The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
UFO mania: Mysterious Crop Circle Appears In Wheat Field
UFO mania: Mysterious Crop Circle Appears In Wheat Field
A mysterious giant crop circle has appeared overnight in a field belonging to a German farmer.
It has attracted thousands of visitors from far and wide who have flocked to the scene to sing, dance and meditate within the ornate design.
One observer said: "I believe you can only rule out, you can only ask yourself, what can be definitely ruled out as a cause for this.
"The newspapers are reporting that it was college students who raked the field, but when you see the elaborate design of the circles from above, that seems very unlikely. Those circles are looking very good."
Another visitor added: "I think it's almost impossible for this to appear overnight, and to do it in such an exact and precise manner. How is this possible?"
Measuring 75 metres in diameter (246 feet), it was discovered by a balloonist flying over the wheat field near Weilheim.
Farmer Christoph Huttner, who owns the field, told the dpa news agency it was not his creation, but may have been the work of students on summer holiday.
He added he was unsure whether he would be keeping the crop circle.
Source: SkyNews
31-07-2014 om 23:58
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Duizenden jaren oud astronomisch laboratorium ontdekt in Peru
Duizenden jaren oud astronomisch laboratorium ontdekt in Peru
Archeologen zijn in Peru op een 3500 tot 4000 jaar oud stenen altaarblad met astronomische symbolen gestuit. Op het archeologisch complex Licurnique is bewijs gevonden voor een astronomisch laboratorium in aanbouw. Het complex bevindt zich op vier uur rijden van het district Olmos in de noordelijke regio Lambayeque.
De astronomische functies die in het gesteente zijn gegraveerd hebben de tand des tijds weten te doorstaan, aldus de archeologen. Ze voegden toe dat de archeologische vindplaats tussen de 3500 en 4000 jaar oud is en zeker de moeite waard is om nader te onderzoeken.
De onderzoekers ontdekten een petroglief bestaande uit een stenen altaar, waarop informatie over de inwoners van Licurnique is te lezen. Op een afgevlakte steen zijn astronomische waarnemingen gevonden, die werden gebruikt om de sterren te volgen. Ook werden de waarnemingen gebruikt om het weer te voorspellen.
Archeologen Juan Martinez en Manuel Curo legden uit dat op het complex zowel antieke, hispanische als Andeaanse invloeden zijn terug te vinden. Het is ongewoon dat deze drie culturen op één plek zijn gevonden, aldus de onderzoekers.
Bij het astronomisch laboratorium zijn ook de resten van een oude rivierloop aangetroffen. Licurnique maakt onderdeel uit van 24 archeologische vindplaatsen die op de lokale erfgoedlijst zijn gezet.
According to this information the Russians have known about alien civilizations for several decades, to many this comes as no surprise, there have been rumors floating around for many years. Well respected military and government scientist have been trying to speak out on this issue for sometime now. In the vast majority of cases the mainstream media either treats this like a non event, or they treat it like the information is coming from very unreliable sources. This information is a big step in disclosure process for mankind.
In Soviet times, the Ministry of Defense was working on a secret project aimed at creating a superhuman with paranormal abilities. Under this project, a group of scientists managed to get in touch with a foreign(read alien) civilization. The head of this top-secret project shared some details with reporters for the first time.
On a regular winter day in Moscow, in the comfort a room with a fireplace, journalists were given a real sensation. A senior retired official of the Ministry of Defense, lieutenant-general in reserve, PhD, a fellow of the Academy of Natural Sciences Alexey Savin said that in the late 1980′s a group of researchers from the Expert Management Unit of General Staff managed to make a contact with representatives of another civilization.
Interestingly, none of the journalists were particularly surprised but, rather, relieved with the “confession.
Vasily Yeremenko, a Major General of FIB in reserve, academician of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement, was the first to speak to the press. In Soviet times he served in the KGB and supervised the Air Force and development of aviation technology.
Among his assignments was collection of information by the Air Force of the facts of appearance of unidentified flying objects. According to Vasily Yeremenko, by that time there was an ample amount of such information.
Former assistant secretary of Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Catherine Austin Fitts revealed the U.S. Navy was commissioning Arlington Institute in 1998 to form a plan in preparing for a world where alien life exists. Fitts released a document on July 4, 2013 supporting her claims.
She says the plan was commissioned by U.S. Navy undersecretary and was conducted by the Arlington Institute, a non-government organization. The NGO is located near the Pentagon, where Fitts served on the Board of Directors. The goal was to prepare the Navy for a world where extraterrestrials live among humans. She claims that she was asked to assist with the plan by head of the Arlington Institute John Peterson and given an opportunity to meet a living alien, but she turned down the offer.
However, Arlington Institute, through the organization’s president John Petersen, repudiated Fitts claims. Members of the Board of Directors also denied Ms Fitts version of events and said that they did not recall any meetings where she was present and the extraterrestrial life issue was discussed.
Fitts released what she claims official minutes of the Board of Directors meeting in 2000 held at the Arlington Institute in her website. According to Fitts, she published the minutes in the spirit of Independence Day and also because she learned that her claims were contradicted by members of the board.
Meanwhile, Peterson confirmed that Fitts did participate in Arlington Institute’s project that was commissioned by the Navy and the extraterrestrial contact matter was slightly discussed as a wild card possible scenario in the future. However, Peterson pointed out that the U.S. Navy did not commission a strategic plan to prepare the public for space alien contact as what Fitts has been claiming.
A DNA change tens of thousands of years ago when man left Africa began the first traces of white skin in the humanpopulation and it started with one individual. How did this change happen? Well, let's look at one culprit. The gene for hypertrichosis, or “wolf man disease” was begun in the Canary Islands in the medieval times in one family of Spanish settlers. The Spanish arrived to the islands in the 1400s to find a tribe of natives called Guanche who were tall people with pale skin and red and blond hair. The interesting thing about these people is that they seem as if they were stranded there. They had no use or knowledge of boats, even though the islands were close by. How did they get there? How did they get that height and coloring? It would appear there was some breeding going on in a race of travelers. That's a whole different story. For now, just know that the Spanish killed off most of the men in the tribe and sickness killed a lot of them, and they mated with the women that were most unusual and unique. This hairy man gene showed up in this Spanish family there and spread throughout the world as the family moved and bred around the globe. It took just one mating with a unique human to create this interesting gene. In the case of white skin, something as obvious as Neanderthal would explain that, seeing as to how Neanderthal had left Africa many hundreds of thousands of years earlier and adapted to a climate that was not like Africa. In the scheme of things, those of us with white skin ended up part of a mutation, a variant that allowed us to live in more northern climates, accruing more necessary vitamin D in a climate that showed the sun very little. It is functional and another example of evolution helping us adapt a practical change if we're going to be ridiculous enough to live in climates with little sun and snow.
Vreemd 'vliegend tapijt' gespot boven Engelse stad
Vreemd ‘vliegend tapijt’ gespot boven Engelse stad
Inwoners van de stad Exeter in het Engelse graafschap Devon stonden afgelopen weekend vol verbazing te kijken naar een vierkante wolk die boven hun huis dreef. Op Facebook en Twitter gingen al snel vele foto’s rond van het vliegend tapijt boven de stad.
De wolkformatie werd op zaterdagmiddag voor het eerst opgemerkt en haalde het nieuws toen Laura Gilchrist, een medewerkster van de Britse meteorologische dienst, erover twitterde: “Vanmiddag was boven Exeter een rhombusvormige wolk te zien.”
Sommigen meenden het vliegend tapijt van Aladdin in de wolk te zien. Een woordvoerder van de weerdienst liet weten dat de wolk een vreemd gevormd vliegtuigspoor was. Hoewel contrails normaal gesproken als twee strepen verschijnen, veranderde dit spoor als gevolg van de atmosferische omstandigheden in een rechthoek, aldus de zegsman.
“In dit geval is een vliegtuig door een luchtzak gevlogen waar de omstandigheden precies goed waren voor de vorming van contrails,” zei de woordvoerder. “Door de combinatie van de wind en de juiste atmosferische omstandigheden verspreidden de ijskristallen in de contrail zich naar buiten toe, waardoor deze rechthoekige wolk is ontstaan. Het is ongewoon dat de randen zo duidelijk te zien zijn, maar toch gaat het om een vrij normaal fenomeen.”
Even though we are no longer doing field research, we still hear about strange objects and events and as we have stated before, we will share these on the Midnight Observer. The following sighting was sent to me on the morning of July 24th, 2014 via Facebook. The young lady that submitted the information to me also included drawings of what she saw. She was, at one time, involved in paranormal research herself. Following is the report as she sent it to us.
“ Okay, here is what happened to me last night on my way home from church bible study. I was driving in the country, and way out in a field I saw three lights, one smaller one on top and two below that were a bit bigger, kind of like a triangle shape.
At first I thought it was a combine, because they do farm in the dark at times. Then I realized the lights were way too far up to be a combine, they were above tree height. It got closer and it was coming quickly. I was afraid that this “whatever” thing was going to run over me.
this is kinda what the lights looked like from the front across the field
the top one is what it looked like going by me and the bottom is what i could see as it approached me… hope this helps
I stopped my car, turned down the radio all the way, and it came across the road and across the next field really fast. There were no other lights, just those three in the front. From what I saw, when it went in front of me, there was a rounded top, down to two flat wings that went the entire side of whatever it was. It didn’t make much noise and I am not sure that the humming sound was the object or my car, from my radio or from the AC on my car, but it was so totally awesome!!!!
The lights disappeared after it shot past me. I tried to get to the end of the road, grab my phone at the same time and see if I could see it from the next road going west. I was going north at the time and the object went from east to west, probably took ten seconds if even that long to go from where I first saw it to where I lost sight of it.
I was on CC Hwy. just north of 10002. It was about 9:52 pm. I will try to post the pics of the drawings I made. They were terrible, but it’s the best I can do”
Something Strange Is Stalking Cows In North Carolina – UFO’s And Alien Beings. According to a reports filed with the Mutual UFO Network, there’s some very strange things happening in North Carolina recently.
Lost Ancient Technology In Peru: The Obvious Evidence
Lost Ancient Technology In Peru: The Obvious Evidence
The above photo is simply one example of many artifacts found in Peru, and especially the Cusco area which most tour guides and academics either can’t explain, or in some cases refuse to address.
And here we find another similar circular hole. Both are cut into very hard andesite stone, and how could they have been made by the Inca or other local culture that did not have tube drills, or even iron?
In the above photo you can see that in this Inca period wall we find rough local field stone, but also rectangular blocks which have clearly been shaped. The latter are probably from pre-Inca works made by an as yet mysterious advanced culture.
And the above photo clearly shows huge megalithic blocks of granite incorporated into an Inca period wall at Ollantaytambo. The Inca recycled the stone from the ruins of the so called Sun Temple, destroyed by an ancient cataclysm into their own temple works.
This very intriguing semi-circle is the only one of its kind, and was carved out of the bedrock at Killarumiyoq outside Cusco. Engineer Arlan Andrews, in the left of the photo believes it is a complex solar clock of some kind. Inca? Maybe.
Here we have Arlan Andrews and his son Sean inspecting a very large finely hewn stone in a park in Cusco. It was probably originally part of the Coricancha complex, the spiritual center of the Inca but most likely not made by them. Its original creators may have built Cusco thousands of years before.
And when you travel even farther from Cusco, away from the famous sites you encounter amazing places such as Saihuite, where these finely shaped massive stones are true enigmas, especially the one in behind that appears to have been snapped in two.
And finally in the above picture the score mark you see, horizontally may be an example of the ancient cutting technology used. However, why take my word for it? Come to Peru and see for yourself. I can be hired privately, or you can join our September tour below:
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Oliver's WebLog ( ENG en NL)
Bright UFO over Candelaria Valle Del Cauca, Colombia on 29th July 2014
Bright UFO over Candelaria Valle Del Cauca, Colombia on 29th July 2014
New interesting video footage of a bright UFO sighting recorded in the sky above Candelaria Valle Del Cauca, Colombia on 29th July 2014.
Witness said: July 9, 2014 at 5:40 am. Recorded at 5:40 a.m. over Colombia. This footage shows something strange That is not mars and possibly not From this solar system! Is it ET? The witness Seems to think so! Whats your opinions on this video?
Witness said: Three ‘orbs’ fly above cloud level over Berkshire, appearing within just 45 seconds of each other. Ist orb appear top right of screen at 3.03, second travels down from top centre through clearing in clouds at 0.12 whilst final one travels from left to bottom centre between gap in clouds a few second before the end of this video. Footage captured on a Nikon P300 facing directly up at sky with 50% zoom. Footage has been enhanced in iMovie and plays at normal speed. Recorded at around 3.30pm on July 29th
There are some unsettling conclusions reached by abduction researchers that are rarely mentioned in mainstream UFO reporting. Abduction researchers suggest, often based on decades of research, that there may be more going on with most UFO witnesses than simply seeing something unusual in the sky.
There is a wide continuum of what gets reported as a UFO. At one end of this spectrum are tiny dots of light making odd motions way off in the distance, but the source could be something perfectly terrestrial. On the other end of that same spectrum would be a close up sighting of a silvery flying saucer hovering silently just above the swing set in the back yard; which would be very difficult to dismiss as anything other than unknown.
David Marler
Author and researcher David Marler has been calling the more noteworthy sightings unambiguous UFOs. This implies something well beyond the tiny dots that make up the majority of the sightings reports.
Marler says, “I came up with the term unambiguous UFOs to separate descriptions of large, low-flying, structured aerial objects from the ubiquitous and ambiguous light in the sky UFO reports. I believe there is a huge distinction between the two that demands clarification.”
The late researcher Elaine Douglass collected UFO reports for MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) for more than a quarter century. When conducting an investigation she would ask the witnesses the standard set of questions for any sighting, what time, how big, and so on. She would then do a follow up interview with deeper, more personal questions, asking them to describe any unusual personal events. This simply involved asking: “So, what else, in your whole life, has ever happened to you that you cannot explain?” More often than not, a big story would emerge. She would hear the unusual events that would imply some sort of direct contact experiences. What she concluded was that over half the people who see UFOs are abductees.
Elaine Douglass
This may seem like a bold statement, but it’s very similar to what other investigators have concluded. Pioneering abduction researcher Budd Hopkins spoke openly that if someone sees a UFO they are most probably either seeing it arrive or leave, and there has been a missing time event covering an abduction. Hopkins has publicly speculated that there are probably more abductions than there are UFO sightings.
Abduction researcher Dr. David Jacobs said, “There is a reason for those UFOs in the sky, the phenomenon is far less random than we had once assumed. If people are seeing UFOs they are quite probably abductees.”
When I asked Jacobs what percentage of people who are seeing unambiguous UFOs are actually abductees, he replied, “The majority.” We discussed this and he seemed comfortable with the term majority, but he felt this was conservative and the real percentage might be much higher.
David Jacobs
Abduction researcher and hypnotherapist Yvonne Smith was asked this same question, What percentage of people who are reporting an unambiguous UFO sighting are actually abductees? She, like most everyone I’ve asked, felt it was impossible to come up with an actual percentage, but was quick to say the majority. She said, “Many of the close-up sightings will have clues that this was a probable contact experience, things like distorted or missing time, or a car engine sputtering and mysteriously stopping.”
Smith noted that someone who has seen a UFO sighting might experience nightmares, vivid dreams or recurring flashbacks in the weeks or months afterwords. She feels it is vital that any witness have access to a qualified therapist if any distressing memories emerge. Both Cero International on the West Coast and Starborn Support on the East coast could recommend resources for anyone seeking help.
When abduction researcher Kathleen Marden was asked the same question, she said she had no way of knowing what that percentage might be. But she did say, “I can tell you that 67% of the participants in the 2012 Marden-Stoner Commonalities Study stated that they consciously recalled (not with hypnosis), the observation of an unconventional craft at less than 1000 feet prior to an abduction.”
Kathleen Marden
This statistic can’t be seen as an indication of a percentage of whether or not a close encounter witnesses may have been abducted, but it is interesting. Marden also added that from her research, she feels anyone with more than one close up sighting of a craft has most probably had some sort of an abduction experience.
Joe Montaldo
Joe Montaldo is both a contactee and an abduction researcher. He runs an organization called ICAR (International Community for Alien Research) with a focus on the abduction phenomenon. Montaldo states that almost all UFO sightings are meant to be trigger memories, which are designed to let the witness know something happened.
Montaldo says, “ET never has to show himself to anybody. There is no need to ever let anyone see a craft, ever,” implying that their technology is so advanced that making their craft invisible is effortless, so if anyone actually sees a UFO it is because they want to be seen for a reason.
Montaldo went on to say, “I don’t think you can see a UFO if you’re not a contactee. Once you’ve been exposed to their telepathic fields or whatever they are, that’s how you can see them. It may not be easy [or possible] for us, but it’s easy for them.”
When asked to give a percentage of how many people who see a UFO are actually abductees, Joe said, “I’d put it at 100 percent”
Roger Marsh
Roger Marsh, Director of Communication for MUFON and also editor of their monthly journal, has been compiling and documenting UFO sighting reports gleaned from the MUFON Case Management System, which is an extensive database of witness reports. He also writes about UFOs for The Huffington Post, The Examiner and Open Minds.
When I asked Marsh this same question, “Off the top of my head, of the really good cases, I would say that maybe five percent of these would imply some sort of abduction event.” He went on to say he was judging these accounts by the written testimony of witnesses, where you sometimes get a clue like missing time within the reports. This is a much more conservative number than Montaldo’s sweeping 100 percent, but it is telling none the less. It should be noted that Marsh is not an abduction researcher like the other folks quoted here, he considers himself a UFO journalist instead.
What seems to be emerging, and this would be very difficult to quantify, is that the closer the UFO to the witness, the more likely an abduction event has occurred. The implication being that many, if not most UFO sightings have a buried abduction component.
I was working outside just after my lunch break. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed what looked to be a red-copper colored object in sky to my left. I stood up straight and really focused on the object. It appeared to have lights and a surface that reflected light off as metal does. It was also black at times as well. It appeared to hover for a while and very slowly travel on a path that changed slightly as it progressed through the sky. I have to stress one thing. The first time I noticed this thing, it was directly over the airport. My company is building condos and houses beside our cities airport and it is closed airspace. Nothing public or private can fly without authorization.
Which leads to why I was curious as to what this slow moving completely silent object was. At first I thought it to be a hot air balloon but I asked myself, “why would it be and who allowed it to fly directly over the airport and the landing strips?” That would create a chance of an airplane crashing into it or the ground. It took about 3 hours to get almost right over my head. As it was moving around and stopping during these hours, I began to notice it looked more like a metal upside down bell rather than an air balloon made from fabric. I really don’t claim to know what it is because I have never seen anything like it before. There was what looked like a bright light on it as well.
It never got any dimmer or changed color, but just stayed constant. It was completely silent as it traveled through the sky. I stopped randomly between working and tried the video recorder, but the object simply disappeared from sight. It would not show up on video. The object turned slightly as it moved but you guys tell me what this is. I couldn’t find any records of aerial pictures of city nor reports of anything happening at airport. When the object just simply disappeared and I could not see it anywhere in sky I thought this to be extremely weird. Seeing as it had taken so long to get to my location and I could see it anywhere in the horizon, it’s like it never happened really. After the object was gone, 2 army jets made multiple passes over the area. They returned then flew off again out of site only to return and do this again. I’m at a loss as to what I saw and am not discounting anything; as long as it’s realistic and logical.
The recent discovery of unexplained craters in the Russian tundra has create speculation worldwide. But this phenomena is not new. Similar events have occurred before…some within the past few years. Another incident took place in eastern Washington in 1984…then later in Norway:
Reindeer herders in Russia’s Far North have discovered yet another mysterious giant hole about 30 kilometers away from a similar one found days earlier.
Located in the permafrost of the subarctic Siberian region of Yamal, which means “end of the earth” in the local Nenets language, both craters appear to have been formed in recent years and have icy lakes at their bases.
Scientists who examined the first hole theorized that it could have been created when a mixture of water, salt and gas exploded underground, the Siberian Times news site reported.
The area, which has one of Russia’s richest deposits of natural gas, was covered by sea about 10,000 years ago, and vast salt deposits were left behind.
“Global warming, causing an alarming melt in the ice under the soil, released gas causing an effect like the popping of a Champagne cork,” the news report said, citing an expert at the Subarctic Scientific Research Center.
The first hole is estimated to be about 50 meters wide and 70 meters deep, with water from melting permafrost cascading down its sides into the icy deposit below.
The second hole is “exactly” like the first one, but “much smaller,” local lawmaker Mikhail Lapsui told the Interfax-Ural news agency. “Inside the crater itself, snow can be seen.” – The Moscow Times
One leading theory says that a pingo—an uplift of frozen ground linked to ancient Arctic lakes—may be at work here. This unique type of landform appears only in permafrost regions.
In this case, the holes could have been caused by an unusually large pingo, which have been known to explode, thanks to melting permafrost. This theory was put forth by an Australian polar scientist before the Russian team arrived at the first hole. –
I came across the following article from Pravda in March 2004 while researching sources on ultraterrestrial underground habitation. This may be related to the ‘cookie cutter’ phenomena that is occasionally reported even though this situation doesn’t quite match those other discoveries. There have been other terra firma related anomalies as well. I have posted different scenarios for you to compare and make your own conclusions:
Ufologists suppose, aliens land on Earth to take ground samples
One morning shepherd Pyotr Malinkin took his cows out to the pasture as usual. Having gone five kilometers into the field the man was shocked to find a huge hole in the ground six meters in diameter. The pit was not on the spot the day before, it appeared overnight. The shepherd said the animals were scared to approach the hole, they did not eat the grass nearby. Specialists of the Labyrinth public group to study anomalous phenomena went to examine the wonder in the field.
Local elderly women confirmed the large hole had appeared in the field indeed. They said the hole had a perfect round shape, as if someone took a huge lump of ground with a cup. Local townsfolk built a fence around the hole not to let curious people and cows fall down in it. The hole became a local place of interest: people come to see it and picnic nearby, others take photographs against its background.
As it turned out, the pit was not round, but oval. It does not look like an excavator pit: there are no bucket tracks on its walls, nothing is seen on the meadow around either – the ground is even. The pit is smooth and vertical inside. There is some water on the bottom of the 4,5-meter deep pit.
Specialists of the above-mentioned Labyrinth group believe the hole probably appeared as a result of UFO’s activities: aliens landed their spaceship on the meadow to take ground samples. However, ufologists failed to find any evidence to prove the landing of an extraterrestrial spacecraft. Ufologists also proposed the ground hole appeared as a result of a rare inexplicable natural phenomenon. An identical phenomenon occurred ten years ago in the Ryazan region, when a huge crater reminiscent of a shell-hole appeared in the ground near the Sasovo village. Nobody was able to explain the appearance of the pit. Such hole appeared before in the Rostov and Tula regions of Russia.
Local townsfolk told Labyrinth ufologists there was a larger ground hole two kilometers far. It appeared decades ago. Elderly people say village residents used to sacrifice sacks of grain throwing them in the hole to pacify ‘something’ under the ground. During the Soviet years they used to throw branches and stones in the hole, but they never managed to cover it. Ufologists tried to find the pit, but they could not find the mysterious pit – numerous trees and bushes have grown in the field.
Local people said there was another mysterious object in their countryside. They said there is an ‘angry spring’ on the stream nearby. When a person comes to the spring to take some water, it starts ‘boiling.’ If one starts talking near the spring, the water in it boils harder and harder. There used to be a church on the spot where the spring appeared. Legends say the church went under the ground when Napoleon’s army was advancing in the region in 1812.
The Kaluga region is located on limestone soil. Ground waters can dissolve such soil, creating limestone caves, the vaults of which may tumble down at times. This can be an explanation how the village church went under the ground. It is not ruled out mysterious holes appear for the same reason – the ground was probably sucked in a limestone cave. These holes, ufologists believe, are of the terrestrial origin, although it is hard to explain why the walls of the pits are perfectly smooth and even. – Pravda
Click for video Weird news report from 1984 near Grand Coulee Dam in Eastern Washington:
No one can figure out how, but a chunk of earth weighing tons was plucked out of a wheat field, as though someone used “a giant cookie cutter,” and put down, right side up, 73 feet away. “All we know for sure is that this puzzle piece of earth is 73 feet away from the hole it came out of,” said Greg W. Behrens, a geologist with the Bureau of Reclamation at Grand Coulee Dam.
Scientists now believe that the “Cookie Cutter Phenomenon” is caused by two seismic events intersecting, creating constructive interference, and ejecting out a small chunk of earth.
Strange Happening – Scientists are baffled by big ‘mystery hole’
Two articles on the Washington state 1984 event:
No one can figure out how, but a chunk of earth weighing tons was plucked out of a wheat field, as though someone used “a giant cookie cutter,” and put down, right side up, 73 feet away. “All we know for sure is that this puzzle piece of earth is 73 feet away from the hole it came out of,” said Greg W. Behrens, a geologist with the Bureau of Reclamation at Grand Coulee Dam. The displaced slab, mostly soil held together by roots, is about 10 feet long and 7 feet wide. Its thickness varies from 2 feet at one end to about 18 inches at the other. The shape and thickness of the piece exactly match the hole that was left behind, just like a piece in a jigsaw puzzle, though it was rotated about 20 degrees. There are no marks to indicate machines were used, the Seattle Times reported Friday, and the land is fairly flat. “You’d think that, whatever the cause, the chunk would have traveled in a straight line,” said Don Aubertin, director of mining for the Colville Indians, whose reservation is near the site. However, a scientist “found where pieces had dribbled from the chunk as it moved. The dribblings traced an arc from the hole to where the chunk was found.” The site is on a farm in north-central Washington operated by Fred Timm and his sons. Two of the sons, Rick and Pete, discovered the displaced earth Oct. 18 while rounding up cattle in an area known as “haystack rocks,” where huge boulders were left by a glacier that covered the area thousands of years ago. The Timms believe the chunk was moved sometime after mid-September, when they harvested wheat in that field. There was a small earthquake in the area during that one-month period, at 8:24 p.m. Oct. 9. It measured 3.0 on the Richter scale of ground movement, and its epicenter was about 20 miles southwest of the displaced earth. However, University of Washington scientists ruled out the possibility that the quake somehow could have moved the chunk. The work of a meteorite also has been ruled out. “There was no sign of impact,” Aubertin said. “The hole was not a crater. It had vertical walls and a fairly flat bottom. It was almost as if it had been cut out with a giant cookie cutter.” But even that couldn’t have left such a hole, he added, because roots from plants in the piece that was moved still dangled from the walls of the hole, indicating they were torn apart rather than cut. Behrens wondered if bedrock could have focused the earthquake’s seismic waves on the displaced chunk.Focusing can occur, said UW geologist Stephen Malone, but it could not provide enough energy.
Washington State’s Mystery Hole
Fred Timm owns a farm on the Colville Indian Reservation in northeastern Washington. Nothing notable had happened on the farm for a month during the wheat harvest which had begun in mid-September of 1984. However, a small earthquake, 3.0 on the Richter scale did occur on October 9, 1984, at 8:24 p.m. But that event was far away, 20 miles to the southwest of the Timm farm.
So what was the explanation for the mysterious hole that Fred Timm’s sons, Rick and Pete, found on October 18, 1984? Rick and Pete were on horseback that day rounding up cattle for their father. They were next to a wheat field on the Colville Indian Reservation north of the Columbia River when they spotted something. Approaching closer, they saw a hole in the ground. The hole was 10 feet long and 7 feet wide and roughly pear-shaped. The north end of the hole was about one-and-a-half feet deep; the south end was two feet deep. Curious, the men dismounted and studied the hole and then looked around on foot. Seventy-three feet northwest of the hole was a huge chunk of earth shaped like the hole. The chunk of earth had been deposited largely intact with a counterclockwise rotation of about 20 degrees in relation to the hole. There was a scattering of fingernail-size soil particles, like “dribblings,” occasionally found on the ground across the 73-foot distance.
The Timm family contacted Don Aubertin, director of mining for the Colville Indian Tribe. Aubertin, thinking the hole had been caused by a meteorite strike, contacted Bill Utterbach. A geologist retained by the Colville Indians, Utterbach examined the area and said about the hole: “It had vertical walls and a fairly flat bottom. It was almost as though it had been cut out with a giant cookie cutter.” The estimated weight of the chunk of topsoil was 3 tons! But the massive “divot” of soil did not appear to have been cut out of the ground. There was no sign of shearing of the soil. Dangling from the walls of the cavity were roots of vegetation, not cut, but torn. The block of earth did not appear to have been dragged or rolled. Something manmade would have been needed to lift the chunk and transport it, but there were no machinery marks on the ground. Greg Behrens stepped forward. A geologist with the United States Bureau of Reclamation at Grand Coulee Dam, he examined the block of earth and the local geology. He noted that the site of the hole was over a glacial basin about 100 feet by 150 feet formed by strata that had sagged during the melting of an ancient ice pack.
Behrens wondered if the earthquake of October 9 had triggered concentric surface waves, which converging, could have ejected the soil. Stephen Malone of the University of Washington, chuckled. The 3.0 quake, 20 miles southwest of the hole, had been four miles below the surface of the earth. Malone said that if the quake displaced the earth, ” it would be the most dramatic and obvious thing ever reported that I’m aware of.” It was “very, very unlikely” that an earthquake was the culprit. Behrens admitted that his idea was stretching it. Although focusing of seismic waves does occur, “nothing this large has been documented.” He felt most geophysicists would reject his idea. So he looked for other explanations: A freak tornado ripping out the block. No, no swirling of vegetation evident. A complex freezing action causing the block to be lifted up and moved by strong winds. No, the temperature was warm at the time. A gas explosion, like methane. No, no methane in the area. A meteorite ripping the block out. No, the hole did not resemble a crater, and the block was not shattered. Clever people using a large crane excavating the block out; or people freezing the ground, excavating the block out, and sliding it 73 feet; or a helicopter to lift the mass out. H’hhmm; no, extremely expensive with no profits. As Behrens said, “Mr. Timm is quite reserved and wishes no notoriety from all of this. The area is so remote that it would never become a tourist trap.”
Perhaps not unexpected was the UFO theory. Behrens came across stories of UFO sightings from local residents. One person talked of a farmer who found a circular burned area, 30 feet in diameter, near his combine as if something had set down and scorched the ground. The Aerial Phenomena Research Organization had a report of “a meteor” in the vicinity of the hole on October 13. Local residents told Behrens that at the time of the earthquake they had felt an extreme air shock with it, much more than a sonic blast. The residents had felt ground motion after the air blast. A roar described as an approaching freight train preceded the blast with the doppler effect afterwards. Curiously, in 1979 Bruce Kaliser, Utah state engineering geologist, while doing a routine field check following a 3.5 earthquake near the Utah-Idaho border, was alerted by farmers to a mysterious hole outside Portage, Idaho. The hole was shaped like a cross and entirely undisturbed. It was about 14 feet in diameter. Each arm had two furrows, and each arm had cracks parallel to the furrows, radiating out from the center of the cross. The Idaho slab, unlike the Washington slab, was broken into pieces. To date, no one has explained the “mystery hole” of Washington. Some type of rare earthquake-related phenomenon, or ? The Cookie-Cutter Phenomenon seems to be the ultimate fortean anomaly, it cries out for some kind of simple, rational explanation, but on further consideration it’s baffling in a very thorough way.
The divot from an Andøva moor Yes, the cookie-cutter phenomenon has left its mark again: more mysterious divots and holes in the ground. T. Jo nassen has sent us a study of the phenomenon published in Ottar, a publication of the Tromse Museum, in Norway. Even better, he has provided a translation, from which we quote a few paragraphs: “About 1 km SE of Skogvollvatnet (a lake), at Skogvollmyra (a moor), a slab of turf 5.2 m long and 1.8 m wide, has, in an apparently inexplicable manner, torn itself loose from its ‘mother turf’ and placed itself 4-5 m away. The slab of turf is completely undamaged and is placed with the right side up. The piece of turf has rotated 20-30 degrees compared to the original hole. The hole in the moor is absolutely even at the bottom, and the angle between the bottom and its walls is 90 degrees. The hole is 30-35 cm deep, and its edges are nicely cut. “From the hole there is a crack running westwards for about 6 m. Close to the hole this crack is somewhat widened, and one side of the crack twists itself 25-30 cm above the other. This twisting decreases as one gets further from the hole. The crack gradually subsides, and it is hard to tell exactly where it ends. “About 12 m NW of the hole there is an arched crack of about 15 m lying with its concave side towards the hole. It is plainest in the middle. Here the side closest to the hole has been twisted upwards about 15 cm. Here also the crack gradually disappears at both ends. There is an open hollow beneath the part which has been twisted upwards, about 30 cm below the surface. One theory has lightning creating a steam explosion from underground water. If this were the case, one would expect to find some fusion of the earth and more havoc wrought to the divot. “The slab of turf has an area of about 5 m2 and this should give a weight of between 1500-1700 kg.”
Top image: The divot from an Andøva moor. Above image: One theory has lightning creating a steam explosion from underground water. If this were the case, one would expect to find some fusion of the earth and more havoc wrought to the divot
*************************************************************** Strange Holes Discovered in Krasnoyarsk Region
Residents of Novoselovo district in the Krasnoyarsk region have come across a mysterious phenomenon in the field. They discovered several tunnels of unknown origin in an area located some 100 meters away from the highway connecting the cities of Krasnoyarsk and Abakan, in the vicinity of the village of Kurgany, Siberian News Agency reports.
There are about 10 holes in the field. Each hole has an entrance to a cave-like hollow place in the earth. Some of the tunnels are big enough for a person of medium height to stand up straight. According to one of the suppositions, all the underground passages are interconnected in a network. A few daredevils equipped with flashlights attempted walking across the tunnels.
Local residents have a number of theories to explain the origin of the tunnels. Some people believe the tunnels are the work of unidentified pranksters, others blame mysterious animals which reportedly dig holes in the ground. According to yet another theory, the tunnels may somehow be related to an earthquake that occurred in the area 3 years ago.
Krasnoyarsk scientists have not yet made any official statements as to the explanation of the phenomenon.
In Siberia, human groans heard from a super deep hole drilled on a plateau between the Aral and Caspian seas were recorded and sent to the Soviet Academy of Sciences for further studies. But researchers did not take the mystical phenomena seriously, and the record was lost.
Almost all religions of the planet say that there is some underground realm. At that, each religion has its peculiar description of the realm. Some elements of the description however are typical of all religions. First of all, the population of the underground realm consists of ‘masters’ and people who get there after their death. Second, people get under the surface in the form of shadows, souls and others known today as clots of information and energy fields. Third, the ‘masters’ and sometimes the souls posses unique information about the past and even about the future. To obtain this information one has either to send his soul to the underground realm like Siberian shamans do, or help the shadows become visible and audible for some time. In ancient Greece there were special rituals involving obligatory blood shed.
Esoteric experts state that the bloody rituals were first of all connected with the unique energetic and informational saturation of blood. Attempts to obtain the information possessed by the ‘masters’ of the underground world were taken in all epochs and even in the modern time.
Russian researcher Nikolay Rerich was the first to organize an expedition to the legendary area of Shambala inhabited by wise ‘teachers’ and concealed from people’s eyes under the Himalayan Mountains. He successfully conducted the expedition and brought a message from the ‘teachers’ especially for the Soviet Government. Gleb Bokiy from the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs (earlier the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission) also planned an expedition to the mysterious Shambala. The preparation was controlled by the Commissariat Head Felix Dzerzhinsky. When the latter died financing of the project was stopped. It is known that Germany’s Waffen SS of the Third Reich also organized expeditions to Shambala. The structure and objectives of the organization resembled so much those of the mystical orders that existed in Germany before WWII. The organization, as well as the orders, wanted to keep it secret that creatures with superhuman power existed deep under the surface.
The creatures employed meditation and self-discipline to gain power over the natural phenomena and attain the level of Gods. When Adolph Hitler, who as some researchers believe possessed extrasensory capabilities, came to power he supported the idea of a Hollow Earth and even made it official. Russian researcher of the occult magic of fascist Germany Sergey Zubkov states that race clearing in the Third Reich and organization of secret societies were meant to help the mysterious ‘masters’ out from under the surface for active participation in reorganization of the world.
SS even had a special structure for collecting mystical information of the secret societies that at that time existed in Germany and employed the information for researches aimed to create a mystical weapon for solution of war problems. The organization sent expeditions to Tibet and the Himalayas.
The first expedition searching for Shambala started in 1931. The expedition failed to discover the way to the underground world but it brought lots of Tibetan manuscripts to Germany which proved that the ‘mysterious’ masters actually existed under the surface. Later, the organization sent even more expeditions to the area. Who are the mysterious creatures living under the surface and where could they come from? President of the Association of Engineer Biolocation Vladimir Khlopkov is absolutely sure that some sentient beings live under the surface. Ten years ago, he conducted some kind of a brain storm of the planet’s interior.
The most experienced operators of the Association used biolocation frames to find the traces of intellect under the surface. The researchers said that they found out intellect at the depth of 200 kilometers under the surface. Khlopkov explained it was a strong intellect but alien to humans. It is clear that albuminous bodies cannot survive under the huge pressure of rocks and terribly high temperatures under the surface. It is highly likely that the discovered intellect is concentrated in some informational and energy clusters. Later, Vladimir Khlopkov discovered several places on the planet’s surface where the intellect probably got out on the surface.
One of the areas was in the town of Zelenograd very close to Moscow. Biolocation operators came across strange formations there during ground tests and at first called them “traces of UFO landing”. When studied closer the traces revealed coincidence with a deep break that geophysics also discovered there. Every evening operators observed a strange biological field creep out from the break and move at a speed of 90 cm per second towards Zelenograd. Little by little the field filled up the whole of the town. In some time, the field began to withdraw at the same speed back to the deep break. The entire of the cycle took about 3.5 hours. Khlopkov said that the field was reading the information in people’s memory.
In the Russian republic of Khakassia, there is the Kashkulakskaya Cave, the name means ‘the cave of a black devil’, in the Mountains of Kuznetsky Alatau. For many years, researchers from the Novosibirsk Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the Academy of Medical Sciences regularly came to the place to study the strange phenomena that occurred to people staying in the cave for a long period of time. Visitors of the cave were at regular intervals gripped with horror that made them rush to the exit. At that, those people had optical hallucinations that were the same with all people: they saw an elderly man wearing a shaggy horned cap and with his eyes sparkling.
Researchers fixed high-precision magnetometers and other appliances outside and inside of the cave; they compared the indications of the devices with the emotions experienced by people in the cave. It turned out that bursts of a higher magnetic field fixed with the devices coincided with the moments when people felt nervous. At that, devices fixed outside the cave precisely on its outline registered no changes at the time when there was a magnetic storm inside of the cave.
Some researchers participating in the experiment supposed that they came across some kind of a radio-range beacon complying with a strange program and sending signals vertically up, right into the cosmos. May it be so that the mysterious creatures living under the surface came from the space and used the signals for communication with other beings that stayed there in their home? –
Sources: Dybwik, Dagfinn, and Møller, Jakob J.; “Phenomenon in an Andøya Moor – An Insoluble Mystery?”
Roundway Hill, Nr Devizes, Wiltshire, United Kingdom.
THis is one amazing crop pattern – a spiral connected to a central sun possibly, there is definately a message in this and a very strong vibration in this intentional pattern – for those with eyes to see and time to think about it.
St.Paul, MN – 7/29/2014: I was looking up into the sky, like I usually do when I’m outside. I saw what at first I thought was a plane moving pretty fast way in the hell up there but something looked off about the shape. I went inside and grabbed my Nikon D3100 with a 55-200 MM zoom lens to get a better look.
It was moving pretty fast, think cruising speed, made no sound and was pretty high up there so it had to be a decent size.
It was moving in a straight line so is was not a drifting balloon – besides it moved too fast for that though I understand that wind speeds up there are not the same at ground level. – MUFON CMS
More mulch churned up by deer and by whatever made those 4-5 inch tracks, a strange “paw” print on the house siding, and a family even more perplexed about what’s lurking literally in their back yard–these were what fellow investigator Jay Bachochin and I found on a return to the residential site in Hartland where a woman saw a six-foot tall, upright wolf-like creature cross her back yard at 1:30 a.m. the night of July 17-18, 2014.
I invited Bachochin, founder of the WPI (Wisconsin Paranormal Investigators) to help conduct a more thorough search of the grounds. The owners also graciously invited us to use their deck for a late night stakeout. We were able to sit quietly in the dark with a perfect view of the yard, cameras at the ready, and confirmed that the eyewitness would indeed have been able to see and identify a large creature from that position. We also spent some time viewing the neighborhood by foot and by car to see just how much cover there was for a large predator — and found a surprising amount of wooded ground that would allow it to make its rounds and then escape to a freeway corridor (US Hwy 16) when ready to return to the lake-and-park-rich surrounding area. Read more at Linda Godfrey
My bosses want me fired because I believe in ghosts
A Department of Veterans Affairs cop, convinced his former New Jersey workplace is haunted by evil spirits, says the feds are using his belief in ghosts as an excuse to fire him, The Post has learned.
The spooky story pits Valdo Vaher, 48, a retired Army sergeant and former lieutenant in the New York Guard, against the VA, where he began working in 2006. Vaher, who lives in Rockland County, defiantly insists otherworldly phenomena are real.
“This seems strange to some people, but for religious Catholics like myself, many feel as I do about this — that there are spirits in the world and they sometimes show themselves and are more likely to be doing this in and around hospitals, where people suffer and die,” he told The Post.
The VA initiated a long and bitter legal battle to permanently exorcise Vaher because, it charges, he’s basically too crazy to be a cop.
At one point he actually was fired. But in 2013, a judge for the Merit Systems Protection Board in Washington ordered he be re-hired.
As part of a settlement, he was reassigned from the Manhattan VA Hospital to a facility in East Orange, NJ.
In February, he was stripped of his gun, placed on modified duty and reassigned to another New Jersey facility for “making bizarre statements and displaying unusual behaviors,” according to a letter from VA Deputy Police Chief Bernais McNeil.
Vaher was chided for giving a hair-raising talk to a rookie colleague about how their East Orange command was haunted by “evil spirits” — comments the agency suggested posed a safety risk to his co-workers and warranted his dismissal.
“You should stay away from certain areas here because there are evil spirits. I will give you some holy salts to ward off these evil spirits,” Vaher is quoted as having told the rookie.
Vaher is also alleged to have said, “Watch out for certain trees because they have faces and I just have a bad vibe with them” and “People around this area are animals.”
Vaher, who holds dual US-Estonian citizenship and who served in that country’s military, was an MP at West Point for nearly a decade and worked as a civilian observer in Kosovo for the State Department in 1998, a position that required him to brief the White House on a daily basis.
Vaher’s lawyer, Alan Wolin, accused the VA of “using psychology as a weapon, just like in the old Soviet Union” and insists the agency doesn’t stand a ghost of a chance of winning its case against him.
“They’ve been targeting him since Day One,” he said. “The bottom line is that they tried and failed to fire him twice before and we’re extremely confident we’ll win again.”
The VA formally notified Vaher this month of its latest plan to cast him out.
But Vaher still won’t back away from his claims that the VA’s East Orange site is haunted by ghostly apparitions.
“There are many people who work there who would tell you privately that there are spirits in that place and lots of them,” he said.
“There’s a lot of paranormal activity there. The police know it. The janitors know it. And the nursing people know it. They all know it — especially the people who work the night shift,” he said.
I like hiking. It’s a relaxing activity for me. I just walk over rugged terrain and think about what’s happened, what’s happening and most importantly, what’s going to happen. I’d been an avid hiker all my life, but, we moved to Kansas, my family and I. Not much opportunity for a good hike. So I always leap at the offer of going to see my cousins because they lived in Colorado and it had mountains and whatnot. I never carry a walking stick when I hike, I’m young and agile and don’t really need one.
Going on these hikes I always expected to meet at least one person, but I usually met a lot more. So you can see why I was concerned when I didn’t see a soul on the mountain. Well, I say I didn’t see anyone, but almost right when I started I saw a shoe. A size 8 women’s shoe. One shoe.
I had heard of the Vancouver feet so I hesitated to look inside for the shoe size. No severed foot. Just a shoe. But I did notice rustling leaves as I neared the shoe, shrugging it off thinking it was a bird or something. I took the shoe because I like to return things to their rightful owner. Like when I see someone drop their keys on the way out of a busy place I rush to get them to the person. I’m a nice guy. But once I picked up the shoe, I heard above me some twigs snapping and they fell to the ground. I looked up only to see the sunlight peaking through the trees. So whatever was up there was hidden by sunlight. Today was a clear day not a cloud in the sky. Beautiful. I continued on with the shoe. It’s probably good to mention I only had a pack of about 4 water bottles and a couple granola bars. So in short, not much stuff. About, 15 minutes later (I can’t measure distance with time), I found a water bottle, empty. I hate litter so I picked it up and didn’t think anything of it. Again I heard birds in the trees, they seemed to be following me.
I had gone a while and was thinking about my girlfriend and how I could tell her for the first time that I loved her, because I did and I knew she did, me. But I saw another empty shoe, a men’s size 11. I picked it up and that’s when I noticed the sun went dim. I looked up expecting clouds but that didn’t make sense it was a clear day. Instead I saw a man. In the trees. He wasn’t sitting on a branch but he was like a cat upside down as the tree would go up, clinging to it with abnormally large nails. He had a big scraggly beard, a full head of hair and a thin almost starved body. He was naked but I didn’t see anything extra, if you know what I mean. It was bare. Like a doll.
He wasn’t a doll though he was very human(ish). He didn’t act like it though. He was licking his lips as though he hadn’t eaten in weeks. He looked the part, too. Although I couldn’t see his face, I could hear him smacking his lips. I decided it wasn’t a good idea to talk to him. But he had made an effort to be noticed. I wasn’t scared for my life I was frightened at the pose he took as he landed on the ground. His arms were outstretched until his elbows bent 90 degrees to support himself with his hands. His legs were the exact same, they were abnormally positioned for legs.
He (I don’t know how else to say this) skittered towards me. His hair had always been in his face ever since the tree. But he looked up at me. His eyes were dark green all over. His nose was misshapen as if broken. His smile was big but not inhumanly big. The thing that made me fear for my life was his teeth. They were inhuman. They were pointed like a wild animal and stained red in some places and yellow in others. I dropped the shoes and booked it.
I didn’t look back, I didn’t have to, he dropped from the trees right in front of me. I did my darnedest not to run into him for fear that he’d take a chunk out of me. I slid to a stop. He let out a blood curdling howl as a coyote would once it had caught it’s prey. I assumed that wasn’t in his best interest because after that I heard shouting and the thing skittered off down the mountain then up a tree. Gone from sight. I was petrified there until the shouting came from off the trail and in front of me. The forest rangers, there were two, were barking questions at me. “Did you touch him?” “Did you talk to him?” “Did he talk to you?” All these sort of things. I said shakily, “n-no” the forest ranger had a shotgun with him and his buddy, probably his partner, had some kind handgun. I’m no expert in guns. The mountain man had made his appearance to me and from what I understand from the rangers, he won’t stop hunting. I’m not going hiking by myself again. –
“My neighbor, Lucia Segovia, has even had stones thrown at her house because she’s been told the midgets hide there, and that we’re concealing them,” said local resident Osvaldo Piñeyro.
Subsequent Manifestations
Next, we shall mention only a few incidents subsequent to the matters discussed in this report, which in some way reflect certain similarities both in the description of the beings observed as well as their erratic and unusual behavior.
In December 1983, in the city of Gobernador Ingeniero Valentin Virasoro in the Department of Santo Tomé, Province of Corrientes, several children reportedly saw green, one-eyed creatures in the vicinity of an abandoned house, describing them as “some 60 centimeters tall, wrinkled skin and with piercing gazes.” (6)
During the month of April 1984, several residents of Coghlan, a neighborhood to the north of Buenos Aires, claimed having had face-to-face encounters with the little men, and not only green ones. According to these reports, the creatures sighted were sometimes orange in color, and described as “cute and kindly.” (7)
In August 1988, at School No. 35 (Perito Moreno) in the city of Mar del Plata, several students of that institution claimed having seen small green men. According to their stories, midgets standing some 60 to 80 centimeters tall were seen over three or four consecutive days in the yard, on the rooftops, in the bathrooms or on the water tanks. Despite the students’ claims, school authorities paid no mind to the situation, dismissing it as childish fantasy.
That very same year in Pergamino, on October 28 and around 0:30 hours, a group of four friends witnessed the presence of several little men, describing them as follows: “They were 5 or 6 little men, some 70 centimeters tall, naked, with a single eye, hairless, moving their arms and with three fingers on their hands. They had no wrists and we could not see their feet.”
Additional Thoughts
The case of the little green men left its mark on society, serving as a trigger for subsequent reports of manifestations in various locations, as we have seen. The term even gained popularity due to the famous rock group [Los enanitos verdes] that formed in the city of Mendoza in 1979. But contrary what can be thought a priori, the group took its name from another case that occurred in Mendoza in 1979. This is how Felipe Staiti, guitarist for Los Enanitos Verdes, tells the story: “The year was 1979 and a family of tourists took a photo while visiting Puente del Inca in Mendoza. Upon developing the photo, the family noticed some little green men beside them. No one saw them when the shot was taken, but there they were after the film was developed. This event achieved notoriety and appeared in the local press, and some even say the photo was even sent to NASA to ascertain its authenticity. Whether it was a legend or fact, a journalist friend of ours christened our new group Los Enanitos Verdes of Puente del Inca, and that’s how it appeared in the first chronicle. Band members opted for the first half of the name: “Los Enanitos Verdes”, but they could just as easily have called themselves Puente del Inca.”
The media reached the scene and from there, day after day, confected reports for television news programs that kept viewers in suspense, anxious for more adventures about the reporter of the moment (8). Another aspect to be highlighted were the recent and major movie releases concerning alien beings (some of them truly successful at the national and global level) whose main characters had the characteristic of displaying the typical aspect of the small humanoid.” (9)
There are those who consider – in view of the situation described above – and the media efforts at disseminating these events in an overblown manner and with dubious intent, played a major role in firing the imagination, reflected in the eyewitness accounts, leading people to concoct suggestive stories and narratives. However, stories and narratives of “encounters with strange beings” are not exclusive to our present society or culture. A glimpse at old legends and myths from a variety of cultures should suffice to find several suggestive similarities with such fantastic apparitions.
Thus, in the same way it all started, disturbing the peace of the neighborhood, mobilizing residents and curiosity-seekers alike, creating unusual situations that were not exempt from moments of violence and lack of control, there was no further talk of the diminutive intruders one fine day, leaving behind one of the most bizarre and curious stories regarding the alleged presence of non-human beings in our midst.
(1) Mirta, the boy’s mother, says the following about him: “He is very serious for his age and doesn’t lie”, when questioned by reporters for “Shock” magazine.
(2) Marta B. Peyrou de Patinni (psychologist, parapsychologist and archaeologist) appeared on the scene, claiming to belong to the International Cosmobiological Institute for Extraterrestrial Experience, alleging having captures strange sounds and images of large-headed figures through the use of infrared photography.
(3) The message conveyed by the leader of the little men begins by saying: I am Clatú, and belong to the Astra-Galactica Commandery, we have made you come here to give you a message for all mankind. In another instance we did the same on 26 November at 05:00 post meridiem. Many will remember the time and place on the planet where our message was heard.”
(4) Note the similarity between the name “Clatú” with Klaatu, the alien protagonist of “The Day The Earth Stood Still” (1951)
(5) Annoyed residents state: “What happens here at night is not to be believed. Older boys throw stones and even fire shots […]
(6) A member of the group, who preferred to remain anonymous, said the “little green man appeared to want to tell us something, but when we approached, he ran in fear into the fields.” Revista Alternativa Ovni No. 3, November 2013, p.11.
(7) One of the female interviewees said the following in “Libre” magazine in 1984: “I approached the little men because they inspired trust. They’re very calm despite their rapid movements. They were gathered by the fallen tree. We spent a long time together. It turns out there are little men and little women, and we were all together making love.”
(8) Tiempo magazine for 03.18.2007 made a brief summary of what went on there: “José de Zer prepared a new report for Nuevediario every day; blurry photos of the beings that must unquestionably be extraterrestrials were published in the press. A policeman patrolling the area asked for medical leave on account of having been bitten by one of these creatures. A boy saw one at the school at 72nd and 19th, and classes were called off. Even one of the school secretaries was attacked by the little man, also causing her to request leave. The news went beyond the borders. Researchers from the Swedish UFO Institute arrived to study the phenomenon, but the little men never turned up and the Swedes had all of their equipment stolen (could it have been a little man?). Others took the opportunity to make a little money, like Loco Córdoba, who sold little dolls of “Luciano el Marciano” (Lucian the Martian). Founders of the LUS cult were not to be left behind and called a press conference to say that they had sustained direct communications with “the captain of the spacecraft” and that they were “time travelers.” The cult’s leader, one Andrade, had no luck with his pronouncements. He was prosecuted by the law for defamation of character. People began to lose faith in the little green men. As the phenomenon ran out of steam over time, Jose de Zer went to find UFOs at Mount Uritorco. Loco Córdoba didn’t sell another doll, and no one went camping or spoke again of Martians or midgets in Villa Montoro.”
(9) On 23 December 1982, Spielberg’s E.T. opened at theaters. In this movie, a small space visitor strikes up a friendship with a group of children. On 14 July 1983, the movie “El Extraterrestre”, a parody of the Spielberg film, starring Alberto Olmedo and Jorge Porcel, opened nationwide in theaters. On 8 December 1983, The Return of the Jedi by George Lucas, third installment of the Star Wars movies, opened in theaters. In this movie, Master Yoda appears prominently. He is a diminutive being with aged features, pointed ears and green skin.
[Translation (c) 2014 Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology]
A California witness at San Simeon reported photographing an unexplained object while touring the famous Hearst Castle, according to July 30, 2014, testimony in Case 58513 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
Witness photograph. (Credit: MUFON)
The witness was touring the property designed by architect Julia Morgan for newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst and was taking photographs about 11:15 a.m. on July 25, 2014. Two days later while reviewing images on a computer, the witness noticed an anomaly in one photograph.
“One picture of the towers on the front of the Hearst mansion had a bird flying in it so I zoomed in to look at the bird and noticed an unidentifiable object towards the top of the picture,” the witness stated. “It does not have wings and appears to be a ‘typical’ flying saucer type object. I did not notice this object when I was actually taking the pictures and no one in my family noticed it that day which leads me to believe it was not making any sound or was too high to be heard.”
Photograph provided by the witness with the UFO circled. (Credit: MUFON)
Close-up of the object. (Credit: MUFON)
The witness included two images with the MUFON report: Image 1 and Image 2.
Hearst Castle swimming pool. (Credit: Stan Shebs/Wikimedia Commons)
The witness is curious if the object in the photo can be identified. California MUFON is investigating. California has a current UFO Alert Rating of 2 with a high number of recent reports nationally. California had 107 June reports and was the highest reporting state. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 150 or more reports for the month are rated an Alert 1; states with 100 or more reports are rated an Alert 2; 25 reports or more for the month are rated an Alert 3; 13 or more reports are rated an Alert 4; and those states with less than 13 reports for the month are an Alert 5.
A Wright County, MO, radio station employee filed a report for a local listener who experienced a recent cattle mutilation, according to July 28, 2014, testimony in Case 58460 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
“He checks his cattle every day and the other day one of his calves were missing from the herd,” the reporting witness stated. “He couldn’t find it that day, but the next day he noticed a buzzard and went to that area and found the calf in a creek bed.”
The witness described the animal’s condition.
“All the internal organs were gone. It was drained of all blood and there was nothing left but hide and bones. He said there was a smell like a butcher shop has.”
Hearing of other animal mutilations in the area, the rancher has relocated his herd.
“He moved all his herd to another area and has sold all the calves he could as he heard that his neighbor has lost 15 calves the same way this calf has died.”
Wright County is located in the southern portion of Missouri, population 18,815. The incident occurred on July 15, 2014.
Missouri State Director Debbie Ziegelmeyer is investigating. Missouri has a current UFO Alert Rating of 3 with a high number of recent reports nationally. Missouri had 29 UFO reports in June 2014 – the 4th highest reporting state – while California had 107 reports as the highest reporting state. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 150 or more reports for the month are rated an Alert 1; states with 100 or more reports are rated an Alert 2; 25 reports or more for the month are rated an Alert 3; 13 or more reports are rated an Alert 4; and those states with less than 13 reports for the month are an Alert 5.
Don Berliner, former NICAP investigator and director of the mostly dormant Fund For UFO Research, has some ideas on how to jump-start a sober re-evaluation of The Great Taboo that doesn't involve new research: Declassify all the Project Blue Book files (yes, some are still censored more than 40 years later), assemble a team of independent credentialed scientists to render evaluations on the true unknowns, case by case, and air them out in the contemporary public arena. No doubt the effort would run into some bucks, but the cases would come from official government files. And non-government panelists wouldn't likely shy away from criticizing the slipshod work of another federal agency.
De Void rarely features guest bloggers, but at 84, Berliner merits some space here, meager though it be. So here's Don:
Why not use original government data to get it right the second time around?/CREDIT:
For the past several decades, the private UFO community hasn't moved one inch closer to solving the greatest mystery of the past century. Even worse, we've lost almost all our ability to influence the opinions of members of the scientific community, the mainstream media and most of the governments of the world.
We reached our peak in the mid-1960's when the 14,000-member National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), under the inspired leadership of Donald Keyhoe and Richard Hall, had established highly effective relationships with those vital elements of our society. The media, in particular, regularly came to NICAP for facts and guidance. Today, with two national organizations each collecting more than 500 UFO/UAP reports a month, it would be hard to find a reporter who has any clue that such is happening, with the result being that the public has no idea that strange craft are still being seen.
NICAP's facts were produced by the highly qualified and experienced members of carefully selected investigative sub-committees who went out into the field to find out what had actually happened, not to reinforce anyone's preconceived opinions nor to add to anyone's collection of allegedly unexplained events.
There are changes that can be made to improve the situation:
1. Get rid of "UFO", which to most people means "flying saucer," and that means alien spacecraft. In other words, "UFO" is a conclusion, when it should be no more than a starting point. A replacement is ready and waiting: "UAP," meaning Unexplained Aerial Phenomena. Many of the scientists in the private UFO community have been using this for years.
2. Get rid of "Ufology" and "Ufologist," which strongly imply that the collecting of information and the subsequent study of it constitute a science. It will remain no more than a hobby until we make drastic changes in the way we view the subject and our own involvement.
3. While we're at it, let's add "sincere" to our list of words to be dropped. The category of people most needing to be considered sincere is "con-artist." And while we certainly aren't suggesting that more than an occasional sighting witness deserves to be in that group, using it to describe someone who hasn't been subjected to an extensive background investigation is passing judgement on the basis of emotion, rather than logic.
4. Stress the need for field investigators having advanced educations and/or practical experience in appropriate scientific fields. By including hobbyists and "saucer fans," we are actively discouraging the participation of the very people we need most. Imagine a curious scientist joining a field investigation, only to find himself working alongside someone who is in serious danger of flunking freshman chemistry. The scientist won't be back, while the marginal student will.
5. Forget about trying to influence the U.S. Congress as a way to force the release of a large quantity of withheld government information. Members of Congress lack both the will and the motivation needed to risk their jobs over an issue that promises little beyond embarrassment. Let's face it: one of the easiest ways to replace a sitting member is to accuse him of believing in flying saucers. He or she may be able to withstand personal attacks based on financial or sexual misconduct, but not on something viewed by peers as suggesting a serious lack of common sense.
6. Start using the Hynek "Strangeness/Credibility Scale" to pin-point UFO/UAP reports having the potential for adding to the accumulated knowledge of UFOs/UAPs. Cramming filing cabinets with sightings of meandering night lights amounts to nothing more than wasting time on trivia. It is the quality of cases that will eventually pay off, not the quantity.
7. Perhaps the biggest step we can take in the near-term is to stop behaving like the mystery has been solved and all that remains is to lay out the evidence for the ignorant masses to absorb. In fact, the UFO mystery has not been solved, nor will it be until we have acquired proof, not merely debatable evidence. Just because we haven't been able to come up with logical, non-alien explanations for hundreds of baffling cases doesn't mean that there aren't any. Maybe we have overlooked something subtle that could change the picture.
Just what will constitute proof?
1. Clear, sharp photographs that can be scientifically verified and which show sufficient detail so that they could not possibly be of anything terrestrial.
2. Government documents that can be scientifically confirmed as original (not photocopies), and which include specific information whose authenticity can be checked.
3. Physical evidence such as obviously unusual debris from one or more crashes, whose origins can be traced with confidence and whose properties do not resemble anything found on Earth. The professional scientists or scientific organizations doing the analyses must be willing to sign their names to any reports.
We aren't going to get any of the above by sending out "saucer fans" to interview people who claim to have seen funny lights. We have to start taking the mystery as a serious challenge, and not as entertainment or a way to attract attention to ourselves.
We were told by experts like Carl Sagan, who recently passed, that Earth is too far out in the 'boonies' of our galaxy to merit attention by E.T.s, but he was dead wrong, before he died.
Earth is, and always has been, a crossroads for many highly technological lifeforms. The mean-spirited ones, now doing salvage, are the vestigial remnants of a union that donated their DNA to set up this rare jewel of a preserve.
THAT'S why our planet looms so rare, among millions of other barren worlds, that we now discern in the Universe.
I used to firmly believe that we as predators were at the very top of the food chain.
Then, others who also claimed to be abductees, some of whom I met through Budd Hopkins and his house "get-togethers," told me horror stories about abductions.
They had seen, met on-board craft, an alien race, frightening beings who radiated rage and hatred, reptilian alien overlords of many alien races who abduct humans and who pilot UFOS.
Muscular, winged, sentient, highly technological, upright standing to seven or eight feet tall, sentient UFO monitor lizard reptilians who looked upon us, as we fancied veal.
You see, these abductees had somehow also gleaned what reptoids regular diets consisted of..
Some even admitted to have pierced another horrid 'truth' that they had gleaned:
We are already cocooned within a matrix, elusive and revealing, far from "reality", and please, "Pay no attention to the Reptilian, behind the curtains!"
It was a chilling story I was to hear repeatedly echoed elsewhere.
It re-framed correctly, at least to my mind, what the true M.O. (modus operandi) was, behind this particular alien type and its interaction/visitations with mankind.
We are a 'delectable' chosen people', a harvest-able 'crop' farmed throughout the Universe, with the same impunity that we humans, assert animal husbandry rights over all other creatures, on this preserve, that we call, "Earth".
Stunning, is how blind UFO "skywatchers" and media are simply focused on documenting, reporting only craft and not ever the occupants within, and their intents, motives and tactics, surely an alien- Jedi- mind- trick, at work.
At Bud Hopkin's house, reptilians ate humans and we sipped tea and cookies, discussing it.
It put one in mind of a classic Twilight Zone episode called,"To Serve Man", which neatly summed up man's importance in the galaxy as a main course, not just a mere condiment.
But you and I, reader, should not worry as our flesh by now is too tough, old and tainted with age.
Helmeted with their God masquerade, in the Bible, and fed manna to improve taste, as we feed beef corn for a richer texture in steaks, we are food for thought!
It makes one want to change eating habits, to make an apparent moral decision and assume a vegetarian diet and not ever atavistically revert, despite the fact that we too have mouths intended by evolution to tear flesh, well equipped by nature with excellent meat-tearing incisors.....and fangs.
I had never 'imagined' such creatures!
My abduction recalls were of almost-friendly entities who were masters of illusions, ones who tested me in mind-imposed scenarios of moral dilemmas.
Small job-beings did the kidnapping and answered to taller Greys.
They were tall, white like a refrigerator, flat like a Gumby cartoon character and spoke mind-to-mind.
Extremely controlling and highly psychic, they worked for and answered to reptilian beings.
Were they "evil"?(
Evil is as evil does: kidnapping, rape, telepathic attack, insidious omnipresent micro-managing of our emotions, energies and sexuality through implant drains, treating us as though we were guinea pigs, orchestrating joys, disasters and horrors into our lives to milk us of energy; isn't that enough of a definition?
Evil's unholy three criteria are herein satisfied: predatory, sinister and self-justifying, with these overlord reptilian entities.
I must remind sanguine abductees, who glibly relish, "contactee" as a more apt label, that these entities do not knock on the noonday door and politely ask if you'd "care to be 'abducted', if you've nothing else to do, just now?"
Taken body and spirit, wrapped in REMs, we are instead considered a product, not a sentient entity race worthy of respect and dignity and mutual non-interference..
These farmer- thieves, highly technological and uncannily canny, are very highly psychic.
I wish their morals matched their technology; if it did, they'd be better angels, but as it is, we are saddled mind, body and spirit, and they are a curse, upon the Earth.
These are the demons of the third century, abducting, controlling, nighttime, bedroom visitors, negative-thought entities, who pilot/frequent alien craft UFOs, who view us as their property.
We are, in R.E.M.s, taken, wrapped in a cocoon of delusional vivid screen memories, and kept on this short psychic leash, to be marched around a craft in dulled awareness and suggestive amnesia.
Returned to bed,one later recalls a snippet of an odd, 'dream'.
The best game-keeper never let the creatures within, suspect that it is, indeed, a preserve.
Reptilians are Hollow-Earth, inter dimensional, time-traveling, highly technological beings, whose planet we goof about, unaware of whose image we truly were created in.
Has this been going on from the beginning of time?
Alien reptilians, are as native and terrestrial to our planet as are thunderstorms; they are the game wardens of this preserve, that we call 'Earth, masters of the Universe, both inter dimensional, as well as, inter galactic.
They use the same astral dimension that ghosts and demons use to enter and exit our physical reality.
The lower Earth animal forms seen as reptiles, amphibians, insects are mirrored and echoed by the higher technological forms which have been seen aboard craft who have lent their DNA to create this preserve.
We , too, are constructs of their creative meddling.
When people ask them,"Where are you from?" Where do you come from?", they are often told,"We come from within."
That is, after physical abductions, their possessing energies are deposited, not unlike the lamprey parasites that they are, within the multi layered human psyche/mind.
Could our minds offer protection?
By virtue of the unexpected result, the appearance of a saurian monstrously tall reptilian in the center of my living room who radiated a loathsome palpable rage and hatred, shortly after I tried using a mind-weapon psychic technique, I determined that I would never remotely try any anti-reptilian mental exercise tool again!
(However, a skilled TEAM might en masse bring forth most marvelous results...)
The unused power of our minds is part of the raw quantum physics of the universe and it has latent powers, both miraculous and awesome, as seen in this power flexing exercise that back-fired.
But it brought against me almost immediate retaliation most awful, which underlined its potential efficacy.
Are you capable of being as foolhardy as I was?
With your eyes closed, visualize an alien craft, a disc-shaped or cigar- shaped large UFO, and see it in your mind's eye, perched or flying above our planet or high within our skies, many miles overhead.
Visualize all quadrants of this very large craft, full of overlord reptilians and subservient greys, all busy at machinery; study the tiers and levels of it in full detail for a full half-minute.
Visualize that a force from your mind sharply hits the ship; jar the craft violently and then toss it into another section of space, like a football, end over end.
Clearly see it hurled across a short distance in space, at a tilted pitched angle and visualize/ imagine all entities onboard now suddenly very startled and frightened.
I augmented this visualization, used a quick head tilt to accentuate my strong mental suggestion of the craft's jump.
Distracted elsewhere, I had totally forgotten about this experimental exercise within a half-hour.
But then a creature from a nightmare appeared and changed my life.
A Mothman-like reptilian, a scaled, ceiling-high saurian being semi materialized.
Without moving I was suddenly warmed by a massive smoldering feeling of hatred; it surrounded me with menace as though I were near a hot radiator.
Its reddish/yellow eyes radiated a palpable loathing and rage, which amazed and awed me rather than frightened me as I had lost my senses to surprise..
Half monitor lizard, half man, it telepathed an overpowering sense of malice which stopped me in awe. I was much too surprised to feel fear.
The creature vanished after a full 10 seconds.
Later, days and weeks later in my life, that saurian vendetta surely and without question manifested a series of horrid and painful accidents which seemed later to underline the smoldering, tangible hatred and rage that it had radiated towards me.
Emergency surgeries involving neck discs which had completely pinched my spinal cord , and soon after, a drive-by automobile hit and run which had shattered my knee and had nearly almost killed me.
In retrospect, those agonies and sudden misfortunes were not worth the risk of what was, after all, a very foolhardy experiment.
But I couldn't help but wonder how just a single human mind could be such a powerful weapon/tool; it can remotely control unseen overhead alien craft that do indeed respond to powerful telepathic messages.
I later couldn't help but wonder what a highly skilled group of focused minds, an orchestra of minds in unison, might also be able to accomplish.
We are, perhaps, not as helpless against these creatures and their machines, as everyone thinks we are..
America, The Cause and Solution to UFO Research: Jacques Valle to the Rescue
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The problem with American UFO Research: Jacques Vallee has a Solution
At 1am eastern on July 28th, 2014 we all were able to tune in to one of the most important 2 hours of the year in talk radio, in my opinion of course. George Knapp, long time weekend host for the overnight juggernaut we know and love as Coast to Coast Am, had Jacques Vallee on as a special guest. Jacques sounded well, upbeat and as always full of knowledge that you will not find at your local conference or internet radio show and realistically not on my weekly show either but, we can dare to dream. The fact is if you had to create your own version of a Mount Rushmore of UFO/UAP researchers mine would have Jacques Vallee on it 4 times. You didn’t really expect me to rattle off 3 other researchers did you? It is a fantasy Mount Rushmore and mine will have the same person on it that I know for a fact is not in the field of research for fame, big money or fabulous prizes. The man is a venture capitalist, need I go further in dispelling any idea he is here for money? No? Good. As for the fame and fabulous prizes, he has already had that 40 years ago. I don’t need to go into detailed defenses on a mans credibility because Jacques Vallee is the only one for sure that is not lying to me.
American UFO research is predicated on a few things and one of which that holds up the entire field is the propriety of collected data. That’s right, the data that various research organizations, feel free to name your own alphabet soup group if you wish to fill in the blank, is locked away for safe keeping or worse minimized. Why? Well, there are various legalities that can be trotted out about how it’s a step to protect the abductee/witness which is of course necessary. What happens next is a side effect that not many intended and has been perpetuated for decades. The data dies a slow death in a hard drive or folder creating what I call a Mind Cemetery, literally. The events, ideas, thoughts, feelings and facts get hidden from the world. Most importantly, other research organizations.
When I call the data from cases collected proprietary then I mean it becomes theirs to do so as they wish. Most organizations, big & small alike hold onto the data for the purpose up pitching it to a production company as a way to get more exposure/interest/memberships. In the cases of individual researchers it seems that the case data slides right into whatever narrative that researcher is promoting. This is where it gets greasy. This is the breeding ground of the mentally disturbed, ever vigilant, never questioning and always praising… fan or the long version fanatic. Now, a symbiotic relationship exists that must be feed, nurtured to grow bigger and inevitably less intelligent, like a mindless rabble. It pays well to have a big tent. It pays well to play to an already paranoid base by blaming the same Gub’ment boogy-man. It’s safe and we all hate the boogy-man.
The solution that Jacques Vallee spoke of is simple: Develop an international database, Yes this means you too America.
A one-stop shop internet database of every piece of digital or soon to be digitally converted data from all UFO/UAP research organizations in America. Lofty? More like impossible. With the field the way it is now and the same old language being used it’s looking more and more like researchers using Unidentified Aerial Phenomena are on the right track. The less people who keep using pseudoscience labels such as Ufologist the better. Change the language, open the faults and increase the collective knowledge. Forget the fantasy of Disclosure. That ship has sail and caught fire like a viking funeral. If any alien visitor et al. wanted to let you know they were here they would do so themselves. Asking a congressperson to watch a DVD and then bring it to the floor for discussion is career suicide in/out of election years. These things we know to be obvious but, for some reason the band plays on. Propriety.
Ask, Why?
Ask your favorite UAP research organization, be it one you are in or one you follow closely, because they gained your trust. Is this organization willing to participate in an international data base? If not, why? I bet you hear about witness/abductee confidentiality concerns which are very real and should not be taken lightly. That is unless you get some cash flashed at you then the books come flying open. That was proven the fact with a highly popular organization and an independent space pioneer. Notice how the concerns for the public’s best interests melt away with cool cash. I leave it up to the community, the culture that we have right now and the people most interested in the subject to call their local researcher tell them you want your case to be apart of a national database like Jacques Vallee has discussed. I understand the server requirements, logistics and such need to be worked out. They get worked out a lot sooner the more interest that comes Jacques Vallee’s way.
Be proactive and push the UAP researchers as individuals and organizations to work with Jacques Vallee.
Jacques Vallee is worthy of the communities trust.
De enkele-oorspronghypothese of Out of Africa-theorie is een recent model om het ontstaan van de moderne mens te verklaren. De moderne mens zou in Afrika zijn ontstaan en na vertrek uit Afrika de plaats hebben ingenomen van de ‘archaïsche’ mensen, die allemaal uitgestorven zijn.
Volgens de Australische historicus Greg Jefferys is het uit-Afrikamodel een mythe, die inmiddels volledig is ontkracht door genetici. Een recente studie van Anatole A. Kljosov en Igor L. Rozhanskii laat zien dat mensen een ‘gemeenschappelijke voorouder’ hebben die ‘niet noodzakelijkerwijs uit Afrika komt’. Het is nooit bewezen dat deze voorouder in Afrika leefde, aldus de onderzoekers.
Tijdens het onderzoek naar 7556 verschillende haplotypen troffen de wetenschappers geen Afrikaanse genen aan. Door de afwezigheid van Afrikaanse genen is het bijna onmogelijk om een link met Afrika te leggen. Volgens de onderzoekers is er genoeg reden om de Out of Africa-theorie te herzien en is het aannemelijker dat zowel Afrikanen als niet-Afrikanen afstammen van een gemeenschappelijke voorouder.
De onderzoekers merken op dat geen van de 400 niet-Afrikaanse deelnemers tijdens het project positief testte op de 13 ‘Afrikaanse’ subcladen van haplogroep A. Het is dus onwaarschijnlijk dat de voorouder van de mens in Afrika leefde.
Wetenschappers hebben vastgesteld dat minstens 20 procent van het menselijk DNA afkomstig is van andere hominide soorten die niet zijn geclassificeerd als Homo sapiens, waaronder de neanderthaler, Homo denisova, archaïsche Homo sapiens, Homo erectus en zelfs ‘Hobbit’ (Floresmens).
Genetisch gezien is de mens een hybride die niet afstamt van jager-verzamelaars uit Afrika. Uit recente sequencing van genomen blijkt dat leden van verschillende oude mensachtige groepen, waaronder ook een nog onbekende menselijke voorouder, meer dan 30.000 jaar geleden geslachtsgemeenschap hadden. “Er waren vele hominide populaties,” aldus geneticus Mark Thomas van het University College London.
In het DNA van de Denisova-mens hebben Amerikaanse wetenschappers onlangs genetische sporen van een mysterieuze mensensoort ontdekt. Uit de DNA-fragmenten blijkt dat deze soort geslachtsgemeenschap had met andere mensachtigen die 30.000 jaar geleden in Azië leefden, maar niet tot de neanderthalers of Homo sapiens behoorden.
VIDEO: Duitsland in de ban van reusachtige graancirkel
Vele duizenden mensen worden naar een mysterieuze graancirkel in het Duitse Beieren getrokken. De formatie, die afgelopen week werd ontdekt in de gemeente Raisting, heeft een diameter van 75 meter en bestaat uit drie ringen.
Graancirkel in Raisting (DPA)
De graancirkel werd gespot vanuit een luchtballon, waarna het nieuws zich als een lopend vuurtje verspreidde op internetfora, meldt Bild. “Ze zongen, dansten, speelden gitaar en sliepen zelfs in het weiland,” aldus een lokale bewoonster over de bezoekers.
Veel bezoekers geloven dat de graanformatie niet is gemaakt door mensen, meldt de Süddeutsche Zeitung. “Dit is een technologie die we nog niet onder de knie hebben,” vertelde één van de bezoekers aan de krant. “Ze willen ons laten zien dat ze hier zijn en dat ze van ons houden.”
De graancirkel ligt vlak bij een oud-communicatiestation dat in 1969 werd gebruikt om de eerste maanlanding uit te zenden in Europa.
Christoph Huttner, de boer die eigenaar is van de grond, zei dat hij de graancirkel niet heeft gemaakt. “Dit is erg moeilijk om te doen,” zei hij. “Ik weet niet hoe ze dit hebben gedaan. Er zijn geen bandensporen te zien, helemaal niets.” De schade bedraagt een paar honderd euro.
Miriam Schäfer (31): “Ik heb de cirkel via Facebook ontdekt, ben er direct naartoe gegaan. Ik geloof dat dit het werk is van buitenaardsen.” (Robert Gongoll)
Schotland maakt een grote kans om tegen 2018 de eerste Britse basis voor ruimteveren te huisvesten. Dat schrijft de BBC. Het Britse ministerie weerhield acht potentiële locaties voor haar ruimtehaven - de eerste in zijn soort buiten de VS - en zes daarvan liggen in Schotland.
Het nieuws werd bekendgemaakt tijdens de Farnborough Airshow. "Ruimtehavens zullen de laatste barrière voor commerciële ruimtevluchten doorbreken", zei viceminister van Begroting Danny Alexander tijdens zijn speech.
De minister benadrukte de band die Schotland met de ruimtevaart heeft. "We vierden Neil Armstrongs Schotse afkomst toen hij als eerste man naar de maan ging en vorige week nog was een Schots bedrijf verantwoordelijk voor de bouw van de eerste satelliet van het UK Space Agency." UKube-1 werd gebouwd door de firma Clyde Space uit Glasgow en werd succesvol gelanceerd voor een testvlucht vanuit Kazachstan.
De Schotse regering juicht het nieuws toe. "Enkel de Schotse onafhankelijkheid zou tot een nog grotere ontwikkeling van de groeiende ruimtevaartindustrie leiden", klinkt het.
Toerisme Mogelijke locaties voor de eerste Britse ruimtehaven zijn in Schotland Stornoway Airport, Kinloss Barracks, RAF Lossiemouth, RAF Leuchars, Glasgow Prestwick Airport en Campbeltown Airport en in Engeland Llanbedr Airport en Newquay Cornwall Airport.
De eerste Britse ruimtehaven zal in eerste instantie vooral dienen als een faciliteit voor satellietlanceringen. Maar de Britse regering hoopt dat het ook een centrum wordt voor nieuwe toeristische initiatieven van Virgin Galactic en XCor, die van plan zijn ruimtevluchten aan te bieden voor een betalend publiek.
Uit cijfers van de overheid blijkt dat de ruimtevaartsector een van de snelst groeiende industrieën is in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. De sector levert jaarlijks meer dan 11 miljard pond (13,8 miljard euro) op voor de Britse economie en stelt 34.000 mensen tewerk - een stijging van bijna negen procent sinds 2011. De ministers hopen tegen 2030 tien procent van de globale ruimtevaartmarkt in handen te hebben, wat 100.000 bijkomende banen zou kunnen opleveren.
Elon Musk, de oprichter en directeur van het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartbedrijf SpaceX, wil in de toekomst de planeet Mars koloniseren. Dat vertelde de zakenman in 'The Colbert Report', de talkshow van Stephen Colbert.
Musk is tevens medeoprichter van betaaldienst PayPal en van Tesla Motors, dat elektrische auto's produceert. Tegenwoordig profileert hij zich als pionier op het gebied van commerciële ruimtevaart.
Een van zijn doelen is om over twee tot drie jaar tijd mensen met zijn Dragon 2-ruimteschip naar het internationale ruimtestation ISS te brengen, maar daar blijft het wat de 43-jarige ondernemer betreft niet bij. "We willen mensen naar Mars brengen", zei Musk donderdag in 'The Colbert Report'. "Dat zou het grootste avontuur ooit zijn."
"Mars heeft nog wat werk nodig" Kolonisatie van Mars is volgens hem van essentieel belang voor de mensheid. De geboren Zuid-Afrikaan is vol vertrouwen. "Ik zie Mars als een planeet die nog wel wat werk nodig heeft. Het is niet makkelijk, maar op termijn is het mogelijk om van Mars een planeet als de aarde te maken."
Het is goed mogelijk dat er oude fossielen afkomstig van de aarde op het maanoppervlak liggen te wachten op hun ontdekking. Dat beweren alvast wetenschappers van de Britse University of Kent.
Meteorieten die op aarde worden teruggevonden, ontstaan vaak door inslagen op de maan, of bijvoorbeeld op het oppervlak van Mars. Zo is er de Marssteen ALH 84001, die sporen van fossiele bacteriën vertoont, al is daar onenigheid over tussen wetenschappers. Maar het kan ook omgekeerd, dat er na een inslag op aarde stenen met aardse fossielen op de maan terechtkomen. De vraag die onderzoeker Mark Burchell van de universiteit van Kent zich echter stelde, was of fossielen in gesteente wel zouden kunnen 'overleven' in de ruimte.
Daarom simuleerde hij met zijn onderzoeksteam de inslag van aards gesteente op het maanoppervlak. Daarvoor mengde hij de stenen met water, bevroor het goedje en schoot het met een door gas aangedreven pistool in een grote zak water. De kracht van het pistool moest de impact van een meteoriet op de aarde simuleren, die daardoor de ruimte wordt ingeschoten, waarna de slag in het water de inslag op het maanoppervlak voorstelde.
Succes Uit de experimenten bleek dat geen enkele van de fossielen de inslag volledig 'overleefde' en dat er steeds minder fragmenten van overbleven naargelang de snelheid van de inslag de hoogte inging (tot 5 kilometer per seconde). Maar ook al vinden we enkel het kleinste deeltje terug, dan is dat al een succes, zegt Burchell.
Het voordeel van fossielen op de maan zou zijn dat ze ondanks de inslagsnelheid beter bewaard kunnen zijn dan die op aarde, aangezien onze planeet geologisch veel actiever is. "Er is een grote kans dat wanneer je fragmenten zou vinden op de maan, er dingen inzitten die we nog nooit gezien hebben." Toch blijft het voorlopig afwachten. Stukken aarde kunnen onze planeet maar moeilijk verlaten door de dichte atmosfeer en de grote aantrekkingskracht.
De volgende keer dat u naar de hemel kijkt en een satelliet ziet passeren, bedenk dan dat het om een onbestuurbaar Russisch ruimtetuig gevuld met seksueel actieve gekko's kan gaan.
De hagedissen werden op 18 juli samen met fruitvliegjes en champignons de ruimte ingestuurd bij wijze van experiment. Donderdag meldde de Russische ruimtevaartorganisatie echter dat het ruimtetuig niet meer reageerde op haar bevelen.
Ondertussen hebben de Russen nog wel gegevens van de satelliet doorgekregen en blijkbaar zijn de gekko's (vier vrouwtjes en een mannetje) nog steeds erg druk bezig met hun 'werk'. Het experiment met de reptielen is immers volledig geautomatiseerd en gaat voorlopig dus gewoon door.
Wetenschappers hebben al video's van de seksueel actieve dieren kunnen bekijken volgens Al Jazeera. Ze hopen op het einde van de rit, na zestig dagen is dat, alle beestjes alsnog levend te recuperen.
Maar daarvoor moet wel de communicatie met de satelliet tijdig hersteld worden, anders komen de gekko's niet alleen zonder voedsel te zitten maar zijn ze gedoemd om na enkele maanden samen met het ruimtetuig neer te storten.
Ook vorig jaar kreeg het Russische ruimtevaartprogramma af te rekenen met een gelijkaardig incident. Toen stortte de Bion-M satelliet neer met vissen en muizen aan boord.
Dus als u naar de hemel kijkt, doe dan toch maar dat schietgebedje voor die arme gekko's...
Het voorbije weekend kwam een badgast om het leven toen hij door de bliksem getroffen werd op het strand van Venice Beach, vlakbij Los Angeles. Maar wat gebeurt er nu precies wanneer de bliksem inslaat op zee? Op die vraag zocht de Britse openbare omroep BBC een antwoord.
Er zijn twee ideale scenario's wanneer je je tijdens een onweer in zee bevindt. Of je begeeft je naar het vasteland om er beschutting te zoeken. Of je gaat dieper zwemmen.
Mocht je toch al op het droge zijn en kan je nergens beschutting zoeken, ga dan liever in een bolletje liggen dan plat op de grond. Op je rug of buik gaan liggen is volgens BBC gevaarlijker.
Omdat de shock van een blikseminslag zich voornamelijk horizontaal over het zeeoppervlak verspreidt, is het beter dieper te gaan zwemmen. Dat vormt echter een probleem, aangezien mensen nu eenmaal lucht nodig hebben en de neiging hebben te gaan drijven. Vissen zijn bij een zwaar onweer dus beter af.
"Als je je in open zee bevindt, ben je net als in een open veld een makkelijk doelwit", legt Jon Shonk, een meteoroloog aan de universiteit van Reading, uit aan de BBC. "Bliksem zoekt de weg van de minste weerstand." Als je op een boot zit, heb je wellicht meer geluk. Die zijn vaak voorzien van een bliksemafleider, die de bliksem onmiddellijk naar de zee afleidt.
Uit onderzoek van ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA blijkt dat bliksem meer de neiging heeft in te slaan op vasteland dan in de open zee. Maar bij de kustlijn is die kans op een blikseminslag dan weer wel groter dan in open zee.
In Siberië zijn opnieuw twee mysterieuze megakraters ontdekt. De gaten zijn kleiner dan de krater die wetenschappers twee weken geleden met verstomming sloeg, maar vertonen dezelfde structuur. Naar de oorsprong van deze formaties is het nog steeds gissen, schrijft Time Magazine.
Medewerkers van een gasbedrijf ontdekten twee weken geleden een gigantische put met een doorsnede van tachtig meter op het schiereiland Yamal in Siberië. Enkele honderden meters verderop is nu een tweede gat gevonden. Met een diameter van 15 meter is het aanzienlijk kleiner dan de eerste krater, maar ook hier is de omgeving bezaaid met grond. Volgens een afgevaardigde van het regionale parlement, die het gebied per helikopter bezocht, lijkt het of het zand door een ondergrondse explosie uit het gat werd gespuwd.
Bewoners van het dorp Antipayuta melden dat het gat zich gevormd heeft op 27 september vorig jaar, maar over de manier waarop dat gebeurde zijn de meningen verdeeld. Volgens sommigen was er eerst rookontwikkeling en daarna een felle flits; anderen spreken over de inslag van een hemellichaam.
Meer naar het oosten, in het dorp Nosok op het schiereiland Taymyr vonden herders een derde put. Deze krater heeft een diameter van 4 meter en is naar schatting 60 tot 100 meter diep.
Gasexplosies? Wetenschappers tasten nog in het duister over de oorzaak van het vreemde verschijnsel. Volgens experts zijn de kraters niet het werk van mensen, maar zien ze er ook niet uit als natuurlijke formaties. Sommigen denken dat ze het restultaat zijn van een meteorietinslag, terwijl anderen vermoeden dat gasexplosies onder het aardoppervlak mogelijk een rol spelen.
Volgens Marina Leibman van het Earth Cryosphere Institute is het noodzakelijk dat alle kraters bestudeerd worden om de verschijning van eventuele bijkomende gaten te kunnen voorspellen. Ze is hoopvol dat elk nieuw gat de wetenschappers nieuwe informatie verschaft.
As an abductee for my whole life, I have stumbled through unknowing, to suspicion, and then resistance, and counsel to offer rare insights and advice to detect and thwart alien soul and body tampering.
Published widely and recognized as an eloquent note in the chorus of barbaric yawps concerning experts who've never seen or confronted these myriad entities, personally for 45 years, I write, do radio interviews and assist filmakers with background research.
At night, your astral body travels to realms from angelic to demonic, spirit worlds of myriad vibrational levels and the pictures that you see on the backs of your eyelids, while you R.E.M., are not dreams but visits, souvenirs of a greater reality.
Like goldfish who never suspect a greater world beyond the pond's surface, the limited awareness of humankind floats beneath the surface of a greater reality, groping, mouths agape in fish ignorance.
Aliens hybridize, and invade astrally to abduct, monitor, and possess, to entangle their energies with ours to ride the reincarnation roller coaster of our auras giving a new meaning to a silent invasion.
Earth is under invasion, one person at a time, and we are all alone, together.
These are my experiences, echoed in a link, at the end of the page of this journal entry.
I felt electric vibrations throughout my whole body while in bed and saw my body then separate and float out of my body, in astral abductions of my spiritual essence, which retained all of my predilections and discriminations, all the while leaving my chop-meat-DNA- contrived- body, bereft of spirit, behind, in bed.
At first glance, I believed that I had died!
Out of body, I had conveyor belt travels, vivid OBE sublime and terrifying experiences, at the hands of aliens, directly tied to my previously monitored thoughts, more proof of
that alien-proprietary- monitored-consciousness, suffered by abductees.
I am a fifty year old happily married father of two extraordinary teens.
I am one who writes, landscapes, crafts his own ales, hunts mushrooms, breeds native giant silk moths, plays bass and drums and teaches.
My wife and I have been friends and lovers for over twenty years, and she supports my hobbies and writing with a skeptical and cautious approach which has helped to keep me centered.
I have seen different subspecies of alien entities since I was a young child living on Shore Road in Brooklyn until my later years as a resident of Long Island, and I am convinced that many others have also struggled to assess and grasp similar indigestible alien experiences which challenge everything we've ever been taught.
We were told by experts like Carl Sagan, who recently passed, that Earth is too far out in the 'boonies' of our galaxy to merit attention by E.T.s, but he was dead wrong, long before he died.
Earth is, and always has been, a crossroads for many highly technological lifeforms.
The mean-spirited ones, now doing salvage, are the vestigial remnants of a union that donated their DNA to set up this rare jewel of a preserve.
Good gamekeepers never let the animals within suspect that it is, indeed, a preserve. THAT'S why, our planet looms as a seemingly rare botanical and animal jewel, in the context of so many other barren worlds, that we can discern in the Universe.
We, rather than having been divinely ordained for Earth, have been placed, and farmed, throughout the galaxy, seen as someone else's property.
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for me, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL I saw aliens float me out of my body, in my bed, at night.
Then, I knew that they were more interested in an essence, that I never suspected I had: a soul.
“This triangle UFO was seen recently and it closely resembles a TR3B. The fact that the person blurred out the face of the kid and didn’t get the UFO in the dead center of the video is what causes me to believe this is real. Also the lighting and shading on the UFO matches that of the trees, and the bars of jungle gym, says Scott Waring, author of UFO Sightings Daily.
UFOs were spotted by numerous residents in Toronto last weekend, causing many of them to turn to social media for answers. Toronto police confirmed they received calls about the UFOs as well, and one constable participated in the online conversation and tweeted about it.
Toronto police told local newspaper The Star that they began receiving calls at around 7 pm Saturday night. People reported seeing the lights near Yonge St. and Empress Ave in the North York section of Toronto. Police Sergeant Barry White told The Star, “[Officers] were stopping to talk to people, and we did hear from others on the street that apparently there was something up there.”
However, White says he was not sure how they were supposed to respond to UFO sightings. He said, “If it was something dangerous and we could do something under the criminal code, we might. Police would go try and check it out, but to actually go and investigate it further as a UFO — I don’t think we would. I’m trying not to laugh!” White did acknowledge that officers had reported the sightings themselves, but they were not sure what they were. Some officers suggested that they were perhaps remote controlled quadcopters. Police constable Craig Brister tweeted, “I’ve been a police officer for 15 years. Tonight I have a first! My first report of a UFO!! He was serious! #quadcopter”
I’ve been a police officer for 15 years. Tonight I have a first! My first report of a UFO!! He was serious! #quadcopter — Officer Craig (@PC7634) July 27, 2014
Brister admitted he saw the lights himself while biking, and his tweet was his best guess as to what was flying around.
Others have suggested that the lights were from night kites lit up with LEDs being flown at the nearby McKee park. This may account for one of the first reports.
Sebastian Setien says he first saw an object at 4:18 pm. He was entertaining guests and saw a triangular object while barbequing on his balcony. He says the object wasn’t doing anything, so he just went back inside.
He told The Star, “I thought it was a weather probe or a drone. Then at night time we come back out to have a beer on the balcony and then we see these lights.”
Setien’s second sighting was at 8:40 pm, at which time he says he started to video tape the objects.
Setien was not the only one capturing UFO videos at around 9 pm that night. So was Sarah Chun on nearby Finch Street. She says she saw six or seven flashing lights in a long row hovering diagonally across town. She got out her iPad and began recording.
Her video shows these strange lights hovering above North York. She also captured one of the lights closer to her.
“It was really high up, and was round, bright, and shining,” Chun told the Star. “At first I thought it was stars or something, but it was too bright to be. I didn’t know what it was.”
She says she watched the object above her for 25 minutes before “it kind of flew, and then disappeared.” She then posted the two videos she had captured on YouTube before going to bed.
While she slept, Chun’s videos went viral. She got thousands of hits that night, and as of the moment I type these words, it has nearly 850,000 hits – it had around 775,000 when I started writing this story. Media outlets across Canada are now writing about the mysterious lights.
Lending credence to the kite theory, one witness, Roxanna Malecki, said the objects looked like they had strings with “sparkles of diamonds.”
Night kites with LEDs. (Credit:
She continued, “I was so nervous. Everyone was screaming, ‘What the hell is that?’”
So was it kites that have created all of this ruckus? Checking a map, McKee park is pretty small. Chun’s video shows lights that seem to span a great distance.
The area around Yonge St. and Empress Ave. McKee park is just off Yonge St. between McKee Ave. and Church Ave. (Credit: Google Maps)
As for quadcopters, UFO researcher Victor Viggiani told the CBCquadcopters don’t sit and hover for long lengths of time like these objects did.
Another suggestion has been Chinese Lanterns. Often wind will carry them in one direction making them look like a long train of lights. Viggiani isn’t convinced. He says these are genuine UFOs. Malecki seems to agree. She says she thinks extraterrestrials are involved.
ETs, kites, quadcopters, Chinese Lanterns, or maybe ETs flying kites while in quadcopter-like spaceships that look like Chinese Lanterns? The world may never know. Let us know what you think below.
UFO gefilmd boven Spijkenisse: "Vervormt in de lucht"
UFO gefilmd boven Spijkenisse: “Vervormt in de lucht”
Opnieuw hebben Ronald Dekker en Suzan Aksoy uit Spijkenisse een UFO vastgelegd. De ervaren UFO-jagers legden op 15 juli jongstleden met een video- en fotocamera een onbekend vliegend object vast ter hoogte van de Heemraadlaan.
Het stel heeft zich de afgelopen jaren bekwaamd in het speuren naar UFO’s in de lucht boven Spijkenisse. Het resultaat is een uitgebreid archief dat deels op internet staat. Volgens de twee kan iedereen UFO’s waarnemen, mits mensen zich er maar serieus op instellen.
“Het vliegt op een perfect horizontale lijn voorbij en wat je ook duidelijk kunt zien op de beelden is dat het vervormt in de lucht,” legt Suzan uit. Zes jaar terug vloog een metersgrote UFO over de woning van het stel. “We vonden het zo bijzonder wat we hebben mogen zien, dat het onderzoeken van het fenomeen eigenlijk een passie is geworden. We hebben dit al zo vaak mogen vastleggen. Wij vinden dat hier te weinig aandacht aan wordt besteed, terwijl het toch iets heel bijzonders is.”
“Als je objecten goed dichtbij wilt halen moet je de nodige spullen hebben,” aldus Ronald. “Met wegwerpcamera’s lukt het niet meer. Het gaat zo snel allemaal. Je ziet iets in je ooghoek, je pakt je spullen, je rent naar boven en je gaat het vastleggen.”
Ronald en Suzan hopen in de toekomst op een ontmoeting met een UFO, die in dat geval een landing heeft gemaakt. En misschien wel in Spijkenisse.
This account was forwarded to me in December 2009. Rosario’s scenario is a bit scary and may verify some concerns involving alien intentions. In our conversation, Rosario seemed very sincere and demonstrated spontaneous emotion when certain subjects were discussed:
“I want to thank you for allowing me to tell my story. I have been a subscriber to your site for over a year and it has inspired me to open up so others be made aware of the complications that humans may face after an abduction by alien beings.”
“One early morning during the late Summer of 1990, I awoke from a very deep sleep. It was 3:35AM and still dark outside, though I’d be up in an hour or so since it was harvest time on the farm.
I was feeling nervous as my heart pounded heavily. I sensed that there was someone in my bedroom, but all I could see was a spot of light in the corner by the dresser. Suddenly several hands grabbed me from all around the bed. I attempted to scream but could not move or say anything, nothing came out of my mouth.”
“Within seconds I found myself lying on a cold hard table completely nude and terribly uncomfortable. I looked around me and there were four small beings in hoods and loose robes standing around me. They were conversing with each other, but I could not understand what they were saying since it sounded like a young child’s gibberish. I felt something touching me all over my body but could see nothing. The beings’ faces had a weird glow with sagging folds of shining skin.”
“After what seemed like forever these beings slowing moved aside and this human-like man walked up to my side. He was tall, bald and had very pale skin. He also had large round eyes and was very slim. He came over to the table and started to talk to me in English. He calmly said that he was perplexed that I was so scared since he made it clear the last time that they had met he would return to ask a favor. He then turned and raised his hand, gesturing to a woman who walked into the room. She seemed to be a normal human female and quite beautiful. She had a small bundle in her arms and walked over to me. It was an infant, but it had pale skin and didn’t look quite human.”
“The tall man instructed me that he wanted me to take the infant and care for it. It needed the love of a human mother since their race did not understand the emotion of love. I told him that I couldn’t because I already had a child and it was hard enough raising my son alone on a farm when times were currently difficult for me. He raised his head up and down as if agreeing with what I said and passed his hands across my eyes. I must have passed out because I awoke to found myself in my bed.”
“It was daylight and I figured that I had been ‘gone’ for about 5 hours. When I tried to get out of bed, my legs and hips were very stiff and sore. I carefully stood up and noticed 2 large spots of wet blood on the bedsheets. The experience with the beings was still fresh on my mind but I had no idea that I had endured any probing or surgery.”
“A few days later, I decided to schedule a doctor’s appointment just to make sure I was OK. The doctor recommended a full physical since my blood pressure was higher than usual and my ankles were swollen. An appointment was made at my local hospital for x-rays and blood work.”
“To make a long story short, I returned to my doctor’s office a few days after the tests were performed. When I walked into her office, she asked me to sit down and explained that my right kidney was missing. She said that it was probably missing since birth and was just never noticed. I found this hard to believe since I had given birth to my child and have had other x-rays in the past. I just agreed with her assessment and was instructed that I would need to start taking hypertension medication and would need to be regularly monitored.”
“I am positive that the beings removed my kidney and performed other experiments on my body. Though it has been almost 20 years since that encounter, I just know that they will be back.”
“Lon, have you ever heard of organs and/or body parts being harvested from abducted humans?”
“I sincerely hope I can eventually get some answers.” Rosario – near Cody, WY
NOTE: I did talk to Rosario and assured her that she wasn’t the only person that I knew of who had whole or parts of organs removed during an abduction or encounter. I never received a follow-up from Rosario, but I hope she found some solace. Lon
Donald (Deke) Slayton “Mercury Seven” astronaut, stated in an interview, that he had seen a UFO in 1951: “I was testing a P-51 fighter in Minneapolis when I spotted this object. I was at about 10,000 feet on a nice, bright, sunny afternoon. I thought the object was a kite, then realized that no kite is gonna [sic] fly that high. As I got closer, it looked like a weather balloon, gray and about three feet in diameter. But as soon as I got behind the darn thing, it didn’t look like a balloon anymore. It looked like a saucer, a disc. About that same time, I realized that it was suddenly going away from me – and there I was, running at about 300 miles an hour. I tracked it for a little while, and then all of sudden the damn thing just took off. It pulled about a 45-degree climbing turn and accelerated and just flat disappeared. A couple of days later, I was having a beer with my commanding officer, and I thought, ‘ What the hell, I’d better mention something to him about it.’ I did, and he told me to get on down to intelligence and give them a report. I did, and I never heard anything more on it.”
Vladimir Kovalyonok, Major-General of Aviation stated: “On May 5, 1981, we were in orbit [in the Salyut-6 space station]. I saw an object that didn’t resemble any cosmic objects I’m familiar with. It was a round object which resembled a melon, round and a little bit elongated. In front of this object was something that resembled a gyrating depressed cone. I can draw it, it’s difficult to describe. The object resembles a barbell.
I saw it becoming transparent and like with a ‘ body’ inside. At the other end I saw something like gas discharging, like a reactive object. Then something happened that is very difficult for me to describe from the point of view of physics. Last year in the magazine Nature I read about a physicist… we tried together to explain this phenomenon and we decided it was a ‘ plasmaform.’ I have to recognize that it did not have an artificial origin. It was not artificial because an artificial object couldn’t attain this form. I don’t know of anything that can make this movement… tightening, then expanding, pulsating. Then as I was observing, something happened, two explosions. One explosion, and then 0.5 seconds later, the second part exploded. I called my colleague Viktor [Savinykh], but he didn’t arrive in time to see anything. “What are the particulars? First conclusion: the object moved in a suborbital path, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to see it. There were two clouds, like smoke, that formed a barbell. It came near me and I watched it. Then we entered in to the shade for two or three minutes after this happened. When we came out of the shade we didn’t see anything. But during a certain time, we and the craft were moving together.” (Videotaped interview with Giorgio Bongiovanni in the village of Kosnikov, near Moscow, 1993.
Devil ‘texts priest’ Father Marian Rajchel over exorcism
A Polish priest who carried out an exorcism on a teenage girl says he is getting abusive text messages — from the devil.
It appears Lucifer isn’t too happy that Father Marian Rajchel tried to save the young girl’s soul and has been voicing his displeasure via text.
“The author of these texts is an evil spirit who has possessed her soul”, he told the Austrian Times . “Often the owners of mobile phones are not even aware that they are being used like this. However, in this case it is clear.”
In one of the texts the devil apparently told Father Rajchel that he was wasting his time trying to save the teenager.
“She will not come out of this hell. She’s mine. Anyone who prays for her will die,” the devil said.
After Father Rajchel replied, the devil then turned on him, getting particularly nasty and personal with the priest.
“Shut up, preacher. You cannot save yourself. Idiot. You pathetic old preacher,” he said.
Father Rajchel said “clearly this young girl has been possessed and needs further help.” – Herald Sun
Two new unexplained craters have now been discovered in the permafrost of Russia’s far north.
The mystery surrounding Siberia’s anomalous craters seems no closer to being solved this week following the revelation that two more have turned up in different regions of the country.
The second hole, like the first, was discovered in the Yamal Peninsula but was situated several hundred kilometers away. With a diameter of 15 meters, the hole is located in the Taz district near the village of Antipayuta and possesses many of the same geological features as its predecessor.
“Undoubtedly, we need to study all such formations,” said Earth Cryosphere Institute chief scientist Marina Leibman. “It is necessary to be able to predict their occurrence. Each new funnel provides additional information for scientists.”
The third and most recently discovered crater is located in the Taymyr Peninsula where it was found by local herders who almost fell in to it by accident. While not as large as the other two, its diameter is still 4m and its depth is estimated to be up to 100m. Images at Siberian Times
Haunted Hanover, PA home continues to harass owners
It’s only been two days since the Hanover episode of “The Dead Files” aired and already DeAnna Simpson, owner of the featured haunted house, has noticed an increase in traffic on Maple Avenue.
There are at least 20 or 30 cars driving by every day to check out the home, Simpson said, People are even hopping out of the car to take pictures of the property or snap a quick selfie. Others approach her with questions about the episode while she works in the garden.
“I was always quiet about it and ashamed to tell people,” Simpson said about her experience living in the house for seven years. “You can’t tell people stuff like that because they look at you like get the straight jacket. Now, all of a sudden, there is this overwhelming support.”
Though Simpson said a few people accused her of living a Godless life or hunting for attention, most people are sympathetic to the situation. She’s received emails, Facebook messages and been approached by others looking to share their own supernatural experiences. Read more at York Daily Record
Mathematicians Say It’s Probable That Alien Probes Have Reached Earth
NASA’s Voyager 1 space probe reached beyond our solar system’s boundary last year, and it’s set to rendezvous with a star named AC+79 3888—in about 40,000 years. It may seem like a long time, but imagine an alien race that’s 40,000 years ahead of us in technological development.
What if that race sent out a probe 40,000 years ago? Could we be at the receiving end of similar attempts at space exploration? What if that race had a million-year head start on humanity?
University of Edinburgh professors Arwen Nicholson and Duncan Forgana have pondered such questions and formulated some related theories.
They published an article in the International Journal of Astrobiology last year explaining techniques that could dramatically cut down the time needed to send probes far and wide. They also said it is not only possible that aliens could reach our solar system with such probes, but they may have even done so a very long time ago. And this may be ongoing, with several different alien cultures sending probes at the same time.
Furthermore, the probes could be so advanced we would not even be able to detect them. Just because we haven’t seen the probes, said the mathematicians, doesn’t mean they haven’t arrived.
According to Albert Einstein’s relativity theory, it is impossible to travel faster than the speed of light, and this has led some to question how aliens could reach our planet within any reasonable amount of time if they live so many light-years away.
Some scientists have begun questioning Einstein’s relativity theory, though it still provides the prevailing framework for understanding cosmic motion. Even within the bounds of this theory, said the researchers, space travel could be much quicker than previously thought.
Nicholson and Forgana theorize that probes could slingshot themselves around cosmic bodies using the gravitational forces of those bodies. This slingshot maneuver, combined with an ability to self-replicate, could allow alien civilizations to probe the entire Milky Way galaxy within 10 million years without going faster than the speed of light, according to their calculations. Actually, the probes would only need to go 10 percent of the speed of light to accomplish this.
It may seem that 10 million years is still a completely unreasonable time span, but considering the enormity of the galaxy and the great time span of all of cosmic history, it’s really quite short.
The two professors built their theory upon the work of mathematician and physicist John Von Neumann, who first postulated the model of the self-replicating machine in the 1940s.
The concept of the self-replicating, Voyager-like probe follows the idea that a probe is sent to a distant star system, and once it arrives, it collects the necessary resources needed to construct another probe. Once the new probe is finished, it would move onto another system while the parent would stay at its destination and complete its mission. – The Epoch Times
I was intrigued by poll results that were posted by The Huffington Post today:
Humans have been searching for signs of life on other planets at least since the 1960s, when scientists began scanning the heavens for radio signals that might be evidence of extraterrestrial beings. Scientists even have tried to reach out to aliens by sending out radio messages, beginning with transmissions made in 1974.
But does it make sense for us to try to establish contact with alien life? A new HuffPost/YouGov poll shows that many Americans have their doubts.
It’s not that Americans don’t think intelligent life exists beyond Earth. Fifty percent think intelligent life is out there somewhere, the poll shows. Nineteen percent think there’s no intelligent alien life, and 31 percent say they’re not sure.
And 46 percent think it would be possible for humans to contact intelligent aliens. But only 37 percent think it’s a good idea to try. Twenty-seven percent said it’s a bad idea, while 36 percent aren’t sure whether it’s a good or bad idea.
Americans who think attempting to contact alien life is a bad idea had differing reasons for saying so. Eight percent of all Americans said it would be a waste of time to try because intelligent life is unlikely to exist. Another 8 percent said they think it might be dangerous, because our efforts might alert unfriendly aliens to our presence.
Five percent said an alien contact program would be a waste of money even if it did work, and 2 percent said it would be too difficult because we lack the necessary technology. Another 2 percent said it would be a bad idea for some other reason.
The poll shows that men are more likely than women to believe intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe (58 percent to 43 percent) and to think that it would be possible to contact extraterrestrial life (53 percent to 40 percent). Forty-one percent of men and 33 percent of women said it’s a good idea to try to contact other intelligent life forms, but those who said it was a bad idea gave similar reasons for why.
The HuffPost/YouGov poll was conducted July 17-19 among 1,000 U.S. adults using a sample selected from YouGov’s opt-in online panel to match the demographics and other characteristics of the adult U.S. population. Factors considered include age, race, gender, education, employment, income, marital status, number of children, voter registration, time and location of Internet access, interest in politics, religion and church attendance. – THP
The fact that only 37% of Americans believe that contacting extraterrestrials is a good idea gives me some hope that wiser minds are out there.
At one time, I was gung-ho on the idea of sending signals and ‘Pioneer Plaques’ into space, hoping for a positive result. The Carl Sagan ‘Cosmos’ series fascinated me and piqued my interests. SETI’s continued efforts (as well as the movie ‘Contact‘) were inspirations of the good that could be gained by consorting with alien races. That enthusiasm ended after my research and investigation of the David Eckhart & Family ordeal.
Subsequent investigations have bolstered my thinking on the subject, leading to this conclusion…that we are merely fodder to the majority of non-terrestrials.
Now…before you start writing, I do want to note that I believe there are beings who, to a degree, are looking after us. I sincerely accept the premise that our future descendants, in whatever physical form they evolved to, are initiating efforts to reverse certain events that were detrimental in their history.
That stated…yes, I do conclude that some forms of time travel will be fabricated and eventually be used to augment earlier segments of human history. In fact, I believe it has already occurred numerous times.
Our future is an agenda that will play out as designed. Those leaders & bureaucrats who do not conform to this timetable will be asterisks on future records.
It is truly a New World Order…but on a scale that includes other times and other worlds. Lon
On March 14th, 2014, the world lost its greatest pioneer in the field of alien implant/physical evidence removal. Dr. Roger Leir was responsible for the removal of sixteen implanted objects from abduction experiencers, and with his passing many are now wondering whom to turn to. According to Dr. Leir’s associate Darrel Sims, and his website, there are three facts you should know about alien implants:
1) They are extremely rare.
2) They are not tracking devices.
3) They are evolving.
The first thing one should probably consider when contemplating the issue of implants is; how did they get there? Most abduction experiencers do not have a conscious memory of the implant being inserted, and may never even know that they have one. According to Dr. Leir there is never even a mark showing where the implant might have entered, and they don’t cause inflammation of the surrounding tissue. So how is one to know when they have one? On top of that is the issue of the public’s acceptance of the whole abduction phenomena! If the general public has a hard time swallowing the idea of alien abductions, it’s a sure bet that implants are going to be even more unrealistic to the average person. All this can leave the experiencer wondering where to turn to for help.
Another question that comes to mind is; does every abduction experiencer have an implant? I would have to say…yes. Even if we can’t detect one, I wouldn’t be so sure that means there isn’t one there. The implants that have been analyzed as emitting a signal, did so on the same frequency as RF tags used in most stores as anti-theft devices, but not all of the implants removed had detectable emissions. Does this mean that they were shut off remotely, or is it transmitting on a frequency we just can’t detect? When watching the “Watchers 8” DVD I thought it interesting that the implant that they were trying to remove, while being visible before, decided to hide from the ultrasound when they actually were going to remove it. Was someone or something monitoring it and aware that it was the subject of study? And just what is it that they transmit? As you can see, the questions pile up faster than the answers when one starts to investigate the implant phenomena.
There are many debunkers out there that would say that it’s all only psychological, and that what is being removed from patients is nothing more than bits of glass or metal shavings, and that the people had simply forgotten the injury where the object penetrated the skin. In the instances that they usually provide as evidence of their theory, they are correct. Of course people get objects imbedded in their skin accidentally in the course their daily lives, and often these days after all of the publicity some people do question what said object might be. And of course the debunkers like to shout out that there have never been any scientific tests done on any of the removed implants. To both accounts, they are wrong. Interestingly, they never like to talk about the good cases.
According to the MUFON website (, Dr. Roger Leir and Mr. Darrel Sims, a certified hypnotherapist, are the founders of FIRST (Fund for Interactive Research and Space Technology). Together they assembled a team of “competent medical professionals and volunteers” who performed their first set of implant removal surgeries at Dr. Leir’s podiatry clinic in Thousand Oaks, California, on August 19th, 1995. The objects removed in those surgeries were studied by two different pathologists, and then sent to different independent laboratories for extensive scientific analysis. MUFON records indicate that the tests run on these objects included a pathology/tissue evaluation, and three forms of spectroscopy amongst many others, and were performed by the National Institute of Discovery of Science (NIDS), New Mexico Tech, and other independent sources. In the words of Dr. Leir; “The findings of these implant surgeries are highly unusual”, not the least of which was the fact that the metal the implants were constructed out of was “meteoric in origin”.
So where does one turn to for help? As always, one can always file a report on MUFON’s website, and whoever is assigned to investigate the case will be equipped to best help with that situation. Another very valuable resource is CERO (Close Encounter Research Organization), and it’s founder Yvonne Smith, who has assured me that there is help available for anyone who is seeking it.
Extra information about the article:
An overview of the current situation, and where to obtain help.
A Wright County, MO, radio station employee filed a report for a local listener who experienced a recent cattle mutilation, according to July 28, 2014, testimony in Case 58460 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
A Wright County, MO, rancher isn’t taking any chances and has moved his entire herd to a new location after one of his calves was mutilated on July 15, 2014. Pictured: Wright County, MO. (Credit: Google)
“He checks his cattle every day and the other day one of his calves were missing from the herd,” the reporting witness stated. “He couldn’t find it that day, but the next day he noticed a buzzard and went to that area and found the calf in a creek bed.”
The witness described the animal’s condition.
“All the internal organs were gone. It was drained of all blood and there was nothing left but hide and bones. He said there was a smell like a butcher shop has.”
Wright County, MO, was the scene of an animal mutilation on July 15, 2015, according to Case 58460. Pictured: Wright County, MO. (Credit: Google)
Hearing of other animal mutilations in the area, the rancher has relocated his herd.
“He moved all his herd to another area and has sold all the calves he could as he heard that his neighbor has lost 15 calves the same way this calf has died.”
Wright County is located in the southern portion of Missouri, population 18,815. The incident occurred on July 15, 2014.
Missouri MUFON is following up on leads that more than a dozen animal mutilation have occurred in the state recently. Pictured: Wright County, MO. (Credit: Google)
Missouri State Director Debbie Ziegelmeyer is investigating. Missouri has a current UFO Alert Rating of 3 with a high number of recent reports nationally. Missouri had 29 UFO reports in June 2014 – the 4th highest reporting state – while California had 107 reports as the highest reporting state. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 150 or more reports for the month are rated an Alert 1; states with 100 or more reports are rated an Alert 2; 25 reports or more for the month are rated an Alert 3; 13 or more reports are rated an Alert 4; and those states with less than 13 reports for the month are an Alert 5.
A Pennsylvania witness at Lewistown reported watching a “silvery-blue, disc shape” hovering right above her neighbor’s roof about 1 a.m. on July 28, 2014, according to testimony in Case 58468 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The Lewistown, PA, witness described the object as blue-white energy hovering just over a neighbor’s rooftop on July 29, 2014. Pictured: Lewistown, PA. (Credit: Google)
The witness had just stepped outside with her dog when the animal ran off and she heard a neighbor’s dog inside a pen whimpering – and then looked up and noticed the object.
“Only way for me to describe it was it looked like energy,” the witness stated. “It wasn’t solid, but not translucent either. I wasn’t sure what I was seeing whether it was from this universe, or spiritual. If I wasn’t paralyzed from fear I would have enjoyed its beauty more.”
The object quickly moved away.
“Within five or so seconds it dispersed. I felt the energy go through my body. I honestly didn’t know for a few minutes if I was dead or alive. I didn’t feel any pain, just warmth. Logically I thought maybe I had somehow got struck by lightning. It looked nothing like lightening though, and I had no pain, burns, anything outwardly different at all that I could tell.”
The Lewistown, PA, witness said the object quickly disappeared and re-appeared higher in the sky nearby. Pictured: Lewistown, PA. (Credit: Google)
The object appeared nearby.
“A few moments later I saw it up higher and farther away. I never saw it move from point A to point B though. After it took off, it was out of sight until I saw it reappear those few moments later.”
The size of the object was large from the witnesses’ point of view.
“I would describe the size the first time I saw it as around the size of the diameter of our above ground pool. So around 20-24 feet. That’s an estimate. I was closer to the ground than it was, but saw it from the side, not underneath. I saw no craft, only the blue energy.”
The object’s size hovering over a neighbor’s rooftop was described as the size of an above ground swimming pool. Pictured: Lewistown, PA, Post Office (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Lewistown is a borough in and the county seat of Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, population 8,338. Pennsylvania MUFON is investigating. Pennsylvania has a current UFO Alert Rating of 3 with a high number of recent reports nationally. Pennsylvania had 26 UFO reports in June 2014 – the 7th highest reporting state – while California had 107 reports as the highest reporting state. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 150 or more reports for the month are rated an Alert 1; states with 100 or more reports are rated an Alert 2; 25 reports or more for the month are rated an Alert 3; 13 or more reports are rated an Alert 4; and those states with less than 13 reports for the month are an Alert 5.
I find a common theme among the human race is how one group can criticize others for alleged absurd beliefs yet hold on to what could be called equally absurd beliefs. An example if UFO buffs and religious fundamentalists. UFO believers have been regarded as a flaky bunch while religious leaders and followers are generally thought of as outstanding citizens. There are times I beg to differ.
Pastor that used to be stationed in the small city I live in scoffed at the possibility of UFO's among other things in the realm of the paranormal. But he didn't question anything written in the Bible despite lack of any real proof supporting the Virgin Birth and other biblical claims. It's amazing the double standards involved.
The centuries untold masses have believed in questionable information that organized religion has told them. One topic that has been ridiculed is the prospects of life elsewhere other than what is on Earth. The Universe has countless planets and stars, some of which could very well support life on them. To say Earth is the only inhabited planet in the entire cosmos is egotistical, vain and arrogant on our part. Yet for centuries conventional wisdom said Earth was the centre of the Universe when we are far from it. To disagree with the party line of that day meant being labelled as a heretic or be shunned.
UFO world has its share of the fringe element but claims of religious fundamentalists can be just as absurd. Instead of continuing in the us versus then mentality we need to find answers in this field. It's going to be interesting to see what is going on in this area.
Publisher's Note:I received an email from Deborah Richards regarding her new book: I am the author of 'The Skywhale' which has recently been published as an ebook and is available on Could you please publish the following book review on your UFO Digest website.
The basic premise of ‘The Skywhale’ by Deborah Richards is that UFOs are really living creatures that can hover and fly through the sky. In the book Esme and her teenage brother George find a skywhale while they are out treasure-hunting with a metal detector in the silt of a river estuary. The creature had been basking just under the silt and the metal detector wakes it up. It rises up into the air and flies off with the two young people clinging onto the roots (or are they veins?) on the creature’s back. Esme can communicate with the creature telepathically but George is already too old. Over the course of a day they discover that the skywhale is highly intelligent with a great sense of humour and a liking for danger that ultimately gets them all into trouble. The skywhale is pan-dimensional and can ‘jump’ out of trouble but the youngsters are not.
The book found a home with the Canadian digital publisher MuseItUp Publishing who described it as “totally unique”. Aimed at the young teen market, it was published on 18th July 2014 as an ebook, available from and six other online ebook retailers. A sequel is on its way.
For more information or to purchase this book click on its title: The Skywhale
By Carlos Sainz, Alternativa OVNI (No. 5, July 2014)
Toward late November and during the month of December of 1983, the neighborhood of Villa Montoro on the outskirts of La Plata (capital of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina) became the epicenter for a series of reports by local residents – mainly children and teenagers – who claimed having witnessed encounters with small, greenish, humanoid entities. The case became known as “the little green men of La Plata” and it caused significant local interest in the early days of the restoration of democratic rule in the country.
The Facts
An abandoned house, located on a property on Calle 600 between 2nd and 3rd in the Villa Montoro neighborhood was the main scene of the alleged apparitions of these diminutive beings, which according to eyewitness reports, were green-skinned and stood no taller than 0.60 centimeters. Sightings of these small entities was not restricted to the house in question, and sightings and reports extended to several blocks around, giving rise to a veritable tidal wave of journalists, researchers, experts in supernatural phenomena and curiosity-seekers flooding the area constantly.
First Sightings
Diego Illi, 7 at the time, living at Calle 600 between 1st and 2nd, was perhaps the first to have a close encounter with the little men. This took place on Sunday, November 27 between 14:30 and 19:30 hours. “We went to play with Walter (a friend) in the abandoned house. We were climbing a tree when we saw them. Walter got scared and ran away. I stayed behind and played with them a lot. We climbed the tree limbs, and I also got to wrestle with one of them. Then they told me it was late and that I had to leave.” (1)
Regarding the description of these beings, Diego noted: “They’re tiny – they come up to here,” pointing to his knee. “They’re green and have wrinkled faces, like old men. They had long nails, were dressed in green, had little boots and green caps.” Diego says he saw the little men eating quince and honey.
“I went back to the house but never found them again. I hope they come back. I’d like to see them again.”
Claudia Ortiz de Viguera, 21, lives across from the lot where the apparitions allegedly occurred. She remembers going out to smoke a cigarette on the evening of Sunday the 27th. “First I heard laughter, like that of children, coming from the playground, but while it’s true that they play there regularly, I found it odd that they should be playing at that time of night. That’s when the little man turned up. The night was rather bright and that’s how I managed to see him, but it happened very quickly…”
Another eyewitness account is that of Julio Cesar Masei, a 14-year-old who on Monday the 28th, the next day, claims having had the following experience.
“It was around 16:30 hours and I was crossing the field to reach Calle 90, since I was off to see a friend who lives between 4th and 5th. In the middle of the field there’s a small stream and a sort of embankment. As I walked by, I heard laughter and noise, and decided to get closer. The embankment is covered by a cina-cina bush, and when I lifted it I saw around 4 or 5 of those little men. When they saw me, they stood up and chased me. I took off at high speed, and tried to leap across the stream but couldn’t do it. In any event, I managed to cross it all covered in mud. The little men remained on the other side. We stared at each other for a while, some 5 minutes. They screeched and growled like cats, threatening me with cina-cina branches. One of them, the loudest, appeared to be rabid.”
Julio’s description of the beings is as follows. “They were midgets standing some meter and a half tall. They were dressed in little green coveralls, but their skin was the same as ours, the same color. They had no ears and were very old, some 70 years old.”
The youth adds: “I threw a brick at one and hit him in the leg. He screamed and hopped around as his fellows looked at him.” Julio ran to join his friends, who mocked him. He then fearfully made the return journey home.
Hours later, at dusk, the young man decided to go back. “I went out looking for them again, with a flashlight. I found them once more in an empty field under a tree. I crept up and had one of them close at hand. I reached out my hand and touched him without feeling anything odd.”
More Eyewitness Reports
Guillermo Insaurralde, 11, decided to go to the site accompanied by several friends after hearing what locals were talking about. “All of us were circling the house when one of them [the little men] ran out from behind a wall. He was green, looked scaly and I even think he had a single eye. It was dark and I shouted for my friends to bring the flashlight over. The thing ran toward the bushes in a zig-zag pattern and vanished. It walked on two legs, was like a midget, and made strange noises like a tired dog.”
Later on, the boy would expand on the details (at the request of journalists) on the creature’s characteristics: “It would have been some 50 centimeters tall with a scaly body, like a fish, seemed frightened and squealed…it looked like the light from the flashlights caused it harm. We almost caught it, but it moved too quickly and got away from us after chasing it nearly two blocks from where we found it…I saw it had a single eye in its forehead. It was black. I didn’t notice any hair on it, had a large head, like a half-flattened egg or pumpkin…”
Beatriz Piñeyro was around 8 at the time. She lived with her parents in the rear of the abandoned house. She told her father that on Monday, she saw the little men on the treetops. The father did not pay attention to his daughter’s statements at the time, and upon approaching the trees, he saw nothing out of the ordinary.
On the Progression of the Events
During the course of the events in Villa Montoro, a number of researchers of unusual phenomena appeared (2), aside from the journalists and chroniclers of the communication media. [These were] extraterrestrial contactees, channelers, people who received messages from the Blessed Virgin and those who claimed to be in telepathic contact with imps and gnomes. Among them was parapsychologist Oscar Avendaño, who claimed having received telepathic messages from these small beings, giving him a message to be conveyed to then-president Raul Alfonsín (3). The parapsychologist claimed to have made contact with a little man named “Clatú” (4), commander of the Astro-Galactica spacecraft: “Alfonsín must not allow work to continue on nuclear energy and thoughts of making a nuclear weapon must be dismissed.” This, allegedly, was part of the message received by Avendaño.
Commissioner Amador Alfredo Villar of the Eight Commisariat of the city acknowledges that many people reported to his precinct to report what they had seen, but made it clear that the corresponding reports were never taken down. In his own words: “We visited the place several times. I’ve been there myself and haven’t found anything yet…we’ll keep investigating and patrolling should anything turn up.”
When consulted about his opinion regarding the witness claims, he said: “I don’t know what they’ve seen. I don’t know. Maybe it’s true. It’s hard to believe, of course, but who knows. People were very restless last night, we went and found a large group of people combing the pastures with flashlights or standing there discussing the subject.”
Some local residents manifested their dismay about the situation, especially the lack of safety at the end of the day. They said that gunshots could be heard in the dark, stones were thrown at the homes nearest the abandoned house. They demanded a greater police presence due to the number of people prowling the area (5).
Part II of htis article will be pubished tomorrow: Wednesday, July 30, 2014.
(N.Morgan) Do you believe aliens exist? Do you believe that there are other planets inhabited by other life forms, different from ours? Is it possible for such life forms to really live in other universes or galaxies? In the video below, Ronny Dawson shows some very compelling and exciting evidence that there just may be life on in other realms. For the first time in history. Let us show you once and for all aliens are real. You will see the top side of a UFO Mothership and the creatures on it. This video is the culmination of 3 years of research and video enhancement of a amazing 7 seconds of video captured of a UFO over North Central Texas.The images here are real. The images have been run through filters to enhance clarity but in no way have been manufactured or created.What you see here is the actual surface of the craft and the mystery.
Area 51, AKA Dreamland or Groom Lake, is the most mysterious “top-secret military test facility” in the world. New technologies vital to United States national security are developed here. Insiders claim that even recovered spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin are studied and test flown at Area 51. Many strange stories speak of government involvement with alien technology and the recovery of alien spacecraft while other stories speak of incredible underground bases and exotic “new world order” technologies designed for global “mind-control” warfare. However, recently obtained government documents now reveal a connection between US military “black budget programs” and alien technology at Area 51.
In a three-year investigation, a German film crew dove deeply into the secrets of “Dreamland” and Area 51, interviewing top scientists and security personnel who worked inside Area 51 and claim to have seen what can only now be described as alien spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin.
This program presents the facts about these amazing discoveries and includes stunning film footage of the remarkable flight maneuvers of these mysterious alien spacecraft secretly recorded during test flights at Area 51.
This is huge info that has been supressed. Please take the time to listen to both parts. Part 1 contains NEVER BEFORE HEARD information about the clear presence of ET life on earth. PREPARE TO BE AMAZED!
Part 2 contains a very interesting interview with a man who witnessed a ufo. He had gotten in his truck in a hope to get to wherever the UFO was in the desert. He was confronted by two military vehicles and men got out of the vehicles and pointed guns at him. HUGE!
I’m urging all truth warriors to go to Facebook and LIKE the “VT Truth Warriors” page – huge stories breaking there and we are taking ACTION! Also get Glenn Canady’s free ebook “How to Spread 1,000 Times More Truth” using simple tips. Visit his Youtube channel also for VeteransToday Radio and much more! We are being lied to by our fake news and the lies are increasing every day. We have no more time to waste. —— WAKE UP!
New research confirms there are some major similarities between these reports and those of sleep paralysis.
Indeed, these hallucinogenic nightmares may even be classified as type of dark lucid dreams.
To the uninitiated this may sound like an odd claim, but those who are familiar with sleep paralysis and the nature of lucidity can draw some compelling connections.
So if you believe you are the subject of an alien abduction (or similar experience involving any kind of night-time visitation by demons, shadow people, ghosts and ghouls) take heart that your terrifying experience may all have been a cruel trick of the mind…
A History of Alien Abduction
The phenomenon of alien abduction has been around for over half a century – with the first famous report originating in 1957.
Never before in history did anyone talk about slender aliens with big heads stealing us away in our sleep… until the phenomenon was first reported in the mainstream media and the idea got into our heads.
The timing, of course, coincided with The Space Race and Yuri Gagarin’s landmark achievement of becoming the first human in space. The media excitement probably helped fuel the ongoing sci-fi literature boom.
Indeed, it was science fiction that gave us the first example of alien abduction. In 1946, Planet Comics published a strip in which aliens used a luminous tractor beam to kidnap a female earthling they called Specimen 9.
These alone are not good enough reasons to dismiss the claims of alien abductees. But should we really be surprised that, now lodged in the cultural consciousness, life began to imitate art…?
What Are The Odds?
According to studies, millions of Americans believe they have been abducted in their beds at night. Why so many? Do aliens really have an insatiable need to probe our puny human bodies so much? Biologically, we’re all members of the same species so what’s with the need for 1,000,000+ separate abductions?
The numbers just don’t add up. I’m not saying millions of people are lying about the whole thing. I believe their experiences are real – at least, real for them.
The real reason millions of people feel they have been visited by aliens is because there is something fundamental in human nature causing this experience.
Many sleep researchers believe that night-time abductions are a culmination of natural physiological and psychological processes of the human body. In other words, it’s a freaky deaky mind trick.
Alien abductees are not crazy, delusional, nor insane. They’re the victims of cultural influence (the way horror movies infect your nightmares) combined with a common sleep disorder called sleep paralysis.
Sleep Paralysis
Every night, we all enter a bodily state of REM atonia - where our muscles become unresponsive to the firing of motor neurons in the brain. This safety mechanism prevents us from acting out our dreams.
The few parts of the body which remain untouched by REM atonia are the eyeballs (hence, Rapid Eye Movement), chest (so you can breathe normally) and perhaps some extremities like fingertips and lips.
Sometimes, on the verge of sleep or when you are stirring from a slumber, you can mentally awaken and become aware of the REM atonia before it wears off. It’s a slight disconnect between brain and body – and while not dangerous, the results can be extremely disturbing if you don’t understand what’s happening.
Some people experience this every single night; others will never experience it in their entire lives. Being awake during REM atonia is known as sleep paralysis and the likelihood of it happening is thought to increase when you suffer from narcolepsy, sleep deprivation or jet lag.
If you wake up in the night and are unable to move, what happens? Most people tend to panic. The harder they try to move their arms and legs, the more obvious it becomes that something is blocking their will to move.
It can feel like a lead weight holding your body down and your chest may feel like it is being crushed. (It isn’t, of course, but the feeling of paralysis can be so alien in itself you become wholly focused on that restricted movement.)
Sleep paralysis can last anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes, and while not dangerous, it can be extremely mentally disturbing.
But where do the aliens come in?
Sleep Paralysis Hallucinations
As if the experience of sleep paralysis wasn’t disturbing enough, your mind (in a state of panic and confusion) can take it to whole new levels of horror.
Fueled by the bizarre circumstances of waking up paralyzed, your half-asleep mind may try to make sense of the experience by creating nightmarish hallucinations to “explain” what’s happening. Like dreams, these explanations are drawn from our subconscious beliefs about reality – including religious and cultural interpretations.
In the 18th century, Germanic folklore and personal experience led John Henry Fuseli to paint The Nightmare, featuring a woman in sleep paralysis. Like many reports of the time, her chest was compressed by an incubus (male sex demon) while the head of a horse (mare) looked on with ghoulish, featureless eyes…
The experience of hallucinations during sleep paralysis is so old, in fact, that even the original meaning of the word “nightmare” relates to this phenomenon. Nightmare is derived from mara, a Scandinavian mythological term referring to a spirit sent to torment or suffocate sleepers by pressing weight on their chests.
Alien Abduction Hallucinations
As our science and literature developed over the ages, so did our cultural beliefs. In the Western world, we’re not so much enslaved by the idea of sexual demons as we are extra terrestrials and pan-dimensional beings. It doesn’t take a giant leap of the imagination to go from incubus attacks to alien ones.
The blueprint is already there. Many alien abduction reports share the same features, which you can now relate to a typical experience of sleep paralysis:
It occurs in the night, waking the victim from sleep.
The victim feels completely paralyzed.
The victim feels a strong sense of fear.
An intruder enters the room and moves menacingly to the victim.
The intruder molests the victim and/or crushes their chest.
This continues until the victim returns to full sleep or full wakefulness.
If you enter a dream from a half-awake, half-asleep alien abduction experience, it will likely follow the thread of being taken aboard a spaceship. You may go on to dream vividly about floating out your bedroom window, aboard a ship, and being prodded and probed – just as science fiction has taught us to expect. As with lucid dreaming, the course of this semi-conscious dream is largely directed by your expectations.
And So To Lucid Dreams...
How, then, do alien abductions and sleep paralysis relate to lucid dreams?
It was Dr Stephen LaBerge, a leading lucid dream researcher, who famously pointed out that sleep paralysis is not something to be feared… but to be encouraged and embraced and used as a stepping stone to the world of lucid dreams.
The main reason sleep paralysis is so scary is because people don’t understand what’s happening. They may think they are dying, passing into the afterlife, going to hell – and, yep, even being abducted by aliens.
Now that you know the biological explanation of sleep paralysis, is it really as scary? You are primed with knowledge that, while the paralysis is genuine, it is a safe and natural mechanism created to protect your dream sleep. And while any hallucinations may be disturbing, they are no more real than a vivid nightmare.
What’s more, you can control the outcome of these hallucinations, much like a lucid dreamer controls the outcome of his dreams. Instead of allowing fear to take over your thoughts, flood your mind with warm and positive emotions like love and happiness. Sounds cheesy? Absolutely. But it will stop the intruder in its tracks. If you then imagine entering a beautiful dreamscape like a beach or mountain top, you will suddenly arrive there, all the while convert your experience into a vivid lucid dream. No complaints there.
Final Thoughts
As explorers of the sleep-wake border, we are more prone to encountering sleep paralysis from time to time. This is not a bad thing! As experts point out, your beliefs and attitudes to sleep paralysis directly affect the outcome.
Bring your fear along and it will predictably turn into your worst nightmare. Bring peace and courage, and you can turn it into amazing lucid dreams and unimaginable states of bliss.
This, too, can apply to the alien abduction experience…
Further Reading
If you suffer from sleep paralysis or are worried about this happening to you, there is an exceptional digital guide called Sleep Paralysis Kit.
In this sanity-saving resource, long time sleep paralysis sufferer and lucid dreamer Ryan Hurd explains how to:
Face your bedroom intruder with courage and ask for what you want
What a coincidence! As to refereed journals and ufos I recently informed Seth Shostak of Dr. Bruce Maccabee's paper "Still In Default", notably "Non-publication of Scientific Papers" (pp 12-20) and the scientific article "Inflation-Theory Implications for Extraterrestrial Visitation" by Dr. J. Deardorff, Dr. B. Haisch, Dr. B. Maccabee and Dr. H.E. Puthoff, which was published in the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society (JBIS) in 2005 ( So, when I found this article yesterday it sounded very familiar to me. ;)
Kind regards.
André Skondras
ABSTRACT (from Still In Default, updated version 1998/2004)
"For nearly 40 [more than 50] years, the science establishment has ignored the UFO problem,relegating it to the domain of "true believers and mental incompetents" (a.k.a. "kooks and nuts"[according to former editor John Howard of Applied Optics magazine]). Scientists have participated in a "self-cover-up" by refusing to look at the credible and well reported data. Furthermore, some of those few scientists who have studied UFO data have published explanations which are unconvincing or just plain wrong and have "gotten away with it" because most of the rest of the scientific community has not cared enough to analyze these explanations. The general rejection of the scientific validity of UFO sightings has made it difficult to publish analyses of good sightings [in refereed journals of establishment science]. Examples are presented of the scientific-self-cover-up involving erroneous explanations, refusal to look at the data, and rejection of papers for publication. How long wi ll this situation last? Forty [fifty] years is long enough [too long]."
Radioastronomer Seth Shostak, last making headlines in May alongside colleague Dan Wertheimer by appearing on Capitol Hill to appeal for congressional SETI funding, is one of the nicest, brightest and most approachable scientists you’ll ever want to meet. Even during disagreements over The Great Taboo, the SETI Institute’s senior astronomer is unfailingly cordial. So when British chemist Erol Faruk tuned into a podcast in which Shostak asked listeners to send him “just one good example” of UFO evidence, Faruk took him at his word.
Sometimes it just doesn't matter how prepared you are .../CREDIT:
The results of Faruk’s quixotic quest for a fair hearing from Shostak and mainstream science have just been released in his self-published ebook on Amazon. It pretty much strips away the myth that institutional scholars would welcome Great Taboo data if Only They Had Decent Stuff To Study. Its title is a mouthful - The Indisputable Scientific Evidence for a UFO Landing and Deposition (aka The Delphos Case) that was denied Publication by Scientific journals — but it’s a relatively succinct reiteration of the hallmark timidity that characterizes — or more aptly, impedes — America’s learning curve into terra incognita.
First, Erol Faruk has what exclusive groups like to call standing. He has a PhD in chemistry, worked research posts at Oxford and Nottingham universities, and became a development chemist at the corporation that became GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals. He has published peer-reviewed papers in arcane industry journals such as Helvetica Chimica Act, and The Journal of Antibiotics. He holds several formula patents. He speaks the language.
Years ago, Faruk got interested in the 1971 Delphos, Kan., UFO case. No need to rehash the whole thing here, you can read all about it online, but what sucked him in was the ring of glowing soil it left behind. The family took pictures moments after the UFO took off, local media and law enforcement converged on the scene, and the ring scars lingered long afterwards. Fungal growth was the chief suspect at the top of the conventional explanations list, but it couldn’t account for the temporary blindness alleged by one witness, nor the numbing sensation reported by another who touched the glowing earth when it was still fresh.
Faruk, years later, subjected several grams of affected soil to chemical analysis and discovered some puzzling behaviors in the sample compounds, including an apparent paradox in water soluble and water repellent properties. Most intriguing to him was how, as he would later write, the UFO “appears to have contained within its periphery an aqueous solution of an unstable compound whose likely sole function would be light emission.” Many UFOs are reported to glow. Maybe these trace effects held implications above and beyond this single event.
Faruk’s research was published in the Journal of UFO Studies in 1989. Analytical chemist Phyllis Budinger later weighed in with her own study. Budinger interpreted some of Faruk's findings differently, but she also discovered complexities that he had missed. JUFOS published Budinger's work in 2002.
Their combined efforts vanished with little comment. Faruk figured maybe that was because they were circulated in narrow-niche publications, and that it needed more eyes. So he decided to approach mainstream science journals, starting with Nature, the bible, in 2012. Maybe the exercise was doomed from the beginning, given the title of his paper — “The search for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence on earth; strong chemical and physical evidence for the existence of an unconventional luminescent aircraft (commonly called a UFO) observed by multiple witnesses at a farm in Delphos, Kansas, USA.” Ugh, that acronym again. But this is where things get interesting.
After being initially rejected outright since his work had been previously published, Faruk explained how the paper could be reworked to satisfy Nature’s exemptions to that rule. But the Nature editor declined to even run it past journal referees. He said he was “unable to conclude that the work provides the sort of firm advance in general understanding that would warrant publication.”
(De Void will interject at this point that De Void would have run with the editors’ names. Faruk stated in an email “I didn't wish to put any names on journal editors, since this isn't a personal issue. Each of the editors have to watch their own backs anyway, and aren't likely to risk their own careers by publishing material their bosses might not be happy about.” De Void would rgue the unnamed editors could earn brownie points among fraternal colleagues by being recognized for standing firm against The Great Taboo, but whatever ...)
Anyhow, Faruk shopped it to the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, which informed him “the subject matter is not within the [journal’s] publication scope.” When Faruk reminded the editor a UFO-related paper had been published in its ostensibly unsullied pages seven years earlier, the editor retorted that was under another regime. “As I am Editor of JBIS,” he assured Faruk, “it is not my policy to promote the publication of UFO report papers.” The same editor admitted he hadn’t even read Faruk’s paper, “although I am sure it is a good read.” And oh, btw, “This is not to say it isn’t a worthwhile ‘phenomenon’ to study, I just don’t believe JBIS should be the home of such studies, where a higher standard of scientific rigor is required.”
Ouch. And without even reading it. Faruk would later discover JBIS had run yet another UFO article — alien abductions, actually — in 2010. JBIS declined to respond to Faruk's subsequent appeals for additional discourse.
Enter Seth Shostak’s encouraging podcast solicitation for UFO evidence. So Faruk forwarded his material to the guy. “I’m not a chemist, so can’t really speak to how unusual this ring was,” Shostak wrote back. “... And beyond that, the SETI Institute doesn’t investigate UFO sightings (we don’t have the staff ... we’re a very small group.”)
Oy vay!
We can solve this riddle -- but first we have to know it's in the approved category/CREDIT:
Faruk wrote back with emphasis on the “potentially chemiluminescent substance” that could put the evidence into a “special category.” Shostak responded that “Odd arrangements (of) unusual material ... could have prosaic explanations” falling far short of a smoking gun. Faruk wrote that was the whole point, to put it out there to encourage more investigation: “The only thing I can think of as a ‘clincher’ is to do an isotopic analysis of the precipitated soil compound and check for anomalies.
Shostak’s riposte: “What I would suggest is that you submit this to a refereed journal.”
(De Void: EEEEEEEEE!!)
Faruk told Shostak he’d already been rebuffed by JBIS. Shostak wrote “Too bad, Erol. JBIS would have been one of those I would have recommended.”
So, eight months after telling it to the hand, Faruk approached JBIS again, going through its website channels. Same editor, same response: “Please don’t take the rejection personally. It is simply my editorial policy to not publish UFO papers. This is not because I don’t think that field of study is worthy but because I think there are other more fitting journals which specialise in this area and JBIS does not, by my choice.” Said editor referred him to other UFO magazines.
Faruk protested again. The editor restated his policy, and that of his advisory board, none of whom had read Faruk’s article, either. “I agree it’s one of the biggest scientific problems,” conceded the JBIS boss. “Keep in mind that NASA and ESA scientists publish in JBIS. How would they feel about it? It’s a tough one. Need to maintain academic credibility. But I say again, this doesn’t devalue the worth of your work. Keep doing it.”
Shostak actually seemed to sympathize with Faruk, and added, “I know that it sounds as if the world is against this, but that’s really not true. The International Journal of Astrobiology publishes stuff that’s controversial if the referee feels that the evidence presented is decent.”
So Faruk went to the IJA. The IJA editor replied “This is not a rigorous research paper.” Faruk asked for clarification. “We need detailed chemical analyses not just morphological analyses,” the editor countered. “In my opinion you have the ground for the formation of a hypothesis, but not the proof. Suggest a few alternative hypotheses and test them experimentally as well.”
Faruk: “If there is someone out there who could suggest another explanation, I would be interested to hear it. But in order to do that, the paper needs to be published to allow alternative explanations to be forwarded. I cannot myself — in all honesty — suggest an alternative hypothesis.” The IJA locked the door this time.
Faruk approached yet another journal, called simply Astrobiology. Response: “We are unable to publish your manuscript as UFO’s do not fall within the scope of our Journal.”
Faruk continued to bounce ideas off Shostak, who was clearly at the end of his rope with Faruk’s persistence: “You could always go for a self-published book. I have a stack of those, actually ... so yours wouldn’t necessarily stand out, unless what you say is quite different.” Bottom line, Shostak declined altogether any further speculation with Faruk on the Delphos mystery.
Wonder if that podcast offer to evaluate UFO data still stands ...
The Hummingbird Pyramid in La Mana, Ecuador was only discovered a year ago and considered a paleo-sanskrit wonder. The complex includes 17 structures. Interestingly, they greatly resembles ones found in Bosnia, Indonesia, Herzegovina. From this great posting about it:The apex of the Hummingbird Pyramid is situated closely along the 1° south latitude, 7,472 miles from the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt. This sacred geopositioning relationship between the Great Pyramid and the La Maná pyramid complex was visually expressed in the designs of the UV fluorescent Third-Eye Pyramid and World Map stone artifacts. A pair of palm-sized octagonal stone disks engraved with UV fluorescent circles reference the mandala of Sanskrit tradition that has been decoded in previous works as the quantum iterated function, expressing the global distribution pattern of infrasound, standing waves.
A great deal of research needs to be made, but obviously, this interesting find says much about the ancient civilization of highly intelligent people who once inhabited the earth.
UFO sighting above Toronto, Canada on 27th July 2014
UFO sighting above Toronto, Canada on 27th July 2014
New interesting video footage of a bright UFO sighting recorded in the night sky above Toronto, Canada on 27th July 2014.
Witness said: It was really high up, and was round, bright, and shining. At first I thought it was stars or something, but it was too bright to be. I didn’t know what it was. It was a really bright orbital object…glowing! Stayed in one spot for about 10-15 mins but then started moving towards South/West towards Yonge/Sheppard… then disappeared out of my sight. Check out my other video that shows the object moving towards South/West…near Yonge and Finch. First saw it around 9:15 pm last night.
Open Minds UFO Radio: David Pares is an adjunct professor at several colleges, including the University of Nebraska where he is the faculty adviser for their Mutual UFO Network student organization. He has degrees in geography and engineering science, and teaches classes in meteorology, physics, astronomy, geography, geology, statistics and physical science. Pares believes he has unlocked the key to warp technology, and that he and his team of engineers and graduate students have constructed a working warp engine that demonstrates the technology.
Last time we talked with Pares he had tested the warp effect on lasers. However, now he has an engine, and is building a UAV that he hopes he will be able to propel with a warp engine. He has patents on the warp technology, and has formed the company Space Warp Dynamics, LLC.
Giorgio Tsoukalos has spent the past five years discussing the Ancient Astronaut theory on the H2 television series Ancient Aliens. His trademark hair and his knack for attributing all ancient mysteries to extraterrestrials have helped to establish Tsoukalos as a minor pop culture icon. Now, H2 is sending him to explore the world’s mysteries in a new show titled In Search of Aliens. And, of course, he is looking for an extraterrestrial explanation for all of these mysteries.
Describing the series, H2 states:
In Search of Aliens follows Giorgio Tsoukalos, an Ancient Astronaut theorist and leading contributor to Ancient Aliens, as he explores the fascinating evidence behind some of the Earth’s most famous mysteries. Through Giorgio’s research of various sites around the world and meetings with scientists, witnesses and experts; this one-hour non-fiction series delves into the unknown and examines clues that could prove a possible extraterrestrial connection within some of the world’s greatest unsolved mysteries.
(Credit: H2)
In addition to his work on Ancient Aliens and In Search of Aliens, Tsoukalos is the publisher of Legendary Times Magazine, a leading publication about Ancient Astronauts. He also serves as director of Ancient Astronaut theory pioneer Erich von Daniken’s Ancient Alien Society.
In Search of Aliens premiered on Friday, July 25. New episodes air Fridays at 10ET/11PT on H2.
I had a sighting of a UFO while I was working at the TVA plant in Cumberland City, TN on Oct 19th (Wednesday), 1994 at 6:30 in the evening. Weather conditions were warm and the sky was clear. I was working for a construction company as a safety inspector during a boiler renovation at the facility. I was making my rounds thru the boiler when I walked out onto the 6th level catwalk and faced west to watch the setting sun as it went down behind a small hill (distance of which I would estimate to be a half a mile to a mile away) that ran along the western side of the property.
As I was gazing in that direction, I noticed a dark object that appeared to be coming out of the sun and heading in my line of sight. The object appeared as a black inverted triangle, 100 feet in length with the 2 opposite points on top and 1 point facing downward. The object was completely silent as it traveled parallel to the small hill. The hill itself is tree covered by pines and various other types of vegetation. As the object began to pass in front of my line of sight, the top of it began to “tilt” at an angle towards me and change shape. I observed a disk that was circular, except for a portion that looked like it had been “spooned” out, creating a crescent shape on the right side, possibly the front of the object. The object was huge. I would put its size as 300 ft in diameter. It had three circular rings. There was a smaller black circle in the center, a copper or burnt bronze colored ring surrounding it and a silver or metallic ring surrounding the outside. The copper and silver rings were rotating in opposite directions. The copper ring clockwise, the silver ring, counter clockwise. As it passed in front of me, it remained completely silent. The craft traveled the length of the hill until it came to an opening which was constructed for the purpose of positioning electrical towers that ran from TVA off into the northwest portion of the property. As the craft neared the towers, it “tilted” again to its original position, an appearance of a black inverted triangle. It then began to rise and traveled directly over the top of the towers and power lines and eventually disappeared off into the distance.
Cumberland City isn’t far from Ft. Campbell, KY. I don’t know if what I saw was “military” in nature, but it appeared to be other-worldly. After my sighting, I inquired if anyone else had ever seen anything strange in the sky at the plant and to my surprise, there were 2 other individuals that said they had seen objects that they couldn’t identify while they had worked out there during various times at the plant. They hadn’t seen anything like I described and neither had a daylight sighting. To this day, I haven’t been able to find a sighting like the one I had, experienced by someone else in TN or anywhere else. It’s something that I’ll always remember as a unique experience. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
Sometimes it is best to hear directly from the Experiencers themselves and we feel this is one of those times. The following account describes what the HR Team believes is time travel. If it is not Time Travel in the literal sense, this may have been interdimensional travel. In any case, it is reminiscent of some of Jim Sparks’ and others’ time travel encounters.
Time Travel is a Fact by Jim Sparks
As other Contact Experiencers were in line to have the technology they are viewing and the procedures on how to use it explained to them, our subject immediately remembers what the device is and how to use it. They quickly walk to the front of the line and request to be the first one in. In the subject’s own words:
“The procedure was to stand in front of a device which appears as a black mirror. Its size is approximately six feet tall and about two to three feet wide. While standing in front of it you have to focus your thoughts very deeply into the black mirror. This involves the part of your brain that is considered the ‘third eye’ or ‘inner control.’ It’s the same part of the brain or mind people use when trying to block severe pain and enter altered states.”
“I focused my mind into the device and once I did this, I could see what was on the other side. Once this was achieved, I could physically move myself through the device into another time or dimension. I went through and immediately found myself on what I knew to be another planet.”
“I saw herd animals that I didn’t recognize and chasing the animals was what seemed like American Indians, but these men didn’t really look like that. They were earlier than that: pre-Indians. They had no guns and I didn’t see any bows and arrows either. Their only weapon was a thing that looked like a whip, but it was made out of a lot of long strands of something. I couldn’t identify it, and the strands were not braided. They were individual strands of something. This was their only weapon. I watched one man raise his ‘whip’ to me and I reached out and felt it. It was soft and although it could sting if you were hit hard enough, I don’t think it would really cause any severe damage.
“While I was observing everything, I was reporting back to my team and our team leader who was on the other side of the black mirror, telling him and my group everything I was seeing. A desert like landscape…. The prehistoric looking animals…. The men with dark reddish tan skin…. I knew I was in another dimension. That’s what I said initially upon entering via the ‘mirror’ – ‘I’m in another dimension!’ ”
“The men dressed similar to American Indians but they had on long pants and didn’t wear shirts. Their pants appeared as light colored leather. Their whips were dark brown. Their skin was very tan with a red tint. I’m not sure any longer about the details of the herd animals. I went through this place and saw all of this quite quickly because we are not to stay too long. This was something I had done before because I knew about the black mirror device and how to use it.
Contact Experiencers ofttimes describe seeing a portal or a vortex opening up in their proximity prior to being “taken,” “pulled” or “transported” to wherever our Extraterrestrial or Advanced Intelligences take them. A more recent account and artistic rendering of one such event is that of artist David Huggins. We have two subjects who experienced similar types of vortexes during the same encounter, but in their own ways, they are also somewhat different. The HR Team suspects the first subject was waiting with an ET or AI on one side of the vortex while the second Experiencer was preparing to travel through the opposite end or perhaps, return to his original point of departure.
“I was with one of the Visitors. She was humanoid, but clearly not human. I saw a large vortex that was round and looked like rings of dark clouds. The Visitor lady seemed to be near me to prevent me from entering at the wrong time or perhaps accidentally entering at all. As I observed the vortex, I noted the closer toward the center of the vortex, the darker the rings of clouds became. As I continued to observe it, at certain times I could see a point of very bright light come through and I told the Visitor, “Look! A bright spark of light is there!” But, the Visitor either would not, or could not express emotion about it and I got the impression it what not a big deal for her to witness such a thing. I continued to look at the light and took it as a hopeful sign there was ‘light’ somewhere, but it may have just been a vortex and the light was on the other side – on the other side from where the Visitor lady and I were standing. I think we were waiting for something. Yes, I’m pretty sure we were waiting for something or someone.”
The second subject describes his vortex as being a “doorway” with a film like cover or opening to it.
“The film appeared to be organic and you had to cut it or slit it open in order to use the vortex.” He described it as a “time travel vortex” and as “a portal.” This Experiencer remembers standing with several people and family members and he was supposed to get them to the other side of the vortex and it was his job to prepare everyone to travel through the vortex. As he looked through his side of the portal, he saw another man on the opposite end cutting through his own side of the portal. He said it felt as if it were a “time tunnel” or something similar. The man on the other end slit open his side of the membrane of the portal’s door – and that, unfortunately, is where the Experiencer’s memory of the event ends.
These two examples, as well as those of other Contactees such as David Huggins, suggest phenomena such as vortexes, time tunnels, worm holes and the like, do exist and our Extraterrestrial friends and Advanced Intelligences use them as a means to come to our planet, dimension, and into our homes. These mechanisms for transport are one of the reasons so many people can be quickly “taken,” “pulled” and “transported” to their worlds and craft without many, if any witnesses at all.
Transforming a Species
We have a disturbing report involving a device that is shaped similar to a razor that has a handle and appears similar to what a person would use to shave with except it does not have a blade at the end. Its size is approximately 20 centimetres (9 inches) and it is described as having a brushed metallic exterior. It is held upward and toward the subject. The beings utilizing these devices were described as “tallish” “humanoid” “thin” with “round heads and somewhat large eyes” and behaving “very aggressively.”
There is an alleged procedure or reason for this object’s use and it was described in three parts. The beings make their subjects believe they are helping them and when viewing the object as it is held up toward the subject, they are convinced they will be transformed into royalty or made a superior human being, when in fact it is quite different. In other words, the device makes the Human subjects believe it has miraculous powers.
The first stage is exposure to something; either an agent or to the beings themselves. Once exposed, these beings alter or take the subject’s DNA or blood. The device does not kill the individual, but it does physically transform them. It takes something from the body which these beings apparently require and the subject is then transformed into their species. It was described as “consumption” or at least, that is what one subject reported being told. We take this to mean the bodily fluid or samples these beings take are used in the manner a Human might consume something, but by doing so, it also changes the subject permanently.
On the other side of this coin, is a description of a very similar device by an Experiencer named Danion Kell who had a “very vivid dream.” He described the object he held in his hand as “…a thickened ladies hand held razor minus the blade part.” This device, although quite similar to what is described above, had a completely different function in that when it touched people, “God would speak to them.” He said later during the “very vivid dream” that a woman stole the object from him and he told her the object would no longer work because “man’s greed had influenced it.”
It seems these two objects look very much alike, but they are used very differently. We wonder if this could be technology created by Extraterrestrials or Advanced Intelligences that has a dual purpose and as with most technology, can be helpful or hurtful depending on how it is used and who is using it. There is also, of course, the possibility that one or both of the two subjects who watched or used this device misinterpreted its use.
Time Travel * Interdimensional Travel
The following account is best left intact and for the reader to interpret. It is very telling in the technology it describes and we have no reason to second guess what this individual saw as they apparently had seen this technology before. We believe it describes time travel or interdimensional travel and it very much made us ponder some, but certainly not all, of the MIB reports that involve people who dress oddly and appear completely out of time. Whilst these people in this narrative appeared to be from the past, their technology certainly was not – at least, it was not technology from our past.
“A group of us were together. We were all there for the same reason. We were a group of people, but about 5 to 6 in our group appeared as though they had come from the past – somewhere around the 1940’s or 1950’s. They looked completely out of time. I got the distinct feeling they had travelled from the past somehow. They looked human and almost in black and white as the movies of the 40’s and 50’s, but they were not really ‘black and white.’ ”
“They were demonstrating, and allowing us to see and remember how they travelled. These people from the past looked totally human, just out of time. One got into an apparatus that was lying on the ground and it appeared to be a sarcophagus. There were other sarcophaguses and they looked like alien beings themselves. They were dark blue and black and similar to a gray ET, but more intense and more blue. It was then that I knew: these things – these alien sarcophaguses were technology of some type.”
“One of the people from the past (a man) got inside and it automatically closed up and at the same time, a hose like apparatus went down his throat and for about 5 to 10 seconds, they began to shake violently as if they were dying through asphyxiation. Then it was over and he looked out of the clear visor like front of the ‘alien body’ (sarcophagus) and I could see that his face still looked human but he was inside this apparatus that looked alien. He seemed at peace and alive and awake, but he was now a human inside what looked like a mechanical alien body. Then it went up very fast and into the night sky. Once there, the sky exhibited areas of faint light or energy that was white. There was not much light, but enough to see that something was up there.”
“This procedure was repeated when one of the females from the past got inside one of the ‘alien body’ sarcophaguses. The same thing happened to her. It was almost unbearable to watch because it seemed they were dying and then coming back to life inside the alien machine like body. She went through the same exact thing as the man did before her and then she too, went up, very quickly, into the night sky.”
“This occurred to all of the people who appeared to be from the past. Once they were all up in the night sky, we looked up and saw the energy as they were somehow still up there, but as we watched, I (and probably everyone else) received a telepathic message that they were in another dimension. I guess this is what happened because I was telling others that “we are hearing them from another dimension now…” I seemed to know exactly what was happening and I was afraid – afraid that I would have to go through the same procedure. I didn’t think I could do it – die through suffocation and then come back alive inside an ‘alien body’ again. It was so sickening to watch the procedure. As I was telling others about the process, some of the other abductees got up and tried to leave the area – some of them vomited. I looked at the lady sitting next to me and someone had vomited on her feet a little – the smell was awful – so bad that I almost got sick too. I choked back the feeling and as I did so, one of the beings from the other dimension said,”
‘They cannot deal with what they are seeing….That is why they are sick….their minds cannot handle what they are seeing.’
“I could believe it. It was very traumatic to watch this whole ordeal. It was so real and vivid and I seemed to know what was happening. I knew about this process somehow already. I find this very frightening because it’s like I’ve been through it, but not. I hope not anyway.”
Belting up Whilst aboard an ET Craft
“I was on a very large tube shaped or cigar shaped craft. It was very long and there were many people inside. I was standing whilst holding onto to something to keep my balance. The area I was in was lined with silver, metallic cage-like devices. They were situated throughout the interior of the craft such that its walls were shiny, stainless steel appearing areas that contained people. Each small area had one person inside. The grid like structure was similar to that of a pet carrier, but the interior spaces were larger. People were only inside of these devices whilst the craft was operational because they kept everyone in place and prevented them from falling into the walls and onto the floor. I know not why, but I was standing freely.”
“As I observed the people inside the protective devices, their hair began to float, as one would observe in the space station films. At this point, the craft rotated on its axis and there was a change in gravity inside the ship which explains my having to keep a firm grasp whilst standing. It was at this point, after the change in gravity occurred, the craft landed.”
Engine Room aboard an Extraterrestrial Craft
“I found myself on one of their huge craft that was the size of an entire neighborhood. There was an elevated catwalk I walked upwards onto. Once at the level area, I stood about one-half story above the other people. I looked across the craft about 20 feet from me and saw into a room with a clear wall. It had, among other devices, two large container-like objects. They were domed shaped at the top and I could see through them. Inside was that ‘alien blue’ energy I’ve seen from time to time. As the blue energy moved inside the large domed shaped objects, I saw thousands and thousands of small cylindrical shaped devices. They seemed to be about one inch tall and a half inch in diameter. As the energy increased, the little devices began to vibrate and shake and move closer together. When the energy reached a certain level, the little devices began to float upward and move very close together to one another. When this occurred, I heard a telepathic voice say,
‘Exciting the bots creates lift.’
“It was amazing to witness this. I knew it was a part of their propulsion system and this is how they were able to move their craft. I was seeing at least part of the engine compartment of the enormous craft we on. I was so taken with what I was seeing I turned around to some of the other people around me and told them,
‘You’ve got to watch this – this is the coolest thing you’ll ever see in your life!’
“The ET propulsion system contained little ‘bots’ that were inside small one-inch cylinders and when they were excited they moved upward and merged with each other and created lift.”
“There appeared to be a lot of people or aliens on this craft. It was huge. Some of them were other abductees and some were the aliens and others were hybrids. I looked at two of the hybrids. One was standing about 15 feet away from me and had long, black straight hair. She had a serious to blank look on her face as they do when they are very cautiously observing us. The other hybrid was a male who looked quite similar to the female and he and I were conversing. Then abruptly, they said
‘We have to go now.’
Blanket Cloaking System
“I was outside at night in my backyard, but I knew no one could see me because I was in a different ‘space.’ It’s similar to what the aliens do when they’re here and are invisible, but it’s only because they exist at a higher frequency. I think that’s it. I was moved to a higher frequency while outside and I knew the aliens were right there with me.”
“I looked up and watched dozens and dozens of ships fly at various altitudes all across the sky. I was amazed at the different shapes. They looked like smaller shuttle type ships of various shapes and sizes. I tried to remember the details of each craft. It was an incredible sight.”
“I couldn’t really hear any engine sounds, but I did hear something soft once in a while and I knew they were always there, always flying around in our airspace, but they are cloaked. I wondered what NORAD must think about how little control they have over the situation. They must know these aliens are here in masse and have total control over our airspace, which makes NORAD pretty much a joke. It’s their illusion of control. They can observe and track terrestrial objects, but they can only see the aliens’ craft when they allow them to see them – when they turn off their cloaking mechanism. I don’t understand how it works, but somehow I know it’s like a blanket mechanism – it either covers the entire orbit around our planet or it controls all of their craft simultaneously. No one can see their craft unless they want them to see them or unless something goes wrong intermittently with the ‘blanket.’ ”
Also related to ET Cloaking Systems is a MUFON report from 2013:
“A husband and wife were sitting near their pool and enjoying the evening. The sky was clear with no clouds and no moonlight. The husband saw the object first. It was moving from south to the northeast. It was a large transparent boomerang shaped wing. The husband could only see the edge of the craft distorting the stars as it moved. It shimmered almost like water and remained visible for about ten seconds.”
Another short description of how this technology appears:
“The ships have a star pattern on them or they emit a star pattern so when you look up at night and see them, they’re sort of there and sort of not there. You can tell they’re real structured objects. It’s like the phrase from 2001: A Space Odyssey...‘It’s full of stars.’ That’s what you see when you look up - a star pattern, but it’s technology and cloaking…camouflage.”
ET Propulsion System Witnessed by Danion Kell
The image on the right depicts an ET Propulsion System that Experiencer Danion Kell was shown whilst aboard a craft with a tall dark and wise being. According to Danion, “The dark Being had me sit in a chair and he placed a helmet on me. I believe this helmet was used to balance my brain waves. I was allowed to view, in detail, a previous life on another planet. This was a place where Nature was studied and experienced to its fullest. I also learned that one of their beliefs is: After death, our connection with nature goes with us, not the study of science.” To read Danion's encounter click here.
During Danion’s tour of the ET ship, he was shown the propulsion system of the craft, which appeared to incorporate Tesla coils as well as a crystal matrix. Notice the inner design structure. We have other Abductee-Experiencers who have been shown similar shaped devices pertaining to ET propulsion systems. Another case involves a UFO type craft employing a similar shaped device and we hope to add an image of it in the future.
Melinda Leslie's ET Propulsion System
In the 1980’s Abductee-Experiencer Melinda Leslie had an encounter during which she had the opportunity to see a propulsion system whilst aboard an ET craft. She was able to remember very important details and sketched out what she saw. This is her original drawing:
Years later, a professional technical aerospace artist named Mark McCandlish would interview Melinda Leslie and two other women Abductee-Experiencers and create a technical rendition of what they saw. Their descriptions were presented to McCandlish independent of any knowledge of what McCandlish already had in his possession. He discovered then, the ET propulsion information he had in his possession was the “real deal.” This is one of the technical renditions based on what Melinda Leslie saw:
James Allen Higgins, a documentary film maker, would go on to create a video documentary entitled Zero Point Final Cut, detailing the events that led to McCandlish’s final technical version of what is termed an ARV or Alien Reproduction Vehicle. His technical rendering depicts (some say too accurately) a back-engineered alien craft and propulsion system that is said to have been in the possession of the United States military as far back as 1988 when it was revealed in a secret section of a military air show in what was supposed to have been an “off limits hangar.” Sadly, shortly after the film was produced, James Allen Higgins died due to what appears to have been poisoning by heavy metals.
In the video, McCandlish states: “And if I woke up tomorrow on the other side of the veil, I wouldn’t be surprised, I mean, I really wouldn’t…because I know how serious the technology is. I know that it’s real.”
A few years ago, information was shared with the HR Team regarding two ET-alien craft, or ET appearing craft. Both were housed on a secret joint military-ET base which will remain unnamed because the subject said it had to be kept secret at all costs. We know there is at least one other civilian who is aware of this base, but they will not speak about it either. According to the witness we interviewed, the craft obtained from the Russians was of “…a dullish silver-aluminum colour, pitted” and was in “...rougher shape than the craft the ‘U.S. Team’ [name of group withheld] had in its possession.” The sketches are crude, but they provide the general shape and type of ET craft that was seen. This craft appeared to only hold two people.
A newer, nearly identical craft was also shown to the subject and this particular craft was kept inside the secret hangar. It was in excellent (new) condition and its skin was solid, but appeared as “liquid nickel” or hardened "liquid mercury." It was reflective as one would view liquid mercury in its natural state which leads us to suspect this craft has a completely reflective surface among other important characteristics. Below is a crude illustration:
To watch Zero Point Final Cut, by James Allen Higgins click here.
To understand how this information fits in with other UFO related events, refer to A Slice of Time: How Humanity Ended up on the Wrong Side of Reality. Our timeline documents the other scientists who were silenced (some indications are they were murdered) for their discoveries regarding Zero Point Energy, Anti-Gravitics and similar scientific discoveries. These men are mentioned in James Allen’s Zero Point Final Cut at approximately the 1 hour 20 minute timeframe. Melinda Leslie and the two other women Abductee-Experiencers are mentioned at approximately the 40 minute timeframe.
A home in Hanover, York County will be featured on a national TV show on Saturday. The homeowners say their house is severely haunted, with multiple ghosts and other entities.
Homeowner DeAnna Simpson says they’ve lived in the home for seven years, and put everything they had into buying it. She says she and her husband didn’t find out it was haunted until soon after they moved in.
“We put everything into this house,” says Simpson. “And we do want to move, but we would have to list it at such a price where we could recoup what we put in.”
Simpson has ghostly photos, as well as photos from something that scratches people who come inside. She also has audio recordings of voices, children laughing, and dogs barking that were not in the house.
“Five plus,” she says of the number of ghosts in the house. “I have some here that are protecting me, some women here that are protecting me, but the majority are bad, dark forces, inhuman.”
Simpson says one of the entities in the house is a demon. It appears in a photo as a 7-foot-tall shadow figure. While we were there, Simpson recorded orbs on her cell phone camera and it caught a clip of a shadowy hand reaching out.
When FOX43′s cameras went inside, our photojournalist Nick Petrillo felt his hand burning and saw a scratch on his wrist. Simpson put Holy water on him.
“Because you’re telling the story,” she says. “Because you’re putting it out there, because they don’t want– that is there, I’m just telling you, right now that is their way of a warning.
Simpson has invited priests, paranormal researchers and mediums into the home. The house was on “The Dead Files” on the Travel Channel this past Saturday. She says the crew turned up evidence of grisly deaths that took place there. – Fox43
Okay, I’m not trying to be cliche, but the events I’m writing about are very true. It’s chilling me to type it right now so excuse any typos that may occur. It may not seem very scary to you, but it was very horrifying. I’ve never posted anything and I’m sorry if this isn’t formatted right or whatever. But anyways, here’s what happened.
I was downstairs this morning watching after my three year old brother like I normally do. My parents were both at work. We had a pretty normal morning, watching TV, eating pizza, and coloring. We went outside for a bit, and came back inside. He begged me to turn on his cartoons, and his favorite show, Caillou, was on. Now I know what you’re thinking, “not another lost episode bullshit story” but this is far from that. So we got about halfway through the episode when one of those annoying beeping sounds started playing. You know the “THIS IS A TEST OF THE EMERGENCY BROADCASTING SYSTEM” things. I wasn’t very concerned because it happens quite often. My little brother was confused, of course, as to why the cheerful voice of Caillou and his parents were replaced by an awful beep. I told him to calm down, it was something that TVs do. But then I noticed something was a little off. The beeping never ceased and I never heard the robotic voice saying “this is a test…” The beeping went on for a good five minutes. I tried changing the channel, but the remote wouldn’t work. I thought to myself, the batteries must be dead. Soon, the beeping stopped. But the television screen went completely black. After about two minutes, big white text displayed a scrolling message across the screen. This is what was disturbing. It said “THIS IS NOT A TEST. YOU ARE IN DANGER. YOU REA IN DNAGRE. YUO RE NI DDNGR” followed by a long string of numbers that I couldn’t have had time to write down. I tried rewinding the TV, because we had a DVR, but of course the remote wasn’t working.
My brother was crying, asking why his show went off. I was too freaked out. I didn’t know what to do. I was alone with my three year old brother and the TV just told me I was in danger. I had no idea if it was a prank, maybe one of those broadcast hijacking things I’ve read about. Suddenly, the screen lit up, bright colorful boxes. Like on an old TV when it had no signal. It quickly changed back to a TV program, but it wasn’t Caillou. What I was seeing was a dark room with one barely lit lightbulb hanging on the ceiling. I could see the camera shifting and heavy breathing. Like someone was holding a camcorder, just standing there filming the empty room. That’s when I realized something terrifying. It was my crawl space. I immediately grabbed my brother and ran to my neighbor’s house as fast as I could. Luckily, they were home. I told them everything and we called the police. When they arrived, the TV was back on my brother’s cartoons. Then checked out the crawl space and found nothing. My parents still aren’t home and I’m scared shitless. My neighbors said we could stay at their house until my parents got home. The police left, because they really didn’t have any evidence showing that anyone had broken into my house and the television was completely normal. I need help. I don’t know what to do, who or what was in my crawl space, and how they had hacked into my TV. I’m scared for me, my parents, but mostly my little brother. –
Body Found Under Motel Bed, Police Say It Has Been There At Least 5 Years
Stunning news this morning out of New Jersey, as reports of police discovering the body of a young woman under a motel bed have been confirmed. The owners of the motel asked that their name and location be omitted from news reports to protect their business.
The body, which has yet to be identified, was found by a person staying in the room.
“I dropped the television remote, and when I went to check under the bed I found her. It was like something out of a scary movie,” said Aaron Silver, the man staying in the room.
According to initial reports by the medical examiner on-scene, it appears as though the body lay undisturbed in the room for about 5 years. There was a normal amount of rot and decay on the body to suggest that it had not been moved or touched over the course of that time.
The motel has not made a comment about the issue but have told police that they are constantly cleaning their rooms and have no idea how this could have slipped beneath the cracks.
“I clean that room every day. I noticed a smell several times, and told my manager,” said Anita Rodriguez, a housekeeper at the motel. “He told me to just use extra Febreeze in the room and it would go away eventually. I always hated cleaning that room.”
Motel representatives say that all their rooms are cleaned daily, but that it is not the policy of the company to make their housekeepers check under the beds.
“They do a heavy clean of the rooms to sanitize for guests, but when it comes to under the beds, they just run the vacuum around the edges. Who really looks under the bed, anyway? No reason to waste anyone’s time,” said Charles Dyson, a representative of the motel chain.
“It’s the most bizarre thing I’ve ever seen,” said police chief Joe Goldsmith. “I’ve seen a lot of strange things in my time on the force, but to think about all the people who’ve stayed in this room, with a dead body beneath them, and they didn’t know about it? It gives me the heebie-jeebies.”
Police have seized room and occupant records for the last several years, and are trying to trace the person or persons who may have stayed in the room around the time of death.
“Funny thing is, the records also show literally almost 1,000 complaints from people who stayed in the room over the years. Everything from a bad smell to an ‘eerie feeling.’ Several people even asked to switch rooms in the middle of the night,” said Goldsmith. “The motel really should have checked out that room a little more closely.”
The body of the young woman is set for autopsy at the end of the week. – Empire News
Someone attacked Bigfoot in Shrewsbury Township, PA over the weekend, according to state police.
Luckily, there’s no need to alert a certain television show featuring excitable charlatans with night-vision goggles, because state police said the Bigfoot in question is merely a statue.
The Sasquatch statue sits in the front yard of a home along Ridge Meadow Road in Shrewsbury Township, according to police, who said someone vandalized it between 8 p.m. Friday and 7 a.m. Saturday.
Bigfoot is owned by resident David Martinez Jr., 52, who could not be reached for comment. – York Dispatch
Rare TV interview with Admiral Richard E Byrd 'There is a secret land mass the size of the US'
Admiral s two flights over both Poles prove that there is something strange about the shape of the Earth in both polar areas. Byrd flew to the North Pole and went for 1,700 miles beyond it. Due to his gasoline supply running low he turned back to his Arctic base. Admiral Byrd starts the conversation by explaining that there is a secret land mass the size of the United States that has never been seen by anyone.
Publisher's Note: I found this article in my weekly Conspiracy Journal newsletter. It was writter by April Holloway and concerns a sunken-city in the waters around Cuba. Enjoy Dirk
Just over a decade ago, a team of explorers were working on an exploration and survey mission off the western coast of Cuba when their sonar equipment picked up a perplexing series of stone structures lying some 650 metres below the surface. The structures appeared completely analogous against the barren ‘desert’ of the ocean floor and seemed to show symmetrically organized stones reminiscent of an urban development. A media flurry soon ensued with news sites sporting headlines such as ‘Atlantis Discovered in Cuba’ and ‘Lost City of the Caribbean Found’. However, the finding also attracted the attention of the government, national museum, and national geographic, who all made promises to investigate the strange sonar images. Now, ten years on, the story has disappeared into obscurity. What ever happened to the sunken ‘ruins’ of Cuba? Were they ever fully investigated? And why has the media fallen silent on this unusual discovery?
The discovery was first made in 2001 when Pauline Zalitzki, a marine engineer, and her husband Paul Weinzweig, owners of a Canadian company called Advanced Digital Communications (ADC), were working on a survey mission in conjunction with the Cuban government off the tip of the Guanahacabibes Peninsula in the Pinar del Río Province of Cuba. ADC was one of four firms working in a joint venture with President Fidel Castro's government to explore Cuban waters, which hold hundreds of treasure-laden ships from the Spanish colonial era. The team was using advanced sonar equipment to scan a 2 square kilometre area of the sea floor when they noticed a series of symmetrical and geometric stone structures resembling an urban complex.
By April Holloway
Upon studying the sonar images, Zalitzki observed what appeared to be unusual formations of smooth blocks, crests, and geometric shapes. Some of the blocks looked like they were built in pyramid shapes, others were circular.
Map showing location of supposed ancient city discovered by Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki. Image source. -
In July 2001, they returned to the site with geologist Manuel Iturralde, senior researcher of Cuba's Natural History Museum, this time equipped with a Remotely Operated Vehicle to examine and film the structures. The images revealed large blocks of stone resembling hewn granite, measuring about 8 feet by 10 feet. Some blocks appeared deliberately stacked atop one another, others appeared isolated from the rest. Zalitzki said that the images appeared to reflect the ruins of a submerged city but was reluctant to draw any conclusions without further evidence.
“These are extremely peculiar structures, and they have captured our imagination,” said Iturralde, who has studied countless underwater formations. “But if I had to explain this geologically, I would have a hard time.”
Estimating that it would have taken 50,000 years for such structures to have sunken to the depth at which they were said to be found, Iturralde added “50,000 years ago there wasn't the architectural capacity in any of the cultures we know of to build complex buildings.” A specialist in underwater archaeology at Florida State University added “It would be cool if they were right, but it would be real advanced for anything we would see in the New World for that time frame. The structures are out of time and out of place.”
In the media storm that followed the announcement of the discovery, news sites were quick to draw parallels with the fabled lost city of Atlantis. However, Zelitsky and Weinzweig were unwilling to make such comparisons. The story is myth, said Zelitsky. “What we have found is more likely remnants of a local culture,” once located on a 100-mile “land bridge” that joined Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula with Cuba. Iturralde added that there are local legends of the Maya and native Yucatecos that tell of an island inhabited by their ancestors that vanished beneath the waves. Nevertheless, Iturralde does not discount the possibility that the rock formations are merely the result of the wonders of Mother Nature. “Nature is able to create some really unimaginable structures,” he said.
Despite hundreds of media outlets reporting on sunken cities, advanced civilizations, the lost city of Atlantis, and submerged ruins, there are others who are not so willing to accept this point of view. Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews from the debunking website Bad Archaeology, claimed that the depth of the alleged remains are the biggest problem for the sunken city proponents. During the Pleistocene, which was characterised by a series of ice ages, sea levels dropped significantly, but the maximum drop was around 100 metres.
“At no point during the Ice Age would it have been above sea level unless, of course, the land on which they stand has sunk. This is the claim made for Atlantis: according to Plato’s account, it was destroyed “by violent earthquakes and floods”. However, if we take Plato at his word – as we must if we assume Atlantis to have been an historical place – the violence of its sinking makes it improbable that an entire city could have survived plunging more than 600 m into an abyss,” writes Fitzpatrick-Matthews.
If we assume that he is right and that these stone structures do not reflect an ancient submerged city but are simply products of nature, then surely geologists and other scientists would be quick to jump on the finding and investigate what freakish event of nature caused such peculiar formations. Strangely, however, there have been no reported follow-up investigations and news outlets have gone deathly silent on the matter. What happened to all the promises from the government, national museum, National Geographic, and other scientists to carry out further surveys?
The quick dismissal of the story has led some to question whether there has been a suppression of information regarding the finding. However, Fitzpatrick-Matthews claims the story simply went cold and that in the end experts were not convinced that Zelitsky had really discovered a sunken city.
Ancient Peru: Link Between Elongated Skulls And Megaliths. There is an interesting relationship between the presence of elongated skulls and possible signs of lost ancient technology in the Andes region of Peru. This shows a little known site with odd results.
PRLog – Jul. 26, 2014 – ASHEVILLE, N.C. — ~ According to Dr. Joseph A. Resnick, former NASA Scholar and Scientist, “If ET’s exist and are visiting the Earth, then ET’s should help clean up the massive amounts of Space Debris that’s encircling the planet”.
Prof. Dr. Joseph A. Resnick, Principal Research Fellow at the University of Malaysia Institute of Marine Biotechnology, is spearheading a project to clean up space debris in his spare time. Resnick said the project is aimed at launching a series of passive space debris cleanup modules, or, ‘SDCM’s’, small, autonomous, remotely-controlled space craft he designed to collect the space debris cluttering the earth’s atmosphere. Dr. Resnick published a paper as part of the recent proceedings at the International Space Development Convention (ISDC), sponsored by NASA, held Los Angeles, CA in May, 2014, entitled, “Methods and Apparatus for Mitigating Space Debris”. Resnick’s proposal calls for cleanup of the space debris surrounding the earth at various levels of orbit. Resnick believes the space debris is contributing to the drastic changes in climate that have occurred over the past 20 years. In the presentation Dr. Resnick coined the terms, “Earth-Shading” and “The Umbrella-Effect”. He said that both phenomenon result in blocking the Sun’s beneficial rays from impacting large areas of the earth’s surface. Resnick said, ‘I am convinced, after several years of intense study, that the side-effects or these phenomena are a major negative component in the overall shift of global weather and climactic changes. Perhaps the most obvious (and serious) side effect is the negative impact the present to the Earth’s water cycle. When the Umbrella effect occurs, the result is Global Shading. And in some instances, based on my calculations and data sets from NASA’s Space Debris Catalog, huge land masses, some the size of the country of Brazil, are ‘shaded’ from the Sun’s beneficial rays. Then, the ‘Domino Principle’ occurs. For example, no sun’s rays, no condensation, no rain, no water for forests and drinking, etc., with the water cycle being completely disrupted”.
Dr. Resnick, who’s worked on numerous projects with NASA since the mid 1970’s, including the Space Shuttle Orbiter Fleet, Space Suits, fueling systems and instrumentation, said that he has a realistic plan and a project in motion that can offer a ‘viable and compliant solution’ to Earth’s space debris dilemma, one achievable in fewer than five years. The plan centers around a new business model Resnick created to raise funds to pay for the cleanup plan, called, The Universal Mineral Leases Registry. The enterprise has set up a website at .
Dr. Resnick said he is now ‘reasonably certain that off-planet, alien life forms are a reality’. He pointed to volumes of evidence gathered by Dr. Steven Greer’s “Disclosure Project” and a series of books authored by Dr. Charles Hall, a former US Air Force Airman who claims he worked with and for ET’s while enlisted and serving in the US Air Force stationed at Nellis AFB Nevada. Dr. Resnick said, “In one of Dr. Hall’s books he reported an encounter with humanoid beings of extraterrestrial origin, called, ‘Tall Whites”. Hall reported that he met two ‘Tall Whites’ when they were repairing a space craft that was damaged when it entered the earth’s atmosphere, apparently after entry into a space debris field located somewhere in the earth’s Van Allen Belt, 600 miles above the earth’s surface. In March of this year Hall recounted the story at a conference at which time he stated that the ET’s spacecraft had been damaged when entering the atmosphere, apparently a result of impacting some kind of space debris.”
Resnick said that he has communicated with both Charles Hall and Mrs. Marie Hall in an attempt to find a way to communicate directly with the ‘ET-Embassy’ that Hall claims is located in the Nevada desert and part of Nellis AFB. Dr. Resnick said, “I sent a personal letter to Dr. Charles Hall and received an email response from his wife, Marie, in which she and Charles thanked me for communicating, but that Charles did not have a exact mailing address for the ET-Embassy on the Nellis Range, only the address of Nellis AFB itself. Based on that communication I directed a letter to the head of the ET’s sent by US Mail addressed to ‘The Weather Observer, Nellis AFB, Nevada’ in March of 2014. In that letter I shared information about my plans to clean up the space debris and requested that the ET’s consider assisting in terms of making several of their spacecraft available to clean the space debris”.
According to NASA’s Space Debris Inventory catalog, there are 19,000 pieces of space debris cataloged with telemetry coordinates contained in NASA’s data base. Dr. Resnick continued, “If ET’s exist and if their spacecraft are capable of performing aeronautical maneuvers as reported, with just one or two of their space ships we could clean the earth’s atmosphere in just a few days! Using my SDCM-designs will take years, simply because my space modules are subjected to the laws of Physics. For example, it will take one of my SDCM’s 96 minutes to circle earth and make one revolution, or about 15 cleaning cycles per day. So, with my designs we’re talking hundreds, if not thousands of EOL-cycles being required to clean all of the space debris, which will take years to complete. With an ET-ship that’s able to maneuver irrespective of the laws of Physics, we could clean the atmosphere in no time at all. And, since the ET’s are using the atmosphere as much as Human’s are, they are stakeholders and it is in their best interest, too, to have the earth’s atmosphere free from space debris. So, I have appealed to them for assistance. I figured that in attempting to contact the ET’s at Nellis AFB, I had nothing to lose, so I wrote a letter and sent it in care of the ‘Weather Observer for Delivery to ‘The Teacher’ at the ET-Embassy’. I sent that letter on March 5th of this year. It has not been returned to me, so someone at Nellis AFB got that letter. Now, whether or not the letter was delivered to the ET’s, or if the ET’s really even exist, I cannot say. But I did send the letter to Nellis AFB via regular US Main and I’ve provided copies of the correspondence to Mr. John Fountain of The Pegasus Research Group of Las Vegas, NV for his information and sharing with members of The Pegasus Group”.
Dr. Resnick summarized by stating he feels that the ET’s have a duty to assist Mankind in cleaning the space debris from the Earth’s atmosphere and hopes that someday they respond in a positive way.
Video of people running in terror at a local Restaurant in Joyuda, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico after a mayor UFO sighting. A local tourist captured images of ship and strange creature. MUST WATCH.
Video de personas corriendo en terror en un restaurante en Joyuda , Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico luego de un avistamiento mayor de un OVNI. Un turista local captura imagenes de la nave y extraña criatura .HAY QUE VER. The Full Amaury Rivera Toro Alien abduction expierience at My ” Free Book ” Site . English , Spanish and. Audio version is also available . All are TOTALLY FREE !
A creationist claims that all aliens will go to hell. Maureen and Jason travel to the 2014 MUFON symposium see interviews with speakers and a special interview with filmmaker Jeremy Corbell. That and other space and UFO news on this episode of Spacing Out!
A potential link between aliens and reptilian creatures depicted in ancient texts is examined in the Season 7 premiere.
Ancient Aliens is an American television series on the History channel. The program presents hypotheses of ancient astronauts and proposes that historical texts, archaeology and legends contain evidence of past human-extraterrestrial contact.
Rendierherders hebben in het Hoge Noorden van Rusland nog een mysterieus gat gevonden. De krater ligt op zo’n 30 kilometer van het gat dat een aantal dagen geleden is ontdekt.
Beide gaten bevinden zich in de regio Jamalië – wat ‘einde van de wereld’ betekent in het Nenets – in Siberië en zijn enkele jaren geleden gevormd. Op de bodem van beide kraters is een ijsmeer gevonden. Volgens wetenschappers die het eerste gat hebben onderzocht kan het zijn ontstaan op het moment dat een mix van water, zout en gas onder de grond is geëxplodeerd.
Het gebied, dat verantwoordelijk is voor ongeveer 90 procent van het Russische gas, was 10.000 jaar geleden zee waardoor enorme zoutvoorraden zijn ontstaan. Door het smelten van ijs onder de bodem komt gas vrij, wat hetzelfde effect heeft als het ontkurken van een champanefles.
Het eerste gat is circa 50 meter breed en 70 meter diep. Water van de smeltende permafrost stroomt bij de wanden omlaag. Het tweede gat lijkt veel op het eerste, maar is alleen een stuk kleiner, vertelde de lokale beleidsmaker Mikhail Lapsui aan persagentschap Interfax-Ural. “In de krater is sneeuw te zien.”
Er is opnieuw een graancirkel ontdekt in het Groningse Stadskanaal en wederom in het graanveld langs de Onstwedderweg tegenover de flat Achterste Kamp. Roy Jansen, de ontdekker van de formatie, doet onderzoek naar het fenomeen. Hij ontdekte een jaar geleden ook al een graancirkel tegenover de Achterste Kamp. In het radioprogramma ‘Het grote Mysterie’ van RTV Stadskanaal heeft Jansen al meerdere keren zijn verhaal gedaan.
Na de ontdekking verschenen graancirkelexperts Kor en Paula Kuiper ter plaatse om metingen te doen. “Wederom een mooie formatie,” zegt Kor. “Het totale overzicht is wat lastig te zien, maar de formatie is opgemeten en wordt in kaart gebracht. Een prachtige energie. Een mooi cadeau aan het begin van de hondsdagen. De vorige graancirkel werd ontdekt op 28 juli vorig jaar.”
Nog altijd is er geen eenduidige verklaring voor het ontstaan van graancirkels. De meningen lopen uiteen van bovennatuurlijke fenomenen en UFO’s tot bolbliksems en plasmadraaikolken. Er zijn ook grappenmakers die het amusant vinden om zelf cirkels en patronen te maken om mensen te misleiden.
Stadskanaal heeft hoe dan ook iets met graancirkels. In 2001 stond de plaats een tijd lang in het teken van een graancirkel die vanwege zijn vorm de naam de Schorpioen had gekregen. Het fenomeen trok indertijd veel bekijks.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Nieuws van Paul ( NL)
Crop Circles At Etchilhampton Hill (1), Nr Etchilhampton, Wiltshire, United Kingdom. Reported 27th July And The Windmill, nr Quenington, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, Reported 26th July 2014.
Crop Circles At Etchilhampton Hill (1), Nr Etchilhampton, Wiltshire, United Kingdom. Reported 27th July And The Windmill, nr Quenington, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, Reported 26th July 2014.
Torontonians turn to social media after sighting of mysterious flying object
Torontonians turn to social media after sighting of mysterious flying object
Torontonians were on high alert late Saturday, after residents spotted an unidentified flying object in the night sky over Yonge Street and Sheppard Avenue.
Several videos were posted to YouTube and photos circulated on Twitter and Facebook.
“I don’t believe in aliens, but now … I don’t know what I saw tonight and I don’t know what I should say about it anymore,” a Facebook user, Roxanna Maleki, said in a video posted to her profile page.
Ms. Maleki described stepping out of a movie theatre to see “big shinning lights” hovering in the sky.
“I was so nervous,” she said in the video. “Everybody was screaming, ‘What the hell is that?’”
Witnesses appear to have turned to social media, rather than police, for protection. Police at 32 Division said they didn’t receive any calls about the mysterious flying object.
Sarah Chun, a 36-year-old IT specialist, was sitting at the dinner table in her 15 floor condo late Saturday when she spotted something floating outside her window. She filmed the strange row of hovering lights using her ipad, and posted the results online. The clip has been viewed over 4,000 times.
“I guess that’s the power of social media,” she said. “People are very interested in the idea of UFOs.”
One Toronto police officer on patrol that night Tweeted that he had heard from at least one concerned resident.
“I’ve been a police officer for 15 years. Tonight I have a first! My first report of a UFO!! He was serious,” he wrote.
The officer, Constable Craig Brister, said that the UFO was a “quadcopter” a kind of remote-controlled drone, launched from a rooftop.
Constable Brian Harper, also of 32 Division, watched some of the videos that were posted online and also concluded the mysterious flying object was likely a remote-controlled drone.
“Remote controlled drones, you can buy them in any model store anywhere in the city,” he said. “Put some lights up on them and fly them around the building.”
Similar sightings happened even before high-tech drones were easy to buy, he said, when pranksters taped flashing lights to helium balloons.
Witnesses appear to have turned to social media, rather than police, for protection. Constable Brian Harper, of 32 Division, said police didn’t receive any reports of a UFO.
He watched some of the videos that were posted online and concluded the mysterious flying object was likely a remote-controlled drone.
“Remote-controlled drones, you can buy them in any model store anywhere in the city,” he said. “Put some lights up on them and fly them around the building.”
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UFO mania: The Sunken City of Cuba - Officials Ignored it for 10 Year...
UFO mania: The Sunken City of Cuba - Officials Ignored it for 10 Year...
Just over a decade ago, a team of explorers were working on an exploration and survey mission off the western coast of Cuba when their sonar equipment picked up a perplexing series of stone structures lying some 650 metres below the surface.
The structures appeared completely analogous against the barren ‘desert’ of the ocean floor and seemed to show symmetrically organized stones reminiscent of an urban development.
A media flurry soon ensued with news sites sporting headlines such as ‘Atlantis Discovered in Cuba’ and ‘Lost City of the Caribbean Found’.
However, the finding also attracted the attention of the government, national museum, and national geographic, who all made promises to investigate the strange sonar images. Now, ten years on, the story has disappeared into obscurity.
What ever happened to the sunken ‘ruins’ of Cuba? Were they ever fully investigated? And why has the media fallen silent on this unusual discovery?
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
UFO At The Space Station On July 2014, Live Cam Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO At The Space Station On July 2014, Live Cam Video, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: July 2014 Location of sighting: NASA Space Station
This glowing disk has been seen around the International Space Station several times this month already and still NASA never says anything about it. Also note, there are two new HD cams so powerful they can see your car license plate from space. These two cams were very expensive and benign made by NASA scientists, are of course flawless. So, as we look at this video recorded by the famous UFO researcher on Youtube that goes by Streetcap1, we can see this is a very long, solid object. It is golden metallic in color and has matched its speed to the ISS. NASA will try to make up celebrations and medals to give to astronauts and even William Shanter...however it will not take our minds off the fact that NASA was created to hide alien life. They stay silent, because they have everything to hide. SCW
I was station at Camp New Amsterdam in 1980 (9/2/1980) and was working ZULA alert for the Air Force and the ground mechanic on F-15 C, fighter jets. That night approximately 8:30 PM I believe, both of our jets scrambled for Rendlesham area, and flew over for about an hour and a half were killed their BINGO fuel, and had to RTB, return to base. The pilots flying was [Name removed/cms/tg], and [Name removed/cms/tg]. We recover the aircraft, and as mechanic’s job is to download the video set a UHF cassette and put in a new one for the next flight. The pilots came back that night and instantly started talking about the scramble with us. Both them indicated they thought they were chasing them up unauthorized helicopter trying to find it on the radar, because of the low level and low-speed. However, they did mention that two objects left ground level and proceeded at 35,000 feet within seconds. They told us the actually told the tower, without somebody shot missiles up in the air they were tracking. However the objects stopped at 35,000 hovering briefly and then took off at 70,000 feet, or until the radar cannot track them anymore. The video(s) were downloaded by a crew chief friend of mine, on the recorder, which is standard protocol. I observed two objects that appeared to be black in color, it was difficult due to the quality of the video, and the speed the fighter jets were moving towards the objects approximately 650 kn, The video also records radar tracking, and the objects shows approximations according to all aircraft loaded in the memory system so the fire just can have a match or friend or foe, the computer designated no match for the items. There was also no MODE 4 or squawk, friend or foe that typical aircraft send out under FAA regulations of that time.
The pilots reported the objects came back, approximately 35 miles down range, and simply could not catch up with them even though they were stopping for skipping moving from 45,000 feet to 2000 feet. The one pilot, the Capt., Was a Texan a good old boy, and he indicated that he was not a believer in UFOs he was that night. There was no man in black, however there was some closed door meetings days later, but they never asked the ground crew me us, about videos or the radar. What I saw on the video recorded from the F-15 HUD, heads-up display by McDonnell Douglas, wasn’t night but did indicate an object with no wings, triangular shape, and no FAA regulation lighting but did have one maybe two lights, not sure where, the object was about 1 mile distance in front of the F-15. We did notice, when the pilot(s) returned they had indicated their radar when off-line briefly as well as their INS, for both aircraft this extremely improbable if not impossible. The F-15 aircraft were turned around and put back on 15 min. alert status. The next night I was not there but they did scramble again back to England. I notice none of the reports from this airbase indicated Col. Halt, that any aircraft jets were scrambled. And I’m indicating they were, because I was there. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
Vatican Ready to Make a Statement on ExtraTerrestrial’s
I’m sure most of you already know that the Vatican has had a mega telescope pointed into the heavens for quite some time, awaiting their “savior”, an alien. Well, this doesn’t surprise me in the least. Too many things, events and preparations have taken place and I completely expect an invasion of E.T.’s, who are NOT our friends but are in actuality demons. They will make spectacular promises, but do npt believe them, they are masters at deception since they have learned and have been conditioned by the father of lies, satan. Not playing here, just calliing it what it is.
For decades the Vatican has convened some of the brightest minds in the scientific community around the world to ponder the possibility of extraterrestrial life, and to prepare a public disclosure on behalf of the Catholic Church in case the existence of aliens is confirmed.
Many scientists affirm we’re not far from establishing the “First Contact,” given the advances made is astronomy. Because of this, the Vatican wishes to be ready with a statement. It might not be a easy task for the church to interpret holy scripture—if not analyzed properly—if life is found on other planets and man is not the only creature made in the image of God.
This past March the Vatican Observatory and the University of Arizona organized a conference held in Tucson to discuss the advances made in the search for extraterrestrial life. The conference was inspired by the rapid discovery of planets, new findings on the thresholds of extreme conditions at which life on Planet Earth can survive, and new technology designed for the search of life on exoplanets.
Experts on the study of exoplanets, biologists, companies specializing in biosciences and atmospheric science also participated.
About 200 scientists from around the world attended the event “Search for life beyond the solar system.” They’re challenged with facing the possibility of finding alien life using an interdisciplinary approach. Read more
A Russian space capsule carrying a package of biological and materials research specimens, including geckos and plant seeds, has stopped responding to commands from Earth, the Russian space agency announced Thursday (July 24).
The Foton M4 spacecraft launched July 18 on a two-month mission with 22 Russian and German experiments to study how animals, plants, microbes and next-generation manufacturing materials react to spaceflight.
The spacecraft stopped responding to commands from mission control after a few orbits, according to a joint statement released Thursday by the Russian Federal Space Agency and TsSKB Progress, manufacturer of the Foton capsule. [Animals in Space: 10 Beastly Tales]
Telemetry streaming from the satellite to the ground is not affected by the problem, officials said.
The capsule’s systems are all operating normally, and the design of the Foton M4 spacecraft allows for long-term autonomous operations without input from ground controllers, according to the joint statement.
Experts are working to restore two-way communications with the spacecraft, according to Russian space officials.
The capsule was supposed to fire its on-board propulsion system to boost its altitude shortly after the July 18 launch, but the burn never occurred. The maneuver would have put the Foton M4 spacecraft in a circular orbit about 575 kilometers, or 357 miles, above Earth.
Radar tracking data from the U.S. Air Force indicates the spacecraft is in an elliptical orbit with a low point of about 250 kilometers, or 155 miles, where it was deployed by a Soyuz launcher after liftoff from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
It was not clear how long the Foton spacecraft could remain at such an altitude, where drag from the Earth’s upper atmosphere is strong enough to make objects fall from orbit.
The Foton M4 capsule was scheduled to return to Earth in mid-September with a guided re-entry and parachute-assisted landing in southern Russia.
Roscosmos also did not say whether the spacecraft could land normally without commands from the ground. The landing module is fitted with a heat shield and is designed to survive re-entry.
The pressurized section of the Russian-made spacecraft houses geckos in a habitat to supply the animals with food and air to breathe.
Researchers planned to monitor the effects of microgravity on the adult geckos, including their sexual behavior and embryonic development, according to Roscosmos. Scientists expected to have a continuous video recording of the gecko habitat aboard the spacecraft.
Scientists planned to study dried seeds and silkworm eggs inside the Foton space capsule to determine their response to cosmic radiation, and the satellite carries several experiments for research into microbes.
The mission is the 16th flight of a recoverable Foton spacecraft since 1985.
The Foton M4 mission marks the introduction of several upgrades to extend the duration of the flight, including solar panels to generate electricity and a new propulsion module to adjust its orbit.
According to information posted on the Roscosmos website, the Foton M4 spacecraft is packed with nearly 1,900 pounds of research hardware inside and outside the capsule.
A joint Russian-German experiment inside the capsule is designed to measure the growth of semiconductor crystals in microgravity, an investigation scientists hope will lead to advancements in solar cells, light emitting diodes, transistors and other applications in the electronics industry.
“The goal is to produce crystals with the highest possible quality,” said a statement by DLR, the German space agency.
Three types of materials were to be heated up inside a Russian-made furnace housed inside the Foton M4 spacecraft. Once melted, the samples will crystallize as scientists study the influence of magnetic fields and vibrations on their growth.
Preflight plans called for the samples be divided among Russian and German scientists at the end of the mission.
(N.Morgan) In another amazing find, our friend Crrow777 has captured a floating, rectangular, object, emerging into a chemtrail. I’ve seen one of these in Pittsburgh, PA. last summer.This object has been driving me crazy, in the search to find any footage of the same thing I had seen and now we have it. The day of my sighting, it was above the city, not as high as Crrow777‘s capture and when I looked away, poof, it was gone. I regret not having a camera at the time of the sighting. It seemed no one else noticed that floating object right above their heads that day, except me.
Crrow777:The object in this clip was viewed with binoculars. It is metallic and square and looks much like the chemtrail orbs that have been filmed so often – but square. It is first square UFO I have ever seen or filmed. If you see chemplanes or chemtrails – FILM THEM! You are almost certainly going to get something interesting.
Op het Amerikaanse eiland Hawaii is voor de tweede keer een langdurige test gehouden om na te gaan of de mens kan overleven op Mars. Vier maanden lang zaten wetenschappers opgesloten in een afgezonderde basis op de flanken van een vulkaan. De Belg Angelo Vermeulen werkte van buitenaf mee aan het project.
De volgende keer dat u naar de hemel kijkt en een satelliet ziet passeren, bedenk dan dat het om een onbestuurbaar Russisch ruimtetuig gevuld met seksueel actieve gekko's kan gaan.
De hagedissen werden op 18 juli samen met fruitvliegjes en champignons de ruimte ingestuurd bij wijze van experiment. Donderdag meldde de Russische ruimtevaartorganisatie echter dat het ruimtetuig niet meer reageerde op haar bevelen.
Ondertussen hebben de Russen nog wel gegevens van de satelliet doorgekregen en blijkbaar zijn de gekko's (vier vrouwtjes en een mannetje) nog steeds erg druk bezig met hun 'werk'. Het experiment met de reptielen is immers volledig geautomatiseerd en gaat voorlopig dus gewoon door.
Wetenschappers hebben al video's van de seksueel actieve dieren kunnen bekijken volgens Al Jazeera. Ze hopen op het einde van de rit, na zestig dagen is dat, alle beestjes alsnog levend te recuperen.
Maar daarvoor moet wel de communicatie met de satelliet tijdig hersteld worden, anders komen de gekko's niet alleen zonder voedsel te zitten maar zijn ze gedoemd om na enkele maanden samen met het ruimtetuig neer te storten.
Ook vorig jaar kreeg het Russische ruimtevaartprogramma af te rekenen met een gelijkaardig incident. Toen stortte de Bion-M satelliet neer met vissen en muizen aan boord.
Dus als u naar de hemel kijkt, doe dan toch maar dat schietgebedje voor die arme gekko's...
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Mysterious signal from the center of the Perseus Cluster
Mysterious signal from the center of the Perseus Cluster
July 26, 2014 - Astronomers using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory to explore the Perseus Cluster, a swarm of galaxies approximately 250 million light years from Earth, have observed the spectral line that appears not to come from any known type of matter. The signal they received can not be explained by known physics but they say it shifts suspicion to the dark matter.
Perseus Cluster a collection of galaxies and one of the most massive known objects in the Universe, immersed in an enormous 'atmosphere' of superheated plasma. It is approximately 768 000 light years across.
"I couldn't believe my eyes," says Esra Bulbul of the Harvard Center for Astrophysics. "What we found, at first glance, could not be explained by known physics."
"The cluster's atmosphere is full of ions such as Fe XXV, Si XIV, and S XV. Each one produces a 'bump' or 'line' in the x-ray spectrum, which we can map using Chandra. These spectral lines are at well-known x-ray energies."
Yet, in 2012 when Bulbul added together 17 day's worth of Chandra data, a new line popped up where no line should be.
"A line appeared at 3.56 keV (kilo-electron volts) which does not correspond to any known atomic transition," she says. "It was a great surprise."
The spectral line appears not to come from any known type of matter. Image credit: NASA / Chandra
"It took a long time to convince myself that this line is neither a detector artifact, nor a known atomic line," Bulbul said. "I have done very careful checks. I have re-analyzed the data; split the data set into different sub groups; and checked the data from four other detectors on board two different observatories. None of these efforts made the line disappear."
In short, it appears to be real. The reality of the line was further confirmed when Bulbul's team found the same spectral signature in X-ray emissions from 73 other galaxy clusters. Those data were gathered by Europe's XMM-Newton, a completely independent X-ray telescope.
Moreover, about a week after Bulbul team posted their paper online, a different group led by Alexey Boyarsky of Leiden University in the Netherlands reported evidence for the same spectral line in XMM-Newton observations of the Andromeda galaxy. They also confirmed the line in the outskirts of the Perseus cluster.
"After we submitted the paper, theoreticians came up with about 60 different dark matter types which could explain this line. Some particle physicists have jokingly called this particle a 'bulbulon'," she laughs.
The menagerie of dark matter candidates that might produce this kind of line include axions, sterile neutrinos, and "moduli dark matter" that may result from the curling up of extra dimensions in string theory.
There is uncertainty in these results, in part, because the detection of this emission line is pushing the capabilities of both Chandra and XMM-Newton in terms of sensitivity.
More data and investigation will be needed to confirm both the signal's existence and nature.
A paper describing the detection of this mysterious emission line was published in the July 1st issue of The Astrophysical Journal and a preprint is available online
Written by Tony Phillips Science at NASA Washington, D.C. - The Universe is a big place, full of unknowns. Astronomers using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory have just catalogued a new one. "I couldn't believe my eyes," says Esra Bulbul of the Harvard Center for Astrophysics. "What we found, at first glance, could not be explained by known...
Astronomers using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory to explore the Perseus Cluster, a swarm of galaxies approximately 250 million light years from Earth, have observed the spectral line that appears not to come from any known type of matter. The signal they received can not be explained by known physics but they say it shifts suspicion to the dark...N
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Giant Foot Print 200 Million Yrs Old – South Africa
Giant Foot Print 200 Million Yrs Old – South Africa
Here is more proof that the Bible does not lie and backs up everything that was written within it. Just as it is written in the Book of Genesis: “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” Genesis 6:4
Michael Tellinger shows off what could be one of the best pieces of evidence that there were giants on Earth a long, long time ago. Geologists have marvelled at this giant foot print in rough granite, about 4 feet long. Some still say that it is a natural erosion pattern. Personally I find that suggestion highy improbable for various reasons that I will not go into here. Prof. Pieter Wagener from UPE, suggests that “thereis a higher probability of little green men arriving from space and licking it out with their tongues, than being created by natural erosion”.
It is located in South Africa, near the town of Mpaluzi, close to the Swaziland border. It is estimated to be between 200 million and 3 Billion years old because of our current understanding of the formation of granites in Earth’s history. This dating immediately causes great debate and argument – so I urge you to keep your mind open and focused on the evidence.
This amazing footprint in granite was discovered in 1912 by a hunter called Stoffel Coetzee, while hunting in the remote area. At the time this was a deeply remote part of South Africa known as the Eastern Transvaal, teeming with wild life, including antelope and lions. It remains in the same condition as it was when first discovered and the possibility that this was a carved hoax is extremely low because of its remote location. Even today, it is difficult to find.
The real mystery is how this amazing phenomenon occured – I have no idea – but here it is and we cannot wish it away. YES – It is granite – it is a well recognised geological part of South Africa and recorded on all geological maps – that is why this footprint is such an incredible mystery. It can be desribed as a “phenocrystic” granite, OR coarse porphyritic granite, that underwent several different stages of cooling. The result being an interesting mixture of large and small granules. This is why granite companies are keen to mine this area for granite because it will look really “pretty” when polished. In the official Geology Of South Africa, this outcrop is called Mpuluzi Batholith (Granite) and the official dating of this rock produced dates of around 3,1 billion years. A real mystery that needs close scientific examination.
27-07-2014 om 13:20
geschreven door peter
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UFO Spheres With Strange Beings Inside
UFO Spheres With Strange Beings Inside
A security camera has captured footage of strange spheres that seem to have Aliens inside. Jaime Maussan investigates.
While most of us would like to coincide with the general idea that life evolves under only certain criteria we have been conditioned to understand, there are some who know the seeming void is teeming with consciousness … among the many other worlds that are, there exists a world inside earth, subterranean cities where flourish descendants of advanced civilizations from an ancient time. The ones from Atlantis and Lemuria who retreated from the face of the planet escaping inevitable peril due to the great flood and the use of destructive nuclear technology are among the many other civilizations you will find down there !
The subterranean cities of Agartha ( Seems to derive from Aryavartha, which to the Hindus is the place of origin of the Vedas ) were constructed by Atlanteans as refugees from the radioactive fallout produced by the nuclear war they fought, and also referred to Huguenin’s theory that flying saucers were Atlantean aircraft which were brought to the Subterranean World prior to the occurrence of the catastrophe that sank Atlantis. The abandonment of their former home on top of the four-sided sacred mountain in the center of Atlantis (Mount Olympus or Meru, later memorialized by the four-sided, truncated pyramids of Egypt and Mexico) and their skyward journey over the Rainbow Bridge of the Aurora Borealis, through the polar opening, to the new home in Walhalla, the golden palaces of the city of Shambhala ( In Sanskrit means ‘Place Of Peace’ ), capital of Agartha, the Subterranean World. The hollow interior of the earth, warmed by its central sun ( the source of Aurora Borealis ) has an ideal subtropical climate of about 76 degrees Fahrenheit, neither too hot nor too cold.
The first public scientific evidence occurred in 1947 when Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy flew directly to the North Pole and instead of going over the pole, actually entered the inner earth through the North Pole opening. In his diary with other witnesses, he tells of entering the hollow interior of the earth, and traveling 1700 miles over mountains, lakes, rivers, green vegetation and animal life. He tells of seeing monstrous animals resembling the mammoth of antiquity moving through the underbrush. He eventually found cities and a thriving civilization. His plane was finally greeted by flying machines, the type he had never seen before.
They escorted him to a safe landing place and he was graciously greeted by emissaries from Agartha. They told him that he had been allowed to enter Agartha because of his high moral and ethical character. They went on to say that ever since the United States had dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they had been very concerned for their own safety and survival. They had decided that it was time to make greater contact with the outside world to make sure we didn’t destroy this planet and their civilization with it. They had been allowed in for this express purpose, as a way of making contact with someone they trusted
In January, 1956, Admiral Byrd led another expedition to the Antarctic and/or the South Pole. In this expedition he and his crew penetrated for 2,300 miles into the center of the earth again. Admiral Byrd states that the North and South Pole are actually two of many openings to the center of the earth. I can’t but help think about Jules Vernes famous science fiction book, “Journey to the Center of the Earth”, which many of you may have read or watched the movie.
Admiral Byrd also states the inner earth has an inner sun. Admiral Byrd’s theory is that the poles of the earth are convex, rather than concave. Ships and planes can actually fly or drive right in.
In 1906, William Reed published The Phantom of the Poles in which he claimed that nobody had found the north or south poles because they don’t exist. Instead, the poles are entrances to the hollow earth.
He writes,
” The Earth is hollow. The Poles so long sought are but phantoms. There are openings at the northern and southern extremities. In the interior are vast continents, oceans, mountains and rivers. Vegetable and Animal life are evident in this new world, and it is probably peopled by races yet unknown to the dwellers upon earth’s exterior. “
Buddhists, in their theology fervently believe in its existence. They believe it to be a race of super men and women who occasionally come to the surface to oversee the development of the human race. They also believe that this subterranean world has millions of inhabitants and many cities, and their capital is Shambhala. In the Buddhist tradition, their ancient philosophy states that Agartha was first colonized many thousands of years ago when a holy man led a tribe which disappeared underground. The present population of this underground kingdom is believed to number many millions and these people are believed to possess a science far superior to any found on the surface of the earth. This science includes subterranean cars, which run at tremendous speed through underground tunnels.
The Indian epic, the Ramayana and the Bhagavad Gita are the two most famous texts of India. The Ramayana tells the story of the great Avatar Rama. The Bhagavad Gita tells the story of Krishna. The Ramayana describes Rama as an “emissary from Agartha”, who arrived on an air vehicle. This is quite extraordinary in that both the Buddhist and Hindu religions separately refer to Agartha.
The ancient writings of the Chinese, Egyptians and Eskimos speak of a great opening in the North and a race of people that live under the earth’s crust. The writings say that their ancestors came from the paradise land in the earth’s interior.
In the ancient legends of Quetzalcoatl, who was the great Avatar of the Aztec and Mayan race, it is told by ancient tradition that He vanished on a flying saucer for eight days and visited the subterranean world.
Admiral Byrd’s diary … his conversation with the Master he spoke while at Agartha ….
“We have let you enter here because you are of noble character and well known on the surface world, Admiral. I half gasp under my breath! Yes, the Master replies with a smile, you are in the domain of the Arianni, the inner world of the earth. We shall not long delay your mission, and you will be safely escorted back to the surface and for a distance beyond. But now, Admiral, I shall tell you why you have been summoned here. “Our interest rightly begins just after your race exploded the first atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. It was at that alarming time we sent our flying machines, the “Flugelrads”, to your surface world to investigate what your race had done. This is, of course, past history now, my dear Admiral, but I must continue on. You see, we have never interfered before in your race’s wars and barbarity. But now we must, for you have learned to tamper with a certain power that is not for man, namely that of atomic energy. Our emissaries have already delivered messages to the powers of your world and yet they do not heed. Now you have been chosen to be witness here that our world does exist. You see, our culture and science is many thousands of years beyond your race, Admiral. I interrupted, but what does this have to do with me, Sir? “The Master’s eyes seemed to penetrate deeply into my mind, and after studying me for a few moments he replied, your race has now reached the point of no return, for there are those among you who would destroy your very world rather than relinquish their power as they know it… I nodded, and the Master continued: In 1945 and afterward, we tried to contact your race, but our efforts were met with hostility, our flugelrads were fired upon. Yes, even pursued with malice and animosity by your fighter planes. So, now I say to you, my son, there is a great storm gathering in your world, a black fury that will not spend itself for many years. There will be no answer in your arms, there will be no safety in your science. It may rage on until every flower of your culture is trampled, and all human things are leveled in vast chaos. Your recent war was only a prelude of what is yet to come for your race. We, here, see it more clearly with each hour… Do you say I am mistaken? I do, I answered. It happened once before, the dark ages came and they lasted for more than five hundred years.
“Yes, my son, replied the Master. The dark ages that will come now for your race will cover the earth like a pall, but I believe that some of your race will live through the storm. Beyond that, I cannot say. We see at a great distance, a new world stirring from the ruins of your race, seeking its lost and legendary treasures, and they will be here, my son, safe in our keeping. When that time arrives, we shall come forward again to help revive your culture and your race. Perhaps, by then, you will have learned the futility of war and its strife …and after that time, certain of your culture and science will be returned for your race to begin anew. You, my son, are to return to the surface world with this message…”
Admiral Byrd and his crew were led out of the great city at the close of their conversation, and taken back to their plane. Their plane was lifted into the air by some unseen force, back towards the opening of the poles at the surface of the earth. Their plane was released back to their command and before they knew it they were back flying over vast areas of ice and snow.
During the golden age of pirates and treasure hunters in the year 1800’s, maps became precious and significant to point out exactly the locations of hidden, buried and sunken valuable artifacts and wealth of magnificent proportions.
On January 29, 1934, a perfect resemblance of the Hollywood film Indiana Jones and National Treasures has surfaced along with the legend of a fearsome creature that is said to dwell the earth inside a hidden underground city in downtown Los Angeles.
A mining engineer named G. Warren Shufelt allegedly met a wise old Hopi Indian man named “Little Chief Greenleaf” who told the story of an ancient city of the lizard people or “reptilians” as we know today. According to Little Chief, an ancient reptilian race who are highly intelligent and scientifically advanced than modern humans have taken refuge under hidden cities around the Pacific coast, one in Los Angeles and another in Mt. Shasta. Together with these ambiguous beings were mammoth quantities of treasures, gold and other valuable which lie hundreds of feet below. The busy and unsuspecting city did not know about this until Little Chief relates the story to Shufelt. That same year, Shufelt and his small crew made efforts to make a map of the underground tunnels using a “radio X-ray” and so the legend of the “lizard people” has begun.
Shufelt’s started to map the ground from the public library of West Fifth Street to Southwest of Museum Drive extending to Mt. Washington in Los Angeles. The results of the mapping gave him a network of tunnels which look just like a maze going to unknown directions. The legend said that the underground dwellings were purposely built to shelter the reptilian race from a great inferno catastrophe that came from the southwest of their land which scorched everything in its path about 5000 years ago. The underground city is a means to escape another catastrophic fire in the future. The Hopi Indian said that the reptilians mastered and perfected a special chemical which can melt both soil and bedrock. This chemical was used in building an underground city, then the chemical is drained into the ocean to create passages that leads to the sea. The tides passing in and out of the lower sea tunnels forces cold water and air to flow into the upper passages providing a well ventilated, sanitized and cleansed halls and labyrinths.
The city has dome structures similar to a tall building and has the capacity to house 1000 families. There are rooms that are also capable of storing loads of food supplies and a variety of herbs are made available too to sustain life for a long span of time if the next fire sweeps over the earth again.
Records encrypted in gold tablets about the ancient reptilians and the origin of humankind is thought to be kept in the hidden rooms of the underground city. Shufelt said that he possess evidence of these gold tablets which one include a record from the Mayan civilization.
Concerns of the ground caving-in never stopped Shufelt to drill a 350 feet hole in the ground of Ft. Moore Hill where he believe a treasure room can be found. Shufelt mysteriously vanished and was never seen again in the face of the planet leaving any trace but his famous map of the underground city.
If the ancient underground city of the reptilians still remained unearthed until today, could it be possible that there are still surviving reptilians who live in the underground city? Or have they found a better way of hiding in plain sight and live again above the earth together with us humans?
At 9.30 pm on 2 November 1967, 2 Navajo Indian youths, Guy Tossie and Will Begay, were driving on a highway just outside Ririe, Idaho, when there was a sudden blinding flash in front of their car. The flash was followed by the abrupt appearance of an eight-foot-wide domed saucer with flashing green and orange lights around its rim. The car stopped as the object hovered about five feet above the road, bathing the area in a green light.
Through the transparent dome, the witnesses could see two small occupants. When the dome opened, one figure floated down to the ground. It stood about three and a half feet tall and had a kind of backpack that protruded behind its hairless head. Its oval face was heavily pitted and creased, its ears were large and high, its eyes were small and round, and its mouth was slit-like. No nose was visible on the deeply scarred face.
The entity approached the car and opened the driver’s-side door. When it slid behind the wheel, the two youths moved over to the right. Then, with the object in a fixed position a few feet in front, the car was driven or towed well out into a wheat field. When the car stopped, Tossie opened the door and ran to a farm-house a quarter mile away. A bright light, apparently from the second occupant, followed him. Begay, meanwhile, cowered in the front seat as the entity spoke to him in unintelligible birdlike sounds. When the second entity returned to the car, the first emerged and the two then floated up into the object, which rose out of sight in zigzag fashion.
Tossie was so frightened that he had difficulty telling the farmer and his family the story. When they finally accompanied him back to the field, they found Begay in shock, sitting speechless in the car with his eyes closed. The car lights were on, and the engine was running. The youths reported the incident to the deputy sheriff, and the state police investigated.
Others had apparently seen lights in the area, and some farmers reported that their cattle had bolted during the evening for unknown reasons.
Witness said: On approx 8pm, roommate and friends called me out of the house to come check out a full half circle rainbow, I grabbed smart phone took two pictures. Switched phone to video mode (5 mega pixles) and filmed the entire rainbowand noted a strange cluster of clouds, I make the comment it looks as if a UFO could come out of that strange cluster of clouds, I capture that it is about :36 seconds.
I put phone on standby but still in video mode, and go in to use the bathroom. They run back in and yell that I have to come back out and see this it is a UFO, I turn back on phone, before I go out front door. (Driveway faces South west) Asa I walk out I see a very right light up in the sky start record, then watch most of the sighting with my eyes, checking the screen to make sure I had it centered correctly. What I saw is the light go up, come back down, the strange clouds had disapated, above and below the object, then as it made a slow descent I saw 2 separate lights above a lower disc shaped color of a dark royal blue or purple, almost a blacklight color but brighter. The 2 light above it which took up 70% of it were very large and bright, with a definate separation of the 2 in the middle. This can be seen on a large screen Hi Def TV. As it decended it slowed, then as it got lower below the power lines and near roof tops it appeared to be miles away South West of town, I mention Sara Park in the video but my direction is off it appears to be 5 to 7 miles south of town in a desert area. no houses or buildings there, As it got to the roof line the left side appeared to me to flash a very bright red light on one sideas it hovered above the roof line a few seconds then dipped below that and went out of site, The other 3 witness’s saw it ascend quickly lower, then rise again, that is when I caught this on video here: (1:36)
That was it! My roommate called the non emergency Police line to ask if any calls had come it. And they had not had any but requested to come see the video, roommate said no…lol… My Father was a Pilot and I have been in many planes before, This had none of the normal markings of a plane. no tail lights wing lights and the lights were too huge to be landing lights. We are on the south side of the City, the airport is far north of here and it only went up and down in direction. My roommate said it rose very quickly high at 1st then kept the same speed shown on video.
Een paar vrouwen uit het Engelse Wiltshire ontdekken na een avondje uit een vreemd licht in de lucht onderweg naar huis.
Ze slagen erin om een foto te maken van het object dat leek te exploderen in de lucht en tot hun stomme verbazing bevond zich de volgende morgen op die plek een prachtige graancirkel.
Een Engelse vrouw was totaal verbijsterd toen ze ontdekte dat er een graancirkel was gevormd op de plek waar ze de nacht ervoor een vreemd licht in de lucht had waargenomen.
Jo Webb en haar vriendin Lisa Willcox waren na een avondje uit in Malmesbury onderweg terug naar huis in Cirencester op maandag 7 juli 2014. Plots zagen ze een vreemd licht in de lucht.
“Ik reed en zag rechts van mij een fel oranje licht ongeveer onder een hoek van 45 graden. We reden op de A429 in de buurt van het Charlton Park Estate toen we licht in zuidwestelijke richting zagen.
Het leek alsof er iets explodeerde in de lucht, het was heel fel en leek wel een vuurbol. Ik probeerde zo goed mogelijk te kijken, terwijl ik verder reed. Het bewoog niet en hing daar een tijdje . Toen keek ik weer naar de weg en toen ik weer naar de lucht keek, was het verdwenen”.
De dames hebben toch een foto weten te maken van het vreemde object in de lucht.
Hun verbazing was compleet toen bleek dat de volgende ochtend op de plek waar zij dat vreemde object hadden waargenomen een prachtige graancirkel was ontstaan.
Wat ook bijzonder is is dat dit één van de weinige graancirkels is die zijn ontdekt in het noordelijk gedeelte van Wiltshire, ten noorden van de snelweg M4. Daar de meeste worden ontdekt in het zuiden van Wiltshire.
Publisher's Note: I found this article in my google Alerts and it concerns elongated skulls, which I believe my belong to a race of ancient astronauts. It was published online on the skyshipsovercashiers.comwebsite and is uncredited. I plan to return to Peru iin 2015 and will visit Paracas again. Enjoy Dirk
More than 300 elongated skulls – the largest ones in the world – were found in a massive graveyard on Peru’s Paracas Peninsula in 1928. While elongated skulls usually are formed by various methods of head binding, the Paracas skulls are quite different.
Several February 2014 articles report that the Paracas skulls are 60 percent heavier than normal human skulls and have 25 percent more volume. With simple head binding neither the weight nor the volume of a skull is increase, only reshaped.
More importantly, preliminary results of DNA analysis of one of the skulls show it is not human. Below is an article about the findings by Mary-Ann Russon for International Business Times that was published on February 11, 2014.
Initial DNA analysis of one of the 3,000-year-old elongated skulls found in Paracas, Peru, has revealed that they may not have been from humans but from a completely new species, according to Paracas Museum assistant director Brien Foerster (L).
Foerster, who also runs his own tour group company in Peru and has authored 11 books on ancient history, told Ancient Origins that a geneticist who tested skull samples has found that they contain mutated DNA that does not match any known genetic DNA information in GenBank, an open-access sequence database of all the known genetic data in the world.
The unidentified geneticist told Foerster: “It had mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far. But a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample indicate that if these mutations will hold we are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans.”
“I am not sure it will even fit into the known evolutionary tree,” the geneticist added.
According to Foerster, the geneticist in question, who apparently does contract work for the US government, is willing to go public, but does not want to come forward until the tests prove the theory conclusively….
When someone from the Ancient Origins website asked Foerster if he thought the Paracus skulls might be alien, he responded: “I’m open to the idea but the thing is I don’t want to go too far in that direction yet because we’ve only had an initial DNA result. But due to the fact that the geneticist has found segments of DNA that don’t correspond to anything, I don’t dismiss the idea of there having been off planet intervention.”
From abandoned towns to underground vaults of death, these are 20 of the most terrifying and creepy places in the world that you likely WON’T want to visit!
Scientists have identified what is believed to be the largest aquatic insect found anywhere in the world.
With huge horn-like jaws and a wingspan equal to that of a common sparrow, the enormous new insect is part of the Megaloptera group which includes dobsonflies, fishflies and other similar species.
Discovered in the mountains near Chengdu, the insect is thought to spend most of its life underwater during its larval stage before eventually emerging as an adult which then lives for only a few days while it looks for a mate.
“With its wingspan measured as 21 centimetres, the insect won the title of the largest aquatic insect in the world,” China’s state-run news service has announced. Read more at CBC
“Bigfoot’s real,” the 28-year-old told People magazine. “And I have confidence in myself that if I were ever to be taken out on an expedition … I would be the one to find Bigfoot.”
The actress, who’s currently at Comic-Con to promote “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” has never been one to hide her nerdy side. She says she feels comfortable at the massive convention.
“I’ve walked the floor,” she said. “I came once when my husband [Brian Austin Green] was here for Sarah Connor. I wasn’t promoting anything. I came in a Star Wars T‑shirt, and I walked around and nobody bothered me one time.”
The self-proclaimed “Lord of the Rings” geek, who last month said she only wants to work on one movie a year, is no stranger to sci-fi movies, having gotten her big break in the first two Michael Bay “Transformers” films. – Page Six
I live in a fairly small, old apartment complex. Although it’s old, I wouldn’t say it’s creepy. It has a nice feel to it. I’ve lived here for about a month. My apartment is on the bottom floor. The whole complex surrounds a tiny courtyard. The complex itself is 7 floors.
On my third night, I heard banging and yelling coming from the room above me. I thought it would stop, so I remained in bed. After two minutes of non-stop banging, I finally got up and found a broom and started banging back. Eventually, the screaming and banging ceased.
This would happen arbitrarily throughout the weeks. It would only stop if I got that broom and banged on the ceiling with it.
One night, I became fed up with it.
I decided to get two of my friends to come with me. They didn’t believe what I’d told them, so I decided to prove it to them.
We slowly climbed up the steps (there are no elevators, as it’s an old apartment complex) leading to the second floor. It was about 11 at night.
When we got there I peered through the keyhole. The walls were a soft baby blue color, but darkness made them look more gray than blue. In the corner was a bed with a man in it. My friends looked inside and saw what I saw. The admitted that it was strange how bare the room was, but that he wasn’t banging like I said he did. I convinced them to wait a bit longer.
Another 20 minutes passed. One of my friends said they saw the man get up. I looked in and saw him standing up. All he had was a once-white pair of boxers that had turned yellowish gray from dirt and stains. His hair was crazy, like Albert Einsteins, except darker. He had an extremely crooked nose, the one that a boxer has. His beard was long and unkempt. His eyes were sunken and bloodshot.
He started walking around the room in circles. Minutes passed as he walked around mindlessly in a circle, muttering to himself. I was unable to make out any words, though. Then, he just froze. He stood there a good five minutes, just staring at the wall. Then he fell to his knees and began pounding his fists against the floor, screaming and shrieking like that kid from the “Greatest Freakout Ever” videos. It was the kind of scream that would make a normal person hoarse for a few days. But this man wasn’t normal.
After letting my friends look through the keyhole, we left in a hurry. I ended up sleeping over at my friend’s house. That night, I called the landlord. He told me that nobody had lived there for 21 years. –
Miley Cyrus’s dog Floyd passed away back in April, leading the singer into a deep depression that she shared with fans online.
We later found out that Miley’s dog had been killed by coyotes, prompting some to criticize Miley as an unfit pet owner.
But whether or not Floyd’s death was preventable, Miley has clearly been feeling the loss in a big way.
In fact, the pain has gotten so bad that Miley has finally done what any rich, grieving crazy person would do: she hired a psychic to communicate with her departed pooch.
Miley recently reached out to animal medium Melissa Bacelar who helped bridge the gap between dead dog and living twerk specialist.
“I connect with the dog telepathically,” says Bacelar of the services she offers. “Some will give actual words, but most give me images and feelings which I pass on to the owner.”
“It was particularly hard as [Miley] wasn’t there when Floyd died, so there would have been a huge amount of guilt.”
Sounds legit. Who knew dogs learn how to talk after they die? Learn something new every day.
Believe it or not, attempting reach Floyd in canine heaven is not the strangest way Miley has tried to connect with her beloved pet since his death. Earlier this month, Miley got a tattoo honoring Floyd and somehow got some of her friends to do the same.
- See more at:[term]=friday%20the%2013th&filters[primary]=images&filters[secondary]=videos&sort=1&o=1#sthash.cCCko8EF.dpuf
- See more at:[term]=friday%20the%2013th&filters[primary]=images&filters[secondary]=videos&sort=1&o=1#sthash.cCCko8EF.dpuf
- See more at:[term]=friday%20the%2013th&filters[primary]=images&filters[secondary]=videos&sort=1&o=1#sthash.cCCko8EF.dpuf
If you do not know who Robert Bigelow is or what he will mean to your world you need to get informed and fast. Listen to the video below and what is in store for you and space and the aliens and UFOs who have been visiting us
Allison Barta of rural Cass Lake, Minn., took this photo on Sept. 2, 2013. She said the object on the top left corner is not a lens flare, and that she spotted the saucer-shaped object with the naked eye. It was in the sky, translucent, circular, disc-like and most certainly, positively and identifiably unidentifiable. It was also an object that was flying.
For the moment, we were pretty dumbfounded,” she said of her and her friend, Neil Peterson. “The two of us are watching it zoom across the sky, and I’m trying to get another picture of it, but I couldn’t catch it.” The lone image she did capture, however, might be enough to whet the appetites of UFO enthusiasts, believers, identifiers, or whatever they prefer to be called. The object is… something. Barta was taking pictures of pelicans outside her rural Cass Lake home in northern Minnesota on Labor Day, Sept. 2.
That’s when she saw the saucer, which spanned the horizon in just a few seconds at an incredible speed, she said. The pelicans are in the photo. The object is, too. “Was it a drone? Was it somebody who actually created something and they were flying it? Was it a real UFO from another planet?” she said. “It’s not an aircraft known to this planet. I don’t really know what it is.” Barta, a science teacher at the Bug O Nay Ge Shig school, has spent plenty of time looking at the sky. In fact, a few years back, she spent an entire summer gazing upward, mapping stellar bodies for a program called “Star Watch.” She urged her students to do the same. But in all those nights, there was never anything so obviously unidentifiable. “I’m kind of thrilled I saw it,” she said. Barta is not concerned with the tinfoil-hat implications of walking around and showing off a picture of a UFO. She said the majority of people she’s approached have expressed interest in viewing the photo. “The reactions are amazing,” Barta said. “There’s only been very few people that just walked away and don’t want to see it. I’m not standing there and going ‘Oh, it’s aliens.’ But it’s definitely not a lens flare, cause we saw it with the naked eye.” Barta considers herself fairly handy with a camera, but after initially catching the object in her lens, she couldn’t catch up with it again. There is only the one shot. She compared it to winning the lottery. “What are the chances of getting that picture?” she said. “You need to not be afraid to share, so I’m sharing it. We all live on this Earth and we should look out for each other.” Justin Glawe reports for the Bemidji Pioneer.
I was sitting in my front porch having my morning coffee and was on a conference call. I happened to glance at the sky and saw an airplane flying at approximately 15,000 – 18,000 ft altitude. There was an object (white) flying in front of the plane. This object seemed rectangular (difficult to ascertain the shape at that altitude) and was white in color. The object was at the same altitude as the commercial airliner.
What caught my eye was that the plane had a contrail but the object did not. The second thing that caught my eye was that the object was very close to the airplane (less than an inch from my vantage point). The object stayed in-front of the plane for approximately 2 minutes and then simply disappeared (vanished). I thought it may be the reflection from the plane since the plane was flying north/west and the sun was in the east but then I saw additional planes flying at the same altitude in approximately the same flight path and they did not have any reflections or objects around them. The pilots of this plane must have seen the object since the size of the object and the altitude was similar to the plane. The plane seemed like a commercial airliner (Airbus/Boeing) and the object was of similar size if not bigger. The object was simply leading the airplane and did not perform any unusual motions but to me it seemed like it was hovering in front of the plane. The airplane did not take any evasive actions but simply continued in a straight line. Only after the object disappeared did the plane bank five degrees to the right and continued in its path. It was very strange. I live near Dulles airport, so see airplanes quite frequently and this plane given it altitude, could not have taken off from Dulles but rather points South or Sou
On January 22nd, 2011 Youtube user “BeePeeOilDisaster’ had posted ” Go to the NASA STEREO website, input 20110122 and 20110122 using Behind EUVI 195 then after it loads scroll to the time frame 10:46:10 and there is the original… You can save it to your PC and adjust the Zoom, Brightness and Contrast to bring out the detail of the image. With the proper knowledge and techniques so much detail can be brought out by adjusting the zoom, brightness and contrast. I am just amazed at this photo. Now in latest development NASA has once again censored a UFO type object from their STEREO website archived pictures after he made a video bringing attention to the UFO type object. According to him this is the third time that NASA has been exposed by me censoring these very important discoveries of these UFO type objects. I am bewildered and a little overwhelmed by the entire situation! We like to inform our readers that the video has been posted since Jan. 22, 2011 on U-Tube. He added : on Jan. 27, 2011 I began receiving comments saying that my video was fake based on the fact that the UFO type object was no longer viewable in the original picture located on the NASA STEREO website located within the picture archives. Just as before once again, I went to the website to look for myself and sure enough NASA has removed the UFO type object that I have highlighted in my video. Here are links to the original and the censored pictures which I have posted online so that you can download them and do your own investigating and comparisons. Again I am amazed that NASA would do this and all I can do is tell you the facts as I know them to be. As before the URL was changed the original has the 7 and after being censored that 7 changed to a 4 making the original URL a dead link that brings up the 404 File Not Found error message. I hope that others downloaded the original at the same time as I did and they will be able to corroborate my story.
KENS NOTE: I view these NASA Sun photos every day and NASA did change their format and they have been using low-definition photos for a year or more now. Before they were hi-definition photos and these UFO’s were easily recognized. There is something rotten in Denmark my friends.
David Weatherly is a fascinating man full of interesting information on many unknown topics be sure to give his interview a listen
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Subject: Fwd: great photos of an alien craft over north carolina … ken pfeifer world ufo photos ********************************************************************************************
I had just left my Girlfriends house outside of Winston Salem off of I-40 heading east toward. I-52 , when I noticed and odd shapes object in the sky not very high above the city of Winston, at 3:30 am. The object was visibly projecting light! To be clear NOT reflecting, but projecting a beam of light toward the ground. I kept an eye on it to see if I could notice and red or green lights like a plane or helicopter would have and after a few minutes I was able to determine indeed it did not have any. I continued onto hwy 52 heading south when I noticed it had moved drastically south and had somewhat changed what the shape was. I pulled over after a few minutes to get a better look and shut my car off to see if I could hear anything. With no traffic in sight it was dead silence, I could not her a sound coming from this. I took my phone out and continued to take about 15 pictures and as I zoomed in that’s when it became extremely obvious this was not any aircraft I have ever seen before. It continued to change shapes, from a half sphere to almost a boomerang of multiple lights. A few pictures you can actually see that it had multiple individual lights on the perimeter of it. It seem to come a little closer after a bit and I was by myself and nervous , so proceeded down 52 south with the craft staying constantly to my left side, after about 25 minutes I made it to interstate 85 and headed south west, that when the craft continued a south bound path and I eventually lost site of it.
Filer’s Files #30 – 2014 Aliens on the Moon - PART I
Filer’s Files #30 – 2014 Aliens on the Moon - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Toshiki Kaifu, former Prime Minister of Japan Takes UFO Seriously, MUFON Symposium Was a Success,Aliens on the Moon -- The Truth Exposed, Malaysian Aircraft Shot Down, and Karen Marcattilio Dies.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Alabama, Arizona, California, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Tennessee, Utah, and Washington. Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Canada, France, Netherlands, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Turkey, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Toshiki Kaifu, Former Prime Minister of Japan Takes UFO Seriously
Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu wrote, “First of all, I told a magazine this past January that, as an underdeveloped country with regards to the UFO problem, Japan had to take into account what should be done about the UFO question, and that we had to spend more time on these matters. In addition, I said that someone had to solve the UFO problem with far reaching vision at the same time. Secondly, I believe it is a reasonable time to take the UFO problem seriously as a reality. I hope that this Symposium will contribute to peace on Earth from the point of view of outer space, and take the first step toward the international cooperation in the field of UFOs.” Sent in a letter to Mayor Shiotani of Hakui City, dated June 24, 1990, endorsing a Space & UFO Symposium.
MUFON Symposium Was a Success
2014 MUFON Symposium was a success with hundreds of people attending. MUFON is moving forward with new technology and better trained and scientific advancements under the leadership of Jan Harzan. Jan like myself has had close up sightings of UFOs. Hangar 1 and similar TV shows and the Internet are creating greater interest in the subject. I encourage you to forward these files to all your friends and relatives. Most people have been kept in the dark about UFOs and alien visitors. Simply ask them to keep an open mind and to read the evidence available weekly. Walter F. Naedele, Inquirer Staff Writer writes, “The only time Jan C. Harzan saw an unidentified flying object up close, he became a believer. It was 1965, and he was a 10-year-old in his bedroom in Thousand Oaks, California. "My brother came in and let me know he had observed this craft hovering 10 feet off the ground," right there in their backyard. When Harzan went out there, he said, "I saw a landing craft 30 feet from me." It had "no visible means of propulsion, except for a humming noise it was making." After about five minutes, Harzan said, "it slowly started to drift away and then shot off at an incredible speed." No alien sightings. Harzan spoke as he walked through the corridors of the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Cherry Hill late Friday, where the Mutual UFO Network was holding its 45th annual symposium this weekend.”UFOs are now the life work for Harzan, 59, executive director at the Newport Beach, Calif., headquarters of the international organization of more than 3,000 dues-paying members. He estimated that 600 to 700 folks would show up before the four-day event. On Saturday morning, a few hundred were there to hear John Ventre, 57, of Greensburg, near Pittsburgh, a retired state security director for a package delivery company who is Pennsylvania director for the UFO Network. It was Ventre who decided that the focus of the weekend should be the media and UFOs. In his interview, Harzan said that the group needs to find "how we can better educate the media about the UFO subject. I think they don't have a lot of knowledge about it. "And so they treat it with some skepticism, which is fine, and some laugh factor.”So we feel that it has extreme scientific value and, with some study, could yield major benefits or technological breakthroughs." Ventre was sharper in his criticism of reporting about UFOs.
The nationwide reaction to Orson Welles' 1938 radio broadcast of War of the Worlds began the media refusal to report about UFOs, he said. "Will they tell you the truth about UFOs if they're afraid it's going to cause a panic?" Ventre asked. In a Saturday interview before his talk, he said he had never seen a UFO. "I thought I did in 2008," near his Greensburg home, he said. "When I analyzed it, it turned out to be an asteroid." That's typical, he said, because "not every sighting is a UFO. “Probably only 10 percent." That has not slowed his writing career. At noon, he was signing copies of his 2012 work, UFOs Over Pennsylvania. The speaker before Ventre did have his own close encounter. Roger Marsh, a 1978 graduate of St. Bonaventure University who was acquisitions editor for investing and finance books for the Chicago office of the McGraw-Hill publishing firm from 1997 to 1999, is now communications director for the UFO Network. Near his home in southwest Pennsylvania in October 1973, Marsh told his audience, a UFO about the width of a two-lane road hovered above his street, a foot or two higher than a telephone pole. "It went from a dead stop," he said, to zipping away "like a bat out of hell." Asking his audience, "Why can't we get UFO photographs?" he admitted he was so startled that, "if I had had a cell phone, I would have dropped it." Photos or no photos, he assured his audience, "everywhere I go, there's a UFO story. Thanks to 610-313-8134
Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed
SyFy hosted the world premiere of “Aliens On The Moon: The Truth Exposed” a two-hour event documentary special on Sunday July 20, 2014, marking the 45th anniversary of man’s first landing on the Moon. Never-before aired NASA photos showed gigantic artificial structures – suggesting the Moon is being used as a base, and possibly a staging area, by a mysterious race of alien beings. We heard from experts, as well as astronauts who walked on the moon, and revealed new facts and proof of artificial alien structures. I didn’t care for dramatic 3-D flybys of the lunar constructions nor a footage of a purported “female” E.T. supposedly recovered during a secret U.S.-Soviet mission to the Moon in the’ 1970s. Otherwise the NASA photos show the undeniable existence of what look like installations, factories, hangers and huge satellite dishes. Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin (shown) revealed that a UFO followed his spacecraft for three days on its way to the historic moonwalk. Aldrin also assessed some of the lunar photos that strongly suggest alien structures have been detected on our Moon. Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell’s claims he knows for sure UFOs are real, that there is an alien presence visiting the Earth (and the space around us) and the U.S. government has been aware of it for several decades.
Towers rise up from the lunar surface, higher than anything made on Earth.· Extensive “pipelines” cross over crater rims, and bridges span massive lunar canyons and there is evidence of mining. Russian Space Agency lunar orbiter photos show a 20-mile high “spire” clearly sticking straight up from the Moon’s surface, as well as a partially destroyed “dome.” Former NASA Photo Manager and “whistleblower” Ken Johnston’s claim that he screened an Apollo 14 film for a NASA astronomer showing five domed lights inside a crater, with one releasing a plume of steam. Johnston also reveals that during the Apollo 11 moonwalk, astronaut Neil Armstrong switched over to the medical channel to alert mission doctors, “Alien spaceships are parked around the rim of a crater, watching us!”
Defense Department expert Dr. John Brandenburg’s warned that all the pictures of “constructions” on the Moon suggest that “someone” is building a forward “base” on the Moon. "There's no doubt that these structures exist," Robert Kiviat, producer of the two-hour SyFy Channel show, told NBC News. ·.
Malaysian Aircraft Shot Down
Western news media has blamed the Russians or Ukrainians sympathetic to Russia for downing the Malaysian passenger aircraft. Russian news has strongly denied any involvement and claims Ukrainian fighter aircraft or missiles were responsible.
Right on cue, the western media was ready with fiery headlines, either blaming Russia directly, or else blaming anti-Kiev forces in South-East Ukraine, without any significant evidence.
On July 17 the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200ER, Registration 9M-MRD, Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, crashed 60 km. east of Donetsk near Hrabove village in Ukraine with 298 people on board (283 passengers and 15 crew). Flight MH 17 departed Schiphol Airport, Netherlands, at 12.14 local time (10.14 UTC) bound for Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. By 10.53 UTC it had reached a cruising altitude of FL 310, climbing to FL330 after entering Ukrainian airspace. Ten aircraft had recently been shot down over the Ukraine and a slightly southern route would have been safer. The aircraft’s recorders have been sent to London and the bodies to Holland.
Photos from the devastated scene of the Malaysia Airlines MH17 crash suggest the plane was shot down by a surface-to-air missile, according to aviation and weapons experts. The pieces of wreckage in question were found several miles away from where the bulk of the plane and its contents fell. An analysis for the New York Times photo by IHS Jane’s, a defense consultancy, said the photos suggest “that the destruction of the aircraft was caused by a supersonic missile that apparently exploded near the jet as it flew 33,000 feet above the ground as shown in aircraft’s metal at right.”
While it’s still impossible to tell the exact make and model of the missile used, the pock-marked surface of the plane debris, blistered paint and the pattern of small indentations that look like not unlike bullet holes are consistent with damage caused by surface-to-air missiles like the Russian built SA-11, say ballistics specialists. The new evidence casts doubt on Russia’s claims that Ukrainian forces shot the plane down. The Russians claim surface-to-air missiles create round holes in the fuselage of the target, and air to air missiles create arrow-shaped forms, then why does the MH 17 have arrow-shaped forms in the fuselage? Also the downed craft shows cladding damage a characteristic with pin and shrapnel warheads of (air-to-air systems), much more characteristic of R-27 TOPOR or R-73 missiles used by Ukraine military MIG-29 and SU-27 aircraft?
Since the airliner crashed with the loss of all 298 on board, the most contentious issue has been who fired the missile that brought the jet down in an area where government forces are fighting pro-Russian rebels. A thorough and objective investigation needs to be launched and concluded before blame is assigned. The investigation will not be easy because both sides have similar, if not the same surface to air missiles. Remember Ukraine was once part of the Soviet Union and is armed with their equipment. The anti-Kiev forces operating in the area were quick to state that they support such an investigation and deny shooting the plane down.
For its part, the Russian Defence Ministry states categorically that no units of the Russian Armed Forces were involved in the incident and the Malaysian Boeing 777 was conducting its flight beyond the range of air defense systems of the Russian Federation. The aircraft was flying in the airspace of Ukraine, under the control of its air traffic management system". Furthermore, "In view of the objective investigation of the air crash of the Boeing 777 that crashed on the territory of Ukraine, it is necessary to conduct thorough investigation with the involvement of representatives of all interested international organizations.
According to the Russian Defense Ministry, there are units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the disaster area armed with Buk-M1. anti-aircraft missile systems also called the SA-11 Gadfly. In the area of northwestern outskirts of Donetsk, divisions of the 156th anti-aircraft missile regiment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are deployed, with 27 Buk M1 complexes. These complexes, on their tactical and technical characteristics, are capable of detecting air targets at distances of up to 160 kilometers and striking them at all altitudes at a range of over 30 kilometers. Moreover, in the skies over the Donetsk region, aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force equipped with different types of missiles are constantly present and attacking targets”.
Allegedly, Ukrainian Air Force fighter jets were seen accompanying MH17, and eye witnesses claim they heard shots before the explosion. Malaysia Airlines confirms"A flight from a different carrier was on the same route at the time of the MH17 incident and also President Putin was airborne not far away, but not over Ukraine in a similar aircraft."
Russia, Ukraine and anti Kiev Ukrainian forces own the BUK-M1 9K37 (Gadfly/SA-11) Missile system, which is a sophisticated piece of weaponry. The BUK surface-to-air missile system was developed in 1979. It consists of a Target Acquisition Radar (TAR), a Transporter Erector Launcher and Radar (TELARti K) and a Transporter Erector Launcher (TEL).
Eileen Lainez, a Pentagon spokeswoman, said, U.S. officials had long been saying, that "Russian-backed separatists have received arms, training and support from Russia." But she dismissed the rebel leader's efforts to blame the Kiev government for the downing of the airliner, calling it "another attempt to try to muddy the water and move the focus from facts."
On July 23, 2014, two Ukrainian SU -22 jets (shown) flying at 17,000 feet were shot down while allegedly attacking anti-Kiev positions. The news media claims the ground to air missiles came from Russia.
A full and complete, objective investigation is needed. Russia has stated this is a priority, the anti-Kiev forces in South-East Ukraine have stated this is a priority as has Ukraine. The facts are that all sides had the capability to destroy the airliner. Anti–Kiev forces had little motive to kill 300 people aboard a civilian airliner? Some kind of a mistake or poorly trained personnel could be the cause. Be very careful jumping to conclusions when the five companies who control the news conclude before the evidence has been obtained that anti-Kiev forces were to blame. The Russians claim it was an attempt to murder President Putin; who would like to return the Ukraine to Russia?
Karen Marcattilio Dies
Karen Marcattilio 42, one the budding stars of UFO field and a wonderful person passed away suddenly while in the hospital. She is the daughter of Pat Marcattilio who helped Pat put on UFO conferences and his monthly meetings for over twenty eight years in Hamilton, New Jersey.She was supposed to come home that day from the hospital. She got out of bed, felt dizzy and fell on the floor right on her colostomy bag after several serious cancer operations. It ruptured and bled internally, they took her to the OR... where she died on the operating table. I will personally miss her beautiful smile and warm greetings.
26-07-2014 om 19:05
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files #30 – 2014 Aliens on the Moon - PART II
Filer’s Files #30 – 2014 Aliens on the Moon - PART II
Sightings in the United States
Alabama Disc
Lee County-- One night when I was eight years old, my mother wanted to stop by a friend's house on the way home in 1999. I do not remember details but it was a very rural, wooded neighborhood not far from Crawford. She went inside leaving my older brother in the front seat and me in the back seat of the car. I looked out and saw a lead grey, slightly reflective disk hovering about 35 feet over the right of our car. It made absolutely no sound the disk hovered, rotating slightly, while I watched for 60 seconds.
Then, it shot off into the sky and out of sight, making a slight swishing sound. The sight of the saucer terrified me, and I never asked my older brother if he saw it because I was so deeply fearful. However, my denial couldn't make me forget. NOTE: I discussed this with Alabama State Director Richard Hoffman at the 2014 MUFON Symposium. He asked that I report this case. Note” I also spoke with Richard who is doing a great job in Alabama and has numerous UFO Facebook pages.
Arizona Light
My good friend was on his boat at the river, camping on July 18, 2014, and was taking pictures of the sunset. In one of the photos there is a UFO type craft hovering in a nook, above the water, below the tree line. The object appears as a metallic purple/violet sphere.
The object was not noticed till after the fact, while viewing the photos. The object is in the distance, near the tree line, in the center of the photo. Thanks to MUFON CMS Note: This may be a possible lens flare from the sun. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Lights
San Jose -- I was in my room, around 10 pm on July 18, 2014, getting ready for bed when I looked out my window and saw three spherical objects in the distance. I just so happened to look to my right hand side when I saw the objects in the distance. At first, I was not sure what they were, but then I noticed that they made an isosceles triangle shape. They just hovered there! Suddenly, a fourth object came into the middle part of the triangle. It came in an out about three times from the center of the triangle. The other three objects that made the triangle did not move they just stayed in one place. I was surprised, startled, and somewhat nervous. I only lost sight of the objects when I decided to stop looking and went to bed. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Patterson– I was outside looking up at the stars and this bright light just appeared almost directly above me on July 21, 2014. It just hovered there and at one point even changed from white light to red then back to white.
I noticed it because it was bright and appeared out of nowhere. It just disappeared as if it activated a cloaking device. I wanted it to notice me, but I guess it didn't which I am bummed about. Overall I just feel amazed that I've been fortunate enough to see so many UFOs. I got a video of it but I was shaky so it looks like it was moving but it wasn't. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Indiana Object
Indore -- Zoom this picture and find out a thing above cloud a small point on June 12, 2014. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kentucky Disc
Pendleton -- Here is a good saucer picture we've been seeing here in Pendleton County during July.
We’re still seeing objects almost nightly. Thanks to Glenn Pennington
Fisherville -- My wife and I were watching fireworks July 4th 2014, on our elevated deck when I noted something slightly raised up at 11:30 pm. I dismissed it as a firework but it did not explode or dim. The light started moving to the west and changed colors from orange to red to green and back to orange as if mimicking the fireworks. It kept on this direction and then changed speed and disappeared. My wife came outside to see, when a second one appeared to the far east and began following the same pattern while glowing a constant orange as it came to the middle of our viewpoint my wife yelled "Look there is two more!" Back to the east we noticed two glowing orbs flying in what seemed to be a formation that were definitely not aircraft. They flew west in close formation and disappeared in seconds. Thanks to John Hayes
Maryland Light
Hampstead -- My wife and I were standing in our backyard when I noticed a bright white object in the sky towards the north on July 15, 2014. It was during the afternoon this object was a very bright white sphere that hovered traveled slowly towards the west. It moved slowly and maintained its altitude and shape for almost two hours. I watched it with a pair of binoculars and my wife had her compact digital camera. In the images it also appears to be a bright white sphere. Towards the end of observing the object the sky had begun to dim, and no stars were out yet, and the object was even brighter. It was starting to blink and appear hazy/smoky. With binoculars, I saw six additional smaller white objects under the object coming out from it. It then disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Missouri Light
Springfield – On July 13, 2014, the photo was taken at high resolution (300 dots/inch) with a Nikon Coolpix Camera and that was used with a one second exposure. The blurred background suggests that the witness may have been panning the camera. A thunderstorm was occurring at the time of the photo. The witness was taking photos of lightning. I believe that the witness captured ball lightning. Ball lightning is not commonly found in photos. The additional photo mentioned by the witness does not show anything unusual. Response from Witness: “It was just before midnight on July 13, 2014. I was trying to take a picture of the lightening and no I did not see the object while I took it.”Thanks to William Puckett, Director
Nevada Lights
Reno-- Several witnesses report six lights hovering over Reno. The lights were glowing in a fixed position south of town. They stayed for several hours in the middle of the night, then disappeared b 1 by simply blinking out of sight. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Triangle
Oxford-- I was returning home from work traveling north on SH31 in Warren County in my work truck about 11:30 PM, on July 10, 2014. I was passing the Warren County Recycling center when I noticed an object come over the trees to my right. I looked up into my windshield near the headliner and noticed a nickel sized at arm’s length a perfecttriangle shaped objectwith three steady lights, one in each extreme corner. It appeared metallic with smooth rounded corners, not unlike an artist’s conception of the rumored USAF TR-3B "Flying Triangle." At this point I felt a bit anxious but was doing my best to look at it without running my vehicle into a tree.
I drove to the traffic light and pulled over to get a better look and saw a faint glowing puff of white smoke or cloud but the object was gone.
This case is under investigation by Chief Investigator Ken Pfeifer of MUFON New Jersey. Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ The image is a depiction of the craft.
Cherry Hill-- Julio Mariano Barriere writes, “I went to Crowne Plaza Hotel 2014 Mufon conference and told Linda Moulton Howe how really incredible I am for years of having a fleet of Ufos following me around the world. I asked her at this MUFON conference if she would like to go outside and witness this fleet of Ufos. I asked several others to go outside, if they wanted to see a UFO. I have three guests contact info that confirm of seeing UFOs hovering all around that Crowne Plaza Hotel on Friday night July 18, around 9 PM. The three all said that they never ever saw a UFO before until that night. When we first sighted these alien star ships it was a partial clearing in the sky but sky clouded up.
I couldn't grab more witnesses to introduce them to my star ships. The following night it was mostly cloudy skies and I could not show anyone my star ships. The three witnesses from Friday night were non-stop telling everyone of my disclosure of seeing these star ships moving around the sky around this Crowne Plaza Hotel. I met John Ventre Pennsylvania MUFON state director who told me to put it on the MUFON blog. I also have witnesses in the NYC area of where I come from with the contact information of these other witnesses of seeing Ufos here in the New York City area. Thanks to Julio Mariano Barriere. Ken Pfeiffer NJ Chief Investigator for MUFON is investigating.
Note: Although I was at the conference, no one mentioned the sightings to me.
New York Lights
Patchogue -- On the night of July 20, 2014, I was at the Great South Bay Music Festival. As BB King was being escorted to the stage, a lady in front of me pointed to the sky so I looked up and I really could not believe what I saw! It was so close in the sky, and as clear an image as you would want. An object maybe 5000 feet up had a cross of lights, one row was red, and the other was green.
Above the lights was the object itself. The bottom of the object looked to be four square boxes inside one bigger box. I judged the object to be 50 to 75 feet in diameter and very close! People at the festival seemed oblivious of its presents in the sky. I have never seen anything like it, I was amazed! If it was made by someone, I would love to shake his hand!!!
Outstanding job! Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Lights
Austintown -- I was driving when I saw the lights in the sky. I was only 100 feet from my house. I got out of my car, took out my cell phone and recorded them. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tennessee Disc
Antioch -- I was inside cooking on July 20, 2014, when I heard my dog on the deck barking unusually aggressively. I walked outside and looked in the direction of my dog’s vision and there it was. It was hovering in the SE sky at around 6 pm, and it seemed like the busy Sunday plane traffic had halted.
It hovered for about 5 minutes then gained altitude to above a planes normal cruising altitude. My neighbors and I saw 3 "propellant glows" behind it in pyramid form that looked somewhat similar to the Space Ship Endeavors. It flew east only to get smaller and ultimately looked like a nighttime star at 6 pm, and then completely disappeared.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Utah Lights
Orem – I’m a 27-year-old female who was walking to my door about 12:15 AM, on July 23, 2014, and noticed a light to the west that was moving around in a flitting pattern much like an insect. The light looked like a star, but seemed to have flickers of either red or yellow sporadically. It looked nothing like airplanes as another one flew by at 12:35 AM.
The light was brighter than those of that particular airplane and was moving at equal speeds. At 12:41 AM, my boyfriend reported that he could see it from Provo, Utah. As I was filming it, the light disappeared but a few seconds later it was back. I went inside and got my telescope and saw another smaller moving light whose movements were not as drastic. All three lights were still present at 1:26 AM when I went back inside.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Disc
Vancouver -- On July 2, 2014, at 1 PM, I was on-duty in my vehicle, and I observed a metallic silver disc and circular in shape, moving rapidly across the sky northeast. The object was shiny and glinted in the sun as it moved. It appeared to be several thousand feet in elevation, and was the size of a dime held at arm’s-length. It looked uniformly metallic and circular, with no visible wings, tail, windows, lights, or components of conventional airframes.
It also did not look similar to any Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. I observed the object increase elevation rapidly to northeast faster than any conventional aircraft. After five seconds, I observed the leading edge of the object shimmer and disappear. I observed this continue, as an image of the surrounding blue sky enveloped the object, moving in a vertical line across the surface to the rear edge, until the object blended in with the sky behind it. As this change occurred, I observed a slight blurriness in the changed areas, inconsistent with the sky behind it. This distortion was similar to looking at an object immersed in water. However, once the entire object had changed, this effect stopped and I immediately lost sight of the object. The time from complete visibility to disappearance was approximately two to three seconds.
At the time of disappearance, the surrounding sky was blue and cloudless. I continued looking but was unable to find the object. Thirty seconds later, I observed an F-15 jet fighter aircraft probably from the Portland Air National Guard flying rapidly along the same course the disc had taken. The F-15 was extremely loud while passing over, whereas the disc was silent. Note: We have requested aviation radar data to look into this incident. Updates will be posted. James Clarkson from MUFON Washington is investigating this case.
Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Sightings
We thought we saw something above the mountain so we stopped the car and got this photo.
We are sure it wasn’t a plane or helicopter. After taking the photo couldn’t see it anymore. The photo is just zoomed in from the first photo.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nelson Bay, New South Wales-- I was heading out to Broughton Island on a boat on July 4th 2014, 8:50 am, and saw a star shining brightly and thought it’s too late for a star. The object stopped and revealed a white shaped aircraft in the sky. I think the sun was shining onto the aircraft, I shut my eyes for no longer than 6 seconds and when I opened my eyes up the object was gone. Two days later while at work out on the island, I awoke at 4 am and noticed a massive glowing light over the ocean. The glow was massive and bright but a really long distance away.
Adelaide -- Whilst driving home from work on the expressway around 12.40am roughly at O'Halloran Hill on July 21, 2014. I noticed what I thought was a firework rocket rising from behind the trees about 200 meters ahead. It never had a trail of sparks though. I have seen a lot of stupid kids firing rockets and really expected it to explode like a firework but the white light hung there for a split second and then 'whoosh' it shot forward.
I thought it was some kind of warp drive like Star Trek as shown in image at right..
I felt shocked but elated that I had seen a real UFO. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Darlington -- Disc-shaped craft with large oval dome was photographed flying at high speed over our house at 12:40 PM, on July 4th 2014. It was releasing 24 bright objects that took off into the wind. It was seen with the naked eye at the time. Enhanced images of the craft and a report can be seen at
Bridgewater, Victoria -- Bright silver object with long fiery tail traveling NNW just above the horizon in small archon July 10, 2014. It traveled from one side of the sky to the other in four minutes and then the tail began to widen at 9:36 PM. Thanks to John Hayes
Canada Boomerang
Richmond Hill -- When I was pointing out the Polar Star and Big Dipper to my wife at 10:30 pm, I found a star moving faster than anything as I know of on July 4, 2014. It moved straight from the Big Dipper to the Polar Star. It is less bright than the Polar Star, so it is hard to follow its trace. After 20 seconds, we lost it. Thanks to John Hayes
France Lights
Chessy-- I was leaving the Disneyland Hotel located In Eurodisneyland on July 16, 2014, walking thru the parking lot when an object lit by five or more lights flashed by. It made a slight turn to the west as the lights moved together, but I could perceive depth of the object due to the slight turn it made. There is no doubt in my mind as to what it was and I was elated to finally observe a ufo! The object seemed to elevate into some clouds and fade into them. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Netherlands Rectangle
Amersfoort -- I was gardening and looked up to see a rectangular transparent flat object like it was made of Plexiglas, coming up from behind the neighbors’ treetop, on May 27, 2012. It flew right over my head with a circle of bright white light in the middle and some grayish/metallic construction/beams could be seen along the sides on the inside. It didn’t seem to be manned. It seemed really close which made me think at first it wasn’t that big and flying low, like a helicopter. Later I began to doubt this as I found other reports from the Netherlands which sounded like the same thing, but those people said it must have been a bigger object, as big as or bigger than a plane. My main reason for initially assuming it couldn’t be bigger than a helicopter was disbelief actually, "how could no one see this". Well I did find a report from the other side of town describing what could've been the same thing. I lost sight of it as it continued on its way in a straight unwavering path, disappearing behind backyard fences. It was silent with no exhaust. It had a light glowing in the middle. It consisted of an outer rectangular like shell Plexiglas with beams along the insides and a white circular light. I made this drawing. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Zealand Craft
Christchurch -- I was having a smoke on the morning of 11th July at work at 7.15 am, when I saw a bright yellow light- that I thought was a plane, but did not see any of the typical flashing lights on the wing or tail. It was moving from south to north over the Halswell area. It was moving too fast for a plane and manoeuvring unlike any known craft I have ever seen. It stopped on a dime and changed direction to move east. It changed direction at speed on a right angle that was unbelievable to see. As it moved east it disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. I’m not saying it was a UFO of extra-terrestrial origin but I can say it wasn’t a plane- meteorite- or any known natural phenomenon. The number of sightings area New Zealand of recent months to me is troubling and unsettling and needs further scientific investigation. Regards, D Young.
