The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Just in time for Halloween! NASA's James Webb Telescope snaps new chilling view of the Pillars of Creation's ominous dust that looks like a ghostly hand reaching out into space 7,000 light years from Earth
Just in time for Halloween! NASA's James Webb Telescope snaps new chilling view of the Pillars of Creation's ominous dust that looks like a ghostly hand reaching out into space 7,000 light years from Earth
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope snapped a new view of the iconic Pillars of Creation nebula
Webb blocked out the starlight to capture just the ominous dust that births thousands and thousands of stars
The columns look like a ghostly hand reaching out into space 7,000 light years from Earth
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) snapped an eerie image of the Pillars of Creation - the dust filled columns look like a ghostly hand reaching into the depths of space 7,000 light years from Earth.
The chilling image was taken in mid-infrared light - showing a new view of a familiar cosmic landscape - that blocks out the bright starlight to only capture the flowing, ominous dust.
This is the first time the world has witnessed how dense some areas of dust are in the Pillars of Creation, which formed more than five million years ago, which was typically seen surrounded by glowing stars.
Although the twinkling stars are not present in the image, the glowing edges of the dust cloaks represents young stars that are just starting to form.
The creepy image looks like a ghostly hand is reaching into space. This new view of the Pillars of Creation was snapped by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope. The device blocked out the starlight, allowing it to see just the ominous interstellar dust
Webb’s mid-infrared light instrument (MIRI) features both a camera and a spectrograph, which separates incoming light by its frequency and records the resulting spectrum.
MIRI also has sensitive detectors that lets it see redshifted light of distant galaxies, newly forming stars, and faintly visible comets as well as objects in the Kuiper Belt.
And JWST is the only ever to feature such technology.
‘Why does mid-infrared light set such a somber, chilling mood in Webb’s Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) image?,’ NASA shared in a statement.
The James Webb Space Telescope captured the most detailed shot of the Pillars of Creation earlier this month, revealing columns of cool interstellar gas and dust surrounded by countless twinkling stars. This is the first time the gas and dust can be seen clumping together and populations of forming stars with some still encased in dust are clearly visible
The previous image of the cosmic formation was snapped by the Hubble Telescope in 2014m which shows stars as glowing red orbs and the thick dust looks more opaque
‘Interstellar dust cloaks the scene. And while mid-infrared light specializes in detailing where dust is, the stars aren’t bright enough at these wavelengths to appear. Instead, these looming, leaden-hued pillars of gas and dust gleam at their edges, hinting at the activity within.’
Thousands and thousands of stars have actually formed in this area, which was observed in an image snapped by James Webb earlier this month, which provides the most detailed view of the Pillars of Creation ever seen by the human eye.
The intricate image from JWST will help astronomers identify far more precise counts of newly formed stars, along with the quantities of gas and dust in the region.
This is because, for the first time, the gas and dust can be seen clumping together and populations of forming stars with some still encased in dust are clearly visible.
WST captured the image using its Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam), which is capable of detecting light from the earliest stars and galaxies.
The telescope uses a broad range of infrared light to 'see' back in time, which is done by analyzing the time it takes for light to travel through space.
Hubble's 2014 showed the stars as bright red orbs, but the NIRCAM was able to see the glowing twinkles as they are in space.
The thick, dusty brown pillars are no longer as opaque and many more red stars that are still forming come into view.
The first image of the Pillars of Creation was also take by Hubble in 1995, which was the first evidence that stars could be birthed within the pillars
JWST also snapped wavy lines at the edge of some pillars, which are stars still forming within the gas and dust.
NASA explained in a statement the young stars periodically shootout supersonic jets that collide with clouds of material, like these thick pillars.
The collision can sometimes lead to bow shocks, which form wavy patterns that mirror water as a boat sails through.
'The crimson glow comes from the energetic hydrogen molecules that result from jets and shocks,' NASA shared.
'This is evident in the second and third pillars from the top – the NIRCam image is practically pulsing with their activity.
These young stars are estimated to be only a few hundred thousand years old.
Pillars of Creation is located in the the constellation Serpens.
This constellation contains a young hot star cluster, NGC6611, visible with modest back-garden telescopes, that is sculpting and illuminating the surrounding gas and dust, resulting in a huge hollowed-out cavity and pillars, each several light-years long.
The Hubble image from 1995 hinted at new stars being born within the pillars. Owing to obscuring dust, Hubble's visible light picture was unable to see inside and prove that young stars were forming.
NASA then sent Hubble back for a second visit, allowing them to compare the two shots.
Astronomers noticed changes in a jet-like feature shooting away from one of the newborn stars within the pillars.
The jet grew 60 billion miles longer in the time between observations, suggesting material in the jet was traveling at a speed of about 450,000 miles per hour.
A side-by-side look at two highly detailed images of the Pillars of Creation from the James Webb Telescope.
(Supplied: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI; Joseph DePasquale (STScI), Anton M Koekemoer (STScI), Alyssa Pagan (STScI))
NASA has published a new image of the Pillars of Creation using the James Webb Telescope, taken using technology that highlights the "eerie" clouds of dust rather than the sparkling stars around it.
Earlier in the month, NASA published a recreation of the iconic Pillars of Creation image taken by the Hubble telescope back in 1995.
That image, taken using Webb's Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam), revealed dazzling detail of the stars surrounding the massive gas clouds.
The NIRCam is sparkling with countless stars. (Supplied: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI; Joseph DePasquale (STScI), Anton M Koekemoer (STScI), Alyssa Pagan (STScI))
The new image, taken using Webb's Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI), appears to be a darker, moodier twin of the bright and starry NIRCam version.
The MIRI version has a spooky, almost ghostly vibe.
(Supplied: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI; Joseph DePasquale (STScI), Alyssa Pagan (STScI))
Both were created using observations from August.
NASA published its "haunting portrait" ahead of Halloween, pointing out the new version was "eerie" and "extremely dusty".
Here's a NASA statement explaining why the MIRI version has a such a "chilling, sombre mood":
"In MIRI's view, the majority of the stars appear missing. Why?
"Many newly formed stars are no longer surrounded by enough dust to be detected in mid-infrared light.
"Instead, MIRI observes young stars that have not yet cast off their dusty cloaks.
"These are the crimson orbs toward the fringes of the pillars.
"In contrast, the blue stars that dot the scene are ageing, which means they have shed most of their layers of gas and dust."
However, the region has always looked a little spooky, even in lower definition images.
Here's the first snap of the Pillars of Creation from 1995.
The first image of the Pillars of Creation was one of Hubble's most iconic snaps. (Supplied: J Hester, P Scowen (ASU), HST, NASA)
NASA says the picture, taken by the Hubble telescope, became "one of the most famous images of modern times".
In 2014, Hubble's cameras were used to revisit the iconic shot, producing a sharper picture.
You can see more detail in this image compared to the 1995 shot. (Supplied: NASA, ESA, and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI / AURA))
Now compare that to the shot from the Webb telescope.
Webb's near-Infrared Camera reveals stunning new details. (Supplied: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI; Joseph DePasquale (STScI), Anton M. Koekemoer (STScI), Alyssa Pagan (STScI))
What are the Pillars of Creation?
They're massive columns of hydrogen gas and cosmic dust so big that NASA measures them in light-years.
To put this into perspective, the Earth is eight light-minutes from the Sun, which converts into about 150 million kilometres.
Whereas NASA says the Pillars of Creation are about 4 to 5 light-years across.
That works out to be between roughly 37.6 and 47 trillion kilometres.
The Pillars of Creation are located in the middle of a cluster of stars called M16, better known as the Eagle Nebular.
They're about 6,500 light-years away from Earth.
YOUTUBENASA's close ups show newly-formed stars amongst the massive dust clouds.
Why are they called the Pillars of Creation?
Because thousands of new stars have formed in this region.
NASA says the columns of cool interstellar hydrogen gas and dust act as "incubators for new stars".
"Many stars are actively forming in these dense blue-gray pillars," a NASA statement said.
"When knots of gas and dust with sufficient mass form in these regions, they begin to collapse under their own gravitational attraction, slowly heat up – and eventually form new stars."
James Webb-telescoop maakt nieuw spookachtig beeld van ‘Zuilen van de Schepping’
Eerder deze maand deelde ESA reeds beelden van de indrukwekkende ‘Zuilen van de Schepping’. Nu komt het Europese ruimtevaartagentschap alweer met een nieuwe foto op de proppen, afkomstig van de James Webb-telescoop. Dit keer - al dan niet toevallig met Halloween - ziet het beeld er een tikkeltje meer angstaanjagend uit.
Op het beeld is dezelfde nevel van gas- en stofwolken te zien die eerder deze maand werd gekiekt. Het gaat om de zogenaamde ‘Zuilen van de Schepping’ - ook wel Adelaarsnevel genoemd - die zich op zo’n 6.500 lichtjaar van de aarde bevindt. Toch zien de gaszuilen er op het meest recente beeld plots griezelig uit.
Hoe dat komt? Simpel. Het beeld van de griezelige gaszuilen is dit keer gemaakt met het Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) van de telescoop. Dankzij de middellange infraroodstraling worden de stofwolken zichtbaar terwijl het heldere licht van de sterren wordt onderdrukt. Het resultaat? In plaats van de duizenden sterren te zien die in werkelijkheid in dit gebied bestaan, lichten slechts een tiental ‘stoffige’ sterren op. Deze ‘stoffige’ sterren zijn nog zeer jong, zo jong dat ze hun stofmantel - sterren ontstaan immers uit stofwolken - nog niet hebben afgeworpen.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Voyager 1 Picks Up Strange Sounds As It Approaches Alien Star-System
The classic 1979 sci-fi horror film "Alien" was advertised with the memorable tagline, "In space no can hear you scream." But, it did not say anything about humming.
Instruments aboard NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft, which ten years ago exited our solar system's outer reaches, have detected a faint monotonous hum.
What is causing this cosmic hum?
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REVEALED: Dramatic Top-Secret UFO Sightings That Are Classified
For all the skeptics out there, the NASA, just announced 16 people who will study UFO’s to see what’s natural and what isn’t. Using unclassified data, the team will "lay the groundwork for future study" of UFOs by examining how the data is gathered by the public, local government and other sources. remember the famous tic-tac UFO that the United States government released in 2020? Well, it’s time to move over it, because we have a, wait for it, rubber duck UFO. REVEALED: Dramatic Top-Secret UFO Sightings That Are Classified
The Aliens Are Here? Neil deGrasse Tyson on UFO's & Alien Life
Neil deGrasse Tyson explains the relatively recent phenomenon of UFO footage and if they in fact mean aliens are visiting us.
We've been wondering whether we are alone in the Universe since the dawn of civilization. But it's only in recent years that this question has gotten much much more interesting. Specifically, with the release of UAP footage by the Pentagon, UFO enthusiasts around the world got very excited about the idea of aliens visiting us.
But there are many people who remain skeptical about the content of the video footage provided by the U.S Department of Defense that they are indeed out of this world. Among the skeptics is astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson.
Skinwalker Ranch: Angels & Demons, Brandon Fugal, UFOs and Mormons | The Basement Office
Skinwalker Ranch is a 500 acre property in eastern Utah. It’s also supposedly one of the most haunted places on Earth. For 20 years, the ranch was owned by Robert Bigelow, a real estate millionaire obsessed with the paranormal. Bigelow claimed the ranch to be a hotspot for UFOs, poltergeists, and all kinds of monsters. But no evidence to support any of this has ever been presented.
In 2016, Bigelow sold the ranch to another real estate millionaire with a passion for the paranormal … Brandon Fugal. And Fugal claims to finally have the goods. Evidence. Proof. He produces a reality TV show on The History Channel called “The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch”, which claims to show real paranormal phenomena, proving that the spooky legends of the ranch are actually true.
I reached out to Brandon Fugal and asked if I could come to the ranch and see this phenomena for myself. I was surprised when he enthusiastically accepted. He said I could come to the ranch, that he would show me everything and that he would answer all my questions. So I got on a plane and my journey began.
"The Basement Office" is the first video series to respond to the new demand for UFOs to be taken seriously. Stripped of melodrama, over-the-top recreations, and wacky theories, "The Basement Office" focuses only on hard facts and evidence. Because, as it turns out, the facts are scary enough.
Aliens or Ancient Humans? 100,000 Years Old UFO Nanotechnology Discovery Changes Everything
An Oopart (out-of-place artifact) is a term applied to dozens of prehistoric objects found in various places around the world that, given their level of technology, are completely at odds with their determined age based on physical, chemical, or geological evidence.
Today, we are going to talk about the strangest ooparts found to date that will convince you that the history of the planet is not what we think it to be.
Three pulsating lights hovering above English Mountain, Dandridge, Tennessee
Three pulsating lights hovering above English Mountain, Dandridge, Tennessee
This UFO video was filmed over English Mountain in Tennessee on 27th October 2022.
Witness report:
Lights were observed over English Mountain in Sevier County, TN. At first 3 lights were visible but they were constantly changing, with one, two or three lights visible. At times they were steady but at other times, they seemed to pulsate. They would occasionally dart from side to side or up or down but they stayed in the same location for close to an hour. The neighborhood dogs were all barking and my dog was very nervous. I went in and out of my house several times and it was still there until it vanished. On my trips out to view the object I was able to use my phone to record 4 short videos–
Neanderthals might have lived in small groups, with females regularly arriving and leaving.
Credit: S. Plailly/E. Daynes/SPL
Set on a rocky outcrop in southern Siberia, Chagyrskaya Cave might not look like much. But for one family of Neanderthals, it was home.
For the first time, researchers have identified a set of closely related Neanderthals: a father and his teenage daughter and two other, more-distant relatives.
The discovery of the family — reported on 19 October in Nature1 — and seven other individuals (including a pair of possible cousins from another clan) in the same cave, along with two more from a nearby site, represents the largest ever cache of Neanderthal genomes. The findings also suggest that Neanderthal communities were small, and that females routinely left their families to join new groups.
Gleaning insights into kinship and social structure is new territory for ancient-genome studies, which have typically focused on broader population history, says Krishna Veeramah, a population geneticist at Stony Brook University in New York. “The fact that we can do this with Neanderthals is incredible.”
Buried treasure
Set on the banks of the Charysh River in the foothills of the Altai mountains, Chagyrskaya is 100 kilometres west of Denisova Cave, an archaeological treasure trove in which humans, Neanderthals, Denisovans (and at least one Neanderthal–Denisovan hybrid) all lived intermittently over some 300,000 years2,3. Excavations of Chagyrskaya, however, have so far revealed only Neanderthal remains, dated to between 50,000 and 60,000 years ago, and characteristic stone tools.
In 2020, a genome sequence from a female Neanderthal from Chagyrskaya suggested she belonged to a population distinct from those that occupied Denisova Cave much earlier4. To study the cave’s inhabitants in greater depth, a team of researchers led by palaeogeneticist Laurits Skov and population geneticist Benjamin Peter at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, extracted DNA from 17 other samples of ancient-human remains from Chagyrskaya, as well as several from a nearby cave, called Okladnikov.
The Chagyrskaya remains — teeth and bone fragments — yielded complete and partial genomes from 11 individuals (samples from Okladnikov were poorly preserved, and only two had enough DNA to extract and sequence).
With this trove, the researchers confirmed that Chagyrskaya’s residents were more closely related to Neanderthals living in Europe around the same time than to those who occupied Denisova Cave tens of thousands of years earlier.
When Skov started comparing the genomes from Chagyrskaya, he got the surprise of his career. Two individuals, an adult male and a teenage female, shared half of their DNA, a situation that could occur only if they were siblings or a parent and child. To determine the relationship, the researchers examined mitochondrial DNA — which is maternally inherited and would therefore be identical between siblings and between a mother and child, but not between a father and child. This differed between the male and female, suggesting that they were father and daughter.
The researchers found more family members as they continued to examine the genetic material. They found that the father had two types of mitochondrial DNA — a characteristic known as heteroplasmy — that were shared by two other adult males from the cave, suggesting that they were all from the same maternal lineage. Heteroplasmies usually vanish after a few generations, says Skov, so the three probably lived around the same time. His team also identified members of another Neanderthal family: a male and female who were second-degree relatives, such as cousins.
“It makes you wonder what the familial relationship between these individuals were and how they were interacting with each other,” says Skov. “It is a little glimpse into a Neanderthal family.”
Social structures
The glut of Neanderthal genomes — which nearly doubles the number now available — has allowed researchers to look at other aspects of Neanderthal life. The genomes of the Chagyrskaya Neanderthals all had low diversity between maternal and paternal copies, a sign that the interconnected population of breeding adults was low. Researchers have uncovered similar patterns in mountain gorillas, which typically live in communities of fewer than 20 individuals, and other threatened species.
The researchers also found that the maternally inherited mitochondrial genomes were vastly more diverse than were the Y chromosomes, which are passed down along the male line. One explanation for this is a steady influx of females from different Neanderthal communities, Skov says. Modelling from the team suggests that the patterns observed in genetic diversity would occur if more than half of women in small communities were born elsewhere.
“I think we can say this social structure was present in most Neanderthals,” says palaeogeneticist Carles Lalueza-Fox, director of the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona, Spain. A decade ago, his team analysed 12 Neanderthals buried in a Spanish cave and found diverse mitochondrial DNA in women, but not in men, which they interpreted as evidence that females had left their communities5. This makes Lalueza-Fox wonder whether it was mobile Neanderthal women who encountered — and mated with — Homo sapiens in other parts of Eurasia. Other scientists caution that Neanderthal groups living elsewhere or at other times might have adopted different social customs. “Until you get more points on the board, you can’t tell,” says Veeramah.
Rebecca Wragg Sykes, a writer and archaeologist at the University of Liverpool, UK, is surprised that remains from so many related individuals — who were part of highly mobile hunter-gathering communities — have been recovered from one site. Especially perplexing is the presence of one baby tooth and two barely worn permanent teeth belonging to the same adolescent male. “To me, it suggests that this community of Neanderthals, either they tend to stay in their sites for quite a long time, or they revisit them very often,” she says.
Chagyrskaya Cave is also chock full of bison and horse remains, and Skov and his colleagues think that the site served as a hunting camp of sorts during these animals’ seasonal migrations. These hunts could have created opportunities for disparate Neanderthal communities to meet and mix, Sykes suggests. “I don’t think Neanderthals were planning to meet up with each other, but it offers that opportunity.”
The Chagyrskaya family is likely to grow. Only one-third of the cave has been excavated so far, and Skov and his colleagues have analysed less than one-quarter of the Neanderthal remains already discovered. Skov hopes that future studies can build more complete Neanderthal family trees — and perhaps find the teenage girl’s mother. “She’s probably also in there,” he says.
Well, consumer devices can’t run on lasers just yet. But in recent years, researchers have been working hard to make this dream a reality.
In the most recent breakthrough, a new chip can bend laser light to transmit 1.8 petabits, or over 1 million gigabits, per second. To put things in perspective, that’s nearly twice the world’s internet traffic per second.
This breaks the May 2022 record of 1.02 petabits per second, as reported by New Atlas.
What’s new — Most computer chips rely on electricity to transmit information, but this new gizmo uses light to do its thing.
Once a laser delivers information to the chip, it uses a comb to split data into hundreds of frequencies (or colors), according to a new paper by scientists in Denmark, Sweden, and Japan that was published in Nature Photonics.
A new laser-powered chip can transmit the entire internet (twice) each second
Ooh, pretty colors — More specifically, the chip splits the info into 223 chunks, each of which corresponds to a different section of the light spectrum. This means that the information can travel quickly and efficiently without getting mixed up in the process. After it’s processed, the data recombines into a single beam and travels through a cable.
The team put their system into a matchbox-sized device and fed it multiple channels of data. They used a fiber cable, which measured nearly 5 miles long, to hook it up to another device to confirm it could send quality information.
Eventually, the scientists predict it could even reach 100 Pbit/s — a nearly unimaginable speed compared to today’s possibilities.
“Our findings could mark a shift in the design of future communication systems, targeting device-efficient transmitters and receivers,” the team wrote in their paper.
While the U.S. electric vehicle market is finally revving up, sluggish charging times can pose a major headache for drivers. After all, nobody wants to sit at a roadside station for upwards of 20 minutes to an hour while their ride juices up. But that dilemma could soon change.
A new battery could charge up in about 11 minutes, according to a new Nature study.
Researchers from Penn State University took advantage of a technique called asymmetric temperature modulation, which rapidly preheats and then cools the cell to help move charge faster. They also worked with a very porous anode, or a positively charged electrode that’s able to take in lots of charged ions at once.
The new battery has an estimated lifespan comparable to current EV batteries, lasting around 2,000 charge cycles, or about 500,000 miles.
Study author Chao-Yang Wang, a mechanical engineer at Penn State University, founded a startup called EC Power to bring speedy charging to the masses. The company’s Pennsylvania-based factory is already churning quick-charging out EV batteries, including ones that powered buses at the 2022 Winter Olympics.
This latest breakthrough should enable them to produce even more efficient batteries, Wang says.
Randy Cramer claims to have completed a 20 and back tour of duty with a secret space program where he attained the rank of Captain in the USMC special section. He was sent to Lunar Operations Command in 1987 for his induction and spent the next 17 years as a supersoldier protecting Mars corporate colonies from attacks by indigenous Reptilian and Insectoid species.
Randy says that he subseqently spent 3 years as a pilot of various types of spacecraft that belonged to the Solar Warden space fleet. He asserts that he next completed a ten year assignment performing rescues or assassinations in special space operations. Randy has undergone a lie detector test which confirmed that he was not being deceptive and he discusses the results in the interview.
Do Aliens Exist? We Asked a NASA Scientist: Episode 5
Do Aliens Exist? We Asked a NASA Scientist: Episode 5
Do aliens exist? Extraterrestrial life has never been discovered, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. At NASA, astrobiologists like Lindsay Hays are trying to answer one of the most profound questions ever: Is there life beyond Earth?
Do aliens exist? This is a really interesting question and one that NASA has been trying to understand, explore, and figure out for a long time. We have not yet discovered life on any other planet, and we have not seen any scientifically supported evidence for extraterrestrial life.
But if we think about life on this planet, beyond the big things — the elephants, the whales, redwoods trees –– and focus on the tiny things, nearly everywhere on Earth that we've looked, we've found microbial life.
Our definition of habitable environments continues to expand. Off the Earth we've only begun to look. NASA has sent five rovers and four landers to the surface of Mars. Additionally, orbiters have been outfitted with some amazing cameras to take pictures of the whole surface of the Red Planet. But we've only explored a tiny fraction of Mars. And that's only one of the promising bodies to look for life in our solar system.
There are icy moons in the outer solar system like Saturn’s moon Enceladus and Jupiter’s moon Europa that look like they may have subsurface oceans that could be habitable. And that's just what's in our solar system. The more exoplanets we find around other stars, the more we learn about how many different environments could exist for life.
We can't yet say for sure whether or not aliens exist. To quote Carl Sagan: “The universe is a pretty big place. If it's just us, it seems like an awful waste of space.” So, NASA will keep looking.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
UFO Seen From Plane Over Denver, 6-6-2022, UFO Sighting News.
Eyewitness states:
I was on a flight descending into Denver when I looked out the right side of the window and saw these two pill-like objects cruising smoothly through the air. They were well below us, even as we descended.
UFOs Over Elkton, Maryland Oct 25, 2022, UFO Sighting News.
Eyewitness states:
There have been at least 4 or more occasions where I have notice a bright light beneath spotted clouds going into circles and looked like a boomerang or a stingray in the sky just flying around in circles and looked like a school of fish flying around fast in circles following each other and my family has also saw it the second time I saw it and no one believed me until that day that it was no aircraft no spot lights it was amazing something we’ve never seen before but I felt so good that i got to finally show them because they were laughing at me until that day now they are all believers. I posted the best video I could and have herd from other people of them seeing similar and couldn’t understand but knew that what they were seeing wasn’t normal.
These lights would stay with the patterns of the clouds and as the clouds moved so did these lights and would shift back over and there they were while the rest of the sky was really clear. I have saw them over my house, also over a field multiple times behind these apartments and also above the woods across the st from my house clear as day.
There’s definitely some activity but it’s at random when it comes out. So since then me and my family always looks at the sky. Last time I saw one a month ago I would say and I barely got it but you could see just one light kind of dim but I have it and it looks like a white ball of light flying in circles and below it is woods and no center lights are in the sky where I live but when I tried to catch the boomerang ones the months before but I couldn’t see it good enough on tape.
Flashing Rings of Light, Wellingborough, England 7-10-2022, UFO Sighting News.
Eyewitness states:
Hi there. On Sunday 10th July, I was in the garden with my husband when I looked up over our house and saw 2 objects high up in the sky. They were trailing each other in a straight line and seemed to flash. They were moving quite slowly but always kept the same distance between them. There were no other aircraft in the sky that we could see and it was a clear evening with no clouds. A few days later I read an article that something similar was seen in London around the time we saw these objects but no one has been able to claim what they were. I do have video evidence which I will attach and also close ups of the objects taken from print screens of the videos. If you need any further info, don’t hesitate to contact me! Would be great to hear what you think also.
Cigar-shaped UFO filmed from a plane over Denver, Colorado 2022
Cigar-shaped UFO filmed from a plane over Denver, Colorado 2022
In this video, you can see a cigar-shaped object flying at an incredible speed as it flies over Denver, Colorado. Although only one of the objects can be seen in the footage, the author claims that there were two. This happened on 6th June 2022.
Witness report:
I was on a flight descending into Denver when I looked out the right side of the window and saw these two pill-like objects cruising smoothly through the air. They were well below us, even as we descended.
Apollo 17 Astronaut Couldn’t Hide His Surprise When He Saw A UFO On The Moon
During Apollo 17 mission, the final mission of NASA’s Apollo program in 1972, astronauts walking on the Moon - Commander Gene Cernan and Lunar Module Pilot Harrison Schmitt – witnessed something very strange hovering over their heads. Usually NASA astronauts follow a “script” and they know exactly what and when to say. But one astronaut however was too shocked by something he had never seen before. He forgot his “lines” and no longer followed the script. What did he see on the moon ?
Top 10 Insane Pieces of Evidence of Aliens and UFOs
Today, we will look at the many hints that have emerged over the years pointing toward the existence of life beyond earth. Top 10 Insane Pieces of Evidence of Aliens and UFOs.
What James Webb Saw Near the Edge of the Universe | James Webb Part 1
The journey of James Webb's images, from nebulas in our galaxy, to the youngest galaxies at the edge of the universe.
Researchers Just Revealed A Terrifying Discovery That No One Was Supposed To See
Relics left behind by ancient people are frequently damaged, buried, and difficult to identify, but some can completely transform our perspective on our place in history. Archaeologists have made some spectacular discoveries over the years. Some are strange archaic items that they still do not fully comprehend. Today, let's have a look at these objects that could have come from space. The Dropa Stones
High on the Bayan-Kara-Ula mountains, which run through China and Tibet, is a very remarkable labyrinth of caves that are mysteriously interconnected — built by either man or nature. Within these caves are the buried bodies of the most unusual hominoid species ever seen by man. The team of archaeologists who accidently discovered the caverns in 1938 initially thought they were ape bodies. However, apes do not bury their dead. If not animals, what or who did these strange-looking skeletons belong to? Yes, they were neither human nor animal, or at least not totally human. The skeletons had little and very thin limbs and legs, almost spindly, but huge heads in comparison to their short and weak frames. Chi Pu Tei, a Chinese archaeologist, and his team were inspecting the skeletons when they uncovered something even odd. A circular disc lay half-buried in the cave floor. It seemed to be made of stone, with a hole in the center. There were spiral inscriptions or grooves like two rings going around it.
RELATED VIDEOS, selected and posted by peter2011
Top Secret Anti-Gravity Spy Plane - TR3b Black Manta
In the case of the TR-3B Black Manta, it means a craft that uses highly pressured mercury accelerated by nuclear energy, so that plasma is produced, which, in turn, creates a field of anti-gravity around the craft. It has an electromagnetic coil at the heart of it’s motive power system, the result of which is electromagnetic drive that interacts with the Higgs-Boson field at the quantum level. Heady stuff indeed!
So, an anti-gravity aircraft doesn’t use conventional turbine or rocket engine technology, but instead a propulsion system that creates thrust by generating high-energy plasma. These aircraft are also referred to as ‘flux liners’.
As with many divergent aviation technologies, anti-gravity technology dates back to the latter part and aftermath of World War II, and specifically the covert U.S. project known as Operation Paperclip.
The objective of Operation Paperclip was for the U.S. to gain as much leverage against the Soviet Union in the military armaments technology race, which is why the project was packed to the rafters with German scientists who were avowed members of the Nazi Party.
That means the U.S. has been investigating anti-gravity technology for nearly 70 years.
It is the culmination of theories regarding gravitation, quantum gravity and general relativity, the latter as first put forward by Albert Einstein himself.
Anti-gravity is of huge interest to the military and scientists alike, given that, for example, one could hypothetically reduce an aircraft’s mass by using electromagnetic propulsion, even down to zero.
Little wonder that the likes of NASA, the U.S. Air Force and Lockheed Martin researchers have all invested in theoretical studies regarding the ability to alter inert mass. According to experts, the TR-3B Black Manta would use conventional thrusters located at the tips of the aircraft that would allow it to perform a dizzying number of rapid high-speed manoeuvres,
including perfect right-angle turns and hyper acceleration. And it could achieve this along all its three axes.
Remember, the TR-3B was designed to be a subsonic stealth spy plane.
For one thing, it’s a very silent aircraft, save for a slight humming sound. An interesting by-product of the plasma the TR-3B generates is that it significantly reduces the aircraft’s radar signature, thereby making it ideal for missions in which stealth is paramount.
That means the TR-3B Black Manta could sneak into just about any air space of any country and not be detected by its air traffic control or air defence systems.
This little black number has been associated with multiple reports of sightings of flying triangle aircraft over Antelope Valley, an area of desert in southern California much beloved by UFO watchers.
It’s also this desert area of California that draws people interested in covert black project or ‘black ops aircraft projects, given its close proximity to several known military research and testing areas,
including Edwards Air Force Base and USAF Plant 42, the latter which is a mere 60 miles or 97 kilometres from downtown Los Angeles.
In my humble opinion, the United States Air Force must thank its lucky stars for UFO enthusiasts and believers of alien spacecraft.
After all, as Popular Mechanics has written, a number of reports of so-called black triangle UFOs have probably been secret military aircraft in reality.
The TR-3B Black Manta would certainly be the type of black ops project typical of the U.S. Air Force and Navy.
The U2 spy plane of the 1950s, the SR-71 jet of the 1980s, and the present-day F-117A stealth craft are just three examples of planes that the U.S. Air Force denied existed for years, all of which were first covertly developed at Nevada’s infamous Area 51 base.
And don’t let’s forget that Area 51 itself was only finally acknowledged by the U.S. government when that most covert of agencies, the CIA, did so in June 2013, courtesy of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed eight years earlier.
But does it exist?
There are of course the inevitable allegations that the TR-3B was built by the military using extraterrestrial reverse-engineered technology.
Even Forbes magazine mused in 2021 that maybe, just maybe the patents issued to Salvatore Cezar Pais could be a cover for alien technology captured over the years by the U.S. military.
So, what of the TR-3B Black Manta? How far back does it go, if at all? Does it have anything to do with the aforementioned 2018 patent issued to Pais and the U.S. Navy? Is it a plane, is it a bird, could it even be Superman? No, it’s just the United States Air Force messing with our heads again.
RELATED VIDEOS, selected and posted by peter2011
Whistleblowers claim NASA not only knows about alien visitations but that they are in contact with extraterrestrials.
Jeannette Kras
Eeuwenlang kenden Afrikaanse volkeren magische eigenschappen toe aan de mysterieuze feeëncirkels in Namibië. De werkelijke verklaring is minstens even fascinerend. Én biedt een lichtpuntje in de klimaatcrisis.
Al langer zijn wetenschappers erachter dat de vrijwel perfect ronde cirkels in de Namibwoestijn ofwel het werk moeten zijn van termieten of het gevolg zijn van het zelforganiserend vermogen van planten. Volgens recent onderzoek van de Duitse University of Göttingen zijn het toch de planten zelf die de knappe cirkels hebben gemaakt. De onderzoekers profiteerden van twee uitzonderlijk goede regenseizoenen in de Namibwoestijn, waarna ze continu de vochtigheid van de grond konden meten. Zo werd duidelijk dat de grassen in de feeëncirkels direct stierven na de regen en dat het niet de termieten waren die de kale vlaktes veroorzaakten. De planten rondom de cirkel blijken al het water weg te trekken van het gras binnenin de cirkel, waardoor dit doodgaat.
Bijzondere omstandigheden Zo’n 80 tot 140 kilometer van de kust in de Namibwoestijn zijn miljoenen feeëncirkels ontstaan. Het zijn ronde gaten in het grasland, meestal enkele meters breed, die samen een bijzonder patroon vormen in het landschap. “De cirkels zijn perfect rond, omdat de grassen eromheen elkaar in balans houden”, legt onderzoeker dr. Stephan Getzin uit aan “Een cirkel is een erg stabiele structuur in de natuur, vooral in simpele systemen zoals grasland in de woestijn, waar slechts een of twee grassoorten domineren. Dan kunnen er sterke patronen ontstaan, omdat bij meer soorten er één gespecialiseerd zou raken om de leegte op te vullen. Bovendien is een cirkel de meest efficiënte vorm voor gras om zoveel mogelijk water te krijgen per plantje.”
Niet te nat en niet te droog De feeëncirkels zijn uiterst zeldzaam. Lang werd gedacht dat ze alleen in Namibië voorkwamen, maar ze zijn ook ontdekt in een ander heel klein deel van de wereld in West-Australië. “De reden is dat zulke cirkels met een heel sterk ruimtelijk patroon alleen voorkomen als alle biotische en abiotische omstandigheden samenkomen op de juiste plaats”, verklaart Getzin. “Feeëncirkels kunnen alleen voorkomen in een heel specifiek dor gebied. Als er meer water zou zijn, zouden de cirkels verdwijnen en zou er overal een laag vegetatie worden gevormd. Zou het daarentegen nog droger zijn, dan zouden de cirkels ook verdwijnen en bleven er alleen enkele losse stukken gras over.”
Feeëncirkels met een drone vastgelegd.
Foto: Stephan Getzin
Maar dat is nog niet alles. “Het ecosysteem moet bovendien soortarm zijn. En tenslotte moet nog de juiste plantarchitectuur in contact komen met de juist grondsoort. In het Namibische zand hebben bijvoorbeeld de Stipagrostis-grassen allemaal wortels die voornamelijk recht naar beneden groeien. Daardoor kunnen ze op zij geen ruimte innemen en moeten ze het water uit hun omgeving naar zich toe trekken, waardoor ze het water van het gras binnen de feeëncirkels ‘stelen’ en die doodgaan. “
En de termieten dan? Om uit te sluiten dat termieten niet de oorzaak zijn van de cirkels, zoals lang werd gedacht, volgden de onderzoekers de sporadische regenbuien in verschillende gebieden in de woestijn en bestudeerden de wortels van de grassen op mogelijke schade door de insecten.
De onderzoekers startten direct na de regen met het meten van het grondwaterpeil in en rond de feeëncirkels. Dat gebeurde iedere dertig minuten vanaf het droge seizoen in 2020 tot het eind van het regenseizoen in 2022. Uit de data bleek dat zo’n tien dagen na de regen de grassen al begonnen dood te gaan in de cirkels en dat er daarbinnen nauwelijks ontkieming van gras was. Twintig dagen na de regen was het gras in de cirkel al dood en geel van kleur terwijl het gras eromheen levendig en groen was. Aan de wortels lag het niet: die waren in de cirkel even lang of langer dan buiten de cirkel. Maar de onderzoekers vonden ook geen bewijs van termieten die zich te goed zouden doen aan de wortels. Pas vijftig tot zestig dagen na de regen werd er wortelschade zichtbaar bij het dode gras. “Er was geen biomassa voor de termieten om zich mee te voeden, maar belangrijker: we konden aantonen dat het gras direct na de regen al afstierf, lang voor er tekenen waren van dieren die de wortels aten”, verklaart de Duitse onderzoeker.
Water opzuigen Uit de data bleek verder dat het grondwater binnen en buiten de cirkels maar heel langzaam zakte vlak na de regen als de grassen nog niet helemaal zijn ontkiemd. Maar zodra het gras begon te groeien, daalde het grondwater snel, ook in de gebieden in de cirkel waar vrijwel niets groeide. Getzin legt uit: “In de hitte van de Namibwoestijn verliezen de grassen continu water. Ze hebben daar geen controle over, omdat ze door diezelfde hitte snel groeien, maar door de bladeren verliezen ze water. Ze blijven dus water uit de grond zuigen en creëren zo een soort vochtige kanalen waardoor water uit hun omgeving zich naar hen toe verspreidt.” De onderzoeker vergelijkt het met de manier waarop een bever dammen bouwt. Het schaarse water trekt richting de planten. “We kunnen dit wel zwermintelligentie noemen, ook al hebben planten geen hersenen, deze grassen zijn wel intelligent bezig. Ze vormen een perfecte cirkel en ruimtelijk geordende patronen waardoor hun overlevingskansen in deze brute omgeving worden geoptimaliseerd. Elke andere manier van groeien zou niet levensvatbaar zijn in deze woestijn”, klinkt het vol bewondering.
Geen gras dus geen termieten Getzin was het meest verbaasd over de snelheid waarmee het hele proces plaatsvond. “De grassen in de cirkels begonnen al af te sterven na acht tot negen dagen dus binnen een week ontkiemen ze en sterven ze in de cirkels, terwijl de grassen daarbuiten groen blijven. Dat betekent dat de omringende grassen het water al beginnen op te zuigen uit hun omgeving direct na de regen en dat ze de overige grassen meteen doden. Dit proces is zo sterk dat de planten in de feeëncirkel vanaf het begin geen enkele kans hebben om te overleven. Ook blijkt uit de onmiddellijke afwezigheid van gras dat de termieten het niet opgegeten kunnen hebben, want er was immers geen gras.”
Dit onderzoek is interessant in het licht van de opwarming van de aarde. De manier waarop planten zichzelf organiseren in droge, hete gebieden kan bijdragen aan hun overleving in regio’s die steeds dorder worden.
Jeannette Kras
Was de Aramese koning Hazaël echt verantwoordelijk voor de vernietiging van een groot aantal steden in Israël? En welke steden werden verwoest door de Edomieten? De reconstructie van het aardmagnetisch veld op belangrijke archeologische sites geeft het antwoord.
Twintig onderzoekers van de Tel Aviv Universiteit en de Hebreeuwse Universiteit hebben 21 aardlagen op 17 archeologische vindplaatsen in Israël onderzocht door de richting en intensiteit van het aardmagnetisch veld te reconstrueren die in de verbrande resten zijn terug te vinden. De nieuwe data verifiëren én weerleggen enkele Bijbelverhalen van onder meer Egyptische, Aramese en Babylonische oorlogen tegen de koninkrijken van Israël en Juda. Juda is het huidige zuidelijke deel van Israël met Jeruzalem als hoofdstad.
Magnetische mineralen De bevindingen van de archeologen tonen aan dat het leger van de Aramese koning Hazaël niet alleen Gath van de Filistijnen heeft vernietigd, maar ook de plaatsen Tel Rehov, Tel Zayit en Horvat Tevet. De studie weerlegt dan weer het heersende idee dat Hazaël Tel Beth-Shean verwoestte. Andere geomagnetische bevindingen onthullen dat de steden in de Negev, de woestijn in het zuiden van Israël, werden verwoest door de Edomieten, die misbruik maakten van de vernietiging van Jeruzalem door de Babyloniërs.
Dat is allemaal knap aangetoond, maar hoe meten de archeologen deze veranderingen in het aardmagnetisch veld? De onderzoekers analyseren archeologische vondsten die magnetische mineralen bevatten. Bij verhitting of verbranding is in deze mineralen het magnetische veld op het moment van de brand vastgelegd. Bij verwoestingen door oorlogen ontstaan er vaak branden en dat is dus door de archeologen terug te vinden.
Nebukadnezar Zo wisten onderzoekers al in 2020 het magnetische veld te reconstrueren zoals dat bestond ten tijde van de vernietiging van Jeruzalem in 586 voor Christus door het Babylonische leger van de machtige koning Nebukadnezar. In de nieuwe studie zijn met behulp van het aardmagnetisch veld in combinatie met oude inscripties en Bijbelverhalen nog veel meer historische gebeurtenissen onderzocht. De data zijn zelfs gebruikt om een nieuwe wetenschappelijke methode voor archeologische datering te ontwikkelen.
Onderzoeker Yoav Vaknin legt uit hoe dat in zijn werk ging. “Op basis van de overeenkomst of het verschil in intensiteit en richting van het magnetische veld, kunnen we hypothesen die stellen dat bepaalde locaties tijdens dezelfde oorlog zijn verbrand, bevestigen of weerleggen.” Over de ontwikkelde methode vertelt hij: “Ook hebben we een variatiecurve ontwikkeld die de intensiteit van de magnetische velden kan bepalen en die zo kan dienen als een wetenschappelijk dateringsinstrument, vergelijkbaar met de radiokoolstofdateringsmethode.”
Koning Hazaël en de Filistijnen Een belangrijk voorbeeld is de vernietiging van Gath, een van de vijf hoofdsteden van de Filistijnen, door koning Hazaël. Historici gingen ervan uit dat deze oorlog rond 830 voor Christus plaatsvond, maar konden niet met zekerheid zeggen dat Hazaël ook verantwoordelijk was voor de vernietiging van de plaatsen Tel Rehov, Tel Zayit en Horvat Tevet. De nieuwe studie heeft nu aangetoond dat de magnetische velden van deze vier steden synchroon lopen voor het moment waarop de vernietiging plaatsvond. Hoogstwaarschijnlijk gebeurde dit dus tijdens dezelfde oorlog en is koning Hazaël inderdaad de dader.
Op dezelfde manier kon echter worden weerlegd dat Tel Beth-Shean ook door de oorlogszuchtige koning was vernietigd: daar was het magnetische veld totaal anders. De magnetische data tonen aan dat de stad samen met twee andere steden in het noorden van Israël 70 tot 100 jaar eerder is verwoest. Die periode komt overeen met de oorlog van de Egyptische farao Sjosjenq. Die wordt beschreven in de Bijbel en in een inscriptie op een muur van de tempel van Amon in het Egyptische Karnak. Daarin wordt Beth-Shean eveneens genoemd als een van de veroveringen van de farao.
Niet alleen de Babyloniërs Nog interessanter zijn de bevindingen over het einde van het koninkrijk Juda. Professor Erez Ben Yosef legt uit: “Over de laatste dagen van het koninkrijk Juda is al veel geschreven. Sommige onderzoekers beweren dat Juda niet volledig werd vernietigd door de Babyloniërs.” Zij hebben vermoedelijk gelijk, blijkt uit de nieuwe dateringsmethode. “Terwijl Jeruzalem en andere grenssteden werden verwoest, bleven andere steden in het zuiden in de bergen van Juda nagenoeg onaangetast. De resultaten van het magnetische onderzoek ondersteunen de hypothese, dat de Babyloniërs niet alléén verantwoordelijk zijn voor de uiteindelijke ondergang van Juda.”
Volgens de professor waren het waarschijnlijk de Edomieten die enkele decennia later de doodsteek betekenden voor het koninkrijk. Zij maakten misbruik van de val van Jeruzalem, aldus Erez Ben Yosef. “Hun rol in de vernietiging van de overgebleven steden kan verklaren waarom de Hebreeuwse Bijbel zoveel wrok koestert tegen de Edomieten.”
Mengsel van ijzer en nikkel Professor Ron Shaar, die verantwoordelijk was voor de ontwikkeling van de nieuwe dateringsmethode, legt uit dat “het magnetisch veld van de aarde van cruciaal belang is voor ons bestaan. De meeste mensen realiseren zich niet dat er zonder dit veld geen leven op aarde kan bestaan, omdat het ons beschermt tegen ionische straling en zonnewind. Bovendien gebruiken mensen en dieren het magnetische veld om te navigeren.” Het geomagnetisch veld van onze planeet bestaat uit een mengsel van vloeibaar ijzer en nikkel in de buitenste kern van de aarde, op een diepte van 2.900 kilometer. Doordat de aarde draait, beweegt deze vloeistof om de vaste kern van de aarde heen en ontstaat een magnetisch veld.
Met de nieuwe archeologische dateringsmethode op basis van dit aardmagnetische veld kunnen in de toekomst nog veel historische gebeurtenissen beter onderzocht en gedateerd worden.
NASA’s InSight spacecraft, soon after it touched down on Mars in 2018, compared with its most recent selfie, showing it coated in dust from a storm.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
The first and only spacecraft to study quakes on Mars is about to die. A recent Martian storm blanketed the solar panels of NASA’s InSight lander with dust, blocking much of the sunlight it needs to charge its batteries. Mission controllers are now running its seismometer intermittently to conserve energy. In weeks, the spacecraft will probably stop responding to commands from Earth and slide into oblivion.
But InSight isn’t going out without a bang. On 27 October, scientists reported that last year, the mission detected seismic waves created by the biggest meteorite impacts ever seen on Mars1,2. Both meteorites hit the planet with the energy of a small nuclear bomb. By tracing how the massive seismicity rippled through Mars, scientists were able to study properties of the red planet’s crust thousands of kilometres from InSight, and resolve a mystery about whether the spacecraft happens to sit in a geologically unusual spot.
The findings add to InSight’s rich legacy of discovery. Since arriving on Mars in November 2018, it has gathered information on more than 1,300 ‘marsquakes’3. This has allowed researchers to calculate, among other things, the long-sought size of Mars’s core and the thickness of its crust. Just last month, researchers used data from five marsquakes to determine that Mars’s mantle is richer in iron than is Earth’s4. All of this information on Mars’s internal layers will help scientists to understand how the planet formed and evolved over billions of years.
“Before the mission, I always showed all these cartoons of cut-in-half planets,” says Mark Panning, InSight’s project scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California. “Now the cartoon has moved from question marks and fuzzy boundaries to a real picture of what the Mars interior is. That was what we promised, and we did it.”
Seismic revelations
It wasn’t always clear that scientists would succeed. In 2012, NASA decided to build and launch the US$994-million InSight, a controversial choice because the agency had several other Mars missions already in its queue. Then, problems in building its super-sensitive seismometer forced a $150-million, two-year launch delay. Once InSight finally arrived at Mars, a German-built instrument nicknamed the Mole, which was meant to measure heat flow in the soil, failed when it couldn’t bury itself in the ground. The mission didn’t even detect its first marsquake until five months after landing — and when it finally did, researchers struggled to interpret what they were seeing.
“At the beginning, we were not really sure how much we could get from the data,” says Brigitte Knapmeyer-Erdrun, a planetary scientist at the University of Cologne in Germany.
But things picked up for InSight during its second Martian year. The spacecraft sits near the Martian equator, in a region known as Elysium Planitia. Many of the quakes it detects come from a geologically active region known as Cerberus Fossae, about 1,500 kilometres away, where underground injections of magma are thought to cause tremors5. In August and September 2021, the spacecraft detected marsquakes on the other side of the planet for the first time6.
And on 4 May this year, InSight detected a magnitude 4.7 quake — the biggest by far (most of InSight’s detections are in the magnitude 2–3 range). On Earth, such a quake could be felt by humans if they were near the epicentre.
“This is a beautiful gift given by Mars,” says Philippe Lognonné, a geophysicist at the Paris Institute of Earth Physics who leads the seismometer team.
Researchers haven’t yet published what they have learnt from the ‘big one’. But it was so large that it sent seismic energy through the surface layers of the Martian crust, creating what’s known as a surface wave — which can reveal more information about a planet’s interior than can other types of seismic wave. “I don’t want to tip our hand too much,” says Bruce Banerdt, a geophysicist at JPL and InSight’s principal investigator. “But it’s really giving information all across the spectrum, from the shallow crust all the way down to the deepest mantle and core.”
Deep impacts
Meanwhile, scientists have analysed surface waves generated during the two record-setting meteorite impacts last year, on 18 September and 24 December1,2. InSight picked them up from thousands of kilometres away.
The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captured this image of the crater caused by a meteorite striking the red planet on 24 December 2021. It’s more than 130 metres across.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UArizona
They rippled through the Martian crust to the north of InSight, which sits near a key geological boundary where the terrain is smoother and lower in elevation than the heavily cratered southern highlands. The way the surface waves travelled through the crust to the north suggests that it is denser than the crust beneath Insight, which landed in a region where the rocks are particularly porous.
InSight was able to tell where the quakes originated thanks to NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). Scientists who were looking through images from the orbiter spotted craters on the surface left by each of the impacts, and were able to pinpoint the dates on which they formed. Both of the craters are more than 130 metres across, making them the largest fresh craters observed in the 16 years that the MRO has been studying the planet. “This is a very unique data set of this size of impact,” says Liliya Posiolova, orbital-science operations lead for the MRO at Malin Space Science Systems in San Diego, California. When the first images arrived, she says, “it was like nothing we had ever seen before, and we almost did a double-take”.
Saying goodbye
Just because InSight is almost finished doesn’t mean discovery will stop. A ‘marsquake service’ based at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich has been archiving the mission’s data. Researchers will probably use that information to make fresh findings for years to come, as they have with decades-old Apollo data collected during quakes on the Moon. “I’m quite sure we’re going to do the same with Mars,” says Anna Horleston, a seismologist at the University of Bristol, UK.
Researchers have already benefited from re-evaluating InSight data. Initially, they could determine only the magnitude of marsquakes, but usually not their location. Scientists led by Géraldine Zenhäusern, a geophysicist at ETH, figured out how to use the polarity of seismic waves from a marsquake to calculate its location7. Separately, new techniques such as machine learning are already starting to unearth more marsquakes in InSight’s data8.
Once InSight dies, Mars will be without a seismometer for a while; one was planned for the European Space Agency’s ExoMars lander, but that mission involved a collaboration with Russia and is on hold in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
There is a tiny chance that a dust devil might blow off the dust covering InSight’s solar panels and prolong the mission’s life. But researchers are preparing themselves to say goodbye. “There is definitely a sense of, oh my goodness, this is about to end,” Horleston says.
Posiolova, L. V. et al.Science378, 412–417 (2022).
NASA’s InSight Lander Detects Stunning Meteoroid Impact on Mars
NASA’s InSight Lander Detects Stunning Meteoroid Impact on Mars
Boulder-size blocks of water ice can be seen around the rim of an impact crater on Mars, as viewed by the High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE camera) aboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The crater was formed Dec. 24, 2021, by a meteoroid strike in the Amazonis Planitia region.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona
The agency’s lander felt the ground shake during the impact while cameras aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spotted the yawning new crater from space.
NASA’s InSight lander recorded a magnitude 4 marsquake last Dec. 24, but scientists learned only later the cause of that quake: a meteoroid strike estimated to be one of the biggest seen on Mars since NASA began exploring the cosmos. What’s more, the meteoroid excavated boulder-size chunks of ice buried closer to the Martian equator than ever found before – a discovery with implications for NASA’s future plans to send astronauts to the Red Planet.
Scientists determined the quake resulted from a meteoroid impact when they looked at before-and-after images from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) and spotted a new, yawning crater. Offering a rare opportunity to see how a large impact shook the ground on Mars, the event and its effects are detailed in two papers published Thursday, Oct. 27, in the journal Science.
The impact crater, formed Dec. 24, 2021, by a meteoroid strike in the Amazonis Planitia region of Mars, is about 490 feet (150 meters) across, as seen in this annotated image taken by the High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE camera) aboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona
The meteoroid is estimated to have spanned 16 to 39 feet (5 to 12 meters) – small enough that it would have burned up in Earth’s atmosphere, but not in Mars’ thin atmosphere, which is just 1% as dense as our planet’s. The impact, in a region called Amazonis Planitia, blasted a crater roughly 492 feet (150 meters) across and 70 feet (21 meters) deep. Some of the ejecta thrown by the impact flew as far as 23 miles (37 kilometers) away.
With images and seismic data documenting the event, this is believed to be one of the largest craters ever witnessed forming any place in the solar system. Many larger craters exist on the Red Planet, but they are significantly older and predate any Mars mission.
“It’s unprecedented to find a fresh impact of this size,” said Ingrid Daubar of Brown University, who leads InSight’s Impact Science Working Group. “It’s an exciting moment in geologic history, and we got to witness it.”
InSight has seen its power drastically decline in recent months due to dust settling on its solar panels. The spacecraft now is expected to shut down within the next six weeks, bringing the mission’s science to an end.
This meteoroid impact crater on Mars was discovered using the black-and-white Context Camera aboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The Context Camera took these before-and-after images of the impact, which occurred on Dec. 24, 2021, in a region of Mars called Amazonis Planitia.
But the quake resulting from last December’s impact was the first observed to have surface waves – a kind of seismic wave that ripples along the top of a planet’s crust. The second of the two Science papers related to the big impact describes how scientists use these waves to study the structure of Mars’ crust.
This video includes a seismogram and sonification of the signals recorded by NASA’s InSight Mars lander, which detected a giant meteoroid strike on Dec. 24, 2021, the 1,094th Martian day, or sol, of the mission.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/CNES/Imperial College London
Crater Hunters
In late 2021, InSight scientists reported to the rest of the team they had detected a major marsquake on Dec. 24. The crater was first spotted on Feb. 11, 2022, by scientists working at Malin Space Science Systems (MSSS), which built and operates two cameras aboard MRO. The Context Camera (CTX) provides black-and-white, medium-resolution images, while the Mars Color Imager (MARCI) produces daily maps of the entire planet, allowing scientists to track large-scale weather changes like the recent regional dust storm that further diminished InSight’s solar power.
The impact’s blast zone was visible in MARCI data that allowed the team to pin down a 24-hour period within which the impact occurred. These observations correlated with the seismic epicenter, conclusively demonstrating that a meteoroid impact caused the large Dec. 24 marsquake.
“The image of the impact was unlike any I had seen before, with the massive crater, the exposed ice, and the dramatic blast zone preserved in the Martian dust,” said Liliya Posiolova, who leads the Orbital Science and Operations Group at MSSS. “I couldn’t help but imagine what it must have been like to witness the impact, the atmospheric blast, and debris ejected miles downrange.”
Establishing the rate at which craters appear on Mars is critical for refining the planet’s geologic timeline. On older surfaces, such as those of Mars and our Moon, there are more craters than on Earth; on our planet, the processes of erosion and plate tectonics erase older features from the surface.
New craters also expose materials below the surface. In this case, large chunks of ice scattered by the impact were viewed by MRO’s High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) color camera.
Subsurface ice will be a vital resource for astronauts, who could use it for a variety of needs, including drinking water, agriculture, and rocket propellant. Buried ice has never been spotted this close to the Martian equator, which, as the warmest part of Mars, is an appealing location for astronauts.
This animation depicts a flyover of a meteoroid impact crater on Mars that’s surrounded by boulder-size chunks of ice. The animation was created using data from the High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera aboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona
More About the Missions
JPL manages InSight and the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. InSight is part of NASA’s Discovery Program, managed by the agency’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Lockheed Martin Space in Denver built the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, InSight spacecraft (including its cruise stage and lander), and supports spacecraft operations for both missions.
Malin Space Science Systems in San Diego built and operates the Context Camera and MARCI camera. University of Arizona built and operates the HiRISE camera.
A number of European partners, including France’s Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR), are supporting the InSight mission. CNES provided the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) instrument to NASA, with the principal investigator at IPGP (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris). Significant contributions for SEIS came from IPGP; the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Germany; the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) in Switzerland; Imperial College London and Oxford University in the United Kingdom; and JPL. DLR provided the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package (HP3) instrument, with significant contributions from the Space Research Center (CBK) of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Astronika in Poland. Spain’s Centro de Astrobiología (CAB) supplied the temperature and wind sensors, and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) supplied a passive laser retroreflector.
De zon straalt, letterlijk én figuurlijk: NASA deelt opmerkelijk beeld van 'glimlachende' zon
Het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartagentschap NASA heeft een bijzonder beeld gedeeld van onze zon. Net zoals op andere foto’s zie je de zon stralen, maar dit keer lijkt ze dat ook figuurlijk te doen.
“Vandaag betrapte het Solar Dynamics Observatory van NASA de zon op een glimlach”, zo schrijft de ruimtesonde van het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartagentschap op Twitter. Met behulp van ultraviolet licht verschijnen er zwarte cirkels op het beeld van de zon waardoor er een glimlach lijkt te verschijnen.
In werkelijkheid zijn de zwarte cirkels coronale gaten, magnetische velden die verschillen van de rest van de zon en zich uitstrekken tot in de ruimte. Zulke gaten veranderen na een tijdje van vorm en grootte, maar kunnen er eerst enkele weken tot zelfs maanden exact hetzelfde uitzien.
Op Twitter zijn inmiddels ook andere vergelijkingen verschenen. Zo ziet het er volgens sommigen niet uit alsof de zon glimlacht, maar lijkt ze eerder op de Stay Puft Marshmallow Man van Ghostbusters. Anderen denken meteen aan de zon bij het kinderprogramma de Teletubbies of een (halloween)pompoen.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Monster Black Hole Found Near Earth, Starlink Hacked, Early Life Killed Mars
Monster Black Hole Found Near Earth, Starlink Hacked, Early Life Killed Mars
There’s a monster black hole in our backyard (astronomically speaking). Life could survive underground on Mars for hundreds of millions of years. Starlink was hacked and now works as GPS. Bad news for Arecibo.
Enjoy the video version of all the latest space and astronomy news in our latest episode of Space Bites. Everything you need to know that happened last week in a convenient bite-size video format.
The Closest Black Hole Ever Discovered
A monster black hole was discovered relatively close to us. It’s just 1550 light years away, which is our backyard, astronomically speaking. The exciting thing is how it was discovered. Astronomers looked into Gaia’s data on stars and their motion. Among them, they found a star that looked like it was in a binary system. But there was no visible companion. Further analysis revealed that it was a 12-solar mass black hole. So, it’s an interesting new technique that can reveal more black holes in the future.
There is an interesting paradox about life on Mars. New studies suggest the following scenario. If there was life on Mars in its early stages, when the planet was wet and warm, it could have wiped itself out. By producing CO2, methane and other gases, it could have weakened the greenhouse effect. So, by replacing hydrogen with those gases they made the planet colder, which eventually lead to losing its atmosphere and therefore conditions for life.
Researchers managed to hack Starlink and use it as a positioning system. All that without any consent from SpaceX. By analyzing the signals from the satellites they managed to reverse-engineer it and extract timing data. Combining this information with the positions of the satellites, which are well-known and opened to the general public, it effectively turned into a GPS alternative. The precision is about 30-meters. It can be improved, if SpaceX wanted to cooperate. But whether they will want to do so is yet to be determined.
Lucy Gets a Portrait of the Earth and the Moon
Whenever spacecraft make a gravity-assisted flyby of Earth, it’s the perfect opportunity to test their optics and science instruments. During its recent flyby, Trojan-bound Lucy captured this image of planet Earth when it was about 620,000 km away. It also captured a picture of both the Earth and the Moon in the same photo, showing how far away they are from each other.
We know that red dwarf stars can blast out powerful flares, but in the case of one system, the results were catastrophic. Astronomers studied the earth-sized planet GJ 1252b, which orbits a red dwarf star every 12 hours. They found that the intense flares from the star scoured away the atmosphere from the planet. This could be the case for many other exoplanetary systems, but there’s some good news. If the worlds are farther away from the star, their atmosphere could hold under this barrage, protecting life until the star settles down.
It’s official. The famous Arecibo radar telescope won’t be rebuilt. It’s a sad but expected moment. But still, Arecibo has left a huge heritage both in science, as new studies are still being published with its data, as well as in popular culture.
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Former Navy Pilot: "I witnessed a solid black cube inside a translucent sphere"
Former Navy Pilot: "I witnessed a solid black cube inside a translucent sphere"
Former Lt. U.S. Navy and F/A-18F pilot Ryan Graves was the first actives duty pilot to publicly disclose regular sightings of Unindentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) talks about his encounter with what he describes as a solid black cube inside a translucent sphere.
He states that despite the wind was over 120-140mph the object was completely stationary midair without moving a bit up and down, left or right as well as the object followed a so-called "racetrack" what means it was not flying a straight flight path but flew a random track where it made impossible maneuvers like a u turn without slowing down.
After the F/A-18F got an upgraded radar system, the pilots saw these kinds of objects of unknown origin on a daily basis and not only Navy pilots, also commercial pilots have reported these extraordinary flying objects, like the pilot who captured a black cube at high altitude during a commercial flight, see second video below.
We can speculate whether these objects without wings or visible propulsion are man-made or of extraterrestrial origin, the fact is that these objects with exceptional abilities exist and move through our skies for whatever reason.
Paul Bennewitz is a civilian who lived near an airforce base. When he saw strange lights in the sky, he initially thought they were experimental aircraft. He then started picking up alien language on the radio. After gathering evidence, he reported it to the authorities, and the Air Force supported his UFO research. The military denied his claims, but privately, they confirmed his findings. He later ended in a mental institution.
NASA's InSight 'Hears' Its First Meteoroid Impacts on Mars
NASA's InSight 'Hears' Its First Meteoroid Impacts on Mars
InSight Detects an Impact for the First Time: These craters were formed by a Sept. 5, 2021, meteoroid impact on Mars, the first to be detected by NASA’s InSight. Taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, this enhanced-color image highlights the dust and soil disturbed by the impact in blue in order to make details more visible to the human eye.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona. Download Image ›
The Mars lander’s seismometer has picked up vibrations from four separate impacts in the past two years.
NASA’s InSight lander has detected seismic waves from four space rocks that crashed on Mars in 2020 and 2021. Not only do these represent the first impacts detected by the spacecraft’s seismometer since InSight touched down on the Red Planet in 2018, it also marks the first time seismic and acoustic waves from an impact have been detected on Mars.
A new paper published Monday in Nature Geoscience details the impacts, which ranged between 53 and 180 miles (85 and 290 kilometers) from InSight’s location, a region of Mars called Elysium Planitia.
The first of the four confirmed meteoroids – the term used for space rocks before they hit the ground – made the most dramatic entrance: It entered Mars’ atmosphere on Sept. 5, 2021, exploding into at least three shards that each left a crater behind.
InSight’s Meteoroid Impact Detection: Learn more about the first meteoroid impact NASA’s InSight lander detected on Mars in this video.
Then, NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter flew over the estimated impact site to confirm the location. The orbiter used its black-and-white Context Camera to reveal three darkened spots on the surface. After locating these spots, the orbiter’s team used the High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera, or HiRISE, to get a color close-up of the craters (the meteoroid could have left additional craters in the surface, but they would be too small to see in HiRISE’s images).
“After three years of InSight waiting to detect an impact, those craters looked beautiful,” said Ingrid Daubar of Brown University, a co-author of the paper and a specialist in Mars impacts.
Mars Crater Collage: This collage shows three other meteoroid impacts that were detected by the seismometer on NASA’s InSight lander and captured by the agency’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter using its HiRISE camera.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona. Download Image ›
After combing through earlier data, scientists confirmed three other impacts had occurred on May 27, 2020; Feb. 18, 2021; and Aug. 31, 2021.
Researchers have puzzled over why they haven’t detected more meteoroid impacts on Mars. The Red Planet is next to the solar system’s main asteroid belt, which provides an ample supply of space rocks to scar the planet’s surface. Because Mars’ atmosphere is just 1% as thick as Earth’s, more meteoroids pass through it without disintegrating.
InSight’s seismometer has detected over 1,300 marsquakes. Provided by France’s space agency, the Centre National d’Études Spatiales, the instrument is so sensitive that it can detect seismic waves from thousands of miles away. But the Sept. 5, 2021, event marks the first time an impact was confirmed as the cause of such waves.
InSight’s team suspects that other impacts may have been obscured by noise from wind or by seasonal changes in the atmosphere. But now that the distinctive seismic signature of an impact on Mars has been discovered, scientists expect to find more hiding within InSight’s nearly four years of data.
Listen to a Meteoroid Hitting the Red Planet: The sound of a meteoroid striking Mars – created from data recorded by NASA’s InSight lander – is like a “bloop” due to a peculiar atmospheric effect. In this audio clip, the sound can be heard three times: when the meteoroid enters the Martian atmosphere, explodes into pieces, and impacts the surface. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/CNES/IPGP. Download audio ›
Science Behind the Strikes
Seismic data offer various clues that will help researchers better understand the Red Planet. Most marsquakes are caused by subsurface rocks cracking from heat and pressure. Studying how the resulting seismic waves change as they move through different material provides scientists a way to study Mars’ crust, mantle, and core.
The four meteoroid impacts confirmed so far produced small quakes with a magnitude of no more than 2.0. Those smaller quakes provide scientists with only a glimpse into the Martian crust, while seismic signals from larger quakes, like the magnitude 5 event that occurred in May 2022, can also reveal details about the planet’s mantle and core.
But the impacts will be critical to refining Mars’ timeline. “Impacts are the clocks of the solar system,” said the paper’s lead author, Raphael Garcia of Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace in Toulouse, France. “We need to know the impact rate today to estimate the age of different surfaces.”
Scientists can approximate the age of a planet’s surface by counting its impact craters: The more they see, the older the surface. By calibrating their statistical models based on how often they see impacts occurring now, scientists can then estimate how many more impacts happened earlier in the solar system’s history.
InSight’s data, in combination with orbital images, can be used to rebuild a meteoroid’s trajectory and the size of its shock wave. Every meteoroid creates a shock wave as it hits the atmosphere and an explosion as it hits the ground. These events send sound waves through the atmosphere. The bigger the explosion, the more this sound wave tilts the ground when it reaches InSight. The lander’s seismometer is sensitive enough to measure how much the ground tilts from such an event and in what direction.
“We’re learning more about the impact process itself,” Garcia said. “We can match different sizes of craters to specific seismic and acoustic waves now.”
The lander still has time to study Mars. Dust buildup on the lander’s solar panels is reducing its power and will eventually lead to the spacecraft shutting down. Predicting precisely when is difficult, but based on the latest power readings, engineers now believe the lander could shut down between October of this year and January 2023.
More About the Missions
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, manages InSight for the agency’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. InSight is part of NASA’s Discovery Program, managed by the agency’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Lockheed Martin Space in Denver built the InSight spacecraft, including its cruise stage and lander, and supports spacecraft operations for the mission.
A number of European partners, including France’s Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR), are supporting the InSight mission. CNES provided the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) instrument to NASA, with the principal investigator at IPGP (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris). Significant contributions for SEIS came from IPGP; the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Germany; the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) in Switzerland; Imperial College London and Oxford University in the United Kingdom; and JPL. DLR provided the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package (HP3) instrument, with significant contributions from the Space Research Center (CBK) of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Astronika in Poland. Spain’s Centro de Astrobiología (CAB) supplied the temperature and wind sensors.
Flinke krater en beving op planeet Mars door inslag ruimterots
Op kerstavond vorig jaar werd op de planeet Mars een redelijk zware aardbeving met een kracht van 4,0 gemeten. Wetenschappers die de beving hebben onderzocht, concluderen donderdag dat deze werd veroorzaakt door de inslag van een ruimterots. Door de inslag is een krater gevormd die groter is dan een voetbalveld en ruim 20 meter diep.
Een Frans apparaat in de Amerikaanse Marslander InSight van ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA heeft in de afgelopen vier jaar meer dan 1.300 bevingen op Mars geregistreerd. Volgens The New York Times was de beving die op kerstavond werd geregistreerd anders dan alle eerdere bevingen, omdat trillingen langs de buitenste korst van de rode planeet werden geregistreerd. “We waren er onmiddellijk enthousiast over”, zegt wetenschapper Mark Panning tegen de krant.
De inslag van de ruimterots, die naar schatting tussen de 4,9 en 11,9 meter breed was, creëerde een 150 meter brede krater op een afstand van 3.500 kilometer waar de Marslander InSight zich op de planeet bevond. Op beelden van de Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), een onbemande ruimtesonde van NASA, was de indrukwekkende krater te zien.
Onderzoeker Philippe Lognonne noemt de waarneming “de grootste meteorietinslag sinds met seismografen wetenschappelijk onderzoek is gedaan”.
De ontdekking helpt wetenschappers om de rode planeet beter te begrijpen en is “daarnaast een herinnering dat Mars, net als de aarde, door meteorieten getroffen kan worden”, schrijft The New York Times.
JWST Sees the Same Galaxy From Three Different Angles Thanks to a Gravitational Lens
JWST Sees the Same Galaxy From Three Different Angles Thanks to a Gravitational Lens
One of the great tragedies of the night sky is that we will never travel to much of what we see. We may eventually travel to nearby stars, and even distant reaches of our galaxy, but the limits of light speed and cosmic expansion make it impossible for us to travel beyond our local group. So we can only observe distant galaxies, and we can only observe them from our home in the universe. You might think that means we can only see one face of those galaxies, but thanks to the James Webb Space Telescope that isn’t entirely true.
As light from distant galaxies traverses the cosmos to reach us, its path can be deflected gravitationally along the way, known as gravitational lensing. For very distant galaxies their light is often lensed through galactic clusters closer to us and can produce multiple images. Each of these images comes from a different path of light.
A comparison of galaxies seen from Hubble vs Webb. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, Alyssa Pagan (STScI)
You can see this in a recent set of images released by the Space Telescope Science Institute. It shows a comparison of the galactic cluster MACS0647 captured by Hubble in 2012 and as seen by Webb in 2022. In the faint background of this cluster are three images of a more distant galaxy known as MACS0647-JD. It’s the same galaxy, but gravitational lensing lets us see it from slightly different paths. In the Hubble image, the galaxy images are just blurry clusters of pixels, but Webb can resolve these galaxies in some detail. Each image seems to have two smudges of light, and that means JD could be an early colliding galaxy. If it is the merger of two galaxies, it will be the most distant galactic merger we’ve observed.
One of the side effects of gravitational lensing is that it can magnify light from these far galaxies. This means the galaxy appears closer and brighter than it actually is. In the case of MACS0647-JD, the three images are magnified by different amounts. The images known as JD1, JD2, and JD3 are magnified by factors of 8, 5, and 2. Additionally, since the light path of each image is different, we also see the galaxy from three slightly different times.
This image is a great example of the power of JWST. It not only allows us to study the earliest galaxies in detail, but it also allows us to see some galaxies from more than one point of view.
Dwarf Planet Haumea is one of the Stranger Objects in the Solar System. How did it get That way?
Dwarf Planet Haumea is one of the Stranger Objects in the Solar System. How did it get That way?
There’s still a raging debate in some circles as to whether Pluto should be a planet or not. Ask an astronomer, and their typical answer would be something like – if Pluto is a planet, then there are plenty of other bodies out there in the solar system that should be considered one too. One of those is Haumea, a little explored rock in the Kuiper belt that is one of the strangest large objects out there. Now, a team from NASA has a new idea as to how it got that way.
Since Haumea is so far away, there isn’t much hard data on it. A probe has never visited it, and it is too small and distant to be properly measured by an Earth-based telescope. So the researchers interested in it turned to that favorite tool of most astrophysicists – computer models.
Computer models need inputs to make predictions, however, and there are a few bizarre things that we already know about Haumea. One is how fast it spins – a day lasts only four hours on its surface, much shorter than the day of any similar-sized object in the solar system. In addition, it is elongated, looking a bit like an American football rather than the spherical shape that most bodies of its size take on.
Interview with Dr. Noviello – the lead paper author. Credit – Lunar and Planetary Institute
It also has some attending “family” – little balls of what appears to be water ice that float in a similar orbit around the main body of Haumea. Kind of like moons, but not considered to be such. So how did all of this strangeness come to be? To understand, the researchers had to look back in time – and make some estimates, of course.
That was a two-step process. First, Jessica Noviello, now a postdoc researcher at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, developed a model requiring only three distinct inputs – Haumea’s size, mass, and spin rate. The outputs of that first model, such as the size and density of the body’s core, were then fed into another model that was used as the iterative basis for finding a creation process that reflected what Haumea looks like now.
Introducing small changes to those input parameters of the final simulation resulted in a set of expected outcomes, which could be compared to the measured reality. But it also highlighted a few interesting features that likely happened when Haumea was being formed.
Anton Petrov discusses the mysteries of Haumea. Credit – Anton Petrov YouTube Channel
First, it was likely smacked by a massive object early in its history. Hence, the dramatic spin. But, while the impact would have knocked parts of Haumea off, it likely would have been too violent to simply form the small balls of ice now known as its “family.”
Creating those tiny ice balls required a second process, which took much longer, but arguably had as big of an impact. The fast spinning caused denser rocks to slide down into the core of the dwarf planet, and those rocks started to do something unexpected. Since they, like all rocks, were radioactive, they started to melt the water ice that was coagulating on Haumea’s outer shell.
Some of that water then flooded into the core, creating a clay-like substance, which the fast centripetal force then spun out like a potter, creating the elongated shape we see today. In addition, some of the balls of ice lost their grip on the main body and broke off gently to form the smaller icy bodies that still rotate in the same orbit as the parent dwarf planet.
These outcomes are all from simulations at this point, but they make sense both from a logical and scientific standpoint. However, it will still be a while before we collect any more concrete data about Haumea or its Kuiper belt cousins. Until then, astrophysicists will have to be content with papers like the one from Dr. Noviello and her team that was recently published in the Planetary Science Journal.
A FLIR camera captures a strange UFO with an uncanny resemblance to a rubber duck.
A US surveillance aircraft being flown by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) captured by using their thermal optics system (FLIR) at around 9pm on November 23, 2019 a very strange "rubber duck" shaped UFO flying at a speed between 90 and 200mph.not far from the US's southern border with Mexico.
The so-called "rubber duck' UFO is comparable with a unknown object also caught by the FLIR system of another Homeland Security aircraft while flying over Puerto Rico on April 25, 2013.
This UFO like object also moves just above the surface at speeds of up to 120mph before reaching the ocean whereupon it splits into two objects before diving into the ocean with very little splash and then proceeds to move at times on the water surface and just below the surface.
Since no known aircraft or drone has the capacity to perform the maneuvers as these UFOs did, we have to conclude that these objects of unknown origin are equipped with an advanced technology which is unknown to the public.
It is questionable whether these objects are of extraterrestrial origin, it is very possible that these objects were developed by the military and being part of a secret project.
Both UFOs were unintentionally captured on film, but it gives us a glimpse of the capabilities of these possible man-made objects whereby the object that plunged into the ocean may refer to an underwater base which may be under the control of the Navy/military.
Navajo Park Ranger revealed that something big Is happening in National Parks
Navajo Park Ranger revealed that something big Is happening in National Parks
This Navajo park ranger revealed that something big is happening right now in National Parks. Today, we take a look at what this Navajo park ranger found inside this National Park.
The police do incredible work, and they are usually the first ones on the scene when something goes wrong. Every so often though they will encounter something that even they can't explain.
One of the places where officers are seeing strange things is that of the Navajo Reservation of the American southwest. This location is known for mysterious and legendary stories and the police here have encountered some strange things.
UFO with 6 lights hovering above Hallandale Beach, Florida
UFO with 6 lights hovering above Hallandale Beach, Florida
These UFO lights were seen and recorded in the night sky above Hallandale Beach, a city in southern Broward County, Florida. This event happened back on June 1st, 2021 but it was just today published online through MUFON’s website.
Witness report:
I was sitting outside with my cousin when we noticed an object with panels of lights slowly ascending in the sky. As the object got higher it dissipated and disappeared into the clouds.
Do intelligent aliens exist somewhere out there in the universe? It is a grand mystery that has captivated humans for generations, fueling ever-more sophisticated searches of the skies for signs of advanced civilizations. But while aliens have taken many forms in our imaginations—from hostile invaders to inscrutable ciphers—we have absolutely no idea what extraterrestrial life-forms might look like, how they would communicate, or even if they exist at all.
We can, however, make some assumptions about the only intelligent space-faring species that we know of—humans—and how we might react to contact with an alien civilization. Indeed, people have spent decades developing protocols that attempt to anticipate this momentous event and all of the extraordinary potential consequences it could have on our civilization. It’s an especially important question now, as the world appears more strongly divided than at any time in recent memory, with major powers taking on increasingly antagonistic stances toward each other.
In 2020, a pair of researchers dug into this question in an article in Space Policy by suggesting that humans might pose as big a risk to ourselves in the aftermath of alien contact as any extraterrestrial species. The study views the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) through the lens of “realpolitik,” a term that describes the kind of gritty power plays and practical maneuvers that nations pull to enhance their own positions.
Authors Kenneth Wisian and John Traphagan, a geophysicist and cultural anthropologist, respectively, at the University of Texas at Austin, envision nations monopolizing contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence, a move that could spark escalating conflicts, including possible attacks on astronomical facilities. For this reason, the team said scientists might need to enlist personal security to protect them and their families from state actors, or even terrorists, in the wake of a such a momentous event, among other concerns raised in the study.
“What might we do to ourselves? Let's not just think about what they might do to us, or vice versa, but what are the threads internally?”
“The SETI academic field is focused on looking out, and the main issues and concerns that have been brought up throughout the history of SETI development have been: what threats could the aliens present to us, if any?” said Wisian, who is a retired Major General in the U.S. Air Force, in a call with Motherboard. “I hadn't seen any thought about, well, what might we do to ourselves?”
“From a grounding in military and international affairs history, it seems pretty obvious to me that a lot of times people act on perceived interest and perceived threats,” he continued. “That's what germinated the idea—what might we do to ourselves? Let's not just think about what they might do to us, or vice versa, but what are the threads internally?”
When the study came out two years ago, it caught the attention of Jason Wright, an astronomer and SETI researcher at Penn State University. Wright disagreed with many of Wisian and Traphagan’s conclusions, and published a blog post at the time expressing his thoughts on what he called the “very dubious assumptions” underlying the study.
“I felt like it was misguided,” Wright said in a call with Motherboard, referring to the 2020 study. “I understood why they were writing what they wrote, but I thought it really would have benefited from a better understanding of how SETI and radio astronomy works, because it was based on a lot of misunderstandings about that.”
“Then, taking my own medicine, I said I’d love to write a rebuttal, but I'm not an expert on philosophy, ethics, geopolitics, and space law,” he added.
For this reason, Wright connected with Chelsea Haramia, a philosopher at Spring Hill College, and Gabriel Swiney, a senior policy advisor in NASA’s Office of Technology, Policy, and Strategy.
The team has now presented a comprehensive rebuttal to Wisian and Traphagan’s article, arguing that some of the study’s suggestions could backfire by sowing distrust and confusion, among many other scientific and ethical critiques presented in their new work, which was published this month in Space Policy.
The disagreements between the teams are a microcosm of the kaleidoscopic diversity of views about the possible outcomes of a successful contact event with aliens, especially what it would mean for humans here on Earth. So, what do these perspectives reveal about what might happen if humanity finally makes the ultimate discovery?
Could a nation monopolize communication with aliens?
Imagine an intelligent alien species sends a decipherable message to Earth that is received by a sophisticated astronomical observatory. In another scenario, a piece of alien technology could actually fall to Earth and be recovered by people on the ground.Though this is a far-fetched possibility, Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb believes that alien artifacts may have already reached Earth; he is currently planning an expedition to search for any surviving fragments of what was likely an interstellar meteor that hit our planet in 2014, which he thinks could be artificial in origin (Loeb’s views about alien artifacts have received substantial pushback from other scientists).
Regardless of the odds of such an event, Wisian and Traphagan argue that state officials who receive a message or artifact of this kind might conclude that they could exert a geopolitical advantage by monopolizing communication with the extraterrestrials, or by siloing information about alien technologies. To support their case, the team presents many historical examples of nations using this type of realpolitik approach.
“Pretty much by definition, if we make contact with some other intelligence, they're going to have a time advantage on us and therefore, probably, a significant technological lead,” Wisian said. “That is the driver. It's the information, and what it could provide as far as an advantage in international affairs and power and diplomacy, that would drive countries to take strong action to try to monopolize that channel.”
“I could definitely see world leaders acting on that perceived reward,” he added.
Wisian and Traphagan speculate that these perceived rewards could make radio telescopes targets for espionage or cyberattacks—or perhaps even real physical attacks with air strikes or weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). Morever, extremist groups that might be threatened by the reality of alien contact “would have the ability to launch small-scale raids (i.e., terrorist attacks) or possibly WMD attacks…aimed at destroying the critical infrastructure for [extraterrestrial intelligence] communication or the key personnel involved,” Wisian and Traphagan said in the study.
With that in mind, the researchers suggested that astronomical facilities and personnel might need to be defended by military or other security forces, citing the kind of protection often seen around nuclear power plants, biowarfare research institutions, or American abortion services providers.
Wright and his colleagues raised several objections with these arguments in their new study. On a practical technical level, the team said that it is very unlikely that any nation or group would be able to monopolize communication with an alien species. While an initial detection of an extraterrestrial message might be captured by a premiere observatory, such as China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) or the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia, other facilities—and potentially even amateur sky watchers—could quickly start listening in, as well.
“If there are alien signals landing on Earth that contain this kind of information, then anyone can pick it up,” Wright said. “Once you know the frequency and the location on the sky, you could use satellite dishes and no one would know you were doing it because satellite dishes are pointed at the sky for all kinds of reasons. So, sending a bunch of troops to Green Bank isn't going to accomplish anything.”
In fact, Wright and his colleagues propose that hardening security around astronomical facilities might actually backfire and exacerbate the very tensions that Wisian and Traphagan sound alarms about in their study.
“If we start locking down all the SETI facilities and getting all the SETI people personal security to protect them against state-level actors, it's going to look like something happened,” Wright said. “It's going to look like you need to do that; that it was necessary for some reason. That's what we're trying to avoid. We're trying to avoid that escalation.”
“So, we were worried that their recommendations would take something that's a remote possibility to be guarded against, and make it happen, basically, by treating it as a foregone conclusion that we just go ahead and start protecting against. Our argument is that you have to fight that misperception by explaining what's going on.”
Both teams agree that this type of contact scenario—which involves a clear intelligible message with some kind of advantageous information—is extremely unlikely. It stands to reason that our first experience with extraterrestrial life in the universe would be much murkier in content and interpretation. For instance, Wright pointed out that humans cannot even speak the languages of other intelligent animals on Earth, such as dolphins or elephants, which casts doubt on our ability to decode any message from another civilization.
Wisian and Traphagan, however, note that it is worth thinking about dangerous situations even if the odds of them materializing are astronomically low.
“I hope for the best, but as a military guy, you look at the range of possibilities and you may not focus on the worst, but you have to at least take into account those potential options,” Wisian said. “If something has severe consequences, you can't just dismiss it. Neither one of us said that this is likely—it's just that it's a possibility that needs to be considered.”
Would alien contact promote conflict or cooperation among nations?
Given that monopolizing access to aliens is unlikely, it’s worth widening the aperture to consider some of the general concerns raised by Wisian and Traphagan under their realpolitik analysis of an alien contact event.
The researchers were partly inspired to write the 2020 study because they believe the protocols surrounding first contact are “limited in scope to aspirational thinking” and are not yet equipped to address the “thorny political ramifications of a discovery,” according to the study. By weaving in historical examples of power plays that span the Peloponnesian War, the Renaissance era, and the Cold War, among others, the team argue that governments are often unconstrained by international laws and deaf to the calls of scientists to adhere to existing protocols and treaties.
“The scientists may think they are in charge, but as soon as something like this happens, the governmental bodies are going to take charge, and it will go outside of scientists’ hands,” Wisian said, though he added that “scientists have a pretty good network and an ability to subvert controls, which gives me cause for some optimism here.”
While Wright and his colleagues said that there is value in viewing SETI through a realpolitik lens, they note that this is one of many possible geopolitical perspectives that need to be considered when developing post-detection protocols. For instance, if a nation were the first to receive an alien signal, it might want to shout the news from the rooftops—as opposed to shroud the discovery in secrecy—due to the “incalculable prestige that would accrue to the state that made arguably the most significant scientific finding of the modern era,” Wright’s team said in their study.
In much the same way, Wright and his colleagues suggest that even if nations are primarily motivated by self-interest, their realpolitik posture to an alien message could very well be collaborative rather than combative.
“Most interactions between nations are not driven by the threat of force,” Wright said. “There are so many other, probably more likely, outcomes that we can see, and so many other successful ways that nations manage sensitive science and technology in a peaceful cooperative way—even among rivals—that it's clear that we have a framework other than just hardening security for managing that sort of thing.”
“We're having this discussion because we don't really have a good post-detection protocol yet”
“The example we give is fusion research,” he continued, referring to the international effort to derive power from nuclear fusion reactions. “It’s a sensitive topic that involves nuclear materials and nuclear technologies, but it's primarily driven towards trying to develop peaceful civilian uses for nuclear power generation. We have these international agreements that rivals sign onto and, basically, obey, that allows for constrained international collaboration.”
For his part, Wisian does not dispute that outcomes beyond the realpolitik mold are possible. Indeed, he hopes that any first contact scenarios inspire our better angels and promote more scientific curiosity to counter ascendant anti-science attitudes and distrust in research institutions.
Moreover, while Wisian said that many of the points raised by Wright’s team seem valid, he objected to what he saw as “straw man” arguments in their new study that misrepresented his original work with Traphagan. Wisian also acknowledged that the SETI field is not his academic specialty—he is an expert on geothermal energy—but suggested that interdisciplinary input will be essential to a robust post-detection plan.
“I've worked and served in multiple wars,” Wisian said. “I've seen how humanity actually behaves—not how it theoretically should.”
How should we prepare for first contact?
To that end, both teams also agree on another important point: As the search for life elsewhere in the universe continues to mature, people from all walks of life should be involved in the preparations for a successful detection of alien life, and what it might mean for all Earthlings.
There should be “a ‘big tent’ approach to this, not just a few disciplines and academics—and not just the academic world,” said Wisian. “There's a whole bunch of areas that are ripe for exploration here that could move from the science fiction world into the practical planning world, like SETI has moved, over the last 50 or 60 years, from science fiction to a major scientific discipline now.”
Wright also pointed to the need to enlist diverse perspectives in the conversation about alien contact, and our own human reaction to it, though he emphasized that these efforts should involve researchers who are steeped in SETI history and technologies.
To that point, the basic post-detection protocol, as it stands today, is centered on making sure a detection is accurate, disseminating the news to the public as soon as it has been unambiguously confirmed, and refraining from responding to the alien civilization—not necessarily because of any inherent danger, but because a reply would need to emerge on behalf of our entire civilization, which is no simple task.
Both teams think that there are many nuances and gaps within, and around, the existing guidelines that will need to be addressed by future discussions between people with different views and backgrounds. To that end, the United Nations, the International Academy of Astronautics, and other organizations have been working for years to harness the talents of people with a wide range of expertise—including sociologists, philosophers, policy makers, and scientists—to game out the various ways in which we might first encounter alien life.
That work will have to keep pace with the exciting pace of the search for aliens in the skies, as well as the dizzying geopolitical and cultural shifts that we are experiencing right here on Earth.
“Our paper is not supposed to close the book on this topic,” said Wright. “We're having this discussion because we don't really have a good post-detection protocol yet. We have protocols that are old and they're probably insufficient, given all of the ways that we can do SETI these days.”
“The response has to represent humanity and we don't know how to do that,” he concluded. “It should not be the purview of the people who make the discovery to be the ones to respond. That's a bigger decision that needs to be made at a larger collective level. That’s the essence of the protocol.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Modern Humans and Neanderthals Lived Together in Europe for 2,000 Years!
Modern Humans and Neanderthals Lived Together in Europe for 2,000 Years!
When Homo sapiens first arrived on the European continent about 42,500 years ago, the Neanderthals were still living there, and would remain there for another 1,400 to 2,900 years before finally disappearing from the face of the Earth. When the anatomically modern humans moved in, the Neanderthals did not move out, but stayed where they were and apparently lived peacefully alongside their Homo sapiens cousins for approximately 2,000 years, give or take a few centuries.
This is the conclusion of a trio of scientists from Leiden University in the Netherlands and Cambridge University in the United Kingdom, who used a unique and sophisticated modeling method known as optimal linear estimation to pin down more exactly when the Neanderthals actually lived in western Europe. The evidence the archaeologists examined was collected from multiple excavation sites in France and northern Spain, where modern human and Neanderthal artifacts have proven relatively easy to find.
Speleofacts ring structure built by Neanderthal people in Bruniquel cave, France.
The results of this study, which have just been published in the journal Scientific Reports , offer no evidence to demonstrate that Homo sapiens and Neanderthals merged their genetic materials with each other 42,500 ago. But past research has proven that the modern human genome contains portions of Neanderthal DNA , which could have only gotten there if the two species of hominin had interbred at some point. People of European descent are among those who carry Neanderthal genetic material, so at least some of that interbreeding must have occurred on European soil.
The Stunning Convergence of Modern Humans and Neanderthals
Igor Djakovic, an archaeological PhD candidate at Leiden University and lead author of the Scientific Reports paper, acknowledges in an interview with the French press agency AFP that humans and Neanderthals “met and integrated in Europe,” at some point in the distant past, before adding that “we have no idea in which specific regions this actually happened.”
Scientists have also struggled to identify the precise years when modern humans and Neanderthals would have lived in Europe simultaneously, and this was what the scientists in the Leiden University-led study were trying to discover.
To apply their sophisticated modeling techniques to the question, the scientists gathered radiocarbon dating results connected to 56 artifacts taken from 17 archaeological sites across France and northern Spain. Half of these artifacts had been linked to Neanderthals, while the other half had been left by humans. The artifacts in question included skeletal remains of both species, plus different types of tools including distinctive stone knives believe to have been made by Neanderthals.
Distinctive stone knives thought to have been produced by the last Neanderthals in France and northern Spain. This specific and standardized technology is unknown in the preceding Neanderthal record, and may indicate a diffusion of technological behaviors between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals immediately prior to their disappearance from the region.
The idea was to cross-reference all of these dated materials, first through Bayesian statistical modeling and then through optimal linear estimation modeling, to search for signs of overlapping activity. Optimal linear estimation modeling is a technique originally developed for use in biology that has now been repurposed for examining and dating human remains and artifacts (and in this case, Neanderthal remains and artifacts as well) to relatively narrow periods of time.
In this study Baynesian modeling could only narrow the potential date ranges down so far, but optimal linear estimation allowed the scientists to achieve much further refinement.
When the final numbers were crunched, the data showed that Neanderthals went extinct in the region of France and northern Spain between 40,870 and 40,547 years ago, a range covering just over three hundred years of time. Meanwhile, it was confirmed that modern humans first migrated into this part of Europe approximately 42,500 years ago. With some variations in the approximate time frame for when the modern humans arrived, the researchers concluded that modern humans and Neanderthals would have occupied the same geographical region for between 1,400 and 2,900 years, after which Neanderthals disappeared forever.
Geographic appearance of dated occurrences for the Châtelperronian (grey circles – Neanderthal stone tools), Protoaurignacian (white squares – Homo sapiens stone tools), and directly-dated Neandertals (black skulls) in the study region between 43,400 (a) and 39,400 (f) years cal BP.
(Djakovic, I., Key, A. & M. Soressi / Nature 2022 )
Sharing Knowledge
While there is no proof, it is reasonable to conclude that interbreeding between the two genetically compatible species would have occurred at this time and at this place. Perhaps just as significantly, there are signs that an extensive “diffusion of ideas” occurred, according to Djakovic, meaning there was a meeting of the cultures and a meeting of the minds that accompanied the physical encounters.
This period of time is "associated with substantial transformations in the way that people are producing material culture," including the way they made tools and ornaments, Djakovic explained. He and his colleagues also noted a dramatic change in the types of physical artifacts being produced by Neanderthals, which started to closely resemble tools and utensils made by the modern humans.
The Death of the Neanderthals Has Been Greatly Exaggerated
The latest research reveals that the DNA of humans of European and Asian descent is between one and two percent Neanderthal. In Africans Neanderthal DNA is not found except in trace amounts , since Africans and Neanderthals did not come into contact before the latter went extinct.
With respect to the extinction of the Neanderthals, Igor Djakovic argues that the concept should be reconsidered
"When you combine that with what we know now—that most people living on Earth have Neanderthal DNA—you could make the argument that they never really went extinct, in a certain sense," Djakovic said. Instead, he hypothesized, they were “effectively swallowed into our gene pool,” where they continue to exert a small but real influence over human genetic development to this very day.
It remains a mystery why Neanderthals weren’t able to breed and produce enough offspring among themselves to preserve their viability as a distinct species after modern human contact . Many different theories have been offered, but none are universally accepted.
Nevertheless, through genetic exchanges with anatomically modern humans they were able to guarantee their survival in a different form. They are like a shadow inside us, still preserved and never to be completely forgotten.
Top image: A new study shows that modern humans and Neanderthals lived together in Europe for 2000 years.
This episode of UFO Hard Evidence looks at some of the most mind-blowing sightings and disturbing encounters on record, as well as interviews with various people from UFO circles.
To begin with, the Alien and UFO Exhibition in Blackpool is examined, including what is available to see and what is discussed. The notion of secret underground facilities in the United Kingdom used to study or even store UFOs is looked at next, including looking at some of the locations themselves.
UFO Hard Evidence then speaks with UFO researcher, Clifford Stone, and his claims of his involvement with recovered UFOs, including what projects these secret recoveries take place under, and what the future plans might be of these discreet departments.
Russell Callaghan examines some of the latest UFO videos and pictures, demonstrated techniques that are used, and how to tell how credible a piece of footage might be, before then looking at some of the better pieces of UFO footage sent to UFO Magazine over the last few years.
UFO Hard Evidence then takes to the streets of Leeds to see what general members of the public think about the idea of UFOs, including how they think the media portrays this notion.
A series of episodes from the UFOs: Hard Evidence series by Graham W Birdsall of the now defunct UK publication, UFO Magazine originally produced for Quest Publications and edited by Russel Callaghan. Originally released in 1998.
Cryptozoology is the search for and study of animals that mainstream science considers to be mythical or non-existent. Animals studied by cryptozoologists are called cryptids. Famous examples include creatures like Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and the Yeti. Unsurprisingly then, there is quite a lot of derision aimed at cryptids in scientific circles. Cryptids are the stuff of low-level tabloid magazines and conspiracy theorists, right? Wrong! Many animals that experts once believed to be cryptids are actually flesh and blood living things.
Famous Cryptids that Aren’t Actually Cryptids Anymore
1. The Platypus
The platypus is a weird animal that seems to break a lot of rules. At the time of its first discovery by Europeans, it seemed to contradict everything they thought they knew about mammals.
The platypus is a furry, Australian mammal that lives in rivers. It has the feet of an otter and the tail of a beaver. So far, not that strange. Then one looks at the head, and it appears to have a bill of a duck, unlike any other mammal.
Even stranger still is the fact that it lays eggs. Only five living mammal species do so, the platypus and four kinds of echidna (spiny anteaters). Up until the discovery of the platypus, it was common knowledge that one of the things which defined a mammal was giving birth to live offspring.
On top of this, the platypus is venomous! Venomous mammals were basically unheard of. The male platypus produces venom from glands attached to its ankle spurs. It is believed these are used defensively against other males, especially during mating season.
It’s unsurprising then that European naturalists from the 18th and 19th centuries believed the platypus to be a hoax. When the first platypus corpses arrived in Europe from Australia, the experts weren’t sure what to make of them.
Many thought it to be the work of Chinese sailors, who had previously tricked them with the corpse of a supposed mermaid. It was believed the platypus corpses were just well-put-together amalgamations of other animals! It took nearly a century for zoologists to admit they were wrong and definitively confirm the existence of the platypus.
Another poster child for famous cryptids that turned out to be real is the terrifying giant squid. Reports of the giant squid go back 2,000 years to the time of Aristotle. Pliny the Elder, a Roman naturalist, did a pretty good job describing the giant squid in his Natural History .
He got pretty much everything right, except the size. Showing that the giant squid was too massive even for the superstitious ancient writers to get right, Pliny only estimated the squid at 30 feet (9 meters) long, when in reality it's over 40 feet (12 meters) long! Early run-ins with giant squid were likely the inspiration for several mythological sea monsters , like Norse mythology’s Kraken and the Scylla of Greek mythology.
A life size model of the world record-holding giant squid discovered near Glover's Harbor, Newfoundland (ProductOfNewfoundland / CC BY NC ND 2.0 )
The giant squid remained a cryptid for so long because its existence was seemingly fantastical, and hard to verify. The sea is almost unfathomable in its size and depth. Looking for anything in the ocean, even something as huge as a giant squid, is like looking for a needle in a haystack. This is exacerbated by the fact that the giant squid is a deep sea creature, and humans haven’t spent much time down there.
The only chance early zoologists had to study and verify the giant squid was through carcasses that would very occasionally wash ashore. The problem with this was that hungry sea creatures had often begun eating the corpses before they washed ashore, meaning complete samples were rare. Added to this was the fact that the carcasses tended to rot extremely quickly, leaving little to work with.
The first recorded discovery of a mostly intact giant squid carcass was in the 1870s. However, it wasn’t until the last decade or so that we managed to take photos of a live specimen, cementing the giant squid's status as a former cryptid.
Giant squid occasionally washed ashore, but were rarely intact, and quickly decomposed. Giant squid at The Rooms in St. John's; a regular sized squid is placed in the top left corner to compare.
Stories of dreadful sea serpents that dwell in the ocean date back thousands of years. Even the Bible makes references to a gigantic beast called Leviathan that roams the briny depths looking for prey. Much like in the case of the giant squid, for a long time, scientists thought these sea monsters were too huge to be real.
Cryptozoologists, however, believe that many sightings of these historic sea monsters are cases of real animals being misidentified, and then being given a fantastical, superstitious twist. One incredibly rare species is perhaps the likely culprit.
The oarfish is a long, bony fish with an elongated body that has been found to grow to at least 56 feet (17 meters) long. They are found in oceans all over the world, but usually live in the deep ocean. They have sometimes washed ashore during storms and occasionally come to the surface when near death.
A giant oarfish (Regalecus glesne) found in Los Cabos, Mexico
It seems likely that these giant fish are responsible for at least some of these early depictions of sea serpents. The first live oarfish wasn’t filmed until 2001, showing just how rare and hard to verify these fish were.
After hearing about giant sea snakes, imaginations went wild. Sea serpents can no longer be considered cryptids, however, after documented creatures 56 feet (17 meters) long
Now obviously, unicorns as traditionally portrayed don’t exist. The unicorn is still very much a cryptid. Except it isn’t. Although no one has discovered a horned horse yet, we can go back 2,000 years and find the animals that likely inspired talk of unicorns.
Pliny the Elder described the unicorn two thousand years ago. He described it as having “the feet of the elephant, and the tail of the boar, while the rest of the body is like that of the horse; it makes a deep lowing noise, and has a single black horn, which projects from the middle of its forehead, two cubits in length. This animal, it is said, cannot be taken alive.” That sounds suspiciously like an Indian rhinoceros.
Reading Pliny the Elder’s description of a unicorn sounds a lot like the Indian rhino
There is another contender for real-life unicorn inspiration. The second is a little stranger, however, seeing as it lives in the sea. The narwhal is a type of toothed whale that lives in the freezing waters around Greenland, Canada, and Russia. Its defining feature is a large protruding canine tooth, known as its tusk. This tusk is startlingly similar to the imagined unicorn horn.
Unicorn horns were an incredibly popular curio through the Middle Ages into the Renaissance period. These unicorn horns came from narwhals that the Vikings had hunted, selling their tusks for crazy prices as unicorn horns. When the English explorer Martin Frobisher led a Canadian expedition in 1577, he came across a dead narwhal. The name he gave it? The sea unicorn.
Unicorns are still cryptids, but the ocean dwelling narwhal may have inspired unicorn legends. Its hard, pointed tusk is quite distinctive.
Before 1910, any scientist claiming to believe in a giant lizard that looked like a dragon would have been laughed out of the room. At the time, it was widely believed that giant lizards were a thing of the past, and nothing on the scale of a Komodo dragon could exist.
When pearl fishermen returned from the Lesser Sunda Islands in Indonesia telling tall tales of giant ‘land crocodiles’, no one took them seriously. After all, fishermen are famous for exaggeration. Then, in 1910, an expedition from Buitenzorg Zoological Museum visited Komodo Island and produced the first scientific report on the creatures. Lieutenant Jacques Karel Henri visited the island and took home both a Komodo dragon skin and a photograph.
The Komodo dragon remained mostly a mystery until 1926, when a second expedition went in search of the dragon. Its leader, W. Douglas Burden, came back with twelve preserved Komodo dragon bodies, as well as two live animals. It was only then the Komodo dragon truly left the realm of the cryptids and entered the world of established science.
The 1926 expedition and discovery of an animal considered by many to be prehistoric went on to inspire the 1933 film King Kong .
From cryptid to captured: A Komodo dragon at the Louisville Zoo, Kentucky, United States
Sometimes an animal becomes so commonly known that it’s surprising it was ever considered a cryptid at all. For example, the humble gorilla was considered a cryptid until 1847.
The term gorilla comes from a Carthaginian explorer called Hanno the Navigator, who was exploring the African coast in 500 BC. He described coming across a tribe of “gorillae”, monstrous and violent humans. Although it is likely he actually encountered chimps or baboons, the name has stuck.
Reports of monstrous, hairy humans who would attack and overpower villages continue throughout the centuries but were never taken seriously by scientists. In the 16th century, an English explorer described ape-like humans visiting his campfire at night.
Gorillas in general remained cryptids until 1847, when Thomas Savage found gorilla bones in Liberia. With the help of a Harvard anatomist named Jeffries Wyman, he then released a formal description of the species dubbing it, Gorilla gorilla. Sadly, from this point onwards, other anthropologists began hunting gorillas in earnest, seeking to learn as much about the discovery as possible.
The mountain gorilla stayed a cryptid for a while longer. It wasn’t formally recognized as a species until 1902, when a German officer, Captain Robert von Beringe, shot one in the Virunga region of Rwanda and took it home to Europe.
Surprisingly, gorillas were considered cryptids until the mid- to late-1800s.
The okapi is an African mammal that resembles a cross between a zebra and a donkey. Their only bizarre feature is the two hair-covered, horn-like structures called ossicones that they have just above their eyes. These may sound bizarre, but actually, the okapi is from the giraffe family, and the ossicones are pretty much the same as a giraffe's horns.
The okapi stayed in cryptid status for a long time, as they are quiet animals that live in dense forests. However, the okapi may have been depicted as early as the 5th century BC. Its unique ossicones led to its nickname as an African unicorn.
The okapi isn’t especially peculiar, certainly not compared to the giant squid or platypus. Yet it was considered a myth until 1901. The problem was its central African habitat was already well-known to European explorers, and since they had never seen one, they did not believe the tales the locals told of the okapi.
Okapi inhabit incredibly dense forests and live quiet, solitary lives. Even the locals who told stories of them were unsure. Their knowledge of the okapi predominantly came from evidence the animals left behind, like tracks, rather than actual sightings.
In 1890, Sir Henry Stanley was the first European to describe the mammal after traveling in the region. However, he had no solid proof, and so the okapi remained a cryptid. It was not until 1901 that zoologist and imperial officer Sir Harry Johnston obtained a skull and some skins with the help of locals. With this physical evidence, the okapi's existence could finally be confirmed.
