The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Sexually Molested By A Green Alien Humanoid Female In Texas
Sexually Molested By A Green Alien Humanoid Female In Texas
Location: Texas, exact location not given Date: 1964
Time: late night
The ten-year old witness and a friend had sneaked out at night and were roaming the neighborhood when suddenly the landscape lit up around them. There was a thunder like sound. The main witness looked up to see a huge saucer shaped craft hovering overhead. As his friend remained in a paralyzed state the witness sees a small craft landing nearby. Three figures… emerged from the object, two were five-foot tall and gray colored, the third was much larger and brown colored. As the witness attempted to run he was grabbed by the brown being that then forced him into the small object sometimes using an electric type gadget. He was eventually knocked out and taken up into the larger craft. His next recollection was being fastened to a metallic tube. A dark green humanoid woman sat on his chest. She manipulated the witness sexually and made him ejaculate. A dark colored plate was placed on his face and then he was put in a small closet like room. The floor of the room opened up and a multi-colored energy field engulfed him. He then dropped out of the craft and floated back to earth to his backyard.
HC addition # 1926 Source: Kenneth Ring PhD, The Omega Project
Flying Humanoids – Paranormal Documentary Documentary on flying humanoids – strange creatures in the sky reported all over the world, including eyewitness accounts and video evidence – footage of these aliens or monsters or other dimensional beings. A look back at a series of mid-20th Century reports of bizarre flying humanoids that caused waves of panic in small towns across the Northern United States and recent encounters in Mexico and California. The investigation also analyzes a strange corpse and video evidence to identify what people are seeing.
A Big Purple Mothership was the last thing Lenny expected to see when he went out four-wheeling.
The clouds were large and full on a seasonal April day in 2012. Late in the day many of the puffy clouds took on a pinkish cast as the sun got lower in the sky.
On a farm near Greenwich, NY, eleven year old Lenny was enjoying some last minute fun on his four-wheeler. Suddenly the youth began to hear an odd humming noise. Thinking there was a problem with his single rider vehicle, he stopped to see what was wrong. But when Lenny shut off his ATV the humming continued but seemed to be above him.
“I looked up and there it was directly above me, a huge UFO was coming out of a cloud toward me.” Lenny explained. The boy tells us that it took several minutes for the object to leave the cloud.
He describes the UFO as purple, the back of it was round and a long neck was attached to it with a cockpit like structure on the end. The craft had three markings on its side.
Lenny’s eyes got wide as he further described the UFO. “It was enormous; it was longer than our 10 acre field.”
As the huge craft hovered above the field where the youth was standing another remarkable thing happened. “Another smaller purple UFO, a smaller one, came out of the bigger craft.”
He describes the small of the two objects as the size of the family’s Cape-Cod farm house. He also says that this craft was shaped similar to a conventional airplane.
“The smaller craft flew off in a westward direction,” he said.
Shortly afterwards Lenny noted that the Mothership did a dip toward, the ground. Then it brought itself up vertical and started spinning in a 360 degree motion. He saw what he could only describe as a bluish glow around it. As the craft spun faster Lenny could hear an odd noise building up as the spin got faster and faster.
“Suddenly there was another loud noise and the craft shot straight up into the sky and was gone in a matter of a minute.” Lenny said.
Lenny’s dad tells us, “My son was eleven at the time. He was very scared and in tears. In the time since the sighting, he hasn’t changed his story. Every detail, from start to finish, he tells the same regardless how many times you ask him about it. He is a good kid, who would never make this sort of thing up. He thought he was going to die right there in our backfields.”
Graancirkel in zuiden Rusland verbaast dorpsbewoners
Graancirkel in zuiden Rusland verbaast dorpsbewoners
In een dorp in het zuiden van Rusland is een mysterieuze graancirkel verschenen. Sommige bewoners menen dat er bezoek is geweest van buitenaardsen. De formatie heeft een doorsnee van ongeveer 40 meter en is op donderdag opgemerkt in een zonnebloemveld in de regio Krasnodar, meldt nieuwssite Svet Mayakov.
Op zondag werd een video van de graancirkel op het populaire Russische sociale netwerk Vkontakte geplaatst. Te zien is dat de formatie bestaat uit een aantal vierkanten en rechthoeken die middels een bepaald patroon met elkaar verbonden zijn.
Het was niet meteen duidelijk hoe het patroon is ontstaan, hoewel één lokale bewoner aan 9 TV vertelde dat dorpsbewoners in het weiland een ongeïdentificeerd object hadden zien opstijgen. Het object zou het omringende gebied met een lichtbundel hebben verlicht.
Een camera op de boerderij pikte geen ongewone activiteit op. Ook is er niemand in het weiland gezien op het moment dat de formatie moet zijn ontstaan, aldus nieuwssite Svet Mayakov.
Veertig procent van alle Russische graancirkels verschijnt in de regio Krasnodar. Graancirkelenthousiastelingen reisden afgelopen maand nog af naar het gebied om te zoeken naar bewijs van het ongewone fenomeen.
Er zijn echter ook mensen die twijfelen aan het bovennatuurlijke aspect van graancirkels. “Ik zag ten eerste heel veel insecten en hagedissen in het veld,” vertelde Sergei Frolov aan de krant Komsomolskaya Pravda. “Ten tweede waren de stengels gebroken. Normaal gesproken zijn ze gebogen. Ook zijn er op verschillende plaatsen in het veld voetsporen te zien.”
Een recent ontdekte krater met een doorsnede van maar liefst tachtig meter en nog ongekende diepte stelt wetenschappers voor een raadsel. Het mysterieuze 'gat' in de aarde werd door medewerkers van een gasbedrijf met een helikopter gespot boven het Yamal schiereiland in Siberië. Een team van Russische wetenschappers is al onderweg naar het gebied om het bijzondere fenomeen te bestuderen.