Philippines Object
Davao City, Mindanao – We saw an object with running blinking lights at 12:20 AM, which were red, blue, white, and green spinning clockwise onJuly 7th 2014. It wobbles and moves like no aircraft we have today. After about an hour of observation, the lights became smaller and maybe went into space. Thanks to John Hayes
Puerto Rico Diamond
Cabo rojo – I awoke looking out the widow of our camper at sunrise and just above the trees there was a diamond shaped object with the rising sun shimmering off one side on July 20, 2014. On the shadow side there was what appeared to be a radar dish or an opening. It was about 100 feet away and about 30 feet above the power lines. No sound at all. I grabbed my iPhone and took some pictures and video. I was a little perplexed and excited. I didn't go outside because people were sleeping and the screen door makes a screeching noise when you open it and it was very early.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Turkey Flying Object
Odrum -- The port city and district on the southwestern coast of Turkey is a UFO hotspot. The Turkish UFO research organization Sirius has posted a video and several UFO pictures captured in the area. They say the local press has been tipping them off to the sightings.
Here are some of the reports they have received:
This video was captured by Mustafa Karatay on July 7 of this year at the Bodrum Castle in the center of the city.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
United Kingdom/England Disc
Newton Abbot Devon – This domed saucer photo was taken on 17 July 2014 at 3:06 PM. The witness claims to be seeing and photographing more UFOs than ever before.
(In Response to Questions):I observed the object for about 5 minutes and the UFO was moving right to left and then stopped. The object then signaled me by flashing an orange light and then zoomed off to the right. I have been signaled by UFOs on many occasions.
It's because I used to see the occupants of the craft on the ground walking about in the early hours of the morning. When I would approach a point where the beings were a UFO would come over to me and flash a brilliant bright white light at me in a burst of 1 2 3.
The first two busts of light would be short and the third burst would be long. Any idea what this would mean?
Note: This witness has captured many UFO's on camera. A check of his original photo in the above slide show does not indicate any "tampering." Thanks to William Puckett, Director
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Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most important sightings. I spend about 50 hours a week preparing the files. Only a few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a donation. I would greatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the people who have sent donations to Filer’s Files for this year. When you send in a subscription, please include your latest E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing to humans and animals?
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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer's Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2014 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
From what William Cooper said, there would have been a joint American-Russian mission.
(And possibly helped by alien beings see "ALIENS MEET SOME GOVERNMENT PEOPLE" video).
W. Cooper stated that after this mission ,they knew mars "could support life", then the year after ,the project of establishing a colony (on the ground or in a station) began later.
You might see in the document "TRAVEL IN THE TIME AND THE GALAXY" a station with an American flag close to mars, this "was in 1976".
26-07-2014 om 18:16
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Rivier in China kleurt plotseling bloedrood
Rivier in China kleurt plotseling bloedrood
en rivier in het oosten van China heeft een mysterieuze rode kleur gekregen. Inwoners van de provincie Zhejiang zeiden dat de rivier op donderdagochtend om 05.00 uur nog normaal kleurde, maar in minder dan een uur tijd een bloedrode kleur kreeg. Er kwamen ook meldingen binnen van een vreemde geur.
Een bewoner die al heel zijn leven in Wenzhou woont zei dat hij dit nog nooit gezien heeft en dat er geen chemische fabrieken zijn langs de rivier die dit zouden kunnen veroorzaken. Inspecteurs van de lokale overheidsdienst voor milieubescherming hebben watermonsters genomen om de oorzaak van deze ongebruikelijke kleur te achterhalen. In eerste instantie wordt gedacht dat de verdachte kleur te maken heeft met illegale lozing.
“We vermoeden dat iemand kunstmatige kleurstoffen in het water heeft gedumpt,” vertelde hoofd van het milieubeschermingsbureau Jianfeng Xiao aan China News. “De persoon in kwestie dacht waarschijnlijk dat een tyfoon zware regenbuien zou veroorzaken, zodat niemand het zou merken. De zware regen bleef uit, waardoor de kleurstoffen niet werden weggespoeld.”
Xiao zei dat langs de rivier een papierfabriek, een voedselfabriek en een kledingmaker staan. Het onderzoek loopt nog.
VIDEO: Waarom je niet moet geloven wat in de krant staat
VIDEO: Waarom je niet moet geloven wat in de krant staat
Op 10 oktober 1990 zorgt de emotionele getuigenis van het Koeweitse meisje Nayirah voor de start van de eerste Golfoorlog. Nayirah verklaart dat Iraakse soldaten in Koeweit baby’s uit de couveuses halen en ze op de koude ziekenhuisvloer voor dood achterlaten. De getuigenis blijkt achteraf nep. Nayirah is ingehuurd door een pr-agentschap uit de Verenigde Staten. In dit college vertelt professor Cees Hamelink waarom de waarheid altijd als eerste sneuvelt in een oorlog.
In de media wordt regelmatig verwezen naar het fenomeen ‘spindoctoring’: adviseurs van Tweede Kamerleden of ministers, die zich bezighouden met het imago van hun politicus en proberen deze politicus zo positief mogelijk in de media te laten komen.
Cees Hamelink is emeritus hoogleraar Internationale Communicatie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en emeritus hoogleraar Media, Religie en Cultuur aan de Vrije Universiteit. Professor Hamelink heeft zich op vele terreinen ingezet voor de mensenrechten. Ook was hij persoonlijk adviseur van de toenmalige Secretaris Generaal van de Verenigde Naties, Kofi Annan.
We moeten rekening houden met de mogelijkheid dat buitenaardse beschavingen door ons zonnestelsel zijn gereisd en fysieke voorwerpen op de maan hebben achtergelaten. Dat zegt Paul Davies, directeur van het Beyond Center van de Arizona State University in Tempe. Een paper over dit onderwerp wordt in september gepresenteerd tijdens een bijeenkomst van het UK SETI Research Network, een groep reguliere Britse academici.
Sinds 2009 heeft de Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter bijna 90 procent van het maanoppervlak in kaart gebracht. Davies is van mening dat de foto’s van de LRO niet alleen moeten worden onderzocht op onregelmatigheden, maar dat er ook moet worden gezocht naar bewijs voor industriële activiteit van buitenaardsen op de maan.
Met behulp van satellietbeelden wil Davies internetters het maanoppervlak laten uitpluizen. Op dezelfde manier hielpen meer dan 600.000 vrijwilligers op de site Tomnod met het zoeken naar de vermiste Boeing 777 van Malaysia Airlines. Eerder was Tomnod actief bij de ramp van orkaan Haiyan in de Filipijnen. Gebruikers konden grote schade in bepaalde regio’s aangeven zodat hulpdiensten een beter idee hadden waar ze extra hulp en voedsel naartoe moesten sturen.
Het inzetten van vrijwilligers om beelden te doorzoeken is eerder al succesvol geweest. The Andromeda Project zet bijvoorbeeld sinds 2010 vrijwilligers in om te helpen met het vinden van nieuwe sterrenclusters. Bezoekers kunnen dit doen met behulp van beelden van de Hubble-ruimtetelescoop. Een maand na de lancering waren al 2900 nieuwe sterrenclusters ontdekt. De wetenschappers zelf hadden tot dan toe met een softwareprogramma slechts 600 sterrenclusters weten te identificeren.
Davies erkent dat het moeilijk is om te zeggen hoe miljoenen jaar oude technologie eruitziet. Hij zei dat er met name moet worden gezocht naar rechte hoeken. Volgens Davies kan een zoektocht naar artefacten op de maan worden gecombineerd met een zoektocht naar ongewone geologische formaties. Hij zegt dat planeetwetenschappers oog moeten hebben voor mogelijke tekenen van buitenaardse technologie.
De Oekraïense radioastronoom Alexei Arkhipov stelde in 1995 in een paper dat alleen artefacten van één meter of groter op het maanoppervlak kunnen worden gevonden. Kleinere voorwerpen worden als gevolg van het constante bombardement van micrometeorieten bedolven onder een metersdikke laag regoliet.
Davies zegt dat artefacten op de maan veel langer bewaard blijven dan op aarde of op Mars. “Op aarde raken artefacten binnen enkele honderden jaren bedolven,” zei hij. “Op de maan duurt dat miljoenen of tientallen miljoenen jaren.”
Arkhipov beargumenteerde dat de piek van de zuidelijke wand van de krater Malapert een goede plek is om de zoektocht te beginnen, omdat onze planeet vanaf dat punt altijd kan worden gezien. Davies voegt toe dat artefacten goed bewaard blijven in lavabuizen op de maan. Dat zijn tegelijkertijd aantrekkelijke plekken om apparatuur te beschermen tegen uv-straling en meteorieten.
Bewoonbare planeten in de Melkweg kunnen op zijn vroegst acht miljard jaar geleden zijn ontstaan, aldus Davies. Het is mogelijk dat buitenaardse technologieën lang geleden ons zonnestelsel zijn gepasseerd. Je zou kunnen stellen dat ons zonnestelsel in die acht miljard jaar tenminste één keer is bezocht door hoogontwikkelde buitenaardse beschavingen, zegt Davies.
“Mijns inziens is biologische intelligentie slechts een overgangsfase in de evolutie van intelligentie in het universum,” besloot hij.
Are these visitors attracted to the carnage and mayhem of war. Do they pop their equivalent of popcorn and sit back and enjoy the show. The show being the savage tribal monkeys of Earth trying to kill each other with chemical propelled weapons? I hope not.
“This ancient disk was found in a Mars Surveyor image this month. Its circular shape is very typical of the flying saucers seen for many centuries around the world. On one end of the disk is raised area that looks like an engine compartment or possible damage,” says Scott Waring, author of UFO Sightings Daily.
Stephen Hannard of the UK Alien Disclosure Group says, “Interesting and unusual object caught by the Mars Global Surveyor.”
“Had a good look around the raw image and there is nothing like this anywhere, in other words it stands out, and looks out of place. This is not a rock in my opinion,” says Hannard.
”This disk is totally out of place in this environment of ridges and cliffs in this crater. It is an ancient abandoned craft, probably damaged beyond repair or it tech was made obsolete by new tech.,” says Waring
“The object is saucer shaped and appears concave with possible damage at its rear, this also could be a propulsion system, We can only speculate due to the poor image quality provided by NASA, adds Hannard.
Back and forth, back and forth, there are ongoing debates about the importance of Stonehenge's reported astronomical significance. Some believe the "heel stone" is meant to mark the summer solstice, others say it simply frames the sunrise.
Apparently, growing evidence has shown that people visited it during winter solstice, not summer solstice, and so alignment features might be incidental. There are, however, some other sites in the UK that show more clear alignment, like Newgrange.
Newgrange, Ireland
This monument was built in Ireland around 3200 BC (earlier than the supposed 1500 BC of Stonehenge - closer perhaps to the "creators" of the knowledge). This large circular monument had stone passageways and chambers within. This structure aligns with the rising sun and light floods the chamber during winter solstice. Interestingly, there were other structures nearly identical in other areas of Europe. There was, apparently, a common knowledge.
Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, Arizona
The ancient tribe of the HoHoKam in Arizona had built an extensive canal system that was very advanced, and built this astronomical site that was abandoned around the time the tribe went "missing" in 1450. The walls were constructed aligned with the points of the compass and the windows opened onto sun and moon positions. Of course, if it were that simple, they were simply utilizing the rising and setting sun and moon for light within. Likely these "latter" people picked up the canal system knowledge and their knowledge of utilizing the heavens without understanding them as anything but practical concerns. Evidence of earlier "giant" civilization in Arizona was found many times over.
Mayans, Mexico/Central America
The Mayan civilization in Mexico and Central America began around 500 BCE. Interestingly, like Stonehenge in comparison to Newgrange, the Mayans came after the oldest civilization in MesoAmerica, the Olmecs. The Olmecs were the originators of the ancient astronomical and calendar knowledge later carried out by the Aztecs and Mayans. This culture began around 1200 BCE and ended around 400 BCE. Coinicidentally, this is much like latter "Native" culture that adopted the knowledge of earlier civilizations, the "originator" civilization "disappeared.
Cheomseongdae, South Korea
This was built some time in the 600s CE (common era/AD). Built out of 362 granite stones, some believe they represent the lunar days of the calendar. The 12 large set stones that hold it up, represent the months. This is the oldest observatory in East Asia.
Ocmulgee, Georgia USA
Dating around 900 CE (AD), this mound has 55 seats inside and an altar the shape of a bird. The eye of the bird had a "forked leaf" design that is common for drawing comets. It also has astronomical alignments. On October 22nd, the sun aligns with the doorway and lights the chamber inside. There were also two pyramids and other buildings on the complex.
Interestingly, ancient man was not as archaic as we seem to think he was. There were lots of astronomical discoveries by people like Aristotle in the 4th century BCE, Copernicus in the 15th century, and Galileo in the 16th and 17th century, but it is apparent that man who was outdoors an enormous amount of his time and dependent on the seasons, had quite the obsession with the sky and the odd relationship between "feet on earth" humans and "up there" sky.
Is it possible that such knowledge and such structures were first incorporated by the originator culture of "first human migration" people? More than likely with a few hundred thousand years on us homo sapiens, they were already gathering vast knowledge that was utterly lost on our ancestors who came out of Africa, spreading throughout the globe and encountering people with god-like knowledge.
We homo sapiens were able to cobble together, steal, and imitate much of what they did, but we did not really grasp the deeper understanding, sort of like those of us who know enough about using a computer to talk to folks online and research, but not enough to fix it when it breaks down or understand just how it works and what its potential is.
This is why, I believe, these early astronomers we hold up as heroes were re-learning something already known by an ancient peoples and it seemed like a big "aha" moment for us, but looking at ancient sites, we must confess there is a discrepancy about when "man" discovered astronomical features and when "ancients" knew this stuff long before.
A similar incident occurred in 2011, with the Jian River turning red for multiple days. Source: Getty Images
THERE will be blood!
In a story straight out of Exodus, a river in eastern China has mysteriously changed to a crimson colour.
The river’s plague-like transformation was noticed early Thursday by residents in Zhejiang province who said they initially noticed a weird smell coming from the area, ABC News reports.
Locals said the river appeared perfectly fine around 5am local time, but less than one hour later, people suddenly noticed the blood-red metamorphosis.
Upon inspection, investigators with the Wenzhou Environmental Protection Bureau were unable to find any specific causes for the bloody incident.
“We suspect that somebody dumped artificial colouring in the water because he thought the typhoon yesterday would cause heavy rain, and nobody would notice [the colour],” bureau chief Jianfeng Xiao told China News.
“It turned out there wasn’t heavy rainfall yesterday, so the evidence is left behind.”
Xiao added that the businesses along the river include a food colouring company, a clothing shop and a paper manufacturer, according to ABC News.
Despite the inexplicable strangeness of the blood-red waterway, locals said they have been reaping benefits.
“The really weird thing is that we have been able to catch fish because the water is normally so clear,” a villager said on Weibo.
It appears that gaping hole discovered deep in Siberia isn’t the only one: Locals have encountered a second crater, smaller but otherwise almost exactly like the first. Local official Mikhail Lapsui told the Interfax-Ural news agency that reindeer herders in the Yamal region (“Yamal” means “End of the World” in the local tongue) found the second hole about 55 miles from the village of Antipayuta. “Inside the crater itself, snow can be seen,” Lapsui is quoted as saying. No pictures or video of the second hole have been made available.
Scientists have visited the original hole, and although they haven’t offered a specific explanation they did say there was “nothing mysterious” about the phenomenon. “It is simply Mother Nature’s law with its internal pressure and changes in temperatures,” researcher Andrey Plekhanov told the Siberian Times last week. The area is extremely rich in natural gas and the leading theory is that a pocket of the substance combined with water, salt and rising temperatures to produce a significant — but apparently not unique — eruption. The investigation team will likely want to examine the second hole for more data, but no expedition has been announced.
I was living in Jersey City at the time, and I was coming from my second job at a video store, riding my bike, since it was only five blocks away, and as I was one block from my house. I saw out of the corner of my eyes, what I thought was a meteor because it was coming straight down at lightning speed, so I looked up and it was like an orange fireball when it was coming down. When it got to, I would guess 200 feet from the ground, it stopped and that’s when I saw that it wasn’t a meteor.
It was a flying disk and it looked like it was a meteor because it was coming down on its edge, but as it stopped it slowly began to turn right side up and that’s when I saw that it was dark grey on top. Then it slowly turned on it edge and I saw the bottom. It had 5 pentagon-shaped lights which covered the whole underside. They were emerald colored and they were arranged one in the middle and the rest around it. Then it just shot up at a high rate of speed after being just hovering. It just accelerated so fast that my eyes could not follow it and it did all this without a single bit of sound. That’s why I know this thing was not made here.
All flying machines made by us make sound and none had the flying characteristics of this thing. I stood motionless as I saw it and my tears started to come out, I don’t know why, because I felt no fear at all, just an overwhelming feeling of disbelief, and then admiration. I remember I stood there for about half an hour after it left, just looking up, and my tears coming out. I went home and never talked about it until a few years later. I just know that people look at you like you were on drugs when you talk about these things, so I kept my mouth shut, especially from my dad.
A Texas witness at Dallas reported watching a lighted craft hovering about one mile in altitude that suddenly made a nose dive toward the ground level at an estimated Mach 1 speed, according to July 25, 2014, testimony in Case 58379 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The incident occurred beginning about 11 p.m. on June 13, 2014, as the witness was walking home from a gym workout at Northcliff and Buckner streets and was near Hexter Elementary School.
The object was first seen by the witness at Northlake near Peavy streets in Dallas, TX, about one mile in altitude. (Credit: Google)
“The sky was clear, with a full moon and no wind, and there was not the usual city traffic noise,” the witness stated. “As I was walking roundabout back to my house, a lighted craft suddenly appeared high over me at Northlake near Peavy. This occurred within the usual flight path of airplanes originating from south Texas and landing at Love Field; however, I believe that most scheduled Southwest Airline flights had finished for the night.”
The witness first thought the object was a plane, but then it appeared to stop and hover. He stopped and stared at the object.
“The craft was about one mile straight up, with the apparent size of a large corporate jet. I have since studied airplanes flying overhead to confirm this perceived altitude and size.”
The witness described the object’s lights.
“It had extremely bright lights of pure colors, the brightest I have ever seen and the most beautiful red and green. There were no Federal Aviation Administration navigation lights apparent – specifically, green on the starboard, red on the port, flashing strobes on the wingtips, with fore and aft white lights as required below 10,000 feet altitude. Its lights were arranged in a nonsensical pattern as in the attached diagram, with the red lights pulsing every two seconds – this appeared to be the front. The green lights were steady and appeared to be the sides.”
Witness illustration. (Credit: MUFON)
The witness soon realized that the object was not an airplane.
“The body of the craft was not visible as a silhouette against the sky because of the bright lights. It had a clear-cut, garish carnival midway appearance – there was no vagueness at all. I immediately realized that this was not an airplane, so I quickly stepped under a front yard tree on Northlake to hide from its view.”
The witness watched as the object moved about the sky.
“The object circled, did figure-8s, hovered and rocked as I watched from between the leaves. It emitted a very faint but perceptible whirring sound from high up, similar to an electric motor brush. Here, I had both eye and ear confirmation of a materially structured, mechanical craft, and of its apparent vertical distance above.”
The witness feared that he would be seen by the object.
“The object appeared to be methodically searching the ground, so I remained cowing against the tree trunk and became a certified tree-hugger. To add to my problems, the front yard’s motion detector light turned on. This weirdness went on for the longest three minutes, and I began to wonder how it would play out.”
The object then suddenly took a nose dive toward the ground level.
“Suddenly, without any warning, the object streaked at a downward angle, around 45-degrees, eastward toward the Lochwood Mall area. It went from directly overhead to behind the horizon tree line, traveling about a one-mile distance, at one constant and terrific speed. Seeing this ‘side of the triangle’ reinforced my directly vertical, optical and audio estimate as one mile. There was no observable acceleration against inertia or deceleration against momentum. The entire process was reminiscent of the image of a flashlight beam shined against a wall, whereby the flashlight is steadily swept across and the spotlight moves swiftly in response. There was no sound at all during the dive – any whoosh, sonic boom, crash or explosion – anything!”
The witness was walking near Northlake and Peavy streets in Dallas, TX, pictured, when the object was first seen – just minutes before it appeared to take a nose dive to the ground level at an estimated speed of Mach 1. (Credit: Google)
The witness used two methods to estimate the object’s speed.
“First, my daughter and I have attended the Fort Worth Alliance air show annually for about 20 years. There are always jet interceptor fly-bys at Mach 1, whereby the sound shock wave is visible forming off the fuselage. The June 13 object simply appeared to be diving that fast and that is what I settled on. Second, it took about five seconds for the craft to go from directly overhead, then down to the tree line, a dive distance of one mile. One mile times five seconds works out to 720 mph, or about Mach 1. The contrast between the three-minute hovering and the five-second dive was astounding! The circling and wobbling object appeared to be silly, jerky, and almost Warner Brothers cartoonish with the super bright garish lights – the reds pulsing on and off, and the greens glowing steady.”
The witness has personally ruled out drones and other man-made aircraft and is hoping for an explanation.
Texas MUFON is investigating. Texas has a current UFO Alert Rating of 3 with a high number of recent reports nationally. Texas had 38 UFO reports in June 2014 – the 2nd highest reporting state – while California had 107 reports as the highest reporting state. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 150 or more reports for the month are rated an Alert 1; states with 100 or more reports are rated an Alert 2; 25 reports or more for the month are rated an Alert 3; 13 or more reports are rated an Alert 4; and those states with less than 13 reports for the month are an Alert 5.
So the 2011 Enki/EA Crop Circle is in reality created from the use of the 432 Hz frequency!!!
Why is this important?
Why 432 Hz?
In 1936 the American Standards Association recommended that the A above middle C be tuned to 440 Hz. This standard was taken up as the International Concert pitch.
Hmmmm….. I wonder why?
Believe me, they knew exactly what they were doing
“If one should desire to know whether a kingdom is well governed, if its morals are good or bad, the quality of its music will furnish the answer.” – Confucius
Now how do we tell the world we need to re-set the International … Concert pitch to A=432 HZ?
A=432 Hz, known as Verdi’s ‘A’ is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432 Hz transmits beneficial healing energy, because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature. There is a theory that the change from 432 Hz to 440 Hz was dictated by Nazi propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels. He used it to make people think and feel a certain manner, and to make them a prisoner of a certain consciousness. Then around 1940 the United States introduced 440 Hz worldwide, and finally in 1953 it became the ISO 16-standard.
What is 440 Hz?
440 Hz is the unnatural standard tuning frequency, removed from the symmetry of sacred vibrations and overtones that has declared war on the subconscious mind of Western Man. In a paper entitled ‘Musical Cult Control’, Dr. Leonard Horowitz writes:
“The music industry features this imposed frequency that is ‘herding’ populations into greater aggression, psycho social agitation, and emotional distress predisposing people to physical illness.”
You just have to go out in the street and take a look around. What do you see? School kids, young adults on their way to work, a woman pushing her baby in a stroller, a man walking his dog and what do they all have in common? iPods or MP3 Players! Ingenious, isn’t it?
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla
TPTB, are successfully lowering the vibrations of not only the young generation but the rest of us as well. These destructive frequencies entrain the thoughts towards disruption, disharmony and disunity. Additionally, they also stimulate the controlling organ of the body, the brain, into disharmonious resonance, which ultimately creates disease and war.
So the Enki/EA Crop Circle is in reality created from the use of the 432 Hz frequency. Why is this important?
Knowledge “gifted” to humanity from “Heavenly Visitors Who Came From the Skies” The Anunnaki!
Throughout history, numerous clues and hints regarding geometry and frequency have been staring at us, calling to us, and waiting for us to put them into place like pieces of a giant puzzle. Here at the dawn of a new age, this sonic-geometric puzzle is finally nearing completion, revealing the building blocks of a language based on energy, frequency and form.
How will we use it? With whom will we be communicating? Now that we know the basics of this new language, maybe we are ready to begin the conversation…. again?
THe numerical coincidences are too compelling…. All over the world and for thousands of years, humanity has revered certain number sequences: 108, 144, 360, 432, 1080, 2160. But why? What is it about these and many other numbers that jar something so deep within us that we incorporate them into our myths and spiritual beliefs?
The answer could be frequency harmonics. We measure sound frequencies in vibration cycles per second, and the numbers listed above – when played as frequencies – just happen to mirror the exact harmonic patterns found in nature. The thing is, the timekeeping unit known as the “second” did not exist until quite recently in our history, so how could our ancestors have known about these harmonies? Here’s where the mystery really gets deep. You see, the 60-based mathematical system that led to the creation of the second is not only thousands of years old, it was supposedly “gifted” to humanity from “Heavenly Visitors Who Came From the Skies”……….the Anunnaki!
Is it possible that a seed was planted, then given 5,000 years to bloom? You be the judge. And please share this video if it resonates with you.
youtube link to Sonic Geometry: The Language of Frequency and Form
Location: Unnamed village in Aisne France Date: October or November 1974
Time: 1400
Around 1400 in the afternoon on a beautiful autumn day, Alain G. and Patrick V. got into the (vehicle) belonging to Patrick to go for an outing. They hadn’t left the town limits before they decided to take another route. They planned to make a U-turn a bit further on. It was thus that Patrick stopped in front of the last house in the village (on th…eir right) with the intention of backing up and continuing in the opposite direction. But he stopped, frozen like his friend, by the amazing spectacle in the courtyard of the house. Five characters, the likes of which they had never seen before, were in this courtyard. Three of them were in the background, to the left. Another walked slowly along the front of the house and touched it with two hands. The fifth, in the middle of the courtyard faced the two automobilists. Alain G. the passenger, who had the bad idea to open the right front window, found himself only three meters from this being. He felt his blood turn to ice water in his veins. During some very long seconds nothing happened. The car engine turned slowly. The five characters were alike in physique and clothing all about 1.30 meters tall, they were dressed in long dresses that almost reached the ground and were decorated with multicolor spots. The skin on their faces and hands was an earthy yellow, and their enormous eyes were black hemispheres, the size of billiard balls. They had long hair that fell down their backs to their waists. Their noses were compressed inward. Their mouths were always shut. The being that was walking along the façade of the house was frozen in place and the one close to the witnesses seemed to smile at them. This face to face immobility lasted a while, then the closest being gestured with arm and hand as if to say. “Come.” This was too much and the two men panicked. Alain screamed, “Move it! Move it!” His friend, with difficulty, put the car into reverse and backed up, turning into a space left open by a dilapidated barn, and took off for the town. Shortly after, they came back with some other people, but no one was there. They went back to the village, and then came back to the house again later, with other people. Everything appeared normal. The investigation eight months later established that in the early afternoon a neighbor had noticed little people on the road in front of the house. Having seen them from a distance, he thought they were “children dressed in yellow oilcloth” which had surprised him.
Humcat 1974-92 Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne
The main witness was Monsieur “V.M”, aged 28 at the time. He and his wife were in bed and asleep. At 2.00 a.m. he arose to go to the toilet, which is in a small outer yard adjoining the kitchen. In order not to disturb his wife he made his way in the dark, using a flashlight. Reaching the kitchen, he herd, coming from the outside, a sound like that of a shovel striking the ground, and, filtering in through the gap at the left hand side of the kitchen window curtain, he perceived a greenish light. He compares it with the diffused glow of an aquarium-light. Knowing that his garden would normally be plunged in total darkness at such an hour, and puzzled by the noise, he went to the window and parted the curtain, to behold an astonishing sight. At the other end of the little garden there was a small being about 1m 10cm in height and wearing a shining one-piece suit emitting a greenish luminosity. The entity’s back was towards him in three-quarter profile. He was of medium build, and his head, arms and legs normal in appearance. His green uniform was very bright and sparkling and the witness compared it with the material of the upholstery of certain “buggy” types of cars (polyester tinged with metallic particles). The entity’s head was protected by a transparent globular helmet, and from the rear of it a tube led down to join a sort of rectangular “haversack” (knapsack) on his back. The “haversack” covered his back roughly from the waist upwards to the level of the shoulder-blades. All this apparatus was of exactly the same appearance as the rest of the uniform. The clothing appeared to be entirely without stitching, with no buttons, no fasteners, or pockets. The witness noticed a belt, and when the entity moved about he was able to see that, on his abdomen, at waist-level, he had a small bright red “square box,” luminous and sparkling. The belt was about 3-4 cm wide and the small “box” was about 8 cm long and some 3 or 4 cm wide (approximate). The box emitted a red light of constant intensity. The entity’s trousers, the lower parts of which were slightly baggy, were thrust into small close-fitting boots who had the same appearance as the rest of the uniform. No detailed features of the entity were visible. His hands were of the same shape as ours, but with smaller proportions. They were gloved and the sleeves of his suit were tight-fitting at the wrists and, like the bottoms of the trousers, slightly puffed out. Seen from the rear, the head looked round and black, and V.M. thought the entity must have short hair. A luminous halo surrounded him from heat to foot, and also partly illuminated the ground and the wall on his left. No sound was emitted by the entity and the witness could detect no respiratory movement in him. In his hands he was holding an instrument closely resembling a vacuum cleaner, or a mine detector, which he was slowly passing to and fro over a heap of brick-bats that the witness had gathered together at the bottom of the garden a few days previously. The instrument had a long shaft bent at one end to form a handle, with a small rectangular box below the handle. “The “detector” itself consisted of a thick rectangular plate with the frontal edge leveled. The other side, to the rear, consisted of a cylinder with about the same diameter as the thickness of the plate. The shaft was connected to the instrument between these two areas. In color the instrument was identical with the humanoid’s uniform. Witness detected no sound or light emission from it. The witness noticed that the small personage seemed to have difficulty in getting about. He moved slowly, with a waddle, and bending his knees lightly. His gait seemed particularly heavy. It was at this point that V.M. made use of his flashlight, flashing it twice towards the end of the garden. Thereupon the humanoid turned around, and it seemed as though his neck must not be movable, for he did not simply turn his head but slewed the whole body around. Then for the first time, the witness caught sight of the dark face of the strange visitor. Neither nose nor mouth was visible. All that he could distinguish was a pair of somewhat pointed ears. The eyes, oval and yellow in color, were particularly large, very bright, and surrounded by a green rim. Upon the iris part of the eyes the witness noticed small black and red veinlets. The pupil was black, and slightly oval. At times lids came down over the eyes and simultaneously the face became completely dark for a few moments. When the eyes were open, these two upper lids were invisible. One might liken them to a kind of black blinds or shutters, which progressively masked the eyes as they descended. As he now stood there eyeing the witness face to face and holding his “detector” in his left hand, the ufonaut seemed to answer the luminous signals from the flashlight by raising his hand and giving the “V” sign with the index and second fingers, after which he turned away again and, with his characteristic gait and gently swinging his arms, walked off towards the back wall. Arrived at the wall, the creature place one foot flat against it and then, without any hesitation, did likewise with the second foot and walked straight up the wall with no change of gait except that now he was holding his legs stiff. During this astonishing progression the personage still continued with the same arm movements and continued to hold his instrument in the same position as when he was on the ground. Reaching the top of the wall, which was about 3 meters high, he executed a complete arc of a circle as he became erect again and then swung down and forward to descend the other face of the wall in this same surprising fashion. Four minutes or so after this unwonted exploit a vivid halo of white light appeared beyond the wall and the witness heard a faintly perceptible chirring sound somewhat muffled by the wind. Then, rising very slowly, a round object began to appear, hardly a few meters distant beyond the wall. After rising a short way, the “machine” halted and remained there stationary for about four minutes, still emitting the same chirring noise, comparable to the noise of a cricket rubbing its wing-cases together, and with about the same degree of loudness. The diameter of the object might have been about five meters (this based on the width of the witness’s garden). Its upper half was orange-colored, phosphorescent, and surmounted in the center by a transparent cupola emitting a greenish light. The color of the lower half was a dark claret and on this darker are, showing up very sharply, were three lights disposed horizontally, the one on the left as seen by the witness being blue, the middle one yellow, and the right hand side one red. These three lights flashed on three times in sequence. On the periphery of the machine, the witness noticed what looked like showers of sparks resembling the sparks of a cigarette lighter. They were located at the juncture between the dark underpart and the bright upper part of the machine, that is to say, at the part where the craft’s circumference. The sparks seemed to be thrown outwards by a rotary movement, although the object did not seem to be rotating on its own axis. Beneath the transparent dome, V.M. could see the humanoid bathed in a bluish-green light. No other detail in the cabin was visible to him. Immediately below the cupola the witness noticed moreover an emblem outlined upon the orange portion of the craft. It consisted of a black circle traversed diagonally by a yellow lighting flash of a brighter shade than the phosphorescent orange area. The UFO now rose again vertically about twenty meters, still retaining its horizontal position, and bean to rock gently to and fro. The showers of spark were still coming out all around it. Then the chirring sound grew louder and became a sort of hiss, and the craft gathered speed and shot straight up into the sky, leaving behind it a luminous trail. In a few seconds it was no more than a tiny point of light lost among the stars. At no time during this extraordinary encounter does the witness claim to have felt any fear.
Humcat 1973-81 Source: Jean-Luc Vertongen FSR Vol. 20 Nr 6
Location: Sao Goncalo do Amarante, Ceara, Brazil Date: 1976
Time: before dusk
Hercilia da Costa, then 9, was walking home from catechism class and as she passed through a patch of woods she saw a light ahead. Seconds later she came upon an object sitting on three legs on a dry riverbed. Gathered near it were seven men about six-feet tall in dark tight-fitting diving suits. They appeared to be surprised to see her and stared at her. One was… kneeling and putting pebbles into a transparent bag. He spoke to her in an unknown language. The men looked like normal humans, they had normal mouths, long pointy noses normal hands and appeared to have no hair or the clothing covered their heads. They wore black boots that came to mid-calf. The object was round, silver colored, had a door and two little round windows with dark glass in them. Hercilia also remembers seeing two red lights on the front and hearing a motor noise. Later at the site were the object had rested, footprints and square holes were found on the ground.
HC addition # 2598 Source: Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone
Mothman is a legendary creature reportedly seen in the Point Pleasant area of West Virginia from November 15, 1966 to December 15, 1967. The first newspaper report was published in the Point Pleasant Register dated November 16, 1966, entitled “Couples See Man-Sized Bird…Creature…Something” Mothman was said to be related to a wide array of supernatural events in the area, including the deadly collapse of the Silver Bridge on December 15, 1967. Since that time, the Mothman has been called a ‘harbinger of death and destruction’ and has been reportedly seen worldwide.
Many of the reports that I have received over the years are concentrated in the Ohio River Valley, from southeast Ohio, through West Virginia and into northern Kentucky; but there are other sightings worldwide. I am presenting a few varied flying humanoid reports…which are also included in my 1st book Phantoms & Monsters: Cryptid Encounters
Human Adult-Sized Flying Cryptid – Pacific, Missouri
“We were in Pacific, MO, tonight around 11:30 PM and noticed a massive flying creature, not once but three times. My son even noticed it on his own the third time. We were near a large cliff/mountain with some type of cave openings. We don’t live in the area, I can say for sure we turned onto a road called Viaduct Road, went past a fire station and continued on for about 1 mile before we first noticed it. It was brownish/grey and the body portion was at least the size of a large adult human. This creature was tracking us – in a circle pattern. We were driving an Escalade with the blue color headlights and this may have cause interest in us. The third time around we viewed it in front of the vehicle, around the driver side and around towards the rear of the vehicle. The factory tinted windows did help it vanish into the sky from our point of view.
Please understand when we could see it the range must have been about 150 feet in the air, not more than 250 feet. The distance was never less than 100 yards, often much greater. We were going about 35- 45 MPH. I have never thought of anything like this in my life! It is 3:33 AM and my son and I are wide awake in a hotel, 17 miles away from the place we first noticed the creature. Please notify me if you become aware of similar sightings. Thanks.”
Flying Humanoid – Borne Sulinowo, Poland
I received the report from a reader in Poland (unedited):
“Sir – I report to you from Poland. On a particular day in April 2008, Mrs. Izydora from Szczecinek, northern Poland went with her husband on a trip to Borne Sulinowo area. The man parked their car and soon they departed. While her husband went toward the local forest, Mrs. Izydora decided to stroll amongst ruins of the local military base. It was about 1-2 p.m.
Suddenly woman felt strange but decided to walk further. After a while she unexpectedly noticed in the mid-air some kind of semi-transparent entity. As she said, it looked like a ‘misty figure’ of a man hovering several meters above the ground. Mrs. Izydora could see its exact shape since the silhouette was outlined by whitish contour making it quite noticeable.
For some time the witness remained as if paralyzed and unable to scream while the being was hovering nearly directly above her. It remained in the air in a distance of a few meters and kept its arms stretched ‘as if preparing to flight.’ After a while of observation woman decided to retreat to her car parked nearby.
The scared woman began her retreat to the car, but then she noticed that the being started to follow her and rapidly flew above disappearing in the nearby woods. Then woman called her husband and forced him to leave the place immediately. She told him about the weird incident two days later.
Woman used a word ‘male’ in description of the being’s appearance. As she told the being despite the lack of distinctive details of appearance had a solid and massive shape, resembling a tall man. It moved smoothly and without any sound. Mrs. Izydora said that the being seemed to be ‘misty’ with a distinct outline.
The whole observation lasted a few minutes but Mrs. Izydora couldn’t recall it exactly. Another interesting fact is some kind of possible influence of the witness physical condition. Mrs. Izydora felt weak but it isn’t clear if it was connected with the being appearance. The other feeling was paralysis which prevented her from calling husband. A strange feeling passed away as soon as being disappeared in the woods.
As it is mentioned above Mrs. Izydora decided to talk about the incident after a few days. We talked to her after more than half a year after the encounter and she still was frightened. She told us that she never expected to experience such an encounter with something she could not explain rationally. Beside Mrs. Izydora is open-minded person she doesn’t want to come back to that place despite the fact that previously it was often visited by her and her husband.”
Mothman Sighting Near Huntington, WV
I received this information from Mike P., a colleague in Chesapeake, Ohio. I was given the witness contact email at the time. I received a response today. The following is the original email:
“Hello – a friend suggested I write to you about something that happened to me several weeks ago. I am divorced and have 2 boys, 15 and 12 years old. Both of my sons were with me at the time of the incident. We live in Huntington, West Virginia – moved here in 2009 from Milwaukee, WI because of my job.
On March 2nd, we were travelling south on Rt. 2 (Ohio River Rd.) just outside of Huntington near Cox Landing Rd. It was around 8:30 PM – we were on our way back home after visiting a co-worker. About a mile past the intersection I noticed something flying from behind a house on the right side. It was hard to make out at first but as it came towards the road it looked like a huge butterfly. Even though it was dark the light from the side of the house illuminated it enough that I could make out a shape. I sped up to avoid coming in contact with this thing but as I did it circled around and flew just ahead of us on our right side. The wings were enormous and broad like that of a butterfly. It was strange because I never saw it flap the wings – almost like it was gliding. My boys were now aware of a it and were terrified. I didn’t want to stop the car so I decided to speed up some more. After about 20 seconds it suddenly shot up into the air and disappeared.
One thing I want to mention is that we were under severe storm and flash flood warnings that evening. There were some high wind gusts and hail. There had been several tornadoes southwest of us in Kentucky.
When we got home we talked about it – my oldest boy said it looked like a person dressed in a black shiny suit. He didn’t see legs or feet but said the body shape looked like a tall thin man. My youngest boy said he didn’t get a very good look but felt like something bad was going to happen. My description is very similar to my oldest son’s – but the wings were massive and broad. I’d say the wings may have been over twice the size of the body. The entire thing was dark colored but there was a faint orange glow from the head area – I never noticed a face or other features.
Last week I was talking to a friend and told her about the incident. She found your name and contact information and forwarded it to me. She mentioned something about Mothman sightings in this area and I read some of the stories. I’m not sure if this is the same thing but it does fit the description. There were a few drawings on Google – some are close to what I saw but don’t generally match the wing size.
If you have questions please use my email. I’m more curious of what I saw and anything else you can offer. I don’t want to believe the Mothman stories but maybe you have an explanation. Thank you for your time” – N.R.
NOTE: I received a response from N.R. the next morning. Her estimation to the size of this being is a thin 5′ body and a wing span of 12-15′. Also that it was black and shiny like ‘polished black leather’. N.R. believes that her top speed was around 60 MPH and that it easily kept in front of her. She agreed to me publishing the encounter though she doesn’t want any personal information disclosed. She was very curious as to what they witnessed. BTW, the location of this sighting is approximately 30 miles south of Point Pleasant, WV.
Lost Ancient High Technology Of Egypt Before The Pharaohs Part 1.
Ancient Egypt was an ancient civilization of Northeastern Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in what is now the modern country of Egypt. It is one of six civilizations globally to arise independently. Egyptian civilization coalesced around 3150 BC (according to conventional Egyptian chronology) with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the first pharaoh.
One of the most crucial aspects of the impact of military intelligence and the UFO’s is the emergence of the security state in America beginning in 1947. Coinciding with the purported crash of an alien disk near Roswell, New Mexico, the sudden and dramatic rise of laws that would be the prelude to a police state in our nation came to pass. Why? If the crash near Roswell in 1947 was a hoax, a misunderstanding, or the infamous secret Project Mogul, then why were there sweeping changes in surveillance, espionage, and public policy that were the stepping stones to an Orwellian totalitarian state today?
Obviously something shocked the military, our intelligence services, and climbed the ladder all the way to the executive branch and President Harry Truman, who many believe presided over the creation of the Majestic 12 Panel, or the “Working Group” according to Philip J. Corso in his book, “The Day After Roswell”. By 1947 the old OSI had been transformed into the CIA and a wartime intelligence agency had now become the eminent international espionage service in the world as the cold war era took shape. Yet, in the future this agency would have to compete with the emergence of other intelligence gathering entities such as the NSA and DIA, each with massive black budgets. The NSA notably made many illuminating communication intercepts of foreign military transmissions such as the disintegration of Cuban MIG jet interceptor in close proximity to a UFO violating Cuba’s air space in 1967.
What provoked the change ?
It is most likely a given that with the sudden rise of these agencies dedicated to the secret collection of intelligence data worldwide while also becoming involved in the reports of UFO sightings that a common catalyst had evoked a great cause for concern. Was it not the technical aspects of a superior propulsion system that could easily outdistance the best fighter jets of the world’s air forces that necessitated this development? Was it the cases of contactees claiming that they were interacting with entities they identified as extraterrestrials, or was it the threat of a World War III scenario with UFO’s playing a role of psychological warfare that most disturbed the Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon as well as the directors of the CIA, FBI, and NRO among so many other branches of domestic and military intelligence agencies?
By 1949 alone the FBI as well as Project Sign had fielded more than 10,000 domestically reported flying saucer accounts given by witnesses. Of these an initial estimate of 23% proved unsolvable by conventional means though authorities played this fact down and tried to imply that still more of that percentage could be explained with enhanced evidence gathering. This is an impressive number in view of the fact that the US Air Force along with many other federal agencies were hostile and biased in their interview of witnesses both civilian and military. As a frantic effort by J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI to become part of the UFO loop continued, the director found himself at odds with Naval and Air Force investigative staffers who used the FBI to do the heavy lifting without sharing key elements of evidence with Hoover’s agency which infuriated him.
An insider becomes the inner sanctum
It is quite ironic that a military insider like retired Major USMC and former assistant to Charles Limburg, Donald Keyhoe, would not only publish some of the all-time best selling stories and articles on UFO’s by the early 1950’s, but would become the first ufologist utilizing his key sources at the Pentagon at a time when the iron handed oppression by the federal government was in full swing. If ever the military sought to utilize classic counter intelligence strategy it could well have been achieved through Keyhoe. However, as history would tell us, not only did Keyhoe consistently charge that the US Air Force was hiding crucial evidence from the general public, but he also formed NICAP a UFO investigation committee of retired military officers who were dedicated to ending the truth embargo on flying saucers.
Downfall of NICAP
Yet, even with an organization consisting of former officers of the armed services with impressive credentials such as Admiral Hillenkoeter, former CIA Director, Donald Keyhoe charged that the committee would later be infiltrated by the CIA with its sterling performance being intentionally compromised by a federal government agenda to keep the truth from being divulged. Today the valuable work that was done by NICAP is still on file and preserved though a covert intelligence operation marginalized that organization to stop them from revealing the truth.
Donald Keyhoe himself was censored from prime time TV during the course of a Mike Wallace interview when he strayed from a carefully scripted Q and A with a prominent Air Force colonel over US Air Force policy concerning the ubiquitous UFO. Keyhoe’s audio and visual was completely blacked out in front of millions of TV viewers that evening in 1958. The American audience should have figured out that something was definitely afoot by that time. One must surely ask once again, if there were nothing to the UFO saga then why would the US government employ such Soviet Style methods in suppressing news and inquiry concerning flying saucers? It is clear that the US government utilized many instances of covert intelligence operations to compromise telling ground breaking UFO investigations by truth seekers for decades prior to the present.
In Part III we shall explore more covert US intelligence agency tactics in suppressing the truth about UFO’s in this long and mysterious pathway to the unknown.
Extra information about the article:
More historic evidence pointing to efforts by US intelligence agencies to discredit UFO evidence.
What great mysteries lurk unseen beneath your very feet? Introducing underground caves, caverns, sinkholes and cities that are hiding ancient secrets.
Explore a compilation of the biggest, most mysterious underground places and holes on Earth, including Chauvet Cave and its strange cave art; Belize’s Actun Tunichil Muknal and its Mayan sacrifices; the medieval Erdstall of Europe; Turkey’s large abandoned underground city Derinkuyu; and the strange megalithic underground temple of Malta, the Hypogeum of Hal-Saflieni.
“I wanted to convey to you my views on our extra-terrestrial visitors popularly referred to as ‘ UFOs,’ and suggest what might be done to properly deal with them. “I believe that these extra-terrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which obviously are a little more technically advanced than we are here on earth. I feel that we need to have a top level, coordinated program to scientifically collect and analyze data from all over the earth concerning any type of encounter, and to determine how best to interface with these visitors in a friendly fashion. We may first have to show them that we have learned to resolve our problems by peaceful means, rather than warfare, before we are accepted as fully qualified universal team members. This acceptance would have tremendous possibilities of advancing our world in all areas. Certainly then it would seem that the UN has a vested interest in handling this subject properly and expeditiously. “I should point out that I am not an experienced UFO professional researcher. I have not yet had the privilege of flying a UFO, nor of meeting the crew of one. I do feel that I am somewhat qualified to discuss them since I have been into the fringes of the vast areas in which they travel.
Also, I did have occasion in 1951 to have two days of observation of many flights of them, of different sizes, flying in fighter formation, generally from east to west over Europe. They were at a higher altitude than we could reach with our jet fighters of that time. “I would also like to point out that most astronauts are very reluctant to even discuss UFOs due to the great numbers of people who have indiscriminately sold fake stories and forged documents abusing their names and reputations without hesitation. Those few astronauts who have continued to have participation in the UFO field have had to do so very cautiously. There are several of us who do believe in UFOs and who have had occasion to see a UFO on the ground, or from an airplane. There was only one occasion from space which may have been a UFO. “If the UN agrees to pursue this project, and to lend their credibility to it, perhaps many more well qualified people will agree to step forth and provide help and information.”
Top UFO cases from 2013 identified by MUFON’s science review board
Top UFO cases from 2013 identified by MUFON’s science review board
Before It's News)
The second highest number of UFO sightings were reported to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) in 2013; a total of 6,448 reports.
MUFON employs trained field investigators with backgrounds in science and law enforcement that interview witnesses to “identify” UFOs. Although most of the reports are identified as known celestial objects, aircraft, meteors, etc., there are always a small percentage of the cases that remain as true “UFOs.” These latter cases are carefully reviewed by a science board.
MUFON’s Science Review Board (SRB) consists of scientists with degrees in physics, chemistry, geology and electrical engineering. Their work experience includes NASA, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Advanced Mico Devices, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and France’s national space program, CNES. The SRB has reviewed the best cases from the year 2013 and have identified the strongest cases that cannot be identified as any known object.
Like in 2012, a triangular/boomerang-shaped craft that became translucent made the list of interesting cases. This type of report that describes a craft that can cloak is increasing in frequency and could potentially be a new type of military craft. But other reports describe flying craft that cannot be explained by a new type of military aircraft. As one witness stated:
I’m a disabled Vet with over 30 years experience on military aircraft. I have worked everything from old Huey’s to T38C Apache Long Bows and Black Hawks. My friend (name removed) has a few more years experience but much the same background. He was Air Force and I was Army with some time in military intelligence. We both have clearances. I know aircraft when I see them, been in enough in night under combat. However, I have no idea what this [boomerang-shaped craft] was.
MUFON was founded in 1969 and is the leading civilian UFO investigating body operating in the United States.
Breakout of case types
Resolving cases is an important part of the MUFON mission. Below is a chart showing report final classifications as assigned by Field Investigators for 2012 vs. 2013, for the U.S only: Unknowns (36.6% vs. 31.9%), Identified Objects (30.6% vs. 33.5%), Insufficient Information (12.4% vs. 12.2%), Information Only (8.1% vs10.0%), Hoax & Keystroke error (3.3% vs. 2.9%), and Incomplete (8.8% vs. 9.5%). We continue to make progress in the elimination of unknown cases categorized as unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Over the last two years the number of cases resolved as unknown has dropped from 39.5% to 31.9%. The following pie chart shows the breakout of case dispositions for 2013.
Foreign Cases
MUFON received 930 reports of UFOs from foreign countries in 2013; clearly UFOs are not a phenomenon unique to the United States. Four countries comprise 62% of our foreign cases as shown in the following pie chart:
Summary of top cases from 2013
All cases below are summaries of witness testimonies. Full investigative reports have been completed on all of these cases. Some case analysis is pending further study.
Case 52339: 6:20 p.m., November 19, 2013; vicinity of Valdosta, Georgia.
Two witnesses, each with over 30+ years experience as Army and Air Force aircraft maintenance technicians, reported that on November 19, 2013, at 6:20 p.m. they both observed a huge triangular flying object that flew about 500 feet above them moving from north to south. The surface of the object was not clear, and had a rippling effect like “a heat mirage down the road on a hot summer’s day.” There were no anti-collision lights that should be on all aircraft. They both said that the object had a wing span larger than a C-5A cargo plane and flew slowly at 10 – 15 knots (12-17 mph) allowing an examination of the underside of the object. The object flew silently with absolutely no noise. As it slowly passed by, the rear of the object displayed a row of white pulsing lights. These lights did not light up the exterior of the object but were set back or surrounded by a shroud. As it got further out a very small drone-like object was noticed flying alongside on the left. When the object got further out it banked to the southeast allowing them to see clearly the triangular shape of the object. The next two drawings were made by one of the witnesses and display the object from two different angles as well as the drone with the red/white rotating lights.
Drawings of the object from Case 52339 made by one of the witnesses.
Cases 52930, 52934 and 52942: 9:15 p.m., December 24, 2012; Boise, Idaho.
Three sets of multiple witnesses at different locations observed a bright red light in the sky for several minutes. One of the witnesses grabbed a video camera and filmed the object. A second slightly dimmer light that flashed dropped from the primary object. It moved downwards and then back upwards and then downwards again. After the second downward drop the light disappeared and within seconds the primary light also disappeared. No explanation was apparent as to the source of the two lights that the witnesses saw.
Based on the location of the witnesses and the direction in which they observed the object, a triangulation placed the object somewhere near the Camel Back Reserve area east of Boise. The Mountain Home AFB and the Boise Gowen Air National Guard were contacted and both indicated that there were no flights or exercises that night.
Location of three sets of witnesses in relation to the unknown lights that were observed.
Cases 51156, 51269 and 51270: evenings of September 26-28, 2013; Venice, Florida.
In southwestern Florida over three consecutive evenings two different couples reported a boomerang-shaped craft that was transparent to the stars except for its edges which slightly distorted the sky and stars as it moved forward. The object’s movement and appearance was compared by one of the witnesses to that of the shimmering object seen in the movie “The Predator.” Witnesses reported either no sound or a slight electrical crackling noise. Assuming the object was the size of standard aircraft then its altitude was fairly low, between 3,000 to 6,000 feet.
No conclusion could be reached to explain this type of aircraft unless it is some type of new secret military craft that can cloak itself, but the question would then be why the military would be flying a top-secret aircraft near a populated area on three consecutive nights.
Case 50042: 9:45 p.m., August 20, 2013; Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.
Three vehicles pulled over off of a freeway in the city of Kitchener, Ontario, to observe a strange object that was crossing in front of them. It was 9:45 p.m. but the highway lighting made it easy to see a 30-foot in diameter spherical object move very slowly across the freeway just above the utility poles. The object, only a few hundred feet from the stopped cars, was solid in shape with a glow that illuminated the trees as it passed by. The primary witness exited his car and attempted to take a photo with his cell phone but all of the camera functions were dead. He continued to view the object for another 45 seconds. Once the object left, the witness’s phone operated properly again.
Direction traveled by spherical object in relation to the witness on the highway.
Case 46835: 3:30 p.m., April 13, 2013; pilot near Picayune, Mississippi.
A pilot of a Cessna 172 at 2,500 feet altitude and traveling north towards Picayune, Mississippi, spotted a small metallic object about three feet in size just off his right wing. His attention was drawn to the fact that the object remained stationary with his aircraft for about two seconds before moving slowly away to the south. The object’s shape was oval with a small triangular-shaped dorsal winglet in its center. In the pilot’s own words: “I did not see any seams, markings or lights on the object which resembled a shiny football in shape, only a little more rounded. In the center of the object was what appeared to be a small dorsal wing but the wing was 90 degrees to the direction of flight, which made no sense to me.”
Artist rendering of object seen by the Cessna pilot.
Case 49005: 10 p.m., June 15, 2013; Bellingham, Washington.
A 60-year-old postal worker and his wife, who served in the USAF in intelligence, witnessed a rectangular-shaped object maneuver through the sky and come within 100 feet of them. With extreme precision it maneuvered itself down and executed perfect turns avoiding electrical poles, wires and street lights. Both witnesses described the object’s color as changing from a glowing red to a dull gray as it performed a banking turn and came to a standstill. The color change was not uniform as the color change began at the top of the object and moved downwards to its base. The object was described as about the size of a large SUV and at its closest approach about palm-width in size at arm’s length. The wife described it as tumbling along its center axis.
Drawing of the object provided by the wife.
Case 45185: 8:20 p.m., January 12, 2013; West Melbourne, Florida.
On January 12, 2013, at 8:20 p.m. the primary witness and his wife pulled out of their driveway to go out to dinner. As the couple drove westward down their street, they saw three bright lights in a row in the sky. They assumed that the lights were Chinese lanterns since they were all at or above the same elevation. As they drew closer to the lights they realized that the lights formed a single object. As the object turned the lights were in a pyramid shape (this would indicate a rotating of the object to cause the three horizontal lights to move into a pyramid). At the same that the object turned, it bolted away at an incredible speed and disappeared in a few seconds.
Case 51360: 9 p.m., October 6, 2013; Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
A father and his daughter had left Denver and were traveling west on Highway 40 on their way home to Steamboat Springs. The father noticed two white lights in the distance that he initially thought were Venus and a dimmer star to the lower left. The dimmer light began to descend erratically. It seemed to wave back and forth rather than just move straight down as it disappeared behind a stand of tall pine trees. Just as the smaller white light disappeared, he saw the larger light that he thought was Venus begin to grow as it approached rather quickly. At this point he told his daughter to look up and she immediately saw the object as it sped towards them. The growing round white light developed a red border that transitioned into a solid red light. A very short bright green line had also appeared just below and to the immediate left of the solid red light. The object then slowed and swerved to the right (north) towards the father’s truck. When the object was positioned just to the left and in front of them, it dropped in elevation and began to slowly pass overhead. As the object slowly moved above them, the father could see that the short green line was actually a long flat, bright, rectangular strip. Both remarked about how crisp and clear the green box angles were and how there was no glow given the brightness of the green light. The father had previously worked with low powered lasers (<100mW), and said that the green color was exactly at 532nm. They were not able to see any reflections on a craft body or wing/propeller parts – all they could see were the lights. The object slowed considerably – almost to a hover as it was above them, and they were able to see it clearly before passing underneath. The car was traveling between 65-70 mph, so anything small should have zipped right over them, thus indicating the object had to be of considerable size. Once the object passed out of view above their windshield, they were unable to see it again out the back window or rearview mirrors. He and his daughter did not want to stop and get a better look. The father commented that he had never seen a solid object emit such a bright green light.
Researcher Robert Thomas joins Dr. Rita Louise on Just Energy Radio where he explores a number of ancient sites around the world that defy explanation.
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I had a sighting of a UFO while I was working at the TVA plant in Cumberland City, TN on Oct 19th (Wednesday), 1994 at 6:30 in the evening. Weather conditions were warm and the sky was clear. I was working for a construction company as a safety inspector during a boiler renovation at the facility. I was making my rounds thru the boiler when I walked out onto the 6th level catwalk and faced west to watch the setting sun as it went down behind a small hill (distance of which I would estimate to be a half a mile to a mile away) that ran along the western side of the property. As I was gazing in that direction, I noticed a dark object that appeared to be coming out of the sun and heading in my line of sight. The object appeared as a black inverted triangle, 100 feet in length with the 2 opposite points on top and 1 point facing downward. The object was completely silent as it traveled parallel to the small hill. The hill itself is tree covered by pines and various other types of vegetation. As the object began to pass in front of my line of sight, the top of it began to “tilt” at an angle towards me and change shape. I observed a disk that was circular, except for a portion that looked like it had been “spooned” out, creating a crescent shape on the right side, possibly the front of the object. The object was huge. I would put its size as 300 ft in diameter. It had three circular rings. There was a smaller black circle in the center, a copper or burnt bronze colored ring surrounding it and a silver or metallic ring surrounding the outside. The copper and silver rings were rotating in opposite directions. The copper ring clockwise, the silver ring, counter clockwise. As it passed in front of me, it remained completely silent. The craft traveled the length of the hill until it came to an opening which was constructed for the purpose of positioning electrical towers that ran from TVA off into the northwest portion of the property. As the craft neared the towers, it “tilted” again to its original position, an appearance of a black inverted triangle. It then began to rise and traveled directly over the top of the towers and power lines and eventually disappeared off into the distance.
Cumberland City isn’t far from Ft. Campbell, KY. I don’t know if what I saw was “military” in nature, but it appeared to be other-worldly. After my sighting, I inquired if anyone else had ever seen anything strange in the sky at the plant and to my surprise, there were 2 other individuals that said they had seen objects that they couldn’t identify while they had worked out there during various times at the plant. They hadn’t seen anything like I described and neither had a daylight sighting. To this day, I haven’t been able to find a sighting like the one I had, experienced by someone else in TN or anywhere else. It’s something that I’ll always remember as a unique experience. JS
NOTE:I have seen other UFO reports from Stewart, Dickson and Montgomery Counties in Tennessee over the years. The TVA plant is very prominent and may draw the attention of UFOs (like many other power plants worldwide). Any other information would be appreciated. Lon
The question how and why crop circles are created has been a debate for many decades. It continues to make researchers scratch their heads looking for valid explanations about these unusual formations on the farm fields.
These circles are mostly found in the United Kingdom, but others claim that the first crop circles originated near the small town of Tully in Australia where a farmer reported to have witnessed an unknown flying object rising up from a swamp in 1966. Nevertheless, crop circles have been reported in many countries around the world such as the new one created July 18 in Bavaria, Germany.
This was created on July 18th.
photos via
Reported on July 29th, 2012 in Andechs Abbey, Bavaria, Germany
From 21st of June until 31st of August 2014 the Wiltshire Museum in Devizes shows “Exploring the Mystery and Beauty of Crop Circles” as this year’s annual Summer Exhibition. Compiled and curated by Dutch and German crop circle researchers Monique Klinkenbergh and Andreas Müller, it is the first time ever that the crop circle phenomenon and the research behind it is featured in a exhibition in a historic museum. Together with the exhibition that was officially opened last Friday by MP Claire Perry, the Wiltshire Museum also hosts the “Crop Circle Access Centre” as an information centre for crop circle interested visitors and tourists in search for information about the latest crop circles and information about which examples can be visited and how.
The official poster of the current Summer Exhibition at the Wiltshire Museum in Devizes. (Credit: Wiltshire Museum)
“Beside spectacular large-size prints of some of the work of the best national and international crop circle photographers the exhibition gives insights and detailed background information about the state of research into this fascinating phenomenon”, Andreas Müller explains. “The exhibition presents description of eyewitnesses to genuine (not man-made) crop circles forming within just a matter of seconds. We explain the results of laboratory analysis of plants and soils from crop circle sites that show unexplained changes. The exhibition presents the geometry within and behind the patterns and of course the true history of the phenomenon that – unknown to most – dates back many centuries. Furthermore we discuss the most popular explanation theories for crop circles and also the man-made side of the coin and the way in which crop-circle-inspired human ‘land-art’ has influenced not only the public view, but also research and mainly the image of the phenomenon presented by the mass-media.”
Some views into the exhibition. (Credit:
“The concept of our exhibition is based on the idea that there is a genuine, not man-made phenomenon”, adds Monique Klinkenbergh. “For this view, we present evidence and background facts. Over the last three decades printed and aired media presented the phenomenon mostly as the result ‘Dough and Dave’, the two elderly tricksters who suddenly appeared on the scene in 1991, followed by students and hoaxers. With our exhibition in the Wiltshire Museum we also want to set some records straight from a research point of view.
Official road signs are showing the way through town to the “Crop Circles Exhibition” at the Wiltshire Museum in Devizes. (Credit:
At the same time while the exhibition is running, the Wiltshire Museum also hosts Klinkenberghs “Crop Circle Access Centre” ( that offers information on the latest crop circles and about which ones can be visited in agreement with the owning farmer.
Based on the scheme of a visitor’s tax – but on a voluntary basis – visitors can buy a so-called “Access Pass” for just 10 Pounds (about 13 Euro) that allows them to enter those crop circle fields of which the owning farmer is giving access under the pass-scheme. The money raised with this scheme then goes back to compensate the participating farmers for their loss of crop and damage caused by the visitors – while some of the farmers give back their part to local charity projects.
The curators of the exhibition Andreas Müller and Monique Klinkenbergh together with MP Claire Perry and the Chairman of the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Doug Roseaman ( r.) at the official opening of the Crop Circle Exhibition in the Wiltshire Museum in Devizes. (Credit:
However, the Access Pass scheme is much more than a simple crop circle visitor’s tax, Klinkenbergh explains: “For the last three decades there was no coordinated system that took care for the interests of both sides: the wishes of crop circle interested tourists to visit the circles and at the same time the trouble of the affected farmers, their damaged crop, disrespected property and loss.
After many years in which especially the farmers suffered more trouble than pleasure over the crop circles in their fields and in special about so many unrequested and unwanted visitors, two years ago some of the farmers decided to cut new crop circles out as soon as they were discovered. While this is more than understandable from the farmer’s point of view, it is in the same time a dramatic loss for the research and documentation of this normally beautiful and peaceful phenomenon and of course also a loss for the local tourism.”
While the most tourists do not come to Wiltshire only because of the crop circles, the circles are definitively an important and additional attractor in the county of ancient monuments such as Stonehenge, Avebury, Silbury Hill, the West Kennet Long Barrow and so many other ancient sacred sites.
A crop circle formation next to Stonehenge in July 2002. (Credit: Andreas Müller/
“With the ‘Access Pass’ we do hope that we can bring back relaxation into the relationship between the farmers, researchers and crop circle tourists”, Klinkenbergh explains. “Of course the crop circle exhibition in the Wiltshire Museum has the same intention: Many farmers and people living next door to crop circle fields know amazingly little about this amazing phenomenon. With this exhibition we want to give something back to the local community and set some false records straight from the viewpoint of crop circle research.”
Since the early 1980s the crop circle phenomenon causes interest, sensation, speculation and controversial discussions even within the science community. While sceptics view the crop circles as nothing but one of the biggest hoaxes ever – researchers into the topic compiled a wide range of facts and evidence that altogether draw a different image.
One example of this is the fact that the true history of crop circles dates back much longer than the late 1970s: “We find descriptions of what we would call today ‘crop circles’ already in undated fairy tales and folk lore”, Müller explains. “First documents described crop circles already in the 16th and 17th century and in 1880 the scientific journal ‘Nature’ described crop circles in Surrey.”
A 1678 illustrated pamphlet describing “The Mowing Devil”
Every year between 100 and 200 new crop circles are reported worldwide. So far nearly 10.000 crop circles and formations in more than 60 countries around the globe were documented.
Beside eyewitness descriptions of genuine (not man-made) crop circles forming within a matter of seconds, anomalous changes have been found in laboratories comparing plant and soil (1, 2) samples from the inside of many crop circles with the control samples taken from outside the circles in the unaffected field. It has been shown that – contrary to what some skeptics claim – such described anomalies cannot be explained by mechanical flattening or as the result of natural recovery processes of once flattened plants. The anomalies can also be reproduced in laboratories using microwave radiation and were described in peer-reviewed scientific journals (1, 2, 3).
A crop circle formation near Crooled Soley in Berkshire, discovered in August 2002. (Copyright: Steve Alexander/
This year’s Summer Exhibition “Exploring the Mystery and Beauty of Crop Circles” can be seen until 31st August 2014 at the Wiltshire Museum in Devizes. Visitors who want to revisit the Crop Circle Access Centre in the Museum will receive a return ticket. Groups are requested to book in advance.
It was an October surprise for a young couple to witness a UFO Cluster of Twenty Lights.
It was about sunset, late in October in 1999. Lynn had just left work and was driving approximately three miles north of Moravia, NY near Owasco Lake. She was on her way into the country side to pick up her fiancé who had been on a hunting deer tree stand during the day.
While driving she noticed some moving lights in the southeastern sky that seemed to be flashing red and white. Lynn didn’t think much of it and focused her attention on her driving.
When she arrived to pick up her sweetheart, Harvey, he was already down out of his tree stand perch and intently watching the spectacle of scattered flashing lights.
Lynn describes the display they witnessed. “We both saw approximately 20 lights, some flashing red and white throughout the southeastern sky. The azimuth was anywhere from 90 degrees to 180 degrees. The altitudes of the lights were anywhere from 15 degrees to 60 degrees, approximately.”
She tells us that when the two of them looked at any one specific light, it was possible that it was moving in respect to the near stationary stars.
Harvey explained that the lights would flash as they traveled, then appeared to stop. A moment later the lighted object would suddenly move straight upward from its stopping point.
What mesmerized the couple was the way the lights would seemingly disappear only to reappear very close to where it disappeared, a second or two before. Eventually in a minute or two, another light, a different one would catch the corner of their eyes and they would watch that one for a while.
“At one point you could see approximately five lights without turning your head.” Lynn explained.
Harvey added, “The five lights seemed to be at different altitudes, but all of them flashed either red or white. They did not flicker like stars, they flashed and none of them were in sync.”
The couple was very clear on one point of their observation. That each of the twenty celestial lights were located throughout the sky, widely separated from each other and each doing their own maneuvers. The couple says that entire sighting event lasted for nearly ninety minutes.
This blogger must point out that ordinarily sightings like the one described do not generally last for periods of more than a few minutes. UFO analysis experts on first glance might dismiss this sighting as someone misidentifying some stars or constellations.
But Lynn and Harvey’s sighting was seen and reported by other sky watchers in the Dayton, Ohio area at about the same time.
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Date: January 1999
Time: late night
Eva Trent who lived in a small apartment at the time had retired to her bed at the usual hour. Having fallen asleep she awoke to a “buzzing sound”. Opening her eyes she was horrified to find two strange creatures standing on either side of her bed. The “entity” to her right was about 7-8 feet tall, weighed around 300 pounds, had apparently no clothes on and seemed to have either a crocodile or snake type skin covering. The creature to her left was identical in appearance but smaller in height and weight. They seemed to be communicating in a chirping manner. Each of the visitor’s eyes glowed. Eva quickly discovered that she was unable to move. As she stared in terror at the two intruders she found that either one or both were giving her instructions telepathically. The nature of this was seemingly for her to create mentally visual scenes of various kinds and then “they” proceeded to distort that particular pleasant scene in a perverse manner. (i.e.) a romantic interlude. Much later she concluded that the intent was to not only observe her emotional reaction, but also possibly feed off the energy that was produced. After an unknown period of time she became so upset with this ongoing deliberate mind manipulation that she began to mentally resist. Not only did she pray in an earnest fashion, but began to mentally cover herself from head to toe in white light. At this point she detected that the two “visitors” were confused by this reaction (or action). A short time later she fell back to sleep. When she awoke the following day it was in a state of physical exhaustion and a confused mind that was not only attempting to put the night events in some sort of order, but alternately accepting and rejecting what she believed to have been a “real” event. However, the clincher was yet to come. Located about six feet from her bed was an audio cassette storage rack. It stands about three feet high, is four-sided and felt lined. Eva’s surprise when later that day she went to extract a music tape to play, she discovered five or her precious tapes (inside the plastic cases) were grossly distorted. Of the five, three were badly buckled, as if extreme heat had been applied. On closer examination some interesting contradictions emerge. None of the cassette tapes display any type of unusual odor that one would reasonably expect under such circumstances. Stranger still, despite the intense heat required to create this warping effect, the actual tape (sound) filament showed no sign of having been melted. The felt storage unit had no apparent evidence of heat being applied in close proximity.
HC addition # 3328 Source: Graham Conway E High Strangeness Index: 8 Reliability of Source: 9 Comments: This is a highly disturbing bedroom visitation by supposed “reptilians” The source is a longtime and respected Ufologist.
Astronomen zijn met het röntgenobservatorium Chandra op een mysterie gestuit. “Ik kon mijn ogen niet geloven,” zei Esra Bulbul van het Harvard Center for Astrophysics. “Wat we hebben ontdekt kan niet worden verklaard door de bekende natuurkunde.”
Samen met haar collega’s bestudeert Bulbul de Perseus-cluster, een groep sterrenstelsels op ongeveer 250 miljoen lichtjaar van de aarde. Deze cluster, één van de grootste objecten in het universum, bevindt zich in een enorme ‘atmosfeer’ van superheet plasma.
“De atmosfeer van de cluster zit vol ionen,” legt Bulbul uit. “Elk van deze ionen produceert een ‘lijn’ in het röntgenspectrum.” In 2012 verscheen er plotseling een lijn op een plek waar geen lijn zou moeten zijn. Voor Bulbul was dat een grote verrassing.
Op sommige golflengtes wordt meer röntgenstraling uitgezonden dan op andere. Uit de posities van zulke spectraallijnen kan de samenstelling van het gas worden afgeleid. De spectraallijn in de röntgenmetingen van de Perseus-cluster kan niet met een bekend element in verband gebracht worden.
Dezelfde spectrale ‘vingerafdruk’ is gevonden door de röntgenspectra van 73 andere clusters van sterrenstelsels samen te voegen. Een week na de ontdekking stuitte een team onder leiding van Alexei Bojarski van de Universiteit Leiden op dezelfde spectraallijn in het Andromedastelsel. Bojarski ontdekte de lijn ook aan de rand van de Perseus-cluster.
Bulbul vermoedt dat de extra röntgenstraling afkomstig zou kunnen zijn van het verval van zogeheten steriele neutrino’s, elementaire deeltjes die geen lading en vrijwel geen massa hebben en alleen gevoelig zijn voor de zwakke kernkracht en de zwaartekracht. De deeltjes zijn al eens voorgesteld als kandidaat voor de mysterieuze donkere materie in het heelal.
De lijn kan ook zijn veroorzaakt door ‘moduli donkere materie’, die het gevolg is van het opkrullen van extra dimensies in het heelal. Om het mysterie te kunnen oplossen is wellicht een geheel nieuw soort observatorium nodig. In 2015 wil het Japanse ruimteagentschap een geavanceerde röntgentelescoop lanceren, die de mysterieuze lijn met grote precisie moet kunnen meten.
Location; Near Gribanovskiy, Voronezh region, Russia Date: June 15 or 16 1975
Time: 01:50 a.m.
On a highway near this city Senior Air Force Lieutenant Vladimir G. Paltsev spotted a strange object that looked like a dark mass with a light on top in a clearing within a wooded area about 700-800 meters from the roadway. He knew this part of the road well and realized that there were no buildings in that area. He stopped his vehicle and approached the object on foot in order to i…nvestigate. At about 80-100 meters away he realized that the object was shaped like an inverted saucer with a bulging transparent dome on top, which was emitting light. At about 50 meters from the object Paltsev was able to distinguish a human-like figure standing inside the transparent cupola. The figure placed a palm on the internal dome of the craft and Paltsev was able to see that it appeared to be a human hand with five fingers. He could also see another humanoid entity standing behind the first one. Closer to the object he was able to see a third entity apparently sitting on a small seat inside the dome. When Paltsev walked to about 25-30 meters from the object he noticed that the surface of the craft appeared to be “fluttering” as if emitting waves of hot air. At this point Paltsev was struck with what felt to be a dense wall of hot air. He tried to move to the right, but found himself lying on the ground and apparently lost consciousness. When he came to he again attempted to approach the object but was unable to move any further at about 25 meters from the craft as an invisible barrier prevented him from doing so. He then sat at the edge of the road and watched the object rise up in complete silence and hover at about 3 meters from the ground. The object then rose to an altitude of about 25 meters and crossed the road to the opposite side. The witness followed the object’s movement intently and walked towards the highway where he found what appeared to be a yellow of spot of an oily substance on the ground. At this point the UFO ascended into the and soon disappeared from sight gaining speed and altitude very quickly. A strong rush of air threw Paltsev backwards. A motorcyclist soon appeared and Paltsev stopped him and this man also saw the strange yellow oily spot on the ground. However later upon returning to the scene the spot had already vanished. Paltsev was also astounded to realize that more than an hour had passed since he first spotted the object; he had only perceived a period of 15 minutes passing. Reportedly soon after the incident he suffered from frequent nightmares where he saw himself onboard a UFO.
HC addendum Source: Genrih Silanov, Feydor Kisolyev, Yuriy Lozotsov, Alexander Mosolov Of Voronezh UFO Research Group and Igor Tsarev “Planet of Specters”
Type:G? Comments: Most likely an unexplored abduction event.
This is the first new newsletter since June 12. I have been ill for some time but now am back and hopefully can continue publishing the UFO Digest newsletter weekly. Let’s begin withNick Pope’s monthly column, “Sexism, Racism and UFOlogy” about attracting young people to UFOs. Next, Roger Marsh reports on the recent New Jersey MUFON Symposium and the cases discussed. Scott Corrales writes about more humanoids and UFOs being photographed in Argentina. Then, Doc Vega examines the long legacy of military intelligence and UFOs. Reporter Cheryl Costa reports on a big purple mothership!Jeff Krause writes about a man who fights off aliens all night long. Next, Frank Schoenbach remembers his ghost encounter.Gavin Davies reports on UFO photos taken over Swansea by a war hero. Carolyn Shield writes more about the forbidden zones on the Moon. Then, Nick Redfern writes about the woman in black! And finally Alfred Lambremont Webre believes ETs are here to assist in our dimensional ascension. Enjoy Dirk Vander Ploeg
We are featuring full-length movies in the center column of UFO Digest, including ”And Did They Listen”, “Mirage Men”, “Cloud Atlas” and “Sirius.” Why not check them out. All previews are free! Only available in the United States and Canada. Thanks Dirk
In a previous UFO Digest column I examined the reasons behind the apparent difficulty that ufology has in attracting young people, and offered a few suggestions. I finished by pointing out that many of the ‘big names’ in the field (the ones most frequently seen on TV and the ones most often invited to speak at conferences) are white men in suits, usually middle-aged, if not considerably older. Ufology is hardly the only field where this is the case, but to see such an unrepresentative group of people may put off young people and deter them from attending conferences or otherwise getting involved in ufology. More...
More than 400 people attended each of the three days of the 2014 MUFON Symposium in Cherry Hill, NJ, this past week – which caused some to report past UFO cases. The witness in a 1999 Lee County, Alabama, case finally came forward with his account after attending the 2014 MUFON Symposium. More…
Once more we find ourselves with direct information regarding strange presences during the month of May 2014 on the shores of Necochea, Argentina. It is here that we have found four (4) witnesses who speak of seeing strange lights at night on the Necochea’s very shoreline, its beach, as well as sightings of a strange humanoid-type creature. These events on Sunday, 18 May and Tuesday, 20 May at night. More Also read: UFO PHOTOGRAPHED OVER BELEN ESOCOBAR, ARGENTINA
In 1952 shortly after a spectacular series of confrontations between US Air Force Jet interceptors and unidentified radar targets over White House air space, US Army General John Samford, head of US Army Intelligence fielded questions by the US press corps along with Air Force General Roger Ramey. In a key point made by General Samford he stated that no known project on earth was responsible for the appearance of the UFO phenomenon. He also acknowledged that a certain number of sightings were inexplicable through the course of analysis by military investigators. You might recall General Roger Ramey who accompanied Samford had previously derailed the Roswell crash by labeling it as a weather balloon. More…
A BIG PURPLE MOTHERSHIP UFO – 2012by Cheryl Costa.
A Big Purple Mothership was the last thing Lenny expected to see when he went out four-wheeling. The clouds were large and full on a seasonal April day in 2012. Late in the day many of the puffy clouds took on a pinkish cast as the sun got lower in the sky. More...
This week I’m writing about one of my all-time favorite cases, and it comes from the very heart of California. The case was originally investigated by Paul Cerney of NICAP back in 1965, and has been looked at by many notable scientists and ufologists since then. It was even the subject of an episode of NBC’s “Project U.F.O.” that aired on May 7, 1978. Although the episode disregarded all the facts, it still showed that there was more interest in the subject than was let on. Due to the main participants fear of losing his job at Aerojet Corporation in Sacramento, he remained anonymous until only recently, so the story faded to obscurity until brought to light recently by authors, researchers and MUFON Field Investigators, Noe Torres and Ruben Uriarte. More…
“HEY HERMAN! Come on down”, they yelled at the ghost!by Frank Schoenbach.
This is a ghost encounter I believe you will find very interesting. I was stationed in Würzburg, Germany with the 3rd Infantry Division Band. Twice a year, we would perform in Berlin, in the spring for their Armed Forces Day parade and in the fall for their German-American Festival. More..
The Paranormal Chronicles have received this intriguing photograph and report from a Swansea resident who claims to have seen a large unidentified object from his bedroom window. Mr P Lewis captured the image in the early hours of the morning of Monday 21st July 2014. Mr P Lewis, a decorated ex-solider had this testimonial; More…
I asked an insider that worked at NASA during the Apollo missions were there “forbidden zones” on the moon. He admitted that there were. The insider said. Always remember NASA worked with the military.” The declassification of the report of Project Horizon reveals the studies by the military in using the moon for observation of Earth communications. They were going to spy on us. Another part of Project Horizon was “weaponizing space” using the moon to launch missiles at Earth. More.
Within the world of UFO research, the Men in Black are just about as legendary as they are feared. These pale-faced, ghoulish entities have for decades terrorized into silence both witnesses to, and researchers of, UFO encounters. Theories for who, or what, the MIB might be are many. They include: extraterrestrials, government agents, demonic creatures, time-travelers from the future, and inter-dimensional beings from realms that co-exist with ours. More….
Recent at Interview: Nancy Garcia, Paul Dale Roberts, Melody. Location of Interview: Starbucks, Howe 'bout Arden – 2100 Arden Way, Sacramento, CA. Question: Before we get this interview started Nancy, let’s ask a few personal questions. Where were you born and raised? What are your hobbies and recreational activities? Where have you traveled to? What are your favorite movies, TV shows, and books? Your family life? More…
POSITIVE ETS ARE HERE TO ASSIST WITH OUR DIMENSION ASCENSION by Alfred Lambremont Webre. VANCOUVER, BC — an ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre from Adelaide, South Australia, ET contactee Dermot Kelly spoke of his personal ET contacts and his insights that advanced, positive extraterrestrial civilizations are here to assist with our dimensional ascension from a time-space 3rd Dimension service-to-self … More…
Subscribers: As regular readers of the UFO Digest newsletter could you please forward a copy to friends or associates you believe may be interested in our articles. The newsletter is an important element of UFO Digest and I would really like to increase its membership. Thanks Dirk.
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Een krachtige zonnestorm heeft de Aarde twee jaar geleden maar net gemist. Hij zou alle elektrische circuits kunnen verstoord hebben en 'de hedendaagse beschaving naar de 18e eeuw kunnen teruggeslingerd hebben'. Dat meldt het Amerikaans ruimtevaartagentschap Nasa.
De zonnestorm vond plaats op 23 juli 2012. Het ging om de krachtigste storm in 150 jaar, aldus een mededeling op de site van de Nasa. 'Indien de uitbarsting een week eerder had plaatsgevonden, dan zou de Aarde zich op de eerste rij hebben bevonden', zegt Daniel Baker van de universiteit van Colorado. De satelliet STEREO-A, die zonnestormen volgt, kon erg precies het verloop van de storm waarnemen. Daardoor konden wetenschappers besluiten dat de storm van 2012 de hevigste was sinds 1859.
De Nationale Academie voor Wetenschappen schatte dat de impact van een zonnestorm met de kracht van die uit 1859, indien hij de Aarde zou raken, de wereldeconomie 2.000 miljard dollar zou kosten en enorme schade zou veroorzaken. Zonnestormen zouden immers de elektronische netwerken kunnen verstoren en telecommunicatie, internet, luchttransport of eender welk systeem dat op elektriciteit steunt, kunnen onderbreken.
The chupacabra or chupacabras is a legendary cryptid rumored to inhabit parts of the Americas, with the first sightings reported in Puerto Rico. The name comes from the animal’s reported habit of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock, especially goats. Physical descriptions of the creature vary. It is purportedly a heavy creature, the size of a small bear, with a row of spines reaching from the neck to the base of the tail.
4. The Flatwoods Monster
The Flatwoods Monster, also known as the Braxton County Monster or the Phantom of Flatwoods, is an alleged unidentified extraterrestrial or cryptid reported to have been sighted in the town of Flatwoods in Braxton County, West Virginia, United States on September 12, 1952. Stories of the creature are an example of a purported close encounter of the third kind.
3. The Dover Demon
The Dover Demon is a creature reportedly sighted in the town of Dover, Massachusetts on April 21 and April 22, 1977.
2. The Kelly–Hopkinsville encounter
The Kelly–Hopkinsville encounter, also known as the Hopkinsville Goblins Case, and to a lesser extent the Kelly Green Men Case, is the name given to a series of connected incidents of alleged close encounters with supposed extraterrestrial beings. These were reported in the fall of 1955, the most famous and well-publicized of which centered around a rural farmhouse at the time belonging to the Sutton family, which was located between the hamlet of Kelly and the small city of Hopkinsville, both in Christian County, Kentucky, United States. It is from these main incidents that the entire case takes its name.
1. Mothman
Mothman is a legendary moth-like creature reportedly seen in the Point Pleasant area of West Virginia from 15 November 1966 to 15 December 1967. The first newspaper report was published in the Point Pleasant Register dated 16 November 1966, titled “Couples See Man-Sized Bird…Creature…Something”.
UFO mania: Alien Base Discovered In NASA Moon Photo on the far side of the moon?
UFO mania: Alien Base Discovered In NASA Moon Photo on the far side of the moon?
A photo from the online archive of the Apollo 11 mission reveals what appears to be a base on the far side of the moon.
The object appears to be on the moon’s surface and is well illuminated. It is symmetrical with a long shaft separated at each end by a small sphere with another in the center. The spheres appear to be living quarters with connecting corridors.
The photo, AS11-41-6155, (below image) is significant since whistleblowers have claimed that NASA regularly scrubs or destroys photos with any evidence of alien life or artificial structures.
Karl Wolf, an Air Force sergeant who was assigned to the National Security Agency, said that mysterious structures were discovered on the far side of the moon when the United States was mapping its surface before the 1969 lunar landing. Those photos too were culled out of the public record.
Dr Ken Johnston who was a manager of NASA’s Data and Photo Control Department. Johnston claims that he also witnessed moon photos showing artificial structures and was asked to destroy the photos. He refused and was fired by NASA.
Des rumeurs au sujet d’un crash d’ovni contenant des corps étrangers ont longtemps été associées au site de l’US Air Force de Wright-Patterson, depuis l'incident de Roswell en 1947.
De nouvelles données ont été ajoutées à ce sujet dans le rapport 58327 du MUFON sur la base de déclarations de témoin et intermédiaire.
Le rapport a été déposé par le petit-fils du témoin féminin qui a reçu l'information de première main au sujet des révélations de 1960 au sujet de Roswell. Ses grands-parents vivaient à Dayton, dans l’Ohio, pendant de nombreuses années, avant 1964.
Le témoin a dit en 1960 que les histoires rellatives au supposé crash d'ovni qui s'est écrasé de Roswell étaient vraies. Sur la photo: Wilbur Wright Field et Fairfield Air Depot, c. . 1920 (Crédit: Wikimedia Commons)
" Un ami proche a pris sa retraite après avoir servi sur la base de l’US Air Force de Wright Patterson," a déclaré la grand-mère à son petit-fils, comme l’indique le rapport 58327 du MUFON. Il rapporte : " C’était un officier de haut rang. Ma grand-mère, très spirituelle, honnête et franche, lui a demandé s'il était vrai qu’un vaisseau extraterrestre et éventuellement des corps étrangers étaient stockés sur la base. " Le petit-fils indique n’avoir jamais rencontré l’officier en question.
Il raconte que sa grand-mère n’oubliera jamais la manière dont l’homme a répondu à cette question. L’intermédiaire (le petit-fils) précise : "Il a dit à ma grand-mère, « Si le public savait ce qui s’était passé sur la base lors de l'incident de Roswell, il y aurait une panique générale parmi le public. » " La femme n'a pas posé plus de questions.
L'Air Force Materiel Command est basée à Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. (Crédit: Wikimedia Commons)
La « Wright-Patterson Air Force Base » ou base aérienne Wright-Patterson (code AITA : FFO . code OACI : KFFO) est une base de l'United States Air Force située sur les comtés de Greene et de Montgomery, dans l'Ohio, à 13 km au nord-est de la ville de Dayton. Wright-Patterson AFB est le quartier général de l'Air Force Materiel Command, un des principaux commandements de l'US Air Force, d'un important hôpital militaire, de l'Air Force Institute of Technology et du National Museum of the United States Air Force, communément connu sous le nom d'U.S. Air Force Museum.
Source : et Traduction par Ovnis-Direct
Mensen hebben al eeuwenlang contact met buitenaardse wezens, die zich onopgemerkt onder ons begeven. Dat zegt oud-hoogleraar David M. Jacobs van de Temple-universiteit in Philadelphia.
Jacobs, die wetenschappelijk onderzoek doet naar buitenaardse ontvoeringen, werkt momenteel aan zijn vijfde boek, getiteld ‘The New People’. Hij werkte 36 jaar als professor aan de Temple-universiteit en ging in 2011 met pensioen.
De schrijver heeft inmiddels 150 mensen geïnterviewd die naar eigen zeggen zijn ontvoerd door buitenaardsen. De herinneringen aan de kosmische ontvoeringen komen bovendrijven tijdens ontspanningssessies. Jacobs verwijst naar peilingen waaruit blijkt dat meer dan een miljoen Amerikanen zijn ontvoerd door buitenaardsen.
Hij geeft toe dat bewijs voor buitenaards leven zwak is: vaak gaat het om vage foto’s of verzonnen verhalen. Toch stelt Jacbos dat er bewijs is. Mensen rapporteren onafhankelijk van elkaar dat ze contact hebben gehad met mens- of insectachtige wezens die mensen nodig hebben om zich voort te kunnen planten.
David M. Jacobs in zijn huis in Wyndmoor (Andrew Thayer)
Mensen zijn fysiek afwezig op het moment dat ze worden ontvoerd, aldus Jacobs. Sommige gezinnen hebben zelfs gezien hoe geliefden verdwenen, voegde hij toe. Ontvoerden worden meestal in groepen meegenomen; vreemden die elkaar op aarde nog nooit hebben ontmoet herkennen elkaar van hun ervaringen in de ruimte.
Mensen keren terug met vreemde tekens, verwondingen of littekens, waaronder littekenweefsel dat van de ene op de andere dag is ontstaan, weet Jacobs, “een biologische onmogelijkheid die ik met eigen ogen heb gezien.”
Jarenlang sprak Jacobs niet in het openbaar over buitenaardse ontvoeringen. Een financier van de universiteit dreigde zich zelfs terug te trekken als Jacbos niet zou stoppen met lesgeven over UFO’s. Hij stopte niet en liep daarmee enkele promoties mis.
Michael Shermer van het tijdschrift Skeptic zei dat Jacobs ‘spreekt als een academicus’, maar tegelijkertijd ‘cirkelredeneringen gebruikt’. William Hartmann van het Planetary Science Institute in Arizona zei: “Op de website van dr. Jacbos is te lezen dat herinneringen aan buitenaardse ontvoeringen afkomstig zijn van hypnose, maar volgens mij hecht de wetenschappelijke gemeenschap weinig waarde aan hypnose.”
Jacobs heeft zelf nog nooit een UFO gezien en ook is hij nog nooit ontvoerd. “Ik ben nog nooit in Japan geweest, maar dat betekent niet dat Japan niet bestaat,” zei hij.
UFO sighting over Swansea, South Wales on 21st July 2014
FO sighting over Swansea, South Wales on 21st July 2014
New interesting UFO sightings photo recorded over Swansea, South Wales on 21st July 2014.
Witness said: It was very hot in my bedroom so I opened the window and noticed a strange, stationary object hovering above Swansea. The object made no noise and my first notion was perhaps it was an exceptionally large bird of prey however the object remained stationary for at least five minutes. I thought that it was strange and it seemed to have something hanging below it so I grabbed my phone and I took several pictures of it. The whole time the object made no movement and no sound. I must have watched for seven minutes in total.
An unmanned Russian Soyuz-U rocket successfully launched this evening, July 23rd 2014 at 21:44 UTC, from Baikonur in Kazakhstan carrying the Progress M-24M resupply spacecraft. This video starts 2:30 minutes after the take off of the rocket. Short time after the rocket stages have been separated, can be seen on the right side the first unidentified flying object and two more to follow. What’s this? Aircraft? Satellite? Star? UFOs?
Tales of crashed UFO parts and alien bodies have been told about Wright-Patterson Air Force Base since the 1949 Roswell incident and now include a secondhand report filed today as Case 58327 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was told in 1960 that the stories of crashed UFO parts from Roswell were true. Pictured: Wilbur Wright Field and Fairfield Air Depot, c. 1920. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
The National Museum of the United States Air Force is housed at Wright-Paterson Air Force Base. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
The report was filed by the grandchild of the woman who received the information firsthand in about 1960 who explains that his grandparents lived in Dayton, Ohio, for many years prior to 1964.
“A close friend retired from Wright Patterson Air Force Base,” the reporting witness stated. “He was high ranking. My grandmother, who was the most witty, honest and candid person I’ve ever met asked him if it were true about the alien craft and possibly the alien bodies being stored at the base.”
The witness stated that he will never forget how the man responded as told to him by his grandmother.
“He said, ‘If the public knew what was at the base from the Roswell incident, there would be a general panic amongst the public.’”
The woman did not ask any more questions.
The Air Force Materiel Command is headquartered at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Ohio MUFON is investigating. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base is a United States Air Force base east of Dayton, Ohio, in Greene and Montgomery counties. It includes both Wright and Patterson Fields, which were originally Wilbur Wright Field and Fairfield Aviation General Supply Depot. Patterson Field is located approximately 10 miles northeast of Dayton; Wright Field is located approximately 5 miles northeast of Dayton. Wright-Patterson AFB is the largest base of the United States Air Force.
Out of the many incredible artefacts that have been recovered from sites in Iraq where flourishing Sumerian cities once stood, few have been more intriguing that the Sumerian King List, an ancient manuscript originally recorded in the Sumerian language, listing kings of Sumer (ancient southern Iraq) from Sumerian and neighbouring dynasties, their supposed reign lengths, and the locations of “official” kingship.
What makes this artefact so unique is the fact that the list blends apparently mythical pre-dynastic rulers with historical rulers who are known to have existed. The first fragment of this rare and unique text, a 4,000-year-old cuneiform tablet, was found in the early 1900s by German-American scholar Hermann Hilprecht at the site of ancient Nippur and published in 1906.
Since Hilprecht’s discovery, at least 18 other exemplars of the king’s list have been found, most of them dating from the second half of the Isin dynasty (c. 2017-1794 BCE.). No two of these documents are identical.
Deep in north central New Mexico is the sleepy little town of Dulce. Dulce is located on the Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado – New Mexico Border. It is home to about 3000 residents and is the capitol of the Jicarilla Apache Nation. For as small and as insignificant as this remote location may sound, it became the center of controversy in the early 1980′s. Physicist and inventor,
Paul Bennewitz claimed he had discovered an underground base occupied by extraterrestrials near Dulce. His story quickly spread through the UFO community. Allegations that surround the base include human abductions (“alien abductions”) by these extraterrestrial beings.
Jacques Vallée has held many titles over the years; astronomer, computer scientist, venture capitalist, author, and more. He has researched UFOs for decades and has written several books on the topic. The lead character on the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind was inspired by Vallée. We recently received this interview from Nagib Kary who runs the French UFO website Kary and several associates asked questions of Vallée in February and recently translated the interview into English. Kary has graciously asked Open Minds to re-post their insightful interview.
Jacques Vallée discussing UFOs in 2011 at the Global Competitiveness Forum in Saudia Arabia. (Credit: GFC2011)
Fabrice is a Swiss ufologist, writer, psychologist by training who deals especially with the relation between ufos and ecology and the psychological impact of apparitions on witnesses.
Q1: How do you see ufology and ufological activity in 15-20 years ? What will fundamentally change — or won’t ?
We shouldn’t be surprised if we see an increase in these manifestations as humanity goes on to a new step of systematic exploration of space. But the question should be addressed to the phenomenon itself: It has shown that it was diverse, adaptable and unpredictable. It also showed that it was fundamentally interested in our technological progress and our technical prototypes.
Q2: Who is the thinker, the intellectual or the researcher you admire the most and why?
Maybe you have noticed it while reading Science Interdite: I found a great source of inspiration in Aimé Michel, a remarkable spirit by the strength of his vision and the deep humanity of his intellect. The fact that such a thinker has been ignored and even despised by the intellectual elite in France is not a compliment to our country. However, the limited number of people who have known him have had a great privilege. According to Aimé, Ufos were only a mystery among others. He was a universal thinker.
Q3: What is the current scientific discipline which would be able to benefit ufology and its achievement?
I can think of two disciplines whose application is urgent: computer science of course, with data-mining , and medicine which has never been applied to a real study of long term effects on witnesses of close encounters. Beyond this, of course, physics must take the subject as an “existence theorem” to understand physical reality in a broader sense.
Aimé Michel
Q4: How are consciousness and Ufos related? What role does consciousness play in Ufo manifestations?
We have seen ufos as classical spaceships for a long time, in accordance with science fiction in the forties and fifties. This interpretation persists, especially in France where recent breakthrough of parapsychology are not well known and where psychic effects reported by witnesses are considered either as evidences of mental weakness or as electromagnetic side effects. Yet, as documentation improves, we find out that the physical aspects of the phenomenon are as negotiable as its psychic effects: it is as if it took control of a given area, including witnesses’ perceptions. It is that aspect that discouraged Aimé Michel.
Q5: Do governments (and especially the USA) hide information about Ufos on the public (according to you and your experience)?
There are two levels to that question: (1) governments (and not only the USA) keep some information they think most sensitive, especially reports which come from the military. It seems that since 1947 this policy has been viewed as legitimate, in the interest of populations and in the hope of discovering technological breakthroughs. (2) The most difficult question is to know if breakthroughs have actually taken place. To my mind, the phenomenon has probably resisted all analysis, classified or not. The issue of opening all the files is going to arise again but it’s not as simple to understand the Ufo phenomenon as to dismantle a MIG or to secretly copy the space shuttle.
Q6: What advice would you give to the ufology community?
I don’t think I have personal advice to give. It is obvious that we won’t make real progress in an environment of petty squabbling. It would be best to avoid accusations that discourage researchers from working together. The phenomenon is accessible at a local level, so the possibility of field study and fast exchange of data is wide open. That would be more useful than speculating on inaccessible, hypothetical secrets in the drawers of governments.
Q7: What are your biggest regrets in your ufological career?
I sometimes wonder whether things would have taken a different course if I had accompanied Allen Hynek to Detroit during the swamp gas case. It was the biggest opportunity to pose the question of the reality of the phenomenon before the American general public and the scientific community. Together with Bill Powers’ advice, we could have presented a realistic and urgent vision of the issue which would have been understood by the media.
A lot of water has passed under the bridge, as the Americans would say. If I look back, it is obvious that professionally speaking, I wasted my time when I came back in France in late 1967. Should I regret it? I wouldn’t have written Passport to Magonia anywhere else than in Paris. Moreover, I wouldn’t have experienced May ’68 on the spot!
Questions about the book Science Interdite, Vol 2 by Ovnis-Direct :P389, answer of the author to Aimé Michel on the origin of Ufos (“Belmont Friday, June 25th 1976”):
Public opinion only has two possible positions toward Ufos: if you manage to take the idea away from people’s mind that there are hallucinations, these same minds are going to draw the conclusion that it is purely and simply about E.T.
Don’t you see that a technology which can create local deformation of space might not be limited to produce Ufos only, but any kinds of other phenomena which would seem miraculous?
Q1: Apart from Ufos, could you tell us what phenomena result from such super technology?
These phenomena are in the literature: reports of poltergeist are documented in the book by captain of gendarmerie Tizané, as well as the famous deformations of metal by psychic means reported by Soviets researchers or by Stanford Research Institute (or, in France, by the material expert Crussard).
Nonlocality allows phenomena described by the French physicist Yves Rocard in his experiments at Ecole Normale Supérieure, as the relativist Olivier Costa de Beauregard had emphasized. It is a pity that this field has been ignored for ideological reasons. Maybe it was marginal in the 70s but it comes back at the center of multiple broad issues.
P406, Aleister Crowley on the Society for psychical research:
All their work brings evidence that there are powers influencing humans. We have always known them: The universe is full of dark and subtle manifestations of energy. But nobody before me has ever managed to prove the outer intelligence to humankind whereas my compilation has. But it is impossible to doubt that there is someone there, someone who is able to organize events the same way Napoléon conceived his battle plans, with an extent of unthinkable powers through which he can control the actions of the people he has chosen to play a role in the implementation of his purposes.
Aleister Crowley
Q2: The publications made by people who belong to the Esoteric Hermetic Movement like Aleister Crowley, Facius Cardan, John Dee and others you name. Do they influence in any way your research leading to the hypothesis of the control system?
Definitely: before the development of science as we know it, many lonely researchers or members of small groups asked the same questions as we did. Facius Cardan’s father was a great mathematician, John Dee was a scholar who was instrumental to the science of navigation; others were chemists, alchemists or astronomers. They wondered whether there was a general balance of the world that will give meaning to human life and the phenomena which surround us.
Q3: According to you, what were the triggers of the spiritual revolution in the 70s in the USA?
A new generation became aware of the limitations of western culture and they revolted against religious, social, political and artistic prohibitions in the world of their parents, who often emerged mentally exhausted and culturally impoverished from the Second World War. In that environment, it was normal that spiritual exploration went off in all directions and was used by certain sects. I observed this phenomenon in the USA but it existed in France and England as well, although it was less visible but quite powerful: look at the Solar Temple.
Q4: We can see through your last book your reluctance before certain techniques such as meditation through substances. A serious ufologist who went to Amazonia spoke of the efficiency of methods used by shamans (using ayahuasca) to reach other plans of reality. They are even described as “technicians of consciousness.” What do you think about it?
In terms of field of research, all these explorations are useful and valuable: current science asks the question of the nature of reality both on a physical basis (quanta, nonlocality etc) and physiological (information processing by the mind, discovery of hidden mechanisms using « functional » MRI etc.)
When I met Terence McKenna I realized during our conversations that our hypotheses on a possible “control system” converged. But my own research involves a structured calibration of data with calibration of investigation tools, which is not possible when one is transported by the visions of drugs like ayahuasca or simply LSD.
Living in California since 1969, I have seen many experiments derived from these methods, whether they came from South American jungles or simply from drug companies. I understand their usefulness to force some parts of the brain to reveal their function in the construction of reality, but I haven’t learnt anything new or reliable for my own work.
P427 – The author’s quotation:
The Ufo phenomenon looks like a kaleidoscope which has three separate levels: a physical and technologic level; a sociologic level; and finally a personal level, subliminal, which plays with subtle shades of human psyche.
The first aspects seem to show evidence of extraterrestrial origins; the second one would be within the competence of human mythology and anthropology, if we refer to the societal dimension only: this is the explanation which meets with the advanced skeptics’ approval, contrary to Menzel and Klass who are content with denying everything outright.
The third aspect is the most disconcerting: it suggests clues of a darker manipulation from terrestrial and very material origins.
Q5: Have you achieved new discoveries on the third aspect of the Ufo phenomenon over the last years?
We are faced with this third aspect when we carry on case studies in the field. Everything is happening as if the phenomenon was able to manipulate its environment (including its human environment) in order to hide its real nature. To my mind, the camouflage uses terrestrial elements and it is not simply a bureaucratic “cover-up” as it has naively been believed for a long time.
Phillippe is a doctor and associate professor in Philosophy at INSA in Toulouse, teacher of expression-communication, social psychology, philosophy of sciences and author of several books in this field.
Q1: Physics and cosmology of this early 21st century are in crisis and are looking for new patterns to represent the universe: multiverse, multidimensional, folded, etc. Are you paying attention to this crisis and does it give food for thought about the origin of Ufos?
I have followed these works, first in astrophysics at the University of Texas which was a major cosmological research centers, then at Stanford and SRI. The result was my book Autres Dimensions where I wrote that Ufos give us the opportunity (among others) to ask questions about the structure of the universe. I have recently given a TED lecture on the physics of information in the framework of a meeting in Brussels about the next 60 years, a period which I think will put these questions at the center of research. The conference is on Youtube.
Q2: I understand that you have investigated an increase of reports on cryptids in the USA over the last months. Would you tell us about it?
It is a subject I had put aside for a long time, first because I don’t have skills in biology or zoology and especially because it seemed to me independent of the main observations I was studying. I have been forced to come back to this position following series of reports of crypto-zoological phenomena that were co-located with well-documented observations of Ufos.
In 2012 and 2013, I traveled several times in Utah with Professor Frank Salisbury, a distinguished biologist who had also worked with NASA on botany in microgravity. We went all over the Uintah mountain range and later across the semi-desert basin which expands from Vernal to Fort Duchesne to meet the witnesses of these events. They were ranchers, industrial workers and policemen (including the tribal police). In general, those reports are not published, which makes the fieldwork essential to find people and listen to them. Those trips taught me that the observation of these creatures were to be taken seriously. As you may know it, similar observations have been reported in France.
Daniel is president of the Lyon based association “OVNI Investigation”, field investigator and organizer of Rencontres des Sciences et de l’Inexpliqué. On the basis of concrete examples, he has drawn up an interference categorization of the phenomenon on human consciousness.
Q1: In your books, you propose the hypothesis that manifestations of the Ufo phenomenon could correlate with a learning program for humanity. This system could be the same type as psychologist Burrhus Frederic Skinner’s training process. Would you explain this hypothesis and show that the manifestations of the Ufo phenomenon follow a program?
This hypothesis comes from data processing compilations made during the 60s and 70s, which lead to a frequency curve of the phenomenon which looks like a learning program (a “schedule of reinforcement” according to Skinner), that is to say, a sequence of stimuli which is pseudo-periodical. According to Skinner, such a program leads to irreversible learning. It is also difficult to detect unless we study a long series of observations.
Let’s notice at the same time that military studies like the US Air Force Blue Book Project, or academic analyses like that of Professor Condon at the University of Colorado have always treated Ufo cases one by one, without any global perspective, which obviously hides such a program if it exists. The often-recycled statement in the declarations of governmental agencies that Ufos are not a threat, has never taken into account the structure of the global evolution of the phenomenon.
To prove or disprove that hypothesis, we should review recent data and update former cases in order to expand the study in a longer period. I have had the opportunity to talk it over with computer scientists from CNES. It is possible that many hypotheses would converge within such an analysis.
Q2: During a conference you hosted in Montreal in Canada, you talked about past work of arts in which possible Ufos representations can be found. You also talked about Michelangelo’s painting which represents a black triangle that the painter would have observed surely. Would you give us the references of Michelangelo’s work?
The reference is the book of Benedictine chronicler Benedetto Lushino entitled, Vulnera Diligentis (second book, chapter XXII). He wrote that Michelangelo saw a “triangular sign” on a calm night. It was bright (and not dark, by the way) with three tails, one silvery, the second red and the third “flaming and bifurcated.” The observation took place in Rome in 1513. Michelangelo was so impressed that he made a painting, which unfortunately hasn’t survived, to my knowledge.
Jean-Pierre is author of the book Les Ovnis. Collection Que Sais-Je ?, PUF Publishers, Paris, Auditor at the Institution of Higher National Defense Studies.
Q1: The Cergy-Pontoise case broke in 1979. According to you, what truth does this story hide: abduction, hoax, secret services’ fake information, other hypothesis? What confidence do you have, and what piece of evidence will you rely on?
I often think again about this case. It affects me personally because, contrary to most investigations that a researcher happens to make, this one brought me back to a very familiar area: like the primary witness Frank Fontaine, I was a student at Parc-aux-Charrettes communal school in Pontoise; like him and his follow students, I know the area of Cergy very well; and Gérard Deforge, who had Fontaine as a student, is a close friend. I met Fontaine with the two other witnesses in Pontoise at the home of Marceau Sicaud, who had followed the whole case.
Today, I still hesitate between the thesis of a hoax and the possibility of a psychological manipulation. The other two witnesses, Prévost and N’Diaye, have explained the events in their own way but Frank’s personality and his doubt about his experience puzzle me:I don’t think that he has lied. On the other hand, we know that sociological experiences are common in the framework of psychological warfare. In Cergy-Pontoise, several obvious ways which could show manipulations have not been followed up by investigators: why ? The Gepanwas probably wise not to get more involved in the question, once the hypothesis of a real “abduction” was ruled out.
Q2: Do abductees like Adamski or Siragusa reveal a real part of ufological reports or do these stories have a link with something else? Some believe it to be pure hoax. What do you think of it?
If we refer to “scientific” reality, it seems clear that what we have here consists of hoaxes (in Adamski’s case) and psychological issues (delusion, fugue, paraphrenia) in many other cases. But the impact of these reports is deeper than a mere hoax, which would be quickly rejected once the truth is known, as was the case with Gulf Breeze’s famous observations by “Mr Ed” or that of Meier in Switzerland, two cases that ufology has fortunately forgotten.
Dr. Carl Jung didn’t miss the cultural and psychological impact of the 50s “contactee” reports, when he noticed their appeal to powerful archetypes. For instance, contactees were among the first to mention the risk of dangerous pollution of the planet, twenty years before ecologists. This is a point on which their alleged cosmic visitors would often insist….
More recently professor Jeffrey Kripal, who is chairman of the Religious Studies Department at Rice University, has taken up this analysis again in terms of the evolution of religious concepts in the modern world. From this perspective, the fact that new beliefs are based on unverifiable facts or even false ones has no importance: Did Jesus Christ really change water into wine?
Q3: It was said that during the Second World War, German scientists may have developed circular wing machines, flying saucers (Vrils, Haunebus). Are those information be considered as rumors?
These researches are well established, and some of those prototypes were recovered (I have seen one in a laboratory in Texas). From theaeronauticalpoint of view, it was logical to try to develop such machines. At the end of the war, the firms AVRO in Canada and Couzinet in France tried to build a functional flying saucer. Americans took up those researches again, trying to find the Horten brothers. In France the Société Nationale de Construction Aéronautique du Sud-Ouest (SNCASO) hired Thomas Townsend Browne (co-founder of NICAP group) in 1955 for works on electro-gravity. Closer to us, Dr. Moller in California, whom I met in Sacramento when I saw his prototypes, still tries to build a vertical takeoff aircraft for the general public, for which he is looking for financin
With hindsight, we now understand why these aircraft are unsteady (as soon as they go up above “ground effect” like a hovercraft) and especially have difficulty with heavy loads or many passengers: the weight increases with the cube of diameter, and the center of gravity is too close to the center of lift. To my knowledge, the only circular aircraft able to carry one or two people are used by soldiers at low altitude for commando operations, especially in marshy areas. And they don’t spin around as some German prototypes did. I think that there is no longer any mystery on this topic.
The front of a Horten Ho 229 (Horten H. IX) at the Smithsonian Institution’s Garber Restoration Facility. The ony Horton wing to be recovered. (image credit: Michael Katzmann)
The front of a Horten Ho 229 (Horten H. IX) at the Smithsonian Institution’s Garber Restoration Facility. The ony Horton wing to be recovered. (image credit: Michael Katzmann)
Q4: What link do you make between ufology and secret initiation societies?
If they are keepers of a real tradition, initiation societies are open to the idea of non-human consciousness. In Paracelsus, to whom medicine owes some important ideas and practical remedies, we can find a series of descriptions of beings that are supposed to have realities similar to ours. The collections of such esoteric treaties contain precious historical information, apart from speculations that modern science has now validated or exceeded.
Unfortunately, when we look at the recent history of these sects, we also find a more sinister link between their leaders and “services” that use them for political reasons or simply to facilitate political influence. Some well-informed authors have reported on these relations regarding the P2 lodge or Amorc and also Masonic organizations in Africa. In particular, the sect of the Solar Temple hadinitiation rituals that included a contact with so-called extraterrestrials, produced by conjurers’ methods.
Questions of Nagib KARY who is in charge of the French ufologic media Ovnis-Direct:
Q1: Do you know if there is a program or a plan to be in contact with the Ufo phenomenon at the moment ?
You can find many such attempts on the Internet, starting with Dr. Steven Greer’s group. His followers state that they are in frequent contact with Ufos through bright signals or psychic exchange. Unfortunately their cameras or videos stop working at the right moment…Other groups have claimed telepathic contacts. The most reliable projects start with the identification of high-frequency observation areas, where researchers hope to be able to establish regular communication. I haven’t seen convincing results so far.
Q2: What is your opinion about current evolutions of quantum physics ? According to you, would we be close to discoveries which can help partly to explain some phenomena related to Ufos?
The question is legitimate, especially as reliable researches about psychic functioning are facing the same problem. From the non-locality principle, we must wonder whether thought is not transmitted immediately (rather than electromagnetic waves, as in Soviet researches from 1930 to 1940 or French and English scientists’ works in the beginning of the last century with the “mental radio” concept). If so, it might be theoretically possible to get into contact with other forms of consciousness, while beings capable of moving in space might influence us at a distance, or even make us perceive imaginary scenes.
However, to tell the truth, it seems to me that in their enthusiasm some researchers use quantum physics a little bit too much: since these mechanisms remain mysterious, they can be stretched to explain a lot of phenomena in an exaggerated way. I am more interested in new ideas on the physics of information, as I said earlier. If space and time are a side effect of our consciousness and a physical illusion, we should face the problem of phenomena related to Ufos in a more fundamental way.
Q3: Why does the hypothesis of control deal essentially with Ufos and people who are related? Might this manipulation of space and time not materialize current life, in the street, inside houses?
We can imagine a control system that would distort our reality gradually (both physically and socially) to replace it with “something else.” This is what Jorge-Luis Borges described in his masterpiece short story, Tlon, Uqbar,Orbis Tertius.
Q4: Could you tell us the main author, researchers who are currently in the same school of thought as you ?
First, Jeff Kripal and his students and the participants to his symposia at Esalen over the last few years (see his book Authors of the Impossible, University of Chicago Press, where he analyzes my work and that of Bertrand Méheust). These ideas converge with Jean Sider’s work in France and several physicists in the US, and researchers like Philippe Guillemant at CNRS. Moreover, there are groups in Silicon Valley that work on retro-causality and who question physical theories. I think that this work must be done before asking the question of Ufo reality and nature on a very scientific basis.
In fact, I could sum up the issue in the following way: “(1) The Ufo phenomenon does exist, and (2) Knowing that, we just have to renegotiate what we mean by reality!”
Q5: So, can you understand the fact that someone like John Keel has been called into question many times ? Did you manage to talk to him about the manifestation of Point Pleasant (1966-67)?
Is that case credible for you? And do you know if there are other types involving a wide range of varied paranormal manifestations?
John was not a scientist and didn’t pretend to be one. He was rightly called into question because his sources were unverified. I think that he was going too fast and got carried away by the impressions of the moment. To his great credit he spent a lot of time in the field, he was the first to state that genuine witnesses make up an invisible majority, and that the military had a systematic interference program with the observations. He also called into question the extraterrestrial hypothesis — in Disneyland of the Gods in particular.
As for Point Pleasant, I can’t comment about it, I didn’t interview witnesses. But I trust John when he describes the destruction of a bridge that was predicted by previous messages, and he concludes that the phenomenon sometimes makes a fool of us at our expense.
Q6: A lot of Internet users on social networks are keen on the lights which were filmed in Phoenix in Arizona in 1997 and Ufos crashes on the ground which would exhibit material debris. Is it possible to link the hypothesis of the system control with the (Phoenix) facts and assumptions (crashes, reverse engineering) said previously?
This raises two very different questions: The Phoenix case shows the limits of our observation system since we have a lot of reports and a video recording, but we still can’t manage to prove the nature of the phenomenon. I don’t have additional elements that could solve the problem, but let’s notice that the Phoenix case is not unique: it coincides with many unexplained observations of large sets of objects (or lights associated with a big object) in the USA and elsewhere as in the unsolved case of 5 November 1990 in France.
Material debris do exist and they don’t necessarily come from a “crash.” I have published an analysis of several samples I was entrusted with after an observation of a low altitude object ejecting a liquid metal : The results are instructive. Of course, the Holy Grail might be a piece of a crashed machine but it is not obvious that our laboratories are equipped to understand it: As someone said, give a garage door opener to Léonardo da Vinci…
Q7: According to your knowledge and statistical data, is it possible that the system control solves these manifestations again by changing radically? Which would mean that Ufos could become more discreet and make way for a new kind of folklore having the same constants.
If we have a look at the history of the phenomenon over centuries, which we can do now thanks to Chris Aubeck’s researches and his group “Magoniax” on Internet, we can find both some constants (in the appearance of the phenomenon, its evolution and its physical effects) and changes of presentation which seem slightly in advance of technological ideas of the time. Americans of the 19th century saw impossible airships some decades before the building of the first airships, for instance. After the Second World War, we heard about flying saucers with silly small aerials as in the imagination of Comics. Is it a characteristic of the control system? Or simply an effect of a society that puts imagination in the framework of a mysterious phenomenon which still remains unexplained? I agree with your last hypothesis: a new kind of folklore with the same constants.
Q8: You prefaced Bob Pratt’s book entitled Ovnis – danger – appel à la vigilance (in English: Ufo Danger Zone: Terror & Death in Brazil). Have you known new disturbing cases over the last few years?
I haven’t returned to Brazil since the 80s. But we keep receiving information which confirms what Bob Pratt described in his book and what witnesses told me at the spot, including Brazilian Air Force Intelligence officers like Colonel Hollanda Lima.
My grandparents lived in Dayton, Ohio for years prior to 1964. A close friend retired from Wright Patterson AFB. He was high ranking. My grandmother, who was the most witty, honest, and most candid person I’d ever met asked him if it were true about the alien craft and possibly the alien bodies being store at the base. I’ll never forget her telling me this story and her words regarding his response. He said “(my grandmother’s name), if the public knew what was at the base from the Roswell incident, there would be a general panic amongst the public.” She asked him nothing else and he made no more mention of it. – MUFON CMS
In a rare medical case, a team of doctors at state-run JJ hospital extracted as many as 232 tiny teeth from a 17-year-old boy’s mouth in a six-hour long surgery conducted on Monday. Interestingly, doctors claim that the total count of minuscule teeth was far greater than 232, after which they gave up on counting and focussed only on removing them.
Aashiq Gawai, a tenth standard boy from a remote village called Valsavangi in Buldhana district, started developing abnormally fast growing teeth, four months ago. While initially, his parents ignored the peculiar growth, tension grew when his right lower jaw started to swell.
“I did not have much money and we could not understand what was wrong with my son. We first visited a private doctor after which we went to a public hospital in Aurangabad. The doctors in Aurangabad referred us to JJ hospital, stating that it is out of their medical expertise,” said Suresh Gawai, Aashiq’s father.
Gawai, who cultivates cotton in Valsavangi, can hardly speak Hindi. He still cannot understand the medical anomaly his son developed. With no money in his pockets, he reached Mumbai and admitted Aashiq to JJ hospital on July 1.
Later, he was informed about the Rajiv Gandhi Jeevandayee Arogya Yojana, a scheme that provides free medical treatment to poor patients, and enlisted his son under the scheme.
On July 21, during a six-hour long surgery, a team of doctors removed the abnormal growth of teeth from Aashiq’s lower jaw.
“The abnormal growth was a benign tumour. He had a normal jawline, but one molar tooth in the lower jaw had given birth to hundreds of tiny teeth. There were clusters of tooth buds in his lower jaw,” said Dr Sunanda Dhivare, head of dentistry department at JJ hospital.
The doctors in the hospital themselves admitted to having witnessed such a condition for the first time. ENT surgeon Dr Vandana Thorawade said during the surgery, they ensured that the patient’s face symmetry did not change.
“The bone around which the tumour was attached had become brittle and thin. That was the only complication. We could not let that bone break and so we slowly removed one tooth after another,” Thorawade added.
At present, he is on a liquid diet and should be able to eat solid food in a few days. – Indian Express
For decades the Vatican has convened some of the brightest minds in the scientific community around the world to ponder the possibility of extraterrestrial life, and to prepare a public disclosure on behalf of the Catholic Church in case the existence of aliens is confirmed.
Many scientists affirm we’re not far from establishing the “First Contact,” given the advances made is astronomy. Because of this, the Vatican wishes to be ready with a statement. It might not be a easy task for the church to interpret holy scripture—if not analyzed properly—if life is found on other planets and man is not the only creature made in the image of God.
This past March the Vatican Observatory and the University of Arizona organized a conference held in Tucson to discuss the advances made in the search for extraterrestrial life. The conference was inspired by the rapid discovery of planets, new findings on the thresholds of extreme conditions at which life on Planet Earth can survive, and new technology designed for the search of life on exoplanets.
Experts on the study of exoplanets, biologists, companies specializing in biosciences and atmospheric science also participated.
About 200 scientists from around the world attended the event “Search for life beyond the solar system.” They’re challenged with facing the possibility of finding alien life using an interdisciplinary approach.
This July another advancement made by Jesuit priest Guy Consolmagno, a doctor in astronomy for the Vatican Observatory, was given the Carl Sagan science medal from the American Astronomical Society (AAS). Counting with scientists such as Brother Consolmagno, the Vatican’s scientific endeavors have gained prestige.
The AAS announced the award for Brother Consolmagno in honor of his “distinguished communications on behalf of a scientist to the general public”.
Brother Consolmagno has appeared in major news outlets, including the BBC, where he has served as an expert on topics of science and religion relating to science. – VOXXI
Some Albertans who were up early Tuesday were treated to a rare sight when a fireball lit up the night sky.
The Rothney Observatory reports that a fireball — which is larger than a meteor — was seen at 1:24 a.m. Tuesday.
“They’re so bright that if you’re standing, you’ll see your shadow, just like in the daytime,” said Dr. Phil Langill, who directs the University of Calgary observatory.
A meteor is a small rock from outer space that burns up as it enters Earth’s atmosphere. Langill said a fireball is even larger.
“Essentially they’re the same thing; it’s just a matter of scale,” he said.
Scores of people took to Twitter and emailed the Herald about the sudden flash of light.
Jesse Shan was on his south-facing Marda Loop balcony when he saw what appeared to be cloudless lightning just southeast of the city.
“I saw a massive flash to begin with; I was like ‘woah,’ ” said Shan.
He saw a blue-white streak, followed by a burning orange orb that moved slowly, lingering for about five seconds before vanishing.
“It was almost like it entered through out of nowhere and then exited again. It’s just ridiculous,” he said.
Other Calgarians reported a green flash, comparing the sight with falling debris or a large shooting star. Rothney Observatory released a photo of a light-blue teardrop lighting up most of the night sky.
Langill said he guesses the rock was about a metre in diameter. He said that while space rocks vary in density, a grain of sand will produce less than a second of visible flame, while a basketball-sized meteor will net two to three seconds. A couch-sized rock can last up to 10 seconds.
Though it’s impossible to estimate without multiple photos, Langill’s guess is the fireball flamed out over an area between Calgary and Lethbridge. He said it’s possible smaller fragments would have fallen to earth if the rock broke apart.
Sightings were reported some 450 kilometres north of Calgary.
“It was a huge flash of light and we thought: ‘What the heck was that?’ ” said Athabasca resident Michael Borody. He also saw a flash from the southeast, and thought it was a firework. “It was too fast for anyone to get a photo.”
Langill said current technology can’t anticipate metre-wide meteors. While fireball sightings depend on size, cloud cover and population on the ground, he said they’re probably seen about once a year in Calgary.
The fireball wasn’t the only overnight space show for Alberta.
Jason Nishiyama, Calgary head for the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, said watchers reported an iridium flare Monday at 11:30 p.m., just two hours before the fireball.
“Iridium flares are sunlight glinting off panels of the iridium communication satellites. They are quite bright,” Nishiyama told the Herald in an email.
Alan Dyer, an astronomy writer who worked three decades with the Calgary science centre, said iridium flares are typical during summer’s clear nights. Most are predictable based on the positioning of satellites used for GPS systems.
“You see them all the time; they’re really common,” he said.
As for the fireball, even professional skywatchers missed the five-second spectacle. Langill said researchers were working inside the observatory at the time of the fireball, but were glued to their screens.
It was my grandfather’s funeral today. The service was held in the local crematorium. Some family members said a few words and I read a poem, one called God Lay Dead in Heaven by an American guy named Stephen Crane, as the coffin moved into the furnace. There had been a lot of debate about whether the poem should be read, my mother thought it was inappropriate, that it might upset some of our older friends and relatives, but it had been my grandfather’s wish for me to read this particular poem at his funeral and so I did.
As I finished the last line of the poem, I had heard a few faint mutterings and the uncomfortable shuffling of some people in their seats, but I was too preoccupied to notice. As I walked back to take my seat I knew people were staring at me and I began to grow paranoid that it was because I hadn’t cried. I had tried to cry, I really had, but after what I’d learned the week before, all I could feel was a cold numbness.
My grandfather was the kindest, most generous person I have ever met. He had worked all his life as a steelworker but took early retirement to help out my mum and dad when my little sister, Ellie, was born twelve years ago. I was seven when she was born and every other weekend we would spend time at my grandfather’s house so that my parents could spend some alone time together. When I was little he would buy me big bags of sweets and take me to the video store to rent whatever movie I wanted. As I grew up, I still looked forward to my weekends at his house and my sister and I would come home from school on a Friday before we were due to leave for his house and pack our things ready in excitement.
One weekend, when I was twelve years old and my sister five, our grandfather took us out shopping in town. A new Disney store had been added to the shopping mall and my sister had been bugging us all morning to go and finally my grandfather gave in. I wasn’t really into Disney any more, so the trip was pretty boring for me, but Ellie was fascinated by all the toys and merchandise, disappearing into thick crowds of people more than once as she ran about, almost giving me and my grandfather a heart attack each time. Eventually, she became transfixed on a sky-blue Cinderella dress and begged my grandfather to buy it for her. It took us a good twenty minutes to coax her out of the store, and her tears and sobs brought on by being torn away from the dress only subsided after she was bribed with ice cream and a promise that she could stay up an hour past her bed time that night.
It was two weeks later when we went back to my grandfather’s house and as soon as we walked in Ellie screamed a high-pitched scream. Hanging on the door frame of the living room was the Cinderella dress – my grandfather had bought it for her the day before. After that, Ellie barely took that dress off. She would wear it everywhere, in all weather, and would have slept in it had she been allowed. One day, after a fancy dress party at her school, she came home looking more or less distraught. I asked her what was wrong and she said that another girl at school had been wearing the same dress and it didn’t seem “special” any more. I rolled my eyes when she retold this story to my grandfather that weekend but instead of brushing it off as childish nonsense, he took Ellie out to buy some sequins and fake gems and they spent the afternoon together customizing the dress to make it unique. She had run to show me the dress once it was finished, holding it up with a huge smile on her face. It was covered in red, blue and green sequins and gems, haphazardly stuck with glue in random places. On the label at the neck she had scrawled “Ellie” in black marker pen, to make it clear who it belonged to, she told me.
One month later Ellie was missing.
I don’t remember an awful lot from this time. It was all a blur of policemen, counsellors and my parents crying. Ellie had last been seen playing in the street in her Cinderella dress and then all of a sudden, she was gone. The police had no idea what had happened. They searched everywhere for her and the whole community joined in to help search the fields and wastelands around the village, but to no avail. She had just vanished. There was a short period where the police had thought they had caught the guy that did it but it turned out he wasn’t the one, so they let him go. People weren’t convinced that he was innocent and I think he had to move out of town after a while. Eventually, the case became cold, the police investigation slowed down and our family were left to deal with this new void in our lives.
About two years after Ellie went missing, my dad ran off with another woman. My mother couldn’t take it and suffered a huge breakdown, having to spend a long time in a hospital in order to recover. I was still only a teenager at this time, so I went to stay with my grandfather. Life with him was good, he looked after me and treated me well, doing everything a normal parent should, but it was never the same. There was always a horrible air of sadness lurking around the house and at nights I often heard him crying himself to sleep.
When I reached the age of seventeen, I felt I was old enough to move out and have my own place, but instead I moved back in to my mother’s home. She had been released from the hospital and I thought it would be good to be there to look after her and at least attempt to rebuild what was left of our relationship.
Everything carried on as normal as it could have until two days before my nineteenth birthday, when my grandfather passed away. He had been fighting bowel cancer for almost a year and it was horrible to see him slowly fading away. Part of me felt relief when he finally died, although I hate to admit it. A few days before he died, he had asked my mum to call me into his room at the hospital so he could speak to me alone. He chatted to me about some things from the past and told me he was proud of me. Just before I left he handed me a small white envelope and made me promise that I would only open it after he had passed. I promised and stuffed the envelope in my pocket.
It wasn’t until the day after he passed that I remembered the envelope. I fished it out of my pocket and opened it slowly. Inside was a print off of a map with a tiny area circled, “it’s here” scrawled in red ink above the marker. Also in the envelope was a small key. I immediately set off to find out what it opened.
The area on the map was one familiar to me. It was a field near my old primary school and the circle lead me to an isolated corner where a large tree stood. I didn’t see anything there. I checked the map again and again but I was sure I was in the right spot. Then something inside me told me to dig, so I dropped to my knees and began scraping at the hard ground with a sharp stone I found. After a good hour or so of digging I hit something solid. I spent the next while digging around the object, eventually pulling out a red metal box. It was locked with a small silver padlock.
At the wake, I didn’t talk to anyone. Some people tried to talk to me, but I was in a haze. A couple of my grandfather’s old drinking buddies made a few comments about the poem I read being inappropriate – I guess mum was right. I couldn’t stay there with all those people and so I left early.
I’m at home now and I still can’t cry. As I type this the red box sits in my lap. Inside is a blue Cinderella dress, decorated with red, blue and green sequins and gems, the name “Ellie” still barely legible on the tag at the neck. I don’t know what to feel. –
I’m serving notice now! I’M NOT GIVING UP! You bozos can post all you want about me…it’s not going to work. I’m not going to give credence to your nonsense with a link to your sites or pages. Threatening Phantoms and Monsters and my business is not going to garner you anything other than more disdain from people who already know that you’re a piece of shit. Lon
Here’s a direct quote:
“Mr. Strickler’s incompetence and charlatanism make him a danger to people suffering from very real and dangerous paranormal issues. He would do better to leave the paranormal field entirely and stick with copying and pasting stories of mythical creatures and monsters.”
Is it a plane? Is it a bird? No, apparently, it is a UFO which was spotted flying over Lucknow. Even though the astronomers are saying that it could be a UFO, there is no official confirmation as to what it was.
With astronomers from all over the world hinting that there could be other planets with life on them, the appearance of an unidentified flying object (UFO) over Lucknow has become a heated topic of discussion.
These photographs of the UFO were taken by Lucknow resident Amit Tripathi. Tripathi, who lives in Rajajipuram’s E-block, sector 11, was sitting in his balcony and taking photographs of the sunset with his cellphone when he spotted a mysterious shiny object in the sky beside the sun.
Within moments, the shiny flying object began spinning and rising. Tripathi quickly took some photographs of the object with his phone. Tripathi says the object went straight up and within 40 seconds it disappeared.
Earlier too reports had come in of UFOs being spotted on July 11 in Guwahati, on July 12 from Shamli and on July 14 in Tundla.
Take a look at the photos that Amit Tripathi took. What do you think? Is the circled object a UFO?
It started spinning and began rising upwards.
As it rose upwards, it moved back and forth horizontally as well.
What was the UFO the Apollo 11 astronauts spotted en route to the moon? Something was there, floating in space outside the window of Apollo 11, “out there close enough to be observed,” as Col. Buzz Aldrin would say years later. The crew of Apollo 11, en route to the moon, encountered an unidentified flying object. That doesn’t necessarily mean it was little green men in a space ship from another planet or the USS Enterprise or Mork soaring in from Ork but something was there.
By the purest definition of the words “unidentified flying object,” it’s exactly what it was. Even now, it remains unidentified.With the 45th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission upon us, Aldrin did recent online chat on Reddit’s AMA (Ask Me Anything). It was a characteristic move for Aldrin, who has always enjoyed the hoopla of public attention and appearances; “Buzz would go to the opening of an envelope,” a friend once said. “I observed a light out the window that appeared to be moving alongside us,” he said in the chat.
”There were many explanations of what that could be, other than another spacecraft from another country or another world — it was either the rocket we had separated from, or the four panels that moved away when we extracted the lander from the rocket and we were nose to nose with the two spacecraft.” The lunar lander sat between third state of the booster rocket and the capsule in which the astronauts rode. The lander was encased by the four panels, which peeled away as the capsule separated and manuvered for docking with the lander. “So in the close vicinity, moving away, were four panels,” Aldrin continued. And I feel absolutely convinced that we were looking at the sun reflected off of one of these panels. Which one? I don’t know. So technically, the definition could be ‘unidentified.’” Aldrin said that “we well understood what it was.” Imagine the reaction if planet Earth, still a relative newbie when it came to space travel, weaned on sci-fi and still aching with Cold War paranoia, had heard, “Neil, what the hell is that out the window? Is that a flying saucer?” The astronauts’ debriefing upon return included discussion about the UFO and NASA was either satisfied with the determination it was the panels floating away or it wanted to keep things under wraps. Either way, it wasn’t widespread public knowledge until Aldrin casually mentioned it during a TV interview years later. NOTE: The above image is real and only one of many alien craft associated with the astronauts .
Many are skeptical – and raise their eyebrows – when they are asked about the truth of UFOs. For retired chemist B. Timothy Pennington, sometimes the truth cannot be hidden or just locked away anymore. In his newly released book, Science, Skeptics, and UFOs, he offers everyone a book on UFOs that's unlike anything previously published. He takes on a different approach by presenting the viewpoint of the scientific establishment, skeptics, and ufologists squarely and fairly while demonstrating a scientific approach, which he should have done decades ago. What makes this UFO-related read unique is that it's written on a personal level and with an adventurous style, making it more intriguing and interesting to UFO fans and skeptics alike.
“During retirement, a feeling of intellectual dishonesty slowly crept over me. I realized that I needed to share my family's UFO experiences with the world…” And so this began the author's personal quest. He interviewed family members to document their stories; although many of the stories were familiar, there were some that were new to him. Some of these stories were disturbing, so the scientist in him kicked in and he started investigating, delving into the UFO literature. The author went on an incredible journey of adventure and discovery; and these profound findings and insights are what he shares in the pages of this new book.
Science, Skeptics, and UFOs can be considered a history book about the early days of UFOs, a collection of folksy and humorous family vignettes, and a science textbook complete with equations, maps, charts, and more. Just like his research projects during his career, he gathered related literature, investigated the surprising and shocking Mississippi sightings, and formulated hypotheses to document these stories.
B. Timothy Pennington is a member of the American Chemical Society for more than 35 years and has 21 U.S. patents as an inventor and co-inventor. He spent 30 years working in the Chemical Industry near Lake Charles, Louisiana, after teaching and writing scripts for chemistry videotapes as part of a National Science Foundation grant. He earned his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Southern Mississippi and spent two years of post-doctoral research at the USDA Eastern Regional Research Center and was a Robert A. Welsh post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Texas at Arlington.
Science, Skeptics, and UFOs by B. Timothy Pennington Publication Date: January 2014 Price: $18.42; 328 pages; ISBN 978-1-4575-2312-0
For review copy request, contact Raffi Anderson at by phone at (877) 207-1679 or by Email.
Grace never expected to see a UFO, the size of an aircraft carrier
Grace was working at a TV commercial film shoot in upstate New York. The various crews had just wrapped the shooting for the day. In Grace’s van there were ten members of the crew; everyone was anxious to return to their hotel in Middletown, NY.
While driving on NY State Route 12, most of the crew members on the left side of the van nearly in unison remarked, “What is that?”
In the sky was a reddish-orange object and it continued to get closer and closer to their van. At first none of the folks could really make out what it was they were looking at.
Graces says, “We all agreed it was not a plane or anything else we had ever seen.”
The only thing everyone in the van certainly agreed on was that the object was getting bigger and bigger, and it was getting increasingly darker outside as the sun was setting.
“Some of the folks in the van were on the verge of freaking out,” Grace explained.
The road began to be curvy and led into a forested area where they lost sight of the object. As their van came around a small turn in the road, there was one of the other crew vans stopped. All of its crew members were out of their truck standing in the middle of the road looking up in a dazed manner. The driver of the van slammed on the brakes. After the vehicle, stopped the engine died, and everybody got out.
“Above us was this unbelievably enormous ship, silent hovering just above the tree line,” Grace said with a tone of wonder in her voice.
Grace clarified what it looked like very specifically, “it was a dark metal, it was larger than an aircraft carrier, when we saw it at tree height. The circumference had baseball diamond shaped colored lights that changed color, but not in a pattern, they just changed colors, pink orange, blue, and yellow.”
The group of film artists and technicians stood huddled together gazing up in awe for about 5 minutes.
“…and then in a second, it pulled away, without a sound and it did so, incredibly fast.” Grace explained.
After the craft disappeared, the van the other crew had been driving in started up. One of the crew electricians told us their truck had stopped when the craft had gotten close to the tree line.
Later at the hotel the two van loads of crew shared their encounter story with the rest of the shoot team.
“They just thought we were all nuts.” Grace moaned.
Interestingly enough the local newspaper reported that a large crowd in the parking lot of the local supermarket had also seen the UFO. Grace says, “I still talk occasionally to a few of my fellow witnesses and we are still all freaked out, because it was so unmistakably huge, so close and so real.”
After a moment to reflect, Grace remarked about the long term impact of that night 26 years ago. “… It has left a huge mark on my life, and on how I see our place in the universe. I think of it in a very good way. It really forces you into a bigger perspective!”
The images featured in this video were taken by the Microscopic Imaging Camera mounted on NASA’s Spirit Rover: which is currently trundling across the Martian surface.
Now the clearly manufactured objects that appear in these images might only be very small. But their presence on The Red Planet carries implications which are truly enormous.
Is Russia preparing for extraterrestrial disclosure?
Is Russia preparing for extraterrestrial disclosure?
Governor IKirsan Ilyumzhinov meeting former President Vladimir Putin
In an extraordinary television interview, the Governor of the Russian Republic of Kalmykia, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov who is also President of the World Chess Federation, claimed that in 1997 he was taken from his penthouse apartment on board an extraterrestrial vehicle. Ilyumzhinov claims that the extraterrestrials he met were humanoid and gave him a tour of their ship, and even took him to another world. According to Ilyumzhinov, his experience is backed by three witnesses who searched for him at his home after he had boarded the alien spaceship. Most revealing is that Ilyumzhinov appeared on Russia’s no.1 rated television station, Channel One, which is 51% controlled by the Russian government. The interviewer, Vladimir Pozner, began the segment with questions about Ilyumzhinov’s experience. This reveals that the host and producers knew in advance of what had happened, and wished to discuss it on air. Significantly, there was no censorship of Ilyumzhinov’s experience which was immediately made available on the Channel One website. At the very least, this signifies that the Russian government remains open to public debate on extraterrestrial life sparked by its most prominent television station. More importantly, the airing of Ilyumzhinov’s experience may signal a covert attempt by Russian officials to prepare its citizens for eventual public disclosure of extraterrestrial life.
In the interview, Ilyumzhinov described how he was woken from his sleep and exited his apartment through a balcony onto the waiting ship. He said:
In the evening I read a book, watched TV, and went to rest. And then, probably, fell asleep, and felt that the balcony opened and someone called. He came up, I looked – a kind of translucent half-pipe. I went into this tube and saw people in yellow spacesuits.
Ilyumzhinov went on to describe how the extraterrestrials took him on a tour of their vehicle. Then they claimed that they needed samples from another planet and took him with them before returning him safely to his apartment. Significantly, three witnesses can confirm Ilyumzhinov’s disappearance from his apartment. In the interview, Ilyumzhinov explained what happened:
I probably would not have believed in it, if there were not three witnesses - my driver, a minister, and my assistant, who arrived in the morning, and found that I was not there. Things are in place, the balcony is open (it was the top floor). They looked around, began to call friends.... Then they sat in the kitchen, discussing where to call, where to contact - because the phone, the things are in place, the apartment was closed, but they had their own key. And then they see me coming out of the bedroom, guiding myself to the kitchen.… They say: "Where were you?" Well, I replied as if normal: "Well, I flew. I was on a saucer.” They were upset, and said: "We are asking you seriously." And then I sat down, and began to reason logically. So for this time, for about an hour they were here, and I was not in the apartment. One was in the hall, I could not have passed him... Then for a few months they were in shock about this.
The prominent public airing of Ilyumzhinov’s experience led to Andrei Lebedev, a member of the Russian Parliament from the nationalist Liberal Democratic Party, asking President Medvedev to launch an official inquiry into the alleged alien contact. In his letter, Lebedev wrote:
I ask you to say if the head of Kalmykia has made an official report to the Russian presidency about his contacts with representatives of an alien civilisation. Is there an established procedure of informing about such contacts by high-ranking people who have access to secret information like Ilyumzhinov? And did he in the course of his seemingly innocent conversation disclose secret information?
Both Ilyumzhinov’s testimony and the official request by Lebedev for an official inquiry ensures continued public interest and scrutiny of the 1997 incident.
Ilyumzhinov’s testimony comes at a time of unprecedented public interest in UFOs and extraterrestrial life. British physicist Stephen Hawking on April 25 stated that it’s “perfectly rationall” to discuss intelligent extraterrestrial life and the political motivations of any civilization visiting Earth. In November 2009 and January 2010, both the Vatican and the Royal Society of London sponsored astrobiology conferences where the scientific and social implications of intelligent extraterrestrial life were discussed.
The way Ilyumzhinov was able to publicly share his experience on a Government controlled television station without any censorship suggests the tacit approval of senior Russian officials. His status as both a sitting Governor and President of the prestigious World Chess Federation ensured his testimony would get much public attention both in Russia and beyond. At the very least, Russia is displaying an extraordinary degree of public openness on UFOs and alien life by allowing elected officials to share their experiences. Alternatively, it is very possible that Russia is covertly preparing its citizenry for official disclosure of the existence of advanced extraterrestrial life.
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Vatican preparing statement on extraterrestrial life
Vatican preparing statement on extraterrestrial life
Pope Francis is reportedly preparing a major world statement about extraterrestrial life and its theological implications. Rosana Ubanell from Voxxi News today reported that due to advances in scientific detection methods for the discovery of extraterrestrial life, Pope Francis wants to be ready with a statement about “First Contact”. Ubanell reports that details have yet to be officially announced but that the Vatican’s interest in extraterrestrial life is well documented through recent astrobiology conferences the Vatican Observatory has sponsored or participated in. Father Guy Consolmagno, a Jesuit astronomer and one of the leading Catholic proponents for preparing for the scientific discovery of extraterrestrial life, on July 18, won the Carl Sagan science medal from the American Astronomical Society. Pope Francis, a fellow Jesuit, regularly consults with Consolmagno and other leading Vatican astronomers about scientific issues. It is likely that Pope Francis is preparing an “Urbi et Orbi” speech – Latin for “to the city [of Rome] and the world” – about First Contact with extraterrestrial life.
The Vatican’s scientific interest in extraterrestrial life was publicly revealed for the first time in May 2008 when the head of the Vatican Observatory, Fr Gabriel Funes, also a Jesuit, gave an interview to the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano. Funes made a series of startling statements about how extraterrestrial life is likely to be more ethically evolved than humans, and can be welcomed as brothers. In his interview, which was titled "The extraterrestrial is my brother," Funes said that intelligent extraterrestrial life may not have experienced a ‘fall’, and may be “free from Original Sin … [remaining] in full friendship with their creator.” This makes it possible to regard them as ‘our brothers’ as Funes explained:
Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures on earth, there can be other beings, even intelligent, created by God. This is not in contrast with our faith because we can't put limits on God's creative freedom… "Why can't we speak of a 'brother extraterrestrial'? It would still be part of creation…
Most importantly, Funes’ statement makes possible the idea that Christianity can be exported to extraterrestrial worlds that have not experienced a ‘fall’ and are free from original sin.
Just over a year after his interview, Funes was the organizer of the first ever Astrobiology Symposium held by Pontifical Academy of Sciences in November 2009. Consolmagno and Funes have ever since played leading roles for the Vatican Observatory in presenting a theological perspective on the discovery of extraterrestrial life. Most importantly, both have been leading advisors to Pope Francis about scientific issues concerning the discovery of extraterrestrial life.
What is likely to be the content of Pope Francis' upcoming statement or possible “Urbi et Orbi” speech about alien life? An important clue is a forthcoming presentation by Fr. Consolmagno at a September 18-19, 2014, astrobiology symposium organized by NASA and the Library of Congress that is titled: “Preparing for Discovery: A Rational Approach to the Implications of Finding Microbial, Complex or Intelligent Life Beyond Earth.”
Consolmagno is a featured presenter and will discuss the theological implications of discovering alien life. His topic, “Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?” suggests that Pope Francis agrees that extraterrestrials are capable of the higher ethics involved in understanding the Christian message and becoming Christians.
If Pope Francis is indeed preparing a statement about extraterrestrial life, it is likely to emphasize that there is no incompatibility in Christian teachings with a belief in extraterrestrial life as Fr. Funes proposed in May 2008. More importantly, Pope Francis is likely to emphasize themes of extraterrestrials: not sharing in original sin; being more ethically evolved; and being capable of sharing the Christian message, and being our brothers.
Not all will welcome a statement from Pope Francis advocating extraterrestrials as brothers and worthy of being baptized into the Christian faith. According to Chris Putnam and Tom Horn, authors of Exovaticana, Pope Francis I is preparing to lead the Catholic Church to embrace aliens as “brothers in Christ” – reflective of the 1950s and 1960s contactee reports of benevolent “space brothers.” Putnam’s and Horn’s Exovaticana portends a future religious war between those accepting extraterrestrials as “brothers in Christ” and those believing them to be returning demons about to enslave us. Despite the extensive scholarship found in Exovaticana, it unfortunately skews data towards an overly negative assessment of the motivations of extraterrestrial visitors. Thankfully, the Vatican’s evolving public position, as reflected by statements from its leading astronomers, shows a far more enlightened stance on how to consider the discovery of alien life from a theological perspective. A statement or “Urbi et Orbi” speech from Pope Francis expounding on various themes associated with the view that extraterrestrials are potential “brothers in Christ’ is a welcome position to take on a controversial issue with major world significance.
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Vaticaan bereidt verklaring over buitenaards leven voor
Vaticaan bereidt verklaring over buitenaards leven voor
Al decennialang denkt het Vaticaan na over de mogelijkheid van buitenaards leven en de publieke bekendmaking namens de Rooms-katholieke Kerk zodra het bestaan van buitenaardsen wordt bevestigd.
Vele wetenschappers zeggen op basis van de ontwikkelingen in de astronomie dat we niet ver verwijderd zijn van ‘First Contact’. Daarom wil het Vaticaan, als het moment daar is, een verklaring klaar hebben liggen. Het zal niet makkelijk zijn voor de kerk om de bijbel te interpreteren als er leven op andere planeten wordt gevonden dat niet is geschapen in het evenbeeld van God.
Afgelopen maart hielden de Vaticaanse Sterrenwacht en de Universiteit van Arizona in Tucson een conferentie over de zoektocht naar buitenaards leven. In rap tempo worden er nieuwe planeten ontdekt en blijkt leven op veel meer plaatsen mogelijk te zijn dan gedacht. Er worden steeds meer nieuwe technologieën ontwikkeld die gericht zijn op het zoeken naar leven op exoplaneten.
Eerder deze maand kreeg de jezuïtische priester en astronoom van de paus Guy Consolmagno de Carl Sagan-medaille voor zijn onderzoek. De Vaticaanse Sterrenwacht is één van de oudste astronomische instituten ter wereld en bevindt zich in het pauselijk zomerveblijf Castel Gandolfo. In 1981 werd ook een onderzoekscentrum van de Vaticaanse Sterrenwacht geopend in het Amerikaanse Tucson.
In 2009 zei directeur van de Pauselijke Sterrenwacht pater José Funes tijdens een interview met L’Osservatore Romano, de staatskrant van het Vaticaan, dat het bestaan van buitenaards leven niet in strijd is met de katholieke theologie.
Is de officiële ontdekking van buitenaards leven aanstaande? En zo ja, wat zal de Rooms-katholieke Kerk erover zeggen? Het is niet bekend wat er precies in de verklaring van het Vaticaan staat.
Astronaut Spots Explosions over Israel and Gaza from Space (Photos)
By Megan Gannon, News Editor
Alexander Gerst My saddest photo yet. From the International Space Station we can actually see explosions and rockets flying over Gaza and Israel.
ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst posted this photo of Israel and Gaza on July 23, 2014, as seen from a window of the International Space Station. CREDIT: Twitter/Alexander Gerst
As fighting continues in Israel and Gaza, astronauts living aboard the International Space Station can see signs of the deadly conflict from space.
Alexander Gerst, a German astronaut with the European Space Agency, posted photos to Facebook and Twitter today (July 23) showing Israel and the Gaza Strip alongside a grim caption.
"My saddest photo yet. From the International Space Station we can actually see explosions and rockets flying over Gaza and Israel," Gerst wrote on Facebook underneath two nighttime views of the region.
Israeli troops and Hamas militants have been embroiled in conflict for more than two weeks, exchanging heavy fire that has left 680 Palestinians and 34 Israelis dead so far, according to the Associated Press. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon went to Jerusalem in an attempt to help broker a ceasefire, but as of Wednesday afternoon, no such deal had been struck.
"We have certainly made some steps forward and there's still work to be done," Kerry said in remarks today before his meeting with Ban.
For all their risky and difficult work, the astronauts living on the space station are rewarded with a rare view of the planet. They see neon green auroras hovering over the curvature of Earth and the floodlit veins of big cities at night. But not every vista inspires wonder and appreciation, and Gerst is hardly the first astronaut whose view has been tarnished by destruction, both natural and manmade, on the ground.
On Sept. 11, 2001, NASA astronaut Frank Culbertson captured a photo of a plume of smoke billowing from the World Trade Center after two hijacked planes crashed into New York City's twin towers. From an altitude of 220 miles (350 kilometers), Expedition 26 astronauts could see the lingering floodwaters from the devastating tsunami that swept over Japan on March 11, 2011, after a huge 9.0-magnitude earthquake. Another group of astronauts aboard the space station photographed the damage and flatted buildings in Port-au-Prince in the days after a massive earthquake struck Haiti on Jan. 12, 2010.
US President Eisenhower’s Fateful Deal for All Earthians with the Greys in 1954
Ike first met with the “Nordics” - nicknamed "Nordics" in UFO circles because they resemble Scandinavian humans – who were most likely Pleiadians from the Galactic Federation of Light. They traveled to Edwards Air Force Base in California, USA from another solar system in a “flying saucer” and they spoke to Eisenhower. "There was telepathic communication," says Michael Salla, researcher (see links below). "It's as though you're hearing a person but they're not speaking." The "Nordics" offered to share their superior technology and their spiritual wisdom with Ike if he would agree to eliminate America's nuclear weapons. "They were afraid we might blow up some of our nuclear technology," Salla says, "and apparently that does something to time and space and it impacts on extraterrestrial races on other planets."
Ike declined the ETs' offer, Salla says, because he did not want to give up the nukes. Sometime later in 1954, Ike reached a deal with another race of extraterrestrials, known as the "Greys" - allowing them to capture cattle and humans for medical experiments, provided that they returned the humans safely home. But there was no requirement to give up the nukes. Since then, Salla says, the "Greys" have kidnapped "millions" of humans. In the long run, the Greys reneged on giving all of the promised tech to the Secret Government of the USA.
And so the Cold War Mentality of the 1950’s ultimately sold all of humanity out and we have been paying for it ever since. The MJ-12 was formed after that to debunk all UFO phenomena and prevent any DISCLOSURE. Note: pixs in this post illustrate basic concept of what happened and are not necessarily real. See links for more info:
Why would NASA removed specific image frames from their SOHO images
This is the question BPEarthWatch asks about an image he captured, brought to the at.tention of many, created a video about, then noticed, as seen in the video below, that it simply disappeared with the images showing it now skipping right over that specific time stamp.
Here is the image in question:
Watch below and noticed it is simply gone. The original video showing this image and discussing it will be shown below the first one.
[Update] There was a recent claim that the “face of Jesus” was seen in this specific image… but it still leaves the question of why would NASA remove it?
UFO mania: The Reptilian Aliens and the Council of the 13 'Royal' Families
UFO mania: The Reptilian Aliens and the Council of the 13 'Royal' Families
Excerpts from Blue Blood, True Blood: Conflict & Creation The leader of the Earth's Illuminati is called the "Pindar". The Pindar is a member of one of the 13 ruling Illuminati families, and is always male. The title, Pindar, is an abbreviated term for "Pinnacle of the Draco", also known as the "Penis of the Dragon". Symbolically, this represents the top of power, control, creation, penetration, expansion, invasion, and fear. The holder of this rank reports to the purebred Reptilian leader in the inner Earth.
The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our current knowledge. In “Beyond Science” Epoch Times collects stories about these strange phenomena to stimulate the imagination and open up previously undreamed of possibilities. Are they true? You decide.
The Hopituh Shi-nu-mu (Hopi) people are one of the Native American tribes, descendants of the ancient Pueblo people that lived in the South West Area of the United States, which today is called Four Corners (The cross between Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah). One of the groups of the ancient Pueblo people was the mysterious Anasazi, the ‘Ancient Ones’ that flourished and disappeared mysteriously between 550 and 1300 AD. The Hopi’s history goes back thousands of years, making them one of the oldest living cultures in the world.
The original name of the Hopi people, Hopituh Shi-nu-mu, means the ‘Peaceful People’. The concepts of morality and ethics are deep-rooted in the Hopi traditions and this involved a respect for all living things. Traditionally, they lived according to the laws of the Creator, Maasaw. The Hopi believed that the gods came up from the ground, in contrast to other mythologies in which gods came from the sky. Their mythology suggests that the Ant People inhabited the heart of the Earth. When you see the Hopi Ant People you will find extreme similarities with what we depict today as ‘grey aliens’.
In the Hopi traditions there are cycles of time – similar to the Aztec mythology, and as with many other mythologies. And they believed that at the end of each cycle the ‘gods’ return. We are currently going through the fourth cycle on Earth. However, what is interesting in those cycles is the third one, during which the Hopi talk about the ‘Flying Shields’ (patuwvotas). This world of the fourth cycle achieved an advanced civilization that was destroyed in the end by the God Sotuknang – nephew of the Creator, with great floods, in a similar way as in many other traditions.
In describing how advanced the third world was, advanced ‘flying shields’ were developed with the capability to attack cities that were far away and to travel quickly between different places of the world. The similarity to what we consider today as flying discs or even advanced aircraft is uncanny. According to a the Native American Wisdom Series, “Hopi, Following the Path of Peace”, these words were spoken by Sotuknang at the beginning of the Fourth World:
See, I have washed away even the footprints of your Emergence; the stepping-stones which I left for you. Down on the bottom of the seas lie all the proud cities, the flying patuwvotas [shields], and the worldly treasures corrupted with evil, and those people who found no time to sing the praises to the Creator from the tops of their hills. But the day will come, if you preserve the memory and the meaning of your Emergence, when these stepping-stones will emerge again to prove the truth you speak.
The blue star Kachina, according to the Hopi mythology, is a spirit that signifies the coming of the beginning of a new world, and the spirit appears in the form of a blue star. That is the ninth and final sign before the ‘Day of Purification’ which is the day the old world is destroyed and a new one begins. Those nine signs were described by a Hopi elder in 1958. You can read them here.
Furthermore, according to the Hopi’s traditions, the survivors of the flood of the previous world, spread into different places under the guidance of Maasau, by following his sign in the skys. When Maasau landed, he drew a petroglyph showing a lady riding on a ‘ship without wings’ in the shape of a dome. This petroglyph symbolized the day of purification when the true Hopi will fly to other planets in those ships without wings.
Many have said these ‘flying shields’ or ‘ships without wings’ clearly refer to what we know today as unidentified flying objects. What do you think?
My husband and I were in the backyard beside our firepit relaxing. I noticed bright red lights moving in the sky first, watched them move right to left about a mile away above the trees, mostly red with a yellow blinking – irregular beat. It then moved closer and I realized I was seeing something weird. I told my husband to turn around because I was looking at something very odd. It was hovering at that point, then moved towards us, closest it got to us – maybe 0.25 miles away. We watched for half a min before we agreed this was very weird. He got out his phone and started filming. Unfortunately the night-time contrast on phone filming stinks so there is no differentiation of treeline and sky, and lights are blurred together. At this time I could make out the object pretty well: cylinder shaped with a
triangle top, lights were now separated into four horizontal and parallel rows of bright dots/bulbs. All were a bright red, with the bottom two rows adding green and yellow irregularly. We were very quiet and I swore I could hear it. It sounded like a quiet wind machine, maybe a slight buzzing. Not as loud as a helicopter. This lasted approx. 10-15 sec. Then it moved back so quickly, but smoothly, approx. 1 mile back, began hovering again and the lighting changed to a red X with a greenish irregular blinking light in the middle. Occasionally more red lights in a thin line lit up on the right side of the X. I could not hear it anymore. This lasted approx. 10 sec.
Then it moved further away and we were now only able to make out that it was a red light with a greenish light irregularly blinking. It moved right to left twice (maybe 5+ miles), up and down once, hovering short times in-between all quickly, but so smooth. It was clear it was much further away at this point and as it was still moving right and down it went behind the tree-line. We both could not believe what we just saw. We started talking and thinking about what it legitimately could have been… possibly the military base 30 miles away testing new aircraft, patrol over the highway nearby, the County Fair 10 miles away providing interesting entertainment, or someone playing with a homemade drone to create hoaxes.
Then about five minutes after the first sighting it came back. It was further away, so we could not define shape and lighting lines, only color and movement. It flew in a similar way as before, right to left then up and down… quickly and smoothly. Then it was gone behind the trees less than a minute later. All we could say at this point was “that was crazy” and just kept staring at the sky waiting for it to reappear. We went inside after waiting about an hour for a re-sighting. It just didn’t feel real, but we both confirmed exactly the same thing. I have really good eyes and my husband just got new glasses pretty much perfecting his vision. Just crazy. Please debunk this sighting for me. Tell me there is another reason for this unidentified flying object in the sky. We know what planes and helicopters look and sound like. There were plenty of them in the sky that night, but this was definitely not one of them (the lights were too bright, the shape was different, the movement was different… it was nothing we had ever seen before). Was there anyone else in our area that claimed a similar sighting last night?
NOTE: The above image is real and from 9-24-07 Alloway Township New Jersey.
This case is under investigation by Chief Investigator Ken Pfeifer of MUFON New Jersey.
Dr. J. Allen Hynek, astronomer and consultant to the U.S. Air Force regarding UFOs.
Itwas just about a year after J.Allen Hynek had passed away and I was serving as the Director of Special Investigations for his namesake, the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) in Chicago, Illinois. I also served on the board of directors at that time. It was seven years since the book The Roswell Incident had sparked a fair degree of interest on the American UFO scene and I, for one, was not impressed. In fact, I would not even acquire a copy of the book for another year. Nonetheless, many throughout the UFO community were taking the case seriously. The very notion that the U.S. government had in their possession the actual remains of a crashed flying saucer was within the scope of possibilities for many of my colleagues. The problem for me was that I just could not conceive that an event of such magnitude could be kept a secret for all those years. As a result, I was very dismissive of such a fairytale. Little did I know that my entire life was about to be completely engrossed by the very subject.
Come February of that time in 1987, I received a phone call from my good friend and fellow CUFOS board member, Jerome Clark. ‘Jerry’ was cautiously excited about a fast developing situation within our field of ufology. So fast, that he immediately asked me to strictly take his word, due to the fact he had yet to see that for which he was about to describe to me. “Don!” exclaimed Jerry. “We may be on to a smoking gun situation here. Now, I’ve talked to Mark (Dr. Mark Rodeghier, successor to Hynek) and he agrees with me that we should go ahead with this. We’d like you to contact Paul Harvey and see if he’ll break the story of what I’m about to confide to you.” The late Paul Harvey was a famous radio news commentator with ABC network out of Chicago for over fifty years. After Hynek had passed away, I was selected by the CUFOS board to continue briefing this highly influential newsman on the subject of UFOs. “Tell me what you have,” I asked Clark. He replied, “If this is genuine, it will break the entire UFO field wide open…”
William Leonard Moore was a most prominent ufologist during the late 1970s up until the end of the 1980s. Somehow, for which remains a mystery to this day, he either stumbled upon or orchestrated, one of the most controversial topics both in and outside of the subject of UFOs. To some, he remains an enigma, both misunderstood and willing participant. To others, his name and actions are considered “Judas-like” in their implications. Therefore, we will examine how a high school teacher found himself engulfed in the middle of either an early attempt at disclosure or a multi-tiered game of disinformation possibly intended to take down the entire UFO community.
From 1966 through 1978, he taught French and Russian in Pennsylvania public schools. It is interesting to note that given his second language was Russian, that has suggested he would become a primary candidate for American espionage. In 1979, Moore moved to Minnesota where he took on a new profession of teaching drama and English at a high school outside of the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. Before teaching, he was primarily employed as a union arbitrator and mediator. In any event, he was most proficient with his language skills and was destined to become a writer and lecturer. Among other interests, he had also been into the subject of UFOs and had investigated a number of minor reports for the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) of Washington, D.C. during the 1960s. It came as no surprise that with his background, he would eventually write a book on the topic. However, his first attempt was not quite on target.
Hardly related to the subject of UFOs, in 1979, Moore co-authored The Philadelphia Experiment with world famous linguist Charles Berlitz. The book recounted the alleged 1943 U.S. Navy cloaking experiment of the USS Eldridge at the Philadelphia Naval Yard. Based on pure hearsay and no eyewitness testimony, the tale of the ship disappearing from its dock and reappearing off Norfolk, Virginia, has become the fodder of pure fantasy believers.
It was while publicizing his first book that Moore renewed an acquaintance he had with Stanton Friedman while he was lecturing in Minnesota. As it turned out, they both shared a number of witnesses related to the Roswell incident of 1947. Moore tracked down original newspaper accounts about the case and by mid-1979; the two researchers were discussing a book on the forgotten event. However, there was one glitch. Moore’s original publisher, Grosset and Dunlap insisted that as in the previous book, Berlitz would again write the final draft. Friedman and Moore would provide all of their investigative notes and send them off the much more popular author in New York. Frankly, Friedman conducted most of the interviews with potential witnesses, and received only a mention in the acknowledgements when the book was released in 1980.
From left: William Moore, Jamie Shandera, and Stanton Friedman. (Credit: Antonio Huneeus)
To limited fanfare, The Roswell Incident received mixed reviews from the critics, but did bring the case once again to the forefront of UFOlore. Others, like me, had a most difficult time accepting the very premise of the book. Just as Moore’s previous writing, this book read in many ways like the pages of a checkout stand tabloid. Years later, Moore himself regaled the book as a “disgraceful hodgepodge of fact and fiction.” He would deny writing any part of it. This would become quite evident in the update papers that he would present over the next few years. Conversely, they were demonstrative of Moore’s keen eye and prowess as an investigator; his reports not only presented the Roswell case as factual, but also appeared to harden his determination to solve the occurrence. Alternatively, so it appeared in the first five years of his investigation of the New Mexican mystery.
Promoting the book was rather limited in comparison to today’s outlets. Still, as Moore would describe, opportunity knocked while doing just that. “I got a phone call after appearing on a radio show from a man who said ‘you’re the only person we’ve heard talk about this subject, who seems to know what he’s talking about.’ He convinced me that he was a government intelligence agent and wanted to begin disseminating some information about UFOs to the public.” In exchange for providing the researcher with new information, Moore was to observe specific individuals within the UFO field. Whether out of curiosity or anxiousness to finish his own investigation, Moore jumped at the opportunity. The question remains, was he set up to fail and ruin his reputation, or was he part of the very disinformation scheme he claimed to be enlisted. In any event, who would be the first ufologist on their ‘hit list?’
The late Paul Benowitz was an investigator with the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) of Tucson, Arizona. A most controversial figure, Bennowitz was of the belief that there was a serious plot involving an extensive network of underground UFO bases connected to an alien colonization and control scheme to subjugate the human race. He also claimed to have uncovered evidence of aliens controlling people using electronic devices, and furthermore, claimed UFOs were frequently observed near Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, which was connected to secret tunnels into the mountains of nearby Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility and Coyote Test Range. How did Bennowitz come to suspect all this? He was convinced he was intercepting electronic communications originating from a secret underground UFO facility located outside of the town of Dulce, New Mexico.
Unable to contain himself, Bennowitz proceeded to sound the alert openly, much to the consternation of officials at APRO. Moore just happened to sit on the group’s board of directors during this episode and they immediately labeled the bizarre claims as delusional and paranoid. However, unknown to Bennowitz, Moore and his ‘new friends’ outside of the UFO community, plotted to not only discredit him, but psychologically destroy him.
On December 29 and 30 of 1981, Moore would meet for the first time with the anonymous caller as mentioned previously in this article. The meetings took place at a restaurant in Albuquerque with one Sgt. Richard C. Doty, then stationed at Kirtland AFB. Doty would claim he was a special investigator with the Air Force Office of Scientific Information (AFOSI) and displayed three documents – one being the fraudulent ‘Aquarius Teletype.’ The stage was being set to slowly but surely, provide the UFO community with either the document proof it had sought since 1947, or the most elaborate hoax ever perpetrated on the subject.
Picture of Richard Doty from the documentary Mirage Men. (Credit:
The first thing that the two agreed to was to finish the discrediting of Paul Bennowitz. It would appear that this ‘whistleblower’ was becoming more dangerous to himself and hardly needed to be pushed over the edge. Still, that is precisely what Moore and Doty did. Moore started to feed him pure misinformation on the subject with the full intent he would repeat such nonsense publicly. He would. Next, they started playing mind games with their victim. For example, Moore personally described to me how they would go to Bennowitz’s home on occasions and slowly move the furniture around. When ones concept of their immediate environment begins to change, we start to lose touch with reality. Sadly, it all had a most negative impact on both the physical and physiological health of Bennowitz. During that time, he was committed three times to a mental health facility and treated for severe delusional paranoia. The question still remains, was Paul Bennowitz becoming dangerous for someone else? We will address that question later.
In June of 1982, Moore teamed up with television producer Jaime Shandera after moving to Burbank, California. Along with Friedman, they had worked together in 1980 on a UFO documentary. Together, they would have clandestine meetings with a growing number of shadow characters who would become known as the “Aviary.” A majority of these contacts were actually figures within the UFO community. Two others were Doty and another enlisted man at Kirtland Robert Collins, who were dubbed ‘Falcon’ and ‘Condor’ presumably by Shandera. Whether to add to the intrigue or just to maintain a level of anonymity, others were named ‘Sparrow,’ ‘Blue Jay,’ and ‘Hawk.’ Throughout the 1980s, more birds would join the fold totaling twelve, each one promoting a special insight into UFO intelligence and a staged attempt at slowly releasing the truth to the public. On the other hand, so Moore and Shandera were telling us. The grand scheme was about to commence.
Shandera, who was virtually unknown in UFO circles, received a 35 mm black and white roll of film in plain brown paper wrapped envelope on December 11, 1984. There was no return address, except that it was postmarked in Albuquerque. As though the delivery was anticipated, he immediately called Moore and they had the film processed. The developed film contained two documents, the more important being the seven-page Eisenhower Briefing Document, which has since been referred to the “MJ-12” documents. Moore and Shandera would next make a trip to the National Archives in Washington, D.C. and on a tip in the form of a postcard, would go to a specifically numbered box of documents and claim to discover a carbon copy of a memo from Robert Cutler (Special Assistant to President Eisenhower) which mentioned the existence of MJ-12. Allegedly, they would spend the next two years meeting with other members of the aviary while doing all they could to substantiate the documents.
The Twining Memo
This is what Jerry Clark was calling me about in February 1987. Moreover, with an assurance that everything “looked good,” I contacted Paul Harvey to break the story. Thankfully, Mr. Harvey was much more reserved and needed more than copies of documents on film where no pedigree could be established. Still, he was willing to broadcast a request that anyone who could verify the documents should contact him and maintain confidentiality. The offer was made to his national audience of tens of millions of listeners. Now, all we could do was try to protect ourselves at CUFOS and investigate the situation ourselves. I was assigned to represent the organization and extend a helping hand of cooperation to Moore, Shandera, and Friedman with the hope of proving the documents as genuine or fakes. However, Shandera was the unknown in this entire affair. He would be my contact. Over the next couple of weeks, we spoke over the phone for no less than ten hours. In addition, after each conversation, I would report to my scientific director, Dr. Mark Rodeghier. The one element that Shandera emphasized repeatedly was that they were promised a “truck-load” of additional documents. UFO believers were about to have all of their dreams come true. Shandera would end each conversation with a remark made specifically by either Falcon or Condor as though they were calling all the shots. I believe he also wanted CUFOS to think this was a rapidly developing story and there was little time for substantiation.
Paul Harvey
In the same token of urgency, it was immediately requested that I arrange for either Moore or Shandera to meet with Paul Harvey in Chicago. That was my one mistake and it would cost me any further association with such a prominent figure in the media. Harvey had agreed to meet with Shandera, mainly for the fact that no whistleblowers had stepped forward to endorse the MJ-12 papers. He felt a meeting with the recipient might advance the process before presenting his findings in a closing newscast. To say that Shandera was a disappointment would be an understatement. He traveled to Chicago and met with the legendary reporter in a leather motorcycle jacket, t-shirt, blue jeans, and cowboy boots. Nevertheless, what truly upset Harvey, was Shandera’s claim that according to his “inside sources,” organized religion, specifically Christianity, was concocted by the aliens. Harvey, a deeply religious man, was personally offended and was close to calling security to have this “charlatan” removed from his office. I had never met Shandera, took the word of my associates, and it cost me my association with Paul Harvey.
For the very fact neither Moore, Shandera, Friedman, nor anyone else for that matter were able to provide any substantiation, for the documents, Paul Harvey’s “rest of the story” on MJ-12 and UFOs in general was less than tepid. We all had lost a major ally within the American press – and I could only blame myself. Now it was my turn. I was heading to California to meet the two people who were still claiming the proof was right around the corner.
Over the course of the next two years, I would meet in Los Angeles at the home of Shandera. I would meet privately with Moore and Shandera during other visits. At this stage they were both aware we were investigating more than their personal claims – we were now investigating them. The questions grew beyond the authenticity of the MJ-12 documents and the supporting papers. We now focused on who could have created, “forged” such documents and for whose benefit. Through years of follow-up investigation, we have arrived at specific conclusions.
From the very first time I talked with Jamie Shandera in 1987 until the last time I saw him in July 1997, he gave me the same assurance each time. “We expect to have many more supportive documents in the near future,” became a stuck record from Moore’s partner. On other occasions, Shandera would go so far as to suggest that a “truckload” of documents was about to be turned over to them. All, with the plan to prove that the U.S. Government has physical proof of the existence of UFOs since 1947. As of 2013, twenty-six years after the promises that disclosure was imminent – still nothing – including the complete disappearance of Moore and Shandera from the UFO field. Consider the following:
During 1982, Moore and Doty attempted to get UFO journalist Robert Pratt to assist them to publish a book focused on the Aquarius and MJ-12 documents. Doty went under the pseudonym of ‘Ronald L. Davis.’ This was after Moore related to Doty a story of a famous UFO hoax. Doty and his colleagues used this story to provide details to create the Aquarius Executive Briefing. This was the document, which Doty attempted to pass of as genuine to UFO researcher Linda Howe in April 1983. Howe was negotiating with the HBO television network, about a UFO documentary. According to Friedman, “…the simple fact of the matter is that Moore, Shandera, and I had already picked up on all the names of the [MJ-12] list prior to the receipt of the [MJ-12] film.” Moore, himself would admit, “Some months later, in early 1983, I became aware that Rick [Doty] was involved with a team of several others [in AFOSI], including one fellow from Denver that I knew of and at least one who was working out of D.C., in playing an elaborate disinformation game against a prominent UFO researcher [Howe], who at the time, had close connections with a major film company [HBO] interested in doing a UFO documentary.”
On October 14, 1988, a two-hour TV special called UFO Cover-Up Live! was broadcasted simultaneously to both the United States and oddly enough, the USSR. This connection will make more sense at the close of this article. Hosted by actor Mike Farrell of the MASH TV series, the program originated from Washington, D.C. This would become the highly promoted Moore and Shandera introduction of two of the mysterious Aviary, “Falcon” and “Condor.” The two inside shadow figures were presented as U.S. Intelligence agents but were electronically disguised so they were only seen in silhouette and their voices were altered. Among some of the unbelievable claims the two “agents” made were that America was hosting alien visitors who liked strawberry ice cream and ancient Tibetan music. In reality, the two inside sources were none other than Doty and Robert Collins continuing their disinformation campaign. It attracted a huge audience but unfortunately, legitimate witnesses to legitimate UFO cases were left waiting, uncalled in their motel rooms, while Moore and Shandera exploited their own brand of disinformation. An opportunity that has left a bad taste in the mouth of ufology for all these years.
“Falcon” on UFO Cover-Up Live!
Friedman would continue to champion the MJ-12 documents even though most within the American UFO community dismissed them as just elaborate hoaxes. All through the first half of 1989, while his research partner Friedman performed due diligence, Moore and Shandera ducked all the slings and arrows by maintaining a low profile. Something was about to break and many expected delivery of all that was promised over the past two years. However, even Friedman appeared to be in the dark…or he too realized it was all about to fall apart.
On July 1 and 2, 1989 Las Vegas, Nevada hosted the annual Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) symposium. The keynote speaker for Saturday evening had yet to arrive at the Sands Casino Hotel for the conference. It had been previously arranged that he would stay elsewhere. His presentation was slated for an hour and a half…it would go on for two hours. There were no questions and answers to follow…the speaker would exit immediately through a rear door to avoid any confrontation. There were outcries of derision and threatening remarks throughout the lecture, which caused MUFON Nevada State Director John Lear, to call repeatedly for order. William L. Moore was giving his “swan song” to his colleagues within the field of ufology.
Moore at MUFON
Clearly, to insure the accuracy of every word he uttered Moore read from a prepared speech. “…when I just ran into the disinformation operation…being run on Bennowitz…it seemed to me…I was in a rather unique position. There I was with my foot…in the door of a secret counterintelligence game that gave every appearance of being somehow directly connected to a high-level government UFO project, and judging by the positions of the people I knew to be directly involved with it, it definitely had something to do with national security. There was no way I was going to allow the opportunity to pass me by without learning at least something about what was going on. I would play the disinformation game, get my hands dirty just often enough to lead those directing the process into believing that I was doing exactly what they wanted me to do, and all the while continuing to burrow my way into the matrix so as to learn as much as possible about who was directing it and why.”
Moore would confess to the assembled crowd that they had been “…had by elements of United States counterintelligence.” The audience’s reaction was that they had been “had” by Moore. Friedman acted as though he was flabbergasted and just as shocked as was everyone else in the banquet room. He had only talked over the phone with Moore just before the introduction to his speech. Moore had agreed to meet with both of us at another location following what has become the most controversial presentation ever given to a UFO assembly. It was sad in many ways to watch someone publicly destroy himself. Sadder, still, that Moore later declined our planned meeting. If not a government agent as some had suspected, he was used to spy and discredit his colleagues, and more importantly, spread disinformation about UFOs to the American media. He had no new documents to prove or substantiate all the empty promises he had made to not only Paul Harvey and me, but also to all of his friends and colleagues. Moore had sold his soul to the devil, a devil that he, Doty, and Shandera had created for exploitation, profit, and their own bemusement at pulling off such an elaborate hoax on the entire UFO community.
Today, Moore lives in Pennsylvania and still occasionally writes, but not about UFOs. He writes an infrequent editorial for a local newspaper and has been researching the “Book of Mormon.”
Henry Rositzke
He now claims that he believes that “Falcon” was the late high-ranking CIA official Henry Rositzke. Rositzke worked 25 years for the agency and was a director of operations. After retiring, he authored The CIA’s Secret Operations: Espionage, Counterespionage, and Covert Actions, along with The KGB: The Eyes of Russia. Rositzke was a Soviet Intelligence specialist and personally considered the KGB the world’s best intelligence operation. Moore would assert that upon the agent’s retirement, he also claimed to represent a group of government insiders who wanted UFO disclosure. Moore would never meet with Rositzke who passed away in 2002, but long inferred that he had spoken with the former CIA official who also spoke fluent Russian as did Moore. Originally from Brooklyn, New York, Rositzke spoke with a heavy Brooklyn accent throughout his life so it now would appear odd that according to Moore, Doty, who has an American southern accent, took on the role of “Falcon” to protect the true identity of the real one. To date, there exists no evidence that beyond Moore, Shandera, Doty, and Collins, there was anyone else even remotely associated such as Rositzke.
Even the very “core” elements of their UFO story was nothing beyond what others had already promoted; That extraterrestrials have been visiting the earth, there was a crash recovery in New Mexico with one survivor, and that the government was having a lot of trouble back-engineering the advanced technology – nothing earth-shaking here.
Another possibility for motive comes to mind when one ties in Moore’s knowledge of the Russian language and his claims of noted CIA agent Rositzke. When one discovers that Paul Bennowitz had befriended a Soviet scientist and started to secretly correspond with him, this would have soon made him a target for KGB counter intelligence. Did Moore become aware of this and fancied himself to become a “spy for a day.” Were there visions of taking credit for the apprehension of a Soviet spy? Keep in mind that Moore studied Russia about the same time he took interest in the subject of UFOs.
William Moore had once confided to close friend Jerry Clark, that he fully expected “Roswell to make him a million dollars.” One thing remains abundantly clear, there is no evidence that Moore ever was paid for his alleged services as any intelligence agent would have been. In spite of dreams of fame and financial gain, William L. Moore now leads a life of a recluse and continues to work modest jobs such as a public school custodian. Handsomely rewarded for services rendered he certainly was not. Or was it because he failed in his participation in some form of conspiracy to fool the public with phony UFO documents? If so, the powers that be underestimated us…as most did not fall for this ruse. The late Paul Harvey was correct. We continue our own research wiser for the experience and forever vigilant of the next “stranger bearing gifts.” For that life lesson, unlike most of my colleagues, I will thank Bill Moore – which is more than his “Aviary” ever did.
I’m inviting Stuart Robbins - and all the rest of the skeptics and members of the UFOCI – to simply…test this photo:
WCUFO extended cupola
Notice that I even said…please.
Here’s the drill, drop it into PhotoShop, increase the brightness, lower the contrast and let’s see what you come up with.
Since we know that an eight-year old can do this in just a couple of minutes, it’s not going to be beyond anyone’s technical ability to just…test the photo.
And since it’s obviously no ordinary photo but one that speaks to the credibility of the extraordinary claims that the WCUFO is not of this world, all of those invited to test it have the opportunity to:
Explain the results that they themselves will get.
Present some other credible, substantiated explanation for the photo – and the 62 other ones of the same object – as well as for the five-minute video of it.
By now we all know that the photo was taken in 1981, on 35mm film, by Billy Meier, who never drew any attention to it, nor hinted that there was much more to it than meets the eye.
So, will the invitees have the personal and professional integrity to participate in this little test, which only takes a few minutes, and then report their results?
Will we finally have gotten past petty excuses, attempted dismissals, outright avoidance and on to facing the facts, whatever they may be?
This little exercise could actually be a precursor to doing something meaningful together – like helping prevent WW III – more about which I’ll expound upon once we have all of the results in.
Copyright 2011 – All Rights Reserved. Please do not copy or reproduce the content on this blog for re-publication without the author/s written permission. Thank you.
Otzi the Iceman: Non-Human DNA Found in Hip Bone of 5,300-Year-Old Mummy
Much of what is known about Otzi the Iceman, who lived thousands of years ago, stems from a tiny bone sample preserved in a glacier in the Otztal Alps, which allowed researchers to decode his genetic makeup.
Now, scientists have further analysed the hip bone and discovered it contains non-human DNA.
Researchers from the European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano (EURAC) and the University of Vienna have found evidence for the presence of Treponema denticola, an opportunistic pathogen involved in the development of periodontal disease.
The findings could support a CT-based diagnosis made last year which indicated that the iceman suffered from periodontitis.
“What is new is that we did not carry out a directed DNA analysis but rather investigated the whole spectrum of DNA to better understand which organisms are in this sample and what is their potential function,” said researcher Frank Maixner, as quoted by Science Daily.
“This ‘non-human’ DNA mostly derives from bacteria normally living on and within our body,” added Thomas Rattei, a professor of bioinformatics at the University of Vienna.
“Only the interplay between certain bacteria or an imbalance within this bacterial community might cause certain diseases,” he explained.
“Therefore it is highly important to reconstruct and understand the bacterial community composition by analysing this DNA mixture.”
Unexpectedly, the researchers detected a sizable presence of the bacteria in the tiny bone sample, which provided information that the pathogen seems to have been distributed via the bloodstream from the mouth to the hip bone.
Furthermore, the investigations indicate that these members of the human commensal oral microflora were old bacteria which did not colonise the body after death.
The EURAC team also detected Clostridia-like bacteria in Otzi’s bone sample which are at present most presumably in a kind of dormant state. Under hermetically sealed, anaerobic conditions, however, these bacteria can re-grow and degrade tissue.
This discovery may well play a significant part in the future conservation of the world-famous mummy.
“This finding indicates that altered conditions for preserving the glacier mummy, for example when changing to a nitrogen-based atmosphere commonly used for objects of cultural value, will require additional micro-biological monitoring,” the researchers said in a statement, as reported by Science 2.0. – Yahoo
I could have thrown a rock at it, it was so close and low. A huge black triangle with white lights on each corner and a couple red blinking lights as well. Then another smaller triangle came across the river.
Hello everyone, I’m 18 years old and I’m your average college student dude. Never have I really thought about paranormal beings, haunting etc. That all changed 2 years ago.
Whenever I sleep I just lie on my stomach so when I wake up I pretty much look at the ground. I woke up in the middle of the night and I saw somebody standing in front of me. Now, I should be scared shitless! The weird thing about the whole thing is that I wasn’t scared at all. I looked up and I saw this little girl standing in front of me. Motionless, she just stared at the window next to me. I just turned around and went back to sleep. I remembered it so clearly when I woke up, I almost cried out of fear.
I’m a heavy gamer so I usually game all night in the weekends. Now, let me get something clear before I continue, my house is VERY old. My room is next to the stairs and it screeches heavily when somebody walks on it. While I was gaming somebody just stormed upstairs and I just looked at the door. I was shocked. Everyone was asleep and I was the ONLY person awake in my house. I stared for about 20 minutes then I decided to go to sleep, still shocked from what just had happened.. I asked my mother the next morning if it was her. She said no…
Yet again, I woke up in the middle of the night. The same girl that I saw months prior to that day was standing in front of me. She just looked at the wall and yet again, I wasn’t scared. It seems that whenever this happens I’m just immune to fear. I just closed my eyes and went back to sleep.
The next day I was watching a movie in the living room and I heard ” Bang bang bang bang bang ” like somebody tumbling off the stairs. Now I have a three year old brother who was sleeping at that time so out of human nature I ran like a madman to the stairs to see if he somehow fell down. There was no one there. I stood there, paralyzed, I didn’t know what to do. Everyone was asleep and I felt like running to my mother but I just couldn’t go upstairs, I was way too scared. I ran to the kitchen, made some coffee and tried to forget about it.
The last encounter which happened like 2 months ago was the scariest of all. Like the last two encounters, I woke up in the middle of the night, immune to fear. There was this creature, I don’t know, it looked like a demon of some sort. It didn’t have any eyelids or lips. It was laying down on the floor while looking at me, smiling with his huge eyes. I looked right in his eyes for about 20 seconds, I didn’t feel any fear, it almost felt like I was drugged, I simply didn’t care. I went back to sleep and woke up remembering everything. My mom walked into my room and she asked me why the shower was turned on. I woke up like 2 hours prior to the encounter and I heard somebody in the shower, I thought that it was my mother because from time to time she takes a shower around 1 AM. The shower was still running in the morning. –
MOSSY GROVE, Tenn. (WATE) – A mysterious figure is capturing the attention of social media. She’s been nicknamed “the woman in black” and she’s been spotted in different parts of east Tennessee and Virginia.
Few people claim to know much about the so called “woman in black” spotted in the Mossy Grove, Tenn. area Friday. Alexandria Schubert was ringing someone up at the convenience store she works at when she saw the woman walk by.
“Nobody knows the story to her. She won’t talk to nobody. It’s like a mysterious story on the internet,” said Alexandria Schubert.
The “woman in black” is sharing some details about herself. The Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office told WCYB in the Tri-Cities area that her name is Elizabeth Poles and she’s from Motts, Alabama.
“That is a first and I’m a 42 year old. I have never seen anybody dressed like that or around here like that,” said Mary Hawn of Oakdale, Tenn.
The 56 year old woman claims she’s on a bible mission and it looks like she’s making her way down south.
Last month, she was in Wise, Virginia and was captured on YouTube arguing with a man in a Walmart parking lot about religion. Videos like that and plenty of pictures posted to social media are making people pull over when they see this woman.
“We passed her maybe twice and the third time we stopped to see if she needed anything because my daughter was telling me she’s been on Facebook, everywhere,” said Hawn.
For most who saw her in Tennessee Friday, they can’t believe they saw the woman everyone’s been talking about.
“Where’s she going? What is she doing? Still wondering her story,” said Schubert.
A reporter from WATE in Knoxville tried to ask the “woman in black” some questions, but it seems like she wants to remain a mystery.
The “woman in black” also told investigators she was from an Islamic nation and worked at the Pentagon, but they determined that wasn’t true. – WSPA
Once more we find ourselves with direct information regarding strange presences during the month of May 2014 on the shores of Necochea, Argentina.
It is here that we have found four (4) witnesses who speak of seeing strange lights at night on the Necochea’s very shoreline, its beach, as well as sightings of a strange humanoid-type creature. These events occurred on Sunday, 18 May and Tuesday, 20 May at night.
In both cases, the sightings took place from an apartment on the coast of the swimming resort itself. It should be noted that at the time, these were very cold evenings and with rain/showers during the first incident. The beaches of Necochea are illuminated by very large floodlights, allowing witnesses in these cases to see the strange presences. The names of the protagonists have been changed at their own request, but all information is in my possession. Let us hear now from the protagonists of these events.
Strange Lights over the Beach
The evening of Sunday, 18 May 2014 was a very cold one, with steady rain and rain showers. There was no one on the shoreline, and some wind was prevalent over the area. Two technicians for a major corporation – whom we shall call Ramiro Z. and Christian B., were looking through the window of an apartment located facing the sea, on the 11th floor of an important new building in the village.
Strange New Humanoid Presence on the Beaches of Necochea, Argentina
Ramiro Z. and Cristian B. are professionals in different technical areas. They perform their duties for a well-known company in Necochea and are 48 and 50 years old, respectively. They told us:
“We were looking through the window of the apartment located facing the sea and something caught our attention. We could see some strange lights lighting the very edge of the sea, but given their distance, it wasn’t possible to make them out clearly. Imagine our surprise when moments after seeing these lights, located around Avenida 2 and Calle 81, approximately, but on the shore, at its very edge, we saw a person walking in that direction out of thin air – a person we were unable to see clearly. We call it a person because it was a humanoid figure heading toward the lights. We then called another person, whom we shall call Guadalupe P. to come have a look. Unfortunately, they weren’t able to make out the humanoid figure, but did manage to glimpse the lights at the very edge of the sea, on the beach itself. The figure vanished moments later, as did the strange lights on the shore. The time was approximately 22:15 – 22:20 hours of the evening. It should be noted that it wasn’t a 4×4 truck or any motorcycle that could have been on the beach, since the lights were different and they [cast light] like a spotlight on that part of the shore. Furthermore, it was raining, and no one under such circumstances is going to wander around the shore on a cold and rainy night.”
That was the story of my two eyewitnesses, both of them fully qualified by their studies and the functions they carry out in their jobs.
They believe it was a strange object, while unable to make out its size or shape. What they saw with a humanoid shape could have also been its occupant, who for some reason stopped on the shore before returning and vanishing abruptly. They were unable to make out any clothing or facial features at all.
It should be noted that seeing lights and strange objects on the Necochea shoreline is quite common: over the sea, exiting and/ or entering its depths, hovering over vessels waiting their turn to enter the Port of Quequén-Necochea – in short, the case histories are abundant in these matters and I myself have witnessed some of them.
A Strange Humanoid Presence on the Shore
Two days after these events – more precisely Tuesday, 20 May – Mrs. Guadalupe P. and her daughter Marcela P. noticed the strange presence of a humanoid-type “person” who “floated as it walked” on the shore itself, also at night and without anyone else being there. They were in their apartment facing the shoreline on Avenida 2 of the city of Necochea.
This is the story of both protagonists:
This is the testimony of Guadalupe P., a professional, married with three children, age 52. He holds a senior position in a teaching institution in Necochea:
“On May 20 at approximately 22:15 hours, my 17-year-old daughter summoned me because she had seen something “strange” moving along the seashore from south to north. I should explain that we live facing the sea on the 11th floor. It was a clear but very cold night. An ethereal figure in whitish hues, yet simultaneously transparent, could be made out. It stood 1.60/1.65 meters tall, average. Considering how cold it was that evening, it really caught our attention. It gave the impression of flying in the air (its feet were unsupported). In order to see it better, we turned off the lights of the apartment and looked out the balcony, opening the window. We were able to confirm that the figure was traveling in the air. Facing our seaside apartment there is a wooden platform (used in the summer as a bar and refreshment vending point) and this figure stopped there for a few seconds before moving on. We saw it for a few meters but lost it from sight in front of the sandbanks. It should be noted that the beaches are lit up to that point. We don’t know if it went into the sea or kept walking toward the seawall. All of this happened over a 250 meter stretch.”
This is the statement of her daughter Marcela P., a 17-year-old student:
“20 May 2014 was a very cold night. It would’ve been around 22:15 hours, approximately. I was sitting in an armchair in my apartment on the 11th floor, looking out onto the Necochea seashore. Spotlights lit the beach, there was no one around, but I managed to see a “person”. For this reason, I called my Mom over so she could look, and as she regarded it for a few seconds, realized it wasn’t a person, since it didn’t appear to be wearing clothes, a scarf, hats or shoes (and as I said earlier, it was a very cold night). For that reason we turned off the apartment’s lights, looked out from the balcony and could see it more clearly. The figure stood approximately 1.60 meters, I think, an average height, was very diffuse, its lower body was barely visible. What we could see clearly, though, is that it was moving in the air, as if floating. It kept going for some 100 meters until it reached a platform with wooden pilings that is used in the summer as a refreshment stand. It stopped there, lingered a few seconds, and kept going another 150 meters, although its figure became less noticeable, it became more diffuse, until it finally vanished altogether. This is the first time I’ve seen something like this. I was stunned. For that reason I keep looking through the balcony at night, hoping to see something like it again.”
These are the direct eyewitness reports of the protagonists of this strange sighting. On the full shores of Necochea, on a very cold night with no one around. When I asked about lights near the edge of the sea or elsewhere, both told me that there were no lights in evidence, as in the previous case. They did clearly see this strange humanoid figure, floating as it walked. It was in the air. It seemed to vanish at times, as parts of its body could not be seen. Its size was apparently normal. Could it have been the same creature seen two days earlier by Ramiro Z. and Cristian B.? What was it looking for on the seashore, and wandering along the coastline? Where did it finally go?
Necochea is no stranger to UFO sightings and the presence of its occupants. I have personally looked into dozens of cases with multiple witnesses of varied socio-cultural backgrounds, finding true cases of UFO encounters as well as with the presence of occupants, such as the famous incident I dubbed “The Amelia Case: Contact in Necochea, Argentina” on 14 February 1988, with the sighting of two humanoid beings, and years ago, on 31 August 1978, a sighting of strange amorphous beings – a case I dubbed “The Estancia La Dulce Case – A UFO Encounter with Amorphous Entities”, and more recently the strange photo taken in November 2013 at Necochea Beach, showing the photo of a tall humanoid – an image that went around the world through the news and UFO media. “The Humanoid of Necochea Beach”, was the title I gave it. They have also left their mark in a wealth of landing incidents, such as the Aeroclub Gral. Necochea incident of 9 November 1968, the ground marks found on February 1988 in a house in Miguel Lillo Park, the six circles discovered on Thursday, 11 February 1988 on the premises of the Sociedad Rural de Necochea (“Strange Prints in Necochea”) and finally, another print found on 24 December 2013 near a field in Necochea (“Strange Print Found in a Field Near Necochea”) where a large, perfect circle measuring 11 meters was found in a wheat field. The cases continue and I could keep listing them — UFO chases such as the famous case known as “The Necochea Incident: Analysis of a Contact” in August 1962, micro-flaps in 1978 during the month of August of that year, and may other events that took place in various seasons of the year since 1962 (which I have followed up on and researched many years later, as I wasn’t born at the time) to this date. Multiple sightings over the city, over the sea, over the Quequén River, over the Park, over the adjacent locality of Quequén, photographs, video recordings of these events, and coming across the widest variety of witnesses as the protagonists of these events.
What happened last May on the shores of Argentina can be added to this rich and important case history within world ufology. I personally believe that these events played out exactly as told by the witnesses. A strange humanoid figure traveled along the coast of Necochea – for reasons unknown to us – one night in May 2014.
Research by Guillermo D. Giménez Necochea, Argentina e-mail:
More than 400 people attended each of the three days of the 2014 MUFON Symposium in Cherry Hill, NJ, this past week – which caused some to report past UFO cases.
The witness in a 1999 Lee County, Alabama, case finally came forward with his account after attending the 2014 MUFON Symposium. Pictured: Lee County, Alabama. (Credit: Google)
The Symposium speakers included:
A Keynote Address by George Knapp focusing on the Area 51 whistleblower 25 years later.
MUFON Director of Communications Roger Marsh speaking on “Covering UFOs.”
Pennsylvania State Director John Ventre on “Anderson Cooper and the Case for UFOs.”
Huffington Post writer Lee Speigel on “UFOs: From Cave Walls to Modern Reports.”
Dr. Lynne Kitei on “Beyond the Phoenix Lights.”
Director James Fox on “UFO Filmmaking.”
Stephen Bassett on “Congressional UFO Disclosure.”
Syfy channel television host Ben Hansen on “Media, Technology and Belief.”
UFO Hunters host Bill Birnes on “UFO Hunters: Season One.”
Linda Moulton Howe on “10,000 B.C. Gobekli Tepe and Other Ancient Stone Structures.”
Hangar 1 Executive Producer Paul Villadolid speaking about the television show.
One of those witnesses who came forward detailed a June 1999 Alabama case after meeting Alabama State Director Rich Hoffman.
“He asked that I report this case, despite it having happened so long ago,” the witness stated.
The witness was eight years old in 1999 when he was a backseat passenger in his mother’s vehicle with an older brother riding in the front seat as they moved through Lee County. His mother stopped by a friend’s home along the way, leaving her two children alone in the car for a few minutes.
The silent object was hovering just 30 to 40 feet above the vehicle in the 1999 report from Lee County, Alabama, recently reported to MUFON. Pictured: Lee County, Alabama. (Credit: Google)
“It was a very rural, wooded neighborhood not far from Phenix City or Crawford. She went inside for a very short time, leaving my older brother in the front seat and myself in the back seat, right side, next to the window, in the car.”
While he was waiting, the witness looked out the side window.
“I saw a lead grey, slightly reflective disk hovering about 30-40 feet over and to the right of our car. It made absolutely no sound and made no action that would have given it away.”
The witness said that had he not looked in that direction, he would not have seen the object because there was no sound.
The witness was so terrified by the events from 1999, that he kept the account to himself and just recently reported the incident to MUFON. Pictured: Lee County, Alabama. (Credit: Google)
“The disk hovered, rotating slightly, while I watched it for about 60 seconds. Then, it shot off into the sky and out of sight, making a slight sound.”
The sound was very odd.
“The sound itself is hard to explain, a bit like the swishing displacement of air and a bit like a humming/pulsing sound. The sight of the saucer terrified me and I never asked my older brother if he saw it too.”
The event caused so much fear in the witness that he kept the sighting to himself.
Witness illustration. (Credit: MUFON)
“So deeply rooted was my fear that I kept it to myself for all of my adolescent life and refused to believe in the reality of the UFO phenomenon. However, my denial couldn’t make me forget. But it was not until my second sighting nine years later that I began to seriously start researching the subject and come to terms with my experience.”
Lee County, Alabama, has a population of 140,247.
Many other witnesses came forward to a variety of MUFON members and speakers detailing their personal UFO experiences. Some of those stories will be told here in the future.
In 1952 shortly after a spectacular series of confrontations between US Air Force Jet interceptors and unidentified radar targets over White House air space, US Army General Samford, head of intelligence fielded questions by the US press corps along with Air Force General Roger Ramey. In a key point made by General Samford he stated that no known project on earth was responsible for the appearance of the UFO phenomenon. He also acknowledged that a certain number of sightings were inexplicable through the course of analysis by military interviewers. You might recall General Roger Ramey who accompanied Samford had previously derailed the Roswell crash by labeling it as a weather balloon.
Conspicuously absent
While conducting the largest military press conference since World War II at the Roger Smith Hotel in Washington DC it is interesting to note that Captain Edward Ruppelt, Director of Project Blue Book was conspicuously absent from that affair. As a matter of fact, Ruppelt according to his book, “The Report On UFO’s” released in 1956 describes his frustration in not being able to get sufficient per diem for travel to the crucial public address over the UFO mystery, and was stuck trying to phone in procedure through base operators to no avail. This has caused many critics to allege that Captain Ruppelt was intentionally precluded from participating in the conference. Perhaps his objective point of view and efforts to that effect by high command has hastened the decision to keep him from making any controversial public statements.
Shocking admission within Washington DC
In 1947 Air Force General Nathan F. Twining after reviewing evidence connected with the Roswell crash and having been placed in that geographic location by forensic investigators based upon analysis of records decades later, issued a shocking intelligence estimate to the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon. In his evaluation, flying saucers were real, not illusionary, they our performed the best aircraft fielded by the US military, they were generally elliptical in configuration, did not seem to make propulsion sounds though some roaring noises has been detected in some instances, and seemed to have a polished metallic surface according to many observers. Twining, according to Philip J. Corso, in his book, “The Day After Roswell” notes that General Twining seems to marvel at the technical capability of the flying saucer. Once again in his intelligence estimate corroborated years later by General John Samford, there seems to be no secret project capable of producing this kind of mechanism on earth.
Prevailing opinion in hush hush
So, very early in the annals of military intelligence ranks there seems to be a consistent consensus that the origin of the UFO or Flying Saucer seems to be extraterrestrial. Captain Edward Ruppelt commented more than once during the course of his book, “The Report On UFO’s” that it was an unspoken opinion by many high ranking officers in the armed services aware of the flying saucer mystery that indeed there was no other explanation. They were from somewhere else not here. Though this alone may have sent shockwaves through the channels of command still conventional considerations had to be considered. The Soviets could use the American public’s fascination with UFO’s to concoct a campaign of confusion during a first strike scenario. This consideration was taken into account even though no definite indications of hostile intentions or threats to national security by the phenomenon itself had been detected.
A question of official admission
Let us consider as well in 1952, aside from the Director of the CIA, Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoeter, who would later make a shocking admission to the New York Times newspaper in 1960 that the public had been misled over the reality of UFO’s, General John Samford was the highest ranking expert on military intelligence. His admission that UFO’s in some cases were unexplained and not considered a threat is given weight by his rank and the corroborations of his colleagues, General Twining and others.
It is to be expected that the US military intelligence corps would be working on several levels in order to mitigate the UFO problem. They would want to analyze the technical capabilities. Writer, the late John A. Keel in his book “Operation Trojan Horse” had discovered an early CIA memorandum speculating that flying saucers used some form of electro-magnetic propulsion early on. That UFO’s would have to be dismissed and demystified as hoaxes and misperceptions in the eyes of the US public would be another angle to be covered. Yet, within the internal ranks of the armed services a compartmentalized approach to the flying saucer problem would need to be addressed. Those on a need to know basis, would have to be informed when necessary under strict parameters of internal secrecy.
Majestic 12
These protocols were allegedly addressed by the infamous MJ-12 panel, a carefully selected group of scientific and military command specialists who would preside over the UFO problem and come up with answers over how to manage the release of information or to withhold knowledge from the general public when necessary. An ongoing counter intelligence corps operation would constantly accompany the illusive UFO through-out the decades to come. Yet, in light of this constant disinformation feed came the brilliant work of Philip J. Corso’s superior, General Arthur Trudeau. General Trudeau saw to it that the sequestered Roswell “artifacts” as they were referred to in the military were cunningly handed off to US defense contractors as captured foreign technology that required back engineering. According to Corso, our rapid technological ascent over recent decades has been largely due to the technical revelations gleaned from the Roswell crash debris.
Maintaining the veil of secrecy
In all this, not only did the US military craftily hide the existence of several purported UFO crashes, but in the meantime ridiculed reports in the eyes of the public, sometimes even victimizing their own aviators and witnesses in the process. The case of Bob Lazar is a classic example of counter intelligence corps work. Lazar was quickly marginalized in the eyes of the public after the incredible revelations he divulged form his work as a contractor at Area 51. Lazar alleged that not only had he worked on the project to back engineer alien space craft, but described the procedures, and how he was introduced to the project. Bob Lazar even revealed specific dates and times to friends as he escorted them to vantage points where they would see actual flight testing of these alien ships.
The saga of Bob Lazar
Bob Lazar was quickly removed from the project and marginalized once it was discovered he had violated his clearance level. Once again military intelligence procedures were used to erase Lazar’s employment records, educational background, and proof of connections with the project he had participated in at Area 51 on the S-4 section. A federal judge commented upon presiding over his case against the US government that it was incredible how little of Lazar’s background could be found. Bob did produce a DOD pay stub as evidence though virtually his entire history had been scrubbed for all intents and purposes.
In part II we will delve further into the equally mysterious world of military intelligence used to dismiss the UFO phenomena and those proponents who want to divulge the sacred knowledge to the general public.
Extra information about the article:
Nathan F. Twining, Roscoe Hillekoeter, Philip J. Corso, John A. Keel
“Return to Hangar” Former Megadeath drummer Nick Menza says “I was standing in my front yard with my two boys and this what we saw. not sure what it is but it’s totally awesome!”
Nick Menza is an American drummer best known for his work in Megadeth from 1989 to 1998, appearing on five of the band’s studio albums.
As the son of jazz musician Don Menza, Nick began playing drums at the age of two, at which age he performed at his first public concert when during the intermission someone sat him down on Jack DeJohnette’s drums and he proceeded to play. His influences stem from being nurtured around the tutelage of such notables as Buddy Rich, Steve Gadd, Nick Ceroli, Jeff Porcaro and Louie Bellson.
Nick Menza with Megadeath
Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Beginning his professional musical career at the age of 18 drumming in the band Rhoads featuring singer Kelle Rhoads, brother of the late Randy Rhoads, Nick released his first record with Rhoads called Into The Future in Europe.
Seattle attorney Andrew Basiago has been publicly making the claim since 2004 that between the ages of seven and twelve years old he participated in a secret U.S. government program that worked on teleportation and time travel under the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency called Project Pegasus, a precursor to the Montauk Project and the Philadelphia Experiment.
He claims to have traveled to Ford’s Theatre the night of President Lincoln’s assassination five or six times, and was captured in a photograph at Gettysburg in 1863
Though Basiago claims to have experienced eight different time travel technologies, most travel involved a teleporter based on technical papers supposedly found in pioneering mechanical engineer Nikola Tesla’s New York City apartment after his death in January 1943. The teleporter “consisted of two gray elliptical booms about eight feet tall, separated by about 10 feet, between which a shimmering curtain of what Tesla called ‘radiant energy’ was broadcast,” Basiago says. “Radiant energy is a form of energy that Tesla discovered that is latent and pervasive in the universe and has among its properties the capacity to bend time-space.”
Basiago said each of his visits to the past was different, “like they were sending us to slightly different alternative realities on adjacent timelines. As these visits began to accumulate, I twice ran into myself during two different visits.”
Being sent back in time to the same place and moment, but from different starting points in the present, allowed two of himselves to be in Ford’s Theatre at the same time in 1865.
“After the first of these two encounters with myself occurred, I was concerned that my cover might be blown,” he recalled. “Unlike the jump to Gettysburg, in which I was clutching a letter to Navy Secretary Gideon Welles to offer me aid and assistance in the event I was arrested, I didn’t have any explanatory materials when I was sent to Ford’s Theatre.”
Basiago’s claims are supported by Alfred Webre, a lawyer specializing in “exopolitics,” or the political implications surrounding an extraterrestrial presence on Earth. Webre says teleportation and time travel have been around for 40 years, but are hoarded by the Defense Department instead of being used to transfer goods and services.
Hopi-mythologie: de komst van de blauwe ster Kachina en 'vliegende schilden'
Hopi-mythologie: de komst van de blauwe ster Kachina en ‘vliegende schilden’
De Hopituh Shi-nu-mu (Hopi) vormen een indianenvolk in het vierstatenpunt in het noordoosten van Arizona. Ze stammen af van de Pueblo-indianen en wonen middenin het reservaat van de Navajo. Er zijn ongeveer 18.000 Hopi verdeeld over 11 autonome dorpen.
Eén van de groepen Pueblo-indianen, de Anasazi, leefde tussen 550 en 1300 in het gebied en verdween op mysterieuze wijze. De Hopi vormen één van de oudste culturen ter wereld. Hun oorspronkelijke naam, Hopituh Shi-nu-mu, betekent het ‘vredige volk’. Hopi betekent ‘goed, vreedzaam en wijs’. Ze leven volgens de wetten van de Schepper, Maasaw. De Hopi geloven dat de goden uit de grond kwamen, in tegenstelling tot andere mythologieën waarbij goden uit de lucht kwamen.
De Hopi geloven in een eeuwige cyclus van schepping en vernietiging. Hierdoor worden er onophoudelijk werelden geschapen en vernietigd. De eerste wereld werd vernietigd door vuur, de tweede door vorst en de derde door een zondvloed. Wij leven in de vierde wereld, deze wereld zou vol met pijn, leed en erg hard zijn.
De Hopi overleefden de vernietiging van de derde wereld door zich ondergronds terug te trekken. Ze deden dat door het teken van Maasaw aan de hemel te volgen. Dit zal nog tweemaal gebeuren, maar alleen zij met een puur hart kunnen deze plek betreden. Toen Maasaw landde maakte hij een petroglief van een vrouw aan boord van een ‘schip zonder vleugels’. Op de dag van de zuivering zouden de ware Hopi aan boord van deze schepen zonder vleugels naar andere planeten vliegen.
Ondergronds leven de miermensen, zij worden beschreven als bleek met grote hoofden en zwarte ogen. Ze hebben kleine lichaampjes, met dunne armen en soms zes vingers. De miermensen tonen verbazend veel overeenkomst met de Greys uit moderne ontvoeringsverhalen, ufologie en de popcultuur.
De Hopi spreken ook over vliegende schilden (patuwvotas), die in staat waren om steden aan te vallen en grote afstanden konden overbruggen. Er zijn veel overeenkomsten tussen deze schilden en moderne stealthvliegtuigen of vliegende schotels.
De blauwe ster Kachina is binnen de Hopi-mythologie een geest die de komst van het begin van de nieuwe wereld markeert. Deze geest zou verschijnen in de vorm van een blauwe ster. Dat is het negende en laatste teken voor de ‘dag van de zuivering’, waarop de oude wereld wordt vernietigd en een nieuwe ontstaat. De negen tekenen zijn in 1958 opgesomd door een Hopi-oudste.
NASA test 'vliegende schotel' voor Marsmissie -
NASA test 'vliegende schotel' voor Marsmissie - HLN
Een voertuig van NASA is na een geslaagde test in de Grote Oceaan bij Hawaï gestort. Wetenschappers die bij het experiment betrokken waren, hopen zowel het voertuig als bijbehorende parachute in de toekomst te gebruiken voor Marsmissies.
Het schotelvormige voertuig, de Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD), bereikte een hoogte van 55 kilometer. Op die hoogte is de atmosfeer vergelijkbaar met de omgeving op Mars. Belangstellenden konden het traject van het object dankzij videocamera's aan boord live volgen.
Drie uur na de lancering landde het testvoertuig intact in de oceaan, dankzij een parachute met een diameter van 33 meter. Dat is twee keer zo groot als de parachute die in 2011 werd gebruikt bij de Marsmissie met de Curiosity.
Het experiment kostte 150 miljoen dollar en was vanwege harde wind al zes keer uitgesteld. NASA is van plan de test nog een aantal keer te herhalen en besluit daarna of het voertuig daadwerkelijk naar Mars zal worden gestuurd.
New Q&A with Nick Redfern on “Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind: Suspicious Deaths, Mysterious Murders, and Bizarre Disappearances in UFO History” due out June 23rd from New Page Books.
1. Can you tell us about the suspicious deaths that surround the Roswell UFO crash of July 1947?
ANSWER: In the book I talk about the suicides and early deaths of a number of people involved in the Roswell case. They were deaths that extended from 1947 to the 1980s, and included one of the sons of rancher Mack Brazel (who found the strange debris in Lincoln County, New Mexico), and a woman named Miriam Bush, who was found dead in a hotel room in 1989. She was the executive secretary at the Roswell base hospital back in 1947 and confided in her family that she saw small, strange bodies brought into the hospital in the summer of 1947.
2. What is the truth behind the deaths of two military personnel involved in the recovery of alleged UFO debris at Maury Island, Washington State in 1947?
ANSWER: The Maury Island case is a very weird one. It focuses on the alleged mid-air explosion of a flying saucer over Maury Island in June 1947. Harold Dahl, the man who recovered some of the debris that rained down, was threatened by a Man in Black. Two military investigators, 1st Lt. Frank Mercer Brown and Capt. William Lee Davidson, were killed when their aircraft – carrying the debris to Wright Field for analysis – crashed. Two local media men died in the wake of the affair too: Ted Morello and Paul Lance. Extensive files on the case have surfaced from the FBI, via the Freedom of Information Act.
3. Were aliens responsible for the death of National Guard Captain Thomas Mantell in 1948?
ANSWER: This is an incident that has very much polarized the UFO research community, in terms of what actually happened, to the point where it still remains unresolved in the minds of many. It’s the strange saga of pilot Capt. Thomas P. Mantell, who lost his life in 1948 while chasing a UFO high in the skies of Kentucky. Or while pursuing a balloon or Venus. Take your pick. The theories are several. The answers, however, are still debated and disputed. But, for many people in Ufology, the Mantell death is perceived as an early example of death by UFO.
4. Will you discuss the theories that the reported suicide of Secretary of Defense James Forrestal in 1949 was actually a case of murder presumably to prevent him revealing the truth about UFOs?
ANSWER: It was at 1.50 a.m. on May 22, 1949 that the life of one of the most significant figures in the history of the U.S. Government came to a crashing end. The battered body of James Forrestal, who had the honor of being the first United States Secretary of Defense, was found lying on a third-floor canopy of the Maryland-based Bethesda Naval Hospital. Forrestal had reportedly flung himself out of a window on the 16th floor. Forrestal’s death, some UFO researchers have said, might have been nothing less than a case of cold-hearted murder, something prompted by fears that the Secretary of Defense was on the verge of revealing to the world what he secretly knew about the UFO phenomenon.
5. Please tell us about the spate of mysterious UFO-connected deaths involving pilots in 1953.
ANSWER: Around 9.30 a.m. on November 10, 1953, Karl Hunrath and Wilbur Wilkinson – both UFO investigators – hired a small airplane and took to the skies of Los Angeles, supposedly to meet with extraterrestrials at a prearranged site. It was the last time either man was seen alive. It was the last time the aircraft was seen, too. Less than two weeks after Hunrath and Wilkinson went missing, two baffling and deadly events occurred in Wisconsin. They both involving military jets, one of which crashed and the other vanished, never to be seen again – and both on the same day. Both events have been linked to the alleged deadly actions of UFOs.
6. Was author/researcher Morris Jessup murdered in 1959 as a result of his UFO investigations?
ANSWER: In 1959, one of the most controversial of all UFO-related deaths occurred: that of flying saucer investigator and author Morris K. Jessup. While the official story is that Jessup’s death was suicide (he was found dead in his car in a Florida park), ufologists have said there are solid grounds for believing that it was far more than that – nothing less than a case of full-blown murder. The reason: to keep Jessup away from certain UFO secrets that powerful players wanted kept hidden.
7. What are the connections between the November 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the UFO controversy?
ANSWER: Without doubt the most sensational story in the book that suggests a link between a suspicious death and flying saucers is that of President John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated on November 22, 1963 at Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas. As incredible as it may sound, the JFK killing is absolutely littered with spies, spooks and secret agents who were deeply linked to the UFO phenomenon, one of them being a man named Fred Crisman, a mysterious character who was also involved in the Maury Island controversy. Was the president shot to prevent him from going public about what he knew of alien visitations? Don’t bet against it, as incredible as such a possibility may admittedly sound.
8. How and why did a British man named Edward Bryant die in 1967 after encountering a UFO and its crew?
ANSWER: In April 1965, Edward Bryant claimed to have encountered a flying saucer hovering, at very low level, over a field near his home in Devon, England. He was reportedly confronted by a trio of humanoid beings, dressed in head-gear and silver outfits somewhat akin to those worn by deep-sea divers, and that were standing around the significantly-sized saucer. There are strong indications that Bryant’s experience was actually the result of a military psy-op, involving microwave technology that led Bryant to develop a brain tumor that ultimately killed him.
9. Is it true that people have been mutilated and killed by aliens in similar fashion to the so-called cattle mutilations?
ANSWER: One of the most graphically nightmarish accounts that falls into the human mutilation category came from the late Leonard Stringfield. Stringfield’s source for the story was a high-ranking military officer who described a shocking event that reportedly occurred in Cambodia during the Vietnam War. It was in April 1972 when a violent and grisly confrontation with a group of extraterrestrials that can best, and accurately, be called cosmic butchers took place. They were confronted loading human body-parts into huge bins. There are many more such reports on file.
10. What really happened to missing Australian pilot Frederick Valentich in 1978?
ANSWER: Eerily paralleling the November 1953 affair of Karl Hunrath and Wilbur Wilkinson, in October 1978 a young Australian pilot named Frederick Valentich disappeared over Australia’s Bass Strait. That Valentich vanished shortly after seeing a UFO at extremely close quarters has given rise to the theory that he was the victim of nothing less than a cosmic kidnapping. A fascinating, official file, now in the public domain, tells the story of this still-unsolved case.
Entity Description: About 1 metre in height, they were wearing a sort of grey overall, all in one piece, including the feet. On their backs they had short cloaks of a grey material, and over the one-piece overall they wore a sort of doublet, fastened, right up to the collar, with little buttons “like shining stars.” Their trousers were tightly-fitting, “like the long underpants that our men wear in the winter.”
Their faces, crowned by helmets, were normal, but small. Both were no taller than a five-year-old infant, but their bodies were in proportion. “It would have taken two of those things to make a man,” she said, “but they were very fine looking, even though rather old.”
Hynek Classification: CE3
No. of Object(s): 1
Size of Object(s):
Distance to Object(s):
Shape of Object(s): A sort of double cone, over 2 metres high and about a metre wide in the middle.
Color of Object(s): The outside of it shone as though it was of very polished light metal. On the lower cone there was an open glass door, and inside it could be seen two little seats, little scats like those used by children. In the central part of the spindle, where it was widest, there was a sort of roundish glass, closely following the round shape of the mysterious machine. Rosa Lotti had heard no sound from it.”
Number of Witnesses: Multiple
Special Features/Characteristics: Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Physical Trace
Source: Sergio Conti, excerpt from FSR (Sept/Oct 1972)
Summary/Description: Rosa Lotti was walking into Cennina, when she perceived a big vertical spindle, “like 2 cones joined at their bases.” From behind this craft emerged two little men 3 ft tall, who approached her with friendly expressions, the older one laughing. They were speaking a language that sounded like Chinese, ‘liu, lai, loi.” Approaching Lotti, they snatched from her the carnations and one of her stockings. Lotti ran away. A deep hole in the ground was later found at the site.
A large crop circle has appeared overnight in the South West England county of Dorset. Although the Daily Mail is reporting it to be the first for the 2014 season, there have actually been dozens of crop circles reported this summer, according to the Crop Circle Connector website. Either way, the crop circle in Dorset is certainly one of the most spectacular.
The formation in Dorset was filmed by amateur pilot and crop circle enthusiast Mathew Williams. He told the Daily Mail, “Whoever, or whatever, created the shape must have been there all night – you have to really admire their handiwork.”
An image of the crop circle found near Blandford Forum in the county of Dorset in South West England. (Credit: Mathew Williams/
The pattern in Dorset was laid down in a field of wheat, which is the most common crop the formations made in July are found in. This is the month when wheat is harvested. Veteran crop circle maker John Lundberg told the BBC, “[Wheat is] the best crop to work in, that’s when the most spectacular circles appear. Because each stem is upright, you can get pin sharp clarity.”
The Dorset pattern is over 400 feet long, and is made up of a star pattern with circles within circles.
Williams says, “Last summer we didn’t get many circles, but this beauty certainly makes up for that.”
Williams says the decrease in the number of crop circles being made is due to farmers getting more and more frustrated by the loss of crops and the tourist who come to visit the circles. Williams says many of the great crop circle makers are afraid of getting fined, and have thus stopped making the circles.
Thus far, Williams himself is the only crop circle maker to ever get fined. He was fined £100 after being busted for creating a crop circle in 2000. He has since stopped making crop circles, not because of fines, but because he has developed hay fever.
Last year many of the crop circles that did appear were of low quality, garnering the moniker “crap circles.” Perusing the crop circles from this year it seems the crap circles have returned.
A crop circle reported on July 15, 2014, near Rodmarton, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom. (Credit: Mr Gyro – Circle Connector)
Although it is obvious many of the crop circles are created by human beings, awe inspiring formations, like the one in Dorset, cause people to wonder if perhaps some of them are created by extraterrestrials or have some other paranormal origins.
Last year, Williams told the Daily Express that he has had paranormal experiences out in the fields while making crop circles.
Williams said, “I’ve seen small balls of light which have entered the field and chased us out on one occasion. I’ve seen them passing overhead. On two occasions we’ve also seen black, shadowy figures. Not as clear as a person, a little more rounded but a human shape. There are so many things like that. When teams of people go out into the fields and make large talismanic magical symbols, somehow that does actually have some effect on physical reality and strange things happen.”
According to Williams, he is not the only one who experiences paranormal activity out in the field. He says all of the crop circle teams he is aware of have had similar experiences.
We were at work on 6th floor of outside pool deck checking pool operation at 9:30pm. We noticed a large light about 1-2 miles out at sea not moving and looking down at the water. Light was stationary and not moving. Light started to move towards us cause we could tell the light was getting bigger. The object started to turn right cause the light started to turn right. At first we thought it was a coast guard helicopter because the station is at the Brigatine inlet where we work at the Revel casino.
The coast guard are always do minuvers and rescue training. We still did not hear any noise at all. As the object approached the large light went out about 1/4 mile from us. The object passes over head and was like a wedge shape, almost triangle but not. There was a small blue light at each tip on the under side but nothing up front. The object passed over and as it passed buy we heard a slight noise like someone putting their finger to their mouth and telling you to ssshhhhhhh. The width of the object was about the same size as a commercial plane.
If the object kept its same course as it flew over it was headed right towards the atlantic city airport and the air force nafac air base where the F-16 fighter jets are that patrol the east coast. We lost sight of the object because the casino tower where the rooms are blocked our view. We ran over to the side of the building but were still obstructed by the tower. From the first sighting of the light out in the ocean we were very curious because it made no noise and the light on the front of it lit up the ocean like when the moon first rises above the water. After seeing the object we just kept commenting to each other how cool it was and wished we could have seen it again and closer.
NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
This case is under investigation by Chief Investigator Ken Pfeifer of MUFON New Jersey.
Amazing UFO sighting over West Kelowna, Canada on 17th July 2014
Amazing UFO sighting over West Kelowna, Canada on 17th July 2014
New amazing video footage of a bright UFO recorded in the daytime sky above West Kelowna, Canada on 17th July 2014.
Witness said: Shot out from the clouds above the mountain during a forest fire near our neighbourhood. It pulled a wisp of cloud with it as it exited. A forest fire broke out on the mountain behind us and during the attempt to put it out, this event took place. I was watching a video online of the fire from a little earlier in the day and i spotted the UFO 37 seconds into the video. I have no idea whether anyone else has noticed this or not. Most folks would be focused on the fire.
37 seconds into the video the UFO comes shooting out from a cloud right above the mountain and passes through a clear spot back into the next cloud. I was quite startled and surprised when i saw it.
The UFO left a thin trail of cloud vaper as it exited the cloud. This, to me, eliminates any thought that this might be a camera lens artifact or light phenomenon effect. The event lasted only a couple seconds. Judging by the distance i was from the object it had to have been moving very fast. The scene cuts away while the UFO is still visible. I’m left to assume that there must be more footage of it than i saw. I phoned the website’s news department to ask if it would be possible to see the full footage, but was met with disapproval. In retrospect, perhaps i shouldn’t have mentioned the word UFO. (lol)
Les aliens préfèrent se montrer à l’heure où les gens sont un peu éméchés, selon les données du National UFO Reporting Center, organisation qui a répertorié 90 000 apparitions rapportées d’ovnis depuis 1974. Celles-ci sont particulièrement fréquentes dans l’Etat de Washington et dans d’autres Etats proches de la frontière canadienne, où les aurores boréales sont parfois visibles. “Les ovnis ont tendance à éviter les grandes villes, où il y a beaucoup d’autres sources de lumière, et les heures de jour, où les gens pourraient les confondre avec de simples avions”, s’amuse The Economist.
NASA has received radio signals from the center of the earth. These signals are being picked up by tracking satellites. NASA has decoded them but won't reveal the contents. The source of this information leak states that, "They obviously know more about us than we do about them. For one thing, they have found a way to communicate with us on a regular basis, but we have little or no inkling on how to communicate with them in return."
23-07-2014 om 10:35
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
In late August of 1981, between five and six pm, three men and two women were driving west from a mountain area slightly east of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and south of Lake Ontario. The weather was clear and sunny. At a point, roughly half way through Hamilton, one of the occupants in the car saw a strange craft through the window of the car, and by their exclamation, alerted the others in the car to the sight. The craft was a red-orange, domed saucer shaped object, which appeared solid, with many yellow lights radiating from the base or bottom. In answer to the question of size, she (the witness of this report) answered that the diameter would be roughly 3-4 car lengths, and 3 car heights for the height of craft (also a rough guess). Her closing remark on this was “Not a small craft”. Indeed it wasn’t, as I measured two cars belonging to family members that are of “medium size”. They average out to 15’ 7” in length and 4’ 6” in height. This would put the UFO in the area of 46’ 9” to 62’ 4” in diameter and 13’ 6” in height. Slightly smaller than the B‑25 Mitchell bomber of WW2 … “Not a small craft !!!” Its speed and altitude could only be expressed as that of an aircraft on approach for a landing near an airport. It was on a course roughly parallel to theirs. Due to the curving road it was first sighted to their right (north) and then over them and then to the left. Its course was roughly north-northwest. While driving the radio had been on and, while in the vicinity of the object, was now getting static (EM effects), which the driver turned it off to avoid further distraction. Someone in the car at this point had said, “Follow that UFO”. All being in agreement, they did precisely that. Although the road had many curves, the craft was seen to move in a straight line towards Hamilton Harbour. As it approached the Harbour, it appeared to slow down, and then angle itself downward and gently entered the water. At the point of entry (rough approximation), it can be seen on the nautical chart that the water depth at this point is 7 or more meters (23 feet) and gets deeper in the direction of Lake Ontario, so the UFO had at least 10 feet to spare. Therefore a craft of 13 feet in height could be covered by water. There are many cases of UFOs submerging in shallow waters. The witness reporting this case states that the UFO had passed them and was at a distance away when it entered the Harbour, and does not recall any major disturbance of the water as it went in. After it had entered the water the group lost sight of the area for a period, due to the topography. Overcome with curiosity, the group went to the waterfront to see what they could. From a city map of Hamilton, the distance from the “mountain” area and the waterfront is roughly 12 km or 7.45 Statute miles, and could have been reached quickly. They remained in the area for approximately seven hours, wondering if the UFO would surface, whether any aircraft would attempt a search of the area, and delving into various possibilities of the event. Between 12:20 and 1:00 am, two objects were seen to partially emerge and remained in that position through the point that the group finally left. The question of these two objects being submarines came up and has been done away with, as information from the Canadian Navy states that it does not use the few subs they have in any of the Great Lakes. Another possibility regarding the emerging objects might be the tide going out and revealing some fixed underwater object. This portion of the sighting is the most speculative and should not detract from the sighting of the craft and its actions.
Between 0:35 and 0:39 of this video, watch the man in the black suit and sunglasses, then rewatch the clip but pay particular attention to his reflection.
MH17 conspiracy theories: What happened to downed Malaysia Airlines plane?
Whenever there is a tragedy on such a scale as the downed Malaysia Airlines MH17 plane, there are bound to be conspiracy theories that follow as the world tries to understand and deal with the tragedy.
While there’s no doubt many are based simply on paranoia or speculation, they won’t be able to be dismissed until the black box is recovered and the world gets answers.
Here are six conspiracy theories about MH17, according to the Washington Post.
1. It was an HIV/AIDS cover up
The terrible news that the plane held prominent HIV/AIDS researchers sparked speculation that it was not a random target. One theory proposed that the attack was a cover-up for the so-called “man-made origins” of AIDS – which is another theory in itself. It has been pointed out that 16 years ago, AIDS patient advocate and World Health official Jonathan Mann was also killed in a plane crash that some still find suspicious.
2. It was an attempt to start WWIII
While it’s not yet clear exactly why the missile was fired at the plane, some believe it was an attempt to bring on the next world war.
“We can clearly see an attempted false flag to launch WWIII unfolding,” a commenter said on the website Before Its News. They also pointed to a Russian tweet predicting the deliberate downing of a plane full of people, as an instigation of a NATO invasion.
Translation: “Soon will be shot down over the ruins of the liner packed full of innocent Euro-tourists. It will be the occasion for the official invitation to NATO. So I see.”
Though this theory doesn’t make sense, as killing innocent people is not a very stratigic move for NATO.
3. It was an assasination attempt on Putin
Russia’s Interfax news agency claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin was on board his personal jet and flying on the exact same route as MH17 at the same time. His plane was the same size and colour as the Malaysia Airlines flight.
The claim was debunked with the news that Putin’s plane hadn’t flown over the Ukraine since the beginning of the conflict.
4. The jet wasn’t actually shot down
A conspiracy blogger who’s popular on YouTube called DAHB0077 proposed that the plane was actually diverted into the area where it was blown up by explosives from onboard so it could appear to have been shot down. This could then be an excuse for an invasion.
He claims his suspicion was born from footage showing the plane exploding on the ground instead of in the air, but experts say this is actually possible upon the event of a mile-high missile strike.
5. MH17 is MH370
They’re both Boeing 777s, from the same airline, with a commenter from the forum Above Top Secret stating: “It could be the MH370 rigged with explosives” that has only just reappeared after vanishing for months. Why would they do this? To start WWIII.
6. Many were already dead before the plane took off
This bizarre theory comes from a top pro-Russian rebel commander in eastern Ukraine.
The pro-rebel website Russkaya Vesna quoted Igor Girkin as saying he was told by people at the crash site that “a significant number of the bodies weren’t fresh,” adding that he was told they were drained of blood and reeked of decomposition.
Ultimately, these theories wont’ be true, but the hunt for answers about what really happened to flight MH17 will continue. –
Thousands of women, accused of sorcery, tortured and executed in Indian witch hunts
If it began like the others, the first sign that Saraswati Devi would be murdered was an accusation delivered to a shaman. Perhaps she had offended someone. Perhaps someone had fallen sick and had wondered why. Perhaps a community well had suddenly dried and someone needed blaming. Perhaps they chose her because Devi was lower caste, because she was a woman, and because they’d probably get away with it.
The killers came for her on Saturday. Two of her sons tried to save her, but couldn’t and were beaten. Their punishment wouldn’t match Devi’s. Before the 14 villagers inflicted injuries so severe they would claim her life, they “forced her to consume human excreta,” police told the Hindustan Times.
Though shocking by nearly any standard, the murder was not unique. It was not even uncommon in pockets of rural India.
In places where superstition and vigilantism overlap and small rumors can turn deadly, nearly 2,100 people accused of witchcraft have been killed between 2000 and 2012, according to crime records gathered by the Indian newspaper Mint. Others placed the number at 2,500; others higher still. “Like the proverbial tip of a very deep iceberg, available data hides much of the reality of a problem that is deeply ingrained in society,” according to New Delhi-based Partners for Law in Development. “It is only the most gruesome cases that are reported — most cases of witch-hunting go unreported and unrecorded.”
Chhutni Mahatani recalls the incidents that led to her being named a witch at her home near Bholadi village in the eastern Indian state of Bihar in June of 2000. In 1995, Mahatani was tortured by her brother-in-law after a child fell ill in her village. (Saurabh Das/AP) It’s an issue that despite its prevalence is rarely covered outside of India, where it’s almost weekly newspaper fodder. Last week in Chandrapur, one man was lynched and his “woman accomplice thrashed by a mob for practicing black magic,” reported the Times of India, which said the man “was caught red-handed by the mob of over 500 villagers.” Another woman accused of witchcraft was grabbed by relatives carrying “traditional weapons” and beaten to death. Late last year, in Jharkhand, a 50-year-old woman and her daughter were hacked to death after they were accused of practicing witchcraft.
The forces driving the killings, which occur predominantly in Indian states with large tribal populations, are as much cultural as they are economic and caste-based, experts said. While the easiest explanation is that angered mobs confuse a sudden illness or crop failure with witchcraft and exact their revenge, it’s rarely that simple. Much more often, it isn’t superstition but gender and class discrimination. Those accused of sorcery often come from similar backgrounds: female, poor and of a low caste.
“Witch-hunting is essentially a legacy of violence against women in our society,” wrote Rakesh Singh of the Indian Social Institute. “For almost invariably, it is [low caste] women, who are branded as witches. By punishing those who are seen as vile and wild, oppressors perhaps want to send a not-so-subtle message to women: docility and domesticity get rewarded; anything else gets punished.”
The veil of superstition, others said, only hides the true motive behind the killings. “Superstition is only an excuse,” Pooja Singhal Purwar, a social welfare official, told The Washington Post’s Rama Lakshmi in 2005. “Often a woman is branded a witch so that you can throw her out of the village and grab her land, or to settle scores, family rivalry, or because powerful men want to punish her for spurning their sexual advances. Sometimes, it is used to punish women who question social norms.”
If there is a state most susceptible to witchcraft killings, it’s the eastern state of Jharkhand, a land pervaded by dense forest and tribes. In 2013, 54 witchcraft-accused women were killed there, reported the News Minute, the highest rate in the country. Despite local legislation to try and clamp down on the murders – no national law exists that addresses witchcraft killings – they have continued if not increased. And patterns there are worth examining to understand how the horror unfolds.
According to Mint, an Indian publication which has written extensively on the subject, a witch is identified through various methods. The person who suspects witchcraft will often consult a witch doctor called an “ojha.” The witch doctor, who uses medicinal herbs, in part learned their skills to counter the darker powers of the witches, called “daayan.”
The ojha then goes about the business of sussing out the witch. This involves incantations, Mint reports, and possibly the branches of a sal tree. The ojha writes the names of all those suspected of witchraft onto the branches of the tree, and the name that’s on the branch that withers is condemned as a witch. Other times, rice is wrapped in cloth emblazoned with names. Then the rice is placed inside a nest of white ants. Whichever bag the ants eat out identifies the witch. Another method: potions. One Indian shaman in 2011 forced 30 women to drink a potion to prove they weren’t witches. The concoction was made out of a poisonous herb, all women fell ill, and the shaman was arrested.
After a witch is chosen, they are either forced to do unspeakable things or tortured. “In many reported cases recently, women who are branded as witches were made to walk naked through the village, were gang-raped, had their breasts cut off, teeth broken or heads tonsured, apart from being ostracized from their village,” reported Live Mint. They “were forced to swallow urine and human feces, to eat human flesh, or drink the blood of a chicken.”
This, too, was the fate of Saraswati Devi, the latest woman, though likely not the last, to be accused of witchcraft, tortured and murdered. – TWP
About 15 years or so ago, my mom and I decided to go for a walk.
A little background–I live in the desert southwest and, at the time, there were few houses in my neighborhood. People were still building and moving in, and it wasn’t uncommon to have streets with very few houses on them.
We went for a walk down the street around dusk. As we were walking and chatting, we notice an old man walking toward us. We nod and say something to the effect of “Good evening” and he does the same. It was a warm, friendly exchange.
He passes us and mom and I kind of give each other a look–This man was shorter than average, in dark shorts with suspenders and a hat with a feather in it. He had buckle shoes and white socks. He looked very out of place. For some reason I turned around, and he was gone. It was an almost empty street with dirt lots. There was nowhere he could have gone.
Mom and I like to joke we saw a leprechaun. Who knows. –
Well, now, this is interesting. In fact, it’s very interesting. Over at the Department of Defense’s website you can find a file that has been declassified via the Freedom of Information Act on the subject of Project Pandora (which, to a significant degree, was focused on Cold War secrets, and how microwaves can affect the mind and body).
It’s a fascinating file that dates back decades. It’s a lengthy file, too; it runs to nearly 500 pages and is comprised of a number of notable documents. But, here’s the weird thing, if you scroll down to page 449, you’ll see that it contains a copy of the controversial “MJ12/Eisenhower Briefing Document” on the Roswell UFO affair of 1947!
Of course, as most people within Ufology know, the document is one that has been the subject of much debate regarding its authenticity or otherwise. Indeed, the copy of the EBD in the Pandora file has a hand-written note on it stating that: “This cannot be authenticated as an official DoD document.”
Well, that’s fair enough, and something that most people within Ufology would agree with – it has not been authenticated. But, here’s the issue, what is a copy of the EBD doing in a DoD file on Project Pandora? Let’s look at what we know.
One of the biggest problems surrounding the Roswell case is the almost complete lack of documentation to support the claims that anything crashed or landed on the Foster Ranch, Lincoln County in July 1947.
In 1987, however, the situation changed drastically. In that year, Timothy Good’s best-selling book, Above Top Secret, was published. One of the most controversial aspects of the book was the discussion of a document that allegedly originated with a classified research and development group established by the U.S. Government in 1947 to deal with the incident at Roswell. It was – so the story goes – variously known as Majestic 12, MAJIC 12, and MJ12.
Classified “Top Secret/Majic Eyes Only,” the document can essentially be broken down into two parts. The first is a 1952 briefing prepared by Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter (the first Director of the CIA) for President-elect Eisenhower. It informed the president that an alien spacecraft was recovered at Roswell and briefed him on the MJ12 group, its activities and membership.
The second is a 1947 memorandum from President Harry Truman to Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, authorizing the establishment of MJ12.
Shortly after Timothy Good published copies of the MJ12 documents in May 1987, additional copies surfaced publicly, this time in the United States, having been released by the research team of William Moore, Stanton Friedman and television producer, Jaime Shandera. Moore worked quietly with a number of intelligence insiders who contacted him in the wake of the publication of the 1980 book he co-authored with Charles Berlitz, The Roswell Incident.
From time to time, and under distinctly cloak-and-dagger circumstances, official-looking papers were passed on to Moore by his “Deep Throat”-like sources. The implication was that someone in the Government wished to make available to the UFO research community material – including pro-UFO data on Roswell – that would otherwise have remained forever outside of the public domain.
Needless to say, controversy raged (and still rages, albeit not on the same level) with regard to (A) the authenticity or otherwise of the documents; and (B) the circumstances under which they surfaced. Some favored the idea they were official documents, secretly leaked by insider sources connected to the intelligence community. Others, however, cried “Hoax!” While some suspected the documentation was possibly disinformation, designed to muddy the already dark waters of Roswell even further.
It wasn’t just the field of Ufology that was interested in the MJ12 saga. Officialdom sat up and took note of the notorious documents, too, as we shall now see.
In the autumn of 1988, an investigation of the MJ12 papers was conducted by the FBI’s Foreign Counter-Intelligence division. It operated out of Washington and New York. Some input into the investigation also came from the FBI office in Dallas, Texas.
On September 15, 1988, an agent of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations contacted Dallas FBI and supplied the Bureau with another copy of the MJ12 papers. Then, on October 25, 1988, the Dallas office transmitted a two-page Secret Airtel to headquarters that read as follows:
“Enclosed for the Bureau is an envelope which contains a possible classified document. Dallas notes that within the last six weeks, there has been local publicity regarding ‘OPERATION MAJESTIC-12′ with at least two appearances on a local radio talk show, discussing the MAJESTIC-12 OPERATION, the individuals involved, and the Government’s attempt to keep it all secret.”
The writer of the Airtel continued:
“It is unknown if this is all part of a publicity campaign. [Censored] from OSI, advises that ‘OPERATION BLUE BOOK,’ mentioned in the document on page 4 did exist. Dallas realizes that the purported document is over 35 years old, but does not know if it has been properly declassified. The Bureau is requested to discern if the document is still classified. Dallas will hold any investigation in abeyance until further direction from FBIHQ.”
Partly as a result of the actions of the Dallas FBI Office, and partly as a result of the investigation undertaken by the FBI’s Foreign Counter-Intelligence people, on November 30, 1988 an arranged meeting took place in Washington D.C. between agents of the Bureau and those of AFOSI. If the AFOSI had information on MJ12, said the Bureau, they would like to know.
A Secret communication back to the Dallas office from Washington on December 2, 1988 read as follows:
“This communication is classified Secret in its entirety. Reference Dallas Airtel dated October 25 1988. Reference Airtel requested that FBIHQ determine if the document enclosed by referenced Airtel was classified or not. The Office of Special Investigations, US Air Force, advised on November 30, 1988, that the document was fabricated. Copies of that document have been distributed to various parts of the United States. The document is completely bogus. Dallas is to close captioned investigation.”
To reinforce the government’s conclusion that the documents were not genuine, official stamps and messages (some of the latter written in black-marker) were added to the copies of the MJ12 papers in the possession of both the USAF and the FBI and which reinforced the hoax conclusion.
The copies of the MJ12 documents contained in the DoD’s Project Pandora file (as you will see in the link contained in the first line of this article) also have a similar message written on them, which reads: “This cannot be authenticated as an official DoD document.”
Logic suggests the message was written (probably) around the end of 1988, which is when the Air Force and the FBI were busily adding near-identical messages to their copies.
And, since various UFO researchers had filed Freedom of Information Act requests with all manner of official agencies for data on the MJ12 documents, it makes sense that the DoD would have had copies on file, too, as well as AFOSI and the FBI.
With that all noted, let’s take a closer look at Project Pandora.
Exopaedia notes of the program that, in the early 1960s, “…the CIA discovered that the US embassy in Moscow was ‘bombarded’ with EMR (electro magnetic radiation). The signal was composed of several frequencies. The Pandora Project was intended to investigate and gather data on this Russian experiment. The embassy personnel was not informed of the existence of the beam, or of the Pandora project.”
Exopaedia continues that, “the signal was intended to produce blurred vision and loss of mental concentration. Investigation on the effects on the embassy personnel, however, showed that they developed blood composition anomalies and unusual chromosome counts. Some people even developed a leukemia-like blood disease.”
So, what we have here is a file on a program that dates back to the early 1960s and which was focused on major concerns that the Soviets were up to no good – as they clearly were. But, even so, that still does not provide the answer to an important question: why is a very controversial, questionable, document on dead aliens, crashed UFOs, and an allegedly highly-classified project to investigate both, contained in a DoD file on that old, Cold War operation instigated by the Russians?
I have no real answers to what we might term “The Mystery of Microwaves and MJ12.” Maybe someone out there knows.
Time-wise, however, this is all very interesting. My newly-published book, Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind, includes a chapter titled “The Microwave Incident.” It deals with the mysterious and controversial death of a man who was involved in a 1965 UFO event that may actually have been fabricated, via the use of mind-altering/warping technologies. The alleged cause of the death in the faked, flying saucer encounter? An over-use of microwave technology.
This week I’m writing about one of my all-time favorite cases, and it comes from the very heart of California. The case was originally investigated by Paul Cerney of NICAP back in 1965, and has been looked at by many notable scientists and ufologists since then. It was even the subject of an episode of NBC’s “Project U.F.O.” that aired on May 7, 1978. Although the episode disregarded all the facts, it still showed that there was more interest in the subject than was let on. Due to the main participants fear of losing his job at Aerojet Corporation in Sacramento, he remained anonymous until only recently, so the story faded to obscurity until brought to light recently by authors, researchers and MUFON Field Investigators, Noe Torres and Ruben Uriarte.
Last week I attended CERO International’s presentation of Noe and Ruben’s book; “Alien’s In the Forest” in Culver City, and was able to hear their presentation first-hand. I also had a chance to ask my friends Ruben and Noe a few questions. I have been pushing many industry professionals to make a movie out of their book because this case is so fascinating. I urge everyone to order a copy of it through So here’s what happened on that fateful day.
On September 4, 1964, three friends who were also all employees of Aerojet Corporation in Sacramento, California, decided to take a hunting trip into an area of the Tahoe National Forest east of Sacramento known as Cisco Grove. It was not rifle season yet, but that did not stop them, as they were all equipped with bows and arrows. The group consisted of Tim Trueblood, Vincent Alvarez, and the main witness Donald Shrum. It should be noted that all of the men were avid hunters, and had extensive experience in survival outdoors.
Shortly after the three made camp they headed out in a southward direction. They had all agreed that if they got separated and it got dark, they would just hunker down until morning and then return to camp. As they headed south they began to separate, and before too long it began to get dark. Donald Shrum was not worried about being on his own in the forest, and had prepared himself for the possibility of spending a night in a tree by bringing a military style belt with which to strap himself into a tree if need be. He was just getting ready to climb into a tree for the night when he saw a light in the distance. His first thought was that it was a Forest Service plane or helicopter, so he stepped in between two fires that he had made on the rocks previously, and began to wave his arms and scream. The light turned towards him, and he recalls feeling relieved until it got to about sixty yards from him and hovered. It was then that he realized that what he was looking at was “from outer space” and he started to panic, throwing his bow up into the tree before hand-walking the branch and pulling himself up after it. He still at this point thought he was only looking at an eight-inch glowing sphere, but as the craft completed a sweeping arc beside him in the canyon he could see the outline of the whole craft and understood the gigantic size of the object he was observing.
What he came to call the “Mother Ship” was a cylindrical craft about one hundred and fifty feet in circumference, with three large lit vertical panels evenly spaced in the middle of the craft. Suddenly the three panels opened up, starting as vertical slits then widening, and a smaller ship flew out the bottom part of the center panel. Donald Shrum would later refer to this craft as the “scout ship”. Though not getting a completely clear view of it after it left the larger ship, Mr. Shrum did see it land on the nearby ridge clearly enough to see that it had a little light on top of what looked like a flying saucer.
Shortly after he witnessed the landing of the saucer craft on the ridge, he heard trampling in the nearby brush moving in his direction, followed by the appearance of two humanoids. Mr. Shrum witnessed them breaking off brush and examining it closely as they moved through it. They proceeded to a spot directly under where he was in the tree and looked up directly at him. It was at this moment he recalls, that he knew he was “fingered”.
The humanoids were four to five feet tall, although Mr. Shrum says it was hard to tell for sure because he was looking down at them. They were wearing a one-piece silvery suit with “puffy joints”, and although the faces appeared too dark to distinguish any characteristics, the eyes looked similar to welding goggles, and were about two inches in diameter each.
At this time another being joined the first two, this one appearing more robotic than others. As it was picking it’s way down the rocks Mr. Shrum could see that it had two flashing orange eyes. It came down to the flat rock that the tree he was in was on, and looked up at him. It then ran its hand through what was left of his fire, scattering the embers. Mr. Shrum remembers its eyes very vividly as being red-orange and flickering like fire. He is still not sure to this day if the other being was a robot, or just another of the humanoids but in a different type of suit, but suddenly it turned aggressive.
The robot positioned itself directly under Mr. Shrum, and raised a hand to its helmet and appeared to be fidgeting with some kind of controls on the helmet. All of a sudden a shot of vapor rose from its helmet toward Mr. Shrum as its face lit up. Mr. Shrum blacked out instantly from the vapor, and the only thing that kept him in the tree was the fact that he fell over his bow and it prevented him from falling further. Donald Shrum carried a sixty-pound bow on hunting trips, and at that close of range he was to the robot it had the same knockdown power as a rifle. When he came to, he shot an arrow directly at the robot, striking it in the chest amid a shower of sparks that resembled an arc-welder. The force of the arrow knocked the robot back against the rock, and almost knocked it down completely! Mr. Shrum fired two more arrows at the robot, and the two humanoids took off into the brush about thirty feet away. When asked later why he only fired at the robot, and not the other two humanoids, Mr. Shrum replied that he didn’t feel threatened by the other two, only by the robot.
Throughout the whole ordeal, it was Donald Shrum’s quick thinking and wit, combined with the skills acquired by someone who has hunted in the forest for most of his life, that properly armed him to fight back against his alien attackers. Whenever Mr. Shrum went hunting he always made sure to carry lots of books of matches with him. Also, back then it was fashionable for men to use lots of hair oil when styling their hair, so his hunting cap was of course soaked with the stuff. When they tried to approach him again, Mr. Shrum lit his cap on fire, which instantly blazed up, and he dropped it to the base of the tree where they were gathered. They all jumped back about fifteen feet from the tree, and the “Mother Ship” that had been hovering level with Mr. Shrum in the canyon the whole time, suddenly took off toward space so fast that it was just “star size” in the space of a second. Mr. Shrum burned whatever he could to keep them at bay, even wrapping pinecones with torn strips of cloth from his shirt to throw down at his attackers. Even though it was only thirty-three degrees out and he was shaking with cold, Donald Shrum ended up burning everything but his T-shirt and jeans in his fight to survive the night.
At one point Mr. Shrum even threw some change down at them. They examined it intently, and interestingly after the ordeal was over Mr. Shrum looked for his change and it could not be found. He even wrapped his compass in strips of cloth and lit it on fire to try to toss into the brush further away to start a fire since there was none left under the tree he was in, hoping that the flames would attract “the cavalry”. When he ran out of stuff to burn, Mr. Shrum headed for the top of the tree. The tree was very sparse, and he had no trouble seeing the ground from there. As they tried to approach him again, he broke off the top of the tree and threw it down at them. Any time that he would throw something down at them, or shake the tree, they would back off.
It soon became a cycle of them gassing him, him passing out, coming to as they were trying to climb up to him, and he throwing something down to stop them. He knew that he had never blacked out for long because each time he came to, they were just starting to boost each other up the tree in an attempt to reach him. This all took place over many hours during the night.
Finally after an undetermined amount of time a second robot appeared, and walked up to a position where it was facing the first one, directly under Mr. Shrum. A “weird type of energy” passed between them and then a huge cloud of vapor rose up towards Mr. Shrum where he was tied in to the tree with his military belt near the top, instantly rendering him unconscious. When he came to from that he was hanging from the branch by his belt, with his head and feet hanging down, and his attackers were gone. Mr. Shrum recalls that it was light out at this point, but the sun was not up yet.
When Donald Shrum stumbled into camp that next morning after his all-night ordeal, both Trueblood and Alvarez could tell by his disheveled appearance that he had been through some sort of traumatic experience. Mr. Shrum was visibly shaken, and much of his clothing was missing. Later Vincent Alvarez filled out an affidavit stating that he had witnessed the larger “Mother Ship” from his position near camp as it came down out of the atmosphere and went to a different part of the forest.
When Donald Shrum returned home and told his family what had happened to him, the were understandably worried about what effects he might have been exposed to, such as radiation, so he underwent some medical tests. Mr. Shrum was worried about his security clearance at his job at Aerojet, so his name was never associated with the case until many years later. However Mr. Shrum’s mother-in-law had taken some classes at the local college, and knew an astronomer there. She told him, mistakenly thinking he could help, and he in turn called the local Air Force base. The Air Force wasted no time contacting the Shrum’s, and setting up an appointment for them to speak to two “representatives”.
The appointment was made for them to meet at an empty house amongst the off base housing at McClelland AFB. The two “representatives” presented themselves as being from the base, but it was later uncovered that they were actually dispatched from none other than Wright-Patterson AFB. Mrs. Shrum was deeply disturbed by both the empty house and the demeanor of the two men, who did there best to dissuade Donald Shrum from what he had seen, even suggesting at one point that what he had seen was nothing more than Boy Scouts on a camping trip! At the same time apparently, they also sent out a crack team to the site in an effort to recover any evidence that might have been left at the scene. Mr. Shrum knows this because when he returned to the site himself to look for the other arrow, it was freshly raked and littered with cigarette butts. The Air Force men that questioned him also took the two main arrowheads, one of which had a lot of the material present on it from when it struck the robot. Although they promised to return the arrowheads when they were finished with their analysis, Mr. Shrum never saw them again. It is known that one ended up with famed investigator J. Allen Hynek.
As far as any lasting effects of Donald Shrum’s encounter, he said that for a year afterward he’d have a terrible nightmare where he’d wake up screaming “those eyes, those eyes!” He also developed a peculiar buzzing in his ears that would occur from time to time, and which he always attributed to them “being near”.
If you’d like to find out more about this fascinating case, please order the book “Aliens In the Forest” by Noe Torres and Ruben Uriarte from
WTH? Antioch Daytime `UFO’ – What Is This? – July 20th (Photo)
Recently I saw a similar picture somewhere – could have even been this object… that was shown to be a tethered Casino air balloon advertisement (huge slot in the sky)…. so, with that as a caution and obviously if abnormal we should see more reports to MUFON…. right?
I left my dog on the deck while I was inside cooking, as I normally do on beautiful clear sunny days. We are in the flight path of many planes and my dog usually barks at them flying overhead because they get relatively close. All the sudden I hear him barking unusually aggressively. I walked outside and heard no plane sounds, but looked in the direction of my dogs vision and there it was. It was hovering in the SE sky at around 6pm CST and it seemed like the busy sunday plane traffic had halted. It hovered for about 5 mins then gained altitude to above a planes normal cruising altitude. Me and the neighbors saw 3 “propellant glows” behind it in pyramid form that looked somewhat similar to the Space Ship Endeavors. It left towards the Eastern sky only to get smaller and smaller and ultimately looked like a nighttime star (at 6pm), then completely disappeared. I have 5 pictures, but will submit only one. The rest will be submitted upon request.
There are around 3000 human-made satellites in working order around the Earth, however if the debris of old and damaged satellites are taken into account the number increases dramatically. Ever since the Soviet Union launched the very first artificial satellite into orbit in 1957, various countries around the world have sought to compete and satellites today are used for communication, navigation and exploration. Satellites are often visible passing overhead as the sunlight reflects back towards the Earth. One of them is impossible to miss, the largest satellite currently in orbit, the International Space Station, at a huge 100m across. However, these satellites are relatively unexciting in comparison to the mystery surrounding one very old dark satellite…
Legend has it that in orbit around the Earth is a mysterious, dark object which dates back perhaps 13 000 years. Its origin and purpose are inscrutable, dubbed the “Black Knight” this elusive satellite has allegedly been beaming signals towards the Earth and inspected by NASA astronauts yet only a few on Earth officially know of its existence. The origin of the ominous name is part of the enigma; it is impossible to discover who first called it this or indeed why. Humans have only in the last 60 years had the technology to launch a man-made object into space so what is the logical explanation of tales of an alien intruder on our doorstep?
The first apparent part of this story begins with signals heard by Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) a brilliant Serbian inventor (and described by many as a genuine mad scientist) who spent most of his career in the USA. He was an electrical engineer and produced works which explored the idea of radio and wireless transmissions. In 1899, he reportedly intercepted a signal unlike any of the natural sources from Earth such as electrical storms that he had already investigated in his experiments. Instead he announced that regular signals must from an intelligent outside source, potentially inhabitants of Mars. Today there are those who say he was listening to a transmission from an orbiting satellite of unknown origin later called by some the Black Knight.
It is more likely, though still far from probable, that what was Tesla detected was not the Black Knight but instead signals which are emitted from natural objects. Today we know of natural extraterrestrial sources such as pulsars. These are fast-spinning neutron stars which emit a rhythmic signal. They were first discovered in 1967 by Northern Irish astrophysicist Jocelyn Bell-Burnell (1943-). Until certain of their origin, they were jokingly nicknamed the Little Green Men signals. Tesla was likely completely unaware of what he really detected (if indeed he picked up anything at all).
In the 1920s anomalous signals were again detected by amateur radio operators. These were originally of Earthly origin, but their timing was bizarre! A signal would be received then a second repeated signal received a few seconds later. These Long Delayed Echoes (LDEs) were difficult to explain in terms or radio waves bouncing off atmospheric layers. In 1973, Scotsman Duncan Lunan (1945-) went back to these signals to see if could make sense of them. Miraculously by plotting the delay times against the order in which the echoes were received he could create what appeared to be star charts and diagrams. By deciphering them Lunan decided that the signals were actually messages transmitted by a probe originally from the star Epsilon Böotes (Izar) which had been lurking near the Moon for the past 13 000 years. Lunan is not a professional astronomer but instead a science fiction author with a flair for outré ideas but nevertheless the name Black Knight is never mentioned by him; nor has he personally linked his Epsilon Böotes hypothesis with the Black Knight, others seem to be responsible for this. (UPDATE: Mr Lunan has stated his position on the Black Knight story in the Comments section below.)
Another story dating back to the early 1950s claimed to refer to an apparition of the Black Knight reports the detection of a signal of by an object in orbit. This was a time of deep suspicions held by the two superpowers on either side of the Pacific. Neither the Americans nor the Soviets had the ability to place an object into any kind of an orbit at that time. Yet the discovery of an Earth-orbiting satellite was reported in a couple of newspapers from the time, and the respected astronomer Clyde Tombaugh (discoverer of Pluto) is said to have been involved. However, the articles actually a couple of synopses of a book by the UFOlogical author Donald Keyhoe (1897-1988). I’m sure these promotional newspaper articles had been great for sales of the book!
A few years later, the Black Knight seemed have made another appearance when American newspapers reported in 1960 that there was an unusual object in polar orbit, by then both superpowers had satellites in equatorial orbit but polar orbit meant that the satellite could see every part of the Earth, yet neither country admitted owning it. This may seem strange but remember that this was a time of deep-rooted suspicion and espionage not just with each other but now seemingly with extra-terrestrials too. Declassified information now released from that time suggested that object was a Corona spy satellite under disguise at the time of the US Discoverer research satellite programme. The world was bracing itself for nuclear destruction, coming close to a nuclear war in the Cuban Missile Crisis just two years later, had this information been released at the time perhaps the Cold War would have indeed heated up.
For any story or conspiracy to have credibility it always helps to get someone high profile on board. In the case of the Black Knight, Mercury astronaut Gordon Cooper (1927-2004) is a prime example. Cooper announced seeing many UFOs throughout his career. So when it was claimed that he saw green lights belonging to the Black Knight on his Mercury flight with alleged ground control radar also picking up something inexplicable, it is often believed to be true. However Cooper produced transcripts saying that on the Mercury flight he never saw anything. When you have admitted seeing UFOs once perhaps other details of when and where often become less significant.
The most recent and most cited “evidence” for a mystery satellite from beyond dates from 1998. The crew of Space Shuttle Orbiter Endeavour photographed an unusual object in low Earth orbit. These images are often labelled as the most definite proof of this satellite. However, on more careful analysis this strange structure seems more like a piece of space debris. In actual fact this black object is probably a thermal blanket that had become dislodged during an EVA. Mission STS-88 was the first American mission to begin construction of the International Space Station. The Russians had already placed the Zarya module in orbit so this mission was to connect Zarya to the American Unity module. The crew achieved all objectives of their mission including installing hand-rails and testing a safety device to prevent astronauts drifting into space should they become detached. However, there were a few hitches along the way. Initial alignment of the modules did not quite work so as the Shuttle’s robotic arm loosened its grip to try again, several items floated away including the thermal blanket covering, which is what the mysterious image captured in the photo appears to be.
2000 jaar oude seismograaf even nauwkeurig als moderne instrumenten
2000 jaar oude seismograaf ‘even nauwkeurig als moderne instrumenten’
De eerste seismograaf werd in het jaar 132 uitgevonden door de Chinees Zhang Heng. Hoewel er geen tekeningen bewaard zijn gebleven, is er wel een beschrijving van hoe het apparaat eruitzag. De seismograaf bestond uit een grote cilinder met rondom acht drakenkoppen, ieder met een metalen bal in zijn bek.
Onder iedere drakenkop zat een metalen kikker met open bek. Als er een aardbeving plaatsvond zorgde een mechanisme in de cilinder dat één van de drakenkoppen de bal uit zijn bek in de kikkerbek eronder liet vallen, wat een geluid van een luide gong veroorzaakte. Als er een geluid werd waargenomen wist men dat er ergens een aardbeving plaatsgevonden had. Door te kijken naar welke kikkerbek een bal bevatte, kon men vaststellen in welke richting het epicentrum van de beving lag, aldus dr. Jan Pajak van het Wellington Institute of Technology in een paper uit 2005
Replica van Zhang Hengs seismometer Houfeng Didong Yi
De overlevering vertelt dat de seismograaf op een dag in februari van het jaar 138 één van zijn ballen liet vallen, hoewel niemand een trilling had gevoeld. Toch meldde Zhang aan de keizer dat er ten westen van de hoofdstad een aardbeving had plaatsgevonden. Omdat er geen meldingen van schade waren, gingen er stemmen op dat het apparaat bedrog en Zhang Heng een fraudeur was. Twee dagen later rapporteerden ijlbodes dat in de provincie Gansu, meer dan 500 kilometer naar het westen, een zware aardbeving was geweest met aardverschuivingen als gevolg.
In 2006 stelden Feng Rui en Yu Yan-Xiang van het Chinese geofysisch instituut vast dat de eerste aardbeving die met de seismograaf was gedetecteerd een kracht van 7 op de schaal van Richter had. De beving vond plaats in het jaar 134 in Longxi. Het apparaat was zo complex dat alleen Heng het kon onderhouden.
Moderne seismometers bestaan uit een pen die is bevestigd aan een gewicht, dat op haar beurt weer vastzit aan een veer. Door de traagheid (inertie) van de massa beweegt het gewicht en dus ook de pen niet bij een beving. Het roterende vel papier beweegt daarentegen wel waardoor de lijn van de grafiek op en neer gaat.
In 1939 bouwde de Japanse wetenschapper Akitsune Imamura een werkende replica. In 2005 kwamen wetenschappers van de Chinese Academie van Wetenschappen met een replica die volgens hen nog nauwkeuriger was. De replica reageerde op seismische golven na vier aardbevingen in Tangshan, Yunnan, het Tibetaans Hoogland en Vietnam. Het apparaat zou even nauwkeurig zijn als moderne seismografen.
Volgens dr. Pajak lagen de ballen in de drakenbekken in wankel evenwicht. In het midden van de cilinder bevond zich een kantelbare schaal, waarover een langzame, kalme stroom water werd geleid. Het water verdeelde zich vervolgens in acht even grote kalme stroompjes die door de acht drakenkoppen naar buiten liepen.
Wanneer zich een aardbeving zou voordoen werd de schaal met water door de trillingen miniem uit zijn evenwicht gebracht. Uiteindelijk kantelde de schaal helemaal en stroomde het water erop in een grote plens door één drakenkop. Deze stroom was veel groter en turbulent van aard, waardoor meer wrijving op de metalen bal in de drakenkop werd uitgeoefend en deze uit de bek viel.
Het lijkt haast onmogelijk om een dergelijk gevoelig mechanisme te realiseren zonder dat het te pas en te onpas uit evenwicht raakt. Het is – zelfs met de moderne methoden – tot nu toe nog niemand gelukt. Wel zijn andere mechanismes in diverse replica’s gedemonstreerd.
In 123 corrigeerde Zhang de Chinese kalender, zodat die weer gelijk zou lopen met de seizoenen. Verder was hij de eerste persoon in China die een draaiende hemelglobe construeerde. Ook vond hij de odometer uit. Zhang benaderde het getal pi als 730/232 (ongeveer 3,1466). In één van zijn formules voor het berekenen van het volume van een bol gebruikte hij de vierkantswortel van 10 (ongeveer 3,162) als pi.
VIDEO: Deze elektrische levensvormen eten elektronen
VIDEO: Deze elektrische levensvormen eten elektronen
Amerikaanse microbiologen hebben bacteriën ontdekt die overleven door elektronen te eten. De ‘elektrische bacteriën’ zoals ze zijn genoemd halen hun energie uit stenen en metalen.
