nederland. Ook boven Pijnacker-Nootdorp was het raak.
Verslaggever Martijn Mastenbroek presenteert wekelijks een radioprogramma waarin dit soort zaken aan bod komen. Hij was vrijdagavond rond kwart voor acht eveneens getuigen van een dergelijk driehoekig object boven Nootdorp. Martijn was niet de enige, want veel regiogenoten maakten melding van het fenomeen. Bekijk hieronder een videofragment.
Naast Den Haag/Nootdorp kwamen er rond diezelfde tijd ook meldingen binnen uit Noord Brabant.
Net zoals de volgende melding uit Houten in de provincie Utrecht op 24 november 2016 (dank!):
Ik reed over de rondweg in Houten toen er extreem grote lichten in een driehoekig object ter groote van minimaal 6 voetbalvelden zachtjes overvloog. Meerdere mensen stonden langs de kant van de weg te kijken wat het was. Het vloog heel laag en maakte geen geluid en het leek te reflecteren. Dit was te groot voor een menselijk object, ik twijfelde ook wat ik zag. Uiteindelijk kon ik langs de kant fotos nemen, helaas wel van wat verder weg. Op dat moment vlogen er helicopters die richting op en een straaljager die qua grote in het niet vallen bij het object. De hoogte schat ik op ongeveer 300 meter ( ieder geval niet hoger)
Dan ongeveer een maand later, op 29 december, een bijzondere waarneming boven Vlaardingen (dank!).
Tussen 02:00 en 04:00 kon ik niet slapen door een zwaar geluid wat leek op een heel groot vliegtuig dat over vloog en op het geluid van lucht dat opgezogen wordt. Dit geluid bleef uren door gaan, er zaten wel korte pauzes tussen het geluid in. Het geluid had wat weg van affakkelen van de Shell, maar dat is nooit zo luid hier en normaal zie ik dat ook.
Uiteindelijk ben ik door het raam gaan kijken. Ik zag eerst niets door de mist totdat ik 2 felle zeer snel bewegende lichten zag. 1 licht ging uit, de ander heb ik op camera kunnen krijgen, het geluid is ook te horen.
Gisteren ontvingen wij van een lezer (dank!) het volgende bericht:
Ik reed vanmiddag naar huis vanuit Leiden en kon zo gedurende circa een half uur deze (vreemd) wolk aanschouwen. Bijna thuis ( Oudewater) heb ik er twee foto's van gemaakt daar ik hem toch wel bijzonder vond.
Thuis op de bank de foto's terug gekeken en zag ik 2 bolletjes. Dacht eerst aan lensflare maar op een van de foto's zag ik ook een grijs bolletje voor de boom net boven het weiland. En op de andere foto nog een aantal minder duidelijk meer in de wolk, net of deze er nog uit komen. De foto's zijn echt, maar wellicht hebben jullie er een andere verklaring voor ??
Zijn het lensflares of zijn het UFO’s die misschien die grote donkere wolk als dekmantel hebben gebruikt zoals we dat veel vaker zien?
De waarneming vond plaats in hetzelfde gebied waar de laatste tijd meer vreemde dingen worden waargenomen en vertoont veel overeenkomsten met de volgende waarneming uit Colorado in Amerika.
Een man zit op zijn veranda naar de lucht te kijken en ziet op een gegeven moment een merkwaardige wolk.
Niet alleen dat, maar er komt een UFO uit tevoorschijn.
De man heeft dit soort UFO’s diverse malen waargenomen in Colorado Springs, maar was er nog nooit in geslaagd om dit op film vast te leggen.
Wat hem zelf niet is opgevallen, is dat het vreemd is als je een strakblauwe lucht hebt en daar fladdert als het ware een donkere verdwaalde wolk rond. Die bovendien duidelijk wordt gebruikt door de UFO door er in en uit te vliegen.
Misschien is deze kleine UFO een verkenner en bevindt zich binnen in de wolk een groter schip wat op deze manier voor de buitenwereld verborgen blijft.
Het is eigenlijk merkwaardig hoe weinig mensen naar boven kijken en werkelijk zien wat er boven hun hoofd gebeurt.
Misschien, als je zelf ook graag een keer UFO’s wilt zien, is het een idee om te beginnen met goed op te letten op vreemde wolken in de lucht. Een enkele wolk in een verder onbewolkte hemel is vreemd.
UFO Exits Colima Volcano During Eruption On Dec 23, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Exits Colima Volcano During Eruption On Dec 23, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Dec 23, 2016
Location of sighting: Colima Volcano, Mexico
This UFO was found by Streetcap1 of Youtube. As the volcano is exploding, a dark round UFO appears. It looks like its coming out of the mouth of the volcano. The explosion and plume of smoke is a great distraction so that no one will pay attention to the UFO, but instead notice only the smoke. Typical magic trick...make the audience watch the right hand as the left had holds the answers.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
Just appears then disappears during Eruption Live Stream.
UFO Seen On Infrared Over France On Dec 30, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Seen On Infrared Over France On Dec 30, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Dec 30, 2016
Location of sighting: Paris, France
This UFO was caught by Ovnis Actuales of Youtube. This UFO was caught using a special infrared camera during the day. The eyewitness expertly follows the UFO in the sky as it moves from cloud to cloud. The craft has no wings, just a disk like surface. Aliens do what they want to and fly where they want to on our world, often never being seen on radar because of the FAAs ancient radar tech that hasn't been updated much in the last 3 decades.
Cube UFO In Clouds Over Orlando, Florida, Dec 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Cube UFO In Clouds Over Orlando, Florida, Dec 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting:Dec 18, 2016 Location of sighting: Orlando, Florida, USA Source:MUFON #81052 This UFO has a cube shape to it. It rotates as it moves through the clouds causing a flash of light that reflects off its surface. This is a type of UFO that is not often seen. The most common type is the white orbs, then glowing orbs, but cubes are very rare. Cubes are usually seen as larger craft near our sun in SOHO images, so this is a bit strange. The eyewitness states it just flew straight up at the end...this is a very common way UFOs exist, just like the O'Hare airport UFO years ago, not only did it exit going up, but it broke through the cloud at such a speed it left a round hole in the cloud for 15 minutes after the sighting. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states:
I was outside, once again had a feeling to look up as if I had to, then I saw the glowing craft fly from south direction to north. It was flying high but well below the commercial airplanes flight altitude that were in traffic during the afternoon. I took my cell phone and proceeded to film it. It was lower than the clouds, I don't know the size of the craft, but I'm guessing that it was flying at 1,500 thousand feet. I filmed it and I saw it go inside a very small cloud, it should had flown out of it in a second, but it didn't. I thought that somehow it had disappeared and stopped filming it, but I kept staring at that cloud. Then after quite sometime I saw come out of the same small cloud, it turned and flew upwards and vanished. I will post video and zoomed to take stills from it. I played around with editing on the phone to get a better look at its shape. I'm a certificate helicopter pilot and I know that this was not a plane, helicopter, rocket, meteor, birds, balloons, blimp, etcetera...
Filer’s Files #1 2017 Your DNA Proves ET Exists- PART I
Best photo of 2016, taken over Bayonne, New Jersey on August 12. 2016
Filer’s Files #1 2017 Your DNA Proves ET Exists- PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Your DNA Proves Extraterrestrials Are Real, Observable Evidence of a Master Designer, Scientists find Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA, Scientist Forced into a U-turn, Spreading Genetics, Giant Cylinders, and Ken Mortimer’s Letter
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Connecticut, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Texas, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, China, Cuba, Cyprus, Karaganda, Russia, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Even though it might sound surprising to some, researchers cannot rule out the possibility that humans are genetic descendants of extraterrestrial beings, who passed their DNA on to our species. Many people believe that our ancient Alien ancestors encoded valuable information about their ‘dying species’ in hopes that their legacy and life would go on through a second species.
This, however, is just one of the many theories that are being offered in relation to our DNA and our Alien origins.
Researchers such has Francis Crick discovered numerous peculiarities in our DNA that suggest we are a cosmic species, one that has an incredible and ‘unacceptable’ history behind them. The whole basic idea of the existence of an extraterrestrial DNA embedded into our species originates from two scientific concepts that are anything but explained by scientists.
The first one is the incredible complexity of our species DNA sequence which, according to researchers around the world, evolved out of separate molecules floating around together. The second one, even more surprising is the fact that only one small part of our DNA contains genes that make us living beings. The rest of the DNA is referred to many as ‘Junk or alien DNA’.
The whole idea about Alien DNA and the possibility of humans being a race created by some other more advanced species is fascinating. Nobel Prize winning DNA researcher Francis Crick firmly believed that it was impossible for DNA molecule to be created on earth by accident or evolution. Crick believed that such an intricate and elaborate system could not be the result of the process of evolution and that something ‘else’ was behind it all.
According to mainstream scientists, they suggest that the evolution of DNA is rather simple. They explain that when our planet was created, atoms and molecules moved around until eventually coming together in water where ideal conditions were met for DNA to be created. Crick, however, feels that his explanation is unlikely and compared the likelihood of DNA evolving in this way to the likelihood of a fully functioning jumbo jet being formed from random debris that was left behind by a hurricane. In other words, it’s something that simply put, could not have occurred.
Crick believed life on Earth was seeded by ‘directed Panspermia’. Crick’s revolutionary and controversial theory states that an alien race facing doom wanted to preserve the essence of life and their species and decided to send it to Earth via some sort of spaceship. It is believed that ‘life’ came to Earth via a spaceship and not via a meteor since a ‘space rock’ would be too exposed to radiation for a long period of time, so it is very unlikely that life on Earth began thanks to a space rock crashing into the planet.
“Francis Crick, the discoverer of DNA, although an atheist published his book, “Life Itself” which subscribed to the theory of intelligent design, that our universe was not simply the result of a series of chemical accidents. Primordial life was shipped to Earth in some sort of spaceships.
He states, “Life did not evolve first on Earth; a highly advanced civilization became threatened so they devised a way to pass on their existence. They genetically-modified their DNA and sent it out from their planet on bacteria or meteorites with the hope that it would collide with another planet. It did, and that’s why we’re here.” Our DNA was encoded with messages from that other civilization. They programmed the molecules so that when we reached a certain level of intelligence, we would be able to access their information, and they could therefore “teach” us about ourselves, and how to progress. It possible aliens traveled from another planet to Earth. For instance, the largest human chromosome, chromosome number 1, is approximately 220 million base pairs long. Mathematically human DNA is too complicated to be an accident.
In my opinion, the history of the human race is built on a series of assumptions that primitive ape like creatures evolved into humans. I suggest there is little real evidence of evolution ignoring the strong evidence for visitors.
The scientific study of ancient humans is known as Paleoanthropolgy. Lee R. Burger is Director of Paleoanthropolgy Unit for Research and Exploration at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa. In his excellent book, “In the Footsteps of Eve” he states, “The fossil evidence for modern human origins in the critical time period between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago is, like archaics, frustratingly rare. In fact, the entire fossil evidence of anatomically modern-looking humans from around the world, and over 60,000 years, wouldn’t fill a card table. The enduring mystery of human origins is why one member of this primate family evolved into the dominant species on Earth that are humans today? Nevertheless, the fossil evidence that does exist points to an African origin for modern humans.” Page 296
We are alleged to be related to apes, but ape brains are rarely larger than 600 cc and humans range from 1000 to 2000 cc. So we are to believe apes that still have 600 cc brains through mutations more than doubled their brain size, and started walking upright and developed communication. Paleontologists do not like to mention that in the South African mines strange artifacts indicating ancient technology are frequently found such as the London artifact. A primitive Neanderthal hominid was found with the finest iron object whose pureness has never been matched even today. The missing link has not been found.
Observable Evidence of a Master Designer
Respected geneticist, Susumo Ono, believes he’s discovered music in genes – particularly human genes, fish genes and rabbit genes. Susumo is a researcher in DNA. He discovered musical patterns of notes that reveal intelligence. This is observable evidence of thoughtful, programmed designing by some Superior Mind with evidence of intelligently organized patterns.
Whichever way you look at it, the PATTERNS of single notes testify to intelligence as the source of DNA. Scientists at Bell Laboratories conducted studies on the mathematical language in the DNA molecule and found a mathematical pattern that is identical to that of conversational language.
Concerning DNA, Charles Thaxton states: “A structural identity has been discovered between the genetic message on DNA and the written messages of a human language.”
“There is an identity of structure between DNA (and protein) and written linguistic messages. “Since we know by experience that intelligence produces written messages, and no other cause is known, the implication, according to the abductive method, is that intelligent life produced DNA and protein”.
“The significance of this result lies in the security of it, for it is much stronger than if the structures were merely similar. ”We are not dealing with anything like a superficial resemblance between DNA and a written text. Rather, DNA is a message. True design thus returns to biology.” (Hubert P. Yockey, “Journal of Theoretic Biology”)
Since there is no doubt in anyone’s mind it takes intelligence to write a language, it is evident that it took intelligence to write the DNA code.
Are you aware that your body has 100 trillion walled cells? And that each single cell is as complicated as New York City, with energy generators, transport systems, waste disposal systems, structural designers, invasion guards, food factories, protective barriers and communication links – all crammed into a space less than a thousandth of an inch long. Thanks to Archaeology Newsflash 549
Scientists find Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA
You are part ET according to a group of researchers working at the Human Genome Project indicates that they made an astonishing scientific discovery: They believe so-called 97% non-coding sequences in human DNA is no less than genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms. Begun formally in 1990, the U.S. Human Genome Project was a 13-year effort coordinated by the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health. Project goals were to identify all the approximately 20,000-25,000 genes in human DNA, determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA, and store this information in databases.
The non-coding sequences are common to all living organisms on Earth, from molds to fish to humans. In human DNA, they constitute larger part of the total genome, says Prof. Sam Chang, the group leader. Non-coding sequences, originally known as “junk DNA”, were discovered years ago, and their function remained a mystery. The overwhelming majority of Human DNA is “Off-world” in origin. The apparent “extraterrestrial junk genes” merely “enjoy the ride” with hard working active genes, passed from generation to generation.”
The non-coding sequences are common to all living organisms on Earth, from moulds to fish to humans. In human DNA, they constitute larger part of the total genome, says Prof. Sam Chang, the group leader. The overwhelming majority of Human DNA is “Off-world” in origin. The apparent “extraterrestrial junk genes” merely “enjoy the ride” with hard working active genes, passed from generation to generation.
After comprehensive analysis with the assistance of other scientists, computer programmers, mathematicians, and other learned scholars, Professor Chang had wondered if the apparently “junk Human DNA” was created by some kind of “extraterrestrial programmer”. The alien chunks within Human DNA, Professor Chang further observes, “have its own veins, arteries, and its own immune system that vigorously resists all our anti-cancer drugs.”
Professor Chang further stipulates that “Our hypothesis is that a higher extraterrestrial life form was engaged in creating new life and planting it on various planets. Earth is just one of them. We can’t know their motives – whether it was a scientific experiment, or a way of preparing new planets for colonization, or is it long time ongoing business of seedling life in the universe.”
Professor Chang is only one of many scientists and other researchers who have discovered extraterrestrial origins to Humanity. Human Genome Project Coordinators find absolute proof of Extraterrestrial contact with ‘Earth humans’ via DNA evidence. Professor Chang and his research colleagues show that apparent “extraterrestrial programming” gaps in DNA sequencing precipitated by a hypothesized rush to create human life on Earth presented humankind with illogical growth of mass of cells we know as cancer.”
Professor Chang further indicates that “What we see in our DNA is a program consisting of two versions, a big code and basic code.” Mr. Chang then affirms that the “First fact is, the complete ‘program’ was positively not written on Earth; that is now a verified fact. The second fact is that genes by themselves are not enough to explain evolution; there must be something more in ‘the game’.” Perhaps God was lonely and wished to spread his image throughout the universe. More information is on Dr. Michael Salla’s Exopolitics Website v Scientists find Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA.
Scientist Forced Into a U-Turn
Archaeology Newsflash 549 states, “We’ve made an awful mistake!”Dr Dean Kenyon, Professor of Biology (Emeritus) at San Francisco State University, was one of the leading chemical evolution theorists in the world. He co-authored “Biochemical Predestination“, which claimed that the evolution of life was inevitable…
Kenyon suddenly had serious doubts. It began when one of his students asked, “How could the first proteins have been assembled without the help of genetic instructions?” (Proteins were the necessary formation to build the first cell.)