De gigantische krater bevindt zich nabij een woud op dertig kilometer van het gasveld Bovanenkovo. Nadat het nieuws over de vondst bekend werd, deden al snel allerlei theorieën over ufo's en aliens de ronde. Onderzoekers tasten voorlopig nog in het duister over de oorsprong van de krater, al zijn ze ervan overtuigd dat er een wetenschappelijke verklaring voor moet zijn. Een team van experten zou vandaag in de regio moeten aankomen om grond- en waterstalen te nemen.
Meteoriet of explosie Onderzoekers sluiten niet uit dat de krater het gevolg is van een inslag van een meteoriet maar achten de kans desalniettemin klein. Een ondergrondse explosie lijkt waarschijnlijker volgens Anna Kurchatova van het Sub-Arctic Scientific Research Centre. Zij vermoedt dat door de opwarming van de aarde, permafrost is beginnen smelten waardoor gas zich ondergronds in de ijs- en zandlaag heeft opgehoopt. Voeg daar nog zout aan toe, 10.000 jaar geleden was dit gebied immers een zee, en je krijgt een explosieve cocktail. "Je kan het effect vergelijken met het ontkurken van een champganefles", stelt ze. Wetende dat zich heel wat gaspijpleidingen in de omgeving bevinden, is dat een heel gevaarlijk gegeven.
Beelden Het is wachten op de resultaten van het Russische onderzoeksteam om definitief uitsluitsel te geven. Hieronder kan u alvast de beelden bestuderen die vanuit een helikopter door Konstantin Nikolaev werden gedraaid.
Nooit heeft de wetenschap dichter gestaan bij het vinden van buitenaards leven. Dankzij de NASA-telescoop Kepler werden al duizenden exoplaneten ontdekt, waarvan een aanzienlijk deel zich in de 'bewoonbare' zone van een zonachtige ster bevindt. Maar de hoop op een ontmoeting met E.T. mag u opbergen, zeiden experten tijdens een paneldiscussie in het NASA-hoofdkwartier in Washington. "Wanneer we buitenaards leven vinden, zal dat wellicht niet in de vorm van intelligente wezens zijn."
Als u de astronomen mag geloven, is buitenaards leven nu echt binnen handbereik. Met de regelmaat van de klok worden nieuwe planeten gevonden, en meer en meer klinkt de hoop dat die mogelijk leven bevatten. Zo ontdekten astronomen van de universiteit van New South Wales recent een 'super-Aarde', Gliese 832c, die amper 16 lichtjaren van ons verwijderd is. Ook rond de ster van Kapteyn zou een planeet cirkelen waar leven mogelijk is en eerder dit jaar deelde de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie op een persconferentie mee dat ze "de meest Aarde-achtige planeet ooit" ontdekt had. Kepler-186f cirkelt rond een dwergster en wel op zo'n afstand dat er mogelijk vloeibaar water aanwezig is.
Al deze vondsten werden mee mogelijk gemaakt door de Keplertelescoop, die gelanceerd werd in 2009. De NASA-telescoop hielp wetenschappers duizenden zogenaamde exoplaneten te ontdekken, planeten buiten ons zonnestelsel. Astronomen weten nu dat rond zowat elke ster in de Melkweg minstens één planeet cirkelt. En één op de vijf planeten die rond een zonachtige ster draaien, zou een Aarde-achtige planeet kunnen zijn in de zogenaamde bewoonbare zone van die ster. Dat is het gebied dat zich net op de juiste afstand van de ster bevindt, waardoor er vloeibaar water kan zijn - en dus ook leven.
James Webb Space Telescope Vanaf 2018 verwacht de NASA nog een grote stap verder te geraken in de zoektocht naar buitenaards leven. Dan lanceert de ruimtevaartorganisatie haar James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), die wetenschappers de mogelijkheid zal bieden gerichter te zoeken naar tekenen van leven in de atmosfeer van exoplaneten.
"We zijn dichtbij het vinden van leven op een andere planeet", zei Sara Seager, astronoom aan de prestigieuze Amerikaanse universiteit MIT in Cambridge, tijdens het panelgesprek. Seager speelde een belangrijke rol in de zoektocht naar een zogenaamde Aarde 2.0. "Maar deze extraterrestrials zullen wellicht niet de vorm van intelligente wezens aannemen. Ik denk dat iedereen wel hoopt dat er buitenaards intelligent leven is; dat maakt deel uit van onze cultuur. Maar we zullen al blij zijn als we om het even wat zien."
"Zelfs als het eerste contact met buitenaards leven een eencellige microbe blijkt te zijn, zou dat al fenomenaal zijn", zei Seager. "Want het zou betekenen dat ook buiten de Aarde leven voorkomt. Als elders in de Melkweg levende microben bestaan, vergroot dat de kans dat er ook ander intelligent leven zou kunnen zijn."
Veel geluk nodig JWST, de 6,5 miljard euro dure opvolger van de iconische Hubble Space Telescope, zal zoeken naar tekenen van leven - aanwijzingen als zuurstof, carbondioxide of water - door het licht te analyseren dat de atmosfeer van de planeten doorlaat. Maar zelfs met de nieuwe telescoop hebben wetenschappers een portie geluk nodig om bewoonde planeten te identificeren. Het licht dat deze buitenaardse werelden afgeven, is immers erg zwak, aldus de experten tijdens de paneldiscussie. Om de zoektocht écht een schop vooruit te helpen, zijn er grotere telescopen nodig.
Ook deze telescopen zullen echter niet in staat zijn vast te stellen of ontdekte levensvormen wezens met hersenen of eencellige microben zijn, aldus Seager. Maar wanneer planeten gevonden worden die tekenen van leven vertonen, kunnen andere telescopen ingezet worden om op die specifieke planeten te zoeken naar buitenaardse intelligentie. Het SETI Institute (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) in Californië zoekt nu al naar mogelijke radiogolven of andere signalen die kunnen wijzen op een beschaving op exoplaneten die gevonden zijn door Kepler.
