The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Alleged UFO under artillery fire in Tehran, Iran. Iranian Airforce identified the objects as UAVs.
(Photo : tsehay Sunshine/YouTube)
A strange UFO sighting from Iran triggered claims of extraterrestrials and government cover-ups. The Iranian Airforce was filmed firing on an alleged white orb UFO on Jan 17, which the Airforce later identified as drones. However, some alien enthusiasts and paranormal researchers does not believe the government report.
This is not the first incident of similar UFO sightings in Iran. The Iranian Airforce has encountered alleged UFOs as early as 1976 in the infamous Tehran UFO Incident. According to reports two F-4 Phantom II jet interceptors temporarily had system failures such as losing communication and failure to use weapons while approaching an unidentified object detected on radar. Residents reportedly saw bright light in the sky in the area and the system of the jets were restored upon withdrawal.
The latest incident also happened in Tehran. According to the anonymous report in filed in Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), the incident was witnessed by a thousand of Iranian residents in the center of Tehran Enghelab square. Videos of the alleged UFO has also gone viral in the internet.
"Many Airforce aircrafts started flying above Tehran searching for these glowing orbs but they couldn't find anything," the report said. It added that the Airforce identified it as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones, however, the report continued that it looked nothing like drones. "As you see in videos UAVs can't fly like that and can't change their direction suddenly."
The report also pointed out that the Iranian Airforce doesn't need and start shooting UAVs in the center of Tehran like they are in the middle of war, hinting that it may be controlled by extraterrestrials. "Just UFOs and alien technology can fly and move like that," the report said describing the its swift movements.
The case is currently under investigation in the MUFON. However, the details of the UFO sighting were called into question because same videos have been uploaded in the internet a day before the reported date of the sighting according to Daily Express. MUFON also admitted that some videos submitted to their database are hoaxed.
A study released this fall posits that the universe has at least 2 trillion galaxies, 10 times the number previously thought. Scientists say the probability is high that one of those galaxies has a solar system with a planet that sustains life.
Some creationists insist that life exists only on Earth and point to the fact that no evidence of extraterrestrials has been found. But that has not been the Catholic approach
Nancy Wiechec/Catholic News Service
Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno, director of the Vatican Observatory, leads a faith and astronomy workshop in 2016 at the Redemptorist Renewal Center in Tucson, Arizona.
“Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures on Earth, there can be other beings, even intelligent, created by God,” Jesuit Father José Funes, then head of the Vatican Observatory, said in 2008. “This is not in contrast with our faith because we can’t put limits on God’s creative freedom.”
Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno, new president of the Vatican Observatory Foundation, says it’s only a matter of time before we encounter extraterrestrial life.
Brother Guy, a planetary scientist who has studied meteorites and asteroids, says the discovery will pave the way to questions on salvation and how it relates to intelligent species.
If we’re not alone in the universe, what are the implications for our Christian story, in which God became incarnate on our planet and worked human salvation?
‘God loves his people’
“Scripture says Jesus is king of the universe,” says Father Bill Holtzinger, pastor of St. Anne Parish in Grants Pass. Father Holtzinger, who speaks and writes on the relationship of faith and science, says either way, it’s stunning: If we’re alone, we are pretty impressive; if we are part of a bustling cosmos, we have been cherished by the Creator despite our smallness.
“I come up with the same conclusion,” Father Holtzinger says. “God loves his people.”
he priest assumes that if there is other life in the universe, chances are it’s in need of a savior. He laughingly recalls the so-called perfect civilizations visited by the crew in “Star Trek” television shows and films. Things were never as ideal as they seemed.
“The savior would be incarnated in the form of those he is coming to save,” Father Holtzinger theorizes. He knows that the notion of a savior in other life forms may be disturbing, but says that would follow the pattern set on Earth.
“It used to be people thought the Mediterranean was the whole world, then the East and the West, then the globe,” Father Holtzinger says. “Science gives us more and more. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger.”
This is first in a series on faith and science.
A matter of degree
Jesuit Father Michael Maher, a theologian at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington, remembers 1969. In addition to the moon landing, that was the year Pope Paul VI changed the feast of Christ the King to the “Feast of Christ King of the Universe,” just in case life were discovered elsewhere.
“What will happen if we find life on Mars?” Father Maher asks. “It would be no different than finding the Chinese in the age of discovery. If the Jesus event begins in Jerusalem, it expands and the expansion in space is just a matter of degree, not a whole new thing.”
When Catholic missionaries encountered Chinese civilization, it was more advanced than in Europe. Jesuit Father Matteo Ricci wrote of deeply moral people who had never heard the Ten Commandments or the Beatitudes. That was a theological problem to solve. It eventually broadened everyone’s idea of God’s power and revealed the multipronged nature of goodness, beauty and truth.
For Europeans in the 16th century, the trek across the Atlantic was not different than our hoped-for trips across space. Father Maher reminds students that the Europeans called North and South America “The New World.”
The encounter with extraterrestrial life may follow the same path, the priest says.
From the head of the Vatican Observatory
• “Religious believers tend to say that the existence of extraterrestrials would support their religious faith, and the nonbelievers tend to say just the opposite — that the existence of extraterrestrials would invalidate religious faith.”
• “Nineteenth-century believers such as the German theologian Joseph Pohle or the English astronomer John Herschel argued that because God is so overabundant in his creativity, he must have filled the universe with intelligent beings, not just us.”
• “Instead of thinking we’re so tiny that God couldn’t possibly find us and love us, the fact that he actually does find and love each one of us, individually, and gives each of us all his attention, shows just how big God is. God doesn’t care about humanity; he cares about individual humans.”
SOURCE: Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno, “Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?” written with Jesuit Father Paul Mueller, Image, 2014, 294 pp, ISBN 9780804136952; hardcover, $25.
A cosmic event?
Jesuit Father Christopher Corbally, president of the National Committee for Astronomy at the Vatican and a member of the International Astronomical Union, says St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Bonaventure paved the way in the 13th century for an expansive understanding of creation.
“They put more emphasis on the incarnation being cosmic,” says Father Corbally, who works at the Vatican Observatory at the University of Arizona. “The idea is to complete the cosmos in Christ. The incarnation is not an Earth-based event; it is a cosmic event.”
Should we humans feel less valuable, since we may be among a crowd of sentient life forms among the galaxies? The answer is no, according to a long line of Catholic thinkers.
By the mid-19th century, an astronomer-priest named Angelo Secchi was observing the massive splendor of the universe and speculated that God and God’s love must be boundless, too. The Jesuit now has a crater on Mars named for him.
“Think of the billions of people on Earth,” Father Corbally says. “How could God possibly love me? Well, you and I would have trouble recalling all the names and faces. But not God. What we forget is that God is infinite. God can love anyone, wherever they are in the universe.”
Father Funes, the former Vatican Observatory chief, confirms the idea of God’s boundless love, but is not ready to accept the idea of incarnations elsewhere. “The discovery of intelligent life does not mean there’s another Jesus,” Funes told Agence France-Presse in 2015. “The incarnation of the son of God is a unique event in the history of humanity, of the universe.”
“I was not really sure if I believed in UFO’s or not,” said the senior studying civil engineering at Colorado State University. “But, after this there is no other explanation for it.”
According to Sphatt, he was letting his roommate’s dog out at about 11:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 18 when he saw “a group of fluorescent green lights in the form of a chevron,” Sphatt said. He saw the Chevron for about five to 10 seconds at approximately four blocks south of CSU’s campus.
“There were five to seven lights in the formation and were first seen 20 to 30 degrees above the horizon,” Sphatt said. “I was looking south when I first sighted them and watched them move north almost directly overhead.”