Then came DNA into the picture that would prove fatal to Kenyon’s molecular evolution theory. Kenyon confesses, “The more I conducted my own studies, including a period of time at NASA-AMES Research Center, the more it became apparent there were multiple difficulties with the chemical evolution account. “And further experimental work showed that amino acids do not have the ability to order themselves into any biologically meaningful sequences. “The more I thought about the alternative that was being presented in the criticism, and the enormous problem that all of us who had worked on this field had neglected to address, the problem of the origin of genetic information itself, then I really had to re-assess my whole position regarding origins.” (Unlocking the Mysteries of Life)
“What he now had to address was this: What was the source of the biological information in DNA?“If one could get at the origin of the messages, the encoded messages within the living machinery, then you would really be onto something far more intellectually satisfying than this chemical evolution theory.”
The astonishing fact is that inside every microscopic-sized cell, machines work together to accomplish specific jobs and are shepherded by other specially shaped machines to precise locations where they are needed. Learning this, Kenyon exclaimed, “This is absolutely mind-boggling, to perceive at this scale of size, such a finely tuned apparatus, a device, that bears the marks of intelligent design and manufacture!”
Dean Kenyon saysDNA comes in intelligently designed ‘sentences’ that are Masterpieces of immense intricacy and subtlety.”The fantastic complexity and orderliness of the DNA code condensed into an incredibly tiny size – suggests the work of a brilliant intellect rather than chance processes. It suggests that much thought has gone into their design just as human beings use intelligence to design and construct computers, Jumbo jets, space craft and other intricate equipment. If radio signals were to be received from outer space, they would be understood as evidence of an intelligent source. Why then should we not regard the message sequence on the DNA molecule as prima facie evidence of an intelligent source?
But that is not all! Gene code letters have built in error protection! Genes store information in long strings of DNA, in the form of chemical letters, called A, T, C and G. So that genes can be accurately copied, each gene consists of two parallel strands of DNA held together by links between the code letters of one strand and those of the other strand. The two strands are not identical. That is, A’s do not link to A’s, and so on. Instead, they are complimentary. A’s always link to T’s; C’s always link to G’s. Thanks to Archaeology Newsflash 549
Spreading Genetics
Over a hundred pyramids have been found in China that the ancient rulers stated were ancient white skinned alien gods who had blonde hair and blue eyes. These visitors apparently came to Europe.
Similar pyramids have been found in Mexico and Peru. The pyramids possess advanced technology that had the ability to move and carve large stones. A similar race can be found in Egypt and Sumaria who were the pharaohs and priests in ancient times. Many ancient writings claim our ancestors came from space.
Danish researchers have concluded that all blue-eyed people share a common ancestor, presumably someone who lived 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. Blue eyes are a recessive gene to some extent. The genetics of eye color are complicated, and color is determined by multiple genes. So a mutation is unlikely the cause. There are blue eyed people in Asia and particularly Europe.
Assuming the first blue-eyed humans was among the proto-Indo-Europeans who subsequently spread agriculture into Western Europe and later rode horses into Iran and India. In humans, dark hair is a dominant trait; if one parent contributes a gene for dark hair and the other contributes a gene for light hair, the child will have dark hair.
White Skin Developed in Europe Only As Recently as 8,000 Years Ago Say Anthropologists
Humans in Europe 8,000 Years Ago had dark skin Say Anthropologists dramatic evidence suggests modern Europeans do not appear as their long ancient ancestors did.
The myriad of skin tones and eye colors that humans express around the world are interesting and wonderful in their variety. Research continues on how humans acquired the traits they now have and when, in order to complete the puzzle that is our ancient human history. Now, a recent analysis by anthropologists suggests that the light skin color and the tallness associated with European genetics are relatively recent traits to the continent. The samples are derived from a wide range of ancient populations, rather than a few individuals, and they supplied researchers with five specific genes associated with skin color and diet. AAAS reports that the “modern humans who came out of Africa to originally settle Europe about 40,000 years are presumed to have had dark skin, which is advantageous in sunny latitudes. And the new data confirm that about 8500 years ago, early hunter-gatherers in Spain, Luxembourg, and Hungary also had darker skin: They lacked versions of two genes—SLC24A5 and SLC45A2—that lead to depigmentation and, therefore, pale skin in Europeans today. This dramatic evidence suggests modern Europeans do not appear as their long ancient ancestors did.
Then, the first farmers from the Near East arrived in Europe; they carried both genes for light skin. As they interbred with the indigenous hunter-gatherers, one of their light-skin genes swept through Europe, so that central and southern Europeans also began to have lighter skin. The other gene variant, SLC45A2, was at low levels until about 5800 years ago when it swept up to high frequency.”
An international team of researchers as headed by Harvard University’s Dr. Iain Mathieson put forth a study at the 84th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists recently stated.
Based on 83 human samples from Holocene Europe as analyzed under the 1000 Genomes Project, it is now found that for the majority of the time that humans have lived in Europe, the people had dark skin, and the genes signifying light skin only appear within the past 8,000 years. This recent and relatively quick process of natural selection suggests to researchers that the traits which spread rapidly were advantageous within that environment, according to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Giant Cylinders
Frequently shown in nasa photos taken by astronauts are the cylinder- shaped white UFOs shown below that are likely of alien origin. They are thousands of feet long and much larger than any known craft produced on Earth. My radar estimated the one we were chasing was a mile long. In one aurora photo an object like a long cylindrical vapor creating object was seen in the center of a huge contrail and in the next photo it was leaving that contrail cloud.
NASA title: International Space Station ISS-009 E11846 Low Cloud Formations, over Atlantic Ocean. nasa has a list of photos called unknowns in the photo listings area that appear to be UFOs. Steve Tobias writes”, The straight line of clouds are all the same size and in straight vertical lines at right suggests shadow of object may have been airbrushed out in this NASA photo near Greenland.” Thanks to NASA
Ken Mortimer’s Letter
Ken writes: “Hello Major Filer I was most interested in your latest newsletter, particularly the findings of Dr. Richard Hoover, with regard to Carbonaceous Chondrite meteorites. I have read about these before about 30 years ago in Sir Fred Hoyle’s book, ‘The Intelligent Universe.’ Three scientists are mentioned in the book who studied these meteorites and they too found fossilised remains inside them.” But they did not mention the nitrogen factor, i.e. the non presence of the element in fossils. The scientists concerned are: George Claus, Bart Nagy and Hans Pflug. Claus and Nagy published their findings in the early 1960s and Pflug published his findings in 1981. The first two scientists were howled down and derided, having made very positive assertions. Pflug was more cautious. He remarked, “Either there is fossil biomaterial in the meteorite or previous criteria used to identify microfossils in ancient terrestrial rocks are cast into doubt.” That is a direct quote from the book. The noisy negativists had moved the goalposts, so to speak.
The same book also includes a careful analysis of what NASA’s two Viking spacecraft discovered on the planet Mars in 1976. There is little doubt that they discovered life, but for some reason only known to them, NASA scientists will not confirm it to this day. And that is despite the fact that the organic compounds that Viking could not detect has been detected since, by the Curiosity spacecraft, which landed on Mars a few years ago. By the way, the reason why Viking found organic compounds on Mars, including molds as shown on the mars rock.
Two other books I have that analyses the Viking controversy are, ‘13 Things that don’t Make Sense, by Michael Brooks. In the list of chapters there is a comment on Viking 6. It reads; ‘NASA scientists found life on Mars, and then changed their minds.’ But life I am convinced they did find life.
The 2nd book of the two is; ‘We Are Not Alone.’ By Dirk Schulze-Makuch & David Darling. This book also covers the Viking missions to Mars and what was found there. In fact the authors are convinced that life of some kind will be found in the clouds of Venus, on Mars, Europa, Titan and Enceladus. They base their reasoning on how life has adapted to conditions on the Earth. Life on the Earth exists over a temperature range of over 300 degrees Fahrenheit, from the boiling sulphur beds of Yellow Stone Park etc, to the freezing Arctic/Antarctic regions and the deep volcanic vents of the ocean depths.
Life might also be found on the Moon, under its surface. What was found on the camera of the Surveyor 3 Spacecraft makes for very interesting reading. It was brought back to Earth by
the Apollo 12 astronauts, and shook a few people as one research group found a small amount of the bacteria Streptococcus mitis alive in a piece of foam from inside the Surveyor TV camera.. Did you know that life exists on the fuel rods of nuclear power stations? I will leave it at that and I hope that you have found the contents of this e-mail, of some small interest. Thanks to Ken Mortimer
Note: The Surveyor 3 spacecraft was launched in April 1967 and was exposed on the lunar surface for 31 months before the Apollo 12 mission brought it back to Earth with living bacteria.
Glowing Alien
Shimmering against a deep-black background, a rarely seen larval cusk-eel looks more “alien with a Mohawk” than bony fish. Photographer Jeff Milisen earned the top prize in the Underwater Photography Guide’s Ocean Art Contest this year for the dazzling shot.
During the fish’s larval stage (shown in the photo), it sports a gracefully trailing blue-hued appendage holding its gut. Illuminated by the camera’s light, this digestive system takes the form of tube-like structures under the head, and extending the length of its external digestive sack.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files #1 2017 Your DNA Proves ET Exists - PART II
Filer’s Files #1 2017 Your DNA Proves ET Exists - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
California Objects
Solvang — I was in my car headed to Solvang and was looking at four chemtrails on November 28, 2016. It caught my eye because three of them crossed over each other at the same spot. I took a couple pictures and a three second video and spotted the orbs the next day I seen the orbs in the pictures. I’ve some a lot of crazy things in the skies over Havasu since I was a kid. I never reported anything until now. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Connecticut Light
Prospect and Waterbury— I was called into the living room to see one bright red object out the window on December 23, 2016 that I dismissed. I was called back 20 seconds later and observed several objects. They are very bright with defined edges with light primarily emitted from the top and bottom of the objects. They were precision maneuvering in formation hovering for 30-40 seconds and began to disappear through cloud layer.
Sighting 1 – The red object looked and acted similar to a hovering aircraft and slowly disappeared east towards New Haven. Sighting 2 – Initially one appeared moving out of the southeast over Prospect with red and white light that reminded me of large LED’s. A total of 6-7 objects confirmed with four objects hovering near each other while the others were more spread out over either New Haven or Prospect. All objects began to disappear as they were moving up through the cloud layer.
Objects appeared out of the southeast of East Mountain Reservoir. Initially one object was spotted but more followed in a straight line path. Objects flew in straight line formation and stopped. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Indiana Lights
Porter— I was leaving my home, walking across the parking lot to my car to get something to eat with my girlfriend on December 21, 2016. I noticed an extremely bright light in the sky to the southwest. I confirmed with my girlfriend that she had also seen the moving object. I thought the object may have been a helicopter monitoring traffic over the express way just south of my home. I realized it could not be, as the light emitted wasn’t produced from standard navigation lights. There was also no sound and the light was pulsating. It would become very dim and then brighter changing to reddish orange color. It flew over for 1.5 hours. Temperatures on the ground were 8 degrees F. While following the object it seemed as if it was slowing down and possible hovering at times. I called two local airports (KVPZ 12 miles south of initial location and KRZL 42 miles south to see if they could see any lights in the sky. Both claimed they could not see any objects. After following the object we realized it was traveling much faster than when we first sighted it. I found that it traveled for at least 9.5 miles to the southwest from the initial sighing area. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kentucky Light
I was driving down Route 627 on December 26, 2016, and saw chemtrails in the sky.
I snapped two different photographs and in the second photograph there was a bluish-green sphere. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nevada Glowing Objects
Beatty — My husband is a Long-Haul Truck Driver and we were on a run from Washington State to New Mexico. I left the town of Beatty, heading south on SR 95 when I spotted three glowing objects to the west over the hills. My husband pulled over and we observed the objects just hover above the hills. They stayed in one spot for about 15-20 minutes. My husband thought they were Military Flairs. I say that they are UFO’s. We took pictures and watched them just hover there the whole time. Then they disappeared without any noise at all. The next day outside Boulder City, NV, at 6 am we videoed 15 black helicopters flying in the direction of where we saw the objects the night before? Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Wing
Woodbury Heights– At 6:50 pm, I was in my car, when I saw what I thought was a helicopter on approach to Philadelphia Airport (PHL) on November 23, 2016, at about 500-1000 feet AGL. A second aircraft came zipping up from behind and I thought they were going to crash a few hundred yards away. The second aircraft, quickly decelerating, dove to the left under the first one, back to the right, back to the left again, like a fighter jet, and then made a sharp right bank under it and quickly disappeared towards Woodbury. I suppose a helicopter pilot might be able to make those sweeping movements, but I don’t think it could bug out and disappear that quickly. I do not believe that a plane could fly that slowly and do that. Thirdly, you’d have to be an idiot to perform that maneuver so close together over such a populated area.
It was fairly dark, all I could see was the large white light (ACFT #1) and a wing-shaped line of lights, about the length of a commuter planes wings (ACFT #2). This line of bright lights was on the rear of the craft, larger than your normal navigation lights and in the wrong configuration for any registered aircraft that I am aware of. There were five evenly spaced lights of similar size: white – green – white – red – white. I have not seen lights like that shinning from the back of any plane or helicopter I know.
I got into the house less than a minute later and ran to an upper window. I could not see the ACFT #2, trees blocked the view. ACFT #1 was still visible a mile or so away and appeared to have stopped. I’m wondering if anyone knows of any aircraft like I described or if a near miss was reported. I live about 5 miles from PHL, on approach to runway 35; we see a lot of planes and helicopters. Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mount Laurel — I was sitting in one of our trucks warming it up for a test run on December 22, 2016. I was smoking looking at my father and what he’s doing, in the corner of my eye I caught a small blue object in the sky, it appeared and disappeared within in seconds, shooting across the whole sky going east, it sent chills down my spine when I first saw it.
I jumped out of the truck freaking out to my father about what I just saw; it was very chilling and exciting, my first ever sighting. I lost sight of the UFO from it disappearing from going too fast, I know it wasn’t a shooting star, no trail and it didn’t diagonal across the sky, just straight like an arrow. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Lights
Milville— It was foggy out my wife and I stopped at the Sweethollow Diner and then looking west spotted this stationary object very high in the sky on December 27, 2016. We observed it for four minutes and I took a video and picture of it. When we came out of the diner 30 minutes later it was gone. It had two narrow vertical red lights at either end and the center had two roundish red lights that emitted more red lights. I am not sure if this is a drone but it was a drizzling so I wasn’t sure if someone would fly one in that weather. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Light
Between Austin & Troy — My sighting occurred on December 21, 2016, between 7 and 8:45 PM. We watched it go down and to each side. It would fizzle away and then fizzle back. It was west of I-35, north of Austin, and south of Troy. It would get brighter, then dimmer and it looked like there was spot lights coming from it every once in a while. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Washington Lights
Port Angeles – At 25 seconds into the video a UFO appears in the center of the screen. It travels left and then disappears into a cloud. The video was shot with a Smartphone camera by Adam Gross at 4:30 PM on December 9, 2016. I was standing on First Street and the UFO is south of the observer over Hurricane Ridge (Olympic National park). The event lasts about 30 seconds from 24 seconds to 1 minute.
Mr. Gross is a member of MUFON and is currently researching/documenting nightly UFO activity in the Port Angeles that has been continuous for over a year and a half. His photos have been published on several online websites.
Note:There is a possibility that the witness took a video of the planet Jupiter. Jupiter was visible in the southern sky. The apparent movement could be due to cloud movement and not the object. Jupiter was quite low in the sky so this explanation may not be valid. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Seattle — We were flying to Seattle when my bud saw his black thing appear in the sky on December 26, 2016. Object at lower left.