Een ultieme doelstelling is sondes of zelfs bemande ruimtetuigen te sturen naar planeten die tekenen van leven vertonen. Maar met de beperkingen van de huidige rakettechnologie, zou het veel langer dan een mensenleven duren om tot daar te geraken.
The head of NASA himself, Charles Bolden (a former shuttle pilot and US Marine general) ranged himself firmly alongside his top boffins in the aliens-are-surely-out-there camp.
A group of top NASA scientists told the space agency’s chief yesterday that the forthcoming generation of space telescopes are likely to discover habitable Earth-like worlds and probably alien life – perhaps within 20 years.
“Imagine the moment when the world wakes up and the human race realizes that its long loneliness in time and space may be over – the possibility we’re no longer alone in the universe.”
“I think in the next 20 years we will find out we are not alone in the universe,” added NASA astronomer Kevin Hand.
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I was working outside just after my lunch break. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed what looked to be a red-copper colored object in sky to my left. I stood up straight and really focused on the object. It appeared to have lights and a surface that reflected light off as metal does. It was also black at times as well. It appeared to hover for a while and very slowly travel on a path that changed slightly as it progressed through the sky. I have to stress one thing. The first time I noticed this thing, it was directly over the airport. My company is building condos and houses beside our cities airport and it is closed airspace. Nothing public or private can fly without authorization. Which leads to why I was curious as to what this slow moving completely silent object was. At first I thought it to be a hot air balloon but I asked myself, “why would it be and who allowed it to fly directly over the airport and the landing strips?” That would create a chance of an airplane crashing into it or the ground. It took about 3 hours to get almost right over my head. As it was moving around and stopping during these hours, I began to notice it looked more like a metal upside down bell rather than an air balloon made from fabric. I really don’t claim to know what it is because I have never seen anything like it before.
There was what looked like a bright light on it as well. It never got any dimmer or changed color, but just stayed constant. It was completely silent as it traveled through the sky. I stopped randomly between working and snapped a series of maybe 7 pictures. I tried the video recorder, but the object simply disappeared from sight. It would not show up on video, but clear as day in pictures. The object turned slightly as it moved so the pics show different details and angles. But you guys tell me what this is. I couldn’t find any records of aerial pictures of city nor reports of anything happening at airport. When the object just simply disappeared and I could not see it anywhere in sky I thought this to be extremely weird. Seeing as it had taken so long to get to my location and I could see it anywhere in the horizon, it’s like it never happened really. The only proof is the pictures. After the object was gone, 2 army jets made multiple passes over the area. They returned then flew off again out of site only to return and do this again. I’m at a loss as to what I saw and am not discounting anything; as long as it’s realistic and logical.
I was working outside just after my lunch break. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed what looked to be a red-copper colored object in sky to my left. I stood up straight and really focused on the object. It appeared to have lights and a surface that reflected light off as metal does. It was also black at times as well. It appeared to hover for a while and very slowly travel on a path that changed slightly as it progressed through the sky. I have to stress one thing. The first time I noticed this thing, it was directly over the airport. My company is building condos and houses beside our cities airport and it is closed airspace. Nothing public or private can fly without authorization. Which leads to why I was curious as to what this slow moving completely silent object was. At first I thought it to be a hot air balloon but I asked myself, “why would it be and who allowed it to fly directly over the airport and the landing strips?” That would create a chance of an airplane crashing into it or the ground. It took about 3 hours to get almost right over my head. As it was moving around and stopping during these hours, I began to notice it looked more like a metal upside down bell rather than an air balloon made from fabric. I really don’t claim to know what it is because I have never seen anything like it before. There was what looked like a bright light on it as well. It never got any dimmer or changed color, but just stayed constant. It was completely silent as it traveled through the sky. Is realistic and logical.µ
If you look closely at this old stereoscopic image, you can see a dark, cigar-shaped object that seems to be flying in the clouds over Mount Washington.
Wherever the image might have been over the years, it showed up on eBay one day in 2002. It was bought for $385, and soon after cropped to show a close-up of the cigar-shaped object and touted as “the oldest known UFO photo.” The owner, Samuel M. Sherman, said the photo would be submitted to scientists for detailed analysis, and the results made available to the public.
The photo hit the Internet like lightning, crackling from one UFO site to the next. Ryan Mullahy, a UFO writer, researcher and founder of the website NH UFO Research, saw it but wasn’t convinced: “As fascinated as I was by the photo, I didn’t think it was a UFO.” Mullahy set out to determine whether it was.
He says he does “real, classic research” on UFO reports to establish their authenticity so people can take the incidents seriously: “I don’t have a bias to prove a case true or not. I simply seek out information and put out what I find.”
When he started his research on the “oldest known UFO photo,” the only image available was a heavily cropped, low-resolution version on the Internet.
After six years of off-and-on digging, he found an important clue: a 2003 Weirs Times newspaper article unearthed by Kathy Brisendine, another UFO researcher. The article identified the photographers of the stereoscopic image as Amos Clough and Howard Kimball. The image had been taken in the winter of 1870-71 during a meteorological expedition, which he would learn later included a study of frost architecture.
Mullahy googled the expedition and discovered that the New York Public Library had a copy of the original high-resolution, uncropped photo (see above) in its digital library, along with a number of photos from the same set. After examining them closely, he decided his initial reaction was right: “The object in the photo is not in the cloud, but on the surface of the mountain itself. In the original photo, there is a clear distinction between the surface of the mountain and the sky above the mountain range. The brown object is lying on, or suspended in, the snow on the mountaintop.” He says it could be a wooden ruler used to measure the snow or to show scale, but definitely is not a UFO.
“I don’t claim to have cracked the case myself,” Mullahy says. “Others found little pieces of the puzzle too.” But, because he takes his UFOs seriously, “I’m happy to get rid of a case that clearly was not credible so we can provide a clear picture of what the actual history is.” – NH Magazine
The doomed Costa Concordia, once a luxurious cruise-ship, sank after hitting rocks at the beginning of 2012, which tragically left 32 people dead.