The okapi wasn’t caught on film in the wild until 2008, which should give an idea of just how hard this beautiful animal is to track down.
The okapi was thought to be a cryptid until 1901. Its habitat and appearance hindered its documentation. It wasn’t caught on film until 2008!
So, if these cryptids turned out to be real, what about Nessy or Bigfoot? Why are people who believe in them still mocked and derided in the scientific community? The animals above, and in fact, all former cryptids share at least one thing in common.
They come from remote, hard-to-explore regions of the planet. These animals stayed cryptids for so long because European scientists hadn’t had a chance to fully explore their habitats yet. Once they had, these animals stop being cryptids. The problem is, besides the oceans, most of the earth's land mass has been pretty well studied by now. The likelihood of creatures as large as the okapi walking around undiscovered up to now is slim to none.
Another thing most cryptids have in common is that they were actually discovered ages ago. The okapi and mountain gorilla had been talked about by African tribes for centuries. Likewise, the indigenous peoples of Australia were likely familiar with the platypus.
The awkward truth is that the only reason these animals were never taken seriously is old-fashioned racism. For the most part, something remained cryptid until European scientists said otherwise, seeing it with their own eyes. Centuries of eyewitness accounts made by the locals didn’t count, because colonial-era European scientists lacked respect for the indigenous people of the places they were colonizing.
Although it is unlikely any more large cryptids will be discovered, there is always some hope. There are still far-flung corners of the world and the fathomless depths of the oceans we haven’t scoured yet. If we are now willing to listen to the people from these areas, who knows what we might discover?
Top Image: The Altamaha-ha legend has its roots in Muscogee traditions. This cryptid river monster with an alligator shaped head and long neck, is said to inhabit the Altamaha river and nearby marshes in southern Georgia. Will it be the next cryptid proven real?
Earth's methane 'super-emitters' REVEALED: NASA identifies more than 50 regions in Central Asia, the Middle East and US pumping out unprecedented levels of the greenhouse gas
Earth's methane 'super-emitters' REVEALED: NASA identifies more than 50 regions in Central Asia, the Middle East and US pumping out unprecedented levels of the greenhouse gas
NASA's 'EMIT' spectrometer is intended to measure solar energy reflected by airborne dust particles on Earth
However, scientists have discovered it is also capable of detecting large plumes of methane gas
So far it has picked up over 50 'super-emitter' regions, including oil and gas infrastructure in Turkmenistan
Other culprits are a waste-processing complex south of Tehran in Iran, and an oilfield in New Mexico, USA
It is hoped the knowledge will be able to inform operators of these facilities to act to reduce their emissions
An orbital NASA instrument has identified more than 50 'super-emitter' regions worldwide that are pumping out unprecedented levels of methane.
The top culprits include Turkmenistan, which produces plumes that stretch more than 20 miles (32 km) wide, Iran and New Mexico, USA.
Earth Surface Mineral Dust Investigation, or 'EMIT', is a spaceborne spectrometer that measures solar energy reflected from Earth in hundreds of wavelengths of light from the visible to the infrared range.
Its purpose is mainly to advance studies of airborne dust and its effects on climate change, but NASA scientists have discovered it can also detect areas where significant amounts of methane are being produced.
The newly measured methane hotspots - some previously known and others just discovered - include sprawling oil and gas facilities and large landfills.
'Some of the (methane) plumes EMIT detected are among the largest ever seen - unlike anything that has ever been observed from space,' said Andrew Thorpe, a NASA research technologist leading the methane studies.
'What we've found in a just a short time already exceeds our expectations.'
NASA's EMIT mission detected a methane plume 2 miles (3 km) long southeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that is much more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide
A methane plume at least 3 miles (4.8 km) long billows into the atmosphere south of Tehran, Iran. The plume, detected by NASA's EMIT mission, comes from a major landfill, where methane is a byproduct of decomposition
East of Hazar, Turkmenistan - a port city on the Caspian Sea - 12 plumes of methane stream westward. The plumes were detected by NASA's EMIT mission and some of them stretch for more than 20 miles (32 km)
Earth Surface Mineral Dust Investigation, or 'EMIT', is a spectrometer onboard the International Space Station that measures solar energy reflected from Earth in hundreds of wavelengths of light.
Its primary duty is to collect information about the mineral composition of dust blown into the atmosphere from Earth's deserts and other arid regions in Africa, Asia, North and South America and Australia.
It does this by measuring the wavelengths of light reflected from the surface soil, as darker-colour dust tends to absorb more of the sun's rays, while lighter-colour dust reflects more of them, thus cooling the area around it.
This investigation will help scientists determine whether airborne dust in different parts of the world is likely to contribute to climate change.
Methane is is a potent greenhouse gas that can trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere.
During the day, the sun shines through the atmosphere and warms the planet's surface, while at night, it cools down again, releasing heat back into the air.
However, greenhouse gases can trap some of this hot air, which results in the warming of the planet.
Methane has more than 80 times the heat-trapping potency of carbon dioxide over the first 20 years after it reaches the atmosphere.
While this does decrease over time as it breaks down, it means emissions have a more immediate impact on planetary warming.
The EMIT imaging spectrometer was launched and docked onto the International Space Station in July this year, and now circles the Earth once every 90 minutes some 250 miles (420 km) above us.
Managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), it is able to scan vast tracts of the planet dozens of miles across while also focusing in on areas as small as a football pitch.
Its primary duty is to collect information about the mineral composition of dust blown into the atmosphere from Earth's deserts and other arid regions in Africa, Asia, North and South America and Australia.
It does this by measuring the wavelengths of light reflected from the surface soil. Darker dust tends to absorb more of the sun's rays, while lighter dust reflects more of them, thus cooling the area around it.
This investigation will help scientists determine whether airborne dust in different parts of the world is likely to contribute to climate change.
However, while verifying the accuracy of the imaging spectrometer's mineral data, scientists found that it could also pinpoint emissions of methane.
This will provide them with the locations of facilities, equipment, and infrastructure that produce the gas at high rates - known as 'super-emitters' - so authorities can quickly act to limit emissions.
'We have been eager to see how EMIT's mineral data will improve climate modelling,' said Kate Calvin, NASA's chief scientist and senior climate adviser.
'This additional methane-detecting capability offers a remarkable opportunity to measure and monitor greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change.'
The cube (left) shows methane plumes (purple, orange, yellow) over Turkmenistan. The rainbow colours are the spectral fingerprints from corresponding spots in the front image. The blue line in the graph (right) shows the methane fingerprint EMIT detected; the red line is the expected fingerprint based on an atmospheric simulation
Earth Surface Mineral Dust Investigation, or 'EMIT' (pictured), is a spaceborne spectrometer that measures solar energy reflected from Earth in hundreds of wavelengths of light from the visible to the infrared range
The EMIT imaging spectrometer was launched and docked onto the International Space Station (pictured) in July this year, and now circles the Earth once every 90 minutes some 250 miles (420 km) above us. Managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) near Los Angeles, USA, it is able to scan vast tracts of the planet dozens of miles across while also focusing in on areas as small as a football pitch
Levels of methane in the atmosphere are growing 'dangerously fast', scientists warn
Levels of methane found in the atmosphere are 'growing dangerously fast', scientists have warned, and it could be global warming causing the rapid increase.
A report, published in Nature, was compiled by an international team that examines data gathered by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration throughout 2021.
Researchers found that methane in the atmosphere had raced past 1,900 parts per billion, which is triple levels found before the industrial revolution.
This 'grim new milestone' could be linked to global warming causing a rise in wetland areas, which then produce higher levels of methane, the team said.
So far, EMIT has identified more than 50 super-emitters in Central Asia, the Middle East and the Southwestern United States.
Examples of newly imaged methane super-emitters showcased by JPL include a cluster of 12 plumes from oil and gas infrastructure east of the Caspian Sea port city of Hazar in Turkmenistan.
Scientists estimate these plumes collectively spew methane at a rate of 111,000 pounds (50,400 kilograms) per hour, rivalling the peak flow of 110,000 pounds (50,000 kilograms) per hour of the 2015 Aliso Canyon gas field blowout.
Another other large emitter is the Permian Basin oilfield in New Mexico - one of the largest oilfields in the world - which generated a plume about two miles (3.3 km) long.
The third culprit revealed by NASA is a waste-processing complex south of Tehran, Iran, which emits a plume at least three miles (4.8 km) long. Methane is a byproduct of decomposition, and landfills can be a major source.
Scientists estimate flow rates of about 40,300 pounds (18,300 kilograms) per hour at the Permian site and 18,700 pounds (8,500 kilograms) per hour at the Iran site.
JPL officials said neither were previously known to scientists.
'These results are exceptional, and they demonstrate the value of pairing global-scale perspective with the resolution required to identify methane point sources, down to the facility scale,' said David Thompson, EMIT's instrument scientist and a senior research scientist at JPL.
'It's a unique capability that will raise the bar on efforts to attribute methane sources and mitigate emissions from human activities.'
Robert Green, EMIT's principal investigator at JPL, said: 'As it continues to survey the planet, EMIT will observe places in which no one thought to look for greenhouse-gas emitters before, and it will find plumes that no one expects.'
NASA says that EMITcould potentially find hundreds of previously unknown methane super-emitters before its year-long mission ends.
'Reining in methane emissions is key to limiting global warming,' said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson.
'This exciting new development will not only help researchers better pinpoint where methane leaks are coming from, but also provide insight on how they can be addressed – quickly.
'The International Space Station and NASA's more than two dozen satellites and instruments in space have long been invaluable in determining changes to the Earth's climate.
'EMIT is proving to be a critical tool in our toolbox to measure this potent greenhouse gas – and stop it at the source.'
Vitorio Pacaccini talks about Varginha Aliens photos and videos
Vitorio Pacaccini talks about Varginha Aliens photos and videos
By the time of the event in 1996, UFOlogist and expert on the subject of the Varginha ET, Vitorio Pacaccini, was a prominent figure in the community. However, he had been missing from the discussion until recently. According to him, he was able to watch a video proof of the UFO’s existence in 2012.
The Smallest, Lightest Neutron Star Ever Seen Could be a “Strange Star”
The Smallest, Lightest Neutron Star Ever Seen Could be a “Strange Star”
The life of every star is a fight against gravity. Stars are so massive they risk collapsing under their own weight, but this is balanced by the heat and pressure a star generates through nuclear fusion. Eventually, that comes to an end. The outer layers of a star will be cast off, and the remaining core will become a stellar remnant. Which kind of remnant depends on the mass of the core.
If the core is less than 1.4 solar masses, then it will collapse until the pressure of electrons balances its weight, thus becoming a white dwarf. If the core is more massive than that, up to perhaps 3 solar masses, it collapses until neutron pressure resists, creating a neutron star. Beyond that, the core will collapse into a stellar-mass black hole.
At least that seems to be the case. The most massive white dwarf we’ve found is about 1.35 solar masses, and the smallest black hole we’ve observed is about 2.6 solar masses. The most massive confirmed neutron star is about 2.14 solar masses. Of course, the cut-off ranges aren’t absolute. A stellar core might be a bit under 1.4 solar masses but experiences an explosive collapse that pushes it to become a neutron star. Neutron stars of 1.2 or 1.3 solar masses would be unusual, but not impossible. But recent observations of the neutron star HESS J1731-347 seem to give it a mass of 0.77 solar masses, which shouldn’t be possible.
Neutron stars are the densest celestial bodies in the entire universe except black holes, and the lower limit of mass is 1.1 times that of the sun. But recently, astronomers discovered that a neutron star named HESS J1731-347 has a smaller mass than the sun. It is likely not a neutron star at all, but a more special and never-before-seen “strange star” composed of quark particles and unknown exotic matter.
Neutron stars are notoriously difficult to mass. They are only about 20 kilometers in diameter and can be seen by the x-rays they give off. To calculate the mass you generally either need the neutron star to be a companion of a star, so that you can determine mass by orbital dynamics, or it needs to be a pulsar so that you can use radio observations to get a mass estimate. HESS J1731-347 is neither of these, but it does have a remnant nebula surrounding it. That remnant is illuminated by a nearby regular star, which we do know the distance of. The regular star was mapped by the Gaia spacecraft, so we know its distance really well. From that data, the team looked at the reflected light of the nebula to determine the distance of HESS J1731-347. It’s about 8,000 light-years away, which is closer than we thought.
Knowing the distance, the team then looked at x-ray observations of the neutron star. Given their luminosity, the calculated mass comes out to be 0.6 – 0.9 solar masses, which is far below the white dwarf mass limit. If this mass is accurate, our understanding of neutron stars is off. One possibility is that we don’t understand how neutron stars form. The authors propose another possibility, which is that it could be a type of quark star known as a strange star.
The difference between a neutron star and a quark star. Credit: CXC/M. Weiss
The standard view of neutron stars is that they are mostly neutrons. Some theorists argue that within the core the boundary of neutrons might break down, creating a soup of up and down quarks, thus a quark star. A strange star would be one where colliding quarks in the core create strange quarks, so that the neutron star has a core of up, down, and strange quarks. All of this is hypothetical, but since strange quarks are twenty times more massive than up and down quarks, a strange star would have a much greater density than a normal neutron star. Thus, it could hold itself together even with a mass much smaller than the Sun.
The third option is, of course, that the mass result is wrong. This is only one result, and several factors could make the neutron star appear dimmer than it actually is, thus skewing the mass result. It’s an interesting result, but not conclusive. Even the authors acknowledge that more observations are needed to confirm the result. It is indeed a strange sight, but it might not be a strange star.
Clearing the Air on a Trip to Mars: the NASA Particle Partition Challenge!
Clearing the Air on a Trip to Mars: the NASA Particle Partition Challenge!
In the coming decade, NASA and the China National Space Agency (CNSA) will send the first astronaut crews to Mars. Unlike missions to the International Space Station (ISS) or the Moon, crewed missions to Mars present several unique challenges because of the distance and transit times involved. For instance, it is only practical to send missions to Mars when our two planets are closest to each other in their orbits (known as “Opposition“), which occurs every 26 months. Even then, it can take up to nine months for spacecraft to reach Mars, creating all kinds of logistics headaches.
On top of that, there’s the need for life support systems that will maintain a breathable atmosphere inside the spacecraft. Like the system that allows astronauts to live aboard the ISS for extended periods, methods are needed to scrub waste carbon from the air and safely sequester it. HeroX, the world’s leading platform for crowdsourced solutions, has launched the NASA Particle Partition Challenge. With a total prize purse of f $45,000, this competition is looking for innovative ideas on how to ensure that astronauts can breathe comfortably on the way to Mars!
NASA is looking for a next-generation life support system to keep crews healthy on their mission to Mars. Credit: NASA
Astronauts living aboard the ISS rely on a complex life support system that routinely scrubs the air for carbon dioxide waste produced by exhalation. From 2011 to 2017, this system included a Sabatier reactor that uses heat and hydrogen gas to convert carbon dioxide into methane (CH4) and water. The methane can be used for more chemical reactions or as a fuel source. The water, another crucial resource for space exploration, can be used on its own or electrolyzed to create oxygen gas and hydrogen (which can be processed with carbon to create more methane).
For years, NASA has been working on the next-generation life support system to support crewed missions to Mars and other locations beyond the Earth-Moon system. This system will rely on a Bosch reactor, which relies on electrolysis and hydrogen gas to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen gas, with solid carbon (graphite) and water created as byproducts. Once again, the resulting water is extremely valuable as a resource, but the graphite particulates create a problem. These must be removed regularly for the reactor to keep operating and are hazardous if not removed correctly.
This represents a major challenge since Bosch reactors produce large amounts of graphite on a daily basis. According to NASA’s estimates, a crew of four astronauts will produce roughly 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of carbon particulates a day. In addition, the particulates are very fine, rating in size from 1 to 500 microns (averaging 8.36 microns). Therefore, the removal methods must be very efficient and precise so that carbon particulates don’t escape back into the spacecraft’s internal atmosphere and slowly pollute the air supply.
To this end, the Challenge is looking for innovative ways to safely and efficiently remove fine particulate carbon from a continuously-running Bosch reactor without impacting its performance. The winning designs will have the chance to become part of the life support systems used by astronauts as they make the long journey to Mars. It will also aid in the development of future extraterrestrial habitats that will enable long-duration missions on the surface of the Moon and Mars. In short, the technology this Challenge inspires will become essential to future missions to deep space, where opportunities for resupply are few and far between, and sustainability and self-sufficiency are vital.
Artist’s concept of a bimodal nuclear rocket making the journey to the Moon, Mars, and other destinations in the Solar System. Credit: NASA
“This problem has been brought to the right people,” said HeroX CEO Kal K. Sahota. “The HeroX community is ready to help again, this time breathing life into the length of planetary missions.”
To encourage the next generation of innovators and potential astronauts, there will also be a Junior challenge running concurrently for competitors under 18 years of age. This Challenge will ask competitors to develop ideas for how habitats far from Earth can maintain a breathable atmosphere for their inhabitants. The Challenge kicked off at 09:00 AM EDT (06:00 AM PDT) today (Wednesday, October 26th) and will remain open to submissions until January 12th, 2023.
The judging panel will finish evaluating submissions in early March, followed by the announcement of the three winning entries on March 16th. The competition is open to anyone 18 years of age or older, participating as an individual or a team from anywhere in the world, as long as U.S. federal sanctions do not prohibit participation (some restrictions apply).
Winners of this single-phase competition will share a total prize purse of $45,000, while the top three participants in the Junior category will each receive public recognition and NASA swag. For more information on the Challenge and eligibility, head over to the HeroX competition page.
Triangular UFO hiding in the clouds above White Sands Missile Range?
Triangular UFO hiding in the clouds above White Sands Missile Range?
A couple from Las Cruces, NM, near White Sands Missile Range captured what looks like a large triangular UFO hiding in the clouds.
Linda Moulton Howe discusses and analyzes the strange sky phenomenon.
A first analyze:
So far I don't see anything in this image that says definitively 'real or fake'. There are some subtleties in the cloud formation in front of the triangle that suggest it's real, but that could be chalked up to skillful photoshopping. My truth-o-meter says" 65% probability of being genuine. But I still need to see the raw file.
After receiving the raw file, ok, the metadata is intact and the photo looks kosher. The original image had lower contrast, so it looks as if they spiked up a little in the version they sent you, but otherwise it appears unchanged. The sun is behind the object and there's no way to tell the object's actual shape, but its corner angle is a little more than 90 degrees, so either it's pyramidal or, if square or cubical, the top corner is leaning away from the camera.
More analyses and suggestions on this object, which may not be a natural phenomenon, starts at around the 7, 30 minutes in the video.
Three Sightings starting in Missouri and ending on a wind farm in Great Britain.
Video Source MUFON and personal recordings.
Alien Probe, Sentient Machine, Nuclear Weapon, or Junk? What is the Betz Mystery Sphere?
Alien Probe, Sentient Machine, Nuclear Weapon, or Junk? What is the Betz Mystery Sphere?
In the Spring of 1974, a large brush fire swept across the property owned by Antoine and Gerri Betz.
While assessing the damage, they noticed something very out of place.
Lying in the smoldering grass, was a highly polished, metal sphere. This became known as the Betz sphere or the Betz orb.
Terry Betz, Antoine and Jerri's 21-year-old son, went to pick up the sphere. Although it was only 8-inches in diameter, it was extremely heavy.
Then the Betz family did something with the sphere that would change their lives forever. Something that the family would come to regret.
Flying saucer filmed in Tucson, AZ, Oct 2022
Video shared on Twitter by think tank, recorded on October 21, 2022 in Tucson, Arizona, USA.
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Skinwalker Ranch - The Full Story | Documentary
A ranch in Utah has, ever since it was first reported on in 1996, been regarded as one of the most significant hotspots of paranormal activity in the entire world. Moreover, it is also one of the few to be thoroughly investigated by professional teams of researchers. What really happened here? In this video, we will find out.
This is a leaked photo of the Varginha, Brazil Alien. This could be authentic!
This is a leaked photo of the Varginha, Brazil Alien. This could be authentic!
In 1996, various people in the Varginha area of Brazil reported seeing multiple UFOs. According to media reports, the military was able to capture one or more of these extraterrestrial beings.
For over two decades, researcher and former student of the Varginha Beings, Vitorio Pacaccini, kept a low-profile. He just revealed that in 2012, a high-ranking military officer gave him permission to watch a video of the creature. At a secret location, the officer showed him a laptop that contained the footage.
The creature was described the same way as did the local girls that witnessed this alien being. It had a large head and enormous red eyes that protruded from its socket. They tried to get it to move, but it fell and staggered. It was then brought back to its feet.
They tried to give it fruits and vegetables, but it didn’t accept them. It also didn’t want water. The room they were in was reportedly the office of a military installation, which was most likely at the ESA. At various times in the video, the military talked about the creature’s bad odor and told the medics to hurry up and finish filming.
According to Pacaccini, the creature’s genetic analyses revealed that it had an ancestry of human DNA. All of the captured aliens were sent to the United States.
He claims that the videos and photos of the extraterrestrials taken by the paramedics at the Humanitas and Regional hospitals will be released soon.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Abduction of Antônio Vilas-Boas, 1957
Abduction of Antônio Vilas-Boas, 1957
Four years before the more famous Hill Abduction, a Brazilian farmer had a hair-raising experience that is eerily reminiscent of the “alien abduction” stories brought to light in the 1980s and 90s. His case is now widely considered the first alien abduction of the post-war era, and the first to imply an agenda of alien-human hybridization.
Information about this abduction case surrounding the late Brazilian farmer Antônio Vilas-Boas (who later became a lawyer) is available in UFO historian Jerome Clark’s two-volume “The UFO Encyclopedia (2nd Edition)- The Phenomenon from the Beginning” (Volume 2: L-Z, pp.974-977).
The anti-UFO movement advises those who are kidnapped to steal a keepsake from their captors. But that would be like telling a koala bear to steal a gadget from his/her human (scientific) captors! In one of the nature documentaries I've ever seen, researchers captured a koala bear, transported it to the lab, and then returned him/her to the exact location where they first took him/her. He/she is aware that something happened and that he/she was taken, but he/she is unsure of who took him/her and why.
It's evident that humans are not at the top of the heap, cosmologically speaking.
In 1885, a group of miners has discovered what appears to be an underground city under Missouri, after excavating a buried shaft deep underground.
Dozens of amazing artifacts , ranging from stone benches to knives, including a set that flowed with pure water mixed with lime. All of this has supposedly been discovered within an underground city found in Missouri County.
mysterious underground city
Although the artifacts found are extremely enigmatic, something was discovered that surprised the experts much more; a human skeleton .
Next to the source of water and lime, parts of a human being were found. During his studies, it was discovered that it was up to 3 times larger than an ordinary human. In addition, given the robustness of the limbs, it is possible that it was much stronger muscularly and faster.
The defunct newspaper of St. Paul, Minn., the ST. Paul Daily , wrote the following:
“The bones of the leg were measured, the femur is 4 and 1/2 feet, the tibia four feet and three inches. The head bones had been separated into two pieces, and the sagittal and cornal suturis had been destroyed.
In addition to the strange artifacts, the miners also found several labyrinthine pathways leading away from the surface. These seemed to have some kind of configuration, as well as containing a number of pieces that seemed to be part of ancient machinery.
surprising discoveries
According to the promoters, all this information was perfectly documented by the miners in 1885.
The miners were the ones who explored the place for hours, until the oil from the gas lamps forced them to return to the surface, preventing visibility inside the mysterious underground tunnels .
Despite the fact that certain theorists and popularizers assure that this mysterious story is totally true, no evidence has been found to support it.
Even so, it would not be the first time that large structures have been found under the surface in the United States, such as an underground city. The presence of human remains that could have belonged to giants is not strange either .
In fact, the entire American continent is full of these stories and there is a whole debate around this theory. Is there really an underground city in Missouri? Here is an interesting video about another supposed city of giants
The Ancient Egyptians faced many foes during their long history, including the Hyksos, the Hittites and the ‘Sea Peoples’, all of which stimulated advancements in military technology.
Hemmed in by natural barriers – the desert, the Mediterranean and the Red Sea – the ancient Egyptians were mostly concerned with staving off threats from the desert tribes and the Nubians to the south.
A ‘forward policy’ emerged, by which the Egyptians pushed aggressively into neighbouring territories, and this evolved until the Egyptians were campaigning in Syria, Libya, Nubia and the Kush. The pharaoh’s status as a warrior king became of paramount importance.
During the New Kingdom period, ancient Egyptian military might reached its zenith, with war chariots and siege craft increasingly important, although the use of actual siege engines appears to have been limited.
Chariots were not a traditional part of the ancient Egyptian army until they encountered them in their expeditions into Asia, along with other new military technologies.
The ancient Egyptians of the Old and Middle Kingdoms did not even make much use of horses, except for scouting and delivering messages.
The Hyksos invasion of ancient Egypt, which resulted in them gaining control over areas in the eastern delta, was originally thought to have been facilitated by the widespread use of chariots, but that is now disputed.
What is clear is that the ancient Egyptians learned about chariots and quickly embraced the concept. Steady improvements in design – the wheels were at first solid, then made with four spokes and later with six – made chariots sturdier and faster, but they remained primarily a missile platform in the ancient Egyptian army.
This contrasted with the use of chariots by other peoples. The Hittites, for example, manned heavy chariots with three men – a driver and two spear-wielding troops. For the ancient Egyptians, two-man crews in a lighter chariot worked best, with a driver and an archer teaming up.
Thousands of these chariots could harass an enemy effectively from a safe distance, and by the time of the New Kingdom, arrowheads were bronze rather than the original flint.
The chariot soon became the most prestigious element on the battlefield, and pharaohs are often depicted wielding a bow from a chariot. The gold-plated example found in the tomb of Tutankhamun confirms that they were highly regarded symbols of military prowess.
The heavy spear was the main weapon throughout the different phases of the ancient Egyptian army. It was used as a thrusting weapon rather than being thrown like a javelin, and used in conjunction with a wide, wooden shield. Spearheads were originally flint or copper, becoming bronze in later periods.
Heavy infantry would advance towards an enemy in formation, presenting a wall of shields over which the spears could be thrust.
This should not be mistaken for the highly disciplined use of shields and spears in the Greek phalanx tactics, however – Egyptian spears were far shorter.
A shield would typically be about 85cm (33in) in length, and heavily decorated ceremonial shields were often buried with pharaohs and other dignitaries. They were also carried by chariot drivers.
Axes were an important secondary weapon, and a variety of axehead designs were developed. Strictly a close-range weapon, a bronze axehead would be affixed to a wooden pole and used in a slashing motion.
Bows were originally made from animal horn, then wood, and the composite design had been adopted by the time of the New Kingdom.
This design added range and power, but made the weapon harder to wield, so simpler bows never fell out of use completely.
During the New Kingdom, the ancient Egyptian military became a far more organized and effective fighting force. Nowhere was this more apparent than within the ranks of the infantry.
By the time of Ramesses II this was a highly sophisticated arm. Troops were divided into divisions of around 5,000 men. In the army Ramesses took into battle at Kadesh, he had four such divisions, named ‘Amun’, ‘Ra’, ‘Ptah’ and ‘Sutekh’.
Each division was divided into 20 companies of 250 men each, with further divisions down to platoons of 50. Platoons were commanded by the ‘great ones of the fifty’.
The heavy infantry wore no armour, but carried large shields and had spears as their main weapon, along with axes and swords.
Complementing the heavy foot soldiers were archers, by now recruited in ancient Egypt and armed with composite bows. Their job was to disrupt the enemy from a distance while the heavy infantry formations closed to engage.
Archers often went into battle on chariots, enabling them to keep their distance from the enemy. If forced to fight, they had small shields and daggers.
There was a solid logistical system to keep the men and horses fed and watered, including a sizeable baggage train and supply ships.
The ancient Egyptian navy was originally limited mainly to use on the Nile, but it did serve a function as a supply and transportation arm. It was never considered separate from the army itself.
Ships could either be made from reeds or from wooden planks, the latter being more suited to engaging in battle.
During the reign of Ramesses III, ancient Egypt was threatened by the ‘Sea Peoples’, and naval engagements were fought in which the ancient Egyptians appear to have won through superior tactics, despite having inferior ship designs.
In an echo of Egypt’s chariot tactics, they employed lighter ships to harass the enemy from a distance, peppering them with fire from bows and slingshots.
David Smith. All About History – Book of Pharaohs
Bas-relief of Thutmose III dominating his enemies. Karnak temple pylon.
Expedition ship to Punt: The ancient Egyptians sailed the high seas in large ships with oars and square sails, like this one. Papyrus copy of one of the ships sent to the country of Punt by Queen Hatshepsut, depicted at Deir el-Bahari.
Bronze Egyptian Khopesh with the name of Pharaoh Ramses II.
NASA detecteert meer dan 50 superuitstoters van methaan vanuit de ruimte: “Unieke kans om uitstoot van menselijke activiteiten te verminderen”
WETENSCHAP - De Amerikaanse ruimteorganisatie NASA heeft vanuit de ruimte meer dan 50 superuitstoters van methaan gedetecteerd op aarde. Het gaat om olie- en gasfaciliteiten en stortplaatsen in onder andere Iran, Turkmenistan en de VS. Van bepaalde uitstootwolken was het bestaan nog niet bekend bij de wetenschappers. “Sommige van de methaanpluimen die EMIT heeft gedetecteerd, behoren tot de grootste die ooit gezien zijn”, vertelt onderzoeker Andrew Thorpe aan persbureau Reuters.
EMIT staat voor Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation en is een meettoestel dat sinds juli aan het internationaal ruimtestation ISS hangt. Het instrument werd de ruimte ingeschoten om het effect van stof in de atmosfeer op klimaatverandering te onderzoeken, maar het blijkt nog een andere kwaliteit te hebben. EMIT kan ook erg nauwkeurig de aanwezigheid van methaan, een krachtig broeikasgas, op aarde opsporen, meldt NASA.
Sinds de installatie van de beeldspectrometer op het ISS in juli hebben wetenschappers al meer dan 50 superuitstoters van methaan in kaart kunnen brengen. Meestal gaat het om sites of sectoren in Centraal-Azië, het Midden-Oosten en het zuidwesten van de Verenigde Staten die met landbouw, afvalverwerking of fossiele brandstoffen te maken hebben.
Zo werd in de atmosfeer ten zuiden van de Iraanse hoofdstad Teheran een methaanpluim van net geen vijf kilometer bij een grote stortplaats waargenomen. Methaan is een van de stoffen die bij afvalverwerking vrijkomen. In Turkmenistan werd een cluster van twaalf methaanpluimen gespot bij een olie- en gasinfrastructuur. Sommige van die wolken zijn meer dan 30 kilometer lang, aldus NASA. Een olieveld in de Amerikaanse staat New Mexico kwam ook uit de bus als superuitstoter: ten zuiden van de stad Carlsbad kon EMIT een methaanpluim van drie kilometer blootleggen.
De enorme methaanpluimen in Iran en de VS waren nieuw voor de wetenschappers, schrijft Reuters.
Methaan is een krachtig broeikasgas dat bijdraagt aan klimaatverandering. In tegenstelling tot koolstofdioxide - dat eeuwenlang in de atmosfeer blijft hangen - blijft methaan slechts ongeveer tien jaar bestaan. Het betekent dat de vermindering van de methaanuitstoot een directer effect heeft op de opwarming van de aarde.
En dat beseffen ook de NASA-onderzoekers. “Het inperken van de methaanemissies is de sleutel tot het beperken van de opwarming van de aarde”, zegt Bill Nelson van de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie. “Deze nieuwe ontwikkeling zal onderzoekers niet alleen kunnen helpen om methaanlekken beter te detecteren, maar ook inzicht geven in hoe ze sneller aangepakt kunnen worden.” Onderzoeker David Thompson spreekt van uitzonderlijke resultaten. “Het is een unieke kans om methaanbronnen aan te wijzen en de uitstoot van menselijke activiteiten te verminderen”, zegt hij.
Bekijk ook.
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Scientists Detect Unexpected Element Around 2 Exotic Exoplanets
Scientists Detect Unexpected Element Around 2 Exotic Exoplanets
One planet rains liquid gems, and the other experiences flurries of iron. And now another surprise has shown up in their atmospheres.
Monisha Ravisetti
An artists's illustration shows the night-side view of exoplanet WASP-76 b. The rain you see is made of iron droplets. To the left of the image, we see the evening border of the exoplanet, where it transitions from day to night.
M. Kornmesser/ESO
On Thursday, astronomers working with the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope announced a perplexing discovery. Two exoplanets, both of which are already considered highly exotic, appear to be even weirder than we thought.
Not only do these worlds exhibit strange sci-fi characteristics -- one likely holds metal clouds from which liquid gems descend, and the other seems to rain iron rather than water -- but they also have barium in their atmospheres.
What's the big deal about barium, you ask?
Well, this may be a breakthrough finding for astronomy because, according to the team's new study, published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, it marks the heaviest element ever detected in an exoplanet's atmosphere.
"This was in a way an 'accidental' discovery," Tomás Azevedo Silva, an astronomer at the University of Porto in Portugal and lead author of the study, said in a statement. "We were not expecting or looking for barium in particular and had to cross-check that this was actually coming from the planet since it had never been seen in any exoplanet before."
Even on Earth, barium atoms are known as pretty hefty. They're typically combined with other elements to make things like drilling fluids for oil wells, glassmaking tools and paint. In fact, the name "barium" is derived from the Greek word barys, which means -- you guessed it -- heavy.
So identifying such a medium in an exoplanet's atmosphere, where lighter elements like oxygen, carbon and hydrogen tend to reside, is fascinating.
Ultrapuzzling, ultrahot Jupiters
The extraordinary orbs, WASP-76b and WASP-121b, are both categorized as ultrahot Jupiters. While they're comparable in size to Jupiter, a giant about 11 times wider than Earth, they exhibit surface temperatures higher than 1,000 degrees Celsius. That's because they're really (really) close to their host stars. But this closeness is key to their quirks.
First of all, such proximity, scientists believe, is what gives these worlds their oddball characteristics, like how WASP-76 b is thought to experience showers of iron, an element we use to build heavy-duty machinery here on Earth. And second, it's what makes them a great target for atmospheric observations.
"Being gaseous and hot, their atmospheres are very extended and are thus easier to observe and study than those of smaller or cooler planets," Oliver Demangeon, study co-author and fellow astronomer from the University of Porto, said in a statement.
An artist's impression of an ultrahot Jupiter transiting its host star
M. Kornmesser/ESO
The team used an instrument on ESO's VLT named Espresso, which analyzes starlight passing through an exoplanet's atmosphere. Based on the properties of the starlight, it's possible to basically reverse-calculate what kind of atmosphere it had to pass through before reaching the analyzer, and therefore decode what elements live in that atmosphere. From Espresso's results, the researchers confirmed the existence of expected atmospheric elements such as hydrogen, magnesium, sodium and lithium.
Barium was the new addition -- and it's especially intriguing, according to the scientists, that atmospheric barium wasn't just located in these planets' shields. It was specifically seen in the upper layers of those shields. If anything, it'd be more understandable for the heavy element to exist in lower layers, potentially pulled down by its own weight. A 2019 study about WASP-121 b's initial identification by the Hubble Space Telescope, for instance, even notes how the planet houses a bunch of heavy metals in its lower atmosphere.
"The puzzling and counterintuitive part is: why is there such a heavy element in the upper layers of the atmosphere of these planets?" Azevedo Silva said.
The answer? We simply don't know yet. Or as Demangeon puts it, "at the moment, we are not sure what the mechanisms are."
We have yet another exoplanet mystery waiting to be solved. And perhaps I'm thinking wishfully, but this does sound awfully like a job for everyone's favorite new astronomy toy: NASA's James Webb Space Telescope. Only time will tell.
Spooky NASA Webb Telescope Image Captures 'Fingerprint' of Rare Star System
Spooky NASA Webb Telescope Image Captures 'Fingerprint' of Rare Star System
About 5,000 light-years from Earth, these 17 dust halos represent over a century of starry congregation.
Monisha Ravisetti
The two stars in Wolf-Rayet 140 produce shells of dust every eight years that look like rings, as seen in this image from NASA's James Webb Space Telescope.
Since July, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has delivered some of the most unbelievable space images we've ever laid eyes on. In just a few months, this pioneering machine has built a stunning repertoire of glowing nebular portraits, possible proof of ancient galaxies and even refreshing perspectives ofplanets in our own solar system.
But on Wednesday, the JWST shook things up a bit -- again.
As detailed by a paper published in the journal Nature Astronomy, it presented us with an image of 17 concentric dust rings -- though one thing hasn't changed. Like with the rest of the 'scope's lovely space discoveries, these haloes are just as breathtaking as they are crucial to the field of astronomy.
The agency believes these hazy rings are the result of two stars, located just over 5,000 light-years from Earth, treading close enough for their stellar winds to share a kiss now and then. In essence, every time the stars' sparkly streams of gas intertwine, they form a dusty ring. It's almost like they mark their union in spaceborne stone -- or, as NASA puts it, leave behind a "fingerprint."
What's especially fascinating about these stellar memories is they allow us to calculate the passage of time.
Basically, each of those 17 rings signifies exactly one starry rendezvous in the way each ring formed by a tree indicates a year of the plant's life. In fact, the stellar bodies' nested loops even resemble the inside of a tree trunk, bringing about a poignant reminder that everything we see -- from the mightiest stars and farthest planets to the greenest leaves and smallest bugs -- is part of the same, cohesive universe.
Rings inside a tree trunk, like these, indicate the age of the tree.
Getty Images
"We're looking at over a century of dust production from this system," Ryan Lau, an astronomer at the National Science Foundation's NOIRLab and lead author of the new study, said in a statement. "The image also illustrates just how sensitive this telescope is."
Before, with the ground-based telescopes available to us, we were able to see only two dust rings, Lao explains. "Now, we see at least 17 of them."
All in all, from what the JWST captured, scientists think the stars' special meeting occurs about once every eight years.
For the first time, @NASAWebb saw rings of stardust from a rare type of dual star system.
Every eight years, these two stars come close to each other, and the interaction forms a new cosmic ring. Ground scopes saw two; Webb revealed at least 17:
The find is thanks to the JWST's Mid-Infrared instrument, of MIRI. In contrast to the 'scope's Near-Infrared sensors -- pretty much the big-dog tool on this machine -- MIRI focuses on light emanating from spaceborne objects found on the mid-infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Typically, the JWST's Near-Infrared equipment is what gives us the bulk of our beautiful cosmic images, but when it comes to studying outer space dust rings, NASA brings MIRI up to bat. This part of the JWST is simply better suited to find cooler objects, the agency says, like the wispy hoops, and even succeed in revealing their composition.
Further, the study team notes, one star in this stellar system is considered a rarity.
It's called a Wolf-Rayet star. (The duo is aptly named Wolf-Rayet 140 because of this). The other star is an O-type star, a superhot object that's also relatively difficult to spot.
Wolf-Rayet stars, unlike standard stars, shed an incredible amount of mass over time, meaning they also tend to spit out heavy elements rooted deeply inside them. They also have a lot of mass to shed because they're at least 25 times more massive than our sun. And at the end of their life, they tend to turn into some of the most extreme known objects in our universe: black holes.
This graphic shows the relative size of the sun, upper left, compared with the two stars in the system known as Wolf-Rayet 140. The O-type star is roughly 30 times the mass of the sun, while its companion is about 10 times the mass of the sun.
According to NASA, stars generally eject only the (very light) element hydrogen. But it's those heavy elements emitted by Wolf-Rayets that cool in the stellar wind, thereby compressing when they meet another star's breeze and potentially fostering the right environment for new stars to form. In fact, some scientists believe the sun rose from compressed Wolf-Rayet residue long ago.
With regard to WR-140, such compression seems to form the concentric circles we see left behind. Possibly, the agency explains, that's because of the system's elongated orbit. Only about 600 of these so-called Wolf-Rayet stars have been found in our galaxy so far, though scientists suspect there should be at least a few thousand total.
"Even though Wolf-Rayet stars are rare in our galaxy because they are short lived as far as stars go, it's possible they've been producing lots of dust throughout the history of the galaxy before they explode and/or form black holes," Patrick Morris, an astrophysicist at Caltech and co-author of the new study, said in a statement.
"I think with NASA's new space telescope we're going to learn a lot more about how these stars shape the material between stars and trigger new star formation in galaxies."
NASA's James Webb Telescope Captures Rare View of Galaxies Merging
NASA's James Webb Telescope Captures Rare View of Galaxies Merging
The next-gen instrument spots a rather extreme cosmic scene.
Monisha Ravisetti
What you're looking at is evidence of a massive galaxy merger happening 11.5 billion light-years away.
ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, D. Wylezalek, A. Vayner & the Q3D Team, N. Zakamska
Now that we have a powerful lens pointed toward the deepest regions of the universe, our definition of "surprise" has slightly altered when it comes to astronomy pics.
Instead, whenever the telescope sends back a jaw-dropping space image, it now elicits more of a "JWST strikes again" feeling. And still, our jaws legitimately drop every single time.
This sort of dissonant version of "surprise" has happened yet again -- to a pretty extreme degree. Last week, scientists presented the JWST's brilliant view of a galaxy cluster merging around a massive black hole that houses a rare quasar -- aka an incomprehensibly bright jet of light spewing from the void's chaotic center.
There's a lot going on here, I know. But the team behind the find thinks it could escalate even further.
"We think something dramatic is about to happen in these systems," Andrey Vayner, a Johns Hopkins astronomer and co-author of a study about the scene soon to be published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, said in a statement. For now, you can check out a detailed outline of the discovery in a paper published on arXiv.
An artist's concept of a galaxy with a brilliant quasar at its center.
NASA, ESA and J. Olmsted (STScI)
Especially fascinating about this portrait is that the quasar at hand is considered an "extremely red" quasar, which means it's super far away from us and therefore physically rooted in a primitive region of space that falls near the beginning of time.
In essence, because it takes time for light to travel through space, every stream of cosmic light that reaches our eyes and our machines is seen as it was long ago. Even moonlight takes about 1.3 seconds to reach Earth, so when we peer up at the moon, we're seeing it 1.3 seconds in the past.
More specifically with this quasar, scientists believe it took about 11.5 billion years for the object's light to reach Earth, meaning we're seeing it as it was 11.5 billion years ago. This also makes it, according to the team, one of the most powerful of its kind observed from such a gargantuan distance (11.5 billion light-years away, that is).
"The galaxy is at this perfect moment in its lifetime, about to transform and look entirely different in a few billion years," Vayner said of the realm in which the quasar is anchored.
Analyzing a galactic rarity
In the colorful image provided by Vayner and fellow researchers, we're looking at several things.
Enlarge ImageEach color in this image represents material moving at a different velocity.
ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, D. Wylezalek, A. Vayner & the Q3D Team, N. Zakamska
On the left is a Hubble Space Telescope view of the region studied by the team, and in the middle is a blown-up version of the spot that the JWST zeroed-in on. Glance to the far right of this image, where four individually color-coded boxes are seen and you'll be analyzing different aspects of the JWST data broken down by velocity.
Red stuff is moving away from us and blue toward us, for instance.
This classification shows us how each of the galaxies involved in the spectacular merger are behaving -- including the one that holds the extreme black hole and accompanying red quasar, which is, in fact, the only one the team expected to uncover with NASA's multibillion dollar instrument.
"What you see here is only a small subset of what's in the data set," Nadia L. Zakamska, a Johns Hopkins astrophysicist and co-author of the study, said in a statement. "There's just too much going on here so we first highlighted what really is the biggest surprise. Every blob here is a baby galaxy merging into this mommy galaxy and the colors are different velocities and the whole thing is moving in an extremely complicated way."
Now, Zakamska says, the team will start to untangle the motions and enhance our view to an even greater extent. Already, though, we're looking at information far more incredible than the team expected to begin with. Hubble and the Gemini-North telescope previously showed the possibility of a transitioning galaxy but definitely didn't hint at the swarm we can see with the JWST's awesome infrared equipment.
In another spectacular image taken by Webb's Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam), a smattering of hundreds of background galaxies, varying in size and shape, appear alongside the Neptune system.
"With previous images, we thought we saw hints that the galaxy was possibly interacting with other galaxies on the path to merger because their shapes get distorted in the process," Zakamska said. "But after we got the Webb data, I was like, 'I have no idea what we're even looking at here, what is all this stuff!' We spent several weeks just staring and staring at these images."
Soon enough, it became clear that the JWST was showing us at least three separate galaxies moving incredibly fast, the team said. They even believe this could mark one of the densest known areas of galaxy formation in the early universe.
An artistic impression of the quasar P172+18, which is associated with a black hole 300 times more massive than the sun.
ESO/M. Kornmesser
Everything about this complex image is mesmerizing. We have the black hole, that Zakamska calls a "monster," a highly rare jet of light being spit from that black hole and a gaggle of galaxies on a collision course -- all seen as they were billions of years in the past.
So, dare I say it? The JWST strikes again, offering us an exceedingly precious cosmic vignette. Cue, jaw drop.
Webb and Hubble Peer Into the Wreckage of a Galactic Collision
This image from the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope depicts IC 1623, an entwined pair of interacting galaxies which lies around 270 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Cetus.
Credit: ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, L. Armus & A. Evans; CC BY 4.0 Acknowledgement: R. Colombari.
Webb and Hubble Peer Into the Wreckage of a Galactic Collision
The Hubble Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope have each taken a look at a pair of intertwined galaxies that are 270 million light-year away from Earth, together called IC 1623. Scientists say this galactic collision has ignited frenzied star formation called a starburst, creating new stars at a rate more than 20 times that of our Milky Way.
Astronomers have long anticipated having the two iconic telescopes work in tandem. At first glance, it might be hard to tell which telescope took which image – both are beautiful.
But JWST’s image includes the prominent diffraction spikes which we’ve come to know and expect from the new telescope. The 6-pronged, snowflake-like diffraction spikes are created by the interaction of bright starlight with the physical structure of the telescope. Here, the bright core of the galaxy merger combined with Webb’s ability to pierce through the gaseous shroud obscuring the bright starlight create the spikes, which appear right on top of the galaxy in this image.
This image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope depicts IC 1623, an entwined pair of interacting galaxies. Credit: NASA/ ESA, the Hubble Heritage team (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration, and A. Evans (University of Virginia, Charlottesville/NRAO/Stony Brook University).
On the other hand, Hubble’s image of this interacting galaxy system show’s HST’s familiar signature bright-pink colors that – throughout the years – we’ve come to know as active regions where stars are forming. Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) can study star formation at visual wavelengths in luminous and ultra-luminous infrared galaxies, and combining data from Hubble’s ACS and the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) shows the view in visible-light, where the centers of the individual galaxies are much more obscured by dark dust. Their cores of the two galaxies are pale blue and their spiral arms are merging together.
IC 1623 is an interacting galaxy system that is very bright when observed in the infrared. This makes it a great target for proving JWST’s Webb’s ability to study luminous galaxies. The European Space Agency explained that a team of astronomers captured IC 1623 across the infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum using a trio of Webb’s cutting-edge scientific instruments: the mid-infrared instrument MIRI, the near-infrared spectrograph NIRSpec, and the near-infrared camera NIRCam. All the data gathered by the three instruments will allow the astronomical community to fully explore how Webb’s capabilities will help to to shed more light on the complex interactions in galactic systems.
The merger of these two galaxies has long been of interest to astronomers, as the ongoing, extreme starburst causes intense infrared emissions. Could the merging galaxies be in the process of forming a supermassive black hole?
Previous observations of IC 1623 support the idea that the galaxy pair is approaching the final stage of its merger, when a violent central inflow of gas will trigger even more intense starburst activity that could boost the infrared luminosity above the ultra-luminous threshold. Astronomers say the system will likely evolve into a compact starburst system, similar to a more famous merger, Arp 220.
Hubble image of massive star clusters in the galaxy Arp 220. Image credit: NASA/ESA
In 1972, a group of Japanese kids had run-ins with a UFO, which they managed to capture for a brief time. This incident could have been one of the inspirations for J.J. Abrams’ “Super 8.”
In the western world, there is not a lot of information about the strange incidents that happened on August 25, 1972, in Kchi City, which is located in Japan’s Shikoku Island. One of the individuals who caught the attention of the media was 13-year-old Michio Seo. He was on his way home from school when he saw the strange object hovering over a rice field.
As he watched the object move above the rice field, he was stunned by its appearance. The object looked like a silver hat with a narrow lip and a flat bottom. It had a curved dome at the top. According to him, the movement of the object resembled that of a bat that was making a series of hairpin turns in pursuit of its prey.
Upon seeing the object, his curiosity took over and he started to approach it. However, before he could get close enough, the saucer allegedly shot a blinding beam at him. He then left the area to avoid further confrontation with the UFO.
After returning home, he immediately contacted his friends to inform them about his strange encounter. Among his friends were Yasuo Fujimoto, Hiroshi Mori, and Katsuoka Kojima. Although they were skeptical, they started a search party for the saucer.
At around 7:00 pm, the group of boys went to the rice field. They had been keeping a close eye on the saucer as it hovered over the field for around an hour. Suddenly, the object returned and started to emit a multicolored light. The teenagers looked at the saucer with stunned looks. As the sun started to set, the device started to emit a dazzling light.
As the teenagers watched the UFO, one of them started to stalk it. He soon realized that it was moving erratically and started to emit a loud pop. The object then started to glow with a bluish-green color. This frightened the other teenagers and sent them running back to their homes.
After almost a week following their encounter, the boys went back to the area on September 4. They encountered the same UFO again at around 9:30 pm. The object, which was flying at an altitude of almost three feet above the ground, started to glow and moved toward them. The boys immediately ran away from the area.
The boys then decided to purchase a camera in an attempt to capture the saucer on film. They started their surveillance operation the following night. Although the saucer did not return, the following night would be different.
The boys’ persistence paid off on September 6 when they spotted the saucer in the middle of the field while they were on their way to the rice paddy. With their new camera, the teenagers took a photo of the UFO before they approached it.
After the flashbulb on the saucer broke, the object started to spin and rose into the air. A cameraman then captured another image of the saucer as it rose into the sky.
It’s unclear what exactly happened next. However, it’s widely believed that the saucer produced a bright light before crashing to the ground.
As the UFO continued to spin, it almost appeared to be burrowing into the ground. Fourteen-year-old Hiroshi Mori, who was the first to spot the UFO, decided to approach it. With his bare hands, he bent over and lifted the saucer. He claimed that he felt something inside.
The boys were stunned by the object, which they then wrapped in a plastic bag and placed inside their backpack. After examining it, the boys declared that it was almost 8 inches wide and almost 4 inches tall. According to them, the saucer weighed around three pounds.
The boys then noticed that the saucer had three different designs on its base. They believed that the designs represented various objects, such as clouds or waves. However, the saucer did not have a propulsion system.
After inspecting the saucer, the boys packed it inside a plastic bag and sent it to the home of their scientist friend, Yasuo Fujimoto. His father, Mutsuo, was the head of a science education center in Kchi.
Although he was not aware of the significance of the object, the elder Fujimoto decided to give it a superficial examination. He did this without taking the necessary time to thoroughly examine it.
The boys’ frequent trips out eventually caught the attention of their parents. As a result, Mutsuo told his son about the object. Although he did not give much importance to the object, he eventually decided to examine it. The saucer had a top down that was hard to open, and it had pieces that resembled radio components.
After Mr. Fujimoto’s brief encounter with the saucer, it was returned to the backpack of the scientist friend, Hiroshi Mori. Unfortunately, the saucer mysteriously vanished a day later.
Over the next couple of weeks, various individuals claimed to have spotted the same object in flight. These include Mori, Fujimoto, Yuji, and Seo. Although the group was able to catch the object on its second try, it mysteriously disappeared once more.
Trying to predict when the UFO would return, the boys decided to study the various factors that contributed to their numerous sightings. One of these is the fact that the object never seemed to move during rainy days. The boys then formulated a plan to capture the saucer.
The group went back to the rice paddy on September 19 to try and catch the UFO. This time, they brought along a bucket of water and some tattered rags. Unfortunately, they were not able to catch the object.
They then covered the saucer with the rags and poured the liquid over it. They then filled the holes at its base using the remaining greenish water. As the liquid entered the device, it produced a loud noise that they compared to a buzzing sound. The saucer’s interior also started to glow.
Suddenly, the boys were faced with the idea that the UFO might try and retaliate after they supposedly attacked it. The group then started to throw stones at the flying object. It remained stationary.
After returning home, the boys looked through the holes in the saucer and noticed various strange features. Some of these included drawings and Levers.
The boys then took more pictures of the object and tried to open it using a wire.
The boys were eventually able to hang the saucer upside down using the wire. As they tried to open it, the gravity pulled at the top of the dome, causing a slight separation between its bottom and top sections. They also noticed that there was a viscous material inside the device. The boys believed that the object’s strange electronic components might have been the remains of the pilot, who melted on contact with the water.
Using a hammer, the boys tried to measure the strength of the saucer’s exterior shell. After hitting it several times with the hammer, they discovered that the light metal parts of the saucer remained unblemished even after being hit hard. This is a common occurrence in the materials found at alleged crash sites.
The boys then tried to test the object’s strength by placing it inside an oven. However, Aiko Katsuoka, the mother of the UFO’s pilot, prevented them from doing this. She also told them that they could not store the saucer in her refrigerator. They believed that this might prevent the UFO from returning.
After coming to the conclusion that the object was most likely a remote-controlled surveillance device, the group decided that it was time to tell their friends about the mysterious mechanism behind the UFO. However, before revealing the object to their friends, the boys wrapped it in additional cloth to make it look like it could prevent it from leaking radioactive material.
The saucer was then given to Mori and Seo for safekeeping. The other boys went back to their usual chores and dinner. The young watchmen, who thought that the object was secure in their room, enjoyed a night of comic book consumption. They were anxious to see how the public would react when the saucer was revealed to them at school the following week.
The other boys went back to check on the saucer later that evening. They were disappointed to see that there was nothing to be found under the pile of rags. After conducting a fruitless search, the group concluded that the saucer had flown back to the coop once more.
After playing a game of ball with Mori that evening, Kojima suddenly lunged over the fence and found the UFO. He was surprised and delighted by his discovery. Mori and Kojima then went back inside the house and retrieved the saucer.
The group decided that they should paint the silver dome to prevent the saucer from disappearing. Doing so would help confirm that they have been encountering the same object over and over again. They assumed that if the saucer disappeared, it would eventually turn up somewhere in their backyards or rice fields.
On September 22, the group went to Kchi City on a bike ride. They then decided that they would all carry the saucer with them.
Mori then decided that the saucer would be stored inside a bag filled with water to prevent it from escaping. He also tied a piece of string to the wrist of whoever was going to carry it to make sure that no harm would occur to the object.
The saucer was placed inside a duffle bag, and it was inserted into the basket of the first carrier’s bicycle. The group proceeded to ride through the city, and the bag changed riders as they went through the streets. It eventually ended up in the basket of the last caretaker.
The group continued to travel until they came across a bicycle repair shop. During this time, the last rider suddenly felt his wrist, which was attached to the bag by a string, twist and pull with such force that he immediately ran to his friends.
The boys immediately untied the bag’s knots and opened it. However, when they looked inside, they saw that the saucer was nowhere to be found. They were disappointed to see that the object was nowhere to be found.
The Kera UFO Encounter Case Reopens
Although the incident was relatively unknown to the general public at that time, it was later covered in an illustrated retelling by UFO Comics in 2004. This led to an increase in UFO enthusiasts in Japan.
In 2007, the director of the JSPS, Shinichiro Namiki, decided to reopen the investigation. He asked the organization’s head, Kazo Hayashi, to speak with the other witnesses to see if they could still provide the same account.
During his investigation, Hayashi came across another strange UFO. It happened on the evening of June 6, 1976, in the same prefecture where the Kera incident occurred. At around 6:30 pm, a 9-year old girl named Sachiko Oyama was outside with her cat when she saw a bright yellow object in the sky.
Oyama decided to walk into the middle of the street to get a better view of the object. As she looked around, she saw that the saucer had descended into a nearby wooded area. She then followed it to the edge of the tree line. After it hit a tree, the saucer silently landed on the pavement, and it produced a “hissing” sound as it did so.
According to Oyama, the object looked like a silver hat with a diameter of around seven inches. She then bent over and touched it. She claims that the saucer was covered in a thick and slim substance that stuck to her finger.
Like the boys in Kera, Oyama felt scared as she saw the object. She immediately ran to her home to avoid getting hurt. However, when she looked over her shoulder, she saw that the saucer had started to glow again. She watched in disbelief as the object rose, rotated around, and then shot out of view.
Hayashi was able to confirm that Oyama still believed in her story in 2007. He then explained that the flying objects were actually interdimensional vehicles that got separated from their original planet after entering our solar system.
Hayashi’s theory seemed to satisfy him, but what should we make of the objects that mysteriously appeared in the sky over Japan in 1972 and 1976? It’s not clear if these were actually alien spacecraft or if they were just toys that the kids saw. As technology then was in its early 1970s, it would have been impossible for the saucer to have been capable of performing such intricate maneuvers.
Unlike the case of Malaysia’s micro-terrestrial invasion in the 1970s, the objects that appeared in the sky over Japan during the same period did not seem to have alien or human influences. They were only able to function properly due to their design.
The boys must have thought that the object was a remote controlled device that could be used to extract alien materials. As it turns out, this theory is more plausible than the notion that it was an alien spacecraft.
When I first heard about the incident, I initially thought that it was a prank carried out by some young prankster. However, after looking at the photos of the saucer, it’s clear that it was not designed to function properly. An aeronautical engineer would have a hard time believing that the device could have flown without a rotor or other driving force.
It has also been suggested that the saucer might have been a conscious being that was designed to perform similar functions as the aliens in Steven Spielberg’s 1987 film “*Batteries Not Included.” While I am not convinced by this theory, let’s take a closer look at the evidence that supports it.
If the reports are true, the object flew properly even though it didn’t have a propulsion system. Also, it exhibited a desire to defend itself by using loud noises and brilliant lights.
Like other living creatures, the saucer was also able to resist repeated attempts by the teenagers to incarcerate it. None of these actions are enough to prove that the object was an example of intelligent life.
It’s also possible that the object was a surveillance device that was designed to monitor the activities of humans. The strange markings on the surface of the saucer could have been produced by an unknown technology that was sent from another dimension or another world.
One obvious explanation is that the incident was a hoax. Some believe that the object was actually a training pot that was made to look like a toilet. However, if this is the case, it would be very disappointing for Mutsuo Fujimoto, the Kchi Center’s science education director. For over four decades, the teenagers who carried out the hoax have maintained that the UFO was a hoax.
A 2007 investigation by the Japan Society for Public Safety revealed that the incident was not a hoax. If the incident was truly a hoax, the teenagers would have probably grown tired of it as they got older.
The incident truly is one of the most interesting in the history of UFOlogy.
Bahariya Oasis: The Fabulous Valley of the Golden Mummies
Bahariya Oasis: The Fabulous Valley of the Golden Mummies
In 1996, Egyptologist Zahi Hawass noticed impressive flashes from the bottom of a hole in an oasis in Egypt’s desert. This led to the discovery of several tombs containing mummies from the Greco-Roman period; they all had incredible golden decorations.
Greco-Roman mummies
The Valley of the Golden Mummies is located 15 minutes from El Bawiti, in the Bahariya Oasis, about 400 kilometers from Cairo.
Although there are traces of a Palaeolithic population in the area, it was during the Middle Kingdom that this green dot in the middle of the desert attracted the attention of the ancient Egyptian rulers. Trade routes and nomads converged there, becoming a defensive enclave of the western borders.
Bahariya flourished most especially from the 26th dynasty and after the arrival of Alexander the Great and the Ptolemies.
Most of the mummies discovered relate to the Greco-Roman period (between the 4th century BC and the 4th century AD) when the oasis served as a center for exporting wine to the rest of the Nile Valley.
The excavation led by Hawass discovered that the oasis’s population, mostly made up of artisans and merchants, had been buried in family pantheons that had accumulated mummies of men, women, and children of various ages over time. These are the Golden Mummies and are dressed splendidly in beautiful cartonnage and masks covered with fine layers of gold on stucco.
Egyptian and Greek elements
Mummification in the Greco-Roman era emphasized the mummy’s external appearance. The corpse, once emptied, was reinforced with sticks or reeds and covered with large amounts of resin.
“You could still smell the resin used,” Hawass notes, recalling the moment he entered the tombs. Later, they would wrap the mummy in a linen bandage formed of intricate geometric patterns that gave it a sense of depth.
Sometimes, the funerary mask was modeled with papyrus cardboard plastered and painted on the torso and face of the deceased. In the case of wealthy families, this was covered with fine layers of gold.
The decoration of the bandages and masks of the Bahariya mummies shows a striking combination of Egyptian and Greek elements.
Greco-Roman hairstyles were represented alongside images of ancient Egyptian gods, such as Isis, Anubis, and Horus. A female mummy found in a wooden sarcophagus had a stele at her feet that showed the deceased dressed in a Roman style and heading for the threshold of a door that would lead her to resurrection.
Some obsidian, marble, or glass plates were placed on the face of some mummies. These symbolized the eyes and eyelids and gave life to the gaze of the deceased.
Mummies belonging to the less favored classes of the oasis have been found in very poor states of preservation—they were wrapped carelessly during mummification and were not deposited inside any sarcophagus in the tombs.
Anthropomorphic sarcophagi made of terracotta have also been found, and sometimes poignant elements appear. For example, a female mummy whose face had been cast to the side so she could contemplate the mummy of her husband, lying next to her, who had died earlier.
Tombs and grave goods
Most of the tombs discovered have a similar structure. There are access steps leading to a small room where the body of the deceased was received.
Then, a small corridor leads to the lateral niches where the corpses were deposited. Here, there are tombs resembling a kind of catacomb where the mummies were simply piled up.
Some tombs show the god Anubis weighing the heart of the deceased alongside the feather of Maat before Osiris as decoration.
Statues of mourners and of the god Bes, protector of the home, have been found in grave goods such as offering vessels with remains of wine, food, and bronze, silver, copper, faience, and ivory jewelry.
Coins from the Greco-Roman period have also been found, one of them from the reign of the famous Cleopatra VII.
Among the most notable finds is the limestone sarcophagus that hid the mummy of Bahariya’s 26th dynasty governor, Djed-Khonsu-euf-Ankh, and the mummies of his wife Nesa II, his brother, and his father.
The tombs of Ta-Nefret-Bastet, Ped-Ashtar, and Thaty are from the same period and were looted during Roman times and were later reused.
The Valley of the Golden Mummies is one of the most important discoverable sites of Egypt’s Greco-Roman period, and its study is still far from over. In the words of Hawass, the excavation in the Bahariya area could last decades and is expected to discover more than 10,000 mummies during its course.
Source: Barbara Ramirez, National Geographic
Archaeologist Mohammed Ayadi cleans some of the golden mummies found at Bahariya Oasis.
Photo: AP
View of the oasis of Bahariya, in Egypt, in the vicinity of which the Valley of the Golden Mummies was discovered.
Photo: iStock
Sarcophagus belonging to the brother of the governor of Bahariya during the 26th dynasty, discovered in 2004.
According to documents released by the Pentagon, time travel and anti-gravity technologies may be available to humans and could help us visit other worlds.
The recent declassification of 1,500 files sheds light on the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which was a secret Pentagon UFO program.
Its publication was made possible after a four-year legal battle following a freedom of information request from The Sun.
One of the papers discusses how anti-gravity technology can be used to create airships and spacecraft, stating that “the effects can be achieved by manipulating space-time.”
How to “manipulate gravity” is also discussed and the report says: “It may be possible to create exotic phenomena such as faster-than-light travel… and time machines.”
It is also added that “wormholes” in space-time can be used for interstellar travel.
The documents, which The Sun called “the bombshell,” were released by the US Department of Defense Intelligence Agency.
These include plans to send multiple single-pilot spacecraft to “colonize” deep space, as well as research into how humans can control robots with their minds.
It has been found that a person cannot fly more than four spacecraft, but in the papers, scientists wonder if our brains can be developed to enhance this ability.
The AATIP has been in operation since 2007 and is headed by Luis Elizondo, who believes that the existence of UFOs has “been proven beyond reasonable doubt.”
Elsewhere in the report, the report explores how nuclear-powered rockets and spacecraft will allow us to “build bridges” over the layers of icy objects surrounding the Sun to find other Earth-like planets.
Also in the documents is information on how we can communicate with aliens, as well as a study on the health impact of people who have encountered aliens or seen UFOs .
Although the project has since been scrapped, Pentagon officials admitted last year that there have been around 150 UFO reports from military pilots since 2004. It further includes “abductions” and “unwanted pregnancies” of civilians.
Engineer Analyzes Unusual Magnetism at Brazilian Crop Circle Site
Engineer Analyzes Unusual Magnetism at Brazilian Crop Circle Site
Paul Seaburn
Crop circles are a controversial subject – farmers hate them, drone camera operators love them, believers think they’re made by extraterrestrials as messages, skeptics swear they’re made by artistic humans with boards, ropes and vivid imaginations. What crop circles need is someone to conduct a scientific analysis on them to determine what they are and who made them. On October 4, 2022, a crop circle appeared in Ipuaçu, a city in the state of Santa Catarina in the South region of Brazil – a town with so many crop circles, it is considered by some to be the Wiltshire of Brazil or the “City of ETs.” Word traveled quickly and it was visited and scientifically studied by a government and military specialist in electronics and a paranormal and UFO investigator. What did he find? Will it change everything? Anything?
It pays to look both ways when examining a crop circle
"I woke up and it was already there. When I came out, I could see from above."
Farmer Sérgio Girotto told the GZH General media organization of his experience on the morning of October 4 in Ipuaçu. Looking out the balcony of his house at a wheat field, where he also plants beans corn and oats, he saw parts of his crop pressed down into the crop. Brazilians refer to crop as agroglyphs and Girotto says he is far from the first farmer in the area to see one – they date back to at least 2008 in Ipuaçu. Other farmers saw the agroglyph and texted photos to Girotto, along with posting them on WhatsApp and other social media platforms. Girotto noted that he’s had agroglyphs on his property before in 2013, but this one – with its geometric combination of a pentagon, circles and a triangle -- was one of the most intricate and precise he has seen and the first to be so close to an urban area. (Photos of the crop circle can be viewed here.)
"I don't believe it or disbelieve it. But that's very strange, yes. People from Curitiba, São Paulo and even the Amazon. There was a French couple too. They said they live in Foz do Iguaçu."
As with the crop circles in England, the photos of this one went viral and the farm and Ipuaçu were soon swamped with visitors. By October 16, tramplings, decay and heavy rains had washed out the agroglyph … but not before it was visited by a team of investigators led by Alcides Cores. According to his biography at UFO Magazine (Revista UFO), Cores is a professional in electronic systems maintenance for the Brazilian Airport Infrastructure Company (Infraero) qualified in radio aid to air navigation, and is a technician specialized by the Air Force Command in high-precision flight telemetry equipment. On the paranormal side, Cores has been a researcher of paranormal phenomena and a ufologist for over 40 years, and is the author of “Dimensional Portals (Portais Dimensionais,) described by A Gazeta de Vale do Argentina as a best seller and “a fundamental work for any ufologist or interested in the subject, and it needs to be part of your library.”
“Several measurements were made inside and outside the figure to have a comparison parameter, using two different electromagnetic field meters: one with three axes, which makes scanning easier and more accurate and operates in the range between 50 MHz and 3.5 GHz, and a single-axis meter, but sensitive to a wider and higher band of frequencies, ranging from 700 MHz to 6 GHz.”
Cores and his team issued the results of their investigation last week in Revista UFO. They were most interested in magnetic anomalies in and around Sérgio Girotto ‘s crop circle. While the readings revealed a relatively weak electromagnetic field, they noticed several sudden magnetic pulse of more than 60,000 nT (an nT is one nanotesla or 10 to the -9 tesla) which “curiously happened outside the crop circle.” While they recorded fluctuations on their instruments, no anomalies were seen on personal electronics like cell phones and compasses.
Cores notes that the weak magnetic field could be due to the crop circle’s close proximity to the city of Ipuaçu. It could also be picking up electromagnetic emissions from a nearby (700 meters or 2300 feet) cell phone tower. Cores also points out that his team arrived the day after the agroglyph appeared and reading could have been different on that day. Moreover, he admits that “we are unaware of the technology that produces this phenomenon, but there is certainly the involvement of an energy that we can assume is of an electromagnetic nature and of high frequency, perhaps in the microwave range.” This is far from the first crop circle he has investigated, and Cores says he’s seen high magnetic readings in the wheat stalks of various crop circles. Unfortunately, electromagnetic radiation dissipates quickly and leaves no traces.
Those sudden magnetic pulse of more than 60,000 nT continued to bother the investigation team. Cores offered one possible explanation for them:
“According to the magnetic map that uses data from the World Magnetic Model (WMM2020), the magnetic field of Ipuaçu should have a value of 22,365.7 nT. Furthermore, it is known that the southern region is under the great magnetic anomaly of the South Atlantic, an immense area that is characterized by a great weakening of the global magnetic field, and Ipuaçu is located relatively close to its epicenter, which is currently over the Paraguay.”
Cores is referring to the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) – the area where Earth's inner Van Allen radiation belt comes closest to Earth's surface, causing an increased flux of energetic particles in this region and exposes orbiting satellites to higher-than-usual levels of ionizing radiation, which is why NASA tries to avoid sending satellites or space flights over it. If the Southern Atlantic Anomaly caused the spikes in electromagnetisim, could those spikes be attracting non-human entities there to create the crop circles?
Is the electromagnetism in the reading human-made or something else?
Alcides Cores has been investigating the paranormal with a scientific eye long enough to know better than to jump to any conclusions.
“The phenomenon of crop circles is perhaps more complex than we imagine. What is physically presented to the eye is the kneading of the wheat and the geometric figure formed by it, which undoubtedly can contain messages not yet deciphered. But perhaps, in addition to the geometric shape and the effects in wheat, there is something deeper in it that vibrates in the spectrum of energies of the universe that human perception does not reach.”
In other words, the local magnetic field may be dictating the shape of this and other agroglyphs in Ipuaçu and possibly in other areas. Since no one admits to seeing this crop circle being made, there is no evidence to conclude it was made by humans … but there is also none to drive the conclusion to extraterrestrials either. At this point, Cores reminds us why there are so many conflicts between science and the paranormal.
“However, it is worth remembering that science is not a matter of belief or disbelief. Science is verification, impartial investigation within a methodology established by it to avoid mistakes and reach results as close to reality as possible. In this process, data collection is essential.”
As we have noted, Alcides Cores and his team collected the data at the site of the recent crop circle in Ipuaçu, analyzed it a drew their conclusions as best as they could. To the frustration of believers, the conclusion was not extraterrestrials. However, this was only one of many agroglyphs in Ipuaçu and the surrounding area. Cores and other investigation teams will be back. And one day they may find the conclusive data on crop circles everyone is waiting for.
NASA Gets Serious About UFOs - Unveils Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Study Team Members
NASA Gets Serious About UFOs - Unveils Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Study Team Members
Paul Seaburn
For the organization which has spent more time in outer space that any other, NASA has been slow to embrace the idea of unidentified flying objects. Even when its own astronauts swear they have seen UAPs, the space agency has stepped back from acknowledging them, let alone investigating them. As the Department of Defense finally admitted that videos of UAPs taken by military pilots and naval ship personnel are real and the U.S. Congress demanded and received briefings and hearings, NASA this summer decided to jump on the UAP bandwagon and announced it would form a panel to investigate them. After months of searching, that panel has finally been announced. Let’s take a look at who is on it and why, and then compare it to some rival organizations.
“Exploring the unknown in space and the atmosphere is at the heart of who we are at NASA. Understanding the data we have surrounding unidentified aerial phenomena is critical to helping us draw scientific conclusions about what is happening in our skies. Data is the language of scientists and makes the unexplainable, explainable.”
In the NASA press release, Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator of the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington, makes some bold statements about a 16-person commission with a budget under $100,000 and only nine months to complete the project. But we’ll have to take when we can get from the organization that usually gives nothing on the subject. At the head of the table is David Spergel, the chair of the study. Spergel is the president of the Simons Foundation where he was the founding director of its Flatiron Institute for Computational Astrophysics and helped establish the standard model of cosmology.
Two names on the panel that should be familiar to the general public are Scott Kelly and Frederico Bianco. Kelly is a veteran NASA astronaut – having served on four space missions, including a one -year stint on the International Space Station – and is have of the human space travel guinea pigs team with his identical twin brother and fellow astronaut Mark Kelly, now a U.S. senator. Scott Kelly was asked by CNN in 2021 if he believes in UFOs or extraterrestrials and he said, “No. I think the distances are too great. The physics are... The nearest Earth-like planet, if we went as fast as we could, would take 80,000 years to get there." If UFO believers were hoping for a fighter on the team, Scott Kelly isn’t it … but Federica Bianco is. The Italian-born astrophysicist took up boxing for fitness and while living in New York and found she was good enough to turn pro – competing in competitions like Beautiful Brawlers and the National Women’s Golden Gloves. Bianco calls herself “The Mad Scientist” and has real science credentials – she is a joint professor at the University of Delaware, is the principal investigator of Federica Astrostatistics Lab (FASTLab), and coordinates more than 1,500 scientists for the 2023 Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Science Collaboration to discover new galaxies and stars in the southern sky.
Former astronaut Scott Kelly
With some UAPs also showing underwater capabilities, the team decided to include biological oceanographer Paula Bontempi, a professor of oceanography University of Rhode Island and a NASA veteran who was the acting deputy director of NASA’s Earth Science Division for the Science Mission Directorate and worked on many NASA Earth observing satellite missions. To help include non-military UFOs in the evaluation is Karlin Toner, the acting executive director of the FAA’s Office of Aviation Policy and Plans, who previously was the director of the Airspace Systems Program at NASA Headquarters. Also representing the FAA is Warren Randolph, the deputy executive director of the Federal Aviation Administration’s Accident Investigation and Prevention for Aviation Safety department. This is a good sign that the many UFOs seen by commercial pilots will be included in the NASA research. To make sure the photos are clear and the facts checked thoroughly is science journalist Nadia Drake, a contributing writer at National Geographic and Scientific American covering astronomy, astrophysics, planetary sciences, and jungles and the holder of a doctorate in genetics.
The search of extraterrestrial intelligence will be represented on the panel by Anamaria Berea, an associate professor of Computational and Data Science at George Mason University and a research affiliate with the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, focusing on the science of both biosignatures and technosignatures as signs of intelligent life. Representing the issues of the Department of Defense is Reggie Brothers, the former undersecretary for Science and Technology at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research at the Department of Defense. On the medical side – if they happen to uncover some living ETs – is Jen Buss who worked with NASA on strategic planning processes for astronaut medical care. When it comes to negotiating with those living extraterrestrials, the panel has Mike Gold, a former NASA associate administrator for Space Policy and Partnerships, acting associate administrator for the Office of International and Interagency Relations and senior advisor to the Administrator for International and Legal Affairs. Gold also worked with the State Department on the creation and execution of the Artemis Accords, which established the norms of behavior in space. To help figure where the UFOs and aliens are coming from is David Grinspoon, a senior scientist at the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona, and a researcher on comparative planetology, climate evolution and the implications of habitability on earth-like planets.
Proving that the James Webb Space Telescope has taken over SETI, the panel includes Matt Mountain, who oversees a consortium of national and international universities who help NASA and the National Science Foundation build and operate observatories including NASA’s Hubble Telescope and James Webb Space Telescope. Representing earthlings is Walter Scott, the executive vice president and chief technology officer of Maxar in Colorado which specializes in earth intelligence and space infrastructure. Also looking at the Earth side is Joshua Semeter, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at Boston University where he also researches interactions between Earth’s ionosphere and the space environment. For those who support the theory that extraterrestrials beat the speed of light limitation by traveling through wormholes and black holes is Shelley Wright, an associate professor of physics at the University of California, San Diego’s Center for Astrophysics and Space Studies specializing in supermassive black holes and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI).
Who will prove their existence first?
That is NASA’s UFO investigation panel. It seems to have every aspect of unidentified aerial phenomena and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence covered except for one – no one on the panel has had an encounter with a UFO or ET. For that, we turn to a rival organization – the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). The world’s largest technical society dedicated to the global aerospace profession, the AAIA announced the formation of the Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena Community of Interest with two co-chairpersons -- Ravi Kopparapu, a planetary scientist at NASA who is studying the potential habitability of Earth-like planets, and Ryan Graves, the former Navy fighter pilot and defense contractor who revealed his UFO encounters while piloting his F/A-18 Hornet fighter jet in 2014 and 2015. These two organizations are just starting out, while the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office formed in July “to detect, identify and attribute objects of interest in, on or near military installations, operating areas, training areas, special use airspace and other areas of interest, and, as necessary, to mitigate any associated threats to safety of operations and national security. This includes anomalous, unidentified space, airborne, submerged and transmedium objects.”
NASA’s unidentified aerial phenomena panel has the broadest background and a boxer, but the smallest budget. On the private sector side, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics has a pilot with real UFO experience. The Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office has the backing of the federal government and the biggest budget. Which one will win the race to reveal the first extraterrestrials and their space ships?
Silver Disk Over Buddha Statue In Sokcho-si City, South Korea Oct 10, 2022, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Silver Disk Over Buddha Statue In Sokcho-si City, South Korea Oct 10, 2022, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Oct 10, 2022
Location of sighting: Sokcho-si, South Korea
Source: MUFON
Hey check this out. A person was praying at a temple on a hilltop in South Korea last week when they accidentally photographed an alien craft in one photo. The object is obviously a disk, tilted in flight, just like Bob Lazar said the look (tilted when moving). Bob Lazar is a employee in area S4 with Area 51, who worked on an actual alien disk for months to learn how it worked and could be duplicated for the USAF to make. This disk, is 98% similar to the disk he worked on. So yes, this is 100% real.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
Observer had taken three shots (facing Northwest) of the Buddha statue at 09:45:31, 09:45:32 and 09:45:51. Silver metallic disk type UFO is observed in the second shot taken at 09:45:32.
Terrified Kids Watch Lights, Cottageville, South Carolina Oct 13, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News
Terrified Kids Watch Lights, Cottageville, South Carolina Oct 13, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News
Yes its short, but they were scared. 🤔🤔🤔Eyewitness states: I went outside the call the cat in, and saw a light between the trees-(object was past the trees)- I moved my head several times because it was just sitting there. I ran inside to get my husband and ran back out and it started ascending up (slowly like a rising elevator) husband took the shortest video because he said it was a plane-it absolutely was not. It was low and hovered before ascending! Then flew over our heads over our house. Was it a drone? I have no idea. It seemed bigger than that. It did make noise as it flew over but not as loud as a low “plane” would have been. I do not believe it to be a helicopter either. It did have a flashing red light underneath which made me think it wasn’t a UFO-but I couldn’t see the standard red, white, and blue lights of a plane. I am positive it was triangular in shape as it flew over the house-and then that was that. I asked the community on FB if anyone had seen it-got nothing in return
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
I went outside the call the cat in, and saw a light between the trees-(object was past the trees)- I moved my head several times because it was just sitting there. I ran inside to get my husband and ran back out and it started ascending up (slowly like a rising elevator) husband took the shortest video because he said it was a plane-it absolutely was not. It was low and hovered before ascending! Then flew over our heads over our house. Was it a drone? I have no idea. It seemed bigger than that. It did make noise as it flew over but not as loud as a low “plane” would have been. I do not believe it to be a helicopter either. It did have a flashing red light underneath which made me think it wasn’t a UFO-but I couldn’t see the standard red, white, and blue lights of a plane. I am positive it was triangular in shape as it flew over the house-and then that was that. I asked the community on FB if anyone had seen it-got nothing in return.
Harvard professor on UFO sighting study: “I am significantly intrigued”
Harvard professor on UFO sighting study: “I am significantly intrigued”
NASA has enlisted the help of 16 experts to look into UFO sightings. Some of them include journalists, computer science experts, and astronomy experts. Also, Scott Kelly, an astronaut who holds the record for most days in space, is part of the group.
Avi Loeb, a science professor at Harvard, said that despite the stigma attached to UFOs, it’s time for scientists to start looking into these mysterious objects.
Last year, he established the Galileo Project, which aims to collect data related to the hundreds of alleged sightings of extraterrestrial objects. The team will start analyzing the data on Monday.
According to him, it’s the government’s duty to ask scientists to help investigate these alleged sightings. If they find that the objects are natural or human-made, then they will stop looking for them. However, if they find that the objects are alien, then it will be very exciting.
Science is based on evidence, and it’s important that the scientists get the necessary data to confirm if the objects are alien or natural.
When asked if he believes there’s life out there, he said that he’s interested in learning more about the possibility of intelligent life.
Marsrobot Perseverance haalt zuurstof uit de atmosfeer
Marsrobot Perseverance haalt zuurstof uit de atmosfeer
Image caption,
The Moxie unit is about the size of a toaster
In de toekomst is zuurstof nodig om ter plaatse brandstof voor raketten te produceren, zodat ruimtetuigen vlot heen en weer kunnen pendelen tussen de aarde en Mars.
Beeld: MOXIE is zo groot als een broodrooster. Credit: NASA
De Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA heeft alweer een mijlpaal bereikt in de verkenning van de planeet Mars. Het instrument MOXIE (Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment) aan boord van het robotje Perseverance is erin geslaagd om CO2 uit de atmosfeer van Mars om te zetten in zuurstof. Op termijn moet dit toelaten om ter plaatse brandstof voor raketten te produceren, zodat ruimtetuigen vlot heen en weer kunnen pendelen tussen de aarde en Mars. Daarmee komt de ultieme droom een stapje dichterbij: bemande ruimtemissies naar Mars.
Het MARS Exploration Program (MEP) van de NASA wil zo veel mogelijk te weten komen over onze buurplaneet. Wetenschappers zoeken een antwoord op allerlei vragen. Hoe is Mars ontstaan? Welke evolutie heeft de planeet doorgemaakt? Is er ooit leven geweest? Kan de geschiedenis van Mars ons iets leren over de evolutie van onze eigen planeet?
Sinds 18 februari 2021 dokkert het zeswielig ruimtewagentje Perseverance over het ruwe Marsoppervlak. Hij gaat op zoek naar bodemstalen die over een aantal jaar in onze aardse labs moeten terechtkomen en ons inzicht in het ontstaan en de evolutie van de rode planeet moeten aanscherpen.
Maar om een ruimtetuig vanop Mars naar de aarde te laten terugkeren, heb je uiteraard brandstof nodig. De voor de hand liggende oplossing bestaat erin om de stuwstof (brandstof + zuurstof) voor de terugreis mee te sturen bij de lancering vanop aarde. Maar daarvoor heb je al gauw 500 ton nodig, een flinke belasting voor een raket.
Daarom zoeken ruimtevaartingenieurs en wetenschappers naar alternatieven. Aangezien zuurstof het leeuwenaandeel van het gewicht inneemt, loont het de moeite om te onderzoeken of we op zuurstof kunnen bezuinigen. En dat moet in principe kunnen, want er zit zuurstof in de atmosfeer van Mars. Zij het opgesloten in koolstofdioxide (CO2), dat 96% van de atmosfeer vult.
Zuurstof voor astronauten
Het komt er dus op aan om zuurstof uit de dampkring van Mars te halen. En dat is precies wat MOXIE doet. Dit instrument met de grootte van een broodrooster bevindt zich aan boord van de Perseverance. Het bevat een filter die schadelijke stofdeeltjes uit de inkomende atmosfeer haalt. Een pomp drukt het overblijvend atmosfeergas (hoofdzakelijk CO2) samen.
Wanneer het gas opgewarmd is tot 800°C wordt het door een volgende component van MOXIE gejaagd, SOXE (Solid Oxide Electrolysis). Door een proces van electrolyse scheidt SOXE de CO2-moleculen in zuurstof en koolstofmonoxide. Tot slot bevat MOXIE nog een onderdeel dat de productiesnelheid en zuiverheid van de verkregen zuurstof meet.
In de loop van zeven productieruns leverde MOXIE 50 gram zuurstof op, waarmee het instrument aan de verwachtingen voldoet. Ook de zuiverheid van de verkregen zuurstof stemt tot tevredenheid. Tot slot bleek deze methode van zuurstofextractie zowel overdag als ‘s nachts en onafhankelijk van de Martiaanse seizoenen te werken.
In een volgende fase moet MOXIE opgeschaald worden, zodat het op termijn de vereiste hoeveelheid zuurstof kan opleveren voor een raketlancering vanop Mars.
En terwijl de focus nu volop ligt op het transport tussen aarde en Mars, opent deze techniek in een verdere fase ook perspectieven op de productie van zuurstof voor astronauten op Mars.
JP, who currently serves with the US Army as a quartermaster and chemical repairer, was recently taken on a covert mission to an underwater city off the Florida coast in the Bermuda triangle region. JP said that he witnessed tall human looking beings that inhabited the city which was protected by a giant underwater dome. He said that there were two other domed cities adjacent to the one he visited. JP said that he was there with a small contingent of soldiers to protect a civilian negotiator who met with leaders of the underwater city to conduct negotiations.
In this Exopolitics Today interview, JP discusses his mission, the people involved, and what he witnessed at the bottom of the ocean in the Bermuda triangle region.
Met de Artemis I lanceert NASA ook een toestel dat met zonnezeilen koers zal zetten naar een asteroïde ver in ons zonnestelsel.
Na eindeloze vertragingen en tientallen miljarden dollars aan uitgaven stond NASA afgelopen maandag eindelijk op het punt om zijn Space Launch System (SLS)-megaraket te lanceren. Vanwege technische problemen werd die lancering op het laatste moment uitgesteld naar aanstaande vrijdag, met maandag 5 september als tweede optie. Dan zullen de hoofdmotoren en side-boosters een stuwkracht leveren van 39.000 kilonewton om de raket met de grootte van het Vrijheidsbeeld de lucht in te krijgen. De SLS moet een onbemande Orion-capsule en een bijbehorende dienstmodule in een baan om de maan brengen.
De missie, die Artemis I wordt genoemd, zal de grootste mijlpaal tot nu toe zijn in het gelijknamige programma van NASA – een project om voor het eerst in meer dan een halve eeuw mensen naar het maanoppervlak te sturen.
Als de missie slaagt, kan NASA ook een andere, minder bekende mijlpaal halen: de verkenning van asteroïden in de buurt van de aarde (ook wel NEA’s of near-Earth Asteroids genoemd). Terwijl Artemis I de maan nadert, zal NASA's NEA Scout, een meeliftende ruimtesonde kleiner dan een schoendoos, uitrollen vanaf een module op de adapterring die Orion verbindt met de tweede trap van de SLS-raket.
Eenmaal losgekomen zal de NEA Scout zich voorbereiden om 2020 GE, een asteroïde met de afmetingen van een schoolbus – op te zoeken en te fotograferen. 2020 GE wordt dan de kleinste asteroïde die ooit door een ruimtevaartuig van dichtbij zal zijn bestudeerd.
Maar de baanbrekende trip van de NEA Scout zal nog op een andere, meer betekenisvolle manier bijdragen aan de ruimtevaart. Om zich voort te bewegen zal de sonde namelijk gebruikmaken van zonnezeilen, één van de weinige methodes waarmee een ruimtevaartuig stuwkracht kan genereren zonder raketbrandstof.
‘De film van het zonnezeil heeft veel weg van vershoudfolie, behalve dat hij veel dunner is. Nog dunner dan een menselijk haar’
Zonnezeilen zijn al eerder met succes gelanceerd op proof-of-conceptmissies, zowel in de interplanetaire ruimte als in een lage baan om de aarde. De Japanse ruimtevaartorganisatie JAXA demonstreerde voor het eerst gecontroleerd zonnezeilen met Ikaros, dat een scheervlucht maakte langs Venus. De NanoSail-D van NASA had een zonnezeil, net de LightSail 1- en 2-ruimtevaartuigen van de Planetary Society. Die laatste cirkelt nog steeds in een baan rond de aarde.
Nadat hij is afgesplitst van Artemis I zal de 14 kilogram zware NEA Scout eerst zijn koudgas-stuwraketten – zes kleine gastanks – ontsteken. Daarmee moet hij in een stabiele baan weg van de maan en richting 2020 GE belanden. Het ruimtevaartuig zal dan een dun, met aluminium bekleed plastic zonnezeil ontvouwen. Het zeil, dat ongeveer zo groot is een squash-veld, vangt licht in plaats van wind. De opgevangen zonnestraling, die hij omzet in energie, moet hem op cruisesnelheid brengen.
‘NEA's zijn brokstukken afkomstig van botsingen in de belangrijkste asteroïdengordels’, zegt Julie Castillo-Rogez, hoofdonderzoeker van de NEA Scout aan NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Californië. ‘2020 GE vertegenwoordigt een klasse asteroïden waarover we heel weinig weten.’ Het wordt de eerste keer dat een asteroïde met een breedte kleiner dan 100 meter zal worden onderzocht.
Tijdens de flyby zal de NEA Scout zijn hogeresolutiecamera gebruiken om 2020 GE van dichtbij te bekijken. Hij zal nauwkeurig de grootte, vorm, rotatie en oppervlakte-eigenschappen van de asteroïde meten, en tegelijk het omringende stof en puin registreren. Omdat de camera van het kleine ruimteschip een resolutie van minder dan 10 centimeter per pixel heeft, zou het wetenschapsteam de samenstelling van 2020 GE moeten kunnen vaststellen. Dat wil zeggen: of de asteroïde rotsvast is of eerder een losse verzameling van kleinere steentjes en stof, zoals sommige van zijn grotere neven.
De asteroïde Bennu, die bijna dertig keer groter is dan 2020 GE, heeft een ogenschijnlijk vast, rotsachtig oppervlak, maar dat bleek alsnog poreus te zijn toen het Osiris Rex-ruimtevaartuig er onverwacht in wegzakte terwijl het monsters aan het verzamelen was.
De NEA Scout werd in 2013 oorspronkelijk opgezet als een verkenningsmissie. De sonde moest asteroïden uitzoeken waaraan astronauten later een bezoek konden brengen. Dat plan is inmiddels opgeborgen.
In zijn huidige opzet moet de missie belangrijke inzichten verschaffen in de risico's die kleine NEA's voor de aarde inhouden. ‘Grote asteroïden baren misschien de meeste zorgen vanuit het oogpunt van planetaire verdediging,’ zegt Castillo-Rogez, ‘maar objecten als 2020 GE komen wel veel vaker voor.’
Ondanks hun kleinere afmetingen kunnen ze wel degelijk een gevaar vormen voor onze planeet. De meteoriet die op 15 februari 2013 boven het Rusissche Tsjeljabinsk ontplofte was een NEA van vergelijkbare grootte als 2020 GE. Hij veroorzaakte een schokgolf die in de hele regio ramen verbrijzelde en meer dan 1.600 mensen verwondde.
Twee voetbalvelden
De andere taak van de NEA Scout – het demonstreren van zonnezeilvoortstuwing voor missies in de diepe ruimte – kwam voort uit één enkele vraag: kan een klein ruimtevaartuig diep in de ruimte zich op een goedkope manier nuttig maken voor de wetenschap? ‘Dat is een enorme uitdaging’, zegt Les Johnson, missieleider aan NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. ‘Voor sondes als deze is er gewoon niet genoeg plaats voor grote aandrijfsystemen en veel brandstof.’
Het riskantste onderdeel van de missie van de NEA Scout zal de ontplooiing van zijn ragfijne zeil zijn. Dat moet zich foutloos kunnen ontvouwen, ver weg van de aarde. Het ruimtevaartuig zal vier samengevouwen metalen gieken uitrollen waaraan het strak opgevouwen zeil is bevestigd. De lange, afgeplatte steunen zullen rond een spoel worden gewikkeld die de gieken uitrolt als een meetlint. De gieken zullen vervolgens in een stijve, V-vormige dwarsdoorsnede openspringen.
Als het zonnezeil zich ontvouwt, zal het een totale oppervlakte van 86 m2 beslaan, aldus Johnson. Het zeil zelf is gemaakt van een rigide, flexibele, met aluminium gecoate polymeerfilm. ‘Die film heeft veel weg van vershoudfolie, behalve dat hij veel dunner is. Nog dunner dan een menselijk haar’, zegt Johnson.
Het spiegelzeil zal stuwkracht genereren door 90 procent van de inkomende fotonen van de zon te weerkaatsen. Die fotonen met een zichtbare golflengte zijn te vergelijken met projectielen uit een luchtgeweer, zegt Johson. ‘Ze raken het zeil raken en stuiteren er weer af. Daarbij brengen ze telkens een deeltje van hun momentum op het zeil over.’
Dat de zonnezeilen zo groot zijn, heeft te maken met de stralingsdruk van de zon. Die is buitengewoon zwak. Zelfs met zonnezeilen met een oppervlakte van twee voetbalvelden in de volle middagzon is de stralingsdruk niet groter dan de kracht die een muntstukje op je handpalm uitoefent’, zegt Johson.
‘De NEA Scout zal waarschijnlijk de langzaamste flyby van een asteroïde ooit maken’
Maar er is ook goed nieuws. ‘Newton's wetten werken!’, lacht Johnson. Bevrijd van het zwaartekrachtveld van de aarde en ongehinderd door de luchtweerstand – twee krachten die het zonnezeil anders tegenwerken – bouwt het momentum zich geleidelijk aan op. Uiteindelijk kunnen ruimtesondes met zonnezeilen verrassend hoge snelheden halen – en nauwelijks brandstof verbruiken.
De NEA Scout zal kleine hoeveelheden brandstof uit zijn koudgasstuwraketten gebruiken om zichzelf in de ruimte te besturen, maar het zeil zelf zal het meeste werk verrichten. Het toestel zal manoeuvreren door het zeil te kantelen, om zo de invalshoek van het inkomend zonlicht te veranderen. Het kan ook de stuwkracht en de reisrichting regelen.
Vergelijk het met hoe een zeilboot manoeuvreert door zijn zeilen onder een specifieke hoek te positioneren ten opzichte van de wind. Het zonnezeil zal een bepaalde oriëntatie dagenlang aanhouden, zodat het momentum van elk manoeuvre kan worden opgebouwd.
Tegen september 2023 zal de NEA Scout, deels dankzij een duwtje in de rug door de zwaartekracht van de maan, genoeg snelheid hebben verzameld om 2020 GE in te halen. Missienavigators zullen het toestel tot op een kilometer van de asteroïde leiden.
‘De NEA Scout zal waarschijnlijk de langzaamste flyby van een asteroïde ooit maken, met een relatieve snelheid van 20 meter per seconde’, zegt Castillo-Rogez. ‘Dat geeft ons ongeveer drie uur de tijd om onschatbare wetenschappelijke informatie te verzamelen.’
Daarna kan de NEA Scout aan een langere missie beginnen, denkt Castillo-Rogez. Hij zou nog een flyby kunnen doen langs 2020 GE, of misschien kan hij andere NEA’s bezoeken. Mogelijk laten de missieleiders hem zelfs naar potentiële Trojaanse asteroïden reizen op het Lagrangepunt 5, een ‘zwaartekrachtvallei’ die de baan van onze planeet volgt.
De NEA Scout is een voorbeeld van de groeiende kracht van CubeSats. Met hun kleine afmetingen en lage gewicht kunnen organisaties deze satellieten goedkoop als secundaire lading in een baan om de aarde brengen. Momenteel zijn meer dan 1.500 CubeSats actief.
Maar zoals de NEA Scout nu laat zien, kunnen CubeSats zich van eenvoudige satellieten ontwikkelen tot ruimtevaartuigen die in staat zijn om in de maanruimte en verder te opereren.
NASA's Lunar Flashlight, een CubeSat die bij een latere lancering naar de maan zal worden gebracht, is ontworpen om daar naar waterijsafzettingen te zoeken. Het ruimtevaartuig zal infraroodlasers gebruiken om licht te bundelen in de schaduwrijke gebieden van de zuidpool van de maan, in een poging om verborgen waterijs te onthullen. Waterijs kan onder andere worden gebruikt om raketbrandstof te produceren.
De NEA Scout zelf zal de toon zetten voor twee andere NASA-zonnezeilschepen. Die toestellen moeten mee vorm geven aan toekomstige ruimtevaartuigen die bijvoorbeeld kunnen waarschuwen voor zonnevlammen, of dienen als geostationaire communicatieverbindingen boven de polen van de aarde. Ook meer verreikende en ambitieuze interplanetaire missies zijn mogelijk.
Mettertijd zou zeilen op zonnestraling ruimtevaartuigen in staat moeten stellen om voor onbepaalde tijd in het zonnestelsel te reizen. Zo moeten ze nieuwe banen bereiken en aanhouden die anders ontoegankelijk zijn. Ruimtevaartuigen aangestuwd door raketten zouden met zonnezeilen efficiënter van baan kunnen veranderen om de polen van de zon en de planeten te bekijken en er zelfs te blijven.
Op de korte termijn wijzen CubeSat-ruimtevaartuigen van de volgende generatie, zoals de Lunar Flashlight en de NEA Scout, de weg naar meer kleine, capabele en betaalbare ‘SailCubes’. In de niet al te verre toekomst zou een vloot van autonome verkenners in een baan om de aarde kunnen worden gebracht. Vandaaruit kunnen ze wegzeilen, in de richting van asteroïden en andere wetenschappelijk of commercieel interessante bestemmingen.
A Black Hole is Hurling a jet of Material at its Neighboring Galaxy
Artist view of an active supermassive black hole.
Credit: ESO/L. Calçada
A Black Hole is Hurling a jet of Material at its Neighboring Galaxy
It’s been a banner time for black hole research! In recent months, astrophysicists have announced the discovery of the most powerful gamma-ray burst ever recorded (due to the formation of a black hole), a monster black hole in our cosmic backyard, the frame-dragging effects of a binary black hole, and the remains of the 2017 Kilonova event(spoiler alert: it was a black hole). And with the help of citizen scientists, a team of astronomers recently discovered a unique black hole in a galaxy roughly one billion light-years away that’s hurling a relativistic jet at another galaxy.
Galaxies are typically divided into three main classes based on size, shape, and composition. First, there are ellipticals, which account for about one-third of all galaxies in the Universe that range from being nearly circular to very elongated. Then there are spiral galaxies, which are noted for their distinct spiral arms and appear as flat disks with large yellowish bulges in their centers. Last, there are irregular galaxies, which are neither elliptical nor spiral and were more common in the early Universe (before evolving into the other two classes).
When it comes to elliptical galaxies, astronomers have observed that the formation of new stars is very scarce and appears to have largely ceased billions of years ago. While the reason for this remains a mystery, modern research suggests that the presence of supermassive black holes (SMBH) might be responsible. These “monster black holes” cause the centers of massive galaxies to become Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) – aka. Quasars – where the nucleus is more energetic than all the stars in the disk combined.
In many cases, AGNs also have massive jets spewing from their poles that accelerate gas and dust to relativistic speeds (close to the speed of light). The ejection of this matter toward other galaxies is believed to deplete elliptical galaxies of the cold gas and dust that would otherwise be fuel for star formation. Another mystery facing astronomers is how these AGN-driven jets become coupled with the gas of merging galaxies, causing positive feedback. This temporarily leads to enhanced star formation, followed by negative feedback and a decline in star formation.
To address this latter mystery, Dr. Hota and his colleagues observed the SMBH at the center of RAD12, an elliptical galaxy located about 1 billion light-years from Earth. This unique nature of this galaxy first became apparent in 2013 based on optical data from the Sloan Digitised Sky Survey (SDSS) and radio data from the Very Large Array’s (VLA) Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-Centimeters (FIRST) survey. But when Dr. Hota and his team observed it again using the Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT) in India, they noticed that RAD12 appeared to be ejecting matter from only one pole.
Image of the black hole within galaxy RAD12 spewing a large unipolar radio bubble onto its merging companion galaxy. Credit: Hota, A (et al.)/GMRT/CFHT/MeerKAT
These observations were confirmed using archival radio and optical data from the MeerKAT array in Australia and the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (respectively). Unlike other jets that eject matter in pairs and opposite directions, RAD12 appeared to be ejecting matter only toward its neighboring galaxy, RAD12-B. Their observations also revealed a jet of young plasma that is conical in shape at the stem and flares out to become mushroom-shaped at the end (shown above). The yellow features represent galaxies – the larger being RAD12 (left) and RAD12-B (right) – and the plasma jet is shown in red.
The whole structure extends for 440 thousand light-years and is much larger than the host galaxy itself. This is the first time a jet has been observed to collide with a large galaxy like RAD12-B. As Dr. Hota said in a recent Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) news release:
“We are excited to have spotted a rare system that helps us understand radio jet feedback of supermassive black holes on star formation of galaxies during mergers. Observations with the GMRT and data from various other telescopes such as the MeerKAT radio telescope strongly suggest that the radio jet in RAD12 is colliding with the companion galaxy. An equally important aspect of this research is the demonstration of public participation in making discoveries through the RAD@homeCitizen Science research collaboratory.”
Thanks to the observations by Dr. Hota and his team, astronomers are now one step closer to understanding the impact that such interactions have on elliptical galaxies. Their findings could lead to a new understanding of how star formation is arrested in elliptical galaxies, resolving a long-standing mystery about galactic evolution. It is also a testament to the kind of research that is possible today through collaboration between citizen scientists and astronomers.
More Crashed UFOs = Total 6 Now! In Antarctica, Google Earth Map, UFO Sighting News.
More Crashed UFOs = Total 6 Now! In Antarctica, Google Earth Map, UFO Sighting News.
2 UFOs at: -62.663753, -61.099363
4 UFOs at: 66°14'59.0"S 100°36'13.0"E (Credit Kelly Lee)
Hey check this out. A Youtube subscriber of mine notified me she found four more pink crashed UFOs in Antarctica today. I loved it so much I had to make a video of it and mine combined. I'm sure that these were revealed due to global warming causing the ice to melt. These probably date back thousands of years, to the age of the Dark Knight Satellites. My question is...will aliens activate these objects one day, and what is their purpose?
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Glowing Object Over Hollywood, Florida On 6-26-2022, Video, UFO Sighting News. 👾👾👾
Glowing Object Over Hollywood, Florida On 6-26-2022, Video, UFO Sighting News. 👾👾👾
Date of sighting: 6-26-2022 Location of sighting: Hollywood, Florida, USA Source: MUFON
👾👾👾Hi everyone, This one just got reported today, but was recorded a few months ago. First I hear a parrot talking in the background. Second, this craft looks similar in shape to the one I reported a few days ago. Third, don't smoke and record. Fourth, Florida beach area is a hotbed of UFO activity due to an underwater base off its east coast about 20km out to sea. Whats your thought on this video guys? Thanks, Scott. 👾👾👾
Eyewitness states:
Large blinking lights that changed in color and would blink. I also saw planes in the sky but their lights were much much smaller than the unidentified light. I was with my husband, cousin, and cousin-in-law. The lights seemed to pulsate, blink and change color.
Fascinating triangle UFO filmed over Cottageville, South Carolina 13-Oct-2022
Fascinating triangle UFO filmed over Cottageville, South Carolina 13-Oct-2022
Possible TR-3b (triangle UFO) was seen and filmed over Cottageville, a town in Colleton County, South Carolina on 13th October 2022.
What do you think about this footage? Please leave a comment below!