The event was quick as the Chevron, which shifted into a straight line, started accelerating and gaining altitude, disappearing when it reached 40 to 50 degrees above the horizon looking north without making a sound, according to Sphatt.
“The lights appeared relatively small but much larger than a star,” Sphatt said. “The individual lights were round, with a hazy edge and appeared to be about 1/6 the size of the moon.”
Sphatt said he has a good understanding of directions, physics, optics and trigonometry, which allowed him to determine that this flying object was not a plane.
Photo courtesy of: Jacob Sphatt
“I just know if it was something like a plane or something that low going that quick I would have heard something,” Sphatt said.
Sphatt urges others who may have seen the UFO to report their sighting to the National UFO Reporting Center. If anyone reports a similar experience it will be compiled together in the database, making it a more relevant occurrence, according to Sphatt.
“I was totally coherent when it happened,” Sphatt said. “It was on a weeknight. I didn’t think anything crazy would happen, just letting the dog out before bed, and then I just saw it. My roommates were up, and I immediately told them about it, and they were just as freaked out as me. The guy that I reported it to said that they had been getting some common reports significant to that, not from the area necessarily, but it has been a common occurrence recently.”
Scott Christensen is an art professor at Colorado State University and has also experienced an alien sighting and encounter in 2014 and a sighting in October of 2016. After his first encounter, Christensen has dedicated a lot of time to researching aliens and UFOs. As an active member of the Mutual UFO Network, he attends conferences as well contacts prominent researchers studying alien activity such as Michael Salla of exopolitics.
“For me, it happened because of that direct encounter,” Christensen said. “It had just never been more than entertainment except since then, and even today, I have already been researching, every single day. That’s the biggest change.”
Christensen said this big change has made a significant impact on his life.
“My life got changed, and I was just in my backyard,” Christensen said. “I look at it from all these ways and think sometimes I just wish I could go back to before the accident. You get into things that are so beyond. Even the physics of what I saw is beyond.”
According to Christensen, his worldview shifted after his first encounter. He dealt with this change by being open to his family and fellow faculty members about his experience.
“I’m always willing to talk about it,” Christensen said. “And, I don’t apologize for it but what other people do with it is sort of open.”
Christensen displayed an exhibited featuring art he had created inspired by his UFO experience. He has made no effort in creating an alien research group at CSU due to the complications that would bring up with the parents of students, according to Christensen.
“Some people find it interesting to a point, but then I have to stop because they get to a point when they get uncomfortable, even my family,” Christensen said.
According to Christensen, when looking at the circumstances of his encounter, he takes note of other alien activity that has occurred in Colorado and surrounding states including the Phoenix Lights phenomenon, Roswell UFO incident, cattle mutilation in the Colorado Springs area and the location of the Air Force in the area. Other states in the area are educating about alien activity on Earth, Christensen said.
“Arizona has had so much information about this,” Christensen said. “It is changing their education. If you went to the University of Arizona, you would find someone to talk to about UFO information. It would be open and accepted.”
At CSU, according to Christensen, there is no real community of people who are interested in the research of aliens. He goes to organizations such as the Mutual UFO Network, and to reach out to other people who have interest or experience with these phenomenon.
“Those have been great,” Christensen said. “I recommend joining an organization after an encounter or sighting because they are so helpful, and it does give you a way to find qualified information and evidential information.”
Sphatt said he wishes there were more of a community around alien encounters at CSU.
“I think a lot of people believe in aliens, and a lot of people have probably seen something too but just haven’t came forward or just don’t want to come forward,” Sphatt said.
Although Christensen’s research is mostly solitary due to the lack of community around it, he finds it to be a unique spiritual outlet.
“I think that’s why in some ways it’s this real inspiring research, but I just have this feeling that it just doesn’t go anywhere except for me,” Christensen said. “And, in some odd way I am trying to use that for my own benefit in a very humble, private connection to the almighty grace. So, it couldn’t come back to the more simpler thing that all of us have to deal with in some way.”
Through his extensive research, Christensen has drawn some possible conclusions about the future of “Earthling’s” relationships with aliens.
According to Christensen, disclosure, or the act of making secret information about aliens known, will be the “biggest event of the millennium,” whether the information is disclosed by the aliens or by “Earthlings” is up for debate.
“It isn’t that disclosure isn’t happening, it is happening, but along the way there will always be these forces of non-disclosure or disinformation or misinformation or downright lies in order to keep it boxed up for some people who would not be able to accept it for whatever reason. When the aliens would want to disclose, then it happens. I could be a mouthpiece for folks who what to have this information out there.”
According to Christensen, there is some debate on whether the general public is ready for full disclosure of this information.
“I think there are definitely some facts that are not known by the general population,” Sphatt said. “I think the government is holding back some information probably.”
Historically, Hollywood, more specifically within the sci-fi genre, has served as a platform for artists to represent their creative take on aliens, Christensen said. This subtle integration into culture is both helpful and detrimental to full disclosure.
“(Hollywood) helps us digest these things in a way,” Christensen said. “The difficulty is going to be taking the veil away from the sci-fi genre and just saying well this has actually happened, and then what?”
Sphatt advises those who want to learn more about aliens to be more aware of their surroundings, urging people to “keep looking up at the sky and off of their phones.”
De National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) heeft een prachtige update vrijgegeven van de iconische foto 'Blue Marble' die Apollo 17 45 jaar geleden nam. De nieuwe versie van de nieuwe supersatelliet GOES-16 nam op 15 januari een nieuwe foto, veel gedetailleerder.
Op 7 december 1972 nam de Apollo 17 een foto van de aarde. De foto, die 'Blue Marble' (blauwe knikker) werd genoemd, is ondertussen een van de meest iconische ruimtebeelden. Maar na 45 jaar was het tijd voor een update met de nieuwste satelliet GOES-16. Het resultaat is verbluffend.
De GOES-16 neemt elke vijf minuten een foto van de Verenigde Staten en elk kwartier een van de volledige aarde. NOAA-directeur Stephen Volz liet in een statement weten dat een van zijn wetenschappers de nieuwe foto's vergeleek met het zien van de eerste foto's van een pasgeboren baby. "Zo enthousiast zijn we."
De nieuwe beelden tonen de aarde in meer detail dan ooit mogelijk was. "De beelden zijn het resultaat van de meest geavanceerde technologie die ooit in de ruimte heeft gedreven", aldus Volz.
De GOES-16 bevindt zich 35.888 kilometer boven de aarde.
Boeing heeft de nieuwe ruimtepakken voorgesteld waarmee astronauten vanaf 2018 naar het internationaal ruimtestation ISS zullen trekken. Ze zijn lichter, minder warm en hebben een aantal leuke nieuwe snufjes. En ze kregen ook een nieuw kleurtje: fel blauw.
Gedaan dus met de witte of oranje pakken waarmee astronauten tot nu toe de ruimte in werden gestuurd. "De nieuwe ruimtepakken wegen nog maar 9 kilogram, dat is 4,5 kilogram minder dan de huidige", aldus astronaut Eric Boe. "Ze passen beter en zijn eenvoudiger gemaakt. Dat laatste is een voordeel, want hoe complexer iets is, hoe meer er fout kan gaan."
Water Andere nieuwe eigenschappen: de pakken zijn flexibeler aan de ellebogen en de knieën, de helm is nu een onderdeel van het pak en de handschoenen zijn touchscreengevoelig. Verder is er ook een nieuw ventilatiesysteem, waardoor water uit het pak kan ontsnappen zonder daarbij lucht te verliezen. Dat maakt het pak meteen een stuk minder warm.