The ship, which was double the size of the Titanic, was hauled up from its watery grave yesterday, reports, and for the first time, the world saw the true extent of the damage.
But it wasn’t the damage that the world was looking at yesterday, after a reader spotted something eerie lurking in the background of one of the photos posted to the website yesterday.
The original photo also shows a single light that had managed to stay on, and an armchair that looks pretty much undamaged, which is pretty creepy.
The Concordia’s Italian captain is being tried in Tuscany for manslaughter, causing the shipwreck and abandoning ship before all were evacuated.
You be the judge – do you think this is a ghost!? – KIIS1065
David Letterman has been on the air for decades, but it seems like even as his days on a nightly talk show are coming to an end, there are still things to learn about him. For instance, did you know he believes in spirits?
During a discussion with Emma Stone, who plays a spiritualist in Woody Allen’s latest film, “Magic In the Moonlight,” Letterman revealed that he believes a woman who was once a friend of the show before she died still contacts him from time to time.
“It’s very subtle, but the corridor of interest is so narrow that it could only be her,” Letterman told Stone, without revealing the identity of who he was talking about.
“She doesn’t say anything to me,” Letterman elaborated. “Things come to my head.”
Earlier in the discussion, Stone had discussed how she believed her dead grandfather was responsible for sending her quarters, without revealing the connection between her grandfather and quarters. But when it came to Letterman’s own metaphysical experiences, Stone seemed to struggle to grasp what Letterman was saying.
“If you go much farther in this, unless you’re full-blown nuts, it will become a mockery,” Letterman said.
“I’m full-blown nuts, Dave,” Stone responded.
Letterman also explained to Stone that a light in the Ed Sullivan Theatre popped, which his crew took as a sign that Letterman’s unnamed friend was making her presence known.
Who knew the late-night host had supernatural sympathies? – LA Times
Villagers call for demolition of cursed home after five deaths
Locals in the village of Lixnaw, County Kerry, are seeking the demolition of a cottage they believe to be cursed. At least five tragic deaths are associated with the property, including the violent murder of a woman in 2013.
Lixnaw’s parish priest said locals believe there is a “máchail” (defect or harm) or “mí-ádh” (bad luck) associated with the council-owned cottage on the edge of Ballynageragh bog. The local’s fears were brought to light at the first meeting of the Listowel Electoral Area meeting.
Five of the cottage’s residents have been the victims of tragic, accidental or violent deaths. Just last year, on November 27, Susan Dunne (62) was murdered in the house. Her autistic son, Patrick (20) is to stand trial for her murder, at the Central Criminal Court, on April 13.
Locals also say a man who lived in the cottage was stabbed in Wales, another resident died in a road accident, and in the past 20 years there have been three tragic deaths at the cottage, involving different families.
Sinn Fein Councillor Robert Beasley told the Irish Examiner that no one will ever live there again and said locals are concerned that the council will try to house another family in the house.
The council has confirmed that they are considering demolishing the cottage, however the recently deceased Dunne’s personal effects remain in the house. They are liaising with her family and have yet to make a decision about a refurbishment or demolition. – Irish Central
UFO have been sighted by boys group in forest in Argentina. Home video of a boys watching and a UFO take off in the trees, very scary. It’s new, but the question is, is it really real? The local news has even got involved and it seems they have become the believers themselves in these UFO flying over Argentina. The video shows an unidentified object what appears to be a light plane – then landing on top of it – taking off and both the unidentified object and the plane move quickly up into the air and out of frame. Video here:
Cynthia Sue Larson joins Dr. Rita Louise on Just Energy Radio where she discusses the mysteries phenomena of Quantum Jumps. Do you transverse time and space on quantum levels?
Over at the Department of Defense’s website you can find a document that has been declassified via the Freedom of Information Act on the subject of Project Pandora (which, in part, was focused on how microwaves can affect the mind and nervous-system).
It’s a fascinating file that dates back to the 1960s.
It’s a lengthy file, too: it runs to 469 pages.
But, here’s the weird thing.
If you scroll down to page 449, you’ll see that it contains a copy of the controversial “MJ12/Eisenhower Briefing Document” on the Roswell affair of 1947!
Of course, as most people within Ufology know, the document is one that has been the subject of much debate regarding its authenticity or otherwise.
Indeed, the copy of the EBD in the Pandora file has a hand-written note on it stating that, “This cannot be authenticated as an official DoD document.
Well, that’s fair enough, and something that most people within Ufology would agree with – it has not been authenticated.
But, here’s the issue: what is a copy of the EBD doing in a DoD file on Project Pandora…?
For centuries, Hollow Earth conspiracy theorists have tried to prove that there’s a whole other world beneath our own. But first they need to find the way in…
Late at night, on October 4 2002, a strange guest appeared on a cult American radio show. Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell had a reputation for exploring weird themes with fascinating guests, but few had ever sounded as excited as this one.
Dallas Thompson was a former personal trainer who had spent his youth in Hawaii but now lived in Bakersfield, California. His life had changed forever following a terrible accident, five years earlier. He’d been driving along Highway 58 during heavy rain when his car had aquaplaned, spinning four times, only to plunge backwards down a 250ft drop.
When Thompson was found, the roof of his blue Honda Accord had been crushed almost to the floor. The fireman who rescued him was amazed he hadn’t been decapitated. As he’d been sitting, helpless, in the wreck, Thompson had had a vivid near-death experience. He claimed to have seen a “light so bright that it burnt my eyes” and made him “legally blind” and to have had bizarre knowledge about the world poured into him. When he regained consciousness, he was convinced that the Earth was hollow and had an opening at the North Pole. He’d come on Coast to Coast to discuss his mission to locate and explore it.
“There are cavern systems and caves that traverse the whole mantle,” he told Bell, whose scepticism often took the form of slightly extended silences. Because of the special atmosphere in the hole, Thompson explained, living creatures were protected from pollutants and harmful rays. There were herds of mammoth and ancient tribes down there, the members of which lived to be around 1,700 years old.