I was able to snap the picture right before it disappeared about 10 seconds later.Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Lights
Jandakot Airport– I was checking a weather cam in Australia picture with the date time and location is in the bottom left corner of each picture on November 4, 2016.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Light
Burlington — Looking out in the distance over Lake Ontario from our back yard deck I could see a strange bright light that seemed to glow and pulsate and had a yellow orange color on December 20, 2016. It was hovering or seemed that way from a distance. Then slowly it went diagonally up and eventually just disappeared. When looking binoculars I could not see any flashing or blinking lights as it moved slowly up. I brought down my 6D Camera with 100mm IS lens and the object was fuzzy. At 10x using the rear LCD and the object seemed unship and very bright. I am attaching one of the better photos. I had my 18 year old daughter confirm that this seemed like a very odd star or airplane without blinking lights. The UFO stalker website had two similar reports during the same night nearby. Thanks to MUFON CMS
China Object
Guangzhou City – On December2, 2016 around 4 pm. when I got on the balcony at 13th floor, I saw triangle shaped object. It might be one or two objects following one another very closely. Each was like with 3 or 4 light bulbs heading fast towards south at a higher altitude then a plane flies and very clearly visible and seemed relatively big object while it passed over my apartment at 80 degree. It took my 5 seconds to understand what it is. I rushed in the living room to take my phone. When I was back to balcony I started recording video but it was already at the far distance. At 3rd second in the video it can be seen in vague. But probably when I upload the file the resolution will decrease So, I screen shot the video and zoomed on the object. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Cuba Light
Holguin — My wife and I were on vacation on December 13, 2016, we were heading towards our hotel around 6:30 pm, and took two pictures of the Moon. When I reviewed all my photos and I noticed those strange things. I didn’t see that with my eyes. But the lens of the camera caught a very bright banana shaped form or object. Two objects seemed to be leaving from the big banana and they left very bright tails.
The second picture shows the two objects already distant from the big banana form that could be a space mother ship. You can see very precisely the form and the top of the objects. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Cyprus Objects
Picture was taken for the purpose of mountain and moon combination scenery. The object could only be realized right after shot in LCD display.
Several shootings made before this photo but no other objects were found in previous shots on April 19, 2009.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Karaganda, KZ Light
Karaganda — I was roaming around Akhimat Building on December 26, 2016, and observed a bright light spot in sky. It was sharply viewable and was boomerang shaped and a flight crossed above and from the side of it and also it was rotating.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Russia Object
Perm Kizel – An object was photographed rising quickly.
Someone left our planet on June 20, 2015,
Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Possible Abduction
Southend on the Sea — We were night fishing on a small 18 foot cabin boat when we first noticed the object on September 9, 1992. We thought it must be a helicopter, but as it drew nearer we noticed it moving in a zigzag pattern with sharp movements and most noticeable no real sound, just a slight hum. As it got closer we panicked and hid in the cabin which lit up brighter than the sun, but there was no heat and no pain in our eyes. The night passed very quickly and all our bait was still wrapped. This was unusual as normally we run out of bait.
People think you’re crazy or just making it up, so we told very few. l only spoke about this to my wife, and even she thought we are mad and should keep it quiet. But l saw your program and l think we are right to let you know our story. l know it was caught on radar. It found us anyway. I would never tell any military personnel as they make you feel stupid, even though my father-in-law was detective chief inspector of the m.O.D. Police. Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have macular degeneration of my eyes so have trouble editing these files and need to hire more help.A donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
An Argentine truck driver, Dionisio Llanca, abducted by Nordic aliens
An Argentine truck driver, Dionisio Llanca, abducted by Nordic aliens
An Argentine truck driver, Dionisio Llanca, had an enigmatic experience while changing a flat tire on a lonely road. Afterwards Dionisio, a calm and quiet bachelor, arrived at a hospital in Bahia Blanca in a total state of amnesia. A few days later at the hospital, he regained his memory and related his extraordinary experience: a night of an encounter with a flying saucer and three Nordic type aliens who took a sample of his blood and spoke among themselves in a strange sounding language.
The story:
Saturday afternoon, on October 27, 1973, Dionisio Llanca lounged at a modest painted cottage belonging to his uncle, Enrique Ruiz, situated on Chubut Street, only ten minutes from the center of Bahia Blanca. He napped during the siesta period because he would have to drive all night long. He woke up at about 6:00 pm (18:00 hrs.), and watched a television serial, which was realistic, direct and without fantastic elements. That same night, at about 12:30 am (00:30 hrs.), of Sunday, October 28, 1973, Llanca said goodbye to his uncle and got into his truck, a Dodge 600, loaded with construction materials to deliver them to the city of Rio Gallegos. For Dionisio Llanca, this is a routine two-day trip to the south of the country.
When he went to an Esso gas station on Don Bosco Street for refueling, he noticed that one of the tires was a bit low, but gave it little attention and decided to recheck it upon arriving at the town of Médanos (30 kilometers away) so he wouldn’t waste any more time.
While driving down on route 3, about 19 kilometers from the city of Bahia Blanca, he noticed that the tire was losing air fast, so he urgently needed to stop to change it. He regretted not changing it at the Esso gas station where he had stopped 15 minutes earlier to get gasoline. At approximately 1:15 am (01:15 hrs.), he pulled over on a dark and desolate shoulder in the cold of the night. He began removing the tools, wrenches, jack and began changing the tire all by himself with no one else around to help him. The road was fully deserted in a wooded area and its surroundings were pitch-black. As he was changing the tire, he observed that the road was illuminated with an intense yellowish glow about 2 kilometers (about one mile) away. Because of the color, he thought that it could be the headlights of a Peugeot automobile and continued to work without paying attention. While kneeling down changing the tire, the light suddenly positioned itself behind him above the treetops, becoming so bright that it lit the whole area and changed to a bluish color similar to that of an electric arc welder. When he tried to get up to look towards the wooded area where the light was emanating from, he realized that he had no strength in his legs to do so.
Looking back over his right shoulder, he noticed something unexpected; behind him was a huge disc shaped object, suspended about seven meters (23 feet) above the ground and three humanoid beings standing looking at him. He was totally paralyzed and could not even speak.
The three of them just stood there looking at him for a while, according to Llanca, for about five minutes. Then one of the humanoids grabbed him by the back of the collar of his sweater and lifted him up firmly but not aggressively. He tried to talk, but his voice couldn’t come out. While being held by that humanoid, the other one placed a device similar to a razor at the base of Llanca’s left index finger drawing blood. Llanca believes he passed out soon after seeing two drops of blood on his finger, because he couldn't remember anything else after that.
Descriptions of the aliens:
The aliens were described of the Nordic type. They were two men and what he perceived to be a woman due to the formation of the breasts and the long blonde hair reaching down to the middle of her shoulders. The men were also blond but with shorter hair. They were about the same height, 4 to 5 feet tall (1 meter and 70 or 75 centimeters) and they were all dressed in a tight-fitted smoky-gray one piece suits, orange boots and long orange gloves reaching to the middle of their arms. They did not wear belts, neither weapons, helmets nor anything else. Their facial features were like those of human beings, except for their high foreheads and elongated eyes. They spoke among themselves in a strange language, which sounded like a badly tuned radio with chirps and buzzes. Llanca couldn’t remember when he woke up, but it is believed to be between two or 3 o’clock in the morning of that Sunday. When he opened his eyes, he found himself among the railcars in the yard of the "Sociedad Rural de Bahía Blanca", some 5½ miles (9 kilometers) from where the encounter took place. He was in a state of amnesia, as he couldn't remember even his name, the episode, the truck, or his home. He began walking towards the road and passed out again.
When he woke up, he continued to walk on route 3, and upon reaching the intersection of route 35, a driver found him walking around aimlessly like a robot. The driver picked him up and drove him to a police station where he was subsequently brought to "El Hospital Español" (The Spanish Hospital). It is still a mystery as to what occurred between the time of the encounter to the time he woke up among the railcars, some 5½ miles (9 kilometers) away and when Doctor Ricardo Smirnoff treated him at the Spanish Hospital. Dr. Altoperro stated that it was a curious case since Llanca, a young man of about 25 or 26 years of age, was in a state of total amnesia. At the hospital, he still could not remember anything about his past. He did not know who he was, where he was born or even who his parents were. He remembered absolutely nothing about his past. He cried continually and asked what town he was in. When his head or hands were touched, he drew back instinctively as though it would produce pain. He had a bad headache in the right parietal-temporal lobe area. The police was notified and he was subsequently transferred to "El Hospital Municipal" (the Municipal Hospital).
On October 30, 1973, at about 10:00 pm (22:00 hrs.), when he awoke on his bed at the Municipal Hospital of Bahía Blanca, he regained his memory and could remember the experience in detail up to the point he blanked out after seeing his bloody finger. His clothes were intact, folded in the drawers of his hospital room. He felt a desire to smoke and to know what time it was. He searched his clothes and discovered that his watch, his cigarette lighter and cigarettes in a metal box were missing. The pants pockets still contained the 150,000 Argentinian pesos that he carried upon leaving home. He asked about his truck, which worried him more than the UFO and its occupants. He was told that the police had found it parked on a shoulder in Villa Bordeu, some 18 kilometers from the city of Bahia Blanca, with the jack in place and with one of the tires removed. His papers in the glove compartment had not been disturbed.
Hypnotic regression:
On November 5, 1973, Llanca was placed under hypnotic regression, which allowed him to relate the facts he could not remember when aboard the alien spacecraft for over an hours. He explained during hypnosis that when they approached the truck, a biopsy was performed on him; a small skin tissue was removed from his left index finger with a small razor-like device. Then a sort of yellowish light beam left the craft, which drew him into the oval interior of the spacecraft
Once inside, he saw how the woman handled a number of instruments that he identified as being medical and surgical equipment, perhaps preparing to examine him. One of the men, which Llanca believes to be the pilot, seemed to be sitting in front of the ship’s controls and held in his right hand a lever or a sort of joystick. The other male humanoid was observing the starry sky through a large glass-like panel, an image that was repeated in a series of color monitors located to the left of Llanca.
Suddenly a hatch opened and several hoses and cables were thrown outside the spacecraft. The hoses sank into a small watercourse and the cables made contact with a high voltage tower located nearby. The woman, serving as a sort of nurse, was still taking care of some instruments on the large table. She changed the orange glove on her right hand for a black one that had spikes on the palm. When she walked over to Llanca, she made an incision on his right temporal area. Then unintentionally struck him on the left eyebrow producing a hematoma (or a bruise) that human doctors subsequently examined and treated. When they finished examining his head, the aliens proceeded to anesthetize his wound. At this point, he was released from the spaceship completely unconscious, he was later found roaming the streets in a state of amnesia, and his next recollection of the incident was when he awoke at the Municipal Hospital of Bahia Blanca.
Conclusion: On the other hand, the truck was found at the site where Llanca claimed to have parked it. A few meters from there, it was ascertained that a high-voltage tower was damaged. After consulting with the company that supplied electricity to the city, a team headed by Fabio Zerpa (a well-known Argentinian ufologist), had confirmed that on Sunday, October 28, 1973, between 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning there had been an unusual increase of energy consumption. In addition, doctors who treated him found a clean incision in the scalp and a bruise on his left eyebrow area, coinciding with what Dionisio Llanca had reported. There are many views generated in this case. Both doctors and researchers of the UFO phenomenon are divided between those who accept that an exceptional event did occur on route 3 that night, and those who believe that we are dealing with what Roberto Banchs (an Argentinian writer) described as "one of the most sophisticated hoaxes to date."
We may never know the truth, but the alleged abduction of Dionisio Llanca was thoroughly examined and investigated by some of the best doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists and ufologists in Argentina. Still to this day, it has been found to be one of the most bizarre cases of the alien abduction phenomenon occurring not only in Argentina, but also in Latin America and in the world. During his many hypnotic regressions, he was able to draw several sketches of the aliens and the spacecraft he encountered on that lonely road while changing a flat tire. Dionisio Llanca is a simple, almost primitive man. In two days of interviews, he remained withdrawn and did not even smile. He is serious with a remote sense of humor. One of the doctors characterized him as "innocent." When he is asked what he thinks about UFOs, he says, "Nothing, it doesn't interest me." In reality, a few things interest Dionisio: of course his parents, his town and his work. He does not like to think about the events of that night.
The above information was gathered from various sources and some translated from Spanish by PRUFON.
Between rockets landing on drone ships and the Curiosity rover finding more exciting news about the prospect of life on Mars, NASA and the space industry had an incredible 2016 — and 2017 might be just as epic.
The space agency will edge closer to a trip to Mars and bring in data from the furthest corners of the solar system. There’s also a lot of cool celestial phenomena, including a total solar eclipse, going down in the next year. While the incoming president Donald Trump’s plans for NASA are unclear, the activities the agency already has on the schedule look pretty exciting.
Building the Future
Mars is the destination of the future, as multiple space agencies and private companies have their sites set on the Red Planet. NASA has been busy building the infrastructure and vehicles that will take us there.
The Space Launch System (SLS) is NASA’s next heavy-lift rocket that will hopefully replace the Saturn V, which was once used to ferry astronauts to the moon.
A view of NASA's Orion spacecraft atop the massive SLS rocket.
Engineers are currently renovating the historic Vehicle Assembly Building (where the rockets were once assembled) at the agency’s Kennedy Space Center, in Florida. Additionally, they are upgrading Launch Pad 39B — which once supported both the Saturn V and the space shuttle programs.
Cassini is prepping to conduct several deep dives between Saturn's rings as its mission winds to a close.
Cassini’s Death and Saturn Exploration
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft made history as it returned epic views of our solar system’s ringed giant, Saturn. The probe got up close and personal with Saturn’s family of moons, revealing previously unknown details.
Cassini is set to self-destruct in 2017, as it will crash into the giant planet. The robotic explorer has already begun the final phase of its more than a decade-long mission. As part of its grand finale, Cassini will conduct a series of dives between Saturn and its extensive ring system.
The lucky folks along the path will witness the splendor of a total solar eclipse.
2017 Total Eclipse
Next summer the United States will experience a rare phenomenon — a total solar eclipse. Dubbed “the Great American Eclipse”, the solar spectacle will be visible throughout continental North America.
This will be the first time in nearly a century that a total solar eclipse will trek across the entirety of the continental United States. The best viewpoint will be in the city of Hopkinsville, Kentucky, but don’t fret. A partial eclipse will be visible throughout the country, while those along the dedicated eclipse path will be able to witness the moon block out the sun’s light temporarily as it passes between our planet and its host star. Astronomers estimate it will be another 375 years to witness another event like this.
CYGNSS will work in tandem with hurricane hunters in order to more accurately measure wind speeds.
Earth Science Observations
NASA has teamed up with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to monitor the precious blue marble we call home. Together the two agencies research a myriad of issues from climate change to extreme weather, to the antarctic ice shelf.
Through its fleet of research aircraft, NASA is able to carry out these specialized missions. Next year the agency will rely on a fleet of advanced weather satellitesto dissect destructive storms like hurricanes and tropical cyclones in order to determine what makes them tick. This research will improve forecasts as well as better predict how damaging the storms will be once they strike.
NICER will probe the inner workings of neutron stars from it orbital perch on the ISS.
Exoplanets and Astronomy
Next year, NASA is launching two missions that will revolutionize our understanding of the universe. The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is a project out of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. and will search for transiting exoplanets (aka planets outside the solar system) around bright stars. When a planet passes in front of a star, it temporarily blocks out the star’s light — this is known as a transit. Historically, NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope has been the premier planet-hunter, but it may have to share some of the spotlight in the next few years.
In addition to TESS, NASA is launching a mission called the Neutron star Interior Composition ExploreR (or NICER for short). NICER will be installed on the International Space Station and, thanks to rotation-resolved spectroscopy, the experiment will probe the interior of neutron stars.
Correction, 12/31/2016: The initial image for this post used a GIF of a Japan H-2 rocket launch. We’ve replaced with a GIF of NASA’s 2014 EFT-1 mission launch, which used a Delta IV Heavy rocket.
Scientists at Messaging Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (METI) willattempt to initiate first contactwith any potential alien life on Proxima b by the end of 2018. The researchers hope to raise around $1 million per year to repeatedly beam radio signals to the nearby exoplanet for the foreseeable future. It would be the first focused, sustained effort of its kind.
“If we want to start an exchange over the course of many generations, we want to learn and share information,” METI president Douglas Vakoch told the Mercury News.