De pakken zullen voor het eerst gebruikt worden op de Starliner van Boeing, een ruimteschip dat astronauten naar het internationaal ruimtestation moet brengen. De eerste testvlucht staat volgend jaar gepland.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
This statue has been removed from the temple and is in a private collection in an unknown location, so we have been told.
This type of statues are found all over the world from asia to the American continent, they represent a race of beings that lived in the past and certainly still live today among the humanity.
Some say that there is a reptilian race that is benign and another malignant that seeks to enslave humanity and use it to feed.
These beings are very intelligent and have the capacity to contact telepathically and to inflame the leaders of the world.
This statue that was in the temple Horyuji Nara, Japan was withdrawn to a private collection and is in an unknown location.
It is not the first time that certain types of art and even bones of giants and strange creatures that defy the logic of educational institutions are taken from the eyes of the general public and hidden.
Het artikel uit 1981 meldt dat het Pentagon zes miljoen dollar had geïnvesteerd in psychologische oorlogvoering, inclusief pogingen om Sovjetcodes te ontcijferen met behulp van buitenzintuiglijke waarneming.
Het Pentagon werkte ook aan een raketsysteem boven de Noordpool dat vijandige kernbommen zou opzuigen en naar het verleden zou sturen.
Ben je een zelfbewust mens of een geprogrammeerde slaaf?
Dit document uit 1974 is geschreven door de National Caucus of Labor Committees nadat ze tot de ontdekking waren gekomen dat de CIA mensen hersenspoelde om vervolgens moorden te laten plegen.
Dit document uit 1973 verhaalt over de pogingen van twee mannen, Harold Sherman en Ingo Swann, die probeerden de planeet Jupiter te onderzoeken met behulp van paranormale vermogens.
Het tweetal voerde los van elkaar experimenten uit en vergeleek vervolgens de resultaten. Ze hoopten dat NASA’s Pioneer 10 mogelijk enkele van hun claims zou kunnen bevestigen.
In de database vinden we ook een getuigenis uit 1969 van een Russische ingenieur over een lokale helderziende die mensen met zijn handen zou kunnen genezen.
Het document is een vertaald stuk over een ‘magiër’ die deuren naar onbekende werelden in Tbilisi in Georgië kan openen.
Vliegende schotels
In haar geheime archief bewaarde de CIA ook een nummer van het tijdschrift Flying Saucers UFO Reports uit de jaren zestig.
Meer UFO’s
In een krantenknipsel uit 1966 wordt de CIA ervan beschuldigd het debat over UFO’s de kop in te drukken. Het artikel was getiteld ‘UFO Hush Blamed on CIA Men’.
De Weekly Surveyor publiceerde in 1975 een analyse van Sovjetliteratuur uit de jaren zestig over het onderzoek naar parapsychologie.
Uit de analyse bleek dat de Russen verder waren dan de VS op het gebied van onder meer telekinese en remote viewing.
Bewijs voor buitenaardse ontvoering op Google Earth?
Bewijs voor buitenaardse ontvoering op Google Earth?
John Mooner uit de Engelse stad Torquay stelt dat Google heeft vastgelegd hoe hij vorig jaar werd ontvoerd door buitenaardse wezens. Zelfs het ruimteschip zou op Google Earth te zien zijn, meldt de Torquay Herald Express.
“Toen ik onlangs problemen had met Google Earth, kwam ik uit bij online satellietbeelden,” aldus Mooner. “Uit nieuwsgierigheid ging ik eens kijken naar de plaats waar ik vorig jaar ontvoerd werd door aliens.”
Mooner en de ‘Grey’
“Ik was sprakeloos toen ik de beelden zag,” vervolgde hij. “Alles was heel duidelijk te zien.”
Wat er voor, tijdens en na de ‘buitenaardse ontvoering’ is gebeurd, is onduidelijk. Mooner herinnert zich alleen dat hij zwarte gaten had in 2016 en dat het voelde alsof hij door de tijd was gereisd.
Mooner zegt dat het beeld zo gedetailleerd is dat te zien is hoe hij probeerde een ‘Grey’ af te weren. “De satelliet heeft een echte buitenaardse ontvoering vastgelegd,” zei hij.
“Ik herinner me alleen nog dat ik een zwarte pet droeg,” voegde hij toe. “Ik ben er zeker van dat ik op het satellietbeeld sta.”
“Ik zag ook drie UFO’s die mijn kant opkwamen,” zei Mooner. “De drie UFO’s waren identiek en leken in formatie te vliegen.”
“De UFO die het hoogst vloog had een groen licht en leek een spoor met een rode gloed achter te laten,” vervolgde hij. “De andere twee UFO’s waren wit.”
Mooner zei dat de UFO’s erg veel gelijkenissen vertoonden met een UFO die boven Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada is vastgelegd.
“Ik denk dat de UFO’s met aan boord de Grey me kwamen halen,” besloot hij. “Ik ben ontvoerd en dit satellietbeeld is bewijs.”
Er komen nu met de regelmaat van de klok nieuwe ontdekkingen tevoorschijn op Antarctica, het continent dat wordt omgeven door een waas van geheimzinnigheid.
Nadat er eerder een piramide was ontdekt, komen er nu beelden van iets dat bijna niets anders kan zijn dan een vliegende schotel.
Het afgelopen jaar heeft het continent bijna voortdurend in de belangstelling gestaan en niet in de laatste plaats vanwege de bezoeken van allerlei hooggeplaatste mensen. Zo bracht de Amerikaanse Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, John Kerry, daar een bezoek op het moment dat in de VS de presidentsverkiezingen waren, was eerder dat jaar de Russische Orthodoxe Patriarch Kirill op bezoek geweest na een bespreking met de paus en kwam ook de bekende astronaut Buzz Aldrin nog even op bezoek.
Door het verschuivende klimaat op aarde waarbij het in sommige streken veel kouder wordt en andere weer warmer zien we dan ook soms dingen tevoorschijn komen die tot voor kort permanent door, in dit geval, ijs waren bedekt.
Echter, op nog geen vijf kilometer afstand van deze piramide is nu een andere kleinere ontdekt.
Maar, waarschijnlijk de meest vreemde ontdekking van de afgelopen dagen is de volgende.
Via Google is er iets tevoorschijn gekomen wat absoluut niet natuurlijk is en heel duidelijk lijkt op wat wij een vliegende schotel plegen te noemen. Het ligt half onder een soort rotswand en de andere helft is heel duidelijk zichtbaar.
Hebben we hier te maken met een gecrashte of een geparkeerde UFO en zo ja, van wie?
Wie het zelf wil bekijken, kan dit doen via de volgende coördinaten: -66.273354 100.984661.
Het bijzondere is dat deze vliegende schotel niet gek ver verwijderd is van de plek waar velen menen dat er een soort ingang is.
Het gaat om de volgende afbeelding en het lijkt inderdaad een met een laser uitgesneden opening waardoor deze schotels in en uit zouden kunnen vliegen. Ook hier is er duidelijk geen sprake van een natuurlijk gevormde opening.
En dan onlangs het onder water gevonden object, wat ook weer veel lijkt op een vliegende schotel (zie video onderaan dit artikel).
Nog weten we niet zeker wat er zich daar allemaal afspeelt, maar met de week wordt duidelijker dat dit continent veel geheimen herbergt die nu langzaam maar zeker tevoorschijn komen.
Misschien wordt het hoog tijd dat het stel op de volgende foto eens wat meer openheid van zaken gaat geven over wat er zich daar werkelijk allemaal bevindt.