“How do you know all this?” asked Bell.
“I just do,” said Thompson. “I remembered stuff that has been forgotten.”
Later, Bell asked after his mental health.
“Are you manic?”
“I’m just excited,” said Thompson.
“… I can tell.”
Perhaps most incredibly, Thompson revealed he’d secured funding to travel to the hole with a helicopter backpack called a SoloTrek, which he’d use to descend into it. He even had a date for the trip: May 24 2003.
Over the next few months, news of Thompson’s expedition spread. He began to receive emails from media companies keen to report the story and many more from both critics and admirers. The sprawling book he’d written, which included his theories about Hollow Earth, began to sell.
In December 2002, two months after his radio appearance, he posted a message on his Yahoo Group page describing an inundation of “over 5,600 emails every few days”. He said his book, Cosmic Manuscript, had become a bestseller but he was pulling it from sale. “I have requested the book be discontinued even though it’s still at the top of the charts in Canada,” he wrote.
And then, the most mysterious event of all took place. All of a sudden, Thompson disappeared…
For many centuries, humankind has dreamt of inner worlds. Numerous writers have been inspired by the idea, not least Tarzan creator Edgar Rice Burroughs (At the Earth’s Core, 1914), Edgar Allen Poe (The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, 1838) and, most famously, Jules Verne, whose 1864 novel A Journey to the Centre of the Earth has been adapted numerous times for both stage and screen.
Thousands of contemporary theorists discuss what is commonly referred to as “the greatest ever secret” on internet forums. On YouTube, videos claim that the satellite images on Google Earth have been altered to cover up the existence of the holes, while other videos claim the holes are there for all to see.
(N.Morgan) In another stunning presentation, our friend Crrow777 presents a compilation of UFOs he has captured over the past couple of years. Crrow777 explains what you are seeing and is very informative. He says: This is a compilation of unknown objects (UFO’s) transiting the moon. These objects were shot over the past couple years and represent a small portion of my captures. The also show some of the similarities I have documented.
We witnessed a 8-9 Foot Tall Greenish-Gray Figure, walking into the forest line next to the road. My Cousin and I had just finished eating dinner and playing a round of Golf. We were driving on a two lane road that leads back into the east side of our city. As we turned right at a corner that leads back into the main road, we drove another 100 feet until, on the right side of the road I saw a 8-9 foot figure that was walking back into the edge of the forest located under a street light. I immediately hit the brakes, unsure of what I saw, my cousin who was in the passenger seat looked as shocked as I was. I yelled “I think that was an alien” The car came to a stop and my cousin yelled “Go Go Go !” I sped up and my eyes were tearing up as I couldn’t believe what I had just seen, my cousin said “I thought I was seeing things!” I replied with “No I saw it too!”. We drove to our apartment which is near by still shocked and startled and I immediately called some friends. They came and picked me up and drove us back to the spot where I saw the figure. I explained what had happened to them, and when we drove back to the location some brush had looked to be parted where something had walked through it. I made the call to the NUFORC hotline next where a gentleman told me to make this report and call local authorities. The figure stood 8-9 feet tall , had a tall rounded crown shape head. The head was as big as a human abdomen. The figure was somewhat muscular looking, it had big eyes, but not stereotypical alien-like , long legs and it did not seemed startled whatsoever.
If you look closely at this old stereoscopic image, you can see a dark, cigar-shaped object that seems to be flying in the clouds over Mount Washington.
Wherever the image might have been over the years, it showed up on eBay one day in 2002. It was bought for $385, and soon after cropped to show a close-up of the cigar-shaped object and touted as "the oldest known UFO photo." The owner, Samuel M. Sherman, said the photo would be submitted to scientists for detailed analysis, and the results made available to the public.
See also:
18-07-2014 om 18:43
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VIDEO: Enorme futuristische Tesla Tower in bos bij Moskou
VIDEO: Enorme futuristische Tesla Tower in bos bij Moskou
In een bos net buiten Moskou staat een bliksemmachine uit de Sovjettijd. De unieke installatie bevindt zich naast het klooster Nieuw-Jeruzalem in de Russische stad Istra. Het geheime apparaat is in de jaren zeventig ontworpen voor het testen van materialen die speciaal waren ontwikkeld om auto’s, vliegtuigen en elektrische apparatuur tegen bliksem te beschermen.
De ‘Tesla Tower’ is uniek in zijn soort. De productiecapaciteit van de gigantische Marx-generator komt tijdens een bliksemontlading 100 microseconden lang overeen met die van alle elektriciteitsopwekkingsinstallaties in Rusland, meldt Rossiya-1 TV.
Een Marx-generator kan elektrische ontladingen met een zeer hoge spanning genereren. De generator, die in 1924 voor het eerst werd omschreven door de Duitse ingenieur Erwin Otto Marx, bestaat uit een aantal condensatoren die via weerstanden of spoelen worden opgeladen. Met de Marx-generator kunnen zeer hoge spanningen worden opgebouwd.
In Rusland staat het apparaat bekend als de Arkadjev-Marx-generator, vernoemd naar de Russische natuurkundige Vladimir Arkadjev. Hij bouwde 10 jaar eerder, in 1914, een zogeheten bliksemmachine. De bliksemmachine in Istra is 39,3 meter hoog en kan bliksemschichten van 150 meter voortbrengen.
Tijdens een experiment keek eens een nieuwsgierige voorbijganger om de hoek op het moment dat de condensatoren helemaal opgeladen waren. Volgens medewerkers was het een wonder dat de persoon in kwestie het er levend vanaf heeft gebracht en niet is geraakt door de ontlading. Rond de installatie staan een aantal zwartgeblakerde bomen, als herinnering dat bliksem lastig te controleren is.
Vanwege de extreem hoge kosten wordt de installatie alleen in bijzondere gevallen gebruikt. In tegenstelling tot de HAARP-installatie in de VS is de Marx-generator in Istra niet bedoeld om het weer te beïnvloeden. De generator is wel betrokken geweest bij de ontwikkeling van nieuwe wapens.