Witness report:
It hovered in between the trees (it wasn’t in the trees though) and rose up like an elevator slowly then flew over our heads and house. I went outside the call the cat in, and saw a light between the trees-(object was past the trees)- I moved my head several times because it was just sitting there. I ran inside to get my husband and ran back out and it started ascending up (slowly like a rising elevator) husband took the shortest video because he said it was a plane-it absolutely was not. It was low and hovered before ascending! Then flew over our heads over our house. Was it a drone? I have no idea. It seemed bigger than that. It did make noise as it flew over but not as loud as a low “plane” would have been. I do not believe it to be a helicopter either. It did have a flashing red light underneath which made me think it wasn’t a UFO-but I couldn’t see the standard red, white, and blue lights of a plane. I am positive it was triangular in shape as it flew over the house-and then that was that. I asked the community on FB if anyone had seen it-got nothing in return.
Interview with Lue Elizondo, a former director of the AATIP UFO program, about the strange connection between the nuclear industry and extraterrestrials. He explains how these objects have been spotted in the area around the country’s nuclear facilities. Robert Hastings, a journalist, has documented over a hundred cases of UFOs. He also gives us his theories on the possible reasons behind the sightings.
Watch: Something Escaped A Black Hole at almost the Speed of Light and NASA Recorded It
Watch: Something Escaped A Black Hole at almost the Speed of Light and NASA Recorded It
A black hole that is ejecting hot material into space at almost the speed of light has been seen by astronomers.
The distance between a black hole and its partner star is 10,000 light-years. The MAXI J1820 + 070 system is created when these two cosmic objects come together. The hot material was observed by NASA’s Chandra x-ray telescope exiting the black hole at almost the speed of light.
The Chandra Space Telescope of NASA captured video of a black hole ejecting hot material into space at nearly the speed of light.
According to the researchers, the black hole in the MAXI J1820 + 070 system has a mass around eight times that of the sun, indicating that it is a stellar-sized black hole formed by the collapse of a massive star. Supermassive black holes, on the other hand, have millions or billions of times the mass of the sun.
The companion star orbiting the black hole has almost the same mass as the sun. The immense gravity of the black hole drags the companion star’s material toward the black hole’s X-ray-producing disc.
The immense gravity of the black hole drags the companion star’s material toward the black hole’s X-ray-producing disc.
While some of the heated gas in the disc will reach the “event horizon” and fall into the black hole, some will be ejected in a number of brief beams of jets from the black hole. These jets are released along magnetic field lines from beyond the event horizon and aim in opposite directions.
Chandra’s four observations in November 2018 and February, May, and June 2019 offered a new picture of the black hole’s activities. It was discovered in The Astrophysical Journal Letters by Mathilde Espinasse of the University of Paris in a study.
The video below from NASA shows what the telescope discovered.
The images show a massive optical and infrared view of the Milky Way galaxy captured by Hawaii’s PanSTARRS optical telescope, with MAXI J1820 + 070 indicated by a cross on the plane of the galaxy. The video inset illustrates Chandra’s four observations, with “day 0” matching to the first observation on November 13, 2018, about four months after the jet was launched.
The bright X-ray source in the image’s center is MAXI J1820 + 070, and X-ray sources can be observed moving north and south in jets away from the black hole. MAXI J1820 + 070 is an X-ray point source, yet its brightness makes it appear larger than a point source. The southern jet is too faint to be identified in May and June 2019 measurements.
As a result, how fast are the material jets departing the black hole? From Earth’s perspective, the northern jet appears to be traveling at 60% the speed of light, while the southern jet appears to be traveling at 1600% the speed of light, which sounds preposterous. After all, nothing can move faster than the speed of light.
This is an example of superluminal motion, which occurs when an object approaches us at almost the speed of light and in a direction parallel to our line of sight. This means that the item approaches us nearly as quickly as the light it emits, giving the impression that the jet is flying faster than the speed of light.
The MAXI J1820 + 070’s south jet is heading in our direction while the north jet is facing away, indicating that the south is travelling more quickly than the north. Only two previous instances of such fast X-ray ejections from stellar-mass black holes, according to Chandra, have been documented.
Bob Lazar was again trending on Twitter after former Pentagon chief scientist Travis Taylor hysterically called him Area-51 “Janitor” at PhenomeCon 2022. Many people speculated it was again done to discredit Lazar’s credibility by the government. ButFilmmaker Jeremy Corbellcame in support of Lazar, sharing staggering information that corroborates Lazar’s testimonies.
Robert “Bob” Scott Lazar is the most controversial figure linked to alleged secret activities related to extraterrestrials and UFOs supposedly happening at Area-51. Thirty-three years ago, he claimed to have worked as an engineer on reverse engineering alien spacecraft near Area-51 at a hangar called S-4.
Investigative reporter George Knapp should be applauded for bringing up Lazar’s story to the world in 1989. He told Knapp that he was a physicist working at S-4, a government laboratory near Groom lake (Area-51 was not officially acknowledged by the US government at that time). However, he did not share (or could not) any evidence to validate his statements which subsequently surrounded him with suspicion.
Since then, Lazar’s identity as an Area-51 scientist has always been discussed by other people in the UFOlogy. Recently, Dr. Travis Scott has also been seen discrediting Bob Lazar and said he did work at Area-51 but as a janitor. Many users find it a direct attack on Lazar’s credentials as he failed to show his qualifications. However, there are credible experts that have confirmed Lazar’s work at Area-51. (Click here to read the full article)
In 1989, Robert Lazar, a shadowy figure claiming to work at Area-51, spoke for Las Vegas-area television station KLAS-TV. In a series of interviews, Lazar told stories of a project to reverse engineer alien technology. The project centered on nine different UFOs collected by the U.S. Government over decades and hidden in hangers in a location named S-4. Lazar’s information about S-4 corroborated with Papoose Lake, a now-dry lake bed just miles southwest of Area-51.
As the interviews continued, Lazar went into detail about the intentional construction of the hangars at a devious angle and military attempts to camouflage the buildings at Papoose Lake, which is about 17 miles south of Groom Lake.
Now, Jeremy Corbell provided incredible information that might support Lazar’s claim on this unique and highly camouflaged building at Papoose Lake. Corbell shared a video of Knapp where he discusses a real story of a civilian who snuck onto the Area-51 base and took a look at Papoose Lake.
According to the 1998 report published in the “Los Angeles Times” entitled “A Search on Forbidden Ground” an archeologist named Jerry Freeman snuck into the forbidden zone of Area-51 during his expedition to retrace the route of the Lost ‘49ers. Freeman is the only civilian known to have gained access to where Bob Lazar said a hidden military installation was.
George Knapp holds the photograph of archeologist Jerry Freeman. Image credit: YouTube screencap
He hiked to Nye Canyon and Papoose Lake – two sites mentioned in the wagon train journal. The canyon is where the 1849 inscription was carved in rock; the dry lake bed is where pioneers pitched camp the last time before splitting up and sending one group to its Death Valley doom.
Corbell writes: “However, many people like to claim that Jerry Freeman never reported seeing anything unusual at Papoose Lake… that his excursion was uneventful, and that somehow his account throws shade on what Bob Lazar told us.” He shared a video clip where George Knapp heard the story directly from Jerry. Additionally, it also contains an audio interview Jerry did with radio host Art Bell.
Here is the audio transcript of what Freeman described happened with him at Papoose Lake during the night:
“I could clearly see security lights on the perimeters and I could see lights that opened and closed near the center of the lake. I felt vibration, I know I wasn’t imagining it because there was sand coming down just on the other side. I thought well hey ‘an earthquake’ well then I realized this is not an earthquake it continued and continued for maybe nearly two minutes. It’s something they’re testing either directly underground or I was feeling vibrations completely from Groom Lake. I don’t know. I think if they’d have caught me in there that it’ll lift me up like a Roman Candle.”
Mr. Knapp told Corbell that he himself talked with Freeman who had no idea what flying saucers were, as well as who Bob Lazar and John Lear were. “I inherited a lot of his files. He says he was out at night by Papoose and all of a sudden out of nowhere a door opens up. I mean like just a door in space a light a bluish light that opened up a doorway to who knows where and then poof it was gone. He told unfortunately as he traversed the Nevada Test Site, he ran into pockets of radiation and got contracted cancer and died,” Knapp said.
George Knapp stated that he had spoken with former employees who worked with Bob and verified that he was a physicist, however, these claims were made informally and off the record. Knapp said that those employees were Lazar’s friends and only specifically named Joe Vaninetti as the person who confirmed it. Vaninetti had a significant interest in UFOs and was involved in UFO research with Bob, both before and after Bob claimed to have worked at S-4.
Newly-Released Documents Shed Light on Government-Funded Research Into Worm Holes, Anti-Gravity and Invisibility Cloaks
Newly-Released Documents Shed Light on Government-Funded Research Into Worm Holes, Anti-Gravity and Invisibility Cloaks
A tranche of documents released to Motherboard through FOIA show the research priorities of the secretive Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Application Program.
Since its existence was revealed by the New York Times in 2017, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which was funded by the Defense Intelligence Agency, or DIA, has been the subject of fervent curiosity from UFO disclosure advocates, government transparency activists, and journalists alike. The now formally defunct program was studying UFO-related phenomena, according to a landmark 2020 investigation by Popular Mechanics; the DIA’s public explanations on just what that involved have ranged over the years from unsatisfying to obfuscatory. Namely, the agency has insisted in recent years that AATIP was not looking at UFO-related phenomena, which former employees working on the program say is simply not true.
Now, a new tranche of documents released by the DIA to Motherboard based on a FOIA request filed four years ago shows, in detail, the exotic and occasionally downright weird research priorities of the Advanced Aerospace Weapons System Application Program (AAWSAP), an at-times overlapping program whose existence has been known about for several years.Some of these documents were also released several weeks ago to John Greenewald at the Black Vault; others have been circulating on Reddit for the past several weeks, indicating that the DIA has recently released a backlog of very old FOIA requests. The Sun also published some details about some of the documents, which it also obtained via FOIA, earlier this month. (AATIP and AAWSAP appear to have been, in practice, almost interchangeable; a DIA spokesperson previously told Greenewald, “[AATIP] was the name of the overall program. [AAWSAP] was the name of the contract that DIA awarded for the production of technical reports under AATIP.”)
The nearly 1,600 pages of documents released to Motherboard are a mix of scientific research, contracts, presentations, briefings, and memos related to the program; there are also many documents written for or by former Senator Harry Reid, who was responsible for the creation of the program, that detail meetings about AATIP or AAWSAP, argue for or against certain research or contracts, and the like. In many cases, documents prepared for the DIA about the theoretical applications of certain technologies were prepared by a person or entity whose name is redacted. Motherboard is publishing the full scope of what we received for transparency and to aid researchers and other journalists. Those documents are available here.
The documents make clear that the AAWSAP was focused on studying the defense and military capabilities of a variety of exotic speculative technologies, including invisibility cloaking, traversable wormholes, stargates, negative energy, antigravity, high frequency gravitational wave communications, and an (obviously) never-carried out proposal to tunnel a hole through the moon using nuclear explosions. (“Gravity is the bane of aerospace transportation,” one DIA reference document reads.) In the coming weeks, Motherboard will examine a few of these proposals in detail.
None of these technologies ever seem to have gotten remotely close to being a reality, as far as we know. The documents included in the FOIA are fascinating for two reasons: The first is that the research is, well, pretty weird, and the other is that AATIP and AAWSAP weren’t doing much of that research in-house. Both programs relied in large part on contract research conducted by an arm of a private company, Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Studies (BAASS), owned by eccentric hotel magnate Robert Bigelow. (BAASS is now defunct, but Bigelow Aerospace is still operational.)
Bigelow was a personal friend of Reid and lobbied for the creation of the AATIP program. He owned the infamous Skinwalker Ranch, a location said by some UFO enthusiasts to be a hotbed of paranormal activity and others to be a hotbed of a particular kind of hot air, for about 10 years. Bigelow is also known for having a keen interest in life after death. Just six months after BAASS was created, according to Popular Mechanics, Reid created funding for AATIP and drafted the AAWSAP contract. BAASS was the sole bidder for the contract and was awarded $10 million for the first year.
The documents raise further questions– which have already been swirling for years – about the government’s allocation of millions of dollars to a set of programs that seem to have ultimately accounted to very little, at least publicly. Titles of 38 research projects covered under the AAWASAP were released in 2019, following a FOIA request filed by Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists’ Project on Government Secrecy. (Correction, 5:40 p.m. EST: After publication, Jeremy Corbell, a UFO filmmaker, pointed out that George Knapp was the first person to publish a list of 37 of these areas of study, in July 2018. Knapp obtained it, he reported, from physicist Hal Puthoff, who previously worked for BAASS. The DIA formally released the full 38-item list in 2019 in response to Aftergood's FOIA.)
Aftergood, too, was critical of aspects of the program, telling Popular Mechanics: “The whole contracting process for this program was irregular from start to finish. [The AAWSAP contract] sounds like it was a good deal for the contractor. But it would be hard to argue that either the military or the public got their money’s worth.”
But what was released to Motherboard this week is a far more in-depth series of records, giving status updates on various projects and outlining why, precisely, the U.S. government was so interested in things like invisibility cloaks. They also reveal the enormous amount of effort former Reid put into championing the AATIP and AAWSAP, and into trying to keep the work they did classified. (Reid died in December 2021.)
In 2020, Reid said that what had publicly been released to that point "only scratched the surface" of what the Pentagon knows about UFOs and advanced technology and told Motherboard that he believed (at the time) that far more information should be released publicly.
This wasn't always the case, however; the documents released to Motherboard also show Reid pushed at one time to keep AATIP highly classified. In a 2009 letter to then-Secretary of Defense William Lynn III, Reid urged Lynn to make large portions of AATIP a Restricted Special Access Program (SAP)—a step above how normal classified documents are handled.
“Given the current rate of success, the continued study of these subjects will likely lead to technology advancements that in the immediate near-term will require extraordinary protection,” Reid wrote. (A memo prepared for the Secretary of Defense by James Clapper Jr., who would go on to become Director of National Intelligence, recommended against giving the program a SAP classification.)
Reid also made sweeping promises about what AATIP could do for the United States.
“Ultimately, the results of AATIP will not only benefit the U.S. Government, but I believe will directly benefit DoD in ways not yet imagined,” he wrote. “The technological insight and capability gained will provide the U.S. with a distinct advantage over any foreign threats and allow the U.S. to maintain its preeminence as a world leader.”
It seems clear that even more documents about these two linked, and deeply weird, programs will be forthcoming. In early March, for instance, Greenewald at the Black Vault learned that the Barack Obama Presidential Library is in possession of thousands of pages of materials, although those could take years to be released.
EXCLUSIVE: Dramatic videos of UFOs over the Pacific are revealed, as expert pilots describe seeing bright lights moving in 'race track' circles over the summer - but say their employers told them to keep quiet
EXCLUSIVE: Dramatic videos of UFOs over the Pacific are revealed, as expert pilots describe seeing bright lights moving in 'race track' circles over the summer - but say their employers told them to keep quiet
Pilots claim they saw UFOs while flying on routes from Japan and Hawaii in August and September
Now captains and a former F-18 pilot describe to seeing bright lights moving in elongated circles or 'race tracks' for hours high in the sky
The series of sightings were seen by dozens of pilots and captured on video and in air traffic control recordings
Witnesses tell they are now being told by their employers to keep quiet about the sightings
Pilot Chris Van Voorhis said UFO sightings are quite common among pilots, 'Out of my pilot friends, at least 50% have seen some type of an anomaly'
Van Voorhis said his employer told him to 'cease and desist' even mentioning the incident in public, and that he feared his job could be at risk for reporting his sighting
A series of strange UFO incidents over the Pacific Ocean this summer were captured on video and in air traffic control recordings after sightings by dozens of pilots.
Experienced captains and one former F-18 pilot told they saw bright lights moving in elongated circles or 'race tracks' for hours high in the sky while they flew on routes from Japan and Hawaii towards the US West Coast in August and September.
The incidents were reported to the FAA, and a researcher obtained dramatic audio of the pilots calling in the strange sightings to Los Angeles Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC).
Pilots also attempted to film from their cockpits the group of between three and five bright objects, which appeared to fly around in the area of the sky where the 'scoop' of the big dipper constellation sits.
Some of the witnesses told they are now being told by their employers to keep quiet, and are calling for better reporting procedures for encounters with 'unidentified aerial phenomena' (UAPs).
A graphic shows the location and dates of the several reported UFO sightings, mainly in the Pacific Ocean, that occurred in August and September of this year
Pilot Chris Van Voorhis, 63, told he saw between three and five objects, far brighter than the stars around them, fading in and out with no discernable pattern and moving in a 'race track' circular motion, while he was flying from Honolulu to Los Angeles in August
Two of the pilots can be heard in ARTCC recordings from August 18, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by Ben Hansen, a former FBI agent and the host of Discovery+ show UFO Witness.
'We've got a few aircraft to our north here and he's going around in circles, much higher altitude than us. Any idea what they are?' Mark Hulsey, a pilot flying a Gulfstream charter jet off the Los Angeles coast radioed in.
'Uh, no, no I do not,' the baffled controller responded. 'You're not entering any [military] airspace or anything. I am not sure.'
Van Voorhis, who has been flying since he was 14 and has 32,000 hours experience, said the objects appeared to be in Earth's orbit or even further out in space
The pilot described seeing 'maybe three aircraft there,' then called ARTCC 23 minutes later, stating, 'there's now like seven of them,' and estimating that they were 'at least 5 or 10,000 feet above us.'
Asked to elaborate by the controller, the rattled Hulsey added: 'They just keep going in circles. I was an F-18 pilot in the Marine Corps, and I'm telling you, I've done many intercepts, I've never seen anything like this.'
At certain times of day satellites can reflect the sun and appear to pilots as bright lights in the sky. But the expert aviators say they believe the circular movement and duration of the sightings – some for hours – ruled out satellites.
Chris Van Voorhis, 63, told he saw between three and five objects, far brighter than the stars around them, fading in and out with no discernable pattern and moving in a 'race track' circular motion, while he was flying from Honolulu to Los Angeles in August.
Van Voorhis, who has been flying since he was 14 and has 32,000 hours experience, said the objects appeared to be in Earth's orbit or even further out in space, given their continued position near to the big dipper constellation as he flew over the ocean for hours.
'The other airlines were saying, Hey, are you seeing what we're seeing?' the veteran pilot said.
'They were lights that would come on very bright, you would see them move, then they would go out.
'It had to be in a very, very high orbit, or actually even out in space quite a ways away from anything that a satellite would be, because every time we were seeing it, it was in the lower right hand corner of the Big Dipper, no matter where we were in the world.
'It lasted for such a long time that it actually became boring, almost.
'If it was [Elon Musk's satellite system] Starlink, or anything like that, then it's going to be moving in a linear fashion, and all of them will be moving in the same direction. These weren't. They were moving different directions.'
Van Voorhis said his employer, which has chosen not to name, told him to 'cease and desist' even mentioning the incident in public, and that he feared his job could be at risk for reporting his sighting.
Gulfstream captain and former F-18 pilot Mark Hulsey's saw a UFO sighting on August 18 by Santa Catalina, an island off the LA coast
This image shows the brightness of the UFO compared to the three circled stars, which are much dimmer
Two UFOs (also called UAPS - unidentified aerial phenomena) are seen in this photo, grabbed from a video of the encounter
Hansen has collected accounts of pilots for Southwest Airlines, Hawaiian Airlines and others between August 6 and September 23 who say they saw the same lights in the sky as Van Voorhis.
'Many of these pilots are very confident that the lights were not just going in one direction, but in both directions, which is very unusual for satellites.
'In Mark's case they would go from the north and then actually go above his craft, where he had to crane his neck to see them from the canopy.
'It was seen by upwards of 15 different commercial flights. And at least six pilots are willing to go on record with their names and everything if asked to do so by any investigative agencies.
'In this case, we have a global phenomena from as far west as Japan, to as far east as possibly Miami. Whatever it is, pilots are seeing it from halfway across the world.'
But Hansen said there is currently no proper process for reporting such sightings – even of strange objects that could pose a threat to the safety of commercial airlines.
'Civilian pilots do not have a structured, robust process that is publicly provided to them where they can report UAPs,' he told
'The reason the pilots don't report primarily is because they don't think the FAA will follow up, or worse they will be ridiculed.'
An FAA spokesman told 'The Federal Aviation Administration documents Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) sightings whenever a pilot reports one to an air traffic control facility.
'If the pilot report can be corroborated with supporting information such as radar data, it is shared with the UAP Task Force' – a Defense Department unit that investigates UFOs, now officially called the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office.
A 2021 Director of National Intelligence report warned that 'UAP threaten flight safety and, possibly, national security,' due to 11 near misses between naval aviators and unknown objects.
Van Voorhis' said UFO sightings are quite common among pilots.
'Out of my pilot friends, at least 50% have seen some type of an anomaly,' he said.
Two of the pilots can be heard in ARTCC recordings from August 18. 'We've got a few aircraft to our north here and he's going around in circles, much higher altitude than us. Any idea what they are?' Mark Hulsey radioed in
'Uh, no, no I do not,' the baffled controller responded. 'You're not entering any [military] airspace or anything. I am not sure'
The incidents were reported to the FAA, and a researcher obtained dramatic audio of the pilots calling in the strange sightings to Los Angeles Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC)
His August sighting was not his first. In February 2004 while flying for Japanese airline Jalways he said he and another plane's crew saw three 'disks' descend from outside the atmosphere, 'stop' mid air, then suddenly pivot 30 degrees while keeping their triangular formation and shoot off beyond the horizon at thousands of miles per hour.
'I was coming back from Japan to Honolulu. We were at 39,000 feet coming across the Pacific Ocean. It was 5:30 in the morning, local time. Something caught my eye off the left hand side of the aircraft. There were three large discs,' he said.
'They were high enough up in the atmosphere to be reflecting the light from the sun which wasn't up yet.
'They came in a triangular formation and stopped. They turned in formation, they didn't bank or anything like that, nothing aerodynamic, they just pivoted. And then they took off over the horizon.
'It wasn't like they accelerated. They were just at speed and gone over the horizon. The whole thing took about 15 seconds.
'The aircraft in front of us saw it too. They said 'are you going to tell anybody?' and we said 'no'.'
Gulfstream captain and former F-18 pilot Hulsey's August 18 UFO sighting was by Santa Catalina, an island off the LA coast.
Famously, US Navy aviators from the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz chased a 'tic tac'-shaped UFO near Santa Catalina Island in 2004.
The tic tac evaded Top Gun ace Commander David Fravor, maneuvering and accelerating in ways which seemed to defy the laws of physics. It then disappeared before astonishingly reappearing 40 miles away in less than one minute, at the aviator's CAP point, a rendezvous location only known by the pilot and his commander.
In July 2019, in the same area, multiple strange objects harassed US naval warships over several days.
The Pentagon claimed they were drones, but could not confirm the origin nor the operators of the craft. A source close to the investigation of the incident told that a nearby Chinese cargo ship named Bass Strait, thought to be the culprit, was searched with no signs of drones.4
If you were a commercial or private pilot flying one of those long trips across the Pacific Ocean and you saw UFOs in the form of bright lights high over the plane traveling in oval patterns, would you report them to your upper management or the FAA? Would you discuss them with other pilots? If the lights were in the sky long enough to record, would you record them? If the lights seemed to be following each other in this oval pattern, would you think you were watching a UFO racetrack? Believe it or not, all of these events have been occurring regularly and were witnessed by seasoned pilots, many with military experience, and they collectively are baffled by what they’re seeing. Baffled … but not afraid to record and report these sightings. Before you say “Meh … more drones,” the pilots have been told by their higher authorities not to discuss these sightings. Fortunately for us, they ignored the orders. Before you make up your minds, read some of the testimonies of pilots puzzled by the “Race track UAPs.”
“The other airlines were saying, “Hey, are you seeing what we're seeing?” They were lights that would come on very bright, you would see them move, then they would go out. It had to be in a very, very high orbit, or actually even out in space quite a ways away from anything that a satellite would be, because every time we were seeing it, it was in the lower right hand corner of the Big Dipper, no matter where we were in the world. It lasted for such a long time that it actually became boring, almost.”
(pilot and UFO witness Chris Van Voorhis to The Daily Mail)
Chris Van Voorhis, a veteran pilot with 32,000 hours of flight experience, says he was flying from Honolulu to Los Angeles in August 2022 when his eye caught sight of as many as five bright objects standing out against the surrounding stars of the Big Dipper. Yes, he knows what the SpaceX Starlink satellites look like and these were not satellites. Van Voorhis claimed they faded in and out rather than blinking, and the oval pattern they seemed to be traveling in reminded him of a “race track.” That’s how he knew they weren’t Starlink satellites because those follow each other in a straight line. As he indicated to The Daily Mail, Van Voorhis contacted other pilots who traveled this route and found many of them had seen the same UFOs around the Big Dipper.
“(Pilot) We've got a few aircraft to our north here and he's going around in circles, much higher altitude than us. Any idea what they are?
(Air traffic controller) Uh, no, no I do not,' the baffled controller responded. 'You're not entering any [military] airspace or anything. I am not sure.”
“(Pilot) There’s now like seven of them.”
Gulfstream charter jet pilot Mark Hulsey reported his sightings in the same August and September timeframe to air traffic control, which could not identify what he was seeing at an estimated “5 or 10,000 feet above us.” This conversation was broadcast on YouTube (watch the video here) by Ben Hansen, a former FBI agent and current UFO researcher, who obtained the conversation and many others using Freedom of Information requests for Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC) recordings from the FAA. Hulsey later says to the controller:
“They just keep going in circles. I was an F-18 pilot in the Marine Corps, and I'm telling you, I've done many intercepts, I've never seen anything like this.”
That is a key statement – Mark Hulsey is a former military pilot. Had he had this encounter, which took place by Santa Catalina, an island off the LA coast and near many military UFO sightings -- in a Marine fighter jet, he would have had a rigid set of instructions to follow to report this incident up the chain of command. He would also likely have ships with radar controllers following his moves and potentially tracking the UAPs. Hulsey and Van Voorhis are commercial pilots – they have looser guidelines to follow when encountering such phenomena, and often don’t because they don’t believe the FAA will follow up with an investigation … even of events seen by multiple pilots. They also fear losing their jobs. Van Voorhis said his unnamed employer told him to “cease and desist” mentioning the incident in public. Fortunately for us, many other pilots continued to report them and Mark Hulsey has their recordings.
“Many of these pilots are very confident that the lights were not just going in one direction, but in both directions, which is very unusual for satellites. In Mark's case they would go from the north and then actually go above his craft, where he had to crane his neck to see them from the canopy. It was seen by upwards of 15 different commercial flights. And at least six pilots are willing to go on record with their names and everything if asked to do so by any investigative agencies. In this case, we have a global phenomena from as far west as Japan, to as far east as possibly Miami. Whatever it is, pilots are seeing it from halfway across the world.”
In his video, Hansen reveals names of airlines -- Southwest Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines, among others – whose pilots saw the same “race track UFOs” between August 6 and September 23, 2022. While only Hulsey and Van Voorhis are willing to go public, the others may soon follow because there has been no investigation or explanation of these lights. And there are more, according to Van Voorhis.
“Out of my pilot friends, at least 50% have seen some type of an anomaly.”
The Defense Department now has the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) – an official UAP Task Force tasked with investigating military UFO encounters. While the FAA can share its pilot-reported sightings with the AARO, there is no guarantee they will be investigated.
Kudos to Ben Hansen for doggedly chasing down these reports. On his YouTube page, he mentions that these latest reports are in addition to “previous sightings reported in the two preceding videos in this playlist.”
These “race track UFOs” have been seen by experienced pilots around the world at altitudes high above theirs, and they are convinced the phenomena are not satellites. Then … what are they? Don’t hold your breath waiting for a Pentagon or government response. Get out there yourself, look up in the sky, have your cellphone charged and ready, file FOI requests, bug your congressional representatives, do the legwork. Like politics, the best UFO investigations begin at the grass roots.
Some of the Most Bizarre Alien and UFO Encounters at U.S. Air Force Bases
Some of the Most Bizarre Alien and UFO Encounters at U.S. Air Force Bases
Brent Swancer
There are all manner of UFO and alien encounters within the realm of ufology, coming from a wide variety of witnesses from all walks of life. There are those in rural areas, suburban areas, at airports, urban areas, and everywhere in between, but one type of case that really catches the attention are those that have supposedly gone down at military installations. Here we have highly trained observers who have made themselves ready for a lot of things, but not for something like this. A lot of these reports are even more bizarre than most, and here we will look at a handful of extremely weird alien and UFO encounters at Air Force bases in the United States.
On May 1, 1952, a Major Rudy Pestalozzi was out an airfield with an airman at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base (AFB), in Tucson, Arizona on duty when they noticed something very odd about the B-36 bomber that was flying overhead. According to the witness, two shiny metallic discs sped in out of nowhere to overtake the plane and then move into positions on each side of it, after which they paced it for a time before suddenly tearing off at an angle of 70-80 degrees from the flight path of the B-36 and shooting off out of sight. The crew of the B-36 was apparently so unnerved by the whole experience that they performed an early landing, after which they were heavily interrogated by Pestalozzi on what had happened up there. They would explain that each of the discs has measured an estimated 20-25 feet in diameter and had remained silent when the plane attempted radio contact. What were these objects and what did they want? Who knows?
Another very bizarre event was mentioned in the book They Knew too Much About Flying Saucers, by Gray Barker, and allegedly took place In April of 1954, at Edwards AFB, formerly Muroc AFB, in the Palmdale/Lancaster area of California’s remote Mojave Desert, California. The bonkers report begins with 5 crafts approaching the base; 3 disks and 2 cylinders, each one about 30 feet in diameter, which the Air Force wasted no time in firing upon with live ammo. The blistering assault allegedly had no effect on the objects, and they proceeded to land near one of the large hangars. After some time of just sitting there freaking everyone out, the objects then disgorged a procession of diminutive humanoids, which were about 3 feet tall, without helmets and with large heads and eyes, typical “grey aliens.” These aliens could rather creepily turn themselves invisible at will and spoke English through some sort of translator devices on their silvery suits, and rather than express any anger over having just been fired upon, they had quite the tale to tell.
They supposedly explained that they were from a dying world and that and that they also had a genetic disorder, and therefore needed Earth’s help to provide underground bases for them to live in peace for a time and try to find a cure. They promised that in exchange for this they would provide various technologies to the human race, and that they would leave behind one of their flying saucers. An agreement was reached and the saucer was then moved to one of the hangars, where it proved to be very light and able to turn invisible. It would allegedly be kept at Muroc for some time before being placed underground at the North Edwards base for many years. Rather surreally, the then President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, was at the base at the time and supposedly witnessed everything, and after convening a meeting of world leaders the aliens were allegedly given an island in French Polynesia as a base on Earth, after which numerous projects were funded to build subterranean bases for the Greys. This would supposedly kick off a long term exchange with these aliens that the government has kept a secret and which all began that day in 1954 at Muroc AFB. Pretty strange stuff, indeed.
From 1975 we have a another case from Edwards Air Force Base. On October 7 of that year, 12 luminous UFOs allegedly came right down low and just over a secure military runway, and were clearly observed by both witnesses on the ground and on radar. The alarmed Air Force scrambled several jet fighters, worried about the threat to the nuclear materials stored at the base, but the planes were never able to follow or even hope to match the extreme maneuverability and speed of the crafts. Then, just as the base was considering a more significant military response, the objects all flew off in formation to places unknown. The film producer and ufologist Samuel M. Sherman would claim that he had managed to cobble together the lost tapes of what he says were about 40 hours of recordings that were made of the incident, and he says of it all (caps not mine):
What makes this historic intrusion and visit so important is that the US Air Force thoroughly documented it and even gave it a code name: “The Incident.” The entire incident was additionally documented with written reports, radar photos, and AUDIO TAPES made by Air Force personnel while they were actually SEEING the objects, FLYING AFTER the objects, and considering taking SERIOUS MILITARY ACTION against what they might imply as a threat.
From my calculations at least 40 hours of recordings were made (a five hour event recording from at least 8 locations). However, only six hours of tapes were de-classified many years ago as a mass of noise and unclear voices, which truly defied interpretation. They had SCRAMBLED the tapes into what they felt was a hopeless jumble of random pieces of conversation utterly out of sequence and logical progression. When I realized what had been done, it presented a challenge which made me determined to find out what was hidden within that chaotic mass of sound. After many months and countless hours of laborious research, cataloging, and editing the snips and pieces of the audio tape, I was able to organize the sound so the conversations could be understood. The resulting reconstructed tapes are now ironclad documented proof of the existence of extraterrestrial UFO visitation to this planet.
I have sent copies of my finished product directly to a number of major Government Agencies and have received NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS! Not a single Official Agency has tried to debunk or discredit the event, or my presentation of the tapes. Furthermore, The CSETI organization has used my tape presentation in meetings with members of Congress with the aim of having our government tell the public the truth of ET involvement on the Earth. And yes, the plane spotters at Edwards KNEW that UFOs or UFOBs, as they called them then, were not our “black” projects, Soviet bombers, or any known aircraft – they were unknown, fabulously high-tech craft with capabilities beyond any known technology.
What to make of all of this? Very odd. Edwards AFB has often been the center of strangeness like this, and yet another incident supposedly happened there in 1971 that is every bit as bizarre. In the summer of 1971, A small mushroom-shaped craft allegedly actually came down to crash close to Edwards AFB, and was described as being metallic with greenish lights, with no windows or seams and seemingly molded out of one piece, but what was even weirder than this was that there were apparently three grey alien humanoids in the craft, two of which were dead and one that was alive but badly injured. Making it even more bizarre still was that there was also found a human woman in a tight-fitting pink body suit, an apparent abductee by the name of Lorraine Dvorak Cordini, who was also alive but injured.
Cordini would supposedly later claim that although her memories of what had happened to her were fuzzy, she remembered travelling aboard the craft from a massive “mothership” in space, and the next thing she remembered was being in the wreckage and being arrested by military personnel. As she was being led away, she also recalled that there had been the image in her mind a “Captain,” who was a different type of alien that was tall and dressed in white robes, who apologized to her that they could not be helped. She was then led away to a hangar and ufologist Anton Anfalov has written of what happened next:
Lorraine was then thrown into the backseat of a black limousine. Her next memory was what surfaced in the hypnosis session. Lorraine was lying on a cold metal table in a hangar. Three military persons stood to the left of the table. One may have been an officer because he had a different cap than the fatigue uniforms of the other two persons. Another uniformed military man was at Lorraine’s head and to the right and to his left was an alien whom Lorraine described as having a pumpkin-shaped head. He had appeared in a childhood experience that previously surfaced during the same hypnosis session. In the childhood experience he was in a spacesuit… Lorraine’s child’s mind saw him dangling outside the window in a deep sea diver’s suit. This alien was about 4 ft tall, his body bulbous and brown. His head bulbous and pumpkin like. Lorraine “heard” the alien thinking how great he felt about himself and how proud he was to be in the service of the earth military men… he had a smug attitude and the military man next to him showed contempt towards the alien. She was very confused and disoriented. Her next memory was of being yanked off the table and being dragged outside the hangar. There she saw many flashing red lights and screamed, “My God, that isn’t a space ship that is the police, my God it is the police.” The military men then sat her on a bus and she ended up in San Francisco stranded and lost.
Very strange, to be sure. Moving along into 1976, there is a rather intense report from the Cannon AFB, which is located a few miles outside of Clovis, New Mexico. In January of that year, four bright saucer-shaped objects, each one estimated as being at least at least 30 to 50 feet in diameter, allegedly dropped right down from the night sky from out of nowhere and started darting around in a threatening manner above the base, which was enough for the Air Force to scramble jets to send up to engage. Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research, has said of what happened next:
The jet aircraft began trying to intercept the objects. As the aircraft got close to the vicinity of the unknown objects, the objects, at an incredible rate of speed, would shoot across the sky making 90 degree turns leaving the fighter aircraft trailing way behind as they just weren’t able to keep up with the strange craft. As the objects made unusual turns a plasma type glow could clearly be witnessed by the group of people watching the event. The cat and mouse chase between the objects and jets went on for approximately 45 minutes. Because the witnesses were on one of the tallest buildings in Portales, New Mexico, they could clearly see the flight-line at the Base. One of the men had brought a 150 power telescope which enabled the fellows to see the objects fly at a low altitude over the flight-line. As the objects passed over the lights running down the flight line, all the lights went out. Eventually the objects shot up and were gone in a second, or so, and the F-111’s were recalled back to the Base and landed safely.
According to Vike, a journalism student called “Bruce” was there at the time, and actually managed to take some photos of the incident, but that he had a disturbing experience not long after appearing on the Jeff Rense national radio program about what had happened. Vike explains of the spooky incident:
It was around 1:30 a.m., Bruce and his wife had turned in for the night and were sound asleep when his cell phone started ringing. Knowing that he had his work cell phone turned off he knew it was a call from one of his children, and of course being a parent, he worried as he grabbed for the phone. Bruce answered with a hello and a voice spoke back saying, “Mr. Bruce (last name). Bruce said there was a very professional sounding gentleman on the other end. The man said he needed to talk to him about a matter of utmost urgency! Bruce still half asleep asked the man who he was, what was this call was all about, especially at this hour of the morning. The fellow said this is about your recent radio appearance and discussion about some photographs that you took back in New Mexico.
At this point in the conversation Bruce said to the man,”you have to be kidding me,” thinking this had to be some kind of hoax, asked who was this. The man said there is no need for you to know who I am. He went on to say, “it would be in your best interest to discontinue this line of discussion and do away with those photographs. Destroy them!” Bruce at this point is in shock about this man. He looks on the cell phone to see what phone number is displayed and it shows “number not available”. The man told Bruce that “this is no joke and ‘we’ feel that this would be in your best interest, and for the sake of your family, that all of this go away.” Bruce told the man that if he wasn’t willing to reveal himself then the conversation would be terminated. The man then went on to tell Bruce what his children were involved in, meaning their daily activities, where they lived, etc.., what Bruce’s wife was doing, such as personal activities within the family, etc… and said that he could fax Bruce his life’s history within a few seconds. That was it, Bruce hung up and that ended the call with the stranger.
After this incident took place and some weeks had gone by, a neighbor of Bruce’s caught up with him outside one day and told him that they had been seeing alot of traffic in and out of Bruce’s property. Cars would pull up and stay for a while and then drive off. Other times the cars would pull into the driveway, stop, and men would get out and walk around the home. Then they got back into their cars and drove off. These cars that were coming and going had government license plates on them. One other interesting fact to this story is that Bruce put together a package for me, Jeff Rense, George Filer and Peter Davenport. In this package there was a copy of the photo he had taken over the AFB. Bruce mailed out the packages to us all and not one of us have received the information. Bruce says he is going to try again and send it through a different means.
Pretty sinister, indeed. From the following year these is a bizarre incident from Ellsworth AFB, located around 7 miles southwest of Nisland, South Dakota. On the evening of November 16, 1977, two security personnel were dispatched to investigate an alarm activation at one of the warhead storage facilities on the base, and as they approached they observed a bright light shining vertically upwards from the rear of the fence line. One of the men stayed in the vehicle while the other went to check out what this strange light was, and as he approached he would report seeing “an individual dressed in a glowing, green metallic uniform and wearing a helmet with visor.” The security officer ordered the mysterious trespasser to stop, and when he did not he aimed his weapon at him. As the weapon was trained on him, the stranger produced some sort of object that emitted a “bright flash of intense light” that disintegrated the weapon and caused severe burns to the guard’s hands.
When his partner arrived to help, they then saw two more intruders dressed in the same uniforms, who seemed to phase through the fence and walk completely through it. When their orders to halt went unheeded, they fired at the intruders with an M-16 rifle and both fell to the ground. They didn’t stay down long, however, and the two base personnel had to take cover as the intruders fired beams of light at them. The two figures then proceeded to hurry off to a nearby hill, where a saucer shaped object bathed in green illumination appeared, which picked them up and then climbed vertically upwards and shot off over the Eastern horizon. Rather strangely, an examination off the site would show that the nuclear components of the warhead had gone missing. Were they stolen by those enigmatic strangers? Who knows?
If a shootout with aliens sounds strange enough as it is, our final case here is perhaps the most spectacularly weird of all, involving an alien allegedly killed by base personnel. The incident supposedly happened at Fort Dix/McGuire AFB, New Jersey, on January 18, 1978. At around 3 a.m. that morning, a Jeffrey Morse had been on patrol as a security policeman for the base when he was notified about UFO activity over Fort Dix, which is an army base that adjoined McGuire AFB, and there were calls for assistance from a Ft. Dix MP who was pursuing a low flying object which had then hovered over his car. Morse would explain of the incredibly bizarre series of events:
He described the UFO as oval shaped, with no details, and glowing with a blueish green color. His radio transmission was cut off. At that time in front of his police car, appeared a thing, about 4ft tall, grayish, brown, fat head, long arms, and slender body. The MP panicked and fired five rounds from his .45 Cal into the thing, and one round into the object above. The object then fled straight up and joined with eleven others high in the sky. This we all saw but didn’t know the details at the time. Anyway, the thing ran into the woods towards our fence line and they wanted to look for it. By this time several patrols were involved.
We found the body of the thing near the runway. It had apparently climbed the fence and died while running. It was all of a sudden hush-hush and no one was allowed near the area. We roped off the area and AF OSI came out and took over. That was the last I saw of it. There was a bad stench coming from it too. Like ammonia smelling but it wasn’t constant in the air. That day, a team from Wright-Patterson AFB came in a C141 and went to the area. They crated it in a wooden box, sprayed something over it, and then put it into a bigger metal container. They loaded it in the plane and took off. That was it, nothing more was said, no report made and we were all told not to have anything to say about it or we would be court martialed.
Morse would go on to claim that all witnesses to the event had been interrogated and sent off for duty at other bases. UFO investigator George Filer would claim that he had been summoned to the base that evening, and had witnessed strange red lights on one of the disused runways. He also alleged that he had heard chatter among the base personnel that an alien had been killed and that UFO activity had been picked up on radar at both Fort Dix and McGuire AFB. It is just one more case to throw on the pile of very odd encounters that have supposedly gone on at Air Force bases. What were these entities and what did they want? Where did they come from? Were they ever even really real at all? The answers remain unclear.
Chandra’s X-ray Vision Combined With JWST Reveals Even More Details About the Universe
Chandra’s X-ray Vision Combined With JWST Reveals Even More Details About the Universe
NASA scientist have released images combining the early data from the James Webb Space Telescope with X-ray data taken with the Chandra Observatory. Besides their beauty, the images offer insights into the inner workings of some of the most complex astrophysical phenomena in the universe.
Different wavelengths of light reveal different kinds of information about the cosmos. Each new telescope that we launch into space or open up on the ground offers a new window into processes that we wouldn’t otherwise be able to perceive.
For example, the James Webb Space Telescope is focused on infrared radiation. Infrared radiation is emitted by warm objects and is excellent at passing through gas clouds without being absorbed or getting scattered. This allows astronomers to peer into the hearts of dense dust clouds like the kind that surround newly forming stars.
At the other end of the energy spectrum sits the Chandra C-ray Observatory. X-rays are produced by some of the most energetic events in the cosmos, like supernovae and pulsars. The radiation we get in the X-ray tells us about how these high energy processes operate.
The best kind of astronomy happens when we combine different wavelengths. In the latest case, NASA scientists took the recently published early release images from the James Webb Space Telescope and overlaid Chandra X-ray Observatory observations of the same objects.
Stephan’s Quintet as seen by both Chandra and James Webb. Image credit: NASA
Scientists have not yet mined through the images and published their research, but we can already draw some conclusions. The X-ray radiation tells us where high energy processes are taking place, while the infrared tells us where warm objects are obscured by dust clouds. For example, the image of Stephan’s Quintet shows 5 galaxies. Above the two galaxies at the center sits a squiggly cloud. This is a shockwave revealed by Chandra that wouldn’t otherwise be visible.
You can check out the photo album for yourself here. While scientists continue to combine the data and reveal new insights, we can content ourselves by enjoying the beautiful images.
Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) says the American public is being "hosed" when it comes to the government releasing information about UFOs. Burchett believes the government is withholding serious information on UFOs from the public.
Rep. Tim Burchett's statement comes at the same time as NASA announces their Unidentified Aerial Phenomena study team members.
NASA has selected 16 individuals to participate in its independent study team on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). Observations of events in the sky that cannot be identified as aircraft or as known natural phenomena are categorized as UAPs.
The independent study will begin on Monday, Oct. 24. Over the course of nine months, the independent study team will lay the groundwork for future study on the nature of UAPs for NASA and other organizations. To do this, the team will identify how data gathered by civilian government entities, commercial data, and data from other sources can potentially be analyzed to shed light on UAPs. It will then recommend a roadmap for potential UAP data analysis by the agency going forward.
NASA has brought together some of the world's leading scientists, data and artificial intelligence practitioners, aerospace safety experts, all with a specific charge, which is to tell us how to apply the full focus of science and data to UAP.
And then NASA says the following in their announcement:
"Consistent with NASA’s principles of openness, transparency, and scientific integrity, this report will be shared publicly,” “All of NASA’s data is available to the public – we take that obligation seriously – and we make it easily accessible for anyone to see or study."
What a hypocrisy, besides don't expect too much from this study, NASA as well as the Government have already collected so much information and evidence on the existing of the UFO phenomenon, but both organizations have covered it up for already so many years and as Rep. Tim Burchett said "the government (and NASA too) is withholding serious information on UFOs from the public."
Stunning footage of a UFO hovering in the sky above Medellin, Colombia
Stunning footage of a UFO hovering in the sky above Medellin, Colombia
The object was stationary and rocking back and forth. There was a red glow underneath and it remained stationary in the sky above Medellin, Colombia.
The witness said it was one solid object and rotated upside down. The object was definitely not a hang glider. It remained stationary and tilted against the wind, reports ufosightingsnet.
Strange Lights in triangle formation hovering over people in Spain, Oct 2022
Video shared on Twitter by SpanishFher, recorded on October 19, 2022 at 10:23 PM in Spain. No further information...
Strange Ripple Structures Found at the Edge of the Solar System
Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about new discoveries about the shape of the heliosphere and strange new discoveries from the edge of the solar system
Aliens or Ancient Humans? 100,000 Years Old UFO Nanotechnology Discovery Changes Everything
An Oopart (out-of-place artifact) is a term applied to dozens of prehistoric objects found in various places around the world that, given their level of technology, are completely at odds with their determined age based on physical, chemical, or geological evidence. Today, we are going to talk about the strangest ooparts found to date that will convince you that the history of the planet is not what we think it to be.
NASA Chief Just Made A Terrifying Announcement About Betelgeuse Explosion!
As Russia threatens to use a nuclear bomb in Ukraine, many people globally are scared because of the immense destruction nuclear bombs are capable of! However, a warning about an immeasurably bigger explosion has been going out since, and the warning is coming from no other person than the Chief of NASA! The master scientist has been warning about the terrifying explosion of a star known as Betelgeuse! When will Betelgeuse finally explode? Why is Betelgeuse's explosion dangerous? Is planet earth safe from the effects of Betelgeuse's explosion? In this video, we dive into NASA Chief's terrifying warning about Betelgeuse explosion
The Asteroid That Killed the Dinosaurs Also Flooded the World's Coastlines With a Catastrophic Tsunami
Artistic rendition of the Chicxulub impactor striking ancient Earth, with Pterosaur observing. Could pieces of the same impact swarm have hit the Moon, too? Credit: NASA
The Asteroid That Killed the Dinosaurs Also Flooded the World's Coastlines With a Catastrophic Tsunami
For decades, scientists have theorized that a massive impact caused the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event. This event occurred about 66 million years ago and caused the mass extinction of about 75% of all plant and animal species on Earth (including the non-avian dinosaurs). With the discovery of the massive Chicxulub crater in the Yucatan Peninsula (southern Mexico) in the 1970s, scientists concluded that they’d found the impact responsible. Based on all the available data, the Chicxulub Impact event is believed to have been as powerful as 100,000 billion metric tons (110,231 U.S tons) of TNT.
This blast was more powerful than all the nuclear devices in the world combined and sent an estimated 25 trillion metric tons (~27.5 US tons) of hot dust, ash, and steam into the atmosphere, creating a global winter. But according to new research led by the University of Michigan, an international team of geologists has determined that the impact also created a global tsunami. According to their findings, this tsunami was 30,000 times more powerful than the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, one of the largest and most devastating tsunamis on record.
The maximum sea surface perturbation heights of the global tsunami. Credit: Range, M. (et al.)/AGU Advances
To recap, evidence of the Chicxulub Impact is traced to the crater buried beneath the Yucatan Peninsula of southern Mexico. The crater measures 180 km (110 mi) in diameter and 20 km (12 mi) in depth and is centered offshore near the community of Chicxulub (from which it takes its name). Based on the crater’s dimensions, scientists estimate that the meteor that caused it measured about 14 km (8.7 mi) in diameter. Evidence of the impact is also found in the geological record in the form of deposits of iridium and other impact ejecta that were globally distributed.
This led to the scientific consensus that the impact that led to the Chicxulub crater was responsible for the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction and possibly the volcanic activity that created the Deccan flood basalt in India. For the sake of their study, Range and her colleagues sought to determine the effects this impact had on the world’s oceans, from the initial moment of contact to the point where it became a global tsunami. To do this, the team created the first global simulation of this impact using hydrocode (which models fluid systems in 3D) and a shallow-water ocean model.
As study co-author Brian Arbic – a researcher with the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), the IGE, and LEGO – told Universe Today via email, the simulation involved three steps. In the first step, the hydrocode was run by co-author Brandon Johnson (Purdue University) and simulated the first ten minutes of the impact. During this time, explained Arbic, the effects were nothing short of cataclysmic:
“[M]aterial from the asteroid, the underlying bedrock of the Earth, sediment, and ocean was displaced tens of kilometers above the atmosphere and (in the other direction) tens of kilometers below the Earth’s surface – in other words, a great big hole was dug out of the Earth. A massive crater was created by this impact, as well as an outward propagating “rim wave”. Most of the energy in the tsunami is due to the rim wave, but there is also a significant secondary effect due to water rushing back into the crater that the impact created.”
The maximum flow velocity of the global tsunami at each grid cell (b).
Credit: Range, M. (et al.)/AGU Advances
The second step was performed by Range as part of her Master’s Thesis at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. This consisted of putting the output of the hydrocode into two global shallow-water tsunami propagation models. These included the Modular Ocean Model 6 (MOM6), developed by co-author Alistair J. Adcroft (a research oceanographer from Princeton University), and the Method of Splitting Tsunami (MOST) developed by co-author Vasily Titov – a senior tsunami modeler at the NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Lab.
“Vasily simulated the tsunami with MOST, and the results are fairly similar to those obtained with MOM6,” said Arbic. “Obtaining similar results from two different models gave us more confidence in our results. We will examine differences between shallow-water models and other models in future work.”The third step consisted of co-authorTed Moore– a Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor – examining the geological record of the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary for signs of sediment erosion. This revealed that more erosion occurred in the North Atlantic and South Pacific basins than in the South Atlantic and North Pacific. In short, the geological record shows that the seafloor in these regions was eroded and scoured more aggressively, with flow velocities of about 100 meters per second (360 km/h; 224 mph).
Moreover, the model showed that the wavefront propagation velocities, the speed at which waves formed on the surface, were about 200 meters per second (720 km/h; 447 mph). This is consistent with what the team’s model predicted and constitutes the best observational evidence of a global tsunami at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. Their results also indicate that the Cretaceous-Paleogene tsunami was several orders of magnitude more powerful than any observed in recorded history. As Range described it, the effects of the impact were seen worldwide:
“It was a global impact. The tsunami was seen across the globe in 48 hours. Most coastal regions saw waves hit the coastline. Depending on where you look, wave heights could be from 1 meter to hundreds of meters tall. At ten minutes post-impact, the wave that had formed in the Gulf of Mexico was 1.5 km tall. This tsunami has 30,000 times the energy of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.”
Plate reconstruction and drill site locations (circled) at the age of the K/Pg boundary, showing continental blocks (gray), and modern continental outlines (red), where the K/Pg tsunami was most violent (green).
Credit: Range, M. (et al.)/AGU
This research provides additional insight into one of the most important events in geological history. In addition, said Range, the research has significant implications for planetary defense:
“The Chicxulub event had many important impacts, which have been previously documented – fires, wild swings of temperature (both very hot and very cold), destruction and eventual resetting of the predominant forms of life on Earth, and more. The tsunami was another important impact, and we plan to continue studying this tsunami and its impacts on the geological record that we can still examine. Impacts from large asteroids and meteors could happen again, which is why NASA recently ran the DART mission to see if they could be deflected.”
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Op sommige plekken zouden zelfs meer dan een kilometer hoge golven zijn ontstaan.
Zo’n 66 miljoen jaar geleden sloeg een enorme ruimtesteen op aarde in. De inslag leidde tot het uitsterven van tal van planten- en diersoorten, waarvan de dinosaurussen veruit de bekendste slachtoffers zijn.
Tsunami De afgelopen jaren is er veel onderzoek gedaan naar de inslag en de gevolgen daarvan. Zo gaan onderzoekers er bijvoorbeeld van uit dat de inslag grote hoeveelheden stof in de atmosfeer bracht, waardoor zonlicht werd tegengehouden en de temperaturen wereldwijd sterk daalden. Maar behalve een jarenlange winter kregen de organismen die de inslag in eerste instantie overleefden nog meer voor de kiezen, zo wijst nieuw onderzoek uit. Zo zou de inslag ook een monstertsunami hebben voortgebracht die zelfs duizenden kilometers verderop grote schade aanrichtte.
Model en geologische data De onderzoekers trekken die conclusie – eerder deze maand gepubliceerd in het blad AGU Advances – onder meer op basis van modellen. Die modellen werden ingezet om het pad en de kracht van de tsunami te achterhalen. Vervolgens gebruikten de onderzoekers geologische gegevens, verzameld op meer dan 100 plaatsen wereldwijd die de tsunami volgens het model heeft aangedaan, om na te gaan of ze sporen van die tsunami konden vinden. En dat lukte, zo vertelt onderzoeker Molly Range. “De tsunami was sterk genoeg om de sedimenten in de oceaan te verstoren of eroderen.” Het resultaat is dat onderzoekers op plekken die de tsunami heeft bezocht door elkaar gehusselde sedimentlagen aantreffen of zelfs complete sedimentlagen missen. “De distributie van de erosie en hiaten in de mariene sedimenten daterend uit het einde van het Krijt, zijn in lijn met de resultaten van ons model,” aldus onderzoeker Molly Range.
Superkrachtige tsunami Het model en de geologische gegevens schetsen zo samen een vrij eenduidig en angstaanjagend beeld. “Onze simulaties laten zien dat de tsunami zo groot was dat metershoge golven het leeuwendeel van ‘s werelds kustlijnen bereikten,” vertelt Range aan “Het is dan ook bijna onmogelijk om deze tsunami te vergelijken met moderne tsunami’s.” Maar als we dat dan toch willen proberen, komt eigenlijk zelfs de krachtigste tsunami uit de recente geschiedenis niet eens in de buurt; in vergelijking met de tsunami die in 2004 in de Indische Oceaan ontstond en honderdduizenden levens eiste, was de tsunami die zo’n 66 miljoen jaar geleden ontstond nog eens 30.000 keer krachtiger.
Golven Zo’n 2,5 minuut nadat de ruimtesteen insloeg zou ejecta – door de inslag weggeslingerd materiaal – als een soort gordijn rond de plaats van inslag hebben gehangen en een muur van water bij de inslag vandaan hebben geduwd. Die muur van water zou heel kort tot wel 4,5 kilometer hoog zijn geweest, maar zijn ingestort toen ook het ejecta weer naar beneden stortte. Het ejecta stortte daarbij deels in het water, waardoor weer nieuwe, zeer chaotische golven ontstonden. “Na tien minuten was al het ejecta gevallen en bleef er op zo’n 220 kilometer van de plaats van inslag een 1,5 kilometer hoge, ringvormige golf over die zich door dieper water bleef verspreiden,” zo schrijven de onderzoekers.
Ongeveer een uur na de inslag had deze golf zich tot buiten de hedendaagse Golf van Mexico verspreid en het noordelijke deel van de Atlantische Oceaan al bereikt. En zo’n vier uur later was ook de Stille Oceaan door de tsunami beroerd. 24 uur na de inslag hadden de golven de Atlantische en Stille Oceaan al doorkruist en – dus van twee zijden – de Indische Oceaan bereikt. Zo’n 48 uur na de inslag hadden flinke golven bijna alle kustlijnen wereldwijd aangedaan.
Overstromingen In de Golf van Mexico zouden de golven in open water een hoogte van meer dan 100 meter hebben bereikt. Op het moment dat de golven de kustlijnen langs het noordelijke deel van de Atlantische Oceaan en het zuidelijke deel van de Stille Oceaan naderden, zouden de golven al flink lager zijn geworden, maar nog wel altijd meer dan 10 meter hoog zijn geweest. Maar doordat de nog altijd hoge golven bij het naderen van de kust door ondieper water bewogen, zouden ze kort voor ze aan land gingen juist weer aanzienlijk hoger zijn geworden. “De meeste kustgebieden zouden in zekere mate overstroomd en geërodeerd zijn,” stellen de onderzoekers.
Regionale verschillen Hoewel dus sprake was van een wereldwijde tsunami, was de impact die deze op de kustgebieden had overigens niet overal even groot. Zo moeten de kustlijnen langs het noordelijke deel van de Atlantische Oceaan bijvoorbeeld veel meer te verduren hebben gehad dan de kustlijnen langs het zuidelijke deel van de Atlantische Oceaan en de Middellandse Zee. “Dat deze (laatstgenoemde, red.) gebieden enigszins gespaard werden, heeft alles te maken met de ligging van het land,” legt Range aan uit. “Landen of continenten vormen een blokkade wanneer de golf door de oceaan reist. Zo zie je bijvoorbeeld dat wanneer de tsunami van de Golf van Mexico vandaan reist, er landbarrières zijn tussen de plaats van inslag en het Mediterrane gebied.”
Vervolgonderzoek Hoewel onderzoekers in grove lijnen dus wel een beeld hebben van de impact die de tsunami op kustlijnen heeft gehad, is meer onderzoek hard nodig. Zo willen de wetenschappers bijvoorbeeld gaan uitzoeken in hoeverre de tsunami op verschillende plaatsen tot overstromingen leidde. “We zijn daarbij met name geïnteresseerd in hoe ver de tsunami de Western Interior Seaway (een voormalige zeestraat die het huidige Noord-Amerika in tweeën splitste, red.) in wist te reizen.”
Het onderzoek moet uiteindelijk meer inzicht geven in de wijze waarop die enorme inslag 66 miljoen jaar geleden van invloed was op onze planeet en alles wat daarop leefde. “De inslag had veel belangrijke gevolgen die eerder al zijn gedocumenteerd,” vertelt Range. “Grote branden, enorme fluctuaties in temperatuur (zowel heel warm als heel koud), vernietiging en herschikking van overheersende levensvormen op aarde, enzovoort.En de tsunami was een ander, heel belangrijk gevolg.”
Neanderthalers leefden samen in kleine groepen, waar incest niet vreemd was: onderzoek naar eerste familie oermensen licht tipje van de sluier
Wetenschappers, waaronder de Nobelprijswinnaar van dit jaar Svante Pääbo, hebben de resten van een groep Neanderthalers aan een genetische analyse onderworpen. Een primeur, want voor het eerst gunt een onderzoek ons een blik achter de schermen bij een familie neanderthalers. Wat blijkt? Ze leefden voornamelijk in kleine groepen en waren niet vies van incest. Dat schrijven de onderzoekers van het Max Planck Instituut voor Evolutionaire Antropologie in het vakblad Nature.
In Siberië, in het Altaj-gebergte, zijn de restanten van maar liefst 13 verschillende neanderthalers - onder wie mannen, vrouwen en ook kinderen - teruggevonden. Het bleek om een groep neanderthalers te gaan die er zo’n 54.000 jaar geleden samenleefden: een vader, zijn dochter, nog een andere man en wellicht nog een tante en neefje van de vader en dochter. De bonte familieverzamelingen betekenden een buitenkansje want nooit eerder werd er onderzoek gedaan naar groepen neanderthalers die daadwerkelijk hebben samengeleefd.
“Resten van neanderthalers die goed bewaard zijn gebleven, zijn tamelijk zeldzaam", aldus hoofdonderzoeker Benjamin Peter. “Vaak vinden we slechts enkele individuen terug waarvan de ene duizenden jaren ouder of jonger is dan de andere."
Gedrag van gorilla’s
Met behulp van een genetische analyse slaagden wetenschappers erin om de sociale structuren van de groep bloot te leggen. En dat leverde op zijn minst interessante resultaten op. Zo was er in sterke mate sprake van inteelt. Niet zo verbazingwekkend, volgens de onderzoekers. De verschillende gemeenschappen leefden ver van elkaar verwijderd en telden slechts tien tot dertig individuen. Enkel de vrouwen verplaatsten zich soms van de ene groep naar de andere, al dan niet vrijwillig. Kortom, ze leefden net zoals groepen gorilla’s dat momenteel doen.
“De samenleving die wij bestudeerden was waarschijnlijk zeer klein”, aldus hoofdonderzoeker Benjamin Peter. “Toch slaagden ze erin honderden tot zelfs duizenden jaren te overleven in de ruige omgeving. Dat verdient respect.” De bestudeerde neanderthalers joegen onder meer op alpensteenbokken, bizons en paarden. Behalve de restanten van de neanderthalers en dieren, werden er ook tal van stenen werktuigen teruggevonden.
Nobelprijswinnaar Svante Pääbo
De Zweedse wetenschapper Svante Pääbo (67) ontving de Nobelprijs voor Geneeskunde voor zijn revolutionair onderzoek naar de menselijke evolutie en naar het genetisch materiaal van uitgestorven mensachtigen waaronder ook de neanderthaler (zie ook video hieronder).
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Astronomers Chart the Influence of Dark Matter and Dark Energy on the Universe by Measuring Over 1,500 Supernovae
Astronomers Chart the Influence of Dark Matter and Dark Energy on the Universe by Measuring Over 1,500 Supernovae
In 2011, the Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to Perlmutter, Schmidt, and Reiss for their discovery that the universe is not just expanding, it is accelerating. The work supported the idea of a universe filled with dark energy and dark matter, and it was based on observations of distant supernovae. Particularly, Type Ia supernovae, which have consistent light curves we can use as standard candles to measure cosmic distances. Now a new study of more than 1,500 supernovae confirms dark energy and dark matter, but also raises questions about our cosmological models.
The study is based on datasets known as Pantheon+ and SH0ES. It contains 1,701 light curve measurements of 1,550 Type Ia supernovae spanning two decades of observations and a cosmic period of 10 billion years. It is the most comprehensive survey of dark energy supernova measurements ever made. The data set covers the transition from the early universe, which was dominated by dark matter, to the modern universe dominated by dark energy. Thus, it confirms the effects of both of these. The data set is so detailed that it also gives us a measure of the Hubble parameter to an accuracy of five sigmas, which rules out systematic errors in our measurements. Based on this data, we know we live in a universe that is about two-thirds dark energy and one-third matter and dark matter.
But here’s where things get strange. Over the years we have measured the effects of dark energy and dark matter in numerous ways. In addition to supernova observations, we also see the effects of fluctuations in the cosmic background, the clustering of galaxies over time, gravitational waves, and even microwave laser light. They all tell a similar story of a universe dominated by dark matter and dark energy. But they don’t tell exactly the same story. This is most clearly seen in the discrepancies in Hubble parameter values.
The Hubble parameter, or Hubble constant, is a measure of the rate at which the universe is expanding. Since 2001, we’ve known the Hubble parameter is about 64 to 80 (km/s)/Mpc, giving an age for the universe of somewhere between 12.5 and 15.6 billion years. Back then our uncertainty of the exact value was pretty large. Since then our measurements have gotten more precise, and the value has narrowed down to about 70 (km/s)/Mpc, or 14 billion years. The problem is that supernovae measurements give a value larger than 70, while cosmic background measurements give a value a bit lower than 70. This disagreement is known as the Hubble tension, and it was hoped that better observations would resolve the issue. This latest study confirms it is both real and not going away.
Remnant of the Type Ia supernova G299. Credit: NASA/CXC/U.Texas
The team used the Pantheon+ data to look at two different results. The supernova measure, Pantheon+ SH0ES, gives a Hubble parameter of 72 – 74 (km/s)/Mpc. The cosmic background measure, Pantheon+ Planck, gives a Hubble parameter of 66 – 68 (km/s)/Mpc. Both are very precise, and they contradict each other. The study confirms that the Hubble tension is real. It isn’t due to any error of measurement, and we can’t say that one or the other is wrong.
This study has basically thrown down the figurative glove at the feet of theorists. Given our big bang, dark energy, and dark matter universe model is confirmed, how do you resolve this disagreement in observations? The short answer is that we don’t know, but it will be an exciting mystery to figure out.
Philadelphia Experiment: Now We Know why the Navy Denied All & Any Participation in the Project - Oct 2022
Philadelphia Experiment: Now We Know why the Navy Denied All & Any Participation in the Project - Oct 2022
Philadelphia Experiment: Now We Know why the Navy Denied ALL & ANY Participation in the Project – Oct 2022
Ted Loman’s UFOAZ Talks Series (Archived Show) – A rare interview with the late Al-Bielek disclosing more details about the Philadelphia Experiment. A MUST WATCH!!!
Vivian Lammerse
Het is de ‘luchtigste’ planeet die tot op heden rond dit type ster is aangetroffen.
Astronomen hebben in een baan rond een koele, rode dwergster een ongewone planeet aangetroffen. Het gaat om een Jupiter-achtige exoplaneet met een extreem lage dichtheid, vergelijkbaar met die van… een marshmallow.
TOI-3757 b Onderzoekers kwamen de opmerkelijke gasreus op het spoor met behulp van planetenjager TESS, zo valt er te lezen in The Astrophysical Journal. Vervolgens werd deze nader bestudeerd met de WIYN 3,5-meter telescoop; de op één na grootste optische telescoop van het Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona. De planeet is TOI-3757 b genoemd en cirkelt rond een koele, rode dwergster. De gasreus bevindt zich op ongeveer 580 lichtjaar afstand van de aarde, in het sterrenbeeld Voerman.
Grootte en omloopbaan Dankzij gegevens van planetenjager TESS, slaagden de onderzoekers erin de diameter van de planeet te berekenen. TOI-3757 b blijkt een diameter te hebben van 150.000 kilometer. Hiermee is hij net iets groter dan planeet Jupiter uit ons eigen zonnestelsel. Daarnaast voltooit de nieuw ontdekte gasreus in slechts 3,5 dagen een volledige baan rond zijn moederster. En dat is krap. Ter vergelijking, Mercurius, de dichtstbijzijnde planeet in ons eigen zonnestelsel, doet er 88 dagen over om een rondje rond de zon te voltooien.
Massa en dichtheid Met behulp van geavanceerde metingen wisten astronomen vervolgens de massa van de planeet te achterhalen. En daaruit bijkt dat TOI-3757 b een massa heeft van ongeveer een kwart van die van Jupiter – of ongeveer 85 keer die van de aarde. Met gegevens over de grootte en de massa van de planeet bij de hand, kon het team de gemiddelde dichtheid bepalen. En die komt neer op 0,27 gram per kubieke centimeter. Dit is minder dan de helft van de dichtheid van Saturnus (de planeet in ons zonnestelsel met de laagste dichtheid), ongeveer een kwart van de dichtheid van water (wat betekent dat de planeet zou drijven als het in een gigantische badkuip gevuld met water zou worden geplaatst) en is vergelijkbaar met de dichtheid van een marshmallow.
Artistieke impressie van de extreem ‘luchtige’ planeet TOI-3757 b die rondom een rode dwergster cirkelt.
Afbeelding: NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/J. da Silva/Spaceengine/M. Zamani
De extreem lage dichtheid van TOI-3757 b zet astronomen voor een raadsel. Nog niet eerder is er namelijk zo’n ‘luchtige’ planeet rond een rode dwergster ontdekt. Bovendien zijn er ook nog maar weinig nabije reuzenplaneten rond dit type ster gevonden. Rode dwergsterren zijn vrij kleine en lichtzwakke sterren. Hoewel ze ‘koel’ zijn in vergelijking met sterren zoals onze zon, kunnen rode dwergen extreem actief zijn en op krachtige wijze uitbarsten, waardoor een mogelijk rondom cirkelende planeet van zijn atmosfeer wordt ontdaan. Het betekent dat dergelijke zonnestelsels onherbergzame plekken lijken voor de vorming van een planeet zoals TOI-3757 b.
Meer over rode dwergsterren Rode dwergsterren (M-sterren) zijn de meest voorkomende en langstlevende sterren in het heelal. Ze zijn een stukje kleiner en koeler dan onze eigen zon. Rode dwergen blijken vaak rotsachtige planeten te herbergen. En sommige van deze aardachtige werelden draaien ook nog eens in de leefbare zone. Al deze ingrediënten samen maken rode dwergen erg interessant in de zoektocht naar buitenaards leven. Toch komen stronomen daar steeds vaker op terug. Planeten die rond rode dwergen cirkelen worden vaak gebombardeerd met gevaarlijke röntgen- en ultraviolette (UV) straling, die tot honderdduizenden keren intenser kan zijn dan wat de aarde van de zon ontvangt. Omcirkelende exoplaneten zijn daardoor hun leven niet zeker en kunnen ieder moment van hun atmosfeer worden beroofd. Het betekent dat deze planeten mogelijk kurkdroog zijn. Al met al niet de perfecte omstandigheden voor het ontstaan van leven. Over de kansen om leven te vinden rond rode dwergen zijn onderzoekers dan ook niet meer zo optimistisch.
Hoe een forse gasreus met zo’n lage dichtheid rond een rode dwerg kan zijn ontstaan? De onderzoekers stellen twee mogelijke theorieën voor.
Theorieën De extreme lage dichtheid kan het resultaat zijn van twee factoren. De eerste heeft betrekking op de rotsachtige kern van de planeet. Men denkt dat gasreuzen in eerste instantie bestaan uit een massieve, rotsachtige kern van ongeveer tien keer de massa van de aarde. Vervolgens trekken ze grote hoeveelheden aangrenzend gas naar zich toe. En zo ontstaan de gasreuzen die we vandaag de dag kennen. Daarnaast beschikt de ster waar TOI-3757b omheen cirkelt over minder zware elementen in vergelijking met andere rode dwergsterren die gasreuzen herbergen. Dit kan ertoe hebben geleid dat de rotsachtige kern langzamer werd gevormd. De gasaanwas kwam daardoor trager op gang, wat vervolgens de algehele dichtheid van de planeet beïnvloedde.
De tweede theorie heeft betrekking op de omloopbaan van TOI-3757b. Vooralsnog beschouwen astronomen de baan van de gasreus als enigszins elliptisch – soms nadert hij zijn moederster dichter dan op andere momenten. Dit resulteert in een aanzienlijke, kortstondige en overmatige opwarming waardoor de atmosfeer van de planeet opzwelt.
James Webb Welke theorie juist is, zal uit vervolgonderzoek moeten blijken. “Met toekomstige waarnemingen met behulp van NASA’s nieuwe James Webb-ruimtetelescoop, zouden we kunnen achterhalen of de atmosfeer van de planeet inderdaad opgezwollen is,” aldus onderzoeker Jessica Libby-Roberts.
De zoektocht naar soortgelijke systemen met gigantische planeten – waarvan ooit werd gedacht dat ze extreem zeldzaam zijn rond rode dwergen – gaat door. Astronomen hopen zo beter te gaan begrijpen hoe dergelijke planeten het levenslicht zien. Ook speurt TESS verder naar andere exoplaneten. Dit kunnen dan weer interessante doelen zijn voor de krachtige James Webb-telescoop, die in staat is de atmosferen te karakteriseren. En misschien dat we op deze manier ooit wel op een potentieel rotsachtige wereld stuiten die leven herbergt…
Rectangle UFO Over Saint Paul, Minnesota Oct 20, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Rectangle UFO Over Saint Paul, Minnesota Oct 20, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Oct 20, 2022 Location of sighting: Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA Source: MUFON
Man oh man! This sighting reminds me of the Sephenville, Texas UFO where back in 2009 a whole city including its mayor and chief of police saw a 300 meter metal rectangle UFO move over the city and toward the US president Bush ranch...before it disappeared for airport radar.
This UFO is awesome and erie, with its greenish light surrounding the UFO hovering over the city. Easily this UFO is also about 300 meters across. Coincidence? I think not. Some comments below my video are saying its probably lights from below because of Halloween. Perhaps, but when similar size, shape UFOs were seen in plain daylight, its harder to dismiss this event. We need more video of this event, its the only sure way to tell for sure.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
Object just hovered no sound at all. Keeps coming back.
Some kind of a cube-shaped formation with strange light around it was filmed in the night sky above Saint Paul in Minnesota. This was filmed back in May 2022 but it was just recently published online.
Searching for extraterrestrial life will not change a scientist’s reputation, but if he/she believes that aliens exist, that might be problematic. Legendary astrophysicist Carl Sagan never denied the existence of life beyond Earth, however, John E. Mack, a Harvard professor had to face the wrath of the scientific community for his thoughts on aliens. Interestingly, Dr. Mack was a highly regarded intellectual.
John Edward Mack was born in 1929. He pursued his medical degree at Harvard where he would later practice and teach as a psychiatrist. He established the psychiatry department at the university’s Cambridge Hospital and oversaw the division for almost ten years. Mack investigated dreams and the psychological effects of the Cold War early in his career. In addition, he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his famous biography of T.E. Lawrence, A Prince of Our Disorder.
Early in the 1990s, Dr. Mack revealed something shocking. He checked patients who said they had been abducted by extraterrestrials and believed them. He wrote a book titled “Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens” in 1994 that had a case study of 13 people. In 1999, “Passport to the Cosmos,” the sequel, was released. He claimed that Abduction was a logical development from his earlier work, which included studies of T E Lawrence, suicide, and the threat of nuclear warfare: “the connection resides in the matter of identity—who we are in the deepest and broadest sense.”
Despite the skepticism of his contemporaries, Dr. Mack persisted in his quest to integrate UFOs and aliens into the realm of modern science. But to be fair, he himself was initially dubious (like any good scientist would be). He acknowledged having grown up in a materialist home, but once he started interviewing “experiencers,” he discovered that his formative philosophy had been completely turned around.
Dr John Mack. Image via YouTube screencap
“When I heard about this phenomenon in 1990, I was very doubtful. I thought it must be some kind of mental illness,” he told The Washington Post during an interview conducted in the mid-’90s. “I came gradually to the conclusion that I could not find any psychiatric explanation or other explanation except that some kind of trauma happened to them.”
What happened to Dr. Mack that made him believe and promote such outlandish claims? “These people suffered from no obvious psychiatric disorder, except the effects of traumatic experience, and were reporting with powerful emotion what to them were utterly real experiences,” he wrote in Abduction (via Vanity Fair).
“Furthermore, these experiences were sometimes associated with UFO sightings by friends, family members, or others in the community, including media reporters and journalists, and frequently left physical traces on the individuals’ bodies, such as cuts and small ulcers that would tend to heal rapidly and followed no apparent psychodynamically identifiable pattern as do, for example, religious stigmata. In short, I was dealing with a phenomenon that I felt could not be explained psychiatrically, yet was simply not possible within the framework of the Western scientific worldview.”
On January 10, 1990, Dr. Mack met Budd Hopkins, which became a life-changing event for him. Hopkins claimed to have seen a UFO on Cape Cod in 1964, and he then investigated into a neighbor’s story of seeing a spaceship with nine or ten tiny aliens land in a park close to Fort Lee, New Jersey.
Hopkins covered this story in a piece for “The Village Voice” that Cosmopolitan later published. His 1981 book “Missing Time” and its 1987 sequel “Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods” cemented his reputation as the father of the alien-abduction movement. He was immediately swarmed by abductees, whom he investigated under hypnosis.
Hopkins was then starting his investigation into the alleged abduction of the woman he dubbed Linda Cortile under the Brooklyn Bridge by UFOs, which would later become the subject of his third book, Witnessed, published in 1996. He gave Dr. Mack a box of letters from people reacting to aliens. “I think most of these people are perfectly sane, with real experiences,” Hopkins recalled telling Mack. But, he added, Mack could decide for himself. He was the doctor.
Mack was working with experiencers two years after first meeting Hopkins when he told his shocked fellow psychiatrists at Cambridge Hospital about extraterrestrial abduction. In 1992, he and David E. Pritchard, a trailblazing researcher in the field of atom optics at M.I.T., persuaded that university to host a ground-breaking conference on extraterrestrial abductions. “If what these abductees are saying is happening to them isn’t happening,” Mack demanded, “what is?”
Once NOVA, a popular primetime science series on American television interviewed Dr. Mack asking him if people are really being snatched from their beds by aliens and experiments onboard a spaceship. (Source)
Dr. Mack replied:
Just how literally to take this, is one of the most interesting and complex aspects of this. And I want to walk through that as clearly as I can. There are aspects of this which I believe we are justified in taking quite literally. That is, UFOs are in fact observed, filmed on camera at the same time that people are having their abduction experiences.
People, in fact, have been observed to be missing at the time that they are reporting their abduction experiences. They return from their experiences with cuts, ulcers on their bodies, triangular lesions, which follow the distribution of the experiences that they recover, of what was done to them in the craft by the surgical-like activity of these beings.
All of that has a literal physical aspect and is experienced and reported with appropriate feeling, by the abductees, with or without hypnosis or a relaxation exercise.
…There is a—I believe, a gradation of experiences and that go from the most literal physical kinds of hurts, wounds, person removed, spacecraft that can be photographed, to experiences which are more psychological, spiritual, involve the extension of consciousness. The difficulty for our society and for our mentality is, we have a kind of either/or mentality. It’s either, literally physical; or it’s in the spiritual other realm, the unseen realm. What we seem to have no place for—or we have lost the place for—are phenomena that can begin in the unseen realm, and cross over and manifest and show up in our literal physical world.
So the simple answer would be: Yes, it’s both. It’s both literally, physically happening to a degree; and it’s also some kind of psychological, spiritual experience occurring and originating perhaps in another dimension. And so the phenomenon stretches us, or it asks us to stretch to open to realities that are not simply the literal physical world, but to extend to the possibility that there are other unseen realities from which our consciousness, our, if you will, learning processes over the past several hundred years have closed us off.
Mack hypothesized that the entities might have just come from a parallel universe rather than from space. When he finally published “Abduction,” he claimed that his experiences had “amply corroborated” Hopkins and Jacobs’ research, “particularly that the abduction phenomena is in some central way implicated in a breeding program that leads to the development of alien/human hybrid progeny.” Almost all of his abductees returned with “a resolve to changing their relationship to the earth,” which led him to the further conclusion that the aliens were bearing warnings about threats to the planet
In November 1994, Dr. Mack performed his analysis on Ariel School students who claimed to encountered alien beings, which lasted for 48 hours. And, based on the results of the interviews, he came to the conclusion that the students had really experienced the event and perceived it exactly as they described it.
“It looked like it was glinting in the trees. It looked like a disc. Like a round disc,” one child witness told the BBC a few days after the incident. “I saw something silver on the ground amongst the trees. And a person in black,” another child said.
The same year, Harvard started a review of Mack’s position, but he resisted and kept his tenure. But the harm to his professional reputation was significant. Arnold Relman, Emeritus Professor at Harvard Medical School, told the Los Angeles Times in 2001 that “he’s not taken seriously by his colleagues anymore.”
Dr. Mack also received harsh criticism from those outside the academic world. He was duped by a journalist Donna Bassett into thinking that she had been abducted by aliens too. She claimed that she had been on a UFO in outer space during the Cuban Missile Crisis and witnessed Kennedy and Kruschev conversing. Dr. Mack accepted her fanciful story. She admitted to being a fraud in public, but the professor’s views on aliens visiting earth did not change. It damaged the respected university’s reputation in terms of public relations. (Source)
As a result, Dr. Mack was the subject of an internal Harvard probe. The executive branch wanted his dismissal. Professor of law Alan Dershowitz was among the academics who questioned the validity of the probe because Dr. Mack had not broken any of the Harvard school’s behavior policies.
The investigation was finished more than a year later, and the doctor kept his tenured position. But his formerly impeccable reputation was tarnished. His coworkers ceased to regard him seriously. Up until his tragic death, hit by a drunk driver while crossing the street in London in 2004, Professor Mack, a UFO and extraterrestrial abduction believer oversaw the department of psychiatry at Harvard University.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Brain Power
As physicists endeavor to build bigger and better quantum computers, a powerful one may have already been lurking inside our heads all along.
In a new study published this month in the Journal of Physics Communications, a team of scientists from Trinity College Dublin suggest that our brains could actually be using quantum computation.
If confirmed — something that will require extensive investigation — the finding could help explain why, in certain respects, our brains still outdo supercomputers.
Quantum Cerebrum
Their conclusion relies on the idea of quantum entanglement, a phenomenon describing particles changing each other's quantum state, even when they are separated by a large distance.
"We adapted an idea, developed for experiments to prove the existence of quantum gravity, whereby you take known quantum systems, which interact with an unknown system," said Christian Kerskens, study co-author and lead physicist at the Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, in a statement.
"If the known systems entangle, then the unknown must be a quantum system, too," he explained. "It circumvents the difficulties to find measuring devices for something we know nothing about."
In the case of this experiment, the proton spins of the water in our brains served as the "known system." Kerskens and his team then used a special form of MRI imaging to detect if any of the proton spins were quantum entangled.
Curiously, the scientists ended up detecting a specific kind of electrical brain signal known as heartbeat evoked potentials, which they say is normally not detectable with MRIs.
What allowed them to detect those potentials, the scientists suggest, is quantum entanglement in proton spins in the brain.
"If entanglement is the only possible explanation here then that would mean that brain processes must have interacted with the nuclear spins, mediating the entanglement between the nuclear spins," Kerskens concluded. "As a result, we can deduce that those brain functions must be quantum."
Entangled Thoughts
All in all, it's an intriguing suggestion, but there's a lot more that needs to be proven. For one, the study rides on relatively recent proposals in the field of quantum gravity.
And, as the scientists in the study admit, their efforts were largely undertaken through the perspective of quantum physics.
In short, to prove their theory, it'd require a substantial multidisciplinary effort, especially considering the complexity of the human brain — but it's a tantalizing possibility, nonetheless.
For one, falling into a black hole is easily the worst way to die.
(Image credit: Brian Christensen/Stocktrek Images)
Halloween is a time to be haunted by ghosts, goblins and ghouls, but nothing in the universe is scarier than a black hole.
Black holes – regions in space where gravity is so strong that nothing can escape – are a hot topic in the news these days. Half of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics(opens in new tab) was awarded to Roger Penrose for his mathematical work showing that black holes are an inescapable consequence of Einstein’s theory of gravity. Andrea Ghez and Reinhard Genzel shared the other half for showing that a massive black hole sits at the center of our galaxy(opens in new tab).
Black holes are scary for three reasons. If you fell into a black hole left over when a star died, you would be shredded. Also, the massive black holes seen at the center of all galaxies have insatiable appetites. And black holes are places where the laws of physics are obliterated.
I’ve been studying black holes for over 30 years. In particular, I've focused on the supermassive black holes that lurk at the center of galaxies. Most of the time they are inactive, but when they are active and eat stars and gas, the region close to the black hole can outshine the entire galaxy that hosts them. Galaxies where the black holes are active are called quasars. With all we’ve learned about black holes over the past few decades, there are still many mysteries to solve.
Death by black hole
Black holes are expected to form when a massive star dies. After the star's nuclear fuel is exhausted, its core collapses to the densest state of matter imaginable, a hundred times denser than an atomic nucleus. That’s so dense that protons, neutrons and electrons are no longer discrete particles. Since black holes are dark, they are found when they orbit a normal star. The properties of the normal star allow astronomers to infer the properties of its dark companion, a black hole.
The first black hole to be confirmed was Cygnus X-1, the brightest X-ray source in the Cygnus constellation. Since then, about 50 black holes have been discovered in systems where a normal star orbits a black hole. They are the nearest examples of about 10 million that are expected to be scattered through the Milky Way.
Black holes are tombs of matter; nothing can escape them, not even light. The fate of anyone falling into a black hole would be a painful "spaghettification," an idea popularized by Stephen Hawking in his book "A Brief History of Time." In spaghettification, the intense gravity of the black hole would pull you apart, separating your bones, muscles, sinews and even molecules. As the poet Dante described the words over the gates of hell in his poem Divine Comedy: Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.
Nature knows how to make black holes over a staggering range of masses, from star corpses a few times the mass of the Sun to monsters tens of billions of times more massive. That’s like the difference between an apple and the Great Pyramid of Giza.
The fate of anyone falling into a black hole would be a painful "spaghettification," an idea popularized by Stephen Hawking in his book "A Brief History of Time."
Just last year, astronomers published the first-ever picture of a black hole(opens in new tab) and its event horizon, a 7-billion-solar-mass beast at the center of the M87 elliptical galaxy.
It’s over a thousand times bigger than the black hole in our galaxy, whose discoverers snagged this year's Nobel Prize. These black holes are dark most of the time, but when their gravity pulls in nearby stars and gas, they flare into intense activity and pump out a huge amount of radiation. Massive black holes are dangerous in two ways. If you get too close, the enormous gravity will suck you in. And if they are in their active quasar phase, you’ll be blasted by high-energy radiation.
How bright is a quasar? Imagine hovering over a large city like Los Angeles at night. The roughly 100 million lights from cars, houses and streets in the city correspond to the stars in a galaxy. In this analogy, the black hole in its active state is like a light source 1 inch in diameter in downtown LA that outshines the city by a factor of hundreds or thousands. Quasars are the brightest objects in the universe.
The biggest black hole discovered so far weighs in at 40 billion times the mass of the Sun, or 20 times the size of the solar system. Whereas the outer planets in our solar system orbit once in 250 years, this much more massive object spins once every three months. Its outer edge moves at half the speed of light. Like all black holes, the huge ones are shielded from view by an event horizon. At their centers is a singularity, a point in space where the density is infinite.(opens in new tab) We can’t understand the interior of a black hole because the laws of physics break down. Time freezes at the event horizon and gravity becomes infinite at the singularity.
The good news about massive black holes is that you could survive falling into one. Although their gravity is stronger, the stretching force is weaker than it would be with a small black hole and it would not kill you. The bad news is that the event horizon marks the edge of the abyss. Nothing can escape from inside the event horizon, so you could not escape or report on your experience.
According to Stephen Hawking, black holes are slowly evaporating. In the far future of the universe, long after all stars have died and galaxies have been wrenched from view by the accelerating cosmic expansion, black holes will be the last surviving objects.
The most massive black holes will take an unimaginable number of years to evaporate, estimated at 10 to the 100th power, or 10 with 100 zeroes after it. The scariest objects in the universe are almost eternal.
This article is republished from The Conversation(opens in new tab) under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article(opens in new tab).
Follow all of the Expert Voices issues and debates — and become part of the discussion — on Facebook and Twitter. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. This version of the article was originally published on Live Science.
James Webb-telescoop legt prachtige beelden vast van de
James Webb-telescoop legt prachtige beelden vast van de "Zuilen van de Schepping”
Voor ruimtefanaten is het een bekend beeld: “De Zuilen van de Schepping”. Het is een van de mooiste bezienswaardigheden in de kosmos en nu heeft de nieuwe superruimtetelescoop James Webb hem opnieuw bezocht.
Wat je ziet op de beelden zijn dichte wolken van waterstofgas en stof in het sterrenbeeld Serpens, op zo’n 6.500 lichtjaar van de aarde. De Hubble-telescoop fotografeerde deze ruimtepracht al in 1995 en 2014.
James Webb kan met zijn infrarood detectoren veel van de lichtverstrooiende effecten van het stof van de pilaren negeren om de activiteit van de pasgeboren sterren te onderzoeken. “Ik bestudeer de Adelaarsnevel al sinds het midden van de jaren negentig. Ik wist dat gewoon dat de beelden van James Webb verbluffend zouden zijn. En dat zijn ze ook”, vertelde professor Mark McCaughrean, senior adviseur voor wetenschap bij het Europees Ruimteagentschap, aan BBC News.
De pilaren worden verlicht en gebeeldhouwd door het intense ultraviolette licht van massieve nabije sterren. Als je jezelf vandaag op magische wijze naar deze locatie zou kunnen verplaatsen, zouden de pilaren er hoogstwaarschijnlijk niet meer staan. We zien ze alleen omdat we naar ze kijken in het verleden. Het licht dat Webb ziet, heeft er 6.500 jaar over gedaan om de spiegels te bereiken.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
NASA’s Webb Takes Star-Filled Portrait of Pillars of Creation
NASA’s Webb Takes Star-Filled Portrait of Pillars of Creation
The Pillars of Creation are set off in a kaleidoscope of color in NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s near-infrared-light view. The pillars look like arches and spires rising out of a desert landscape, but are filled with semi-transparent gas and dust, and ever changing. This is a region where young stars are forming – or have barely burst from their dusty cocoons as they continue to form.
Credits: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI; Joseph DePasquale (STScI), Anton M. Koekemoer (STScI), Alyssa Pagan (STScI).
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has captured a lush, highly detailed landscape – the iconic Pillars of Creation – where new stars are forming within dense clouds of gas and dust. The three-dimensional pillars look like majestic rock formations, but are far more permeable. These columns are made up of cool interstellar gas and dust that appear – at times – semi-transparent in near-infrared light.
Webb’s new view of the Pillars of Creation, which were first made famous when imaged by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope in 1995, will help researchers revamp their models of star formation by identifying far more precise counts of newly formed stars, along with the quantities of gas and dust in the region. Over time, they will begin to build a clearer understanding of how stars form and burst out of these dusty clouds over millions of years.
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope made the Pillars of Creation famous with its first image in 1995, but revisited the scene in 2014 to reveal a sharper, wider view in visible light, shown above at left. A new, near-infrared-light view from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, at right, helps us peer through more of the dust in this star-forming region. The thick, dusty brown pillars are no longer as opaque and many more red stars that are still forming come into view.
Credits: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI; Joseph DePasquale (STScI), Anton M. Koekemoer (STScI), Alyssa Pagan (STScI).
Newly formed stars are the scene-stealers in this image from Webb’s Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam). These are the bright red orbs that typically have diffraction spikes and lie outside one of the dusty pillars. When knots with sufficient mass form within the pillars of gas and dust, they begin to collapse under their own gravity, slowly heat up, and eventually form new stars.
What about those wavy lines that look like lava at the edges of some pillars? These are ejections from stars that are still forming within the gas and dust. Young stars periodically shoot out supersonic jets that collide with clouds of material, like these thick pillars. This sometimes also results in bow shocks, which can form wavy patterns like a boat does as it moves through water. The crimson glow comes from the energetic hydrogen molecules that result from jets and shocks. This is evident in the second and third pillars from the top – the NIRCam image is practically pulsing with their activity. These young stars are estimated to be only a few hundred thousand years old.
Although it may appear that near-infrared light has allowed Webb to “pierce through” the clouds to reveal great cosmic distances beyond the pillars, there are no galaxies in this view. Instead, a mix of translucent gas and dust known as the interstellar medium in the densest part of our Milky Way galaxy’s disk blocks our view of the deeper universe.
This scene was first imaged by Hubble in 1995 and revisited in 2014, but many other observatories have also stared deeply at this region. Each advanced instrument offers researchers new details about this region, which is practically overflowing with stars.
This tightly cropped image is set within the vast Eagle Nebula, which lies 6,500 light-years away.
Take a video tour of Webb’s near-infrared light view of the Pillars of Creation. Credits: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI; Joseph DePasquale (STScI), Anton M. Koekemoer (STScI), Alyssa Pagan (STScI); Danielle Kirshenblat (STScI).
The James Webb Space Telescope is the world's premier space science observatory. Webb will solve mysteries in our solar system, look beyond to distant worlds around other stars, and probe the mysterious structures and origins of our universe and our place in it. Webb is an international program led by NASA with its partners, ESA (European Space Agency) and CSA (Canadian Space Agency).
Media Contacts:
Laura Betz Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. 301-286-9030
Christine Pulliam Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Md. 410-338-4366
Meet the first Neanderthal FAMILY! 59,000-year-old remains of individuals discovered in a cave in Russia are confirmed to be a father, his teenage daughter and two second-degree relatives
Meet the first Neanderthal FAMILY! 59,000-year-old remains of individuals discovered in a cave in Russia are confirmed to be a father, his teenage daughter and two second-degree relatives
Remains of a family of Neanderthals have been identified in a Siberian cave
This included a father, teenage daughter and a pair of second-degree relatives
The communities living in the caves were found to have low genetic diversity
They were also primarily linked by female migration between the groups
Remains of the first ever family of Neanderthals have been discovered in a cave in southern Siberia, Russia.
Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany analysed the DNA of 13 individuals from two caves in the Altai Mountains.
Individuals from the Chagyrskaya cave, who date back around 59,000 years, were found to be closely related, including a father and his teenage daughter, along with a pair of second-degree relatives.
This is the first known description of social organisation of a small community of Neanderthals.
First author Laurits Skov said: 'The fact that they were living at the same time is very exciting. This means that they likely came from the same social community.
'So, for the first time, we can use genetics to study the social organisation of a Neanderthal community.'
Remains of the first ever family of Neanderthals have been discovered in a cave in southern Siberia, Russia. Pictured: artist's interpretation of a Neanderthal father and his daughter
For the study, Dr Laurits Skov and colleagues obtained and analysed genetic data from the 17 remains of 11 Neanderthal individuals from Chagyrskaya Cave and two from Okladnikov Cave. Pictured: The remains from Okladnikov Cave discussed in this study
Relationships of the Chagyrskaya and Okladnikov remains. Each circle/square represents an individual (blue for Chagyrskaya, orange for Okladnikov). Squares indicate that the individual is male and circles indicate that the individual is female
Neanderthals briefly occupied the Chagyrskaya and Okladnikov caves around 54,000 years ago.
They hunted animals that migrated through the nearby river valleys, using tools made from stones that were collected dozens of miles away.
Evidence has been found of a Neanderthal family who lived in the communities, comprising of a father and his teenage daughter, as well as a pair of second degree relatives.
Short lived genetic variants that are shared between individuals suggest they all lived and died around the same time.
Genetic diversity was very low within the group, and evidence suggests that different communities were primarily linked by female migration.
Neanderthals occupied western Eurasia from around 430,000 to 40,000 years ago and are closely related to modern humans.
The species lived in Africa with early humans for millennia before moving across to Europe around 300,000 years ago.
They were later joined by humans, who entered Eurasia around 48,000 years ago.
Southern Siberia has previously been very fruitful for ancient DNA research, and is the location of the Denisova Cave, where Denisovan hominin remains were found.
Denisovans are another population of early humans who lived in Asia at least 80,000 years ago and were distantly related to Neanderthals.
The new study looked at remains found in the Chagyrskaya Cave and Okladnikov Cave, both about 60 miles (100 kilometres) away from the Denisova Cave.
Neanderthals briefly occupied these sites around 54,000 years ago, leaving several hundred thousand stone tools and animal bones.
They hunted ibex, horses, bison and other animals that migrated through the nearby river valleys, and collected raw materials for their tools from dozens of miles away.
More than 80 bone and tooth fragments of Neanderthals have also been collected, which revealed that groups inhabiting the Chagyrskaya and Okladnikov caves were closely linked.
The new study looks at remains from the Chagyrskaya Cave (left) and Okladnikov Cave (right), both about 100 kilometres away from the Denisova Cave in Siberia, Russia
Locations of all of the sites with Neanderthal remains from whom nuclear DNA has been extracted, with a close-up of the Chagyrskaya and Okladnikov caves in the Altai region of Siberia. The number of individuals is given in parentheses for sites with multiple individuals
Neanderthals briefly occupied the Chagyrskaya and Okladnikov caves around 54,000 years ago, leaving several hundred thousand stone tools (pictured) and animal bones
Since the first Neanderthal draft genome was published in 2010, researchers from the German institution have sequenced a further 18 genomes from 14 different archaeological sites in Eurasia.
While this genetic data provided insights into the broader history of the ancient people, little was revealed about individual communities.
For the study, published today in Nature, Dr Skov and colleagues obtained and analysed genetic data from the remains of 11 Neanderthal individuals from Chagyrskaya Cave and two from Okladnikov Cave.
It is the largest known genetic study of Neanderthals reported to date.
These 13 people were seven men and six women, of which eight were adults and five were children and young adolescents.
This included a Neanderthal father and his teenage daughter, as well as a pair of second degree relatives: a young boy and an adult female.
These two could be cousins, aunt and nephew or grandmother and grandson.
The researchers also looked at the DNA within the Neanderthals' mitochondria, and found special kinds of genetic variants called 'heteroplasmies' shared between individuals.
These are passed through the female line and only persist for a small number of generations, suggesting that they all lived and died at around the same time.
More than 80 bone and tooth fragments of Neanderthals have been collected from the Chagyrskaya and Okladnikov caves. Pictured: Dental (left) and other (right) remains from the Chagyrskaya Cave used in this study
Genetic diversity of the Neanderthals is much lower than those recorded for any ancient or present-day human community, and is more similar to that of a group of endangered animals that are the last of their species. Pictured: Average proportion of the genome that inherited the same versions of a genomic marker from each parent (homozygosity) for Chagyrskaya Neanderthals (blue), early modern humans (orange) and present-day gorilla (green) and human populations (coloured according to the geographical region - see colour key)
The mitochondrial DNA also gave an insight into the genetic diversity within the community, which is very low and consistent with a group size of 10 to 20 people.
This is much lower than those recorded for any ancient or present-day human community, and is more similar to that of a group of endangered animals that are the last of their species.
It was also found that the genetic diversity of Y chromosomes, which pass down the male line, was a lot lower than that of the mitochondrial DNA, which is inherited from mothers.
This suggests that the communities were primarily linked by female migration, and that at least 60 per cent of the women moved to join their mates' families while the males stayed put.
Additionally, despite the proximity to Denisova Cave, these migrations do not appear to have involved Denisovans.
No evidence was found of Denisovan gene flow into the Chagyrskaya Neanderthals in the 20,000 years before they lived.
The researchers want future studies to include more individuals from other Neanderthal communities, to see if this social organisation was widespread.
Benjamin Peter, the study's last author, said: 'Our study provides a concrete picture of what a Neanderthal community may have looked like. It makes Neanderthals seem much more human to me.'
A close relative of modern humans, Neanderthals went extinct 40,000 years ago
The Neanderthals were a close human ancestor that mysteriously died out around 40,000 years ago.
The species lived in Africa with early humans for millennia before moving across to Europe around 300,000 years ago.
They were later joined by humans, who entered Eurasia around 48,000 years ago.
The Neanderthals were a cousin species of humans but not a direct ancestor - the two species split from a common ancestor - that perished around 50,000 years ago. Pictured is a Neanderthal museum exhibit
These were the original 'cavemen', historically thought to be dim-witted and brutish compared to modern humans.
In recent years though, and especially over the last decade, it has become increasingly apparent we've been selling Neanderthals short.
A growing body of evidence points to a more sophisticated and multi-talented kind of 'caveman' than anyone thought possible.
It now seems likely that Neanderthals had told, buried their dead, painted and even interbred with humans.
They used body art such as pigments and beads, and they were the very first artists, with Neanderthal cave art (and symbolism) in Spain apparently predating the earliest modern human art by some 20,000 years.
They are thought to have hunted on land and done some fishing. However, they went extinct around 40,000 years ago following the success of Homo sapiens in Europe.
Since the first Neanderthal draft genome was published in 2010, researchers have sequenced a further 18 genomes from 14 different archaeological sites in Eurasia.
Vloten van UFO's verschenen aan tientallen vliegtuigen die de Stille Oceaan overstaken
Vloten van UFO's verschenen aan tientallen vliegtuigen die de Stille Oceaan overstaken
Een onderzoeker heeft in een video de dramatische beelden van de luchtverkeersleiding vrijgegeven van Amerikaanse piloten die vreemde waarnemingen van niet-geïdentificeerde vliegende objecten (UFO's) melden terwijl ze over de Stille Oceaan vlogen.
Ervaren piloten meldden dat ze in augustus en september "felle lichten in langwerpige cirkels" hoog in de lucht zagen bewegen tijdens het vliegen van Japan en Hawaï naar de westkust van de Verenigde Staten . Zelf probeerden ze vanuit hun hutten de groep van drie tot vijf heldere objecten te filmen, die leek te vliegen in het gebied van de lucht waar het sterrenbeeld Grote Beer zich bevindt.
Deze grafiek toont de locatie en data van verschillende gerapporteerde UFO-waarnemingen, voornamelijk in de Stille Oceaan, in augustus en september.
'We hebben hier een paar vliegtuigen die in noordelijke richting vliegen en ze cirkelen, veel hoger dan wij. Enig idee wat ze zijn?'vroeg Mark Hulsey, een piloot die een Gulfstream-chartervliegtuig bestuurt voor de kust van Los Angeles.
De piloot beschreef dat hij daar "misschien drie vliegtuigen " zag en 23 minuten later belde hij het Air Route Traffic Control Centre (ARTCC) met de mededeling "er zijn er nu zo'n zeven" en schatte dat ze "ten minste 5 of 10.000 voet boven de grond waren". ." boven ons."
Deze afbeelding toont de helderheid van de UFO in vergelijking met de drie sterren (binnen rode cirkels).
Gevraagd door de controller om meer details, voegde Hulsey eraan toe: " Ze blijven maar in cirkels draaien ." "Ik was een F-18-piloot bij het Korps Mariniers en ik zeg je dat ik veel onderscheppingen heb gedaan, ik heb nog nooit zoiets gezien", vertelde hij aan verslaggevers.
Chris Van Voorhis, 63, vertelde dat hij tussen de drie en vijf objecten zag, veel helderder dan de sterren om hem heen, vervagend zonder waarneembaar patroon en bewegend in een cirkelvormige "racebaan" -beweging terwijl hij in augustus van Honolulu naar Los Angeles vloog.
De ervaren piloot zei dat de objecten zich in een baan om de aarde of zelfs verder in de ruimte leken te bevinden , gezien hun voortdurende positie nabij het sterrenbeeld Ursa Major terwijl ze urenlang over de oceaan vlogen.
"De andere luchtvaartmaatschappijen zeiden: "Hé, zie je wat wij zien?" , herinnerde de ervaren piloot zich. "Het waren lichten die heel intens aangingen, je zag ze bewegen en toen gingen ze uit" en hij verduidelijkte dat het geen satellieten konden zijn omdat ze lineair en in dezelfde richting zouden bewegen.
Ervaren piloten meldden dat ze urenlang "felle lichten in langwerpige cirkels" hoog in de lucht zagen bewegen terwijl ze routes van Japan en Hawaï naar de Amerikaanse westkust vlogen.
"Het moest in een zeer, zeer hoge baan om de aarde zijn, of zelfs in de ruimte, vrij ver van alles wat een satelliet zou kunnen zijn, want elke keer dat we het zagen, bevond het zich in de rechter benedenhoek van de Grote Beer, wat er ook gebeurde. deel van de wereld waarin we ons bevonden. Het duurde zo lang dat het eigenlijk bijna saai werd."