I love the description from the woman who recorded the UFO. She stated that she saw a triangle that suddenly broke into there pieces, each taking off into a different direction. Wow! I haven't heard a description like that in years! That must have been something to see. Also this may be the same UFO seen in Sutherland Springs, Texas just 69 miles away from this new sighting in Austin. It sounds like this little UFO is having fun exploring Texas. Scott C. Waring
News states: Some Austin residents want to know if the truth really is out there. On Monday night, they recorded video of what they think could be UFO's. They're not alone. There are reports that several people saw something in the sky over Texas. It's a bird, It's a plane... "I believe they were UFO's," says Rachel Jensen, witness. Jensen says it was an impressive show in the sky over East Austin. "By the time they actually got here, it's like they went up and then took off. The speed of them was so fast," says Jensen. On Monday night her roommate noticed three lights coming at him. They were somewhat in a triangle formation. He called Jensen outside to check it out. "Just as I stepped out, I looked to the sky and saw the triangle. Just as it was separating into three. Well there was one in the front and two behind it. They were bright orange, glowing, almost fiery," says Jensen. At one point they saw a fourth light. They say it was moving back-and-forth erratically. Jensen made sure to grab her phone and capture as much of it on camera. When it was over, she called Austin 311 to report it. The American Meteor Society also received sighting reports Monday night. They say a fireball was seen by at least five people over Louisiana and Texas. Photographer Christopher Sherman from Over Austin, captured this stunning photoIt shows Downtown Austin, but if you look closely you can see a long curved light-streak passing through the tree and another smaller streak to the left. It was also captured around the same time Jensen saw lights in the sky. "You know sometimes you see things and you're like, what was it? Well this time it was like, somebody else saw it. Like I said, I'm excited to see what it was," says Jensen. For now, it's a mystery.
UFO Drops Off Whale In Wrong Place, Found On Grass In Oklahoma, Jan 2017, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Drops Off Whale In Wrong Place, Found On Grass In Oklahoma, Jan 2017, UFO Sighting News.
A reader just sent me an article from 2013 in London of a whale life like sculpture...What the hell? Looking just like this whale, the wrinkles and colors match exactly.
Date of event: January 25, 2017 Location of event: Muskogee, Oklahoma, USA News source:
It looks like a UFO dropped it off in the middle of nowhere, but as a reader pointed out, its a sculpture that was made life like. Scott C. Waring-Taiwan
News states: Muskogee| A city worker made an incredible discovery while cleaning up a public park on the banks of the Arkansas river: he found a 40-foot long humpback whale laying lifeless, hundreds of miles away from its natural habitat. The worker discovered the beached whale around 9:00 this morning, just after arriving to work. Thinking that the cetacean could have been left there as a creepy prank by some neighborhood youngsters, he contacted the Muskogee Police Department. The investigators rapidly dismissed his theory, as no traces of vehicles or machinery large enough to carry it were found near the animal. They admit that they don’t know at the moment, how the marine mammal found its way in the park. “We found no signs suggesting that the animal could have been placed there by humans,” said Lt Darrell Remmington. “For all we know, it probably probably got lost and swam up the Arkansas river until it got stuck for some reason.” A team of biologists from the University of Oklahoma has already arrived on the site to examine the whale and collect some samples. They will perform various tests and analysis on the remains of 25-ton cetacean to try and determine how it made its way to Muskogee. (More at source)
Strange sound are being heard around the world and there are no apparent explanations. In San Diego, another large earth quake shaking boom caused thousands of residents to panic and worry about a bomb having exploded. However no bombs exploded and the true source of the loud sound is still unknown. Many UFO researchers like myself do believe that UFOs entering and exiting wormholes in Earths atmosphere causes such sounds. Also when an underground alien base is being expanded, such sounds are created. Remember the alien base in the shape of an oval disk found off the coast of Malibu, California? (Click here to view old post) It could be the cause. Have you heard these in your area. They are happening around the world. Scott C. Waring
When thinking of ancient civilizations many think of the Mayans, but the Aztecs came later in the timeline. Families of Aztec descent have been collecting artifacts and have been asked to bring them together for observation.
There are many helmet-like objects that have elongated faces and large eyes. Most of these were crafted out of precious metals such as gold and copper. Others are made out of stone. These heads that have also been carved have carvings of what appears to be comets and some sort of ship on them.
The Aztec Empire was a great one and was very advanced. They had irrigation and complex cities and buildings. It is not known what else they had considering their mass genocide when the Americas were “discovered.”
When looking at these artifacts one may wonder if these carvings are authentic Aztec pieces. Although they have not been carbon dated, appraisers can say with confidence that these were not made using modern techniques. The shine that gives the appearance of glaze on these stones is not in fact a glaze, but an ancient way of sealing the rock. This gives a little more credibility to the pieces.
The strange thing is that many of these artifacts seem to model a modern take on a space ship or flying saucer. They depict the beings that come from these ships as gods of some sort. Those who are obviously not “others” in the carvings are often on their knees at the sight of these other beings. Some are depicted with wings in an angelic fashion.
The sheer amounts of artifacts that remain are amazing. This gather said to have seen over four hundred of these carvings.
Below are some examples of these original artifacts. These would shock the most open minded people, and certainly, will be a topic for research in the future.
This article (Secret X-Files and ancient Aztec objects presented in Ojuelos de Jalisco, Mexico for the first time) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with full attribution and a link to the original source on
Niet alleen bij huidtransplantaties, maar ook bij cosmetische en farmaceutische tests kan de 3D-geprinte huid gebruikt worden. Proeven op dieren kunnen zo overbodig worden.
Een team biologen heeft een prototype gebouwd van een 3D-bioprinter die menselijke huid kan maken. Dat betekent niet alleen een doorbraak in de huidtransplantaties, de nieuwe techniek kan ook een einde maken aan proeven op dieren en kan gebruikt worden voor chemische, cosmetische en farmaceutische tests.
Vorsers van de Carlos III universiteit in Madrid maakten de menselijke huid na, geheel met een opperhuid die beschermt, een dikkere laag die als eigenlijke huid dienstdoet en een laag fibroblastcellen die collageen aanmaken, het eiwit dat de huid zijn elasticiteit en sterkte verleent. Ze maken zich sterk dat hun in het labo gemaakte huid kan gebruikt worden bij transplantaties voor brandwonden en allerlei proeven.
"Je moet weten hoe je de biologische componenten moet mengen en in welke omstandigheden je ermee moet werken opdat de cellen niet stukgaan. Ook de juiste manier om het product aan te brengen is van cruciaal belang", stelt onderzoeker Juan Francisco del Cañizo.
3D-huid die voor transplantaties bestemd is, moet van de cellen van de patiënt gemaakt worden zodat diens lichaam de nieuwe huid niet afstoot. Voor industrieel gebruik zoals chemische proeven kan huid massaal geproduceerd worden van willekeurige cellen.
"Bioprinten laat ons toe op een gestandaardiseerde, geautomatiseerde manier huid te maken. Het proces is minder duur dan de manuele productie", aldus Alfredo Brisac, CEO van biotechnologiebedrijf Biodan Group dat de nieuwe techniek wil commercialiseren.
Het onderzoek werd gepubliceerd in het vakblad Biofabrication.
From a pyramid created by a lost civilisation to a staircase built by aliens, Antarctica has been a hotspot for sightings by UFO hunters in recent months.
Now, in their latest bizarre claim, alien enthusiasts claim they have spotted ET's ship hidden in a cave in the South Pole.