Naast de installatie staat nog een ander onderzoekscentrum, waar experimenten werden gedaan met EMP (elektromagnetische puls). Een EMP die vrijkomt bij een kernexplosie kan bijvoorbeeld elektronische apparatuur beschadigen.
Het complex, 118,4 meter hoog en 236,5 meter breed, was bijna gereed voor gebruik toen het bouwwerk op de vroege ochtend van 25 januari 1985 implodeerde.
Filer’s Files #29 – Unimpeachable UFO Sightings - PART I
Filer’s Files #29 – Unimpeachable UFO Sightings - PART I
July 16, 2014
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Lord Hill-Norton Unimpeachable UFO Sightings, UFO Photographed Near International Space Station, Lake Erie Encounters, Magnetic Anomaly Predicting Western Earthquakes and Holland Amazing New Crop Circle.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: California, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Washington.
Sightings of UFOs were also seen in: Australia, Canada, Greece, Holland, India, New Zealand, Spain, and England and Wales in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Lord Hill-Norton, Chairman, Military Committee of NATO, 1974-77 states, “The evidence that there are objects which have been seen in our atmosphere, and even on terra firma, that cannot be accounted for either as man-made objects or as any physical force or effect known to our scientists, seems to me to be overwhelming... A very large number of sightings have been vouched for by persons whose credentials seem to me unimpeachable. It is striking that so many have been trained observers, such as police officers and airline or military pilots. Their observations have in many instances been supported either by technical means such as radar or, even more convincingly, by interference with electrical apparatus of one sort or another.” Lord Hill-Norton, Chief of Defense Staff, Ministry of Defense, Great Britain, 1973;; quoted from foreword of "Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good, 1988. _
UFO Photographed Near International Space Station
This golden UFO is often seen near the space station. Usually it is a golden ball, but this time it’s a long cigar shaped craft caught on a live Internet cam on July 9, 2014
The UFO stays in formation with the ISS, which tells us it has matched speeds with the space station so that it can conduct its mission. The space station solar panels move to adjust to the sun and move to cover up the UFO. Very interesting catch by Streetcap1 of YouTube. Thanks to
India -10,000-year-old rock paintings depict aliens and UFOsµ
Charama -- Chhattisgarh State Department of Archaeology and culture plans to seek help from Nasa and Isro for research on 10,000-year-old rock paintings depicting aliens and UFOs in Charama region in Kanker district in tribal Bastar region.
According to archaeologist JR Bhagat, these paintings have depicted aliens like those shown in Hollywood and Bollywood flicks. Located about 130km from Raipur, the caves come under village Chandeli and Gotitola.
"The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen beings from other planets which still create curiosity among people and researchers. Extensive research is needed for further findings. Chhattisgarh presently doesn't have any such expert who could give clarity on the subject,"
One of the ancient rock paintings carved on caves at Charama in Chhattisgarh's Kanker district. (TOI photo by Amit Bhardwaj)There are several beliefs among locals in these villages. While few worship the paintings, others narrate stories they have heard from ancestors about "rohela people" — the small sized ones — who used to land from sky in a round-shaped flying objects and take away one or two persons of the village who never returned.
"The paintings are done in natural colors that have hardly faded despite the years. The strangely carved figures are seen holding weapon-like objects and do not have clear features. Specially, the nose and mouth are missing. In few pictures, they are even shown wearing spacesuits. We can't refute possibility of imagination by prehistoric men…," the archaeologist said.
Animal Abductions in Wales Mystifies Police
Twenty-seven UFOs were spotted in mid Wales in the last four years. When it comes to latest flying saucer “sightings” reported to Welsh police. An alert about alien sheep abduction by UFOs was among the calls received. Newly released data shows that a caller to Dyfed-Powys Police claimed they had seen sheep being taken in 2011 from a field in Llanybydder. In the same year, a caller from Aberystwyth reported they were previously abducted by aliens, experimented on, and then returned to earth. In Aberdyfi Estuary, a UFO stopped a car’s engine, but flew away. Elsewhere in the police’s UFO files, in Llandysul someone reported seeing a triangular-shaped object about 40 feet in the air with orange lights and in Welshpool a caller reported seeing a UFO “dropping in the distance.”
In 2012, a caller from Carmarthen claimed they saw “a metallic and circular object in the sky.” There were two reports of UFOs last year. A Carmarthen caller reported seeing three objects “the size of a small house” 250 feet in the sky. UFOs were moving erratically in 2013 over Crickhowell. There have been 27 UFO sightings reported in the Welsh triangle hotspot since 2002. NOTE: Sheep rancher W. C. Hall took the above image over Australia in 1954.
New York Cross 1861
Bob Spearing writes, “Several years ago while sitting in a Mormon Genealogy Library in West Caldwell, N.J. doing research on my family tree, I was perusing a microfilm containing the baptism registers of St. Peter’s Church in Jersey City from the year 1858. That microfilm identified by the Mormon Catalog as FLS Film 1403371 contained an anomaly that can only be described as a UFO sighting. The page began with baptism entries but near the bottom, there was a handwritten note presumably from the parish priest. The note read exactly as follows:
“R. Thos. Kinder baptized on the 26th (Feb 1858) now resides 44 Baxter St, New York. Mrs. T. Healey informs me that Elizabeth wife of R.T. Kinder, at said house, looking out of a garret window at 12 o’clock at night 29th March 1861 in the direction of The Church of The Transfiguration and in the sky saw a luminous cross distinctly, It was well formed with a glowing light above it around the head of it in the black sky with not a star to be seen. She awoke her husband Richard and who came to the window and saw it and offered the same of the appearance of the cross in the sky,”
Additionally, besides the text, at the top of the next page of the register there was a drawing of the described object.