Van Voorhis zei dat UFO-waarnemingen heel gewoon zijn onder piloten: "Van mijn pilootvrienden heeft minstens 50% een of andere anomalie gezien", zei hij.
Ben Hansen, een voormalig FBI-agent en presentator van het Discovery+ -kanaal " UFO Witness "-programma, verzamelde tussen 6 augustus en 23 september accounts van piloten van meer dan 15 commerciële vluchten voor Southwest Airlines , Hawaiian Airlines en anderen . dezelfde lichten aan de hemel als Van Voorhis.
"Veel van deze piloten hebben er alle vertrouwen in dat de lichten niet slechts in één richting gingen, maar in beide richtingen, wat zeer ongebruikelijk is voor satellieten. In het geval van Hulsey zouden ze uit het noorden komen en dan over hun schip gaan, waar hij moest zijn nek uitstrekken om ze vanaf het bladerdak te kunnen zien," zei hij.
Piloot Chris Van Voorhis vertelde dat hij tussen de drie en vijf UFO's zag, veel helderder dan de omringende sterren, vervagend zonder waarneembaar patroon en bewegend in een cirkelvormige "racebaan" -beweging, terwijl hij in augustus van Honolulu naar Los Angeles vloog.
"In dit geval hebben we een wereldwijd fenomeen van West-Japan tot Oost-Miami. Wat het ook is, piloten zien het vanaf de andere kant van de wereld," zei hij.
Maar Hansen zei dat er momenteel geen goede procedure is voor het melden van dergelijke waarnemingen, zelfs niet van vreemde objecten die een veiligheidsrisico kunnen vormen voor commerciële luchtvaartmaatschappijen.
"Racetrack UAPs" Reported by Dozens of Pilots and Commercial Flights
"Racetrack UAPs" Reported by Dozens of Pilots and Commercial Flights
A series of strange UFO incidents over the Pacific Ocean this summer were captured on video and in air traffic control recordings after sightings by dozens of pilots.
The incidents were reported to the FAA, and a researcher obtained dramatic audio of the pilots calling in the strange sightings to Los Angeles Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC), reports dailymail.
UAPs/UFOs now dubbed the "Racetrack UAPs" have now been reported by dozens of pilots from upwards of 15 different commercial flights in August and September, 2022 from off the coast of Japan to the mid-western U.S.
We provide a detailed breakdown of the intensely bright UFOs that are described as revolving in a circular pattern. New videos from Hawaiian Airlines flights, Southwest Airlines, and a private Gulfstream 650 flight are presented and different theories are discussed.
Video below: For those only wanting to see the newly released videos and analysis, forward to 14:00 minutes to see the Hawaiian Airlines video and 32:34 to see the Southwest Airlines video.
Video below: These are excerpts from radio communications between airline pilots and the Los Angeles Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) in the early morning hours of August 18, 2022. A Gulfstream 650 and an American Airlines flight both reported witnessing UAPs while overflying the Catalina and Channel Islands area.
The court of Sondrio is ready to make history. For the first time in a criminal trial, UFOs have been addressed. A story that is unbelievable occurred in Chiesa in Valmalenco, where the clash between a commander of the Carabinieri and his superiors has been going on for years. Thousands of euros were spent on an alleged fraud against the state for a total of 80 euros. And, to top it off, UFOs are at the center of the dispute.
For the first time in a criminal trial, UFOs have been addressed. A story that is unbelievable occurred in Chiesa in Valmalenco, where the clash between a commander of the Carabinieri and his superiors has been going on for years.
The commander of the Carabinieri reports everything and reports that he witnessed the events. Over the years, the reports multiply. The authority continues to record all events, sending - as per procedure - reports to the relevant provincial Company Command and the Ministry of Defense.
In 2019 the case broke out: the superiors instructed him not to send reports of unidentified flying objects and non-human but intelligent beings anymore and to silence him, his superiors charged him with fraud and defamation, but In Sondrio, the UFOs are about to enter the courtroom because the judge would have admitted as evidence a dossier on the series of sightings of unidentified objects in the period in which Alessandro Di Roio was operating in Chiesa in Valmalenco with as a result that the commander of the Carabinieri won the trial.
Amazing UFO sighting filmed over Medellin, Colombia – October 2022
Amazing UFO sighting filmed over Medellin, Colombia – October 2022
Check out this interesting UAP sighting footage of stationary object hovering in the daytime sky above Medellín, the capital of Colombia’s mountainous Antioquia province.
What do you think about this footage? Please leave your comment below!
Author’s report:
A friend of mine captured this object in the skies above Medellin. Said it was stationary and rocking back and forth. There was a red glow underneath. It remained stationary. He said it was one solid object and rotated upside down. Definitely not a hang glider. It remained stationary and tilted against the wind. I’ve seen hanggliders in Medellin, I don’t think this is that.
This white cylindrical shaped unidentified flying object was seen and recorded in the daytime sky above Syracuse in New York on 28th August 2022.
Witness report:
“Tic toc” shaped flying object spotted over my back yard in Syracuse, NY. 10:12 AM 8/28/22. No sound, no exhaust. We have an airport 2 miles away so I see planes flying low and the drones out of Hancock air base all the time. I watched it for about 10 seconds before I grabbed my phone to film it. It was too strange not to. Straight line cruising pretty fast.
UFO "Orb" Sighted Making Manoeuvres Over Palm Desert, California. October 9, 2022
Witness stated the following: "I am a film and TV director and recording artist. When I saw the object, I started filming with an iPhone. I was talking to someone on the phone when I witnessed the event. The object moved away from the moon, ascended, then descended making right and left turns, and seem to go straight towards the moon then quickly turned and moved away from it. I lost it after a couple of minutes due to it disappearing behind some high cloud coverage."
Source:MUFON Case Number: 125794
Bright UFO appears to interfere or jam the Witness Recording, Costa Rica, Nov 2021
Video shared on Reddit by lakecote1971, recorded on November 27, 2021 in San Jose, Costa Rica. Andrea Vargas from Desamparados, San Jose, Costa Rica says her phone was permanently damaged with that buzzing sound. She claimed the object somehow tried to jam her device.
Let Talk About UFOs And More & Our Special Guest: Third Phase Of Moon
We will be taking look at some some UFO footages and chilling with Third Phase Of Moon so grab them if you got'em because you never know who may join me.
UFOs: Hard Evidence Vol. 1 UFO Documentary Series
UFO Hard evidence is a six-part series that examines the UFO phenomenon and the mounting evidence that suggests there is something very real behind claims of UFO sightings and alien abduction, despite the continued denials by governments around the world.
This first episode explores sightings of triangular UFOs, which began to be seen increasingly in the late-1980s and throughout the 1990s, as well as some of the most intriguing UFO sightings captured on film.
The Belgian Wave – including documents that show all of the US intelligence agencies were kept completely up to date on the events as they happened, as well as radar confirmation from the Belgian air force of an object traveling faster than any human pilot could survive.
It also features UFO Researcher, Nick Pope, speaking of a particularly intriguing UFO sighting in March 1993, as well as an in-depth look at the midair UFO encounter of Malcolm Smith in June 1997. Another intriguing encounter that is explored here is a close sighting of a triangular UFO in Yorkshire in January 1998, including extensive interviews with the witnesses.
Perhaps most interesting of all is an in-depth interview with UFO investigator, Tony Dodd, who shares his experiences of huge triangular aircraft, including an incident involving alien occupants being witnessed emerging from one of these mysterious vehicles, as well as just some of the alien abduction cases, he has investigated.
Russell Callahan has studied UFO images for years, and he speaks about some of the most intriguing images of potential vehicles from another world, the methods he uses to analyze them, and finally examine what appears to be a UFO exploding over New Mexico in January 1998.
A series of episodes from the UFOs: Hard Evidence series by Graham W Birdsall of the now defunct UK publication, UFO Magazine originally produced for Quest Publications and edited by Russel Callaghan. Originally released in 1998.
This episode of UFO Hard Evidence looks at some of the most mind-blowing sightings and disturbing encounters on record, as well as interviews with various people from UFO circles.
It begins by examining multiple sightings of strange, mysterious lights over the north of England on the evening of 2nd February 1998, one of which was captured on footage by one of the witnesses. The sightings are one of the most intriguing if little known on record, known as the Pennine Lights incident.
This episode also visits the town of Laughlin in Nevada which hosts the annual International UFO Congress and Film Convention which not only offers lectures from dozens of experts around the world but the chance for attendees to view collectible merchandise and memorabilia of ufology.
Jaime Maussan also explores a video of a UFO from early 1998 that he was sent by an anonymous person to analyze, a piece of footage that is certainly intriguing and shows a distinct disc-shaped object and would appear to be very credible. Furthermore, several other witnesses later came forward to claim they had witnessed the object also. Even more disturbing, according to Maussan, many of those witnesses would later become extremely sick.
There are also brief interviews with researchers and investigators Yvonne Smith and James Courant, as well as a more in-depth discussion with former US soldier, John Vasquez, who speaks about an alleged mass abduction case from 1977, referred to as the Fort Bennington incident.
Meteor Crater is also explored, a place that the Apollo astronauts used as training to hone their skills before embarking on their respective moon landing missions. The subject of reverse-engineered alien technology is examined as the team visit Area 51. Photo expert, Russell Callahan examines and analyzes some of the controversial images and footage in history, those by George Adamski, and the conclusions are perhaps not what many would expect.
UFO researcher and author, Timothy Good also speaks in-depth about his book Alien Base, as well as the apparent disclosure of information from Peter Horsley, who claims to have met an alien at a house in London.
A series of episodes from the UFOs: Hard Evidence series by Graham W Birdsall of the now defunct UK publication, UFO Magazine originally produced for Quest Publications and edited by Russel Callaghan. Originally released in 1998.
Everyone Knows the Mask of King Tut, but Have You Seen Any of the 5,000 Other Treasures from His Tomb?
Everyone Knows the Mask of King Tut, but Have You Seen Any of the 5,000 Other Treasures from His Tomb?
To his subjects, King Tutankhamenwas part man, part god. His death in 1323 BC signaled the end of an era - the end of Egypt as an imperial power. The circumstances surrounding King Tut’s death are shrouded in mystery. Equally obscure is the reason for his unusually small tomb. And yet, thanks to Howard Carter’s discovery nearly 3,000 years later, there is no Pharaoh more well-known and well-loved than King Tut. Inside the tomb, Carter discovered glorious treasures that had lain undisturbed for thousands of years. For a culture that believed being remembered was the path to eternal life, the preservation of King Tut’s tomb has ensured that his nameless and forgotten enemies failed miserably.
An Astonishing Array of Grave Goods and The Most Intact Royal Tomb Ever Found
Tutankhamen died of unknown causes in 1323 BC at the age of 20. He did not have a clear successor but the tiny mummies of two stillborn daughters, possibly twins were found in his tomb. Due to his sudden and unexpected death, the burial was hastily prepared in a somewhat less-than-grand tomb, measuring only “3.68 m or 12.07 feet high, 7.86 m or 25.78 feet wide and 30.79 m or 101.01 feet long” (History Embalmed, 2016).
For political reasons, the boy-king was to be forgotten and his name never mentioned for the rest of eternity, a fate worse than death for the ancient Egyptians. Yet by a strange stroke of luck, Tut’s obscurity preserved his tomb from grave robbers. Then, “discovered by archaeologist Howard Carter in 1922, the tomb of King Tut yielded an astonishing array of grave goods—more than 5,000 artifacts, many of them in pristine condition. It was the most intact royal tomb ever found, providing Egyptologists with an unprecedented glimpse into the material life of a king who ruled during the 14th century B.C.” (Hessler, 2016).
It took Howard Carter 10 years to clear and catalog all the riches stored in the tomb. Most spectacular of all was the golden sarcophagus of Tutankhamen and the inlaid coffins, including one made of solid gold. Inside this nesting-doll-like assembly, rested the mummified body of the boy-King. His death mask, also made of gold, has become the symbol of ancient Egyptian finery and is considered one of the greatest works of art of the ancient world. It was Carter himself who, on October 28, 1925, lifted the heavy lid of the sarcophagus to look upon a wonder that had not been seen in 3,250 years.
“The pins removed the lid was raised. The penultimate scene was disclosed - a very neatly wrapped mummy of the young king, with a golden mask of sad but tranquil expression, symbolizing Osiris. The similitude of the youthful Tut.Ankh.Amen, until now known only by name, amid that sepulchral silence, made us realize the past. By this bespangled mummy as it lies in the coffin, he must have been a tall youth - from the top of the headdress of the mask to the feet it measures 6 feet. Attached to the throat of the golden mask, beautifully wrought with juvenile countenance, are three massive gold & faience necklaces, a pendent heart-scarab placed between the hands, crossed over the breast, which hold the flail and the crook. Below this mask, which reaches as far as the hands, is the linen covering and outer bandages, strapped in place by broad longitudinal and transverse flexible bands of inlaid gold work depending from a highly decorative incrusted gold protective figure of Nekhbet. She has full spread wings reached across the body and a human head.” (Carter, 1925).
Detail of the iconic Golden Mask of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.
In addition to the sarcophagus, the tomb contained many wonders to behold. Yet the treasures were in a great deal of disorder, perhaps because of the untimely death of the Pharaoh, everything was placed helter-skelter, seemingly without logic. There were six disassembled chariots and all manner of weapons, shields, and daggers – King Tutankhamen is said to have loved the hunt. There was also a wide array of furniture, much of it covered in gold: two royal thrones, couches, chairs, ritual beds, and headrests. There were chests containing priceless pieces of jewelry and beautiful clothing made of fine linen. There were jars containing rare perfumes, precious oils, and ointments. There were elaborate shrines to the gods, including one which hosted the Canopic jars that stored King Tut’s preserved internal organs. There were musical instruments and writing implements, lamps, ostrich fans, and board games. There was food and as many as 30 bottles of wine. There were also “139 ebony, ivory, silver, and gold walking sticks” (History Embalmed, 2016). In short, every conceivable thing a young king may need in the next life could be found surrounding his body and sealed shut for eternity in the tomb. Outside it all stood a magnificent life-size, gilded statue of the god Anubis, believed to be the lord of the underworld and protector of the dead.
Because of this discovery, Tutankhamen is one of the best-known Egyptian kings. His name is referenced is TV shows, movies, and video games ranging from the Three Stooges to Transformers. And thus, despite his enemies, King Tut has achieved eternal life.
Recently, Egyptologists have been reinvestigating Tutankhamen’s tomb. Experts believe that his small, seemingly second-rate burial may, in fact, have been a decoy to distract grave robbers from the real prize. “Radar scans on those walls [of Tut’s tomb] have revealed not only the presence of hidden chambers, but also unidentified objects that lie within these rooms. These objects…seem to be composed of both metal and organic materials” (Hessler, 2016).
The most popular theory? Concealed behind Tut’s tomb could be the long lost burial chamber of the magnificent Queen Nefertiti.
Top image: Golden treasures that were found inside Tutankhamun’s tomb. ( Talking Beautiful Stuff )
The ATV-4 is just visible as it passes into Earth's terminator.
Credit: NASA TV.
As the ages pass the Moon slowly drifts away from the Earth. In conjunction the length of our day gradually gets longer. For the first time astronomers have been able to estimate the length of the day and the distance to the Moon as it was almost two and a half billion years ago. Back then, our day was only 17 hours long.
As the Moon orbits the Earth it raises tides. These bulges stretch in the direction of the Moon and on the opposite side of the Earth. But the Earth is also spinning, and that rotation brings the bulge of the tide forward with respect to the current position of the Moon. This lump gives an extra gravitational tug to the Moon, like an invisible leash pulling on our satellite. That gravitational tug boosts the Moon into a more distant orbit.
But the energy to boost to that orbit has to come from somewhere, and it comes from the rotation of the Earth. In the distant past our day was much shorter as the Earth spun much faster on its axis. But with every day that passes, it gets longer and longer.
Astronomers have known about this for quite some time and have used geologic records to estimate the length of the day in the past. But there’s a limit to what those records can tell us. New research has turned to a different kind of geologic record to estimate the length of the day.
The researchers studied banded iron formations in sedimentary rocks in Western Australia. In these kinds of formations, iron-rich layers alternate with more clay-like layers. The shape of these patterns is determined by the Earth’s climate. The Earth’s climate goes through several different variations, including one called the Milankovitch cycle, which is determined by the Earth’s orbit and the length of the Earth’s day.
The scientists were able to reconstruct the length of the Earth’s day at the time these formations were laid, 2.46 billion years ago. They found that at the time the dat lasted only 17 hours, much shorter than the current 24.
The current distance to the Moon gives us the very special phenomenon of total solar eclipses. This can only be possible if the apparent size of the Sun and the Moon are the same on our sky. While that’s true for now, in a few hundred million years the Moon will be too far away, and it will be too small to give us total solar eclipses. So enjoy them while they last.
Artistic rendition of the Chicxulub impactor striking ancient Earth, with Pterosaur observing. Could pieces of the same impact swarm have hit the Moon, too?
Credit: NASA
For decades, scientists have theorized that a massive impact caused the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event. This event occurred about 66 million years ago and caused the mass extinction of about 75% of all plant and animal species on Earth (including the non-avian dinosaurs). With the discovery of the massive Chicxulub crater in the Yucatan Peninsula (southern Mexico) in the 1970s, scientists concluded that they’d found the impact responsible. Based on all the available data, the Chicxulub Impact event is believed to have been as powerful as 100,000 billion metric tons (110,231 U.S tons) of TNT.
This blast was more powerful than all the nuclear devices in the world combined and sent an estimated 25 trillion metric tons (~27.5 US tons) of hot dust, ash, and steam into the atmosphere, creating a global winter. But according to new research led by the University of Michigan, an international team of geologists has determined that the impact also created a global tsunami. According to their findings, this tsunami was 30,000 times more powerful than the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, one of the largest and most devastating tsunamis on record.
The maximum sea surface perturbation heights of the global tsunami. Credit: Range, M. (et al.)/AGU Advances
To recap, evidence of the Chicxulub Impact is traced to the crater buried beneath the Yucatan Peninsula of southern Mexico. The crater measures 180 km (110 mi) in diameter and 20 km (12 mi) in depth and is centered offshore near the community of Chicxulub (from which it takes its name). Based on the crater’s dimensions, scientists estimate that the meteor that caused it measured about 14 km (8.7 mi) in diameter. Evidence of the impact is also found in the geological record in the form of deposits of iridium and other impact ejecta that were globally distributed.
This led to the scientific consensus that the impact that led to the Chicxulub crater was responsible for the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction and possibly the volcanic activity that created the Deccan flood basalt in India. For the sake of their study, Range and her colleagues sought to determine the effects this impact had on the world’s oceans, from the initial moment of contact to the point where it became a global tsunami. To do this, the team created the first global simulation of this impact using hydrocode (which models fluid systems in 3D) and a shallow-water ocean model.
As study co-author Brian Arbic – a researcher with the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), the IGE, and LEGO – told Universe Today via email, the simulation involved three steps. In the first step, the hydrocode was run by co-author Brandon Johnson (Purdue University) and simulated the first ten minutes of the impact. During this time, explained Arbic, the effects were nothing short of cataclysmic:
“[M]aterial from the asteroid, the underlying bedrock of the Earth, sediment, and ocean was displaced tens of kilometers above the atmosphere and (in the other direction) tens of kilometers below the Earth’s surface – in other words, a great big hole was dug out of the Earth. A massive crater was created by this impact, as well as an outward propagating “rim wave”. Most of the energy in the tsunami is due to the rim wave, but there is also a significant secondary effect due to water rushing back into the crater that the impact created.”
The maximum flow velocity of the global tsunami at each grid cell (b).
Credit: Range, M. (et al.)/AGU Advances
The second step was performed by Range as part of her Master’s Thesis at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. This consisted of putting the output of the hydrocode into two global shallow-water tsunami propagation models. These included the Modular Ocean Model 6 (MOM6), developed by co-author Alistair J. Adcroft (a research oceanographer from Princeton University), and the Method of Splitting Tsunami (MOST) developed by co-author Vasily Titov – a senior tsunami modeler at the NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Lab.
“Vasily simulated the tsunami with MOST, and the results are fairly similar to those obtained with MOM6,” said Arbic. “Obtaining similar results from two different models gave us more confidence in our results. We will examine differences between shallow-water models and other models in future work.”
The third step consisted of co-author Ted Moore – a Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor – examining the geological record of the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary for signs of sediment erosion. This revealed that more erosion occurred in the North Atlantic and South Pacific basins than in the South Atlantic and North Pacific. In short, the geological record shows that the seafloor in these regions was eroded and scoured more aggressively, with flow velocities of about 100 meters per second (360 km/h; 224 mph).
Moreover, the model showed that the wavefront propagation velocities, the speed at which waves formed on the surface, were about 200 meters per second (720 km/h; 447 mph). This is consistent with what the team’s model predicted and constitutes the best observational evidence of a global tsunami at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. Their results also indicate that the Cretaceous-Paleogene tsunami was several orders of magnitude more powerful than any observed in recorded history. As Range described it, the effects of the impact were seen worldwide:
“It was a global impact. The tsunami was seen across the globe in 48 hours. Most coastal regions saw waves hit the coastline. Depending on where you look, wave heights could be from 1 meter to hundreds of meters tall. At ten minutes post-impact, the wave that had formed in the Gulf of Mexico was 1.5 km tall. This tsunami has 30,000 times the energy of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.”
Plate reconstruction and drill site locations (circled) at the age of the K/Pg boundary, showing continental blocks (gray), and modern continental outlines (red), where the K/Pg tsunami was most violent (green).
Credit: Range, M. (et al.)/AGU
This research provides additional insight into one of the most important events in geological history. In addition, said Range, the research has significant implications for planetary defense:
“The Chicxulub event had many important impacts, which have been previously documented – fires, wild swings of temperature (both very hot and very cold), destruction and eventual resetting of the predominant forms of life on Earth, and more. The tsunami was another important impact, and we plan to continue studying this tsunami and its impacts on the geological record that we can still examine. Impacts from large asteroids and meteors could happen again, which is why NASA recently ran the DART mission to see if they could be deflected.”
This artist’s impression shows an ultra-hot exoplanet as it is about to transit in front of its host star. Using the ESPRESSO instrument of ESO’s Very Large Telescope, astronomers have found the heaviest element yet in an exoplanet's atmosphere, barium, in the two ultra-hot Jupiters WASP-76 b and WASP-121 b.
Image Credit: ESO
Astronomers have spotted barium in the atmosphere of a distant exoplanet. With its 56 protons, you have to run your finger further down the periodic table than astronomers usually do to find barium. What does finding such a heavy element in an exoplanet atmosphere mean?
It means we’re still learning how strange exoplanets can be.
We’ve made a lot of progress in exoplanet science since astronomers discovered the first ones in the mid-1990s; we now know of thousands of them. In 2001, researchers using Hubble data were the first to observe an exoplanet atmosphere, identifying sodium. Some said it was lucky and wouldn’t happen again. Boy, were they wrong.
Now we have the power to characterize exoplanet atmospheres in more detail than ever. One of our most powerful telescopes is the European Southern Observatory’s (ESO) Very Large Telescope (VLT.) A new study based on observations with the VLT and its ESPRESSO (Echelle SPectrograph for Rocky Exoplanet and Stable Spectroscopic Observations) instrument presents evidence of barium in the atmosphere of the two ultra-hot gas giants.
WASP-76b and WASP-121b are both ultra-hot Jupiters. WASP-76b has been in the news because of the reported detection of iron in its atmosphere and the possibility that this tidally-locked planet experiences iron rain. Follow-up studies presented other explanations for the data, but the planet is still of great interest to exoplanet scientists.
This illustration of WASP-76b is based on data available in May 2020. As an object of high interest, data keeps coming in. Image Credit: By Trurle – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
WASP-121b is also noteworthy. It’s the first exoplanet where researchers found water vapour in its stratosphere. Both planets are extremely close to their stars and have orbital periods of less than two days. Both planets orbit stars similar to the Sun, with surface temperatures above 1000 C (1830 F.).
Artist’s concept of the hot Jupiter WASP-121b. A new study finds barium in its atmosphere. Image generated using Engine House VFX. Credit: Bristol Science Centre/University of Exeter
Both of these planets are known for having exotic atmospheres, but the discovery of barium has intensified interest in them. There’s no ready explanation for barium in the upper atmosphere of the planets. “The puzzling and counterintuitive part is: why is there such a heavy element in the upper layers of the atmosphere of these planets?” said lead author Azevedo Silva.
Both Jupiter-sized planets have powerful gravity that should draw heavy elements like barium to their surfaces. But instead, the barium, which is even heavier than iron, is aloft in the upper atmospheres of both planets. “Given the high gravity of the planets, we would expect heavy elements like barium to quickly fall into the lower layers of the atmosphere,” explained co-author Olivier Demangeon, another researcher from the University of Porto and IA.
Barium isn’t up there by itself. These planets’ atmospheres are exotic mixtures of chemicals alien to our atmosphere. The researchers weren’t looking for barium when they found it; they were studying the strange atmospheres as part of their effort to constrain the atmospheric composition and dynamics. They also wanted to lay the “… groundwork for new research regarding their formation and evolution environments,” as they state in their paper.
“This was in a way an ‘accidental’ discovery,” says Azevedo Silva. “We were not expecting or looking for barium in particular and had to cross-check that this was actually coming from the planet since it had never been seen in any exoplanet before.” The team also found vanadium, lithium, manganese, and other elements in the atmospheres. But barium is the heaviest element ever found in an exoplanet atmosphere.
The two planets in the study lend themselves well to atmospheric research. Is finding barium in these atmospheres a signal that we can expect to find them in other ultra-hot Jupiters? Maybe. “Both WASP-76b and WASP-121b represent some of the highest S/N datasets currently available, the presence in both of the studied planets may indicate that this heavy species can be common in the atmospheres of ultra-hot Jupiters,” the paper states.
There’s no barium in Earth’s atmosphere unless we’re watching a fireworks display. How did it get into the upper atmosphere of these planets? “At the moment, we are not sure what the mechanisms are,” explained Demangeon.
The team doesn’t overextend themselves when it comes to those mechanisms. In their paper they write, “The presence of these heavy ionized species at high altitudes in the atmospheres of ultra hot Jupiters may be evidence of unexpected atmospheric dynamics.” Further research will uncover what those dynamics are. Who knows what discoveries are waiting for us in these atmospheres?
Planetary escape may play a role in the detection. Is an unknown mechanism driving heavy elements away? The observations show that the calcium detected on WASP-121b appears to extend beyond the planet’s Roche Lobe. “Finally, we also confirm the clear asymmetric absorption feature of Ca+ on WASP-121b, with an excess absorption at the bluer wavelengths and an effective planet radius beyond the Roche-Lobe, hinting that the signal may arise from planetary atmospheric escape.”
This won’t be the last team of researchers to study these planets. Giant gaseous planets close to their stars present an excellent opportunity to study their atmospheres as their starlight passes through them. And since the orbital period is less than two days, both planets are readily observed with powerful telescopes and instruments. “Being gaseous and hot, their atmospheres are very extended and are thus easier to observe and study than those of smaller or cooler planets,” said Demangeon.
There’s reason for some caution around these results, though. When researchers discovered iron at WASP-76b, and that the iron could possibly fall as rain, people noticed. It isn’t easy to envision a world so different from ours that it can rain iron. But that iron rain discovery was called into question by another study. At this time, scientists aren’t sure if there is iron rain.
Will further research question this barium detection?
While the UK and US are only just out of the 'pandemic phase' for Covid-19, scientists are already looking ahead to the next global health crisis – and say it could be sparked by a microbe locked in a Tibetan glacier.
Researchers from Lanzhou University studied 21 glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau and found evidence of 968 microbes, most of which have never been seen before.
Worryingly, the team also identified more than 25 million protein-coding genes, including some that might influence the ability to cause disease.
'Ice-entrapped modern and ancient pathogenic microbes could lead to local epidemics and even pandemics,' the researchers wrote in their study, published in Nature Biotechnology.
Researchers from Lanzhou University studied 21 glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau and found evidence of 968 microbes, most of which have never been seen before
The researchers sequenced 883 bacterial genomes from cultivated glacier bacteria and 85 metagenomes from 21 Tibetan glaciers covering diverse habitats, including snow (bottom left map), ice (top left map) and cryoconite (top right map)
The Tibetan Plateau
The Tibetan Plateau is a key source of water for some of the world's largest rivers, which means any dangerous microbes could quickly reach a large number of people.
'The Tibetan Plateau, which is known as the water tower of Asia, is the source of several of the world's largest rivers, including the Yangtze, the Yellow River, the Ganges River and Yarlung Tsangpo (Brahmaputra River),' the researchers explained.
'The release of potentially hazardous bacteria could affect the two most populated countries in the world: China and India.'
In the study, the team gathered bacteria and microscopic life forms called archaea from 21 glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau, from 2016-2020.
Using genetic sequencing, the researchers uncovered evidence of 968 microbial species.
Some of the microbes are common, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is found in soil and water.
However, the vast majority (82 per cent) were found to bear little genetic similarity to microbes found in other environments.
Eleven per cent of species were only found in one glacier, while 10 per cent were located in almost all the glaciers studied.
The team also uncovered more than 25 million protein-coding genes – including some that might influence the ability to cause disease.
'Here we present the first, to our knowledge, dedicated genome and gene catalogue for glacier ecosystems, comprising 3,241 genomes and metagenome-assembled genomes and 25 million non-redundant proteins from 85 Tibetan glacier metagenomes and 883 cultivated isolates,' the researchers wrote.
The findings suggest that many microbes have evolved to withstand extreme conditions, according to the team.
'The surfaces of glaciers support a diverse array of life, including bacteria, algae, archaea, fungi, and other microeukaryotes,' they explained.
'Microorganisms have demonstrated the ability to adapt to these extreme conditions and contribute to vital ecological processes.
Some of the microbes are common, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is found in soil and water. However, the vast majority (82 per cent) were found to bear little genetic similarity to microbes found in other environments
'Glacier ice can also act as a record of microorganisms from the past, with ancient (more than 10,000 years old) airborne microorganisms being successfully revived.
'Therefore, the glacial microbiome also constitutes an invaluable chronology of microbial life on our planet.'
The Tibetan Plateau is a key source of water for some of the world's largest rivers, which means any dangerous microbes could quickly reach a large number of people if released.
'The Tibetan Plateau, which is known as the water tower of Asia, is the source of several of the world's largest rivers, including the Yangtze, the Yellow River, the Ganges River and Yarlung Tsangpo (Brahmaputra River),' the researchers explained.
'The release of potentially hazardous bacteria could affect the two most populated countries in the world: China and India.'
Worryingly, a 2019 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned that up to two-thirds of the Tibetan Plateau's remaining glaciers are on track to disappear by the end of the century.
It is expected a third of the ice will be lost in that time - even if global warming is limited 2.7F (1.5C) above pre-industrial levels.
The team hopes the project, which they're calling the 'Tibetan Glacier Genome and Gene' (TG2G) catalogue, will be useful for researchers in the future.
'The TG2G catalog offers a database and a platform for archiving, analysis and comparison of glacier microbiomes at the genome and gene levels. It is particularly timely as the glacier ecosystem is threatened by global warming, and glaciers are retreating at an unprecedented rate,' they concluded.
'We envisage that the catalog will form the basis of a comprehensive global repository for glacial microbiome data.'
A virus particle, or virion, is made up of three parts: a set of genetic instructions, either DNA or RNA; coat of protein that surrounds the DNA or RNA to protect it; a lipid membrane, which surrounds the protein coat.
Unlike human cells or bacteria, viruses don't contain the chemical machinery, called enzymes, needed to carry out the chemical reactions to divide and spread.
They carry only one or two enzymes that decode their genetic instructions, and need a host cell, like bacteria, a plant or animal, in which to live and make more viruses.
When a virus infects a living cell, it hijacks and reprograms the cell to turn it into a virus-producing factory.
Proteins on the virus interact with specific receptors on the target cell.
The virus then inserts its genetic code into the target cell, while the cell's own DNA is degraded.
The target cell is then 'hijacked', it begins using the virus' genetic code as a blueprint to produce more viruses.
The cell eventually bursts open to release the new, intact viruses that then infect other cells and begin the process again.
Once free from the host cell, the new viruses can attack other cells.
Because one virus can reproduce thousands of new viruses, viral infections can spread quickly throughout the body.
Glaciers that are melting amid rising global temperatures could be the cause of the next deathly pandemic, a new study claims.
Scientists investigated how climate change may affect the risk of 'spillover' – a virus jumping to another species – by examining samples from Lake Hazen in the Arctic.
They found that the chance of a spillover event increases with the melting of glaciers, as the meltwater can transport pathogens to new hosts.
Killer viruses that have been frozen in glaciers for hundreds of years could reawaken as temperatures rise and the ice melts and flows to new locations.
Viruses need hosts like humans, animals, plants or fungi to replicate and spread, and occasionally they can jump to a new one that lacks immunity, as seen during the Covid pandemic.
A warming climate could bring viruses in the Arctic into contact with new environments and hosts, increasing the risk of this 'viral spillover', the experts warn.
Researchers in Canada wanted to investigate how climate change might affect the risk of 'viral spillover' by examining samples from the Arctic landscape of Lake Hazen. The experts are pictured at Lake Hazen drilling holes to collect sediment
Lake Hazen, seen from above in this NASA image, is the largest High Arctic freshwater lake in the world
A 'spillover' event describes a virus's jump from one species to another.
An example is the spillover of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid, from a bat or pangolin to a human.
A spillover contrasts with a 'spillback' - a virus going from humans back into wild animals.
The new study was led by researchers at Department of Biology, University of Ottawa in Canada and published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
'Spillover risk increases with runoff from glacier melt, a proxy for climate change,' say the researchers in their paper.
'Should climate change also shift species range of potential viral vectors and reservoirs northwards, the High Arctic could become fertile ground for emerging pandemics.'
In the past years, many viruses such as Influenza A, Ebola and SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes Covid) spilled over to humans and caused 'significant diseases', the study says.
Evidence already suggests SARS-CoV-2 originated in horseshoe bats, although it's likely the virus passed to humans through pangolins, a scaly mammal often confused for a reptile.
Likewise, it's thought the lethal outbreak of the Ebola virus in Western Africa between 2013 and 2016 stemmed from bats.
The researchers focused their study on soil and lake sediments from Lake Hazen, the largest High Arctic freshwater lake in the world.
The team sampled soil that becomes a riverbed for melted glacier water in the summer, as well as the lakebed itself, which required clearing snow and drilling through more than six feet of ice.
They used ropes and a snowmobile to lift the lake sediment through almost 980 feet (300 metres) of water, and samples were then sequenced for DNA and RNA, the genetic blueprints and messengers of life.
'This enabled us to know what viruses are in a given environment, and what potential hosts are also present,' said study leader Stephane Aris-Brosou, an associate professor in the University of Ottawa.
In the past years, many viruses such as Influenza A, Ebola and SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid, spilled over to humans and caused 'significant diseases', the study says. Pictured is a rendering of SARS-CoV-2
Glaciers are slowly moving rivers of ice, formed by the accumulation and compaction of snow on mountains or near the poles.
Glacier runoff means all melt and rain water that runs off the glacierized area without refreezing.
Global warming is expected to increase runoff at Lake Hazen in the Arctic, researchers say.
But to find out how likely they were to jump hosts, the team needed to examine the equivalent of each virus and host's family tree.
'Basically what we tried to do is measure how similar these [family] trees are,' said study author Audree Lemieux.
Similar genealogies suggest a virus has evolved along with its host, but differences suggest spillover, and if a virus has jumped hosts once, it is more likely to do so again.
The analysis found pronounced differences between viruses and hosts in the lake bed, which is directly correlated to the risk of spillover.
The difference was less stark in the riverbeds, which the researchers theorise is because water erodes the topsoil, removing organisms and limiting interactions between viruses and potential new hosts.
Those instead wash into the lake, which has seen 'dramatic change' in recent years, as increased water from melting glaciers deposits more sediment.
'That's going to bring together hosts and viruses that would not normally encounter each other,' Lemieux said.
Also, animals and protists were found to be the most susceptible to spillovers, while plants and fungi showed a lower susceptibility to spillovers.
The experts stress that they are neither forecasting an actual spillover nor a pandemic, and that the likelihood of such an event 'remains very low'.
They also warn more work is needed to clarify how big the difference between viruses and hosts needs to be to create serious spillover risk.
Animals and protists are the most susceptible to spillover, while plants and fungi showed a lower susceptibility to spillovers
But they argue that warming weather could increase risks further if new potential hosts move into previously inhospitable regions.
'It could be anything from ticks to mosquitoes to certain animals, to bacteria and viruses themselves,' said Lemieux.
'It's really unpredictable... and the effect of spillover itself is very unpredictable, it can range from benign to an actual pandemic.'
The team now wants more research and surveillance work in the Arctic region to 'mitigate the impact of spillovers' on humans and other species.
'Obviously we've seen in the past two years what the effects of spillover can be,' said Lemieux.
It's widely believed that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid, was spread from wild animals to humans.
But a 2022 study claims that humans might give viruses to animals more often than previously understood.
Researchers reviewed published evidence of human-to-wildlife transmission events, with a focus on how such events could threaten animal and human health.
They found a total of 97 examples of human-to-wildlife transmissions involving a wide range of pathogens, from M. tuberculosis, measles, influenzas and hepatitis B.
These pathogens likely spread from humans to wild animals in multiple ways, such as wild animals' contact with human sewage.
Affected animals range from the Asian elephant, European hedgehog, rhesus monkey, gibbon, giant panda, harbor seal and many more.
The study refers to 'spillovers' (a virus's jump from another species) and a spillback (a virus going from humans back into wild animals).
Volgende pandemie wordt mogelijk veroorzaakt door smeltende gletsjers, zo waarschuwen wetenschappers
De volgende pandemie zal wellicht niet voortvloeien uit een virus dat afkomstig is van vleermuizen of vogels. Vermoedelijk zullen smeltende gletsjers de grote boosdoener zijn, zo schrijven wetenschappers in het vaktijdschrift Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Het nieuws over ijskappen en gletsjers die zienderogen verdwijnen door de klimaatverandering overspoelt ons. Hoe dat komt kan je hieronder bekijken (zie video). De Zwitserse gletsjers smolten nooit zo snel als in 2022, de smeltende Groenlandse ijskap zal leiden tot een grote zeespiegelstijging en er vielen doden na een gletsjerbreuk in de Dolomieten. Een ander mogelijk gevolg van de smeltende gletsjers zou een nieuwe pandemie kunnen zijn.
Dat zit zo: tal van virussen en bacteriën zitten momenteel ingekapseld in gletsjers en permafrost - bevroren ondergrond die (normaal) nooit helemaal ontdooit. Wetenschappers vermoedden dat, zodra deze toch ontdooien, de oude virussen en bacteriën opnieuw kunnen ‘ontwaken’ en fauna infecteren. Om deze hypothese uit te testen, verzamelden onderzoekers van de University of Ottowa bodemmonsters in de buurt van Lake Hazen in Canada, een zoetwatermeer dat omringd wordt door gletsjers.
Uit deze monsters identificeerden de onderzoekers virussen die sterk gelijken op reeds bekende virussen. Vervolgens bestudeerden ze de lokale fauna en gingen ze op zoek naar potentiële gastheren. Tot slot ging een algoritme aan de slag met de gegevens en berekende het de kans op een echte infectie met een van deze virussen. Wat bleek? De kans dat virussen een nieuwe gastheer infecteren, bleek daadwerkelijk groter te zijn op plaatsen met veel gesmolten gletsjerijs of permafrost.
Uit eerder onderzoek was al gebleken dat gletsjerijs virussen kan bevatten. Opvallend, deze virussen overleven niet ondanks, maar juist dankzij het ijs.
Uitbraak van miltvuur
In 2016 is er in Siberië overigens al sprake geweest van een uitbraak van miltvuur - een ziekte die een steenpuistachtige huidinfectie, longontsteking en een vergrote en ontstoken milt kan veroorzaken. De bacterie die verantwoordelijk is voor deze ziekte zou afkomstig zijn geweest van bevroren permafrost dat via een rendier bij de mens is terechtgekomen. Vermoedelijk heeft het rendier besmet water gedronken, is het dier ziek geworden en heeft het daarna een eerste persoon rechtstreeks of via dierlijke producten besmet.
Bacteriën en virussen
Bacteriën en virussen zijn eigenlijk overal: in de lucht, in voedsel en in water. Bacteriën planten zich daar op zelfstandige basis voort, maar virussen hebben een gastheer nodig. Sommige virussen komen bij deze gastheer terecht via voedsel, water of knaagdieren. Andere virussen doen dat via muggen, de lucht, seks of een aanraking.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
The Next Great “Mass Extinction” Is Already Here
The Next Great “Mass Extinction” Is Already Here
Death is all around us, but most of us are so focused on our own little worlds that we can’t even see it. There have been other mass extinctions throughout history, but the one that is happening right now is much different from all those that have come before. That is because it is happening very gradually. Over the past 50 years, billions of creatures have been wiped off the face of our planet, but it didn’t happen all at once. It has been a slow, steady process, and the mainstream media hardly ever talks about it. So most people don’t pay any attention to this crisis, even though it truly is an existential threat to our existence.
If all other creatures were suddenly eliminated, humanity would not survive for very long at all.
But for some reason we don’t seem to understand this.
Even though we are at the top of the food chain, we can’t afford to ignore what is going on below us. And right now what is happening to much of the food chain is absolutely horrific.
The Living Planet Index tracks the populations of 32,000 different species, and we are being told that those 32,000 different populations have declined by an average of 69 percent since 1970…
The Living Planet Index (LPI)—which tracks populations of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians—reveals an average 69% decrease in monitored wildlife populations since 1970. The 2022 LPI analyzed almost 32,000 species populations. It provides the most comprehensive measure of how they are responding to pressures in their environment.
69 percent!
If that doesn’t meet the definition of “mass extinction”, what does?
We have been entrusted with the care of this planet, and just about everything on it is dying. In fact, at this point countless species of plants and animals are literally “on the verge of extinction”…
In Africa, two thirds of animal populations have been lost. In Europe, there has been an animal population decline of 18 percent. In Asia, the damage is 55 percent, and in North America, animal populations have fallen by 20 percent. The greatest losses are occurring in Latin America and throughout the Caribbean; animal populations have plummeted by 94% in these areas. Millions of species of plants and animals are now on the verge of extinction.
Marco Lambertini, director general of WWF International, said the entire organization is “extremely worried” by the new data. The data shows “a devastating fall in wildlife populations, in particular in tropical regions that are home to some of the most biodiverse landscapes in the world,” he said. This includes warm water coral reefs, which have been cut in half over the past 50 years.
Why aren’t more people concerned about this?
If we stay on the path that we are currently on, it is just a matter of time before most species are gone.
Do you think that we will be able to survive once there are thousands of giant gaps in the food chain?
Of course not.
The clock is ticking for humanity, and most people are in a deep state of sleep.
Speaking of sleep, I remember often waking up to the sound of birds when I was very young.
But now in many communities around America the birds are missing. In fact, a report that was recently released found that birds are being wiped out in the United States at a rate that is absolutely staggering…
The Rufous Hummingbird, Greater Sage-Grouse, Pinyon Jay, and 67 other birds in the United States are teetering on the edge of disaster, having lost at least half of their populations in the past 50 years. A report released today by North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI) calls these birds “Tipping Point” species, on track to lose another 50 percent of their populations in the same time frame if conservation efforts do not improve.
Given enough time, eventually they will all be gone.
What would we do then?
We have also just learned that the crab population in Alaska has suffered a decline that is truly catastrophic…
According to an annual survey of the Bering Sea floor carried out by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, estimates for the crustaceans’ total numbers fell to about 1.9 billion in 2022, down from 11.7 billion in 2018, or a reduction of about 84 percent.
For the first time ever, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced the Bering Sea snow crab season will remain closed for 2022-23, saying in a statement efforts must turn to “conservation and rebuilding given the condition of the stock.”
There are countless other examples just like this.
But very few people seem to care.
Meanwhile, our scientists continue to conduct experiments which could ultimately result in even more mass extinctions. In fact, just this week it was being reported that taxpayer-funded researchers at Boston University have created a hybrid COVID virus that has “an 80 percent lethality rate”…
A senior US health official today admitted that controversial Covid manipulation research carried out in a laboratory in Boston was not authorized — despite being funded by taxpayer money. exclusively revealed yesterday that a team from Boston University had developed a hybrid Covid virus — combining the Omicron and original Wuhan strains — which had an 80 percent lethality rate.
Public records indicate it was partly paid for using a grant awarded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), one of the federal government’s main research agencies.
Only people that are completely and utterly insane would purposely create something like this.
What if it gets out somehow?
What will they do then?
The stupidity that we are witnessing is off the charts.
But unless the mainstream media makes a really big deal out of this, most of the population is simply not going to care.
And that is because most of the population does not even bother to think for themselves any longer.
Humanity just keeps making self-destructive decision after self-destructive decision, and the global elite seem quite satisfied with how things are going.
Thanks to them, we live on a dirty, filthy poisoned planet, and the clock just keeps on ticking.
***It is finally here! Michael’s new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.***
About the Author:
My name is Michael and my brand new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available on In addition to my new book I have written five other books that are available on including “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”, “The Beginning Of The End”, “Get Prepared Now”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. (#CommissionsEarned) When you purchase any of these books you help to support the work that I am doing, and one way that you can really help is by sending digital copies as gifts through Amazon to family and friends. Time is short, and I need help getting these warnings into the hands of as many people as possible. I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse Blog, End Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe. I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article. The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial or health decisions. I encourage you to follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and any way that you can share these articles with others is a great help. These are such troubled times, and people need hope. John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” If you have not already done so, I strongly urge you to ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior today.
Mysterious Orb Fleet Over Brooklyn, New York July 6, 2022, -video- UFO Sighting News.
Mysterious Orb Fleet Over Brooklyn, New York July 6, 2022, - video - UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: July 6, 2022 Location of sighting: Brooklyn, New York USA Source: MUFON
This report just in today at MUFON. The video shows a fleet of glowing white craft in the sky over Brooklyn. From my personal close up experience in the past I can tell you these objects are not really white, but appear white when far away, but when close up will look pearlescent mother of pearl surface that is liquid-like and slowly rotates around the craft as its colors and patterns on its surface change. One person asked me in the chat below the video on my channel..."Why do you think they are allowing themselves to be seen so much lately?" Well, I responded, "Either they figure we are ready, or the end of life as we know it is on the horizon."
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
For clarity I'm going to label these lights A, B, C, and D. My apologies in advance that I am directionally challenged, so I'm using right/left/vertical/horizontal/diagonal instead of the cardinal points, so I don't get myself mixed up. I didn't know what to put for the elevation degree, either. However, I know that we were facing SE to where our street crosses with Myrtle avenue, if that helps to make sense of the flight directions. I am out watching the sunset on my balcony almost every night, so I know the skyline well. There are often planes taking off from JFK, and there is are several low towers with red and white glowing lights. Occasionally there are helicopters. I don't know what this was, but it was not like anything my partner or I have seen before. He called me outside and I saw that one of the lights in the sky (Light A), which I had originally thought was a white light from a tower, was moving slowly, in a horizontal direction, from left to right towards another, brighter, stationary white light Light B). It then started to ascend towards another brighter, higher stationary light (light C). Its flight path formed a diagonal line between Light B and C. Light A came close to the higher light, C, and then changed direction a third time to ascend diagonally to the right. As Light A started to diagonally ascend, Light C, and another bright light (Light D), previously stationary to its left, started to move horizontally towards each other. Light C passed Light D and then continued moving quickly on, in the same direction.
Meanwhile, Light A is continuing to ascend diagonally. At this point I was concerned I wouldn't be able to capture all of the lights onscreen, so I flipped my phone camera vertically. Light C seemed to have grown dimmer and was flickering. After a few moments continuing past Light D to the left, Light C stopped and reversed its direction, heading back towards Light D again. Only light B and D remained stationary at that time, and Light B was the only light that appeared not to move at all. At this point, about two minutes into filming, I stopped because my boyfriend (completely uninterested and unfazed by this phenomenon) made me feel like I was being a nut. However, there continued to be movement for another few minutes at least, and some movement had happened shortly before I remembered to start filming. I grew up on a farm looking at the constellations, satellites, etc. and love to watch the sky in Brooklyn as well. I've never seen any objects move in a coordinated way like this, especially changing directions multiple times. I would love if someone had an explanation for this. I'm including the video I shot on my phone (iphone 11).
Hey I found this last night and just wanted to share it with you all. Two strange alien created artifacts that exist on the surface of Mars in a NASA photo. The first is a grandfather face at the top of the hill looking outward to the horizon. It has a thick beard and mustache and a forehead, cheeks, eyes, and nose which make me think the species that created it was related to humanity. The other artifact is a dragon head sticking upward, its face, eye, nose and mouth all visible, as well as its sharp ridges on the back of its neck. Check out the video I made today below and tell me your thoughts.
Carina Nebula: Amazing Photos of a Colorful Cosmic Cloud
(c) NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Carina Nebula: Amazing Photos of a Colorful Cosmic Cloud
Pillars of Destruction
ESO/A. McLeod
The Carina Nebula (NGC 3372) is a stellar nursery 7,500 light-years from Earth. These images show several pillars of gas and dust protruding from the nebula. Dubbed the "Pillars of Destruction," these regions are being destroyed by radiation from new stars. The European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope in Chile created these images with the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) instrument.
Region R18 in the Carina Nebula
ESO/A. McLeod
The MUSE instrument on ESO's Very Large Telescope captured the R18 region inside the Carina Nebula. The pillars of dust and gas which produce gigantic stars are eventually consumed by the stars themselves.
Region R37 in the Carina Nebula
ESO/A. McLeod
Massive newborn stars inside the Carina Nebula's R37 region, which is 7500 light-years away, destroy the clouds of dust and gas that created them. This image was taken by the MUSE instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope.
Region R45 in the Carina Nebula
ESO/A. McLeod
In the R45 Region of the Carina Nebula, the massive stars that spawn from the cosmic gas and dust slowly devour the clouds that birthed them.
Star Cluster Trumpler 14
ESO/A. McLeod
Inside the Carina Nebula, this pillar from the Trumpler 14 star cluster was captured by the MUSE instrument on the ESO's Very Large Telescope.
R44 Region in the Carina Nebula
ESO/A. McLeod
This photo shows a region of the Carina Nebula (NGC 3372) called R44. The European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope in Chile created the image with the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) instrument.
Mystic Mountain
ESO/A. McLeod
This majestic pillar of the Carina Nebula (NGC 3372) is a 3-light-year-tall cloud of gas and dust that is being eaten away by the brilliant light from stars both in its surroundings and inside the cloud itself. The European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope in Chile created the image with the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) instrument.
Bok Globules
ESO/A. McLeod
Dark patches seen in this region of the Carina Nebula (NGC 3372) are called "Bok globules." These small, dark nebulas are dense with gas and dust, so not much light can get through. The European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope in Chile created this image with the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) instrument.
Violent Carina Nebula Seen in Detail
Several well known astronomical objects in and near the Carina Nebula can be seen in this wide field image: to the bottom left of the image is one of the most impressive binary stars in the Universe, Eta Carinae, with the famous Keyhole Nebula just adjacent to the star. The collection of very bright, young stars above and to the right of Eta Carinae is the open star cluster Trumpler 14. A second open star cluster, Collinder 228 is also seen in the image, just below Eta Carinae. North is up and East is to the left.
Eta Carina Nebula
ESO/Digitized Sky Survey 2; Acknowledgement: Davide De Martin
The Digitized Sky Survey 2 created this color composite of the Eta Carina Nebula from multiple exposures.
Remembering the Gutsy and Hilarious Apollo Astronaut Jim McDivitt
Remembering the Gutsy and Hilarious Apollo Astronaut Jim McDivitt
Former NASA astronaut Jim McDivitt, who commanded the important Gemini IV and Apollo 9 missions – both crucial for NASA’s ability to reach the Moon — has died at age 93. His family said he passed away peacefully in his sleep on October 13, 2022.
A gag photo of Jim McDivitt, Gemini IV commander. McDivitt signed the photo, “I really take space to heart!”
As an Air Force Pilot, McDivitt flew 145 combat missions during the Korean War; he then became a test pilot. He was selected as an astronaut by NASA in September 1962 as part of the second astronaut class.
McDivitt was known for his sense of teamwork and gutsy leadership, as well as his sense of humor. In an oral history interview, McDivitt recalled deciding to wait for the right moment to tell his young children he was chosen to fly on Gemini IV, the mission which included the first US spacewalk, by McDivitt’s crewmate, Ed While.
“So, one Saturday morning we were sitting at our breakfast table,” McDivitt recalled. “We finally got to this dramatic moment and I said, ‘Kids, I’m going to tell you something really important. You know that dad’s an astronaut and the astronauts fly in space. I just want to let you know that I’m going to fly in space soon.’ And my older boy, Mike, who was probably seven or eight, says, ‘Oh yeah, dad, I heard that at school. And then my daughter Ann said, “Oh yeah, dad, I heard that at school, too.” And my son Patrick said, ‘Dad, there’s a fly in the milk bottle.’”
While McDivitt feelings of importance may have taken a hit that day — thanks to his children — his self-confidence was later apparent when asked why NASA chose him to fly two such important space flights.
“Well, I was the best-looking astronaut there was, and so they picked me on looks there,” McDivitt jested. “Or maybe it was personality!”
Close-up view of astronauts James A. McDivitt (foreground) and Edward H. White II inside their Gemini-4 spacecraft.Credit: NASA
When NASA selected McDivitt as commander of the Gemini IV mission in June 1965, he became the first-ever NASA rookie to command a mission. Gemini IV was considered NASA’s most ambitious flight at the time, with White’s historic spacewalk and the longest U.S. spaceflight at the time, 4 days.
While White’s spacewalk is remembered for its historic nature and how White appeared to be having such a wonderful experience that he didn’t want to come back inside the Gemini spacecraft, McDivitt shared a little-known story of how the spacewalk almost didn’t happen because the hatch to the capsule wouldn’t open initially.
The Gemini-4 crew, astronauts Edward H. White II (left), pilot; and James A. McDivitt, command pilot, listen to the voice of President Lyndon B. Johnson as he congratulated them by telephone on their successful four-day, 62-revolution Gemini-4 mission. Credit: NASA.
“There was a handle and a bunch of little gears with teeth on them,” McDivitt recalled, “and the teeth had to engage some of the other little gears. It was a fairly complex mechanism. And those gears weren’t really going together properly. I said, ‘Oh my God, it’s not opening!’”
McDivitt said he and White decided not to tell Mission Control about it. “I mean, there was nothing they could do. They would’ve said, ‘No,’ I’m sure. Anyway, we went ahead and opened it up; and Ed went out and did his thing. And that was one of the reasons I was kind of anxious to have him get back inside the spacecraft, because I’d like to do this [close the hatch] in the daylight, not in the dark. But by the time he got back in, it was dark. So, when we went to close the hatch, it wouldn’t close. It wouldn’t lock. And so, in the dark I was trying to fiddle around over on the side where I couldn’t see anything, trying to get my glove down in this little slot to push the gears together. And finally, we got that done and got it latched.”
McDivitt and White had a long history, as they both attended the University of Michigan, were both in the Air Force, and had gone through the astronaut selection together. When White died tragically in the Apollo 1 fire, McDivitt said that Ed White “was the best friend I ever had.”
While the Gemini missions often get overlooked in the run-up to the Apollo missions, McDivitt emphasized their importance.
“I think if it hadn’t been for Gemini, flying Apollo would’ve been nigh on to impossible,” he said. “Apollo could’ve been a 30-flight program with a lot of accidents if we started going to the Moon very early, if we didn’t have the coordination of skills and the reliability …in the ground or the space-borne part of it. So, it was very important.”
Four years later, in March of 1969, McDivitt commanded Apollo 9, which also sometimes gets overlooked as being a rather mundane flight. But it was a 10-day test flight in Earth orbit of the new lunar module, a “shakeout” first flight of the complete set of Apollo hardware that ultimately paved the way for NASA to successfully land humans on the Moon four months later in July 1969.
The crew of Apollo 9: Commander James McDivitt, Command Module Pilot Dave Scott and Lunar Module Pilot Rusty Schweickart. Credit: NASA
For Apollo 9, McDivitt was joined by Command Module Pilot David Scott and Lunar Module Pilot Rusty Schweickart. The crew spent 10 days in low Earth orbit, with the top priority of testing the LM and performing multiple dockings with the two spacecraft, the LM and Command Modules, simulating the maneuvers that would be performed during subsequent missions at the Moon. At one point, McDivitt and Schweickart flew the Lunar Module 160 kilometers (100 miles) away from the Command Module. The crew also configured the lunar module to support a spacewalk by McDivitt and Schweickart, the first EVA of the Apollo program.
But early on, the mission was in jeopardy. Schweickart’s bout with space sickness in the first days of the flight caused NASA to consider bringing the crew home early and cancelling the rest of the mission.
“That would mean we might not be able to test the rendezvous and docking, meaning we might not be able to make JFK’s commitment for the US to land on the Moon by the end of the decade,” Schweickart told me back in 2018.
But Schweickart credits the great relationship between McDivitt and himself, where the crewmates had complete sense of trust with each other, where each of them knew innately the spacewalk was going to work, with Schweickart up to the task.
“To this day, I give Jim credit for having the incredible courage to have looked at me, to trust me, to have the relationship between us where he had confidence in his judgement and mine to make that critical of a decision,” Schweickart said.
And ultimately, all went well and the mission was considered a huge success. Just before the end of Apollo 9, McDivitt called down to thank the Mission Control team for all their great work, praising the performance of the team and the spacecraft. “Might give you the impression that it might work, huh?” McDivitt joked.
But of his crewmates, McDivitt said, “We were good friends, and our lives depended on each other.”
The Apollo 9 aboard the recovery ship USS Guadalcanal on March 13, 1969. From left: Rusty Schweickart (lunar module pilot), Dave Scott (command module pilot) and Jim McDivitt (commander). Credit: NASA
After Apollo 9, McDivitt decided to trade the challenging job of flying the Apollo missions to the equally challenging job of supervising them, and became manager of the Apollo Spacecraft Program Office in Houston. As part of that role, it was usually his decision whether or not to continue missions after an emergency. For example, McDivitt made the recommendation to leave earth orbit after the lightning strike during Apollo 12’s launch; he was involved on multiple decisions during Apollo 13 and made recommendations to continue Apollo 16 after two significant problems with the propulsion system on the Command and Service Module.
“I think it was quite fortuitous that I had a chance to fly on Apollo 9,” McDivitt said later, “because the things I did on 9, which was really an engineering test flight, that stuff came into play so much more for me as the Program Manager when we were running into difficulties. So, when I had to make decisions on those later Apollo missions, it made me more confident that the decision I was making to go forward was really right.”
McDivitt received numerous awards during his career, including two NASA Distinguished Service Medals and the NASA Exceptional Service Medal. For his service in the U.S. Air Force, he also was awarded two Air Force Distinguished Service Medals, four Distinguished Flying Crosses, five Air Medals, and U.S. Air Force Astronaut Wings. McDivitt also received the Chong Moo Medal from South Korea, the U.S. Air Force Systems Command Aerospace Primus Award, the Arnold Air Society JFK Trophy, the Sword of Loyola, and the Michigan Wolverine Frontiersman Award.
McDivitt’s passing leaves the Apollo 8 crew as the last Apollo crew with all crew members still living.
NASA Is Hoping They Can Break the Sound Barrier… Quietly
NASA Is Hoping They Can Break the Sound Barrier… Quietly
Seventy-five years is a long time for a technology to mature. In the case of supersonic flight, the technology has matured dramatically since Chuck Yaeger first broke the sound barrier on October 14th, 1947. However, you might notice that currently, you can’t hop on a commercial supersonic jet. The reason is simple, close to seventy-five years after the technology was first developed, NASA thinks it might have a solution for its biggest hurdle.
That hurdle, of course, is the sonic “boom.” The observers of Chuck Yaeger’s inaugural flight were the first people ever to experience it. But when test planes started consistently breaking the barrier, the booms started to annoy people.
OK, that might be putting it mildly. They also shattered windows, including a notorious instance of doing so over Richard Nixon’s house in California, which caused him to complain to the Air Force about it. Interesting then that the FAA banned sonic booms over land in 1973, during Nixon’s presidency.
Banning a physical phenomenon associated with your flight style definitely puts a crimp on the commercial development of supersonic engines. While they were still usable over the ocean, commercial development dried up as there weren’t enough routes serving destinations only over oceans where having such a fast plane might be profitable. One exception is the famous Concorde, which stopped operations in 2003, though there are plenty of potential successors to it, such as the Overture Jet.
Those successors might become obsolete before they even launch if NASA has anything to do with it. Their researchers found that sonic booms aren’t necessary to break the sound barrier – they just happen when the aerodynamics around the object going that fast aren’t optimized.
Enter the Quiet SuperSonic Technology (QueSST). Though its name might be slightly confusing, its intention is straightforward enough – develop a jet that can go supersonic without creating a sonic boom.
Sonic Booms explained by NASA – Credit – NASA YouTube Channel
Quesst’s current prototype, the X-59, is a successor of the X-1 that Yeager used in his first supersonic flight. NASA’s so confident in their new design lowering the impact of sonic booms that one of Quesst’s mission goals is to fly the X-59 over populated areas and see if people living in them even care.
While that might just seem like a public relation stunt, it’s arguably an effective way to get a regulatory agency (i.e., the FAA) to agree that your new technology is citizen-friendly, thereby unlocking the pathway to future commercial supersonic jet trips.
It remains to be seen if airlines, or aircraft manufacturers for that matter, would take up the challenge of creating another commercial supersonic jet. Still, after 75 years, it’s good to know that humans can still take time to improve a technology if there’s enough incentive to.
Shortly Before They Collided, two Black Holes Tangled Spacetime up Into Knots
Shortly Before They Collided, two Black Holes Tangled Spacetime up Into Knots
In February 2016, scientists at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) announced the first-ever detection of gravitational waves (GWs). Originally predicted by Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, these waves are ripples in spacetime that occur whenever massive objects (like black holes and neutron stars) merge. Since then, countless GW events have been detected by observatories across the globe – to the point where they have become an almost daily occurrence. This has allowed astronomers to gain insight into some of the most extreme objects in the Universe.
In a recent study, an international team of researchers led by Cardiff University observed a binary black hole system originally detected in 2020 by the Advanced LIGO, Virgo, and Kamioki Gravitational Wave Observatory (KAGRA). In the process, the team noticed a peculiar twisting motion (aka. a precession) in the orbits of the two colliding black holes that was 10 billion times faster than what was noted with other precessing objects. This is the first time a precession has been observed with binary black holes, which confirms yet another phenomenon predicted by General Relativity (GR).
Binary black holes (BBHs) are considered a prime candidate for researching GWs since astronomers expect some will consist of precessing binaries. In this scenario, black holes will circle each other in ever-tightening orbits, generating an increasingly strong GW signal until they merge. However, no definitive evidence of orbital precession has been observed from the 84 BBH systems detected by Advanced LIGO and Virgo so far. However, the team noticed something different when examining the GW200129 event detected by LIGO–Virgo–KAGRA collaboration during its third operational run (O3).
One of the black holes in this system (~40 solar masses) is considered the fastest-spinning black hole ever detected through gravitational waves. Unlike all previous observations of BBHs, the system’s rapid rotation has such a profound effect on spacetime that the entire system wobbles back and forth. This form of precession is known as Frame Dragging (aka. the Lense–Thirring effect), an interpretation of GR where gravitational forces are so strong that they “drag” the very fabric of spacetime with them.
This same phenomenon is seen when observing Mercury’s orbit, which periodically precesses as it orbits the Sun. In short, Mercury’s path around the Sun is highly eccentric, and the most distant point in its orbit (perihelion) also moves over time, rotating about the Sun like a spinning top. These observations are one of the ways GR was tested (and confirmed) after Einstein formalized it in 1916. In general, precession in general relativity is usually such a weak effect that it is almost imperceptible. As Dr. Thompson explained in a recent Cardiff University press release:
“It’s a very tricky effect to identify. Gravitational waves are extremely weak and to detect them requires the most sensitive measurement apparatus in history. The precession is an even weaker effect buried inside the already weak signal, so we had to do a careful analysis to uncover it.”
Previously, the fastest-known example was a binary pulsar that took over 75 years for the orbit to process. In this case, the BBH known as GW200129 (observed on January 29th, 2020) processes several times a second, an effect 10 billion times as strong as the binary pulsar. Even so, confirming that the black holes in this system were precessing was a significant challenge. Said Dr. Hoy, who is now a researcher at the University of Portsmouth:
“So far, most black holes we’ve found with gravitational waves have been spinning fairly slowly. The larger black hole in this binary, which was about 40 times more massive than the Sun, was spinning almost as fast as physically possible. Our current models of how binaries form suggest this one was extremely rare, maybe a one-in-a-thousand event. Or it could be a sign that our models need to change.”
These results confirm that before black holes merge – the most extreme gravitational event astronomers have ever observed – BBHs can experience an orbital precession. It is also the latest in a long line of examples that demonstrate how GW astronomy allows astronomers to probe the laws of physics under the most extreme conditions imaginable. With a network consisting of Advanced LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA detectors in the US, Europe, and Japan, it is also one of the most vibrant fields of astronomical research.
This network is currently being upgraded to enhance its sensitivity to GW events and will commence its fourth round of observations (O4) in 2023. When this happens, it is hoped that several hundred black hole collisions will be detected and added to the GW catalog. This will allow astronomers to gain greater insight into the most extreme gravitational phenomenon in the Universe and let them know if GW200129 was an outlier or if such extreme events are a common occurrence.
Dark journalist Daniel Liszt interviews John W. Warner IV, the son of Mellon Heiress Catherine Mellon and Senator Warner of Virginia.
John W. Warner IV goes deep on his family connections to the The Cosmos Club known as the UFO Bilderberg. He also explains how his father, Secretary of the Navy John Warner had knowledge of Secret Navy AUTEC experiments in the HotZone to extract the Atlantean Tuaoi Stone (Also called the Fire Stone) from the Ocean Floor and classified Top Secret UFO Salvaging Operations.
AUTEC (Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center - Navys Area 51)
Since its construction in 1959 there are many strange reports of USO and UFO activity all around AUTEC. Stories of Aliens working with NAVY personnel in a deep underwater base just of the Bahamas at the tip of the Bermuda Triangle in one of the deepest trenches in the ocean.
The Atlantean Tuaoi Stone: The most prominent factor in Cayce's predictions is the Tuaoi Stone, or the Fire Crystal. It was a source of rejuvenation of the Atlanteans' bodies and a power source for their technology. Cayce's description of this six sided, cylindrical quartz and its abilities resembles that of a present day laser beam, using a type of ultraviolent light energy to power
03. Increasing mental capacity and clarity of thought
04. Science and technology
05. Dematerialization
06. Teleportation
07. Telekinesis
08. Magnetic force fields
09. Libraries
10. Storing records and other knowledge, much like a computer
11. Botany and agriculture
12. Weather Control
13. Huge crystal tower power generators
14. Communication
Crystals have the ability to transfer energy, to retain it, to maintain its intensity, to focus and transmit it over great distance to similar receivers as are equal or comparable to the transmitter. The larger stones, called Fire Crystals, were the central receiving and broadcasting stations, while others acted as receivers for individual cities, buildings, vehicles and homes.
John W. Warner IV said that clandestine intelligence structures have kept dramatic leaps in exotic ancient UFO technology behind a lethal Wall of Secrecy (X-Protect). Warner asks the question: Can the X-Technology inside the UFO File be made accessible to the world?
Check out this short but really fascinating UFO footage of a solid unidentified flying object flying across the sky above Mexico City. This happened on 16th October 2022.
Witness report:
At 19:29 hrs. I spotted something coming my way, grabbed the phone and started taping. It wasn’t making any noises neither had it any lights. Could had been a balloon, what do you think?
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter for the latest UFO videos & photos.
On the night of December 6, 1978, a security guard named Pier Fortunato Zanfretta was found in a terror-stricken state near the country house known as Casa Nostra in Marzano of Torriglia, which is in Genoa, Italy.
Upon waking up, Zanfretta said he saw a massive alien that looked like a flabby suit. He then said he saw an alien ship that looked like a massive triangular shaped object. After a few minutes, the alien flew away. During a recurring hypnosis session, the man said he was dragged inside the alien ship and subjected to an intense examination.
An investigation by the military police, known as the Carabinieri, revealed that 52 people saw a large flying saucer in the sky that evening. They also found a three-meter-long mark in the meadow where the security guards found Zanfretta. The incident has left the people of Torriglia still thinking about the third kind.
Less Ice and Low Water Levels Reveal Hidden Treasures – At A Price
Less Ice and Low Water Levels Reveal Hidden Treasures – At A Price
For the world of archaeology, climate change is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, receding ice and falling water levels are bringing to the surface entire villages and ruins of civilizations. On the other hand, climate change is also causing erratic weather cycles, including wetter winters, and unseasonal humidity is wreaking havoc on ancient artifacts, causing widespread disintegration and erosion.
Once an item like wood, for example, is freed from ice, it runs the risk of rapidly crumbling unless stored immediately in a freezer. Nevertheless, as droughts, wildfires, and melting glaciers have become the norm, shipwrecks, corpses, ghost villages, bridges, monuments, have come to the fore.
Ancient Origins has been reporting on global warming related discoveries for the last ten years and here are just a few climate change changes related to archaeology.
A few of the ancient artifacts revealed by climate change on the melting Lendbreen ice patch in Norway.
Climate Change Gifts From The Melting Lendbreen Ice Patch
In Norway’s Jotunheim mountains, the Lendbreen ice patch was once a vital pass for Viking Age traffic, extensively used by the Vikings and medieval travelers from as far away as Rome. In 2011, the year of “The Great Melt,” the famously hidden pass revealed itself, and has since then provided the most archaeological finds from any ice patch in the world (though a Swiss Alps site is also worth noting). This includes hundreds of pre-historic cairns, a beeswax candle box, a 1,300 year-old-ski, an iron horseshoe, and an ancient Roman sandal .
"It's like a time machine... the ice has not been this small for many, many centuries," said Lars Piloe, the Dane heading a team of "snow patch archaeologists," in an interview with The Guardian .
In 2016, ancient reindeer hunting arrowheads were discovered in the southern Jotunheim range.
Permafrost places like Alaska and Siberia have also yielded these types of finds, including the famous Otzi “the Iceman,” found in the Italian Alps.
In February of 2022, Antarctica sea ice cover shrank to a record low, which helped solve a great maritime mystery. A research vessel from South Africa used this opportunity to explore the Weddell Sea off the Antarctica coastline, where they finally found Sir Ernest Shackleton’s ship, lost to the ice in 1915.
The sunken village of Baitings and its famous packhorse bridge, pictured below the modern car bridge, have been exposed by record drought and heat for the first time since the mid-1950s.
The UK Heatwave: Secret Gardens and a Sunken Village
As the UK comes to terms with its unprecedented heatwave, where temperatures in some places have shot up to over 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit), emergency measures are being undertaken. These include hosepipe bans and rationing of fresh water.
A secret Derbyshire garden , hidden for 300 years, was revealed by a heatwave. This florid 17th-century landscape is being called the Great Parterre and boasts an intricate display of flower beds and paths. This is after temperatures in the region crossed 38 degrees Celsius (100 degrees Fahrenheit), the highest on record for over 100 years.
Over the weekend, Ancient Origins reported on the reappearance of a sunken Yorkshire village . The reason? The water levels of the reservoir had sunken to such a low that the erstwhile village of Baitings, which had been submerged in the 1950s, was suddenly visible again. Along with the village, the famous centuries-old packhorse bridge was also exposed due to massively diminished water levels.
Aerial view of the excavations revealing the Mitani Empire settlement of Kemune,, which was revealed by huge drops in the level of the Tigris River in Iraq.
The region of Mesopotamia, one where Neolithic civilization began, has been witnessing devastating droughts for the past 20 years. The major Euphrates and Tigris rivers have been sucked dry by illegal irrigation, damming policies, and human overuse.
This year, the same story repeated itself. Extreme drought like conditions in Iraq caused the water levels of the Tigris to drop rapidly, revealing a 3,400 year old Mitani Empire settlement .
Back in 2018-19, a palace from this ancient urban center had emerged from the waters for the same reason: drought. Due to large amounts of water being drawn from the Mosul reservoir over the winter, along with the sustained drought, this year the entire city in the Kurdistan region was visible and explorable.
16th century Church Emerges From Mexican Reservoir
A 400-year-old Spanish colonial church, the Temple of Santiago, emerged in 2015 from the depths of the Nezahualcoyotl reservoir in Chiapas, Mexico. A massive drought that year caused the water level to drop by 82 feet (25 meters), revealing the colonial church which had disappeared under the reservoir water back in 1966. Also known as the Temple of Quechula, it was first built in the mid-1600s by a group of Dominican monks headed by Friar Bartolome de la Casas.
Top image: Dried up lake with boat, a scene now more common due to climate change.
The “space ball” found recently in Namibia, now in the possession of that country’s National Forensic Science Institute.
(Credit: AFP Photo)
The recent story of a mysterious “space ball” found in Namibia, Africa last November, which baffled for a while that country’s National Forensic Science Institute, has now been identified as a type of space debris known as a Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessel (COPV), according to a story posted by Discovery News. The metallic ball discovered in a Namibian grassland is 1.1 meter in diameter and weighs 13 pounds.
One of the space spheres on display at the UFO Vision Museum in Victoria, Argentina; photo of George Adamski in the background.
(Credit: Open Minds Production)
I am, in fact, quite familiar with these objects since I published a short article about them as a sidebar to my feature story, “3 International UFO Crashes” in Open Minds magazine Issue 8 (June/July 2011). The gist of that article dealt with three mysterious incidents involving possible UFO crashes in Shag Harbour, Canada (1967), Tarija, Bolivia (1978) and Dalnegorsk, Russia (1986), all of which were officially investigated at the time and still remain unexplained.
The sidebar, “The Metallic Spheres – a case of mistaken identity,” however, did not remain unidentified, and was put there as an example of so-called space mysteries that can be successfully explained, although some ufologists prefer to keep the mystery alive and suggest they may be of alien origin. These metallic balls have been falling to different parts of the Earth—mostly in Africa and Latin America—for a number of years, causing sometimes a bit of stir in the local press. They are on exhibit in at least two museums in Argentina. Hoping to discourage further confusion with real UFO-related stuff, we post below my article from Open Minds magazine, adding several photos that were not used in the original print copy.
Two space spheres on display in the patio of the Firmat Museum in Santa Fe, Argentina.
(Credit: Open Minds Production)
Some of the Project Moon Dust documents declassified by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) include reports of mysterious metallic spheres found scattered in many countries around the world like Bolivia, Chad, and New Zealand. Other similar cases not in the DIA documents were reported in Argentina and Mexico. Usually these cases were readily identified as some kind of space junk, but occasionally they were treated as fragments from crashed UFOs. A couple of these spheres are even on display at the “Visión OVNI” (UFO Vision) Museum in Victoria in the province of Entre Ríos, Argentina. Among the Mexican cases, one was found in Chiapas in 1996, two in Tamaulipas in 1994 and 1996, and another obtained by famous TV journalist Jaime Maussán in 2008, all of which were claimed as possibly UFO-related fragments. Yet there can be little doubt that all these “space balls” are mundane parts of the Russian or American space programs and not real UFO artifacts.
Here is a representative Moon Dust memo from the Republic of Chad in Africa, dated October 10, 1970:
This report forwards photographs of object believed to come under Project ‘MOON DUST’. The object was seen falling in an area 30 kms N.E. of LAI (0924N-1618E) on 1 August 1970. It produced three loud explosions on landing and was said to have burned for five days. The sphere weighs 30 pounds and has a circumference of four feet. A second object was found in the same general area. It however, resembles an automobile shaft. Photographs of this object are forwarded.
A longer Moon Dust document, dated August 17, 1979, concerns “an unidentified object having been found on a farm near Santa Cruz” in Bolivia, described as “about three times the size of a basketball.” The document quoted the director of the Air Force Academy, Col. Ariel Coca, as stating, “The sphere is made of special light alloy but very resistant, possibly a fuel tank or a part of a satellite! The object does not have any signs or marks that could identify its origin nor the country to which it belongs.”
Two views of the space sphere that fell in Mexico in 2008, now in the possession of Jaime Maussán. Notice the extensive damage inflicted due to reentry.
(Credit: Open Minds Production)
The argument in favor of the extraterrestrial origin of these spheres made by some ufologists in Mexico and Argentina is that they are extremely hard, almost impossible to burn or cut.
Cover of the Mexican magazine Contacto Ovni in the 1990s with the headline, 'The Mystery of the Spheres.'
(Credit: Contacto Ovni)
But this is what you would expect of a fuel tank for a spacecraft, designed to be ejected for earth reentry once the fuel is used; it has to be made of metals able to withstand the space launch or the satellite or spacecraft could be in danger. Mexican engineer Luis Ruiz Noguez, a well-known UFO skeptic, explained that the alloy, which is composed of titanium, vanadium, and aluminum, shown in the 1994 and 1996 Mexican spheres “is chiefly utilized in the manufacture of fuel tanks for artificial satellites due to their high resistance to corrosion and temperature.” While the spheres at Argentina’s Visión OVNI Museum are exhibited as true UFO artifacts, the local Firmat Museum in Santa Fe, Argentina has a couple of similar spheres that the Russian space program has acknowledged as part of a Russian space probe.
If you still have any doubt about the provenance of these objects, checkout Paul Maley’s Space Debris website, to see images of a number of these “space balls” of varying sizes and conditions found around the world. These spheres provide a useful cautionary tale in learning how to distinguish prosaic man-made space objects from true unknown devices. There is a good possibility that many so-called UFO crashes have a terrestrial origin, but others are still enigmatic and so far unexplained.
‘Clearest Photo Ever’ of a Huge UFO, Advanced Military Tech, Or Just A Rock In Water?
‘Clearest Photo Ever’ of a Huge UFO, Advanced Military Tech, Or Just A Rock In Water?
A team of British UFO researchers has released the “clearest UFO photograph ever”. However, sceptics say it’s a triangular rock reflected in water.
For many, this photograph is the smoking-gun of alien visitation and for others it reveals an advanced U.S. spy plane. However, for sceptics, it’s a diamond-shaped rock being reflected in water.
The original Calvine photograph now released to the public, showing the ‘apparently’ diamond-shaped object.
(Reproduced with permission of Sheffield Hallam University/Craig Lindsay).
Traditionally, Unidentified Flying Objects ( UFOs) are presented in out-of-focus photographs and shaky videos taken at night. Sceptics say they “have to be blurry” otherwise they would be revealed as birds, balloons, drones and distant aircraft.
Last Friday, however, a UK professor and a team of British UFO investigators released what they are calling the “'Best' UFO Picture Ever”. And it's causing something of a stir. Not because it is definitive proof of extra-terrestrials, but because many believe the huge diamond shape might be advanced American technology being tested in Scotland.
Until the release of the new Calvine photograph, the UFO community had only this crude line-drawing reproduction of one of the six images, which was created by the British air-force for imagery analysis.
(Crown Copyright).
After Ten Minutes “It Shot Straight Up Into The Air”
Back in August 1990, about 35 miles northwest of Perth in the Highlands of Scotland, at around 9pm at night, two walkers took 6 photographs of what appears to be a huge diamond-shaped UFO “hovering” in the sky. A supposed military aircraft is seen beside the object. The two-witnesses estimated the “craft” was around 30 meters (100 feet) in length and they said it “shot straight up into the air” and vanished.
Dr David Clarke is an associate professor at Sheffield Hallam University in England who formerly worked at Britain's National Archives. Clarke, who is now a bona fide investigative-journalist, spent several years researching the story and he eventually found former Royal Air Force (RAF) press officer, Craig Lindsay, who had a photocopy of one of the 6 photographs. David Clarke is also a member of the UAP Media UK , the team of UFO/UAP researchers who released the Calvine photograph. Just in case you don’t already know, of late, the popular term UFO has been challenged by the more scientific and less ‘green’ term, unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP).
Large triangular UFOs/UAP were recorded in the 1561 AD celestial event over Nuremberg. Believers of extraterrestrial visitors say the image depicts an aerial UFO battle and sceptics lean towards the sun dog phenomenon.
For any readers already leaning towards the image being a modern CGI fake, you should know that Andrew Russell, a Senior Lecturer in Photography at Sheffield Hallam University has confirmed its age and authenticity.
The Advanced American Tech Angle
When the six photos were taken back in 1990 they were given to Scotland's Daily Record newspaper and also to the Ministry of Defence (MoD). Until now, none of the six images have ever been seen by the public. Currently, the most popular skeptical opinion on #UFOTwitter is that the object is a triangular rock in a lake or pond being reflected to form the ‘apparent’ diamond shape. And the “military aircraft” is either a boat sailing around an island or an actual plane in the sky, also being reflected in the water.
In an effort to contextualize the photograph I asked Vinnie Adams from UAP Media UK if “any other such craft were reported in the UK around this time.” Vinnie said:
“While the Calvin image represents the only photograph, other reports of advanced American technology in the UK exist around that time ".
Calvine Was One Part Of A Greater UFO Flap
The Calvine event occurred in August, 1990. Only two and a half years later, on 13th December 1992, the Scottish Herald announced that a “huge UFO scudded through the sky at supersonic speed over Sullom Voe oil terminal in Shetland, glowing white, red and orange.” One of the 19 eyewitnesses, Mr John Winchester, the Coastguard officer at Sullom Voe said “it was moving faster than a jet fighter aircraft but slower than a shooting star''.
Sullom Voe oil terminal in Shetland, the site of the 1990 UFO sighting.
(Mike Pennington / Sullom Voe Terminal / CC BY-SA 2.0 )
Lerwick Observatory was “unaware of any natural phenomena such as ball lightning” and Britain's most northerly air defense radar station reported that “nothing unusual had been spotted on radar”. Furthermore, air traffic controllers told coastguards there was “no military or civilian aircraft in the area at the time of the sightings.”
Back To The Advanced American Tech Angle
Researching deeper into the Shetland UFO sighting I entered the CIAs reading room database and discovered a fascinating document dated 14 December 1992, which was only 2 days after the incident in Shetland. The CIA recorded a London journalist, Simon Tisdal’s, report on the 19 eyewitness accounts: “The large white fast-moving UFO took off at 5,500 MPH” said one Shetlander. Furthermore, Tisdal reported that this UFO event “coincided with reports of an ultra-top-secret American plane with a top speed of 5,500 MPH (Mach 8 or eight times the speed of sound)”.
Tisdal wrote, and the CIA recorded, that the UFO was a replacement for the Lockheed “SR-71 spy plane,” better known as the “ Blackbird,” and that the new craft could “get to the other side of the globe in 3 hours.” By the time the craft had warmed up in the US “it could be over Scotland, taking three countries to come to a stop” and this great speed is why “testing could not be restricted to US Airspace,” according to Tisdal in the CIA report.
In 1992, the US Pentagon imposed a “no-comment zone” over the Shetland UFO story until May 2000 when it was declassified. And in the UK last year the government slapped a classified restriction on releasing the names of the two Calvine photographers until 2076.
With all this classification, it is of little wonder that so many people think the US and British militaries are covering something up. And why would 6 photo negatives showing a ‘reflected rock in a pond’ just disappear from the MOD?
Probing The Most Probable
It is not uncommon for the MOD to protect the names of their staff and civilians for their “lifetimes”, which is estimated at the upper-age of 100. This reasoning accounts for why the Calvine case files have been embargoed until 2076. But what still remains a mystery, and a really fascinating one too, is the fact that a team of MOD photographic experts and several independent experts have inspected the photographs and none of them have yet suggested the object is a reflected island in a loch, or a rock.
Maybe this last observation, that so many supposed pros all missed something so mundane, is the reason the case has been classified. The MOD can’t really claim to protect a nation from foreign warcrafts if they can’t determine fighter planes from rocks. If this is the case, then what we have here is an MOD operational (slip-up) cover-up.
Top image: Close up portion of the newly released ‘best UFO photo’.
Source: Reproduced with permission of Sheffield Hallam University/Craig Lindsay
The space agency refers to the strange entity as item STS088-724-66 in its catalogue of space junk floating in low-Earth orbit (within 1,200 miles). Jerry Ross, an astronaut who took part in that mission, says that the object is a wayward thermal blanket that broke loose while his team tried to attach an American module to a Russian module on the ISS. But for a small, devoted following, it’s a 13,000-year-old, artificially made satellite known as the Black Knight satellite. So, could this peculiar object really have come from ancient aliens? Or is it just an innocuous piece of space debris?
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), Serbian-American physicist, sitting in his Colorado Springs laboratory with his “Magnifying transmitter” in 1899.
Mondadori Portfolio//Getty Images
The facts surrounding the Black Knight are cobbled together from a number of tales. It begins with Nikola Tesla, who said that he had received radio signals from space during his 1899 radio experiments in Colorado Springs. Martians, he believed, were attempting to communicate with humans through numbers, since they’re a universal language.
In a February 1901 Collier’s Weeklyarticle, Tesla recounted his experience: “The changes I noted were taking place periodically and with such a clear suggestion of number and order that they were not traceable to any cause then known to me… The feeling is constantly growing on me that I had been the first to hear the greeting of one planet to another.”
Black Knight truthers cite this as the first sign of their satellite, which sent the radio pulses. Scientists have since determined that those radio pulses were most likely naturally occurring signals that space objects emit while in orbit. The prevailing theory, while still unlikely, is that Tesla heard a pulsar, or a faraway celestial body that emits regular pulses of radio waves. Sure, the Black Knight could have emitted such pulses, but that still doesn’t make it alien in nature.
Rocky debris (brown) surrounding a pulsar (center).
Still, the theory that aliens were communicating with Earth through radio pulses propagated even further in 1927 when civil engineer and ham radio operator Jørgen Hals stumbled upon an unusual quality to his radio signals. As he transmitted from his home in Oslo, the signals would unexpectedly return to him moments later. Hals perceived this as an alien phenomenon.
Nearly 50 years later, an article in Analog Science Fiction and Fact tried to make sense of Hals’s radio echoes. The author, Duncan Lunan, posited that a 13,000-year-old object orbiting the moon could have led to the long-delayed echoes (the 13,000 figure having to do with the positioning of the North Pole star, Polaris). “I tried plotting the delay times against the order in which the echoes were received...and at only the second attempt I found what looked like a star map,” Lunan said in 1998. However, we now recognize those signals as “long-delayed echoes” that you can hear about 2.7 seconds or more after a radio transmission. And Lunan has since distanced himself from the Black Knight theory.
One more bit of disjointed speculation: In 1960, TIME published a story noting that the U.S. Navy had detected an unidentified satellite that may have been a piece of Soviet spy technology. It turned out to be a broken-off piece of the Discoverer 5—an early U.S. photo reconnaissance (spy) satellite—but believers still point to this as definitive proof.
Like any good conspiracy theory, the Black Knight satellite has a few fun hooks, plus some high-profile boosts that add a sheen of credibility to the story. In 1963, for instance, Project Mercury astronaut Gordon Cooper supposedly reported seeing a UFO during his 15th orbit while aboard the Faith 7 spacecraft, according to the U.K.’s Armagh Observatory and Planetarium. Never mind that Cooper has since produced transcripts to the contrary, stating that he never saw an alien spacecraft during that particular mission—Black Knight devotees still include this history in the conspiracy theory origin story.
“It’s astonishing that there aren’t more conspiracy theories about stuff in space.”
But the Black Knight satellite is almost certainly the series of discrete events that explain it away: Tesla hearing pulsars or some other natural signal, Hals receiving an echo, TIME reporting on a secret U.S. government satellite in good faith, and the astronauts of the ISS seeing a lost blanket in orbit.
From a psychological perspective, it makes sense that people want to believe in the Black Knight satellite, says Alice Gorman, Ph.D., an associate professor at Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia, who studies space archaeology.
“It’s astonishing that there aren’t more conspiracy theories about stuff in space,” she says. “It’s really difficult to see details on stuff in Earth’s orbit, even through really high-powered telescopes. So when you can’t see it, then you can imagine anything about it.”
While NASA and other space organizations keep catalogs of the space debris that they encounter, these lists are still incomplete and dependent on nations sharing sometimes sensitive data.
“There’s stuff that might have a catalog number, but we don’t actually know what it is,” she says. “That makes it a bit easier to say, ‘Well, here’s this mysterious object that comes from somewhere else.’”
As for the photo that supposedly depicts the Black Knight? Gorman says that because the image shows a large cross-section of the thermal blanket in orbit, it looks to the human eye like a large, solid object. That means the image could be nothing more than an optical illusion, which isn’t too shocking when you consider that people also commonly mistake birds and airplanes for UFOs, she says.
And there’s still this glaring hole in the Black Knight satellite conspiracy theory: How exactly does an object stay in orbit for 13,000 years? “You have to use fuel and have rocket engines and stuff to just stay up there... Is this some amazing new propulsion system that we don’t know anything about yet on Earth?” Gorman wonders.
NASA captured this image during the STS-88 Space Shuttle mission while 246 miles above the coast of Namibia and looking north.
🛸 How the Black Knight Could Exist
Let’s pretend for a moment that the Black Knight satellite really does exist. How could it slip by unnoticed for 13,000 years? Gorman has a few ideas. The first: mimic one of the small pieces of space junk that are no larger than 10 centimeters in size—space organizations exercise more scrutiny over larger objects. “We’re going to assume that aliens have much more advanced technology than us, so something [that size] could be just as advanced as something the size of a house.”
To avoid collisions with other scraps of space junk, aliens could develop miniaturized force field technology to keep their probe from getting hit, Gorman says. And thinking long-term, there’s the possibility that Earth could eventually have its own ring system—made up entirely of space junk in the “graveyard orbit,” about 190 miles above most working satellites. If and when that day comes, the Black Knight will have a decision to make, Gorman says: “Will it join this ring and risk detection, or run away and hide?”
The Arecibo Observatory’s 305-metre-wide telescope dish was destroyed in late 2020, after supporting cables snapped.
Credit: Ricardo Arduengo/AFP via Getty
After a world-famous radio telescope at Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico collapsed two years ago, many scientists hoped that the US National Science Foundation (NSF), which runs the facility, would eventually build a new one to replace it. Instead, the agency has announced that it will establish an educational centre for science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) at the site. The revised plan might ramp down or dramatically alter the remaining research being done at Arecibo.
“It’s heartbreaking,” says Héctor Arce, an astronomer at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, who is from Puerto Rico and has worked on Arecibo advocacy efforts. “To many it seems like yet another unjust way of treating the colonial territory of Puerto Rico.”
The NSF says that it is following community recommendations in not planning to rebuild the large telescope and instead establishing the new educational centre. “We are not closing Arecibo,” says Sean Jones, head of the NSF’s directorate of mathematical and physical sciences. “We think this new approach and new centre will be catalytic in many areas.”
The agency announced its plans in a call for proposals on 13 October. It requests ideas for setting up and running an educational centre at Arecibo, at a cost of US$1 million to $3 million per year over five years starting in 2023. That money might or might not include funds to operate research facilities at Arecibo still in use, such as a 12-metre radio antenna and a lidar system that uses lasers to study Earth’s atmosphere.
The situation “could be worse,” says Abel Méndez, a planetary astronomer at the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo who uses the 12-metre antenna for research and teaching. But “it could be much, much better”.
“It is devastating to know that that’s their ultimate decision,” says Desirée Cotto-Figueroa, an astronomer at the University of Puerto Rico at Humacao. “Especially despite all the efforts made by the staff and scientists of the Arecibo Observatory and by the general scientific community to keep it working as the research centre of excellence that it has always been with the observing facilities that are left.”
A powerhouse of education
One major question is how the Arecibo site will draw students and teachers if there is little active research to participate in. “Yet the NSF calls for proposals for a world-class educational institution,” says Anne Virkki, a planetary scientist at the University of Helsinki in Finland. “How does anyone do that without the world-class scientists, engineers, and instruments?”
The NSF says that it is asking for precisely those sorts of ideas. The new centre could support ongoing work in astronomy and planetary science, or it could focus on other areas such as the biological sciences, says James L. Moore III, the head of the NSF’s education and human resources directorate. “Here’s an opportunity to reimagine what the possibilities could be,” he says.
Arecibo Observatory has long been a powerhouse of STEM education in Puerto Rico because of its renowned telescope and place in astronomical history. Students trained there have gone on to become professional astronomers and planetary scientists in many countries.
The 305-metre-wide radio telescope that collapsed in 2020 played a key role in many scientific fields for more than half a century, including the search for extraterrestrial life, the discovery of the first extrasolar planets and of gravitational waves, and the study of near-Earth asteroids and of fast radio bursts.
The NSF has run the observatory since the 1970s, working with a series of contractors. It has been trying to wind down investment at Arecibo since 2006, to shift funding to newer astronomical facilities. Advocates rallied and research continued, but the observatory faced fresh challenges in 2017, when Hurricane Maria damaged much of the facility, and in early 2020 when a series of earthquakes caused more damage.
Then came the collapse of the 305-metre dish. One of its crucial supporting cables failed in August 2020, then another in November of that year, and the NSF decided it was too structurally unsound to repair. An engineering investigation revealed five factors that contributed to the collapse, including the design of the cable system, deferred maintenance, and damage from hurricanes and earthquakes.
An observatory no more
Research has continued at the smaller facilities at Arecibo Observatory. Currently funded projects using those facilities will be able to finish up, Jones says, and scientists can propose to continue their use under the scope of the new educational centre.
The lidar facilities include a potassium laser that studies the temperature of layers in Earth’s atmosphere, and a planned new instrument to probe aerosols such as atmospheric dust. The 12-metre antenna serves as a node in a long-distance astronomical network operated by European astronomers. Other research projects that use it include Méndez’s studies of red dwarf stars and the habitability of planets around them.
Many who work with Arecibo instruments are now scrambling to figure out how to ramp down their research projects. Under the new plan, the site will no longer be called Arecibo Observatory — becoming instead the Arecibo Center for STEM Education and Research.
There are dozens of alien contactees who claim that they either visited the extraterrestrials’ spaceships or were contacted by aliens physically & mentally. But the story of Nadira Duran of California began even before her birth. She is also known by her spiritual name, Azi-Azon, which simply means “Ancient.” She basically called herself a spiritual medium (or a channel), who is here to deliver the message of higher beings (Greys & Angels) to save humans from self-destruction. Besides, she is known for her healings, using Tarot, palmistry, giving classes, and lectures.
Before she was born, a huge white light had visited her parents and instructed them on how to raise her. They were told that heavenly beings would give their daughter spiritual knowledge for healing humans. When she was born, her face was covered with two veils (normally, there is one that rarely occurs fewer than 1 in 80,000 births), and after the nurse removed it, she saw her skin glowing and called it a “magic skin.”
Nadira Duran
At that time, her parents lived in a desert in California, and many people wanted to see her magic skin which lasted for 10 days, but her parents were very protective, so they left the place and went to her grandfather’s house in Oregon. Nadira lived there among the farmers and loggers and often went on exploring the place with her younger brother. She said that she had been visited by a not very tall ET many times (whom she designated as the “Cat Man”) when she was only 5 or 6. But it came only in summer, not in other seasons.
“I was small for my age and he had a round face he had curled up eyes very small just like little slits that curled up oh he had yellowish skin which was rough and bumpy you know how you get goosebumps. This is how his skin was and then he had big yellow spots and then from here he had these wild what I thought was hairs they could have been some kind of feelers or something but in my mind’s eye I have always referred to him as a cat man,” Nadira said.
She had lots of conversations with this ET, and he shared some highly advanced information with Nadira which could only be revealed to the future generation. She learned spirituality under the watchful eye of archangels Micheal, Gabriel, Raphael, Sunder Singh, etc. She accepted that she had no power on her own, and whatever she got was taught by the spirits she applied in healings. Moreover, she does channelings.
Nadira had an interesting incident in her life when she was in her twenties and went to San Francisco with her friend Mary on a business trip. Inadvertently, they found themselves on the wrong way while returning. Mary noticed that they were heading to the Golden Gate Bridge which was not in their path. They felt like under hypnosis of something. The night was clear, but the bridge was covered with a thick fog, and there was no sign of people on it.
Mary was trying hard to accelerate the car, but it did not go fast. Then Nadira looked out of the window and found themselves above the bridge. Her friend’s reaction was rather positive than being shocked. That’s it, she only remembered the part of being lifted up but did not see any ship or light. Next, they were parked somewhere near a hotel and sitting for long in a car till the next morning. What they had witnessed was actually a “Lost Time.” They had no clue what had happened but they lost around 13 hours.
Nadira already knew that they had been abducted by the aliens but did not want her friend to know about it. Somehow, Mary’s boyfriend did hypnosis on her and shockingly, she recalled everything that had happened in those lost hours.
Anyway, they both never discussed it, and years later, in the mid-1980s, Nadira went for a laparoscopy. Her tests were normal, everything was fine but her gall bladder and a rib were missing. Interestingly, she thought it was a mistake because she had never had any surgery, and there is no surgery mark on her abdomen. Later, she recalled her abduction that had happened in the 70s and then found out that an advanced ET technician had removed her gall bladder for goodness. What’s more, she met an alien on the ship, whom she called the “Commander.”
The Commander told her that she was special, not like others. The ship had panels with symbols like ancient languages, and each symbol represented different universes. The Commander took her on a ride to a universe where she saw a purple and pink planet with beings on it. They were smaller in size but had no flesh on their body. Then she returned to the place where they began.
Sketch of grey aliens with a human child
Nadira had many contacts with the Commander who was actually a female Grey alien in a special bodysuit and face mask. The alien told her that their bodies were very fragile, and any germ or bacteria from her could kill them. Their race had a very weak immune system, they had lost the ability to give birth, their women could not get pregnant and outnumbered the men. So, to strengthen her (Grey) race, they had been mixing themselves with humans.
Surprisingly, the Commander told her that they were actually from the Earth and time-traveled from the future to find her through genetic codes. The grey told her about a great disaster that would come in the future, and that the “New World Order” would destroy humanity. Nadira saw a scene of 9/11 and various riots that were going to happen in the future through time travel The grey alien told her that there were people who wanted to enslave humans. Their biggest goal was only to start a war and earn money. Those people were not any world leaders or presidents.
The commander said: “Ones who are in power today on your earth rule you by fear. The ones who are in power are not the ones that are the kings and the presidents. There are a select few that are in power, these are the ones that want the New World Order these are the ones that want to enslave the people of Earth. These are the ones who will be the downfall of Earth because they are warmongers these are the ones that are wanting to make money because money is their God.”
Nadira said that her main purpose on Earth is to enlighten humans about infinite love which is their only chance to survive, otherwise they would end up like the Greys. From her knowledge that she received from spirits and the Cat Man, she wants to help people to have peace.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Vivian Lammerse
Het tijdperk van de ruimteverkenning brengt nieuwe risico’s met zich mee. Want wat als de aarde door buitenaardse micro-organismen wordt besmet, of vice versa?
Honderden vliegende schotels met daarin drieogige, groene aliens die onze aarde binnenvallen; het klinkt als het onheilspellende plot van een sciencefiction film. Toch waarschuwen onderzoekers dat we ons moeten voorbereiden op buitenaardse invasies. En oké, het gevaar komt waarschijnlijk niet uit de hoek van kleine groene aliens. Maar dat onze aarde besmet kan raken met buitenaardse microben, of dat we zelf andere planetaire hemellichamen met aardse exemplaren besmetten, is volgens een nieuwe studie een reële zorg.
Ruimte ontsluiten Ondertussen zijn er al talloze ruimtevaartuigen het heelal ingestuurd. Sommige zijn geland op de maan en Mars, andere vliegen naar verre planetoïden. En het idee is dat we in de nabije toekomst de ruimte verder ontsluiten. Niet alleen liggen er bemande ruimtereizen in het verschiet, ook is onder andere NASA van plan nog veel meer hemellichamen in ons weidse zonnestelsel op een bezoekje te trakteren. En wie weet wat we allemaal op deze exotische werelden zullen aantreffen… “De zoektocht naar buitenaards leven is een opwindende onderneming die in de niet al te verre toekomst een enorme ontdekking zou kunnen opleveren,” vertelt onderzoeker Anthony Ricciardi in een interview met “In het licht van deze toenemende ruimtemissies – inclusief de missies waarbij er monsters mee terug naar de aarde worden genomen – is het van cruciaal belang om de risico’s van biologische besmetting in beide richtingen zoveel mogelijk te beperken.”
Het gevaar Het gevaar dreigt dat monsters die van andere hemellichamen naar de aarde worden meegenomen, bepaalde onbekende microben herbergen. En wanneer deze in onze wereld terechtkomen, kunnen ze een serieus probleem veroorzaken voor ecosystemen of ons eigen menselijk welzijn. Andersom is het ook het geval; de kans bestaat dat aardse microben meeliften op ruimtevaartuigen en zo op andere hemellichamen landen. En je wilt daar natuurlijk geen aardse bacteriën of schimmels afzetten die eventuele aliens het leven zuur gaan maken óf – misschien nog wel erger – in een later stadium onterecht voor aliens worden aangezien.
Insulaire ecosystemen Volgens Ricciardi is het daarom belangrijk dat we voorzichtig met andere, mogelijk leven herbergende hemellichamen omspringen. “Eén van de inzichten van de invasiebiologie is dat zogenaamde ‘insulaire ecosystemen’ – ecosystemen die geïsoleerd zijn geëvolueerd, zoals Hawaï, Australië en Antarctica – erg kwetsbaar zijn voor de effecten van geïntroduceerde uitheemse soorten,” legt Ricciardi uit. “Biologische invasies zijn vaak verwoestend geweest voor de planten en dieren die zich in deze ecosystemen hebben ontwikkeld. We stellen daarom dat planeten en manen die mogelijk leven bevatten, behandeld moeten worden alsof het insulaire ecosystemen zijn.”
Maan en Mars Overigens bestaat de kans al dat er aardse microben op de maan en Mars vertoeven. Ondanks dat er strenge maatregelen getroffen worden om ervoor te zorgen dat een ruimtevaartuig, wanneer het eenmaal de ruimte ingaat, zo min mogelijk micro-organismen herbergt, zou het best kunnen dat sommige slimmeriken toch zijn meegelift. “Mars is de afgelopen decennia door meer dan twee dozijn ruimtevaartuigen bezocht,” vertelt Ricciardi. “En aangezien er microben zijn gevonden in de clean rooms waarin ruimtevaartuigen zijn opgesteld, is het niet ondenkbaar dat sommige organismen op de rode planeet zijn afgezet. Het is bovendien ook denkbaar – hoewel onwaarschijnlijk – dat sommige het hebben overleefd. Mochten astrobiologen dus leven op Mars ontdekken, dan zouden ze wel in staat moeten zijn echte, inheemse organismen te onderscheiden van degene die per ongeluk zijn meegereisd tijdens vorige ruimtemissies.”