The San Francisco-based METI was founded just last year under the better-known organization SETI — Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence — where Vakoch was also the former director of Interstellar Message Composition.
The transmission could comprise either radio or laser signals. The exact message content is still to be determined, but it won’t be the kind of spoken-language message we more commonly associate with communication. Instead, it’ll be a much more universal language (no pun intended, really, I promise) — math.
“To be intelligible, any message to extraterrestrials needs to be written in a universal language, and that won’t be English or Swahili,” Vakoch told “We begin with mathematics, because it seems likely that scientists on any world will need to know at least the essentials of math.”
While many are praising METI’s initiative in taking decisive steps to reach out first rather than simply waiting by the proverbial phone, not everyone is sold on the prospect. Some astronomers and physicists, including Stephen Hawking, have expressed concern that efforts like this are too bold a step considering we have no idea how hostile or powerful aliens might turn out to be, should we end up actually finding them. After all, they could easily be much, much more biologically and technologically advanced than we are.
Proxima b orbits red dwarf star Proxima Centauri and is the exoplanet closest to Earth — just 4.25 light years away — and thus quite likely our best bet for finding and contacting alien life. You might recall it as the planet that sent the internet into hysterics when it was discovered in August. This is because while we do find exoplanets with some regularity, they’re almost always too far away for us to do anything with. Proxima b is our most notable exception. That said, even if aliens do get METI’s messages, it could be generations before we receive a response, if ever. As with all things in the field of alien-hunting, there are no guarantees.
Climate change is real, the sea’s waters are rising, and pretty soon, ocean-front property will become ocean-floor property.
For some places, the reality of climate change and sea level rise is already here. Climate change was partly to blame for record flooding in Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma in 2016, and as sea levels rise, we can expect to see a lot more waterlogged areas close to the coast. People around the world, including in the Pacific Ocean and coastal Louisiana, are seeing their land disappear under water and have been forced to relocate. Scientists are predicting a global sea level rise of one to four feet by 2100, while some areas may see even more water thanks to differences in plate tectonics. Other places are are starting to experience more severe flooding, and the future is looking considerably more damp. Here are a few major cities where sea level rise will force us to rewrite maps well before 2100.
Miami is doomed.
Most of Florida is in trouble, but Miami is the poster child for climate change inundation. Higher tides and stronger storms are flooding more of the city, and nearby Miami Beach, on a regular basis. A 2013 study estimated that by 2050 Miami will lose about $2.5 billion annually thanks to flooding.
New Orleans
One of the levees designed to keep water out of New Orleans.
New Orleans sits about one to two feet below sea level, with some areas as much as seven feet below sea level, which is why the city is surrounded by a levee system designed to keep the water out. Those levees were rebuilt following Hurricane Katrina in 2005, but they can only handle so much water as sea levels rise and the city continues to sink.
New York City
It's been fun, New York.
New Yorkers can say goodbye to much of Lower Manhattan and large swaths of Brooklyn and Queens. The city is built over plenty of fill dirt and salt marshes, areas that historically were under water. Mother Nature is working hard to reclaim those areas, and they were the hardest hit by Hurricane Sandy back in 2012. If pollution continues unchecked and the city’s resiliency plans fall through, flights in or out of LaGuardia and JFK will require seaplanes by 2100.
U.S. Military Bases
Naval Air Station Key West off the Florida coast.
There’s a reason the U.S. military cares so much about climate change. Not only will climate change drive wars in the future, it will affect some of their own installations. Naval Air Station Key West, for example, will lose 70 to 95 percent of its land to the ocean by 2100, and as much as 45 percent of its land will be inundated by 2050.
These are just a few of the places that will be fighting the tides of climate change in the future. Sea level rise threatens coastal regions worldwide, and some are especially vulnerable. It’s going to take some aggressive cutbacks on carbon emissions to avert a watery disaster.
Photos via Getty Images / Joe Raedle, Getty Images / Mario Tama, Climate Central, Getty Images / U.S. Navy
INVASION: Here's what to do if aliens visit Earth in 2017
Life could exist on any planet in the solar system, with Europa, Venus and Mars named as being able to harbour life.
If you do stumble on an alien life form, guidelines are in place to handle the euphoria and ensure a War of the Worlds situation does not happen.
Following the first encounter, anyone experiencing the phenomenon is urged to contact the government, without telling anyone until the UFO claim has been confirmed.
“The discoverer should promptly inform all other observers or research organisations that are parties to this declaration”
Guidelines from the SETI Institute – the official organisation hunting for aliens on behalf of humanity – state: "Prior to making a public announcement that evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence has been detected, the discoverer should promptly inform all other observers or research organisations that are parties to this declaration.
"Parties this declaration should not make any public announcement of this information until it is determined whether this information is or is not credible evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence.
"The discoverer should inform his/her or its relevant national authorities."
The discoverer then plays a key part in telling the world about their discovery.
As news of the UFO is sent out to global media, the discoverer is given the privilege of telling everyone the good news.
Guidelines confirm: "A confirmed detection of extraterrestrial intelligence should be disseminated promptly, openly and widely through scientific channels and public media, observing the procedures in this declaration.
"The discoverer should have the privilege of making the first public announcement."
But any UFO hunters looking to make contact with an extraterrestrial being will be kept well away from the discovery.
Any contact with aliens has to go through a long list of protocols, and scientists and experts will be chosen to be the aliens' intermediary.
SETI add: "No response to a signal or other evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence should be sent until appropriate international consultations have taken place.
"Should credible evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence be discovered, an international committee of scientists and other experts should be established to serve as a focal point.”
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Are aliens hidden in ancient religious artwork? Bizarre theory claims that signs of early visits from ET can be found in old paintings
Are aliens hidden in ancient religious artwork? Bizarre theory claims that signs of early visits from ET can be found in old paintings
Several centuries-old historical artworks contain 'alien-like symbols'
UFO hunters say these symbols prove that ancient civilisations met aliens
But art experts say that the mysterious symbols are being misinterpreted
Conspiracy theorists claim that ancient artwork could hide signs that aliens have visited the human race.
Several centuries-old paintings, cave drawings and tapestries contain symbols and shapes that resemble UFOs and extraterrestrials.
But art experts say that these are simple misreadings of religious symbols or figures.
MailOnline explores some of the most famous examples of UFO or alien-like symbols in ancient artwork.
This alter piece was painted by Italian artist Carlo Crivelli. Conspiracy theorists suggest that the ring depicted in the top left shining light onto Mary is actually a UFO spacecraft
The Annunciation with Saint Emidius, 1486
The 'Annuciation with Saint Emidius' is an alter piece painted by Italian artist Carlo Crivelli in 1486.
It was crafted to commemorate Angel Gabriel's announcement to the Virgin Mary that she would give birth to Jesus.
Conspiracy theorists suggest that the ring depicted in the top left, shining light onto Mary, is a UFO spacecraft.
But art experts say that it simply shows a small collection of angels gathered around a circle of clouds.
The ring and light represent the holy spirit descending towards the Virgin Mary.
Urobune refers to a mysterious, unknown object that was found drifting off the coast of Eastern Japan's Hitachi province in 1803.
The object is depicted in three different Japanese texts: Toen shōsetsu (1825), Hyōryū kishū (1835) and Ume-no-chiri (1844).
This illustration depicts the UFO-like object, which Hitachi sailors discovered floating in the ocean.
According to the notes alongside some illustrations of the craft, the object was made from steel and glass, and was just large enough to fit a small human inside.
Within the craft, the sailors reportedly found a strange script which they could not decipher.
Urobune refers to a mysterious, unknown object that was found drifting off the coast of Eastern Japan's Hitachi province in 1803. This illustration from 'Ume No Chiri' depicts the UFO-like object, which Hitachi sailors discovered floatinf in the ocean
Glorification of the Eucharist, 1600
This 17th century work by Italian artist Ventura Salimbeni features God and Jesus looking out over God's kingdom.
But the strange, rounded object sat between the two resembles Russia's Sputnik satellite, launched over 350 years later in 1957.
Conspiracy theory YouTube channel Strange Mysteries made the odd connection between the two in a video posted in 2014.
They claim in the video: 'This just looks a little bit too uncanny for symbolic reference.
'If the sphere is said to represent the universe, why did the painter not include any stars or othercelestial objects?'
This 17th century work by Italian artist Ventura Salimbeni features God and Jesus looking out over the universe God created. But the strange, rounded object sat between the two resembles Russia's Sputnik satellite, launched over 350 years later in 1957
Saint Wolfgang and the Devil, 1475
Famous 15th century Austrian Renaissance painter Michael Pacher created this work around a legend that Saint Wolfgang tricked the devil into building a church.
Saint Wolfgang was the Bishop of Regensburg in Bavaria during the 10th century.
Conspiracy theorists claim that the figure depicting the devil in the painting could be a representation of an alien that visited Earth.
But the theory is a weak one, as the devil has been represented in a wide variety of strange forms throughout the long history of religious artwork.
Famous 15th century German Renaissance painter Michael Pacher created this work around a legend that Saint Wolfgang tricked the devil into building a church. Conspiracy theorists claim that the figure depicting the devil in the painting could be a representation of an alien
The Baptism of Christ, 1710
Art experts suggest that this painting is a reference to a religious passage: 'The heavens opened, and the Spirit descended like a dove and (put) lighting upon him'.
It was painted by Dutch artist Aert De Gelder in the 18th century.
UFO hunters suggest that the disc-like object, shown shining light onto John the Baptist and Jesus, could be a UFO.
'This scene has been illustrated by many artists,' says internet UFO conspiracy theorist TheAncientAliens.
'However, this scene is particularly interesting because of the flying saucer hovering over the scene with beams of light shining down and illuminating the event.'
'Considering De Gelder’s reputation as one of the elite artists of his time, it is likely this work was intended to be taken seriously and meant to communicate that Jesus had ties to aliens and perhaps was of alien origins.'
Art experts suggest that this painting is a reference to a passage: 'The heavens opened, and the Spirit descended like a dove and (put) lighting upon him'. UFO hunters suggest that the disk-like object shown shining light onto John the Baptist and Jesus could be a UFO
Peruvian Hill Carving, 6th Century
Ancient Peruvians, such as the Nazca people, are famed for their centuries-old carvings in the Peruvian desert.
Many were dug into the South American landscape between the first and sixth centuries.
This image shows a 6th century Peruvian hill carving that appears to depict an alien-like figure.
It's theorised that local inhabitants carved these messages into the floor to signal to aliens that they valued their visits.
But the carvings are just as likely to have been messages to ancient Peruvian Gods.
Ancient Peruvians, such as the Nazca people, are famed for their centuries-old carvings in the Peruvian desert. This image shows a 6th century Peruvian hill carving that appears to depict an alien-like figure
Nazca Lines are geoglyphs first spotted in 1939 when a pilot flew over the Nasca planes of the Peruvian coastal highlands.
They were designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994 and the area stretches more than 50 miles (80km) between the towns of Nazca and Palpa, about 400 km south of Lima.
Some 700 geoglyphs are thought to have been drawn by the ancient Nazca people between the first and sixth centuries.
The Nazca Lines are drawn into lighter coloured strata which contrasts with darker gravels on the plain.
The Madonna with Saint Giovannino, 15th Century
In this painting, Italian Renaissance artist Domenico Ghirlandaio depicts Mary mother of Jesus looking down on two children.
The artwork hangs in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, Italy.
To the right of Mary's head, a strange flying object can be seen in the background, which some UFO hunters think is an alien spacecraft.
A Shepard can be seen shielding his eyes from the sun as he points toward it.
The object is interesting to conspiracy theorists because it has no other context in the painting.
UFO conspiracy theorists CoolInterestingStuff discuss a possible reading: 'Upon closer inspection, the man seems to be looking away from the UFO, behind him and over his shoulder.
'Or, more likely, the notably out of place object may be imagined floating above the ground between them.'
From either perspective, could Mary be seen as blocking the two babies from the flying saucer’s view?'
But art experts say that artwork of this era often depicted clouds shining divine lights as religious symbols.
They suggest that in the case of Madonna with Saint Giovannino, this common biblical symbolismhas been misread.
In this painting, Italian Renaissance artist Domenico Ghirlandaio depicts Mary mother of Jesus looking down on two children. To the right of Mary's head, a strange flying object can be seen in the background, which some UFO hunters think is a UFO
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Bevatten deze oude schilderijen bewijs voor buitenaards bezoek?
Bevatten deze oude schilderijen bewijs voor buitenaards bezoek?
Oude schilderijen bevatten volgens complottheoretici bewijs dat buitenaardsen al minstens honderden jaren de aarde bezoeken, zo schrijft de Britse Daily Mail.
Beroemde schilderijen en muurschilderingen bevatten bizarre UFO-achtige objecten en figuren.
Doop van Christus
Sommigen menen dat een aantal religieuze schilderijen het bewijs vormen dat intelligente levensvormen en vliegende schotels al in een ver verleden werden gezien.
Kunsthistorici zeggen echter dat de UFO’s in werkelijkheid engelen, de zon of de maan voorstellen.
De doop van Christus, 1710
Een schijfvormig object lijkt licht te schijnen op Johannes de Doper en Jezus. De mysterieuze scène is geschilderd door de Vlaamse kunstenaar Aert De Gelder.
Augustinus en de duivel
Volgens velen is dit één van de meest overtuigende voorbeelden van UFO’s in oude kunst.
Augustinus en de duivel, 1475
Dit is een werk van de beroemde Duitse schilder Michael Pacher uit de 15e eeuw.
Het is gebaseerd op de legende dat St. Wolfgang, de bisschop van Regensburg in Beieren, in de 10e eeuw een kerk liet bouwen door de duivel.
The Annunciation
Sommigen geloven dat het vreemde groene wezen meer lijkt op een alien.
The Annunciation with Saint Emidius, 1486
Dit altaarstuk is geschilderd door de Italiaanse kunstenaar Carlo Crivelli en toont het moment waarop engel Gabriël maagd Maria meedeelt dat ze de moeder zal worden van Jezus.
Madonna met St. Giovannino
De Heilige Geest die linksboven is te zien, is volgens sommige theorieën in werkelijkheid een UFO.
The Madonna with Saint Giovannino, 15e eeuw
Dit schilderij werd in de 15e eeuw gemaakt door Domenico Ghirlandaio en hangt in het Palazzo Vecchio in Florence.
Een man, mogelijk een herder, en zijn hond kijken op naar de hemel met op de achtergrond een schijfvormige UFO.
Glorification of the Eucharist
Glorification of the Eucharist, 1600
Dit werk uit de 17e eeuw van de Italiaanse schilder Ventura Salimbeni toont God en Jezus die het universum aansturen.
Het mysterieuze object tussen de Heilige Vader en de Zoon van God vertoont volgens theoretici veel gelijkenissen met de Russische satelliet Spoetnik, de eerste kunstmatige satelliet die in een baan om de aarde werd gebracht.
Het schilderij is 357 jaar voor de lancering van de kunstmaan gemaakt, aldus YouTube-kanaal Strange Mysteries.
Svetitschoveli, 1600
Een muurschildering van de kruisiging van Jezus uit de 17e eeuw kan worden gevonden in de Svetitschoveli-kathedraal in Mtscheta in Georgië.
De mysterieuze schotelvormige objecten aan weerszijden van Christus zijn volgens kunsthistorici engelen of de maan en de zon, maar in de Byzantijnse periode werden engelen afgebeeld met vleugels.
Kruisiging van Jezus
Kruisiging van Christus, 1350
Deze muurschildering uit 1350 is te vinden in het Klooster Visoki Decani in Kosovo.
Aan weerszijden van Jezus is een vreemd object met ‘piloot’ te zien.
Professor Dennis Geronimus van de New York University vertelde aan de Huffington Post dat de objecten volgens hem de zon en de maan moeten voorstellen.
Dec. 29, 2016: For centuries, Arctic sky watchers have occasionally reported strange sounds filling the air as Northern Lights danced overhead. Hisses, crackles, and even loud “claps” have been heard and recorded. It may be time to add a new sound to the menagerie: blaster fire.