Their 'discovery', made from what they claim are Google Earth satellite images, was described as 'final proof of secret technology' on Antarctica.
Scroll down for video
From a pyramid created by a lost civilisation to a staircase built by aliens, Antarctica has been a hotspot for sightings by UFO hunters. Now, in their latest bizarre claim, alien enthusiasts claim they have spotted ET's ship hidden in a cave in the South Pole
The claim has been made by a YouTube channel called Secure Team based in Cleveland, Ohio.
They zoomed in on a mountainous region of the South Pole and found what they believe to to be a disc in a cave.
The 'discovery', made from what they claim are Google Earth satellite images, was described as 'final proof of secret technology' on Antarctica
Over the course of three online-based studies, researchers at the University of Kent showed strong links between the belief in conspiracy theories and these psychological traits.
The results showed that those people who rated highly on the narcissism scale and who had low self-esteem were more likely to be conspiracy believers.
However, while low self-esteem, narcissism and belief in conspiracies are strongly linked, it is not clear that one - or a combination - causes the other.
But it hints at an interesting new angle to the world of conspiracy and those who reinforce belief.
An image has surfaced which is alleged to be a satellite image of the Antarctic, and believers in extra-terrestrial life claim it could prove aliens are visiting Earth.
The picture was posted on a UFO and conspiracy theory forum.
The image was posted online by an anonymous member on the forum Godlike Productions, along with a message.
'This morning, in the work van, we were talking about conspiracies, and one of them were about so many big names going to Antarctica out of the blue,' the message read.
'I was bored so I pulled out Google Earth for a while, just exploring, when I came across something that looked like a giant staircase.
'Anyone have an idea what it is? Just a glitch with satellite cameras? Or something more?'
Others offered more logical explanations, like an anomaly with the lens or snow dunes.
The latest in a series of bizarre claims by conspiracy theorists says there is a giant staircase in Antarctica. An image has surfaced which is alleged to be a satellite image of the Antarctic, and believers in extra-terrestrial life claim it could prove aliens are visiting Earth
Giant 'staircase' appears to be discovered in Antarctica
Some doubted the origin of the image, which the poster claimed was from Google Earth, because the user did not provide co-ordinates
A YouTube channel called SecureTeam10 found the co-ordinates of the image (pictured)
Another image of a 'dome' in Antarctica sparked claims there was once a civilisation living in the frozen continent.
The picture, which was said to be from Google Earth, showed an oval-shaped structure that is believed be 400 foot (121 metres) across.
Some claimed the structure is 'evidence' that a human civilisation once lived in the South Pole, while others said it may be a natural phenomenon.
A Google Earth image of Antarctica has sparked claims of evidence there was once a civilisation living in the frozen continent. The picture shows an oval-shaped structure that conspiracy theorists claim to be 400 foot (121 metres) across
'What if, in the distant past, when Earth –and Antarctica— was much different then today, an ancient civilization developed there, creating fascinating structures, monuments and temples there?' a post on Ancient Code says.
The post says scientists initially thought the discovery could be a sastrugi – a natural phenomenon formed by years of battering by strong, freezing winds and heavy snowfalll.
The post says scientists initially thought the discovery could be a sastrugi – a natural phenomenon formed by years of battering by strong, freezing winds and heavy snowfall. Pictured are sastrugi in a radar image around the south edge of Lake Vostok in Antarctica
Another strange theory surfaced last year, claiming that there is a mysterious pyramid in the Antarctic had emerged.
Conspiracy theorists have posted a video on YouTube, in which they claim that US Secretary of State, John Kerry, visited Antarctica last week to visit an 'alien base' within the pyramid.
The video suggests that the images have been taken from Google Earth, but it is unclear whether they have been edited.
The video was posted by Third Phase of the Moon, a YouTube channel that regularly posts conspiracy theories on aliens.
It showed a pyramid-like structure in the snow, with a Google Earth-type label and pin.
The label reads 'Antartica Pyramid' – a misspelling of Antarctica, which suggests that image might have been doctored.
Responses to the video were varied, with some users backing-up the claims, such as James Jason, who commented: 'Excellent report Third Phase, I also believe things are about to get very dramatic, and that is for everyone on our planet.'
But others dismissed it, such as Gordon Anderson, who said: 'I have spent a LOT of time on snow covered mountains- skiing down, and this looks natural to me - not man made anyway!'
A strange theory claiming that there is a mysterious pyramid in the Antarctic emerged last year. Conspiracy theorists posted a video on YouTube, in which they claimed US Secretary of State, John Kerry, visited Antarctica last week to visit an 'alien base' within the pyramid
Others joked John Kerry was there for other reasons, such as Daniel Schultz, who commented: '#27 on his bucket list, fly to Antarctica and make 'snow angels' where no man has gone before.'
It is unclear what the structure could be, but it looks similar to a nunatak – a natural mountain peak that juts up above glaciers.
Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, told MailOnline: 'Pictures of the pyramid structures are either photoshopped, cropped pictures to make the mountains look more like pyramids or simply pictures of natural formations called nunataks.
'They are mountainous formations created by shifting glaciers and erosion, not by laser zapping aliens.'
Pyramids are often an area of interest for conspiracy theorists.
It is unclear what the structure could be, but it looks similar to a nunatak – a natural mountain peak that juts up above glaciers
It shows a pyramid-like structure in the snow, with a Google Maps-type label and pin. The label reads 'Antartica Pyramid' – a misspelling of Antarctica, which suggests that image might have been doctored
In October last year, a video posted on YouTube claimed there was a crystal pyramid beneath the Bermuda Triangle, which was to blame for the disappearance of several planes and ships in the area.
Mr Watson added: 'There is always a mystique about pyramid structures.
'Back in the 1970s there were many claims that such objects could preserve food, generate health benefits and even keep razors sharp.'
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
UFO sightings unlikely – expert
UFO sightings unlikely – expert
BY Kavindya Chris Thomas
Despite reports of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) being sighted in several parts of the country there's not enough information to form a definite opinion about the phenomenon, Dr. Chandana Jayaratne said yesterday.
Dr. Jayaratne of the Department of Physics, University of Colombo, said there was insufficient information about the sightings which after all could have merely been the appearance given by Drones passing over areas in which people have not seen Drones before.
He added that inquiries have come to a halt as no possible conclusions could be made on the basis of studying unclear pictures of the sightings last Saturday..
Dr. Jayaratne said that the lack of plausible information made it impossible to ascertain the nature of the object in the pictures. However, he added that several field studies are being conducted to collect eyewitness reports of the sightings.
A square object radiating a bright light with a moving core was captured by telescopic lenses last Saturday as it moved over Ratnapura, Hambantota, Galle and Matara areas. Following initial reports, it was announced that the UFO sighting might be related to quadcopter drones that were commandeered in the areas.'
- Gemiddelde waardering: 5/5 - (1 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
When The Mysterious And Inexplicable Happens
When The Mysterious And Inexplicable Happens
Getty Images
Nearly everyone has had weird experiences, things that happen in life that seem to defy any sort of rational explanation.
It could be strange sightings, events that apparently challenge the laws of nature, that evoke the supernatural, or feelings of being possessed by some kind of universal awe, that elicit a connectedness with something grander, timeless.
What are these events — and what are they trying to tell us, if anything?