Meer over clean rooms Veel ruimtevaartuigen brengen een groot deel van hun tijd hier op aarde door in een zogenoemde clean room. In deze ruimte worden strenge maatregelen getroffen om ervoor te zorgen dat het ruimtevaartuig als het eenmaal de ruimte ingaat, zo min mogelijk micro-organismen herbergt. De betreffende maatregelen die in en net buiten de clean room getroffen worden om die doemscenario’s te vermijden, lopen sterk uiteen. Zo zorgt men er bijvoorbeeld voor dat de clean room heel droog is en zo min mogelijk voedingsstoffen voor bacteriën of schimmels herbergt. Ook mogen mensen de clean room pas binnengaan als ze zich in een speciaal pak hebben gehesen, zodat bacteriën die op en in hen leven niet over kunnen springen op het ruimtevaartuig. Toch lijkt het erop dat sommige hardnekkige exemplaren zelfs deze extreme omstandigheden weten te overleven.
Het betekent dat we in al ons enthousiasme over de zoektocht naar buitenaards leven, ook de gevaren van biologische besmetting niet moeten vergeten. Want als we leven op Mars vinden en we dit mee terug naar de aarde nemen voor verdere analyse, kan het verstrekkende gevolgen hebben wanneer daar niet voorzichtig mee wordt omgesprongen. Om welke levensvormen we ons het meest zorgen moeten maken? “We kunnen alleen maar speculeren over de soort organismen die we kunnen tegenkomen als astrobiologen leven zouden vinden,” zegt Ricciardi. “De meest plausibele levensvormen zijn microbieel en lijken waarschijnlijk op bacteriën. Maar we weten helaas niet of ze op aarde kunnen overleven of welke effecten ze kunnen hebben.”
Aardse microben De organismen die wellicht van de aarde naar andere hemellichamen zijn of worden getransporteerd, zijn volgens de onderzoeker hoogstwaarschijnlijk bepaalde bacterie- en schimmelstammen. “Waarschijnlijk de exemplaren die extreme uitdroging en ioniserende straling kunnen overleven,” gaat hij verder. “Maar nogmaals, we kunnen niet meer dan speculeren over hun potentiële impact zonder daadwerkelijk weet te hebben van buitenaardse gemeenschappen en of ze überhaupt op de planeten en manen – die het doelwit zijn van komende ruimtemissies – voorkomen.”
Natuurrampen Al met al wil Ricciardi met zijn studie meer aandacht op dit onderwerp vestigen. Volgens hem zouden we zelfs de dreiging van biologische besmetting tussen de aarde en andere hemellichamen op dezelfde manier moeten behandelen als dreigende natuurrampen. “De risico’s op rampen zoals enorme aardbevingen zijn doorgaans extreem laag,” legt hij uit. “Maar dat dit gebeurt, hoewel hoogst onwaarschijnlijk, is onaanvaardbaar. Daarom hebben we maatregelen getroffen ter preventie. Hetzelfde geldt voor biologische besmetting. Hoewel de kans vrij klein wordt geacht dat een levend buitenaards organisme met succes naar de aarde wordt getransporteerd en voet aan de grond krijgt, moet een dergelijke gebeurtenis als onaanvaardbaar worden beschouwd. En daarom vereist dit strikte protocollen om dit koste wat het kost te voorkomen.”
Preventie Gelukkig is deze dreiging al wel langer in het vizier van ruimteagentschappen. “NASA en ESA zijn zich allang bewust van de mogelijke risico’s van biologische besmetting,” zegt Ricciardi. “Er is dan ook al beleid voor planetaire bescherming geschreven. Er zijn echter ongekende risico’s verbonden aan een nieuw tijdperk van ruimteverkenning, gericht op gebieden die het meest waarschijnlijk leven bevatten.” En dus is het volgens de onderzoeker nog belangrijker dat we van de gevaren op de hoogte zijn en er alles aan doen om biologische besmetting te voorkomen.
Een logische vervolgvraag is dan natuurlijk hóe we dat moeten doen. “Vroege detectie en snelle reactie zijn de sleutels tot bioveiligheid,” aldus Ricciardi. “Dit is cruciaal voor een effectieve preventie, maar kunnen worden ondermijnd door ontoereikende identificatiemethoden. Nieuwe DNA-sequencing-technologieën in combinatie met goed samengestelde databases over de organismen die zijn gevonden in clean rooms kunnen bijdragen aan een zo vroeg mogelijke detectie. Ten slotte, gezien de voor de hand liggende parallellen tussen dit probleem en biologische invasies op aarde, pleiten we voor een betere samenwerking tussen astrobiologen en invasiebiologen om zo de bioveiligheid op aarde, alsmede op andere planeten, te verbeteren.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Jeannette Kras
Mogelijk is de krachtigste gammaflits ooit waargenomen. Hij vond plaats op 2,4 miljard lichtjaar van de Aarde, wat relatief dichtbij is. Astronomen van over de hele wereld haastten zich om de nasleep ervan te onderzoeken.
In de vroege ochtend van 14 oktober wisten astronomen met de Gemini-Zuid-telescoop in Chili de nasleep vast te leggen van een van de krachtigste explosies die ooit is geregistreerd. Het ging om gammaflits GRB221009A. De flits werd waarschijnlijk veroorzaakt door de explosie van een supernova waardoor een zwart gat gevormd werd.
Record verpulverd De gigantische kosmische explosie is een van de dichtstbijzijnde en mogelijk krachtigste gammaflitsen ooit waargenomen. De GRB (gamma-ray burst) vond plaats in de Boogschutter-constellatie. Op 9 oktober wisten telescopen in de ruimte de gammaflits voor het eerst te detecteren. Daarop gingen twee teams met de Gemini-Zuid aan de slag om zo snel mogelijk de nagloed vast te leggen van deze unieke explosie.
“De uitzonderlijk lange GRB221009A is de helderste GRB ooit geregistreerd en zijn nagloed verplettert alle records op alle golflengtes”, aldus Brendan O’Connor van een van de twee onderzoeksteams. “Omdat deze explosie zo helder is en zo dichtbij denken we dat het een unieke kans is om enkele fundamentele vragen te kunnen beantwoorden omtrent deze explosies, van de vorming van zwarte gaten tot het testen van donkere materiemodellen.”
BOAT Astronomen denken dat de gammaflits het gevolg is van de instorting van een gigantische ster, die vele malen meer massa heeft dan onze zon. Dat heeft geleid tot een extreem krachtige supernova, waardoor een zwart gat ontstond en we op aarde zelfs nog de nasleep konden waarnemen. “In ons team verwijzen we naar de gammaflits als ‘BOAT’, de Brightest Of All Time, omdat als je naar de gammaflitsen kijkt die telescopen sinds de jaren 90 hebben vastgelegd, deze een uitzondering vormt”, zegt collega Jillian Rastinejad. “Gemini’s gevoeligheid en zijn diverse instrumenten helpen ons om de optische tegenhangers van GRB221009A veel later te observeren dan de meeste andere telescopen op de grond kunnen waarnemen. Zo kunnen we achterhalen wat deze uitbarsting van gammastraling zo extreem helder en krachtig maakt.”
Als zwarte gaten zich vormen, stoten ze krachtige stralen met deeltjes uit die bijna net zo snel gaan als het licht. Deze jets zenden röntgen- en gammastralen uit terwijl ze de ruimte inschieten. Als deze stralen richting de Aarde gaan, kunnen wij ze zien als heldere gammaflitsen.
Unieke kans Een gammaflits van de helderheid van GRB221009A zien we waarschijnlijk de komende decennia en misschien zelfs de komende eeuwen niet meer. Maar de gevolgen van deze flits houden wetenschappers nog jaren bezig door op zoek te gaan naar antwoord op vragen als: wat is het effect van storingen in de ionosfeer van de Aarde op de straling van de GRB221009A? En hoe kunnen de zeer krachtige 18 TeV-fotonen, die een Chinese telescoop waarnam, ons begrip van de natuurkunde omverwerpen door een reis van 2,4 miljard lichtjaar te overleven?
Deze gammaflits is vanwege zijn nabijheid tot de Aarde ook een unieke kans om de oorsprong van elementen die zwaarder zijn dan ijzer beter te begrijpen: komen ze enkel van botsende neutronensterren of ook van instortende sterren die GRB’s veroorzaken? “De Gemini-observaties maken het mogelijk om deze gebeurtenis ten volle te benutten en de zware elementen die gevormd zijn door de enorme sterinstorting te onderzoeken”, aldus O’Connor.
Gammaflitsen Gammaflitsen of gamma-ray bursts zijn uitbarstingen van hoogenergetische gammastralen. Ze duren niet lang, enkele milliseconden tot hooguit enkele minuten. Korte gammaflitsen ontstaan waarschijnlijk door een botsing van twee neutronensterren, de lange gammaflitsen zijn het gevolg van een ingestorte supernova. Hoewel militaire kunstmanen al in de jaren 60 de eerste gammaflits ontdekten, lukte het pas in de jaren 90 met modernere ruimtetelescopen om echt onderzoek te doen en meer te weten te komen over de gammaflitsen.
Meer over het Gemini-observatorium Het Gemini-observatorium bestaat uit twee grote spiegeltelescopen van elk 8,1 meter lang. Eentje staat op het noordelijk halfrond, de Gemini-Noord op een vulkaan op Hawaii. De andere staat op het zuidelijk halfrond, de Gemini-Zuid, op een berg in de Andes in Chili. Samen dekken ze, op het noordelijkste en zuidelijkste puntje na, de hele hemel. Het Gemini-observatorium is vanaf 2000 actief. Het was een gezamenlijk project van de VS, Canada, het VK, Chili, Argentinië, Brazilië en Australië. De bouw kostte naar schatting 184 miljoen dollar. Voor één nacht meten moet je 40.000 dollar afrekenen.
Foto: International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/B. O’Connor (UMD/GWU) & J. Rastinejad & W Fong (Northwestern Univ)
Special reports are: Secret Air Force Evaluation of Flying Discs, RAF Pilots Have Tried to Blast UFOs Ancient Crystal City Discovered Under Antarctica, UFO Crash in Cape Girardeau Missouri 1941, UFO Briefings at the Highest Levels, The Missouri UFO Flap of 2022, Strange Lights Over Russia, Woman Saves United States in Revolutionary War, MUFON September Sightings
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Florida, Idaho, Minnesota, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, Columbia, France, Japan, and England in the United Kingdom
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor The US Air Force and DOD investigated UFOs for more than forty years; and I continue this advanced research I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors
Special Projects
Secret Air Force Evaluation of Flying Discs
Secret Air Force Evaluation of Flying Discs several military personnel have given sworn testimony that a UFO that crashed near Roswell, New Mexico in June 1947 was taken to Wright Field the home of the Air Material Command. I have been informed that General Twinning personally saw the captured aliens and their craft This is a transcription of General Nathan Twinning’s letter as Commander Air Material Command to higher headquarters He indicates his best engineers and scientists examined the craft.
General Nathan Twining
Later General Twining was promoted to Chief of Staff of the Air Force and on August 15, 1957, General Twining was formally sworn in as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff the highest military position in the U S by President Eisenhower.
This is a transcription of General Nathan Twinning’s letter as Commander Air Material Command, dated September 23, 1947.
SUBJECT: AMC Opinion Concerning “Flying Discs” To: Commanding General Army Air Force Washington 25, D C ATTENTION: Brig General George Schulgen AC/AS-2
1 As requested by AC/AS-2 there is presented below the considered opinion of this command concerning the so-called “Flying Discs .” This opinion is based on interrogation report data furnished by AC/AS-2 and preliminary studies by personnel of T-2 Intelligence and Aircraft Laboratory, Engineering Division T-3 . This opinion was arrived at in a conference between personnel from the Air Institute of Technology, Intelligence T-2, Office, Chief of Engineering Division, and the Aircraft, Power Plant and Propeller Laboratories of Engineering Division T-3 .
2. It is the opinion that:
a The phenomenon is something real and not visionary or fictitious. b There are objects probably approximating the shape of a disc, of such appreciable size as to appear to be as large as man-made aircraft. c There is a possibility that some of the incidents may be caused by natural phenomena, such as meteors.
3. The reported operating characteristics such as extreme rates of climb, maneuverability (particularly in roll), and motion which must be considered evasive when sighted or contacted by friendly aircraft and radar, lend belief to the possibility that some of the objects are controlled manually, automatically, or remotely. e The apparent common description is as follows
(1) Metallic or light reflecting surface. (2) Absence of trail, except in a few instances where the object apparently was operating under high performance conditions. (3) Circular or elliptical in shape, flat on bottom and domed on top. (4) Several reports of well-kept formation flights varying from three to nine objects. (5) Normally no associated sound, except in three instances a substantial rumbling roar was noted. (6) Level flight speeds normally above 300 knots are estimated.
It is possible within the present U S knowledge — provided extensive detailed development is undertaken — to construct a piloted aircraft which has the general description of the object in sub- paragraph (e) above which would be capable of an approximate range of 7000 miles at subsonic speeds.
Any development in this country along the lines indicated would be extremely expensive, time consuming and at the considerable expense of current projects and therefore, if directed, should be set up independently of existing projects .
Due consideration must be given the following:- (1) The possibility that these objects are of domestic origin – the product of some high security project not known to AC/AS-2 or this Command. (2) The lack of physical evidence in the shape of crash recovered exhibits which would undeniably prove the existence of these subjects. (3) The possibility that some foreign nation has a form of propulsion possibly nuclear, which is outside of our domestic knowledge.
It is recommended that:- Headquarters, Army Air Forces issue a directive assigning a priority, security classification and Code name for a detailed study of this matter to include the preparation of complete sets of all available and pertinent data which will then be made available to the Army, Navy, Atomic Energy Commission, JRDB, the Air Force Scientific Advisory Group, NACA, and the RAND and NEPA projects for comments and recommendations, with a preliminary report to be forwarded within 15 days of receipt of the data and a detailed report thereafter every 30 days as the investigation develops. A complete interchange of data should be affected Note: General Twining flying discs are real and not visionary or fictitious He suggests it is possible within the present U S knowledge — provided extensive detailed development is undertaken — to construct a similar piloted aircraft. His later positions of leadership would provide the authority to build copies of the alien craft. Signed General Nathan Twining.
RAF Pilots Have Tried to Blast UFOs
Fighter Attacks UFO
The UK Sun reports, Nick Pope who worked on the Ministry of Defenses UFO desk for three years claims RAF pilots fired at UFOs on several occasions but failed to bring them down. He added: “We know of cases where the order has been given to shoot down with little effect to the UFO ” Mr. Pope said the rules of engagement were drawn up after dozens of close encounters with suspect craft in British airspace RAF attacks on UFOs were “not automatic but happen when something in our airspace is deemed to be a threat.” He explained: “In the case of UFOs, whether the object is causing a threat is very much a (pilot’s) judgment call “ Mr. Pope, said the “shoot down” orders had been issued under the highly classified directive since the beginning of the 1980s.
When a UFO is thought to be threatening a country’s airspace, the drastic action has been taken. ” He said: “There was a faction in the MoD who said We want to shoot down a UFO and that will resolve the issue one way or another. He claimed credible UFO witness statements had come from dozens of near misses with planes, police helicopters and RAF jets in recent years Any alien battles with the RAF will be kept secret, the public won’t know unless it comes down in a heavily populated area. ” He added: “I do believe we will bring one down. We are developing increasingly sophisticated weapons “ Mr. Pope also rubbished the MoD’s stance that UFOs pose no danger to the public. “But if they haven’t investigated, how do they know it poses no threat? “They will try to play it down by talking about flying saucers and little green men. But there are MPs and ministers and a faction of the MoD who do believe in UFOs .” An MoD spokesman last night refused to comment on the directive http://www thesun co uk./
Lord Rankeillour, Member of the House of Lords States:
Many men have seen them [UFOs] and have not been mistaken. Who are we to doubt their word? Only a few weeks ago a Palermo policeman photographed one, and four Italian Navy officers saw a 300-foot-long fiery craft rising from the sea and disappearing into the sky.
Why should these men of law enforcement and defense lie?
A diary found by his son allegedly described him flying under an area near the South Pole and describing a Crystal City with flying UFOs. This is an artist’s impression of what Admiral Byrd saw. The government instructed him to keep silent about his findings The occupants were either aliens or ancient humans who were afraid of nuclear weapons.
UFO Crash in Cape Girardeau Missouri 1941
Crash at Cape Girardeau, Missouri in 1941
The MJ-12 JFK document dated Nov 12th, 1963, addressed to CIA Director, and signed by JFK corresponds with a document from the Kennedy library. The document is a National Security Action Memo No 271 to the NASA Administrator James Webb. The subject is “co-operation with USSR on outer space matters” and is dated Nov 12th, 1963! White Hot Report Sept 19th, 1947 – Pages 20120 and 20133 report with viable signatures.
There are a couple of mentions in the documents about a virtually unknown UFO crash in 1941. All signatures look authentic. Not a great deal of researchers knows about this crash. There is very little reference to this in any UFO literature.
There are a small number of witnesses to a UFO crash in Cape Girardeau, Southeast Missouri in July 1941. A Letter was sent to UFO investigator Raymond Fowler and reprinted in a UFO crash retrieval report by Leonard Stringfield in July 1991 regarding this incident. The letter was from a woman called Charlotte Mann about her grandfather.
Reverend William Huffman
Southern Baptist Pastor the Reverend William Huffman was born in August 1881. In the spring of 1941 at Cape Girardeau, he was asked by the Cape Girardeau police department to go to a plane crash outside of town.
The letter said “Grandfather said it wasn’t an airplane or like any craft that he had ever seen. It was broken and scattered all around, but one large piece was still together, and it appeared to have a rounded shape with no edges or seams. It has a very shiny metallic finish. You could see inside one section and see what looked like a metal chair with a panel with many dials and gauges, not familiar looking to him. He said that when he got there, men were already sifting through things. There were some police officers, plain-clothed people, and military men. There were three bodies not human that had been taken from the wreckage and laid on the ground
Grandfather said prayers over them so that he got a close look, but he did not touch them. He didn’t know what had killed them, because they did not appear to have had any injuries and they were not burned. It was hard for him to tell if they had suits, or if it was their skin. But they were covered head to foot in what looked like wrinkled aluminum foil. He could see no hair on the bodies, and they had no ears. They were small framed like a child, about 4 feet tall, but had larger heads and longer arms than a human child. They had very large oval-shaped eyes, no noses just holes, no lips with a small slit for a mouth .” Thanks to Linda Moulton Howe for this report Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit Summary July 9th, 1947.
UFO Briefings at the Highest Levels
F-18 chasing Tic Tac UFO/UAP
In June, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence’s FY2021 Intelligence Authorization Act contained an intriguing section titled report on “Advanced Aerial Threats ” In the inclusion, the committee gave an eye-opening official hint (in recent history) the government takes UFOs seriously by offering its support for the “efforts of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force at the Office of Naval Intelligence .” The Intelligence Committee additionally requested an unclassified report detailing the analysis of “UAP” or “Anomalous Aerial Vehicles .”
Though already acknowledged by the Intelligence Committee, in mid-August, the Pentagon formally acknowledged they had established a task force looking into UAP. In a press announcement, the Secretary of Defense’s Office stated, “the UAPTF’s mission will be to detect, analyze and catalog UAPs that could potentially pose a threat to U S national security .” According to the release, authority for the Task Force was approved by the DOD’s chief operating officer, Deputy Secretary of Defense David L Norquist.
The summer news of the establishment of the UAPTF seemingly suggests—for the first time since the shuttering of Project Blue Book’s 1969—that the Pentagon is now taking the subject of UFOs seriously.
An internal email obtained by The Debrief shows that almost one year before the DOD’s announcement, the highest levels of the U S military were already being briefed on UAP.
Email Obtained by the Debrief via FOIA, shows an October 16th, 2019, exchange between then Vice Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Robert Burke, and Vice Chief of Staff for the Air Force General Stephen “Steve” Wilson .
“Recommend you take the brief I just received from our Director of Naval Intelligence VADM Matt Kohler, on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
I thought you might like to have the following for your newsletter:
Witness Drawing
Not since the October 2011 UFO Flap where 87 reports were filed with Missouri MUFON, has our state been so busy with reports. In August of 2022, things started to heat up, and in September 2022 Missouri MUFON received 50 sighting reports, just behind California . Although Missouri is known as a UFO hotspot, and we receive many unusual UAP and USO reports, the numbers are normally less than half those reported in August and 1/3 those reported in September investigators found that six of the reports filed were the new Starlink Satellites, which were launched at a higher altitude than normal, making the string of lights look like they were close together and one craft . This will no doubt cause people to file more UFO reports around the world. However, most of the cases filed remain unexplained Investigators continue to work through them.
Reports of shape-changing craft; a craft that goes transparent, then solid again; and objects that shoot straight up or move at a 90-degree angle without stopping give one pause. Our unique video analysis team which consists of four expert video and photo analysts is a great help in determining what these objects are. Some objects captured on video moved at incredible speed. Missouri MUFON will hold a ZOOM meeting about the Flap on November 10, which is open to the public Register at www missourimufon org Thanks to Margie Kay
Strange Lights Over Russia and Sips
The photo is from the central Russian city of Omsk
The source and purpose of these “strange lights” has been identified: Russia’s PERESVET Laser Anti-Satellite System. The U S Navy is reporting 35 of its ships have reported strange actions including the lights from space .
The military nature of the lighting became evident when the same light pattern hit the skies in Moscow, Murmansk, and Omsk, Russia as the world was paying attention to the lights in Belgorod.
These laser systems are “anti-satellite” as far as they can “dazzle” any recon satellite orbiting within 1500 kilometers of earth!
By “Dazzle” we mean “Temporarily blind” the satellite, making it impossible for the satellite to “see” anything on the ground for tens-of-miles in all directions of its typical fly-by.
At this hour, I am told that with the area covered by the light emissions from Belgrade, Omsk, Moscow, and Murmansk, US/NATO surveillance satellites
One source, in a position to know, told me .“We can’t see if the missile silo hatches are open. “ He also told me “In vast swaths of Russia right now, we cannot see what is happening on the ground, or more importantly, what is moving and where for instance, we can no longer see if Tactical nuclear weapons are being pulled out of storage. “
Woman Saves United States in Revolutionary War
General Washington in Prayer
Many Americans are unaware that many people in the American Colonies were loyal to Britain’s King George III and England.
General Washington’s Army was barely able to fight effectively during the Revolutionary War .
At the start of the War in 1775, General George Washington took command of the Continental Army to fight King George III of England, then the world’s most powerful nation with the largest fleet. The first general order issued to his pitifully few troops who had little hope of winning the war was:
“The General most earnestly requires and expects a due observance of those articles of war established for the government of the army, which forbid profane cursing, and drunkenness. And in like manner, he requires and expects of all officers and soldiers not engaged in actual duty, a punctual attendance of Divine Services, to implore the blessing of Heaven upon the means used for our safety and defense. “
George Washington during his first year as President established by proclamation Thursday, November 26, 1789, as “A Day of Public Thanksgiving and Prayer. “ Washington signed the decree on October 3, called “General Thanksgiving,” that appointed the day to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God.
General John Burgoyne with some 8,000 British troops with 500 Native American allies was invading the American Colonies down the Champlain corridor from Quebec Canada in June 1777.
There were few of Washington’s troops to intercept the invading Army and the British captured a series of New York Forts and combined with British forces would Likely defeat Washington’s Army. Loyalists were American colonists who remained loyal to the British King George III during the American Revolutionary War often referred to as Tories, Royalists or King’s Men at the time. They were opposed by the Patriots who supported the revolution.
These Indian allies became impatient and began indiscriminate raids on frontier families and settlements, which had the effect of increasing local support to the American rebels In particular, the death and scalping at Indian hands of the attractive young Loyalist Jane McCrea engaged to a loyalist officer serving under Burgoyne was widely publicized. Her death , probably raped, and scalping lead to widespread outrage in the Colonies and men who had refused to fight the British were now persuaded to fight to protect their own families. Jane served as a catalyst for American rebel support Burgoyne’s decision to not punish the Native American perpetrators was seen as or inability to keep the Native Americans under control and enraged the settlers.
Her death rallied large numbers of militias that previously were unwilling to fight such as the Green Mountain Boys f or a beautiful lady who was loyal to the King could be brutally killed, no one was safe. Thousands of men suddenly had the will to fight and surrounded the British forces and caused the surrender of General Burgoyne at Fort Saratoga, NY in the major turning point of the war.
General Burgoyne at Fort Saratoga, NY in the major turning point of the war
The Battle of Saratoga took place between 19th September and 16th October 1777 giving Americans a decisive win over the British .
According to the Saratoga Campaign planned by the British officials, the British Army, under General John, was to conquer Albany, New York, and Southern Colonies from Canada in the Champlain Valley .
Burgoyne army was to meet other British forces, under General Willian Howe, coming northward from New York City, and forces under General John Graces Simcoe eastward from Lake Ontario .
Thousands of Patriot men suddenly had the will to fight and surrounded the British forces and caused Burgoyne’s surrender October 16, 1777 . It was instrumental in formally bringing France and Spain into the war as American allies France provided significant economic, military, and technical assistance aa t critical time in the war.
French Admiral Francois Joseph Paul, Marquis de Grasse at the Battle of the Chesapeake off Yorktown, Virginia on September 5, 1781, his 37 ships were strategically decisive in that it prevented the British Navy from reinforcing or evacuating the British forces at Yorktown. Historian Michael Lewis, states, “The Battle of Chesapeake Bay was one of the decisive battles of the world. Before it, the creation of the United States of America was possible; after it, it was certain.” French ships outnumbered the 17 ships in the British fleet that departed leaving the British Army no choice, but to eventually surrender and end the war The British fleet suffered six ships damaged and 90 sailors killed and 246 wounded The French fared better with 209 causalities and only 2 ships damaged.
Battle of Yorktown
God works in wondrous ways after a month of fighting General Charles Cornwallis fighting against American and French armies surrendered in the final battle of the American Revolution on October 19, 1781, (241 years ago) Jane McCrea’s death was the defining moment of the war and partly why we are able to celebrate independence
President Washington stated, “If freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent, we may be like sheep led to the slaughter ”
General Washington’s address to his officersHappiness depends more upon the internal frame of a person’s own mind, than on the externals in the world……
September 2022 MUFON 780 Sightings
Statistical Report
TOTAL: 786
Circle 164
Sphere 79
Other 69
Unknown 66
Triangle 57
Disc 51
Cigar 46
Oval 34
Star-like 34
Square/Rectangular 27
Cylinder 24
Tic Tac 18
N/A 15
Boomerang 11
Diamond 10
Flash 6
Cone 6
Chevron 6
Fireball 6
Blimp 5
Saturn-like 4
Egg 3
Bullet/Missile 3
Cross 2 Drum bell 1
States of the USA
California 63
Missouri 50
Texas 41
Florida 36
Pennsylvania 31
New York 27
Washington 26
New Jersey 23
Colorado 21
North Carolina 21
Michigan 20
Kansas 19
Ohio 16
Arizona 15
Indiana 15
Oklahoma 13
Massachusetts 13
Kentucky 13
Virginia 12
Wisconsin 12
Illinois 11
Minnesota 11
Arkansas 10
Utah 10
Georgia 9
Idaho 9
Maryland 9
Oregon 9
Connecticut 9
New Mexico 9
Tennessee 8
Louisiana 6
Nevada 6
New Hampshire 6
South Carolina 6
Alabama 6
Hawaii 4
Alaska 3
Maine 3
Nebraska 3
Iowa 3
Rhode Island 3
Mississippi 3
Montana 2
North Dakota 2
Vermont 2
Delaware 2
West Virginia 2
South Dakota 2
Wyoming 1
District of Columbia 1
< 100 ft 78
101-500 ft 83
501 ft – 1 Mile 163
Over 1 Mile195
Unknown 69
Most impressively there were 18 Landings, Hovering, or Takeoffs reported and 19 Entities observed .
The number of abduction (ERT) cases was 30
The number of submitted Experiencer Questionnaires was 0
Thanks to MUFON
Symposium Save the date Next Year!
53rd Annual MUFON International Symposium will take place in Cincinnati, Ohio’ on August 24-27, 2023 “Friend or Foe?
Strange Craft
The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs
U S Air Force Major George Filer belongs to the generation of pilots and aviators who first became aware of the strange aircraft showing up in the Earth’s atmosphere after World War II . These men – military professionals who flew planes, served as radar operators and air traffic controllers at airfields around the world – began to whisper amongst themselves about encounters with suspected extraterrestrial aircraft. During secret debriefings at U S bases, pilots and aircrews told their commanders of seeing UFOs off their plane’s wings. Award-winning investigative author John Guerra spent four years interviewing Filer, a decorated intelligence officer
From objects in the skies over Cold War Europe to a UFOs over during the Cuban Missile Crisis to lights over the DMZ in Vietnam Filer leaves nothing out about his Air Force UFO encounters.
Filer’s most memorable case – the shooting of an alien at Fort Dix Army Base in 1978 – is fully recounted for the first time in this book. As a member of the Disclosure Project, military experts, astronauts, and scientists urge the U S government to release all it knows about UFOs to the public. Filer describes his UFO encounters in this incredible book, by John L Guerra.
Special reports are: Secret Air Force Evaluation of Flying Discs, RAF Pilots Have Tried to Blast UFOs Ancient Crystal City Discovered Under Antarctica, UFO Crash in Cape Girardeau Missouri 1941, UFO Briefings at the Highest Levels, The Missouri UFO Flap of 2022, Strange Lights Over Russia, Woman Saves United States in Revolutionary War, MUFON September Sightings
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Florida, Idaho, Minnesota, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, Columbia, France, Japan, and England in the United Kingdom
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor The US Air Force and DOD investigated UFOs for more than forty years; and I continue this advanced research I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors
UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS
Arizona Object
Phoenix on October 3, 2021, I was taking picture of incoming storm and discovered object in lens.
California Object
Lake Balboaon January 3, 1980, I and 13-year-old daughter rove to Mulholland Jr High School and we saw bright lights rising up from behind the building. It was a huge saucer shape with a large dome and a ring of very bright lights Druffel, Vince Uhlenkott and 2 other MUFON investigators investigated.
Palm Desert on October 9, 2022, I am a film and TV director who saw the object move making right and left turns and seem to go to the moon then quickly turned and moved away from it I lost it after a couple of minutes.
Florida Lights
Deerfield Beachon August 1, 2022, many videos and a short snippet of this orb Also note all the red and blue lights blinking around this colorful orb I have many captures both day and night Thanks to Will Pucket/www ufosnw com.
Idaho Objectc
Eagle on August 30, 2022, I don’t know what to say other than I have pics of this, and I was a former US Sniper in our elite force. I witnessed a lot of things in combat but nothing like this.
Minnesota Object
Roseville, on October 7, 2022 , we spotted this object flying a few miles away that was black and a cube moving much faster than jets. It was a longer rectangle, turned right, and zoomed away.
Mississippi Tic Tac
Gulfporton October 14, 2022, I live between Stennis Space Center and Keesler Air Force Base and taken videos several times of glowing elliptical craft miles long. Some are 100 feet long compared to planes they fly under .
New Jersey Abduction
South Plainfield on October 6, 2022, I was sleeping, and I woke up in a UFO ship and shown the world and the future. I remember seeing three tall beings Then I woke up in bed I practice into the occult high magic.
Ohio Lights
Hamden on September 7, 2022, I was on my front porch when me and my son just happen to see it flying slowly in a straight line, I zoomed in and saw it was literally a flying saucer. It flew straight until it was out of our sight.
Pennsylvania Lights
Palmyra on September 24, 2022, saw rocket fly at center another object catches it and noticed at 12 seconds in there was a small light goes past the rocket, (left). Where it takes off in a flash faster than that rocket.
South Carolina Object
Columbiaon October 10, 2022, I see a very small silver triangle object. It was three-dimensional triangle far away. The object was a pyramid It was roughly 500 ft high I tapped my friend and told him to look.
Tennessee Triangles
Memphis on October 4, 2022, a black triangle with 3 lights at each point was caught on the Graceland Live Cam near Elvis’ Graceland. The last image is a f triangle. Thanks to Donnie Brooke, UFO Hunter, donniebrooke@mail com
Texas Light and Object
Odessaon September 29, 2022, craft came out of the northwest in a triangle shape. Around 250 feet from us the object got bigger and flew towards the end of runway. It flew over us with a soft jet hum slowly moving
San Antonio on October 7, 2022, picture were taken from plane that flew over the area.
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Light
Glenorchy on September 28, 202, I looked up and saw a blinking light in the sky. It was doing a square loop in the sky and responded to my thoughts. A second object fell from the sky and the they were both just gone.
Canada Lights
Saturna Islandon October 1, 2022, camping at Narvaez Bay off Vancouver Island, I saw a very bright white light above the yacht at 11:18PM. As the light grew luminescent, it flew over me with 3 separate flame like forces taking the shape of a chevron.
Columbia Object
Villapinzon on August 7, 2022, flat object moving right to left flies into trees suggesting an under jungle base. Thanks to Third Phase of the Moon.
France Orbs
Nesles la Vallée on October 7, 2022 what I saw on Friday at 10:11 p m from Nesles la Vallée in the 95
Japan Light
HYOGO on January 3, 2022, a fluffy UFO was flying at 20:56 in the western sky. Blue object attacks white circle object twice with loud sounds of the attacks. The shot UFO shows parts and was warping to the eastern sky.
UK/England Object
Barrow-in-Furnesson September 14, 2022 , I noticed a bright flash above the B A E building where Britain’s nuclear submarines are built. I took 4 photos of a reflective object enlarged and a dark object above.
Support Earth Changing Research
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Our outreach relies on the generosity of our supporters. Join us today. I have put together a DVD or flash drive of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Buy a Great DVD
I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
Become a MUFON member today! Benefits of membership include a subscription to the monthly UFO Journal that contains current investigations, sightings reports, articles by world-renowned researchers and more. To join now, click here JOIN NOW
Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
Put another way, a young person in the U.S. is nearly 11 times as likely to die in a swimming pool than in a school shooting. Few public officials would say pools are doing a poor job protecting swimmers, but the statistics suggest that we need “more lifeguards at pools, as opposed to guards at schools,” Fox said
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Unknown space object zooms past Mars Rover Curiosity
Unknown space object zooms past Mars Rover Curiosity
The two photographs analyzed here were taken by Rover Curiosity's Right Navigation Camera on Sol 3613 (5 October 2022) and according to Jean Ward's calculation the two photographs were taken 12 seconds apart.
Seen in these photographs is what appears to be an atmospheric anomaly; something like an object moving across the field of view of the rovers camera.
Upon closer inspection it looks like the right part of the object is moving faster than the left part as there is motion blur on the right-side. Or could this UFO-like object be emitting smoke?
Also featured, two more examples of atmospheric anomalies photographed by Rover Curiosity in the past.
Did a doorbell cam captured a translucent UFO over Raytown, Missouri?
Did a doorbell cam captured a translucent UFO over Raytown, Missouri?
According to UFOCasebook and analyzed by Doc Holliday: Something very strange just flew over Raytown, Missouri. A doorbell camera shows what looks like a translucent UFO slowly moving over Raytown, Missouri. The security video shows the object from 2 different perspectives.
I initially was very skeptical of this video for obvious reasons. It's looks like a very large object that just seems to be floating across the sky over Raytown, Missouri on Thursday night, October 13, 2022. Here's what the eyewitness said about it:
Eyewitness states: Unknown aerial object caught on camera, slow moving and sometimes translucent and sometimes rejecting light.
The doorbell camera video shows the object from 2 different perspectives. Watch closely on the 2nd one and you'll see that the object really does project some light through the trees.
I checked the National UFO Reporting Center website and don't see any corroborating reports of this sighting there yet, but it does normally take a few weeks before new objects are posted.
It's worth noting that when videos like this are faked, you'll rarely see an object from 2 different perspectives. In this case, both line up exactly. If the object were to just suddenly disappear, you know you might be dealing with multiple video layers.
Another possibility is that the alleged UFO is just a reflection in the camera of an object moving along the road but the fact that this object can be seen giving off light through the tree to me makes it a much more legitimate video to examine and consider as a UFO that needs to be investigated.
It's another video that makes you wonder what exactly is flying across Missouri and what is its intention. Is it something/someone innocent or sinister?
Ten Incredible Mummy Discoveries That Shocked the World
Ten Incredible Mummy Discoveries That Shocked the World
Mummies of humans and other animals have been found on every continent, both as a result of natural preservation through unique climatic conditions, and as intentionally preserved corpses for religious or cultural purposes. In addition to the well-known mummy discoveries of ancient Egypt, deliberate mummification was a feature of several ancient cultures in areas of South America and Asia, as well as numerous others. Here we feature ten unique mummy discoveries from around the world.
His little face still stares upwards, as if eternally waiting for his mother. From the moment he was discovered, the little Inuit baby captured hearts with his photograph plastered on magazines and news stories around the world. When he was first found, he was believed to be a doll, but it was soon discovered that it was actually the body of a six-month old baby boy.
This boy discovered at the Qilakitsoq settlement was buried alive with his already dead mother – presumably because there was no one left to care for him. The small Inuit baby was found along with a two-year-old boy and six women of various ages, who were buried in two separate graves protected by a rock that overhung a shallow cave.
Unearthed near the city of Uummannaq in West Greenland, the bodies were naturally mummified by the sub-zero temperatures and dry, dehydrating winds, providing a remarkable opportunity to learn about the Greenland Inuit of half a millennium ago. They are the oldest preserved remains ever to be found there.
Tollund Man is the naturally mummified body of a man who lived during the 4th century BC, during the period characterized in Scandinavia as the Pre-Roman Iron Age. He was hanged as a sacrifice to the gods and placed in a peat bog where he remained preserved for more than two millennia. Today, the face of the Tollund Man is as preserved the way it was the day he died. The look upon his face is calm and peaceful, giving the sensation of looking upon a sleeping man.
When talking about body preservation and mummy discoveries, people all over the world think of Egypt and the mummified bodies of Pharaohs, such as Tutankhamun. But how many know that the world’s best preserved bodies actually come from China?
The Lady of Dai, otherwise known as The Diva Mummy, is a 2,100-year-old mummy from the Western Han Dynasty and the best preserved ancient human ever found. Just how this incredible level of preservation was accomplished has baffled and amazed scientists around the world.
Xin Zhui, the Lady of Dai, died between 178 and 145 BC, at around 50 years of age. The objects inside her tomb indicated a woman of wealth and importance, and one who enjoyed the good things in life. But it was not the precious goods and fine fabrics that immediately caught the attention of archaeologists, rather it was the extraordinarily well-preserved state of her remains.
In 1999 the remains of three Incan children were found, remarkably preserved, atop the summit of Llullaillaco Volcano in Argentina. Last year, an analysis on the bodies of the 13-year-old “Maiden” and her 4- to 5-year-old companions, Llullaillaco Boy and Lightening Girl, revealed that the children had been drugged and given alcohol on a regular basis as part of a year-long series of ceremonial processes leading up to their final sacrifice.
Evidence suggests the sacrificial ceremony may have been used as a form of social control. Being selected for the ritual was supposed to be seen as a great honor, but it probably produced a climate of fear. In fact, it was a major offense for parents to show any sadness after giving up their children for the ceremony.
Tjayasetimu is the name of a little girl who was a star singer in ancient Egypt. Nearly 3,000 years ago Tjayasetimu she was a member of the royal choir and sang for the pharaohs in temples on the Nile. The seven-year-old girl, although heartbreakingly young when she died, was important enough to merit an elaborate mummification, a process normally reserved for Egyptian royalty and elite families.
Tjayasetimu had been wrapped in painted bandages, her face covered with a delicate veil and hidden by a golden mask, and she had been placed in a gilded sarcophagus. The child star was well-preserved and still had a full head of shoulder-length hair. Researchers could even see her milk teeth pushing up through her gums. At a height of just 4 feet, Tjayasetimu was far too small for her sarcophagus, although it is not clear why a casing was not made to fit her size. Scientists believe she died as a result of a short illness, such as cholera.
Loulan was discovered in 1980, but it was 3,800 years ago that she died on the trade route known as the Silk Road . The natural dryness and salty soil preserved her and over two hundred other mummies, individuals who had lived in several closely located settlements along the trade route.
The mummy has been called the Loulan Beauty because of her amazingly preserved stately facial features that have remained quite beautiful even in death. Unfortunately, the region where she and the others were found is politically unstable and the discovery of the mummies in the Tarim Basin in China was seen as a possible instigating factor for unrest.
The Chinese government has been reluctant to allow full access to the mummies because of their racial identity. The Tarim mummies are Caucasian and this fact has given credence to the claims of the local peoples known as the Uyghur, who look more European than Asian, that they are the descendants of the original inhabitants of the area and not later arrivals, as Chinese history claims.
Ötzi the iceman , who was discovered by some German tourists in the Alps in 1991, was originally believed to be the frozen corpse of a mountaineer or soldier who died during World War I. Tests later confirmed the iceman dates back to 3,300 BC and most likely died from a blow to the back of the head.
Europe's oldest natural human mummy, remarkably, his body contained still intact blood cells, which resembled a modern sample of blood. They are the oldest blood cells ever identified. His body was so well-preserved that scientists were even able to determine that his last meal was red deer and herb bread, eaten with wheat bran, roots and fruit.
The tattooed arm of the Lady of Cao, one of the mummy discoveries found at Huaca El Brujo.
(El Brujo Project)
On the beautiful northern coastline of Peru overlooking the blue Pacific, the place known as Huaca El Brujo (Sacred place of the Wizard) gives us an incredible glimpse into the culture of the Moche and the so-called wizard buried there.
Its two main pyramids, Huaca del Sol and the Huaca de la Luna, were once the centre of social and religious functions in the area and the final resting place of a tattooed mummy who has come to be known as the Lady of Cao. Not an elderly woman, she died in her mid-twenties about fifteen hundred years ago, probably as a complication of childbirth.
The Moche did not mummify their dead purposefully, but the conditions for desiccation just happened to preserve the Lady of Cao and by doing so also preserved her intricate tattoos. Although it is not believed that the more common members of Moche society were tattooed it could certainly be inferred from this burial that the highest status members were, and the tattoos probably represented and strengthened their connection with the divine through sympathetic magic.
A cocoon with a mummy of an adult was covered with copper plates head to toe.
(Alexander Gusev)
Zeleniy Yar is a remote site near the Arctic Circle known to the indigenous Nenets people as “the end of the earth.” The unique site has revealed nearly a dozen mysterious mummies who appear to be foreign to the region and whose artifacts can be traced back to ancient Persia, nearly 6,000 kilometers (3,730 mi) away.
Scientists are undertaking genetic testing to determine the origins of the mummies and unlock the secrets of a mystery medieval civilization. The mummy discoveries were found in a well-preserved state, seemingly by accident, and wearing copper masks and covered in reindeer, beaver, wolverine, or bear fur.
Many of their skulls are shattered or missing, while the skeletons were smashed. One of the mummies is a red-haired male, protected from chest to foot by copper plating. Within his final resting place, archaeologists also unearthed an iron hatchet, furs, and a head buckle made of bronze depicting a bear.
The Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo are located in Sicily, Italy. In the 16th century, the Capuchin monks of Palermo discovered that their catacombs contained a natural preservative that helped mummify their dead. One of the most famous mummies is that of a two-year-old girl, Rosalia Lombardo.
Rosalia was placed in the catacombs when she died in 1920. Her body is so well-preserved that she looks as if she were just sleeping in her glass coffin, hence the nickname Sleeping Beauty . The secret for her excellent state of preservation was revealed a few years ago, when a hand-written memoir of the embalmer, Alfredo Salafia, was discovered.
This memoir recorded the chemicals that he injected into Rosalia’s blood. These chemicals were formalin, zinc salts, alcohol, salicylic acid, and glycerin. It has been suggested that it was the zinc salts that were most responsible for Rosalia’s amazing state of preservation.
Top image: The Mummies of Qilakitsoq at the National Museum in Nuuk.
The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, formerly the Wide Field InfraRed Survey Telescope (WFIRST), is a NASA observatory designed to settle essential questions in the areas of dark energy, exoplanets and infrared astrophysics.
About the mission
The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, formerly the Wide Field InfraRed Survey Telescope (WFIRST), is a NASA observatory designed to settle essential questions in the areas of dark energy, exoplanets and infrared astrophysics. The Roman Space Telescope (NASA-led and managed by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center; GSFC) is designed for a five-year mission, and will launch out of Cape Canaveral in the mid-2020s to L2. The telescope has a primary mirror that is 2.4 meters in diameter (7.9 feet), and is the same size as the Hubble Space Telescope's primary mirror. The Roman Space Telescope will have two instruments: the Wide Field Instrument and the Coronagraph Instrument.
The Wide Field Instrument will have a field of view that is 100 times greater than the Hubble infrared instrument, capturing more of the sky with less observing time. As the primary instrument, the Wide Field Instrument will measure light from a billion galaxies over the course of the mission lifetime. In addition, it will perform a microlensing survey of the inner Milky Way to find ~2,600 exoplanets.
The Roman Space Telescope’s Coronagraph Instrument (Roman Coronagraph) will perform high-contrast imaging and spectroscopy of dozens of individual nearby exoplanets. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is building the Roman Coronagraph and is involved with detector validation and developing the Coronagraph’s observation capabilities. GSFC is responsible for the Roman Space Telescope Project. The Roman Space Telescope Science Center functions are the joint responsibility of the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC), the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), and GSFC.
Overview of the Roman Coronagraph Instrument
The light from an exoplanet, as it would be seen in reflected starlight, is fainter than the host star by factors of 100,000,000 or more, and well beyond the reach of today's observatories on the ground or in space. The Roman Space Telescope Coronagraph Instrument will demonstrate the first high-performance coronagraph system in space capable of imaging directly mature gas giant exoplanet systems (similar to our own Jupiter and Saturn) in reflected starlight, paving the way to a future possible NASA mission aimed at imaging and characterizing faint Earth-like planets.
Objectives of the Roman Coronagraph
Current ground-based and space-based instruments are limited to the detection of bright (self-luminous) young exoplanets, a million times fainter than their host star and located >0.3 arc seconds away. A successful Coronagraph technology demonstration, i.e., just meeting its threshold technical requirement (TTR), will be capable of detecting planetary companions 10 million times fainter than their host star and located >0.3 arcseconds away. Performance models based on current lab results predict the Coronagraph would be capable of detecting planetary companions a billion times fainter than their host star and located >0.15 arcseconds away. The Coronagraph provides a crucial stepping stone in the preparation of future missions aiming to image and characterize Earth-like planets 10 billion times fainter than their host star and located 0.1 arcseconds away.
Critical Roman Coronagraph Technology Demonstrations
The Coronagraph Instrument on the Roman Space Telescope is an advanced technology demonstrator for future missions; for example, the Astro2020 Decadal Report has recommended a mission that will aim to directly image Earth-like exoplanets[MY1] . The Coronagraph will demonstrate for the first time in space the technologies for future missions needed to image and characterize rocky planets in the habitable zones of nearby stars. By demonstrating these tools in an integrated end-to-end system and enabling scientific observing operations, NASA will validate performance models and provide the pathway for potential future flagship missions.
Exoplanet Imaging
Following the recommendations of the Astro2010 and Astro2020 decadal surveys, the Roman Space Telescope Coronagraph Instrument advances and demonstrates key technologies in space to enable the next generation of Earth-observing exoplanet space-based observatories. Such technologies include precision optical wavefront control with deformable mirrors, sensitive photon-counting imaging detectors, selectable coronagraph observing modes, low-resolution spectroscopy, advanced algorithms for wavefront sensing and control, high-fidelity integrated spacecraft and coronagraph modeling, and post-processing methods to extract images and spectra. The Coronagraph is designed to demonstrate space coronagraphy at sensitivity levels of Jovian-mass planets and faint debris disks in reflected starlight.
Following initial commissioning and formal technology demonstrations in the first eighteen months of operations, NASA envisions a Coronagraph Community Participation Program to engage the exoplanet community. In this way, Coronagraph observations will advance community goals in exoplanet astronomy and how it will validate key technologies for future exoplanet missions, now envisioned as HabEx and LUVOIR.
Roman Coronagraph Technologies
Direct imaging photometry centered at 575 nm (Band 1; 10% bandwidth) and 825 nm (Band 4; 15% bandwidth)
Polarimetric observations centered at 575 nm (Band 1; 10% bandwidth) and 825 nm (Band 4; 15% bandwidth)
Single-slit spectrograph (R=50) centered at 660 nm (Band 2; 15% bandwidth) and 730 nm (Band 3; 15% bandwidth)
Pair of deformable mirrors for precision wavefront control
Photon-counting EMCCD imaging sensors
Autonomous operations on orbit
Data post-processing algorithms
Emulating the Roman Space Telescope data in the lab
JPL's Precision Projector Laboratory (PPL) uses a testbed designed to emulate astronomical data using real detectors in order to validate the Wide Field Instrument's strict requirements on photometry, astrometry, and especially galaxy shape measurement. The PPL testbed rapidly generates a range of customizable "scenes" (e.g. stars, galaxies, spectra) on large format detectors to uncover subtle systematic effects that can evade conventional detector testing and degrade science measurements. Once understood, detector issues may be mitigated via changes to hardware, calibration, mission operations, or data analysis.
Light-year is the distance light travels in one year. Light zips through interstellar space at 186,000 miles (300,000 kilometers) per second and 5.88 trillion miles (9.46 trillion kilometers) per year.
Make the jump to light-years as we cruise through the Milky Way galaxy. Video credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech.
We use light-time to measure the vast distances of space.
It’s the distance that light travels in a specific period of time. Also: LIGHT IS FAST, nothing travels faster than light.
How far can light travel in one minute? 11,160,000 miles. It takes 43.2 minutes for sunlight to reach Jupiter, about 484 million miles away. Light is fast, but the distances are vast. In an hour, light can travel 671 million miles.
Earth is about eight light minutes from the Sun. A trip at light-speed to the very edge of our solar system – the farthest reaches of the Oort Cloud, a collection of dormant comets way, way out there – would take about 1.87 years. Keep going to Proxima Centauri, our nearest neighboring star, and plan on arriving in 4.25 years at light speed.
When we talk about the enormity of the cosmos, it’s easy to toss out big numbers – but far more difficult to wrap our minds around just how large, how far, and how numerous celestial bodies really are.
To get a better sense, for instance, of the true distances to exoplanets – planets around other stars – we might start with the theater in which we find them, the Milky Way galaxy
Our galaxy is a gravitationally bound collection of stars, swirling in a spiral through space. Based on the deepest images obtained so far, it’s one of about 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe. Groups of them are bound into clusters of galaxies, and these into superclusters; the superclusters are arranged in immense sheets stretching across the universe, interspersed with dark voids and lending the whole a kind of spiderweb structure. Our galaxy probably contains 100 to 400 billion stars, and is about 100,000 light-years across. That sounds huge, and it is, at least until we start comparing it to other galaxies. Our neighboring Andromeda galaxy, for example, is some 220,000 light-years wide. Another galaxy, IC 1101, spans as much as 4 million light-years.
Based on observations by NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope, we can confidently predict that every star you see in the sky probably hosts at least one planet. Realistically, we’re most likely talking about multi-planet systems rather than just single planets. In our galaxy of hundreds of billions of stars, this pushes the number of planets potentially into the trillions. Confirmed exoplanet detections (made by Kepler and other telescopes, both in space and on the ground) now come to more than 4,000 – and that’s from looking at only tiny slices of our galaxy. Many of these are small, rocky worlds that might be at the right temperature for liquid water to pool on their surfaces.
The nearest-known exoplanet is a small, probably rocky planet orbiting Proxima Centauri – the next star over from Earth. A little more than four light-years away, or 24 trillion miles. If an airline offered a flight there by jet, it would take 5 million years. Not much is known about this world; its close orbit and the periodic flaring of its star lower its chances of being habitable.
The TRAPPIST-1 system is seven planets, all roughly in Earth’s size range, orbiting a red dwarf star about 40 light-years away. They are very likely rocky, with four in the “habitable zone” – the orbital distance allowing potential liquid water on the surface. And computer modeling shows some have a good chance of being watery – or icy – worlds. In the next few years, we might learn whether they have atmospheres or oceans, or even signs of habitability.
One of the most distant exoplanets known to us in the Milky Way is Kepler-443b. Traveling at light speed, it would take 3,000 years to get there. Or 28 billion years, going 60 mph.
200 years ago, Jean-Francois Champollion raced into his brother’s office and shouted ‘Je tiens l’affaire!’ – ‘I’ve got it’. After years of research, he had pieced together one of the great historical puzzles of the time; he had deciphered the hieroglyphic script of ancient Egypt.
Various objects were crucial in helping Champollion arrive at this famous moment: from the Casati Papyrus to the Philae Obelisk at Kingston Lacy. But of all the artefacts that contributed to the groundbreaking decipherment, one is more renowned than all of the rest: the Rosetta Stone.
Today on display at the British Museum, this object was central in kickstarting antiquarians such as Champollion and Thomas Young down the path of unlocking ancient Egypt’s enigmatic language within just c.20 years of the Stone’s rediscovery. Today, the Rosetta Stone ranks amongst the most famous artefacts in the world. But what exactly is it?
The Rosetta Stone
The Stone itself is a commemorative stone (stela), upon which is written a priestly decree issued on 27 March 196 BC. The early 2nd century BC was a time when non-native pharaohs ruled Egypt; the last native Egyptian ruler had been forced into exile almost 150 years before, in c.343 BC.
196 BC was the time of the Ptolemaic Dynasty, one of the most remarkable of Alexander the Great’s Successor kingdoms. Ruling from the prestigious city of Alexandria, ancient Greek was the dominant language of Ptolemaic administration. Away from the official administration however, ancient Egyptian was still a language that people spoke widely across the kingdom: in homes and temples all along the River Nile. Early 2nd century Ptolemaic Egypt was a multicultural, multilingual society.
The Rosetta Stone in the British Museum
Image Credit: Tristan Hughes
It’s this bilingual nature of Ptolemaic Egypt that explains one of the central features of the Rosetta Stone. Carved onto this great, broken slab of granodiorite was text, written in three different languages. The first language was Egyptian hieroglyphs, the second was demotic (a handwritten version of the Egyptian script that Egyptians had long used alongside hieroglyphs; demotic was the ‘script of the people’) and the third language on the Stone was ancient Greek.
The priestly decree itself was issued by a group of priests that, in essence, provided King Ptolemy V divine honours. As thanks for his good deeds as King (protecting the country, rebuilding temples, lowering taxes etc), the Stone’s decree ordered that Ptolemy’s statue be honoured inside the temple and placed alongside those of the gods. Furthermore, Ptolemy’s statue was also to appear during sacred processions, once more alongside statues of other gods. To all extents and purposes, the decree placed King Ptolemy V on the same level as the gods.
This in itself was no novel practice for the Ptolemies; Hellenistic ‘ruler cult’ is something we see repeated again and again in various Successor Kingdoms across the Eastern Mediterranean during this latter half of the 1st millennium BC, where people paid tribute to their ruler’s benefaction by bestowing them with divine honours.
The Stone itself is named after its discovery location: Rosetta. Situated east of Alexandria near the coast of the Mediterranean today, Rosetta (Rasheed) didn’t exist in pharaonic times. But sometime in Egypt’s long and incredible history, the Stone was moved here and used in the foundations of a building. Given the strength of this granodiorite slab, someone decided that it would be a very useful building block.
It would be in 1799 that the importance of this stone was realised, when French soldiers – assigned to Napoleon’s ongoing Egyptian campaign – were restoring their fort at Rosetta and discovered this tri-lingual stela. Very quickly, both the soldiers themselves and the many scholars that Napoleon had brought with him to Egypt realised that this artefact could be the key to deciphering hieroglyphics – an ancient script that medieval Arab scholars had already been attempting to decipher for centuries.
It was rapidly realised that the Rosetta Stone was highlighting the same decree in three different languages. As ancient Greek was already known, the huge potential this Stone had for helping scholars finally decode this enigmatic ancient Egyptian script (both hieroglyphic and demotic) was quickly acknowledged.
British takeover
French soldiers had rediscovered this Ptolemaic priestly decree, but it would not remain in their hands for long. In 1801, the defeated remnants of Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt signed the Capitulation of Alexandria with the British and the Ottomans. Part of the surrender – Article 16 – demanded that the French transfer 22 Egyptian antiquities to the British. Amongst these were two giant sarcophagi – one of which was at the time believed to be the sarcophagus of Alexander the Great. But the most famous object that the French handed over to the British was the Rosetta Stone.
Experts inspecting the Rosetta Stone during the Second International Congress of Orientalists, 1874
Image Credit: British Museum, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Although they took possession of the physical object, the British still permitted the French scholars to make copies of the Stone. This would allow many figures on both sides of the Channel Sea (including Champollion) to have access to copies of the inscription in the years ahead, as the race to decipher hieroglyphics heated up.
In 1802 the Rosetta Stone, alongside the other artefacts seized by the British, arrived in Portsmouth. Not long after they were placed in the British Museum, which at the time was still very small. The arrival of these new objects encouraged the Museum to expand – to create new galleries that would ultimately house these artefacts.
The Rosetta Stone has since left the British Museum on only two occasions. The first was during World War Two – for safety; the second occasion was in 1972, when the Stone was displayed at the Louvre.
The Rosetta Stone was the keystone for the great acceleration of decoding hieroglyphics in the early 19th century. It was thanks to this Stone that figures such as Thomas Young and Champollion worked tirelessly as they raced to be the first to crack the ancient script. Other artefacts would help these scholars fill in the final pieces of the decoding puzzle, but it was the Rosetta Stone’s discovery, and its surviving trilingual text, that kickstarted them to devote years in their mission to make Egyptology’s ultimate breakthrough.
Thomas Young made some striking early progress. Focusing on the demotic text, he was able to identify some key words such as King/ruler(basileus)and temple. Most famously of all, he correctly identified the demotic word for Ptolemy and its hieroglyphic cartouche. Attributing phonetic values to the symbols in the cartouche, he was able to make some progress. Mistakenly however, he didn’t quite translate the correct phonetic sound for each of the symbols.
Ultimately, it was Champollion who made the ultimate breakthrough on the Ptolemy cartouche on the Rosetta Stone. That is why it is Champollion today, who we associate with making the ultimate breakthrough. Young made significant progress and is heralded in some circles as the man who translated Demotic. But Champollion was the man who ‘won’ the race.
William Bankes and the Philae Obelisk
One other figure to mention here is William Bankes. An adventurer and daredevil, in the 1810s Bankes voyaged down the River Nile on two separate occasions. Bankes was an avid drawer; he and several of his companions made countless drawings of the ancient Egyptian sites he saw as he ventured up the Nile as far as the Second Cataract and Wadi Hafa.
Philae Obelisk
Image Credit: Tristan Hughes
Bankes sent countless drawings back to Young, who used them to help him in the great deciphering race. But Bankes also brought back to Britain an obelisk, which he had found fallen over at Philae. This obelisk, today visible at Kingston Lacy, had a bilingual inscription. An ancient Greek inscription on the base of the obelisk, with hieroglyphs running up the shaft. It was from this obelisk that Bankes correctly identified the cartouche for the name Cleopatra.
Champollion, using this discovery, the Ptolemy cartouche from the Rosetta Stone and other papyri was able to make the breakthrough. Although we remember Champollion and the Rosetta Stone in the story of how hieroglyphs were deciphered, let us not forget the invaluable information that William Bankes and the Philae Obelisk also provided in this story.
Anunnaki - They forsaken Lilith and Humanity. After the flood, where did they go? | Some Say…
Anunnaki - The Astronaut God or Alien that created us. Sumerian clay tablets revealed | Some Say… PART I
Anunnaki created the first humans: Adam, Lilith, and then Eve as the first breedable, primitive workers to mine gold at their facilities.
After Lilith’s banishment, Enki gave the fruit of wisdom to Lilith so she can solely reproduce and work at the gold mines.
Enlil (the brother of Enki) saw this situation as a threat, as granting humans with wisdom might risk the existence of Annunaki. Later, Enlil decided to summon a catastrophic flood to wipe out humanity completely and abandon the gold mining project.
So where did the Annunaki go after the flood? How did humanity survive the flood?
Anunnaki - They forsaken Lilith and Humanity. After the flood, where did they go? | Some Say… PART II
Anunnaki created the first humans: Adam, Lilith, and then Eve as the first breedable, primitive workers to mine gold at their facilities.
After Lilith’s banishment, Enki gave the fruit of wisdom to Lilith so she can solely reproduce and work at the gold mines. Enlil (the brother of Enki) saw this situation as a threat, as granting humans with wisdom might risk the existence of Annunaki.
Later, Enlil decided to summon a catastrophic flood to wipe out humanity completely and abandon the gold mining project. So where did the Annunaki go after the flood?
How did humanity survive the flood?
Humans are the First Aliens. Here's Why.
Where are all the aliens?! This is the essence to the Fermi Paradox. It's most popular solution is the "Great Filter." What is the obstacle that life and/or intelligent species are unlikely to survive? Let's discuss.
Peter Khoury’s case is the first alien abduction where an alien specimen was found on a human body, revealed in a DNA test. He was born in Lebanon in 1964, and in 1973 migrated to Australia where he met his future wife Vivian in 1981, and the couple married later in 1990. They have 2 children.
Peter’s first encounter with a UFO happened when he was only 7 years old. It was the summer of 1971, and he was playing with seven other children when all of them decided to go to a rooftop. As he came there, an egg-shaped UFO was hovering above other children who were standing like a statue.
Peter Khoury
After some time gap, all the children found themselves on the ground floor with no memory of the incident. The next encounter happened in February 1988, when Peter and Vivian were in Sydney. That time, they saw a strange moving light. But the incident that happened later in July completely changed Peter’s life.
It was around 11 PM, and Peter was staying with his family. That night, his brother Sam invited him to watch a movie in his room. Peter lay in his bedroom, but what happened next was completely frightening. As he was laying on the bed, he felt a paralysis in his whole body and could move only his eyes.
“While…lying on my bed, I felt something grab my ankles. As I felt this, a strange numbness, tingling and churning sensation crawled up through my body and right up to my head. I was paralyzed, I could not move any part of my body but for the exception of my eyes, which I could move, open or close. My brain was functioning but I could not do anything physically. I tried to call out to family members but I could not force the words out. At this stage I started to panic thinking I would not walk again. I thought I was truly paralyzed.”
Peter Khoury and his wife Vivian
As the experience unfolded Peter’s first thought was that this was a form of payback, a punishment for the less than satisfactory life he had led for about six years before he returned to the family fold. He thought, if he survived this, that his community would think, God’s punishing him, God paid him back. What followed — the encounter with the hooded, three- to four-foot-tall creatures with black, wrinkled faces — changed everything.
“The fear was so extreme. I’m gone! I’m dead! It’s real! I was petrified and paralyzed. Irrational fears were crowding in. They were going to kill me. I could be killed. The fear level was extraordinary. I was stressing out, how could I get out of this?
I became aware of some sort of communication, seemingly telepathic, no sound made, and yet I could hear the message in my mind. I was told not to worry and I would not be harmed and to relax. As I moved my eyes and looked to the left side…I made eye contact with two beings who looked so different to the others. These were thin, tall with big black eyes and a narrow chin. They were goldish-yellow in color. Astonishingly the stress was gone immediately. The whole fear thing washed away as quickly as a light switch on. How could I be so calm after such a level of fear? My heartbeat was no longer racing.[A whole different situation was unfolding.]
Peter said he saw three- to four-foot-tall creatures with black, wrinkled faces around him. He communicated with the aliens telepathically. He heard them saying that they would not harm him and even made eye contact with the two of them. Peter even noticed that one alien was male and another female, wearing masks.
One of them inserted a needle into his head, and he blackout. Peter described him as tall and thin with large black eyes in the golden yellow suit. After he got consciousness, he found out the creatures had also drugged his family members. Further, he thought that only 10 minutes had passed but in reality, it was 1 to 2 hours.
After this, Peter was totally petrified and had no clue what to do next. He even had surgical marks on his head which could prove his encounter with aliens. He had not much knowledge about alien abductions and struggled to understand them.
Eventually, he understood about the abduction experiences, jumped into, the world of Ufology, and started a group named the UFO Experience Support Association (UFOESA). He continued helping other victims who claimed to encounter aliens, but his personal experiences did not finish.
On July 23, 1992, he came home after dropping off his wife at the train station. It was around 7 AM, and he was not feeling very well as he had got head injuries during an assault at the job site. So, he decided to go to bed and get some sleep. Peter felt something alighting on the bed. As he got up, he was shocked to see two strange women kneeling near his bed.
He described one had an appearance of Nordic with an elongated face, big blue eyes, and a sharply pointed chin. Another one looked like an Asian. “I got the shock of my life because right on top of me was this female, a blonde female. She was just milky white in color. Her eyes were probably two-three times bigger than human eyes. She had protruding cheekbones and a narrow face that narrowed down to a pointy chin and on the side of the bed on the corner of the bed there was another female an asian looking female and then she the blonde female touches her stomach and points to the sky
Although no normal communication occurred, the Nordic woman seemed to be in charge, and Khoury got the impression she was giving the Asian-looking woman some sort of instruction. She was 6 feet tall and very strong. She tried to copulate with Peter by pulling him towards her chest, but he resisted and even bit her which made him cough. Moments later, he looked up again, but both women had vanished.
Artistic view of two alien women: Nordic and Asian
The coughing stimulated him to go to the bathroom to drink water. After that, he tried urinating and found blonde hair on the genital of that Nordic alien woman. He kept the hair in the plastic bag with a seal. Peter refrained himself telling about it to Vivian for 2 weeks, although she had been very supportive of him for the 1988 abduction.
Prof. John Mack, Peter Khoury, Bill Chalker & Dominique Callimanopulos
In 1996, Harvard psychiatrist John Mack did a hypnotic regression on Peter to understand what had happened to him in 1988. Under hypnosis, Peter said that he was taken to a room full of lights. He was on the table with one creature above him but could not find out more than that.Because of the bizarre and controversial nature of the 1992 episode, Peter was more comfortable describing his 1988 experience.
Because of the 1988 and 1992 experiences, Peter’s case was widely discussed and came into the knowledge of UFO researcher Bill Chalker. He began an investigation into the case and did the world’s first PCR (polymerase Chain Reaction) DNA test on the hair sample.
Bill Chalker
The test result showed that the hair was biologically close to human genetics but came from an unusual human race, probably a rare Chinese Mongoloid type. Could Peter Khoury’s July 1988 alien encounter be an example of the well-established phenomenon known as “sleep paralysis”?
John O’Neill, a member of Australian Skeptics, argued that sleep paralysis could explain the paralysis Peter Khoury experienced, hallucination could explain his experience with extraterrestrials, falling asleep could explain his missing time, and “the puncture wound and scab could be from anything — a pimple, an insect bite or anything else in approximately the right location.” O’Neill accepted that Peter’s experience was genuine, as he himself had had a sleep paralysis episode. But his experience was typically vague, like most sleep paralysis episodes — “the feeling of some other entity being in the room, but [I] did not know and could not see what.” That vague description falls far short of the detailed and ordered description Peter Khoury offers of his experience.
Several aspects of Peter’s encounter actually defy this simplistic categorization. First of all, he was not asleep, nor had he reached the state that precedes sleep, the hypnagogic state, that often yields fleeting imagery of a hallucinatory nature. Furthermore, his experience has an ordered sequence of events that were recollected consciously; they were not vague sensory experiences of fragmented sleep. Then there are the physical marks, namely the injury to his head, where he felt the strange needle being stuck in, along with the biopsy-like mark on his leg, which certainly can’t be accounted for as a classic sleep paralysis episode or as a product of the sleep/awake interface that spawns hypnagogic imagery.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Speed Demon
Back in 2017, scientists observed a spectacular collision of two neutron starsthat blasted a jet of radiation so powerful that NASA says the energy it released was "comparable to that of a supernova," according to a press release by the agency.
But it's taken scientists until now to unpack all the data that was gathered because of its complexity. Among other intriguing findings: stuff appearing to travel faster than light — which, of course, is impossible. But don't worry. There's a perfectly reasonable explanation.
Joint Effort
The event, designated GW170817, is what's known as a binary neutron star merger. Neutron stars are the collapsed cores of once-massive stars and some of the densest objects in the universe. According to NASA, just a single teaspoon of one would weigh four billion tons on Earth.
With that sort of unfathomable density comes great gravity — enough to draw two of these neutron stars together in an explosive collision that launched gravitational waves and gamma radiation into space, making it the first time scientists have detected both from a neutron star merger, NASA says.
The Hubble Space Telescope observed the two neutron stars collapse into a black hole in the aftermath of the explosion. A spinning disk then formed around the black hole, which beamed incredibly fast jets of matter into space. Combining their findings with that of the National Science Foundation, scientists were able to piece together the event with extreme precision — including how fast the jets were moving.
Breaking the Law
Initially, from the Hubble observations, it appeared the jets were traveling at seven times the speed of light. Of course, that's impossible. The scientists attribute this discrepancy to a phenomena known as superliminal motion. Essentially, since the jet approaches our planet at nearly the speed of light, NASA says, the light it emits at later points has a shorter distance to travel each time, making it seem like it's moving faster than it really is.
With some additional calculations, scientists found the real speed: at least 99.97 percent the speed of light — which, to be fair, is still pretty damn fast.
The scientists hope their findings, published in a paper this week in Nature, will allow for even more precise observations of neutron star mergers in the future, which could potentially help calculate the rate of the universe's expansion.
Scientists Mapped 8000 Galaxies (Out Of Billions) & Made An Amazing Discovery
Scientists Mapped 8000 Galaxies (Out Of Billions) & Made An Amazing Discovery
We are beginning to realize how little we know about the universe as we continue to explore it. For example, the number of galaxies in the universe is still unknown, even though the consensus is that there are roughly 200,000 billion galaxies in the known universe.
However, given we’ve only seen a small portion of the universe, this number might grow tremendously. Our Galaxy, the Milky Way, includes at least 400 billion stars, and the number of planets orbiting those stars is unfathomable.
Furthermore, the Milky Way galaxy has a diameter of 105,000 light-years and a diameter of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilometres (approximately 621,371,000,000,000,000 miles). In other words, the Milky Way Galaxy is an extremely large place, and mapping it will take much better technology and more research.
Scientists, on the other hand, haven’t been sitting around doing anything. They’ve already started tracing the Milky Way’s physical plane in the cosmos. They have a much better knowledge of our physical, cosmic address after collecting data from over 8,000 galaxies in the Milky Way’s vicinity.
Astronomers created a map of each Galaxy’s movement and position in space. They discovered that our Milky Way galaxy is part of a massive system that holds thousands of other galaxies together in what is known as a supercluster of Galaxies.
Researchers have revealed that the Milky Way is part of a gigantic cosmic structure named Laniakea, which spans 500 million light-years and has 100,000,000,000,000,000 Stars spread among 100,000 150,000 galaxies. Radio telescopes were utilized to map the movements of a large number of nearby galaxies.
The name laniakea means ‘immense heaven’ in Hawaiian, from lani, meaning ‘heaven,’ and ākea, meaning ‘spacious, immeasurable.’ The Laniakea Supercluster, according to the most recent data, has roughly 100,000 galaxies spread out across 160 megaparsecs (520 million light-years).It is made up of four subparts that were formerly identified as independent superclusters:
The Milky Way is located within the Virgo Supercluster.Supercluster Hydra Centaurus Laniakea core gravitational point, near Norma, is known as the Great Attractor.Hydra Supercluster, also known as Antlia Wall.Centaurus Supercluster is a supercluster in the constellation Centaurus.
Supercluster Pavo-Indus.
The Fornax Cluster (S373), Dorado, and Eridanus clouds are all part of the Southern Supercluster. Astronomers have discovered that Laniakea is not gravitationally bound, meaning that it will disperse rather than remain as an overdensity in comparison to its surroundings. Laniakea, unlike its constituent clusters, is expected to be ripped apart by dark energy, according to astronomers.
Astronomers Think They Have a Warning Sign for When Massive Stars are About to Explode as Supernovae
Astronomers Think They Have a Warning Sign for When Massive Stars are About to Explode as Supernovae
Red supergiant stars are explosions waiting to happen. They are in the last stage of their life, red and swollen as they fuse heavier elements in a last effort to keep from collapsing. But eventually, gravity will win and the red supergiant core will collapse, triggering a supernova. We know it will happen, but until recently, we didn’t know when.
The most famous red supergiant is Betelgeuse, the bright red star in the constellation Orion. It is about 550 light-years away and has a mass of about 18 Suns. It is the closest red supergiant to Earth, and when it eventually does explode it will briefly outshine the Moon. Of course, this has caused all manner of speculation about the star. Will it explode in our lifetime? Has it already exploded, and we’re just waiting for the supernova light to reach us? And all astronomers have been able to say is probably not, but we don’t really know. But a new study could give us an advance warning a few months before Betelgeuse does explode.
There are two general models for red supergiant supernovae. Both predict a red supergiant should dim significantly before exploding, on significantly different time scales. In the superwind model, a stellar wind is triggered by the ever-faster rate of fusion at a star’s end of life. The outer layer of the star is driven off by this wind over several decades, creating a circumstellar layer of cool gas that causes the star to appear very dim. The rapid outburst model, on the other hand, predicts a final period of less than a year, where more than a tenth of a solar mass can be cast off. This would cause the star to dim by a factor of 100 within the last few months of its life.
Betelgeuse cast off a dark cloud layer in 2019, seen in this artist view. Credit: NASA, ESA, and E. Wheatley (STScI)
In this study, the team looked at all the red supergiant supernovae cases where the star was observed before its explosion. Most supernovae are only observed after the explosion, so between 1999 and 2017 there are only a dozen cases of good pre-supernova observations. But in all of those cases, the brightness of the stars remained fairly consistent in the years leading up to the supernovae. This would rule out the superwind model and suggests that a red supergiant should dim significantly before exploding. In the case of Betelguese, we have seen the star dim as it cast off a cloud of gas, but not to the level that indicates an eminent explosion.
Unfortunately, we don’t have enough red supergiant observations to have observed a rapid dimming before the bang, but that could change in the future as more long-term sky surveys come online. And who knows, given how well-studied Betelgeuse is, our red supergiant neighbor might be the first star to give us a supernova red alert.
In another case that caught the public’s attention, a Brazilian farmer had an unsettling experience four years before the Hill Abduction. His case is regarded as the first case of its kind during the post-war era. It has been interpreted as an attempt to establish a human-alien hybrid agenda.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Partially Cloaked UFO Captured On Home CCTV Over Kansas City, Missouri.
This was captured on October 13, 2022 at 8:42pm and the witness stated that he had seen the object on the home security monitor but by the time he had gotten outside the UFO had gone.
Thanks to Anthony B for allowing me the use of his footage and to view the original:
Is this company working with alien technology in Nevada?
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Laughing gas in space could be a sign of aliens: Scientists says nitrous oxide could be a biosignature for life
Laughing gas in space could be a sign of aliens: Scientists says nitrous oxide could be a biosignature for life
By Cassidy Morrison Senior Health Reporter For Dailymail.Com
Nitrous oxide in another planet's atmosphere could indicate the presence of life
Scientists typically look at oxygen and methane to determine presence of life
It is possible that the groundbreaking James Webb Telescope could detect N2O
Astrobiologists believe the presence of laughing gas in a distant planet's atmosphere could indicate life.
Nitrous oxide is a greenhouse gas emitted by plants, making it a biosignature, or a compound in the atmosphere generated by a living thing.
Biosignatures typically include gases found in abundance in Earth’s atmosphere today.
Oxygen, which is produced by photosynthesis, and methane, which results from the decay of organic material, have been touted as the most promising biosignatures for life on exoplanets, or planets outside the Solar System.
But astrobiologists at the University of California, Riverside (UCR) believe the scientific community has largely overlooked the party drug as an indicator of life.
Dr Eddie Schwieterman, an astrobiologist in UCR’s Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences said: 'Fewer researchers have seriously considered nitrous oxide, but we think that may be a mistake.'
Nitrous oxide is a sedative and pain reliever commonly associated with a dentist's office.
It is also abused as a party drug - often via small cannisters called 'whippets'. It is also known as laughing gas, or simply nitrous.
The team led by Dr Schwieterman came to their conclusion after calculating how much nitrous oxide living things on a planet resembling Earth could produce.
Then, they constructed models simulating the other planet around different stars, which showed the amounts of laughing gas that could be detected on these rocky, Earth-like exoplanets by an observatory such as the James Webb Space Telescope.
Their findings were published last week in The Astrophysical Journal.
University of California Riverside scientists believe nitrous oxide in the atmosphere could offer clues about life on planets outside of the solar system.
Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is a popular party drug. N2O is emitted by living organisms like oxygen and methane, which are considered indicative of extraterrestrial life.
The Webb telescope, which will continue studying the potential presence of life on exoplanets, is capturing some of the first light emitted after the big bang.
Living things are constantly transforming other nitrogen compounds into nitrous oxide and its presence in another planet's atmosphere would insinuate life.
'In a star system like TRAPPIST-1, the nearest and best system to observe the atmosphere of rocky planets, you could potentially detect nitrous oxide at levels comparable to CO2 or methane,' Dr Schwieterman said.
Nitrous oxide has not been granted as much attention as a potential biosignature as other atmospheric compounds.
The UC Riverside scientists hope their report will garner attention from the wider scientific community.
There are certain circumstances under which the presence of nitrous oxide would not indicate life, and the UC Riverside team accounted for that in the modeling.
What can laughing gas tell us about space?
Astrobiologists at UC Riverside believe the compound found in Earth's atmosphere could indicate life on planets outside of our solar system.
Nitrous oxide, N2O, is a common sedative and pain reliever sometimes used in party settings
Like other biosignatures (any characteristic that can be used as evidence for life) oxygen and methane, N2O is naturally derived
Scientists at UC Riverside hope their report out last week will bring more attention to N2O has a viable sign of life
They expect that the James Webb Telescope, the most powerful one ever built, will expand their study into N2O as an indicator for life outside our solar system
For example, a small amount of nitrous oxide can be generated by lightning, which the modelers considered.
Lightning also creates nitrogen dioxide, which offers a clue that non-living weather or geological processes created the gas.
Scientists who have considered nitrous oxide as a biosignature have often concluded that it would be too difficult to detect from such a great distance.
They based that conclusion on how much nitrous oxide is in the Earth's atmosphere today.
The atmosphere has a very small concentration of nitrous oxide despite the billions of living organisms here that produce it, leading skeptical scientists to believe it would be too difficult to measure.
But according to Dr Schwieterman, that conclusion ignores the fact that there was a time in Earth's history 'where ocean conditions would have allowed for much greater biological release of [nitrous oxide].'
He added: 'Conditions in those periods might mirror where an exoplanet is today.'
The James Webb Telescope, the most powerful one ever built, began surveilling planets that orbit other stars over the summer.
It was dreamed up by scientists as a tool primarily to capture some of the first light in the universe emitted shortly after the big bang.
Astronomers hoped at the outset that it would answer whether some of those exoplanets harbor atmospheres that could support life.
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Op jacht naar sporen van leven in buitenaardse atmosferen ligt de focus vaak op ons bekende biosignaturen zoals zuurstof en methaan. Maar ook lachgas kan wijzen op de aanwezigheid van buitenaards leven, zo stellen onderzoekers nu.
Zijn we alleen? Het is een vraag die de mensheid al eeuwenlang bezighoudt. En eindelijk hebben we de middelen om die prangende vraag van een antwoord te voorzien. Zo rijdt op Mars momenteel een wagentje rond dat actief zoekt naar sporen van (vergane) Marsbewoners en zijn er plannen om ook een sonde naar Jupiters maan Europa te sturen om uit te vogelen of die leven kan herbergen. Een robot naar andere werelden sturen om daar te zoeken naar sporen van leven, is een prima benadering voor relatief nabije werelden die deel uitmaken van ons eigen zonnestelsel, maar leent zich minder goed voor de zoektocht naar buitenaards leven op exoplaneten: planeten die zich buiten ons zonnestelsel bevinden. Simpelweg omdat zelfs de reis naar de dichtstbijzijnde exoplaneet – Proxima b – decennialang zou duren. Maar onderzoekers hebben daar wat op bedacht. In plaats van die verre werelden met een bezoekje te vereren en ter plekke naar sporen van leven te zoeken, willen ze hun atmosferen op afstand gaan ‘uitlezen’. Het enige wat je daarvoor nodig hebt, is een superkrachtige telescoop. En die hebben we sinds kort: de James Webb Space Telescope. Met deze telescoop kunnen onderzoekers de samenstelling van buitenaardse atmosferen vaststellen en nagaan of die atmosferen elementen herbergen die hinten op de aanwezigheid van leven. Dergelijke elementen worden ook wel biosignaturen genoemd. Bekende voorbeelden zijn zuurstof en methaan (zie kader). Maar als het aan onderzoekers ligt, gaan we verder kijken dan die twee populaire opties en opent James Webb ook de jacht op…lachgas, oftewel N2O.
De atmosfeer van de aarde is vandaag de dag rijk aan zuurstof. Maar dat is niet altijd zo geweest; toen de aarde net gevormd was, herbergde deze noch in de atmosfeer, noch in de oceanen zuurstof. Dat begon zo’n 2,4 miljard jaar geleden echter te veranderen, toen bacteriën middels fotosynthese meer en meer zuurstof gingen produceren. De hogere zuurstofconcentraties maakten de evolutie van hogere levensvormen mogelijk, waarvan een deel ook weer zuurstof ging produceren en zo steeg de zuurstofconcentratie geleidelijk aan naar het huidige niveau. Daarmee is de hoge zuurstofconcentratie in de aardatmosfeer dus een direct gevolg van de aanwezigheid van leven. Maar de aanwezigheid van zuurstof maakt ook de aanwezigheid van methaan in diezelfde aardatmosfeer wat raadselachtig. Want zuurstof en methaan reageren vrij snel met elkaar, waardoor er koolstofdioxide en water ontstaat. In die zin zou je – zeker met het oog op de hoge zuurstofconcentratie – dan ook eigenlijk niet verwachten dat de aardatmosfeer vrij methaan herbergt. Het feit dat dat wel het geval is, hint er dan ook op dat er voortdurend nieuw methaan wordt aangemaakt. Nu kan methaan op twee manieren gevormd worden: door geologische processen en door leven. En juist het feit dat het samen met zuurstof in de aardatmosfeer voorkomt, hint op het laatste. Wanneer buitenaardse wezens van een afstandje naar onze planeet kijken, zouden ze uit de aanwezigheid van zuurstof en methaan in de aardatmosfeer dan ook voorzichtig kunnen afleiden dat onze planeet hoogstwaarschijnlijk leven herbergt. En op een vergelijkbare manier kunnen wij door de atmosfeer van andere planeten te onderzoeken, nagaan of die misschien leven herbergen.
“Er wordt veel nagedacht over zuurstof en methaan als biosignaturen,” stelt onderzoeker Eddie Schwieterman. “Veel minder onderzoekers hebben ook distikstofmonoxide (in de volksmond beter bekend als lachgas, red.) serieus als biosignatuur overwogen. En wij denken dat dat onterecht is.”
Lachgas is hier schaars Dat lachgas tot op heden als biosignatuur een beetje is afgeserveerd, komt doordat de atmosfeer van de aarde – de enige planeet waarvan we met zekerheid kunnen stellen dat deze leven herbergt – niet rijk is aan distikstofmonoxide. Maar, zo stellen Schwieterman en collega’s, dat kan in het verleden weleens anders zijn geweest. “De mate waarin N2O in onze atmosfeer voorkomt, wordt gedicteerd door de omvang van bronnen van lachgas en de snelheid waarmee dat lachgas – voornamelijk door UV-straling – wordt afgebroken,” legt Schwieterman aan uit. “De (niet-industriële) productie van lachgas op aarde komt voor het grootste deel voor rekening van levensvormen. Organismen kunnen bepaalde vormen van stikstof omzetten in lachgas om zo cellulaire energie te verkrijgen. De stikstofcyclus kent echter nog een volgende en laatste stap, waarbij dat lachgas omgezet wordt in moleculair stikstof (N2), maar die stap is relatief lastig en vereist de aanwezigheid van een speciaal enzym dat nitrous oxide reductase wordt genoemd. De effectiviteit van dit enzym hangt af van omgevingsfactoren en dan met name van de aanwezigheid van koper, dat het enzym nodig heeft. Op de hedendaagse aarde is de stikstofcyclus vrij efficiënt en wordt het meeste biologische lachgas uiteindelijk omgezet in N2, hoewel ook wel een deel van het lachgas in de atmosfeer weglekt.” Maar in het verleden kan dat weleens heel anders zijn geweest. “In het Proterozoïcum, tussen 2,5 en 0,5 miljard jaar geleden, kunnen grote hoeveelheden zwavel en lage hoeveelheden zuurstof in de oceaan de hoeveelheid koper sterk beperkt hebben, waardoor er veel grotere hoeveelheden lachgas in de atmosfeer weglekten. Nu kunnen we ons voorstellen dat vergelijkbare omstandigheden vandaag de dag voorkomen op een exoplaneet of in een stikstofcyclus die nog niet zodanig geëvolueerd is dat het enzym dat nodig is voor die laatste stap (N2O naar N2) voorhanden is.”
Methaan en lachgas
We moeten lachgas – ondanks dat het hier in de aardatmosfeer relatief schaars is – dus niet te snel uitsluiten als biosignatuur, zo vinden Schwieterman en collega’s. Temeer, omdat lachgas met onze huidige gereedschappen een stukje gemakkelijker in buitenaardse atmosferen op te sporen is dan zuurstof. “James Webb is bijvoorbeeld niet gevoelig genoeg om de zuurstofconcentraties zoals we die vandaag de dag in de aardatmosfeer aantreffen in buitenaardse atmosferen te meten. Maar de telescoop zou bijvoorbeeld in de atmosfeer van rotsachtige planeten in het TRAPPIST-1-systeem wel methaan kunnen detecteren. En onze resultaten suggereren dat James Webb ook eventueel lachgas zou kunnen zien. De detectie van zowel methaan als lachgas in de atmosfeer van zo’n planeet zou net zo’n overtuigend biosignatuur zijn als de detectie van methaan en zuurstof.”
Of beter nog: methaan, lachgas en zuurstof Maar ook in de toekomst, als er nog krachtigere observatoria komen, waarmee ook aardachtige zuurstofconcentraties kunnen worden opgespoord, is het belangrijk om verder te kijken dan zuurstof en methaan alleen, zo benadrukt Schwieterman. “Hoe meer potentiële biosignaturen we kunnen detecteren, hoe zekerder we er in onze uiteindelijke beoordeling van de leefbaarheid van de planeet ook van kunnen zijn dat deze daadwerkelijk leven herbergt. Als we in de toekomst zowel zuurstof, methaan als lachgas in een atmosfeer aantreffen, zouden we daarmee al behoorlijk wat twijfels die er omtrent de aanwezigheid van leven op die planeet zouden kunnen zijn, kunnen wegnemen.”
Abiotisch of biotisch? Daarnaast moeten we ook niet vergeten dat methaan en zuurstof – zeker als de één zonder de ander in een atmosfeer voorkomt – als biosignaturen ook de nodige tekortkomingen kennen. Zo zijn er scenario’s denkbaar waarbij ze ook in de afwezigheid van leven in een atmosfeer op kunnen hopen. “Zo weten we bijvoorbeeld dat methaan op gasreuzen zoals Jupiter en Saturnus voorkomt en veel wetenschappers hebben al scenario’s geschetst waarin abiotisch zuurstof (oftewel zuurstof dat niet door leven is voortgebracht, red.) zich in de atmosfeer van exoplaneten – weliswaar in de afwezigheid van methaan – kan verzamelen. Daarnaast zijn er ook in de Marsatmosfeer kleine hoeveelheden abiotisch zuurstof en ozon te vinden.” Kortom: zuurstof en methaan zijn in ieder geval op zichzelf geen keihard bewijs dat een planeet leven herbergt. Lachgas is wat dat betreft wat overtuigender. “Hoewel er kleine abiotische bronnen van lachgas bekend zijn, zoals bijvoorbeeld bliksem, kennen we nog geen abiotische processen die zodanig veel lachgas zouden kunnen voortbrengen dat sprake is van een concentratie die we in een planetaire atmosfeer zouden kunnen detecteren.”
Na jaren naar de komst van James Webb te hebben uitgezien, is de telescoop sinds enkele maanden daadwerkelijk actief. En het is dan ook een kwestie van tijd voor deze de ogen richt op buitenaardse atmosferen en daadwerkelijk op zoek zal gaan naar biosignaturen, zoals methaan en – na dit onderzoek – misschien ook wel lachgas. Het lijkt daarbij echter niet aannemelijk dat we op basis van de door de telescoop verzamelde data ook echt kunnen concluderen dat een planeet leven herbergt, zo benadrukt Schwieterman. “In het best denkbare scenario zouden we een sterke aanwijzing kunnen vinden dat er leven op een planeet is.” Maar ook dat zou al een gamechanger zijn. Goede kandidaten in die zoektocht naar sterke aanwijzingen voor leven zijn er genoeg, maar voor Schwieterman springen er toch een paar uit. “Er zijn twee veelbelovende systemen die rotsachtige planeten herbergen en door James Webb gekarakteriseerd zullen worden: TRAPPIST-1 en SPECULOOS-2. De moedersterren zijn in beide gevallen kleine, lichtzwakke, rode dwergsterren waarvan we weten dat ze zeer actief zijn. Het is mogelijk dat ze met hun activiteit de atmosferen van hun planeten hebben doen eroderen. Maar als dat niet zo is, zijn er wel enkele werelden in deze systemen – zoals TRAPPIST-1e – die zich op de juiste afstand van de moederster bevinden om op hun oppervlak vloeibaar water en misschien wel leven te herbergen. Als die planeten een robuuste biosfeer hebben, zou James Webb gassen als methaan en lachgas in grote hoeveelheden kunnen aantreffen. Het zijn een hoop ‘als-en’, maar we mogen blijven hopen dat we geluk hebben.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Jeannette Kras
In een melkwegstelsel hier ver vandaan, vermorzelde een zwart gat een paar jaar geleden een kleine ster, die te dicht in de buurt durfde te komen. Nog steeds is hij niet uitgegeten, of beter gezegd uitgeboerd: jaren na dato komt er nog materiaal uit het gat omhoog.
Het gebeurde in oktober 2018 in een sterrenstelsel op 665 miljoen lichtjaar van de aarde. En sterrenkundigen waren niet eens verbaasd. Het komt vaker voor. Maar wat hen wel erg verraste is dat het zwarte gat opnieuw de hemel verlichtte, terwijl het geen nieuwe ster heeft opgeslokt. “We waren compleet verbaasd. Niemand heeft ooit zoiets gezien”, vertelt Yvette Cendes, die aan Harvard werkt en het fenomeen onderzocht.
Slome eter Het zwarte gat spuwt nu materiaal uit dat met de helft van de lichtsnelheid voortbeweegt, maar Cendes en haar team begrijpen niet waarom dit gebeurt met een vertraging van jaren. De sterrenkundigen vergelijken het ‘eetgedrag’ van het zwarte gat met wel erg late ‘boertjes na een maaltijd’. Het team ontdekte de ongebruikelijke uitbarsting toen het een aantal zogenoemde getijdenverstoringen (TDE’s), waarbij een ster zo dicht bij een zwart gat komt dat hij uit elkaar wordt getrokken tot een spaghettisliert, van de afgelopen jaren opnieuw onderzocht.
Radiodata van de Very Large Array (VLA) in de Amerikaanse staat Nieuw-Mexico toonden aan dat het zwarte gat op mysterieuze wijze gereanimeerd werd in juni 2021. Cendes en haar team haastten zich om dit fenomeen nader te onderzoeken. Ze vroegen met spoed toestemming om meerdere telescopen te gebruiken. “Dat kan alleen als je iets zo onverwachts vindt dat je niet kunt wachten op de normale cyclus van telescoopaanvragen”, legt Cendes uit. “Alle verzoeken werden meteen ingewilligd.”
Lange radiostilte De TDE kreeg de naam AT2018hyz en werd op meerdere lichtgolflengtes bestudeerd door gebruik van telescopen uit de hele wereld. De radiodata van de VLA waren het meest opmerkelijk. “We bestuderen TDE’s al meer dan een decennium met radiotelescopen en soms zien we dat ze radiogolven uitzenden als ze materiaal uitspuwen nadat de ster is opgegeten door het zwarte gat”, zegt coauteur Edo Berger, astronomieprofessor aan Harvard. “Maar in AT2018hyz was er de eerste drie jaar juist een complete radiostilte en nu licht hij zo hard op dat hij een van de meest lichtgevende TDE’s ooit is.”
Sebastian Gomez, die ook meewerkte aan het onderzoek, laat weten dat de TDE in 2018 nog ‘erg onopvallend’ was. “We monitorde hem enkele maanden tot hij uitdoofde en toen zijn we hem vergeten.” Hoe konden ze ook weten wat AT2018hyz nog voor hen in petto zou hebben?
Spaghetti TDE’s staan erom bekend dat ze licht uitzenden als ze verschijnen. Als een ster een zwart gat nadert, wordt hij door de zwaartekrachten uitgerekt tot een spaghettisliert. Uiteindelijk kromt het materiaal als een spiraal in het zwarte gat en wordt het heet. Er ontstaat een grote flits die sterrenkundigen van miljoenen lichtjaren afstand kunnen zien. Maar niet al het materiaal wordt ‘opgepeuzeld’ door het zwarte gat. Sommige stukjes spuugt het weer de ruimte in. Die zwarte gaten zijn een beetje smerige eters. Niet alles wat ze consumeren, belandt in hun mond. Maar normaal gesproken spuugt een zwart gat materiaal uit vlak na zijn maaltijd, niet jaren later. “Het is alsof dit zwarte gat plotseling een hoop materiaal begon op te boeren, jaren nadat hij de ster opat”, legt Cendes uit.
En in dit geval waren het harde boeren: normaal gesproken reist materiaal uit een zwart gat op 10 procent van de lichtsnelheid, nu was dat 50 procent. “Dit is voor het eerst dat we getuige zijn van zo’n lange pauze tussen het opslokken van de ster en de uitstoot van materiaal”, zegt Berger. “De volgende stap is om te achterhalen of dit vaker gebeurt en we gewoon eerder hebben gekeken naar TDE’s zo laat in hun evolutie.” Het kan dus zijn dat het vaker voorkomt dat een zwart gat jaren later nog materiaal uitstoot, maar dat wetenschappers simpelweg te vroeg zijn gestopt met observeren.
US Air Force Scientist: “Giant 250 meters alien ships enter our world through the portal”
US Air Force Scientist: “Giant 250 meters alien ships enter our world through the portal”
A world-renowned scientist and former engineer of the United States Air Force and Boeing Company, using a telescope, photographed a UFO with a diameter of 250 meters flying at a speed of 48,000 km / h.
But this is just one of the huge UFOs, of which many more have been recorded. According to Frederick Portigal, this is absolute proof that the aliens are already here.
This data has been confirmed as authentic by the US National Air and Space Intelligence Agency (NASIC).
Frederick Portigal, a former US Air Force and Boeing engineer, captured UFO images and data with a hyper-spectral imaging telescope. According to him, he captured very large objects moving at great speed.
Hyperspectral remote sensing, also known as imaging spectroscopy, is a technique being researched by scientists to detect and identify minerals, terrestrial plants, and man-made materials and landscapes.
The technique will be used on the James Webb Space Telescope, which is slated to launch in December, and will provide a peek into the depths of the universe.
Frederic Portigal is a leading world scientist with extensive experience in this technique.
Frederick was responsible for the process flow design for the Fourier Transform Hyperspectral Imager (FTHSI), the first hyperspectral sensor launched into orbit by the US Air Force Research Laboratory / RVBYI. He created a mathematical model to simulate space observations to be conducted using Landsat 7 data.
Portigal led a USDA-sponsored study evaluating hyperspectral imaging for the detection of Pierce’s disease (PD) in California grapes.
Frederic Portugal has previously worked for organizations such as the Air Force Research Laboratory, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, and the National Science Foundation.
Portigal has a message for our world – giant alien ships are entering the Earth through the portal.
According to former Boeing chief engineer, aliens are using wormhole penetration technology to move these plasma-like UFOs near the Earth’s surface at a speed of 48,000 kilometers per hour.
Portigal telescopic footage captured the astonishing appearances of plasma-like objects flying at inconceivable speeds in the vicinity of the Petroglyph National Monument near Albuquerque, New Mexico. His telescope was on Sandia Heights with a field of view of about 15 miles.
Shortly after DNI presented a report to Congress on unidentified aerial events, Portigal wrote on LinkedIn expressing his disappointment at the lack of clarity in the government’s efforts.
“I decided that the recent Congress report on UFOs lacked detail on the extraterrestrial category, given that I provided NASIC and DIA. I have to go directly to the people. They need to know.
“They have all this data, which proves that giant motherships are infiltrating into our world, with smaller ships on board and that leave the motherships and stay here, and the motherships leave and return with new cargo. This has been happening since at least 2008, when we first recorded their appearance.
“The military and the government have all the information and they themselves are now watching the ongoing expansion of aliens on Earth. Why do they transport their ships to us in such quantities? Why is the government silent about this? ”
According to Portigal, the Department of Defense has created a special hyperspectral telescope, which they call “binoculars for hunting aliens”.
The technology is based on Frederick’s personal telescope and was refined with $ 750,000 from the Air Force Research Laboratory.
The video recording begins with a concentration on the white sphere – such luminous balls are very often observed by many eyewitnesses of the appearance of UFOs in our sky, but they do not see what is hidden behind this plasma screen.
Simply put, intense energy gathered in one visible location looks like a highly illuminated ball to the naked eye. Once Frederick’s sensor is able to analyze the plasma and estimate the volume of gases, it can build a picture of the object hidden behind the plasma envelope, showing the true outlines of the pyramids and various other shapes of UFOs that were dropped by the large mother ship.
Frederick’s technical report accompanying the video can be viewed here. According to Frederick, this is absolute proof that the aliens are already here.
“You have to understand what this is about – I have developed a technology with which you can see alien ships. I developed this technology officially and the military, with the support of the government, invested in it and improved it to make binoculars for detecting alien ships for themselves.
“I first discovered these mother ships entering our world through wormholes (portals) and dropping their cargo – smaller ships, back in 2008. Why people are not told that alien ships invisible to ordinary people penetrate into our world. What is their purpose? What are they doing? What are they preparing for?
“Perhaps this is evidence of extraterrestrial mining on our planet, but who knows what is in the cargo that materializes and travels through the wormholes after the mother ship departs?
“This is not one ship. These are giant alien ships hidden from our eyes with the help of their camouflage technology, which one after another materialize in our sky and drop other ships.
“The United States has officially recognized the existence of a UFO in our sky. This is good, but they said “A” did not say “B” – they left a shadow of doubt by saying that they did not know whose apparatus it was and the Pentagon did not use the term “extraterrestrial”.
“And this while, since 2008, they have been watching giant alien ships entering our world every day!”
Portigal added another note about extraterrestrial craft:
" They travel through wormholes, and another possibility is a portal between parallel universes.”
The information was disseminated to the media by Frederic Portugal on October 29, 2021.
A rare 'missing link' black hole has been found in the Milky Way's closest large galactic neighbour, a new study reveals.
Astronomers say the black hole has an 'intermediate-mass', and is the rare third type of black hole that has only recently come to light.
Described as 'unlike any other', the black hole was found in a star cluster called B023-G078 in the Andromeda galaxy.
Otherwise known as Messier 31 or M31, Andromeda is the closest large spiral galaxy to our galaxy, the Milky Way.
This newly-found black hole has a mass 100,000 times greater than our Sun, making it smaller than black holes found at the centre of galaxies (supermassive black holes), but bigger than black holes born when stars explode (stellar black holes).
One theory is that intermediate-mass black holes could be the seeds from which supermassive black holes grow.
The black hole was found hidden within B023-G078, an enormous star cluster in Andromeda with a solar mass of 6.2 million. The left panel shows a wide-field image of M31 with the red box and inset showing the location and image of B023-G78 where the black hole was found
Andromeda is the nearest major galaxy to our own Milky Way galaxy. The diffuse light from Andromeda is caused by the hundreds of billions of stars that compose it. The several distinct stars that surround Andromeda's image are actually stars in our Galaxy that are well in front of the background object
The three types of black hole
Stellar: Five to several tens of solar masses
Intermediate-mass: 100 to 100,000 solar masses
Supermassive: Millions to billions of solar masses
The new study, published in The Astrophysical Journal, was based on data from the near-infrared integral-field spectrograph (NIFS) at the Gemini North telescope in Hawaii.
Astronomers measure the mass of a black hole by tracing the motion of the gas and dust swirling around it.
This can be done at many wavelengths, such as by measuring the positions of stars which orbit near a black hole at optical wavelengths.
Study author Anil Seth, an associate professor of astronomy at the University of Utah, said the finding fills a gap between the very large and the very small black holes known to exist.
'We have very good detections of the biggest, stellar-mass black holes up to 100 times the size of our sun and supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies that are millions of times the size of our sun,' he said.
'But there aren't any measurements of black between these – that's a large gap. This discovery fills the gap.'
The study was based on data from the near-infrared integral-field spectrograph (NIFS, pictured) at the Gemini North telescope in Hawaii
On the right side of this image shows the Gemini Observatorium on the top of the vulcano Mauna Kea. In the background is the Canada France Hawaii Telescope
As the name suggests, star clusters are groups of hundreds to millions of stars that share a common origin, all gravitationally bound for as long as several billions of years.
There are two types of star clusters – open and globular. Globular clusters are dense balls of about one million ancient stars, all bound by gravity. Open clusters are much younger and smaller than globular clusters.
According to experts at Penn State University, open clusters are usually a few tens of millions or hundreds of millions of years old, while globular clusters are typically about 12 billion to 13 billion years old.
The black hole was found hidden within B023-G078, an enormous star cluster in Andromeda with a solar mass of 6.2 million.
Long thought to be a globular star cluster, the researchers argue that B023-G078 is instead a stripped nucleus - a remnant of a small galaxy that fell into a bigger one and had its outer stars stripped away by gravitational forces.
What's left behind is a tiny, dense nucleus orbiting the bigger galaxy and at the centre of that nucleus, a black hole.
'Previously, we've found big black holes within massive, stripped nuclei that are much bigger than B023-G078,' said lead author Renuka Pechetti at Liverpool John Moores University.
'We knew that there must be smaller black holes in lower mass stripped nuclei, but there's never been direct evidence.
'I think this is a pretty clear case that we have finally found one of these objects.'
A globular cluster has a signature light profile that has the same shape near the centre as it does in the outer regions.
But B023-G078 is different – the light at the centre is round and then gets flatter moving outwards.
The chemical makeup of the stars changes too, with more heavy elements in the stars at the centre than those near the object's edge.
'Globular star clusters basically form at the same time,' said Professor Seth.
'In contrast, these stripped nuclei can have repeated formation episodes, where gas falls into the center of the galaxy, and forms stars.
'And other star clusters can get dragged into the centre by the gravitational forces of the galaxy.
'It's kind of the dumping ground for a bunch of different stuff. So, stars in stripped nuclei will be more complicated than in globular clusters. And that's what we saw in B023-G078.'