De biologen van de University of Southern California (USC) merken op dat er ongeveer 10 andere bacteriesoorten zijn die zich voeden met elektriciteit. “Dit is gigantisch. Er is een deel van de microbiële wereld waar we niets van weten,” zei hoofdonderzoeker Kenneth Nealson.
Hij legde uit hoe de bacteriën functioneren. “Je eet suikers met een overtollige hoeveelheid elektronen. Je ademt zuurstof in dat daar dankbaar gebruik van maakt,” zei Nealson. “Menselijke cellen breken de suikers af om toegang te krijgen tot de elektronen. Bacteriën die enkel de elektronen absorberen zijn vele malen efficiënter.”
Sommige van de bacteriën zijn zelfs in staat om zogeheten biokabels te maken, een soort microbiële verzameling van draden die net als koper elektriciteit kunnen geleiden. Dergelijke ‘nanodraden’ werden voor het eerst ontdekt door onderzoekers van de Aarhus-universiteit in Denemarken. Het is mogelijk dat bacteriën op een dag worden gebruikt om ondergrondse tunnelnetwerken te maken, waar mensen vervolgens gebruik van kunnen maken.
In onderstaande video wordt getoond hoe tienduizenden bacteriën samen een kabel kunnen vormen die elektronen over een gebied van enkele centimeters kan verplaatsen.
Nealson en zijn collega’s ontdekten de bacteriën door in een laboratorium elektroden in oceaansediment te steken. Bij een hoog voltage begonnen de bacteriën elektronen te consumeren. Bij een laag voltage produceerden de bacteriën juist elektronen, waardoor een elektrische stroom ontstond.
Er zijn twee bacteriegeslachten waarvan reeds bekend is dat ze afvalproducten kunnen omzetten in elektriciteit, te weten Geobacter en Shewanella. Deze bacteriën zouden in de toekomst toepassing kunnen vinden in bijvoorbeeld natuurlijke batterijen.
De onderzoeksresultaten zijn afgelopen maand gepresenteerd tijdens een bijeenkomst in de Amerikaanse staat Californië. Het team van Nealson heeft inmiddels acht verschillende elektrische bacteriesoorten onderscheiden.
NASA is ook erg geïnteresseerd in microben die diep onder de grond leven omdat dergelijke organismen vaak overleven met zeer weinig energie. Deze manier van leven kan in theorie ook worden toegepast door andere wezens die in het zonnestelsel leven.
Superstorm in de vorm van UFO gefotografeerd boven Roswell
Superstorm in de vorm van UFO gefotografeerd boven Roswell
In de lucht boven Roswell in de staat New Mexico is een donderwolk vastgelegd in de vorm van een UFO. Fotograaf Jody Miller (63), iemand die altijd op zoek is naar extreme weersomstandigheden, pakte gelijk haar fototoestel toen ze deze enorme wolk in de vorm van een vliegende schotel boven Roswell zag. De plaats werd in 1947 wereldberoemd toen er volgens velen een buitenaards ruimteschip is neergestort.
Miller begon foto’s te maken terwijl de supercel steeds onheilspellender werd. Een supercel is het zwaarste type onweersbui dat kan voorkomen. Deze buitengewoon grote onweersbui heeft een lange levensduur door de zeer effectieve energievoorziening.
Supercellen gaan vaak gepaard met zware neerslag, windstoten en veel bliksem. Een supercel wordt ook wel een mesocycloon genoemd. Ze kunnen hagelbuien, overstromingen en tornado’s veroorzaken. Het Belgische zomerfestival Pukkelpop werd in 2011 overvallen en zwaar getroffen door een supercel.
Een enorme supercel in de vorm van een UFO hangt boven Roswell (Jody Miller)
“Iedereen denkt dat stormjagen eng is,” zei Miller. “Maar in gezelschap van een meteoroloog ben je altijd in goede handen. Ik heb nooit gevaar gevoeld. Hoewel het lijkt alsof we recht onder de storm staan, zijn de wolken nog altijd kilometers van ons verwijderd.”
Jody is al twee jaar een stormjager. Ze zei dat je nooit alleen moet gaan en altijd moet vertrouwen op een goede meteoroloog. Dergelijke stormen kunnen grote schade aanrichten in gebieden waar ze ontstaan. “De meeste van deze stormen trekken over onbewoonde gebieden, maar als ze steden raken zijn de gevolgen meestal niet te overzien.”
FlickrThe Krasnodar region is no stranger to crop circles and accounts for 40 percent of all of those recorded in Russia.
The appearance of a mysterious crop circle in a southern Russian village has lead some residents to conclude aliens must have paid them a visit.
The unusual marking, about 40 meters in diameter, appeared in a sunflower field on a farm in the Krasnodar region last Thursday, local news site Svet Mayakov reported.
A video uploaded Sunday to the popular Russian social network Vkontakte shows the inside of the crop formation, which consists of a series of squares and rectangles joined together in a seemingly random pattern.
It was not immediately clear what caused the marking, though one resident told Channel Nine television that villagers had seen an unidentified object rising from the field, omitting a beam of light five meters in diameter.
A video camera located on the farm did not pick up any unusual activity, and no one was seen entering the field when the marking is believed to have appeared, news site Svet Mayakov reported.
The Krasnodar region is no stranger to crop circles and accounts for 40 percent of all of those recorded in Russia. A group of amateur enthusiasts convened in the area just last month to collect evidence of the unusual phenomenon.
But there are some who doubt the supernatural aspect of the markings.
“Firstly, I saw a whole swarm of insects and lizards in the fields,” alien-hunter Sergei Frolov told the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.
“Secondly, the plants themselves are broken and scattered in different directions, and in real crop circles they bend at the same angle. Furthermore, there are traces of human footprints in several places in the field.”
There is a video at the source article but it will not embed on BIN
The 1970s and 1980s were horror movie lovers' heaven! There were movies about nature turning on man because of pollution, witches, devil worshippers, killers, insanity, revenge, demons, families moving into haunted houses, beasts attacking, and teens being slashed.
You might have missed some of the more obscure ones in the offering -
The People: Kim Darby and William Shatner star in this 1972 movie. A woman is sent to a secluded valley to teach school to the reclusive residents' children. The citizens start showing some odd skills and pretty soon the teacher begins to wonder if the residents are human.
The Initiation:Daphne Zuniga stars in this 1984 slasher that takes place during an initiation stay in a mall when it's closed.
Shattered Silence (aka “When Michael Calls”): This 1972 classic suspense thriller has Michael Douglas, Elizabeth Ashley and Ben Gazzara steeped in New England autumn and a mystery that includes insanity and a dead child coming back to life?
Bad Ronald: This 1974 gem is about a nerd who is picked on and kills his tormenter. His mother then hides him away in a room and then later dies and he is left in there while a new family moves in.
The Evil:This 1978 movie starts Richard Crenna and is a pretty cool ghost story that a lot of folks missed. A psychiatrist gets an old abandoned home to turn into a clinic and his friends and students help him renovate it, only to be locked inside with evil chasing them down.
Day of the Animals:This 1977 made-for-tv movie has a lot of stars in the lineup for a movie that includes Leslie Nielson as a would-be rapist. This is what happens when hikers face woodlands in another 1970s scenario of polluted earth and demented animals taking on revenge scenario.
The Screaming Woman: This is a very obscure and almost not even noted 1972 movie about a wealthy mental patient who retreats to her estate to recover. She hears a woman screaming from underground and believes someone is buried alive. The family, however, sees this as a chance to prove she is crazy.
Gargoyles:This 1972 movie is a cult classic. It involves an archaeologist, his photographer daughter and a trek through the desert to run into gargoyles who live in the caves and come out every few decades to cause trouble.
Something Evil:This is 1972 Steven Spielberg film is a made-for-tv variety of horror when a family (Sandy Dennis and Darren McGavin) move into a lovely country home to avoid the city and raise their kids, only to have the wife losing it and believing there is evil in their home.
The Food of the Gods:This 1976 film is yet another great capture of the polluted-nature-turns-on-man scenario when on an island some “gunk” being dumped off as toxic waste into a stream feeds the animals and causes huge angry mutations. This is a real cult classic fav.
Mark of the Devil:This 1970 obscure find is a true S&M kind of horror film that had a cult following in the 70s. It includes some pretty graphic stuff – woman's tongue being ripped out, nuns being raped. It disturbed many and yet it had a following. This movie deals with the witch trials and sorcery and angry villagers.
Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things: This 1973 film has children digging up a corpse and making the dead rise from the grave.
The Demon Lover: This 1977 film has teens in a graveyard hanging with a demonic priest to raise up a demon from hell.
Terror In the Swamp: This 1985 has a scientist trying to come up with a new form of fur so that wildlife isn't endangered, only he develops a beast that roams the swamps.
Night of the Demon: This 1980 Bigfoot movie takes it to a new level of nastiness when a professor and his students go on a search to find that Bigfoot raped a teen and impregnated her with a mutant.
Garry McKinnon is a Scottish systems administrator and hacker who was accused in 2002 of perpetrating the “biggest military computer hack of all time.” In 2005 the story took an unexpected twist when in an interview with Jon Ronson, McKinnon claimed that while hacking into the US space command he discovered “lists of officers’ names” under the tantalising heading “Non-Terrestrial Officers” as well as records of “fleet-to-fleet transfers” and even “a list of ship names.”
Rather than extraterrestrials, though, the computer hacker told the Guardian columnist that he thought he had found evidence of a secret space program of some kind. When Ronson asked McKinnon “The Americans have a secret spaceship?” McKinnon answering, “That’s what this trickle of evidence has led me to believe.”
McKinnon’s suggestion that NASA could just be a cover for a much more advanced and deeply clandestine or “black” space program might sound like just another conspiracy theory but McKinnon isn’t the first to advocate such a hypotheses. The concept of a secret space program first gaining some prominence in 1977 when the UK’s Anglia Television (now ITV Anglia) broadcast the now infamous Orson Welles War of the Worlds-style hoax documentary: Alternative 3. The plot, of which, revolved around a global conspiracy to resettle missing scientists onto the Moon and Mars in preparation for an imminent environmental cataclysme.
While Alternative 3 is obviously science fiction. Something the lengthy interview with a fictitious Moon walking Apollo astronaut “Bob Grodin” (played by Shane Rimmer) as well as the list of programme credits run at the end should make clear. It is at least interesting that today climatologists are alarmingly forecasting exactly the kind catastrophic global warming predicted in the mock documentary. A fact which has led to much speculation on the world wide web that the April Fools hoax might have started out as a genuine investigation before having the plug pulled by sinister dark forces … perhaps the same forces calling for the extradition of Garry McKinnon.
In Jim Marrs’ Alien Agenda: Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence Among Us, the underground bestselling author briefly considered the Alternative 3 controversy. Marrs writing in Alien Agenda of respected UFO investigator and television documentary filmmaker Linda Mouton Howe’s involvement in investigating the controversial docudrama:
“I was curious,” Howe said, “and I had a discussion with a BBC producer about it. I was told that the program began as a BBC documentary on the so-called British ‘brain drain’ of the 1970s. You might remember that a large number of British scientists were leaving, reportedly for better-paying jobs in America. I was told that the program never came off because the BBC could not locate any of the scientists once they left Britain. It was all very odd. It was like they disappeared.”
Further, Marrs also writes in Alien Agenda that “Howe said writers Ambrose and Miles wrote a script for Alternative 3 based on real interviews conducted by the BBC.” UFO author Nick Redfern wasn’t convinced of this, though. When I asked the paranormal investigator about McKinnon’s comments in a 2008 questions and answers, Redfern replying:
“Non-Terrestrial Officers is of course a provocative term that conjures up all sorts of imagery. I think, however, that like much of Ufology, we have a few fragments of a story with what McKinnon found. But what the term might mean is very much down to personal interpretation.”
Other researchers, however, have been less sceptical about the possibility of a secret space program. Best selling author Timothy Good even going as far as suggesting an extraterrestrial connection: “In addition to having reverse engineered some recovered alien vehicles, I believe that we’ve been given highly advanced technology – including spacecraft – by certain allied extraterrestrials. As Ben Rich stated at the University of California School of Engineering in 1993: ‘We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects … and it would take an Act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity.’”
And Good is not alone. Author of UFOs and the National Security State, Richard Dolan, has also spoken out about the possibility of such a covert program indeed existing. Initially sceptical, the Oxford educated Historian writing that: “Slowly, by degrees, I have come to the opinion that there is a secret space program.” According to Dolan he was told by an individual with “impressive scientific and intelligence credentials” that he should not dismiss the anomalies located in the Cydonia region of Mars, such as the famous ‘Face’ and ‘City’ photographed by NASA’s Viking 1 Orbiter in 1976, and that there were in fact many people within the classified world who were seriously interested in studying these anomalies further:
“That’s when I realized, very concretely, that the notion of space anomalies was indeed a serious topic. I began to consider: if there is covert interest in the anomalies on Mars, would there be a covert space program to investigate? To this day, I don’t know the answer with certainty, but over the years I have encountered no shortage of quiet, serious-minded people who tell me of their knowledge that there is such a covert program. One component of this, it appears, has to do with the Moon. Are there bases on the far side of the Moon? Again, I do not know for sure, but I cannot rule it out. More than once, people I consider to be informed insiders have steered me in this direction.”
However, it is not just the opinions of anonymous insiders about the possibilities of alien architecture on Mars and perhaps even the Moon that interests Dolan:
“There is another reason to suppose the existence of an advanced, clandestine space program. An enormous amount of video of space missions has been downloaded and is available for anyone to see. These include missions of NASA, the European Space Agency, Russia, and China. Much of this was downloaded and made available by a gentleman named Jeff Challender, who unfortunately died in 2007. Jeff spent an enormous part of his life downloading and reviewing – very carefully – video recordings of those missions. There can be no denying that there has been a great deal of activity in Earth’s orbit. Much of what was recorded undoubtedly has conventional explanations. But, frankly, many events do not offer easy explanations. I firmly believe there is something unusual going on in Earth’s orbit. Fortunately, after Jeff’s death, I was able to upload his entire site and attach it to my own. His site, known as Project Prove, now has a permanent home at”
This cocktail of tempting space anomalies on the one hand and video evidence of covert activity in space on the other, does seem to add up to good grounds for suspecting a covert space program as Dolan suggests. There is only one problem with all this speculation, though, any space program along the lines of Alternative 3 or envisioned by Dolan with bases on the Moon would cost trillions of dollars, surely there would be evidence of such incredible spending? The short answer is yes, and yes there is evidence of such incredible spending. In 2001, at the National Press Club, US Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld admitted to the media that amazingly “According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions.” What more, this took place somewhat suspiciously on September 10, the eve of the 9/11 attacks on New York and the Pentagon.
UFO spotted hovering over the road and attacking some cars in SiChuan. We can see that it was starting to cause panic for some people… just before the huge explosion.
22-07-2014 om 16:10
geschreven door peter
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Interview Intégrale de Jacques Vallée en exclusivité
Le média Ovnis-Direct a eu le privilège d'interviewer Jacques Vallée, en février 2014.
Nous remercions particulièrement ceux qui ont acheté cette interview et permis de financer sa traduction en anglais
Nous avons sollicité pour cette interview quatre autres intervenants, pionniers dans leur domaine : - Fabrice Bonvin sur la conscience, l'ufologie e son évolution. - Nagib KARY, responsable du média Ovnis-Direct sur l’ouvrage « Science Interdite, Vol 2 », l’ufologie, la physique et l’hypothèse du système de contrôle. - Philippe Solal sur la physique, la cosmologie et les cryptides. - Daniel Robin sur les ovnis et le programme d’apprentissage. - Jean-Pierre Troadec sur l'affaire de Cergy Pontoise, les soucoupes nazies, les sociétés initiatiques et les contact
Jacques Vallée obtient une licence de mathématique à la Sorbonne et une maitrise d'astrophysique à l'Université de Lille et entame sa carrière professionnelle en tant qu'astronome à l'Observatoire de Paris en 1961.
En 1962, il quitte la France pour pratiquer l'astronomie à l'université du Texas où il contribue à établir la première carte informatisée de Mars pour la NASA.
Il étudie ensuite à l'université Northwestern, où il obtient un doctorat en informatique. Enquêteur capital du grand projet de la NSF de réseau d'ordinateurs, qui aboutit au premier système de conférence sur l'ARPANET plusieurs années avant l'avènement de l'Internet, il officie également au National Advisory Committee of the University of Michigan College of Engineering.
Il découvre l'intelligence artificielle et rejoint le projet Blue Book. S'intéressant de plus en plus aux ovnis, il propose en 1966 un système de classification des observations d'ovnis, qui sera suivi d'un second en 1990. Il fonde avec son mentor J.
Allen Hynek le Collège Invisible, qui se fondra ensuite dans le CUFOS, un groupe d'experts du monde entier qui s'interrogent sur les soucoupes volantes sans pour autant forcément y croire. Il est choisi par Steven Spielberg comme modèle pour le personnage de Lacombe, le savant français interprété par François Truffaut dans son film Rencontres du troisième type. Jacques Vallée est capital-risqueur depuis 1987 dans la Silicon Valley et a participé aux investissements dans une soixantaine de start-up.
Jacques Vallée entrevoit dans le phénomène ufologique un système de « contrôle » évolutionniste terrestre, opérant sur l'inconscient collectif de notre espèce, d'où une vision holistique au travers d'exemples de phénomènes folkloriques ou contemporains sortant de l'ordinaire humain. Cette perception de l'auteur s'affirme notamment à la lecture de la trilogie Autres dimensions/Confrontations/révélations à l'orée des années 1990.
Fabrice Bonvin : (Ecrivain ufologue suisse, psychologue de formation, traitant particulièrement du rapport entre les Ovnis et l’écologie ainsi que de l’impact psychologique des apparitions sur les témoins).
FB: Comment voyez-vous l'ufologie et l'activité d'ufologue à échéance de 15-20 ans ? Qu'est-ce qui changera fondamentalement ou ne changera pas ?
JV: Il ne faudra pas s’étonner si on assiste à une recrudescence de manifestations alors que l’humanité commence une nouvelle phase d’exploration systématique de l’espace. Mais c’est au phénomène lui-même qu’il faudrait poser la question : il a montré qu’il était divers, adaptable et imprévisible. Il a aussi montré qu’il était fondamentalement intéressé par nos progrès technologiques et nos prototypes.
FB: Quel est le penseur, l'intellectuel ou le chercheur que vous admirez le plus et pour quelles raisons ?
JV: Vous l’avez peut-être constaté en lisant Science Interdite : j’ai trouvé chez Aimé Michel une grande source d’inspiration, un esprit remarquable par la puissance de sa vision et l’humanité profonde de son intellect. Le fait qu’un tel penseur ait pu être ignoré, et même méprisé par les beaux esprits en France n’est pas à l’honneur de notre pays. Par contre, le petit groupe de ceux qui l’ont connu ont eu un grand privilège. Pour Aimé, les Ovnis n’étaient qu’un mystère parmi d’autres : c’était un penseur vraiment universel.
FB: Quel est la discipline scientifique actuelle qui serait le plus à même à faire profiter l'ufologie de ses acquis ?
JV: Je pense à deux disciplines dont l’application est urgente : l’informatique d’abord, avec le « data-mining », et la médecine qui n’a jamais été sérieusement appelée à étudier les effets à long terme sur les témoins de rencontres rapprochées. Au-delà de cela, bien sûr, la physique doit intervenir en regardant les ovnis comme un « théorème d’existence » pour comprendre la réalité physique dans un sens plus large.
FB: En quoi la conscience et les Ovnis sont-ils reliés ? Quel rôle joue la conscience dans les manifestations Ovnis ?
JV: On a longtemps vu les ovnis comme des vaisseaux spatiaux classiques, conformes à la science-fiction des années 40 et 50. Cette interprétation a la vie dure : en France en particulier, où les récentes percées de la parapsychologie sont mal connues, on considère les effets psychiques rapportés par les témoins soit comme des preuves de faiblesse mentale, soit comme des effets électromagnétiques secondaires et accidentels. Pourtant, au fur et à mesure que la documentation s’améliore, on découvre que les aspects physiques du phénomène sont aussi négociables que ses effets psychiques : tout se passe comme s’il prenait le contrôle d’une zone donnée, y compris les perceptions des témoins. C’est cette constatation qui avait découragé Aimé Michel.
FB: Est-ce que les gouvernements (et en particulier celui des États-Unis) cachent des informations sur les Ovnis au public (à votre avis et selon votre expérience) ?
JV: Il y a deux niveaux à cette question : (1) les gouvernements (et pas seulement celui des USA) gardent pour eux les informations qu’ils jugent les plus sensibles, en particulier celles qui viennent des militaires. Tout semble montrer que depuis 1947 cette politique a été considérée comme légitime, dans l’intérêt même des populations et dans l’espoir de découvrir rapidement des percées technologiques. (2) La question plus difficile est de savoir si ces percées ont eu lieu. A mon avis le phénomène a probablement résisté à toute analyse, classifiée ou non. La question d’ouvrir les dossiers va se poser à nouveau. Il n’est pas aussi simple de comprendre le phénomène ovni que de démonter un MiG ou de copier secrètement la navette spatiale.
FB: Quel(s) conseil(s) donneriez-vous à la communauté ufologique ?
JV: Je ne crois pas que j’ai des conseils personnels à donner. Il est évident que l’on ne fera pas de vrais progrès dans un climat qui tolère les querelles de chapelles, et il serait bon d’éviter les accusations paranoïaques qui découragent l’adhésion de vrais chercheurs. Le phénomène est accessible au niveau local, donc la possibilité d’études sur le terrain et d’échange rapide des données est grande ouverte. Ce serait plus utile que de ruminer à propos de secrets inaccessibles dans les tiroirs des gouvernements.
FB: Quels sont vos plus grands regrets dans votre parcours ufologique ?
JV: Je me demande parfois si les choses auraient pris un autre tournant si j’avais accompagné Allen Hynek à Detroit pendant l’affaire du « swamp gas ». Ce fut la plus grande opportunité de poser la question de la réalité du phénomène devant le grand public américain et les milieux scientifiques. Ensemble, et avec les conseils de Bill Powers, nous aurions pu présenter une vision sérieuse et urgente du problème qui aurait été comprise par les médias. Tout cela, c’est de l’eau qui est passée sous les ponts, comme disent les Américains. Si je regarde en arrière il est clair que professionnellement j’ai perdu mon temps quand je suis rentré en France fin 1967. Devrais-je le regretter ? Je n’aurais pas pu écrire Passport to Magonia ailleurs qu’à Paris. Et puis je n’aurais pas vécu Mai 68 sur place
NK: P389, réponse de J.Vallée à Aimé Michel sur l’origine des ovnis (Belmont vendredi 25 juin 1976) : « L’opinion publique n’a que deux positions possibles vis-à-vis des ovnis : si tu arrives à enlever de l’esprit des foules l’idée que ce sont des hallucinations, ces mêmes cerveaux vont se rabattre sur la conclusion qu’il s’agit purement et simplement d’extraterrestre ». « Ne vois-tu pas qu’une technologie qui peut créer des déformations locales de l’espace pourrait ne pas se limiter à produire des ovnis, mais toutes sortes d’autres phénomènes qui sembleraient miraculeux ?».
À part les ovnis, pourriez-vous nous citer un panel de ces phénomènes miraculeux, résultants de cette super technologie ?
JV: Ces phénomènes sont dans la littérature sous la forme de témoignages de poltergeist comme dans le livre du capitaine de gendarmerie Tizané, voire les fameuses déformations de métal par la pensée rapportées par des laboratoires soviétiques ou par le Stanford Research Institute (ou, en France, par le chercheur métallurgiste Crussard). La non-localité autorise les phénomènes du sourcier décrits par le grand physicien français Yves Rocard dans ses expériences à l’École Normale Supérieure, comme l’avait souligné le relativiste Olivier Costa de Beauregard. Il est dommage qu’on ait systématiquement occulté ce domaine pour des raisons idéologiques. Il était peut-être marginal dans les années 70 mais il revient au centre des grandes questions physiques actuelles.
NK: P406, commentaire d’Aleister Crowley sur la société pour la recherche psychique : « Tout leur travail ne fait qu'apporter la preuve qu'il existe des forces extérieures aux humains. Nous les connaissons depuis toujours : l’univers est rempli de manifestations obscures et subtiles de l'énergie. Mais personne avant moi n'a jamais réussi à prouver l'existence d'une intelligence extérieure à l'espèce humaine, alors que ma compilation magique y parvient. Mais il est impossible de douter qu'il y ait quelqu'un là, quelqu'un capable d'organiser des manifestations de la même façon que Napoléon a conçu ses plans de bataille, habité par des pouvoirs d'une ampleur inimaginable, par le biais desquels il peut contrôler les actions des peuples qu'il a choisies pour jouer un rôle dans l'exécution de ses desseins. »
Les publications faites par des personnages appartenant au courant ésotérique de l’hermétisme, comme Aleister Crowley, Facius Cardan, John Dee et autres que vous citez, vous ont-ils influencé d’une quelconque manière dans vos recherches menant à l’hypothèse du système de contrôle ?
JV: Certainement. Avant le développement de la science telle que nous la connaissons, beaucoup de chercheurs solitaires ou membres de petits groupes se sont posé les mêmes questions que nous. Le père de Facius Cardan était un grand mathématicien, John Dee était un érudit qui a contribué à la science de la navigation, d’autres étaient chimistes, alchimistes ou astrologues. Ils se sont demandé s’il existait un équilibre général du monde qui donnerait un sens à la vie humaine et aux phénomènes qui nous entourent.
NK: Quels sont, selon vous, les éléments déclencheurs des mouvements sectaires des années 70 aux USA ?
JV: Une nouvelle génération prenait conscience des insuffisances de la culture occidentale et s’est révoltée contre les interdits religieux, sociaux, politiques et artistiques du monde de leurs parents, sortis mentalement épuisés et culturellement appauvris de la seconde guerre mondiale. Dans ce climat il était naturel que l’exploration spirituelle parte un peu dans toutes les directions et soit en partie captée par des sectes. J’ai observé ce phénomène aux USA mais il existait aussi en France, en Angleterre et ailleurs, moins visible, mais tout aussi puissant : voyez le Temple Solaire…
NK: On note bien à travers votre dernier ouvrage vos réticences concernant certaines techniques dites de méditation par l’intermédiaire de substances. Un nouveau courant d’ufologues sérieux, s’étant rendu en Amazonie, évoque l’efficacité des méthodes utilisées par des shamans (ayahuasca) pour atteindre d’autres plans de réalités. On les qualifie même de « techniciens de la conscience ». Qu’en pensez-vous ?
JV: Sur le plan de la recherche, toutes ces explorations sont utiles et même précieuses : la science actuelle pose la question de la nature de la réalité, à la fois sous l’angle physique (les quanta, la non-localité etc.) et physiologique (traitement de l’information par le cerveau, découverte de mécanismes cachés grâce aux IRM « fonctionnels » etc.) J’ai rencontré Terence McKenna et réalisé au cours de nos conversations combien nos hypothèses sur un éventuel « système de contrôle » convergeaient. Mais mon axe de recherche personnel passe par une calibration systématique des données, avec un étalonnage des outils d’investigation quin’est pas possible quand on est emporté par les visions des drogues comme ’ayahuasca ou simplement le LSD. Vivant en Californie de façon permanente depuis 1969 j’ai vu passer toutes les expériences à partir de ces méthodes, qu’elles sortent des jungles sud-américaines ou simplement des labos pharmaceutiques. Je comprends leur utilité pour forcer certaines structures du cerveau à révéler leur fonction dans la construction de la réalité, mais je n’y ai rien appris qui soit nouveau et fiable pour mon propre travail.
NK: P427 – Citation de l’auteur : « Le phénomène ovni ressemble à un kaléidoscope comportant trois niveaux distincts : un niveau à l'échelle purement physique et technologique ; un niveau sociologique ; et pour finir, un niveau personnel, subliminal, qui joue avec les nuances subtiles de la psyché humaine. Le premier de ces aspects semble clairement indiquer une origine extraterrestre ; le second, si on s’en tient à sa seule dimension sociétale serait du ressort de la mythologie humaine et de l’anthropologie : c'est l'explication qui recueille les faveurs de Kit et des sceptiques évolués, contrairement à Menzel et Klass qui se contentent de nier tout en bloc. Le troisième aspect est le plus inquiétant : il laisse entrevoir les indices d'une manipulation plus sombre, d'origine terrestre et très matérielle ». Avez-vous réalisé, ces dernières années, de nouvelles découvertes sur ce troisième aspect du phénomène ovni ?
JV: On est confronté à cet aspect quand on poursuit l’étude des cas sur le terrain. Tout se passe comme si le phénomène était capable de manipuler son environnement (y compris son environnement humain) pour occulter sa véritable nature. A mon avis les structures de camouflage utilisent des éléments terrestres, et il ne s’agit pas seulement, comme on l’a longtemps cru naïvement, d’un « cover-up » bureaucratique.
Philippe Solal (Docteur et professeur agrégé de philosophie à l’INSA de Toulouse, enseignant en expression-communication, psychologie sociale, philosophie des sciences et auteur d’une dizaine d’ouvrages dans ces domaines).
PS: La physique et la cosmologie de ce début du XXIe siècle sont en crise et cherchent de nouveaux modèles pour représenter l’univers : multivers, univers multidimensionnels, repliés, feuilletés, etc. Êtes-vous attentif à cette crise, et celle-ci alimente-t-elle votre réflexion sur l’origine des OVNIS ?
JV: J’ai suivi de près ces travaux, d’abord en astrophysique à l’Université du Texas qui a été un des principaux centres de recherche cosmologique, puis à Stanford et au SRI. Le résultat a été mon livre « Autres Dimensions » car les ovnis nous offrent entre autres l’opportunité de poser cette question de la structure de l’univers. Plus récemment j’ai fait une conférence TED sur le sujet de la physique de l’information, dans le cadre d’une rencontre à Bruxelles sur les 60 prochaines années, période qui mettra ces travaux au centre de la recherche, à mon avis.
PS: Il parait que vous avez beaucoup enquêté ces derniers mois sur une recrudescence de cas de témoignages sur les cryptides aux USA. Pourriez-vous nous en parler ?
JV: C’est un sujet que j’ai longtemps mis de côté, d’abord parce que je n’ai pas de compétence en biologie ou zoologie, et surtout parce qu’il me paraissait indépendant des observations que j’étudiais. J’ai été forcé de revenir sur cette position à la suite de plusieurs séries de témoignages où des phénomènes crypto-zoologiques étaient co-localisés avec des observations d’ovnis bien documentées. En 2012 et 2013 j’ai fait plusieurs voyages en Utah avec le professeur Frank Salisbury, un éminent biologiste qui a notamment travaillé avec la NASA sur la botanique en microgravité. Nous avons parcouru la chaîne des Uintah et plus tard le bassin semi-désertique qui s’étend de Vernal à Fort Duchesne, pour rencontrer les témoins de ces événements, qui étaient des ranchers, des industriels et des policiers (y compris la police tribale). En général ces témoignages ne sont pas publiés, ce qui rend indispensable un travail de terrain pour retrouver les gens et les écouter. Ces voyages m’ont appris que l’observation de ces créatures était à prendre au sérieux. Comme vous le savez peut-être, des observations semblables ont été rapportées en Franc
Daniel Robin (Président de l’association “OVNI Investigation” basée à Lyon, enquêteur de terrain et organisateur des « Rencontres des Sciences et de l’Inexpliqué ». Sur la base d’exemples concrets, il établit une catégorisation d’interférence du phénomène sur la conscience humaine).
DR: Dans vos livres hypothèse selon laquelle les manifestations du phénomène ovni Humanité. Ce système pourrait être du même type que celui du psychologue Burrhus Frederic vous développer cette hypothèse et montrer que les manifestations du phénomène ovni suivent bien un programme ?
JV: Cette hypothèse vient des compilations informatiques faites au cours les années 60 et 70, conduisant à une courbe de fréquence du phénomène qui ressemble à un programme d’apprentissage (« schedule of reinforcement » au sens de Skinner), c’est-à-dire une succession de stimuli qui est pseudo-périodique. Selon Skinner un tel programme conduit à un apprentissage irréversible. Il est aussi difficilement détectable à moins de recenser une longue série d’observations.
Notons au passage que les études militaires comme celle de l’US Air Force (projet Blue Book), ou les analyses académiques comme celle du professeur Condon à l’Université du Colorado, ont toujours traité les cas un par un, sans perspective globale, ce qui masque évidemment un tel programme, s’il existe. L’idée souvent ressassée dans les déclarations des agences gouvernementales, selon laquelle les Ovnis ne représentent pas une menace, n’a jamais pris en compte la structure de l’évolution globale du phénomène.
Pour confirmer ou infirmer cette hypothèse il faudrait reprendre les données récentes et mettre à jour les cas anciens afin d’étendre l’étude sur une période plus longue. J’ai eu l’opportunité d’en discuter avec des informaticiens du CNES. Il n’est pas exclu que plusieurs hypothèses convergent en reprenant une telle analyse.
DR: Dans une conférence que vous avez faite à art du passé dans lesquelles un tableau de Michel Ange représentant un triangle noir que le peintre aurait uvre de Michel Ange ?
JV: La référence est l’ouvrage du chroniqueur bénédictin Benedetto Lushino, Vulnera Diligentis (second livre, chapitre XXII) qui écrit que Michel-Ange vit un « signe triangulaire » par une nuit calme. Il était lumineux (et non pas noir) avec trois queues, l’une argentée, la deuxième rouge, la troisième « enflammée et bifurquée ». L’observation eut lieu à Rome en 1513. Michel-Ange fut impressionné au point d’en faire une peinture, qui n’a malheureusement pas survécu, à ma connaissance.
Jean-Pierre TROADEC (Auteur du livre Les Ovnis. Collection Je ?, éditions PUF, Paris, Auditeur de l'Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale.)
JPT: L'affaire de Cergy Pontoise éclate en 1979. Selon vous quelle réalité cache cette histoire : abduction, canular, montage des vous, s'appuyant sur quels éléments de preuve ?
JV: Je repense souvent à cette affaire. Elle me touche personnellement car, contrairement à la plupart des enquêtes qu’un chercheur est appelé à faire, celle-ci me ramène sur un terrain très familier : comme Franck Fontaine, j’ai été élève de l’école communale du Parc-aux-Charrettes à Pontoise ; comme lui et ses camarades, je connais bien le plateau de Cergy ; et Gérard Deforge, qui eut Fontaine comme élève, est un ami personnel. J’ai également rencontré Fontaine avec les deux autres témoins à Pontoise chez Marceau Sicaud, qui avait étudié tout le dossier. Aujourd’hui j’hésite encore entre la thèse du canular et celle de l’opération psychologique. Prévost et N’Diaye ont interprété les événements à leur façon mais la personnalité de Franck et ses doutes sur son expérience m’intriguent : Je n’ai pas l’impression qu’il ait menti. D’autre part on sait que des expériences sociologiques ne sont pas rares dans le cadre de la guerre psychologique. A Cergy-Pontoise, plusieurs pistes évidentes pouvant indiquer une manipulation n’ont pas été explorées par les enquêteurs : pourquoi ? Le Gepan a sans doute eu raison de ne pas s’impliquer davantage dans la question, une fois écartée l’hypothèse d’un véritable « enlèvement ».
JPT: Les contactés, ils une part réelle de témoignage ufologique, ils en lien avec autre chose ? Certains penchent vers le canular pur. Quel est votre avis ?
JV: Si l’on se tient à la réalité « scientifique » il semble clair que l’on se trouve devant des canulars (dans le cas d’Adamski) ou de dérives psychologiques (délire, fugue, paraphrénie) dans d’autres cas. Mais l’impact de ces récits s’avère plus profond qu’un simple canular, qui serait rapidement éliminé une fois la vérité connue : Voyez par exemple les fameuses observations de Gulf Breeze avec « Monsieur Ed » ou le cas Meier en Suisse, que l’ufologie a heureusement oubliés. Carl Jung ne s’est pas trompé sur l’impact culturel et psychologique des récits de « contact » des années 50, quand il a attiré l’attention sur leur appel à des archétypes puissants. Par exemple, les contactés ont été les premiers à lancer le « mème » de la pollution dangereuse de la planète, vingt ans avant les écologistes (C’est un point sur lequel leurs visiteurs cosmiques insistaient souvent…). Plus récemment, le professeur Jeff Kripal, qui est chairman du Département des Etudes Religieuses à l’Université Rice, a repris cette analyse en termes de l’évolution des concepts religieux dans le monde moderne. Dans cette optique, le fait que des nouvelles croyances soient basées sur des faits invérifiables ou même faux n’a aucune importance : Jésus Christ a-t-il vraiment changé l’eau en vin ?
JPT: On prétend que durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale les scientifiques allemands auraient développé des engins à ailes circulaires, des soucoupes volantes (Vrils, Haunebus). Ces informations sont-elles du domaine de la rumeur ?
JV: Ces recherches sont bien établies, et l’on a retrouvé certains de ces prototypes (J’en ai vu un dans un laboratoire au Texas). Du point de vue aéronautique il était logique d’essayer de développer ce type d’engin. Dès la fin de la guerre la société AVRO au Canada et Couzinet en France ont essayé de construire une soucoupe volante fonctionnelle. Les Américains ont repris ces recherches tout en essayant de retrouver les frères Horten. En France la société nationale de construction aéronautique du Sud-Ouest (SNCASO) engagea Thomas Townsend Brown (co-fondateur du groupe ufologique NICAP) en 1955 pour des travaux sur l’électro-gravité. Plus près de nous le Dr. Moller en Californie, que j’ai rencontré à Sacramento et dont j’ai vu les prototypes, espère encore faire voler un appareil grand public pour lequel il cherche du financement. Avec le recul on comprend maintenant pourquoi ces appareils sont instables (dès qu’ils montent au-dessus de la zone de « ground effect » comme un hovercraft) et surtout difficiles à utiliser avec une charge significative ou plusieurs passagers : le poids augmente avec le cube du diamètre, et le centre de gravité est trop près du « center of lift ». A ma connaissance les seuls appareils circulaires capables d’emporter un ou deux hommes sont utilisés par les militaires à basse altitude pour des opérations de commando, notamment en terrain marécageux. Et ils ne tournent pas sur eux-mêmes comme les prototypes allemands. A mon avis il n’y a plus de mystère sur ce sujet.
JPT: Quel lien faites-vous entre ufologie et sociétés secrètes initiatiques ?
JV: Si elles sont gardiennes d’une véritable tradition, les sociétés initiatiques sont ouvertes à l’idée de formes de conscience non humaines. Dans Paracelse, à qui la médecine doit d’importantes idées et des remèdes pratiques, on trouve une série de descriptions d’êtres censés habiter des réalités parallèles à la nôtre. Les collections de traités ésotériques contiennent des informations historiques précieuses, à côté de spéculations que la science moderne a invalidées ou dépassées. Par contre quand on regarde l’histoire récente de ces sectes, on trouve aussi un lien plus sinistre entre leurs dirigeants et des services qui les utilisent à des fins politiques ou simplement pour faciliter certaines influences. Des auteurs bien informés ont mis en lumière ces relations, qu’il s’agisse de la loge P2, de l’Amorc ou de certaines structures maçonniques en Afrique. Sans parler, là encore, de la Secte du Temple Solaire, dont les initiations comprenaient un contact avec des êtres soi-disant extraterrestres, simulés avec des méthodes de prestidigitateurs
Questions générales des Internautes et de Nagib KARY, responsable du média Ovnis-Direct :
NK: Savez-vous s’il existe en ce moment un programme ou un plan pour entrer en contact avec le phénomène ovni ?
JV: On en trouve plusieurs sur Internet, à commencer par le groupe du Dr. Steven Greer. Ses disciples affirment qu’ils sont en contact fréquent avec des ovnis par signaux lumineux. Malheureusement leurs appareils de photo ou de vidéo cessent de fonctionner au moment propice... D’autres groupes ont des projets de contacts télépathiques. Les projets les plus sérieux commencent par l’identification de zones à haute fréquence d’observations, où les chercheurs espèrent pouvoir établir une communication régulière. Jusqu’ici je n’ai pas vu de résultats convaincants.
NK: Quelle opinion avez-vous au sujet des évolutions actuelles de la physique quantique ? Selon vous, serions-nous proches de découvertes permettant d’expliquer en partie certains phénomènes liés aux ovnis ?
JV: La question est légitime, d’autant plus que les recherches sérieuses sur le fonctionnement de la conscience sont devant le même problème. A partir du principe de non-localité on doit se demander si la pensée ne se transmet pas instantanément (plutôt que par ondes électromagnétiques, comme dans les recherches soviétiques de la période 1930-1940 ou les travaux des scientifiques français et anglais du début du dernier siècle avec la « radio mentale »). Il serait donc possible d’entrer en contact avec d’autres formes de conscience, et des êtres capables de se déplacer dans l’espace pourraient nous influencer à distance, ou même nous faire percevoir des scènes imaginaires. A vrai dire, il me semble que dans leur enthousiasme ces chercheurs mettent un peu la mécanique quantique à toutes les sauces : comme ses mécanismes restent mystérieux, on peut lui faire expliquer une foule de phénomènes de manière abusive. Je suis plus intéressé par les nouvelles idées sur la physique de l’information, comme je l’ai dit plus haut. Si l’espace-temps est un effet secondaire de notre conscience et une illusion physique, alors le problème des phénomènes liés aux ovnis se pose d’une manière beaucoup plus fondamentale.
NK: Pourquoi l'hypothèse du contrôle évoque essentiellement les ovnis et personnages qui y sont associés ? Cette manipulation de l'espace et du temps ne pourrait-elle se matérialiser dans la vie courante, dans la rue, dans les logements ?
JV: On peut tout-à-fait imaginer un système de contrôle qui ferait graduellement basculer notre réalité (à la fois physique et sociale) pour la remplacer par « autre chose ». C’est le mécanisme que Jorge-Luis Borges a décrit dans sa magistrale nouvelle, Tlön Uqbar Orbis Tertius.
NK: Pourriez-vous situer les principaux auteurs, chercheurs qui actuellement sont dans le même courant de pensée que le vôtre ?
JV: D’abord, Jeff Kripal et ses étudiants, et les participants de ses symposia sur le sujet à Esalen ces dernières années (voyez son ouvrage « Authors of the Impossible », University of Chicago Press, où il analyse mon travail et celui de Bertrand Méheust). Ces idées convergent avec celles de Jean Sider en France et de plusieurs physiciens aux Etats-Unis ainsi que des chercheurs comme Philippe Guillemant au CNRS. Il existe aussi plusieurs groupes à Silicon Valley qui travaillent sur la rétro-causalité, et remettent en question les idées reçues. Je crois que ce travail doit être fait avant que l’on puisse poser la question des Ovnis sur une base vraiment scientifique. En fait, je résumerais le problème de la façon suivante : « (1) Le phénomène ovni existe réellement. (2) Sur cette base, il ne nous reste plus qu’à re-négocier ce que nous entendons par réalité ».
NK: Comprenez-vous qu’un personnage comme John Keel ait été plusieurs fois remis en doute ? Avez-vous pu échanger avec lui au sujet des manifestations de Point Pleasant (1966-67) ? Ce cas est-il crédible à vos yeux ? Et savez-vous s’il en existe d’autres de ce type impliquant un large éventail de manifestations paranormales diverses et variées ?
JV: John n’était pas un scientifique et ne prétendait pas l’être. Il a été mis en doute à juste titre parce que ses sources étaient invérifiables. A mon avis il allait trop vite et se laissait emporter par les impressions du moment. Cela étant, il a passé beaucoup de temps sur le terrain, il a été le premier à reconnaître que les vrais témoins formaient une majorité invisible, et que les militaires avaient un programme systématique d’interférence avec les observations. Il a aussi remis en cause l’hypothèse extraterrestre au premier degré, notamment dans Disneyland of the Gods. Sur le cas de Point Pleasant je ne peux pas faire de commentaire, je ne suis pas allé interroger les témoins. Mais je fais confiance à John quand il décrit la destruction d’un pont prédite par des messages antérieurs, et qu’il en déduit que le phénomène s’amuse parfois à nos dépens.
NK: De nombreux internautes sur les réseaux sociaux sont passionnés par le cas filmé des lumières de Phoenix en Arizona en 1997 ainsi que par les crashs d’ovnis au sol qui justifierait l’existence de débris matériels. Est-il possible de concilier l’hypothèse du système de contrôle avec les faits (Phoenix) et suppositions (crashes, retro-ingénierie) énoncés précédemment ?
JV: Il s’agit de deux questions très différentes : Le cas de Phoenix montre les limites de nos systèmes d’observation, puisqu’on a de multiples témoignages, un enregistrement vidéo, et que l’on n’arrive toujours pas à prouver la nature du phénomène. Je n’ai pas d’élément supplémentaire qui pourrait résoudre cette question, mais remarquons que le cas de Phoenix n’
"Nous sommes face à un puzzle de 1 000 pièces dont on n'aurait que 3 morceaux. Comment voulez-vous avoir une idée de ce qu'il représente ?..." lâche, dans un sourire amusé, Michel Viso, le patron du programme exobiologie du Centre national d'études spatiales (CNES). En fait, les exobiologistes - les scientifiques qui traquent la vie extraterrestre - ont une petite idée du portrait-robot d'un extraterrestre. Oubliez la grosse tête et le doigt qui s'allume. E. T. est très certainement un être unicellulaire, un microbe, une bactérie anaérobie pour qui l'oxygène que nous respirons est toxique. La probabilité de dénicher un organisme très évolué, et qui plus est intelligent, est infiniment plus faible. Pour le comprendre, il faut se replonger dans l'histoire de la Terre. Sur une échelle de douze heures qui représenterait son existence, on pense qu'il faut attendre trois heures pour voir émerger le vivant, six pour des organismes multicellulaires et beaucoup plus encore pour l'apparition des végétaux, suivis des animaux, puis de l'homme. Les chercheurs pensent donc qu'E. T. ressemble aux premières formes de la vie terrestre. Mais ne pourrait-il pas appartenir à un tout autre type de vie, qui ne soit pas, comme le nôtre, basé sur le carbone ? Très peu probable, s'accordent à dire la plupart des scientifiques. D'une part, parce que notre forme de vie est constituée des composés les plus abondants dans l'Univers : "Le CHNOPS, acronyme désignant le carbone (C), l'hydrogène (H), l'azote (N), l'oxygène (O), le phosphore (P) et le soufre (S)", explique Michel Viso. D'autre part, parce que l'atome de carbone possède, au regard des autres éléments chimiques présents dans l'Univers, des propriétés inégalées.
Jeu de construction
Il existe bien une autre hypothèse, celle d'une vie basée sur le silicium. Seulement voilà : cet atome, bien que capable, comme le carbone, de former quatre liaisons, se révèle beaucoup plus rigide. La silice, le minéral qui fige les êtres en fossiles, c'est lui ! "En outre, le silicium n'offre pas la possibilité de former une aussi grande diversité de molécules, car ses liaisons ne s'organisent pas de la même manière dans l'espace", pointe la chimiste Marylène Bertrand, au groupe exobiologie du CBM, le centre de biophysique moléculaire d'Orléans, dépendant du CNRS. Or, pour qu'il y ait vie, il faut, outre une chimie riche, de la stabilité - pour que les molécules perdurent - et de la souplesse - pour qu'elles puissent évoluer. Le carbone, lui, peut s'associer très facilement avec beaucoup d'autres éléments, et fournit le jeu de construction qui comporte le plus de pièces. "Ces quatre liaisons s'organisent de telle façon qu'il peut créer des molécules images l'une de l'autre, identiques mais non superposables, comme une main droite et une main gauche. Ce qui permet de fabriquer des choses structurées et d'une grande diversité qui vont pouvoir ensuite s'arranger de multiples manières. Appelée chiralité, cette caractéristique est indispensable au vivant. Ainsi obtient-on la bonne clé pour la bonne serrure, résume la chimiste. Et si ces éléments ont fabriqué la vie sur Terre, il n'y a pas de raison pour que, dans des conditions correctes, celle-ci ne soit pas apparue ailleurs. Cette probabilité est, selon moi, véritablement importante", ajoute celle qui a débuté au côté d'un pionnier de la discipline, André Brack.
Les scientifiques traquent donc un E.T. qui serait, comme nous, fait de CHNOPS, mais qui aurait l'aspect d'un micro-organisme primitif. Sauf qu'ils n'ont qu'une très vague idée de ce à quoi pouvaient ressembler les premiers habitants de la Terre. Dans leurs laboratoires, les biologistes ont beau mélanger tous les ingrédients, ils n'arrivent pas à recréer la vie."Imaginez que vous avez du lait, du beurre et de la farine. Changez les proportions, la cuisson et quelques détails, et vous obtiendrez aussi bien un croissant que de la béchamel !" ironise le physicien Frédéric Foucher, au CBM.
La science explore donc d'autres voies vers l'origine du vivant. "La génétique s'emploie à déterminer les caractéristiques communes à tous les organismes terriens", explique Michel Viso. L'objectif est de lever un coin de voile sur le fameux dernier ancêtre commun universel (LUCA, pour Last Universal Common Ancestor), les autres branches ayant été éliminées par sélection darwinienne. L'idée étant de parvenir, à terme, à définir les caractéristiques de la cellule vivante minimale. "Quant à nous, les géologues, nous consultons le livre d'histoire de la planète, à savoir les roches les plus anciennes susceptibles de dissimuler de très vieux fossiles", explique Frances Westall, directrice du groupe exobiologie au CBM. Problème : les plus vieux cailloux disponibles sur Terre datent de "seulement" 3,5 milliards d'années, alors que les exobiologistes font remonter l'apparition de la vie autour de 3,8 à 4 milliards d'années. Une époque dont toutes les traces ont été effacées par la tectonique des plaques. "Toutefois, nous avons constitué une collection de ces sédiments terriens riches en traces de vie. Nous les fournissons aux missions martiennes afin que leurs équipes puissent se faire une idée de ce qu'ils cherchent."
Car c'est bien sur Mars (1), que les chasseurs d'E. T. misent encore aujourd'hui. Relativement proche de la Terre, la planète rouge a autrefois été habitable - le robot "Curiosity" l'a confirmé au printemps. "Même si cette période a pu être plus ou moins brève, on sait que le vivant, une fois installé, est très difficile à éradiquer", précise Frances Westall. En clair, on ne peut exclure qu'il y ait encore des bactéries vivantes sur Mars, non pas à sa surface, devenue inhospitalière, mais dans des poches d'eau liquide situées dans son sous-sol. Le fait que "Curiosity" n'ait pas trouvé de méthane dans l'atmosphère ne prouve rien. Il se pourrait que des organismes en état de veille soient tapis dans les glaces du pôle nord de Mars. "Au moins pourrait-on y trouver la preuve d'une vie passée, car Mars ne connaît pas la tectonique des plaques. Si cette planète a autrefois abrité la vie, ses roches en portent des traces", souligne la chercheuse. Mais Mars n'est pas le seul élément du système solaire où pourrait s'être nichée la vie. Un satellite de Jupiter, Europe, dont la surface de glace pourrait dissimuler un océan salé sur fond rocheux, et une lune de Saturne, Encelade, où on a découvert des jets de vapeur d'eau et de particules de glace propulsés dans l'espace, figurent en bonne place. Le hic, c'est l'extrême complexité que représente toute mission d'exploration. Or, vu qu'on cherche un microbe, il faudra non seulement y aller mais en rapporter des échantillons. La récolte de cette expédition périlleuse finira, quoi qu'il advienne, sous un bon gros microscope électronique, qui, lui, livrera le verdict définitif...
1. À lire :Mars, une exploration photographique, 200 clichés pris par la sonde d'observation de la Nasa commentés par l'astrophysicien français Francis Rocard, avec Alfred S.McEwen et Xavier Barral (éditions Xavier Barral, 272 p., 79 euros).
Rencontres du 3e type
Le New York Sun annonce la découverte d'hommes chauves-souris de 1,20 mètre sur la Lune par l'astrologue John Herschel. Un canular journalistique de Richard A. Locke.
Illustration de Henrique Alvim-Corrêa pour une édition du premier grand roman de SF paru en 1898, " La guerre des mondes ", de Herbert G. Wells. L'humanité est confrontée à des Martiens hostiles.
" La guerre vue des autres planètes ", dessin d'Auguste Roubille dans le journal satirique La Baïonnette. Deux Sélénites observent la Terre en feu pendant le premier conflit mondial. L'un dit : " C'est, pour moi, de grands feux allumés par les Terriens pour retarder le refroidissement de leur planète. "
L'une des premières revues de SF, Startling Stories, avec une illustration d'Earle K. Bergey montrant le crash d'une soucoupe volante et des cadavres de petits extraterrestres dans les bras d'une pin-up.
Alien, l'abominable créature du réalisateur Ridley Scott, s'attaque en 2122 aux sept membres de l'équipage du vaisseau spatial " Nostromo " sur la planète V-426 du système Zeta Reticuli.
E. T., l'extraterrestre vedette du film homonyme de Steven Spielberg, est recueilli par un enfant, Elliot, 10 ans, qui va garder son existence secrète et l'aider à retrouver les siens.
" Mars Attacks ! " Dans le délirant film de Tim Burton, des soucoupes volantes arrivent sur Terre. Le président des Etats-Unis leur déroule le tapis rouge, mais les Martiens avec leurs gros cerveaux et leur look kitsch sont là pour nous exterminer.
Le film " Avatar ", de James Cameron, se déroule en 2154 sur Pandora. Pour exploiter un minerai rare au détriment des autochtones, les Na'vis, de sublimes créatures hautes de 3 mètres, à la peau bleue et à l'ADN d'humains.
Equation de Drake : l'Univers, combien de civilisations
En 1961, l'astronome américain Frank Drake, fondateur du projet Seti (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence), met en équation le nombre de civilisations extraterrestres dans notre galaxie. Résultat : entre 5 et 10. Les connaissances scientifiques actuelles conduisent à une fourchette infiniment plus large. L'intérêt de cette équation est surtout de surveiller l'évolution de chaque terme. Ainsi, le taux annuel d'apparition d'étoiles est passé d'une dizaine à une cinquantaine.
Nous, des extraterrestres ?
En traquant la vie extraterrestre, les chercheurs espèrent percer le mystère de l'apparition de la vie sur Terre. Pour l'instant, ils ne peuvent qu'élaborer des scénarios théoriques. D'abord, la Terre, il y a 3,5 ou 4 milliards d'années, était bien différente de celle qu'elle est aujourd'hui : températures plus élevées, volcanisme plus actif, salinité multipliée par deux, impacts météoritiques fréquents et une atmosphère saturée de CO2, avec très peu d'oxygène et pas d'ozone. Les savants supposent que les ingrédients de base du vivant - acides aminés, sucres et lipides - ont pu surgir de quatre manières. Une partie aurait été apportée sur Terre depuis l'espace, par des météorites (1), ce qu'attestent les soixante-dix acides aminés découverts dans la météorite de Murchison. D'autres pourraient s'être formés au fond de l'océan, au niveau des sources hydrothermales, dans des flaques d'eau stagnante sur des terres émergées, ou dans l'atmosphère agitée de la planète. Mais après ? Dans l'océan, la dilution des molécules aurait été telle qu'on n'imagine pas que la vie ait pu s'y constituer. A moins qu'elle ait pris corps dans les édifices poreux que sont les sources hydrothermales. Autre piste : la plage, où le ressac permet une rencontre des molécules dans le sable, au travers duquel l'eau passe et repasse. Enfin, certains imaginent que le " miracle " a pu se produire sur des terres proches des fleuves, à la faveur de phases d'hydratation et de déshydration dont on sait qu'elles permettent l'allongement progressif des molécules
CROP CIRCLE ☼ The Forests Way, Nr Roydon, Essex UK - reported July 17, 2014
CROP CIRCLE ☼ The Forests Way, Nr Roydon, Essex UK - reported July 17, 2014
Gepubliceerd op 21 jul. 2014
...thanks to Crop Circle Connector... SOUNDTRACK "Adventure, Darling" by Gillicuddy ~ PHOTOS, Nils Kenneth Fordal DIAGRAMS INTERPRETIVE FRAMES Red Collie, Marco Kirchner, WJ, Stephane
22-07-2014 om 13:59
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Multiple UFOs over Windsor, Detroit on 19th July 2014
Multiple UFOs over Windsor, Detroit on 19th July 2014
New amazing video footage of multiple UFO lights recorded in the night sky above Windsor, Detroit on 19th July 2014.
Witness said: First craft was over my head soon as I hit the bench at around 7 15. pm. The second craft was over Detroit and exploded at around 9pm. After it explodes I pan out and another craft that was to the left appears I never eyeballed it.
I awoke looking out the widow of camper. I saw the sunrise with some clouds and just above the trees there was an object diamoned shape with the reflectjon of the rising sun shimmering off one side and on the shadow side the was what appeared to be a radar dish or as if it was opening. It was about 100 feet away and about 30 feet above the trees. Ther was also power lines nearby. No sound at all. I grabed my iPhone an took some pictures the videod it. I felt as if I didn’t believe my eyes, and a little purplexed. And excited all at once. I didn’t go outside because people were sleeping and the screen door makes a screeching noise when you open it and it was very early and we finished settling in late last night.
This month on Mac's UFO News: Mr Stanton Friedman, Are we alone E.T. theme week, 2015 International UFO Congress, UFO sightings for June, UFO's In the news, UFO Festival In Edinburg, Crop circles for June, Jon Ronson looked for UFO's with Robbie Williams & New webcast and documentary additions for June.
Mac's UFO News covers recent ufological events, sightings, article's, documentary's, pod casts, web casts, video specials & exopolitical events from around the globe. I produce a monthly news video highlighting some of the more important cases and news story's.
As a Ufologist, I am making such material available in my efforts to advance understanding of the UFO Phenomenon, Its cultural, historic, religious, defence and political implications. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
22-07-2014 om 01:58
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Hello – in 2003 my brother and I had an run in with a small human-like being with bright yellow eyes. We reported the incident to MUFON but never received a response. We live on an old ranch outside of Austin, Texas. My brother and I are twins – we were 16 years old. We were working in the barn at dusk and my brother noticed a pair of yellow eyes peeking out of a gully near the creek. We both watched for a minute or two until it appeared again. I grabbed a shotgun that was on the work table and we made our way towards this thing.
We stood still about 50 ft away from the gully when suddenly this little human-like thing scampered out toward the creek. I took a shot at it (00 buckshot) but it kept on running. This thing looked like it walked across the creek surface – craziest thing. It made it’s way to the other side and disappeared into a field. It was 2 ft tall or so with dark hairless skin. The eyes were so bright – almost like yellow colored pen lights.
We both told our parents and friends who all thought we were nuts.
That brings us to a recent event.
Our parents have since passed away and my brother and I own most of the original ranch property. We are both married with families – we also built houses on the old property.
This past Spring my brother and I were clearing some bushes and trees behind my house. It was around 8:30PM and we were starting to douse the burning brush pile. Something caught my eye towards the onion field opposite the creek. It looked like a quick flash of bright light. My brother didn’t see it. My wife came running out of the house and yelled that she saw something land in the field. She had been on the 2nd floor and saw it from the bedroom window.
The three of us watched in that direction for several minutes. We didn’t noticed anything unusual. We finished up and went into the house. I couldn’t sleep that night. My wife said that the object was egg-shaped and ascended quickly – so fast that she expected it to crash.
The next day, I walked through the field but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.
I’m concerned that something unusual is going on. We used to see coyotes, deer, wild birds and other wildlife frequently – but since the last incident, none of us have seen anything. Birds don’t fly over or land on the property. There are several large oak trees on the property – but there has been significant die off. It not ‘oak wilt’ or insects. The leaves just die and fall off. It’s very strange. I had the guy from the local nursery look around but he can’t explain it.
I’d appreciate some insight as to what’s going on. SG
NOTE: I checked other sources and can’t find anything similar to these events. Maybe the readers have suggestions. Lon
The Paranormal Chronicles have received this intriguing photograph and report from a Swansea resident who claims to have seen a large unidentified object from his bedroom window. Mr P Lewis captured the image in the early hours of the morning of Monday 21st July 2014. Mr P Lewis, a decoratedex-solider had this testimonial;
UFO spotted over Swansea, Wales?
“I awoke around 04.30 hours. It was very hot in my bedroom so I opened the window and noticed a strange, stationary object hovering above Swansea. I would say that it was over the Llansamlet area. The object made no noise and my first notion was perhaps it was an exceptionally large bird of prey however the object remained stationary for at least five minutes. I thought that it was strange and it seemed to have something hanging below it so I grabbed my phone and I took several pictures of it. The whole time the object made no movement and no sound. I must have watched for seven minutes in total .My young son woke up and by the time I had settled him down and returned to the window the object had gone.”
The Swansea UFO
Mr Lewis also stated “I have been in two theatres of warfare and have seen many military and civilian aircraft and this certainly was not like anything I have seen before. When you look at the picture it would be easy to suggest it might be a bird or a kite, but then this would have to be a very large object and to remain stationary for so long was unusual. I doubt a bird of that size could hover for that long. We would be talking about a huge bird. There is also something hanging beneath it also. I would like to know if perhaps anyone else who was up at that time and saw the object as I would like to know what it is. I certainly will be keeping an eye out in the future to see if the object returns.”
On the 18th of July 2014, the paranormal chronicles received this witness account about a sighting again over south Wales; “I seen a large object last night over South Wales it had 4 large round white lights and a flashing red one. Also a small white light came up from the trees beneath it and looked like it joined on as It didn’t go anywhere else and as it came back over our house you could see how big it was. It then vanished from sight.”
These are two of many reports that have come from South Wales this year. Just what is happening above the skies of Wales? Does this object have a rational explanation or is there more too this?
The paranormal chronicles echoes the sentiment of Mr Lewis by asking that if anyone has any information on the object to please contact us. We also want to hear your thoughts on the object and what you believe it to be.
The Paranormal Chronicles now receives sightings from all over the Globe on a Daily Basis. Where ever we can we always try and get the permission of the witness to publish their account. Anonymity is guaranteed and if you have a sighting to share with the hundreds that visit this page everyday then please contact us at:
Do you enjoy accounts of the Paranormal? Then why not read the new #1 Bestselling E-novel, Ghost sex: The Violation by G L Davies. It is a true, “brutal and traumatic”, story of a family in Wales that not only have to endure a terrifying haunting but brutal sexual paranormal violations. Click on the link below and read today if you dare!
Just after seemingly wrapping up the last of my griping about UFOCI profiteers, and also noting the tail-between-his-legs disappearance of Antonio Paris, who feigned interest in reevaluating his misinformed position on the Billy Meier UFO case, it seems like there’s a new UFO cult trying to emerge, one that I briefly touched on before. So here’s a little update for those who follow the Saviors-from-the-Skies soap opera.
You Too Can Contact Extraterrestrials!
Daniel Sheehan, who had a stellar 45-year career as a constitutional lawyer, has not only long been interested in the so-called UFO cover-up and government disinformation but has apparently now jumped to being a…“UFO expert”. Sheehan worked with loose canons such as John Mack, and Stephen Greer, and now also subscribes to a nice, made-for-TV-movie concept of how SETI will be involved with “first contact”, “translating the message”, etc., along with the Vatican’s pragmatic “find ‘em-convert ‘em-to-religious-insanity” approach to extraterrestrials.
Sheehan and Kosta Gus Makreas are part of the UFOContact group and it’s “reach out to extraterrestrials” and “establish direct contact with these beings” nonsense, and have taken the leap to promoting the idea, as well as the means and methodologies they’ve apparently concocted, so that there are all sorts of people already believing they are in contact with extraterrestrials.
Of course, while Sheehan doesn’t have any proven contact with extraterrestrials himself, it hasn’t stopped him from taking the leap from being a constitutional lawyer and “UFO researcher” to joining the rest of the lot of phonies instructing people how to contact beings – for who no official scientific recognition exists. Placing himself into a field that has virtually no credible scientific standards seems disturbingly comfortable for the Harvard educated, former candidate for the Jesuit Priesthood.
The Rules Don’t Apply
If I tell you that growing numbers of people, including me, are making contact with the inhabitants of Inner Mongolia on a regular basis, and that I can teach you how to do it too, should I get offended if I’m asked to…substantiate that claim? Well my requests to Makreas for him to substantiate his far more extraordinary claims about all the people who are “making contact with extraterrestrials” weren’t well received, as you can read here.
Why Bother?
Right, this is the kind of stuff that would and should normally have been relegated to the tabloids, and the people involved in this burgeoning cult would be lovingly cared for in loony bins, so…why bother? After all, the world we live in is decaying ever more into a violent, desperate battle for scarce resources and strategic military advantage, in preparation for yet more war. Consider that in long foreknowledge of these very times, the Plejaren and Billy Meier have worked tirelessly to provide the necessary information for the human beings of Earth to awaken and make significant, positive course corrections so that we can avoid much grief and assure our own very threatened future survival.
The UFO controversy was provoked by them so as to get people’s attention, to draw them towards the prophecies and predictions and, having thereby determined the authenticity of the Meier material for themselves, to ultimately study the spiritual teaching, recommendations and advice that we could implement to make the necessary corrections…and evolve our consciousness significantly above the level of mere, mindless consumerism, mind-enslaving religions and politics.
However, the perceived threat to the governmental, religious, economic and political powers that be led them to resort to producing and promoting any and all kinds of disinformation through the intelligence agencies to confuse, disinform and effectively obliterate the truth. This was and is then disseminated by the media, entertainment industries and through the ongoing complicity of the UFOCI.
In other words, the most important true story in all of science and human history was so suppressed, trivialized and effectively turned into entertainment that it could be neutralized and humanity kept in the dark.
Since there’s no shortage of poseurs, frauds, charlatans, etc., looking for an easy road to fame and fortune, such as it may be in what’s been turned into a fringe – but for some very lucrative – field they flocked to it, targeting and attracting the gullible, savior-seeking, labile, unscientific, illogical hordes who seek escape from the realities of life. In this way the UFOCI sucks up all the oxygen in the room when anyone seeking the truth searches for information on UFOs, extraterrestrials, etc. In fact, many people who finally find their way to the Meier material had to do so by getting through the well funded maze of distraction and disinformation, as well as the mind-numbingly inane content that passes for some kind of news today.
So taking the time to pull back the curtain on the stupid, cynical charlatans and profiteers In the UFOCI, such as all those referred to above, is my attempt to try to clear the path for those people who are sincerely looking for the truth and probably don’t want to get shanghaied or fleeced along the way, not knowing how full of sharks the waters may be. And of course I’ll promptly apologize and retract my labeling of people such as Sheehan and Makreas (an the others in the UFOCI field) as cynical profiteering phonies, or even just delusional ones, should they provide credible, scientific evidence substantiating their claims of contact with extraterrestrial beings.
I am inviting donations for press releases specifically targeting the mainstream media, radio TV, etc. These kinds of releases are expensive and I can use your help. If you’d like more information, please email me.
Copyright 2011 – All Rights Reserved. Please do not copy or reproduce the content on this blog for re-publication without the author/s written permission. Thank you.
England Cricket Team scared of sleeping in their haunted hotel
Witches and ghosts were not mere stage accessories in the Elizabethan plays, rather they defined the outcomes. As India play England in a five-match Test series, a bizarre development is taking place, with several England cricketers having requested a change of rooms, saying their five-star London hotel is haunted. Interestingly, this hotel was patronized by some literary giants.
According to Daily Mail on Sunday, the players’ wives and girlfriends have refused to stay at the famous Langham Hotel during London Test matches this summer after complaints of mysterious goings-on at night.
“During the Sri Lanka Test I had to move rooms,” Stuart Broad was quoted as saying by the British daily.
“It was so hot in the room I just couldn’t sleep. All of a sudden the taps in the bathroom came on for no reason. I turned the lights on and the taps turned themselves off. Then when I turned the lights off again the taps came on. It was very weird.
“It really freaked me out. I ended up asking to move rooms. Bealey (Broad’s girlfriend) was pretty spooked, too, and I know Moeen Ali’s other half won’t stay there because she’s so frightened of the ghosts,” the fast bowler added.
“I’ve slept okay during the current Test (against India) but the Sri Lanka Test (last month) was not great,” added Broad. “One night I woke up in the middle of the night, around 1.30 a.m. and I was convinced there was a presence in the room. It was the weirdest feeling.
“Ben Stokes has had some problems sleeping as well. He’s on the third floor, which is where a lot of the issues are. I’m telling you, something weird is going on,” said the Englishman.
London’s Langham Hotel that opened in 1865 is on the list of one of the most haunted hotels in the world and has been patronised by several literary greats, including Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde and Arthur Conan Doyle, IANS has added.
Reportedly, Room 333 is believed to be the most haunted with the hotel’s own website stating: “In 1973 a BBC radio announcer James Alexander-Gordon awoke suddenly in the night to see a fluorescent ball which slowly took on the shape of a man wearing Victorian evening wear. The announcer asked the ghost what it wanted and it began to float towards him, with its legs cut off some two feet below the ground, arms outstretched, eyes staring emptily. At this point the announcer got up and fled.”
Earlier, Australia all-rounder Shane Watson had to share a room with team-mate Brett Lee in 2005, because he was “scared of ghostly goings on at Lumley Castle Hotel near Durham”. – India Today
A self-styled sangoma from Chief Nyajena area in Masvingo, Zimbabwe yesterday appeared in court for allegedly setting his uncle’s house on fire because it had goblins.
Mike Musiiwa of Mutadzo Village pleaded guilty to arson before Masvingo provincial magistrate Sibonginkosi Mkandla.
He was remanded in custody to today for sentence.
Musiiwa took advantage of his uncle, Alick Malendele’s absence to torch the house resulting in the destruction of property worth about $1,000. He was spotted torching the thatched house by a fellow villager, Marita Raisi who rushed to alert Malendele.
A report was made at Renco police leading to Musiiwa’s arrest and his subsequent appearance in court. Magistrate Mkandla said Musiiwa had no right to torch his uncle’s house.
In his defence, Musiiwa said he set the house on fire because he had proved that his uncle was bewitching him using his goblins.
“I am a sangoma who has helped a number of people by exorcising evil spirits and destroying witches’ goblins. I went into a mountain and started counting stones, which are the tools I use in carrying my duties. One of the stones helped me identify my tormentor. My uncle had been attempting to cast a bad spell on me and other family members using goblins that I later destroyed when I set his house on fire. I knew that there was no one in the house who could be harmed.
“I just wanted to destroy his goblins, which I did,” said Musiiwa showing no signs of remorse. – Bulawayo24
Edmonton, Alberta police are baffled after a man claimed he woke up on fire Saturday morning.
Witnesses are telling city cops that the young man, believed to be around 20 years old, spontaneously combusted.
“The complainant isn’t saying anything, not co-operating with us,” said acting Staff Sgt. Mike Wynnyk. “The witnesses aren’t giving us any information other than they saw his back on fire. That’s it. They’re all thinking it was spontaneous human combustion.”
The call came in to police around 8 a.m. Saturday from the area of 75 Street and 12 Avenue NW.
Police are trying to get more information out of the victim, who is in hospital recovering from second-degree burns.
Wynnyk is skeptical of the combustion claim.
“We’re persistent. We don’t want to give up with just that. We’re going to keep trying to prod him and talk to him and persuade him to give us more,” Wynnyk said.
“Right now it’s really up in the air. We’re as confused as everybody else is on it.”
Wynnyk hopes witnesses at the residence – believed to be family members – come forward with more information while detectives continue to investigate. – EdmontonSun
The appearance of a mysterious crop circle in a southern Russian village has lead some residents to conclude aliens must have paid them a visit.
The unusual marking, about 40 meters in diameter, appeared in a sunflower field on a farm in the Krasnodar region last Thursday, local news site Svet Mayakov reported.
A video uploaded Sunday to the popular Russian social network Vkontakte shows the inside of the crop formation, which consists of a series of squares and rectangles joined together in a seemingly random pattern.
It was not immediately clear what caused the marking, though one resident told Channel Nine television that villagers had seen an unidentified object rising from the field, omitting a beam of light five meters in diameter.
A video camera located on the farm did not pick up any unusual activity, and no one was seen entering the field when the marking is believed to have appeared, news site Svet Mayakov reported.
The Krasnodar region is no stranger to crop circles and accounts for 40 percent of all of those recorded in Russia. A group of amateur enthusiasts convened in the area just last month to collect evidence of the unusual phenomenon.
But there are some who doubt the supernatural aspect of the markings.
“Firstly, I saw a whole swarm of insects and lizards in the fields,” alien-hunter Sergei Frolov told the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.
“Secondly, the plants themselves are broken and scattered in different directions, and in real crop circles they bend at the same angle. Furthermore, there are traces of human footprints in several places in the field.” – The Moscow Times
New Jersey lake serpent identified as green anaconda
The Lake Hopatcong boa constrictor who has been reportedly seen in the Capp Cove section of the lake during the past two weeks is a green anaconda – the world’s largest snake – according to the expert who saw it.
“It’s a green anaconda. I have 20-plus years of experience, I know one when I see one,” said Gerald Andrejcak, a reptile specialist who works for Common Sense for Animals nonprofit in Warren County. “I saw the head, the spot pattern, the coloration. I saw the snake.”
Andrejcak said he was coming back from searching Halsey Island Thursday, scanning the bank when he passed a boat house and saw something out of the corner of his eye.
“I got closer and I saw a head laying on a vegetation bed,” Andrejcak said. “There was about two feet of the body sitting on a kelp bed, probably getting air.”
As Andrejcak approached the boat house, about eight to ten “spectator boats” produced waves that knocked his boat into the boat house door.
“The snake looked over, and I jumped out of my boat to grab it, but it went underwater,” Andrejcak said. “I was feeling around with my feet for it and I felt it swim right between my legs.”
Andrejcak admits feeling around for a boa constrictor is potentially very dangerous.
“But I know what I’m doing,” he said. “I know all the variants. Better me than someone who doesn’t know what to do.”
As of now, Andrejcak said the snake is not aggressive, because it swam through his legs instead of grabbing him.
By looking at the head size, Andrejcak estimated the snake is 14 to 16 feet in length.
Andrejcak said he’s been following the story since initial reports and even before he saw it, the locations where it was seen indicated to him it was likely an anaconda.
When Andrejcak told Jefferson Township Animal Control his thoughts, he was asked to simply say it was a boa constrictor to not cause a panic in the community.
An anaconda is a member of the boa constrictor family.
“I was asked not to release that,” Andrejcak said. “I understand why they asked that. I’m not saying I agreed with it.”
Calls to animal control this week have not been returned.
Andrejcak is now going public because the homeowner of the boat house where the snake was found was worried for his family’s safety.
“When he found out I didn’t catch it he was distraught,” Andrejcak said. “He has young kids he’s worried about.”
Andrejcak said it was the homeowner’s decision to release the fact that the snake was an anaconda, and he did so in order to draw a larger response to the situation.
Now that the word is out that the snake is an anaconda, Andrejcak expects even more attention, which may force it to move from its current location.
“If you put a lot of boats in the area, it’s going to want to go somewhere quieter,” Andrejcak said, adding he is hopeful the matter can be resolved without the snake dying. “I don’t want to see it get hurt, but I also don’t want to see any people get hurt.”
While Andrejcak has a plan to catch the snake, he admits catching an anaconda rarely goes as planned.
“There is no simple way to attack it, but ultimately I’d like to catch the head, support the midriff, get it on land and take it to a sanctuary,” Andrejcak said. “But the chances of that happening are slim to none. I’ll probably end up dragging it out by its tail and get a good bite. That’s why I caution people to stay away if you see it.”
Andrejcak said he believes an owner released the snake, and he hopes that person is found and changes are filed. – DailyRecord
On July 2, 2014, at approximately 1300 hours, I was on-duty in Vancouver, Washington. The weather was warm, with excellent visibility, and a partly cloudy sky. I was in my vehicle, facing east. My window was rolled down, providing me with an unobstructed view of the southern and eastern sky. I noticed movement in the sky, approximately forty-five degrees above the horizon, to the southeast. I observed a metallic disc, silver-in-color and circular in shape, moving rapidly across the sky from the south to the northeast. This movement was from my right to my left. The object was shiny and glinted in the sun as it moved. It appeared to be several thousand feet in elevation, and from my perspective, appeared to be the size of a dime held at arm’s-length. I heard no sound at all from the object, and there was no contrail. Further, it looked uniformly metallic and circular, with no visible wings, tail, windows, lights, landing gear, or other components of conventional airframes, both rotor and fixed-wing. It also did not look similar to any Unmanned Aerial Vehicles I have observed. I observed the object travel up and to my left, which was north/northeast. I saw it increase in elevation rapidly in a straight line, and it appeared to be travelling faster than any conventional aircraft. After approximately five seconds, I observed the leading edge of the object shimmer and disappear. I observed this continue, as an image of the surrounding blue sky enveloped the object, moving in a vertical line across the surface to the rear edge, until the object blended in with the sky behind it. As this change occurred, I observed a slight blurriness in the changed areas, inconsistent with the sky behind it. This distortion was similar to looking at an object immersed in water. However, once the entire object had changed, this effect stopped and I immediately lost sight of the object. The time from complete visibility to disappearance was approximately two to three seconds.
At the time of disappearance, the surrounding sky was blue and cloudless. I continued looking but was unable to find the object. Approximately thirty seconds later, I observed a jet fighter aircraft flying rapidly along the same course the disc had taken. I recognized this aircraft, based on prior experience, to be an F-15. I was only able to observe the bottom of the aircraft, and no insignia were visible, but it looked identical to the F-15 fighters based at the Portland Air National Guard base. I observed the F-15 follow the same flight path, moving from my right to upper left. It continued, flying beyond where I had last seen the object, but in the same direction and elevation. From my perspective, the F-15 was the approximate size of a quarter held at arms-length. Additionally, the F-15 was extremely loud while passing over, whereas the disc was silent. I observed the F-15 continue to the northeast, out of my line of sight. Note: We have requested aviation radar data to look into this incident. Updates will be posted. James Clarkson from MUFON Washington is investigating this case.
I asked an insider that worked at NASA during the Apollo missions were there “forbidden zones” on the moon. He admitted that there were. The insider said. Always remember NASA worked with the military.” The declassification of the report of Project Horizon reveals the studies by the military in using the moon for observation of Earth communications. They were going to spy on us. Another part of Project Horizon was “weaponizing space” using the moon to launch missiles at Earth.
The Outer Space Treaty bars countries from placing nuclear weapons on the moon and in Earth’s orbit. It seems this treaty did not stop the military from bring nukes into space. A plan was drawn up by the military for hitting the moon with a nuke. The goal of the nuke launch was to assess the nuclear damage and fall out to the area. The Outer Space Treaty doesn’t ban conventional weapons from being placed in space. The Treaty states no one can own any part of the Moon real estate. Forbidden Zones are forbidden according to the Outer Space treaty.
Anti-satellite weaponry has been demonstrated by China and the US by their shooting down their own satellites. In 2001 Donald Rumsfeld called for a Commission to take a look at firing weapons from space in the case of an attack on the United States. The US possesses a Space Surveillance Network. Project Horizon’s documents reveal more evidence that the weaponizing of space is here folks. The “Forbidden Zones” on the planet may reveal that the secret Project Horizon’s weaponizing of space did occur on the moon. If mankind can’t find peace on Earth then there is no way mankind will find peace in outer space.
The only time Jan C. Harzan saw an unidentified flying object up close, he became a believer.
It was 1965, and he was a 10-year-old in his bedroom in Thousand Oaks, Calif.
“My brother came in and let me know he had observed this craft hovering 10 feet off the ground,” right there in their backyard.
When Harzan went out there, he said, “I saw a landing craft 30 feet from me.” It had “no visible means of propulsion, except for a humming noise it was making.”
After about five minutes, Harzan said, “it slowly started to drift away and then shot off at an incredible speed.”
No alien sightings.
Harzan spoke as he walked through the corridors of the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Cherry Hill late Friday, where the Mutual UFO Network was holding its 45th annual symposium this weekend.
UFOs are now the life work for Harzan, 59, executive director at the Newport Beach, Calif., headquarters of the international organization of more than 3,000 dues-paying members.
He estimated that 600 to 700 folks would show up before the four-day event ends Sunday afternoon.
On Saturday morning, a few hundred were there to hear John Ventre, 57, of Greensburg, near Pittsburgh, a retired state security director for a package delivery company who is Pennsylvania director for the UFO Network.
It was Ventre who decided that the focus of the weekend should be the media and UFOs.
In his interview, Harzan said that the group needs to find “how we can better educate the media about the UFO subject. I think they don’t have a lot of knowledge about it.
“And so they treat it with some skepticism, which is fine, and some laugh factor.
“So we feel that it has extreme scientific value and, with some study, could yield major benefits or technological breakthroughs.”
Ventre was sharper in his criticism of reporting about UFOs.
The nationwide reaction to Orson Welles’ 1938 radio broadcast of War of the Worlds began the media refusal to report about UFOs, he said.
“Will they tell you the truth about UFOs if they’re afraid it’s going to cause a panic?” Ventre asked.
In a Saturday interview before his talk, he said he had never seen a UFO.
“I thought I did in 2008,” near his Greensburg home, he said. “When I analyzed it, it turned out to be an asteroid.”
That’s typical, he said, because “not every sighting is a UFO. Probably only 10 percent.”
That has not slowed his writing career. At noon, he was signing copies of his 2012 work, UFOs Over Pennsylvania.
The speaker before Ventre did have his own close encounter.
Roger Marsh, a 1978 graduate of St. Bonaventure University who was acquisitions editor for investing and finance books for the Chicago office of the McGraw-Hill publishing firm from 1997 to 1999, is now communications director for the UFO Network.
Near his home in southwest Pennsylvania in October 1973, Marsh told his audience, a UFO about the width of a two-lane road hovered above his street, a foot or two higher than a telephone pole.
“It went from a dead stop,” he said, to zipping away “like a bat out of hell.”
Asking his audience, “Why can’t we get UFO photographs?” he admitted he was so startled that, “if I had had a cellphone, I would have dropped it.”
Photos or no photos, he assured his audience, “everywhere I go, there’s a UFO story.”
Henry Hartsfield, één van de pioniers van de vluchten met spaceshuttles van de NASA, is vrijdag op 80-jarige leeftijd overleden. Dat heeft de NASA bekendgemaakt.
Hartsfield was in 1985 commandant van de vlucht met het ruimteveer Challenger waarin de onlangs overleden Nederlandse astronout Wubbo Ockels een van de bemanningsleden was.
Aanvankelijk zou Hartsfield meegaan met een van de missies naar de maan, maar daar kwam niets van terecht. Hoewel hij al bijna 50 was, werd hij in 1982 piloot van de vierde vlucht met het ruimteveer 'Columbia'. Twee jaar later was hij, met vijf nieuwelingen aan boord, commandant van de eerste vlucht van de spaceshuttle 'Discovery'.
Bij de vlucht die Hartsfield met onder anderen Ockels in 1985 maakte, was ook het Europese, maar vooral door Duitse ondernemingen gebouwde ruimtelaboratorium Spacelab aan boord. Hartsfield wilde niet in dezelfde kooi als Ockels slapen, waarop Ockels een speciale slaapzak liet maken waarin hij gerieflijker de ogen kon sluiten dan zijn gisteren gestorven commandant.
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UFO mania: Giant Human Remains Found Along America's Coasts
UFO mania: Giant Human Remains Found Along America's Coasts
Below are a series of images (in no particular order) which depict items ranging from actual Smithsonian card entries on large human remains, to photos depicting specific items kept in storage at the Smithsonian offsite storage facility. Also note the image depicting bodies uncovered on Catalina Island, in a grave where it is noted that several bodies exceeding seven feet in height were discovered
Giant Human Skeletons Headlines of Remains Found Along the Coasts
Giant Human Skeletons Found In California
Giant Humans Were Found In A Shell Mound in San Francisco
Many of the remains of the giant human skeleton had more archaic" or Neanderthal like physical traits.
Giant Human Prehistoric Skull that was found In Oregon. Many of the skulls were described as the "Missing Link" with sloping foreheads, protruding brow ridges and massive jaws. Identical skull types were found on the Atlantic coast.
Giant Humans Skulls with Archaic or Neanderthal Skulls were found the extent of the Pacific coast.
Several accounts of giant skeletons were found in the Aleutian Islands that is evidence f a Maritime migration to this continent.
Remains of Giant Human Skeletons can be traced across the Aleutians to the northern Japanese Islands. A similar material culture extends back to the west to the Baltic Sea and onward to the Eat coast of North America.
Giant Human Skeletons were found the extent of the Atlantic seaboard
Giant Human skeletons were found in Brooklyn New York
This is just one of the many historical accounts of giant human skeletons that were found in New York State.
More giant humans were found while constructing a railroad through the city of New York
Giant Humans were also found in Mass. Many of the finds being near or o the coasts that was evidence of a Maritime people.
Headline is from a find of a giant humanskeletons in Ireland. Evidence of migrations from north western Europe is not only evident from the large skeletons found over there, but an identical material culture. So much so, that placed on a table, even an expert can not tell the difference between those of Europe and the Coastal North America.
Reports of giant humans were found across northern Europe. The origins of the giants was with the Cromagnonspecies of early man.
Large Skull from northern Europe displays the same "archaic" type traits as those in North America with a sloping forehead and protruding brow ridge. Yes, the were the same peoples.
Continuing down the Atlantic seaboard, giant skeletons were found o the coastal city of Jamestown Virginia.
Giant human skeletons found along the coast of Georgia.
A closer look at the giant skeleton in Georgia reveals that it was similar to those "archaic" type skull that were found on the west coast.
Giant human skeletons were found along the Florida coast.
More giant skeletons found in Florida
Across the Gulf of Mexico,more giant human giants were found.
Skull from a mound in Louisiana with archaic traits of a sloping forehead.
Skulls of large skeletons from a shell mound in Alabama with "archaic" skull types
21-07-2014 om 23:05
geschreven door peter
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This Week's Episode:Gene and Chris present James Carrion, a former Director of MUFON and author of a new book about what is called "The Greatest Deception in History." "The Rosetta Deception" is a fascinating piece of detective work explaining how "a master group of magicians" found ways to, among other things, unearth Soviet spies in the U.S. But it doesn't stop there. What about the early UFO cases, such as the Ghost Rockets, and were they real events, or the products of a carefully crafted program of deception and disinformation? And do such activities continue to the present day, and how do they impact research into UFOs?
James Carrion
The Rosetta Deception
After five years of continuous research, Volume 1 of the Rosetta Deception is now ready for publication. Covering the period from 1945-mid 1947, the book documents the US-UK strategic deception operations that collectively amount to the opening salvo of the Cold War. The Ghost Rocket wave of 1946 was part and parcel of this deception. Yes, US and UK taxpayers, your Governments created the UFO myth - all in the name of national security.
Not content to just discuss a narrative of events, the book conclusively shows precedent, motive, means and methods, all of which are sorely lacking from any previous research into these events. Using forensic methods and analysis, documentary evidence from UK and US archives never before seen or synthesized is brought to the light of day.
Volume 2 will build upon this research into the 1947-48 time frame.
A recent email circulating among certain UFO researchers asked, where is the best on-line statement of the skeptic's position on the famous JAL 1628 sighting by Capt. Terauchi on Nov. 17, 1986? Despite it being one of the most celebrated cases in the recent UFO literature, it turns out that there wasn't a lot. To remedy this perceived lack, I scanned all of the press clippings and other papers in my file on the case, and placed it on the Historical Documents page of my website. It contains original press clippings from when the case was first reported, a press release by CSICOP, FAA information, and a "Summary White Paper" about the case by Philip J. Klass. (Page numbers given refer to this PDF document.)
The San Francisco Chronicle reported on December 30, 1986, "The crew of a Japan Air Lines cargo jet claimed that a UFO with flashing white and yellow strobe lights followed them across the Arctic Circle in route from Reykjavik, Iceland, to Tokyo" (p.1). On January 1, 1987, that paper reported, "A veteran pilot whose UFO sighting was confirmed on radar screens said the thing was so enormous that his Japan Air Lines cargo jet - a Boeing 747 - was tiny compared with the mysterious object" (p.2). Feeling the heat, the FAA soon re-opened its investigation of the incident. "The reason we're exploring it is that it was a violation of airspace," said FAA spokesman Paul Steucke. "That may sound strange, but that's what it was" (p. 4).
Capt. Terauchi (from People Magazine).
The FAA reviewed its data, and found reasons to doubt its earlier statements. By Jan 8, the press was reporting,
The FAA has concluded that the unidentified object on radar now appears to be an unexplained split image of the JAL Boeing 747 and not a separate object .... The review of radar data indicates that no second object was present and represents a reversal of earlier FAA statements that a second object was confirmed on radar. "The bottom line is that this tells us that we don't have any radar confirmation of the object that the pilot said he saw," Steucke said (p. 5).Philip J. Klass investigated, and soon CSICOP issued a Press Release, written by Klass (p. 7):
At the time the UFO incident began near Ft. Yukon, the JAL airliner was flying south in twilight conditions so that an extremely bright Jupiter (-2.6 magnitude) would have been visible on the pilot's left-hand side, where he first reported seeing the UFO, according to Klass. Jupiter was only 10 degrees above the horizon, making it appear to the pilot to be at roughly his own 35,000 ft. altitude. Mars, slightly lower on the horizon, was about 20 degrees to the right of Jupiter but not as bright....Although the very bright Jupiter, and less bright Mars, had to be visible to JAL Capt. Kenjyu Terauchi, the pilot never once reported seeing either -- only a UFO
Capt. Terauchi's UFO, as he reported it
Many of the colorful details of the incident carried by the news media, largely based on the six-week-old recollections of the pilot of JAL Flight 1628, are contradicted by a transcript of radio messages from the pilot to FAA controllers while the incident was in progress. For example, news media accounts quoting the 747 pilot said that when he executed a 360 degree turn, the UFO had followed him around the turn. But this claim is contrary to what the pilot told FAA controllers at the time.
An interesting historical footnote: in the press release, Klass credits "astronomers Nick Sanduleak and C. B. Stephenson, of Case Western Reserve University, in Cleveland, for their valuable assistance in computing the positions and bearings of bright celestial bodies relative to the 747 airliner at the time of the incident." In February 1987, the month after this press release was issued, southern hemisphere astronomers discovered Supernova 1987a, in the Large Magellanic Cloud. It was the brightest supernova seen from Earth since 1604, easily visible to the naked eye. Researchers discovered that the progenitor star (before the Supernova explosion) was a blue giant star known as Sanduleak -69° 20. Yes, that Nick Sanduleak (1933-1990). He catalogued the stars of the Large Magellanic Cloud. He also discovered Sanduleak's Star, a very unusual object in the Large Magellanic Cloud, with a "giant, highly-collimated bipolar jet." In his spare time he attended CSICOP conferences, where I met him several times, a very friendly fellow. Unfortunately, he died of a cardiac arrest a few years after this.
The FAA issued an in-depth report, with primary references and interviews included. Unfortunately, the FAA charged $194.30 for the complete package, including all written records, photographs, and all tape recordings. It wasn't exactly a best-seller: not too many people were sufficiently interested to send in almost $200 for information about a UFO report. In fact, it sounds very much like the FAA constructed this expensive package to deter the many persons badgering them for information on the case. But that didn't deter Philip J. Klass.
Klass wrote an article in The Skeptical Inquirer, Summer 1987: "FAA Data Sheds New Light on JAL Pilot's UFO Report." It was reprinted in the book, The UFO Invasion (Prometheus Books, 1997), Kendrick Frazier, Barry Karr, and Joe Nickell, eds. Klass wrote,
The FAA data package reveals Terauchi to be a "UFO repeater," with two other UFO sightings prior to November 17, and two more this past January, which normally raises a "caution flag" for experienced UFO investigators. The JAL pilot is convinced that UFOs are extraterrestrial and when describing the light(s) Terauchi often used the term spaceship or mothership.
During his January 2 interview with FAA officials, Terauchi said that he believed the "mothership" intentionally positioned itself in the "darkest [easterly] side" of the sky because "I think they did not want to be seen." This enabled the UFO to see the 747 "in front of the sunset and visible for any movement we make." In his report to the FAA, he expressed the hope that "we humans will meet them in the new future"... [On January 11] he again reported spotting unusual lights in roughly the same area while on a repeat flight from Paris to Anchorage...
[Terauchi] always failed to mention that two other aircraft in the area that were vectored into the vicinity of the JAL 747 to try to spot the UFO he had been reporting were unable to see any such object... [Flight Engineer Yoshio Tsukuba] "was not sure whether the object was a UFO or not"... When the copilot [Takanori Tamefuji] was asked if he could distinguish these lights "as being different" from a star, he replied: "No."
CSICOP was not finished with the case. Evidently even Phil Klass could see that his Jupiter-Mars explanation had failed. In the Summer, 1987 issue of the Skeptical Inquirer he published a new analysis. [Actually, Jupiter was still part of Klass' analysis, but the fainter Mars was not.] This time the lights were explained as reflections of moonlight from the clouds and “turbulent ice crystals.” (Recall that the air crew reported thin clouds below them.) According to Klass the turbulent ice crystals “could have generated flame-colored lights” and “this would also explain why the undulating lights would periodically and suddenly disappear and then reapper as cloud conditions ahead changed. When the aircraft finally outflew the ice clouds and the initial ‘UFO’ disappeared for good (the Captain) would search the sky for it, spot Jupiter further to the left and conclude it was the initial UFO.” Klass attributed the airplane radar sighting to “an echo from thin clouds of ice crystals.”
KLASS’s explanation verges on scientific garbage. There is no reason to suppose that moonlight reflected off ice crystals in the clouds would generate “flame colored lights.” Klass’ explanation certainly could not account for the heat which Terauchi felt on his face. Nor would it explain the distinct arrays of flames or lights associated with two independently flying objects that appeared ahead of the plane and ABOVE for many minutes (the clouds were reported to be below the plane).
Artist's conception of Capt. Terauchi's UFO
While I tend to agree that moonlight reflecting off clouds would probably not make a very good "UFO" display, there are so many sources for 'lights in the sky' (including 'lights on the ground,' which Terauchi agreed with the FAA was an explanation for his January 11 UFO sighting) that once the main "UFO" has been demoted from a giant "mothership" to 'unexplained lights,' it no longer impresses us as much of a mystery. Even J. Allen Hynek was dismissive of 'lights in the sky' UFO reports. The bottom line is, Terauchi's own flight crew saw only 'lights,' and other aircraft checking out the situation saw nothing unusual.
The case merits a chapter (#22) in Leslie Kean's book, UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record. Written by John J. Callahan, he claims that Terauchi's crew "both saw it, too." Of course this is false - they saw only lights, not the giant spaceship that Terauchi reported. Callahan also claims that "it flew alongside his jet" after he turned, but (as Klass notes), this contradicts what Terauchi told FAA controllers at the time. Callahan ices the cake with his claim that the CIA has over 30 minutes of radar data confirming Terauchi's UFO, but they refuse to release it, to prevent public panic.
Kean is enormously impressed by pilot sightings, which she describes as “a unique window into the unknown.” She writes that pilots “represent the world’s most experienced and best-trained observers of everything that flies… these unique circumstances potentially transform any jet aircraft into a specialized flying laboratory for the study of rare anomalous phenomena.” Dr. J. Allen Hynek, the late USAF Project Blue Book consultant who Kean repeatedly cites as a respected UFO authority, came to exactly the opposite conclusion. On page 271 of his 1977 book The Hynek UFO Report, he wrote, “Surprisingly, commercial and military pilots appear to make relatively poor witnesses.” Kean actually quotes from other pages of that book, but makes absolutely no mention of Hynek’s low opinion of pilot sightings.
Re-reading Terauchi's own statements about the incident, I don't think that anyone could call him an unbiased or objective observer.
“This triangle UFO was caught by the rover this week in photo Sol 688. I say triangle, because it looks like a TR3B from a distance. The ball in its center and its shorter end…says that it could be a triangle with two points showing,” says Scott Waring author of UFO Sightings Daily.
This UFO was discovered by Youtube user Streetcap1, famous for his discoveries in NASA photos. He says, “Nearly spilt my coffee when I saw this.”
Waring says, “When I enlarged the photo the detail really looks like a lot of traditional UFO craft that have been seen for decades or more. This is an actual object in 3 dimensions out there in the background. Look at the shading around its edges. The shading gets lighter at the edges indicating this is a real object out there with sun light reflecting more on its top than on its bottom. NASA has some explaining to do.”
WASHINGTON—Challenging commonly held misperceptions, the U.S. Department of Justice published a report this week revealing that the vast majority of UFO abductions are perpetrated by aliens a person knows rather than extraterrestrials unfamiliar to victims. “The popular notion of UFO abductions is of a person being beamed up into the sky by strange, hostile beings from Sirius or Andromeda, but the reality is that most of these abductions are committed by an extraterrestrial acquaintance the victim trusts and feels comfortable around,” DOJ spokesman Devin Shane said of the estimated 2,800 reported victims of UFO abduction last year, many of whom were taken against their will into an advanced spacecraft and subjected to psychological experiments and medical examinations by nonhuman entities they already knew through family or friends. “While it’s true that a significant number of abductions are still carried out by extrasolar reptilian beings with planetary invasion-related motives, data shows that known relationships with extraterrestrials are by far the greater danger to civilians, with many aliens committing abduction for personal reasons, such as indulging their own cravings for power, control, or revenge, or siphoning human energy from host bodies in order to replicate.” Officials noted, with a degree of optimism, that evidence now shows only 10 percent of all UFO abductions result in aliens impregnating the victim with thousands of eggs.
This article is satire and brought to you by my friends at The Onion.
According to a retired college professor from Temple University, aliens have been abducting women, and forcing them to raise human-alien hybrid babies as humans. No, seriously.
David M. Jacobs, who admits the entire thing sounds crazy, has been a teacher of American history for 36 years. His beliefss, he says, have definitely made his life more difficult.
“I knew that it was embarrassing to the university. I was not rewarded for my views,” Jacobs told Dana Difilippo. “But you do not often find yourself in the middle of a phenomenon that allows you to make a contribution to something that could be of unsurpassing importance in human history.”
According to Jacobs, he has gathered details pertaining to 150 abduction cases, which are very similar to those described by over a million alleged alien abducted Americans: insect-shaped creatures dedicated to breeding a human hybrid. These creatures, he says, possess the capability of performing neurological scans that enable them to collect human sperm and eggs. Other details include people exhibiting strange marks or scars, missing time, and recognizing strangers on Earth from these purported shared alien experiences out in space.
The purpose of this article is to examine the suggestion that the current wave of UFO activity that began in 1947 with Kenneth Arnolds sighting over the Cascade Mountains was deliberately caused by a series of magickal workings carried out by occultists. Over fifty years later, the UFO wave is still being actively encouraged by certain secret societies intent on using extraterrestrial knowledge to steer the course of human evolution.
The name Aleister Crowley is synonymous with secret societies and occult workings. Revered in occult circles as the master of occult matters his name still evokes vehement horror in the minds of some, who regard him as the anti Christ personified. A master self-publicist and anti-establishmentarian, he adopted the magical number 666 as his own and positively embraced “The Beast” label the largely ignorant British press gave him in response to this.
What has a Hermetic magician and high ranking member of several secret societies (The Freemasons, Golden Dawn, Order of the Silver Star, Thelma and O.T.O) have to do with extraterrestrials, you may ask.
The answer lies in the rather interesting drawing that Crowley made in 1918. It shows an alien intelligence that he came into contact with during a series of invocations called the Amalantrah workings that he carried out in New York over a three month period in 1918. Crowley was in the practice of sketching the beings that he encountered during his evocations to add to the detailed written records that he kept of all his magickal workings.
The Amalantrah working was part of what Crowley termed ‘The Great Work,’ the intentional cultivation of spiritual growth. According to Crowley part of the great work involved “the establishment of contact with non-human intelligences” – in other words, beings that were not of this world — or what we would term extraterrestrials.
The purpose of the Amalantrah invocations, by Crowley’s own admission, was to open an interdimensional portal that would allow him access to beings from other dimensions. One of the beings that came through this portal, the one Crowley sketched was named Lam. Lam it should be noted is regarded by occultists as a generic entity rather than an individual being. The drawing seems to bear a startling resemblance to the popular conception of a Gray.
The picture of Lam itself can certainly be considered genuine as it has a verifiable history. Crowley actually included the portrait of Lam in his ‘Dead Souls exhibition’ held in Greenwich Village, New York, in 1919. It was also used as an illustration to H.P. Blavatsky’s book The Voice of the Silence (below image) around the same time.
Beneath the picture Blavatsky wrote:
“Lam is the Tibetan word for Way or Path, and LAMA is He who Goeth, the specific title of the Gods of Egypt, the Treader of the Path, in Buddhistic phraseology.”
When the Amalantrah working were complete, Crowley ensured that the portal he had used to grant Lam access to our world was sealed.
The original drawing of Lam was given to Kenneth Grant, one of Crowley’s brightest students and eventual successor as head of O.T.O in 1945. Grants interest in the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) phenomena is long-standing and his position as head of O.T.O has enabled him to pursue and develop this interest among he membership of his organization.
In 1955 Grant announced the discovery of a trans-plutonian planet called Isis. It was at this time that he established an order called the New Isis Lodge OTO for the purpose of contacting higher intelligences.
The story goes that in the late 1980s, Grant allegedly received “messages” that led to him conclude that Crowley’s portrait of Lam could be used to provide a focus point for the extraterrestrial energy that had originally been invoked in 1918. Why it took Grant so long to realize this is unclear, as using such objects as a point of focus is not uncommon in occult circles. Possibly it was the scale of the activity that Grant realized needed to be increased to allow the potential of Lam was to be fully realized.
To promote and regulate use of the portrait amongst his societies members, Grant wrote a text called the Lam Statement. The purpose of the Lam statement was to
“regularize the mode of rapport and construct a magical formula for establishing communication with Lam.”
This coincided with Grant’s creation of a second subdivision of the O.T.O — The Cult of Lam. The invocation of Lam or the beings we know as Grays was thus officially endorsed by O.T.O. Despite the fact that Crowley had been meticulous in his sealing of the portal. In 1918, when occultists invoked Lam, Lam entered through the portal that he created. How is this possible? To answer that question we have to examine the activities of two other well known occultists.
Two of Crowley’s unofficial ‘students’ during his final years were L. Ron Hubbard, who later founded the Scientology movement, and the charismatic Jack Parsons who founded the Jet Propulsion Laboratories. The pair of them studied Crowley’s work at length, especially in relation to the interdimensional portal that Crowley had created using his extensive occult knowledge.
Crowley was concerned at what he saw as the pair’s recklessness when dealing with higher energies. Having spent a lifetime mastering his interaction with supernatural forces, he considered them overconfident and inexperienced and told them as much, finally ceasing all communication with them. Neither man would be deterred and Hubbard and Parsons proceeded to work with the dormant portal that Crowley had left almost 30 years earlier.
Thus in 1946, they began what is known in occult circles as the Babalon workings. The intention was to use “sex magick” to create a “child” in the spiritual realms. They would then “call down” the spiritual baby and direct it into the womb of a female volunteer (thought to be Marjorie Cameron, whom Parsons later married) where it would manifest as “human” after the usual nine month period of gestation. When born, this child would incarnate the forces of Babalon — the Scarlet woman of Revelations which in occult circles symbolizes the dawning of the Age of Horus, the new age. The Babalon working not only reopened the portal, it also increased its intensity and made it highly unstable. The Babalon workings were well documented and many say seem to highlight Parson’s and Hubbard’s inability to close the portal that they had reopened and which seemed to have slipped from their control.
It’s interesting to consider the time frame between Hubbard and Parsons reopening the interdimensional portal or what we could easily term a stargate and the wave of extraterrestrial activity and UFO sightings that began with the Kenneth Arnold’s sighting of nine “flying silver disks” over the cascade Mountains in June 1947, not long after the Roswell incident, were it was alleged that aliens –quite possibly Grays– had crashed in a flying saucer. UFO activity has been steady since then. It could well be (although we can’t say for sure) that these extraterrestrial visitors are accessing the planet through this reopened and highly unstable portal.
An interesting point is that both the Amalantrah workings and the Babalon workings were conducted in America which seems to be the place that attracts the most interest from the Grays, suggesting that the site of the workings themselves provides a focus point or a marker of some description for the Greys.
The Cult of Lam still continues to encourage its members to invoke Lam.
Kenneth Grant has been quoted as saying
“Lam is a Great Old One whose archetype is recognizable in accounts of UFO occupants.”
The Lam (or Greys) continue to be invoked by the cult of Lam and encouraged to interact with humanity in order to further the spiritual and conscious development of mankind. On the subject of invoking Lam, Grant says
“To gaze into the eyes of this entity is to invite potent contact. One feels an immediate sensation of lightness, of weightlessness, and then a sensation of falling…of being sucked into a vortex….”
This sounds very similar to witness testimony provided by contactees who have encountered Grays.
The Stargate or stellar rift between time and space, created by Crowley’s Amalantrah Working, created a portal through which Lam and other extra-cosmic influences can enter the known universe. Although Crowley himself was careful to seal this portal on the completion of the working, subsequent magical operations have served to reopen the portal and leave it in a state whereby extraterrestrial beings can use it to access our world.
Whether or not this is actually true, it is clear that many in occult circles do believe that this to be the case and that the being known as Lam is in fact a Gray. It is the intention of a certain occultists to encourage the Grays’ interaction with mankind, anticipating that they hold the key to the spiritual evolution of humanity.
Originally, the plan here was to continue listing UFO cases involving boxes, and highlight the similarities and connections that exist between them. But it turned out a bit differently. Instead, my focus ended up being mainly on the Gum Creek humanoid encounter, a classic Australian CE3 from early February, 1964. It took me some time before I could properly grasp the Gum Creek incident. On the surface it seems simple, but details actually vary quite a lot, depending on where you read about it. At one point, I was so confused that it almost seemed like I was dealing with similar, but separate, incidents from around the same time. Finally I got in touch with Australian researcher John Burford, who probably has more knowledge about the case than anyone else alive. He helped me clear things up considerably.
This post has been difficult to write because, ultimately, my main interest lies with how and why the element of boxes became so prevalent, and in that sense it doesn't really matter if some details in a report turn out to be lies or confabulations, only that it has been influential enough in further reproducing this particular element of UFO culture. At the same time, though, I clarity to the Gum Creek story. I hope readers will be able to follow both of these trails. I have done my best to separate them.
The Finnish-Australian Connection
As i showed in part 1, there exists a handful of Finnish cases involving boxes, that also have other interesting traits in common. Going further along in Albert Rosales' humanoid catalogue, I discovered a couple of really interesting reports covering the well-known 'Plympton' and 'Gum Creek' incidents. These both took place in South Australia in early 1964. But when I looked closer into the sources of the reports, I began to see a more immediate connection between them and the 1970 Imjärvi encounter (which I covered in part 1). The reason for this, is that both cases were included in an article by Australian ufologist Colin McCarthy, titled “The Plympton Story”, which featured in Flying Saucer Review (FSR) issue 4, 1970.
This article appeared just as details of the Imjärvi encounter were slowly unfolding, with details of the flying saucer being revealed in the very same issue. To be more precise, this means that the Plympton and Gum Creek encounters were not only featured a few months prior to the details about the Imjärvi humanoid (which happened in FSR issue 5, 1970), but were also printed in the main medium where the case was unfolding.
It should also be mentioned that Colin McCarthy's “versions” of both the Gum Creek and Plympton encounters are included in Eileen Buckle's ”The Scoriton Mystery” from 1967, which became a very popular book at the time (although for very different reasons) and therefore one to be referenced heavily. What remains a bit unclear, is why this article was included in a 1970 issue of Flying Saucer Review, when the cases covered had already been featured in a book which everyone in the UFO field knew about, 3 years earlier. But first a resumé of the accounts themselves, as they are presented in McCarthy's article: In the early spring of 1963 (perhaps a typo, as there is no doubt that it happened in 1964) in the Adelaide suburb Plympton, South Australia, two boys of 9 and 10 years old witnessed a glowing disc like object land in a nearby field. Out of it came an approximately 7 ft tall humanoid with red skin (as if it was freshly sun-burnt), wearing a tight tunic, gauntlets, purple cape and leather cap. The tall entity also had a belt with a panel-like contraption, which it was constantly fiddling around with. After spotting the boys, it went back into the craft where another similar being was briefly seen appearing in a window. The craft took off with a humming sound. In his article, Colin McCarthy makes an attempt of verification by drawing a parallel to the Gum Creek incident, which according to him hadn't yet gotten any publicity at the time of the Plympton encounter (and therefore couldn't have inspired the boys' story): A few weeks prior to the Plympton encounter, In Gum Creek (about 100 miles north of Adelaide), a woman was woken up one night, by a strange light coming through her window. She looked out, and spotted a humanoid carrying a box-like contraption, about the size of a large cake tin, which it was directing towards certain areas of the garden. When it discovered her, it pointed the box in her direction, from which came a buzzing and clicking sound. According to McCarthy, the description of the humanoid “...agreed exactly with that given by the two Plympton boys.”
If we put aside any technical issues about the investigation for now, the obvious question we are presented with is: Could Heinonen and Viljo have read McCarthy's article in that issue of Flying Saucer Review, and then confounded the details from the two encounters, if only on a subconcious level? It certainly seems both possible and plausible, as they would be well aware that Flying Saucer Review was the main publication for their gradually unfolding tale. There is no way one can overlook many of the similarities between the Imjärvi humanoid and the two above: the similar garments, the belt with a panel, and of course the box. Put these things together, minus of course a few details such as the difference in height and skin color, you have almost all the main features of the Imjärvi humanoid.
As much as I found all this to be a revelation (although I might not be the first to have it), it still raises further questions. Because, even if the Plympton and Gum Creek incidents were erroneously reported, and confounded, of the type of cases I talked about in part 1 - many of which took place several years before in...Finland. The basic elements of the Imjärvi humanoid encounter had been experienced there, long before anything of the sort happened in Australia, and therefore, so to from anywhere. But perhaps all it needed was a revitalization, which was then (coincidentally?) provided by Colin McCarthy's article? Maybe there is another more subtle connection too, since there was quite a diaspora of Finnish people in Australia, during the years 1947-1971? Are UFO experiences so independent of any will always take precedence, achieve a life of it's own, and further perpetuate UFO mythology? These are interesting questions for sure, and some can in part be answered. But I would like to save that discussion for a later post, and instead look at another, more accurate, account of the Gum Creek incident. Regarding the Plympton case, it seems that Colin McCarthy got some of the details wrong here too, and that the boys could perhaps have heard about what happened at Gum Creek after all. I won't go further into it than that, but instead suggest that you look at this post on Keith Basterfield's blog, where Gum Creek is referred to as the Clare Incident.
The "real" Gum Creek
Colin McCarthy might not be one of the most well-known names in ufology, but he was a very active and enthusiastic investigator in Australia at the time. Unfortunately, he was also a person who relied too much on his own memory, rather than on written notes. Furthermore, he was known for being more inclined than most, when it came to telling an entertaining tale before an audience. By mentioning this, I don't mean to imply that he deliberately lied about anything, but it should, at the very least, make anyone cautious about whether he got all the details right in the first place. Years after Gum Creek, and the first wave of investigation, other Australian ufologists decided to dig further into the famous encounter, as well as the many other strange experiences of the woman who was at the center of it all - Doris Player. In 1968, John Burford, together with the already seasoned ufologist Colin 'Col' Norris, managed to unearth new (as well as more accurate) details about the original humanoid encounter. Burfords "version" has been mostly overlooked until now, but is much more representative of Mrs. Players experience: Doris Player, who had already had a long series of strange experiences together with her husband at the time, woke up February the 3d, 1964, around 2:00 or 2:30 AM by a strange light coming through her window. It was a moonlit night, but she later speculated that the light could have been from a “craft”. Then she spotted a 5.4 tall humanoid, wearing a blue-green one-piece suit, helmet, and elbow-length gloves about 30 ft away. It was carrying a 18” (45 cm) square box like object, which she assumed to be some sort of camera with a lens in front, which he was directing at the garden. When it discovered her, it pointed the box at her, from which came a buzz and click. As we can see, this is not completely off from Colin McCarthy's general description of the incident, but it does differ in some very critical places. First of all the comparison with the Plympton humanoid is incorrect. Doris Player described the figure she saw as 5.4 ft tall, not 7 ft, as implied by McCarthy. Also, the notorious box becomes a bit less mysterious in this account, sounding more like a “Brownie” box camera than anything else, which, according to John Burford, was also how Doris Player interpreted it.
This similarity between "the box" and a Brownie camera becomes even more clear, when looking at this sketch by John Burford from 1968, approved by Doris Player herself.
A classic, box-style, Eastman Kodak Brownie camera.
Doris Player, her husband Humph, and the original sketch she did of the humanoid, can be seen about 6 minutes into the video clip below. The segment is mistakenly labelled “Tasmania”. The third person seen being interviewed in the field, is Colin Norris:
You might notice that the two drawings are quite different, and although this could be attributed to differences in style and skills, it raises another issue: however good this account may be, it still has to be taken into consideration, that during the years from the McCarthy investigation until 1968, the Player's could have been influenced both by popular UFO culture and publicly available UFO reports. In fact, they almost certainly were, as there were all kinds of people flocking to the area during this time, projecting their own views and interpretations of the experiences onto the couple. According to John Burford, these experiences were always very dream-like to begin with, so one can suspect that they might have been particularly open to suggestion and change. So we may never really know what exactly happened, that night in 1964 - or any of the following, for that matter.
Hope you enjoyed this little detour, and feel ready for a part 3 in the very near future. Main Sources: Albert Rosales' Humanoid Catalogue:
Buckle, Eileen: The Scoriton Mystery (1967)
Flying Saucer Review 1970 issues Personal correspondence with John Burford, Bill Chalker & Keith Basterfield.
As those who study a sufficiently large amount of UFO reports will eventually realize, a handful of well-defined themes and elements tend to stand out and keep recurring. What is frustrating, is that they often do so in (what at least seems like) a random and nonsensical manner. This is most obvious when comparing earlier ”landing” type cases, before abductions began to dominate the picture. It almost seems like variations of a sci-fi themed theatre play was being acted out again and again, with the help of involuntary bystanders.
One of the recurring "props" that have fascinated me the most, for some reason, have been the strange boxes employed in one way or another by UFO occupants, particularly in CE3 (close encounters of the third kind) reports. I have long been curious about how this particular element has ”spread” over time, across the world. Are there perhaps some genuine patterns to be found here? Consider this the first in a series of articles, where i attempt to answer that question.
While several CE3 cases share similar traits, boxes aren't nearly as common an element as, say, the taking of ground samples, or the paralysis of witnesses (strange boxes have appeared in both these kinds of scenarios as well, though), but there are several interesting ”box cases” that go way back. Furthermore, many classic and high-profile UFO cases turns out to involve boxes, when you look a little closer at them. For example, a ”black box” is said to have been recovered among the Roswell debris in 1947, and two large, cube-shaped objects were supposedly found somewhere within the Tunguska impact area in 2004 (interpreted by some Russian ufologists to be leftovers from a crash between a UFO and a comet).
I will get around to covering these types of cases too, eventually. But this first post will focus mainly on box-like devices in connection with UFO occupants.
My main point of departure has been Albert Rosales' extensive catalogue of Human Sighting Reports, but I have expanded with many additional sources. In searching through Albert's reports, I looked for the recurrence of the words ”box” and ”cube” in every .pdf file. This has taken a lot of time - both to read through, but also to sort into a meaningful narrative for analysis. Consequently, a lot has been filtered out.
For example, there are many reports involving ”boxes” which, on closer inspection, appear more like astronaut or diving gear, or are stated explicitly as being more like large containers on board flying saucers, used in the collection of samples...and so on. Also, there were quite a few that involved box or cube-shaped craft, especially from the 1990's onward. I decided to discard most of these, and focus mainly on those reports that involve boxes with (seemingly) superior technological or magical/supernatural qualities.
The Earliest Reports
The earliest examples I could find of humanoid encounter cases involving boxes, are the Japanese Utsuro Bune stories from the early 1800's. These stories have been interpreted as spaceship visitations by some ufologists, but Japanese scholars have pointed out that they are actually a continuation of earlier, local legends. There are certain features that are reminiscent of mermaid encounters as well.
A more precise date of the first of these alleged encounters, the 22nd of February 1803, is mentioned in Jenny Randles' Abduction. On this day, a group of Japanese fishermen from the Hitachi province found a drifting vessel, which they proceeded to tow back to land. This particular ”ship” had a shape reminiscent of a Japanese incense burner. In some drawings it looks very much like the UFO that Travis Walton encountered. In later variants of the story, the ship is described as looking more like a ”kama” cooking pot - an object that actually looks more like your standard flying saucer.
Various Utsuro-Bune drawings.
The following details are more or less the same across all of the known reports: The ship is partially transparent, and, looking inside, the fishermen see various strange symbols and writings on the walls. Inside they also discover a very short (1.5 meters tall), young woman with red hair and pink skin, dressed in strange garbs. The woman speaks in a language unknown to the fishermen and is carrying a 1 meter long square box. She is described as friendly, but clutching the box to her intensely at all times. No matter what the fishermen do, they are never allowed to look inside, or even come near it. Check the video clip below for more.
The next account I found going through Albert's files, is from 1851, and of the bedroom visitation type. It seems to have been discovered fairly recently, among miscellaneous writings from the early American spiritualist movement. Essentially, it reads like an instance of sleep paralysis, where a group of entities in ”ancient clothing” were seen hovering over the immobilized victim, who relates:
”[O]ne of them had what appeared to be a box about eighteen inches square, and some nine inches high: it seemed to contain electrical apparatus. They placed the box on the table, and then electrical emanations like currents of light of different colors, were seen issuing from the box.”
The figures proceeded to place a pen on top of the box, which went on an automated writing spree (in a language that later turned out to be a form of Hebrew). Concerning the ”ancient clothing”, this site alludes to the possibility that it might be cowls or tunics. This is interesting, as it appears a lot in later box cases.
The next report takes us back to Japan, some time during the summer of 1926. A two-year old boy named Warabe, who had several prior contacts, was telepathically summoned outside one night, by a young man with long golden hair. Over the following years the boy was given many gifts by this man (who he came to call ”Uncle”). Among the gifts was a metallic box with some curious carvings of a triangle/pyramid on top and snakes on the sides.
8 years later, in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, a young man named Juan Rivera Felliberti was flying his kite one morning, when he was suddenly interrupted by a 20 ft spherical, silvery object in the sky. The ”craft” snatched his kite and subsequently beamed him up. Inside, he encountered a male and a female humanoid. The male wore a tight-fitting green outfit, and the female, who was holding his kite, was described as pink-skinned with platinum blonde hair, wearing a silvery suit. She looked no more more than six years old. Juan asked for his kite back, but she refused. Instead she proceeded to show him a box which emitted various images. After this, he was shown yet another, smaller box, which he was encouraged to play with. The woman pressed a button on this 20x20x20 cm cube-shaped box, and smoke came swirling out, transforming into several small ”monkey-like” creatures.
Juan traded the box for his kite and kept it for many years, entertaining several of his friends with the ”monkey trick”. He later buried the box because he had trouble controlling the creatures, which would always escape from him after having manifested. They allegedly caused serious mischief around Puerto Rico, and were even rumored to have been involved in a series of deaths. Juan felt that some of them were still alive and roaming the countryside many years later.
The Finnish Connection
Finnish ufologist Heikki Virtanen reports an encounter from 1939 in Saarijärvi, Finland, that took place the day before the great Winter War with Russia began. A 14 year old boy, Arvo, was collecting firewood in the forest together with his father, when he saw something curious in the distance. At first he assumed that it was a moonshine factory, and since he had never seen one of these before, he went in for a closer look. It turned out to be something quite different: an object shaped like a kettle at the bottom and narrowing at the top. From the bottom, flames of different colours shot out. Outside the object, a 1.60 meter tall human-like entity in (what must later have been interpreted as) an astronaut-style suit, was standing. It had a box in its hands, which it seemed to be directing a couple of nearby robots.
Certain parts of the above may sound familiar, and there is a good reason why. The 1970 Imjärvi encounter is one of the most memorable and recognizable in UFO history - especially because of the illustrations that have accompanied it whenever it has been featured. Both cases share many of the same details.
Well-known illustration of the Imjärvi CE3.
Looking at the details of the case as they emerged in the pages of Flying Saucer Review (beginning with issue 3, 1970), however, it becomes clear that the story was compartmentalized - although perhaps not conciously. Initially, the related encounter only described what could "simply" be an exotic weather phenomenon. It then developed into also including an ”object” similar to an ”Adamski” saucer (in issue 4, 1970). Finally, in the following issue, the now legendary humanoid was revealed. There are also some discrepancies between Heinonen and Viljo's statements, although this can be due to gradually recovered memories. I won't go any further into that matter. Just consider it as a disclaimer from which you can draw your own conclusions.
The story, as it was eventually recalled, is more or less as follows:
On January 7th,, 1970, Aarno Heinonen and Esko Viljo, both in their 30's at the time, were out skiing. At some point they heard a buzzing noise and saw a light coming at them from the same direction. The light came gradually closer, and then a reddish-gray colored mist appeared around it. From this mist emerged a disc-shaped metallic object, about 10 feet in diameter, which descended until it was 10-12 feet off the ground. Heinonen described it as being so close that he could touch it with his ski staff. Then, suddenly, a light shot out from the bottom of the disc, accompanied by sparks and flames, illuminating a small area on the ground in front of them. Then followed another swirl of reddish-gray mist.
When this had disappeared once more, they saw a 3ft tall entity standing in front of them, dressed in a light green coverall, dark green boots, white elbow-length gauntlets and a conically-shaped helmet. It's skin was pale, as if made of wax, and it had a strange, hooked nose. In its hand it was carrying a black box with a yellow pulsating light, which it pointed towards Heinonen. Shortly after, it disappeared again, and so did the flying disc. Both men were left with serious physiological side effects, but Heinonen developed the most serious symptoms. They also both had a series of further ”supernatural” experiences. Heino claimed many later UFO-sightings, two encounters with a female spacewoman (who summoned him to a secluded area via telepathy), and on top of this developed psychic abilities in the wake of the initial experience.
Sketch of the Imjärvi humanoid's face, and it's mysterious box.
That Heinonen and Viljo saw something, seems to be confirmed by the fact that there were other witnesses in the area who saw a strange light in the sky at the same time. But even more interesting is the fact that an encounter took place about 100 meters from there, less than a year before. In February of 1969, Matti Kontulainen (16 years old at the time) was skiing through the forest at night, when suddenly an intensely bright light flew by, just above treetop level. He decribed it looking like ”a huge welding flame”. So, in the three Finnish reports above, we also have the curious occurence of strange flames – not the most common element found in UFO reports of this kind.
It might also be of interest, that a legendary Finnish nightclub, The Funky Maruschka, opened close to Imjärvi a few years later. At least one person i know, who visited the club as a young man, has expressed the opinion that this is probably not a coincidence.
Variations on a Theme
That the Imjärvi case came to be one of the most famous in ufology has, as with so many other things in life, a lot to do with both circumstance and timing. There are many other cases like it that raise just as many eyebrows and questions (as Albert Rosales' files shows countless examples of), but which, for some reason or another, wasn't explored in more detail at the time. When backtracking a bit, it becomes clear that even the basic ”formula” for the Imjärvi encounter had already been tried and tested quite a few times by 1970. There is even a lesser known Finnish incident from 1965, which happened about 100 km from where Heinonen and Viljo had their encounter. This case almost seems like a mix between the Imjärvi encounter and the 1939 Saarijärvi case, mentioned earlier:
On August 19th of that year, afather and his son - Matti and Teuvo Kuningas – strayed away from the rest of their family (the mother and younger brother), while out picking blueberries. Suddenly, they saw what looked like a giant stone about 30 meters away inside the forest. On further inspection, they encountered a 1 meter tall, broad-shouldered entity, with skin the colour of a carrot and wearing a green overall. It had a box-like device on it's chest, from which came some kind of a flashing light. The entity made a number of strange sounds and movements before it disappeared. They both experienced missing time and memory loss, but after about six months Teuvo remembered the above details and related it to his younger brother, Tapani. The father also recalled many of the details later on. Tapani Kuningas, by the way, later became one of Finlands most active ufologists.
I have already started to draw attention to the shared details of these cases, but even more will become obvious later on. I also plan on making a seperate post exclusively about mythological and fairy-tale precursors, but i should mention in passing that i have looked into the tradition of Finnish folklore and fairytales, for potential sources of influence. I was not able to find any particularly affinity for stories about mysterious boxes, although there is indeed a tradition of magic objects, such as purses that supply an endless amount of riches, magic handkerchiefs, etc. I did find mention of a ”magic tinderbox”, but nothing that really matches the box of the Imjärvi entity.
But more about this approach later. Part 2 is already in the making, so stay tuned.
Albert Rosales Humanoid Catalogue at
Flying Saucer Review
UFO-Nyt (Denmark)
Apo, Satu: The Narrative World of Finnish Fairy Tales: Structure, Agency and Evaluation in Southwest Finnish Folk Tales (FFC no:256, 1995)
Carey, Thomas J. & Schmitt, Donald R.: Witness to Roswell (2009)
Multiversum: Is ons heelal een bel in een schuimende zee van bellen?
Multiversum: Is ons heelal een bel in een schuimende zee van bellen?
Het heelal zou een bel kunnen zijn in ‘een schuimende zee’ van bellen met andere universa. Wetenschappers hopen met een reeks experimenten een nieuw licht te kunnen schijnen op het multiversum. Ze hopen bewijs te kunnen leveren voor deze theorie.
Onderzoekers van het Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Canada zeggen dat de term multiversum verwijst naar het idee dat er in het allereerste begin een vacuüm was. Dit vacuüm was gevuld met energie – ook wel donkere energie, vacuümenergie of het Higgsveld genoemd.
“Net zoals heet water in een pan begon deze energie te verdampen en vormden zich bellen,” leggen de onderzoekers uit. Elke bel bevatte weer een ander vacuüm. Door de energie begonnen de bellen groter te worden.
Sommige bellen botsten op elkaar en produceerden weer nieuwe bellen. De theorie hangt nauw samen met kosmische inflatie, het idee dat het heelal vrijwel direct na het ontstaan een fase van exponentiële uitbreiding heeft doorgemaakt.
De onderzoekers maken een simulatie van het hele heelal. “We starten met een multiversum met twee bellen. We laten de bellen met elkaar botsen om te kijken wat er gebeurt. Vervolgens plaatsen we op verschillende plekken een virtuele waarnemer,” zei Matthew Johnson van het Perimeter Institute.
Het team wil gaan zoeken naar sporen van een botsing tussen onze bel en andere bellen met universa. Een dergelijke botsing zou zijn af te lezen uit de kosmische achtergrondstraling.
Amazing UFO formation above Mt Valerian, France on 17th July 2014
Amazing UFO formation above Mt Valerian, France on 17th July 2014
New amazing video footage of a UFO formation recorded over Mt Valerian, France on 17th July 2014.
Witness said: 07/17/14 – I finally managed to get some footage with my brand new P8079HP Night Vision tube. I waited for a long time to get a clear sky, and the results are pretty amazing, despite the huge amount of streetlight where I live.
I wanna thank my dear “Night Vision friends” : UFO Lou, horsefarmer1000, and itakeyourphoto for their help, they have all been really patient and helpful… I had tons of questions, and they replied really nicely
Aliens on the Moon: Footage of a purported “female” E.T. recovered during a secret U.S.-Soviet mission to the Moon.
In this controversial special we will look at compelling evidence, including never-before aired NASA photos showing gigantic artificial structures suggesting the Moon is being used as a base, and possibly a staging area, by a mysterious race of alien beings.
We will hear from experts, as well as astronauts who have walked on the moon, and we’ll reveal new facts and proof for the first time anywhere.
Also, viewers will see dramatic 3-D flybys of the lunar constructions derived from the actual NASA data, and get an exclusive look at footage of a purported “female” E.T. supposedly recovered during a secret U.S.-Soviet mission to the Moon in the 1970s.
An important UFO close encounter of the second kind comes to us from Canada. This amazing account details the experiences of Stephen Michalak of Winnipeg. Michalak earned his living as a mechanic, but was an amateur geologist, and while enjoying a few days off, he decided to do some prospecting. He tried his luck in the Whiteshell Provincial Park.
This area was by no means new to Michalak.
He had spent considerable time in the vicinity of the lake there. Michalak had followed reports of quartz veins being found in the area around Falcon lake. There were also reports of silver being found, and Michalak was on the trail of the valuable metal on May 19, 1967. He had traveled by bus from his home town of Winnipeg to a motel on the Trans-Canada Highway the night before.
Stephen rose early that morning, heading into the vast beauty of the wilderness. Only a couple of hours had transpired before he found a quartz vein by a small brook. After breaking for a quiet lunch, he resumed his work. At about 12:15 P.M. his attention was drawn away from his labors by the sound of geese passing overhead.
Looking up to see them fly over, he was shocked to see two red, glowing, elongated objects descending from the skies. As they came ever closer, their shape was defined more as disc-shaped. As he stood mesmerized by the sight, one of the craft abruptly stopped and hovered in midair.
The other continued its downward flight until it landed on a big, smooth rock only about 150 feet from him. The hovering craft began to move away, and as it went, it changed colors from red to orange, and finally gray.
It disappeared into the clouds above him. The landed craft also began to change its color in the same pattern. Finally, the gray turned into what appeared to be “hot stainless steel,” with a golden glow.
Michalak had been wearing his protective welding glasses earlier, and now they protected his eyes from the brilliant purple lights shining through openings in the front of the craft. He could now smell sulfur, and hear a type of hissing sound. Curiosity overcame him.
He knew he was looking at something he thought he would never see, a craft from another world. The only emotion more powerful than his curiosity was the gripping fear that held him in his tracks. He did have the presence of mind to sketch the object, never moving a step.
After approximately 30 minutes, he was frightened to see a door open from the side of the object. He could now see inside the craft! The interior was brilliantly lighted.
Pulling all the courage together that he possessed, he moved ever closer to the other worldly craft.
As he reached a point about 60 feet from the mysterious flying machine, he could hear two voices conversing above other sounds coming from inside the object.
Being a multi-linguist, he tried several languages to communicate with whoever… or whatever was inside. All of his efforts failed to draw a response from inside.
Undaunted, he moved even closer. He reached the door, and stuck his head inside. He saw a large panel of different colored lights, and other light beams crossing in different directions.
Michalak would later describe the flashing lights as resembling lights on a computer.
He saw no one in the craft, and decided not to push his luck any farther. He moved back away from the door. Suddenly, three panels moved together, hiding the door. His attention was now on the exterior of the craft. He later described the surface as “highly polished colored glass with no breaks or seams in its surface.”
He reached out his hand to touch the polished surface, and his glove was melted. Suddenly the object suddenly moved, and as it did, a vented opening was exposed, like a type of exhaust port. He estimated it’s size as about nine inches high by six inches wide.
Heat was vented through the opening, setting Michalak’s shirt and undershirt on fire. He was now in great pain. He quickly tore off his top garments, and turned to see the craft ascending back into the skies. He felt a rush of air as it made it’s departure. He could still smell the craft after it had disappeared.
Knowing that he needed medical attention, he quickly tried to mark the spot. Using rocks, pine cones, loose dirt, anything he could find, he made a landmark. A severe headache now was complicated by a sick stomach. He broke into a cold sweat, and vomited.
On his way back to his motel, he had to stop several times to ease his stomach pain.
After being refused help from a passing police officer, he finally reached his motel. It was now 4:00 P.M. He entered the coffee shop, and asked someone to recommend a doctor.
The nearest doctor was in Kenora, 45 miles east of Falcon Lake. Because of the distance, he decided to return home instead of making the trip to Kenora. The next bus would not arrive for about four hours, so he rested in his room, and phoned his wife.
He told her only that he was in an accident, but was OK. He instructed her to have their son meet him at the bus terminal in Winnipeg. He arrived there at 10:45 P.M. His son took him to the Misericordia Hospital immediately.
He was treated for his headache, nausea, and the grid-like burns on his chest. Theorists came out of the woodwork suggesting that his burns were from a barbecue pit, or some other common object.
Stephen Michalak made not a cent from his story. He paid all of his own medical expenses, including a trip to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota for additional treatment. To defray these costs, he wrote a privately funded booklet on his experience, but it lost money.
Ultimately, Michalak was seen by more than a dozen doctors in the United States and Canada.
The site of the experience was investigated by the RCMP, RCAF, other government officials and civilian groups. America’s Condon Committee also joined the investigation.
Nothing conclusive was every offered to debunk the fantastic account of Stephen Michalak. His story is unique in many ways, and is accepted as genuine by many UFO groups and investigators.
One of the strangest abduction case in China 1994–Case#2: Meng Zhaoguo Incident (English version)
The Meng Zhaoguo Incident refers to a supposed (CE3K) close encounter of the third kind, experienced by a man of the same name, which took place in Red Flag Forest in Heilongjiang.
In 1994, Meng Zhaoguo reported that he and a relative had followed what he thought was a weather balloon after they saw a white, shining object descend into Red Flag Forest.[2] According to his recollection, on finding the downed object, he found that it was in fact a spacecraft, flanked by Template:Convert tall six-fingered aliens.
After the initial encounter, Meng claimed to be was suffering from ongoing harassment from the entities, and reported being taken to their spacecraft and forced to copulate.[1] He claimed that on the subsequent 17th of July he was abducted from his house and shown Wikipedia:Jupiter, which the entities claimed was their homeworld.
His story was examined by the UFO Enthusiasts Club at Wuhan University throughout 1997. They concluded that whilst the initial contact may have occurred, the subsequent reported events were almost certainly untrue.[1] However, the state-sponsored UFO Research Society concluded that his claims were true.
In June 1994, while working at the Red Flag logging camp in the northwest portion of Wuchang, Meng Zhaoguo and two coworkers alleged they had seen a strange metallic shine coming from Mount Phoenix. Meng went to investigate what he thought was a downed helicopter. When he approached the site he stated that something hit him in the forehead, knocking him out.
A short time later, Meng claimed he encountered a 10 foot tall female alien with six fingers and braided leg fur. Other than that, she looked human.
He maintains that for 40 minutes he had sexual intercourse with the alien while floating above his sleeping wife and daughter. The alien then disappeared, leaving Meng with a 5 cm scar on his thigh.
While these strange & sexual occurance are Meng’s claims, this apparantly was not backed-up (or confirmed) by the two co-workers that allegedly also saw the same the strange metallic shine at the same time that meng allegedly saw it.
Apparently, he might have been knocked over, fainted, and fell asleep, having this dream. His sleeping wife & daughter did not confirm his account.
He then alleges a month later to have levitated through a wall and encountered other aliens aboard their craft. He asked to see the female alien again, but was told that it wasn’t possible. He states they told him that on a distant planet the son of a Chinese peasant, his child, will be born in 60 years (Wikipedia:2054). Meng’s theory is that the aliens had hinted to him, that his child will be born from the intercourse that he had in the prior month with the female alien and that it will take sixty (60) years for the female alien to concieve & be preagnet with his future child.
In September 2003, Meng was given a medical exam and a lie detector test and placed under hypnosis (WP) in an attempt to reveal the authenticity of his claims. Wikipedia:Zhang Jingping, who organized the testing, said that Meng’s results indicated that he told the truth. Zhang also stated that after a doctor had checked Meng’s scar, they concluded that the scar “could not possibly have been caused by common injuries or surgery.”
At about 5:29 p.m. Pacific Time on Tuesday, June17, 20014, I walked out my gate to look across open fields of tomatoes looking across another 12 miles of oak and crops or dry scrub toward the slightly hazy mountains on the west of the big, central valley. So, I was looking due west and just slightly north of the canyon entry to Lake Berryessa. It was clear and sunny outside. Looking due west at about 1500-3000 feet and 1 1/2 to 3 miles from me I saw a large, brightly reflected metal face, seemingly wedge-shaped in stationary, possibly hovering mode (not making sound), which, after about 1 second, disappeared. Then it appeared again, this time in more or less the same place. It was clearly a large; roughly 35-60 foot metal canopy and it shifted position so suddenly that it could not be a normal curved aerodynamic maneuver.
After another 2 or three seconds, it appeared again, this time with crisp, clean definition. It was a smoothly domed, shiny metallic saucer that had a dark metallic (blackish or dark bluish) apron around its lower rim. I noticed a kind of fast, very elastic distortion of the air and light at the edges of the disk, a field effect as it hovered with a slightly wobbly center of gravity. After 2-3 seconds in plain view, it suddenly folded into a kind of space and, after a couple of seconds, appeared about 2-4 kilometers to the southeast and farther away. Then, after a few seconds, it appeared about a kilometer closer (still to my west-southwest) It hovered, again making no sounds, then began to shift position, then appeared to possibly be joined by another. I essentially felt a communication asking me if I would want it shot down, which I certainly didn’t. But then I pulled back to a merely observational, studious mind-frame. Unlike some people, I don’t welcome incursions by what appear to be so-called “gray”-related aliens. Instead, I am on highly active, expanded watch for if and when such cases arise. As a citizen, I don’t want aliens to enter and operate at will in our atmosphere. I followed the disk as it began to move in a northwesterly direction, moving at about half a mile to a mile per second, following the line of the mountains as they grow gradually taller – out along the range, looking north-northwest along the Big Valley’s western rim. The disk hover flew, causing a kind of flickering of its outlines as it moved. In order to see where it went, I followed north along a dirt road for 80 yards in order to not lose sight of it.
Then it was joined by first one, then two and then, finally, four other domed objects, each featuring a kind of oscillatory, linear creasing of (gravity) space just beneath them. They hovered, clearly aware of each other’s positions, then one began to swoop down toward the ground suddenly, faster than any aerodynamic form could without fatal injury, then they all faded out and were gone.
Location: Mt. St. Helens, Washington Date: end of February 1999
Time: around noon
Shortly before noon 14 forestry workers had just broken for lunch and were heading for the crew vehicle. Francisco and Agustin were nearly at the turnout, Manuel and two others were walking up the slope from an old overgrown access road, while the rest of the crew was scattered, most midway between the two groups on the north facing hillside. Francisco stopped to rest momentarily and watched the 14 elk of a herd that had been browsing all morning on a nearby slope northeast of them. Then out of the northeast, he spotted a strange moving object. The UFO presumably had already dropped some 70 feet down the height of the Douglas fir trees bordering the dirt road and was now drifting over a hilltop. Skimming the clear cut at brush top level and hugging the contour of the hill, the UFO appeared to be heading slowly toward the herd of elk. The object’s initial location was approximately 800 yards distant and 200ft lower in elevation than Francisco’s location. At first Francisco mistook it for a bi-colored paraglider silently drifting in for a landing. The object had a strange, slow wobble. It showed red on the right half, white on the left. Francisco quickly realized that he was not seeing any type of glider. The object advanced toward the elk herd, staying close to the ground as if in a “stealth mode”. When the elk became aware of the object, they bolted. Most tried running up the slope to the east, but the going was slow. A lone elk separated from the herd and headed north. The craft targeted the loner and moved in. Surprised and astounded, Francisco shouted to Agustin, “Look at that, Look at that!” The clear cut terrain prevented movement for the animals, innumerable small deciduous trees had trunks cut about 18” above the ground, transforming them into sharp stakes pointing skyward. The trunks, bristling with branches, lay helter-skelter, presenting crisscrossing barricades. The lone animal could not run fast. The wobbling craft, moving no faster than between 5 and 7 mph easily overtook it. The craft moved directly above the female elk and somehow lifted it into the air without any visible means of support evident to the observers. At this point, the animal ceased discernible movement, no kicking legs, no struggling body, and no indication of consciousness. The witnesses were amazed that the craft could lift the 500 pound animal. The “wing span” of the object measured not much longer than the length of the elk about 7 to 8 feet. The captured elk its head apparently against the ventral surface of the craft, and body standing stiffly upright, was lifted off the ground-just enough to clear the underbrush. The craft continued its slow, wobbling oscillation. The suspended elk moved likewise as if she were a solid metal sculpture welded to the craft. After the craft acquire the animal, it moved away at the same slow pace, to the north, following the contour of the land. The elk’s feet were observed sweeping circles, in conjunction with the craft’s movement, just above the brush and tree tops. Within a short time the craft approached the forest edge that defined the end of the clear cut area. Apparently the craft did not stop or maneuver in time to avoid hitting some of the lower branches. Because of the considerable distance of the craft, the witnesses could not discern exactly what had hit the trees whether the craft, the elk or something else is unknown. After hitting the branches, the witnesses saw it dip sharply and reverse direction before ascending vertically in front of the tree line. All three had the impression that the object had almost dropped the animal. Once above the tree top level, it moved over the forest margin and continued northward, dipped out of sight momentarily and then ascended at roughly a 45 degrees angle into the distance until it was obscured by the clouds.
HC addendum Source: Robert Fairfax, Ruben Uriarte, Peter Davenport and Kathleen Anderson for Mufon
Publisher’s Note. I found this article in my Conspiracy Journal newsletter. One of the articles by Nick Redfern featured Women In Black so I believed you would be interested. enjoy Dirk
Within the world of UFO research, the Men in Black are just about as legendary as they are feared. These pale-faced, ghoulish entities have for decades terrorized into silence both witnesses to, and researchers of, UFO encounters.
Theories for who, or what, the MIB might be are many. They include: extraterrestrials, government agents, demonic creatures, time-travelers from the future, and inter-dimensional beings from realms that co-exist with ours.
While much has been written on the sinister, and occasionally deadly, actions of the MIB, practically nothing, at all, has been penned on the subject of their equally bone-chilling companions: the Women in Black. Make no mistake: the WIB are all too real. And they are as ominous and dangerous as their male counterparts.
They may not have achieved the iconic status of the MIB, but these fearsome females, and their collective role in silencing those that immerse themselves in the UFO puzzle, is all too terrifyingly real. Not only that: the WIB have a long and disturbing history.
The WIB are not the agents of officialdom – not at all. They are something stranger, something occult and supernatural. The story is not one of “government conspiracy” proportions in the slightest.
Centuries before they plagued and tormented flying saucer seekers, the Women in Black roamed the landscape by night. They silenced those that studied the subject of alchemy, those who claimed encounters with goblins, fairies and pixies, and those who delved into the realm of the occult.
Whereas today’s WIB arrive at homes in shiny – but curiously old-looking – Cadillac cars, in centuries past, this terrible breed invariably appeared atop equally black, glowing-eyed stallions and in later years, in black, horse-drawn carriages.
They were also up to their infernal tricks in the 1920s. A definitive WIB turned up in none other than a piece of publicity-based footage for a Charlie Chaplin movie, The Circus, which was made in 1928. The footage, undeniably real and shown not to have been tampered with, reveals what appears to be an old, short lady, wearing a long black coat and black hat pulled low over her face, while walking through Los Angeles in high heat.
If that was not strange enough, she is holding to her ear what some researchers claim appears to be a cell-phone, and which she talks into as she walks. Weirder still, the Woman in Black sports an enormous pair of black shoes, which look most out of place given her short stature. She also seems to be taking careful steps to avoid her face being seen clearly.
Fifteen years later, a terrifying WIB haunted the Bender family of Connecticut. It so happens that a certain Albert Bender, of that very clan, began the Men in Black mystery. In the early 1950s, Bender was visited and threatened by a trio of fedora-wearing MIB, something which set the scene for the decades of MIB-themed mayhem that followed.
Back in the 1940s, however, the Bender family had a black-garbed woman in its midst that tormented both young and old in the dead of night. Predating Albert Bender’s own experience with the MIB by years, the hideous silencer in black haunted the Benders near-endlessly. For the Bender family, long before the MIB there was a Woman in Black.
In the 1960s, the emotionless, evil-eyed WIB turned up in the small town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, when sightings of the legendary flying monster known as Mothman were at their height. Claiming to be “census-takers,” the WIB practically forced their way into the homes of frightened witnesses to Mothman.
What began as seemingly normal questions about the number of people in the house, average income, and the number of rooms in the relevant property, soon mutated into something very different: Persistent and intrusive questions about strange dreams, unusual telephone interference, and beliefs regarding the world of all-things of a paranormal nature abounded.
One of the WIB that put in an appearance at Point Pleasant claimed to have been the secretary of acclaimed author on all-things paranormal, John Keel, author of The Mothman Prophecies. Just like her male counterparts, she turned up on doorsteps late at night, waiting to be let in, before grilling mystified and scared souls about their UFO and Mothman encounters, and then vanishing into the night after carefully instilling feelings of distinct fear in the interviewees.
Only when dozens of such stories got back to Keel did he realize the sheer, incredible scale of the ruse. Keel summed up the reality of the situation in four, concise words: “I have no secretary.”
Something similar occurred in Britain during the 1980s. A weird wave of encounters with “phantom social-workers” hit the U.K. They were out of the blue events that eerily paralleled the incidents involving WIB-based “census-takers” that manifested in West Virginia in the 1960s.
Just as menacing, sinister and unsettling as their American cousins, these particular WIB began by claiming that reports had reached them of abuse to children in the family home which had to be investigated. Worried parents, several of who had traumatic UFO encounters, and clearly realizing that these creepy characters were anything but social-workers, invariably phoned the police.
The WIB, realizing when they had been rumbled, made hasty exits. Most disturbing of all, there was a near-unanimous belief on the part of the parents that the Women in Black were intent on kidnapping the children for purposes unknown, but surely no good.
In 2005, while roaming around Puerto Rico in 2005 with Canadian film-maker Paul Kimbal to try and seek out the vampire-like Chupacabras, we had the very good fortune to meet and interview a man named Antonio, a pig-farmer who had an unusual experience in 2000 that led to a decidedly strange visit from a Woman in Black/Man in Black duo.
As Antonio told us, one of his animals had been killed, after darkness had fallen, by the now familiar puncture marks to the neck. In this case, however, the animal exhibited three such marks, rather than the usual two. In addition, a number of rabbits kept on the property had been slaughtered in identical fashion.
At the time that all of the carnage was taking place, a considerable commotion was, quite naturally, being made by the rest of Antonio’s animals. As a result, upon hearing this, he rushed wildly out of his house with a machete in his hand, and flung it hard in the direction of the marauding predator. Very strangely, he told us, the makeshift weapon seemed to bounce off something that seemed distinctly metallic in nature.
In fact, Antonio suggested that what the machete had made contact with seemed armor-plated in nature. Due to the overwhelming darkness, however, he had no idea what the creature may have been. But something deadly was most certainly prowling around the property. The machete was later given to Antonio’s cousin for safekeeping. The most confounding aspect of the affair was still to come, however. That’s right: Antonio was about to get a visit of the dark and disturbing kind.
Shortly after the killing of the pig and the rabbits, a man and woman – dressed in typical, official-looking black regalia, on a stifling hot day, no less, and who announced they worked for NASA – arrived at the farm and quickly proceeded to ask Antonio a wealth of questions about what had occurred, what he had seen, and the way in which his animals had met their grisly fates.
When the conversation was over, the pair thanked the bemused farmer, in a fashion utterly befitting them – wholly unemotionally, in other words – and left without uttering another, single word. How the dark duo even knew that the attacks had taken place, and why on earth NASA would be dispatching personnel to his farm to investigate them, Antonio had no idea at all.
One thing that Antonio told us had held back from informing his two mysterious visitors was that on the morning after the attack he had found strange footprints on his property that were spread quite a distance from each other; and he formed the opinion that whatever had made them, had the ability to leap considerable distances, in a fashion similar to that of a Kangaroo – or, perhaps even, he mused, it had the ability to fly.
The above-accounts amount to the mere tip of what is a gigantic, largely overlooked and under-appreciated, iceberg – I know, because I am close to completing a lengthy book on the subject of the WIB.
When paranormal activity occurs, and when UFOs intrude upon the lives of petrified people, the WIB are ready to strike. They dwell within darkness, surface when the landscape is black and shadowy, and spread terror, malignancy and negativity wherever they walk.
They are the Women in Black. Keep away from them. And keep the doors and windows locked.
Black Knight also known as the Black Knight satellite is an alleged object orbiting Earth in near-polar orbit that ufologists and fringe authors believe is approximately 13,000 years old and of extraterrestrial origin. Authors claim that there is a connection between long delayed echos and reports that Nikola Tesla picked up a repeating radio signal in 1899 which he believed was coming from space. The satellite explanation originated in 1954 when newspapers including the St. Louis Post Dispatch and the San Francisco Examiner ran stories attributed to UFO researcher Donald Keyhoe saying that the US Air Force had reported that two satellites orbiting the Earth had been detected. At this time no man-made satellites had been launched.
In February 1960 there was a further report that the US Navy had detected a dark, tumbling object in an orbit inclined at 79° from the equator with an orbital period of 104.5 minutes. Its orbit was also highly eccentric with an apogee of 1,728 km (1,074 mi) and a perigee of only 216 km (134 mi) At the time the Navy was tracking a fragment of casing from the Discoverer VIII satellite launch which had a very similar orbit.
In 1973 the Scottish writer Duncan Lunan analyzed the data from the Norwegian radio researchers, coming to the conclusion that they produced a star chart pointing the way to Epsilon Boötis, a double star in the constellation of Boötes. Lunan’s hypothesis was that these signals were being transmitted from a 12,600 year old object located at one of Earth’s Lagrangian points.
An object photographed in 1998 during the STS-88 mission has been widely claimed to be this “alien artefact”.
People analyzing these pictures have claimed that it could be the Pakal Spacecraft, a supposed Mayan spacecraft written about by Erich von Daniken.
“Image courtesy of the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, NASA Johnson Space Center”
20-07-2014 om 21:22
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Megalithic Works In Cusco Peru Made Long Before The Inca Existed
Megalithic Works In Cusco Peru Made Long Before The Inca Existed
Archaeological Remains of Hatunrumiyoc. It is a wall constructed with the stone type “green diorite” (right wall) and is located outside the palace attributed to Inca Roca. The wall is admirable due to its polygonal architecture, whose front comprises almost the entire Hatunrumiyoc Street.
Hatunrumiyoc is known because it contains the famous “twelve-angle stone”. The palace was located at the corner of Hatunrumiyoc and Herrajes streets, which is currently occupied by the Archbishop’s Palace and by a museum of colonial art that is open to the public.
As you will notice in the above photo, the higher stones are MUCH smaller than those below; this appears to be Inca repairs done to an older megalithic wall.
The green andesite comprising this wall is at least as hard as granite, and thus could not be shaped with the Inca’s bronze tools. Also take into account that the stone is not local, but comes from at least 30 km away, and that the wall is 2 m thick…
As well, the ancient builders incorporated animal shapes, such as this snake in the design of the wall. The more I look and live in Cusco, the more I see that rather than being the founders of the city, the Inca FOUND it…
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Oliver's WebLog ( ENG en NL)
In what might be the greatest discovery of all time, Marko Rodin has figured out how to 3-dimensionally model the mathematical language of nature. As student of Marko Rodin Randy Powell says in his Ted Talk in 2010, “They say mathematics is the language of god, but until now nobody has been speaking god’s language”.
Some of the practical implications of this technology are said to be:
Inexhaustible free energy
An end to all disease
Produce unlimited food
Travel anywhere in the universe
Build the ultimate supercomputer
Obsolete all existing technology
Unfortunately, despite Marko Rodin’s work being peer-reviewed by some of the most prestigious names in science, it has suffered from a tremendous lack of attention. Because of their unwillingness to sell out to private interests, the information remains in the hands of exhausted volunteers like Randy Powell.
The goal of Marko Rodin and his volunteers at Vortex Based Mathematics is “to create a grassroots energy and technology revolution by turning this knowledge over to the public in an open-source project. Science museum exhibits for kids, a simple book, a simple DVD, that’s all we’re looking to do. We want to turn it into the hands of the people to produce and save the whole world”.
20-07-2014 om 21:06
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Oliver's WebLog ( ENG en NL)
The UFO Cover-Up in 10 Minutes
The UFO Cover-Up in 10 Minutes
Richard Dolan explains some of the high points of the on-going UFO cover-up, but it's not your avera...
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Oliver's WebLog ( ENG en NL)
Aliens On The Moon: Truth Exposed
Aliens On The Moon: Truth Exposed
In this controversial special we will look at compelling evidence, including never-before aired NASA...
20-07-2014 om 20:52
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Oliver's WebLog ( ENG en NL)
VIDEO: Eerste kijk in mysterieuze krater aan 'het einde van de wereld'
VIDEO: Eerste kijk in mysterieuze krater aan ‘het einde van de wereld’
Russische wetenschappers hebben een eerste blik geworpen in de mysterieuze krater in Jamalië in Siberië. In eerste instantie werd gedacht dat het gat een doorsnee had van ongeveer 80 meter. Andrej Plekhanov van het Russische arctisch onderzoeksinstituut heeft vastgesteld dat de krater een diameter heeft van 30 meter. De buitenste rand, waar bodemmateriaal is opgeworpen, is zo’n 60 meter breed.
De onderzoekers zijn op de bodem van het 70 meter diepe gat op een ijsmeer gestuit. Ze hebben monsters genomen om te kunnen achterhalen hoe de krater is ontstaan. Het lijkt erop dat het gat in de afgelopen twee jaar is gevormd. Aan de hand van satellietgegevens moet duidelijk worden wanneer de krater precies is verschenen.
Plekhanov vertelde de Siberian Times dat materiaal uit de permafrost omhoog is gekomen. Er is volgens hem geen explosie geweest. Gas dat al duizenden jaren gevangen zat in de permafrost zou als gevolg van de dooi materiaal naar het aardoppervlak hebben geperst, waardoor een gat is ontstaan.
De zomers van 2012 en 2013 waren in dit deel van Siberië warmer dan normaal, maar de wetenschappers moeten nog meer onderzoek doen voordat ze een specifieke oorzaak kunnen aanwijzen.
Thunderbird is a term adopted from Native American culture. It has become a popular catch-all term for all giant flying birds seen by people that are of unexplained origins. In the Native culture, this was a symbol of a supernatural bird with special powers.
We have yet to see an authentic verified photo of a carcass, but there are some great vintage-appearing photos being passed around. The one (above) has a nice vintage hunters look to it. The Tombstone Epitaph newspaper posted an article in 1890 about two cowboys shooting a giant bird. It was described as having smooth skin (like a bat) and featherless with a face like an alligator. They were said to have stretched the bird out against a barn and nailing it up to reveal it had a wingspan as wide as the barn. The description, admittedly, fits the flying dinosaurs of the pterodactyl type.
This photo above was touted to be an authentic vintage picture of Civil War soldiers who killed a thunderbird.
Most often, they are regarded as potentially blue herons or condors. There have been reportings of them taking off with a dog or a small child in their talons, but it is greatly regarding impossible for a condor or heron to pick up something of that weight and take off with it.
In the 1940s, a slew of reports came from Illinois. Ones in Missouri were found to be a blue heron. Back and forth it goes. It is understandably difficult to measure the actual size of a bird in the sky with nothing to compare it with size-wise.
Saskatchewan (above)
New Mexico (above)
Wyoming (above)
Jabiru (above), a stork from Mexico to South America with a 7-9 foot wingspan. Some believe this is a possible culprit for what people are calling a “thunderbird” but it seems pretty obviously a water bird to anyone who would see it and the size is not so tremendous as to terrify.
Could Thunderbirds exist? It seems hard to believe anything exceptionally large can fly in our skies without us knowing about it, yet I know we have tall hairy people in our woods that have remained hidden from us, but they have a great advantage- it's harder to see one person who blends in with the shadowed woodlands moving about on another hillside than to look up at the big open sky and see a cryptid fly by.
Our hardest obstacle to proving something like a Thunderbird is getting a good measure of its true size while filming or capturing something that can take flight. So far as I can imagine, we aren't capturing one any time soon.
“This triangle UFO was caught by the rover this week in photo Sol 688. I say triangle, because it looks like a TR3B from a distance. The ball in its center and its shorter end…says that it could be a triangle with two points showing,” says Scott Waring author of UFO Sightings Daily.
This UFO was discovered by Youtube user Streetcap1, famous for his discoveries in NASA photos. He says, “Nearly spilt my coffee when I saw this.”
Waring says, “When I enlarged the photo the detail really looks like a lot of traditional UFO craft that have been seen for decades or more. This is an actual object in 3 dimensions out there in the background. Look at the shading around its edges. The shading gets lighter at the edges indicating this is a real object out there with sun light reflecting more on its top than on its bottom. NASA has some explaining to do.”
Researchers made a mysterious discovery in Chile’s Atacama Desert in 2003. This tiny skeleton looked human, but had many features that left scientists scratching their heads. When the images hit the internet, many people assumed the only explanation could be aliens. Thankfully, more reasonable heads prevailed and the remains were subjected to a battery of forensic testing in order to identify how this anomalous skeleton, nicknamed Ata, came to be.
So what made this specimen so peculiar? For starters, the skeleton was only 15 centimeters (6 inches) long. Many initially speculated that the remains were from a premature birth or miscarried fetus, though others disregarded the whole thing as a hoax.
Ata’s size isn’t the only thing that perplexed researchers; a host of physical deformities did not make it entirely clear if the skeleton is human or a non-human primate. Humans have 12 ribs, but this individual only had 10. The skull indicated the organism could have had turricephaly, which gives the head a cone-shaped appearance (which really didn’t help dissuade people from thinking Ata was an alien). Additional deformity of the face and jaw made the head look squished, giving it an appearance that was even further away from a typical human.
The skeleton remained in a private collection until 2009, when it had been brought to a symposium in Barcelona. In the fall of 2012, scientists were given an opportunity to study Ata via x-rays, CAT scans, and genetic sampling. Imaging showed that the chest cavity still had the remains of lungs and a heart inside. The Atacama Desert is one of the most arid regions on the planet, and would allow biological material to preserve incredibly well.
The preliminary genetic results do indicate the skeleton is definitely of human origin, but about 9% of the DNA tested did not match the human genome reference. While 9% sounds like a huge discrepancy, it just refers to the sequence portions used for reference, not the entire genome. These results are well within the expected parameters for contamination and degradation of the DNA after spending so long exposed to the elements. The preliminary results of the mitochondrial DNA were consistent with a haplotype found in Chile, meaning Ata’s mother was local to the area where the remains were found.
One of the most amazing discoveries from the analysis was that Ata was not a fetus. There were mature teeth present in the mouth and the bones were well-developed, with the leg bones showing growth plates that one would expect to see in a 6-8 year old child. While the testing did provide answers, it also raised many more questions. How could a 6 year old child only be 6 inches long?
Dwarfism: It is possible that Ata was the afflicted with an extreme case of dwarfism, though the smallest person ever confirmed was 54.6 cm (21.5 in) tall. Also, no genetic indicators of dwarfism have been identified yet.
Progeria: Ata could be a fetus that suffered from an extreme form of progeria, which brings about symptoms of aging very early in life. However, there aren’t any genetic indicators of that disease yet, either.
Mummification: It is possible that the genotype and phenotype aren’t matching up because there weren’t any genetic anomalies. Ata may have been stillborn or miscarried and then subjected to badly-performed desiccation or mummification, causing the bones to take on such an odd appearance. But, this explanation can’t account for the two missing ribs or growth plates within the bones.
While we do know that Ata was human and most definitely not an extraterrestrial (no matter what the “documentary” Sirius has to say), that’s about the extent of what can be said for sure. More thorough genetic testing is still ongoing and researchers are trying to reconcile the base pairs that did not match up with the human reference. The only information that has been released so far has been preliminary, though the researchers have pledged that further results will go through the appropriate peer-review channels and be published in an accredited scientific journal.
I grew up in a victorian house and still live there today. Sitting at home right now, freaking myself out.
My parents have a running story about a ghost that was living in our house which they named The Captain. He’s known for taking things right before they are going to be used and then returning them months later in an obvious spot, usually right where they are supposed to be.
He is most famous in our house for taking our old VHS tape that had a recording of A Christmas Carol on it. We watched it every Christmas Eve as a family. He took it so often that my mom had to go out and buy a copy of the movie so we could have a backup. Later when we updated to a DVD version, he took that took.
I actually never really believed that he was real until the day he took my purple pillow. That pillow sat on my bed for years and I never moved it except to wash it. One night I was getting ready for bed and couldn’t find the pillow. I searched high and low for it and it was just gone. Six months later I walked into my room and the pillow was sitting right on my bed where it should have always been. I asked my family if anyone had found it and they all said no. I believed in him right then and there.
My dad has had the most experiences with The Captain. He has his workshop down in our basement (creepy basement) and can spend hours down there doing manly things and escaping from a house full of women i’m sure. He often says that must be where The Captain lives because he can feel him down there with him, especially when it’s late. My dad said he would be working and all of a sudden he would feel his presence and my dad would look at his watch and realize it was time to get ready for bed, or just time to get the heck outta there.
I remember one time that really had my parents riled up. They were never scared of The Captain, more like in awe that this was really happening. My dad had left his jacket down in the basement in another room that is adjacent to his work shop. He said he was wearing the jacket but got hot and took it off, laying it down on a table. He forgot it when he went back upstairs and the next day when he went down to get it he didn’t find it where he left it but back in his work shop hung nicely over his chair. He said he never went into his workshop that day and clearly remembers putting it on the table in the other room. Of course my dad asked everyone if they had moved it or even gone down in the basement and no one had. It was The Captain.
I have never felt afraid of The Captain and he never moved anything of mine after the purple pillow. He’s become a bit of a celebrity in our house and with our friends that we’ve told about him. I hope he doesn’t mind!
Edit: Lol everyone posting about it being a made up thing made me really think about if it was. Honestly though this is just the most innocent story I have about our house because I have many other paranormal experiences in my house that I plan on writing about later. Although maybe they created The Captain to make it seem like our house being filled with spirits wasn’t anything to be scared about. –
Pat Robertson Blames ‘Witchcraft In The Family’ For Boy’s Stomach Pains
Tell most people your son is having extreme stomach pains, and they will tell you to get to a hospital as soon as possible. Pat Robertson on the other hand might say, “Check your family for witchcraft,” as he told a mother on a recent episode of The 700 Club.
Viewer Dianne wrote in to the show asking Robertson:
“My son heard sounds that send painful shock-waves thru [sic] his body as I was praying for him and I called on the name of JESUS. My son said it felt like something hit him very hard in the stomach. I know this is not of God. He is a Christian. Can Christians be attacked by demons?” Robertson responds that demons might be causing the boy’s stomach pains but warns the woman about seeking help from “quacks” who will try to exorcise non-existent demons. Instead, he says, the woman should look to her own family to see where the influence might be coming from.
“If I were you, I would look back at your family,” Robertson suggests.
“What in your family — do you have anybody involved in the occult, somebody in witchcraft or tarot cards or psychic things? Has there something been there that you don’t know about. Some grandparent, great grandparent or something. Look into the family tree, and then get some people in there and cast this stuff out. But that does not sound like normal.”
Wiccan priestess Courtney Weber told HuffPost, “It deeply saddens me that in a man as wealthy and powerful as Mr. Robertson who could be using his resources to inspire and uplift is touting superstitions and inspiring fear in the mother of a young boy who clearly needs medical attention.”
This isn’t the first time Robertson has expressed disdain for so-called witchcraft. In a famous 1992 letter attacking “the feminist agenda,” Robertson wrote:
“[Feminism} is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” – THP
Mistaking body for mannequin, workers toss it in a dumpster
For the second time this year, someone in the Tampa Bay area has mistaken a body for a mannequin and thrown it in a dumpster.
It happened in St. Petersburg this spring when a security guard trashed the body of an elderly woman who had jumped to her death from her 16th-floor apartment.
And it happened in Spring Hill on Thursday when two workers hired to clean out a house believed the body of a man who hanged himself in the garage was a mannequin used for a prank. One of the men took the body to a dump, where county workers became suspicious and called deputies.
“It was obviously very unusual and very hard to believe,” Hernando County Sheriff Al Nienhuis said at a news conference Thursday evening.
Sheriff’s officials said Israel Lopez, 50, and Adam Hines, 36, were hired to clean out the vacant house at 6527 Treehaven Drive.
The house was in disarray, Nienhuis said, similar to an episode of Hoarders. Dead rodents filled the house and the workers believed that was the source of a foul smell, he said.
While cleaning, the men saw what they both believed was a mannequin hanging from the ceiling in the garage.
“Both individuals as well as the property owners believed the lifelike mannequin was a distasteful Halloween-like hoax left by the former renters,” sheriff’s officials said in a news release.
The men cut the body down, placed it in a pickup along with other refuse, and hauled everything to the West Hernando garbage transfer station.
There, county employees became suspicious. Shortly before noon Thursday, they called the Sheriff’s Office and reported that a body had possibly been disposed in a Dumpster.
Deputies arrived and confirmed their suspicions.
While deputies investigated, Lopez returned to drop off another load of garbage. County officials recognized him and notified deputies.
Nienhuis said Lopez and Hines made an honest mistake and all the evidence indicates that no crime was committed. They could not be reached for comments Thursday night.
“I think it’s important to realize that … most people, they either have seen someone who has very recently passed … or they see them at a funeral home,” Nienhuis said. “Obviously, this body was not anything close to either of those. It was somewhat mummified.”
Deputies identified the dead man as Jeremy Allen Witfoth, 33. Sheriff’s officials said he was a previous renter, and it appears hanged himself sometime in the past several weeks.
At the home Thursday afternoon, a forensic technician and detective worked in the garage, which was cluttered with empty boxes, clothing and trash.
“It’s always been a sketchy place over there,” said Thomas Gast, 43, while watching from his yard down the street.
Gast said he has seen law enforcement cars at the house before, as well as one from a child services agency. He frequently saw a family with children around the home, but said he hadn’t seen anyone on the property for the past two months.
Neighbor Fred Simerson, 68, said that on Thursday morning, he saw a woman and two men at the house about 9:30 a.m. who looked like they were showing the house to a potential renter.
A few hours later, he saw a pickup back into the driveway and men cleaning out the garage. Soon after that, deputies arrived.
“This is heavy, man,” Simerson said. “I see this stuff on TV. I never thought it would happen in my neighborhood.”
This type of mistake is not unprecedented.
In St. Petersburg this spring, a security guard at a downtown apartment complex trashed the body of a 96-year-old woman who had jumped from her 16th-floor unit. The guard believed the body was a mannequin used as an April Fools’ Day prank.
The guard was not charged with a crime, but the apartment complex fired him. – TampaBay
The creative arachnophobe managed to burn his house down while trying to kill a spider with fire.
Most of us might try to remove a big spider from the house using a piece of tissue paper or a glass, but one Seattle resident this week attempted something a little more drastic by fashioning a makeshift flamethrower out of a lighter and a can of spray paint.
Firefighters were soon called out to tackle the inevitable blaze but fortunately both the man and his mother had been able to escape the house without suffering any serious injuries.
“I don’t want to encourage people to do this, but that’s what he did,” said Seattle Fire Department spokesman Kyle Moore. “The spider tried to get into the wall. He sprayed flames on the wall, lit the wall on fire, and that extended up to the ceiling. There are safer, more effective ways to kill a spider than using fire. Fire is not the method to use to kill a spider.”
It isn’t clear whether or not the offending arachnid actually managed to survived the ordeal. Read more atWashington Post
Albert Rosales has updated the complete Humanoid Sightings Reports files to include thousands of new cases, corrections, comments, updates, images, etc. Also included are all the missing years, plus a new ‘Type X’ Classification. (July 9th 2013)
Encounters by humans with entities of unknown origin were continually reported in the decade of the 90’s. Many of these were so-called abduction incidents and many were solitary encounters with bizarre entities of numerous descriptions that I sometimes refer to as “rogue humanoids.” Having been involved in UFO research one way or another since the early 70’s, my fascination has always been with the UFO “occupant” encounters. I read such groundbreaking works as:
The Humanoids. Edited by Charles Bowen. It featured articles on humanoids by Aimé Michel, Jacques Vallée, Gordon Creighton, Coral Lorenzen etc. Passport to Magonia by Dr. Jacques Vallée, and of course David Webb’s interesting study, 1973-Year of the Humanoids* (released in 1976). These all mainly dealt with encounters with entities of numerous types.
I always felt that the study of the “humanoid” itself was more important than any other study. For example CEI’s or Trace cases (excluding humanoids) or the FT study, etc.
I am currently engaged in attempting to catalog most reported encounters with humanoids, entities, beings, little men, giants, MIB, creatures, amphibians, reptilians, grays etc. So far I have over 10000 cases in my files, many known, many not so well known. I have translated many from all corners of the globe . I think this study is vital for future researchers and for UFO historians.
I obviously do not believe every single story, but I believe all stories must be told. Many are first hand reports, others are just anecdotes, but all are included. I am constantly looking for new sources of information and I am willing to assist any serious researcher looking for humanoid cases. I also need help from the numerous groups Worldwide in forwarding humanoid incident reports for my catalog, so it can one day be used by everyone.
I am currently working on finishing the reports of humanoid encounters for the 80’s then 70’s and so on. Thank you all. This information is for everyone around the World to view and discover.
Albert S Rosales.
If you have any information on Humanoid Encounters, please contact Albert at:
Several ancient peoples all over the world have described reptilian beings, and some have described reptilian humanoids. Common in numerous mythologies are tales of reptilian creatures (usually not humanoid) who are often, but not always, hostile to human beings. Also rather common are the myths of “Serpents of Wisdom” who enlightened humanity before the dawn of civilization.
The Americas
The Toltec Mayan god Gucumatz was described as a “serpent of wisdom” who enlightened humankind. His Aztec counterpart was named Quetzalcoatl. In the Yucatan, he is called Kukulcan.
The ‘White Snake’ is also mentioned in a lot of Chinese folklore. Another reference made to reptilians in our history is The Lamia. It was a female in Greek mythology who would eat children, especially newborn babies. She is said to have a serpents tail. The Hindus speak of the Naga, who are reptilian beings that live underground. They interact with humanity in secret and control us from positions of power, like they have done for all time. There is also the Quetzalcoatl, which is the feathered serpent sky god of the Aztecs. When they would draw this figure it was often depicted as a half man half reptilian entity.
Location: Scaer, Finistere, France Date: April 1960
Time: 11:00 a.m.
50-year old farmer Armand Leberou was riding his “moped” in a country road when he saw a metallic oval-shaped craft hovering close to the ground over a nearby field. A long metallic “pole” protruded from the top of the craft. Soon a tall (1.80m) humanoid with “European” features and wearing a green combination suit emerged from the craft and approached the witness and in a friendly manner invited him onboard… the craft, speaking in perfect French. Inside the witness saw numerous instrument panels and other types of equipment. The humanoid attempted to explain the propulsion system to the witness. He was then given a “test flight” in which he flew over fields and cities. He was soon returned to the place of the encounter and the humanoid bade goodbye. After that the object shot away silently at high speed.
HC addendum Source: Catalogue Finistere, Project Becassine
Type: G High Strangeness Index: 7 Reliability of Source: 7 Comments: This case appears to have been a “leftover” from the 1954 wave. However the ride in the UFO is unique, there are no cases on record from 1954 describing such an event.
In 1980, Billy Meier, the Swiss UFO contactee, took 63, clear 35mm film photographs and a five-minute video of an object dubbed the Wedding Cake UFO, or WCUFO. Skeptics immediately pounced on the photos claiming they showed a model made from a garbage can lid and Christmas tree ornaments. With MUFON, the international UFO investigating organization, lacking the technology to determine the authenticity of his UFO photos, and Meier himself not saying anything in his own defense, the matter was perceived as a hoax and became just another UFO “cold case.” Enter “CSI” Fast forward to today where – just like in an episode of CSI – independent researcher Prof. Rhal Zahi revives the Meier cold case by taking a took a close look at the “DNA” in the WCUFO photos using PhotoShop, professional 3-D computer modeling software and actual scale models. His 74-page report, including his reproducible protocols, conclusively authenticate the photos as large, unknown objects and rules out small models or special effects. Prof. Zahi then discovered never before seen details in a nighttime WCUFO photo that have been hidden in not so plain sight – for 34 years – revealing that the craft is hovering over a gravel road and that Meier somehow actually took the photo from… above the object.
MUFON Takes Another Look. Armed with Prof. Zahi’s authentication of the WCUFO, Meier’s American representative, Michael Horn, contacted Jan Harzan, the Executive Director of MUFON, who has known about the Meier case for 25 years and struggled with it being simply “too good.” Harzen and Horn formed a precedent setting alliance and, for the first time in 34 years, MUFON opened the Meier case to its 3,000 members worldwide. Staggering Implications. According to Horn, “Prof. Zahi’s work vindicates Meier of charges that he hoaxed his evidence. It also makes the SETI program unnecessary because it conclusively shows that the UFOs photographed and filmed by Billy Meier are extraterrestrial in origin. With Meier’s well-documented contacts with the Plejaren extraterrestrials still ongoing for over 72 years – and so rich in scientific information- the implications are truly staggering. “Now along with NASA aerospace engineers recognizing its significance, modern technology makes it easy enough for an eight year-old child with a computer to prove the most important discovery in all of science and human history for themselves. We are not alone, we’ve been contacted and now it’s up to us to see if we can actually recognize – and handle – the truth.”
An update on the remarkable, historical developments in the Billy Meier case may be announced at the upcoming MUFON Symposium, July 17 – 20, in Pennsylvania.
Awesome Fractal Crop Circle Shows Up July 16 – Video of Lighted ORBS Making THE Pattern July 17 LATEST CROP CIRCLES Merkabas ARTWORK created by Light Body Orbs UK
Awesome Fractal Crop Circle Shows Up July 16 – Video of Lighted ORBS Making THE Pattern July 17 LATEST CROP CIRCLES Merkabas ARTWORK created by Light Body Orbs UK
(N.Morgan) Many witnesses,spanning across 4 states, reported seeing a blazing fireball over the skies in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Virginia. Many people reported seeing the bright light in the sky between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. EDT. Dan Perhar, a software developer at North Carolina University, captured it around 10:15 p.m. as he was driving on Interstate 440 in Raleigh. NASA Solar System Ambassador and WRAL contributor Tony Rice viewed the video. “Looking at that dashcam video it looked pretty low on the horizon. That flash may have been it breaking up,” Rice posted on Twitter.
Lake Vostok in Antarctica has been closed off 2-1/2 miles down and millions of years. Locked away below the ice with no sunlight for millions of years and air temperatures of around -128 degrees Fahrenheit. No chance there's life, right?
Over 3500 forms of life have been found there with recognizable forms, but also a whole group of novel life forms. There were forms of bacteria and multi-cell organisms, but also potential mollusk relatives and maybe even fish, though researchers are hesitant to proclaim that.
Some are making a correlation with the conditions on Europa, one of the moons of Jupiter that has similar conditions. They are using the odd logic, however, that for life to exist down there, it would have had to have started on the moon and moved down into its icy waters, but I'm not certain there's any logic in that. If I recall right, these same scientists said life started in the sea here….
This amazing find has shed more light on how life can happen in burning hot volcanic outlets in oceans, some of the worst dry and nasty climates of our earth, and now under a 2-1/2 mile polar cap with no light.
For a great source for more info on the life forms found there – go here.
Jan Wolski a 71-year old farmer, was passing through a forest in his horse drawn cart when he noticed two individuals ahead, walking in the same direction, but with “supple jumps” like divers on the sea bed. When one of them approached a muddy patch, his feet seemed to slide across the mud, as reported in a number of other cases. When Wolski caught up with the strangers, they walked alongside the horse and cart for a while them jumped onboard and sat down gently, one at each side, gesturing to Wolski to carry on. The added weight caused the mare to exert extra effort. Wolski drove on while the strangers exchanged some words in an incomprehensible tongue. Shortly, as the cart approached a clearing in the forest, a strange, almost “transparent white” object could be seen, hanging in the air about 70 meters away, emitting a faint humming sound. Wolski described the object as like a short bus, but with a roof like a barn, it was about 5 meters in length, three meters in width, and about 2.5 meters in height. It shone, as if nickel-plated. No windows were seen. At its four corners, and half-way up it had on the outside, barrels with black vertical rods running through them and carrying what looked like spirals rather reminiscent of corkscrews. These black rods were rotating very fast. The “corkscrews” emitted a range of colors, and the barrels seemed to have been the source of the humming. When closer to the object, Wolski said the sound was like that of bumblebees in flight. The craft’s surface was smooth, stainless, and seamless. At a height of some 50 cm from the ground was suspended a lift held by four thin cables attached above the entrance to the craft, which had descended as the trio approached. Stepping on to the platform one of the entities invited Wolski aboard, gesturing to him that he should grasp the cables. After rising rapidly the lift stopped in front of an opening and Wolski was motioned inside. Inside, Wolski stepped into a chamber with walls that were almost black and saw two more beings identical with the first two. The chamber was rectangular. There was no internal lighting other than the daylight from the open door. The walls, floor, and ceiling were a grayish black the same color as the overalls of the occupants. The floor was shining, as though polished. The walls were smooth and hard to the touch, and made of a material resembling glass. Against the four walls there were seats, each fastened by two black cables. No apparatus was seen inside the contraption, with the exception of two black tubes that ran from one gable wall to the other and two holes, about 30 cm apart, into each of which one of the entities inserted alternately a smallish black rod. From floor to ceiling, the height was about 1.8 meters. On the floor of this cabin were about ten crows or rooks, which seemed to be paralyzed, though they could move their heads and eyes. The four identical beings, of indeterminate sex, were about 1.4 to 1.5 meters tall and had delicate, slim figures. They were dressed in tight-fitting, flexible one-piece suits of a grayish black rubber like material, covering the entire body except the faces and hands. No pockets, belt, or fasteners were seen. Their legs seemed thicker than those of normal men, and form the way these curved when the beings sat in the cart with their legs hanging down, they looked like prehensile limbs. A hump was visible on the shoulders, as though something was contained under the suits. The slim, greenish colored hands had five fingers, between which were fine membranes, except for the gap between thumb and forefinger. Their heads were relatively large, with faces of an olive green or greenish brown hue, having high cheekbones that gave them an Asiatic appearance. The eyes, almond shaped, very long, were dark, and appeared to lack any whites. In the place of the nose, there was only a slight protuberance with two small vertical openings. The mouth was straight and thin. Their teeth were white. No hair was visible on the face. When the beings smiled, the mouth twisted to one side with the effect of a grimace. Their speech was rapid and delicate. They had a polite, gentle demeanor and Wolski felt no fear in their presence. The beings indicated to Wolski that he should take off his clothes, and one of them helped him undo his shirt buttons. Facing him less than two meters away, one of the beings held in each hand a gray disc shaped object that seemed to be attached to the hand by something like a suction pad. The discs were vibrating and emitting a dull humming sound. Wolski was positioned with one side facing towards the entity holding the discs, then with his back towards him, and finally with the other side. Wolski’s arms were raised alternately by the entities, whose fingers were very cold. During the process he smelled an odor similar to that of burning sulfur; a smell that lingered in his clothing for days afterwards. When ready he was shown the way out, bowed, and said goodbye. The beings bowed likewise, smiling. The same lift took him down almost to ground level, so that he was obliged to jump down a short way. Reaching his horse and car, Wolski turned around to look at the contraption. Two or three of the beings were watching him from the entrance. He did not see them leave.
HC addition # 229 Source: George Wielonski, Mufon Journal # 126, and Timothy Good Alien Base
So, you want to know whether flying saucers are real? Well. the evidence you are about to see is so strong that if this were a murder case the accused would hang. This case was presented on ats about three years ago by chadwickus, and while he put together a good thread I personally feel he left out too much to really do it justice.
Westall, a suburb of Melbourne, Australia. On the morning of April 6 1966 the children of Westall were in school. One of the children was looking out of a classroom window and saw a flying saucer hovering outside, he excitedly announced what he could see and within minutes the entire school, including the staff, were outside watching two flying saucers hovering just a few yards away.
Graham Simmonds was the first to see the flying saucers. He was standing at the window and saw a saucer hovering.
Terry Peck was playing outside when she heard another child shout “Look a flying saucer”. Terry looked up in the sky, and she says it really was a flying saucer. She says it was a round silver disc hovering low over the school. She remembers children screaming and running inside to hide.
Marilyn Smith says she was inside and children started running back in, they were hysterical and screaming “there’s a flying saucer in the Oval”
Barbara Robbins, the chemistry teacher grabbed her camera and started taking pictures.
Claude Miller says he was having a crafty ciggy at the time. He says that Andrew Greenwood (another teacher) came rushing at him saying “Did you see it, did you see it”
Brenden Dickson says he saw a saucer hovering just a few feet above the ground. He says it descended and just sat there for a few minutes, then it went back up and shot off.
Its difficult to present this case on a timeline for several reasons, first, it happened more than fourty years ago, also the children were running about all over the place, and also because there were TWO saucers and not all the children saw both of them. The majority of the children followed a saucer to a rough bit of ground they refer to as The Oval. They say the saucer actually landed in the oval and some of them got quite close to it.
Terry Peck says some of the girls who got there before her passed out when they got close. She says a girl named Tanya had collapsed and an ambulance was called and took Tanya away. Tanya was never seen again!!! (someone should look into what happened to Tanya)
Victor Zakruzny says that before the craft went to the oval they landed in a grassy paddock. He said there were two discs on the ground a couple of meters apart. He went over to them and says he was going to touch them but when he was within a meter of them he could feel heat coming from them. He said they just sat there for about a minute then they slowly lifted off and went towards the oval.
Victor did a rough sketch of what he saw
Its interesting that his drawing shows three round…power units? We so often hear about craft with three lights! He said the craft were completely smooth and looked like they’d come out of a mold.
Joy Clarke says that in the afternoon the school had a special assembly. The headmaster told the children they were all nuts! That they hadn’t seen anything, and they were forbidden to talk to anyone about it.
Graham Simmonds says he was prepped to tell the students that what they’d seen didn’t exist. He says he was given the job of walking up and down the corridors to keep the students in their rooms. While he was walking the corridors he saw the teacher who’d been taking photographs of the saucers struggling with people in uniform who were demanding she hand over her camera.
Later the media arrived. The police also arrived to keep the media away and would not let them talk to anyone. Some children had managed to get out and were talking to the media but were immediately taken back into school by the police.
Marilyn Smith appeared on a tv show (channel 9) and was given detention when she returned to school.
The author of the vid (bottom of this post) contacted channel 9 to see whether this case was still in their records, it was!
He was given permission to search their archives for the footage. We can all guess what he found…an empty film can.
However in the state library of Victoria there are newspapers referring to this case.
Paul Smith a market gardener and his boss were working in their field when the flying saucers arrived. They stood looking at them for several minutes. He said a few minutes later the children from the school flooded across their field in pursuit of the craft.
Most people who saw the saucers say that five Cessna airplanes arrived and that’s when the saucers took off at high speed. About twenty minutes later army trucks appeared with about twenty men in them.
Lt Col. Neil Smith a military historian says he’s unaware of any military bases close enough to have gotten men to the location so quickly. Also witnesses say the men in the trucks wore kaki coloured uniforms but Neil Smith says the Australian military did not wear uniforms of this colour in 1966.
Just four days before the saucers landed at the school. somebody reported seeing a strange object in the sky and took these photos.
This picture is very relevant because those who saw the saucers fly away said they turned on their side when they went away.
Also, another strange story was reported just two days before the saucers landed at the school.
Ron Sullivan says that he was driving along a nearby road one night when he noticed a bright light in the trees. He says as he got closer it pulled his headlights to the side as if being pulled by a magnet.
Ron Sullivan did not bother reporting this event until he saw this.
This happened just two days before the event seen by Ron Sullivan and six days before the saucers landed at the school.
There is so much more to this story, if you have even the slightest interest in ufo’s then the video below will blow your mind.
You should not be asking yourself – Did this happen? The question you should be asking is – WHO WERE THEY!!
For me this case proves one of two things. 1. Aliens landed. or 2. The military had anti gravity capability as far back as 1966.
All the pics and info were taken from the video below.
Location: Texas, exact location not given Date: 1964
Time: late night
The ten-year old witness and a friend had sneaked out at night and were roaming the neighborhood when suddenly the landscape lit up around them. There was a thunder like sound. The main witness looked up to see a huge saucer shaped craft hovering overhead. As his friend remained in a paralyzed state the witness sees a small craft landing nearby. Three figures… emerged from the object, two were five-foot tall and gray colored, the third was much larger and brown colored. As the witness attempted to run he was grabbed by the brown being that then forced him into the small object sometimes using an electric type gadget. He was eventually knocked out and taken up into the larger craft. His next recollection was being fastened to a metallic tube. A dark green humanoid woman sat on his chest. She manipulated the witness sexually and made him ejaculate. A dark colored plate was placed on his face and then he was put in a small closet like room. The floor of the room opened up and a multi-colored energy field engulfed him. He then dropped out of the craft and floated back to earth to his backyard.
HC addition # 1926 Source: Kenneth Ring PhD, The Omega Project
Flying Humanoids – Paranormal Documentary Documentary on flying humanoids – strange creatures in the sky reported all over the world, including eyewitness accounts and video evidence – footage of these aliens or monsters or other dimensional beings. A look back at a series of mid-20th Century reports of bizarre flying humanoids that caused waves of panic in small towns across the Northern United States and recent encounters in Mexico and California. The investigation also analyzes a strange corpse and video evidence to identify what people are seeing.
A Big Purple Mothership was the last thing Lenny expected to see when he went out four-wheeling.
The clouds were large and full on a seasonal April day in 2012. Late in the day many of the puffy clouds took on a pinkish cast as the sun got lower in the sky.
On a farm near Greenwich, NY, eleven year old Lenny was enjoying some last minute fun on his four-wheeler. Suddenly the youth began to hear an odd humming noise. Thinking there was a problem with his single rider vehicle, he stopped to see what was wrong. But when Lenny shut off his ATV the humming continued but seemed to be above him.
“I looked up and there it was directly above me, a huge UFO was coming out of a cloud toward me.” Lenny explained. The boy tells us that it took several minutes for the object to leave the cloud.
He describes the UFO as purple, the back of it was round and a long neck was attached to it with a cockpit like structure on the end. The craft had three markings on its side.
Lenny’s eyes got wide as he further described the UFO. “It was enormous; it was longer than our 10 acre field.”
As the huge craft hovered above the field where the youth was standing another remarkable thing happened. “Another smaller purple UFO, a smaller one, came out of the bigger craft.”
He describes the small of the two objects as the size of the family’s Cape-Cod farm house. He also says that this craft was shaped similar to a conventional airplane.
“The smaller craft flew off in a westward direction,” he said.
Shortly afterwards Lenny noted that the Mothership did a dip toward, the ground. Then it brought itself up vertical and started spinning in a 360 degree motion. He saw what he could only describe as a bluish glow around it. As the craft spun faster Lenny could hear an odd noise building up as the spin got faster and faster.
“Suddenly there was another loud noise and the craft shot straight up into the sky and was gone in a matter of a minute.” Lenny said.
Lenny’s dad tells us, “My son was eleven at the time. He was very scared and in tears. In the time since the sighting, he hasn’t changed his story. Every detail, from start to finish, he tells the same regardless how many times you ask him about it. He is a good kid, who would never make this sort of thing up. He thought he was going to die right there in our backfields.”
Graancirkel in zuiden Rusland verbaast dorpsbewoners
Graancirkel in zuiden Rusland verbaast dorpsbewoners
In een dorp in het zuiden van Rusland is een mysterieuze graancirkel verschenen. Sommige bewoners menen dat er bezoek is geweest van buitenaardsen. De formatie heeft een doorsnee van ongeveer 40 meter en is op donderdag opgemerkt in een zonnebloemveld in de regio Krasnodar, meldt nieuwssite Svet Mayakov.
Op zondag werd een video van de graancirkel op het populaire Russische sociale netwerk Vkontakte geplaatst. Te zien is dat de formatie bestaat uit een aantal vierkanten en rechthoeken die middels een bepaald patroon met elkaar verbonden zijn.
Het was niet meteen duidelijk hoe het patroon is ontstaan, hoewel één lokale bewoner aan 9 TV vertelde dat dorpsbewoners in het weiland een ongeïdentificeerd object hadden zien opstijgen. Het object zou het omringende gebied met een lichtbundel hebben verlicht.
Een camera op de boerderij pikte geen ongewone activiteit op. Ook is er niemand in het weiland gezien op het moment dat de formatie moet zijn ontstaan, aldus nieuwssite Svet Mayakov.
Veertig procent van alle Russische graancirkels verschijnt in de regio Krasnodar. Graancirkelenthousiastelingen reisden afgelopen maand nog af naar het gebied om te zoeken naar bewijs van het ongewone fenomeen.
Er zijn echter ook mensen die twijfelen aan het bovennatuurlijke aspect van graancirkels. “Ik zag ten eerste heel veel insecten en hagedissen in het veld,” vertelde Sergei Frolov aan de krant Komsomolskaya Pravda. “Ten tweede waren de stengels gebroken. Normaal gesproken zijn ze gebogen. Ook zijn er op verschillende plaatsen in het veld voetsporen te zien.”
Een recent ontdekte krater met een doorsnede van maar liefst tachtig meter en nog ongekende diepte stelt wetenschappers voor een raadsel. Het mysterieuze 'gat' in de aarde werd door medewerkers van een gasbedrijf met een helikopter gespot boven het Yamal schiereiland in Siberië. Een team van Russische wetenschappers is al onderweg naar het gebied om het bijzondere fenomeen te bestuderen.
De gigantische krater bevindt zich nabij een woud op dertig kilometer van het gasveld Bovanenkovo. Nadat het nieuws over de vondst bekend werd, deden al snel allerlei theorieën over ufo's en aliens de ronde. Onderzoekers tasten voorlopig nog in het duister over de oorsprong van de krater, al zijn ze ervan overtuigd dat er een wetenschappelijke verklaring voor moet zijn. Een team van experten zou vandaag in de regio moeten aankomen om grond- en waterstalen te nemen.
Meteoriet of explosie Onderzoekers sluiten niet uit dat de krater het gevolg is van een inslag van een meteoriet maar achten de kans desalniettemin klein. Een ondergrondse explosie lijkt waarschijnlijker volgens Anna Kurchatova van het Sub-Arctic Scientific Research Centre. Zij vermoedt dat door de opwarming van de aarde, permafrost is beginnen smelten waardoor gas zich ondergronds in de ijs- en zandlaag heeft opgehoopt. Voeg daar nog zout aan toe, 10.000 jaar geleden was dit gebied immers een zee, en je krijgt een explosieve cocktail. "Je kan het effect vergelijken met het ontkurken van een champganefles", stelt ze. Wetende dat zich heel wat gaspijpleidingen in de omgeving bevinden, is dat een heel gevaarlijk gegeven.
Beelden Het is wachten op de resultaten van het Russische onderzoeksteam om definitief uitsluitsel te geven. Hieronder kan u alvast de beelden bestuderen die vanuit een helikopter door Konstantin Nikolaev werden gedraaid.
Nooit heeft de wetenschap dichter gestaan bij het vinden van buitenaards leven. Dankzij de NASA-telescoop Kepler werden al duizenden exoplaneten ontdekt, waarvan een aanzienlijk deel zich in de 'bewoonbare' zone van een zonachtige ster bevindt. Maar de hoop op een ontmoeting met E.T. mag u opbergen, zeiden experten tijdens een paneldiscussie in het NASA-hoofdkwartier in Washington. "Wanneer we buitenaards leven vinden, zal dat wellicht niet in de vorm van intelligente wezens zijn."
Als u de astronomen mag geloven, is buitenaards leven nu echt binnen handbereik. Met de regelmaat van de klok worden nieuwe planeten gevonden, en meer en meer klinkt de hoop dat die mogelijk leven bevatten. Zo ontdekten astronomen van de universiteit van New South Wales recent een 'super-Aarde', Gliese 832c, die amper 16 lichtjaren van ons verwijderd is. Ook rond de ster van Kapteyn zou een planeet cirkelen waar leven mogelijk is en eerder dit jaar deelde de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie op een persconferentie mee dat ze "de meest Aarde-achtige planeet ooit" ontdekt had. Kepler-186f cirkelt rond een dwergster en wel op zo'n afstand dat er mogelijk vloeibaar water aanwezig is.
Al deze vondsten werden mee mogelijk gemaakt door de Keplertelescoop, die gelanceerd werd in 2009. De NASA-telescoop hielp wetenschappers duizenden zogenaamde exoplaneten te ontdekken, planeten buiten ons zonnestelsel. Astronomen weten nu dat rond zowat elke ster in de Melkweg minstens één planeet cirkelt. En één op de vijf planeten die rond een zonachtige ster draaien, zou een Aarde-achtige planeet kunnen zijn in de zogenaamde bewoonbare zone van die ster. Dat is het gebied dat zich net op de juiste afstand van de ster bevindt, waardoor er vloeibaar water kan zijn - en dus ook leven.
James Webb Space Telescope Vanaf 2018 verwacht de NASA nog een grote stap verder te geraken in de zoektocht naar buitenaards leven. Dan lanceert de ruimtevaartorganisatie haar James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), die wetenschappers de mogelijkheid zal bieden gerichter te zoeken naar tekenen van leven in de atmosfeer van exoplaneten.
"We zijn dichtbij het vinden van leven op een andere planeet", zei Sara Seager, astronoom aan de prestigieuze Amerikaanse universiteit MIT in Cambridge, tijdens het panelgesprek. Seager speelde een belangrijke rol in de zoektocht naar een zogenaamde Aarde 2.0. "Maar deze extraterrestrials zullen wellicht niet de vorm van intelligente wezens aannemen. Ik denk dat iedereen wel hoopt dat er buitenaards intelligent leven is; dat maakt deel uit van onze cultuur. Maar we zullen al blij zijn als we om het even wat zien."
"Zelfs als het eerste contact met buitenaards leven een eencellige microbe blijkt te zijn, zou dat al fenomenaal zijn", zei Seager. "Want het zou betekenen dat ook buiten de Aarde leven voorkomt. Als elders in de Melkweg levende microben bestaan, vergroot dat de kans dat er ook ander intelligent leven zou kunnen zijn."
Veel geluk nodig JWST, de 6,5 miljard euro dure opvolger van de iconische Hubble Space Telescope, zal zoeken naar tekenen van leven - aanwijzingen als zuurstof, carbondioxide of water - door het licht te analyseren dat de atmosfeer van de planeten doorlaat. Maar zelfs met de nieuwe telescoop hebben wetenschappers een portie geluk nodig om bewoonde planeten te identificeren. Het licht dat deze buitenaardse werelden afgeven, is immers erg zwak, aldus de experten tijdens de paneldiscussie. Om de zoektocht écht een schop vooruit te helpen, zijn er grotere telescopen nodig.
Ook deze telescopen zullen echter niet in staat zijn vast te stellen of ontdekte levensvormen wezens met hersenen of eencellige microben zijn, aldus Seager. Maar wanneer planeten gevonden worden die tekenen van leven vertonen, kunnen andere telescopen ingezet worden om op die specifieke planeten te zoeken naar buitenaardse intelligentie. Het SETI Institute (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) in Californië zoekt nu al naar mogelijke radiogolven of andere signalen die kunnen wijzen op een beschaving op exoplaneten die gevonden zijn door Kepler.
Een ultieme doelstelling is sondes of zelfs bemande ruimtetuigen te sturen naar planeten die tekenen van leven vertonen. Maar met de beperkingen van de huidige rakettechnologie, zou het veel langer dan een mensenleven duren om tot daar te geraken.
The head of NASA himself, Charles Bolden (a former shuttle pilot and US Marine general) ranged himself firmly alongside his top boffins in the aliens-are-surely-out-there camp.
A group of top NASA scientists told the space agency’s chief yesterday that the forthcoming generation of space telescopes are likely to discover habitable Earth-like worlds and probably alien life – perhaps within 20 years.
“Imagine the moment when the world wakes up and the human race realizes that its long loneliness in time and space may be over – the possibility we’re no longer alone in the universe.”
“I think in the next 20 years we will find out we are not alone in the universe,” added NASA astronomer Kevin Hand.
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I was working outside just after my lunch break. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed what looked to be a red-copper colored object in sky to my left. I stood up straight and really focused on the object. It appeared to have lights and a surface that reflected light off as metal does. It was also black at times as well. It appeared to hover for a while and very slowly travel on a path that changed slightly as it progressed through the sky. I have to stress one thing. The first time I noticed this thing, it was directly over the airport. My company is building condos and houses beside our cities airport and it is closed airspace. Nothing public or private can fly without authorization. Which leads to why I was curious as to what this slow moving completely silent object was. At first I thought it to be a hot air balloon but I asked myself, “why would it be and who allowed it to fly directly over the airport and the landing strips?” That would create a chance of an airplane crashing into it or the ground. It took about 3 hours to get almost right over my head. As it was moving around and stopping during these hours, I began to notice it looked more like a metal upside down bell rather than an air balloon made from fabric. I really don’t claim to know what it is because I have never seen anything like it before.
There was what looked like a bright light on it as well. It never got any dimmer or changed color, but just stayed constant. It was completely silent as it traveled through the sky. I stopped randomly between working and snapped a series of maybe 7 pictures. I tried the video recorder, but the object simply disappeared from sight. It would not show up on video, but clear as day in pictures. The object turned slightly as it moved so the pics show different details and angles. But you guys tell me what this is. I couldn’t find any records of aerial pictures of city nor reports of anything happening at airport. When the object just simply disappeared and I could not see it anywhere in sky I thought this to be extremely weird. Seeing as it had taken so long to get to my location and I could see it anywhere in the horizon, it’s like it never happened really. The only proof is the pictures. After the object was gone, 2 army jets made multiple passes over the area. They returned then flew off again out of site only to return and do this again. I’m at a loss as to what I saw and am not discounting anything; as long as it’s realistic and logical.
I was working outside just after my lunch break. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed what looked to be a red-copper colored object in sky to my left. I stood up straight and really focused on the object. It appeared to have lights and a surface that reflected light off as metal does. It was also black at times as well. It appeared to hover for a while and very slowly travel on a path that changed slightly as it progressed through the sky. I have to stress one thing. The first time I noticed this thing, it was directly over the airport. My company is building condos and houses beside our cities airport and it is closed airspace. Nothing public or private can fly without authorization. Which leads to why I was curious as to what this slow moving completely silent object was. At first I thought it to be a hot air balloon but I asked myself, “why would it be and who allowed it to fly directly over the airport and the landing strips?” That would create a chance of an airplane crashing into it or the ground. It took about 3 hours to get almost right over my head. As it was moving around and stopping during these hours, I began to notice it looked more like a metal upside down bell rather than an air balloon made from fabric. I really don’t claim to know what it is because I have never seen anything like it before. There was what looked like a bright light on it as well. It never got any dimmer or changed color, but just stayed constant. It was completely silent as it traveled through the sky. Is realistic and logical.µ
If you look closely at this old stereoscopic image, you can see a dark, cigar-shaped object that seems to be flying in the clouds over Mount Washington.
Wherever the image might have been over the years, it showed up on eBay one day in 2002. It was bought for $385, and soon after cropped to show a close-up of the cigar-shaped object and touted as “the oldest known UFO photo.” The owner, Samuel M. Sherman, said the photo would be submitted to scientists for detailed analysis, and the results made available to the public.
The photo hit the Internet like lightning, crackling from one UFO site to the next. Ryan Mullahy, a UFO writer, researcher and founder of the website NH UFO Research, saw it but wasn’t convinced: “As fascinated as I was by the photo, I didn’t think it was a UFO.” Mullahy set out to determine whether it was.
He says he does “real, classic research” on UFO reports to establish their authenticity so people can take the incidents seriously: “I don’t have a bias to prove a case true or not. I simply seek out information and put out what I find.”
When he started his research on the “oldest known UFO photo,” the only image available was a heavily cropped, low-resolution version on the Internet.
After six years of off-and-on digging, he found an important clue: a 2003 Weirs Times newspaper article unearthed by Kathy Brisendine, another UFO researcher. The article identified the photographers of the stereoscopic image as Amos Clough and Howard Kimball. The image had been taken in the winter of 1870-71 during a meteorological expedition, which he would learn later included a study of frost architecture.
Mullahy googled the expedition and discovered that the New York Public Library had a copy of the original high-resolution, uncropped photo (see above) in its digital library, along with a number of photos from the same set. After examining them closely, he decided his initial reaction was right: “The object in the photo is not in the cloud, but on the surface of the mountain itself. In the original photo, there is a clear distinction between the surface of the mountain and the sky above the mountain range. The brown object is lying on, or suspended in, the snow on the mountaintop.” He says it could be a wooden ruler used to measure the snow or to show scale, but definitely is not a UFO.
“I don’t claim to have cracked the case myself,” Mullahy says. “Others found little pieces of the puzzle too.” But, because he takes his UFOs seriously, “I’m happy to get rid of a case that clearly was not credible so we can provide a clear picture of what the actual history is.” – NH Magazine
The doomed Costa Concordia, once a luxurious cruise-ship, sank after hitting rocks at the beginning of 2012, which tragically left 32 people dead.
The ship, which was double the size of the Titanic, was hauled up from its watery grave yesterday, reports, and for the first time, the world saw the true extent of the damage.
But it wasn’t the damage that the world was looking at yesterday, after a reader spotted something eerie lurking in the background of one of the photos posted to the website yesterday.
The original photo also shows a single light that had managed to stay on, and an armchair that looks pretty much undamaged, which is pretty creepy.
The Concordia’s Italian captain is being tried in Tuscany for manslaughter, causing the shipwreck and abandoning ship before all were evacuated.
You be the judge – do you think this is a ghost!? – KIIS1065
David Letterman has been on the air for decades, but it seems like even as his days on a nightly talk show are coming to an end, there are still things to learn about him. For instance, did you know he believes in spirits?
During a discussion with Emma Stone, who plays a spiritualist in Woody Allen’s latest film, “Magic In the Moonlight,” Letterman revealed that he believes a woman who was once a friend of the show before she died still contacts him from time to time.
“It’s very subtle, but the corridor of interest is so narrow that it could only be her,” Letterman told Stone, without revealing the identity of who he was talking about.
“She doesn’t say anything to me,” Letterman elaborated. “Things come to my head.”
Earlier in the discussion, Stone had discussed how she believed her dead grandfather was responsible for sending her quarters, without revealing the connection between her grandfather and quarters. But when it came to Letterman’s own metaphysical experiences, Stone seemed to struggle to grasp what Letterman was saying.
“If you go much farther in this, unless you’re full-blown nuts, it will become a mockery,” Letterman said.
“I’m full-blown nuts, Dave,” Stone responded.
Letterman also explained to Stone that a light in the Ed Sullivan Theatre popped, which his crew took as a sign that Letterman’s unnamed friend was making her presence known.
Who knew the late-night host had supernatural sympathies? – LA Times
Villagers call for demolition of cursed home after five deaths
Locals in the village of Lixnaw, County Kerry, are seeking the demolition of a cottage they believe to be cursed. At least five tragic deaths are associated with the property, including the violent murder of a woman in 2013.
Lixnaw’s parish priest said locals believe there is a “máchail” (defect or harm) or “mí-ádh” (bad luck) associated with the council-owned cottage on the edge of Ballynageragh bog. The local’s fears were brought to light at the first meeting of the Listowel Electoral Area meeting.
Five of the cottage’s residents have been the victims of tragic, accidental or violent deaths. Just last year, on November 27, Susan Dunne (62) was murdered in the house. Her autistic son, Patrick (20) is to stand trial for her murder, at the Central Criminal Court, on April 13.
Locals also say a man who lived in the cottage was stabbed in Wales, another resident died in a road accident, and in the past 20 years there have been three tragic deaths at the cottage, involving different families.
Sinn Fein Councillor Robert Beasley told the Irish Examiner that no one will ever live there again and said locals are concerned that the council will try to house another family in the house.
The council has confirmed that they are considering demolishing the cottage, however the recently deceased Dunne’s personal effects remain in the house. They are liaising with her family and have yet to make a decision about a refurbishment or demolition. – Irish Central
UFO have been sighted by boys group in forest in Argentina. Home video of a boys watching and a UFO take off in the trees, very scary. It’s new, but the question is, is it really real? The local news has even got involved and it seems they have become the believers themselves in these UFO flying over Argentina. The video shows an unidentified object what appears to be a light plane – then landing on top of it – taking off and both the unidentified object and the plane move quickly up into the air and out of frame. Video here:
Cynthia Sue Larson joins Dr. Rita Louise on Just Energy Radio where she discusses the mysteries phenomena of Quantum Jumps. Do you transverse time and space on quantum levels?
Over at the Department of Defense’s website you can find a document that has been declassified via the Freedom of Information Act on the subject of Project Pandora (which, in part, was focused on how microwaves can affect the mind and nervous-system).
It’s a fascinating file that dates back to the 1960s.
It’s a lengthy file, too: it runs to 469 pages.
But, here’s the weird thing.
If you scroll down to page 449, you’ll see that it contains a copy of the controversial “MJ12/Eisenhower Briefing Document” on the Roswell affair of 1947!
Of course, as most people within Ufology know, the document is one that has been the subject of much debate regarding its authenticity or otherwise.
Indeed, the copy of the EBD in the Pandora file has a hand-written note on it stating that, “This cannot be authenticated as an official DoD document.
Well, that’s fair enough, and something that most people within Ufology would agree with – it has not been authenticated.
But, here’s the issue: what is a copy of the EBD doing in a DoD file on Project Pandora…?
For centuries, Hollow Earth conspiracy theorists have tried to prove that there’s a whole other world beneath our own. But first they need to find the way in…
Late at night, on October 4 2002, a strange guest appeared on a cult American radio show. Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell had a reputation for exploring weird themes with fascinating guests, but few had ever sounded as excited as this one.
Dallas Thompson was a former personal trainer who had spent his youth in Hawaii but now lived in Bakersfield, California. His life had changed forever following a terrible accident, five years earlier. He’d been driving along Highway 58 during heavy rain when his car had aquaplaned, spinning four times, only to plunge backwards down a 250ft drop.
When Thompson was found, the roof of his blue Honda Accord had been crushed almost to the floor. The fireman who rescued him was amazed he hadn’t been decapitated. As he’d been sitting, helpless, in the wreck, Thompson had had a vivid near-death experience. He claimed to have seen a “light so bright that it burnt my eyes” and made him “legally blind” and to have had bizarre knowledge about the world poured into him. When he regained consciousness, he was convinced that the Earth was hollow and had an opening at the North Pole. He’d come on Coast to Coast to discuss his mission to locate and explore it.
“There are cavern systems and caves that traverse the whole mantle,” he told Bell, whose scepticism often took the form of slightly extended silences. Because of the special atmosphere in the hole, Thompson explained, living creatures were protected from pollutants and harmful rays. There were herds of mammoth and ancient tribes down there, the members of which lived to be around 1,700 years old.
“How do you know all this?” asked Bell.
“I just do,” said Thompson. “I remembered stuff that has been forgotten.”
Later, Bell asked after his mental health.
“Are you manic?”
“I’m just excited,” said Thompson.
“… I can tell.”
Perhaps most incredibly, Thompson revealed he’d secured funding to travel to the hole with a helicopter backpack called a SoloTrek, which he’d use to descend into it. He even had a date for the trip: May 24 2003.
Over the next few months, news of Thompson’s expedition spread. He began to receive emails from media companies keen to report the story and many more from both critics and admirers. The sprawling book he’d written, which included his theories about Hollow Earth, began to sell.
In December 2002, two months after his radio appearance, he posted a message on his Yahoo Group page describing an inundation of “over 5,600 emails every few days”. He said his book, Cosmic Manuscript, had become a bestseller but he was pulling it from sale. “I have requested the book be discontinued even though it’s still at the top of the charts in Canada,” he wrote.
And then, the most mysterious event of all took place. All of a sudden, Thompson disappeared…
For many centuries, humankind has dreamt of inner worlds. Numerous writers have been inspired by the idea, not least Tarzan creator Edgar Rice Burroughs (At the Earth’s Core, 1914), Edgar Allen Poe (The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, 1838) and, most famously, Jules Verne, whose 1864 novel A Journey to the Centre of the Earth has been adapted numerous times for both stage and screen.
Thousands of contemporary theorists discuss what is commonly referred to as “the greatest ever secret” on internet forums. On YouTube, videos claim that the satellite images on Google Earth have been altered to cover up the existence of the holes, while other videos claim the holes are there for all to see.
(N.Morgan) In another stunning presentation, our friend Crrow777 presents a compilation of UFOs he has captured over the past couple of years. Crrow777 explains what you are seeing and is very informative. He says: This is a compilation of unknown objects (UFO’s) transiting the moon. These objects were shot over the past couple years and represent a small portion of my captures. The also show some of the similarities I have documented.
We witnessed a 8-9 Foot Tall Greenish-Gray Figure, walking into the forest line next to the road. My Cousin and I had just finished eating dinner and playing a round of Golf. We were driving on a two lane road that leads back into the east side of our city. As we turned right at a corner that leads back into the main road, we drove another 100 feet until, on the right side of the road I saw a 8-9 foot figure that was walking back into the edge of the forest located under a street light. I immediately hit the brakes, unsure of what I saw, my cousin who was in the passenger seat looked as shocked as I was. I yelled “I think that was an alien” The car came to a stop and my cousin yelled “Go Go Go !” I sped up and my eyes were tearing up as I couldn’t believe what I had just seen, my cousin said “I thought I was seeing things!” I replied with “No I saw it too!”. We drove to our apartment which is near by still shocked and startled and I immediately called some friends. They came and picked me up and drove us back to the spot where I saw the figure. I explained what had happened to them, and when we drove back to the location some brush had looked to be parted where something had walked through it. I made the call to the NUFORC hotline next where a gentleman told me to make this report and call local authorities. The figure stood 8-9 feet tall , had a tall rounded crown shape head. The head was as big as a human abdomen. The figure was somewhat muscular looking, it had big eyes, but not stereotypical alien-like , long legs and it did not seemed startled whatsoever.
If you look closely at this old stereoscopic image, you can see a dark, cigar-shaped object that seems to be flying in the clouds over Mount Washington.
Wherever the image might have been over the years, it showed up on eBay one day in 2002. It was bought for $385, and soon after cropped to show a close-up of the cigar-shaped object and touted as "the oldest known UFO photo." The owner, Samuel M. Sherman, said the photo would be submitted to scientists for detailed analysis, and the results made available to the public.
See also:
18-07-2014 om 18:43
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
VIDEO: Enorme futuristische Tesla Tower in bos bij Moskou
VIDEO: Enorme futuristische Tesla Tower in bos bij Moskou
In een bos net buiten Moskou staat een bliksemmachine uit de Sovjettijd. De unieke installatie bevindt zich naast het klooster Nieuw-Jeruzalem in de Russische stad Istra. Het geheime apparaat is in de jaren zeventig ontworpen voor het testen van materialen die speciaal waren ontwikkeld om auto’s, vliegtuigen en elektrische apparatuur tegen bliksem te beschermen.
De ‘Tesla Tower’ is uniek in zijn soort. De productiecapaciteit van de gigantische Marx-generator komt tijdens een bliksemontlading 100 microseconden lang overeen met die van alle elektriciteitsopwekkingsinstallaties in Rusland, meldt Rossiya-1 TV.
Een Marx-generator kan elektrische ontladingen met een zeer hoge spanning genereren. De generator, die in 1924 voor het eerst werd omschreven door de Duitse ingenieur Erwin Otto Marx, bestaat uit een aantal condensatoren die via weerstanden of spoelen worden opgeladen. Met de Marx-generator kunnen zeer hoge spanningen worden opgebouwd.
In Rusland staat het apparaat bekend als de Arkadjev-Marx-generator, vernoemd naar de Russische natuurkundige Vladimir Arkadjev. Hij bouwde 10 jaar eerder, in 1914, een zogeheten bliksemmachine. De bliksemmachine in Istra is 39,3 meter hoog en kan bliksemschichten van 150 meter voortbrengen.
Tijdens een experiment keek eens een nieuwsgierige voorbijganger om de hoek op het moment dat de condensatoren helemaal opgeladen waren. Volgens medewerkers was het een wonder dat de persoon in kwestie het er levend vanaf heeft gebracht en niet is geraakt door de ontlading. Rond de installatie staan een aantal zwartgeblakerde bomen, als herinnering dat bliksem lastig te controleren is.
Vanwege de extreem hoge kosten wordt de installatie alleen in bijzondere gevallen gebruikt. In tegenstelling tot de HAARP-installatie in de VS is de Marx-generator in Istra niet bedoeld om het weer te beïnvloeden. De generator is wel betrokken geweest bij de ontwikkeling van nieuwe wapens.
Naast de installatie staat nog een ander onderzoekscentrum, waar experimenten werden gedaan met EMP (elektromagnetische puls). Een EMP die vrijkomt bij een kernexplosie kan bijvoorbeeld elektronische apparatuur beschadigen.
Het complex, 118,4 meter hoog en 236,5 meter breed, was bijna gereed voor gebruik toen het bouwwerk op de vroege ochtend van 25 januari 1985 implodeerde.
Filer’s Files #29 – Unimpeachable UFO Sightings - PART I
Filer’s Files #29 – Unimpeachable UFO Sightings - PART I
July 16, 2014
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Lord Hill-Norton Unimpeachable UFO Sightings, UFO Photographed Near International Space Station, Lake Erie Encounters, Magnetic Anomaly Predicting Western Earthquakes and Holland Amazing New Crop Circle.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: California, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Washington.
Sightings of UFOs were also seen in: Australia, Canada, Greece, Holland, India, New Zealand, Spain, and England and Wales in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Lord Hill-Norton, Chairman, Military Committee of NATO, 1974-77 states, “The evidence that there are objects which have been seen in our atmosphere, and even on terra firma, that cannot be accounted for either as man-made objects or as any physical force or effect known to our scientists, seems to me to be overwhelming... A very large number of sightings have been vouched for by persons whose credentials seem to me unimpeachable. It is striking that so many have been trained observers, such as police officers and airline or military pilots. Their observations have in many instances been supported either by technical means such as radar or, even more convincingly, by interference with electrical apparatus of one sort or another.” Lord Hill-Norton, Chief of Defense Staff, Ministry of Defense, Great Britain, 1973;; quoted from foreword of "Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good, 1988. _
UFO Photographed Near International Space Station
This golden UFO is often seen near the space station. Usually it is a golden ball, but this time it’s a long cigar shaped craft caught on a live Internet cam on July 9, 2014
The UFO stays in formation with the ISS, which tells us it has matched speeds with the space station so that it can conduct its mission. The space station solar panels move to adjust to the sun and move to cover up the UFO. Very interesting catch by Streetcap1 of YouTube. Thanks to
India -10,000-year-old rock paintings depict aliens and UFOsµ
Charama -- Chhattisgarh State Department of Archaeology and culture plans to seek help from Nasa and Isro for research on 10,000-year-old rock paintings depicting aliens and UFOs in Charama region in Kanker district in tribal Bastar region.
According to archaeologist JR Bhagat, these paintings have depicted aliens like those shown in Hollywood and Bollywood flicks. Located about 130km from Raipur, the caves come under village Chandeli and Gotitola.
"The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen beings from other planets which still create curiosity among people and researchers. Extensive research is needed for further findings. Chhattisgarh presently doesn't have any such expert who could give clarity on the subject,"
One of the ancient rock paintings carved on caves at Charama in Chhattisgarh's Kanker district. (TOI photo by Amit Bhardwaj)There are several beliefs among locals in these villages. While few worship the paintings, others narrate stories they have heard from ancestors about "rohela people" — the small sized ones — who used to land from sky in a round-shaped flying objects and take away one or two persons of the village who never returned.
"The paintings are done in natural colors that have hardly faded despite the years. The strangely carved figures are seen holding weapon-like objects and do not have clear features. Specially, the nose and mouth are missing. In few pictures, they are even shown wearing spacesuits. We can't refute possibility of imagination by prehistoric men…," the archaeologist said.
Animal Abductions in Wales Mystifies Police
Twenty-seven UFOs were spotted in mid Wales in the last four years. When it comes to latest flying saucer “sightings” reported to Welsh police. An alert about alien sheep abduction by UFOs was among the calls received. Newly released data shows that a caller to Dyfed-Powys Police claimed they had seen sheep being taken in 2011 from a field in Llanybydder. In the same year, a caller from Aberystwyth reported they were previously abducted by aliens, experimented on, and then returned to earth. In Aberdyfi Estuary, a UFO stopped a car’s engine, but flew away. Elsewhere in the police’s UFO files, in Llandysul someone reported seeing a triangular-shaped object about 40 feet in the air with orange lights and in Welshpool a caller reported seeing a UFO “dropping in the distance.”
In 2012, a caller from Carmarthen claimed they saw “a metallic and circular object in the sky.” There were two reports of UFOs last year. A Carmarthen caller reported seeing three objects “the size of a small house” 250 feet in the sky. UFOs were moving erratically in 2013 over Crickhowell. There have been 27 UFO sightings reported in the Welsh triangle hotspot since 2002. NOTE: Sheep rancher W. C. Hall took the above image over Australia in 1954.
New York Cross 1861
Bob Spearing writes, “Several years ago while sitting in a Mormon Genealogy Library in West Caldwell, N.J. doing research on my family tree, I was perusing a microfilm containing the baptism registers of St. Peter’s Church in Jersey City from the year 1858. That microfilm identified by the Mormon Catalog as FLS Film 1403371 contained an anomaly that can only be described as a UFO sighting. The page began with baptism entries but near the bottom, there was a handwritten note presumably from the parish priest. The note read exactly as follows:
“R. Thos. Kinder baptized on the 26th (Feb 1858) now resides 44 Baxter St, New York. Mrs. T. Healey informs me that Elizabeth wife of R.T. Kinder, at said house, looking out of a garret window at 12 o’clock at night 29th March 1861 in the direction of The Church of The Transfiguration and in the sky saw a luminous cross distinctly, It was well formed with a glowing light above it around the head of it in the black sky with not a star to be seen. She awoke her husband Richard and who came to the window and saw it and offered the same of the appearance of the cross in the sky,”
Additionally, besides the text, at the top of the next page of the register there was a drawing of the described object.
In the 1850s Baxter Street was in the notorious Five Points neighborhood – the most densely packed sea of humanity in Manhattan at the time and the poorest of ghettos. A “garret window” was the upper window of a two story frame house. Today, 44 Baxter Street remains facing east but the crowded tenements it faced are long gone replaced by Columbus Park. The Church of The Transfiguration is still there but no longer the highest structure in the neighborhood.
The Kinders were from England and naturalized in 1863. The 1860, U.S. Census shows that the Healeys lived downstairs from the Kinders and that Richard, the father, was 28 when he saw the cross. What did they see?
An analysis of the object suggests it made no sound and its fuselage was similar to an airplane. Light emanated from the area of a cockpit. It was travelling east towards Brooklyn. That night, in the neighborhood according to the N.Y. Times and N.Y. Herald, there were three suspicious fires (one at a laboratory, one at a bookbindery and one at an ammunition factory).
What is apparent though is that in an age without flying machines, television or internet or reality shows with 15 minutes of fame for anyone and in an age of strong religious convictions, the Kinders account of a cross in the sky must be taken as a sincere description of an anomalous event over New York City. Thanks to Bob Spearing NJ FI
From the 1980s through to today, sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been reported near Lake Erie, on both the Canadian and the American sides.
Lake Erie (Google Maps)
A 1988 U.S. Coast Guard report states: “These objects had red, green, white, and yellow lights on them that strobed intermittently. They also had the ability to stop and hover in mid-flight.” It describes a large object with smaller objects flying out from it. “The smaller objects began hovering in the area where the large object landed and after a few minutes they began flying around again,” the report states. “The objects caused a rumbling on the ice as they landed.”
Frankly, the weather seems unusually severe as tornadoes and thunderstorms, flash floods and hail strike much of the United States and Tropical Storm Neoguri, previously the strongest typhoon so far in 2014 Pacific season, is now scraping mainland Japan after raking Okinawa with torrential rain and hurricane-force winds.
At the same time, the US West is under draught conditions, with hurricanes forming in the Atlantic Ocean. LA County is the hottest on record while Chicago has temperatures 20 degrees below normal and torrential rains are flooding the East. I suggest the US and her allies are under weather attack. Meteorologists admit a wacky weather pattern that is interfering with the jet stream over the Midwest. The Midwestern jet stream is a strip of air that forms when cool air masses from the north meet warm air masses from the south. An unusual amount of cold
The Jet Stream map shows today's high wind speed levels and jet stream directions. Jet streams are fast flowing, relatively narrow air currents found in the atmosphere around 10 kilometers above the surface of the Earth. They form at the boundaries of adjacent air masses with significant differences in temperature, such as the polar region and the warmer air to the south. The jet stream is mainly found in the tropopause, at the transition between the troposphere (where temperature decreases with height) and the stratosphere (where temperature increases with height). Its believed HAARP like devices can change the flow of a jet stream.
Six companies that choose to limit your knowledge of world events and often provide information favorable to them and often harmful to you control the news in the US. A series of unfavorable situations that should be revealed are occurring. There is strong evidence our weather is being manipulated or GeoEngineered. Weather modification is resulting in the extreme weather conditions that are designed to physically harm the US, Canada and Western European Nations.
Meteorologists use the location of some of the jet streams as an aid in weather forecasting.Jet streams are fast flowing, narrow air currents on Earth that are westerly winds (flowing west to east). Jet streams are caused by a combination of a planet's rotation on its axis and atmospheric heating by solar radiation. They form near boundaries of adjacent air masses with significant differences in temperature.
The HAARP ionosphere heater installations around the globe appear to be routinely manipulating the jet stream. Dr. Nick Begich writes, “HAARP will zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam. It is an advanced model of an "ionospheric heater." The ionosphere is the electrically-charged sphere surrounding Earth's upper atmosphere. It ranges between 40 to 60 miles above the surface of the Earth.
Jet streams on Wednesday July 16, travel west to east around the world.
Put simply, the apparatus for HAARP units sends out signals for a super-powerful radiowave-beam technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas. The Russians have several, China and the US have HAARPS or advanced weather manipulation technology.
"Weather modification is possible by altering upper atmosphere wind patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device.” From Angels Don't Play this HAARP:
The US has a HAARP site in Alaska but it is doubtful it would be motivated to harm the US. The jet stream is involved in hundreds of severe tornados and flooding in the US this year.
Russia has more HAARP ionosphere heater installations than any other country and could be manipulating the jet stream that flows around the world. Pushing the jet stream near Moscow, Central Russia and the Kamchatka Peninsula could cause the jet stream to undulate north to Alaska and pick up the cold air and bring it south into the US. The Sura Ionospheric Heating Facility, located near the small town of Vasilsursk in Central Russia, is a laboratory for ionosphere research. Sura is capable of radiating about 190 MW, effective radiated power (ERP) on short waves.
According to Pravda both the USA and Russia have developed secret meteorological weapons. American meteorologist Scott Stevens claims Russian military specialists were behind the fury of Hurricane Katrina that devastated New Orleans and Sandy that flooded the East Coast. According to him, Russia has built secret equipment for causing a detrimental impact on the weather way back in the Soviet era. Russian politicians say the experiments have been conducted and still conducted on either side of the ocean.
Russian Liberal Democratic Party Leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky threatened to unleash floods all over the United States when “our scientists slightly change the earth's gravitational field.”
In 2002, Committee for Defense of the Russian Duma raised the issue about a detrimental impact on climate caused by HAARP experiments involving disturbance of the earth's ionosphere and magnetosphere.
There are six known ULF/ELF transmitters, two in both Russia and the United States, and one each in Britain and France. Scientific journals claim that HAARP is capable of causing artificial aurora borealis, it can also jam radar stations of early ballistic missile detection systems, communicate with submarines in the ocean. Radio-frequency emission is capable of detecting secret underground complexes, and can burn out electronics and destroy space satellites. The equipment can also impact the atmosphere and thus cause changes in weather. HAARP is allegedly used for causing natural disasters. Three years ago the Duma deputies held a heated discussion of issues related to HAARP. They even drew up an appeal to President Putinand the UN. They demanded to set up an international commission for the investigation of the experiments conducted in Alaska.
“It is not for nothing that the term 'space weather' has become quite popular lately. At the beginning, Soviet Defense Department mostly footed the bill. The American HAARP ionospheric heater is similar to the Sura facility.
Global Dimming
In 1985, a geography researcher called Atsumu Ohmura at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology got the shock of his life. As part of his studies into climate and atmospheric radiation, Ohmura was checking levels of sunlight recorded around Europe when he made an astonishing discovery. It was too dark. Compared to similar measurements recorded by his predecessors in the 1960s, Ohmura's results suggest solar radiation striking the Earth's surface had declined by more than 10% in three decades. The BBC documentary linked below is an extremely important watch for any that wish to better understand the truth, and the dynamics of the all out assault on planet Earth by the climate engineers.
Sunshine, it seemed, was on the way out. The sun is the Earth’s only external source of heat and a massive 10% shift in only 30 years? Ohmura himself had a hard time accepting it. "I was shocked. The difference was so big that I just could not believe it," he says.
China has a strong weather research organization with the ability to develop snow storms and rain. There is a mountain of data including already conducted experiments, satellite imagery, lab tests of snow, observations on the ground, and multiple existing patents, all of which point solidly to the conclusion that snow storms are being engineered with well established weather modification processes. Heavy tornados recorded in the last couple years are also affected by the jet streams.
By this Wednesday (July 16), the unusual weather could turn what is normally one of the hottest weeks of the summer into a pleasant autumn like week in parts of the western United States and Northern Plains, where highs may be about 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit, such as 45 degrees in Kansas. A Polar vortex like cold front will likely deal the Northeast only a glancing blow and temperatures in this region may dip about 10 degrees below average.
"It's the same general circulation pattern, but the effects are extremely different," Bob Oravec, a senior forecaster at the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration (NOAA) says the unusual summer chill will trigger some extreme and dangerous thunderstorms in the United States. Hail and tornadoes are possible in New England down to the mid-Atlantic. In the West, severe lightning, flash floods and dust storms are possible.
Magnetic Anomaly Predicting California Earthquakes
Russians claim the Kosmos 2473 satellite detected a “severe mysterious magnetic anomaly” on June 3, 2014, occurring in the Yellowstone Region of the Western United States, which resulted in an Earthquake Swarm. Yellowstone is the home of a giant volcano and the surface is uplifting over the ancient volcano.
Russian researchers, in their utilization of Magnetotellurics data, paint a disturbing picture of what is actually occurring. According to General Bondarev’s, the“magnetic anomalous“readings now emanating from the San Andreas Fault are now at levels not seen in history and has reached sufficient stress for the next “big one”, or a M ≥ 7.0, to occur. This region and the world has experienced more large earthquakes this year than any time in recorded history.
Dr. Tom Parsons with the US Geological Survey (USGS) urges caution. General Bondarev’s new report, the “magnetic anomalous” readings now emanating from the San Andreas Fault are now at levels “not seen in history and has reached sufficient stress for the next “big one”, or a M ≥ 7.0, to occur.
Such an event would result in substantial damage to much of Southern California, including densely populated areas of San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Baja California, and Arizona. Thanks to
Holland Circle, Again Foreseen by Robbert:
Standdaarbuiten, Holland Crop of wheat on July 8, 2014 was found by Robbert v/d Broeke with photos by Roy Boschman.
Nancy Talbott BLT Research writes, On Sunday evening, July 6th, I Skyped Robbert v/d Broeke because of a feeling I had that another crop circle was coming in Holland. Robbert said he also felt something was coming. We become tired when new circles are “getting ready” to appear. Then, on the evening of Monday July 7 we were again on Skype when, at 12:05 am Eastern time (6:05 am July 7, Holland time) Robbert said, “He had a feeling in his stomach and heart and “saw” a “blueprint” of a new formation—a number “eight," although it could also possibly represent an infinity symbol.” He made a sketch of an “8” so I could see it.
Then on Tuesday, July 8th at nearly 11:00 pm Robbert’s time) while again on Skype, Robbert felt a “very massive” energy around him and that the crop circle was happening immediately. He said, “He had to call Roy right away so he could drive Robbert to find the new circle and it sounds strange…but it feels exactly like a baby is coming.”
By the time Roy, arrived Robbert felt the place they had to drive to was in-between the villages of Hoeven and Standdaarbuiten.
When they got to the right area Robbert “saw” (in his mind’s eye, a white, luminescent “aura” over one of the fields and they stopped the car and walked to this field. They went down the tramlines and then found the formation and Robbert felt a huge amount of “activity” in the air over the field--that there were many “helpers” and “light beings” present.
Just as he had foreseen, the formation is a beautiful “8” with wheat laid very flat to the ground throughout, with two 20 cm.-wide flat paths coming out of both of the “8” circles….and a very thin, 30 cm.-wide flattened ring around the whole formation.
The ground was wet and very muddy and the rain had stopped so they were able to pick their way along the tram-lines and could see, that even thought their boots were covered with mud, there was no mud at all in the new formation. Robbert heard the crackling “zzzzz” sound in this circle and felt the “electric feeling” was so intense the hair on his arms was standing up. Parts of the formation, if he stood there too long, he began to feel faint and had to move. Apparently, the energies involved in this circle were extremely intense and Robbert and Roy both thought the “lay” looked unusual—very flat and more “mechanical” than most circles.
Finally Robbert said, “Iclearly “heard” those of us around the world who continue to work to bring the truth about the crop circles being a genuine unexplained phenomenon to the larger public are much loved by the non-human energies, which create the real circles, and that those of us doing this are “making history." He got a specific “thank you” for me (Nancy). Robbert is grateful for my help. Something way beyond what we ordinary souls understand is going on…and it’s past time for honest, smart people to “ponyup.”
Stan Friedman had a mild heart attack and we wish him a speedy recovery and will not attend this year's MUFON conference.
18-07-2014 om 13:43
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files #29 – Unimpeachable UFO Sightings - PART II
Filer’s Files #29 – Unimpeachable UFO Sightings - PART II
Sightings in the United States
California Disc
San Francisco-- My wife and I flew out of San Francisco on June 6, 2014, on US Airways Flight 633 around 3:45 pm. Shortly after takeoff, I started taking pictures from the window facing the bay, which is on the right side of the aircraft. I took pictures because there was a lot of sun glare and I could see the landscape later from the photos. I took about 15 shots consecutively and reviewing my photos, I noticed what might be a UFO. This picture is the only one that shows a UFO. I was sitting in the rear of the plane and I did not see it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Light
Sunrise-- About 11:15 PM, my wife calls me to come out on balcony to see a large red glowing ball headed SW just above the Sawgrass Expressway. I'm ex USAF and seen all types of craft and never anything close to this bright red almost like an energy glow on May 25, 2014. A bright white light was through the center as the glow was so intense. My wife said "Is it on fire?" I kept trying to figure out what it could be withthe wingspan of a commercial plane so maybe 200' diameter. I ran downstairs to our courtyard and observed until it disappeared in the distance. We discussed what happened, when same thing happened again. She yells take your phone and take pictures. I start taking images and the object appears mostly white maybe from camera flash but the outline shows red. There are courtyard lights glaring at ground level but the light still shows 1000 feet above ground. A bluish purple object is shadowing the red object. There was no noise. Here's the kicker within 5 minutes an unmarked loud gray large helicopter races overhead following the objects I've observed planes passing the area and
Illinois Lights
Joliet -- I was viewing fireworks on July 4, 2014, and I saw bright light miles over fireworks. It changed to yellow, to orange, to red and stayed reddish orange while moving to the west, then back east and flew straight up and disappeared. I have many sightings in my life that continues until this day. I have it on film, showed my girlfriend, and neighbor the objects while they were traveling. Very awesome sighting, and I know about them and I know exactly what I was seeing. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Missouri Triangle
Sedalia -- I was driving my mother to my home on July 1.1987, near midnight, halfway home, she spots the UFO. I stop the car to the side of the highway and we both get out to watch a black elongated wide triangle. It is nearly impossible to see but it's moving very slow. Near the back two points of the triangle ends is a round bright white light. About 1/3rd toward the length of the middle of the UFO is a large red "light". At first, I thought it was fire because it was either moving or pulsating. Nine other vehicles had stopped and the people were looking up at the UFO the size of eight football fields (2400 feet) put together. It was silent moving very slowly and disappeared into the dark sky. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Hampshire Disc
Wolfeboro -- These photos were taken during the day after a big storm had passed over Lake Wentworth on June 23, 2012. The person shooting the photos is my second cousin. She told me that the objects were not visible to the eye but were visible in the camera while shooting. We noticed in the picture where the object becomes much darker and thinner and two orbs appear to the right of the object. There were no birds or insects in the area while she was taking photos of the storm. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Craft
Cherry Hill-- An orange pulsating orb or sphere that moved slowly, stops for several seconds, then reverses direction before just blinking off on July 4, 2014, at midnight. My wife and I were sitting at our kitchen counter when a bright orange light like a sphere/orb caught our eye through the nearby patio door. We both jumped up and said, “What is that?” I remarked that, “It looks like a UFO.” We are in the descent path to Philadelphia Airport and we have seen many airliners on their approach. We agreed that it was not anything like we had seen before. As we ran outside, I noted the time 9:12 PM. The bright orange light that was like a sphere or orb was the size of an aspirin and pulsated at a random clip. The brightness then began to diminish and it started to move. It was first spotted in the eastern sky 30 degrees above the horizon. It moved slowly to the SE as an airliner on a NE route passed between the object and us. They both appeared to be about 5,000 feet altitude and the orb should be visible to the passing airliner. The pulsating light then became very dim and stopped for about two seconds before reversing direction. It then brightened slightly and followed a straight-line course towards where it was first spotted. About halfway to that spot the pulsating orange light just blinked off at 9:16 PM. I have had multiple sightings in my life and I was glad my wife had her first sighting. All local fireworks were postponed on July 4th.
Dover– I was in my bedroom looking out the window when suddenly a large oval light started hovering into sight on June 18, 2014 at 1 AM. It was surrounded by haze and made no noise. The large oval craft hovered for a minute then shot off like lightning Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Mexico Disc
Abiquiu-- The sky was getting very dark and stormy with lightening on July 11, 2014, so. I decided to take some photos because it was so dramatic and a couple minutes later, I looked at the photos in my camera and noticed one with a spec. Zooming in, it looked like a moving vessel. The cerro (mountain) was in focus, but the thing in the sky above it was not. That's because it must have been moving. Although I was quite excited, I was not surprised because there have been reports of UFOs in New Mexico before. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Lights
Wakeman – I was sitting on the front porch and at 9:44 PM, one ufo like object appeared from the east on June 15, 2014. It was hovering for a few minutes and my husband both asked, “What is that?” I jumped up and ran into the living room to get the camera as the first object took off north and then two more silent objects appeared from the east and hovered. They had orange colored lights going all the way around, and then they took off north and disappeared. We think they were ufo's. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Cylinder
Bethel Park -- My boss and friend, a very credible businessman, called me on July 11, 2014, around 10 pm. He called because he had seen a ball of fire. He is very familiar with aviation and the fireball was moving at an incredible speed when it then slowed down very quickly to a point of almost hovering. This is when he noticed a "sparkler effect." and grabbed his digital camera and snapped this photo of a cigar shaped orange UFO. He pulled his car over and shot this picture before it began moving in a new direction. It looks cylindrical, because it was in motion. Right after taking the photo, he looked down at the camera to make sure he took a picture and when he looked back up a second later, it was gone.
Judging by the picture, its saturation level is very bizarre - and it almost looks more like an illuminated object with a hard surface of little reflectivity rather than a light object or a highly reflective surface. He described it as spherical and a light source like fire. Very odd in comparison to the photo. Could this be a morphing ufo? Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Light
Edgewood--. My sightings occurred July 4 and 5th about 9:50 PM. On July 4 I noticed a glowing orange ball moving south over Algona/Pacific at a slow rate. It then turned west heading directly towards me at less than 1000 feet. It got within a few hundred feet of me and then turned south flying over Puyallup and out of my sight. It looked like an orange ball, or a bright glowing orange light.
On July 5th, I saw an exact repeat of the previous night's event. Both sightings lasted around 75 seconds.
Note: The video taken on July 5 shows very little movement of the object with respect to the trees in the background. The object on the previous night was described by the witness as flying erratically. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Upside Down Saucer
Lake Haven -- When driving north on Pacific Highway just past Lake Haven roundabout a shiny silver upside down saucer hovering in sky caught my attention on June 7, /2014. I was analyzing what it was at 12:20 pm. There were no flashing lights. It was not a kite, balloon, nor an Aeroplane. We kept an eye on it for about 10 minutes until we had to move on. Thanks to John Hayes
Canada Boomerang
Calgary -- I don't know if this is a plane or something else but after much research online on July 12, 2014, I have not found any jets with exhausts the size of these on the flying object. I was taking photos set on continuous shots at two frames a second at 3:33 pm. In one frame nothing, next frame the object and then the third frame nothing. Estimated speed at 2500 to 3600 mph. sound. Zero sound. I didn't see it. My camera picked it up. It was shaped kind of like a B-2 bomber but the exhausts on the back are absolutely massive! The color was a dark grey color.
Kananaskis Country -- I was in riding my motorcycle and stopped to take a photo of my bike on July 1, 2014, and noticed when I reviewed my pictures I saw this UFO in the photo. It looks bigger than any bird. The date is an estimate.
Calgary -- On July 12, 2014, the skies are busy in my area and I have seen so many objects it's ridiculous I spent about 10 minutes on my front step taking photos. Once I looked at the photos on my computer, I noticed three of them had objects in the sky. I have already reported one. This is the second. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Greece Triangle
Lesvos Anaxos -- The picture was taken on August 13, 2013 from my mobile phone Nokia X2-00 that has 5 mega pixels. It turns out very good photos for mobile but for some reason it is a little blurry. This was taken at 17.21 hours and I have another three photos before and after. That if it was some trash sand, dust, etc. and would therein. The weather was summer at the shore on the Island of Mitilini in the Aegean Sea near Turkey. Thanks to MUFON CMS
India Triangle
Tundla -- K. P. Singh writes on June 20, 2014, my sister and sister in law and their four children were lying on the deck, about 1: 30 AM when we saw a triangular shaped UFO. It was silver metal shining brightly. It was visible to us repeatedly. The children and I saw it three times. UFO triangular shape
If you want to know about aliens and UFOs meet me. I am looking at the origin of the universe, which is complete. Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Bhubaneswar -- We were in School playing our games when we observed a black peculiar shaped flying object with an aura around it. It came from the southwest, hovered for some time, on 23 November 2012. A cuboid kept was rotating and had a rainbow Aura near it I had a small Binocular with me when I peeped through it The Flying object did not look like any of the above mentioned. It hovered at that particular point for ten seconds then flew upward at 5000 km/hour and flew north and vanished. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexico Disc
Rio Bravo,Tamaulipas – An object similar to a dark disc appears on rural area where a fair is located. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Zealand Lights
Christchurch -- On July 4, 2014, the witness saw an orange/red light larger than aircraft lights. It was coming in an easterly direction from central city, and turned north. It was fast moving, making a sharp heading change with no reduction in speed at21:00 hours. It continued changing direction, heading toward south, then east, then north, then south, then remained stationary hovering for ,5 seconds before descending out of view behind buildings. Thanks to John Hayes
Spain Lights
Valdemorillo -- My father was smoking in our balcony on July 6, 2014, where we have a view of the open sky. He called me to see the flashing multi-colored lights; they were much brighter than those emitted by airplanes. We couldn't see the shape due to the bright lights. It had started spinning around and flew in circles before hovering in mid-air for two seconds. Then it sped off at lightning speed and disappeared.
We were both shocked and wondering what did we just see. It all happened so quick I do not take a picture.
Barcelona – I like to record the planes taking off from the Areopuerto Prat and on June 11, 2014, I caught a plane passing in front of the moon. The airplane flew at high altitude from left to right but an object moving ten times faster than the jet passes over the moon from right to left on the video.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
United Kingdom/England Fireballs
At the beginning of July 2014, I was on trip to London with my mother and brother. When we got home I checked our videos taken during our trip and noticed some strange silver orbs. On July 3, 2014, about 10:30 am, a silver orb was seen over the Swiss Re building.
On 7th of July 2014, about 11:00 am, silver orbs were seen next to our plane shortly after departure from Heathrow Airport. During the flight a crewmember informed us that we were 10 000 meters above ground and we were moving 787 km/hour. The orbs on the video were much faster than our plane and imaged with a Nokia Asha 303 phone. Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most important sightings. I spend about 50 hours a week preparing the files. Only a few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a donation. I would greatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the people who have sent donations to Filer’s Files for this year. When you send in a subscription, please include your latest E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing to humans and animals?
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Watchers 7 DVD ($20.00) and the companion book Further Evidence ($24.95) by L. A. Marzulli, with Richard Shaw:
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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer's Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2014 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
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UFOs over Ontario, Canada
UFOs over Ontario, Canada
Hamilton Mountain, Lake Ontario
Date: Tuesday, March 29, 1966
A UFO lands behind a police station in the Hamilton Mountain area and a teen is burned when he touches it. Others report UFOs in the area the next day.
Saw 'Spaceship' On Mountain,Touched It, Boy Says
A 13-year-old Mountin boy a curved burn on his hand that he claims came from touching the "antenna" of a soft glowing "flying ship."
Charles Cozens, 16 Leavesden Place, said two strange "ships" landed in a field behind the Mountain police station. on Upper Wellington Street Tuesday night.
Police Constable Arnold Reid, summoned to rhe boy's home after his parents had repeatedly questioned their son before reporting the incident, verified Charleshad a three inch yellowish burn mark on his hand.
Charles said he ran behind a fence at 9:15 the open grade behind the police station after seeing one "ship" come down, closely followed by another
HE DESCRIBED the objects as "eight feet long, four feet wide, three feet high" with red, blue and green lights set into the rim and flickering like a computer.
Charles said the objects "lit up the grass around" and were making "buzzing sound."
He said they were hard and smooth to the touch adn "I could not feel hot or cold so they must have been about body temperature."
Only one had an antenna, he said, "It was thicker at the base and narrowed to the size of a nickle at the top."
When he touched the antenna he received an electric shock and a three-foot flash "of electricity" occured, he said.
"I was running to tell someone a the the police station but when I looked back they were gone and I thought the police would not believe me so I ran to tell my parents.
This is a drawing on the "flying ship" Charles Cozens says he say Tuesday night. The drawing was made by his father from the youth's description. The drawing matches somewhat the description given by Laverne and Owen Emery of the objects they said they saw Wednesday night.
HIS FATHER, James Cozens, a draftsman, said he took his son to a doctor 48 hours after the incident on the suggestion of Charles teacher at Our Lady of Lourdes School.
His mother said Charles is a "serious boy and would never involve us with the police unless he was telling the truth".
Mr. Cozens said he questioned and re-questioned his son and explained the seriousness of calling the police "but Charles was emphatic and could not be shaken."
Mr. and Mrs. Cozens had not said anything about the incident because they afraid Charles would be hurt or ridiculed "but he remembers every detail vividly and has always been a serious hard-working kid, not the type to look for attention."
Source : The Hamilton Spectator, Apr 2,1966
18-07-2014 om 11:51
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UFO mania: NASA Engineer: The Billy Meier UFO Case Is Real
UFO mania: NASA Engineer: The Billy Meier UFO Case Is Real
Matthew Wieczkiewicz, a career aerospace engineer, has publicly endorsed the authenticity of the Billy Meier UFO case, ongoing in Switzerland for over 72 years.
"I first encountered the Billy Meier case when I was studying aviation at ASU, in 1978. I was also interested in the UFO phenomenon, and when the Meier photos were first released, I thought they were intriguing. But I fell for the CIA disinformation campaign, which called them a hoax. So I paid no attention to it for another 30 years, though I maintained an interest in the UFO phenomenon in general. Then, in 2011, I saw an article on a news website that mentioned one of Billy Meier’s claims had come true. So I went back and rediscovered the case and was surprised to see how much information is available compared to 1978. I went in with an open mind and spent the better part of 18 months reading all the material I could find and finally came to the conclusion that it is real," said Wieczkiewicz.
Because of his aerospace engineering background, Wieczkiewicz is convinced Meier's UFO evidence is real, such as the newly authenticated 1981 photos of the controversial WCUFO and his 1975 film of the so-called "Pendulum UFO". And he isn't alone. Respected scientists like Michael Mailn (NASA, Mars Mission) and David Froning long ago recognized the authenticity of Billy Meier's UFO evidence and the importance of his information on hyperspace propulsion. Recently, formerly skeptical physician and physicist, Dr. Sanford Weinstein also endorsed Meier's information regarding Russian military movements that he published decades before they occurred.
Wieczkiewicz later became interested in Meier's long history of publishing prophetically accurate scientific information. He agrees that recent reports from NASA and US government scientists corroborate Meier's warnings, from as far back as the 1950s, about climate change, global warming and the catastrophic environmental and weather-related consequences already upon us.
“Humanity should recognize the valuable assistance offered by the Plejaren extraterrestrials through Billy Meier for solving the most serious problems facing our world today," said Wieczkiewicz.
Michael Horn, the American media representative for the Billy Meier case, and Matthew Wieczkiewicz, will co-facilitate multi-media presentations on the evidence, information and documentation on the scientific evidence beginning this fall. Various venues will include colleges, universities and scientific forums.
The Higher Standard of Proof
Horn states that many examples of Meier's specific, prophetically accurate information are ironclad, based on copyrights establishing his publication of the information long before "official discovery" and that this is the "higher standard of proof".
This image from a NASA space shuttle mission shows the International Space Station in orbit. The space station is the size of a football field and home to six astronauts. Image taken: Feb. 10, 2010.
WATCH LIVE NOW: Experts Discuss Search for Habitable Alien Worlds-
Kepler-186f, the first Earth-size planet orbiting in the habitable zone of its star, is just one of the many potentially habitable planets in the Milky Way galaxy.CREDIT: NASA Ames/SETI Institute/JPL-Caltech
A panel of scientists and engineers will talk this afternoon (July 14) about the ongoing search for exoplanets that may be capable of supporting life, and you can follow along live in the window below, courtesy of NASA TV.
NASA is hosting the exoplanet discussion, which takes place Monday from 2 to 3:30 p.m. EDT (1800 to 1930 GMT) at the space agency's headquarters in Washington, D.C. You can ask questions via Twitter during the event by using the hashtag #AskNASA.
REPLAY: Buzz Aldrin Visits to Discuss Apollo 11 Anniversary
Famed Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin will visit today (July 14) at 12p.m. EDT (1600 GMT) in a live Google Hangout to help us mark the 45th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing on July 20, 1969, and discuss his vision for the future of human space exploration. You can follow Buzz Aldin's Apollo conversation with live on our Google+ page, as well as below here as the event begins.
NASA's Apollo 11 moon landing mission was an iconic event in human history. It marked the first time humans ever set foot on another world. Buzz Aldrin served as the Lunar Module Pilot on that mission, with Neil Armstrong as Commander and Michael Collins as Command Module Pilot. Aldrin became the second man to walk on the moon during the Apollo 11 flight, after Armstrong, and the trio received a hero's welcome when they returned to Earth on July 24, 1969. Five more manned moon landings would follow by 1972. [Buzz Aldrin, Apollo 11 Moonwalker, in Photos ]
To mark the 45th anniversary of Apollo 11, Aldrin launched the Apollo 45 Project this month to invite the public to recount memories of the Apollo 11 moon landing. You can learn more about Apollo 45 Project via its YouTube page here:
REPLAY: SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell Talks USSpaceflight Future
SpaceX President and Chief Operating Officer Gwynne Shotwell will discuss the private spaceflight company's achievements in commercial space travel in a live Atlantic Council event in Washington, D.C., and you can watch it live here beginning at 10:30 a.m. EDT (1430 GMT):
The Atlantic Council webcast will be moderated by Bharath Gopalaswamy,deputy director of the Atlantic Council's South Asia Center, and will be focused on the rise of SpaceX's commercial rockets and Dragon spacecraft. It will run through 11:45 a.m. EDT (1545 GMT).
From the Atlantic Council: "SpaceX President and Chief Operating Officer Gwynne Shotwell will address the company's ongoing efforts to support commercial, civil, and national security customers with All-American launch services and the challenges faced in introducing change to government national security space launch acquisition."
At 11 a.m. ET: National Academy of Sciences Committee of HumanSpaceflight
The NAS Committee on Human Spaceflight will hold a press conference today on the future of manned spaceflight un the United States to mark the release of a new report on American spaceflight capabilities. The press conference will begin at 11 a.m. EDT (1400 GMT) and can be seen live on the NAS human spaceflight committee website here:
If possible, will embed the webcast as well.
Rationales and Approaches for a U.S. Program of Human Space Exploration" is an upcoming report from the National Research Council that describes the rationales for, and value of, human spaceflight beyond low Earth orbit. Written by a diverse committee of experts, the report develops recommendations that could guide the U.S. human spaceflight program in a sustainable manner.
Peru has long been recognized as a UFO hotspot by Ufologists and researchers alike. Some believe that archeological wonders such as the Nazca lines and Machu Picchu are evidence that ancient astronauts visited the area and are possibly still visiting today. On top of its rich archeological connection and a large populace that holds an interest in the phenomenon, Peru stands out as a country that takes UFO sightings very seriously.
UFO sightings over southern France seems to be going viral at the moment.
UFOs continue to grab headlines. The surfacing of the UFOs this time around in the sky above the Dordogne region of France has sparked a debate in the scientific fraternity and enthusiasts. Since the video emanated from France, it has become an online sensation. Many have shared it, liked it and commented on the development.
The video that was posted on YouTube on July 5 with the headline: “Disturbing UFO activity! 3 UFOs landing in Forest, July 2014” has got many views with everybody asking one question: is it a reality? The maker of the video wrote: “It was during a beautiful sunset. I looked between two houses to discover the nice sky, when I saw these objects.”
In the said video, a round object is seen over the sky around a forest in the Dordogne. This is not for the first time that UFOs have been spotted. For years it has been at the centre of attraction with many stories doing the rounds. One theory even said t hat aliens use it.
However, till now no scientific prove has been found to strengthen such claims. Like the earlier one, the Dordogne incident too is yet to be explained by scientists. Many YouTube viewers were found to be confused. “My first guess was balloons, but then the flashes are not those familiar to that of gas heaters, and then they just vanished, disappeared, now that spells out capital UFO’s,” one viewer wrote.
Publisher's Notes:Just found this short article which is about UFOs in France. It was published today on NVONews online. It is credited to Admin. Enjoy Dirk.
UFOs continue to grab headlines. The surfacing of the UFOs this time around in the sky above the Dordogne region of France has sparked a debate in the scientific fraternity and enthusiasts. Since the video emanated from France, it has become an online sensation. Many have shared it, liked it and commented on the development.
The video that was posted on YouTube on July 5 with the headline: “Disturbing UFO activity! 3 UFOs landing in Forest, July 2014” has got many views with everybody asking one question: is it a reality? The maker of the video wrote: “It was during a beautiful sunset. I looked between two houses to discover the nice sky, when I saw these objects.”
In the said video, a round object is seen over the sky around a forest in the Dordogne. This is not for the first time that UFOs have been spotted. For years it has been at the centre of attraction with many stories doing the rounds. One theory even said t hat aliens use it.
However, till now no scientific prove has been found to strengthen such claims. Like the earlier one, the Dordogne incident too is yet to be explained by scientists. Many YouTube viewers were found to be confused. “My first guess was balloons, but then the flashes are not those familiar to that of gas heaters, and then they just vanished, disappeared, now that spells out capital UFO’s,” one viewer wrote.
Non-Human DNA Discovered During Biopsy Of Ötzi The Iceman
Photo credit: South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology/Eurac/Samadelli/Staschitz
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In 1991, hikers in the Ötztal Alps near the Italian-Austrian border stumbled upon what appeared to be a human corpse jutting out of the ice and meltwater. The body was extracted, and after exhaustive examination, researchers concluded that the glacier mummy was a 45-year-old male, about 1.6 meters (5 foot 3 inches) tall and weighing 50 kilograms (110 pounds). Analyses of his tissue samples and possessions — which included an axe, dagger, bow and arrows, a full set of clothing, and a first aid kit — indicate that he lived about 5,300 years ago in the Copper Age. He likely died from an arrowhead wound in his left shoulder. Ötzi the Iceman, as he came to be called, is house in the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology in Italy.
A couple years ago, Ötzi’s genome was sequenced using a pelvic bone sample weighing just 0.1 grams. From this, we know that he was lactose intolerant and had type-O blood. Non-hominoid sequences were also detected with the mummified remains. These non-human reads are referred to as his “metagenome,” and it indicates the presence of microbes.
Now, a team led by Frank Maixner of EURAC Research in Italy reanalyzed the metagenomic data of the Iceman’s genomic survey (pictured below). They found evidence of a pathogen in the tissue biopsy. Called Treponema denticola, this opportunistic oral pathogen is involved in the development of periodontal (or gum) disease. Its sizeable presence was especially surprising: The pathogen had to have been distributed via the bloodstream from the mouth to the hip bone.
“This ‘non-human’ DNA mostly derives from bacteria normally living on and within our body. Only the interplay between certain bacteria or an imbalance within this bacterial community might cause certain diseases,” study coauthor Thomas Rattei from the University of Vienna explains in a news release “It is highly important to reconstruct and understand the bacterial community composition by analyzing this DNA mixture.”
According to the researchers, the bacteria didn’t colonize the body after death; they were part of Ötzi’s “commensal oral microflora” when he was alive. These findings confirm a CT-based diagnosis published last year showing that the Iceman suffered from periodontitis, an infection of the ligaments and bones that support teeth. It’s what happens when inflamed gums go unchecked.
The pathogen’s presence was further confirmed when the team analyzed gum tissue biopsy and a mouth swab sample taken from the Iceman. The work was published in PLoS ONE last month.
I was returning home from work traveling N/B on SH31 in Oxford Twsp. Warren County in my work truck. At approximately 2230 hrs. I was passing the Warren County Recycling center (County Dump)when I noticed an object come over the trees to my right. I leaned hard forward in my seat and looked up into my windshield near the headliner and noticed a nickle sized (at arms length) perfect triangle shaped object with 3 steady lights, one in each extreme corner. The object, although dark out could be seen, possible due to both overcast and ground light conditions. It appeared metallic with smooth rounded corners, not unlike an artists conception of the rumored USAF TR-3B “Flying Triangle.” At this point I felt a bit anxious but was doing my best to look at it without running my vehicle into a tree or worse. With haste I drove to the traffic light at the intersections of SH31 and SH46 in White Twsp. and pulled over to get a better look. After dismounting from my vehicle, I realized the object was gone; however where the object was a moment ago there was a faint glowing “puff of white” (cloud, smoke etc….) This cloud was motionless. I took two pictures of it with my smart phone prior to continuing down SH46 W/B. After making a quick turn onto Warren County 519 I pulled into the White Twsp. Recreation Center and again dismounted. The puff of white was still in the southern sky. At this point I took some more pictures and shined my spot light at the object flashing my light on and off at it with no reaction. When first looking at this “white puff” in the sky I thought maybe it could be the moon behind thick clouds but when I got back to my residence and zoomed in the pictures others and myself could see what appeared to be a triangular shaped object in the “puff of white” as if it was attempting to mask or for lack of a better term, cloak itself. There were some high flying commercial aircraft in the area at the time that I could observe and clearly make out as same. There was also vehicular traffic in the area going about their business, seemingly unaware. The puff that I observed in the sky, may in fact have nothing to do with my observations of the triangle as I lost sight of it and did not see the triangle change or move. It should be noted that this is the second time that I have observed an object like this in New Jerseys Warren County, the former of which was reported.
NOTE: The above image is from Wall New Jersey and taken on Feburary 3 , 2012
This case is under investigation by Chief Investigator Ken Pfeifer of MUFON New Jersey.
Let’s start off with my granddaughter, “A”, who is a toddler with “sensitive” abilities. I understand if it seems unbelievable, but it is basically being more tuned to unnatural occurrences. I am also “sensitive”. “A” began not wanting to be in her room from about 1 month of age. This has severely escalated, she has been waking up anywhere from 2-3 am each night, screaming as if she is terrified and will not go back to sleep until 8-9 am. Her parents can not put her back in her room, she is so terrified. They take her to the main level and attempt to get her back to sleep.
When I was watching her about a month go, I was changing her diaper in her room. She kept looking at the closet door, terrified and was pointing and trying to tell me something. This has continued. I started to wonder if the “old woman” who died in this condo may still be around. A little background on her, she was the only woman who died in that home and had a gay son, so she had no grandchildren. I dealt with this myself as a toddler, I had a women who came out of the closet and stood by my crib, and I know I wasn’t the only one to have seen her.
I am not sensing anything abnormal paranormally. I decided to invite the “old woman” to move on, if it was her. I reassured her that the home and members in it were taking good care of the home and the adults the baby. I did this 3 weeks ago, after baby “A” showed up with superficial scratches. They were on the inside of her arm and looked like a birds foot. There was a point with 3 lines fanning from it. I questioned my daughter and she did not know how she got it. She later had the same scratch marks on the side of her neck. “A” only slept through the first 3 nights after I invited the “old lady” to move on.
Well, let me say all hell has broke loose since I invited the “old lady” to move on. I had a horrible nightmare that involved someone from beneath the earths surface grabbing my lower legs and attempting to pull me under the surface. I woke up terrified. My husband asked me how I got the horrible bruises to my lower legs. I looked behind my legs, it looked like someone grabbed them. There were finger bruising and other bruises. It weirded me out. I appeared with some odd scratches inside my arms. Then my daughter, then “A” with a perfectly straight superficial scratch between her eyebrows. As if that weren’t bad enough, my other daughter, the youngest, now has started getting bruises. Her and I live in the same house, my other daughter with A live across town.
This last weekend my daughter showed up with the same bruising on her lower legs. I again asked the “old lady” to move on. Maybe not my best move. They started having issues with their hot water heater not working. After a plumber and electrician did some digging, they discovered the breaker was flipped not only inside but also outside at the box for the whole condo complex. Nobody in that condo unit touched it, and nobody can just walk into my daughters complex. They had the electric company out 3 times within 12 hrs. Well, my daughter took on replacing the upper and lower heating elements with no results. The plumber came out, yesterday and thought it was the upper and lower thermostat. He replaced them and still nothing, he thought it was the breakers. The electrician came out and discovered it was not the breakers, but a frayed and arching wires that were no longer grounded. He could see there was charred marks on top of the hot water heater. The location of this is under their stairs to the second level. The only interior 2nd floor escape. I discovered there was only 1 smoke detector on the upper level, located in the hall. The HW heater is under doorway of “A” room, basically at the landing at the top of the stairs. Her parents would not have been able to reach her safely. The electrician and us are questioning how the electrical wires could have become burned. I now am worried that we are not dealing with the “old lady”, but maybe something else. We are now having stuff happening at both homes. –
NOTE: a very interesting narrative. This ‘transferring’ activity in different locations is more common in families…I’ve witnessed it several times. Asking / telling an entity to ‘move on’ is OK if done correctly. There is a bit of preparation involved in order to avoid pitfalls and retaliation. This is, without a doubt, a high-energy entity that requires proper investigation before a clearing is conducted. Astral Perceptions Universal…Lon
Read this article in today’s newsletter (Reptilian?) and wanted to say – He’s not the only one seeing them. I’ve been seeing them for many years now- it’s random sightings/encounters. The best way I can describe it when it occurs is this–I see someone (even on TV) and I’ll notice “something” not right about that person (like my radar going off)-the more I look I can see what looks like a hologram showing, either over or through the “person’s” skin. I’m not sure which. It’s always ONLY where their skin is exposed though. Face, hands, arms, whatever, and it appears almost “glitchy” and in patches. To ME-they appear to be perhaps a cross between tall greys and reptilians species. Small smooth scales but also parts that look just greyish skin, some have large black eyes, some have more of a reptilian eye with the slit pupils. I’ve never seen any that had bright or flashy colors to them. They’re usually mixed greys with browns and greens. Mottled looking. What he describes in facial features is IDENTICAL to my sightings. They also–KNOW when I’m around. Example-My husband and I used to go out to a few clubs once in a while to go listen to a band we wanted to hear. At these clubs-I would see these things. I’ve ALWAYS tried to be VERY discreet when I noticed one-BUT they KNOW somehow that I can see them and they make very quick exists and are gone! I’ve had to walk right past two, not more than 1ft away in a crowded club–and Oh boy they didn’t like that! But, they couldn’t DO anything in such a crowd or risk exposure. The look they gave me and the vibes they put off–total negativity to the max! They do NOT like people who can see them. I’ve seen some also just out walking down the streets, like normal people do. But, as soon as they see ME coming..they will cross the road, duck into stores, etc..anything to avoid me is what it seems to be for them. I believe fully the reason they are going into night clubs and such places-is too feed off of all that energy people exert if they dance especially. Most people get drunk, and that also makes them very easy prey. (Myself-I did NOT get drunk at any of those clubs because it’s a big no no for me for more than one reason. So..with that being said-I was not drunk or on any drugs at ANY of the times I’ve had these “encounters”. When I go out–I’m the designated driver and I drink pop all night.)