In the 1850s Baxter Street was in the notorious Five Points neighborhood – the most densely packed sea of humanity in Manhattan at the time and the poorest of ghettos. A “garret window” was the upper window of a two story frame house. Today, 44 Baxter Street remains facing east but the crowded tenements it faced are long gone replaced by Columbus Park. The Church of The Transfiguration is still there but no longer the highest structure in the neighborhood.
The Kinders were from England and naturalized in 1863. The 1860, U.S. Census shows that the Healeys lived downstairs from the Kinders and that Richard, the father, was 28 when he saw the cross. What did they see?
An analysis of the object suggests it made no sound and its fuselage was similar to an airplane. Light emanated from the area of a cockpit. It was travelling east towards Brooklyn. That night, in the neighborhood according to the N.Y. Times and N.Y. Herald, there were three suspicious fires (one at a laboratory, one at a bookbindery and one at an ammunition factory).
What is apparent though is that in an age without flying machines, television or internet or reality shows with 15 minutes of fame for anyone and in an age of strong religious convictions, the Kinders account of a cross in the sky must be taken as a sincere description of an anomalous event over New York City. Thanks to Bob Spearing NJ FI
From the 1980s through to today, sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been reported near Lake Erie, on both the Canadian and the American sides.
Lake Erie (Google Maps)
A 1988 U.S. Coast Guard report states: “These objects had red, green, white, and yellow lights on them that strobed intermittently. They also had the ability to stop and hover in mid-flight.” It describes a large object with smaller objects flying out from it. “The smaller objects began hovering in the area where the large object landed and after a few minutes they began flying around again,” the report states. “The objects caused a rumbling on the ice as they landed.”
Frankly, the weather seems unusually severe as tornadoes and thunderstorms, flash floods and hail strike much of the United States and Tropical Storm Neoguri, previously the strongest typhoon so far in 2014 Pacific season, is now scraping mainland Japan after raking Okinawa with torrential rain and hurricane-force winds.
At the same time, the US West is under draught conditions, with hurricanes forming in the Atlantic Ocean. LA County is the hottest on record while Chicago has temperatures 20 degrees below normal and torrential rains are flooding the East. I suggest the US and her allies are under weather attack. Meteorologists admit a wacky weather pattern that is interfering with the jet stream over the Midwest. The Midwestern jet stream is a strip of air that forms when cool air masses from the north meet warm air masses from the south. An unusual amount of cold
The Jet Stream map shows today's high wind speed levels and jet stream directions. Jet streams are fast flowing, relatively narrow air currents found in the atmosphere around 10 kilometers above the surface of the Earth. They form at the boundaries of adjacent air masses with significant differences in temperature, such as the polar region and the warmer air to the south. The jet stream is mainly found in the tropopause, at the transition between the troposphere (where temperature decreases with height) and the stratosphere (where temperature increases with height). Its believed HAARP like devices can change the flow of a jet stream.
Six companies that choose to limit your knowledge of world events and often provide information favorable to them and often harmful to you control the news in the US. A series of unfavorable situations that should be revealed are occurring. There is strong evidence our weather is being manipulated or GeoEngineered. Weather modification is resulting in the extreme weather conditions that are designed to physically harm the US, Canada and Western European Nations.
Meteorologists use the location of some of the jet streams as an aid in weather forecasting.Jet streams are fast flowing, narrow air currents on Earth that are westerly winds (flowing west to east). Jet streams are caused by a combination of a planet's rotation on its axis and atmospheric heating by solar radiation. They form near boundaries of adjacent air masses with significant differences in temperature.
The HAARP ionosphere heater installations around the globe appear to be routinely manipulating the jet stream. Dr. Nick Begich writes, “HAARP will zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam. It is an advanced model of an "ionospheric heater." The ionosphere is the electrically-charged sphere surrounding Earth's upper atmosphere. It ranges between 40 to 60 miles above the surface of the Earth.
Jet streams on Wednesday July 16, travel west to east around the world.
Put simply, the apparatus for HAARP units sends out signals for a super-powerful radiowave-beam technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas. The Russians have several, China and the US have HAARPS or advanced weather manipulation technology.
"Weather modification is possible by altering upper atmosphere wind patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device.” From Angels Don't Play this HAARP:
The US has a HAARP site in Alaska but it is doubtful it would be motivated to harm the US. The jet stream is involved in hundreds of severe tornados and flooding in the US this year.
Russia has more HAARP ionosphere heater installations than any other country and could be manipulating the jet stream that flows around the world. Pushing the jet stream near Moscow, Central Russia and the Kamchatka Peninsula could cause the jet stream to undulate north to Alaska and pick up the cold air and bring it south into the US. The Sura Ionospheric Heating Facility, located near the small town of Vasilsursk in Central Russia, is a laboratory for ionosphere research. Sura is capable of radiating about 190 MW, effective radiated power (ERP) on short waves.
According to Pravda both the USA and Russia have developed secret meteorological weapons. American meteorologist Scott Stevens claims Russian military specialists were behind the fury of Hurricane Katrina that devastated New Orleans and Sandy that flooded the East Coast. According to him, Russia has built secret equipment for causing a detrimental impact on the weather way back in the Soviet era. Russian politicians say the experiments have been conducted and still conducted on either side of the ocean.
Russian Liberal Democratic Party Leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky threatened to unleash floods all over the United States when “our scientists slightly change the earth's gravitational field.”
In 2002, Committee for Defense of the Russian Duma raised the issue about a detrimental impact on climate caused by HAARP experiments involving disturbance of the earth's ionosphere and magnetosphere.
There are six known ULF/ELF transmitters, two in both Russia and the United States, and one each in Britain and France. Scientific journals claim that HAARP is capable of causing artificial aurora borealis, it can also jam radar stations of early ballistic missile detection systems, communicate with submarines in the ocean. Radio-frequency emission is capable of detecting secret underground complexes, and can burn out electronics and destroy space satellites. The equipment can also impact the atmosphere and thus cause changes in weather. HAARP is allegedly used for causing natural disasters. Three years ago the Duma deputies held a heated discussion of issues related to HAARP. They even drew up an appeal to President Putinand the UN. They demanded to set up an international commission for the investigation of the experiments conducted in Alaska.