The researchers are hoping to observe more stripped nuclei that may hold more intermediate mass black holes.
In September 2020, researchers in Australia working as part of an international collaboration studying gravitational waves reported the first direct observation of an intermediate-mass black hole.
Around 150 times heavier than our Sun, it was birthed from the merger of two smaller (yet still very large) black holes 17 billion light years away.
Black holes are so dense and their gravitational pull is so strong that no form of radiation can escape them - not even light.
They act as intense sources of gravity which hoover up dust and gas around them. Their intense gravitational pull is thought to be what stars in galaxies orbit around.
How they are formed is still poorly understood. Astronomers believe they may form when a large cloud of gas up to 100,000 times bigger than the sun, collapses into a black hole.
Many of these black hole seeds then merge to form much larger supermassive black holes, which are found at the centre of every known massive galaxy.
Alternatively, a supermassive black hole seed could come from a giant star, about 100 times the sun's mass, that ultimately forms into a black hole after it runs out of fuel and collapses.
When these giant stars die, they also go 'supernova', a huge explosion that expels the matter from the outer layers of the star into deep space.
BREAKING: Astronomers Just Discovered A Black Hole Unlike Any Other
BREAKING: Astronomers Just Discovered A Black Hole Unlike Any Other
Astronomers discovered a black hole concealed inside a huge star cluster, B023-G078, in the Andromeda galaxy, our nearest neighboring galaxy.
With a mass of one hundred thousand solar masses, this black hole is smaller than any other black hole yet larger than those developed when stars explode.This makes the black hole the only verified black hole with an intermediate-mass.
B023-G078 was regarded as a massive star cluster. However, experts contend that the nucleus is empty. The nucleus of stripped galaxies is the relics of smaller galaxies that collided with larger ones and had their surrounding stars stripped away by gravitational forces.
Senior author Anil Seth, associate professor of astronomy at the University of Utah and co-author of the study, said, “We have very good detections of the biggest, stellar-mass black holes up to 100 times the size of our sun, and supermassive black holes at the centres of galaxies that are millions of times the size of our sun, but there aren’t any measurements of black between these. That’s a large gap. This discovery fills the gap.”
Lead author Renuka Pechetti of Liverpool John Moores University, who started the research while at the U, said, “Previously, we’ve found big black holes within massive, stripped nuclei that are much bigger than B023-G078. We knew that there must be smaller black holes in lower mass stripped nuclei, but there’s never been direct evidence. I think this is a pretty clear case that we have finally found one of these objects.”
Seth said, “I knew that the B023-G078 object was one of the most massive objects in Andromeda and thought it could be a candidate for a stripped nucleus. But we needed data to prove it. We’d been applying to various telescopes to get more observations for many years, and my proposals always failed. When we discovered a supermassive black hole within a stripped nucleus in 2014, the Gemini Observatory gave us the chance to explore the idea.”
The researchers acquired data from the Gemini Observatory and photos from the Hubble Space Telescope for their investigation. Using the data, they modeled the light profile of B023-G078 to determine its mass distribution.
Near the core of a globular cluster, the characteristic light profile has the same form as the outside areas. B023-G078 is different. The light in the center is spherical and becomes flattered as it moves outward. The chemical composition of the stars also varies, with the central stars containing more heavy elements than those towards the object's periphery.
Seth said, “Globular star clusters form at the same time. In contrast, these stripped nuclei can have repeated formation episodes, where gas falls into the centre of the galaxy and forms stars. And other star clusters can get dragged into the centre by the galaxy’s gravitational forces. It’s kind of the dumping ground for a bunch of different stuff. So, stars in stripped nuclei will be more complicated than globular clusters. And that’s what we saw in B023-G078.”
Using the object's mass distribution, the scientists projected the speed at which stars inside the cluster should be travelling at any given position. They then matched it to their own data. They discovered that the fastest-moving stars orbited the center.
When scientists constructed a model without a black hole, the central stars moved too slowly relative to their observations. When the black hole was introduced, the speeds matched the data. The black hole adds to the evidence that this item is a nucleus that has been stripped.
Pechetti said, “The stellar velocities we are getting gives us direct evidence that there’s some dark mass right at the centre. It’s tough for globular clusters to form big black holes. But if it’s in a stripped nucleus, then there must already be a black hole present, left as a remnant from the smaller galaxy that fell into, the bigger one.”
Seth said, “We know big galaxies generally form from the merging of smaller galaxies, but these stripped nuclei allow us to decipher the details of those past interactions.”
If we Detect This gas on Other Planets, it’s a Good Sign There’s Life There
If we Detect This gas on Other Planets, it’s a Good Sign There’s Life There
Here is an idea that likely never crossed the mind of most space enthusiasts – a gas emitted from broccoli (and other plants) is one of the most indicative signs of the existence of life on a planet. At least according to a new study from researchers at the University of California Riverside.
That gas, methyl bromide, has long been associated with life on Earth. It occurs naturally from the process of plants defending themselves. Methylation, as the defense process is known, allows plants to expel foreign contaminants, such as bromide, by attaching a series of carbon and hydrogen atoms to it, thereby gasifying it and allowing it to escape into the air.
Methyl bromide, in particular, is interesting from an astrobiological perspective. It was used as a pesticide until the early 2000s and has several important advantages over other potential biosignatures if it shows up in an exoplanet’s atmosphere.
First, it has a relatively short lifespan in a planet’s atmosphere. This is particularly important for exoplanet searches, as it means whatever process produces the gas is most likely still active. Its presence isn’t simply a result of a geological event that happened eons ago.
A second advantage is one that all astrobiologists love to see – there are very few non-biological processes that produce the gas, and even those processes aren’t typically natural. Despite now being considered a hazardous chemical, methyl bromide was produced in large quantities for use as a pesticide before being regulated due to its deleterious health effects.
A third advantage is the spectroscopic wavelength it shares with a “cousin” gas that is also a biosignature – methyl chloride, which also results from the methylation process. Their combined signature would make them much easier to detect from far away, and both are indicative of the existence of a biological process, though being able to distinguish between methyl chloride and methyl bromide, as methyl chloride has already been seen around some stars, which was likely caused by an inorganic process.
UT interview discussing exoplanet atmospheres
Not quite an advantage, but an interesting quirk about the ability to detect methyl bromide, is that it would be relatively difficult to detect in Earth’s atmosphere from far away. Its concentration levels are high enough, but the UV light from the Sun causes water molecules in the atmosphere to split into compounds that eliminate methyl bromide, so it does not exist for very long in Earth’s atmosphere.
UV light is only a problem for Sun-like stars, though. Around stars like M-dwarfs, which are ten times more common in the galaxy than sun-like stars, there would be less UV radiation that would potentially break up the methyl-bromide molecule. Since those M-dwarfs will be some of the first places astrobiologists look, they might be a chance to see a build-up of methyl bromide in their atmospheres.
Any such discovery might have to wait a little while, though. Even the JWST isn’t set up to detect trace elements in an exoplanet’s atmosphere. However, in the next few years, some ground-based telescopes will be up to the task. Hopeful astrobiologists will have to wait until after those come online before they can truly look for this highly interesting biosignature.
Huge DART Success, JWST Sees Weird Rings, Moon’s True Origin
Huge DART Success, JWST Sees Weird Rings, Moon’s True Origin
DART’s results are in and they exceed all expectations. The Moon might just be a big chunk of the Earth that formed in just hours. Webb sees bizarre rings around a star, and SLS gets a new launch date… at night.
As always, if you prefer a video version of space news to accompany your morning coffee or other activities, here’s the latest episode of Space Bites. Delicious space news nuggets.
DART Exceeds NASA’s Expectations
When NASA directed its DART mission to slam into Asteroid Dimorphos, it hoped to shorten its orbital period around Asteroid Didymos. Seventy-three seconds was the bare minimum; 10 minutes would have been excellent. But when they ran the numbers, it looked like DART shortened the asteroid’s orbital time by 32 minutes. Before the impact, Dimorphos took 11 hours and 55 minutes to orbit; now, it’s 11 hours and 23 minutes. This provides a baseline that astronomers can use to calculate how difficult it’ll be to prevent a dangerous asteroid from hitting Earth.
Where did the Moon come from? The evidence is leaning towards the theory that a Mars-sized object crashed into the Earth billions of years ago, and the rubble collected together into the Moon. This goes partway to explaining the Moon, but there are a few outstanding mysteries, like how to explain the Moon’s orbit, which doesn’t orbit around the Earth’s equator. A new theory suggests that a single large asteroid strike blasted two huge chunks of the Earth into space. One crashed back down, but it gave a boost to the other chunk, leaving it in orbit to become the Moon.
Take a look at this picture of a star system taken by JWST. There appears to be some chromatic aberration or lens flare, but these concentric rings are really there. They are formed by a binary star system where their gravitational interaction causes one star to release a cloud of dust every eight years. The second star passes through the cloud and drags it along as it orbits. Then the combined light pressure from the two stars pushes the dust out into space, creating these concentric rings.
We’ve got a new launch date for the upcoming Artemis 1 mission: November 14th. If the rocket blasts off that day, it should be an incredible sight. That’s because it’s scheduled for 12:07 a.m. EST… a night launch! These are always spectacular, with the bright exhaust from the rocket illuminating the landscape. This launch date would allow the uncrewed Orion Capsule to spend 25.5 days in space and at the Moon, splashing down in the Pacific Ocean on December 9th. There are backup windows on November 16th and 19th.
SpaceX has been testing the Super Heavy booster with more and more of its Raptor 2 engines firing simultaneously, but the rocket was always on its own. This week, SpaceX showed off a picture of Super Heavy with the Starship stacked on top, held in place by Mechazilla. Does this mean that Starship is about to make an attempt to fly to orbit? Elon Musk hinted that the rocket was likely to fly in mid-November, similar to the new schedule for SLS. I wonder who’ll launch first?
A few weeks ago, NASA announced its CAPSTONE CubeSat mission was tumbling uncontrollably. Fortunately, they maintained a communications link to the spacecraft, attempting to stop its tumble and get it back on track. This week we learned that the recovery efforts were successful, and CAPSTONE is no longer out of control. It’s good timing since it needs to make an orbital insertion maneuver in mid-November. From there, it’ll help chart out a rectilinear lunar halo orbit, the exact orbit the Lunar Gateway will take when it’s constructed at the Moon.
The weight of rockets is mainly made up of fuel. They also generate a lot of greenhouse gases as they blast into orbit. A new startup called Spinlaunch uses an electric catapult that spins up projectiles so fast that they’re thrown into space. At least, that’s the plan. Spinlaunch just completed the 10th test of a prototype launcher that can only hurl payloads on suborbital trajectories, but a future version will send them to orbit. NASA and other partners sent test instruments on the most recent launch to measure the extreme forces.
Scientists believe there are vast seas of liquid water under an icy shell on Europa; the perfect place to search for life. However, this water could be under dozens of kilometers and almost impossible to reach. It’s believed this water can seep upward through the ice forming subsurface lakes. The upcoming Europa Clipper mission is equipped with an ice-penetrating radar instrument that can peer through the ice and map out any subsurface lakes. It’s due for launch in 2026, arriving at Europa in 2030.
Coronographs will soon be in every major telescope. They can block the light from the star and reveal things around it, like exoplanets. There’s so much amazing science behind them. Like, did you know coronographs can be adaptive? We dive into all that with Dr Lucie Leboulleux.
How understanding the Sun can change our view of all the other stars in the Universe. What will current instruments and future mission will bring. And what are the mysteries that are waiting to be solved in this field.
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Guys Door Cam Catches UFO over Raytown, Missouri on 10-13-2022 -video- UFO Sighting News.
Guys Door Cam Catches UFO over Raytown, Missouri on 10-13-2022 -video- UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Oct 13, 2022
Location of sighting: Baytown, Missouri, USA
Hey check this out! A persons door cam captured some movement two nights ago and it shows a UFO passing over the neighborhood and moving behind the trees. Also...there is a mysterious figure seen in the video at the 2:18 mark. This person is walking oddly, frantically toward the direction the UFO went. So...I have to wonder, is this person tracking the UFO with more footage for us or was it an alien from the UFO itself?
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
Unknown aerial object caught on camera, slow moving and sometimes translucent and sometimes rejecting light.
6 Recent UFO Sightings that Prove Aliens are FAR Superior than Us
Twenty-five years ago, thousands of people reported seeing strange bright lights flying over Nevada, Arizona and part of Mexico, for more than 12 hours. This, later, came to be known as the Phoenix Lights, and those who witnessed the bizarre lights, described them as “otherworldly.” And some witnesses, whose stories were shared at the International UFO Congress, reported a sort of temporary amnesia, after seeing the lights.
In today’s video, we will explore some of the most bizarre UFO sightings, that will absolutely blow your mind. 6 Recent UFO Sightings that Prove Aliens are FAR Superior to Us #ufo#alien#aliens
Eyewitnesses talk about observing debris from the 1947 crashed alien craft in Roswell
Eyewitnesses talk about observing debris from the 1947 crashed alien craft in Roswell
The incident in Roswell, New Mexico, which happened in 1947, involved the recovery of rubber and metallic debris from a ranch. It sparked conspiracy theories about a flying saucer and the involvement of the US government. The debris was found by officers from the Roswell Army Air Field.
On July 8, 1947, the Roswell Army Air Field released a press release stating that it had recovered a flying saucer. However, it was later revealed that the object was a weather balloon. In 1994, the US Air Force identified the object as a surveillance balloon that was part of a nuclear test project known as Project Mogul.
The incident was not widely discussed during the 1970s. In an interview with Stanton Friedman, Jesse Marcel, a former lieutenant colonel, said that he believed that the debris found in Roswell was extraterrestrial. Ufologists then started promoting various conspiracy theories about the incident. They claimed that the saucer was an alien spacecraft, and that the military had recovered the occupants.
Despite the various conspiracy theories about the incident, the story about the incident continues to be talked about in the media. It has been regarded as the most thoroughly debunked UFO claim ever made.
0:00 Jesse Marcel Sr.
1:07 Jesse Marcel Jr.
3:05 Bill Brazel Jr., son of W.W. “Mac” Brazel
9:09 Marian Strickland, neighbor of W.W. “Mac” Brazel
11:20 Loretta Proctor, neighbor of W.W. “Mac” Brazel
WASP-39 b is a hot Saturnlike exoplanet caught in an extremely close orbit to its host star.
NASA, ESA, CSA, and J. Olmsted (STScI)
The James Webb Space Telescope wowed the world with its first science images release on July 12, which included data on the chemical composition of an exoplanet’s atmosphere. But that was just a glimpse at what JWST has to offer.
Now JWST has taken its first peer-reviewed spectrum of an extrasolar planet atmosphere. This time, scientists looked at WASP-39 b, a Saturn-like world orbiting extremely close to its parent star, with each orbit only taking 4.1 days. The data, which has been accepted for publication in Nature and presented in a preprint on, revealed the clearest evidence ever collected for carbon dioxide (CO2) in an exoplanet’s atmosphere.
The bump of CO2 was not surprising, but was still an exciting confirmation of older, less detailed data taken of WASP-39 b.
Illustration:NASA, ESA, CSA, and L. Hustak (STScI); Science: The JWST Transiting Exoplanet Community Early Release Science Team
Due to its prevalence in our own solar system, CO2 may not be the most groundbreaking of molecules to find. But it does have important implications for planetary formation theories and understanding the atmospheres of both giant and rocky exoplanets.
Why WASP-39 b?
These observations were taken as a part of JWST’s Early Science Release Program, which wraps up at the end of the observatory’s first five months of science observations. This meant that the scientists needed to select a target that would be visible during that time.
Not only that, since JWST would still be stretching its legs, researchers wanted a planet that would be big and easy for the telescope to scrutinize. And, of course, they wanted a world with a little mystery as well.
Size? Check.
WASP-39 b is just about the same mass as Saturn and about 1.3 times Jupiter’s diameter.
Difficulty? Check.
WASP-39 is a Sun-like star just 700 light-years distant. And this exoplanet orbits extremely close to its host star, about one-eighth the Sun-Mercury distance, completing one orbit roughly every 4 Earth-days.
Mystery? Check
Previous observations from the Spitzer telescope indicated that CO2 could be present in the atmosphere of WASP-39 b, but the data could have just as easily been evidence of another molecule.
Unprecedented detail
The previous Spitzer observations may have hinted at the presence of a relatively heavy element, which mostly closely resembled CO2, but coauthor and University of Chicago professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Jacob Bean, wouldn’t have been surprised if those results were wrong.
“It was quite surprising that the Spitzer points held up as well as they did,” Bean told Astronomy. “I would have just been like, 'Of course they're not right.’" He adds they easily could have been statistically off from what JWST detected.
The Spitzer observations (grey circles and “IRAC1” and “IRAC2” sensitivity curves) of CO2 has been matched with the one taken by JWST (in color).
Ahrer, E.-M. et al.
To Bean, JWST instead has validated some of those older Spitzer measurements. “The previous data are holding up really well, and now we're just extending that with James Webb.”
In the spectrum of WASP-39 b, JWST was able to measure the subtle differences in individual colors across the 3- to 5.5-micron range, something no other observatory has done before. And JWST isn’t even done with this exoplanet yet. Three more observations are planned, which, when combined, will essentially give the full chemical inventory of WASP-39 b.
Scientists will then be able to use that information as a kind of fossil record, helping them piece together the formation history of the planet.
The great migration
Prior to the discovery of exoplanets, researchers believed that the gas giants in our solar system formed entirely in their respective orbits. But when observations showed that many giant exoplanets were winding up in wildly different orbits, such as extremely close to their host stars, that theory had to be modified. Now, most researchers think that Jupiter and Saturn migrated throughout the solar system during their formation, sweeping in closer to the Sun before backtracking closer to their original birth places.
The movements of the giant planets in our solar system as explained by the Grand Tack theory.
Astronomy:Roen Kelly
This migration left fingerprints all over the planets' atmospheres, as the two worlds picked up heavy-element-laden planetesimals — small, solid bodies present in the protoplanetary disks around young stars — that are only located closer to the Sun. Some of these bodies dissolved into the atmosphere of our gas giants, enriching them with heavy elements.
If WASP-39 b has a similar composition as Saturn, then that would suggest it also experienced such a migration before settling in its current orbit. “[Previously,] we haven’t had a lot of success because our instruments have not had the sensitivity, the wavelength coverage, the accuracy to really tell us this information,” says Bean. “And so, we’ve been kind of stumbling around in the dark about this.”
But JWST is finally ripping open the metaphorical blinds. While more data still needs to be analyzed, the new data seems to point to WASP-39 b being comparable to Saturn, according to Bean.
Migration isn’t the only explanation for how WASP-39 b’s atmosphere may have been seeded with a heavy element like CO2, however. It’s possible that, while it was still young, the world was assailed by comets and asteroids — an upbringing that is also comparable to Saturn.
More to come
Besides having implications for WASP-39 b’s origins, the JWST teases yet another mystery, too — another type of molecule whose presence can’t be as easily explained as the CO2.
Knowing the temperature, pressure, and elemental abundances of a planet’s atmosphere, scientists can usually compute a good estimate of the world's expected chemistry. But the unidentified spectral feature is beyond what the model suggested, indicating that some other atmospheric phenomena is creating the mystery molecule.
“It’s a subtle spectral feature,” says Bean, which is why the team is taking its time to analyze all the data before they share their findings. But ultimately, “we wouldn’t have put it in the paper if we didn’t have a lot of confidence in it.”
JWST isn’t only focused on the mysteries of WASP-39 b, either. Or even just giant planets, for that matter.
Now that JWST has proven its capability, researchers will be using the observatory to peer at more Earth-like worlds. Although the level of detail attainable for a rocky planet will be significantly less than that for a giant planet, the confidence built by observing planets like WASP-39 b will influence how much trust is given to the telescope and its instruments when looking at rocky worlds.
“I think most people, given a choice [between WASP-39 b and Trappist-1 c] they'd probably pick Trappist-1 c,” says Bean, referencing a rocky, Venus-like world located some 40 light-years away. But “It’s all tied together for me," he says. "We have to understand [WASP-39 b] at the same time we have to understand [Trappist-1 c], because the unifying factor is planets with atmospheres, our observational techniques, and how we go about interpreting that.”
Fascinerende close-upfoto van mier gaat over de tongen: “Om nachtmerries van te krijgen”
Een fascinerend, intrigerend en tegelijkertijd doodeng close-upbeeld van een mier gaat over de tongen op het internet. De foto werd genomen door ene Dr. Eugenijus Kavaliauskas uit Tauragė, Litouwen. Hij maakte het kiekje voor de Nikon Small World 2022-fotowedstrijd, die fotografen en wetenschappers van over heel de wereld uitnodigt om beelden in te sturen van alle coole dingen die zichtbaar zijn onder een microscoop. De Litouwer besloot een mier van naderbij te bestuderen en vast te leggen. Bedankt voor de nachtmerries, dokter.
De reacties op Reddit onder de opmerkelijke close-upfoto liegen er niet om: “Het lijkt wel een draak”, “Om nachtmerries van te krijgen”, “Ren voor je leven”, klinkt het. Sommigen zien er een ork van ‘Lord of The Rings’ in, anderen roepen prompt ‘Dracarys!’ - het handige commando dat de Targaryens van ‘Game of Thrones’ gebruiken als ze willen dat hun draken vuur spuwen.
Deze mier lijkt dan ook een echte draak zo fel ingezoomd. Een monster met een glimmende doch craquelerende zwarte huid, en met felle oranjerode, vlammende ogen, grote briesende neusgaten en demonisch oplichtende stekels.
Gelukkig is de foto enigszins misleidend. Want die vlammende ogen zijn helemaal geen ogen en het geheel is geen mierensmoel. Toch niet volledig. Het zijn wij die een gezicht zien ín een mierengezicht, waarbij de oranjerode ‘ogen’ eigenlijk onderdeel zijn van de antennes die op de kop van de mier zitten. De echte ogen van de mier zijn niet in beeld.
Vergelijk de foto maar eens met deze andere - het moet gezegd; nog steeds angstaanjagende - beelden van mieren, deze keer genomen door de Amerikaanse fotograaf Josh Coogler. Daar zijn de echte ogen van de mieren steeds wel in beeld. Ze blijven zelfs zo dus wel écht draakachtige tronies hebben, die kleine zwarte kruipertjes.
Voor Coogler is een doodgewone mier die hij ergens ziet telkens weer een nieuwe kans om in de wondere wereld van macrofotografie te duiken en iedereen te tonen hoeveel complexer deze wezens zijn dan ze lijken, zo legde hij onlangs uit bij ‘My Modern Met’, nadat zijn foto’s viraal waren gegaan.
Terwijl hij zich oorspronkelijk op de diertjes begon te focussen, louter en alleen omdat ze zo makkelijk te vinden zijn, is het hun rijke visuele variatie die hem maar blijft teruggrijpen naar hen. “Wat mij het meest heeft verrast, is hoe verschillend ze zijn van elkaar”, aldus Coogler. “Hoe een werker - meer behendig en lenig qua uitzicht - er anders uitziet dan een soldaat - met hun grote, sterke hoofden. En hoe een rode vuurmier er weer anders uitziet dan een houtmier. Ze zijn allemaal uniek en ze hebben veel meer te bieden dan de meeste mensen zouden denken. Het is leuk om ze te kunnen fotograferen en ze op deze manier te tonen aan iedereen.”
De foto van de Litouwse Dr. Eugenijus Kavaliauskas was één van de meer dan 1.300 inzendingen uit 72 landen die binnenkwamen voor de 48ste editie van Nikon Small World 2022. Hoewel er meer lijkt te worden gesproken over de foto van de mier, is het beeld niet de ultieme winnaar van de fotowedstrijd. Dat werd een mooie microscopische foto van een pootje van een Madagaskardaggekko.
Mieren zijn zeer belangrijke ecologische spelers. De nuttige diertjes ruimen massaal afval en andere insecten op. Ze zijn vooral bekend om hun spectaculaire kracht: de kleine krachtpatsers kunnen tot wel vijftig keer hun eigen lichaamsgewicht optillen. Helemaal niet zo gek dat ze er van dichtbij bekeken uitzien als een echte badass, toch?
Eerie footage captured by European Space Agency's Mars Express probe shows the Martian moon Deimos eclipsing Jupiter.
The new clip, captured by the European Space Agency's Mars Express satellite, comprises 80 individual images that were stitched together.
In the foreground is the irregular-shaped Martian moon Deimos, with its rocky and cratered surface.
In the background is Jupiter and its four largest moons, known as the 'Galilean moons' – Europa, Ganymede, Io and Callisto.
Jupiter is the large bright white circle near the centre, while its moons appear as small white specks of light.
A second, shorter clip, meanwhile, shows Phobos, the other Martian moon, blocking its sibling Deimos.
Mars Express probe shows Martian moon Deimos eclipsing Jupiter
The Martian moon Deimos (left) notable for its rocky and cratered surface, can be seen here about to pass Jupiter, which appears as a large white spot. Jupiter's moons appear as mere specks of light
The Galilean moons are the four largest moons of Jupiter:
- Ganymede (3,273 miles in diameter)
- Callisto(2,995 miles in diameter)
- Io (2,263 miles in diameter)
- Europa(1,939 miles in diameter)
Mars Express is still going strong nearly 20 years after its launch from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan in June 2003.
'The new images demonstrate that Mars Express continues to shine a light on Mars, the immediate surroundings of the Red Planet, and beyond,' said the European Space Agency (ESA).
The first clip is made up of a series of 80 images taken on February 14, 2022. It first shows Deimos passing in front of Europa, the smallest of the four Galilean moons, known for its icy surface and thin oxygen atmosphere.
The largest moon in the Solar System, Ganymede, is then obscured from view, as is Jupiter, Io and then lastly Callisto.
In the clip, Deimos appears to move up and down in the animation due to the small swaying movements of Mars Express while it rotates to place its camera into position.
Deimos is the smaller and outermost of the two natural satellites of Mars, the other being Phobos.
Here, the Martian moon obscures Callisto. Jupiter and the other three Galilean moons are visible to the left
Artist's impression of the the European Space Agency's Mars Express satellite, which launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan in June 2003
The two Martian moons experience strong tidal forces from the planet, causing their orbits to fluctuate constantly.
Phobos orbits extremely close to Mars at an average of 3,700 miles and is moving towards the planet, while Deimos is 12,470 miles away on average and moves away from it.
ESA's second new clip, meanwhile, comprises 19 images captured on March 30, 2022 by Mars Express.
In this second video, Deimos is blocked by its larger sibling, Phobos, which measures about 14 miles along its longest axis. Deimos is a dwarf in comparison – only 3.7 miles.
Enhanced colour image of Phobos, the larger of the two Martian moons. It measures 14 miles along its longest axis
At only 3.7 miles in diameter, Deimos (pictured in this enhanced colour image) is a dwarf in comparison to its Martian sibling
At the time the images were taken, Phobos was 7,618 miles away from the camera, while Deimos was 17,340 miles away.
'From this perspective it is difficult to see the size difference between the Martian moons,' ESA said.
Much is still unknown about the formation and composition of Mars' two moons, although the upcoming MMX mission, led by the Japanese space agency, aims to remedy this.
Set to launch next year, the mission will orbit Phobos and Deimos before landing on Phobos and collecting a sample from the larger moon to return to Earth.
Mars Express, so called because of the rapid and streamlined development time, represents the European Space Agency's (ESA's) first visit to another planet in the solar system.
The spacecraft, launched in 2003, borrowed technology from ESA's Rosetta mission and the Mars 96 mission.
Since beginning science operations in 2004, the durable orbiter has given scientists an entirely new view of Earth's intriguing neighbour.
It is now helping to answer fundamental questions about the geology, atmosphere, surface environment, history of water and potential for life on Mars.
Mars Express, so called because of the rapid and streamlined development time, represents the European Space Agency's (ESA's) first visit to another planet in the solar system
(artist's impression)
The spacecraft’s high-resolution camera has sent back thousands of dramatic 3D views of the Martian surface.
One instrument has discovered hydrated minerals that form only in the presence of liquid water, providing confirmation that Mars was once much wetter than it is today.
The first radar sounder ever to orbit another planet has detected subsurface layers of water ice.
Another instrument has detected enough water ice in the polar caps to create a global ocean 36 ft (11m) deep, and revealed vast plains of permafrost around the South Pole.
Mars Express found the highest clouds ever seen above any planetary surface at 62 miles (100km).
The mission found indications of the possible presence of methane, which on Earth is attributed to active volcanism and biochemical processes.
Its highly elliptical orbit has enabled the spacecraft to look beyond Mars, in order to survey its two tiny moons, particularly the innermost satellite Phobos, which has been studied in unprecedented detail.
During its lifetime it has acted as a communication relay between Earth and various NASA spacecraft, including the Phoenix lander and several rovers on the surface.
Mars Express Watched Deimos Pass in Front of Jupiter and its Moons
Mars Express Watched Deimos Pass in Front of Jupiter and its Moons
That’s no moon … wait … yes, it is, and more!
ESA’s Mars Express has captured an unusual and rare occultation, all from its vantage point in orbit of Mars. The spacecraft’s orbit brought it to the right place where it could witness the moment Mars’ small moon Deimos passed in front of Jupiter and its four largest moons. Scientists say that celestial alignments like these enable a more precise determination of the Martian moons’ orbits.
If you’ve seen Jupiter and its moons through binoculars or a small telescope, you might be envious of Mars Express’ view, especially when Deimos passes through the field of view.
ESA said this sequence is made up of a series of 80 images taken by the High Resolution Stereo Camera onboard Mars Express on February 14, 2022. In the foreground, the images show the irregular shaped Deimos, with its rocky and cratered surface, and in the background Jupiter and the four Galilean satellites are visible. Jupiter is the large bright white spot and the moons appear as small white specks of light.
The distance between Mars Express and Jupiter is about 745 million km (463 million miles). In order for distant Jupiter and the moons to show up in this video, the images have contrast enhanced. Otherwise, because of the difference in brightness compared to the nearby Deimos, the distant objects would not have been visible.
Phobos and Deimos, as seen by Mars Express. Credit: ESA.
The workhorse Mars Express has been in orbit of the Red Planet since 2003 and Mars’ two moons, Deimos and Phobos, have been studied frequently by the spacecraft. Mars Express data has helped scientists understand more about the moons’ composition, especially Phobos’ mysterious grooved terrain, and learn more about the moons’ puzzling origin. This includes tracking their orbits.
Scientists say the moons experience strong tidal forces from Mars, causing their orbits to fluctuate constantly. Phobos orbits extremely close to Mars at just 6,000 km (3,700 miles), and is moving towards the planet, while Deimos moves away from it. It is difficult to measure their orbits from Earth due to the brightness of Mars in comparison to these small bodies.
About a month and half after imaging the alignment with Jupiter, Mars Express captured another occultation, when Deimos was blocked by its larger sibling, Phobos. The images were taken on March 30, 2022 when Phobos was 12 km away from the camera. From this perspective it is difficult to see the size difference between the martian moons, as Deimos is further from the camera at a distance of 28 km.
Deimos has a diameter of 12 km (7.5 miles) and Phobos has a diameter 22 km (14 miles).
Dark Ring UFO Over Seaford England, Shoots Away When Filmed, 9-24-2022, UFO Sighting News.
Dark Ring UFO Over Seaford England, Shoots Away When Filmed, 9-24-2022, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: 9-24-2022
Location of sighting: Seaford, England
Just when you thought it was safe to go to the beach, this happens. An eyewitness caught sight of a dark ring UFO moving low over the water so he began to record it. The UFO then begins to move away, as if it could sense that it was being recorded. It quickly moved up and into the clouds to hide within. Absolute proof that aliens exist over England. Ring UFOs are not new, but have been seen for thousands of years.
The Bible story of Ezekiel's wheel features a vision of four wheels that illustrates the spiritual, divine essence of God and His omnipresence in our reality. This story is predominately found in the first chapter of the book of Ezekiel, as part of his inaugural vision. God approaches Ezekiel as the divine warrior, riding in his battle chariot. The chariot is drawn by four living creatures, each having four faces (those of a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle) and four wings. Beside each "living creature" is a "wheel within a wheel", with "tall and awesome" rims full of eyes all around. God appoints Ezekiel as a prophet and as a "watchman" in Israel: "Son of man, I am sending you to the Israelites."
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
I was at the beach looking out to the wind Array on a nice day at Seaford. I saw what I thought was tourists or workers in a helicopter going low in and out of the wind turbines which I though both dangerous and stupid. They saw the shape was odd not a helicopter more like a balloon, but it was moving oddly so I decided to film it on my phone in case it crashed. I could not hold my phone still enough, so I walked the wall to steady it and filmed it for just over a minute and eventually it went up high into the clouds. But I thought I would develop the film or zoom in and then I saw it is more like a disc moving side to side then further out to sea the wind array gives good perspective although it was a long way out. Other people at the beach saw me filming but did not seem that interested probably because they have bad eyes most people in Seaford are over 70. But there could well be more footage out there...
Amazing UFO filmed over United States Kansas City, MO yesterday!
Amazing UFO filmed over United States Kansas City, MO yesterday!
This really interesting UFO footage was filmed yesterday at 7:30 pm. The exact location is currently undisclosed.
Update: Location of the sighting is Kansas City, Missouri.
Witness report:
Saw this on security but wasn’t fast enough to see in person. I have absolutely no idea what it is but have never seen anything similar on cam. Ideas welcome. This is straight from the camera, saved and uploaded in its entirety. The camera naturally records in approx 2 minute blocks. I do live near a place B-2s fly but I never heard a sound and that would be flying extremely low per usual what I see and hear. I only see them 1-2 times a year though. They sometimes make a huge boom when they break the sound barrier.
After the DART spacecraft ploughed into the asteroid Dimorphos, the Hubble Space Telescope captured images of the ejected plume of dust and debris that streamed for thousands of kilometres behind the space rock.
Credit: NASA/European Space Agency/Space Telescope Science Institute/Hubble
Humans have for the first time proved that they can change the path of a massive rock hurtling through space. NASA has announced that the spacecraft it slammed into an asteroid on 26 September succeeded in altering the space rock’s orbit around another asteroid — with better-than-expected results.
Agency officials had estimated that the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft would ‘nudge’ the asteroid Dimorphos closer to its partner, Didymos, and cut the time it takes to orbit around that rock by 10–15 minutes. At a press conference on 11 October, researchers confirmed that DART in fact cut the orbital time by around 32 minutes.
Neither asteroid was a threat to Earth, but the agency tested the manoeuvre to prove that humanity could, in principle, deflect a worrisome space rock heading for the planet.
“This is a watershed moment for planetary defence, and a watershed moment for humanity,” said NASA administrator Bill Nelson.
Tracking the aftermath
Determining whether the mission succeeded relied on more than a half dozen telescopes around the world. Ground-based optical telescopes can’t resolve Didymos and Dimorphos, which are millions of kilometres from Earth and only a few hundred metres across, so are seen as a single point in the night sky. But the telescopes can measure dips in brightness as Dimorphos cycles in front of and behind Didymos. Observers tracked these movements and compared them with pre-collision orbital times to quantify DART’s impact.
Independently, a pair of radar facilities — Goldstone Observatory in Fort Irwin, California, and Green Bank Observatory in West Virginia — turned their dishes towards the asteroid pair. Unlike optical telescopes, radar observations can discern the two asteroids as distinct objects, allowing astronomers to view their respective positions and estimate Dimorphos’s orbital period around Didymos.
Both sets of observations agreed that DART’s impact knocked Dimorphos tens of metres closer to its companion and cut its orbital period to around 11 hours and 23 minutes.
Although the 32-minute reduction is larger than expected, it still falls within the range of possibilities that scientists modelled. Researchers think the manouevre succeeded as well as it did because Dimorphos is more a loose collection of rocks than a solid chunk that would be harder to deflect. Another reason for the dramatic change in the orbital period is that when DART hit, a lot of debris shot out from the asteroid, creating a tail thousands of kilometres long; the recoil from it probably accentuated the potency of DART’s impact, researchers said at the press conference.
“We have a lot of work ahead of us in order to really understand what happened,” said Tom Statler, a DART programme scientist at NASA’s headquarters in Washington DC.
Saving Earth
Scientists will continue to observe the asteroid pair in the months to come, hoping to understand more about the shape of Dimorphos’s new orbit and whether DART’s impact introduced a ‘wobble’ to the asteroid. With the help of images from LICIACube — the Italian Space Agency’s probe that trailed DART and then flew by to capture the impact — scientists hope to learn more about the properties of the ejected debris.
But the mission’s final post-mortem won’t be complete for the better part of a decade. Launching in its wake, the European Space Agency’s Hera mission — currently slated for lift-off in October 2024 — should arrive at Dimorphos in late 2026, to observe the aftermath of DART’s impact.
For now, the results indicate that the US$330-million DART mission was a success. But defending Earth from future impacts requires a few things, researchers say: knowing the locations and properties of any dangerous space rocks, and having enough time to act. DART launched in November last year and took about ten months to hit its target.
If a threatening asteroid really were headed towards Earth, said Nancy Chabot, a planetary scientist and the DART coordination lead at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, a mission would need to launch years in advance to deflect it safely. “Warning is really key here,” she said, adding that even space rocks larger than the 160-metre-wide Dimorphos might be dealt with, given enough planning and time.
Future Moon dwellings could end up looking a bit like our terrestrial camping sites: Lunar residents may carry an inflatable structure with them and blow it up when they get there. These have a major advantage as you can fit a massive living structure inside a much smaller rocket.
And now, some architects are taking this idea pretty seriously.
Humans could live in inflatable houses buried under the lunar soil and supported by food from inflatable greenhouses, according to a recent concept study funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) and drawn up by Pneumocell, an Austria-based company specializing in inflatable architecture.
It isn’t Pneumocell’s first blow-up space idea. The company has previously designed an inflatable Mars habitat and a partially inflatable spacecraft. But they were just that — concepts. “It’s very difficult in a small country like Austria to get funding for such an idea,” says Thomas Herzig, an architect at Pneumocell.
Rather than halt their out-of-this-world idea, Herzig and his colleagues acquired an ESA grant last year. Even so, ambitious off-Earth habitat designs like theirs have a long way to go before they can see the light of the (lunar) day.
Any off-Earth habitat has one key goal: to keep its crew alive outside of the atmosphere we evolved to survive in.
There are many formidable dangers that await us on the Moon. California’s earthquakes and wildfires have nothing on the micrometeoroids, constant radiation, and apocalyptic temperature swings (from 250 degrees Fahrenheit in the two-week-long day to 200 degrees below 0 in the two-week-long night) that plague the lunar surface.
But as they say in real estate, it’s all about location. The specific areas that people settle in could minimize some of these threats.
For example, humans could live underground, where the lunar regolith would protect them from the worst of the elements. Moon migrants could also land in polar regions, where we could tap water from the ground.
Rather than fortnight-long nights and days, the poles get more constant sunlight (convenient for solar power).
Pnuemocell looked into digs for both regions, pinpointing polar craters to plop its habitat on: Hinshelwood near the north pole and Shackleton near the south pole. The architects plan to build within the crater walls, carving out a network of tunnels to fill with inflatable modules and tubes.
Unfortunately, that setup comes with a major obstacle. This environment is air-free and has no running water to erode and blunt rocks, so pieces of lunar regolith could stick out like shards of glass. It’s a very real hazard for inflatable structures.
“That inflatable portion would have to be designed to where it would have some sort of barrier layer that is resistant to being penetrated by those sharp particles,” says James Nabity, an engineer at the University of Colorado Boulder who isn’t involved with Pneumocell.
To protect against such a fate, the designers envision a skin composed of two layers separated by a gap.
“The biggest threat is not the collapse of the structure,” says Herzig. While you may think falling debris is the main risk in a collapse, possible asphyxiation is most concerning.
Bedrooms would surround donut-shaped greenhouses, the largest rooms in the habitat. Tunnels would link these greenhouses and branch off into utilities and laboratories.
Mirrors positioned above the crater would reflect sunlight — always available thanks to the habitat’s strategic polar placement — down into soil and crops below.
“Having plants is a great idea,” Nabity says. Certainly, greenhouses can help feed a crew living more than 200,000 miles from Earth’s farms. But flora can do more than that: Designers have evidence to believe that it can boost crew members’ moods.
Those plants would grow in air that has been modified to prevent balloon-popping, with reduced air pressure and increased oxygen content. The greenhouse would also be humidified to lower the fire risk.
But this plan is pretty much unprecedented: “I’m not aware of any experiments with growing plants in that level of atmosphere,” says Nabity. While scientists have recently grown plants in samples of real lunar soil, they’re still far from nailing down the real thing.
It isn’t just the horticulture aspect that remains highly hypothetical. Pneumocell hasn’t yet decided which material will make up its inflatable structures.
One candidate is mylar, which spacecraft have used for decades to trap and reflect heat. Mylar balloons are pretty easy to come by (they’re a staple at children’s birthday parties), but nobody has ever tried to use it for a giant inflatable structure before.
A second option: thermoplastic polyurethane, a low-cost, flexible material that’s used in life rafts and phone cases — but so far hasn’t gone into space. It’s unclear whether it will remain elastic when it encounters the moon’s chilling temperatures.
All things considered, Pneumocell’s idea will need a good deal of prototyping and testing on the ground before it can blast off to space.
While Pneumocell’s concept might seem particularly zany, inflatable space habitats aren’t a new idea. As early as the 1960s, Goodyear (yes, the tire company) proposed a space station constructed from a giant air-filled rubber ring.
Decades later, in the late 1990s, NASA engineers plottedTransHab, an inflatable module that they imagined could one day house astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) or even on a spacecraft bound for Mars.
TransHab never left the drawing board, but it inspired the current generation of space architects. “A lot of people have picked it up in the last 10 years,” says Georgi Petrov, an architect at the firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM).
One of TransHab’s imitators did in fact make it to the ISS. In 2016, astronauts tethered a little experimental module called BEAM to the station’s side and inflated it — all in orbit. Eventually, NASA hopes to use inflatable modules like BEAM to build out the planned Gateway station that might one day orbit the Moon.
On the other side of the Atlantic, the European Space Agency was interested, too. The agency partnered with SOM — the same architecture firm behind New York’s One World Trade Center, Hong Kong’s HKCEC, and several modern airport terminals — to envision such a village.
At the Venice Biennale art exhibition in 2021, SOM showed off its vision for cone-shaped lunar homes. Its homes would be inflatable, and they might even expand to house more crew members. Like Pneumocell, it would set up camp on the lunar south pole.
In contrast to Pneumocell’s subterranean balloon-dwellers, these would touch down on the lunar surface. SOM’s homes may be far more vulnerable to radiation and micrometeoroids, but the firm says a protective shell for each structure could combat those problems.
In SOM’s design, each cone would house a crew of four. The concept takes advantage of the Moon’s relatively low gravity (about 17 percent of ours on Earth) by stacking its rooms — inhabitants would move between them via ladders. SOM imagines combining dozens of these habitats into a “lunar village.”
Inflatables aren’t the only creative way to get around a rocket’s cargo space limitations.
Rather than packing up prefab habitats, future Moon-folk might bring over 3D printers — and build their residences after they arrive by printing parts from lunar regolith.
To pursue this idea, NASA tapped construction startup AI SpaceFactory to design a 3D-printable lunar habitat. Its curved concept, called Lunar Infrastructure Asset (LINA), would rise in the form of a bulbous three-pointed star — its roof printed from a mixture of lunar soil and Earth-made synthetic polymers.
Nobody has taken a 3D printer to the Moon yet, so reshaping moondust remains up to future missions. But engineers on Earth can try their hand with artificial materials meant to mimic lunar regolith. They have already 3D-printed Moon-like bricks, along with gears and screws.
Last year, researchers in Germany printed parts from fake lunar regolith in a zero-gravity environment — suggesting that lunar folk might be able to print parts in lunar orbit.
So far, no plans exist to launch any of these lunar habitats. “We’re an architecture and engineering firm,” says Petrov, who was involved with SOM’s lunar village project. “We don’t have the means to build spaceships.”
What’s more, humans might not even return to the Moon as soon as we had hoped. As of this writing, Artemis 1— the next uncrewed celestial stepping-stone to Earth’s celestial companion — currently sits delayed on the pad in Florida. Any lunar architecture plans will likely have to wait for the 2030s, if not later.
The team at Pneumocell is currently seeking out more funding so it can build a small-scale prototype on Earth. Only after this crucial step can it do the much more expensive work of sending it to space.
In the meantime, the Pneumocell architects think their work can benefit our terrestrial habitats. Herzig points out that materials like thermoplastic polyurethane are easier to recycle than most building components. Worldwide, constructionand demolition gobble up more raw materials than any other industry. And in the United States, it contributes around 40 percent of all solid waste.
“I think it’s important that you have derived products that have a use here on Earth and not just for space,” he says.
Projects like Pneumocell’s mark a significant shift in our vision for extraterrestrial living: Around a decade ago, space architects didn’t know if they were drafting up homes for the Moon or Mars, according to Petrov.
“Long term, I think Mars is still a much more interesting and viable destination,” he says. “But we need to go to the Moon first.”
Hubble Spots Ultra-Speedy Jet Blasting From Star Crash
Hubble Spots Ultra-Speedy Jet Blasting From Star Crash
Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have made a unique measurement that indicates a jet, plowing through space at speeds greater than 99.97% the speed of light, was propelled by the titanic collision between two neutron stars.
The explosive event, named GW170817, was observed in August 2017. The blast released the energy comparable to that of a supernova explosion. It was the first combined detection of gravitational waves and gamma radiation from a binary neutron star merger.
Two neutron stars, the surviving cores of massive stars that exploded, collided sending a ripple through the fabric of time and space in a phenomenon called gravitational waves. In the aftermath, a blowtorch jet of radiation was ejected at nearly the speed of light, slamming into material surrounding the obliterated pair. Astronomers used Hubble to measure the motion of a blob of material the jet slammed into. Credits: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center; Lead Producer: Paul Morris
This was a major watershed in the ongoing investigation of these extraordinary collisions. The aftermath of this merger was collectively seen by 70 observatories around the globe and in space, across a broad swath of the electromagnetic spectrum in addition to the gravitational wave detection. This heralded a significant breakthrough for the emerging field of Time Domain and Multi-Messenger Astrophysics, the use of multiple "messengers" like light and gravitational waves to study the universe as it changes over time.
Scientists quickly aimed Hubble at the site of the explosion just two days later. The neutron stars collapsed into a black hole whose powerful gravity began pulling material toward it. That material formed a rapidly-spinning disk that generated jets moving outward from its poles. The roaring jet smashed into and swept up material in the expanding shell of explosion debris. This included a blob of material through which a jet emerged.
While the event took place in 2017, it has taken several years for scientists to come up with a way to analyze the Hubble data and data from other telescopes to paint this full picture.
The Hubble observation was combined with observations from multiple National Science Foundation radio telescopes working together for very long baseline interferometry (VLBI). The radio data were taken 75 days and 230 days after the explosion.
"I'm amazed that Hubble could give us such a precise measurement, which rivals the precision achieved by powerful radio VLBI telescopes spread across the globe," said Kunal P. Mooley of Caltech in Pasadena, California, lead author of a paper being published in the October 13 journal of Nature magazine.
The authors used Hubble data together with data from ESA's (the European Space Agency) Gaia satellite, in addition to VLBI, to achieve extreme precision. "It took months of careful analysis of the data to make this measurement," said Jay Anderson of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland.
This is an artist's impression of two neutron stars colliding. The smashup between two dense stellar remnants unleashes the energy of 1,000 standard stellar nova explosions. In the aftermath of the collision a blowtorch jet of radiation is ejected at nearly the speed of light. The jet is directed along a narrow beam confined by powerful magnetic fields. The roaring jet plowed into and swept up material in the surrounding interstellar medium.
Credits: Artwork: Elizabeth Wheatley (STScI)
By combining the different observations, they were able to pinpoint the explosion site. The Hubble measurement showed the jet was moving at an apparent velocity of seven times the speed of light. The radio observations show the jet later had decelerated to an apparent speed of four times faster than the speed of light.
In reality, nothing can exceed the speed of light, so this "superluminal" motion is an illusion. Because the jet is approaching Earth at nearly the speed of light, the light it emits at a later time has a shorter distance to go. In essence the jet is chasing its own light. In actuality more time has passed between the jet's emission of the light than the observer thinks. This causes the object's velocity to be overestimated – in this case seemingly exceeding the speed of light.
"Our result indicates that the jet was moving at least at 99.97% the speed of light when it was launched," said Wenbin Lu of the University of California, Berkeley.
The Hubble measurements, combined with the VLBI measurements, announced in 2018, greatly strengthen the long-presumed connection between neutron star mergers and short-duration gamma-ray bursts. That connection requires a fast-moving jet to emerge, which has now been measured in GW170817.
At present there is a discrepancy between Hubble constant values as estimated for the early universe and nearby universe – one of the biggest mysteries in astrophysics today. The differing values are based on extremely precise measurements of Type Ia supernovae by Hubble and other observatories, and Cosmic Microwave Background measurements by ESA's Planck satellite. More views of relativistic jets could add information for astronomers trying to solve the puzzle.
The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between NASA and ESA. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, manages the telescope. The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland, conducts Hubble science operations. STScI is operated for NASA by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, in Washington, D.C.
Image. Mrs. Hannah McRoberts, Campbell River, BC, 1981
The Facts:
The People’s Republic of China announced last year that there has been an increase of mysterious and unexplained aircraft in Chinese airspace.
They, like several other countries have established official programs to study the phenomenon.
Evidence does suggest, however, that governments have been studying the phenomenon for decades.
Reflect On:
UFOs have been studied and observed for years. Why is the U.S. and other governments claiming that they will only now start to study it?
What should we make of the data that's been collected over the past several decades when it's not even being acknowledged?
Can we trust an "official" explanation about the phenomenon from such sources?
Some proponents of the theory that UFOs are secret military craft from foreign nations fail to realize that dozens of governments are dealing with the “UFO” issue, and have been for decades.
The South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported in June 2021 that Chinese analysts “have been overwhelmed in recent years by rapidly mounting sighting reports from a wide range of military and civilian sources” by what the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) are calling “unidentified air conditions.”
Once again, as we’ve been seeing the United States, the mainstream perspective of the phenomenon and the nature in which it’s being reported has taken the tone of ‘a problem.’
“The frequent occurrence of unidentified air conditions in recent years … brings severe challenges to air defence security of our country,”
Chen Li of the PLA’s Air Force Early Warning Academy, in a 2019 report cited by SCMP.
What if looking at the phenomenon through the lens of it being some sort of threat is in fact the problem? This is not to assume their nature and purpose, but it’s simply putting more focus on our reaction to the phenomenon, which is important. Are we the aggressors? Multiple cases and encounters suggest that may be the case.
Is the protocol to shoot first and ask questions after?
That being said, nobody can deny that there are air safety issue concerns here. But the vast majority of UFO encounters with human aircraft, be it civilian or military, perform evasive maneuvers to avoid our own aircraft. This is what’s been reported for decades, and that is made clear by going through the literature that describes military and civilian encounters with UFOs.
“At a time when cross- domain trans medium threats to United States national security are expanding exponentially, the Committee is disappointed with the slow pace of DoD-led efforts to establish the office to address those threats and to replace the former Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force as required in Section 1683 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022.”
Transmedium objects are those that are capable of flying at tremendous speeds both in the air and through the water. Many UFOs are observed doing this.
The United States Navy recently expressed that releasing their classified videos they have in their possession of UFOs would be a threat to national security.
This topic has been shrouded in secrecy since the 1940’s, should we expect much to change? If we look at other topics and/or actions that have been justified under the guise of ‘national security’, it doesn’t paint a really trustworthy picture. Mass surveillance is a great example. It was once considered a conspiracy theory until NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden provided proof of just how vast and global it really is, and what kind of intrusive surveillance technology is being used.
All of this was justified under the claim that it (mass surveillance) was necessary to protect citizens.
History is chock full of example where our ‘safety’ and ‘national security’ has been used as a mask to cover our eyes to very immoral and unethical actions that governments partake in. Whether it be arming and assisting the very same terrorist organizations they claim to be fighting themselves, or something else. Why do we imprison people, like Julian Assange, for exposing war crimes?
It’s not for national security. It’s to maintain a monopoly of power, wealth, and as NSA whistleblower William Binney said, “total population control.”
So, if we have governments and political systems that seem to incentivize immoral and unethical behaviour, one that thrives off of secrecy, perception manipulation and the retention of power, as well as a history of disseminating propaganda, then why should we expect anything different when it comes to the topic of UFOs?
A few UFO researchers have warned against the threat perspective. Renowned UFO researcher, scientist, mathematician, and astrophysicist Dr. Jacques Vallée made an appearance on the Joe Rogan show in late 2020 stating just that.
Thousands of contact stories, which are closely associated with UFOs, share stories that are benevolent in nature. That being said, there are some what appear to be malevolent stories as well.
The fact remains, the phenomenon has been documented for thousands of years throughout art, the introduction of the printing press and more. An “invasion” type of scenario doesn’t seem to probable given the fact that it probably would have happened by now.
This topic is so vast and leaves no aspect of humanity untouched. What we are likely to receive from governments is a watered down sanitized version of it, not a holistic, open and transparent revelation that shares all that is represented of this phenomenon and its nature. But that’s just my opinion.
Researchers have transplanted a human brain organoid (bright green) into the brain of a newborn rat pup, creating a hybrid brain in which the neurons interface.
Credit: Stanford University
Miniature human-brain-like structures transplanted into rats can send signals and respond to environmental cues picked up by the rats’ whiskers, according to a study1. This demonstration that neurons grown from human stem cells can interface with nerve cells in live rodents could lead to a way to test therapies for human brain disorders.
Scientists would like to use brain organoids — tiny brain-like structures grown from human stem cells — to study neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders that humans develop. But the organoids mimic human brains only so far. They don’t develop blood vessels and so can’t receive nutrients, meaning that they don’t thrive for long. And they don’t get the stimulation they need to grow fully: in a human infant’s brain, neurons’ growth and how they develop connections with other neurons are based in part on input from the senses.
To give brain organoids this stimulation and support, neuroscientist Sergiu Pasca at Stanford University in California and his colleagues grew the structures from human stem cells and then injected them into the brains of newborn rat pups, with the expectation that the human cells would grow along with the rats’ own cells. The team placed the organoids in a brain region called the somatosensory cortex, which receives signals from the rats’ whiskers and other sensory organs and then passes them along to other brain regions that interpret the signals.
Human brain cells mature much more slowly than rat cells, so the researchers had to wait for more than six months for the organoids to become fully integrated into the rat brains. But when they examined the animals’ brains at the end of that time, they saw that the integration had been so successful that it was almost like adding “another transistor to a circuit”, Pasca said at a 10 October press conference.
Paola Arlotta, a molecular biologist at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is excited about the results. “It’s an important step in allowing organoids to tell us more complex properties of the brain,” she says, although she thinks that the transplantation procedure is probably still too expensive and complex to become a standard research tool. The next step, Arlotta adds, will be to work out how individual human neurons — not just fully developed organoids — are integrated into the rat brain.
Behaviour trigger
In their report, published in Nature on 12 October1, the researchers describe how they genetically engineered the neurons in the organoids to fire when stimulated with light from a fibre-optic cable embedded in the rats’ brains. The team trained the rats to lick a spout to receive water while the light was switched on. Afterwards, when the researchers shone the light on the hybrid brains, the rats were prompted to lick the spout, meaning that the human cells had become integrated well enough to help drive the animals’ behaviour. Furthermore, when the researchers prodded the rats’ whiskers, they found that the human cells in the sensory cortex fired in response, suggesting that the cells were able to pick up sensory information.
Human neurons created from stem cells and transplanted into a rat brain (right) grow more fully than those cultivated in a dish (left).
Credit: Stanford University
To demonstrate the promise of their work for studying brain disorders, Pasca and his colleagues also created brain organoids from the stem cells of three people with a genetic condition called Timothy syndrome, which can cause symptoms similar to some seen in autism. The tiny structures looked the same as any other brain organoids grown in a dish, but when the researchers transplanted them into rats, they did not grow as large as others and their neurons didn’t fire in the same way.
Rusty Gage, a neuroscientist at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California, is glad to see these results. In 2018, he and a team of researchers found that transplanted human brain organoids could be integrated into the brains of adult mice2. Mice don’t live as long as rats, and Pasca and his colleagues hoped that because newborn rat pups’ brains are more plastic than those of adult animals, they would be better able to receive the new cells.
“We’ve got challenges out there for us,” Gage says. “But I do believe the transplantation procedure will be a valuable tool.”
Some of the challenges are ethical. People are concerned that creating rodent–human hybrids could harm the animals, or create animals with human-like brains. Last year, a panel organized by the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine released a report concluding that human brain organoids are still too primitive to become conscious, attain human-like intelligence or acquire other abilities that might require legal regulation. Pasca says that his team’s organoid transplants didn’t cause problems such as seizures or memory deficits in the rats, and didn’t seem to change the animals’ behaviour significantly.
But Arlotta, a member of the National Academies panel, says that problems could arise as science advances. “We can’t just discuss it once and let it be,” she says. She adds that concerns about human organoids need to be weighed against the needs of people with neurological and psychiatric disorders. Brain organoids and human–animal hybrid brains could reveal the mechanisms underlying these illnesses, and allow researchers to test therapies for conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. “I think we have a responsibility as a society to do everything we can,” Arlotta says.
A color view of the Jovian moon Europa captured by NASA's Galileo spacecraft in the late 1990s.
(Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SETI Institute)
Salty water lakes throughout the crust of Jupiter's icy moon Europa might burst from the surface as plumes of vapor or flows of slushy ice "lava", new research suggests.
NASA's Europa Clipper will explore the moon in the early 2030s and should be able to detect these subsurface lakes, if they indeed exist. Their presence would mean that the global ocean scientists think exists below the surface of the Jovian moon isn't the only liquid water lurking under Europa's icy shell. Scientists are keen to investigate Europa and its liquid water because this moon of Jupiter appears tantalizingly capable of hosting life.
The Europa Clipper spacecraft, set to launch in 2024, will fly past Europa around 50 times using sophisticated instruments to collect data about the moon. But before the mission gets underway, scientists are working to better model the water on Europa to more accurately focus the spacecraft's investigation.
One piece of new research in that vein offers new theories about the material that erupts from the surface of Europa as plumes or as "cryolava," the icy equivalent of the molten lava in volcanic activity seen on Earth. The work uses a new computer model and suggests that these eruptions may originate from subsurface reservoirs of salty water or "lakes" in the crust of Europa, rather than from its global liquid ocean.
"We demonstrated that plumes or cryolava flows could mean there are shallow liquid reservoirs below, which Europa Clipper would be able to detect," Elodie Lesage, lead author of the research and a Europa scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in California, said in astatement. "Our results give new insights into how deep the water might be that's driving surface activity, including plumes. And the water should be shallow enough that it can be detected by multiple Europa Clipper instruments."
The team's models suggest that the mission should detect reservoirs of water relatively close to the surface of Europa, in the upper 2.5 to 5 miles (4 to 8 kilometers) of the crust.
This is the region where the ice is at its coldest and most brittle. Pockets of water held here would freeze and expand, thus breaking the surrounding ice and triggering an eruption. This phenomenon is similar to how carbonated drinks can swell and burst when placed in a freezer.
An illustration of icy plumes of material erupting from the surface of Jupiter's moon Europa with the gas giant planet in the background. (Image credit: NASA/ESA/K. Retherford/SWRI)
The researchers also determined that the reservoirs most likely to erupt in this way are wide and flat, like a pancake.
However, the situation is different deeper inside Europa, according to the team. Reservoirs below around 5 miles (8 kilometers) under Europa's crust would also expand and push on surrounding ice. But because this ice is warmer, it is less brittle and thus soft enough to absorb the increased pressure rather than bursting. Instead of being analogous to an exploding soda can, this is more like a balloon of water that stretches as the liquid it contains freezes and expands.
These findings should help the Europa Clipper's radar instrument, called Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface (REASON), hunt for pockets of water when the spacecraft arrives at Europa in 2030.
"The new work shows that water bodies in the shallow subsurface could be unstable if stresses exceed the strength of the ice and could be associated with plumes rising above the surface," Don Blankenship, leader of the REASON team and a geophysicist at the University of Texas Institute for Geophysics in Texas who wasn't involved in the research, said in the same statement. "That means REASON could be able to see water bodies in the same places that you see plumes."
Astronomers Discover A Water Reservoir Floating In Space That Is Equivalent To 140 Trillion Times All The Water In The Earth's Ocean
Astronomers Discover A Water Reservoir Floating In Space That Is Equivalent To 140 Trillion Times All The Water In The Earth's Ocean
by Mirza Newton
There is a reserve of water the size of 140 trillion oceans lurking in a faraway supermassive black hole, the universe's largest deposit of water and 4,000 times the amount found in the Milky Way.
This amount of water was discovered by two teams of astronomers 12 billion light-years away, where it appears as vapor dispersed across hundreds of light-years.
The reservoir was discovered in a quasar's gaseous area, which is a brilliant compact region in the heart of a galaxy powered by a black hole. This finding demonstrates that water may be present throughout the cosmos, even at the start.
While this is not surprising to experts, water has never been discovered this far out before. The light from the quasar (specifically, the APM 08279+5255 quasar in the constellation Lynx) took 12 billion years to reach Earth, implying that this mass of water existed when the universe was just 1.6 billion years old.
One group used the Z-Spec instrument at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory in Hawaii, while the other used the Plateau de Bure Interferometer in the French Alps.
These sensors detect millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths, allowing the detection of trace gases (or vast reservoirs of water vapor) in the early cosmos.
The discovery of many spectral fingerprints of water in the quasar provided researchers with the data they needed to calculate the vast magnitude of the reservoir.
Human brain cells grown in a lab learn to play Pong: Incredible footage shows mini-brains mastering the classic video game after just five MINUTES of training
Human brain cells grown in a lab learn to play Pong: Incredible footage shows mini-brains mastering the classic video game after just five MINUTES of training
Pong is a classic table tennis-themed video game, first released in 1972
Researchers took human brain cells and grew 800,000 neurons in a dish
They demonstrated that the brains cells could master Pong in just five minutes
In the future, the researchers hope the findings could pave the way for treatments for neurodegenerative conditions like dementia
It's the classic table tennis-themed video game that tasks players with moving a paddle vertically across a screen to hit a ball.
And now even human brain cells grown in a lab have mastered Pong.
Researchers from Melbourne-based start-up, Cortical Labs, have shown for the first time that 800,000 brain cells can perform goal-directed tasks – in this case, Pong.
The findings suggest that even brain cells in a petri dish can exhibit inherent intelligence, modifying their behaviour over time.
'This new capacity to teach cell cultures to perform a task in which they exhibit sentience – by controlling the paddle to return the ball via sensing – opens up new discovery possibilities which will have far-reaching consequences for technology, health, and society,' said Dr Adeel Razi, an author of the study.
'We know our brains have the evolutionary advantage of being tuned over hundreds of millions of years for survival.
'Now, it seems we have in our grasp where we can harness this incredibly powerful and cheap biological intelligence.'
Researchers from Melbourne-based start-up, Cortical Labs, have shown for the first time that 800,000 brain cells living in a dish can perform goal-directed tasks – in this case, Pong
How will the results be used?
The team will now try to see what happens when DishBrain is affected by medicines and alcohol.
'We're trying to create a dose response curve with ethanol – basically get them 'drunk' and see if they play the game more poorly, just as when people drink,' said Dr Kagan.
In the future, the researchers hope the findings could pave the way for treatments for neurodegenerative conditions.
'DishBrain offers a simpler approach to test how the brain works and gain insights into debilitating conditions such as epilepsy and dementia,' says Dr Hon Weng Chong, Chief Executive Officer of Cortical Labs.
Scientists have previously been able to grow brain cells in the lab and read their activity.
However, until now, it's not been possible to stimulate the cells in a structured and meaningful way.
Dr Brett Kagan, who led the study, explained: 'In the past, models of the brain have been developed according to how computer scientists think the brain might work.
'That is usually based on our current understanding of information technology, such as silicon computing.
'But in truth we don't really understand how the brain works.'
In the new study, the team took mouse cells from embryonic brains as well as some human brain cells, and grew 800,000 neurons in a dish, in what they're calling 'DishBrain'.
The neurons were connected to a computer in such a way where they received feedback on whether their paddle was hitting the ball.
Electrodes on the left or right of one array were fired to tell DishBrain which side the ball was on, while distance from the paddle was indicated by the frequency of signals.
Using electric probes that recorded 'spikes', the researchers monitored the neuron's activity and responses to this feedback.
In the new study, the team took mouse cells from embryonic brains as well as some human brain cells, and grew 800,000 neurons in a dish, in what they're calling 'DishBrain'
Pong is a classic table tennis-themed video game that tasks players with moving a paddle vertically across a screen to hit a ball
What is Pong?
Pong was officially released on November 29, 1972.
The two-dimensional table tennis simulator, the first release by Atari, is credited with being one of the progenitors of the video games industry, which is now worth a phenomenal $65billion a year.
The simple two-dimensional simulation of ping pong, consists merely of two paddles which moved up and down to pass a moving spot between each player.
Yet its addictive gameplay captured the imagination of thousands of players around the world, building Atari's status as a video games giant.
Spikes became stronger the more a neuron moved its paddle and hit the ball.
And when neurons missed the ball, their playstyle was critiqued by a software programme.
This shows that neurons can adapt their activity to a changing environment in a goal-oriented way, in real time.
Professor Karl Friston, a theoretical neuroscientist at UCL, and co-author of the study, said: 'Remarkably, the cultures learned how to make their world more predictable by acting upon it.
'This is remarkable because you cannot teach this kind of self-organisation; simply because — unlike a pet — these mini brains have no sense of reward and punishment.'
Pong wasn't the only game the team tested.
'You know when the Google Chrome browser crashes and you get that dinosaur that you can make jump over obstacles (Project Bolan),' said Dr Kagan.
'We've done that and we've seen some nice preliminary results, but we still have more work to do building new environments for custom purposes.'
The team will now try to see what happens when DishBrain is affected by medicines and alcohol.
'We're trying to create a dose response curve with ethanol – basically get them "drunk" and see if they play the game more poorly, just as when people drink,' said Dr Kagan.
In the future, the researchers hope the findings could pave the way for treatments for neurodegenerative conditions.
'DishBrain offers a simpler approach to test how the brain works and gain insights into debilitating conditions such as epilepsy and dementia,' said Dr Hon Weng Chong, Chief Executive Officer of Cortical Labs.
A neuron, also known as nerve cell, is an electrically excitable cell that takes up, processes and transmits information through electrical and chemical signals. It is one of the basic elements of the nervous system.
In order that a human being can react to his environment, neurons transport stimuli.
The stimulation, for example the burning of the finger at a candle flame, is transported by the ascending neurons to the central nervous system and in return, the descending neurons stimulate the arm in order to remove the finger from the candle.
A typical neuron is divided into three parts: the cell body, the dendrites and the axon. The cell body, the centre of the neuron, extends its processes called the axon and the dendrites to other cells.Dendrites typically branch profusely, getting thinner with each branching. The axon is thin but can reach enormous distances.
To make a comparable scale, the diameter of a neuron is about the tenth size of the diameter of a human hair.
All neurons are electrically excitable. The electrical impulse mostly arrives on the dendrites, gets processed into the cell body to then move along the axon.
On its all length an axon functions merely as an electric cable, simply transmitting the signal.
Once the electrical reaches the end of the axon, at the synapses, things get a little more complex.
The key to neural function is the synaptic signalling process, which is partly electrical and partly chemical.
Once the electrical signal reaches the synapse, a special molecule called neurotransmitter is released by the neuron.
This neurotransmitter will then stimulate the second neuron, triggering a new wave of electrical impulse, repeating the mechanism described above.
Menselijke hersencellen gekweekt in labo leren videogame Pong spelen in 5 minuten
Wetenschappers hebben het videospelletje Pong uit de jaren 70 in amper vijf minuten tijd leren spelen aan menselijke hersencellen gekweekt in een laboratorium. Volgens de onderzoekers kan hun “minibrein” voelen en reageren op de omgeving. Op termijn is de hoop dat de technologie kan worden ingezet om behandelingen te testen voor ziektes als Alzheimer.
Brett Kagan van het bedrijf Cortical Labs beweert dat hij met zijn team onderzoekers uit het Australische Melbourne voor het eerst een “gevoelig” brein op een schaaltje in een labo heeft gekweekt. Andere experten vinden die omschrijving te ver gaan, al noemen ze het onderzoek wel “opwindend”. “We konden geen betere term vinden om dit te beschrijven”, zegt Kagan. “Het is in staat om informatie van een externe bron op te nemen, die te verwerken en er vervolgens in real time op te reageren.” Neurowetenschapper Dean Burnett, die verbonden is aan de Cardiff Psychology School, geeft toch de voorkeur aan de term “denkend systeem”. “Er wordt informatie doorgegeven en duidelijk gebruikt, waardoor veranderingen ontstaan, dus over de stimulus die zij ontvangen wordt op een elementaire manier ‘nagedacht’”, zegt Burnett.
Het creëren van een minibrein is op zich niet nieuw. Het eerste werd al in 2013 gekweekt, toen om microcefalie te bestuderen, de genetische aandoening waarbij de schedelomvang te klein is en ook de hersenen zich niet volledig kunnen ontwikkelen. Sindsdien worden minibreinen vaker gebruikt in hersenonderzoek.
De primeur van dit onderzoek bestaat erin dat de hersenen werden verbonden met een externe omgevingsfactor, in dit geval een videogame, en dat er interactie was. Eerst werden menselijke hersencellen gekweekt uit stamcellen en enkele ook uit embryo’s van muizen. In totaal bestond het minibrein uit zo’n 800.000 cellen. Via elektroden werden de hersencellen verbonden met Pong, een van de allereerste videospellen, daterend uit de jaren 70.
Wat is Pong?
Het spel is gebaseerd op pingpong. De twee spelers staan elk achteraan hun eigen helft van het speelveld en hebben elk een bat, dat enkel horizontaal kan bewegen en dat tegen een balletje kan kaatsen. Aan de boven- en onderkant van het speelveld zijn er twee muren, die het balletje wegkaatsen telkens als dat de muur raakt. De bedoeling is om het balletje achter het bat van de tegenstander te krijgen en zo te scoren.
Bij de proef met het minibrein gaven de elektroden aan aan welke kant het balletje was en hoe ver het verwijderd was van de batjes. Als reactie daarop produceerden de cellen hun eigen elektrische activiteit. Naarmate het spel vorderde, gebruikten ze minder energie. Maar wanneer er ‘gescoord’ werd en het spel dus opnieuw begon met het balletje op een willekeurig punt, verbruikten ze meer energie om zich aan te passen aan de nieuwe spelsituatie.
In vijf minuten tijd leerde het minibrein Pong spelen. De bal werd vaak gemist, maar het succespercentage lag ver boven wat nog toeval is, ook al - zo benadrukken de onderzoekers - heeft het minibrein geen bewustzijn en weet het niet dat het Pong aan het spelen is zoals een menselijke speler dat zou beseffen.
Kagan hoopt dat deze technologie uiteindelijk zal kunnen worden gebruikt om behandelingen voor neurodegeneratieve ziekten zoals Alzheimer te testen. Kagan wil verder gaan dan alleen maar kijken of de hersenen in een schaaltje al dan niet activiteit vertonen. “Het doel van hersencellen is om informatie in real time te verwerken”, zegt hij. “Het aanboren van hun ware functie ontsluit zo veel meer onderzoeksgebieden die uitgebreid kunnen worden onderzocht.” Kagan is nu van plan om te testen welke invloed alcohol heeft op de capaciteit van het minibrein om Pong te spelen. Hij wil nagaan of de hersencellen reageren zoals een menselijk brein, wat van het systeem een efficiënte stand-in voor experimenten zou maken.
De studie is na peer-review gepubliceerd in het tijdschrift ‘Neuron’.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Phew, NASA’s CAPSTONE is no Longer Tumbling in Space
Phew, NASA’s CAPSTONE is no Longer Tumbling in Space
Engineers with the trouble-plagued CAPSTONE mission to the Moon have made progress in stabilizing the spacecraft. A month ago, the microwave-oven-sized CAPSTONE (Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment) began tumbling and lost its orientation in space. But now, after weeks of painstaking and patient troubleshooting, team members successfully executed an operation to stop the spacecraft’s spin. NASA says this clears a major hurdle in returning the spacecraft to normal operations.
Animation of the CAPSTONE mission in orbit of the Moon. Credits: NASA/Daniel Rutter
The mission for small satellite is to conduct tests to make sure the unique lunar orbit for NASA’s future Lunar Gateway is actually stable. It launched on June 28, 2022 from New Zealand on Rocket Lab’s Electron rocket. In early July, after conducting a course correction burn, the spacecraft lost contact with the Deep Space Network; however, communications were reestablished after about 24 hours.
But on September 8th, at the end of another course correction maneuver, the spacecraft’s attitude started to deviate. CAPSTONE’s reaction wheels were unable to counter the spacecraft’s oscillations, and the vehicle entered into an uncontrolled spin. With its antenna no longer pointed at Earth, communications were lost again.
Even though engineers were soon able to re-establish a weak communications link, data indicated the spacecraft’s solar arrays weren’t producing enough energy to charge the batteries, which was causing the spacecraft to reset frequently from lack of power. Most worrying was that without energy to run the onboard heaters, the thrusters needed to stop the tumble could freeze. But the mission team was able to put CAPSTONE into safe mode, which allowed the solar panels to focus on supplying power to heat the spacecraft. Then the team could focus attempting to solve the tumbling problem. They were able to determine the problem arose from a thruster valve that was partially stuck open.
CAPSTONE mission timeline. Credit: Advanced Space and Terran Orbital.
In reviewing the telemetry data, one encouraging bit of data was that CAPSTONE was on course for eventually reaching its desired orbital trajectory. The unusual lunar orbit, called a near rectilinear halo orbit (NRHO), is an elongated polar orbit that brings a spacecraft within 1600 km (1,000 miles) of one lunar pole on its near pass and 70,000 km (43,500 miles) from the other pole every seven days. Since the orbit uses a balance point in the gravities of Earth and the Moon, it is theorized that spacecraft in this type of orbit require less propulsion capability for spacecraft flying to and from the Moon’s surface than other circular orbits and requires minimal energy to maintain. This is CAPSTONE’s goal, to determine how stable and energy-saving this orbit actually is.
Last week Friday, on October 7, recovery commands were executed and the initial telemetry from CAPSTONE points to a successful maneuver, indicating the spacecraft has stopped its spin and regained full 3-axis attitude control. This means CAPSTONE’s position is controlled and its solar arrays are pointing towards the Sun and the communications antenna is pointing towards Earth.
The team is now monitoring the spacecraft status and making any needed adjustments to procedures in order to account for and mitigate the effects of the partially open thruster valve. The mission team also will work to design possible fixes for this valve-related issue in order to reduce risk for future maneuvers. CAPSTONE remains on track to insert into its targeted near rectilinear halo orbit at the Moon on Nov. 13.
SpinLaunch Completes its 10th Test, Hurling Payloads for NASA and Other Companies Into the air
SpinLaunch Completes its 10th Test, Hurling Payloads for NASA and Other Companies Into the air
There has been no shortage of exciting developments in the commercial space industry (aka. NewSpace) in recent years. These include the ability to retrieve and reuse rockets (in part or whole), new configurations that reduce expendability, and new engines. But beyond making rocket launches more cost-effective, several cutting-edge ideas have been brought forward to make space more accessible. These include SpinLaunch‘s concept for an electric kinetic launch system (aka. a space catapult) that can propel payloads of up to 200 kg (440 lbs) to space.
On September 27th, 2022, SpinLaunch announced the results of its tenth successful flight test of its Suborbital Mass Accelerator (SMA) at Spaceport America, New Mexico. This time, SpinLaunch sent four partner payloads to space with its Suborbital Accelerator Flight Test Vehicle, which provided valuable data about the launch environment and payload integration process. This latest successful test has placed the company and its launch system one step closer to providing low-cost and sustainable launch services for satellites and other small payloads.
Based in Long Beach, California, SpinLaunch was founded in 2014 by Jonathan Yaney, an aerospace enthusiast and self-described “serial entrepreneur” with a long history of co-founding startups. Before founding SpinLaunch, Yaney spent 15 years establishing companies involved in consulting, IT, construction, and aerospace. By 2014, he began working on a new launch technology that would enable a low-cost and sustainable means of sending constellations of satellites to Low Earth Orbit (LEO).
Another Successful Launch
The company’s 12-meter (39.37 ft) Suborbital Mass Accelerator (SMA), located at Spaceport America in New Mexico, operates on a pretty straightforward principle. The accelerator spins payloads up to 10,000 g and then releases them from its launch tube towards space. Once the launch vehicle reaches orbit, its protective outer casing (similar to a rocket fairing) breaks away, releasing the second stage. This vehicle then ignites its single engine and carries payloads to the desired orbit, where they are released.
This method does away with the need for propellant burns to achieve escape velocity, making it far more environmentally friendly since it does not leave excess carbon emissions in our atmosphere. This latest flight is the tenth test conducted by the company in the eleven months since the SMA became operational in late 2021. Whereas the previous flights, which took place in October 2021 and May 2022, consisted of launch tests that saw test vehicles launched to higher and higher altitudes.
Flight Test 10 was the first flight to include cargo and was witnessed by more than 150 partners, government officials, and commercial space industry advocates. The test saw the Flight Test Vehicle (FTV) deploy all six of its payloads successfully (which were also recovered) and provided critical flight data. Moreover, it demonstrated that standard satellite components used by commercial partners are inherently compatible with the SMA launch system. Said Founder & CEO Yaney in a recent interview with BusinessWire:
“Flight Test 10 represents a key inflection point for SpinLaunch, as we’ve opened the Suborbital Accelerator system externally for our customers, strategic partners, and research groups. The data and insights collected from flight tests will be invaluable for both SpinLaunch, as we further the development of the Orbital Launch system, and for our customers who are looking to us to provide them with low-cost, high-cadence, sustainable access to space.”
As part of the pre-flight qualification process, SpinLaunch accelerated payloads up to 10,000 g using its 12-meter (39.37 ft) Lab Accelerator at its Long Beach headquarters. After clearing the qualification test, the payloads were inspected and integrated into the FTV in preparation for Flight Test 10 at the SMA at Spaceport America.
Launch Partners
The six payloads carried by the FTV included two instrumentation payloads that collected data on the flight, plus four partner payloads contributed by NASA, Airbus U.S. Space & Defense, Cornell Engineering, and Outpost. Each was responsible for testing systems vital to the SMA and FTV and gauged the system’s ability to safely launch satellites and other payloads to suborbital altitude and beyond. NASA contributed a Data Acquisition Unit (DAQ) for its payload designed to evaluate the kinetic launch method for future commercial launch opportunities.
This payload was included as part of a NASA Space Act Agreement signed by SpinLaunch to develop, integrate, and fly a sensor suite to space. The DAQ gathered launch environment data using two accelerometers, a gyroscope, a magnetometer, and sensors for pressure, temperature, and humidity. Airbus U.S. Space & Defense provided their satellite sun sensor, a device typically used by spacecraft for attitude control and positioning. As a global leader in satellite systems, Airbus’ payload was intended to see if the extreme loads generated by the launch would impact the sensor signal.
To test this, a team of engineers monitored the sensor’s output signal during the high-g centrifuge test, the pre-flight test, and Flight Test 10. They then compared the output signal during all three phases to the pre-flight data and were pleased with the result. According to their findings, the sensor’s output signal was unaffected during the pre-flight, flight, or recovery phases. This success was a major step in certifying subsystems (like sensors or onboard laboratories) that are more delicate than other flight components for use on SpinLaunch’s orbital launch system.
“Our Airbus U.S. engineering team is excited to work with SpinLaunch in support of this significant advancement of a new accelerated launch concept,” said Airbus U.S. CTO Armen Askijian. “We look forward to continued collaboration and future success.”
The next payload was contributed by the Space Systems Design Studio (SSDS), which is part of the Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Cornell University. The SSDS is responsible for designing next-generation satellites substantially smaller than CubeSats (called ChipSats) that will provide distributed in-situ measurements of Earth’s upper atmosphere and other planets. As part of Test Flight 10, the SSDS contributed some of their ChipSats, which were released during the flight to test the SpinLaunch-designed payload deployment system.
The payload deployment system is vital to SpinLaunch’s services, which are likely to include satellites of every shape and form. Future tests with SSDS may include high-altitude ChipSat deployments to verify their ability to reenter the atmosphere and follow a trajectory that will cause them to burn up. Said Hunter Adams, a lecturer in Cornell Engineering’s school of electrical and computer engineering:
“Centimeter-scale spacecraft will be a critical tool in future planetary science missions. Deployed en masse from orbit, ChipSats will descend through the atmosphere and down to the surface of this planet and others, gathering spatially distributed datasets as they fall. To plan these missions, we must understand the chaotic trajectories that low-mass and high-surface-area objects take from the top of the atmosphere to the surface of the planet. By conducting experiments with SpinLaunch’s Suborbital Accelerator, we can gather critical information for planning future planetary science missions involving ChipSats. It is absolutely a game-changer for centimeter-scale spacecraft research.”
The fourth payload was contributed by Outpost, a Los Angeles-based aerospace company developing reusable satellites capable of returning to Earth. Their payload consisted of an onboard computer for testing and qualifying the launch system, which validated both and proved that the flight computer is compatible with SpinLaunch’s launch environment. This represents a big step towards broader verification and testing of the kinetic launch system, and Outpost and SpinLaunch plan to continue collaborating in this respect. Said Michael Vergalla, co-founder and CTO at Outpost:
“Outpost and SpinLaunch share the same mission of providing customers with low-cost, rapid launch – which means rethinking the way we access space. Testing our hardware with SpinLaunch’s mass accelerator gives us optionality and provides valuable engineering data for developing our hardware to be compatible with their launch system and unlock the upside of low-cost and high-cadence launch.”
SpinLaunch’s vacuum-sealed centrifuge will accelerate a rocket to more than 8,000 km/h (5,000 mph). Credit: SpinLaunch
The success of this latest test has effectively demonstrated SpinLaunch’s capability to launch satellites and small payloads to suborbital altitude. It also means the company is on track for sending satellites to orbit and delivering payloads for other missions by 2026. It is also another step on the path toward SpinLaunch realizing its next-generation launcher, the Orbital Mass Accelerator (OMA). As the name suggests, this system will be larger, more powerful, and will be able to send heavier payloads to Low Earth Orbit (LEO), greatly expanding the types of mission profiles the company can provide.
Equally interesting is the wider implications this latest successful test will have for commercial space. The kinetic launch method is part of a growing constellation of services that are changing how we think about going to space. In terms of rockets, most commercial providers offer at least partially-reusable vehicles, single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) vehicles, and air-launch vehicles. Beyond rockets, space agencies and entrepreneurs are pushing the boundaries of orbital balloons, electric rails, mass drivers, and spaceplanes.
The net effect of these low-cost and sustainable launch systems will likely be tremendous, enabling everything from megaconstellations (that don’t cause space debris) to the creation of private space stations and habitats and the commercialization of LEO. Who knows? Such diverse methods for sending payloads to orbit could even pave the way towards some of the most ambitious methods for sending payloads and people to space – like Slingatrons, Sky Hooks, and Space Elevators!
Two Tic-Tac Crashed In Antarctica, Google Earth Map, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Two Tic-Tac Crashed In Antarctica, Google Earth Map, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Oct 13, 2022 Location of sighting: Antarctica Google location: -62.663753, -61.099363
Hey check this out. I was using Google Earth map and came across these two pink tic-tac shaped crashed UFOs. The objects are in an area that has no signs of humans anywhere. There are no trails, roads, docks, cars, ships, buildings of any kind. These objects are alone and seem to be two crash landed UFOs. The objects measure 7.5 by 4 meters across and clearly could hold several human size occupants each. Check out my video below I just made and tell me your thoughts.
3 UFO lights in formation over Scottsdale, Arizona 2-Oct-2022
3 UFO lights in formation over Scottsdale, Arizona 2-Oct-2022
These 3 huge lights were seen and recorded in the sky above Scottsdale, a desert city in Arizona east of state capital Phoenix. Filmed on 2nd October 2022.
Witness report:
At or about 6:30 pm on October 2, 2002, I was on a 2 nd story rooftop facing south. I began to see 3 lights traveling from the southeast to north over phoenix. The lights travelled as far north to Scottsdale and became stationary. The lights were a bright white and pulsating. After a minute the 3 lights were aligned in a straight line, then the 3rd light at the bottom took off the south. The second light about another minute later moved south then moved back toward the northwest . The Top light of the three remained stationary . I recorded about 3 minutes of video and took a two photos.
Dark Side of the Universe is Way More Mysterious Than the Light Side
Dark Side of the Universe is Way More Mysterious Than the Light Side
In “Star Wars” lore, there’s a constant struggle between the dark side and the light side of the Force. Fans debate endlessly about which side is stronger. While such debates might seem futile, given that they pertain to a fictional universe, there’s a real life analogue of sorts.
Our universe, too, contains both light and dark components. On the one hand, there’s the light side, which consists of all that’s visible and interacts with radiation — stars, quasars, planets, etc. On the other hand, a dark side looms, full of theoretical entities like dark matter and dark energy.
We know a lot more about the light side, of course. But observations of the light side reveal hints about the nature of the dark, and the more evidence we gather about this mysterious realm, the more we’re realizing that understanding it isn’t going to be easy.
Perhaps the biggest evidence we have that there’s more to the dark side than meets the eye is the fact that our observations of the expansion rate of our universe — otherwise known as the Hubble constant — are becoming increasingly inconsistent. Different techniques we have for measuring the rate of expansion can’t seem to agree.
For instance, if we measure the expansion rate by looking directly at the speed by which distant objects like supernova are moving away from us, we come up with a rate of about 73.2 kilometers per second per megaparsec (a “megaparsec” being a unit of distance equal to 3.26 million light-years). But if we attempt to calculate the expansion rate by studying the most detailed map ever compiled of the early universe — the so-called cosmic background radiation that permeates the universe in all directions — the numbers fall to between 67 and 68 kilometers per second per megaparsec.
That might not sound like a big discrepancy, but it’s huge on the scale of the universe. If scientists can’t figure out how to make these different measurements jive, it could mean that our biggest theories about the universe need a reboot.
Is there a missing ingredient?
One such reboot would greatly expand the scope of the universe’s dark side. It’s a possibility that tantalizes Lloyd Knox, a cosmologist at the University of California, Davis, who recently spoke about his research with Scientific American.
“Potentially where this is leading us is to a new ingredient in the ‘dark sector,'” he said.
Knox is keen on referring to this mysterious new dark ingredient as “dark turbo,” an apt description for a force that acts to hasten the universe’s expansion under certain conditions, such as the conditions that were present during the years immediately following the Big Bang, when the universe was a massive plasma ball. If the universe’s rate of expansion has not always been the same, then this new measurement could make all our other calculations jive.
It’s also possible that Knox’s dark turbo is really just another form of dark energy — the term scientists use to describe how the universe is expanding at an accelerated rate. This would mean that dark energy is way more complicated than previously thought, but that wouldn’t be surprising. Knox points out that the light side of the universe contains many different types of particles and forces, and asks: Why couldn’t the dark side also have complex elements?
Of course it’s probably complicated. This is the universe, after all. The good news is, scientists tend to prefer questions over answers. That’s just the nature of the game.
“It’s much more interesting if it turns out to be fundamental new physics — but it’s not up to us wanting it to be one way or another,” exclaimed Wendy Freedman of the University of Chicago, who has been laboring away on the Hubble constant problem for more than three decades. “The universe doesn’t care what we think!”
Enigmatic Symbols and Carvings in Man-Made Royston Cave
Enigmatic Symbols and Carvings in Man-Made Royston Cave
The Royston Cave is an artificial cave in Hertfordshire, England, which contains strange carvings. It is not known who created the cave or what it was used for, but there has been much speculation. Some believe that it was used by the Knights Templar, while others believe it may have been an Augustinian store house. Another theory posits that it was a Neolithic flint mine. None of these theories have been substantiated, and the origin of Royston Cave remains a mystery.
Royston Cave was discovered in August 1742 by a worker in the small town of Royston digging holes to build footing for a new bench at a market. He discovered a millstone while he was digging, and when he dug around to remove it, he found the shaft leading down into a man-madecave, half-filled with dirt and rock.
At the time of discovery, efforts were made to remove the dirt and rock filling the artificial cave, which was subsequently discarded. Some believed that treasure would be found within Royston Cave. However, removal of the dirt did not reveal any treasure. They did however discover sculptures and carvings within the cave. It is worth noting that had the soil not been discarded, today’s technology could have allowed for a soil analysis.
Located below the crossroads of Ermine Street and Icknield Way, the cave itself is an artificial chamber carved into chalk bedrock, measuring approximately 7.7 meters high (25 ft 6 in) and 5.2 meters (17 ft) in diameter. At the base o the cave is a raised octagonal step, which many believe was used for kneeling or prayer. Along the lower part of the wall there are unusual carvings. Experts believe that these relief carvings were originally colored, although due to the passage of time only very small traces of color remain visible.
The carved relief images are mostly religious, depicting St. Catherine , the Holy Family, the Crucifixion, St. Lawrence holding the gridiron on which he was martyred, and a figure holding a sword who could either be St. George, or St. Michael. Holes located beneath the carvings appear to have held candles or lamps which would have lit the carvings and sculptures. Several of the figures and symbols have yet to be identified, but according to Royston Town Council , a study of the designs in the cave “suggest that the carvings were likely made in the mid-1300s.”
Plate I from Joseph Beldam's book The Origins and Use of the Royston Cave, 1884 showing some of the numerous carvings.
One of the main theories as to the origin of Royston Cave, especially for those who like conspiracy theories , is that it was used by the medieval religious order known as the Knights Templar , prior to their dissolution by Pope Clement V in 1312. Bad Archaeology criticizes the way websites across the web have repeated this association between the Royston Cave and the Knights Templar, “despite the weakness of the evidence in favor of the hypothesis and the arguments in favor of a later date.”
Some believe that the cave had been split into two levels using a wooden floor. Figures near a damaged section of the cave depict two knights riding a single horse, which may be the remains of a Templar symbol. Architectural historian Nikolaus Pevsner has written that the date of the carvings "is hard to guess. They have been called Anglo-Saxon, but are more probably of various dates between the C14 and C17 (the work of unskilled men)."
Plate III from Joseph Beldam's book The Origins and Use of the Royston Cave, 1884 showing the shape and floor plan of the cave.
Another theory is that Royston Cave was used as an Augustinian store house. As their name implies, the Augustinians were an Order created by St. Augustine , Bishop of Hippo, in Africa. Founded in 1061 AD, they first came into England during the reign of Henry I . From the 12th century, Royston in Hertfordshire was a center of monastic life and the Augustinian priory continued without break there for nearly 400 years. It has been said that local Augustinian monks used Royston Cave as a cool storage space for their produce and as a chapel.
Finally, some speculate it may have been used as a Neolithic flint mine as early as 3,000 BC, where flint would have been gathered for making axes and other tools. However, the chalk in this area only provides small flint nodules, generally unsuitable for axe making, so this may cast some doubt on this theory.
Relief carving of St. Christopher at Royston Cave.
To this date there remains much mystery as to who created Royston cave and for what purpose. It is always possible that whichever group originally created the cave may have abandoned it at some point, allowing it to be used by another group. The mystery surrounding the cave and the sculptures within makes the cave an interesting location for visitors who would like to speculate as to the origins of this ancient wonder.
Royston Cave has required regular maintenance and restoration, as it was discovered that insect larvae and worms were damaging the walls and structure of the cave. By August 2014, work to prevent such damage was deemed successful. Rather than using insecticides, the preservation workers removed some of the earth, thereby eliminating the worms’ food supply. Hopefully subsequent repair work to pipes to avoid flooding, and other work to prevent vibration damage from the traffic above, will help to preserve the cave into the future.
Just 8 minutes walking from Royston train station, visits are organized by Royston Town Council and tickets must be booked online . Their opening hours of Royston Cave are limited to Saturdays and Sundays from April to September. Each tour is limited to 15 people and lasts about 30 minutes.
Top image: The mysterious and elaborately carved walls of Royston Cave.
Were Cyclopes Legends Inspired by Ancient Elephant Skulls?
Were Cyclopes Legends Inspired by Ancient Elephant Skulls?
Ancient Greek mythology is full of fantastic beasts and monsters. One of the most famous examples is the brutal one-eyed race of giants, the cyclopes. Several different cyclopes appeared in various myths. One group was instrumental in helping Zeus overcome the Titans, while another had a nasty habit of feasting on mortals. But where did the Greeks get their inspiration from? Were the cyclopes just a figment of their imaginations, or was something else at work?
What Were the Cyclopes?
In Greek mythology, there were three distinct groups of cyclopes, all appearing in different myths. The most well-known are the Homeric cyclopes that appear in the Odyssey. When we think of the cyclopes that are prevalent in pop culture today, it is the Homeric cyclopes we are thinking of.
These cyclopes were a group of one-eyed, savage giants who were man-eating shepherds. Odysseus and his men ended up on the cyclopes’ island looking for supplies during their long and eventful journey home. One of the cyclopes, Polyphemus (son of Poseidon), captured Odysseus and his men. He began eating Odysseus’s men one by one. Using his wits, Odysseus got the cyclops drunk and blinded him, before fleeing with his remaining men.
The second most famous group was the Hesiodic cyclopes. These fit the same physical description, but are quite different. In the Theogony, Hesiod described three cyclopes: Brontes, Steropes, and Arges. These were the children of Uranus and Gaia. They were also brothers to the Titans and the Hundred-Hander giants.
In the Theogony, these cyclopes were banished to Tartarus (Greek hell), but they were rescued by Zeus. They played a key role in the Greek succession myth by arming Zeus with his thunderbolts, which became his primary weapon throughout Greek mythology. They also crafted Hades’ helm of invisibility and Poseidon’s trident. Rather than savage monsters, these cyclops were subservient master craftsmen.
A first century AD head of a Cyclops, one of the sculptures adorning the Roman Colosseum
The third group was the cyclopean wall builders. The Greeks believed that the great walls of Mycenae, Tiryns, and Argos were all built by primordial cyclopes. Besides being master craftsmen, not much is known about these cyclopes. They were just used to explain something the Greeks struggled to explain otherwise - giant walls made of stone no man could lift.
In the early 21st century, the remains of a Deinotherium giganteum were found in Crete for the first time. The Deinotherium giganteum was an ancient relative of the modern elephant. It was 15 feet (4.6 meters) tall, with tusks 4.5 feet (1.3 meters) long.
Its skull showed it to be much more primitive and bulkier than its modern counterpart. Most importantly, it also had an extremely long nasal opening in the center of its skull. To paleontologists today, or anyone who has seen an elephant, the large hole points to a big trunk.
But what about the scientifically uneducated? A giant skull with a large hole in the center? Found close to large bones? That could sound a lot like a cyclops skull.
Adrienne Mayor, a historian of ancient science and a classical folklorist, believes that's what the Greeks thought when they first found a Deinotherium giganteum skull. She has argued that Greeks and Romans had a long history of using fossil evidence to support existing myths and even create new ones.
The idea that mythology and religion have been used throughout history to explain the unknown is nothing new. As a species, humans crave explanations and answers. The Greeks were farmers and would come across fossils from time to time. When a person with no understanding of evolution came across a giant bone that they couldn’t otherwise explain, it makes sense that they would reconstruct them in their minds as giant monsters.
In her book The First Fossil Hunters: Paleontology in Greek and Roman Times , Mayor took this idea and ran with it. She pointed out that the areas where many of the myths took place are home to lots of fossil beds. Furthermore, according to Mayor, many myths involve monsters coming out from beneath the ground after storms. It is not uncommon for a bad storm to erode soil and reveal the underlying fossils.
Deinotherium skull from Oxford University Museum of Natural History
Mayor wasn’t the first person to connect elephant fossils with the cyclops myth, however. A century before, the Austrian paleontologist Othenio Abel first proposed the idea. He suggested the cyclops myth had been birthed with the Greek discovery of fossilized pygmy elephant skulls.
It all seemed to line up. Pygmy elephant skulls have eye sockets that are very small when compared to the large nasal cavity left by the trunk. The fossils are also usually found with other fossilized bones. To the Greeks, this could have appeared to be evidence of the cyclops' savage diet.
Abel also claimed that the Greek writer Empedocles had seen pygmy elephant remains in caves in Sicily. There was only one problem; according to Mayor, Abel was mistaken. Empedocles made no such claim and never saw pygmy elephant fossils. So Abel was on the right track, but was perhaps wrong on the specific type of elephant fossil that inspired the myth.
We’ll never know whether Mayor and Abel are right or not. Without a time machine, there is no scientific way to confirm how the Greeks came up with the myth. The theory does make sense though. How else would the ancient Greeks explain their seemingly strange fossil discoveries other than coming up with tall tales to explain them?
The Greeks weren’t alone either. Other civilizations have done the same. Take the dragon for example. The dragon appears in the mythology of cultures all over the world. What else can be found all over the world? Dinosaur fossils. It is likely no coincidence that many depictions of dragons resemble our modern understanding of what a dinosaur looked like.
Even today, some creationists still point at fossil evidence and use it to argue that fossils are proof of creatures like the Leviathan, which appear in the Bible, rather than evidence of animals millions of years old. So in the end, it isn’t that surprising that the Greeks might have seen an old elephant skull and confused it with that of a cyclops.
Top image: The cyclopes were one-eyed mythological giants of ancient Greece. But did the myth originate from elephant skulls like this?
An artist's impression of a black hole destroying a star in a tidal disruption event (TDE)
DESY, Science Communication Lab
Black holes have been seen to chow down on stars that wander too close, resulting in a bright stellar show. But now a black hole has been seen doing something nobody’s ever seen before – it “burped up” material several years after eating a star, leaving astronomers baffled.
Black holes are famously ravenous objects, swallowing up everything that gets too close, including light itself. When stars are on the menu, the intense gravitational forces stretch the material out into long strands in an event known as “spaghettification” or more officially, a tidal disruption event (TDE). This produces clear signals of light, radio and other waves that astronomers can detect as bursts that last a few weeks or months.
In October 2018, astronomers detected and studied a TDE known as AT2018hyz. It seemed to be pretty average for this kind of event – a star just one-tenth the mass of the Sun was being swallowed by a black hole about 665 million light-years away. The light show faded over a few months, and astronomers didn’t really give it much thought after that.
That is until June 2021, when the black hole suddenly fired back up with radio signals. This emission appears to be an outflow, the result of material thrown back into space as the black hole shredded the star – but this usually shows up within days or weeks of the initial event, not years later.
“This caught us completely by surprise – no one has ever seen anything like this before,” said Yvette Cendes, lead author of the study. “It’s as if this black hole has started abruptly burping out a bunch of material from the star it ate years ago.”
These burps have a lot of power behind them, too. The team calculated that they’re traveling at around half the speed of light, which is about five times faster than most TDE outflows.
So far the astronomers can’t explain why it took so long for these radio signals to show up. But studying the feeding habits of black holes has revealed some unexpected anomalies in the past – one was seen to be slowly snacking on a star over 10 years, while another would slurp a layer off each time the star swung past, producing flashes that repeat like clockwork. More detailed observations of these events could help unravel how regular they may be occurring.
“This is the first time that we have witnessed such a long delay between the feeding and the outflow,” said Edo Berger, co-author of the study. “The next step is to explore whether this actually happens more regularly and we have simply not been looking at TDEs late enough in their evolution.”
The mysteries of Mount Roraima: evidence of artificial cuts?
The mysteries of Mount Roraima: evidence of artificial cuts?
Blue Book Project: The witness tells that a UFO landed at the “airport” that forms the top of Roraima, causing a major blackout throughout the region.
Known as a geological curiosity, full of mysteries and inexplicable phenomena, Mount Roraima has become one of the most important points for researching UFOs and paranormals.
Also known as Tepuy Roraima, Cerro Roraima or simply Roraima, it is located on a plateau at the crossroads between Venezuela, Guyana and Brazil. Some people are sure that this work was done naturally, a “whim of nature.” However, due to its height and its almost perfectly flat peak, many theories indicate that, perhaps, it could be an artificial construction from really very old times.
Mount Roraima, which in the past was virtually unknown to researchers, has become one of the most important points for those studying UFO phenomena. Its fascinating shape has attracted attention for decades, as the mound appears to have been carved out of a single gigantic monolithic piece of rock.
Its walls are completely vertical and all surfaces are smooth. The sides of the mountain are also perfectly straight. The height at the top of the vertical walls reaches 400 meters. The sloping corners seem to create a kind of “defence” for those who want to reach the surface, forming very sharp protrusions that cover the entire mountain. The mountain range measures about 170 meters and, in total, the structure exceeds 1,150 meters in height.
The Pemón, Capone and several other indigenous peoples found in South America have a very extensive mythology, where the Roraima plays a very important role, especially in cosmogony.
In the Pemón language, “Rorai” means “greenish-blue” and “ma” means “large”. This means that the name Roraima, translated from the Pemon language, means “the great blue-green mountain”. According to their beliefs, the mountain is a kind of remnant of a majestic and mighty tree from which all the food in the world was born.
A legendary hero known as Makunaina, which means “Work at night”, although many others know him simply as “God” or “Great Spirit” cut down the tree and its trunk, and when it fell to the ground, it caused a terrible flood.
Many stories have been told about this great mountain. In addition to local legends and myths, tourists from all over the world witnessed strange events. Delia Hoffman de Mier, a woman who, along with many others, witnessed a “third-degree” contact when they were in the town of Santa Elena de Uairén.
She says that a UFO landed at the “airport” that forms the top of Roraima, causing a major blackout throughout the region. This case was even studied by the US Congress, which was looking into the mystery of “Unidentified Flying Objects”.
The event was included in the well-known Project Blue Book, which is responsible for collecting all the testimonies of extraterrestrials and UFOs that NASA was unable to explain. Thus, many other“extraordinary”events have already been told by various expeditions, tourists and researchers who ventured to visit Mount Roraima.
Electric vehicles can fully charge in just FIVE MINUTES using NASA technology designed to improve heat transfer for systems set to for missions to the moon and Mars
Electric vehicles can fully charge in just FIVE MINUTES using NASA technology designed to improve heat transfer for systems set to for missions to the moon and Mars
Researchers at Purdue University modeled a system after NASA technology to charge electric vehicles in just five minutes
The new system uses a liquid coolant to capture heat passing from the charge and through the cable to the vehicle
This allows them to release an intense current that can quickly power the car
The NASA technology was tested on the International Space Station and is set to be used to efficiently transfer heat in systems set to got to the moon and Mars
A NASA technique developed for missions to the moon, Mars and beyond can also charge an electric vehicle on Earth in just five minutes by ‘cooling’ heat generated by the current-carrying conductor.
Using NASA’s Flow Boiling Module as a blueprint, researchers at Purdue University dramatically reduced the amount of heat traveling through wires to push 1,400 amperes, the unit of electric current through cables. This is compared to the 520 amperes delivered by the most advanced chargers.