The ones I’ve seen on TV that showed the same have been people of Power-Prime Example–the Last Pope. Every time I saw that “man” on TV-I can see this other creature in him. Different Political Big Wigs too, and not just U.S. Alien, demon..all the same to me, the labels don’t matter because from MY OWN experiences they all react the same-what they look like doesn’t matter. So…what I’m doing here is to give confirmation-that what this man saw–is REAL. Anna
Cryptozoology was rocked this July by the release of a two-year study on alleged Bigfoot DNA by London’s Royal Society (paid for by producers of the UK series Bigfoot Files). Now, the chief of America’s largest Bigfoot research group (and host of Animal Planet’s Finding Bigfoot) has cried sample bias. Who’s correct?
In response to an email request for comment from Jennifer Viegas, a senior correspondent at Discovery News, the founder and president of the Bigfoot Field Research Organization, Matthew Moneymaker, called the Royal Society’s study “meaningless scientifically.”
The actual DNA analysis by Sykes’ team was surely performed with the highest integrity and accuracy but the overall effort was already corrupted by that point. It was corrupted at the sample inclusion stage.
Note: The BFRO did not provide any of the North American samples, nor did we endorse those few samples from North America that were focused on in the associated TV program. None of the “bigfoot” samples that came from the US had a strong *credible* connection to a bigfoot sighting or some other credible corroborating evidence (i.e. footprints).
According to UFO researchers in Turkey, they have received an abundance of UFO reports near the port city of Bodrum in July.
Map of location of Bodrum city. (Credit: Google Maps)
Bodrum is a port city and a district on the southwestern coast of Turkey. Turkish research organization Sirius UFO say this area has been a UFO hotspot this month and have posted a video and several UFO pictures captured in the area. They say the local press has been tipping them off to the sightings.
Here are some of the reports they have received:
This video was captured by Mustafa Karatay on July 7 of this year at the Bodrum Castle in the center of the city.
Bodrum Castle. (Credit: Ad Meskens/Wikimedia Commons)
The following photos were taken by Rock Mehmet on July 15 in the town of Konacik in the district of Bodrum.
The following image was captured by Bar Esen and Peak Uluoluk on July 12, also in the town of Konacik in the district of Bodrum.
Sirius UFO acknowledge that many UFO pictures are due to “Venus in images of objects, china, lanterns, bird, blemishes, bubbles, light reflection, atmospheric phenomena can be explained as natural phenomena or illusions.”
However, they argue that many of the objects being reported defy conventional explanations. They say that the images are still under investigations.
In Rusland is men verbijsterd over een enorme krater die plotseling ontstaan is in Noord-Siberië in een gebied welke door de Russen aangeduid wordt als het “einde van de wereld”. Het gat heeft een middellijn van zo’n 80 meter en de autoriteiten hebben geen flauw idee hoe het ontstaan is.
Buitengewone luchtfoto’s tonen een mysterieus gat in het Yamal-schiereiland in het noorden van Rusland, waarvan deskundigen zeggen dat deze zo’n 262 voet (79,85 meter) breed is.
“In allerijl is er een wetenschappelijk team samengesteld die vandaag nog vertrekt naar het gebied om te onderzoeken hoe dit gat ontstaan is”, meldt “The Siberian Times”.
UFO Researcher Fernando Távara, National Director of MUFON-Perú, shared a series of photographs and videos with Planeta UFOregarding a case in the city of Belén de Escobar in northeastern Buenos Aires Province (Argentina). The event occurred on June 28, 2014 in the early hours of the morning (6:30 am) and the images were captured by eyewitness Ricardo Pérez using a Motorola Moto G cellphone. “It was visible for over 1 hour,” says the witness. “During that tim period I watched it while still in bed, as well as while standing by the window. I was unable to capture its strange movements. It moved quickly but in short segments, up and down, and then sideways — movements that could have easily been made by a helicopter, without taking speed into account.”
Researcher Távara concludes: “I am cataloguing this case as a UFO as no logical explanation for comparison can be found (bearing in mind the short, segmented movments described by the witness, reported as impossible by a craft known and made by man). Although I have said so repeatedly, a case catalogued as UFO deos not necessarily have to be of extraterrestrial origin”.
Publisher's Note: I received this item in my Google Alerts explaining what Google is doing with high-tech in New Zealand. The article was written by Ben Aulakh and was published in The New Zealand Herald online edition. Enjoy Dirk
Sightings of numerous objects in the skies high above Hokitika and Greymouth yesterday appear to have been explained – by internet giant Google.
Google spokeswoman Annie Baxter said it released another batch of wireless internet wifi balloons as part of Project Loon this week.
The wifi balloons are designed to provide a network of internet coverage in places where reliable internet is hard to come by, in a worldwide trial above the South Island.
Scientists based at Hokitika Airport for the past two months as part of an atmospheric study of jetstreams over the Southern Alps, said they had released one weather balloon around the same time as witness reports.
Project scientist and group leader Bill Brown said it could have been visible from Greymouth.
Actor Seth Green recently sat down with Dr. Peter Diamandis to discuss space exploration. The two also discussed the unfavorable portrayal of extraterrestrials in Hollywood movies.
The discussion took place at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, CA on Tuesday, July 15 as part of the museum’s Hammer Conversations series.
Diamandis, who is a co-founder of asteroid mining company Planetary Resources, CEO of the educational nonprofit X Prize Foundation, and co-founder of space tourism company Space Adventures, has spent much of his recent career championing space exploration. He and Green spoke about space tourism and the vital role it plays in the future of human space exploration.
The two also discussed the portrayal of space and, therefore, aliens, in movies. According to The Hollywood Reporter, “On Hollywood’s relationship with space exploration, both Green and Diamandis lamented the film industry’s negative portrayal of the arena, with films such as Independence Day and Edge of Tomorrow pitting humans and aliens against each other.” Green commented, “There hasn’t been a positive alien movie since E.T.” And he even commented on how Hollywood influences the public’s perception of extraterrestrials stating, “It’s easier to change people’s minds through subversive entertainment than basic education.”
Green is passionate about space exploration. He has worked on a couple of projects with NASA in the past. The most recent project was a PSA in which Green discusses products and technology derived from NASA research that are being used to improve life on Earth.
According to the site In Other Newz, Nippon Television reported December 5th that “an Unidentified Flying Object, a UFO, went down off the coast of Okinawa, an island at the southern tip of Japan. Several news crews, along with police and emergency vehicles, rushed to the scene just in time to see the UFO sink into the water, according to multiple sources.”
UFO photo purportedly released by Japanese Navy
Japanese Navy officials have released the first ever photo of the UFO that crashed off the coast of Okinawa yesterday. The photo appears grainy and somewhat unclear since the vessel is submerged underwater but clearly shows a power source still glowing brightly atop the aircraft’s dome.
“We wanted to release this photo to the world and confirm the reports issued yesterday,” said Japanese Navy spokesman Yoshido Hari. “This picture will give credence to what some of our citizens living on Okinawa witnessed yesterday. We clearly still have many days of salvaging ahead of us but we will take our time and bring the aircraft up in one piece. We must preserve the object as much as possible.”
Numerous reports began to circulate around the globe yesterday about a possible UFO crash off the coast of Okinawa. Many people, including the mainstream media, believed the reports to be false or an elaborate prank. The picture snapped by Japanese Navy divers will put those thoughts of falsity to rest.
“This is not a joke,” said Hari, speaking candidly to reporters. “We have clear evidence at the bottom of the ocean that indicates UFO presence. What the world once thought virtually impossible is now a reality. It is up to us to preserve that reality in order to study the structure of the vessel and perhaps even the alien lifeforms inhabiting it.”
Several scientists from the United States have already been dispatched by the U.S. government and will arrive in Tokyo sometime today. It is unclear, however, if the vessel will be moved to the capital city for further study and research or if it will remain housed in a hangar on Okinawa.
“At this early junction, we can’t say for sure where we will be conducting our studies,” said Hari. “Our main objective at the moment is salvaging the giant aircraft in one piece. We must get it out of the water before saltwater eats away critical pieces. Obviously, keeping the structure intact would be optimal.”
Asked if the Japanese Navy had any intentions of releasing future photos of the downed UFO, Hari commented, “At this time we have no other photos to release. The water is somewhat murky and the picture released to the world this morning is the best quality available at this time. We will try to produce other photos of the vessel as conditions improve.”
Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda is expected to arrive on the small island sometime tomorrow to speak with Navy representatives regarding the salvaging of the UFO. Needless to say, the Japanese government has a huge interest in preserving the aircraft as it will be used for future research endeavors.
It was a good story and well written but unfortunately is not true. No Japanese news sources are reporting the event. the originating site admits it is completely made up, but that hasen’t stopped the story from going viral.
What appears to be a pink-colored UFO hovering in the sky in these Google street view images of Jacksonville, Texas is suspiciously similar to the UFO photo allegedly released by the Japanese Navy. Do the images below offer confirmation of the story or confirmation of a hoax?
Another view of the pink UFO seen on the Google street cam.
The story of the sunken UFO is appearing at many UFO sites from only from In Other Newz, but not in Japanese print media. A search of YouTube while turning up videos of recent UFO sightings in Japan, shows no evidence of a UFO crash in Okinawa.
Jon Ronson looked for UFO's with Robbie Williams & New webcast
and documentary additions for June.
Mac's UFO News covers recent ufological events, sightings, article's, documentary's, pod casts, web casts, video specials & exopolitical events from around the globe. I produce a monthly news video highlighting some of the more important cases and news story's.
As a Ufologist, I am making such material available in my efforts to advance understanding of the UFO Phenomenon, Its cultural, historic, religious, defence and political implications. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
17-07-2014 om 14:47
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
At Least 4 Known Alien Species Have Been Visiting Earth For Thousands Of Years” Ex Canadian Defense Minister Continues To Blow The Whistle (Video)
At Least 4 Known Alien Species Have Been Visiting Earth For Thousands Of Years” Ex Canadian Defense Minister Continues To Blow The Whistle (Video)
I am well aware that just because somebody (no matter what their ‘position’) says something to be true, does not mean it’s true. Exceptions, however can be made if there is evidence that goes beyond their words and correlates with what they say. At the end of the day, you have to listen to what your heart tells you.
Paul Hellyer was the Canadian Minister of National Defense in the 1960′s during the cold war. He was responsible for combining the Canadian Air Force, Navy and Army into what is known today as the Canadian Forces. He was the highest ranking person (on paper) inside of the Department of Defense for Canada. The Honorable Paul Hellyer is the highest ranking person among all g8 countries to openly speak about UFOs and extraterrestrials.
He has been speaking about UFOs and extraterrestrials for quite some time now, and he recently made an appearance on RT news stating that there are at least 4 known alien species that have been visiting Earth for thousands of years.
Upon retirement, Hellyer began to blow the whistle on UFOs and extraterrestrials. His testimony is backed up by hundreds of other high ranking military and political personnel all over the world, including official documents released by dozens of governments worldwide that have officially acknowledged the presence of UFOs.
I think it’s also important to point out that the Canadian government recently acknowledged the fact that various federal agencies, including Transport Canada, the RCMP and the Department of National Defence used to track and investigate UFO sightings. (1) They claim to have stopped those programs, but that contradicts the defence minister’s (Hellyer) claims. There is good reason to believe, and a lot of evidence to suggest that some of these UFOs are indeed extraterrestrial space craft (not all military), and the activities of the agencies responsible for these programs goes far beyond just tracking of UFOs, but into contact with various extraterrestrial races, other classified technological developments and more.
Here is some of what Paul Hellyer has to say, for more you can watch the video clip below:
“In one of the cases during the cold war, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying South from Russia across Europe. The supreme allied commander was very concerned and was about ready to press the panic button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole. They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for three years and they decided that with absolute certainty that four different species, at least, have been visiting this planet for thousands of years. There’s been a lot more activity in the past two decades, especially since we invented the atomic bomb. They are very concerned about that and if we will use it again, because the whole cosmos is a unity and it affects not just us but other people in the cosmos. They’re very much afraid that we might start using atomic weapons again and this would be very bad for us, and them also.” – Paul Hellyer
“Many are benign and benevolent, and a few are not. They come from various places, for a long while I only knew about ones that came from different star systems, the Pleadies. There are extraterrestrials that come from Andromeda, and ones that live on one of Saturn’s moon’s. There is a federation of these people, and they have rules, one of them is that they don’t interfere with our affairs unless they are invited. They have accepted the fact that this is our planet, and we have the right to run it but they are very concerned, they don’t think that we are good stewards of our planet. We are ruining our planet, we’re doing all sorts of things that we shouldn’t be doing, and they don’t like that. They’ve made it clear, and they have given us a warning.” – Paul Hellyer
“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. It is ironic that the US should be fighting monstrously expensive wars, allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on black projects which both congress and the commander in chief have been kept deliberately in the dark.” – Paul Hellyer
Stan Deyo Antigravity Stan Deyo has held Above Top Secret Security Clearance and worked undercover for the FBI. He was part of an exclusive "black project", headed by Dr. Edward Teller specializing in the development of "flying saucer technology".
Free Energy - Unlimited Power Stan trained in computer programming at IBM. Stan's main love is still advanced propulsion and "free" energy research which took him to Australia in '71 to work on these systems.
Magnetic Propulsion - Government UFO Cover Up Currently Stan is working on a Tesla-based energy system, several propulsion projects and is a public lecturer on world events.
Topics covered include: The coming global economic collapse / Developing solar-related crises in the Earth's climate
The "UFO Deception and its real intent / Suppression of badly needed technologies
The coming destruction of America by civil war followed by foreign invasion
High voltage physics of cheaper energy / The New World Order from the perspective of a former FBI 'spy."
In this Stan Deyo lecture is the history of alternative energy breakthroughs, Edward Teller's covert technological development program, the mathematical equations used in the advanced physics as well as in-depth information and slides demonstrating 'anti-gravity', the effort used in the 50s to try to get scientists to think outside the box, as well as the multinationalist's "N.W.O." agenda utilizing "U.F.O." technology and their reasons for doing so.
Magnetism - Antigravity Technology Stan Deyo describes spin and antigravity effects in detail, and provides a thorough construction plan for how to build a coil apparatus to generate antigravity effects based on his past experience with secret government black projects.
"Space/time can be altered by putting mass inside a dynamic EM field created by two pulsed, DC, toroidal coils which act as a "flux capacitor" (Faraday's dream). A charge capacitor by definition can be static (qq'/s); however as flux is a function of current which is moving or dynamic charge, the flux capacitor has to be a dynamic circuit which stores the energy (qq's/t). To do this, the current must be added into a chase-tail circuit whereby the layers of the field stack one upon the other to form a field in motion.
Inside this field in a small craft of about 30-feet diameter, one will experience a peculiar distortion of space/time. This occurs when the field inside the craft is "pumped up" so that the energy density of the space inside the field is much greater than that of normal space here on the Earth's surface. The higher the energy density the more time is dilated so that time in the field occurs at a slower rate to that outside the field. If the energy density is lowered then the converse is true." - Stan Deyo
UFO mania: Nepal: Frozen Caveman Discovered in Himalaya
UFO mania: Nepal: Frozen Caveman Discovered in Himalaya
Pokhara| A group of climbers on an expedition in the Himalaya Mountains, have stumbled upon a complexe of caverns that seem to have recently surfaced after a series of violent avalanches in the region. Inside one of the caves, the team of Norwegian and Swedish mountaineers, found the remains of a humanoid male from the paleolithic era.
According to the primary analysis of the skeleton, it seems the bones belong to an adult male Homo habilis, which is believed to have lived from approximately 2.33 to 1.44 million years ago, during the Gelasian Pleistocene period. Further tests and analysis will be done to determine the exact nature of the remains, their age, and the individual’s cause of death. A crude stone spear and a few badly damaged leather objects were also recovered on the site and are currently being studied.
According to some experts, this could be by far the oldest sign of human life ever found in the region, dating possibly millions of years. Others seem to believe that the man was part of a small group that long-outlived the extinction of the majority of his species. Whatever the results of the carbon dating test, this opens a whole new interpretation of generally accepted views of the colonization of the planet by the human species. According to most widely accepted theories on the subject, Homo habilis isn’t normally believed to have travelled this far from Africa and lived in such hostile climates.
The remains of the man seem extremely well preserved considering their age, a miracle due to to the very constant and extremely cold temperature of the area, that would have kept his body constantly covered in ice for milleniums. They were discovered in a large cave, part of of a complexe of at least 65 separates cavities of varying sizes, that could have been a prehistoric settlement. A thorough search of the site could reveal many more artefacts and possibly other human and animal remains, but unfortunately the hostility of the climatic conditions and the remoteness of its location will certainly pose a lot of logistic and organizational problems for the preparation of a scientific expedition.
See also:
17-07-2014 om 14:13
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Veelkleurige UFO's vliegen in formatie boven Oostenrijk
Veelkleurige UFO’s vliegen in formatie boven Oostenrijk
Tientallen Oostenrijkers hebben zo’n 50 tot 100 ongeïdentificeerde vliegende objecten gezien die in formatie door de lucht vlogen. De autoriteiten hebben geen verklaring voor de waarneming.
Het incident gebeurde boven Aichfeld in de omgeving van de stad Knittelfeld in de Zuid-Oostenrijkse deelstaat Stiermarken. Jürgen Trieb (41) en zijn vriendin Waltraud Kaliba (40) wisten bovenstaande foto te maken voordat de objecten wegschoten.
“Eerst dachten we dat het misschien een natuurlijk fenomeen was, maar toen we beseften dat ze in formatie vlogen en snelheden van meer dan 600 kilometer per uur bereikten, was het duidelijk dat het niet kon worden afgedaan als iets natuurlijks,” zei Waltraud. “Het vreemde was dat de objecten ondanks de felle lichten geen enkel geluid voortbrachten.”
Lokale media berichtten dat de objecten op de foto door meerdere mensen zijn gezien. Er waren tussen de 50 en 100 objecten die in formatie door de lucht vlogen.
Oostenrijkse luchtverkeerstorens zeiden op de hoogte te zijn gebracht van het incident. Ze verdiepen zich in de kwestie, maar willen op dit moment verder geen uitspraken doen. Wel bevestigden ze dat er geen aanwijzingen zijn dat de foto of de waarnemingen nep zijn.
In Aichfeld worden vaker UFO’s en mysterieuze atmosferische fenomenen waargenomen. Wetenschappers en ufologen hebben hier vooralsnog geen verklaring voor.
Austrian officials say they are baffled to explain a UFO sighting in which dozens of people reported seeing between 50 and 100 objects flying in formation.
The incident happened over the Aichfeld basin near the city of Knittelfeld in the southern Austrian state of Styria where eyewitness Juergen Trieb, 41, and his girlfriend Waltraud Kaliba, 40, managed to take this snap before the high speed objects vanished.
Waltraud said: "At first we thought it might be some kind of natural phenomenon, but when we realise they were flying in formation and travelling around 400 mph it was clear that it could not be dismissed as something natural. The strange thing was that despite the bright lights there was no noise at all from the objects."
Local media reported that the images as taken in this snap were seen by several people, and that there were between 50 and 100 of them all flying silently and in formation.
Austrian air traffic controllers said that they had been made aware of the incident and were looking into it, but declined to comment at this stage. But they confirmed there was no indication that the photo or the reported sightings were a fake.
The area over the Aichfeld basin however has been a hot spot for UFO sightings and mysterious atmospheric phenomena, although neither scientists nor UFO watchers have offered an explanation as to why.
Location: Barrio Borinquen, Atravesada Puerto Rico Date: March 1990
Time: 2200
The witness was alone at home meditating when she suddenly found herself transported to her backyard. A silvery disc-shaped craft then approached from the mountains and began hovering nearby. From under the object a tall human-like figure emerged, the being floated towards the witness. The figure was described as having fair white skin and blond shoulder lengthhair. He wore a white uniform with a bright red belt and red gloves and boots. He approached the witness and extended his hand. The witness attempted to run but the being grabbed her by the arm and held her. Four needles now emerged from the man’s glove and were inserted into her arm. She then felt powerless and “controlled.” She was taken to where the object hovered and was told telepathically that “they” would return to contact her again. She was then taken back to the house and released.
HC addition # 1194 Source:Jorge Martin, Enigma # 37
Type: B Comments: Translation by Albert S. Rosales
Location: Mortegliano, Udine, Italy Date: February 11 2012
Time: 23:20
A chemical worker, Leonardo, who lives in Codroipo, was returning from Palmanova to Codroipo late at night when he arrived at the new roundabout at Mortegliano. There were several cars parked there. The young man exited his vehicle and saw a strange creature walking along the road. The creature was very tall, perhaps close to four meters in height (11 feet). The witness grabbed a flashlight and shone it on… the creature he saw the back of the creature and noticed on the back of its legs what resembled ‘a tangle of tendons’. His head had a rounded shape and cone-shaped on top. He tried to use his cell phone to call and take pictures but it was useless. The creature walked down the street oblivious of the cars. The witness saw a car with a family in which the mother was trying to conceal her two children from the creature. The creature eventually disappeared into the darkness.
HC addendum Source:Antonio Chiumiento, Italy
Location: Near Marcia-Cansiglio, Belluno, Italy Date: April 7 2012
Time: 23:00
A resident from nearby Alpago while on his travelling along the SP 61 road near an old closed military installation called site G, had to stop his vehicle in the middle of the road when he noticed a huge humanoid figure, at least 3 meters in height walking on the side of the road in his direction. The figure had “gnarled legs”, long arms, a round head and round luminous bluish eyes. He drove on and reported the incident to the local Carabinieri.
In 1961, some rock hounds went out poking around for geodes and such in the Olancha, California. While opening up a geode, one of the rock collectors was amazed. There was a man-made object within and the geode was aged at about 500,000 years.
The find was under much criticism because it was reportedly examined by a geologist (unnamed) who proclaimed the geode was 500,000 years old (no report filed). Ron Calais, a creationist, was allowed to photograph and x-ray the item. It appeared to have a corroded piece of metal in a coil shape with a porcelain shape. Oddly, the whereabouts of the item are unknown. One of the finders has deceased, one is missing and one is still alive, but will not speak about it. Of all the talk going back and forth about this find and conjecture, an ancient spark plug seems to be the one most often bantered about. The porcelain is seen as an insulator. Porcelain Insulators
Power lines and other electrified wires transmit high-voltage electrical energy along suspended wires. While the wires themselves typically contain no insulation, certain spots along the electrified wires require insulation. For example, insulators are required in places where the live electrical wires come into contact with the poles that support them, and where they come into contact with buildings. Since insulators do not respond to electrical fields, they can go a long way in preventing fires and electrical failure.
Porcelain insulators typically contain large concentrations of some other mineral like alumina or clay. The combination of porcelain and other minerals allows electricity to pass without reacting with nearby electrical conductors. This not only ensures greater safety, but enables the electricity to pass without losing any of its charge. Since porcelain does not conduct electricity, especially when combined with other non-conductive materials, it makes the ideal material for insulators.
The coil brings to mind these numerous metal tiny spirals found in Russia.
As we have been told that man did not have knowledge of technology because he seemed to have “forgotten” the knowledge of building megaliths or making batteries, we are stuck in that rut that is, unfortunately, common beliefs in archaeology and anthropology.
Yes, man did not have that knowledge, at least not homo sapiens, but what of an earlier evolved intelligent race of humankind? They had the knowledge. They went away. Homo sapiens aped it or tried to retro-engineer or simply didn't understand its uses and did not evolve to such knowledge until thousands of years later.
Baghdad battery: The components were found in Mesopotamia dating back to about 250 BCE (before common era, or in other words, BC). Ironically, archaeologists generally dismiss this concept that these components were for a battery and many point to “Chariots of the Gods” and “pseudoarchaeology” as being incorrect. It would seem that OPART (out of place/out of time) objects are still the bane of archaeologists' existence.
These items included a terra cotta pot (remember above the underlined and bolded necessary ingredient for insulation – clay?), a copper cylinder with an iron rod inside. The jar would bulge outward toward the middle and the cylinder/rod iron would fit tightly into the opening. It would be allowed to be exposed to the elements and corrode and then an acidic component would be added to create current, such as lemon juice or vinegar.
To support this theory, gold-plated objects found in the Middle East shows signs of electroplating. This has also been disputed as being fire-plated using mercury. Around and around the concept of ancient electricity goes, always stopped at the foot of archaeologists and anthropologists who do not want to cause any disruption in commonly accepted concepts in their field.
It seems this could be cleared up neatly if one made a homemade battery as was found in the Baghdad area and try electroplating something with gold. Then, try doing it utilizing mercury and fire plating. Compare to the artifact. Hmmm
Was this (below) and Egyptian light bulb? Were the pyramids piezoelectric-creating powerhouses?
It is believed the pyramids are giant capacitors, constructed to make use of piezoelectricity in these stone buildings that come to a singular point. With a solid gold tip (conductor) at the top of the pyramid and the subsequent amplification of current through the stone to the top, a discharge would occur. Basically, the building was made to hold a charge.
I'm coming to think that Tesla's theory was put to use in HAARP experiment. HAARP was an array of antennae placed in Alaska to work on making changes in the ionosphere to see the results. Many blamed bad weather, earthquakes and bad mojo on it, but here's something telling Tesla said that might shed light onto it - After reading something Tesla said, I am looking at government actions in a new light. Tesla likened the Earth to one capacitor plate and the ionosphere as another. The volt gradient between them is measured at 400,000 volts. By using this principle, he said that he could give free easy energy to the world… I'm still of the impression that homo sapiens having and losing this knowledge is a quirky concept, as we have never been able to put the genie back in the bottle (the wheel, fire, the atomic bomb….) That would mean that we never had the knowledge, yet there is proof someone was using such knowledge long ago in fairly crude methods, but knowledge just the same, which to me points at the concept, not of aliens, but of another branch of man who had earlier evolution, the first world migration, the originators….
The next couple of years will be make or break for the next big theory in physics called supersymmetry - SUSY for short. It might make way for a rival idea which predicts the existence of a 'fifth force' of nature.
But other forms of the theory are still very much in play.
Next year will be an important year for SUSY. The LHC will be smashing atoms together at almost twice the energy it did in its first run. Even those who are still strong advocates of SUSY, such as Cern's revered professor of theoretical physics, John Ellis, agree that if LHC scientists do not find super particles in the LHC's second run, it might be time for the hospital patient to be moved to the mortuary.
"If it is not found in LHC run two then there will be relatively few corners it could hide," he told BBC News.
"I know that at that point the community may decide that the guys who predicted supersymmetry are dying off like flies and that young guys will be interested in different types of theories and supersymmetry may be forgotten. But I don't think we are at that point yet."
Engineers have spent more than a year upgrading the LHC's systems. The hope is that this will allow a new realm of physics to be opened up
One of those young guys is Thibaut Mueller, a 24-year-old PhD student at Cambridge University. He is already checking out alternatives to SUSY.
"A few years ago we thought it was a case of who will be first to find supersymmetry," he said.
"Now there is less and less focus on it and more people are starting to branch out into other models."
Mr Mueller's PhD looks at an alternative to supersymmetry called the composite Higgs model. This idea has been around for decades but is undergoing a resurgence as some researchers raise questions over supersymmetry. Physicists will be looking for evidence for it in the next run of the LHC in 2015.
Thibault's colleague Dr Ben Gripaios believes that the Composite Higgs theory is now a serious alternative to supersymmetry.
SUSY is the perfect theory. We have been looking really hard for it and we have not found it. For me the most compelling alternative is the composite Higgs”
End QuoteDr Ben GripaiosCambridge University
"SUSY was regarded by many people as the perfect theory. We have been looking really hard for it for a long time and we have not found it and so possibly there is a different explanation. For me the most compelling alternative is the Composite Higgs. It is just as plausible as supersymmetry," he told BBC News.
The current theory to explain the forces of nature was developed in the 1960s and is called the Standard Model. It elegantly explains how 13 particles, including the Higgs, interact to create three of the four forces of nature: electromagnetism, and the nuclear strong and weak forces.
But the Standard Model does not explain how gravity works, nor can it account for the matter and energy that makes up 95% of the Universe - referred to by physicists as the "Dark Universe".
Supersymmetry is an extension of the Standard Model and is an attempt toexplain some of the things the current theory can't.
The stage has been set for some years for the detection of super particles. But so far they have been a no show.
It predicts the existence of so-called superparticles which account for much of the missing mass and energy of the Universe.
Supersymmetry also neatly solves what physicists describe as the "fine tuning problem". In very crude terms, all subatomic particles can be thought to have two values for their mass: Their mass in isolation which is called their "bare" mass, and their experimental mass, which includes interactions with other sub-atomic particles.
For all particles the two masses are about the same, except for the Higgs, whose bare mass must be many times larger than its experimental mass.
Going from such a relatively big number to a small number is an unlikely occurrence, rather like a skydiver landing on the head of a pin each time they jump out of a plane. It can only happen if there is an overarching force guiding the skydiver on to the pin head - something that physicists call "fine tuning".
The existence of superparticles interacting with their normal counterparts fine tunes the Higgs's two masses perfectly. The drawback though is that there is no evidence of SUSY, at least not yet.
The composite Higgs theory also solves the fine tuning problem, albeit less elegantly and, just as with SUSY, there is no experimental evidence for it. It supposes that the Higgs is not a fundamental particle, but is instead made up of other fundamental particles bound together by a hitherto unseen fifth force of nature. This is similar to what is already known to happen with the strong nuclear force, which binds quarks together to produce nuclear particles like protons and neutrons.
Scientists at the LHC hope to detect evidence for one or other theory when they resume their experiments in April. In effect, the starting gun goes off in an invisible two-horse race where the winner emerges only at the finish line. Supersymmetry is still the favourite in the minds of most particle physicists, but Thibaut Mueller thinks that the likelihood of finding evidence for composite Higgs theory is not far behind.
Why then is this promising youngster gambling his still early career on the outsider?
High risk
"This is a high risk, high gain game," he explained. "If we find either (SUSY or the composite Higgs) this would be the biggest revolution in particle physics and possibly the whole of physics since quantum mechanics in the the 1940s.
"Even if we do not find evidence for SUSY or composite Higgs, we will still have learned important facts about the Standard Model, which will guide us to new theories".
Of course, the researchers may see neither, which raises the possibility that no fine tuning is needed to turn the big Higgs into the little Higgs.
That would mean that we live in a Universe where the dice are loaded to ensure that the Higgs experimental mass will always improbably land neatly on its bare mass each and every time.
As researchers smash particles at ever higher energies will they find a fifth force of nature that holds the Higgs together
In the absence of evidence for either theory, this anthropic principle might seem like a tempting option. But it's one that those on the front line of research vehemently resist.
According to Thibault Mueller that view is a "conversation stopper".
"It says that 'we are special because we as humans are here to observe it and so we exist'. If we accept that then we might as well give up science altogether.
"We (have established) that we as a species are not special, the Earth is not special, our Solar System is not special. Now we are saying: 'Ah! Our Universe is not that special either'."
Prof Rolf Dieter Heuer, the director-general of the European Centre for Nuclear Research (Cern) recently told researchers at the International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP) in Valencia, that there was "a lot at stake" for the LHC's second run starting next year.
Indeed there is: careers, reputations and deeply cherished ideas.
But whatever the outcome, physicists are preparing themselves for the ride of their lives. As Prof Heuer told the physics community: "There's much more to be discovered in the Dark Universe".
But other forms of the theory are still very much in play.
Next year will be an important year for SUSY. The LHC will be smashing atoms together at almost twice the energy it did in its first run. Even those who are still strong advocates of SUSY, such as Cern’s revered professor of theoretical physics, John Ellis, agree that if LHC scientists do not find super particles in the LHC’s second run, it might be time for the hospital patient to be moved to the mortuary.
“If it is not found in LHC run two then there will be relatively few corners it could hide,” he told BBC News.
“I know that at that point the community may decide that the guys who predicted supersymmetry are dying off like flies and that young guys will be interested in different types of theories and supersymmetry may be forgotten. But I don’t think we are at that point yet.” Read more
Giant UFO passes in front of The Moon on 13th July 2014
Giant UFO passes in front of The Moon on 13th July 2014
New amazing video footage of a giant black UFO recorded while passing in front of The Moon on 13th July 2014.
Witness said: Here is a fantastic capture of a UFO with a magnetic halo transiting the moon on the night of the super moon. I have filmed many of these objects but this is the largest to date.
UFO sightings over South Padre Island, Texas on 14th July 2014
UFO sightings over South Padre Island, Texas on 14th July 2014
New interesting video footage of a bright UFO light recorded in the night sky above South Padre Island, Texas on 14th July 2014.
Witness said: Spotted 2 UFO’s out over the Gulf Of Mexico last night. The sightings lasted for over 20 minutes. The lights just vanished. I have a video of this but can’t seem to upload it here.
A witness at Puducherry, India, reported watching a “white colored, self-revolving cone” UFO that hovered under the cloud cover less than one mile away, according to July 11, 2014, testimony in Case 896 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The object was seen for about two minutes on June 15, 2014, while the witness was waiting for a traffic signal.
“My kid wanted me to see an arrow in the sky,” the witness stated. “When I looked I found a long cockpit-type, conical flying object just self revolving and passing over a big cloud to another small cloud.”
But the object soon disappeared from sight.
“But when it crossed the second small cloud, it just disappeared. It never returned.”
Witness illustration of the object. (Credit: MUFON)
Puducherry consists of four small unconnected districts: Pondicherry, Karaikal and Yanam on the Bay of Bengal and Mahé on the Arabian Sea. Pondicherry and Karaikal have the largest areas and population, both as part of Tamil Nadu.
Map of Pondicherry Region in the Union Territory of Puducherry, India. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
THE WAY David M. Jacobs sees it, aliens from outer space have been kidnapping humans for aeons and sexually molesting them to create human-alien hybrids that walk among us today undetected and will soon take over Earth.
He knows that sounds crazy.
But he long ago quit caring what people think of him. As director of the International Center for Abduction Research, Jacobs, 71, has made it his life's mission to investigate claims of extraterrestrial abduction.
"What I'm doing will either be an interesting but nonessential footnote to popular culture or the most important thing that's ever happened to humankind. I see it as the latter," said Jacobs, who's now working on his fifth book, tentatively titled The New People.
Do you believe aliens exist?
While most people might write off UFO believers as deluded, conspiracy-theorist kooks, Jacobs isn't your typical believer.
He was a tenured professor at Temple University, where he taught American history for 36 years before retiring in 2011. He's a married father of two who lives in a picturesque, 134-year-old Victorian just over the Philadelphia line, in Wyndmoor. He makes his case with well-reasoned, articulate explanations and applies a scholarly approach to his research, which he has shared in four books - printed by well-known and academic publishers.
Jacobs has interviewed about 150 people who say they've been abducted by aliens, the forgotten details of their cosmic kidnappings resurfacing in relaxation sessions the self-taught hypnotist does in his home.
Citing public polls, he estimates that aliens have abducted more than a million Americans.
He readily admits that the evidence of extraterrestrial life and body-snatching is "weak," muddied by an abundance of blurry photos and confabulation (phony or misinterpreted "memories").
Yet he insists evidence exists:
* Abductees independently report similar experiences and recall common details, such as the humanlike or insectlike appearance of aliens and their mission to breed.
Many abductees told Jacobs that aliens stared deeply into their eyes, sometimes touching foreheads, in a neurological scan that enabled them to harvest human sperm and eggs. Women frequently claimed that aliens impregnated them, removed the alien-human hybrid fetuses from their wombs and forced the women to nurse the hybrid babies.
* People are physically absent during the time they say they were abducted, Jacobs said. Some families even have reported loved ones missing or seen them vanish, he added.
* Abductees sometimes are taken in groups; strangers who never met on Earth recall each other from their deep-space experiences, Jacobs said.
* People return with unusual marks, injuries or scars - including scar tissue that formed overnight, "a biological impossibility that I have seen myself," he saidis iconvenient truth
For years, Jacobs shunned speaking locally about alien abductions.
"I knew that it was embarrassing to the university," he said, remembering one Temple donor who threatened to end his charity unless Jacobs quit teaching his UFO class, the only one like it in the country.
But he didn't quit. Still, his beliefs carried a cost: Tenured in 1981, he said he was twice rejected for promotion and never became a full professor at Temple.
"I was not rewarded for my views," Jacobs said. "But you do not often find yourself in the middle of a phenomenon that allows you to make a contribution to something that could be of unsurpassing importance in human history."
Jacobs is among a small but surprising array of well-known folks who reportedly believe in extraterrestrial life, including former U.S. presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, former astronauts Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper, theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking and celebrities Mick Jagger, Dan Aykroyd, Muhammad Ali and William Shatner.
On the skeptical side
Critics aren't swayed by the big names.
Even smart people can believe weird things, said Michael Shermer, founde rand editor of Skeptic magazine and a Scientific Americancolumnist.
Shermer interviewed Jacobs for his weekly NPR show, shortly after Jacobs' 1999 book, The Threat, was published. Shermer said Jacobs "spoke like an academic" but that his beliefs are rooted in his "circular, impenetrable argument" that sneaky aliens have lulled skeptics into disbelief and complacency.
William Hartmann, a senior scientist at the Arizona-based Planetary Science Institute, described Jacobs' methods as concerning: "Dr. Jacobs' website describes 'alien abduction' reports extracted under hypnosis, but my sense is that most of the scientific community gives little credence to reports coming from hypnosis," Hartmann said.
Hartmann said he and other scientists examined "photo evidence" of UFOs as members of the U.S. Air Force's "Condon Committee" in the late 1960s.
"I went in hoping to find real evidence of some extraordinary phenomena, but I came out feeling we had no convincing evidence we could take back to Congress or the USAF or public, and that the sociology of the UFO phenomenon was much more interesting than any actual physical evidence like the alleged photos," he said.
The SETI Institute is a private, nonprofit science group based in California that searches for signs of extraterrestrial life. But a spokesman declined to comment on Jacobs or the possibility of aliens on Earth, saying that SETI hunts for signs of alien life in deep space, not here.
No 'gee-whiz thing'
Jacobs himself says he has never seen a UFO nor been abducted by aliens. "I've never been to Japan either, but that doesn't mean Japan doesn't exist,"he said.
He remains undaunted by skeptics. He has been a believer since he first began researching extraterrestrial life in 1970.
As a college student, he read about aliens and UFOs "for R&R" - but became entranced when he thought: "This could be real," he said.
At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, he switched his doctoral dissertation from the portrayal of women in pre-1915 films to the UFO controversy in America.
He began focusing on alien abductions in the 1980s and vows to continue that research even as it terrifies him more each day.
"I used to think it was the most amazing, wowee, gee-whiz thing," Jacobs said. "But the more I learn about it, the more I fear it, the more I don't want to have anything to do with it."-
That's because he suspects that aliens are intent upon planetary domination, as humans remain mired in ignorance and denial.
"This is a clandestine phenomenon," Jacobs said. "There is one thing that I can say for sure: They don't want us to know what they're doing - because what they're doing benefits them and not us."
The case of Eduard “Billy” Meier is one of the most famous among the UFO enthusiasts. For over 30 years, Meier has claimed to have had direct and continuous contact with extra-terrestrial beings. The case gained substantial credibility among supporters after the work done by Marcel Vogel, an IBM scientist at the time, who analyzed metal samples of alleged extra-terrestrial origin supplied by Meier. While most of the investigations in the Billy Meier case have concentrated on photographic material, not so much has been done on reviewing the scientific part of the famed metal samples.
This article concentrates on the scientific data collected by Vogel from the Meier samples. The results are presented best in the video Beamship: The Metal Analysis, which is part of a 1985 documentary with Jun-Ichi Yaoi from Japan’s Nippon Television. This video is so far the only source to my knowledge that properly displays the data obtained directly from the instruments used by Vogel. Other references, such as “UFO contact from the Pleiades: A preliminary investigation report” by Wendelle C. Stevens, do not show plots of the spectra or scanning electron micrographs and are limited to verbal descriptions of the results and conclusions reached by Vogel [1,2].
The main claims on Meier’s metal samples are the following:
1. Samples contain almost all of the elements of the periodic table.
2. Samples contain the hard to obtain element Thulium with its secondary bands missing in the EDS spectrum.
3. Inclusions in the metal sample exhibit birefringence, which is found in non-metallic or dielectric crystals.
4. Sample examined at a magnification of 500 diameters show signs of micro-manipulation or micro machining.
The claims above have direct data associated to them. Notice that many of the claims that Vogel made are secondary and derive from conclusions he reached from the propositions listed above. The intention of this article is to show that Vogel’s main claims can be scientifically verified based on his own data and that his results can be reproduced out of ordinary materials. The logical argument is that very similar results can be obtained from samples that do not possess the properties that Vogel claims. It is also the intention of this article to propose that, in light of the analysis herein presented, it is no longer necessary to analyze more samples that Meier may supply in the future.
The data from which Vogel claims to have found many elements is a spectrum obtained using Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS). This spectrum is shown in Fig.1.
Figure 1: Screen-shot of the EDS Spectrum collected by Vogel where he claims that all the elements of the periodic table are present. Spectrum collected at 20KeV acceleration voltage.
As a counter-example, Fig. 2 shows an EDS spectrum taken at 20KeV of ultra-pure nickel.
Figure 2: EDS Spectrum at 20KV of ultra-pure nickel. Spectrum captured by I. Alvarado.
Given the similarities of the two spectra above, it can be deduced that the evidence for all the elements present in the sample can be reproduced by a sample consisting of virtually a single element which, in this case, was a pellet of ultra-pure nickel.
The scientific explanation is that the bell-shaped spectrum shown in both spectra is the so-called Bremsstrahlung continuum x-ray radiation, which is produced when electrons decelerate as they pass close to the atomic nuclei of the material. This phenomenon is very well known in EDS analysis and has no bearing on the element composition of the sample [3].
Fig. 3 shows a screen-shot of Vogel’s EDS spectrum where he identifies Thulium and other elements. Here, it is pointed out that the secondary bands of Thulium are not present, which is further used to speculate that the material was put together by unknown methods (e.g. cold fusion).
Figure 3: Screen-shot of the EDS Spectrum collected by Vogel where the claim is made that the element Thulium is present in the sample. Spectrum collected at 20KeV acceleration voltage.
The spectrum shown in Fig. 4 below was produced with a sample made by manually placing a small flake of Silver on top of Aluminum.
Figure 4: EDS Spectrum at 20KV of a sample consisting of Aluminum and a flake of Silver manually placed on top. The band at 0 KeV is background noise. Spectrum captured by I. Alvarado.
The striking similarity between the two spectra in Figs. 3 and 4 is evident and, thus, what Vogel observed was not the hard-to-obtain Thulium, but rather the very-common element Aluminum with some traces of Silver [4]. The Aluminum and Silver of the sample in Fig. 4 are obviously not bonded or alloyed and yet the sample still produces an EDS spectrum identical to Vogel’s. It then follows that EDS alone cannot determine neither chemical bonding nor alloying between the elements detected. Thus, the claim that the elements found in Meier’s sample are bonded or alloyed cannot be supported by EDS analysis alone. The proposition of the missing bands is then nullified as Aluminum does not possess them.
The scientific explanation of this is that Aluminum has one strong EDS band at 1.486 KeV, which is very close to the lowest energy band produced by Thulium at 1.462 KeV. It is common for a computer analyzing EDS spectra to mistake between elements whose energy bands lie close to each other. This explains why the computer also identified Bromine and Argon in Vogel’s spectrum as they too possess energy bands close to Aluminum and Silver. The presence or absence of secondary bands then becomes important to distinguish between elements. Thus, the spectrum obtained by Vogel is best explained as that produced by a piece of Aluminum with traces of Silver that are not alloyed or chemically bonded.
Vogel claims to have detected dielectric birefringence in inclusions around the edges of the sample by means of optical microscopy with cross-polarized illumination. The sequence of his observation is shown in Fig. 5. Here, Vogel goes on to speculate that the sample exhibits a duality between being a metal and a non-metallic crystal.
Figure 5: Two optical micrographs of the same region of the sample taken by Vogel. Left shows normal illumination and Right cross-polarized illumination. The bright portions on the right are claimed to be produced by crystal birefringence.
Now, it is true that a birefringent crystal will appear bright under cross-polarized illumination, when the crystal is aligned properly in the optical setup [5]. However, such observation can also be produced by samples that have rugged topography. Fig. 6 below shows an optical micrograph of a poorly deposited metal film on silicon as it is imaged under normal illumination conditions and under cross-polarized illumination.
Figure 6: Optical micrograph of a metal film poorly deposited onto the surface of a silicon wafer. Left shows normal illumination and Right cross-polarized illumination. The bright streaks on the right are produced by the topography of the surface. Micrographs captured by I. Alvarado with a 50x optical objective.
Just like in Vogel’s micrograph sequence, bright regions are also clearly observed in Fig. 6 under cross polarized light. The difference is now that they are produced merely by the topography of the metal itself and not by non-metallic crystal birefringence. This shows that the cross-polarization method is insufficient to establish whether dielectric birefringence exists in any given sample. Since the sample analyzed by Vogel has a very clear rough surface, the bright regions he observes under cross-polarized light are best explained by the surface topography and not by the presence of non-metallic crystal inclusions in the sample. Since there is no reason to believe that there are insulating portions embedded in Vogel’s metal sample, then severe charge accumulation during SEM imaging is not expected.
Vogel claims to have found evidence of mechanical manipulation at the micro-scale level, presumably done with lasers. This is based on the SEM picture shown in Fig. 7, where the magnification is specified at 500 diameters.
Figure 7: SEM micrograph taken by Vogel showing indentations at the micro scale. The image was taken at 500 diameters magnification.
Fig. 8 shows a SEM micrograph of the surface of an aluminum plate taken at a magnification of 500 diameters as well. This plate was made by conventional metal machining and its surface shows a very clear periodic pattern with a 50 micron pitch that the cutting edge produced during the process. The structure produced was not intentional and has no functionality. Other portions of the same surface did not show this structure.
Figure 8: SEM micrograph of the surface of an Aluminum plate machined by conventional means at 500 diameters magnification, as indicated in the lower caption bar. SEM captured by I. Alvarado.
Given that patterns like this can be obtained unintentionally by ordinary metal cutting tools, it is not necessary to speculate on possible exotic micro-machining processes to produce them. Indeed, a structure imaged at 500 diameters cannot be considered micro-machined even by 1985 technology, let alone by today’s state-of-art nanofabrication techniques, which routinely produce structures that are imaged at magnifications of 100,000 diameters [6].
To summarize, all the results obtained by Marcel Vogel have been properly reproduced from common samples using equivalent equipment and techniques. The spectrum showing all the elements of the periodic table was produced by a sample that virtually contains only one element, the spectrum showing Thulium and Silver was obtained out of a sample of non-alloyed Aluminum and Silver, the cross-polarization optical micrographs that are used to show non-metallic birefringence in the sample were reproduced by a purely metallic sample. A similar micro-machined structure was found in an ordinary machined metal. In all the cases, the instruments and techniques used were equivalent to those used by Vogel.
Many of the speculations adduced by Vogel become invalid in light of the counter-examples presented in this article. For instance, the missing bands of Thulium led Vogel to speculate on cold fusion, which becomes unsustainable after showing that the spectrum obtained is that of Aluminum. Speculation of duality metal-dielectric in the sample also is not required as no valid evidence of birefringence was presented. And so on with the rest of the claims.
Furthermore, some of the claims did not have data to support them and even other claims are pure anecdotes. For example, Vogel claimed that Rhenium was found in the sample with missing EDS bands also; the spectrum was not shown in either references [1] or [2] and it could have been Zinc, as this element has some EDS bands close to that of Rhenium. I am certainly willing to analyze more EDS spectra or SEM micrographs that Vogel or the lab in Switzerland might have produced on these samples, if they are brought to my attention. What should not be done is to take Vogel’s or any other scientist’s word alone to validate any conclusions.
References: [1] Beamship: The Metal Analysis. 1985 documentary produced by Nippon Television. [2] “UFO contact from the Pleiades: A preliminary investigation report” by Wendelle C. Stevens. [3] Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis by Eric Lifshin, Joseph I. Goldstein and David C. Joy. [4] For a large collection of EDS spectra, visit [5] Fundamentals of Optics, F.A. Jenkins and H.E. White. [6] Nature and Science Magazines constantly show SEM micrographs of nanostructured materials.
* This is a guest post by Ivan Alvarado. Ivan is not affiliated with Open Minds, and the ideas, statements, and opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of Open Minds.
Very interesting and intriguing images from Google Earth, which seem to show two possible entrances to an alien base or at least an entrance to something, and a huge saucer shaped object buried in the ice. If there are Alien bases in the Antarctic it would follow that there are ET craft their also
Alien Base And Flying Saucer Found In Antarctica? 2013 HD
Depuis plusieurs décennies déjà ils sont un mystère non encore résolu. Jusqu’à ce jour. Car le voile se lève enfin sur les crop circles, ou cercles de culture. L’une des plus grandes énigmes des XXeme et XXIeme siècles. En fait l’un des plus gros canular. Révélations recueillies au sud de l’Angleterre, dans le petit village de Marlborough.
Il est 10 heures du matin. Le dimanche 25 août 2013. Un jour froid et humide, comme il y en a beaucoup au sud de la Grande Bretagne, même à cette période de l’année. Je suis venu admirer un crop circle. Un cercle de culture en français, apparu deux jours auparavant. Je suis plus attiré par la beauté de la figure dont nous avons déjà presque tous en main une photo aérienne, que véritablement convaincu de sa nature « authentique ». Bref, je suis là en curieux, pour essayer moi aussi de comprendre. Je ne vais pas être déçu.
Nous sommes à Beckhampton, non loin d’Avebury dans le Wiltshire. Les badauds se pressent pour observer de près ce message de la nature ou d’entités supérieures ? Nul ne le sait vraiment. Mais les supputations vont bon train depuis les années 60 où les premiers cercles mystérieux sont apparus dans des champs de blé, de colza ou de cultures diverses. Les tiges de blé ici sont couchées et comme tressées les unes sur les autres. Les bordures de la figure, qu’elles soient courbes ou droites, sont parfaitement tracées. Déjà au sol, l’œil n’est pas perturbé par des ratures ou des approximations. Et cette impression est encore renforcée bien sûr quand on prend de la hauteur pour regarder les figures du ciel.
Un peu à l’écart, un homme d’age mur attire mon attention. Il ne semble pas du tout intéressé par le crop circle mais plutôt excédé par l’attitude béate de certaines personnes qui ont l’air de découvrir la huitième merveille du monde, ou sont en passe d’entrer en transe ! Je m’approche prudemment de lui.
-Impressionnant, n’est-ce pas ?
-Cette foutaise ? (Crap en anglais. Jeu de mot avec crop. Ndla)
-Vous n’y croyez pas ? Demandé-je.
L’homme a un rire nerveux.
-Si vous me demandez si je crois en Dieu, je vais vous dire ceci : Les gens en parlent, il est donc dans la tête et l’imagination des gens. Il n’est donc pas inconcevable d’y « croire », même si Dieu n’est qu’une vue de l’esprit, le fruit de l’imagination de l’homme. Ça, dit-il en tendant la main vers la nouvelle figure apparue dans le champs qui nous fait face, c’est palpable, c’est là, on le voit. La question d’y « croire » ne se pose pas. La question qui se pose est celle de son origine. Et moi, je vous le dis, l’origine des crop circles n’est ni divine, ni extraterrestre, ni encore moins le fruit de quelque entité magique ou impalpable vivant sous la terre. Tout ça c’est des balivernes. Ça va trop loin. Va falloir que ça s’arrête un jour.
Il a dit ces derniers mots comme si il se parlait à lui même. J’hésite un peu :
-Vous… vous savez qui fait ça ?..
Tout à coup il se braque.
-Vous n’êtes pas une de ces saletés de journalistes au moins ? Vous êtes qui vous ? Et qu’est-ce que vous faites là ?
-Je suis Français. Je ne suis pas journaliste, je suis opticien, si ça vous intéresse… Je suis un curieux de passage, tout simplement. Mais j’ai l’impression que vous en savez plus que la plupart d’entre nous ici. Je me trompe ?
C’est à son tour d’hésiter. Après un court instant il répond :
-Y en a marre, vraiment. Si vous voulez tout savoir, retrouvez moi au Royal Oak ce soir, à Marlborough. Soyez-y à 16 h et attendez moi.
Je suis pile à l’heure. Je ne vais pas manquer l’occasion d’en savoir enfin un peu plus sur ce phénomène, même si je suis surtout convaincu que j’ai rendez-vous avec un type rondouillard et plutôt sympathique malgré son côté un peu bougon, qui va me donner une énième explication fantaisiste sur un des mystères les plus controversés de ces dernières années. Je suis loin d’imaginer ce que je vais entendre.
Je patiente plus de deux heures. L’homme m’a dit d’attendre. Je me rends compte que je ne connais même pas son nom. Je commence à me demander s’il va venir quand il entre enfin dans le pub, un peu fébrile, en tenant un énorme dossier sous le bras. Il regarde à droite, puis à gauche, derrière lui aussi et il va avoir cette attitude pendant toute la durée de notre entretien.
-Vous êtes bien assis ? Me demande-t-il tout de go en s’installant. On n’a pas de temps à perdre. Je n’en peux plus de toutes ces conneries.
L’entretien va durer plus de trois heures. Je n’en rapporte ici que les grandes lignes. Voici ce qu’il va me raconter :
-Nous sommes en 1973. J’étudie les mathématiques à Oxford. Et aussi ce qui va devenir une véritable révolution planétaire : l’informatique. Je vous passe les détails mais je suis plutôt doué. J’étudie toute sorte de langages informatiques, Basic, Cobol, Fortran, Simula, APL etc… Retenez bien que nous sommes au début des années 70. IBM va bientôt avoir le succès mondial qu’on lui connaît, puis Microsoft mais l’informatique est encore une science réservée à quelques initiés, comme moi. J’ai 21 ans à l’époque. Un jour, dans le cadre d’un voyage aux Etats Unis, je suis contacté par un ex étudiant en ingénierie et sciences appliquées de Harvard. Je vais l’appeler Clive. Je ne peux pas vous donner sa véritable identité. Il est mort en 2009. Mais je ne veux pas que sa famille ait des problèmes. Clive a travaillé pour la NASA, l’armée et le gouvernement des Etats Unis sur des dossiers très sensibles, tels que la conquête spatiale ou l’armement. Il était spécialisé dans les communications.
-Heu… ok. Et vous, comment vous appelez-vous ?
-Appelez moi John. Et évitez de m’interrompre sinon on va y passer la nuit ! Bref, à l’époque Clive a sept ans de plus que moi et il a été à la tête d’un de ces petits groupes d’étudiants potaches qui font des blagues pour passer le temps et pour sortir la tête de leurs études, nous l’appellerons le groupe Alpha. Fin 1965, alors qu’il est un jeune étudiant, il part en voyage en Australie, dans la ville de Tully, où il a de la famille. Il va passer le jour de l’an là-bas. Il va même prolonger un peu son séjour car il va tomber malade. Une curieuse maladie. Il est fatigué et a de la fièvre mais les médecins ne comprennent pas ce qu’il a jusqu’à ce qu’il se remette de lui même. Le 19 janvier 1966, un propriétaire du coin découvre dans ses marécages une sorte de nid d’oiseau géant formé par des roseaux couchés et dit avoir été témoin de phénomènes étranges comme des boules de feu et la circulation d’engins mécaniques. Le bruit commence à courir qu’il s’agit de soucoupes volantes. Clive vient de commencer ce qui va devenir l’un des plus grands canulars du XXeme siècle.
Pendant des années il s’intéresse de très près aux micro ondes. A l’époque les études portent sur les communications qu’elles permettent. De nos jours, les micro ondes servent à nos téléphones mobiles ou à chauffer nos plats. Clive lui, développe ses recherches autour des bandes de fréquences au dessus des 40 GHZ. Pendant de nombreuses années il va développer de véritables armes grâce à cette technologie en collaboration avec l’armée américaine. Certaines expériences ont eues lieu aux Etats Unis, au Texas et au Nouveau Mexique où du bétail a été retrouvé affreusement mutilé sans qu’aucune explications n’ait pu être apportée. Des vaches ou des chevaux ont été découverts avec un trou béant les traversant de part en part, comme brûlés par un énorme rayon laser. Des cadavres ont été retrouvés avec les os du crâne apparents et complètements vidés de leur substance organique par exemple, sans que le reste du corps ait subit quelque autre dommage. Clive a participé à ces expériences. Mais il va aussi poursuivre un programme très précis en secret, pour lui même, avec sa petite équipe du groupe Alpha. Tous des surdoués. C’est ce groupe qui entre en contact avec moi en 1973. A ce moment je n’ai jamais entendu parlé des crop circles. Clive me présente son projet comme une simple plaisanterie. Nous sommes à l’époque où les témoignages sur les OVNIS abondent dans le monde entier. Clive n’y croit pas. Il est convaincu que les OVNIS relèvent du fantasme des hommes et il décide de s’en amuser. Le groupe Alpha fonctionne comme une mini société secrète mais ses règles sont très strictes. Pour en devenir membre, il faut jurer fidélité à son leader, Clive, et ne jamais parler de ses activités. Aujourd’hui Clive est mort. Et les choses prennent des proportions ridicules. Vous avez peut-être entendu parlé de cette supercherie sur les Ummites. Si non, je vous invite à vous renseigner. Mais nous sommes maintenant dans la même situation que l’inventeur des Ummites, nous ne contrôlons plus rien et à travers le monde de plus en plus de gens pensent que nous sommes contactés par de extraterrestres ou je ne sais quelles créatures divines à travers les crop circles. Certains ont des illuminations, des sectes se forment. Conneries…
Il marque un temps.
-Bref. En 1973 Clive me demande d’élaborer un programme informatique qui gérerait les déplacements d’un petit véhicule qu’il me présente. Un engin radiocommandé à quatre grosses roues pas plus gros qu’un aspirateur de l’époque, affublé d’un drôle de bec de canard. Il s’agissait en fait d’un canon à micro ondes à gamme de longueur d’ondes courtes et ultra courtes. C’est avec cet engin que Clive a tracé les premiers crop circles de 1966 à la fin des années 70, en Australie, au Canada et en Angleterre. En 1978 j’entre en piste. J’ai réussi à programmer le petit véhicule pour qu’il réalise des figures d’abord simples, puis de plus en plus compliquées et ce de façon quasi autonome. Tout ce que nous avions à faire c’était d’amener le robot (car il s’agissait bien de cela) sur une zone à l’écart de toute présence humaine, en toute discrétion donc, et à le laisser faire son « travail ». Le passage successif du robot pour créer la figure finale couche les végétaux sous l’effet de la chaleur dans le sens des micro ondes, ce qui donne cet aspect tressé qui intrigue tant. Le rayon d’action des ondes peut varier de quelques centimètres à moins de deux millimètres.
John a ouvert son énorme dossier à la couverture rouge un peu passée et me tend des photos du fameux robot et de lui avec ses compagnons de l’époque.
-Là, c’est Clive, me dit-il.
L’homme est plutôt petit, il porte une chemise à manche courtes et arbore un sourire radieux, comme quelqu’un qui vient de faire une bonne plaisanterie…
Le dossier contient toutes les coordonnées de tous les lieux sur lesquels ont sévit Clive et son groupe Alpha. Et bien sûr toutes les photos correspondantes. Il y a aussi des pages entières de programmes informatiques.
John continue :
-Ainsi au fil des années des figures de plus en plus élaborées sont apparues, au rythme des progrès informatiques tout simplement. En très peu de temps j’étais capable de tracer un cercle de plusieurs dizaines de mètres de diamètre avec une précision d’un demi centimètre ! Soit même pas la distance entre deux épis de blé. Les batteries du véhicule nous ont souvent posé quelques problèmes, nous obligeant à revenir sur zone parfois pour finir un tracé. Mais là aussi tout s’est amélioré très vite. Le robot a gagné en finesse et en discrétion. Nous en avons aussi utilisé plusieurs en même temps pour certaines figures plus élaborées qui auraient nécessité trop de temps à un seul robot. Chaque fois nous choisissions des lieux symboliques ou chargés d’histoire comme le site de Stonehenge par exemple, afin de renforcer la portée mystérieuse du phénomène. Puis les sceptiques se sont demandés pourquoi les crop circles n’apparaissaient que dans le pays anglo-saxons… alors nous avons voyagé et créé d’autres groupes Alpha à travers de nouveaux pays. Nous avons même fait apparaître des cercles sur la glace ou dans la neige, ce qui est plus facile et plus rapide que dans un champs, contrairement à l’idée reçue. Désormais il est aussi possible que les groupes utilisent des drones, mais je n’en ai pas la certitude. Il semble également que les ultrasons soient employés pour diriger les micro ondes à distance, ainsi qu’on le fait déjà pour diriger des sons. Imaginez : un drone, des ultrasons pour diriger les micro ondes, un peu comme un vidéo projecteur, et vous avez une figure qui apparaît en quelques secondes. En tout cas c’est comme ça que je ferais aujourd’hui.
En ce moment les armées du monde entier, qui ont elles aussi développé des recherches dans le sens de celles de Clive, ainsi que les services secrets, s’intéressent de très près aux crop circles. Ils savent eux, comment ils sont élaborés. Et ce n’est plus qu’une question de temps pour qu’ils comprennent qui est derrière tout ça. Les micro ondes laissent des traces qui sont bien répertoriées du reste par les observateurs. Elles produisent aussi parfois de petits cercles de lumières comparables à des mini aurores boréales ou encore des petits éclairs, des étincelles. Plusieurs observations ont été faites à ce sujet. Comprenez que la technologie utilisée est classée top secret, et a été détournée dans le but de faire croire à ce canular innocent au départ mais que plus personne ne contrôle. Du moins en apparence. Car tout ceci a pris des proportions délirantes. Vous devez vous demander ce que nous en avons tiré, puisque nous sommes restés anonymes toutes ces années. D’abord ça nous a amusé. Puis l’intérêt grandissant, il y a eu des produits dérivés qui sont apparus. Posters, livres d’études, voyages de découvertes, que sais-je encore ? La portée lucrative du phénomène n’est pas à démontrer aujourd’hui hélas ! Des profits considérables sont générés, encore amplifiés par les rumeurs colportées grâce à Internet. Et les gens qui en profitent maintenant n’ont plus rien à voir avec le groupe Alpha d’origine.
Le plus délirant c’est qu’il m’a suffit d’intégrer dans mes dessins des fractales de Mandelbrot par exemple pour que la communauté scientifique se mette à s’intéresser au phénomène. Parfois mes tracés étaient purement géométriques et suivaient mon inspiration du moment. Certains y ont vu une « suite logique » et en ont déduit des équations ou des théorèmes ! Hallucinant ! Je me suis amusé un jour à construire une synthèse de mes derniers dessins, une sorte de mélange en somme. Et des mathématiciens de renom y ont vu la manifestation indiscutable d’une intelligence supérieure. J’en ai été flatté au début mais tout cela me laisse maintenant un goût amer. En vérité n’importe quel étudiant en mathématiques de niveau moyen est capable de tracer ce genre de dessin.
Même la tête d’alien de Winchester du 18 août 2002 accompagné de son fameux disque, n’a pas réussi à mettre la puce à l’oreille des observateurs qui auraient pourtant dû y voir la supercherie qui paraissait évidente ! Sur le disque « gravé » en ASCII dans les blés -et qui m’avait donné du fil à retordre croyez-moi !- nous avions écrit le message suivant :
« Méfiez-vous des porteurs de fausses nouvelles et des promesses non tenues. Beaucoup de souffrances mais il y a encore du temps. Croyez. Il y a du bon là-haut. Nous nous opposons à la tromperie. Fin de la communication ».
(Ndla : traduit par mes soins. Le texte original étant : « Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises. Much pain but still time. Believe. There is good up there. We oppose deception. Conduit closing ». Voir photo d'illustration.)
Tout ça avec une syntaxe approximative qui laissait croire à une origine « non humaine ». Message sibyllin sans grande signification et qui n’apportait en tout cas aucune explication claire ni aucun élément nouveau ou réellement constructif. Accompagné en plus d’une image parfaitement réalisable avec n’importe quel ordinateur du commerce et ne nécessitant nullement de disposer d’une technologie supérieure ! Les observateurs n’y ont pourtant vu que du feu et cela a renforcé la croyance selon laquelle ces « messages » nous étaient envoyés par des extraterrestres. C’était comme si, plus on voulait dévoiler la supercherie et plus les gens croyaient à son authenticité. Pourtant il faut noter une invraisemblance de taille. Il y a d’abord eu des cercles sans signification, puis des formules mathématiques, puis des messages écologiques, des représentations du système solaire, des têtes d’alien et même des masques Mayas ! Aujourd’hui les cercles sont très beaux mais ne veulent plus rien dire. Où est la cohérence dans tout cela ? On attribue les cercles tantôt à Dieu, puis aux extraterrestres, puis à des créatures souterraines ou encore aux Atlantes ! C’est devenu un fouillis sans nom. Croyez-vous vraiment que si des êtres intelligents voulaient entrer en contact avec nous, ils le feraient de façon aussi désordonnée ? Non, en vérité c’est juste le signe que l’idée originale s’est diluée en même temps que le premier groupe Alpha. Et je ne vous parle pas de certaines imprécisions de figures dues à des irrégularités du terrain et que personne ne relève. Je pense en particulier à cette figure de Milk Hill en 2001 composée de 409 cercles. Si vous regardez bien, sur l’une des branches, il y a des petits cercles à l’extérieur trop près les uns des autres, entre les onzième et douzième cercles en partant du centre. De même, certains treizième cercles sont plus petits que les autres. Ces « erreurs » sont toujours passées sous silence et l’on ne met en avant que le côté exceptionnellement précis des figures.
Maintenant je suis fatigué et je désire que cela cesse. C’est pour ça que je vous en parle. Je ne vous connais pas. Je ne sais pas quelles conséquences vont découler de mes révélations. Mais je suis à la fin de ma vie et il n’y a pas encore eu mort d’homme ! Tout cela est devenu ridicule mais n’a nuit à personne. Certes il y a eu des secrets militaires employés à des fins de plaisanterie et si je dois en partager la responsabilité un jour, je suis prêt à le faire. Les personnes qui sont maintenant derrière les crop circles sont plutôt puissantes. Mais je n’en connais plus aujourd’hui aucune moi même ! Le pire serait que la technologie développée par jeu ne tombe entre des mains mal intentionnées. Le monde souffre déjà de trop de misère et d’injustice pour lui infliger une nouvelle croyance imbécile et dénuée de fondement. Il y a de moins en moins de cercles qui apparaissent. Il y en aura moins cette année qu’il n’y en a eu l’année dernière. Peut-être un signe que le phénomène s’essouffle. Pourtant je crains des dérives à venir dans un monde où les gens perdent leurs repères. Je vous demande de colporter cette nouvelle par tous les moyens que vous trouverez. Je viens de faire ma part. Maintenant, faites la vôtre.
J’étais soudain investi d’une mission de la plus haute importance ! Et cet article est la première action que je mène pour la remplir. Je suis resté plusieurs jours dans le petit village de Marlborough. Et malgré de nombreux passages au pub du Royal Oak, je n’ai jamais revu John. Il a bien sûr refusé de me laisser son précieux dossier rouge. Mais il a accepté de prendre mes coordonnées et promit de me venir en aide si cela s’avérait nécessaire…
An archaeologist for the state department of Chhattisgarh state in India wants to seek help from NASA and the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) to help him identify what he believes to be depictions of UFOs and aliens in ancient rock paintings that are 10,000 years old.
Ancient Indian rock paintings from the state of Chhattisgarh. (Credit: Amit Bhardwaj/The Times of India)
Archaeologist JR Bhagat told The Times of India, “The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen or imagined beings from other planets which still create curiosity among people and researchers. Extensive research is needed for further findings. Chhattisgarh presently doesn’t have any such expert who could give clarity on the subject.”
The Indian state of Chhattisgarh has an abundance of ancient rock paintings, according to their website. Many sites have painting of humans and animals in everyday scenes. However, they believe that some of these paintings may include kangaroos and giraffes, and in several sites they believe there are paintings of mermaids.
According to Bhagat, the UFO and alien paintings bear a striking resemblance to those depicted in movies. However, he says that is most likely just a coincidence. He notes, “The fan-like antenna and three legs of vehicle’s stand clearly show a similarity to UFO type craft.”
Bhagat continues, “The paintings are done in natural colors that have hardly faded despite the years. The strangely carved figures are seen holding weapon-like objects and do not have clear features. Specially, the nose and mouth are missing. In few pictures, they are even shown wearing space suits.”
A rock painting that looks similar to a UFO with three legs. (Credit: Amit Bhardwaj/The Times of India)
However, Bhagat does concede, “We can’t refute possibility of imagination by prehistoric men.”
Bhagat says there are some locals who worship the paintings, and there are also interesting local legends about the creatures depicted in the images. He says the locals’ ancestors told stories about beings called the “Rohela people,” which translated means “the small sized ones.” These people are said to come from the sky in round flying objects and take people away, never to be seen again.
The research on the rock paintings is ongoing, and Bhagat says more archaeologists will be consulted to help identify the mysterious creatures and objects in the ancient artwork.
Scientists from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel have taken another step forward toward building quantum computers, demonstrating a photonic router for the first time.
Weizmann Institute scientists have demonstrated for the first time a photonic router – a quantum device based on a single atom that enables routing of single photons by single photons. This achievement, as reported in Science magazine, is another step toward overcoming the difficulties in building quantum computers.
At the core of the device is an atom that can switch between two states. The state is set just by sending a single particle of light – or photon – from the right or the left via an optical fiber. The atom, in response, then reflects or transmits the next incoming photon, accordingly. For example, in one state, a photon coming from the right continues on its path to the left, whereas a photon coming from the left is reflected backwards, causing the atomic state to flip. In this reversed state, the atom lets photons coming from the left continue in the same direction, while any photon coming from the right is reflected backwards, flipping the atomic state back again. This atom-based switch is solely operated by single photons – no additional external fields are required.
“In a sense, the device acts as the photonic equivalent to electronic transistors, which switch electric currents in response to other electric currents,” says Dr. Barak Dayan, head of the Weizmann Institute’s Quantum Optics group, including Itay Shomroni, Serge Rosenblum, Yulia Lovsky, Orel Bechler and Gabriel Guendleman of the Chemical Physics Department in the Faculty of Chemistry. The photons are not only the units comprising the flow of information, but also the ones that control the device.
This achievement was made possible by the combination of two state-of-the-art technologies. One is the laser cooling and trapping of atoms. The other is the fabrication of chip-based, ultra-high quality miniature optical resonators that couple directly to the optical fibers. Dayan’s lab at the Weizmann Institute is one of a handful worldwide that has mastered both these technologies.
The main motivation behind the effort to develop quantum computers is the quantum phenomenon of superposition, in which particles can exist in many states at once, potentially being able to process huge amounts of data in parallel. Yet superposition can only last as long as nothing observes or measures the system otherwise it collapses to a single state. Therefore, photons are the most promising candidates for communication between quantum systems as they do not interact with each other at all, and interact very weakly with other particles.
Dayan: “The road to building quantum computers is still very long, but the device we constructed demonstrates a simple and robust system, which should be applicable to any future architecture of such computers. In the current demonstration a single atom functions as a transistor – or a two-way switch – for photons, but in our future experiments, we hope to expand the kinds of devices that work solely on photons, for example new kinds of quantum memory or logic gates.”
The now missing Nanteos Cup was rumoured to have been carried over to Britain by Joseph of Arimathea after the crucifixion of Christ
A major police hunt is underway after burglars raided a Midland home and stole a priceless religious artefact – said to be the mythical Holy Grail.
The Nanteos Cup, an ancient wooden chalice, was rumoured to have been carried over to Britain by Joseph of Arimathea, years after the crucifixion of Christ.
The revered Catholic figure later founded a religious settlement at Glastonbury and legend has it that the “grail” then came into the safekeeping of monks.
Over the centuries the mysterious wooden bowl was said to have magical healing powers and in later years it came into the ownership of the Steadman family, who kept it in a bank vault in Wales.
But the Mail has discovered the cup has now been stolen by burglars after being temporarily loaned to a seriously ill woman connected to the Steadman family.
Raiders struck after she had been admitted to hospital and stole the cup – sparking a major police investigation by West Mercia Police.
It is understood burglars struck at the property in Weston under Penyard, near Ross-on-Wye, between last Monday and yesterday.
A West Mercia Police spokesman said: “The home was broken into between 9.30am on Monday 7 July and 9.30am on Monday 14 July.
“A wooden cup/chalice, known as the Nanteos cup, has been reported as stolen from the hope. It is dark wood cup and was kept in a blue velvet bag.”
The cup was previously included in a Channel Five documentary called Search for the Holy Grail. In the programme, experts claimed it was actually made at least 1,400 years after the crucifixion.
But the cup has a long held reputation for healing, with people drinking from it in the hope of curing their illnesses.
The Holy Grail has been a issue of controversy and debate amongst historians and theologians – with some religious figures claiming the grail is actually the Holy Chalice, used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper.
The search for the mythical religious artefact was the plot for one of the 1980s’ biggest blockbusters, Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade. – Birminghammail
Baton Rouge, LA– At home in December of 1993 with my very pregnant, almost due (now ex) wife. She was in bed reading and I was finishing up a radio show about to join her in bed. As I got up there was suddenly light everywhere and I was forced to the floor. I could hear her screaming in the next room but could not get up to get to her. The next moment I was in what seemed like a cavern made of rock with a river or something running through the middle. On the other side was one very large “blob” of energy surrounded by several smaller “energy blobs”. As I was thinking of what to ask, the larger one “spoke” (not audibly) and simply said, “You’re going back. It’s not your time yet.”
Immediately I was back on the living room floor hearing my wife screaming “Stop! Stop! Stop!” over and over. Although I was young and strong, it felt like I had several hundred pounds on my back and it took me a long while to push myself up off the floor. There was light everywhere and the radio was making strange noises. (Note – As I write this I’m getting goose bumps and feeling sick.)
I finally made it into the bedroom and ran to my wife who was still screaming and holding her forehead. The light was dissipating and I could hear the radio begin to sound normal again.
I asked my wife what happened and she just kept repeating, “They wouldn’t stop poking me in the head.” She used her index finger to demonstrate it was in between and slightly upward of her eyebrows.
We both had trouble sleeping that night but oddly never spoke of it again.
Additional comments of importance:
1. The entire time we lived there during her pregnancy small items of silver jewelry would come up missing every so often. She initially thought it was me hawking it off for pot money, but I wasn’t and I knew it. Every time something would come up missing there would also be a small, perfectly formed, conical deposit of something like soot in the bathroom on the floor. There was no vent, or pipe, or any other source for the soot. Shortly after our experience my wife went in for delivery and the next day I went home briefly to gather supplies for the hospital stay. There, on the floor was a spot of soot. I opened the cabinet to get towels and on the shelf, arranged in an intricate pattern, was every piece of silver jewelry that had ever been missing.
2. This encounter was not the first nor the last in my life. Simply the most profound as well the only one witnessed by another. Since my earliest childhood memories, I have been visited and communicated with by beings I used to think were angels. (Having grown up in a strict Catholic family and all…) The most recent time was in Seattle a few years back right in the middle of the day. Was watching t.v. in the main area of a shared apartment around noon. My roommate was not home at the time. My next conscious moment I was paralyzed in a bed in a large circular room with an observation window above me and what appeared to be an Asian woman watching me through the glass. There was someone else being moved in another bed behind me and as they passed they screamed out for help, but I remained oddly indifferent and just stayed focused on the woman watching me. Then I was back in my own bed with two “energy blobs” next to me vibrating as they seemed to dissipate leaving me barely able to move for several minutes. And after that experience, something else new occurred which was…
3. I now have two mysterious marks on my body that are triangular in shape and appear to be light surgical scars. The first appeared immediately following the Seattle event, the second appeared more recently after my current (soon-to-be-ex) wife and two kids moved to Nevada, however I have no recollection of an abduction event preceding it.
4. I rarely sleep more than a couple of hours at a time and my body is literally disintegrating. Although I am a well educated Mensan, and neither mentally ill nor addicted to drugs, I cannot seem to get my life together or form normal relationships with anyone. My life is slowly ending and I need to know why. – MUFON CMS
Police who found at least seven corpses in a building in Fort Worth, Texas, yesterday quickly determined there was no serial killer at work—but there were funeral directors who had apparently moved out with work unfinished. Police say the building’s owner evicted the Johnson Family Mortuary two weeks ago and he discovered the bodies when he went to check on the building, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports. The unattended bodies ranged in age from infants to adults and police say they were in “varying stages of decomposition, some quite advanced.”
The twin brothers who ran the business could face charges of abuse of a corpse, but they insist it is all a misunderstanding. “We’ve done nothing wrong,” one of the brothers tells the Dallas Morning News. “This is a funeral home. This is where we keep bodies.” The electricity and air conditioning in the building were still on, but it did not have a refrigeration system. A spokesman for the Texas Funeral Service Commission says the mortuary’s license expires this month, and the business already is the focus of five separate investigations. – Newser
Fossil of Massive Four-Winged Raptor Found in China
The fossil of a newly discovered dinosaur has been found in China. At nine pounds and four feet long, the four-winged carnivore is believed to have been three times heavier and 60 percent longer than the second biggest four-winged dinosaur.
It also had some stellar plumage and some killer teeth. According to Dr. Luis Chiappe:
The new species had long feathers not just on its wings but also on its hind legs, making it one of only a handful of “four-winged” dinosaurs. It also had big, sharp teeth and sharp claws, indicating it was carnivorous. Its exact diet is unknown, but fossils of similar dinosaurs have been found with fish and birds in their guts.”
What on earth would you name such a thing? Apparently, the answer is Changyuraptor yangi.
The first part of its name means “long-feather raptor,” and the second part honors a Chinese financial supporter.
Stony Brook’s Dr. Alan Turner believes we can divine some important things about the evolution of flight from the discovery, including a breed of bird that was more a glider than a flyer:
“The long bony tail of Changyuraptor and the foot long feathers it sported are unlike the short tails in modern birds. So how it functioned aerodynamically would have been quite different from living birds. However, this is exactly the sort of tail we see in the earliest birds and their immediate precursors, which means avian flight evolved in animals with long tails. Changyuraptor provides an excellent opportunity to investigate just what this tail might have been good for.” – TheWire
MUFON joins investigation as new “DNA” testing of 1980 photographs yields surprising results – Billy Meier UFO case proved authentic
FLAGSTAFF, Ariz., July 16, 2014 /PRNewswire-iReach/ — In 1980, Billy Meier, the Swiss UFO contactee, took 63, clear 35mm film photographs and a five-minute video of an object dubbed the Wedding Cake UFO, or WCUFO. Skeptics immediately pounced on the photos claiming they showed a model made from a garbage can lid and Christmas tree ornaments. With MUFON, the international UFO investigating organization, lacking the technology to determine the authenticity of his UFO photos, and Meier himself not saying anything in his own defense, the matter was perceived as a hoax and became just another UFO “cold case”.
WCUFO photo, one of 63 photos of the WCUFO taken in 1981, on 35mm film, by Billy Meier (PRNewsFoto/They Fly Productions)
source The Fly Productions
Enter “CSI”
Fast forward to today where – just like in an episode of CSI – independent researcher Prof. Rhal Zahi revives the Meier cold case by taking a took a close look at the “DNA” in the WCUFO photos using PhotoShop, professional 3-D computer modeling software and actual scale models. His 74-page report, including his reproducible protocols, conclusively authenticate the photos as large, unknown objects and rules out small models or special effects.
Prof. Zahi then discovered never before seen details in a nighttime WCUFO photo that have been hidden in not so plain sight – for 34 years – revealing that the craft is hovering over a gravel road and that Meier somehow actually took the photo from…above the object.
MUFON Takes Another Look
Armed with Prof. Zahi’s authentication of the WCUFO, Meier’s American representative, Michael Horn, contacted Jan Harzan, the Executive Director of MUFON, who’s known about the Meier case for 25 years and struggled with it being simply “too good”. Harzen and Horn formed a precedent setting alliance and, for the first time in 34 years, MUFON opened the Meier case to its 3,000 members worldwide.
Staggering Implications
According to Horn, “Prof. Zahi’s work vindicates Meier of charges that he hoaxed his evidence. It also makes the SETI program unnecessary because it conclusively shows that the UFOs photographed and filmed by Billy Meier are extraterrestrial in origin. With Meier’s well documented contacts with the Plejaren extraterrestrials still ongoing for over 72 years - and so rich in scientific information - the implications are truly staggering.
“Now along with NASA aerospace engineers recognizing its significance, modern technology makes it easy enough for an eight year-old child with a computer to prove the most important discovery in all of science and human history for themselves. We are not alone, we’ve been contacted and now it’s up to us to see if we can actually recognize – and handle – the truth.”
See the new, award-winning film on the Billy Meier UFO contacts, “And Did They Listen?“
An update on the remarkable, historical developments in the Billy Meier case may be announced at the upcoming MUFON Symposium, July 17 – 20, in Pennsylvania.
Media Contact: Michael Horn, They Fly Productions, 310.876.8585,
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NASA held a panel discussion on Monday, July 14 in which scientists discussed extraterrestrial life.
The televised discussion took place at NASA headquarters in Washington, DC, and featured leading science and engineering experts who discussed the search for life beyond Earth. NASA Administrator Charles Bolden initiated the event by mentioning how he and fellow former astronaut John Grunsfeld are often asked if they have seen, or if they believe in life beyond Earth. Bolden comments, “I can’t speak for John . . . but, while I may not have actually encountered extraterrestrials . . . and I did not, as a matter of fact. Although I looked all the time. I have always been inquisitive. So I was looking really hard.”
NASA’s July 14 panel discussion. (Credit: NASA)
He continues, “I would venture to say, however, that most of my colleagues here today, as well as probably most of you in the audience, are probably convinced that it’s highly improbable that in the limitless vastness of the universe that we humans stand alone.”
The panel included:
John Grunsfeld, NASA’s associate administrator
Ellen Stofan, NASA’s chief scientist
John Mather, senior project scientist for the James Webb Space Telescope
Dave Gallagher, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory director of astronomy and physics
Matt Mountain, director of the Space Telescope Science Institute
These experts discussed the search for Earth-like planets, life on these planets, and the tools scientists are using in that search. Astrobiology Magazine explains, “Space missions, specialized telescopes, and unprecedented technological advances are underway at NASA to find signs of life, and eventually, extraterrestrials themselves.” Of course, the anticipated 2018 launch of the James Webb Space Telescope was discussed. This incredible instrument will use infrared light to better detect exoplanets, and will help scientists explore the atomspheres of alien planets to see which of these worlds have the right chemical fingerprint to suggest they are home to extraterrestrial life.
Artist conception of the James Webb Space Telescope. (Credit: NASA)
Still, detecting new planets is a difficult task. The brightness of stars is an obstacle in the search for exoplanets. As Astrobiology Magazine explains, “Earth, for example, is 10 billion times fainter than the Sun. The reflection of light waves given off into space from the surface of the planet is so minuscule in comparison to our star’s brilliance, that it is barely detectable.” Seager explained that a potential solution to this issue called a Starshade is in development. This device, shaped like huge sunflower, would manipulate light from distant stars away from planets so only the planet would be visible to the space telescope.
A Starshade with a simple telescope could help scientists on the ground hunt for another Earth. (Credit: NASA/JPL/Caltech)
As she has stated several times previously, Seager commented, “We believe we are very close in terms of science and technology to finding another Earth, and signs of life on another world.” NASA astronomer Keven Hand agreed, stating, “I think in the next 20 years we will find out we are not alone in the universe.”
The Los Angeles Times points out that a question posed to the panel via social media asked, “If scientists do find life on another planet, will the U.S. government let people know?” Stofan responded, “Of course we would! . . . That would be so amazingly exciting. We would try to get it out to the public as fast as we can. We want everyone to share in the excitement of discovery.”
10.000 jaar oude rotstekeningen van UFO's en buitenaardsen gevonden
10.000 jaar oude rotstekeningen van UFO’s en buitenaardsen gevonden
Het ministerie van Archeologie en Cultuur van de Indiase deelstaat Chhattisgarh gaat onderzoek doen naar 10.000 jaar oude rotstekeningen van buitenaardse wezens en UFO’s en heeft daarvoor de hulp ingeroepen van de NASA en de Indiase ruimtevaartorganisatie ISRO. Dat meldt The Times of India. De rotskunst is gevonden in de districten Charama en Bastar.
Volgens archeoloog J.R. Bhagat lijken de tekeningen van buitenaardsen erg op de wezens die geregeld in Hollywoodfilms voorbijkomen. “De vondst suggereert dat de prehistorische mens mogelijk wezens van andere planeten heeft gezien,” zei hij. “Er is nader onderzoek nodig. Chhattisgarh beschikt op dit moment niet over experts die hier duidelijkheid over zouden kunnen verschaffen.”
Verschillende lokale dorpelingen spreken van verhalen van hun voorouders over het zogeheten ‘rohela-volk’, kleine wezens die in cirkelvormige vliegende objecten in een dorp waren geland en één of twee mensen hadden meegenomen.
De schilderingen zijn gemaakt met natuurlijke kleuren en zijn in de loop der jaren nauwelijks verweerd. De vreemde figuren lijken een soort wapen bij zich te dragen. Het gezicht van de wezens is moeilijk te zien. Met name de neus en mond ontbreken in veel gevallen. Op enkele afbeeldingen dragen ze zelfs ruimtepakken, aldus de archeoloog.
Het is opvallend dat dergelijke oude afbeeldingen veel overeenkomsten vertonen met UFO’s die in sommige films zijn te zien. “Het vaartuig in één van de tekeningen is voorzien van een antenne en drie landingspoten, en lijkt daarmee sterk op een UFO-vaartuig,” zei Bhagat. Hij is van plan de rotstekeningen ook voor te leggen aan collega-archeologen.
10,000 Year Old Rock Paintings Depicting Aliens And UFOs Found In Chhattisgarh, India
Chhattisgarh state department of archaeology and culture plans to seek help from ISRO for research on 10,000-year-old rock paintings depicting aliens and UFOs in Charama region in Kanker district in tribal Bastar region.
Located about 130km from Raipur, the caves come under village Chandeli and Gotitola.
There are several beliefs among locals in these villages. While few worship the paintings, others narrate stories they have heard from ancestors about “rohela people” — the small sized ones — who used to land from sky in a round shaped flying object and take away one or two persons of village who never returned.
According to archaeologist JR Bhagat, these paintings have depicted aliens like those shown in Hollywood and Bollywood flicks. Located about 130km from Raipur, the caves come under village Chandeli and Gotitola.
“The paintings are done in natural colours that have hardly faded despite the years. The strangely carved figures are seen holding weapon-like objects and do not have clear features. Specially, the nose and mouth are missing. In few pictures, they are even shown wearing space suits.
(N.Morgan) Donald Williams left his home at 1:45 PM in the afternoon to visit family last Friday, he says by 2:20 PM the sinkhole appeared that quickly. He received the call that a sinkhole had opened across the street from his house. He figured it would be pretty minor, but came home to see his entire road was blocked off and the sinkhole was quite large. “I never thought that I’d be worried about a sinkhole. Lo and behold, I come home and I was like, ‘Whoa.’” The sinkhole is located on Celosia Way off of Country Kitchen Road in Madison, Florida. Madison is a small town about an hour east of Tallahassee. Geologists are now studying the hole as it continues to grow bigger. Celosia Way around Williams’ home is shut down, but he’s able to get in and out. Even though the large hole is directly across the street, he says he has no plans on leaving his home, unless the cracks get closer.
Now the road department in Madison is calling on geologists to help. Last year, the Florida Geological Survey received a $1 million grant to study sinkholes. They finished the first phase of their study, which started in north Florida. “We visited and confirmed a little over 200 sinkholes in the pilot study area,” said Alan Baker with the Florida Geological Survey
In .the pilot study, they learned that drought and heavy rainfall can cause cover collapse sinkholes to form. They develop fast and can be catastrophic. “We will go statewide and we’ll make sure that they cover every county, find sinkholes and find things that look like sinkholes that aren’t sinkholes,” Baker said. The geological survey take the information from their study and hand it over to emergency officials in each county. But, you can also have your area checked for sinkhole activity just in case.
There is no doubt in my mind that the most ancient of civilizations occurred in Russia/Siberia/Mongolia region. And, from looking at just some of the finds in Russia, it is quite remarkable and hard to ignore that perhaps as much as millions of years ago, there were civilizations way ahead of ours. The traces over the millions of years are harder to come across, but when we do, wow! From unsolved mysterious events to odd formation, megaliths and amazing technology before its time, Russia has a LOT to offer the ancient knowledge geeks.
Akraim: There are perhaps 5000 stone circles around the world. One has to wonder about prehistoric man traveling the world to build stone monuments and yet they are obviously shared knowledge. How was this possible? My proposal is the ancient ones - the giants- the "Originators" as I like to call them. When we ask, "how could ancient man do this?" we need to answer that with a definitive, "because homo sapiens did not have this technology, it was not ours." "Akraim" find (above) is in the Southern Urals of Russia. It was built 4000 to 5000 years, around the same time as Stonehenge. Source:It may seem obvious to some, but the fact that these sites were apparently constructed, deliberately, to act as astronomical observatories and even calendars of a sort, before the same expertise was achieved in the great foundational empires of antiquity, like the Egyptians and the Greeks, is seemingly strong evidence for attributing greater development and sophistication to these pre-historic cultures. Manpupunar: 7 enormous pillars of supposed natural formation in the Ural Mountains.
The 7 pillars of Manpupunor in the same region - Ural Mountains, are considered one of the 7 wonders of Russia.
The Manpupunor pillars are believed to be a natural formation of nature like these other ones in Russia - above.They are said to be formed by ice and wind.
Dyatlov Pass: In 1959, hikers took off together in the Ural Mountains and went missing. When their bodies were found after a search, they were found in odd ways, such as having their bones broken with no external injuries, tongue missing, and bare naked. The mystery has been looked at over and over with different theories.
Dashka Stone: Source - A stone slab measuring 1.5 meters by one meter and over 20 cm in thickness was brought to scientists at Bashkir state university, headed by the rector, Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Alexander Nikolayevich Chuvyrov.
They obtained in 1999 a three-layer plate, which, according to Chuvyrov, was made by artificial means.
The first layer of 18 centimeters is cement or ceramic on the basis of dolomite.
The second layer of about an inch - enriched with silicon, to give a picture strength. Microhardness of slightly less than that of corundum.
Third porcelain layer several millimeters. Perhaps, in order to create diffused light, to illuminate the card.
It is noted that at the plate allegedly plotted map showing the location of Ufa elevated to the modern city Meleuz. This image is a relief, according to modern concepts, you can get it from cosmic heights. It is alleged that on the map Dashka stone marked waterworks system and channel length of 15,000 kilometers, dams, 12 dams up to a mile wide and powerful water intakes. Rhomboid are designated areas - they were far from the channels. According Chuvyrova - so runways. According Chuvyrova: those who then lived and built, either flew or used the water route, since no roads are on the map.
The map also has numerous inscriptions. It is believed that this hieroglyphic-syllabic language of unknown origin. What the inscriptions say is currently unclear.
Some researchers claim that the stone is not artificial, but a purely natural origin, and the system of cracks has nothing to do with the scheme of the rivers of Bashkortostan. A layer of one mineral over another is not something surprising. There are stones, for example, with a layer of quartz on top. There are also "Moonstone" and "solar stone" with the same system of cracks. The constancy of angles proves just natural, pure crystallographic effect.
Alexander Chuvyrov calls the age of plate about 50 million years old, but this dating is based on conventional geologic column. He thought that the plate may be ofextraterrestrial origin.
At present, extensive research is conducted on the Dashka stone at the Bashkirskiy State University and Moscow State University.
Tiny Spirals: In the Eastern Urals near a river called Narada, they found 20,000-year-old tiny spirals made of copper, tungsten, and molybdenum. They are very tiny, about 1.2 inches to 1/10,000th of an inch. They are estimated to be between 20,000 years and 318,000 years old.
Gear dating 300,000,000 years? In Southern Siberia in the Khakasis region, a truly shocking find was made. In a coal mine, a gear shift was found inside some coal, suggesting the gear is as old as the coal that formed. It was found to be made of 98% aluminum and 2% magnesium, implicating that the object was artificially made.
Tunguska: In the Siberia region in 1908, an explosion that was felt 40 miles out from ground zero. In the end, it was estimated 800 square miles of forest were obliterate by what is believed to be a space rock detonating in the sky above the forest, therefore no impact crater was found
Almas (singular)/Almases/Almasty (plural): The Russian version of the Sasquatch is reported most often in the southern portion of Mongolia. They are not reported as tall as our Sasquatch, measuring in around five and six and a half feet tall. They are reported by witnesses a being covered in reddish brown hair and living in a feral state in the forests. Their reported pronounced brow ridges have been compared with Neanderthals.
Angry ancient figurine: A fisherman hauled in this 12-inch tall figurine dating 4000 years old. It was fossilized and believed to have been a figure of a pagan god found in a region known for ancient finds.
Giant stone megalith: It is believed this site might date back more than a hundred thousand years ago! Scientists are playing it safe by saying it could be an ancient structure by some civilization with advanced knowledge or it was done by nature. Duh! Researchers did come to believe it might be an ancient powerhouse because of the way it was constructed, vertical plates of the capacitor blocked by horizontal blocks.
Genrikh Ludvig: In the 1930s, this Russian inventor and designer of military technology, was perhaps the most enlightened man of his entire generation, perhaps even ours. He spoke 20 languages fluently, including ancient ones. He told his students of the Vatican's knowledge of extraterrestrials, told of an ancient fiery pillar that killed off the ancient civilization, that the pyramids were energy machines, and was fascinated with the Sumerians and the Etruscan civilization. He died in 1973, and hopefully many of his notes will be reviewed and released.
Siberian Ice Maiden "Altay Princess": From 5th century BC, this mummified lady was found in a subterranean burial chamber. This tomb was on the border of China. She was buried with food and with her horses, facing east. Her skin still showed tattoos of deer shapes. She was buried in a beautiful gown and leggings and a 3-foot tall headdress, a fur, a mirror, and deer figurines. Interestingly, DNA testing proved her to not be of Asian descent as the Altai's in the area. For now, they are just calling her Samoyed, of Russian indigenous descent, but still no one has said if her DNA matches that potential lineage.
Ex-KGB agent Vasily Yeremenko disclosed information suggesting the Soviets have known about aliens for several decades. Yeremenko, who was an Air Force supervisor, revealed details of assignments and large-scale paranormal probes during the Soviet era.
In 1983, The Ministry of Defence and KGB joined forces to carry out tests at a military training site in the Vladimirovka region. The site was deliberately chosen as it has long been claimed that UFOs respond to military activity.
“We dramatically increased the number of military flights and movement of equipment. If the intensity on our side increased, UFOs appeared with the probability of 100 percent”, Yeremenko explained.
“We can say that we learned to summon UFOs in Vladimirovka”.
The paranormal investigations looked into the phenomenon of UFO sightings and extraterrestrial life, subjects often seen as a taboo ‘non-Science’ for many years.
The turning point came in the late 1970s, when it was reported that a vast number of civilians from the city Petrozavodsk. The event, named the Petrozavodsk Phenomenon, documents the reported sighting of a glowing object that showered rays over the city in North West Russia.
Yeremenko expressed that such phenomenon raise many questions, but many are afraid to ask. “Pilots often see such objects, but they have a veto on this topic, so do astronauts”, he said.
“In confidential conversations they talk about their experiences meeting with UFOs, but they are afraid to speak publicly about this”.
Since information of these projects has been revealed, there have been more reports of sightings in the former Soviet country.
Last year, video footage surfaced of a UFO, a mysterious orb of light, floating down a road near an industrial site. The CCTV recording has sparked more speculation around paranormal activity in Russia. The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 has meant information from the X-Files is slowly being uncovered.
“The UFO topic today is ubiquitous”, said Yeremenko.
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UFO-Cow Abduction NEW video evidence
UFO-Cow Abduction NEW video evidence
When we first hear about alien abductions, it is easy to dismiss the entire idea as crazy or unprovable nonsense. However, after doing a little research into the matter, you will find that there is actually a lot of evidence that supports their occurrence. Since the late 1950s, there have literally been millions of claims from people worldwide of being taken by extraterrestrial beings, often onboard a craft and into some kind of operating room where various invasive medical procedures are carried out. Some key similarities found in the majority of abduction claims include: hours of missing time, gaps in memory, mysterious injuries/scars/implants, disorientation, reproductive issues, and other post-traumatic stress symptoms. On the other hand, there have been many reported cases of friendly contact encounters, but these cases do not usually include a forceful experience where they are taken against their will.
The goal of this article is to present you with powerful video evidence and testimony from authoritative researchers and those with firsthand experiences so you can be better informed about this important subject. This article was not created to promote fear — but rather to give an examination of the abduction experience as reported by many people. While there have been friendly and joyful contact experiences with extraterrestrials, some of these encounters have not been so pleasant. I feel it is important that we are informed about all possibilities since this is such an important issue that we still have a lot to learn about.
Abductions are said to take place involving men, women, and children regardless of age, culture, or religious backgrounds. Whether in a car, bedroom or backyard, alien abductions have been reported as both isolated and repeated incidents, where people actually go missing for hours at a time and return without conscious memory of what happened. This is a very disturbing phenomenon that receives little attention because of the ridicule and stigma surrounding it. However, the implications for these types of activities taking place are very serious and should not be so casually discarded. If this is really happening, it’s is something we need to look at objectively to understand what is really going on and why.
To begin, let us watch this short video that shows a cow being lifted in the sky into a mysterious “cloud” that quickly disappears. The footage was supposedly shot in 1983 by a farmer in Argentina and provides a rare glimpse as to what an abduction may actually look like. It is claimed that the cow was found the next day back in the pasture, dead and drained of all its blood. Notice that the “cloud” looks strangely like a disc-shaped UFO that seems to be masking itself. Some have claimed that the video is not authentic, but either way, it is very interesting footage that I think is worth your time.
16-07-2014 om 11:48
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 1/5 - (1 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
UFO Occupant Waves to Wiltshire Woman in Early UK Close Encounter Case
UFO Occupant Waves to Wiltshire Woman in Early UK Close Encounter Case
“On a summer’s afternoon, in either 1948 or 1949, my mother, Brenda, was walking with our dog and myself in the area we called simply ‘The Field’ at the back of our housing estate… in what was then the outskirts of Chippenham in Wiltshire [England]. Whilst there, she saw an unusual, occupied aircraft…
So began a handwritten letter addressed to the author; tidy and succinct, it documented a mother and daughter’s close encounter with a peculiar flying object, piloted by apparently non-human beings. Many years later, the daughter, Karen – a mere toddler at the time of the incident – solicited from her mother, Brenda, a detailed description of what they had both witnessed that day, making a written record of her response.
Brenda had no trouble in recalling the details:
“We were walking through ‘The Field’ when this aircraft came out of nowhere and stopped nearby. There were two beings inside, sat facing one another. The aircraft was like a boat with a see-though cover. The two beings inside were neat and compact; they were dressed in grey and had helmets with a sort of crest on top. They were looking towards us, then one of them raised a hand as if he were waving. Then the aircraft just went.”
Through further conversation with her mother, Karen was able to establish that: “there was no accompanying sound or scent with the aircraft; that it was in view for no more than three minutes; it was about nine feet long, and stopped approximately fifteen yards away at bungalow-roof height; there were no trains on the track nearby at the time; and that the area was otherwise deserted.” Their dog, incidentally, “was interested in the aircraft, but was not alarmed.”
Regarding her nondescript recounting of the object’s departure, beyond stating that “it just went,” Brenda had difficulty expressing the character of its movement: “She said that it didn’t exactly vanish instantly, it just ‘went’ very rapidly,” Karen related.
After examining the details of this previously undocumented report, I was keen to establish the accuracy of its content, and to gauge the sincerity of its writer. Speaking with her by telephone, I found Karen to be charming and genuine – an intelligent and well-spoken woman whose bewilderment at the event described was evident nearly sixty years on. What, then, to make of her story?
It was obvious that Karen had no prior interest in UFOs, and no ufological knowledge of which to speak, and at no time had she or her mother sought to publicise their experience. Indeed, the witnesses’ names as written here – ‘Brenda’ and ‘Karen’ – are pseudonyms, a reflection of Karen’s continuing desire for anonymity (their real names and backgrounds are known to me). The event, as recalled by Brenda, was described in considerable detail; the shape and dimensions of the object, as well as its aerial position in relation to the witnesses all were clearly recalled, so too the basic physical appearance of its occupants (including their attire). Incidental information such as nearby rail traffic (or lack thereof), and the reactions of their dog, was similarly noted.
During our telephone conversation, Karen told me that her mother had always been a ‘no nonsense’ sort of lady, and had been reluctant to speculate about the precise nature of the ‘aircraft,’ or about the possible origin of its occupants. Sadly, Brenda passed away a few years ago, but despite her apparent nonchalance at what she and her daughter had witnessed, she had always acknowledged the high-strangeness of the event: “She said that she realised that what she was seeing was ‘something very different,’” Karen wrote in her letter, “but that she wasn’t alarmed or afraid. She felt the beings were friendly.”
Unbeknownst to her, what Karen had reported was a typical close encounter of the third kind(CE3 – which refers to any sighting of a UFO at close quarters (within 500 feet of the witness/s), during which accompanying occupants are also observed. Though many thousands of such encounters have been reported over the decades, Karen’s has considerable ufological significance in that it stands as one of the earliest CE3s on record in the modern (post-1947) UFO era, not only in the United Kingdom, but anywhere in the world.
Enormous crater appears suddenly in part of Russia whose name translates as ‘the end of the world’
“And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.” Revelation 9:1,2
To put it mildly, scientists around the world are baffled and flocking to a remote region in Russia to investigate why an enormous hole hundreds of feet deep has suddenly appeared in the Yamal Peninsula region of northern Russia by Siberia. To further cause excitement, the name ‘Yamal’ translates out top mean “the end of the world”.
The crater has appeared in Yamal – a part of Siberia whose name translates as ‘the end of the world’
An urgent expedition will leaves tomorrow to probe a giant crater that has appeared in gas-rich northern Siberia. Extraordinary aerial images show a mysterious hole which experts say may be up to 262 feet wide, in the Yamal Peninsula of northern Russia.
‘A scientific team has been sent to investigate the hole and is due to arrive at the scene on Wednesday,’ The Siberian Times has reported. The cause of the hole’s sudden appearance in Yamal – which translates as ‘the end of the world’ – in the far north of Siberia is not yet known.
There has been web speculation about the crater indicating ‘the arrival of a UFO craft’. Experts say that the darkening around the inner rim of the crater indicates ‘severe burning’ which scorched its edges.
Missouri Mutual UFO Network Assistant State Director and Star Team Investigator Larry Jordan interviewed witnesses and examined sites on July 13 where three credible witnesses saw a UFO and had strange experiences. .
Artist's rendering of the bottom of the object based on witness descriptions.
Kansas City, Missouri, July 15, 2014
Retired airline pilot Barry Powell, Joplin Globe Technical Operations Manager and retired policeman John Cruzan and health technician Traci Cruzan of south Joplin, Missouri had a close encounter with an Unidentified flying object on the evening of July 8, 2014.
On July 8 at 9:15 p.m. Barry Powell was walking his dog in front of his house when he noticed a quarter-sized object with orange lights in the sky north of his location. As the object approached from a high altitude to a low altitude on a straight-line trajectory Barry realized that it was no standard aircraft. The object was very large, teardrop in shape with multiple orange, blue, and yellow lights underneath.
As John Cruzan and his wife Traci rounded the corner in their Jeep, Powell flagged them down. The two jumped out of their vehicle just as the object was flying an estimated 300' or less overhead. The three witnesses said that the object was approximately one acre wide and one acre in length. They said that there was absolutely no sound or vibration coming from the object whatsoever, and that this concerned them.
Powell said “I know what different aircraft sound like and there should have been a engine sound but there was none. And what was keeping that thing in the air? There were no wings or tail and it was flying too slow to be airborne.”
The witnesses all said they felt like the situation was surreal. Barry Powell said that there was no sound in the area as he watched the object overhead, yet John Cruzan heard Powell's dog barking at the object. The neighborhood dogs all barked at the object as it flew over the homes in the area.
The three witnesses watched the object go down behind trees and thought that it may have landed in a nearby cow pasture. They jumped in the Jeep and raced to the field which is approximately one mile away from their homes. As the three pulled to the side of the road next the vehicle's warning beep started to go off. There were no doors open to cause the sound. John shone a large bright flashlight into the field but the flashlight went very dim. He had a difficult time getting the Jeep in to gear, which never happened before. Finally, he got the jeep to move on, then turned around but when they arrived at the same spot the vehicle's warning beep again went off and the flashlight went dim again. The next day, the radio's presets were all gone.
Missouri MUFON investigators found anomalous Electro-magnetic Field readings on the ground at the site as well as the top of the Cruzan's vehicle. More investigative techniques will be used in the near future including testing of trees and grass at the site.
The three witnesses decided to go public in an effort to get answers to what they saw. Missouri MUFON requests that any other witnesses to this event or similar events contact Margie Kay at 816-833-1602 or Media may contact Margie.
Extra information about the article:
Artist's rendering of the bottom of the object based on witness descriptions
Dozens of people witnessed a fleet of multi-colored UFOs in Austria this week, and one couple snapped a picture before the fast moving objects disappeared.
According to the Austrian Times, the UFOs were spotted over the Aichfeld basin near the town of Knittelfeld in the southern Austrian state of Styria. Witnesses reported there to be 50 to 100 objects flying in formation at a very high rate of speed.
The town of Knittelfeld in the southern Austrian state of Styria. (Credit: David Bauer/Wikimedia Commons)
Among the witnesses were Juergan Trieb and his girlfriend Waltraud Kaliba, who were able to take a picture before the objects sped off.
Image of the UFOs seen in Knittelfeld, Austria. (Credit: Juergan Trieb and Waltraud Kaliba/Austrian Times)
Kaliba told the Austrian Times, “At first we thought it might be some kind of natural phenomenon, but when we realize they were flying in formation and travelling around 400 mph it was clear that it could not be dismissed as something natural. The strange thing was that despite the bright lights there was no noise at all from the objects.”
Local media contacted Austrian air traffic controllers who said they were aware of the reports, but declined to comment on what they thought the witnesses might have seen. However, they did say they currently have no reason to believe the sightings were a hoax.
The Austrian Times notes the Aichfeld basin is a hot spot for UFO activity and “mysterious atmospheric phenomena,” but neither scientists nor UFO researchers know why.
In 1982 a 67 year old woman saw a picture of “ET”, Steven Spielberg’s cute alien creation. It made her think of an experience she had as a 15 year old girl, near the estuary at Mandurah, Western Australia. She supplied a report to the Perth UFO Research Group which stated:
“(In 1930 I was) sitting reading with my parents in a humpy, on a block in Mandurah, in Greary Rd, by the light of a hurricane lamp, with the door partly open. The time (was…) about 8 pm as we went to bed early. “A little pink creature walked in. (It was) about 24 inches in height (with) large ears, big bulbous eyes, covered with a film, small hands, large feet, slit of a mouth, no hair, and shiny as if wet or oily. “We were terrified and my father went white and being a religious man said it was the work of the devil. “Picking up a prawning net, he picked it up in it and it made a noise like ‘EE…EE’ and my father put it outside. We never saw it again and went to bed feeling very scared. This was in 1930 and I never thought any more about it until I saw a picture of ‘ET,’ although only its eyes were the same. … It did not have a round body, more straight down like a child’s body. I cannot remember seeing any sex organs… It’s shape was like an elf.
Location: Suresnes, Hauts-de-Seine France Date: Summer 1989
Time: near midnight
On a hot humid night, 3 witnesses were sitting and talking in a parking lot on Rue des Carrieres just across from one of the men’s home. As they talked they became distracted by a strange noise coming from behind them. One of… the men turned around to see an individual coming up the street, at about 80 meters away. The witnesses realized that the sound they were hearing was coming from his “breathing.” As the individual came closer, the sound became more audible and they began to scrutinize the stranger’s appearance. The distance was only about 10 to 15 meters now. The figure was about 2 meters tall, or more, all-dark blue in color. He wore large boots and matching gloves of a darker color, which was attached to his suit. A dark diver’s helmet that also covered his face covered his head, and his complexion appeared to be black and smooth. His breathing was regular, identical in intensity, and loud, perfectly synchronized every 4 or 5 seconds. The figure took quick steps in an erect position, with arms and legs movements fast paced, more than normal, and very strict and synchronized. As he walked by the witnesses these attempted to attract his attention by making sounds and whistling, but the figure never reacted to it and ignored them. He continued his fast pace until he was lost from sight inside a darkened street.
HC addendum Source: GREPI
Type: E Comments: As per direct witness communication, both of the witnesses suffered from impotency for several days after the encounter.
Strange encounters in Gum Creek, South Australia, 1964
For more high strange Location: Gum Creek, South Australia Date: February 3 1964
Time: 02:00 a.m.
Doris Player, who had already had a long series of strange experiences together with her husband at the time, woke to find her bedroom brilliantly illuminated by a light that came in through the window; then, at about 30 ft away there appeared a man about 5’4” tall wh…o was holding a black box about 18” square & pointing it like a camera at the garden. It gave a buzz & a click. Then he pointed it at her, with the same sounds. He wore blue-green overalls, with a brown jacket with 3 large buttons; on his head was a brown balaclava helmet, with a cord down to his left shoulder. On his hands were elbow-length black gloves. His face was red, with a big nose. The witness heard footsteps outside; then she saw on the bed “a ring with a pale silver color inside it.” She tried to speak, but could not. Then the light and the man disappeared. The witness later became a Contactee.
Humcat 1964-2
Source: Keith Basterfield & John Burford, Colin Norris & Colin McCarthy
Type: E
43. Location: Gum Creek South Australia Date: February 19 1964
Time: unknown
The witness (Doris Player) to the previous case observed a yellow glowing “scout craft” approach & hover very close to her house, making a “tick-a-tick” sound. Inside a transparent dome was visible a man standing at a “wooden railing.”
Humcat 1964-3 Source: Keith Basterfield & The South Australia UFO Research
In August 2005, a tiny mummified body was found in the ancient Persian village of Makhunik in what is now Iran. The discovery caused an international sensation when researchers reported that the remains belonged to an adolescent dwarf and that excavations of the ancient town revealed architecture that suggested it was a city of little people. The story has now resurfaced, following a report in PressTV, and is making its way rapidly around alternative news sites. Here we explore whether an ancient city of dwarfs really existed, or whether it is all just media sensation.
According to The Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies, the discovery of the tiny mummy followed two months of illegal excavations in the historical fortress of Gudiz in Kerman province near Shahdad city, which dates back to time of the Sassanid Empire (224 to 651 AD), the last Iranian empire before the rise of Islam. The mummy was seized after the smugglers attempted to sell it for more than 3 million U.S. dollars in German
The 25-centimetre long mummy was well-preserved and covered by a thin layer, which was initially believed to be materials used for mummification, but was later confirmed to be the individual’s skin. Initial analyses carried out by a forensic team estimated that the individual was 16 – 17 years old at the time of death.
The discovery quickly added fuel to rumours already in existence about a dwarf city in Kerman province, with parallels being drawn to the ‘Lilliput City’ described in Jonathan Swift’s famous novel, Gulliver’s Travels. Reports started filtering through of homes and buildings excavated in the ancient village with walls only 80 centimetres high.
An illustration from Gulliver’s Travels, depicting Lilliput, the land of little people. /Image source:
Iran Daily added to the sensation by claiming that the ancient village in which the mummy was found did not date to the Sassanid era, but was actually a 5,000-year-old ‘City of Dwarfs’.
“A significant aspect about Shahdad is the strange architecture of the houses, alleys and equipment discovered. The walls, ceiling, furnaces, shelves and all the equipment could only be used by dwarfs,” reported the Iran Daily. “After a lapse of 5,000 years since the departure of dwarfs from the city, a large swathe of this prehistoric region lies buried in soil and the migration of Shahdad’s dwarfs remains clouded in mystery.”
The buildings were found to have low walls, only suitable for dwarves, according to Iran Daily.
Archaeologists were quick to debunk the rumours of the existence of such a city in the province: “The 38-year archaeological excavations in Shahdad city deny any dwarf city in the region. The remained houses which their walls are 80 centimetres high were originally 190 centimetres. Some of the remained walls are 5 centimetres high, therefore should we claim that the people who live in these houses were 5 centimetres tall?” said Mirabedin Kaboli, head of archaeological excavations in Shahdad city.
Other experts ruled out the possibility that the mummy proves that Makhunik was a city of dwarfs, but stopped short of dispelling local legend of such a city altogether: “Even if it is proved that the corpse belongs to a dwarf, we cannot say for sure that the region of its discovery in Kerman province was the city of dwarfs,” said Javadi, archaeologist of the Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization of Kerman province.
Several months after the discovery, Payvand Iran News reported that anthropological studies revealed the small mummy was actually 400-years-old and did not belong to a dwarf at all but to a premature baby that had been mummified through natural processes.
The skeleton belongs to a premature baby who, due to regional conditions and its burial method, has been mummified under natural processes,” said Farzad Forouzanfar, an anthropologist of the Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization of Iran.
So what can we conclude about Makhunik and the tiny mummy? It appears that much of the media reporting regarding the case has been spurred on by rumour and misrepresented through sensationalism. It seems most probable, the mummy is the naturally preserved remains of a baby, as anthropological studies revealed. Nevertheless, it is curious that legends of “little people” do not just exist in Iran but can be found in many cultures around the world.
Lost History of the Little People
According to Dr Susan Martinez, author of ‘The History of the Little People: Their Spiritually Advanced Civilizations around the World’, an ancient race of people who were small in stature once inhabited the Earth. She refers to legends and stories from many cultures, such as the dwarf gods of Mexico and Peru, the Menhune of Hawaii, the Nunnehi of the Cherokee, as well as African Pygmies and the Semang of Malaysia, and draws upon discoveries of tiny tunnel networks, small coffins, low doorways in mounds, and pygmy-sized huts, as evidence of this ancient race.
While Dr Martinez’s work has attracted both criticism and scepticism, others have been more open to the idea: “Tales and legends of the wee folk, or little people, are numerous around the world. At times they are reportedly meddlesome, but always very mysterious. Through her extensive research into the subject matter, Susan Martinez, Ph.D., establishes the little people as the progenitor of civilization and one of the ancestors of the people of today,” said researcher and author Jack Churchward. Featured image: The small mummy found in 2005. Photo source: PressTV
Open Minds UFO Radio: Margie Kay is a paranormal and UFO investigator, author, and national speaker. Margie is the assistant state director of Missouri MUFON, where they have been experiencing an increase in UFO sightings for the past few years. She will speak to us about some of her recent cases and where the sightings seem to be concentrated. She will also talk to us about a remarkable sighting report from 1969 they recently received, and her ideas about the links between UFO sightings and other paranormal phenomena.
The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) formed a STAR Team Investigation after more than 25 UFO reports from Texas over the weekend appeared to be describing the same object, according to STAR Team Manager Fletcher Gray.
“We organized to cover all of the cases as a single investigation,” Gray said. “MUFON is looking at all possibilities including a meteor. All we know for certain is that the object was visible for roughly 10 seconds on the night of July 12, 2014, and at about 9:10 p.m. plus/minus five minutes. The object moved from east to west at a high rate of speed, was initially seen as a single, very bright light that split into two lights, and no noise was heard. Over 25 reports have come in from almost all areas of Texas as well as Louisiana.”
Director of Research Robert Powell was investigating the meteor theory.
“This appears to have been a large meteor than entered the atmosphere somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico south of Louisiana and then burned out just south of the Dallas-Forth Worth area as it broke into two pieces,” Powell said. “A MUFON witness in Burleson and one in Mansfield described it as going directly overhead so they should have been closest to the meteor.”
Powell referenced a meteor tracking web site.
“Here is a link to 50-plus reports to a meteor site that shows locations and directions of the witnesses. This matches very well with the 20+ reports that we’ve received.”
A map of Texas showing where the sighting reports were coming from based on MUFON reports. (Credit: Cassidy Nicholas)
MUFON Associate Producer Cassidy Nicholas produced a list of the 29 MUFON cases filed by July 14, 2014. The MUFON investigation continues.
8:30-9 p.m., Case 57951, Round Rock, Williamson Co. Two bright lights, sudden disappearance.
8:45 p.m., Case 58011, Cypress, Harris Co. Bluish white ball, super speed, traveling west, split in two.
8:50 p.m., Case 57963, Premont, Jim Wells Co. Police officer, High rate of speed, thought may be a bottle rocket. Cylinder shape with two green lights.
9 p.m., Case 57950, Austin, Travis Co. East to west, quick, two lights separated, “Passed horizon in a matter of seconds!”
9 p.m., Case 57986, Cherokee, San Saba Co. Saturn-like, high speed.
9 p.m., Case 57965, Mansfield, Tarrant Co. Separated into two.
9 p.m., Case 57957, Burleson, Johnson Co. Two bright lights, one disappeared, other continued.
9 p.m., Case 57985, Austin, Travis Co. Quickly moving light, less than 500 feet. Separated into two lights. Disappeared
9:06 p.m., Case 57958, Katy, Fort Bend Co. Two glowing orbs, fast, no sound. One green, one white. SSE-NNE
9:07 p.m., Case 57959, Austin, Travis Co. East to west, very bright light, 4-6 seconds to cross sky eyeshot. Split into two, Disappeared.
9:08 p.m., Case 57942, Manor, Travis Co. Very bright light. Super Fast, split into two.
9:10 p.m., Case 57984, Mansfield, Anderson Co. Oval, split into two.
9:10 p.m., Case 57962, Denton, Denton Co. Two lights faded away Green in color. SE-SW
9:10 p.m., Case 57939, Austin, Travis Co. Light, split into two, tracked NE to N upward.
9:10 p.m., Case 57955, Katy, Fort Bend Co. Sphere, broke into two, disappeared.
9:10 p.m., Case 57952, College Station, Brazos Co. Disc, split into two.
9:10 p.m., Case 57946, Nocogdoches, Nocogdoches Co. Less than 100 feet. Bright light east to west. Two ends, two lights, cylinder.
9:10 p.m., Case 57964, Paris, Lamar Co. Two viewed, disappeared.
9:10 p.m., Case 57943, Nocogdoches, Nocogdoches Co. East to west, two solid lights, fast.
9:10 p.m., Case 57941, Georgetown, Williamson Co. Two solid white lights, very fast.
9:15 p.m., Case 57949, Austin, Travis Co. Split into two.
9:15 p.m., Case 57940, Manvel, Brazoria Co. Blue orb split into two.
9:15 p.m., Case 57948, Wimberry, Hays Co. Bright light divided into two, disappeared.
9:15 p.m., Case 57945, Mesquite, Dallas Co. Green colored orb, split in two.
9:15 p.m., Case 57977, Spring, Harris Co. Fast moving sphere, separates.
9:20 p.m., Case 57980, Lago Vista, Travis, Co. Bright light coming from east, (Lago Vista West of Austin). Moving fast, two lights, no sound. Turned up at an angle. Silver cylinder, bright lights at both sides.
9:25 p.m., Case 57947, Thorndale, Milam Co. Green lights, disappeared.
9:30 p.m., Case 57944, Round Mountain, Blanco Co. Split in two, disappeared.
10 p.m., Case 57982, Houston, Montgomery Co. Fast moving green blue orb, split in two, disappeared.
Earth’s magnetic field is weakening, and may be getting set to flip–in just a few thousand years north will become south and south will become north, LiveScience reports. But before it can do that, the magnetic field may wander around a bit. Right now, say scientists with the European Space Agency, the Earth’s magnetic north pole seems to be wandering over to Siberia.
The strength of the Earth’s magnetic field is always changing, with patches of stronger or weaker shielding found across the planet. Right now, the weakest spots hover above the Western Hemisphere, whereas places around the Indian Ocean have been growing stronger. The wobbles in magnetic field strength, says LiveScience, could mean that the planet’s magnetic field is entering a period of flux that will last up to a few thousand years and may ultimately end in a flipping of Earth’s magnetic poles.
Researchers with the European Space Agency noticed the abnormalities in the Earth’s magnetic field strength while analyzing data collected by magnetometers attached to a new three-satellite system called Swarm. Here’s LiveScience:
Previously, researchers estimated the field was weakening about 5 percent per century, but the new data revealed the field is actually weakening at 5 percent per decade, or 10 times faster than thought. As such, rather than the full flip occurring in about 2,000 years, as was predicted, the new data suggest it could happen sooner.
The data, LiveScience continues, suggest that in the shorter term the magnetic North Pole might eventually relocate closer to Siberia. The magnetic north pole is currently drifting south at around 25 miles per year, says Al Jazeera, “and scientists predict it could travel from its current position in North America to Asia within a few decades.”
Researchers aren’t sure why things seem to be expedited, although the process–known as a geomagnetic reversal–is a natural one that has occurred many times before. The shift in the magnetic field is caused by the flux of molten metal contained beneath the Earth’s surface, LiveScience explains.
Regardless of how fast the flip is happening – or if it’s happening at all – humans likely have nothing to fear. No evidence exists that previous changes have resulted in any harm to species or to the planet through increased radiation damage (the magnetic field prevents cosmic radiation from bombarding the Earth). – Smithsonian Mag
I’ve been reading into paranormal stories and decided I’d make a throw away for my previous experiences. I have quite a few and want to share them in hopes of figuring them out. Not quite sure if this is the right sub though.
This instance was when I was walking through a crowded mall in broad daylight when I happened to look at a man walking past me who seemed to be covered in murky green, fading to pale yellow reptile scales. His nose and ears were not human, but had only a slight protrusion with slits for nostrils and small slits for ears. His eyes looked human, but dull and tired like someone with cataracts. He was dressed as a normal, middle aged man would (golf shirt, old windbreaker, and khakis) but his face and hands stood out to me. When I turned around to have another look he was gone.
Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? I did a quick Google search only to find simply flaky skinned people, nothing like actual reptile scales. – Reddit
Scientists baffled by gigantic 262ft hole in Siberia
- Enormous crater appears suddenly in part of Russia whose name translates as ‘the end of the world’ - Teams of scientists are rushing east to fathom the cause of this unusual – and rare – geographical occurrence - One especially outlandish theory talks about a UFO landing as a possible cause of this colossal chasm in the earth
An urgent expedition will leave tomorrow to probe a giant crater that has appeared in gas-rich northern Siberia.
Extraordinary aerial images show a mysterious hole which experts say may be up to 262 feet wide, in the Yamal Peninsula of northern Russia.
‘A scientific team has been sent to investigate the hole and is due to arrive at the scene on Wednesday,’ The Siberian Times has reported. Read more at Daily Mail
Swimmers and sunbathers ran for cover as huge chunks of ice the size of golf balls rained down on them.
The eastern Siberian city of Novosibirsk played host to a freak hailstorm on Saturday, turning an otherwise ideallic day at the beach in to a scene from an apocalyptic disaster movie within the space of just a few minutes.
Beachgoers were left flabbergasted when a torrent of huge hailstones suddenly started to rain down from the heavens despite the hot summer temperatures. Many people ran for cover while shielding themselves from the onslaught while others attempted to cram together underneath a beach umbrella in the hope that it would protect them from the ice.
The hailstones weren’t the only freak weather to hit Siberia’s summertime this weekend either – in parts of Russia’s Ural region there were reports of sudden blizzards and snowdrifts while temperatures plummeted from 20 degrees to near freezing within the space of a few hours. – RT
Eerste graancirkel van het jaar verschijnt van de ene op de andere dag in Dorset
Eerste graancirkel van het jaar verschijnt van de ene op de andere dag in Dorset
Het graancirkelseizoen in Engeland is weer begonnen. De eerste formatie is verschenen in een weiland in de buurt van Blandford Forum in het graafschap Dorset. Lokale bewoners hebben geen idee wie of wat de graancirkels heeft gemaakt.
Het patroon, met een doorsnee van meer dan 120 meter, bestaat uit geometrische lijnen en cirkels. De graanformatie is van de ene op de andere dag ontstaan, melden Britse media. Hoewel sommigen geloven dat graancirkels worden gemaakt door grappenmakers, denken anderen dat de mysterieuze vormen het werk zijn van buitenaardsen.
De heer Williams uit Avebury in Wiltshire zei: “Afgelopen zomer hebben we weinig graancirkels gezien, maar deze prachtige formatie maakt alles goed. De eerste graancirkel van het seizoen markeert het begin van een geweldige Britse zomer.”
Williams gelooft niet in het paranormale en werd eerder veroordeeld omdat hij zelf graancirkels had gemaakt. In 2000 heeft Williams de oogst van een boer uit Marlborough in Wiltshire beschadigd door graancirkels te maken. Hij kreeg een boete van 100 pond. Al snel ging hij op zoek naar een andere hobby omdat hij last heeft van hooikoorts.
Vorig jaar zijn er maar 15 graancirkels verschenen in Wiltshire, tegen 50 een jaar eerder. De formaties trekken veel toeristen aan, die in de graancirkels tot ergernis van veel boeren een buitenlichamelijke ervaring willen beleven.
Publisher's Note:UFO Digest Editor Robert D Morinngstar contributed this article of interest. It was published on the website and was written by George Knapp, Chief Investigative Reporter.
LAS VEGAS – A tour bus carrying visitors to the edge of the top secret Area 51 military base has done something that many people have only fantasized about doing. It crossed the line and entered the base.
The driver and his four passengers learned a quick lesson about how serious Area 51 is about its boundary and its security. And the entire incident was captured on video.
In the 25 years since I-Team reports first put the once unknown base on the map, tens of thousands of curious people have trekked out to take a peek.
A few strayed over the line, on purpose, and were quickly scooped up. As far as we know, this is the first intrusion caught entirely on video and it nearly caused the tours to be shut down.
Area 51's years in obscurity ended in 1989 when news reports about classified projects at the Nevada base set off a stampede of UFO seekers, aviation watchers, and media. The base is still a favored location for classified military projects, so security is justifiably tight.
Motion detectors, high-tech cameras, the ominous cammo dudes and warning signs, which declare deadly force is authorized. The signs themselves have become photo ops, the money shot for guided outings like those operated for 15 years by Adventure Photo Tours.
“Some of them are just curious. They don't know what it's about. Others believe they have been abducted. Other people believe they are aliens and they want to go back out there to hopefully get back home. We get all kinds of people,” Adventure Photo Tours co-owner Donna Tryon said.
Tryon says the typical tour includes stops at main shrines of Area 51 lore: the ET highway sign, the Little A'le'inn, and the holy of holies, the very edge of the base itself.
My boss and friend, a very credible business man, called me tonight around 10pm. He had just left the shop and was leaving the industrial park approaching a red light when he notices what he said looked like a ball of fire. Before I continue with his description, I would first like to say that he is a very reserved, logical and practical man. He is very familiar with aircrafts and aviation through his hobbies. He has little to no time for interest in things outside of normal reality like this. And thus, when he called me, was hesitant to describe this until I think I broke the ice with the word “UFO” and then I heard that comfort in his voice as if it was assuring him I would not think him crazy for what he was about to tell me. So he’s approaching the red light when he notices this fireball in the sky.
At first he thought it was a star by initial glance but immediately realized it was moving at an incredible rate when it then slowed down very quickly to a point of “almost” hovering (I believe he really wanted to say it stopped and hovered but wanted to hold some level of reservation even in his awe). This is when he noticed that it had what he called a “sparkler effect” almost as if the same look as sparklers you see people waving on the 4th of July and such, coming from what he assumed was the back end based on its direction. He had with him a good digital camera and snapped this photo. The bright light on the left is a street light – the small cigar shaped orange object in the center is the UFO. He says he pulled over and got the camera rather quickly, however, he is not very familiar with the hardware and originally intended on taking video footage, but in haste and fear of losing a shot entirely, took this photo as is without zooming or anything.
So he pulled the car over and took this photo. He says he believes in the time that he grabbed the camera it began moving in a new direction again and thinks it looks cylindrical like that because it was in motion. Right after taking the photo, he looked down at the camera to make sure a picture had actually taken and when he looked back up a second later it was gone. He doesn’t know if it disappeared or flew away, but it happened so fast that that aspect alone amazed him as much as the sighting in the first place. Judging by the picture, its saturation level is very bizarre – and it almost looks more like an illuminated object with a hard surface of little reflectivity rather than a light object or a highly reflective surface. He described it as spherical and a light source like fire. Very odd in comparison to the photo. Could this be a morphing ufo? I would assume that the streaking of an object in motion would have a faded tail, but I can’t tell which direction it’s going or if it even is moving.
It’s a perplexing photo to me really, and I’m sure it’s 100% legit. Just taking a photo and getting it to me in an email is the extent of his technological capabilities concerning tampering with a photo, not to mention his trustworthiness. Normally I’d say I have no fear or shame in attaching my name to this kind of stuff, but I don’t want my bosses reputation to be at any risk. If you have any questions send me an email and if there is a high interest I could see if he would be willing to share more under anonymity.
Ever since February 25th, 1942, and the incident that will forever be referred to as the “Battle of L.A.”, California has been the focus of a majority of the reported UFO sightings. Since the days of World War II there have been numerous reports of unknown aerial phenomena that defy the description of any known aircraft, yet were observed by multiple witnesses, military personnel, or other credible trained professionals.
Last month alone over two-thirds of sighting reports to MUFON worldwide were generated in California. So why is California of such interest to whoever or whatever the intelligence is behind these sightings, and what might be their ultimate goal? With many military bases, defense contractors, two nuclear power plants (one, San Onofre was just taken off-line and retired), and many miles of open spaces, there are many possibilities to think about. That’s not even considering all the reports of USO activity just off the California coast! So let’s break it down and see just what California has to offer the galactic neighborhood.
At the top of my list of possible reasons for all the added attention, is Los Angeles itself. Being the largest city on the west coast, the sheer size of the city and all the traffic that goes along with it has to be highly visible from space, and ultimately a source of great curiosity. As the terminus of so much air traffic, shipping, railroads, and freeways, you can bet that L.A. is more than just a blip on any observer’s radar. With MCAS El Toro to the south, Edwards A.F.B. to the east, and Lockheed Skunkworks in Palmdale, L.A. was host to some of the most exotic air traffic in the world anyway.
With an area of 163,694.74 square miles, California is the third largest state, with Alaska being the largest and Texas the second largest. The diversity of geographic features in the state could very well have something to do with the attraction as well. The longest fault line in the world, the San Andreas Fault, stretches the length of California for 700 miles as the crow flies, or 800 miles if its curves were straightened out! It has an average depth of 10 miles, and is thought to be around 28 million years old…plenty of time for many studies of it to be done by different cultures in the universe. Another notable feature is the Channel Islands. Many USO reports occur in the area, yet nothing is known about them due to our limit of penetrating our own oceans. We know more about space that we do the world under the waves of our own planet. Other notable geographic locations that have a high number of sightings are Mt. Shasta, Yosemite, and Lake Tahoe. In fact a very famous case written about by Noe Torres and Ruben Uriarte in their book “Aliens In the Forest”, deals with the 1964 case of Mr. Donald Shrum in the forest near Cisco Grove, who was “locked in a horrific 12-hour struggle with aliens that seemed bent on carrying him away to a fate worse than death.” Only Mr. Shrum’s quick wit, and skills as a hunter allowed him to defeat the attackers. I urge anyone who is not familiar with this case, and even those that have heard about it before, to order their book through
Another extremely viable reason for stopping off in California in my opinion, are the two nuclear power plants, resting conveniently right on the coastline. How much easier could it be? Face it, it you’re driving down the highway and you need to stop for gas, you look for an exit with a gas station right next to the freeway, not one blocks out of your way. Why should the occupants of UFOs be any different? Although San Onofre is now decommissioned and out of service (thank God!), Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant is nestled right on the coast just west of my home in San Luis Obispo. Being as it sits right on a fault line, I hope it too is not relicensed, and is instead decommissioned before there is a serious accident. I might add that while it has not been proven that UFOs “gas up” at nuclear power plants, there is definitely enough evidence to at least support giving the idea serious thought.
I would be remiss if I didn’t also add the many defense contractors into the equation. How can we say that there is NOT some sort of agreement, and perhaps people, “not of this world”, are helping them? What then? For years I was convinced that a sighting I had in 1979 had to be a craft from some distant world. The craft I saw was at least a mile long, about quarter as wide as it was long, and moved silently overhead at an altitude of about 200 feet, from the west going towards the east, before it took off into space at an impossible speed. I was so sure we didn’t have anything like it, and no technology even close to it. Now, knowing what I know, I’m not sure if what I saw came from Zeta Reticuli, or Palmdale. With all the claims of backwards engineering, and supposed cooperation with extraterrestrial races, how do we know whether what we are seeing is simply them or us?
Of course not everything that is reported is a UFO. It is still true that most of the cases reported can be easily identified by MUFON investigators as simply being either misidentified aircraft, or Chinese Lanterns, or some such easily resolved explanation. However, after clearing those out, there is still a large number of “unknown’s”. Around the end of spring and the beginning of summer, Southern California was plagued with Chinese Lanterns, which resurfaced on the fourth of July along with LED lit drones! Also attributing to the high volume of reports is MUFON’s office’s move to Newport Beach, along with the debut of the hit show “Hangar 1” on the History Channel’s H2 network.
When all these factors (although by no means are they the only factors) are considered, it quickly becomes obvious why an extraterrestrial observer might show more interest in California than other parts of the world.
Extra information about the article:
Ever since February 25th, 1942, and the incident that will forever be referred to as the “Battle of L.A.”, California has been the focus of a majority
Delen van Yellowstone National Park dicht nadat supervulkaan asfalt laat wegsmelten
Delen van Yellowstone National Park dicht nadat supervulkaan asfalt laat wegsmelten
In bepaalde delen van Yellowstone National Park worden geen toeristen meer toegelaten omdat de enorme ondergrondse supervulkaan onder het park het asfalt van de wegen laat smelten.
“De vulkaan heeft het asfalt min of meer in soep veranderd. De grindweg is veranderd in havermoutpap,” zei woordvoerder van Yellowstone National Park Dan Hottle. Hij voegde toe dat vooral de weg tussen Old Faithful, de populairste attractie van het park, en Madison Junction zwaar is beschadigd.
Parkmedewerkers raden wandelaars af het gebied te gaan verkennen. De kans dat er onder vaste grond kokend water kan zitten is ‘groot’. “Er zijn genoeg andere geweldige plekken in het park,” zei woordvoerder Al Nash. “Ik zou geen verwondingen riskeren om die geisers te zien tijdens de tijdelijke sluiting.”
Het asfalt van een weg smelt (AP/Yellowstone National Park)
Het is niet bekend wanneer de wegen weer worden vrijgegeven. Ieder jaar verwelkomt het park ongeveer drie miljoen bezoekers. De supervulkaan onder Yellowstone barstte 640.000 jaar geleden voor het laatst uit, zo blijkt uit gegevens van de Amerikaanse geologische dienst USGS.
Afgelopen jaar kwamen geologen tot de ontdekking dat de supervulkaan meer dan twee keer zo groot is dan voorheen werd gedacht. “De vulkaan is ongeveer 2,5 keer zo groot dan we dachten,” vertelde James Farrell van de Universiteit van Utah aan National Geographic. “Dat betekent niet dat hij groter wordt,” voegde hij toe. “We kunnen hem nu beter zien.”
University of California Scientists: ‘Camouflaged’ Aliens Live Among Us
Scientists of the University of California came up with an unusual hypothesis suggesting that space aliens have long settled on Earth and lived among us as observers.
Of course, there is no evidence of this, but according to ancient sources, including the Bible, our planet has been visited by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations since its inception.
In 2000 scientists of the University of California, led by Professor Jonathan Malkisom, held a press conference, during which the sensational news that representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations have long been among humans was reported. They adopted human appearance and closely monitor our every move.
“It’s like an extreme version of the camouflage found in some insects and animals. Moreover, according to historical records, there have been aliens on Earth from the beginning of creation,” says Adrian Kent of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Canada.
A confirmation of the words of the Canadian scientist can be found in the Book of Genesis, at the point where the confrontation of Jacob with the Almighty is described:
“And Jacob remained alone; and a man wrestled with him until the rising of the dawn.”
The ancient philosophers were always looking for the answer to the question whether beings arriving from the sky are members of the same tribe as the angels. But as a rule, the answer was no, since the arriving beings were mortal, while the angels live forever.
The question of extraterrestrial civilizations was openly and seriously discussed for the first time only in the twentieth century, especially after the CIA declassified a small part of the archive on the so-called Roswell case, when the U.S. militaries found a crashed flying saucer and delivered its parts to the base.
There is information that in addition to the unknown space object debris, the bodies of three aliens were found and taken to the base. The cause of the incident was the impact of ground radars on the navigation equipment of aliens.
According to another version, the UFO was hit by lightning.
There are reports that U.S. President John F. Kennedy, a few days before his death, asked the head of the CIA to provide all the materials about the incident, but he did not manage to access the most secret archives.
From the 1980′s, many people started claiming that they not only had seen the appearance of a UFO in the sky, but had been inside these objects, and even had come into contact with the aliens.
One of the most famous contactees is Bulgarian prophet Vanga:
“Sometimes one of the aliens takes my hand. They communicate only with a few inhabitants of our planet. They are constantly watching us,” said Vanga about her contacts with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations.
“The Earth is no longer an ‘intermediate base.’ They have settled here for a good long time now.”
In January 2011, British scientists announced the need to prepare for emergency meeting with an extraterrestrial civilization, and even suggested the foundation of a special committee at the UN.
While most people might write off UFO believers as deluded, conspiracy-theorist kooks, Jacobs isn’t your typical believer.
He was a tenured professor at Temple University, where he taught American history for 36 years before retiring in 2011. He’s a married father of two who lives in a picturesque, 134-year-old Victorian just over the Philadelphia line, in Wyndmoor. He makes his case with well-reasoned, articulate explanations and applies a scholarly approach to his research, which he has shared in four books – printed by well-known and academic publishers.
Jacobs has interviewed about 150 people who say they’ve been abducted by aliens, the forgotten details of their cosmic kidnappings resurfacing in relaxation sessions the self-taught hypnotist does in his home.
Citing public polls, he estimates that aliens have abducted more than a million Americans.
He readily admits that the evidence of extraterrestrial life and body-snatching is “weak,” muddied by an abundance of blurry photos and confabulation (phony or misinterpreted “memories”).
Yet he insists evidence exists:
* Abductees independently report similar experiences and recall common details, such as the humanlike or insectlike appearance of aliens and their mission to breed.
Many abductees told Jacobs that aliens stared deeply into their eyes, sometimes touching foreheads, in a neurological scan that enabled them to harvest human sperm and eggs. Women frequently claimed that aliens impregnated them, removed the alien-human hybrid fetuses from their wombs and forced the women to nurse the hybrid babies.
* People are physically absent during the time they say they were abducted, Jacobs said. Some families even have reported loved ones missing or seen them vanish, he added.
* Abductees sometimes are taken in groups; strangers who never met on Earth recall each other from their deep-space experiences, Jacobs said.
* People return with unusual marks, injuries or scars – including scar tissue that formed overnight, “a biological impossibility that I have seen myself,” he said.
His inconvenient truth
For years, Jacobs shunned speaking locally about alien abductions.
“I knew that it was embarrassing to the university,” he said, remembering one Temple donor who threatened to end his charity unless Jacobs quit teaching his UFO class, the only one like it in the country.
But he didn’t quit. Still, his beliefs carried a cost: Tenured in 1981, he said he was twice rejected for promotion and never became a full professor at Temple.
“I was not rewarded for my views,” Jacobs said. “But you do not often find yourself in the middle of a phenomenon that allows you to make a contribution to something that could be of unsurpassing importance in human history.”
Jacobs is among a small but surprising array of well-known folks who reportedly believe in extraterrestrial life, including former U.S. presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, former astronauts Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper, theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking and celebrities Mick Jagger, Dan Aykroyd, Muhammad Ali and William Shatner.
London : Chilean government has officially confirmed that flying saucer pictured in April, 2013 is a real UFO.
The government of the country declared it to be genuine UFO because no other explanation like clouds, aircraft, weather phenomena or drones could be placed in by the experts, The Daily Star reported. The mystery object was described as a “flattened disc of brilliant color with a diameter of five to ten meters (16 to 32 feet)” by the workers according to ANI.
The photos were sent to Chile’s Committee for the Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena (CEFAA) for analysis and their report described how the object “performed ascending, descending and horizontal movements in short lengths, about 600 meters above the ground”.
This is one of the best stories ever about a UFO shooting down a plane over the United States and very little has ever been reported or said about this story. I can tell you that this story did occur and the man in the photo below did loose his life. I do believe the U.S. Government has covered up this story from the very first few minutes after it happened.
Captain Thomas F. Mantell
Captain Thomas F. Mantell is the pilot in the photo above and I truly believe he was shot down by a UFO. Mantell chased the UFO and he got killed by the UFO. Probably with a particle beam weapon. And the U.S. Government has covered this story up all along to keep you the American people from ever knowing the truth about this pilot loosing his life to a UFO
I’m sure more U.S. pilots have probably been shot down by a UFO befre but we don’t know who they are. I believe there is an on going cover up concerning UFO’s over the United States. I’ve seen UFO’s and I believe the U.S. Government is covering this up to the best of their ability. Yes the U.S. Government knows Space Aliens and UFO’s are real and its covering it up. Check out the full story please.
Please share the link to the below story with everyone you know. Thanks very much.
America's Mysteries - Pilot Shot Down By Pilot Over Ft Knox
No this is not a science fiction story. This story really happened in the air over Kentucky in January of 1949. And this time the U.S. Government wouldn't be able to claim it was a weather balloon like they had with the Roswell Incident back in 1947. Before the day was over a 25 year old Air Force pilot was dead. Killed while he was pursuing a UFO. A UFO that was seen that day by hundreds of people including military, police, and the Commander of A Air Force Base. And now you can read the rest of the story.
Most likely you have never heard of this incident or Captain Thomas F. Mantell but it really happened. On the afternoon of January 5th 1948 he died in a plane crash chasing a UFO in the sky over Ft Knox Kentucky. Several local farmers in the area at that time told of seeing the UFO shoot the P51 Mustang Plane down with some type of beam weapon. They said the plane closed to with in a hundred yards of the UFO when a beam of light came out of UFO and they saw the plane chasing it light up and crash to the ground. There was a huge explosion when the plane hit the ground.
Captain Mantell was the first casualty of the Kentucky Air National Guard. The Mantell incident became one of the one of the most publicized of the early UFO incidents. The incident brought about the crash of the P51 Mustang and the death of the 25 year old Kentucky Air National Guard pilot.
It was later revealed that after the body of Captain Mantell's body was recovered that it had thousands of tiny pin holes all over it. This was later disputed but a close friend of his family said the Captain had tiny pin prick holes all over his body. The incident served to convince the U.S. Air Force Intelligent Specialists that UFO incidents were really happening in the United States. Remember they had made the claim back in 1947 that the Roswell UFO was really a weather balloon. However when the Mantell incident occurred they had no way to cover it up. Farmers in their fields saw the UFO shoot down the plane and they told everyone including local newspapers. With in a few days the incident was reported in newspapers all over the United States and around the world. Air Force Special Intelligence Officers thought that Mantell had been shot down in a farm field in Kentucky by a UFO. They told the Commander of the Godman Air Force base the morning after the crash that they believed that Captain Mantell had been chasing a craft that was piloted by intelligent life and that it was likely that the UFO shot Captain Mantell's airplane down.
Later on the U.S. Air Force tried to make the claim that Captain Mantell was pursuing the planet Venus. Astronomers later said that the planet Venus will not have been visible to the naked eye that day. Farmers in the area said they had seen the UFO on several different days including the day Captain Mantell chased it and that it was an object that was metallic in color and that it was 250 to 300 feet across. Several of the farmers said they had seen the UFO low over the trees and that at times it would appear to stop. Calls had also came in from the US Gold Depository at Ft Knox Kentucky describing an object similar to what the farmers described and Captain Mantell was sent to see what it was. Rumors have circulated for years that the Air Force and officers in charge at Ft Knox feared that the UFO was interested in the gold at Fort Knox.
Investigator's who investigated the crash of Mantells crash later said that something was wrong. They said that the plane dropped straight down like it had been dropped and that it only did damage to the place it hit. In almost every crash of this type Investigators said there was always damage to the area from the plane coming down and sliding to a stop. They said that Mantells plane hit the ground and stopped. Just stopped. Which never happens when a plane of this type crashes.
That day at 1.15 the Kentucky State Police said they received several calls from people in the area of Mansville Kentucky reporting a large metallic circular object flying low over the town. One local police officer saw it and described it as round, very large, and metallic looking. Later when the police officer was asked if he was sure it was a space craft he had seen the man said that the craft had been just above the tree tops and moving slowly. Then all at once it sped away and vanished only to reappear from another direction in a few minutes.
A few minutes later men in the tower at Godman Air Force base saw the object and they described it the same way. One man watched it for a long time with a pair of binoculars and he said it was clearly a space craft and not of this earth..
A little over an hour after the first sighting Captain Mantell and his fighter group who were flying nearby were asked to investigate the object.
When Captain Mantell got near enough he radioed he had the object in sight and that he was moving in closer to take a look. He said it was a large round metallic object and that it was above him. It was about now that farmers on the ground saw a beam of light come out of the UFO and hit the plane. A few minutes later Mantell's plane hit the ground on the farm of William J Phillips of Franklin Kentucky. Mantell's watch was later discovered to have stopped at 3.16 P.M..
The UFO vanished from there but it was seen as it traveled south over Tennessee and northern Alabama. The story spread like wild fire that a pilot had been shot down pursuing a UFO. The New York Times ran with the story, " Pilot Dies Pursuing UFO ". Newspapers all over the world the incident and this time the U.S. Government wasn't able to cover it up. To many people had talked. You would have needed Will Smith from Men in Black to keep this one quite. Yet its amazing that the average American has never heard of it.
A man in the area at the time of the crash told people that man's plane exploded in mid air. And then he fell just like a rock straight down into the ground. Godman Base Commander Guy F Hix said that he had observed the UFO for over an hour and it did things that only an aircraft from another world would be able to do. He said it stopped at times, sped away and at times it was 200 feet off the ground and later was at 10,000 feet. But the strangest thing that the base commander said was that one of the last things Captain Mantell said over the air was, " My God I See People In That Thing ". Moments later Captain Mantell was dead.
It would appear that Captain Mantell was the first person of earth killed by a UFO. When Mantell's body was found he was of course dead and he was still strapped in his plane. This was one incident that the US Government could not cover up. To much information had got out to fast.
Captain Mantell was later buried at Zachary Taylor National Cemetery and he was apparently the first earthling at least the one we know of who lost his life pursuing a UFO. There is now a historical marker near the crash site that you can see in the photo at the top of this Hub Page.
It amazes me that with incidents of this type that people still argue that we are the only planet with intelligent life on it. I think it is pretty clear that UFO's are visiting the earth. And I believe that Captain Mantell was shot down by a UFO.
(N.Morgan) In another amazing capture Crrow777 has gotten footage of a UFO with a magnetic halo, passing by the Super moon! Looking at the object one immediately can tell it isn’t something that should be there. Crrow777: Here is a fantastic capture of a UFO with a magnetic halo transiting the moon on the night of the super moon. I have filmed many of these objects but this is the largest to date.
The first crop circle of the year has appeared in a field near Blandford Forum in Dorset leaving locals stumped over who or what created it.
Covering an enormous stretch of wheat field, the 400ft pattern, which is made up of geometric lines and circles, emerged overnight.
While many believe crop circles are created by local pranksters, some think the mysterious shapes are evidence of aliens, including amateur pilot and crop circle enthusiast Matthew Williams, 43, who said: ‘Whoever, or whatever, created the shape must have been there all night – you have to really admire their handiwork.’
Mysterious: The first crop circle of the year has appeared in a field near Blandford Forum in Dorset sparking interest in who or what has created it
Some have taken the drastic step of mowing the formations out of their fields as soon as they appear.
According to John Lundberg, who has also admitted to creating the designs, July is the best month for crop circles.
He told the BBC: ‘The season runs from April, when the first crop is oil seed rape. In June it’s barley and by mid-July it’s wheat. That’s the best crop to work in, that’s when the most spectacular circles appear. Because each stem is upright, you can get pin sharp clarity.’
Like farmers, not everyone appreciates the efforts that Mr Lundberg goes to.
He reported abuse from people who believe crop circles are in fact the work of aliens.
Mr Lundberg, who is part of a group called Circlemakers, said: ‘My art collective – myself, Rod Dickinson and Will Russell – get thousands of abusive e-mails and phone calls. We’ve had attacks on our property, and one of my team had bricks thrown at him. But at least this is not America – people don’t carry guns here.
‘I don’t regard myself as a hoaxer – I’m not interested in rug-pulling anybody. Yet the assumption is that if I make a crop circle, it must be because I want to undermine the beliefs of people who think they are not man-made.’
Herodotus wrote that the disappearance of the 50,000-strong Persian army (illustrated here) could be attributed to a sandstorm. Professor Kaper, however, claims Egyptian rebel leader Petubastis III ambushed them – but this embarrassment was swept under the rug by King Cambyses II.
In 524 BC, a Persian army of 50,000 men sent by King Cambyses II marched into the Egyptian desert from Thebes – now known as Luxor. But, after entering the desert, they were never heard from again.
For centuries. it has been presumed they were swallowed by a sandstorm, but now a researcher claims that wasn’t the case – and instead they must have been defeated in battle.
In the 5th century BC, Greek historian Herodotus wrote that the disappearance of the army could be attributed to an unfortunate end involving sand dunes.
University of Leiden Egyptologist Professor Olaf Kaper, however, disagrees.’Since the 19th century, people have been looking for this army: amateurs, as well as professional archaeologists,’ he said.
Professor Kaper says that disappearance of a Persian army in 524 BC has been solved, thanks to deciphering ancient temple blocks (pictured)
‘Some expect to find, somewhere under the ground, an entire army, fully equipped.
‘However, experience has long shown that you can’t die from a sandstorm, let alone have an entire army disappear.’
Professor Kaper is now putting forward an entirely different explanation.
He argues that the army did not disappear, but was instead, defeated.
‘My research shows that the army was not simply passing through the desert; its final destination was the Dachla Oasis,’ he said.
‘This was the location of the troops of the Egyptian rebel leader Petubastis III.
‘He ultimately ambushed the army of Cambyses, and in this way managed from his base in the oasis to reconquer a large part of Egypt, after which he had himself crowned Pharaoh in the capital, Memphis.
Kaper said he made the discovery accidentally.
In collaboration with New York University and the University of Lecce, he was involved for the last ten years in excavations in Amheida, in the Dachla Oasis.
And earlier this year, he deciphered the full list of titles of Petubastis III on ancient temple blocks.
That’s when the puzzle pieces fell into place’, said the Egyptologist.
‘The temple blocks indicate that this must have been a stronghold at the start of the Persian period.
‘Once we combined this with the limited information we had about Petubastis III, the excavation site and the story of Herodotus, we were able to reconstruct what happened.’
According to Herodotus, Cambyses II – the son of Cyrus the Great – sent the soldiers from Thebes to attack the Oasis of Siwa in 524 BC. Their mission was to destroy the oracle at the Temple of Amun after the priests there refused to legitimise his claim to Egypt. But after they left, they were never seen or heard from again.
The fact that the fate of the army of Cambyses remained unclear for such a long time is probably due to the Persian King Darius I, who ended the Egyptian revolt with much bloodshed two years after Cambyses’ defeat.
He attributed the shameful defeat of his predecessor to natural elements, and 75 years after the events, all Herodotus could do was take note of the sandstorm story.
But now this new research sheds light on one of the greatest archaeological mysteries of all time.
The Missing Persian Army of 50,000 Men
Meeting between Cambyses II, King of Achaemenid of the Persian empire, from 529 to 522 BC and Psammetichus III, Pharaoh from 526 to 525. Painting by Jean Adrien Guignet (1816-1854)
According to the Greek historian Herodotus (484-425 BC), Cambyses, the son of Cyrus the Great, sent the soldiers from Thebes to attack the Oasis of Siwa in 524 BC.
Their mission was to destroy the oracle at the Temple of Amun after the priests there refused to legitimise his claim to Egypt.
After walking for seven days in the desert, the army was said to have arrived at an ‘oasis’, which historians believe was El-Kharga, 120 miles (190 kilometres) west of the Nile in the Libyan Desert.
After they left, a great sandstorm sprung up and they were never seen again.
Herodotus wrote ‘a wind arose from the south, strong and deadly, bringing with it vast columns of whirling sand, which entirely covered up the troops and caused them wholly to disappear’.
However, the new research by Professor Kaper says it wasn’t a sandstorm at all that defeated them – but rather another army in an embarrassing defeat, which was later covered up.
Location: Near Lake Cartagena, Cabo Rojo Puerto Rico Date: August 31 1990
Time: 03:00 a.m.
Mr. Miguel Figueroa was going to his place of business, and arriving there found that there were about a dozen cars parked there. Given the unwonted hour he was astonished, and he asked what was going on. The entire group of people seemed to be highly e…xcited—especially one woman who was screaming that she had just seen some children or strange little men, passing by, who had huge heads and huge eyes. They had passed in front of the cars, and the people were still parked there and talking about it, “because the things were still there”. Mr. Figueroa replied that no doubt somebody had want it to play a trick on them by dressing up, or something of the sort. But his curiosity aroused he drove on in the direction of the road towards Boqueron which was whither the little men had gone. And to his immense surprise, he saw, beside the highway, five most strange little beings—two of them taller than the rest, about 4 ft while the others were about 3ft. He said, “Their clothing or something—I don’t know whether it was clothing or their own skin—because they were all gray, was from head to feet. But at the knees and elbows they had what looked like “sections that passed one into the other”. Their heads were big and egg-shaped. Compared to their bodies, the heads were large, and their eyes were big and shining. He noticed also that their ears were long and pointed, just as the people at his place of work had said. He said that on their feet they had only three large toes, and on their hands only three large fingers. As he drew closer to them, his headlights lit them up. Then one of them, turned around towards him, and he noticed that it had large slanted eyes emitting a very brilliant white light. He could also see that for noses they had merely tiny holes, almost no noses at all, and their mouths were extremely thin and tiny, as though with no lips at all. Their chins were very small and very pointed. And then the rest of them all turned around too and became enveloped in a very bright light. It was a very powerful light like a welder’s torch that blotted out the headlights of the car. Figueroa became frightened, and seeking to cover himself reversed the car and backed away from them a bit. And when he pulled off to a distance, they turned away again and continued walking on again along the road just as though nothing had happened. However, Figueroa still followed them at a distance. A bit further on, he saw that when on the road they came to a little bridge over a ravine, they jumped down, one after the other, and went off towards the left along the edge of the ravine and vanished there, while Figueroa remained sitting in his car petrified with fear.
HC addition # 878 Source: Magdalena Del Amo Freixedo, FSR Vol. 36 # 4
It happens sometimes in nature that the splitting of a twin embryo goes wrong. In the case of animals, the effect can be quite stunning and rather endearing.
The 1972 movie “The Thing With Two Heads” is probably one of the weirdest premises and insane casting I've ever seen as Ray Milland is a wealthy dying man who has his head transplanted onto another man's body, played by Rosey Grier.
Sesame Street created a 2-headed monster for the children's delight.
It is always a wonder when nature can give us double the adorableness, like in the case of Abby and Brittany. These two are a wonder and a joy.
10 Reasons the Greek Gods Were Possibly UFO Occupants
By Diane Tessman
I am not championing this idea; rather, I am presenting it as a possibility. I realize it has been presented before in various ways, including in the “ancient astronaut” context. Let’s take a moment as UFO investigators to focus on the Greek gods and ask if they might have been advanced UFO beings.
Reason One:
The Greek gods threw lightning bolts.
Might “lightning bolts” have been laser or even scalar technology? Strangely enough as I was working on this essay, there is a feature story about Apollo 12 and how it was hit just after take-off by not one but two lightning bolts. This was one of the later Apollo missions which encountered such strange lights, colors and objects on the moon. There is the theory that humans were being warned not to continue exploring the moon.
Reason Two:
The Greek gods kept themselves separate from common people. They resided on or in Mount Olympus – a perfect base of operations.
Reason Three:
The Greek gods occasionally had encounters or manifestations with or for– the common people.
These events, for all intents and purposes, are UFO encounters. Why did the gods bother with “abductions?” Indeed, we have to ask the same question of UFO occupants.
Reason Four:
When taken by the gods, the common person felt an “Oz factor” about their experience.
As we know, UFO researcher Jenny Randles has coined the term “Oz factor” to explain the zone of silence and other-worldliness which descends on those experiencing a UFO encounter. Some abductees feel paralyzed. Others feel no fear at all when it makes sense that there would be some fear or hesitation, even in the most adaptable of experiencers. And, of course, the phenomena of missing time can be found in tales which the ancient Greek people told as well as in the accounts of UFO abductees.
Reason Five:
The Greek gods rode chariots across the skies. The Greek people must have witnessed these vehicles and incorporated them into what they could identify in their own cultural context.
Reason Six:
The Greek gods were a mixed group, not all were human-like.
There was an array of “demi-gods” and “monsters,” which might have been genetic experiments. The concept of a chimera began in the days of the Greek gods and describes any mythical or fictional animal with parts taken from various animals, or to describe anything composed of disparate parts. Genetic experiments?
Today we stand on the threshold of incredible genetic advancements, for good or ill. There are 20 natural amino acids, the building blocks of life, but thanks to the creation of two artificial DNA letters, added to the 4 natural DNA letters, we now have 172 amino acids with which to play. Did the Greek gods have similar advancements? The ancient gods had what might have been a variety of extraterrestrial races:
Amazons – mighty, skillful female warriors
Charities – the goddesses of Joy, Charm and Beauty
Muses – The goddesses of Art and Science
The Pleiades – the gods of the mountains
Nymphs – the gods of Nature, Winds
Is this how the identifying characteristics of other advanced species were described to the common humans? For instance, The Pleiades were stationed inside the mountain. The Muses excelled at science.
Reason Seven:
Reports of gods intermingling with humans run throughout Greek mythology. These couplings with both human males and females were controlled by the gods – where, when, how.
Today, we hear about UFO occupants taking eggs, sperm or tissue samples from humans. The scenario is always under the control of the UFO occupants; humans do not have a say-so in when, where, or why.
Reason Eight:
Hybrid children resulted from the mingling of god and human DNA. Those beings who resulted from this mingling were indeed “less” than the gods (less strong, less immortal), but they were more advanced than the common person. Heracles and Achilles are examples.
A “hero” (hybrid) might have ongoing contact with the gods. Were these the same gods as involved in creating this hybrid’s DNA? Today, many people who had an encounter, feel that they have ongoing experiences with the UFO occupants whom they met. It was said that the gods lived inside human and humanoid bodies with an ethereal fluid called ichor running through the veins. They had passions and human weaknesses; they did many wrong acts but usually had to take full responsibility of their actions. Perhaps keeping a connection with the human they first worked with, is part of that responsibility.
Reason Nine: If the Greek gods were wounded or ill, they seemed to have better medical services available than did the common humans. Of course the Greek people just assumed the gods could not be wounded as badly as humans. UFO occupants probably have medical knowledge far ahead of ours; both ETs and gods are said to have healing abilities, of course this might just be access to advanced medicine.
Reason Ten:
The Greek gods seemed not to age like common humans and might have been immortal – or close to it.
We do not know the life spans of the UFO occupants. It probably varies by species, but even today, we live longer than did our grandparents, who did not have the medical expertise of which we can avail ourselves today. However clearly, we have a long way to go –we haven’t even found the cure for various cancers. We have not yet found the cure for Alzheimer’s or the common cold. It can be assumed we will live longer than we do now – in the future.
This is all food for thought if you care to think about it! I feel the concept that the Greek gods were time traveling humans, perhaps from a thousand years in advance of us – is a leading theory. After all, the descriptions of the actual gods and goddesses were not like extraterrestrials of the “ET” kind, they were more the “golden human” type of UFO beings.
The gods and goddesses created bizarre life-forms like Harpies, Sphinx, Satyrs, Minotaur and Cyclops, but the gods themselves were quite beautiful. Future Humans will probably have perfected or greatly improved, the human genome.
Or perhaps the gods were an alien space-going race who landed on Earth and began the classic Greek Civilization.
Or perhaps the common Greek people simply made it all up because we humans are a creative and imaginative race.
However, I have a suspicion that we have never been – alone.
For those who want to refresh themselves on the Greek gods and their myths and legends, I recommend this website for starters:
Lately I have noticed a couple of people that have the need to inform listeners of Ground Zero that my show should be taken with a grain of salt. That most of what I talk about has no basis in fact and that much if not all that I talk about is created by me and that it all comes from my vivid imagination.
Whenever I read such nonsense I sometimes think that if I am capable of having such a keen imagination then I am either crazy or a genius.
I am neither crazy, nor genius, I just think that those who say such things are probably having a difficult time trying to keep up with how science fiction has somehow become less fiction and more of a reality.
With all of the distractions down on here on Earth, I suppose the timing is perfect to somehow push away what is immediate in the mainstream and focus on what is buried in the areas of the margins that probably won’t be addressed on any talk show because the material is just too outrageous to make sense.
Science fiction seems to be turning into science fact and when it comes to the outer reaches of the cosmos there seems to be a number of anomalies that remind us that we have no control over the way we are carried through space and time.
Earth’s magnetic field, which protects the planet from huge blasts of deadly solar radiation, has been weakening over the past six months, according to data collected by a European Space Agency (ESA) satellite array called Swarm.
The biggest weak spots in the magnetic field, which extends 370,000 miles above the planet’s surface, have sprung up over the Western Hemisphere, while the field has strengthened over areas like the southern Indian Ocean, according to the magnetometers on board the Swarm satellites, three separate satellites floating in tandem.
The scientists who conducted the study are still unsure why the magnetic field is weakening, however there is a possibility that the magnetic poles are about to flip. In fact data suggests that Magnetic North has now moved to Siberia.
Scientists are saying that the gradual flip at the poles sounds like some dooms day event, the reality is a lot less apocalyptic. During past polarity flips there were no mass extinctions or evidence of radiation damage. Researchers think power grids and communication systems would be most at risk.
This is relative of course because civilization on planet earth would be paralyzed if we lose power and our ability to communicate. Some people believe that this could eventually create a potential extinction level event as human lifestyles would have to adapt to a less electronic lifestyle.
As we begin our journey through the 21st-century, we now rely heavily on high-tech systems for the basics of daily life. Most everything we do today is done because of our dependence on electric power and communication.
Literally we truly don’t know what can happen when the magnetic fields shift, however what we are learning about the magnetic field now, may explain a lot about how mankind had some sort of conduit to communicate and even have encounters with divine or godlike beings.
NASA has announced that they have discovered hidden portals in Earth’s magnetic field. NASA calls them X-points or electron diffusion regions. They are places where the magnetic field of Earth connects to the magnetic field of the Sun, which in turn creates an uninterrupted path leading from our own planet to the sun’s atmosphere which is 93 million miles away. NASA used its THEMIS spacecraft, as well as a European Cluster probe, to examine this phenomenon. They found that these portals open and close dozens of times each day.
Even though NASA may not want us to speculate about such revelations, there are a lot of historical accounts about the sun being a giant star gate and that the ancient gods would use giant wormhole portals in order to communicate and travel to the civilizations of earth.
In the 23rd century B.C. the Sumerian king Nimrod built a Tower that reached from Babylon into the sky. Arguably the purpose of this tower was that it was quite literally a gate to the heavens that would be used to communicate with ancient gods and even provide for them a portal to enter in.
It was even noted in the 11th chapter of genesis that being able to open up the heavens and interact with intelligent entities or the gods from heaven was only the beginning of what they will do. Nothing that they have a mind to do will be impossible for them! Carvings on the walls of ancient dwelling may even indicate that the magnetic field was somehow capable of opening and that beings would arrive through what appear to be worm holes.
Many of these beings have been called ancient aliens as contemporary scientists have speculated in the past about signs in the heavens, alignments of the planets and now alignments with portals to the sun, would be opportune moments to listen for possible communications and watch for appearances from beings in the sky.
Could the changes in the magnetic field and the NASA discoveries of X-portals be the reason why SETI is now reporting an increase of radio signals, blips and burst that they can’t explain?
According to a recent report from CBS news out of Tampa bay Florida, a succinct blip of radio waves detected from far beyond the Milky Way Galaxy amid deep space has left scientists saying they “really have no handle on” the mysterious “fast radio burst.” The split-second burst of radio waves discovered through the Arecibo radio telescope has given scientists new evidence of the rare, mysterious pulses emanating from deep outer space – well beyond the ends of the galaxy.
On July 10th The Astrophysical Journal reported that the “fast radio burst” is the first of similar sounds to be detected by an installation other than the Parkes radio telescope in Australia.
This means that many of the radio telescopes are beginning to pick up on these radio bursts. While we can all have great speculations about alien communications with planet earth, science of course takes the fun out of these blips by saying that what we could be hearing is simply evaporating black holes, merging neutron stars, or flares from extremely powerful deep-space magnetic fields.
Last year SETI was exited to report that they had confirmed a space signal that they believe was not directed at earth but was intercepted much like dialing a wrong number.
Of course, the signal was given a strict caveat. Many unusual signals from space remain unidentified. No signal has yet been strong enough or run long enough to be unambiguously identified as originating from an extraterrestrial intelligence.
The signal was detected at 1440.00 mhz and at 1445.35 mhz it was short lived and unfortunately it did not transmit long enough to indicate that it was from and extra-terrestrial intelligence.
It is important to understand that all of the pulses and beeps from a signal are all interpretations form a computer, science figures out the signature or what it all means. I am curious as to what beeps and blips from a computer’s interpretation can signify some sort of intelligent communication from aliens or from and evaporating black hole.
Science fails to tell us how they can tell the difference, they only say so and as we bow to the intelligence of science and we eliminate the so called “alien” communication delusion even though SETI loves to use the “alien communication” ruse to raise funds to keep them searching the cosmos.
Back in May you may recall that Ground Zero reported that he US House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology heard from Seth Shostak and Dan Werthimer, who both direct Berkeley’s new ‘Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence’ or SETI.
As Nature News World reported in their article, ‘Congress Hears About the Hunt For Alien Life‘, “Werthimer introduced the committee to his institute’s work by explaining that their main goal is to answer the question “Is anybody out there?” … Werthimer told the committee that if there is, they will find it, as the institute stays focused on searching for signs of life in the galaxy primarily among planets with the telltale signs of oxygen or methane gases – which have been commonly associated with life.”
Seth Shostak, Senior Astronomer with SETI, says that the evidence of extra-terrestrial life will most definitely be revealed within 10-20 years. Nature News continued by saying, “Shostak also introduced the congressmen to a long-running project that involves the search for signals intentionally sent out by other civilizations equally curious in their own search for life.”
The timing of everything seems to be moving in a pattern towards disclosure, something that I was curious about. Was the announcement a ploy for more money – or a clear indication that perhaps they’ve already received a signal that life is out there communicating with us and that it is time to prepare the world for such a revelation?
The major networks have been recently speaking to astronauts about their thoughts on space travel. Astronauts like Buzz Aldrin have gone as far as to claim that a UFO followed the Apollo 11 space craft. Since man left earth on a rocket to the moon in 1969 there have been so called alien signals heard by astronauts and while they are a matter of record there have been no news reports reopening the possible communications attempted by aliens to astronauts.
One unexplainable event began as the Apollo 11 spacecraft approached the Moon, and the astronauts began hearing weird radio noise, variously likened to a fire-engine, loud sirens, buzz-saw sounds and train whistles, which interfered with the space communication hookup.
Many people have described the sounds as a “Police television show in hell” as the sounds were siren like, with whistles and the sound of tortured dogs in the background.
Mission Control was so perplexed they asked: “You sure you don¹t have anybody else up there with you? It was clear that the strange interruptive noises came from OUTSIDE the Apollo 11 spacecraft, and had to be radio signals
One of the during the marathon Mercury flight mission of 21 orbits in Faith 7 While making his 4th pass over Hawaii, Astronaut Cooper claims he heard weird voice transmissions which he called an “unintelligible foreign language.”
The fact is that this transmission had cut in on the VHF channel reserved exclusively for space flights. There is no evidence that any nation on Earth violated that international agreement. Tapes later proved that the sounds were not those of a foreign language of this planet but those of a tongue completely alien to Earth. Although language experts for NASA have replayed these tapes over & over, they simply have not been able to analyze it.
It was about the same time that group of unsuspecting people in Pescara Italy were picking up strange radio transmissions from what they perceived to be aliens. The alien group called W-56 had been monitoring space activity since the 1950’s . W-56 claimed that they were a hybrid alien human group had many massive bases located on the sea floor and within the earth, and could create these bases easily, without excavation, by compressing material laterally, and ‘squeezing open’ pockets in the rock, then squeezing them closed again, leaving no evidence behind, when it was time to close a particular base. Tunneled entrances to the bases were created with the same technology.
Sigir was the name of the alien that spoke to the group and in the recording to them he speaks Italian and says; “Dear Friends, Dear Sons, Do not mistrust us, as none of us will waver, stay together, stay together, stay together! Tolerate your weaknesses. Fighting and improving your humanity, and your friendship towards us. Our world is hard to understand for you, dearest. That’s normal. Anyhow, with affection and trust, you can be close to our hearts. Always open towards you, and understand us more. We embrace you with warm affection, and authentic friendship. Yours Sigir.”
The W-56 claimed that they were responsible for disabling many nuclear warheads in the Soviet Union and in the United States in 1967. There truly was an incident that took place at the Malmstrom Air force base where US Air Force Strategic Air Command Missile Combat Officers claimed that UFO’s buzzed the air base in March of 1967 and took 10 nuclear missiles at two facilities offline.
The W56 revealed that their real name was ‘AKRI’ – a plural name in Sanskrit that means ‘The Sages’.
There are many compelling stories that indicate that we have already discovered signals from space that indicate there is either technology in space that we have detected that most certainly is not from our earth. There are claims that aliens have spoken to people through means of radio and television transmission and now science is telling us that X-ports that can create conduits that make a corridor to the sun or to a distant planet a reality.
It appears that any and all detection of a signal or even a sign will be recorded and the information about any and all communication will be under the control of intelligence groups within world governments.
Many of these governments are already admitting that they have had contact, however controllers in the United States have kept many things dealing with life out in space under wraps so that they can plan and approximate the time in which they feel we would be prepared for such knowledge. It feels as if the information about the possibility of intelligent life being disclosed is not too far away.
In the meantime we have a few blips and radio bursts that remind us that the dark void of space is truly active and may yield many great and wondrous answers as we live in the times of the signs.
Lately I have noticed a couple of people that have the need to inform listeners of Ground Zero that my show should be taken with a grain of salt. That most of what I talk about has no basis in fact and that much if not all that I talk about is created by me and that it all comes from my vivid imagination.
Whenever I read such nonsense I sometimes think that if I am capable of having such a keen imagination then I am either crazy or a genius.
I am neither crazy, nor genius, I just think that those who say such things are probably having a difficult time trying to keep up with how science fiction has somehow become less fiction and more of a reality.
With all of the distractions down on here on Earth, I suppose the timing is perfect to somehow push away what is immediate in the mainstream and focus on what is buried in the areas of the margins that probably won’t be addressed on any talk show because the material is just too outrageous to make sense.
Science fiction seems to be turning into science fact and when it comes to the outer reaches of the cosmos there seems to be a number of anomalies that remind us that we have no control over the way we are carried through space and time.
Earth’s magnetic field, which protects the planet from huge blasts of deadly solar radiation, has been weakening over the past six months, according to data collected by a European Space Agency (ESA) satellite array called Swarm.
The biggest weak spots in the magnetic field, which extends 370,000 miles above the planet’s surface, have sprung up over the Western Hemisphere, while the field has strengthened over areas like the southern Indian Ocean, according to the magnetometers on board the Swarm satellites, three separate satellites floating in tandem.
The scientists who conducted the study are still unsure why the magnetic field is weakening, however there is a possibility that the magnetic poles are about to flip. In fact data suggests that Magnetic North has now moved to Siberia.
Scientists are saying that the gradual flip at the poles sounds like some dooms day event, the reality is a lot less apocalyptic. During past polarity flips there were no mass extinctions or evidence of radiation damage. Researchers think power grids and communication systems would be most at risk.
This is relative of course because civilization on planet earth would be paralyzed if we lose power and our ability to communicate. Some people believe that this could eventually create a potential extinction level event as human lifestyles would have to adapt to a less electronic lifestyle.
As we begin our journey through the 21st-century, we now rely heavily on high-tech systems for the basics of daily life. Most everything we do today is done because of our dependence on electric power and communication.
Literally we truly don’t know what can happen when the magnetic fields shift, however what we are learning about the magnetic field now, may explain a lot about how mankind had some sort of conduit to communicate and even have encounters with divine or godlike beings.
NASA has announced that they have discovered hidden portals in Earth’s magnetic field. NASA calls them X-points or electron diffusion regions. They are places where the magnetic field of Earth connects to the magnetic field of the Sun, which in turn creates an uninterrupted path leading from our own planet to the sun’s atmosphere which is 93 million miles away. NASA used its THEMIS spacecraft, as well as a European Cluster probe, to examine this phenomenon. They found that these portals open and close dozens of times each day.
Even though NASA may not want us to speculate about such revelations, there are a lot of historical accounts about the sun being a giant star gate and that the ancient gods would use giant wormhole portals in order to communicate and travel to the civilizations of earth.
In the 23rd century B.C. the Sumerian king Nimrod built a Tower that reached from Babylon into the sky. Arguably the purpose of this tower was that it was quite literally a gate to the heavens that would be used to communicate with ancient gods and even provide for them a portal to enter in.
It was even noted in the 11th chapter of genesis that being able to open up the heavens and interact with intelligent entities or the gods from heaven was only the beginning of what they will do. Nothing that they have a mind to do will be impossible for them! Carvings on the walls of ancient dwelling may even indicate that the magnetic field was somehow capable of opening and that beings would arrive through what appear to be worm holes.
Many of these beings have been called ancient aliens as contemporary scientists have speculated in the past about signs in the heavens, alignments of the planets and now alignments with portals to the sun, would be opportune moments to listen for possible communications and watch for appearances from beings in the sky.
Could the changes in the magnetic field and the NASA discoveries of X-portals be the reason why SETI is now reporting an increase of radio signals, blips and burst that they can’t explain?
According to a recent report from CBS news out of Tampa bay Florida, a succinct blip of radio waves detected from far beyond the Milky Way Galaxy amid deep space has left scientists saying they “really have no handle on” the mysterious “fast radio burst.” The split-second burst of radio waves discovered through the Arecibo radio telescope has given scientists new evidence of the rare, mysterious pulses emanating from deep outer space – well beyond the ends of the galaxy.
On July 10th The Astrophysical Journal reported that the “fast radio burst” is the first of similar sounds to be detected by an installation other than the Parkes radio telescope in Australia.
This means that many of the radio telescopes are beginning to pick up on these radio bursts. While we can all have great speculations about alien communications with planet earth, science of course takes the fun out of these blips by saying that what we could be hearing is simply evaporating black holes, merging neutron stars, or flares from extremely powerful deep-space magnetic fields.
Last year SETI was exited to report that they had confirmed a space signal that they believe was not directed at earth but was intercepted much like dialing a wrong number.
Of course, the signal was given a strict caveat. Many unusual signals from space remain unidentified. No signal has yet been strong enough or run long enough to be unambiguously identified as originating from an extraterrestrial intelligence.
The signal was detected at 1440.00 mhz and at 1445.35 mhz it was short lived and unfortunately it did not transmit long enough to indicate that it was from and extra-terrestrial intelligence.
It is important to understand that all of the pulses and beeps from a signal are all interpretations form a computer, science figures out the signature or what it all means. I am curious as to what beeps and blips from a computer’s interpretation can signify some sort of intelligent communication from aliens or from and evaporating black hole.
Science fails to tell us how they can tell the difference, they only say so and as we bow to the intelligence of science and we eliminate the so called “alien” communication delusion even though SETI loves to use the “alien communication” ruse to raise funds to keep them searching the cosmos.
Back in May you may recall that Ground Zero reported that he US House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology heard from Seth Shostak and Dan Werthimer, who both direct Berkeley’s new ‘Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence’ or SETI.
As Nature News World reported in their article, ‘Congress Hears About the Hunt For Alien Life‘, “Werthimer introduced the committee to his institute’s work by explaining that their main goal is to answer the question “Is anybody out there?” … Werthimer told the committee that if there is, they will find it, as the institute stays focused on searching for signs of life in the galaxy primarily among planets with the telltale signs of oxygen or methane gases – which have been commonly associated with life.”
Seth Shostak, Senior Astronomer with SETI, says that the evidence of extra-terrestrial life will most definitely be revealed within 10-20 years. Nature News continued by saying, “Shostak also introduced the congressmen to a long-running project that involves the search for signals intentionally sent out by other civilizations equally curious in their own search for life.”
The timing of everything seems to be moving in a pattern towards disclosure, something that I was curious about. Was the announcement a ploy for more money – or a clear indication that perhaps they’ve already received a signal that life is out there communicating with us and that it is time to prepare the world for such a revelation?
The major networks have been recently speaking to astronauts about their thoughts on space travel. Astronauts like Buzz Aldrin have gone as far as to claim that a UFO followed the Apollo 11 space craft. Since man left earth on a rocket to the moon in 1969 there have been so called alien signals heard by astronauts and while they are a matter of record there have been no news reports reopening the possible communications attempted by aliens to astronauts.
One unexplainable event began as the Apollo 11 spacecraft approached the Moon, and the astronauts began hearing weird radio noise, variously likened to a fire-engine, loud sirens, buzz-saw sounds and train whistles, which interfered with the space communication hookup.
Many people have described the sounds as a “Police television show in hell” as the sounds were siren like, with whistles and the sound of tortured dogs in the background.
Mission Control was so perplexed they asked: “You sure you don¹t have anybody else up there with you? It was clear that the strange interruptive noises came from OUTSIDE the Apollo 11 spacecraft, and had to be radio signals
One of the during the marathon Mercury flight mission of 21 orbits in Faith 7 While making his 4th pass over Hawaii, Astronaut Cooper claims he heard weird voice transmissions which he called an “unintelligible foreign language.”
The fact is that this transmission had cut in on the VHF channel reserved exclusively for space flights. There is no evidence that any nation on Earth violated that international agreement. Tapes later proved that the sounds were not those of a foreign language of this planet but those of a tongue completely alien to Earth. Although language experts for NASA have replayed these tapes over & over, they simply have not been able to analyze it.
It was about the same time that group of unsuspecting people in Pescara Italy were picking up strange radio transmissions from what they perceived to be aliens. The alien group called W-56 had been monitoring space activity since the 1950’s . W-56 claimed that they were a hybrid alien human group had many massive bases located on the sea floor and within the earth, and could create these bases easily, without excavation, by compressing material laterally, and ‘squeezing open’ pockets in the rock, then squeezing them closed again, leaving no evidence behind, when it was time to close a particular base. Tunneled entrances to the bases were created with the same technology.
Sigir was the name of the alien that spoke to the group and in the recording to them he speaks Italian and says; “Dear Friends, Dear Sons, Do not mistrust us, as none of us will waver, stay together, stay together, stay together! Tolerate your weaknesses. Fighting and improving your humanity, and your friendship towards us. Our world is hard to understand for you, dearest. That’s normal. Anyhow, with affection and trust, you can be close to our hearts. Always open towards you, and understand us more. We embrace you with warm affection, and authentic friendship. Yours Sigir.”
The W-56 claimed that they were responsible for disabling many nuclear warheads in the Soviet Union and in the United States in 1967. There truly was an incident that took place at the Malmstrom Air force base where US Air Force Strategic Air Command Missile Combat Officers claimed that UFO’s buzzed the air base in March of 1967 and took 10 nuclear missiles at two facilities offline.
The W56 revealed that their real name was ‘AKRI’ – a plural name in Sanskrit that means ‘The Sages’.
There are many compelling stories that indicate that we have already discovered signals from space that indicate there is either technology in space that we have detected that most certainly is not from our earth. There are claims that aliens have spoken to people through means of radio and television transmission and now science is telling us that X-ports that can create conduits that make a corridor to the sun or to a distant planet a reality.
It appears that any and all detection of a signal or even a sign will be recorded and the information about any and all communication will be under the control of intelligence groups within world governments.
Many of these governments are already admitting that they have had contact, however controllers in the United States have kept many things dealing with life out in space under wraps so that they can plan and approximate the time in which they feel we would be prepared for such knowledge. It feels as if the information about the possibility of intelligent life being disclosed is not too far away.
In the meantime we have a few blips and radio bursts that remind us that the dark void of space is truly active and may yield many great and wondrous answers as we live in the times of the signs.
Lately I have noticed a couple of people that have the need to inform listeners of Ground Zero that my show should be taken with a grain of salt. That most of what I talk about has no basis in fact and that much if not all that I talk about is created by me and that it all comes from my vivid imagination.
Whenever I read such nonsense I sometimes think that if I am capable of having such a keen imagination then I am either crazy or a genius.
I am neither crazy, nor genius, I just think that those who say such things are probably having a difficult time trying to keep up with how science fiction has somehow become less fiction and more of a reality.
With all of the distractions down on here on Earth, I suppose the timing is perfect to somehow push away what is immediate in the mainstream and focus on what is buried in the areas of the margins that probably won’t be addressed on any talk show because the material is just too outrageous to make sense.
Science fiction seems to be turning into science fact and when it comes to the outer reaches of the cosmos there seems to be a number of anomalies that remind us that we have no control over the way we are carried through space and time.
Earth’s magnetic field, which protects the planet from huge blasts of deadly solar radiation, has been weakening over the past six months, according to data collected by a European Space Agency (ESA) satellite array called Swarm.
The biggest weak spots in the magnetic field, which extends 370,000 miles above the planet’s surface, have sprung up over the Western Hemisphere, while the field has strengthened over areas like the southern Indian Ocean, according to the magnetometers on board the Swarm satellites, three separate satellites floating in tandem.
The scientists who conducted the study are still unsure why the magnetic field is weakening, however there is a possibility that the magnetic poles are about to flip. In fact data suggests that Magnetic North has now moved to Siberia.
Scientists are saying that the gradual flip at the poles sounds like some dooms day event, the reality is a lot less apocalyptic. During past polarity flips there were no mass extinctions or evidence of radiation damage. Researchers think power grids and communication systems would be most at risk.
This is relative of course because civilization on planet earth would be paralyzed if we lose power and our ability to communicate. Some people believe that this could eventually create a potential extinction level event as human lifestyles would have to adapt to a less electronic lifestyle.
As we begin our journey through the 21st-century, we now rely heavily on high-tech systems for the basics of daily life. Most everything we do today is done because of our dependence on electric power and communication.
Literally we truly don’t know what can happen when the magnetic fields shift, however what we are learning about the magnetic field now, may explain a lot about how mankind had some sort of conduit to communicate and even have encounters with divine or godlike beings.
NASA has announced that they have discovered hidden portals in Earth’s magnetic field. NASA calls them X-points or electron diffusion regions. They are places where the magnetic field of Earth connects to the magnetic field of the Sun, which in turn creates an uninterrupted path leading from our own planet to the sun’s atmosphere which is 93 million miles away. NASA used its THEMIS spacecraft, as well as a European Cluster probe, to examine this phenomenon. They found that these portals open and close dozens of times each day.
Even though NASA may not want us to speculate about such revelations, there are a lot of historical accounts about the sun being a giant star gate and that the ancient gods would use giant wormhole portals in order to communicate and travel to the civilizations of earth.
In the 23rd century B.C. the Sumerian king Nimrod built a Tower that reached from Babylon into the sky. Arguably the purpose of this tower was that it was quite literally a gate to the heavens that would be used to communicate with ancient gods and even provide for them a portal to enter in.
It was even noted in the 11th chapter of genesis that being able to open up the heavens and interact with intelligent entities or the gods from heaven was only the beginning of what they will do. Nothing that they have a mind to do will be impossible for them! Carvings on the walls of ancient dwelling may even indicate that the magnetic field was somehow capable of opening and that beings would arrive through what appear to be worm holes.
Many of these beings have been called ancient aliens as contemporary scientists have speculated in the past about signs in the heavens, alignments of the planets and now alignments with portals to the sun, would be opportune moments to listen for possible communications and watch for appearances from beings in the sky.
Could the changes in the magnetic field and the NASA discoveries of X-portals be the reason why SETI is now reporting an increase of radio signals, blips and burst that they can’t explain?
According to a recent report from CBS news out of Tampa bay Florida, a succinct blip of radio waves detected from far beyond the Milky Way Galaxy amid deep space has left scientists saying they “really have no handle on” the mysterious “fast radio burst.” The split-second burst of radio waves discovered through the Arecibo radio telescope has given scientists new evidence of the rare, mysterious pulses emanating from deep outer space – well beyond the ends of the galaxy.
On July 10th The Astrophysical Journal reported that the “fast radio burst” is the first of similar sounds to be detected by an installation other than the Parkes radio telescope in Australia.
This means that many of the radio telescopes are beginning to pick up on these radio bursts. While we can all have great speculations about alien communications with planet earth, science of course takes the fun out of these blips by saying that what we could be hearing is simply evaporating black holes, merging neutron stars, or flares from extremely powerful deep-space magnetic fields.
Last year SETI was exited to report that they had confirmed a space signal that they believe was not directed at earth but was intercepted much like dialing a wrong number.
Of course, the signal was given a strict caveat. Many unusual signals from space remain unidentified. No signal has yet been strong enough or run long enough to be unambiguously identified as originating from an extraterrestrial intelligence.
The signal was detected at 1440.00 mhz and at 1445.35 mhz it was short lived and unfortunately it did not transmit long enough to indicate that it was from and extra-terrestrial intelligence.
It is important to understand that all of the pulses and beeps from a signal are all interpretations form a computer, science figures out the signature or what it all means. I am curious as to what beeps and blips from a computer’s interpretation can signify some sort of intelligent communication from aliens or from and evaporating black hole.
Science fails to tell us how they can tell the difference, they only say so and as we bow to the intelligence of science and we eliminate the so called “alien” communication delusion even though SETI loves to use the “alien communication” ruse to raise funds to keep them searching the cosmos.
Back in May you may recall that Ground Zero reported that he US House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology heard from Seth Shostak and Dan Werthimer, who both direct Berkeley’s new ‘Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence’ or SETI.
As Nature News World reported in their article, ‘Congress Hears About the Hunt For Alien Life‘, “Werthimer introduced the committee to his institute’s work by explaining that their main goal is to answer the question “Is anybody out there?” … Werthimer told the committee that if there is, they will find it, as the institute stays focused on searching for signs of life in the galaxy primarily among planets with the telltale signs of oxygen or methane gases – which have been commonly associated with life.”
Seth Shostak, Senior Astronomer with SETI, says that the evidence of extra-terrestrial life will most definitely be revealed within 10-20 years. Nature News continued by saying, “Shostak also introduced the congressmen to a long-running project that involves the search for signals intentionally sent out by other civilizations equally curious in their own search for life.”
The timing of everything seems to be moving in a pattern towards disclosure, something that I was curious about. Was the announcement a ploy for more money – or a clear indication that perhaps they’ve already received a signal that life is out there communicating with us and that it is time to prepare the world for such a revelation?
The major networks have been recently speaking to astronauts about their thoughts on space travel. Astronauts like Buzz Aldrin have gone as far as to claim that a UFO followed the Apollo 11 space craft. Since man left earth on a rocket to the moon in 1969 there have been so called alien signals heard by astronauts and while they are a matter of record there have been no news reports reopening the possible communications attempted by aliens to astronauts.
One unexplainable event began as the Apollo 11 spacecraft approached the Moon, and the astronauts began hearing weird radio noise, variously likened to a fire-engine, loud sirens, buzz-saw sounds and train whistles, which interfered with the space communication hookup.
Many people have described the sounds as a “Police television show in hell” as the sounds were siren like, with whistles and the sound of tortured dogs in the background.
Mission Control was so perplexed they asked: “You sure you don¹t have anybody else up there with you? It was clear that the strange interruptive noises came from OUTSIDE the Apollo 11 spacecraft, and had to be radio signals
One of the during the marathon Mercury flight mission of 21 orbits in Faith 7 While making his 4th pass over Hawaii, Astronaut Cooper claims he heard weird voice transmissions which he called an “unintelligible foreign language.”
The fact is that this transmission had cut in on the VHF channel reserved exclusively for space flights. There is no evidence that any nation on Earth violated that international agreement. Tapes later proved that the sounds were not those of a foreign language of this planet but those of a tongue completely alien to Earth. Although language experts for NASA have replayed these tapes over & over, they simply have not been able to analyze it.
It was about the same time that group of unsuspecting people in Pescara Italy were picking up strange radio transmissions from what they perceived to be aliens. The alien group called W-56 had been monitoring space activity since the 1950’s . W-56 claimed that they were a hybrid alien human group had many massive bases located on the sea floor and within the earth, and could create these bases easily, without excavation, by compressing material laterally, and ‘squeezing open’ pockets in the rock, then squeezing them closed again, leaving no evidence behind, when it was time to close a particular base. Tunneled entrances to the bases were created with the same technology.
Sigir was the name of the alien that spoke to the group and in the recording to them he speaks Italian and says; “Dear Friends, Dear Sons, Do not mistrust us, as none of us will waver, stay together, stay together, stay together! Tolerate your weaknesses. Fighting and improving your humanity, and your friendship towards us. Our world is hard to understand for you, dearest. That’s normal. Anyhow, with affection and trust, you can be close to our hearts. Always open towards you, and understand us more. We embrace you with warm affection, and authentic friendship. Yours Sigir.”
The W-56 claimed that they were responsible for disabling many nuclear warheads in the Soviet Union and in the United States in 1967. There truly was an incident that took place at the Malmstrom Air force base where US Air Force Strategic Air Command Missile Combat Officers claimed that UFO’s buzzed the air base in March of 1967 and took 10 nuclear missiles at two facilities offline.
The W56 revealed that their real name was ‘AKRI’ – a plural name in Sanskrit that means ‘The Sages’.
There are many compelling stories that indicate that we have already discovered signals from space that indicate there is either technology in space that we have detected that most certainly is not from our earth. There are claims that aliens have spoken to people through means of radio and television transmission and now science is telling us that X-ports that can create conduits that make a corridor to the sun or to a distant planet a reality.
It appears that any and all detection of a signal or even a sign will be recorded and the information about any and all communication will be under the control of intelligence groups within world governments.
Many of these governments are already admitting that they have had contact, however controllers in the United States have kept many things dealing with life out in space under wraps so that they can plan and approximate the time in which they feel we would be prepared for such knowledge. It feels as if the information about the possibility of intelligent life being disclosed is not too far away.
In the meantime we have a few blips and radio bursts that remind us that the dark void of space is truly active and may yield many great and wondrous answers as we live in the times of the signs.
New interesting video footage of a bright UFO light recorded in the daytime sky above Vermont on 6th July 2014.
Witness said: I walk outside and look up and watch as a plane or object flew through the sky directly over me. Then I realise how close it is and it made absolutely no sound at all, and it did not make a smoke trail like jets normally would. It was flying to low to be a jet, and it was flying in a direction planes around here don’t normally fly in while they are that low. Anyone have any idea? I don’t believe it was a “UFO,” but it must be some sort of new plane or maybe just a fast blimp, let me know what you guys think.
The Contact in the Desert conference is returning to Joshua Tree, California.
This year will mark the second year for the event, which takes place at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center. Contact in the Desert is a three-day conference that features several lecturers on extraterrestrial-related topics.
Event organizer Paul Andrews claims that registrations for this year’s event have more than doubled last year’s registrations. Los Angeles Daily News reports that, according to Andrews, the event’s popularity “can be attributed mainly to the popularity of television shows like the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens and radio talk shows like the paranormal-theme Coast to Coast.” Giorgio Tsoukalos from Ancient Aliens and George Noory from Coast to Coast AM will both be featured speakers at this year’s event.
Open Minds’ Alejandro Rojas will also present a lecture at this year’s event.
Andrews believes the conference has a broad appeal because “The whole UFO question is a huge mystery to the American public . . . and people want to solve that mystery. They need to know.” He also believes that Joshua Tree is the perfect location to host the event because the region has a long history of reported UFO sightings.
The second annual Contact in the Desert conference takes place August 8-11. For more information, visit
The most interesting case of the sightings of an exotic UFO by four officials happened in 1986 on Fehmarn, Germanys third biggest island in the Baltic Sea which was a frontier island during that time when post-WW-2-Germany was still divided into West and East. About this event the BND-UFO-Files reveal the following: In the early morning of August 26, 1986, in the time between 03.00 and 03.30 am, three public officers of the Border Guard office at Puttgarden, who were serving the night-shift, out of their office’s window observed a flying object that travelled in slow speed towards the ferry-station at Puttgarden.
At the same time this flying object was observed by a Puttgarden customs officer too, from the so-called “car-park” of the ferry-station which was positioned about 900ft away from the three border guards officers. After an extensive interview and questioning by the signer of the report, the following circumstances were confirmed: The unidentified flying object approached the ferry-station Puttgarden at the mentioned time in a comparative slow speed (in no way it was a conventional plane) coming from the West. The object was flying at a height of about 150-180ft. As it arrived over the ferry-station Puttgarden, it again reduced its speed even more and came to a nearly complete halt just above the mole-enclosures.
At this time of the observation, the border guard officers heard a sound that they described – in agreement with the customs officer – as a “comparative silently humming sound”, that could possibly be compared with the sound of that of a turbine. All officers were unable to give any description about size, shape and colour of the flying object. This was due top the following reasons: The night was pitch dark. The object emitted such a radial blinding illumination/light, that the above mentioned observations were impossible to make out. One officer even speculated that the this illumination could have been switched on with the intention to avoid an identification, as the used light was neither that of navigation lights nor flood lights, as no directed cones of light went downwards.
After the nearly half of the object just in front of the ferry-station Puttgarden, the object continued its hovering flight in the same altitude eastwards passing above the Navy Coast station Marienleuchte on Fehmarn 1800ft away. Attempts of the signer to get more insights about the observations through other personnel and offices failed. Inquiries were made to the Navy-Coast-Guard stations Westermarkelsdorf, Marienleuchte and Stabernuk (all on Fehmarn island), as well as with the flying squadron of the Border Guard command ‘Coast’ (Helicopters), the operating surveillance of the ferry-station Puttgarden, with the German ferryboats ‘Deutschland’ and ‘Karl Carstens’ and the Danish Police at Rodby. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
I am convinced that the alien intelligence behind the UFO phenomenon is in the process of preparing for something very big. In all myths, and in all religions, it says the gods promise to return. I cannot help but believe that this is exactly what we are facing. It may not occur in my lifetime, but it is possible that it will occur very soon after.
We should be prepared for this event, because whatever occurs, should concern us all. All of us. That means we will share a global or even universal event – and we still know very little about what is going to occur. At the very least, it is time for everyone to consider the possibilities that await us.
Since the beginning of history, people have been taken into the hands of gods and devils, of fairies and elves and goblins. Today, it is extraterrestrial beings. Sometimes, the witnesses only hear a thunder or see something like a bright flash of light. Sometimes they see airships in the clouds above them and believe the ships are from Magonia or some other mysterious place. Sometimes they observe bizarre air ships hanging in the sky, or they may come in contact with spaceships from Zeta Reticuli. These material manifestations only have a secondary meaning. They are dependent on the time in which the person lives. They are dependent upon the subject's beliefs, knowledge, and their hopes and fears.
The basic model of contact between these elusive intelligence's and us has been the same for millennia. We can choose to deny the reality of this model. We can believe that the abductees were only drunk or had visions, or that they dreamed, hallucinated, or made up fairy tales. We would also have to believe that these people – from all over the World – have attempted to make fools of us and they have attempted to do this for many centuries! If you wish to believe this you may. It is your decision as to how you will deal with this information.
No matter how you decide to deny their existence, it will not hinder “The Other Ones.” They will continue to appear among us with their array of masks and deceptive camouflage. They will continue to abduct humans and they will continue on their own mysterious path.
In all the millennia of human history no one has been able to analyze these beings. We are the first ones who have begun to suspect something and who have questioned their behavior. And – what if it is our own questioning and our own suspicion that brought them to us in the first place? Could their actions only be a mirror of our actions; our interaction with nature? Could this intelligence be a frightening reflection of ourselves – reflected back to us in the UFO phenomenon?
Although we are asking the questions and seeking the truth about “The Other Ones” we are still, ladies and gentlemen, light-years away from the answer.
Dr. Johannes Fiebag is the author of several books about the UFO phenomenon and the abduction phenomenon. His last two books about the UFO phenomenon are titled Sternentore [Stargates] and Das UFO-Symdrom [The UFO Syndrome]. Both books were published in German, in 1996.
Johannes Fiebag studied Geology, Paleontology, Physics and Geophysics at the University of Wurzburg, earning a Ph.D. in 1988, with his thesis in a special branch of Planetology. He has written many scientific papers in his field, and currently is a freelance science writer, as well as being the author of several books, not only alone, but with his brother, Peter. His latest book, written with Torsten Sasse, is Mars – Planet de Lebens. Dr. Fiebag was one of the most well-known researchers in the field of contacts with extraterrestrial intelligences in the German-speaking countries of Europe. He was also the Chief Editor of the German-Swiss-Austrian editions of Ancient Skies and Scientific Ancient Skies.
Dr. Fiebag first published his conclusion – what he terms “The Mimicry Hypothesis” – in 1990, in Ancient Skies, a magazine of The Ancient Astronaut Society.
“Oz Factor” is a term invented by Randles in 1983 to describe the strange, seemingly altered state of consciousness commonly claimed by some witnesses of unidentified flying objects and other similar paranormal events. Randles has noted the strange calmness and lack of panic described by the witnesses, relative to the bizarre circumstances that they described and says that they described and defined the Oz factor as “the sensation of being isolated, or transported from the real world into a different environmental framework…where reality is but slightly different, [as in] the fairy tale land of Oz.” She has further noted that “the Oz factor certainly points to consciousness as the focal point of the UFO encounter.”
An unusual discovery made by a local historian at the site of what could be a wizard’s grave in Watten may be the evidence needed to prove the story behind his death.
The village is believed to be the only known location outside of the Scottish Borders which is home to such a mystical burial place.
It is believed Murdo Rivach was beheaded by locals and buried in the village in the 14th century. London-based historian and television presenter Ashley Cowie, who is originally from Wick, discovered a carved stone head at the east end of Loch Watten which is likely to be a stele, CORRECT a stone used to ward off or sometimes attract evil spirits.
He said the stone was the closest link to ever proving the wizard was buried in a circular grave in the village.
“The stele is an extremely rare find,” he said. “Very often in Victorian times, witches were found coming to these sites and performed rituals where they would leave these carved stones.
“I have analysed the stone with the help of an engineer and have discovered it has two faces which was a very common practice in witchcraft.
“Each face signified the polar opposites such as the good and the bad and these stones were used in rituals to either protect from evil or summon up a curse to bring upon evil.
“The significance of this find is that nothing has ever been recovered from that field like this.”
There are a number of accounts about how Rivach came to his end in around 1360.
But the one theory which has proved most popular among historians is that Rivach was sent to Caithness by Hugh Ross, of Sutherland, to collect rent from those who lived on his land.
But locals did not take kindly to the presence of the wizard and reacted to Rivach’s demands by slicing off his head and dumping his body in a circular grave.
There are only eight other recorded wizard burial sites in Scotland and they are all located in the Scottish Borders, which makes the Rivach story even more intriguing to historians.
Mr Cowie is planning to make his discovery known to the archaeological community and said when it was made public, there would be a massive amount of interest in the area.
“If we discover a grave under the site, it would be a magic flag for Caithness,” he said.
“Whether it’s a wizard’s grave, a neolithic grave or a Viking grave, it will be an unusual find.
Mr Cowie is planning to visit the grave site in August and is inviting people to meet him there and find out more about the story. – johnogroat-journal
A strange cluster of bright objects flying in formation has been caught on video over Milan.
The Italian skies were the scene of an unusual spectacle earlier this month when a resident recorded a peculiar series of twinkling lights hovering high above the houses.
The footage lasts around nine minutes and shows the lights slowly moving and switching positions while glowing angelically in the air. The formation appears to change frequently throughout the sighting and nobody present at the time seemed to have any idea what it was that they had just witnessed.
The National Park Service has called new developments proposed for the Grand Canyon the “most serious threat the park has faced in its 95-year history.”
A mesa visible from the South Rim, which belongs to the Navajo Indian Reservation, could soon become a construction site as restaurants, hotels, and shops are erected in an attempt to spur local tourism, according to the Los Angeles Times. The same developers are also planning to install a gondola that will transport visitors from the rim to the canyon floor, currently only accessible by foot or mule.
R. Lamar Whitmer, one of the developers, justified the plans by saying that the NPS offers most visitors only a “drive-by wilderness experience.” He claims that the Grand Canyon Escalade gondola would give less-mobile individuals a chance to see more of this 2 billion-year-old geological wonder. “The average person can’t ride a mule to the bottom of the canyon,” Whitmer said. “We want them to feel the canyon from the bottom.”
The developers are also planning to add 2,200 homes and 3 million square feet of commercial space just south of the canyon. NPS worries those new developments will jeopardize some of the park’s most iconic vistas and push already-strained resources to the brink.
“They are serious threats to the future of the park,” said park superintendent Dave Uberuaga. “When you have that size and scope of potential development that close to the park, it will impact our visitor experience.” -Outside Online
I-Team: Crossing the line into Area 51 gets caught on camera
by George Knapp – A tour bus carrying visitors to the edge of the top secret Area 51 military base has done something that many people have only fantasized about doing. It crossed the line and entered the base.
The driver and his four passengers learned a quick lesson about how serious Area 51 is about its boundary and its security. And the entire incident was captured on video.
In the 25 years since I-Team reports first put the once unknown base on the map, tens of thousands of curious people have trekked out to take a peek.
A few strayed over the line, on purpose, and were quickly scooped up. As far as we know, this is the first intrusion caught entirely on video and it nearly caused the tours to be shut down. Go to I-Team: Crossing the line into Area 51 gets caught on camera for more information and video
Returning to my argument, you can see how most people associated facts without even planning to do so in most cases, which to my understanding could be more or less explained as follows:
Cases defined as cattle mutilations (worldwide) – 60%
(other predatory species, carrion animals, natural death, etc. 40%)
Cases involving mutilations/strange lights – 80%
(Luminous phenomena, ET stories, etc. – 20%)
All of these cases are produced by herds of Megatherium and/or adult specimens, which could even be estimated by the varying amount of prey in disparate areas and conditions. In one place we find 2 chickens and 150 in another; 1 cow in a given situation and 30 in another. The explanation is still pending until the species is known and identified, and let us say that for the moment, they are forced or wandering in their own “modus operandi”. This species, which has managed to adapt and display extreme survival skills, is confirmed by the paleontological background information on territorial expansion, to which we would have to add an evident evolution of evasive and predatory intelligence beyond what we know of omnivorous mammals that exist in our classifications, as well as the explanation of the astonishing attack method directly related to the fluid they release – a highly toxic one that stuns/immobilizes their prey, with an odor often described as a mixture of ammonia and sulfur, leaving phosphate traces that endure for many days over the mutilated carcasses, hindering the action of other carrion animals. It is also possible that another member [of the same species] may return to feed from it.
With a height of 2.30 meters (7.5 feet) in an upright position and an estimated weight of 500 kilograms in an adult specimen, accompanied by a deafening howl, it is understandable – when faced with such intimidation – to think in wolfmen, lobizones, or similar things, unsuitable for the faint of heart. Moreover, if the sighting involves juveniles in a quadrupedal position, they may be associated with ape-dogs, pig-dogs or other legends, as I have described in my 2009 book, available for download on PDF from my website (
The wrongheaded search for a carnivorous predator to blame, the lack of scientific knowledge due to a policy against “open-mindedness”, lack of interpretation of the various eyewitness ccounts, the various journalistic headlines and names that seemingly describe different species, myths, mythmakers, skeptics on the subject and a host of other reasons have caused most people to disbelieve everything and everyone. I will hold true to my word to my dying day, and I believe in the hundreds of eyewitness reports, and will endeavor to obtain evidence that defies the “extinction theory of American Megafauna.”
Luis Jorge Salinas – Independent Researcher, Explorer, Author
UFO mania: Real Picture: NASA Astronaut Snaps Photo of A Triangular UFO From Space
UFO mania: Real Picture: NASA Astronaut Snaps Photo of A Triangular UFO From Space
This photo comes directly from The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth, a government website operated by NASA at the Earth Sciences and Image Analysis department at Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. They are responsible for training the astronauts in Earth observations, cataloging and archiving the photographs that astronauts take from space using hand held cameras and more. Here is the homepage, as you can see it has a .gov URL It’s very interesting that they would allow a photo like this one to be put up on the website.
- Intricate design is the first one of the year and has emerged in a field near Blandford Forum in Dorset
- The number of crop circles appearing in Britain is declining: 2012 produced 50 while 2013 produced just 15
- Some believe this is because of a recent crackdown by farmers as trespass and destruction of crops is illegal
- Sceptics believe crop circles are entirely man-made, while others believe they are the creation of aliens
A large crop circle in a South West field has been named as the “first of the year”.
The vast and complex pattern, made up of geometric lines and circles appeared overnight in a wheat field near Blandford Forum, Dorset.
While many believe crop circles are created by local pranksters, some think the shapes are evidence of alien intervention, because all the steps are broken at an equal height.
First at the scene was amateur pilot and crop circle enthusiast Matthew Williams, 43.
Matthew, from Avebury, Wiltshire, said: “Last summer we didn’t get many circles, but this beauty certainly makes up for that.
“The first circle of the season really does mark the start of great British summer.
“I know farmers hate them, but you really do have to appreciate the amount of effort that went in to making a 400ft pattern in a field of crops.” – North Devon Journal
THE GREATER COMMUNITY IS THE ENVIRONMENT in which you live. It includes your world and all the worlds in its vicinity. It is a vast region of space where intelligent life is interacting with each other, representing a great network of relationships between societies and between individuals in societies, a greater cosmology and a greater universe. For this, it is necessary to have a greater perspective, a greater understanding and a greater religion.
It is difficult for those who only see their own personal culture and immediate environment to realize the importance and significance of Greater Community Spirituality. The significance isn’t merely in the scope of its teaching, its perspective and its understanding, but in the tremendous practical advantages that it gives you in daily life in your own world and in the very small affairs with which you are normally preoccupied.
The Greater Community here serves as a context—a context for seeing, for understanding and for knowing. It provides an opportunity to see beyond the limits of human thinking, human preoccupations and human beliefs and assumptions. This gives you a tremendous advantage. Thus, the emphasis here is not on what is beyond your realm, but on how to understand your realm within a larger context. What is occurring in other worlds and between other worlds is not your concern. Only very little of what is going on in the Greater Community will have any direct impact on humanity. However, the impact that is being exerted on your world from Greater Community forces is quite sufficient to create the need to learn a Greater Community Spirituality and a Greater Community Way of Knowledge.
Gaining a more universal understanding and perception is the emphasis when we speak of the Greater Community.In the Greater Community, there are many forms of intelligent life and great diversity in cultural ethics, preoccupations, concerns and activities.Yet what is common to all life everywhere that has evolved into the stage of intelligence is the presence and purpose of Knowledge.
Knowledge in the Greater Community is Greater Community Knowledge. The ability to receive Knowledge, to accept it and to apply it represents Wisdom, not only worldly Wisdom, but Wisdom in the Greater Community. As you were taught to see yourself in a very small way, we take you beyond yourself into a larger universe. Then, as you look back upon yourself, you will see what you could have never seen before. And you will recognize your environment more clearly than you ever could have previously.
The Greater Community is made up of a great diversity of life representing many different kinds of physical environments and many stages of individual, cultural, political and spiritual development. The range of this diversity is not your concern. However, the fact that it exists and that you will encounter its reality is profound indeed and gives rise to the great need that we are fulfilling in our presentation to you.
In the Greater Community, there are many worlds where intelligent life has evolved. And there are even more worlds and locations that Greater Community forces have colonized for resource acquisition or to seek new and more safeguarded environments. Worlds such as yours are quite rare and are therefore highly prized and regarded by those in the Greater Community who are aware of them. Indeed, your world has been used as a biological storehouse and resource for millennia by several different races.
You might ask, “Why hasn’t a Greater Community force come to colonize the world and taken it over?” There are several important reasons for this. The first is that the great biological diversity that you enjoy and that represents such splendor in your world poses a great dilemma for advanced races, many of whom have evolved in more sterile environments. Living here is difficult because of the biological diversity itself.
Another disadvantage to your world is that human beings live above ground, which is not preferred by most advanced races.Underground settlements have proven to be far more effective and accommodating, especially when you are actively engaged with other Greater Community powers. This gives you greater security and a greater opportunity to protect your physical resources and your population at large. However, living underground isolates you from biological elements in the outer environment, thus making you more susceptible to illness and attack by other kinds of organisms. This presents an interesting truth in the Greater Community: The more safe and secure you become, the more vulnerable you are.
Therefore, while your world is splendid in its diversity and in its abundance of plants and animals, it also poses a great difficulty for Greater Community visitors to dwell and to abide here with any degree of freedom and mobility. Yes, they can visit you and travel about. Yes, they can do marvelous things. However, they cannot live on the surface very effectively. That is why there is a great attempt now to interbreed with humanity in order to gain this adaptive biological advantage. Mix Greater Community social cohesion and intelligence with human physical endurance and you have a race that, indeed, can abide within the world.
These ideas might seem startling, but from a Greater Community perspective they are quite obvious and apparent. Because you have not functioned within this larger context consciously, these things may seem frightening or difficult to comprehend. However, you must now accept that you are not alone and that you are certainly not at the pinnacle of development in the Greater Community. This is both humbling and refreshingly honest. This gives you the advantage and the motivation to learn, to progress, to overstep your former limitations and boundaries and to gain new abilities and understanding, which your visitors will give you, either intentionally or inadvertently. The conditions of the world require this. This is the world that you have come from your Ancient Home to serve. And these are the things that you must now learn and apply.
The Greater Community offers humanity redemption, but not in the way that you might think. It offers redemption because it poses a greater set of problems and occasions to which you must rise and to which you must now dedicate yourself. This provides escape from the terrible dilemmas and limitations that bind humanity and keep it in a desperate state of survival and self-preoccupation.
Solving greater problems gives you the opportunity to gain greater intelligence, greater ability and greater Wisdom. Only greater problems can do this because their resolution is necessary and because they require greater things from you. It is rare when a human being can develop these qualities without tremendous external demands. The external demands now are here. And though the risks are great and the problems are tremendous, the opportunities are unparalleled.
To meet these greater problems, you will need the Greater Power which the Creator has given you. You cannot rely on conventional wisdom; you cannot even rely upon your intuition. You must seek the Greater Power that is within you that can help you accelerate your development and meet a new set of requirements for adaptation, survival and accomplishment. In this, the Greater Community offers you redemption by requiring greater things of you and by calling upon a Greater Power within you. This is how humanity will advance. This is how all races in the Greater Community advance. And this is the evidence of the Creator’s work, for the Creator does what works, even if it is incomprehensible to those who are destined to be its beneficiaries.
Therefore, do not seek understanding first. Seek involvement and experience. Knowledge within you knows exactly what you must do in life, what you must aspire to and what you must accomplish. It cannot be confused or distracted by the pleasures or the terrors of this world. It is not ambivalent. It is not doubtful. It is not beset with painful memories of the past or a dismal view of the future. It is relentless in carrying you towards your fulfillment and your purpose, for they are one. Fulfilling your purpose represents your work in the world and the purpose for your coming here. The Greater Community is the context for understanding this now, for indeed humanity is in the process of emerging into the Greater Community. You have come to participate in this and to support its successful establishment.
Thus, the Greater Community is your context. It represents a greater life, requiring a greater Wisdom from you and the establishment of greater relationships in your life. This is the evidence of God’s work in the world, which is largely beyond human appreciation. You have not advanced far enough to look back and see the overall impact of this. You do not see how important it is for humanity’s survival, how important it is for humanity to meet the great environmental and political challenges that it faces within its world and how important it is for humanity to meet the even greater challenges of successful engagement with races from the Greater Community.
The Greater Community represents a new understanding of Divinity, Divine purpose and human accomplishment in physical life. It is an entirely new threshold through which to pass. In fact, it represents many new thresholds of understanding. For now, the Greater Community must be equated with the physical universe, but in truth it is not limited only to the physical realm of life. It includes the greater and more refined dimensions of intelligent life and intelligent interaction. It is a consummate experience of life and of the presence of life in which you are immersed.
When we bring you to the Greater Community, we bring you to your life as it really is, in all of its fullness, magnificence, diversity and depth. We do not take you from your world and place you somewhere else. We do not put you in alien environments. We do not give you alien viewpoints and alien understandings. Instead, we bring you to your life as it is and as it will be. And we call upon you to meet life as it is and to prepare for life as it will be.
What is theology but the recognition of Divine involvement in physical life? Speculating about what God is, what God looks like, where God lives or how God functions is clearly a pointless endeavor. The answers to these questions exist in the realm of Mystery far beyond human understanding and concepts, far beyond your ability to understand at the level of ideas and intellect. This is the realm of pure experience. It is the realm of affinity and relationship. It is the realm where greater purpose is to be found, experienced and fulfilled. Therefore, we take you beyond your understanding into a greater arena of life in which you already live to encounter the forces which are already there for you to encounter, to give you a greater presence of mind and a greater facility to deal with life’s mundane problems and to enable you to rise to meet the great challenges which you face in your world at this time. As we do this, we encourage humility, open-mindedness, faith, perseverance and clear discernment.
When we speak of the Greater Community, we are not advocating that you leave the world and travel to some distant place. We are not preparing you for space travel. We are not even encouraging space travel. Space travel will occur because that is part of your destiny and evolution, but that is not what is being encouraged here. You do not need to go to another world to realize you live in a Greater Community, for the Greater Community is at your doorstep. It is looking into your windows. It is in your neighborhood. It is here. It represents splendor and terror, wonderment and beauty, grave problems and dilemmas, just like your world but in a larger context and to a larger degree.
Meet these greater challenges and you will be able to solve the problems that are endemic in your own world. A greater set of problems will enable you to solve lesser ones. This is the ability you need to cultivate now. The Greater Community is redemptive because it creates necessity for you. It is not simply a problem that will exist at some distant time in the future. Greater Community forces are in the world now and are determining the direction of world evolution. The Greater Community represents your destiny and your fate, your dilemma and your greater promise. Success and failure here are critical, and that is why we give Greater Community understanding and Greater Community preparation such tremendous emphasis.
In this book, we present the theology of the Greater Community, which represents the will and the work of the Divine in physical life. To sit in the world and to speculate about what God is up to is not the work of theology. To recognize the work of the Divine and to involve yourself with it wisely and appropriately is what theology is all about. Theology is about understanding and action. If the understanding does not lead to action, then real understanding does not exist. This is the great difference between Wisdom and idealism. Wisdom leads to action, and idealism leads nowhere. It has no direction. You cannot act upon it effectively, for it is not going anywhere. Theology is visceral. It is real. It is here. It is the movement of the world and the movement of the Divine within the world and within the Greater Community as a whole.
The Greater Community is redemptive to you for another very important reason. It is your great opportunity to see into the larger arena of life, to see the grandeur of life and the expanse of life. In this, you will gain a greater appreciation for why you have come into the world and for who sent you. The Greater Community context gives you this opportunity and this requirement. You see, God redeems you by giving you something important to do, something greater than your personal preoccupations, fears and concerns. This is how your value is restored to you. This is how your gift is discovered. And this is how your existence in the world is justified and blessed.
You have been given a greater task and a greater understanding to learn. This is a greater mountain to climb that will make all the small hills that frustrated you before seem truly small and insignificant in comparison. Here you will escape your addictions and dilemmas because you are taking on something greater in life. Here you will escape fear and self-protection and all of the miseries that attend them by moving in a certain direction, by working within a larger context to gain a greater understanding and by using this larger context to resolve the little dilemmas that could only frustrate and obstruct you before. For all these reasons you are blessed to live in the Greater Community and to have the need and the opportunity to learn Greater Community Spirituality and all that it means for your well-being, your development and your continuance as a race.
The Greater Community offers you the requirement to unify your race, a requirement that you desperately need in your world, a requirement that is a necessary part of your evolution and that will make great accomplishments possible both now and in the future. Those things that overshadow you and that call you out of your individual preoccupied life call for the very things that the world needs from you and for you. No matter at what level, in what avenue or in what context your contribution is made, it is to serve this greater movement of humanity. The greater your understanding, the greater the gift that can be given.
Therefore, we present to you the Greater Community as it really is, not as you want it to be, not as it is hoped for, not as it is prescribed by the religions of your world, but as it really is—with all of its inherent problems and its magnificent opportunities.
Redemption is based upon accomplishment. This is the appropriate understanding to have. Therefore, when you pray for peace, for healing, for education, for Wisdom or for equanimity, what you are really calling for is a means for you to gain access to Knowledge, the Greater Mind that you possess, which joins you and bonds you to all life everywhere. You are calling for greater requirements to be given to you. Asking for peace or equanimity, Wisdom or Grace means that you are asking to be given those things that make the fulfillment and experience of these things possible. However, if you ask for escape from life or a reprieve from life or the avoidance of life, you are asking for nothing. In this case, should your request for peace and equanimity be granted and an answer given, you will not understand the answer. The opportunity is to be found in resolving the problems of life and in facing the problems of the Greater Community as they have bearing on your world. Accomplish something here and cultivate a greater awareness and understanding, and you will have a reward that could never be obtained otherwise.
The Greater Community is your new home. It is not new, but it is your new home while you are in the world. You do not live in a village any more, a little municipality or even one nation alone anymore. You are a citizen of a whole world. The Greater Community requires you to have this understanding and this identity because from a Greater Community perspective, human beings are all the same. They are all alike. The differences between you are insignificant. No matter where you are born, what language you speak, where you go to church or what kind of food you eat, from a Greater Community perspective you are a member of the human race. You are a human being. You are a citizen of this world.
This perception of yourself is necessary for your development because you are a member of one race and one world. Your race needs to become unified, even with all of its diversity—its idiosyncrasies, its cultural distinctions and its ethnic divisions. You are still a human being, a member of one race, of one world. Gain this awareness and great things can be done through you. The Creator can work through you. Your purpose can be experienced, and its contribution can be given. Only the Greater Community can offer this to you. You cannot gain this if you are bound to your culture, to your race, to your nation, to your family, or to your daily affairs.
As you learn over time to gain a Greater Community perspective and understanding, you will realize what needs your attention and what problems and difficulties you must set aside or avoid. Then your life will become simple, direct, magnificent and demanding—all the things that lead to accomplishment and to true satisfaction. Life asks a lot of you because your prayers for peace have been answered. You live in a demanding situation because your need for Knowledge and self-integration is so pressing. If you regret that the world is the way it is, you will miss its opportunity. If you regret having to consider or accept that your world is emerging into the Greater Community, then you will miss the answer to your prayers. God gives you something to do that takes you out of your misery and requires that you demonstrate a greater Wisdom and intelligence, both for others and for yourself.
This is the way because in these greater activities, greater relationships are fostered and greater abilities are called upon. You are freed from the past and are called into the present to something greater where you are needed, where you are destined to be and where your contribution is required. This is fulfillment. The Greater Community is calling this from you because you live in the Greater Community, because you are part of a race that is emerging into the Greater Community and because forces from the Greater Community are engaging with the world and are encountering people everywhere. Do not try to understand this, for your understanding cannot encompass its full meaning. However, you can experience it and recognize its value and its meaning for you specifically.
If you can accept that you have come from beyond the world to serve the world, then you will realize that the world you have come to serve is offering the conditions that will bring forth that which you came to give. If you can accept this, then you will stop condemning the world and start looking for its opportunities and allow it to call from you that which you came to give. This calling is natural and the response from you will be natural, more natural than anything else that you can think of. If you can accept these things, then you have entered the path of redemption, accomplishment and fulfillment. It is a long path, a path with many challenges and great learning requirements, but it is a path that will set you apart from others to such an extent that you can gain a greater understanding and a greater ability. And others will benefit from your accomplishment and from your education.
Your preparation for the Greater Community represents the greatest and most vital education that can be fostered and extended in the world today. This education is the only thing that will enable you to solve the growing global problems of the world that seem so overwhelming and that your societies seem so incapable of facing and so poorly equipped to resolve. Preparation for the Greater Community is the most essential thing. It involves all aspects of learning. It requires that the student of Knowledge become effective at solving problems on a small scale so that problems on a larger scale can be recognized, attended to and resolved.
What is the Greater Community? It is your answer. It is what you have come to attend to. Working in your own specific way, you will play a part in the world’s evolution and will fulfill your mission here and the mission of those who have sent you. This is the great promise that we offer. This is the great promise that is born of the world’s emergence into the Greater Community. And this is the great promise that Knowledge within you must respond to, for in this it has no choice
In 1967, Robert Richardson of Toledo, Ohio, struck an unknown object with his car. The object immediately vanished but left one small piece of evidence – an anomalous lump of metal. When Richardson sent the metal to APRO (Arial Phenomenon Research Organization), he soon found himself the centre of unwanted attention, though not the kind Halle Berry’s driving earns her. Two MIB agents driving a black Cadillac turned up on his doorstep.
The men did not show him identification and Richardson did not ask to see any – their smart black suits were enough to imply that they were authority figures. It was not until the two men had left that Richardson began to think the meeting suspicious; he had told nobody about his experience other than his wife and the researchers at APRO. Furthermore, the Cadillac, which was a 1953 model but appeared to be in mint condition as if brand new, was marked with unregistered plates.
One week later, two more men in black suits came to his door. This time they asked him to hand over the metal artefact. When Richardson told them that he had sent it to be analysed they said that he had better get it back and threatened to harm his wife if he did not. Richardson never did hand over the metal but his wife was never harmed, a gambit I’m sure went over without incident in their marriage.
The second set of MIB agents to speak to Richardson have been described as foreign, as have many MIB officers. They are quite typically ‘olive skinned’ (or possibly wearing makeup) and having Asian (or perhaps Native American) features. Although this might not seem particularly unusual for government agents today, it certainly would have been odd back in the 1950s, 60s and 70s when the MIB were at their most active.
Perhaps the strangest thing about the Men in Black would seem to be that their intimidation tactics rarely work (although there may be many cases in which people have been effectively silenced that we do not know about). Quite the opposite, in fact; many witnesses of UFO related phenomenon have come forward and shared their stories despite warnings by the MIB and would seem to have been urged by feelings of defiance. What’s more, they are also able to add their MIB encounter to the story, convinced that the government is trying to cover up some dark secret. If they are, this would seem to be an ineffective way of doing so.
Their failure to follow up on their threats is almost universal and they rarely exercise the powers we know the actual U.S government has at their command. This has caused some to claim that the MIB are in fact an anti-government organization and that they use reverse psychology to encourage people to publicize their UFO encounters and further accuse the U.S government of orchestrating a cover-up. Other theories, however, claim that an alien force is behind the MIB, even that MIB agents may be aliens in human form. This would certainly explain a thing or two, the MIB’s poor understanding of human interaction, for example.
Machu Picchu: nieuwe ontdekkingen bevestigen astronomische kennis Inca's
Machu Picchu: nieuwe ontdekkingen bevestigen astronomische kennis Inca’s
Een team van Poolse en Peruaanse archeologen heeft melding gemaakt van enkele nieuwe ontdekkingen in Machu Picchu, de meest beroemde archeologische vindplaats in Peru.
Peruaanse onderzoekers zijn tot de conclusie gekomen dat de Inca’s sterrenwachten in Machu Picchu gebruikten om de beweging van hemellichamen te volgen. De krant El Comercio meldt dat het onderzoeksteam specifiek naar Intimachay heeft gekeken, waar een bouwwerk met twee raamopeningen staat.
De onderzoekers zeggen dat de oude Inca-astronomen een aantal astronomische fenomenen volgden vanuit de observatoria, waaronder de zomer- en winterwendes en de beweging van de maan in cycli van 19 jaar.
Volgens de archeologen was Intimachay hoogstwaarschijnlijk een heilige plek. In een ander deel van Machu Picchu, Inkaraqay geheten, is ook een observatorium gevonden. De sterrenwacht staat op de Huayna Picchu, een berg die gelegen is aan de noordzijde van de verloren stad.
Mariusz Ziolkowski van de Universiteit van Warschau zei dat de voorouders van de Inca’s zeer nauwkeurige instrumenten hebben gebouwd om vanuit deze twee observatoria hemelverschijnselen te observeren. “Deze resultaten laten zien hoeveel kennis de Inca’s hadden op het gebied van astronomie,” zei directeur van het nationaal archeologisch park Machu Picchu Fernando Astete.
Het internationale team wetenschappers maakte gebruik van 3D-scans om de bouwwerken te analyseren en hun vorm en plaats te vergelijken met de positie van de sterren zoals ze door de Inca’s moeten zijn gezien.
Het is voor het eerst dat het bestaan van Inca-astronomie is bevestigd, hoewel de Spaanse kroniekschrijver Sarmiento de Gamboa er in 1572 al over schreef.
De Plejaden was één van de belangrijkste sterrenbeelden voor de Inca’s. Ze noemden dit sterrenbeeld ook wel ‘de Zeven Kinderen’. Zodra dit sterrenbeeld aan de hemel verscheen, werd het nieuwe jaar ingeluid. De Inca’s hebben op veel plaatsen sterrenwachten gebouwd, maar Machu Picchu werd niet vernietigd omdat de verloren stad nooit door de Spanjaarden is ontdekt.
De bergstad werd in 1867 ontdekt en geplunderd door de Duitse goudzoeker en houthandelaar Augusto Berns, met toestemming van de Peruaanse regering. Berns verkocht de historische schatten aan Europese musea.
In 1911 verrichte historicus Hiram Bingham een studie naar de Inca-paden in de omgeving van de stad. Tijdens deze studiereis ontdekte hij Machu Picchu opnieuw. Brede bekendheid kreeg de stad in 1913 toen National Geographic er een compleet nummer aan wijdde.
Tachtig procent van al het licht in het heelal is zoek. Dat blijkt uit recente waarnemingen met de Hubble-ruimtetelescoop. Astronomen staan voor een groot raadsel.
David Weinberg van de Ohio State University merkt in The Astrophysical Journal Letters op dat de waterstofbruggen tussen sterrenstelsels niet oplichten zoals verwacht. “Ze lichten juist te veel op en we kunnen noch het licht, noch de bron waar het licht vandaan komt zien,” zei hij.
Wanneer de waterstofatomen worden geraakt door hoogenergetisch ultraviolet licht, veranderen ze van elektrisch neutrale atomen in geladen ionen. De astronomen waren verrast toen ze veel meer waterstofionen vonden dan op basis van al het aanwezige uv-licht, dat grotendeels afkomstig is van quasars, in het heelal kan worden verklaard. Het gaat om een verschil van maar liefst 400 procent.
Donkere materie
Astrofysici hebben geen idee wat er precies gebeurt of wat de oorzaak is van de effecten op de waterstofbruggen tussen de sterrenstelsels. Ze weten wel dat de ontdekking niet strookt met de huidige opvattingen over de rol van waterstof in het universum en de huidige computermodellen.
Het mysterie wordt nog groter op het moment dat de resultaten in het nabije en het verre heelal met elkaar worden vergeleken:
Het verschil is vreemd genoeg alleen te zien in het nabije heelal. Als telescopen worden gericht op sterrenstelsels die miljarden lichtjaren bij ons vandaan staan, lijkt alles gewoon te kloppen.
Coauteur Benjamin Oppenheimer van de Universiteit van Colorado in Boulder zei niet te weten waar het ontbrekende licht is te vinden. “Als we alle bekende bronnen van fotonen in ultraviolet licht bij elkaar optellen, missen we nog altijd 80 procent van alle ioniserende straling,” zei hij. “De vraag is waar het vandaan komt. De meest fascinerende mogelijkheid is dat een exotische nieuwe bron verantwoordelijk is voor de ontbrekende lichtdeeltjes.”
Het zou bijvoorbeeld kunnen gaan om de mysterieuze donkere materie, die sterrenstelsels bij elkaar houdt, maar nog nooit direct is waargenomen. Het licht is mogelijk een bijproduct van het verval van deze donkere materie.
videoDe vuurbal boven het zuidoosten van Australië donderdagavond was geen UFO of vliegtuigongeluk. Australische media hebben vrijdag deskundigen aan het woord gelaten en hun oordeel luidde vrijwel unaniem: afval van een Russische Sojoezraket.
Een van hen, Jonathan McDowell van het centrum voor astrofysica van de Amerikaanse Harvard Universiteit, identificeerde het brandende object. Het was de derde trap van de Sojoezraket die afgelopen dinsdag in Kazachstan werd gelanceerd om een weersatelliet in de ruimte te brengen.
Het ruimteafval scheerde met een snelheid van bijna 29.000 kilometer per uur door het luchtruim. Het leidde tot verbazing en onrust in de regio. Een aantal mensen belde nooddiensten over een brandend vliegtuig of de komst van een meteoriet.
Over de plaatsen waar restanten zouden zijn neergekomen, heerst onenigheid. De Australische astronoom Brian Schmidt schat dat "restafval" kan zijn neergekomen in een dunbevolkte streek circa 500 kilometer ten noordwesten van Sydney. Collega's denken dat veel zuidelijker in Australië of in de Stille Oceaan restanten van de Sojoezraket zijn neergekomen.
Fotoreeks Het is weinig stervelingen gegund, een blik op de aarde werpen vanuit de ruimte. Dankzij de moderne technologie kunnen u en ik er toch ietwat 'live' van genieten. De Australische nieuwssite verzamelde tweets die astronauten van het internationale ruimtestation ISS recent de wereld instuurden. Het resultaat is een reeks prachtige foto's van onze aarde zoals u ze zelden zag. Magische kiekjes die we u niet wilden onthouden...
Over exact een jaar bereikt het ruimtetuig New Horizons, na acht en half jaar reizen, de planeet Pluto. Alan Stern, een planetair wetenschapper en voormalig wetenschappelijk directeur bij NASA, plande niet alleen de datum, maar ook het exacte tijdstip. "En we zijn op schema."
Volgend jaar, op 14 juli 2015, zal het onbemande ruimtevaartuig New Horizons de planeet Pluto bereiken. Al is de term "bereiken" relatief.
"Op het dichtste punt, ligt er nog altijd 9.650 kilometer tussen New Horizons en Pluto", licht Alan Stern toe. "We hebben die afstand zorgvuldig berekend om er zeker van te zijn dat het de scherpste foto's kan maken, zonder in de baan van Pluto getrokken te worden. En 9.650 kilometer is veel dichterbij dan we ooit geweest zijn, het vorig record ligt op enkele miljarden kilometers."
Dwergplaneet Pluto's degradatie van planeet naar dwergplaneet in 2006, hetzelfde jaar als de lancering van New Horizons, kwam voor velen als een donderslag bij heldere hemel. Sindsdien is er veel discussie over het feit of Pluto al dan niet een echte planeet is, al geeft Stern te kennen dat Pluto voor hem altijd een planeet zal zijn.
Al bij al weten wetenschappers eigenlijk helemaal niet wat ze op de dwergplaneet zullen aantreffen. En dat maakt de missie net zo interessant. "Tijdens de eerste missies naar Jupiter had bijvoorbeeld niemand verwacht om manen met actieve vulkanen te vinden."
Onbegrensd reizen Voor gegevens en de scherpe foto's zullen ruimteliefhebbers wat meer geduld moeten uitoefenen. De wetenschappers hebben op de dag dat Pluto bereikt wordt een radiostilte gepland, zodat het ruimtetuig zoveel mogelijk gegevens kan verzamelen. De eerste foto's zullen dus pas op 15 juli 2015 binnenkomen.
New Horizons is in een perfecte staat en heeft nog genoeg brandstof. Na de ontmoeting met Pluto blijft het gewoon verder reizen, tot de buitenste rand van ons zonnestelsel. Wie op de hoogte wil blijven van de reis kan terecht op de website van New Horizons.
Na ruim een jaar onderzoek is een expertencommissie van de Chileense overheid het er over eens. De beelden van een 'vliegende schotel', die in april 2013 boven een kopermijn werden geschoten, zijn die van een 'echte UFO'.
Het vliegende object, een schijf met een diameter van vijf à tien meter, werd gespot door enkele kompels van de kopermijn in Collahuasi. Zij beschreven het verschijnsel als een "afgeplatte helverlichte schotel". Een mijnwerker fotografeerde het fenomeen met zijn Kenox Samsung S860 en maakte de beelden over aan de overheid.
Een bevoegde commissie oordeelde dat het 'ding' in geen geval een meteoroligsch verschijnsel kon zijn, evenmin als een experimenteel vliegtuig, weerballon of drone. Het Committee for the Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena (CEFAA) vond de beelden bijzonder genoeg voor nader onderzoek en kwalificeerde ze als "ongeïdentificeerd vliegend object". De 'vliegende schotel' voerde "op- en neerwaartse vluchtbewegingen uit op zowat 600 meter boven het aardoppervlak", aldus nog het rapport.
Astronomen hebben de tot nu toe kleinste planeet rond een andere ster dan onze Zon ontdekt, zo bericht een team rond Thomas Barclay van de NASA in het wetenschappelijke vakblad Nature.
Barclay en co stelden met de Kepler-telescoop van de NASA vast dat er rond ster Kepler-37 een mini-planeet en twee compagnons draaien. Het gaat om de tot nog toe kleinste planeet die ooit buiten ons zonnestelsel is ontdekt. De diameter van het ding bedraagt slechts 3.800 km terwijl de diameter van onze Maan 3.800 km bedraagt.
De planeet draait rond Kepler-37 met twee andere planeten waarvan één nog wat kleiner en de andere duidelijk groter is. Vermoedelijk gaat het om een wereld van gesteente, zonder lucht en water, lijkend op "onze" Mercurius maar duidelijk kleiner. Leven is er niet mogelijk.
Diversiteit De astronomen benadrukken dat de vondst nog maar eens bewijst dat verre planetaire systemen duidelijk van het onze kunnen verschillen.
De vraag is echter of het pas ontdekte ding zijn status van planeet zal kunnen behouden. In 2006 legde de Internationale Astronomische Unie (IAU) strenge omschrijvingen voor het begrip 'planeet' vast, waardoor de kleine Pluto tot dwergplaneet werd gedegradeerd. Strikt genomen geldt de normering van de IAU evenwel enkel voor ons eigen zonnestelsel en worden planeten daarbuiten exoplaneten genoemd.
Video footage captured from the live camera stream of the International Space Station (ISS) shows what appears to be a giant cigar shaped UFO hovering nearby. The live footage was captured on July 9th, 2014.
It appears for approximately four minutes before fading away. The footage was taken by one of the ISS external cameras that are normally directed earthwards. The non-stationary nature of the UFO and the way it slowly moves has led some to conclude it is not a lens flare or similar lighting aberration.
This is not the first time that the ISS live camera feed has captured what appears to be a large UFO in the vicinity. The UFO appears to be very similar to the May 13, 2014 sighting from the same camera. The only difference is that the reported half a dozen orange lights are not flashing in a random manner. Back on January 29, NASA live streamingshowed what appeared to be a sleek elliptical UFO docked with the hull of the International Space Station. The object was between the Russian research module and the Soyuz escape capsule. Its size was approximately 10 meters. Some claimed that the UFO was related to an ISS ceremony featuring the Olympic flag. Yet the ISS ceremony was held in November 2013, and the flag was only about a meter in size, far smaller than the estimated 10 meter UFO.
Normally, I would chuckle, but the repeated theme of underground reptilian people (seen in caves around the world supposedly) and a legend of Lenni Lenape that 5000 years ago in the west there was a giant volcano eruption that drove them east, made this story of reptilians digging under ground 5000 years ago to escape the fiery apocalypse rather coincidental. These correlations in separate accounts intrigue me. There are repeated stories of tunneling under the California area and with an ancient giant civilization in that region and the islands off of California, it seems these sorts of stories need to be looked at more closely. The Hopi have a legend of people going underground to avoid a cataclysm. Supposed giant mummies were found with all their belongings archived in Death Valley caves and Grand Canyon by reported stories in the news in the early 1900s. Stories of Lizard people underground are not rare. Phantoms and Monsters (my favorite archive site – see more about them on this afternoon's posting) has stories of people running into such beings in caves in Missouri and Austria. So, is it feasible that these tunnels could be under LA? Well, sometimes when legends line up with other legends, there might be something going on – like waterways under LA (see bottom of post), and a fiery event 5000 years ago driving giants underground (and lizard people?) I plan to pursue this more and perhaps even check out Springerville (below). I'm too curious. From 1934, G. Warren Shufelt reported to the Los Angeles Times that he had discovered a series of caverns under LA that houses Reptoid people in ancient times. Reportedly, 5000 years ago a huge “tongue of fire” obliterated the Southwest and these people were forced to go underground. Reportedly, they had made tunnels in an upper and lower grid. The lower grid allowed sea water to rush through and force clean air into the upper level. There were rooms that were like “high rises” underground where they stored herbage for food.
Supposedly, according to Shufelt, some tunnels ran 20 miles under Santa Monica Bay and were used for ventilation.
For a comprehensive writing about this intriguing story, go here. Here's a short clip from the info there; “The “Lizard People” of Los Angeles survived the meteor shower, but were killed by natural gas leaking into their bunkers. Shufelt believed that they had built 13 such underground facilities in different areas for such a purpose. One was located in the eastern section of Arizona in a small town called Springerville and was only discovered recently.
Another was located under a hill which was surrounded by a curving ridge of mountains like the middle of a horse's hoof. This is exactly the type of terrain seen in downtown L.A. in the area that is now the Board of Education, which is built over the ruins of the old Willis Estate on top of Fort Moore hill. Shufelt and his partner Chief Little Green Leaf were both convinced that the ancient legends and the readings from Shufelt's mystery machine were true.
They decided to obtain a permit to sink a shaft down into the ruins of the subterranean city. They located a vacant lot at 518 North Hill Street, directly above one of the largest rooms. On 21st February 1933, the County Board of Supervisors approved a contract with Rex McCreary, Warren Shufelt and Ray Martin to search for buried treasure there.
The permittees were to bear all expenses, to leave the property in its original condition, and to share 50% of all discoveries and treasure with the city of L.A.
The county originally only allowed them to dig up to depths of 50 feet for fear of cave-ins. On 27th March 1933 they requested additional time and depths on their permit, believing that the labyrinth of tunnels was at least 1,900 feet in length, with rooms containing 9,000 square feet which contained valuable gold treasure in at least 16 places.
On 10th April 1933 the contract was renewed. By the end of November in 1933, the main shaft was at a depth of 200 feet. Shufelt was determined to drill to a depth of 1,000 feet if necessary. On 29th January 1934, the first stories regarding the legend of the “Lost Land of the Lizard People” made the L.A. newspapers. By this time, one of the five shafts was already 250 feet deep.
According to the legend and the radio surveys, the underground city was laid out in the shape of a lizard, with its tail under the Main Library at Fifth and Hope, and the body extending Northeast, with the head being at Lookout and Marda near North Broadway. The key room to the city was located under Second and South Broadway.
The legends state that the key room is the directory to the rest of the city, and to the historical gold record tablets. These gold tablets were slabs of gold, 4 feet long and 14 inches wide.
The tablets were believed to contain the records of the origins of the human race, and the history of modern man in the Americas, including details regarding the history of the mysterious Mayan people. Shufelt's radio-wave machine mapped the rooms and tunnels as subsurface voids, with the gold slabs as dark areas, showing perfect geometric angles.
The rooms, seven of which occurred within an area of six square city blocks, varied in size from 23' x 23' to 34' x 42'. The room below the first shaft was 31' x 42', and the key room was the smallest. Water had seeped into some of the tunnels, and several of the rooms including the largest were flooded. Shufelt was prepared to use divers to explore the submerged areas when they finally broke into the subterranean city.”
NOTE: If you're enjoying this legend – there is another one that there are waterways under California that lead our military to secret bases under the desert floor by submarine. Enjoy the story here.
Shane Kurz (involved in other experiences) in her last year at Westmoreland High was walking to school when she was approached by a short man with slanted eyes and a slight oriental accent. He knew her name, and asked her peculiar questions, such as “What is volleyball and basketball?” He offered to take her for a car ride in her lunch hour. She ended the conversation with the words, “It was nice meeting you”, took three steps away, then turned around again, but the man had vanished, which she considered impossible. A month later, in a nearby store she noticed an albino man in a long black overcoat, who kept staring at her. The following year she saw a UFO and came to believe that she had been abducted.
HC addendum Source: Hans Holzer, “The Ufonauts: pp. 217-19
Location: Wildwood New Jersey Date: January 9 1967
Time: 1730
At 1730 there was a knock at the Edward Christiansen residence (involved in a previous UFO encounter), 17-year old Connie Christiansen when to the door, stunned she reported back, “It’s the strangest looking man I’ve ever seen.” Mrs Christiansen went to the door, unbolted, and unlatched it. It was growing dark and was bitter cold outside. There was no car in view and this seemed peculiar because the Christiansen home was removed from other houses in a rather isolated spot. A tall man stood at the door, he asked if Edward Christiansen lived there. And then said he was from “the Missing Heirs Bureau” and asked to be led in. The stranger was then invited him. The visitor must have been at least 6’6” tall, enormously broad. He wore a Russian fur hat with a black visor on it and a very long black coat that seemed to be made out of thin material, too thin for the cold weather. He told the family “this will only take forty minutes.” As he removed his hat he revealed an unusual head, large and round while his face seemed angular, pointed. He had black hair, which was closely cropped, to his head. There was a perfectly round spot on the back of his head as if that area had recently been shaved. His nose and mouth seemed relatively normal, but his eyes were large, protruding, like “thyroid eyes,” and set wide apart. One eye appeared to have a cast, like a glass eye, and did not move in unison with is companion. During the course of the conversation Mr. Christiansen noticed a badge on the stranger’s shirt pocket, which he quickly covered with his hand and removed, placing it in his coat pocket. It resembled a gold or brass badge and it seemed to have a big K on it with a small x alongside and letters and numbers around the edge, according to Connie Christiansen. Underneath his thin outer coat he was wearing a short-sleeved shirt made of a Dacron like material. His trousers were of a dark material gray or black, and were a little too short. He wore dark shoes with unusually thick rubber soles. A strange feature on his leg fascinated Mrs Christiansen & Connie. When he sat down they could see a long thick green wire attached to the inside of his leg. It came up out or his socks and disappeared under his trousers. At one point it seemed to be indented into his leg and was covered with a large brown spot. The Christiansen’s noted that the visitor had an unnatural pallor. His speech was also strange, with a high “tinny” voice that seemed especially peculiar coming from such a large man. He also spoke in a strange, hard to understand, singsong like manner. At one point as his face gradually grew redder he asked for a glass of water and swallowed a large yellow capsule which he gulped down. He then returned to normal. After about 40 minutes he donned his hat and coat and told Mr. Christiansen that he would be in touch. When he reached the road, he made a gesture and a black 1963 Cadillac drove through the trees and pulled up. He climbed into the car and it drove away with its headlights off.
HC addendum Source: John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophecies
The 7-year old witness woke up suddenly feeling that something was in his room. His 11-year old brother was already awake and was pointing at a light behind the metal Venetian blinds. He felt compelled to look behind the blind slats. He then saw a dull silver metallic sphere about 24 inches in diameter. The sphere had a recessed rectangular panel & red dots and there was a very bright white light at the right and left sides of the panel. As the sphere hovered motionless the witness fell he was in direct mental contact with it. He felt paralyzed and in a strange sense of consciousness. He was unable to understand specifically what was being said, but it was very important that he listen to the messages. He believes that there were at least four simultaneous voices speaking to him in English. It was a multi-voiced message. The older brother was not involved in the contact. The sphere slowly began to rotate silently away from the witness and as it did its lights went out. Its motion was very smooth and silent. It rose rapidly and disappeared into the sky.
It’s high season for sightings – Grace never expected to see a UFO, the size of an aircraft carrier. Grace was working at a TV commercial film shoot in upstate New York. The various crews had just wrapped the shooting for the day. In Grace’s van there were ten members of the crew; everyone was anxious to return to their hotel in Middletown, NY. While driving on NY State Route 12, most of the crew members on the left side of the van nearly in unison remarked, “What is that?”
In the sky was a reddish-orange object and it continued to get closer and closer to their van. At first none of the folks could really make out what it was they were looking at. Graces says, “We all agreed it was not a plane or anything else we had ever seen.” The only thing everyone in the van certainly agreed on was that the object was getting bigger and bigger, and it was getting increasingly darker outside as the sun was setting. “Some of the folks in the van were on the verge of freaking out,” Grace explained. The road began to be curvy and led into a forested area where they lost sight of the object. As their van came around a small turn in the road, there was one of the other crew vans stopped. All of its crew members were out of their truck standing in the middle of the road looking up in a dazed manner. The driver of the van slammed on the brakes. After the vehicle, stopped the engine died, and everybody got out. “Above us was this unbelievably enormous ship, silent hovering just above the tree line,” Grace said with a tone of wonder in her voice. Grace clarified what it looked like very specifically, “it was a dark metal, and it was larger than an aircraft carrier, when we saw it at tree height. The circumference had baseball diamond shaped colored lights that changed color, but not in a pattern, they just changed colors, pink orange, blue, and yellow.” The group of film artists and technicians stood huddled together gazing up in awe for about 5 minutes. “…and then in a second, it pulled away, without a sound and it did so, incredibly fast.” Grace explained.
After the craft disappeared, the van the other crew had been driving in started up. One of the crew electricians told us their truck had stopped when the craft had gotten close to the tree line. Later at the hotel the two van loads of crew shared their encounter story with the rest of the shoot team. “They just thought we were all nuts.” Grace moaned. Interestingly enough the local newspaper reported that a large crowd in the parking lot of the local supermarket had also seen the UFO. Grace says, “I still talk occasionally to a few of my fellow witnesses and we are still all freaked out, because it was so unmistakably huge, so close and so real.” After a moment to reflect, Grace remarked about the long term impact of that night 26 years ago. “… It has left a huge mark on my life, and on how I see our place in the universe. I think of it in a very good way. It really forces you into a bigger perspective!
KENS NOTE: Apparently the TV film crews equipment was also not working. The vehicle they were driving in stopped working and came to a stop. This happens many times when there is a Close Encounter. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
With the best intentions of providing clarification for these matters, and in the hope that these words reach the authorities and citizens of the countries of the Americas regarding something that all of us should understand calmly and rationally, in order that people may become aware and take protective measures especially at night, I extend this warning mainly to the young: do not endanger your lives trying to capture these unknown animals, as they generally go about in packs, aside from having large claws and mysterious chemical defenses, making them as dangerous (or more so) than any of the large felines known to us. For the good of all, mainly children, we must understand that nature is not forgiving. Be cautious when facing the unknown. Those of us engaged in research ask for more time to prove what is stated herein.
After sending over 1000 e-mails to various institutions, agencies and scientists, I continue to support what I have been saying about Megatherium for over 10 years on my own initiative, based on my sightings of these large and astonishing animals in Amazonia, where I conducted explorations in several instances. I have made up my mind to step forward with my conclusions, hitherto theoretical, which will cause great differences in the public and scientific opinion, but also in the understanding that repeated and ever-increasing waves of animal mutilations through the Americas remain unexplained.
I am referring to Megatheria of average size such as the megalonyx wheatley or similar ones, without discarding the possible of Megatherium having other physical configurations that anyone is free to research on the Internet, in order to glean paleontological data and information. I will provide a number of links with eyewitness accounts in order that people may interpret the associations in a more immediate context.
I endeavor to explain how one of the main mammal species of the Pleistocene megafauna, which survived the ice age, is responsible for most of the so-called mutilations and the correspondence between these facts. Science has properly described their successful evolution during the Eocene-Pleistocene period, yet mistakenly considers them extinct in the more recent ice ages. A current “large population of Megatherium” has anonymously been handed down to our times, possessing highly evasive qualities, a pestilent and effective chemical weapon, and a surprising physical agility. Perhaps spurred by our own actions, they have scattered across the continent once more as a simple “Lazarus taxon” not yet proven by science, arising from the scientific insistence on avoiding any research on cryptids and/or myths, coupled with a lack of interest in eyewitness accounts and narratives portrayed journalistically from the beginning of the historic record, considering them to be unacceptable legends or human delusions.
The certainty of my sightings shook my skepticism and led me to investigate any sighting or attack by strange creatures having certain characteristics, understanding them to be clearly related to animal mutilations in the Americas alone, which have been tallied in excess of 10,000 mutilated heads of cattle, an uncounted number of farm birds, as well as swine, sheep, horses, donkeys, dogs, cats and wild pets, as well as a probable relationship – under certain conditions – to a small number of attacks/injuries on human beings.
I have also considered, then, the existence of a historic chain of mutilations over time, which would include wild animals over hundreds of years, going back to prehispanic times, and non-domestic animals in recent decades, which perhaps displaced by human expansion, hunting and deforestation. [These predators] have been encouraged to approach settlements with the results in question. Currently, only 50-60% of the cases have been reported due to the scarce and unsatisfactory response by officialdom, similar to what happens with petty theft, where reports are few because we cannot justify the waste of time.
These mutilations have also been researched by various scientific agencies from a number of countries and intelligence organizations such as the FBI and others. Most cattlemen, peasants, practical people and those knowledgeable of their various regional predators cannot be convinced by any of the theories or responses put forth so far. The reaction of casual eyewitnesses to the unknown, and the association and relationships formed within their minds in an unexpected moment, also need to be understood.
To understand eyewitness perceptions, it is necessary to know how each observer defines an unknown animal species under pressure, distance, angle and lighting, and what mythical or journalistic information they associated in their minds at that moment. I can give you several examples of this:
Humanoid, lobizón, Chupacabras, wolfman, large dog, large monkey, pig dog, chulliachaque, devil, mulánima, comecabras… over 40 regional names in various Spanish-speaking countries.
Lobisomem, paça-lobo, cape-lobo, homem-lobo, mapinguari, curupira, mula-sem-cabeça, boi-de-ouro, chupa-chupa, pé de garrafa and other 20 native or regional tongues (Portuguese) in Brazil.
Luisó / Luisón, over 10 legendary definitions in Guaraní (Paraguay)
Swamp beast, skunk ape, wolfman, dogman, fouke monster, jonesville monster, wendigo, boggy creek, etc., (U.S.A – Canada ) I have not included Sasquatch/Bigfoot because researchers there suggest a hominid, but a relationship could exist.
Some time ago, over 2000 sightings/attacks were believed to have occurred in the U.S.A. and over 10,000 for South and Central America, giving rise to a variety of theories, official communiqués, conspiracy theories and even merchandising, and for this reason I shall only mention some outstanding conclusions:
The most common official response in several countries is to ascribe action to natural predators, feral dogs or natural deaths followed by carrion animals or others forced by drought and a scarcity of food, highlighting the conclusion reached by Argentina’s SENASA in the year 2002 that the red-muzzled mouse was to blame, and the disagreement with most scientific veterinarians is on record (although for a specific region, this could be valid following a natural death related to known animal diseases).
Moreover, paranormal researchers and other believed that luminous effects were witnessed in 80% of the cases, although avoiding specifics, and general coinciding with mutilation areas, for which reason a UFO theory was invoked, associated with circular ground marks, possible burns in the injuries, an association with phosphate chemicals, etc., but which to my understanding have a direct relationship with the fluids released by this species, call them highly acid and toxic liquid emanations, but which I cannot say for sure would have a luminous effect or not. But I do value their valuable and voluntary efforts to mobilize and gather information, eyewitness accounts and post them to their web pages, while respectfully disagreeing with their opinions.
Other conspiracy-minded, extremist or malicious theories put forth by people with evil intentions, etc. after a brief analysis, do not bear being mentioned.
Even though films like ‘Inception’, ‘Waking Life‘ and more recently, ‘John Dies at the End’ and ‘Now You See Me’ wouldn’t be approachable without assuming the authenticity of unexplainable events, most people, including most scientists, are unaware of the vast abundance of compelling scientific evidence for psychic phenomena, which has resulted from over a century of para-psychological research. Thousands of archaeological finds also suggest the use of such phenomenon in prehistoric times.
Hundreds of carefully controlled studies — in which psi researchers continuously redesigned experiments to address comments from their critics — have produced results that demonstrate marginal but statistically significant effects for psi phenomena, especially with regard to telepathy, precognition, and psychokinesis.
Biologist Rupert Sheldrake, Neurologist Vilaynur Ramachandran and Physicist Dean Radin are modern scientific pioneers in this field, and speak of compelling evidence for psychic phenomena, which imply that our minds are also more interconnected to one another than previously imagined.
These perspectives have dramatic implications when they become the basis for how we see the world, where we define boundaries, and how we view the process of extinction.
According to Radin, a meta-analysis of this research demonstrates that the positive results from these studies are significant with odds in the order of many billions to one. Princeton University, the Stanford Research Institute, Duke University, the Institute of Noetic Science, the U.S. and Russian governments, and many other respectable institutions have spent years researching mysterious phenomena such as remote viewing and super-soldiers, and conventional science is at a loss to explain the results.
This question into the authenticity of the research is based on a very deep-seated, kind of knee-jerk prejudice reaction, and there’s nothing new about it. If you read the kind of comments that scientists made about some of the early psychical research in 1880s and ’90s, it was just as ignorant, with almost the same words they use today. Firstly, the reason is ideological. A lot of scientists are committed to a materialist ideology because they cannot imagine a world that would exist otherwise.
Essentially, they think that the mind and the brain are the same thing. The mind is nothing but the brain, or the activity of the brain, so therefore it’s all inside the head. So anything like telepathy, clairvoyance and the like that suggests that there might be mental inferences working beyond the spatial boundaries of the brain simply doesn’t fit into a clockwork view of the world, and therefore it has to be rejected.
This attempt to ignore or reject things that don’t fit into a world view is a very well known human tendency. It’s happened over and over again in the history of science. In the end the evidence wins out, but in the case of psychical phenomena, this denial is still quite strong.
This behavior is akin to the cardinals at the time of Galileo, who didn’t believe there could be craters on the Moon, so they just didn’t want to look through his telescopes which showed that there were. Similarly, in the nineteenth century, creationists who didn’t want to believe in an evolutionary theory had to explain away the fossils as being, in the most extreme case, put there by God to try our faith.
It’s based on a particularly limited belief system — one that was developed in the late eighteenth century, before we knew anything much about genes, electricity and magnetism and certainly before atomic theory and quantum non-locality was known about. It’s really Enlightenment rationalism of the sort of 1790s variety.
The Enlightenment rationalists believed that science and reason should sweep away religion, dogma, and superstition, and this was an ideological and social agenda. In many ways this was liberating and important. We’re all the beneficiaries of this, but it’s become a restrictive dogmatism now, and science has moved on a long way since the late eighteenth century.
Field phenomena were unknown then. A lot of these phenomena that were classified as superstition, like psychic phenomena, really do exist, and they can be explained in terms of fields as Rupert Sheldrake does quite stunningly.
Says Sheldrake: “So I think, in fact, these are reflected in the physical world, as we understand it, through modern physics and the principles that underlie all matter in the universe, which are the formative aspect of fields. Everything is shaped through fields. The gravitational field shapes the whole universe. Quantum fields shape atoms, and electromagnetic fields shape molecules. And morphic fields shape organisms, the arrangement of social groups, and so forth. There are all these fields that give form and order to nature, and there’s energy, which is the moving principle of nature. It’s what makes things happen, change, alter. It’s the principle of activity.”
The only way these phenomena can be understood is its actualization, simultaneously, in information and nervous systems that are separated from each other in space-time by a common non-local domain.
As we understand more about the physics of non-locality — which is really an elaboration of the Einstein-Padolski-Rosen equation and Bell’s Theorem we will have a better way to explain and understand the mechanisms of these happenstance.
Evidence of so-called telepathy, precognition, remembrance of other lifetimes, and prophecy are, when proven authentic, examples of simultaneous actualization of information in different nervous systems from a singular underlying non-local field.
Just as fascinating as the research into psychic phenomena is the controversy that surrounds it. Although surveys conducted by Sheldrake and David J Brown reveal that around 78 percent of the population has had unexplainable “psychic” experiences – remarkable coincidences, uncanny premonitions, precognitive dreams, and seemingly telepathic communications – and scientific evidence supports the validity of these experiences. But many scientists are unaware of this evidence and think that direct brain-to-brain communication is impossible, and that there is no reality to psychic phenomenon.
When Sheldrake and Brown investigated whether pets could anticipate their owner’s arrival in ways not easily explained by conventional science, they approached the phenomena of telepathy as if it were part of the natural world, an adaptive ability that evolved through the process of natural selection, like any other biological trait. But this perspective is unusual in the scientific community.
This ignorance demonstrates the enormous power that a scientific paradigm can hold over a generation of scientists even though all the evidence amassed suggest otherwise, and it makes me wonder: Just how else might our concepts and assumptions be limiting our view of the everything we experience?
As an evidence of this consider how two of the most outspoken atheists – Derren Brown and Richard Dawkins are the most staunch opponents of this theory of interconnectedness and instead choose to reduce everything to rationalizations or tricks in a bag.
About the Author
Aliston Texeira, B.E (Mech.) – Cosmick Receiver, Researcher & Transmitter. An androgynous/anarchist/occult/eco hybrid trained in the sciences operating as a focal point for a dispersed underground group of subversives who feel restricted by societal concerns.
Did you know the Mississippi River has it’s own lake monster legend? Neither did I! It’s name is Pepie, and its home seems to be Lake Pepin which forms the border between Minnesota and Wisconsin.
MUSCATINE, Iowa — The U.S. might have its very own Loch Ness monster traveling the Mississippi — one even thought to have visited Muscatine.
The monster is called Pepie, after Lake Pepin, which forms the border between Minnesota and Wisconsin, where it is said to live.
The legend of Pepie dates back to Native American mound builders that lived all along the Mississippi from the Gulf of Mexico to the river’s source in Minnesota, according to Chad Lewis, author of the recent book “Pepie: The Lake Monster of the Mississippi River.”
Lewis, a Wisconsin native, is the author of 17 other books about the weird and unexplained and said he became interested in Pepie while researching other lakes and streams in his home state. What made Pepie unique from other monster stories was the $50,000 reward on its head.
Businessman Larry Nielson offered the reward for conclusive proof of Pepie’s existence in 2008 as a ploy to garner tourism to the Lake City area, according to Lewis. The reward is still on the table.
Though the main focus of his book is Lake Pepin sightings of Pepie, Lewis said his research took him along the Mississippi as well. In 1876, among a slew of other Pepie sightings, the Anita Tribune reported one near Muscatine. The report is brief, reading only: “Another river monster has been seen in the Mississippi river, near Muscatine, by two fisherman. This is certainly a case of snakes in its worst form.”
A book titled “Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the Nature of the Universe“ contains a notion that life does not end when the body dies, and it can last forever.
The author of this publication, scientist Dr. Robert Lanza who was voted the 3rd most important scientist alive by the NY Times, has no doubts that this is possible.
Lanza is an expert in regenerative medicine and scientific director of Advanced Cell Technology Company.
Before he has been known for his extensive research which dealt with stem cells, he was also famous for several successful experiments on cloning endangered animal species.
But not so long ago, the scientist became involved with physics, quantum mechanics and astrophysics.