For a rationalist, the usual response is one of dismissal, based on the law of large numbers: When there are billions of people experiencing billions of different events every day, chances are that some will encounter events that are so rare that they are deemed, on the surface, as unexplainable. Tanya Luhrmann, a professor of anthropology at Stanford and an expert on what could be called the experience of the sacred, has written extensively on the subject in The New York Times as an op-ed contributor, in books for the general public, and in more academic settings. When she was a graduate student in England, she had one such experience that left her wondering. She was on a train, going to interview with a group of people that practiced a form of powerful magic, when she felt strange:
"I was reading a book by a man they called an 'adept' — someone they regarded as deeply knowledgeable and powerful... And as I strained to imagine what the author thought it would be like to be that vehicle, I began to feel power in my veins — to really feel it, not to imagine it. I grew hot. I became completely alert, more awake than I usually am, and I felt so alive. It seemed that power coursed through me like water through a chute. I wanted to sing. And then wisps of smoke came out of my backpack, in which I had tossed my bicycle lights. One of them was melting."
She writes of the experience:
"I walked off that train with a new respect for why people believed in magic, not a new understanding of reality. Sometimes people have remarkable experiences, and then tuck them away as events they can't explain."
Luhrmann mentions how Michael Shermer, publisher of Skeptic magazine and a notable rationalist, had one such experience that defied any sense of logic and left him stunned. I know Michael and can attest to his rock-solid convictions. A few weeks before his wedding, his German bride-to-be shipped many of her belongings to their home in California. Among them was an old radio that belonged to her dear grandfather, the closest father figure she had growing up. The transistor radio had been broken for years and Shermer's attempts to fix it failed. They tucked it into a drawer in their bedroom and forgot about it. On their wedding day, they were surprised to hear music coming from upstairs. After searching for possible sources, they were amazed to see that it was the transistor radio, as if it had come back to life on its own. "My grandfather is here with us," Shermer's wife Jennifer said, tearfully. "I'm not alone." The radio stopped playing the next day, as mysteriously as it had started.
I also have had one such experience (actually more than one), that I relate in detail in my recent book The Simple Beauty of the Unexpected, under the chapter heading "The Witch of Copacabana." Here is a brief summary:
When I was growing up in Rio, my parents loved hosting dinner parties. My father, a dentist, had welcomed to his practice many of the Portuguese immigrants that flooded Brazil after the Carnation Revolution of 1974. One day, he invited the former Minister of Justice (a sort of attorney general) and other friends to dinner. He offered the minister a whisky. After taking a sip, the minister gave my father a perplexed look. "Izaac, this is tea, not whisky." My father's mouth dropped. He ran to the closet where he stored his liquor and confirmed that the open whisky bottle had been filled with tea. The same with every open bottle with amber-colored liquid. My father ran to the kitchen to find our cook Maria, a small black lady in her 50s with pitch-dark beady eyes. We knew she was a high priestess of the Macumba, a widespread religious practice mixing elements of African black magic and fetishism with Catholicism. Maria confessed immediately, as if what she had done had been obvious. My father was furious, and fired her on the spot. Maria looked him in the eye and cursed the house: "Something bad will happen to this house." I was horrified. Maria tried to comfort me. "Don't worry, boy, you have 'corpo fechado' (closed body), and nothing will harm you."
My father, a superstitious man, took his precautions, filling his pockets with garlic and the house with branches of rue, a plant that many in Brazil believe is a sort of chlorophyllous evil barometer that shrivels when harm is near. A month passed and nothing happened. We went back to our routines and hired a new cook. One day, as I was studying for an exam, I felt a compulsion to go to the dining room. Our rococo-style dining table was flanked on both ends by furniture containing fine crystal. Behind my father's seat at the head of the table was a closet with glass doors and three glass shelves, where my parents stored beautiful wineglasses made of Bohemian crystal. At the opposite end of the table was a brass beverage trolley, with a top glass shelf covered with crystal bottles filled with port, sherry and liqueurs of all colors, each labeled with a small silver necklace.
I was standing by the dining table in a strange sort of daze when something, maybe a subtle noise, made me turn toward the closet. At that very moment, the top shelf broke in half, and all the heavy glasses came crashing down onto the second shelf, which in turn collapsed onto the first shelf in a horrifying waterfall of shattering crystal. Dozens of priceless antique glasses were instantly destroyed. I hardly had time to blink, when another cracking noise made me turn toward the trolley at the other end of the table. In a flash, the top shelf collapsed, taking all the crystal bottles to the floor with it. The noise was deafening. Shards of glass flew everywhere. I was paralyzed. The new cook came running from the kitchen and crossed herself. She packed her things and vanished that same night, never to be seen again.
Shaking uncontrollably, I phoned my father at his office. "It's the curse, dad. She did it! Everything crashed, right in front of me. The closet and the trolley, practically at the same time!"
I spent a long time trying to come up with a reasonable explanation: a supersonic boom; an earthquake; maybe I was in a hypnotic trance and did it myself. Nothing added up though. To have both events in almost synchrony was deeply perplexing. And it involved drinking, as it should. This is a mysterious event that remains unexplained.
People react differently when faced with such situations. Some feel it as convincing evidence of the supernatural and embrace a religion (a conversion event) or a mystical practice. Others, perhaps in fear for what such event may represent to their worldview, vigorously push it aside as an odd coincidence. Or they honestly think of such stories as some of life's bizarre twists, without any opening to otherworldly dimensions.
In my case, I remain agnostic. Being a scientist, I'm well-aware that nature tends to follow precise rules, some of which we have managed to understand and to describe. However, I'm also well-aware of our limitations, of the fact that we are surrounded by mystery and by what we don't understand.
Science's purpose is to crack open some of these mysteries, and it does so magnificently. But science can't crack them all. And that's okay. A bit of the unexplained is good, as it keeps us a little unsettled. We must keep an open mind as we peel layer after layer of reality, prepared to be surprised at every step — and humbled by what we can't know.
Leah Haley on Alien Abduction: “It Doesn't Happen”
Leah Haley on Alien Abduction: “It Doesn't Happen”
Former self-described alien abductee Leah Haley has revised her perspectives about her experiences of high strangeness to conclude that no alien abductions ever took place in her life. She now completely attributes her remarkable perceptions to having been an involuntary research subject. Commenting on literal alien abduction from her home in Pensacola, Florida, Haley stated, “It doesn't happen.”
Pensacola Beach, Florida, a short distance from massive Eglin Air Force Base.
Haley attracted widespread attention within the UFO community in 1993 with the publication of her book, Lost Was the Key, in which she described her extraordinary experiences consisting of fragmented memories of UFOs and apparent non-human beings. She became a well known speaker and was commonly sought for interviews. Ten years later she published Unlocking Alien Closets: Abductions, Mind Control and Spirituality, further documenting her descent into an increasingly complex web of deceit, disinformation and character assassination within ufology. Sales of her books climbed well into the thousands although word of mouth was virtually the only means of marketing.
Haley initially thought aliens were responsible for her experiences but that changed following years of investigation. She long acknowledged military personnel were involved in her experiences to some extent, but she fully re-evaluated circumstances after viewing select Freedom of Information Act and U.S. Patent Office documents. Haley further based her revised conclusions on hundreds of interactions with abductees and researchers, as well as having mysterious individuals enter and later abruptly vanish from her life. She is now thoroughly convinced mind control experiments are responsible for what became known as the alien abduction phenomenon.
“I really can explain every alien abduction away using human technology,” Haley said.
Commenting on what she termed “legitimate” reports of abduction, she continued, “I don't know for sure, but every case that I know very, very well – every single one of them – if I probe deeply enough, I'm going to find that there were humans here and there too. That tells me that it was a human-instigated situation. I can't think of a single case, not a single one, that I've really delved into that didn't have humans in it too, so I just don't think alien abductions are happening. I don't know, but I just don't think they are.”