Because it can take at least 20 minute to power a vehicle at a station, many people have opted to stick with their gas guzzlers because of the convenience. But this new system charges a car faster than it takes to fuel up at the pump.
This technology would be welcomed by states like California and New York that are banning the sales of new gasoline-powered cars by 2035.
Using NASA’s Flow Boiling Module as a blueprint, researchers at Purdue University dramatically reduced the amount of heat in traveling through wires to push 1,400 amperes, the unit of electric current through cables
The NASA-made system was initially built for the International Space Station, where it has been tested in microgravity to ensure its success on future space missions.
The idea is that the orbiting laboratory, and other craft, will need technology that can efficiently transfer heat throughout systems - otherwise the mechanics could burn up.
This sparked the interest of Issam Mudawar, a professor of mechanical engineering at Purdue, who constructed a prototype in 2021 that was announced on Tuesday to be successful in powering electric vehicles.
This allowed them to create a charging system that powers vehicles in just five minutes
Using an alternative cooling method, Purdue researchers designed a charging cable that can deliver a current 4.6 times that of the fastest available EV chargers on the market today by removing up to 24.22 kilowatts of heat.
The module also resembles a real-world charging station, as it includes a pump, a tube with the same diameter as an actual charging cable, the same controls and instrumentation, along with the same flow rates and temperatures.
‘Application of this new technology resulted in unprecedented reduction of the time required to charge a vehicle and may remove one of the key barriers to worldwide adoption of electric vehicles,’ NASA shared in a statement.
As US states beat the drum to ban new gas cars, many are weary about how the plan will be carried out with the uncertainty of the number of charging stations needed to provide tens of thousands of new electric vehicles with enough power to ensure they get from Point A to Point B.
California was the first to implement the mandate last month that requires 35 percent of new passenger vehicles sold in the state by 2026 produce zero emissions, then 68 percent by 2030 and ultimately 100 percent five years after.
However, more than 17 million vehicles registered in the state are those after 2010, 3.2 million are hybrids and at least 700,000 are all-electric.
New York, which joined the west coast state last week, is following the same quota to reach a total ban in 2035.
But how it plans to charge thousands of electric vehicles in a city that lacks private driveways still remains a mystery.
There are just 677 charging stations spread across the five boroughs and although the city is set to add 10,000 curbside chargers by 2030, it may not be enough to power the thousands that will be cruising around by 2030 - 68 percent of all new cars sold this year will be electric.
Elektrische wagen opladen in amper 5 minuten? Het kan volgens NASA dankzij nieuwe ruimtetechnologie
Een elektrische wagen opladen in amper vijf minuten én zelfs minder, daar kunnen eigenaars van die voertuigen voorlopig enkel van dromen. Maar volgens de NASA zou het binnenkort wel degelijk kunnen. De universiteit Purdue ontwikkelde, met geld van de NASA, een experimentele technologie voor toekomstige ruimtemissies en die zou de laadtijd stevig kunnen inkorten.
Joeri Vlemings
De technologie is bedoeld om apparatuur in de ruimte af te koelen en zou volgens NASA ook kunnen worden gebruikt om de kabels te koelen tijdens het opladen van batterijen van elektrische voertuigen (EV-batterijen). De laadduur zou daardoor nog amper vijf minuten bedragen en zelfs minder, terwijl het vandaag thuis uren duurt om zo’n EV-batterij helemaal vol te krijgen. Onderweg kan je na twintig minuten laadtijd alweer verder.
Maar de koeltechniek, ontwikkeld door wetenschappers van de Amerikaanse universiteit Purdue met geld van de NASA, zou de hoeveelheid elektrische stroom van laders voor elektrische auto’s kunnen opvoeren tot ongeveer 1.400 ampère, een doel waar de industrie naar streeft. Vandaag kan maximaal 520 ampère in een EV-batterij worden gepompt. De bekende Tesla Supercharger haalt een stroomsterkte van maximaal 180 ampère, terwijl standaardladers meestal zelfs nog geen 150 ampère aankunnen. De oplaadkabel van Purdue kon tijdens de experimenten zelfs 2.400 ampère leveren, veel meer dus dan de 1.400 ampère die nodig is om de laadtijd terug te brengen tot vijf minuten.
De wetenschappers slaagden erin om 4,6 keer meer stroom aan de batterij van een elektrisch voertuig te leveren dan de snelste kabel vandaag, dankzij de nieuwe koeltechniek die volgens de NASA tot 24,22 kilowatt warmte kan weghalen. De technologie maakt gebruik van een vloeistof in onderkoelde toestand, die zo meer warmte kan onttrekken aan de laadkabels zodat oververhitting wordt vermeden.
Eerste ruimtetoerist ooit gaat nu met SpaceX rondje rond de maan vliegen
De eerste ruimtetoerist ooit gaat opnieuw de ruimte in. Dennis Tito (intussen 82) betaalde in 2001 als eerste om onze planeet even te mogen verlaten en gaat nu samen met zijn vrouw Akiko een toertje rond de maan maken. Hij zal dat doen met SpaceX, het ruimtebedrijf van Elon Musk. Hoeveel de Tito’s hebben betaald voor de trip, is niet bekendgemaakt.
Het echtpaar zal samen met tien andere passagiers ongeveer een week in de ruimte verblijven. Wanneer ze precies vertrekken, is nog onduidelijk. Het ruimtevaartuig Starship is nog niet af. Er worden nog testvluchten mee uitgevoerd en het is nog niet buiten de dampkring geweest. Ook is nog niet duidelijk wie de andere passagiers zullen zijn.
Tito werkte ooit kort bij het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartbedrijf NASA en richtte in 1972 investeringsmaatschappij Wilshire Associates op. Daarmee werd hij rijk en in 2001 betaalde hij Rusland 20 miljoen dollar voor een verblijf van een week in het internationaal ruimtestation ISS.
Blue Origin
Sindsdien is ruimtetoerisme een stuk gangbaarder geworden en brengen bedrijven als Blue Origin en Virgin Galactic mensen tegen betaling naar de rand van de ruimte.
De inmiddels 82-jarige Tito bezocht SpaceX vorig jaar met zijn 57-jarige vrouw. Daar werd hem gevraagd of hij zo’n ruimtevlucht of een nieuwe trip naar het ISS zou willen maken. Tito zei daarop dat hij naar de maan wilde en zijn vrouw beaamde dat. “Zo is het begonnen.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
UFO changing directions over Palm Desert, California 9-Oct-2022
UFO changing directions over Palm Desert, California 9-Oct-2022
This bright UAPwas filmed in the sky above Palm Desert in California on Sunday, 9th October 2022. It was changing the path of flying. Let me know in the comment section what you think about this sighting!
Witness report:
Was viewing rise of full moon and noticed Venus star then a second star that suddenly started traveling in numerous directions and changing paths. I am a film and TV director and recording artist. When I saw the object, I started filming with an iPhone. I was talking to someone on the phone when I witnessed the event. The object moved away from the moon, ascended, then descended making right and left turns, and seem to go straight towards the moon then quickly turned and moved away from it. I lost it after a couple of minutes due to it disappearing behind some high cloud coverage.
Dutchman Stefan Denaerde talks about his alien encounter after his boat hit a USO/UFO
Dutchman Stefan Denaerde talks about his alien encounter after his boat hit a USO/UFO
In 1969, Stefan Denaerde came across an encounter with eight extraterrestrials after accidentally stumbling across a UFO. His book about this incident became an instant bestseller (Amazon link).
Based on the author’s encounter with the aliens, Alien Civilization was released in 1969. Through his encounter with the aliens, the author was able to see their environment through their computers and film images. According to Denaerde, he was surprised by how advanced and high-level technical knowledge is used to determine life on a planet that has a population of 5000 people per square kilometer.
Underground microbes may have swarmed ancient Mars
Underground microbes may have swarmed ancient Mars
FILE - This image captured by the United Arab Emirates' "Amal" ("Hope") probe shows the planet Mars on Feb. 10, 2021. Ancient Mars may have had an environment capable of harboring an underground world teeming with microscopic organisms. That's according to French scientists who published their findings Monday, Oct. 10, 2022.
(Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center/UAE Space Agency, via AP, File)
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — Ancient Mars may have had an environment capable of harboring an underground world teeming with microscopic organisms, French scientists reported Monday.
But if they existed, these simple life forms would have altered the atmosphere so profoundly that they triggered a Martian Ice Age and snuffed themselves out, the researchers concluded.
The findings provide a bleak view of the ways of the cosmos. Life — even simple life like microbes — “might actually commonly cause its own demise,” said the study’s lead author, Boris Sauterey, now a post-doctoral researcher at Sorbonne University.
The results “are a bit gloomy, but I think they are also very stimulating.,” he said in an email. “They challenge us to rethink the way a biosphere and its planet interact.”
In a study in the journal Nature Astronomy, Sauterey and his team said they used climate and terrain models to evaluate the habitability of the Martian crust some 4 billion years ago when the red planet was thought to be flush with water and much more hospitable than today.
They surmised that hydrogen-gobbling, methane-producing microbes might have flourished just beneath the surface back then, with several inches (a few tens of centimeters) of dirt, more than enough to protect them against harsh incoming radiation. Anywhere free of ice on Mars could have been swarming with these organisms, according to Sauterey, just as they did on early Earth.
Early Mars’ presumably moist, warm climate, however, would have been jeopardized by so much hydrogen sucked out of the thin, carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere, Sauterey said. As temperatures plunged by nearly minus 400 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 200 degrees Celsius), any organisms at or near the surface likely would have buried deeper in an attempt to survive.
By contrast, microbes on Earth may have helped maintain temperate conditions, given the nitrogen-dominated atmosphere, the researchers said.
The SETI Institute’s Kaveh Pahlevan said future models of Mars’ climate need to consider the French research.
Pahlevan led a separate recent study suggesting Mars was born wet with warm oceans lasting millions of years. The atmosphere would have been dense and mostly hydrogen back then, serving as a heat-trapping greenhouse gas that eventually was transported to higher altitudes and lost to space, his team concluded.
The French study investigated the climate effects of possible microbes when Mars’ atmosphere was dominated by carbon dioxide and so is not applicable to the earlier times, Pahlevan said.
“What their study makes clear, however, is that if (this) life were present on Mars” during this earlier period, “they would have had a major influence on the prevailing climate,” he added in an email.
The best places to look for traces of this past life? The French researchers suggest the unexplored Hellas Planita, or plain, and Jezero Crater on the northwestern edge of Isidis Planita, where NASA’s Perseverance rover currently is collecting rocks for return to Earth in a decade.
Next on Sauterey’s to-do list: looking into the possibility that microbial life could still exist deep within Mars.
“Could Mars still be inhabited today by micro-organisms descending from this primitive biosphere?” he said. “If so, where?”
The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content.
FILE - This image made available by NASA shows the Jezero Crater area on the planet Mars, captured by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Ancient Mars may have had an environment capable of harboring an underground world teeming with microscopic organisms. That's according to French scientists who published their findings, Monday, Oct. 10, 2022.
Has Harvard astrophysicist Dr. Avi Loeb resolved the Ukrainian UFO issue?In a recent paper, he weighs in on the UAP study that Ukrainian astronomers conducted regarding current UAP activity in the Ukrainian theatre of conflict, and he proposes the theory that the detected UAPs are most likely products of artillery shells. Mick West, a debunker and veteran video game programmer, disagrees and suggests that the insect idea is the most plausible theory.
"ABSTRACT A recent report by astronomers about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) in Ukraine (arXiv:2208.11215) suggests dark phantom objects of size 3–12 meters, moving at speeds of up to 15 km s−1 at a distance of up to 10–12 km with no optical emission. I show that the friction of such objects with the surrounding air would have generated a bright optical fireball. Reducing their inferred distance by a factor of ten is fully consistent with the size and speed of artillery shells."
The recent UAP activities in Ukraine remind me of past multispectral sensor-based UFO activities like the US Air Force UFO Networks established in Vietnam in 1968 and 1969 (documented by Australian researcher Paul Dean,, which accumulated over 500 UFO trackings with a startling 99% Unknowns rate versus only 1% IFOs. If Dr. Avi Loeb had access to these data, assuming they are still available somewhere today, I wonder how he and West would interpret the instrumented data obtained from these networks.
If the U.S. government finds evidence that unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) have an extraterrestrial technological origin, the President will likely be the first to know about it.
However, such an event will be no different from the President being the first to know that hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe.
It makes little sense for scientific knowledge of reality to adhere to national borders. Science should be done in an open and transparent way, so that all of humanity will benefit from it. In the case of COVID-19, many lives would have been saved if the detailed scientific information about the outbreak in Wuhan, China, had been immediately shared worldwide.
Yesterday, I posted a paper with a quantitative scientific calculation, implying that the dark objects identified as “phantoms” by a team of Ukrainian astronomers led by Boris Zhilayev are likely artillery shells. The objects were characterized by the astronomers as having sizes of 3–12 meters and speeds of up to 15 kilometers per second at a distance of up to 10–12 kilometers. I showed that these characteristics would result in huge fireballs around the objects as a result of their unavoidable friction with the air. The power of the fireball scales as the inferred distance to the fifth power. If the distances are overestimated by a factor of ten, the size and speed of the dark objects would match those of artillery shells.
Reporter Matthew Gault from VICE sent me Boris Zhilayev’s response, which read, “Avi Loeb is a theorist. We are experimenters. We observe, process, and determine the characteristics of objects. Our publication contains just such data. We are not in the business of interpretation. Avi Loeb is trying to interpret our data. The work contains a discovery. Bright and dark objects. Our work can be repeated and verified. Although this is a challenging experiment. Our characteristics of the objects are very similar to those of US military pilots and Canadian civilian pilots.”
I wrote back to Matthew the following:
“Being an experimentalist or a theorist is not relevant. All scientists, whether they are experimentalists or theorists, must use logic. Here is how my argument cannot be refuted by anyone who uses logic. The Ukrainian astronomers saw the phantom objects as dark. This means that the objects blocked the background light from the sky. The required electromagnetic interaction with light implies that the phantom objects must also interact with air molecules. There is no logical way for the phantom objects to block light but not air molecules because the cross-section for electromagnetic interaction of air molecules with matter is larger than for light with matter. If we accept this premise, then the parameters inferred by the experimentalists would create fireballs of several terra-Watt brightness that illuminate the sky. This is comparable to the entire electric power consumption on Earth coming from one of these objects. But the experimentalists claim the object are darker than the sky. This violates logic and means that the distances of the phantom objects were overestimated by a factor of ten, as I show in my paper.”
Immediately afterward, I received an email from UAP debunker Mick West. He argued that the dark objects cited in the Ukrainian study are most likely insects because they change their speed in the sky, unlike artillery shells. Consider, for example, Figure 13 from the Zhilayev et al. paper. It shows snapshots of a dark object at three times separated by a constant interval of 0.02 seconds. Mick argued that the separation between the top and middle positions in the sky is larger than between the middle and bottom positions. Hence the object must change its speed very rapidly, unlike artillery shells.
I explained to Mick that this data is fully consistent with an object moving at a constant speed. Imagine filming an artillery shell that is approaching or receding from us at a nearly
constant speed. The angle on the sky that is traversed by the object per unit time will be inversely proportional to distance. At a larger distance the object will traverse a small angle per time period and at a closer distance it will traverse a large angle for the same period. We see this phenomenon routinely when a train approaches us from a distance and most much more rapidly across our field of view when it passes by. The object should also get bigger when approaching us, but the observed angular size of the dark object in the images may be blurred by resolution, atmospheric turbulence or its motion.
When caught in the crossfire between two sides, it is often said that one should simply duck down and let the bullets cross and reach both sides. This is a wise strategy… unless science provides a bulletproof shield.
Avi Loeb is the head of the Galileo Project, founding director of Harvard University’s – Black Hole Initiative, director of the Institute for Theory and Computation at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, and the former chair of the astronomy department at Harvard University (2011-2020). He chairs the advisory board for the Breakthrough Starshot project, and is a former member of the President’s Council of Advisors onScience and Technology and a former chair of the Board on Physics and Astronomy of the National Academies. He is the bestselling author of “Extraterrestrial:The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth” and a co-author of the textbook “Life in the Cosmos”, both published in 2021.
DART mission is a 'smashing success': NASA reveals craft that collided with an asteroid 6.8 million miles from Earth nudged its orbit by 32 minutes - more than triple the initial goal
DART mission is a 'smashing success': NASA reveals craft that collided with an asteroid 6.8 million miles from Earth nudged its orbit by 32 minutes - more than triple the initial goal
NASA's first planetary defense mission is announced to be a success
The spacecraft shifted the orbit asteroid Dimorphos and shortened it by 32 minutes - the initial goal was just 10 minutes
The event was tasked at seeing if NASA could nudge an asteroid heading to Earth off its orbit in order to save our planet from a catastrophic impact
NASA announced Tuesday that its DART missing, which plowed a spacecraft into a small asteroid 6.8 million miles from Earth, was a 'smashing success' after data shows the space rock's orbit was shifted by the impact.
The planetary defense test, conducted on September 26, aimed to see if we could nudge the path of a massive asteroid heading straight for our planet.
This successful mission marks 'humanity's first time purposely changing the motion of a celestial object and the first full-scale demonstration of asteroid deflection technology,' NASA shared in the Tuesday announcement.
Before the impact, Dimorphos took 11 hours and 55 minutes to circle its parent asteroid, Didymos, and now its orbit is shortened by 32 minutes - the initial goal was to shave off at least 10 minutes.
NASA announced its DART mission in September was a success. The craft was able to shift the asteroid off of its orbit when it collided with the space rock. Pictured is an imagine from an nearby satellite that shows plumes of debris streaming from the asteroid upon impact
DART launched aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket last November, which was called NASA's 'Armageddon moment,' and when it reached thousands of miles away, NASA turned on the livestream and shared the event with the world.
As the craft propelled itself autonomously for the mission's final four hours like a self-guided missile, its imager started to beam down the very first pictures of Dimorphos, before slamming into its surface.
The space probe used what is called kinetic impact, which involves sending one or more large, high-speed spacecraft into the path of an approaching near-earth object.
NASA said it would take weeks for the world to collect data on Dimorphos and its twin that were the targeted asteroid orbits - and the time has finally come.
Lori Glaze, director of NASA's Planetary Science Division at NASA headquarters in Washington, said in a statement: 'This result is one important step toward understanding the full effect of DART's impact with its target asteroid.
Before the impact, Dimorphos took 11 hours and 55 minutes to circle its parent asteroid, Didymos, and now its orbit is shortened by 32 minutes. Pictured is an image from LICIACube satellite. It took this image just before its closest approach to the Dimorphos asteroid
'As new data comes in each day, astronomers will be able to better assess whether, and how, a mission like DART could be used in the future to help protect Earth from a collision with an asteroid if we ever discover one headed our way.'
Neither of the asteroids poised any threat to Earth, which is why they were chosen for this epic mission.
The investigation team is still collecting data on the twin space rocks through ground-based observatories around the world, along with radar facilities at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Goldstone planetary radar in California and the National Science Foundation's Green Bank Observatory in West Virginia.
And because they are receiving constant updates, the world could hear more news in the near future.
The team is also analyzing the tons of asteroidal rock that broke off the asteroid and launched into space.
Dr Daniel Brown, an astronomy expert at Nottingham Trent University, said: 'NASA's confirmation of an amazing 32 minute slow-down in the orbital period of this mini-moon is on the upper end of what they expected to be able to achieve.
'This is a huge feat, not only in achieving the first step in possibly being able to protect ourselves from future asteroid impacts, but also regarding the amount of images and data captured internationally, both on the ground as well as upfront in space at a distance of only 59km [36 miles].
Scientists had believed that the impact carved out a crater and hurled streams of rocks and dirt into space, which has been captured in several images by the orbiting satellite called LICIACube.
The toaster-sized craft separated from DART a few weeks prior to impact and made a close pass of the site to capture images of the collision and the ejecta - the pulverized rock thrown off by impact.
Nancy Chabot, the DART coordination lead from the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, said in a statement: 'DART has given us some fascinating data about both asteroid properties and the effectiveness of a kinetic impactor as a planetary defense technology.
The last image the craft took of the asteroid was the moment it made impact (left) The aftermath was captured by NASA's James Webb (top) and Hubble (bottom) telescopes - the first snapped the impact in infrared and the latter in visible light
This imagery from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope from Oct. 8, 2022, shows the debris blasted from the surface of Dimorphos 285 hours after the asteroid was intentionally impacted by NASA’s DART spacecraft
Asteroid Dimorphos did not pose a threat to Earth, which is why they were chosen for this epic mission.
'The DART team is continuing to work on this rich dataset to fully understand this first planetary defense test of asteroid deflection.'
The aftermath was captured by NASA's James Webb and Hubble telescopes - the first snapped the impact in infrared and the latter in visible light.
Observing the impact across a wide array of wavelengths will reveal the distribution of particle sizes in the expanding dust cloud, helping to determine whether it threw off lots of big chunks or mostly fine dust.
Webb took one observation of the impact location before the collision took place, then several observations over the next few hours.
Images from Webb's Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) show a tight, compact core, with plumes of material appearing as wisps streaming away from the center of where the impact took place.
In the Hubble images, astronomers estimate that the brightness of the system increased by three times after impact, and saw that brightness hold steady, even eight hours after impact.
An Earth-based telescope also captured the historic moment the craft smashed into Dimophors.
The ATLAS telescope, based in Honolulu, Hawaii, shows the asteroid as a ball of light in motion and a plume of ejecta that's emitted as the spacecraft hits.
Similarly, a sped up animation was captured by one of Las Cumbres Observatory's telescopes in South Africa.
NASA engineers said DART was completely destroyed, but there might be pieces of it in the crater it left during impact - and some of the team said they shed a tear knowing the craft is now gone.
The DART technique could prove useful for altering the course of an asteroid years or decades before it bears down on Earth with the potential for catastrophe.
NASA considers any near-Earth object 'potentially hazardous' if it comes within 0.05 astronomical units (4.6 million miles) and measures more than 460ft in diameter.
More than 27,000 near-Earth asteroids have been cataloged but none currently pose a danger to our planet.
Test om aarde te redden geslaagd: DART-satelliet van NASA heeft koers van ruimterots succesvol veranderd
De mensheid heeft voor het eerst doelbewust succesvol de koers van een hemellichaam veranderd. Daarmee is de DART-missie van de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA een succes. Eind september knalde de DART-satelliet tegen de asteroïde Dimorphos.
De afgelopen twee weken heeft het onderzoeksteam van de Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) missie gegevens geanalyseerd, waardoor nu kan worden bevestigd dat de baan van de asteroïde is veranderd door de impact.
“Deze missie laat zien dat NASA probeert klaar te zijn voor alles wat het universum ons te wachten staat. NASA heeft bewezen dat we serieus zijn als verdediger van de planeet”, schrijft NASA-baas Bill Nelson in een persbericht.
De missie kost in totaal 330 miljoen dollar en de ontwikkeling van de satelliet duurde zeven jaar. Die is niet groter dan een frisdrankautomaat en vloog recht tegen Dimorphos aan 22.531 kilometer per uur. Door die impact veranderde de koers ervan, konden wetenschappers meten in observatoria over de hele wereld.
Ook Belgisch tintje aan DART
Wetenschappers van de Koninklijke Sterrenwacht van België (KSB) nemen deel aan de verwerking van de DART-gegevens. De analyse van de gegevens van deze missie zal hen in staat stellen de binnenkant van asteroïden beter te begrijpen.
Over vier jaar zal de HERA-missie van het Europees ruimtevaartagentschap ESA de krater die DART achterliet van naderbij onderzoeken en een exacte meting doen van de asteroïde. Ook daarbij zijn Belgische wetenschappers betrokken.
NASA benadrukt dat Dimorphos nooit een gevaar vormde voor de aarde, ook niet na de botsing met DART.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Lesser Known UFO Incidents That Are Really Significant
Lesser Known UFO Incidents That Are Really Significant
Nick Redfern
It's a regular fact that if you write books, you'll get feedback. And, sometimes, a lot of it. With that said, I thought I would share with you some fascinating UFO cses that you may not have heard of, but which came my way. Operation Bulldog – held in September 1949, and overseen by the UK’s Fighter Command and Bomber Command – was a show of strength to the Soviets. It demonstrated that the West could take swift and decisive action in the event the Russians flexed their muscles a bit too much. And, for good measure, the operation also involved the air-forces of the United States, Belgium, France, and Holland. The Soviets took careful and concerned notice, which was the whole point. It appears it was not just the Russians that kept a beady eye on the military maneuvers. Just possibly, entities from another world did likewise. At the time Bulldog was held, the late J.R. Oliver was a radar-operator at a British Royal Air Force base called Sandwich, which was situated in the English county of Kent. Oliver said: “Even so long ago, it was almost impossible to fly a glider across the [English] Channel without it being plotted. The exercise was structured in such a way that the technical resources and personnel of the defensive screen were stretched to the limit.”
Oliver added that the staff of RAF Sandwich “were fully skilled and right on top of their job. Two watches were kept, A and B, on alternate twelve-hour shifts for the duration of Bulldog.” According to Oliver on one particular night, around midnight, “things had gone slack,” and his group was told it could “take a break.” It was a break that didn’t last for long, as Oliver noted: “Within about fifteen minutes the PBX operator came in, approached the Duty Controller and advised him that Beachy Head radar was passing a plot to us on a large flying object and would we track it?” They did exactly that. It became very clear, and very quickly, that this was no ordinary aircraft. Oliver recalled: “Reaching a position out to sea off the ‘heel’ of Kent, it abruptly turned north and as it approached the Thames estuary we passed it on to Martlesham radar, with whom we had been in contact.”
Oliver offered something remarkable: “Flying at close to 50,000 feet, the air speed of the object we had observed and plotted in accordance with RAF standard procedures was assessed at very nearly 3,000 miles per hour. The general consensus regarding its size, among the very best experienced radar personnel engaged in the operations, was that the object offered an echo similar to that of a large passenger or freight surface vessel, something in the region of 15,000 or 20,000 tons.” In typical British understatement, Oliver said there was “quite a bit of buzz about this.”
Now, let's jump to Puerto Rico and January 19, 1999. On my first visit to Puerto Rico – in the summer of 2004 and with a crew from the SyFy Channel – I had the opportunity to speak with a woman who had a hair-raising encounter in the island’s El Yunque rainforest on one particular, Saturday morning. As the woman picked plantains, she was amazed to see a definitive flying saucer – silver in color and about the size of a large car – silently descend in a nearby clearing. That amazement became trepidation, when a sliding-door on the outside of the craft opened. Trepidation was immediately replaced by sheer terror when, out of the surrounding trees, a fast-running, spiky-headed Chupacabra raced towards the unearthly craft, and jumped inside it! In seconds, the object took to the skies and was lost from view. Despite the outlandish nature of the story, the woman stood by it, even sharing the facts for the Sy-Fy Channel’s film-crew. A brief story, but an amazing one.
On January 25, 1968, secret was revealed. On this specific day, Suzanne Clarke, then of Gallipolis, Ohio was told an amazing story by her father. According to the tale, Clarke’s father decided to come clean on something that he knew of the UFO phenomenon; something amazing and, if true, having a bearing on national security – a major bearing, in fact. Clarke’s father maintained that in 1965, three years earlier, and while employed at NORAD – the North American Air Defense Command at Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado – he saw, under circumstances that he declined to explain, a series of black-and-white, aerial photographs of three small, large-headed bodies strewn around a desert floor, and which also showed a large amount of silvery, bright debris. The location, Clarke’s father said, was New Mexico, and the photos were taken in 1947. Of course, this strongly suggests the now-famous Roswell affair of 1947 – although, admittedly, Clarke’s father made no reference to Roswell. Clarke was warned by her father not to reveal what he had told her until after his death – which occurred in 1981. Such was the concern, and even fear, in his voice, however, Clarke chose to remain silent until the late-1990s. So far, there has been no knock on the door from the Men in Black.
(Nick Redfern) Dead aliens at NORAD?
May 19, 1986, UFOs invade Brazilian airspace: one of the most notable encounters with not just one UFO, but a squadron of them, took place in the skies of Brazil on May 19, 1986. A U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency report describes the facts: “According to sources, at least 20 unidentified objects were observed by several aircrews and on radar the night of 19 May 86. The objects were first seen by the pilot of a Xingu aircraft, transporting Ozires Silva, former President of Embraer, between Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Fighters were launched from Santa Cruz AFB at approximately 2100 hours. Although all three made radar contact, only one of the three pilots managed to see what he described as red, white and green lights. Shortly afterward, radar contact was made with similar objects near Brasilia and three Mirages were launched from Anapolis AB. All made radar and visual contact at 20,000 feet. They reported that they were escorted by thirteen of these discs with red, green and white lights at a distance of one to three miles.” The report comes to an end in a decidedly intriguing fashion: “...there is too much here to be ignored. Three visual sightings and positive radar contact from three different types of radar systems, leads one to believe that something weird arrived over Brazil on the night of 19 May.”
June 14, 2005: Located in the Piney Woods area of East Texas, the Big Thicket has a most apt moniker: it is a huge, 83,000-acre area of woodland. “Dense” barely begins to describe the massive, forested environment, which is home to numerous wild animals, including alligators and wildcats. Running through the heart of the Big Thicket is a long, thin, and incredibly sandy old road called Bragg Road. That’s not what the locals call it, though. To them, it is known as Ghost Light Road. There is a very good reason for this: for at least three centuries, people have reported seeing weird, small balls of light flitting through the trees late at night. But, we’re not talking about anything quite as down to earth as fireflies. These particular lights vary in size from – approximately – a tennis ball to a beach ball. They also exhibit evidence of intelligence: witnesses describe the lights approaching them, even circling them, in what is occasionally perceived as a playful fashion. Such is the interest that the lights provoke in the people that live there, and in visitors too, a historical marker has been erected at the start of Bragg Road and which details the strange story of the lights. I know all this, as I have seen one of the mysterious ghost lights myself, late on the night of June 12, 2005. I was standing on Bragg Road when the approximately basketball-sized light appeared – very briefly. What it was, I have no idea. But, it was there all the same. Now, onto another fascinating case.
(Nick Redfern) Where I saw a mysterious "ghost light"
Declassified US Government files reveal that on a particular occasion in July 1952 – the very month that Washington, D.C. was hit by a veritable tsunami of UFO encounters – a man named Karl Hunrath complained to his local police department about something very weird indeed. Who knows what the cops thought of it all, but it basically went like this: in the early hours of a Sunday morning in July, someone broke into Hunrath’s home, injected his arm full of chemicals - which rendered him into a distinctly altered state of mind - and proceeded to tell him that he had been chosen to play a significant role in the alien mission on Earth. A very groggy Hunrath could only look on amazed from his bed as the somewhat foreign-sounding – put perfectly human-appearing – alien told him: “I am Bosco. You have been chosen to enter our brotherhood of galaxies.” Typical Space-Brother spiel, in other words.
The files continue that the suit-and-tie-wearing Bosco advised Hunrath the brothers from beyond were deeply worried by our warlike ways, and so action had to be taken against those dastardly elements of the human race that wanted to spoil everyone else’s fun. There was not to be any The Day the Earth Stood Still-style ultimatum for one and all, however. Nope. The aliens wished to recruit sympathetic humans to aid their righteous cause. Or, more correctly, get someone else to do all their dirty work while they lurked safely in the shadows. And as Hunrath came to quickly realize, he was now one of the chosen few. But there was more. Bosco, via - according to the FBI - “occult techniques,” downloaded into Hunrath’s mind countless megabytes of data on how to build a terrible weapon that had the ability to destroy aircraft; specifically, the aircraft of the US military, who the Space-Brothers viewed as being just about as dangerous to world peace as the dastardly commies.
“I am Bosco and that will be its name, too,” boomed the alleged alien, in reference to the device that he wanted Hunrath to not just build, but also deploy. Far too stunned and drugged to move, Hunrath could only watch in a mixture of befuddlement and shock as Bosco then turned on his heels and left for his – one might be inclined to assume after an experience like that – flying saucer. There was no amazing “Beam me up, Scotty”-type exit for Bosco, however. For an alien, Bosco had a very down to earth means of making good his departure: he pulled back the curtains of Hunrath’s bedroom-window, clambered out, and vanished into the depths of the early morning blackness of Hunrath’s front-yard! The curious encounter ended as weirdly as it had begun. There's no doubt it was a classic "Contactee" case.
A classic case of "Contactees" and "Space Brothers"
One particularly fascinating scenario for the sudden appearance of UFOs in the Earth’s skies was brought to the attention of officialdom by a little-known, but well-respected, source. His name was Edwin M. Bailey. In the summer of 1947, Bailey was living in Stamford, Connecticut. At the time, he was working in the Physics Division of the American Cyanamid Research Laboratories on West Main Street. In the 1970s, the American Cyanamid Company was one of the United States’ top 100 manufacturing companies. Its output included antibiotics, vaccines, industrial chemicals, pesticides, and acrylic plastics. Far more notable is the fact that at the height of the Second World War, Bailey worked at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Not only that, the specific branch of MIT to which Bailey was assigned was the Radiation Laboratory. It was a body that played an important role in the development of the atomic bomb, under the overall control of the Manhattan Project. On top of that, Bailey had graduated at the University of Arizona.
The FBI recorded in its files the following: “Bailey stated that the topic of ‘flying saucers’ had caused considerable comment and concern to the present day scientists and indicated that he himself had a personal theory concerning the ‘flying saucers.’” As to the specific nature of that theory, it was, to say the least, grim. The FBI noted: “Bailey stated that it is quite possible that actually the ‘flying saucers’ could be radio controlled germ bombs or atom bombs which are circling the orbit of the earth and which could be controlled by radio and directed to land on any designated target at the specific desire of the agency or country operating the bombs.” Disturbing, to say the least." Indeed!
Taking a Deep Look at the U.K.'s Equivalent of Mothman: The Creepy Owlman
Taking a Deep Look at the U.K.'s Equivalent of Mothman: The Creepy Owlman
Nick Redfern
A few days ago, I made a mention here at Mysterious Universe of the creature known as the Owlman - something that is close to Mothman of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, USA. But, I only made a brief review of it. Today, though, I'm going to take a bigger and deeper study of the winged phenomenon. In early 1976 the dense trees surrounding Mawnan Old Church, Cornwall, England became a veritable magnet for a diabolical beast that was christened the Owlman. The majority of those that crossed paths with the creature asserted that it was human-like in both size and design, and possessed a pair of large wings, fiery red eyes, claws, and exuded an atmosphere of menace. No wonder people make parallels with Mothman. It all began during the weekend of Easter 1976, when two young girls, June and Vicky Melling, had an encounter of a truly nightmarish kind in Mawnan Woods. The girls were on holiday with their parents when they saw a gigantic, feathery “bird man” hovering over the 13th Century church. It was a story that their father, Don Melling, angrily shared with a man named Tony “Doc” Shiels. I say “angrily” because Shiels was a noted, local magician who Melling came to believe had somehow instigated the whole affair. Or as Shiels, himself, worded it: “…some trick that had badly frightened his daughters.” Shiels denied any involvement in the matter whatsoever. But that was only the start of things.
Another one to see the Owlman was Jane Greenwood, also a young girl. She wrote a letter to the local newspaper, the Falmouth Packet, during the summer of 1976 that detailed her own startling encounter: “I am on holiday in Cornwall with my sister and our mother. I, too, have seen a big bird-thing. It was Sunday morning, and the place was in the trees near Mawnan Church, above the rocky beach. It was in the trees standing like a full-grown man, but the legs bent backwards like a bird’s. It saw us, and quickly jumped up and rose straight up through the trees. How could it rise up like that?” Two fourteen year old girls, Sally Chapman and Barbara Perry, also had the misfortune to have a run-in with the Owlman in 1976. At around 10.00 p.m., while camping in the woods of Mawnan, and as they sat outside of their tent making a pot of tea, the pair heard a strange hissing noise. On looking around, they saw the infernal Owlman staring in their direction from a distance of about sixty feet. Sally said: “It was like a big owl with pointed ears, as big as a man. The eyes were red and glowing. At first I thought that it was someone dressed-up, playing a joke, trying to scare us. I laughed at it. We both did. Then it went up in the air and we both screamed. When it went up you could see its feet!” Barbara added: “It’s true. It was horrible, a nasty owl-face with big ears and big red eyes. It was covered in grey feathers. The claws on its feet were black. It just flew up and disappeared in the trees.”
(Jonathan Downes) Many thanks to my good friend Jonathan Downes for the use of the cover of Jon's book, The Owlman and Others
While there were rumors of additional sightings of the creature in the immediate years that followed, it wasn’t until the summer of either 1988 or 1989 that the Owlman put in an appearance that can be documented to a significant degree. In this case, the witness was a young boy, dubbed “Gavin” by a good friend of mine, Jon Downes (who wrote an entire book on the winged monster, titled The Owlman and Others), and his then girlfriend, Sally. The beast, Gavin told Jon, was around five feet in height, had large feet, glowing eyes, and significantly sized wings. It was a shocking, awe-inspiring encounter that Gavin and Sally never forgot. As was the case in the immediate post-1976 era, a few reports from the 1990s and 2000s have surfaced. Chiefly, however, they are from individuals who prefer not to go on the record - something which has led to understandable suspicions of fakery and hoaxing. But, one could also make a very good argument that going public about having seen a monstrous “birdman” in English woodland would not be the wisest move to make. Today, and getting ever-closer to 40 years since the original encounters occurred, the matter remains the undeniable controversy that it was back then. For some researchers, Doc Shiels is the man to blame. Jon Downes, however, suggests something else – something with which I concur.
Namely, that Shiels – dubbed the “Wizard of the Western World” – has profound knowledge of “magic.” And by that, I don’t mean people pulling rabbits out of hats. We are talking, here, about something far stranger, something ancient, and something filled with swirling mystery. In a review of Doc’s excellent book, Monstrum, I noted: “[Doc’s] is a world filled with a deep understanding of the real nature of magic (chaos and ritualistic), the secrets of invocation and manifestation, of strange realms just beyond – and that occasionally interact with – our own, and Trickster-like phenomenon. Doc’s is also a domain where, when we dare to imagine the fantastic, when we decide to seek it out, and when we finally accept its reality, we perhaps provide it with some form of quasi-existence.” Perhaps Doc, in a decidedly strange way, really did play a role in the formation of the Owlman legend. But, such was the allure of the beast it quickly stepped out of the world of imagination and story-telling, and right into the heart of the real world. And on that last point, be careful what you wish for, lest you unleash into our reality a monster that has no intention of returning to that domain from which it was originally created, imagined, or invoked.Now, we come to another aspect of what I call anomalous owls.
In 2013, I received an email from a woman now living in the English town of Lowestoft, but who previously lived very close to Mawnan – where the Owlman was seen in 1976 - and specifically in the small Cornwall village of Gweek, the distance between which, by car, is approximately six and a half miles. It transpires that in 1998 she had a profound UFO encounter while taking the road from Mawnan to Gweek. It was after 11:00 p.m. and the woman was driving home after visiting a friend in Mawnan. She had barely left the little village when she saw what she could only describe as a UFO, one that appeared at the side of the road – around the size of a large beach-ball and glowing bright orange. The next thing she knew, she was parked at the side of the road, with what she was able to determine was no less than two hours of time unaccounted for. But there was something else: as she came out of her groggy state, she caught sight of a huge owl-like creature, but which had somewhat humanoid characteristics attached to it, too. It was hovering in the air, at a height of around fifteen feet, but was not employing the use of its wings to keep it aloft. Given the fact that this was practically on the doorstep of where the Owlman was seen back in 1976 (and since, too), the idea that the two issues are unconnected is highly unlikely.
(Nick Redfern) Jon Downes, Owlman expert
The witness admitted she knew of the Owlman legend. Living so close to Mawnan, it would be more astonishing had she not heard of it. There was little more she could tell me, beyond the facts surrounding the sighting of the curious ball of light, the period of missing time, and the appearance of a “humanoid owl,” as I term it. This particular encounter – which has not been publicized before – set me thinking. What if the Owlman of Cornwall is not a beast of cryptozoological proportions, after all? What if, instead, it is some strange manifestation of the UFO phenomenon, one that is designed to trick the witnesses into thinking they have encountered a large owl, when, in reality, the event was of an otherworldly nature? A screen-memory, in other words. Maybe we need to reevaluate the true nature of the enigmatic Owlman. My reasoning for suggesting this is simple: there are numerous cases on record that link sightings of what are perceived as owls (and sometimes as impossibly large owls) and UFOs together, both in terms of the time-frame and the geographical location. Indeed, Mike Clelland has written an entire, excellent couple of books on this very issue of how and why owls and alien incidents go together, hand in glove.
All of this brings me to two matters that, given the location – Mawnan – cannot be a coincidence. Number One: Liz Randall is a friend of mine who has compiled an excellent, two-volume collection of her writings on all things paranormal, titled From Lyonesse to Alien Big Cats and Back Again. Liz referred me to an article she wrote in 2004 that deals with something that her daughter experienced in 2003 at the church, itself . Liz said, in 2004: “Very early one morning a year ago, in the late summer of 2003, my adult daughter, who lives in Mawnan Smith, Cornwall, had a strange experience. Being a thoughtful neighbor, and not wanting to disturb anyone, at 02:00 a.m. she and a friend had wanted to listen to some music. So she took her car up to the car park of the old local church because it’s such an isolated spot.” Liz continued: “After about ten minutes my daughter and her friend suddenly became aware of a block of blue/white light above their heads. It was pulsating in that it stopped and then started again, for seconds at a time, although it remained stationary overhead. Neither were aware of any missing time, but they also had no idea how long they remained near the churchyard before they went home. And, when they reached home, both were so tired that they simply went to sleep without checking the clock.”
But, things don’t end there. Liz also directed me to the matter of ancient earthworks. Interestingly, ancient earthworks of the type referenced in the paragraph above, are very often the focus of supernatural activity. I know this, as I grew up very near to one in Staffordshire, England. Its name is Castle Ring, which was built during the Iron Age and was home to an ancient tribe called the Cornovii. I can say with certainty that Castle Ring has a long history of encounters with UFOs, Bigfoot-type creatures, spectral figures, and much more. Why? Well, that’s the big question that, unfortunately, eludes us. But what I would say, however, is that I think investigating the Olwman itself – as a solitary, stand-alone mystery – will only allow us to see a small portion of what’s afoot in this particularly mysterious part of Cornwall. In our quest for the truth of the beast, and of the Owlman/anomalous owls/UFO connection too, it is very likely Mawnan itself that we should be focusing on. It may well be an under-appreciated equivalent of one of John Keel’s legendary “window areas,” places where just anything and everything weird can be seen and encountered…
(Nick Redfern) Is the Owlman connected to the Mothman?
Finally, on the matter of the Owlman, we’ll take a trip to Loch Ness, Scotland – a place we have already visited and which may be home to an extraterrestrial lake-monster: Nessie. Loch Ness, Scotland – a body of water around 22-miles-long – is mostly noted for its legendary, resident monster: Nessie. It’s a fact, though, that Loch Ness has been the site of additional weirdness. Not just for years or decades, but for centuries. Long before Nessie was on the scene, Loch Ness was the haunt of Water-Horses and Kelpies. They were supernatural shapeshifters that would drag people into the deep water, drowning them and stealing their souls. Aleister Crowley (the “Great Beast”) owned a home at Loch Ness. Its name was Boleskine House. Visitors to, and subsequent owners of, Boleskine House talked of strange vibes and of shadowy, supernatural things lurking in the old house. There have been more than a few UFO encounters at Loch Ness. And Nessie-seeker Ted Holiday had a chilling encounter at the loch with a Man in Black. And, there is the matter of a curious owl seen at Loch Ness in 2007.
Owlman, as seen in the Scottish horror film Lord of Tears (2013)
The story involves a Scottish woman who I shall refer to as “Maxine,” and who I met in 2014. On a clear summer day in 2007, Maxine was walking her dog along the hills that overlook Loch Ness when she saw what, from her description, I can only describe as an “alien Grey.” When she first saw it, at a distance of a couple of hundred feet, she assumed it was a young child – chiefly because of its short height. As she got closer, and as her dog froze to the spot, she could see that not only was it not a young boy: it wasn’t even human. Maxine and the Grey stared at each other for just a few seconds, after which it stretched its arms out and, in an instant, transformed into what Maxine described as an impossibly large owl: it was practically man-sized. It immediately took to the skies and headed across the loch at a fast rate. Maxine continue to watch, with astonishment, as the alien-owl thing vanished into the trees on the opposite side of the loch. Maxine is one-hundred percent sure that she did not experience missing time. She does not have any vague memories of being taken aboard some kind of futuristic, alien craft. She is not plagued by graphic nightmares involving extraterrestrials. In fact, she is completely sure that what she recalls is exactly what she saw: a small, alien creature literally shapeshifting into the form of an owl.
Interestingly, since her experience took place, Maxine has come up with an intriguing theory to try and explain and rationalize the situation. She now believes that the Grey aliens have the ability to transform their physical appearances. This, she also suggests, means that the Greys can spy on us whenever, and wherever, they choose, without being noticed for what they really are. If we see an owl, a black cat, a German Shepherd dog – the list goes on – we may actually be seeing something very different: a shapeshifting E.T. using a piece of brilliant camouflage. Whatever you may think of Maxine’s theory (and her experience too), the fact is that there are numerous cases of UFOs and aliens being associated with, and linked to, owls. It's clear that the Owlman is more than just an unknown animal. It's far more than that.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Steve Quayle Excavation in Mexico: Proof of Fallen Angel Civilization of Genetic Mutants
teve Quayle Excavation in Mexico: Proof of Fallen Angel Civilization of Genetic Mutants
Steve Quayle Excavation in Mexico: Proof of Fallen Angel Civilization of Genetic Mutants
This video is a preview of Steve Quayle’s mind blowing excavation of Artifacts from Mexico. His full Webinar occurred on July 30th. This video includes his trailer and a video in which he discusses more in depth some of the things that will be addressed in his Webinar. Then I include some excerpts from a recent interview Steve did with Paul Begley.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
The Top 20 UFO Videos Ever Recorded
I compiled a list of the 20 best video captures of UFOs around the world. Let me know if you think there are better ones that I missed!
µSpecial thanks to Daniel Sanchez Skywatcher (on Youtube), WebcamsdeMexico (on Youtube), Carlos Guerrero / Charly STPX (Youtube), Ovni Magallenes En El Mundo y lo Paranormal (Youtube), @Cesarinmp (Instagram), the US DHS, and the Chilean Navy.
We’re not saying it was aliens … but it was aliens. For this list, we’re looking at the most famous and debated UFO sightings in history. Our countdown includes Roswell, The Battle of Los Angeles, Kecksburg UFO Incident, ISS Light Beam, McMinnville UFO photographs, and more! Have YOU ever seen a UFO? Let us know in the comments!
100 Meter UFO Enters Volcano Popocatépetl, Oct 5, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
100 Meter UFO Enters Volcano Popocatépetl, Oct 5, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting:Oct 5, 2022 Location of sighting: Volcano Popocatepetl, Mexico
Guys check this out! I recorded a UFO entering the Mexican volcano on the 5th of Oct. The mouth of the volcano is about 600-700 meters across, so that makes this UFO approximately 100 meters long! I have been watching this volcano for the last 15 years and have caught many craft, but this one takes the cake. Its absolutly fantastic in size, shape and speed...but most of all its destination...entering the mouth of the volcano itself. I have long said that this volcano, which was worshiped by the ancient Aztecs as a god...holds a secret alien base 5km below its surface. This is 100% proof that I am correct on this statement.
Return of Enki: ETs preventing nuclear war and restoring Adamic DNA
Return of Enki: ETs preventing nuclear war and restoring Adamic DNA
Alex Collier, a long-time Andromedan Contactee, reveals what he knows about the return of Enki, the Anunnaki geneticist who played a leading role in the genetic modification of humanity.
Alex explains how the Anunnaki's genetic experiments were the latest in a series of modifications of early humans by up to 22 extraterrestrial civilizations stretching back millions of years in time.
He describes some of the races that preceded the Anunnaki's genetic intervention, and why humanity's innate potential was recognized by Enki, but opposed by his half brother and rival, Enlil.
Alex shares his insights about Elena Danaan's claims in her latest book, The Seeders, that Enki has returned with the code of humanity's 12 stranded Adamic DNA.
After Enki's departure due to an Anunnaki civil war, humanity's Adamic DNA was corrupted by the victorious Enlil faction, which wanted to degrade surviving humans to a simple slave species. Alex believes that restoration of the Adamic DNA can be achieved through both technological and spiritual means, and that an alliance of extraterrestrials and White Hats will expedite the process.
He also discusses the ongoing war in Ukraine and why extraterrestrials will not allow nuclear weapons to be used in the conflict. A gray area however involves a dirty bomb which could be detonated as part of a false flag operation by the Deep State.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Unknown UFO lights flying over Sacramento, California 9-Oct-2022
Unknown UFO lights flying over Sacramento, California 9-Oct-2022
Check out this short UFO footage of a bright unidentified flying objects flying across the night sky above Sacramento, California on Sunday, 9th October 2022. This video was filmed by the reader of our website and it was submitted to me through Latest UFO Sightings Facebook page!
Through its database, UFO Identified has been able to collect a lot of interesting data this year. Due to the number of sightings in East Anglia, it has been named as one of the most popular UFO destinations in the UK.
As people get ready to celebrate Halloween, they might be wondering what’s going on with the extra-terrestrials. Due to the number of sightings in East Anglia, it has been named as one of the most popular UFO destinations in the UK.
Since January 2022, there have been around 30 reported sightings of UFOs in East Anglia, which includes Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Essex, and Bedfordshire. Eight of these were from Cambridgeshire. Although various areas in the county have had extra-terrestrial sightings, one location has reportedly had more sightings.
The city of Peterborough has been named as the region’s UFO hotspot after four reports of sightings. It’s followed by Norwich, which has two confirmed sightings this year.
The most recent sighting was reported on August 20 at around 7.56 pm. According to the resident, he saw multiple bright multi-colored lights moving in the sky before changing its direction and moving in a strange manner. Another report was made on August 4 around 11.55 am. Witnesses claimed to have seen white globes with tails moving in a straight line before shooting upwards.
In March, a white orb was spotted above homes in the city at around 4.35 am. Then, on March 19, a super bright object was spotted in the sky before it started to move and flash light. These sightings were the last of the year.
Despite the odds of being able to confirm a UFO sighting, the presence of the city of Peterborough on the UK’s extra-terrestrial map has increased our chances of seeing something truly unsettling this Halloween.
Horace Burns & William Blackburn witnessed separate UFO landings in Virginia, 1964-65
Horace Burns & William Blackburn witnessed separate UFO landings in Virginia, 1964-65
On the evening of December 21, 2018, gunsmith Horace Burns was driving along Route 250 in Virginia when he saw a massive cone-shaped object flying across the highway.
The object was moving at a speed of about 15 mph. It was flying in a north-to-south direction. Its cone-shaped point was slightly pointed forward as it flew across the highway.
It flew about 200 feet ahead of Burns’ vehicle. It then settled in a meadow near the road, and it gently landed in the field behind it as Burns’ car stopped. The object’s movement caused the motor of his vehicle to fail.
Burns got out of his vehicle to take a closer look at the object. According to him, it was about 125 feet in diameter and spanned 80 to 90 feet tall. Its curved and circular sides were sloped toward the top. Its six large concentric convolutions were also covered by a dome.
According to Burns, when it flew across the road, it filled the entire width of his car’s windshield. Although he was not able to determine the exact nature of the object, he noted that it looked like it had a metallic finish.
Although he didn’t see any visible features such as doors, windows, or seams on the object, he saw a band of bluish-white light extending from its base at a height of around six feet. The light was steady and did not dim or turn. It also appeared to be resting lightly on the ground. No landing gear was visible, and the object seemed to be relatively curved on the surface.
For about 60 to 90 seconds, Burns watched the object as it moved across the road. Suddenly, it rose up and tilted to a height of several hundred feet. It then flew northeasterly at a high rate of speed and disappeared from his view in a matter of seconds. The object’s top tilted slightly in the direction of its movement.
After the object disappeared, Burns drove back home and talked to his wife about his strange experience. He then claimed that he wouldn’t tell anyone about his sighting since he thought they might think he was crazy.
Then, a local radio station announced that a group of UFO enthusiasts was being formed at Eastern Mennonite College. Burns then reached out to Dr. Ernest Gehman, a professor of German, to report his sighting.
On December 31, Dr. Gehman went to the area where the object landed. He conducted a geiger counter test to analyze the data collected by his device. An extremely high reading was then confirmed by two engineers from the chemical company, who had been to the area the previous day.
Burns later verified that Dr. Gehman was able to find the landing area using the readings from his Geiger counter.
In what US prosecutors have called the biggest military hack of all time, Scottish hacker Gary McKinnon says it was all done in an effort to end secrecy regarding UFOs and free energy technology. McKinnon has been accused of hacking into computer systems belonging to NASA, the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, Department of Defense, and the U.S. Air Force. He is fighting extradition to the United States to be held on trial. If extradited, McKinnon faces spending the rest of his life in prison, but were his efforts in vain or did he really find something?
In all of his interviews, McKinnon talks about two UFO related finds. He told the Guardian newspaper that he thought what he found was so important that he tried to barter with the government. When first caught he was offered the chance to take a plea bargain and get a three to four year sentence. He turned the offer down to get a lesser sentence and threatened to release everything he found if they didn’t give him a better deal. Unfortunately for McKinnon, the U.S. government wasn’t too worried about his revelations. Now he faces spending a 70 year sentence in a US prison.
Lucy Clarke, McKinnon’s girlfriend, is comforted at a protest.
(credit: Cate Gillon/Getty Images Europe)
McKinnon was inspired by physician Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project. Greer had brought together a number of witnesses to testify in front of the Washington National Press Club that they had knowledge of the existence of Extraterrestrial visitation and that it was being hidden from the public. One of the witnesses said they knew that pictures from space were being altered at NASA’s Johnson’s space center; UFOs were allegedly being taken out of pictures.
McKinnon hacked into Johnson’s systems and said he found a high definition picture of a large cigar shaped object over the northern hemisphere. He said that he was so shocked by the picture that he didn’t think to immediately save it. He also said that the file size was so large that is was difficult to view it on his computer. Eventually his connection was lost and so was the picture.
The most shocking find to McKinnon, the one he thought would be his ace in the hole negotiating with the US.. government, was what he found hacking into the systems of U.S. Space Command. McKinnon says he found a log that listed non-terrestrial officers. He doesn’t believe that these were aliens, but he believes this to be evidence that the U.S. military has a secret battalion in space. Some of these logs were ship to ship transfers, but he says he was usually smoking pot while he hacked, so that prevented him from remembering the names of the ships. McKinnon told the Gaurdian: “I was smoking a lot of dope at the time. Not good for the intellect.”
There are rumors that he has talked about the names of two of the ships he saw on the transfer logs, the names of the ships allegedly being the USSS LeMay and the USSS Hillenkoetter. Typically Navy ship names just have two S’, an acronym for United States Ship, however there are three S’ here, presumably standing for United States Space Ship. The names of the ships are also significant.
General Curtis LeMay
(credit: USAF)
General Curtis LeMay was friends with retired Air Force Reserve Major General and former U.S. Senator from Arizona, Barry Goldwater. Goldwater believed there was a UFO cover-up deep within the government, and suspected that his friend LeMay knew about it. There were rumors that there was UFO evidence being held in a secret room at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base called the blue room. Goldwater told the media several times that when he asked LeMay about this room, LeMay got upset and told him, “Not only can’t you get into it but don’t you ever mention it to me again.” Open Minds magazine will have an article going more into depth on Goldwater in the second issue.
The second ship’s namesake, Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, was the first director of the CIA, and was also a member of a UFO research organization, the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). In 1960, the New York Times reported that Hillenkoetter had sent a letter to Congress that included this statement: “Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.”
Admiral Hillenkoetter
(credit: USN)
Although Hillenkoetter fought for the end of UFO secrecy, he eventually stopped commenting on the matter. Conspiracists also find Hillenkoetter intriguing because his name appears in debunked alleged secret documents that were leaked to UFO researchers. They list Hillenkoetter as a member of the infamous Majestic 12 group, an organization rumored to have been made up of high ranking military officers and civilians that was supposedly created by President Truman to initially manage the UFO issue.
However, the fact that McKinnon actually released names of these ships is also a just a rumor, thus far there are no sources for this claim.
So there we have it, the UFO picture that McKinnon saw and the ship rosters were all he had, and unfortunately for him, they were not enough to scare the government into going easy on him. Instead he has been fighting a long multi-year battle to keep from being extradited to the US, a fight that he is losing. So far every British court he has appealed to has denied his stay.
The US government is really throwing the book at him, alleging that he took down military computers making the U.S. vulnerable soon after 911. McKinnon denies those claims, and says that he was able to observe many hackers from around the world accessing the networks he was on at the same time he was on them. Many believe that McKinnon may just be a scapegoat.
In 2012, U.K. Home Secretary Theresa May announced she would not extradite McKinnon to the U.S. saying “she had to consider his human rights.”
“The home secretary told MPs there was no doubt Mr McKinnon was “seriously ill” and the extradition warrant against him should be withdrawn,” according to the BBC.
Soon after, it was also determined he would not face trial in the U.K. According to an article in the Guardian, “A joint statement from Keir Starmer, the director of public prosecutions, and Mark Rowley, assistant commissioner of the Metropolitan police, cited the huge difficulties of charging him in the UK, and said the chances of conviction would be poor.”
A view of Jupiter's moon Europa captured by NASA's Juno mission during its Sept. 29 close flyby at the moon. The spacecraft was 945 miles (1,500 kilometers) above the moon's surface when the image was taken.(Image credit: Image data: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS.
Image processing by Björn Jónsson CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
Fabulous portraits of Jupiter's mysterious icy moon Europa captured by NASA's Juno mission during its close flyby last week reveals the moon, which may possibly harbor extraterrestrial life, in unexpected colors.
The new images were taken by Juno's JunoCam camera during the probe's pass of Europa on Sept. 29, then went to enthusiastic image processors who gave them at times an almost artistic treatment.
"Starting with our flyby of Earth back in 2013, Juno citizen scientists have been invaluable in processing the numerous images we get with Juno," Scott Bolton, Juno principal investigator from the Southwest Research Center in Texas said in a statement. "During each flyby of Jupiter, and now its moons, their work provides a perspective that draws upon both science and art. They are a crucial part of our team, leading the way by using our images for new discoveries."
The newly released images highlight previously unexplored surface features that could shed light on processes occurring in the potentially life-bearing ocean underneath Europa's thick ice crust. The images, taken during an imaging window just a few minutes long, include JunoCam's closest image of the moon, which was taken from an altitude of 945 miles (1,500 kilometers) above Europa's surface. The image shows a region called Annwn Regio, known for what scientists call chaotic terrain, a maze of ridges, grooves and cracks scaring the icy surface.
The image, processed by Björn Jónsson, depicts the surface with a resolution of about 0.6 miles (1 km) per pixel, revealing numerous bright and dark troughs and previously unknown pits. Callanish Crater, which NASA's Galileo probe studied in the late 1990s and early 2000s, appears in the lower right as a circular dark spot.
A comparison of a minimally processed and heavily processed image of the same section of Europa's surface. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS. Image processing: Navaneeth Krishnan S)
Two of the images show the same portion of Europa's surface, comparing different processing approaches; one with minimal treatment, the other with enhanced color contrast that makes the surface features stand out. In the more processed image, shadows cast by the hodgepodge of scars are visible.
Finally, a highly stylized image by Fernando Garcia Navarro lends the rather plain white and brownish moon an extravagant psychedelic look.
A highly stylized view of Jupiter's icy moon Europa created by reprocessing an image captured by JunoCam during the mission's close flyby on Sept. 29, 2022. (Image credit: Image data: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS. Image processing: Kevin M. Gill / Fernando Garcia Navarro CC BY 2.0)
"Juno's citizen scientists are part of a global united effort, which leads to both fresh perspectives and new insights," Candy Hansen, lead co-investigator for the JunoCam camera at the Planetary Science Institute in Arizona, said in the statement. "Many times, citizen scientists will skip over the potential scientific applications of an image entirely, and focus on how Juno inspires their imagination or artistic sense, and we welcome their creativity."
Juno zipped 256 miles (412 km) above Europa's frozen surface last week, making its closest approach to the moon and the closest by any spacecraft since the Galileo spacecraft flew by in 2000. Hurtling through space at 15 miles per second (24 km per second), Juno snapped its most detailed image of Europa to date. The maneuver wasn't just for sightseeing; it also adjusted the probe's trajectory around Jupiter, reducing the time it takes to orbit the gas giant from 43 to 38 days, NASA said in the statement.
Last year, Juno visited Ganymede, the largest moon in the solar system; a visit to the volcanic moon Io is planned for next year.
While all four of the main Jovian moons are fascinating, Europa is particularly intriguing because scientists believe it might be the likeliest body in the solar system to host extraterrestrial life.
Juno is unlikely to address whether anything lives in the depths of Europa's ocean, but NASA's planned Europa Clipper mission, expected to launch in 2024, may be able to find the needed evidence. Fitted with a suite of nine cutting-edge scientific instruments, Europa Clipper will turn Europa into the best explored moon in the solar system with the exception of our own natural satellite.
Alex Collier, a long-time Andromedan Contactee, reveals what he knows about the return of Enki, the Anunnaki geneticist who played a leading role in the genetic modification of humanity. Alex explains how the Anunnaki’s genetic experiments were the latest in a series of modifications of early humans by up to 22 extraterrestrial civilizations stretching back millions of years in time. He describes some of the races that preceded the Anunnaki’s genetic intervention, and why humanity’s innate potential was recognized by Enki, but opposed by his half brother and rival, Enlil.
Alex shares his insights about Elena Danaan’s claims in her latest book, The Seeders, that Enki has returned with the code of humanity’s 12 stranded Adamic DNA. After Enki’s departure due to an Anunnaki civil war, humanity’s Adamic DNA was corrupted by the victorious Enlil faction, which wanted to degrade surviving humans to a simple slave species. Alex believes that restoration of the Adamic DNA can be achieved through both technological and spiritual means, and that an alliance of extraterrestrials and White Hats will expedite the process.
He also discusses the ongoing war in Ukraine and why extraterrestrials will not allow nuclear weapons to be used in the conflict. A gray area however involves a dirty bomb which could be detonated as part of a false flag operation by the Deep State.
Alex Collier’s insights on the Anunnaki, nuclear weapons, the final days of the Deep State, and realization of humanity’s galactic potential, are a series of eye opening revelations that outline the incredible future that lies ahead for humanity.
The war in Ukraine is approaching eight months in length and the skies over many parts of the country continue to be filled with planes, drones, missiles … and UFOs. In September 2022, a number of scientists researched the large number of unidentified aerial phenomena over that war-torn country in an attempt to explain them – or at least identify all that can be identified and then ponder over what the rest might be. Secret new technology? Aliens? There was even a rumor early in the war that alien arks were secretly buried in Ukraine and the war was over gaining or retaining possession of them. While that research continues, a noted Harvard astronomer known for his hunts for alien technology and speculations that recent visit by interstellar asteroids from outside of our solar system might actually be extraterrestrial ships – or the remains of them – has weighed in on the Ukraine UFOs. His analysis may surprise you.
“Recently, astronomers in Ukraine reported about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) that fall into two categories: bright and dark. The dark objects with no optical emission were labeled as “Phantoms”. They were characterized by a size of 3–12 meters (10 to 40 feet) and speeds up to 15 km s−1 at a distance of up to 10–12 km (6.2 to 7.5 miles). If real, such objects exceed the capabilities of human-made aircrafts or rockets.”
If you haven’t figured it out by now, the Harvard astronomer is Abraham ‘Avi’ Loeb, the physicist Time magazine named as one of the 25 most influential people in space and the proponent of the theories that the strange cigar-shaped ‘Oumuamua’ interstellar object might be an alien ship and that other interstellar objects which crashed into the oceans should be searched for and recovered to prove – or disprove – his theory. In a recent article on Medium, and in a paper published on arXiv, he reiterates that his interests lie in this type of unidentified aerial phenomena as part of his involvement with the Galileo Project at Harvard and conducting scientific searches for evidence of extraterrestrial life and technology – Loeb believes interstellar objects could be autonomous ships with no life forms onboard. However, his fame brings him numerous queries to examine ‘evidence’ of UAPs in videos, and Loeb says that is what happened one day recently when Sean Kirkpatrick, the new head of the Pentagon’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) came to Loeb with a favor.
“But last evening I received a special request from a high-level official in the US government to summarize my thoughts on observable signatures of UAP and so this morning I checked the UAP report from Ukraine and wrote a paper about it a few hours later.”
This was not the first request Loeb had received to study the high number of UFOs over Ukraine, and it was precisely that high number that kept him from getting involved. As he puts it in his Medium article, Ukraine is in a military conflict with a lot of human-made activity in the sky creating “noise” that massively interferes with the precise analysis needed to isolate and identify strange objects. However, when the Pentagon calls …
“I concluded that the reported speeds and sizes of the ``phantom’’ objects would have generated fireballs of detectable optical luminosity at their suggested distances, and so these objects could not have appeared dark.”
Loeb was puzzled by the “Phantoms” or dark objects reported by Ukrainian astronomers. “Dark” to Loeb means the objects are blocking the background light from the sky. However, the speed the objects appeared to be traveling at should have made them “bright” – an object whose frontal area is 10 square meters, moving at a supersonic speed of 10 kilometers per second, “must create a bow shock in the Earth’s atmosphere and dissipate a mechanical power of 1.5 terra-Watt at an elevation of 10 kilometers” which would “result in fireball of visible luminosity above 150 giga-Watt” and last at least a second. To top it off, Loeb emphasizes that a fireball of that magnitude and duration “cannot be missed.”
If Loeb’s calculations are correct – and who is going to argue with a distinguished Harvard professor – then what caused the dark “Phantom” UAPs witnessed by the Ukrainian astronomers? Loeb has an answer … and it’s one that didn’t please those astronomers.
“The observations of Zhilyaev and his colleagues are original, but the processing and interpretation of the results was done at an inadequate scientific level and with significant errors in determining the distance of the observed objects.”
The observations by the astronomers were made while they were doing their job – watching a meteor shower. Thus, Loeb believes they made errors in their analysis due their lack of familiarity with the non-meteor objects they were seeing. Specifically, they erred in the distance away from their telescopes that the objects appeared to be. Loeb speculated that they were mistaken in judging this distance and, when he simulated the sightings with a distance ten times closer than the astronomers thought, he found that the angular motion of the dark Phantoms on the sky corresponded to a physical velocity ten times smaller or 1.5 kilometers per second, and their size would be 0.3–1.2 meters, not 3-to-12 meters. What would be flying in the sky over Ukraine at those speeds and sizes?
“After correcting the factor of ten overestimate in distance, everything falls into place with the parameters of artillery shells.”
That wasn’t what the astronomers were expecting. Loeb even gave them the benefit of the doubt on one object that differed in size and speed from the rest, but that one turned out to be a satellite. Loeb obviously commiserated with his Ukrainian colleagues trying to conduct astronomy in a war zone, so he saluted them with quote from Oscar Wilde:
“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”
Sadly, the Ukrainian media was not as diplomatic as Avi Loeb towards its own astronomers. The online publication Raketa had this to say:
“Instead of a critical analysis of the observations (possible errors, the adequacy of the models, the accuracy of the post-processing), the authors postulate unjustified conclusions about the characteristics of the observed objects as UAPs. The MAO Academic Council of NASU believes that the above-mentioned B.E. Zhilyaev’s conclusion was hasty and did not meet the professional requirements for publishing the results of scientific research.”
Ouch! It sounds like the author of that article was looking at the gutter instead of the stars.
The ways and means by which we are currently being controlled are many and varied. We have seen how information has been hidden – even denied access to via the Freedom of Information Act. Entire aspects of history are being denied to us. There is, however, yet another way in which we are being controlled: it involves not so much the denial of information, but the destruction of it. There are numerous examples which show the controllers have successfully destroyed certain data that, had it not been relegated to the shredder and the furnace, could have answered key questions about some of the world’s mysteries and conspiracies. Moreover, this has been going on not just in the United States, but all across the planet – which suggests a combined effort on the part of several nations to, essentially, not only hide history but to wipe it off the face of the Earth. Let’s now take a look at a number of perfect examples of this widespread activity of making the past disappear – as a means to prevent us knowing certain things that it should be our right to know about. We’ll begin with UFOs and the most famous case of all: Roswell.
It was in the summer of 1947 that somethings crashed on the Foster Ranch, Lincoln County, New Mexico. Whatever it was, it left huge amounts of strange debris across the ranch. There was talk of strange bodies also having been found in the area, thrown out of the craft that exploded on impact. Within no time at all, personnel from the Roswell Army Air Field were on the scene, preventing anyone outside of the military from getting anywhere near the crash site. Cordons were created and people were warned never to talk about what they had seen. The problem for the military, though, is that the rancher who found the materials, William Brazel, had told fellow ranchers in the area, and friends, about his find before the military was informed – which meant that at least parts of the story were out there before the military’s cover-up began.
(Nick Redfern) The Roswell crash site: significant files cannot be found
There was even confusion at the Roswell Army Air Field: before orders were put into place to prevent anyone talking, the press-office at the base issued a statement saying that a flying disc (as UFOs were known back then) had been recovered and was due to be inspected. One such statement, from the media of the time read as follows: ““The many rumors regarding the flying disc became a reality yesterday when the intelligence office of the 509th Bomb Group of the Eighth Air Force, Roswell Army Air Field, was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disc through the cooperation of one of the local ranchers and the sheriff’s office of Chavez County. The flying object landed on a ranch near Roswell sometime last week. Not having phone facilities, the rancher stored the disc until such time as he was able to contact the sheriff’s office, who in turn notified Major Jesse A. Marcel of the 509th Bomb Group Intelligence Office. Action was immediately taken and the disc was picked up at the rancher’s home. It was inspected at the Roswell Army Air Field and subsequently loaned by Major Marcel to higher headquarters.”
The military quickly knocked that statement down, claiming that what had been recovered was nothing stranger than a weather-balloon. As for the bodies, the Air Force would not even address that matter until 1997, when they claimed that the bodies were, in fact, crash-test dummies used in high-altitude parachute experiments. It was also in the nineties that the Air Force changed its mind again on what came down on William Braazel’s ranch. It was no longer a weather-balloon, but a Mogul balloon, designed to monitor for Soviet atomic bomb tests. In 1993, all of this chopping and changing caught the attention of Steven Schiff, at the time the Congressman of New Mexico – the state in which the Roswell event occurred. Far from happy by what he saw as some kind of cover-up, Schiff approached the Government Accountability Office (at the time, it was known as the General Accounting Office) and asked them to look into the Roswell affair and see what might be found. The GAO was enthused about the idea of looking into Roswell. It was, however, not so much what the GAO found that intrigued them, but what they couldn’t find. As the GAO dug deeper and deeper, they learned to their amazement and concern that every single outgoing message from the old Roswell Army Air Field, from 1945 to 1951, could not be located. The files were gone. All of them. The GAO approached the Air Force and the National Archives for answers. There were no answers. Only puzzles. The National Archives checked their files: no luck. The Air Force came up blank, too.
(Nick Redfern) When records are "unavailable"
Rumors began to surface that when Steven Schiff approached the GAO in 1993, someone who was sitting on the Roswell story quickly realized that the truth of the 1947 incident was now in danger of being compromised, so a decision was quickly taken to have the original papers – wherever they were stored – destroyed. There is a very good reason for that: the GAO is an extremely powerful office of the U.S. Government and certainly had the power and ability to demand access to just about anything it wanted access to. Shredding the old Roswell Army Air Field papers may have been the only way to have ensured that the GAO didn’t get what it and Congressman Schiff wanted. It was just another layer of conspiracy in the quest to understand what really happened at Roswell. The outcome: the GAO concluded the files had been destroyed. Congressman Schiff was irate. The cover-up remained in place.
It’s much the same in the U.K., with the nation’s most famous UFO incident: the landing of an extraterrestrial spacecraft at Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, England in December 1980 – an incident which involved numerous military personnel from the nearby Royal Air Force Bentwaters facility. Witnesses saw a strange, roughly triangular-shaped object come down. Strange lights filled the skies over the base, and a huge cover-up was put into place. Attempts to try and understand what happened in Rendlesham Forest have been thwarted by the fact that a sizeable number of official files on the case have been destroyed. Or, rather, that’s the story told to us. It wasn’t long after the events occurred that rumors began to circulate that on the second night of what were three nights of encounters, the U.K. planned to evacuate a very nearby prison HM Prison Highpoint North. Other stories surfaced, suggesting that Blundeston Prison and Hollesley Bay Youth Correctional Center were also primed for evacuation. Clearly, something of a deeply serious nature was going on at the height of the encounters.
One of those who took a deep interest in the Rendlesham Forest events was Lord Hill-Norton, who, from 1971 to 1973 was the Chief of the U.K.’s Defense Staff. He pressed for answers – not just on the case itself but on those evacuation orders too. Just like Roswell, the paperwork was gone. It was on January 23, 2001 that Lord Hill-Norton raised the evacuation issue with the Government’s House of Lords. Hill-Norton wanted answers to what he said were “instructions to prepare for a possible evacuation at some time between 25 and 30 December 1980.” It didn’t take long for the government to get back to the by-then-retired Lord Hill-Norton. Available records from Blundeston Prison and Hollesley Bay Youth Correctional Center didn’t reveal anything odd at all. HM Prison Highpoint North, however, was quite another story. It turned out the December 1980 log-book from the base could not be found. Log-books for the other months were intact. When pushed for further information, the only thing that was offered by the government was the notion that the log-book had been mistakenly destroyed. Right.
(Nick Redfern) Rendlesham Forest UFO files go missing
Lord Hill-Norton didn’t stop there: he demanded access to the radar tapes of various military bases in the area, on the nights in question. Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean responded that all of the tapes had been routinely wiped clean: there was nothing to see. A trend was clearly developing. What was certainly the most amazing – and suspicious - aspect of all this reared its head in May 2011. Freedom of Information Act documents on the Rendlesham Forest case surfaced that caught the attention of not just UFO researchers, by the U.K.’s media, too. The files were notable because of what they said about the case specifically. Rather, they were files which revealed that there was a massive gap in the Defense Intelligence papers where the Rendlesham papers should have been kept. Internal memos released via FOIA legislation showed that the Ministry of Defense suspected that “a deliberate attempt had been made to eradicate the records covering this incident.” Precisely who had done the eradicating was never proved. Like the Roswell files, though, the papers were gone and no-one had any kind of solid answer.
Further files were found to have been destroyed too: not just on Rendlesham but on other cases too. Film-footage of a UFO taken by a military pilot, in U.K. airspace, in 1956, was said by the government to have been destroyed. In 1999, the crew of a military vessel, the HMS Manchester, encountered a UFO during a naval operation in the North Sea. All aboard were unanimous that they had seen a large, circular-shaped craft flying in close proximity to the ship. I am not exaggerating when I say that the U.K. government failed to respond properly for data on the case because “an unusually strong gust of wind” below the ship’s log-book overboard! Can you believe that crap?
Moving onto Australia, in the summer of 2011, the Australian Department of Defense admitted to having, ahem, misplaced, a UFO file that should have been packed with reports. Natalie Carpenter, of the nation’s Freedom of Information Office, responded to media inquiries by stating that, “The files could not be located and Headquarters Air Command formally advised that this file is deemed lost.” UFO researcher-author Whitley Strieber made a very good observation, on June 6, 2011: “Last week, the Australian government announced that it has ‘lost’ its UFO files. Thus it joins the United States, which ‘lost’ all the files relating to the Roswell AFB dating from 1947 through 1952, and the United Kingdom, which recently announced that it has ‘lost’ all the files relating to the Rendlesham Forest UFO Case. Rendlesham and Roswell are the two most important UFO cases ever to have taken place. Australia is a UFO hotspot, and sightings are frequent in the area of the US’s Pine Gap signals intelligence facility.”
Strieber later said: “Recently, many of the Rendlesham witnesses have spoken frankly about their experiences, and there is no longer any question but that an encounter between base personnel and an unknown presence took place there. Congressman Steven Schiff, who initiated the General Accounting Office's investigation of the Roswell Incident said to me that the files were illegally destroyed – ‘if they were destroyed.’ I asked him, ‘Do you think they might not have been destroyed?’ He said, ‘We are being told that they were destroyed.’ So the investigation came to an end.”
Unfortunately, what all of this tells us is that it's very difficult for us to find amazing UFO data, but it's very easy for government agencies to shred, burn, or deny the existence of important data. Of course, governments are human, just like us. That means, the day may come when we'll stumble on something that was thought by governments to be hidden away, but that will blow open the doors to more than a few top secrets of the UFO type. Such a thing is not impossible. And, when one door opens, it makes another one easier to open. And so on...And so on...
The Most Bizarre UFO Sighting Caught on Camera Till Date
The Most Bizarre UFO Sighting Caught on Camera Till Date
Over the years, there have been numerous UFO sightings in Puerto Rico. In April 2013, a group of US Customs and Border Protection agents was taking off from a mission in the town of Agudiya when they saw a strange light. The pilot then turned on his thermal imaging camera.
The aircraft’s camera immediately captured the object. This was by far the most bizarre UFO sighting that we have seen so far. If an alien race has the technology to produce such footage, what else can they do?
Over 800 Ancient Monuments Found in Polish Forest with LiDAR!
Over 800 Ancient Monuments Found in Polish Forest with LiDAR!
One of the last primeval forests in Europe, Białowieża forest in Poland, is the subject of a fascinating new LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) survey. It has yielded a vast and incredible array of hidden treasures from prehistory all the way up until World War II, including 577 ancient burial barrows, 246 charcoal kiln sites, 54 tar plants, 19 complexes of ancient farmlands, 51 semi-dugouts and 17 war cemeteries.
Some of the mounds are dated to the early Middle Ages, but most are from the Roman period, i.e., 2nd – 5th century AD. In total, the 800+ ancient monuments are of various functions, as explained by the team of scientists and archaeologists from the Institute of Archaeology of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University (IA UKSW) in Warsaw.
The project was headed by Prof. Przemysław Urbańczyk. They have brought to a close a lengthy 5 year research project of the Polish half of the Białowieża Forest, which lies on the border with Belarus, reports PAP. The research has been funded by the National Science Center of Poland.
"Thanks to the use of innovative research methods, combined with numerous natural analyzes, we have obtained, despite the initial pessimism, amazing results”, the main project coordinator, Dr. Joanna Wawrzeniek from the IA UKSW told PAP. “In accordance with the current conservation doctrine, we mainly used non-invasive tests. The output information was provided by aerial laser scanning,” she added.
Aerial laser scanning is a highly efficient non-invasive research method, that allows for a comfortable bypassing of the need for archaeological excavations, by allowing a top-down view of the topography. Dense forests and tough terrain do not act as a hindrance and allow for all kinds of structures to be seen and identified – natural and human-made (like burial structures and mounds for example).
The purpose of the ancient barrows in the Polish forest is not certain, but they are thought to be burial mounds. This is where LiDAR’s efficiency draws a line. Therefore, archival queries, geophysical surveys, drilling, and survey research methods were also employed.
Mounds from the Middle Ages contained skeleton and cremation burials, but the ones from the ancient periods lacked human remains, reports Heritage Daily and may have been ritualistic .
Some of the ancient structures spotted with LiDAR in Białowieża Forest in Poland
(M. Szubski, M. Jakubczak)
Occupation Through Time
Earlier on in pre-history, people inhabited the forest on small elevations that had access to a river or a stream, which could be places inhabited for a long time. Evidence of habitation is also gained from two structures, first of which is located in the Strict Reserve of the Białowieża National Park, and the other is in the Wilczy Jar Forest District.
They did not play a defensive role, or act as strongholds, but are more likely to have played some kind of ritualistic role. Only archaeological excavations can provide insight into what this ritualistic role potentially could be.
The first structure that was examined has a diameter of 36 meters (118.1 feet), with a small embankment that is 3 meters (9.8 feet) wide. From this structure, Slavic pottery from the early and late Middle Ages was found, along with ancient flint relics. The second structure was less than half of the first in diameter – 17 meters (55.77 feet). Here, there is evidence of the site being used in two distinct periods – first in prehistory (4th-3rd century BC), and the second from the 7 th-10th century AD.
The second structure had, alongside it, a compact pavement, a shallow pit, and traces of a dowel discovered on the embankment. Also found was the fragment of a courtyard, with lightly burned animal bones in the vicinity. It also possessed a vessel from the Roman period, though there was no other proof of occupation from the Roman period.
Further publications are planned, which will describe the results of this exciting archaeological research, and with over 800 monuments discovered, there is still much to be revealed!
Top image: An ancient burial mound in Poland, Tumuli in Wesiory (representational image). Artur Henryk / Adobe Stock
From HG Wells’ “The Time Machine” to the “Back to the Future” franchise, time travel has been a hallmark of science fiction for more than a century.
Part of its appeal has been that famous physicists like Albert Einstein have come up with theories that explain weather phenomena in ways that don’t rule out the possibility of time travel.
Einstein’s special theory of relativity proposes that time moves relative to an observer and is an illusion.
In his 1905 theory, space and time combined into a singular entity known as “space-time”, which physicists have been able to verify.
However, in an article published in The Conversation , Barak Shoshany, an assistant professor of physics at Brock University in Canada, wrote about the possibility of time travel, but with certain conditions.
One of the biggest obstacles to time travel is the practical requirement of “exotic matter,” which is matter with negative energy, as opposed to the matter around us, which consists of positive energy.
However, Professor Shoshany adds that there is no evidence that it is impossible to create exotic matter in sufficient quantities.
“In addition, other equations can be discovered that allow time travel without requiring exotic matter,” explains Professor Shoshany.
Another hurdle is the possibility of time paradoxes, where an action done in the past could have ripple effects in the present that undo the need for time travel.
A classic example of this is the famous “ grandfather paradox ”, where pundits ponder whether a time traveler would cease to exist if he went back in time to kill his grandfather when he was young.
“In physics, a paradox is not an event that can actually happen, it is a purely theoretical concept that points to an inconsistency in the theory itself,” adds the Canadian physicist.
“In other words, the paradoxes of consistency not only imply that time travel is a dangerous endeavor, but that it simply cannot be possible.”
Theoretical physicist Igor Dmitriyevich Novikov attempted to solve the problem of time travel paradoxes with a self-consistency conjecture, which essentially states that you can travel to the past, but you cannot change it.
But Professor Shoshany, along with his students Jacob Hauser and Jared Wogan studied time travel, and in a recent study they discovered that there are time travel paradoxes that the Novikov conjecture cannot resolve.
“We show that allowing for multiple histories (or in more familiar terms, parallel timelines) can resolve paradoxes that the Novikov conjecture cannot,” Shoshany writes.
“In fact, it can solve any paradox you throw at it.”
According to his theory, when a person steps out of a time machine, they arrive in a different timeline, where they can do whatever they want, including destroying their time machine five minutes before they were supposed to use it.
In this theory, changes to this new timeline would have no effect on the original timeline.
“After working on time travel paradoxes for the past three years, I have become increasingly convinced that time travel might be possible, but only if our universe can allow multiple histories to coexist,” he continues. explaining the physical
The team of researchers now seeks to formulate a concrete theory of time travel that complies with the law of general relativity.
Professor Shoshany adds that even if they do manage to find such a theory, this would not be enough to prove that time travel is possible, but it would at least mean that time travel is not ruled out by consistency paradoxes.
In short: multiple timelines would allow you to travel to a different timeline and kill your grandparents, let’s ignore the ‘why’ for the sake of debate, without causing a paradox.
Of course, once this happens, there is no reason to believe that that Universe will continue exactly as ours has.
It is likely that the “butterfly effect” of your arrival has changed it, it is also likely that you have selected a limited number of similarities, no matter how great they are.
Still, this would be a (still extremely far-fetched) way to experience the past, without affecting the present or creating paradoxes.
Every Black Hole Contains Another Universe – Equations Predict
Every Black Hole Contains Another Universe – Equations Predict
Like part of a cosmic Russian doll, our universe may be perfectly nested inside a black hole that is itself part of a larger universe. In turn, all the black holes found so far in our universe—from the microscopic to the supermassive—may be ultimate doorways into alternate realities.
According to a mind-bending new theory, a black hole is actually a tunnel between universes—a type of wormhole. The matter the black hole attracts doesn’t collapse into a single point, as has been predicted, but rather gushes out a “white hole” at the other end of the black one, the theory goes.
In a paper published in the journal Physics Letters B, Indiana University physicist Nikodem Poplawski presents new mathematical models of the spiraling motion of matter falling into a black hole. His equations suggest such wormholes are viable alternatives to the “space-time singularities” that Albert Einstein predicted to be at the centers of black holes.
According to Einstein’s equations for general relativity, singularities are created whenever matter in a given region gets too dense, as would happen at the ultra-dense heart of a black hole.
Einstein’s theory suggests singularities take up no space, are infinitely dense, and are infinitely hot—a concept supported by numerous lines of indirect evidence but still so outlandish that many scientists find it hard to accept. If Poplawski is correct, they may no longer have to.
According to the new equations, the matter black holes absorb and seemingly destroy is actually expelled and becomes the building blocks for galaxies, stars, and planets in another reality.
And our universe may sit in another universe's black hole, equations predict.
Like part of a cosmic Russian doll, ouruniverse may be nested inside a black hole that is itself part of a larger universe.
In turn, all the black holes found so far in our universe—from the microscopic to the supermassive—may be doorways into alternate realities.
According to a mind-bending new theory, a black hole is actually a tunnel between universes—a type of wormhole. The matter the black hole attracts doesn't collapse into a single point, as has been predicted, but rather gushes out a "white hole" at the other end of the black one, the theory goes.
In a recent paper published in the journal Physics Letters B, Indiana University physicist Nikodem Poplawski presents new mathematical models of the spiraling motion of matter falling into a black hole. His equations suggest such wormholes are viable alternatives to the "space-time singularities" that Albert Einstein predicted to be at the centers of black holes.
According to Einstein's equations for general relativity, singularities are created whenever matter in a given region gets too dense, as would happen at the ultradense heart of a black hole.
Einstein's theory suggests singularities take up no space, are infinitely dense, and are infinitely hot—a concept supported by numerous lines of indirect evidence but still so outlandish that many scientists find it hard to accept.
If Poplawski is correct, they may no longer have to.
According to the new equations, the matter black holes absorb and seemingly destroy is actually expelled and becomes the building blocks for galaxies, stars, and planets in another reality.
The notion of black holes as wormholes could explain certain mysteries in modern cosmology, Poplawski said.
For example, the big bang theory says the universe started as a singularity. But scientists have no satisfying explanation for how such a singularity might have formed in the first place.
If our universe was birthed by a white hole instead of a singularity, Poplawski said, "it would solve this problem of black hole singularities and also the big bang singularity."
Wormholes might also explain gamma ray bursts, the second most powerful explosions in the universe after the big bang.
Gamma ray bursts occur at the fringes of the known universe. They appear to be associated with supernovae, or star explosions, in faraway galaxies, but their exact sources are a mystery. (Related: "Gamma-Ray Burst Caused Mass Extinction?")
Poplawski proposes that the bursts may be discharges of matter from alternate universes. The matter, he says, might be escaping into our universe through supermassive black holes—wormholes—at the hearts of those galaxies, though it's not clear how that would be possible.
There is at least one way to test Poplawski's theory: Some of our universe's black holes rotate, and if our universe was born inside a similarly revolving black hole, then our universe should have inherited the parent object's rotation.
If future experiments reveal that our universe appears to rotate in a preferred direction, it would be indirect evidence supporting his wormhole theory, Poplawski said.
Wormholes Are "Exotic Matter" Makers?
The wormhole theory may also help explain why certain features of our universe deviate from what theory predicts, according to physicists.
Based on the standard model of physics, after the big bang the curvature of the universe should have increased over time so that now—13.7 billion years later—we should seem to be sitting on the surface of a closed, spherical universe.
But observations show the universe appears flat in all directions.
What's more, data on light from the very early universe show that everything just after the big bang was a fairly uniform temperature.
That would mean that the farthest objects we see on opposite horizons of the universe were once close enough to interact and come to equilibrium, like molecules of gas in a sealed chamber.
Again, observations don't match predictions, because the objects farthest from each other in the known universe are so far apart that the time it would take to travel between them at the speed of light exceeds the age of the universe.
To explain the discrepancies, astronomers devised the concept of inflation.
Inflation states that shortly after the universe was created, it experienced a rapid growth spurt during which space itself expanded at faster-than-light speeds. The expansion stretched the universe from a size smaller than an atom to astronomical proportions in a fraction of a second.
The universe therefore appears flat, because the sphere we're sitting on is extremely large from our viewpoint—just as the sphere of Earth seems flat to someone standing in a field.
Inflation also explains how objects so far away from each other might have once been close enough to interact.
But—assuming inflation is real—astronomers have always been at pains to explain what caused it. That's where the new wormhole theory comes in.
According to Poplawski, some theories of inflation say the event was caused by "exotic matter," a theoretical substance that differs from normal matter, in part because it is repelled rather than attracted by gravity.
Based on his equations, Poplawski thinks such exotic matter might have been created when some of the first massive stars collapsed and became wormholes.
"There may be some relationship between the exotic matter that forms wormholes and the exotic matter that triggered inflation," he said.
The new model isn't the first to propose that other universes exist inside black holes. Damien Easson, a theoretical physicist at Arizona State University, has made the speculation in previous studies.
"What is new here is an actual wormhole solution in general relativity that acts as the passage from the exterior black hole to the new interior universe," said Easson, who was not involved in the new study.
"In our paper, we just speculated that such a solution could exist, but Poplawski has found an actual solution," said Easson, referring to Poplawski's equations.
Nevertheless, the idea is still very speculative, Easson said in an email.
"Is the idea possible? Yes. Is the scenario likely? I have no idea. But it is certainly an interesting possibility."
Future work in quantum gravity—the study of gravity at the subatomic level—could refine the equations and potentially support or disprove Poplawski's theory, Easson said.
Wormhole Theory No Breakthrough
Overall, the wormhole theory is interesting, but not a breakthrough in explaining the origins of our universe, said Andreas Albrecht, a physicist at the University of California, Davis, who was also not involved in the new study.
By saying our universe was created by a gush of matter from a parent universe, the theory simply shifts the original creation event into an alternate reality.
In other words, it doesn't explain how the parent universe came to be or why it has the properties it has—properties our universe presumably inherited.
"There're really some pressing problems we're trying to solve, and it's not clear that any of this is offering a way forward with that," he said.
Still, Albrecht doesn't find the idea of universe-bridging wormholes any stranger than the idea of black hole singularities, and he cautions against dismissing the new theory just because it sounds a little out there.
"Everything people ask in this business is pretty weird," he said. "You can't say the less weird [idea] is going to win, because that's not the way it's been, by any means."
Astronomer Have Discovered A Mysterious Object, Which Is 570 Billion Times Brighter Than The Sun
Astronomer Have Discovered A Mysterious Object, Which Is 570 Billion Times Brighter Than The Sun
So bright that it pushes the energy limit of physics.
Billions of light years away, there is a giant ball of hot gas that is brighter than hundreds of billions of suns. It is hard to imagine something so bright. So what is it? Astronomers are not really sure, but they have a couple theories.
They think it may be a very rare type of supernova — called a magnetar — but one so powerful that it pushes the energy limits of physics, or in other words, the most powerful supernova ever seen as of today.
This object is so luminous that astronomers are having a really difficult time finding a way to describe it. “If it really is a magnetar, it's as if nature took everything we know about magnetars and turned it up to 11,” said Krzysztof Stanek, professor of astronomy at Ohio State University and the team's co-principal investigator, comedically implying it is off the charts on a scale of 1 to 10.The object was first spotted by the All Sky Automated Survey of Supernovae (ASAS-SN or “assassin”), which is a small network of telescopes used to detect bright objects in the universe. Although this object is ridiculously bright, it still can’t be seen by the naked eye because it is 3.8 billion light years away.
ASAS-SN, since it began in 2014, has discovered nearly 250 supernovae, however this discovery, ASASSN-15lh, stands out because of its sheer magnitude. It is 200 times more powerful than the average supernova, 570 billion times brighter than the sun, and 20 times brighter than all the stars in the Milky Way Galaxy combined.
“We have to ask, how is that even possible?” said Stanek. “It takes a lot of energy to shine that bright, and that energy has to come from somewhere.”
Todd Thompson, professor of astronomy at Ohio State, has one possible explanation. The supernova could have generated an extremely rare type of star called a millisecond magnetar — a rapidly spinning and very dense star with a crazy strong magnetic field.
This is how crazy magnetars are: to shine as bright as it does, this magnetar would have to spin at least 1,000 times a second, and convert all of that rotational energy to light with pretty much 100 percent efficiency — making it the most extreme example of a magnetar that is physically possible.
Given those constraints,” Thompson said, “will we ever see anything more luminous than this? If it truly is a magnetar, then the answer is basically no.”
Over the coming months, the Hubble Space Telescope will try to solve this mystery by giving astronomers time to see the host galaxy surrounding this object. The team may find that this bright object lies in the very center of a large galaxy — meaning the object is not a magnetar at all — and the gas around it is actually evidence of a supermassive black hole.
If that is the case, then the bright light could be explained by a new kind of event, said study co-author Christopher Kochanek, professor of astronomy at Ohio State. It would be something that has never, ever been seen before at the center of a galaxy.
Whether it is a magnetar, a supermassive black hole, or something else entirely, the results are probably going to lead to new thinking about how objects form in the universe.
Dit is de beste close-upfoto van Europa in decennia (en de chaos is niet te missen)
Dit is de beste close-upfoto van Europa in decennia (en de chaos is niet te missen)
Ruimtesonde Juno scheerde vorige week rakelings langs de maan Europa en toen kon het ijsmaantje zijn verfomfaaide uiterlijk echt niet langer verhullen.
Dat de scheervlucht in mooie close-upbeelden heeft geresulteerd, is geen verrassing. Vorige week lichtte NASA namelijk al een tipje van de sluier op door onderstaande foto vrij te geven.
Afbeelding: NASA / JPL-Caltech / SWRI / MSSS.
Op deze foto zien we een gebied iets ten noorden van de evenaar, ook wel aangeduid als Annwn Regio. “Het is nog een beetje vroeg, maar alles wijst erop dat Juno’s scheervlucht langs Europa een groot succes was,” vertelde Scott Bolton, hoofdonderzoeker van Juno, toen. “Deze eerste foto geeft slechts een glimp van de nieuwe inzichten die zullen voortkomen uit de gegevens die Juno tijdens zijn scheervlucht langs de ijzige maan verzamelde.”
Nieuwe foto En nu heeft NASA dus een nieuw kiekje vrijgegeven. Voor deze foto heeft Juno nog wat verder op het oppervlak van Jupiters maan Europa ingezoomd en wordt de totale chaos die daar heerst nog beter zichtbaar.
Beetje licht in de nacht Op de foto zien we een gebied dat ongeveer 150 bij 200 kilometer groot is. Ruimtesonde Juno fotografeerde het gebied toen deze zo’n 412 kilometer van het oppervlak van Europa verwijderd was en terwijl deze met een snelheid van zo’n 24 kilometer per seconde langs de maan vloog. Op dat moment was het nacht op het stukje Europa dat je hier ziet. Gelukkig werd het stukje oppervlak toch nog enigszins belicht en wel door zonlicht dat door de wolkentoppen van Jupiter gereflecteerd werd.
Afbeelding: NASA / JPL-Caltech / SwRI.
Dankzij dat kleine beetje licht is het oppervlak toch nog goed zichtbaar. Dat oppervlak bestaat uit ijs; Europa is namelijk bedekt met een kilometers dikke ijskap. Dat ‘jasje’ van ijs is echter tamelijk verfomfaaid; het wordt gekenmerkt door breuken en richels. En dat is op de close-upbeelden van Juno wel heel goed te zien.
Breuken Zo zien we tal van dunne lijntjes over het oppervlak lopen. Dat zijn breuken in de ijskap. Wat daarnaast opvalt, zijn de lijnen die in tweetallen en paralel aan elkaar over het oppervlak lopen. Het zijn waarschijnlijk omlijnde verhogingen of richels in de ijskap. Ook zijn op de foto donkere vlekken te zien. Onderzoekers vermoeden dat ze ontstaan zijn door erupties, waarbij materiaal afkomstig van onder de ijskap aan het oppervlak komt.
Waardevol “Deze foto onthult een gebied dat we nog niet eerder in zo’n hoge resolutie en onder zo’n onthullende belichting, in beeld hebben gebracht, in ongelofelijk detail,” stelt onderzoeker Heidi Becker. “Deze oppervlaktekenmerken zijn zo intrigerend. Een beter begrip van hoe ze ontstaan zijn – en hoe ze in de geschiedenis van Europa passen – kan ons weer vertellen welke interne en externe krachten de ijskap vormgeven.”
Uniek De beelden zijn daarmee heel waardevol én tamelijk uniek. De laatste keer dat een ruimtesonde Europa van zo dichtbij bekeek, is alweer twee decennia geleden. Toen scheerde ruimtesonde Galileo langs Europa.
Hoewel Juno fantastische foto’s van Europa heeft gemaakt, was dat niet het primaire doel van de ruimtesonde. Juno is namelijk specifiek ontworpen om Jupiter te onderzoeken. Maar toen die missie er bijna opzat, besloot NASA deze te verlengen en daarbij ook tijd te maken om eens een blik te werpen op enkele interessante manen van Jupiter. Eerder scheerde Juno bijvoorbeeld ook al langs Ganymedes. En in 2023 staat nog een scheervlucht gepland langs Io.
Europa mag zich de komende tijd in aanzienlijk meer aandacht verheugen. Zo maakt NASA zich zelfs op voor een missie waarin de maan centraal staat; in 2024 moet ruimtesonde Europa Clipper koers zetten richting de ijzige maan, om daar vervolgens in 2030 aan te komen. De sonde moet onder meer uit gaan zoeken hoe leefbaar Europa is. Want hoewel de maan met die kilometersdikke ijskap niet meteen heel gastvrij lijkt, wordt deze toch gezien als één van de beste kandidaten voor leven. Onder de ijskap lijkt namelijk een vloeibare oceaan schuil te gaan waarin de omstandigheden – voor zover we dat nu in kunnen schatten – gunstig kunnen zijn voor het ontstaan en gedijen van leven.
In Ancient Mesopotamia, Sex Among The Gods Shook Heaven And Earth
In Ancient Mesopotamia, Sex Among The Gods Shook Heaven And Earth
The “Burney Relief,” which is believed to represent either Ishtar, the Mesopotamian goddess of love and war, or her older sister Ereshkigal, Queen of the underworld (c. 19th or 18th century BC).
Credit: British Museum
Sexuality was central to life in ancient Mesopotamia, an area of the Ancient Near East often described as the cradle of western civilisation roughly corresponding to modern-day Iraq, Kuwait, and parts of Syria, Iran and Turkey. It was not only so for everyday humans but for kings and even deities.
Mesopotamian deities shared many human experiences, with gods marrying, procreating and sharing households and familial duties. However when love went wrong, the consequences could be dire in both heaven and on earth.
Scholars have observed the similarities between the divine “marriage machine” found in ancient literary works and the historical courtship of mortals, although it is difficult to disentangle the two, most famously in so-called “sacred marriages”, which saw Mesopotamian kings marrying deities.
Divine sex
Gods, being immortal and generally of superior status to humans, did not strictly need sexual intercourse for population maintenance, yet the practicalities of the matter seem to have done little to curb their enthusiasm.
Sexual relationships between Mesopotamian deities provided inspiration for a rich variety of narratives. These include Sumerian myths such as Enlil and Ninlil and Enki and Ninhursag, where the complicated sexual interactions between deities was shown to involve trickery, deception and disguise.
In both myths, a male deity adopts a disguise, and then attempts to gain sexual access to the female deity — or to avoid his lover’s pursuit. In the first, the goddess Ninlil follows her lover Enlil down into the Underworld, and barters sexual favours for information on Enlil’s whereabouts. The provision of a false identity in these myths is used to circumnavigate societal expectations of sex and fidelity.
Sexual betrayal could spell doom not only for errant lovers but for the whole of society. When the Queen of the Underworld, Ereshkigal, is abandoned by her lover, Nergal, she threatens to raise the dead unless he is returned to her, alluding to her right to sexual satiety.
The goddess Ishtar makes the same threat in the face of a romantic rejection from the king of Uruk in the Epic of Gilgamesh. It is interesting to note that both Ishtar and Ereshkigal, who are sisters, use one of the most potent threats at their disposal to address matters of the heart.
The plots of these myths highlight the potential for deceit to create alienation between lovers during courtship. The less-than-smooth course of love in these myths, and their complex use of literary imagery, have drawn scholarly comparisons with the works of Shakespeare.
Love poetry
Ancient authors of Sumerian love poetry, depicting the exploits of divine couples, show a wealth of practical knowledge on the stages of female sexual arousal. It’s thought by some scholars that this poetry may have historically had an educational purpose: to teach inexperienced young lovers in ancient Mesopotamia about intercourse. It’s also been suggested the texts had religious purposes, or possibly magical potency.
Several texts write of the courtship of a divine couple, Inanna (the Semitic equivalent of Ishtar) and her lover, the shepherd deity Dumuzi. The closeness of the lovers is shown through a sophisticated combination of poetry and sensuousness imagery - perhaps providing an edifying example for this year’s Bad Sex in Fiction nominees.
Ancient Sumerian cylinder seal impression showing Dumuzid being tortured in the Underworld by the galla demons.
Credit: British Museum
In one of the poems, elements of the female lover’s arousal are catalogued, from the increased lubrication of her vulva, to the “trembling” of her climax. The male partner is presented delighting in his partner’s physical form, and speaking kindly to her. The feminine perspective on lovemaking is emphasised in the texts through the description of the goddess’ erotic fantasies. These fantasies are part of the preparations of the goddess for her union, and perhaps contribute to her sexual satisfaction.
Female and male genitals could be celebrated in poetry, the presence of dark pubic hair on the goddess’ vulva is poetically described through the symbolism of a flock of ducks on a well-watered field or a narrow doorway framed in glossy black lapis-lazuli.
The representation of genitals may also have served a religious function: temple inventories have revealed votive models of pubic triangles, some made of clay or bronze. Votive offerings in the shape of vulvae have been found in the city of Assur from before 1000 BC.
Happy goddess, happy kingdom
Divine sex was not the sole preserve of the gods, but could also involve the human king. Few topics from Mesopotamia have captured the imagination as much as the concept of sacred marriage. In this tradition, the historical Mesopotamian king would be married to the goddess of love, Ishtar. There is literary evidence for such marriages from very early Mesopotamia, before 2300 BC, and the concept persevered into much later periods.
The relationship between historical kings and Mesopotamian deities was considered crucial to the successful continuation of earthly and cosmic order. For the Mesopotamian monarch, then, the sexual relationship with the goddess of love most likely involved a certain amount of pressure to perform.
Some scholars have suggested these marriages involved a physical expression between the king and another person (such as a priestess) embodying the goddess. The general view now is that if there were a physical enactment to a sacred marriage ritual it would have been conducted on a symbolic level rather than a carnal one, with the king perhaps sharing his bed with a statue of the deity.