This explosive mixture has given birth to the new theory of biocentrism, which the professor has been preaching ever since.
Biocentrism teaches that life and consciousness are fundamental to the universe. It is consciousness that creates the material universe, not the other way around.
Lanza points to the structure of the universe itself, and that the laws, forces, and constants of the universe appear to be fine-tuned for life, implying intelligence existed prior to matter.
He also claims that space and time are not objects or things, but rather tools of our animal understanding.
Lanza says that we carry space and time around with us “like turtles with shells.” meaning that when the shell comes off (space and time), we still exist.
The theory implies that death of consciousness simply does not exist. It only exists as a thought because people identify themselves with their body.
They believe that the body is going to perish, sooner or later, thinking their consciousness will disappear too.
If the body generates consciousness, then consciousness dies when the body dies. But if the body receives consciousness in the same way that a cable box receives satellite signals, then of course consciousness does not end at the death of the physical vehicle.
In fact, consciousness exists outside of constraints of time and space. It is able to be anywhere: in the human body and outside of it.
In other words, it is non-local in the same sense that quantum objects are non-local.
Lanza also believes that multiple universes can exist simultaneously. In one universe, the body can be dead.
And in another it continues to exist, absorbing consciousness which migrated into this universe.
This means that a dead person while traveling through the same tunnel ends up not in hell or in heaven, but in a similar world he or she once inhabited, but this time alive. And so on, infinitely. It’s almost like a cosmic Russian doll afterlife effect.
This hope-instilling, but extremely controversial theory by Lanza has many unwitting supporters, not just mere mortals who want to live forever, but also some well-known scientists.
These are the physicists and astrophysicists who tend to agree with existence of parallel worlds and who suggest the possibility of multiple universes.
Multiverse (multi-universe) is a so-called scientific concept, which they defend. They believe that no physical laws exist which would prohibit the existence of parallel worlds.
The first one was a science fiction writer H.G. Wells who proclaimed in 1895 in his story “The Door in the Wall”.
And after 62 years, this idea was developed by Dr. Hugh Everett in his graduate thesis at the Princeton University. It basically posits that at any given moment the universe divides into countless similar instances.
And the next moment, these “newborn” universes split in a similar fashion. In some of these worlds you may be present: reading this article in one universe, or watching TV in another.
The triggering factor for these multiplyingworlds is our actions, explained Everett. If we make some choices, instantly one universe splits into two with different versions of outcomes.
In the 1980s, Andrei Linde, scientist from the Lebedev’s Institute of physics, developed the theory of multiple universes. He is now a professor at Stanford University.
Linde explained: Space consists of many inflating spheres, which give rise to similar spheres, and those, in turn, produce spheres in even greater numbers, and so on to infinity.
In the universe, they are spaced apart. They are not aware of each other’s existence. But they represent parts of the same physical universe.
The fact that our universe is not alone is supported by data received from the Planck space telescope.
Using the data, scientists have created the most accurate map of the microwave background, the so-called cosmic relic background radiation, which has remained since the inception of our universe.
They also found that the universe has a lot of dark recesses represented by some holes and extensive gaps.
Theoretical physicist Laura Mersini-Houghton from the North Carolina University with her colleagues argue: the anomalies of the microwave background exist due to the fact that our universe is influenced by other universes existing nearby. And holes and gaps are a direct result of attacks on us by neighboring universes.
So, there is abundance of places or other universes where our soul could migrate after death, according to the theory of neo-biocentrism. But does the soul exist?
Is there any scientific theory of consciousness that could accommodate such a claim?
According to Dr. Stuart Hameroff, a near-death experience happens when the quantum information that inhabits the nervous system leaves the body and dissipates into the universe.
Contrary to materialistic accounts of consciousness, Dr. Hameroff offers an alternative explanation of consciousness that can perhaps appeal to both the rational scientific mind and personal intuitions.
Consciousness resides, according to Stuart and British physicist Sir Roger Penrose, in the microtubules of the brain cells, which are the primary sites of quantum processing.
Upon death, this information is released from your body, meaning that your consciousness goes with it.
They have argued that our experience of consciousness is the result of quantum gravity effects in these microtubules, a theory which they dubbed orchestrated objective reduction (Orch-OR).
Consciousness, or at least proto-consciousness is theorized by them to be a fundamental property of the universe, present even at the first moment of the universe during the Big Bang.
“In one such scheme proto-conscious experience is a basic property of physical reality accessible to a quantum process associated with brain activity.”
Our souls are in fact constructed from the very fabric of the universe – and may have existed since the beginning of time. Our brains are just receivers and amplifiers for the proto-consciousness that is intrinsic to the fabric of space-time.
So is there really a part of your consciousness that is non-material and will live on after the death of your physical body?
Dr Hameroff told the Science Channel’s Through the Wormhole documentary:
“Let’s say the heart stops beating, the blood stops flowing, the microtubules lose their quantum state.
The quantum information within the microtubules is not destroyed, it can’t be destroyed, it just distributes and dissipates to the universe at large”.
Robert Lanza would add here that not only does it exist in the universe, it exists perhaps in another universe.
If the patient is resuscitated, revived, this quantum information can go back into the microtubules and the patient says “I had a near death experience”‘
He adds: “If they’re not revived, and the patient dies, it’s possible that this quantum information can exist outside the body, perhaps indefinitely, as a soul.”
This account of quantum consciousness explains things like near-death experiences, astral projection, out of body experiences, and even reincarnation without needing to appeal to religious ideology.
The energy of your consciousness potentially gets recycled back into a different body at some point, and in the mean time it exists outside of the physical body on some other level of reality, and possibly in another universe.
Theorie van de holle aarde: een wereld waar je 1700 jaar oud kunt worden?
Theorie van de holle aarde: een wereld waar je 1700 jaar oud kunt worden?
Vandaag in de wetenschapssectie van de Britse krant de Daily Telegraph een artikel over de holle aarde. Complottheoretici pogen al eeuwenlang te bewijzen dat er een geheel onbekende wereld onder onze voeten schuilt, aldus de krant.
Op 4 oktober 2002 was Dallas Thompson uit Bakersfield in de staat Californië te gast in het radioprogramma Coast to Coast AM met Art Bell. Thompson vertelde over een ongeluk dat hij vijf jaar daarvoor had gehad. Hij reed op de snelweg toen het plotseling hard begon te regenen. Als gevolg van aquaplaning raakte hij van de weg en viel hij in een ravijn.
In het wrak had Thompson een bijna-doodervaring. Hij zag een licht ‘dat zo helder was dat zijn ogen pijn deden’. Plotseling kreeg hij toegang tot allerlei informatie over de wereld om hem heen. Eenmaal bij kennis was hij ervan overtuigd dat de aarde hol was en dat er een opening bij de Noordpool zat. Tijdens het programma vertelde de trainer over een expeditie naar de vermeende opening.
“In de mantel is een gigantisch grottenstelsel te vinden,” zei Thompson. Hij voegde toe dat wezens die er leven worden beschermd tegen giftige stoffen en schadelijke straling. Er zouden kuddes mammoeten en oude stammen zijn, waarvan de leden tot wel 1700 jaar oud kunnen worden.
Grootste geheim ooit
De expeditie die Thompson wilde organiseren was groot nieuws. In december 2002 schreef hij een bericht op de pagina van zijn Yahoo Group waarin stond dat hij iedere dag meer dan 5600 e-mails kreeg. Zijn boek Cosmic Manuscript was een bestseller geworden en stond in Canada bovenaan de lijsten. Kort daarop verdween Thompson op mysterieuze wijze van de radar.
Al eeuwenlang droomt de mensheid over werelden in het inwendige van de aarde. Verschillende schrijvers werden hierdoor geïnspireerd; denk aan Tarzan-bedenker Edgar Rice Burroughs (At the Earth’s Core, 1914), Edgar Allen Poe (The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, 1838) en Jules Verne (A Journey to the Centre of the Earth, 1864).
Duizenden theoretici hebben het op internetfora over ‘het grootste geheim ooit’. Op YouTube gaan filmpjes rond waarin wordt beweerd dat satellietbeelden op Google Earth zijn veranderd om het bestaan van de gaten te verdoezelen. Oude Grieken, Tibetaanse boeddhisten en christenen meenden dat de hel in grotten onder de mantel was te vinden.
De 18e-eeuwse koninklijke astronoom Edmond Halley geloofde dat onze planeet bestaat uit een holle schil, met daaronder twee concentrische schillen en in het centrum een kern ter grootte van de planeet Mercurius.
“Ik werkte toen ik 16 was op een boerderij in New Mexico toen de zoon van de boer erover begon te praten,” zei Rodney M. Cluff, auteur van het boek World Top Secret: Our Earth IS Hollow! “In geschriften vond ik bewijs dat de aarde – net als alle andere planeten, de manen en zelfs asteroïden – hol is.”
Cluff verhuisde in 1981 van New Mexico naar Alaska om op zoek te gaan naar één van de openingen naar de holle aarde. Hij reisde met een gezelschap naar Point Barrow, het meest noordelijke punt van de Verenigde Staten, toen hij op een bord stuitte: “Dit is een eigen weg: Ga niet verder.” Kort daarop verhuisde Cluff weer terug naar het zuiden.
Karl Unger was een Duitse matroos die in 1943 met een onderzeeër naar de Zuidpool zou zijn gevaren. Unger beweerde dat het schip de holle aarde via een onderwateropening was binnengedrongen en dat de bemanning er werd begroet door een hoogontwikkelde beschaving. Hitler zou een believer zijn geweest en volgens sommige complottheoretici is hij aan het einde van de Tweede Wereldoorlog ontsnapt naar de holle aarde.
Admiraal Richard Byrd was een hoog onderscheiden marineofficier. Hij zou een ‘geheim dagboek’ hebben bijgehouden waarin werd gerept over een land vol meren, groen en wolharige mammoeten op de Zuidpool. De gepensioneerde kolonel Billie Faye Woodward beweert zelfs dat hij en zijn tweelingzus in de holle aarde zijn geboren.
Cluff probeerde in 2003 opnieuw af te reizen naar de Noordpool. Hij kreeg een e-mail van Steve Currey, een man die gespecialiseerd was in exotische expedities. Currey had zijn vader ooit horen praten over de holle aarde en was bekend met Cluffs boek. Vlak voor de expeditie ontdekte Steve dat hij zes hersentumoren had. Hij stierf korte tijd later.
Een ander lid van de expeditie – natuurkundige dr. Brooks Agnew – werd aangewezen als nieuwe expeditieleider. Na een nieuwe reeks tegenslagen zou het team in de zomer van 2014 moeten vertrekken. “Brooks Agnew nam afgelopen september ontslag,” zei Cluff. “Hij zei dat een belangrijke aandeelhouder van zijn bedrijf zich had teruggetrokken omdat Agnew betrokken was bij de expeditie.”
Toen een ander expeditielid om het leven was gekomen bij een vliegtuigongeluk begon Cluff zich af te vragen of er mysterieuze krachten actief zijn die hem tegen willen houden. “Er lijkt een kracht te zijn die probeert ons te stoppen,” zei hij. “Ik denk dat het de internationale bankiers zijn. Zij willen niet dat de mensen uit de holle aarde zich bemoeien met hun slaven aan het oppervlak.”
Kan er nog een andere verklaring zijn voor de verdwijning van Thompson? Schrijver W. M. Wott zegt dat passages uit diens boek woord voor woord zijn overgenomen uit ‘Caverns, Cauldrons and Concealed Creatures’. Hij beweert verder dat Thompson ondergedoken zit uit angst voor rechtszaken.
Hebben duistere bankiers hem het zwijgen opgelegd omdat ze bang waren dat hij de waarheid zou onthullen? Of heeft hij daadwerkelijk de holle aarde bereikt en leeft hij de komende 1657 jaar in een paradijs? Of misschien is hij gewoon vergeten zijn telefoonrekening te betalen?
Top U.S. Astronomers Tell Congress That Extraterrestrial Life Exists Without Question
Top U.S. Astronomers Tell Congress That Extraterrestrial Life Exists Without Question
Two top astronomers from the SETI Institute (Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence) recently appeared in front of the congressional House Science and Technology Committee for a hearing regarding the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. They told the committee that extraterrestrial life most certainly exists, without question, one of those scientists is Seth Shostak, a well-known senior scientist at the SETI Institute. They said that the chance of discovering life on other planets is inevitable and will most likely occur within the next 20 years.(1)(2)
Their main argument was the size of the universe, emphasizing that there are trillions of stars out there, with one in every five most likely harboring an Earth-like planet.
“In the last 50 years, evidence has steadily mounted that the components and conditions we believe necessary for life are common and perhaps ubiquitous in our galaxy. The possibility that life has arisen elsewhere, and perhaps evolved intelligence, is plausible and warrants scientific inquiry. If you extrapolate on the planets they discovered, there are a trillion planets in the galaxy. That’s a lot of places for life. We know the majority of stars have planets, but what fraction of stars have planets that are more like the earth? It might be one in five.” - Dan Shostak
Scientists are discovering billions of Earth like planets on our Milky Way galaxy alone. I’d also like to mention that planets do not have to be Earth-like in order to harbor life, that’s just what we think and assume. Who knows what type of conditions life on other planets can thrive in? Or the biological make up of an extraterrestrial life form?
New York Politician Asks Astronomers about Extraterrestrials Already Visiting The Planet
Another topic brought up at the hearing was the topic of extraterrestrials, and if they are already visiting the planet. It was asked by U.S. Rep Chris Collins, a New York Republican.
Chris: “I think I might ask the question everyone in this room wants to ask, have you watched ‘Ancient Aliens’ and what’s your comment about that series?”
Shostak’s reply: “The public is fascinated with the idea that we may be being visited now, or may have been visited in the past, the so-called UFO phenomenon. I personally don’t share the conviction that we are being visited. I don’t think that that would be something that all the governments of the world had managed to obfuscate – to keep secret. I don’t believe that. .. The idea that maybe we were visited during the time of the ancient Egyptians and so forth, keep in mind that in the 4.5 billion year history of the Earth, the time of the ancient Egyptians was yesterday. So again, why were they there then? What was it that brought them to Earth? I have no idea and I don’t find very good evidence.”
In this interview, Shostak said he is aware of the witness testimony, but the fact remains that there is no scientific evidence, something he can touch, feel and examine, and that most of the scientists he knows feel the same way.
I’m not sure Shostak has examined the black budget world. Just because he has not seen any scientific evidence, does not mean that there is no scientific evidence. To read more about the black budget, please click HERE.
I’d also like to mention that many scientists all over the world have expressed that there is tremendous amounts of evidence to support the idea that extraterrestrial visitations have been occurring, and for a very long time. It’s not hard for governments to keep secrets, and I think we should not assume that if they have been visiting us, that they would just show up en mass. Here is one of them (a scientist) who shares a different belief than Shostak:
Why Were They Here Then (Ancient Past) and Not Now?
One of Shostak’s questions was, if they were here in our ancient past, why are they not here now? I don’t know the answer to this, but I do know that Earth was a very different place thousands of years ago compared to what it is now. Today, Earth has been destroyed, the people are at war and the overall general vibe of the planet is heavy. It’s flooded in conflict, pain, hurt, greed and fear, but things are changing, and maybe that explains all of the UFO activity we’ve been seeing lately over the past few years. There are a number of reasons why they might choose not to interact with us at this point in our history. At the same time, it seems interaction has been occurring, but with various individuals across the planet (instead of full out open disclosure) and with different government agencies all over the world.
So that brings us to his next point, that he doesn’t believe they would be able to keep this a secret. I personally don’t think it would be that hard. There are various secret military bases all over the planet, who is to say they are not interacting with those agencies at those bases?
What about all of the recent previously classified UFO documents that governments have now released? They managed to keep those secret for over 50 years… Don’t those go to show that they are indeed capable of keeping these secrets? They were able to cover up the fact that they were investigating the UFO phenomenon for decades.
There is a long history of UFOs interacting with military agencies (see below). Again, it would be a good idea if Dan was made aware of the black budget. As a scientist, I can understand why he doesn’t find all of the witness testimony compelling, however at the same time, the backgrounds of the men and women who have testified are no joke, and the official government documents correlated with them.
There is so much the human race still has to learn, realize and wake up to. We cannot even begin to comprehend the reasons why they are not interacting with humanity as they once supposedly did, openly and for everyone to see. Perhaps they don’t want to cause panic? Perhaps they are waiting for us to return the planet into balance with its natural environment. The list goes on and on, into various subjects that might involve concepts of science like frequency and vibration, who knows. The fact remains, the evidence is there and it’s overwhelming, it goes FAR beyond witness testimony and into abductions, films, reverse engineering, free energy, UFOs and nuclear missile sites, documents ect…
Here is a video of Bigelow Aerospace Director Mike Gold who mentions another congressional hearing about life on other planets. It’s good to see that some are at least aware of the UFO phenomenon and its importance. He expresses how he feels that it is a serious issue (The UFO issue) and that he is glad someone has been taking the reports.
UFOs ( Brief summary from past articles)
As far as UFOs go, they are a documented fact. The information below illustrates this, and yes I do understand that UFO does not equate to extraterrestrial space craft.
Within the past few years, dozens of governments admitted to allocating resources and having programs to study the UFO phenomenon. For instance, in Canada the RCMP, Transport Canada, and the Department of National Defence recently admitted to tracking UFOs and investigating them. (source) They’ve been doing it for years, accumulating thousands upon thousands of UFO related documents. Many of these documents have since been officially released.
HERE is the latest batch of UFO files released from the United Kingdom.
Documents released by the National Security Agency (NSA) reveal what is recorded when a UFO is being tracked on radar. HERE is one example. HERE is a four page U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and NSA report describing a particular encounter in great detail.
“As the F-4 approached a range of 25 nautical miles it lost all instrumentation and communications. When the F-4 turned away from the object and apparently was no longer a threat to it, the aircraft regained all instrumentation and communications. Another brightly lighted object came out of the original object. The second object headed straight toward the F4. ”
You can read more about the radar tracking of UFOs HERE.
HERE is a Wikileak cable that describes how some politicians already know we are not alone in the universe. You can read more about that HERE.
Again the list goes on and on and thousands upon thousands of UFO related documents are now available in the public domain. For a summary of more documents that have been declassified and made available, a video done by UFO expert Richard Dolan does a great one in 10 minutes. To watch it click HERE and see what type of information is out there.
Here is some of the witness testimony that the SETI scientist was referring to as something he cannot consider as evidence, and I understand that. But again, he does not seem to be aware of the black budget world -which include projects the human race knows nothing about.
“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. Trillions of dollars have been spent on black projects which both congress and the commander in chief have deliberately been kept in the dark.” (source) - Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer
“In one of the cases during the cold war, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying South from Russia across Europe. The supreme allied commander was very concerned and was about ready to press the panic button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole. They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for three years and they decided with absolute certainty that four different species, at least, have been visiting this planet for thousands of years. There’s been a lot more activity in the past two decades, especially since we invented the atomic bomb.” (source) - Paul Hellyer
“Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” Former head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960 (source)
“There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, by other civilizations. Who they are, where they are from, and what they want should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not be the subject of ‘rubishing’ by tabloid newspapers.” (source) - Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
“This thing has gotten so highly-classified…it is just impossible to get anything on it. I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business, that I’ve never tried to make it to be my business since. I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified.” – Senator Barry Goldwater, Chairman of the Senate intelligence committee (source)
“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time. That their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic western point of view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, that seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon” (source) - Dr. Brian O’leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor
Former Sen. Mike Gravel (D-Alaska), and 2008 presidential candidate said that there is “an extraterrestrial influence that is investigating our planet. Something is monitoring the planet and they are monitoring it very cautiously.” You can learn more about the citizens hearing here.
I cannot begin to express how much information and evidence is out there to support the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
For more articles on this subject from Collective Evolution, you can click HERE
This UFO video was taken while someone was recording a plane as they heard loud Jet sound. While filming the small plane a UFO flies in front of the small plane.
After that, you can see in the video is what appears to be a Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk Military Jet pursing the UFO.
After close analysis it becomes evident that the UFO and the Nighthawk Jet is far beyond the small plane that was being filmed at the start of this video.
The UFO in the video was actually shape-shifting as we slow the video down frame by frame.
Archaeologists in Peru say they have unearthed the previously unknown tomb of a nobleman from a pre-Inca civilization known as the Moche. The tomb contained the remains of an adult male, plus artifacts indicating the man’s elite status, according to the Peruvian newspaper El Comercio.
Among the most intriguing artifacts are ornamental metal pieces fashioned to look like feline paws with claws. The paws may have been part of a ritual costume used in ceremonial combat, El Comercio reported. The loser would be sacrificed, while the winner would get the costume.
This claw and fangs, discovered in the tomb of a Moche nobleman, may have been used as part of a ritual costume, archaeologists say.
Archaeologist Santiago Uceda, co-director of the Huaca de la Luna excavation in the Peruvian city of Trujillo, displayed the pieces as well as a copper scepter, bronze earrings, a mask and ceremonial ceramics on Thursday. “The scepter signifies power; the earrings, status; and the ceramic piece is typical of an elite personage,” Uceda told El Comercio.
He said the tomb and its contents, which are thought to be 1,500 years old, could shed new light on the Moche culture, an agricultural and artistic society that collapsed around the year 800.
South Dakota Sioux Tribe Security Officer Describes Encounter with Translucent Aliens
A reported that hundreds of softball-sized red lights spun around his vehicle while driving home from work March 6, 2011, and that he had an encounter with two “translucent ” beings, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The man’s wife filed the MUFON report March 7 after her husband returned home “visibly shaken” and apparently with missing time. The wife stated that the drive home from the casino usually takes 90 minutes, but that the events began around 11:15 p.m. and her husband arrived home at 2 a.m.
The man was driving alone in his vehicle when he noticed the red lights about 11:40 p.m. on Highway 63 about five miles south heading into Eagle Butte.
“The red lights, about 100-200 of these red lights, kept going around the car for a couple of miles,” the witness stated. “They never got super close, like two car lengths away from me, but all around me.”
A few miles down the highway, the man noticed that his car was slowing down.
“I was doing about 60 mph, but it slowed down to 40 mph, and wouldn’t go any faster. Then the red lights just disappeared. They didn’t fly off or anything, they just disappeared. The car then went back up to 60 mph like I normally drive it.”
When Highway 63 met a gravel road near a wind block experimental station, he noticed something standing along the road.
“I got a feeling of goosebumps all over me. It was tingly cold feeling all over me. Then I saw this thing on the side of the road where the gravel road meets the road and before I knew it, it was on the car. It reached in and touched my head through the windshield and ran its hand down my back. My back got real hot.”
The man described the alien.
“It had an oblong head, really thin body, thin arms and legs. It was translucent. It was glowing like a real dim light bulb cause you can see through it. Eyes were size of human, really long nose long in length. It has a really big mouth. Its arms were like sticks. They were parallel through each other. The two sticks looked like it was glowing. It was around 4 foot tall, but its arms stretched.”
There was another being standing along the road too.
“The other one, on the left hand side of the road had a face like a beast, horrifying, ugly, looked wrinkly, walked like a squat about the size of a goat. It was glowing too, reddish brown. It was wide and narrow.”
The being along the side of the road disappeared quickly, but the alien that appeared to enter the car stayed with the man until he reached an area where there were homes.
The wife said her husband’s head was hot and his demeanor was agitated when he arrived home. The husband also noticed that he had used up more gas than usual.
South Dakota is a current UFO ALERT 5 rating, with a low number of UFO sightings nationally. South Dakota had no UFO reports in February 2011 – with California at 67 sightings, the highest reporting state in the nation.
You can read more details about other recently reported cases at the UFO Examiner home page. The most up-to-date UFO information can be heard at web radio show UFO Traffic Report every Wednesday, 9 – 10:30 p.m. EST, which includes a UFO Witness Testimony Program segment, and an update of the UFO ALERT national rating system. Past shows are available at the Archive page.
The following is the unedited and as yet uninvestigated report filed with MUFON. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or manmade. If California MUFON investigates and reports back on this case, I will release an update. Please report UFO activity to
SD, March 5, 2011 – hundreds of red softball size sphered circling car. MUFON Case # 28132.
I am reporting this for my husband as he had to go to work. He works at [Employer removed/cms/tg] for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe as a security officer. When he came home last night he said, “it touched me!” and he was visibly shaken. It took awhile for me to get his story out, but I typed it out as he told me. Below is his words. It should be noted that the usual drive from the casino back home takes 90 minutes driving normally. He said this started happening around 11:15 Pm but he didn’t get home until almost 2 am march 6. He wasn’t even aware that this had taken longer than normally and when talking to him he wasn’t even aware that there was missing time. here are his words, “Sunday March 6 2011
Witness , [name deleted/cms/tg] security guard [employer removed/cms/tg] Driving home in car alone after work at about the red lights started about 11:40 PM might�ve been later than that. The red lights are like softballs, hundreds of them, real light and spinning around the car south of highway 20 and was on highway 63 about 5 miles travelling south to Eagle Butte. The red balls spun around the car for what seemed like a long time, it was real neat. The Red lights about 100-200 of these red lights and kept going around the car for a couple of miles. They never got super close like 2 car lengths away from me but all around me
After a couple of miles the car was slowing down. I was doing about 60MPH but it slowed down to 40MPH and wouldn�t go any faster. Then the red lights just disappeared. They didn�t fly off or anything they just disappeared. The car then went back up to 60 MPH like I normally drive it. I just thought it was kind of weird but kind of neat.
Then I got to where a gravel road meets 63 one of the wind block experiment station.. soil erosion experiment (that�s about 15-20 miles south of Timber Lake on 63) then I got a feeling of goosbumps all over me. It was tingly cold feeling all over me. Then I saw this thing on the side of the road where the gravel road meets the road and before I knew it it was on the car. It reached in and touched my head through the windshield and ran it�s hand down my back. My back got real hot.
Description of alien: It had an oblong head, really thin body, thin arms and legs, it was translucent it was glowing like a real dim light bulb cause you can see through it. Eyes were size of human, really long nose long in length. It has a really big mouth. It�s arms were like sticks they were parallel through each other the two sticks looked like it was glowing. It was around 4 foot tall but its arms stretched.
The other one, on the left hand side of the road had a face like a beast horrifying, ugly, looked wrinkly walked like a squat about the size of a goat. It was glowing too reddish brown.It was wide and narrow.
And almost as fast as I saw it it was gone (the one on the side of the road)
The one that was on the car it seemed like it was there for awhile because tingly feeling didn�t go away it felt like it was still there. The tingly feeling lasted about 10 minutes.
The one on the car it got to the point where I couldn�t feel or see it anymore, I didn�t feel like anything was completely gone until I got to the bison farm (15 miles from Eagle Butte)
Once I reached there was more farm houses everything was gone.
The car used a lot more gas than it usually does. It was over � tank when started and used over a � tank to get that far on 63.
I know sky was clear but couldn�t see any stars.
Checked [name removed/cms/tg] for marks found none. His head was hot and demeanor was aggitated upon returning home
Nine hikers were discovered covered in extremely high levels of radiation and beaten to death with force which exceeds that that a normal human could produce. One of the hiker’s also had allegedly bit off her own tongue and was missing eyes.
Did aliens perhaps kill the hikers?…what really happened…watch the video to learn more:
The Cumberland Spaceman - an analysis of the photograph.
This Morning: 'Teleporting isn't just possible, it's already happening'
A comment made at the end of today's ITV This Morning programme by the gorgeous and brilliantly clever Professor Brian Cox was an astonishing bit of news that I would have thought was newspaper headline stuff.
He told Phil and Holly that yes, we can already teleport things. That means, he said, that you destroy something in the place where it is now, and then make it appear somewhere else. Not a copy, but the actual same thing. It could be a person, or an animal or a car or a flower. At the moment though, it is just tiny molecules, but they are managing to teleport stuff that is bigger and bigger all the time, and there is no reason why in the future we can all teleport ourselves around as a means of transport. The professor said we could even one day teleport ourselves across the Universe - like Star Trek.
When Brian Cox talks about science, he makes it fascinating, and easy to understand. If he was your physics teacher at school you know you'd get an A*.
We were reminded that his TV career started on ITV This Morning years ago, and we saw VT clips of him doing science experiments - some quite dangerous ones - and some funny - with Phil and Fern
The professor was on the show to talk about his award winning science/comedy radio show with Robin Ince, called 'The Infinite Monkey Cage.' The 10th series of the popular show starts on BBC Radio 4, Monday July 7th at 4.30pm. He also discussed an exciting new series he's fronting soon on BBC 2 called The Human Universe.
He explained that one of the things they would be looking at is 'what came before the big bang' that created the universe we occupy. The universe is 13.8 billion years old and there had to be a point where it was created, so what was there before? Scientists now have theories, he said, that there was an ongoing massive expansion of space and that when it stopped the big bang happened. More theories being investigated are that there were lots of big bangs happening, not just ours, and that means there will have been other universes, millions of them being created too.
It is possible, said the professor, that there could be parallel universes going on right now that are duplicates of our own, and of us.
If that doesn't blow your mind for a Thursday morning - I don't know what will! Aurora James is a single parent, published author, professional journalist, keen home cook, and yo-yo dieter. An expert at family budgeting, useless at DIY, so an avid viewer of ITV This Morning
A bizarre looking UFO event has taken place in the skies over Milan, Italy on July 6th, 2014. What appears to be a very high flying highly reflective UFO has been caught on HD video.
The video itself may give clues as to what we are seeing in the video. Two cameras were used in the supplied video . The first is a Sony Handycam HDR-PJ260 and for the second half the video it was a Canon EOS 60D digital camera set for video camera mode. The Canon EOS 60D provides the superior images of this event. I have focused on the Canon video for this article.
A little about the camera involved
The 9-point AF system on the new EOS 60D features f/5.6-sensitive cross-type focusing on all nine focusing points. The center AF point is a hybrid of standard cross-type and special diagonally-shaped “X” cross, with high-precision sensitivity for f/2.8 and larger aperture lenses. Available for the first time in an EOS camera are Canon’s new creative image filters. Familiar to Canon PowerShot users, these fun photo effects help make a great image more dynamic, even after it has been shot. Canon provides four artistic filters that allow photographers to capture an image and then create and manipulate a digital copy of it.
The of interest to us in this UFO video is the filter called “Soft Focus Effect Filter”. The Soft Focus effect filter helps dramatize an image and smooth over shiny reflections.
Here is an example of what the soft focus effect has on light colored object.
The cameras aperture is also of interest to us when analysing this video. Aperture, like ISO, controls two things. It controls the depth of field and the amount of light entering the lens. Depth of field refers to how much of the subject is in focus. A shallow depth of field leaves some of the subject out of focus, while a larger depth of field means that the foreground and background are both in focus. The camera’s aperture is the hole or opening in the lens that allows light through. This hole can get bigger or smaller depending on the camera’s settings. The sizes of the opening are known as f-stops, hence the “F”. F-stops average from f/2.8, f/4.0, f/5.6, f/8.0, f/11, f/22.
In Canon’s literature it makes reference to the F/2.8 as being the optimum aperture setting and that it accommodates even larger aperture settings. In the image below take a look at what a aperture of F/2.8 looks like. Make note of the shape of the opening (the aperture).
Canon Line of Apertures
This video is obviously a case of optical aberration combined with the “Soft Focus Effect Filter”. This yields the effect you see in the video. The hexagonal shape of the aperture comes into play when the light coming into lens bounces around the optic glass due to impurities in the optics. In bright light situations you can see the shape of the aperture due to optical aberrations in the glass. that would explain the similar shaped reflections you see off the UFO.
One of the more interesting clues that sheds some light on this UFO mystery is the fact that July 6th, 2014 was a Sunday. According to Italian tradition. Most weddings were held on Sunday as it is considered the “luckiest day” for the bond of matrimony.
What the most likely thing we are seeing in the video are wedding balloons released during a wedding ceremony.
Obviously this is just speculation on what the UFO could be. But it is a plausible explanation that has the benefit of being simple and does not require extraordinary events to have occurred. Occam’s razor may being dull and boring but is almost always right. The original photographer needs to come forth and inform us of the exact camera settings were used and provide the original raw video for a more in-depth analysis. Otherwise all things point to it being wedding balloons.
(N.Morgan) Today, I thought we’d explore the ancient mysteries, of this big, old, world of ours. Not just our Earth’s beauty and splendor, but its hidden mysteries and history.
Mount Nemrut
Nemrut or Nemrud is a 2,134 m (7,001 ft) high mountain in southeastern Turkey, notable for the summit where a number of large statues are erected around what is assumed to be a royal tomb from the 1st century BC. (Image)
Nazca Lines
The Nazca Lines are a series of ancient geoglyphs located in the Nazca Desert in southern Peru. They were designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994. The high, arid plateau stretches more than 80 kilometres (50 mi) between the towns of Nazca and Palpa on the Pampas de Jumana about 400 km south of Lima. Although some local geoglyphs resemble Paracas motifs, scholars believe the Nazca Lines were created by the Nazca culture between 400 and 650 AD.[1] The hundreds of individual figures range in complexity from simple lines to stylized hummingbirds, spiders, monkeys, fish, sharks, orcas, and lizards.
The lines are shallow designs made in the ground by removing the reddish pebbles and uncovering the whitish/grayish ground beneath. Hundreds are simple lines or geometric shapes; more than seventy are zoomorphic designs of animals such as birds, fish, llamas, jaguar, monkey, or human figures. Other designs include phytomorphic shapes such as trees and flowers. The largest figures are over 200 metres (660 ft) across. Scholars differ in interpreting the purpose of the designs, but in general they ascribe religious significance to them. Other theories have been summarized as follows:
“The geometric ones could indicate the flow of water or be connected to rituals to summon water. The spiders, birds, and plants could be fertility symbols. Other possible explanations include: irrigation schemes or giant astronomical calendars.” (Image)
Vaimānika Shāstra
The Vaimānika Shāstra is an early 20th-century Sanskrit text on aeronautics obtained by psychic channeling and automatic writing. It makes the claim that the vimānas mentioned in ancient Sanskrit epics were advanced aerodynamic flying vehicles, similar to a rocket.
The existence of the text was revealed in 1952 by G. R. Josyer who asserted that it was written by Pandit Subbaraya Shastry (1866–1940), who dictated it during the years 1918–1923. A Hindi translation was published in 1959, while the Sanskrit text with an English translation was published in 1973. It contains 3000 shlokas in 8 chapters which Shastry claimed was psychically delivered to him by the ancient Hindu sage Bharadvaja. The text has gained favor among proponents of ancient astronaut theories. (Image)
Ramesses II
Ramesses II, alternatively transcribed as Rameses,referred to as Ramesses the Great, was the third Egyptian pharaoh (reigned 1279 BC – 1213 BC) of the Nineteenth dynasty. He is often regarded as the greatest, most celebrated, and most powerful pharaoh of the Egyptian Empire. His successors and later Egyptians called him the “Great Ancestor”. Ramesses II led several military expeditions into the Levant, reasserting Egyptian control over Canaan. He also led expeditions to the south, into Nubia, commemorated in inscriptions at Beit el-Wali and Gerf Hussein. (Image)
Mustang, Nepal
Mustang (from the Tibetan mun tan is the former Kingdom of Lo. It now forms part of north-central Nepal, bordering China on the Tibetan plateau between the provinces of Dolpo and Manang.
The Kingdom of Lo, the traditional Mustang region and “Upper Mustang” are one and the same, comprising the northern two-thirds of the present-day Nepalese Mustang District. They are well-marked by official “Mustang” border signs just north of Kagbeni – where a police post checks permits for non-Nepalese seeking to enter the region – and at Gyu La (pass) east of Kagbeni. (Image)
The Mithraeum at Circus Maximus
One of the largest secret Mithraic temples in Rome is hidden next to the famous Circus Maximus. Discovered in 1931 as part of Rome’s fascist-era building projects, the small subterranean space was once dedicated to the mystery cult of the god Mithras. (Image)
Mohenjo-daro, is an archeological site in the province of Sindh, Pakistan. Built around 2600 BCE, it was one of the largest settlements of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, and one of the world’s earliest major urban settlements, contemporaneous with the civilizations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Crete. Mohenjo-daro was abandoned in the 19th century BCE, and was not rediscovered until 1922. Significant excavation has since been conducted at the site of the city, which was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1980. However, the site is currently threatened by erosion and improper restoration. (Image)
Stone spheres of Costa Rica
The stone spheres (or stone balls) of Costa Rica are an assortment of over three hundred petrospheres in Costa Rica, located on the Diquís Delta and on Isla del Caño. Locally, they are known as Las Bolas. The spheres are commonly attributed to the extinct Diquís culture and are sometimes referred to as the Diquís Spheres. They are the best-known stone sculptures of the Isthmo-Colombian area. (Image)
Library of Celsus
The library of Celsus is an ancient Roman building in Ephesus, Anatolia, now part of Selçuk, Turkey. It was built in honor of the Roman Senator Tiberius Julius Celsus Polemaeanus (completed in 135 AD) by Celsus’ son, Gaius Julius Aquila (consul, 110 AD). Celsus had been consul in 92 AD, governor of Asia in 115 AD, and a wealthy and popular local citizen. He was a native of nearby Sardis and amongst the earliest men of purely Greek origin to become a consul in the Roman Empire and is honored both as a Greek and a Roman on the library itself.Celsus paid for the construction of the library with his own personal wealth.
The library was built to store 12,000 scrolls and to serve as a monumental tomb for Celsus. Celsus is buried in a sarcophagus beneath the library, in the main entrance which is both a crypt containing his sarcophagus and a sepulchral monument to him. It was unusual to be buried within a library or even within city limits, so this was a special honor for Celsus. (Image)
The Mên-an-Tol (also Men an Toll) is a small formation of standing stones in Cornwall, United Kingdom (grid reference SW426349). It is about three miles northwest of Madron. It is also known locally as the “Crick Stone”.
In 1749 the site was first archaeologically investigated by William Borlase, who also drew a plan. This shows that the megaliths were not in a line like today, but formed an angle of about 135°. Borlase also reported that farmers had taken away some stones from the area. From him comes the first written record of the myths and rituals.
In the 19th Century the local antiquary John Thomas Blight published several drawings of the site, and made the first suggestion that the stones could be the remains of a stone circle. In 1872 William Copeland Borlase, a descendant of the earlier Borlase, gave a more detailed description of the area. (Image)
Teotihuacan, was a pre-Columbian Mesoamerican city located in the Basin of Mexico, 30 miles (48 km) northeast of modern day Mexico City, which is today known as the site of many of the most architecturally significant Mesoamerican pyramids built in the pre-Columbian Americas. Apart from the pyramids, Teotihuacan is also anthropologically significant for its complex, multi-family residential compounds, the Avenue of the Dead, and the small portion of its vibrant murals that have been exceptionally well-preserved. Additionally, Teotihuacan produced a thin orange pottery style that spread through Mesoamerica.[2]
The city is thought to have been established around 100 BC and continued to be built until about AD 250. The city may have lasted until sometime between the 7th and 8th centuries AD. At its zenith, perhaps in the first half of the 1st millennium AD, Teotihuacan was the largest city in the pre-Columbian Americas, with a population of perhaps 125,000 or more,[3][4] placing it among the largest cities of the world in this period.[5] Teotihuacan began as a new religious center in the Mexican Highland around the first century AD. This city came to be the largest and most populated center in the New World. Teotihuacan was even home to multi-floor apartment compounds built to accommodate this large population.[3] The civilization and cultural complex associated with the site is also referred to as Teotihuacan or Teotihuacano.
Although it is a subject of debate whether Teotihuacan was the center of a state empire, its influence throughout Mesoamerica is well documented; evidence of Teotihuacano presence can be seen at numerous sites in Veracruz and the Maya region. The Aztecs may have been influenced by this city. The ethnicity of the inhabitants of Teotihuacan is also a subject of debate. Possible candidates are the Nahua, Otomi or Totonac ethnic groups. Scholars have also suggested that Teotihuacan was a multiethnic state.
The city and the archaeological site are located in what is now the San Juan Teotihuacán municipality in the State of México, approximately 40 kilometres (25 mi) northeast of Mexico City. The site covers a total surface area of 83 square kilometres (32 sq mi) and was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987. It is the most visited archaeological site in Mexico. (Image)
Baigong Pipes
The Baigong Pipes are a series of pipe-like features found on and near Mount Baigong, about 40 km southwest of the city of Delingha, in the Haixi Mongol and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, China. According to unconfirmed news reports, they were found by unnamed scientists allegedly searching for dinosaur fossils. (Image)
Witness said: Denver Strange Lights (UFO’s?) On July 4, 2014 at 9:34PM, we were watching fireworks in Denver. Suddenly we see strange orbs of light flying around, turning on …Weird lights over Denver on July 4th 2014, UFO? via YouTube Capture.
Grace never expected to see a UFO, the size of an aircraft carrier
Grace was working at a TV commercial film shoot in upstate New York. The various crews had just wrapped the shooting for the day. In Grace’s van there were ten members of the crew; everyone was anxious to return to their hotel in Middletown, NY.
While driving on NY State Route 12, most of the crew members on the left side of the van nearly in unison remarked, “What is that?”
In the sky was a reddish-orange object and it continued to get closer and closer to their van. At first none of the folks could really make out what it was they were looking at.
Graces says, “We all agreed it was not a plane or anything else we had ever seen.”
The only thing everyone in the van certainly agreed on was that the object was getting bigger and bigger, and it was getting increasingly darker outside as the sun was setting.
“Some of the folks in the van were on the verge of freaking out,” Grace explained.
The road began to be curvy and led into a forested area where they lost sight of the object. As their van came around a small turn in the road, there was one of the other crew vans stopped. All of its crew members were out of their truck standing in the middle of the road looking up in a dazed manner. The driver of the van slammed on the brakes. After the vehicle, stopped the engine died, and everybody got out.
“Above us was this unbelievably enormous ship, silent hovering just above the tree line,” Grace said with a tone of wonder in her voice.
Grace clarified what it looked like very specifically, “it was a dark metal, it was larger than an aircraft carrier, when we saw it at tree height. The circumference had baseball diamond shaped colored lights that changed color, but not in a pattern, they just changed colors, pink orange, blue, and yellow.”
The group of film artists and technicians stood huddled together gazing up in awe for about 5 minutes.
“…and then in a second, it pulled away, without a sound and it did so, incredibly fast.” Grace explained.
After the craft disappeared, the van the other crew had been driving in started up. One of the crew electricians told us their truck had stopped when the craft had gotten close to the tree line.
Later at the hotel the two van loads of crew shared their encounter story with the rest of the shoot team.
“They just thought we were all nuts.” Grace moaned.
Interestingly enough the local newspaper reported that a large crowd in the parking lot of the local supermarket had also seen the UFO. Grace says, “I still talk occasionally to a few of my fellow witnesses and we are still all freaked out, because it was so unmistakably huge, so close and so real.”
After a moment to reflect, Grace remarked about the long term impact of that night 26 years ago. “… It has left a huge mark on my life, and on how I see our place in the universe. I think of it in a very good way. It really forces you into a bigger perspective!”
Contrary to the thoughts of most historians and egyptologists, mounting evidence from engineers, geologists and other scientific minds are revealing the concept that the Sphinx, Great Pyramid and other famous Egyptian works were created 12,000 plus years ago, and that the Dynastic Pharaohs simply inherited them.
Myself and my wife had decided to go and clean the fields for sweet potatoes,and upon loading the car and heading back home which was about a mile from home, right in the clear blue sky on the right appeared this huge craft in the sky, dark brown in color with windows going all around it, there was one woman standing in front of one of the windows as it hovered about a good two hundred feet above the trees, as we were riding in our car, I asked my wife do you see that and she said yes, it was so huge and magnificent, I never seen anything on this planet like it before as it hovered over the trees not making a sound and no wind was stirring at all from this huge craft, the tops of the trees didn’t move at all, as I sped up to get a better view of the huge craft, I had some trees that blocked our view for maybe 5 seconds as we was clearing the trees with great anticipation to get a better view the huge craft had vanished without a trace.
We are a christian family with strong christian values, and when I tell my story of what we saw people really don’t believe but I know what I saw and my wife know what she saw, and she doesn’t like to talk about it and seems like she’s a little different since it happened but we know what we saw. I’ve been searching the web to try and see something that looks similar.I feel that more time had passed than what we could remember but I’m not sure, it didn’t dawn on me to look at my watch for the time we were so in awe, but at times I feel more had taken place than what I can remember.
After we had encountered it, I just remembered being tired,and going to bed early that night. We told some family about it but not much was said or done since. In school I used to be a fairly good artist but now I just can’t seem to even draw what we saw on paper. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
I receive this report last evening (7/11/2014) for a UFO sighting over Bethel Park, PA:
My boss and friend, a very credible business man, called me tonight around 10pm. He had just left the shop and was leaving the industrial park approaching a red light when he notices what he said looked like a ball of fire.
Before I continue with his description, I would first like to say that he is a very reserved, logical and practical man. He is very familiar with aircrafts and aviation through his hobbies. He has little to no time for interest in things outside of normal reality like this. And thus, when he called me, was hesitant to describe this until I think I broke the ice with the word “UFO” and then I heard that comfort in his voice as if it was assuring him I would not think him crazy for what he was about to tell me.
So he’s approaching the red light when he notices this fireball in the sky. At first he thought it was a star by initial glance but immediately realized it was moving at an incredible rate when it then slowed down very quickly to a point of “almost” hovering (I believe he really wanted to say it stopped and hovered but wanted to hold some level of reservation even in his awe). This is when he noticed that it had what he called a “sparkler effect” almost as if the same look as sparklers you see people waving on the 4th of July and such, coming from what he assumed was the back end based on its direction.
He had with him a good digital camera and snapped this photo. The bright light on the left is a street light – the small cigar shaped orange object in the center is the UFO. He says he pulled over and got the camera rather quickly, however, he is not very familiar with the hardware and originally intended on taking video footage, but in haste and fear of losing a shot entirely, took this photo as is without zooming or anything.
So he pulled the car over and took this photo. He says he believes in the time that he grabbed the camera it began moving in a new direction again and thinks it looks cylindrical like that because it was in motion. Right after taking the photo, he looked down at the camera to make sure a picture had actually taken and when he looked back up a second later it was gone. He doesn’t know if it disappeared or flew away, but it happened so fast that that aspect alone amazed him as much as the sighting in the first place.
Judging by the picture, its saturation level is very bizarre – and it almost looks more like an illuminated object with a hard surface of little reflectivity rather than a light object or a highly reflective surface. He described it as spherical and a light source like fire. Very odd in comparison to the photo. Could this be a morphing ufo? I would assume that the streaking of an object in motion would have a faded tail, but I can’t tell which direction it’s going or if it even is moving.
It’s a perplexing photo to me really, and I’m sure it’s 100% legit. Just taking a photo and getting it to me in an email is the extent of his technological capabilities concerning tampering with a photo, not to mention his trustworthiness.
Normally I’d say I have no fear or shame in attaching my name to this kind of stuff, but I don’t want my bosses reputation to be at any risk. If you have any questions send me an email and if there is a high interest I could see if he would be willing to share more under anonymity.
Thank you, Anonymous
NOTE: The object seems to be somewhat ‘fluid’ in structure, though that’s difficult to judge because of the distance. It’s very similar to other bio-form UFOs I have seen in the past…which have become more prevalent worldwide in recent years. What is your assessment? Lon
Some call it dowsing, water witching or divining. Others call it flaky.
Whatever it’s called, the ancient method of discovering water underground is finding new life in drought-ridden states such as California.
“I’ve found at least eight wells for our vineyard, and hundreds of wells for farmers and homes,” said Marc Mondavi, who not only helps run the family-owned Charles Krug Winery in California’s Napa Valley, but is also a dowser for hire.
The 59-year-old Mondavi said he’s been dowsing for 40 years, but the extreme drought in the Golden State is generating at least 50 percent of his customer base these days.
California is now in its third year of severe drought. Mondavi claims that the state hasn’t developed any new water sources since the 1960s, so the calls for dowsing are only increasing.
Dowsing is the technique of searching for underground water, or even minerals or oil, by observing the motion of a pointer. The pointer can be a forked stick, or bent wires or brass rods. They are often referred to as divining rods.
Dowsers walk over a parcel of land and let the rods guide them to a spot or spots where water lies underground.
Not all dowsers use rods.There’s no official certification for the process, and while it can be taught, anyone can call themselves a dowser. And they don’t actually drill for the water.
The practice goes back at least 5,000 years, say experts. There’s even a group dedicated to promoting and teaching the practice, called the American Society of Dowsers.
What makes a good dowser is listening to what nature is telling you, said 68-year-old Gregory Storozack of Edgewater, Colorado, who’s been dowsing for 32 years.
“For me, it’s knowing that when you are over a target, it’s just there,” said the retired municipal recreation worker.
Bill Getz of Schoharie, New York, said he’s found more than 1,000 water wells, locating his first at the age of 13.
“I use an apple or willow Y branch,” said the 71-year-old, who’s retired from his job at the New York state education department. “I look for where water accumulates.”
The cost of dowsing can vary. Some dowsers offer their services for free and just want their expenses covered. Others ask only for donations. Mondavi said he charges $500 per site visit.
Dowsers don’t offer guarantees of finding water, but most stand by their work.
“I missed on a well once, and that was a long time ago,” Mondavi said.
However, skeptics of the method, who often include professional water drillers, say there’s little scientific basis behind dowsing.
The United States Geological Society said in a report about dowsing that what accounts for “successful” water dowsing is that in “many areas underground water is so prevalent close to the land surface that it would be hard to drill a well and not find water.”
“I thought it was the biggest bunch of bull I ever heard in my life,” said Greg Storozack, who explained that it was his cousin who turned him on to the practice in an effort to find water for the family years ago. “I tried it, and I pictured an underground stream in my mind, and I started walking and the rods opened up. We found water.”
As for the drought that’s roasting much of the Southwest, Storozack said he’s working on getting dowsers from across the country to offer their services to towns and ranches in the hardest hit areas.
He would ask only that their expenses be covered.
Bill Getz, who said he’s not against the idea, would prefer to see dowsers get paid for their services. Getz charges around $300 plus travel time.
“It makes it more legitimate in people’s minds if our services are compensated,” he argued.
Krug Winery’s Mondavi said the agricultural community has always believed in dowsing — but more so now in what seems to be a never-ending drought.
“Most farmers won’t drill a well unless a dowser has been there,” he said. – NBC News
Some background, so I’ve been living in this apartment for about a year now and to be honest I’m happy to be out of my childhood home for the reason I always felt on edge in my bed there.
So it all started with a case of sleep paralysis something I haven’t had since I was a kid. I awoke one night in my bedroom and it appeared the sun was shining through a slit in my blinds so I tried to move and have a look at the weather when I found myself unable to move I could look around but when I did my vision started to close from the sides like a narrowing corridor, until there was just a spec of light then I was awake and it was dark outside, I was slightly confused but passed it off and fell back asleep.
Now fast forward about a month, I went to sleep about 4am like another night but this time I woke up outside my room panting with my palms and back flat against the wall looking down the hallway into the kitchen and through the window where I could see it raining. I didn’t want to move but I could, my room door was closed and I was anxious about opening it so I stayed in that position for about 2 minutes trying to figure it out in my head. I don’t remember leaving my room I’ve never sleep walked until this point.
A week later I woke up around 5am and had the urge to leave my room I was semi awake and aware of my intentions to leave my room. (The best way to describe it is if you wanted to take a piss you kinda shamble to the bathroom and get it done) But this time I walked into my living room where I was looking through my window (I’m on the third floor and my window has a clear view of the horizon) when my sight caught this star I couldn’t help but stare, until it kinda just dropped for a second then moved off like a shooting star. At this point I had no clue if I was still dreaming or not so I stood there transfixed on the point where the star was. I was fully conscious.
Now onto last night, I had a vivid dream of being in my apartment it was completely empty like a void, I was alone but I had the feeling I wasn’t welcome. There is more to the dream but I don’t know how relevant it is. But when I got up my face felt like it was burning and when I went to the bathroom I found intersecting scratches on my face. I could of done it in my sleep but never had done so before. –
Ed Sanchez remembers the night in 1998 when he walked through desolate Maryland woods at about 3 a.m. with The Blair Witch Project co-director Dan Myrick. Sanchez, a first-time filmmaker, says he had an epiphany.
“We were carrying flashlights, batteries and food to the actors” of the $60,000 movie, Sanchez recalls. “I told Dan, ‘This is either going to be a great movie, or we’re going to be the joke of the year.’”
The joke, it turns out, was on the movie’s skeptics. Hollywood’s first “found footage” flick, which turns 15 years old Wednesday, launched a sub-genre in Hollywood horror.
Sanchez, 44, who is directing episodes of the upcoming BBC paranormal series Intruders, says he and Myrick knew their fictional story of three missing student filmmakers, told through grainy footage, was a novel idea, but had no notion it would resonate to the tune of $141 million, the highest-grossing found-footage film of all-time.
Instead, he says, the directors simply wanted to emulate the true pioneer of found footage, Leonard Nimoy. Nimoy hosted In Search of…, the documentary television show dedicated to mysterious phenomena, from 1977 to 1982.
“We loved those,” Sanchez says. “Those grainy pictures of UFOs and Bigfoot? Those were a lot scarier than the movies.” Read more at USA Today
Amazing UFO Sighting in Fayetteville, Arkansas
The following UFO sighting report was submitted to Open Minds on July 11, 2014 – It was forwarded to me by a reader:
8:00 p.m. July 10th 2014 Fayetteville, Arkansas . Daylight. My son Rocky was outside when he observed a strange blackish colored object that seemed to come straight into the atmosphere. At that moment he yelled for me to come outside that he was seeing something strange. As we observed the object it was hovering at this point at or around 1000 ft. The object appeared to be shaped like a stop sign. The object makes a sudden movement north at a speed that was just amazing. It disappeared in just a flash. Standing there in amazement we continued to look in the sky for a few mins. and then the object was then right above us at around 500 ft. It moved to the west slowly and then hovered and then it started to glow this huge round amber light. It was enormous. If I was to hold up a newspaper you could not cover the object from end to end. It glowed like this for approx. 1 to 2 min then began to fade and rotate and as it rotated counterclockwise we could see what looked like a huge square glowing amber orange window on the side of it. It remained still for maybe another min then just disappeared. I have been a flight attendant for 12 years and my son is ex military. I have no idea what we saw.
In the annals of literature it is hard to imagine any one particular writer any more ahead of the curve than was H. G. Wells. His visions of the future of mankind were as fascinating as they were appalling. As mankind was to progress in the decades after H.G. Wells classic science fiction novel “War of the Worlds” we can only recall in sheer amazement how his educated imagination shaped new frontiers for emerging generations across the world. The work of this magnificent mind has fueled much in speculation as well as being used by the powers that be for experimental sociological impact.
Not to be ignored
The darkness and devastation envisioned by the fictional portrayal of a perilous future should even more today be heeded by the public as well as the megalomaniac power brokers who have the arrogance to influence the lives of billions on this planet. Wells was not some unschooled and frivolous story teller such as the likes of Jules Verne, who lacked a realistic scientific aspect to his comical tales of a reality yet to be. H. G. Wells had the aptitude of science to enhance and further render his projections of future conflicts to a much more believable if not alarming level.
Practical application
It took science and, unfortunately the military, decades if not a century to catch up to any unrealistic arrival at the inventions and weapons of the future that were of extraterrestrial origin in “War of the Worlds”. H.G.Wells foresaw the poison gases in 1897 that would be used in the trench warfare of World War I Europe. He foresaw the tactical advantage of mechanized terrain vehicles that could walk and have the advantage of an over the horizon view of their enemies as they quickly covered distances unfettered by wheel driven or horse drawn vehicles. Only today, is the military now perfecting pack animal types of machines and armored land rovers that come close to this capability.
Horrific weapons
H.G. Wells mention of “Death Rays” used by the Martians were particularly frightening and served to fuel the scientific applications that would eventually originate lasers and particle beams as offensive weapons and research tools. Often science is not necessarily the source of invention, but it is the imagination of the science fiction writer who allows practical application of such ideas to be realized. Such was the case of many of H.G. Wells descriptions of future scenarios that have led us to benefit from his unconventional imaginings to this very day. Wells had an uncanny ability to anticipate the wonders of science in a world yet to come as well as the insight of nightmares that would come to haunt mankind in his perversions of creative wonder. It seems that the vsions of H. G. Wells were not lost upon Nicola Tesla. It has been said that Tesla had invented a death ray with a ten thousand mile range sometime within the era of World War II, but it was supposedly ignored by the US military.
Potential for malpractice
In his novel, “The Island of Doctor Moreau” Wells once again anticipates the horrid unethical nature of medical experimentation gone wrong as an obsessed doctor tries to merge man and animal as one creature. H.G. Wells foresaw the insupportable dilemma of allowing inhumane experimentation to exist in a civilized society and what the terrible repercussions could be as a result. Not until the release of such books as the “Confessions of a Medical Heretic” by Robert Mendelsohn in the early 1970’s did whistle blowers begin emerging. Yet, the work of H.G. Wells gave us a glimpse of such dark possibilities decades before such revelations would ever come to shock an uniformed public. Man’s improprieties and inhumanity to himself if only in science fictional form were showcased by H. G. Wells as he addressed these less than palatable issues in story form. It is likely his fiction was really a dissertation of the unrestricted ruthlessness of science should ethics and morality not be enforced in order to prevent it from happening.
Repetition of atrocity
It is like that in the his brilliant work, “Time Machine” that Wells is actually lecturing us once again on the pitfalls of repeating the past over and over again in the realm of war as the weapons of mass destruction simply continue to become more and more devastating. His message that by ignoring the great works of the literary realm that future generations could become sheep for the slaughter when no longer armed by the wisdom of knowledge. H. G. Wells hero goes back to the future after retrieving the great writings of his time and of his past so as to rescue the minds of a distant world yet to be so that civilization could once again rebuild itself.
Still relevant
Indeed the brilliance of H. G. Wells in anticipating the potential dark eventualities based upon refusal of humankind to acknowledge the lessons of the past rings true to this very day. We would be well served to take a very sobering review of his themes and not so flattering visions for mankind in the not so distant future and wonder if the scenarios he created on the pages of his novels are perhaps not so inescapable after all if we apply morality and self-control. In view of the current global sociopolitical configuration that now plagues humanity, would it not be advisable for us to take a good long look at where we are headed, put aside the political correctness, and begin a spiritual acknowledgement of how we are to escape the pitfalls and fascism of the past?
The creator
For those who have dismissed science fiction as irrelevant fantasy, or the province of wild speculation, I suggest that you take a very sobering appraisal of just how the innovations of one H. G. Wells came to fruition within a relatively short period of time. We are just now catching up to the wonder of many of his visions as well as nightmares should mankind refuse to heed the lessons of history as it so often does. In “War of the Worlds” H. G. Wells calls upon the miracle of God’s creation of the smallest forms of life (Germs) for decimating an enemy that was quickly poised to exterminate humanity. In our world of godless liberal advocacy who belittle all who acknowledge a benevolent God who created our world, it is quite refreshing to note that great minds such as H. G. Wells had the humility to allow for creationism as the being the ultimate statement of truth and unification of science and reality.
Extra information about the article:
Only through the eyes of the gifted can we assess truly what our destiny could possibly be.
Oudste hoogontwikkelde cultuur Europa kwam niet uit Afrika
Oudste hoogontwikkelde cultuur Europa kwam niet uit Afrika
De Minoïsche beschaving op het Griekse eiland Kreta stamde af van oude Europese volkeren en niet van immigranten uit Afrika, zo is gebleken uit DNA-onderzoek op Minoïsche begraafplaatsen. De Minoïsche cultuur was één van de oudste beschavingen in Europa en de eerste met een schriftsysteem, dat nog altijd niet ontcijferd is.
Ze ging aan de Griekse beschaving vooraf. Vele Griekse mythen en legenden zijn op de Minoïsche beschaving terug te voeren, waaronder de legende van de Minotaurus in het labyrint van Knossos. De benaming Minoïsch werd ook op basis daarvan voorgesteld door de Britse archeoloog Sir Arthur John Evans, de archeoloog die in belangrijke mate aan de herontdekking van deze beschaving heeft bijgedragen. Het is niet bekend hoe de zogeheten ‘Minoërs’ zichzelf noemden.
Volgens de meeste theorieën waren de Minoërs immigranten vanuit Anatolië (nu Turkije), het Nabije Oosten of Noord-Afrika en zouden zij van daaruit hun beschaving hebben meegebracht. Dat blijkt niet zo te zijn. Amerikaanse en Griekse onderzoekers hebben het DNA-materiaal onderzocht van 37 Kretenzers die werden begraven op het plateau van Lassithi in het oosten van het eiland. Het erfelijk materiaal werd vergeleken met dat van andere oude volken uit Europa, het Nabije Oosten en Afrika.
Het blijkt dat de oude Kretenzers nauw verwant waren aan culturen uit Sardinië en het Iberisch Schiereiland en neolithische culturen uit Frankrijk en Scandinavië. De verwantschap met Azië of Afrika was veel minder duidelijk.
De voorouders van de Minoërs zouden al ruim 9000 jaar geleden op het eiland zijn aangekomen. Er waren ook erg veel genetische overeenkomsten met de huidige bewoners van het eiland, ondanks migratiegolven die in de Oudheid hebben plaatsgevonden.
De Minoïsche cultuur op Kreta, vernoemd naar de legendarische koning Minos, werd lange tijd over het hoofd gezien. Aan het einde van de 19e eeuw toonde Evans het bestaan aan van een cultuur die ouder was dan de oude Griekse beschaving, die tot dan toe als startpunt van Europa werd beschouwd. De cultuur ging rond 1500 voor Christus ten onder. Waarom is niet duidelijk.
Video footage captured from the live camera stream of the International Space Station (ISS) shows what appears to be a giant cigar shaped UFO hovering nearby. The live footage was captured on July 9th, 2014.
It appears for approximately four minutes before fading away. The footage was taken by one of the ISS external cameras that are normally directed earthwards. The non-stationary nature of the UFO and the way it slowly moves has led some to conclude it is not a lens flare or similar lighting aberration.
This is not the first time that the ISS live camera feed has captured what appears to be a large UFO in the vicinity. The UFO appears to be very similar to the May 13, 2014 sighting from the same camera. The only difference is that the reported half a dozen orange lights are not flashing in a random manner. Back on January 29, NASA live streamingshowed what appeared to be a sleek elliptical UFO docked with the hull of the International Space Station. The object was between the Russian research module and the Soyuz escape capsule. Its size was approximately 10 meters. Some claimed that the UFO was related to an ISS ceremony featuring the Olympic flag. Yet the ISS ceremony was held in November 2013, and the flag was only about a meter in size, far smaller than the estimated 10 meter UFO.
Titan is one of the most extraordinary places in the solar system. The land is strewn with hydrocarbon dunes that rise above lakes fed by rivers of liquid methane and ethane. The atmosphere is so thick, and the gravity so weak, that a human could strap on wings and flap into the air. That air is laced with lethal hydrogen cyanide.
Scientists are investigating a mystery object, (see image above) roughly 12 miles long and 6 miles wide, that appeared in an image dated July 10, 2013 but is missing from pictures of the same spot taken previously and on July 26, 2014.
Astronomers have named the blob the “magic island” until they have a better idea what they are looking at. “We can’t be sure what it is yet because we only have the one image, but it’s not something you would normally see on Titan,” said Jason Hofgartner, a planetary scientist at Cornell University in New York. “It is not something that has been there permanently.”
And now you don’t see it again. Astronomers have discovered a bright, mysterious geologic object – where one never existed – on Cassini mission radar images of Ligeia Mare, the second-largest sea on Saturn’s moon Titan. Scientifically speaking, this spot is considered a “transient feature,” but the astronomers have playfully dubbed it “Magic Island.”
Reporting in the journal Nature Geoscience June 22, the scientists say this may be the first observation of dynamic, geological processes in Titan’s northern hemisphere. “This discovery tells us that the liquids in Titan's northern hemisphere are not simply stagnant and unchanging, but rather that changes do occur,” said Jason Hofgartner, a Cornell graduate student in the field of planetary sciences, and the paper’s lead author. “We don’t know precisely what caused this ‘magic island’ to appear, but we'd like to study it further.”
Ligeia Mare, the second largest sea on the Saturn moon Titan, sports its usual coastline in this image.
A mysteriously bright object appears on Ligeia Mare.
Titan, the largest of Saturn’s 62 known moons, is a world of lakes and seas. The moon – smaller than our own planet – bears close resemblance to watery Earth, with wind and rain driving the creation of strikingly familiar landscapes. Under its thick, hazy nitrogen-methane atmosphere, astronomers have found mountains, dunes and lakes. But in lieu of water, liquid methane and ethane flow through riverlike channels into seas the size of Earth’s Great Lakes.
To discover this geologic feature, the astronomers relied on an old technique – flipping. The Cassini spacecraft sent data on July 10, 2013, to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology for image processing. Within a few days, Hofgartner and his colleagues flipped between older Titan images and the newly processed pictures for any hint of change. This is a long-standing method used to discover asteroids, comets and other worlds. “With flipping, the human eye is pretty good at detecting change,” said Hofgartner.
Prior to the July 2013 observation, that region of Ligeia Mare had been completely devoid of features (including waves).
Titan’s seasons change on a longer time scale than Earth’s. The moon’s northern hemisphere is transitioning from the vernal equinox, or spring (August 2009), to summer solstice, or summer (May 2017). The astronomers think the strange feature may result from changing seasons.
Shrouded in a purple atmospheric haze, a foggy layer of methane and ethane hides geologic features on Titan.
In light of the changes, Hofgartner and the other authors speculate on four reasons for this phenomenon:
Northern hemisphere winds may be kicking up and forming waves on Ligeia Mare. The radar imaging system might see the waves as a kind of “ghost” island.
Gases may push out from the sea floor of Ligeia Mare, rising to the surface as bubbles.
Sunken solids formed by a wintry freeze could become buoyant with the onset of the late Titan spring warmer temperatures.
Ligeia Mare has suspended solids, which are neither sunken nor floating, but act like silt in a terrestrial delta.
“Likely, several different processes – such as wind, rain and tides – might affect the methane and ethane lakes on Titan. We want to see the similarities and differences from geological processes that occur here on Earth,” Hofgartner said. “Ultimately, it will help us to understand better our own liquid environments here on the Earth.”
In addition to Hofgartner, Cornell authors include: Alex Hayes, assistant professor of planetary sciences; Jonathan Lunine, the David C. Duncan Professor in the Physical Sciences; and Phil Nicholson, professor of astronomy. A portion of the research was performed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, under a contract with NASA.
New Details of Alleged Roswell Alien Slides/Photos Revealed
By Larry Xxxxx Aerospace Professional 7-10-14
Early in March, 2014, I met with the owner of the slides, viewed them, and talked to him about his plans. (Actually, I viewed digital reproductions of the slides.) Here’s a brief status report.
The owner repeated the basic story as described in Anthony Bragalia’s article, with more specific detail, such as dates and locations. The owner affirmed that it is his intent to present the slides and their story to the public in a non-sensationialistic forum, after he has satisfied himself as to their authenticity. He feels he is nearing the end of that phase. At least one of the slides has had the cardboard sleeve sliced open to read the film edge code. The 2 subject photos appear to be a small subset of a large collection of photos of personal interest to Bernerd Ray and his wife. The larger collection of photos (perhaps 50 or more) appear to show places and events the couple visited in the time frame approximately 1945 to 1952. The owner is convinced that when analysis is complete, the slides will be shown to have originated sometime before 1949.
What do the slides show?
1. There are 2 photos, taken in an indoor setting.
2. The photos are of poor quality (focus, exposure) compared to virtually all the other photos in the same collection. For this reason, edge detection, contrast enhancement and other photoanalysis techniques are warranted and are being used.
3. The photos appear to have been taken about 4 or 5 feet from the humanoid, from a position slightly above it.
4. To my eye, the humanoid is lying on a clear glass shelf and is surrounded by either clear glass walls and/or a full glass enclosure. The enclosure appears to be more like a rectangular box than like a bottle.
5. In one of the photos, a woman is standing behind the glass case (visible from approximately the waist down). In the other photo a man is visible in the same location, leading to speculation that the man and the woman traded places and took turns taking pictures.
6. The humanoid is not immersed in a fluid; it appears to be open to the air (at least if the lid were off).
7. The glass shelf/ box that the humanoid is on/in appears to be supported on shelf brackets that are connected to vertical, metal supports. The vertical supports are perforated at regular intervals (nominally, 1 inch spacing) by drilled holes. The shelf arrangement gives the appearance of a laboratory apparatus rack.
8. The humanoid is lying on its back, with its head to the camera’s left and feet to the right.
9. There is some type of placard on the front of the glass case, with (currently undecipherable, out-of-focus) writing on it. (Shades of the Ramey memo!) It is my suspicion that this placard is the source of the idea that the genital area of the humanoid was deliberately covered up in order to escape the wrath of the censors when the slides were developed. I don’t think that is the case. From what I could see, the genital area was not visible to the camera due to the view angle of the camera. I suspect that the placard simply serves to identify the contents of the glass case.
10. The proportions of the humanoid appear to be slightly different than a “normal” human, but probably, no single dimension of the body is outside the range of naturally occurring sizes. The length of the head (crown to chin) is approximately the same length as the torso (neck to crotch). The arm length (shoulder to wrist) is approximately the length of the torso (i.e., the wrist joint is approximately aligned with the hip bone). The leg bones are long, compared to the arms.
11. Given that the body is about 3 feet long, if it is human, then it must be either a child or an adult with a developmental disorder. (Human Trisomy 17 has been suggested as a candidate.)
12. I could not see digits on either the hands or feet, and so could not count them.
13. The mouth is open and no teeth are visible.
14. The skin of the humanoid is smooth and appears to have shrunk taut against the bones (ribs, legs, arms, cranium). Whether this is due to natural effects of death (saponification, dessication, etc.) or is the result of some post-mortem treatment (embalming, freezing, etc.) is not clear.
15. The head appears to have been severed from the top of the spinal column and then replaced, lying at an unnatural angle relative to the torso.
16. There is nothing in the photo that would either definitively connect this to the Roswell event or definitively disconnect it. Any connection is coincidental (it appears to have been taken at about the right time).
Jed Garkut was in the right place at the right time when he captured a spectacular photograph of a bright light in the sky as it passed over the south coast on Thursday night.
ASTRONOMICAL: Bawley Point uni student Jed Garkut captured this spectacular image of Thursday night’s mysterious bright light in the sky which turned out to be third-stage rocket, that helped to take Russia’s second Meteor-M weather satellite into orbit, returning to Earth. Photo by Jed Garkut.
The Sydney Observatory received dozens of reports of a UFO, meteor and bright moving object in the sky from Tasmania and right along the east coast of New South Wales.
A university student and keen photographer, Jed was near his home in Bawley Point when he saw the bright object passing to the north at about 9.45pm.
He captured the incredible image which shows the light passing along the Bawley coastline, with Pigeon House Mountain in the background.
“The meteor was stunning,” he said.
“The whole tail consisted of amazing red flames.
“It was moving really slow compared to shooting stars and took a minute to get across the sky.
“Then just after this photo the flames turned green and the meteor disappeared.”
Jed, whose parents own the Bawley Bakery, said he loves taking photos of the night sky and it was “a bit of my passion”.
According to the Sydney Observatory website, some reports indicated that the object was seen for ten seconds or more which is exceptionally long for a meteor sighting and others indicated a slower speed than they had seen in previous meteor sightings.
A tail was reported by many people which this is a dust trail or train left behind by the object as it moves through the atmosphere.
At first experts believed the object was likely to be a piece of an asteroid or space rock, called a bolide or a fireball, hitting the Earth’s atmosphere, moving almost parallel to the Earth’s surface along the above path.
However on Friday, the observatory stated the object was the third-stage rocket that helped to take Russia’s second Meteor-M weather satellite into orbit on July 8, 2014.
This was a massive metal object and there have been reports of a sonic boom heard near Cobar about 600 kilometres west of Sydney suggesting that the rocket disintegrated in that vicinity.
If metal debris from the rocket is found in the vicinity of Cobar that would be proof of the location of the rocket’s break up.
The female witness suddenly awoke to the sounds of her 5month old baby crying. It seems that a strange light originating from somewhere outside had disturbed the child’s sleep. But feeling extremely tired the witness goes back to bed, but she awakes almost immediately and observes a beam of light entering the room through an opening in the blinds. The light does not behave like a normal ray of light, but advances along the walls and objects in the room like a ribbon of coherent light. Concerned the witness thought to herself, “I don’t want the light to touch my baby” and immediately after the lights retracts out the window.
The witness then attempts to sleep again but is awakened again as she feels a presence she looks at the walls and sees the same strange light which immediately retracts again. She attempts to sleep again but opens her eyes and sees the light shining on the baby’s cradle, the light retracts again and she places the baby on the bed. She then looks out the kitchen window to see where the light originated from. She then hears a soft whistling sound and sees a very intense source of light in the garden close to the villa. She also sees several “men” running towards the source of light and wonders what are “these fellows doing here”. She then walks to the living room where she has a better view of the area. She then observes in the garden approximately 20meters away a “very beautiful” machine about 1.20 to 1.50meters in diameter hovering at about 1meter from the ground. The apparatus has an unknown metallic glare, like “milky money” with an intrinsic luminosity. The luminous beam of light that she observed earlier is coming out from the side of the object, the beam is colorless or “light gray” in color. The object is totally silent and is not moving. She then observes a strange “character” clearly illuminated by the glare of light; the figure is humanoid about 1.20m in height, with a large head, without visible neck. She finds his appearance extremely disconcerting and thinks it might be a “soldier”.
The figure is wearing a type of overall with three large pockets one on the top and one on each leg, it’s also wearing a belt. She stares at the being intently afraid of being discovered. Again she hears the whistle, which had ceased and then sees another similar being which appears to be collecting stones from the ground. Moments later it raises its head and sees the witness who realizes that the beings are not human. A terrible fear then invades her and the hairs of her body stand up on end. She is so frightened that she is unable to move. She observes the figures intently and does not get the impression of hostility coming from them. At this point the first figure joins the second one and they appear to engage in conversation, 3-4 others which she had seen at the beginning now join this two. One of the beings, apparently the leader makes a hand sign and the figures scatter again, some climbing over a nearby palisade. Only one creature remains behind, this one engrossed in collecting stones from the ground. The witness remains paralyzed at the window.
After what seems to be a long time the other beings return. She notices that they seemed to proceed with discipline and confidence. Moments a transparent “telescopic foot” comes down from the center of the object, then squatting, and one by one, the beings place themselves inside the “foot” and levitate up into the object. They seemed to be absorbed into the center of the object, at this moment the luminous beam of light on the side of the craft disappears. The witness was convinced that there were six of these beings and was confused as to how all of them managed to fit inside such a small object. The object then rose slightly and began to rotate at high speed in a clockwise direction. Its luminosity increased but without illuminating its surroundings. It then rose in a parabolic trajectory until approximately 25 meters from the ground and then “faded out”. The witness remained at the window for a few moments and then went to the kitchen to look at the time. 45 minutes had passed. The witness further added that the beings had moved in a quick stealthy manner like a cat. The next day she discovered a pink spot under her right eye of approximately 2cm to 3cm in diameter, she also saw a similar but paler spot behind the right ear of her son. Both spots disappeared completely as the months passed.
HC addendum Source: GREPI Site, Switzerland Comments: Translated by Albert S. Rosales
Some of the abductees who – during their frightening experiences – found the courage and the strength to ask questions about the deeper meaning of their experience; questions for “why” these things were happening to them, usually received the stereotypical answer: “It is our right!” If it is truly their right, we must ask: Who has given them this right?
In a case that Professor David Jacobs quotes, an abductee reacted with a very frightened response to the Greys when she shouted at them: “Your are transformers!”
This is exactly what they are: transformers! They are not what they seem to be. Their camouflage and their behavior conceals what they really are.
And who or what is hiding behind the camouflage? We may never find an answer to that question. The explanations we offer will most likely be wrong. This makes the study of this phenomenon all the more complicated. The deeper we attempt to penetrate this phenomenon, the more confusing it may become. However, one thing is certain: these events are happening and they leave their victims with physical and psychological aftereffects. These events occurred in the distant past and they continue to occur today.
Combined Experiences
There is another subject that is important to mention at this time. The abduction phenomenon appears to be connected with other boundary-type experiences involving human beings. Ina from northern Germany describes an abduction from the year 1991. What's really unusual is that it seems to have been a combined out of body / near death / UFO abduction experience, since the event includes elements of all of these experiences. Ina reported to me:
“I lay in the bed. It was around 11 o'clock in the evening. My husband was already asleep and I looked to the window. We have no curtains in the bedroom and because of this I could see the sky very well. Suddenly, my reality changed. It was somehow modified.”
Modification of reality – what does this mean? Abductees are describing this effect again and again. For the first time, it was recognized by the British UFO researcher Jenny Randles and called “The Oz Factor” according to the old English tale of the magic land of Oz.
It is possible that a real modification of the individual's environment is made or that the consciousness of the person is extended in some way. Both possibilities are conceivable, and both would lead to The Oz Factor. The modification of the subject's reality begins the actual event for the experiencer.
Back to Ina's experience:
“I saw a light beam in my room and I floated in it to the outside of the house. Strangely enough, I passed through the window pane in this beautiful bright beam of light.
I felt perfectly fine and somehow sensed a being of light on the right side of me. I somehow saw it from the corners of my eyes. I could not recognize the face, but I am certain that it was feminine. I was very excited and happy and I said or thought, 'You really exist!' Oddly enough, I immediately thought about UFOs although I only saw the beam of light and the bright being. This being emitted an unbelievable warmth and kindness and I felt as sheltered as never before in my life. The being answered: 'Surely, what did you think?' She responded very natural and lovingly like a mother would respond to her child who asked a silly question. I was pleased and felt perfectly well.”
What did Ina experience here? An out of body journey during which her soul floated through the window? A near death experience during which she was accompanied by a being of light into another dimension of existence?
It is exactly these types of experiences that are described by many people who have stood at the threshold of death and returned with conscious memories of their mysterious journey. Was it a classical UFO abduction during which she was taken into an object hovering over her house or was it a combination of all of these?
Ina reported further:
“I can still remember that we floated upward together in the beam of light. We came to a big oval light which also had an aperture in the light. I saw that I was at this aperture – when suddenly I was back in my bed again. It is strange because everything was the same as before. My husband was asleep and I was still lying with my face to the window. It was as if nothing had happened. However, I am certain that it did happen. I felt and experienced everything. I was excited – and then I fell asleep.”
It is difficult to decide where precisely the boundaries are between the so-called “classic” abduction model and experiences such as this one, which may possibly take place in the brain or with the soul of the experiencer. It may indeed, be a combination of an abduction, out of body and a near death experience. It may be that these boundaries are so liquid and blurred, that at the present level of understanding we are unable to recognize or define them.
Global Modification Plan
It is also possible that what is occurring with abductees may be the beginning of something much larger. It may be the beginning of a global modification plan which will eventually include more and more people. Some estimates from the United States indicate that approximately 20 percent of all Americans are already describing events related to the abduction phenomenon. From my own work with abductees I believe that a similar number of individuals in Germany, Austria and Switzerland may also be involved. In the past three years, more than 200 people have contacted me, all reporting nearly identical experiences with the unbelievable. This is, however, only the tip of the iceberg. Twenty percent is much more than a single hypothesis can explain. “Perhaps,” as Harvard psychiatrist Professor John Mack wrote, “…we are all abductees – in one manner or another.”
Part Seven concludes with Preparation for a Global Future Event and the biography of Johannes Fiebag, Ph.D.
A new video preview published to YouTube on July 10, 2014 offers viewers exclusive insight into an online class that seeks in part to answer questions concerning how the public can navigate extensive state-implemented social, cultural and political chasms surrounding UFO and ET contact-related issues. Emphasizing entry-level perspectives, “UFOs and You: Experiential Contact for Beginners” investigates topics including disclosure, communications (along with accompanying psychic dimensions) and night vision equipment while providing access to stunning never-before-seen UFO videos acquired through an independent multi-year study in British Columbia and Washington state.
While the 82-minute course of instruction may be intended for beginners, “UFOs and You” pulls no punches in defining today’s medieval witch hunt-like anti-conspiracy climate. The class cites numerous examples of an establishment that too easily squanders moral capital in defense of CIA Robertson Panel-inspired agendas (ones that actually anticipate the proliferation of widespread sightings with subsequent mass popular backlash against official policies of deceit).
Spirit of Adventure
As a refreshing summer respite from the woefully naive this online educational offering is also not afraid to engage with failings of reality television’s attempts at UFO journalism. According to “UFOs and You,” the genre (ostensibly in representation of “we the people”) seeks to further glamorize what critics characterize as out-of-control media militarization by compelling pseudo-UFO investigators in at least one instance to breach perimeters on clearly-defined secure facilities (such as Nevada’s Area 51) in acts where no possibility of achieving any positive constructive outcome exist whatsoever.
In terms of what viewers may have been conditioned (read brainwashed) to expect as light entertainment, “UFOs and You” is geared towards audiences called to answer to their own inner spirit of adventure. The included night vision and all-sky video outtakes leap directly into the front lines of contemporary contact encounters through the lens of an independent researcher. Although taped live near the site of Kenneth Arnold’s 1947 flying saucers incident, this class definitely doesn’t take a page from your grandmother’s school of UFO education (unless her name happened to be Mae Brussell).
On Facebook
Along with the free YouTube preview there’s a Facebook group for students to further explore and discuss issues raised in class. One of the values emphasized in “UFOs and You” is the power of the collective to mitigate circumstantial social, cultural, political and internal pressures that accompany journeys undertaken beyond the edge of present human knowledge and experience. At the same time, this class also recognizes the power of the individual to get up off the couch (newly-acquired night vision camera in hand) to start discovering and sharing in a real world beyond the shadows of controlled media-spawned alien illusions.
Free Preview
Click here to watch “UFOs and You: Experiential Contact for Beginners Class Preview” via Patreon, the site that helps Patrons “support and engage with the creators you love.” “Class is now in session! Whether you're considering purchasing night vision optics or simply interested in what's happening in the world of UFOs, Exopolitics, Contact and Disclosure, Jon Kelly can be your ultimate insider offering exclusive front-line access to one of today's hottest issues!
“Recorded live at the ECETI Ranch (near the site of Kenneth Arnold's 1947 “flying saucers” incident) this introductory class provides essential insights into Disclosure, UFO Communications, Psychic Dimensions of Contact and Night Vision Equipment! You will receive 82 minutes of hands-on instruction from a prominent international UFO video journalist and optics consultant! Plus see previously-unpublished footage from a multi-year independent study on the front lines of Contact in stunning night vision and 180-degree 3CCD video!”
Class Sign-Up
Click here to sign up ($) for “UFOs and You: Experiential Contact for Beginners” available in streaming on-demand 720p HD video 24 hours a day. Online classes offer convenient scheduling and can be taken from any location with an internet connection using a variety of devices including personal computers, tablets and smartphones.
On the night of January 23, 1974, an enigmatic and unresolved event occurred on the Berwyn Mountains range in North Wales, United Kingdom that, for some within the UFO research community, has come to be known as the definitive British Roswell. Researcher Andy Roberts stated of this mysterious affair (in his book, UFO Down!): “The claim was that a UFO piloted by extraterrestrials crashed, or was shot down, on the mountain known as Cader Berwyn and that the alien crew, some still alive, were whisked off to a secret military installation in the south of England for study.” That secret military installation was said to be none other than Porton Down. Beyond any shadow of doubt, one of the most secretive of all government-connected installations situated within the confines of the United Kingdom, Porton Down can be found in the green and pleasant county of Wiltshire, and its overwhelmingly-classified work focuses to a very significant degree on exotic viruses, chemical- and biological-warfare. Although work at Porton Down originally, and secretly, began at the height of the tumultuous First World War, it was not until the dawning of the 1940s that the installation became the central hub for British interest in, and concerns relative to, the expanding realms of chemical- and biological-warfare. From 1946 onwards, one year after the successful defeat of Nazi Germany, Porton Down’s work began to focus more on the defensive – rather than chiefly offensive – aspects of such issues, and in 1957 the installation was duly christened the Microbiological Research Establishment. By the late-1970s, a decision was made to place the MRE under the control of a civil body. As a result, significant reorganization duly occurred: on April 1, 1979, the MRE became the Center for Applied Microbiology and Research. Then, in 1995, it was absorbed into the Defense Evaluation and Research Agency. Six years later, there was yet another change: DERA split into two organizations, a private body called QinetiQ, and the Defense Science and Technology Laboratory, a body steeped in official secrecy, as a result of the fact that it is an arm of the Ministry of Defense. Today, the facility is known as DSTL, Porton Down. Of course, the idea of dead aliens taken to Porton Down sounds like a conspiracy theorists’ wildest dream come to life. But, despite vociferous attacks from the more skeptically-minded researchers in the UFO research community, it has steadfastly remained an integral part of the story ever since it first surfaced – publicly, at least – in 1996. The original source of the Porton Down story as it specifically related to the Berwyn controversy, was a UFO investigator named Tony Dodd, a now-dead North Yorkshire, England police-sergeant with a quarter-of-a-century of service in the Force to his credit. At the time the account was first revealed, Dodd flatly refused to reveal – to anyone – the real name of the source for his sensational story, and instead preferred to provide him with the pseudonym of James Prescott. According to Prescott, at the time of the Berwyn incident, he was stationed at an Army barracks in the south of England. Stressing to Dodd that he could not name either his unit or his barracks as they were still very much operational, Prescott said that by January 18, 1974 it was acutely clear that something most unusual was afoot: he and his colleagues were placed on emergency stand-by status. The reason why soon became incredibly apparent. Twenty-four hours later, Prescott’s unit was directed to make its careful, secret way towards the English city of Birmingham. The team then received orders to proceed with speed towards North Wales, but were halted on the outskirts of the English city of Chester, in readiness for a military exercise they were told was about to take place in the area. Not long after, the orders changed yet again: make your way to the town of Llangollen, North-East Wales. On arrival at Llangollen, recalled Prescott, the unit noticed a great deal of ground-based activity in the area. In addition, military aircraft were soaring across the darkened, mountainous Welsh skies. Extraordinary events were clearly unfolding at an extremely fast rate. But it was shortly after 11.30 p.m. when things really began to take shape, and Prescott and his colleagues were on the move once more: to the village of Llandderfel. The team soon reached the little hamlet, whereupon they were directed to load two large, oblong boxes into their vehicle: “We were at this time warned not to open the boxes, but to proceed to Porton Down and deliver the boxes.” A number of hours later, they reached the secret Wiltshire-based facility, and were duly directed to a specific part of the installation. Once inside, explained Prescott, the boxes were opened by staff at the facility in their presence: they contained nothing less than two strange, unearthly creatures that had been placed inside decontamination suits. The staff at Porton then began the careful, daunting task of opening the suits. Prescott said that when this action was complete it was clear to all those present that the entities were not of this Earth. He elaborated: “What I saw in the boxes that day made me change my whole concept of life. The bodies were about five to six feet tall, humanoid in shape, but so thin they looked almost skeletal with a covering skin. Although I did not see a craft at the scene of the recovery, I was informed that a large craft had crashed and was recovered by other military units.” Perhaps even more remarkable was what Prescott had to say next. Namely, that shortly after his life-changing experience at Porton Down, he had the opportunity to speak with several colleagues from his own unit, who guardedly informed him they had also transported aliens to Porton Down, but with one amazing difference: “Their cargo was still alive.” And that’s where the Berwyn Mountains story dries up, unfortunately. But the Porton Down/UFO link continues.
In Llandrillo, North Wales, United Kingdom, on January 23, 1974, an extremely compelling UFO event began. Many of the residents of the village heard an extremely loud noise. Most of the citizens thought that an explosion had occurred-possibly a plane crash. Those who ventured outside on this cold night were astonished to see blue and orange lights near the Cader Bronwen mountain.
Witness Statement
There would be many eyewitness accounts of what was seen. The press immediately investigated the occurrence, and interviewed those close to the scene of the lights on the mountain. The first newspaper accounts made this statement:
“There was a huge explosion a few minutes after 8:30 PM. From various accounts, this preceded, some say, by up to two or three minutes, a violent shaking of the ground, like a medium-sized earthquake-objects inside houses were knocked off shelves.”
Area Cordoned Off:
The scene of the area near the mountain would closely resemble the Kecksburg, Pennsylvania crash of 1965. Local police would arrive at the scene first, soon followed by the Royal Air Force. The area in and around the crash site was zoned off, with no one allowed to enter. A search and rescue effort would be ongoing for several days, with no information being related to interested bystanders or press personnel.
Group of Men:
An employee of a hotel in nearby Bala would come forward with a very interesting story. He stated that a group of men had checked into the hotel, and stayed during the search of the mountains. They did admit that they were involved in the mission, but could not talk about what they had seen or found at the site. Another account was given by a nurse who lived in Llanderfel, also close to the scene of the crash. Local police had asked for the assistance of the nurse at the crash site. She was told a plane had gone down in the area.
A Glowing UFO:
Being rushed to the scene, and not being able to get a sitter for her teenage daughters, she was forced to take them along. Driving on B4391, at 10:00 PM, the road was deserted. As she reached the foot of the mountain chain, she was shocked at what she saw… a glowing UFO. She and her daughters would later relate their story to the press. They saw a UFO, which was almost intact. It was a large, circular object, and glowed an orange color.
Escorted from Site:
They were within a couple of hundred yards of the object, and were certain of what they saw. They also saw emergency personnel-local police and military, close to the object. The nurse was instructed to immediately leave the area. She told the authorities that she was ordered to the site, but was quickly escorted from the area.
Investigation Covered Up:
For several days, all roads leading to the crash area were closed to everyone but authorized personnel. The nurse was told by local shepherds that they were not allowed to tend their flocks during the operation at the mountain. Most of the citizens that lived near the area of the mountain crash were convinced by what they saw that a military cover-up was being conducted.Farmer Huw Lloyd, 48, who was a teenager at the time, said: ‘Whatever it was, it was kept quiet. I think there are things we should know about. And things that have happened have been covered up.’
Firefighter Adrian Roberts, who was thrown from his settee by the tremor in January 1974, told the programme makers: ‘What are they hiding? There was a lot of military action in the area. Areas were secluded off from the public. It was about three months before anyone was allowed to go near the site.
‘What people have seen and reported simply could not be made up.’ Retired North Wales Police Assistant Chief Constable Elfed Roberts, who was a sergeant at the time of the UFO incident, was rushing to Llandrillo moments after the tremor with his superior when they saw the mysterious lights.
He said: ‘As we were driving, all of a sudden we saw this green light in the sky ahead of us and it seemed to be an arcing light, but it was very sudden, totally unexpected, different to anything ever seen before.’
Ripperston Farmhouse UFO Phenomena – The British Roswell?
By Ian Brockwell
Although the UFO activity seen at Ripperston Farmhouse happened some time ago (1977), it is probably one of the most important events seen in Britain, and whilst it is not as famous as the Roswell incident many years earlier, it certainly warrants a great deal more attention.
My brother, Nigel Brockwell, has had an interest in UFO’s and the Paranormal for many years and was taking a holiday in Wales when he read about Ripperston Farmhouse. He had decided on a more scenic route for his return journey and this took him close to the farm.
Not knowing what response he would receive, he decided to call in at the farm for a chat with the occupants.
He was greeted by Mrs. Pauline Coomb who invited him in, and she introduced him to her husband, Billy. What struck Nigel the most was the couple’s apparent honesty about the information they were giving, and their lack of interest in profiting from the story (quite a rare thing nowadays).
It should be pointed out that the UFO activity around the farm was not a one-off event, but a series of experiences that occurred between mid January and mid December 1977.
Although the Ripperston farm is situated in a rather isolated area of South Wales, there were (are) a number of high security (perhaps top secret) military bases close by. According to the records, UFO’s were reported over these bases and the military were involved in some “unusual” activities and searches.
The Ripperston Farmhouse story began on the 14th of January 1977, when Pauline Coomb saw a “great ball of incandescent light, hanging motionless over the field near the cliff top”. It was not unusual to see strange lights in the sky (because of the military activity), but this was different.
After approximately twenty minutes the light started to move, swinging from side to side (much like a pendulum), as it got nearer to the ground and disappearing below the cliff.
Pauline woke up her husband (who was sleeping in a chair at the time) and he went to the cliff top path to search for whatever the object was. Unfortunately, he found nothing.
The following day newspapers were carrying the story of UFO sightings. Although Billy didn’t really believe that his wife’s “light” was a “flying saucer”, he did admit that there were some strange things going on. He was quoted as saying “There were as many as fifty frogmen below the cliff. Unmarked army trucks, soldiers in camouflage. The Navy was there too…building some sort of path beneath the water. This doesn’t make sense!”
Clinton, Pauline’s eldest son, commented on a strange humming noise coming from outside the bathroom window which would enter and fill the whole room.
Two schoolboys claimed to have seen a dome shaped UFO with “pulsating green and yellow lights” hovering over a building in Haverfordwest. They also approached a blue light in a field near their school, which flew off at speed when they got nearer.
Fourteen other schoolboys also saw a landed UFO near their school and a “silver” figure near the craft. They described the craft as having ten or eleven windows and a kind of ramp leading from a door.
One Friday evening, as Pauline and Billy were watching a movie on television, Pauline was distracted by a flickering light in the window, and the whining of their dog Blackie. The light was still there after an hour, and Billy (who had fallen asleep) was woken by what he thought was car headlights. He then noticed a “shimmering figure” of a man at the window.
The figure was wearing a silver suit and apparently seven foot tall. It didn’t move and just seemed to be staring inside. Billy commented that there was only blackness where the face should have been, and it sounded as if the man at the window was wearing a helmet with a shaded visor (much like astronauts would use).
A little while later the figure at the window raised a gloved hand to the glass, which started to rattle. At the same time the lights dimmed and the television stopped working.
Billy managed to call his neighbour and the police, and when the police siren could be heard approaching the farm, the figure vanished.
The following morning Pauline discovered “a scorched rose bush in the flower bed and huge footprints beneath the window”
A newspaper reported a sighting involving a “Jelly Mould” shaped UFO in a garden near the farm, which was said to be fifteen feet high and fifty feet wide.
Shortly after reading this in the newspaper, Pauline’s friend, Rosa, telephoned to say that she had seen a dome shaped UFO in a field near the hotel where she worked. It produced a light and two tall, human like, figures got out and appeared to be searching for something on the ground.
The description of the figures seemed to match the one seen at Pauline and Billy’s window. Rosa said the figures returned to the craft after about twenty minutes and it flew off at great speed, in the direction of the farm.
Sightings of dome shaped UFO’s and figures in silver suits continued, and on one occasion the Coomb’s son, Keiron, claimed to see a “tall dark, fluid-like shape” in the front room of their farmhouse.
However, a sighting on the 12th of November was perhaps the most bizarre of all. After seeing a UFO (in the daytime) perform some spectacular manoeuvres, it suddenly plunged into the sea by the famous Stack Rocks.
Pauline took her kids with her to investigate this further from the cliff tops, and on the rocks below she saw two figures in silver suits, who she estimated to be between eight to twelve feet tall. She noticed a “door” in the rocks, where one of the figures emerged and they moved around the base of the rock. After the figures returned through the door, it faded away and could no longer be seen.
On returning home, Pauline received a call from her friend Rosa. Apparently, she had been looking at Stack Rocks with her binoculars and saw a “silvery” UFO fly into an entrance on the Rock. Sometime later silver-suited figures came out of the opening in the Rock and climbed down to the sea and back again several times.
After one more sighting on the 19th of December 1977, the UFO activity came to an end at the Ripperston Farmhouse.
Did these events really happen? It would certainly seem so, but whether this involved Aliens or advanced military equipment and personnel we cannot say for sure.
Considering these events happened more than 32 years ago, and not that long after the moon landing, it seems unlikely that the military would have such crafts. We can only assume that a more advanced race was responsible for these sightings, and were working with the knowledge of the military.
If this is true, it supports the belief of a cover-up and indicates how long this has been going on. It also asks the question of why this is being kept a secret. Do aliens want to keep their presence a secret from the general public, or do some of our leaders insist on this (for personal gain)?
The fact that people are still reporting UFO sightings might suggest that if aliens are involved, they are not that worried about being spotted. However, the authorities take a much more defensive role and make every effort to keep information from us.
It would be nice to think the authorities have our interests at heart in keeping this information secret, but knowing the government and politicians as we do, that is very unlikely.
There is a growing feeling on the internet that something “major” is about to break shortly on the subject of UFO’s and Aliens, and my personal view is that this will be good news, although maybe not for everyone.
A witness at Puducherry, India, reported watching a “white colored, self-revolving cone” UFO that hovered under the cloud cover less than one mile away, according to July 11, 2014, testimony in Case 896 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The object was seen for about two minutes on June 15, 2014, while the witness was waiting for a traffic signal.
“My kid wanted me to see an arrow in the sky,” the witness stated. “When I looked I found a long cockpit-type, conical flying object just self revolving and passing over a big cloud to another small cloud.”
But the object soon disappeared from sight.
“But when it crossed the second small cloud, it just disappeared. It never returned.”
Witness illustration of the object. (Credit: MUFON)
Puducherry consists of four small unconnected districts: Pondicherry, Karaikal and Yanam on the Bay of Bengal and Mahé on the Arabian Sea. Pondicherry and Karaikal have the largest areas and population, both as part of Tamil Nadu.
Map of Pondicherry Region in the Union Territory of Puducherry, India. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
I-Team: Crossing the line into Area 51 gets caught on camera
LAS VEGAS -- A tour bus carrying visitors to the edge of the top secret Area 51 military base has done something that many people have only fantasized about doing. It crossed the line and entered the base.
The driver and his four passengers learned a quick lesson about how serious Area 51 is about its boundary and its security. And the entire incident was captured on video.
In the 25 years since I-Team reports first put the once unknown base on the map, tens of thousands of curious people have trekked out to take a peek.
A few strayed over the line, on purpose, and were quickly scooped up. As far as we know, this is the first intrusion caught entirely on video and it nearly caused the tours to be shut down.
Area 51's years in obscurity ended in 1989 when news reports about classified projects at the Nevada base set off a stampede of UFO seekers, aviation watchers, and media. The base is still a favored location for classified military projects, so security is justifiably tight.
Motion detectors, high-tech cameras, the ominous cammo dudes and warning signs, which declare deadly force is authorized. The signs themselves have become photo ops, the money shot for guided outings like those operated for 15 years by Adventure Photo Tours.
“Some of them are just curious. They don't know what it's about. Others believe they have been abducted. Other people believe they are aliens and they want to go back out there to hopefully get back home. We get all kinds of people,” Adventure Photo Tours co-owner Donna Tryon said.
Tryon says the typical tour includes stops at main shrines of Area 51 lore: the ET highway sign, the Little A'le'inn, and the holy of holies, the very edge of the base itself.
But there is one thing the tour most certainly does not include.
“Our guys make it a point to tell the passengers that, you know, you can't go over that line, and if you step over that line, you're on your own,” Tryon said.
But on May 28, it happened to driver Denis Ryan and his four passengers, all of it recorded, inside and out. The video shows Ryan and group having a good time, zipping toward the edge of 51.
At precisely the wrong moment, one of the tourists asked Ryan a question about sports books. It was just enough of a distraction that he blew right past the warning signs, and kept on going.
After 45 seconds or so, Ryan started looking around, wondering where the cammo dudes were.
Less than two minutes after crossing the boundary, the passengers inform Ryan that a white truck is right on their tail.
“A gentleman in full military garb gets out. The one on the passenger side, he had a fully automatic rifle,” Ryan said.
Ryan says the military men told him he had crossed the line and was trespassing on a military installation.
Inside the vehicle, the tourists, a couple from the UK and a mother and son from the East Coast, thought it was all part of the tour, actors playing their part.
“They said they would let the company know, ‘you took us the extra mile.’ They thought it was part of the whole process,” Ryan said.
They soon learned it was no act.
“I apologize for this. Those are the Men in Black,” Ryan told his tour.
After Lincoln County deputies arrived, the driver and passengers were pulled out, cited for trespassing, and given court dates.
The projected fine: $650 apiece and a misdemeanor conviction. Co-owner Will Tryon contacted Lincoln County District Attorney Dan Hogue and tried to get the out of state passengers off the hook.
“We were afraid they would issue a bench warrant for these people, turn good tourists into criminals,” Will Tryon said.
But Hogue wasn't budging. He suspected it was done on purpose.
The company decided that if the citations stuck, they would close down the tours to 51, which would be a blow to the fragile rural economy.
What the DA didn't know until the I-Team contacted him is that the incident was on video. One look at video, and the expressions on these faces, and the DA knew it wasn't intentional. The driver has to pay but the passengers don't.
Driver Denis Ryan is now barred for at least two years.
Lincoln County has an arrangement with Area 51. It handles all trespassing cases. The DA told the I-Team that while tourism dollars are important to the county, so is the base, which generates a lot of tax revenue.
After the I-Team told him about the video, the DA agreed to drop the charges against the passengers, but on one condition: that no video recorded by the van's forward camera be made public. That camera recorded cammo dudes coming from the other direction.
Witness said: Denver Strange Lights (UFO’s?) On July 4, 2014 at 9:34PM, we were watching fireworks in Denver. Suddenly we see strange orbs of light flying around, turning on …Weird lights over Denver on July 4th 2014, UFO? via YouTube Capture.
UFO boven Zuid-Australië was ruimteafval" -
UFO boven Zuid-Australië was ruimteafval" -
Steven Wright@regularsteven
My #meteor shot from last night. No idea what is was when I saw it. Very cool sight #Melbourne@theage
video De vuurbal boven het zuidoosten van Australië donderdagavond was geen UFO of vliegtuigongeluk. Australische media hebben vrijdag deskundigen aan het woord gelaten en hun oordeel luidde vrijwel unaniem: afval van een Russische Sojoezraket.
Een van hen, Jonathan McDowell van het centrum voor astrofysica van de Amerikaanse Harvard Universiteit, identificeerde het brandende object. Het was de derde trap van de Sojoezraket die afgelopen dinsdag in Kazachstan werd gelanceerd om een weersatelliet in de ruimte te brengen.
Het ruimteafval scheerde met een snelheid van bijna 29.000 kilometer per uur door het luchtruim. Het leidde tot verbazing en onrust in de regio. Een aantal mensen belde nooddiensten over een brandend vliegtuig of de komst van een meteoriet.
Over de plaatsen waar restanten zouden zijn neergekomen, heerst onenigheid. De Australische astronoom Brian Schmidt schat dat "restafval" kan zijn neergekomen in een dunbevolkte streek circa 500 kilometer ten noordwesten van Sydney. Collega's denken dat veel zuidelijker in Australië of in de Stille Oceaan restanten van de Sojoezraket zijn neergekomen.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Mysterieuze Amazone-stam maakt voor het eerst contact met buitenwereld
Mysterieuze Amazone-stam maakt voor het eerst contact met buitenwereld
Een geïsoleerde indianenstam in het Amazoneregenwoud heeft voor het eerst contact gelegd met de buitenwereld, zo laat het Braziliaanse ministerie van Indianenzaken (FUNAI) weten. Sommigen vrezen echter dat de stam buitengewoon kwetsbaar is voor allerlei ziektes die overheidsmedewerkers met zich mee kunnen brengen.
Afgelopen maand werd contact gelegd tussen de overheid en de indianen uit de staat Acre, dicht bij de grens met Peru. Tijdschrift Science meldt dat de Braziliaanse overheid in 1996 voor het laatst contact maakte met een geïsoleerde indianenstam.
Het ministerie van Indianenzaken waarschuwde dat de geïsoleerde stam wordt bedreigd door ontbossing. Survival International, een groep die opkomt voor de inheemse stammen, heeft de Peruaanse regering opgeroepen de illegale bosbouw aan banden te leggen. Volgens de organisatie lopen de geïsoleerde stammen gevaar op ziekte en geweld, nu ze verplicht worden een nieuw territorium aan te boren.
Bij het uiten van emoties doen leden van de stam dieren na. Als ze boos zijn maken ze bijvoorbeeld het geluid van een jaguar en bij angst doen ze een wild varken na, aldus adviseur van de Braziliaanse overheid José Carlos Meirelles, één van de weinigen die iets weet over de mysterieuze stam.
In 2011 verzamelde Meirelles samen met een cameraploeg van de BBC beeldmateriaal van indianen in hetzelfde gebied waar de geïsoleerde stam leeft, maar het is niet zeker of het hier ook daadwerkelijk dezelfde stam betreft.
De beelden dienden als bewijs voor het bestaan van geïsoleerde indianenstammen in de Amazone. Bosbouwbedrijven vergeleken berichten over dergelijke stammen namelijk lange tijd met ongrijpbare legendes als het Monster van Loch Ness. Volgens FUNAI leven er in het Amazoneregenwoud tenminste 77 geïsoleerde groepen.
The following UFO sighting report was submitted to Open Minds on July 11, 2014 by Joyce Steward.
8:00 p.m. July 10th 2014 Fayetteville, Arkansas . Daylight. My son Rocky was outside when he observed a strange blackish colored object that seemed to come straight into the atmosphere. At that moment he yelled for me to come outside that he was seeing something strange. As we observed the object it was hovering at this point at or around 1000 ft. The object appeared to be shaped like a stop sign. The object makes a sudden movement north at a speed that was just amazing. It disappeared in just a flash. Standing there in amazement we continued to look in the sky for a few minuets and then the object was then right above us at around 500 ft. It moved to the west slowly and then hovered and then it started to glow this huge round amber light. It was enormous. If I was to hold up a newspaper you could not cover the object from end to end. It glowed like this for approx. 1 to 2 min then began to fade and rotate and as it rotated counterclockwise we could see what looked like a huge square glowing amber orange window on the side of it. It remained still for maybe another min then just disappeared. I have been a flight attendant for 12 years and my son is ex military. I have no idea what we saw.
My fiancé and I were sitting on the railroad tracks behind his apartment complex, talking and enjoying the night sky and fireflies. After some time I noticed an extremely bright, orange-red light in the sky. I pointed it out to my fiancée, asking him, “what the hell kind of plane is THAT??” It was moving very quickly. Much faster than a commercial aircraft. It made no sound at all. There were no blinking lights. It was a solid red, circular light. The brighteness and intensity of the light was something brother of us have ever seen before. We were unable to record it with our iPhones because it only showed up as a small red dot which didn’t accurately portray what we were seeing. It was flying low. There was no distinct outline other than a very bright glowing light. We watched it move across the sky until it was out of sight. Within a few minutes, multiple fast moving aircraft were seen flying in the same direction as the unidentified object flew. Shortly after that, we again saw a large bright red light moving across the sky at a rapid speed , but this time at a much higher altitude. We both were left saying “either we just saw an experimental military craft of some kind, or that was a UFO.”
7-5-14 9.45 PM ………..RIVERDALE NEW JERSEY
I was driving with a friend on Newark-Pompton Turnpike in Riverdale towards Hamburg Turnpike at about 9:45 or 9:50 PM on Saturday, 7/5/14. As we were approaching the traffic light at that intersection, we saw in the distance in the sky above tree top level, what looked like two orange circles. They were diagonal in distance to each other with one being upper left. As we approached the traffic light and then stopped due to it being a red light, the objects did not move, flash or anything. They stayed stationary. The distance between them also did not change. There were other stars twinkling in the sky and planes moving and they did not look like any of those and they were not the warning lights atop towers which are red. The objects were bigger and the color different than the stars and planes which is why we noticed them. From our distance, they were not chinese lanterns from July 4th fireworks. The traffic light changed so we continued on Hamburg Turnpike North and then decided to use a star gazer app to see if they were stars or planets or satellites which they weren’t. We then turned around and went back (probably within 3 minutes) and they were gone from where we saw them and we could not see where they went. KENS NOTE: The attached photo is real and from Little Egg Harbor New Jersey. This photo was captured on 3-9-13.
These cases are being investigated by Robert Spearing of MUFON New Jersey
Revealed: The UFO files of the German Secret Service
For several decades, German government officials have claimed there was never an official interest in investigating or studying the topic of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). But now, the editor of the German news-blog on frontier sciences and the paranormal “” (, Andreas Muller, was able to access formerly secret UFO-files compiled by the German foreign secret intelligence agency “Bundesnachrichtendienst” (BND), which tells a complete different story.
It was in 2008 that the German Federal Minister of the Interior of that time, Dr. Wolfgang Schaeuble, repeated what other officials said several times before over the last decades, when they were asked about an official interest of German governments and the military’s interest into the topic of UFOs and its investigation, by saying:
… I have no knowledge of any official agency, institution or body that deals with or investigates sightings of unknown flying objects, so-called UFOs. Furthermore I have no knowledge of any such official projects whatsoever.
If you think haunted houses are impossible to sell, then you’re in for the fright of your life.
"There are buyers out there that think it’s cool to own a home that may have ghosts,” real estate agent Cindi Hagley told ABC News’ “20/20.”
Based in California, Hagley runs Past Life Homes, specializing in the selling of so-called “stigmatized properties,” and that includes haunted houses.
“Right now we are in a seller’s market in almost all of northern California,” Hagley said. “You can have a dead body swinging from the chandelier, and I’m still going to have ten offers on the phone.”
Hagley said plenty of houses for sale come with supposed tenants of the supernatural type, who have allegedly lived there for hundreds of years. In some states including California, realtors are required by law to tell buyers if a home purportedly has ghostly inhabitants.
Even after telling potential buyers that the house is haunted, Hagley said many are still interested.
“Some don’t care. Some expect a huge discount,” said Hagley.
A survey found that 62 percent of Americans would consider buying a haunted house, while 35 percent think they’ve lived in a haunted house.
John Gochá told “20/20” that his home is haunted.
“I know it’s haunted,” Gochá said. “I see ghosts here on a pretty much weekly basis.”
His Los Angeles house, which was featured in the Emmy-winning TV show, “American Horror Story,” is currently for sale.
“Every time I go by the laundry room with the washing machine on I hear conversations, people having conversations clear as day,” said Gochá.
While Gochá finds the ghosts in his home friendly, Hagley said she has a team of paranormal investigators for when a house she is selling is haunted.
“It’s not like on TV where you see, you know, these alleged Ghostbusters calling these ghosts out,” Hagley said. “We’re gentle in our approach.”
When the home buyers want the spirits to leave, Hagley has her medium, Mark Christopher Nelson, ask the paranormal presence to go elsewhere.
“We’re not evicting them. We’re helping them,” said Hagley.
While most people shy away from buying haunted homes, Hagley said there are those who are excited about the prospect.
“I usually call a security guard to protect me because they’re usually nuts,” said Hagley. - ABC News
Terrified mourners were chased out of a cemetery in Russia after local bears discovered the graveyard was filled with sweets and other food left as tributes for the dearly departed by Orthodox Christian believers.
Members of the Orthodox Russian church believe that leaving an offering of food can help ease their loved ones journey to the afterlife but the bears have also discovered that it eases their job of looking for something to eat.
As a result the bears have been heading to the local cemetery and chasing off the mourners so that they can eat their fill in peace.
Local resident Alexander Koltsov, 48, said: "I was always told if you see a bear you should raise your hands in the air to make yourself seem bigger and hope it leaves you alone. When I saw this bear though I just ran for it, and luckily it didn't seem interested in chasing me further as it began munching honey cakes."
The parish priest, Spiridon Bezrukov, at the cemetery in Apatity, a town in Murmansk Oblast in north-west Russia, said: "I have not even been able to stage funeral services recently because of the bears. Although most of the food seems to have been eaten, there is a mother bear there with two cubs that seems to have taken up residence and won't leave."
The local council however said that as the hunting season on bears had now started, they had hired hunters to shoot the mother bear and cubs. They defended themselves against critics who said that the bears should be anaesthetised and moved to a new location by claiming that they could not afford the cost.
Council spokesman Prokhor Abramov said: "Putting a bounty on the head of the bear is the easiest way to solve the problem, because almost anybody with a gun will be able to carry it out. To have to anaesthetise them we would need special guns and vehicles and it's dangerous and risky – and far more expensive."
Hungry bears have been a particular problem in Russia this year with the animals increasingly heading into built-up areas in search of food, causing conflict with the people living there. - Austrian Times
NOTE: when I first read this story, I thought the bears may be digging up corpses. Ugh...Lon
Durban, SA - A man claims he acted in self-defence when he killed a 7-year-old Chatsworth boy because the child and his friends had transformed into tigers before his eyes.
Sibusiso Madiya, 26, of Savannah Park, pleaded not guilty to a charge of murder in the Durban Regional Court on Thursday.
Madiya told the court through his Legal Aid attorney, Hycenth Mlotshwa, he saw the “tiger” – Grade 1 pupil Lindokuhle Mabhena – approach him at a Shallcross park in June last year and thought he was going to attack him.
He had stabbed the boy with a knife he had found on the ground earlier.
It was only after a group of people arrived that he realised it was not a tiger but a human being, he said.
Madiya made this admission at the start of his murder trial yesterday before magistrate Trevor Levitt.
Mlotshwa told the court his client believed in supernatural powers and even in the prison where is being held during the trial he saw fellow inmates transform into animals.
Prosecutor Krishen Shah said the accused had been referred for mental observation and was deemed mentally fit to stand trial.
Mlotshwa said at around midday on June 15 last year, Madiya was skateboarding at a park in Peak Street, Shallcross, when seven young children, who had been following him, approached him. He said they all suddenly transformed into tigers.
Lindokuhle’s friend, who is now 10 years old and cannot be named because he is a minor, testified in camera on Thursday.
Sitting with his back to Madiya and facing the magistrate, the boy bravely recalled the day he tried to help save his friend.
In Grade 3 at the time, he was the oldest in the group of friends who went to play in the park that day. The others were all in Grade 1.
He said they had played on the swings and were on their way out of the park when they noticed Madiya, who they did not know, sitting on the ground with his skateboard. He said the accused asked them to find him a container for water and they had obliged.
Madiya told them to fill it with water for him, so they walked to a nearby garage to do so. When they returned, the accused took them to nearby bushes, saying he could not eat in front of people.
The boy said the boys followed him and Madiya shared his bread and chips with them.
He told them to look for more empty containers and promised them more food but they refused.
The boy said Madiya lent them his skateboard and the friends, except for Lindokuhle, played with it on the steep road near the bush. Lindokuhle sat on the verge of the road and Madiya went further into the bushes as if he was looking for something.
“We were going up and down the road on the skateboard. While we were playing, we had our back to Lindokuhle and (Madiya). We then saw the uncle (Madiya) running towards us and he took the skateboard, saying he was going. When we looked back, I saw Lindokuhle lying on the ground and we ran to him,” he recalled.
“He was bleeding from a hole in his neck. I carried him to the lawn nearby and I lay him down. He was crying softly. I asked him what happened and he pointed out to the uncle (Madiya). We could still see him. I called to another uncle for help and he said he’ll call the police,” he testified.
The police arrived and the man who had called for help questioned the little boy about what had happened and he described a young man wearing different coloured shoes.
The man said he knew who the child was talking about and informed the police, who went in search of the suspect.
Under cross-examination, Mlotshwa argued that Madiya said “something strange happened” at the park when the boys transformed into tigers and that Lindokuhle had threatened injury to his client.
The child witness said he and his friends were just playing and had not done anything wrong to Madiya.
The trial is set to resume next month. -
Rosemary Ellen Guiley - 'Strange Dimensions' Newsletter
On the Paranormal Road: Black mirrors for contacting the dead... the Djinn leave a calling card... dowsing angels... Coast to Coast AM Christmas CD
Interview on Dark Angels with Aaron Sagers for The Huffington Post
New Developments in Afterlife Communication This Weekend in Arizona!
Haunted By The Things You Love in Sneak Peek Release in August
Feature Article: The Dark Side of Angels
Mailbag: Djinn and Human Hybrids
Media News: The Art of Black Mirror Scrying Connects You to the Spirit World... Develop Your Miracle Mind Consciousness in New Hard Print and E-book Editions... Review Praise for Big Book of West Virginia Ghost Stories, The (Big Book of Ghost Stories) ... E-book Editions of Ouija Gone Wild, The Djinn Connection and Dream Messages from the Afterlife... Radio and TV Archives
Director James Cameron has said in interviews that the idea for the first Terminator film came to him during a fever dream, when his subconscious came up with the image of a chrome torso emerging from an explosion, dragging itself across the floor with kitchen knives.
In The Making of The Terminator – A Retrospective documentary the film maker added: “Terminator was an idea I had when I was in Rome. I was sitting around my hotel room. I was sick at the time. I had a real high fever. I was just lying on the bed thinking, and came up with all this bizarre imagery. I think also the idea, because I was in a foreign city by myself.
“I felt very dissociated from humanity in general, it was easy to project myself into these two characters from the future, who were out of sync, out of time, out of place, that sort of thing. I’d always wanted to do some sort of really definitive robot story. Cause it had really never been done.”
Was this “bizarre imagery” Cameron talked about really just brought on by a normal fever, or did someone or something want the director to make his “definitive robot story”?
In another science fiction film that played with the idea of robots, Blade Runner, the protagonist Rick Deckard portrayed by Harrison Ford has a peculiar dream about a unicorn. While it is never fully explained in the script what Deckard’s unicorn dream means; in the final scene of the Director’s Cut Deckard finds an origami unicorn made by his mysterious superior Gaff.
According to Ridley Scott in the documentary On The Edge of Blade Runner, the reason why Gaff knows what Deckard has been dreaming about is because the dream is a memory implant created by the Tyrel Corporation. So is it possible that in the real world somebody could control our dreams, much in the same way the Tyrel Corporation implant Deckard’s unicorn dream in Blade Runner?
The idea that dreams can be controlled or implanted by others goes right back to the Bible; where God uses dreams to communicate with mankind. In Genesis 41, after being sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, Joseph (son of Jacob) rises to become the second most powerful man in Egypt after correctly interpreting the dreams of the Pharaoh:
Then Joseph said to Pharaoh, “The dreams of Pharaoh are one and the same. God has revealed to Pharaoh what he is about to do. The seven good cows are seven years, and the seven good heads of grain are seven years; it is one and the same dream. The seven lean, ugly cows came up afterward are seven years, and so are the seven worthless heads of grain scorched by the east wind: They are seven years of famine.
There are also other examples of God using dreams to communicate with humans in the Bible. In Matthew 1 another Joseph decides not to divorce his wife Mary after being visited by an angel in a dream.
But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
Ancient astronaut theorists believe that aliens visiting Earth thousands of years ago were misinterpreted resulting in the God of the Bible; is it possible then that aliens been influencing human history for thousands of years by controlling the unconsciousness human mind?
Certainly dreams have had a massive impact on human history. Adolf Hitler reportedly had a dream that saved his life. During the First World War he was asleep in his trench when he dreamed of himself and his fellow soldiers being engulfed by earth and molten metal.
He awoke and left the trench. Whilst he was away the trench was hit by a shell and the other soldiers were all killed. If it wasn’t for Hitler’s mysterious nightmare then the Second World War would have probably not have taken place; but dreams have had a more positive impact on human development too.
Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity was inspired by a dream in which he was going down a mountainside ever faster, watching the appearance of the stars change as he approached the speed of light.
And at the Ted 2005 conference Nobel laureate James Watson, co-discoverer of the structure of DNA, reported stumbling upon the double helix image for the DNA chain through his dream of a spiral staircase. Classic novels including Dracula, Frankenstein, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and more recently the Twilight series, were all inspired by dreams also.
The idea that aliens or anyone else can control dreams might sound like science fiction, but there is a state called lucid dreaming where people realise they are dreaming and are able to control their dream. In 2012 it was reported that scientists were developing a special sleep mask that helped the wearer control their dream:
“Quite possibly the hardest thing about lucid dreaming is recognizing your control over a dream state, which is akin to reconfiguring the way you’ve dreamed your entire life. With Remee, a series of flashing red lights on your sleep mask will appear within your dreams, reminding you that you’re in a dream state. Once those stimuli are acknowledged and understood, a user can begin lucid dreaming as they say see fit. From person to person, lucid dreaming can be a great many things — a means to fly, teleport or meet famous people.” (
While the ability to implant or control someone else’s dreams has not been developed yet, at least in public, in July 2013 scientist did announce that they had implanted memories in mice:
Tinkering with the brains of mice, scientists have given the rodents memories of events that never occurred.
“The researchers used a technique that involves activating neurons with light to train mice to “remember” a painful experience in a completely different context from that in which they experienced the pain. The false memories were encoded by brain cells in the same way as real memories are sealed in.” (
Abductees, people who believe they have been abducted by aliens, have reported communicating telepathically with the short grey skinned beings they have encountered. Perhaps aliens use their psychic powers to implant dreams just as they seem to be able to create “screen” or fake memories in abductees.
Maureen and Jason attended the 2014 Roswell UFO Festival in Roswell, New Mexico. They speak with some of the guest speakers who were present at the festival this year. That, and the latest space and UFO news on this episode of Spacing Out!
VIDEO: Tourbus dringt geheime basis Area 51 binnen
VIDEO: Tourbus dringt geheime basis Area 51 binnen
Een tourbus is erin geslaagd de topgeheime legerbasis Area 51 binnen te dringen. De chauffeur en zijn vier passagiers kwamen er al snel achter hoe zwaar de basis wordt beveiligd. Het hele incident is vastgelegd op video.
In de afgelopen jaren zijn tienduizenden mensen afgereisd naar de Nevadawoestijn om een glimp op te vangen van Area 51. Slechts enkelen negeerden de waarschuwingsborden en werden snel opgepakt.
In 1989 was er massale aandacht voor geheime projecten op de basis in Nevada. Ufologen, vliegtuigspotters en journalisten trokken in groten getale naar Area 51 om zoveel mogelijk informatie te vergaren.
De basis is voorzien van bewegingssensoren, geavanceerde camera’s en waarschuwingsborden waarop staat dat gebruik van dodelijk geweld is toegestaan. De basis trekt allerlei soorten mensen aan. Sommigen zijn gewoon nieuwsgierig, anderen denken dat ze zijn ontvoerd of zelf buitenaards zijn.
Op 28 mei besloot chauffeur Denis Ryan alle waarschuwingsborden te negeren en de basis binnen te dringen. Na een minuut begon hij in het rond te kijken, op zoek naar mannen in legerkleding. Nog geen minuut later kreeg Ryan van de passagiers te horen dat ze werden gevolgd door een witte auto. Vanuit de tegenovergestelde richting kwam nog een auto aangereden.
Een man in legeroutfit stapte uit. Op de bijrijderstoel zat een man met een automatisch geweer. De soldaten vertelden Ryan dat hij zich op militair terrein begaf. De toeristen, allemaal acteurs, deden net of ze dachten dat het onderdeel was van de tour.
Korte tijd later arriveerden politieagenten die de chauffeur en passagiers sommeerden uit te stappen. Ze kregen proces verbaal omdat ze zich op verboden terrein bevonden en een datum waarop ze moesten voorkomen. Zowel de chauffeur als de passagiers kregen ook een boete van 650 dollar.
De officier van justitie vermoedde dat het gezelschap de basis met opzet was binnengedrongen. Pas toen hij de video had gezien was hij bereid de aanklachten tegen de passagiers te laten vallen. De chauffeur moet wel betalen en mag tenminste twee jaar zijn beroep niet meer uitoefenen. De officier van justitie vertelde dat de basis voor hem belangrijk is vanwege de extra belastingopbrengst.
Mysterieuze radioflits uit de ruimte stelt sterrenkundigen voor raadsel
Mysterieuze radioflits uit de ruimte stelt sterrenkundigen voor raadsel
Hebben astronomen een boodschap van ver buiten ons sterrenstelsel opgevangen? Een korte radioflits, gedetecteerd door de Arecibo-radiotelescoop in Puerto Rico, stelt wetenschappers voor een raadsel.
Het is voor het eerst dat een zogeheten korte radioflits is opgepikt door een ander instrument dan de Parkes-radiotelescoop in Australië. Onderzoekers schrijven over de ontdekking in The Astrophysical Journal.
Met de Parkes-telescoop zijn enkele van deze radioflitsen opgevangen, maar omdat andere telescopen deze signalen niet konden opvangen was men in de veronderstelling dat het Australische instrument signalen detecteerde van bronnen op of net buiten de aarde.
“Er is nu geen twijfel meer over mogelijk dat deze radioflitsen een kosmische oorsprong hebben,” zei hoofdonderzoekster Victoria Kaspi, hoogleraar astrofysica aan de McGill-universiteit in de Canadese stad Montreal. “We hebben vastgesteld dat de herkomst van de radiogolven ver buiten ons sterrenstelsel ligt – een spannend vooruitzicht.”
Voor astrofysici is het een raadsel hoe de radioflitsen worden geproduceerd. Ze denken onder meer aan exotische objecten zoals zwarte gaten, de versmelting van neutronensterren of uitbarstingen van magnetars, een neutronenster met extreem krachtige magnetische velden.
De mysterieuze flits is op 2 november 2012 gedetecteerd. De Arecibo-telescoop is één van de beroemdste radiotelescopen ter wereld, vooral vanwege zijn enorme omvang. De belangrijkste schotel heeft een doorsnee van 305 meter en is gebouwd in een verlaging in het terrein die is ontstaan door de instorting van kalksteen.
Hoewel er nog maar enkele radioflitsen zijn opgevangen, schat het internationale team van wetenschappers deze deze vreemde kosmische flitsen zo’n 10.000 keer per dag door de atmosfeer schieten.
Astronomen speuren nu ook met andere radiotelescopen de hemel af op zoek naar korte radioflitsen. In Australië en Zuid-Afrika wordt gebouwd aan telescopen die korte radioflitsen moeten kunnen detecteren en ook de CHIME-radiotelescoop in Canada moet gaan helpen om dit mysterieuze kosmische fenomeen te helpen ontrafelen.
UFO mania: VIDEO: UFOs spotted in sky over Dordogne
UFO mania: VIDEO: UFOs spotted in sky over Dordogne
A video posted on YouTube has caused a fair amount of intrigue as it appears to show four UFOs hovering in the sky above a forest in the Dordogne, southern France. Scientists have so far been unable to explain the objects. Can you?
11-07-2014 om 21:16
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VIDEO: "3 UFO's geland in Frankrijk"
VIDEO: “3 UFO’s geland in Frankrijk”
Er gaat een filmpje rond op internet waarin vier UFO’s te zien zijn die boven een bos in de Dordogne in het zuiden van Frankrijk zweven. Wetenschappers zijn er tot op heden niet in geslaagd om de herkomst van de objecten te bepalen. Dat meldt de Britse Daily Telegraph vandaag.
De Franse krant Sud Ouest meldt dat op 5 juli een video op internet is geplaatst waarin vier vreemde bolvormige objecten zijn te zien. Na enige tijd zenden ze een aantal lichtflitsen uit om vervolgens omlaag te duiken.
Uit de beschrijving onder de video valt op te maken dat de beelden op 4 juli rond zonsondergang zijn gemaakt in de buurt van een dorpje met zo’n 50 inwoners. De video is getiteld ‘Disturbing UFO activity! 3 UFOs landing in Forest, July 2014’.
De maker van de video schrijft: “Ik heb tijdens een prachtige zonsondergang vier UFO’s boven een bos in Dordogne in Frankrijk gefilmd. Ik keek tussen twee huizen door om de mooie lucht te kunnen bekijken, toen ik plotseling deze objecten zag.”
“Ik had mijn Canon 700D ter hand zodat ik gelijk kon filmen. Ik denk dat deze objecten al geruime tijd in de lucht waren te zien. Dit is waarschijnlijk een landing. Drie objecten lijken te dalen en verdwijnen achter de bomen.”
Sud Ouest stuurde de video naar Geipan, een organisatie die ongeïdentificeerde fenomenen in het luchtruim bestudeert en onderdeel is van de Franse ruimtevaartorganisatie CNES. Vooralsnog hebben wetenschappers geen verklaring kunnen geven voor de waarneming.
Op YouTube wordt druk gespeculeerd over de objecten. Eén iemand dacht in eerste instantie aan luchtballonnen, maar merkte op dat de flitsen niet overeenkomen met de gasbrander van een luchtballon. Volgens een ander worden deze objecten aangedreven door middel van antizwaartekracht, een technologie die ontwikkeld is door de nazi’s en decennialang geheim is gehouden.
Dans une vidéo postée sur YouTube le 5 juillet, on peut voir quatre étranges objets sphériques flotter au-dessus d'arbres, avant d'émettre une série de flashs et de se diriger vers le sol.
Selon la description de la vidéo, les images auraient été tournées au crépuscule, à proximité d'un petit village "fantôme" d'une cinquantaine d'habitants, dont le nom n'a pas été précisé. Malheureusement, toujours selon la description, il semblerait que personne d'autre que le vidéaste amateur n'ait pu voir cet étrange phénomène, en raison de la nature isolée du lieu.
Drones, ballons sondes... impossible donc pour l'heure d'identifier précisément ces objets qui, en tout cas, connaissent un certain succès dans la communauté ufologique.
Et vous, avez-vous aperçu quelque chose ce soir là ?
Tourists in Nevada recently got more than they were bargaining for when their tour guide accidentally passed the no trespassing signs and drove into Area 51. They were quickly tailed by a security truck and asked to get out of the van. The tour quickly got much less fun. The whole thing was caught on camera.
The story was featured on KLAS TV’s 8 News Now as an I-Team investigation and presented by veteran reporter George Knapp. Knapp is credited for putting Area 51 on the map when he covered the story in 1989 about an alleged whistleblower who worked at the super secret unacknowledged base. The man said he worked on back engineering alien technology that was housed at the base.
Area 51 warning sign. A white security truck can be seen on the hill overlooking the sign. Area 51 security guards are often referred to as “cammo dudes.” Credit: Alejandro Rojas
Ever since then tourist have been flocking to the base, which all at once has been the most secret as well as perhaps the most famous U.S. Air Force installation. The tour van that crossed the line was from Adventure Photo Tours. Co-owner Donna Tyron told KLAS, “Some of [the tourists] are just curious. They don’t know what it’s about. Others believe they have been abducted. Other people believe they are aliens and they want to go back out there to hopefully get back home. We get all kinds of people.”
Tyron says that their Area 51 tour includes a lot of stops that have become famous in the area, but the spot most people want to see is where you can see the “Keep Out!” signs. She says that their drivers are very careful not to pass the signs and warn passengers, “you can’t go over that line, and if you step over that line, you’re on your own.”
Although, Tyron says her drivers are careful, there are bound to be mistakes in any business. When your business is taking people to the edge of a Top Secret facility, the mistakes that one can make are a little more interesting. In this case, while cruising down the dirt road leading to Area 51, Denis Ryan, the driver of the tour van, was distracted by a question about sports. He missed the warning sign and a minute or two later his passengers noticed they were being followed by a white truck.
Tour van driver Denis Ryan unwittingly driving his passengers into Area 51. (Credit: KLAS/Adventure Photo Tours)
The whole time a camera was running inside the van. The tourist thought this was all part of the tour. However, Ryan can be heard saying, “I apologize for this. Those are the Men in Black.” The tourist were right in that they were experiencing something others don’t, but unfortunately it was not a planned added bonus.
Area 51 has an agreement with Lincoln County. They handle the trespassing cases, so the tourist group had to wait for Lincoln County deputies. Once they arrived, the passengers and the driver were cited for trespassing and given court dates.
The tourists, a couple from the UK and a mother and son from the east coast, were no longer having a good time. They were facing a $650 fine per person and a misdemeanor conviction. Will Tyron, another co-owner of Amazing Photo Tours said, “We were afraid they would issue a bench warrant for these people, turn good tourists into criminals.”
The tour van’s camera captures the warning sign as they speed by. (Credit: KLAS/Adventure Photo Tours)
The Lincoln County District Attorney Dan Hogue did not believe the incident was an accident. He thought the group was in cahoots to see what would happen if they crossed the signs. Luckily, when KLAS contacted the DA to ask him about the case, they let him in on the fact that the whole thing was video recorded. Upon viewing the video, the DA recognized that the expression on the face of the driver was shock, not someone making mischief. The charges were dropped for all but the driver, who is now barred from Area 51 tours for at least two years.
The one condition the DA did require for dropping the charges on the passengers was that the forward facing video on the tour van not be made public. However, Knapp clarifies that this was because the camera caught security trucks coming from inside the base. He says, “for the record, there were no shots of flying saucers or secret aircraft.”
Witness said: This thing went straight up!! Stopped!! Then continued straight, then curved at a strange angle. Sorry but had dog leash in my hand, but it still so clear.
In Madonna with Saint Giovanni…there appears to be what looks like metallic looking UFO flying in the background. The man in the background is even staring up at it…probably out of completely shock and awe. Learn more about this painting in the video:
Saarbrucken (Germany) – For several decades the German government officials has claimed there was never an official interest in investigating or studying the topic of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). But now, the editor of the German news-blog on frontier sciences and the paranormal “” (, Andreas Muller, was able to access formerly secret UFO-files compiled by the German foreign secret intelligence agency “Bundesnachrichtendienst” (BND), which tells a complete different story.
It was in 2008 that the German Federal Minister of the Interior of that time, Dr. Wolfgang Schaeuble, repeated what other officials said several times before over the last decades, when they were asked about an official interest of German governments and the military’s interest into the topic of UFOs and its investigation, by saying:
“… I have no knowledge of any official agency, institution or body that deals with or investigates sightings of unknown flying objects, so-called UFOs. Furthermore I have no knowledge of any such official projects whatsoever.”
The Files
Front page of the “UFO”-files of the German foreign secret intelligence agency “Bundesnachrichtendienst” (BND). | Copyright: (Credit:
The newly revealed UFO-files by the BND now contradict this official version with a whole file-set of 67 pages already titled with “UFO”. The content of these files are “sightings of unidentified flying objects over the border zones between West Germany and the German Democratic Republic (GDR) and Chechoslovakia (CSSR)”.
The files can be found under the keyword “UFOs” within the German Federal Archives (“Bundesarchiv”) based in the City of Koblenz. However, due to the fact that all documents that get released into these archives are automatically protected and embargoed for 30 years, according to the German Federal Archive Law, this files are said to be protected and closed until the year 2021. However, you can ask for such files to get released before that date. And if somebody already went through this process successfully beforehand, such files will be open also for later applicants. Likely due to the fact that the whole file also includes non-UFO-related parts about the former border between West and East Germany, someone else already got permission to view this file, which is why now the whole file – including the extensive chapter on UFOs – was already open to be viewed for everybody. However, so far the crux of the matter was that this fact is neither officially mentioned nor listed. Actually the files are still listed today as “closed until 2021″ – and seemingly nobody took the trouble to ask for its current status. Until know…
The files that are listed under the identification code “B 206/1914 – Bestand B 206 des Bundesnachrichtendienstes” were obviously not created originally because the German foreign secret agency BND wanted to study unidentified flying objects because of an possible exotic or even extraterrestrial nature, but because of the fact that during the Cold War such sightings were thought to reveal possible enemy-activities or actions of espionage from the side of the Warsaw Pact states and Soviet troops stationed within the GDR and CSSR. While there are a few sightings which were reported by civilians, the majority of the listed cases were reported by members of the border patrol and frontier protection units.
And while indeed the majority of the contained and described cases can truly be easily explained by Soviet drones and probe-balloons, because the described objects completely resembled such drones of that area, like the plane-like Soviet drone “Tupolev M-141″, or conventional probe-balloons (like in many cases of official UFO-files from other countries) there is a small amount of cases that defy such explanations, not only due to the exotic nature of the observed characteristics of the sighted objects, but also because even the official investigations had problems or completely failed to explain the sightings – at least as described and covered within this very files.
All 67 pages of the BND-UFO-Files. | Copyright: (Credit:
Close-Encounter above German Border Guard office and Navy station in the Baltic Sea
The most interesting case of the sightings of an exotic UFO by four officials happened in 1986 on Fehmarn, Germanys third biggest island in the Baltic Sea (which was a frontier island during that time when post-WW-2-Germany was still divided into West and East).
About this event the BND-UFO-Files reveal the following:
In the early morning of 26.08.1986 (August 26, 1986), in the time between 03.00 and 03.30am, three public officers of the Border Guard office at Puttgarden, who were serving the night-shift, out of their office’s window observed a flying object that travelled in slow speed towards the ferry-station at Puttgarden.
At the same time this flying object was observed by a Puttgarden customs officer too, from the so-called “car-park” of the ferry-station which was positioned about 300 meters (about 900ft) away (from the three border guards officers).
After an extensive interview and questioning by the signer (of the report), the following circumstances were confirmed:
1) The unidentified flying object approached the ferry-station Puttgarden at the mentioned time in a comparative slow speed (in no way it was a conventional plane) coming from the West.
2) The object was flying at a height of about 50 – 60 m. (ca. 150-180ft.).
3) As it arrived (over) the ferry-station Puttgarden, it again reduced its speed even more and came to a nearly complete halt just above the mole-enclosures.
4) At this time of the observation, the border guard officers heard a sound that they described – in agreement with the customs officer – as a “comparative silently humming sound”, that could possibly be compared with the sound of that of a turbine.
5) All officers were unable to give any description about size, shape and colour of the flying object. This was due top the following reasons:
1)The night was pitch dark.
2)The object emitted such a radial blinding illumination/light, that the above mentionedo bservations were impossible to make out. One officer even speculated that the this illumination could have been switched on with the intention to avoid an identification, as the used light was neither that of navigation lights nor flood lights, as no directed cones of light went downwards.
6) After the nearly half of the object just in front of the ferry-station Puttgarden, the object continued its hovering flight in the same altitude eastwards passing above the Navy Coast station Marienleuchte on Fehmarn (ca. 600m/1800ft away).
7) Attempts of the signer to get more insights about the observations through other personnel and offices failed.
Inquiries were made to the Navy-Coast-Guard stations Westermarkelsdorf, Marienleuchte and Stabernuk (all on Fehmarn island), as well as with the flying squadron of the Border Guard command ‘Coast’ (Helicopters), the operating surveillance of the ferry-station Puttgarden, with the German ferryboats ‘Deutschland’ and ‘Karl Carstens’ and the Danish Police at Rodby.
The Puttgarden-Case alone covers 5 pages with the BND-UFO-Files. | Copyright: (Credit:
Although the witness exclude the possibility that they had observed a plane and also excluded the option of an helicopter, the file later makes the assumption that there could be a connection to the alleged sighting of a Soviet helicopter above the West German City of Luebeck on the same morning (26.08.1986) but at 07.00am (so 4-3 hours later) that was reported by a local newspaper. Based on this assumption again further inquiries were made but again with negative result.
Assessment and Meaning of the BND-UFO-Files
Regardless of how experts in the field of UFOs and the military will finally value each case of UFO-sightings described within this newly discovered BND-files, its meaning and importance for a true understanding of the German government’s interest into the topic of UFOs can’t be valued high enough.
While the files itself are not secret or embargoed anymore because of the historical background and can be viewed by anyone at the Federal Archives in Koblenz, it is already the existence of such files in itself that makes out its value because – as said before – it totally contradicts the official position of German governments for several decades, that there is and never was any official interest, neither by the governments, its elements, ministries, bodies, institutions, military nor secret services, into the topic and study of unidentified flying objects.
Furthermore the existence of the BND-UFO-Files supports also an assessment by the politically independent Congressional Scientific Research Services (Wissenschaftliche Dienste) of the German Parliament (Bundestag) regarding the Position of the German government about UFOs and extraterrestrial visitors on Earth. This assessment concludes:
“The fact that both, the United Kingdom as well as France (and several other countries), have been engaged with the question about the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial life forms, and that they confirmed this interest by publishing their formerly secret files extensively even online, suggests that also German agencies and federal ministries are engaged with this problem and question.”
(It might be interesting to the readers that this very assessment by the German Congressional Scientific Research Services is currently the topic of an ongoing lawsuit, in which the administration of the German Parliament is trying hard to keep the assessment from being released under the Germany freedom of information act.)
Indeed many facets of the above described BND-files reveal that such an interest at least once did exist (and likely still exist!), as the files demonstrate that there were procedures and mechanisms for reporting and investigating sighting-cases of unidentified flying objects by civilians as well and especially by officials and members of the military and border guards. One file for example is marked with the handwritten order to “please create a ‘UFO-procedure’” while others clearly show that legal and administrative assistance was sought for further investigations into some of the described UFO-sightings, and this not only to other military units but also to the Ministry of the Interior itself – so to the very same Ministry that (like others) claimed for so many years to have neither knowledge nor any interest regarding UFOs.
- Please find our even more detailed full report about the BND-UFO-Files in the original German language here: Part 1 / Part 2
Dishing about the moment he saw an “unidentified” object floating outside his Apollo capsule, Aldrin wrote:
On Apollo 11 en route to the Moon, I observed a light out the window that appeared to be moving alongside us. There were many explanations of what that could be, other than another spacecraft from another country or another world — it was either the rocket we had separated from, or the 4 panels that moved away when we extracted the lander from the rocket and we were nose to nose with the two spacecraft. So in the close vicinity, moving away, were 4 panels. And I feel absolutely convinced that we were looking at the sun reflected off of one of these panels. Which one? I don’t know. So technically, the definition could be “unidentified.”
Aldrin first recounted his UFO anecdote during a Science Channel program in 2005. At the time, UFO enthusiasts were apparently upset that Aldrin had not shared the information sooner.
During his Reddit AMA, Aldrin also took time to proclaim his hope that humans will travel to Mars in the near future.
“There is very little doubt, in my mind, that … the next monumental achievement of humanity will be the first landing by an Earthling, a human being, on the planet Mars,” Aldrin wrote, adding that he expects an international team to establish a presence on the red planet.
Aldrin added that a “collection of the best” individuals from around the world should land on Mars and establish a permanent settlement, rather than representatives of a private company with an eye on space tourism — such as Elon Musk’s SpaceX.
Wrote Aldrin:
I have considered whether a landing on Mars could be done by the private sector. It conflicts with my very strong idea, concept, conviction, that the first human beings to land on Mars should not come back to Earth. They should be the beginning of a build-up of a colony / settlement, I call it a “permanence.” A settlement you can visit once or twice, come back, and then decide you want to settle. Same with a colony. But you want it to be permanent from the get-go, from the very first.
Should NASA send astronauts back to the moon? Aldrin said that’s probably not the best use of resources. Instead, he said, the U.S. should direct its focus further into space and establish colonies and labs on Mars.
Read Aldrin’s full discussion — including his favorite space-related movie and his scariest moment in space — on Reddit.
Johannes Fiebag’s Mimicry Theory (Continued from Part IV)
Ulrich is a 21 year-old man from Switzerland. Since he was a child he has had numerous experiences, many of them very frightening to him. He has since gained better insight into his experiences through regressive hypnosis.
“The event that I can reconstruct best up to now probably occurred the night of the 10th to the 11th of May 1994. I was in my bed sleeping when suddenly I was awakened by a strong, pulsating blue light. I creeped under my blanket and I thought, 'No, not again. This cannot be real!' Then I had the feeling that I was floating, and my conscious memory abruptly ended!
The next thing I remembered was laying on a table approximately 50 centimeters high. I was in a dark room. The wall, ground and ceiling were very smooth. Below my feet and on the right side was something like a marble column. Suddenly, a slim, small white being got on top of me. She had big dark eyes and no hair on her head. Even though I felt sick, somehow she made me feel sexually excited – I don't understand that. The whole episode was repeated by another one, but I cannot remember her appearance. And as if that wasn't bad enough, a third female came over to me. All I can remember about this last female is that she had more human features. After this, tears streamed across my face.”
What Is It?
What are we confronted with here? Is it a genetic breeding program for the evolution of a new race? If so, why would it be occurring for millennia now? I do not believe this “genetic breeding program” theory holds up due to the enormous amount of time these visitations have been occurring. If this were the case the beings would only require a few cells from our bodies. Even hair samples would satisfy their need if this was indeed all these beings are doing.
Isn't this precisely what we expect from extraterrestrial beings: they come from other planets; they are somehow different (but perhaps a little bit like ourselves); they fly in shining spaceships; and they land on our Earth to examine us?
Centuries ago we believed in fairies – and it was fairies who appeared to the people. At the end of the 19th Century we believed in the coming of Jules Verne's airships – and it was exactly those types of vehicles that were responsible for the first UFO wave in America in 1896.
Today, our high-technology civilization has taken our astronauts to the moon and has given us genetic technology. Also consistent with our modern belief systems, we now have ships from Zeta Reticuli, or the Andromeda galaxy whose occupants carry out genetic experiments and manipulate the human race.
Does the UFO Phenomenon Adapt to Humans?
It appears to me that the UFO phenomenon adapts itself to our fantasies and ideas. It uses our dreams, our fears, and our individual beliefs. It uses the contradictions which dwell within each of us. Apparently, this intelligence, which I like to term “The Other Ones,” uses a kind of mimicry or camouflage behavior. This enables these beings to operate within the maximum range of possibilities and also allows them to conceal much of their activity.
This alien intelligence must be far more advanced than we are – perhaps hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years ahead of us. It seems to have learned to intervene in reality. Or better said, unlike us, it knows that reality as we know it, does not exist at all.
Reality, as we define it, is merely a construct of our brain – of our perception. Whoever gains the knowledge of that fact is able to manipulate what we call “reality.” And – they can manipulate it whenever and wherever, and however they wish.
What we consider reality, may be for “The Other Ones” nothing more than a play-ground similar to a cyber space simulation or a virtual reality scenario in our culture. We can only imagine what kinds of rules govern this strange “game.”
“The Other Ones” can appear however they (or we) want them to. They can appear as magicians from Magonia, as mysterious aeronauts of the 19th century, as night goblins, as fairies, as small Greys, or beings in shining ships from the stars.
The figures that are being observed in this phenomenon are obviously not “The Other Ones” themselves. What we really see are only their projections. Projections formed according to our social, cultural and religious belief systems during the moment of their apparition. These are the shadow masks they conceal themselves behind.
Part Six of this article discusses Shapeshifters, Camouflage, and Combined Experiences.
Warminster England May 30 1969 The witnesses were staying in a caravan on Cradle Hill and were looking out for any mysterious lights that might appear when suddenly they saw a crimson red oval shaped light passing over the area, it was completely silent. Later one of the witnesses noticed a luminous cloud-like humanoid figure standing by a nearby gate; it appeared to be covered entirely by tiny pinpricks of white light. No facial features could be seen.
Cradle Hill Warminster England: August 27 1969 11 people watching for UFOs saw on the ground something like a “burning bush” about 600 yards away, in the place called “Kidnappers Hole.” Christopher Trubridge and Robert Coates ran in that direction. The lights went out, but when near the spot Christopher saw in the moonlight, 100 ft away, a figure about 7 ft tall, dressed in a tight fitting shiny black suit, with a gold sash or “bandoleer” around the neck and shoulder. Long, dark gold hair fell to its shoulders and it had bright eyes, their color indeterminate in the lighting, and a “rather feminine” set of features in a not unattractive face. The figure was motionless, one arm upraised. The witnesses could not approach it nearer than about 30 yards. Overcome by fear, oddly mixed with an indescribable emotion, both men retreated hastily.
In a historic, precedent setting development, Jan Harzen, MUFON’s Executive Director, has posted an entire page of information on the Billy Meier UFO contact case, ongoing in Switzerland, since 1942, on MUFON’s official website.
Derived primarily from Wikipedia, the information is the first official public recognition of the Meier case from MUFON in over 30 years.
While the information from Wikipedia may vary in its accuracy and currency, MUFON will soon be putting up instructions on the page so that people who wish to pose questions and challenges to me about the Meier case can do so.
Additionally, Prof. Rhal Zahi has agreed to also answer questions of a technical nature, especially as they apply to his new analyses and protocols that prove the authenticity of both the WCUFO and the “Pendulum UFO”, and which contributes to the overall scientific and legal standards of proof of the Meier case.
This new, groundbreaking development creates an official platform for an alliance between all people who are seeking the truth about UFOs and the Billy Meier case in particular.
My sincere thanks to Jan Harzen for making this possible.
Copyright 2011 – All Rights Reserved. Please do not copy or reproduce the content on this blog for re-publication without the author/s written permission. Thank you.
A witness claims that his video shows UFOs landing in a forest in southern France.
The witness, who runs a “UFOs & Disclosure” YouTube channel, uploaded this video on July 5 with the sensational title, “Disturbing UFO activity! 3 UFOs landing in Forest, July 2014.” Three aerial objects are visible, floating above the treeline in the distance. One of the three UFOs illuminates with flashes of light. Then, shortly after, a fourth object to the right of the original three objects also displays flashes of light.
UFOs landing in a French forest. (Credit: WTFflow/YouTube)
The witness provided the following description with the video:
I filmed four UFOs over a forest in Dordogne, France. It was during a beautiful sunset. I looked between two houses to discover the nice sky, when I saw these objects. I had may Canon 700D in hands, hopefully I could record quickly! I think these objects were there since a long time. This is probably a landing. Indeed, the three objects seem to descend and get behind the trees…
I couldn’t know more about this event, this is a ghost village, only 50 inhabitants in the area. None of them was outside to witness these UFOs with me! I checked on Google map, and the forest in front of me is alone in the middle of huge lands. I don’t see how anyone else could have seen them too..
Type ➫ Dark round objects Scale ➫ House-sized Duration ➫ ~30 seconds Color(s) ➫ Black Light(s) ➫ Yes, two Speed ➫ Really slow Filmed with ➫ Canon 700D + 50mm F/1.8
It is unclear why the witness found this incident “disturbing,” especially considering that other videos allegedly filmed by him, like a “Massive UFO Flying Saucer” landing on Earth, and a “Huge UFO Patroller filmed Landing on Mountain,” are much more shocking.
French daily newspaper Sud Ouest reportedly attempted to contacted GEIPAN, a department of the French Space Agency that investigates unidentified aerospace phenomena, to get an opinion on the UFO video. But, apparently, GEIPAN could not be reached for comment.
News website The Local asserts that, so far, “scientists have been unable to come up with an explanation” for the aerial objects in the video.
But the behavior and appearance of these objects is consistent with that of hot air balloons. Although some have commented that hot air balloons “don’t land in the forest,” it is impossible to determine the exact landing location from the witness’s vantage point. And, hot air balloons are actually a common tourist activity in that area of France.
A hot air balloon over southern France. (Credit: France Montgolfières Balloon Company)
The France Montgolfières Balloon Company operates flights all across the country, flying an average of 7,000 passengers a year. So, although the video could depict something much more mysterious, the likely identification in this case is hot air balloons.
A number of unidentified flying objects have been spotted in mid Wales on the last four years. When it comes to latest flying saucer “sightings” reported to Welsh police, it seems ewe couldn’t make it up. Because an alert about alien SHEEP abduction was among the calls about UFOs received by one force over the past four years. Newly released data shows that a caller to Dyfed-Powys Police claimed they had seen sheep being taken on board an unidentified flying object from a field in Llanybydder, near Lampeter.
In the same year, 2011, a caller from Aberystwyth reported they were previously abducted by aliens, experimented on, then returned to earth.
Elsewhere in the force’s UFO files, in Llandysul someone reported seeing a triangular-shaped object about 40ft in the air with orange lights and in Welshpool a caller reported seeing a UFO “dropping in the distance.” In 2012 a caller from Carmarthen claimed they saw “a metallic and circular object in the sky.” There were two reports of UFOs last year. A Carmarthen caller reported seeing three objects “the size of a small house” 200-300ft in the sky. And there were reports of a UFO moving erratically in Crickhowell also in 2013.
It brings the total number of UFO sightings reported to the force area – which is home to a sightings hotspot once dubbed “the Welsh triangle – to 27 since 2002. Among the earlier sightings, a UFO was reported in the Aberdyfi Estuary by a caller who claimed his car engine stopped when he saw it. The driver escaped without harm. UFOs were also seen at New Quay, Ffrwdgrech, Brecon, Cardigan and Llanelli. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
The colorful career of Revolutionary and Indian War General “Mad” Anthony Wayne came to end at Fort Presque Isle on December 15, 1796 at the age of 51. He was buried underneath the Erie Blockhouse per his request at the foot of the flagpole.
There his body lay for the next dozen years, until his daughter Margaretta asked her brother Isaac to bring their father’s remains home to the family cemetery in Radnor. He jumped into a buggy and headed to Erie. When they opened the coffin, they found Wayne’s body had barely decomposed.
They couldn’t take the body home in Wayne’s sulky, a light, two-wheeled wagon (although another version said the locals protested the move and held out for two burial sites), so Dr. Wallace and four assistants boiled the meat from the bones of the good general in a big black kettle, much like traditional cannibal chefs.
Isaac headed east with his dad’s bones, neatly packed in a trunk, for burial at St. David’s Cemetery in Chester County. The flesh, clothes, water and instruments used to filet Wayne were reburied at Presque Isle.
It’s said that Isaac, on the steep and bumpy ride home along what is now Route 322, lost a few bones along the way. Every New Years Day on his birthday, Mad Anthony Wayne arises from his Erie grave and travels the road to St. David’s in search of his missing bones.
What’s left of Wayne’s Presque Isle grave is now on display at the Presque Isle Blockhouse museum, including his coffin lid, some bits of clothing, and Dr. Wallace’s tools. The rest either rotted away (burying the water was probably not a stroke of genius) or was destroyed in a 1853 blaze at the blockhouse and a subsequent leveling of the old parade grounds. The kettle is on exhibition at the Erie County History Center.
So if you’re driving along 322 on New Year’s Day and see a Revolutionary War figure riding along the road on his charger, pull over and say hi to Mad Anthony while he proceeds on his annual quest to make his skeleton whole after all these years. – Reader submission
The mayor of a Mexican fishing town has married a crocodile in an elaborate ceremony where the bride wore white and guests danced with the reptile.
The reptile is a princess, according to local tradition, and it is hoped the nuptials will boost catches of fish, shrimp and other seafood along the Pacific coast.
Before the ceremony, the wedding party walked with the crocodile bride through the southern Mexican town of San Pedro Huamelula.
“It’s my wish to marry the young princess,” mayor Joel Vasquez Rojas said as the pair tied the knot.
He then danced with his new wife in his arms before guests joined in.
One local resident explained the importance of the ritual.
“As young people, this means a lot,” said Eduardo Zarate. “It’s the greatest treasure our ancestors have left us.”
Members of the local council pay for the wedding festivities, which include dancing and fireworks.
Greenville, NC – 9/18/1994 – Myself and my wife had decided to go and glean the fields for sweet potatoes,and upon loading the car and heading back home which was about a mile from home, right in the clear blue sky on the right appeared this huge craft in the sky, dark brown in color with windows going all around it, there was one woman standing in front of one of the windows as it hovered about a good two hundred feet above the trees, as we were riding in our car I asked my wife do you see that and she said yes, it was so huge and magnificent, I never seen anything on this planet like it before as it hovered over the trees not making a sound and no wind was stirring at all from this huge craft, the tops of the trees didn’t move at all, as I sped up to get a better view of the huge craft,I had some trees that blocked our view for maybe 5 seconds as we was clearing the trees with great anticipation to get a better view the huge craft had vanished without a trace. We are a christian family with strong christian values, and when I tell my story of what we saw people really don’t believe but I know what I saw and my wife know what she saw, and she doesn’t like to talk about it and seems like she’s a little different since it happened but we know what we saw. I’ve been searching the web to try and see something that looks similar.I feel that more time had passed than what we could remember but I’m not sure, it didn’t dawn on me to look at my watch for the time we were so in awe, but at times I feel more had taken place than what I can remember. After we had encountered it I just remembered being tired,and going to bed early that night. We told some family about it but not much was said or done since.In school I used to be a fairly good artist,now I just can’t seem to even draw what we saw on paper. – MUFON CMS
Swede faces illegal weapons charges after building crossbow to protect himself from vampires
A man in western Sweden faces charges for illegal weapons possession after building a crossbow to protect himself from vampires. The man in Uddevalla, western Sweden, hates vampires.
He hates them so much that he built a crossbow at home and had it aimed at the door. The man had a history of weapons violations, and police were on their way to pick him up for a trial relating to a breach of knife laws. Upon entering his apartment they discovered that a crossbow, with arrow at the ready, was pointing straight at the door.
“Today I am going to go out and kill vampires,” the man had written on his Facebook page. Other social media statuses included “Garlic!” and “What do you do when the blood is all gone?” The man admitted at the trial that he owns two crossbows, one which he had purchased and the “Zero – God’s punishment”, which he had made by hand.
The man said that he had the weapons because he felt threatened, and said that he admits to his crimes if indeed owning a crossbow is illegal. But if there is no clear law against it, he wants the weapons back. Police tried out the crossbow to see if it functioned – and lodged an arrow into a wall 22 metres away. – The Local
A six-foot crocodile has been found in a lake near the seaside town of Rethymno on the Greek island of Crete, terrifying locals who claim it’s been feeding on lambs and ducks.
It is an unusual sight, as wild crocodiles are not known to inhabit Europe – most are found spread across Africa, Asia and America. Residents have been blaming the crocodile for missing lambs and ducks, and souvenir shops are now selling inflatable crocodiles.
“Yes, they (the locals) are very upset because they are in danger. There are farm lands and properties (nearby) and people are in danger, they are afraid,” said local resident Nikistratos Charokopou. “There are rivers from which people draw water to irrigate their fields and they are afraid to visit their land,” he added.
Regional official Vangelis Mamangakis said it was unclear how long it has been there. Mamangakis said the crocodile was probably a pet that grew too big for its owner, who probably dumped him in the lake. Parts of the lake were fenced off and efforts will be made on Thursday to remove the crocodile.
Filer’s Files #28 – Scripture Tells of Other Worlds - PART I
Filer’s Files #28 – Scripture Tells of Other Worlds - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Buddhist and Hindu Scripture Tells of Other Worlds,Are Orbs and Lights from Space?Electromagnetic Gyroscopic Propulsion, and July 4th Fireworks in a galaxy 23 million light years from Earth.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Alaska, Arizona,Arkansas, California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky. Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Virginia. Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Canada, Chile, India, South Africa, Spain, Tanzania, and England and Wales in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Special Reports
Buddhist and Hindu Scripture Tells of Other Worlds
Capers Jones writes, “A description of an alien visit is in the Buddhist Lotus Sutra scripture called Saddharma Pundarika that was first written circa 300 A.D. Buddha himself was born in 563 BC, so the Lotus Sutra was obviously written by Buddhist monks around eight centuries after his death.The English language version cited here was translated by H. Kern and originally published in 1884. Buddhist cosmology is surprisingly modern and recognizes the existence of millions of other worlds and casually asserts that they are inhabited. Each inhabited world is stated to have a Buddha of its own enlightened being.”. In Buddhist teachings, anyone is theoretically capable of becoming a Buddha, although actually accomplishing this goal is rare.) One Buddhist scripture mentions in passing that on earth sermons are given with words, but on other worlds sermons may be given with light or with scents or by other non-verbal means. Another modern aspect of Buddhist cosmology is the recognition that the universe has existed for many millions of years. The concept is first mentioned in the epic Mahabharata Hindu poem that according to Dr. V. Raghavan, retired head of the Sanskrit department of India's prestigious University of Madras. He contends that centuries-old Hindu documents prove that aliens from outer space visited his nation. "Fifty years of researching this ancient works convinces me that there are livings beings on other planets, and that they visited earth as far back as 4,000 B.C.,” The scholar says. "There is a just a mass of fascinating information about flying machines, even fantastic science fiction weapons, that can be found in translations of the Vedas (scriptures), Indian epics, and other ancient Sanskrit text.
In the Puja ritual there is worship of images of God that has become in recent times a great and potent tenet of faith and belief in out Hindu Religion. Puja is not only performed in temples but also in many Hindu homes. The object of the puja ritual is to create and setup thoughts of spiritual forces in and around the worshipers. This is best achieved by singing or chanting of mantras, performing certain actions and making offerings in three defined stages. Each mantra is a magazine of vast spiritual forces. "In the Mahabharata (writings), there is notion of divine lighting and ray weapons, even a kind of hypnotic weapon. 'Lord of the Three Worlds'(Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva). Lord Brahma is the first member of the Brahmanical triad, Vishnu being the second and Shiva, the third.
Brahma is the god of creation and he is traditionally accepted as the Creator of the entire universe. Lord Vishnu holds a discus which always returns by itself after being thrown. He rides a huge flying creature, called Gandara shown at left. His home is in a heaven. Many religions throughout the world have beliefs indicating God and his messengers ride in space ships. Capers Jones states, “Buddhist cosmology also overlaps modern quantum theory, in that the Buddhists think that the void or emptiness is the source of both material objects and energy. As in quantum theory, particles can flash into existence from the void. The fact that material objects are constructed from millions of small particles is also part of Buddhist teaching. A central teaching of Buddhist philosophy is that all objects composed of such particles are fated to decay.” This entropy or decay applies to living creatures, material objects, and the universe itself. Since Buddhist cosmology dates back prior to 525 BC, it is interesting that there are so many similarities between Buddhist cosmology and modern cosmology.
Incidentally at about the time the Lotus Sutra was being written, the famous Buddhist University of Nalanda was being created in Northern India. Nalanda was the first university to teach astronomy and cosmology, as well as teaching mathematics. It is still in existence. Although Nalanda was a Buddhist university, it was surprisingly eclectic and attracted students of other religions and students from many Asian countries. For example, translations from Sanscrit into Chinese carried out at the University of Nalanda preserved many valuable scientific documents whose originals were later destroyed during the Muslim invasions of the 11th century.
• The existence of many other inhabited worlds is casually accepted.
• Both psychic and physical travel between worlds is casually accepted.
• Forms of communication other than words are casually accepted.
• Visiting aliens can apparently assume human shapes if desired.
• A surprising alien motive for visiting earth is to learn and share knowledge.
• Human beings and the earth are described as being ugly to aliens.
• At least some aliens visiting earth are cautioned not to be rude to humans.
Considering that the Lotus Sutra was written around the 3rd century AD and the English translation was made in 1884, the concept of interstellar travel is surprisingly matter of fact. It is stated explicitly in the chapter that extra-terrestrials can travel between worlds and that visits to earth are not uncommon. Somewhat more surprising is the concept that instantaneous mental communication between enlightened beings on many worlds is possible and indeed a common activity. This is surprisingly similar to the idea of “entanglement” from physics, or instantaneous communication between widely separated particles.
Are Orbs and Lights from Space?
Hundreds of plasma orbs or lights are seen each night around the world. The orbs are often seen high in the sky moving among the stars. Some zigzag around the sky alone or in two, three or even dozens. Some claim the orbs turn into craft or aliens. It is apparent the visitors may sometimes use the orbs for their purposes or reconnaissance and transportation. Some of the lights are navigation or propulsion lights from actual craft. There are other strong possibilities that many of the orbs are some type of natural phenomena. Plasma is by far the most common form of matter. Plasma in the stars and in the tenuous space between them makes up over 99% of the visible universe and perhaps most of that which is not visible. On earth we live upon an island of "ordinary" matter. The different states of matter generally found on earth are solid, liquid, and gas. We have learned to work, play, and rest using these familiar states of matter. Sir William Crookes, an English physicist, identified a fourth state of matter, now called plasma, in 1879.
The National Lightning map shows where cloud-to-ground lightning strikes have occurred in the last hour indicating thousands of lightning strikes occur every day. Lightning is an atmospheric discharge of electricity, which typically occurs during thunderstorms, and sometimes during volcanic eruptions or dust storms. There are over 16 million lightning storms every year. Lightning can also be caused by violent forest fires which generate sufficient dust to create a static charge. These thunderstorms may leave left over plasma that is seen as orbs or lights. Comparatively low altitude Earth lights are also common near Earthquakes and fault lines. Orbs can be created by heavy air or vehicle traffic. Many of the orbs photographed are actually reflections of lights on the camera lens. Also satellites and various metallic objects such as high flying aircraft reflect the sun’s light even though the early night sky appears dark. The orbs that are real often contain images of people who are often departed. People are seeing something, but it may be spiritual or ghost like as outlined in Jacques Vallee’s book “Messenger of Deception.”
Northern lights is the name of a light phenomenon often seen in the northern regions. The scientific name for the phenomenon is “Aurora Borealis that are charged particles that create the northern lights are sent from the sun in the solar wind, a fast-moving stream of particles constantly flowing from the Sun that carries the Sun’s magnetic field out into space. The solar wind, typically moving at 250 miles (400 kilometers) per second, flows past into the Earth’s magnetic field creating electrical currents that drive protons and electrons into the polar atmosphere. Solar flares can send plasma an ionized gas of protons and electrons—flying towards the Earth. The numbers of orbs continues to rise that may be connected to increased solar excitement. A correlation between the solar wind’s accumulation of charged solar particles and the numbers of orbs or unidentified lights may be found. The Southern Hemisphere Aurora Australis as seen from the Space Shuttle Discovery on STS-39 is shown below. Auroras are caused when high-energy electrons pour down from the Earth’s magnetosphere and collide with atoms. Red aurora occurs from 200 km to as high as 500 km altitude and is caused by the emission of 6300 Angstrom wavelength light from oxygen atoms. Green aurora occurs from about 100 km to 250 km altitude and is caused by the emission of 5577 Angstrom wavelength light from oxygen atoms. The light is emitted when the atoms return to their original unexcited state.
NASA-Johnson Space Center: “The story of Galaxy 4, a heavily used communications satellite, extremely energetic cloud of electrons serves as a good example. At 22h UT on May 19, 1998, while in geostationary orbit above the central United States, Galaxy 4 lost its primary and backup attitude control systems. At the time, Galaxy 4 handled about 80 percent of all U.S. pager traffic. Controllers could no longer maintain a stable link between the satellite and Earth, resulting in a loss of pager service to an estimated 45 million customers. Credit: Image Science and Analysis Laboratory, In 1981, it was about midnight when Brenda and I were watching an Aurora and saw a strange light about the size of a Beach ball, it then increased in size until it was all around us, and then there was like flames of fire coming off a tree. The next day I asked many others if they saw it they did. One lady said it was all around her house. I have experienced many things through my lifetime, and I look for the time when this planet will see The True New World Order If you will read Ecclesiastes 9: in its full context you will have better understanding of the writings. Men's success seldom equals their expectations. We must use means, but not trust to them: if we succeed, we must give God the praise; if crossed, we must submit to his will. A man may, by his wisdom, bring to pass that which he could never do by his strength. If God be for us, who can be against us, or stand before us? It is my opinion most of the orbs are a natural phenomena, plasmas and various ionized gas of protons and electrons. Apparently our visitors from the spirit world and space can use the orbs and lights to their advantage for show, reconnaissance and for other purposes. This field of study has numerous causes making the solution very difficult.
Electromagnetic Gyroscopic Propulsion
Ken Mortimer writes, “Enclosed are two articles I had published over ten years ago in a magazine called Flying Saucer Review (FSR). They are about electromagnetic gyroscopic propulsion (EGP) and associated ideas to do with UFOs.” 'The material does require careful reading as two people missed the main point of why it may work, which is that the force fields created by the gyroscopes interact with the earth's electromagnetic fields or the sun's EM fields as well, etc. However, three physicists grasped the principle involved immediately when they read them. I have wondered whether anyone at companies such as Space X, Boeing or Lockheed-Martin might be interested in reading these items? Please note the experiment performed by Boyd Bushman who was a since team leader at Lockheed-Martin. Bushman is mentioned in part two. 'It was a knowledge of astronomy, physics and the UFO phenomenon that led me to the conception you are about to read, hopefully. 'Please feel free to publish this on your Filer's Files website if you wish. Yours sincerely, Ken Mortime Note: I tried to download or copy the interesting PDF articles without success. For those readers interested they can go to this website to read the article. This image is a summary of the article.
July 4th Fireworks in a galaxy 23 million light years from Earth
Fireworks far, far away: This new composite image of NGC 4258, where X-rays from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory are blue, radio data from the NSF's Karl Jansky Very Large Array are purple, optical data from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope are yellow and blue, and infrared data from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope are red. The galaxy is famous, however, for something that our Galaxy doesn't have - two extra spiral arms that glow in X-ray, optical, and radio light. A new study of these anomalous arms made with Spitzer shows that shock waves, similar to sonic booms from supersonic planes, are heating large amounts of gas - equivalent to about 10 million Suns. Radio data shows that the supermassive black hole at the center of NGC 4258 is producing powerful jets of high-energy particles. Researchers think that these jets strike the disk of the galaxy and generate shock waves. These shock waves, in turn, heat some of the gas - composed mainly of hydrogen molecules - to thousands of degrees. Part of the evidence for this heating process comes from the similarity in location between the hydrogen and X-ray emission, both thought to be caused by shocks, and the radio jets. The Chandra X-ray image reveals huge bubbles of hot gas above and below the plane of the galaxy. Read more:
10-07-2014 om 20:46
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Filer’s Files #28 – Scripture Tells of Other Worlds - PART II
Filer’s Files #28 – Scripture Tells of Other Worlds - PART II
UFO Reports in United States
Alaska Orb
Girdwood -- My wife and I were camping in the motor home June 28 thru July 2nd watching two eagles fight with three seagulls over some food and decided to try get pictures of the eagles. I took four pictures with my IPhone 5, but I didn't see the object until later that night looking at the pictures. I showed my wife the eagle and I said, “What do you think that is?” I was pointing at the white object in the picture. She said, “I don’t know.” I was showing the picture to my dentist friend while I was scrolling through my pictures and realized I had taken more than one shot of the object and it had moved above the trees. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Arizona Lights
Tucson -- I got out of bed to take a photo of the Blood Moon event. I took two photos and then went back to bed on April 14, 2014. It wasn't until recently I took a look at them. The first picture was just a picture of the full moon before the event. The picture showing the Blood Moon had a bright white light zigzag in a small area. When enlarging you can see a red light lower down that does not move. The red light is probably coming from a house down the valley. The zigzagging light cannot be a bug; I had no exterior lights on at the time. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tortilla Flat-- My wife and I were driving on the Apache Trail a couple of miles from Tortilla Flat on June 29, 2014, we noticed a silver disc. My wife was taking dozens of pictures from the passenger seat before and after the UFO. The object was hovering in place about 4 pm, and then started moving. Our view was obscured for a split moment after the sighting, and when we could see again, it was no longer there. The disc was highly reflectant, bright silver with no lights other than the light reflecting from the sun. It had a very large dome in the top center of the craft. It was slightly tilted downward so we could see the top part, not the bottom. It was about a half a mile from our vehicle. We kept driving and enjoyed the rest of our evening. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Arkansas Lights
Haines – I was taking pictures of aurora and on a one minute shutter setting one picture of aurora was great the next is on February 15, 2014. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Disc and Lights
Murrieta--On the evening of June 25th 2014, about 10:45 pm, I looked out my kitchen window and saw three huge bright yellow/orange balls of light hovering and pulsating over the mountains to the west of my home. They were huge so I went outside onto my balcony and observed them. They hovered for about 5 minutes and then moved down behind the mountains in the same formation that they appeared. The back side of the mountain was glowing for about 5 minutes and then about 12 to 15 smaller bright yellow/orange balls of light rose out of the mountain and hovered in the same place as the last set were. Some of the balls seemed to change their shape as they were pulsating. After about 7 minutes they went back down behind the mountains. The experience lasted for half an hour and I was in total shock.
Bakersfield -- I was working and taking pictures of a job site at a local dairy where our company is going to be installing a water line on June 27, 2014,. When I took the photo I thought I saw something quickly go by. I didn't think anything of it at the time. Later when I got back to the office and was reviewing the photos I took from my I-phone I saw the object in the photo. Whatever it was it was moving very fast because I never really saw it and heard nothing. It was kind of strange when I took the photo I thought I saw something go by while taking the photo viewing through my phone screen and when I looked up nothing was there. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Row of Lights
Oak Brook-- I attended the Taste of Oak Brook with my family on July 3.2014, to see the fireworks, when we walked away there was a beautiful crescent moon with a lit up object down to the left at 9:30 pm. I knew this was something different hovering. It then suddenly started moving to the right for a few seconds, stopped quickly to hover again, then suddenly started moving to the left. The object had a row of 3 to 5 non - flashing red lights. Below the red lights was a shorter row of 2 or 3 green lights that flashed rhythmically in a pulsating manner. I had seen this before at a greater distance a while back outside my home. The feeling it caused made my hair stand on end, although I could not make out the shape of the object, but it seems it would be an elongated shape. It got smaller and farther away and I lost sight of it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Indiana Light
Secunderabad -- I was seeing television and my father called me to the balcony. I saw the ufo becoming bright like coming to us and again going back after that disappeared on April 16, 2014.. It was like a star but there was no star before and after the day of the sighting. It was glowing in white color .sorry that I could not click a photograph because I did not had any time. So I am giving you a created image. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kentucky Lights
Glenn Pennington here in Northern KY, sending you a few interesting pictures from June 18, 2014. These lights appear over my farm almost every night. Thanks to Glen
Maryland Disc
Fulton -- On my way to Knights of Columbus meeting on July 1, 2014, I saw a large rainbow disc with a orange yellow dome moving northeast. Other people saw it and we all stopped on the over pass, I took a picture that looked weird enough to question what I was seeing. It moved behind large bank of clouds and was gone. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Missouri Circle
Springfield – About 8:30 PM, I went out to water my tomatoes and the UFO hovered over my house on June 27, 2014. It stayed for three minutes and headed north. It was solid silver and white glowing object with no sound or smoke coming from it. I told my wife to come out and look and she did she asked, “Why does it keep coming to our area?”. Last month it was reported by some of our neighbors in the same area within a 1/4 mile of my house. We went to the front yard to and found this crop circle in my front yard about 30 feet in diameter. It must have just been made since I mowed today and it was not there. We had one about 8 years ago in the front yard the same size it finally went away but the grass still won't grow right there anymore. G Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Light
Berkeley Heights– I couldn't sleep so I looked north on June 30, 2014 and saw the object. My wife was awake, and also spotted it and woke our son and he also saw the object. We watched it blink white and red continuously. I then got my cell phone to take a picture that shows the craft all white. My son took a video. By now my daughter is also up as we watched for 20 minutes and it slowly moved westerly. We got in the car and tried to follow the best we could and possible get better photos. My son and I jumped into the car but we were blocked by the Raritan River and never caught sight of it again. My wife and daughter were scared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Surf City, Long Beach Island-- My husband and I have seen craft over the years in the Long Beach Island and some werre videotaped by others and featured on the news. But this most recent sighting occurred around mid-June, at twilight as we were home along the main boulevard leading to the beach. The craft was sort of rectangular, but more like an upside-down pie plate, except very thick. There were a series of white/pale yellow round lights all along the mid-section from nose to tail. There were no street lights, lights from homes, just beach and homes. We observed it for quite a while as flew from south to north, then declined nose down at an angle near the shoreline. The craft was close- I'd say we were about 30 feet away. This isn't my first encounter. I was 15 when that happened- oddly- also near the beach, but a different city. A friend and I were "chased" by a craft that hovered at the height of the treetops on a clear night in the summer of 1964. It was shrouded by a cloud cover and the noise we heard was like nothing I had ever heard - to this day. Like a thousand bells/gears turning at once, each having their own individual sound. She says, “My husband still thinks that I was implanted with something that programs me to make his life hell.”) But I don't have any marks, scars, or missing time from that event. We talk about it every once in a while- just to be sure we remember it correctly. NOTE: The above image is a rendering. This case is under investigation by Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
New Mexico
Albuquerque -- I was looking north over the balcony on July 3, 2014, when I saw a white light in the clouds. It broke into four white orbs that rotated in clockwise motion then came back as one light. This was a repeating pattern hovering over the same location. There was no obvious light coming from the ground like a dealership. There was also no horizontal light seen from the direction of the Air Force base or airport. There was no visible or audible craft in the area such as planes or helicopters. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Orb
New York City -- This video was caught as a UFO researcher was watching some live cams on July 4, 2014. At 18 seconds into the video you will see this UFO pass over the buildings and pass in front it. The UFO is as wide as the antenna on top of the building, which is at least 3-4 cars in length. Fantastic capture by Orlando Bosca of YouTube. SCW
New York-- I took some random pictures of buildings while waiting to view fireworks onn July 4, 2014, from unusually closed FDR drive. Upon viewing photos I noticed object in question. I did not notice the object at the time I took the photo. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Triangle
Donora -- I was finishing up my jog on a hill at our local park at 3:15 pm, whenabove the hill was aHUGE black rectangleobject moving slowly over the treetops on April 21, 2013.. Moving right to left it had a very "boxy" look to it with sharp defined edges. It was 1-2 miles away and did not reflect the daytime sun. I saw no lights on it or windows. The object did appear to change shape, going from a large solid rectangle to a thinner but just as long rectangle. It was just cruising along very slowly above the treetops and even hovered a few times. It was 2-3 times the size of the Goodyear blimp It was touching the treetops practically. I tried to jog to my car as fast as I could. There were some other people there at the park. The object crossed over a gap between the large hillsides getting thinner than real big again. It always maintained the rectangle shape and dull black color. It backed up away from my position, then back towards me again. NOTE: The above rectangle was photographer on September 2011 in round rock Texas. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Disc
Houston-- On March 31, 2012 at 6:01 pm, I was shooting some photographs outside of the Sam Houston Race Track for a high school reunion. I shot three photos of the race track sign from different angles and then went inside. One year later I was going through these photos for inclusion in a Shutter fly photo book when I noticed an object on one of the photos that looked like it could have been a spec of dust on my lens. When I enlarged the photo, I found something that looked like a disc or cigar-shaped object above the race track park sign. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virginia Disc
Dublin – I was at a neighbor’s house helping him cut firewood when we looked up to see a center light that was very bright like looking at the sun at times on June 25, 2013. We saw a disk shaped craft with a taller dome in the center and windows around the dome about 5:15 pm on a clear and sunny day. The first thing we noticed was the light. It hovered for 30 minutes in the same general area just moving to different locations and then ascending at a sharp angle about 75 degrees following the Little Walker Creek Ridgeline and then disappearing. There are at least two other witnesses one with me and one later telling me he saw the same thing without me asking. There is a fourth person that took photos with a cell phone but he is to scared and is refusing to show them. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Reports
Australia Lights
Gosford New South Wales-- I stepped outside and tried to see if I could see the Full Moon on cloudy cover on June 13. 2014. I looked toward the north and saw five objects weaving in a line from northwest to south and ran inside to get my camera. I only captured one photo of two of the objects after three disappeared. The sighting lasted several minutes with two other family members seeing them as well as myself. These objects were completely silent. The wind at the time after checking a weather site was north to south at about 10 knots. I would say the size of the objects from my viewpoint were about 1/6th the size of the Full Moon. Being an amateur astronomer, I can say that these were not planets and were not helicopters. I have seen many Satellites as well in my 40 years of observing the Stars and these were not Satellites either. These were moving in a "weaving pattern" one behind the other.
Marian, Queensland -- It was an orange bright light about the size of a bright star onJune 28th 2014, about 10 pm. There was a smaller orange light underneath zigzagging slowly back and forth across the sky then it got faster as it moved away and suddenly disappeared.
West Beach -- I was looking west out of our 2nd floor bedroom window at 9:30 pm. when I saw a bright green light travelling fast over the houses on June 29th 2014. It came over the top of the house before moving away. We live near the airport, but are positioned so that no planes ever come over the top of us. And although we see light planes towards the north, this was way too low and it was bright green light. Thanks to John Hayes
Brazil Light
Santa Catarina-- I was leaving the restaurant after breakfast in late June and decided to take some pictures of the landscape. The object was opaque and was hovering and I grabbed my phone, and a took multiple photo for fear that the object would go away. Within seconds the object rose and disappeared. It took me a few seconds to observe the object as it clashes with the landscape. It was very quick but my friend also got a photograph so I was pleased. I had to go because the bus was leaving. I've had previous contacts but this was the first time I could make a photo. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Sightings
Burlington, Ontario – I was looking up in the sky at 10:15 PM, and saw an object moving southwest on June 21st 2014. Its lights were not blinking but were bright as we watched it move at a low speed. I realized it was moving away and up as it faded up and was gone that fast. My wife also saw it.
Port Hope, Ontario-- On June 21, 2014 my wife and I were at the Drive In and at 9:35 pm, and noticed to the west a bright white single low slow moving light. It was heading towards us and turned south about a mile short of our position heading towards Lake Ontario. This light remained at a constant white illumination flashing, and its movements were half the speed of a Cessna aircraft.
Oakville, Ontario-- We were sitting on our patio at 5:30 pm and I noticed white round objects near a high flying jet on June 22nd 2014. I told my husband and friends to look and they also saw them. We watched for about 15 minutes as they changed formation from a diamond, to a circle, to a long line and stayed in the same location. At one point I counted six moving very slow.
Campbellton, New Brunswick-- OnJune 23rd 2014 I saw two lines dancing in the skythat werevery shiny at 9 am. One changed positions and I could see very well the light all around it.
Gatineau, Quebec– I let my dogs out at 12:30 am, on June 27th 2014, and saw a blinking light that was surrounded by stars. With spy glasses I saw a string of white lights in a line with a red one at the top. Over the next hour I watched it change shape and it started as a line of lights heading south and then turned into a triangle that looked like an upside down ice cream cone. Thanks to John Hayes
Chile Sightings
Ryan P writes, “The government office investigating UFOs in Chile has released an analysis of two high quality photos showing what appear be genuine unidentified flying objects. One of the workers reportedly took the pictures on a Samsung S860 camera after they spotted the object at the Collahuasi copper mine while they were working in April 2013. The office, known as the CEFAA (Committee for the Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena), is located within the Ministerial Department of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC), the equivalent of our FAA, under the jurisdiction of the Chilean Air Force. It is responsible for the analysis of selected reports of unexplained aerial phenomena in Chilean airspace, most of them from pilots and aviation personnel. LightsKalyan, Maharashtra -- I observed the moving light from my window for 20 seconds and then went too far away to be visibleonJune 25th 2014. It was moving north fast and had a yellow light at 11:50 PM. Thanks to John Hayes
South Africa Orb
Sasolburg, Free State -- The object appeared to be a very low bright star when we noticed it onJune 21st 2014, at 7:05 PM. Using a phone camera we could zoom in on the object and the sphere shape was visible. It was hanging motionless towards Parys. The object was far from us but it looked like it was changing colours between blue, red, and white. This was something unusual in the night sky and we checked again the following day but there was nothing there. Thanks to John Hayes
Spain Disc
Toledo -- Our tour group was visiting Spain and I took a picture of the city on May 12, 2014. When I was looking at the pictures upon our return to the USA, I noticed the shiny object in the Toledo photo.
Xavia -- I saw a UFO with three other people that was flying very a fast speed and disappeared without a trace on June 29, 2014. It was bright and silver in color. It was not like the flight of an airplane or helicopter. It was flying very fast and disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tanzania Lights
Dar es Salaam-- My father was smoking in our balcony where we have a view of the open sky and neighboring buildings on July 7, 2014. After a while he called me see something unusual in the sky. I rushed to the balcony and noticed an object that was flashing multi-colored lights; they were much brighter than those emitted by Airplanes. We couldn't see the shape due to the bright lights. My father would have brushed it off as an airplane had it not stopped midair that's when he called me. I watched it start spinning around and took two circles and then remain stationary mid-air for one or two seconds after which it sped off in another direction in a lightning speed and disappeared. We were both shocked and wondering what did we just see. It all happened so quick that I couldn't think of getting my phone and take a video or a photo. I do not have a picture and cannot tell what shape it was, as the bright lights concealed it. However I searched on YouTube on similar sightings and found this video Thanks to MUFON CMS
United Kingdom Flying Objects
London -- I was taking some pictures from my bedroom window June 5, 2014, with my Galaxy S4. To my surprise i realized id actually taken a picture of UFO. The tree that the object is behind is about 75 feet behind the lamp post. Lamp post is 120 feet away Please can you analyze. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK Wales
Pontypool, Torfaen-- Richard Davies writes, The photos were taken over five different nights/mornings between 24 April 2014 and 26 May 2014. I went up to a mountain at 3 am view in Pontypool, Wales to catch the sunrise. Upon my arrival I noticed strange activity of way lower stars. I instantly felt very uneasy almost as if I was not meant to be taking these photos. I was a skeptic up to this point, but definitely struggled to believe in aliens this area. I had previously been a skeptic about the spirit world until I had a very believable message from a medium. I felt a strong presence around me as I took the photos and got into my car for safety. I looked in my car mirror and saw someone standing nearby in the bushes watching me. I had to take many photos. I have returned to the same location 8 times and have seen strong UFO activity each night. NOTE: This witness has send me over 100 photos and some are incredible. Special thanks to the witness and photographer Richard Salon Davies of Wales England. Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ -.
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10-07-2014 om 20:34
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
UFO mania: Machine dated at 400 million years found in Russia?
UFO mania: Machine dated at 400 million years found in Russia?
In the remote Kamchatka peninsula (map below), 200 km from Tigil, University of St. Petersburg archaeologists discovered a strange fossil. The authenticity of the find has been certified. According archaeologist Yuri Golubev, the discovery surprised scientists by its nature, and will change history (or pre-history).
It is not the first time that is an artifact, an ancient object, something like this is found in that region. But, surprisingly conserved, this specific artifact is – at first glance, inlaid in rock (which is understandable since the peninsula is home to numerous volcanoes). Subjected to analysis, the conjunct showed to be made of metal parts that seem to form a mechanism, a gear which may be of a type of watch or computer. The astonishing is that all the pieces were dated 400 million years old.Yury Gobulev commented:
We got a call from the prefec of Tigil. He told us that hikers that were walking in place, found these remains in rock. We went to the place indicated, and initially we not understand what we saw. There were – hundreds of toothed cylinders which appeared to be parts of a machine.
They were in perfect state of conservation, as if they were frozen in a short period of time. It was necessary control the area, because soon the curious began to appear in large numbers. Other scientists, americans geologists, defined the piece as an amazing and mysterious artifact.
Nobody could believe that 400 million years ago that it could have existed on Earth even a man [even more a machine]. At that time, the forms of vida were very simple, but the finding, [simply] – clearly suggests the existence of intelligent beings capable of such technology. Certainly, such beings would had come from other planets. It is possible that a spaceship was damaged [or there was an accident] and it was abandoned in place
10-07-2014 om 19:28
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
This blog is in response to John’s very excellent points in his question below:
Q: Michael, you have done an incredible job bringing the Meier material to the public. I want to thank you for all your efforts and please continue holding their feet to the fire.
I just wanted to pass along a thought. To me….the Meier photos, videos, audio are like comparing apples and oranges. To clarify….Billy Meier’s photos, etc., are not UFOs at all. They are IFO’s, Identified Flying Objects (the apples) as opposed to UFOs, Unidentified Flying Objects (the oranges). They are identified as beamships of various classes that are piloted by known extra-terrestrials. After all, if the pilot and the flying craft are ‘Identified’, how can they be classed as ‘Unidentifed’ ? It is just a thought….
That difference seems clear to me when I see very clear photos taken by Billy of SEMJASE’s beamship in bright daylight, etc. The ship is Identified and even the pilot is known…whether it is SFATH, PTAAH, ASKET, SEMJASE, QUETZAL, PLEIJA, MENARA, ALENA, or anyone else that has made contact with Billy. In my opinion, an Identified Flying Object with known occupants is FAR superior to ‘chasing lights in the sky’. Maybe that is the real reason the Meier material should be separated from the UFO wingnuts. Just a thought. Keep up the outstanding work.
Actually I think most of us agree with you. The problem is that the overall topic of UFOs is marginalized, often deservedly, as being fringe, tabloid, crackpot, etc., thanks to both the efforts of the intelligence agencies and the disinformation apparatus and the largely idiotic UFO community and industry (UFOCI).
A: John, We certainly should have arrived by now at the point where we can speak of the Meier case and the craft therein as IFOs, or just Beamships, and it may be time to hold everyone’s feet to the fire in expressing it that way. It’s possible though that for many it’s still too big of a leap, since they haven’t yet allowed the idea of actual extraterrestrial life and their craft to enter as a possibility in their minds.
Then we come back to the fact that proof of the existence of extraterrestrial life and their craft would be the biggest, most important discovery/story in all of science…and human history. And when we look around we notice that there’ve been no announcements of such a historical event.
But we already know that the Meier case has more than enough solid evidence, which meets both scientific and legal standards of proof, to prove the entire matter…if only people will look through the telescope.
UFO or IFO…we live in a world of denial, arrogance and ignorance. The mass of humanity defaults, abrogates personal responsibility and seemingly prefers to have all hell rain down upon us, while watching it all on TV and the internet and praying to their imaginary gods and saviors, than to trouble themselves to think, reason and confront the real truth about almost anything.
It would be lovely to live in a world in which we would have already long been speaking of those nice helpful folks flying around in their…Beamships, instead of still slogging through the resistance, fear and denial, watching the prophecies fulfill as if we’re stuck in the movie “Groundhog Day”.
Copyright 2011 – All Rights Reserved. Please do not copy or reproduce the content on this blog for re-publication without the author/s written permission. Thank you.
There is a mystery unfolding along New Mexico’s roads and highways. A mystery many of you may have already noticed.
Strange UFO symbols have appeared on dozens of cattle crossing signs. Where are they coming from? Some may want you to think it’s the work of aliens, but the explanation is probably a little more down to earth.
It’s a mystery straight out of the X-Files. Driving down the highway from Taos to Santa Fe, you’ll see them. Just one of the many places they’ve appeared around New Mexico. UFO stickers placed on cattle crossing signs, giving the appearance “aliens” are beaming the cows up.
Maureen Ortega is one of the many New Mexicans who have noticed the strange signs. She says they first started appearing around Taos and northern New Mexico a few years ago.
“They’ve been there for a while and I’ve often wondered who did them. Wondered if it was someone who was into UFOs or did it for a prank or whatever,” said Ortega.
She thinks the message behind the stickers may have to do with reports of cattle mutilations in the area. Mutilations, many believe are the work of extra-terrestrials.
“Twenty-two years ago ranchers were finding cattle mutilated all over the place and it was blamed on aliens. What else could have done it?”
For the answer we turned to author and paranormal investigator Benjamin Radford. The self-described skeptic has written books about the cattle mutilation phenomena.
“The majority of these so-called animal mutilations are actually perfectly explainable. There’s nothing mysterious about it,” Radford said.
He says here in New Mexico it makes perfect sense “some” would think aliens “are” involved.
“There’s a strong folklore of aliens and ETs tied to New Mexico anyway. On top of that you have the animal mutilations, the cattle mutilations,” Radford continued. “Let’s say for example you have the exact same animal and if it was found in the late 90s in Texas, people would say it’s a Chupacabra. The vampire beast came and sucked it blood out. The same animal found in Northern NM in the 1980′s people might say its aliens.”
So does he think that is the reason behind the stickers? Is someone putting them up to send a message?
Radford said the people that are doing this aren’t necessarily UFO believers. It’s easy to assume there’s some big important message here. He says they’re having fun.
Even Radford admits we’ll never really know who is turning our cattle crossing signs into extra-terrestrial messages, or why, but the truth is out there.
Whatever the reason, the mystery may be over.
KOB reached out to the New Mexico Department of Transportation to see what it thinks of the altered signs. A spokesperson says they weren’t aware of them but will be taking them down since they can distract drivers and the stickers block the reflective areas meant to warn people about cattle crossing the road.
If an alien spacecraft had indeed crash-landed in Roswell in 1947, it would have certainly become THE GREATEST EVENT IN HUMAN HISTORY.
But things didn’t turn out that way.
Instead, the only thing we got to show for it is a MONEY-MAKING MUSEUM IN ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO.
To this I might as well add predatory hucksters who thrive on selling this myth to a gullible sector of society known as the “UFO community”….
(Hucksters can also include certain authors, “researchers”, TV producers as well as Conference promoters).
Sad and comical at the same time, this myth (along with generalmyths of UFOs and Aliens) has firmly entrenched itself in the pseudoscientific subculture of America and the world:
This came from Norio who was spreading this on Facebook..
On May 1, 1993, my colleague Gary Schultz and I organized a public event in Rachel, Nevada in which Bob Lazar had made his one and only public appearance ever.
The biggest secret about this event was that Joe Travis, owner of the Little A-le-inn confided to both Gary Schultz and me (after the event) that he had “borr…owed” the huge military tent (along with at least 200 folding chairs) from “the base”.
In other words, “the base” (with which Joe Travis had a good relationship all along) knew about the event and lent it to him.
Yes, the one and only public appearance of Bob Lazar was conducted under the huge military tent furnished by the Groom Lake base!!
This event attracted about 250 people from all over. (Photo courtesy of Dennis Stacey)
I woke up and saw a bright light coming through my bedroom doorway.i felt a desire to check it out I walked out into the dining room and could see it was coming from the kitchen window facing the back yard.I started to panic and was terified but could not stop myself from going to the kitchen window.I then heard in my head to have no fear and to calm down,I felt the presence of a warm and loving being,and was willing to go to the window to see.I could see the glow was coming from a disk,landed in my neighbors back yard.The voice was strong in my head telling me everything is alright.I watched something come out of the side and extend to the outside basement doorway.I could hear them moving around in the basement underneath.
The next thing I remember is being face to face with a tall grey staring very close into my eyes,I felt a very intense love.They showed me my yet to be born kids in the future that I have now.They showed me,me running through some kind of devastating event happening to the planet,chunks of rocks hitting around me.Giant enormous black triangular ships covered the sky.After the rocks stopped,the planet was peaceful and I was looking up at two suns in the sky.
De ISEE-3 is terug tot leven gewekt. Voor het eerst in bijna 20 jaar zijn de stuwmotoren van de ruimtesonde dit weekend gebruikt. Dat schrijft technologiewebsite The Verge.
De ruimtesonde, die ondertussen meer dan 35 jaar oud is, werd terug tot leven gewekt, nadat de NASA een groep burgerwetenschappers daar groen licht toe gaf. Via crowdfunding wist een groep ex-NASA-medewerkers genoeg geld te verzamelen voor het project.
De sonde heette oorspronkelijk ISEE-3, maar kreeg in 1985 de naam International Cometary Explorer. De satelliet moest toen twee kometen, waaronder Halley, onderzoeken.
In 1997 werd de satelliet afgedankt omdat ze zich steeds verder en verder van de aarde verwijderde. In 2008 ontdekten gewezen NASA-medewerkers echter dat de satelliet nog steeds een signaal uitzond.
Bedoeling nu is de sonde haar oorspronkelijke missie opnieuw te laten uitvoeren: het meten van de interactie tussen de zonnewind en het magnetische veld van de aarde. Daarvoor wordt de satelliet in augustus in een positie op 1,5 miljoen kilometer van de aarde gebracht.
Dit weekend werden de eerste stappen gezet: voor het eerst in meer dan 20 jaar werden de stuwmotoren van de satelliet geactiveerd.
Wetenschappers hebben 20 miljoen jaar oude fossielen ontdekt op een bouwwerf in het Californische Silicon Valley. Het gaat om haaientanden, resten van walvissen en een dier, dat nog het meest lijkt op een nijlpaard. Dat berichtte de krant San Jose Mercury maandag. Ze kwamen aan het licht door de bouw van een 66 meter hoge dam in het Calaveras Reservoir.
"We hebben hier eerder al fossielen gevonden, voor de constructiewerken zijn begonnen. Dat was erg opwindend", zei paleontoloog Jim Walker. "We hebben schelpen ontdekt en ik zei 'nu wil ik een walvis', en die hebben we nu ook gevonden." Sinds 2011 werden al meer dan 530 verschillende fossielen uit het Mioceen gevonden. Het Mioceen begon ruim 23 miljoen jaar terug en eindigde ongeveer 5 miljoen jaar geleden.
De vindplaats is gesloten voor alle publiek. De fossielen zullen later in een museum in San Francisco tentoongesteld worden. De dam zal over een drietal jaar opgeleverd worden. Duizenden technologie- en IT-bedrijven, van kleine start-ups tot de grootste ondernemingen in de sector, hebben zich in de regio ten zuiden van San Francisco gevestigd.
Elke sonde die terugkeert van de Rode planeet, brengt telkens wat meer bewijs mee van het waterige verleden van Mars. Onderzoekers van het Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona zijn er nu in geslaagd een stukje van Mars erg gedetailleerd in kaart te brengen. Volgens de wetenschappers toont hun kaart duidelijk aan dat water en ijs de hooglanden van Mars hebben vormgegeven. Dat meldt de wetenschapssite SEN.
Scott Mest en David Crown brachten de zuidelijke hooglanden van Mars in kaart. Het resultaat toont de opeenvolging van geologische processen die zich voltrokken toen de (hoog)vlaktes overspoeld werden met water, dat nadien weer verdween. "De kaart toont hoe het oude, ruige hoogland rond het Hellas Bassin vorm kreeg en bewijst de blijvende effecten van water en ijs op het oppervlak van Mars", zegt Crown.
Het duidelijkste bewijs van de aanwezigheid van water is volgens de onderzoekers te zien in de canyons van Waikato Vallis in het noordelijke deel van de kaart en Reull Vallis in het midden. Van beide kloven wordt gedacht dat ze gevormd werden toen ondergronds water aan het oppervlak kwam, waardoor de grond instortte. De wetenschappers achten het mogelijk dat het water opgeslagen zat in een watervoerende laag in de ondergrond of als ijs, dat smolt door de hitte van nabijgelegen vulkanen.
Ondiep meer Op basis van beelden uit de jaren 70 van de Viking Orbiter gingen wetenschappers ervan uit dat Wailato Vallis en Reull Vallis twee delen waren van één lang canyonsysteem. De nieuwe kaart gebruikt hogeresolutiebeelden van recentere ruimtesondes, die aantonen dat het gaat om twee aparte systemen die van elkaar gescheiden zijn door de vlaktes van Eridania Planitia.
Door voorzichtige schattingen te maken van de ouderdom van de kloven en de vlaktes konden de onderzoekers de volgorde van de geologische processen achterhalen. Alles begon toen er water vrijkwam van Waikato Vallis, dat een tijdlang een ondiep meer vormde in de vlaktes.
Terwijl Reull Vallis, onafhankelijk van Waikato Vallis, ontstond, doorbrak de canyon een kraterrand die het water in het meer hield. Daardoor begon het water langzaam weg te lopen, zoals te zien is aan de smalle kanalen op de bodem van Reull Vallis.
Gletsjers Op de kaart is nog meer bewijs te vinden voor de historische aanwezigheid van water op Mars. Zo worden de vlaktes en hooglanden doorgesneden door kleine kanaaltjes, die vermoedelijk rond dezelfde periode zijn ontstaan door stromend water.
De meest recente wateractiviteit zijn 'rotsgletsjers' nabij de pieken van de hooglanden en de wanden van inslagkraters, waar ijsrijke bezinksels naar beneden gleden. De wetenschappers sluiten niet uit dat deze gletsjers nog steeds actief zijn.
Man suffering from sleep paralysis captures shadow figure on camera while asleep
Man suffering from sleep paralysis captures shadow person on cameraPhoto courtesy of Youtube via Mike Pike
A man suffering from sleep paralysis decided to set up a camera to film what he experienced while asleep. The camera captured something strange hovering over him Altered Dimensions reported on Monday.
Mike Pike often wakes up in the middle of the night and upon waking he experiences a half-waking state where he is unable to move. On several occasions Pike felt like he wasn’t alone and sometimes notices a strange shadowy figure at the foot of his bed watching him.
“I’m a rationalist and a very skeptical person with no previous interest in paranormal activity, but after doing some research it seemed like there was a possibility that this entity is real,” Pike said.
On one evening last week Pike decided to place a camera in his bedroom to document what he was experiencing on his sleepless nights. Pike set up a camera facing the bed and went to sleep with the lights on. The footage that he captured was shocking. In the video, around the 30-second mark, an eerie mist rises to the ceiling from Pike’s bed.
“I have watched the footage over and over trying to figure out some logical explanation for what could have caused the image of what seems to be a ghost, but I haven’t been able to come up with a solution,” Pike said about the video. “I am really starting to believe that I captured the entity I saw during my paralysis on video. This terrifies me so much that I can no longer sleep in my room.”
Scientists claim that a sleep paralysis condition known as hypnogogia is what causes the illusion of shadow people. Hypnogogia is also known as waking-sleep and the person suffering from the condition is in a dreamlike state but they are aware of their environment. During this state people experience a feeling of dread, pressure on their chest, and visual images of shadowy beings.
Some studies have showed that certain drugs such as pseudophedrine can produce hallucinations. Pseudophedrine is found in many over-the-counter allergy and cold medicines. Many people that suffer from pet allergies have had shadow person experiences.
What exactly is the strange mist? Is it a hoax? Could it be a shadow figure?
More Wikileaks Documents Surface Confirming The Existence Of Extraterrestrial Life & UFOs
More Wikileaks Documents Surface Confirming The Existence Of Extraterrestrial Life & UFOs
Julian Assange has grabbed the attention of the entire planet, as both mainstream and alternative media networks have covered Wikileaks in depth. For those who don’t know, Wikileaks is an international, online, non-profit organization that publishes secret (classified) documents, information, news leaks and other classified material from anonymous sources. They are no different from Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden. As I’ve mentioned before, they’ve been a tremendous threat to the controlling elite for a number of years and have gained the attention of major mainstream media outlets worldwide, many of whom have bashed Assange, pointing to the idea that the release of classified documents is a threat to national security. Wrong, it’s simply a threat to secrecy, information and truth. America alone classifies over five hundred million pages of documents per year. Think about a historian trying to study history, or technological development, science and more, how can they properly do this if most of this information is constantly kept secret from the general population?
That’s why organizations like Wikileaks are so important, as they shed light on truth that most of the human race knows nothing about, and one of them is the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrials.
Wikileaks is a major attention grabber, so it’s a great way to bring more attention to the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon that’s been gaining heavy interest over the last few years.
As far as UFO documents go, the Wikileaks ones are not really significant compared to what’s already available in the public domain. They do however show that these topics are still mentioned in highly classified documents. Again, we already have a number of (more significant and telling) documents that have been released into the public domain, as well as statements from high ranking military and political figures. To see some of these documents and whistle-blowers, you can refer to the last article I wrote on this subject by clicking HERE. For more articles on this subject from Collective Evolution, you can click HERE.
Wikileaks UFO/Extraterrestrial Documents
Prominent Lithuanian politician says that there are a “group of UFOs, who are making influence from the Cosmos.” That “there exists a decreasing group of persons, who are trying to rationally analyze the situation and objectively evaluate what is happening.” (source)
This cable comes from the year 2006 from the American Embassy in Vilnius, Lithuania. The statement was made by Albinas Januska, who at the time was appointed adviser to the Lithuanian Prime Minister.
Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan Nobutaka Machimura Says UFOs definitely exist.
This is a cable from Japan that shows how the Chief Cabinet Secretary was unhappy with the governments official view rejecting the existence of UFOs. The document goes on to describe how he stated in a press conference that “I am sure that unidentified flying objects exist, otherwise it is impossible to explain the Nazca Lines (In Peru), isn’t it?” (source)
He also stated that ” the government has offered only a boilerplate response in its formal statement” regarding UFOs.
Tajik Mayor says there is life on other planets, and that peace and unity on Earth is necessary.
On January 13 Ambassador called on Dushanbe Mayor and Chairman of the upper house of Parliament Mahmadsaid Ubaidulloev at his parliamentary office. The Mayor began the meeting with a lengthy discourse on Afghanistan, thanking the United States for its contributions and sacrifices there, and saying that U.S. activities there were very important “as we enter the third millennium and the 21st century.” Ubaidulloev thought the main task there was to build a sense of national identity among ethnically disparate groups, and said the United States was an example for this. He noted that “war is very dangerous”, and said “we know there is life on other planets, but we must make peace here first.
In a platitude-ridden meeting, Dushanbe Mayor Mahmadsaid Ubaidulloev said upcoming elections would be free and fair, that contributions to the Roghun Dam were voluntary, and that the losses suffered by the United States in Afghanistan were felt by Tajiks as their own. Ubaidulloev asked for help in getting Tajik students admitted to Harvard University, but effectively declined to help find a new location for an American Corner in Dushanbe. He asserted the existence of life on other planets, caveating this by noting that we should focus on solving our problems on Earth. End Summary. (source)
Julian Assange has also said that that a UFO cult called the Raelians were of concern to the U.S. ambassador in Canada. It’s not surprising that the U.S. ambassador in Canada was concerned with this group. Government agencies have been concerned, harassing, monitoring and questioning extraterrestrial abductees and contacts for a number of years. They have been studying this subject for a very long time.
Like I said, Wikileaks seems to garnish a lot of attention, that’s why I chose to cover the topic, even though the documents are not as significant as ones that have already been released from dozens of governments, three letter agencies and more. Not to mention shocking statements from high ranking military and political personnel. I linked an article in the first few paragraphs of this one that provides more examples of these, and below I am going to provide a brief excerpt from it to illustrate what I am talking about.
VERY BRIEF example of other information that’s already out there
Within the past few years, dozens of governments admitted to allocating resources and having programs to study the UFO phenomenon. For instance, in Canada the RCMP, Transport Canada and the Department of National Defence recently admitted to tracking UFOs and investigating them. (source) They’ve been doing it for years, accumulating thousands upon thousands of UFO related documents -many of which have since been officially released.
HERE is the latest batch of UFO files released from the United Kingdom.
Documents released by the National Security Agency (NSA) reveal what is recorded when a UFO is being tracked on radar. HERE is one example. HERE is a four page U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and NSA report describing a particular encounter in great detail.
“As the F-4 approached a range of 25 nautical miles it lost all instrumentation and communications. When the F-4 turned away from the object and apparently was no longer a threat to it, the aircraft regained all instrumentation and communications. Another brightly lighted object came out of the original object. The second object headed straight toward the F4. ”
You can read more about the radar tracking of UFOs HERE.
HERE is a Wikileak cable that describes how some politicians already know we are not alone in the universe. You can read more about that HERE.
Again the list goes on and on and thousands upon thousands of UFO related documents are now available in the public domain. For a summary of more documents that have been declassified and made available, a video done by UFO expert Richard Dolan does a great job at doing just that in 10 minutes.
Forgive me for using much of the same information in multiple UFO articles. We always have new readers coming to our site and this is always new information for some.
“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. Trillions of dollars have been spent on black projects which both congress and the commander in chief have deliberately been kept in the dark.” (source) - Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer
“In one of the cases during the cold war, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying South from Russia across Europe. The supreme allied commander was very concerned and was about ready to press the panic button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole. They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for three years and they decided with absolute certainty that four different species, at least, have been visiting this planet for thousands of years. There’s been a lot more activity in the past two decades, especially since we invented the atomic bomb.” (source) - Paul Hellyer
“Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense” Former head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960 (source)
“There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, by other civilizations. Who they are, where they are from, and what they want should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not be the subject of ‘rubishing’ by tabloid newspapers.” (source) - Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
“This thing has gotten so highly-classified…it is just impossible to get anything on it. I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make it to be my business since. I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified” – Senator Barry Goldwater, Chairman of the Senate intelligence committee (source)
“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time. That their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic western point of view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, that seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon” (source) - Dr. Brian O’leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor
Former Sen. Mike Gravel (D-Alaska), and 2008 presidential candidate said that there is “an extraterrestrial influence that is investigating our planet. Something is monitoring the planet and they are monitoring it very cautiously.” You can learn more about the citizens hearing here.
I cannot begin to express how much information and evidence is out there to support the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
For more articles on this subject from Collective Evolution, you can click HERE
Sources: All sources are highlighted throughout the article.
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The "Illusion" of "Investigative Journalism" -- Reporter writes on "Why I Left 60 Minutes"
The "Illusion" of "Investigative Journalism" -- Reporter writes on "Why I Left 60 Minutes"
Hi all:
I have a brother (vehemently dismissive, but also very ignorant, of UFOs) who works as a programmer for a Belgian newspaper publishing company. He told me that journalists hardly ever check the stories they get from the various wire services with which the newspaper company has a contract. They just copy paste, translate and slightly redact the stories because there is no time for fact searching as they always have a deadline to catch. And since the newspaper publishing companies have agreements with these news services, they will understandably swallow whole their news reports. British journalist Nick Davies wrote an excellent book "Flat Earth News" (2009) which deals with the lies, the distortions and propaganda in the worldwide media.
What bothers me most about prominent journalists is their arrogance pretending to be in the know of all that is important in the world and thus what is real and what isn't. In June 2007 I attended a farwell lecture by a Belgian believer turned diehard debunker (who, by the way, told me in private that he liked my thoughts and postings re UFOs but said I was in the wrong camp). After the lecture he was interviewed by a female journalist (the press onlypaid attention to this retiring debunker) and after finishing her interview she came and sat next to me. So, I seized the opportunity to asked her if she knew anything about UFOs and she said no. She said that UFOs do not exist and are nothing more than a belief. So, here we have a journalist drawing conclusions about a topic she knows nothing about without ever having studied the relevant data. Journalists should base their statements on facts. She clearly stood out because of her gross ignorance. She said it wasn't her job to report accurately about the UFO phenomenon, she was just there to interview this retiring debunker. In other words, she was just carrying out an assignment from her employer. And an article about UFOs is always an eye-catcher especially in the summer time.
“We don’t do stories about issues, we do stories about people.
In other words, for today's journalists UFO's are an "issue" and thus not a "story." The story is "people" – thus the vast emphasis on colorful UFO kooks and nutballs. In other words, journalism is entertainment not factual investigation and reporting on important issues.
Another way to look at it is that journalists do not regard UFO’s as events – which would imply reality – but as experiences of people – who are then chosen according to sensational or entertainment value.Wackjob people can have experiences they “believe” are real, without society via its journalistic representatives endorsing their reality.It’s tongue-in-cheek reporting.
Since the entire field of journalism in America takes its cues from theNew York Times and Washington Post all it takes is a few well-placed phone calls by key US Government officials to buddies atNYT andWP to derail serious UFO investigative reports forever (note Charles Lewis' story of how that worked so well on a non-UFO subject with60 Minutes producer Don Hewitt who instantly jerked Mike Wallace like a puppet on a string). Do that every decade or so and UFO's are locked out of society because the tone and the agenda have been set by influential people who have been quietly approached. No vast conspiracy. Just a few key people with close friends in the defense and intelligence communities.
Note that this requires virtually no budget.A few phone calls or a couple off-hand conversations in a bar don’t cost a thing to federal agencies and would barely even be worth a memo for the files.Journalists are just conferring with trusted sources “on background” or “deep background” and it does not matter who initiated the contact – the effect is the same.UFO’s are marginalized as a freak, untouchable subject.
The big networks say they care about uncovering the truth. That’s not what I saw.
Ernest Hemingway famously said that “the most essential gift for a good writer is a built-in, shock-proof shit detector. This is the writer’s radar and all great writers have had it.” He was talking about the novelist, I suppose. But his dictum applies to the investigative journalist, in spades. It is the born reporter who insistently, even masochistically, clings to the notion that things are not what they outwardly seem and pursues the hidden truth in any situation even when other people prefer to ignore it. For most people this simply is not normal human activity
Imagine discovering that a paid FBI informant may have actually killed a civil rights worker during one of the most famous civil rights marches in U.S. history? Or that a top county public school official had put 23 of his relatives on the payroll, sexually harassed female employees and separately had informed the parents of handicapped students that their children couldn’t attend school. Or uncovering the fact that the most famous divorce lawyer in America had been literally raping his clients. Or that the (then) biggest savings and loan fraud in the U.S. was actually an inside job, in which a banker had allowed his financial institution to be defrauded as he received millions of dollars from the perpetrators. Or that a presidential campaign co-chairman had helped teach white supremacist groups how to develop a militia capacity. In Washington, D.C., especially in Washington D.C., an investigative reporter’s shit detector must be mighty.
I’ll admit it takes a strange sort of zeal to spend months or years on a single subject, to accept rejection by scores of sources, to weather threats—everything from the very real possibility of being thrown from a second-story window to being stalked outside my hotel room to million-dollar lawsuits and almost universal calumny—all in dogged pursuit of obscured information. Despite having spent a lifetime with this peculiar form of affliction, I’m sure I can’t fully explain it.
But when I embarked on this profession, I was in many ways prepared for all that—for the threats, the lawsuits and the general hostility. That was just the cost of doing business. What I didn’t foresee, what floored me and frustrated me, was that sometimes the biggest obstacles in the pursuit of what Carl Bernstein calls “the best obtainable version of the truth” came from the inside—from my bosses and my bosses’ bosses who, despite their professed support, had no real interest in publishing the hardest-hitting stories.
*******************************************************************************************************IIn October 1977, a few weeks before I turned 24, after a brief make-or-break meeting with the reporting unit’s leader where I pitched half a dozen potential national investigative stories that apparently resonated with him, I was hired as a “reportorial producer” for a fledgling “Special Reporting Unit” at ABC News. This was my dream job.
Over my six-and-a-half years at ABC, I investigated everything from attempted presidential assassinations to unsolved crimes from the civil rights era, from prospective Supreme Court nominees to FBI misconduct, from Washington corruption scandals such as ABSCAM to the 1980 presidential campaign. I remain proud of my work during these years, which provided my continuing education about the United States and the world, about national and local politics and news gathering, about internal corporate machinations and duplicity, about truth and airbrushed truth (and the best techniques for distinguishing the two).
Yet over time, the work was becoming enormously frustrating. The Special Reporting Unit was disbanded after a year, and I was reassigned within the ABC Washington Bureau. Independently, I had begun to conclude that, generally speaking, network television news (in that pre-Internet age) was disconcertingly tethered to the front-page news judgment of the nation’s most respected newspapers. When I would propose exclusive stories up the ladder, for example, I would frequently receive notes back saying, “I haven’t read this in the New York Times” as the rationale for not pursuing them.
It became painfully apparent over time that network television news was not especially interested in investigative reporting, certainly not to the extent or the depth of the best national print outlets. In fact, the most trusted man in America around this time, CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite, had told Time magazine something in 1966 that still rang true more than a decade later: that “the networks, including my own, do a first-rate job of disseminating the news, but all of them have third-rate news-gathering organizations. We are still basically dependent on the wire services. We have barely dipped our toe into investigative reporting.”
Gradually, television’s daily editorial insecurity vis-à-vis the older print world and its own tepid commitment to enterprise journalism caused me to conclude that all three major networks were mostly interested in the illusion of investigative reporting. Breathless, “exclusive” coverage of the latest government report (preferably ahead of the other networks), replete with “revelations” and “findings”—all unabashedly piggybacking on the investigations of others, official reports by inspectors general or congressional committees, criminal or civil court records—could create the aura of an aggressive news organization, for much less money (and fewer libel suits) than actually doing the original reporting. I found it sobering to realize that the news organization I worked for didn’t consider the work of finding the actual truth about a complicated situation economically efficient or even necessary.
The absurdity of this faux-investigative game reached its nadir for me one day when I was asked to follow up on a wire service report about former president Lyndon Johnson. Someone with personal access to Johnson when he was Senate majority leader in the late 1950s had just asserted under oath that he had on more than one occasion given Johnson envelopes of cash. I was explicitly asked to “check it out” for that evening’s news program.
I had only a few hours to confirm the veracity of an allegation of misconduct more than two decades earlier, said to have been committed by a president deceased for more than a decade. Plausible or not, allegations this serious and anecdotal would take months, if not years, of archival research and reporting to investigate, and even then the chances of being able to reach a credible conclusion about what had happened were still very low.
Still, an assignment is an assignment. I gritted my teeth and, at the behest of my superiors, tracked down Pulitzer Prize-winning author Robert Caro, who was in t have been more gracious, but we both immediately realized that this was a fool’s errand. In his own meticulous reporting, examining every day of Johnson’s adult life, Caro had not yet scrutinized the time period of these sensational allegations. I sheepishly thanked him and handed in some sort of response to the supremely ludicrous challenge I’d been given
I came away from that poignant, teaching moment vividly aware of the vast difference between fluff and noise masquerading as the serious pursuit of the truth and the real thing. I still tried hard to carve out a professional space where my investigative instincts could flourish. But outside of the network and within the profession of journalism, I was virtually unknown, toiling away in what was essentially a dead-end job
It didn’t help matters that I had the temerity to turn down an investigative producer job for correspondent Geraldo Rivera at the prime-time TV newsmagazine 20/20. The offer was made to me in a one-on-one meeting in New York City by ABC News vice president David Burke. Taking that position would have immediately more than doubled my salary, but I nevertheless politely declined on the spot. When Burke pressed me to explain my decision, I said that I didn’t want to work with Rivera—a controversial showman known for breathless, sensational stories such as (years later) the live unsealing of Al Capone’s secret vault (which turned out to be empty).
Burke was flabbergasted and apoplectic with rage; his face turned red, his neck veins popped, he jabbed a finger at me, and he spewed a string of expletives, along with a line I’ve never forgotten: “You people in [the] Washington [Bureau] are so fucking smug and arrogant. The only reporter at this network with any balls is Geraldo Rivera.” What’s more, he made it emphatically clear that I would never be offered another job at ABC News, and I’ve been told that he went out ofhis way to block any promotions or transfers to other bureaus.
At the same time, to my dismay, I discovered that big-time newspaper editors viewed TV news veterans with great suspicion and distrust. In their view, I had begun my professional journalism career by going to work on the dark side. So with considerable frustration, and with no appealing alternatives, I resigned myself to staying at ABC until a better opportunity came along.
In March 1984, it did. Veteran CBS News correspondent Mike Wallace called me to ask if I might be interested in producing investigative segments for him at 60 Minutes. I had never met Wallace or spoken with him, and I was floored by his unexpected call. Of course, I had followed his network career for many years and was fully aware that 60 Minutes was the highest-rated, most honored network news program in the history of television. Wallace had been one of the two original 60 Minutes correspondents in 1968, earning fame for his unflinchingly aggressive interview style and investigative edge. He’d been assaulted on the floor of the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, and he’d interviewed the Ayatollah Khomeini in Tehran during the Iran hostage crisis in 1979—just two highlights from an award-winning, sometimes controversial career. I was excited by the opportunity to work with him. I thought maybe this time would be different.
During my first year at 60 Minutes, I looked into 150 possible stories and wrote memoranda about a couple dozen of them. Yet only three became broadcast segments on the program. I had been hired explicitly to break big, edgy, investigative stories, but I soon discovered that large, original investigations of my own were generally impractical—even at a show famous for its exposés—because of the intense time pressures. So the challenge was to find important, previously investigated subjects that could be told well and further reported on television.
There were other restrictions as well. The dictum at 60 Minutes, as often repeated by founder and executive producer Don Hewitt, was that “we don’t do stories about issues, we do stories about people.” Good “characters” were essential for these morality plays, and without a few of them, there simply would be no 13:30 story—then considered the “ideal” segment length, I had been told
It would be wrong to say that I didn’t find satisfaction in the job. During my roughly five years at the program, I investigated and brought to broadcast numerous segments—most of them of the classic, formulaic, good-versus-evil 60 Minutes genre—about a diverse range of subjects: a corrupt public school superintendent in Appalachia; multimillion-dollar Social Security check fraud by postal employees in San Francisco; art fraud involving Salvador Dali lithographs; and murder inside the worst hospital in America.
But I had also seen things at two networks that had troubled me profoundly: nationally important stories not pursued; well-connected, powerful people and companies with questionable policies and practices that were not investigated precisely because of the connections and the power they boasted.
My last 60 Minutes segment, “Foreign Agent,” featured well-known former U.S. officials and presidential campaign aides from both parties who were cashing in on their political connections by working as lobbyists or investment bankers for foreign entities. One of the latter was former Commerce Secretary Pete Peterson, at the time the CEO of the New York-based investment firm Blackstone and, more important, one of Don Hewitt’s closest personal friends. The two men were so close that Don would often join Peterson on his company helicopter for Friday-night flights to the Hamptons, thereby avoiding the summertime bumper-to-bumper traffic.
The script we’d written included the line, “For Japan and other foreign interests, finding former U.S. officials to do their bidding is not at all difficult,” accompanied by the image of a Japanese newspaper advertisement with five smiling Blackstone officials, extolling their prior U.S. government service and connections. The translation of the ad read, “If you are thinking about developing a new business or an investment strategy … that will be effective in the U.S., by all means, consult us!”
During the production process, when I showed Mike Wallace the photo I’d had shipped from Tokyo, Mike said, “That’s not our story—you’re not filming that.” And I countered, “Mike, what are you talking about? This is the nut of the story—former officials trading on the prestige of their former positions, trying to make a buck with foreign companies and governments.” Wallace and I had a huge expletive-filled shouting match, toe to toe, our faces close; I refused to back down, and he stormed out. We put the picture in the piece.
The first time Don screened the piece, he quipped, “I guess I’m not going to get any more rides on Pete’s helicopter.” But as the days and weeks wore on, with the piece not green-lighted for air—ostensibly because it was “too long”—I realized that I had no choice but to find some sort of editorial compromise, which was offensive to me then and, quite frankly, still is.
One day, while I was on the phone, Don walked into my office and asked whether I’d found a way to “fix” the piece
“Yes,” I said, and I suggested that we remove Peterson’s name from the script and replace it with the name of another well-known Blackstone official, former Reagan budget director David Stockman. It was a nanosecond shorter—two syllables instead of three—and it solved the unstated, real problem that Don had with the story. Don smiled, said “Terrific,” and left the room, which meant the segment had just been approved for air that Sunday.
I picked up the open phone receiver and resumed my conversation with one of the segment interviewees, Pat Choate, the Ph.D. economist and author who later ran for vice president on the Ross Perot ticket in 1996. I asked Pat, “Did you hear all that?” And he replied, “Every word.”
The substitution of Stockman for Peterson didn’t settle all the problems with the piece. In the days leading up to the broadcast, other prominent people mentioned in the story had been applying personal and legal pressure on Don and Mike, as well as the president of CBS News. So instead of being praised for producing a powerful, important story, I was under siege, being blamed for causing problems. I found myself in an inhospitable environment for original investigative reporting and its occasional consequences—pushback from the powerful (which should be a badge of honor for a reporter), but also spinelessness from my employer about what we had just published. Wallace and I had several venomous arguments that week, none more boisterous or invective-filled than some phone calls in the hours before the Sunday broadcast, in which we literally hung up on each other.
The whole noxious ordeal made something inside me snap. The morning after “Foreign Agent” led the broadcast, in the midst of a four-year contract, with a family to support, a mortgage to pay, and virtually no savings, I quit 60 Minutes.
Producers there usually retire, voluntarily or involuntarily, or die on the job—hardly anyone just up and quits. In a brief phone call from my Washington office to the show’s offices in New York City, I matter-of-factly informed Mike Wallace that I had decided to leave. My announcement came moments after Wallace had called me, somewhat giddy, to say that CBS chairman Laurence Tisch had just phoned him with effusive congratulations about our hard-hitting story the previous evening. It was the best thing he had seen on CBS in years, Tisch had told him, a “real public service.”
Later that morning, I faxed Don Hewitt a three-sentence letter of resignation
Wallace and others at the program later asked my friends and colleagues if perhaps I was having a nervous breakdown. Don Hewitt wanted to know if “this” was all about money; he indicated that my contract could be substantially renegotiated upward, and then I could get back to work.
Of course, my departure had nothing to do with either of these factors. Nor was it driven by any personal animus on my part toward Mike Wallace. Mike was certainly not the easiest man to work with, but I respected him and his enormous contribution to broadcast journalism, and appreciated the opportunity he had given me.
It was a matter of principle. It was simply time for me to leave.
Many people, then and since, have asked me what exactly I was thinking—after all, I was walking away from a successful career full of future promise. Certainly, quitting 60 Minutes was the most impetuous thing I have ever done. But looking back, I realize how I’d changed. Beneath my polite, mild-mannered exterior, I’d developed a bullheaded determination not to be denied, misled or manipulated. And more than at any previous time, I had had a jarring epiphany that the obstacles on the way to publishing the unvarnished truth had become more formidable internally than externally. I joked to friends that it had become far easier to investigate the bastards—whoever they are—than to suffer through the reticence, bureaucratic hand-wringing and internal censorship of my employer.
In a highly collaborative medium, I had found myself working with overseers I felt I could no longer trust journalistically or professionally, especially in the face of public criticism or controversy—a common occupational hazard for an investigative reporter. My job was to produce compelling investigative journalism for an audience of 30 million to 40 million Americans. But if my stories generated the slightest heat, it was obvious to me who would be expendable. My sense of isolation and vulnerability was palpable.
The best news about this crossroads moment was that after 11 years in the intense, cutthroat world of network television news, I still had some kind of inner compass. I was still unwilling to succumb completely to the lures of career ambition, financial security, peer pressure or conventional wisdom.
Just weeks after I quit, I decided to begin a nonprofit investigation reporting organization—a place dedicated to digging deep beneath the smarminess of Washington’s daily-access journalism into the documents few reporters seemed to be reading, which I knew from experience would reveal broad patterns of cronyism, favoritism, personal enrichment and outrageous (though mostly legal) corruption. My dream was a journalistic utopia—an investigative milieu in which no one would tell me who or what not to investigate. And so I recruited two trusted journalist friends and founded the Center for Public Integrity. The Center’s first report, “America’s Frontline Trade Officials,” was an expanded version of the 60 Minutes “Foreign Agent” story. Not long after this report was published, President George H.W. Bush signed an executive order banning former trade officials from becoming lobbyists for foreign governments or corporations.
Over the years, the center was the first news organization to analyze and post online all of the available financial disclosure statements for every state legislator in America, revealing numerous apparent conflicts of interest. It broke the Lincoln bedroom scandal first revealing that President Bill Clinton’s top donors had been rewarded with overnight stays in the White House. In February 2003, weeks before the U.S. invasion of Iraq, the center posted secret draft “Patriot II” legislation, and in October it posted all of the known U.S. war contracts in Afghanistan. In the past quarter-century, the center’s reporting has won more than 70 national awards, including the Pulitzer Prize, the Goldsmith Prize and the George Polk award for three separate stories in 2014. Meanwhile, I now teach journalism at the American University School of Communication in Washington, and I am the founding executive editor of the Investigative Reporting Workshop, the largest university-based, nonprofit newsroom in the United States.
The center did amazingly well, today even becoming a venerable institution—employing 40 people full-time and it publishing scores of investigative stories a year. But it’s frustrating that it was ever necessary at all. Back in 1989 when I started it, major investigative reporting did not seem to be particularly valued by national news editors, whether in broadcasting or newspapers. Instead, they seemed satisfied merely to reactively report on the systemic abuses of power, trust and the law in Washington—from the Iran-Contra scandal to the savings and loan disaster to the first resignation of a House Speaker since 1800. There was very little proactive, original investigative journalism about these or other vitally important subjects, and, equally galling to me, there was smug arrogance and complacency instead of apologetic humility by those in the national press corps, despite their lackluster pursuit of such abuses of power.
And more than two decades later, it’s no better. With a third fewer commercial journalists than 20 years ago and public relations “spinners” now outnumbering professional reporters and editors by 4 to 1, the Center for Public Integrity and organizations like it are more necessary than ever. Fewer commercial news organizations support investigative journalism now than at any time in recent history, and reporters today—especially those who aggressively seek the truths that government, business and other powerful institutions seek to conceal—are arguably more alone, more exposed and more vulnerable to professional and even physical harm than they ever were.
On the night of the 29th of June, a beautiful crop circle suddenly appeared in of all places Italy. Were our alien overlords on vacation this summer, taking in the sights of ancient Rome, or the heady Renaissance history of Florence? Possibly, but they weren't the authors of this particular glyph: it was designed and created by Taranto Francesco Grassi, claimed as one of the best circlemakers in the world.
Nick Pope Asks: Does the MoD Still Secretly Investigate UFOs?
ExMinistry of Defence UFO project insider examines the facts
Author, journalist and TV personality Nick Pope worked for the Ministry of Defence for 21 years. While best-known for having run the UK government’s UFO project, he writes and broadcasts on a wide range of subjects including the unexplained, conspiracy theories, fringe science, science fiction, space, defence and intelligence.
When the Ministry of Defence axed its UFO project in 2009, as part of a wider round of defence cuts, it ended over fifty years of official research and investigation. But has the Department really lost interest in the subject, or are investigations still going on secretly, behind closed doors? There are some intriguing clues.
One of the reasons why the MoD terminated the UFO project was the huge proportion of sightings that turned out to be Chinese lanterns. Added to that, on many occasions the MoD was getting more Freedom of Information Act requests about UFOs than on any other subject. This led directly to the decision to declassify and release most of the MoD’s UFO files, but also to the UFO project being closed, in view of the excessive workload being generated.
However, it seems unlikely that the powers that be would ignore a situation where a military pilot reports a UFO, or where an air traffic controller tracks one on radar. Self-evidently, the government and the military like to know about any activity in the UK’s airspace, but post-9/11, fears of a hijacked aircraft with its transponder turned off mean that unusual radar returns are a particular cause for concern. Sure enough, we know from the media that there have a number of near-misses between commercial aircraft and UFOs in recent years, with several such incidents taking place after the MoD supposedly stopped investigating UFOs. These disturbing incidents have been investigated by the UK Airprox Board, a joint civil-military body which can also include input from the United States Air Force.
So in one sense, the MoD does still investigate UFO sightings, when civil or military pilots report a near-miss between an aircraft and a UFO. It’s just that it takes place on a case-by-case basis, outside of any formally-constituted UFO project. But could there be a more formal effort going on, over and above the UK Airprox Board investigations? One possibility is that such a research effort exists, but that the phrase “UFO” is carefully avoided, so as to make it difficult for Freedom of Information Act requests. Alternative terms might include UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) – a phrase we used at the MoD – or two other terms that I’ve heard people in the aviation community use, on the basis that talking about UFOs isn’t generally good for one’s career: “unusual aircraft” and “unconventional helicopter”. There are doubtless other variations on this theme, along with terms used by radar operators, such as “uncorrelated target” and “bogey”/”bogie”.
A linguistic sleight of hand is unlikely, by itself, to be enough. While I’m sure the term “UFO” has been deliberately dropped by the MoD, a much safer course of action is to contract the work out to a private company. Defence contractors and aviation corporations often have staff with security clearances higher than most people in the MoD, and with the larger companies, the Boards often contain a number of former defence chiefs and other senior military and MoD retirees. Such a situation is useful, because the truthful answer to the question “Is the MoD investigating UFO sightings” would be “No”. Additionally, private companies are outside the scope of the Freedom of Information Act
Is there any precedent for outsourcing sensitive MoD UFO work in this way? Intriguingly, there is. In the Nineties I was involved in setting up a highly-classified intelligence study into UFOs, codenamed Project Condign. This was tricky, because we’d consistently told Parliament, the media and the public that UFOs were of only very minor interest, and assessed as being of “no defence significance”.
Disclosure of Project Condign would have made our public line on UFOs look like a lie, so while the ultra-secret Defence Intelligence Staff (part of the MoD) commissioned the study, the work itself was undertaken outside the Department. As an added layer of security, instead of placing a new contract, an existing contract was amended, thus minimizing the paper trail. While the final report was declassified some years ago – albeit with the sensitive material blacked out – many of the working papers and other documents generated during the study have yet to be released, and some are unlikely ever to be released, even in redacted form.
Whether one believes UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft, an exotic atmospheric plasma phenomenon that science doesn’t fully understand (a suggestion that came up in Project Condign), a Russian spy plane or drone, or a hijacked aircraft with its transponder turned off, heading for London, we’d be pretty foolish to ignore sound evidence of unusual activity in our airspace, especially if it comes from pilots or radar operators.
So in response to the question of whether the MoD is secretly investigating UFOs, I damn well hope so. Because if they’re not, we’re leaving the UK vulnerable to terrorist attack and espionage … and maybe, just maybe, missing out on making a discovery that could change the world forever.
Witness said: There was object flying in the sky over San Francisco I witnessed this with my cousin…The first one looks like a fiery cross then they just looked like big balls of fire.
The Chilean government, one of the few governments to have an official UFO investigation organization, recently released a report regarding their investigation of two UFO photographs taken by miners in a secluded area of the Andes Mountain range. They ruled out man-made objects and have not come up with an explanation for the object in the images. The object remains unidentified.
The Chilean UFO organization is called the Committee for the Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena (CEFAA) and is part of their Ministerial Department of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC), which is similar to our FAA. They seek to identify UFOs in Chilean airspace as a matter of air safety.
Journalist Leslie Kean has a close relationship with CEFAA, and she posted details about the photos taken by the miners in her blog for the Huffington Post. She says the pictures were taken at the Collahuasi copper mine in northern Chile. It is a remote location 14,000 feet above sea level. The air is thin and very clear.
Location of the Collahuasi copper mine. (Credit:
The UFO was spotted by four technicians in April, 2013. They say they saw a disk-shaped object hovering and moving around the sky for more than an hour. They estimated the object to be 2000 feet in the air. It made no sound. They captured two pictures of the object before it finally moved off to the east where they lost sight of it.
Although they captured the images over a year ago, they did not tell anyone for fear of being ridiculed. CEFAA did not become aware of the pictures until February of this year. The technicians had shown one of their supervisors the pictures, and he sent them to CEFAA. The four original witnesses did not want to talk to CEFAA, even though they were told they could do so anonymously. Their supervisor did relay what information he knew, and he did ask to remain anonymous.
CEFAA examined the photos and ruled out weather phenomenon and man-made objects. They noted that drones are used in the area, but did not believe the object in the images to be drone. International Affairs Director Jose Lay said, “People in that zone know about drones… Fishing companies use drones and they make a lot of noise. This was definitely not a drone.”
The first image captured by the miners. (Credit: CEFAA)
The analysis by CEFAA was that it was a solid object reflecting sunlight. They also felt that the object could be emitting its own light. (Credit: CEFAA)
The second image captured by the miners. (Credit: CEFAA)
According to Kean: “The text on this diagram of the enlarged second image indicates lines where very soft rays were reflected from an ‘extremely luminous half sphere.’ The analyst concludes that the object ‘emitted its own energy that does not coincide with the natural sunlight which is also reflected off the object.’ At noon, the brightness underneath could not have been caused by the sun, which was reflected off the top.” (Credit: CEFAA)
CEFAA concluded, “It is an object or phenomenon of great interest, and it can be qualified as a UFO.”
CEFAA would have liked to talk to the witnesses, but Lay told Kean, “We tried to contact them, and we got no reply. So we treated the material just as we have treated several others of the same or similar nature: we file them for future reference or comparison purposes. That’s all we can do in this case.”
Kean also got the input of a well known UFO photo analyst, Dr. Bruce Maccabee, via email. Maccabee was an optical physicist for the U.S. Navy. He told Kean, “In the second image there appears to be a very bright hemispherical shape, convex downward… possibly a UFO enveloped in a cloud of vapor.”
Given the limited data available, he was also able to determine that the object did move some distance between the time the photos were taken. Although, it is unknown how much time passed between photos.
“This is clearly not a normal thing seen in the sky (bird, plane, cloud, etc.),” Maccabee told Kean. “That makes it either the real thing – UFO – or a hoax, and it doesn’t appear to be a hoax. Although the inability to question witnesses does reduce the credibility. Certainly, this case is worthy of further study.
Since Kean’s story in the Huffington Post, many media outlets have picked up on it, including Fox and CNN.
CEFAA has had several cases they could not identify over the years. They post their case files online
Scientists believe that conditions on Mars may be suitable for flourishing present-day life.
Professor Nilton Renno. (Credit: University of Michigan)
Atmospheric, oceanic, and space sciences professor Nilton Renno is one of the scientists who participated in a new study from the University of Michigan, which, as RT explains, claims that “water, near and on the surface of Mars, melts rapidly enough when combined with salt to allow bacterial life to flourish, despite the freezing temperatures on the planet.”
Renno has worked with NASA on a number of projects during his career. And this recent study was sponsored by NASA’s Exobiology Program. Renno noticed droplets of what appeared to be water on the robotic arm of the Phoenix lander when it arrived on Mars in 2008. And, after discovering soft ice in the first trench dug by Phoenix, Renno speculated that the soft ice was frozen saline water or brine.
So, to test his theory, Renno and his research team constructed a cylindrical chamber, two feet high and five feet long, to replicate the atmospheric conditions of the Martian polar region where Phoenix landed.
Water droplets on the Phoenix lander. (Credit: University of Michigan/NASA)
The research team placed a salt particle detected on Mars called calcium perchlorate on an ice layer inside this chamber. Water was created by this interaction. Renno, explains, “Based on the results of our live experiment, we expect soft ice to liquefy a few days per year, perhaps a few hours per day, almost anywhere on Mars.” He explains further, “A small amount of liquid water, for a bacteria that will be a big swimming pool. So a small amount of water is enough for you to create conditions necessary for Mars to be habitable today.”
Findings by the Phoenix lander in 2008, and recent discoveries by the Mars rover Curiosity indicate that perchlorate could be widespread across the planet.
The team’s research has been accepted for publication in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.
Missouri witnesses in Joplin reported watching a silent, boxy object “bigger than a house” traveling about 300 feet off of the ground about 9:15 p.m. on July 8, 2014, according to testimony in Case 57853 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The husband and wife reporting witnesses were traveling home when they noticed a man in the street trying to flag them down and pointing to the sky.
“He was walking his dog who was barking wildly at the object and jumping high into the air,” the witness stated. “It had approached from the northeast. As we watched, it crossed directly overhead. It looked to be about 300 feet off of the ground.”
The witness described the object.
Three witnesses in Joplin, MO, watched a silent, boxy-shaped object ‘larger than a house’ move under 300 feet on July 8, 2014. Pictured: A street in Joplin. (Credit: Google)
“It was off-white in color appearing to be illuminated by a yellowish light coming from within it. It was as big or bigger than a house and was completely silent.”
The object’s shape was not aerodynamic.
“It was boxy-shaped with multiple angles kind of like on a stealth airplane. It looked like it had darkened square windows in parts of it. It was flat on the bottom with round orange and red randomly flashing lights all around the bottom edge. The lights were round with a dark center – like donuts. They were the size of stop signs.”
The object moved southwest and then south of their location and appeared to be traveling at about 100 mph. They then noticed a change in the lighting.
“It suddenly turned off its lights. All of them went off like they were quickly dimmed and not just cut off. Two lights on the back, one orange and one red, stayed on slightly longer than the others – about half a second. These lights seemed to have a burnt look to the dark centers as if maybe exhaust or flames had at one time come out of there.”
The object then appeared to be descending like it was going to land or possibly crash.
“It stayed perfectly level as it descended behind the trees on the horizon. It seemed to form a light mist or fog around it as it descended.”
The witnesses also noticed the strange behavior of animals in the area.
“I noticed that along its flight path every dog was going crazy, barking and howling.”
Three witnesses said the object appeared to land or was about to crash. They attempted to follow the UFO across Joplin, MO, and experienced odd disturbances to the vehicle they were driving on July 8, 2014. On May 22, 2011, Joplin was struck by a powerful EF-5 tornado which resulted in at least 158 deaths and more than 900 injuries. Pictured: A street in Joplin. (Credit: Google)
The three witnesses then decided to follow the object in the couple’s vehicle.
“We were using a spotlight that plugs into the cigarette lighter to search the fields next to the roads. After driving about a mile, the spotlight suddenly went very dim and the seat belt warning beeper started sounding repeatedly and quickly. Also the Jeep’s automatic transmission would not change gears. When I tried to go into reverse it would not go into gear without a struggle. All of this continued for about five minutes and then suddenly everything went back to normal. It is a newer model Jeep Wrangler and has never done anything like this before.”
The group then became nervous, but decided to keep looking.
“We continued searching nearby roads and fields but didn’t find anything unusual. On our way back home, as we passed the same location as before, our spotlight again dimmed and the beeping alarms in the Jeep began again.”
Despite the vehicle’s problems they again continued to search for the object.
“Shortly after, we turned around and passed this spot a third time, but this time nothing happened. We finally gave up our search and went home. By then the spotlight was working at full power and the Jeep was working properly and nothing else occurred. The man that flagged us down turned out to be a neighbor who lives about a block away. He is a retired commercial airline pilot from England. He said he had never seen anything like this before.”
No images or videos were included with the MUFON report, which was filed on July 9, 2014. Missouri MUFON is investigating. Joplin is a city in southern Jasper County and northern Newton County in the southwestern corner of Missouri, population 50,150.
Missouri has a current UFO Alert Rating of 3 with a high number of recent reports nationally. Missouri had 29 UFO reports in June 2014 – the 4th highest reporting state – while California had 107 reports as the highest reporting state. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 150 or more reports for the month are rated an Alert 1; states with 100 or more reports are rated an Alert 2; 25 reports or more for the month are rated an Alert 3; 13 or more reports are rated an Alert 4; and those states with less than 13 reports for the month are an Alert 5.
THERE have been sightings of the mysterious beast lurking in the waters of Loch Ness for years. Scotland Now looks at the different creatures that could be Nessie.
The legendary Loch Ness monster Nessie
WE all know that the Loch Ness Monster definitely exists.
There have been sightings of the mysterious creature lurking beneath the dark waters of Loch Ness for hundreds of years.
However, the big question that has never been answered is, just what kind of a monster is Nessie?
Scotland Now takes a look at the different creatures that could have been considered as the Loch Ness Monster over the years.
Is Nessie an Elephant?
A number of experts have suggested sightings of Nessie reported in the 1930s could have been caused by a travelling circus bathing their elephants in the loch.
In 1933, circus owner Bertram Mills offered £20,000 to anyone who could capture the Loch Ness Monster for him.
The Bertram Mills Circus toured the country and travelled past Loch Ness to Inverness.
Is Nessie an overgrown eel?
Many people suggest Nessie could be an overgrown eel.
Eels are known to live in Loch Ness, but cannot raise themselves above the water in the way sightings of Nessie have been reported over the years.
They also swim with a sideways motion.
Could Nessie be a Seal?
Seals are known to follow salmon upstream and into Loch Ness on occassion.
But they do not have long necks, which the monster is usually described as having.
Computer-generated graphic of a Plesiosaur
Plesiosaurs were marine reptiles that became extinct more than 65million years ago.
They lived at the same time as the dinosaurs but are not classed as dinosaurs themselves as the giant marine reptiles were cold-blooded.
But if plesiosaurs survived, there would need to be a enough to have bred over the years. Loch Ness wasn’t formed until the end of the last Ice Age just 10,000 years ago, so where did they live until then?
They would also need to surface frequently for air.
In 2003, a fossilised vertebra of a plesiosaur was found on the shore of Loch Ness.
Most people believed it was placed there as a hoax, as stones in the area are not of the type to bear fossils.
Ancient Human Skull Reveals Our Ancestors Had an Inner Ear Like a Neanderthal [Science Minute]
After re-examining a 100,000-year-old archaic early human skull found 35 years ago in Northern China, researchers have found the presence of an inner-ear formation that was once thought to only occur in Neanderthals. Neanderthal skull on left and early modern human skull on right.
A Russian fishing blog has sent local anglers scrambling for their rods after reporting that giant mutant catfish were growing in the waters that flow through the exclusion zone established around the site of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
In order to convince people that the claims by local fishermen are true, the blog that has now been quoted on other Russian media even included a picture of one catfish which locals are calling Borka, and which they claim is over two metres long.
Access is limited to the area because of the risk of radiation poisoning and all fishing for food purposes in local waters has stopped. But now there is renewed interest from sporting fishermen keen to land the catch of their life after it was alleged in blog that giant fish were being caught in the Pripyat River.
Prypiat was a city in Ukraine which was closed after the nuclear disaster in 1986 and the Prypiat River which runs over 473 miles and flows through the exclusion zone, also flows through parts of the Ukraine and Belarus that are not in the exclusion zone. According to fishermen brave enough to risk the fact that it has been confirmed the river is polluted with radionuclides, there are reportedly giant fish to be had.
Local fisherman Kondrat Yudin, 38, said: “I have heard a lot of stories about bodies being washed from local cemeteries that were of course no longer maintained after everyone left, and the bodies that were floating free ending up being eaten by the catfish – but as far as I’m concerned it’s just nonsense.
“I suppose radiation could play a role but I reckon radiation is more likely to give them extra eyeballs and two heads rather than simply making them enormous in size.
“I think the reason is a lot more simple, the bottom line is that nobody is fishing these waters – and that has meant with no natural predator, the catfish has been able to grow to an enormous size. For years they haven’t had a problem with fishermen and they are just there for the taking.”
According to the website local scientists have confirmed the increase in the size of the catfish, and tests are reportedly being carried out to see if they might have excessive radiation levels which in turn could be responsible for their large size.
Chernobyl was evacuated in 1986 owing to the Chernobyl disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, the worst nuclear power plant accident in history in terms of cost and resulting deaths. The incident is one of only two classified as a level 7 event, the maximum classification on the International Nuclear Event Scale, the other incident being the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011. – Austrian Times
Is this the summer of the shark — or is it just another case of great white hype?
A swimmer who came face to face with a great white shark this weekend told NBC News that he’s lucky to be alive. But, really, he’s unlucky to have been attacked by a shark in the first place. Steve Robles, 50, was swimming in Southern California, where shark attacks are relatively rare.
“Apparently the shark was very agitated, and I happened to be coming at that exact moment,” Robles said Monday. “I came very close to dying.”
In 2013, the International Shark Attack File, maintained at the University of Florida, recorded 125 incidents around the globe, including 72 “unprovoked attacks” by sharks on humans. That was down from a record 81 unprovoked attacks the year before. Forty-seven of the 2013 attacks occurred in U.S. waters, down from the 2012 record of 54.
So far this year there have been six shark attacks in the U.S., none fatal — but beach season is just beginning. Read more at NBC News
The owners of a 17th century pub were left spooked when a pint mysteriously slid off the bar on its own.
Jenny Heard and Martin McConn hadn’t taken much notice of the spooky tales surrounding Cornwall’s Crow’s Nest Inn when they first took it over, but within the space of only a few days the pair had become convinced that something unusual was going on.
The strangeness began when a pint of beer that had been perched on the bar suddenly slid off the counter and on to the floor seemingly of its own accord.
Rushing over to examine the mess the couple were stunned to discover that the glass had somehow managed to land upright on the floor without spilling a drop.
The Crow’s Nest has long been associated with tales of the paranormal including a bell that supposedly rings on its own, a clock that always remains ten minutes fast and the sighting of four different ghosts thought to haunt the property including that of a woman who was murdered in 1844.
“A house doesn’t get to be this old without retaining a few of its more peculiar features,” said Jenny. “There’s room for all of us here and we’re looking forward to meeting more of our special guests properly.” Read more at Plymouth Herald
The most haunted nightclub in the world loses its ghost hunting tour guide after she calls it quits after a decade of service. Paranormal tour guide Wanda Kay posted her letter of resignation from Bobby Mackey’s Music World on her Facebook page yesterday.
“As of today July 7-2014 I no longer represent Bobby Mackey’s. Due to the dangerous conditions both normal and paranormal I refused to run tours or oversee anymore investigations. I have also quit my 10 year position as DJ for the nightclub. Thank God and Greyhounds I’m done!!!” Wanda Kay said via a status update on her Facebook page.
A video is surfacing on the internet in which a man claims that he saw a UFO flying overhead during a concert in Connecticut this weekend.
Bobby Crash said he spotted an unidentified flying object, which is also known as a UFO, during the So Percussion concert at The Hygienic Art Park in New London on Sunday night.
Crash took a video of the alleged UFO on his iPhone 5s around 8 p.m. That video was uploaded by Crash onto CNN iReport and YouTube.
To see the full video on YouTube, click here. There were more than 130 views as of 1:15 p.m. on Tuesday.
They came from all over the world to see something out of this world.
“The numbers speak for itself,” said Roswell UFO Museum Executive Director Mark Briscoe.
Briscoe said nearly 7,000 people visited the museum this weekend.
“Since I was a child I wanted to come here,” said Roy DeLeon. “I’ve wanted to come here since I was eight years old,” said Norman Huggins.
The festival had its’ highest attendance in 15 years. And they came from all over the world.
“.We had people here from France, we had a lot of people here from Japan, we had them here from Greece,” said Briscoe. “We had them here from Ireland, London. It’s just mind boggling you never know who you’re going to run into or talk to and they’re all from foreign countries.”
According to Briscoe, the world’s fascination with aliens is growing.
“There’s so much more out there now, people are talking about it more, it’s on the news,” said Briscoe.
And the city of Roswell is booming from the fascination.
Big D’s burger joint says it was the busiest weekend they’ve had since opening four years ago.
“Oh yeah from 11 to, I mean we’re pulling 12 hour days here just to keep up, trying to go into grocery stores, buying extra groceries just to handle the business,” said owner Don Nason.
According to organizers of the event, you couldn’t get a hotel room in Roswell.
People were staying in Artesia and Ruidoso and commuting to Roswell.
“It hasn’t gone away, you know it’s very interesting,” said DeLeon. “We don’t know what’s beyond the stars, that’s what’s amazing. Will we ever know, I don’t know.”
The fast-track discoveries, based on imagery collected on June 24, led NASA to give the go-ahead for a more intensive search for Kuiper Belt objects. The goal is to identify an object that NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft could observe up close after it flies by Pluto. The Pluto encounter is due to take place on July 14, 2015, and the second encounter is expected to occur three or four years later.
Last month’s Kuiper Belt search was a tryout of sorts, to see if Hubble was capable of finding faint objects that are farther away than Pluto but close enough for New Horizons to get to. The observation team used software tools to sift through Hubble’s imagery and detect the motion of the Kuiper Belt objects through the telescope’s field of view. The more detailed search is expected to be completed by August.
The two objects found so far are about 4 billion miles (6.4 billion kilometers) from Earth. They’re currently known as 1110113Y and 0720090F. “We’ll give them better names later,” a member of the observation team, Berkeley astronomer Alex Parker, said in a tweet.
Documentaire moet uitsluitsel geven over buitenaardsen op de maan
Documentaire moet uitsluitsel geven over buitenaardsen op de maan
Er bestaan verschillende complottheorieën over de maan. Zo denken sommigen bijvoorbeeld dat de maanlanding in scène is gezet in een tv-studio. Anderen geloven dat we wel op de maan zijn geland, maar vervolgens zijn weggestuurd. De zender Syfy gaat later deze maand een twee uur durende documentaire uitzenden die uitsluitsel moet gaan geven over de aanwezigheid van buitenaardsen op de maan: Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed.
Op 20 juli is het precies 45 jaar geleden dat de mens voor het eerst op de maan is geland. We hebben allemaal de beelden gezien en kennen de ‘officiële’ versie van de gebeurtenissen. Syfy zegt voor het eerst NASA-foto’s te laten zien van enorme kunstmatige structuren, die erop wijzen dat de maan door een mysterieus buitenaards ras wordt gebruikt als basis. Het gaat onder meer om foto’s waarop installaties, fabrieken, schotels en hangars te zien zouden zijn.
In het midden van een krater is een enorm bouwwerk vastgelegd dat doen denken aan een koeltoren van een kerncentrale. In hetzelfde gebied is een lange ‘pijp’ gezien die is verbonden met de centrale en een schaduw achterlaat op het maanoppervlak. Ook worden beelden getoond van een vermeend vrouwelijk buitenaards wezen dat in de jaren zeventig tijdens een geheime missie zou zijn gevonden op de maan.
Syfy zendt ook een interview uit met astronaut Buzz Aldrin, waarin hij zegt dat de Apollo 11 drie dagen lang door een UFO werd gevolgd en dat NASA op Marsmaan Phobos een mysterieuze ‘grafheuvel’ heeft gefotografeerd.
Apollo 14-astronaut Edgar Mitchell zegt in de documentaire dat UFO’s echt zijn, dat een buitenaardse aanwezigheid de aarde bezoekt en dat de Amerikaanse overheid hier al decennia van op de hoogte is. Er komen onderzoekers aan het woord die spreken over zogeheten X-Drones, onbekende objecten die lange, diepe sporen lijken achter te laten op het maanoppervlak.
Voormalig NASA-medewerker en klokkenluider Ken Johnston beweert dat hij een Apollo 14-film heeft gescreend voor een NASA-astronoom waarin vijf koepelvormige lichten in een krater zijn te zien. Tijdens de beroemde maanwandeling schakelde astronaut Neil Armstrong over naar een ander kanaal om te waarschuwen dat ‘buitenaardse schepen bij de rand van een krater een oogje in het zeil hielden’, aldus Johnston.
Oliemagnaat Vito Sacchari zette NASA naar eigen zeggen onder druk om 2000 maanfoto’s uit 1979 te mogen bestuderen, waarop ‘duidelijk enorme buitenaardse bouwwerken waren te zien’.
1 op de 3 Amerikanen inmiddels geïmplanteerd met RFID-chip
1 op de 3 Amerikanen inmiddels geïmplanteerd met RFID-chip
In de natuur wordt radio frequency identification oftewel identificatie met radiogolven (RFID) op grote schaal toegepast om dieren te volgen. Wat bijna niemand weet is dat ook mensen worden voorzien van RFID-chips om ze te volgen of te kunnen identificeren. Na onderzoek in drie verschillende geografische gebieden is gebleken dat gemiddeld 1 op de 3 individuen inmiddels is ‘gechipt’.
Interessant genoeg blijkt er een sterke correlatie te zijn tussen de aanwezigheid van een RFID-chip en gebitsingrepen. Het onderzoek is gedaan in de Amerikaanse staten Illinois, Iowa en Wisconsin. De resultaten zijn opvallend omdat plaatsing in het menselijk lichaam van een RFID-chip stuit op grote ethische problemen. Toch is een aanzienlijk deel van de bevolking inmiddels voorzien van een identificatiechip (gechipt).
In totaal werden 2955 individuen gescand, waarvan 997 een RFID-chip in hun lichaam droegen. Het bleek dat de RFID-chips in de meeste gevallen in vullingen waren verstopt: 75 procent van alle RFID-chips werd aangetroffen in vullingen. Er werden ook microchips gevonden in handen, kunstheupen, kunstknieën, schroeven en spiraaltjes.
Al jaren klagen mensen over onverklaarbare implantaten in hun lichaam, maar vaak werden zij belachelijk gemaakt of geridiculiseerd. RFID biedt de mogelijkheid om aan massale surveillance te doen, die voorheen slechts het onderwerp van paranoïde fantasieën was.
Perhaps one of the most unsettling questions, but a valid one, is whether or not the ancient giant race mated with homo sapiens and if they were able to create hybridized offspring. Interestingly, researchers found homo sapiens carry DNA of Neanderthal, Denosvans and an, as of yet, third party they have not identified.
What we might expect is for a chromosome anomaly to show up in our population that has origins we cannot define. We are lucky to have a condition such as hypertrichosis that we can actually go back in the records and find started in the Middle Ages and even know the location of its origin - with a people who were exceedingly tall, red and blond haired and different than the Spaniards who found them and mated with them.
The lineage of the Petrus Gonzalvus in the Canary Islands was the first recorded case reported by Altrovandus in the late 15th Century (late 1400s). Interestingly, this is when the men of Spain who landed on the islands started mating with the attractive fair women prodigiously. A hairy gene on islands referred to as the "Dog Islands" and talk of Anubis being a symbol of the people there.
Could we say that Julia Pastrana (below) was what some might have referred to as dog-faced in less enlightened times?
Julia Pastrana (1834-1860) was a woman born with hypertichosis who took part in 19th Century sideshow exhibition tours in North American Europe. Pastrana, an indigenous woman from Mexico, was born in 1834 somewhere in the Sierra of Sinaloa State. She was born with a genetic condition, hypertrichosis terminalis (or generalized hypertrichosis lanuginosa). Her face and body were covered with straight black hair. Her ears and nose were unusually larger and her teeth were irregular. The latter condition was caused by a rare disease undiagnosed in her lifetime, gingival hyperplasia, which thickened her lips and gums. Charles Darwin described her as "Julia Pastrana, a Spanish dancer, was a remarkably fine woman, but she had a thick masculine beard and hairy forehead; she was phoogarphed and her stuffed skin was exhibited as a show; but what concerns us is, that she had in both the upper and lower jaw, an irregular double set of teeth, one row being placed within the other, of which Dr. Purland took a cast. From the redundancy of the teeth, her mouth projected and her face had a gorilla-like appearance." The story of Julia gets even weirder. She married the carnival manager who hired her and they produced a child. She died in 1860 after birthing and the baby soon after. The husband not only had her and her baby mummified for display, but married another woman with her condition. The condition that Julia had was never linked to her father because her father was never named by her mother. Interestingly, that condition worldwide traces back to Middle Ages to the Canary Islands where Spanish explorers found the giant blond and red-haired women and mated with them. This gene was then introduced into a population that went and settled Mexico, Central and South America and introduced the gene variant to the world as people moved out and about and silently carried the trait. Curiously, the Greeks called the people from the Canary Islands the Dog-Faced people. Dogs were highly revered there and even considered sacred and there were many legends of a Dog-Man type curiosity. As well, researchers think that this isolated group on this set of islands that had no seafaring capabilities might have been part of a group of ancient times of Cro Magnons that had blue eyes and fair hair. If such were true, their inbreeding on their islands for thousands of years, might have contained the gene for hairy bodies within their gene pool. It might also be why the dog symbol was of importance, those born with this hairy attribute might have been quite revered. And hypertrichosis often comes with gingival hyperplasia that can cause what Julia (above) had - the jutting mouth and teeth. Is this what might happen if ancient giants were to mate with homo sapiens? We would have to look at the gene more closely and have a sample of an ancient giant's DNA - perhaps an elongated skull from Peru, eh??? Could ancient giants mate with us? What were ancient giants? It seems apparent they were another branch of mankind, not homo sapiens, but perhaps an offshoot of Homo Erectus. They could have been of Cro Magnon, our ancestor, but their height and their skull do not give with that. The skull of Cro Magnon was not sloped in the forehead and pronounced of brows and such as we find in the "Otamid" skull types found where these giants were dug up.
(above - Dupuytren's contracture)
Dupuytren’s disease (DD) is an ancient affliction of unknown origin. It is defined by Dorland as shortening, thickening, and fibrosis of the palmar fascia producing a flexion deformity of a finger. Tradition has it that the disease originated with the Vikings, who spread it throughout Northern Europe and beyond as they traveled and intermarried. After being present for hundreds of years, DD was named in the 19th century after a famous French surgeon, who was not the first to describe it. This article reviews the history of DD and describes its incidence, clinical manifestations, and treatment. Researchers believe that the disease originated from earlier than the time of the Vikings from encounters with others they interbred with much earlier than the Middle Ages.
The Kuna People of Panama have the highest incident of albinism in their population and interestingly it's a rather unusual variation - lack of color in skin and hair, but eyes that are blue or brown, not red. One in 145 births results in albinism. They are called "Children of the Moon" which is rather interesting. The Cherokee told of a tribe when they arrived in the Carolinas that they called the Moon-Eyed People because they were fair and only came out at night because sunlight hurt their eyes. They apparently killed them or "drove them away" and where they ended up is anyone's guess, but if albinism was part of the reason for the fair traits in the giants, then this might be another way to trace where they had been and who they had mated with.
Source: Geneticists later determined that a gene on a strand of DNA known as Chromosome 15 caused the type of albinism common among the Kuna, which gives only minimal pigmentation in skin and hair. Rather than pink eyes common in albinos with no pigmentation, the Kuna albinos have blue or brown eyes. The North America tribe of the Texas Coast, the Karankawa, had Otamid skull types (sloped forehead, os inca bone in the rear of the head and pronounced brow like giants) and tall height. Sadly, tribes such as Karankawa and Gaunches of the Canary Islands died off from the Spanish invaders and diseases brought to the regions, as well as skirmishes. They might have had some of the last fresh traits in their populations, as they appeared much like the giants, unlike today's people who might carry a variant, but do not resemble the ancient ancestor. It would seem obvious that certain Native People around the world with unusual genetic disorders among them, who likely lived with and interbred with giants (if this were possible), would show some disorders in their population such as aborigines or Nazca people. If the tribes even today didn't breed much with outsiders, then it would seem these genetic disorders would show up prominently. We could learn much about these giant people of the past if we can see what sorts of genetic propensities they passed down. Of course, we may never come to understand the genetics of this intermingling unless we first accept that there was a race of mankind that is ancient and unaccounted for. Perhaps once we do recognize them and study their genetic makeup, we might start to understand huge gaps in our own medical history and background.
After reading all of the information, I made comments and asked some additional questions. He graciously responded and gave me permission to publish the materials here.
If you have never heard of Louis Turi, see: This FAQ is extensive. Dr. Turi also mentions as a reference with regard to the material below.