Who Is Leah Haley?
The polite yet confidently direct woman who came to be embraced - for better or worse – by the UFO community said she was born in 1951 in Decatur, Alabama. According to her books, Haley earned a bachelor's degree in secondary education from the University of Alabama, a master's degree in education from the University of North Alabama and a master's degree in business administration from Mississippi State University. She told me she is a Certified Public Accountant, currently employed in the field.
I first contacted Haley via email in June of 2009 due to my interest in her reported experiences which involved apparent military personnel. Our interactions led to me interviewing her over the course of a couple days in March, 2011.
As much an artist as she is a business administrator or anything else, Haley loves to write. She enjoys many forms of art and particularly appreciates theater. While the name Leah Ann Haley will be forever joined with the UFO phenomenon, the woman came to prioritize a healthy social life and enjoying herself, as was indicated by the presence in her den of gifts from her birthday celebration. “If I put the gifts away, I'll forget to send thank you notes,” she explained with a laugh.
During a drive through downtown Pensacola, she fondly pointed out locations where bands regularly perform. She enjoys concerts, and told me about attending a Lynyrd Skynyrd gig, remarking that she of course likes the band's music due to her roots in (Sweet Home) Alabama.
Haley developed a strong faith which she attributes in part to her traumatic experiences and the stress of going public with her story. She enjoys attending casual worship services held Sunday mornings at picnic tables on Pensacola Beach. “I think that's so cool,” she said while describing the services.
Her first marriage ended as she became increasingly committed to investigating her experiences and publicly sharing her findings. Was her involvement in ufology responsible for her failed marriage? “Oh, yeah,” she responded decisively, “absolutely.” Her status as a relatively high profile, controversial figure severely strained family relations, but Haley feels she picked up the pieces as well as could be expected.
Take her or leave her, Leah Haley is willing to be scrutinized. Other high profile members of the UFO community often hide from objective evaluation, reciting their largely unchallenged rhetoric with relentless and annoying persistence. Contrastingly, Haley at least seemingly provides us with a refreshingly transparent view of the path of an experiencer of high strangeness who embarked upon a sincere journey of investigation and self-discovery. It is only natural that such a journey included evolving perspectives, changing over time, and it appears Haley happens to be secure enough to tell us when she changes her mind.
“The most important thing about my case,” she said, “is that my memories were of alien abductions, and that after spending thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars and years and years and years of research trying to find evidence that alien abductions occurred, the only evidence I found is of human-instigated mind control.”
Circumstantial Evidence
The UFO House of Pensacola Beach serves as an eerie reminder of the Gulf Breeze UFO craze that snowballed into a frenzy.
Haley cited circumstances such as confirmed mind control operations and Freedom of Information Act documents, substantiating details of such black budget operations, as supporting evidence for her perspectives. Suggesting the general population lacks adequate understandings of relevant issues, such as conditioned behavior and subliminal programming, Haley stated, “Doing my lectures and radio shows I met people all over the country, and most of the alien abductees just accept what's happened at face value. What they remember - to them - is what happened. Very few of us have ever questioned it to the extent that you and I obviously have.”
Haley cited U.S. Patent Office documents, demonstrating evolution of electronic technology and non-lethal weapons that correlates with the time line of reports of alien abduction. Advances in technology during the 20th century included using electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) to remotely entrain brain waves, induce altered states of consciousness and transfer an otherwise inaudible voice directly into the brain. Overexposure to EMFs was documented to cause hallucinations, nausea, short term amnesia (missing time) and reddened skin, circumstances which became staples of abductee testimonies.
Haley has claimed to have been interrogated and tortured by military personnel, but do not expect her to name alleged perpetrators. Though much speculation has circulated about Haley's alleged abusers, she is well aware she cannot prove accusations and therefore chooses to withhold public comment on identities.
She also claimed to have been approached repeatedly by mysterious people interested in her experiences, and on at least one occasion such a person apparently claimed to be acting on behalf of intelligence officials. Haley believed she confirmed the claim to a reasonable extent.
Marc Davenport
Haley met Marc Davenport at the 1993 Ozark UFO Conference. He attended her lecture and approached her afterword, finding her presentation of interest. Like Haley, Davenport was a researcher, author and speaker.
The two discovered many mutual interests. They eventually married and plunged ever deeper into the world of ufology. The duo spent extended periods of time conducting research and presenting their work through Greenleaf Publications, a corporation founded by Haley in 1992 and subsequently jointly operated by the couple. It was with Davenport's help as a researcher and support as a friend that Haley dissected the world of military intelligence and black budget research projects.
She explained, “It was like a progression with me until I finally came to the conclusion that everything with me was human-instigated. That's where the evidence pointed. I didn't find any concrete evidence - no absolute concrete evidence - of aliens, but plenty of evidence of human intervention.”
Such evidence included two events reportedly occurring the morning of June 16, 2000. Haley experienced abduction-like visions, non-ordinary states of consciousness and the sensation of hearing voices in her head. Haley was home alone during the second episode, which also included paralysis. Davenport returned unexpectedly, observing a helicopter hovering within 100 feet of their house. The helicopter soon departed, leaving Davenport to find Haley ill and disoriented inside the home.
It was therefore not only Davenport's help as a colleague, but also his experience as a direct witness, that assisted Haley in re-evaluating her experiences. Davenport continued to report on mind control and non-lethal weapons.
In 2005 Davenport was diagnosed with what Haley called an unusual form of cancer. He lost his life to what proved to be the painful and disabling illness.
Does Haley think Davenport's cancer was intentionally induced? “I will go to my grave believing so,” she said.
Carpenter Affair
Haley's experiences included missing time, disturbing body markings and a retrieved possible implant, in addition to interactions with mysterious strangers and military personnel. Her search for answers included regressive hypnosis sessions conducted by John Carpenter, a mental health counselor who served as the MUFON director of abduction research during the early 1990's. For what is in all likelihood a variety of reasons, Haley's mental imagery during the sessions included implications of aliens and emotional trauma.
Carpenter conducted some 14 regressive hypnosis sessions with Haley, encouraging her to accept alien abduction, before selling her case file. In what became known as the Carpenter Affair, Carpenter betrayed 140 clients and alleged alien abductees when he accepted $14,000 for their case files. The purchaser was Robert Bigelow, whose activities and associates never stray far from controversy. Non-lethal weapons expert and consultant to the CIA, Colonel John B. Alexander, was termed a science advisor to Bigelow at the time.
When asked how she now feels about Carpenter, Haley took a long breath and exhaled deliberately. She replied that she thinks Carpenter was “manipulated” into his actions, but that does not mean she completely absolves him of all responsibility.
Haley explained it was very distressing when the names of Carpenter's clients were briefly posted on the Internet. Literally over night, anonymity was lost, family members were outed and similar such situations befell those who sought support and were assured confidentiality by Carpenter and MUFON. Haley remains uncertain exactly who was responsible for originally posting the client names on the Internet.
Haley said most of the 140 probably never knew Carpenter sold their files to Bigelow. About a dozen of them were aware of it and convinced Haley “to join them in the lawsuit that turned out to go nowhere,” she explained with frustration.
Would she rather not discuss the Carpenter Affair? “I don't mind talking about it,” she said. “It's just that the statute of limitations expired.”
“We had a clear cut case,” she continued. “The first attorneys said, 'There are no doubts.'”
Haley explained the attorneys initially met with the plaintiffs, assuring them testimony and evidence, which they had, was all they needed. However, the first group of attorneys later turned over the case to a second group, and lines of communication declined to a non-functional mess. Haley felt certain the lawsuit fell through the cracks “because of threats.”