“It is not for nothing that the term 'space weather' has become quite popular lately. At the beginning, Soviet Defense Department mostly footed the bill. The American HAARP ionospheric heater is similar to the Sura facility.
Global Dimming
In 1985, a geography researcher called Atsumu Ohmura at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology got the shock of his life. As part of his studies into climate and atmospheric radiation, Ohmura was checking levels of sunlight recorded around Europe when he made an astonishing discovery. It was too dark. Compared to similar measurements recorded by his predecessors in the 1960s, Ohmura's results suggest solar radiation striking the Earth's surface had declined by more than 10% in three decades. The BBC documentary linked below is an extremely important watch for any that wish to better understand the truth, and the dynamics of the all out assault on planet Earth by the climate engineers.
Sunshine, it seemed, was on the way out. The sun is the Earth’s only external source of heat and a massive 10% shift in only 30 years? Ohmura himself had a hard time accepting it. "I was shocked. The difference was so big that I just could not believe it," he says.
China has a strong weather research organization with the ability to develop snow storms and rain. There is a mountain of data including already conducted experiments, satellite imagery, lab tests of snow, observations on the ground, and multiple existing patents, all of which point solidly to the conclusion that snow storms are being engineered with well established weather modification processes. Heavy tornados recorded in the last couple years are also affected by the jet streams.
By this Wednesday (July 16), the unusual weather could turn what is normally one of the hottest weeks of the summer into a pleasant autumn like week in parts of the western United States and Northern Plains, where highs may be about 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit, such as 45 degrees in Kansas. A Polar vortex like cold front will likely deal the Northeast only a glancing blow and temperatures in this region may dip about 10 degrees below average.
"It's the same general circulation pattern, but the effects are extremely different," Bob Oravec, a senior forecaster at the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration (NOAA) says the unusual summer chill will trigger some extreme and dangerous thunderstorms in the United States. Hail and tornadoes are possible in New England down to the mid-Atlantic. In the West, severe lightning, flash floods and dust storms are possible.
Magnetic Anomaly Predicting California Earthquakes
Russians claim the Kosmos 2473 satellite detected a “severe mysterious magnetic anomaly” on June 3, 2014, occurring in the Yellowstone Region of the Western United States, which resulted in an Earthquake Swarm. Yellowstone is the home of a giant volcano and the surface is uplifting over the ancient volcano.
Russian researchers, in their utilization of Magnetotellurics data, paint a disturbing picture of what is actually occurring. According to General Bondarev’s, the“magnetic anomalous“readings now emanating from the San Andreas Fault are now at levels not seen in history and has reached sufficient stress for the next “big one”, or a M ≥ 7.0, to occur. This region and the world has experienced more large earthquakes this year than any time in recorded history.
Dr. Tom Parsons with the US Geological Survey (USGS) urges caution. General Bondarev’s new report, the “magnetic anomalous” readings now emanating from the San Andreas Fault are now at levels “not seen in history and has reached sufficient stress for the next “big one”, or a M ≥ 7.0, to occur.
Such an event would result in substantial damage to much of Southern California, including densely populated areas of San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Baja California, and Arizona. Thanks to
Holland Circle, Again Foreseen by Robbert:
Standdaarbuiten, Holland Crop of wheat on July 8, 2014 was found by Robbert v/d Broeke with photos by Roy Boschman.
Nancy Talbott BLT Research writes, On Sunday evening, July 6th, I Skyped Robbert v/d Broeke because of a feeling I had that another crop circle was coming in Holland. Robbert said he also felt something was coming. We become tired when new circles are “getting ready” to appear. Then, on the evening of Monday July 7 we were again on Skype when, at 12:05 am Eastern time (6:05 am July 7, Holland time) Robbert said, “He had a feeling in his stomach and heart and “saw” a “blueprint” of a new formation—a number “eight," although it could also possibly represent an infinity symbol.” He made a sketch of an “8” so I could see it.
Then on Tuesday, July 8th at nearly 11:00 pm Robbert’s time) while again on Skype, Robbert felt a “very massive” energy around him and that the crop circle was happening immediately. He said, “He had to call Roy right away so he could drive Robbert to find the new circle and it sounds strange…but it feels exactly like a baby is coming.”
By the time Roy, arrived Robbert felt the place they had to drive to was in-between the villages of Hoeven and Standdaarbuiten.
When they got to the right area Robbert “saw” (in his mind’s eye, a white, luminescent “aura” over one of the fields and they stopped the car and walked to this field. They went down the tramlines and then found the formation and Robbert felt a huge amount of “activity” in the air over the field--that there were many “helpers” and “light beings” present.
Just as he had foreseen, the formation is a beautiful “8” with wheat laid very flat to the ground throughout, with two 20 cm.-wide flat paths coming out of both of the “8” circles….and a very thin, 30 cm.-wide flattened ring around the whole formation.
The ground was wet and very muddy and the rain had stopped so they were able to pick their way along the tram-lines and could see, that even thought their boots were covered with mud, there was no mud at all in the new formation. Robbert heard the crackling “zzzzz” sound in this circle and felt the “electric feeling” was so intense the hair on his arms was standing up. Parts of the formation, if he stood there too long, he began to feel faint and had to move. Apparently, the energies involved in this circle were extremely intense and Robbert and Roy both thought the “lay” looked unusual—very flat and more “mechanical” than most circles.
Finally Robbert said, “Iclearly “heard” those of us around the world who continue to work to bring the truth about the crop circles being a genuine unexplained phenomenon to the larger public are much loved by the non-human energies, which create the real circles, and that those of us doing this are “making history." He got a specific “thank you” for me (Nancy). Robbert is grateful for my help. Something way beyond what we ordinary souls understand is going on…and it’s past time for honest, smart people to “ponyup.”
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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