You may notice that I briefly mention a UFO sighting that I had, along with a friend of mine, when I was 14. Let it suffice to say that I am 100% certain that what I saw was not any standard aircraft, satellite, Chinese lantern, remote controlled toy, meteor, planet, star, swampgas, weather balloon, etc. The object demonstrated flight capabilities that were very far beyond what was publicly acknowledged as possible back then (1985), or now.
The rational explanation is that the craft was related to some military black project, but I doubt that explanation. Why would a spherical craft, that looked like a yellow/orange ball of plasma, be flown low to the ground in a densely populated area? Also, the craft moved over a reservoir that served as a municipal water supply (see: UFOs and water) and hovered there for about a minute. Potentially, thousands of people could have seen the display.
It went from hovering, to moving left a few dozen feet, then right a few dozen feet, and down a few dozen feet. As it was doing this, my friend and I both agreed that it must be some sort of high performance helicopter. Indeed, that’s what it looked like. A helicopter could move in that manner. Then, literally in the blink of an eye, it shot up and out of the atmosphere and disappeared. I’m not sure if I saw motion blur from the incredible speed, or an arc of ionized air behind it, but it didn’t go straight up. It went in an arc that was perhaps 20 degrees off vertical from the starting position by the time it disappeared from sight. There was no perceivable acceleration. It went from an almost static hovering position to… I don’t know how fast; maybe several thousand miles per hour. But there was no sound of any kind. There should have been a sonic boom.
Whether you believe me or not, it definitely happened. I know that I saw the object and whatever the explanation is, that experience was proof to me that there is much more to reality than the so-called “normal” mind is willing to consider.
While my sighting resulted in a lifelong fascination with the UFO topic, I have drawn no conclusions at all as to what is actually happening. I have no idea what to make of any of this.
With that, here are the essays that Dr. Turi sent to me.
This is Dr. Turi’s first UFO experience as a child in the old house attic. From his early abductions to the spaceship trip, he has 3 more incredible and solid experiences to relate, complete with drawings. Indeed Dr. Turi is a legitimate and honest recipient of extraordinary encounters that have influenced his fate to learn and teach the dynamics of our Universe and its relationships with the fate of mankind.
My First Contact! Important note: Please keep in mind that none of the following experiences are fictional. All of the following stories are real and some of them were very dramatic and reflect parts of my own dramatic life. All of those bye-gone experiences were the indispensable ingredients I needed to recognize my own conviction of the subconscious power we all possess inside. The purpose of this work is to make you aware of your own spiritual essence and your ability to control the outcome of your personal existence. Blessed with this knowledge, my only aspiration is for you, to attract only rich and valuable experiences.
“Incredible experiences breed incredible people; day by day experiences breed odd people” –Dr. Turi
I realize that the following may sound incredible and some readers may also question my sanity. Well rest assured that I have better things to do than to make myself look like a disturbed schizophrenic abducted by aliens. These are my experiences and anyone has the right to remain skeptical as this is such a personal matter. But I decided to come forth with the truth because I am all about the truth. This is the story of my first contact in four solid interactions with the extraordinary. I am not a walk in; I did not see far away light or what seemed to be a space ship. I dealt with theses extraterrestrial intelligences face to face and on August 11, 1971, November 11, 1981 and August 11, 1991. I was standing less than 30 feet away from a solid space ship and spent time inside the saucer. All that came to pass took place on both the physical and spiritual realm of consciousness. Each time these unusual events were with a member of my family, thus reinforcing my own sanity. Yes I confirm that ET’s and UFO are very real and their legacy of inducing supra-knowledge on my psyche as such.
As incredible as it may sound, since the tender age of seven, extraterrestrial intelligences have interacted and programmed me to convey to you an awareness of the dynamics of our universe and its interaction upon mankind’s psyche and affairs. I was born during a very cold winter night in February in the southern part of France in “La Provence.” This small locale is called Pont Saint Esprit or translated in English, “The Bridge of the Spirit.” In the same area, the renowned prophet Nostradamus was born and wrote the famous “Prophecies”. Realize that I have nothing to do with the great Seer apart from being born under the same local stars and spending much of my time rekindling his divine way of handling the stars. As far as extraterrestrials invading my life, no tangible answers or explanations were given to me. I simply knew what I knew, which was “little monkeys” regularly came to visit me in the kingdom of the night. Those small creatures had big menacing black eyes, and that group of ETs is now identified as the “grays” or dignified robots doing all the dirty work. During this time in my life, I could only see and accept them as “little monkeys,” and were described as such to my wondering mother. After the first few visits, I became literally paranoid with fear and could not be left alone in the dark. Even after so many years, the rest of the family (seven brothers and sisters) can still recall my awful screams in the middle of the night.
Preceding the encounters my stepfather built a bedroom in the attic to separate the growing boys from the girls. Before that room, all the kids’ housed together. My grandfather owned the house, and the old structure suffered tremendous damage from the 1st and 2nd World War German bombings. Grandpa’s nickname was “Sardines” (he loved fishing.) Sadly for him, he lost both of his legs on a German mine and with his meager war subsidy, he could not afford to repair the impaired house. Thus, there were no bathrooms, no running water and no electricity available to the striving family. Years later, my stepfather and all the boys began to restore the patriarchal house in our spare time.
Silhouettes and phantoms of the night came from the dim streetlight filtering through a dirty broken window. I could barely find my way around and saw enough of my environment to distinguish the uninvited terrifying creatures. Myriad’s of cats lived with us and were my only source of heat during many cold winters. Our old house was a paradise for many pests, especially huge rats. Sanitary conditions were not enforced back then, and the next door butcher did all the killing and meat cutting right there. Before reaching the underground sewer system all the bloody waste had to sail past the back of our house through twenty feet of open concrete pipe. The sailing stinking guts found its way naturally down to the mighty Rhone River. Drawn in by the putrefying bloody smell, huge families of rats made our house their own heaven. Most of the vermin’s time was spent eating, fighting, and mating all year round. Incidentally it is because of this lack of hygiene that the plague found its way in Europe and took millions of lives in the process. Starving neighbors’ cats also found our old house a paradise for hunting and feasting. This brawling carnival of cats-and-rats concerto took place every night during my dramatic upbringing. In the 50′s, our neighbors had no money for food, let alone money for neutering their cats, and the feline’s set of offspring kept growing larger each year. I recall those long-gone days with agony. They were certainly hard and unhealthy, even dangerous for all of us. The possibilities of ingesting contaminated food or being stung by a countless amount of spiders, fleas, scorpions and cockroaches was very high. The old unsanitary house could be described as a wild jungle harvesting myriads of crawling pestilences. I recall our close neighbor Laura nearly losing her unguarded toddler to a monster rat’s vicious bites. The dirty pests were especially attracted to the smell of milk on the suckling’s infant clothing. Luckily for her the screams of one of her older children saved the nursling. One of my favorite pastimes was to kill as many rats as possible with my sling shots before going to bed.
I also had to hunt for cats to share my bed, mostly to keep me warm during the cold, long winter nights. Sometimes my chase was made easier when a pursued cat would make its way to the privacy of my bedroom in the attic, carrying a bloody prey in its sharp fangs. It was then in those circumstances, in the winter of 1957, that my first UFO encounter took place. Over the years, I was to experience many more of those astonishing bedroom encounters, plus three others expreienced as an adult. Each one of these occurrences were simply extraordinary in nature.
The Fateful Night “Time to go to bed,” Mom said. “You have five minutes to go upstairs, and then you must blow out the candle. And be careful not to set the house on fire,” she added.
“Yes Mom,” was my reply.
“Have you seen Grisette Mom?” I asked her.
“No, she just had new kittens and you may not see her for a while,” she answered. Grisette was a beautiful tabby cat; she resembled a miniature tiger, constantly rubbing her striped coat on anyone’s leg. She was my favorite feline friend and spent most of the nights curving and purring next to me.
Later during the night, I was deep asleep when I wakened to something touching my foot. I immediately thought of “Grisette” wanting to share some love and warmth with me in the bed. First I gently stomped the animal, trying to edge her closer to the top of the bed. The night was chilly and she was welcome to share some of my precious body heat under the thin blanket. She did not move an inch; instead she gave me a stronger signal that she (I thought) was still there. Quite surprised, I realized that she wasn’t making her way to the top of the bed. Thus, half way numbed, I raised myself on the bed and in the semi-darkness, reached for her.
As long as I live, I shall never forget that creepy moment frozen in my mind. That unworldly episode would haunt me the rest of my life. Surprised and horrified, I observed four strange creatures. They were about four feet tall and those creepy “visitors” were staring at me from the bottom of my bed. They were suspiciously looking at me with their enlarged piercing black eyes as if they were wondering how to proceed next. I was in shock and unable to make a single sound. My throat was tightened in a knot and I felt powerless. I swiftly brought the blanket above my head and hid away in the bed. In spite of the cutting cold I was perspiring and wondering how and why those things were there. I desperately waited for those “visitors” to go away. Finally after what seemed to be an eternity, I slowly pulled the blanket away from my eyes and peeked out into the semi-darkness. One of them seemingly had anticipated my move, and to my extreme surprise, stood by the headboard less than an inch from my petrified face. It was too much for me that night and I simply passed out! The morning after, mom’s screams got me out of my “deep sleep.”
“Come on Louis get up son, you’re going to be late for school” she yelled from downstairs.
In a flash, I painfully recalled the night’s awful experience, and still panicking, screamed my head off for rescue. Then my frightened mother rushed up the stairs and got me out of bed. Crying, trembling and very upset, through many convulsing thumps, I struggled hard to explain to my mother the odd experience I had suffered the night before.
“For God sake, what’s going on Louis?” she repeatedly said to me.
“You had a nightmare? Did something scare you? Tell me son. Mommy is here now, you’re safe.”
I looked at her for a while, and then asked, “Are they gone?”
“Who? What? Let’s talk about this downstairs,” she said, helping me out of the bed.
Still very upset, I described as best as I could the detrimental occurrence, but not surprisingly my mother thought it a bad dream only. The following weeks, the situation got worse as the scary “visitors” kept coming. Nobody could help me understand what was really going on in the attic; I only knew that none of cats would come upstairs and share the bed with me. Their reluctance to show up was my only signal to expect the weird company and their mysterious purpose.
Not much information in this little French village in the 50’s was available pertaining to the UFO phenomenon. Especially when the family did not even own a television set or could not afford a cheap radio to expand its limited horizon. The ordeal was an ample part of my upbringing as the “little monkeys” were forging a specific curriculum on my psyche. The nightmarish experience repeated for months and years to come. My behavior became erratic, my emotions uncontrollable until my recurring screams became too much for the sleeping neighborhood. My mother thought of me perhaps being mentally disturbed. On the advice of our local physician an evaluation on my mental health was planned at the local hospital. My downhearted mother was also informed of the possibility of a nasty side effect involving the still experimental electrical brain shock treatments. She became unsure about the dangerous form of electric therapy and decided to repeal the entire idea. She did not want her son to be an experiment or a guinea pig and my brain never got fried; thus I kept my sanity! Trying to fix a computer (your brain) with an electrical surcharge is the faster way to loose your hard drive (your memory). My mom never graduated from any well known academic institutions but thank God she had lots of common sense and a great intuition.
Later, following the first initial abductions I became a little more trustful of the ET’s visits knowing I would be perfectly fine the next day. As I grew older the nightly Alien visitations slowly desisted, but a firm awareness of a close spiritual connection was born. I already knew that I was to meet and deal with them again, somewhere, somehow, sometime…and I did!
I have a serious assignment to fulfill, I strive to free the soul and enlighten its immortal consciousness.
Dr. Turi’s 2nd UFO Encounter My Second UFO experience
My holiday was cut short because of the peripheries of my life. Mom was missing me too much and I had to go back home regardless of the outcome with my employers. I managed to do so by finding temporary replacement for my monotonous duties.
I took that trip through the English Channel so many times and always anticipated the people I was going to meet on the ship. Many hours later I recognized the familiar mountains of the South of France. The weather was still warm as I exited the train in the city of Orange in Provence. Mother took the drive from my little village and after hugging her I took over the drive back home. We spoke about the latest news with the family. After a good diner and a few glasses of wine very late in the night, I went to bed and enjoyed the safety and love of the place we all call home.
My life has always been rich and variety is the spice to anyone’s existence, but I always had a thirst for the incredible. The memories of my first encounter with the incredible left me with an unfinished taste in my mouth and I subconsciously wanted more. I was anticipating a good time with my family but certainly not another UFO encounter that would stay with me forever. Again and again this material is not fiction and all really happened to me.
The next day at about 2:00 PM my older sister Noelle and Mom’s agitated discussion woke me up. My sister was at the time a nurse trainee and worked in a sanatorium in the lost mountainous region of “La Provence.” She was very upset because she missed her bus and said “I am going to get fired from work” to mom, sobbing. My step dad had gone to work and none of my brothers were around to give her a ride, and the hospital was located about 70 miles or so from Pont Saint Esprit. “Don’t worry honey, Louis is here and he will take you there,” mother said.
Driving meant spending more time with my sister instead of waiting to see her the next Sunday. We took to the road with mom’s recommendation to drive safely and to wear our seat belts. In 1976 the use of a map or owning a cell phone was a foreign idea for anyone back home to consider. I relied entirely on the road signs and some anticipated stops to ask for directions. The South of France’s road system then was a true nightmare. The small tortuous roads often lead to a few cross roads where the signs were either carried away by the wind or shot down by a frustrated hunter.
It was about 3.30 AM when I realized I was lost in all sense of the word, and my sister Noelle had been asleep for a couple of hours. It was dark and each turn brought more danger as the icy road revealed the high altitude. I was totally exhausted and hoped for any sign of life or direction. I was especially longing for a hot cup of coffee so I could stay awake and safe. After what seemed to be an eternity I saw a dim light from my vantage elevated view. A great feeling of hope reaffirmed all my senses as I woke my sister out of Neptune’s grasp. “Hey Sis, wake up, we’ve got to stop out there, and I need a cup of coffee now,” I said. As she woke up, she also complained about the cutting cold as mom’s old car did not have a heater.
I parked the car safely by the road just a few feet from the front door of the little café. I did not see any cars there, and because of the early hours it could easily have been closed, but to my delight it was open. As we walked to the place I asked Noelle what she wanted to drink. “A cola” she said half way awake. I was surprised by her choice. I was expecting her to pick something warmer especially when she complained earlier of the freezing temperatures.
I picked a small table by the entrance and gently asked my sister to sit and wait for me and the drinks. Then an eerie feeling came over me when I noticed three huge men at the bar. Their stature was very impressive, each matching at nearly 7 feet in height. The men were speechless, motionless and facing the bar’s mirror. I felt watched and suspicious and had no idea of their intentions. I am very protective of all my family members and I thought to be in serious trouble if anyone of them decided to harm to my little sister. But I was as always ready to face death without fear or hesitation if needed.
I carefully approached the bar and politely asked the barman for a coke and a cup of coffee. Next to me, just a few inches away, one of those tall men seemed even more menacing. I felt like an ant next to a huge dangerous foot but I decided to put my fears away. I brought the cola to my sister and went back to collect my cup of coffee. I thought to myself that those guys must be loggers to be so muscular and probably worked the surrounding woods.
The nightmare started when the one closest to me started to engage in a conversation. I was even more terrified by the stranger’s size and powerful gaze. Then he authoritatively asked me, “Do you wanna play cards? You’ll be friend with cards for the rest of your life.” His question and remark did not make any sense at all and brought more fright to my entire body. I politely and submissively refused by telling him that I was tired and stopped only for a short time to get directions. He added, “Come on, pick a card.” He held a splashed full deck in front of me in one of his enormous hands. At this point I did not want to challenge him and thought I had better comply with the demand, hoping for the best.
I picked the card and at the very moment my eye came in contact with the card he immediately told me what it was. “Very nice, this is great,” I said again respectfully. “Pick another one.” He ordered me and I did without challenging him. I would have had take a chance and run out as fast as I could if I was alone or die fighting him but with my little sister back asleep in the corner I did not really knew how to behave. I thought I must of play safe and compromise entirely to the weird stranger’s demands.
He played the card trick on me a few times and each time I congratulated him for his “intuition”. However I clearly recall these sentences. “Take another one Louis,” especially when I had never told him my name, I was freaking out. Or when I said to him, ‘Whoa this is a great game,” and her replied, “No Louis this is not a game!” I was totally bewildered and scared. At this point I could only go along as I seemed to lose my will against his. Then after doing the “trick” for a while I wondered how he could do it, how could he tell me as soon as my eyes saw the card, what the figure was?
I realize now that I was brought to challenge him mentally and I did… something that I will never forget or should never have done. I saw the nine of Diamonds card and in my mind THOUGHT… I will change the nine of Diamonds to the Queen of Spades when he asks. Oh my God, he immediately and furiously snapped back, “Louis you will not change the nine of Diamonds to the Queen of Spades!” Simply imagine yourself in my socks that dramatic moment and you may remotely feel as I did.
But this was nothing compared to what was to follow. His gaze literally penetrated me and I felt as if a screw driver was being driven from my left temple through my mind then out the other side of my head! I was totally helpless and I had to hold myself at the bar counter. I managed to tear myself away from his eyes and barely made it to the bathroom just a few feet away. The door was open and I reached for the sink, opened the tap and splashed my face with freezing water trying hard to maintain my consciousness. I immediately suffered a massive migraine and I could feel my eyes popping out of my head. “What’s happening to me,” I wondered. I felt so invaded and vulnerable. Then the thought of my sister left alone with those strange men made me feel sad because even if I wanted to defend her, I could barely contain my own pain inside my head. I felt as if a heavy chain connected me to that huge man, and I knew not only could he read my mind, but I could also converse with him. Using all the will I had left I began talking back to him as the wildest tiger in me unleashed its ferocious deadly self. “What the hell are you doing to me, who the hell are you, and what’s going on here?” I demanded powerfully by thought. “I am going out to face you Mister, and you had better talk to me,” I thought even harder. I immediately walked out of the bathroom and to my astonishment the three huge men left the premises. My first concern was for my sister, but she was still deep asleep and missed the entire awful deal I was going through. I was baffled. Gathering all my strength, I asked the barman, “Who were those people and where did they come from?”
“I don’t know” he said. “They probably drove here like you did!” I knew for sure that no cars were parked outside when we arrived. Collecting all my courage I ran out to find a quiet and cold night. I was listening for any noise but all I heard was the wind cuddling the tip of the tall trees in the moonless night. I woke Noelle up and said, “Let’s get out of here,” and we rapidly left the area. What exactly happened to me there I will never know. What is even more disconcerting is that I do not recall the rest of the trip, taking my sister to the sanatorium that night. And if she or I were awake for it, either one of us would remember asking for directions or the trip itself. What I clearly recall is that: It was 9:00 AM the next day and I entered the boundaries of my village. The pounding headaches stayed with me for more than three consecutive weeks after the tragic encounter.
No, this is not science fiction or the product of my imagination. This encounter really took place. Later on in life I understood why the man said, “You’ll be friends with cards for the rest of your life.” At 52 years old I still do not know how to play regular card games like poker or the famous twenty one in Las Vegas. How more dim can I be? Well not so fast, because the cards I “play” with, all hands are winners. This is because I do not use playing cards, but the Tarot. Is that why the weird man was so upset at me when I tried to change the meaning of the cards? The Tarot doesn’t lie; the meaning is direct and cannot be changed. What really took place is clear to me now, and unless you experience a tarot reading with me you may remain skeptical. The intense pain I experienced was simply a super but painful downloading of mysterious symbolic knowledge found within the twenty two symbols of the tarot cards reflecting the twenty two letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
The experience was intrusive, if not abusive, but proved to be nothing less than extraordinary. Mostly it is very valuable for anyone who has engaged a tarot reading from me. For years I was left wondering about this miraculous encounter and the mystical purpose behind it. (I was certain that I would have to deal with the force again. Once more my future proved me right.—follows the 3rd UFO experience)
Life was simply great; I had graduated from the Royal School of Music in London, with the highest distinction marks and won the silver Musicianship cup. I landed a contract with Phillips record company and my first single was on the market. I saw the people dancing and I heard my voice on the radio, blowing out of the speakers in numerous discothèques. I was a happy guy savoring the results of years of monstrous labor. Yet I also knew that the far-fetched forces above my head had more incredible experiences in store for me.
My brother Jo had a discotheque and he asked me if I wanted to sing there to promote my record in the area. I accepted and once again took on the long journey back home to France. When Jo was young he always dreamed of owning an old farm with many animals, in 1981 his own dream became a reality when he purchased and restored an old structure. The farmhouse was less than fifteen minutes away from the village in a remote wooded area.
As you well know, the night life in France starts around 11.00 PM and contimues throught the night. We usually left the farm around 10:00 PM every night and came back exhausted the next morning. I had an easy life, spending much time sleeping, eating, and riding horses during the day, until we started the process all over again.
On November 11th, 1981 at about 10.15 PM we were to experience one of the most dramatic UFO experiences anyone can ever hope for. We left the farm that night as we always do around 10:00 PM. It was a cold night but the warm heater of Jo’s brand new Mercedes and the soft comfortable ride was a real pleasure. Often I thought how much Vincent would have appreciated the luxury of a modern day motorcar. Vince was gone now for over ten years and I still missed his loud laugh and loving nature. Jo was driving smoothly through the tiny serpentine road scaring away multitudes of rabbits. We had to cover about three miles through endless vineyards to reach the RN7 main road, and then drive for another 30 miles to his discotheque. I was quiet, simply anticipating my number and wondering about a pretty girl I met the night before. Then from the corner of my eyes I saw what seemed to be some far away flickering lights. Because they were coming from the vineyard I thought someone must be working late. As we drove further into the night the light became quite obvious and came fast in our direction. Then wondering I ask my brother, “Hey Jo, are there people working in the vineyard tonight?” Jo responded sarcastically, “Louis, it’s November. All the grapes were picked weeks ago, there is nothing there. Relax.” Incidentally, Jo was born in November. Thus his Scorpio sarcasm was nothing new, and a part of his character I was used to and never took personally.
He kept driving, but not without peeping through the right window were the weird lights were now obviously coming from. What really grabbed my attention was the height and the circular movement of what I obviously perceived as powerful bright beams. Jo kept driving, denying my requests to stop and watch those strange lights.
The lights were much closer than anticipated and almost immediately right above the car. For no apparent reason the Mercedes’ reliable electric system died instantly and the car came to a standstill in the middle of the small road. Jo and I looked at each other wondering what just took place, while an immense bright light submerged the entire area around the car. We both immediately looked up through the windshield but could not discern anything. I thought of a helicopter above us but I did not hear the usual noisy flaps of the blade cutting the air for lift. There was no noise, just a humming vibration above us. I calmly said to my brother, “Jo what the hell is this? I am going out to check this thing out.” I wanted to investigate whatever was above us and I did not feel or think for a second about any form of danger. Jo was well respected by all and had this macho personality about it, but that night I saw a side of my big brother that I did not expect at all. He screamed, “Are you crazy or what, stay in the car you’ve got no idea of what’s up there.” I managed to escape his terrorized grip and slide out the door. I looked above my head but the light was so bright that I could not discern anything at all. I walked around the car ignoring Jo’s scream for safety. Then after a few seconds the powerful beams dimmed and went off. It took a little while for my eyes to adjust from the bright light to semi darkness. Then I glanced again and began to recognize a round shape and a golden reddish beam coming from its center. I kept forcing my eyesight to adjust to get a clearer picture of what was there, and then there it was…
Less than thirty feet above me I clearly saw a majestic motionless flying saucer. I pondered for a moment wondering about my own senses. Am I sleeping or what, is this thing real? Then I frantically called Jo to come outside the car and witness the object with me. I began to run like a crazy maniac screaming and banging the top of his car to get his attention. “Oh my God, oh my God, Jo it’s a flying saucer, its real man, this is the real thing, come out Jo, come on!” In no way was Jo to take a chance as I did, and saw everything through the windshield and the safety of the Benz. I had all the time in the world to see the magnificent spaceship in its entire splendor. It felt as if they really wanted me to acknowledge the wonder of extraterrestrial life. I was also convinced of the intelligence operating this marvel, because when I showed sign of distress with my eyes, they immediately dimmed the powerful lights. I could then discern easily the numerous red, yellow, blue, gold, green and white circular lights under the belly of the saucer.
The powerful stream of beams returned to life exploding in brightness. Then as swiftly as the saucer came through the night, it disappeared dangerously close to the roof of a nearby farm. Jo restarted the car successfully and said to me, “Louis this did not happen, you can not say a word to anyone about it.” I was so upset with him for that urge to secrecy, but thought I had better control myself and regroup my own good sense following the phenomenal experience.
I did not engage in conversation with Jo until we arrived at the discotheque. In normal circumstances by the time we reached Jo’s bar, the staff, barmen, servers, cloakroom personnel, DJ’s etc. were doing the last preparations to what would be a very busy night. But when Jo and I turned up that night, I noticed the discotheque was already up and running. I observed it but did not elaborate on this fact back then; only years later I fully realized what had happened that night of November 11, 1981. Totally in denial and still in shock, Jo did not notice as much as I, the obvious missing time and the clear indication of the abduction that had taken place earlier.
I had never heard of or seen a flying saucer before and had no idea or reason to believe in the phenomenon. In some ways I was also happy that Jo was a solid witness to this miraculous sight. My older brother never really trusted or believed anything before: no God, no evil, no UFOs, no magic and no stars. He was born like the majority of people, skeptical and unwilling to accept anything other than what his rationale dictated through his human limited senses. There is no doubt in my mind that my brother needed and got a serious wake up call that night.
Like many other people, my brother had a reputation to maintain and knew many people from all walks of life. Talking about UFOs may not be a favorite topic for any young soul. Only when someone is ready for the experience may he become a part of it. Fearing ridicule is a troublesome feeling, and Jo kept this secret from the rest of the family for nearly 15 years. One day to my delight and surprise he finally admitted to all, the plain truth about this incredible encounter. I recall now it was Christmas. Ridicule is a real feeling and Jo kept this secret from the rest of the family for nearly 15 years. Years later, at the Christmas table after a few drinks and to my delight and surprise Jo finally admitted to all the plain truth about the incredible encounter.
He asked everyone’s attention and said, “I do not know how to say this to you guys but do you remember what Louis said about a flying saucer above the car?” Every one of my brothers and sisters were listening carefully. “Well Louis did not make it up… this really happened on the way to the discotheque I used to have.” He added, “I am sorry Louis but I had to deny it because I was afraid of looking weird in front of some of my partners.” Then my sister Noelle said “Yeah, something weird happened to us too one night when he drove me to the hospital, I don’t know what but I had some weird dream after that.” It felt pretty good to be supported by my siblings. Then I asked Jo, “hey what made you change your mind about the UFO encounter?” He responded, “Well my son is behaving like you did when you were smaller and he is telling me all sorts of things about small people with big eyes. I have learnt to keep an open mind since this night.” I was in shock to learn that my own nephew may be going through the same thing than I did when I was a kid. He quickly proposed a toast to the ET’s laughing his head off. I just hope for his son’s sake that those ET’s are the good guys and would not leave him with serious scars.
Many famous UFO investigators can only dream about what so many of us had to really deal with. Some of them have huge egos and little intuition. I gave a well known female investigator obvious signals at Victoria Jack and Brian Hall’s San Jose Marriot UFO conference in September 2002. But the reporter gulped her margarita totally unaware of a real and solid case and therefore she missed all the valuable information. My good friend Dr. Roger Leir was telling us great stories about a case he investigated himself in Brazil surrounded by other friends; Shawn Atlantis, Robert Short, John De Haan, Ben Uriarte, David Icke and others. Again a magnet will not attract a piece of wood and many researchers in all fields will never know what they really miss by not listening to their intuitive voice. They are all investigating these things second hand. They are looking at evidence, traces UFO’s have left. Yet sitting next to them was a man who has had a lifetime of real contact, and who has actually been on an alien ship. Not only that, but this person was given a message to transmit to the world and they do not seem too interested in that either.
My fourth UFO experience At that time we were renting an apartment in Oceanside, California. My wife Brigitte was an extraordinarily good looking girl and she wanted to become a model. She entered a contest in a beauty pageant set for the upcoming weekend of August 11, 1991 in Anaheim. Brigitte was born in May under the steady and family oriented sign of Taurus, and she was excited about the opportunity but a little too reserved to really succeed in this business I thought. However like a good husband, I supported her wishes and actions all the way.
At about 9.00 PM I suggested Brigitte work on her “beauty sleep” and by 10.00 PM we were lying in bed. I gave her comforting words of hope and we both fell into Neptune’s world of dreams.
Suddenly I awoke, squished by my screaming wife. I immediately thought she had a nightmare and tried to calm her down. Her face was contorted and her entire body was in serious uncontrollable convulsions. Her beautiful piercing blue eyes were turning reddish as she screamed for help. I really thought she saw the devil that night. Regardless of all my efforts to stay calm I was worried sick; in eight years of marriage I had never seen my wife behaving in such an extreme way. I had to put my hand over her mouth to stop her terrified screams, for fear the neighbors would call the police. I dragged her convulsing body into the bathroom and splashed cold water on her face, asking her to stop screaming. After a few minutes she regained a little control over herself. I glanced at the clock; it was about 2.00AM on Sunday August 11th, 1991.
She did not know why but she wanted out, so we walked outside in the warm night air on the surrounding green area of the complex. She was telling me that something was in the house and she did not want to go back inside. I persuaded her that nothing was there and she simply had a nightmare. She was petrified, but I promised to check over the apartment for her. She made me look under the bed, inside all closets and remote areas of the apartment I did not even know existed, for the monsters in the night.
I kept talking to her softly but her gaze had changed into a terrified mixture of agonizing fright. We went back to bed but I could feel her heart beating fast and loud. I enveloped her in my arms trying to bring a feeling of security, and she finally went back to sleep with all the lights on. I did not really close my eyes for the rest of the night wondering about what Brigitte had seen or experienced earlier in the darkness of the bedroom.
The clock woke us up at precisely 6.30 AM and my first thought for my wife. She was still holding me tight and said, “Are they gone?” What did you see last night?” I queried. “I don’t know but I was very scared” she answered. “Do you really want to go to Katella in Anaheim to this beauty pageant? You might as well forget it, you look very tired” I said. “No, let’s go,” she said, “I want out of this house and we can always visit Grandma there.” At 8.00 AM sharp I was fuelling my gas tank and about to get on interstate 5 North in direction of Los Angeles. We were driving quietly then I could not help myself to ask Brigitte what happened to her in the apartment. She listened patiently to me but could not find any plausible answer to what or why she behaved so erratically the night before.
The morning was nice and warm and we both enjoyed the coastline and the Pacific Ocean’s blue water. We drove past the emigration check point. Soon after the US base of Camp Pendleton and after the 405 HWY intersection, I noticed the huge sign of Jamboree Road. Interestingly enough the road seemed to get wider and wider as I drove under the underpass. This is the last thing Brigitte and I remember, driving into what seemed to be a thick cloud of smoke.
“Honey what are you doing?” she said “pick up your speed and drive on your lane, do you want to kill us or what?’ she added nervously.
I was driving at less than 30 miles per hours on the highway where the speed limit was in those days 55 MPH. The jarring road bumps dividing the lanes made me feel as if I woke from a dream, as I quickly adjusted the speed limit. I could not understand why I would drive that way and maybe I fell asleep, I thought. All around me felt strange and eerie and I could not recognize the land marks anymore. Brigitte and I had driven to Los Angeles hundreds of time and we both knew the way very well.
“Where are we Honey? Are we lost?” I asked her. I could not make sense of my environment and really thought we were on a different highway. “Don’t worry darling and keep going we have a long way to go still, I have not seen any signs for Anaheim or Disneyland yet.” she said.
I drove another couple of miles looking really hard for any familiar road signs or well known sites. Nothing that I knew was there and my frustration got out of hand. I again asked Brigitte for some sense and she kept telling me we were miles away from our destination. Then to my surprise she opened the glove compartment and took the US map and opened it. I used this map only for very long distances from one state to another, in one of my many appearances in many conferences all over the continent. Why would Brigitte look for Anaheim on the United States map? I thought. We have been there hundreds of time and we never even thought of looking to any map as we knew the way so well. It was practically impossible for us to get lost and I was still experiencing a strange bewilderment inside of the car. I could not make sense of anything as I became even more disoriented.
I decided to do something about this unnerving situation and drove to the first exit, hoping for direction from a person or from a gas station. Brigitte reluctantly agreed to put the US map back in the glove compartment and to drive off the highway. “We are so far away, we have a long drive ahead of us honey, and we’re going to be late” she added tensely. “It’s OK baby, it won’t take me long,” I said and I took the long exit off the highway. The ramp led me to a large empty parking lot. I carefully parked next to a single white Toyota pickup. On the back of the vehicle three Mexican men were enjoying cold lemonade and warm burritos. “Hey guys, sorry to bother you but can you tell me where I am” I shouted. Their facial expressions told a lot, wondering about the lunatic man disturbing their breakfast. They probably thought of me as being not only lost but also deranged, and finally one of them answered in broken English. “Hey Amigo, you’re on the Glendale Zoo parking lot but it won’t open for business for another hour.”
“Glendale Zoo? And where the hell is this place” I asked. By now the three gentlemen were staring at me, wondering about danger and my sanity. I had absolutely no idea where I was and most of all how I got there. “Where is Anaheim?” I asked politely. “Well you passed it a long time ago my friend,” the oldest of the three man said. “You are past Los Angeles on the parking lot of the Glendale Zoo” he reaffirmed.
I was baffled, I was shocked and I was trying really hard to understand how I could have gone so far from my destination. But the time did not make sense to me and asked the man again. “Excuse me, what’s the time please?” I asked. “It’s exactly 9.00 AM,” he said. I could not even speak anymore and went back to my car clock to check out the time. How was I to tell Brigitte that we were nearly two hours or so past our destination when we left home less than 30 minutes ago? In her mind she was expecting to drive 1-1/2 hours north again to reach Katella city. To my surprise she was again looking into the US map for directions. She had no clue yet of the elapsed time and our location. The world seemed to have stopped on us and the bewilderment we experienced was intolerable. I finally realized that Brigitte and I had been abducted. The last thing I needed was to freak her out and I had to find a way to announce what had really transpired with us soon and safely. It then dawned on me that my wife had a premonition or a UFO visit the night before and this would also explain her erratic behavior at home.
So I calmly sat next to her and gently held her hands and said, “Honey do you remember what we talked about just before you married me?” I asked. “Nope I do not, about what? We talked about so many things” she said. “Well I told you that if you were to spend your life with me you may also have to experience the incredible, do you remember?” I asked her. “Oh my God, do you mean the UFO stuff? You know I don’t believe in this honey,” she answered rather amused. She was in total denial as is often the case, but I did not challenge her as I needed time to build a safe psyche to accept the fact that she and I were abducted. “Brigitte sweet heart, what time to you have on your watch?” “Its 9.15 AM,” she replied. “OK Brigitte now do not panic, stay calm baby, OK? We are about two hours or more north of Anaheim on the zoo parking lot in Glendale, just after Los Angeles.” I added, “It should be 11:15 to have reached this far North.” Her big blue eyes were innocently looking at me in total loss. She did not say a word for a while and began to cry. “But how is it possible honey, we just left home?” She said. “I know girl, but don’t worry you’re safe now, it’s over.”
I asked Brigitte to secure her seatbelt and drove back in direction to our initial destination. I quietly kept talking to her, trying my best to build a form of security where there was none. They could pick us up at any moment if they chose I thought, but I had to keep Brigitte mind, away from this possibility. I certainly did not want her to experience a panic attack right here in the middle of nowhere. As always, the traffic was very dense through the city of Los Angeles, it took us nearly two hours to reach Anaheim.
The feeling experienced after any abduction is quite detrimental, as your common sense does not reason with your awareness of reality. A sense of invasion to your very body, mind and soul makes you feel extremely vulnerable. Such a powerful event involves so much more than words can express and only those who have had similar experiences can relate to what we felt. We were so confused and so tired that I had to stop and rent a very expensive room for us. In no way could I convince Brigitte to go back home, and from the hotel suite she called her good friend Mary. She begged her to come, pick her up, and then drive to another friend of ours in Phoenix Arizona. She wanted to distance herself from the creatures, the apartment and the experience. So I supported her decision and wished her a safe trip to Arizona.
The very next day I drove back home, and then again to the Glendale exit, trying to make sense by investigating the time and the mileage. I came to the conclusion that only if I had driven above 150 miles per hour, providing there were no cops or traffic in Los Angeles, could I have made that journey in what seemed to be a 30 minute trip. The next few weeks were spent at home alone, or I thought I was. I had gone through an abduction that memorable August day and a part of my existence had been stolen against my will. I did not know what exactly happened, but I made a commitment to myself to find out.
The desire to find out was burning inside and I did some research on the subject of UFOs. I called a man named Shawn Atlantis, and we set an appointment with and he came to my home with some recording equipment. Brigitte and I revived the traumatic experience and Shawn became a very good friend of mine over the years. He knew Brigitte never dealt or knew anything about UFOs before, and he was very compassionate in helping us. I told Shawn that in my case it was not the first time, and he patiently listened to the rest of my incredible UFO experiences. Then Shawn mentioned a Doctor in Victorville California from a reliable source, willing to investigate my case using hypnotherapy. I accepted and I was on my way to discover what really happened to me.
A famous researcher and film producer was invited to record the session and swiftly installed three cameras in the doctor’s office. I was offered some cold water and asked to lie down on a comfortable sofa. A nice, soft, relaxing music enveloped the office to cover up outside noise. The hypnotherapist’s soft voice brought me back to my childhood, then progressively to the sensational day of August 11, 1991. I slipped into time and space and began to talk.
Under hypnotherapy, the following is an account of those events as they really occurred: Brigitte and I were driving on highway 5 North, then I turned the radio off just before the sign of Jamboree road. Brigitte first mentioned the road getting wider as we drove through what seemed to be a thick white cloud. I could not see much and slowed down, wondering about the gentle soft dreamlike feeling encompassing us. I did not feel the road or median bumps anymore and Brigitte took my hand, staring at the cloud.
We were sucked into a flying saucer belly. At this juncture we were in what seemed to be a large metallic underground parking lot area. It was a bit dark and very quiet.
Two very large men dressed in silver suits came from the left side of the car. Brigitte was screaming tightly, holding on to me.
“Oh my God, what’s going to happen to us” she said terrified.
“It’s OK Brigitte, I have been there before, and you are safe” I said.
I told her we were going to be separated for a while but to have faith and all would be OK. One of the men opened the door for me and I followed him towards a steel door. The other man took Brigitte to a different area, but for some reason, I was not worried about my wife due to a strong pervasive peaceful felling.
The extraterrestrial left me at the door which immediately opened sideways. I entered a small room and stood in front of a tiny porthole looking at the distant earth. Our planet was the size of a basketball similar to observing a full moon a full moon on a clear night sky, and certainly indicated we were a very long distance from home.
I then started to complain about heat and some form of electric light coming from the inside of what seemed to be a decontamination room. The first stage was over and I was now facing a second steel door which slid upward. I entered the flying saucer pilot room and no one was paying any attention to me. Teams of dignified robots, the greys, are flying the device, busy looking at large screens and handling a round floorboard with lit buttons. A few tall human-like people seem to supervise all actions from different points of the saucer.
I wanted to see Brigitte and I knew exactly where to go. I walked towards a large screen. There she was, laying down unconscious with three Greys working on her. I was neither surprised nor upset about the entire deal, I felt I knew what was going on and somehow could only agree. She was lying on her back on a clear glass table in a position where she was to deliver a child.
I knew all was going according to a plan that could not be changed, and walked to another door. I was like a conscious robot but with no will of my own and I knew it was time for me to go. I entered a room that could be described as a bright dentist’s office without the surgical equipment. I saw one of the supervisors silently observing my move as I sat on a cold metallic armchair. Then from above, a thick electronic helmet-device descended slowly from the ceiling and covered my head and eyes.
I was not scared and seemed to have had been there before. I felt my entire body turning in to a frozen electrified corpse as a sensational energy was discharged from my brain to my feet. I was fully conscious within the entire experience and told the hypnotherapist about being like God. I felt a great peace inside my soul where all the reasons of my being and my fate became clear. I felt as if I had been given an objective understanding of the complexity of the universe along with a super drive to make the world aware of it. I was one with God, one with creation and one with the universe.
What really happened is that I was blessed by a downloading of the secrets of the Universal Mind by an extraordinary extraterrestrial intelligence. After the session, the doctors and the UFO investigators decided not to immediately let me watch the tape. Brigitte was speechless and silently crying as I walked out of the room soaking wet. Amazingly, later as I watched the tape, my entire body started to sweat huge water drops and my entire clothing was damp.
Then I was informed to look at two different screens where the first and last frames of the video were frozen. One of the best ways to check if someone is really under hypnosis is to look for any move during the session. In my case both frames were in completely identical nearly two hours later. The only difference was my totally soggy clothes and body.
Then the shock came when Brigitte noticed and showed me with a two inch unusual scar just above the pubic hair line. The cut seemed to have been made with a laser beam not a regular scalpel used in conventional surgery. It became clear that Brigitte had been pregnant and the fetus was taken away on that trip. For what reason I do not know, but I knew for sure was the incredible changes that took place in my own psyche. I completely and entirely painted all the walls of my house with astrological and UFO symbols. Then came an immense urge to master Nostradamus’ divine astrology. Metaphysics became more of a fanatic obsession that led me to read people’s minds and fates accurately and make unarguable well documented predictions.
Those premonitions are much too numerous to mention here including the 9/11 WTC terrorist attack in New York over a year before it unfolded. Check my website for more predictions and records of my successful forecasts at
I wrote two emails back to Dr. Turi after receiving the information above. Here they are:
I have always been very curious about UFOs. I definitely saw one when I was 14. I was with a friend who also saw it. So, I definitely didn’t imagine it. There was absolutely no way that it was any sort of conventional aircraft. Whether it was extraterrestrial or some classified military project, I have no idea.
You very definitely were able to pick up on my future. There is no way that it was a coincidence that I wound up meeting and marrying a Kiwi Libra and having kids with her. I had actually forgotten about the reading you gave me when I met her. Only after Rebecca and I had been dating for a while did I remember what you said.
I wish I had the tape recording! HAHA.
Anyway, this is a roundabout way of saying that I am very interested in what you have written about UFOs.
Most of my research deals with looking into fairly conventional “deep politics.” Only a handful of my readers understand, however, that things are far stranger than even I present on my site. This is why I created the Backchannel area on Cryptogon. I just wanted to be able to present certain things to readers who are willing to look deeper.
I read all of the materials about your UFO experiences.
I have no idea what to make of all of it. Your account of what happened to Brigitte, and the taking of your child… Wow. This is generally in line with other accounts such as in The Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda by David M. Jacobs. But you were taken as a couple. Those events are very rare.
Yet, through it all, you don’t seem to think that there is any malevolent intent on the part of the aliens. Is that correct?
Do you have any sense of what they want with all of this? And with your child?
Was there anything further about this from Brigitte’s perspective? Did she have other encounters?
You indicated that they downloaded the astropsychological methods and information to your consciousness. Were you given any explicit instructions about how to proceed, or what to do?
And why do the aliens make life so difficult for contactees like you, in terms of having other people believe you?! Why not send you back with some sort of artifact that would allow people like you to say, “Look at this. They gave me this.” Some sort of undeniable physical proof, so the so-called scientists would have something to put under the microscope, so to speak.
Have you noticed all of the current and upcoming social engineering in the media with regard to aliens? I’m 39 and at no time in my life has there been such a deluge of television and movies along these lines.
I wrote a brief post here, trying to keep track of all of it:
Has There Ever Been This Much “Alien” Entertainment at Once?
Anyway, I could keep asking you questions all day, but I know you’re busy.
Who knows whether you want to answer anything. If you want to keep it off the record, that would be fine. I’m mainly just interested in this on a personal level, although I have no idea why I am so interested in this stuff. I don’t think I have been abducted or anything like that. But seeing that thing when I was 14 with my friend… It’s not something that one would ever forget.
At some point (when my finances are in better shape) I want to order an updated reading. And I would be curious to hear about my sons as well. The eldest is a double Scorpio and he is clearly very smart and… Scorpio like. Becky and I will need insights into how we can get him to focus that energy in positive ways. Reed is just six months old and he is a Cancer.
Anyway, your stories were very interesting. I will post them on the Backchannel site.
Here are Dr. Turi’s responses. He quotes my email and then responds below my statements:
Hi Dr. Turi,
I read all of the materials about your UFO experiences. I have no idea what to make of all of it. Your account of what happened to your ex wife Brigitte, and the taking of your child… Wow. This is generally in line with other accounts such as in The Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda by David M. Jacobs. But you were taken as a couple. Those events are very rare. Yet, through it all, you don’t seem to think that there is any malevolent intent on the part of the aliens. Is that correct? Do you have any sense of what they want with all of this? And with your child?
DT – Well Kevin, while very dramatic for both of us I clearly recall like and “agreement” of some sorts I made prior to the adduction of August 11, 1991 above the city of Los Angeles. There are so many agendas in motion extraterrestrials are pursuing but in this case they seemed to be very interested in both the physical DNA and the spiritual advanced UCI I inherited at birth. I have explained much about ET needs to repopulate habitable parts of our endless universe in some of these previous newsletters published from my archives at
Are You A Chosen One? Dr. Turi May 30th 2010 – “UFO Close Encounter Dr. Turi Jan 10th 2010 – TV Matrix UFO Contact Experiment Dr. Turi Jun 6th 2010
Was there anything further about this from Brigitte’s perspective? Did she have other encounters?
DT: No that I know, she would have certainly told me about it even though we are now divorced…we are still close friends regardless, we both understand the Cosmic Code imposes changes upon every one of us and we are not different. One thing sure she seems to have served a very specific physical purpose from her womb. I hope Terania, my current wife does not suffer the same fate…
You indicated that they downloaded the astropsychological methods and information to your consciousness. Were you given any explicit instructions about how to proceed, or what to do?
DT: Not at all, the downloading part was done quite fast I may add and totally against my will or awareness, even though each time I am left not only with extreme confusion, a sense of powerlessness and a humongous headache that seems to last a few weeks each time. But let me clarify Kevin, they did not download “the astropsychological methods and information to my consciousness” but a very powerful inner drive and the spiritual intuitive tools I needed to uncover the working of our universe outside of conventional astronomy. Ask any astronomers or astrophysicists to explain the spiritual values or the spiritual identity of each planet (and functions) and you will get a big laugh. Their mental process and over logical UCI *Unique Celestial Identity is not equipped or capable to enter the archetypal realm of consciousness or comprehend the intuitional domain of both the stars and my work.
And why do the aliens make life so difficult for contactees like you, in terms of having other people believe you?!
DT: lolol would you try to explain to a fish in his own watery world that there are other worlds above the surface lolol The wiggles they see produced by my powerful speedboat on Lake Pleasant near Phoenix might be a bit too much for them to manage… Who knows they may feel the same way humans do when they see a falling star without the possibility to think as much? Seeing or dealing with UFO is a privilege that most our infantile science is forbidden to acknowledge and could this make them jealous? After all why not them instead of us, they think they know better about everything, call it misplaced spiritual pride…Other God fearing souls may see them as evil about to conquer the world, impatiently waiting for Jesus to comeback before they do and save them from what they believe to be evil? Well in my case UFO and Astropsychology became a fact in my life and not a religion you sign for, it is well pass the word believe, it is a solid but personal fact.
Why not send you back with some sort of artifact that would allow people like you to say, “Look at this. They gave me this.” Some sort of undeniable physical proof, so the so-called scientists would have something to put under the microscope so to speak.
DT: Well first you must consider antimatter and if anything I am not the only human being who benefited from Aliens “legacies.” The point is this is exactly what they left me with, a solid unarguable “spiritual” legacy that has challenged science, the police, the educational field and all the skeptics who assumed too fast about my interstellar inheritance. It is OBVIOUS to many that I understand and manage the “star power” like a pro and on a current basis. The fact is; over the years the thousands of people’ endless supportive feedback speaks for itself but like the police, NASA, USGS etc. the scientific community has not, as of yet, HONOR the very word science and investigated me publicly. However, not all scientists were born with a latent unperceptive UCI or are morons, jealous or imbeciles and some of these souls realizes that their accredited colleges and Universities teachers do not have all the answers…Thus, to avoid “the ridicule” they cruise the Internet and do their homework in the privacy of their home and enjoy the facts. Then a few months later you read about “new” scientific discoveries on how the planets actually do affect life on earth, something I intuitively knew at the tender age of 7 years old lololo…Read Science and Astrology from my archives…
Have you noticed all of the current and upcoming social engineering in the media with regard to aliens? I’m 39 and at no time in my life has there been such a deluge of television and movies along these lines.
DT: Well as we approach the year 2012 and the opening of humanity “Golden Spiritual Door”, God’s will through the Cosmic Code regulations imposes an upsurge or a little taste of the incredible things to come. Incidentally much of the people dealing and discussing this phenomenon never saw or never dealt with a UFO and can only regurgitates other people’s experiences. Others well known UFO investigators heard about my own incredible experiences on national radio and my television shows but choose to deal with the dignified robots, the “greys” the fleshy mechanical entities workers, the robots sent on planets cutting off cows’ tongues and guts to check on the human, animals and birds depleted chemically poisoned food chain. There is so much more to gain and learn from my legacy (and teachings) with the ETs than looking at disgusting cows parts found on secluded Ranchers properties. Meantime the Dragon Tail in Gemini rules general communication/Wikileaks and also birds and as predicted will do its rampage.
For example Thousands of Birds fall from the sky in South America…WTF
Memo from – I see a serious terrorist gas attack and/or a pulmonary diseases coming from birds or poultry. This Mercurial energy aims for the birds and will manifest its negative power in the air, and water (MX oil spill).
Has There Ever Been This Much “Alien” Entertainment at Once?
DT: Again this is just the beginning and when I first spoke to George Noory on his national radio show about my UFO experiences I also mentioned “be ready for much more UFO activity in the years to come” I was right again and so much more is to come…
If you want to keep it this off the record, that would be fine. I’m mainly interested in this on a personal level, although I have no idea why I am so interested in this stuff. I don’t think I have been abducted or anything like that. But seeing that thing when I was 14 with my friend… It’s not something that one would ever forget.
DT: First Kevin a magnet will not attract a piece of wood, like attracts like and your UCI must be loaded with a Uranic/futuristic New Age energy for you and I to be “connected.” There are NO accident in my work just because “a magnet will never attract a piece of wood” period! Consequently your own natal advanced, curious UCI “magnetized” you to such experiences while astronomers and “educated” astrophysicists will never see anything original because they do not “vibrate” at such a high objective spiritual speed. Combined with their inborn educated superior complex and fear of the ridicule they will have to reincarnate a few times on this low level of consciousness to undergo our experiences Kevin.
At some point (when my finances are in better shape) I want to order an updated reading.
DT: Well like the rest of the world Kevin, here is your chance to check on my claim for the US economy to revive itself as of March 2011 then your investment will be wisely placed lolol.
And I would be curious to hear about my sons as well. The eldest is a double Scorpio and he is clearly very smart and… Scorpio like.
DT: One day not to far away all spiritually advanced parents will stop poisoning the fragile psyche of their children with dogmatic religious material. Promising eternal hell or mortal sin to any handful child and instilling the fear of God is a very serious, dramatic and dangerous first “psychic” experience. And you wonder why America breeds more child abusers and rapists exploding with repressed sexual urges they were taught is sinful thing to think or practice. The is fact of many entrusted men of the robe secretively behaved this abominable way for centuries by raping your children and was kept secret to safeguard the integrity of Churches.
Becky and I will need insights into how we can get him to focus that energy in positive ways. Reed is just six months old and he is a Cancer.
DT: remember your kids are connected with you only genetically and may even resemble you physically. But realize also, like your parents and siblings that they are also your biggest strangers for their UCI *Unique Celestial Identity reveals their direct connection with God and the divine. Uncovering the Cosmic Code secrets and how God blessed your kids is a first step to liberate them from ignorance and lead them safely to what God made them to accomplish using the best of their UCI during this reincarnation. The world is moving in this direction as the New Age of Aquarius is slowly but surely taking over the last two thousand years of Neptune (and its Age of Pisces) breeding lies, uncontrolled imagination, deception and spiritual abuses. The war is already started in the heavens my friend and I am here, as a true spiritual Leader blessed/cursed by God himself to translate the burgeoning of an immaculate conception of a brand New Age and its incredible future wonders.
Anyway, your UFO stories were very interesting. I will post them on the Backchannel site.
Thank you, Kevin
DT: Do as you feel, do as your heart dictates for there is a divine purpose on all that was said and done in our respective lives and those of all other human beings… Please add this link for the world to celebrate and welcome the year 2012 and thank you again.
Thank you for your responses. I am going to post all of it. I was reading your FAQ, as I was going to mention it so people can look through it if they are curious.
It states: “I worked for the US Government Naval bases in San Diego and Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.”
Would you mind telling readers, in general, what your work for the U.S. Government involved? Also, did you ever hold any security clearances? Do you currently work for the U.S. Government or any government contractors?
This may seem like an inconsequential matter, but it would not be taken that way by my readers. I would be bombarded by emails wondering about your involvement with the U.S. Government.
Thank you,
DT: Indeed I started working for US Government Naval bases in San Diego and Pearl Harbor, Hawaii as a welder after passing the ASME section 9 welding test. I had no green card during those days and 911 was to happen many years later and with it; the current security nightmare we are all subject to. In my book “Beyond the Secret” I explained it all and how I did it so I could support myself. What I can tell you is from misery I was making over $80 an hour and living a good life. Thanks for the French FPA system (or Fast Professional Formation) paid by taxpayers unwilling to send their kids sell drugs on Paris’ streets. I worked for the US Government until early 1991 then after finishing my contract I came back to San Diego where the utmost UFO experience took place in August 1991 on my way to Los Angeles. While I am not directly involved with the government, rest assured I am watched closely for all that I know and represents in terms of an inadequate educational system and from my predictions pertaining to President Obama shocking death.
> From – When you use title like;
Obama & Nuclear Prediction? Dr. Turi Apr 3rd 2009 5:28pm
President Obama’s Dragon’s Tail Dr. Turi Jan 23rd 2009 12:00pm
Obama’s Fate Dr. Turi Jan 19th 2009 1:39pm
The CIA Cursed Bread Dr. Turi Mar 13th 2010 3:38pm
Nasa Criminals Dr. Turi Feb 24th 2009 12:04pm Have We Lost The United States Of America? Dr. Turi Aug 21st 2010 5:30pm
WikiLeaks The CIA And CNN Dr. Turi Dec 3rd 2010 10:21am
There you have it. I would like to be able to offer some sort of meaningful conclusion, but, like I said at the start, I don’t know what to make of any of it.
On June 24th, 2014 the Epoch times reported an unconventional story about the possibility that a UFO flap and or infiltration was taking place all over South and Central America. The story was filed along with a warning that Wiki leaks founder Julian Assange was about to release documents that confirm UFO contacts and major sightings in Lithuania, unknown space craft being seen in Tajikstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and China.
The report also included information about British police officers that have filed reports about UFO’s and how there is a remarkable increase of UFO and fourth kind encounters with aliens in Chile, Brazil, Argentina, in Central America and Mexico.
It was reported that a A 2006 cable from the American Embassy in Vilnius, Lithuania, recounts a cryptic comment by the Prime Minister’s adviser Albinas Januska. The cable states: “Reflecting his self-image as a patriot fighting off Russian influence, he [Januska] also warned of the existence of ‘a group of people, who are directed from the East, a group of UFOs, who are making influence from the Cosmos,’ adding elliptically that, ‘there also exists a decreasing group of persons, who are trying to rationally analyze the situation and to objectively evaluate what is happening.’”
It was also leaked that British police officers have been personally involved in at least 430 UFOs sightings, including one that was three times the size of a football field.
Gary Heseltine, a serving police officer in the United Kingdom, is the creator of PRUFOS a police database he maintains in an unofficial capacity. The database, which he launched in January 2002, caters to serving and retired officers who have been involved in British UFO police sightings.
Heseltine said when he started the database 11 years ago he had records of six cases involving 11 police officers. Today he has 430 reported sightings of UFOs involving over 900 police.
Heseltine said about 70 percent of the cases he had on his database involve multiple witnesses. “In one case, 24 police officers observed one object,” he said.
Many police have observed structures or craft “of large proportions” Heseltine said. He described one report in Middlesex in March 1984, where officers described a “silent black object the size of three football fields.”
In another report, three policemen witnessed a mothership the size of one football field that was accompanied by smaller ships. The mothership was sending a beam to the ground when the ship and all the surrounding smaller objects suddenly disappeared so fast it was “like turning out a light bulb,” Heseltine said.
Heseltine said British police officers were “seeing actual structured craft, physical in nature.”
This case is similar to a report that was filed by Ground zero in 2001 and was published in UFO Magazine about police officers in Millstadt Illinois that saw a huge aircraft that they said was the size of an apartment building flying towards St. Louis.
Millstadt Police Officer Craig A. Stevens officially reported that the object was flying very low from 500 to 1,000 feet, and was flying very slowly. He also claimed that it made a low humming noise as it crept over the small town.
Many governments are now acknowledging that there are many things that are being seen in the skies that cannot be explained. What is being indicated that something out there has the technological capability to watch us and it seems that what is being recorded and produced as evidence is compelling and immediate.
Last June a video that was leaked to the press shows the Department of homeland security monitoring the skies over Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. Infrared imaging shows two UFO’s moving tremendously fast over the area near Rafael Hernandez International Airport, which was formerly a United States Air Force base called Ramey air force base.
In the video you can see how the object moves very quickly. The object then throws itself into to the sea at extreme speed, and when it comes back out of the sea, there are two objects on the screen.
This UFO video along with several others has kicked off the so called leak of a UFO flap that has been reported all over the Spanish speaking world. UFO’s and alien reports south of the border are very common and while the United States is dealing with border clashes and an alien problem of their own, there seems to be a coincidental UFO and fourth kind encounters happening south of the border, there have been so many that they have actually caught the attention of drug agents that monitor the borders and also monitor areas like Mexico city, Santa Fe and the area near the Monumento de la Revolucion.
Recently a large unidentified flying object was seen over the city. It was reported by unidentified radio operators that the UFO was large, appeared to be hovering above the city, then landing, then rising and changing color from white to blue to red.
On April 18th, 2014, a strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 was felt in Mexico. The U.S. Geological Survey reported that the epicenter was 36 kilometers northwest of the city of Tecpan de Galeana, at a depth of 24 kilometers. The site is located northwest of the city of Acapulco, where many Mexicans were spending the Easter holidays and where it was felt distinctly felt.
Just before the Earthquake, a strange UFO was seen flying over the area. The UFO appeared to look like a shuttle with a cannon or weapon extending from the front of the craft.
Meanwhile in Central America residents there have been frightened as they have been kept awake by the sound of what can be termed a stealth space craft that releases a series of trumpet sound and loud pounding sound like a drum. Many residents say that what is being heard is a large space platform that is the size of a building and is at least 3 football fields wide.
Now we know that UFO stories happen all the time and we tend to take for granted that people are imagining things or are superimposing their beliefs on to strange lights in the sky, however if you were living in a poor country or in a small village in either Mexico or central America wouldn’t it be a frightening experience to see these aircraft and perhaps even alien beings appearing where you live?
There are plenty o cynics that will tell you that if these UFO sightings are happening at such an alarming rate then why aren’t we hearing about it in the mainstream news. Well, apparently the mainstream news is attempting to get the word out. Fox news, the Huffington post and several other mainstream sources have reported that this is happening, simultaneously with stories of the immigration problem at our borders.
Either they are finding it a clever juxtaposition between aliens from other worlds or aliens crossing the border or there seems to be a connection to those deleing their countries and the so called UFO flap that has been happening south of the border.
For example Fox news along with the Huffington post are reporting on the Chilean government’s acknowledgement of extraterrestrial space craft that were sighted over an abandoned mine there.
Both the Huffington post and Fox are now reporting that the Chilean office known as the CEFAA (Committee for the Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena), has now said that they are willing to declare these anomalous objects as “not ours” and that they may just be the rare find of truly extraterrestrial aircraft.
The Committee for the Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena is located within the Ministerial Department of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC), the equivalent of our FAA, under the jurisdiction of the Chilean Air Force. It is responsible for the analysis of selected reports of unexplained aerial phenomena in Chilean airspace, most of them from pilots and aviation personnel.
The photos were taken at the Collahuasi copper mine, more than 14,000 feet above sea level in the Andean plateau in the far north of Chile. The mine is at an extremely remote location with low oxygen levels and unusually clear skies, the area is desolate and inhospitable. The Collahuasi mine produces copper concentrate, copper cathodes and molybdenum concentrate from three open-pit mineral deposits.
According to the Huffington post: Four technicians – professionals specializing in electricity, electronics, and fluid control – were working there in April, 2013. They witnessed a disc-shaped object which approached slowly and was present for more than an hour, moving around in different positions and hovering at about 2000 feet. One technician took pictures with his Kenox Samsung S860 camera. The strange object made no sound, and eventually moved away towards the East.
The witnesses decided not to tell anybody because of the negative associations they had with UFO sightings, and therefore had every intention of always keeping the sighting private. But some months later, the photographer casually showed the pictures to the chief engineer at the mine, who asked for copies. The engineer sent the images to the CEFAA in February, and provided the agency with information reported to him by the witnesses. He too has requested anonymity.
Chile’s meteorological office at the DGAC confirmed that there was an absolute clear sky at that time, and that there was no possibility of lenticular clouds. All other meteorological phenomena have been ruled out by Chilean officials as a possible explanation.
The report states that the witnesses described the phenomenon as “a flattened disc, of brilliant color, with a diameter of 5 to 10 meters [16 to 32 feet]. It performed ascending, descending and horizontal movements in short lengths, about 600 meters above the ground.” The witnesses had the impression that the object was under intelligent control.
The CEFAA were quite clear that there were no drones or other aircraft in the are at the time of the sightings.
The study concludes that “It is an object or phenomenon of great interest, and it can be qualified as a UFO.”
The debate continues over exactly what the truth is behind the sightings of anomalous objects that are above the earth. The U.S. Air force has explained on many occasions that a lot of what is seen can be explained. However with the obsession of extraterrestrial mythology and reality, every bright light, shooting star, experimental plane, and weather anomaly can end up on the front pages of tabloid newspapers and on special fringe news programs labeled as bona fide extra terrestrial craft with the acronym UFO attached to it.
However now we are seeing serious attention being given by mainstream reports and while the narrative has to get over the snicker factor there is still a question as to why we are now receiving leaks and compelling evidence showing us that the UFO phenomenon is not limited to the United States.
Are we so certain that we are getting any objective information from authorities regarding what is going on in space? Do these cosmic events seem to indicate changes in space and perhaps a preparation for the arrival of an extraterrestrial civilization? Could we be witnessing the beginnings of the disclosure process where we are forced to look up and decide for ourselves if the objects near the sun are really planets, or asteroids, or even brown dwarf stars?
It has been suggested that there seems to be mounting tension is rising over the rumored plan of President Obama to announce the existence of intelligent life in outer space.
Former President Clinton appeared on the Jimmy Kimmel show being very glib about his inquiries as to what is really happening in the skies above us.
We are also seeing upheaval and rushes to our borders by undocumented immigrants that are fleeing from the countries where these so called UFO encounters are taking place and while it may be a stretch to connect the events, there have always been collective upheavals that take place during major UFO flaps.
In the Book “Gods of Eden,” William Bramley accidentally uncovered a sinister connection between UFO’s and major disasters. As a lawyer and war historian Bramley had set out to write a book about war and during his studies he was finding that before cataclysmic events or major wars reports of anomalous activities in the skies above the earth takes place.
Bramley has documented that UFO’s and alien appearances are subtle and not overt attacks on mankind. They appear before during and after a major disaster or cataclysm to observe. Bramley contends that governments and the major religions know this but do not know their intent and that is why it is difficult to disclose the real mission of these beings.
It is becoming more evident that the UFO Intervention has its drawbacks and the histories of their entanglements with humans should be considered when attempting to disclose their existence.
VIDEO: Je lot in eigen hand nemen in een wereld waarin de waarheid wordt afgedekt
VIDEO: Je lot in eigen hand nemen in een wereld waarin de waarheid wordt afgedekt
Onze toekomst wordt gegijzeld door verborgen waarheden, zo zegt historicus Richard Dolan. Al 70 jaar nemen legers van diverse landen UFO’s waar en doen ze in het geheim onderzoek naar de technologieën waar deze objecten gebruik van maken.
Ze hoeven echter niet te tanken en kunnen daardoor een revolutie ontketenen die een enorme invloed zal hebben op de wereldwijde infrastructuur en alle levensvormen op aarde. De waarheid wordt al zo lang verborgen gehouden dat we zijn gaan denken dat er geen einde meer aan zal komen.
Volgens Dolan liggen er desalniettemin grote onthullingen in het verschiet, waarvan sommige aangenaam en andere minder aangenaam zullen zijn. Dolan analyseert de structuur achter de macht en geheimhouding waarin onze wereld gevangen zit en legt uit wat we kunnen doen om onze vrijheid terug te winnen.
The growth of our knowledge and technology has been exponential, yet we must say, unless we are both purblind and unutterably smug, that our ignorance is still a sea."
The world is full of wonders and mysteries, some of which continue to capture our attention and some which for some reasons have been lost to time. When looking at historic accounts it is possible to find perplexing enigmas that seem to have been forgotten, fading from all memory and the public consciousness. For whatever reason, these mysteries have fallen into the cracks and crevasses of lost history. One such place is the monster infested Forbidden Pit of deepest, darkest Africa.
In the early 1920s, several news publications of the time shed light on a curious location in Africa, which was at the time a continent largely unexplored by Westerners, a place full of dark wonder, adventure, and ancient mysteries. It was reported that in what was referred to as North Rhodesia, there was a mysterious pit in the ground measuring at least a hundred feet wide that the native Mashona and Matabele people of the area shunned, a place only known as The Forbidden Pit.
It was said that the pit was home to some horrific, reptilian beast that would emerge to terrify the local tribes. Apparently somewhat like a dinosaur in appearance, the creature’s appetite was said to be ravenous, and that it would ferociously hunt and kill whatever it could catch, including human beings. The tribes spoke of how beastly howls, wailing, and roaring could often be heard emanating from the depths of the hole. One tribe, the Ila, had allegedly become so distressed by the horror from the pit that a group of tribesmen were tied together and flung into the craggy black hole as a sacrifice in an attempt to appease the monster that lurked within.
Both the October 1925 edition of the New Zealand Herald and the December 1925 edition of the Ellesmere Guardian reported that an expedition to the mysterious hole was mounted by a man only known as Mr. Worthington, who was the Native Commissioner of the area. After setbacks trying to find a native guide brave and willing enough to take them there, the expedition was reportedly able to locate the Forbidden Pit, which was described as having an underground river that rose to within forty feet of the top.
The expedition saw no strange monsters or unusual wildlife in or around the pit, and heard no monstrous roaring, but the guide insisted that they were there, as did other tribesmen of the vicinity. The chief of the Barotse tribe, a man known as Lewanki, told Worthington on several occasions of a strange beast he had seen in the marshes near the Forbidden Pit. The New Zealand Guardian, October 17, 1925, issue 19151, reported that the chief had seen: animal like a monstrous hippopotamus, but many times larger, which swirled away as he looked but left behind it the traces of its crawling limbs like ruts of wagon wheels.
African marshland
The chief claimed that the monster on occasion crawled from its lair within the pit to prowl the surrounding swamps and marshes. Worthington was unable to find any evidence of such a creature in the marshes either, but the native stories persisted, and whatever it was that supposedly lurked in the depths of the Forbidden Pit had clearly frightened them. Many tribesmen were afraid to even speak of the monster. It was difficult to get anyone to go anywhere near the place, guides were hard to come by, and the expedition members were repeatedly warned to stay back.
The New Zealand Guardian summed up its report by saying:
The story conjures up visions of some great reptile like the Plesiosaurus, which wallowed in the swamps of Africa millions of years before ancient man walked there. Fifty miles from the Forbidden Pit the skull of Africa’s earliest known man was found, a contemporary of the cave men of Europe. Could he have seen this monster or its ancestors?
It can be forgiven the lack of scientific foresight shown in this citation since at the time we did not know as much about prehistoric people or animals as we now do. It is interesting that even all the way back in 1925, Plesiosaurus was the go-to explanation for such a creature, regardless of how questionable it was that a Plesiosaurus would be “wallowing in the swamps of Africa,” or that the chief’s description in no way matched it.
The Ellesmere Guardian, December 15, 1925, issue 2945 edition offered much speculation on the pit being perhaps a hidden sanctuary for prehistoric dinosaurs long thought to have gone extinct. It also postulated that even if the strange creatures of the Forbidden Pit were not necessarily dinosaurs, it was feasible for some other extinct beast to be behind the reports. The publication said:
In Africa there are a number of animals which, according to the geological timepiece, have only lately become extinct, and there is no reason why in some protected spot where food was plentiful and enemies few, some of these ancient animals should not have survived to show the world, like the okapi, that they are not yet prehistoric.
This all leaves one to wonder, just what in the world was the Forbidden Pit of Africa? If these reports are to be believed, then is it still out there hidden away from the world in some remote place in Africa? We may never know. It seems that whatever these reports were describing, this monster infested pit is a place that has faded into a mere forgotten historical news curiosity.
The government office investigating UFOs in Chile has released an analysis of two high quality photos showing what appear be genuine unidentified flying objects above a remote copper mine. The office, known as the CEFAA (Committee for the Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena), is located within the Ministerial Department of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC), the equivalent of our FAA, under the jurisdiction of the Chilean Air Force. It is responsible for the analysis of selected reports of unexplained aerial phenomena in Chilean airspace, most of them from pilots and aviation personnel.
The photos were taken at the Collahuasi copper mine, more than 14,000 feet above sea level in the Andean plateau in the far north of Chile. An extremely remote location with low oxygen levels and unusually clear skies, the area is desolate and inhospitable. The Collahuasi mine produces copper concentrate, copper cathodes and molybdenum concentrate from three open-pit mineral deposits. (Click here for a map).
Four technicians – professionals specializing in electricity, electronics, and fluid control – were working there in April, 2013. They witnessed a disc-shaped object which approached slowly and was present for more than an hour, moving around in different positions and hovering at about 2000 feet. One technician took pictures with his Kenox Samsung S860 camera. The strange object made no sound, and eventually moved away towards the East.
The witnesses decided not to tell anybody because of the negative associations they had with UFO sightings, and therefore had every intention of always keeping the sighting private. But some months later, the photographer casually showed the pictures to the chief engineer at the mine, who asked for copies. The engineer sent the images to the CEFAA in February, and provided the agency with information reported to him by the witnesses. He too has requested anonymity.
Chile’s meteorological office at the DGAC confirmed that there was an absolute clear sky at that time, and that there was no possibility of lenticular clouds. All other meteorological phenomena have been ruled out by Chilean officials as a possible explanation.
CEFAA officials told me they determined that there were no drones operating near the mine. “People in that zone know about drones,” said Jose Lay, international affairs director for the CEFAA. “Fishing companies use drones and they make a lot of noise. This was definitely not a drone.” DGAC officials also ruled out any experimental aircraft, planes, weather balloons, or anything else that could explain the incident.
With all conventional explanations eliminated, the CEFAA staff determined that the photos were worthy of analysis. The results of this study, conducted by a leading CEFAA analyst at the DGAC Meteorological Office, was released on July 3rd and is posted on the CEFAA website.
The report states that the witnesses described the phenomenon as “a flattened disc, of brilliant color, with a diameter of 5 to 10 meters [16 to 32 feet]. It performed ascending, descending and horizontal movements in short lengths, about 600 meters above the ground.” The witnesses had the impression that the object was under intelligent control.
The first image, enlarged and filtered, shows a solid object reflecting the sunlight, the report states. It adds that the object could be emitting it’s own energy as well, due to the high temperature shown in the image (the black area).
The second photo shows the object in a different position in the sky. (The CEFAA does not know the time sequence between the two images.)
The text on this diagram of the enlarged second image indicates lines where very soft rays were reflected from an “extremely luminous half sphere.” The analyst concludes that the object “emitted its own energy that does not coincide with the natural sunlight which is also reflected off the object.” At noon, the brightness underneath could not have been caused by the sun, which was reflected off the top.
The study concludes that “It is an object or phenomenon of great interest, and it can be qualified as a UFO.”
Despite the strength of this analysis, the CEFAA staff recognize the limitations of the Collahuasi case. “The witnesses were not willing to cooperate,” Jose Lay told me. “We tried to contact them, and we got no reply. So we treated the material just as we have treated several others of the same or similar nature: we file them for future reference or comparison purposes. That’s all we can do in this case.”
Retired General Ricardo Bermudez, director of the CEFAA, says “We recognize that this is the determination of only one CEFFA analyst among several. So we still must be cautious.” He has called a meeting of the CEFFA scientific committee, composed of high level specialists from laboratories and universities, for next week. Although they are not expert visual photo-video analysts, the opinion of this distinguished group, which supports the work of the CEFAA and assists with investigations when needed, could shed further light on the case.
The South American media has shown great interest in these images. In the US, retired Navy physicist Bruce Maccabee, a well known photo analyst, has this to say: “In the second image there appears to be a very bright hemispherical shape, convex downward… possibly a UFO enveloped in a cloud of vapor.” He notes that additional data is needed to determine more, but that it is clear that the object moved “a considerable distance” between the two photos.
“This is clearly not a normal thing seen in the sky (bird, plane, cloud, etc.),” added Dr. Maccabee in an email. “That makes it either the real thing – UFO – or a hoax, and it doesn’t appear to be a hoax, although the inability to question witnesses does reduce the credibility. Certainly this case is worthy of further study.”
It is indeed unfortunate that the four witnesses have not been willing to speak to the authorities, who could guarantee them anonymity. But even so, these images are important because they were studied by a government agency with access to the pertinent information needed for a proper analysis. That in itself is unusual. I commend the CEFAA for taking on cases such as this. The experts there conducted a serious investigation, and then released the information to the public, with no reservations about acknowledging the possible existence of a UFO, since that is warranted.
The government office investigating UFOs in Chile has released an analysis of two high quality photos showing what appear be genuine unidentified flying objects above a remote copper mine. The office, known as the CEFAA (Committee for the Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena), is located within the Ministerial Department of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC), the equivalent of our FAA, under the jurisdiction of the Chilean Air Force. It is responsible for the analysis of selected reports of unexplained aerial phenomena in Chilean airspace, most of them from pilots and aviation personnel. The photos were taken at the Collahuasi copper mine, more than 14,000 feet above sea level in the Andean plateau in the far north of Chile. An extremely remote location with low oxygen levels and unusually clear skies, the area is desolate and inhospitable. The Collahuasi mine produces copper concentrate, copper cathodes and molybdenum concentrate from three open-pit mineral deposits. (Click here for a map). Four technicians – professionals specializing in electricity, electronics, and fluid control – were working there in April, 2013. They witnessed a disc-shaped object which approached slowly and was present for more than an hour, moving around in different positions and hovering at about 2000 feet. One technician took pictures with his Kenox Samsung S860 camera. The strange object made no sound, and eventually moved away towards the East.
The witnesses decided not to tell anybody because of the negative associations they had with UFO sightings, and therefore had every intention of always keeping the sighting private. But some months later, the photographer casually showed the pictures to the chief engineer at the mine, who asked for copies. The engineer sent the images to the CEFAA in February, and provided the agency with information reported to him by the witnesses. He too has requested anonymity. Chile’s meteorological office at the DGAC confirmed that there was an absolute clear sky at that time, and that there was no possibility of lenticular clouds. All other meteorological phenomena have been ruled out by Chilean officials as a possible explanation. CEFAA officials told me they determined that there were no drones operating near the mine. “People in that zone know about drones,” said Jose Lay, international affairs director for the CEFAA. “Fishing companies use drones and they make a lot of noise. This was definitely not a drone.” DGAC officials also ruled out any experimental aircraft, planes, weather balloons, or anything else that could explain the incident.
With all conventional explanations eliminated, the CEFAA staff determined that the photos were worthy of analysis. The results of this study, conducted by a leading CEFAA analyst at the DGAC Meteorological Office, was released on July 3rd and is posted on the CEFAA website. The report states that the witnesses described the phenomenon as “a flattened disc, of brilliant color, with a diameter of 5 to 10 meters [16 to 32 feet]. It performed ascending, descending and horizontal movements in short lengths, about 600 meters above the ground.” The witnesses had the impression that the object was under intelligent control.
A sheep was reportedly abducted by a UFO which has left the locals panic-stricken, near the village of Lampeter.
According to the Daily Star, the UFO was spotted sailing over a field in west Wales and the police rushed to a farm after a call was made claiming the seizure of a sheep.
The sighting regarding alien activity was one of the 27 reports made to the authorities in west Wales, in the last 12 years. – Business-Standard
Before I go into what happened today, I want to give some back-story on where I work.
I work at laser tag arena. Long ago, it used to be a different building, taller and it had an elevator shaft. Sometime in the early-mid 20th century, a man fell down the elevator shaft and died. That elevator shaft is now covered with plywood and I walk over it nearly every day of work. A woman I work with who has been working there as long as I’ve been alive told me that she has seen a silhouette of what she believes to be that man who died. Also, late at night, I’ve had people tell me that they could hear stomping on one of the ramps and a little girl giggling. Lights have been reported to flicker as well. We also have a laser maze in the arcade area that has turned on once without any interaction, and lasers were tripped during this time.
I worked today and I usually try to rationalize any paranormal experience, but I ran out of theories for today. We have packs like most laser tag arenas have, that are best described as bulky vests with lights and sensors. Our “phazers” have a heat sensor on them so that they will not fire unless you have one hand on that sensor as you pull the trigger. I stayed behind during one game today to fix a pack, next to all the ones we have hanging up. One that was far away from me, that I was 100% sure nobody had touched that game, suddenly showed the alert that there were not 2 hands on the phazer. This only shows up if someone has put their hand on it once already. I stare at it for a bit, and it goes off as if someone had their hand on it. A few seconds later, it says “2 hands” again, like someone took their hand off.
At another point in the day, I went back to the room with the main computer in it. A sign that we have in storage that leans up against the wall had fallen down in front of the door in such a way that prevented me from opening it. Normally I’d dismiss this, but the way it was leaning against the wall means that someone, or something, had to have pushed it down.
Our packs make certain noises when they have been plugged in to charge. Later on that night, a few packs made that noise. I asked a coworker about it and he said “It was probably the ghost. We’ve theorized that the EMF that spirits give off interacts with the packs like that.”
I played with a Ouija board in college last semester (I went to the school chapel and used holy water, said a prayer, and never touched it again). When I used it, this overwhelming sense of coldness swept over me. It wasn’t like the thermostat was too low, it was a very strange type of cold. Different, like my skin would turn a pale white and all my veins and capillaries would show in my hands. I have never experienced this unless I was near a Ouija board in use, but it happened at work a few times throughout the night, all in different spots.
This was all tonight. In the weeks prior, I have been in the pack room and all the packs would turn off and turn back on in unison, over and over. We also have a mechanical garage door separating the pack room from a different room, and we are required to shut it every time a game starts. I walked out of a game and it was wide open once. I asked every coworker if they had opened it, and all of them said they didn’t.
I’ve pretty much ruled out technical failure for all of these instances. Usually, turning the packs off and on again fixes the issues, but nothing changed tonight. I have no idea if the spirits hate me, or are especially trying to seek me out, or if this is all a strange set of coincidences. Either way, I have been slightly on edge all day, and I have had goosebumps the entire time I’ve been writing this. –
Moonwalker Buzz Aldrin Launches Campaign for 45th Apollo 11 Anniversary
Buzz Aldrin — the second man to set foot on the moon — wants to hear your stories about the first manned moon landing in honor of the historic event’s 45th anniversary this month.
Starting today (July 8), Aldrin is asking people around the world to share their memories of the Apollo 11 moon landing via social media by uploading recollections of the landing to Facebook, Google+, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter using the hashtag #Apollo45. The Apollo 45 YouTube page will be used to promote videos uploaded by people around the world remembering Apollo 11, which touched down on the moon on July 20, 1969.
“I feel we need to remind the world about the Apollo missions and that we can still do impossible things,” Aldrin said in a video announcing the Apollo 45 project. “The whole world celebrated our moon landing, but we missed the whole thing because we were out of town. So now, I invite you to share with me, and the world, your story or your family’s story of where you were on July 20, 1969, or feel free to tell me how the Apollo missions inspired you.” – Space
TEPCO still can’t prevent Fukushima radioactive water from leaking into soil, sea
You are not supposed to know about this:
Fukushima nuclear plant operator TEPCO reports that the coolant system of the fifth reactor was shut down due to a water leak. The system was halted after a leak near one of the valves was detected, according to the company’s press release.
The cooling system uses seawater that is being first pumped into the decontamination system and is then being fed to the reactors and the spent fuel pools. According to TEPCO, the temperature of the coolant liquid in the spent fuel pools is currently 23 degrees Celsius and no changes in the level of radioactive contamination has been reported yet.
The biggest nuclear plant disaster for the last 25 years occurred after when following the the magnitude 9.0 Tōhoku earthquake the Fukushima plant was hit by a tsunami that flooded three out of six reactors triggering their meltdown. It became the largest nuclear incident since the Chernobyl disaster in April 1986 and the second (after Chernobyl) to measure Level 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale.
Currently the biggest problems the plant’s personnel are facing are the accumulation of radioactive water and its storage. About 440,000 tons of highly radioactive water is currently being stored in underground tanks and cisterns. The amount of contaminated water underground is increasing by 400 tons per day due to the groundwater flowing in from the higher ground.
Starting this April TEPCO initiated an experiment to freeze 11,000 tons of radioactive water that accumulated in the plant’s underground tunnels, to prevent it from its leakage into the soil and, finally, into the sea. However, due to some particular characteristics of the tunnels some of the water could not be frozen. Source: VoR
Conspiracy theories about Earth’s moon persist forty-five years after the first human visit to the Moon.
Some believe that the Moon landings never occurred, but instead were staged. Others believe humans have been to the Moon, but were warned to stay away by lunar residents. But, thanks to Syfy, the veracity of the claims about aliens on the Moon may finally be revealed in an upcoming two hour documentary titled Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed.
Image of the moon from the Galileo spacecraft. (Credit: USGS)
Film news website Twitch reports that the producer of this documentary is Robert Kiviat, a producer known for UFO related content. He was a content producer for several episodes of the popular SyFy program Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files. He also produced the television special Alien Autopsy: (Fact or Fiction?).
On July 7, Syfy issued the following press release announcing the show:
LOS ANGELES (July 07, 2014) – Syfy will host the world premiere of ALIENS ON THE MOON: THE TRUTH EXPOSTED, a two-hour event documentary special on Sunday July 20, 2014.
July 20, 2014 marks the 45th anniversary of man’s first landing on the Moon. We’ve all seen the footage and know the “official” story from news reports, the Internet and for younger viewers, from the history books. But what haven’t we been told about Earth’s closest neighbor? What really happened on that historic day? What did our astronauts encounter on the lunar surface? And what don’t our world’s governments want us to know?
In this controversial special we will look at compelling evidence – including never-before aired NASA photos showing gigantic artificial structures – suggesting the Moon is being used as a base, and possibly a staging area, by a mysterious race of alien beings. We will hear from experts, as well as astronauts who have walked on the moon, and we’ll reveal new facts and proof for the first time anywhere. Also, viewers will see dramatic 3-D flybys of the lunar constructions derived from the actual NASA data, and get an exclusive look at footage of a purported “female” E.T. supposedly recovered during a secret U.S.-Soviet mission to the Moon in the 1970s.
Among the many shocking topics covered in the Special will be:
· Photos showing the undeniable existence of what look like installations, factories, saucers, hangers and huge satellite dishes, possibly trained directly on planet Earth. Viewers will learn that many of the extraordinary signs of an alien lunar presence exist hidden from view, on the far side of our Moon.
· A gigantic structure resembling a “Nuclear Power Plant Cooling Tower” rising from the floor of a perfectly round crater or “dish.” Located nearby, another large structure with a mile-long “pipe” extends out of it on a 45 degree angle and casts an obvious shadow.
· Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin’s startling interview where he reveals that a UFO followed the spacecraft for three days on its way to the historic moonwalk, and that a baffling “Monolith” has been photographed by NASA on Mars’ moon Phobos. Aldrin also assesses some of the lunar photos that strongly suggest alien structures have been detected on our Moon.
· Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell’s adamant contention that he knows for sure UFOs are real, that there is an alien presence visiting the Earth (and the space around us) and the U.S. government has been aware of it for several decades.
· Unidentified objects (dubbed “X-Drones” by researchers) that appear to be carving long, deep tracks many miles across the lunar terrain.
· Other “towers” that rise many miles up from the lunar surface (higher than anything made on Earth), photo evidence of a massive excavation operation on the Moon and telltale signs the picture may have been altered to hide the truth.
· Extensive “pipelines” crossing over the crater rims, in and out, and bridges spanning massive lunar canyons.
· A riveting Apollo 8 film showing what appears to be a huge “Smokestack” on the Moon – thousands of feet tall – releasing a “jet-like” cloud as the spacecraft passes over it.
· Russian Space Agency lunar orbiter photos of a 20-mile high “spire” clearly sticking straight up from the Moon’s surface, as well as a partially destroyed “dome.”
· Former NASA Photo Manager and “whistleblower” Ken Johnston’s claim that he screened an Apollo 14 film for a NASA astronomer showing five domed lights inside a crater, with one releasing a plume of steam. He says the key sequence was later spliced out! Johnston also reveals that during the Apollo 11 moonwalk, astronaut Neil Armstrong switched over to the medical channel to alert mission doctors, “Alien spaceships are parked around the rim of a crater, watching us!”
· Oil company executive Vito Sacchari’s exclusive TV interview where he tells his dramatic story of how he pressured NASA into letting him study 2000 lunar photos in 1979 which clearly contained massive alien structures on the moon.
· Defense Department expert Dr. John Brandenburg’s warning that all the pictures of “constructions” on the Moon presented in the Special – including a miles-wide rectilinear “Complex,” a “Capsule,” and gigantic “wheels, huts or domes” with a platform above them – are more suggestive that “someone” is building a forward “base” than the photos that triggered the Cuban Missile Crisis. He adds the U.S. military must perceive this as a real threat, so close to us.
· A mysterious film reportedly showing a “female” alien aboard a landed lunar module after allegedly being recovered during a secret U.S.-U.S.S.R. mission to the Moon to examine an enormous fuselage-like structure photographed by Apollo 15.
The Special also features intriguing evidence that there could be a wider alien presence, such as footage of UFOs in our skies and in space, a gigantic “planet-sized disc” pulling plasma from the Sun, a “Lunar Factory” reportedly photographed by a Chinese Satellite in 2011 and images of a possible “Alien Moon Base” that made world headlines earlier this year. Also, a lunar “pyramid” photographed by NASA that’s almost identical to those found in ancient Iraq will be analyzed, as will the possibility the same alien race that might have helped ancient cultures advance could be the ones who erected structures on the Moon and are monitoring mankind for some unknown purpose.
As the press release indicates, Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed will air on Sunday, July 20, 2014. But, according to Syfy’s schedule, this special will air multiple times, so check your listings.
Emmy Award-winnaar Richard J. Dewhurst uit de Amerikaanse staat Vermont heeft onderzoek gedaan naar een oud ras van reuzen dat in Noord-Amerika heeft geleefd. Volgens de schrijver en journalist wordt bewijs voor het bestaan van dit ras al 150 jaar lang in de doofpot gestopt door het gerenommeerde Smithsonian Institute.
Dewhurst heeft ontdekt dat in ruïnes in de Mississippi Valley vele duizenden gigantische skeletten zijn gevonden. Hij merkt op dat al meer dan 400 jaar resten van reuzen worden gevonden in Noord-Amerika.
Op Catalina Island, een rotsachtig eiland voor de kust van de staat Californië, is bijvoorbeeld een megalithische begraafplaats gevonden met meer dan 4000 gigantische skeletten. De skeletten van de koningen waren meer dan 2,7 meter lang.
Aan de hand van krantenknipsels, foto’s, getuigenissen en archieven heeft Dewhurst opgemaakt dat een hoogontwikkeld ras van reuzen ooit heerste over Noord-Amerika en dat het Smithsonian Institute er al bijna 150 jaar alles aan doet om fysiek bewijs hiervoor in de doofpot te stoppen.
Dewhurst kwam tot de ontdekking dat vondsten van in totaal duizenden enorme skeletten zijn gewist uit de archieven. Hij heeft ook onderzoek gedaan naar de ontdekking van gigantische mummies in Spirit Cave in de staat Nevada. De mummies waren gewikkeld in fijn textiel en dateerden van 8000 jaar voor Christus.
Voor de westkust van Florida zijn daarnaast honderden mummies van reuzen gevonden in een cenote, een bovengrondse poel. De resten werden gedateerd op 9500 jaar oud. In Arizona, Oklahoma, Alabama en Louisiana zijn steden van reuzen ontdekt waar ooit tienduizenden mensen woonden.
Dewhurst toont aan dat het verdoezelen van bewijs kort na de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog begon. Vanaf 1879 was er pas echt sprake van een cover-up toen majoor John Wesley Powell werd benoemd tot directeur van het Smithsonian Institute. Na zijn benoeming werd alleen nog informatie verspreid ter ondersteuning van de evolutietheorie en Manifest Destiny.
De 4000 skeletten die zijn gevonden op Catalina Island worden volgens Dewhurst bewaard in ruimtes die niet toegankelijk zijn voor het publiek.
The following case occurred in a major year for Argentinean ufology, as was the 1965 flap. The coherence of the eyewitness report and the details of the event place it among the classic cases of close encounters of the third kind (CE3K) to the extent that Pereyra insists to this day that he came across “a Russian” on that occasion.
Years ago, Ing. José Marengo, dec…eased, told me that this case had been among the most impressive of all his investigations. At the time, Marengo was an advisor to ONIFE, the institute led by Fabio Zerpa, and in later years I had the pleasure of including him in my group and in my field research. In 1999, Paco Martinez, a researcher with the CEFU-Hemisferios group, based in Buenos Aires, told me that he was able to gain access to Pereyra, and despite the 34 year span separating him from the case, was able to retell the entire experience in detail. Something similar occurred with Daniel Lopez of our FAO organization when he interviewed Maria Elodia Pretzel in Villa Carlos Paz, Cordoba, regarding a “visit” by a strange entity in 1968.
The case took place in Monte de los Curas, where a monastery stood many years ago. It is located in Villa La Florida, locality of San Francisco Solano, 18 kilometers from Capital Federal. In order to get there, it is necessary to cross a stream that runs under the General Belgrano railroad lines. We can already see the three “standards of behavior” or “poles of attraction”: wilderness, water and train tracks. By Luis Burgos – Source: Planate UFO and F.A.O. (Fundacion Argentina de Ovnllogia)
The witness, Ramón E. Pereyra, 38 years old at the time, enjoyed a good reputation in the area. A hard-working businessman all of his life, married with two children and above all, a reliable man when it came to a such a significant story as this, which contains no traces of sensationalism or promotional goals. At no time was the word “extraterrestrial” mentioned. According to Pereyra, he had come across “a Russian” that day.
At 8:30 a.m., 20 July 1965: the day had turned out to be overcast and with drizzle. The witness made his rounds delivering milk and bread, as was his custom. Suddenly, he saw “a sort of luminous parachute” fall from the sky. He got out of the delivery vehicle, walked some 500 meters (1600 feet), crossed the stream and reached Monte de los Curas. He then realized that what he saw descending from the sky was not a parachute.
A being – dressed in a grey, hooded coverall – was seated within an oval-shaped object with a transparent dome, its back turned to Pereyra. However, 30 meters (100 feet) into the woods, stood another being, dressed in the same manner but with the hood removed, allowing him to see its face clearly.
The entity, standing between 1.75 and 1.80 meters tall, had binoculars hanging around its neck and a holster on its right leg. [Pereyra] was also able to make out a belt with a silver buckle and boots made out “what looked like leather.” With short, blond, backswept hair, the entity looked like an average person, perhaps a foreign one.
As occurs in 90% of CE-3s, the attitude of indifference toward witnesses or sudden flight occurred again. The occupant standing outside the UFO was looking skyward with a piece of paper in its hand, becoming aware of Pereyra’s presence, walked hurriedly back to the object, crossing the human’s path. Pereyra asked the visitor “if he needed anything”, as he thought the device was a small aircraft.
The being did not reply, placing a hand on the vessel’s dome, which lifted up, allowing the stranger to sit down and then closing behind him. There was a slight sound, similar to that of autogenous welding, coming out of the exhausts and the UFO rose vertically, halting 30 meters over the treetops before talking off at high speed “like an elongated light…” Several days would go by before Pereyra told his story to anyone.
The basic points arise from the details of the case itself. The first lies in the “mission” of the UFO and its occupants. Without a doubt, the skyward glance at the sky by the standing entity, paper and binoculars in its hand, while his companion “waited” aboard the craft, suggest that something was going to fly overhead – something that was unquestionably the ufonauts’ goal. Another one of their vehicles? Perhaps a mothership? Or an urgent place to hide? Everything indicates that we are not witnessing a “spontaneous repair” as occurs in other cases.
The second associates the humanoid landing with the old monastery that stood in the vicinity long ago, upholding the validity of the interest displayed by these intelligences in places where abbeys, convents, churches, religious orders, etc. are located.
The final major hypothesis would have been the worldwide commotion that would have occurred if — instead of Ramón Pereyra, a man of passive demeanor — Eugenio Douglas had occupied his place. In 1963, Douglas took out a gun to “defend” himself against the humanoids in Monte Maíz, Córdoba…or the three policemen (or soldiers?) who opened machine gun fire against the entities of Arroyo Tapalqué, Buenos Aires, in 1968…or just someone opening fire against the characters with a gun. Would it have been another Roswell? Another Varghina? Or a street brawl between earthlings and aliens with an unpredictable outcome? More and more questions about a case that was exceptional for its time.
[Translation (c) 2014, Scott Corrales, IHU, with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO and Luis Burgos, FAO]
Location: Christchurch New Zealand Date: late August 1944
Time: 1620
While walking among low hills, Mrs E M Church encountered an “upturned saucer” sitting on a gentle slope hidden from the road. She walked up to it & stared for 8-10 minutes. Small (no over 4 ft) occupants were inside transparent cases. The one (of 3) outside “was just a green colored entity in a transparent box like casing…just standing there.” (Neither head, arms, nor legs were discerned; the sketch shows merely an irregular column). A cloud came down and enveloped them; she walked closer, to within 20 ft. When the one outside noticed her, “his helmet flipped over automatically, and he drifted into the vehicle,” and the door was closed. The object itself, 18-20 ft across and 9 ft high, seemed to be covered with vertically laid tiles resembling wood veneer, and with a central circle of aluminum like metal. From the center rose something like “a piece of 4 inch pipe as long as your arm,” capped with aluminum; midway on this mast was a blue light. A whirring noise commenced, and the object slowly rose vertically into the clouds. “I felt a deep sense of loss.”
Humcat 1944-1 Source: Brian Musson & Bruce Harding
Location: El Yunque Puerto Rico Date: late February 1991
Time: 03:00 a.m.
Three couples, including two current police officers had driven up to the mountain and had parked at a rest stop. They were standing next to their cars talking when they noticed two little men coming down the road ahead of them. The beings were about 4-foot tall, very thin, with long thin arms and legs, they had large heads …and large black protruding eyes and their skin was light gray in color. They wore dark green outfits that covered everything except their faces and hands. The beings walked past the witnesses speaking among themselves in a peculiar language. They suddenly stopped, did an about face and walked back the same way they had come. At this point two of the men, who were armed, took out their weapons and attempted to follow the beings, but these seem to notice, stopped looked at the witnesses then shuffled into the brush at a brisk pace soon disappearing from sight.
HC addition # 383 Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 46
Chileense mijnwerkers fotograferen vliegende schotel, overheid stelt onderzoek in
Chileense mijnwerkers fotograferen vliegende schotel, overheid stelt onderzoek in
Foto’s van een UFO die op een heldere dag zijn gemaakt in een afgelegen deel van Chili, stellen medewerkers van een Chileens overheidsagentschap voor een raadsel. Het object vloog op ruim 4000 meter boven zeeniveau.
De foto’s zijn gemaakt door vier technici die werkzaam zijn in de kopermijn van Collahuasi, één van de grootste ter wereld, in het noorden van Chili. De mijnwerkers waren in eerste instantie niet van plan de beelden op te sturen vanwege de negatieve associaties die ze hebben met UFO-waarnemingen.
Enige maanden na de waarneming toonde de fotograaf de foto’s aan een voorman van de mijn, die ze later weer doorstuurde naar het Chileense overheidsagentschap CEFAA (vergelijkbaar met de Amerikaanse luchtvaartautoriteit FAA).
De mijnwerkers willen nog altijd niet praten over het incident dat in april 2013 zou hebben plaatsgevonden. Ze zagen een zilverkleurig object dat langzaam naderde en ruim een uur in de lucht bleef hangen. Vervolgens maakte het op een paar honderd meter boven de grond een aantal manoeuvres. Het onbekende object, dat geen geluid maakte, verdween uiteindelijk uit het zicht.
Het viertal zei dat het leek alsof het vaartuig door een intelligentie werd bestuurd. Eén van de technici maakte foto’s met een Kenox Samsung S860. De mijnwerkers omschreven het object als een platte schijf met felle kleuren. Het had een doorsnee van ongeveer 5 tot 10 meter en maakte op circa 600 meter hoogte horizontale en verticale bewegingen.
De CEFAA stelde een onderzoek in naar het incident en concludeerde dat de foto’s authentiek zijn. Het betreft een driedimensionaal object in de lucht dat geen wolk of een reflectie op de cameralens is. Het overheidsagentschap sloot uit dat het een vliegtuig, helikopter, ballon of ander door mensen gemaakt object is geweest.
Medewerkers van de dienst lieten weten dat er op het moment van de waarneming geen drones in de buurt van de mijn opereerden. Ze sloten ook uit dat het object een experimenteel vliegtuig of een weerballon is geweest.
Abydos, aujourd’hui médina al madfounah est une petite ville de Haute Egypte située à environ 150 kilomètres au nord-ouest de Louxor (l’ancienne Thèbes). C’est une des plus anciennes villes saintes de l’Egypte pharaonique dont l’origine remonte à la préhistoire, consacrée au culte d’Osiris (qui a remplacé le dieu plus ancien Khentymentyou, le premier des occidentaux, seigneur d’Abydos). Au centre de la ville se trouve le double temple des millions d’années de Séthi 1er, et de son fils Ramsès II.
C’est dans la première salle hypostyle de ce temple achevée par Ramsès II que fut découvert sur un portique placé à 7 mètres du sol, de biens étranges hiéroglyphes présentant à s’y méprendre un hélicoptère, un sous marin, un vaisseau spatial et un planeur.
En égyptologie, ce que l’on voit dans la partie encadrée du tableau ci après s’appelle un palimpseste. Il concerne également le cartouche royal placé en avant et que l’on ne voit pas sur la photo.
Ce palimpseste (1), serait le résultat de la combinaison de deux écritures hiéroglyphiques. La version officielle étant celle-ci :A l’origine, dans ce monument bâti sous Séthi 1er, le nom gravé de ce personnage était inscrit sur les poutres de soutènement du plafond. Son fils Ramsès II, voulant se réapproprier le monument après la mort de son père, aurait fait replâtrer diverses parties de ses salles, notamment dans la première salle hypostyle, où il aurait fait remplacer le nom de Séthi par le sien. Avec le temps, le plâtre se serait décollé faisant apparaître le résultat que tout le monde voit.
Cartouche de Sethi 1er
Cartouche de Ramsès II
Superposition des deux cartouches
Nous avons donc ici des preuves confirmées se recoupant, indiquant sans l'ombre d'un doute que ce bas relief constitue un palimpseste, une réécriture, du pharaon Ramsès II qui a fait substituer son nom à celui de son père Séthi 1er sur cette roche. Ainsi après plus de 1200 ans, les noms d'origine recouverts sont redevenus visibles en superposition avec la titulature du second pharaon.
Ce qu’il fallait démontrer pour lever toutes les absurdités qui ont été écrites sur le sujet.
1)- Le palimpseste (du grec ancien παλίμψηστος / palímpsêstos, « gratté de nouveau ») est un manuscrit écrit sur un parchemin préalablement utilisé, et dont on a fait disparaître les inscriptions pour y écrire de nouveau. Cette méthode fut utilisée au Moyen Âge, surtout entre le VIIe siècle et le XIIe siècle, par des copistes qui, le parchemin coûtant cher, réutilisaient d'anciens manuscrits pour y copier de nouveaux textes. Pour cela, les vieux manuscrits étaient préalablement désencrés ou effacés grâce à de la ponce.
À cause de cette méthode, plusieurs écrits ont été momentanément ou irrémédiablement perdus : textes juridiques tombés en désuétude, mais aussi textes de penseurs grecs pré-chrétiens, ou textes d'écriture gothique. Mais les moines grattaient également des textes d'auteurs chrétiens si bien qu'on doit conclure que le palimpseste était employé pour de banales raisons économiques: le parchemin neuf coutant cher on effaçait les textes qui paraissaient sans intérêt.
On arrive toutefois à retrouver l'ancien texte dans certains palimpsestes grâce aux techniques modernes de restauration de documents (chimie, imagerie aux rayons ultraviolets, rayonnement synchrotron).
Par extension, on parle parfois de palimpseste pour un objet qui se construit par destruction et reconstruction successive, tout en gardant l'historique des traces anciennes.
Daytime UFO sighting over Boston, Massachusetts on 5th May 2014
Daytime UFO sighting over Boston, Massachusetts on 5th May 2014
Witness said: Large bright glowing orb above cloud level and several small birdlike objects seem to be divebombing the glowing object as it flys away. I went out for a hike at the Assabet River refuge in Stow, Mass. with my camera for wildlife photos when I happened to look up and saw a glowing ball of light quietly and quickly moving across the sky. I first thought maybe a meteor, then satellite or very high altitude balloon. It was solid white and disc-shaped continuously. I was surprised and amazed and decided to capture what I could on video. The object flew out of sight. On the video I later noticed smaller dark objects maneuvering nearby or around the orb. No idea what it was.
UFO activity recorded over Dordogne, France on 5th July 2014
UFO activity recorded over Dordogne, France on 5th July 2014
New interesting video footage of a UFO activity recorded over Dordogne, France on 5th July 2014.
Witness said:
I filmed four UFOs over a forest in Dordogne, France. It was during a beautiful sunset. I looked between two houses to discover the nice sky, when I saw these objects. I had may Canon 700D in hands, hopefully I could record quickly! I think these objects were there since a long time. This is probably a landing. Indeed, the three objects seem to descend and get behind the trees…
I couldn’t know more about this event, this is a ghost village, only 50 inhabitants in the area. None of them was outside to witness these UFOs with me! I checked on Google map, and the forest in front of me is alone in the middle of huge lands. I don’t see how anyone else could have seen them too..
The existence of the yeti, bigfoot, almasty, sasquatch and migyur has been studied by a team of researchers who have been testing what was claimed to be genuine chunks of yeti fur. The samples turned out to be hair from familiar animals, humans, and even grass and fiberglass, which seemed to affirm the non-existence of the species. However, one expert at Oxford has implored believers to not give up despite the lack of any conclusive evidence. We look at the analysis, which aims to prove the existence of these famous creatures, in this Lip News clip with Elliot Hill and Mark Sovel.
The method that is going to be discussed here is one of the easiest and most effective ways to do astral projection, and the projection success and speed is quite high! People who have studied and practiced conscious dreaming will see great results, but anyway, this method can also work for any beginner as well. So now prepared to be learned something new about astral projection!
Sleep Time: The blur line between conscious and unconscious state while you go to sleep!
The state we will use here with this method is the one that you usually pass from it easily. When we go to sleep, we will go through a special state before we go unconscious, which is actually the boundary between conscious and unconscious state. In this state, we start to see different pictures and visions in our mind, almost as if hallucinating, which is a sign of going to sleep state. Even in this state we are still sure of being awake but not being totally conscious! After passing this state of mind, we are going down to sleep state. Normally, people will usually pass this state easily without any attention and awareness. However, if you are interested in astral projection, you should not be like that, and you should try to take advantage of this state! Additionally, after passing this fine line of falling into the sleeping state, we will lose our conscious state probably, meaning that we will not be conscious of our Self anymore, like we were in our waking state! The interesting point here is that if we could continue this blur state of awareness after passing the border line between sleeping state and waking state! In fact, if we could stay conscious after going to sleep, we could easily have a very conscious and natural projection! We could easily astral project then, where our Energy Body is freed, and so our Astral Body is released from the Energy Body! In this situation, the Energy Body will start to attract the energy, which is normal and natural process. However, most people may not realize this situation in this state, because while doing the conscious astral projection, there is a step in the process where we may not be fully conscious, and that is indeed where we get separated from our body! After that we may get conscious again, but basically this step in the process of a successful projection is quite short, and many people may not be fully conscious of it.
Now the question is that how to stay away from going down to sleep in that state?
Many effective methods are discovered so far that we can use them. One of the methods is that when you try to go to bed to sleep, and preferably when you need sleep at night, and while you are lying down on your bed and you are about to fall into sleep, try to visualize a desired image. Try to imagine something that is really interesting for you, and you really love it enough so that it can stay in your mind, and you can focus and lock onto that image. For instance, the image of somebody you love, someplace you like, or anything that your mind knows from before and could remember it well. The reason for choosing an image for this method is that you are busy with this visualization and you have many different images created on your mind on this step, and there are many similarities between those images, and so it can help you to distinguish between those, and keep your consciousness and awareness at this state, and pass this critical point between the sleeping state and waking state successfully! To do this practice, you may do this only when you are full of positive energy and good feelings, so that you can do this method very well. You should continue practicing this method as much as you need till you go to that critical sleeping state, just keep on doing that! After you went through the sleep, and you got through consciously, you can separate from your body, and astral project!
How to get out of our body?
You can easily put your hands besides your body on the bed, as if you are trying to get up, and wake up slowly, literally! Also, you may try to wake up from your left side or right side, literally! You can also easily will it to happen, meaning that in your mind, you want it to happen and see that you are waking up! You may try to get out of your body from your feet, and leave your body and go far from your physical body! In order to do this easier, try to have your eyes closed in your Astral Body, just for your ease! Opening your eyes while you are getting our of your body has no danger for you( Although it may lower your chance of successful projection)!
The secret to your success in this method is that you should be sleepy( Not too tired and sleepy so that your mind is going almost off, since you should have enough energy and mental power there for your conscious control), and you should try to keep an interesting image in your mind till the last step of passing that sleeping state! If you do not feel comfortable in the visualization step, and you do not prefer this method, you can use another method.
Another method is that you do similar steps for astral projection, but there is no visualization step, and instead try to keep your arms up while you are going down to sleep. What will happen is that as soon as you try to fall into sleep, your hand will fall down, and you will wake up again! After waking up again, get your hands up again, literally! And this may happen again and again a few times, till you can put yourself into the closest place to that fine line, right before you fall into sleep, which is the state of mind between being conscious and unconscious, and you can stay awake mentally while your body is going to sleep. This was the second method that can help you to stay conscious when you go to sleep. In order to do this method, you should practice a lot, and if you master it, then you can easily astral project! The key to success in this method and other methods for astral projection is regular practice!
The Baltic Sea anomaly is a 60-metre (200 ft) circular rock-like formation on the floor of the Baltic Sea, discovered by Peter Lindberg, Dennis Åsberg and their Swedish “Ocean X” diving team in June 2011. The team reported that the formation rests on a pillar and includes a structure similar in appearance to a staircase, leading to a dark hole. The image first appeared on the sonar of Ocean X, a private treasure hunting company, a couple of years ago.
Commentators have suggested that the structure could be a World War II anti-submarine device, a battleship gun turret, sediment dropped by a fishing trawler, or a flying saucer. Several experts have stated that it is most likely a natural geological formation.
The discovery was made on June 19, 2011 by the Swedish based “Ocean X Team” during a dive in the Baltic Sea between Sweden and Finland while searching for an old shipwreck. The group describes themselves as treasure hunters and salvage operators who specialize in underwater searches for sunken “antique high-end alcoholic beverages and historic artefacts”. In March 2012, Ocean X formalized a partnership with entertainment producers Titan TV to produce a TV documentary series and documentary film.
According to Ocean X, the formation has an appearance of “rough granite”, is round, 3 to 4 metres (9.8 to 13.1 ft) thick and approximately 60 metres (200 ft) in diameter, stands on an 8-meter (26 ft) tall pillar-like feature, and is located at a depth of 85 to 90 metres (279 to 295 ft). There is also another smaller object not far away. The object is at the end of what resembles a 300-metre (980 ft) “runway”.
The Ocean X team has published one additional close-up sonar scan on their Web site and nine additional close-up sonar scans on their YouTube page that appear to show a 90-degree angle and other features of the object.
On their second expedition, they reported that they found something that looks like a staircase and a round black hole that goes directly into the structure.
As a researcher and investigator in the field of Ufology, I am continually fascinated with the many old photographs and stories that I run across on the Internet. Each one represents to me a period in time when although it was not fashionable to talk about UFOs, plenty of sightings were still occurring, and being reported. On top of that, what once appeared only in hard sought out books in the past is now easily found with a simple search using ones computer, making it much easier to compare notes on these different sightings of the past.
While many of these old photographs are found complete with all the documentation of the sighting, I find myself drawn to the ones of which little or nothing is known. Some of these “unknowns” are very good photos, and one has to wonder about the story behind the picture. One such photo grabbed my attention a while back, not just because it was such a good shot, but also because the caption under it really hit home…literally.
The photo shows a saucer shaped craft in the sky, with a mountain peak on it’s left, and what might be other craft in the distance. The sole caption to the photo was: “July 7, 1967 San Luis Obispo, CA”. Being as I live in San Luis Obispo, from that moment on it was “game on”!
Having sparked my interest, I started searching for other appearances of the same photo. It kept showing up on many websites, but never with any more information than I first saw. So it was with complete shock that I found the next incarnation of the SLO UFO photograph.
The revelation that the sighting had actually been a Project Blue Book case changed the ballgame considerably. What was at first “interesting” had evolved into a case with national security implications!
I figured that the logical first step would be to take a trip to the local history museum. I thought that perhaps with such a clear photograph, the chances might be good that a fair number of people were witness to it, and perhaps there was even some record of the sighting. I was also at a loss as to exactly where the photo might have been taken, so I was hoping that at the very least someone there would recognize the scenery, and be able to help me nail down the location. While the people at the museum found the picture interesting, they had no knowledge of the UFO sighting, and were certainly amazed that something like that had occurred in their town. I actually left there thinking that I might not ever be able to locate the exact place that the photo was taken from. I returned to the parking structure I had parked at, and was sitting there looking at the picture on my iPad when I happened to look out the windshield at the view in front of me. To say that it was one of those “golden moments” really doesn’t do it justice.
What I saw from where I was sitting.
I jumped out of my van and started comparing what I was looking at to the picture on my iPad. I couldn’t believe my eyes! Bishop Peak was a perfect match. Now that I had a date, a location, and a Project Blue Book file number, it was time to start making some official inquiries.
I sent three FOIA requests out. Since the Air Force was in charge of Project Blue Book one went to them. Obviously anything that was sent to the Foreign Technology Division would have national security implications, so the other two went to the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the Department of Defense. Surprisingly, the only predictable response came from the Air Force who true to form, kindly directed me back to the very same file I had found on with the FTD photo in it, instead of providing me with the pages I had clearly asked for. The most humorous response though came from the Defense Intelligence Agency (if that’s intelligence we are all in trouble), and I am going to include it here because as you will see, their response speaks volumes!
DIA FOIA Response
I can only guess as to the meaning of “unusual circumstances”, but it is my belief that they are probably related to the fact that I have the Project Blue Book file number, location, and date that the picture was taken, and that these are not common occurrences.
Fortunately, I was also able to share the photo with my friend and colleague Robert Morningstar, who did a fantastic job of analyzing the photo and determining what it contained. With just a few level adjustments, Robert was able to determine that there were five craft in the photo, not two as previously suspected. Not only that but had previously appeared to be a fiber or hair in the picture, strongly resembles a “tube” type craft or entity previously photographed on more than one occasion. This case was turning strange before, but with the addition of what he discovered it escalated to a whole different level. I know that at this point some of you are saying to yourselves; “Did he just say entity?” and the answer to that is…yes! For a lack of a better description I am going to refer to it from here on out as the “tube-shaped unknown object” because it is an “unknown”, but NASA Astronaut Story Musgrave videotaped the same type object from the space shuttle on mission STS-61, and many have speculated that whatever it was, it could very well be alive! As amazing as that footage is, even that isn’t the only other evidence of the same type of “tube-shaped unknown object”. In the KGB files recovered from Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, there are photos of the same type “tube-shaped unknown object”, being guarded by a group of UFOs during some type of operation over the Cosmodrome in Plesetsk, Russia back in 1960! Perhaps that has something to do with why this incident would have the interest of the Air Force and Project Blue Book…we shall see.
Robert Morningstar’s enhancement of the SLO UFO photo.
Enhancement of the SLO UFO photograph by Robert Morningstar.
Plesetsk Cosmodrome showing UFOs and tube-shaped unknown object.
As I have only completed the first round of requests in my FOIA search for the truth about what happened in San Luis Obispo, CA on July 7, 1967, it isn’t lost on me that today July 7, 2014 is the 47th anniversary of an event that has remained in the shadows for too long, and it is way past time to start talking about it, and asking the right people, the right questions.
Wow, Some of the First Yeti DNA Was Smuggled to America by Actor Jimmy Stewart!
During an expedition to the Himalayas in search of the Yeti, Peter Byrne discovered a Yeti hand and scalp in a remote Buddhist monastery. Benefactor Tom Slick requested Byrne bring the hand back with him, but the monks refused to part with their sacred relic. Byrne was however eventually able to get his hands on one of the fingers of the hand. Now he had the finger, but no way to get it back to Britain. That’s when Tom Slick enlisted the help of a friend who happen to be on vacation at the time, actor Jimmy Stewart.
“Byrne returned to the monastery, and after convincing the monks to part with a Yeti finger, replaced the missing digit with one from the human hand. Byrne trekked over the mountains to India to avoid a Nepalese law that, somewhat strangely, made it illegal for a foreigner to kill a Yeti. Upon arriving, he was still faced with the challenge of how to bring the Yeti finger back to Britain.
Tom Slick had a solution to the problem, telling Byrne that a friend of his was vacationing in India and could transport the finger. Slick’s friend was none other than Jimmy Stewart, who was intrigued enough by the legend to help. Stewart’s wife, Gloria, hid the Yeti finger in her lingerie case, and the pair successfully smuggled it back to London. Tests by Osman Hill concluded that the yeti finger was not human.”
The Strange History Of Yeti DNA Involves Jimmy Stewart
Believers in mystery primates such as Bigfoot and the Yeti were dealt a blow earlier this week with the announcement that DNA tests of hair attributed to the creatures came back without conclusive proof of their existence. However, many are unaware that some of the first purported DNA evidence was brought to the west by none other than Hollywood legend Jimmy Stewart.
As The Inquisitr reported, the results of Dr. Bryan Sykes’ study, which examined 30 samples of hair attributed to the Yeti, failed to conclusively prove the creature’s existence. The hair samples, however, were far from the first piece of Yeti evidence to make its way to the west from the Himalayas, and though many Yeti enthusiasts may be unaware, they also aren’t the first pieces of DNA to be tested.
Some of the first Yeti DNA evidence was actually brought to the west by none other than Hollywood actor Jimmy Stewart, according to the Mail Online. Several expeditions were launched to search for the Himalayan beast in the late 1950s by Texas oilman Tom Slick. During one of these searches, in 1958, Yeti researcher Peter Byrne learned of a Yeti hand and scalp on display at the remote Buddhist monastery at Pangboche. Slick instructed Byrne to bring back the Yeti hand, but the monks refused, calling it a sacred object. A clandestine meeting in a London restaurant saw Slick and world-renowned Professor William Osman Hill supplying Byrne with a human hand and instructions to bring back at least one finger from Pangboche.
Byrne returned to the monastery, and after convincing the monks to part with a Yeti finger, replaced the missing digit with one from the human hand. Byrne trekked over the mountains to India to avoid a Nepalese law that, somewhat strangely, made it illegal for a foreigner to kill a Yeti. Upon arriving, he was still faced with the challenge of how to bring the Yeti finger back to Britain.
Tom Slick had a solution to the problem, telling Byrne that a friend of his was vacationing in India and could transport the finger. Slick’s friend was none other than Jimmy Stewart, who was intrigued enough by the legend to help. Stewart’s wife, Gloria, hid the Yeti finger in her lingerie case, and the pair successfully smuggled it back to London. Tests by Osman Hill concluded that the yeti finger was not human.
Forgotten for decades, the Pangboche Yeti finger was re-discovered in 2011 at the Royal College of Surgeons. As the BBC reported, DNA tests were performed on the finger, and came back as human, disputing Osman Hill’s original assessment.
While the DNA of the Pangboche finger, much like Sykes’ study, failed to conclusively prove the Yeti’s existence, those who seek the Himalayan giant owe an unusual debt to the open mind of Jimmy Stewart.
On August 7th 1999, London police received more than 36 reports of a gigantic sea serpent in the Thames. It was “at least 200 ft long and 5 yards across,” said one panicky witness. Despite all the sightings, no one managed to get a picture—or so it was thought. That day photographer John Collins was taking aerial photos of London from a private plane. He didn’t notice the object at the lower right until he examined the photo later.
Credit: Covert Science
Stone sculpture depicting a Vimana, flying machines in ancient India (1200 b.c.), Many Sanskrit epics, which were written in India more than two millennia ago, contain references to mythical flying machines called vimanas. Pointing to similarities between descriptions of vimanas and reports by people who claim to have seen UFOs, ancient alien theorists have suggested that astronauts from other planets visited India during ancient times.
Credit: Google
Project Avalon – Klaus Dona: The Hidden History of the Human Race On the big cup you can see a perfect inlaid star constellation also showing the Orion and other stars. And inside the big cup it is very, very magnetic and outside the cup nearly nothing. Professional geologists are saying this is impossible because if a stone has metal particles inside the stone, it must be same magnetic from both sides.
Mystery rock from Earth or alien spaceship? This gigantic boulder with its belly laced like an oversized waffle grill continues to baffle visitors who come to the West Virginia side of Jennings Randolph Lake. There have been numerous theories and speculation as to its origin, ranging from a pictograph made by prehistoric man, an Indian carving, the impression of the skin pattern of a giant lizard, or evidence of a visit to Earth by ancient travelers from outer space.
The Bob White Object: In 1985, Missourian Bob White recovered physical evidence following a UFO encounter in Colorado. In 1996, Mr. White was flown to the classified Los Alamos National Labs for an analysis of his evidence. White was told by Senior staff that the object he recovered was extraterrestrial. The lab recanted their position later. Mr. White has passed polygraph examinations given by law enforcement professionals concerning the Los Alamos matter.
An 80 ton boulder on the side of Hidden Mountain in New Mexico bears a puzzling inscription. Carved into the stone’s flat side is what has been interpreted by some to be a version of the Ten Commandments in a form of ‘Paleo-Hebrew’
Chinese Pyramid in Xianyang. Most footage of Chinese pyramids is arial. The Chinese government are very reluctant to let foreigners in to study the structures and have only once agreed to a visa for this purpose.
Credit: Google
Mysterious medicine wheels ~ two persons, unknown of each other, separated by thousand miles noticed on one morning these strange marks on their skin. They had no idea how those get there. Their common backgound is spirituality. One had an ayahuasca ceremony the night before, the second had a spiritual emergency (diagnosed as psychosis) following it.
In July, 1944, Waldemar Julsrud, made a resounding discovery to Acambaro, Mexico. He found figurines that represent, among others, dinosaurs, unknown animals, reptiles, unknown divinities, and its everyday objects (pipes, musical instruments, etc.) Dinosaurs, how these people were able to represent animals they are supposed to never have known? Once again, the traditional archéologie makes a mistake and prefers, in spite of the obvious facts, stay in the error… Figurines from 2500 BC
Strange Being captured on a photo in1973 in Falkville, Alabama by Sheriff Jeff Greenhaw. “It looked like his head and neck were kind of made together… he was real bright, something like rubbing mercury on nickel, but just as smooth as glass-different angles give different lighting… when I saw him standing in the middle of the road I immediately stopped the car and asked if he was a foreigner, but no sound came out of his mouth.”
Mystery airships or phantom airships are a class of unidentified flying objects best known from a series of newspaper reports originating in the western United States and spreading east during 1896 and 1897. According to researcher Jerome Clark, airship reports were made worldwide from the 1880s to 1890s. Mystery airship reports are seen as a cultural predecessor to modern claims of extraterrestrial-piloted flying saucer-style UFOs. Typical airship reports involved unidentified lights, but more detailed accounts reported ships comparable to a dirigible. Reports of the alleged crewmen and pilots usually described them as human looking, although sometimes the crew claimed to be from Mars.[4] It was popularly believed that the mystery airships were the product of some genius inventor not ready to make knowledge of his creation public. For example, Thomas Edison was so widely speculated to be the mind behind the alleged airships that in 1897 he “was forced to issue a strongly worded statement” denying his responsibility. Author Gregory L. Reece has argued that mystery airships are unlikely to represent test flights of real human-manufactured dirigibles as no record of successful airship flights are known from the period and “it would have been impossible, not to mention irrational, to keep such a thing secret
Credit: The Call
Japan-1803 One of the first modern UFO stories comes from Japan. This is the story of Utsuro-Bune, a mysterious alien woman who appeared suddenly from the depths of the Pacific Ocean on a round ship. A detailed study of paintings from the era of the Utsuru-Bune reveals an object that resembles a flying saucer, similar to those seen today. A pale, redheaded woman was inside the ship, wearing soft, light clothing clutching a box. Where did she come from? What was in the box? Nobody knows.
This footprint was cast near Glen Rose Texas at the Paluxy River. It measures 14 inches long, 7 wide. Paleontologists say the print is from a female. The cross cuts are from compression studies indicating that this person was approximately 10 feet tall and weighing 1,000 pounds. The human foot is that of an average female size 8.5. The casting is courtesy of Mt. Blanco Museum, Crosbyton TX.
On August 26th, 1966, Lt. Glen B, stationed at Minot AFB, ND, says a whole fleet of UFOs sailed over the base. “I was on alert because of the event (a famous incident had occurred the previous day; a UFO had shut down a nearby nuclear missile silo), and had my camera with me. There was a vibration in the air and a dozen cylinder-like objects flew from S to N directly overhead. They were completely silent and moved in an uneven arrow formation.”
Weet de overheid meer over buitenaards leven dan de module burger zou vermoeden ? In Groot-Brittannië doen ze er alleszins niet geheimzinnig over, want daar mag je vanaf nu alle geheime dossiers over UFO's inzien. De X-Files in het echt dus. Duizenden dossiers over ontvoeringen door aliens en waarnemingen van UFO's werden voor het eerst in Londen vrijgegeven door het Britse ministerie van Defensie. Veel waarnemers hadden bovendien de tegenwoordigheid van geest om hun bevindingen direct op papier te zetten. Dat resulteert in de meest uiteenlopende tekeningen.
De aanvankelijk geheime informatie bestaat uit meer dan 8.500 bladzijden, die aantonen dat het bestaan van ufo's wel degelijk tot in de hoogste regeringskringen wereldwijd besproken werd. De 'X-files' bulken van de ufo-waarnemingen, foto's en tekeningen. Maar ook van de onderzoeken van de UK Royal Air Force, van de ongewone radarbevindingen, van de briefings aan politici en - een primeur - van de documenten die de houding van de regering over ufo's duiden. In 1979 debatteerde het House of Lords zelfs over het ufo-onderwerp, zo blijkt ook uit de documenten. Foto : de UFO op deze schets werd waargenomen in Knutsford, Cheshire
De 'X-files' beschrijven onder meer hoe een incident à la 'War of the Worlds' in 1967 gedurende enkele uren écht werd beschouwd als een mogelijke invasie van buitenaardse wezens in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. De bevolking had zes kleine 'vliegende schotels' gezien en de telefoons daarover stroomden binnen bij het RAF. Vier politieteams, de bomopruimingsdienst, het leger en de staatsveiligheid werden gemobiliseerd. Later bleek het om een studentengrap te gaan.
Foto : deze UFO werd waargenomen op 22 juni 1997 in Cornwall, West Yorkshire
Een van de opmerkelijkste onthullingen is dat er enkele maanden vóór de terroristische aanslagen van 11 september 2001 vijftien niet-geïdentificeerde vliegtuigen op weg naar het Verenigd Koninkrijk door de radar gedetecteerd werden. Eentje werd zelfs gespot op de dag van de terreuraanvallen zelf. Foto : deze UFO werd waargenomen op 9 augustus 1995 in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.
De soms zeer gedetailleerde rapporten beschrijven o.a. ook een man die al sinds zijn jeugd in contact staat met ene Algar, die op het punt stond om contact op te nemen met de Britse regering omdat zijn ras werd vermoord. Blijkbaar heeft hij zelf het een en ander ook niet overleefd, want van Algar is niets vernomen. Foto : deze vliegende schotel werd opgemerkt in het luchtruim boven Llandudno op 14 februari 1995.
Verder vertelde een man in 1998 bijvoorbeeld aan Defensie dat hij dacht naar een buitenaardse vliegmachine gestraald te zijn geworden vanuit zijn huis in Barnes bij Londen. Hij had bij het drinken van glas melk het gevoel "een vol uur te hebben gewonnen". In werkelijkheid was het winteruur ingezet. Foto : dit gevaarte werd in 1993 gespot in Malmesbury
Wie in Groot-Brittannië iets raars zag vliegen, kon dat altijd melden, bijvoorbeeld bij de politie. Die meldingen gingen dan naar het Ministerie van Defensie, dat ze verder onderzocht. Dat leverde stapels dossiers op met meldingen van zowat alles wat door de lucht vliegt en wat degene die het zag niet kon verklaren. Al zegt dat soms meer over de waarnemers dan over het waargenomene. Zo zag een groepje cafébezoekers in het zuiden van Groot-Brittannië regelmatig knipperende lichten aan de hemel voorbij trekken. 'En in welke richting gingen die lichten?' vroeg de agent in het dossier. 'Richting Gatwick', zegden de cafébezoekers. Gatwick is een groot vliegveld ten zuiden van Londen. Zo 'onverklaarbaar' waren die lichtjes dus niet. Foto : dit duo werd gespot in september 1994 in Smethwick in de West Midlands
Een andere Brit wist zeker dat zijn hond was ontvoerd door aliens terwijl hij op een jongerencamping stond. Dezelfde aliens hadden namelijk eerder ook zijn tent vernield. Foto : dit driehoekige exemplaar werd gespot in 1980 in Smethwick, West Yorkshire
Een andere man kwam op 20 maart 1997 om vier uur 's middags thuis en ontdekte een verlichte blauwe driehoek in zijn achtertuin. Blijkbaar schrokken de buitenaardse wezens nogal bij het zien van de man, want de driehoek schoot direct weg. Het voertuig liet wel een zijdeachtige witte substantie achter op de boomtoppen. De man verzamelde het 'bewijsmateriaal' in een jampot. Foto : deze bemande UFO werd opgemerkt vanuit een vliegtuig dat net was opgestegen op de luchthaven van Heathrow
Op zaterdag 30 en zondag 31 juli 1994 maakte een elektricien melding van een ufo die hij over een veld zag schieten. Het vliegende gevaarte had de vorm van een Toblerone. In de rapportage is zelfs een schets van de ufo opgenomen.
Een andere man zat op 27 januari 1997 om 10.40 uur 's ochtends in de auto toen een enorme lichtbundel hem bescheen. Hij vertelde de politie dat die buitenaardse ervaring hem psychisch ziek had gemaakt en dat hij er ook een huidziekte aan had over gehouden. De politie stuurde hem stante pede naar de dokter. Foto : dit verschijnsel werd in het Franse luchtruim waargenomen
Het Ministerie van Defensie onderzocht al deze meldingen en kwam meestal met een eenvoudige verklaring. In negentig procent van de gevallen ging het om een natuurverschijnsel of waren het sterren, planeten, satellieten, vliegtuigen of rondzwevend ruimte-afval. In sommige gevallen bleek er niet direct een verklaring voor handen, maar dan zocht het ministerie het geval meestal ook niet tot op het bot uit. Want hun taak is alleen om te kijken of het land in gevaar is. Foto : ook dit ruimtetuig vloog boven Frankrijk
Volgens experts is de manier waarop mensen ufo's beschrijven en de vormen die ze daarvoor gebruiken door de jaren heen veranderd. Dat zou te maken hebben met de vele ufo’s die tegenwoordig op tv – zoals bijvoorbeeld in de X-files – opduiken. Vroeger beschreef men ufo's als schotels of schijfvormig. Tegenwoordig zijn ze groot, zwart en driehoekig. Bovendien zijn de randen verlicht.
Dat is misschien wel het meest opvallende nieuws dat naar voren komt uit de geopende archieven. En het feit dat er steeds meer UFO's gesignaleerd worden in Groot-Brittannië. In 2006 werden er 97 gemeld, in 2007 waren dat er 135. Maar ook daarvoor zijn soms verklaringen. In 1977 kwam de film 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' van Steven Spielberg in de bioscopen. Die gaat over aliens die de aarde bezoeken. Het jaar erop bleken er twee keer zoveel UFO's gespot te zijn als vóór het uitkomen van de film.
Foto : dit gevaarte werd gespot in Smethwick in de West Midlands
De beruchte 'X-files' zijn gratis te downloaden op de site van National Archives. Ze bevatten details van duizenden signalementen van vreemde lichten en objecten verzameld sinds 1981 tot nu toe.
On the 4th of July a normally nocturnal dog-sized Giant Salamander decided to take a walk alongside the Kamogawa River in down-town Kyoto, Japan. People were apparently so shocked by the sight of the rare creature that the police were summoned to the scene.
There are only three species of Giant Salamander in the world: The North American Hellbender (AKA "snot otter", "devil dog", "mud-devil", "grampus", "Allegheny alligator", "mud dog", and "leverian water newt") which grow to around two feet in length; the Japanese Ōsanshōuo ("giant pepper fish" because of the peppery smell they exude) which can be five feet long; and the Chinese Giant Salamander which can reach six feet in length.
The Ōsanshōuo live in clear rivers and streams, have very poor eyesight and hunt fish, frogs and small mammals using special sensory cells which cover their skin to detect minute vibrations in the water. Once collected for food and now with their habitat under threat, the species is classified as "near threatened" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
My name is James, I am currently residing in Troy, Missouri. I am writing to you to report an Unknown Aerial Phenomenon that I and a co worker witnessed last night.
Last night about 9:40 pm I was taking a break and having a cigarette while working at a local convenience store. I spotted a ball of orange light in the southwest part of the sky. I assumed it was a plane until I had watched for about half a minute. I began to suspect it wasn't a plane when I could not discern any blinking red or green lights. I watched as it traveled in a northeastern path. It appeared to be at least a couple of thousand feet up, maybe higher. After another thirty seconds or so I poked my head inside the store and said to my coworker "Hey, do you want to see a UFO?" My coworker joined me outside as there was no one in the store. We both watched as it traveled overhead. My coworker said "That does not look like any plane I have ever seen." I agreed. Even when the light passed directly overhead there was no engine noise as would be expected from an airplane or helicopter. We observed the phenomenon until it passed out of sight behind some trees to the east of the strip mall complex the store is located in. I have no idea what it was, it definitely not a plane, helicopter, hot-air balloon or a meteor.
NOTE: OK folks...any ideas what this may have been? Possibly a satellite? Just another orange orb sighting. Lon
Chinese literally work 'themselves to death'...example:
Chinese financial regulators say one of their staff who worked himself to death by regularly staying in the office until midnight before collapsing from the stress of trying to get a report done on deadline is "an example to everyone".
Li Jianhua, 48, worked for the Chinese Banking Regulatory Commission for 26 years and was found dead in front of his completed report after working through the night to meet the early morning deadline.
Now a statement by the regulatory commissions management committee has praised the dead man as an example that everybody else should follow.
China is facing an epidemic of overwork, yet far from tackling the problem, it is seemingly being actively encouraged if one looks at the statement from the dead man's employers.
They said: "We can all learn from Comrade Li Jianhua, who always had firm ideals and beliefs, who showed that he was an employee who was loyal to the cause of the Party and the people, who gave an unremitting struggle to perform his best and to sacrifice everything. It was done with the goal of enhancing the quality of our work. Comrade Li Jianhua did long overtime, night and day, and put all his energy and passion into the regulatory business."
About 600,000 Chinese a year die from working too hard, with a daily death toll of 1,600. Microblogging website Weibo is also filled with complaints about stressed-out lives and chatter about reports of others, young and old, worked to death. Asians even have a word for death-by-overtime "guolaosi" in Chinese and "karoshi" in Japanese.
An employee in Li’s department said they all regularly worked until midnight or later. He asked not to be identified because he is not authorized to speak publicly.
Li apparently had an attack of shingles — often related to stress — in the days before he died but did not go to the doctor because "he didn’t have any time," Bloomberg says. - AustrianTimes
Police in Germany are attempting to quell hysteria after reported sightings of a mysterious hooded figure near a school. An unknown individual is said to be stalking the southern German town of Rottweil, Baden-Württemberg, dressed as an 'assassin.' Dressed in the monk-like garb, the shrouded figure is causing alarm among younger residents.
Reported repeated sightings over the past ten days, including in the vicinity of a school, have earned the prowler the nickname "Kampfmönch" (warrior monk). Parents have taken a dim view of the presumed prankster after their children began complaining of nightmares. "You are spreading fear about going to school among primary school and older pupils," the publisher of the Neue Rottweiler Zeitung newspaper wrote in an open letter to the 'assassin,' urging the person to turn themselves in to the police.
"You have also alarmed a small town. You are all people talk about all day and many parents are busy at night too because their children cannot sleep." But police in the normally sleepy town of 25,000 residents were quick to dispel as fantasy claims that he or she was also carrying a blood-stained knife.
"There is no indication that this unidentified person presents any danger," stressed police chief Michael Schlüssler, adding that the fighting monk's costume was readily available on the internet. While he urged the mystery walker to desist, he said authorities could not take action against someone for simply wandering around in public in a costume. - Spiegel
Most people believe that the persecution of “witches” reached its height in the early 1690s with the trials in Salem, Mass., but it is a grim paradox of 21st-century life that violence against people accused of sorcery is very much still with us. Far from fading away, thanks to digital interconnectedness and economic development, witch hunting has become a growing, global problem.
In recent years, there has been a spate of attacks against people accused of witchcraft in Africa, the Pacific and Latin America, and even among immigrant communities in the United States and Western Europe. Researchers with United Nations refugee and human rights agencies have estimated the murders of supposed witches as numbering in the thousands each year, while beatings and banishments could run into the millions. “This is becoming an international problem — it is a form of persecution and violence that is spreading around the globe,” Jeff Crisp, an official with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, told a panel in 2009, the last year in which an international body studied the full dimensions of the problem. A report that year from the same agency and a Unicef study in 2010 both found a rise, especially in Africa, of violence and child abuse linked to witchcraft accusations. Read more at NY Times
Now, I know what your going to say……………………….Chinese Lanterns!
But I’m not so sure. I have sent a lantern up and as I remember it takes quite some time to heat up the lantern, 5-10 minutes so if this was a mass release of lanterns, I would have seen them on the ground ready to be launched. Also the launch points are not the same, if you look closely at the video some are close to the building with lights on, some are from far behind.
The lights look too bright and seem to pulsate, when I sent a lantern up the light was a lot more of a glow, these lights are very bright.
Look at the way the clouds blow.
The area the bright lights/orbs came from has several large lakes, Henge’s and Barrows.
A few hours later I saw the sky turn a bright blue with what looked like a Halo, this happened in the same area as the Orb/lanterns.
My husband and I have seen craft over the years in the Long Beach Island section of Ocean County. Some have been videotaped by others and featured on the news. But this most recent sighting occurred around mid-June, just a few weeks ago.
It was twilight, and we were driving home along the main boulevard. He spotted it first- we could see it at the end of the street leading to the beach. We drove up the street and parked to observe. The craft was sort of rectangular, but more like an upside-down pie plate, except very thick. There were a series of white/pale yellow round lights all along the mid-section from nose to tail. I don’t know if the lights were on the other side, but I assume they went around the craft.
It was just before the summer season began- most of the houses (oceanfront and beach block) were empty and dark. This made the night sky even more brilliant because there were no street lights, lights from homes, cars, etc. There are no shops or businesses along the beach- there is no boardwalk. Just beach and homes. We observed it for quite a while- it made a silent horizontal path, from south to north, then declined nose down at an angle near the shoreline. I wanted to get out of the car- but I had recent surgery and was walking with a cane and felt unsteady on the sand. Had I been able to, I’d have flagged them down if I could! I would have gotten on board that craft SO fast!
Eventually my husband wanted to drive home- it was just a mile away. I don’t think he wanted to risk an encounter- had they seen us watching them. The craft was close- I’d say we were about 30 feet away.
This isn’t my first encounter. I was 15 when that happened- oddly- also near the beach, but a different city. A friend and I were “chased” by a craft that hovered at the height of the treetops on a clear night in the summer of 1964. It was shrouded by a cloud cover and the noise we heard was like nothing I had ever heard – to this day. Like a thousand bells/gears turning at once, each having their own individual sound. We got away- we think. (my husband still thinks they got me an implanted something that programs me to make his life hell…) But I don’t have any marks, scars, or missing time from that event, so I’m pretty sure we got away. We talk about it every once in a while- just to be sure we remember it correctly.
NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
This case is under investigation by Ken Pfeifer of MUFON New Jersey.
Siberia – UFO Touchdown And Strange Figures Captured On Video
A two videos from two independent witnessesfilmed in the remote Irkutsk region of Siberia,Russia, appears to show a strange glowing craft landing and five figures that looks like extraterrestrial aliens walking in the snow.
The cloud looking object had lights or glow around it, the first video showed it and the figures although the camera man/witness didn’t focused on the craft and figurs and filmed them directly, and that’s raising some questions. May be he didn’t noticed the event, or thought it’s a natural phenomena that looks strange on video and more.
The second video shows what look like the moment the object left the ground and took off. Just hours prior to the March 1 incident, air-traffic controllers in Yakutks, Siberia, claim to have picked up a UFO on radar traveling at 6000 mph at a height of 65,000ft. When they tried to communicate with the crew on board they heard strange noises as response.
According to UFO researcher Mike Cohen: ‘Two days after these clips were taken the town of Bayanday reported a crash of a huge pink and blue glowing object. An enormous explosion was then heard over a wide area.’
We’ve all heard stories by now. Whether you believe them or not, thousands of people have reported being snatched up by ‘flying saucers.’ Some are driving down a country road in the dead of night, while others are sleeping peacefully in their own beds. Hours and perhaps days later they find themselves not too far away with no memory of what had happened.
Those brave enough to undergo regressive hypnotherapy commonly tell the same tale of being paralyzed and levitated by a beam of light; drawn into an alien craft and whisked away into the darkness. Often, they recall being on a table with several 4 foot tall grey beings with large heads and ominous black eyes probing them and inserting needles into various parts of their bodies.
Some of these stories are investigated by the government, but no official explanation has ever been offered. Each one is explained away or otherwise covered up. One brave naval intelligence officer, William Cooper, believed he uncovered the truth and shared it in his book, Behold a Pale Horse.
Before being silenced by the government, he spent well over a decade telling us about a secret treaty President Eisenhower made with these aliens allowing them to commit these heinous acts in exchange for advanced technology. By the time they discovered the truth about the aliens, it was too late.
“So what’s with the anal probes?” As Newton asked the Men In Black in the second movie, how could anyone not wonder why this is happening? What could these advanced creatures possibly have to gain by snatching up humans, performing medical procedures, and dumping them off? Memories cleared and seemingly unharmed, they go on about their lives forever speculating why this had been done. Good thing too, because if they knew, they’d only be horrified and disgusted. Simply put, these beings are grocery shopping.
Not only do aliens exist, but there are many races of them. The race that does this has an unusual way of feeding. They absorb nutrients through their skin. They don’t feed often, but when they do, they manufacture an amniotic fluid to soak in out of glandular secretions from both humans and cows. Cows of course aren’t protected by the treaty so they’re simply mutilated.
The horrible truth that President Eisenhower didn’t know was that these are not aliens at all. They are a genetically engineered race created to serve the fallen angels. They are in fact demons. The advanced technology we’ve come to enjoy today is theirs. And it is being used to manipulate and deceive us.
We have allowed ourselves to become totally dependent on cell phones and computers while being hypnotized by televisions. They tell us what to eat and what to wear. They entice us to swap our wives and ignore our children. They are slowly and steadily lulling us to sleep in preparation for our Lord’s return.
VIDEO: Curiosity kiekt opnieuw mysterieus licht op Mars
VIDEO: Curiosity kiekt opnieuw mysterieus licht op Mars
Marswagen Curiosity heeft opnieuw enkele foto’s gemaakt van een vreemd licht in de lucht boven de rode planeet. Op de eerste foto, die op 20 juni jongstleden is gemaakt door de rechter navigatiecamera van het wagentje, verschijnt een fel licht boven een gebergte. Precies 31 seconden later werd het licht ook opgepikt door de linker navigatiecamera van Curiosity, ditmaal dichter bij het oppervlak.
“Zien we hier foto’s van een UFO die een landing wil maken op het Marsoppervlak?” vraagt de Huffington Post zich af. Volgens Justin Maki, die de navigatiecamera’s van Curiosity heeft gebouwd, is het een hete pixel. Ze verschijnen al sinds het begin van de missie op de foto’s. Hete pixels ontstaan wanneer de sensor van een camera te heet wordt als gevolg van lange belichtingstijden.
Het is niet de eerste keer dat de camera’s van Curiosity felle lichten hebben vastgelegd. Op 3 april jongstleden fotografeerde de rover een vreemd licht aan het oppervlak van de rode planeet.
“Op de duizenden foto’s die we ontvangen van Curiosity zien we bijna iedere week dit soort lichten,” zei Maki in een verklaring van NASA. “Deze kunnen worden veroorzaakt door kosmische straling of zonlicht dat wordt weerkaatst door rotsen.”
Fireball UFO appears over Israel on 27th June 2014
Fireball UFO appears over Israel on 27th June 2014
New amazing video footage of a bright fireball UFO recorded in the night sky above Israel on 27th June 2014.
Witness said: This is what we saw in the night of 27/6/2014 in the sky of Israel: UFO which looks like a fireball, which moves slowly towards east and suddendly dissapeared ! wow.! that was awesome!
David Huggins is a 68 year old painter who lives in Hoboken, NJ. He studied at the Art Students League in New York City, and he’s been divorced for a little under ten years, with a 27 year old son who lives in Thailand. David concentrates most of his talent on the creation of a series of testimonial paintings about his life-long experience as an alien abductee. David is not on any medications nor has he been institutionalized at any time in his life. He says he’s never had an illness a day in his life, not even a cold!? His paintings manifest from memories of abductions from the age of eight to the present day. People all over the world have reported similar experiences as David’s, only to be labeled “crazy”, which seems to me the sign of a lethargic mind. Condemnation without investigation is its own form of insanity. I’m writing this piece not to give the impression that I know David is telling the truth, because I don’t know; I’m on the fence about all of this. I celebrate the world of ideas no matter how far out some of them may seem. Even if this is a made-up story from the mind of a delusional man, the power of the idea remains the same. Ideas are essential to the curious mind, and we as artists need not fear the ideas of other artists no matter how alien they sound. If David is indeed “crazy” he’s in good company. Unusual ideas are almost always perceived as odd or askew until the common mind can make use of it. And as we all know artists are anything but common; and that’s why I love talking with them and sharing our conversations with you, the reader.
David Huggins, The First Meeting. Scan of book page from Love In An Alien Purgatory- the art of David Huggins by Farah Yurdozu published by Anomalist Books
Sitting in David’s studio surrounded by his paintings creates a feeling of being watched; this both excited and unnerved me. David begins to tell me about the cast of characters that populate his paintings and often visit him from another world or another dimension — he doesn’t know for sure. There is Crescent, she’s the alien hybrid that took David’s virginity at age seventeen. She and David have over fifty hybrid-alien children together. There is “Hairy Guy” (think mini Sasquatch) with luminous yellow eyes. There are the classic Grays that always accompany Crescent on her visits to see David, and there are the insect-like beings that David says are the leaders — they are often present during Crescent’s sexual encounters with him. David is their stud; they only seem to want him for that purpose. He has complete trust in his alien companions, which I find shocking considering his memories are often manipulated by his Succubus buddies. I suspect David is suffering from Stockholm syndrome. He has accepted his life-long enslavement as a sort of gift. He feels protected by these beings and claims they have saved his life on more than one occasion. He is genuinely grateful for their intrusion into his life. David’s paintings may be the work of a madman; or David may be the victim of childhood trauma abuse; or the most radical scenario of all, David may be painting the truth.
David Huggins, Energy Therapy. Scan from Love In An Alien Purgatory- the art of David Huggins by Farah Yurdozu published by Anomalist Books
Corey Armpriester-How long have you been painting? David Huggins- I’ve been painting for as long as 1965 or 66, that’s when I started.
Do you work with oils or acrylics? I work with oils
Where did you go to art school? The Art Students League.
Were your parents supportive of your interest in art? No, they didn’t think it was worth pursuing, thinking I was never going to make any money from it. Just get a job and that was it.
How often do you exhibit your work? Well, there was an exhibition earlier this year at the Monroe Art Center.
How often do you sell these testimonial kinds of paintings? Not often
What do the ETs think of the human pursuit of art? That’s very interesting. Most of the people that I met [other abductees] that are involved with these beings have a very creative bent to them. I sort of feel like the art and creative aspect is associated with them [the ETs] in some way.
Do the ETs produce art, as we know it? I can’t say that I’ve seen it.
How are your memories triggered? Sometimes by another painting. I’ll be working on another painting and suddenly I’ll remember another incident that occurred.
In your book you talk about the hair on the female hybrids as being a wig. What is it about the hair that seems so unusual to you? It’s very unkempt, I remember one time one of the females was walking past me and the hair was not on right. She took if off and I was taken aback by that and so I said, “Should I shave my head” to let her know I was okay with it.
David Huggins, Watching the Earth. Scan from Love In An Alien Purgatory- the art of David Huggins by Farah Yurdozu published by Anomalist Books
How have your parents dealt with your ET experiences? As a kid I would see one of the beings and I would run to the house and say “Hey mom and dad, there is something out at the barn or something behind the house.” And they would say “Quit making things up, there is nothing there.” One time I did it and it was too much — I got a whipping really good. The next day I went behind the house and there is the woman [Crescent] with a few Grays and one Insect-Being and I remember telling the woman “My momma and daddy don’t believe me that I see you and I got a whipping.” As soon as I said that, I knew she [Crescent] didn’t like that. She looked at me and said, “Then don’t tell them.” After that, I never said a word.
Do you have absolute trust in these beings? Yeah, they have helped me in a lot of ways.
How? Well they saved my life a couple of times. There was the incident with the snake under the tool shed; there was another incident were I nearly drowned. I’m looking at this person while I’m drowning and I hear this voice say “Let him live.” And just as they said that my toe catches hold of a root and I’m able to pull myself to shore.
How are the ETs organized? There are the Grays; then there is Crescent; then there is a guy, very tall and angular, very thin, and he has a hair bun on the back of his head. He has red eyes and he communicates with the insect beings; so does Crescent.
Are you in contact with them today? Oh yes
When was your last encounter with them? Maybe about a month ago.
Are you in your physical body during these encounters or are you out of body? It’s a combinations of all those. Sometimes they come and just take me. I know I’ve had a lot of the out of the body experiences. There are times when I’m with them — I feel like I’m in a human body, but a much younger body.
Do you feel violated — do you have a say in what they do to you? It was up to me. The Little Hairy Guy came to my room one time and asked “David can we use your body?” and I said “Yes, you can use it as much as you like.” He seemed very happy by my response and he left the room, just kind of vanished.
Was that before the sexual encounters? That was after. I was like, “Hey man, why are you asking now?”
Do they confirm to the law of free will? There is free will.
Is there a male equivalent to Crescent? I can’t say. I have seen a lot of males. I have no idea. There does seem to be a faint memory of other males but I don’t remember too much.
Why do you think you were chosen? Good question, I don’t know.
David Huggins, Our Son, Scan from Love In An Alien Purgatory- the art of David Huggins by Farah Yurdozu published by Anomalist Books
How many hybrid children have you fathered with the ETs? I was taken into a room and it was filled with babies and I had to touch every one. The human touch was really important. The first time I touched one of the babies static electricity jumped from my hand to the baby. This was right before I touched it and I pulled back and said to the Insect-being “Wow, did you see that?” So I reached over and touched the baby. I woke up the next morning spent, totally exhausted and slept all day. But that night the Insect-like Being takes me to this door; we are in front of this doorway and there is this brilliant light. It was like it was pushing it’s way out of the doorway — it had form. The Insect-Like Being said I had to go inside the room with the light, so I go inside and it was just incredible. The light was passing right through me. I was in there for a few minutes. The next morning when I woke up I had incredible energy and felt really energized for weeks afterwards.
What are your offspring being used for? I have no idea.
David Huggins at his studio, Photo by Farah Yurdozu
Are they both male and female? Yes
What are the Alien hybrid children fed? I remember eating some dark chocolate substance — it was like chocolate pudding. There was an odd taste in my mouth the next morning, and after I had a glass of water, it was gone.
Are any of your alien children artistic? I don’t know, this has never occurred to me. You ask nice questions, I’ll try to find ou
Do you know any of your alien hybrid children? I’m sure on some level I know them all.
Does the female ET’s vagina feel any different from a human female? I can’t say there was all that much warmth. You got to remember, your senses are subdued when you’re with them. The intense orgasm you would normally feel is toned down.
David Huggins, The First Time, Scan from Love In An Alien Purgatory- the art of David Huggins by Farah Yurdozu published by Anomalist Books
Are you sedated? Yeah, you’re sedated to keep from flipping out.
Does Crescent have a menstrual cycle? I don’t think so.
Will your human son suffer the same fate as his father? He hasn’t shown anything. I can’t say that he will. If they [aliens] got in contact with him he hasn’t said anything.
Do you ever question your sanity?
In the beginning.
Does it frustrate you not having very many answers to your questions? I go with the flow.
Mr. Paul Simonton, a chicken farmer in Eagle River, Wisconsin saw a disc-shaped craft land vertically on his farm. A hatch opened, and when he approached he saw three human-looking men inside. They asked him for some water. They appeared to be cooking pancakes on a griddle, and in exchange for the water they gave him four of the pancakes from griddle. The episode survived a rigorous assessment by the U.S. Air Force and is carried in their files as “unexplained.”
Sketch of the UFO, based on a drawing supplied by Joe Simonton. (credit: FSR)
Two photographs of Joe Simonton with one of the “alien pancakes”. (source of first photo: Vilas County News-Review, April 27, 1961)
Another artist’s impression of the craft.
Artist’s impression of the Eagle River encounter, by Michael Buhler.
Classification & Features
Type of Case/Report: StandardCase Hynek Classification: CE3 Shape of Object(s):Disc # of Witnesses: Single Special Features/Characteristics: Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Artifact, Witness Photo, Witness Sketch, Communication
The local Councillor for Winchester in Hampshire, Mr Adrian Hicks was in the town centre on a busy Saturday after…noon during the early months of 2004. After having lunch in his local bar and purchasing a few books from a book store, he noticed something odd about a woman walking through the rural town’s main street. Her clothes were somewhat unusual, and everything about her didn’t add up.
The way she moved and her general demeanor gave off a strange impression which singled her out from the crowd. He followed her with his eyes for a few moments and came to the incredible realization that he wasn’t looking at a human at all – but an extra terrestrial. ‘It was staggering; I am not usually lost for words but was that day. ‘
He watched her for around 9 minutes, walking ahead of her twice and noticed a tutu like piece of clothing around her waist and a thick head of bright blonde hair. ‘She was a humanoid walking with a penguin like gait. She had very large oval eyes and was twirling her hands in a circular motion. She seemed friendly and totally at ease with us. She wasn’t scared; she was smiling, and seemed to be enjoying herself among us.’ Hicks was startled when she stopped 7 ft away from him when he uttered ‘What the fuck is that?’ under his breath. ‘She walked very slowly up the High Street. I remember she was very interested in the clock over Lloyds Bank. She was taking it all in’. He has stated that several people noticed her without paying any extra attention and spotted some people taking pictures of her, though no pictures have ever surfaced. Hicks believes that the encounter is to do with a much larger Alien presence in Winchester, due to the secret US and British operations in a nearby base.
An orthopedic technician with over 35 years experience, Hicks kept his encounter secret for 5 years in order to secure his place in local government, revealing his story only after securing election as a Liberal Democrat Councillor. He spent £400 of his own money for an artist to perfect her image, which can be seen above. He now lobbies for the government to come clean about its dealings with UFO’S.
* At the end of 19th century, a humanoid described as “furry, from head to toes” was seen by Mr Panayis Carantzos in a cave near the village of Piana (Mantineia, Arcadia, Central Peloponnese). Source: Nikolaos Politis, Traditions (Athens 1904), Vol I, p. 314, tradition no 561
* Around 1870, near Levidi (Arcadia, central Peloponnes), a Mr Zacharias saw a thing he described as “blood red hound” in his mandri. He chased it throwing stones. The thing turned into a red flame and started lifting in the sky. The flame flew into a nearby sinkhole emitting a hum which shook the landscape. At the same time, an incredible stench flooded the area. Source: Nikolaos Politis, Traditions (Athens 1904), Vol I, p. 321, tradition no 572
* At the villages Davia and Zaracova (Maenalon mnt) of Arcadia (Peloponnese) and at other nearby villages, the ‘khamodraki’ demon appears as a “blood red goat” with fiery eyes and nails instead of hooves. Source: Nikolaos Politis, Traditions (Athens 1904) Vol I, pp. 321-22, tradition no 573
* At Alonistaina village (Arcadia, Peloponnese) the same demon appears as a hairy dwarf emitting high pitched screams like a baby crying. Source: Nikolaos Politis, Traditions (Athens 1904) Vol I, p. 322, tradition no 574
* In 1875 a dwarf, half a meter high with long hair and sharp teeth was seen by two witnesses somewhere between Sparta and Tripolis (Peloponnese). At first their attention was attracted by a sound described as ‘small child screaming’ Source: Nikolaos Politis, Traditions (Athens 1904) Vol. I, p 323, tradition no 576
* Sometime before 1892 Mr Lambros Pafilias was going to the Calderimi area at the village of Perthori (Tripolis) when he saw a “red dwarf’ with eyes “like that of a cat”. Expectedly, he started running away. The dwarf chased the man and when it reached him, climbed upon him and clung there for some time. Then it vanished. The witness was left with a blister full of pus on his chin which remained for a long time after. (A 1892 report by A. Arvanitopoulos, correspondent of Nikolaos Politis. Source: Politis, Traditions (Athens 1904) Vol. I, pp 322-323, tradition no 575)
* This is a description by the shepherd Takis Paravandis (70 year old in 1979 when he related his experience) from Achladocambos (Peloponnese). “I have seen the smerdaki with my very eyes, at our fold… I was with Brimoyorgis. It was evening. It was like a short man with a large head. Suddenly we heard a loud bang and this fairy vanished into thin air. The gate of our fold was shattered into pieces”. Source: Ioannis Anagnostopoulos, Folklore of Achladocambos, Athens, 1985, p. 152
* Again in Achladocambos, the shepherd Mr Thodoris Yerulis was at the Skieika Mantria (folds) [unknown date, maybe early-mid 20th century]. One morning he woke up very early and went to untie his horses. Suddenly a small humanoid appeared in front of him. It had blond hair and glittering eyes. It was holding and waving something like a wand or a candle. He saw it coming out of a lime pit. The humanoid passed by and went inside the goat fold. After that the animals started dying one after the other and from the 150 goats of the herd, only 78 were left. Source: Ioannis Anagnostopoulos, Folklore of Achladocambos, Athens, 1985, p. 153
* January –unknown year, probably late 19th century, island of Crete. Mr Christophoros Rodousakis was out to hunt birds. The sun had not risen yet when in the light of his torch saw a hairy humanoid 1.5 m high with long horns, which he described as “devil”. The humanoid attacked him and they started wrestling. Rosoussakis hit repeatedly the creature’s head with a stone but in vain. After the appearance of two other creatures described by him as “Saint Anthony” and “a woman in black” the ‘devil’ seemed to lose interest and run away ‘emitting sparks’. Source: Georgios Ekaterinidis, Folk Traditions from the Regions of Seteia and Merambello, 1964, p. 11
* Sometime after the Second World War – Doxario village, Evoia. An army major along with several men went rabit hunting at night out in the wild country towards the old acropolis. They were in the army jeep and it was about midnight. Suddenly in front of the highlights they saw about twenty yards ahead of them a half man, that is the top half of a man, the bottom, shaggy like a furry animal, but hard to see, dancing and prancing. He kept dancing in front of the car. The major levelled his rifle to shoot but was so afraid he couldn’t hold his weapon. They turned the jeep around and drove back to Doxario as fast as they could. Source: The Dangerous Hour: The Lore of Mystery and Crisis in Rural Greece, R & E. Blum, 1970, p. 98.
* At the end of 19th century, a humanoid described as “furry, from head to toes” was seen by Mr Panayis Carantzos in a cave near the village of Piana (Mantineia, Arcadia, Central Peloponnese). Source: Nikolaos Politis, Traditions (Athens 1904), Vol I, p. 314, tradition no 561
* Around 1870, near Levidi (Arcadia, central Peloponnes), a Mr Zacharias saw a thing he described as “blood red hound” in his mandri. He chased it throwing stones. The thing turned into a red flame and started lifting in the sky. The flame flew into a nearby sinkhole emitting a hum which shook the landscape. At the same time, an incredible stench flooded the area. Source: Nikolaos Politis, Traditions (Athens 1904), Vol I, p. 321, tradition no 572
* At the villages Davia and Zaracova (Maenalon mnt) of Arcadia (Peloponnese) and at other nearby villages, the ‘khamodraki’ demon appears as a “blood red goat” with fiery eyes and nails instead of hooves. Source: Nikolaos Politis, Traditions (Athens 1904) Vol I, pp. 321-22, tradition no 573
* At Alonistaina village (Arcadia, Peloponnese) the same demon appears as a hairy dwarf emitting high pitched screams like a baby crying. Source: Nikolaos Politis, Traditions (Athens 1904) Vol I, p. 322, tradition no 574
* In 1875 a dwarf, half a meter high with long hair and sharp teeth was seen by two witnesses somewhere between Sparta and Tripolis (Peloponnese). At first their attention was attracted by a sound described as ‘small child screaming’ Source: Nikolaos Politis, Traditions (Athens 1904) Vol. I, p 323, tradition no 576
* Sometime before 1892 Mr Lambros Pafilias was going to the Calderimi area at the village of Perthori (Tripolis) when he saw a “red dwarf’ with eyes “like that of a cat”. Expectedly, he started running away. The dwarf chased the man and when it reached him, climbed upon him and clung there for some time. Then it vanished. The witness was left with a blister full of pus on his chin which remained for a long time after. (A 1892 report by A. Arvanitopoulos, correspondent of Nikolaos Politis. Source: Politis, Traditions (Athens 1904) Vol. I, pp 322-323, tradition no 575)
* This is a description by the shepherd Takis Paravandis (70 year old in 1979 when he related his experience) from Achladocambos (Peloponnese). “I have seen the smerdaki with my very eyes, at our fold… I was with Brimoyorgis. It was evening. It was like a short man with a large head. Suddenly we heard a loud bang and this fairy vanished into thin air. The gate of our fold was shattered into pieces”. Source: Ioannis Anagnostopoulos, Folklore of Achladocambos, Athens, 1985, p. 152
* Again in Achladocambos, the shepherd Mr Thodoris Yerulis was at the Skieika Mantria (folds) [unknown date, maybe early-mid 20th century]. One morning he woke up very early and went to untie his horses. Suddenly a small humanoid appeared in front of him. It had blond hair and glittering eyes. It was holding and waving something like a wand or a candle. He saw it coming out of a lime pit. The humanoid passed by and went inside the goat fold. After that the animals started dying one after the other and from the 150 goats of the herd, only 78 were left. Source: Ioannis Anagnostopoulos, Folklore of Achladocambos, Athens, 1985, p. 153
* January –unknown year, probably late 19th century, island of Crete. Mr Christophoros Rodousakis was out to hunt birds. The sun had not risen yet when in the light of his torch saw a hairy humanoid 1.5 m high with long horns, which he described as “devil”. The humanoid attacked him and they started wrestling. Rosoussakis hit repeatedly the creature’s head with a stone but in vain. After the appearance of two other creatures described by him as “Saint Anthony” and “a woman in black” the ‘devil’ seemed to lose interest and run away ‘emitting sparks’. Source: Georgios Ekaterinidis, Folk Traditions from the Regions of Seteia and Merambello, 1964, p. 11
* Sometime after the Second World War – Doxario village, Evoia. An army major along with several men went rabit hunting at night out in the wild country towards the old acropolis. They were in the army jeep and it was about midnight. Suddenly in front of the highlights they saw about twenty yards ahead of them a half man, that is the top half of a man, the bottom, shaggy like a furry animal, but hard to see, dancing and prancing. He kept dancing in front of the car. The major levelled his rifle to shoot but was so afraid he couldn’t hold his weapon. They turned the jeep around and drove back to Doxario as fast as they could. Source: The Dangerous Hour: The Lore of Mystery and Crisis in Rural Greece, R & E. Blum, 1970, p. 98.
* At the end of 19th century, a humanoid described as “furry, from head to toes” was seen by Mr Panayis Carantzos in a cave near the village of Piana (Mantineia, Arcadia, Central Peloponnese). Source: Nikolaos Politis, Traditions (Athens 1904), Vol I, p. 314, tradition no 561
* Around 1870, near Levidi (Arcadia, central Peloponnes), a Mr Zacharias saw a thing he described as “blood red hound” in his mandri. He chased it throwing stones. The thing turned into a red flame and started lifting in the sky. The flame flew into a nearby sinkhole emitting a hum which shook the landscape. At the same time, an incredible stench flooded the area. Source: Nikolaos Politis, Traditions (Athens 1904), Vol I, p. 321, tradition no 572
* At the villages Davia and Zaracova (Maenalon mnt) of Arcadia (Peloponnese) and at other nearby villages, the ‘khamodraki’ demon appears as a “blood red goat” with fiery eyes and nails instead of hooves. Source: Nikolaos Politis, Traditions (Athens 1904) Vol I, pp. 321-22, tradition no 573
* At Alonistaina village (Arcadia, Peloponnese) the same demon appears as a hairy dwarf emitting high pitched screams like a baby crying. Source: Nikolaos Politis, Traditions (Athens 1904) Vol I, p. 322, tradition no 574
* In 1875 a dwarf, half a meter high with long hair and sharp teeth was seen by two witnesses somewhere between Sparta and Tripolis (Peloponnese). At first their attention was attracted by a sound described as ‘small child screaming’ Source: Nikolaos Politis, Traditions (Athens 1904) Vol. I, p 323, tradition no 576
* Sometime before 1892 Mr Lambros Pafilias was going to the Calderimi area at the village of Perthori (Tripolis) when he saw a “red dwarf’ with eyes “like that of a cat”. Expectedly, he started running away. The dwarf chased the man and when it reached him, climbed upon him and clung there for some time. Then it vanished. The witness was left with a blister full of pus on his chin which remained for a long time after. (A 1892 report by A. Arvanitopoulos, correspondent of Nikolaos Politis. Source: Politis, Traditions (Athens 1904) Vol. I, pp 322-323, tradition no 575)
* This is a description by the shepherd Takis Paravandis (70 year old in 1979 when he related his experience) from Achladocambos (Peloponnese). “I have seen the smerdaki with my very eyes, at our fold… I was with Brimoyorgis. It was evening. It was like a short man with a large head. Suddenly we heard a loud bang and this fairy vanished into thin air. The gate of our fold was shattered into pieces”. Source: Ioannis Anagnostopoulos, Folklore of Achladocambos, Athens, 1985, p. 152
* Again in Achladocambos, the shepherd Mr Thodoris Yerulis was at the Skieika Mantria (folds) [unknown date, maybe early-mid 20th century]. One morning he woke up very early and went to untie his horses. Suddenly a small humanoid appeared in front of him. It had blond hair and glittering eyes. It was holding and waving something like a wand or a candle. He saw it coming out of a lime pit. The humanoid passed by and went inside the goat fold. After that the animals started dying one after the other and from the 150 goats of the herd, only 78 were left. Source: Ioannis Anagnostopoulos, Folklore of Achladocambos, Athens, 1985, p. 153
* January –unknown year, probably late 19th century, island of Crete. Mr Christophoros Rodousakis was out to hunt birds. The sun had not risen yet when in the light of his torch saw a hairy humanoid 1.5 m high with long horns, which he described as “devil”. The humanoid attacked him and they started wrestling. Rosoussakis hit repeatedly the creature’s head with a stone but in vain. After the appearance of two other creatures described by him as “Saint Anthony” and “a woman in black” the ‘devil’ seemed to lose interest and run away ‘emitting sparks’. Source: Georgios Ekaterinidis, Folk Traditions from the Regions of Seteia and Merambello, 1964, p. 11
* Sometime after the Second World War – Doxario village, Evoia. An army major along with several men went rabit hunting at night out in the wild country towards the old acropolis. They were in the army jeep and it was about midnight. Suddenly in front of the highlights they saw about twenty yards ahead of them a half man, that is the top half of a man, the bottom, shaggy like a furry animal, but hard to see, dancing and prancing. He kept dancing in front of the car. The major levelled his rifle to shoot but was so afraid he couldn’t hold his weapon. They turned the jeep around and drove back to Doxario as fast as they could. Source: The Dangerous Hour: The Lore of Mystery and Crisis in Rural Greece, R & E. Blum, 1970, p. 98.
“This is a very interesting structure that Streetcap1 of YouTube found this week. Its what I call a white ceramic…which is the color and gloss it has. I see these a lot on the moon, Mars, Mercury so I am familiar with them.” says Scott Waring, author of UFO Sightings Daily.
“The structures often have irregular shapes, which tells us the structures have been created room by room, rather than creating one giant room then making smaller ones inside. Great discovery by Streetcap1. These structures need to be taken seriously and are not getting enough attention,” says Waring
An ancient Egyptian Sphinx was uncovered in Northern Israel and leaves archaeologists baffled (not an uncommon thing). Some believe this might have been a gift from the Egyptians or was looted from them long ago. They believe the find to be brought to Israel about 3000 years ago. Once the hieroglyphics were translated, they revealed that the statue was dedicated to Mycerinius, the ruler of Egypt around 2500 BC and the builder of the smaller of three Giza pyramids. As an aside, I have been investigating ancient megalithic structures and then “lesser” versions of them. It is my belief that the originals were done by the “originators” as I call the race of humans not part of the homo sapiens sapiens genus, but predecessors who were far advanced. These people, referred to as Ancient Giants, I believe were here at the same time us homo sapiens sapiens spilled out of Africa and started to wander the Earth. These encounters taught us our early knowledge, had us jumping in the knowledge sector before evolution would have had us do it the right way – getting the basics down. If people refer to why man lost his ancient knowledge, that is why – we never had, it. They did. We inherited the earth, from the “gods” (as we might have looked upon these advanced people and wished to appease and emulate them both by elongated our youngs' heads and sacrificing flesh to their carnivorous needs).
The smallest of the pyramids of Giza (Menakure) referred to above as being built by Mycerinius, shows obviously lesser art and skill than the larger, older ones nearby. This newer one, no doubt done by the native people, but the larger and older ones? No doubt launched by the originators and the question becomes, we early homo sapiens considered trainable workers? Looked down on for their relatively new thinking process compared to these much more evolved beings? Were we the slaves and they the gods?
(above – statues from fourth dynasty, Menakure – the smallest pyramid of Giza – picture above this one. This was around 2500 BC. These folks look pretty normal.)
(Narmer – First Dynasty around 3100 BC – Big Fella – pointed head, interesting profile – smaller dude without pointed head near him)
I'd like to cover this comparison more extensively and I think we'll see a shift in the talk of gods to the talk of rulers and begin to see about the time period that homo sapiens were taking over.
Farmer William Bosak, 68, had what he termed as a hair-raising experience December 2, 1974. As he was driving home, he spotted an object on the left side of the road ahead of him. “It had a curved front of glass and inside I could see a figure with its arms raised above its head.” Farmer William Bosak, 68, of rural Frederic, Wisconsin (Polk County, Northwest Section), had what he termed as a hair-raising experience at 10:30 p.m. on December 2, 1974. Mr. Bosak had attended a Fanner’s Co-op meeting in Frederic and was driving to his rural home southeast of Frederic when, about one mile from his farm, he spotted an object on the left side of the road ahead of him. He had been driving slowly because of patches of fog and his headlights reflected off the object so he slowed as he approached it.
“It had a curved front of glass and inside I could see a figure with its arms raised above its head,” Bosak told reporters. When later interviewed by Field Investigator Everett E. Lightner, Bosak said that the newspaper account which appeared in the St. Paul Pioneer-Press was basically accurate except that the ears on the “human” he saw inside were placed higher on the head.
The object was standing still and appeared to be between 8 and 10 feet in height. The transparent ‘glass’ area through which Bosak could view the occupant was bullet-shaped at the top, or tapered to a peak. He had slowed nearly to a stop when he came up to the object, but then fear took over and he stepped on the accelerator and left the object behind. He said that when he did so, the inside of his car became dark and he heard a swishing sound like branches of a tree brushing against the car.
The “human,” as Bosak referred to it, had hair sticking out from the sides of its head with ears protruding out about three inches and they were shaped like a calf’s ear. It had no collar or shirt with seam in front but appeared to be clothed in something tannish-brown in color and fitted (skin-tight) like a diver’s suit. Both arms were extended above its head and hair stuck out from the outside of the arms. There was no beard, but there was hair or fur on the upper part of the body. The rest of it, from the* waist down, was not visible because of the fog. The object itself was not lighted, but reflected light from the headlights of Mr. Bosak’s car.
Mr. Bosak returned to the location the next morning to search for any landing marks or evidence of its presence but found nothing. He said he was very frightened at the time but the look on the face of the occupant of the craft indicated that it was frightened too. Its eyes were very large and protruding.
Bosak kept the experience to himself for nearly a month, not even telling his wife and son but finally decided to divulge the incident. A later (that night) attempt to view the area where the incident had occurred from the vantage point of his house was unsuccessful due to the fog. “I was so goldarned scared I was afraid to go out at night for a few days,” he told reporters later, and said he wished that he had had somebody with him in the car at the time. After reflecting on the experience for a few weeks, Bosak said that he felt he did the wrong thing by speeding away from the object and “should have stopped and tried to show it I was friendly. I wish I could meet up with it again.”
Bosak, who has operated a 450-acre dairy farm east of Frederic for the past 40 years, said that prior to his frightening experience in December he had been skeptical of stories about UFOs. “And I’m sure a lot of people are going to be skeptical after hearing what happened to me. But if people don’t believe me, I’ll take a lie detector test to prove this isn’t just something I made up.”
Mr. Lightner, who investigated the case, found Bosak to be sincere and a man with a good reputation in his community.
On April 5, 1959, at the Anglican mission village at Boianai, Papua, New Guinea, one of the most well-documented cases of alien visitation began. At this time in history, this village was a territory of Australia. The Australian Anglican Church had sent Father William Booth Gill to lead the mission. He would be the main subject of a series of UFO sightings with alien beings.
Light on Mount Pudi:
Reverend Gill, highly respected by the Church, was well-liked by his colleagues. Gill was a skeptical man where UFOs were concerned, and certainly not looking for them. His hands were full running the mission. The first hint of alien contact would take place on April 5. Gill, while scanning the landscape, saw a light on uninhabited Mount Pudi. The light, states Gill, moved extremely fast.
Inverted Saucer-Shaped Object:
During the summer of 1957, Gill’s assistant Stephen Moi reported to him that he had observed an “inverted saucer-shaped object” which was hovering above the mission. Gill thought nothing of it at the time. The report, though quickly dismissed, would at least turn their attention to the skies above, readying them for what was to come-direct contact with alien beings.
The Size of 5 Full Moons:
On June 26, Father Gill again saw a bright light to his northwest. Evidently, rumors of the previous sighting by Moi had spread among the villagers, and soon they were beside Gill, watching the light above. Sworn statements of this event listed 38 individual witnesses who saw a disc-shaped UFO the size of 5 full moons strung together. The UFO had four legs, like landing gear, but was high in the sky.
Four Human-Like Beings:
An enormous object was hovering over the mission. Soon, four beings, similar to humans, emerged from the object. They appeared to be working on something on their ship. The beings would go inside the object, and then soon return, as if fetching tools. At regular intervals, a blue light shone up above the UFO. This craft was visible for 45 minutes, vanishing at 7:30 P.M.
25 Observers Witness Event:
Forty-five minutes later, many of the witnesses remained, still pondering the sight they had seen. Soon, several objects smaller than the previous UFO would appear in the sky. About 20 minutes afterward, the first UFO was back in view. The sighting of the larger UFO would last four hours, as witnesses would come and go. Twenty-five witnesses signed their testimony to the sighting. A heavy cloud cover ended the event.
Beings Working on Object:
Incredibly, the next night the giant disc-shaped UFO returned at 6:00 PM. Two of the smaller objects flanked it. Father Gill, with many of the witnesses from the night before, watched the unbelievable sight. Father Gill’s statement concerning the sighting: “On the large one, two of the figures seemed to be doing something near the center of the deck. They were occasionally bending over and raising their arms as though adjusting or “setting up” something.
Being Waves Back:
“One figure seemed to be standing, looking down at us.” Gill then waved at one of the creatures. “To our surprise the figure did the same. Ananias waved both arms over his head-then the two outside figures did the same. Ananias and myself began waving our arms, and all four seemed to wave back. There seemed no doubt that our movements were answered… “
Object Moves Away:
This exchange of waves continued for some time. One witness, Eric Kodawara waved a torch at the beings, and they waved back. Gill left the group briefly to eat, but when he returned, the object and beings were still there. This time they were farther away. There was a church service at 7:45 PM, and afterwards, the UFO was gone.
Analysis of Event:
The series of alien contacts in Papua, New Guinea, seem like something from a science fiction movie. However, the reputation of Father Gill cannot be overlooked, and there is no reason to think he and the other witnesses were lying or hallucinating.
Veteran UFO expert Dr. J. AllenHynek thoroughly investigated the Papua events, and concluded that they were genuine. No alternate explanation has been offered to explain what happened, except to say that UFOs and alien beings visited New Guinea in 1957.
Location: Paraje Capiti Poi, Esquina, Corrientes, Argentina
Date: March 9 2014
Time: 19:15
Jose Armando Gimenez (27) and Daniel Gimenez (19) were collecting firewood in a wooded area about 4 kilometers from Armando’s home when they spotted movement within the nearby bushes at about 4 to 5 meters away. Jose Armando approached the area and saw a strange dark-colored creature with large pointy ears, resembling those of a dog. The creature was short and simian… in appearance covered in dark hair. The witness attempted to get closer to the strange creature but it suddenly walked quickly away and disappeared within the heavy underbrush. The other man (his cousin) saw the figure from a distance.
Astral projection is a state where your body will be sleep and unconscious, but your mind will stay awake and conscious! In astral projections, you will be conscious and aware of your environment and what is going on around! You may wake up and even feel like your dead body is left on the bed, and you may even think that your spirit is separated from your body, so must have been dead as your soul can go anywhere you desire freely
This situation will occur when your mind is in a state between sleep state and being-awake state! This state is actually when your mind is fully or partly conscious still, while your body is in unconscious state or Catalepsy state! So to consciously project yourself into the astral world, which is often called astral realm or astral planes, you should put your mind in a state between sleep state and conscious state! To do this, when you are falling into the sleep state, you should try to resist it, and try not to sleep, so that your mind can still be conscious and aware!
by Persian Wizard
You may just sleep on your back normally and face the sky, and try to keep your spine almost rigid and straight. Try not to move a muscle! Try to stay still and do not move your body as much as possible so that your body goes into the Catalepsy state! When your mind were about to sleep, try to fight with it and do not allow your mind to get unconscious! This maybe done with a relaxing meditation music with a slow rhythm and low volume.
In the last seconds of your conscious mental activity, where you are about to fall into sleep, try to slowly imagine that there is a ball of energy floating above your head, and is trying to pull your spirit towards itself! However, we all know that it is not your spirit actually, and it is just your energy body or astral body! So do not be afraid of anything, and know that there is nothing to be afraid of in this process!
Basically, astral projection may happen in two situations. One case is that you are about to fall into sleep, and the other case, which may happen more, is that you are about to wake up but you cannot move your body! In the second case, you should try to stay relax and stay in the state where you were in the sleep, and be focused in that state and forget about everything else around you, like what you may hear in the environment, and do NOT try to open your eyes at all! Just try to be relax, and keep your sleep state for a while, and then slowly try to raise your head from the bed, and slowly raise your body up from the upper body! This process will cause that your astral body leaves your physical body, which probably feels strange and even a little annoying in the first times!
Notice that as long as your astral body is close to your physical body, your astral body will try to go back and connect to your physical body again, just like a magnet! So you may try to get as far as you can from your physical body when you project yourself into the astral planes first, and then when you wish to come back to your physical body, you just need to think of your physical body and get close to it again! Have a successful astral projection
My wife and I were driving on the Apache Trail road towards Tortilla Flat. A couple of miles before reaching the saloon at Tortilla Flat, we noticed a silver disc in the sky on our passenger side. My wife was taking pictures the whole way with her phone (sitting in the passenger seat), so she already had the camera ready to go. We literally took dozens of pictures on our trip, so I not only have this picture but pictures leading up to it and afterword if they need to be provided in the future as proof. The object was hovering in place, and then appeared to start moving. Our view was obscured for a split moment after the sighting, and when we could see again, it was no longer there. The disc was highly reflectant, bright silver ,like a bare aluminum can, with no lights other than the light reflecting from the sun, which was significant. It had a very large dome in the top center of the craft. We never saw the bottom half of the craft, so the best description I can give is that it was slightly tilted downward so we could see the top part, not the bottom. Almost as if the craft was banking a turn, although it didn’t appear to be moving in a curved line. It was too far away to see a great amount of detail, such as windows or panels, but it was close enough that it was right in line with the closest rock formation in the distance. I’d estimate it to be about a half a mile from our vehicle. We kept driving and enjoyed the rest of our evening. We saw the craft at about 4 pm, and continued on our way to Tortilla Flat and Canyon Lake and a bit further until the dirt road turns into a single lane road, where we turned around. On our way back, which was roughly at 5:30, we had just passed Tortilla Flat, coming back on our way home, in roughly the same place as before, and I witnessed what I’d assume to be the same craft about two thumb-widths to the right of the sun, if your hand is a foot from your face. It seemed to almost be trying to hide in the blinding light of the sun, but was clearly visible to me as the sun was heavily reflecting from it’s shiny surface. The look of the surface of the craft, including its reflectant, shiny metal is why I believe each of the two sightings were of the same craft. The second sighting was a bit humorous to me, as it appeared literally a second or two after I realized where we were on the trail. I remember thinking to myself, I wonder if we’ll see it again, and then there it was right in front of my view.
I didn’t mention the second sighting to my wife, and she didn’t see the second sighting. I don’t know why I didn’t say anything, but I felt it was best not to bring it up. I wasn’t afraid of it, but I wasn’t sure how she’d feel if she realized we kept seeing the same craft over and over. Looking back I wish I had told her so we could have taken a picture. Not that it would have done much good, as again, I don’t think the picture would have come out with it being so close to the sun. Still, it would have been nice to have attempted it. Each sighting was also in the roughly the same area, and had the same characteristics. Just like the first time, when I saw the craft for the second time, we had to go around a corner for a couple of seconds, which obscured our view. When we got around the corner, the object was gone. Both times the object was hovering, and the first time it seemed like it was just about to move before we lost site of it. It was not a quick darting movement, but it did seem unnatural as it didn’t accelerate like a normal aerial craft would. It went from a dead hover to a constant speed before exiting our site. I did not feel threatened by the craft. I didn’t have an “anxious” feeling, or a pit in my stomach. I didn’t feel at any time we were being threatened. Thinking back, the only oddity would be that my 2014 Jeep Wrangler made an audible “ding” sound literally right after we saw the craft the first time. I’d say, maybe 5-10 seconds after the sighting. It’s the same “ding” as you’d hear if the safety belt wasn’t fastened or the door was open. At the time, I didn’t correlate it with the sighting, but thinking back it is a bit weird, especially since both me and my wife had our seat belts on, and the doors were closed, with no error light on my dashboard. The only reason I mentioned the year of the vehicle is to show that it is new, and thus probably doesn’t have any mechanical issues. I’ve never heard the Jeep before make this sound randomly. Again, I don’t know if the two are related, but I figured I’d mention it. Thinking back, it was odd how easy it was to spot each time. Again, with the second sighting being quite funny to me when it appeared. Despite the fact the second siting was near the sun, it was just.. there. You really couldn’t miss it if you were looking forward down the road. Same with the first sighting (if you were looking to your right). Despite the fact it disappeared on both occasions, I didn’t feel it was being anything but obvious about its position, and I seriously doubt if we were the only ones who witnessed the craft as it was plainly obvious, and we were not the only ones on the trail. The only other thing worth noting I guess is that it didn’t feel like anything significant was going on during the time, but the more I think about it now, the more amazing the experience really was. I guess that’s opposite of how I should have felt, instead being shocked at the time of seeing it and then not caring later. But it really didn’t seem that important until we got home and looked at the picture and started talking about it. I’m fine with the idea of UFOs; my wife isn’t as much. But both of us felt “good” about the experience, if that makes any sense, and I’m glad my wife isn’t walking away from this freaked out. In fact she wants to go back to Apache Trails again, so I guess it wasn’t a bad experience. Hope this helped, if you have any questions please let me know and I’ll do my best to provide any more details.
Charles Hall's Millennial Hospitality book series, describing his encounters with a race of human-like extraterrestrials - the “Tall Whites” (TW) - during a two year duty assignment at Nellis Air Force Base from 1965 to 1967, is a story with tremendous visual impact.
Situated on Nevada's vast Desert National Wildlife Range, a scenic wilderness containing almost no artificial structures, the Nellis Ranges consist of almost nothing but breathtaking scenery.
This is the backdrop against which Hall's story plays out. Every event he describes can be said to consist of the same basic elements: the landscape, the weather, the people (humans and humanoids), the craft, sometimes the weather shacks... the occasional glimpse of a hangar door and, believe it or not, the TW children's playgrounds.
The story cries out for visuals of these elements. Yet it was not possible for Hall to provide us with anything other than his memories.
Visuals would have had value beyond the esthetic: they also would have demonstrated the feasibility of some of the things Hall describes. For example, he writes that he was able to view the Tall Whites' main hangar entrance high in the mountains 30 miles north of his Range 3 theodolite position on the desert floor. A photograph of that unlikely view would have helped to support the story.
Twenty years after his discharge from the Air Force, Hall began writing down his experiences, and after another twenty years, published them - at first presenting his books as works of fiction. Had he never reversed himself and begun claiming them to be true stories albeit slightly modified to protect the identities of some of the characters, there would have been no point in going back and trying to reconstruct the events as they took place on the ground.
When he was writing his stories, he did not know that it might be possible to reconstruct how they fitted into the landscape and in that way test the possibility of what he claimed to have viewed.
He did not know that high resolution elevation data and satellite imagery of the Nellis ranges would ever be made available to the public, or that software capable of rendering photorealistic images from the raw data would be widely available.
And yet, these things have come to pass, and this makes it possible to create realistic illustrations and even a video animation of at least one element of his story: the landscape in which it takes place.
I first began experimenting with the geological data, the satellite images, and landscape rendering software in late 2004, hoping to have a first look at “geometric feasibility” and to add interest to Hall's narrative.
The results were successful on both counts. In each instance, the views described by Hall turned out to be confirmed by the graphic renderings. And the images were pleasing and even dramatic to look at.
One unexpected benefit from this work has been the opportunity it has given Charles Hall to relive his old experiences through viewing these illustrations. Here is what he wrote in an e-mail after having been shown the report as a work-in-progress:
They are so impressive, I can hardly describe them. The memories they bring back to me I am not able to describe in this short email.
Indeed, working with these images has given me the feeling that I know the terrain well, and they can bring that closeness to you also.
But what of the other elements that we would like to have: weather, people, spacecrafts, and structures?
Here we are dependent on what Charles Hall remembers and is willing to help us recreate in terms of drawings and verbal descriptions. He has supplied two sketches of spacecraft shapes, and from this a graphic model has been developed. This is included in the report.
Weather and lighting conditions are amply described in his books where relevant, and it has been possible to recreate that aspect in the landscape renderings.
Hall also describes the weather shacks in some detail, and they do play a role in his experiences. I have elected not to take on the task of rendering architecture in the present report, however, as this would require significant additional effort, and it remains to be seen if there will any interest in it.
As to the rest, we can hope that this report itself will stimulate Hall's memories to the extent that he will be able to contribute more information that can be included in future updates.
06-07-2014 om 20:15
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RAF schoot UFO uit de lucht, overheid stopte incident in doofpot
RAF schoot UFO uit de lucht, overheid stopte incident in doofpot
Piloten van de Britse luchtmacht RAF schoten een UFO uit de lucht die als een bedreiging werd gezien en de overheid stopte het incident in de doofpot. Dat staat in een schokkend nieuw boek getiteld The Berwyn Mountains Incident: Revealed, meldt de Daily Star.
Schrijver Sven Lumley stelt dat soldaten het wrak voor onderzoek naar een geheime locatie overbrachten nadat het in 1974 in het noorden van Wales uit de lucht was geschoten. Lumley baseert zijn uitspraken onder meer op het werk van onderzoeker Russ Kellett, die zich al meer dan 20 jaar in de kwestie heeft verdiept.
Ze zijn er allebei van overtuigd dat ze bewijs hebben voor het Britse equivalent van het Roswellincident, waarbij in 1947 een UFO zou zijn geland in de staat New Mexico. Het Amerikaanse leger wordt ervan beschuldigd het schip en de buitenaardse inzittenden sinds die tijd verborgen te hebben gehouden.
Uit het onderzoek van Kellett blijkt dat op 23 januari 1974 drie UFO’s zijn gezien boven de Ierse Zee. Eén van de objecten zette koers richting het Berwyn-gebergte en werd vervolgens neergehaald door toestellen van de RAF. De UFO crasthe uiteindelijk bij Llandderfel in Wales.
“Tientallen getuigen zagen toen een lichtbol boven de bergen,” zei Kellett. “Er is die avond veel gebeurd.”
Al Bielek was born in 1927. His first memories of being Al Bielek were when he was nine months old during a family Christmas party.
The odd thing about his memory was that he fully understood the conversation that was taking place around the piano.
As Al went through grade school, he was know as the “walking encyclopedia”. Before graduating high school, he took an electronics test and was the only one to pass. The Navy needed people like him during the war years and recruited him.
Al later completed his education and took on various vocations in the field of electronics. While contracting for various Military contractors, the people who worked with him began to reveal the truth about our involvement with Extra Terrestrials and PSI Ops (Psychic Operations) programs.
Strange things started to happen to Al soon afterwards.
While in Hawaii in 1956, he had a brief encounter with, who he believes now to be Mark Hammil – the actor in Star Wars.
Soon after he was recruited into the Montauk Project.
After the time tunnel was perfected, he would simply be teleported to the underground base and returned back to his apartment.
During the 1970′s, Al was the Program Director for the Psychics who manned the Montauk Chair. Since the Montauk Boys were a key program at Montauk, Al had some influence with the Montauk Boys program.
His duties were to handle the operations of the Mind Control program. He was in regular contact with Duncan Cameron and Preston Nichols. Stewart Swerdlow was one of the Montauk Boys programmers under Al Bielek.
In the 1980′s when the time control programs were operational, Al participated in some of the time travel experiments. Both he and Duncan traveled to Mars on several occasions. He now remembers several other trips he took with teams to a research station in 100,000 BC, other planets to get canisters filled with Light and Dark Energy, and to the year 6037.
In January 1988, after seeing the movie – “The Philadelphia Experiment”, his memories started returning. Al believes his involvement with Montauk ended with that revelation. Over time and though meetings with Preston Nichols, Duncan Cameron, and others, many more memories returned. Ironically, just after his memories returned, Dr. John Von Neumann tried to get in touch with him – a promise he made to Ed Cameron, should his memories ever return.
Al made the decision to go public with the information about his involvement at Montauk and the Philadelphia experiment in the 1989. He has been a prolific speaker on both radio talk shows and conferences.
He believes he has not been harmed or stopped because his time traveling experiences locked him into this timeline. Somehow, by being here today, he, among others in the program, serve to balance the effects they produced from prior time traveling experiments.
note: During these interviews, Al Bielek said he received information that up to 2 Million children are missing each year. I didn’t believe it! So I did my own research. Basically, what I found is there is a total of 1.4 million children reported missing in the United States. California alone has a total of 110,332.
Scientific evidence of alien abductions does not appear to exist [or if it does, it is rare]. At best, we have circumstantial evidence like the broken tree limbs on the roof terrace belonging to Nicole. This lack of pure scientific evidence makes it difficult for us to study this phenomenon. It continuously slips away from our grip. Every time we think we are making progress and gaining understanding, it slips back into the darkness and we stay in a fog of ignorance and confusion. But something continues to occur at night when we sleep at night…when we enter into that strange and extraordinary dream world.
I want to back up in time and give you a historical perspective of this phenomenon.
It would seem that UFO abductions were occurring as far back as the Middle Ages. At that time in history a great number of people were being abducted by airships. They were thought to be powerful magicians from the mythological “Magonia-land” far away and beyond the horizon. Similar events occurring today are attributed to powerful extraterrestrials from far away beyond the stars.
When we compare ancient chronicles, myths and legends, to what is occurring today, it seems we going through the same mystical visitations yet again. In past centuries people believed they were being taken away by fairies, dwarfs and elves. Fairies were said to have robbed pregnant women of their newborn children in order to raise them as their own.
It is even possible that the tales about Incubi and Succubi, so well known in the Middle Ages, may have originated by these earlier forced sexual contacts with alien beings. Originally, they were interpreted as demonic beings. Masked as pretty young women or men, they generated lustful dreams and then engaged in sexual intercourse with their sleeping victims: Succubi with women, Incubi with men.
Even the German religious reformer Martin Luther believed that demons provided human sperm, and became procreative in hopes of obtaining human or human-like offspring.
It sounds strange, but the behavior of the Succubi and Incubi, as well as the imaginations, dreams, and memories of their victims, resemble reports of the modern abduction and bedroom visitor phenomenon. The stories parallel one another in such a striking manner that it appears appropriate to state that they may be one in the same.
Our current theories, based on the reports from abductees worldwide, shows us that the same phenomenon is occurring today. Sperm is supposedly tapped from men, and numerous female abductees believe they have been artificially inseminated by strange looking alien beings. Two or three months later, the fetus is then removed. It is indeed, a traumatic experience.
The scenario that is emerging in so many of our present-day abduction accounts is this: years after these “terminated pregnancies” by alien beings, many of these same women are shown their children again: and they are described as looking like strange hybrid beings who are part human and part alien.
This belief of the fertilization of women by heavenly or divine, as well as demonic beings, has pervaded throughout the course of human history. The legend of the virgin birth of Jesus of Nazareth and his conception by the holy spirit can be viewed as the incorporation of much older ideas that have been scattered throughout the ancient World. Many famous men of antiquity were believed to have had “heavenly fathers.” For example, God himself went to Sarah, Abraham's wife, in order to beget a son with her. And, according to the legends, Buddha, Krishna, Alexander the Great, and Mohammed were also children of a similar “heavenly” union.
In the mythological imaginations of the common people, strange beings like the Puk originated from such contacts. The description of a small naked gnome with big eyes, a giant head and a comparatively slight body, is certainly similar to the descriptions of the small Greys of our present-day UFO abduction accounts. Again, if we believe the abductees, the beings may be the result of an artificially induced combination between aliens and humans.
During the Middle Ages women were confronted with Succubi and men were confronted with Incubi – demons. The same thing is occurring today in the modern UFO phenomenon.
Continued in Part Five with how the abduction phenomenon appears to adapt tous - and a discussion of Dr. Fiebag’s Mimicry Hypothesis.
Extra information about the article:
Scientific evidence of alien abductions does not appear to exist [or if it does, it is rare]. At best, we have circumstantial evidence like the broken
Matthew 24:40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left.
A number of unidentified flying objects have been spotted in mid Wales on the last four years
Newly released data shows that a caller to Dyfed-Powys Police claimed they had seen sheep being taken on board an unidentified flying object from a field in Llanybydder, near Lampeter.
In the same year, 2011, a caller from Aberystwyth reported they were previously abducted by aliens, experimented on, then returned to earth.
Elsewhere in the force’s UFO files, in Llandysul someone reported seeing a triangular-shaped object about 40ft in the air with orange lights and in Welshpool a caller reported seeing a UFO “dropping in the distance”.
In 2012 a caller from Carmarthen claimed they saw “a metallic and circular object in the sky”.
Ewe.F.O? Sheep's alien abduction among UFO incidents reported to Welsh police
A sheep being abducted by aliens (picture posed by models)
When it comes to latest flying saucer “sightings” reported to Welsh police, it seems ewe couldn’t make it up.
Because an alert about alien SHEEP abduction was among the calls about UFOs received by one force over the past four years.
Newly released data shows that a caller to Dyfed-Powys Police claimed they had seen sheep being taken on board an unidentified flying object from a field in Llanybydder, near Lampeter.
In the same year, 2011, a caller from Aberystwyth reported they were previously abducted by aliens, experimented on, then returned to earth.
Elsewhere in the force’s UFO files, in Llandysul someone reported seeing a triangular-shaped object about 40ft in the air with orange lights and in Welshpool a caller reported seeing a UFO “dropping in the distance”.
In 2012 a caller from Carmarthen claimed they saw “a metallic and circular object in the sky”.
There were two reports of UFOs last year. A Carmarthen caller reported seeing three objects “the size of a small house” 200-300ft in the sky. And there were reports of a UFO moving erratically in Crickhowell also in 2013.
It brings the total number of UFO sightings reported to the force area – which is home to a sightings hotspot once dubbed “the Welsh triangle – to 27 since 2002.
Among the earlier sightings, a UFO was reported in the Aberdyfi Estuary by a caller who claimed his car engine stopped when he saw it. The driver escaped without harm. UFOs were also seen at New Quay, Ffrwdgrech, Brecon, Cardigan and Llanelli.
In 2009 a “large orange sphere in the sky” in Glanamman, Ammanford, was later confirmed to be a Chinese lantern.
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For more high strange Location: Guyancourt Airport, Yvelines, France Date: July 23 1950
Time: 2300
Walking in the dark near the airport, Claude Blondeau came upon 2 round craft “resembling two enormous folded napkins, one upside down on the other,” 15 ft in diameter and 6.5 ft high, with square portholes around the rim. They were hovering just above the ground. From each one a normal sized man …in a “flying suit” was emerging from a thick door in the lower half. These men “re-installed or moved,” on one of the craft, “a sort of plate that rested on a base similar to rubber,” using bare hands only. Blondeau approached and asked if they were in trouble. In somewhat hesitant French, one replied “Yes, but not for long.” Inside the craft, brilliantly illuminated, Blondeau could see an armchair in front of a control console, with a large oval steering wheel. He asked about the controls and received the curt answer “Energy.” The men re-entered, the “portholes” became luminescent, and the craft tilted to a vertical position before disappearing upwards. The incident took only 2 minutes.
Humcat 1950-13 Source: Fernande Palatan & Jimmy Guieu
When it comes to visiting asteroids, NASA doesn’t pick run-of-the-mill space rocks. There appears to be a massive alien pyramid type structure on the surface of asteroid 1999 RQ36. You can see two other rectangle structures on it as well. The images and resultant video were taken from the NEAR spacecraft at a distance of 127 miles, March 3, 2000. New footage with stereoscopic analysis.
The government office investigating UFOs in Chile has released an analysis of two high quality photos showing what appear be genuine unidentified flying objects above a remote copper mine. The office, known as the CEFAA (Committee for the Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena), is located within the Ministerial Department of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC), the equivalent of our FAA, under the jurisdiction of the Chilean Air Force. It is responsible for the analysis of selected reports of unexplained aerial phenomena in Chilean airspace, most of them from pilots and aviation personnel.
The photos were taken at the Collahuasi copper mine, more than 14,000 feet above sea level in the Andean plateau in the far north of Chile. An extremely remote location with low oxygen levels and unusually clear skies, the area is desolate and inhospitable. The Collahuasi mine produces copper concentrate, copper cathodes and molybdenum concentrate from three open-pit mineral deposits. (Click here for a map).
Collahuasi lies in the far northeast of Chile, close to the border with Bolivia.
Four technicians - professionals specializing in electricity, electronics, and fluid control - were working there in April, 2013. They witnessed a disc-shaped object which approached slowly and was present for more than an hour, moving around in different positions and hovering at about 2000 feet. One technician took pictures with his Kenox Samsung S860 camera. The strange object made no sound, and eventually moved away towards the East.
The witnesses decided not to tell anybody because of the negative associations they had with UFO sightings, and therefore had every intention of always keeping the sighting private. But some months later, the photographer casually showed the pictures to the chief engineer at the mine, who asked for copies. The engineer sent the images to the CEFAA in February, and provided the agency with information reported to him by the witnesses. He too has requested anonymity.
Chile's meteorological office at the DGAC confirmed that there was an absolute clear sky at that time, and that there was no possibility of lenticular clouds. All other meteorological phenomena have been ruled out by Chilean officials as a possible explanation.
CEFAA officials told me they determined that there were no drones operating near the mine. "People in that zone know about drones," said Jose Lay, international affairs director for the CEFAA. "Fishing companies use drones and they make a lot of noise. This was definitely not a drone." DGAC officials also ruled out any experimental aircraft, planes, weather balloons, or anything else that could explain the incident.
With all conventional explanations eliminated, the CEFAA staff determined that the photos were worthy of analysis. The results of this study, conducted by a leading CEFAA analyst at the DGAC Meteorological Office, was released on July 3rd and is posted on the CEFAA website.
The report states that the witnesses described the phenomenon as "a flattened disc, of brilliant color, with a diameter of 5 to 10 meters [16 to 32 feet]. It performed ascending, descending and horizontal movements in short lengths, about 600 meters above the ground." The witnesses had the impression that the object was under intelligent control.
The first image, enlarged and filtered, shows a solid object reflecting the sunlight, the report states. It adds that the object could be emitting it's own energy as well, due to the high temperature shown in the image (the black area).
The second photo shows the object in a different position in the sky. (The CEFAA does not know the time sequence between the two images.)
The text on this diagram of the enlarged second image indicates lines where very soft rays were reflected from an "extremely luminous half sphere." The analyst concludes that the object "emitted its own energy that does not coincide with the natural sunlight which is also reflected off the object." At noon, the brightness underneath could not have been caused by the sun, which was reflected off the top.
The study concludes that "It is an object or phenomenon of great interest, and it can be qualified as a UFO."
Despite the strength of this analysis, the CEFAA staff recognize the limitations of the Collahuasi case. "The witnesses were not willing to cooperate," Jose Lay told me. "We tried to contact them, and we got no reply. So we treated the material just as we have treated several others of the same or similar nature: we file them for future reference or comparison purposes. That's all we can do in this case."
Retired General Ricardo Bermudez, director of the CEFAA, says "We recognize that this is the determination of only one CEFFA analyst among several. So we still must be cautious." He has called a meeting of the CEFFA scientific committee, composed of high level specialists from laboratories and universities, for next week. Although they are not expert visual photo-video analysts, the opinion of this distinguished group, which supports the work of the CEFAA and assists with investigations when needed, could shed further light on the case.
The South American media has shown great interest in these images. In the US, retired Navy physicist Bruce Maccabee, a well known photo analyst, has this to say: "In the second image there appears to be a very bright hemispherical shape, convex downward... possibly a UFO enveloped in a cloud of vapor." He notes that additional data is needed to determine more, but that it is clear that the object moved "a considerable distance" between the two photos.
"This is clearly not a normal thing seen in the sky (bird, plane, cloud, etc.)," added Dr. Maccabee in an email. "That makes it either the real thing - UFO - or a hoax, and it doesn't appear to be a hoax, although the inability to question witnesses does reduce the credibility. Certainly this case is worthy of further study."
It is indeed unfortunate that the four witnesses have not been willing to speak to the authorities, who could guarantee them anonymity. But even so, these images are important because they were studied by a government agency with access to the pertinent information needed for a proper analysis. That in itself is unusual. I commend the CEFAA for taking on cases such as this. The experts there conducted a serious investigation, and then released the information to the public, with no reservations about acknowledging the possible existence of a UFO, since that is warranted.
Earth show off so many strange and wonderful displays. Here are ten of the most amazing and unusual.
Are you prepare?
Pententes are a snow formation in the form of narrow balades that can be found on very high altitude glaciers where the air in dry, oriented towards the general direction of the sun.
They can range in size from a few centimeters to over 5 meters (16 ft).
Pitch lake is a very unique lake located in Trinidad. It is actually the largest natural desosit of asphalt in the world, dating from the Miocene period. Reported to be 75 meters (246 ft) deep, Lake Pitch remains unexplored as the locals think it should be.
Pitch Lake has fascinated explores an scientists since its discovery. There are countless theories as to the mass, source and origin of the asphalt.
Sailing stones are a geological phenomenon most often abserved in the Death Valley, California. At the Racetrack playa dry lake bed, rocks more is long tracks without any interviews.
The force behind their movement is not confirmed yet, though several hypotheres exist.
Red tides is a type of algal bloom caused by a species of dimoflagelates, which giver a red color to the water.
At night, these tiny light – producing organisms emit short flashes when disturbed creating astonishing views of bioluminescent oceans.
Raining animals is a rare meteorological phenomenon, reported in many countries throughout history.
The animals most likely to fall from the sky are fish, froge and birds… but there have been reports of worms and spiders raining down as well.
Meteorologists are still insure of the cause, but the currently favored explanation involves waterspouts a special type of waters tornado in which animals could get sucked up.
Ice circles are a natural phenomenon obseved in cold climates such as scandinavia and North America.
Looking like an anomalous circular slab of ice rotating in slow moving water… they occur when accelerating water creates a force called “Rotational shear”, which breaks of a chunk of ice and spins it around.
The perfect circles created can vary in size from a few centimeters to gigantic scales.
Sometimes called “Jack-O’-Lantern”, there small floating light are often seen floating over bogs.
Frequently observed in groups that display a variety of movement patterns. They’re said to recide and disappear if approached.
Gas or other emanations could possibly create thin kind of mirage but scientists are still insure about its precise cause.
A fire whirl is a phenomenon in which a fire, under certain conditions of air currents and temperature acquires a vertical vorticity and forms a tornado – like column of fire, which can rapidly grow to enormous sizes.
During the 2003 Canberra bushfires, a fire devil with a diameter of nearly 500 meters (1640 ft) was documented.
This rare phenomenon described as a glowing sphere of electricity was reported for hundreds of years hovering over the ground, floating through walls and even killing people.
Scientists still cannot clearly understand the phenomenon, but some recently suggested that ball lightning may be nothing more than a glowing gas formed by an electric field, like a plasma ball.
A brinicles, also called the “ice finger of death”, is an icy phenomenon observed in polar regions. They occur when cold, dense and rapilly sinking brine contacts the warmer occean freezing it and creating huge ice stalactites under the surface.
This icy “tube” will descend untill hitting the floor, where it will freeze anything it comes into contact with killing all life in its way, and eventually forming a deadly “highway” along the ocean floor.
Location: Chicopee, Massachusetts Date: December 30 1980
Time: 2330
The witness was sleeping in her room when she heard a sound like thunder. She looked out the window and saw an orange fireball gliding over the house. She went to the kitchen and told her sister to come to the window and watch what they thought was a meteor falling into the backyard. She pulled open the kitchen curtains and saw a black diamond-shaped craft with green lights on the points settle onto the back porch roof. The green lights were not bright and the diamond was only about 10 ft across and 8 ft high. A low hum was shaking the house and rattling the back window. The object sat on the roof for a few minutes and as she prepared to go outside she heard a voice in her head say, “Don’t go outside, you’ll get hurt”. Finally the object slid horizontally off the porch and hovered over the backyard. The green lights then went off and the black diamond appeared to be blacker than the sky. It took off seemingly flying fast and slow at the same time. She does not remember going to bed, but a few hours later she woke up tucked into bed, wearing slippers that she had not been wearing earlier and her hands crossed over her chest. (?)
Crop Circle at the Long Man, Wilmington, East Sussex, United Kingdom. Reported July 3, 2014.
The five-pointed star inscribed in a pentagon in the crop circle motif points back to the ancient grid that long barrows and stone circles laid out. The star and pentagon are geometric signatures of the stellated icosahedron and dodecahedron, comprising five interpenetrated tetrahedras.
The Long Man was oriented to observe Orion’s movement across the ridge above him for centuries in the 3480 BCE era when a nearby long barrow was built. This is the signature of true human DNA that mutated in Orion, and endows powerful energy bodies:
Several witnesses observed for a couple of hours an unusual phenomenon in the workplace, in mid-April 2013, in Minera Collahuasi, in northern Chile at 4,300 meters high. They took several pictures and they did not want to delve deeper into the matter.
Eventually two photographs were given to the head of the group and he sent them to CEFAA, ensuring that participants are professionals in the field of electricity, electronics and fluid control, all owners of a very pragmatic mind. They described the phenomenon as a flattened disc, bright color, of a diameter of 5 to 10 meters. Performed ascending, descending and horizontal movements in short lengths, about 600 meters above the ground surface.
CEFAA stands for the Committee for the Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena. It is part of the Ministerial Department of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC) and is equivalent to the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The DGAC is under the jurisdiction of the Chilean Air Force and is tasked with the analysis of unexplained aerial phenomena in Chilean airspace.
The object was clearly visualized as a disk, then took the form of a glossy globe, but the most obvious form was the silver figure, fixed, static disk. The witnesses left with the impression that the movements were associated with a particular control. Weather conditions were excellent. The evidence was analyzed by a meteorologist, which ruled out the possibility of forming a lenticular cloud. One expert in image analysis (the full study is attached on this site) concluded that the photographs correspond to an object that could not be identified
There are two images taken by a Samsung S860 camera, model Kenox. According to the story, the object stayed in the area for a few hours.
The object to be analyzed is marked by a red circle (middle).
The photos were taken around noon judging by the shadows cast.
Here is an enlargement of the object and multiple filters are applied to highlight details.
This image is refined and improved,and shows a seemingly solid object that reflects the sunlight
The light emanating from the object’s surface gives the impression that it could be more than the reflection of the sun in its intensity (images seen in the filter area of the reflection are completely dark indicating that it is of very high temperature).
Here is an blow up of the second photo of object to be analyzed is made and several filters were applied to highlight details
It can be seen in the various filters, there are two clearly defined areas, one with a circular ring shape in the perimeter zone and a hemisphere at the center.
Both areas have a different key, the hemisphere has an extremely strong light that always appears “white” or “black” without going through other shades, so it saturates the CCD taking the maximum value of white, note the ring itself varies its tone when using different filters.
Even though they are very faint and difficult to visualize and enhance with filters, but there are light rays that can be observed coming from the objectd, meaning that come from a very powerful source of energy that can be seen in broad daylight.
No solid areas are noted, probably due to the high luminescence emitted by the object. The object emits light energy,that is not the reflection of the sun, the light also comes from what appears to be the bottom of the object which should have a “shadow”.
The Chilean Air Force concludes the object or phenomenon is extremely interesting, and it qualifies as a UFO.
Voici un compte-rendu de lecture critique de la thèse du sociologue Pierre Lagrange, figure de l’ufologie et de sa sociologie. L’analyse de « Une ethnographie de l’Ufologie : la question du partage entre science et croyance », soutenue en 2009, est effectuée par David Rossoni, co-auteur avec Erik Maillot et Eric Déguillaume de « Les OVNI du CNES – 30 ans d’études officielles« , aux éditions Book-e-Book, et par Jean-Michel Abrassart, bien connu par son podcast ballado Scepticisme scientifique [1]. Gageons qu’elle ouvrira des réflexions épistémologiques fécondes.
Sociologie des parasciences : la preuve par l’absurde ?
À propos de Pierre LAGRANGE (2009) – Une ethnographie de l’ufologie : la question du partage entre science et croyance. Thèse de doctorat en sociologie, École des hautes études en sciences sociales / Université d’Avignon et des pays du Vaucluse
Dans sa thèse de doctorat consacrée à Une ethnographie de l’ufologie (Lagrange, 2009), Pierre Lagrange ambitionne de réaliser une vraie sociologie des parasciences. Ce que sociologues, anthropologues et historiens auraient jusqu’ici quasiment tous échoués à faire, en raison selon l’auteur de leur incapacité à se séparer de l’idéologie du Grand Partage, c’est-à-dire de « l’idée qu’il existerait une différence intellectuelle entre les façons scientifique et magique de penser » (p. 10), et de leur besoin de la réalité définie par la science, puisqu’ils postuleraient, à tort, « que la science parvient parfois à saisir ce qu’est la réalité, tout simplement, alors que les autres processus, religion, croyance, parasciences, etc., croient juste saisir la réalité mais en fait construisent quelque chose qui n’est pas la réalité » (p. 35).
Lagrange se propose concrètement de mener une étude symétrique, d’une part, des sceptiques critiquant l’hypothèse extraterrestre et, d’autre part, des ufologues qui pensent que les ovnis témoignent de visites extraterrestres (ou du moins ne sont pas réductibles à des phénomènes connus). Nonobstant les idées reçues, le comportement des premiers n’aurait rien de scientifique, car ils ne construiraient point de réseaux pour produire des faits, ne chercheraient pas à s’allier avec des sociologues professionnels et ne feraient qu’envenimer la controverse sur l’existence des ovnis, alors que les seconds auraient mis en place des réseaux visant à produire des faits indiscernables du type de fait que produisent les scientifiques « normaux ». Les ufologues se comporteraient en scientifiques nomades (un concept original de l’auteur), contrairement aux sceptiques qui en définitive seraient les seuls authentiques parascientifiques (p. 378).
À l’inverse d’autres sociologues ayant étudié le soucoupisme, c’est-à-dire l’adhésion à l’explication extraterrestre du phénomène ovni (Renard, 1988 ; François et Kreis, 2010), l’auteur prétend que son analyse de l’ufologie invaliderait cet argument du Grand Partage et toutes les explications en termes de croyances. Pour lui, « le discours opposant science et parascience, savoir et croyance, ne tient pas devant les faits » (p. 11). Son travail présente malheureusement nombre de biais et faiblesses argumentatives, caractéristiques d’une certaine dérive de la mouvance postmoderne (Sokal et Bricmont, 1997 ; Raynaud, 2003 ; Boudon, 2008).
I. Double contrainte pour le lecteur
On retrouve chez Lagrange la thèse d’une science d’origine occidentale ne se distinguant pas fondamentalement des autres formes de connaissances alléguées, sans séparation claire entre ce qui relève de la prémisse méthodologique (étudier les savoirs comme s’ils ne différaient pas) et ce qui relève de la conclusion (déduire des résultats des travaux menés qu’ils ne diffèrent pas foncièrement).
Tout au long de l’étude, le lecteur se trouve confronté à cet étrange paradoxe : d’un côté, le sociologue le prévient qu’il ne faut pas « sombrer dans un relativisme où toute forme de connaissance est considérée comme également vraie » (p. 26) mais, de l’autre, lui affirme qu’existent seulement « différentes façons de construire la réalité », différents « régimes d’existence » (p. 339).
Lu attentivement, l’auteur se révèle adhérer à la forme la plus extrême de relativisme cognitif, celle de la simultanéité d’existence de réalités multiples. Il assure par exemple que « les sciences ne sont pas moins construites que les revenants. […] Le résultat est différent non parce qu’il y aurait d’un côté la réalité et de l’autre la fiction ou les mentalités, mais parce qu’il y a des deux côtés des réalités différentes, construites différemment. » (p. 37) L’approche symétrique de Claverie (2004) entre les apparitions de la Vierge et les faits scientifiques montrerait que les « faits construits dans le cadre de ces apparitions […] sont vrais, tout simplement vrais […]. Certes la Vierge n’est pas construite comme un fait scientifique de laboratoire, c’est le moins que l’on puisse dire, mais elle n’en est pas moins réelle et présente. » (p. 89)
Il n’explique cependant pas comment promouvoir un « monde à choix de réalité multiple » (p. 108) sans pour autant « sombrer dans une utopie où tout le monde a également raison » (p. 26). Or il s’agit là d’une question clé. En effet, si les savoirs ne sont pas équivalents, cela implique d’une façon ou d’une autre de les hiérarchiser. Mais sur quel fondement ? Le relativisme cognitif nie de facto l’existence de la fausseté. Or, si le faux n’existe pas, le vrai non plus. Dès lors, il n’est plus possible de légitimement critiquer quoi que ce soit. Dans ce contexte, il est inéluctable, comme l’a justement remarqué Sokal (2005), que le postmodernisme devienne le compagnon de route des pseudosciences.
Le principal effet pervers de ce relativisme cognitif est en effet de conduire à substituer aux critères cognitifs pour l’évaluation des théories des considérations personnelles. En pratique, le chercheur tend à considérer avec bienveillance les théories qui semblent soutenir ses buts idéologiques, ou dont les partisans, d’une manière ou d’une autre, lui sont sympathiques et à réserver les arguments postmodernes, pourtant universels d’un point de vue logique, pour les théories antipathiques.
Ce travail laisse de fait ressortir un pan ufologique (prendre parti pour ou contre un modèle explicatif du phénomène ovni), qui tend d’emblée à invalider le programme sociologique annoncé (étudier symétriquement ufologie sceptique et ufologie croyante).
L’auteur y entretient en filigrane un débat proprement ufologique (ce qu’il affirme pourtant refuser) en stigmatisant sans cesse l’un des acteurs de la controverse. Dans ses travaux antérieurs, en plus d’inciter les sociologues à adopter une approche dite irréductionniste (Lagrange, 2000), c’est-à-dire s’interdisant de réduire le phénomène ovni à du connu, il était allé jusqu’à prétendre avoir réfuté le modèle explicatif sceptique (Lagrange, 2007). Dans la présente thèse, il continue de dénoncer ce modèle, et lui seul, comme étant irréfutable (sous-entendant par-là sa nature pseudoscientifique) et la remise en question par ses partisans de l’existence de cas inexpliqués.
Le falsificationnisme naïf a déjà été largement critiqué en épistémologie. Kuhn (1962), par exemple, a introduit le concept de paradigme pour cette raison. Plus aucun épistémologue aujourd’hui ne défend l’idée que le critère de réfutabilité permette à lui seul de distinguer sciences et pseudosciences. La démarche sceptique ne se résume cependant pas à « imaginer tel ou tel facteur psychologique pour rendre compte d’observations » (p. 155), mais repose bien sur des hypothèses testables, confirmées ou exclues au fil de vérifications successives, au cas par cas. Elle permet même parfois de faire des prédictions ensuite corroborées. L’existence d’un résidu de cas restés sans explication n’y est aucunement niée, mais il est en revanche montré que ceux-ci ne se distinguent pas de la masse des cas déjà élucidés. Remarquablement, les positions sceptiques sont présentées de façon plus exacte, fine et nuancée par l’un des anciens informateurs de Lagrange (Scornaux, 2012).
Bien que défendant en réalité un parti-pris fort dans le débat ufologique (Maugé, 2001), qui relève plus du dédoublement statutaire (Olivier de Sardan, 2008) que de l’observation participante classique, l’auteur tient néanmoins à se présenter comme rigoureusement symétrique. Ce qui ne l’empêche pas d’indiquer toujours aussi paradoxalement ne pas être parvenu à conserver une position neutre face aux ufologues et à leurs contradicteurs rationalistes (p. 123, p. 156), avoir sa propre vision ufologique (p. 129) ou avoir eu du mal à concilier sa position d’ethnographe et celle d’ufologue occupée « par la force des choses » [sic] (p. 128).
Son hostilité vis-à-vis de certains acteurs de la controverse tranche avec l’affinité manifestée envers d’autres. Il cite ainsi régulièrement de façon positive voire élogieuse Aimé Michel ou Bertrand Méheust, tous deux promoteurs d’hypothèses ufologiques exotiques. Héritier intellectuel en ce domaine de Jung (1958), Méheust (1978) considère par exemple le phénomène ovni comme étant une réalité mythico-physique, qui comprendrait un aspect physique inédit et une composante paranormale. Nous sommes ici effectivement loin du modèle sociopsychologique, qui propose de l’expliquer de manière prosaïque.
Sceptiques et rationalistes seraient d’ailleurs responsables de l’existence même de l’ufologie, en tant que discipline autonome marginalisée, en refusant aux gens le droit de tenter de se comporter de façon scientifique, en leur imposant des séries d’épreuves (non précisées) destinées à les décourager (p. 334). Ils seraient aussi seuls coupables de la persistance de la controverse sur les ovnis en n’acceptant pas la solution trouvée par les ufologues pour prouver l’existence des ovnis (p. 345). Néanmoins, juge Lagrange, « malgré la critique rationaliste qui trouve cela inacceptable, ce travail finit par porter ses fruits puisque ce qui était au départ une croyance marginale et irrationnelle [sic] a fini par convaincre de plus en plus de gens de son efficacité. L’ovni est devenu un fait pour de plus en plus de personnes. » (p. 346)
S’il ne visait qu’à renforcer l’approche symétrique en sociologie, l’auteur ne multiplierait pas les attaques contradictoires envers une partie de ses informateurs, qu’il perçoit manifestement comme faisant obstacle à ce « que l’ovni devienne un sujet de recherche normal » (p. 178).
II. Pas de « régime d’existence » pour les rationalistes
Lagrange reprend également la critique radicale postmoderne du rationalisme hérité de la modernité occidentale. Le partage instauré entre vraies et fausses sciences ne serait selon lui nullement lié à l’invention des sciences modernes mais seulement à l’idée d’être moderne et à la volonté de séparer les sciences du reste de la société, et notamment du populaire.
Les chercheurs « asymétriques » ne sont que des « chiens de garde du rationalisme » (p. 14) se livrant à de primaires discours de dénonciation des croyances :« irrémédiablement rationalistes », « les sociologues partent du principe que les ovnis et autres phénomènes paranormaux sont des croyances. Or comme on le sait depuis longtemps, « si c’est une croyance ça n’est pas vrai ». » (p. 113). A contrario, lui-même soutient que « le problème de l’ufologie n’a […] rien à voir avec l’incapacité de se comporter de façon scientifique mais avec la nécessité de se comporter autrement en raison (c’est notre hypothèse) de la nature des faits, des caractéristiques de l’objet construit par l’ufologie » (p. 203).
Lagrange retourne contre les rationalistes (constamment présentés comme un bloc indifférencié) les arguments dont ils sont censés se servir, les accusant de crédulité et superstition. Croyant au Grand Partage, à la science en tant que discours vrai sur la réalité extérieure, à l’existence d’une seule réalité possible, ils imposeraient l’idée fallacieuse que « la connaissance scientifique serait le seul savoir qui s’imposerait à tous, quel que soit son origine culturelle ou ethnique » (p. 18). Ils s’arrogeraient ensuite le droit de séparer sciences et parasciences et, partant de là, d’exclure des disciplines comme l’hypnose ou la psychanalyse, de résister à des médecines parallèles, voire d’aller jusqu’à se méfier de certaines sciences sociales… Ils auraient ainsi déclenché une guerre des sciences en se permettant de critiquer des travaux issus des science studies ou de demander des comptes au jury de la thèse d’Élizabeth Teissier, célèbre astrologue française promue à cette occasion docteur en sociologie (Lahire, Cibois, Desjeux et al., 2001). Inacceptable pour l’auteur qui préconise que « ces résistances du rationalisme » deviennent désormais l’« objet d’interrogation pour le sociologue » (p. 338).
Pourtant, les rationalistes actuels ne prétendent en général pas qu’il soit possible d’établir une ligne de démarcation nette entre sciences et pseudosciences, et moins encore une démarcation fondée sur l’unique critère de réfutabilité de Popper. Sokal (2005) parle ainsi d’un continuum avec des stades successifs, partant de la science solidement établie, passant par la science d’avant-garde, la science spéculative et la science controuvée, puis atteignant la pseudoscience, sans que l’on puisse fixer de démarcation à un endroit précis.Les méthodes employées et les confirmations empiriques demeurent pour lui les plus pertinents critères de classification. Pigliucci (2010) utilise plutôt la métaphore d’un paysage avec ses pics et ses vallées. L’épistémologie bayésienne a par ailleurs fait l’objet ces dernières années de nombreuses études dans les milieux rationalistes (Wagenmakers, Wetzels, Borsboom & van der Maas, 2011 ;Carrier, 2012). Leurs réflexions épistémologiques apparaissent plus élaborées et nuancées que la présentation qu’en fait Lagrange. Les lecteurs intéressés par l’état actuel des débats sur la question de la démarcation entre sciences et pseudosciences pourront utilement se reporter à Philosophy of pseudoscience: Reconsidering the Demarcation Problem (Pigliucci & Boudry, 2013).
III. Une démarche axiomatique
Pour Lagrange, la réalité ne s’étudie pas, elle se construit socialement et la science n’est qu’une façon parmi d’autres de le faire. Il entend donc d’abord faire partager une autre vision du monde, héritée d’Ernesto De Martino, dans laquelle « il n’y a pas le monde social et le monde naturel, mais une nature « culturellement conditionnée ». La réalité est indissociable du contexte dans lequel elle est discutée et elle varie donc en fonction de ces contextes. Ce n’est pas juste notre perception qui varie, mais bien la réalité elle-même. » (p. 76) Appliqué aux ovnis, cet axiome lui fait déduire que « ce n’est pas à la base qu’il y a des hallucinations ou des erreurs de perception puis des croyances qui rendraient artificiellement le tout matériel [?], c’est bien plutôt à la suite du travail des rationalistes que les soucoupes disparaissent et c’est à la suite du travail des ufologues qu’elles prennent forme, rentrent dans des catégories, etc. » (p. 94) Il suffit en effet pour lui que des gens se mettent à discuter ou à écrire sur le sujet d’une façon ou d’une autre pour rendre les soucoupes volantes soit réelles, soit irréelles.
Force est de constater ici que l’adhésion de l’auteur au relativisme n’est pas simplement méthodologique, mais constitue bien une affirmation de nature ontologique. Ce ne sont pas nos savoirs sur la réalité qui fluctuent, mais la réalité elle-même. On peut naturellement se demander si le projet scientifique même reste alors possible. Une réalité foncièrement instable rend caduque la répétabilité, qui est au cœur de la démarche scientifique : en toute logique, l’expérimentateur obtiendra en effet systématiquement des résultats consistants avec la réalité qu’il s’est choisie…
IV. Une approche parcellaire
Loin d’intégrer l’ensemble des acteurs de l’ufologie francophone, et alors même qu’il estime impossible de traiter ce sujet si tous ne sont pas inclus dans l’analyse (p. 116), l’auteur les trie sélectivement pour ne retenir que ceux susceptibles de conforter ce qu’il entend démontrer dès le départ. L’ufologie n’est présentée qu’à travers les quelques groupes de recherche et d’enquête amateurs en apparence à peu près sérieux (Hill, 2012), en particulier la Société belge pour l’étude des phénomènes spatiaux (Sobeps). En quoi la défunte Sobeps est-elle plus représentative de cette ufologie « croyante » que, par exemple, ce qui est surnommé la frange lunatique dans la littérature ? L’auteur ne dit rien non plus de la « web-ufologie » née avec internet, pourtant depuis le tournant du siècle siège essentiel des controverses ufologiques.
L’approche sceptique du phénomène est quant à elle circonscrite à quatre de ses amis (cinq autres individus sont simplement mentionnés ou très brièvement décrits). De surcroît, l’un des quatre, Méheust ne peut, nous l’avons vu, que difficilement en être considéré un représentant . Comment tirer des conclusions aussi définitives à partir d’un échantillon si réduit ? Lagrange ignore délibérément l’approche sceptique lorsqu’elle teste la pertinence de ses hypothèses avec la méthodologie expérimentale (voir notamment la thèse de doctorat en psychologie de la perception de Jimenez, 1994) ou quasi-expérimentale, à travers par exemple la reproduction d’observations en tirant parti du saros (Cnegu, 1994). Sans cela, il ne pourrait affirmer que « l’ufologue qui réalise une enquête ne peut pas profiter des résultats obtenus sur cette enquête pour l’enquête suivante [et] doit recommencer à zéro la fois suivante » (p. 273), constat sur lequel repose le concept de « scientifique nomade ». Or, pour les observations de masse de rentrées atmosphériques ou de bolides, qui représentent somme toute une fraction significative des rapports d’ovnis allégués, les données d’enquêtes antérieures (répartition géographique des témoins, évaluations angulaires, enregistrements photographiques ou vidéos, etc.) permettent justement de définir des caractéristiques communes, nécessaires pour comprendre des méprises ou clore des pistes, et parvenir à la connaissance des faits réels.
Le plus étonnant reste que l’auteur ne discute pas de la façon dont le Centre national d’études spatiales (Cnes), à travers le Groupe d’étude des phénomènes aérospatiaux non-identifiés (Gepan) et ses avatars ultérieurs (Sepra, Geipan), étudie le phénomène ovni continûment depuis 1977. Il ne dit rien des protocoles mis en place, des enquêtes de terrain réalisées, de ce qui les distinguerait le cas échéant de celles menées par les groupes amateurs, ni des controverses qu’elles ont déclenchées (pour une critique sceptique des travaux du Cnes en ce domaine, voir Rossoni, Maillot & Déguillaume, 2007). On ne sait donc où cet organisme officiel se place dans le cadre de son analyse. Les parcours des membres du Geipan et de son comité d’experts le Copeipan, dont il a pourtant lui-même fait partie, ne présenteraient-ils curieusement aucun intérêt dans une étude centrée sur « la question du partage entre science et croyance » ?
V. Ethnographie de l’ufologie ou étude d’un cas singulier ?
Une bonne partie de la thèse est de nature autobiographique. Lagrange explique l’ensemble de ses activités ufologiques (écrire des articles et entrer dans le comité de rédaction de revues ufologiques, participer à des congrès d’ufologie, contribuer aux recherches de ses amis/informateurs ufologues) uniquement par son intérêt pour l’étude ethnographique de ce micromilieu. Rien pourtant dans son travail n’indique au cours de ces années quelque préparation d’enquête que ce soit, de stratégie(s) définie(s), pas même d’objet d’étude clairement circonscrit. Ce n’est que rétroactivement qu’il revêtira l’habit du sociologue en situation d’observation participante (« à cette époque l’idée d’étudier en ethnographe ce milieu ne me vient pas à l’esprit », p. 156). Avant que le sociologue des sciences relativiste Bruno Latour ne l’accueille et le forme, il n’avait simplement « aucun sujet de recherche précis » (p. 2).
De fait, l’auteur ne s’embarrasse point d’études statistiques, d’enquêtes par entretiens ou de questionnaires afin d’étayer la compréhension sociologique de son objet d’étude. Il se focalise en pratique sur un unique sujet, Thierry Pinvidic, dont il dit pourtant que « l’attitude qu’il défendait n’était pas liée à ses idées sceptiques » (p. 196). Le mouvement sceptique apparaît en réalité assez divers et ne peut certainement pas être appréhendé à partir d’un seul cas, aussi intéressant soit-il. Après un livre de jeunesse où il soutenait encore l’hypothèse extraterrestre (Pinvidic, 1979), Pinvidic a été l’éditeur scientifique d’un ouvrage collectif, OVNI, vers une anthropologie d’un mythe contemporain (Pinvidic, 1993). Seul parmi ses informateurs à avoir privilégié l’approche sociologique du phénomène, il se trouve par ailleurs en désaccord théorique avec son ami ethnographe : « Pour [Pinvidic] qui tente de sortir l’ufologie de la croyance aux extraterrestres il est impensable d’en faire une sociologie qui ne soit pas l’étude d’une erreur. Pour moi au contraire l’erreur est précisément de vouloir entreprendre une sociologie de l’erreur. » (p. 197)
Les sceptiques se réfèrent généralement davantage à des travaux relevant de la psychologie que de la sociologie (voir par exemple Spanos, Cross, Dickson et Dubreuil, 1993 ; Jimenez, 1994). La psychologie anomalistique, domaine en plein développement à l’heure actuelle, se penche pour sa part plus particulièrement sur les récits d’enlèvements par des extraterrestres (Clancy, 2005 ; Holt, Simmonds-Moore, Luke, & French, 2012 ; Cardena, Lynn & Krippner, 2013 ; French & Stone, 2013). Par principe, Lagrange ne veut pas entendre parler de psychologie en matière de rapports d’ovni, et encore moins tenir compte des résultats expérimentaux obtenus par cette discipline.
L’auteur fait donc reposer l’essentiel de sa double démonstration sur l’observation approfondie d’un même sujet. Pinvidic est ainsi convoqué à la fois pour montrer le caractère pseudoscientifique du sceptique (car rechignant à s’associer à des sociologues, tels que l’auteur), puis, en compagnie de Monnerie (1977, 1979), pour démontrer cette fois le caractère scientifique du défenseur de l’hypothèse extraterrestre (car apte à monter des réseaux sociotechniques, comme par exemple un réseau de surveillance photographique du ciel). En fait, les quelques ufologues à s’être comportés « dignement en tant qu’amateurs » (p. 218) dans les années 1970 sont « les mêmes que l’on retrouve sceptiques au début des années 1980 » (p. 220).
Seulement, bien qu’ayant eu la possibilité de nouer des alliances avec des réseaux de sociologues, ses anciens amis continuent de s’intéresser plus à l’ufologie qu’à la sociologie des sciences relativiste. Du coup, Lagrange leur reproche d’avoir opté pour la sociologie qui dénonce les illusions et les croyances (« un mélange entre la sociologie critique et le statut d’ancien stalinien », p. 178), de se prendre pour des sociologues en discutant le sujet (p. 126), d’avoir la volonté de ne surtout pas transformer les ovnis en objet de science (p. 146), de prolonger les disputes sur leur existence de telle façon qu’aucun fait ne serait jamais produit (p. 331) et ne donne pas tort aux ufologues défendant l’hypothèse extraterrestre qui explique être les véritables sceptiques (p. 132).L’auteur semble au bout du compte, et d’une façon hautement subjective, simplement inverser ce discours de dénonciation dont il affirmait pourtant vouloir se démarquer.
VI. Des démonstrations problématiques
Lagrange use couramment dans ses démonstrations de sophismes ou de paralogismes (comme cela a déjà été souligné dans Maugé, 2001), enchaînant analogies boiteuses (cf. p. 34), faux dilemmes (cf. p. 37), implications infondées (non sequitur) (cf. p. 307-308), raisonnements circulaires (cf. p. 308) et autres principes d’explosion (ex contradictione sequitur quodlibet) (cf. p. 346). Pour lui, par exemple, soit on croit soi-même naïvement à la pensée magique, soit on doit renoncer illico au concept de croyance. Or, différents chercheurs ont depuis longtemps proposé des définitions élargies de la notion de rationalité ou distingué plusieurs types ou niveaux de rationalité, sans par conséquent faire appel pour expliquer des idées non fondées objectivement ni à des théories explicatives irrationnelles (au sens cognitif) du type pensée magique, mentalité prélogique, besoins psychologiques inconscients, etc. ni à la théorie exotique des réalités multiples chère à l’auteur. En fait, ce dernier prétend souvent avoir démontré ce qu’il s’est en réalité contenté d’affirmer.
De plus, nombre de ses affirmations successives paraissent logiquement incompatibles. Le discours qu’il déploie lui permet, au coup par coup, d’affirmer une chose puis son contraire, en fonction de ses besoins argumentatifs immédiats :
- L’ufologie est une science normale : « nous allons voir, comme Collins et Pinch l’ont montré à propos de la parapsychologie, qu’ »en ufologie, rien ne se passe qui ne soit scientifique » » (p. 203) ; « l’ufologie [...] est une « science » qui produit un nouveau type d’objet et sa normalité est démontrée par le fait que le programme Seti se retrouve exactement dans la même situation » (p. 335). Remarquons que le programme de recherche d’intelligence extraterrestre Seti ne relève lui-même pas de la science normale pour un épistémologue comme Pigliucci (2010), ce qui invaliderait l’argument.
- L’ufologie n’est pas une science normale : « nous proposerons de rendre compte de l’ufologie en opposant le travail de la science, décrit comme un effort pour domestiquer et sédentariser les faits, et le travail de l’ufologie, décrit comme une science nomade, qui oblige sans cesse à recommencer l’analyse. […] Alors que la science « normale » (ou sédentaire) consiste à toujours plus étendre le réseau scientifique pour englober et produire toujours plus de faits scientifiques, la science « nomade » consiste à construire les dispositifs de production de faits les plus légers possibles et au lieu d’enrôler toujours plus de faits, se déplacer de faits en faits en remettant en place le dispositif ufologique. » (p. 205)
- L’ufologie n’est pas une science : « je n’ai pas dit ni voulu montrer que l’ufologie est une science comme Seti » (p. 327) ; « l’ufologie [...] n’est sans doute pas non plus une science » (p. 333).
- L’ufologie redéfinit la notion même de science : « cette ufologie, loin de chercher à être une science, redéfinit en fait la notion de science dans sa façon de produire des faits » (p. 238).
L’auteur a encore besoin en vérité de redéfinir lui-même, ou à défaut de rendre plurivoque, des notions fondamentales pour atteindre son objectif. Il retient de son ancien maître Bruno Latour que la science consiste en la production de faits pouvant devenir des acteurs sociaux : « le plus important n’est pas la « découverte de la vérité », mais la capacité à transformer les faits en acteurs sociaux », « de participer à la construction de la société en sociabilisant les non humains » (p. 327). La démarche scientifique se caractérise alors pour lui uniquement en termes sociaux : appartenance à un certain milieu social, intégration au monde académique, souci de calmer les controverses et volonté de les limiter aux acteurs compétents (ce qui ne l’empêche pas de se prononcer parallèlement, faisant fi de toute logique argumentative, pour la négociation des contenus scientifiques par l’opinion). Le rôle des contenus cognitifs, des méthodologies et confirmations empiriques dans la fabrication des connaissances scientifiques est sciemment négligé.
Il devient dès lors possible de conclure que l’approche des sceptiques n’a rien de scientifique (« leur pratique n’avait rien à voir avec la pratique scientifique, non pas du point de vue du contenu qui aurait pu paraître dans des revues académiques, mais du point de vue de leur fonctionnement, de leur trajectoire »), de les désigner comme « ceux qui avaient définitivement ruiné la possibilité de domestiquer les soucoupes, d’en faire des êtres sociaux » et de trouver in fine « plus de science » chez les apologistes des hypothèses extraordinaires (p. 142).
Le mot « fait » revêt quant à lui une signification variable. Concernant l’existence possible d’extraterrestres proches, « Seti se retrouve devant des faits qui présentent le même type de caractéristique que l’ovni » (p. 205). Mais l’ufologue « ne produit pas de fait puisque rien de ce qu’il recueille ne tient, n’est capable de résister à la critique » (p. 274). Il n’en conclut pas moins que « Seti a un réseau et pas de faits, alors que l’ufologie a des faits mais pas de réseau » (p. 327-328)… Cependant, « la distinction entre les faits et les non-faits, cela revient à réintroduire le jugement de notre époque, cette doctrine des choses actuelles dont parlait Bergson ». Impossible par conséquent de « distinguer entre des non-faits alchimiques ou astrologiques et des faits expérimentaux chimiques ou astronomiques » (p. 29).
Enfin, pour présenter un dernier exemple d’incohérences, si l’auteur plaide abstraitement pour une négociation et une cohabitation entre les savoirs (p. 108), il n’admet pas en pratique que diverses manières d’envisager sa discipline puissent coexister : « On ne peut pas avoir en même temps une sociologie des sciences […] et de l’autre une sociologie de la croyance […]. Impossible d’avoir ces deux sociologies en même temps. C’est comme d’imaginer que le système de Ptolémée et celui de Copernic soient vrais en même temps. » (p. 102) Étrangement, il ne semble alors plus considérer que plusieurs façons de construire le réel ou que des pratiques scientifiques diversifiées (p. 18) soient possibles.
« Le vrai débat, ce n’est pas : « est-ce que c’est des fumistes ou pas ? ». Le vrai débat, c’est que longtemps on a pensé qu’il y avait véritablement l’opinion, le public, les non-experts et puis le domaine de l’expertise qui nécessitait des outils très précis, très particuliers. Et qu’est-ce que nous apprend l’affaire Bogdanoff ? Si on regarde l’histoire, ils n’ont pas triché – je veux dire ils n’ont pas recopié la thèse de quelqu’un d’autre –, ils ont fait chacun une thèse et ils l’ont obtenu devant un jury. Cela nous enseigne une leçon : ce n’est peut-être pas si compliqué d’être expert. » Pierre Lagrange, « Le changement climatique : science ou pseudoscience ? », Université de Lausanne, 5 mars 2012.
La distinction opérée entre une ufologie « croyante » qui posséderait un caractère scientifique et une ufologie « sceptique » qui ne le serait pas du tout demeure à l’issue de cette étude très problématique. Si les ufologues ont inventé « un type de science différent », que l’auteur appelle donc science nomade, grâce aux enquêtes de terrain (p. 205), pour quel motif refuse-t-il ce statut de scientifiques nomades aux sceptiques qui réalisent également des (contre-)enquêtes ? Si une telle activité permet d’engranger des faits, pourquoi les enquêtes menées par ces derniers ne le permettraient-elles pas ? Quid, par exemple, des méprises avérées avec des objets au final bien identifiés (astres, rentrées atmosphériques, etc.) ? Ne peut-on les considérer comme des faits scientifiquement établis ? Leurs pratiques ne se rapprocheraient-elles alors pas davantage d’activités scientifiques normales, contrairement à ce que tente de soutenir l’auteur ?
Au final, on ne peut qu’être déçu à la lecture de cette étude au long cours de Pierre Lagrange, qui nous semble plus obscurcir qu’éclairer le débat sur la nature du phénomène. Les sciences humaines et sociales peuvent, et doivent à nos yeux, étudier aussi bien le phénomène ovni stricto sensu que les croyances censées l’expliquer. Elles sont aptes à engager le débat ontologique sur la nature des expériences inhabituelles que sont les observations d’ovnis ou les « abductions » extraterrestres (voir sur ce sujet Abrassart, 2013).
Certains auteurs aux penchants relativistes nous objecteront vraisemblablement que les incohérences, paradoxes et contradictions décelés ne sont qu’apparents et que nous avons échoué à appréhender la profondeur des arguments exposés. Pour notre part, nous ne considérons pas être tenus de faire une herméneutique de textes présentés comme étant de nature scientifique, c’est-à-dire en l’occurrence de spéculer sur ce que le sociologue des sciences a peut-être réellement voulu exprimer sous son discours de surface. La pratique scientifique exige une écriture claire et non pas volontairement ambiguë. Dans ce cadre, ce n’est certainement pas aux lecteurs d’y projeter le sens que leur auteur a potentiellement cherché à y mettre, mais à ce dernier d’expliciter son argumentation de la manière la plus limpide et la plus logique possibles.
David Rossoni et Jean-Michel Abrassart
[1] Jean-Michel Abrassart réalise actuellement un doctorat en psychologie à l’Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique) sur le soucoupisme, c’est-à-dire la croyance dans l’hypothèse extraterrestre pour expliquer le phénomène ovni. David Rossoni, historien de formation, a publié sur le même sujet un livre (Les OVNI du CNES : 30 ans d’études officielles (1977-2007), pour la collection zététique dirigée par Henri Broch) et plusieurs articles (Pour la science, Skeptical Inquirer…).
Abrassart J-M., 2013, “Paranormal Phenomena: Should Psychology Really Go Beyond the Ontological Debate?” Journal of Exceptional Experiences and Psychology, n°1(1), pp. 18-23.
Boudon R., 2008,Le relativisme, Paris, PUF.
Cardena E., Lynn S. J. & Krippner S., Eds, 2013, Varieties of anomalous experience – Examining the scientific evidence (Second Edition),Washington, APA.
Carrier R., 2012,Proving History: Bayes’s Theorem and the Quest for the Historical Jesus, New York, Prometheus Books.
Clancy S., 2005,Abducted: Why people come to believe they were abducted by aliens, London, Harvard University Press.
Claverie E., 2004, Les guerres de la Vierge,Paris, Gallimard.
Cnegu, 1994, Opération Saros (1976-1994) – Des ovnis reproductibles, une hypothèse vérifiée, [en ligne] (13 avril 2013).
François S. et Kreis E., 2010, Le complot cosmique : Théorie du complot, ovnis, théosophie et extrémisme politique, Milan, Archè.
French C.C. & Stone A., 2013, Anomalistic Psychology: Exploring Paranormal Belief and Experience, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
Hill S., 2012, “Amateur Paranormal Research and Investigation Groups Doing “Sciencey” Things”, Skeptical Inquirer,n°36(2).
Holt N.J., Simmonds-Moore C., Luke D. & French C., 2012, Anomalistic Psychology, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
Jimenez M., 1994, Témoignage d’OVNI et psychologie de la perception. Thèse de doctorat en psychologie, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3.
Jung C. G., 1996 [1958], Un mythe moderne – Des « Signes du ciel », Paris, Gallimard.
Kuhn T. S., 1983 [1962], La Structure des révolutions scientifiques, Paris, Flammarion.
Lagrange P., 2000, « Reprendre à zéro : Pour une sociologie irréductionniste des ovnis », Inforespace,n°100, pp. 60-75.
Lagrange P., 2007, Ovnis : Ce qu’Ils ne veulent pas que vous sachiez, Paris, Presses du Châtelet.
Lagrange P., 2009, Une ethnographie de l’ufologie – La question du partage entre science et croyance, Thèse de doctorat en sociologie, École des hautes études en sciences sociales / Université d’Avignon et des pays du Vaucluse.
Lahire B., Cibois P., Desjeux D. et al., 2001, Analyse de la thèse de Madame Elizabeth Teissier soutenue le 7 avril 2001 à l’Université Paris V et intitulée : Situation épistémologique de l’astrologie à travers l’ambivalence fascination/rejet dans les sociétés postmodernes, [en ligne] (20 avril 2013).
Maugé C., 2001, « Science et sociologie des sciences, ou parti pris ? », Inforespace, n°103, pp. 23-38.
Méheust B., 1978, Science-fiction et soucoupes volantes – Une réalité mythico-physique, Paris, Mercure de France.
Monnerie M., 1977, Et si les ovnis n’existaient pas ?, Paris, Les Humanoïdes Associés.
Monnerie M., 1979, Le Naufrage des Extraterrestres, Paris, Nouvelles Éditions Rationalistes.
Olivier de Sardan J.-P., 2008, La rigueur du qualitatif : Les contraintes empiriques de l’interprétation socio-anthropologique, Louvain-la-Neuve, Éditions Bruylant.
Pigliucci M., 2010,Nonsense on Stilts: How to Tell Science from Bunk, Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
Pigliucci M. & Boudry M., Eds, 2013, 06-07-2014 om 11:40
geschreven door peter
The U.S. government has had Tesla-based quantum access time travel technology for over 40 years. Time travel technology has been weaponised with its principal impacts to date being for the sequestration in time loops of secret military installations, such as U.S. secret bases on Mars, political control of the human population, political surveillance, and attempted imposition of a catastrophic timeline on humanity by withholding or manipulating information about future events.
I Confirmation of U.S.’ use of Tesla-based time travel technology
Two independent whistleblowers from the U.S. national security state have come forward with congruent, sophisticated, and extensive insider accounts of their experiences with Tesla-based time travel technology developed by the U.S. Department of Defense.
Mars colony eyewitness Michael Relfe is a whistleblower and a former member of the U.S. armed forces who, in 1976, was recruited as a permanent member of the secret Mars colony. In 1976 (Earth time), he teleported to the Mars colony and spent 20 years as a permanent member of its staff. In 1996 (Mars time), Mr Relfe was time-travelled via teleportation and age-regressed 20 years, landing back at a U.S. military base in 1976 (Earth time). He then served six years in the U.S. military on Earth before being honourably discharged in 1982.
In a two-volume book, The Mars Records, authored by his wife, Stephanie Relfe, B.Sc., Mr Relfe describes the two types of individuals at the secret Mars colony:
“To clarify: Remember there are two kinds of people that I remember.
“1. People visiting Mars temporarily (politicians, etc.) – They travel to and from Mars by jump gate. They visit for a few weeks and return. They are not time travelled back. They are VIP’s. They are OFF LIMITS!!
“2. Permanent staff – They spend 20 years’ duty cycle. At the end of their duty cycle, they are age reversed and time shot back to their space-time origin point. They are sent back with memories blocked. They are sent back to complete their destiny on Earth.” (Vol. 2, p. 204)
Four independent whistleblower witnesses, including Michael Relfe, have confirmed the existence of one or more U.S. secret bases on Mars, as forward strategic military bases for occupation or defence of the solar system. These whistleblower witnesses include, besides Michael Relfe, former U.S. Army Command Sgt. Major Robert Dean, former participant in DARPA’s Project Pegasus Andrew D. Basiago and former U.S. Department of Defense scientist Arthur Neumann.
Andrew D. Basiago is a former participant in DARPA Project Pegasus (1968-72) that developed Tesla-based quantum teleportation and time travel in the time space hologram, initiating the U.S. program of time-space Chrononauts.
According to Mr Basiago, the U.S. government already had a fully operational teleportation capability in 1967-68, and by 1969-70, was actively training a cadre of gifted and talented American schoolchildren, including himself, to become America’s first generation of “chrononauts” or time-space explorers.
This training, he said, culminated in 1981, when, as a 19-year-old, he teleported to Mars, first by himself after being prepared for the trip by CIA officer Courtney M. Hunt, and then a second time in the company of Hunt. Both trips, Mr Basiago said, were made via a “jump room” located at a CIA facility in El Segundo, CA. The apparent purpose of the trips to Mars was to familiarise him with Mars because the CIA knew of his destiny pertaining to publicly establishing the fact that Mars is an inhabited planet and deemed it important that he visit Mars and experience its conditions first-hand.
Mr Basiago’s involvement in advanced U.S. time-space research as a child, as well as Courtney M. Hunt’s identity as a career CIA officer, have been confirmed by Dr. Jean Maria Arrigo, an ethicist who works closely with U.S. military and intelligence agencies, and by U.S. Army Captain Ernest Garcia, whose storied career in U.S. intelligence included both serving as a guard on the Dead Sea Scroll expeditions of Israeli archaeologist Yigal Yadin and as the Army security attaché to Project Pegasus.
Remote sensing in the time-space continuum
Mr Basiago has revealed that between 1969 and 1972, as a child participant in Project Pegasus, he both viewed past and future events through a device known as a “chronovisor” and teleported back and forth across the country in vortal tunnels opened in time-space via Tesla-based teleporters located at the Curtiss-Wright Aeronautical Company facility in Wood Ridge, NJ and the Sandia National Laboratory in Sandia, NM.
A chronovisor is a device that uses a screen or holographic template to locate and display scenes from the past or future in the time-space hologram. The chronovisor was originally developed by two Vatican scientists in conjunction with Enrico Fermi and later refined by DARPA scientists.
DARPA had, he explains, five reasons for involving American schoolchildren in such new, dangerous, and experimental activities:
1. First, the Department of Defense wanted to test the mental and physical effects of teleportation on children.
2. Second, Project Pegasus needed to use children because the holograms created by the chronovisors would collapse when adults stood within them.
3. Third, the children were tabula rasa (of the mind that has not yet gained impressions of experience) and would tend to see things during the time probes that adults would tend to miss.
4. Fourth, the children were trainees who upon growing up would serve in a covert time-space program under DARPA that would operate in tandem with the overt space program under NASA.
5. Lastly, the program sponsors found that after moving between time lines, adult time travellers were often becoming insane, and it was hoped that by working with gifted and talented children from childhood, the U.S. government might create an adult cadre of “chrononauts” capable of dealing with the psychological effects of time travel.
In contrast to the chronovisor probes, in which a form of virtual time travel was achieved, the teleporters developed by Project Pegasus allowed for physical teleportation to distant locations, sometimes with an adjustment forward or backward in time of days, weeks, months, or years. According to Mr Basiago, by 1972, the U.S. government was using “quantum displacement” of this kind to both send people forward several years in time to store sensitive military secrets in the future and backward several years in time to provide the government with intelligence about future events.
II The weaponisation of time travel
DARPA’s Project Pegasus (1968-73) under which the U.S. government program of quantum access Tesla-based teleportation and time travel was developed was historically under the control of then-U.S. President Richard M. Nixon’s cabinet member Donald H. Rumsfeld. According to Mr Basiago’s whistleblower testimony, Donald H. Rumsfeld, the sitting U.S. Secretary of Defence on September 11, 2001, was the defence attaché to Project Pegasus during the early 1970’s, when Mr Rumsfeld was officially serving as a counsellor to President Nixon and member of his Board of Wage and Price Stabilisation.
Mr Rumsfeld approached his Project Pegasus responsibilities with the intent to weaponise teleportation and time travel to the U.S. government’s advantage. He has been quoted as stating in Project Pegasus meetings at the time that the chief mission of teleportation was to deliver troops to the appropriate place in the battlefield.
Sequestration of secret U.S. military bases
It is clear from Michael Relfe’s two books on his 20 years at the secret U.S. base on Mars that U.S. time travel was principally used to the hide the presence of U.S. secret military installations on Mars from the public so that the installations remained accessible only to time scientists of the U.S. DoD.
Mr Relfe was recruited into the U.S. armed forces and time travel/teleported to Mars in 1976. Only individuals with access to secret time science records or technology of the U.S. Department of Defense could prove the existence of the U.S. secret Mars base from Michael Relfe’s conventional U.S. service records.
Time travel and political control of the human population
Time travel pre-identification and secret training of U.S. Presidents
On a November 11, 2009 Coast to Coast AM radio program, Mr Basiago publicly stated that DARPA’S Project Pegasus program involving time travel was identifying future persons of interest, including those who would serve as U.S. president, and then informing such persons of their destinies. Mr Basiago stated that in the early 1970s, in the company of his late father, Raymond F. Basiago, an engineer for The Ralph M. Parsons Company who worked on classified aerospace projects was present at a lunch in Albuquerque, New Mexico at which (then) future U.S. Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush were guests shortly after they were informed that both would one day serve as President.
He also stated that in the early 1970s, the DARPA program, Project Pegasus, had identified future Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton utilising time travel technology. Mr Basiago met (then) future President Barack Obama in Los Angeles, CA in 1982 Mr while attending UCLA. Mr Obama, then a student at Columbia University, was visiting former classmates at Occidental College in Los Angeles. A statement was made by the ally of Mr Obama in the anti-apartheid movement which revealed that Mr Obama, then age 20, already knew that he would one day be the President.
Project Pegasus time travel was also used for political surveillance of future societal change agents.
Mr Basiago revealed that the reason Project Pegasus was able to identify Mr Carter, who was the then Governor of George, in 1971, as a future U.S. President, is that the program was in possession of a copy of Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe by Alfred Lambremont Webre—a book that this reporter would not write until 1999 and would not be published as a library book until 2005, but which bears a quote on its front pages of a statement made by President Jimmy Carter.
According to him, Mr Webre’s book Exopolitics was, among other written works, physically retrieved from the future by Project Pegasus and brought back in time to 1971 or a prior time. At that time, 1971, Mr Webre was General Counsel of the New York City Environmental Protection Administration and had been placed under time travel surveillance by the U.S. government.
Mr Basiago has also stated that Project Pegasus identified Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, the great granddaughter of U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, as a his future ally.
Thus, there is historical precedent for the covert political surveillance, via remote sensing in time, of a person of interest like Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Time travel and 9/11
Mr Basiago has publicly stated how in 1971 he viewed moving images of the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 that had been obtained from the future and brought back to the early 1970’s.
He has described how while serving in Project Pegasus, he viewed moving images of 9/11 at the secured U.S. defence-technical facility where they were processed after being retrieved from the future (at the Aerojet Corporation facility that once stood at the corner of Bullock Avenue and Leroy Place in Socorro, New Mexico).
In all likelihood, Mr Rumsfeld, as the defence attaché to Project Pegasus, would have known about and possibly had control over the data about 9/11 derived via “quantum access” and brought it back to the early 1970’s for analysis by the DARPA research and development program under his administrative authority.
Mr Basiago’s eyewitness account that Secretary Rumsfeld and others knew about 9/11 decades in advance because data about it was gathered via DARPA’s secret time travel program unlocks several of the more enigmatic facts in the 9/11 literature and may be the key to society’s unravelling of the ultimate accountability for the false flag operation that took place on September 11, 2001.
Time travel and natural catastrophe
A chronovisor probe in the early 1970s by DARPA’s Project Pegasus chose an archetypal target in Washington, DC. Project Pegasus chose to view the U.S. Supreme Court building in 2013 via chronovisor and Project Pegasus participant and Mr Basiago “found that the Supreme Court building was under 100 feet of stagnant water”..
A Farsight Institute remote viewing study of natural catastrophe targeted the archetypal target right across from the U.S. Supreme Court Building—the U.S. Capitol building—in 2013.
In all, 39% of the remote viewer reports viewed the U.S. Capitol in ruins alongside deep water.
Mr Basiago has also stated that “that because the chronovisors did not identify absolute, deterministic futures but rather alternate futures in the “multi-verse,” this catastrophic vision of Washington, DC might be from an alternative time line that does not materialise on our time line.”
Results showed that 29% of Farsight remote viewers targeting the U.S. Capitol in 2013 did not see a Washington, DC devastated by natural catastrophe.
Here, then, we have the 2012-13 catastrophic and 2012-13 non-catastrophic futures side by side. DARPA’s Project Pegasus chronovisor technology for probing future events in the time-space hologram was state-of-the-art in the early 1970s. Project Pegasus itself was under the policy oversight of Donald H. Rumsfeld as a Nixon cabinet member. It may have been that Presidential-level decisions were made in the early 1970s to commence underground shelter preparations, on the basis of Project Pegasus and other time-travel intelligence about the 2012-13 catastrophic timeline.
It is reasonable to speculate whether the U.S. and other governments and elites may have made a fundamental miscalculation and wrong conclusion in assuming that a 2012-13 cataclysmic timeline will be the actual future, when in fact it was an alternative future that would not materialise as the actual deterministic future in 2012-13.
It is also reasonable to speculate that the governments and political and financial elites have made a colossal moral error in creating safe underground bases for themselves, while making plans to leave an unwitting humanity on the surface to be ‘depopulated’ by a combination of giant solar flares, meteors from space, and a Mad Max scenario playing out—all of which is a future that does not materialise.
In a July 7, 2010 presentation, Dr. Courtney Brown of the Farsight Institute stated there are anomalies that suggest the U.S. government and elites are heavily invested in covertly preparing for the 2012-13 catastrophic timeline, while keeping the bulk of the human population in the dark.
These anomalies, such as rapid expansion of deep underground military bases to accommodate all U.S. government, military and police forces, and political and financial elites, suggest that they have accepted that the 2012-13 catastrophic future is the most probable future, and are feverishly completing underground facilities on Earth (as well as secret bases on Mars).
Societal impact of chronovision and teleportation
Basiago’s Pegasus revelations establish that a secret, advanced U.S. time-space program emerged 40 years ago. For four decades, this program has used esoteric technologies involving chronovision and teleportation to perform “remote sensing in time” of past and future events. For the past three decades, teleportation has also been used to send individuals from Earth to strategic U.S. bases on Mars. He is adamant that these technologies be revealed so that their positive and negative aspects can be debated and their positive aspects used to the advantage of humanity.
Chronovision, he said, could be used to create an international network of virtual museums in which images from the past would be shown to enlighten and educate the public. Misapplied, such technology could also be used to create a Fascist society based on 24-hour surveillance of individuals by government, which may have been portended by the DARPA project called “Total Information Awareness” that President George W. Bush established and placed under Admiral John Poindexter.
Teleportation is a second quantum access technology developed with public funds that the public is being denied the full benefits of. Teleportation could be used, Basiago said, to move people and goods more quickly and efficiently around the globe, without the pollution caused by planes, trains, and automobiles or the negative land use effects from airports, railroad tracks, and highways. Yet, if it is not declassified, teleportation will remain what it has been for 40 years, that is, a weapon for use only by the U.S. military, to have the option to put troops precisely where they are needed on battlefields.
“I take my responsibilities as a planetary whistleblower very seriously,” Basiago said.
“This is a truth campaign for positive human development on this planet. The people of this planet have a right to a true telling of the natural history of the solar system that we inhabit. This includes the truth that Mars is an inhabited planet and also that the United States’ secret space program has already sent individuals from this planet to the Red Planet. If we are to achieve a sustainable human future on this planet, we must demand that the US government reveal the teleportation that has been used to reach Mars so that it can now be used to revolutionise human transport on Earth. The people of this planet have a right to inhabit a future global society in which all human beings enjoy the life-advantaging benefits of all of the technologies that all of human ingenuity has ever produced. In both of these cases, whether a treaty protecting Mars or a global network of teleports results, the truth shall set us free.”
New interesting video footage of a glowing red UFO light recorded in the night sky above Pennsylvania on 30th June 2014.
Witness said: UFO Altoona Pa @ 10:45 p.m. on June 30th, 2014. My Granddaughter and I were sitting outside when we saw this and she captured it on her Windows 8 Phone.
Met de term de 'Rode Planeet' verwijzen we naar Mars, maar mogelijk is de planeet eigenlijk wit. De NASA-marsjeep Curiosity stuurde foto's door waarop te zien is hoe het rode stof maar een dun laagje aan de oppervlakte is. Daaronder blijkt Mars wit te zijn.
Voor alle duidelijkheid: aan de oppervlakte is Mars inderdaad de Rode Planeet. Maar de marsjeep Curiosity is uitgerust met enkele hoogtechnologische snufjes en kan daardoor inzicht verschaffen over meer dan de oppervlakte van de 'Rode Planeet'. Bij het eerste gebruik van de baanbrekende 'Dust Removal Tool' (een soort bezem of stofvod zeg maar) kregen de experts van NASA op het thuisfront al meteen straffe foto's te zien. Daaruit blijkt dat onder het rode stoflaagje Mars blinkend wit is.
Haarscherpe beelden De 'stofvod' van de Curiosity hangt aan het uiteinde van een robotarm en werd voor het eerst gebruikt op de 150ste Marsdag van de missie. Met de MAHLI (Mars Hand Lens Imager) nam de Curiosity vanop zo'n 25 centimer boven de oppervlakte de haarscherpe beelden van de witte marsbodem.
Ooit blauw? Dat is opvallend, want vorige week dook nog een theorie op dat Mars ooit blauw zou geweest zijn. Software-ingenieur Kevin Gill toverde een virtuele versie van Mars uit zijn computer op basis van hoogtegegevens van de Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter van de NASA. Met alles erop en eraan zoals oceanen en flora. En de blauwe kleur. Een beetje aards dus. Een grote oceaan vult een zijde van Mars. Die voedt een van de langste valleien in ons zonnestelsel: de Vallis Marineris. De pieken van Mars' enorme vulkanen domineren de Tharsis Bulge. In die vulkanische regio situeert Gill een soort woestijn op grote hoogte, waar weinig vegetatie mogelijk is. Lagere gebieden zouden wel een natter klimaat kunnen herbergen en zo plantengroei toelaten.