Photographer Oliver Wright sends this report from inside the Arctic Circle: “On Christmas Night 2016, I was standing beneath an intense display of auroras in Abisko, Sweden, when I heard something that sounded like Star Wars blasters.” As the lights danced overhead, a series of rat-a-tat ‘swooshes’ emanated from a nearby set of power lines. “Other bystanders heard it, too,” he says. “I rushed closer to the power lines and was able to record a sample using my iPhone.”
To listen, click on the photo–and don’t forget to turn up the volume:
Wright says that the sounds waxed and waned in sync with the auroras overhead; the brighter the lights, the louder the sounds. Distance mattered, too: “The sounds grew louder as I approached the power lines, and fainter as I moved away.”
Wright is a veteran tour guide working for Lights over Lapland, and he has heard these sounds before–”three times in total. Each time I was standing near power lines.” He recalls a particularly intense outburst of “blaster fire” during the powerful St. Patrick’s Day Storm of March 2015. In each case, guests and/or friends heard the sounds as well.
What’s going on?
“Aurora sounds” have long been a controversial topic. Some researchers insist that they exist only in the imagination of the listener, but there is growing evidence that they are real.
Perhaps the most commonly reported aurora sounds are “hissing” and “crackling,” a bit like static on a radio. These are thought to come from electric fields causing spark discharges at the pointy ends of objects like pine needles or even strands of dry hair. Aurora “claps” have been recorded as well. A researcher in Finland spent 15 years studying this phenomenon and published his results in 2012. He found that a temperature inversion layer in the atmosphere about 70 meters above the ground could cause a separation of + and – charges in the air. During strong geomagnetic storms, the charge separation breaks down, causing air to move and a “clap” to be heard.
The sounds Wright recorded may be a result of “electrophonic transduction”–that is, the conversion of electromagnetic energy into mechanical motion. At the time of the Christmas aurora outburst, magnetic fields around Abisko were seething with activity. Physics 101: Unsettled magnetic fields can cause currents to flow in power lines. Strong low-frequency currents can literally shake objects, launching acoustic vibrations into the air. Wright may have recorded the unique sound of those power lines swaying in response to the magnetic storm.
“This discussion feels poignant with the passing of Carrie Fisher as she was my childhood love and the sound is very reminiscent of Star Wars,” notes Wright.
Indeed, “Carrie’s Crackles” might be a good name for these heavenly sounds. Around Abisko, people will be listening for more as the next magnetic storm approaches. Stay tuned!
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Mysterie rond ‘Star Wars’-geluid afkomstig van noorderlicht boven Zweden
Mysterie rond ‘Star Wars’-geluid afkomstig van noorderlicht boven Zweden
Een geluid dat tijdens de kerst werd voortgebracht door het noorderlicht stelt wetenschappers voor een raadsel, schrijft nieuwssite
Gids Oliver Wright uit Lapland legde de vreemde ‘Star Wars’-geluiden vast toen hij op 25 december het noorderlicht aanschouwde in Zweden.
“Op kerstavond 2016 stond ik onder het prachtige poollicht in het Zweedse Abisko toen ik iets hoorde wat deed denken aan Star Wars-blasters,” schreef hij.
Niet voor het eerst
Hij hoorde naar eigen zeggen ook een ruisend geluid van de nabijgelegen elektriciteitskabels komen.
“Ik rende naar de kabels toe en kon het geluid met mijn iPhone opnemen,” zei hij.
Het is niet voor het eerst dat mysterieuze geluiden worden gehoord als het noorderlicht te zien is.
Geregeld maken mensen melding van sisgeluiden, knetterende geluiden en zelfs luid ‘geklap’, meldt
Het noorderlicht verscheen als gevolg van een enorme magnetische storm die de planeet afgelopen kerst in zijn greep hield.
Elektrische stroom
Sommige wetenschappers claimen dat de geluiden hersenspinsels zijn.
Anderen menen dat ze kunnen worden verklaard door elektrische stroom die objecten op het aardoppervlak raakt.
Het is al jarenlang een bekend fenomeen dat er veel UFO’s worden waargenomen in de buurt van vulkanen en dan met name in Zuid Amerika.
Ook dit keer is het weer raak, maar nu vindt er toch wel iets bijzonders plaats wat je niet vaak ziet.
Dit keer gaat het niet over een vulkaan in Mexico, maar over de Turrialba vulkaan in Costa Rica.
Deze vulkaan kwam onlangs weer tot uitbarsten en toen was er iets bijzonders te zien. Degene die de opname maakte, denkt dat het een meteoriet is wat er in beeld verschijnt, maar ufoloog Scott Waring is er heilig van overtuigd dat het een UFO is; een met een missie.
De interpretatie van Scott Waring:
Deze UFO lijkt ongeveer 75 tot 100 meter groot te zijn.
Hij zegt: “Heb je de energie uitbarsting gezien onder de UFO toen die de krater van de vulkaan bereikte?
Het “beamt” passagiers naar boven en naar beneden. De top van de vulkaan heeft drie kraters”.
Scott zegt verder dat dit proces voor aliens oftewel buitenaardsen in een fractie van een seconde gebeurt.
Tienduizenden jaren geleden werden alien bases op dit soort vreemde locaties gebouwd omdat daar de minste kans bestond dat er mensen zouden opdagen. Plekken zoals bijvoorbeeld onder vulkanen, de noordpool of onder water.
Zo is er een basis onder de Turrialba vulkaan op een diepte van vijf tot zes kilometer. Er bevinden zich in die bases meer dan één soort aliens.
Zo bevinden zich onder het kasteel Rocca Pia in Italië meer dan 56 verschillende soorten, waarvan een aantal al tientallen jaren contacten onderhoudt met mensen. Deze zaak is bekend geworden als de zogenaamde Friendship Case.
Ook bij twee andere bekende vulkanen bevinden zich buitenaardse bases. Dat is ook de reden dat de Maya en Azteken spreken over Goden die de Popocatépetl en Colima binnengaan en weer naar buiten komen.
De volgende video laat zien wat er twee dagen geleden gebeurde bij de Turrialba vulkaan.
De zaak waar Scott aan refereerde in verband met buitenaardse bases onder de grond is de Friendship Case.
Het veroorzaakte destijds een hoop sensatie. Massale UFO waarnemingen en mensen die in het geheim met buitenaardsen samenwerkten. Het publiek wilde weten wat er aan de hand was, maar de antwoorden kwamen niet. Nu, ruim 50 jaar later, hebben een aantal getuigen besloten om hun mond open te doen.
Een geheim contact met buitenaardsen dat decennialang in de doofpot is gestopt, wordt nu eindelijk ontrafeld.
Hier volgt het ongelooflijke verhaal van de Friendship Case:
UFO Ring Seen Over Highway In Korea On Jan 1, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Ring Seen Over Highway In Korea On Jan 1, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Jan 1, 2016
Location of sighting: Korea
The eyewitness asks if this is a Taegeuk, which is the Yin-yang symbol as we know it. The ring in the sky is actually an entire UFO disk. We can see that the edges of the UFO have cloud ether gathering around it or being made by the UFO. The disk seems to be preparing to making a cloud around it. Although the disk is cloaked, they are still at least considering making a cloud around themselves to be extra safe. This is very similar to the 1957 UFO Event at Army Ft. Belvoir, Virginia, where a black metallic ring was seen and photographed as it quickly made a cloud entirely covering it (Click here to view event).
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
A Taegeuk mark in the sky. Is this a UFO event I am viewing from my window? Or a message, or a UFO?
UFO Over Busy Street In Downtown Manchester, England, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Over Busy Street In Downtown Manchester, England, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: 6-9-2012, but reported today
Location of sighting: Manchester, England
Source: MUFON #81266
This UFO was recently reported but was seen in 2012. The object resembles a ballon, but there is no advertising on it, no strings at all, and its not once piece but unique in that its has several areas within this orb. I have seen such UFO orbs even closer and smaller than this before. Their semi transparent appearance makes them blend in to almost any environment...but as they come lower to the ground, the blending becomes unable to match the surrounding colors, making them very easy to make out. Very amazing catch thats defiantly a UFO.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
I was in Manchester town centre with my brother ,we were driving through the 'northern quarter' when I saw a ball of different coloured lights hovering at approx 30-50 feet away to my left. I said to my brother to stop the car and I got my phone out to take a photo. My brother only saw the object very briefly. There was a car behind beeping so I said for us to turn left and to drive down the road it was on. We turned left and accidentally passed the road we should have turned so I said to stop. We looked down the road the object was on and the object had dissapeared. We were in shock. I took out my phone and we saw that I had captured the object quite clearly. I cannot explain what I had seen and when I show people they can't understand it. The object can be described more detailed by saying it was a hollow ball made up of round downturned discs with vivid colours on the outside. I could see through into the hollow. The pictures will show this. To me the object was between 3 and 8 foot in size and seemed to be hovering over a nearby car. This can be seen on the photo. If you can help to explain what I saw that would be great.
Here’s a new video of a daytime UFO activity in the sky above Victoria in Australia. This was just submitted to our website and was recorded on 1st January 2017.
Photographer Captures Cigar-Shaped UFO Over A Mountain In Cyprus
Photographer Captures Cigar-Shaped UFO Over A Mountain In Cyprus
Amazed with the scenery of a mountain and moon combination, a photographer captured more than what he expected. He noticed in one of his several images taken on the same spot a cigar-shaped UFO. The look of this object was mentioned in top secret papers of the Nazis at the end of World War II. It is reported that some scientists and engineers working on these top secret programs were sent to America under Project Paperclip.
These type of flying objects, wingless and windowless, are mostly seen hovering for hours and then accelerating rapidly. Witnesses, including pilots, commonly described them as being silver colored or metallic.
These cigar-shaped objects have also been often described as large ones between hundreds of meters and over a kilometer in length. According to some conspiracy theorists, their size appears to confine them to higher altitudes.
Some small ones managed to come near the surface of the earth cloaking themselves, but many witnesses still saw these little type of cigar UFOs because they sometimes uncloaked themselves accidentally.
Here’s How Quantum Gravity Will Change Our Understanding of the Universe
Here’s How Quantum Gravity Will Change Our Understanding of the Universe
Quantum mechanics and general relativity, the twin monuments of 20th Century genius, have done a remarkable job of explaining the way our universe works. But at the edges of knowledge, we're learning that they're only facets of a much larger picture.
Attempts to fashion a quantum theory of gravity, which unites the quantum and general relativistic realms, have resulted in a flurry of recent weird breakthroughs—including the bizarre notion that time might be the byproduct of entangled qubits residing on the temporal boundaries of the universe.
There are two theories that have essentially revolutionized our understanding of physics in the 20th century—quantum mechanics and general relativity.
Quantum mechanics attempts to explain the behavior of the smallest things in the universe—subatomic particles at the nanoscopic level. At this scale, time is universal and absolute.
On the other hand, Einstein’s general relativity posits that time is relative and dynamic—a result of how space, time, and matter interact with each other. Following the theory of relativity, the geometry of the “space-time fabric” can be distorted by large masses. Bodies that move through the distorted space-time fabric then appear as if they are being influenced by the gravitational force of the large mass.
Now, to describe and understand what we perceive in everyday life, we turn to physics. General relativity serves to explain the gravitational properties of large objects, which are massive enough that their quantum properties are negligible. Quantum mechanics accurately explains what happens on the smallest scales—but only where masses are insignificant enough that their gravitational effects are practically zilch.
The question is, how do we explain matter that is, at once, very heavy and yet very small? To that end, how will you reconcile the absolute and relative notions of time supported by each theory?
Image Credit: Olena Shmahalo/Quanta Magazine
This gap in our understanding of physics is something that theories of quantum gravity can hopefully explain. And a new breakthrough in the study of quantum gravity gives us a glimpse of how the physics of general relativity and quantum mechanics can be resolved.
“I think we now understand that space-time really is just a geometrical representation of the entanglement structure of these underlying quantum systems,” said Mark Van Raamsdonk, a theoretical physicist at the University of British Columbia.
Did you catch all that? Essentially, the idea is that the universe of our experience, together with the matter and relativistic space and time within it, arise as emergent properties from quantum bits (qubits) of information, just as the universe of a computer game arises from the digital bits of information in a computer. This is the holographic notion of the universe.
Researchers illustrate how the universe can have a fisheye space-time geometry known as “anti-de Sitter” (AdS) space. As you move away from the center, spatial increments get shorter until eventually the spatial dimension from the center extends to nothing—smacking into a boundary. This boundary has one less spatial dimension than its interior, referred to as the “bulk,” wherein is projected the holographic universe—with all its matter and energy, and wonky time that moves in dramatic ways, bending and curving with space as described in general relativity.
But the entangled qubits residing on the boundary of this AdS space progress according to the ordered, non-relativistic time natural to quantum states; like a computer program executing its commands according to the precise ticks of its internal clock, yet creating a simulated universe within which time can warp and stretch and be as weirdly relative as it wants.
Graphical depiction of anti-de Sitter (AdS) space-time. Credit: Joao Magueijo et al.
So far so good. But our universe conforms to a de Sitter configuration, where space stretches the further out you look; and this presents some problems of understanding the emergent qualities of time. The boundary, in this case, appears to be the end of time; somehow, the qubits on the boundary of the de Sitter space give rise to an interior hologram with dynamical time.
As Brian Swingle of Harvard University notes, what all this research seems to uncover is that, “somehow, you can emerge time from timeless degrees of freedom using entanglement.”
And while the team behind the study has yet to discover how this is possible, they hope it will lead to answers about what we don’t yet understand about the physics of our universe.
The multiverse is one of science fiction's most beloved conceits—travel far enough, or enter the right wormhole, and you can meet your alter ego in another universe.
But granting parallel universes even exist, will we ever be able to reach them? Leading physicists weigh in with their own idiosyncratic thoughts—which are, as usual, highly entertaining.
One very prominent mind twister in both science fiction and real-life science is the concept of parallel universes. This is hardly surprising, since the idea of multiple copies of yourself existing at the same time is both existentially disturbing and thrilling.
The idea of a multiverse is not considered a scientific theory but rather, as Ethan Siegel of Forbes puts it, “a theoretical consequence of the laws of physics as they’re best understood today.” The idea that space-time begins and stretches infinitely implies that existence is mathematically bound to repeat itself at some point—a notion sometimes called the “quilted multiverse.”
Or, forgetting the idea of repetitious cosmic clones, there’s the possibility that multiple big bangs begat multiple space-time bubbles, in a foamy multiversal sea of infinite potentialities. Here’s how it works:
But what we want to know is: could you ever get to another space-time?
That depends. The American theoretical physicist and string theorist extraordinaire Brian Greene, of Columbia University, argues that the plausibility of multiversal travel—conceding that parallel universes really do exist—hinges on which multiverse concept you subscribe to. If you are an advocate of a multiple big bang multiverse, then that would mean that leaving our universe to travel to another would be just as impossible as travelling back to the time before the big bang that resulted in our universe even happened.
Now, if you believe a quantum physics-dominated notion of parallel universes, then there’s no need to travel to other universes, because you are already inhabiting multiple alternate universes (though not necessarily all of them). Can’t decide which dress to wear? No matter—you’ve worn them both, in two separate parallel universes.
Meanwhile, theoretical physicist Michio Kaku believes that our universe will end up in a “big freeze,” and that technology can one day allow us to travel between universes.
Neil deGrasse Tyson, on the other hand, says that if you come from a universe with higher dimensions, then it could be as easy to move between dimensions as stepping from one room to another. And in string theory—one of the leading contenders in bridging the seemingly insuperable gulf sundering quantum mechanics and general relativity—the assumption is that we actually have far more dimensions in this universe than we previously thought and that we just fail to detect them because they are actually very small, curled up in the infinitely minute, trans-subatomic realms beyond the reach of our instruments.
But how can we prove (or disprove) any of these arguments without gaining first-hand experience of it? Much as many aspects of our universe still remain elusive to us, it’s currently impossible to acquire any proof to confirm which of these hypotheses is right. But while we don’t have the means to definitively prove whether alternate universes do exist, and whether we could traverse borders to move from one to another, it’s highly unlikely that a topic as stimulating as this will disappear anytime soon, either in science fiction or in real-life science.
Meanwhile, physicists are at it. Watch this brief video of physicists going head to head with each other on string theory, Math, and potentially embarrassing alien encounters.