In a bit softer and more despondent voice, Haley concluded, “There's not anything that can be done about it. That whole group just got away with it.”
Matters of Compassion and Responsibility
Haley long since stopped fearing public criticism. Such criticism is inevitable when revising opinions destined to be as unpopular as in the case of suggesting there are no aliens in alien abduction. Rather than buckle to peer pressure, Haley appeared willing to draw on her experience as a relatively public figure - and her resulting thick skin - to set examples of honesty and realism by publicly acknowledging perspectives are simply bound to change as more information becomes available.
The sun sets on the waterfront in downtown Pensacola where crowds of eager skywatchers once gathered regularly.
Haley considered sharing her story to be matters of compassion and responsibility. “It disturbs me greatly that there are people who are still being victimized by that system,” she commented.
Perhaps it is ultimately Haley's ability to successfully navigate the no-nonsense world of accounting that enabled her to painstakingly re-evaluate everything she thought she knew about alien abduction and her experiences. Maybe it was a genuine desire to seek truth. I really cannot say for sure, but Haley's message is certainly clear enough: A check and balance of facts versus belief systems reveals alien abduction dogma does not properly add up, particularly in her specific case.
Haley said she periodically distanced herself from ufology and her past but kept getting “drawn back in.” She explained she was most recently drawn back in by me and what she found to be my interest in black budget operations and her case. I thanked her for her willingness to interact with me, then asked what was most important to her to ultimately accomplish.
Without hesitation, Leah Haley leaned back in her chair, looked skyward and replied with animated emphasis, "I want mind control and other invasive experiments on unwitting U.S. citizens to be stopped. And I want the mind control perpetrators brought to justice!"
I’ve been intending to review Jack Brewer’s book, The Greys Have Been Framed: Exploitation in the UFO Community, for some time now. I’ve linked to some of Jack’s research posted on his blog The UFO Trail before. Jack has devoted considerable effort into tracking the connections between what passes for alien abductions and documented, historical mind control programs run under the auspices of U. S. agencies since the Cold War began. Those connections are not coincidental. Whereas Jack’s blog gives readers glimpses into the tangled web that results from the intersection of the high strangeness of alien abduction reports and things like MK-ULTRA, his book delivers the motherlode and — most importantly — citations and links to the available documentation.
If you can’t already tell, I consider this book a must-read for anyone interested in the alien abduction phenomenon. Most readers of my material will know my view of what people experience in this regard. I don’t think it has anything to do with extraterrestrials. While I leave room for certain cases that sound a lot like genuine demonization or possession, I think most of what passes for alien abduction is either natural brain function (e.g., sleep paralysis) or very human (and very sinister) intentional abuse of people. Jack’s book chronicles the latter, providing the paper trails that lead to people, events, clandestine agendas, psychological techniques, and drugs and other “technologies” for inducing such experiences and manipulating victims. And the data for all that aren’t new.
His book goes even further in that he documents how the abuse extends to defending the extraterrestrial narrative for what experiencers report when they seek help. This doesn’t mean, of course, that the same people behind inducing experiences are the ones intentionally furthering an extraterrestrial explanation. The latter typically occurs in the office or correspondence of a therapist or researcher already convinced that the abductions are part of an alien agenda. One would hope that the factual documentation offered in this book would persuade any reader to look elsewhere for answers, but I’m not holding my breath. At the very least honesty ought to require researchers to track through Brewer’s sources and demonstrate how they fail to account for something. Sure, that takes work, but it took work to ferret out the data in this book. Is it too much to ask that those who desperately want the abduction experience to prop up an extraterrestrial visitation worldview to do the same sort of work? Frankly, instead of funding and conducting a survey about peoples’ abduction experiences, whose questions are often leading, and whose raw data is apparently off limits to the public, perhaps Edgar Mitchell’s Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE) could pay for research into the truckload of material that connects these experiences to sinister human causation? Dear FREE: While trying to validate an experience through a survey, did it ever occur to you that the cause of said experience might not be what you presumed it to be when you wrote the survey? That’s called objectivity.
I won’t survey every chapter of The Greys Have Been Framed here (there’s just too much significant material), but a few stand out in their importance, at least to my thinking.
Chapters 2 (“Hypnosis and Memory”) and 3 (“Go West, Trance States, Go West”) are for anyone who has ever wondered about the accuracy (and even coherence) of memories solicited under hypnosis, and whether there might be some relationship of hypnosis to known mind-control programs. I’ve wondered both, so this chapter and its sources was worth the price of the book. The presumed validity of what hypnosis yields and the notion that it is purely “recovering” memories (instead of something is) are fundamental to the alien abduction phenomenon. Both are far from being assured.
Chapters 4 and 5 constitute a two-part treatment of the abduction experience colorfully titled, “The Raping, Murderous, Mind-Reading, Sperm-Collecting, ET Human-Hybrid Baby Snatchers” (Acts One and Two). While the chapters naturally overview what people claim happens to them during an alien abduction, these chapters overview the now-infamous Emma Woods case that has so tarnished the reputation of David Jacobs. Chapter 7’s interview with Dr. Tyler Kokjohn (PhD in Biochemistry) is also focused on thoughts about the Emma Woods case.
For those who’d be inclined to trust Budd Hopkins’ work with abductees over that of David Jacobs (with or without the demolition of Jacobs in the wake of the Emma Woods testimony), Chapter 6 will cut off that retreat (“Carol Rainey and the Priests of High Strangeness”). Rainey was the wife of Budd Hopkins and assisted him in his work with abductees. The chapter isn’t filled with whining and ranting about her ex-husband. Instead it recounts her habit of asking simple questions about ethics and method that Hopkins found irritating. Point: anyone who sincerely wants to find truth won’t be threatened by calls for transparency.
Chapter 11 (“Betty and Barney go to Montreal”) sheds light on inconsistencies and forgotten details of the mother of all alien abduction cases, that of Betty and Barney Hill. The chapter is a combination of Brewer’s own investigation and the work of Nick Redfern, a well-known UFO researcher who is convinced the Hill case is best explained by its MK-ULTRA connections. Why is Montreal mentioned? You’ll have to read the chapter, but here’s a hint: McGill University.
Chapter 13 (“Leah Haley and the 139”) is a shot across the bow not just to abduction research, but ufology in general. It details MUFON complicity (and ineptitude) in regard to what has become known as the Carpenter Affair. The experiences, research, and turnabout (rejection of an ET explanation for abductions) of Leah Haley are part of the chapter. Readers will be intrigued by connections between the Carpenter affair and the emerging panopticon state glimpsed through the case of Edward Snowden.
Chapter 14 (“21st Century U.S. Illegal Human Experimentation”) speaks for itself. In simplistic terms, this chapter seeks to connect the modern question of torture (think Abu Ghraib) to 20th century Cold War justification of human experimentation with respect to mind control programming. (One could add things like Project Sunshine as well). I was a little dissatisfied with the analysis here because the threats are somewhat different, but it’s legitimate to say they are similar enough to avoid dismissing points of connection that are real.
As noted above, the book is highly recommended. I can think of only one potential improvement. Jack’s resources are mostly online. That doesn’t mean the links don’t lead to solid sources. They overwhelmingly do. But the links leave me wondering if he deliberately included only those sources to make access to those sources easy for readers. I’m not sure that Jack had access to major databases that would no doubt provide more material that isn’t available for free online (like scholarly journals). Some of the links do of course lead to journal articles. I just didn’t check every link, so I’m thinking that his case could be made even more compelling.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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