Creatief "Ik had al gelijkaardige modellen voor de Aarde opgesteld en ik wilde die ook toepassen op Mars", vertelt Gill. "Het was een goede manier om meer te weten te komen over de planeet. Op deze creatieve manier kon ik de gebruikte software ook optimaliseren."
Geschiedenis Ook dankzij de Curiosity kunnen de NASA-experts de geschiedenis van Mars verder samenstellen. Uit de analyses blijkt meer en meer dat de planeet ooit een natte wereld was met heel wat aardse elementen. Zo onderzocht de marsjeep de rivierbodem van de Gale Crater, waar duidelijk ooit een rivier vloeide misschien wel meer dan een halve meter diep. Die andere marsjeep Opportunity trof ook bewijzen van klei aan. Die tonen aan dat mineralen in interactie gingen met de oppervlakte, ergens in het verleden. Verder zijn er ook bewijzen gevonden van grote rivierdelta's en oude kustlijnen.
Bemande missie Als al die fascinerende ontdekkingen over Mars ook u inspireren, kan u misschien ingaan op het aanbod van Mars One (een nonprofit-organisatie met zetel in Nederland) die een bemande missie naar Mars wil sturen in 2023. Ze rekruteren nu al astronauten voor hun plan om over tien jaar een menselijke vestiging op Mars te installeren. Elke aardbewoner kan zich kandidaat stellen als hij voldoet aan enkele basisvoorwaarden zoals "een diepgewortelde zin voor duidelijke doelen, de wil om in team te werken, een gezonde dosis zelfstandig nadenken, een stevige portie nieuwsgierigheid, creatitiviteit en energie." Voelt u zich geroepen? Eén adres: deze website!
UPDATE Honderden kilometers onder onze voeten zouden zich wel eens grote volumes water kunnen bevinden. Die theorie bestaat al langer, maar een waterrijk mineraal dat Canadese wetenschappers wisten te bemachtingen, lijkt dat te bevestigen.
Ringwoodiet, zo heet het mineraal dat een internationaal team onder leiding van Graham Pearson van de Universiteit van Alberta ontdekte in een diamant. Het mineraal, dat enkel onder grote druk ontstaat, was tot dusver al in meteorieten aangetroffen, maar nog nooit in 'aardse' vorm. Het is nu eenmaal niet mogelijk om honderden kilometers diep te graven.
De ringwoodiethoudende diamant die Pearson louter per toeval wist te bemachtigen, was door mijnwerkers in de buurt van de Braziliaanse stad Juina gevonden in een rivier. De lelijke, waardeloze diamant was via vulkanisch gesteente op het aardoppervlak terecht gekomen. En dan was er nog een toevallige ontdekking van een student van Pearson nodig om tot bij het ringwoodiet te komen.
Alle oceanen samen Na analyse blijkt dat de ringwoodiet voor 1,5 procent uit water bestaat. Die vondst bevestigt de wetenschappelijke theorie dat er 410 tot 660 kilometer diep onder onze voeten zich wel eens enorme oceanen zouden kunnen bevinden. "Dit staal levert extreem sterke bevestiging dat er zich lokale natte plekken bevinden in de aarde," zegt Pearson aan TerraDaily. Meer nog: "Die specifieke zone in de aarde zou zelfs zoveel water kunnen bevatten als alle gekende oceanen samen."
Pearson noemt het de belangrijkste ontdekking uit zijn carrière. Wetenschappers zijn sterk verdeeld over de samenstelling van de aarde op die diepte. Met de wetenschap dat er op die plaats veel water te vinden is, kunnen processen als vulkanisme en platentektoniek veel beter bestudeerd worden. "Water verandert alles aan de manier waarop de planeet werkt."
Belgisch randje De bevindingen van Pearson zijn ook verschenen in het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Nature. Het onderzoek heeft ook een Belgisch randje: vorsers van de Universiteit Gent, meer bepaald de 'X-ray Microspectroscopy and Imaging group' onder leiding van professor Laszlo Vincze, van de vakgroep Analytische Chemie, leverden een belangrijke bijdrage.
A cooperative venture with all who want to discover and know the truth about the Billy Meier UFO contacts in Switzerland, ongoing since 1942
This blog is an evolutionary result of the previous debate with and about Antonio Paris of API that he himself has effectively birthed through his expressed willingness to now openly explore the evidence in the Billy Meier UFO contact case. The premise expressed in the title, the focal point, will be the one I am also using in new my cooperative venture with MUFON, which will be linked from here as soon as the page is up on their site.
This discussion is open to all interested parties and especially to all those who have long disagreed with such claims, such as those here, and anyone who, for whatever reasons, think the Meier case is a hoax, isn’t sure, wants to know the truth, etc. For many years, skeptics of the Meier case have walked in the proverbial room, yelled, “It’s a proven hoax!” and stormed out…without ever substantiating their attacks, or the ones they were parroting. Now they’re all invited to come and stay a while, participate discuss, debate but to do so using the criteria that reasonable people use to determine the truth.
This means that we will proceed in a logical, fact-seeking manner. We won’t entertain unsubstantiated claims, or attacks on anyone, pro or con the Meier case. We want to use good, logical, objective, scientifically based and oriented methodologies and thinking in examining the evidence. That includes looking at any solidly based skeptical claims.
We shall also utilize certain very reasonable, reality based, detective-like skills and methods when considering circumstances and circumstantial evidence. Certainly we will want to respect, encompass and utilize any and all criteria that reasonable people use to determine the truth. The processes and criteria we will use in examining the Meier case will of course be applicable for examining any other claimed UFO cases, for those who wish to do so.
Why UFOs?
Why, if I’ve said for over 16 years that the really important parts of the Meier case are to be found in the prophetic information and ultimately in the spiritual teaching, is all this time still spent discussing UFOs? Many of us already take the existence of extraterrestrial life and their flying craft as established facts. But so far the world of science doesn’t, perhaps because they haven’t yet examined the best evidence or used the criteria that reasonable people use to determine the truth. To present incontrovertible evidence for the existence of, and contact with, extraterrestrial life forms would be unprecedented; it would be the most important discovery in all of science…and human history.
The fact of the matter is that this overall (and sometimes deservedly) much maligned, marginalized and tabloidized topic of UFOs has provoked a controversy for a reason. Let’s also realize that the reason isn’t for people to be chasing illusive lights in the sky, and thereby their own tails, nor is it to create careers for speakers and “UFO experts”.
UFOs exist, by definition, and the truth about what they are, who’s responsible for them and the reason for them is exactly what we want to determine. And I think we have a historically unique opportunity to do just that.
The Truth
To find and know the real truth is akin to discovering an inexhaustible treasure, one that is actually…free for all of humanity to partake of. That kind of stuff is not what the proponents of the old profit-motivated model of domination over others are really too thrilled about. Hence, they have seen to it that the term UFO has largely become associated with “evil aliens”, hoaxes, mere entertainment and all sorts of other deliberately misleading disinformation.
The truth is all that matters and will always, ultimately prevail. So let’s come together and see what we’ve actually got here. And let’s start by defining the criteria that reasonable people use to determine the truth and hit the road running by applying it to determining the authenticity of this photograph of the WCUFO, taken in 1981, with a 35mm film camera:
WCUFO extended cupola
If we can agree that PhotoShop is a credible tool for this process, then the suggestion is to enhance the brightness of this image and perhaps lower the contrast.
What is the result that you get?
Copyright 2011 – All Rights Reserved. Please do not copy or reproduce the content on this blog for re-publication without the author/s written permission. Thank you.
Une nouvelle planète tellurique, OGLE-2013-BLG-0341, découverte par la technique du microlensing gravitationnel, à 3000 AL de la Terre. Elle gravite autour d'une des deux composantes d'un système binaire. Bien qmère, ce qui la situerait dans la ZH de notre système, son soleil est beaucoupplus faible que Sol. Ainsi, la planète est plus froide que la Terre, plus froide, en fait,qu'Europe, environ -213° C. Brrr !
COLUMBUS, Ohio—A newly discovered planet in a binary star system located 3,000 light-years from Earth is expanding astronomers’ notions of where Earth-like—and even potentially habitable—planets can form, and how to find them.
At twice the mass of Earth, the planet orbits one of the stars in the binary system at almost exactly the same distance from which Earth orbits the sun. However, because the planet’s host star is much dimmer than the sun, the planet is much colder than the Earth—a little colder, in fact, than Jupiter’s icy moon Europa.
Andrew Gould
Four international research teams, led by professor Andrew Gould of The Ohio State University, published their discovery in the July 4 issue of the journal Science.
The study provides the first evidence that terrestrial planets can form in orbits similar to Earth’s, even in a binary star system where the stars are not very far apart. Although this planet itself is too cold to be habitable, the same planet orbiting a sun-like star in such a binary system would be in the so-called “ habitable zone” —the region where conditions might be right for life.
“This greatly expands the potential locations to discover habitable planets in the future,” said Scott Gaudi, professor of astronomy at Ohio State. “Half the stars in the galaxy are in binary systems. We had no idea if Earth-like planets in Earth-like orbits could even form in these systems. ”
Very rarely, the gravity of a star focuses the light from a more distant star and magnifies it like a lens. Even more rarely, the signature of a planet appears within that magnified light signal. The technique astronomers use to find such planets is called gravitational microlensing , and computer modeling of these events is complicated enough when only one star and its planet are acting as the lens, much less two stars.
Scott Gaudi
When the astronomers succeeded in detecting this new planet, they were able to document that it produced two separate signatures—the primary one, which they typically use to detect planets, and a secondary one that had previously been only hypothesized to exist.Searching for planets within binary systems is tricky for most techniques, because the light from the second star complicates the interpretation of the data. "But in gravitational microlensing,” Gould explained, "we don't even look at the light from the star-planet system. We just observe how its gravity affects light from a more distant, unrelated, star. This gives us a new tool to search for planets in binary star systems."
The first was a brief dimming of light, as the planet’s gravity disrupted one of the magnified images of the source star. But the second effect was an overall distortion of the light signal.
“Even if we hadn’t seen the initial signature of the planet, we could still have detected it from the distortion alone,” Gould said, pointing to a graph of the light signal. “The effect is not obvious. You can't see it by eye, but the signal is unmistakable in the computer modeling.”
Gaudi explained the implications.
“Now we know that with gravitational microlensing, it’s actually possible to infer the existence of a planet—and to know its mass, and its distance from a star—without directly detecting the dimming due to the planet,” he said. “We thought we could do that in principle, but now that we have empirical evidence, we can use this method to find planets in the future.”
The nature of these distortions is still somewhat of a mystery, he admitted.
“We don't have an intuitive understanding of why it works. We have some idea, but at this point, I think it would be fair to say that it’s at the frontier of our theoretical work.”
The planet, called OGLE-2013-BLG-0341LBb, first appeared as a “dip” in the line tracing the brightness data taken by the OGLE (Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment) telescope on April 11, 2013. The planet briefly disrupted one of the images formed by the star it orbits as the system crossed in front of a much more distant star 20,000 light-years away in the constellation Sagittarius.
“Before the dip, this was just another microlensing event,” Gould said. It was one of approximately 2,000 discovered every year by OGLE, with its new large-format camera that monitors 100 million stars many times per night searching for such events.
“It’s really the new OGLE-IV survey that made this discovery possible,” he added. “They got a half dozen measurements of that dip and really nailed it.” From the form of the dip, whose “wings” were traced out in MOA (Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics) data, they could see that the source was headed directly toward the central star.
Then, for two weeks, astronomers watched the magnified light continue to brighten from telescopes in Chile, New Zealand, Israel and Australia. The teams included OGLE, MOA, MicroFUN (the Microlensing Follow Up Network), and the Wise Observatory .
Even then, they still didn’t know that the planet’s host star had another companion—a second star locked into orbit with it. But because they were already paying close attention to the signal, the astronomers noticed when the binary companion unexpectedly caused a huge eruption of light called a caustic crossing.
By the time they realized that the lens was not one star, but two, they had captured a considerable amount of data—and made a surprising discovery: the distortion.
Weeks after all signs of the planet had faded, the light from the binary-lens caustic crossing became distorted, as if there were a kind of echo of the original planet signal.
Intensive computer analysis by professor Cheongho Han at Chungbuk National University in Korea revealed that the distortion contained information about the planet—its mass, separation from its star, and orientation—and that information matched perfectly with what astronomers saw during their direct observation of the dip due to the planet. So the same information can be captured from the distortion alone.
This detailed analysis showed that the planet is twice the mass of Earth, and orbits its star from an Earth-like distance, around 90 million miles. But its star is 400 times dimmer than our sun, so the planet is very cold—around 60 Kelvin (-352 degrees Fahrenheit or -213 Celsius), which makes it a little colder than Jupiter’s moon Europa. The second star in the star system is only as far from the first star as Saturn is from our sun. But this binary companion, too, is very dim.
Still, binary star systems composed of dim stars like these are the most common type of star system in our galaxy, the astronomers said. So this discovery suggests that there may be many more terrestrial planets out there—some possibly warmer, and possibly harboring life.
Three other planets have been discovered in binary systems that have similar separations, but using a different technique. This is the first one close to Earth-like size that follows an Earth-like orbit, and its discovery within a binary system by gravitational microlensing was by chance.
“Normally, once we see that we have a binary, we stop observing. The only reason we took such intensive observations of this binary is that we already knew there was a planet,” Gould said. “In the future we’ll change our strategy.”
In particular, Gould singled out the work of amateur astronomer and frequent collaborator Ian Porritt of Palmerston North, New Zealand, who watched for gaps in the clouds on the night of April 24 to get the first few critical measurements of the jump in the light signal that revealed that the planet was in a binary system. Six other amateurs from New Zealand and Australia contributed as well.
Les énigmatiques structures métalliques dela "vallée de la mort" en Sibérie
Très peu peuplée, la vaste région du Yakutia, en Sibérie, est parsemée d'étranges structures métalliques et manifeste les stigmates évidents d'explosions de type nucléaire se produisant tous les six ou sept siècles.
Au nord-ouest du Yakutia, en Sibérie, dans le bassin de la haute rivière Viliuy, s'étend une région d'accès difficile qui porte les marques d'un cataclysme ancien d'environ 800 ans responsable de la dévastation de l'ensemble du massif forestier et de la dispersion des roches sur une surface de plusieurs centaines de kilomètres carrés. Éparpillés dans cette zone, de mystérieux objets métalliques ont été régulièrement observés, enfouis plus ou moins profondément dans le permafrost. A la surface, leur présence n'est trahie que par des sites occupés par une étrange végétation. L'ancien nom de cette région : Uliuiu Cherkechekh signifie : "la Vallée de la Mort".
Depuis des années, le peuple Yakut a fui cette lointaine région qui a exercé, et exerce encore, une influence puissante sur le sort, non seulement des sociétés locales, mais de la planète entière. Après avoir compulsé de nombreux rapports et documents de tous genres, nous avons décidé de vous informer d'une chose qui pourrait changer notre perception du monde et celle de notre place en son sein, en espérant que vous saurez y trouver quelque intérêt. Afin de dépeindre un tableau le plus achevé possible, nous avons scindé en trois cet article. La première partie décrit les faits et donne les témoignages sous leur forme originale. La seconde examine les anciennes légendes locales et la poésie épique de peuplades voisines au sujet d'étranges phénomènes. Ceci est important car vous pourrez ainsi mener votre propre enquête et apprécier par vous-mêmes chaque détail de la narration. Enfin, nous envisagerons ce qui pourrait se cacher derrière tout cela [N d. E : voir 2e partie].
La région peut être décrite comme un immense marécage, alternant avec une taïga quasiment infranchissable, et couvrant une surface de plus 100 000 kilomètres carrés. De curieuses rumeurs circulent à son sujet à propos de structures métalliques d'origine inconnue réparties sur son étendue. Pour découvrir l'origine de ces rumeurs qui, de manière imperceptible, sont restées persistantes sur le sujet, nous avons dû plonger dans l'histoire antique locale pour redécouvrir ses croyances et ses légendes. Nous sommes parvenus à reconstituer certains éléments de paléotoponymie et ceux-ci coïncident étonnamment avec le contenu des légendes anciennes. Tout indiquait que les légendes et rumeurs faisaient référence à des sites bien précis.
Dans les temps anciens, la Vallée de la Mort était sur la toute empruntée par les nomades Evenk. Elle reliait Bodaibo à Annybar et menait jusqu'à la côte de la Mer de Laptev. Jusqu'en 1936 un marchand du nom de Savvinov fit son commerce sur cette route. Lorsqu'il cessa ses activités les habitants abandonnèrent progressivement les lieux. Finalement le vieux marchand et sa petite fille Zina s'installèrent à Siuldiukar. Quelque part sur une bande de terre entre deux rivières, en un lieu connu sous le nom de Kheldyu ("maison de fer" en langue locale), le vieil homme la conduisit à une petite arche basse de couleur rougeâtre où, après un passage en spirale, se succédaient un certain nombre de chambres de métal dans lesquelles ils passèrent la nuit. Le grand-père de Zina lui raconta que, même par temps de gel des plus sévères, il y faisait chaud comme en été. Il y eut jadis, parmi les chasseurs locaux, des hommes téméraires qui venaient dormir dans ces chambres. Mais ils tombaient par la suite gravement malades et ceux qui y avaient séjourné plusieurs nuits d'affilée trépassaient rapidement. Les Yakut donnèrent à ces sites la réputation d'être "très maléfiques, marécageux et évités par les animaux." La localisation de ces constructions n'était connue que des anciens chasseurs qui les avaient visitées. Nomades, ils connaissaient les particularités de la région. Pour eux, savoir où il était prudent d'aller et où il ne l'était pas constituait une nécessité vitale. Leurs descendants, devenus sédentaires, ont perdu cette connaissance. Aujourd'hui, les seuls indices de l'existence de ces sites sont les noms anciens de lieux qui ont survécu partiellement dans diverses légendes. Mais chaque toponyme recouvre des centaines, voire, des milliers de kilomètres carrés.
En 1936, le long de la rivière Olguidakh ("lieu du chaudron"), un géologue guidé par de vieux indigènes découvrit une coupole hémisphérique de métal lisse, de ton rougeâtre, dépassant du sol et dont le bord était si tranchant qu'on pouvait s'y "couper un ongle". La paroi était épaisse d'environ deux centimètres et la partie émergeant du sol représentait environ un cinquième du diamètre total. La coupole était inclinée, de sorte qu'un cavalier monté à dos de renne pouvait y pénétrer: Le géologue envoya une description àYakutsk, le centre régional. En 1979 une expédition archéologique partie de Yakutsk tenta de retrouver cet hémisphère. Les membres de l'équipe étaient accompagnés d'un guide qui avait vu la structure plusieurs fois dans sa jeunesse, mais il déclara que le pays avait beaucoup changé et ils ne parvinrent pas à en retrouver la trace. Il faut dire que dans ce pays on peut passer à dix pas d'un objet sans le voir, ce qui explique le caractère fortuit des découvertes. En 1853, R. Maakun, explorateur connu dans la région, écrivait: "A Suntar (un hameau du Yakut) on m'apprit que dans la haute vallée de la Viliuy coule un affluent appelé Algy timirbit (ce qui signifie "le grand chaudron coulé"). Près de sa rive, dans la forêt, se trouve un gigantesque chaudron en cuivre. Sa taille réelle reste inconnue car seul un bord dépasse du sol, mais plusieurs arbres poussent à l'intérieur... " N.D. Arkhipov, un chercheur des anciennes cultures du Yakutia, rapporte la même chose : "Parmi les populations du bassin de la Viliuy circule une légende ancienne concernant l'existence, dans le cours supérieur de cette rivière, de chaudrons en bronze ou olguis. Cette légende mérite qu'on s'y intéresse car les régions supposées receler ces chaudrons mythiques sont baignées de plusieurs cours d'eau portant le nom de Olguidakh, c'est-à-dire "Rivière du Chaudron".
Voici un extrait d'une lettre écrite en 1996 par un autre visiteur de la Vallée de la Mort, Mikhail Koretsky, de Vladivostok : "J'y suis allé trois fois. La première fois c'était en 1933, j'avais dix ans. Je voyageais avec mon père, à la recherche d'un moyen de subsistance. Ensuite en 1937, sans mon père. Et la dernière fois en 1947 avec un groupe de jeunes. La Vallée de la Mort s'étend le long d'un affluent de la rive droite de la Viliuy. En fait il s'agit d'un chapelet de vallées tout au long de sa plaine inondable. Chaque fois, nous étions accompagnés d'un guide Yakut. Nous n'y allions pas en quête de douceur de vivre, mais d'or sans crainte en fin de saison, de se faire voler ou de recevoir une balle dans la nuque, grâce à l'isolement de la région. Quant aux objets mystérieux, il doit y en avoir un grand nombre, car en trois saisons j'ai vu sept de ces "chaudrons". Ils m'ont laissé complètement perplexe, d'abord par leur taille : ils avaient tous six à neuf mètres de diamètre. Ensuite à cause de l'étrange métal dont ils étaient faits. Tout le monde a écrit que c'était du cuivre, mais je suis certain qu'il s'agissait d'un autre élément car même avec un ciseau à froid très affûté il n'y avait pas moyen d'entamer les chaudrons (nous avons essayé plusieurs fois). Ce métal ne se rompt pas et ne peut être martelé, alors que sur du cuivre, le marteau aurait certainement laissé des marques. Mais ce "cuivre" est recouvert d'une couche d'un matériau inconnu qui ressemble à de l'émeri. Ce n'est pourtant ni un produit de l'oxydation, ni d'écailles métalliques. On ne parvient ni à l'ébrécher, ni à en griffer la surface. Nous n'avons pas trouvé de galeries menant à d'autres salles. Mais j'ai remarqué, autour des chaudrons, que la végétation était anormale, complètement différente de celle des environs. Elle est plus luxuriante : des bardanes à grandes feuilles; du garrot de grande longueur; de l'herbe étrange, une fois et demie à deux fois la hauteur d'un homme. Dans un de ces chaudrons notre groupe de six personnes passa la nuit. Nous n'avons rien perçu de néfaste et nous sommes partis calmement sans avoir subi le moindre désagrément. Personne n'est tombé gravement malade par la suite. Les seules exceptions furent qu'un de mes amis perdit tous ses cheveux trois mois plus tard, et que sur le côté gauche de ma tête, celui sur lequel j'avais dormi, sont apparus trois petits points douloureux de la taille d'un souffre d'allumette. J'ai depuis essayé de m'en débarrasser, en vain. Malgré tous nos efforts, nous ne sommes pas parvenus à prélever le moindre échantillon de ces chaudrons. La seule chose que j'ai pu ramener est une pierre. Pas une pierre ordinaire cependant : la moitié d'une sphère parfaite de six centimètres de diamètre. Elle était noire et ne portait aucune trace de manufacture, pourtant elle était lisse comme si elle avait été polie. Je l'ai ramassée sur le sol d'un des chaudrons. J'ai emmené mon souvenir de Yakutia au village de Samarka, district de Chuguyevka, dans la région de Primorsky (l'extrême orient soviétique), où résidaient mes parents en 1933. Je n'avais pas grand-chose à faire jusqu'à ce que ma grand-mère décide de construire une maison. Il fallait poser les vitres des fenêtres et il n'y avait pas un seul diamant coupe-verre dans tout le village. Alors, j'ai entrepris de rayer le verre avec le bord de cette demi-sphère de pierre et il s'est avéré que cela coupait avec une facilité déconcertante. A partir de ce moment ma pierre fut utilisée régulièrement comme diamant par tous nos proches et amis. En 1937, j'en fis cadeau à mon grand père, mais à l'automne de cette même année il fut arrêté et emmené à Magadan où il survécut sans jugement jusqu'à sa mort en 1968. Aujourd'hui, personne ne sait ce qu'est devenue ma pierre..." Dans cette lettre, Koretsky souligne qu'en 1933 son guide Yakut lui avait raconté que "...cinq à dix ans auparavant il avait découvert plusieurs chaudrons sphériques (ils étaient parfaitement ronds) qui dépassaient bien au-dessus du sol (plus haut qu'un homme). Ils avaient l'air tout neufs. Plus tard, le chasseur les avait revus, cette fois brisés et éparpillés". Koretsky fait également remarquer que lorsqu'il fit une deuxième visite, quelques années plus tard, à un des chaudrons, celui-ci s'était considérablement enfoncé dans le sol. A. Gutenev et Yu. Mikhailovsky, deux chercheurs résidant à Mirny en Yakutia, rapportèrent qu'en 1971, un vieux chasseur appartenant au peuple Evenk leur avait appris que, dans la zone entre les deux rivières appelées Niugun Bootur ("héros flamboyant") et Atadarak ("lieu du harpon à trois bords"), dépasse du sol la chose qui précisément donne son nom au lieu : un "très grand" harpon en fer à trois facettes. Tandis que dans la zone dite Kheliugur ("peuple de fer"), entre deux rivières, il y a un terrier en fer où gisent "des cyclopes, minces et noirs, vêtus de fer". Il se déclara capable d'y conduire quiconque le désirait, affirmant la proximité du site, mais personne ne le crut. Il est mort depuis. Un autre de ces objets fut, semble-t-il, couvert par la construction d'un barrage sur la Viliuy, un peu en aval de la Erbiie. Selon le récit d'un des constructeurs du projet hydroélectrique de la Viliuy, lorsqu'ils creusèrent un canal de déviation pour assécher le talweg principal ils découvrirent une "plaque" convexe en métal. Pressés par les délais, les responsables du projet firent une inspection de routine et donnèrent l'ordre de poursuivre les travaux.
Il existe une foison de récits émanant de personnes qui sont tombées par hasard sur des constructions de ce genre, mais à défaut d'indications précises il est extrêmement difficile de les localiser, tant ce pays est d'une monotonie déprimante. Certains anciens ont un jour raconté que, dans un lieu appelé Tong Duurai, coule un ruisseau appelé Ottoamokh ("des trous dans le sol") autour duquel existent des cavités incroyablement profondes connues sous le nom de "gouffres ricanants". Cette même appellation apparaît dans des légendes qui y situent la demeure d'un géant flamboyant et destructeur des alentours. Chaque six ou sept siècles, une monstrueuse boule de feu jaillit de ce lieu et, soit explose juste après sa sortie, soit s'envole dans le lointain pour (selon les chroniques et légendes locales) exploser au loin. Elle a pour effet de transformer une région s'étendant sur des centaines de kilomètres en un désert calciné parsemé d'éclats rocheux. Les légendes Yakutes font de nombreuses références à des explosions, tourbillons de feu et autres sphères incandescentes montant dans les airs. Tous ces phénomènes sont, de toutes façons, associés aux mystérieuses constructions métalliques que l'on trouve dans la Vallée de la Mort. Certaines sont décrites comme des "maisons de fer" grandes et rondes prenant appui sur un certain nombre de supports latéraux. Elles n'ont ni porte ni fenêtre, seulement un "large trou d'homme" au sommet du dôme. Certaines se sont presque entièrement enfoncées dans le permafrost, ne laissant apparaître en surface qu'une protubérance arquée à peine visible. Des témoins qui ne se connaissent pas décrivent de la même manière ces "maisons de métal sonore". D'autres objets sont éparpillés dans la région comme des couvercles, sphériques en métal qui coiffent quelque chose d'inconnu. Les légendes Yakutes racontent que les mystérieuses sphères de feu sont produites par "un orifice qui crache la fumée et le feu" au centre d'un "couvercle d'acier fracassant".
Il existe une foison de récits émanant de personnes qui sont tombées par hasard sur des constructions de ce genre, mais à défaut d'indications précises il est extrêmement difficile de les localiser, tant ce pays est d'une monotonie déprimante. Certains anciens ont un jour raconté que, dans un lieu appelé Tong Duurai, coule un ruisseau appelé Ottoamokh ("des trous dans le sol") autour duquel existent des cavités incroyablement profondes connues sous le nom de "gouffres ricanants". Cette même appellation apparaît dans des légendes qui y situent la demeure d'un géant flamboyant et destructeur des alentours. Chaque six ou sept siècles, une monstrueuse boule de feu jaillit de ce lieu et, soit explose juste après sa sortie, soit s'envole dans le lointain pour (selon les chroniques et légendes locales) exploser au loin. Elle a pour effet de transformer une région s'étendant sur des centaines de kilomètres en un désert calciné parsemé d'éclats rocheux.
vue d'artiste
Les légendes Yakutes font de nombreuses références à des explosions, tourbillons de feu et autres sphères incandescentes montant dans les airs. Tous ces phénomènes sont, de toutes façons, associés aux mystérieuses constructions métalliques que l'on trouve dans la Vallée de la Mort. Certaines sont décrites comme des "maisons de fer" grandes et rondes prenant appui sur un certain nombre de supports latéraux. Elles n'ont ni porte ni fenêtre, seulement un "large trou d'homme" au sommet du dôme. Certaines se sont presque entièrement enfoncées dans le permafrost, ne laissant apparaître en surface qu'une protubérance arquée à peine visible. Des témoins qui ne se connaissent pas décrivent de la même manière ces "maisons de métal sonore". D'autres objets sont éparpillés dans la région comme des couvercles, sphériques en métal qui coiffent quelque chose d'inconnu. Les légendes Yakutes racontent que les mystérieuses sphères de feu sont produites par "un orifice qui crache la fumée et le feu" au centre d'un "couvercle d'acier fracassant".
Il s'agit aussi de la source des tourbillons de feu qui, d'après les descriptions, ressemblent fort aux effets des explosions atomiques d'aujourd'hui. Environ un siècle avant chaque explosion ou série d'explosions, une sphère flamboyante fusait à très grande vitesse de "l'orifice de fer" et, sans causer trop de dégâts, montait sous la forme d'une mince colonne de feu. Au bout de celle-ci apparaissait une très grande boule de feu. Accompagnée de quatre coups de tonnerre successifs, elle montait encore beaucoup plus haut et s'éloignait en laissant une "traînée de fumée et de feu". Ensuite une salve d'explosions se faisait entendre au loin... Dans les années 1950, les militaires soviétiques s'intéressèrent à cette région, pour le caractère dépeuplé de sa frange nord, et y firent une série d'essais atomiques. Une des explosions souleva une sérieuse énigme qui à ce jour interpelle les spécialistes étrangers. Selon un communiqué de septembre 1991 de la radio allemande Deutsche Welle, lors de l'essai d'un engin nucléaire de 10 kg en 1954, l'ampleur de l'explosion dépassa les calculs d'un facteur de 2 000 à 3 000 pour des raisons inconnues, atteignant 20 à 30 mégatonnes, ce qui fut enregistré par séismographie dans le monde entier. La cause d'un tel écart de puissance explosive demeure inexpliquée. L'Agence Tass avait alors émis une dépêche selon laquelle une bombe à hydrogène compacte avait été testée dans l'atmosphère, qui se révélera fausse plus tard. Après les essais, des zones interdites furent délimitées et le travail continua en secret pendant plusieurs années.
Mythes et légendes
Cherchons dans le passé lointain les indices laissés dans la poésie épique. Ainsi qu'en témoignent les légendes transmises par voie orale, à l'époque lointaine où tout commença, le pays était habité par un petit nombre de nomades Tungus. Un jour, leurs lointains voisins virent leur territoire brusquement plongé dans une obscurité profonde et tout fut secoué par une déflagration assourdissante. Un ouragan de force inconnue survint et le pays subit d'énormes chocs. Des éclairs zébrèrent le ciel en tous sens. Lorsque le calme revint et que l'obscurité se leva, les nomades assistèrent à un spectacle sans précédent. Au milieu du pays dévasté, brillant au soleil, se dressait une haute structure verticale visible à une distance de plusieurs jours de marche. Pendant longtemps, la structure émit des bruits désagréables et assourdissants tout en diminuant progressivement de taille jusqu'à disparaître complètement dans le sol. A la place de la haute structure il y eut un immense orifice vertical béant. Selon les termes étranges des légendes il était constitué de trois niveaux de "gouffres ricanants". Ses entrailles étaient réputées contenir un pays souterrain possédant son propre soleil, lequel était cependant en voie d'extinction. Une puanteur étouffante montait de l'orifice, si bien que personne ne demeura dans le voisinage. A distance on pouvait parfois apercevoir une "île tournoyante" apparaissant au-dessus de l'ouverture et ceci s'avéra en être le "couvercle retentissant". Ceux que la curiosité poussait à s'approcher pour voir n'en revenaient jamais. Les siècles passèrent ; la vie continua comme auparavant. Personne ne s'attendait à quoi que ce soit d'extraordinaire, mais un jour se produisit un petit tremblement de terre et le ciel fut traversé par un mince "ouragan de feu". A son sommet apparut une boule de feu aveuglante. Accompagnée "d'une série de quatre coups de tonnerre" et laissant derrière elle une traînée de feu, la sphère fila en suivant une trajectoire basse descendante et, après avoir disparu derrière l'horizon, explosa. Les nomades furent perturbés mais n'abandonnèrent pas leur territoire puisque le "démon" ne leur avait fait aucun mal mais avait explosé sur celui d'une tribu hostile voisine. Quelques décennies plus tard, l'événement se reproduisit : la boule de feu s'envola dans la même direction et ne détruisit, cette fois encore, que les voisins. De toute évidence, ce "démon" était en quelque sorte leur protecteur qu'ils baptisèrent pour la légende : Niurgun Bootur, "le héros flamboyant". Cependant, quelques temps plus tard, survint un événement qui épouvanta même ceux qui se trouvaient dans les parages les plus lointains. Une gigantesque boule de feu jaillit de l'ouverture dans un hurlement tonitruant et explosa:.. juste au-dessus ! Il s'ensuivit un grand tremblement de terre. Certaines collines se fendirent de failles de plus de 100 mètres de profondeur. Après l'explosion, une "île rotative" balaya tout sous elle d'une "mer de feu". Les effets de l'explosion se firent sentir à plus de mille kilomètres à la ronde. Les tribus nomades qui survécurent à la périphérie de cette zone s'enfuirent dans toutes les directions, cherchant à s'éloigner du lieu fatal, mais cela ne les sauva pas de la mort. Ils succombèrent tous à une curieuse maladie qui ne se transmettait que génétiquement. Ils léguèrent cependant le témoignage précis de ce qui était arrivé, inspirant les très tragiques et belles légendes composées par les conteurs Yakut. Un peu plus de 600 années s'écoulèrent. De nombreuses générations de nomades étaient venues et reparties. Les avertissements des lointains ancêtres furent oubliés et des gens s'installèrent à nouveau dans la région. Alors l'histoire se répéta... La boule de feu de Niurgun Bootur apparut au-dessus d'un tourbillon flamboyant et s'en alla encore exploser au-delà de l'horizon. Quelques décennies plus tard, une deuxième boule de feu déchira l'atmosphère (ou l'appela cette fois Kiun Erbiie, "le héraut aérien étincelant" ou "messager"). Vint alors une autre explosion dévastatrice à laquelle les légendes donnèrent à nouveau une tournure anthropomorphique. On lui donna le nom de Uot Usumu Tong Duurai, qui peut se traduire approximativement par "l'étranger criminel qui perça la terre et se cacha dans les profondeurs, détruisant tout aux alentours dans un tourbillon flamboyant".
Il importe de noter qu'à la veille du vol du géant nuisible Tong Duurai, apparut dans le ciel le messager du Dyesegei céleste, le champion Kiun Erbiie qui traversa le firmament comme un "bolide tombant" ou "éclair fulgurant" pour avertir Niurgun Bootur du combat imminent. L'événement légendaire le plus significatif fut le jaillissement de Tong Duurai des profondeurs et livrant bataille à Niurgun Bootur. Cela se produisit à peu près comme suit : tout d'abord un tourbillon serpentaire ramifié jaillit de "l'orifice", surmonté d'une boule de feu gigantesque qui, après plusieurs coups de tonnerre, fonça haut dans le ciel. Elle était suivie d'une escorte, "un essaim de tourbillons fatals" qui dévastèrent les environs. Mais il y eut des cas où Tong Duurai rencontra Niurgun Bootur au-dessus de sa source, après quoi le pays resta sans vie pendant longtemps. Les descriptions varient considérablement : plusieurs "héros flamboyants" pouvaient surgir de l'ouverture simultanément, voler quelque distance et exploser en un lieu. Tel fut le vol de Tong Duurai. Une étude des couches de terrain indique que l'intervalle entre les explosions ne dépassait pas 600 à 700 ans. Ces légendes sont le reflet vivant de ces événements, mais l'absence de tradition écrite nous prive de documents tangibles. Il semble cependant que cette lacune est compensée par les chroniques historiques d'autres peuples.
Les chroniques d'autres ethnies
Dans l'ensemble, à des intervalles de 600 à 700 ans, se produisirent plusieurs explosions, ou plutôt une combinaison d'événements dont certains n'étaient qu'annonciateurs. Tous ces faits furent soigneusement relatés par la poésie épique, les traditions et les légendes. Curieusement, des légendes similaires circulent dans les zones équatoriales de la planète, où des explosions ou "boules de feu géantes" apparues soudainement dans le ciel détruisirent plusieurs civilisations anciennes. À en juger par les résultats d'études archéologiques menées dans la haute vallée de la Viliuy par SA. Fedoseyeva, l'occupation variable intermittente de ce territoire remonte au quatrième millénaire avant J.-C. Au cours du premier millénaire après J-C., le fil de l'histoire est interrompu, et cela n'est pas en contradiction avec la date possible de la dernière explosion historique, soit septembre 1380. Le nuage soulevé masqua le soleil sur l'Europe pendant plusieurs heures. Des séismes violents eurent lieu dans plusieurs zones géoactives. Cet événement est consigné dans des documents écrits. Dans les chroniques russes, cela coïncide avec la bataille du Champ de Kulikovo : "...l'obscurité ne se dissipa que dans la deuxième moitié de la journée. Il souffla un vent d'une telle force qu'une flèche tirée d'un arc ne pouvait progresser contre lui..." Ce fait contribua à la victoire des Russes. Cependant les explosions sont décrites de manière bien plus vivante dans les légendes Tungus que dans d'autres sources. A en juger par les récits, elles dépassaient de loin la puissance des armes nucléaires modernes. Si nous adoptons comme date de départ 1380 et que nous remontons dans le passé nous pouvons repérer ces faits. Par exemple, en 830 fut détruite la culture des Mayas qui occupaient la péninsule du Yucatan au Mexique. Plusieurs de leurs villes furent ruinées par une explosion de puissance gigantesque. Certains épisodes de la Bible ressemblent aux légendes Yakut, par exemple la description des plaies d'Égypte et l'anéantissement de Sodome et Gomorrhe. Dans une oasis de la péninsule arabe, une ville ancienne fut détruite et littéralement réduite en cendres. Selon la légende, ceci se produisit lorsqu'une énorme boule de feu apparut dans le ciel et explosa. Les archéologues ont découvert une cité dévastée à Mohenjo-Daro, dans le sous-continent indien. [Ndt : cf. Nexus France numéros 11 et 12, sept. et nov. 2000]. Les traces de la catastrophe, des murs de pierre fondus, indiquent sans conteste une explosion de type nucléaire. Des événements similaires sont décrits dans des chroniques chinoises du XIVème siècle. Elles racontent que, loin dans le nord, un nuage noir s'éleva au-dessus de l'horizon et couvrit la moitié du ciel, projetant de gros morceaux de roche. Des pierres tombèrent aussi du ciel en Scandinavie et en Allemagne et des incendies éclatèrent dans plusieurs villes. Les savants prétendirent que c'était des pierres très ordinaires et qu'un volcan devait avoir fait irruption quelque part. La cause de tous ces malheurs ne serait-elle pas Tong Duurai qui depuis des siècles jaillit du sol ? Tandis qu'à son apparition Niurgun Bootur obscurcit la moitié du ciel, Tong Duurai le dépasse en taille et, montant au ciel, disparaît complètement. Nous observons que dans la Vallée de la Mort, la radioactivité ambiante augmente à des intervalles réguliers, un phénomène que les spécialistes ne peuvent expliquer.
Par Valery Uvarov (copyright 2003) Département N13 de l'Académie Nationale de Sécurité, St Pétersbourg, Russie. E-mail : et Article paru dans Nexus édition française n°31 mars-avril 2004
Pyramid In Crimea Built Before The Age Of The Dinosaurs - Is This Discovery Of The Century?-...
Pyamid In Crimea Built Before The Age Of The Dinosaurs - Is This Discovery Of The Century?-... - This could be the discovery of the century.
A scientist says he accidentally discovered a pyramid in Crimea, Ukraine. The pyramid is said to have been built before the time of the dinosaurs!
The Crimean peninsula is a fascinating place in terms of ancient history and archaeology, and was invaded and inhabited by all sorts of tribes and nations, from Cimmerians, Greeks and Romans to the Genoese, Kumans and Osman Turks.
As the ICTV channel reported, the finding was revealed by accident, when during his test alternative methods of finding water Ukrainian scientist Vitalii Goh discovered underground unknown object, which proved to be a giant pyramid of 45 meters in height and a length of about 72 meters.
The pyramids were built in the era of the dinosaurs," says the scientist in an interview with ICTV. It remains unknown who build the pyramid. The unique building is the oldest on the planet, says Vitalii Goh.
"Crimean pyramid" has a truncated top, like a Mayan pyramid, but its appearance is more like an Egyptian.
It is hollow inside, and a mummy of unknown creature is buried under the foundation.
"Under the foundation is a small body in the form of a mummy long 1.3-1.4 meters with a crown on his head."
"There is a resonance chamber of so-called Sphinx.
Is the world's oldest pyramid located in Ukraine?
According to European Pyramids "there are said to exist 37 pyramids on the Crimean peninsula down southeast along the coast line. 7 underground pyramids - as claimed - were found by Dr.Gokh near Sebastopol.
Tens of scientists from different countries explore a place in Sebastopol, where seven ancient pyramids are presumably hidden underground. Archeological dig is underway.
Sebastopol researcher Vitaly Gokh found the whereabouts of pyramids with the help of his unique patented invention, which lets to define any substances underground. For several years he has made a search of minerals and water. Detailed analysis of one of the found constructions showed not natural, but artificial character of its creation.
It is hollow inside, and a mummy of unknown creature is buried under the foundation.
"We found extremely strong formation, which includes animal protein, gypsum, liquid glass, gravel. It is a man-caused pyramid, which radiates specific energy in certain periods" Vitaly Gokh narrated. Ihor Kotelyanets, aid of the head of Sebastopol national university of nuclear energy and industry, together with enthusiasts decided to confirm or refute the discovery.
More than 20 commissions, including international ones, have visited the place recently.
The majority of scientists consider that underground pyramids of Sebastopol confirm the guess of American scientists about that 65 million years ago an ancient civilization died out because of fall of giant meteorite. "
This discovery is without doubt intriguing, but more investigations needs to be done before the age and origin of the pyramid can be determined.
In the life of military personnel their primary duty is to carry out orders based upon policy implemented by their government without questioning it. In the realm of the UFO that many times has led to the death or disappearance of our brave armed services pilots. All over the world, pilots of various international air forces are confronted by the unknown and play a game of cat and mouse with fate as a result. It is important to keep in mind the primary mentality of these brave pilots is to patrol and defend the air space of their nations.
I am sure that this was very much in the mind of one Japanese National Defense Force pilot as he engaged an unknown red disk off the mainland of his Island nation over the Pacific Ocean. In 1973, according to the book “Above Top Secret” the interceptor pilot aggressively pursued the unknown airborne object in a series of acrobatic maneuvers in his F-4 Phantom, then the pre-eminent tactical fighter bomber in the world, but tragedy struck when the two crafts collided in mid-air. When both Japanese pilots ejected the rear seat weapons officer looked on in horror as his superior officer fell 30,000 feet to his death when his parachute caught fire.
Dead in the blink of an eye
Thanks to an NSA intercept a fatal incident involving a Cuban Air Force pilot and the violation of his nation’s air space by an unidentified sphere was revealed. As the unknown aerial object approached Cuba and was detected by defense radar. Two MIG 21’s were scrambled in response. Once within distance of the aerial intruder, the senior officer began attempts at hailing the object on several frequencies to no avail. Intending to force the UFO to land failed. According to rules of engagement the next step would be offensive. While arming his AMRAM air to air missiles his aircraft inexplicably disintegrated in a flash of smoke and fire. His wing man, horrified at the sudden death of his comrade continued screaming for several minutes as the reflective sphere departed the area untouched and unchallenged.
Disappearance of the bravest
In his book “Majestic” novelist and producer, Whitley Strieber, describes in detail the Maxwell Air Force Base Incident, only presented in supposed fictional form. Strieber gained notoriety over his “Communion “series novels which detailed alien abductions that paralleled historic events. In the Maxwell Air Base encounter a fiery UFO approaches the base’s forbidden air space at a high rate of speed as four F-51’s are scrambled to intercept. In minutes the squadron is airborne and poised to face the unknown. Yet, shortly afterward 3 of the 4 Mustang Fighters are forced to drop out of the intercept as each one experiences manifold overheating, another pilot reports his electric panel is malfunctioning, and the third pilot experiences failure. That leaves one brave aviator who determinedly pursues the unknown object only to vanish from the radar screen and from reality as we know it. Much like Lieutenant Felix Moncla did over Lake Superior near Sue Locks in 1953 when his all-weather F-89 Scorpion fighter jet merged with an unknown radar target never to return. He and his backseat officer 2nd Lieutenant R. Wilson became a vague anecdote on the pages of alternate history.
Inescabable mindset
Not all air to air engagements lead to disappearances or deaths, but the classic dilemma encountered between the military aviator, his duty, the policy of his government, and the question of secrecy all merge in the uncanny realm of UFO saga. In this unsettling background anything can happen and frequently does. The best that the pilot subjected to this circumstance can hope for is to come back home in one piece, and if he mentions his bewildering encounter with the unknown he is likely to be blamed, marginalized, or even disciplined for simply reporting what he saw. This scenario has persisted for more than 50 years now as these brave aviators tasked with defending their countries can at any time run afoul of reality as we know it and take an ominous path through a questionable dimension of perception and forbidden knowledge that officially does not exist.
The enduring question
Today our defense contractors have achieved ever greater potential for the manned interceptor with such air superiority fighters as the F-15 Strike Eagle, the F-18 Hornet, and the F-22 Raptor, yet are we any closer to gauging the true nature of the UFO, its purpose, or even origin? Those questions remain to be answered and the fate of each and every pilot who climbs into the cockpit of those mutli-million dollar machines is still uncertain when in the mysterious realm of the UFO.
Extra information about the article:
F-89 Scorpion, Felix Moncla, Whitley Strieber, Majestic, Above Top Secret, Timothy Good, Maxwell AFB
Workers at the Collahuasi Mine in the northern region of Tarapacá saw and photographed a silver disk that remained visible for some 2 hours at an altitude of 600 meters.phto.
SANTIAGO DE CHILE (EFE) – Scientists from the Centro de Estudios de Fenomenos Aéreos Anómalos (CEFAA), a branch of the General Office of Civil Aeronautics, concluded that a sighting from April 2013 corresponds to an unidentified flying object (UFO) whose image was disseminated on Tuesday.
After a year of analyses by high-level experts “who are generally very skeptical”, the conclusion was reached that the April 2013 object in Northen Chile was “an unidentified flying object (UFO), as it does not match anything known,” in the words of Ricardo Bermudez, CEFAA's director, in a statement to EFE.
The director of CEFAA, a one-of-a-kind agency in the world, rejected that the image had been “declassified” because “we do not keep secrets”.
In this subject, “no one owns the truth” and for this reason “we choose to share the information we have rather than conceal it,” said Bermudez, adding that Chile “is the only country in which there is total transparency” regarding the subject of UFOS.
We work openly with those who have seen flying objects, and they are generally airplane pilots or radar operators, but also with average people who tend to videotape them or photograph them. We also deal with astronomers, chemists, universities, the Armed Forces and the Police in analyzing eyewitness accounts and images, which most times turn out to be birds, balloons, probes or other commonplace objects,” he specified.
This case involved a group of 35 workers and experts from the Collahuasi mine, located 4300 meters above sea level in the northern region of Tarapacá. In mid-April 2013, they saw and photographed a silver disk that remained visible for some two hours at an altitude of some 600 meters in completely clear, cloudless skies. “It was a silvery disk, measuring some 10 meters in diameter, engaging in vertical and horizontal movements that no airplane can make, but which appeared to follow a pre-determined flight plan,” explained Bermudez.
The object went on to form part of the 3% of sightings recorded in Chile since 1998 which are officially recognized as UFOs.
[Translation (c) 2014, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Gimenez and Julia Calzadilla, Planeta UFO]
Abductions by alien beings has been known since the early sixties. The famous Hill case is now considered a classic case. Betty and Barney Hill encountered a landed UFO on a secluded highway in 1961 in Canada. If we want to believe their report, they claim to have been forced – under mental control – into the landed object. In separate rooms, they were subjected to physiological tests. Betty was also was shown a star map and was asked by one of the UFO occupants if she recognized where she was on the map. Betty said she did not know.
Later, Betty and Barney were returned to their car. It is believed that the aliens made them forget most their experience by the use of a post hypnotic suggestion or command. Only when the Hills arrived home, did they notice they were three hours late.
Barney began to have nightmares and after some time, he developed a gastric ulcer. Betty and Barney went to a doctor, but he referred them to a psychiatrist named Dr. Benjamin Simon. Dr. Simon used regressive hypnosis on Betty and Barney Hill (during separate visits) and took them back to the events that transpired that night they saw the UFO.
Current Reports
Today we know that most abductions occur where one expects them the least. They begin where we feel secure: at home. The aliens penetrate the bedrooms of the abductees, in most cases appearing as small gray beings with huge heads and big black eyes. It is mostly the memory of the aliens' entering into the abductee's home that remains preserved in the conscious memory of the abductee.
The beings bring the abductee, using an unknown technology, into strange rooms. They subject them to medical tests, physical experiments, and psychological tests. Then they return the abductee in the same unknown manner. The abducted person awakens in the morning and can remember very little about the events from the night before. [Although there are a few people who remember a lot of details.] However, for the most part, the abductee will only detect an unusual injury, a wound or scars that were not yet there the night before.
It has also become clear that abductions are not single events. They usually begin in early childhood and occur episodically again and again throughout the individual's life.
Conventional Explanations Inadequate
There are numerous conventional explanations that have attempted to explain abduction experiences. However, these approaches are not able to explain all of the different aspects of the abduction process. Sometimes the people behind these conventional explanations manipulate the events in order to make the explanation fit with the experience.
Hypotheses for the Abduction Process
Let's have a look at some of the hypotheses that have been proposed to explain the abduction process: Do people who claim to have been abducted by alien beings suffer from psychoses or schizophrenia? Hallucinations are usually the product of an enduring schizophrenic illness. These people are completely withdrawn and are incapable of participating in life or in social events. However, illnesses such as these have never been found to account for an “abduction” experience.
It has also been proposed that UFO abductees suffer from the phenomenon of Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD. Actually, we know today that a person's consciousness can split into several different personalities. This has occurred, for example, in children or people who have been sexually abused. In these instances, a partial or second personality takes over for the time needed and the main personality resigns and then feels a loss of time later. Importantly, all tests carried out up to the present show that abductees do not suffer from Multiple Personality Disorder. In addition, there are numerous cases in which the abducted person actually disappeared during an abduction experience. And of course, this does not occur with multiple personality disorder.
Another hypothesis is that abductees suffer from Paranoia. Paranoid individuals are passive, unsure, evasive people. They are not able to accept their own feelings and they transmit them to others. They feel persecuted by these “other” people; they feel they are under attack and are at the center of a worldwide conspiracy. Paranoia or paranoid episodes develop over a period of years, so there is a traceable history for their illness.
UFO abductees suffer from their share of fears, but they do not show the internal dynamics that you find in paranoid patients. For example, their fear wasn't there before the abduction occurred – it came on suddenly and without any overt stimulus. In clinical psychology it is without precedent for a worldwide Paranoia to be directly linked to the same cause.
Perhaps it is a mass hysteria? Hardly. A mass hysteria can only result from very specific conditions. It is possible in cases of very narrow contact of the participants or in communities that are isolated from the outside world. It has never before been observed with individuals who have no contact with each other and live hundreds of miles away from one another.
Today, it is very popular among skeptics to assume that abductions and the bedroom visitor observations are simply hallucinations during sleep paralysis. Actually, sleep paralysis is a normal physiological phenomenon. During REM (Rapid Eye Movement or during the dream phase) the central nervous system paralyzes the body. Only the pupils can move under the closed eyelids. This paralysis can sometimes last into the first moments of wakefulness: The spirit [mind - consciousness] is already “awake,” but the body is still in the state of sleep.
Many abductees report a similar type of paralysis. They awake from sleep to find that their body is paralyzed and at best, are only able to move their eyes back and forth. It is during this moment of terrible fear that the strange beings approach them or step onto their bed.
The question automatically arises: Have all of these people really experienced temporary sleep paralysis? Did they awaken from a dream to find that they could not move, and then become terrified? Then later they tell stories of small gray beings standing next to their bed? Is this what really constitutes the heart of the visitor phenomenon?
Certainly not. We simply have too much information that contradicts this assumption. First, the perception of the bedroom visitor itself. His appearance is automatically by no means combined with sleep paralysis. Even more important is the simultaneous perception of these intruders by married couples, siblings, friends and acquaintances; as well as the simultaneous paralysis of several persons. The paralysis and hallucinations of one individual can hardly explain this.
In addition, during an abduction, paralysis also occurs in the waking state, for example, immediately after an abductee goes to bed, or after they have already awakened. And finally, we must take into account, the many abductions that have occurred in broad daylight without the abductee being in their bed.
Important questions we must ask during this discussion are: Are all of these people who are experiencing sleep paralysis having completely identical hallucinations? Can so many people be sick in exactly the same manner? Do all of them suffer from identical hallucinations? Do all of them dream about identical figures which do the same thing to them every time? To accept these beliefs is much more improbable than the simple hypothesis that these people have experienced an alien abduction.
Part Three of this article will continue with specific cases involving abductions in Europe.
After my brother passed away we went thru his stuff, throwing away or donating most things but keeping a few mementos. It is curious what you’ll find going over someone’s belongings. You may even learn a few things you hadn’t known about them.
We came across a photo album my brother possessed which we’d never seen before. It was filled with mostly Polaroid pictures he had taken over the decades. My brother was fond of instant cameras and used those instead of film cameras. Today we have digital so these were all old pictures taken over the decades, the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s.
Going over his private pictures one photo caught my attention. It was of a wooded area and the sky. A scan of this photo is at the top of my blog. It seems typical except for something in the sky. I was taken aback when I first saw it. What the heck was that? There is a strange shape in the sky. And oddest of all, it had a light emanating from this object. If it weren’t for that glow I’d likely not pay attention to it.
Could it be an airplane? It doesn’t appear like one. Is it a photo of UFO? My brother kept a picture of something strange in his private photo album for a reason. I wish I had seen this photo while he was still alive. I would have asked him about it. How old is the photo? Decades? When and where did he take it? Did he see anything at the time? Did he realize he caught something in the sky on film?
If my deceased brother had a UFO sighting and he photographed it, we’ll never know what happened. He kept a lot to himself as I discovered when we found his private photo album. It’ll just remain a family mystery.
Tibetans retain DNA from a species of human that they ironically helped push to extinction, according to a new study published in the journal Nature.
The gene allows Tibetans to adapt to high altitudes of 15,000 feet or more, researchers found.
“We have very clear evidence that this version of the gene came from Denisovans,” said principal author Rasmus Nielsen, a Berkeley professor of integrative biology, in a press release. Denisovans were a mysterious human relative that went extinct 40,000-50,000 years ago, around the same time as the more well-known Neanderthals, under pressure from modern humans.
“This shows very clearly and directly that humans evolved and adapted to new environments by getting their genes from another species,” Nielsen said.
That’s significant because it means we are all probably mutts, descended from more than one species of human. Homo sapiens didn’t just evolve and somehow lead to all modern humans today. Homo sapiens instead interbred with other species seemingly wherever they met, from Africa to Europe to, in this case, Asia.
What’s new and particularly interesting about this study is that it’s the first time a gene from another species of human has been shown unequivocally to help modern humans adapt to their environment.
The gene variant allows Tibetans to survive low-oxygen levels at high elevations that would cause others to develop thick blood, leading to cardiovascular problems. The gene passed down from Denisovans, called EPAS1, activates when oxygen levels in the blood drop, triggering production of more hemoglobin, which is the red-colored protein responsible for transporting oxygen in blood.
Too much hemoglobin thickens blood, which can result in heart attacks and death. The gene only leads to slight increases of hemoglobin — just enough to counter the oxygen reduction experienced on mountaintops.
“We found part of the EPAS1 gene in Tibetans is almost identical to the gene in Denisovans and very different from all other humans,” Nielsen said. “We can do a statistical analysis to show that this must have come from Denisovans. There is no other way of explaining the data.”
The researchers made this determination after conducting blood tests on Tibetans. Previously, researchers sequenced a Denisovan bone found in a Siberian cave, so Nielsen and his team were able to match the Denisovan gene to the one found in Tibetans’ blood.
Denisovans, in addition to passing the gene to Tibetans, also passed the gene to certain members of the Han Chinese population, according to the scientists. Native people from the islands of Melanesia, who are closely related to Denisovans — at least 5 percent of their DNA is Denisovan — don’t have the gene. Why? Probably because they don’t need it! Natural selection is pretty remarkable, giving us what we need over time.
“There might be many other species from which we also got DNA, but we don’t know because we don’t have the genomes,” Nielsen said. “The only reason we can say that this bit of DNA is Denisovan is because of this lucky accident of sequencing DNA from a little bone found in a cave in Siberia. We found the Denisovan species at the DNA level, but how many other species are out there that we haven’t sequenced?”
Photo: A Chinese researcher collects a blood sample from an ethnic Tibetan man participating in the DNA study. Credit: Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI-Shenzhen)
I guess I will start at the beginning, when I was about 4, my mom used to tell me that she would see me in bed and talking with ghost she described as a "little boy" and although I don't really remember this I feel it could be relevant to the rest of the post.
Fast forward a couple years to when I was 6. We were living in a different house in a run down part of town, and pretty much as soon as I moved there I began seeing things. It started with a dog, a black lab, I would see him sitting in the doorway to my room rather often, he would disappear whenever I looked away but he was there.
Then I began seeing a woman, she was tall, with dark hair and wore a long white dress, kind of like a wedding dress, she was rather pale and always appeared half in the shadows, she would only ever be at the door to my mothers room.
My last and third experience in this house was this thing I can't really describe. Imagine a bee's stinger, about the size of a human thumb, colored black and yellow stripes. Well that would appear sticking out of my closet door every night. Every. Single. Night. I would tell it to come out, I would scream for my mom, I would tell it I am not scared of it, but it just stayed there halfway up my closet, sitting there, doing who know's what. It was there until just before we moved, it went away one night and I haven't seen it since.
Our next house as a trailer. Experiences were less often here but something new started. Whenever I was in a situation where I was about to be injured badly I would experience it in the third person. I mean like it was a TV show, I would see my body take the blow then suddenly I would be on the ground in immense pain back in my body. This has only happened 3 times I can remember.
In this house I occasionally saw what I would describe as a cliche grim reaper. He would be tall, with a dark robe, holding a large scythe, and he would only appear in the top corner of my room, like he was watching. Waiting.
My last experience in this house I was babysitting my sister. I was sitting in a position that I could see every door in the trailer except the back door. Suddenly a kid about my age fell to the ground with his head and shoulders sticking out of the little room that leads to the back door, he quickly got up and moved back into the room. Now, this door is impossible to open silently and was locked and dead bolted, with a dead bolt that only opens from the inside. When I went to investigate there was no one there. Not a soul in the room. I was terrified.
These experiences have been coming fewer and farer between as I get older, but my little sister who is 7 years younger than me began having them at the same age as my first ones in the house with the dog when we moved to our next house. She described a blue man, who would come into her rooms at night and talk to her, he would sit on her bed and watch her sleep. She was horrified of him. Around this time my sister also had about (not exaggerating) 100ish imaginary pet's, she made "mii's" for a lot of them on our wii, she had pet horses, dogs, cat's goats and a sheep.
One day we had a Pagan friend of ours who is very spiritual come over who did some stuff I am really not sure of what it was and hung up a bunch of "go away evil" type tokens (in an attempt to rid my sister of the blue man), however from the day after on we never heard a single thing about any of those imaginary pets. The blue man still came.
The last ever sort of experience I had, was a couple years ago in that house. I was hit by a car on my way to school and I experienced the entire event from a third person perspective, I saw my back as I rode my bike over the intersection, I saw my body hit the car and bounce off, then I was on the ground, in pain, screaming.
I moved into a different house earlier this year, I often feel I am being watched, but I haven't seen anyone, I haven't seen any animals, the only things that happen are occasional opening and closing of doors and weird sounds, but they are still there. I know they are. They have been following me my entire life and I just don't know what to do, who they are or why they are here.
I need help or insight, why are they following me, who is it I saw, and should I be worried about them? -
A landlord is hoping a new ghost film shot in his Croydon town centre pub will reawaken some old spirits.
Dean Terry, who runs The Ship in High Street has produced a half hour film based on the tales of regulars who say they have seen ghosts lurking in the near 400-year-old boozer.
The amateur film-maker wrote and directed The Lock-In, which stars five actors from The Breakfast Cat Theatre Company.
Mr Terry, 51, said: "I loved stop-motion animation as a child. There wasn't any technology back then so you had to have a lot of knowledge in what you were doing.
"I would just do silly things like make wildlife documentaries in the park with my friends but when I got a bit older my life went in a completely different direction."
That different direction saw Mr Terry spend 20 years touring the world as a professional singer, including a four-month tour supporting The Godfather of Soul James Brown.
After a spell in hotel management Mr Terry became landlord of The Ship in 2005. But it was only in the last few years that the Steven Spielberg fan was tempted to step back behind the camera.
He said: "Over the years I heard all these different stories from regulars about the ghosts they have seen.
"There are a lot of these stories about so you start to think maybe there is something in them."
With support from the pub's owners Marston's Inns, the film was shot over five Sundays.
The plot features a regular telling a similar tale to the ones Mr Terry had heard, leading to stranger events later in the film.
The Lock-In will serve as a prequel to two 90-minute films to form a trilogy, which he is now writing and hopes to start shooting by the end of the year. But does Mr Terry, who bravely lives above the haunted pub, believe in ghosts himself?
"I wouldn't call myself a believer but I certainly wouldn't like to be the one to say, 'no, there's no truth in it'." - Croydon Advertiser
The CIA has revealed sightings of mysterious flying crafts travelling at high speeds with flashing lights were actually test flights of US military aircraft.
Top secret U2 spy planes flying at 18,000 metres created the phenomena and the CIA recently posted on their Twitter account, reports Aftenposten newspaper, saying: "Do you remember the reports of unusual activity in the sky in the 50's? That was us."
U2s flew at higher altitudes, way above most passenger planes and military aircraft. When the sun set below the horizon the U2s were still high enough to reflect its rays, and other pilots saw them as bright, silvery objects in the night sky, the CIA explained.
The official explanation was kept secret to avoid the Soviets learning of US military intentions during the Cold War. - The Local
Here’s a look at some of the mentions of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and extraterrestrials in the U.S. government cables released by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
Prominent Lithuanian Politician Says UFOs Directed by Russians to Exert Influence
A 2006 cable from the American Embassy in Vilnius, Lithuania, recounts a cryptic comment by the Prime Minister’s adviser Albinas Januska. The cable states: “Reflecting his self-image as a patriot fighting off Russian influence, he [Januska] also warned of the existence of ‘a group of people, who are directed from the East, a group of UFOs, who are making influence from the Cosmos,’ adding elliptically that, ‘there also exists a decreasing group of persons, who are trying to rationally analyze the situation and to objectively evaluate what is happening.’”
UFOs can refer to unidentified foreign organizations as well as to unidentified flying objects; aside from his reference to the cosmos, it could seem Januska meant the former. Januska held much power in the country, as is noted in the cable: “Albinas Januska’s continuing influence in Lithuanian politics cannot be overstated. In addition to being a cunning strategist, he is extraordinarily well-connected among Lithuania’s political class.”Read more at Openminds TV
Throughout the documented history of those early pioneering man missions into space, one can find numerous references, made by both astronauts and cosmonauts, to witnessing and sometimes describing curious anomalous objects seen while in orbit around the Earth. John Glenn likened these to fireflies and for a time, NASA actually believed they had stumbled across living creatures, according to many of its’ retired astronauts. From the top down the powers-that-be decided to cover the whole UFO phenomena up.
They believe the people are weak and stupid and unable to handle the truth. In this video the truth is exposed.
Amazing anomalous objects resembling and behaving similar to single cell and simple multi-cellular organisms have been observed and filmed by 10 separate NASA space shuttle missions, over 200 miles above Earth within the thermosphere. These structures appear to be self-illuminated, may be several meters or kilometers in size, and have 4 distinct morphologies: 1) sperm shaped, 2) cloud shaped, 3), “donut” shaped, 4) Cone shaped. Some of these structures travel at different speeds, travel in different directions, and change their speed and direction of movement and angle toward the camera, will turn and interact with one another, and in some instances will turn 180 degrees and follow other structures.
Plasmas can also take cellular shape and engage in anomalous behaviors, and the possibility these may be plasmas is explored. It may be that if these anomalous objects are in fact extraterrestrial forms of life, that they have a physiology and biology completely different from terrestrial life. They may not even be carbon-based, and have no DNA–but consist of electromagnetic plasmas which is why they are attracted to electric storms. If so, this may explain why these structures also self-illuminated and why the sperm-shaped structures become more energetic. Since these entities are associated with electromagnetic activity, and have characteristics and behavior patterns which could be construed as “plasma-like” they may in fact be plasmas. If these are plasmas, this could explain their distinct cellular structures and behavior patterns.
Observational data captured on film by missions STS-75, STS- 80, STS-96 and STS-106, demonstrates these objects congregate by the hundreds above or near sources of electromagnetic activity; i.e. thunder storms, hurricanes, a satellite-tether 12-miles in length which was generating electricity and electro-magnetic force field interactions between the tether, the satellite, and the surrounding space medium (STS-75). Computerized analysis of the flight path trajectories and velocity was performed and tracking plots were calculated for two stable sequences of film footage from the STS-75 satellite imagery with durations of 20 seconds and 53 seconds. It was determined that these objects travel at different velocities and changeable trajectories including arcing trajectories and 45-degree shifts, 90-degree shifts, and 180-degree shifts in trajectory as indicated by the length of the plotted flight path.
Observational and computerized analysis, therefore, indicates these anomalous objects display behaviors and morphologies completely atypical of space junk, meteors, or crystals of ice and which indicate the possibility of life or plasma-like cellular structures thriving in space. Plasma are considered a “fourth state of matter.” If the entities described in this report are plasmas, they could also be considered an alternate form of life, or a form of pre-life which provided the cellular framework for life to begin. The morphology and behavior patterns of many of these objects are suggestive of living organisms.
Extremophiles have been discovered in almost every conceivable environment on Earth including in highly radioactive environments, and it has been demonstrated that spores and microbes can survive within the thermosphere. Therefore, it is possible that some of these structures could be “extraterrestrial extremophiles” or plasma-like alternate life forms which have adapted to living in the thermosphere.
The government office investigating UFOs in Chile has released an analysis of two high quality photos showing what appear be genuine unidentified flying objects above a remote copper mine. The office, known as the CEFAA (Committee for the Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena), is located within the Ministerial Department of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC), the equivalent of our FAA, under the jurisdiction of the Chilean Air Force. It is responsible for the analysis of selected reports of unexplained aerial phenomena in Chilean airspace, most of them from pilots and aviation personnel.
Collahuasi lies in the far northeast of Chile, close to the border with Bolivia.
The photos were taken at the Collahuasi copper mine, more than 14,000 feet above sea level in the Andean plateau in the far north of Chile. An extremely remote location with low oxygen levels and unusually clear skies, the area is desolate and inhospitable. The Collahuasi mine produces copper concentrate, copper cathodes and molybdenum concentrate from three open-pit mineral deposits.
Four technicians – professionals specializing in electricity, electronics, and fluid control – were working there in April, 2013. They witnessed a disc-shaped object which approached slowly and was present for more than an hour, moving around in different positions and hovering at about 2000 feet. One technician took pictures with his Kenox Samsung S860 camera. The strange object made no sound, and eventually moved away towards the East.
Shows a solid object reflecting the sunlight, click to enlarge.
The witnesses decided not to tell anybody because of the negative associations they had with UFO sightings, and therefore had every intention of always keeping the sighting private. But some months later, the photographer casually showed the pictures to the chief engineer at the mine, who asked for copies. The engineer sent the images to the CEFAA in February, and provided the agency with information reported to him by the witnesses. He too has requested anonymity.
Click to Enlarge
Chile’s meteorological office at the DGAC confirmed that there was an absolute clear sky at that time, and that there was no possibility of lenticular clouds. All other meteorological phenomena have been ruled out by Chilean officials as a possible explanation.
CEFAA officials told me they determined that there were no drones operating near the mine. “People in that zone know about drones,” said Jose Lay, international affairs director for the CEFAA. “Fishing companies use drones and they make a lot of noise. This was definitely not a drone.” DGAC officials also ruled out any experimental aircraft, planes, weather balloons, or anything else that could explain the incident.
The second photo shows the object in a different position in the sky. (The CEFAA does not know the time sequence between the two images.) Click to Enlarge
With all conventional explanations eliminated, the CEFAA staff determined that the photos were worthy of analysis. The results of this study, conducted by a leading CEFAA analyst at the DGAC Meteorological Office, was released on July 3rd and is posted on the CEFAA website.
The report states that the witnesses described the phenomenon as “a flattened disc, of brilliant color, with a diameter of 5 to 10 meters [16 to 32 feet]. It performed ascending, descending and horizontal movements in short lengths, about 600 meters above the ground.” The witnesses had the impression that the object was under intelligent control.
Click to Enlarge
The text on this diagram (above) of the enlarged image indicates lines where very soft rays were reflected from an “extremely luminous half sphere.” The analyst concludes that the object “emitted its own energy that does not coincide with the natural sunlight which is also reflected off the object.” At noon, the brightness underneath could not have been caused by the sun, which was reflected off the top.
The study concludes that “It is an object or phenomenon of great interest, and it can be qualified as a UFO.”
The South American media has shown great interest in these images. In the US, retired Navy physicist Bruce Maccabee, a well known photo analyst, has this to say: “In the second image there appears to be a very bright hemispherical shape, convex downward… possibly a UFO enveloped in a cloud of vapor.” He notes that additional data is needed to determine more, but that it is clear that the object moved “a considerable distance” between the two photos.
“This is clearly not a normal thing seen in the sky (bird, plane, cloud, etc.),” added Dr. Maccabee in an email. “That makes it either the real thing – UFO – or a hoax, and it doesn’t appear to be a hoax, although the inability to question witnesses does reduce the credibility. Certainly this case is worthy of further study.”
It is indeed unfortunate that the four witnesses have not been willing to speak to the authorities, who could guarantee them anonymity. But even so, these images are important because they were studied by a government agency with access to the pertinent information needed for a proper analysis. That in itself is unusual. I commend the CEFAA for taking on cases such as this. The experts there conducted a serious investigation, and then released the information to the public, with no reservations about acknowledging the possible existence of a UFO, since that is warranted.
Location: Perdido Key, Florida Date: September 28 2008
Time: evening
It was their wedding day, Jim and Linda had just gotten married. They were staing at the same condo in Perdido Key, where they vacation every year. Perdido Key is a barrier island about 16 miles long, no more than a few hundred yards wide in most places and about 16 miles southwest of Pensacola…. Jim was 57 years old and retired from the Marine Corps. He and his wife, Linda, were walking on the beach a few hours after their wedding. There were several other people around but none in close proximity to Jim and Linda. Linda was on Jim’s left side and closest to the water. The couple were just playing around when Jim, facing Linda on his left, noticed a strange, large black cloud over the Gulf of Mexico. He said it was strange because it was a beautiful day. The entire sky was blue and white puffy clouds and the black cloud seemed out of place. Jim said he kept staring at it because it was so black—a different color black he had never seen before. The black cloud started to move in their direction. It sped up, stopped and silently hovered between 125 and 150 feet above and in front of them. Jim said he saw a flash of light that lit up the cloud for about 10 seconds. He could then see a dull gray craft with many windows and a being inside, from about the shoulders up, looking down at them. Jim said he could see the being clearly because the craft was illuminated with white light inside. He described the being a “not huge, about the size of a 14 or 15-year old, kind of skinny and dark, but not black.” He was unable to see the face. When asked about the shape of the craft, he said he thought it looked round but was more focused on the being inside. Jim said after about 10 seconds the cloud turned black again. He said he became very scared and said to Linda, “Let’s get out of here,” so they began to run back to their condo. As they were holding hands running, Linda was asking Jim what was wrong. Linda had not seen the craft or its occupant. Jim said he kept looking back at the black cloud and saw it moving back toward the Gulf. Jim said he looked down for a few seconds to wash the sand off his feet and when he looked back up the black cloud was gone. When asked if the event frightened him Jim replied, “I have to be honest, I was really scared.” It is interesting to note that Perdido Key is located approximately 10 miles west of Gulf Breeze and 40 miles east of Pascagoula, MS; both places well-known for UFO incidents. Back in their condo, Linda asked Jim what the black cloud was that they had seen on the beach. Jim was not aware Linda had seen it. He didn’t point out the black cloud or the craft when they were on the beach because he didn’t want to frighten her. Jim reply’s was, “I think it was a UFO.”
When the UFO began to cause a UFO landing sites and observing the humanoid on the map, then were surprised to find that message in the main do not emanate from the densely populated places where people actively read newspapers and are crammed with science fiction ideas, and from remote areas, where population density is minimal.
They concluded that the aliens are trying to avoid people and do not show aggression. But any rule there are exceptions
November 28, 1954 two drivers from Caracas (Venezuela), barely reached the police station. The body of one of them was covered with lacerations, from which flowed the blood …
Jose Pons was an assistant driver, Gustavo Gonzalez. They drove a truck for food, which should bring in the capital before the market opens. It was about two o’clock in the morning, the truck was driving on the outskirts of Caracas, when the driver saw that the road was partitioned with a luminous object. It was a metal ball with a diameter of 3-4 meters, still hanging half a meter above the ground. In the world there were two openings on the sides and a dome at the top.
Gonzalez stopped the car and the men with amazement staring at a UFO. Not saying a word, they got out and walked nearer. Located about eight meters from the apparatus, Gustavo and Jose saw them go dwarf, covered with black hair. His four fingers ended long claws, sharp as a knife. His head was round, or perhaps a round hat, without ears, nose, mouth, and the men looked great oval shining or reflecting car headlights eyes. A dwarf wore a strange loincloth, he was barefoot.
Gonzalez grabbed the dwarf and raised above the ground, but he wriggled out of the hands and pushed the driver. Gonzales fell back. Pons wanted to intervene, but it suddenly seemed paralyzed.
Before Gonzales was able to rise to his feet, dwarf jumped up and moved on the enemy. His eyes sparkled in the headlights of the truck. Gonzalez got on one knee and pulled out a knife. He tried to hit the dwarf on the shoulder, but the blade slipped, like a metal. From the ship jumped another hairy dwarf and sent to Gonzales glowing. A bright ray of blinding a driver for a moment, he thought it was the end, but when his sight, he saw a UFO that rises above the trees and quickly disappears into the night sky.
Pons saw it all. He said he had noticed that the second exists: it has come to the right of the road, and carried in the hands of tight things like stones or clods of earth, saw Pons, it jumped into the ship through a hatch in the side and got in a few seconds with the third being that is flying something like a long metal pipes glowing. Dwarf sent the receiver to Gonzales, and from there flew a ray of light. Being returned to the ship, flown away at high speed.
Gonzalez Pons and rushed into the car and rushed to the police station. Police initially thought the man drunk or crazy. They called a doctor who determined that both of them are in a state of shock and none of them were drunk. Gonzalez treated wounds did sedative injection.
Witness the bout was a famous doctor in Caracas, which was summoned at night to the patient. He drove the car Gonzales, saw a UFO, blocked the road, as well as fight. When the doctors assured that his name not be made public, he made a formal statement to the police.
But Maria Soria, too, was at the time of the events described on the highway, heard a whistling sound. A bright light fell from the sky on the car of Mary, and it immediately stalled the engine …
December 10 Jesus Gomez and Lorenzo Flores hunted rabbits near the Trans-Andean highway. Hunting has ended, they spent all their ammunition and were now returning home. Wearily dragging his feet along the highway, the men saw a shining object in the roadside bushes. Later, they told the police that took him for a car off the road, and went to see what was happening.
It was the object of three meters in diameter, resembling two huge gleaming pelvis, put together the edges to each other. It hung over the earth, and from its bottom fire erupted.
- We saw four little men around the meter growth, emerged from a UFO, “said Lorenzo. – Noticing us, the four ran to Hyo-Susu, grabbed him and dragged him to the object. Then I took the uncharged rifle by the barrel and hit one of the fellows. In an instant, I felt pain in his hands, a gun shattered into two parts. It was too dark to examine their faces, but we have noticed an abundance of hair on their bodies and noted the great power of fellows.
Being released Gomez, but he could not recover, was as if stunned by something. Flores, dragged him to the road and when he could go, both ran into the nearest police station. The police noted chtorubashka Gomez torn to shreds, the two men greatly scratched and scared.
When the next morning, police inspected the place of battle, there were only signs of a struggle and a broken gun Fdaresa. Except scorched bushes, no traces of small creatures and their ship was gone.
Less than a week as “hairy dwarfs” snovapoyavilis in Venezuela. On December 16, three young men ate dinner in the restaurant of San Carlos and went home. When we passed the park, Jesus Paz suddenly felt sick and asked to install a car and plunged into the nearest bushes. Soon the young people heard a cry for help. They ran to a friend and saw him, dazed and bleeding. From Jesus to the disk-shaped craft standing nearby on the grass, ran a hairy dwarf. Luis Mejía, who served in the National Guard, seized a stone and threw it into a UFO. The unit started up with a strong humming sound and flew away.
Jesus in a state of shock, were taken to the hospital. On his back and right side of the gaping long deep scratches, similar to the marks of claws. Recovering, Paz said that he had gone around the flower beds, his steps were heard in the thick grass. Suddenly, he almost tripped over a hairy creature, which regarded the flowers. Jesus wanted to escape, but as soon as he turned, the creature pounced on him – at first scratched his back, tearing his shirt, then hard on the head.
The following year, dwarfs showed up in America. There, they were not allowed to show aggression: earthlings opened fire first. They say that in Kelly, Kentucky, just like to be portrayed: they shoot first and then ask who it was. August 21, 1955 Bill Taylor came to the farm to the family of Sutton and said he saw a round glowing UFO, which disappeared behind the barn. His story was greeted with laughter and jokes, but an hour later, the owners of the farm, their faithful and family (of ten) was not up to joy. Around eight o’clock at night the dogs barking furiously. The owner and his son came to the door and saw her being the growth of about one meter. The head dwarf seemed too large in relation to the body, hands – an unusually long, clawed fingers between – membranes.
Elmer and John Sutton both shot in the queer creature, when it came closer. Bullets from rifles 12 th and 22-caliber hit a creature with such a noise as if caught in an empty bucket. Impact force threw the stranger ago, but he almost immediately jumped up and ran away before the farmers could do something else.
Sutton rushed into the house. All the doors were immediately closed, the light extinguished. At this moment, the farm owner screamed: clung to the window, dining creature with enormous eyes. The men fired several times through the glass and knocked him to the ground by a direct hit. Bill Taylor came out to see what came of it, and then the roof extends taloned paw and grabbed the poor guy’s hair! Farmers began firing on the merits of sitting on the roof, and then – on the second hiding in a tree crown in the yard. After the direct hit of the dwarf fell from a tree and glided to the ground and fled into the bushes.
After forays into the yard the men returned to the house and stood at the windows, firing at anything that moves. Women and children lay on the floor. Finally, the farmers decided that the substance had already gone. All ten of the inhabitants of the farm, and Bill Taylor slipped out of the house and nabivshis in two cars, sped to the police.
Russell Grinvell, the police chief in the nearby city of Hope kinsvill, coming soon to a farm, recalls:
- Certainly, they were horrified … We did not find a farm near the tracks, but the ground was so hard and dry that it proves nothing. I do not know what they saw, but clearly something strange, just shot at him right through the doors, windows, shooting around the house.
Soon after the police left, the 2.15 nights being returned. They stare at the windows, and the men answered them with fire. This pandemonium lasted until dawn. In the morning the police again came to the farm, but none was found.
However, the most incredible story involving a dwarf has occurred in Bolivia in early 1968, Lady Valentina Flores of Otoko, a small village in the south-west of the country at six o’clock in the evening went to drive their sheep and llamas. Sheep grazed nearby, and llama – a mile from her home. Valentine has already driven the sheep, and returned with llamas, when I noticed that the sheep pen is covered with some strange network. Under the network were current growth being about a meter and killing sheep instrument in the form of a tube with a hook on the end. On his back was something like a backpack. Flores began to throw stones at him. Being approached standing at the fence a small device, which resembled the radio, and turned the wheel, located at the top. The network immediately sucked into the device. A woman armed with a baton and went to the paddock, intending to defend their possessions. However, the dwarf threw in her pipe, which killed the sheep, not hit, and the tube, after describing a loop, and returned to his hand like a boomerang. He also reiterated a throw. A strange weapon several times touched the hands of seniors Flores, having cut them, but none of the cuts was not serious.
By forcing a woman to stay away from him, “evil dwarf” quickly put the device in which absorbed into the network, in a bag, similar to plastic, and threw back the same innards slaughtered sheep. From “backpack” moved the tube and hit the ground. Creature began to rise into the air and soon disappeared in the sky.
The police arrived on the scene and found 34 dead sheep, some of the viscera was removed. According to policemen, Senora Flores spoke the truth. The officers pulled the dwarf from the words of the victim, and these sketches were published in a local newspaper.
Location: Moscow region, Russia Date: June 20 1990
Time: 00:20 a.m.
43-year old Zinaida Gavrilova was late to her regular bus route that took her to the local military garrison where she was a resident. When she exited the monorail she realized that the last bus had departed 30 minutes before. So she decided to walk home alone on a straight narrow road that ran through a pine forest. At night this road was lighted by lanterns, set in 2 rows on both sides of the road. At about 00:20 a.m. she approached a 16meter long concrete bridge which was stretched over a small river in the forest. The bridge was also lighted by lanterns. Suddenly she saw a strange column of smoke and when she walked closer to it the column darkened, became dense and transformed into a humanoid figure. The figure was that of a very tall woman in a black dress down to her ankles. Her height was more than 2.5meters; she had a protruding forehead, huge slanted eyes, and blue in color lacking eyebrows or eyelashes. The color of her eyes was of a pure blue, shiny, like mother of pearl. Her face was pale, triangular in shape and sharply narrowed at the bottom, ending in a small pointy chin. Zinaida could not remember the nose or lips. On her head she wore a black oval-shaped helmet, and a black pelerine (cape) fell from her helmet to her shoulders and back from. She had very long arms. On her chest area the alien woman had a circle of light, resembling a flat bulb; the light emitted from this light did not illuminate its surroundings. The alien woman began to speak in a strange feminine but “squeaky” voice. She asked Zinaida, “Where are you going?” Zinaida answered, naming the small military garrison where she lived. Then the alien woman said, “Come with me. Come with me. Come with me”. Zinaida distinctly heard the phrase repeated 3 times. The woman turned her back and began walking away, Zinaida following her. At this point Zinaida blacked out and later returned to her senses sitting on a bench near the control box to the military garrison. She felt light headed, and her temples ached. Very slowly Zinaida rose and walked to the control post. Surprised to find the control post empty (it was supposed to be manned 24 hours daily) she walked past it and into her 5 story apartment complex belonging to the officer’s staff. There her son waited for her and asked where have she been, both her son and her husband were getting ready to mount a search for her. Zinaida then looked at her watch and realized that it was already 0130A. Apparently 60 minutes had slipped away from her memory. Zinaida then looked into the mirror of her anteroom and was again surprised to find her hair neatly tied up in a soft bun behind her head; she could not remember who had done that. She briefly recalled the moment when she first saw the column of smoke and then the alien woman and lastly when the woman asked her to come with her. She became hysterical and screamed in horror. The next day Gavrilova was in a catatonic state, she would fall asleep and then wake up minutes later. In the evening she telephone a female friend and told her, “I met a witch!” Happily this female friend was connected with Erast Demishev who was an old friend of the main investigator: Alexey Priyma. This last one arranged a hypnotic regression session in order to reconstruct the events of that night. Zinaida agreed to the session and asked for it to be done immediately. It appeared, according to the results gleaned from the session that immediately after the alien woman had asked Zinaida to “come with me” Zinaida found herself inside the military stadium which was part of the military garrison. The distance from the stadium to the stone bridge was only about 1km. The football field was lit up by a bright white light. Gavrilova could not explained where had the alien woman gone to, instead she could see a huge silver-colored globe or sphere, about 6-7 meters in diameter, slightly tapered on the bottom. From a hatch on the globe a ladder reached the ground. The ladder was angular consisting of links, zigzagged in shape. Near the globe the witness saw two very tall “men” in light gray tight-fitting overalls. The height of each entity was more than 2.5meters. One of them approached Zinaida, took her by the hand and led her to the globe. His touch was icy. Inside the globe the witness saw numerous round and rectangular shaped lights on the walls. When some of the entities touched Zinaida she felt a piercing cold, not painful, but very cold. Besides the tall humanoids, Zinaida saw a small humanoid sitting on an armchair inside the cabin. This other creature had a small body, thin legs and arms, and a large round head. Its eyes were shiny “mother of pearl” color. It did not move while it sat on the armchair. The two very tall humanoid males had broad shoulders, long arms and legs, and slanted eyes. At the humanoids touched Zinaida on numerous occasions but then they began to tell her, “You should come with us”. They didn’t say anything else. Moments later one of the tall humanoids began to twirl Zinaida’s hair into a tight bun on her back. He then sat her on a tall armchair. At this point Zinaida suffered a blackout. Her next memory was of a tall alien man in the light gray coveralls taking her by her hand, like a child, and leading her outside of the sphere through the opened hatch. At this moment she saw “another world” before her: the sky there was slightly greenish. Later after analyzing her memoirs, obtained during the regression, Gavrilova concluded that she had visited an “artificial planet”, or an artificially created world encased in a huge glassy “sky dome”. Zinaida then saw a long street, on which the globe had landed. At the far end of the street she saw another sphere—of a much larger size than the sphere which had delivered her to this world. The houses that stood along the street were white, low and long. On top of the roofs and in between the houses the witness saw white rods, a very large number of rods, different in size, some very high others short. The rods which were between the houses were taller than the ones on top of the houses, most of the rods were straight but a few were curved or spirals, everywhere there was white wet sand. At first Zinaida thought that she was walking alone in the street, but to be more exact, not “walking” in the literal meaning of the world, but floating. But soon she realized that one of the tall male aliens was holding her hand, and he was the one that was walking. The alien man emanated an icy “wave”. He was dressed in gray slippery clothing. Like the tricot of the circus artists—tight fitting. She could not remember his nose and lips. But his eyes were large, with deep eye sockets. He had no eyebrows or eyelashes and his eyes were light “mother of pearl” color. No one else was in the street with them. The alien man slowly walked on the deserted street from one sphere to the other and took Zinaida into the second sphere. While walking he spoke telepathically to Zinaida asking her, “Would you like to say here? You will feel good. You can live here”. But she didn’t agree and said, “I don’t want to live here. I have a family. I can’t leave my husband and son forever. Take me back to the stadium!” The alien man answered, “Ok, we will take you back. But you must stay for a short time in this city. Somebody you are familiar with wants to see you”. Zinaida then asked, “What is the name of this city?” The humanoid answered, “Kuili” They didn’t speak anymore after this. Inside the other sphere Gavrilova saw several long tables. In between the tables there were armchairs. A very bright light emanated from everywhere in the object. The walls were smooth and bare. Several tall alien women in tight fitting light gray suits were moving around the room. The humanoid then carefully placed Zinaida on the floor. Zinaida then seemed to “freeze” in place unable to move, a sickening, nauseating feeling of complete paralysis seized her entire body. Then one of the alien females, without moving her lips, attempted to convince Zinaida to stay in the city of “Kuili” forever. “You will feel very good in Kuili”, she persisted. Translating her thoughts directly into Zinaida’s brain she said, “Why do you want to return. Why that stupid desire? Stay with us!” But Gavrilova categorically refused to cooperate. Then two of the females grabbed her like “a log” and placed her on one of the shiny white tables. On the place where Zinaida had a scar on her chest area, the aliens pressed a small rectangular shaped plate. A large blue screen then appeared near the table after emerging from somewhere below. On the screen a lighted pulsating dot immediately became visible. Then the alien female took her body from the table. The tall alien man again grabbed her by her hands and took her out of the sphere. While leaving, the alien woman who had been trying to convince Zinaida to stay in Kuili forever said, “If you like we will again come and get you and take you ourselves”. “I agree to visit Kuili one more time, —said Zinaida. —But you again would have to return me back to the stadium”. “The next time you would not want to return to Earth. We will meet again for sure!” said the alien woman. The aliens then took Zinaida back into the sphere and apparently returned to Earth. Researcher Alexey Priyma, together with Zinaida and his colleagues Erast Demishev and Vitaliy Shishenko visited the place of the UFO landing and examined it. They used instruments to study the alleged place of contact. Indeed, a magnetic detector detected an anomalous strip there, where according to the witness the alien woman in black was standing. It was about 5 meters in length, staring about a meter from the stone bridge. At the stadium the researchers found the evident place of the UFO landing. It was a clearly defined round trace on the grass that was 7metes 18cm in diameter.
HC addendum Source:Alexey K. Priyma ‘XX Century, Chronicle of the Unexplained. From Prophecy to Prophecy” Moscow 1998
Type: G Comments: One of the most vivid otherworldly journeys I have read.
Rod Engberson is a witness to strange aerial activity in Grass Valley. His home overlooks Beale AFB and the activity over the base and the surrounding area is mystifying to say the least. I will let Rod explain in his own words what he is witnessing: It started in the year 1999 driving past Beale Air Force base I witnessed what I believe to be a TR3B. I had not seen another one until 2013. The one I saw in 1999 was black on one side and chrome on the other. It was about as wide as a football field. I saw it at about 9:30 a.m. There were three of what I believe to be recon planes were circling around this chrome object. We were standing on a pull out on the road that overlooks Beale AFB and saw three blinking white lights come up from the base. They were all individual lights. They fly through the air towards where we are standing. They fly overhead in a single file line, perfectly spaced apart from each other. They were completely silent and floated through the air effortlessly, taking turns blinking on and off. There was no hard object to be seen, just balls of energy, light. They float off towards the Sierra Mountains keeping their formation. They were about 2,000 ft. off the ground. I (Rodney) was standing on the same pull out on the side of the road that overlooks Beale AFB and it was dead silent outside. I could feel something above me so I looked up and saw nothing. But it felt weird and I still felt something was there. As I was thinking something was above me, a white light in the center of a black trianglecame on above me. It was about 200ft above. It stayed there for about a minute silently. No noise or movement. As soon as I thought to myself, “oh wow, no noise” it moved away slowly making a quiet sound as if small puffs of air were being released. It disappeared as it flew over a hill to the north. Special Note: Rodney showed me photos of triangle shaped UFOs that have a red light in the middle of its underbelly and white lights at each triangle corner. The photos that I saw are the same type of photos that were taken in Belgium, during their triangle UFO flap.
My UFO Hunters witnessed what appeared to be two satellites approaching each other and as one of the satellites gets close to the other one, it powers up (gets brighter) and this was witnessed by 6 investigators. Also, a large moving object is going across the night sky and it powers up, the light is very intense. I have never in my life seen satellites power up. We are also seeing bats, regular satellites and conventional blinking light aircraft. Everyone observes a strange red globe that moves across the night sky and then changes to a solid white globe. What conventional aircraft does that? The globe was solid red, then became solid white, I am baffled. No blinking lights. Weird. If I can’t tell you what I am seeing, then it’s unidentified, it’s a UFO. Tonight was a very interesting night, like I said, I never saw objects in the sky ‘power up’ and then ‘power down’. That is so bizarre to witness and I have no explanation for it. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
The host unit at Beale is the 9th Reconnaissance Wing (9 RW) assigned to the Air Combat Command and part of Twelfth Air Force. The 9 RW collects intelligence essential for Presidential and Congressional decisions critical to the national defense. To accomplish this mission, the wing is equipped with the nation’s fleet of U-2 Dragon Lady, RQ-4 Global Hawk unmanned aircraft, and the MC-12 Liberty reconnaissance aircraft and associated support equipment. The wing also maintains a high state of readiness in its combat support and combat service support forces for potential deployment in response to theater contingencies. The 940th Wing is a Reconnaissance, Command & Control and Intelligence unit assigned to the United States Air Force Reserve. The 940th Wing is responsible for the stand up and total force integration of the Air Force Reserve Command’s newest multi-mission wing, including command & control, intelligence and reconnaissance forces in support of Air Combat Command, Pacific Air Forces and the Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency. Beale AFB was established in 1942 as Camp Beale and is named for Edward Fitzgerald Beale (1822–1893), an American Navy Lieutenant and a Brigadier General in the California Militia who was an explorer and frontiersman in California. It became a United States Air Force base on 1 April 1951.
CONSPIRACY: No one knows what happened to the wreckage [GETTY ]
Author Sven Lumley says soldiers took the wreckage to be analysed at a secret location after the alien craft was blasted out of the sky over north Wales in 1974.
But Government officials hushed up the incident for fear of causing massive public alarm, he claims in his book The Berwyn Mountains Incident Revealed.
Lumley has partly based his findings on work done by investigator Russ Kellett over the last 20 years.
“A lot happened that night”
Russ Kellet, investigator
Both are convinced they have evidence of Britain’s equivalent to the Roswell mystery, when a UFO was said to have landed in New Mexico in 1947. The US military is accused of having kept the craft and the aliens aboard it hidden ever since.
Mr Kellett claimed three UFOs were spotted over the Irish Sea in 1974. As one headed towards the Berwyn Mountains, it was shot down by missiles from RAF jets and then crashed at Llandderfel.
Mr Kellett said: “Dozens of witnesses that night watched a glowing orb on the mountainside. A lot happened that night.”
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Mysterious Stone Head of Guatemala: Completely Ignored by History
Mysterious Stone Head of Guatemala: Completely Ignored by History
Over half a century ago, deep in the jungles of Guatemala, a gigantic stone head was uncovered. The face had fine features, thin lips and large nose and its face was directed up at the sky.
Unusually, the face demonstrated Caucasian features which were not consistent with any of the pre-Hispanic races of America.
The discovery rapidly attracted attention, but just as quickly it slipped away into the pages of forgotten history.
News of the discovery first emerged when Dr Oscar Rafael Padilla Lara, a doctor of philosophy, lawyer and notary, received a photograph of the head in 1987 along with a description that the photograph was taken in the 1950s by the owner of the land where the head was found and that it was located “somewhere in the jungles of Guatemala.”
The photograph and story was printed in a small article in the newsletter ‘Ancient Skies’, which was picked up and read by well-known explorer and author David Hatcher Childress, one of our guest authors at, who sought out to discover more about the mysterious stone head.
He tracked down Dr Padilla who reported that he found the owners of the property, the Biener family, on which the monolith was found. The site was 10 kilometres from a small village in La Democracia in the south of Guatemala.
However, Dr Padilla said that he was in despair when he reached the site and found that the site had been obliterated:
“It was destroyed by revolutionaries about ten years ago. We had located the statue too late. It was used as target practice by anti-government rebels. This totally disfigured it, sort of like the way the Sphinx in Egypt had its nose shot off by the Turks, only worse,” he said.
The eyes, nose and mouth had completely gone. Padilla was able to measure its height as between 4 and 6 metres, with the head resting on a neck. Padilla did not return again to the site due to armed attacks between government forces and rebel forces in the area.
The destruction of the head meant the story died a rapid death until it was picked up again a few years ago by filmmakers behind “Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond” who used the photograph to claim that extra-terrestrials have had contact with past civilizations. The producer published a document written by Guatemalan archaeologist Hector E Majia who wrote:
“I certify that this monument presents no characteristics of Maya, Nahuatl, Olmec or any other pre-Hispanic civilization. It was created by an extraordinary and superior civilization with awesome knowledge of which there is no record of existence on this planet.”
However, far from helping the cause and the investigation into the monolith, this publication only served to have the opposite effect, throwing the whole story into the hands of a justifiably sceptical audience who thought that it was all just a publicity stunt. Even the letter itself has been drawn into question with some saying that it is not genuine.
Nevertheless, it appears the giant head did exist and there is no evidence to suggest the original photograph is not authentic or that Dr Padilla’s account was false. So assuming it was real, the questions remain: Where did it come from? Who made it? And why?
The region where the stone head was reported to have been found, La Democracia, is actually already famous for stone heads which, like the stone head found in the jungle, also face skyward. These are known to have been created by the Olmec civilisation, which flourished between 1400 and 400 BC.
The Olmec heartland was the area in the Gulf of Mexico lowlands, however, Olmec-style artefacts, designs, monuments and iconography have been found in sites hundreds of kilometres outside the Olmec heartland, including La Democracia.
Nevertheless, the stone head depicted in the 1950s photograph does not share the same features or style as the Olmec heads. The late Phillip Coppens, Belgian author, radio host and TV commentator on matters of alternative history raised the question of whether the head “is an anomaly of the Olmec period, or whether it is part of another – unknown – culture that predated or post-dated the Olmecs, and whose only artefact identified so far is the Padilla head.”
Other questions that have been posed include whether the structure was just a head, or whether there was a body underneath, like the Easter Island statues, and whether the stone head is linked to any other structures in the region.
It would be nice to know the answers to these questions but sadly it appears the publicity surrounding the film “Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond” only served to bury the story deeper into the pages of history. Hopefully an ambitious explorer will pick up the story once again and investigate further to find the truth regarding this enigmatic monument.
05-07-2014 om 12:50
geschreven door peter
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This is one stunning report from the archives of Haggman and Haggman talking to Steve Quayle on GIANTS. This is information you will NEVER hear on mainstream media. During the talk, the lines were cut off – so you know its a GREAT INFORMATIVE researched discussion.
The Nephilim pronounced Nefilīm were a race that came to dominate the antediluvian (pre-flood) world. They were reportedly the children born to the “Sons of God by the “daughters of men”, and are described as Giants.
Believe it. Or don’t believe it but this video and Whitley Striber’s book are gripping stories that will move you like no other… Abductions and actual occurances are discussed.
(N.Morgan) Underground bases are believed to be safe havens for the Power Elite and their families. Could they also house other life forms? were they created not only to shelter, but to hide things they may not want the public to see? They are across the country, in various locations. In the video below, Philip Schneider was an ex-government structural engineer who was involved in building underground military bases around the United States , and to be one of only three people to survive an incident that occurred in 1979 between Grey aliens and U.S. military forces at the Dulce underground base .
For the last two years of his life, Schneider gave lectures about government cover-ups, black budgets, and UFOs. Schneider was never able or willing to prove his allegations (e.g. showing the entrance to Dulce Base). His claims received little mainstream notice, but caused quite a buzz in UFO enthusiast circles. Schneider was found dead in his apartment on January 17 1996 Some suggest Schneider was murdered. Phil Schneider died on January 17, 1996, reportedly strangled by a catheter found wrapped around his neck — the bizarre death being dismissed by the authorities as suicide. If the circumstances of his death seem highly controversial, they are matched by the controversy over his public statements uttered shortly before his death. Phil Schneider was a self-taught geologist and explosives expert. Of the 129 deep underground facilities Schneider believed the US government had constructed since World War II, he claimed to have worked on 13. Two of these bases were major, including the much rumored bioengineering facility at Dulce, New Mexico.
At Dulce, Schneider maintained, “gray” humanoid extraterrestrials worked side by side with American technicians. In 1979, a misunderstanding arose. In the ensuing shootout, 66 Secret Service, FBI and Black Berets were killed along with an unspecified nurnber of “grays”. It was here he received a beam-weapon blast to the chest which caused his later cancer; many have confirmed that a large scar indeed existed. Schneider maintained that numerous previous attempts had been made on his life, including the removal of the nuts from one of the front wheels of his automobile.
In Noorwegen regende het in de jaren vijftig UFO-meldingen. Er werden zoveel waarnemingen gedaan dat mensen er heilig in gingen geloven dat UFO’s bezig waren met ‘iets’ boven Noorwegen. Volgens de krant Aftenposten is het mysterie nu opgelost.
De Amerikaanse inlichtingendienst CIA heeft op Twitter laten weten dat er in die tijd proefvluchten werden gemaakt met het ultrageheime spionagevliegtuig U2. “Herinneren jullie je de meldingen van ongewone activiteit in het luchtruim in de jaren vijftig nog? Dat waren wij,” twittert de CIA.
Destijds was het niet duidelijk dat het om vliegtuigen ging, maar dat komt volgens de inlichtingendienst omdat de U2 veel hoger vloog dan alle andere toestellen die indertijd in de lucht waren te vinden.
Een normaal vliegtuig vloog toen op gemiddeld zes kilometer hoogte terwijl de U2 drie keer zo hoog vloog. Door de extreme hoogte die de U2 bereikte werd het licht van de ondergaande zon weerkaatst. Andere piloten zagen de toestellen als heldere zilverkleurige objecten aan de avondhemel, aldus de CIA.
Tijdens Project Blue Book, een onderzoek dat de Amerikaanse luchtmacht voerde van 1947 tot 1969, werd geconcludeerd dat de Noorse UFO-meldingen samenvielen met vluchten van de U2. De informatie werd geheimgehouden om het spionageprogramma verborgen te houden voor de Sovjet-Unie, aldus Aftenposten.
Une ville de l’Inde antique irradiée par une explosion atomique - MAGONIE
Une ville de l’Inde antique irradiée par une explosion atomique - MAGONIE
Comme vous, il m’arrive souvent de tomber sur le web sur des articles à faire frémir et qui ne sont bien souvent que des tissus de mensonges. Je n’en parlerai pas aujourd’hui. Vous savez de quoi je parle.
Celui-ci, en revanche, est ahurissant. Il parle d'une explosion atomique qui, il y a 12.000 ans, aurait tué 500.000 personnes, sans pour autant que quiconque en ait entendu parler aujourd’hui.
Les radiations sont encore si intenses dans la région qu’il est dangereux de s’y aventurer. Une épaisse couche de cendres radioactives recouvre une zone de cinq kilomètres carré au Rajasthan, en Inde, à quinze kilomètres à l’ouest de Jodhpur. Des scientifiques étudient actuellement la région, ou des immeubles d’habitation sont en cours de construction.
Il a été établi depuis quelques temps que la région en construction enregistre un nombre anormalement élevé de malformations à la naissance et de cancers. Le niveau de radiation y est si élevé que le gouvernement indien a été forcé d’interdire l’accès à la région. Des scientifiques ont découvert sous les cendres une ancienne ville présentant les signes d’une explosion atomique survenue il y a 8.000 à 12.000 ans, qui a détruit une majorité des bâtiments et tué environ un demi-million de personnes. Un chercheur estime que la bombe atomique utilisée faisait la taille de celles lâchées sur le Japon en 1945.
Les ruines d’Hrappa
Le Mahabharata décrit clairement une explosion atomique survenue dans le continent :
« Un projectile, chargé de toute l’énergie de l’univers… une colonne incandescente de fumée et de flammes aussi vives que 10.000 soleils, roses et de toute splendeur… une arme inconnue, un éclair d’acier, un gigantesque messager de la mort venu réduire à un amas de cendres une race toute entière.
Les corps ont été brûlés au point d’être méconnaissables. Leurs cheveux étaient tombés, les poteries s’étaient brisées sans raison apparente, et les oiseaux étaient devenus blancs.
Après quelques heures, toutes les sources alimentaires étaient infectées. Pour échapper au feu, les soldats s’étaient jetés dans la rivière ».
Commentaires d’un historie.
Selon l’historien Kisari Mohan Ganguli, les textes sacrés indiens sont emplis de ce genre de descriptions, qui font penser aux explosions atomiques d’Hiroshima et de Nagasaki. Certaines références font mention de chars volants et d’armes finales. Une ancienne bataille est décrite par le Drona Parva, qui est une section du Mahabharata.
« Le passage parle d’un combat au cours duquel ont explosé des armes finales qui ont décimé des armées entières, et emporter avec elles des soldats en armures, des éléphants et des armes comme s’il ne s’agissait que de feuilles mortes », explique Ganguli.
« Plutôt que des champignons atomiques, l’auteur décrit une explosion perpendiculaire et des nuages de fumées ressemblant à des parasols. Certains commentaires mentionnent la contamination de sources de nourriture et de chute de cheveux ».
Des enquêtes archéologiques nous en disent plus
L'archéologue Francis Taylor explique que les gravures des temples alentours qu’il est parvenu à traduire suggèrent que les gens priaient pour être épargnés la lumière qui viendrait ruiner leur ville.
« Il paraît invraisemblable qu’une ancienne civilisation ait pu disposer de l’arme atomique avant nous. Les cendres radioactives donnent cependant de la crédibilité aux anciens récits qui font mention d’une guerre atomique ».
La construction de bâtiments dans la région a pris fin pour permettre à une équipe de cinq personnes de conduire une enquête. Le directeur de projet est Lee Hundley, qui a ouvert une enquête suite à la découverte du haut niveau de radiation.
Il existe des preuves que l’empire de Rama (l’Inde d’aujourd’hui) ait été dévasté par une guerre nucléaire. La vallée de l’Indus est aujourd’hui le désert du Thar, où se trouvent les cendres radioactives découverts à l’ouest de Jodhpur.
Voici quelques vers tirés de l’ancien (6.500 avant J-C au plus tard) Mahabharata :
Explosion atomique
…a single projectile Charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and flame As bright as the thousand suns Rose in all its splendour… a perpendicular explosion with its billowing smoke clouds… …the cloud of smoke rising after its first explosion formed into expanding round circles like the opening of giant parasols… was an unknown weapon, An iron thunderbolt, A gigantic messenger of death, Which reduced to ashes The entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas. …The corpses were so burned As to be unrecognisable. The hair and nails fell out; Pottery broke without apparent cause, And the birds turned white.
After a few hoursAll foodstuffs were infected……to escape from this fire
The soldiers threw themselves in streams To wash themselves and their equipment.
Jusqu’au bombardement d’Hiroshima et de Nagasaki, la race humaine ne pouvait pas même imaginer une arme aussi horrible et dévastatrice que celles décrites par les anciens textes sacrés indiens. Ces derniers décrivent pourtant avec précision des explosions atomiques. Les radiations entrainent la chute des cheveux et des ongles. S’immerger dans l’eau est source de répit, mais pas de guérison.
Lorsque les excavations d’Harappa et de Mohenjo-Daro ont atteint le niveau de la rue, des squelettes ont été découverts jonchant les deux villes, beaucoup se tenant la main et étendus dans les rues comme si une ruine subite les avait frappés.
Les gens étaient couchés, sans aucune tombe, dans les rues. Ils sont vieux de plusieurs milliers d’années. Qu’est-ce qui aurait bien pu causer une telle chose ? Pourquoi les corps ne se sont-ils pas décomposés ou n’ont-ils pas été mangés par des animaux sauvages ? Aucune trace de mort violente n’a pu être relevée.
Ces squelettes font partie des plus radioactifs jamais découverts, similaires à ceux de Nagasaki et Hiroshima. Sur le site, des intellectuels soviétiques ont découvert un squelette dont la radioactivité est 50 fois supérieure au niveau normal. D’autres villes antiques du nord de l’Inde ont été découvertes, qui présentent des signes d’explosions de grande magnitude. L’une d’entre elles, qui se trouve entre le Gange et les montagnes du Rajmahal, semble avoir enregistré des niveaux de chaleur intenses. Les murs et fondations de la ville ont fusionné, ont été vitrifiés ! Rien n’indique qu’un volcan ait pu entrer en éruption à Mohenjo-Daro ou dans n’importe quelle autre ville. L’intense chaleur ne peut donc être expliquée que par une explosion atomique ou une autre arme destructrice qui nous est inconnue. Les villes ont été complètement détruites.
Bien que des études au carbone aient identifié les squelettes découverts comme datant de 2.500 avant J-C, nous devons garder à l’esprit que ces études impliquent le niveau de radiation qui demeure aujourd’hui.
Lorsqu’une explosion atomique entre en ligne de compte, des squelettes peuvent paraître bien plus jeunes qu’ils ne sont.
Notons que le directeur scientifique du Projet Manhattan, le Dr J. Robert Oppenheimer, était connu pour être familier avec la littérature Sanskrit. Lors d’un entretien conduit suite au premier test atomique, il a cité le Bhagavad Gita :
« ‘Je suis devenu la Mort, le Destructeur des Mondes’. Je suppose que nous avons tous ressenti cela ».
Lors d’une interview donnée à l’université de Rochester sept ans après l’essai nucléaire de l’Alamogordo, on lui a demandé s’il s’agissait de la première bombe nucléaire à jamais avoir détonné.
D’anciennes villes aux briques et aux murs de pierres vitrifiés et fusionnés peuvent être trouvées en Inde, en Irlande, en Ecosse, en France, en Turquie et dans bien d’autres pays. Il n’existe aucune explication logique à ces phénomènes de vitrification de forts et de villes, à l’exception d’explosions atomiques.
Un cratère géant près de Mumbai
Un autre signe curieux d’une guerre nucléaire antique survenue en Inde est un cratère géant à proximité de Mumbai. Le cratère, d’un diamètre de près de 2.154 mètres, surnommé cratère Lonar et situé à 400 kilomètres au nord-est de la ville, est âgé de moins de 50.000 ans, et pourrait être lié à une guerre nucléaire antique.
Cratère géant près de Mumbai
Aucune trace de météore n’a été découverte sur le site et dans les environs, et il s’agit du seul cratère de basalte du monde. Tout indique un choc puissant (d’une pression excédant 600.000 atmosphères) et une chaleur intense (ce qu’indiquent les sphérules de verre basaltique). Voici ce qu’a écrit David Hatcher Childress pour le Nexus Magazine :
« Le cratère a été formé dans une roche de basalte d’une épaisseur de 600 à 700 mètres. Cette roche est composée de nombreuses couches déposées par des éruptions volcaniques à diverses périodes. Cinq d’entre elles sont exposées par la couronne du cratère. L’épaisseur de ces couches varie entre 5 et 30 mètres.
Le cratère mesure environ 150 mètres de profondeur, et son diamètre mesure en moyenne 1.830 mètres. Sa couronne est composée de 25 mètres de roches couvertes de 5 mètres de débris. Cette couche de débris s’étend sur plus de 1.350 mètres à partir de la couronne du cratère et a une inclinaison de 2 à 6 degrés. La zone supérieure de la couche de débris contient des dépôts qui ont fondu sous l’impact ».
Le cratère de Lonar
« Le cratère de Lonar est un mystère, notamment parce qu’il s’agit du seul cratère formé sur un terrain basaltique. Il est resté relativement intact en raison du faible degré d’érosion causée par les agents environnementaux, ce qui en fait un excellent modèle d’étude. En revanche, des phénomènes étranges s’y sont produits :
1. Le lac comprend deux régions distinctes qui ne se mélangent jamais – neutre à l’extérieur (pH7) et alkaline à l’intérieur (pH11), chacune ayant sa propre faune et flore. Vous pouvez vous-même aller y faire un test de papier de tournesol pour en attester.
2. Un ruisseau pérenne nourrit le lac, mais il ne semble pas exister d’évacuation pour l’eau du lac. Personne ne sait non plus d’où provient le ruisseau pérenne de la région sèche du Buldhana. Même en mai et juin, qui sont les mois les plus secs de l’année, le ruisseau continue de s’écouler. Lonar est source de plus en plus de questions », explique Lilyn Kamath.
1. Meilleure preuve?, par Philip Coppens; les restes de Mohenjo Daro et Harappa, leur abandon soudain et la découverte d’un site couvert de cendres radioactives prouvent que nos ancêtres aient pu posséder une technologie avancée – qui aurait pu laisser place à une guerre atomique.
Rouen, France, 1957. Flying to intercept a mysterious radar reflection, an unknown French Air Force pilot photographed this craft in March 1957 over Rouen with his gun-sight camera.
The UFO paced the plane for several minutes before speeding off past the maximum velocity of the French airplane.
This UFO appears to be of the same type that appeared in McMinnville, Oregon, over the farm of Mr. Paul Trent. It was first published in the Royal Air Force Flying Review in July, 1957, and also in Flying Saucer Review in July, 1957.
Mystery UFO symbols have appeared on dozens of cattle crossing signs
There is a mystery unfolding along New Mexico's roads and highways. A mystery many of you may have already noticed.
Strange UFO symbols have appeared on dozens of cattle crossing signs. Where are they coming from? Some may want you to think it's the work of aliens, but the explanation is probably a little more down to earth.
It's a mystery straight out of the X-Files. Driving down the highway from Taos to Santa Fe, you'll see them. Just one of the many places they've appeared around New Mexico. UFO stickers placed on cattle crossing signs, giving the appearance "aliens" are beaming the cows up.
Maureen Ortega is one of the many New Mexicans who have noticed the strange signs. She says they first started appearing around Taos and northern New Mexico a few years ago.
"They've been there for a while and I've often wondered who did them. Wondered if it was someone who was into UFOs or did it for a prank or whatever," said Ortega.
She thinks the message behind the stickers may have to do with reports of cattle mutilations in the area. Mutilations, many believe are the work of extra-terrestrials.
"Twenty-two years ago ranchers were finding cattle mutilated all over the place and it was blamed on aliens. What else could have done it?" For the answer we turned to author and paranormal investigator Benjamin Radford. The self-described skeptic has written books about the cattle mutilation phenomena.
"The majority of these so-called animal mutilations are actually perfectly explainable. There's nothing mysterious about it," Radford said. He says here in New Mexico it makes perfect sense "some" would think aliens "are" involved.
"There's a strong folklore of aliens and ETs tied to New Mexico anyway. On top of that you have the animal mutilations, the cattle mutilations," Radford continued. "Let’s say for example you have the exact same animal and if it was found in the late 90s in Texas, people would say it's a Chupacabra. The vampire beast came and sucked it blood out. The same animal found in Northern NM in the 1980's people might say its aliens."
So does he think that is the reason behind the stickers? Is someone putting them up to send a message?
Radford said the people that are doing this aren't necessarily UFO believers. It's easy to assume there's some big important message here. He says they're having fun.
Even Radford admits we'll never really know who is turning our cattle crossing signs into extra-terrestrial messages, or why, but the truth is out there. Whatever the reason, the mystery may be over.
KOB reached out to the New Mexico Department of Transportation to see what it thinks of the altered signs. A spokesperson says they weren't aware of them but will be taking them down since they can distract drivers and the stickers block the reflective areas meant to warn people about cattle crossing the road. - KOB
Twenty-six students at a girls high school in Fukuoka Prefecture became sick Monday in an apparent panic attack, prompting the school to close for the day.
It was not immediately clear what caused the students to fall ill.
According to Yanagawa High School, a private school in the city of Yanagawa, a first-year student suddenly shrieked in the middle of a class and fell down at about 10 a.m.
Two other students in the class fell into a similar state soon afterward, followed by students from other classes who came to check on the incident. Some of the students turned pale, though the exact cause of their sickness was not known.
The school let the 26 students go home and canceled all classes later in the day. It remained closed on Tuesday as well, an official said.
“We don’t know why such an incident happened, but we need to take good care of the students. I’ll talk to them more to find out what happened,” said Vice Principal Shigemitsu Mori.
Twitter and other social media were abuzz with unfounded rumors of the students “becoming possessed with evil spirits,” the Nishinippon Shimbun reported Tuesday. The students got well soon afterward, according to the paper.
Psychiatrist Rika Kayama said students in adolescence can feel excessive tension and anxiety, which are highly contagious, and added that the group panic attack might have been triggered by occultism.
“The only thing you can do (to avoid the recurrence of such incidents) is to distance yourself from people and topics that triggered such incidents. Rumors spread quickly in today’s society, through Twitter and other means, raising the possibility of panic attacks,” Kayama said. - Japan Times
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, doctors began wondering if people ever became aware while under anesthesia. They started doing post-operative interviews to find out. Then they took it one step further, and tested whether people could learn under anesthesia. Check out the results.
Awareness During Anesthesia
Awareness during surgery is so terrifying that multiple horror movies have been made about it. It's also the subject of many second-hand stories and urban legends. These days it's rare for such things to happen. Drugs that immobilize a patient during surgery are given only at the beginning of a procedure, as part of the process of knocking the patient out. They wear off, at which point if you are aware you can register a complaint. During longer surgeries, it's not uncommon for doctors to monitor a patient's brain activity to check for distress.
But around the late 1990s and early 2000s, doctors got into investigating the anecdotal evidence regarding awareness during anesthesia. Some of this investigation consisted of interviews, both just after surgery and about a week later, during which people described their experiences. Certain interviews are suspect, because they mention extensive attempts to "jog" the person's memory. Interviewing of this kind has gotten a bad reputation, as it has been known to "jog" people's memories about past lives and extensive abuse by nonexistent satanic cults. Still, other interview-based studies found that in as many as 0.13% of procedures, people gain some awareness while under general anesthesia.
Taking it just a bit of a step further, some studies tried to determine if people could take in and retain information while under general anesthesia. The results are encouraging for those who would rather be absolutely unaware of being poked with scalpels than be able to learn French while under the knife.
The Many Disturbing "Awareness During Anesthesia" Studies
One experiment involved an odd assortment of tests. Sometimes people were instructed to touch either their ear or their nose while under anesthesia. During a post-operative interview, they touched the suggested body part longer than the part that wasn't suggested, but only by a matter of seconds. Patients were also played tapes of words, all of which had the same first three letters. Later they were shown those letters, and asked to think of words starting with them. They generally picked more words from the list played during the operation than unlisted words. Finally, patients were played a list of nonsense words, either frequently or infrequently, during the operation. Afterwords, they were asked to guess the comparative frequency of the nonsense words. They recognized the words played more frequently than the ones played less frequently, but the frequently-played words were only recognized 62% of the time.
Anything more complicated than single words seems right out of the question. In a study of a group of patients, half of whom were played "The Three Little Pigs" during an operation and half of whom were played "The Wizard of Oz" during an operation, only 49% of the group guessed right.
Overall, it seems that softer tests of "learning" during anesthesia can get mildly positive results. On the other hand, "controlled studies using explicit memory tests" get "uniformly negative results." However much anecdotal evidence for slight awareness during parts of a procedure under general anesthesia, no one is learning anything while they're knocked out. - io9
As we celebrate Independence Day today, on July 4, it seems like the perfect time to look at what may be an example of how some of the best, government trained personnel are now “serving” the public in this peculiar area of UFOlogy.
Knowing that the government ‘s job is essentially to protect and serve the people, who better to protect us from any confusion about what’s really going with UFOs, and to reassure us that any appropriate investigation of the subject is being carried out, than a formerly high-ranking military intelligence professional?
Of course one mustn’t try to second-guess just how these people do their jobs.
The following blog is a result of what I’d call a mixed message from Mr. Paris. As he had been on my mailing list, I was surprised to receive this email from him, on June 30:
Remove me from this mailing list NOW. I DO NOT want any emails from YOU. I am no longer interested in anything about UFOs.
Thank You.
My request for clarification of this confusing, seemingly inconsistent request wasn’t responded to so, on July 3, I sent this to Antonio and all of the team members listed on his site:
“API is a worldwide UFO investigations team about the scientific investigation of unidentified aerial phenomena (also known as UAPs or UFOs).”
…on a page that mentions “UFO” 32 times, with an insignia that has three UFOs on it.
Since we agree that the entire field of “UFOlogy” is largely unscientific, lacking in credibility, etc., it seems safe to assume that you would be interested in the only scientifically proven, still ongoing (over 72 years) UFO contact case of Billy Meier. (The Meier case also meets the legal standard of proof.)
Since the evidence in the Meier case is not only stunningly clear, still irreproducible but also testable by anyone with PhotoShop (which didn’t exist when Meier took all his photos, etc.) I’m sure you and your team would agree that the need to chase lights in the sky has long since passed.
You now have what you’ve been looking for, freely presented to you on a proverbial…silverdisk. So I invite you to respond to my invitation to explore the evidence in the Meier case…as MUFON has now also decided to do.
Then, this morning, certainly flush with that patriotic spirit, Antonio, er, cleared everything up for me with this reassuringly open, professional response:
First, please email ME only. It is unprofessional to blast everyone an email. If you want me to respond, thats fine. But DO NOT email my team. They are very busy with their lives and they only study UFOs a few times a years. UFOs are NOT their full time job.
API is only interested in about 5 cases per year. Thats it, five. We do NOT investigate historical cases such as the Billy Meier photos. WE DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS. We all have families and full time careers that have nothing to do with UFOs. API is a small and part time team only. We are not MUFON.
I responded thusly:
I think we need to clear up some communications here. You’re a military man so I’m sure that my cutting straight to the points will be appreciated.
1. Since there are email addresses for the members of your organization in the US and UK, with no qualifiers that they shouldn’t be contacted…why is it “unprofessional”? As a matter of fact, your promo material makes it look like studying UFOs is indeed what they do. I must have missed the “five cases per year” thing. Have you also arranged it with…whom or whatever is being sighted that there will only be five cases per year occurring that are worthy of your time?
BTW, if my email to Cherish had been a modeling or acting opportunity would that have been a problem?
2. You represent yourself and company as a professional, scientifically oriented, serious organization of “trained UFO investigators” that investigates, researches and analyzes aerial phenomenon. So what part of a more than 72 years-long,still ongoing UFO contact case doesn’t qualify?
3. You inform the public that you are a former “US Army Counterintelligence Officer and Department of Defense Counterintelligence Special Agent.” Is part of your specialty being deliberately non-responsive to the actual questions and points I raise with you?
4. You tell me that you “don’t investigate historical cases such as the Billy Meier photos.” Is there an expiration date on the truth? Is “historical” now being redefined as being synonymous with: irrelevant, unimportant, to be ignored, false, etc. As a self-described COINTEL pro yourself, is this new dismissive and contemptuous approach to “historical” perhaps COINTELPRO to “protect” us from a pesky, inconvenient, thought-provoking, disturbing little thing called the truth…a word that seems to be missing from your mission statement.
It is interesting, however, that you consider Roswell to have been “proven” to be just what…the government said it was, a weather balloon.
5. Have you ever heard the term “cold case”? Don’t you realize that today’s technology, including PhotoShop, is the digital equivalent of DNA testing? Have you bothered to review the expert analysis of the WCUFO photos using state-of-the-art technology conducted by Prof. Rhal Zahi, the results of which an eight year-old child can duplicate in about five minutes?
6. Returning to point 3., just whose intelligence are you trying to counter? Sorry, soldier, you’re either misrepresenting your qualifications, or you’re using them to be part of the disinformation you profess to want to separate yourselves from. Your failure to be “following the evidence where it leads without jumping to conclusions” leads me to believe that you’re actually prominent among the “convergence of arm-chair UFO investigators, conspiracy theorists, hoaxers” you disdain.
Perhaps though I’m expecting too much based on your own promotional material. I’ll let my readers decide for themselves.
Naturally, at this point I thought that I should share all this with my readers in part to see if just maybe I’m being too vigilant, even to the point of being suspicious that…things aren’t always as they seem or are claimed to be, etc. I’m reminded of that corny old joke about a man coming home earlier than expected who finds his wife in bed with another man. As he stands there, shocked and confronts the situation, his wife looks up at him indignantly and defiantly says, “There’s nothing going on here! Are you going to believe your own eyes…or me?”
Please pay special attention to the way doublespeak is now being used to redefine and equate “historical” with irrelevant. This isn’t the only UFO organization to now be using this tactic. (Watch for how this trend will be – or already has started to be – spread in our so-called “educational system”.)
Notice how Antonio’s “trained UFO investigators” are suddenly portrayed as people who “DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS” with “families and full time careers that have nothing to do with UFOs.” Notice how mentioning UFOs 32 timeson one page is now the same as his being “no longer interested in anything about UFOs.”
The inmates, the asylum, the thrills, the spills! Have a happy holiday…from reality!
Here is Mr. Paris’ just received comment on the entire matter, reaffirming my sense that he has more than a nodding familiarity with asylums, inmates, etc.:
You really have no respect for personal emails do you? This is why no one takes you seriously. You need to see a psychiatrist.
Copyright 2011 – All Rights Reserved. Please do not copy or reproduce the content on this blog for re-publication without the author/s written permission. Thank you.
Parachutes made of plasma trapped in a magnetic field could soon be helping space probes glide safely back to Earth.
Two private aerospace companies have won NASA contracts to demonstrate magnetoshell aerocapture, a way of shrouding a falling spacecraft in a magnetic bubble akin to the plasma shield around Earth. But whereas Earth’s magnetosphere protects it from solar radiation, a similar bubble around a spacecraft creates drag, slowing it down. If a test next year proves successful, the technique could help future probes land heavy loads on Mars or bring back human missions to deep space.
“I’m really excited about these awards that have been made,” says Michelle Munk at NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate in Hampton, Virginia. “It’s a low-cost way to investigate these kinds of things and see if they will bear fruit.”
When a spacecraft enters a planet’s atmosphere, it ploughs into air molecules at high speed, creating intense heat. Structures designed to create drag can slow the descent, but probes must also rely on heat shields that either burn away or insulate to protect the cargo inside. The heavier the payload, the more challenging the task of getting the craft down in one piece.
For larger landers, NASA has been looking at lightweight technologies such as an inflatable “flying saucer” for Mars missions, tested last week over Hawaii (see ‘Flying saucer’ makes a splash). Magnetoshell aerocapture is one of the most revolutionary ideas, says Munk. It not only slows a craft’s descent but can also greatly reduce heating.
Last month, aerospace firm MSNW of Redmond, Washington, won a NASA grant to demonstrate the technique on a CubeSat. The small, boxy satellite should be delivered to the International Space Station in 2015. It will then be deployed and attempt to enter Earth’s atmosphere without burning up.
The satellite will carry a copper coil, powered by a lithium-ion battery, that generates a magnetic field around the probe. As it descends, the spacecraft will eject a small amount of plasma. This gets trapped in the magnetic field, creating a protective bubble that stops air molecules colliding with the craft and producing heat.
The air molecules flow into the plasma bubble and absorb electrons from it, becoming ionised. The newly ionised air becomes trapped in the magnetic field, and the craft ends up dragging a patch of atmosphere with it, effectively creating a parachute of gas.
The CubeSat’s magnetoshell aerocapture system will be built by Altius Space Machines of Louisville, Colorado. NASA awarded it a contract to develop such systems, which will feature an external magnetic coil up to 5 metres across. These could be used on larger landers, including human missions to deep space that need to return to Earth, says Altius’s Jonathan Goff.
The system has hefty power requirements that will strain the limits of any battery the CubeSat could carry, says Goff. But if the test succeeds, it could also boost efforts to make rockets reusable, allowing parts discarded in orbit to return to Earth intact, he says. “Basically it’s a way of moving beyond the Apollo throwaway philosophy.”
Location: Near Cisco Grove California Date: September 4 1964
Time: 2200
Donald Shrum, a bow & arrow deer hunter, was lost and benighted in the hills and had climbed a pine tree when he saw a moving light in the sky not far off. This presently discharged a domed object with a blinking light on top. Then two figures came toward him; they wore silver or whitish coverall uniforms with hoods & gauntlets, and dark goggles. A third being, which had large reddish orange glowing eyes, looked metallic all over & appeared to be a robot; all 3 were about 5 ft tall. The “robot” came to the base of the tree & its mouth emitted a puff of white vapor, which had the effect of causing Shrum to lose consciousness briefly. To keep off the entities, Shrum set fire to everything available, including much of his clothing, and threw it down. But as soon as the blaze died down they would come back to the tree. He also shot his 3 arrows against the robot; they stuck with a flash of light, but did not injure it. Throughout the night, the robot repeatedly emitted the anesthetic vapor (Shrum fastened himself to the tree with his belt so as not to fall) and the other 2 beings kept trying to climb up the tree, which Shrum would shake to make them get down. At some point a second robot joined the besiegers. Finally, just before dawn, the 2 robots exchanged arc-like flashes & emitted a large volume of vapor. When Shrum came to, the entities were gone.
Humcat 1964-21 Source: Paul Cerny for Nicap, & Dr. James Harder for Apro
Around midnight, the witness, Ipat Fedorovich (involved in numerous other encounters) suddenly awoke after hearing a sharp sibilant sound. Looking at the opened window he saw an “object” entered the room and land on the night table. The “object” resembled a small robot-like humanoid or a sophisticated toy. The height of the robotic figure was only about 15 cm and width about 10cm. It seemed… to be multi-layered and emitted a light with all the colors of the rainbow, although blue and greenish predominated. A small glow was also observed briefly at the window. Meanwhile, the night visitor after staying on the table for about 30-40 seconds fell or jumped to the floor, executing this maneuver totally noiselessly. The multicolored glow now dimmed and Fedorovich arose from the bed and immediately looked around the table, but there was no trace of the “little fellow”. After this Fedorovich went immediately to sleep, in the morning he made a sketch of the strange robotic entity. (Above).
Over a period of months a farm in southern France was plagued by the appearance of lights. Balls of light appeared in the evening and surrounded the house of 20-year-old Robert L., who lived with his parents and his grandmother.
Large balls of light moved over the ground, seeming to extinguish and re-light, eventually joining up with a giant bullet-shaped form standing vertically.
They appeared to be intelligent.
One evening the young man, feeling exasperated, attempted to run into a ball of light with his car. A race ensued over 2 miles, and Robert was unable to catch up with the ball. The car broke down. A flying vessel appeared. The temperature rose. A “flying saucer with two domes descended to the ground where Rogert saw two figures on the inside. He lost consciousness.
Over the next days, Robert was overcome with fatigue and had nightmares. He slept twenty hours a day for three months.
Visitations 1967 – 1968
For two years Robert received many visits in his bedroom at night. Extra-terrestrial entities crossed through the walls and surrounded his bed. Robert was paralyzed.
The visitors were tall, blond, and thin with long arms. They were dressed in skin-tight jumpsuits open at the neck and wrists, with a metallic shimmer and a wide belt.
A farmer in the Czech Republic wants reparations from aliens for the damage caused to his corn field by a giant crop circle. That and other space and UFO news on this episode of Spacing Out!
Indiase minister van Financiën: Buitenaardse intelligenties bestaan
Indiase minister van Financiën: Buitenaardse intelligenties bestaan
Terwijl veel Indiërs zich druk maken over aanstaande bezuinigingen, had de Indiase minister van Financiën afgelopen woensdag op Facebook vooral aandacht voor minder aardse zaken. Arun Jaitley, een belangrijke vertrouweling van minister-president Narendra Modi, plaatste op Wereld UFO Dag een speciale boodschap op zijn Facebookpagina, die meer dan een miljoen likes heeft.
“Deze dag wordt gevierd om het bewustzijn over het bestaan van UFO’s te vergroten en daarmee het bestaan van intelligente wezens uit de ruimte,” schreef de minister. Het bericht was voorzien van een afbeelding van een vliegende schotel in een graanveld.
Wereld UFO Dag is een feestdag die gewijd is aan het bewijzen van het bestaan van ongeïdentificeerde vliegende objecten. De feestdag is in 2001 ontstaan, meldt de website
Een staflid van minister Jaitley bevestigde dat zijn team de boodschap had geplaatst en zei dat de pagina niet was gehackt. Het bericht viel niet overal in goede aarde. Na een storm van verontwaardiging werd het bericht na een paar uur weer verwijderd.
“Vandaag vieren wij Indiërs de prijsverhoging in plaats van UFO Dag,” reageerde Facebook-gebruiker V Bhushan Bhushansharma, verwijzende naar de stijgende prijzen van brandstof en het openbaar vervoer in India.
Minister-president Modi verzekerde zich in mei met zijn nationalistische BJP-partij met een verpletterende verkiezingsoverwinning van een absolute meerderheid in het Indiase parlement. Tijdens zijn verkiezingscampagne bleef Modi hameren op economisch herstel. De hindoe-nationalistische partij decimeerde de door corruptieschandalen geteisterde Congrespartij die al bijna een halve eeuw aan de macht was.
Eén van de grote problemen in India, waar 70 procent van de mensen moet rondkomen van nog geen 1,5 euro per dag, is het grote begrotingstekort, dat sinds enige tijd gehalveerd is van ongeveer 5 procent naar rond de 2,5 procent van het bbp.
“U kunt zich beter beperken tot de discussie over de problemen waar de doorsnee Indiër mee te maken heeft,” schreef Facebook-gebruiker Ganesh Choudhary onder het bericht. “Mensen zijn bang voor de ellende waar ze mee te maken gaan krijgen als de maatregelen in werking treden die gericht zijn op het herstel van de fiscale gezondheid van het land.”
Twee planeten waar leven mogelijk zou zijn, blijken helemaal niet te bestaan. Hun 'ontdekking' was in 2010 bekendgemaakt door sterrenkundigen, maar wat ze zagen, was ruis. Collega-wetenschappers hebben hun ster nogmaals onderzocht en komen nu tot die conclusie, die ze vandaag naar buiten hebben gebracht. Het onderzoek verschijnt in het belangrijke wetenschapsblad Science.
Als sterrenkundigen zoeken naar planeten in andere stelsels, kunnen ze niet kijken naar de planeten zelf. Die zijn namelijk te klein. In plaats daarvan meten ze hoe het licht van een ster dimt, als een planeet er voorlangs gaat.
Gliese 581 Bij de ster Gliese 581 zagen wetenschappers een paar jaar geleden dat het licht veranderde. Dat kwam volgens hen door twee planeten. Die zouden rotsachtig zijn, net als de aarde, en ze zouden op de goede afstand van de ster staan zodat er vloeibaar water op het oppervlak zou kunnen zijn. Zulke planeten zijn 'potentieel bewoonbaar'; als ergens in het heelal buitenaards leven is, zal het waarschijnlijk op zo'n planeet zijn.
Maar het waren helemaal niet de planeten waardoor Gliese 581 dimde, zeggen andere wetenschappers nu. Ze keken opnieuw naar de ster en zeggen dat het hoogstwaarschijnlijk kwam door vlekken op het oppervlak van de ster, zoals onze zon die ook heeft.
Teleurgesteld zijn de wetenschappers niet echt. Dat ze in staat zijn om de ruis te ontdekken, betekent dat ze de echte planeten ook beter kunnen vinden. "Het is jammer dat twee veelbelovende planeten niet bestaan, maar we denken dat dit onderzoek uiteindelijk leidt tot de vondst van meer planeten zoals de aarde", schrijven ze.
Rond de ster Gliese 581 waren eerder drie andere planeten ontdekt. Die zijn er wel degelijk, blijkt ook na de nieuwe berekeningen. Ze staan alleen te dicht bij de ster, waardoor leven er onmogelijk is.
Uit de studie van de akoestische trillingen van een honderdtal sterren die jonger zijn dan 10 miljoen jaar en één tot vijfmaal de massa van onze zon hebben, heeft Konstanze Zwintz van het Leuvense Instituut voor Sterrenkunde voor het eerst aangetoond dat jonge sterren andere trillingspatronen vertonen dat ietwat oudere sterren. Dat meldt de KU Leuven in een persbericht.
Sterren worden dikwijls in groep geboren als een deel van hun moleculaire wolk - gas en stof - samentrekt om vervolgens te krimpen door de zwaartekracht. Ze worden volwassen sterren die een hele tijd stabiel blijven na een kernfusie.
De leeftijd van jonge sterren was tot voor kort moeilijk te bepalen. De moleculaire wolk waaruit de sterrenhoop ontstaan is, geeft enkel een ruwe indicatie want er bevinden zich zowel jonge als oudere sterren.
Levensfases Theoretici hadden voor jonge sterren al andere trillingspatronen voorspeld dan voor oudere sterren en dat wordt nu bevestigd door het onderzoek van Zwintz. Uit haar studie blijkt dat de sterren kunnen onderverdeeld worden in verschillende levensfases.
"De allerjongste sterren vertonen tragere trillingen, de sterren die dichter bij volwassenheid staan, trillen sneller", aldus Zwintz, die voor dit onderzoek gegevens verzamelde van sterren uit de sterrenhoop Christmas Tree Clusters afkomstig van de MOST- en CoRot-satelliet.
Wetenschappers hebben dankzij de Amerikaanse Saturnussonde Cassini sterke aanwijzingen gevonden dat de ondergrondse oceaan op de maan Titan mogelijk even zout is als de Dode Zee op Aarde, zo heeft het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartbureau NASA meegedeeld.
De Cassini scheerde de voorbije tien jaar herhaaldelijk langs Titan, de grootste maan van Saturnus. Bij die passages stuurde de onbemande sonde data omtrent zwaartekacht en topografie door. Aan de hand hiervan slaagden de onderzoekers erin om een model van Titan te maken.
De ondergrondse oceaan op Titan blijkt daarbij een extreem hoge dichtheid te hebben. Dat betekent dat deze oceaan mogelijk "zware" zouten bevat, zoals zwavelzouten, natriumzouten en kaliumzouten. "Dit is heel erg zout", aldus Giuseppe Mitri van de universiteit van Nantes. "Nu we dit weten, verandert het onze kijk op de oceaan als een potentiële broedplaats van leven."
Bovendien ontdekten de wetenschappers dat de dikke ijskorst boven de oceaan zeer stijf is. Dit verklaart waarom de dikte van de ijskorst van Titan van plek tot plek verschilt. Een minder stijve korst zou zich op een gegeven moment aanpassen aan de vorm van de maan, maar dat is hier niet mogelijk.
Het model verklaart ook hoe het vijf procent methaan in de atmosfeer van Titan wordt aangevuld. Omdat zonlicht methaan afbreekt, is er een proces actief dat het gas aanvult. De onderzoekers vermoeden dat dit plaatselijk gebeurt op zogenoemde hotspots, te vergelijken met vulkanisme op Aarde. Methaan komt dus maar op enkele plekken in de atmosfeer terecht.
Has a pyramid been found on an asteroid? Some UFO researchers believe it is a real possibility.
Scott Waring, author of UFO Sightings Daily says, ”When you first look at this asteroid it appears just like a normal rock in space, but with a more careful second glance you will see…it is inhabited. There is a black (flat black color) pyramid on this asteroid.”
“I have said many times…alien structures come in one of three types…grey metallic, flat black color, white ceramic color. Oh…I often find around the flat black are tiny grey metallic structures.” says Waring.
”This is fantastic evidence from scientists in India at the ISRO labs. The detail of this massive pyramid is fantastic and you can see two other rectangle structures on it. The asteroid is probably not for mining as much as used as a tiny space station. An asteroid that size and a structure that size is a bit out of proportion…so this cannot be a mining facility,” says Waring.
Updated on July 3, 2014: Waring says, “I emailed the director of ISRO today and asked him about the video being theirs or not. I also asked them about the building on the asteroid. ISRO is here.“
Date of discovery: June 29, 2014
Location of discovery: our solar system
Source: ISRO, Indian Space Research Organisation.
Photos by: NEOSSat
Asteroid: 1999 RQ36
“This massive structure is meant to be hidden on this small asteroid, so it is probably monitoring planets as it passes them without any primitive life discovering them…however, India was on top of it and caught it quickly. Awesome work India,” says Waring.
Location: 25 km NE of General Pinto Buenos Aires Argentina Date: October 29 1973
Time: 1720
Carlos Argue Balvidares, 43, the manager of a country estate, was drinking tea when his son Manuel, 13, called his attention to the presence of 3 persons floating in the air over the surface of a pond 100 yards away. Balvidares went to the pond and called out to the…m; they “disappeared immediately, only to return to show themselves at the opposite shore of the pond, 300 yards away.” There were two men and a woman. The woman was about 5’3” tall and had long black hair, black clothing, and white boots; the men (both of the same height) were somewhat shorter, and appeared naked and of a “sunburned” color; they may have been wearing tight fitting one-piece suits. They were blond, and their hair appeared “glued on.” All three had white complexions, wide foreheads, and small noses. They floated about with their arms held close to their bodies. On the far side of the pond rested a rectangular object approx. 35 ft in diameter and 7-10 ft high, which was luminous, and emitted a beam of light 15” in diameter which struck Balvidares; it dazzled him and he could feel heat from it. Balvidares took his horse and rode out to the pond, but when he had got halfway to the entities, he encountered an “invisible barrier” and cold not proceed. Meanwhile the beings continued to maneuver over the surface of the pond, communicating by “a kind of shriek, like the sound made by a radio which is poorly tuned.” After an hour and a half, Balvidares mounted his horse to ride around the pond, but at that time the beings returned to the UFO, the men “changing in color to dark green and orange” as they approached it. Then the witness smelt “an odor of sulfur” and became drowsy for a few moments; when he recovered from this, the object and its entities had disappeared. On later investigation, many triangular footprints 4” to 5” long, showing 4 claw marks at the front of the triangle, were found in the vicinity of the UFOs resting place; the object itself left 4 triangular impressions 15” on a side, arranged in a square 13 ft on a side. The horse “exhibited nervousness” after the event, and its hair began to fall out.
Location: Villares Del Saz, Cuenca, Spain Date: about July 2 1953
Time: 1300
Maximo Munoz Hernaiz, a 12-year old local shepherd had gone out to the fields with the grazing cattle. During the early afternoon as Maximo took care that the animals did not go into the crop fields he began to hear a slight humming sound emanating from behind him. Moments later h…e looked and saw what he could only describe as “a large balloon” resembling the ones he had seen at local fairs. However this supposed balloon was not glowing as much as it should have done. He compared the object to a large “bowl” a little bit over half a meter in width, with a yellowish brilliance, similar to that of “iron shining under a hot sun”, and about 1.30 meters in height. Still thinking that it was some type of balloon Maximo approached it, planning to grab the “balloon”. However, suddenly a small door or hatch opened on the front of the balloon and three “little men” exited the object. The little men were only about 65 cm in height, with Oriental features and yellowish skin. The three little men had “jumped” out of the object and approached the now startled Maximo. One stood on each side, while a third directly in front of him. The one standing in front of Maximo spoke to the shepherd in a strange language which he did not understand. The apparent ‘leader’ of the little men who all wore blue uniforms, cap with visor, and a sort of ‘emblem’ on their arms, stared at Maximo’s uncomprehending face and then ‘slapped’ him gently on one of his cheeks. The three little men stood around briefly, apparently contemplating the scenery and then returned to their craft. Grabbing something unseen within the object each one jumped up into the object and entered. The small hatch closed as the object became brighter ascending slowly into the sky and emitting the same humming sound that Maximo had originally heard. Afraid Maximo gathered up the cows and went back home and told his family what he had seen. His father Felipe Muñoz Olivares, accompanied by the local “Guardia Civil” or rural police inspected the apparent landing site and found footprints and four holes 5 centimeters each in depth and 2.5 centimeters in width, and separated by 36 centimeters from each other. These same traces were seen by another local, Fernando Arago and the Reverend Antonio Bulnes, both head administrators of a nearby youth camp, “Cardenal Cisneros”, these men apparently made molds with some of the prints. The same day another rural police officer, Crescencio Atienza Martinez from the nearby village of Honrubia, reported seeing a grayish-white sphere flying towards the Spanish frontier from the direction of Villares del Saz. Maximo Muñoz never spoke about the incident again.
Humcat 1953-7 Source: Antonio Ribera, The Humanoids
Location: NE of Pitanga near Bauru, Sao Paolo, Brazil Date: July 23 1947 µ
Time: daytime
Hearing a whistling sound, Jose C. Higgins, a topographer, saw coming down a lens shaped object with surrounding flange; it landed 150 ft away. It was of gray white metal, about 150 ft in diameter with a 3 foot rim, and 15 ft high, “crossed by tubes in several directions,” the whistling coming from these. Metallic legs, which bent a little, supported the craft. Walking closer, he saw through a black glass window 2 persons watching him; a door opened beneath the rim, and there emerged 3 people enveloped in inflated transparent suits, with metal boxes on their backs. They wore shirts and shorts, which looked as though made of paper rather than cloth. Their heads were almost hairless, their eyes round and large, and their legs relatively long; they were nearly 7 ft tall. All 3 looked identical. They spoke in an unknown language, and he noticed that they kept in the shade except for brief periods. One, pointing a metal tube at him, motioned Higgins to enter the door, through which he could see an inner door and the end of a “pipe.” Using gestures, Higgins asked where they came from. One drew on the ground a dot (the sun, “Alamo” in their language) surrounded by 7 circles, and pointed alternately to the seventh circle (called “Orque” Uranus) and to their craft. Not wishing to go there, Higgins showed them a picture of his wife, indicating that he did not want to leave her, and the allowed him to go. From the forest he looked back to see them “playing like children, jumping in the air and throwing enormous stones.” After half an hour, having “carefully examined their surroundings,” they re-entered and the craft took off.
Humcat 1947-2 Source: Joao Martins, Apro Bulletin May 1961
Type: B High Strangeness Index: 7 Reliability of Source: 8 Comments: classic early Brazilian case. The aliens apparently did not attempt to communicate by using telepathy, apparently some can and some wont or don’t
Many people are saying that the government is not telling the truth about its involvement in the retrieval of a crashed UFO in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania in 1965. People who live in Kecksburg wonder what it was that caused the military, police, and local firefighters to respond so quickly to this rural community. Follow the events of December 9th, 1965, with UFOInvestigator Stan Gordon as twenty-one witnesses describe what they saw, the news medias involvement and the military’s mysterious removal of a UFO to an unknown Air Forcebase where all traces of this event disappeared in secrecy.
Form: FI-4 Initial Report Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 05:08:24 -0600 From: Francis Ridge <> Subject: 1973, May, Houston, TX; Cattle Mutilation Cat: 4 To: CE, SHG
Houston,TX 1973. One of the few UFO encounter cases which also involved animal mutilation occurred in May, 1973, and involved four women. Judy Doraty, her daughter Cindy, Judy’s mother and sister-in-law would have the most terrifying experience of their lives. After playing Bingo in Houston, the four women were returning to Judy’s home town of Texas City, but first going by Alto Loma to drop off Judy’s sister and brother-in-law.
After dropping off the two in Alto Loma, the remaining four saw a strange light, which seemed to be hovering in the night sky. The sight was intriguing enough that the four women stopped, and got out of the car to get a clearer look at the source of the light. They watched in awe until the light disappeared. They then resumed their trip to Texas City.
Eventually, Judy began to suffer from extreme headaches and anxiety. After being seen and dismissed by several doctors, she was referred to well-known Ufologist and hypnotist Dr. Leo Sprinkle. Sprinkle’s previous experience with the UFO enigma led him to recommend hypnosis as a way to relieve Judy of her emotional trauma. There can be little doubt that Sprinkle suspected an abduction from the beginning.
Under hypnosis, it was revealed that Judy had apparently been abducted aboard an extra-terrestrial spacecraft. Judy went on in detail, describing how a cow was taken up into the craft and methodically mutilated by two “small entities.” During the hypnotic regression, Judy described the unusual sensation of being in two places at once. She said that she was still standing beside her car after they stopped to watch the strange light in the sky. However, Judy also said that at the same time, she was in a strange chamber watching the gruesome experiment unfolding before her eyes. Footage of this regression was included in Linda Moulton-Howe’s award-winning documentary “Strange Harvests.”
In a 1989 interview on 21st Century Radio, Linda Howe divulged what had been learned from the experience of Judy Doraty:
“Judy described . . . in a pale beam of yellow light, a small brown and white calf being taken up into a craft. Then, in an extraordinary way, [Judy) was inside the craft, and she watches the calf have pieces of it excised: the tongue, the sex organs, the eyes…?”
Some of Sprinkle’s hypnosis session is included below:
Sprinkle asks, “Is there anyone around you?”
There was this long, almost forty-five-second pause, and then she said: “two little men.”
“[The two beings) were about three and a half to four feet tall; grey creatures with large egg-shaped heads.”
“It’s like a spotlight shining down on the back of my car. And it’s like it has substance to it. I can see an animal being taken up in this. I can see it squirming and trying to get free. And it’s like it’s being sucked up.”
She then went on to mention seeing her daughter Cindy on an ‘operating’ table.
She went on:
“They don’t listen, they just ignore me….go about their work as if it’s nothing. They don’t seem to have any emotions. They don’t seem to care. They just take some samples from her…”
It would be a number of years later when Judy’s daughter Cindy would also undergo regressive hypnosis. Her session only corroborated her mother’s.
Statement by Judy Doraty on February 01, 2003 at 19:48:28:
First I must say there is no doubt that abductions exist. My abduction took place in 1973. There were 16 eye witnesses to the craft, though not all remember an abduction. My daughter who was 14 at the time and myself. This was first reported to Ellington airforce base in Texas, who denied anything was on radar at the time. Our abduction was also returning from a bingo game in Houston, to our home in Texas City, first going by Alta Loma to drop off sister and brother in law.
There was another sighting of three people coming from a bingo game in Houston that got burned by the effects of the sighting. Our sighting was almost a year before theirs. So much happened that night I would not attempt to go in detail, we were all changed and have never been the same since. We were first ridiculed so much by others who were not present (family mostly) I did not talk about it for a few years. Then my husband returned home from Viet Nam and we were stationed in Yuma, AZ. I somehow heard about APRO. I called them and told them about my sighting and the very next day, a Mr. Daugherty and his wife and a doctor. who had experience in hypnosis named Rose Tennant came to my house and spent the entire day going over what happened.
Dr. Tenant regressed me and a few details came out or shall I say surfaced. I had been having terrible migraines, and just the amount of surfacing relieved much. I know I remembered a formula that was given to me by the small gray alien. I think that is what caused a lot of problems. I did not say anything to anyone else as I was still gun-shy and afraid of ridicule. A few years later I got a call from a lady Named Linda Howe. We talked a long time her trying to convince me I needed to be regressed again for a TV documentary she was doing called the Strange Harvest.
For some reason I began to trust her as she convinced me she believed what I was saying. And as all abductees know this is one of the most important things to help one get on with their life. In my abduction I witnessed a small calf being transported in a LARGE CRAFT. At that time I somehow was teleported or astroprojected or something, as I was in the craft seeing what was going on as well as standing by my car I had gotten out of to see what the huge light was that had been pacing our car for about twenty miles or so. Anyway I allowed a DR. Leo Sprinkle from the University of Wyoming to do his regression.
It was about a three hour regression, I fulfilled MS. Howe’s agenda she got an Emma for her documentary, but I was left with all the information in my head that still needed syphoning. I asked her to help me write a book to be able to tell the amazing things that I was told and shown. She agreed and then kept putting it off.
Both her and Dr. Sprinkle used my case for their own agenda and had little else to say to me. I guess I am trying to warn all of you to be careful who you trust. My main concern was I always wanted my abduction to be presented in a way that it would not be construed as a crazy woman venting her boredom. So again I pulled myself in a shell and talked to no one. I was contacted by Sightings to do a follow up and I called Linda Howe she told me it would make the story unbelievable to the average person and I should not do it, so I turned them down. Later I learned she a a rift with Mr. Wrinklier and that was the only reason she did not want me to be on the show.
Then about ten years ago I was told by someone in the UFO community who was familiar with my case that Ms. Howe had gone to Kirkland airforce base was warned to keep my mouth shut but Ms. Howe never told this to me. She told a ufologist who called me. In other words the government did not want me to say anything about a formula I was given. I became frightened and this is the first time I have shared anything. I hope some one reads this that will contact me and give me advice or help as the abduction is 30 years old, I am 63 and before I die I would love to know what many already know, and why they do not want my story told…thanks for listening.
Assembled and written by B J Booth Source: “Strange Harvest” Linda Moulton Howe Dr. Leo Sprinkle, University of Wyoming, transcripts 21st Century Radio Judy Doraty statement
Scientists at Liverpool’s John Moore University have successfully cloned a dinosaur, a spokesman from the university said yesterday. The dinosaur, a baby Apatosaurus nicknamed “Spot,” is currently being incubated at the University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. The scientists extracted DNA from preserved Apatosaurus fossils, which were on display at the university’s museum of natural science. Once the DNA was harvested, scientists injected it into a fertile ostrich womb.
Scientists at Liverpool’s John Moore University have successfully cloned a dinosaur, a spokesman from the university said yesterday ( = 30/05/2014).
The dinosaur, a baby Apatosaurus nicknamed “Spot,” is currently being incubated at the University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. The scientists extracted DNA from preserved Apatosaurus fossils, which were on display at the university’s museum of natural science. Once the DNA was harvested, scientists injected it into a fertile ostrich womb. “Ostriches share a lot of genetic traits with dinosaurs,” said Dr. Gerrard Jones, a biology professor at LJMU and the project’s leading scientist. “Their eggshell microstructures are almost identical to those of the Apatosaurus. That’s why the cloning worked so perfectly.”
Those in the scientific community say the dinosaur cloning – the first ever of its kind – is a milestone for genetic engineering. “I used to think this kind of thing could only happen in the movies,” said Dr. Gemma Sheridan, a LJMU chemistry professor. “But we’re making it happen right here in our lab. It’s astounding.” The cloning attracted the attention of a wide variety of animal rights activists and religious groups. They claim that animal cloning is unethical and immoral. PETA President Craig Farmer criticized the scientists for performing potentially life threatening threats on a new species. “These scientists brought an animal from the Jurassic age back to life – just to watch it suffer!” he said.
But Dr. Sheridan doesn’t seem to be bothered by the activists’ quibbling. She says that the opportunities afforded by dinosaur cloning are endless. Within ten years, we could repopulate the world with dinosaurs,” she said. As of press time, the dinosaur is in stable condition. Scientists plan to run more tests on him today.
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UFO mania: According to a Government Agency, This UFO is Real...
UFO mania: According to a Government Agency, This UFO is Real...
The latest case CEFAA investigated --which has received a lot of attention from the Spanish-speaking media this week-- was a series of photographs taken during the mid of April of 2013 at the Collahuasi mine in the north of Chile, located 4,300 meters above sea level.
The images, taken by a digital Samsung camera model Kenox S860, show a silvery 'flattened disk' of approx. 5 to 10 meters in diameter at an altitude of around 600 meters, which was observed by several witnesses (35 technicians & mine workers) performing a series of aerial maneuvers --vertical & horizontal displacements, showing sometimes the disk as a lenticular object, other times as an ovoid-- for a span of 1 to 2 hours, denoting some sort of intelligent control or predetermined flight.
A meteorologist concluded the object could not have been a lenticular cloud, and after an expert analyzed the photographs using a series of filters, the official conclusion of the agency is that the object is a real UFO --which does NOT mean they're saying the disk is an interstellar alien ship; it simply means they object is not a conventional aeoronautical craft, nor a known meteorological event.
In this age of Photoshop & digital manipulation, photographic evidence is barely evidence of anything. Yet it is still comforting to know there are still researchers out there, committed to apply scientific rigor in the analysis of an image showing what very well may be a truly extraordinary phenomenon. Even more comforting, is knowing there are nations not willing to let the United States dictate them what is or isn't of significance to their national security; and if the USA wishes to retain their position as leaders of the world perhaps they should start by getting their head off the sand and acknowledge that, no matter how much they refuse to look up, the UFOs are not going anywhere.
They should also improve their performance at the World Cup, while they're at it --I mean, srsly guys.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Computer Simulation Confirms the Possibility of Time Travel
Computer Simulation Confirms the Possibility of Time Travel
Learning Mind | Using photons, Australian scientists managed to create a model in which quantum particles can move back in time. As it turned out, the laws of standard quantum mechanics may be violated at the same time.
Physicists from the University of Queensland in Australia set out to simulate a computer experiment, which could prove the possibility of time travel at the quantum level, predicted in 1991. They managed to simulate the behavior of a single photon passing through a wormhole in space-time in the past and engaging with itself. Such a trajectory of a particle is called a closed timelike curve, i.e. a photon returns to the original space-time point and its worldline closes.
The researchers studied two scenarios. In the first, the particle passes through a wormhole, returning to the past, and interacts with itself. In the second scenario, the photon, forever enclosed in a closed timelike curve interacts with another, ordinary particle.
According to the scientists, their work will make an important contribution to the unification of the two great theories in physics, which till this moment had little in common: the Einstein’s general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.
“Einstein’s theory describes the world of stars and galaxies, while quantum mechanics studies mainly the properties of elementary particles, atoms and molecules,” said Martin Ringbauer of University of Queensland.
Einstein’s General Relativity allows the possibility of traveling back in time to the object, which gets stuck in a closed timelike curve. However, this possibility can cause a number of paradoxes: a time traveler could, for example, prevent his parents from meeting each other, and thus make his own birth impossible.
In 1991, it was suggested for the first time that time travel in the quantum world can prevent such paradoxes, since the properties of quantum particles are not precisely defined, according to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
Computer simulations of the Australian scientists allowed to study for the first time the behavior of quantum particles in such a scenario. At the same time, new interesting effects were revealed, the occurrence of which is considered impossible according to the standard quantum mechanics.
For example, it turned out that it is possible to accurately identify the various states of a quantum system, which is quite possible if we remain within the framework of the quantum theory.
About The Author
Anna LeMind
Hi, I like learning new things and sharing my knowledge with others! I post science, psychology, self improvement and other related topics. I’m particularly interested in topics concerning consciousness and subconscious, perception, human mind’s potential, as well as the nature of reality and the universe.
Hundreds of UFOs flying over Astana, Kazakhstan on 20th June 2014
Hundreds of UFOs flying over Astana, Kazakhstan on 20th June 2014
New amazing video footage of hundreds of UFOs recorded while hovering in the night sky above Astana, Kazakhstan on 20th June 2014.
Witness said: Photographed by me in the night from 19 to 20 June 2014 on a digital camera Sony HDR-SR11E. Original MTS file format I can send the mail (136,740,864 bytes). To pour on Youtube were converted to Aiseesoft MTS Converter.
150 mummies van onbekende beschaving gevonden in Atacama-woestijn
150 mummies van onbekende beschaving gevonden in Atacama-woestijn
Een internationaal team archeologen heeft in de Atacama-woestijn in Peru 150 mummies van een nog onbekende beschaving ontdekt. Ze zijn bijna 500 jaar ouder dan de Tiwanaku- en Incacultuur.
De lichamen zijn op natuurlijke wijze gemummificeerd en gewikkeld in doeken, rietmatten of visnetten. Op basis van koolstofdatering hebben wetenschappers van universiteiten in Polen, Peru en Colombia vastgesteld dat de oudste mummies uit de vierde eeuw na Christus dateren.
De Tiwanakacultuur leefde tussen 500 en 1000 na Christus in een gebied waar nu Peru en Chili liggen. Het team verricht al sinds 2008 opgravingen in de Tambodelta in de noordelijke regio van de Atacama-woestijn. De eerste mummies werden in 2012 gevonden, maar pas in maart 2014 deden de archeologen de eerste grote ontdekkingen.
In de graven vonden de wetenschappers naast de lichamelijke resten verschillende voorwerpen zoals bogen, pijlen met punten van obsidiaan en strijdknotsen met stenen of koperen uiteinden. De graven waren ook rijk versierd met weefgetouwen, sieraden gemaakt van tumbaga – een legering van goud en koper – en zeer goed bewaard gebleven aardewerk.
Mummie met vervormde schedel
Volgens hoofdonderzoeker Józef Szykulski van de Universiteit van Wrocław in Polen behoren de mummies toe aan een onbekend volk. Hij voegde toe dat de bogen mogelijk symbool staan voor macht, wat zou kunnen betekenen dat mensen die in de rivierdelta werden begraven tot de elite behoorden.
“Heel zelden vinden we bogen in Peru,” zei Szykulski. “We hebben ze ook gezien in gebieden verder naar het zuiden, in Chili en meer naast het oosten in Amazonia. We moeten hier meer onderzoek naar doen.”
In één van de graven werden zelfs resten van een lama gevonden, wat erop wijst dat de dieren al veel eerder in het gebied aanwezig waren dan gedacht. De Poolse archeologen keren in oktober terug naar Peru om opnieuw opgravingen te doen, zowel op het kerkhof waar de onbekende mummies zijn gevonden als op een nabijgelegen begraafplaats waar resten van de Tiwanakucultuur zijn gevonden.
This month on Mac's UFO News: Mr Stanton Friedman, Are we alone E.T. theme week, 2015 International UFO Congress, UFO sightings for June, UFO's In the news, UFO Festival In Edinburg, Crop circles for June, Jon Ronson looked for UFO's with Robbie Williams & New webcast and documentary additions for June.
Mac's UFO News covers recent ufological events, sightings, article's, documentary's, pod casts, web casts, video specials & exopolitical events from around the globe. I produce a monthly news video highlighting some of the more important cases and news story's.
As a Ufologist, I am making such material available in my efforts to advance understanding of the UFO Phenomenon, Its cultural, historic, religious, defence and political implications. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
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The World’s Highest Ranking Alien Believer
The World’s Highest Ranking Alien Believer
Paul Hellyer recently stirred up global controversy when he testified before a half-dozen former US representatives that aliens exist.
As Canada’s former Minister of Defence, Hellyer is the first and only cabinet-ranking official from a G8 nation to publicly state a belief in extraterrestrials.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Oliver's WebLog ( ENG en NL)
Filer’s Files #27 – 2014 – Craft from Red Drawf Stars - PART I
Filer’s Files #27 – 2014 – Craft from Red Drawf Stars - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: General Wilfred de Brouwer, Belgian Air Force Anomalous Phenomena, Craft from Red Dwarf Stars,Religion Will Continue to Change the World, Moon Base, Stopping Demons and Attracting Angels, and Holland Amazing New Crop Circle:
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Arizona, California, Colorado, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Canada, Canaries Islands, Greece, Philippines, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
General Wilfred de Brouwer, Deputy Chief, Royal Belgian Air Force
Anomalous Phenomena
In any case, the Air Force has arrived to the conclusion that a certain number of anomalous phenomena have been produced within Belgian airspace. The numerous testimonies of ground observations compiled in this [SOBEPS] book, reinforced by the reports of the night of March 30-31 [1990], have led us to face the hypothesis that a certain number of unauthorized aerial activities have taken place. Until now, not a single trace of aggressiveness has been signaled; military or civilian air traffic has not been perturbed nor threatened. We can therefore advance that the presumed activities do not constitute a direct menace. The day will come undoubtedly when the phenomenon will be observed with technological means of detection and collection that won't leave a single doubt about its origin. This should lift a part of the veil that has covered the mystery for a long time. A mystery that continues to the present. But it exists, it is real, and that in itself is an important conclusion. Major- "Postface" in SOBEPS' Vague d'OVNI sur la Belgique - Un Dossier Exceptionnel, Brussels: SOBEPS, 1991.
Craft from Red Dwarf Stars
George LoBuono writes, “On planets that orbit what astronomers call "red dwarf stars," which are three times more numerous than other stars (our nearest neighbor is actually Proxima Centauri, a red dwarf star that's about one tenth the mass of our sun so it will last for about 4 trillion years (due to lower pressure fusion). We can't see any of those red dwarf stars with our naked eyes - only an infrared telescope can see them. Recent scientific estimates state that between 50 to 100 percent of red dwarf stars almost certainly have at least 1 to 3 habitable planets in their inner orbits. So, the universe is about populations living on planets surrounding red dwarf stars, in many ways. Data from NASA's Kepler mission suggests that 6% of nearby red dwarf stars should have at least one Earth-sized world in the zone where life as we know it can sustain life and likely send visitors. Scientists say red dwarf stars emit about 83 percent infrared radiation, meaning that populations living on planets near such stars can actually SEE radiation, i.e. either like infrared energy emissions or as scalar resonance. This is a perfect recipe for an advanced culture of shared consciousness. These stars emit little light, sometimes as little as 1/10,000th as that of our Sun.”
Aliens with large black eyes likely come from these red dwarf planets. The coverings over the eyes are similar to sun glasses to protect their eyes from the strong lights on Earth. Alien technology and their abilities are ahead of us by thousands of years. They have the ability to time travel, go through walls and manipulate their appearance. They are able to cloak their craft, manipulate people’s thoughts, and heal diseases. Everything on their planet is likely different from Earth. They often use large triangle craft with cloaking devices and smaller discs engaging in abductions. Reports indicate a craft will be seen in a particular location and suddenly start to appear twenty miles away. The plasma, particles or atoms making up the ship will dissolve at one location and appear in another location. One witness told me it was like a bathtub full of water slowly empting and filling the other bathtub.
Religion Will Continue to Change the World
Fall of Jerusalem, Judah 586 BC
Biblical prophecy seems to indicate we are living in prophetic times. I assume God is real and his laws and guidance is real and God has chosen to bless America but there are indications these blessing may not last. Ancient Israel was warned of impending doom unless they returned to obeying God and following his Ten Commandments. Abandoned by God the northern kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Assyrians in 722 BC, and the southern kingdom of Judah fell to the Babylonians in 586 BC as shown in the photo and Israel was taken into slavery. It is apparent we're seeing a convergence and acceleration of changes in society, climate, and the economy unparalleled in human history. Western
Nations and the US are is involved in a religious war with the forces of Jihad. Christianity is under serious attack and losing in many parts of the world.
The ISUS forces that recently conquered most of Iraq and much of Syria have declared they are the new Islamic State that has great plans to spread the Moslem Jihad to much of Africa, the Middle East and Southern Asia as shown on their map of conquest. President Obama has warned that Al Quida and the Islamic State are plotting to bring down a commercial airliner with the help of European jihadists returning from Syria. Surprisingly, Obama wants to give 500 million dollars to the Muslims fighting against the Syrian Government. The Jihad of the Islamic State is spreading rapidly gaining strength capturing Iraqi missiles, tanks and a million weapons. The US is sending almost a thousand troops and conducting drone air strikes against the Islamic state. Meanwhile both Iran and President Bashar al-Assad have ordered their Air Forces to bomb the Islamic State’s forces. It is hard to keep up with who is fighting and which side we are on.It is my opinion the US and its allies are under serious attack from many directions such as jihad terrorists, weather manipulation, lack of leadership in Washington, radiation from Fukuishima, religious prosecution, biowarfare, and immigrant overflow. Religion is probably the most powerful force in the world because many believers will die for their beliefs. Webster’s states, “In Islam, the central doctrine that calls on believers to combat the enemies of their religion. According to the Qur'an and the Hadith, jihad is a duty that may be fulfilled in four ways: by the heart, the tongue, the hand, or the sword. The first way involves struggling against evil desires. The ways of the tongue and hand call for verbal defense and right actions. The jihad of the sword involves waging war against enemies of Islam. Believers contend that those who die in combat become martyrs and are guaranteed a place in paradise. In the 20th and 21st centuries the concept of jihad has sometimes been used as an ideological weapon in the effort to combat Western influences and secular governments and to establish an ideal Islamic society.
Americans and its allies are dying, because we are involved in a jihad or Moslem Holy War against infidels, unbelievers, and enemies of Islam. You ask, what is an infidel? You are likely an infidel, that is an atheist, an agnostic, a Christian, a Catholic, Buddhist, a Jew, Mormon, New Age, or anyone who is not a member of Islam. War has been declared against you and your families who are the enemy in the jihad Moslem Holy War and deserve to die.
However, the news media forgot to mention that the Moors overran all of Spain, and moved into Southern France in 718 A.D. The French King Charles defeated the advance of Islam into Austria, Hungary and Central Europe in 732 A.D. For several hundred years Spain was administered by Muslims. Emperor Charlemagne of France attempted to dislodge the Islam control of Spain but his forces were defeated. A permanent Islamic warrior camp was established on the coast near Nice in France. From this forward position, the Muslims organized raiding parties crossed the Alps and attacked Switzerland, Italy and Germany capturing slaves and pillaging. The Christian King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella triumphed over the Moors and freed Spain in the 1492. According to the plans of the Islam State we will all be Muslim. Our movies are the main method that the Muslim’s understand and obtain knowledge of the US and seeing our moral decadence that is an affront to Islam. Probably more than any other factor is that we allow women to go to school, become educated, to drive cars and even work outside the home. Additionally, American women are not covered in veils and nudity can be seen. If the Islam State wins in Iraq, the jihad will quickly spread to other nations around the world. Israel will likely be one of the first to fall.
History is starting to repeat itself as the jihad grows stronger. Essentially a religious war continues that’s been going on for more than a thousand years.
I suggest the West needs to pray for help.
“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
Stopping Demons and Attracting Angels
Chapter Five
Joshua P. Warren Paranormal expert writes, “If you now feel they exist, you are no doubt wondering how to deal with angels and demons in your life. Fortunately, the subject does not have to be extremely complicated. From the strictest biological perspective, your life can be boiled down to binary reactions. Your heart clenches then relaxes. Your breath goes in and out. And so your body’s energy-interface with all around you ultimately makes your bio-frequency raise and your soul expand, or your bio-frequency lower and your soul contract. Use your body as an antenna to feel whether or not something around you is good or bad. Does it make you want to expand or contract? If something is bad for you, your body is weakened. This makes you vulnerable. Stay in environments that make you feel strong and positive, and surround yourself with people that feel the same.”
Demons will hang out around vulnerable people, so if you venture toward the vulnerable, be especially cautious. Aside from your environment, fill your mind with positive content, and keep your body physically healthy and strong, just as you would to avoid getting a cold. If you believe there is a demon attached to you, then change your environment and diet to a positive one.
Next, ask for help. Ask Jesus to send an angel. Angels are there all around, eager to you help you all the time. They will even travel and run errands for you, believe it or not. If you’re having a problem with someone, ask an angel to soar to that person and help you resolve the situation with the most positive possible outcome for everyone involved. You might be surprised how things turn out! Anytime you have a problem, ask an angel to represent you, and send the angel away with all your trust and authority. The angel benefits when you benefit, so send your positive thoughts to the angel often. And if you’re perceptive enough, you might even get a glimpse of the angel working with you; or hear the angel’s voice; or see the Angel’s name and recognize it. The universe is always trying to speak with you. The language of the universe is synchronicity, and the more you pay attention to the connections around you in life, the more clues and insight you will have regarding what is happening around you. Knowledge is power, and this will give you the power to make informed, wise, effective decisions.
The best thing you can do you’ve heard this a million times in your life; and there’s a reason for it. But this time, let it sink in . . . The way you help yourself is by giving to others. It is not something you should be forced to do, but something you should do because it works. It doesn’t even matter if you give begrudgingly. All that matters is that you give. In fact, you should do so without accepting or expecting anything at all return. That is what makes it work. Once you give, you will start to see miracles happen in your life that will get you through tight pinches, whatever they may be. This is a weird principle of the universe that must be experienced to truly believe. Since we possess animal instincts, it seems unnatural to do this, and that is why all the spiritual teachers have stressed the need for faith. It’s not because you do believe in something that doesn’t exist, it’s because you must be advanced enough to imagine your reward. This is what makes you special. This is what makes your mind and spirit evolve. This is the smart thing to do. This is how you rise above and become free. This is how you become an angel. Please visit to open your mind and see more amazing stuff.
Note: Billy Graham - Sept. 14, 2001 , for the first time in history, one man (Billy Graham) spoke the Gospel to the entire world at the same time. He gave the sermon at the National Memorial Service and was broadcast on every major television station in the U.S. and by satellite to the world. Every country in the world received this broadcast and because it was a Geo Political event, every leader watched and heard it translated into his/her language. Angels give Love forever true.
Dr. Graham who was the spiritual leader to numerous Presidents states,
"Some have speculated that UFOs could very well be a part of God's Angelic host who preside over the physical affairs of universal creation. While we cannot assert such a view with certainty nothing can hide the fact that these unexplained events are occurring with greater frequency around the entire world. Some take the detailed descriptions of a highly credible airline crew and lay them alongside Ezekiel and put forth a strong case ---- such theories are now being given serious attention even by people who make no claim to believe in the God of the Bible. UFOs are astonishingly Angel-like in some of their reported appearances."
One interesting fact is that the Bible often mentions the Angels in Glowing Metal craft. The Hebrew word 'hashmal' refers to glowing metal in the description of the divine glory and brightness and the appearance of fire from the craft. The descriptions of Ezekiel in the Bible (1:4, 8:2) clearly indicate brilliant highly polished glowing brass or electrum an alloy of silver and gold.
Holland Amazing New Crop Circle
Standdaarbuiten -- Nancy Talbott writes, “All this past week Robbert van den Broeke felt something very big was coming, but because he has recently been doing several lectures and “healings” in his area he hadn’t had time to focus on this intuition. On the evening of June 25th he had a night off and his friend Roy was visiting, and Robbert told him about his feelings. An hour or so later Robbert felt a very strong, very “big presence” around him and knew something extraordinary was getting ready to happen. Suddenly he had a “vision” and saw first a flash of light over a field in Standdaarbuiten and then an image of what the new crop circle would look like—and because I (Nancy) always ask him to make a drawing quickly before going out to the fields (if he has a feeling about what the new circle will look like) he grabbed some paper and drew a kind of “eye” with a cross going through it”. Above and below the “eye” he added some circles on both sides, and then added the date & time as I’ve requested.
Immediately after completing the sketch he and Roy got in the car and headed toward Standdaarbuiten and, as they drove, Robbert remembered the field where the huge triangle had appeared last summer—and knew this was where they were to drive. It was very dark when they reached the right place and the formation was not visible from the road, so Robbert let the “energies” lead him, and they took the 2nd tram-line into the wheat field. After a few meters they could both see a formation with a very special design and looked eerily similar to the drawing Robbert had made. He felt “an almost magnetic” tingling all over his body.
The cross Robbert had drawn at home was, in the field, surrounded by a more than 30m-long flattened oval area which looked as if it had been “combed” away on either side from the wide straight path that runs through the center. In the center of the flattened oval there was a wide ring of standing wheat, inside of which was a large flattened center circle with a lovely standing tuft. The long straight center path was laid from each end of the oval in toward the center ringed circle, and the small paths to the left and right were both laid away from the center circle, right into the circles just outside the oval’s perimeter.
Outside the oval there were 8 circles, 3 on either side with just one outside both of the long ends of the oval, the sizes of which ranged in size from 6.5m to 1.5m in diameter. Robbert hopes that visitors will give generously to this farmer, as he is a wonderful example and by supporting him other farmers in the area are more likely to open their fields, too.
Robbert told me tonight that he thinks this formation has appeared as a deliberate preparation of its visitors for something “bigger” which he feels is coming. For more information of incredible events which have been occurring around Robbert see Photos: by Roy Boschman and Ronald Sikking (aerial) Thanks to Nancy Talbott
Moon Base
I just noticed on the Filer’s Files that one of my moon discoveries is on the site and ufo sightings daily indicated it was found a long time ago and seems to be taking credit for the find. Enclosed are the originals and a couple more of my findings on the moon. Strange cave and mist near Langmuier
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files #27 – 2014 – Craft from Red Drawf Stars - PART I
Filer’s Files #27 – 2014 – Craft from Red Drawf Stars - PART I
Sightings in the United States
Arizona Disc
Phoenix-- I've been unsure what to do with the photo I'm submitting today. It was taken on June 17th 2014, just a little before 6 PM. It certainly doesn't look like a bird, nor is it a plane, but assuming it's a UFO then it sure is an odd one. After finding similar looking objects in an old historical UFO photo, I finally decided to send along my photo with the historical one. A similar photo was taken over the Cockaponset State Forest, Connecticut, on July 20 2005. As with almost all of my other UFO photos, I saw nothing other than the background elements when taking the shot.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Disc
Irvine –On June 18, 2014, I took my dog out at 10:45 pm as I do every night and happened to see a bright whitish orange-yellow light ascending up over the trees. It seemed to come toward me like a plane's head light (which is what I assumed it was), but then it just stopped and hovered. It was possibly 3-5 miles away, maybe less.
I watched for a moment and grabbed my iPhone and headed back out and snapped several pictures as hovered for another 10 minutes. Several helicopters flew towards it with a search light swirling around the sky. I watched in amazement as if someone just turned out the light. Upon examining my pictures, I noticed the light seemed to have a distinctive circular shape with almost a separate round spot in the center. A gentleman southeast of me in Temecula videotaped the very same thing last night, Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
San Rafael -- I was sitting outside on June 26, 2014, and above me were two clouds, shape-shifting, instantly! From one thing to the next, with ease, each second it would break apart and come together creating diverse shapes, which grabbed my attention. So I began to shoot this wild cloud display and it became obvious that despite the windy day, these clouds were not moving at all. They were not floating by like the others when I saw something sitting there against the blue sky. I took the shot, and then just stared; trying to refocus my eyes, then it was gone! This picture is all I managed to snap of it. It is completely overwhelming. This isn't my first capture. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Shimmering
Boulder -- I didn't know what to make of it. It was too distant for me to feel any connection with it but it was definitely there, performing a kind of dance that no manmade object could perform on May 2, 2014. Also, the shimmering shade of green was unlike any I had ever seen. The iPhone photo is not clear but if you can see the object. My feelings are ambivalent- this is the second UFO. I have observed. The first, encountered in the mid-sixties in Salem, Oregon was very close, just hovering motionless above the trees surrounding our house. It was metallic and I felt immediately that wanted me to come with it. I was horrified. Then it rose abruptly and joined another UFO and the two of flew off at a terrific rate of speed. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kentucky Lights
Glenn Pennington writes, “Here in Northern Kentucky, sending you a few interesting pictures from June 18, 2014. “I'm sending about four UFO pictures that I took early this morning. I have documented at least four types of saucer type craft, a triangular type craft, a cylinder type craft, a batwing type craft, orbs, and a rounded nose winged type craft.” Thanks to Glenn
Boston-- About 8:15 PM the Sunday after the Marathon bomber was caught in Boston, I went outside to take in the USA flag as I looked up on May 21, 2013, I saw something strange in the sky. I live not far from Logan Airport, and see numerous aircraft every day. They are about a mile away from me as they fly over the Neponset River to Logan. This flying object I saw was a brownish V shape with a flat front, with three large red domed lights at each end. It flew slowly dropped down a little three times and made a sharp 90 degree turn to its right and vanished
Commercial aircraft were landing but this craft was bigger than the planes and was higher and a good deal further away. I feel it was likely a UFO. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Missouri Scary Close Encounter
LONG LANE -- My husband was driving and I was in passenger seat, and daughter was in backseatonJune 17, 2014 when I saw a light ahead flashing about quarter of a mile. All I could think was "Oh my God; this is wrong." Within a few seconds we were directly under it and we stopped for 10 - 15 seconds as it flew about 25 feet above us. I saw things on the bottom of it as we drove off. It was triangular shape in dull grey, with darker long shapes on the bottom and hovering ten feet above the trees. It had a strange brighter light in middle, two smaller lights on both sides of front point, and two small lights on both sides of a large light, then three lights across wider backend. The light was not normal light. The bottom was flat and had some sort of bars or legs that the lights kind of reflected off of. I was scared and wanted to get the hell out of there. He started to drive away and I grabbed for my phone to take a picture but I was too shook up to work my phone. It sat in same spot after we drove away. My husband acted happy and my daughter and I were scared. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
Nevada Flying Objects
Walker Lake -- My two daughters, grandson and I were driving up to Idaho to visit my Mom, and as we got to Walker Lake, I spotted white flying objects in the sky. We pulled over got out of the car, and I was filming them, because there was so many of them. They were not birds and all were boomerang or a triangle shaped. They were in control or something was controlling them. They approached closer to us and we were the only ones out there, so we got frightened and left and never saw where they went. The video shows them off in the distance of the picture that I will send. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Bright Light
Caldwell– I was walking through my kitchen when an object caught my eye out the window on June 26, 2014. I am used to seeing airplanes and helicopters since there is an airport nearby but this object was bright teal blue, purple, white, and red. The object would hover from left to right in about a range of 200 feet then it would hover back at its original position then drop down behind treetop out of my view very quickly and then gain altitude to hover again at the original position it started at. The object would continuously perform this odd maneuver for twenty minutes. The last sighting I had of the object was when it quickly descended behind the treetop and never reappeared. The colors seemed to mix to create a new solid very bright pulsating color. Like dropping food coloring into a small glass of water and seeing it mix. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Carolina Lights
Myrtle Beach -- My fiancé and I were vacationing on a balcony on June 23, 2014,when we saw five lights, light up one after another, in a circular pattern. These round orange lights continued to show up in the sky over the ocean. They would appear for about 5 seconds and then vanish in the middle of the cloud line. On the 25th we saw it again, and I took this photo. They did not show up on video. On the 26th we saw 20 lights that flew in a circular pattern. One over top of each other, and lighting up two at a time for a longer time. Three more appear just left of the 20 and they floated toward each other before they disappeared. Again they would show up periodically for about an hour and it was over. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Myrtle Beach-- I was shooting at the thunderstorms and turned my camera south to the buildings to focus my lens. I took a few frames and turned the camera back out over the sea to shoot the thunderstorms.
The next morning going over my pictures I found one with five white objects on it. I could not figure out what they were except UFOs, I didn’t know how I did not see them but the camera captured it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Lights
Weslaco – I was walking out of the Ultimate Fitness Center on June 24, 2014, after my workout and decided to stop and take a picture. I noticed two lights in the picture and wondered what they were.
I honestly posted picture on Face Book as a blessing from God to have such beautiful, colorful scenery that morning. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Utah Mountain Marks
I was driving on a route through eastern Utah down to Arizona on June 2, 2014, and was taking pictures of the different rock formations. I came up to the "The Mexican Hat" formation and took a picture of the mountain because it looked kind of weird to me, like if a big machine had dug up the whole side of the mountain. When I got home, I put the pictures on my computer and above the mountain there is the orb. I did not notice it when I took the picture but it is there now.
Note: The orb did not show in my photos, but mountain markings are unusual. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virginia Orb
Richmond-- I was heading back from night shift when I actually saw a weird ripple in the sky kind of like a jet stream. I took several pictures. Then today I noticed a clear almost see through orb in the background with 6 lights. The lights were inside a beige colored perfect circle.
Then they changed in another picture still in the perfect circle but the lights were a square instead. I made the picture larger to see more clearly what it was, that’s when I discovered the lights/orbs. I rolled my window down and it wasn’t a reflection.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Wisconsin Cigar-shaped UFO
Appleton -- A strange cigar-shaped object was recorded on video hovering over the mid-eastern Wisconsin city. The UFO video was uploaded to YouTube by user UFO book. The description with the video simply reads: This video of a cigar shaped aircraft in the rain was recorded north of Appleton WI. It hovers on one spot and turns slowly on its axis and disappears into the clouds. The author of this video discovered it when he was looking out of his window. He got his camera with (Credit: UFO book/YouTube) video function to capture it.
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Lights
Perth -- Ihave been seeing the same ufo for ten years from my backyard in January of 2014. It always comes from the east over the horizon and disappears when it’s directly above me. It looks like a pulsating star that moves like a jerky praying mantis is the best way to describe it. The events last anywhere from a couple of seconds to a couple of hours. I bought a hd video camera and captured hours of footage most commonly seen at 12:10 until 1 aM. I have spent many years observing the sky. It doesn't seem to be doing anything logical and it is well disguised. I would love to know what I am looking at. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Evanston/Gawler – I noticed an object hovering with red and green lights that were brighter than any planeonJune 16th 2014 at 9:10 pm. I estimate it was 1 to 3 kilometers from my location. It flew up and down, left and right with sharp erratic turns. It started alternating between red, green, and blue before turning red and blue and descending out of view behind trees. I found a video posted on YouTube yesterday with the same lights over the town.
UFOINFO comment: Possible LED remote control craft landing behind trees? I have asked the witness for their view on this but not had a reply yet.
Brazil Glowing Balls and Disk
Tapes– I was riding a motorcycle back home and I was passing a forest path it was so dark and I could see those lights hovering on top of the Big Laguna like 1 mile away from me. I saw three glowing blue and red balls hovering in high speed around each other for 15 minutes on April 3, 2014, and disappeared. Then orange-red lights stayed for two minutes before disappearing. I made two pictures, but pictures are not that good. Anyway I never saw something like that. The last glowing light disappeared on the horizon and left a light trail like sort of star wars hyper jump thing, it was just amazing.
Manhumirim -- A flying disc showing yellow and blue colors in the night sky was observed on June 17, 2013, at 8 PM. A disc was changing from yellow to blue colors in the night sky and hovering over a famous hill in the small town of Manhumirim. We filmed the unknown object Thanks to MUFON CMS.
Canada Sightings
Calgary -- This intriguing UFO was seen on June 20, 2014, as it partly cloaks several times in the video. Do not assume that it’s changing shape that is a misconception. It’s just the cloak activates when there is a blue background.
When the UFO is in a white cloud, the top 20% of the UFO is missing and there is a partial blue background on that part. Cloud orbs cloak like this when seen up close. Cool sighting.
Thanks to
Mississauga, Ontario -- Looking west towards Milton near the Winston Churchill Intersection a large boomerang shaped object, with one red light on each endwas observedon June 12th 2014, at 9:25 PM. The object had white lights along the bottom between the red lights. It was suspended in air for 10 minutes and then flew west.
Beaconsfield, Quebec -- At first we were confused and then thought it might be a bird or a parachute on June 19th 2014. It was clear/white/metallic/translucent in color at 6:15 PM, flying like a waving flag but not in a recognizable pattern such as flapping bird wings. It had 3D structure and shimmered in the light.
Toronto, Ontario– OnJune 19th 2014, I was hanging out with a friend in the park about 10 PM, where I've seen ufos previously: I had just finished telling my friend about the strange stillness when we saw a bright blue light with two bright white lights on either side of the larger blue orb. The object moved south at a fairly slow speed and dropped out of view behind the tree line. I also noticed that air traffic was diverting away from the object and later found out there was a domestic flight delay from Pearson International Airport around the same time as the sighting.
Toronto, Ontario – On June 21st 2014, I was standing by my window at 7:40 pm, and saw some birds and planes flying when I saw a formation of three lights that had sunlight bouncing off of them. That is when I saw three lights moving together, and then I saw a faint 4th light and then a 5th light that was higher than the 4 lights. The 5th light seemed apart from the 4 other lights. The lights were stationary and definitely not stars, just 5 bright lights. The following day I was looking up at 11:45 am, andsaw five Jellyfish-like objects in formation in the southwest sky. Thanks to John Hayes
Canaries Islands Light
San Pedro-- These photos were taken within a few seconds on the left side of the moon in June.
The curious thing is that we have no air traffic in San Pedro, a small village on the island of La Palma, Canaries. I noticed when viewing the photos on the computer, that the light at the left of the moon may be a reflection in the camera lens of my mobile phone a Samsung S 4. I saw similar lights of an aircraft last year,
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Greece Sphere
Rodos-- A friend of mine took several photos at the Rodos Airport and in one of the photos we saw this sphere like object above one stationed airplane on June 25, 2014.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Philippines Sphere
Manila -- On June 27, 2012, I was looking east off my 12 floor balcony facing the downtown Mall of Asia (MOA), and saw a round metallic sphere. The sphere stopped about a mile north of Manila’s International Airport at 1,200 feet in the air. The object hovered for about 40 minutes then slowly retreated back to the east in a slow yet deliberate manner without changing altitude. The object continued moving east without making any sounds or leaving exhaust until I could not see it any longer. My wife saw the object as well. Thanks to MUFON CMS
United Kingdom/England Fireballs
Silver-stone Circuit -- As these planes were passing over the Silver-stone Formula 1 Race, a camera caught a white UFO onJune 23, 2014. The white UFO comes from the upper right side of the screen and descends toward the planes as if it were observing and recording the event.
From the close up we can see it is a triangle-like disk craft and does not resemble any known aircraft currently known, however it could be the classified TR3B or one of its new updated versions. TR3B a triangle craft that uses alien tech. Thanks to
Faversham, Kent, England -- I was walking along the pathway at Faversham Creek at 11:10 PM, and observed over the Swale, two, large, very bright, shimmering orange coloured fireballs on June 14th 2014. Both the UFOs were hovering silently at 400 feet altitude. They seemed to radiate sparks of light, almost as if the UFOs were generating electromagnetic fields. The initial fireball appearance of the UFOs changed, as they began flying slowing along the Swale.
Then both the UFOs began pulsating and flared in brightness until from each UFO, a smaller, reddish or scarlet coloured spherical object appeared. Both these spherical UFOs then flew at high speed away from the orange UFOs in the direction of Oare. The original UFOs carried on flying along the Swale, and coming to a stop over Whitstable. UFOINFO comment: I asked this witness if they could be Chinese lanterns?
The witness responded that a Chinese Lantern burns for only around 7 minutes and 30 seconds. They rarely go above an altitude of 500 feet because they fly on wind currents. Studying the UFO Phenomena has been a passion of mine for decades; therefore, I have a very accurate level of awareness of UFOs. UFOs often teleport out of nowhere in a flash of light and then fly off.
Newton, Abbot, Devon -- I took this photo at 4:50 PM, on 13 June 2014. I have seen and photographed more UFOs this week than ever before
Note: This is the most recent of several photos received from this photographer. The authenticity of these photos cannot be completely validated.
Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most important sightings. I spend about 50 hours a week preparing the files. Only a few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a donation. I would greatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the people who have sent donations to Filer’s Files for this year. When you send in a subscription, please include your latest E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing to humans and animals?
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Watchers 7 + Further Evidence
Watchers 7 DVD ($20.00) and the companion book Further Evidence ($24.95) by L. A. Marzulli, with Richard Shaw:
Further Evidence - with over 100 full-color photos of UFOs, expert witnesses, behind the scene shots and more!
As an abductee for my whole life, I have stumbled through unknowing, to suspicion, and then resistance, and counsel to offer rare insights and advice to detect and thwart alien soul and body tampering.
Published widely and recognized as an eloquent note in the chorus of barbaric yawps concerning experts who've never seen or confronted these myriad entities, personally for 45 years, I write, do radio interviews and assist filmakers with background research.
At night, your astral body travels to realms from angelic to demonic, spirit worlds of myriad vibrational levels and the pictures that you see on the backs of your eyelids, while you R.E.M., are not dreams but visits, souvenirs of a greater reality.
Like goldfish who never suspect a greater world beyond the pond's surface, the limited awareness of humankind floats beneath the surface of a greater reality, groping, mouths agape in fish ignorance.
Aliens hybridize, and invade astrally to abduct, monitor, and possess, to entangle their energies with ours to ride the reincarnation roller coaster of our auras giving a new meaning to a silent invasion.
Earth is under invasion, one person at a time, and we are all alone, together.
These are my experiences, echoed in a link, at the end of the page of this journal entry.
I felt electric vibrations throughout my whole body while in bed and saw my body then separate and float out of my body, in astral abductions of my spiritual essence, which retained all of my predilections and discriminations, all the while leaving my chop-meat-DNA- contrived- body, bereft of spirit, behind, in bed.
At first glance, I believed that I had died!
Out of body, I had conveyor belt travels, vivid OBE sublime and terrifying experiences, at the hands of aliens, directly tied to my previously monitored thoughts, more proof of that alien-proprietary- monitored-consciousness, suffered by abductees.
I am a fifty year old happily married father of two extraordinary teens.
I am one who writes, landscapes, crafts his own ales, hunts mushrooms, breeds native giant silk moths, plays bass and drums and teaches.
My wife and I have been friends and lovers for over twenty years, and she supports my hobbies and writing with a skeptical and cautious approach which has helped to keep me centered.
I have seen different subspecies of alien entities since I was a young child living on Shore Road in Brooklyn until my later years as a resident of Long Island, and I am convinced that many others have also struggled to assess and grasp similar indigestible alien experiences which challenge everything we've ever been taught.
We were told by experts like Carl Sagan, who recently passed, that Earth is too far out in the 'boonies' of our galaxy to merit attention by E.T.s, but he was dead wrong, long before he died.
Earth is, and always has been, a crossroads for many highly technological lifeforms.
The mean-spirited ones, now doing salvage, are the vestigial remnants of a union that donated their DNA to set up this rare jewel of a preserve.
Good gamekeepers never let the animals within suspect that it is, indeed, a preserve. THAT'S why, our planet looms as a seemingly rare botanical and animal jewel, in the context of so many other barren worlds, that we can discern in the Universe.
We, rather than having been divinely ordained for Earth, have been placed, and farmed, throughout the galaxy, seen as someone else's property.
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for me, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL I saw aliens float me out of my body, in my bed, at night.
Then, I knew that they were more interested in an essence, that I never suspected I had: a soul.
A startling new video clip showing what appears to be an elongated skull lying on the ocean floor has been released by the Ocean Explorer team in the past few days.
The two minutes and 42 second clip was taken last year by one of the ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicles) used by the team. The Ocean Modules V8 Sii ROV was being piloted remotely from the ship in an effort to explore the site when the team came across the bizarre discovery. Take a look at the video and let us know what you think, could it really be an extraterrestrial skull, or is this simply a natural rock formation at the bottom of the sea.
For so long have I not been able to tell anyone about this. So this feels good, I remember my heart pounding a bit faster the moment this showed up on the screen.’ – Jimmi Aasberg (OceanX Team)
The object was found lying beside the main 60 metre wide anomaly at a depth of 79 metres – it is thought to be only one of many curious finds that the team have made at the site – most of which are still under a contractual embargo by the TV company who financed the trip and will be revealed later this year when the 60 minute documentary is broadcast.
It is believed that no attempt was made to recover the object at the time as the ROV’s propulsion system kicks up a lot of silt from the bottom and this was severely hindering the divers visibility around the object. A new expedition in 2013 may try and salvage the object along with other objects and samples at the site.
Close up and colour enhancement.
Close up and colour enhancement.
Close up and colour enhancement.
Image rotated through 90 degrees.
“I Have no answer to what it is … but now you understand why we work with this … This is just one of many strange things there.” – Dennis Aasberg (OceanX Co-Founder)
The side-scan sonar shows the main anomaly (left) and the second anomaly which has yet to be explored.
“The Meringue” – Approximately 4 metres wide is only one of many strange features sitting on TOP of the dome of the formation.
Beneath a construction site for a glassy, 22-story hotel in New York, archaeologists unearthed a history of drinking, eating and lodging, along with a tradition of consuming cure-alls and potions for good health, according to a report in DNA Info. The discovery included a two hundred-year-old glass bottle that once contained the “Elixir of Long Life”.
Now the research team have tracked down the original German recipe used to create the elixir for fending off death. “We decided to engage in our own brand of experimental archaeology,” said Alyssa Loorya, the president of Chrysalis, a company regularly hired by the city to oversee excavation projects. Loorya enlisted researchers in Germany to track down the recipe in an old medical guide, which revealed that the potion contained ingredients such as aloe, which is anti-inflammatory, gentian root, which aids digestion, as well as rhubarb, zedoary, and Spanish saffron – ingredients still used by herbalists today. The raw ingredients for an ‘Elixir of Long Life’. Read more at Ancient-Origins
Just an odd, possibly supernatural thing I've experienced a few times now, though they're a long time apart.
The first time was when I was living upstairs (I have now moved into the downstairs suite and plan to move out on my own soon). I was playing video games and my mom was on the computer, we were the only two people home - When she gets on the computer she pretty much loses track of reality.
I heard a male voice say something really quickly from the stairwell, quick enough that I couldn't make it out - I was so focused on my game that I almost didn't register it at all, but after staring over there for a second to determine whether it'd really happened, I asked my mother if she'd heard it; She'd been too zoned out (I'm surprised she heard me at the time).
The other two times were down here in the basement suite. One was a female voice from the back room - Again, too quick to register what was being said. Now, on the day I posted this, I heard a harsh whisper from near my door.
A few other weird things have happened that no one but me registers as odd (my parents are deliberately against paranormal theory). They've actually told me when I come home that they heard some one go up and down the stairs and weren't sure who it was because I wasn't home; They didn't think anything of it, for some reason, and were certain it wasn't a pet because of how it sounded.
A door once slammed itself shut just after one of the dogs went into the room.
These experiences are years apart, so I've never been terribly worried about them. -
A Scary-Sounding Sleep Disorder: Exploding Head Syndrome
Exploding head syndrome may sound like something out of a science fiction movie, but in fact it's a very real sleep disorder. People with this sleep phenomenon are prone to experiencing loud and sudden noises as they transition in and out of sleep.
Researchers at Washington State University recently published a review of existing literature on exploding head syndrome, a first step toward raising awareness and better understanding this little-known sleep phenomenon. Their analysis of the syndrome reveals a range of symptoms reported by patients:
• Noises are loud and jarring, resembling the popping sounds of firecrackers or gunshots, the slamming sound of a door closing violently, or the boom of an explosion. • These sounds may be perceived in one or both ears. • Sometimes the sounds of explosive head syndrome are accompanied by flashes of light. • In some cases, people will experience mild pain in addition to the noise disruption. • Women appear to be more likely than men to suffer from this sleep disorder.
Exploding head syndrome appears not to be linked to any serious health consequences. But that doesn't mean it's not disruptive to sleep and well-being. These episodes can be highly disconcerting and frightening, creating anxiety about going to sleep that itself may become an obstacle to a regular routine of healthy rest.
This sleep disorder has received scant attention from the scientific community, but it's not a new phenomenon. Mention in scientific literature of the distinctive symptoms of what's now known as exploding head syndrome date back roughly 150 years.
The scientists who conducted the recent review speculate that this sleep phenomenon occurs when the body's process of transitioning to sleep fails to unfold in proper sequence. Rather than slowing down, certain areas of the brain may actually become more active during the movement from wakefulness to sleep, leading to the perception of loud noise. Other sleep disorders may contribute to an increased likelihood for this phenomenon, as may stress, fatigue, and psychological conditions.
Treatments for exploding head syndrome often include relaxation and exercise to relieve stress, avoiding alcohol, as well as treating other possible sleep issues.
Have you ever experienced this sleep phenomenon? If so, rest assured that the problem is not all in your head. Seek out the advice of a sleep specialist to help you find relief for this very real disorder. - THP
NOTE: I've suffered this phenomenon all my life...very scary sometimes. Lon
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After this weeks LIVE show with Stacey Jones 'Ghost Cop', BTE Radio will be taking a brief Summer hiatus. We will return LIVE on August 3, 2014. Our July guests will be rescheduled for later dates. During the break, some of our archived shows will be presented in the Sunday 8-10PM time slot. Look for more news and announcements coming soon. Thanks for listening! Eric, Lon & Amy
The alien girl supposedly found on an ancient spaceship in the Delporte Crater on the Moon in 1976
Read more at IBTimes and see the video. There are three videos that are available on u-tube for your review.
You've probably heard about the Roswell landings and Area 51, but did you know about the top secret Apollo 20 mission, that was allegedly covered up by Nasa?
There has been a huge furore over whether this mission actually existed, particularly on the internet, with many people discussing the mission on forums, both dissenters and believers.
Join us as we look back at Apollo 20, one of the most controversial UFO cover-ups in history.
The real Apollo 20
Apollo 20 is said to be a top secret mission to the Moon that was covered up by Nasa. The Apollo program, also known as Project Apollo, ran from 1963 to 1972 and was the third human spaceflight project that NASA carried out.
Apollo Command/Service Module CSM-119, on display at the Apollo/Saturn V Center in Florida.Wikimedia Commons
Although the US government accomplished its goal to land men on the Moon and return them safely to Earth in 1969 with Apollo 11, further missions continued until 1972, with Apollo 17 being the last mission to go to the Moon and back.
However, three more missions had been planned by Nasa – Apollo 18, Apollo 19 and Apollo 20. Official Nasa records say that the missions were cancelled due to budgetary constraints and that the astronauts were moved up to other missions.
Due to three missions being cancelled, lots of spacecraft hardware was left over, such as the command/service module (CSM) belonging to Apollo 19, which is on display at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex and other bits of hardware have been used in several films. Apollo 20's CSM was apparently never finished and completely scrapped.
An astronaut on YouTube
If you were to believe Nasa's records, then that would be that, but in April 2007, an individual with the username "Retiredafb" uploaded several videos to YouTube claiming that they were footage from Apollo 20, a secret joint American-Soviet space mission from August 1976.
The user identified himself as William Rutledge, 78, a former astronaut now living in Rwanda.
His videos show what seems to be the cabin of Apollo 20, as well as footage, supposedly on the moon, of a mysterious lunar city, as well as the corpse of what seems to be an alien girl that internet users call "Mona Lisa", lying in the cabin.
Rutledge's videos were so popular that they garnered over 1.5 million views on YouTube, but apparently a few months later Rutledge claimed his YouTube account had been hacked and all but one of his videos were deleted (although you can watch the other two videos about the lunar city and the alien autopsy here and here).
Apollo 20 Mission Part 1/3 Original Video
Apollo 20 Mission Part 3/3 Original Video
He then moved his videos to a new account on, but that page no longer exists.
Before he disappeared, however, he did agree to be interviewed, through the message function of his YouTube account and Yahoo Messenger, by Italian freelance writer and UFO/space exploration enthusiast Luca Scantamburlo.
William Rutledge's account
Nasa's photo is apparently proof that Apollo 20 did occur - the cigar-shaped object circled is actually the ancient spaceship that Rutledge and fellow astronauts found on their mission in 1976Scott C Waring and NASA
Rutledge claims in his interview with Scantamburlo that Nasa's Apollo 14 mission flew over a polar region of the Moon and captured numerous space ships and cities of ancient, oddly-shaped, towering buildings, which looked like they had been abandoned for hundreds of years.
Rutledge says that Apollo 20 landed near the Delporte Crater in order to explore a large "cigar-shaped" mother ship, which had apparently been abandoned for 1.5 million years, and within the spaceship, the astronauts found two corpses of alien beings, one of which was captured on 16mm film.
He claims that the female alien he and his crew found had six fingers, hair, but no nostrils, and seemed to be in a state that was "not dead" but also "not alive". He claims to Scantamburlo that the alien girl was brought back to Earth and is still alive somewhere.
"USAF recalled that, I have been chosen later for Apollo 20 because I was one of the rare pilot who didn't believe in God (it has changed since 1990) but it was a criterion in 1976. It was not the status of the Nasa astronauts. Not believing in God made the difference. That's all," Rutledge told Scantamburlo.
Rutledge's answers are quite rambling, and on many occasions, Scantamburlo tests his knowledge about Nasa in the 1970s and what happened to the other cancelled Apollo missions. Scantamburlo's evidence is posted here.
Real, or a hoax?
While information about Apollo 20 is quite scarce to come by, an entry on seems to indicate that it is a hoax by a French video artist called Thierry Speth, who apparently admitted to perpetrating the con on 9 July 2007 on internet forum
The link to this post and the website in question are also no longer online.
Nevertheless, many UFO enthusiasts, are still firmly convinced that Apollo 20 did happen, including Scott Waring, a teacher living in Taiwan who has authored a few books on UFOs, time travel and young adult fantasy fiction.
Waring runs a website called UFO Sightings Daily for the international UFO believer community, and you can view his extensive evidence in this blog post, which include reports by other Nasa scientists and engineers, government memos, analysis of the light in the video and much more.
Valentina Flores was bringing in her llamas when she discovered that her sheep pen was covered with a net made of some plastic like material, and that inside the pen was a helmeted being, 3.5 ft tall, who was engaged in the killing of her sheep by a tubular instrument having a hook on the end of it. Mrs. Flores threw stones at the being, whereupon he walked over to an instrument resembling a radio and, moving a wheel on it, quickly absorbed all the netting. The farm woman approached the pen with a cudgel, upon which the being threw his instrument at her several times; it returned to him like a boomerang, after inflicting superficial cuts on her arms. The entity picked up the machine, which had absorbed the net, as well as a bag containing sheep entrails, and put them into a rucksack on his back. Two legs emerged from the rucksack and extended down to the ground, at which time the entity rose straight up into the air with an “extraordinary” sound, and vanished. 34 sheep were found dead and from every one, “certain small portions of the digestive organs were missing.”
Humcat 1968-5 Source:Col. R. Ayala & son, & Oscar A Galindez
A sheep herder and two Indian helpers were watching the flock when a silent disc shaped object descended from the sky, gliding down gently in a curving approach until it stopped 50 feet above them, as it hovered, it emitted flashes of white light from its underside. This happened about 30 times in quick succession, and the sheep suddenly fell to the ground. Concerned for the flock the shepherd picked up a stick and ran toward the glowing shiny metallic disc. Suddenly there was a flash of violet light land the shepherd was completely paralyzed. As he watched terror stricken the domed craft descended lower till about six feet from the ground. A trap door with a built in stair opened down from underneath, and two human like feet started down the stair from the center of the ship. Two man-like figures wearing white reflective form fitting suits emerged; both wore transparent dark helmets over the head. The beings wore matching white gloves and boots, and each carried what looked like a shiny silver fire extinguisher in one hand, and a black nozzle on the end of a white hose connected to the bottle in the other. The two men walked around the flock of sheep putting the “fire extinguisher” nozzle to each of the fallen sheep and completely ignoring the men. After about 3 minutes the men finished their task and re-entered their craft. The stair retracted as the big, circular object, drifted higher, to about 300 feet. From that position, there was s tremendous noise and the object sped up into the sky at a steep angle and disappeared. The men found all 34 sheep dead and apparently bloodless, some of the internal organs were also found to be desiccated and spongy.
HC addition # 3349 Source: Timothy Good, Alien Base
(above: my own black-eyed children mirror - instructions at the end of this post)
Black-eyed children are generally a newer phenomena. They generally involve a scenario of a helpless child or youth who requests either entry into your home or car, or some kind of aid.
But, there is something almost soulless about this person and when they look at you, you realize their eyes are all wrong, no whites to them, no pupils, just pure black. The sense of evil and terror, all things bad and foreboding accompanies the encounters to the point that folks are terrified and flee.
What are black-eyed children and why are they showing up now?
I have a theory. (You know I always have a theory)
The interesting thing is that shadow people come with an identical sense of threat, doom, and as if "all bad things that can happen or ever have happened are occurring simultaneously" (as one witness reported to me who was a skeptic about EVERYTHING until he encountered one).
Usually when one sees a shadow person, the shadow person startles as if he didn't know you could see him and then rushes away or disappears. They seem to have had unlimited access to our realm until we began to change and perceive them.
One theory is that our eyes pick them up easier since we use computer and TV screens with high speed screen refreshing capabilities and perhaps our vision has encountered a depth perception in a realm we didn't know about before.
Any way you look at it, these two phenomena seem similar - both want to be near us, both don't want us to know what they are. Perhaps if we look at this with my theory in mind, it will make more sense.
Theory: If you were a being that was devoid of all light and detail, knew that people in our realm could see you, but wanted to be among us (for whatever unknown reason - observation??) wouldn't you consider donning an "Edgar Suit" ("Men In Black" movie) and go among us looking like one of our own kind?
The only place you would have trouble convincing us is the very orifice of the eyes - where they would appear that devoid of light-sinister black color that gives them away. Perhaps they need to perfect some lens and if they did that, we'd be in in some serious trouble because perhaps the only giveaway would be the feeling they exude of utter end-of-the-world terror.
If you want to read a lot of encounters people have had - check this link.
On a happier note, I share how to make a black-eyed children mirror. (The safe way to encounter the little boogers)
De Britse wetenschapper Bryan Sykes wil alles op alles zetten om de yeti oftewel verschrikkelijke sneeuwman te vinden. Volgens Sykes, verbonden aan de Oxford-universiteit, zijn er genoeg redenen om aan te nemen dat de verhalen over de verschrikkelijke sneeuwman waar blijken te zijn, nu twee onderzochte ‘yeti-haren’ zijn gelinkt aan een ijsbeersoort die al eeuwenlang uitgestorven werd geacht.
Volgens de onderzoeker is de kans groot dat de verhalen over de yeti kloppen en dat het in werkelijkheid gaat om een beersoort. Als het inderdaad blijkt te gaan om een ijsbeer, is het ook ineens logisch waarom men in Azië zo bang is voor de yeti. De ijsbeer is de enige bekende beersoort die mensen zonder aanleiding aanvalt.
Professor Norman MacLeod, een collega van Sykes, benadrukt dat hiermee niet onomstotelijk is aangetoond dat de yeti bestaat, hoewel hij wel denkt dat het mythische wezen echt zou kunnen bestaan. “Er zijn wel gekkere ontdekkingen gedaan in het verleden,” zei hij.
Professor Bryan Sykes
Sykes onderzocht 36 haren die van een yeti afkomstig zouden zijn. Uiteindelijk bleken ze allemaal van gewone dieren te zijn, op twee na. De twee bijzondere haren, de ene uit Ladakh in India en de andere uit Bhutan, zijn afkomstig van een ijsbeer die al tenminste 40.000 jaar van de aardbodem zou zijn verdwenen. De overige haren kwamen uit de Verenigde Staten, Rusland en Sumatra.
De vondst suggereert dat in de Himalaya beren rondkuieren die sinds het Pleistoceen niet meer gezien zijn. Volgens experts vormen zij mogelijk ‘het biologische fundament van de yeti’.
Professor Sykes schrijft op dit moment een boek over de link tussen de haren en de 40.000 jaar oude beer, getiteld ‘The Yeti Enigma’. Hij wil een expeditie gaan organiseren naar de Himalaya om een yeti in het wild te zien. Het onderzoek is verschenen inProceedings of the Royal Society B.
In de Amerikaanse staat Minnesota heeft een 52-jarige man een automobilist uit een brandende auto gered door het portier te verbuigen. Volgens de politie beschikte de man over ‘bovennatuurlijke krachten’, zo schrijft de Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Bob Renning zette zijn auto op de snelweg in New Brighton aan de kant om iemand uit een brandende auto te helpen. Renning rende naar de auto en verboog het portier door aan de bovenkant de deur te trekken. Hij wist de automobilist uit de auto te bevrijden.
Agent Zachary Hill sprak vol lof over de buitengewone heldendaad van Renning, die voor de National Guard werkt. “Hij heeft een afgesloten deur van een brandende auto voor de helft verbogen om de man te bevrijden. Dat is een buitengewone daad,” zei hij.
De bestuurder van de auto die in brand was gevlogen, Michael Johannes, kwam er vanaf met een lichte rookvergiftiging en enkele snijwonden. Waar kwamen deze krachten plotseling vandaan? Wat gebeurt er in het lichaam in dit soort situaties?
In een artikel van Scientific American uit 2009 valt te lezen dat de angstreactie van het lichaam verantwoordelijk wordt gehouden voor deze bovennatuurlijke krachten. “Onder acute stress, geeft het sympathische zenuwstelsel het lichaam een seintje om zich schrap te zetten. Er wordt cortisol en adrenaline in de bloedstroom gedumpt, waarna de bloeddruk en hartslag pieken. De spieren worden voorzien van extra zuurstof en energie.”
Maar de zender KARE meldde dat Renning de bovennatuurlijke krachten dankte aan zijn hart, niet aan angst. Wat hij hiermee bedoelde is niet helemaal duidelijk. Volgens een neuroloog zijn de krachten niet alleen te verklaren aan de hand van adrenaline. “Angst, vermoeidheid en pijn voorkomen dat we in het dagelijks leven over buitengewone krachten beschikken. Bij de vecht-of-vluchtreactie worden mensen plotseling zeer actief en draagt de stressrespons van het hele lichaam bij aan de bovenmenselijke kracht.”
Het lichaam produceert op het doorslaggevende moment endorfines, waardoor de persoon zich goed voelt en zeer gefocust kan blijven. Zelfs als dat betekent dat hij met zijn blote handen een deur moet verbuigen.
Sommige experts denken dat het lichaam in uitzonderlijke situaties toegang heeft tot energiereserves waar het normaal gesproken niet bij kan en in zulke gevallen geen greintje pijn meer voelt.
Ex-Mormons give their take on"The Book of Mormon" musical
LAS VEGAS -- The hit musical "The Book of Mormon" now playing at the Smith Center for the Performing Arts downtown, had a special group in its audience this weekend. They call themselves "The post-Mo's", meaning, post-Mormons, people who have left the church for one reason or another. More than 80 post-Mo's made the trip from heavily-Mormon Utah to see the production in a city that isn't exactly known for its restraint or modesty. The post-Mo's say they weren't trying to make a statement by seeing the show in a city known for its tolerance of so-called sin. Their primary mission was to have fun and to be with like-minded people. But the theme of the musical has a special resonance for them because of what most of them endured when they decided to split with the church. Las Vegas, it turns out, proved to be a soothing balm for wounds that are still open. “The Book of Mormon” has been a smash hit everywhere it's played. It tells the story of two young Mormons sent on a soul-saving mission to Uganda, which is the set-up for a brutal skewering of Mormon teachings that has been described as vulgar, blasphemous, and gut-busting hilarious. “We bought the sound track when we were still believers,” Tom and Kristen Evans said. For several dozen Utah residents, the show was the central impetus for a bus trip to Mordor, or rather, Las Vegas. They call themselves the Post-Mo's and wear T-shirts to prove it. Note the logo with a bite out of the apple. The post-Mo's did what other tourists do here, they danced in clubs, jumped off the Stratosphere, smoked cigars, took photos with Penn and Teller, but the focus of the trip was the musical at the Smith Center. “It is representative of what we used to be,” post-Mo Doug Saderfield said. “I left because I don't believe it anymore and can make a happier life for my family outside of it,” post-Mo Rachel Goss said. The LDS church is the fastest growing religion in the world, and in Utah, it is omnipresent in family life, employment and government. Leaving the church is tough to do. “Lonely, ostracized. And you don't want to talk to family about it. It's like coming out if you're gay. You don't know how your family will react,” post-Mo coordinator Josh Kaggie said. “Family relations are very hard because your siblings don't want you around their kids for fear you might corrupt them with your ideas of the world,” post-Mo member Stuart Lindsay said. Brothers Zed and Kyle Griffiths are now both post-Mo's. Zed left five years before Kyle. “When he left the church, I was one of the siblings trying to get him to come back,” Kyle Griffiths said. “The church isn't just church. It's also social and family and it can be employment,” Zed Griffiths said. For a Utah Mormon to leave the church is comparable to entering the witness protection program, Newsweek wrote, which explains why a post-Mormon website created just a few years ago now gets 10 million hits per month. The bus trip post-Mo's used a Facebook page to coordinate and celebrate their Las Vegas jaunt. It is where they posted photos taken inside the Smith Center, which tolerates no photos at all. Religion in general takes it on the chin in the show, but the lyrics that got the post-Mo's laughing hardest were Mormon-specific. “We sure were laughing at the little things you catch,” post-Mo member Steve Holbrook said. “It is incredibly insidious, like the worst song for Mormonism is ‘I Believe.’ You don’t realize it because it's so happy,” Kaggie said. Church honchos in Utah are not fans of the show but have reacted with restraint and savvy. They've spent millions to market their message to fans of the musical, including three full-page ads in the program here, with the line: “You've seen the show--now read the book.” Whether it is the jungles of Africa or the hot streets of Las Vegas, Mormon missionaries endure much for their faith. These post-Mo's can relate because they once did it too. They describe their own split with the church as being more like a relationship that simply didn't work out rather than an ugly divorce. “The play gives anod to everyone--believers, doubters,” one post-Mo said. “It's a great message: Everyone can be who they want to be and create the world a better place,” post-Mo John Goss said. The organizers of the bus trip say they initially figured they would have to come to Las Vegas to see the show because there is no way it would ever be allowed to play in Salt Lake City, a city which is almost a character in the musical. However, it turns out; “The Book of Mormon” will land in Utah next year. It continues at the Smith Center through July 6 but tickets are scarce.
It will come as no surprise to many to learn that both extraterrestrial and extra-dimensional entities have been involved in affairs here on Earth for a very long time.
There are numerous reports of physical beings visiting us at different times in our history, the most common of which are the stereotypical ‘greys’ that are often associated with the modern alien abduction phenomenon and Hollywood movies.
There are however, many accounts of other types of beings that are interacting with us, most notably; reptilian humanoids, and other very human looking tall blondes, often referred to as ‘Nordics’ or ‘Aryans’. It is even claimed by some that there are races visiting Earth and interacting with us that look; “exactly like we do, to the point you could be sitting next to one on a bus or park bench and never know” – Bob Dean. These groups have varying motives for their involvement with Earth, both in our current time and throughout our history.
The concept of an extra-dimensional presence on Earth is not a new one. The philosophies of almost every religion, from the very first druid and pagan beliefs to modern day religions and the new age movement, agree that there are other dimensional beings that exist and interact with this world from beyond our perception.
Christianity came to call these ‘angels’ and ‘demons’, where as Islam refers to them as‘Jinns’.
As humans, we can only perceive a very small portion of the vibrational reality that exists around us. The 5 senses of the human body can only decode a small band of the information that is present, being decoded by our ears (via audible sound) and by our eyes (which can only see the very narrow spectrum that we call ‘visible light’) into the world that we perceive.
In the same way that television and radio channels, or the wireless Internet exist in the space all around us, so too do these other realities. Some of these dimensions operate on a vibrational level that is very close to our own, and every now and then, in the same way that you get an overlap or interference with two radio stations, two dimensions will overlap or interfere with each other, manifesting in phenomenon such as perceived ‘ghost’ sightings.
Both the extra-terrestrial and extra-dimensional interaction that has been occurring can be categorized as one of two types; it is either positive involvement or negative involvement.
The positive involvement is always to help another entity or civilisation to grow. The negative involvement is always to enslave and control an entity or civilisation. Both gain growth and ‘polarisation’ in their chosen direction by succeeding in either case.
In the case of Planet Earth we currently have a very unique situation, with an empire based negative agenda being implemented by a self-created elite, who are trying to impose a system of control onto what is essentially a positive planet energy grid. This is done through many forms of manipulation, and with help from other higher density (or extra-dimensional) negative entities. The outcome of this intervention has given rise to various counter measures being put in place by the higher-level positive forces. At this time they are doing all they can to assist with the realignment of the planet back to its true vibration. However, due to the very nature of these two opposing forces, their approach to the situation is very different. The tool of the positive entity is Love and the tool of the negative entity is Fear.
Het komt niet vaak voor dat meteorologen in verwarring zijn over dingen die ze in de lucht waarnemen.
Een Amerikaanse meteoroloog uit Atlanta met meer dan 30 jaar ervaring zag echter iets wat hij niet snel zal vergeten.
Vanwege zijn beroep wenst de getuige anoniem te blijven, maar hij heeft wel een rapport gemaakt en ingediend bij Mufon. Daar is het gerubriceerd onder zaaknummer 55909.
De gebeurtenis vond plaats op 14 april van dit jaar en het volgende is wat de man heeft verteld:
Het was op dinsdagmorgen. Ik vertrok vanaf mijn thuisbasis en terwijl ik naar buiten loop kijk ik naar boven. Het is gewoon iets wat ik tegenwoordig doe vanwege ervaringen die ik het verleden heb gehad.
Maargoed, terug naar wat ik wil vertellen. Terwijl ik naar buiten loop en naar de lucht kijk, komt er iets heel groots naar beneden. Het bevond zich heel laag en het vervormde zich tot een paddenstoelwolk waarachter het zich verborg.
Ik kijk om mij heen en ik zie helemaal niemand, hoor geen geluid en ik zie dingen onder de wolk vandaan komen, zwarte schijfachtige objecten. Eén daarvan hing gewoon in de lucht alsof het alles om mij heen observeerde.
Ik zag een object aan de rechterkant van de wolk en nog één boven de wolk.
Ik zag ook een klein wezen boven op de bestelwagen voor mij met een soort groen camouflagepak. Ik sprong snel in mijn auto en nam een foto.
Binnen een paar minuten verdween de paddenstoelwolk helemaal en ook het grote verborgen object was weg.
Voor zover bekend, heeft Mufon nog geen verklaring kunnen vinden voor deze vreemde gebeurtenis.
Tsjechische boer wil dat buitenaardsen betalen voor graancirkel
Tsjechische boer wil dat buitenaardsen betalen voor graancirkel
In een weiland in Tsjechië is een gigantische graancirkel verschenen. Hoewel de politie buitenaardse betrokkenheid niet uitsluit, wordt in eerste instantie gedacht aan een meer aardse verklaring.
De enorme vierpuntige ster met een omvang van 6000 vierkante meter verscheen van de ene op de andere dag in een weiland buiten de Tsjechische stad Boskovice. Hoewel de formatie in de regio een flinke boost heeft gegeven aan het toerisme, is de woeste landeigenaar Jan Karlik (55) niet te spreken over de graancirkel.
“Het maakt me niet uit waar ze vandaan komen, ook al zijn het buitenaardsen, ze moeten betalen,” zei de boer. De graancirkel bestaat uit een vierpuntige ster in een cirkel met een soort mysterieuze stenen van Stonehenge in een kleinere cirkel.
Woordvoerder van het stadsbestuur van Boskovice Jaroslav Parma zei: “De formatie is ontdekt door een man die op dat moment een wandeling maakte. De graancirkel is moeilijk te zien als je niet boven het gebied vliegt, maar hij stuitte er per toeval op omdat hij uitkeek over het weiland om te zien waar zijn hond was gebleven.”
Adam Anton (33) bracht een bezoek aan de formatie en zei: “Ik vind dit verdacht. De meeste mensen hier denken dat de graancirkel is gemaakt door mensen, maar niemand weet precies wie het gedaan heeft.”
“We sluiten buitenaards bezoek en de invloed van vortexen niet uit, maar we richten ons op dit moment met name op menselijke daders,” zei politiewoordvoerder Iva Sebkova.
Bekijk hieronder beelden van de graancirkel die op 28 juni zijn gemaakt door BTV Boskovická televize:
Multiple UFO lights above Margate, UK on 21st June 2014
Multiple UFO lights above Margate, UK on 21st June 2014
New interesting video footage of multiple UFO lights recorded in the sky above Margate, UK on 21st June 2014 at 09:00 PM.
Witness said: I was fishing and saw these Random lights appear and disappear over Reculver, so grabbed my camera and recorded this, the auto focus on my camera kept messing up, which is annoying. Also there was a light wind on this day. they are probably sky lanterns tho?
UFO sighting over Ottawa, Canada on 26th June 2014
UFO sighting over Ottawa, Canada on 26th June 2014
Witness said:
On the 26 of June 2014 at approximately 2230-2240hrs I was in my back yard which faces north setting up my telescope for a night of observing.
As I was aligning the telescope I noticed a bright orange light traveling south towards my location. It is not uncommon to see aircraft with landing lights heading in this direction however as I kept watching it appeared to be moving at a high rate of speed and in a southern direction. As it passed it remained the same orange colour from front to back and I was not able to see any aircraft marking strobe lights. I also was not able to hear any noise from the object as it passed.
Thinking little of it I continued to set up my telescope however a few seconds later I observed another orange light, of the same size following the same flight path followed a few seconds later by a second orange craft just to the west, this second craft appeared to be catching up to the first slightly.
I was able to take a picture of the second object as it passed overhead and disappeared when it was blocked by the houses.
Seconds later another object appeared again following the same flight path. I was able to get a video with my cell phone of this object. In the video it looks like there are two craft as one is bouncing around the other however there was only one and the second light must have been a reflection in the eyepiece of the camera. Also the video makes the craft appear to shake, this was caused by me moving in the back yard trying to capture it as long as I could before it disappeared behind the houses.
I have lived in this area for almost 10 years and have an interest in aviation and familiar with aircraft flying overhead, I have never observed anything similar to these lights. Further from this area I have seen many satellites including several passes of the international space station. These objects were much larger and brighter than any satellite I have seen and as a speed reference I would say they were moving twice as fast as the iss would travel. Further the light remained consistent on all of the objects as they passed by.
In Llandrillo, North Wales, United Kingdom, on January 23, 1974, an extremely compelling UFO event began. Manyof the residents of the village heard an extremely loud noise. Most of the citizens thought that an explosion had occurred-possibly a plane crash. Those who ventured outside on this cold night were astonished to see blue and orange lights near the Cader Bronwen mountain.µ
Witness Statement…s: There would be many eyewitness accounts of what was seen. The press immediately investigated the occurrence, and interviewed those close to the scene of the lights on the mountain.
The first newspaper accounts made this statement:
“There was a huge explosion a few minutes after 8:30 PM. From various accounts, this preceded, some say, by up to two or three minutes, a violent shaking of the ground, like a medium-sized earthquake-objects inside houses were knocked off shelves.”
Area Cordoned Off: The scene of the area near the mountain would closely resemble the Kecksburg, Pennsylvania crash of 1965. Local police would arrive at the scene first, soon followed by the Royal Air Force. The area in and around the crash site was zoned off, with no one allowed to enter. A search and rescue effort would be ongoing for several days, with no information being related to interested bystanders or press personnel.
Group of Men: An employee of a hotel in nearby Bala would come forward with a very interesting story. He stated that a group of men had checked into the hotel, and stayed during the search of the mountains. They did admit that they were involved in the mission, but could not talk about what they had seen or found at the site. Another account was given by a nurse who lived in Llanderfel, also close to the scene of the crash. Local police had asked for the assistance of the nurse at the crash site. She was told a plane had gone down in the area.
A Glowing UFO:
Being rushed to the scene, and not being able to get a sitter for her teenage daughters, she was forced to take them along. Driving on B4391, at 10:00 PM, the road was deserted. As she reached the foot of the mountain chain, she was shocked at what she saw… a glowing UFO. She and her daughters would later relate their story to the press. They saw a UFO, which was almost intact. It was a large, circular object, and glowed an orange color.
Escorted from Site: They were within a couple of hundred yards of the object, and were certain of what they saw. They also saw emergency personnel-local police and military, close to the object. The nurse was instructed to immediately leave the area. She told the authorities that she was ordered to the site, but was quickly escorted from the area.
Investigation Covered Up: For several days, all roads leading to the crash area were closed to everyone but authorized personnel. The nurse was told by local shepherds that they were not allowed to tend their flocks during the operation at the mountain. Most of the citizens that lived near the area of the mountain crash were convinced by what they saw that a military cover-up was being conducted. It is still a mystery as what exactly happened on January 23, 1974 near the Berwyn Mountains of Wales.
Often we hear answers regarding the origin and nature of UFOs with their alien crews. We also hear theories on what the paranormal realm really is. However, sometimes it is more helpful and more inspiring to ask questions rather than to give answers. Thus we participate in the quest, rather than to try to dictate our favorite an…swer over and over again.
In this spirit, I would like to pose 4 mind-bending questions with which I wrestle from time to time:
Question One: Is there a connection between paranormal events and UFOs with their aliens aboard? Of course some people feel that this is the entire explanation; whether the UFO occupants are demons or angels depends on the individual’s point of view. I am assuming here that demons and angels belong to the paranormal realm – what other category do they fit?
Other people feel there is no connection between UFOs and the paranormal realm, and that UFOs are from other planets, times, or dimensions, while the paranormal is the paranormal, whatever that is.
However, what if both phenomena emanate from the human morphic field? This morphic field of human consciousness and thus human perception, exists in all-time or if you prefer, it exists in no-time according to theoretical quantum physics. Therefore, humans of the past “download” the human morphic field into their individual minds, and thus they think, feel and behave “human,” even though they reflect their own time period. So even if the human is a slave laborer helping to construct Stonehenge, he still acts human.
Our mass consciousness as a species (our morphic field), must also resonate into the future. We can assume our starship crewmembers in the Year 2500, also think, feel and behave as humans.
Yes, there is the force of evolution which slowly changes a species; once in a while it can speed up and change a species more quickly than normal. However, I assume the human morphic field evolves with human evolution. In fact, it might well be the driving factor which initiates and propels human evolution.
Our field of consciousness may well stretch far outside our heads, into the universe. Could this and the beacon of who we are in the future, be why it seems the cosmos and its aliens are signaling us? In other words, are we inherently cosmic citizens as well as citizens of Earth, and is the force of evolution forcing this insight upon us?
So my first question, are ghosts and phantoms simply a part of our normal perception but due to a glitch in the fabric of our morphic field, do we suddenly perceive in the past? An analogy might be that a great ocean is our morphic field. We are happily wading in familiar warm, pleasant ocean waters when suddenly, an ice cold current tingles around our feet and legs.
Why is there a glitch? Nothing is perfect. I remember when my father tried to take a picture of my favorite “Robin Hood” on television starring Richard Greene; Dad snapped a picture right off the tv. Soon we headed off to Florida and Dad tried to take a photo of a bear in the Smokey Mountains. Alas, he had forgotten to turn the picture forward on the old camera, so the bear and Robin Hood showed up in one over-laid photo, together.
Our perception moves in snap shots giving us the illusion of time; once in a while, there is an over-lay.
Future humans also “download” the human consciousness. The hum of the future humans is indeed the human hum, however evolved it is by then. Their in-put goes into our morphic ocean. No time is involved, our morphic field exists– until our species is no-more.
So twice in a while, another current tickles our legs, it is not our own warm ocean, it is a current which swept in from future-else when in this vast morphic ocean.
Where did this mini-cold current come from? It is simply a part of our ocean.
We know how the Earth’s electromagnetic field rolls, flows, and undulates as we watch the Aurora Borealis. We know that the human mind “runs” on electromagnetic currents. They roll, flow, and undulate by definition.
Once in a while, the human EM perception, as it snap-shots it way along, overlays into (or comes from) the Year 2500 and we have a UFO sighting. Once in a while, the EM impulse undulates, exposing the past, and we have a ghost sighting.
The bottom line is that UFOs, aliens, and paranormal realm are glitches in our perception of reality but they are nonetheless real. They simply are not where our perception is usually “at” – which is in our own time. However, time does not exist at the quantum level of consciousness. Our morphic field is not dependent on “time.”
Forging to Question Two: Are there more UFOs than there are ghosts and paranormal events? What would this prove, if anything?
According to possibilities in Question One, perhaps the morphic current from future humans is stronger than from past humans. Either it is normal and healthy for a species to feel more pull forward, or future humans themselves have stronger mind power as evolution of the species moves along.
Or, if Question One is all wrong, then here is a small shred of evidence that UFOs and the paranormal are not connected. There are many more UFO sightings than ghost sightings. There should be an equal number, or close to it, if this is the same or similar phenomenon. Also, does a ghost figure ever emerge from a UFO? The two should converge at some point, maybe?
Question Three: Why do UFOs often have bright colors, brilliant lights and geometric shapes while ghosts usually are muted, wear soft colors, and are generally low key? It seems ghosts don’t advertise themselves like UFOs do. Sometimes UFOs seem to know a human is watching them, whereas ghosts seldom interact with humans. The aliens aboard UFOs have interactions with human abductees, but no one has been abducted by a ghost (that I know of).
At this point, I must say that I have always leaned toward not connecting UFOs and the paranormal realm for reasons like the one above. However, in Passport to Magonia and other books, Jacques Vallee has good arguments for the connection of UFOs and their aliens to some strange netherworld dimension(s) of human consciousness.
Perhaps this idea should be “unspooked” a bit and we should simply consider that there is a human morphic field, nothing “nether” about it, and that we apparently have powers of consciousness that we never dreamed of, as we went about our slave labor at Stonehenge or in the 2014 office nook.
Is it time to realize that it is we humans who put “spookiness” in our amazing morphic field? Are we frightened of our own powers? I believe we have been taught to be frightened of the perception abilities of our own consciousness. “Be afraid of ghosts! Boo!” Be afraid of aliens, they are probably blood sucking reptilians. Run away!”
Perhaps this is the moment in human history when our “Passport to Magonia” will be re-titled “a passport to the amazing quantum human consciousness.” Our human EM field is timeless and it has great powers of creation and perception. I believe we are ready to join a galaxy-full of other beings with great morphic fields of their own.
Something to get into one’s head (it took me a while to get it into mine): Just because your perception does play a part in the paranormal or UFO event, it does not mean those beings or ships you perceive are not also real. They are.
Question Four: We sometimes say that a ghost or UFO might have been an illusion, not on the part of the human observer, but an illusion set up by some power which controls UFOs and/or ghosts.
I feel it is more accurate to say we may be given conventionalizations by, for instance, advanced aliens who may be sheer energy-forms. These aliens want us to know they exist, they seem to seek contact with us even if it is limited. They know that our minds cannot perceive them because they are energy-forms (or something similar). Maybe we are not quite ready for this.
So, they give us something conventional which we can perceive, identify, and relate to. They give us a scout craft, just like we imagine a scout craft to be, having just left the mother-ship. Yes, the craft then changes shape, acts strangely, or zooms off at incredible speed. Don’t we expect this “unexpected” event?
Or, they give us the conventionalization of a biped humanoid, just a bit different than us. “Oh,” say the aliens, “let’s give him a big head, slanty big eyes, no prominent nose, a tiny mouth, and spindly extremities, this is probably what the humans expect. They can still relate to him somewhat.”
Ghosts also could be what someone or something figures we expect to see: A wispy old- fashioned lady, angry at her murder, and carrying a basket of wilted flowers. In closing, these are all just “fun” theories and thoughts. It is good to stretch one’s mind and that is what I’ve just tried to do! I personally feel we need to do this in order to get close to solving or at least understanding UFO and paranormal puzzles.
Our planet is on the brink of losing her life force, or at least losing the magnificent life-giving power she had just fifty years ago. Yes she is a middle-aged planet but she is dying too soon, too fast.
I feel we humans must free ourselves of the fears by which we have been enslaved. Our slave masters are organized religions, multi-national corporations, greedy politicians and their governments, and our own ignorant, lazy somnambulism as Rome (our planet! our beloved home world!) burns.
It may be that going into convoluted theories like I just did, is not necessary. What a relief, actually, if the aliens just jogged over from Titan! Or if that UFO simply is The Enterprise after it got thrown off course by a nasty worm hole – hello great, great, great, great, great grand- children!
When all is said and done, perhaps convoluted or simple answers are not as important as our urgent need to save our own world and to accept that other forms of intelligence are visiting our skies who have never attacked us.
We need urgent help. The problems of Earth in 2014 may be beyond our species’ ability to solve in the limited time we have left, and there is little will to try to solve them at all. Those of higher intelligence and higher technology could well be our only answer at this point. We have to come at this positively, with hope, with our own intelligence and integrity, and with our human spirit of pioneering: Welcome to Earth!
Exo-Trekking is free and so are our minds! Ask for Exo-Trekking! – On our planet there are remarkable out-of-place artifacts that according to orthodox science shouldn’t exist, but they do. This 300-million-year-old screw embedded in a rock is an example of yet another controversial artifact that challenges modern science.
On October 7, 1996, a group of researchers were participating in an expeditionMAI-Kosmopoisk trying to find the fragments of a celestial body that fell in the Kaluga region, in western Russia.
What they did not expect to discoverer was an out-of-place artifact that until this day defies explanation.
When Dmitry Kurkov who discovered the stone removed the dirt from it, he saw a bolt embedded in the rock.
The screw, which is clearly visible in the head and nut, has a length of about cm and a diameter of about three millimeters.
Scientists initially thought that the screw was in a farm machine, but further examination revealed that the screw was firmly fixed in the rock.
X-ray studies also ruled out the possibility that it is a fossil crinoidea trunk, because its size is larger than the specimens of marine animals.
Geologists estimate that the age of the rock is 300-320 million years.
When Dmitry Kurkov who discovered the stone removed the dirt from it, he saw a bolt embedded in the rock.
The screw, which is clearly visible in the head and nut, has a length of about cm and a diameter of about three millimeters.
Scientists initially thought that the screw was in a farm machine, but further examination revealed that the screw was firmly fixed in the rock.
X-ray studies also ruled out the possibility that it is a fossil crinoidea trunk, because its size is larger than the specimens of marine animals.
Geologists estimate that the age of the rock is 300-320 million years.
This finding has been studied intensively in various scientific institutions of Russia - from geologists, physicists, paleontologists, mineralogists and proved that the screw was in the sediment before it is mounted on a rock. All technicians who examined this artifact are convinced that the screw has been artificially constructed and not a product of a natural process.
It is not the first time millions of year old artifacts have been discovered. We have previously seen there are several other artifacts that strongly challenge the evolutionary scenario.
In in 1889, workers in southwest Idaho discovered the Nampa figurine, an artifact skillfully formed in clay that has baffled scientists for many years.
In 1885, an iron smelter working in the foundry of the Austrian Isador Braun of Vocklabruck, Austria, discovered a small, cube-shaped piece of iron embedded in a block of coal dating to the Tertiary period lasting from approximately 65.5 million to 2.6 million years ago.
In 1851, an object that resembled a silver-zinc vase inlaid with fine silver in the form of the vine was discovered embedded within 15 feet of solid sedimentary rock. The age of this vase, according to the rock in which it found supposedly millions of years old.
A very strange 300-million-year-old aluminum gear was discovered in Vladivostok, Russia. In fact, there are so many such baffling discoveries and there is no doubt they have all undermined the most fundamental doctrines of modern science.
The screw found in the Kaluga region, is yet another puzzling artifact of unknown origin that cannot be explained by modern science.
Obviously, someone was walking the Earth millions of years ago, but these beings were not humans.
Location: Between Gassaway and Frametown, Braxton County, West Virginia Date: September 13 1952
Time: 20:00
George and Edith Snitowski, of Queens, New York, had traveled by car to Cincinnati Ohio, to visit a relative. They were on their return trip, leisurely taking the secondary roads. Around 8 p.m. they entered Braxton County and traveled along what is now State Route 4. Between Gassaway and Frametown, their car died without warning. They could not restart the engine. While George tried to figure out the problem, the air around them filled with a sickening smell that seemed like a combination of ether and burnt sulfur. At first George thought the car engine might be burning but that was not the source. The smell agitated their baby, who began crying. As darkness settled in, George was in a quandary. Frametown, the nearest town, was about twelve miles away, too far away for a practical walk. Besides, he was reluctant to leave his wife and infant alone in the car. Suddenly a blinding violet light shot out of the woods. George opened a widow and the interior of the car filled with a choking, nauseating mist. Despite the smell, he got out to investigate, retching violently. About two hundred to three hundred yards away was a luminescent spheroid that looked like a giant frosted street lamp. It floated in the air and moved back and forth. George walked closer, still sick. He began to feel hot, and then felt a sensation like low-grade electric shock course through his body. Now frightened, he turned to hurry back to the car, but his legs turned rubbery and he fell repeatedly. Then he heard Edith scream. It was a blood-curdling scream, like a “banshee”. He lurched back to the car, where he saw a huge figure illuminated in the light from the spheroid. It was about eight to nine feet tall and shaped like a man but with a reptilian head. It had shoulders, a weirdly bloated bloody, and a lower torso that seemed to be a solid mass of some sort. George scrambled into the car and pushed his wife and child onto the floor. He grabbed a knife out of the glove compartment. The creature moved closer until it was directly in front of the car. It reached out a spindly arm that ended in a soft bisected fork of “fingers” and ran it across the windshield and hood, as though it was examining the car. Then it turned and glided into the woods, disappearing from sight. Within a few minutes a globe of light rose slowly above the trees and moved into the sky, suddenly shooting away in a trail of brilliant light. Badly shaken, George tried the ignition again, and this time the car started without a problem.
They drove until they reached a truck stop diner, probably near Sutton, and went inside to compose themselves. They resolved not to talk about what happened. They then found a hotel and spent the night. The next morning, George found a forked discoloration on the hood of his car where the entity had touched it. The metal looked like it had been singed.
Humcat 1952-17 Source: Paul Lieb, Jacques Vallee & Mark Hall
Grey aliens, also referred to as “Greys”, “Grays”, “Roswell Greys”, and “Zetans”, are alleged extraterrestrial beings whose existence is understood in ufological, paranormal, and New Age religions, and who are named for their skin color. Around half of all reported alien encounters in the United States describe these Grey alien beings. Abductees have even spoken with them but their origin still remains a mystery. Nevertheless, where do they rank in the Alien Hierarchy? What is it that they know that we don’t? Is there truly Alien Knowledge hidden away from all Mankind?
What are the secrets the Greys do not want Human Beings to know? Ancient mysteries will be revealed Tonight!#AlienWeek#UFODay#UFOs#Aliens — Supernatural Spirit (@spiritworldblog) July 3, 2014
- PART 1 -
There is, in fact, {unknown, undiscovered, unexplained} Alien Knowledge out there. However, to begin to know and understand it you must get to know GOD.
The Greys (alien race) have a creator much like the Human race.
Who created the grey alien race?
If not God then who? or what?
“Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they could reach,” Hawking said. “If so, it makes sense for them to exploit each new planet for material to build more spaceships so they could move on. Who knows what the limits would be?”-Source
Alien Spaceships (UFOs) are not made of Earthly materials. This means we cannot build them. “We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet,” Hawking said. “I imagine they might exist in massive ships … having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach.”-Source
Stephen Hawking one said Aliens exist but are Dangerous.- Source
- I agree and know they are.
The Greys know (but do not tell) that one day they will cease to exist.
Why aliens might understand the universe very differently than we do.
Let’s start with the sense we use most to interact with the world. We knew there were aliens out there because we could see the sun, the moon, the stars, and even the planets in the solar system. And we could see those things with our naked eyes, because we can pick up certain wavelengths of light. All we had to do, even hundreds of years ago, was turn out eyes upwards (sometimes with the aid of telescopes, true) to see the potential for other worlds. The same is not necessarily true for the aliens.
They do not wonder or question the universe. . . They know. This includes all the deep inside the Earth and all the Space above Earth. This would mean Abductees can ask them anything about the Earth, Space, or Time. And they will have an answer.
Location: Between Gysinge and Sandviken, Halsignland, Sweden Date: September 1973
Time: near midnight
On a chilly evening the witness Peggy Robert was traveling by car to meet a friend living in Kilafors. Soon she notices a bright blinking light on the left side of the road. Peggy’s first thought is that this may be a helicopter. The light follows the car and not f…ar from the small locality of Arsunda she gets a closer look at the light and now an object appears in clear view. It has the classic saucer shape with windows around the rim, from which a yellow light shone forth. The object is of a silver gray color. The UFO followed gently over the houses in towards the community. She didn’t dare to continue the trip into the forest again but stopped to see what would happen.
Peggy parked her vehicle close to a house and decides to alert the people living nearby but changed her mind as it is very late, close to midnight. She studies the object for about twenty minutes sitting in her car with the window opened. There is no sound as the object oscillates and bobbles up and down, very close, at treetop level. Peggy estimates the diameter of the object as about 10 meters. Underneath there is a blue-white light shining down like a spotlight. In the yellow light behind the windows Peggy notices entities moving back and forth. She can’t see them clearly, only the upper part of the entities and in silhouette. She says she felt very “solemn and peaceful.” She was completely exalted and happy.
After some twenty minutes Peggy decides to continue the journey and the object disappears behind the forest. But not far from Sandviken, close to Lake Storsjon, the object is visible once again and now makes a turn just a few meters above the car and then flies away over the lake. When Peggy arrives at Kilafors she is totally exhausted, she just wants to sleep. When she got into her bed she felt a powerful shock or force that started at her feet, went up her spine and ended in her head. It seemed to linger in her head as her body felt like a big lump of dough floating out over the bed. It was an unpleasant experience. Suddenly the force shot down her spin and to her feet and left. After this, Peggy fell asleep. This UFO observation was a turning point in the life of Peggy Robert.
Location: Lavaure Puy-de-Dome, France Date: October 20-25 1960
Time: 1900
M Faure, an agricultural worker, was returning home when he was dazzled by the appearance of a large light source 30 ft away, at a height of 10-12 ft. It was a luminous rectangle in which he could see very clearly the upper part of two silhouettes of human aspect. The 2 beings were apparently wearing helmets, since “the upper part of the silhouettes was very rounded,” the round part being about 18” in diameter. Then the lights suddenly went out. He searched for traces the next day but found none.
Many people interested in all things UFO/Alien have long suspected NASA to be keeping many secrets when it comes to extra-terrestrial life on the Moon and Mars. Many observers in the field believes that NASA has been doctoring photos of the surface of the Moon and Mars before releasing them to the public. Once in a while, relentless researchers who examine every single photos NASA releases with a fine comb will spot what looks like an intelligently designed structure and claim that NASA either missed it or intentionally left it there to get people talking.
Last year a bizarre photo taken by rover Curiosity emerged, no it was not a base, it was something looking like a rodent!
Rodent on Mars?
A little prior to that there was this odd little thing that kinda looked like an alien mouse coming out of a hole. Can you see what looks like two big ears, two black eyes and an elongated snout?
A Martian Mouse?
In 2010, something that looked like a monkey showed up in a photo taken by the Mars Spirit Rover in the Gusev crater. This was a crater that is believed to have been once filled with water. This photo created quite a buzz amongst alien enthusiasts. It sorts of look like the body of a gorilla but with the head of a squirrel monkey.
Is that a gorilla-like creature?
Now below is a different photo from a slightly different angle.
In the 1960’s there was a plan devised by the U.S. Government to have in place a conspiracy of denial with regards to the possibility that a new space program would discover the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe. This plan, provided by the Brookings Institute, was completed in December of 1960 and pointed out the very real fear of social disintegration if humanity discovered in its cosmic sojourn proof of extra-terrestrial life.
The Brookings report was very clear when it suggested that “Anthropological files contain many examples of societies sure of their place in the universe which have disintegrated when they had to associate with previously unfamiliar societies espousing different societies in different ways.”
Needless to say the guardians of intelligence suggested that if the U.S. space program found evidence of alien life or technology that it would be advisable to withhold that information. Nearly five decades later, much of what the Brookings Institute laid out for the space program still holds and science is still in the act of denial of any intelligent life in space.
Since the Curiosity Rover landed on the surface Mars , there have been a number of curious anomalies being sent back to earth that have created all sort of buzz on the Internet. Observers have seen nything from strange human looking statues on Mars, to strange lights beaming up from the surface and of course various Unidentified flying objects that come and go and are recorded.
NASA has done its best to explain that what is being seen is some sort of lens flare or pareidolia much like was done at the time that curious mars watchers saw a face in the Cydonia region of Mars.
In an email published by The Virtually Strange Network, “Brookings Report Re-examined,” Keith Woodard writes that the Brookings Report “did raise the possibility of withholding information, but took no position on its advisability. ‘Questions one might wish to answer by such studies,’ intoned the report, ‘would include: how might such information, under what circumstances, be presented to or withheld from the public for what ends?
What might be the role of the discovering scientists and other decision makers regarding release of the fact of discovery?’ Those two sentences comprise the report’s entire commentary on the subject of covering up the truth.”
It was after the Hurricane Katrina Disaster that George W. Bush announced that United States was once again preparing to go to the moon and then explore Mars. It was a One hundred and four billion dollar plan to get men back on the Moon by 2015.
The next challenge would be Mars in 2015. In the meantime there were private companies asking people to take part in experiments to see if the average human could withstand and or participate in a Mars expedition. There were even all sorts of polls taken where people would volunteer to go to mars and not return.
The Netherlands-based nonprofit Mars One, which aims to establish a Red Planet settlement beginning in 2025, announced that it had sliced its pool of potential colonists from 1,058 down to 705. The remaining astronaut candidates now advance to an interview round with Mars One’s selection committee.
With all of the anomalous coincidences there has always been the question in the back of a few people’s minds as to whether or not off planet settlements exist or if our Military have secretly established small bases or scout encampments on the Moon or even on Mars.
There have been plenty of weird statements by Astronauts and others about how the space program is neglecting its responsibility to Mars. Which once again is curious because the Mars Rover and the saucer experiments.
Apollo Astronaut Buzz Aldrin has mentioned many times about anomalous artifacts found on Phobos including a monolith structure, and how a settlement on mars should be led by the United States and that historians will record our success in leaving earth for mars sooner than later.
When Hacker Gary McKinnon breached security on a so called “secure” NASA computer network he happened to hack into a series of computers in the Pentagon, NASA, and other sensitive military locations. McKinnon claimed he was seeking information on UFOs and says he found files dealing with “non-terrestrial officers” and “fleet-to-fleet transfers” involving ships not on any U.S. Navy registry.
This story makes us wonder if we are being told everything about what is going on above us. The McKinnon story is just one of the many that provide circumstantial evidence which points to the possibility that there are secret weapons and stations above us in space and possible settlements or micro bases on either the moon or Mars.
NASA is a military installation claiming to be civilian. The billions of dollars going to “philanthropic space programs” are mostly funneling into the military industrial complex. Sure there are missions to send probes out in space. But the real reason for NASA is to research the idea of using space as the new battlefield. The dreams get the good press but the nightmares are performed in secret.
You may not believe in Aliens, but it is evident that space agencies around the world do and that the United States Military, NASA and other black ops organizations have sensitive information that they have kept from the American people regarding strange anomalous activities in space. It is getting to the point where NASA is no longer capable of keeping everything “top secret.” Some things cannot easily be explained by science.
NASA is finding it harder to hide the truth about an “alien” presence on earth and in the solar system. They are also finding it harder to hide the fact that perhaps they have kept under wraps secret space missions and off world battalions that may have secret bases either on the moon or even Mars.
Now I know at first that the idea of a secret space port or even a settlement on Mars or the moon sound outrageous, but just before Barack Obama cut funding for some of the more challenging space projects many astronauts and other were kind of hinting at the idea that NASA is not telling the truth about what is above us in space.
The most “earthlike” planet in terms of gravity and distance from the sun, Mars has long been considered the best bet for extraterrestrial life and the possibility of a settlement of humans living on the red planet.
I am sure many of us are familiar with William Cooper. He is the well known former U.S. Naval Intelligence officer that shot by police officers in 2001. He is the author of the book Behold a pale Horse.
In Bill Cooper’s 1989 lecture and affidavit, he states that the U.S had first landed on Mars on May 22, 1962 and that, by the time the U.S./NASA public space program landed on the moon in 1969, the U.S. already had a moon base there, since the mid-1950s..
“The first moon landing was May 22, 1962 … or excuses me that was the first landing on Mars. I’m sorry, May 22, 1962, was the winged probe that used a hydrozine propeller, flew around approximately three orbits and landed on May 22, 1962, was a joint United States/Russian endeavor. The first time that we landed on the moon was sometime during the … probably middle 50s, because at the time when President Kennedy stated that he wanted a man to set foot on the moon by the end of the decade we already had a base there.”—William Cooper 1989
Well, if you believe William Cooper, then perhaps it is not much of stretch to announce that a new whitsle blower has stepped forward and has made the claim that he served in a military capacity on Mars and that he has done so for 17 years.
An former active duty -marine using the Pseudonym “Captain Kaye” claims that he spent 17 years on Mars serving at a secret military base whose main mission was to protect five civilian space colonies Kaye claims that he served with the Mars Defense Force and that they recruit personnel from different military services for off earth activity.
If true, his testimony would back up Gary McKinnon’s case, William Coopers claims and the vague Mars comments offered by the likes of Astronauts Gene Cernan and Buzz Aldrin. Captain Kaye reports that he was recruited from a covert branch of the U.S. Marine Corps called “Special Section.”
Captain Kaye’s testimony reveals that the main human colony on Mars is called Aries Prime which is located inside a crater. Aries Prime serves as the headquarters for the Mars Colony Corporation. According to Captain Kaye, the air is breathable on the surface of Mars, and the temperature could be warm at times.
He claims that there are two indigenous species on Mars, both of which are highly intelligent. One of these was a Reptilian species that was very aggressive in defending its territory.
The other was an Insectoid species that was equally capable of protecting its territory. He said that indigenous Martians are not particularly interested in expanding their territory, only maintaining it.
Captain Kaye said that as long as the Mars Defense Force and Mars Colony Corporation did not encroach on the territory of the indigenous Martians, there would be stable relations.
Captain Kay first made his case and reported his experiences to Dr. Michael Salla of Exo-politics.
Kaye reported to Salla that after serving 17 years of a 20 year tour of duty, events changed dramatically when virtually all combat personnel from the Mars Defense force were asked to retrieve an extraterrestrial artifact from a cave sacred to the indigenous Reptilians. Captain Kaye described how over 1000 men and women were killed in a subsequent battle and only 28 of his colleagues, including himself, survived.
It is important to understand that there have been others who also have made claims of being used for experiments in a simulated Martian environment that has affected them psychologically.
There have been claims by Andrew D. Basagio and Arthur Neumann, that they were part of experiments that placed them on mars working with extraterrestrial beings.
Apart from the outrageous claims of these possible Martian astronauts are recent experiments that NASA has conducted for future visits to Mars.
NASA successfully launched and recovered a “flying saucer” into Earth’s atmosphere to test technology that could be used to aid astronauts working on the planet. The experiment off the coast of the Hawaiian island of Kauai tested the disc-shaped vehicle and a giant parachute. The parachute did not fully deploy but NASA still deemed the mission a success. The ‘flying saucer’ splashed down in Pacific.
Dr. Tom Van Flandern has argued for many years that mankind and science should always keep an open mind when it comes to Mars. We see a lot of people who claim to be scientists or claim to be skeptics, and yet in the same breath become unscientific, rigid, and malicious.
They throw insults at people who have imaginations. They laugh at people who see faces in Martian soil, and artificial structures. They laugh at those who wonder about microbial life forms on the planet. They belittle those who speculate.
However, how are we supposed to react to those who claim to be part of secret space programs where we may already have bases planted in the regolith of the moon or the red soil of Mars?
In a free and open society where communication spreads as fast as one can hit enter on a keyboard mankind goes from rudimentary space explorers to fully fledged pioneers into the final frontier.
We have been warned that Mars is a hostile place and that we do not have a fighting chance at living there, but we are told that someday we may have to live there if earth becomes too hostile.
If we intend to live on Mars, and stay there permanently, we’ll be leaning hard on our technology to keep us alive.
However that may all change because there are always those who came before us that have said , we have been there , done that and now it is time to go back and show that living on Mars is not as bad as we have thought.
Perhaps we will have to change ourselves to adapt to what Mars has to offer.
In the 1960’s there was a plan devised by the U.S. Government to have in place a conspiracy of denial with regards to the possibility that a new space program would discover the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe. Tonight on Ground Zero we talk to Captain “K,” a former Marine who claims he spent 17 years living on the Red Planet. It’s our conversation with ‘CAPTAIN “K” OF MARS‘!
In the 1960’s there was a plan devised by the U.S. Government to have in place a conspiracy of denial with regards to the possibility that a new space program would discover the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe. This plan, provided by the Brookings Institute, was completed in December of 1960 and pointed out the very real fear of social disintegration if humanity discovered in its cosmic sojourn proof of extra-terrestrial life.
The Brookings report was very clear when it suggested that “Anthropological files contain many examples of societies sure of their place in the universe which have disintegrated when they had to associate with previously unfamiliar societies espousing different societies in different ways.”
Needless to say the guardians of intelligence suggested that if the U.S. space program found evidence of alien life or technology that it would be advisable to withhold that information. Nearly five decades later, much of what the Brookings Institute laid out for the space program still holds and science is still in the act of denial of any intelligent life in space.
Since the Curiosity Rover landed on the surface Mars , there have been a number of curious anomalies being sent back to earth that have created all sort of buzz on the Internet. Observers have seen nything from strange human looking statues on Mars, to strange lights beaming up from the surface and of course various Unidentified flying objects that come and go and are recorded.
NASA has done its best to explain that what is being seen is some sort of lens flare or pareidolia much like was done at the time that curious mars watchers saw a face in the Cydonia region of Mars.
In an email published by The Virtually Strange Network, “Brookings Report Re-examined,” Keith Woodard writes that the Brookings Report “did raise the possibility of withholding information, but took no position on its advisability. ‘Questions one might wish to answer by such studies,’ intoned the report, ‘would include: how might such information, under what circumstances, be presented to or withheld from the public for what ends?
What might be the role of the discovering scientists and other decision makers regarding release of the fact of discovery?’ Those two sentences comprise the report’s entire commentary on the subject of covering up the truth.”
It was after the Hurricane Katrina Disaster that George W. Bush announced that United States was once again preparing to go to the moon and then explore Mars. It was a One hundred and four billion dollar plan to get men back on the Moon by 2015.
The next challenge would be Mars in 2015. In the meantime there were private companies asking people to take part in experiments to see if the average human could withstand and or participate in a Mars expedition. There were even all sorts of polls taken where people would volunteer to go to mars and not return.
The Netherlands-based nonprofit Mars One, which aims to establish a Red Planet settlement beginning in 2025, announced that it had sliced its pool of potential colonists from 1,058 down to 705. The remaining astronaut candidates now advance to an interview round with Mars One’s selection committee.
With all of the anomalous coincidences there has always been the question in the back of a few people’s minds as to whether or not off planet settlements exist or if our Military have secretly established small bases or scout encampments on the Moon or even on Mars.
There have been plenty of weird statements by Astronauts and others about how the space program is neglecting its responsibility to Mars. Which once again is curious because the Mars Rover and the saucer experiments.
Apollo Astronaut Buzz Aldrin has mentioned many times about anomalous artifacts found on Phobos including a monolith structure, and how a settlement on mars should be led by the United States and that historians will record our success in leaving earth for mars sooner than later.
When Hacker Gary McKinnon breached security on a so called “secure” NASA computer network he happened to hack into a series of computers in the Pentagon, NASA, and other sensitive military locations. McKinnon claimed he was seeking information on UFOs and says he found files dealing with “non-terrestrial officers” and “fleet-to-fleet transfers” involving ships not on any U.S. Navy registry.
This story makes us wonder if we are being told everything about what is going on above us. The McKinnon story is just one of the many that provide circumstantial evidence which points to the possibility that there are secret weapons and stations above us in space and possible settlements or micro bases on either the moon or Mars.
NASA is a military installation claiming to be civilian. The billions of dollars going to “philanthropic space programs” are mostly funneling into the military industrial complex. Sure there are missions to send probes out in space. But the real reason for NASA is to research the idea of using space as the new battlefield. The dreams get the good press but the nightmares are performed in secret.
You may not believe in Aliens, but it is evident that space agencies around the world do and that the United States Military, NASA and other black ops organizations have sensitive information that they have kept from the American people regarding strange anomalous activities in space. It is getting to the point where NASA is no longer capable of keeping everything “top secret.” Some things cannot easily be explained by science.
NASA is finding it harder to hide the truth about an “alien” presence on earth and in the solar system. They are also finding it harder to hide the fact that perhaps they have kept under wraps secret space missions and off world battalions that may have secret bases either on the moon or even Mars.
Now I know at first that the idea of a secret space port or even a settlement on Mars or the moon sound outrageous, but just before Barack Obama cut funding for some of the more challenging space projects many astronauts and other were kind of hinting at the idea that NASA is not telling the truth about what is above us in space.
The most “earthlike” planet in terms of gravity and distance from the sun, Mars has long been considered the best bet for extraterrestrial life and the possibility of a settlement of humans living on the red planet.
I am sure many of us are familiar with William Cooper. He is the well known former U.S. Naval Intelligence officer that shot by police officers in 2001. He is the author of the book Behold a pale Horse.
In Bill Cooper’s 1989 lecture and affidavit, he states that the U.S had first landed on Mars on May 22, 1962 and that, by the time the U.S./NASA public space program landed on the moon in 1969, the U.S. already had a moon base there, since the mid-1950s..
“The first moon landing was May 22, 1962 … or excuses me that was the first landing on Mars. I’m sorry, May 22, 1962, was the winged probe that used a hydrozine propeller, flew around approximately three orbits and landed on May 22, 1962, was a joint United States/Russian endeavor. The first time that we landed on the moon was sometime during the … probably middle 50s, because at the time when President Kennedy stated that he wanted a man to set foot on the moon by the end of the decade we already had a base there.”—William Cooper 1989
Well, if you believe William Cooper, then perhaps it is not much of stretch to announce that a new whitsle blower has stepped forward and has made the claim that he served in a military capacity on Mars and that he has done so for 17 years.
An former active duty -marine using the Pseudonym “Captain Kaye” claims that he spent 17 years on Mars serving at a secret military base whose main mission was to protect five civilian space colonies Kaye claims that he served with the Mars Defense Force and that they recruit personnel from different military services for off earth activity.
If true, his testimony would back up Gary McKinnon’s case, William Coopers claims and the vague Mars comments offered by the likes of Astronauts Gene Cernan and Buzz Aldrin. Captain Kaye reports that he was recruited from a covert branch of the U.S. Marine Corps called “Special Section.”
Captain Kaye’s testimony reveals that the main human colony on Mars is called Aries Prime which is located inside a crater. Aries Prime serves as the headquarters for the Mars Colony Corporation. According to Captain Kaye, the air is breathable on the surface of Mars, and the temperature could be warm at times.
He claims that there are two indigenous species on Mars, both of which are highly intelligent. One of these was a Reptilian species that was very aggressive in defending its territory.
The other was an Insectoid species that was equally capable of protecting its territory. He said that indigenous Martians are not particularly interested in expanding their territory, only maintaining it.