'Star Trek' Science: Why Vulcans (and Other Aliens) Look Like Humans
'Star Trek' Science: Why Vulcans (and Other Aliens) Look Like Humans
By Nola Taylor Redd, Contributor
Spock, portrayed by Leonard Nimoy in the original "Star Trek" series and films, was half human and half Vulcan. An evolutionary biologist suggests that such interbreeding could happen only if humans were related to Vulcans by a recent ancestor.
Human life, seeded to other planets by an extraterrestrial civilization, could explain why so many of the aliens in the fictional "Star Trek" universe resemble human men and women.
After studying scenes from the various shows and movies, one evolutionary biologist posited that the galaxy-wide distribution of Earth-based life-forms could help to explain some of the resemblance between Kirk and Spock.
"This model ignores things like the difference in heart placement — perhaps unlikely — or the Vulcan copper, rather than human iron-based, blood — also unlikely," Mohamed Noor, an evolutionary biologist at Duke University in North Carolina, told by email. "But the overall principle is more probable than the notion that the species evolved completely independently to look almost the same after billions of years." Noor presented the results of his off-hour research this summer at Atlanta's Dragon Con. [How 'Star Trek' Technology Works (Infographic)]
The seeds of humankind
Life on Earth might not have originated on the planet itself. Scientists have long considered the possibility of panspermia, the idea that our planet's life or its precursors came from outer space. After drifting, unplanned, into the habitable environment, the seed material might have developed into life as we know it today.
A similar idea was investigated in an episode of "Star Trek: The Next Generation." In "The Chase" (Season 6, Episode 20), an ancient alien species called the Preservers was revealed to have seeded many planets with the same genetic material. Over billions of years, similar plants, animals and humanoids developed on a variety of worlds, according to the story presented in the episode.
But Noor doesn't buy it. "Sounds good, but no way," Noor said. Even with the same initial conditions, he said, the probability of plants and animals with similar appearances — and, in species like Vulcans, able to breed with humans — developing on multiple worlds from only genetic material is incredibly low. With the passage of so much time, the various worlds would evolve creatures very different from one another.
Instead, Noor proposed that the seeding occurred much more recently than portrayed in the episode. If the human ancestor Homo erectus, along with plants and other animals, were taken by the Preservers only a million years ago, rather than the proposed billion, and were seeded onto planets like Vulcan, the resulting life-forms could be more closely related, Noor said.
"It would require an extreme version of fast terraforming, but from a biological perspective, it's at least possible," Noor said.
Meanwhile, the Homo erectus individuals who remained on Earth could have evolved into humans while those on Vulcan evolved to become pointy-eared aliens.
"The two modern species would surely look similar, but it's likely there would be some physical differences," Noor said, pointing to Vulcans' unusual ears and eyebrows. The close genetic relationship among the different descendants of Homo erectus could even allow them to produce an offspring born of both, such as the half-human, half-Vulcan Spock.
Kissing cousins
As a longtime "Star Trek" fan, Noor has enjoyed examining the accuracy of the show. In college, he and his professors would joke about the unfeasible scientific explanations presented in "The Next Generation," the series on the air at the time. To prepare for his Dragon Con presentation, Noor spent time reviewing various episodes from multiple series of the show, and then discussing the science with biologists and chemists.
"I think the idea of trying to imagine what life in outer space could be is fascinating," he said. "I have really enjoyed researching this."
If human life in the "Star Trek" universe was indeed seeded on multiple planets, Earth would be the most likely original source, Noor said. That's because life-forms on Earth are clearly related to one another in a hierarchal way. Humans would be more closely related to aliens such as Romulans and Klingons than they are to chimpanzees.
Confirming this would be "remarkably easy" for an evolutionary biologist in the "Star Trek" universe, Noor said. By comparing DNA samples from other human-like aliens to those of Earthlings, biologists would be able to discover the close genetic relationship between them, which would easily rule out the idea of random, undirected panspermia.
"We may even be able to infer approximately how many years ago this happened from the difference in the DNA sequence," Noor said.
Magnetic-Field 'Avalanches' May Explain 'Alien Megastructure' Star
Magnetic-Field 'Avalanches' May Explain 'Alien Megastructure' Star
By Charles Q. Choi, Contributor
An artist's illustration showing a shattered comet passing in front of a star illustrates one theory that scientists have for the strange dimming star KIC 8462852. A new study suggests that the star may dim due to internal processes.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
The darkening of a mysterious star, which might be due to "alien megastructures," according to some researchers' theories, might instead be due to avalanche-like magnetic activity within the star, a new study finds.
In 2015, a star named KIC 8462852 made news when researchers noticed unusual fluctuations in the object's light. The star is an otherwise-normal F-type star — slightly larger and hotter than Earth's sun — that sits about 1,480 light-years away from Earth, in the constellation Cygnus.
However, when they analyzed data from NASA's Kepler space telescope, astronomer Tabetha "Tabby" Boyajian of Yale University in Connecticut and her colleagues found dozens of odd instances of KIC 8462852 dimming by up to 22 percent. These events are far too substantial to be caused by planets or dust crossing the star's face. [Watch: Scientists Investigating 'Alien Megastructure' Star]
These analyses of KIC 8462852 — now nicknamed "Boyajian's Star" (formerly Tabby's Star) after its discoverer — raised the possibility that scientists had detected signs of intelligent alien life. Specifically, researchers have suggested that the star is home to a Dyson sphere, a hypothetical megastructure that is built around a star to capture as much of the sun's energy as possible. Mathematician and physicist Freeman Dyson suggested that such megastructures could help power an advanced civilization. (Science fiction often depicts Dyson spheres as solid shells around stars, but the structures could also be globular swarms of giant solar panels.)
Now researchers analyzing Boyajian's Star suggest that its mysterious behavior might not be due to structures in its surroundings, but rather to some kind of internal activity.
"This is a very, very different explanation from what's been kicking around up to now," said study co-author Richard Weaver, a condensed-matter physicist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Over four years, the scientists analyzed the spectrum of fluctuations in the light from Boyajian's Star. They found that these anomalies followed a pattern that is characteristic of avalanches and other systems that undergo sudden, major shifts. For example, magnets can experience changes in which all of the randomly oriented magnetic fields within them can flip, and then line up. Previous research has also found avalanche-like patterns in powerful explosions like stellar flares.
"We've looked in the past at avalanches to learn more about what can happen inside materials," said study co-author Karin Dahmen, a condensed-matter physicist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. "This is an attempt now to apply that work to stars."
The scientists noted that at least three stars that the Kepler spacecraftcollected data on also had similar avalanche-like patterns in their light fluctuations, although the variations in their light were not nearly as striking as those of Boyajian's Star. Previous research found that these three stars were magnetically active.
Although the researchers do not know what specific physical mechanisms may or may not trigger avalanche-like behavior in Boyajian's Star, they do note that it spins relatively quickly, completing a rotation about every 21 hours.
"High rates of rotation in stars may be associated with strong magnetic fields," said study lead author Mohammed Sheikh, a condensed-matter physicist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. As such, Boyajian's Star's variability is perhaps related to magnetic behavior, the researchers said.
The researchers did note that recent studies in the past yearhave suggested that Boyajian's Star has dimmed over the course of a century, and that it is difficult for a theory based on avalanche-like activity to explain such progressive darkening. However, some of these hints of long-term dimming have come under dispute.
Future research can systematically analyze what stars might possess avalanche-like patterns in their light and what else they might have in common that could yield insights into what is driving their light fluctuations, Dahmen said. Weaver noted that future research could also investigate whether comet swarms interacting with Boyajian's Star might conceivably lead to avalanche-like anomalies.
This new image from the Mars Curiosity rover captures purple-colored rocks on the surface of lower Mount Sharp.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
Mars may appear red when viewed from Earth, but NASA's Curiosity rover has captured an up-close photo of the planet's mountainous landscape, with purple-colored rocks littered across the foreground.
This remarkable new photo was captured near the base of Mars' Mount Sharp. The image's three frames were taken by Curiosity's Mast Camera (Mastcam)on Nov. 10.
"Variations in color of the rocks hint at the diversity of their composition on lower Mount Sharp. The purple tone of the foreground rocks has been seen in other rocks where Curiosity's Chemical and Mineralogy (CheMin) instrument has detected hematite,” or a type of iron-oxide mineral, NASA officials said in a statement. "Winds and windblown sand in this part of Curiosity's traverse and in this season tend to keep rocks relatively free of dust, which otherwise can cloak rocks' color.” [Amazing Mars Photos by NASA's Curiosity Rover (Latest Images)]
Mount Sharp rises 3 miles (5 kilometers) from the center of Mars' 96-mile-wide (154 km) Gale Crater. After arriving at the crater in 2012, Curiosity found evidence that suggested that the area could have supported microbial life in the ancient past.
In addition to the purple rocks in the foreground, the images from Curiosity capture higher layers of Mount Sharp. The rover will continue to traverse these slopes throughout the rest of its mission.
How Well Do You Know NASA's Newest Mars Rover?
NASA's Curiosity rover — the centerpiece of NASA's $2.5 billion Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission — landed on Mars Aug. 5. How much do you know about Curiosity and its mission?
This uphill trek began in October at the orange-colored rocks of the Murray formation, near the base of Mount Sharp. Next the rover will climb upward to the Hematite Unit, followed by the Clay Unit and the rounded hills of the Sulfate Unit — which is Curiosity's highest planned destination. Studying the composition of these different rock layers can help scientists learn more about Mars' past.
The images have a white-balanced color adjustment that resembles how rocks and sand would appear under daytime lighting conditions on Earth. This helps geologists who study the rocks recognize color patterns that they are familiar with on Earth, NASA officials said in the statement.
This new image from the Mars Curiosity rover captures purple-colored rocks on the surface of lower Mount Sharp.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
Mars may appear red when viewed from Earth, but NASA's Curiosity rover has captured an up-close photo of the planet's mountainous landscape, with purple-colored rocks littered across the foreground.
This remarkable new photo was captured near the base of Mars' Mount Sharp. The image's three frames were taken by Curiosity's Mast Camera (Mastcam)on Nov. 10.
"Variations in color of the rocks hint at the diversity of their composition on lower Mount Sharp. The purple tone of the foreground rocks has been seen in other rocks where Curiosity's Chemical and Mineralogy (CheMin) instrument has detected hematite,” or a type of iron-oxide mineral, NASA officials said in a statement. "Winds and windblown sand in this part of Curiosity's traverse and in this season tend to keep rocks relatively free of dust, which otherwise can cloak rocks' color.” [Amazing Mars Photos by NASA's Curiosity Rover (Latest Images)]
Mount Sharp rises 3 miles (5 kilometers) from the center of Mars' 96-mile-wide (154 km) Gale Crater. After arriving at the crater in 2012, Curiosity found evidence that suggested that the area could have supported microbial life in the ancient past.
In addition to the purple rocks in the foreground, the images from Curiosity capture higher layers of Mount Sharp. The rover will continue to traverse these slopes throughout the rest of its mission.
How Well Do You Know NASA's Newest Mars Rover?
NASA's Curiosity rover — the centerpiece of NASA's $2.5 billion Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission — landed on Mars Aug. 5. How much do you know about Curiosity and its mission?
This uphill trek began in October at the orange-colored rocks of the Murray formation, near the base of Mount Sharp. Next the rover will climb upward to the Hematite Unit, followed by the Clay Unit and the rounded hills of the Sulfate Unit — which is Curiosity's highest planned destination. Studying the composition of these different rock layers can help scientists learn more about Mars' past.
The images have a white-balanced color adjustment that resembles how rocks and sand would appear under daytime lighting conditions on Earth. This helps geologists who study the rocks recognize color patterns that they are familiar with on Earth, NASA officials said in the statement.
Above is normal, below is negative format. You see a half a UFO disk in the mouth of the crater below the UFO.
Did you notice the burst of energy above and below the UFO as it reached the volcanos summit? Its beaming up and down passengers.
Date of sighting: Dec 30, 2016 Location of sighting: Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica
This UFO looks to be about 75 to 100 meters. Did you notice the burst of energy above and below the UFO as it reached the volcanos summit? Its beaming up and down passengers. The summit of the mountains has three volcano craters. This UFO displayed quite a show in Costa Rica yesterday when a video camera trained on Turrialba volcano captured an eruption as a meteor fireball flew overhead. The UFO made sure to come low in a hormonal position so that it could beam up supplies and people and drop them off. It only takes a split second for alien tech to accomplish so it should be no surprise to see it happen on video. I have told you that the older bases on Earth were placed in strategic locations tens of thousands of years ago. Strategic in that they were deliberately made below locations where few humans would dare venture like volcanos, north pole, under water, and such. Some of these bases still exist, for instance 5-6km below Turrialba Volcano. These ancient alien bases have many species of aliens in them, not just one. For example, the base below the castle at Rocca Pia, Italy has about 56 different species in it…some even mingled with humans for over 3 decades! (Friendship Case click here). Also the two other bases near Mexico City at Colima volcano and Popocatepetl, where ancient Aztecs and Mayans reported seeing gods entering and exiting the mouths. The evidence in this video below is undeniable truth that only reinforces the fact that aliens have bases on Earth and have been here thousands of years. Scott C. Waring
In the early morning of November 27, 1995, Samuel Rodolfo Barreras was working as a security guard at a place called “El Trigal”, an urban area outside of Havana City.
While inside his post shelter through the window, he noticed a bright light approaching his location from the sky. Samuel assumed that the light was an aircraft that was having trouble and was in danger of crashing. To his amazement, the light shortly became a hovering flying saucer above the roof of one of the building.
While in awe watching the craft, he realized that he was completely paralyzed and was not able to move a muscle. The craft displayed some flying maneuvers in order to descend to the centre of a small plaza that was in the middle of this building complex were Samuel was guarding. Slowly, the craft descended hovering half a meter over the ground. Due to shock, Samuel still was unable to move, but still remained watching out the windows while the craft was coming to a stop.
He did not see any landing gear, the UFO was simply floating half a meter over the ground completely still. A minute passed and a hatch opened upward from the lower part of the craft. This door or hatch was not initially visible or noticeable by Samuel when the craft was hovering prior to stopping.
An entity emerged from the inside of the craft. Samuel described it as a humanoid in figure, around six plus feet tall but based on his mechanical movement he assumed that was some kind of “robot”. The entity walked from the ship in the direction of the location were Samuel was stationary. Samuel was growing in fear and tried to break a piece of the window to use their parts as defence weapon just in case, but it was impossible due to the paralysis that he was under.
Luckily almost 10 meter away from Samuel’s location the entity made a turn in a different direction and decide to inspect another area. Samuel observed this entity carefully. It was wearing a tight dark clothing that seems very “shiny”. He noticed the unusual shape of its head and it had very big dark eyes – he said, Samuel stated that he was not sure but its eyes seemed similar to a camera diaphragm. The entity stood still over 15 minutes while moving its head in different direction looking around, then retraced its steps back to the craft location and board it. The hatch closed immediately and some seconds after the lower part of the craft lit up with some sort of lights or turbines as Samuel described them based on the high luminosity and humming sound that was creating similar to bees but in a higher pitch.
The craft started a slow ascend while this circular array of blue fluorescent lights were gaining in intensity and power. Once the craft was an altitude parallel to the roof of the building, in a split of a second it took off at an impossible speed, it looked like it disappeared instantly from the location. Shortly after the craft departure, Samuel gained control of his body and was able to move, he quickly searched for a paper and pencil to sketch the craft that he just witnessed.
It was the last weekend in July, 1996 approximately 11:55pm. Sue and Sarah were on their way from Whitehorse to their home in the goldfields southeast of Dawson City. They were travelling on the Hunker Road driving up a steep hill towards King Solomon Dome, a beautiful spot where one can see for miles from the divide between the Klondike and Indian Rivers. There they spotted a very strange sight indeed, they could not believe their eyes! Suspended in the sky was a giant cigar-shaped “something”. It had a row of rectangular windows and was sitting there motionless and at a slight angle. Sue looked at her watch, and recalls that the time read 1:50 am, however she also noted that her watch had stopped. After driving between hills and round curves in the road they could now see much more detail of the craft which was almost directly ahead of them.