Captain Kaye said that as long as the Mars Defense Force and Mars Colony Corporation did not encroach on the territory of the indigenous Martians, there would be stable relations.
Captain Kay first made his case and reported his experiences to Dr. Michael Salla of Exo-politics.
Kaye reported to Salla that after serving 17 years of a 20 year tour of duty, events changed dramatically when virtually all combat personnel from the Mars Defense force were asked to retrieve an extraterrestrial artifact from a cave sacred to the indigenous Reptilians. Captain Kaye described how over 1000 men and women were killed in a subsequent battle and only 28 of his colleagues, including himself, survived.
It is important to understand that there have been others who also have made claims of being used for experiments in a simulated Martian environment that has affected them psychologically.
There have been claims by Andrew D. Basagio and Arthur Neumann, that they were part of experiments that placed them on mars working with extraterrestrial beings.
Apart from the outrageous claims of these possible Martian astronauts are recent experiments that NASA has conducted for future visits to Mars.
NASA successfully launched and recovered a “flying saucer” into Earth’s atmosphere to test technology that could be used to aid astronauts working on the planet. The experiment off the coast of the Hawaiian island of Kauai tested the disc-shaped vehicle and a giant parachute. The parachute did not fully deploy but NASA still deemed the mission a success. The ‘flying saucer’ splashed down in Pacific.
Dr. Tom Van Flandern has argued for many years that mankind and science should always keep an open mind when it comes to Mars. We see a lot of people who claim to be scientists or claim to be skeptics, and yet in the same breath become unscientific, rigid, and malicious.
They throw insults at people who have imaginations. They laugh at people who see faces in Martian soil, and artificial structures. They laugh at those who wonder about microbial life forms on the planet. They belittle those who speculate.
However, how are we supposed to react to those who claim to be part of secret space programs where we may already have bases planted in the regolith of the moon or the red soil of Mars?
In a free and open society where communication spreads as fast as one can hit enter on a keyboard mankind goes from rudimentary space explorers to fully fledged pioneers into the final frontier.
We have been warned that Mars is a hostile place and that we do not have a fighting chance at living there, but we are told that someday we may have to live there if earth becomes too hostile.
If we intend to live on Mars, and stay there permanently, we’ll be leaning hard on our technology to keep us alive.
However that may all change because there are always those who came before us that have said , we have been there , done that and now it is time to go back and show that living on Mars is not as bad as we have thought.
Perhaps we will have to change ourselves to adapt to what Mars has to offer.
In the 1960’s there was a plan devised by the U.S. Government to have in place a conspiracy of denial with regards to the possibility that a new space program would discover the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe. Tonight on Ground Zero we talk to Captain “K,” a former Marine who claims he spent 17 years living on the Red Planet. It’s our conversation with ‘CAPTAIN “K” OF MARS‘!
It is interesting to note that fighter pilots being a different breed than most people with abilities and discipline that would exceed many of us still run into a brick wall when confronted with the supposedly non-existent UFO. Torn between the duties they are trained to perform, the regimen they must follow, and official policy still they are in a quandary when confronted by the existence of the officially denied flying saucer. So was Lieutenant Gorman October 1, 1948 over Fargo North Dakota as he came in contact with the aerial unknown.
Just about to land around 9:00 PM that evening at Hector Field, F-51 pilot George F. Gorman, chose to pursue and identify an unknown aircraft not spotted by air tower personnel who had already warned him of the presence of a Piper Cub in close vicinity. At just 500 feet below him, the Lieutenant elected to identify what he first thought was the tail light of another aircraft. He sound found it he would be in for the experience of his life as a round and flat object took him on a harrowing series of acrobatic maneuvers that almost led to head on collisions on two occasions prior to his finally being outdistanced by an object that exceeded the capabilities of arguably the best fighter aircraft of World War II at speeds exceeding 400 mph.
In the aftermath
In the wake of this extraordinary encounter, the Lieutenant, a seasoned veteran and World War II flying instructor, was so shaken he could barely land his Mustang fighter. He observed that the intelligently controlled craft he had chased was probably some form of hardware as it behaved as such even though it had outmaneuvered and out accelerated the F-51 he was flying. First Director of Project Blue Book, Captain Edward Ruppelt mentions the incident in his 1956 book “The Report on UFO’s” stating that the US Air Force had written off the incident as the mistaken misidentification of a weather balloon saying that the running light obscured the darkened background of the inflated neoprene structure that would have been invisible at night. Therefore, Gorman was chasing a balloon that seemed elusive as the force of his aircraft pushed the balloon away each time he made a pass at it.
The continual denial
Personally, I did not know that there were balloons capable of outrunning 400 mph propeller driven aircraft, but who am I to make such an outrageous observation. Such is the illusion of the official version of such events that usually satisfy the short lived inquiry of reporters and skeptics alike. It is clear that government denial has played a huge role in legitimizing the pathetic attempts at debunking many of these fantastic encounters. Yet, each time it is the pilot, whether commercial, private, or military who becomes straddled with the burden of proof, even when left stunned in the wake of such amazing occurrences. This leads to the classic plight of the pilot when encountering the UFO not only on its terms but the terms of official denial.
Another former astronaut’s sighting
Just as Lieutenant Gorman, soon to be first generation Mercury Program Astronaut Deke Slayton spoke of his UFO encounter while flying his F-51 and upon a landing approach. Once again, a well-trained, and aggressive young pilot faced with the unknown choses to bravely pursue the unknown out of curiosity as well as duty as comes to the same conclusion. He was chasing an unconventional or unknown aerial opponent who was able to effectively out maneuver his more than capable fighter plane the P-51 Mustang as it was labeled during World War II then reclassified as an F-51, the designation F standing for “Fighter”. Slayton observed that he made a tight turn that should have resulted in him cutting off the path of the unknown object, yet it still beat him and his venerable aircraft. Slayton simply explained that his propeller driven fighter could not compete with the speed of the “Bogey” he was chasing.
Admissions of a Brigadier
One might note here that though famous test pilot, Chuck Yeager, famous for breaking the sound barrier in 1947 in his Bell X-1 had publicly observed that most officers who wanted a career in the military did not report UFO’s. Did Deke Slayton admit to his sighting before or after he had been chosen for the Mercury Space Program? Yeager himself privately admitted to family and friends that he utilized solo time during test flights to pursue unknowns whenever he encountered them.
Undeniable legacy of history
When the massive UFO flaps that stunned the American public occurred after 1947 and for years after into the mid 1950’s according to Captain Edward Ruppelt Director of Project Blue Book, many commercial airline pilots were experienced World War II combat pilots incensed over the US Air Force’s tactic of repudiation during the course of interviews over UFO reports. Ruppelt, who had been invited to meet with several airline pilots found himself absorbing the brunt of their frustration as he listened to them saying he felt like a set of bowling pins being constantly set up and knocked over again. This he stated in his book published in 1956 “The Report on UFO’s”.
Upon reflection
It is clear that the legacy of the brave and sometimes audacious pilot comes into conflict not only with a strange and unknown phenomenon, but also with his employer, the federal government when trained, oriented, and deployed for the purpose of defending our nation’s air space. This persistent dilemma manifests itself in not only hypocritical government policies, but under the aegis of long standing secrecy that has even implied that pilots themselves may fall under the harsh consequences of fines and even imprisonment should they run afoul of such military regulations designed to intimidate would be observers into silence once they have experienced the rigors of the non-existent manifestation that we loosely refer to as UFO’s.
In Part III we will explore further the ominous implications of being a pilot under the most difficult and mystifying of circumstances.
It was their wedding day, September 28, 2008. Jim and Linda had just gotten married. They were staying at the same condo in Perdido Key, FL, where they vacation every year. Perdido Key is a barrier island about 16 miles long, no more than a few hundred yards wide in most places and about 16 miles southwest of Pensacola. Jim is 57 years old and retired from the Marine Corps. He and his wife, Linda, were walking on the beach a few hours after their wedding. There were several other people around but none in close proximity to Jim and Linda. Linda was on Jim’s left side and closest to the water.
The couple were just playing around when Jim, facing Linda on his left, noticed a strange, large black cloud over the Gulf of Mexico. He said it was strange because it was a beautiful day. The entire sky was blue with white puffy clouds and the black cloud seemed out of place. Jim said he kept staring at it because it was so black – a different color black he had never seen before. The black cloud started to move in their direction. It sped up, stopped and silently hovered between 125 and 150 feet above and in front of them. Jim said he saw a flash of light that lit up the cloud for about 10 seconds.
He could then see a dull gray craft with many windows and a being inside, from about the shoulders up, looking down at them. Jim said he could see the being clearly because the craft was illuminated with white light inside. He described the being as “not huge, about the size of a 14 or 15-year-old, kind of skinny and dark, but not black.” He was unable to see the face. When asked about the shape of the craft, he said he thought it looked round but was more focused on the being inside. Jim said after about 10 seconds the cloud turned black again. He said he became very scared and said to Linda, “Let’s get out of here,” so they began to run back to their condo.
As they were holding hands running, Linda was asking Jim what was wrong. Linda had not seen the craft or its occupant. Jim said he kept looking back at the black cloud and saw it moving back toward the Gulf. He said when he got back to the condo after about two or three minutes, the black cloud was then back over the Gulf. Jim said he looked down for a few seconds to wash the sand off his feet and when he looked back up the black cloud was gone. When asked if the event frightened him Jim replied, “I have to be honest, I was really scared.”
It is interesting to note that Perdido Key is located approximately 10 miles west of Gulf Breeze and 40 miles east of Pascagoula, MS; both places well known for UFO incidents. Back in their condo, Linda asked Jim what the black cloud was that they had seen on the beach. Jim was not aware Linda had seen it. He didn’t point out the black cloud or the craft when they were on the beach because he didn’t want to frighten her. Jim’s reply was, “I think it was a UFO.” As unbelievable as this report sounds, I am totally convinced of its truthfulness due to the sincerity and integrity of this highly credible witness. The case is closed as an Unknown Aerial Vehicle.
West Virginians report ‘intelligent fireball’ UFO over small town
Witnesses driving through the small town of Sutton, WV, reported watching a fireball-looking UFO that appeared to move intelligently on March 2, 2014. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
A West Virginia Dad in Sutton relates a UFO encounter his daughter and two friends had where a fireball-looking object appeared to move intelligently overhead, according to March 7, 2014, testimony in Case 54493 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The father tells the story from his daughter’s point of view about the event, which occurred about midnight on March 2, 2014. West Virginia MUFON Assistant State Director Dennis Henshaw is investigating.
The daughter and two friends were on their way to pick up a friend from work when a bright light was first noticed.
“Light was bright enough to see from other lights,” the witness stated. “Stopped to see what it was and thought it was a meteor. It came down towards a plane, commercial type, and thought it was going to hit it. Fireball stopped as if to let plane pass, and then continued.”
The witness described the object.
“It made a zigzag pass, glowed brighter, and then dimmer. Had tentacles (shafts of light come out from top and bottom), shoot from top and bottom. It dimmed to almost nothing. We thought it was gone and then it came back on and finally disappeared behind the mountain.”
West Virginia Assistant State Director Dennis Henshaw investigated for MUFON. He has closed the case as Insufficient Information as it is a second-hand report and he was unable to make contact with the reporting witness.
Photo: Did disc-shaped UFO emerge from Indiana lake?
An Indiana witness at Salem reported finding and photographing a “large circle” on a frozen lake that was still visible three days after it was created, according to March 7, 2014, testimony in Case 54500.
No further information was available today on exactly how the circle was created “overnight on March 4, 2014,” but the reporting witness did provide one photo of the anomaly. The report implies that a disc-shaped UFO may have come up out of the lake or gone into it.
The Salem, IN, witness was wondering what created a disc-shaped opening in a local lake that occurred overnight on March 4, 2014. Indiana MUFON resolved the case as an Identified Object, Other. (Credit: MUFON)
“It was still visible on March 7, 2014,” the witness stated.
Indiana Field Investigator Patrick O’Brien closed the case as an IFO – Identified, Other.
“Water piped into the house via hose into pump, water cold from pond, back flow after each pump period flow back, water warmed to a degree to cause clash of warm/cold water forming the circle,” O’Brien stated in his report. “Consider the circle to be an IFO/Identified, Other.”
UFO drops quickly toward ground level over Wyoming interstate
Two Wyoming witnesses driving northbound along I-25 about 5 to 10 miles south of Cheyenne about 9:40 p.m. on March 6, 2014, reported watching three lights originally thought to be an airplane that quickly dropped and moved alarmingly close to their vehicle, according to testimony from Case 54501.
Witnesses northbound along I-25 about 10 miles south of Cheyenne were startled when the object dropped down directly above them on March 6, 2014. (Credit: Google)
The two were returning from a trip to Fort Collins, CO, and were approaching Cheyenne when three lights in the sky were first thought to be a C130.
“It was coming south and started to bank towards the east,” the reporting witness stated. “I saw it rotate approximately 90-degrees such that a plane (let alone a large one) could not sustain lift. I immediately thought, whatever it was, it was going to crash. At that point the lights were straight vertical, with three lights up and down.”
As the object moved closer, they could see that it was not a plane.
“It started coming towards as we drove on the interstate northbound. I started to notice, as it got closer, that it was not a plane. I could not really see any structure. This may have been because the lights were bright, because I was driving, or because it did not have any.”
Then they noticed that the object was getting even closer.
“As it got closer to us it turned more horizontally (lights maybe 45-degrees or more) and started coming towards my truck that was travelling approximately 75 mph. My buddy started yelling at me to hit the gas pedal because we thought it was coming at us and would crash into the interstate.”
The object then appeared to be directly over their vehicle’s rooftop.
“Eventually the lights slowed down and whatever it was, was directly above my truck roof (which is opaque, no sunroof or anything). I rolled down my window and stuck my head out to see if I could see it in the rear, but my view was obstructed and I do not think anything was visible.”
Wyoming State Director Richard Beckwith investigated and closed this case as an Unknown.
“Due to the close proximity of the witnesses to the object, the description of the object itself, and the genuinely novel manner in which the object maneuvered, it would appear that an astronomical explanation for this event can be immediately ruled out,” Beckwith stated in his report.
“Likewise, explanations involving birds, insects, plasma or ‘earth’ lights from tectonic activity, etc., can all be ruled out on this basis. Likewise, because of the object’s description, its movement, and its unnervingly close proximity to the witnesses, satellites and rockets can be ruled out. The only thing that remains is some kind of aircraft, either an airplane or a helicopter.
“Whether it is an airplane or a helicopter, FAA regulations still require all aircraft to be equipped with certain colors of lights: red, green and white. This object had yellow lights flashing to yellow, and no red or white lights. Moreover, the object made no sound. Ne’er a sound could be heard, not even when the object was directly overhead. Absence of a regulated light configuration, silent operation and novelistic motion do not support a man-made explanation for the object.”
Former Navy serviceman reports UFO monitoring ship
A former Navy serviceman reported an encounter with a ball of light mirroring his ship’s course and speed during a multi-national naval exercise near the Hawaiian Islands, according to March 10, 2014, testimony in Case 54547.
The former serviceman reveals how a UFO followed his ship in August 2010. Image: RIMPAC 2010. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
The witness was in transit back to a San Diego home port from the RIMPAC multi-national naval exercises about 10:15 p.m. on August 4, 2010, when the events occurred.
“Course and speed was roughly 010 true @15 kits,” the witness stated. “I had just finished my watch in sonar control and went to the smoke deck on our starboard quarter (aka starboard break). I was not alone, however, I do not remember how many people or who was there that also witnessed the event.”
The witness described what he saw that night.
“I saw a medium-sized ball of light about 10 or 20 feet above water approximately 3 kyds away almost as soon as I got there. Initially I thought it was another ship that was also in transit and continued to observe it because, to my knowledge, we were alone in transit on our Pim. (Strike group commander set course and speed). It was mirroring our course and speed almost exactly with no discernible difference to our own for a period of about 15 minutes.”
The witness watched the light move.
“The ball then traveled very rapidly from a forward position relative to my ship to aft and then changed elevation and rose vertically nearly instantly to an elevation of about 200 feet or so from my perspective. It then appeared to mirror our course and speed from that elevation and follow us.”
The witness decided to report the event immediately.
“Startled and perplexed I put out my cigarette and went directly to the CIC (Combat Information Center) to report what I had seen to the CIC watch officer and radar operators. I told the CICWO my findings and was brushed off.”
But the conversation was overheard.
“I then went to the SPS-49 7 radar operator and he had apparently overheard my story. The petty officer on watch proceeded to show me that he had contact on the surface and air search radar that corresponded to what I had witnessed. He also told me that the same chain of events has been reported three other times by other individuals and had been occurring since our transit had begun two days prior.”
The witness is not sure if the events were officially logged.
“I do not recall if the incidents had been logged or not in the CIC watch contact log. I seem to recall being told by this petty officer that they were instructed to maintain contact and observe its movements, but don’t bother logging it as it didn’t appear hostile or of any interest. I was also told by him that the past two nights they had lost contact due to extreme elevation at about the same time each night – a few hours before dawn.”
The witness states that there were other reports of communications failure.
“Oddly enough during the actual RIMPAC (Rim of the Pacific Exercise) exercises, my ship, as well as every other ship in our strike group, experienced strange connectivity and communication issues. An investigation was launched by the strike group commander under the premise that there was a suspected probe initiated by the Chinese on our entire strike group. I later discovered that the communications and systems phenomenon the ships experienced had no explainable origin and no evidence of an attack from a foreign nation was detected.”
Hawaii State Director David McManus investigated and closed this case as an Unknown.
I might be tempted to believe this was some type of surveillance equipment (as the RIMPAC exercise is heavily monitored by China),” McManus stated in his report. “The witness states that this possibility was investigated and rejected. If this were a device under the control of a foreign power, the ship’s personnel (and especially a radar technician like the witness) would have been told about it.”
McManus said he interviewed the witness and believes he “appears to be highly credible.”
South Dakota witnesses say landed UFO killed dog
A group of South Dakota witnesses at Watertown filed a MUFON report stating they witnessed a UFO land where light engulfed a dog and killed it. Image: Downtown Watertown. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Witnesses in Watertown, SD, reported watching a Saturn-shaped light descend from the sky that landed, “engulfed” and eventually killed a dog before moving away, according to March 11, 2014, testimony in Case 54585.
The reporting witness and two friends first saw lights in the sky about midnight on February 28, 2014. Then the object moved to ground level.
“We saw this strange ghost-like thing engulf one of my friend’s dogs because it ran up barking at it.”
The witness said that after the light surrounded the dog – the dog collapsed.
“The thing hovered onto this planet-looking thing and took off.”
South Dakota Field Investigators Jim Klancnik and John Michael Kain followed up with a witness interview. The witness admitted the story was a hoax and apologized for filing the report.
Washington witness reports ‘huge ball of light’ hovering near I-5
A Washington witness at Burlington driving northbound along I-5 near the Cook Road exit reported a “huge ball of light” hovering over a nearby quarry about 6:35 a.m. on March 12 2014, according to testimony in Case 54614.
“I observed a huge light hovering above a rock quarry off Kelleher Road,” the witness stated. “It was a very bright white light like an LED- huge, big as a full moon appears when it’s full at like 10-15 degrees above horizon. Biggest and brightest thing I’ve ever seen in sky.”
The witness attempted to match what was being seen with a known object.
“As I looked at it I tried to rationalize what I was seeing, Maybe a helicopter with a new super bright searchlight of some kind? But no movement or flashing lights. Only saw it for about 30-45 seconds.”
The witness attempted to find the object again when he passed out of sight due to the roadway.
“I was going up Bowhill and the object was out of sight. I turned off at the next exit (Bow Hill) and drove south down Highway 99 until I got back to the flats so I could get another look at it.”
The witness also noticed police officers in the immediately area where the object was seen.
The Washington witness at Burlington got off I-5 to move toward where he saw a huge ball of light hovering just above the roadway. Image: The witness says two police cars were parked here where Kelleher Road and 99 meet – near where the UFO was seen. (Credit: Google)
Washington Field Investigator Maurene Morgan closed this case as Insufficient Data.
“The witness describes the object as hovering, very bright, and as big as a full moon,” Morgan stated in her report. “This suggests that it was not natural. However, the presence of the two parked and unoccupied police cars suggests that the witness may have seen a helicopter with a search light obscuring its running lights hovering over the quarry in search of something. Thus, it may be a manmade phenomenon.
“While no other witnesses reported this sighting, there was another sighting reported to the National UFO Reporting Center on April 14, 2014, of three metallic ovals in triangle formation moving at a rapid pace over Burlington.
“I’m concluding the case as insufficient information on the basis that the information is contradictory and lacking.”
Indianapolis crowd forms to watch hovering UFO
An Indiana parent and daughter driving northeast along Mann Road in Indianapolis reported joining nearly two dozen vehicles who pulled over to watch a huge, shiny disc-shaped UFO hovering nearby under 500 feet in the air, according to March 12, 2014, testimony in Case 54619.
The witness thought people were pulling over to watch the sunset, but then noticed people pointing into the sky and taking photos during the event, about 6:30 p.m. on November 11, 2013.
“I immediately pulled the car in the only space left in a driveway and immediately me and my daughter got out and we watched this beautiful gleaming spaceship just up in the sky,” the witness stated.
The witness could not take his eyes off of the object.
“I immediately felt a vibration start in the top of my torso and I felt a shiver work its way down all the way to my feet. My daughter watched it. I told her to get her iPad out and record. She did and it should be on this thing. My daughter got scared and wanted to go where the other people were, but I said I didn’t want to take my eye off it. Right then I turned toward my car door, looked back, and it was gone.”
The witness said jets moved into the area after the object left.
The witness drew this illustration after he and his daughter witnessed a disc-shaped UFO hovering over Mann Road in Indianapolis on November 11, 2013. (Credit: MUFON)
Indiana State Section Director David Henninger closed this case as Insufficient Information.
“Precise identification of the described object is unknown,” Henninger reported. “The object that Witness A reported seeing was corroborated by his daughter. The only description available was a shiny disc-shaped object in the sky. Precisely what the subject was is undetermined. Its shape and movements seem to indicate that it could not have been an airplane but it cannot be completely ruled out that it was not an airship or balloon.”
‘Glowing vertical cylinder’ reported over Arizona
An Arizona witness at Sahuarita reported a “glowing vertical cylinder” UFO with “rays of light poking out of it” that moved slowly overhead about 6:05 a.m. on March 12, 2014, according to testimony in Case 54651.
The witness was outside in the backyard “anticipating this object to return” after having seen it twice in 2012 and also on March 10, 2014, as reported in Case 54564. The witness details the current sighting from March 12.
“The object came from the west, no evidence of an engine, wings, nose, tail or rotors,” the witness stated. “It’s a vertical cylinder shape with what I can only describe as rays of light poking out of it. It moved silently and smoothly at approximately 15 mph.”
Attempts by the witness to photograph or videotape the object did not come out well.
A ‘glowing vertical cylinder’ was reported at Sahuarita, AZ, on March 12, 2014. Credit: Google.
“It also changed direction from heading east to northeast. I was able to finally take a picture but the camera was reading the background as black and the object turned out small. I am unable to transmit the picture since I am using an iPad, but could email it to someone through my husband’s computer if there’s any interest.”
The witness is hoping the object returns again.
“As the object moved further away to the northeast it got smaller due to the distance and then it just disappeared. I am hoping that it will come back maybe one more time but since its behavior is exactly like my sightings two years ago, I doubt that will happen, but I will be ready with the camera!”
Arizona Field Investigator Russell Azbill closed this case as an IFO – Identified Flying Object.
“Information obtained from revealed that the witness’ sighting corresponded to the appearance of the International Space Station over her location,” Azbill stated in his report. “The flight path of the ISS corresponded to her report. After reviewing the case, I reached a disposition for this case as an IFO (International Space Station).”
Arun Jaitley, India’s finance minister, met with criticism on Wednesday, July 2 immediately after posting a message to his Facebook page in support of World UFO Day.
Arun Jaitley (Credit: Kkm010/Wikimedia Commons)
Jaitley, a key member of Indian prime minister Narendra Modi’s staff, posted, “This day is celebrated to raise awareness about the existence of UFO’s and with that intelligent beings from outer space.” According to Reuters, this post was deleted half an hour after Reuters contacted Jaitley’s staff for a statement. This Facebook account is reportedly “one of the main forums in which he publishes official information.” So when followers of the account saw a post about World UFO Day, Jaitley was immediately ridiculed.
Some Facebook users voiced their disapproval and frustration by leaving comments on the post. One user wrote, “Sir instead of talking on outer space, please confine your discussion on the hardship faced by common men . . . People are confused and scared about the undefined miseries which are going to be heaped upon them in the names of restoring fiscal health of the country.” Another user commented, “Sir FM, today we the people of India are celebrating the price hike day instead of UFO day.”
It appears that people are, understandably, more concerned with the earthly issues that are currently affecting their lives. Still, it is unfortunate that a politician who supports raising awareness about UFOs is attacked for voicing such support. This goes to show that, although things have slightly improved in recent years, there is still a tremendous stigma attached to UFOs that hinders the progress of serious study into these unidentified objects seen all over the world on a regular basis.
World UFO Day originated in 2001, and its recognition has grown every year since its inception.
Engineers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have developed tiny biological machines capable of walking by using twitching muscle cells. Remarkably, these self-propelled “bio-bots” can be controlled externally using electrical pulses. Oh, and they’re 3D printed.
We typically imagine robots as being comprised of metal gears and electronic parts. But by combining biological components, such as cells and tissues, with soft robotics, researchers are creating biological machines capable of sensing, processing, and producing force.
“We’re trying to integrate these principles of engineering with biology in a way that can be used to design and develop biological machines and systems for environmental and medical applications,” noted UoI professor Abel Bliss in a statement. “Biology is tremendously powerful, and if we can somehow learn to harness its advantages for useful applications, it could bring about a lot of great things.”
And by great things Bliss imagines fleets of tiny biological machines entering into the human body to neutralize toxins, assist in drug delivery, perform internal surgery, or to serve as ‘smart implants.’ They could also work as mobile analyzers that monitor the environment and perform clean-up duties.
Inspired by Nature
A few years ago, Bliss’s team successfully demonstrated walking bio-bots that could move by using beating heart cells taken from rats. But the heart cells were constantly contracting, making it impossible to control the bots’ motion.
But the new design is more intuitive — one that’s inspired by the muscle-tendon-bone complex found in biological organisms. A bio-bot’s structural backbone is provided by a 3D printed hydrogel. It’s strong but flexible, so it can bend like a joint. And like tendons that attach muscle to bone, two posts anchor a tiny strip of muscle to the structure. The posts also act as feet for the bio-bot.
Speed is controlled by adjusting the frequency of the electric pulses. Higher frequencies cause the muscle to contract faster, thus speeding up the bio-bot’s locomotion.
“It’s only natural that we would start from a bio-mimetic design principle, such as the native organization of the musculoskeletal system, as a jumping-off point,” noted co-author Caroline Cvetkovic. “This work represents an important first step in the development and control of biological machines that can be stimulated, trained, or programmed to do work.”
The researchers have some wild plans for the future — like adding neurons so that the bio-bots can be steered in different directions with light or chemicals.
Critical thinking analogy of the imaginary and intellectual mind.
Imagination is the paramount mental thinking ability that humans have engendered. Above all, this power separates us from what we call the lower life forms. This most powerful force in creation, God himself must have first imagined before creating; Imagination the creator of life and the seen Universe from the realm of Nothing. But duality tells us that there is a down side to this amazing Universal power.
The imagination was first developed, in humans, by the cave men that were attempting to understand nature and all things he encountered. Imagination is the first place we learned to look for answers to puzzling questions as we do today. We create great works of art and technology, we astound with imaginative stories, myths and superstitions. Man has become accustom to inventing imaginary understanding or theory and accepting it as reality or fact. Imagination has been the primary default mind of man from the very beginning. Therefor our imaginary minds are extremely well developed.
Our mind of intellect is relatively new to man. With our intellect we build from imagination great cities and have flown to the moon. But few people are comfortable in their intellectual mind. Many children struggle in school but when it is recess or playtime they are totally happy. Adults do not enjoy talking about science, religion or government but anything that will turn off the intellect and turn on the imagination is eagerly sought after. Trillions of dollars are spent on entertainment, sports, sex, drugs and alcohol. We simply do not find joy in having our intellect stimulated or being forced to think. Most people do not view intellectual thinking as fun or enjoyable, aside from a few that watch Jeopardy.
Children first learn to realize with their imaginations and after their immature child fantasies are dashed, they are not taught how to develop their intellectual minds, they are taught to accept adult fantasy as a new reality to replace their child fantasies. Are childhood fantasies simply a training ground to prepare the immature mind for adult imaginary fantasy reality? Children are forced into a learning environment with no help in developing or understanding their intellectual mind. They are forced into school that exerts a “sink or swim” hostel environment that many children are traumatized by. Memory is the key to genius success but there is no help or training to develop this mental capability either.
The modern age is beginning to produce a ‘factual reality’ that is conflicting with the ancient cave man superstitions of ‘imaginary reality.’ The mind of man has not learned fully how to fully develop his logical intellectual mind and views logic as imaginary and imagination as reality; the realities reversing causing great frustration and confusion. The intellectual thinker has been persecuted for thousands of years but is slowly emerging from the rubble of imagination. The great search for Truth is still a mystery for mankind.
The two minds conflict, ergo mankind is in conflict with himself and each other. This is a war of imagination and belief not of men. Men of primary imaginary mind do not know how to deal with their new mind of intellect and view it as an enemy and can feel the conflict within…it is because intellect exposes imagination for what it truly is…imaginary. Imaginary man has not yet learned how to control his imaginary mind with the mind of intellect and he views any attempt to “help” him as a direct attack on him (or a God) personally; this also imaginary but feels very real.
The imaginary mind will not accept the input of the intellectual mind and in fact protects against it. The intellectual mind gladly draws from imagination; imaginary thinking is paramount to advancements of any kind. Imagination first rejects the thinking of the rational mind in defense of itself. Imagination wants to be free and not constrained. Unless a person is aware that this is happening and that it is a “choice” to use the mind of intellect WITH imagination, this confusion will never end. The intellect must invoke imagination…not the other way around. If not…imagination will run away with you.
People cannot discern reality from fiction today as arguments and hate disseminate to racism and violence, simply over what we think and believe is real and reality. People spout opinion and thinking these are simply imaginary based that is rarely, if ever, based on facts. Often people accept the imaginary views of others and profess them as if they are fact. Ancient beliefs existing for thousands of years, this, the imaginary process that society is living in today. Handed down imagination is not working well for society and has not for thousands of years.
We have seen many examples of forced ignorancein history the most notable the persecution of scientists and the burning of scientific books. For years the Bible was not to be produced or given to the common people, the knowledge held as sacred and not for normal man. In America it was against the law to teach a black man to read. Medicine and law are written in an uncommon language to safe guard knowledge from the people. Even God attempted to stop man from knowing the good of knowledge and wisdom but his divine plan was spoiled by a serpent and the intervention of Eve, this event deemed evil by believers when man gained knowledge.
Things may be changing?
The day of the primary imaginary mind appears to be waning. The failsafe guardian and protector of the power of imagination: the mind of intellect is beginning to show itself. Not realizing this has produced a war of the minds within man that has spilled over onto mankind and into social reality. We are slowly discovering The COMPLETE MIND OF MAN is both the imaginary and intellectual mind in synchronicity, not at war with each other as is so prevalent today.
Imagination wrongly believes that the intellectual mind is the enemy; when IN FACT the intellectual mind cannot function without a healthy happy mind of imagination. These two minds combine to be the Universal mind of creation: this making the complete mind of man.True happiness and peace comes from a balanced mind.
This confusion of the minds has/is creating great division and war between men. Ancient religion and theocratic government, long in power, do not want to let go of the status quo of imaginary belief. The new mind of science and logical thinking is perceived as an enemy. Why is the question?
It appears that if a person is in a primary mind of imagination, that it creates conflict with the intellectual mind. Where if intellectual mind is primary it enjoys and utilizes the imaginary mind, seeking its assists in discovery, research, innovation and creation. Imagination has no appreciation of intellect. Intellect is a danger to imagination. It seeks to tear down what imagination builds. This is not true. Intellect seeks to clarify and use the ideas and innovations of imagination.
It would seem logical that truth and fact would be of the greatest interest and importance. But protecting ancient superstitions and imaginary fantasy reality continues unabated, creating wars between the realist and the aggressive delusionist. This imaginary evolution has taken us all the way to the brink of worldwide insanity and the near destruction of mankind with war. Insanity of all people is a symptom of the virus disease of imaginary beliefs. Imagination will continue to destroy intellect as long as this symptom is not understood to bring imagination under control.
The great question is: How do we learn to realize and accept each other no matter what mind we use for primary thinking? This question MUST be answered of man is to progress intellectually and achieve our true technological potential. The evolution of imagination to intellectual mind has been a very long destructive road for all of mankind. This IS NOT A WAR that one mind must win.It is a condition that must be realized first and then the learning process will take place gradually over time. This problem did not happen overnight and it will not be solved overnight. We begin with realizing the true nature of the problem first.
The true mind of intellect does not seek for violence or war or conflict. It seeks discovery, new technology and learning, attempting to replace ignorance with truth. But the imaginary mind has used intellect for war and “for other purposes.” Power structures have used and abused the creations of intellect to promote war and ignorance. True intellect seeks for peace not war.
The ancient religious minds of imagination believe this new intellectual mind to be a threat to the very existence of moral and righteous man. They view men of intellect and science as immoral and evil; A plague on the earth that should be scrubbed away and eradicated. Knowledge and science was/is burned and murdered to protect the imaginary beliefs. Is this not simple to see? How can it continue in a supposed modern age?
Tools of the rational mindto control and “rein in” the imagination to prevent it from “running off with you” are: skepticism, discernment, perception, observation, probability, improbability, plausibility, cynicism, rationality, doubt, uncertainty, distrust, disbelief and doubt. It is essential for the intellectual mind to apply these mental exercises before taking the next step of accepting or believing anything presented or imagined to be true or real. The primary imaginary mind will forgo these steps and go directly to belief; this, the greatest danger of a primary imaginary mind because it has no balance of thought and reason. Primary imaginary thinking is the immature cave man mind or that of a child. But this has and is the primary mind of most people today, the immature mind of imagination that has not evolved the intellectual mind. This is a choice. Intellect does not develop on its own. It is a willful act to seek knowledge, wisdom, Truth and Reality.
There are two kinds of belief; rational and irrational. A rational belief is one that has been rigorously subjected to the tools of discernment and has proven itself as true. The irrational needs no proof and may be held as true; with no actual proof or with proof to the contrary; this, the epitome of irrational belief: A belief that stubbornly stands in the face of facts to the contrary but still held as true.
Irrational belief often times leads to delusional belief. A person may believe that they are empowered by their belief. Delusional imaginary belief can produce many problematic mental states such as: paranoia, schizophrenia, obsession, fixation, fanaticism, radicalism, extremism, irrationality, supremacy, hate, jealousy, anger, frustration, confusion; this creating mental, physical and emotional pain which may lead to eventual insanity; this leaving the rational non-believer stupefied by the insanity of imaginary belief wars.
Social conflicts arise when an irrational belief confronts a rational thinking non-believer. The delusional believer, in a paranoid state, envisions that they are entitled to ridicule, belittle and berate the non-believer. They believe themselves to be superior to anyone not of their belief and that belief must be protected at all cost. Criminal belief delusionmanifests as physical aggression, murder and genocidal war.
This is an amazing enigma of humanity today. An incredible example of ancient belief’s running into conflict with the “radical new concept” of intellectual validation that demands proof of a belief to be accepted as true and real. This produces huge frustration and anger in a fantasy believer that has no proof or validation existing of his imaginary belief. This believer may even realize that no proof exists but if the delusion is deep he will still profess it. It begs the question that if; a belief be so powerful; why would it be afraid of a rational evaluation; an extremely perplexing situation. This taking us to the delusion of “willful ignorance”: a mental state where the belief is more important than reality or Truth to the believer: This being a mental state that the rational mind of intellect finds intolerable. The believer exchanges Truth and Reality for the belief.
Religion replaces Truth with God; believing that God is Truth. An imaginary entity belief is Truth? The powers of creation and life that IS Truth is an imaginary deity? This hides Truth from yourself, this the greatest of all self-delusions. You will never know Truth…only an imaginary God. How sad is that?
For those few of us who have developed both minds of primary intellect and secondary imagination we owe a great debt of thanks to those that sacrificed their lives to overcome the proliferation perpetuation of ignorance.
I think we all owe the greatest of all thanks to Eve for sacrificing herself and Adam to the punishment of God for her precious gift of knowledge given to mankind. It is sad that she did not also gather from the tree of eternal life for us.
Scientists funded by the Defense Department have just announced a breakthrough that could allow researchers to create in 220 days an extremely detailed picture of the brain that previously would have taken 80 years of scans to complete
The military has been looking to build better brain hacks for decades with results that ranged form the frightening to the comical. This latest development could revolutionize the study of the brain but also the national security applications of neuroscience.
Scientists at Stanford University who developed the new way to see the brain in greater detail, outlined in the journal Nature Protocols, said that it could mark a new era of rapid brain imaging, allowing researchers to see in much greater detail not only how parts of the brain interact on a cellular level but also to better understand those interactions across the entire brain.
“I absolutely believe this is going to transform the way that we study the brain and how we perform neuroscience research,” said Justin Sanchez, program manager for the Neuro Function, Activity, Structure, and Technology, or Neuro-FAST, program at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, which funded the research. “What we’re saying here today is that we can develop new technology that changes how we observe and interact with the circuits of the brain.”
The most common research methods for exploring the brain today involve the sensing of brains’ electrical activity, a technique called EEG, or observing of hemoglobin flow under functional magnetic resonance, called fMRI. Rather than simply listen to the brain’s thought spasms of electro-magnetic activity, the Stanford researchers’ technique instead uses light to reveal causal relationships in the circuits themselves. “It’s all about optical interfaces for the brain, optical techniques to image the brain, optical techniques to record activity from the brain and optical techniques to record neurons and their firing effects form other neurons,” said Sanchez.
This technique is related to the emerging subfield of optogenetics, and while it is considered the cutting edge of neuroscience research, it’s not new. But the technique pioneered by the Stanford researchers allows for three-dimensional visualization that is both granular and wide enough to encompass the entire brain. Said Sanchez, “Traditionally, with the optogenetic technique, you really don’t have the structure to go along with the activation. That’s why the Neuro-FAST program is so exciting.”
Sanchez and DARPA officials were adamant (exceedingly so) that the intent of the Neuro-FAST program is to advance brain science broadly. Officials were reluctant to discuss any other specific applications for that research. But that doesn’t mean those applications don’t exist, or that the military isn’t interested in them.
The Checkered History of Military Brain Tampering
For a quick and historic tour of the Defense Department’s interest in brain hacking, start with this 1973 report, written for DARPA, detailing Soviet research into psychokinesis, the manipulation of matter through thought, and other aspects of “paranormal phenomena.” This report became part of the bases for the book and film The Men Who Stare At Goats, the later of which saw the character of George Clooney, as an army trained “psychic weapon,” successfully killing one of the unlucky hoofed animals entirely through the force of focused will.
Then move on to this 1988 National Academy Press report on issues, theories and techniques for “Enhancing Human Performance,” which eagerly anticipates future super soldier motor skills and concentration states acquired through applied brain science. From there, continue to this 2009 report outlining Opportunities in Neuroscience for Future Army Applications.
Over the years, the military’s research into brain science has produced some bizarre results, such as the DARPA “roborat” a rat that had electrodes implanted into its motor cortex allowing researchers to manipulate direction and movement.
The researchers asked 23 people to attempt to memorize a list of words while undergoing brain scanning. The average subject recalled 45% of the words on the list. The EEG data correctly predicted which five of the 23 subjects would beat the competition, remembering 72% of the words on average.If you had someone learning new material and you were recording the EEG, you might be able to tell them, ‘You’re going to forget this, you should study this again,’ or tell them, ‘OK, you got it and go on to the next thing,’” chief researcher Laura Matzen said in a statement.
A previous program actually did yield some remarkable insight into the potential for better soldier performance through focused brain states. Amy Kraus, a former DARPA program manager, on Monday told a group at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, the work that she presided over succeeded in finding the secret mental secret that preceded good marksmanship. “It turns out the expert marksman has a brain state,” she said, “a state that they enter before they take the perfect shot. Can I teach a novice to create this brain state? The answer was yes.”
She said that by recognizing that state, researchers were able to improve the ability of regular people to improve their marksmanship by 100 percent. “These are recordable, measurable, algortyhmical,” Kraus said.
But according to Sanchez, improved performance through changes in brain state is still not something we truly understand.
“The neuroprocesses associated with those advanced functions – we don’t know what they are yet. We don’t know how all of those advanced circuits can produce those brain functions. That’s why we’re at the more basic level.”
The ability to see the cellular interconnections that actually contribute to mental activity is far more important to an actual understanding of mental states – super and otherwise – than is the ability to measure the electromagnetic rumblings associated with those states. Similarly, a bit of know-how about animal husbandry will tell you something about why a horse is fast or slow but not nearly as much as will genetics.
One of the most significant near-term applications of military-funded neuroscience is not the potential to create super soldiers but rather an understanding the effects of combat and training on service men and women. “As we’re doing more to and with war fighters, how much of a burden can we place on them? How much risk can we expect them to take over a lifetime? How much medication? How many devices? How much change in their behavior, through direct manipulation of their brains?” said Jonathan D. Moreno, University of Pennsylvania professor and author of the book Mind Wars, at the Potomac Institute. “These are people who sign up to defend us. They sign up to take risks. Nonetheless, in the 21st century, we will have to slice that finer than we have in the past because we are asking them to do more for us.”
For those who, like me, find the most captivating and intriguing era of Ufology to have been that of the 1950s to the 1960s, there’s good news. In fact, very good news. Some time ago, Andy Colvin (the author of The Mothman’s Photographer series of books, as well as The Mothman Shrieks and The Mothman Speaks) established New Saucerian Books. It’s a company dedicated to bringing old – and sometimes hard to find – books to a new audience.
And, right now, there is a significant number of new releases from NSB that will appeal to devotees of all things Fortean, ufological and cryptozoological. Where shall I start? Well, how about with the Men in Black? The very first book on this particularly weird and menacing topic was Gray Barker’s They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers(first published in 1956).
Depending on the edition and condition, the book exchanges for prices that are not always cheap. Fortunately, Andy has made this atmospheric title available at a far more reasonable price (which you can find right here). It’s a book that tells the curious story of how the MIB plagued the life of a 1950s-era UFO researcher named Albert Bender. And, talking of Bender, Andy has also just republished Bender’s very own (and very controversial) book: Flying Saucers and the Three Men, originally released in 1962.
Both the Barker and the Bender books come with their original covers and are very nicely packaged.
Moving on, let’s now focus on the work of Fortean legend, John Keel. Now available from NSB is Keel’s Strange Mutants of the 21st Century, about which Andy says: “Strange Mutants of the Twenty-First Century contains Keel’s very first ruminations on Mothman, as well as a variety of strange reports on black ‘demon’ dogs, phantom cats, Bigfoot and other North American giants, flying humanoids, flying saucers, flying snakes, and even stranger mutants that Keel believed reside with us on Earth. This book was originally printed in very small quantities over 30 years ago, and became extremely rare and expensive. Finally, it has been available to the general public.”
One of the strangest sagas that Keel found himself embroiled in was that of the enigmatically weird Indrid Cold. It’s a saga told in Woody Derenberger’s book, Visitors From Lanulos.
Andy, who has put out a new edition of this 1971 book, notes that Derenberger “…claimed to have had a series of strange adventures beginning on November 2nd, 1966. While driving home from Parkersburg, West Virginia to his suburban home in Mineral Wells, he suddenly found the highway blocked by a large gray object. Someone emerged from the object and walked to the passenger side window of his car. The man introduced himself as ‘a searcher,’ and offered words of comfort to Derenberger.”
After noting that he would come again, the “spaceman,” who called himself “Indrid Cold,” stepped back into the object and it rose out of sight. Woody Derenberger went home and told his story to his wife. He then called the police and the press. Soon after, other witnesses came forward to say that they, too, had seen Cold talking to Derenberger by the side of the road. (In time, several locals would have their own encounters with Cold.)
Two days later while driving in his car, Derenberger began to receive telepathic communications from Cold, who described himself as from the “galaxy of Ganymede.” Cold also supplied some information about his life, including the observation that people on his planet (Lanulos) lived to be 125 to 175 of our Earth years.
Over the next weeks, other stories would accumulate that substantiated other parts of Derenberger’s story, including independent UFO sightings on November 4th. An initial investigation concluded that Derenberger was not a fraud or hoaxer, and was mentally and psychologically sound.
Throughout this period, Derenberger’s direct contacts with Indrid Cold continued. He learned much about Cold’s people and their desire for friendly contact. In 1967, Cold took Derenberger for a ride in his spaceship. Strangely, they visited the oilfields of Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as Cold’s lush, jungle planet, which was populated by beautiful humanoids wearing no clothes.
Derenberger told his story frequently over the next few years, and his story was given extended treatment by Fortean researcher John A. Keel.
Still on the subject of John Keel, Andy has done us all a great service by also recently republishing Keel’s Strange Creatures From Time And Space and Our Haunted Planet. I have to say, however, that my firm favorite of all the NSB releases is Searching for the String. It’s an excellent collection of selected writings from Keel. Essentially, they are articles penned by Keel (for the likes of Saga Magazine, Flying Saucer Review, Fate, Argosy, and various other magazines and journals), and which span the mid-1960s to the late-1970s.
If Ufology of a time long gone fascinates you, if the beast known as Mothman intrigues you, and if tales of black-garbed characters silencing UFO witnesses catch your attention, check out New Saucerian Books. You won’t be disappointed.
I am a subscriber to the Phantoms and Monsters blog and a loyal listener to BTE Radio. As such, a recent experience prompted me to write.
I am a 48 year old male who has experienced a few singular and apparently unrelated “paranormal” events over the course of my life. Two of them have involved seeing people whom I knew to be deceased. One was at a moment of high trauma in the life of my family and involved a relative… nothing new there. The other was passing someone at work in a hallway (I work at a large company) only to recall later that the person had been dead for two years. My wife has told me she believes I’ve undeveloped abilities but usually it’s the furthest thing from my mind. I certainly make no claim to any special abilities.
I tell you all of this to set the stage for something that I experienced just this past Saturday afternoon. It was the darndest thing.
I was driving on a two lane road near my home in northwest North Carolina (I live about 20 minutes from the Blue Ridge Parkway). It is a drive I make every day. The weather was pleasant… warm but not the humid, high heat we often experience in the summer.
To my left, about 100 feet ahead and partially obscured by trees, I saw a large red ball rise very quickly from the ground up to near the middle branches of a large tree… I think it is an oak. Ground foliage prevented me from seeing where the ball came from. My first thought was that some kid was kicking a beach ball and that they had quite a leg, because the ball was moving pretty fast. I also thought the ball must have caught in the branches because it did not come down.
As I drew closer I slowed to see if my deductions were correct. Of course, there was no one there and there was no ball that I could see in the trees. The ground slopes down from roadside. (Exact location has been redacted since it is private property….Lon)
To the immediate right, across from the tree, is … of course… the entrance to a cemetery.
As I said, I’ve experienced a few pretty blatant visions but this was something new. I thought it might have been ball lightning but there was nothing “electrical” looking to what I saw. I looked like a large, beach ball sized red ball… almost like a kick ball we used to play with at school…but larger. It moved at an arc as if it were launched from the ground… and then it was gone. I can’t rule out fireworks or perhaps a balloon that popped, but there was no one around and from the time I saw it to the time I passed the site there was no time for anyone to depart my field of vision. If it was a balloon, it was larger than even the “punch bag” type and I would not expect that type to be very fragile. Also… there was no discernible wind.
I tried to research if this was a phenomena that others had experienced, but nothing seemed to match. Thus I thought that with your vast resources, you might be a good resource to ask about this. Again, it may be explainable but at the time I was impressed that I had just witnessed something very strange.
Thanks for taking the time to read my account. DR
NOTE: OK folks…I’m also interested in reading your thoughts on this phenomenon. I looked at the area on Google Map…there is nothing to suggest that this was a natural or man-made event. Any ideas? Lon
If you were to believe Nasa’s records, then that would be that, but in April 2007, an individual with the username “Retiredafb” uploaded several videos to YouTube claiming that they were footage from Apollo 20, a secret joint American-Soviet space mission from August 1976.
The user identified himself as William Rutledge, 78, a former astronaut now living in Rwanda.
His videos show what seems to be the cabin of Apollo 20, as well as footage, supposedly on the moon, of a mysterious lunar city, as well as the corpse of what seems to be an alien girl that internet users call “Mona Lisa”, lying in the cabin.
Rutledge’s videos were so popular that they garnered over 1.5 million views on YouTube, but apparently a few months later Rutledge claimed his YouTube account had been hacked and all but one of his videos were deleted (although you can watch the other two videos about the lunar city and the alien autopsy here and here).
He then moved his videos to a new account on, but that page no longer exists.
Before he disappeared, however, he did agree to be interviewed, through the message function of his YouTube account and Yahoo Messenger, by Italian freelance writer and UFO/space exploration enthusiast Luca Scantamburlo.
William Rutledge’s account
Rutledge claims in his interview with Scantamburlo that Nasa’s Apollo 14 mission flew over a polar region of the Moon and captured numerous space ships and cities of ancient, oddly-shaped, towering buildings, which looked like they had been abandoned for hundreds of years.
Rutledge says that Apollo 20 landed near the Delporte Crater in order to explore a large “cigar-shaped” mother ship, which had apparently been abandoned for 1.5 million years, and within the spaceship, the astronauts found two corpses of alien beings, one of which was captured on 16mm film.
He claims that the female alien he and his crew found had six fingers, hair, but no nostrils, and seemed to be in a state that was “not dead” but also “not alive”. He claims to Scantamburlo that the alien girl was brought back to Earth and is still alive somewhere.
“USAF recalled that, I have been chosen later for Apollo 20 because I was one of the rare pilot who didn’t believe in God (it has changed since 1990) but it was a criterion in 1976. It was not the status of the Nasa astronauts. Not believing in God made the difference. That’s all,” Rutledge told Scantamburlo.
Rutledge’s answers are quite rambling, and on many occasions, Scantamburlo tests his knowledge about Nasa in the 1970s and what happened to the other cancelled Apollo missions. Read more at IBTimes
Report points to photo as possible new clue to Amelia Earhart’s fate
A newspaper photograph of Earhart’s plane taken in 1937 could hold the key to her disappearance.
One of the most enduring mysteries of the modern era, the disappearance of famed aviator Amelia Earhart during an attempt to circumnavigate the world in 1937 has been the subject of investigations and debate for almost 80 years.
Now a potentially vital new clue has emerged in the form of a photograph of Earhart’s plane that was captured by the Miami Herald just before she took off.
The image shows a piece of aluminum bolted to the plane, presumably to cover one of the windows, that was not present in any previous pictures. The metal plate seems to match an identical piece that was discovered in 1991 on a remote Pacific Island during a search for the crash site.
The find suggests that Earhart didn’t go down over the ocean as some have believed but instead may have crash landed on a remote island where she and her navigator Fred Noonan may have survived for several days while waiting for help that never came.
Efforts are now underway to try and match the rivet pattern on the aluminum plate from the island with the one in the picture – if the two match then the mystery may have finally been solved. Read more at FoxNews
The picture below is reputed to be the world’s first photograph. It was taken in 1826 and was developed by French photographer Joseph Nicéphore Niépce. He called this process “heliography” or sun drawing and the entire process took eight hours.
The Penn State has many spirits roaming the campus.
Atherton Hall: Named in honor of Frances Atherton, the hall opened in the 1930s as a girl’s dorm and now houses scholars and international students. It has a pair of reported spooks roaming its’ halls. One of them is “Gumshoes”, a former house mother. Students can still hear the distinctive creaking of her shoes as she paces the halls, keeping an eagle eye on her girls. The other is Frances herself, whose spirit has been spotted floating along the halls late at night. She must make a quick run to the hall whenever she takes a break from haunting Old Botany. A reader added another little bit of lore: “I lived in Atherton Hall in 2005…and I used to get a creepy feeling in my room all the time. I heard a rumor about someone dying in the elevator shaft, directly next to my room. Anyways, there is definitely something weird going on there.”
Beam Hall: Built in 1975, the old dorm was converted into business offices, and then converted back to dorms again. Campus legend has it that the dorm was originally shut down because of poltergeist activity coming from a second floor loo. A man supposedly hung himself in there from an overhead pipe and his spook has been raising havoc since. Once it become offices, the ghostie reportedly behaved himself. But the pipe is still there, and it’s a dorm again…
Brumbaugh Hall: This is a collegiate urban legend brought about by psychic Jeanne Dixon. She once predicted that there would be a mass murder in the tallest female dorm of an eastern university (she later denied she meant PSU) and since then upperclassmen have delighted in spooking the frosh by telling them of a rumored midnight visit on Halloween by an ax murderer in Brumbaugh. Urban legend or not, it’s said many freshmen decide to spend Halloween night anywhere but at Brumbaugh.
Ghost Walk: This tree lined path once led to the doors of the Old Botany Building. It’s said that a student was caught on the walk in a sudden blizzard and froze to death in the 1860s, and his spirit since has been reportedly seen there by other warm blooded students. The Ghost Walk is now gone. It’s site was used to build the Burrowes Building. His spook hasn’t been seen since, now that it’s presumably warm and toasty inside the new building.
Ihlseng Cottage: The cottage, built in 1898, was a residence, a hospital, and now hosts offices of the Institute for Arts and Humanities. One of our readers relates this tale: “I used to work there… on the third floor, and one night I was there after hours to meet a deadline and heard what I thought was my neighbor across the hall working. It was a male voice, clear as day. When I was leaving I checked, no one else was in the building, and my neighbor was actually traveling that week.” So maybe we have one more hard-working spirit on campus.
Keller Building: There were reports of activity here in the 1990s, when a student left his room screaming because of a presence in his bed. When he returned with the RA, the door had locked, and the sounds of a poltergeist ransacking the room could be heard through the door. This may be related to a student that committed suicide there.
Old Botany Building: The spook of Frances Atherton, wife of old president George Atherton, is said to keep an eye on him from the attic of Old Botany, built in 1909. She’s supposedly been sighted looking out the attic’s front window towards Schwab Auditorium where George’s grave is located. She’s also been reported to be seen swaying in her rocker, tending to her knitting. The lights have been seen spotted going on and off in the locked room, footsteps have been heard, and electrical devices malfunction. Once the staff posed for a picture in front of Old Botany. When it was developed, a stranger was seen looking out the upstairs window of the supposedly empty building.
Old Coaly: Old Coaly was one of the pack mules used when Penn State was being built in the 1850s. When he died he was the last of the original mule team, and his skeleton was put on exhibit at Old Main. A fire there caused the university to store him in the cellar of Watts Hall, a dorm. He was later put back on display at the Agricultural Building in the 1960s, and Old Coaly apparently didn’t like being moved again. It’s said that you could hear his braying coming from the basement, and he was even was spotted standing outside the storage area and on the first floor. Current Watt’s RAs and residents haven’t heard Old Coaly lately. Now that’s he’s been in one place for awhile and had a campus eatery named after him, he may be satisfied with his lot. But we all know how stubborn a mule can get…
Patee Library: The basement stacks at Pattee are alleged to be haunted by the ghost of Betsy Aardsma, who was murdered there in 1969. The crime was never solved. People have a sense of presence there, things get moved around, and one student claimed to feel someone grab her neck. Other phenomena have been reported that aren’t thought to be of Betsy’s doings. Screams have been heard from the subbasement and shadowy female forms & glowing red eyes have been seen in the library. The spooks have reportedly either disappeared into a mist or exited by walking through Pattee’s walls.
Pollock Laptop Library: Tales of a spirit roaming the East Side study area and voices heard when the library was empty have been reported from Pollock Library.
Runkle Hall: The Hall, a dorm built in 1957, has almost as many spooks as residents. The third floor is especially active, with lots of poltergeist activity. One girl had her TV constantly switching to an all Spanish channel among other things like locking and unlocking doors, flickering lights, electronics that turn on and off and objects being thrown off of the walls. They broke out the ouija board, and sure enough – the answers were spelled out in Spanish, and the board told them they shared their room with 11 spirits, the first example of Latino ghosts in the state that we’re aware of. The study lounge is called the “ghost room” because of the loud bangs, rearranged furniture, opening, closing, and self-locking doors and other phenomena emanating from it. One student saw an old lady’s spook sitting in her rocker at the end of the hall.
Scwab Auditorium: Former president George Atherton is buried just outside the auditorium, and his spook is supposedly inside. He’s thought to be a friendly ghost, watching over the collegiate actors and occasionally moving the curtains. Reportedly his spirit has both been seen and heard. Charles Schwab, who donated a large chunk of the money used to build the auditorium in 1903 is said to be the ghost that watches performances from the seats. A seat will go down, as if someone’s sitting in it, and later rise when it leaves. The actors are convinced that it’s “Schwaboo the Ghost” watching the show. Other apparitions have been reported from the hall. One of them was wearing a Revolutionary War uniform. Another duo, an adult and child, have been reported floating above the stage.
The witness was told to check an area on a suburban road at a passage that bisects a blocks of houses near his house, because of reported apparitions in the area. One night as he stared at a fence about 20 ft away a humanoid suddenly came into view. It was described as at least 7-feet tall and wearing dark heavy clothing. It had a white pear shaped head with two dark eye socke…ts as its only facial features. The head was topped by tight orange hair, flat on top that gave the face the appearance of being an upside down triangle. Its arms were very long and almost touched the ground and it appeared to be carrying a black doctor’s bag in one of its gloved hands. Despite its malignant appearance, the witness was not afraid and watched as it repeatedly took one step forward and then returned to its position. It seemed to fade away after about 10 minutes.
Mary Geddis aged 21, was returning home from an evening class. The first thing she noticed when she pulled into the driveway was a tall “thing” of ghost-like appearance, about 1000 feet away, standing or floating about 50 feet from the ground. It was like “a person with a close-fitting sheet draped over, and was about four feet tall and thin. A head and body shape could be distinguished, but the body was straight, without any limbs. She watched it for a few seconds, and then, on looking out of the open window on the passenger side of the car, towards the road, she saw a bright white light. It appeared to be ‘jotting around…” “It was like it was looking. It would look here and then it would look over here, over here—like that. But then when it came over here it came straight, like I drew it. When it saw me it kind of wanted to see what I was all about…it was just like it was staring at me, and it kept coming closer and closer, then hovering and coming closer…and I got scared and kind of turned away and tried not to pay any attention to it and it moved back. “It went away back over the field…it went directly to the side and then directly back. It went behind a telephone pole that blocked off some of its lights and from there it just went back across the field, away from me. Then it faded a little and then it was gone.” At closest approach, the light came within 200 feet of Miss Geddis. The ghost-like object was seen only for a few seconds, but the second object was sighted over a period of three to four minutes. She estimated its diameter as 20 feet, and it was only 25-30 feet from the ground when seen at closest proximity. When she got out of the car, Mary Geddis says she had a weird feeling of a “presence,” as if something were near, invisible. In fact she was scared of walking over to the trailer. She was still standing by the car when Joe Ben-Israel (a friend she was living with in the trailer) returned later. While they were preparing supper, their neighbors, Chuck and Rhonda, came home and said they had seen something strange in the sky. Joe went outside to talk with the neighbors, leaving the trailer door open. Just then, what Mary called a little “aqua-ish” thing looked around the corner of the door. “It was like the electric man they have on the Co-ops signs. It just looked at me. It didn’t try to say anything to me. It just stared for a few seconds; probably ten seconds…It sort of had a face. It had what looked like spiky things at the top and sides of the head.” The creature was about two and a half feet tall, with stumpy arms, but no legs were distinguished…”You couldn’t see through it, but I felt I could almost see through it if I looked at it more.” Mary later described him as an “energy form”. “He had eyes and mouth. I’m not sure about the nose, but I think he had a nose, because he didn’t look strange to me in his face—except for the spikes and the color.” “This looks like a monster, the way I’ve drawn it. But it didn’t look like a monster; it looked like a friendly little thing. Only it had these spikes all over it. It didn’t try to hurt me or anything it was just looking, like it was peeking around the corner at first, and then it was just kind of standing there looking at me. It didn’t move clear in front of the door. It must have had a hand at or behind the door…I got the distinct impression that he wasn’t sure about whether he should be there or not. He was kind of timid…Its eyes didn’t blink. Nothing moved. It just kind of disappeared back behind the door. I went after it and looked behind the door and didn’t see anything anymore. It was gone.” Mary Geddis was asked if she had received any psychic impressions, and what she thought when she saw the creature. What did she think it was? “I don’t know, I was just shocked that it was there. It just looked at me and I didn’t think about it very much until afterwards. Then I went outside and said, “Ohh! Something looked at me!’” But I didn’t feel anything while it was looking at me. It just looked at me like it was seeing what I was. And I was just looking at it the same way, seeing what it was.” Afterwards she thought about the white “creature” and the UFO she had seen. She thought also about the other UFOs that were seen that night—things hovering, but never coming close, although in the distance they could be seen coming down to earth. The sky was clear during the evening that Mary Geddis had her strange experiences. Joe Ben-Israel related what he saw that night. “We saw in a couple of places in the sky objects that didn’t seem to make any noise. They were close enough so that it they were planes, you could hear them. They seemed to be going at a faster rate than planes usually travel.”
Humcat 1973-36 Source:Webb in 1973 the Year of the Humanoids & George M. Eberhart in FSR
"Gullivers reis kan werkelijkheid worden in Iraanse dwergenstad"
“Gullivers reis kan werkelijkheid worden in Iraanse dwergenstad”
In augustus 2005 werd in het dorp Makhunik in Iran een zeer klein gemummificeerd lichaam aangetroffen. De ontdekking werd een internationale sensatie toen onderzoekers lieten weten dat de resten toebehoorden aan een dwerg en uit opgravingen was gebleken dat het dorp was ontworpen voor kleine mensen. Dat meldt PressTV.
De mummie werd ontdekt na opgravingen in het historische fort van Gudiz in de provincie Kerman, dat dateert uit de tijd van het Sassanidische Rijk (224 tot 651 na Christus). De mummie werd in beslag genomen nadat smokkelaars hadden geprobeerd het artefact in Duitsland te verkopen voor meer dan 3 miljoen dollar.
Er werden vergelijkingen gemaakt met het fictieve eiland Lilliput uit Gullivers reizen van Jonathan Swift, waar zeer kleine mensen wonen. Er kwamen berichten naar buiten over huizen en gebouwen in het oude dorp met muren van slechts 80 centimeter hoog. De Iran Daily beweerde dat het oude dorp niet uit de tijd van de Sassaniden stamde, maar een 5000 jaar oude dwergenstad was.
Al snel mengden ook archeologen zich in de discussie. Zo zouden de oorspronkelijke muren van de huizen bijvoorbeeld niet 80 centimeter, maar 190 centimeter hoog zijn geweest. Enkele maanden na de ontdekking berichtte Payvand Iran News dat uit verschillende studies was gebleken dat men de mummie van een te vroeg geboren baby in plaats van een dwerg had gevonden.
Veel culturen kennen legendes over ‘kleine mensen’. Volgens dr. Susan Martinez, auteur van het boek The History of the Little People: Their Spiritually Advanced Civilizations around the World, werd de aarde ooit bewoond door een ras van kleine mensen. Ze verwijst naar verhalen over dwerggoden van Mexico en Peru en de Afrikaanse pygmeeën. Ze noemt ook de ontdekking van kleine tunnelnetwerken, kleine grafkisten en lage deuropeningen in grafheuvels als bewijs voor dit oude ras.
In het oude Egypte genoten dwergen bovendien veel aanzien. Hun groeiafwijking werd soms als goddelijke gave beschouwd, zo concludeerden onderzoekers van het Universitair Medisch Centrum van Georgetown. Zij ontdekten dat de oude Egyptenaren twee dwerggoden aanbaden: Bes en Ptah.
Extreem kleine mensen bekleedden machtsposities binnen welgestelde huishoudens. Schilderingen laten zien dat kleine burgers in het oude Egypte middenin de samenleving stonden. Ook maakte een onbekend aantal van hen deel uit van huishoudens van hooggeplaatste ambtenaren. Zij werden na hun dood vorstelijk begraven, in de buurt van de piramides.
Every day, scientists make discoveries that change the way we live. But sometimes, just sometimes, they achieve results that are so extraordinary or unexpected that they literally don’t know what to do with them. Here are five of the most puzzling.
Mind-bending material properties
In January, a team of physicists from Rutgers and MIT published a paper in Nature describing a new property of matter. While fiddling around with a super-cooled Uranium compound, URu2Si2, they found that it breaks something called double time-reversal symmetry. Normal time-reversal symmetry states that the motion of particles looks the same running back and forth in time: magnets break that, though, because if you reverse time, the magnetic field they produce reverses direction. You have to reverse time twice to get them back to their original state.
This new material, though, breaks double time-reversal symmetry. That means you need to reverse time four times for the behaviour to get back to its original state. It’s something the scientists have dubbed hastatic order — and if you’re struggling to get your head round it, well, that’s the appropriate reaction. The scientists who discovered the phenomenon can’t explain a good physical example of what it is, how it works, or what it means. One to keep on the back burner, then.
The universe weighs less than we thought
When the world’s best scientists decided to team up and measure the mass of the universe all the way back in the 1970s, they set themselves a pretty tall challenge. Applying their best understanding of gravity and the dynamics of galaxies, though, they came up with an answer — an answer which sadly predicts our universe should be falling apart. We know that the Universe’s galaxies’ matter orbits a single central point — we’ve observed it! — and that must mean their own motion generates enough centripetal force to make that happen.
But calculations suggest that there’s not actually enough mass in the galaxies to produce the forces required to keep themselves moving in the way we’ve observed. So physicists scratched their heads, worried a little, then proudly stated that there must be more stuff out there than we can see. That’s the theory behind what everyone now refers to as Dark Matter. The only problem? In the past 40 years, nobody has confirmed whether it really exists or not—so, effectively, the problem thrown up by those initial calculations remains.
The placebo effect
Feed a sick man a dummy pill that he thinks will cure him and, often, his health will improve in a similar way to someone taking real drugs. In other words, a bunch of nothing can improve your health. In theory, it could be a powerful treatment technique.
But experiments have shown that the kind of nothing you deliver matters: when placebos are laced with a drug that blocks the effects of morphine, for instance, the effect vanishes. While that proves that the placebo effect is somehow biochemical—and not just a psychological effect—we know practically nothing else about the power of placebo.
It’s real, sure. It can help people get better, agreed. But if we’re ever to make anything of the much-studied but little-understood effect, we’re going to have to unpick how the mind can affect the body’s biochemistry—and, right now, nobody knows.
Temperatures below absolute zero
It used to be that scientists all agreed that it was impossible to achieve temperatures below absolute zero. It was literally the coldest anything could ever get. Late last year, though, a team of scientists from the Max-Planck-Institute in Germany blew that out of the water: finally, they’d cooled a cloud of gas atoms to below −273.15°C. In fact, the result was as much a quirk of the definition of temperature as anything else, and the way it relies on both energy and entropy (the measure of disorder of particles). New Scientist explains:
In principle [it's] possible to keep heating the particles up, while driving their entropy down. Because this breaks the energy-entropy correlation, it marks the start of the negative temperature scale, where the distribution of energies is reversed – instead of most particles having a low energy and a few having a high, most have a high energy and just a few have a low energy.
It’s this curious logic that allowed the Max-Planck-Institute researchers to cool a variety of atoms in a vacuum, for the first time ever, to below absolute zero. So far, though, they haven’t managed to work out what to do with the chilled particles.
Cold fusion
Back in 1989, a pair of scientists—Fleischmann and Pons—claimed that they’d achieved a remarkable feat: they’d successfully observed nuclear fusion at room temperatures. Momentarily, the finding was heralded as a revolutionary discovery that could transform energy production around the globe. Sadly, their experiments weren’t reproducible—but they did inspire scientists to study cold fusion in more depth.
Turns out, the process is in fact theoretically possible. For two atoms two fuse together, they need to come close enough to each other to overcome their mutual electric repulsion, which is caused by the cloud of electrons that orbit them. Usually that’s made possible by super-high temperatures—like at the center of the sun—but quantum physics suggests that, because the position of the electric field causing the repulsion is probabilistic, there is at least the possibility that atoms can fuse without the need for energy injection via high temperatures.
And it’s that hope that means a small band of scientists still work in the shadows, trying to get cold fusion to work. Of course, while occasional results come and go, they tend to be rather dubious. Fundamentally that’s because, even though quantum theory tells us it should be possible, nobody knows how to use that understanding to actually get a fusion reaction going.
(N.Morgan) Mars has been a planet filled with mystery and many conspiracies. We’ve seen many faces and other unexplained structures and other odd things. Our friend Crrow777, explore one of the many mysteries surrounding Mars. Over a hundred years ago astronomers began to uncover the mysteries of Mars. Almost immediately the observations and knowledge came under fire by the authorities and those who refuse to admit there is life beyond Earth. To this day the truth is lied about and hidden. Mars is not a dead planet and this has been known for a very long time.
"Buitenaardsen willen juist contact met ons maken"
“Buitenaardsen willen juist contact met ons maken”
In het NOS Radio 1 Journaal zei Coen Vermeeren, wetenschapper en lucht- en ruimtevaartdeskundige aan de TU Delft, dat buitenaardsen onze planeet niet willen overnemen of vernietigen. Ze willen juist contact met ons maken.
Vermeeren gelooft in het bestaan van UFO’s. Mensen die in onderzoeken over UFO’s hun verhaal doen, zijn geen mensen die hun verstand zijn kwijtraakt maar professionals, zegt Vermeeren. Het zijn vaak luchtverkeersleiders, piloten en astronauten; mensen die voor hun vak veel naar de lucht kijken.
Vermeeren pleit ervoor dat we meer met elkaar gaan praten over UFO’s. “Het taboe moet verdwijnen,” zegt hij. “Als meer wetenschappers openstaan voor buitenaards bestaan, dan kunnen we daarvan profiteren. Er is kennelijk technologie op aarde aanwezig op het gebied van transport en energie waarmee we een deel van onze problemen zouden kunnen oplossen.”
De meeste wetenschappers geloven niet dat buitenaardse wezens de aarde bezoeken. Dat komt volgens Vermeeren omdat in de Verenigde Staten ooit een onderzoek van 1000 pagina’s is gepubliceerd waarin wordt geconcludeerd dat UFO’s en buitenaards leven voor de wetenschap niet interessant zijn om te bestuderen.
Vermeeren merkt op dat in dat rapport ook veel verhalen staan van mensen die interessante en geloofwaardige dingen hebben gezien. Dat merk je pas als je je erin verdiept, maar de meeste wetenschappers willen dat niet en geven toch hun mening, zegt Vermeeren. Ook worden we volgens hem collectief bang gemaakt door Hollywood.
The message to doctors and nurses was simple; you talk, you go to jail. That message was delivered by officers of the government security contractors hired to police the Lackland Air Base illegal alien induction facility.
Some have spoken up anyway, because the risks are so great. They say the American taxpayers and citizens have a right to know what disease epidemic risk is being brought into our nation. They were interviewed confidentially by Todd Starnes of Fox News.
The secret nature of the process is itself of concern to the whistleblowers. One psychiatric counselor said, “There were several of us who wanted to talk about the camps, but the agents made it clear we would be arrested. We were under orders not to say anything.”
The security guarding the workers is provided by “Baptist Family & Children’s Services,” a contractor hired by HHS. They are referred to by themselves and others within the facility ominously as the “Brown Shirts.”
The counselor said “It was a very submissive atmosphere, once you stepped onto the grounds, you abided by their laws – the Brown Shirt laws.”
Upon entry to the facility all cell phones and other communication devices are confiscated and anyone caught with a phone is immediately terminated. She said, “Everyone was paranoid, the children had more rights than the workers.”
The infectious diseases that are still being brought in include measles, scabies, chicken pox and strep throat. Mental health and emotional conditions are also being diagnosed, and may or may not be treated.
The counselor described watching lice crawling down the hair of children she was attending to.
A former nurse calls it a “lice epidemic.” She said, “You could see the bugs crawling through their hair,” and added, “After we would rinse out their hair, the sink would be loaded with black bugs.”
That former nurse said, “We have so many kids coming in that there was no way to control all of the sickness – all this stuff coming into the country. We were very concerned at one point about strep going around the base.”
The counselor and the nurse both said the official position is to conceal the extent of the illnesses from the public.
The nurse describes how, “When they found out the kids had scabies, the charge nurse was adamant – ‘Don’t mention that. Don’t say scabies.’ But everybody knew they had scabies. Some of the workers were very concerned about touching things and picking things up. They asked if they should be concerned, but they were told ‘don’t worry about it.’”
Another problematic condition which concerned the nurse was the fact that the children were transported to Lackland on domestic charter buses and airplanes. Whatever conditions they have may have been left on the seats and other surfaces and could infect others.
The counselor noticed children who she recognized as being suicidal and recommended that they be sent to a psychiatric unit. Rather than treat one boy she pointed out, he was placed with a family in America.
It was at that point that she filed a Child Protective Services report and quit her job, concerned that her license was at risk if the child later committed suicide.
The counselor says she kept a detailed journal about what is going on inside the Lackland facility and remarked, “When people read that journal they are going to be astonished. I don’t think they will believe what is going on in America.”
She reports that she was later contacted by federal agents who demanded that she return to Lackland and surrender her journal to them. She refused to do so and has not returned to Lackland.
It is Cloward-Piven in action. The nurse expressed her belief that, “They’re going to crush the system. We can’t sustain this. They are overwhelming the system and I think it’s a travesty.”
Rick Wells
Rick Wells is a conservative author who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit
02-07-2014 om 14:54
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Sorry jongens, dit DNA van een bigfoot is eigenlijk van een ... wasbeer -
Sorry jongens, dit DNA van een bigfoot is eigenlijk van een ... wasbeer -
De Bigfoot- of Yeti-legende, nog steeds springlevend in de Verenigde Staten en in de Himalaya, krijgt een nieuwe wetenschappelijke knauw. DNA-onderzoek van haarstalen van vermeende Bigfoot-vindplaatsen hebben enkel maar koeien, paarden, honden, wasberen en een paar uitgestorven beren aan het licht gebracht.
De studie werd vandaag gepubliceerd in het wetenschappelijke vakblad Proceedings of The Royal Society B. Wetenschappers vergeleken het DNA dat ze verzamelden op 57 plaatsen over heel de wereld waar een bigfoot-achtig wezen werd gespot. Als dat echt zou bestaan, zouden toch minstens een aantal stalen niet mogen overeenkomen met enig ander bekend wezen op aarde.
Het onderzoek kwam er omdat de believers van de bigfoot altijd konden aanhalen dat 'serieuze' wetenschappers weigerden om zelfs nog maar het bestaan ervan in overweging te nemen. Een uitdaging die Oxford-onderzoeker Bryan Sykes daarom maar al te graag aannam.
Koeien, paarden en wasberen Maar de resultaten waren - voor de believers alvast - teleurstellend. Geen enkel haarstaal was de onderzoekers onbekend. Ze kwamen zowat allemaal van ofwel koeien, paarden, wasberen, coyotes, een Maleisische tapir, en mensen. Twee stalen, uit Azië, vertoonden wel overeenkomst met een uitgestorven poolbeer uit het Paleolithicum. Dat kan er op wijzen dat in dat gebied een nog onbekende beersoort rondzwerft. Maar een Yeti-achtig dier sluiten de wetenschappers uit.
De Bigfoot (of met de indiaanse naam Sasquatch) is de hard uitroeibare legende van een behaard wezen, een primaat die eruit ziet als half-man, half-dier en rechtop loopt. De primaat zou tot 2,5 meter groot zijn en tot 450 kilogram wegen en nog steeds in de bossen en wouden van de Verenigde Staten en Canada rondlopen. Als de bigfoot nog bestaat, zou hij afstammen van de Gigantopithecus, de gigantische mensaap die ongeveer een miljoen tot honderdduizend jaar geleden geleden in Azië leefde. Vandaar dat ook daar nog steeds Bigfootmeldingen opduiken, zij het dan onder de naam Yeti.
Wanneer u op een vliegtuig stapt, vertrouwt u erop dat de piloot en copiloot vooraan in de cockpit alles nauwlettend in de gaten houden. Maar vliegtuigbouwer Airbus heeft een revolutionair idee: waarom de piloten niet naar de achterzijde van het vliegtuig verplaatsen, of zelfs naar de bagageruimte?
Airbus heeft een Amerikaans patent in de wacht gesleept dat de besturingswijze van vliegtuigen in de toekomst drastisch kan veranderen. De blog Flight Club vergelijkt het concept met het besturen van een drone, al zullen de piloten wel nog in het vliegtuig aanwezig zijn. Niet vooraan, zoals traditioneel het geval is, maar elders in het vliegtuig. Daar krijgen ze een digitaal scherm met live-camerabeelden ter beschikking om de omgeving rond het vliegtuig in de gaten te houden.
Waarom Airbus dat nodig vindt? Het draait voornamelijk om geld. De vliegtuigbouwer wil de aerodynamica verbeteren, want hoe aerodynamischer een vliegtuig is, hoe minder weerstand er is en hoe minder brandstof verbrand wordt. In een ideaal scenario zou de neus van een vliegtuig lancetvormig zijn maar omdat er een cockpit in zit, is de vorm van de neus complex. De cockpit vereist bovendien een groot glazen oppervlak voor een optimaal zicht. Het glas is op zich al zwaar en vraagt bovendien structurele verstevigingen die de massa van het vliegtuig nog vergroten.
Daarnaast beperkt de traditionele locatie van de cockpit de grootte van de cabine en dus het aantal passagiers.
Geruststellend? Een mogelijke alternatieve locatie volgens Airbus is onder de vloer van de cabine, waar de bagageruimte zich bevindt. Of achteraan, in de verticale stabilisator.
Of luchtvaartmaatschappijen en passagiers hierop zitten te wachten, is volgens Flight Club nog maar de vraag. "Heel geruststellend klinkt het niet dat de piloten volledig afhankelijk zijn van een camera en beelden op een panoramisch scherm", luidt het. "Wat als een vogel of een hagelsteen de camera beschadigt? Zou u op een vliegtuig stappen, wetende dat de piloten achter u zitten?"
Toch zal het zicht van de piloten volgens het patent niet verslechteren, integendeel. In een traditioneel vliegtuig is het zicht beperkt tot de ruimte die zich voor de neus uitstrekt. Deze uitvinding biedt de piloot de keuze tussen meerdere zichten, waaronder ook dat aan de voorzijde van het vliegtuig.
NA readings from dozens of hair samples linked to sightings of Bigfoot, Yeti and other legendary monsters show that the hairs came instead from run-of-the-mill animals such as bears and cows — but the researcher behind the project says Bigfoot hunters needn’t give up hope just yet.
“I don’t think this finishes the Bigfoot myth at all,” Oxford geneticist Bryan Sykes told NBC News. “What it does do is show that there is a way for Bigfoot enthusiasts to go back out into the forest and get the real thing.”
Sykes’ findings, published in this week’s issue of the Proceedings of the Royal Academy B, follow up on a yearlong effort to bring in and analyze samples collected by monster-hunters and fringe-science researchers known as cryptozoologists.
One of his key findings was revealed last year, when Sykes reported that two hair samples attributed to the mysterious Himalayan monster known as the Yeti (or “Abominable Snowman”) were a genetic match for a 40,000-year-old jawbone from a polar bear that lived in the Norwegian Arctic.
Sykes is writing a book about that case, titled “The Yeti Enigma,” and he’s organizing an expedition to the Himalayas next year to look for a live specimen of the anomalous bear. “That’s the next logical step,” he said. “We need a live ‘Yeti.’”
Most regions of the world have their legends of menacing but elusive monsters — hulking, hairy beasts that investigators call “anomalous primates.” Sykes received dozens of samples of hair and tissues purportedly linked to such creatures, including the Yeti as well as the Almasty “wild man” from Russia and the orang pendek from Sumatra.
More than half of the 30 samples that underwent DNA analysis were linked to sightings of Bigfoot (aka Sasquatch) in the United States, ranging from Texas and Minnesota to Arizona and Washington state.
Sykes and his team focused on a snippet of mitochondrial DNA code that’s passed down from a mother to her progeny. That code was matched to species signatures stored in the GenBank database of DNA sequences.
The Bigfoot samples were matched to black bears, cows, a porcupine, horse, raccoon, sheep, deer, canines (which could have been dogs, coyotes or wolves) and one undetermined human. The Russian samples correlated with bears, horses, cows and a raccoon. Two of the Yeti samples matched up with that long-gone polar bear, and a third was linked to a goatlike animal called a serow. The orang pendek sample was traced to a Malaysian tapir.
21st-Century Monster Hunt
Even though the project provided no evidence for the existence of a legendary monster, Sykes said it proved that scientific methods could be brought to bear on the search for anomalous species. There have been previous claims for the detection of Bigfoot-human hybrid DNA, but those findings were thought to have been the result of contamination and have not been widely accepted.
“It just wasn’t science,” Sykes told NBC News. “A lot of Bigfoot enthusiasts thought that this was how science worked, [but] it was dreadful.”
NBC News
Oxford geneticist Brian Sykes is planning an expedition to the Himalayas to look for what may be a mysterious breed of bear.
Loren Coleman, director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine, said he wasn’t disappointed that Sykes failed to confirm Bigfoot. In an email to NBC News, Coleman said Sykes’ method was “the correct way to do cryptozoology science.”
“Gone are the Victorian days of stomping about jungles and forests to shoot animals to prove they exist,” Coleman said. “We can do verifications through testing for the DNA in hair, fecal and other physical samples found in conjunction with sightings of and encounters with possible new animals. Follow-ups then can be made in the field to obtain photographic evidence and further blood samples from living animals.”
“Science is not biased against the identification of cryptid species,” MacLeod said. “It simply suspends judgment until unambiguous positive evidence is produced.”
For his part, Sykes said he hoped Coleman and other cryptozoologists would be taken more seriously. “They have been, I think, quite badly treated by scientists over the past 50 years,” he said.
This is one amazing event – it looks like something out of a movie, yet is seems to be real – as we are seeing more different types of craft in the skies.
Het is vandaag Wereld UFO Dag, een dag waarop er extra aandacht is voor de mogelijkheid dat onze planeet wordt bezocht door buitenaardse wezens. De dag valt ongeveer samen met misschien wel het bekendste UFO-verhaal.
In juli 1947 werden op een ranch in het noordwesten van Roswell in de Amerikaanse staat New Mexico wrakstukken gevonden die volgens sommigen afkomstig waren van een buitenaards ruimteschip. Ooggetuigen beweerden lichamen van buitenaardsen te hebben gezien op de crashplek.
De luchtmacht meldde in eerste instantie dat er een ‘vliegende schotel’ was gecrasht. Later werd het bericht aangepast en werd gezegd dat de wrakstukken afkomstig zouden zijn van een weerballon. Decennia later bracht de luchtmacht een rapport naar buiten waarin stond dat de weerballon waarschijnlijk een experimentele spionageballon was en dat de ‘buitenaardsen’ in feite ‘antropomorfische crash test dummy’s waren.
De luchtmacht deed tussen 1947 en 1969 onderzoek naar UFO’s om vast te stellen of ze een bedreiging vormden voor de nationale veiligheid. Wetenschappers van Project Blue Book concludeerden dat ze geen bedreiging vormden en dat geen van de ongeïdentificeerde objecten buitenaardse voertuigen waren.
Een vooraanstaande expert zegt echter dat de overheid niet de waarheid spreekt over Roswell en buitenaards bezoek. “Het is een kosmisch Watergateschandaal,” zei kerngeleerde Stanton Friedman, die al meer dan 40 jaar onderzoek heeft verricht naar UFO’s. “Dit is het belangrijkste nieuws van het millennium.”
Uit een peiling van National Geographic Channel in 2012 bleek dat 36 procent van de ondervraagden er zeker van is dat UFO’s bestaan en op aarde zijn geland. Het Mutual UFO Network, dat onderzoek doet naar UFO-waarnemingen, krijgt duizenden meldingen per jaar. Dit jaar staat de teller al op 4100.
“Er is alleen geen wetenschappelijk bewijs dat het buitenaardse voertuigen zijn,” zei Joe Nickell van de Committee of Skeptical Inquiry. “Bestaan UFO’s? Zeker, het zijn ongeïdentificeerde vliegende objecten. Maar je kunt niet zeggen: Ik weet niet wat het is en daarom is het een buitenaards schip.”
De term ‘UFO’ werd in 1952 voor het eerst gebruikt door de Amerikaanse officier Edward Ruppelt. Het woord ‘vliegende schotel’ bestond al sinds 1947. In juni dat jaar zag piloot Kenneth Arnold negen vliegende objecten die als ‘schotels over het water vlogen’. In 1975 gaf Ecuatoriaal-Guinea als eerste land postzegels uit met vliegende schotels. In de Verenigde Staten wonen 40.000 mensen die zijn verzekerd voor buitenaardse ontvoeringen.
Below is a response from a questioner to my seemingly harsh and critical email requesting him to substantiate his claims that “we’re “dealing with beings that are very different from us, etc.” He was offended by my response to him but to his credit, he wrote back, referred to some of my own remarks he found insulting, and I followed up with this:
First, thanks for writing back. I want to answer your points and do so directly without any intentional insults. I’m also going to address a few points that I too have to live with if the Billy Meier UFO case is to be considered credible, let alone the standard by which all other claims of ET contact are to be measured.
Let’s see if we can agree that the actual, proven existence of ETs would be of mega-enormous significance. Topping that by light years of course would be proof that one man on Earth has been in contact with them…for over 72 years.
Now the problem facing the UFO community/industry (UFOCI) is that they casually take for granted that there are all sorts of “aliens” walking around on Earth, working for the government (would they really be that stupid and desperate?), abducting people, co-procreating hybrid-human babies, etc. Really, that’s the standard fare of the UFOCI. And it’s mostly why the entire UFO field is marginalized, relegated to tabloid status, entertainment, etc., and the truth kept from the public.
This is no accident. Neither is the fact that all of this “alien” bilge can get widespread media coverage but you won’t find a word on the Meier case in the mainstream media. That should start to tell you something about both the “alien” nonsense and the…real deal.
I’ll get back to this – and it’s not directed at you – but also consider that sometimes people would rather die than know and have to deal with the truth. The problem is that they may well die because they deny it.
Now when someone blithely tells you that there are all sorts of these “Greys”, etc., on Earth, messing around with people, etc., beyond my already noted irreverent response to the failed logic behind unsubstantiated claims, let’s go a bit farther and ask just how we came to accept a context in which we are already ascribing and describing and attributing behaviors and motivations to creatures for which there simply is no empirical evidence establishing their existence, let alone interactions with us.
This is supremely important. How, how did we get from anecdotal stories by so-called “experiencers” – a cutesy new designation that would be fitting in a sic-fi discussion but not in one for which real, cold, hard evidence is lacking – to accepting their subjective accounts as equal to real scientifically proven facts?
You’ve taken offense not only to my lack of bedside manner but to my essential demands for actual…evidence. So let me explain just a little bit more about that.
In my 35 years of researching the Meier case, and a couple more decades of overall interest that started in my childhood, I still haven’t come upon any so-called UFO case that meets the standards of evidence and proof that one would deem reasonable to support such claims. I’ll quickly add that I have no trouble accepting the reality of Roswell (and some others like it). I first learned about it in about1958 from a high school friend who told me about a “flying saucer” that had crashed and was hauled off to an air base in Ohio. He learned about it from his father who was…in the US Air Force.
But there is zero remaining and/or verifiable evidence for Roswell (or any other cases, real or otherwise) and none can be forced from a government that probably doesn’t have and/or know about it/them anyway.
Roswell, like every other so-called UFO case, is a complete waste of very, very precious, dwindling time. Please, feel free to challenge that by producing something, anything of actual, relevance to our global situation today.
In representing the Meier case I’ve been “challenged” (and largely attacked) by skeptics but they pale in comparison to the incompetence, vehemence and obstruction of the truth by…UFOCI. The UFOCI is, second only to, or tied with, the intelligence agencies; it’s the worst opponent of the Meier case, the least scientific, least qualified, competent, capable, rational, logical group in just about any field of study that I know of.
The funny thing is that I’ve defeated every skeptical challenge, shut down a challenge from a scientist with a top secret clearance in less than five minutes, did the same thing just last year with a retired judge, simply on the strength of the scientific and legal standard of proof in the case. It doesn’t take a genius. Just someone who’s really done their homework. I’ve offered to debate all of the professional skeptics, at once, at an event of their choosing. No responses now, when once they were so confident.
I don’t have a scientific background. I was basically an artist and singer/songwriter who didn’t get my first “real” job until, at age 32, I had to raise my 10 month-old baby myself as a single father. (Some of my other bio material is here.)
I learned how to research – and think – from delving into the Meier material. I looked into every UFO-related story along the way. There’s simply no there there, anywhere, certainly not even remotely in the same league as the Meier case.
I’ve been to Switzerland 14 times, tried to trick Meier 4 times in 3 years on a strange matter he told me about. But he always immediately gave me the same answer, no hesitation, no tall tales, excuses. Where would I go to “research” anecdotal fables that have been built around “strange experiences”? I’ve been within 20′ of a craft myself and I received information from the Plejaren, through Meier, foretelling a trap I was otherwise going to fall into…verifiably days before the culprit sprang his second best plan because I had retreated based on their information, which Meier himself didn’t know about. I guess I’m not an “experiencer” because I have actual evidence for my claim and I don’t need some bogus “hypnosis” to recall (or have someone with questionable qualifications and motives concoct stories about) it.
Do you know why I do this work on the Meier case (and not on anything else, including my many creative ventures)? It’s because I consider it the most important true story in all of human history and the key to our future survival. My personal mission is to help prove the prophecies (like those here)…wrong.
I have a website jam packed with information, a blog with over 300 entries and a media appearances list a mile long. But the mainstream media access that I’ve tried to get in every way I know how is barred. Why is that? It’s because of several factors pertaining to the reality of the case and all that that implies to the powers that be, the knowledge of who Meier is and the fact that it’s now known that it’s too late to forestall some of the most dreadful stuff that all those suppressive minds have actually helped to create and force to fulfillment.
So, getting back to my earlier comment, there are indeed people for whom the truth is so unmanageable that they would rather die than deal with it…and they have no compunctions about letting the rest of the world go down the drain at the same time.
As for the “Greys”, “aliens”, “experiencers”, etc., if one is sober and self-honest, the magnitude of that entire cynical farce is not only devoid of any credible, verifiable physical evidence but even ONE significant, uniquely valuable piece of information for humanity. It’s not only depressing but raises serious questions as to how one got swept up in that dead-end disinformation at the expense of recognizing truth and reality.
If I notice, while out walking at night, that your house is on fire should I wait until I return home, send you an email, maybe call - but apologize for disturbing you…or should I bang like hell on your door, get you to wake up and let you decide how you’re going to deal with the problem?
I’ve tried, and actually continue to try, every reasonable, rational, polite, humorous approach I know to wake people up…so that they can decide what they want to do once they know their house is on fire. Of course I do pound on their doors too when all else seems to have failed.
Our house, your house is on fire and no amount of pseudoscientific hypnosis with “experiencers” has – or ever will – alert us to it, nor will it contain the remedies that may still remain for us to put the fire out. No imaginary “Greys” started the fire, nor will they be of any help. The so-called “Greys” from Roswell were actually…androids, the robotic surrogates for the actual extraterrestrials in the Zeta Reticulum system who sent them out on scientific information gathering missions. Oh so cleverly, the US intelligence agencies, and others, have demonized real, actual – human – extraterrestrials and substituted all this fearful garbage to control people. And it’s not only been at the expense of the truth but it will cost many lives.
In the past 10,000 years, according to Meier, there’ve been only about 250 years of peace. The imaginary “Greys” weren’t killing off untold millions of human beings. We human beings ourselves were.
So we come around to this dreaded, disinformation perpetuating UFOCI, which, in case you haven’t noticed, hasn’t produced one solid piece of evidence for all its decades and decades of chasing lights in the sky. While the prophecies ceaselessly fulfill, while we pass our own point of no return, we think we still have the luxury of entertainingly scaring ourselves with the contemporary version of ghost stories, the new “demons” are now the imaginary “Greys”, “evil aliens”, etc.
But people like me, specifically me in fact, are a “problem” because I now waste little time confronting people with the truth as I know it, willing as I am though to be proven wrong. But no one, not even you my friend, has yet rebutted or addressed my concerns with opposing facts. Please, cite the best evidence from the most credible “researchers’ you’ve listened to in those hundreds of hours of interviews, etc..
If you can do so I will gladly address them. If not, maybe you’ll see that I’m not the problem for trying to make you substantiate your claims, beliefs, etc. But I may be the one who points out the real “fire in the house” in the form of the epidemic of gullibility, non-critical thinking, illogic and denial of reality that is the product of this abysmal, fraudulent field of UFOlogy and the industry it’s spawned…at the expense of the true truth.
I am not a researcher. I don’t have access to “scientifically verifiable” proof at a level that you would ever be satisfied with. I have a deep interest in this subject and have spent a few years listening to hundreds of hours of interviews from other researchers & experiencers, watched numerous documentaries, read many books, etc. which lead me to suspect that there are many other legitimate cases, including Greys. You have spent 30 years on this one case and so I’ll never be able to debate specific “verifiable” evidence with you since I am not directly involved with any case that I can point to particular evidence. That doesn’t make me “soft and lazy.” Again, that is just insulting and a harsh judgement.
I didn’t come to you to dispute your evidence or significance (so not sure why you keep trying to convince me of it), only to see if you had some evidence that all of the other cases were lies and hoaxes. I understand your point that you have not seen any sufficient evidence and so therefore: no (sufficient) evidence = not real. There is evidence, but not “scientifically verifiable” to you. As you put it, hypnosis to you is not a credible means of ascertaining truth claims and “Anecdotal evidence is…not the basis for any such claims to be accepted as factual” (which includes whistleblower testimony). To me though it is a mistake to throw all this evidence out. Yes, it’s not ideal evidence, but I wouldn’t dismiss it altogether. I weigh it accordingly and compare it with what might corroborate this evidence.
Yes, I do take life seriously (but not too much), but I’d rather spend my time with those that are not condescending and don’t have an “I’m smart and every else is ignorant” attitude. My main point is that–your attitude does not help your cause–it actually makes it worse. You seem frustrated that others don’t accept the validity and significance of this case, but this is why!
Copyright 2011 – All Rights Reserved. Please do not copy or reproduce the content on this blog for re-publication without the author/s written permission. Thank you.
Location: At sea in the Florida Straits Date: 1959
Time: 2200
While serving in the USN aboard the aircraft carrier USS FDR, Chester Grusinski was below decks when he noticed a number of seamen hurrying up to the flight deck of the carrier. When he got to the flight deck, there were approximately 25 other men present observing an oblong, orange light in the sky. The light approached the carrier in a “wobbling” fashion, blo…cking out the background of stars in the sky and becoming larger. At a distance of probably no more than several hundred feet from the vessel, it stopped and hovered; Grusinski could clearly see a row of square windows, lighted within by a dull orange glow; in two of these windows, to his left, he could see occupants, one in each window. One appeared to be leaning against the glass and looking down at the witnesses, while the other could be seen only from the neck up. Then they both moved away and were no longer visible. At is closer range; Grusinski could feel a wave of warmth coming from the object. After the figures disappeared, the bottom of the object began glowing a red orange; it became brighter as the object began to move off, and they could clearly see then that it was cigar shaped. The faster it moved, the brighter it got. The observation lasted from two to five minutes. The next day, Grusinski, got up early to see if there was any reference to the incident in the “plan of the day.” He found none; when queried about it by others, he denied having seen anything. On the other hand, he was unable to find anyone else who was willing to talk about it.
Is interesting that it took place around the same of the Rendlesham Forest events, here is another case said to have occurred also around the same time, but not reported until years later:
Location: Chicopee, Massachusetts Date: December 30 1980
Time: 2330
The witness was sleeping in her room when she heard a sound like thunder. She looked out the window and saw an orange fireball gliding over the house. She went to the kitchen and told her sister to come to the window and watch what they thought was a meteor falling into the backyard. She pulled open the kitchen curtains and saw a black diamond-shaped craft with green lights on the points settle onto the back porch roof. The green lights were not bright and the diamond was only about 10 ft across and 8 ft high. A low hum was shaking the house and rattling the back window. The object sat on the roof for a few minutes and as she prepared to go outside she heard a voice in her head say, “Don’t go outside, you’ll get hurt”. Finally the object slid horizontally off the porch and hovered over the backyard. The green lights then went off and the black diamond appeared to be blacker than the sky. It took off seemingly flying fast and slow at the same time. She does not remember going to bed, but a few hours later she woke up tucked into bed, wearing slippers that she had not been wearing earlier and her hands crossed over her chest. (?)
Location: Near Huffman, Texas Date: December 29 1980
Time: evening
Three occupants of a 1980 Olds Cutlass, Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum and Vickie’s seven year old grandson, Colby, were on their way home through the southern tip of the east Texas piney woods when they noticed a large light above the trees some distance ahead. The light was briefly lost from view, but they saw it again when after rounding a curve they found themselves on a straight stretch of a two lane road on Highway FM 1485. This time it was approaching them, floating above the road at less than treetop height and belching flames from its bottom. Cash and the Landrums were only about 130 feet from the object. Escape was out of the question because the road was narrow and the shoulders soggy. If Betty Cash, who was driving, tried to turn around, she knew the car would get stuck. There was no other traffic on the desolate highway, so she stepped outside, as did the elder Landrum. But Colby’s frantic screams brought her back into the car.
The object, intensely bright and dull metallic silver in color, was shaped like a huge, upright diamond, with its top and bottom cut off so that they were flat rather than pointed. Small blue lights ringed the center, and periodically over the next five minutes flames shot out of the bottom, flaring outward to create a cone affect. All the while the witnesses felt their faces burning. The car was too hot to touch. At one point Vickie Landrum, leaning out the front window, steadied herself by putting her hands on the dashboard, only to find it molded to the shape of her fingers. A few minutes later, when Cash tried to get back into the car, the door handle burned her fingers. With a final blast of fire and heat, the UFO ascended slowly into the sky. But just as it was clearing the treetops, helicopters flew in from all directions. The helicopters and the UFO then were lost from view.
The three resumed their journey. Five minutes later they arrived at the intersection of FM 1485 and FM 2100 where they saw the UFO and the helicopters again. Cash counted 23 helicopters, all clearly visible because of the light from the diamond-shaped object was reflecting off them. Many of the aircraft were subsequently identified as large, double-rotor Boeing CH-47 Chinooks, used by the Army and Marines. The whole incident lasted a total of 20 minutes. Soon Betty Cash became extremely ill with large knots forming on her neck and scalp that soon became blisters. Her skin reddened and her eyes swelled. She vomited and experienced severe diarrhea. The Landrums suffered similar distress, but not quite as intense. In the morning Cash had lapse into near unconsciousness. She was eventually taken to the hospital in January 3 1981; she could not walk and had lost large patches of skin and clumps of hair. She was released after 12 days, but had to return to the hospital for another 15 days. A doctor who examined the patients reported strong evidence of damage as a result of ionizing radiation with the possibility of infrared or ultraviolet component as well. Betty Cash never fully recovered and suffered for years to come and in an ironic twist of fate she died on the anniversary of the bizarre encounter in December 29 1999, some say as a result of the initial encounter 19 years before.
HC addendum Source:Jerome Clark, “The UFO Book” Encyclopedia of The Extraterrestrial
Early report describing a Bigfoot and a UFO in the same area: Location. Near Great Falls Montana Date: February 22 1976 Time: 10:00 a.m. Leonard Hegele, 29, was driving on Interstate 15, south of Great Falls, when he spotted a large, humanoid being walking in a field about a quarter of a mile from the highway. He briefly pursued the being on foot, but retreated when his quarry stopped walking and turned to face Hegele. “I was carrying a .357 magnum pistol,” Hegele said. “But when he turned around, I felt completely defenseless.” Hegele said he also saw a gray, oval-shaped craft hovering in the air about a half mile from the highway. Hegele said the being was about seven feet tall with shoulders at least three feet wide. The being was described as “solid and muscular,” although Hegele said he did not get close enough to determine if it was covered with hair. Although humanoid in appearance, Hegele said the being’s size, length of stride and manner of walking were distinctive, “It was no human,” he said. The being was walking, arms swinging at its sides, along a knoll parallel to the highway. Hegele said he stopped his vehicle and after climbing through a fence and crossing a frontage road, began running after the being, which continued walking. Hegele, who said he was active in track in high school, reported he could only cut the distance between them in half by running at full speed. When Hegele closed to within 700 to 800 feet, the being stopped walking and, lowering its arms, turned to face his pursuer. Making no attempt to hide his fright, Hegele said he immediately reversed course and ran back to his vehicle. The being made no menacing gesture, he said. Hegele said he noticed the airborne craft while he was chasing the being. The craft hovered only about 10 feet above the ground, but periodically ascended and descended another 15 feet.
Humcat 1976-41 Source: Jerome Clark also The Tribune, Great Falls, Montana 2/23/76
Were they Aliens in 1880, when some rural school children saw the Little People?
The Cameron State Forest is located in Steuben Country and is about 15 miles to the southeast of Hornell, NY. The Cameron region was, and still is, the home to many farms and a lot of rattlesnakes. Even in present day, to get there is a drive up and down a lot of hilly terrain.
In the 1880s Cameron was as rural as you could get in upstate New York. There was no such thing as a school bus in those days. So going to school was the proverbial long five mile walk through the country side to a one room school house.
Elizabeth and her sister Eva and some of other children from local farming families made the long trek to their one room school house by walking the long, hilly, and twisting dirt roads on week days.
One day, as the school children were about to cross a familiar bridge over a local stream they stopped upon seeing something very strange. On the other side of the bridge and down on the creek bed the kids observed some strange tiny little people.
Elizabeth and Eva both later told her family that these beings were small, skinny, and oddly colored. They tell us that all the children were frightened by the sight of these little people, even the boys. These strangers didn’t look like anyone or anything thing they’d ever see. Their parents had cautioned them to wary of strangers so when the little people gestured for the children to cross the bridge, they all turned and ran for home.
Elizabeth and Eva later grew up to become a school teachers themselves and their account comes to us from a family oral history passed to their younger brother, who told it to his children who later told it to their children and grandchildren. I thank the family for sharing this story with us.
Let’s look at some sightings from around areas near Cameron, NY: Click here!
Was hovering disc UFO observing train crossing lights over Colorado?
The jury remains out on exactly what intelligence is operating UFOs in our skies, but one Colorado witness at Gunbarrel who was stopped at a train gate crossing reports the disc-shaped object hovered above him under 500 feet and then moved on once the train was gone, according to March 1, 2014, testimony in Case 54385.
A Colorado witness at Gunbarrel noticed a hovering disc while waiting at a train stop light and both the witness and the UFO moved on once the trained passed. (Credit: Google)
Colorado Field Investigators Richard Evans and Deborah Evans investigated and closed this case as an Unknown Aerial Vehicle.
The witness was driving home from a friend’s home in Gunbarrel about midnight on September 8, 2007.
“Got to the train tracks,” the witness stated. “A train was coming and the boom gates came down.”
But then he looked up.
“Looked up while waiting for train to pass as I was sitting in my car. Saw a gray disc object hovering and watched this object for five minutes.”
Once the train passed and the gates rose, the witness continued driving.
“I proceeded to go east on highway 119 to Longmont.”
Looking back, the witness noticed the object was now moving – and going in the opposite direction.
“The possibility that the object was a balloon was carefully discussed, but the close proximity and lack of even the slightest movement rules out a balloon or even tethered balloon,” the field investigators stated in their report.
A 78-year-old Michigan man recalls a UFO encounter in 1943 “as if it happened yesterday,” according to March 2, 2014, testimony in Case 54412.
The witness was a child outside playing in the dirt behind a cottage about 10 miles outside of Ludington when the object came into view.
“I saw a saucer-like object flying toward me,” the witness stated. “It then stopped over Hamlin Lake and after a second, went back the way it came from the other side of Hamlin Lake and on perhaps in the direction of Lake Michigan.”
The witness described the object.
“It didn’t make any noise and I didn’t see any windows. It just looked like a flying saucer. The speed was relatively slow and it seemed to stop for a moment over about the middle of the lake there and then reverse course going back in the direction it had come as if to say, ‘Oh, I’m going in the wrong direction.’”
The Michigan man, now 78, recalls watching a disc-shaped UFO while playing behind the family’s cottage in 1943. (Credit: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division)
Michigan Field Investigator Marie Cisneros investigated and closed the case as an Unknown Aerial Vehicle.
“I spoke to the witness by phone and he stated that when a small child he witnessed an object coming towards him at Hamlin Lake. He was at an area called Sunset Bay which at the time was quite desolate with not many people habiting it. He states he was about six or seven at the time and was playing in the dirt with ants on the dirt dead-end road in back of the cottage about 10 miles outside of Ludington, Michigan. This object stopped at about the middle of the lake. He stated that it seemed to go back towards Lake Michigan – back along the same route. He states he was alone and there were no other witnesses. When asked if he could estimate its size, he stated that if a car was round, the object would be about that size. He stated it didn’t make any noise and he could see no discernible ‘windows.’ He states it ‘looked like a flying saucer.’ He feels the speed was relatively slow and it seemed to stop for a moment over about the middle of the lake and then reversed its course, going back in the direction it had come.”
California witness recalls UFO ‘bigger than mountain it came over’
A California witness recalls an encounter with a UFO “bigger than the mountain it came over” along Boca Reservoir near Truckee, according to March 3, 2014, testimony in Case 54423.
The reporting witness and a friend were about to go to sleep in a vehicle for the night while about 20 parents remained outside partying by a campfire when the object was first noticed on the other side of the river from where they were camping. The events occurred on August 10, 1985.
“There were no trees on that side of river,” the reporting witness stated. “It was a bare hill. This object was enormous! Bigger than the mountain it came over.”
Boca Reservoir near Truckee. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
The witness described the object.
“It proceeded very slowly over the mountain and directly over our camp. It had triangular-shaped lights all over the bottom as though there were smaller triangular-shaped ships on the bottom. The lights were red, green, and yellow triangular patterns – with white lights around them.”
The object could also be heard.
“It simply made a humming sound and flew right over us. There were pine trees on our side so right after it went over us; we could not see it anymore.”
California Assistant State Director Devlin Rugne investigated. He was unable to communicate with the witness, but stated in his report, “If we are to take this report at face value, I am closing the case out as an Unknown Aerial Vehicle based on its size and that ‘It had triangular shaped lights all over the bottom.’”
A Mississippi couple driving southbound along Highway 45 between Saltillo and Tupelo report watching a black, triangle-shaped UFO that moved close to them, according to March 4, 2014, testimony in Case 54442.
The couple first noticed “three bright, white lights” that first appeared to be disc-shaped about 10:15 p.m. on February 7, 2014.
The Mississippi couple was southbound along Highway 45 between Saltillo and Tupelo when the triangle-shaped object moved low over the roadway on February 7, 2014. (Credit: Google)
“We slowed down and began to watch it because the lights were so brightly glowing white,” the reporting witness stated. “It was in the distance at this point. It quickly changed direction and altitude.”
Mississippi Field Investigator Timothy Soper closed this case as a hoax. Many pieces of false information were included in the original report.
North Carolina UFO ‘size of storage shed’ moves toward ground
A North Carolina witness driving along Montford Cove Road near Union Mills reported watching a bright object moving toward the ground level that was about the size of “a large sized storage shed” when it reached the tree top level about 8:44 p.m. on March 4, 2014, according to testimony in Case 54460.
The witness was driving home from work and had just passed a church and a convenience store when a light in the sky first appeared to be a star.
The North Carolina witness was driving along this stretch of Montford Cove Road north of Union Mills when an object the ‘size of a large storage shed’ moved toward ground level. (Credit: Google)
“Remembering that it was cloudy, I said to myself, ‘That’s no star,’” the witness stated. “When I first saw it, approximately a mile away, maybe less, it was about the size of a basketball maybe a little larger. As I got closer, it was about the size of like a large sized storage shed.”
The object then appeared to descend behind a nearby hill.
North Carolina Field Investigator Sanford Davis investigated. After repeated attempts, the witness could not be reached. Davis closed the case as an IFO – Identified Flying Object.
“It was most likely a helicopter or a light engine plane,” he stated.
Hovering triangle UFO photographed by Florida witness
A Port St. Lucie, FL, witness reported watching and photographing a triangle-shaped UFO that hovered and “moved erratically” in the sky for seven hours, according to March 6, 2014, testimony in Case 54490.
The event began about 11 p.m. on March 2, 2014, when the witness was at Jensen Beach and first saw the unidentified object. The report was filed by Florida MUFON State Section Director Mary Margaret Zimmer for the witness.
“Witness saw a dark gray object with bright lights on the bottom,” Zimmer stated. “The object appeared triangular in shape with blue light around the perimeter. A dime (at arm’s length) would cover the object. The object appeared ‘thick’ and about 50 feet long. The object hovered, flashed light and moved erratically.”
The case was investigated by Florida Field Investigators Louise Kizer and Mary Margaret Zimmer. After multiple attempts to reach the witness, the case was closed as Insufficient Evidence.
Florida Dad, kids chase low flying orb UFO
A Florida witness in Miami driving near 8th Street and 42nd Avenue with the kids in the backseat reported chasing and photographing an orb-shaped UFO moving low over commercial buildings, according to March 6, 2014, testimony in Case 54488.
When the Florida Dad driving through Miami with kids in the backseat saw the low flying orb UFO, he decided to follow the object and get a photo. (Credit: Google)
The incident occurred just after 7:15 p.m. on February 28, 2014, as the witness noticed a “single light orb floating” nearby and became curious.
“Had the kids so decided to drive to it,” the witness stated. “But traffic began to build. I can see it going from one building top to another – low. When I couldn’t get around traffic I looked to the right and noticed another set across the street. This one was flicking in three set pulses and also low – above homes. This one was in my residence area.”
The witness quickly turned and began to follow the object.
“I managed to get some video at dusk as it flicked low and silently above homes towards the northwest. I had the kids with me, so after videoing it, I called off the tracking.”
The witness provided one image and one video with the MUFON report, which was filed on March 6, 2014. See Image 1 and Video 1.
Florida Field Investigator Thomas Branham closed the case as an IFO – Identified Flying Object.
“I feel that there is a distinct possibility of a drone,” he stated. “The speed, flight movement, size, and closeness to the ground could all be consistent with the movement of a drone. A recent video of a drone filmed in New York City verifies that a small, modified, non-military drone can be operated from great distances which the witness was skeptical of. Also the pattern of the blinking light that seemed to come in a series of threes could be preset on the drone.
“Ruling out other possibilities I feel that the most credible possibility of this sighting is a drone.”
North Carolina witness ‘not afraid’ as low flying disc UFO moves away
A North Carolina witness in the Yanceyville-Blanch area reported not being afraid while watching a large, low flying, disc-shaped UFO because it was moving away, according to March 6, 2014, testimony in Case 54491.
The witness was outside with the family dog and watching the night sky when the object was first seen about 10:30 p.m. on January 15, 2014.
The Yanceyville-Blanch, NC, area. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
“It came from the right side of the house as I was facing west,” the witness stated. “It was so large I saw it immediately with peripheral vision and turned slightly to my right to see it track rapidly toward the west.”
The witness described the object’s movement.
“Movement was rapid but slow enough for me to get a good look to see defined edges; that it was oval from my vantage point and that it looked like it had clouds inside. I realized it was probably reflecting ground lights instead. There was no question that it was a disk of some sort. The sky was crystal clear with stars.”
North Carolina Field Investigator Sanford Davis closed this case as an Unknown.
“The witness said the object moved at about 60 mph in a straight line before it disappeared over the treetop,” Davis stated. “The total sighting lasted about 15 seconds. I Checked MUFON’s and NUFORC’s database for that time period and found no other similar sightings. The witness seemed intelligent and articulate. This was not her first sighing.”
California ghost town UFO witnesses give chase
A California witness recalls a late-night encounter at Calico Ghost Town with a silent 300-foot-wide triangle UFO just 300 feet off of the ground that outran his attempts to catch up to it, according to March 6, 2014, testimony in Case 54492.
The witness and three friends were sleeping outside at Calico during a September 1973 visit when the object was first seen about 2 a.m. One of the reporting witnesses’ friends pointed the object out.
“I rolled over and saw what I thought was the moon shining through a weather balloon and told Mike, ‘It’s just a weather balloon,’ and rolled back over.”
But his friend answered back, “That isn’t a balloon.”
“When I rolled over onto my back, I could now see a large triangular craft approximately 300 feet across and approximately 300 feet off of the ground slowly moving over the top of us. What I thought was the moon shining through a balloon now looked more like an observation bubble under the nose of the craft, and it was glowing a dull light purple in color.”
The witness described the object.
“As it moved over it made no sound, and I saw no lights, but as it cleared the moon you could see the light reflect off the craft and it gave it the color of gun metal blue, and the edges appeared to be rounded. It continued its slow moving progress away from us following the hills of the desert, and flying just above hill top level.”
Witnesses recall a 300-foot-wide triangle UFO that moved over Calico Ghost Town in California. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
The witness and one of his companions decided to give chase on foot.
“We followed running up hills, then down one and up another, but the craft got further away each time, so we stopped and just watched. I saw no sign of an engine and we heard no sounds.”
The witness stated that they were lucky to have seen it due to its stealth appearance and movement.
“Had it not been for the fact it flew right over the top of us, we would never even had known it was there. My feeling was that the craft was running in stealth mode, no lights and at very low levels to avoid detection. What struck me so odd was back then it was supposed to be fast moving, skinny disk-shaped objects, like in ‘Chariots of the Gods.’ I did not see anything like what we saw until I watched a program on TV describing the same thing I saw, except ours did not have any of the lights mentioned.”
California Chief Investigator Cinde Costello investigated and closed this case as an IFO – Identified Flying Object.
“From many years of experience with viewing the sky at night, I’d say that there is a very good possibility that this object may have been a cloud crossing the moon,” Costello stated. “The witness was only 13 years old when this occurred, an age when even under normal conditions, many otherwise mundane things tend to take on a spookier quality than they truly are. On top of it all, research has proven that some of our memories aren’t exactly as accurate as we give them credit for.
“As a rule, that location in the summertime experiences monsoonal conditions, and many clouds are usually present in the sky, rain or no rain. His ‘Moon shining through a weather balloon’ description does sound typical for a cloud, and I feel certain that his reported distance of the object was much further away from them than he estimates. Without more to work with here, (she was unable to contact the witness), I’m going to go ahead and class as such: Misidentification. IFO-Natural Phenomenon.”
Was hovering disc UFO observing train crossing lights over Colorado?
The jury remains out on exactly what intelligence is operating UFOs in our skies, but one Colorado witness at Gunbarrel who was stopped at a train gate crossing reports the disc-shaped object hovered above him under 500 feet and then moved on once the train was gone, according to March 1, 2014, testimony in Case 54385.
A Colorado witness at Gunbarrel noticed a hovering disc while waiting at a train stop light and both the witness and the UFO moved on once the trained passed. (Credit: Google)
Colorado Field Investigators Richard Evans and Deborah Evans investigated and closed this case as an Unknown Aerial Vehicle.
The witness was driving home from a friend’s home in Gunbarrel about midnight on September 8, 2007.
“Got to the train tracks,” the witness stated. “A train was coming and the boom gates came down.”
But then he looked up.
“Looked up while waiting for train to pass as I was sitting in my car. Saw a gray disc object hovering and watched this object for five minutes.”
Once the train passed and the gates rose, the witness continued driving.
“I proceeded to go east on highway 119 to Longmont.”
Looking back, the witness noticed the object was now moving – and going in the opposite direction.
“The possibility that the object was a balloon was carefully discussed, but the close proximity and lack of even the slightest movement rules out a balloon or even tethered balloon,” the field investigators stated in their report.
A 78-year-old Michigan man recalls a UFO encounter in 1943 “as if it happened yesterday,” according to March 2, 2014, testimony in Case 54412.
The witness was a child outside playing in the dirt behind a cottage about 10 miles outside of Ludington when the object came into view.
“I saw a saucer-like object flying toward me,” the witness stated. “It then stopped over Hamlin Lake and after a second, went back the way it came from the other side of Hamlin Lake and on perhaps in the direction of Lake Michigan.”
The witness described the object.
“It didn’t make any noise and I didn’t see any windows. It just looked like a flying saucer. The speed was relatively slow and it seemed to stop for a moment over about the middle of the lake there and then reverse course going back in the direction it had come as if to say, ‘Oh, I’m going in the wrong direction.’”
The Michigan man, now 78, recalls watching a disc-shaped UFO while playing behind the family’s cottage in 1943. (Credit: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division)
Michigan Field Investigator Marie Cisneros investigated and closed the case as an Unknown Aerial Vehicle.
“I spoke to the witness by phone and he stated that when a small child he witnessed an object coming towards him at Hamlin Lake. He was at an area called Sunset Bay which at the time was quite desolate with not many people habiting it. He states he was about six or seven at the time and was playing in the dirt with ants on the dirt dead-end road in back of the cottage about 10 miles outside of Ludington, Michigan. This object stopped at about the middle of the lake. He stated that it seemed to go back towards Lake Michigan – back along the same route. He states he was alone and there were no other witnesses. When asked if he could estimate its size, he stated that if a car was round, the object would be about that size. He stated it didn’t make any noise and he could see no discernible ‘windows.’ He states it ‘looked like a flying saucer.’ He feels the speed was relatively slow and it seemed to stop for a moment over about the middle of the lake and then reversed its course, going back in the direction it had come.”
California witness recalls UFO ‘bigger than mountain it came over’
A California witness recalls an encounter with a UFO “bigger than the mountain it came over” along Boca Reservoir near Truckee, according to March 3, 2014, testimony in Case 54423.
The reporting witness and a friend were about to go to sleep in a vehicle for the night while about 20 parents remained outside partying by a campfire when the object was first noticed on the other side of the river from where they were camping. The events occurred on August 10, 1985.
“There were no trees on that side of river,” the reporting witness stated. “It was a bare hill. This object was enormous! Bigger than the mountain it came over.”
Boca Reservoir near Truckee. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
The witness described the object.
“It proceeded very slowly over the mountain and directly over our camp. It had triangular-shaped lights all over the bottom as though there were smaller triangular-shaped ships on the bottom. The lights were red, green, and yellow triangular patterns – with white lights around them.”
The object could also be heard.
“It simply made a humming sound and flew right over us. There were pine trees on our side so right after it went over us; we could not see it anymore.”
California Assistant State Director Devlin Rugne investigated. He was unable to communicate with the witness, but stated in his report, “If we are to take this report at face value, I am closing the case out as an Unknown Aerial Vehicle based on its size and that ‘It had triangular shaped lights all over the bottom.’”
A Mississippi couple driving southbound along Highway 45 between Saltillo and Tupelo report watching a black, triangle-shaped UFO that moved close to them, according to March 4, 2014, testimony in Case 54442.
The couple first noticed “three bright, white lights” that first appeared to be disc-shaped about 10:15 p.m. on February 7, 2014.
The Mississippi couple was southbound along Highway 45 between Saltillo and Tupelo when the triangle-shaped object moved low over the roadway on February 7, 2014. (Credit: Google)
“We slowed down and began to watch it because the lights were so brightly glowing white,” the reporting witness stated. “It was in the distance at this point. It quickly changed direction and altitude.”
Mississippi Field Investigator Timothy Soper closed this case as a hoax. Many pieces of false information were included in the original report.
North Carolina UFO ‘size of storage shed’ moves toward ground
A North Carolina witness driving along Montford Cove Road near Union Mills reported watching a bright object moving toward the ground level that was about the size of “a large sized storage shed” when it reached the tree top level about 8:44 p.m. on March 4, 2014, according to testimony in Case 54460.
The witness was driving home from work and had just passed a church and a convenience store when a light in the sky first appeared to be a star.
The North Carolina witness was driving along this stretch of Montford Cove Road north of Union Mills when an object the ‘size of a large storage shed’ moved toward ground level. (Credit: Google)
“Remembering that it was cloudy, I said to myself, ‘That’s no star,’” the witness stated. “When I first saw it, approximately a mile away, maybe less, it was about the size of a basketball maybe a little larger. As I got closer, it was about the size of like a large sized storage shed.”
The object then appeared to descend behind a nearby hill.
North Carolina Field Investigator Sanford Davis investigated. After repeated attempts, the witness could not be reached. Davis closed the case as an IFO – Identified Flying Object.
“It was most likely a helicopter or a light engine plane,” he stated.
Hovering triangle UFO photographed by Florida witness
A Port St. Lucie, FL, witness reported watching and photographing a triangle-shaped UFO that hovered and “moved erratically” in the sky for seven hours, according to March 6, 2014, testimony in Case 54490.
The event began about 11 p.m. on March 2, 2014, when the witness was at Jensen Beach and first saw the unidentified object. The report was filed by Florida MUFON State Section Director Mary Margaret Zimmer for the witness.
“Witness saw a dark gray object with bright lights on the bottom,” Zimmer stated. “The object appeared triangular in shape with blue light around the perimeter. A dime (at arm’s length) would cover the object. The object appeared ‘thick’ and about 50 feet long. The object hovered, flashed light and moved erratically.”
The case was investigated by Florida Field Investigators Louise Kizer and Mary Margaret Zimmer. After multiple attempts to reach the witness, the case was closed as Insufficient Evidence.
Florida Dad, kids chase low flying orb UFO
A Florida witness in Miami driving near 8th Street and 42nd Avenue with the kids in the backseat reported chasing and photographing an orb-shaped UFO moving low over commercial buildings, according to March 6, 2014, testimony in Case 54488.
When the Florida Dad driving through Miami with kids in the backseat saw the low flying orb UFO, he decided to follow the object and get a photo. (Credit: Google)
The incident occurred just after 7:15 p.m. on February 28, 2014, as the witness noticed a “single light orb floating” nearby and became curious.
“Had the kids so decided to drive to it,” the witness stated. “But traffic began to build. I can see it going from one building top to another – low. When I couldn’t get around traffic I looked to the right and noticed another set across the street. This one was flicking in three set pulses and also low – above homes. This one was in my residence area.”
The witness quickly turned and began to follow the object.
“I managed to get some video at dusk as it flicked low and silently above homes towards the northwest. I had the kids with me, so after videoing it, I called off the tracking.”
The witness provided one image and one video with the MUFON report, which was filed on March 6, 2014. See Image 1 and Video 1.
Florida Field Investigator Thomas Branham closed the case as an IFO – Identified Flying Object.
“I feel that there is a distinct possibility of a drone,” he stated. “The speed, flight movement, size, and closeness to the ground could all be consistent with the movement of a drone. A recent video of a drone filmed in New York City verifies that a small, modified, non-military drone can be operated from great distances which the witness was skeptical of. Also the pattern of the blinking light that seemed to come in a series of threes could be preset on the drone.
“Ruling out other possibilities I feel that the most credible possibility of this sighting is a drone.”
North Carolina witness ‘not afraid’ as low flying disc UFO moves away
A North Carolina witness in the Yanceyville-Blanch area reported not being afraid while watching a large, low flying, disc-shaped UFO because it was moving away, according to March 6, 2014, testimony in Case 54491.
The witness was outside with the family dog and watching the night sky when the object was first seen about 10:30 p.m. on January 15, 2014.
The Yanceyville-Blanch, NC, area. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
“It came from the right side of the house as I was facing west,” the witness stated. “It was so large I saw it immediately with peripheral vision and turned slightly to my right to see it track rapidly toward the west.”
The witness described the object’s movement.
“Movement was rapid but slow enough for me to get a good look to see defined edges; that it was oval from my vantage point and that it looked like it had clouds inside. I realized it was probably reflecting ground lights instead. There was no question that it was a disk of some sort. The sky was crystal clear with stars.”
North Carolina Field Investigator Sanford Davis closed this case as an Unknown.
“The witness said the object moved at about 60 mph in a straight line before it disappeared over the treetop,” Davis stated. “The total sighting lasted about 15 seconds. I Checked MUFON’s and NUFORC’s database for that time period and found no other similar sightings. The witness seemed intelligent and articulate. This was not her first sighing.”
California ghost town UFO witnesses give chase
A California witness recalls a late-night encounter at Calico Ghost Town with a silent 300-foot-wide triangle UFO just 300 feet off of the ground that outran his attempts to catch up to it, according to March 6, 2014, testimony in Case 54492.
The witness and three friends were sleeping outside at Calico during a September 1973 visit when the object was first seen about 2 a.m. One of the reporting witnesses’ friends pointed the object out.
“I rolled over and saw what I thought was the moon shining through a weather balloon and told Mike, ‘It’s just a weather balloon,’ and rolled back over.”
But his friend answered back, “That isn’t a balloon.”
“When I rolled over onto my back, I could now see a large triangular craft approximately 300 feet across and approximately 300 feet off of the ground slowly moving over the top of us. What I thought was the moon shining through a balloon now looked more like an observation bubble under the nose of the craft, and it was glowing a dull light purple in color.”
The witness described the object.
“As it moved over it made no sound, and I saw no lights, but as it cleared the moon you could see the light reflect off the craft and it gave it the color of gun metal blue, and the edges appeared to be rounded. It continued its slow moving progress away from us following the hills of the desert, and flying just above hill top level.”
Witnesses recall a 300-foot-wide triangle UFO that moved over Calico Ghost Town in California. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
The witness and one of his companions decided to give chase on foot.
“We followed running up hills, then down one and up another, but the craft got further away each time, so we stopped and just watched. I saw no sign of an engine and we heard no sounds.”
The witness stated that they were lucky to have seen it due to its stealth appearance and movement.
“Had it not been for the fact it flew right over the top of us, we would never even had known it was there. My feeling was that the craft was running in stealth mode, no lights and at very low levels to avoid detection. What struck me so odd was back then it was supposed to be fast moving, skinny disk-shaped objects, like in ‘Chariots of the Gods.’ I did not see anything like what we saw until I watched a program on TV describing the same thing I saw, except ours did not have any of the lights mentioned.”
California Chief Investigator Cinde Costello investigated and closed this case as an IFO – Identified Flying Object.
“From many years of experience with viewing the sky at night, I’d say that there is a very good possibility that this object may have been a cloud crossing the moon,” Costello stated. “The witness was only 13 years old when this occurred, an age when even under normal conditions, many otherwise mundane things tend to take on a spookier quality than they truly are. On top of it all, research has proven that some of our memories aren’t exactly as accurate as we give them credit for.
“As a rule, that location in the summertime experiences monsoonal conditions, and many clouds are usually present in the sky, rain or no rain. His ‘Moon shining through a weather balloon’ description does sound typical for a cloud, and I feel certain that his reported distance of the object was much further away from them than he estimates. Without more to work with here, (she was unable to contact the witness), I’m going to go ahead and class as such: Misidentification. IFO-Natural Phenomenon.”
UFO mania: Mystery of the Tayos Cave - Legendary Metal Library Found in Ecuador
UFO mania: Mystery of the Tayos Cave - Legendary Metal Library Found in Ecuador
In what maybe one of the biggest discoveries ever, a team of explorers is claiming that they have found the legendary golden library and other mysterious treasures in the Tayos Cave system in Ecuador.
The team announced that they accidentally found some hidden tunnels that were obviously dug out artificially sometime in the ancient past while inside one of the main chambers. The team was able to follow one of these tunnels for approximately ½ mile and came upon a large room containing the golden library and various other treasures.
Below is a list of what the explorers claim to have found in this chamber:
1. A library with thousands of metal books. The team was unable to specify what metal the books were made of but the look was similar to silver. Each page had symbols and strange writing on them.
2. Individual plates with writing on them and strange symbols that looked to be made of gold.
3. At least several hundred statues of insects, animals and humans spread throughout the large chamber.
4. Lots of metal bars thought to be both gold and/or silver. Also found were various children’s toys and jewelry items made from gold or silver.
5. One large sarcophagus containing one human skeleton decorated with jewels and golden jewelry.
6. The team also found at least three doors that could be more tombs but were sealed completely shut.
As of right now, the team has only announced their findings onto a radio show and no other announcements have been made so the jury is still out as too whether their claims are completely true.
The team did claim to have samples of at least one of the metal books, one golden plate and several small statues that they will be submitting to professional testing so hopefully this will give us answers shortly.
A Texas witness at Gainesville reported an “entire block filled with people” watched a large, triangle-shaped UFO that moved low over her neighborhood about 11 p.m. on June 26, 2014, according to testimony in Case 57403 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was returning home from work and traveling along Tyler Street in Gainesville when she noticed the entire block filled with people looking up into the sky and talking about a UFO.
“Many took footage on cell phones,” the witness stated. “The lights were lined up horizontally, and then right before it disappeared, the lights instantly lined up vertically as if the object turned on its side and then sped away.”
The witness said the object was very large.
“Looked like a solid object larger than a plane. No feelings other than awe.”
The witness said that a relative took cell phone video. Three images were provided with the MUFON report, which was filed on June 27, 2014 – Image 1, Image 2 and Image 3.
Witness image of the triangle-shaped UFO taken from a video. (Credit: MUFON)
Witness image of the triangle-shaped UFO taken from a video. (Credit: MUFON)
Witness image of the triangle-shaped UFO taken from a video. (Credit: MUFON)
Gainesville is a city in and the county seat of Cooke County, TX, population 16,002.
Texas MUFON is investigating. Texas has a current UFO Alert Rating of 3 with a high number of recent reports nationally. Texas had 30 UFO reports in May 2014 – the 4th highest reporting state – while California had 102 reports as the highest reporting state. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 150 or more reports for the month are rated an Alert 1; states with 100 or more reports are rated an Alert 2; 25 reports or more for the month are rated an Alert 3; 13 or more reports are rated an Alert 4; and those states with less than 13 reports for the month are an Alert 5.
In a previous UFO Digest column I examined the reasons behind the apparent difficulty that ufology has in attracting young people, and offered a few suggestions. I finished by pointing out that many of the ‘big names’ in the field (the ones most frequently seen on TV and the ones most often invited to speak at conferences) are white men in suits, usually middle-aged, if not considerably older. Ufology is hardly the only field where this is the case, but to see such an unrepresentative group of people may put off young people and deter them from attending conferences or otherwise getting involved in ufology.
If this apparent preponderance of middle-aged (and older) white men in suits puts off young people, does it have the same effect on women and ethnic minorities? And without wanting to downplay the under-representation issue, which is a problem in itself, is there anything else about ufology that is (or might be perceived as being) unwelcoming to women and ethnic minorities?
I shouldn’t overstate the problem in relation to women. There are certainly plenty of high-profile women in ufology, and a number of UFO conferences do have a pretty good male/female mix. That said, I can’t help but think that the “Women in Ufology” website wouldn’t be necessary if there wasn’t a problem here.
Even if there isn’t overt sexism, there are some more subtle situations that are nonetheless worthy of mention. To give an example, there was a time a few years ago when the area of alien abduction research was largely dominated by three charismatic individuals: Budd Hopkins, David Jacobs and John Mack. A disproportionate number of the abductees were female. Nobody is suggesting that Hopkins, Jacobs and Mack were sexist, but inevitably, the situation perpetuated stereotypes of women as victims and men as the powerful and heroic rescuers. Even if this is an oversimplification, the power dynamic was clear.
Let’s not for a moment suggest that this is some sort of ‘believer’ issue. As it happens, the skeptical movement (and the separate but related atheist community) is having huge problems at the moment with various issues related to feminism, including accusations of out-and-out sexism and possible sexual harassment on the part of some of some of the best-known personalities in the field. But saying that a problem is universal should never be an excuse for not trying to do something about it.
Getting back to ufology, and turning now to ethnic minorities, at least one host of a US talk-radio show that majors on UFOs and the paranormal has been accused of anti-Semitism, while a UK-based ufologist who runs a UFO discussion list also runs an anti-Semitic blog. On the specific issue of anti-Semitism, the crossover between the UFO community and the conspiracy theory community is particularly worrying, because while many conspiracy theorists genuinely believe the world is secretly run by a small group of families and a small cabal of international bankers, such phrases are often coded references to Jews. Within the conspiracy theory community, some of those who believe 9/11 was an ‘inside job’ suggest the attack was orchestrated by the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, while others persist in believing the lie that Jewish workers in the Twin Towers were warned to stay away work on the day of the attack. In the UFO community, you’ll often hear people talk about media complicity in a UFO cover-up, and at a UFO conference in the UK I once heard this thought segue into “The Jews run Hollywood”. And this brings us full circle, because there’s no getting away from the fact that a number of high-profile ufologists are Jewish.
With regard to other ethnic minorities, I occasionally see disgusting and ignorant posts on UFO discussion forums where someone suggests that white people are descended from Nordic-looking aliens, whereas the other races are descended from apes. Given the nature of the internet, it’s difficult to tell if this sort of thing is the work of an isolated idiot (or a very small number of racists) posting under multiple identities, or whether there’s a more widespread problem here.
With the above point in mind, and at risk of offending a lot of people in the UFO community, I can’t help but wonder whether the whole ‘ancient aliens’ meme has had a part to play here. The idea that our ancient ancestors were incapable of technological achievements such as the pyramids, and that such works were actually undertaken (or at least made possible) by extraterrestrials is, arguably, a borderline racist theory itself.
Issues of sex and race are often complex, and always contentious. It may be that there are other factors that explain why women and – to a greater extent – ethnic minorities aren’t represented as much as one would expect in ufology, and it may be that there are other examples of direct or indirect sexism and racism in the field – this short article is not intended to be definitive. But if we don’t at least ask the question “Is there a problem here?” we can’t begin to look for any solutions. I’m not arguing for any sort of positive discrimination here. Such a move would probably be divisive and counter-productive. But I think that at the very least, the UFO community should ask itself some hard questions here and at least have a discussion about an aspect of the subject that most have chosen to ignore.
Nick Pope is a former employee of the UK Ministry of Defense. From 1991 to 1994 he ran the British Government's UFO project and has recently been involved in a five-year initiative to declassify and release the entire archive of these UFO files. Nick Pope held a number of other fascinating posts in the course of his 21-year government career, which culminated in his serving as an acting Deputy Director in the Directorate of Defense Security. He now works as a broadcaster and journalist, covering subjects including space, fringe science, defense and intelligence. Nick Pope’s latest book, Encounter in Rendlesham Forest, co-written with John Burroughs and Jim Penniston, was published by Thomas Dunne Books on 15th April and is available via Amazon and all good bookstores.
Recently I read some discussion on one of the internet lists referring to the type speakers being presented at several conferences, and how the word “paranormal” is many times grouped together to include serious UFO researchers with other types like Bigfoot, ghosts, ESP, faith healing, etc., at the same conference.
I had a personal experience with this a few years ago when I was master of ceremonies at a conference, and was asked to introduce some of the best-known serious researchers in the field of Ufology. I was also asked to introduce the other types mentioned above, and a “tin foil hat contest.” Since then I have refused to attend or be part of such conferences. Personally I have nothing against them, but feel UFO research is of such importance that it should not be combined with many that refer to themselves as paranormal.
When you are researching an incident like the Roswell Incident, where you know people were threatened over a weather balloon (of all things), that to me requires serious research, as do many other UFO cases reported over the years. All too often conference organizers and television documentary networks seem to overlook the seriousness of UFO research. With the networks it’s a matter of profit and ratings for their shows, and reality shows about UFOs have become the norm.
Within the past few years I have had several problems with those types of documentaries. When MTV was here in Roswell filming me, I walked off when the show host started making jokes about the Incident. Stanton Friedman, Don Schmitt and I were filmed for a National Geographic special, and after presenting our years of research for them, the show’s presenter announced at the end of the show that Roswell was “myth.”
One of the few good exceptions I experienced with a network show, was the Brad Meltzer “Decoded” series that aired on the History channel. The three people interviewing me had done some homework, and the show aired as it was filmed, the way it should be aired.
Many times film crews take our presentation on film back to Los Angeles or New York, and some editor puts his own take on it. Unfortunately, after a film crew finishes with us, we have no in-put in the final version that will be aired.
If UFO research is ever to be taken seriously, the media, particularly television networks, the news media, and some conference organizers need to realize tect of UFOs deserves accurate, factual reporting. There is a tremendous interest in the subject, as proven by the many surveys taken over the years, and those people surveyed deserve truthful information, primarily for the benefit of those that have had experiences, or worse, threatened if they talk about their experiences.
Before getting off of my “soap box,” I want to share two other situations that have arisen here in Roswell very recently.
A few weeks ago I received an email form an associate producer with the Vh1 network. He informed me they were doing a “docu-series,” traveling across the country with plans to stop in Roswell. They had read some of my research and knew about the Roswell UFO tours I do here in town, and were impressed with my work as a researcher. They wondered if I would be interested in sharing my experience and knowledge with a couple of “characters” on their show. My experience over the past few years caused me to throw up a red flag when I saw the word “characters.” I wrote back to them, asking when they would be in Roswell, and if the show was a serious take on the Roswell Incident, since they’d used the term characters?
Their response was what I expected: “the new show follows two woman from Atlanta, who are starting a “mobile hair salon,” and are driving the bus from Atlanta to Los Angeles, stopping in various cities along the way.
As might be expected, my response was short and to the point. I respectfully declined, due to its being another reality show. Also as expected, I didn’t hear from them again after my response.
My background consists of 3 years in an Army Engineering Battalion, and 33 years doing civil engineering work with the Texas Department of Highways, plus full time UFO research for the past 18 years. At my age (73), I don’t need to introduce tin foil hat contests; be interviewed by woman starting a hair solon; or mis-represented in the media or television documentaries.
Finally, a group of gentlemen have been working diligently for some time here in Roswell to create a veterans cemetery, so family members don’t have to travel 200 miles to Albuquerque to visit the resting place of their family’s veterans. The veteran’s cemetery is finally becoming a reality after working with the city of Roswell, the state of New Mexico, and a local funeral home.
The cemetery was featured on A&E’s “Shipping Wars” television show earlier this week, but the show wasn’t exactly delivered as promised. One segment of the show featured the delivery of a columbarium to the veteran’s cemetery, which happened a few weeks ago. A dedication was planned for the delivery of the columbarium. When the show aired, the veteran’s cemetery took a backseat to a tombstone dedicated to aliens, also delivered by A&E’s “Shipping Wars” driver. Local officials were assured that the alien would not usurp the Roswell segment. Locals had been told by A&E the alien footage would not be used with the cemetery footage, but rather in a different episode that A&E had planned about Roswell. Locals felt it was disrespectful to the veteran’s cemetery and to veteran’s in general. As a veteran myself, I believe A&E went too far this time.
The above comments are some examples of UFO research not being taken seriously, but packaged as light entertainment. This must change, and when a network makes an agreement as they had with the veteran’s cemetery board, and then breaks that agreement, legal action against that network should be in order.
Perhaps these documentary producers should try adhering to the quote I like to use,
“Always Telling the Truth Means Never Having to Remember Anything.”
Shape: Disk – Duration: 00:01 – I have no explanation about this disc-shaped object I saw before it disappeared. I live in Fauquier County, Virginia. I left my house with a friend around dusk. I was driving down Vint Hill Road due North toward Manassas, VA. My friend looked out the passenger window and made a comment about some cows in a field. I then turned the music up and continued to drive. As we came to an area in the road where you have to slow down for a sharp curve, my friend made a comment about something he saw hovering over in the field out the right window.
1500 ft. away. I immediately slowed to a stop. I put my hazard lights on starring at the object. It was sitting in the air almost motionless just hovering. I then turned the music down and proceeded to tell my friend to record the flying object. For about 15 to 30 seconds it stayed in one spot above the field. As the object slowly moved almost effortlessly in my direction, my friend began recording. It stayed completely level, not moving up or down just in a straight line toward my vehicle. I could make out the details of the saucer-like shape. It had individual bright blue circular lights wrapping around the center of a metallic silver reflective surface.
At this point I was in shock and disbelief of what I was witnessing. So entranced by the gleaming lights and saucer, I was completely oblivious if any cars were going to rear end me. All of a sudden, it just stopped less the 200 yds. away from my vehicle. At this point it started slowly spinning. Now knowing exactly what I was witnessing, I felt it time to leave as quickly as possible. Looking back within seconds of me continuing down the road. I looked back and the object was no longer there. My friend and I immediately scanned the sky around us and it was gone.
The National UFO Alert Rating System has been updated for July 2014, with California, Texas, Florida, Missouri, New York, North Carolina and Pennsylvania moving to a UFO Alert 2 or 3 as the highest reporting states during the month of June 2014, filed with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).
California was the leading high-reporting state in June with 107 cases, up from 102 May cases, 80 April cases, 103 March cases, 59 February cases, and 102 January cases – the single state listed as an Alert 2 with 100 or more cases. The other top reporting states had 25 or more cases and are an Alert 3. They are Texas, Florida, Missouri, New York, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Those states in a UFO Alert 4 category with 13 or more reports include: Ohio, Michigan, Colorado, Washington, Illinois, New Jersey, South Carolina, Nevada, Oregon, Arizona and Wisconsin.
All other states move to a UFO Alert 5 category with lower numbers of UFO activity. The Watch States – with 10 or more cases – are Alabama, Kentucky and Tennessee.
MUFON released June statistics July 1, where the total number of reported UFO sightings is listed by state. The entire country was moved back to the lowest alert level – UFO Alert 5.
California takes the lead with 107 cases; Texas, 38; Florida, 29; Missouri, 29; New York, 28; North Carolina, 27; and Pennsylvania, 26.
Those states with 13 or more reports, the next reporting tier level, are a UFO Alert 4 status: Ohio, 22; Michigan, 22; Colorado, 21; Washington, 18; Illinois, 17; New Jersey, 16; South Carolina, 16; Nevada, 14; Oregon, 14; Arizona, 13; and Wisconsin, 13.
Our Watch States this month are – with 10 reports or more: Alabama, 10; Kentucky, 10; and Tennessee, 10.
The sphere remains the most-reported UFO shape with 156 cases; up from 129 May cases; 150 April cases, 131 March cases, 91 February cases; and 240 January cases. Other shape reports include: Circle, 73; Star-Like, 72; Triangle, 68; Other, 57; Unknown, 56; Disc, 52; Fireball, 34; Oval, 33; Cylinder, 22; Cigar, 19; Boomerang, 17; Diamond, 15; N/A, 13; Teardrop, 7; Flash, 6; Cone, 5; Egg, 5; Bullet/Missile, 5; Blimp, 3; Saturn-like, 2; and Cross, 1.
The object’s distance from the witness includes: Less than 100 feet, 92 cases; 101 to 500 feet, 102 cases; 501 feet to one mile, 166 cases; over one mile, 186 cases; unknown, 246; and no value stated, 21.
In addition, there were “28 landings, hoverings, or takeoffs reported and 2 entities observed.”
The most interesting UFO reports do not necessarily come from high reporting states – but those states with higher numbers do account for some of the most interesting evidence to study. While UFO sightings seem to pop up randomly around the country, this list is meant to offer a small insight into where Americans are filing reports.
Each year, Hollywood releases at least one new film about demonic possession. Nicholas Barber explains why these movies are still so popular.
It’s the same old story. Someone starts gnashing their teeth and scratching the furniture. Someone else declares that they’ve been possessed by a demon. A third party scoffs at the idea, but a priest is soon brandishing a crucifix and shouting something in Latin. And eventually, about an hour later, the teeth-gnasher returns to normal. Horror films about exorcisms haven’t moved on since William Friedkin’s The Exorcist terrified audiences in 1973. Remarkably, the sub-genre may now be more popular than ever.
The latest example is Deliver Us from Evil, starring Eric Bana and Édgar Ramirez. But there has been at least one Hollywood exorcism movie every year for a decade. In 2013, there was The Conjuring and The Last Exorcism: Part 2. In 2012, there was The Devil Inside. In 2011 there was The Rite, and so on back to Exorcist: The Beginning in 2004. “There’s a reason why exorcism is now a staple of cinema,” says Mark Kermode, BBC Radio 5 Live’s film critic, and a long-time champion of The Exorcist. “It’s because it’s so theatrical. The exorcism ritual is basically people in costumes reading out quite florid prose.”
Exorcisms crop up in earlier films, notably Ken Russell’s The Devils – another of Kermode’s favourites – and Mother Joan of the Angels, a Cannes prizewinner from 1961. But it was The Exorcist that defined the sub-genre as it exists today. “Everyone knows that you cannot use the word ‘exorcist’ without thinking of that one film,” says Kermode. “It’s part of horror shorthand. You can’t say ‘chainsaw’ without referring to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, you can’t say ‘psycho’ without referring to Psycho, and it’s the same with The Exorcist. It’s become a meme.” Read more at BBC
As I reported Sunday, ufologist Stanton Friedman suffered a mild heart attack last Friday night. His friend and co-author Kathleen Marden states:
I spoke with Stan Friedman this morning and am very pleased to report that he is feeling strong and chipper. His heart enzymes have declined, so he has turned the corner. He wants me to make it clear that he will be transported to a larger hospital, only because his local facility doesn’t have the equipment to do a dye test and an echo cardiogram. This will probably occur today or Wednesday, as July 1 is a national holiday in Canada.
Well wishers can send cards to Stan at P.O. Box 958, Houlton, ME 04730. He appreciates everyone’s thoughts and prayers.
From the district of Yopougon, Abidjan, in Ivory Coast. It certainly seems spectacular. This scene, to which we have previously linked, whereby those living in the West African country shout and scream and (with cell phones) record a miracle of the sun reminding one of Fatima, Medjugorje, Betania, and the apparitions of Kibeho in Rwanda on the same continent (which were preceded by similarly tremendous solar happenings and later holy images that thousands witnessed). The sun “miracle” is one thing. But starting at about 44 seconds into video and something seems to begin materializing in the flare just above the trees as the crowd cries and shouts and then goes haywire as a dark but detailed silhouette of the Blessed Mother greatly resembling the Miraculous Medal suddenly appears, disappears, and appears again in a vaguely blue cloak, the onlookers — “thousands”, according to one unconfirmed report — now in a frenzy which seemed spontaneous and unrehearsed and is the most convincing aspect. It does seem to be moving — the “Virgin” waffling and floating above trees and there is no denying the crowd reaction to something. What is It?
NOTE: I seem to remember seeing this video several years ago…though it is a dramatic video. Lon
Boko Haram Members ‘Being Killed by Mystical Bees and Mysterious Snakes Possessed by Ghosts’
Members of terror group Boko Haram have allegedly been arrested in Nigeria after fleeing a forest to escape deadly bites from “mystical bees” and “mysterious snakes”.
According to Nigerian newspaper Vanguard, the captured insurgents claimed the creatures — possessed by ghosts — had killed many Boko Haram members.
“We were told that the aggrieved people who had suffered from our deadly mission — including the ghosts of some of those we killed — are the ones turning into the snake and bees,” one militant told Vanguard. “Our leaders fled, too.”
Boko Haram made headlines worldwide for the kidnappings of 220 schoolgirls in Chibok, Borno State, last April.
The girls are being allegedly smuggled to Cameroon and Chad and sold as brides to militants for 2,000 naira (£7). Others are being forced to marry their abductors.
Some Boko Haram members believe the insects and reptiles are hunting the insurgents to punish them for the mass abduction.
“We decided to flee when almost all our comrades are leaving the Sambisa [Forest] because of constant attacks by snakes and bees, which we were told was as a result of Chibok abducted schoolgirls,” one insurgent said.
Boko Haram, which fights against the Westernisation of Nigeria and wants to establish an Islamic state, abducted 60 more women and girls and 31 boys in Kummabza village, Borno State, in June.
Toddlers are believed to be among the latest kidnap victims.
The militants, currently led by Abubakar Shekau, carry out deadly attacks in public places including schools, churches and police stations.
Violence linked to the Boko Haram insurgency has resulted in an estimated 10,000 deaths between 2002 and 2013. – Yahoo
The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our current knowledge. In “Beyond Science” Epoch Times collects stories about these strange phenomena to stimulate the imagination and open up previously undreamed of possibilities. Are they true? You decide.
Here’s a look at some of the mentions of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and extraterrestrials in the U.S. government cables released by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
Albinas Januska (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
1. Prominent Lithuanian Politician Says UFOs Directed by Russians to Exert Influence
A 2006 cable from the American Embassy in Vilnius, Lithuania, recounts a cryptic comment by the Prime Minister’s adviser Albinas Januska. The cable states: “Reflecting his self-image as a patriot fighting off Russian influence, he [Januska] also warned of the existence of ‘a group of people, who are directed from the East, a group of UFOs, who are making influence from the Cosmos,’ adding elliptically that, ‘there also exists a decreasing group of persons, who are trying to rationally analyze the situation and to objectively evaluate what is happening.’”
UFOs can refer to unidentified foreign organizations as well as to unidentified flying objects; aside from his reference to the cosmos, it could seem Januska meant the former. Januska held much power in the country, as is noted in the cable: “Albinas Januska’s continuing influence in Lithuanian politics cannot be overstated. In addition to being a cunning strategist, he is extraordinarily well-connected among Lithuania’s political class.”
2. Tajik Mayor Says There’s Life on Other Planets, Peace and Unity on Earth Necessary
Tajikstan is a Central Asian country bordered by Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and China. The mayor of the Tajik city of Dushanbe, Mahmadsaid Ubaidulloev, met with U.S. Ambassador Ken Gross in 2010. Gross summarized his meeting with Ubaidulloev in a classified document later released by Wikileaks.
The talk mostly concerned opening an American corner in the city, upcoming elections, the losses suffered by Tajiks and Americans in Afghanistan, and a dam project. But the topic of extraterrestrials also entered the conversation.
Gross wrote: “[Ubaidulloev] asserted the existence of life on other planets, caveating this by noting that we should focus on solving our problems on Earth.” Gross quoted Ubaidulloev: “We know there is life on other planets, but we must make peace here first.”
The chat was not a pleasant one for Gross, who summed it up as “a right painful 90 minutes.” Gross characterized Ubaidulloev as “difficult, unpredictable, and sometimes hostile.” During their meeting, the mayor obviously lied about free elections, voluntary contributions to the dam project, and free media, according to Gross.
Rael, leader of the Raelian movement.
3. UFO Religion in Canada Allegedly Tries to Clone Humans
A couple of unclassified documents, one listed as coming from the American Embassy in Ottawa and the other from the American Consulate in Montreal, express some concern over the Raelian religion in Canada.
The Raelians believe humanity was created by extraterrestrials as a lab experiment, according to the documents. They had targeted high schools in the province of Quebec to persuade Roman Catholics to renounce their faith. The Raelians even had a plan to give students crosses to burn, according to the cables.
One of the documents cites local news analysis in stating that: “The ultimate goal of Raelians is to create life in a laboratory which would make human beings immortal and enable them to create another civilization on another planet. In the meantime … [they] want to build an embassy in Israel to welcome the Elohim when they come back in 2035. The group has also been criticized for advocating the use of genetics for eugenic attempts at improving the human race.”
At the time the cable was written, the group had claimed to have successfully cloned a human.
Other references to extraterrestrials and UFOs in the WikiLeaks documents include the following:
Nobutaka Machimura (Credit:
Belarussian Minister of Defense Yuriy Zhadobin said in an unclassified cable that the ministry no longer investigates paranormal phenomena as it did in Soviet times due to lack of funds. Another unclassified cable mentioned that Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Machimura believes extraterrestrials have flown spaceships near Earth and he was not happy about his government’s first official dismissal of all UFO reports. Another discussed the tsunami predictions made by French author Eric Julien who has said he was abducted by aliens. The cable states that Julien “claimed he had received information psychically,” learning that “a comet fragment would crash into the Atlantic Ocean on May 25, 2006, and cause a giant tsunami.” The prediction did not come to pass.
Our genes have an intelligently designed “manufacturer’s stamp” inside them, written aeons ago elsewhere in our galaxy? Such a “designer label” would be an indelible stamp of a master extraterrestrial civilization that preceded us by many millions or billions of years. As their ultimate legacy, they recast the Milky Way in their own biological image.
What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life, that there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad… This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland, and we will show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all were offering is the truth – nothing more.
A crop circle appeared in the Czech Republic town of Boskovice on Saturday, June 28.
Aerial view of the Boskovice crop circle. (Credit:
This large pattern reportedly appeared overnight, occupying nearly 65,000 square feet of Jan Karlik’s corn field. And he is understandably furious. The crop circle has attracted lots of attention from curious individuals who come into the field, causing additional crop damage to the already approximately $1,000 worth of damage caused by the design. Karlik wants reparations from whoever created the crop circle. He states, “I don’t care where they were from, even if they are aliens, they need to be made to pay.”
The Croatian Times describes this design as “a 4-pointed star, framed by a circle with mysterious Stonehenge-shaped blocks set in a smaller circle.” A local government spokesperson explains, “The corn is not broken, it’s just bent to the ground. But it is beginning to attract a lot of attention and the farmer wants his land protected from curious visitors who are likely to make the matter worse if they start walking over the ground as well.”
Inside the Boskovice crop circle. (Credit:
Farmers in England whose fields become targets of crop circles are all too familiar with the frustration of crop circle enthusiasts trampling their fields to observe the formations. That is why a crop circle access pass program was launched last year. This pass program works by granting purchasers of the pass access to participating fields, requiring the pass holders to agree to a set of rules that ensure the respectful use of the farmers’ crops. Participating farmers split the proceeds from the access pass sales.
Unfortunately for Karlik, no such program exists in the Czech Republic. The Croatian Times reports that local police are “keeping an open mind.” And a police spokesperson states, “Extraterrestrial civilisations and the influence of air vortices are not excluded, but we are currently concentrating on looking for human culprits.”
A friend in Canada told me about a large orange orb that recently passed over his house…similar to an object he encountered, but much closer, several years ago. I started digging into the archives and found another orb sighting that progressed into a startling event for the witnesses:
Springboro, PA – 7/1/2000: Hello, It’s 5/24/10 – I’m 26 year’s old with two little girls…
I don’t really know who to tell my story to.
I’ve had these strange sorts of events happening to me throughout my life. They were coupled with different feelings… confusion, fear, disbelief.
None of it really made sense until I saw in detail what I’m about to tell you. I knew that everything I had questioned before was no longer questionable. It was undisputed in my mind. It has been going on my entire life and now there is finally an event that proves (to me) that this is real.
I’ll start by telling you that my cousin Bud was with me when this happened… He has been in the navy now for about 8 years. He is a trustworthy person and his word means a lot to everyone that knows him. Not only is it me telling the story, but he can verify that what I’m telling you is true.
My cousin and myself were sitting on the back porch of my house (which was also my bedroom). It was my bedroom at the time because it was a room enclosed with glass walls. Some of the sections of the glass had been removed and either had screens remaining or nothing left in them at all. Since it was summer, this wasn’t really a problem. I actually loved being in a room that allowed me to look outside at nature and even the stars.
We had a couch-bed in the room that was unfolded at the time. It was unfolded for most of the summer so that my cousin could sleep over and “hang out” with me. The backside of the couch-bed was placed against the glass, so the unfolded bed occupied the space in the room facing the house.
We were laying in bed trying to sleep but we spent most of our time talking instead. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a red glowing orb that came into view from behind the house and was slowly moving across the sky.
I got Bud’s attention and we both watched the orb move across the treeline that was north of the trailer park. It seemed to not be as far away as a plane should be. It look to be about the size of a basketball approximately 50 yards away. I then realized that it was getting closer and that it clearly was not a plane.
As it moved across the sky, we watched as this incredible UFO was slowly moving toward a treeline where we assumed it would disappear out of our lives forever.
But instead of disappearing into the sky… I could still see it through the trees moving towards the ground. I could clearly see it flickering through the trees and I would estimate it to be approximately 10 feet off of the ground as it entered the field on the left. It had clearly made a 90 degree turn. At this point in time I realized that it was probably in the field that was on the other side of the treeline. (Treeline: small patch of woods separating the trailer park and a field.)
It traveled the length of the field before I could not see it through the trees anymore. I would estimate the length of the field to be about 200 yards.
My cousin and myself sat in awe even after we could not see the UFO anymore. He turned to me and said “let’s go check it out!” I sternly answered with, “hell no! are you f**king crazy??” I was not sure what I had just seen but I had a gut feeling that I did not want to find out. So, we waited… waited… two young boys waiting to see something else as amazing as what they had just witnessed.
Then it happened…
A flash, as if someone had taken a picture from a camera, appeared at my friend Serena’s trailer. It was on the other side of her trailer, preventing me from seeing the source of the flash.
Approximately two minutes later, another flash… this time, from the side of her trailer. I still couldn’t clearly see the source of the flash.
At this point, my cousin and I were starting to think something strange was happening.
A few moments later, another flash. This time, I could clearly see the source of the flash… nothing. It appeared as if the flash was angled towards Serena’s house, although there was no source of the flash. There was absolutely nothing visible to the naked eye that created this OBVIOUS flash. Bud and myself both KNEW that flashes that are that distinct do NOT come from NOTHING.
We waited about five more minutes still staring out into the trailer court through my glass room. We were now more worried about what was in the court than what we had seen earlier. Without speaking to each other for what seemed like five or ten minutes, another flash happened.
This time it was at my friend “T”‘s house – directly in front of my house. The flash was on the other side of the trailer and appeared to be aimed at his mothers bedroom. Again we waited… wondering what the flashes were.
Another couple minutes had gone by. Another flash.
This time, it was clearly pointed at “T”‘s window and there was NOTHING at the source of the flash. In my mind I could pinpoint, to the INCH, where the flash had started, yet there was nothing there. Bud looked to me and said “what the hell are those flashes?” I had no reply. I wanted to remain silent and hidden from whatever had been making the flashes.
Again we waited.
About another five minutes passed when there was a flash on the other side of Mr. Wilson’s house. (That wasn’t his real name, but we knew him as Mr. Wilson in the trailer park.)
So, we waited what seemed like forever. In reality, it was probably 15 to 20 minutes with no sign of flashes or anything similar to them.
Quite suddenly, Bud looked at me and said “well, I’m getting tired. wake me if anything happens.” He then put his head right down on his hands where he was sitting (propped up on his knees on the backside of the couch bed).
I said, “okay” but wondered how anybody in their right mind could just fall asleep that fast after witnessing what we had witnessed. In my mind, I would not go to sleep until the sun was up and people were awake.
I started to get the strange feeling that the happening wasn’t over. Then… I started piecing things together that were quite simple and obvious.
1. Serena lives with her mother and father. There were 3 flashes at her trailer. (aimed at their bedrooms…) 2. “T” lives with his mother. There were 2 flashes at his trailer. (aimed at their bedrooms, also…) 3. Mr. Wilson lives alone. There was one flash.
I figured that if they had gone through flashing every individual, as they went around from left to right in the court, since Wilson was last they had to turn around and come up the other line of trailers… starting with mine.
I almost panicked as I came to the realization of what I believed was true.
I turned my head in the direction of where I believed the thing causing the flash to be. As I turned my head I could clearly see out my window (one that did not have glass or screen in it – open – nothing obstructing my view) an alien. I had turned quick enough to spot him before I saw a flash come from, what seemed like, his forehead……….
When the flash hit me, he disappeared and I realized I was completely paralyzed. As I tried to move my limbs, I looked around to realize that I was no longer on the same part of my bed that I had been during the flash. I was, in fact, at the foot of my bed on my knees staring at the open window as if nothing had happened. Instantly, the numbness was gone.
I grabbed the back of Bud’s leg (because he was in the same position that he had been in when he laid his head down…)
It appeared that he had not moved at all. But somehow I was at least 4 feet away from where I was when I had seen the flash…? When I grabbed his leg I screamed extremely loud “BUD! wake up!” His head came off of his hands with his eyes wide as if he knew something wasn’t right.
We didn’t have to say anything to each other as we both jumped up and ran into the kitchen. We each armed ourselves with butcher knives, not knowing how much time had gone by or if the threat was still around. He asked me what had happened. The only way I could really describe it to him was “I was flashed..” Bud KNEW what I meant by that, which told me that I wasn’t just seeing things and that I wasn’t alone.
After about two minutes of silence.. waiting for something else to happen.. we finally laughed at the fact that we were standing armed in the kitchen with knives… waiting for aliens to come.
It seemed ridiculous to us.. Although it had clearly just happened, we couldn’t really wrap our minds around it. So, we laughed it off and this time we went to bed INSIDE of the house, instead of the room surrounded with glass windows.
This event has made me realize that more than one time in my life – for a split second – I have seen aliens and “the flash”. I have seen them in my bedroom window… I have seen them outside of my tent while sleeping in the woods* the same woods that are between the trailer park and the field I described*… I have had many occasions where, just for a second, I believed that I had been part of an alien abduction. Seeing what I have seen and the fact that I have witnessed a UFO, I have seen that UFO land in my field, I have seen something flash friends and neighbors, and I have been flashed by something that came from the sky… this is not your ordinary alien story because to this day I cannot say that I fully remember ever communicating with an alien or being aboard their “crafts”. But that doesn’t mean that I haven’t seen, felt, or experienced something extremely out of the ordinary. My cousin was there as a witness to the UFO and to all six flashes… (the seventh, of course, being my own) I have no explanation as to WHAT exactly the flashes are or WHAT they do to people, but I do think that they were meant for individual people… and to somehow make a person “unaware” that something is going on… whether by putting them to sleep… paralyzing them… or wiping out their memory… I don’t know for certain. What I do know for certain is that I have had many encounters with them and I believe that I truly know how they arrive. To put it bluntly, I’ve caught them in the act of flashing people. I believe that they were completely unaware that I had spotted them, until it was too late. I feel as though they knew that they had made a mistake. I had witnessed their mistake and I almost FELT the reaction of the alien as.. panic. For the instant that I saw him, I knew in my gut that he was as scared of me as I was of him. I knew that their “routine” was not supposed to have been witnessed by anyone. We are supposed to be dazed by the flash when they come.) – MUFON CMS
Legend says Thor’s hammer helped protect Asgard, home of the gods
Thousands of Viking amulets similar to Thor’s hammer have been found
This amulet discovery is the only one with the inscription ‘This is hammer’
It finally ends the debate about whether amulets were a representation of Thor’s hammer
In Norse mythology, Thor’s hammer helped prevent giants from destroying Asgard, the celestial home of the gods.
Thousands of tiny intricate amulets, similar to this weapon, have been found all over the Viking world since the first millennium CE.
But for years, researchers have been unsure whether the amulets, known as ‘torshammere’, were a representation of Thor’s hammer or something else entirely.
Researchers have been unsure whether the amulets, known as torshammere, were a representation of Thor’s hammer or something else entirely. Now archaeologists have unearthed a 10th century torshammere (pictured) on a Danish island that could finally end the debate
Now, archaeologists have unearthed a 10th century torshammere in Købelev, on the Danish island of Lolland, that could finally end the debate on how Thor’s legend influenced Viking jewellery.
The latest find is unusual as it has runes inscribed that reads ‘Hmar x is’ meaning ‘This is a Hammer’.
‘It was the amulet’s protective power that counted, and often we see torshammere and Christian crosses appearing together, providing double protection’, said Peter Pentz, an archaeologist at the National Museum of Denmark.
Both sides of the amulet are shown here with runes seen on the left image. The latest find is unusual as it has runes inscribed that reads ‘Hmar x is’ (This is a Hammer’)
In Norse mythology, Thor’s hammer helped prevent the giants from destroying Asgard, the home of the gods. Pictured is actor Chris Hemsworth in the 2011 film ‘Thor’
In Norse mythology, Mjölnir (pronounced roughly ‘miol-neer’) is the name given to the hammer of Thor, a major Norse god associated with thunder.
The hammer is described in Norse mythology as one of the most powerful weapons, capable of levelling mountains.
It was used by Thor to guard Asgard, the celestial stronghold of the Aesir, the main tribe of gods and goddesses in Norse mythology.
As well as being a weapon, legend has it that Thor’s hammer also occupied a key role in religous rituals of cleansing.
It was used in formal ceremonies to bless marriages, births, and possibly funerals. In one tale, Thor once killed and ate his goats, then brought them back to life by hallowing their bones with his hammer.
This object is cast in bronze and has traces of silver or tin and gold plating, according to a report in Past Horizons.
Mr Pentz said he grateful to the unknown rune writer who has confirmed that these amulets do depict Thor’s hammer – a lasting symbol of Viking culture.
The fact that the person who made the hammer was literate is a source of fascination for archaeologists.
They claim the amulet could indicate that literacy was widespread among craftspeople.
The runes range in height from 3 to 7mm, so it required precision to inscribe them onto the amulet.
As well as the torshammere, the archaeologists recovered fragments of silver needles and a mould for making brooches.
These suggest that there may have been a workshop producing jewellery nearby.
Museum Lolland-Falster, who reported the discovery, has no plans to excavate the Viking site at Købelev, but said it will continue metal detector surveys.
Thousands of tiny intricate amulets, similar to this weapon, have been found all over the Viking world since the first millennium CE. Pictured are two examples
Archaeologists, working with the National Museum of Denmark, unearthed the unusual 10th century amulet in Købelev on the Danish island of Lolland
Mjölnir (pronounced roughly ‘miol-neer’) is the name given to the hammer of Thor, a major Norse god associated with thunder. The hammer is described in Norse mythology as one of the most powerful weapons, capable of levelling mountains
Mysterieuze Toengoeska-explosie tot wel 1000 keer krachtiger dan atoombom
Mysterieuze Toengoeska-explosie tot wel 1000 keer krachtiger dan atoombom
Gisteren was het precies 106 jaar geleden dat Siberië werd opgeschrikt door een enorme explosie waar tot op de dag van vandaag nog geen definitieve verklaring voor is gevonden. De explosie vond plaats in Toengoeska, in een afgelegen bosrijk gebied.
De ontploffing had een kracht van 15 megaton TNT en was daarmee tot wel 1000 keer krachtiger dan de atoombom op Hiroshima in Japan. De dreun werd tot op vele duizenden kilometers gehoord.
De lokale bevolking dacht dat de explosie was veroorzaakt door een god, die het volk wilde straffen. Wetenschappers waren van mening dat een meteoor verantwoordelijk was geweest voor de knal.
Pas na 20 jaar reisden de eerste Russische wetenschappers af naar het gebied om de rampplek te onderzoeken. Als het een meteoor was geweest, zouden ze een krater en fragmenten moeten vinden. Er was geen krater te zien. Er werden ook nooit fragmenten gevonden.
Rond het epicentrum van de explosie, een klein perceel met onaangetaste bomen, waren bomen in een gebied van bijna 1300 vierkante kilometer aan de basis van de stam afgebroken. De explosie deed denken aan een atoombom. Pas 20 jaar na het incident, in de jaren dertig, werd echter voor het eerst gewerkt aan de ontwikkeling van kernwapens.
Twee theorieën
Wetenschappers vermoeden dat een brok ijs van een komeet ter grootte van een voetbalveld de atmosfeer van de aarde is binnengedrongen. Op enkele kilometers boven het bos zou het zijn geëxplodeerd. Omdat het uit ijs bestond, werden verder geen sporen achtergelaten.
Anderen menen dat de explosie is veroorzaakt door een kernaangedreven buitenaards ruimteschip dat op aarde is neergestort. Meer dan 100 jaar na het incident hebben beide kampen nog geen overeenstemming kunnen bereiken.
Art Cashin van UBS schrijft op nieuwssite Business Insider dat hij zich niet kan vinden in de wetenschappelijke theorie: “In die tijd waren er veel astronomen en telescopen. Ze zochten naar nieuwe planeten als Pluto. Of ze brachten de baan van kometen in kaart. Als ze zo slim waren, hoe konden deze slimme astronomen dan zoiets groots over het hoofd hebben gezien?”
Vooralsnog blijft dit mysterie onopgelost, aldus de site.
NASA tests flying saucer craft for future manned mission to Mars
(CNN) — If you think you saw a flying saucer Saturday over Hawaii, you might not be crazy — except what you saw didn’t come from outer space, though that may be its ultimate destination.
After several weather-related delays this month, NASA’s new spacecraft lifted off from the U.S. Navy’s Pacific Missile Range facility in Kauai, Hawaii, on Saturday morning.
The space agency said its Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator, or LDSD, went up at 8:45 a.m. (2:45 p.m. ET), carried aloft by a giant balloon on a mission to test landing technologies for a future human mission to Mars.
Shortly after 11 a.m., the test vehicle dropped from the balloon and the “powered flight,” as NASA described it, began. At this point, the disc-like LDSD was about 120,000 feet, or more than 20 miles, above Earth.
NASA said their current information indicates the spacecraft’s rocket fired just as they hoped, with the expectation that it would rise up to about 180,000 feet, reaching the stratosphere.
Eventually, a donut-shaped tube inflated — which makes the whole thing look like a flying saucer — thus beginning the deceleration process. The next thing that was supposed to slow the vehicle’s descent was a giant parachute, though NASA acknowledged it “did not deploy as expected.”
The whole process ended with the vehicle’s splashdown in the Pacific about 11:35 a.m., or 30 minutes after it was released from the balloon.
“From what we know, the test was successful,” said Shannon Ridinger, a NASA spokeswoman.
Ridinger noted that noted NASA officials are still going through the data to assess everything what happened, noting that the only flaw known right now was that the parachute the space agency was testing had “an issue.”
Project managers are expected to give a more thorough rundown of how things went on Sunday morning.
Current technology for decelerating from high speeds during re-entry into the atmosphere to the final stages of landing on Mars dates back to NASA’s Viking Program, which put two landers on the Martian surface in 1976.
The basic Viking parachute design has been used ever since. It was successfully used again in 2012 to deliver the rover Curiosity to Mars.
Curiosity, by the way, just celebrated the anniversary of its first Martian year on the Red Planet.
NASA will need new and improved landing technologies to handle the larger spaceships of tomorrow and land them on rocky surfaces.
Reporters love nothing more than a source with important inside information about the secret operations of a powerful institution. For the public, the word “whistleblower” evokes the individual citizen putting themselves at risk to stop wrongdoing by an employer. It’s a powerful idea – one justifiably lauded both in fiction and fact, and protected and encouraged by a set of federal laws set up precisely to encourage such heroic behavior. But not all whistleblowers are created equal. In fact, there is a business model based entirely on former employees couching in the terminology of whistleblowing falsehoods motivated either by self-interest or paranoid delusion.
Meet Karen Hudes, whose bio says she worked as an attorney at the World Bank from 1986-2007, during which time, she says, she revealed conspiracies such as one she says involved a crony of then president of the Philippines illegally taking control of a bank in that country. Hudes says that these revelations eventually led to her firing. She now makes her career as an anti-bank activist billing herself as the “World Bank Whistleblower”. Using that as her brand, Hudes has been able to build a small but devoted following among consumers of the so-called alternative media. (Her name occasionally makes its way into more mainstream forums, such as in a recent speech by actor Edward James Olmos.)
For a news organization that is looking for ammunition in the war against banks but is not particularly concerned about accuracy, Karen Hudes presents the intriguing possibility of unfettered access to information about the unimaginable evils banks do behind closed doors. But this lack of concern about accuracy comes with a very obvious risk. What if the purported whistleblower making charges against their former employers also makes other statements which reveal that the “whistleblower” (to put it politely) is very obviously unreliable?
Hudes says that she was fired by the World Bank after her 21 years of work there because she spoke out about issues related to “massive, massive, massive corruption” which the World Bank wants kept quiet. Just how massive is this corruption? Hudes says that the US gold reserves have been stolen by the Jesuits under the direction of a person she calls “the Black Pope” and that the US gold now resides in the Vatican. Oh, and she says that the “Black Pope” is not a human, but is of what she calls “a second species”. As she recently explained on a podcast:
“There’s a second species on this planet. They’re not extraterrestrials. They’re very much with us. They made maps in the previous ice age. The remnants of their civilizations are all over the place – a lot of times along the coast. It’s submerged because the sea level has gone up by 400 meters. This group has large brains. They’re very distinct from homo sapiens. Their DNA is so different, that if the two species mated, their offspring would be infertile, and we know this because their DNA was just tested. They have skulls all over the place because they have been on earth with us. But after the ice age, there weren’t that many of them, so they’ve been hiding, and one of the places that’s they’ve been hiding is in the Vatican. That’s why the Vatican are wearing those miters. It turns out that that’s what the high priest wore in the early beginnings of Judaism. Moses was actually Akhenaten, who was a pharaoh. They know this because the papyra that was taken from one of the pyramids talks about this. The people who are doing archeology in Israel know this. And the reason is, not only is homo capensis (?) trying to keep human beings under control by divide and conquer using our money system, they’ve also been doing this with our religions – organized religions – trying to get human beings to hate people of different religious faiths so that they will kill each other off, so that the people who are manipulating human beings could … use us like cattle. That’s what’s been going on through our history.”
Hudes goes on in the interview to explain that she learned of the existence of this world-controlling, large-brained, non-human species from “a retired neurologist named Edward Spencer,” and that his views were confirmed to her by an unnamed email correspondent in Portugal who, she says, attended a meeting of large-headed hominids with inhuman blue eyes. Hudes also claims to be part of a network of whistleblowers from various financial institutions who have taken their concerns to the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions. Hudes and Spencer have also sent emails about this conspiracy to a long list of US military and government officials. (Another Hudes podcast interview on this subject is available here. More details about Hudes’ and Spencers’ beliefs are available here.)
Hudes has appeared several times on RT, where she’s billed as “the World Bank Whisteblower”, discussing everything from Obamacare to the government shutdown to the NSA. In those appearances, she fails to mention the “Black Pope” or large-brained hominids. Instead, she gives RT audiences what they expect: conspiracy theories involving bankers controlling the US and dire predictions of the economic collapse of the West.
In June 2013, Hudes was interviewed by Abby Martin in a segment of her RT program Breaking the Set. Although Martin’s introduction promised shocking revelations of World Bank corruption involving money laundering, no such revelations were forthcoming, only a series of unsupported charges.
In the interview, Hudes first claims that she knew of a scheme involving the theft of $180 billion dollars from the World Bank, that she reported this to her superiors there, and that she was fired for pursuing the matter in spite of intervention by several US senators on her behalf. Oddly, Hudes fails to take advantage of the opportunity to reveal details of this theft, which would surely be one of the biggest news stories of all time. Instead, Hudes starts down another path, claiming that 188 ministers of finance and the US Congress were involved in covering up the theft of $900 million dollars of funds designated for fighting poverty in the Philippines. She says that she’s part of an international network of World Bank whistleblowers who are trying to reveal a massive conspiracy of international bankers and prevent what she describes as “a currency war” ending in the collapse of the world financial system.
Martin then asks Hudes why “the corporate media” has failed to report on these “facts,” to which Hudes replies that it’s because the media is owned by a single conglomerate with an interest in maintaining the cover-up.
“They’re part of this scheme to rip off everyone, every single citizen on this planet. That’s what I’m talking about.” Hudes goes on to claim that her allegations have been confirmed by a study conducted by the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, although the findings she recounts don’t relate in any way to her charges. Instead, as she describes it, the study found that a small group of elite business leaders control 40% of the world’s assets. Based on this fact, Hudes says (in what charitably could be described as a non sequitur) paper money now has no value, and that “pretty soon, in a matter of weeks probably, the whole system is going to come to a screeching halt with something called ‘gold backwardization’.”
Rapidly changing the subject, Martin asks Hudes about banks controlling the US political system. Hudes says this is proved by the fact that former World Bank president Robert Zoellick worked for the 2012 Mitt Romney campaign and that, she says, the media failed to report this. She also says cryptically that she asked CBS to report on international corruption “and they said the public didn’t need to know.” The host wraps up the interview by asking Hudes why her “revelations” haven’t “incurred the wrath of the government” as have those of Edward Snowden. Hudes answers that she doesn’t know, but thinks that the government may be “using Eric Snowden (sic) to stir up the public.”
Subsequent to that bizarre interview, which lasted only 8 minutes, RT had Hudes back in October for a 24 minute in-depth interview on Sophie Shevardnadze’s program, giving Hudes an opportunity to flesh out her theories. (Video and transcript available here.) Unfortunately for everyone involved, this interview is notable for largely being so incoherent as to be virtually impossible to summarize.
SS: So, the government shutdown. Is the move on the part of the Republicans justified? Is fighting off Obamacare worth all this mess?
KH: I think there is something more going on behind the scenes. A lot more, actually.
SS: What do you mean?
KH: Well, there is terrible currency problem. We’re on the verge of the currency war. The Federal Reserve is printing dollars like there is no tomorrow, and if they keep going, the rest of the world is not going to accept them. As it is, the BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – have decided that they are going to finance the trade among these countries with assets and pay for the difference in gold. And this is the right move for them…
SS: But how is that connected with a shutdown though?
KH: The US Congress has been fighting with the presidency, because the presidency (sic) have been in total contempt, and the highest legal officer of the United States government has also been in contempt of Congress in fighting this international corruption that is ruining the dollar as an international reserve currency.
And on it goes… Hudes explains her theory of “gold backwardization.” It turns out that it refers to a two-step conspiracy theory falsely charging that 1) gold reserves no longer exist (or, in Hudes’ case, that the gold has been stolen by the “Black Pope” hominid and hidden in the Vatican), and 2) that banks are short-selling this purportedly non-existent gold to deflate the gold market. The assumptions behind this conspiracy theory are false, of course, but it doesn’t really matter. Central banks exist to manage the money supply in order to stabilize currencies and encourage steady economic growth. Conspiracy theorists and promoters of schemes involving speculation in precious metals have a different view of these things though. From their point of view, those actions are intrinsically part of a plan to drive down the price of gold, since, when currencies are stable and the stock market sound, gold speculation is less attractive. This is how gold standard true believers like Hudes and other RT economics experts come to believe that the normal pursuit of a good economy is part of an anti-gold conspiracy.
Hudes goes on:
“The mainstream media is completely owned and controlled by the same companies, private companies that own the Federal Reserve System… Congress people are all bribed by these corrupt forces and the American citizens have zero confidence in their Congress… I’m not siding with Democrats or Republicans, because both of those parties have been co-opted by these terrible corrupt forces I’m talking about.”
Considering that the views she expresses elsewhere are so idiosyncratic, Hudes’ RT persona is mostly indistinguishable from what they usually broadcast. I’ll leave it to readers to reach their own conclusions about what that means. I say “mostly” because, inevitably, the mask sometimes slips. In response to an oddly-framed question on Obamacare and fears of the collapse of the US economy, Hudes shares this:
SS: You know, I’ve also heard Obama supporters argue that the American Capitalism is on the verge of death in its present form, the way it is existing now, and the social injections, meaning the medical care and Obamacare, are needed as the only way to reform it or save it. Do you agree or disagree with that?
KH: The problem is not with the American citizens, they are a wonderful group, their values are good. It’s just that they are not given the tools that they need to have a just society. They are not given the basic information about what is really going on and who is benefiting from the economies that they are being told… they are being told that they have no money, they have taken an entire city, Detroit, and declared it bankrupt. When what’s actually happening is their tax dollars are not even staying in the society, their tax dollars are going by treaty to the United Kingdom, and then they are being transferred to the Vatican, to the bank of the Vatican. This is not a society that is going to be sustainable on any basis, for any reason.
Later, in response to a question about China, Hudes explains to her interviewer that China is controlled by the Jesuits. No large-brained hominids or Black Pope mentioned there, but some intriguing intimations of insanity on which the RT host somehow fails to follow up. Just another day at RT. Nothing out of the ordinary.
UFO mania: Graham Hancock Breaks the Set on TED Censorship, Lost Civilizations & War on...
UFO mania: Graham Hancock Breaks the Set on TED Censorship, Lost Civilizations & War on...
Abby Martin interviews author and philosopher, Graham Hancock, about the mysteries of ancient civilization, hidden societies from the past, censorship by TED Talks and the difficulty in getting these ideas accepted by mainstream archaeologists and historians.
01-07-2014 om 13:58
geschreven door peter
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Nabije aarde-achtige planeet doet hoop op buitenaards leven weer oplaaien -
Nabije aarde-achtige planeet doet hoop op buitenaards leven weer oplaaien -
Met de regelmaat van de klok worden nieuwe planeten en sterren ontdekt, maar wat astronomen van de universiteit van New South Wales recent aantroffen, was nog ongezien. Gliese 832c is een super-Aarde die amper 16 lichtjaren van ons verwijderd is - een steenworp in kosmische termen.
Volgens de nieuwssite The Verge wentelt de planeet rond een rode dwerg, een koele ster die weinig licht uitstraalt, met een massa en omvang die de helft bedraagt van die van onze zon. Gliese 832c heeft een omlooptijd van ongeveer 35 dagen en een massa vijf keer zo groot als die van de Aarde. Belangrijker is dat de planeet in de 'bewoonbare' zone van de rode dwerg cirkelt en dezelfde energie krijgt als onze Aarde van de zon.
Leven zou er in principe dus mogelijk zijn. De grote massa van Gliese 832 wijst er wel op dat de planeet een veel dichtere atmosfeer heeft dan de Aarde, wat het weer er heet en de seizoenen vluchtig maakt. De astronomen zijn er niet uit of de planeet nu een super-Aarde of eerder een super-Venus is.
Top-3 "Als de atmosfeer op de planeet gelijkaardig is aan die van de Aarde, is het misschien mogelijk dat er leven kan zijn", zegt professor Chris Tinney van de universiteit van South Wales aan "Maar de seizoenswissels zouden er extreem zijn."
Toch is Gliese 832c een van de meest Aarde-achtige planeten ooit ontdekt. "Wat massa en relatie met de ster betreft, zit de planeet in de top-3", schrijft Abel Mendez Torres van Planetary Habitability Lab's Blog. "Bovendien bevindt deze planeet zich van die drie het dichtstbij."
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Bid to talk to aliens could doom us all: How the quest to find ET could be 'insanely risky'
Bid to talk to aliens could doom us all: How the quest to find ET could be 'insanely risky' By Christopher Hart
A recent newspaper story about the discovery of a huge Earth-like planet 560 light-years away was headlined: ‘New planet brings hope of life in space.’
A few years ago, that sort of claim would just have been laughed off. But this has changed in recent times: indeed, only a few days ago, a leading astronomer made a quite staggering claim.
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We liked him but he went home: What if real aliens are not as cuddly as ET?
‘It is not hyperbolic to suggest that scientists could very well discover extra-terrestrial intelligence within two decades’ time or less.’
And this was no deluded alien bug-hunter.
This was Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute in California, addressing the U.S. Congress.
SETI stands for the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. It was co-founded by astronomer and author Carl Sagan, and two Nobel prize-winners have worked there.
Dr Shostak was able to make such a prediction thanks to the immense power of the dazzling new weapons in SETI’s armoury, such as the Hubble Space Telescope and the Kepler Space Observatory.
Nasa’s Kepler telescope has discovered 962 exoplanets (planets outside our solar system, which don’t necessarily resemble Earth) in 72 star systems.
They include Kepler-10c, 17 times the weight of Earth, which made those headlines this month.
The Kepler telescope has a further 2,900 possible detections, as yet unconfirmed. And it’s only been operating since 2009.
This implies there is an astounding number of Earth-type planets (with properties scientists deem necessary for life, such as proximity to an energy source) out there.
Kepler’s discoveries mean there may be 40 billion other ‘Earths’ in our galaxy alone. Given such numbers, the probability of alien life has increased enormously.
Much extra-terrestrial life might not seem that exciting. For vast aeons of Earth prehistory, ‘life’ meant bacteria, amoeba and algae. So it would probably be with most of those exoplanets.
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What if they mean us ill like Mysteron agent Captain Black? Captain Scarlet's nemesis was taken over after Spectrum attacked the Mysteron settlement on Mars by mistake
But just supposing one or two of them had given rise to more complex life forms, capable of intelligence, of innovation. With 40 billion planets out there, the odds are that this will have happened.
Hence the chosen name of SETI. They are not searching just for alien life, but for alien intelligence — life forms that could communicate with us.
SETI not only looks for planets that could be Earthlike and habitable, it listens out for things like radio waves, produced only by advanced technological civilisations. Like ours.
Aye, there’s the rub. It’s one thing to listen out for signals from the cosmos that might tell us They’re Out There.
But we are also sending out radio signals of our own, and have been for the past 100 years. One of the first public radio broadcasts was from the Metropolitan Opera House in 1910: Cavalleria Rusticana.
Such broadcasts weren’t necessarily received only by the handful who owned a wireless set. They also started to travel outwards from the Earth, like ripples from a stone thrown into a pond — but moving at the speed of light. They are now more than 100 light years away — one light year is approximately 5,878,499,810,000 miles — and SETI reckons the nearest inhabited planet is just 12 light years away.
And they will go on travelling through the vast reaches of space for ever.
The BBC’s first broadcast was in 1922, and we have been inadvertently shouting out at the cosmos since, advertising our presence.
Radio and television broadcasts, mobile phone calls, radar systems, their chatter and babble streaming away at the speed of light, and all saying one simple thing to any listeners with the technology to hear: HELLO!
Deep Space: It looks pretty but who knows what horrors lay in wait for us in the cosmos
With blithe and sunny optimism, many scientists from projects like SETI seem to believe any ETs out there who pick up our signals and come to visit will be something like the cuddly chap in the Steven Spielberg film.
The optimists have even begun another programme called Active SETI, or METI — Messaging to Extra-terrestrial Intelligences.
This means not just listening, but deliberately shouting out at top volume, explaining who we are and where in the galaxy we live.
Not all scientists are sanguine about this, however. One has even called it ‘insanely risky, given the dearth of information we have about the nature of Extra-terrestrial Intelligence’.
John Billingham, a senior figure at SETI and Nasa, even called for a global moratorium on such programmes because of the potential risk to humanity’s future.
Is this paranoia? Hardly, if you remember the lessons of our history.
For when an advanced people meet a less technologically sophisticated people, the results for the latter are generally catastrophic.
Look at the American Indians, or even worse, the Tasmanian aborigines, who were obliterated after the arrival of European settlers in the early 1800s.
The worst-case scenario of an alien attack on Earth is a staple of science fiction from H.G. Wells’s War Of The Worlds to Tom Cruise’s latest blockbuster, Edge Of Tomorrow.
We have no idea how super-intelligent aliens might regard us, but what if they see us as we do cows: a useful source of protein?
Or as mosquitoes: pests infesting a lovely and habitable planet, and best got rid of?
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Arthur C. Clarke, the author of 2001: A Space Odyssey, predicted in 1974 that in 30 years' time we would sit at home on personal computers, doing our shopping
These might sound fanciful, but science fiction writers spend their lives engaged in imagining the future, and often turn out to be startlingly prescient.
The word ‘cyberspace’ was coined by sci-fi writers.
And Arthur C. Clarke, the author of 2001: A Space Odyssey, predicted in 1974 that in 30 years’ time we would sit at home on personal computers, doing our shopping and buying our theatre tickets.
Even more frightening than the thought of space invaders is the risk of importing a devastating computer virus in an incoming signal from some advanced civilisation.
A leading Serbian astro-physicist, Professor Milan Cirkovic, has described how such viruses could ‘download’ themselves to Earth, and then damage our computer networks.
It is, he said: ‘A very frightening thought.’ So perhaps we should be keeping very, very quiet — instead of reaching out to seek for alien civilisations.
And if super-intelligent aliens don’t get us, another extra-terrestrial will — a giant asteroid smashing into the Earth.
‘The chances of this happening,’ says Bill McGuire, professor of geophysical and climate hazards at University College, London, ‘are 100 per cent.’
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Are UFO's A State Of Mind? Nigel Watson Looks At UFO's Past To Present
Are UFO's A State Of Mind? Nigel Watson Looks At UFO's Past To Present
UFO theory covers sightings from the 1850s to 1920s
Strange objects in the sky have baffled humanity since the dawn of time. In the past, unusual lights in the sky were regarded as chariots of fire, angels, will o’ the wisps, demonic processions, dragons, witches riding to their Sabbath rituals, dancing fairies, spirits and many other types of threatening supernatural or religious visitations.
From the 1850s to the 1920s strange lights or things in the sky were regarded as ‘phantom airships’, then there were ‘mystery aircraft’ followed by ‘foo fighters’ in the Second World War, then ‘ghost rockets’ before we got to ‘flying saucers’ in 1947.
Sightings were of things of a fantastic, supernatural or religious nature, and then with the phantom airship sightings, they were seen as secular, man-made, mechanical constructions.
These frames of reference are conditioned by many different social, political and cultural factors. For example, the phantom airships seen in the USA in 1896-7, and worldwide during the early years of the twentieth century can be compared with the airships described in the fiction of the period. The fiction and sightings also reflected the growing interest in all things aeronautical. The world became increasingly airminded, a concept which historian Scott Palmer describes as a:
‘...particular set of cultural traditions, symbols, and markers that, combined with existing political culture and social institutions, constitute a given nation's response to the airplane.’
The phantom airships and balloons, and mystery fliers represented a part of this airminded obsession, but not far away were new frontiers to conquer. The Space Age would soon dawn and in anticipation pulp science fiction novels, magazines and film serials gripped our imaginations.
These new horizons also represented new real and imagined threats to humanity. The worst case scenario was played out in the War of the Worlds radio broadcast, masterminded by Orson Welles’ Mercury Theatre of the Air. The programme mixed fiction with alleged on-the-spot factual reports of an alien invasion. The accepted view is that it caused a mass panic when it was broadcast on Halloween’s Eve, 30 October 1938.
More sober analysis indicates that it mainly caused its 1.2 million listeners mild fear and/or excitement. Nonetheless the overall reaction to the broadcast was a media sensation that led the shocked and surprised Orson Welles to apologise before news reel cameras the following day.
Strange things in the sky now morphed into foo fighters and ghost rockets as we passed through the horrors of the Second World War and entered the Space Age. The big breakthrough came with Kenneth Arnold’s sighting of ‘flying saucers’ in June 1947. No one knew if they were the product of Cold War psychosis, secret US or USSR aircraft or invaders from outer space. As the mystery deepened the United States Air Force dubbed them Unidentified Flying Objects, which became the perfect umbrella term for anything unusual seen in the sky.
Hollywood movies of the 1950s quickly cashed-in on the craze for flying saucers, and in process created some of the most stupid, inspiring, spectacular and thoughtful films of all time. It became a ufominded age that partied with the dominant Space Age ethos.
UFOs and flying saucers simply became shorthand for alien visitors, yet even ufologists accept that the majority are misidentifications of anything from kites, clouds and satellites to the Moon and Venus. The contactees of the 1950s and the abductees of the 1960s onwards made physical and mental contact with the occupants of these craft. Their testimony certainly ruled out misidentifications of Venus, but the sceptics filled this void with speculation about False Memory Syndromes and Sleep Paralysis.
The disclosure movement tries to get confirmation that our governments know all about these alien visitations, and the Roswell and Rendlesham incidents taunt us with the possibility that they are real craft. The elusive nature of this evidence has led some ufologists to explore the possibility that UFOs come from other dimensions or are time travellers, others regard them as enigmatic intelligences that are intimately linked with humanity and are engaged in manipulating our thoughts and evolution.
Hardline sceptics try to explain all UFO sightings as caused by ‘mundane’ non-exotic phenomena, and then there are the psychosociologists who aren’t particularly bothered if UFOs are physically real or not, it is enough that our ufo minded culture causes real psychological and sociological responses.
Like UFOs themselves, the theories surrounding them reflect our perception of the world and our place in it.
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Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for June 2014
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for June 2014:
CMS continues to amass sighting reports from around the globe. In June 2014 there were 738 sightings reported to MUFON through CMS from the following countries;
Number of Reports
Within the United States the distribution by State was as follows;
Number of Reports
New York
North Carolina
New Jersey
South Carolina
West Virginia
New Mexico
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
South Dakota
North Dakota
If you are getting more sighting reports than listed here, please be sure to enter them manually into CMS. To make this happen automatically, make sure your local MUFON Website is pointing to the CMS Reporting form on and direct all calls you get to the MUFON website so that witnesses can enter their own report directly into CMS.
ALL sighting reports received by CMS are already filled in by the witness, saving you and your investigators time. Each report is automatically sent to YOU, the State Director and Assistant State Director, for you to assign someone to follow-up and complete the report.
If a UFO sighting comes in over the phone, or by e-mail, and you want to enter it yourself, simply go to CMS at (once logged in) and click on "ADD CASE" in the upper right hand corner of the screen. This gives you a blank sighting reporting form that you can fill out while the witness is on the phone. Once the report is filled out be sure to click "SAVE" and you will have easily added your NEW report to CMS.
Other interesting data points in CMS during June 2014 are the shape of the UFOs reported which were as follows;
Shape of Object
Number of Reports
as well as the distance from the observer;
Distance from Witness
Number of Reports
< 100 ft
101-500 ft
501 ft - 1 Mile
Over 1 Mile
Most impressively there were 28 Landings, Hovering, or Takeoffs reported and 2 Entities observed.
To review the CMS data yourself go to and click on "UFO Case Files" to 1.) Easily look at the Last 20 Sightings, or 2.) Do a customized search of the CMS database by date and/or location, or 3.) Logon to CMS for even more detailed UFO sighting information about your State and the World.
I hope you are enjoying our new internet based Sighting and Reporting System. For questions regarding its use please refer to the User Guide available on your CMS main menu screen. Please send your questions and/or suggestions to Jan Harzan at
Location: Near West Mifflin, Pennsylvania Date: June 2008
Time: evening
The main witness, Barbara, and her husband decided to go shopping at the Century III Mall near West Mifflin. Barbara’s husband wasn’t big on shopping, so he opted to sit on a bench and wait while she went into a department store. Barbara made her way to the men’s department and was a bit amused to see a mother hustle past her. The woman was hurrying and huddling her children together…. The little boy was dragging his feet. “I want to see!” he cried as his mother dragged him along. “No, we need to leave now!” his mother admonished him. Barbara wondered what the dispute had been about. She made the turn around some clothing racks and stopped dead. Standing before her was a male figure wearing blue pants and a plaid shirt. The being was not human, though. It was bald and wrinkled. The figure had bumps all over his gray skin, and his eyes were very dark and almond-shaped. Barbara did a double take and in that brief second the figure moved much closer to her. He faced her now and gave her a gentle smile. Barbara struggled not to stare, thinking that maybe this was a man with some terrible condition. She quickly shifted her eyes away, then right back again. In that brief span, the figure disappeared. Barbara hurried to the cashier. She was agitated and asked if a security guard could be called. She explained that she was looking for a man who had been in the men’s department. The security guard allowed her to view the tape with him but there was no one to be seen in the area after she entered it. Barbara’s husband rejoined her and insisted that they had to go. By now Barbara was rattled and frightened. Barbara and her husband had been planning to view a movie at the theater in the mall, and so they continued on with their plans. When she tried to explain what had happened to her husband, she insisted that they had to hurry not to miss the movie. He would listen to her story later. Barbara spent the rest of her time in the mall scanning faces for the little, gray, wrinkle-skinned being, but she never saw him again. Later investigators were able to find out that at the same time of her encounter, someone else had reported seeing a UFO in the area of the mall.
HC addendum Source: Patty A Wilson, UFOs in Pennsylvania quoting John Ventre MUFON
Location: Near Cisco Grove California Date: September 4 1964
Time: 2200
Donald Shrum, a bow & arrow deer hunter, was lost and benighted in the hills and had climbed a pine tree when he saw a moving light in the sky not far off. This presently discharged a domed object with a blinking light on top. Then two figures came toward him; they wore silver or whitish coverall uniforms with hoods & gauntlets, and dark goggles. A third being, which had large reddish orange glowing eyes, looked metallic all over & appeared to be a robot; all 3 were about 5 ft tall. The “robot” came to the base of the tree & its mouth emitted a puff of white vapor, which had the effect of causing Shrum to lose consciousness briefly. To keep off the entities, Shrum set fire to everything available, including much of his clothing, and threw it down. But as soon as the blaze died down they would come back to the tree. He also shot his 3 arrows against the robot; they stuck with a flash of light, but did not injure it. Throughout the night, the robot repeatedly emitted the anesthetic vapor (Shrum fastened himself to the tree with his belt so as not to fall) and the other 2 beings kept trying to climb up the tree, which Shrum would shake to make them get down. At some point a second robot joined the besiegers. Finally, just before dawn, the 2 robots exchanged arc-like flashes & emitted a large volume of vapor. When Shrum came to, the entities were gone.
Humcat 1964-21 Source: Paul Cerny for Nicap, & Dr. James Harder for Apro
Location: Lake Baikal West Siberia Russia Date: Summer 1982
Time: various?
During military diving training exercises, Soviet frogmen encountered at depths of 50 meters, huge man-like figures almost 3 meters in height, that were clad in tight-fitting silvery suits, wearing large spherical transparent helmets and seemed to lack any aqualung or diving equipment. At one point the military men attempted to capture one of the huge beings with a net but were thrown out of the deep water and onto the surface by an unknown powerful force. Three of the men died and the others became crippled. During the same time there were reports of giant discs and spheres descending and rising from the lake waters.
HC addition # 630 Source: Paul Stonehill, UFO Encounters Vol. 1 # 7
A young man walking near a field suddenly saw the area illuminated by a bright light and could no longer see his surroundings. Up on a nearby hill he saw an oval shaped object resting on the ground. A human like figure with two antennae like protrusions on his head, stood by the object. Frightened he ran away but fell as four humanoids approached apparently in bizarre bounding like movements. The witness fainted and when he woke up he saw four five-foot tall entities wearing buttoned jackets, a backpack and helmets with antennae. Their hands appeared pincer-like. He fainted again, woke up later and everything had vanished.
HC addition # 136 Source: Paolo Fiorino, UFO Universe, October/November 1991
Location: At sea in the Florida Straits Date: 1959
Time: 2200
While serving in the USN aboard the aircraft carrier USS FDR, Chester Grusinski was below decks when he noticed a number of seamen hurrying up to the flight deck of the carrier. When he got to the flight deck, there were approximately 25 other men present observing an oblong, orange light in the sky. The light approached the carrier in a “wobbling” fashion, blo…cking out the background of stars in the sky and becoming larger. At a distance of probably no more than several hundred feet from the vessel, it stopped and hovered; Grusinski could clearly see a row of square windows, lighted within by a dull orange glow; in two of these windows, to his left, he could see occupants, one in each window. One appeared to be leaning against the glass and looking down at the witnesses, while the other could be seen only from the neck up. Then they both moved away and were no longer visible. At is closer range; Grusinski could feel a wave of warmth coming from the object. After the figures disappeared, the bottom of the object began glowing a red orange; it became brighter as the object began to move off, and they could clearly see then that it was cigar shaped. The faster it moved, the brighter it got. The observation lasted from two to five minutes. The next day, Grusinski, got up early to see if there was any reference to the incident in the “plan of the day.” He found none; when queried about it by others, he denied having seen anything. On the other hand, he was unable to find anyone else who was willing to talk about it.
For many generations, it has been questioned and debated. Many long hours and much time has been spent pouring over the evidence, yet with no clear answers and no hard proof.
However, today, more evidence keeps piling up that proves the ancients did have technology far beyond what we can even begin to imagine.
Brien Foerester takes you down dark tunnels, beneath pyramids, and inside places you have only seen in your imagination.
More Amazing Evidence of Ancient Technology!
But now he goes even further and takes you beneath Egypt, where mysterious 100 ton stone boxes were discovered. Some people believe they were used for burial purposes, but Brien clearly shows us how they were used for ancient ‘high’ technology.
Is it possible that the technology of the ancients was so advanced, it goes above and beyond ours today?
The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 1:9, “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”
Where we believe we have gone forward and advanced throughout history, is it possible we are actually far behind, and that someone else a long time ago knew all the secrets we have yet to uncover?
I can honestly say yes. The fallen angels had the knowledge handed down to them by God, and they taught their children, the nephilim, and all of humanity the secrets of technology they had acquired.
Time and again, mankind has been stunned by the ancient megaliths, wondering how they could possibly have been erected by the humans of that time. But the nephilim and raphaim were extremely intelligent, insanely strong, and quite frightful to look upon. They were also giants! This is exactly how it was that ancient megalithic structures were built.
Ancient technology is indeed a reality, and Brien shows you in the videos I have included below just how it could have happened.
Brien writes:
Inside a tunnel system carved out of the solid limestone bedrock in the desert of Egypt, more than 20 granite boxes made of precision shaped Aswan granite are a true enigma. Said by some to have been the burial places of prized bulls, their real function is far more intriguing. And they are clear examples of Lost Ancient High Technology created before the time of the Dynastic Egyptians.
Egypt Underground: The Ancient 100 Ton Stone Boxes of the Serapeum
Great Pyramid: Ancient Machining Evidence
Red Pyramid Of Egypt: Acoustic Resonance Testing
To read more about ancient technology and Brien Foerester’s tours, CLICK HERE
Note: This is another blog that evolved out of a response to an email from another interested party, who shall also remain anonymous unless they choose otherwise.
And thanks for writing, I’m glad to converse with you about this.
I think if we’re going to be a bit scientific about it, the question would be reversed, i.e. where is the evidence that all the stuff about the Grays is true?
For there to be any consideration of so-called “alien abductions”, wouldn’t we agree that we first have to establish the existence of so-called…”aliens”? It’s hardly an established fact, certainly as far as science is concerned. So far as I am aware, outside of the Meier case we have no existing tangible evidence whatsoever of so-called aliens, though I’m sure that many of us accept the likelihood of their existence based on many things.
“Alien” is itself a term that’s a product of the disinformation and entertainment industries that have, in many cases, merged into one. (One blatant example would be OpenMinds.) So let’s get away from the very contaminated term itself and use the word extraterrestrials for our purposes. Now I think it’s pretty easy to come to the conclusion that Billy Meier has been meeting with extraterrestrials, a term I prefer, for a long time (over 72 years). But that’s not the focus of your question.
Let’s definitely agree that there is ample artistic evidence, going back to pre-history, that seems to portray beings and craft that sure appear to match the descriptions and images of UFOs and even of various knds of presumed extraterrestrials, etc. We’re not in disagreement about the high likelihood of extraterrestrial visitors to our planet dating back millennia.
In fact, all one has to do is to start reading Contact 251, and all of the information in the Meier case connected to such topics as the Giza Intelligences, etc. But I still have to refer to that information as speculative, since I don’t have any hard science to back it up and prove it.
And so far, despite all the huffing and puffing in the UFOCI, there isn’t one piece of indisputable evidence that all these people who think they’re being “abducted by aliens” really are. Now it doesn’t mean that some very few people haven’t indeed been taken aboard a UFO and “examined”. If we maintain and apply the same standards about speculative information in the Meier case to so-called abductions we still have to call them speculative too.
Then of course we have already referred to information from the Meier case that paints an even bigger picture regarding the nature, origins, etc., of UFOs, so-called abductions, etc., which indicates that in cases where people really are abducted the absolute majority of them are by secret military groups and not extraterrestrials. Meier and the Plejaren make it clear that there indeed have been an extremely small number of so-called “contact examinations” by non-malevolent extraterrestrials for scientific purposes.
But the virtual epidemic of reported cases are easily explained as sleep paralysis, mass hysteria, hypnosis, self-hypnosis, self-induced fantasies, escapism, etc. If we use logic alone to consider the hypothesis that extraterrestrials are abducting people, we have a number of things to consider concerning the purported reasons for such claims:
1. They want and/or need our genetics: Well sure, an advanced space traveling race which, by necessity, evolution and definition must already have much longer life spans than ours, greater intelligence and are also most probably unified as a people on their planet (far more than we are) needs our genetics? Why, so they can attain…shorter lifespans, degenerative diseases, hereditary physical and mental illnesses and our insane propensity for killing everything and everyone with or without the least provocation? Do they simply miss the good old days when they were primitive, stupid, short-lived, violent and, well…just like us?
2. They need to regain emotions like ours: All the crazy stuff we do is usully accompanied by equally over the top, mindless fear, anger, aggression, etc. What race wouldn’t jump at the chance to be at the whim of unpredictable, uncontrolled, irrational outbursts instead of spending its time traversing the cosmos, studying and experiencing awe at the magnificence and mystery of the universe?
3. They’re dying out and need to create an “alien-human hybrid race”: Right, that sure would be a match made in some sort of heaven…part advanced, peaceful, long-lived, highly intelligent and part knuckle-dragging, barbaric, genocidal maniacs. The sheer excitement of not knowing which part was dominant from moment to moment would make such an experiment irresistible and make going extinct seem like a really good idea.
4. We may as well also include those people who claim to be contactees. Please notice that none of them are being harassed, hounded, threatened, vilified, attacked – like with real guns, knives, etc. – and they all seem to have something else in common. None of them were important enough to be “contacted” and mentored by the president, vice-president, a congressperson, senator, Supreme Court judge, governor, mayor, city clerk, dog catcher, etc. In other words, none of them have demonstrated any significant abilities or accomplishments that would suddenly catapult them to galactic levels of importance and hence to be qualified to speak to, or on behalf of, much more evolved intelligences.
Naturally the question would arise as to what makes Billy Meier so “special” as to qualify for such a thankless job as a real contactee, let alone prophet, etc.? Let that hang for a minute and let’s look at it from the other end.
If Meier was a fraud and hoaxer, as so many uninformed and envious people have claimed, possessing such undeniably masterful, amazing abilities in a multitude of diverse disciplines, wouldn’t he be the most likely candidate to be a contactee? I mean the guy supposedly fabricated…everything - with one hand yet – and did it all without any proven financial, technical or collaborative resources, long before home computers and the internet, while raising a family with three kids, working as a nightwatchman and renovating a farm house that didn’t have electricity or running water, etc., etc. Wow, he could do anything, let’s talk to…him.
It may be hard in this day and age of online armchair experts who think that searching google’s in any way’s equivalent to actually personally gathering, weighing, evaluating and thinking through decades of several varieties of still irreproducible evidence, including reconciling it with Meier’s non-promotional, almost hermetic personal life.
Let’s pause for a moment and wonder how all this stuff got going. Weren’t we just going to talk about…”alien abductions” by those big-eyed Grays? Perhaps we can see now why I say that the Billy Meier UFO contact case is what the UFO cover-up is really all about.
Doesn’t the simplistic, cartoonish, hysterical “alien” anything topic – and chasing lights in the sky – pale in comparison to the rich, real-life personal history of a modest man who, for over 72 years, has steadfastly put forward this immense body of documented, authenticated, corroborated evidence and information while weathering the abusive storms not from some “alien” race…but from his fellow human beings?
NOTE: Much of the information below may be very challenging, especially for people who don’t really know the depth and breadth of the Meier case and how much more there is to it than simply the best UFO evidence ever presented. (Some of the links in the articles below may no longer be active.):
Thanks for sharing. In this (and I’ve heard you mention it many times) you state:
Central to all this, one must understand that the whole “alien” thing, with the bug-eyed Grays, etc., is part of the disinformation campaign that keeps people focused on utter nonsense…and away from the Meier case.
Can you point to any evidence that this is the case? I’m sure some of it likely is, but it’s hard to imagine given all of the reported cases, many with what I would say are credible witnesses, that ALL of these are just disinformation. And that is just current cases. There is also rock art from pre-history times from all over the world that bear a likeness to the Greys (likely more than one species).
Copyright 2011 – All Rights Reserved. Please do not copy or reproduce the content on this blog for re-publication without the author/s written permission. Thank you.
New interesting video footage of an amazing triangle – shaped UFO sighting recorded in the sky above Sherman Oaks, California on 29th ofJune.
Witness said: A daylight sighting of a twisting and tubling set of bright orbs appeared in the skies over Sherman Oaks, California which resembles the exact same objects as reported by us this week over the UK. These objects look inter connected as they do not expand outwards while twisting around each other rapidly, there has been a video from Mexico also with a mothership ejecting orbs that behaved in the same way. He has no clue to what they are 1st guessing balloons then re guessing as they were too high in the sky. What is your thoughts on this great sighting?
What a wild roller coaster ride of alien abduction and self-exploration. This is as true an account as one could possibly give of such extraordinary experiences. Sherry describes what she endured being repeatedly abducted by ETs but there is an extremely positive outcome. Decades after the first abductions Sherry’s perception of her experience shifts. No longer seeing herself as a victim, she focuses on the positive aspects of what she was taught during her interactions with the ETs. Once she looked beyond the distortion created by her visceral fear, she was aware of the depth of knowledge that was being imparted to her. This knowledge, like the ETs, originated from higher vibrational realms. It was being given to her for the benefit of humanity. Sherry explains the “3 Important Things to Know”, which are concepts about which volumes of spiritual texts have been written.
The Middle East has been quite a volatile area and when we hear of the wars and rumors of wars we only can catch a glimpse of what the Middle East is all about. However there is no question that when we thing of the Middle east we think of the cradle of civilization. That cradle of civilization extends beyond the confines of the Middle East. It moves into South Asia as well. While India borders Pakistan and Afghanistan it is considered a South Asian country and a country that can boast some the most compelling ancient history.
It is the seventh-largest country by area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world. The people there speak hundreds of different languages and practice many different religions.
India is considered one of the oldest civilizations in fact much of the ancient history allegedly can be called antediluvian meaning that there are allegedly texts and histories that date back before the biblical Adam and the times before Noah.
The Torah speaks of 974 generations existing before the Creation of Adam by God, these are the peoples that the children of Adam and Eve married. According to Scripture, Adam and Eve had three children, Cain, Able and Seth, who married and had children. Biblical scholars have questioned who did they marry and what families existed simultaneously during the creation story.
Some claim that the 974 generations that existed prior to the Torah may have populated India and that there have been texts that not only talk about their remarkable history, but the ancient scrolls also have revealed a connection with the Gods that they describe as powerful, and that used ancient technologies in order to fly through the heavens. It is also interesting to note that these technologies also included very powerful weapons that were capable of causing the entire sky to burn up and that would scorch the earth.
These accounts allegedly date back some 11,000 years. Ancient Sanskrit texts dating back as far as 6000 B.C. describe in detail technologies and flying chariots of the gods called Vimanas.
Many modern “ancient alien” enthusiasts believe that the Vimanas are basically ancient space ships or flying machines that all accounts say frightened elephants and would push warm air from its underside.
Many of these accounts come from a document known as the VYMANNIKA-SHAASTRA where there seem to be diagrams of power sources and schematics of all kinds of vortex engines and gyroscope technology.
It is also written in these texts that many of these so called space craft were piloted mentally.
The VYMANNIKA-SHAASTRA claims that Vimanas were powered by several gyroscopes placed inside a sealed liquid mercury vortex.
While modern science will say that this type of engine may not have been the best engine, it does not discount that something was of advanced nature being spoken of in the Vedas and is the Sanskrit writings. There is also a curious thing known and a Brahmastra which is literally a weapon that was created by Brahma.
It was considered the deadliest weapon. It was said that when the Brahmastra was discharged, there was neither a counterattack nor a defense that could stop it, except by Brahmadanda, a stick also created by Brahma. The Brahmastra never missed its mark and had to be used with very specific intent against an individual enemy or army, as the target would face complete annihilation. It was believed to be obtained by meditating on the Lord Brahma; it could only be used once in a day. The user would have to display immense amounts of mental concentration.
According to ancient Sanskrit writings, the Brahmastra is invoked by a key phrase or invocation that is bestowed upon the user when given this weapon. Through this invocation the user can call upon the weapon and use it via a medium against his adversary.
The weapon was also believed to cause severe environmental damage. The land where the weapon was used became barren and all life in and around that area ceased to exist, as both men and women became infertile. There was also a severe decrease in rainfall with the land developing cracks, like in a drought. The Brahmastra is mentioned in the epics and Vedas as a weapon of last resort and was never to be used in combat.
Dr. Robert Oppenheimer the architect of modern atomic bomb who was in charge of the Manhattan project was asked by a student after the Manhattan explosion, “How do you feel after having exploded the first atomic bomb on earth”. Oppenheimer’s reply for the question was, “not first atomic bomb, but first atomic bomb in modern times”. He strongly believed that nukes were used in ancient India. What made Oppenheimer believe that it was a nuclear war was the accurate descriptions of the weapons used in the Mahabharata war in the epic which match with that of modern nuclear weapons?
There are many people that believe that the Lonar crater is evidence of something huge hitting the earth in India. Science of course say that a huge meteor impacted the earth their while others speculate that a huge weapon was used and that fused glass much like Trinitite can be forum in the region.
Trinitite is the glassy residue that was left on the desert floor after the plutonium-based Trinity nuclear bomb test on July 16, 1945.
This presents a compelling question were the secrets of India first exploited by German scientists and were most of these Vimana blueprints, and possible weapons of mass destruction channeled and translated by German mystics at the turn of the 20th century?
Most of what we know of the Vril society and the Thule societies is that they channeled the designs of most of the Wonder weapons for Hitler’s Luftwaffe. They allegedly received this information from the Vril-ya a super race of subterranean beings spoken of by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, in his 1871 novel called The Coming Race.
Hitler and his Nazi scientists were exceptionally interested in ancient India and Tibet and sent expeditions to both these places yearly, starting in the 30′s, in order to gather esoteric evidence. This esoteric knowledge had to have included the ancient flying machines and the weapon of mass destruction known as the Brahmastra.
Italian scientist, Dr. Roberto Pinotti, who has made an exhaustive study of the history of Indian astronautics, has explained that his investigations into the Vimanas have shown that these ancient flying machines were well equipped with stealth technology and shields to protect the pilot from what sounds like Laser tech weaponry. Quoting from ‘Vymanika Shastra’ he said the ancient flying devices of India were made from special heat absorbing metals.
He said the text also discussed the seven kinds of mirror and lenses installed aboard for defensive and offensive uses. The so-called ‘Pinjula Mirror’ offered a sort of ‘visual shield’ preventing the pilots from being blinded by ‘evil rays’ and the weapon ‘Marika’ used to shoot enemy aircraft ‘does not seem too different from laser technology.
Apart from what is known about the ancient flying Machines of India, there is also the account of toys that were found in Egypt that represented modern flying machines we see today.
In 1898, a peculiar six-inch wooden object was found in a tomb at Saqquara, Egypt that dated back to about 200 BCE. The object had a body or fuselage, seven-inch wings that curved downward slightly, a fixed rudder and a tail. It looked very much like the Space shuttle. However what was it doing in ancient Egypt and how did the design and toy show up in 1898? It wound up in a Cairo museum and was called a child’s toy that was alleged to be a bird.
If the ancients had this technology where did it go and why haven’t we found evidence of it?
Throughout the Vedic histories are the speculations that Vimanas and the Gods had a subterranean fortress and that there have been bases under the earth for millions of years.
An “inner world” is also referred to in the Puranas an ancient city called Shamballa is located inside the Earth. This city is also referred to in Tibetan Buddhism. The theory of Earth having a hollow interior has remained a popular concept ever since and has lived on throughout the ages.
In fact, South American mythology, Native American mythology, Russian legend, Mexican folklore, certain tribes of India and Celtic mythology all seem to refer to a subterranean world inside the hollow interior of the Earth. Some of them even refer to strange creatures and human looking beings that live in underground bases and have ancient technology, perhaps even the Vimana.
Once again the Nazis may have gotten their hands on these ancient texts and translated them and used the tech for a secret Luftwaffe project. The Foo Fighters used by the Nazi’s were powered by the use of mercury. Some argue that the Germans may have combined mercury with gasoline in order to propel these so called “modern” Vimanas.
In case you have forgotten the Nazi’s were responsible for creating the first practical pulse-jet engine, but was it made from reverse engineering the designs provided in the ancient Sanskrit texts?
In February 1947 Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd was in charge of a massive operation in the Arctic that was called Operation High jump. Operation High jump has become a topic among UFO conspiracy theorists, who claim it was a covert US military operation to conquer alleged secret underground Nazi facilities in Antarctica and capture the German Vril flying discs, or Thule mercury-powered spaceship prototypes.
Hollow earth theorists and Vimana theorists may have something more to think about as a new study out of Harvard suggests that there may be an ancient earth buried underneath the earth we know today.
A team of Harvard scientists believe the remnants of an ancient Earth, dating to the time another planet collided with ours to produce the moon, may still be lodged deep within the Earth’s mantle.
Could this be an explanation for all of the possible hollow earth theories we have been hearing about?
The team believes that a previously unexplained isotopic ratio from deep within the Earth might be a signal from material from before the Earth collided with another planet-sized body, which led to the creation of the Moon. This might be an echo of an ancient Earth that existed 4.5 billion years ago, prior to the proposed collision.
The current favored theory says that the Moon was formed 4.5 billion years ago when the Earth collided with a mass the size of Mars, dubbed “Theia.” This theory states that the heat generated by the collision would have melted the whole planet before some of the debris spun off to create the Moon.
The findings of the team at Harvard coincide with a German team’s findings supporting the theory that the Moon was formed 4.5 billion years ago after a catastrophic collision with a planet-sized mass.
All of these new revelations make all of the so called ancient histories less of a myth and more truth. The tales of hollow earth and flying machines can also be found in Chinese writings as well. Of course the Chinese are credited with inventing rocketry, however the symbolism and ancient texts that followed have laid out the possibility that much of what we call modern space craft, weaponry and even so called underground bases can be found in the ancient texts dating thousands of years before the alleged Genesis written in the bible.
This is a story from someone who wishes to stay anonymous. I read this story and spent some time locating this person to try an obtain an interview. After promising several times I would not tell who he was. He allowed me to interview him. This is a brief rundown of his story. The interview will follow.
I will try to cut most details out and get to the main story. It was 1988. I usually would be asleep by 8.p.m. nightly. I had to be at work by 5:30 a.m. every morning so I made sure to get my sleep. Anyway. One night I was awoken by a bunch of dogs barking loudly. I was very confused when I woke up because I wasn’t in my bed when I woke up. I was actually in the middle of my street walking. I found out the dogs were barking at me
At this time I realized that I had no control of myself all I could move were my eyes. The next thing I remember was I was walking to this wooded bike trail area near my home. As I crossed a little bridge I knelt down on one knee. With two hands on my bent knee I peeked threw some trees and bushes and saw a craft of some type. It was ball shaped no lights and landed under these huge power lines. I never saw the craft from the outside fly. As I looked at the craft an opening opened up and two smaller than me being came out of the craft.
The next thing I remember was that I was boarding the craft. As I walked onto the craft the two beings followed me in the craft. The craft was kind of cramped and dark. It was dark but you could see like a neon kind of darkness. I then bent down and asked the being where we are going. They answered me and said they are taking me behind the moon. I then asked why?
They said they couldn’t be detected on earth’s radar from there. I said OK then we took off. I looked out of some kind of window type thing and saw us leaving the earth. We passed the moon then made a u-turn type of turn back. This took less than 10 seconds. For some reason I wasn’t scared at all. I actually acted like I knew them. The next thing I recall was the only time I was really scared. I woke up again, this time naked in a funnel shaped pool filled with a greenish black gel type liquid. The pool had to be 20 yards wide all around. And pretty deep. The pool was made of some kind of shiny metal. With the gel it made the surface very slippery and you would slip under the gel if you tried to get out. I then realized something very odd at that time. I wasn’t alone.
There were at least 15 other humans with me. All of them screaming and panicking. This is what scared me. I didn’t know what they were screaming about. I thought they knew something I didn’t, so I got scared. Some were under the gel moving around I could see. Most were trying to escape. One man kept climbing half way out. The closer he got to the top he would get hit by some sort of beam then he’d slid back into the pool. I thought this guy was insane, if he did get out where would he go? (I thought) I didn’t see who was telling me but they where telling me not to be scared. They told me I would be fine and that I could breath the gel. They said I could eat it and digest it. I couldn’t drown in it. We could live in the gel. It also recycled human waste back into the gel.
I believed some of the humans were in the pool for years by the way they were acting. I figured a way to be under the gel and still breath air. That way they wouldn’t hit me with the beam and make me slide under. I blacked out after that. The next things I remember are some pretty vivid memories. I must let you know that I am deathly frightened of frogs. I know it sounds crazy but it’s my one phobia. It’s their skin. Back to the story. I was rudely awaken by a being armpit high holding my hand taking me somewhere. I remember the touch of their hands it’s woke me up from what ever I was under. I tugged away and started to threaten them. I clinched my fist like I was going to fight. I said get away from me and if they touched me again I was going to hit them. He told me if I would do that I would change the world, as we know it. I knew if I hit them in the head my fist would go right threw them.
I didn’t like the feel of their skin and I thought I sure wouldn’t want its brains all over me. So I was kind of stuck in defending myself or making a huge nasty mess all over me. That’s when I realized that I was communicating to them with out my mouth. I knew what they were thinking and they knew what I was thinking. It made things difficult for me at first.
That’s when the smaller beings brought over this taller being, a little taller than me. As the taller being approached me he told the smaller being that this is a (the) prophet. I looked at his face for maybe half a second. His face grossed me out so I never looked at him again. If I looked at him again then he’d know how I felt about his appearance. I didn’t want to offend him because I like this one he made me feel comfortable.
He explained that they wanted to do some medical examinations on me and if I would cooperated. I made a deal with him if they didn’t touch me, hurt me or scare me then I would do it. He promised then I aloud them to do what they wanted. He also said he would answer all my questions that asked. He walked me around as we talked. I looked at the ground the entire time so not to look at him. The next thing I remember was the Medical Examination.
First thing that I remember was coming out of a black out lying on a table. I was not scared what so ever. I trusted them. And by being able to read their minds I know they weren’t lying to me. As I remember they took some skin from my right arm. It was like the thinnest layer possible. Unviable to my eyes, but all they needed.
Next they took semen from me. I didn’t understand this. Again I wont go into to much details simply because this story would be about nine-hundred pages long. I asked about this procedure later. The last thing they did to me was the strangest of all. They took my right eye out of my head. I actually saw the back of my eyeball and a cord or veins connected to it. I instantly ask about this. Next they put a babe like metal ball in my eye socket. About the size of a broken piece of rice. I asked, “What’s that for?” They said so they can monitor me from space. I thought it was so they could see everything that I can see, like a video camera or something. Then they put my eye back in then that was that? My next memories were the taller being talking and I. This was the best part. Because he answered my questions and showed me things in my head.
I don’t know the exact order of my questions but I did ask away. I must inform you that they communicated to me like an adult would talk to a five-year-old child. With simple words. Stuff like that. I thought it was funny. Anyway. The first question was about my semen. Why? He told me so they can make baby humans in space. I simply said, “ooh”. But then as I asked him questions he put visions in my head and showed me in an instant how they do it. As we were walking and talking about the humans in space he walked into this doorway that you can’t even see until you look in it. Just as we were talking about humans in space these two kids about thirteen to fifteen years old one male one female turned to look at us. Both human. Full blooded perfect human beings.
They were both sitting down facing away from us. They turned around looked in my eyes. He sort of introduced us I guess. Then they turned around and continued to do what they were doing. Believe it or not they were either controlling, driving or operating the craft or building were in. They were in control of operating something. I was tripping of this because they knew what they were doing and just little kids. They totally trusted them. Crazy stuff. And being that you can read minds in this situation I knew the kids won’t scared or uncomfortable. They were programmed to master their job. There is much more to this topic also but that will scratch the surface of it. As we left I noticed he was taking me somewhere else. This was kind of confusing to me also. This time it’s like the room just appeared. We were just instantly in it. I think it’s there doorways. They are unexplainable.
Next thing I see is a dead cow hanging I believe head up butt down. Nothing to my eyes was holding it up. I was baffled. I know cows can weigh tons but it was just hanging. Next thing they did was dip it into some kind of gel in a box shaped pool just big enough for the cow to fit in. Strangely enough the gel didn’t overflow when they put the cow in. The pool was filled up. Next they lifted the cow out and it was cut, dead and I was starting to get scared. I thought I was next. But then he showed me why they do this. It all related to the humans in space. He said what do humans eat as a child or infant. I said milk. He said exactly. What do adult humans eat? I said hamburgers stakes and food.
Again he said exactly. Then he put a vision again in my head and explained it all. They can’t just take earth cows in space. They do just like they told me; he said we make our own cows in space. Germ free no fleas no illnesses pure cows. Just like the space humans perfect specimens. Like I said I have much more information on that topic also. Then I asked about monitoring me behind my eye. They said humans do it all the time. He explained like this. How does a tiger explain to itself when it hears a helicopter coming out of the skies in the jungle? A big metal load scary object.
Then all of a sudden they feel a pain in there hip and lose all control of everything except there eyes. Then creatures come out of the object and start doing things to it. Like tagging it’s ear. Like even taking teeth. They even take semen to preserve the species from extinction some times. Basically scaring the crap out of the tiger for it’s own good in a way. He said so why is it cruel for them to do it but not for humans? After reading this amazing story I conducted this interview.
I will refer to myself as Mike and the person telling the story as Bo.
Mike: I have heard a lot of abduction stories in the past. I was under the understanding they some how erased your memory. Why can you remember so much?
Bo: In the beginning I did not remember a lot. In fact very little. I had some medical issues and had to have surgery. They gave me Anesthesia. After the surgery I became more aware. I started remembering things in vivid detail about my abduction. It is almost like it turned part of my mind back on.
Mike: When did this event occur?
Bo: In 1988 I awoke to dogs barking. When I opened my eyes I was outside my house being escorted by 3 smaller beings to a round ball shaped craft sitting under a heavy power line.
Mike Can you describe this craft in more detail? Bo I saw it was round some type of Orb It had no lights on it what so ever. When the door opened and I was led into the craft I had to duck. I am only 5’4 I saw no windows. I estimate there was enough room for 13-15 people in there.
Mike: What did these beings look like? Bo They were very short. I am 5’4 and they came to about the height of my arm pit. I noticed big eyes small mouth.
Mike: How did they communicate with you?
Bo: At first it was talking normal. It then turned to some how mental. I would be thinking of things and then they would answer me by putting visions and answers in my head.
Mike: Were these little guys what people call gray’s? Bo I am not really sure. I found them very appalling so I keep looking down so I would not have to look directly at them.
Mike: How overall did they treat you?
Bo: The little ones were very rude and I would even say obnoxious things. I did not like them at all. Mike What happened when you entered the craft? Bo I was asking where are you taking me? Am I ever coming back. Telepathically they told me to relax. We were going to what I knew as the moon. I would be allowed to come home.
Mike: Did you in fact go to the moon? Can you remember anything about the flight?
Bo: Yes, the orb I was in did something. When it took off I was pulled forward. This was really weird to me. Anything I have been in that left fast, Launched me backwards. This orb I was pulled forward. 15 seconds after I felt this I was told we were on the moon. Mike Then what happened?
Bo: The next thing I remember I came to, I was naked in a pool filled with a greenish gel and 14 or 15 other humans. Some where moving under the gel, a woman was screaming and crying for help. Another man was trying to crawl out of the pool. It was very slippery. He would get about ½ way out and a bluish colored beem came out and kept knocking him back into the pool.
Mike: Can you describe this pool to me?
Bo: Yes ,Can you imagine the shape of a drill head? You drill into something just to get the hole started so the edges are rounded.
Mike: Yes Bo That is the shape. Like it was built with a giant drill.
Mike: Can you explain the gel you were in? There purpose for putting you in there?
Bo: I was thinking to myself why am I here what are they going to do to me trying not to freak out. They put into my mind the gel was harmless. I was told If I went under I could breath the gel and even eat it. If I had to defecate in the gel after eating it it was ok. It would come out as it went in. Seeing people moving around under the gel I believed them.
Mike: Did you go under and breath the gel Bo No, I refused to go under. To your last question, I believe the gel was a way to decontaminate us. Mike Then what happened?
Bo: Three of the smaller ones who took me to the orb came in to escort me to a room. I did not like these guys at all. They kept touching me and I could not stand there touch.
Mike: What did it feel like when they would touch you?
Bo: It wasn’t warm like a human touch but it was not cold. It was like touching a fish with little prick lies on it. They kept touching me walking me thru this hall. I was starting to have thoughts of hitting one of them.
Mike: Couldn’t they read those thoughts?
Bo: Yes, I am sure they did because they must have called this really big guy who walked up to us. He asked me to relax and said he would help me thru this and answer my questions. He then walked me into a room.
Mike: Can you explain the layout of the place you where in? Perhaps how it was lit?
Bo: No it was dark. I knew it must be large. There were lights. But nothing like I have ever seen. They were like black lights. But nothing glowed like it does in a black light.
Mike: What did the tall guy look like?
Bo: He looked very human but hatefully ugly. I did not want to offend him so I continued to look at the ground when we spoke. I did not want to offend him. I had a very strong feeling he was trying to help me and he was not pushy or rude like the little guys.
Mike: So what was in the room they took you into?
Bo: It looked from what I could see to be doctor’s room. The big guy said to me; they wanted to put something into me for tracking reasons. He asked if I would cooperate? I said; as long as you don’t hurt me. He said; I will be with you, they will not harm you in anyway. I trusted him. He led me to a chair and had me sit down in it.
Mike: Please continue.
Bo: Well the little guys look at me and asked me to turn my head to the right just a little bit. I do not know how they did it, but with my right eye I could see my other eyeball. I watched them put a very small shiny object. About the size of a half grain of rice into the back of my eyeball. Within less than a minute, they were done and my full vision was restored. Mike Wow this is amazing.
Bo: Why do you think I don’t like to publicize this stuff. People will think I am full of it. But Mike, as sure as I sit here I am telling you the gods honest truth.
Mike: Before we continue would you answer a question for me?
Bo: Yes
Mike: If your name is not released would you be willing to take a polygraph or any other truth agent to verify what you are telling us.
Bo: ABSOLUTELY without hesitation.
Mike: Thank you. So what happened next?
Bo: The big Alien who I may add was human. But god awful ugly. Walked me into some type of control room. What I found amazing was the people running this room turned out to be 13-15 year old humans. I know because they looked right at me and smiled.
They were perfect. I was thinking what do these guys eat? How do they live up here? As I was leaving the room with my escort. We came to a room and went in. I saw a cow hanging head up. I could not see anything holding it in place. He showed me in my head, How they actually make the cows as they need them. I asked him why. He replied; What do Babies eat? Milk of course. What do adults eat? Meat?
Correct. He said by them cloning the food needed for humans it was pure. No diseases or imperfections. Mike: So what happened next.
Bo: We stood around and he showed me thing of what was and what was in our near future. They have been around longer than we have. Helping us all along the way. Including the Egyptians. He explained they cannot live on Earth because they age differently here than we do.
Mike: Did they help the Mayans? As well?
Bo: No, they did get help. But not from them. But they showed me Atlantis. It was awesome. They had everything. They abused the technology given to them. Thus it was there own doing they erased there selfs. The Egyptians, they helped. There are traces of them left behind in the runes of Egypt.
I asked the big guy why the back of the moon. He said to me thru my mind. It is the only place in our solar system that they cannot be detected by humans. We fly by and swing into the back. He assured me by the rate we are doing things. By the year 2015 the whole world will have no doubt they are here. We will first come across them on the Moon. Then soon after, we will look up into the sky and it will be full of there ships. Thousands of them. Leaving no doubt that they are real.
The world will clean its self again by eliminating all life on her. They are to repopulate us after this happens. Like they have done so many times before. They will save the human race. Remember, they are us a million years from now.
After this I found myself back in my house with 5 minutes to get to work.
Source & References: Mr Albert Spiteri (Malta) Published by UFO Casebook
In the recent decades that have documented the classic struggle of defending US air space and gauging the UFO threat, a complex set of issues emerge. Even the first generations of US astronauts were seasoned fighter pilots who had served at military bases and had even been scrambled in pursuit of their enigmatic aerial opponents. In that daunting task of intercepting the unknown we have the mentality of our men at the controls of their formidable aircraft to consider when encountering a phenomenon that officially does not exist, but has to be confronted when the orders come in, and a violation of guarded air space is detected.
When Captain Thomas Mantell came up against a glowing metallic object huge in proportions as described by himself to Godman Tower air traffic controllers, little did anyone know it would be his last transmission. Was it target fixation, a well-known state of mind known to combat pilots in pursuit of their aerial foes during “dogfights” that caused the veteran fighter pilot to push his F-51 Mustang beyond its envelope as he supposedly suffered anoxia when he exceeded his unpressurized limit of 20 thousand feet? Many would argue that it was much more than that which caused the first loss of an American pilot in pursuit of a UFO, but Mantell’s fatal chase demonstrates the mentality of a trained combat pilot to the point of no return.
Incident at Groom Lake
When Gordon Cooper, a decorated Colonel, and one of the first Mercury program astronauts at NASA experienced his first brush with the unknown in the skies of world it was while stationed in Germany in the mid-1950’s. Scrambled along with his squadron to intercept unidentified high flying objects Cooper described bogeys that quickly outclassed the F-86 Fighters that his unit flew in order to identify who or what had violated United Nations defended air space over West Germany. His early experiences would only be a harbinger of things to come as he would come to find out years later while on assignment at Area 51.
Gordon Cooper later detailed an encounter with an unconventional craft that landed near his ground unit command. Tasked with photography and surveillance, he and his men were surprised when the landing occurred. He reported that men ran toward the unknown object but it lifted off while spraying some type of aerosol substance upon them as they approached. The footage that Cooper’s men were able to capture of this bizarre event was immediately expedited to HQ in Washington DC under orders he was given. As has been the case with many such instances, Cooper’s inquiries into the disposition of the photos and investigation by the Air Force went unanswered.
The X-15 project
Test pilot extraordinaire, Joe Walker, who had flown the X-15 manned rocket plane reported the presence of unknown airborne objects pacing his high performance aircraft as he flew at the very fringe of the upper atmosphere and space. Despite the calculated discouragement by higher command to publicly announce such an encounter, Walker did anyway. Brigadier General, Chuck Yeager, who first broke the sound barrier in his Bell X-1 rocket plane in 1947, characterized test pilot, Joe Walker, as arrogant and unwilling to accept advice from others. Walker was killed while flight testing the Valkyrie XB-70.
When aggressiveness does not pay
Chuck Yeager also commented on Captain Ira Bong, leading Fighter Ace of US World War II fighter pilots with 40 kills. In his self-assuredness, Captain Bong died while standing upright in the cockpit of his F-80 draped in his parachute when his aircraft crashed while leaving the runway. Yeager, who emphasized thoroughly reading the operating manual of any plane he was to fly, noted that Captain Bong had switched off the oil pump while in-flight. The manual specifically stated not to do so. Once again Chuck Yeager characterized the mentality of many fighter jocks in the way they tackled their job, sometimes leading to their tragic demise. It seems that these types of aviators are risk takers willing to sacrifice themselves and the hardware they fly.
Ominous rewards of piloting skills
In his book “Majestic” Whitley Strieber quoted the general opinion within the ranks of the armed services during the 1940’s and 50’s as brave pilots pursued UFO’s and what their fate might end up being. Only a very skilled and determined pilot could ever maintain pursuit of a flying saucer, and if he did, it often led to his disappearance or crash. So, it would seem that the aggressive mentality of the well trained fighter pilot often resulted in unfortunate consequences for the aviator himself, his aircraft, and the authorities trying to ascertain just who or what he has been chasing. It would seem in the final analysis, that target fixation played a large part in the disappearance and crashes of many brave interceptor pilots tasked the defense of US air space.
SAC Command weighs in
One need only refer to the statement of General Benjamin Chidlaw of Strategic Air Command, who admitted that out of some 3000 attempted intercepts of UFO’s over the continental United States many men and aircraft had been lost. This admission was made in 1965. One can only imagine what has transpired since then, and how shocking those incidents might be. Yet, in the face of these types of disconcerting realities, the constant denial of the federal government and US military leadership has falsely misled the American public into an illusion of relative security.
>In Part II we will further explore the bizarre world of the UFO when in the presence of our men and women ordered to defend our air space when the unknown intrudes upon us.
The Shag Harbour Incident Society Museum may have to close its doors due to lack of funding.
According to the Yarmouth Country Vanguard, this UFO museum in Nova Scotia, Canada has experienced funding cuts for two consecutive years.
The Shag Harbour Incident Society Museum. (Credit: Shag Harbour Incident Society)
The museum was opened on June 22, 2007 by Cindy Nickerson and Dale Nickerson, two unrelated members of the Shag Harbour Incident Society. The Vanguard explains,
The museum focuses on the famous 1967 UFO sighting in the waters of Cockawit Pass, off Shag Harbour. The incident, centered around reports of a low flying object crashing into the water, was seen by more than a handful of witnesses. The incident was the subject of a military search, a front-page article in the provincial newspaper and remains a source of controversy and mystery to this day.
Although the museum reportedly draws more than 2,000 visitors a year to the area, the operators have been unsuccessful in their attempts to secure the necessary support to grow or even sustain current operations.
The UFO museum currently employs one student who works thirty-five hours a week from June to September. They want to add a second student worker, but they have only been able to secure funding for the existing one student position. Without a second worker, the museum’s hours and open days are limited.
If a solution isn’t found soon, the museum will be forced to close its doors for good.
Hosted by Alejandro Rojas, this DVD reviews five current cases within the UFO Phenomenon:
Ron Noel Alien Implant Ron Noel wants an object removed from his body that has been present since he was abducted by a UFO almost forty years ago. Open Minds follows Ron as he attempts to discover what the small object in his wrist could be. We give you an up-close look at the removal procedure of what may very well be an alien implant.
Presidents and UFOs There are persistent rumors and bits of evidence to support the notion that several U.S. presidents have known about UFOs, and have participated in covering up that information. Grant Cameron has been researching this topic for more than thirty years. Now, Cameron investigates, along with Open Minds, what past presidents may have known and what they kept hidden from the American public.
Dan Burisch and S4 Michael Schratt investigates Dan Burisch’s controversial claims that he worked at the S4 top secret complex next to Area 51 in Nevada. Using compelling 3D animation supported by Burisch’s claims, Schratt will tkae you inside the S4 complex to illustrate the hangers and spacecraft allegedly seen by Burisch.
Open Minds Timeline: Roswell On July 8, 1947, the Public Information Office at the Roswell Army Air Field in New Mexico issued a press release stating that the Army had recovered a crashed “flying disc” at a ranch near Roswell. This press release captured the attention of the media, but on the very next day, a second statement was released claiming that all that was recovered was a weather balloon.
Mauricio Ruiz UFO Video On the morning of April 11, 2008, former policeman Mauricio Ruiz witnessed and videotaped something that would change his life forever. Ruiz discusses with Open Minds the videos he shot of not one, but three UFOs from his house in Alvin, Texas. Watch as Open Minds has the footage analyzed by experts as Ruiz tells his story.
Bonus features on this DVD include extra commentary from Grant Cameron, Dan Burisch, and Mauricio Ruiz.
Tijdreizen: van antieke mythologie tot moderne wetenschap
Tijdreizen: van antieke mythologie tot moderne wetenschap
In oude geschriften kunnen een aantal verwijzingen worden gevonden naar tijdreizen. In de Hindoemythologie staat het verhaal van koning Raivata Kakudmi, die op reis gaat om zijn schepper Brahma te ontmoeten. Eenmaal teruggekeerd op aarde zijn er 108 Yuga’s verstreken. Een Yuga zou gelijk staan aan 4 miljoen jaar. Brahma gaf als verklaring dat de tijd in elk bestaansrijk anders is.
In de Koran vinden we de soera De Spelonk, die vernoemd is naar de plaats waar enkele mannen zich ophielden, maar niet wisten hoelang ze weg waren geweest. Een groep christenen vluchtte in 250 na Christus in een grot. Het gezelschap viel in slaap en werd 309 jaar later weer wakker. Het lijkt op een verhaal dat ook binnen het christendom een plaats heeft gekregen, de Zevenslapers van Efeze. Zij zouden vele jaren hebben geslapen.
Dan is er nog de Japanse legende van Urashima Taro, een man die het onderwaterpaleis van de drakengod Ryujin zou hebben bezocht. Hij verbleef er drie dagen, maar toen hij weer boven water kwam waren er aan het aardoppervlak 300 jaren verstreken.
Tijdens het bekende Philadelphia-experiment in 1943 zouden allerlei vreemde effecten zijn opgetreden zoals tijdreis-effecten en zelfs teleportatie van het schip. Het experiment werd gedaan om schepen met behulp van magnetische velden onzichtbaar te maken voor de radar.
Het schip zou van Philadelphia naar Norfolk zijn geteleporteerd en 10 seconden zijn teruggegaan in de tijd. Toen het schip weer tevoorschijn kwam zaten sommige bemanningsleden vast in het schip, terwijl andere last kregen van mentale stoornissen of helemaal waren verdwenen.
Schrijvers Charles Berlitz en William Moore schrijven in hun boek ‘The Philadelphia Experiment’ dat onder meer Albert Einstein en Nikola Tesla hun geheime medewerking zouden hebben verleend aan het experiment, bekend als Project Rainbow.
Ondanks de desastreuze gevolgen voor de bemanning van het schip ging men volgens sommige schrijvers in het diepste geheim verder met onderzoek naar deze onverwachte verschijnselen. Het project zou verder zijn gevoerd als het Montauk-project, waar in de jaren tachtig voor het eerst informatie over naar buiten kwam.
Iraanse tijdmachine
In 1960 beweerde wetenschapper Pellegrino Ernetti een apparaat te hebben ontwikkeld waarmee je in het verleden kon kijken. Volgens Ernetti laat alles een energetische afdruk achter die nooit kan worden uitgewist, wat doet denken aan de mystieke Akashakroniek. Hij ontwierp een machine die deze energie kon detecteren, versterken en omzetten in een beeld: een soort tv die je laat zien wat er in het verleden is gebeurd.
In 2005 vroeg Wasfi Alshdaifat een patent aan voor een machine die kon worden gebruikt om door de tijd te reizen. Professor natuurkunde Ronald Lawrence Mallett van de Universiteit van Connecticut doet onderzoek naar tijdreizen op basis van Einsteins relativiteitstheorie en is er absoluut van overtuigd dat het mogelijk is. Hij voorspelt dat we nog in deze eeuw door de tijd gaan reizen.
Vorig jaar beweerde een Iraanse wetenschapper een tijdmachine te hebben uitgevonden waarmee hij de toekomst kan voorspellen. Ali Razeghi heeft de ‘Aryayek Tijdreismachine’ geregistreerd bij het door de Iraanse staat geleide Centrum voor Strategische Uitvindingen.
De 27-jarige Razeghi vertelde persbureau Fars dat hij 10 jaar aan het project heeft gewerkt. De onderzoeker zei dat de machine algoritmes gebruikt om de toekomst van mensen te voorspellen. “Dit project is helemaal niet in strijd met onze religieuze waarden,” zei hij. “De Amerikanen proberen deze uitvinding ook te verwezenlijken door miljoenen dollars uit te geven, terwijl ik er al in geslaagd ben voor een fractie van dat bedrag.”
Amazing triangle UFO over Sherman Oaks, California on 29th June 2014
Amazing triangle UFO over Sherman Oaks, California on 29th June 2014
New interesting video footage of an amazing triangle – shaped UFO sighting recorded in the sky above Sherman Oaks, California on 29th June 2014.
Witness said: A daylight sighting of a twisting and tubling set of bright orbs appeared in the skies over Sherman Oaks California which resembles the exact same objects as reported by us this week over the UK. These objects look inter connected as they do not expand outwards while twisting around each other rapidly, there has been a video from Mexico also with a mothership ejecting orbs that behaved in the same way. He has no clue to what they are 1st guessing balloons then re guessing as they were too high in the sky. What is your thoughts on this great sighting?
UFO sighting over Bushey Hertfordshire, England on 22nd June 2014
UFO sighting over Bushey Hertfordshire, England on 22nd June 2014
New interesting video footage of a dark UFO sighting recorded in the sky above Bushey Hertfordshire, England on 22nd June 2014.
Witness said: I don’t know what these objects are. I am just reporting what I am seeing. Today we saw 5 objects. They were black and round and slightly flat, they seemed to be rotating. Sometimes they were stationary and other times they would move. Just watch the video…If any one has any information about these objects then please do get in touch with me.
Open Minds UFO Radio: William Hopp is the founder of Collective Minds Media and has had a lifelong interest in the Paranormal, especially alien abduction. He suffers from sleep paralysis and can attest to the feelings of a strange presence hiding in the room and the disorientation caused by sleep paralysis. However, he also can draw the distinction between what people report as alien abductions and what he experiences during sleep paralysis. His interest in the alien abduction phenomenon has inspired him to make a movie about what people really experience, unlike the Hollywood versions that we have seen thus far that often change the facts to suit what they believe the audience wants to see.
The movie’s website explains, “Abductee is a chilling found footage film set in the outskirts of Portland, Oregon. Terrifying in a way that few other horror films are, Abductee explores the bizarre and misunderstood world of alien abduction. Through a first person account, we come to know the fear and mental anguish that befalls a man as he attempts to unravel the mystery of what happens to him when he is alone in the middle of the night.”
Attorney Daniel Sheehan expands his observations in response to the Vatican’s shocking announcement that there is another highly-advanced non-human species elsewhere in our galaxy and that this likely extraterrestrial species is going to be discovered by humans in just a few short years. Sheehan explains why he believes it is incumbent to prepare people for the various implications which will arise with the possible arrival of these beings.
Daniel Sheehan is a social activist who has spent virtually his entire life working on progressive social programs and initiatives. As the legal counsel on such nationally-recognized investigative cases involving government covert operations as the Karen Silkwood case, the Iran/Contra case, the Pentagon Papers case, the Watergate Burglary case, and the American Sanctuary Movement case, Daniel brings to the issue of Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the UFO Phenomenon a unique background in investigating and exposing the world of American governmental covert operations, “black budget” operations, mind control programs, government disinformation projects, covert warfare and clandestine operations. He established the Christic Institute in Washington, DC, which for nearly two decades was the country’s preeminent public-interest law firm.
Brazil made headlines recently when their government announced that it will begin collecting UFO reports. A.J. Gevaerd has been behind the scenes in Brazil speaking with government officials and officers in the military regarding this issue. He will share Brazil’s incredible UFO history and his revealing conversations with Brazilian government officials.
A.J. Gevaerd studied chemistry in Brazil. In 1986 he left his career as a chemistry teacher to devote his time to the research of UFOs. A.J. is the founder and editor of the Brazilian UFO Magazine, the only one existing in his country for 18 years and one of the longest-lasting magazines about ufology in the world today. A.J. is also the founder and director of the Brazilian Center for Flying Saucer Research (CBPDV), the largest UFO organization in South America. He has been a UFO field investigator for 28 years. As a national and international lecturer, A.J. has spoken in dozens of cities in Brazil as well as 29 other countries. In 1983 he was appointed by Dr. J. Allen Hynek to be the representative of the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) in Brazil. He is one of the International Advisors of the International UFO Congress and Brazilian Director for MUFON. You can find more information about A.J. here:
Wanneer in de mainstream media serieuze verhalen verschijnen over geheime kolonies op Mars dan wordt het tijd om achter je oren te krabben.
Is het binnenkort dan eindelijk zover dat officiëel wordt toegegeven dat er al jarenlang geheime bases zijn op Mars?
Onlangs schreven wij het verhaal over klokkenluider Captain Kaye (schuilnaam) die zegt 17 jaar lang op de planeet Mars te hebben doorgebracht.
Zo verklaarde hij het volgende:
“Volgens de getuigenis van Captain Kaye heet de hoofdkolonie van de menselijke bevolking "Aries Prime" en bevindt zich binnenin een krater. Aries Prime (redactie: de naam doet erg denken aan de nazi doelstelling van een blank super(prime)ras van Ariers maar, is ook een verwijzing naar de gehoornde ram Baphomet uit het satanisme) dient als hoofdkwartier voor de Mars Colony Corporation. Volgens Captain Kaye is het mogelijk om gewoon te ademen op Mars en is de temperatuur soms zelfs warm te noemen.”
Met het verhaal van Captain Kaye is eigenlijk iets unieks gebeurd want je vindt het nu terug in de mainstream media zoals de Engelse Mirror. Gezien de aard van het verhaal is dat heel verrassend te noemen.
Als we kijken naar de manier waarop het militair-industrieel complex in het verleden te werk is gegaan dan is het heel goed mogelijk dat er buiten het zicht van de wereldbevolking al jaren geleden een geheime kolonie op Mars is gesticht.
Enkele jaren voordat in 1945 de eerste atoombom op een aantal Japanse steden werd gegooid, werden er geheime tests met kernbommen uitgevoerd, waaronder in Amerika. Er verschenen verhalen in lokale kranten die verslag deden van een enorme paddenstoelwolk en een onvoorstelbaar felle lichtflits. Dit werd door het militair-industriële complex afgedaan als gezichtsbedrog of een meteoor. Kortom, ondanks dat "de bom " al lang bestond, werd dit in alle toonaarden ontkent en afgedaan als science fiction.
Zo zijn er al jarenlang de verhalen van een advocaat uit Washington, Andrew Basiago, en van Laura Eisenhower, de achterkleindochter van de voormalige Amerikaanse president Eisenhower, die zeggen dat er zich een geheime aardse kolonie op Mars bevindt. Gebouwd voor de elite om naartoe uit te wijken wanneer de aarde getroffen zou worden door bijvoorbeeld een catastrofale zonnenvlam of door een andere grote ramp waardoor onze planeet langere tijd onleefbaar zou worden.
Er is zo langzamerhand een overweldigende hoeveelheid aanwijzingen voor dat er meer is op Mars dan wij officiëel horen te geloven.
Dat onthullingen over een geheime Mars kolonie nu als redelijk serieuze berichten worden gebracht in mainstream media is veelzeggend. De alternatieve media toont zich steeds sterker in het onthullen van geheimen.
Zijn we nu op een punt aangekomen dat de elite achter het militair-industriëel complex heeft besloten om aan damage control te doen? Omdat ze weten dat er nu zoveel informatie naar buiten komt dat ontkennen straks weinig zin meer heeft?
Dat nu de bevolking rijp wordt gemaakt voor de gedachte dat er misschien toch iets op Mars is? Dat we straks een soort Mars disclosure gaan krijgen met de mededeling dat dit alles niet gedaan is om te overleven voor de elite, maar dat men zich ernstig zorgen maakt over een buitenaardse (nep) invasie. Men de bevolking niet heeft willen verontrusten en dus daarom in het geheim deze bases heeft gebouwd om te dienen als wereldcommando centrale tegen een verwachte strijd tegen buitenaardsen.
Carol Rosin will speak on her personal journey and how it relates to the UFO issue; personal experiences stretching from the classroom to the belly of the military industrial complex. Dr. Rosin will discuss her life’s work leading up to an association with Wernher von Braun and other amazing people.
Carol Rosin is an award-winning educator, author, space and missile defense consultant, and was the first female corporate manager of an aerospace company, Fairchild Industries, where, among her other responsibilities, she was a spokesperson for “the father of rocketry,” Dr. Wernher von Braun. Dr. von Braun revealed information to her about conspiracies to keep the existence of ETs secret. She has testified before both the U.S. House and Senate, and has traveled worldwide to consult with companies, organizations, governments, the intelligence community, candidates, leaders, and grass roots associations. She founded the original DC-based Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space (ISC0S). Rosin is regarded to be the original political architect of the movement to stop the SDI and ASATs.
If you prefer a hard copy of this presentation, you can purchase the DVD here: Dr. Carol Rosin presents A Call to Action
Als wij schrijven dat de Endgame de laatste fase is ingegaan dan houdt dat ook in dat besluiten op een (nog) hoger niveau worden genomen.µ
Eén daarvan is door buitenaardsen genomen in de vorm van een ultimatum aan de elite.
Terwijl wij kijken naar het nieuws en de dagelijkse ontwikkelingen op onze planeet, vinden de werkelijk belangrijke gebeurtenissen plaats achter de schermen.
Nu is dat op zich niets nieuws, maar wat voor veel mensen wel nieuws zal zijn is dat buitenaardsen bij deze beslissingen betrokken zijn.
Via een recent artikel op de website Veterans Today van Preston James wordt duidelijk dat er een delegatie van ons goedgezinde buitenaardsen op bezoek is geweest bij een elitair clubje machthebbers en hen een ultimatum heeft gesteld.
De inhoud was eenvoudig: Stop alle corruptie en kwaad op aarde, nu onmiddellijk, of anders zal 90 procent van jullie hier over twee jaar niet meer zijn.
De exacte inhuod van deze boodschap is niet bekend. Het schijnt dat in het geval de super elite zich niets van dit ultimatum zou aantrekken er een machtige kosmische entiteit zal komen die een soort eindoordeel over de wereld zal vellen. Dat er dan wat je zou kunnen noemen een kosmische “reset” van onze planeet zal plaatsvinden.
Om welke buitenaardse entiteit of ras dit zou gaan is niet duidelijk. Wel is het waarschijnlijk dat dit niet zal worden uitgevoerd door de “goede” buitenaardsen die dit ultimatum hebben gesteld.
In de onderstaande video waarin Preston James in gesprek is met Jeff Rense kun je horen dat hij denkt dat het ras wat dan verantwoordelijk zou kunnen zijn voor de zo goed als totale vernietiging van het menselijk ras de Reptilians, ook wel genoemd de Draco’s, zouden kunnen zijn. Dat is echter geïnformeerde speculatie omdat Preston het ook niet zeker weet.
Wat wel bekend schijnt te zijn intussen is dat het de “goede” buitenaardsen zijn die een overeenkomst met de Russische president Poetin hebben gesloten. Dit wordt ondermeer duidelijk door de grote transformatie waarmee men binnen Rusland bezig is. De “oude” christelijke waarden worden weer in ere hersteld, corruptie wordt keihard aangepakt en schadelijke dingen voor de bevolking zoals genetisch gemanipuleerde gewassen worden verbannen.
Verder denkt hij dat wat er nu gebeurt met de wapenstilstand in het oosten van de Oekraïne, eenzijdig afgekondigd door het bewind in Kiev, niets anders is dan de stilte voor de storm. Volgens hem zal de regering deze tijd gebruiken om gigantische hoeveelheden manschappen en materiaal naar het oosten te sturen, klaar voor de grote slachtpartij die volgens hem onherroepelijk zal plaatsvinden.
Wanneer dit gebeurt zal Poetin gedwongen worden om militair in te grijpen. Maar, zo zegt hij: “Dit zal anders gaan dan je zou denken want dat is ook het moment dat de wereld op grote schaal in de gaten heeft hoe ze zijn bedonderd en zal de wereldbevolking luid applaudisseren voor Vladimir Poetin”.
Beide heren gaan er in hun gesprek gemakshalve van uit dat de elite geen gehoor zal geven aan het ultimatum van de buitenaardsen. Dat lijkt ons een reële veronderstelling.
Zoals Preston James uitlegt in het gesprek beschikt hij over een aantal verschillende goed ingevoerde bronnen, maar omdat alles loopt via de ons welbekende geheime genootschappen is het uitermate moeilijk om aan exacte informatie te komen.
Terwijl Rusland snel op weg is om te transformeren naar een menselijkere en eerlijkere maatschappij, bevinden wij ons hier in dit land in feite in het centrum van het kwaad. Juist dit kleine land speelt, samen met Engeland, een hoofdrol in de wereldwijde satanische praktijken. Juist hier staat een groot deel van de bevolking permanent onder mind control.
Preston James zegt in zijn artikel dan ook:
“If you have had trouble sleeping at night or hear ringing in your ears, you will understand this is evidence of a massive, ongoing psychotronic attack on the world through various sophisticated means including Wi-Fi, Cell Phone Towers and perhaps space platform or ground based equipment. And yet despite all this, such efforts have so far not succeeded in suppressing the American Spirit which is now rising and cannot be stopped”.
Als laatste zegt Preston James dat er slechts 12 procent van de bevolking goed wakker hoeft te zijn om de kritische massa te bereiken waardoor dingen volledig anders (in positieve zin) zullen verlopen.
Iedere week komen er meer vreemde en onverklaarbare zaken boven water aangaande de “rode” planeet, die niet rood is.
Zoals wij eerder hebben geschreven worden er de laatste tijd regelmatig UFO’s op Mars waargenomen. Duidelijke, niet mis te verstane afbeeldingen op foto’s van NASA zelf.
NASA die categorisch weigert antwoord te geven op de vraag wat zij voor verklaring hebben voor dit soort objecten.
Ook enkele dagen geleden was het weer raak, toen er wederom een UFO opdook op een foto, genomen door Curiosity Rover op Mars.
Zoals uit de beelden blijkt in onderstaande video hebben we hier niet te maken met een licht dat stilhangt in de lucht, maar een bewegend object dat afdaalt naar de heuvels in de achtergrond. Het is de aankomst van een UFO op de planeet Mars.
Wie de originele NASA foto’s wil bekijken kan ze hier vinden en hier.
De nimmer rustende UFO onderzoeker Scott Waring van Ufo Sightings Daily heeft ook weer iets bijzonders ontdekt op Mars. Tijdens het bekijken van foto’s is hij gestuit op bouwwerken die verdacht veel lijken op grote muren die ongeveer 50 tot 60 meter hoog lijken te zijn. Hij vergelijkt de bouwwerken met de Grote Muur in China en speculeert dat deze misschien wel gebouwd zijn door oude beschavingen op Mars. Misschien zijn het overblijfselen van een oude ommuurde stad uit oude tijden.
Scott heeft al eerder bijzonder ontdekkingen gedaan op Mars, zoals de onderstaande vreemdsoortige constructie.
Hij had deze ontdekking al vorig jaar gedaan, maar op mysterieuze wijze waren de video en de juiste coördinaten op Mars verdwenen. Hij heeft ze weer opnieuw allemaal opgezocht en twee dagen geleden de volgende update video gemaakt.
De coördinaten voor bovenstaand object zijn: 13° 20' 18.32" N 115° 35' 20.34" W
Iemand anders vond de afgelopen week, eveneens op een NASA foto, een perfect gevormde kubus.
Natuurlijk zullen er mensen zijn die zeggen dat dit soort perfecte constructies door erosie zijn ontstaan. Er zijn echter teveel van die “toevallige” constructies op Mars om door de natuur gemaakt te kunnen zijn.
Het is druk op Mars, het wemelt er van het leven. Niet alleen nu, maar ook reeds in de oudheid.
Voor de liefhebbers navolgend nog een korte compilatievideo met daarop een selectie van vreemdsoortige voorwerpen, gebouwen en standbeelden die de afgelopen jaren zijn aangetroffen op deze planeet.
Long time UFO researcher Antonio Huneeus will cover various historical, political, military and scientific UFO issues. These include the discussion of extraterrestrial life by astronomers from the Vatican Observatory and UFO sightings in Rome; the history of the UFO issue at the United Nations; the Laurance Rockefeller UFO Initiative in the 1990s; the UFO sighting and power blackout in Argentina, in November 2009; and more.
Antonio Huneeus has covered the UFO field from an international perspective for over 30 years. His articles have appeared in dozens of publications in the U.S., Latin America, Europe and Japan. He was also the co-author of the Laurance Rockefeller-funded “UFO Briefing Document – The Best Available Evidence” and edited “A Study Guide to UFOs, Psychic & Paranormal Phenomena in the USSR.” Huneeus studied French at the Sorbonne University in Paris and Journalism at the University of Chile in Santiago in the 1970s. He has lectured at dozens of UFO Conferences all over the world and been interviewed by many media outlets including the Washington Post, SyFy and History Channels, Nippon-TV, etc. He received the “Ufologist of the Year” award at the National UFO Conference in Miami Beach in 1990 and the “Courage in Journalism” award at the X-Conference in Gaithersburg, Maryland, in 2007.
The Roswell crash is the most famous UFO incident in the world. Now, more than 60 years later, hear the research on this case you didn’t know about. Schmitt will share the accounts of hundreds of witnesses who have now come forward, including retired military personnel who were involved with the transport or recovery of materials taken from the crash site.
Donald Schmitt is the former co-director of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies, where he served as Director of Special Investigations for ten years. Prior to that, he was a special investigator for the late Dr. J. Allen Hynek and the art director for the International UFO Reporter. Schmitt is the author of dozens of articles about UFOs, as well as the co-author of two best-selling books, UFO Crash at Roswell and Witness to Roswell, and also wrote, The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell. He has spoken hundreds of times in cities and countries around the globe, and has been interviewed frequently on TV, radio, and in print.
You can believe or not. However, the existence of aliens and UFO in our world is the truth. Take a look at the video below and decide for yourself confidence.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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