They noted a swarm of small “ships” buzzing around what they gathered to be the front of the object, these “ships” had not been there previously. They assumed the front was the end that slightly tilted towards the sky. The smaller ships appeared as bright hazy lights, 12 to 13 in number as they made an attempt to count them. They were going in and out of the big cigar-shaped thing! They drove on down the steep descent along Quartz Road into the valley before loosing sight of the objects behind a hill on the left hand side after regaining view of the object again the “little ships” were gone. Apparently they had “tucked themselves away” but they couldn’t believe how close this thing appeared to be.
They passed a mining operation on their right hand side where the workers outside seemed oblivious to the UFO. They thought about pulling in and alerting the work crew but the need to return Sue’s son was much greater. Astounded they watched this thing as it started to go behind Haystack Mountain, this was 12 km away from them on the other side of the Indian River! With the mountain partly in front of the craft they realized the enormity of the object was totally unbelievable! This thing was huge! Its angle of tilt had also increased as it continued to descend behind Haystack Mountain. They were expecting it to shoot off into the sky at any second, up and to the left, as they perceived that to be the front of the craft. To their astonishment this thing continued to descend at the same angle behind Haystack Mountain. “How could this thing fit behind Haystack unless it sunk into the dirt” was their thought. They came roaring into their driveway honking their horn. Their son came running out, the sisters jumped out of the car and tried to look for words to describe the awesome event. They were beside themselves. Their son managed to get in a few words in edge wise. “Where have you been? It’s 3:30 in the morning!” he said. Apparently the sisters were missing 2 hours from their journey.
Bright space object that appears and disappears in a split second emits alien signal
UFOvni2012 who was scanning the skies with his telescope captured something unusual. A bright and colorful object that suddenly appears and disappears in a split second and after having enlarged the object it looks like it is some kind of transmitter which emits a red pulse.
It is suggested that the scalar template is changing the time density the “signal” that causes conflict on earth is being interceded, the earth grid must change to induct a different code.
They call this existing grid a “Net” that inducts the “alien signal” from the modified Berkland currents that transfers interdimensional gluon plasma in a cyclic form that repeats history at a causal level of human society, human consciousness and perception is interwoven into the etheric currents that are carried on the coarser plasma and electromagnetic Tell-uric currents.
Bright object that emits red pulse can be seen in the video from the 2.16 mark.
There's good news for alien hunters, as experts say that 2017 could be the year we discover extra-terrestrial life.
The Cassini space probe, which is orbiting Saturn's moons, will end its mission in September next year, and is one of the greatest contenders for revealing alien life.
Scientists are also closely monitoring Proxima B, a planet they believe could harbour life.
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There's good news for alien hunters on the lookout for extra-terrestrial life, as experts say that 2017 could be the year. Scientists are also closely monitoring Proxima B, a planet they believe could harbour life (artist's impression)
Since it left earth in 1997 and arrived at Saturn in 2004, Cassini has been touring the system with an up-close study of the planet, its rings and moons.
During its journey, Cassini has made dramatic discoveries, including a global ocean within Enceladus and liquid methane seas on Titan.
After nearly 20 years in space, the mission is drawing near its end because the spacecraft is running low on fuel.
Cassini is scheduled to plunge into Saturn's atmosphere on 15 September 2017, beaming back its final cache of data as it goes.
Dr Simon Foster, a physicist from Imperial College London believes that the Cassini space probe could reveal alien life next year.
Since it left Earth in 1997 and arrived at Saturn in 2004, Cassini has been touring the system with an up-close study of the planet, its rings and moons.
Dr Foster told The Express: 'What's interesting is that one of [Saturn's] moons, Enceladus, is an icy moon and that leaves the tantalising prospect of looking for life.
'The concentration has been on Mars, and I think moons like Enceladus and Europa, there is a good prospect of finding life – microbial that is.'
As well as Saturn's moons, experts believe that life could also soon be discovered on Proxima B.
In October, a team including CNRS astrophysicists calculated the size and surface properties of the planet dubbed Proxima b, and concluded it may be an 'ocean planet' similar to Earth
In October, a team including CNRS astrophysicists calculated the size and surface properties of the planet dubbed Proxima b, and concluded it may be an 'ocean planet' similar to Earth.
Scientists announced Proxima b's discovery in August, and said it may be the first exoplanet to one day be visited by robots from Earth.
Since it left earth in 1997 and arrived at Saturn in 2004, Cassini has been touring the system with an up-close study of the planet, its rings and moons
The planet orbits within a 'temperate' zone from its host star Proxima Centauri, some four light years from us.
'The discovery of possible planet around Proxima Centauri is very exciting,' Professor Phillip Lubin, from the University of California, Santa Barbara, told Universe Today.
'It makes the case of visiting nearby stellar systems even more compelling.'
In 2017, astronomers will closely monitor Proxima b and its sun, using a collection of giant telescopes, including the European Extremely Large Telescope, in the hopes of finding evidence of life.
Dr Foster added: 'We don't know hardly anything and when we come up against something we don't know or doesn't fit into out current understanding, it is quite nice to say that it could be aliens, whereas a lot of it is just a phenomena that we haven't discovered.
'Either way, there is a breakthrough just around the corner.'
Earlier this year, scientists announced the discovery of an exoplanet 'Proxima b' in orbit around the smallest of Alpha Centauri's trio of stars, Proxima Centauri.
Astronomers believe it may be the first exoplanet which could be visited by robots from Earth.
The planet orbits within a 'temperate' zone from its host star, some four light years from us.
Distance:This is the closest Earth-like planet we could ever find. Orbiting our nearest star, the planet is only four light years away.
Missions to send spacecraft to the planet to examine for signs of life are already in planning, and could happen within decades.
Composition:The planet is rocky and a similar size to Earth.
Temperature:It lies in the 'habitable zone' of its star, which means there could be liquid water on its surface - a key ingredient for alien life.
The temperature on the surface of the planet could be between -90° and 30° Celsius (-130 and 86 Fahrenheit).
Atmosphere:If Proxima b has an atmosphere, the simple ingredients - water, carbon dioxide, and rock - that are needed for the formation of biochemical cycles that we call life, could all be present and interacting on the planet's surface.
There's good news for alien hunters, as experts say that 2017 could be the year we discover extra-terrestrial life.
The Cassini space probe, which is orbiting Saturn's moons, will end its mission in September next year, and is one of the greatest contenders for revealing alien life.
Scientists are also closely monitoring Proxima B, a planet they believe could harbour life.
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There's good news for alien hunters on the lookout for extra-terrestrial life, as experts say that 2017 could be the year. Scientists are also closely monitoring Proxima B, a planet they believe could harbour life (artist's impression)
Since it left earth in 1997 and arrived at Saturn in 2004, Cassini has been touring the system with an up-close study of the planet, its rings and moons.
During its journey, Cassini has made dramatic discoveries, including a global ocean within Enceladus and liquid methane seas on Titan.
After nearly 20 years in space, the mission is drawing near its end because the spacecraft is running low on fuel.
Cassini is scheduled to plunge into Saturn's atmosphere on 15 September 2017, beaming back its final cache of data as it goes.
Dr Simon Foster, a physicist from Imperial College London believes that the Cassini space probe could reveal alien life next year.
Since it left Earth in 1997 and arrived at Saturn in 2004, Cassini has been touring the system with an up-close study of the planet, its rings and moons.
Dr Foster told The Express: 'What's interesting is that one of [Saturn's] moons, Enceladus, is an icy moon and that leaves the tantalising prospect of looking for life.
'The concentration has been on Mars, and I think moons like Enceladus and Europa, there is a good prospect of finding life – microbial that is.'
As well as Saturn's moons, experts believe that life could also soon be discovered on Proxima B.
In October, a team including CNRS astrophysicists calculated the size and surface properties of the planet dubbed Proxima b, and concluded it may be an 'ocean planet' similar to Earth
In October, a team including CNRS astrophysicists calculated the size and surface properties of the planet dubbed Proxima b, and concluded it may be an 'ocean planet' similar to Earth.
Scientists announced Proxima b's discovery in August, and said it may be the first exoplanet to one day be visited by robots from Earth.
Since it left earth in 1997 and arrived at Saturn in 2004, Cassini has been touring the system with an up-close study of the planet, its rings and moons
The planet orbits within a 'temperate' zone from its host star Proxima Centauri, some four light years from us.
'The discovery of possible planet around Proxima Centauri is very exciting,' Professor Phillip Lubin, from the University of California, Santa Barbara, told Universe Today.
'It makes the case of visiting nearby stellar systems even more compelling.'
In 2017, astronomers will closely monitor Proxima b and its sun, using a collection of giant telescopes, including the European Extremely Large Telescope, in the hopes of finding evidence of life.
Dr Foster added: 'We don't know hardly anything and when we come up against something we don't know or doesn't fit into out current understanding, it is quite nice to say that it could be aliens, whereas a lot of it is just a phenomena that we haven't discovered.
'Either way, there is a breakthrough just around the corner.'
Earlier this year, scientists announced the discovery of an exoplanet 'Proxima b' in orbit around the smallest of Alpha Centauri's trio of stars, Proxima Centauri.
Astronomers believe it may be the first exoplanet which could be visited by robots from Earth.
The planet orbits within a 'temperate' zone from its host star, some four light years from us.
Distance:This is the closest Earth-like planet we could ever find. Orbiting our nearest star, the planet is only four light years away.
Missions to send spacecraft to the planet to examine for signs of life are already in planning, and could happen within decades.
Composition:The planet is rocky and a similar size to Earth.
Temperature:It lies in the 'habitable zone' of its star, which means there could be liquid water on its surface - a key ingredient for alien life.
The temperature on the surface of the planet could be between -90° and 30° Celsius (-130 and 86 Fahrenheit).
Atmosphere:If Proxima b has an atmosphere, the simple ingredients - water, carbon dioxide, and rock - that are needed for the formation of biochemical cycles that we call life, could all be present and interacting on the planet's surface.
An artist's impression of WF9, which was discovered by Nasa in NovemberNasa/JPL-Caltech
A rare comet is set to be visible from Earth for the first time in what could be millions of years, Nasa has announced.
The comet, named C/2016 U1 NEOWISE, will be close enough to Earth between now and 14 January to potentially be seen in the night sky with binoculars or even the naked eye.
C/2016 U1 was first detected by Nasa in October and is currently heading past Earth on its way towards the sun, where it will pass through the orbit of Mercury before heading back to the outer Solar System.
Rosetta probe discovers evidence of life's building blocks on comet
Paul Chodas, manager of Nasa’s Centre for Near-Earth Object (NEO) Studies, said: "[C/2016 U1] has a good chance of becoming visible through a good pair of binoculars, although we can't be sure because a comet's brightness is notoriously unpredictable."
The best chance of seeing the comet is to look in the south-eastern sky just before dawn. The comet will be seen further south every day until it disappears from sight sometime in mid-January.
C/2016 U1 has an orbit that could take millions of years, meaning this could be the first and last time it gets so close to Earth. Comets typically only have a lifespan of one or two million years.
But while it is likely to be comparatively near to us, the comet is still many millions of miles away and poses no threat to the planet.
WF9 is believed to be tenth comet discovered by Nasa’s Neowise mission since it was re-started in 2013. The researchers have also discovered 99 new asteroids.
Scientists are not entirely sure whether to class C/2016 U1 as a comet or an asteroid, but believe it is more likely to be a comet.
Nasa has discovered two potential comets in recent weeks. As well as C/2016 U1, it announced the discovery of an object it is calling 2016 WF9. This appears to be something between a comet and an asteroid but scientists have not been able to establish which category it falls into. Typically asteroids are made of rock and metals whereas comets also consist of ice.
As comets and asteroids go, WF9 is big – up to one kilometre across. It is also very dark, reflecting only a tiny proportion of the light that fall on it. Scientists compared the comet’s surface to charcoal or tarmac in how little light it reflects.
Ancient texts reveal: Earth was ruled for 241,000 years by 8 kings who came from heaven
Ancient texts reveal: Earth was ruled for 241,000 years by 8 kings who came from heaven
Uncovered throughout the years by scholars in numerous regions in ancient Mesopotamia, the copies of what is believed to be a single manuscript –refered to as the Sumerian King List— details how in the distant past, our planet was ruled by eight mysterious kings for a staggering period of 241,000 years. The list even statesthat these rulers ‘descended from the heaven’.
The refered to as the Sumerian King List— this ancient manuscript details how in the distant past, our planet was ruled by eight mysterious kings for a staggering period of 241,000 years.
“…After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug. In Eridug, Alulim became king; he ruled for 28800 years. Alaljar ruled for 36000 years. 2 kings; they ruled for 64800 years…”
“…In 5 cities 8 kings; they ruled for 241,200 years. Then the flood swept over…” that is written on the first part of the Sumerian King List.
But, how is it possible that eight kings ruled over Earth for 241,000 years?
Experts believe the answer is simple: the list blends prehistorical and ‘mythological dynastic rulers,’ who enjoyed implausible lengthy reigns with more plausibly historical dynasties. In other words, scholars are telling us that some things written in the Sumerian king list are correct, while others –like the implausibly lengthy reigns— just can’t be.
Furthermore, not only does the Sumerian King List tell us for how long these kings ruled on Earth, it specifically says that these eight kings ‘descended from heaven’, after which they ruled for an astonishingly long period.
Interestingly, the list further details how these eight kings met their end during the Great Flood that swept across the Earth.
The list also details what occurred after the flood, as t clearly states written that ‘another kingship was lowered from heaven,’ and these mystery Kings once again ruled over man.
But is the Sumerian King list a mixture of historically verifiable kings and mythological beings? Or is it possible that scholars have merely categorized some of the rulers as mythological, due to their peculiar characteristics?
For decades people believed that the story detailed in the Sumerian King List –the incredibly long-lived kings, their demise during the Great Flood, and their replacement from new kings who came from above were simply another set of mythological accounts. However, there are many authors and researchers who disagree, suggesting that which is on the Sumerian King list may not be mythology at all, and point to the fact that scholars today partially recognize some of the kings detailed on the list.
The fact that the Sumerian King list mentions eight kings, their names, and lengthy reigns, as well as their origin–kingship was lowered from heaven— has given thought to ‘what if’ that what is written in the Sumerian king list are actual historical references?
What if, thousands of years ago, before modern history, our planet was ruled by eight otherworldly kings who came to Earth from a distant place n the universe, and ruled over Earth for a period 241,000 years, only to return to the heavens?
What if the accounts detailed in the Ancient Sumerian king list are one hundred percent accurate and that unlike mainstream scholars suggest— these impassable lengthy reigns were a possibility, at a time when civilization, society and our planet where much different then today?
Do these ancient texts prove Earth was ruled by Ancient Astronauts for 241,000 years? Or — as scholars ssugest— is the Sumerian king list a mixture of historical records and mythology? It is noteworthy to mention that the earliest listed ruler whose historicity has been archaeologically verified is Enmebaragesiof Kish, ca. 2600 BC.
The Weapons of the Gods: The Mahabharata and atomic blasts, 12,000 years ago
The Weapons of the Gods: The Mahabharata and atomic blasts, 12,000 years ago
“…a single projectile…Charged with all the power of the Universe…” Does this verse from the ancient Mahabharata sound anything like a description of a weapon?
Even Manhattan Project chief scientist Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer –who was apparently familiar with ancient Sanskrit writings knew that atomic blasts had occurred in the distant past on Earth.
In an interview conducted after he watched the first atomic test, he quoted from the Bhagavad Gita:
“‘Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.’ I suppose we all felt that way.”
Furthermore, when a student asked Dr. Oppenheimer if the first nuclear device that went off was the one at Alamogordo. during the Manhattan Project, he responded… Well … yes. In modern times, yes, of course.
Written in the Ramayana –an ancient Indian epic poem which narrates the struggle of the divine Prince Rama to rescue his wife Sita from the demon king Ravana—we find more interesting details which apparently also describe powerful ancient weapons:
“(It was a weapon) so powerful that it could destroy the earth in an instant–A great soaring sound in smoke and flames– And on it sits death…”.
According to many authors and researchers, not only does the Mahabharata describe powerful ancient weaponry used by the ‘Gods,’ but is shows clear evidence of atomic blast that occurred tens of thousands of years ago.
Looking at the translated version of the Mahabharata, many agree that it evidently describes how ‘Gods’ used advanced weapons on Earth tens of thousands of years ago. The catastrophic events that rocked the continents are described in the following way:
Gurkha, flying a swift and powerful Vimana, hurled a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and flame, as bright as ten thousand suns, rose in all its splendor.
It was an unknown weapon and iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death, which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and Andhakas.
The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable.
Their hair and nails fell out.
Pottery broke without any apparent cause, and the birds turned white.
…After a few hours, all foodstuffs were infected… …to escape from this fire; the soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and all their equipment.
This epic, ancient battle, is described in great detail in the Drona Parva –the seventh of eighteen books of the Indian epic Mahabharata. According to historian and translator Kisari Mohan Ganguli, the secret ancient Hindu writings are full of such descriptions.
Waarom wordt er zo belachelijk gedaan over het idee dat we hier niet alleen zijn en buitenaardsen "gewoon" bestaan?
Omdat er een heersende elite is, die er in het geheel geen baat bij heeft dat er hier superieure en in een hoger bewustzijn verkerende buitenaardse beschavingen aanwezig zijn. Helaas willen ze dit wel eventueel misbruiken in hun voordeel.
Via een lezer ontvingen wij het hierna volgende artikel (dank!). Wij publiceerden eerder iets van zijn hand begin deze maand.
Het is misschien leuk om een ander licht te laten schijnen op het onderwerp buitenaardsen en UFO's.
Samen met een aantal vrienden hebben we nachtkijkers gebouwd, met van die groenige beelden. Dit groenige beeld komt door het fosfor, waarbij de generatie 1 kijkers door het nabranden van de fosfor bij snel bewegende beelden, ook een soort groen sliertje trekken.
En de ccd of c-mos chip in de videorecorder gebruikt voor de opnamen, bij te weinig lichtinval, ook flink gaat ruisen, zeker bij het inzoomen i.v.m. de toegenomen F waarden. Hiermee kijken we al jaren naar boven, en met ons veel andere personen wereldwijd.
Veel oude culturen wereldwijd spreken over buitenaardsen, veel oude (heilige) geschriften hebben het er over. En als wij ze zien vliegen, zien de overheden met hun militaire middelen ze natuurlijk ook al veel langer.
Met andere woorden, ze zijn ook nooit weggeweest. En ze zijn voor een deel ook verantwoordelijk voor een gedeelte van de evolutie van het leven op deze aardbol. Dit melkwegstelsel is als een woestijn, met af en toe een oase (leefbare planeet), waar het evt. ook handig is om wat leven op achter te laten, voor het geval je later weer in de buurt bent, en het weer nodig kan hebben.
Wat hier op aarde in het klein gebeurt, in allerlei vormen van bedrijvigheid, gebeurt ook op zonnestelsel schaal, Melkweg schaal, Laniakea ons super cluster schaal, super super cluster schaal, en zelfs in het hiernamaals zitten we niet stil, maar dan weer anders.
Waarom wordt er zo belachelijk gedaan over het idee, dat we hier niet alleen zijn en er buitenaardsen bestaan? Omdat er een heersende elite is, die er totaal geen baat bij heeft, als hier veruit superieure in hoger bewustzijn verkerende buitenaardsen beschavingen aanwezig zijn. (helaas willen ze dit wel evt. misbruiken in hun voordeel) En deze elite wil niet dat dit soort buitenaardsen beschavingen hun invloed hier gaan uitoefenen op deze aarde. Dit doen ze echter toch wel, maar dan vanuit een veel groter bewustzijn perspectief.
En dit één van de redenen is waarom er zoveel enge buitenaardsen Hollywood films zijn gemaakt. Dat productieve programmering wordt genoemd, zodat mensen vanuit angst gaan reageren op evt. buitenaards contact. En deze programmering in het algemeen er voor zorgt, dat mensen een eerlijke, en rechtvaardige maatschappij structuur zich niet meer kunnen voorstellen, en deze dus ook als energie vorm niet kunnen uitdragen. Zodat er, vanuit de elite hun grote plan, een gemeenschappelijke vijand uit de hoge hoed kan worden getoverd, om hun new world order plan te kunnen volbrengen. Zie bv. de toespraken van Ronald Reagan.
De werkelijk in hoger bewustzijn verkerende buitenaardsen, zijn hier alleen aanwezig om er voor te zorgen, dat de toekomstige generaties van zielen hier de kans krijgen om de kosmische evolutie uit te werken. letterlijk het kosmisch plan uitlezen, en wat geschreven staat laten gebeuren , en daarna de schade zullen beperken, zodat dit gedeelte van de vervorming ook weer is uitgewerkt, zij staan in dienst van het grote geheel.
En ze hier niet zijn om ons plotseling 1 miljoen jaar verder vooruit in de tijd te brengen qua techniek, inzichten en spiritualiteit. Dit zou het kosmisch evolutie plan van het uitwerken van specifieke vorm en vervorming dwarsbomen. Ook bv vanuit de cyclus van het grote galactisch jaar, zou dit nu ook echt niet kloppen. (begin bronzen tijdperk) Daarom landen ze niet bij het Witte Huis om zich voor te stellen, maar houden ze zich aan het grote Script.
Iets wat de elite ook duidelijk weet, maar deze buitenaardsen bv wel hebben laten zien, dat ze kernwapens kunnen uitschakelen, en fijn irritant in beeld vliegen bij bv de ISS ruimtestation zijn camera’s of bij de zon. Om aan te geven dat ze niet zijn verdwenen en nog steeds de boel goed in de gaten houden.
En de elite de eindtijd van de bijbel volgen, omdat dit de vastgelegde toekomst is op een maximale magnetische manier uitgedrukt, is maximaal gepolariseerd, is ordo ab chao (orde vanuit chaos), waarbinnen zij opereren. Waarin zij niet door hebben dat ze ook een speelballetje zijn in het grote script, en uiteindelijk geheel kansloos zijn. (wat dus ook elektrisch, harmonies, mag worden uitgewerkt, maar in die wereld bestaat er geen macht)
Waarbij ik niet zeg dat er dus geen in het lager bewustzijn verkerende buitenaardsen zijn, die invloed hebben uitgeoefend op deze aardbol, en nog steeds indirect doen. (Veel oude goden zijn eigenlijk buitenaardsen.) Deze zielen hebben ons in de kosmische ontstaansgeschiedenis gekruist, waardoor deze zielen tijdelijk invloed hebben mogen uitoefenen op deze aardbol om dit uit te werken, maar niet om deze totaal te vernietigen.
Maar bv. de ontbossing wereldwijd, en de rampen als van Chernobyl en Fukushima, geen losstaande uitwerking is van de vervorming, in de ontstaan geschiedenis van dit gedeelte van dit universum. (Supercluster laniakea) Maar dit ook te maken heeft met deze oude goden, buitenaardsen, die gebaat zijn bij een zo laag mogelijk zuurstof gehalte en een redelijk hoog radioactief gehalte in de atmosfeer, waar de huidige elite op hun terugkeer van aan het wachten zijn. (plus het terug dringen van de wereld bevolking als bonus)
Deze oude goden worden o.a. de Anunaki, en de Igigi genoemd, of de hond vogelachtige en de reptielen genoemd. (waar ook o.a. op veel kerkgebouwen dus afgeleide afbeeldingen van te vinden zijn.) Tezamen dus het symbool van de draak hebben gevormd, en in Egypte o.a. als vogel en slang worden afgebeeld. (wij hebben kennis van deze buitenaardsen beschavingen, en wij zijn bloedlijn verbonden) En heel veel van deze kennis die nu aanwezig is in onze maatschappij structuur, eigenlijk van hun afkomstig is. Wat dus ook al aan geeft dat we nooit alleen zijn geweest.
Goed, wat is er in mijn waarnemingsveld allemaal zo langzamerhand voorbij gekomen. En waar we in ons groepje hier vaak onze eigen termen voor zijn gaan gebruiken.
Waarbij bij mij o.a. ook het idee is ontstaan dat er een wisseling van de wacht heeft plaatsgevonden hierboven. Omdat deze zielen die hier nu vliegen duidelijk vanuit hun hart functioneren, duidelijk plezier hebben als je staat te kijken, bv in de vorm van even mooi oplichten, fijn hart gecentreerd contact duidelijk waarderen.
Het begon met de plasma wezens, waar ook een documentaire over te vinden is, ufo Carlos Dias. Deze zielen verschenen in drie schepen, en zeiden telepathisch 'heb je ons gezien, poef weg, poef weg, poef weg.’
Daarna kwam er een ster voorbij die we de satallieters zijn gaan noemen, omdat dat hun camouflage is. Ze hoeven niet op te lichten, maar doen dat o.a. als ze weten dat er mensen omhoog kijken, hoog telepathisch. Soms brengen ze wat we een salut noemen, even extreem oplichten, dit is een voorbeeld uit Nieuw Zeeland.
Bij ongeveer 1 minuut 10 zag je een klein stipje passeren. Dit zijn de hoog vliegers, die kan je niet zien met het blote oog, en geven als ze gedag willen zeggen 1 flitsje. Ze zijn ook hoog telepathisch.
De stillen, ook vaak onzichtbaar vandaar de naam, geven flitsen maar kunnen ook oplichten. Ze zijn ook hoog telepathisch. Dit is een filmpje , op het kanaal 'ufo spotting' op YouTube. Gek genoeg worden ze niet wereldwijd veel op film gezet, of misschien herkent, je ziet wat je denkt. Ze kunnen ook een wat wij noemen een attentie sturen waardoor je het gevoel hebt moet even buiten kijken.
Heb hier ook de oranje bollen vlak over mijn huis gehad, ongeveer 2 tot 2,5 meter doorsnee en op 4 meter afstand. Ook van zeer dichtbij lijken ze van een soort dun papier (plasma) gemaakt, maar niet als een Chinese lantaarn, nergens een opening. Ik kon het op dat moment niet geloven, waardoor ik niet ben gaan invoelen voor contact.
Het raarste wat hier rond kwart voor drie nachts langskwam was, waar ik van denk dat het een aard elementaal earth dragon was. (heb deze met een tekenprogramma gemaakt, wilde net naar bed gaan, dus geen camera) Ik had gelukkig dronken getuigen in de straat, die ik hoorde omvallen van verbazing, 'huh wat is dat nou?!' Hier verbond ik mijn hart chakra mee, en kreeg op mijn fysieke hart een elektrisch schokje veldje er om heen terug. (Wie weet wat dit wezen is, het verplaatste fysiek hoorbaar met de rugvin lucht, mag het zeggen.)
Telepathie? Sommige mensen zullen zich misschien afvragen hoe dat dan werkt.
Onze taal is in principe elektrische vorm en magnetische vervorming op een gedeelte van het elektrisch veld. Dat zich in ons huidige bewustzijn vertaalt naar informatie (taal) en/of emoties, passend bij jouw vorm. Dit betekent dat je met alles en iedereen kan praten, omdat het zich automatisch vertaald naar jouw begrip. Wanneer je weet hoe je je bewustzijn moet richten om een directe link te leggen tussen jouw en de ander.
Zijn er ook voorbeelden op film van dat ze duidelijk volgen wat wij hier denken, zeggen en op reageren? Heb het hier al aan genoeg mensen laten zien dat dat zo is. Je voelt dan het 'dit kan niet waar zijn' gevoel bij deze mensen opkomen, erg leuk. En dan nog is het voor veel mensen moeilijk te accepteren. (het is ook echt een flinke omschakeling) Deze man van de Legions of Light zoals hij zich noemt, weet het ook al jaren, en schaamt zich niet er voor.
Zo zijn er ook nog meer mensen die kijkavonden organiseren, en al heel lang weten dat we niet alleen zijn. James Gilliland is zo’n persoon, die ook echt vraagt, als je van ver moet komen, dat je je erg open opstelt.
Kijk, als je ergens werkelijk niet voor open wilt staan, dan kan je voor alles wat je ziet een rationele verklaring vinden. Deze verklaring kan gevoelsmatig ook kloppen, maar het beperkt je tot die ene weg naar Rome, en niet die van de grotere realiteit. Tot op het moment, dat je er gewoon echt niet meer omheen kan, en een grotere realiteit moet aanvaarden. Want in principe is rationeel denken gewoon een mindfuck om mensen in een specifieke kijk vast te houden.
Waarbij het wel ook heel goed mogelijk is dat wij, hier op aarde in het geheim, ook al veel verder zijn dan wat publiekelijk bekend is. Er verdwijnen wereldwijd triljarden aan valuta, wat misschien de Phoenix Lights, en dit filmpjes gemaakt in Australië kan verklaren, is dit een soort Enterprise uit Star Trek?
Hopelijk heeft dit artikel een heel ander beeld gegeven over onze grotere werkelijkheid. En dat je nu beseft, dat we nooit alleen zijn geweest en met de buitenaardsen altijd verbonden zijn geweest. Sommigen van deze buitenaardsen misschien hier op deze aarde zijn begonnen, en vervolgens zijn uitgevlogen. Dat ze hoog telepathisch zijn, en dus weten ze precies wat er hier allemaal gebeurt op deze aarde.
Dit is ook de reden van ons vorige bezoek van buitenaardsen op de aarde. (de Anunaki en Igigi) telepathie is een essentieel onderdeel van het kunnen overleven in dit universum. (je kunt niet alles met techniek vervangen) Ze kwamen hier naar toe om goud om te vormen naar mono atomisch goud. (de ark des verbond is waarschijnlijk zo’n goudsmelt machine, die een vlamboog creëert tussen de vleugels) Dit hadden ze nodig om in het lichaam op te nemen, om vervolgens elektrisch te kunnen imploderen via hun kroon chakra, en zodoende deze telepathische gaven weer terug te krijgen.
En volgens de geschiedenis van de Soemerische kleitabletten hebben ze uiteindelijk helpers gecreëerd, om dat goud op Aarde te delven. De mens! Dit zou betekenen dat we zelf voor een gedeelte buitenaardsen zijn, die niet kunnen geloven dat er buitenaardsen bestaan!!! Hoe krom wil je het hebben?
Twee ronde bollen net onder het puntje van de maan. 2015
Aliens like seclusion, isolation from humanity if at all possible. This UFO sighting took place at an island with a small population. UFOs over the water are very common. This UFO is a beautiful classic disk design. Even Christopher Columbus, it appears, saw a UFO. While patrolling the deck of the Santa Maria at about 10:00 PM on October 11, 1492, Columbus thought he saw "a light glimmering at a great distance." He hurriedly summoned Pedro Gutierrez, "a gentleman of the king's bedchamber," who also saw the light. After a short time it vanished, only to reappear several times during the night, each time dancing up and down "in sudden and passig gleams." The light, first seen four hours before land was sighted, was never explained." Scott C. Waring
News states: CLARENVILLE, NL — Chad Haines says he’s the last person who might believe in aliens, extraterrestrials or UFOs. But after witnessing an unidentified flying craft near his house early in 2016, he can’t explain what else it could’ve been. While deleting some images off his camera this past week to make space in preparation for Christmas morning, Haines stumbled upon some photos he took the night of Feb. 23, 2016, from his Bayview Road home.
Reviewing the photos once more, he still couldn’t find a rational explanation for what he saw in the sky. From the street, looking across the water toward Random Island, Haines saw a hovering object near the moon. “It was out there for two or three hours,” Haines told TC Media today. He says, after staying in the same spot, the object moved up and down and shot off out of sight quickly. Haines was able to capture some photos on his camera of the unidentified flying object appearing over the water. There were no stars in the sky that night, he says. He says it wasn’t a plane and it was far too big to be a drone. Like others, Haines has seen videos and reports of strange sounds, beams of light and other phenomena, but says anything could have made those effects.
But now, after witnessing and capturing an image himself, he’s unsure about the existence of the unexplained. “I couldn’t believe it,” he said of his experience. This isn’t the first time people have reported UFOs over Random Island. In October, 1978, RCMP Const. Jim Blackwood was one of dozens of locals who spotted what they believed to be a UFO hovering over Random Island.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.