Agricultural imagery was often used to describe the union of goddess and king. Honey, for instance, is described as sweet like the goddess’ mouth and vulva.
A love song from the city of Ur between 2100-2000 BC is dedicated to Shu-Shin, the king, and Ishtar:
In the bedchamber dripping with honey let us enjoy over and over your allure, the sweet thing. Lad, let me do the sweetest things to you. My precious sweet, let me bring you honey.
Sex in this love poetry is depicted as a pleasurable activity that enhanced loving feelings of intimacy. This sense of increased closeness was considered to bring joy to the heart of the goddess, resulting in good fortune and abundance for the entire community — perhaps demonstrating an early Mesopotamian version of the adage “happy wife, happy life”.
The diverse presentation of divine sex creates something of a mystery around the causes for the cultural emphasis on cosmic copulation. While the presentation of divine sex and marriage in ancient Mesopotamia likely served numerous purposes, some elements of the intimate relationships between gods shows some carry-over to mortal unions.
While dishonesty between lovers could lead to alienation, positive sexual interactions held countless benefits, including greater intimacy and lasting happiness.
Written by Louise Pryke - Lecturer, Languages and Literature of Ancient Israel, Macquarie University
TicTac During Lightning Storm Over Albuquerque, New Mexico Photos, UFO Sighting News.
TicTac During Lightning Storm Over Albuquerque, New Mexico Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: 8-7-2022
Location of sighting: Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
UFOs are often recorded around violent weather phenomenon, leading me to conclude that the UFOs are either causing the disturbances or recording data about the effects of violent weather. Its not rare to catch a UFO during lightning storms, its actually very common. Making me think that there must be a base in New Mexico desert somewhere 5km below the ground.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
Videoing lightning and reviewing video and taking screenshots of the lightning. In one of my screenshots there appeared a white tic tax looking object.
Strange UFO light hovering in evening sky and changing direction and light intensity – Canton, MI
Strange UFO light hovering in evening sky and changing direction and light intensity – Canton, MI
Check out this latest UFO sighting video of a bright orb making maneuvers in the night sky above Canton, charter township of Wayne County in the U.S. state of Michigan. This happened yesterday, on 7th October 2022.
Witness report:
Walking dog at 730 pm on Friday, Oct 7. Evening sky with low cloud cover. Saw a white light hovering in the west over Ridge Rd. in Canton, near Proctor Rd. Light intensity seemed to change, which caught my attention. At first thought it was a drone, but no red or green lights visible. It hovered and moved and changed directions. Flickered out a few times and returned. Started to descend behind houses. Seemed to change to red as descended. No idea what this was. Never seen anything like this. Sound of jets were audible, but didn’t seem to be coming from the light. We live in area with lots of airport traffic overhead. This was too low and slow to be a plane. Took video and tried to convince myself it was a drone, but I’m not so sure.
The map above shows the planet Mars during the late Noachian Period, around 3.8 billion years ago, labeled with modern feature names.
Until around 3.5 billion years ago, Mars had a thicker atmosphere and was warmer than the present day, and evidence suggests that liquid water flowed on its surface, carving the many river channels that remain there today. The lakes shown on this map are lakes that are theorized to have existed around this time. In the north was an ocean, though it was probably never as high a sea level as shown here. At the north pole of the red planet was the ocean hundreds of meters deep. It is believed that much of this water was lost to space, carried away over time by the solar wind, and that which remains on Mars today is frozen in the polar ice caps and is also likely to be found frozen and buried across the planet under the surface layer of dust.
Bryce Zabel, a CNN reporter has done a marvelous job in presenting the detailedRoswell incident in his personal blog. He collectively mentioned top witnesses’ statements that assure Roswell disclosure is on a fast track. The legendary incident that happened in 1947 was indeed real, according to moon-walking astronaut Edgar Mitchell. He claimed in his interviews that he had informants that had told him about the inside story of Roswell, but he never disclosed their names.
“Make no mistake, Roswell happened. I’ve seen secret files which show the government knew about it — but decided not to tell the public,” claimed Edgar Mitchell, Ph.D., Apollo 14 Astronaut.
In February 1971, after the successful completion of the mission, the Apollo 14 crew returned to Earth. Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell became the fifth and sixth astronauts to walk on the moon’s surface. While Shepard chose to live in the glory, Mitchell became the main troublemaker for many years.
He publicly accepted the existence of aliens after being on the Moon and stuck to it until his death. He accused the US government of hiding the truth about contact with aliens. Immediately after his return, Mitchell left NASA and immersed himself in studying UFOs, ancient history, and human consciousness.
Edgar Mitchell, 1971. Image credit: NASA
Mitchell grew up in the small town of Artesia, a few miles from the very Roswell airbase where the crash allegedly occurred. The astronaut claimed that many of his neighbors, acquaintances, and friends worked at that base, and what he heard from them is enough for him to consider the Roswell incident a real UFO crash. Mitchell did not disclose the names of his informants, referring to the fact that they all signed a non-disclosure agreement and he did not want them to have any problems.
Michell, who claimed he briefed the highest members of the Pentagon, said the reality is that there was an advanced civilization that could penetrate our air defenses at will and that we could not stop them in any way, shape, or form, immediately doomed the Roswell incident to become one of the greatest coverups in history.
ET stopped Nuclear War
According to Mitchell, he once had a confidential conversation with a Navy admiral, who secretly told him that in fact, aliens had established contact with the government back in the early 1940s. They were interested in earthly weapons, primarily the atomic bomb. At the very beginning of the Cold War between the USSR and the USA, aliens often came to Earth because they feared nuclear war and tried to influence the world elites in some way. (Source)
Growing up in New Mexico gave him a unique insight to the Roswell area, he told the UK’s Mirror in 2015.
“White Sands was a testing ground for atomic weapons – and that’s what the extraterrestrials were interested in… They wanted to know about our military capabilities. My own experience talking to people has made it clear the ETs had been attempting to keep us from going to war and help create peace on Earth.”
According to a 2015 story, Apollo 14 astronaut said: “My own experience talking to people has made it clear the ETs had been attempting to keep us from going to war and help create peace on Earth.”
However, he clarified in hisinterview with Observerthat he did not make those statements but at the same time, he somewhat agreed with those words. He said: “I don’t remember speaking to them personally. I don’t know where they got that information. I didn’t make those statements. Somebody has added to my words. Those weren’t my exact words but I don’t necessarily disagree with those statements.”
However, the 2016 Wikileak emails say Mitchell was worried about space weaponization. Despite the fact that aliens might be violent as shown in various sci-fi, the notable astronaut called them nonviolent in his email. In January 2015, he sent an email to Podesta, asking him to have an urgent meeting to discuss Disclosure and Zero Point Energy (ZPE). He was concerned about the peace in space.
Mitchell wrote: “My Catholic colleague Terri Mansfield will be there too, to bring us up to date on the Vatican’s awareness of ETI. Another colleague is working on a new Space Treaty, citing involvement with Russia and China. However, with Russia’s extreme interference in Ukraine, I believe we must pursue another route for peace in space and ZPE on Earth.”
Mitchell emailed Podesta again on September 18, 2015. He wrote: “Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk. Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth. They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space.”
Why Believe the Roswell Crash?
Bryce Zabel writes: “That storyline has hundreds of witnesses testifying to roughly the same fact trail. Some were first-hand witnesses to debris and even the recovery of bodies, and several accounts came from death bed confessions. Many more witnesses were family members who learned of the secret their fathers and husbands had kept inside them for decades. There were many dozens who attested to extremely tight security and transportation of material in the aftermath of what crashed at Roswell.”
Jesse Marcel was an intelligence officer of the 509th Bombardment Group at Roswell Army Air Field and was tasked with investigating the 1947 Roswell crash
Moreover, the hype of Roswell stories has increased. The New York Times started covering this issue in the summer of 2020 and is continuing its investigation into crash wreckage. Besides, the former head of the AATIP Luis Elizondo gave his candid take on the 1947 Roswell crash in New Mexico and more in an interview with the Roswell Daily Record.
Elizondo: “I’ll share with you… some of the observations that were made by some people. Before I was part of AATIP, I had no idea about Roswell, other than that there was sort of some alleged crash at some point and some farmer found debris — but during my time with AATIP, there was some very interesting anecdotal information that suggests there wasn’t just one crash, there may have been two crashes, and that somehow it may have been related to some sort of testing that was being done at the time at White Sands, and that material was recovered.
And that material that was recovered, samples of that material found their way into the hands of private citizens, some of them, but that the … allegedly the larger sections of debris were all recovered by the U.S. Government.”
During the interview, Elizondo said that while he headed the AATIP, his job was to concentrate on current UAP incidents, however, he added that he had conversations with so-called “graybeards” at the Pentagon who had been involved with UAPs since Project Blue Book. It was from these individuals that Elizondo learned what probably occurred at Roswell in 1947.
Elizondo: ”These individuals were convinced that the events in New Mexico were not fiction. In fact that it was a, very much a real event and that some very exotic material was recovered… And then there was a subsequent effort to try to be very dismissive about what occurred in New Mexico. But again, I will share with you that it was, from my understanding, it wasn’t one, it was two crashes, and it may have been related to some sort of nuclear-type testing of technology that we were doing, atomic and/or nuclear technology at Los Alamos at the time.”
NASA is planning to send an army of mini swimming robots to find the aliens in the oceans of other planets. Such a plan could be used to detect signs of alien life beneath the miles-thick icy shell of Jupiter’s moon Europa or Saturn’s moon Enceladus. But what about our home planet? Does NASA have any plan to explore our oceans? Have they already found everything about the only Blue planet in the Solar system? Or is something stopping them to do it? Interestingly, UFO expert Anna Whitty came forward with a strange theory that says “Aliens have been living under Earth’s ocean for protection and have always been here on the planet.”
Anna Whitty, an author of the book “UFO: A Fundamental Truth,” made the claim on the official statement of Dr. Shirley Wright, who interviewed aliens found at the Roswell crash site in 1947. Whitty stated that aliens are actually just humans – but an advanced form.
In a recently aired two-hour documentary on the UFO crash called “Roswell 75: The Final Evidence,” Anna Whitty was featured alongside expert Philip Mantle, director and producer Spyros Melaris, and Dr. David Hall.
The documentary also featured an interview where Dr. Shirley Wright, a former colleague of Albert Einstein stated that the aliens inquired about human exploration inside the ocean, they asked: “how far into the ocean” the humans traveled.
Anna Whitty. Image credit: Daily Star
Whitty did an interviewer with the Daily Star, elaborating more on her claim, she said that if whatever Wright had documented through her interview is correct, then it is more believable for the aliens to come from under the sea rather than from another planet.
“If what Shirley said is right, it is more likely that aliens come from somewhere under the sea or caves or something like that, rather than another planet, it makes sense because there’s a lot of evidence on the planet that there has been a massive cataclysm every few thousand years,” Whitty said.
“If humans on the surface are being reset to the Stone Age every several thousands of years, and these people are somewhere where they are more protected because they are underground, then perhaps their development in technology and intelligence is continuing on an upwards trajectory whereas we’re reset. It’s also possible that maybe they aren’t beings at all, but they can make you think you’re seeing what you’re not seeing,” she added.
The documentary dives deep into the incident, examining the eyewitness accounts, the involvement of the space propaganda by the major powers, as well as several secret projects that were assumed to be covered up with the help of this incident.
Whitty’s theory of aliens being “underwater entities” could have some meaning as after all, there are videos of UFOs diving into the water. Below is the footage filmed in the CIC (Combat Information Center) of the USS Omaha on July 15, 2019, in a warning area off San Diego. This footage depicts a UAP event series that reached the culmination with one of the unknown targets entering the water. No wreckage was found, and none of the unknown craft was recovered.
Retired US Air Force Lt. Col. Richard French had served in the US army for more than 27 years. He was an alleged lead investigator of the Project Blue Book in the 1950s, his job was to shoot down false reports of UFOs. In Newfoundland, Canadian Province, he saw two aliens repairing their ship submerged underwater.
US Air Force Lt. Col. Richard French during his interview with openmindstv
French testified about his work on UFOs in 1952, in front of 6 former members of Congress at the Citizen Hearing in 2013. He recalled seeing two alien crafts below the water surface, 6 meters from the shoreline. He also saw two extraterrestrials near the ships. He remembered the water was clear, so he could see those beings doing something at the bottom of the craft.
“The water was fairly clear and I could see without any trouble. They weren’t down at the bottom of the [seabed] — they were about halfway down,” French said. He believed the aliens were repairing the ships and tested them before leaving. Whatever happened in Newfoundland is the classic UFO story ever given by the army official. Even though he was chosen to debunk UFO stories, he undoubtedly said that it was a UFO and there were extraterrestrials.
The idea that the ocean is inhabited by extraterrestrials can be backed by these incidents.
An incredible account of spotting underwater UFOs, or Underwater Submerged Objects (USOs), was shared by former Gunner’s Mate John Baughman, who served in the U.S. Navy from 2008 to 2013. He was stationed on the United States Navy’s third Nimitz-class supercarrier “The USS Carl Vinson” in 2010 when he first saw Tic Tac UFO underwater.
Capt. Kent D. Whalen and John Baughman, 2011
He said: “I was staring into the water from above when a large, flat, white ’Tic Tac’ object, approximately twenty feet in length, suddenly appeared in my view below me, moving right and darted into the depths as fast as it appeared. I couldn’t really comprehend what I saw. It was definitely a solid object, but when it descended, its forward end rapidly collapsed in on itself and disappeared.”
Another USO encounter occurred with the crew of the Soviet Submarine in the south of the Pacific ocean. At the depth of 260 meters, the six disc-like objects were moving toward the submarine at the speed of 426 km per hour. The crew could not escape their pursuit, and the commander ordered the crew to rise to the surface. The crew saw through the periscope that the objects came out of the water and took off at an absurdly fast speed.
There are classic alien abduction cases where the witnesses recalled being taken to secret underwater bases. The abduction of Betty Andreasson Luca is considered to be one of the most documented cases in the history of Ufology. The woman from Massachusetts experienced multiple abductions, and her case is widely studied by UFO researchers. (Click here to read the story of Betty Luca)
During one of her hypnotic regression sessions, Betty remembered one of the early abductions that occurred to her in her childhood. It took place in 1950, when she was taken from her home into a spacecraft as usual. But this time, the craft was flying toward an ocean or sea. She was terrified that the craft would crash into the water. But the ship submerged into the water and entered into a kind of tunnel. Betty could see everything underwater, as the place was filled with light.
Next is “Filiberto Cardenas Encounter,” where he claimed to have been taken to a secret underwater hangar, and interestingly, his abduction was witnessed by his friend’s family.
He remembered being taken to some unknown beach where he saw deep blue water. He said one of the aliens got out of the object and opened a secret tunnel, from where a similar craft came and flew away. The craft which he was in also went into the tunnel with great speed underwater. Soon, he was at the secret “large hangar” under the sea.
Uranus is tipped on its side and scientists aren't sure why.
(Image credit: X-ray: NASA/CXO/University College London/W. Dunn et al; Optical: W.M. Keck Observatory)
Uranus is just plain weird, and one of the weirdest things about it is its tilt.
Uranus has the largest tilt in the solar system, at 98 degrees, which means it spins almost perfectly perpendicular to the direction of its orbit. Astronomers have long suspected that a series of giant impacts early in the planet's formation did the job of flipping Uranus on its side, but new research suggests a much less violent cause: a satellite of Uranus that wandered away.
All the planets of the solar system have orbital tilts less than 30 degrees — except Uranus. The whole Uranus system is flipped onto its side, affecting not just the planet's rotation but also its rings and moons, too, which orbit around the planet perpendicular to the planet's motion around the sun.
The odd tilt of Uranus is especially weird considering that the neighboring ice giant, Neptune, has a normal tilt despite the two likely sharing similar formation histories. So what went wrong for Uranus?
Astronomers have long suspected that at least one giant impact occurred when Uranus was forming. It's easy enough to imagine: The right collision at the right time would deliver enough energy to push Uranus over while it was still in its protoplanetary stage, and the planet never picked itself back up before forming its system of planets and moons.
And scientists have some evidence to support this picture. The solar system was a rather violent place in its youth, so there are plenty of large rocks around to wreak havoc. And Neptune does display slight differences, such as a different temperature and a set of moons with different characteristics (like Neptune's being much larger), indicating the two planets experienced distinct conditions at some point in their formation.
The unluckiest planet
But the impact hypothesis has weaknesses, too.
There wasn't just one large rock whizzing around the early solar system looking for an unlucky target — there were many. All the planets, especially the outer ones, likely suffered many collisions during their formation. Even the inner planets weren't spared; Earth got smacked by a Mars-size protoplanet early on, forming the moon.
So if Uranus got hit hard enough to tip it over, why didn't the other planets? Jupiter and Saturn eventually developed thick clouds of gas, which could, over time, have gotten them upright again. But Neptune had a similar history to Uranus, and despite their small differences the two ice giants are extremely alike: they have similar atmospheres, both have tangled magnetic fields, and have similar sizes, masses and spin rates.
We're left with a dilemma. Perhaps poor Uranus was just extremely unlucky — and there are simulations that support the idea of just the right impact tilting the world. But "pure luck" doesn't really satisfy the typical astronomer; we should exhaust all the other options before resorting to it.
So perhaps the answer doesn't have anything to do with impacts. Perhaps it has to do with moons, as a team of scientists propose in a new paper accepted for publication in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics and posted to the preprint site the
An image of Uranus taken by Voyager 2 on Jan. 14, 1986. (Image credit: NASA/JPL)
Lost children
The early solar system did not look much like the solar system of the present day. The giant planets in particular probably formed much closer together and much closer to the sun. Over time, interactions among them and with wandering planetesimals outward, with Uranus and Neptune migrating the farthest. (In fact, some models of the solar system even predict the existence of a fifth massive planet that got ejected during all this migration.)
Each of the giant planets formed with a collection of moons, but those moons got reshuffled as the planets migrated. With all the complicated gravitational dynamics going on, some planets lost moons while others gained new ones.
So Uranus, could have been born with or quickly captured a massive moon. And if the moon was big enough, it could have started playing games with the planet's spin.
Uranus likely started out with a random but small tilt. Over time, that tilt will precess, as astronomers call it, with the direction of the planet's rotation wobbling like a gigantic top. (Earth does the same thing.) Usually, a moon doesn't care about its planet's precession of tilt. But it's possible for a moon to get locked into a resonance pattern, in which the length of time needed to precess matches up with a whole number of orbits of the moon.
This resonance allows the gravitational force of the moon to gently tug on the planet, reinforcing the precession. It's like an invisible string attached to the top of the planet: Over the course of millions of years, that tilt gets worse and worse. As this goes on, the moon's orbit would creep steadily closer to the planet.
The researchers found that if Uranus once had a large enough moon, it would, within a few hundred million years, be capable of pulling the planet's tilt over 80 degrees. To finish the job, the satellite would then crash into Uranus, locking the planet's tilt at its present value.
This scenario would explain why Uranus is so unique: it just had a large enough moon, which is common enough, that slipped into resonance — not so common that we should expect the same to happen to Neptune. And then it all went sideways from here.
The observatory, known by the nickname Kuafu-1, will view the Sun from its orbit around Earth.
Credit: NASA/Goddard/SDO
China is set to launch its first dedicated solar observatory. Astronomers say its trio of instruments will provide insights into how the Sun’s magnetic field creates coronal mass ejections and other eruptions.
The Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory (ASO-S) is scheduled to lift off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northern China at 7.43 a.m. local time on 9 October. China has sent satellites with individual sun-gazing instruments into space before, but the 900 million yuan (US$126 million) ASO-S is its first observatory with a suite of tools.
Scientists in China have been waiting a long time for the observatory. They first pitched such a mission in the 1970s, says Weiqun Gan, an astrophysicist at the Purple Mountain Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Nanjing, and the mission’s chief scientist. “We always wanted to do something like this,” he says.
Astronomers know that the Sun’s magnetic field causes its energetic emissions, but unravelling the relationship between the two is notoriously complex. ASO-S will be important for understanding these connections because its instruments look across different wavelengths at once, says Eduard Kontar, an astrophysicist at the University of Glasgow, UK, and a member of the mission’s science committee. Studying different aspects of the Sun’s activity simultaneously allows researchers to tie eruptions to their underlying causes.
ASO-S joins a slew of solar missions already in orbit around Earth or the Sun. “These are very exciting times for solar physicists in China and around the world,” says Kontar.
Four-year mission
ASO-S — also known by the nickname Kuafu-1, after a giant in Chinese mythology who sought to catch and tame the Sun — will observe from an orbit 720 kilometres above Earth’s surface, permanently facing the Sun.
The mission will last for at least four years, says Gan, covering the 2024–25 peak of the solar cycle, which lasts 11 years on average. “In these peak years we can observe a lot of eruptions,” he says.
The Sun produces high-energy bursts of radiation, known as solar flares, and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), slower streams of particles produced in explosions. ASO-S’s main task will be to study the fundamental physics of these eruptions and their origins in energy released by the Sun’s contorting and realigning magnetic field. The process is one of “great scientific importance, with broad implications for understanding similar phenomena throughout the universe”, says Kontar.
Solar flares and CMEs can affect Earth when they reach and interact with the planet’s atmosphere. The resulting ‘space weather’ has the potential to interfere with navigation systems and disrupt power grids. ASO-S can help with forecasting space weather by providing data about the shape of magnetic fields on the Sun’s surface that are most likely to cause eruptions — knowledge that could allow researchers to predict when and where such eruptions will happen, says Gan.
The observatory’s three instruments include a magnetograph to study the Sun’s magnetic field and an X-ray imager for studying the high-energy radiation released by electrons accelerated in solar flares. ASO-S also carries a coronagraph which will peer at the Sun in the ultraviolet and visible range, to scrutinize the plasma produced by flares and CMEs, from the solar surface through to the Sun’s outer atmosphere or ‘corona’.
Unique to ASO-S will be the ability to study an important region known as the middle corona — where solar storms brew — which has never been seen before in its entirety in the ultraviolet spectrum, says Sarah Gibson, a solar physicist at the US National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. This will give new clues to the origins of CMEs, she says.
Data sharing
Following the probe’s initial four-to-six-month commissioning phase, ASO-S data will be open for anyone to access and Chinese solar physicists are eager to collaborate, says Jean-Claude Vial, an astrophysicist at Paris-Saclay University.
Data from ASO-S could complement those from other solar observatories. The European Space Agency’s Solar Orbiter, which launched in 2020 and flies close enough to the Sun to sample its atmosphere, carries a coronagraph similar to that on ASO-S. From their different vantage points, the two instruments will produce complementary observations, says Gibson. NASA’s Parker Solar Probe, launched in 2018, also flies close to the Sun to sample its atmosphere.
X-ray data from ASO-S could also be combined with data from ESA’s Solar Orbiter to provide a stereoscopic view of solar flares, says Kontar. This could lead to the first reliable measurements of ‘directivity’ — how intense solar flares tend to be in a particular direction — which could give clues as to how flares accelerate electrons, a major question in solar physics.
ASO-S is part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Strategic Priority Research Program on Space Science that has launched missions such as the Quantum Experiments at Space Scale satellite and the X-ray telescope HXMT. ASO-S is the programme’s first mission that was developed from scratch, so the pressure is on, says Gan. “If our ASO-S mission can do some good work, then maybe it’s possible to extend these programmes and support more missions,” he says.
Special reports are: General MacArthur Chased UFOs, Numerous UFOs s Spotted Leaving the Ocean, Chinua m is controlling the Weather, ’ Cuban Underwater Pyramids, Decades of Air Force Underfunding, Some UFOs Have Been Back Engineered, Is Human Life on Earth Related to Extraterrestrials, Are We Descendants of Refugees from Mars? Are Aliens Among Us? 1886 Close Encounter, Carbon 60, and Strange Craft.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Canada, France, Indonesia, Mexico, England and Scotland, in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force and DOD investigated UFOs for more than forty years; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Special Projects
General MacArthur Chased UFOs
General MacArthur
At the same time in the Pacific, they were experiencing the same phenomena, as over Europe the so-called Foo Fighters. General MacArthur directed his intelligence people to find out what was going on. I have reason to believe that in 1940s MacArthur found out that in fact we had things not of this Earth and visitors from some other planet visiting our planet that was actually observing that world event we call the Second World War. One of the problems that he had was that, should this be the case, and should they prove to be hostile, we knew very little about them and we had very little means to defend ourselves.
MacArthur organized what was called the Interplanetary Phenomena Research Unit. Buck Sergeant Leonard Pretko claimed MacArthur’s involvement in the ET issue and his knowledge of the retrieved spacecraft and ETs from the New Mexico Crash. General Douglas MacArthur stated, “The nations of the world will have to unite for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of Earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets” New York Times
It would later be taken over by General Marshall. And research continued all the way through to present day. Names have been changed and records still haven’t surfaced. The Army tries to state that it was not an official organization effort to try to investigate UFO’s. But it was organized by a General, it bore some fruit, it came to conclusions that interplanetary spacecraft were visiting earth and they continued to do exactly what they do today and that is to be part of a multi-intelligence operation in the recovery of objects of unknown origin particularly those that are of non-Earthly origin. Their purpose is to assess that information, get raw field intelligence data, and process that data into some type of useful intelligence product to disseminate to the field- to those people who have a need to know and those people that are, the keepers of that information.
One of MacArthur’s Air Force generals, an Army Air Corps General at the time, came back to MacArthur and told MacArthur “What we have is something not of this Earth”. I would suggest that by this time the Germans had uncovered evidence that we were being visited and had some type of physical evidence. MacArthur definitely had physical evidence. From the documentation, while working this issue in the Air Force, I was not able to ascertain exactly what that physical evidence consisted of, but it was there.
The one thing I find quite unique is that the Germans tried to back-engineer one of these objects that crashed in Italy We definitely tried to back-engineer it. But we find that our human r technology has to be on par with the acquired technology in order to back-engineer it effectively…
In the 1950’s, the United States Air Force had an elite unit to investigate UFO’s outside of Bluebook. Even though Bluebook felt that this unit was working with them, they were not. This unit was initially organized as the 4602nd Air Intelligence Service Squadron. Among its peacetime missions was operation Blue Fly which was to recover objects of unknown origin that fell to Earth. The Air Force staff compiled investigations of sightings or UFO crashes. Investigators from districts and commands sent the data to the Air Technical Intelligence Center at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. The data was arranged chronologically by year and alphabetically by state. Access Restriction(s):Restricted – Fully Specific Access Restriction: FOIA , Secret
On the walls next to the Blue Book office was a drawing of little green men made by German prisoners during the war. Apparently, the little green men are part of German beliefs that became part of the alien belief system.
It is very important that you remember 4602nd Air Intelligence Service Squadron had a mission to specifically recover objects that fell to Earth- because no nation had any spacecraft up there at this time. They had units spread around the country which had trained to go to mountains or under the sea with directions from Wright Patterson AFB. When UFO reports came in, they were looked at very closely to see if there was any possible necessity of sending out teams to recover any of the fallen objects anywhere on earth.
The intent of the Operation Blue Fly peacetime project was to go out and recover objects of unknown origin such as Soviet bombes that impacted with the Earth. Later it would be expanded in 1957 to cover all objects of unknown origin meaning spacecraft too. And it would become part of what they would call Project Moon Dust.
Numerous UFOs s Spotted Leaving the Ocean
NASA photo of Cigar over Atlantic Ocean
Many witnesses have reported huge cigar-shaped vehicles emerging from the oceans of earth to fly into the sky. Many were watching the war in the Pacific Ocean.
In 1965, such an event was logged in the records of the Norwegian ship T.T. Jawesta on the 6th of July. Also, the Argentinean ship, the Naviero off the coast of Brazil on July 20, 1967, reported. The officers and crew could see a shining object in the sea 50 feet away. It was cigar-shaped and about 110 feet in length and emitted a powerful blue and white glow. It ran silently and without wake through the water. There were no protruding parts to this object. It paced the Naviero for 15 minutes, then suddenly dived and passed beneath the ship and vanished rapidly into the great depths.
Coast Guard’s Joe Foster tells of his experience in Southeast Asia. In May of 1970, our ship was anchored several miles off the southeast coast of Vietnam. Being anchored for several hours, the captain authorized swim call. Those in the crew not on watch could swim off the main deck. During the swimming I was on the watch on the bridge 44 feet above the water line. I observed a large, dark; teardrop shaped Unidentified Submerged Object (USO) that passed directly under the ship where the crew were swimming. Knowing the size of the ship we had a good idea about the size of the object. It was about 100 feet long and 30 feet wide causing 1–2-foot wave crests. Six of us on watch observed the underwater object for 15 seconds.
Disks Launch
Our planet’s surface is nearly two-thirds covered by water and it would seem unusual if the appearance of anomalous objects were not associated with it. Indeed, they have been and eyewitness records spanning centuries have logged these encounters, in lakes, rivers, seas and oceans around the globe.
For example, according to Dutch newspapers in August 1954, Captain Jan Bos, of the SS Groot Beer, reported observing a strange moonlike object rising out of the Atlantic Ocean some 90 miles east of Cape Cod. Its keel shone with what appeared to be illuminated ports round the rim and the object’s speed was later described as having been fantastic.
What was it that two policemen saw emerging from the water off Porthcawl on the evening of September 1, 1957, which at first resembled a ship on fire? It was located in the Bristol Channel and began as a bright red glow which soon grew larger than a harvest moon. A black zigzag streak could be seen across its center and as it rose up the fiery globe took off at an alarming rate accompanied by two smaller lights, heading for the Atlantic.
The U.S. Navy is reporting that swarms of UAPs/UFOs are surrounding its ships while the Federal Aviation Authority reports ten thousand sightings over the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Virginia the last two years. Bill Hamilton claims many witnesses have reported huge cigar-shaped vehicles and discs emerging from the oceanic hydrospaces of earth to take to the sky.
Chinua m is controlling the Weather’
Research Facilities
China is launching a bizarre bid to control Earth’s weather so it can shift rain clouds thousands of miles from its soaking south to its parched north. There are also indications it is attempting to control the jet stream causing drought, floods, snow, and bad weather in much of the United States with a half million Chinese weathermen. Six satellites will form a ring to spot water-laden clouds and create an atmospheric corridor to allow them to move to the arid regions, China’s Communist state media reports.
Satellites will seek out and then surround rain cloud hot spots before unspecified technology will guide the clouds to their targets by creating an air channel
Tianhe-1 Space Station — which translates as “Sky River” — has been developed by the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology and was launched in 2020. China’s damp southern regions often flood while the north suffers drought. Now Chinese scientists and researchers are pursuing weather modification techniques to guide clouds north to the Yellow River basin, which is particularly dry.
China wants to take control of rain clouds the idea of controlling the weather is far from new in China. In 2008 the country “seeded” clouds with silver iodide to ensure they rained away from the Beijing Olympics. Long term the goal is to push 5 billion cubic meters of rainwater each year north to the Yellow River basin. But the scientists have not revealed how they are going to create channels of air through which to push the rain clouds. The People’s Daily said they would analyze where they were before deploying a “new type of manual intervention technology” to the United States.
Cuban Underwater Pyramids
Underwater City Structures
The -Canadian oceanographer Paulina Zelitsky has led an expedition, from the Port of Progress, to explore a suspected site of a lost underwater city near Cuba financed by National Geographic. The team has been readying a specially equipped ship for the expedition. Sonar images taken from a research ship 2,000 feet above show that the smooth, white stones are laid out in a geometric pattern. Spanning nearly eight square miles of a deep-ocean plain off Cuba’s western area
A team of Canadian and Cuban researchers have discovered the remains of what may be a 6,000-year-old city submerged in deep ocean waters. Using sophisticated sonar and videotape equipment they have found megaliths of a kind you’d find at Stonehenge. Mr. Weinzweig said in an interview. “Some structures within the complex may be as long as 400 meters wide andas high as 40 meters,” he said. “Some are sitting on top of each other. They show very distinct shapes and symmetrical designs of a non-natural kind. Still photos taken from the videotape clearly show “symbols and inscriptions.It is not yet known in what language the inscriptions are written. There are pyramids of similar design of Mayan and Aztec temples in Mexico.
Geologists have recently hypothesized that a land bridge once connected Cuba to Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula. Portions of Cuba are believed to have been submerged in the sea on three separate occasions in the distant past.
The structures are on a plateau that forms the bottom of a mud volcano, 650 to 700 meters (2300 feet) beneath the surface of the ocean. “It’s well known that ancient civilizations liked to build at the base of volcanoes, because the land is fertile. One tantalizing possibility, the legendary sunken city of Atlantis; these structures may have been submerged during the same cataclysm. Cuban archeologists in 1966 excavated a land-based megalithic structure on the western coast, close to the new underwater discovery, said to date from 4000 BC. built long before the wheel was invented in Sumerian city-states (3500 BC).
A Remotely Operated Vehicle shows a vast granite-like blocks, between two and five meters (16.5 feet) in length, which were cut in perpendicular and circular designs and weighed many tons. In Havana Bay, it found the remains of USS Maine, the battleship that blew up in 1898, killed 260 sailors and started the Spanish-American War.
The structures were found at a depth of 650 meters (2,132.5 feet). Paulina Zelitsky and her team found evidence that an island collapsed into the sea. The scientists managed to film a pyramid of almost 35 meters height (115 feet).
This discovery demonstrates that the first North American’s arrived earlier than previously thought and that all did not arrive on the continent by means of the Bering Straits. A new theory surmises that the Mayans of Yucatan came from Central America. British archaeologists said that they found human tracks in Puebla, Mexico that date from 40 thousand years ago, which contradicts that America was populated not more 13,500 years ago. Most of these megalithic blocks have gigantic dimensions and require precision cutting and hauling. This apparently was an advanced civilization and possibly even alien or instructed by aliens.
Decades of Air Force Underfunding
KC-135 first flew in 1956
Mitchell Institute’s newest policy paper claims decades of Air Force Underfunding threatens America’s ability to win by Lt Gen David A. Deptula, USAF (Ret.) Dean, and Mark A. Gunzinger, Director of Future Concepts and Capability Assessments at the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies.
It’s no secret that America’s Air Force fields the oldest, smallest set of capabilities since its founding in 1947. This is particularly problematic given the scale of threats that define the current national security environment. Without the right mix of modern airpower competencies, core strategies simply will not work. This report explains the factors that have driven this outcome. It’s a complex set of circumstances, but funding is at the heart of the issue. The Air Force’s budget has been less than the Navy and Army’s for the last 30 years in a row. The Army received over $1.3 trillion more than the Air Force between 2002– 2021, an average of $66 billion more per year than the Air Force. These sorts of realities repeatedly prompted service officials to pursue “divest to invest” modernization strategies that saw significant risk repeatedly taken with too little money available to effectively balance modernization, force size, and readiness. Resetting the Air Force to meet the national security demands of today and tomorrow is possible, but it will take forceful leadership at the highest levels of the Department of Defense. Ultimately, it comes down to the reality that without modernizing our geriatric Air Force and building it to the capacity required by our national defense strategy, the U.S. is a great risk of losing its next major conflict.
For example, the B-52 took its maiden flight in April 1952.
B-52 first built seventy years ago
With new radar and engines in sight, the B-52 gets ready for ‘largest modification in its history’
Air Force’s youngest B-52 is 50 years old. The Boeing KC–135 Strat tanker is an aerial refueling aircraft that first flight: 31 August 1956. the Air Force hoped to retire some KC-135s in order to make way for the new KC-46 Pegasus — which was delayed and cannot refuel all types of aircraft.
“There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”– Senator Daniel K. Inouye.
NOTE: The Russian natural gas underwater pipeline was blown up in 3 places pouring methane into the air causing terrific damage to the environment and possible nuclear retaliation by Russia.
“In the councils of Government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Military Industrial Complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together – President Eisenhower, January 1961
Some UFOs have been back engineered
It appears some UFOs have been back engineered, but special nano metals are required to make them efficient. New metals are being created leading the way in technology type inventions all based in back engineered technology from crashed and recovered UFOs, i.e., transistors, microprocessors, anti-gravity systems. Experts view ceramic particles for a long time as a revolutionary way to make metals stronger, however with micro scale ceramic particles, the infusion process results in loss of plasticity. Researchers, however, state that nano-scale ceramic particles have the tendency to clump together rather than dispersing evenly, this is because small particles tend to attract one another.
Nano scale particles are proven to enhance the strength of a material while maintaining or improving metals’ plasticity. Researchers dispersed the particles into a molten magnesium-zinc alloy, in order to counteract the particle clumping issue. The newly discovered nano-particle dispersion is based on the kinetic energy in the particles’ movement say, researchers, something that stabilizes the particles’ dispersion and prevents nano scale ceramic particles clumping up together.
Nanoparticle Dispersion. Nanoparticle are made from two or more of the solid phase, at least in one dimensional nano-level size (1-100 nm).
“The results we obtained so far are just scratching the surface of the hidden treasure for a new class of metals with revolutionary properties and functionalities,” Li said.
Diagram of nano-metals
The new material called a metal nanocomposite can prove to be a revolutionary material that could possibly change specific segments in our society, with transportation and space exploration possibly being its number one client. Nanocomposite is a multiphase solid material where one of the phases has one, two or three dimensions of less than 100 nanometers (nm) or structures having nano-scale repeat distances between the different phases that make up the material.
The idea behind Nanocomposite is to use building blocks with dimensions in nanometer range to design and create new materials with unprecedented flexibility and improvement in their physical properties
Is Human Life on Earth Related to Extraterrestrials?
Panspermia is a mechanism that allows biology to spread through space without needing a spaceship. Living matter “hitches a ride on meteorites” Some scientists believe that Mars was indeed inhabited at one time. They could have sent spaceships or some space rocks were “kicked” off the planet and landed in the Antarctic. Biological material from Mars that was in the rocks may spur exploration into the search for the solution to the age-old question: Where do we come from and why are we here? There are several theories that relate to extraterrestrials.
For example, did aliens escape from an unknown planet and come here due to dire circumstances on their home planets? Are we descendants of this race? Abductees claim they are told the alien’s’ sun is weaning out and they need a new planet like earth to live on. Environmentalist and ecologist turned author Dr. Ellis Silver believes this is the case.
In his book, “Humans are not from Earth:A Scientific Evaluation of the Evidence,” Dr. Silver presents 17 reasons why humans are not suited for living on this planet. He believes these reasons indicate we originated from another planet. He says that while Earth meets some of our needs as a species, it is not as good a fit for us as much as the aliens who brought us here thought.
Silver gives some examples of our unsuitability for living on Earth. For example, he states that humans do not do well with large doses of sunlight, which we receive every day. He also notes there are a large number of people in the world who have chronic backaches, which he attributed to evidence that we originated from a planet with lower gravity such as Mars. He also notes that we are better programmed to exist with a 25-hour day instead of a 24-hour one.
Silver suggests we may have come from Alpha Centauri. The planet may have suffered some type of cataclysmic event from which a few residents were able to escape and come to Earth.
Are We Descendants from Mars?
Face on Mars
Scientists and researchers believe that, eons ago, Humanoids inhabited Mars but a war or meteorites destroyed the livability of the planet. This could have been due to the equivalent of two hydrogen bombs exploding on Mars 300,000 to 1 million years ago. Is it possible some living beings were able to escape to Earth before the destruction?
Are Aliens Among Us?
In 1999, a contact inside the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency told a reporter his job was to analyze and monitor three extraterrestrial groups who were, and likely still are, inhabiting Earth. The source said the alien species lives inside mountains, under the earth and sea in deep caverns.
Alleged Alien Woman
The source expressed his belief that the ETs have a great deal of control over this planet and its inhabitants. He said the aliens have links to Mars, Sirius and Zeta Reticule 1 and 2. The aliens living on Earth look very similar to humans. They have a head, two eyes, a mouth, two legs and two arms. They regularly study humans and take sperm, DNA and other bodily samples.
The aliens may be trying to manipulate human genetics in order to create artificial mutations. Is it possible we are a product of an ancient alien species that continues to study, observe, and manipulate humans for reasons we don’t know? One possible reason is our immunity to various types of bacteria and viruses that could kill the visitors. The Bible states
4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
Genesis 6
There are many deep space mysteries for which there seems to be more questions than answers. Immerse yourself in Deep Space: Mysteries of the Solar System for an adventure into the study of extraterrestrials and their influence and control of humans.
DNA an Efficient Information Storage System
DNA Miracles
Paleontologists for some reason have ignored the possibility of intervention by extraterrestrials. They admit thousands even millions of mutations would be required to develop cells from the primordial soup to fish, primitive land creatures, then apes to hominids or primitive man. We know now that our DNA molecule is probably the most efficient information storage system in the entire universe.
The immensity of complex coded and precisely sequenced information written on the DNA is amazing. The evidence speaks of intelligent, information-bearing design. Complex DNA coding would have been necessary for even the hypothetical first ‘so-called’ simple cell(s).Astro-archeological clues indicate that our solar system was once the staging ground for an ancient civilization which propagates life throughout the universe This may be seen in the writings of Philip K. Dick, and the enduring presence of the Black Knight satellite circling the Earth before human space flight.
New York Citty
A single cell is unbelievably complex being roughly equivalent to New York City in a bubble or the outer membrane of one cell. As we move in closer to examine the cell we see the huge buildings, roads, subways, bridges, auto traffic that represent the various parts of the cell. As we move closer inside the various buildings, we find a network of water, electrical wiring, heating, air conditioning systems, and elevators carrying people. Inside the offices are millions of computers and thumb drives. Now you have an idea of the complexity of one of your single cells in your body, which can duplicate itself in minutes.
English physicist Francis Crick discovered DNA in the 1950s. From his discovery of the structure of DNA, he felt life did not originate on earth, and suggests a theory called Panspermia. That the seeds of life are all through the universe. This concept basically infers that life, DNA, virus, and bacteria bombarded from space aboard meteorites or even spaceships.
Francis Crick
Francis Crick proposed, in a book called “Life Itself,” that some form of primordial life was shipped to the earth millions of years ago in spaceships—by supposedly ‘more evolved’ alien beings. This concept infers that life, DNA, virus, bacteria, bombarded Earth from space aboard meteorites and comets.
Editors Note:I have seen the spaceships and tracked them on radar and have spoken with dozens of people including astronauts and key heads of state who conclude that extraterrestrials visit Earth.
The Neanderthals had brow ridges to keep the sun out of their eyes, but why don’t we? When a leading scientist walked into a wall and broke his nose, he decided to find out. In this fascinating and wide-ranging book, Dr. Ellis Silver examines the evidence that’s all around us, and discovers that we evolved on a world distinctly different from the one we live on today. The logical conclusion is that we came from a planet with lower levels of UV radiation, which didn’t give us skin cancer. The light levels there must have been relatively consistent throughout the year, which implies a lack of seasons. Venus is one planet that lacks seasons. Most of our vitamin D –must come from our diet but this type of food is unavailable on Earth. The only source on Earth is the livers of oily fish that could save their lives.
Why valid evidence is ignored, denied and covered up by scientists and governments because we really know little about ET and their spacecraft
Dr. Silver also uncovers a more accurate timeline of human evolution – without the gaps and mistakes. Why the Theory of Evolution is wrong Why the Out of Africa theory is also wrong – and what really happened.
1886 One of the First Reported Close Encounters
UFO over Stagecoach
LODI — Over 60 years before alien abduction claims became mainstream, two people were nearly abducted in Lodi, California on November 25, 1886. Colonel H. G. Shaw, along with his friend Camille Spooner, had a close encounter with previously unknown entities. While traveling they saw an UFO in 1896. Shaw was in charge of putting together an exhibition to be displayed at a Fair in Fresno. Shaw and friend were traveling by horse and carriage in route to Stockton, when their horse froze with fright. To the two men’s shock, they saw the cause of the horse’s actions; the UFO lands and three tall alien looking beings with small delicate hands at the end of their spindly arms stood by the road.
They had soft light fuzz over their bodies but no hair on their heads. Large eyes made their small mouths and ears appear even smaller. The two eyewitnesses would later tell authorities that the beings had a “strange” type of beauty to them. All of the beings carried with them a bag of some kind with a hose, which they often stuck in their mouths, obviously to breathe with. Although there was still some daytime left, the beings also carried with them egg-shaped lamps which glowed. This glow illuminates a waiting spaceship. As the men watched the aliens, were communicating with each other by a type of chant, as no English words were heard by Shaw and Spooner.
The men would tell authorities that the aliens made an attempt to abduct them, but that the large difference in mass between the human and alien body thwarted the effort. Soon, the three alien beings made a move toward a nearby bridge. Their UFO hovered quietly over the water. The beings seemed to be almost lighter than air as they moved toward their craft. It seemed that the aliens would leave the ground as they walked on the earth. The beings entered the hovering UFO in a most unconventional way also. They sprung up from the ground and above their craft, and then floated down into the craft through an unseen entry. Soon, the object flew away. Shaw later told investigators that, in his opinion, the craft had come from Mars, a common theory for the time. This unusual case occurred on November 25, 1886, and was reported by Jenny Randle’s, in “Alien Contacts and Abductions.” NOTE: The above image is a rendering. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Strange Craft
The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs
U.S. Air Force Major George Filer III belongs to the generation of pilots and aviators who first became aware of the strange aircraft showing up in the Earth’s atmosphere after World War II. These men – military professionals who flew planes, served as radar operators and air traffic controllers at airfields around the world – began to whisper amongst themselves about encounters with suspected extraterrestrial aircraft.
During secret debriefings at U.S. bases, pilots and aircrew told their commanders of seeing UFOs off their plane’s wings. Award-winning investigative author John Guerra spent four years interviewing Filer, a decorated intelligence officer.
From objects in the skies over Cold War Europe to a UFOs over during the Cuban Missile Crisis to lights over the DMZ in Vietnam Filer leaves nothing out about his Air Force UFO encounters,
Filer’s most memorable case – the shooting of an alien at Fort Dix Army Base in 1978 – is fully recounted for the first time in this book. As a member of the Disclosure Project, military experts, astronauts, and scientists urge the U.S. government to release all it knows about UFOs to the public.
Filer describes his UFO encounters in this incredible book, by John L. Guerra.
Special reports are: General MacArthur Chased UFOs, Numerous UFOs s Spotted Leaving the Ocean, Chinua m is controlling the Weather, ’ Cuban Underwater Pyramids, Decades of Air Force Underfunding, Some UFOs Have Been Back Engineered, Is Human Life on Earth Related to Extraterrestrials, Are We Descendants of Refugees from Mars? Are Aliens Among Us? 1886 Close Encounter, Carbon 60, and Strange Craft.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Canada, France, Indonesia, Mexico, England and Scotland, in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force and DOD investigated UFOs for more than forty years; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS
California Object
San Diego on September 4, 2022, object in question was not moving it was just hovering in one location. It was much larger than a plane and highly visible.
Joshua Tree on Sept. 22, 2022, I was driving on 62 when I saw a light hovering with 3 bright lights in a boomerang shape. It swooped faster than any plane making 180 degrees turn and disappearing.
Colorado Object
Creedeon August 10, 2018, Picture captured at 10,000-foot elevation, not seen with naked eye.
Kapa’a on September 8, 2022. Object was just a small dark spot in my photograph. Using Photoshop I enlarged to a rectangular object emitting a halo underneath.
Idaho Lights
Boiseon January 10, 2022, just wondering if this is anything interesting,
Illinois Object
Zion on September 20, 2022. right off of I-94 is Russell Military Museum. I decided to take a picture while driving .a Captured strange flying object at upper right that I cannot identify.
Maryland TicTac
Catonsvilleon September 23 , 2022. saw a smoothed-out cylinder-shaped object in the air above the trees followed by two bright reflective orbs. moving erratically with the cylinder.
Michigan Lights
Ann Arbor on September 19, 2022, a triangle of lights over the University of Michigan
Note: I suspect that the lights were found in a photo that he had taken. I believe that the lights are likely a reflection from a building. Thanks to Will Pucket/
New Jersey Lights
Parsippanyon August 24, 2022, driving westbound on route 10. I saw a white plane leaving Morristown airport. I noticed it had no tail or wings reflecting the sun with gray sections along the structure flying north.
North Carolina Lights
Kitty Hawkon September 24, 2022. I saw and videotaped this object heading west to east. Skies were clear. The time was about 7:45 PM. It got over the ocean and disappeared.
Note:This object was likely a rocket. It was also seen It was also seen in Pennsylvanian, and Bermuda. Thanks to Will Pucket/
South Carolina Lights
Piedmont on September 16, 2022. saw 3 soft white dots in a triangle shape over tree line. Saw slow movingt object disappeared but 30 seconds later, barely saw hovering triangle
Texas Light
Waco on July 14, 2021. a go pro was placed on time lapse to film a storm and a light appeared to zip across the sky.
Washington Lights
Spokane valley on September 7, 2022. looked up and I seen a blue mist and as I looked at it took shape of this green boomerang shape .
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Canada Triangle
Edmonton on September 21, Q2 I was having a goodnight cigarette saw 6 lights doing strange maneuvers. Later, I was witness to a massive black triangle glide 200 feet silently above me.
France Lights
La Motte D’aigues on September 5, 2022. I saw 1 luminous point with 1 rectangular light next to it surrounded by 2 halos of mist (hourglass shape) going east. Unfortunately, the photo taken with my phone is inconclusive!
Indonesia Object
Jakarta on September 19, 2022, dark grey saucer shaped object hovering just below rain clouds. Mostly stationary for a few minutes started to move forward and then it was gon
Mexico Lights
Guerrero Coahuila September 19, 2018, visiting my parents in small village where PALEO-indian period, between 8000-9000 B.C lived. For years a object sighting appears twice a year. My father saw it n the mid 1950s.
New Zealand Light
Palmerston Northon September 16, 2022. my daughter was taking a photo of the sunset at 6.30 pm; she noticed a very bright disc but did not see with the naked eye.
UK/England Lihght
Newcastle on September 17, 2022. I’m harmer UK
UK Scotland Object
Glasgow on September 4, 2022. I was taking photos of a statue on a remote beach in Kintyre ,Scotland. I took 5 photos within seconds, later I saw an odd shape in my photos.
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Our outreach relies on the generosity of our supporters. Join us today. I have put together a DVD or flash drive of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Buy a Great DVD
I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
Become a MUFON member today! Benefits of membership include a subscription to the monthly UFO Journal that contains current investigations, sightings reports, articles by world-renowned researchers and more. To join now, click here JOIN NOW
Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
Put another way, a young person in the U.S. is nearly 11 times as likely to die in a swimming pool than in a school shooting. Few public officials would say pools are doing a poor job protecting swimmers, but the statistics suggest that we need “more lifeguards at pools, as opposed to guards at schools,” Fox said
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
NASA tests giant slingshot SpinLaunch to launch payloads into space
NASA tests giant slingshot SpinLaunch to launch payloads into space
Video: Moment giant 'slingshot' hurls payloads 25,000 feet above Earth's surface: Colossal accelerator with an arm that spins 5,000 miles per hour is set to launch satellites into orbit by 2026
NASA tests a giant 'slingshot', SpinLaunch, and completes its tenth Suborbital Accelerator Flight Test, successfully launching payloads from NASA, Airbus U.S., Cornell University, and Outpost.
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Video: NASA tests giant slingshot SpinLaunch to launch payloads into space
NASA to Test SpinLaunch, a Giant Slingshot for Launching Satellites Into Space
NASA to Test SpinLaunch, a Giant Slingshot for Launching Satellites Into Space
Who needs a rocket when you have a massive centrifuge?
Eric Mack
The SpinLaunch suborbital launch facility in New Mexico.
On the long, desolate road between Las Cruces, New Mexico, and the main terminal of Spaceport America over an hour to the north, a bizarre structure looking something like a huge yo-yo with a small smokestack can be seen rising out of the desert floor to the east.
But the spinning that happens at this facility run by California-based SpinLaunch takes place on the inside of what is really a steel vacuum chamber 300 feet (91 meters) in diameter. A payload attached to an internal carbon fiber arm is spun up to a speed of 5,000 miles per hour (8,000 kilometers per hour) before being released and fired out of the stack toward space.
The company completed its first public test of its suborbital mass accelerator in October and now NASA has signed up to try out the huge centrifugal slingshot later this year.
The space agency has signed a contract with SpinLaunch to fly and recover a payload as part of a developmental test flight that could lead to future launches.
"What started as an innovative idea to make space more accessible has materialized into a technically mature and game-changing approach to launch," founder and CEO Jonathan Yaney said in a statement last week.
SpinLaunch was founded in 2014 to develop an alternative to conventional rockets for reaching beyond Earth's atmosphere, which Yaney says it can do with less than 30 percent of the fuel and structures of a typical launch.
In case you're wondering, no, SpinLaunch will never be used to launch astronauts; the company's target market is less expensive and more readily available launches of small satellites.
The suborbital accelerator in New Mexico is just a beginning. The company also has plans to build a coastal orbital launch facility. To reach orbit, a payload would be launched from the same kind of facility three times the size of the one in New Mexico. After reaching the upper atmosphere, a small rocket engine would ignite to provide the extra push needed for orbital insertion.
The company hopes to perform its first orbital test flight as soon as 2025.
NASA had Been Designing Lunar Bases for Decades Before Armstrong First Set Foot on the Moon
NASA had Been Designing Lunar Bases for Decades Before Armstrong First Set Foot on the Moon
It’s only natural to look at the Moon and wonder what it would be like to live there. Thanks to Buzz Aldrin who landed there in 1969, we know it’s a magnificent desolation. Even before the Apollo missions science fiction writers and scientists knew how desolate the place was. But, as far back as the late 19th Century, they also saw it as a natural outpost. So did NASA, the former Soviet Union, and their respective militaries. And, that led to people on both sides drawing up elaborate plans for Moon bases.
Illustration of NASA astronauts on the lunar South Pole. Mission ideas we see today have at least some heritage from the early days of the Space Age.
Credit: NASA
Likely these were for strategic uses, but there were also positive scientific reasons to build these outposts. A recent historical treatise published in Acta Aeronautica looked at some of those plans. The ideas behind them, particularly on the U.S. side, were pretty strong. Planners wanted to show the U.S. was absolutely capable of creating the technology to get to the Moon first.
The Military Gets Involved in Lunar Bases
After it was created in 1958, NASA set out to design lunar bases. There were already some interesting proposals floating around the space exploration sector from the U.S. Air Force and the Army. The Air Force’s idea was Project LUMAN in 1958. It comprised a three-part aim of getting military astronauts on the Moon by 1964. The first step was called Man In Space Soonest (MISS). The idea was to get people into space, preferably before the Soviets did. Once the U.S. accomplished that, the plan was to implement LUREC (Lunar Reconnaissance). That would send an orbiter to the Moon. Then, the Manned Lunar Landing and Return phase would start up and eventually put people on the Moon by the 1964 deadline.
Interestingly, Neil Armstrong figured prominently as part of the group of astronauts who would be involved. But, the program as described by the Air Force got canceled and came back to life as Project Mercury. As we all know, Armstrong eventually did fly to space and become the first person to set foot on the Moon.
Neil Armstrong on the Moon in 1969. Credit: NASA
Not to be left out of the Moon race, the U.S. Army came up with Project Horizon. It was a 1959 feasibility study for a lunar military base. German-U.S. rocket man Wernher von Braun was part of the short-lived project. He went on to be the first director at NASA, and the ideas in the Army study lived on in Project Apollo. That included the development of the Saturn V rocket that took The project led to the development of the Saturn I7 which evolved into the eventual Saturn V.
Bombing the Moon, Looking for Water, and Lunar Mining
Probably one of the more bizarre ideas (that thankfully didn’t materialize) was a secret plan from the Air Force to send a nuclear bomb to the Moon and set it off. The planners had what they suggested were good scientific grounding for such an experiment but, it literally didn’t fly.
Mission planners who weren’t planning to nuke the Moon did come up with good plans for long-term habitation. They designed living modules that would be buried under the lunar regolith. The underground cities would protect the lunar visitors from radiation, meteorite bombardment, and other surface hazards. In addition, the mission teams thought long and hard about utilizing natural resources to extract water, oxygen, and other materials for use by the inhabitants.
Much of that In-situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) is part of modern-day mission planning not just for future lunar bases. Mars mission infrastructure benefits from it, too. Many early ideas about lunar mining form part of what NASA hopes will be lunar bases within the decade and Mars habitats in the far future.
Still Looking to the Moon
The history of lunar base mission planning contains many more projects that never made it past the drawing boards in their original form. But, they weren’t totally discarded. They are a reflection of a period in history when the “best and brightest” in two countries faced challenges as they looked toward space.
Nearly 55 years have passed since Neil Armstrong first walked on the Moon. The mission plans he followed may have been born in the first half of the 20th Century, but they set the groundwork for the Apollo missions and beyond. And, the ideas in those plans still echo through to modern scenarios.
Today, we watch the Artemis program slowly make its way through huge challenges, and the Gateway project take shape. New generations of planners are involved: scientists, astronauts, engineers, and others create new and improved lunar settlement plans. And, they aren’t just U.S. plans. China has its eye set on eventual human settlements, for example. Underlying all those scenarios are some of the basic principles first set out by 20th Century planners and well-informed science fiction writers who brought the idea of lunar bases to the public. The dream of lunar bases is still alive.
NASA Shoots Moon From Space Station, 1st Ever! Oct 6, 2022, 12 min video, UFO Sighting News.
NASA Shoots Moon From Space Station, 1st Ever! Oct 6, 2022, 12 min video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Oct 6, 2022 Location of sighting: Space Station live cam
Caught this today. This unedited raw footage in the video below. NASA astronauts onboard the space station not only tracked the moon, but zoomed in more and more until it filled the screen of the live cam. Wow or wow! I love astronomy! I have Never seen NASA at Space Station live cam do this before...just wanted to share it with you all, added JFK speech because he was responsible for us going to the moon. 🚀 I also see some dark spots pass between the moon and the space station. Maybe they are UFOs, satellites or just alien creatures that have adapted to living in space. Not joking there, they do exist. I just wanted to share a something that NASA has never ever done before...and too will appreciate it as much as I did.
Actual 8-Second Footage Of UFO Landing At Holloman Air Force Base
Actual 8-Second Footage Of UFO Landing At Holloman Air Force Base
Due to the increasing number of reported sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) by military aircrews, the US Senate Select Committee for Intelligence has renamed these phenomena as “unidentified aerospace-underwater phenomena.” This clarifies the scope of the agency’s investigations. For instance, the incident involving the Holloman Air Force Base occurred in May 1971.
Due to the nature of the incident, the government only released 8 seconds of the footage that it had captured during the incident to Robert Emenegger, a film maker. The base where the incident occurred is located in New Mexico. It is about six miles southwest of Alamogordo, and is known for being one of the US Air Force’s facilities in the state.
Robert Emenegger
In 1971, Emenegger and Allan Sandler were invited by the government to discuss the possibility of a UFO sighting at the Norton Air Force Base in California. The two were then tasked with creating a documentary about the incident.
No official explanation has been given as to why the government allowed the release of secret footage of the incident for the purpose of a documentary film. It’s believed that the Nixon administration wanted to show its scientific capabilities during the 1972 presidential election.
According to Emenegger, the Air Force officials who invited him to their base promised him that they would get the real footage of the incident. The footage showed the extraterrestrial visitors emerging from the craft that approached the base. Despite his skepticism, the Air Force still gave him the footage as authentic.
Paul Shartle, a military official, claimed in a 1988 television broadcast that he saw three disc-shaped objects in the 16mm film. One of them landed on the surface of the surface, while the others flew away.
Two of the objects landed on the surface of the ground, while the third one flew away. Although one of the objects appeared to be in trouble, it managed to land on multiple pods. It also had a sliding door that was extended, and three extraterrestrials emerged from the craft. They were reportedly human-sized, and they wore tight-fitting clothes that looked like they were wearing communication devices.
The government allowed Emenegger and his production team to access top-secret files at the Department of Defense. They were also able to take help from some of the military officials who were involved in the UFO phenomenon. Some of these include William Coleman, a colonel from Project Blue Book, and George Weinbrenner, the head of the Foreign Technology division at Wright Patterson Air Force Base.
According to Emenegger, the aliens appeared to be human-sized and had vertical slits in their eyes. They also reportedly had thin and slitlike mouths. The Air Force was supposed to provide him with a film of the incident, but it was denied due to the “Watergate Scandal.” Despite this, Emenegger and Sandler were still asked to describe the incident as a hypothetical event.
Holloman High Speed Test Track
After months of research and production, Emenegger felt cheated when the government decided not to allow him to use real footage from the incident. In 1974, he released his documentary, which was nominated for a Golden Globe award. The film was praised for its innovative use of data provided by the Department of Defense. Emenegger was also forced to add an animated version of the alleged incident that happened at the Air Force’s Wright Patterson Base.
According to Emenegger, the alleged footage was not completely missing from the original film. He noted that some of the frames used during the reconstruction process were taken from the footage that was provided by the Air Force. The viewers were able to see a bright disc moving in the distance as it flew toward the Holloman region.
Robert Emenegger on using actual footage from a UFO landing at Holloman AFB for his 1974 documentary
In 2017, Grant Cameron, a UFO researcher, held an interview with Emenegger in his hotel room during the Alien Cosmic Expo in Toronto. He discussed the film “The Incident” and its alleged footage of an alien landing at the Holloman Air Force Base.
During the interview, Emenegger revealed that he was able to provide a key story that proved that the government was not covering up the incident.
In 1973, Pentagon approached Emenegger and Alan Sandler, two film producers based in Los Angeles. They asked them to make a documentary about the alleged alien landing. Emenegger, who was a skeptic at that time, was asked what he thought about the incident. He then said that the Air Force had provided him with footage of the alleged alien ship landing. After Emenegger provided the security manager of the base with the footage, he was allowed to use it in his documentary.
After seeing the documentary, Cameron noted that there were eight seconds of the alleged footage from the air force base in the film. He then contacted Emenegger to discuss the matter.
Holloman Air Force Base UFO landing
Emenegger noted that the footage did not show anything. However, he was allowed to use the small portion to imply that the incident happened. The classified portion of the footage was then removed.
The film was then re-released in 1979 with additional footage and new information. Film director Jacques Vallée added several minutes of narration. He also talked about the ancient astronaut theory.
NASA's Perseverance Rover Investigates Geologically Rich Mars Terrain
NASA's Perseverance Rover Investigates Geologically Rich Mars Terrain
Perseverance Workspace at ‘Skinner Ridge’: NASA’s Perseverance rover puts its robotic arm to work around a rocky outcrop called “Skinner Ridge” in Mars’ Jezero Crater. Composed of multiple images, this mosaic shows layered sedimentary rocks in the face of a cliff in the delta, as well as one of the locations where the rover abraded a circular patch to analyze a rock’s composition.
The latest findings provide greater detail on a region of the Red Planet that has a watery past and is yielding promising samples for the NASA-ESA Mars Sample Return campaign.
NASA’s Perseverance rover is well into its second science campaign, collecting rock-core samples from features within an area long considered by scientists to be a top prospect for finding signs of ancient microbial life on Mars. The rover has collected four samples from an ancient river delta in the Red Planet’s Jezero Crater since July 7, bringing the total count of scientifically compelling rock samples to 12.
“We picked the Jezero Crater for Perseverance to explore because we thought it had the best chance of providing scientifically excellent samples – and now we know we sent the rover to the right location,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA’s associate administrator for science in Washington. “These first two science campaigns have yielded an amazing diversity of samples to bring back to Earth by the Mars Sample Return campaign.”
Two Perseverance Sampling Locations in Jezero’s Delta: NASA’s Perseverance rover collected rock samples for possible return to Earth in the future from two locations seen in this image of Mars’ Jezero Crater: “Wildcat Ridge” (lower left) and “Skinner Ridge” (upper right).
Twenty-eight miles (45 kilometers) wide, Jezero Crater hosts a delta – an ancient fan-shaped feature that formed about 3.5 billion years ago at the convergence of a Martian river and a lake. Perseverance is currently investigating the delta’s sedimentary rocks, formed when particles of various sizes settled in the once-watery environment. During its first science campaign, the rover explored the crater’s floor, finding igneous rock, which forms deep underground from magma or during volcanic activity at the surface.
“The delta, with its diverse sedimentary rocks, contrasts beautifully with the igneous rocks – formed from crystallization of magma – discovered on the crater floor,” said Perseverance project scientist Ken Farley of Caltech in Pasadena, California. “This juxtaposition provides us with a rich understanding of the geologic history after the crater formed and a diverse sample suite. For example, we found a sandstone that carries grains and rock fragments created far from Jezero Crater – and a mudstone that includes intriguing organic compounds.”
Sample Collection and Rock Analysis at ‘Wildcat Ridge’: Composed of multiple images from NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover, this mosaic shows a rocky outcrop called “Wildcat Ridge,” where the rover extracted two rock cores and abraded a circular patch to investigate the rock’s composition.
“Wildcat Ridge” is the name given to a rock about 3 feet (1 meter) wide that likely formed billions of years ago as mud and fine sand settled in an evaporating saltwater lake. On July 20, the rover abraded some of the surface of Wildcat Ridge so it could analyze the area with the instrument called Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman & Luminescence for Organics & Chemicals, or SHERLOC.
SHERLOC’s analysis indicates the samples feature a class of organic molecules that are spatially correlated with those of sulfate minerals. Sulfate minerals found in layers of sedimentary rock can yield significant information about the aqueous environments in which they formed.
Perseverance Explores the Jezero Crater Delta: NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover has arrived at an ancient delta in Jezero Crater, one of the best places on the Red Planet to search for potential signs of ancient life. The delta is an area where scientists surmise that a river once flowed billions of years ago into a lake and deposited sediments in a fan shape.
Organic molecules consist of a wide variety of compounds made primarily of carbon and usually include hydrogen and oxygen atoms. They can also contain other elements, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. While there are chemical processes that produce these molecules that don’t require life, some of these compounds are the chemical building blocks of life. The presence of these specific molecules is considered to be a potential biosignature – a substance or structure that could be evidence of past life but may also have been produced without the presence of life.
In 2013, NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover found evidence of organic matter in rock-powder samples, and Perseverance has detected organics in Jezero Crater before. But unlike that previous discovery, this latest detection was made in an area where, in the distant past, sediment and salts were deposited into a lake under conditions in which life could potentially have existed. In its analysis of Wildcat Ridge, the SHERLOC instrument registered the most abundant organic detections on the mission to date.
“In the distant past, the sand, mud, and salts that now make up the Wildcat Ridge sample were deposited under conditions where life could potentially have thrived,” said Farley. “The fact the organic matter was found in such a sedimentary rock – known for preserving fossils of ancient life here on Earth – is important. However, as capable as our instruments aboard Perseverance are, further conclusions regarding what is contained in the Wildcat Ridge sample will have to wait until it’s returned to Earth for in-depth study as part of the agency’s Mars Sample Return campaign.”
The first step in the NASA-ESA (European Space Agency) Mars Sample Return campaign began when Perseverance cored its first rock sample in September 2021. Along with its rock-core samples, the rover has collected one atmospheric sample and two witness tubes, all of which are stored in the rover’s belly.
The geologic diversity of the samples already carried in the rover is so good that the rover team is looking into depositing select tubes near the base of the delta in about two months. After depositing the cache, the rover will continue its delta explorations.
“I’ve studied Martian habitability and geology for much of my career and know first-hand the incredible scientific value of returning a carefully collected set of Mars rocks to Earth,” said Laurie Leshin, director of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. “That we are weeks from deploying Perseverance’s fascinating samples and mere years from bringing them to Earth so scientists can study them in exquisite detail is truly phenomenal. We will learn so much.”
More About the Mission
A key objective for Perseverance’s mission on Mars is astrobiology, including caching samples that may contain signs of ancient microbial life. The rover will characterize the planet’s geology and past climate, pave the way for human exploration of the Red Planet, and be the first mission to collect and cache Martian rock and regolith.
Subsequent NASA missions, in cooperation with ESA, would send spacecraft to Mars to collect these sealed samples from the surface and return them to Earth for in-depth analysis.
The Mars 2020 Perseverance mission is part of NASA’s Moon to Mars exploration approach, which includes Artemis missions to the Moon that will help prepare for human exploration of the Red Planet.
JPL, which is managed for NASA by Caltech, built and manages operations of the Perseverance rover.
NASA's Perseverance Rover Investigates Geologically Rich Mars Terrain
NASA's Perseverance Rover Investigates Geologically Rich Mars Terrain
Perseverance Workspace at ‘Skinner Ridge’: NASA’s Perseverance rover puts its robotic arm to work around a rocky outcrop called “Skinner Ridge” in Mars’ Jezero Crater. Composed of multiple images, this mosaic shows layered sedimentary rocks in the face of a cliff in the delta, as well as one of the locations where the rover abraded a circular patch to analyze a rock’s composition.
The latest findings provide greater detail on a region of the Red Planet that has a watery past and is yielding promising samples for the NASA-ESA Mars Sample Return campaign.
NASA’s Perseverance rover is well into its second science campaign, collecting rock-core samples from features within an area long considered by scientists to be a top prospect for finding signs of ancient microbial life on Mars. The rover has collected four samples from an ancient river delta in the Red Planet’s Jezero Crater since July 7, bringing the total count of scientifically compelling rock samples to 12.
“We picked the Jezero Crater for Perseverance to explore because we thought it had the best chance of providing scientifically excellent samples – and now we know we sent the rover to the right location,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA’s associate administrator for science in Washington. “These first two science campaigns have yielded an amazing diversity of samples to bring back to Earth by the Mars Sample Return campaign.”
Two Perseverance Sampling Locations in Jezero’s Delta: NASA’s Perseverance rover collected rock samples for possible return to Earth in the future from two locations seen in this image of Mars’ Jezero Crater: “Wildcat Ridge” (lower left) and “Skinner Ridge” (upper right).
Twenty-eight miles (45 kilometers) wide, Jezero Crater hosts a delta – an ancient fan-shaped feature that formed about 3.5 billion years ago at the convergence of a Martian river and a lake. Perseverance is currently investigating the delta’s sedimentary rocks, formed when particles of various sizes settled in the once-watery environment. During its first science campaign, the rover explored the crater’s floor, finding igneous rock, which forms deep underground from magma or during volcanic activity at the surface.
“The delta, with its diverse sedimentary rocks, contrasts beautifully with the igneous rocks – formed from crystallization of magma – discovered on the crater floor,” said Perseverance project scientist Ken Farley of Caltech in Pasadena, California. “This juxtaposition provides us with a rich understanding of the geologic history after the crater formed and a diverse sample suite. For example, we found a sandstone that carries grains and rock fragments created far from Jezero Crater – and a mudstone that includes intriguing organic compounds.”
Sample Collection and Rock Analysis at ‘Wildcat Ridge’: Composed of multiple images from NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover, this mosaic shows a rocky outcrop called “Wildcat Ridge,” where the rover extracted two rock cores and abraded a circular patch to investigate the rock’s composition.
“Wildcat Ridge” is the name given to a rock about 3 feet (1 meter) wide that likely formed billions of years ago as mud and fine sand settled in an evaporating saltwater lake. On July 20, the rover abraded some of the surface of Wildcat Ridge so it could analyze the area with the instrument called Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman & Luminescence for Organics & Chemicals, or SHERLOC.
SHERLOC’s analysis indicates the samples feature a class of organic molecules that are spatially correlated with those of sulfate minerals. Sulfate minerals found in layers of sedimentary rock can yield significant information about the aqueous environments in which they formed.
Perseverance Explores the Jezero Crater Delta: NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover has arrived at an ancient delta in Jezero Crater, one of the best places on the Red Planet to search for potential signs of ancient life. The delta is an area where scientists surmise that a river once flowed billions of years ago into a lake and deposited sediments in a fan shape.
Organic molecules consist of a wide variety of compounds made primarily of carbon and usually include hydrogen and oxygen atoms. They can also contain other elements, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. While there are chemical processes that produce these molecules that don’t require life, some of these compounds are the chemical building blocks of life. The presence of these specific molecules is considered to be a potential biosignature – a substance or structure that could be evidence of past life but may also have been produced without the presence of life.
In 2013, NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover found evidence of organic matter in rock-powder samples, and Perseverance has detected organics in Jezero Crater before. But unlike that previous discovery, this latest detection was made in an area where, in the distant past, sediment and salts were deposited into a lake under conditions in which life could potentially have existed. In its analysis of Wildcat Ridge, the SHERLOC instrument registered the most abundant organic detections on the mission to date.
“In the distant past, the sand, mud, and salts that now make up the Wildcat Ridge sample were deposited under conditions where life could potentially have thrived,” said Farley. “The fact the organic matter was found in such a sedimentary rock – known for preserving fossils of ancient life here on Earth – is important. However, as capable as our instruments aboard Perseverance are, further conclusions regarding what is contained in the Wildcat Ridge sample will have to wait until it’s returned to Earth for in-depth study as part of the agency’s Mars Sample Return campaign.”
The first step in the NASA-ESA (European Space Agency) Mars Sample Return campaign began when Perseverance cored its first rock sample in September 2021. Along with its rock-core samples, the rover has collected one atmospheric sample and two witness tubes, all of which are stored in the rover’s belly.
The geologic diversity of the samples already carried in the rover is so good that the rover team is looking into depositing select tubes near the base of the delta in about two months. After depositing the cache, the rover will continue its delta explorations.
“I’ve studied Martian habitability and geology for much of my career and know first-hand the incredible scientific value of returning a carefully collected set of Mars rocks to Earth,” said Laurie Leshin, director of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. “That we are weeks from deploying Perseverance’s fascinating samples and mere years from bringing them to Earth so scientists can study them in exquisite detail is truly phenomenal. We will learn so much.”
More About the Mission
A key objective for Perseverance’s mission on Mars is astrobiology, including caching samples that may contain signs of ancient microbial life. The rover will characterize the planet’s geology and past climate, pave the way for human exploration of the Red Planet, and be the first mission to collect and cache Martian rock and regolith.
Subsequent NASA missions, in cooperation with ESA, would send spacecraft to Mars to collect these sealed samples from the surface and return them to Earth for in-depth analysis.
The Mars 2020 Perseverance mission is part of NASA’s Moon to Mars exploration approach, which includes Artemis missions to the Moon that will help prepare for human exploration of the Red Planet.
JPL, which is managed for NASA by Caltech, built and manages operations of the Perseverance rover.
AlphaTensor was designed to perform matrix multiplications, but the same approach could be used to tackle other mathematical challenges.
Credit: DeepMind
Researchers at DeepMind in London have shown that artificial intelligence (AI) can find shortcuts in a fundamental type of mathematical calculation, by turning the problem into a game and then leveraging the machine-learning techniques that another of the company’s AIs used to beat human players in games such as Go and chess.
The AI discovered algorithms that break decades-old records for computational efficiency, and the team’s findings, published on 5 October in Nature1, could open up new paths to faster computing in some fields.
“It is very impressive,” says Martina Seidl, a computer scientist at Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria. “This work demonstrates the potential of using machine learning for solving hard mathematical problems.”
Algorithms chasing algorithms
Advances in machine learning have allowed researchers to develop AIs that generate language, predict the shapes of proteins2 or detect hackers. Increasingly, scientists are turning the technology back on itself, using machine learning to improve its own underlying algorithms.
The AI that DeepMind developed — called AlphaTensor — was designed to perform a type of calculation called matrix multiplication. This involves multiplying numbers arranged in grids — or matrices — that might represent sets of pixels in images, air conditions in a weather model or the internal workings of an artificial neural network. To multiply two matrices together, the mathematician must multiply individual numbers and add them in specific ways to produce a new matrix. In 1969, mathematician Volker Strassen found a way to multiply a pair of 2 × 2 matrices using only seven multiplications3, rather than eight, prompting other researchers to search for more such tricks.
DeepMind’s approach uses a form of machine learning called reinforcement learning, in which an AI ‘agent’ (often a neural network) learns to interact with its environment to achieve a multistep goal, such as winning a board game. If it does well, the agent is reinforced — its internal parameters are updated to make future success more likely.
AlphaTensor also incorporates a game-playing method called tree search, in which the AI explores the outcomes of branching possibilities while planning its next action. In choosing which paths to prioritize during tree search, it asks a neural network to predict the most promising actions at each step. While the agent is still learning, it uses the outcomes of its games as feedback to hone the neural network, which further improves the tree search, providing more successes to learn from.
Each game is a one-player puzzle that starts with a 3D tensor — a grid of numbers — filled in correctly. AlphaTensor aims to get all the numbers to zero in the fewest steps, selecting from a collection of allowable moves. Each move represents a calculation that, when inverted, combines entries from the first two matrices to create an entry in the output matrix. The game is difficult, because at each step the agent might need to select from trillions of moves. “Formulating the space of algorithmic discovery is very intricate,” co-author Hussein Fawzi, a computer scientist at DeepMind, said at a press briefing, but “even harder is, how can we navigate in this space”.
To give AlphaTensor a leg up during training, the researchers showed it some examples of successful games, so that it wouldn’t be starting from scratch. And because the order of actions doesn’t matter, when it found a successful series of moves, they also presented a reordering of those moves as an example for it to learn from.
Efficient calculations
The researchers tested the system on input matrices up to 5 × 5. In many cases, AlphaTensor rediscovered shortcuts that had been devised by Strassen and other mathematicians, but in others it broke new ground. When multiplying a 4 × 5 matrix by a 5 × 5 matrix, for example, the previous best algorithm required 80 individual multiplications. AlphaTensor uncovered an algorithm that needed only 76.
“It has got this amazing intuition by playing these games,” said Pushmeet Kohli, a computer scientist at DeepMind, during the press briefing. Fawzi tells Nature that “AlphaTensor embeds no human intuition about matrix multiplication”, so “the agent in some sense needs to build its own knowledge about the problem from scratch”.
The researchers tackled larger matrix multiplications by creating a meta-algorithm that first breaks problems down into smaller ones. When crossing an 11 × 12 and a 12 × 12 matrix, their method reduced the number of required multiplications from 1,022 to 990.
AlphaTensor can also optimize matrix multiplication for specific hardware. The team trained the agent on two different processors, reinforcing it not only when it took fewer actions but also when it reduced runtime. In many cases, the AI sped up matrix multiplications by several per cent compared with previous algorithms. And sometimes the fastest algorithms on one processor were not the fastest on the other.
The same general approach could have applications in other kinds of mathematical operation, the researchers say, such as decomposing complex waves or other mathematical objects into simpler ones. “This development would be very exciting if it can be used in practice,” says Virginia Vassilevska Williams, a computer scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. “A boost in performance would improve a lot of applications.”
Grey Ballard, a computer scientist at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, sees potential for future human–computer collaborations. “While we may be able to push the boundaries a little further with this computational approach,” he says, “I’m excited for theoretical researchers to start analysing the new algorithms they’ve found to find clues for where to search for the next breakthrough.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Here are the High-Resolution Images of Europa Captured by Juno During its Recent Flyby
Here are the High-Resolution Images of Europa Captured by Juno During its Recent Flyby
It’s been over twenty-two years since we’ve been able to see Jupiter’s enticing moon Europa close-up. But now the Juno spacecraft has made its closest pass of Europa, sending back some amazing pictures of the icy mini-world, which likely has an ocean that contains more water than all of Earth’s oceans combined.
Observations from the spacecraft’s 45th orbit around Jupiter brought it close enough to give us some of the best views of Europa that we’ve ever had.
Another view of Europa from Juno’s JunoCam. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/processed by Kevin M. Gill.
The Galileo mission was the last spacecraft that flew past Europa during its 8-year mission, which started in 1995. Galileo flew past Europa at 350 km (218 miles) away in 2000.
Most of the images here were taken by JunoCam, the outstanding public outreach camera, and images here have been downloaded and processed by members of the public who have been actively processing Juno’s images since it reached Jupiter in 2016. The images here are by Kevin M. Gill, as well some below by with additional editing by Navaneeth Krishnan and AkaSci on Twitter.
Surface features of Jupiter’s icy moon Europa are revealed in an image obtained by Juno’s Stellar Reference Unit (SRU) during the spacecraft’s Sept. 29, 2022, flyby. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI
However, NASA says this image, above, is the highest-resolution photo that Juno has ever taken of a specific portion of Europa’s surface and it was taken by another camera, the Stellar Reference Unit (SRU), a star camera used to orient the spacecraft.
It obtained the black-and-white image during the spacecraft’s flyby of Europa on Sept. 29, 2022, at a distance of about 412 km (256 miles). It reveals a detailed view of a puzzling region of the moon’s heavily fractured icy outer crust.
The image covers about 150 kilometers (93 miles) by 200 km (125 miles) of Europa’s surface, revealing a region crisscrossed with a network of fine grooves and double ridges (pairs of long parallel lines indicating elevated features in the ice).
Near the upper right of the image, as well as just to the right and below center, are dark stains possibly linked to something from below erupting onto the surface, possibly a collapse in the ice shell.
The SRU has a resolution that ranges from 256 to 340 meters (840 to 1,115 feet) per pixel, and the image was captured as Juno raced past at about 24 km per second (15 miles per second) over a part of the surface that was in nighttime, dimly lit by “Jupiter shine” – sunlight reflecting off Jupiter’s cloud tops.
“This image is unlocking an incredible level of detail in a region not previously imaged at such resolution and under such revealing illumination conditions,” said Heidi Becker, the lead co-investigator for the SRU. “The team’s use of a star-tracker camera for science is a great example of Juno’s groundbreaking capabilities. These features are so intriguing. Understanding how they formed – and how they connect to Europa’s history – informs us about internal and external processes shaping the icy crust.”
The SRU was designed for low-light conditions, and the team said it has also proven itself a valuable science tool, discovering shallow lightning in Jupiter’s atmosphere, imaging Jupiter’s enigmatic ring system, and now providing a glimpse of some of Europa’s most fascinating geologic formations.
In addition to the images of Europa, all of the spacecraft’s science instruments were collecting data both during the Europa flyby and then again as Juno flew over Jupiter’s poles just 7 ½ hours later.
“Juno started out completely focused on Jupiter. The team is really excited that during our extended mission, we expanded our investigation to include three of the four Galilean satellites and Jupiter’s rings,” said Juno Principal Investigator Scott Bolton. “With this flyby of Europa, Juno has now seen close-ups of two of the most interesting moons of Jupiter, and their ice shell crusts look very different from each other. In 2023, Io, the most volcanic body in the solar system, will join the club.”
Citizen scientist Andrea Luck processed this global image of Jupiter's moon Europa, taken by NASA's Juno orbiter on September 29, 2022
The complex, ice-covered surface of Jupiter’s moon Europa was captured by NASA’s Juno spacecraft during a flyby on Sept. 29, 2022. At closest approach, the spacecraft came within a distance of about 219 miles (352 kilometers). NASA/JPL-CALTECH/SWRI/MSSS
Citizen scientist Andrea Luck processed this global image of Jupiter's moon Europa, taken by NASA's Juno orbiter on September 29, 2022.
Citizen scientist Kevin M. Gill processed this global image of Jupiter's moon Europa, taken byNASA's Juno orbiter on September 29, 2022.
Citizen scientist Kevin M. Gill processed this global image of Jupiter's moon Europa, taken by NASA's Juno orbiter on September 29, 2022.
Citizen scientist Kevin M. Gill processed this global image of Jupiter's moon Europa, taken byNASA's Juno orbiter on September 29, 2022.
In this short episode, I breakdown a few documents likely related, describing UFO “material” years after the U.S. government / military’s investigation into UFOs known as Project Blue Book.
The documents show that within the walls of the CIA, despite the U.S. government’s public stance, officials and personnel continued to watch UFO developments. They even reference “material” and something “handcarried” to the office of one of the CIA scientists. What was it? A document? A post it note? Piece of wreckage?
Here’s a breakdown, along with what happened when The Black Vault tried to get both documents further declassified.
After 10 months flying in space, NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) – the world’s first planetary defense technology demonstration – successfully impacted its asteroid target on Monday, the agency’s first attempt to move an asteroid in space.
Mission control at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, announced the successful impact at 7:14 p.m. EDT.
As a part of NASA’s overall planetary defense strategy, DART’s impact with the asteroid Dimorphos demonstrates a viable mitigation technique for protecting the planet from an Earth-bound asteroid or comet, if one were discovered.
“At its core, DART represents an unprecedented success for planetary defense, but it is also a mission of unity with a real benefit for all humanity,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “As NASA studies the cosmos and our home planet, we’re also working to protect that home, and this international collaboration turned science fiction into science fact, demonstrating one way to protect Earth.”
DART targeted the asteroid moonlet Dimorphos, a small body just 530 feet (160 meters) in diameter. It orbits a larger, 2,560-foot (780-meter) asteroid called Didymos. Neither asteroid poses a threat to Earth.
The mission’s one-way trip confirmed NASA can successfully navigate a spacecraft to intentionally collide with an asteroid to deflect it, a technique known as kinetic impact.
The investigation team will now observe Dimorphos using ground-based telescopes to confirm that DART’s impact altered the asteroid’s orbit around Didymos. Researchers expect the impact to shorten Dimorphos’ orbit by about 1%, or roughly 10 minutes; precisely measuring how much the asteroid was deflected is one of the primary purposes of the full-scale test.
“Planetary Defense is a globally unifying effort that affects everyone living on Earth,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “Now we know we can aim a spacecraft with the precision needed to impact even a small body in space. Just a small change in its speed is all we need to make a significant difference in the path an asteroid travels.”
The spacecraft’s sole instrument, the Didymos Reconnaissance and Asteroid Camera for Optical navigation (DRACO), together with a sophisticated guidance, navigation and control system that works in tandem with Small-body Maneuvering Autonomous Real Time Navigation (SMART Nav) algorithms, enabled DART to identify and distinguish between the two asteroids, targeting the smaller body.
These systems guided the 1,260-pound (570-kilogram) box-shaped spacecraft through the final 56,000 miles (90,000 kilometers) of space into Dimorphos, intentionally crashing into it at roughly 14,000 miles (22,530 kilometers) per hour to slightly slow the asteroid’s orbital speed. DRACO’s final images, obtained by the spacecraft seconds before impact, revealed the surface of Dimorphos in close-up detail.
Fifteen days before impact, DART’s CubeSat companion Light Italian CubeSat for Imaging of Asteroids (LICIACube), provided by the Italian Space Agency, deployed from the spacecraft to capture images of DART’s impact and of the asteroid’s resulting cloud of ejected matter. In tandem with the images returned by DRACO, LICIACube’s images are intended to provide a view of the collision’s effects to help researchers better characterize the effectiveness of kinetic impact in deflecting an asteroid. Because LICIACube doesn’t carry a large antenna, images will be downlinked to Earth one by one in the coming weeks.
“DART’s success provides a significant addition to the essential toolbox we must have to protect Earth from a devastating impact by an asteroid,” said Lindley Johnson, NASA’s Planetary Defense Officer. “This demonstrates we are no longer powerless to prevent this type of natural disaster. Coupled with enhanced capabilities to accelerate finding the remaining hazardous asteroid population by our next Planetary Defense mission, the Near-Earth Object (NEO) Surveyor, a DART successor could provide what we need to save the day.”
With the asteroid pair within 7 million miles (11 million kilometers) of Earth, a global team is using dozens of telescopes stationed around the world and in space to observe the asteroid system. Over the coming weeks, they will characterize the ejecta produced and precisely measure Dimorphos’ orbital change to determine how effectively DART deflected the asteroid. The results will help validate and improve scientific computer models critical to predicting the effectiveness of this technique as a reliable method for asteroid deflection.
“This first-of-its-kind mission required incredible preparation and precision, and the team exceeded expectations on all counts,” said APL Director Ralph Semmel. “Beyond the truly exciting success of the technology demonstration, capabilities based on DART could one day be used to change the course of an asteroid to protect our planet and preserve life on Earth as we know it.”
Roughly four years from now, the European Space Agency’s Hera project will conduct detailed surveys of both Dimorphos and Didymos, with a particular focus on the crater left by DART’s collision and a precise measurement of Dimorphos’ mass.
Johns Hopkins APL manages the DART mission for NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office as a project of the agency’s Planetary Missions Program Office.
Dark Craft Over Mundelein, Illinois On Oct 5, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Dark Craft Over Mundelein, Illinois On Oct 5, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Oct 5, 2022
Location of sighting: Mundelein, Illinois, USA
Watch this great catch that was made while fishing in Mundelein, Illinois this week. The object was black, circular on two ends, but thin in the middle. It also kept its flat surface perfectly balanced to the ground. Dark UFOs are often seen near the water areas just as this one is seen. UFOs often travel below water as easily as in the air or space. Absolute proof that aliens exist in Illinois, USA.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
Noticed what looked like 2 thick vinyl records spinning in the air. At first we thought they were balloons but it remained level so I started recording. We are in a flight path and saw several planes before during and after the sighting. While recording the object continues spinning at a leveled rotation and not floating away like a balloon. The object passes a cloud and seems to glow.
UFO passes by boat at sunset Mundelein, Illinois 5-Oct-2022
UFO passes by boat at sunset Mundelein, Illinois 5-Oct-2022
This daytime glowing object was flying across the daytime sky over Mundelein, a village in Lake County, Illinois, United States and a northern suburb of Chicago. Filmed on 5th October 2022.
Witness report:
Noticed what looked like 2 thick vinyl records spinning in the air. At first we thought they were balloons but it remained level so I started recording. We are in a flight path and saw several planes before during and after the sighting. While recording, the object continues spinning at a leveled rotation and not floating away like a balloon. The object passes a cloud and seems to glow.
How Should the World’s Governments Respond if We Detect an Alien Civilization?
How Should the World’s Governments Respond if We Detect an Alien Civilization
Science fiction is the realm where people traditionally wrestle with the idea of contact with an ETI (Extraterrestrial Intelligence.) But now, those discussions are migrating from science fiction into more serious realms. Academics are going back and forth, one paper at a time, concerning the response and geopolitical fallout from potential contact with an ETI.
The discussion is interesting whether you think it’s likely or even remotely possible that humanity ever contacts an ETI. And it might tell us more about humanity than it does about an ETI.
A new paper titled “Geopolitical Implications of a Successful SETI Program” is the latest salvo in the back and forth among professional thinkers. The paper’s three authors are associated with institutions including NASA, the Penn State ETI Center, the Department of Philosophy at Spring Hill College, and Harvard Law School. The lead author is Jason T. Wright from Penn State University. The paper’s been accepted for publication by the journal Space Policy, and it’s currently available on the pre-press site
This paper is a response to a previous article published in 2020 called “The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence: A Realpolitik Consideration.” That paper was also published in the journal Space Policy, bringing a new emphasis to the discussion around potential contact with an ETI. The authors are Kenneth Wisian & John Traphagan. Wisian is from the Center for Space Research at the University of Texas, and Traphagan is from the Department of Religious Studies and Program in Human Dimensions of Organizations, also at the University of Texas. We’ll refer to their paper as WT 2020.
In WT 2020, the two authors pointed out that much of the thinking around ETIs is centred on the risks of Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) and Messaging an Extraterrestrial Intelligence (METI.) What if the ETI is technologically advanced and menacing? What if they’re like conquistadors or something? Stephen Hawking expressed this fear well in 2010 when he said, “Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they could reach.”
Stephen Hawking warned us against advertising our presence to aliens, whether with powerful lasers or other technology. He was a brilliant guy, so maybe we should listen to him. Credit: University of Cambridge
Those types of invading aliens make millions of dollars for Hollywood, but the authors of WT 2020 focused on a different risk, one which doesn’t garner as much attention. What’s that risk? “Specifically, the risk of merely detecting an alien signal from passive SETI activity is usually considered to be negligible,” they write.
What’s so risky about merely detecting a signal? Us and our realpolitik.
If you’re unfamiliar with the term realpolitik, history is full of examples. Merriam-Webster defines realpolitik as “Politics based on practical and material factors rather than on theoretical or ethical objectives.” In WT 2020, the authors use this definition of realpolitik from historian John Bew: “…the view of interstate relations where ‘the notion that the state could be regulated or controlled by law [is] flawed’ and that ‘power obey[s] only greater power.’”
Realpolitik is the down-and-dirty, nitty-gritty politics between political groups, usually nations. Realpolitik is separate from the oration political leaders use in elections and public-facing situations, where ideology and virtue-signalling run amok and leaders use political theatre to sway the populace and advance their causes. Realpolitik is about the mechanics of power in our world.
A great example of realpolitik comes from World War 2. The American President Roosevelt and the British Prime Minister Churchill played nice with Stalin and Russia. They called Stalin an ally, shook his hand and smiled when they met with him. They needed Stalin to continue to fight and weaken Hitler, and the Americans even sent a steady stream of supplies to Russia to enable their war effort. All good on the surface, as this famous clip from the Yalta Conference shows. At the 2:35 mark, we can watch the three leaders make nice with each other.
But behind the scenes, realpolitik spun a different web. Churchill and Roosevelt needed Stalin to help win the war, and Stalin knew that. Stalin promised democratic elections for Poland after the war because he needed the allies to help him beat Germany. He backtracked on that as soon as the war ended, occupied Poland and other countries, and Russia and the West became open enemies. That’s all realpolitik, and Stalin practiced it well.
But that was long ago, and the world was at war. Why is it relevant to our more modern age and the potential contact with an ETI?
Because human nature hasn’t changed.
If we passively detect a signal from an ETI, it could be troubling for religious people. Their worldview could be severely threatened, and there may be some significant upheaval in religious countries or even religious extremist violence. But it would die down, the thinking goes, and people would return to their daily lives. It would be revolutionary for scientists, but most people would move on with their lives. That’s how the WT 2020 paper sums up the thinking. But how would nations and their political leaders react?
Photo of the central region of the Milky Way. Might we receive a signal from that direction one day? Credit: UCLA SETI Group/Yuri Beletsky, Carnegie Las Campanas Observatory
But whenever nations are vying with one another, there will be some measure of realpolitik. And when it comes to contact with an ETI, monopolizing that contact presents potential benefits for the nation that monopolizes it. “The history of international relations viewed through the lens of the realpolitik tradition of realist political thought suggests, however, that there is a measurable risk of conflict over the perceived benefit of monopoly access to ETI communication channels,” the authors write in WT 2020. “This possibility needs to be considered when analyzing the potential risks and benefits of contact with ETI.”
For Wisian and Traphagan, the danger lies in what we might do to ourselves.
Any ETI would likely have an enormous technological advantage over us, and as long as the ETI wasn’t malicious, that advantage presents an opportunity to nations. If a government monopolizes communications with the ETI, it could gain a technological edge. Imagine China, Russia, or the USA coveting that technological advantage. Or North Korea, Iran, etc. This is the realpolitik lens that the authors are examining. It could lead to conflict or other undesirable consequences.
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) listens for radio signals from other civilizations. In this image, radio telescopes in SETI’s Allen Telescope Array (ATA) are hard at work with the Milky Way in the background. Image: SETI
In WT 2020, the authors say that realpolitik considerations should be important in planning for successful passive SETI. They make several recommendations. They suggest that scientists working in SETI form supportive relationships with local law enforcement, strengthen the perimeters and security of their institutions, and strengthen personnel security for scientists and their families. The WT 2020 authors also suggest that observational facilities like radio telescopes adopt security measures similar to those of nuclear power plants.
But the new paper, which is a rebuttal to the WT 2020 paper and their realpolitik concerns, doesn’t see these security actions as helpful. They also disagree that it’s likely any nation could somehow monopolize communications with an ETI.
“The existence of hardened facilities and locked-down information flows could itself be interpreted by outsiders as evidence that some world-altering activity was occurring within that community or facility…”---
From “Geopolitical Implications of a Successful SETI Program,” Wright et. al. 2022.
“While we do not dispute that a realpolitik response is possible, we uncover concerns with W&T’s presentation of the realpolitik paradigm,” the authors write. They say there are flaws in the WT 2020 analysis and that “… sufficient reason is not given to justify treating this potential scenario as action-guiding over other candidate geopolitical responses.”
If a realpolitik response does come into play, it could be the most relevant response. The new paper’s authors agree with that much but show that “… it is highly unlikely that a nation could successfully monopolize communication with ETI.” The more realistic threat is that a nation thinks it could monopolize communications.
SETI’s Alien Telescope Array (ATA) listens day and night for a signal from space. Credit: SETI
The authors criticize other aspects of the WT 2020 realpolitik scenario, too. For example, if it’s a western democracy that detects a signal, could it monopolize it? Unlikely, according to the authors, since western science is well-integrated internationally. Our most powerful observatories have multiple nations and institutions as partners, so monopolization seems doubtful. The scientific community runs on openness, not informational protectionism.
The authors also criticize the sample contact scenario in WT 2020. WT 2020 contends that contact that seems trivial to an ETI could contain valuable technical information that could be useful to a monopolizing nation. This is unlikely. “That this could happen is not obvious at all. First of all, science is cumulative and nonlinear: for a new insight to be useful, we must first have the appropriate scientific context to understand it,” they write. Could medieval scholars make use of a textbook on nuclear weapons design? If they could understand it, could they act on it? Not likely, according to the authors, and the same is true of advanced technological information from a highly-advanced ETI.
Also, what specific technological advantage could be gained? We already have enough nuclear weapons to destroy civilization. We have bioweapons, too. Could an ETI unintentionally share information that could allow the monopolizer to build some sort of super-weapon? According to the authors, this is drifting into the realm of science fiction and leaving realpolitik behind.
For the authors, the best way to prevent state actors from even thinking they may gain a monopoly is through openness rather than stricter security and state policing measures. In fact, the measures urged in WT 2020 could precipitate precisely what they’re trying to avoid: a realpolitik nightmare.
This artist’s impression shows the view from the surface of one of the planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system. A powerful laser beacon using current and near-future technology could send a signal strong enough to be detected by any alien astronomers here. If we can build one, certainly an advanced civilization could. Maybe an ETI somewhere has already sent a signal and is on its way. Credit: NASA/ESA/HST
In their new paper, the authors explain this clearly: “Finally, it is important that implementing extensive security protections in the SETI and METI fields could itself cause the very problems W&T warns about. The existence of hardened facilities and locked-down information flows could itself be interpreted by outsiders as evidence that some world-altering activity was occurring within that community or facility, thus leading to exactly the kind of espionage and conflict that W&T are trying to avoid in the first place, even if nothing had actually been discovered.”
There’s some agreement between the papers about the risks inherent in contact. “W&T’s legitimate worry is that the mere perception of an information monopoly could be enough to generate dangerous conflict,” the authors of the new paper write. History shows us that antagonistic nations can be paranoid, engage in sabre-rattling, and even launch pre-emptive strikes if they think they’re in danger. With all the unknowns around potential contact with an ETI, the worry and fear would be more difficult for some societies to bear than others. There would be flashpoints.
Another point of agreement concerns the security of scientists working on contact with an ETI. “However, even if we have good reason to avoid extensive security protections of facilities per se, there remain other reasons to enact security measures meant to protect the SETI practitioners themselves, especially in the event of detection,” the authors write. These scientists could very well become targets of harassment and even assault. There are a lot of crazies out there, as the COVID pandemic showed us, and a rising tide of anti-science thinking.
Dr. Anthony Fauci faced a barrage of criticism, harassment, and threats during the COVID-19 pandemic as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Chief Medical Advisor to the President. How would ETI scientists be treated in the event of a confirmed signal from an ETI? Image Credit: Anthony Fauci. (2022, October 3). In Wikipedia.
In their conclusion, the authors say that “… a realpolitik response to a contact scenario is worth considering, but we maintain that it is just one of the various candidate post-contact responses that merit consideration.”
They suggest that there are much better alternatives and involve responses “… that might generate cohesion or greater collaboration at the level of international relations.”
They also say that the WT 2020 paper relies on the premise that political leaders will misperceive the potential for contact with an ETI to be manipulated by another state. While that fear isn’t unfounded, according to the authors, and it needs to be considered, the authors of this paper disagree with the recommendations given in WT 2020.
What do they suggest the world should do when we contact an ETI?
Instead of hardening security at SETI sites, the authors “… recommend transparency, data sharing, and education of policymakers.”
Guys, we all have heard about the late great Kenneth Arnold and his close up sighting of nine bat-like UFOs in 1947. I think I have found a similar craft using the sky map website World Wide Telescope. The UFO is similar in shape, but its size...thats the only thing in question. Its size can very from that of a asteroid to that of a moon. Its had to tell in the vastness of space its exact size. There is also a long orange line to the left of it on the map, which is another similar ship that is traveling at almost light speed and is on the same path as the one stopped. Clearly this ship is huge and could fit tens of thousands or maybe millions of people on board it. Many humans try to say such size ships are impossible, because thats how they see the limited. But the universe to not conform to limited ideas.
Alien probe appears in front of Dimorphos moments before impact DART spacecraft?
Alien probe appears in front of Dimorphos moments before impact DART spacecraft?
Moments before NASA's DART spacecraft hit asteroid Dimorphos the live footage shows an unknown black object that appears in front of the asteroid making some strange movements.
The footage shows the object changing direction several times before disappearing.
Could it be space debris flying next to the asteroid Dimorphos or it may be an alien object under intelligent control monitoring the DART mission and the results of the impact?
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Three UFO "Orbs" Spotted Flying In Formation Over Burlington In Ontario, Canada.
This footage was captured on September 29, 2022 with the use of an Sionyx Arora night vision camera.
The Witness stated the following:
"It was in Burlington Ontario Canada. I live in an area of Burlington called aldershot. The objects came from the direction of the skyway bridge. If you check it out on Google maps you can see the area and the landmarks I'm describing. I took this video on September 29 at around 1015 pm. And the whole reason I bought a night vision camera is because just over a month before this video, I had a similar sighting coming from the same area. The 2 sighting were just over a month apart, and both right around the 1015pm mark."
Thanks to witwar101 for allowing me the use of this footage and to view the original:
UFO chased by Italian Fighter Jets vanishes into Water, Sept 2022
Video shared by astral32images on Twitter in October 2022. The video shows italian fishermen filming a UFO chased by fighter jets just before it vanishes into water. No further information about this video. Well made hoax or real UFO sighting ?
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Cigar shaped UFO seen over a Military Fuel Tanker in Canada, May 2021
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Have Aliens Found Us? Scientists’ Discovery of a Mysterious Interstellar Visitor
A strange Cosmic object was flying past our planet and no one had the slightest clue 5 days later the interstellar object was on its way out of the solar system when Robert Warwick an astronomer at the University of Hawaii at Manoa spotted it. It was from the moment of its discovery a weird object, weird orbit, weird speed, and weird properties, the strange object was called Oumuamua, the first known Interstellar object to visit the solar system but here is the thing astronomers had only 11 days to observe the odd visitor. Have Aliens Found Us? Scientists’ Discovery of a Mysterious Interstellar Visitor
Ancient Alien City Discovered Under Antarctica is Made of Crystal
Crystal City of Aliens Discovered Under Antarctica is Home to Ancient Beings?
Breakthrough: NASA's Rover Makes a Stunning Discovery On Mars
Mars wasn't always a barren world ruled by raging dust storms. On the contrary, several pieces of evidence suggest that the Red Planet was warm, had lakes of liquid water, and was possibly habitable for a short period in its history. This dramatic transition of Mars is generally attributed to the loss of its magnetic field. A planet's magnetic field is a fundamental ingredient that decides its course of events. It's an entity that can cause the difference between life and death. So the loss of the magnetic field was a turning point in the history of Mars.
Studying the planet's past habitability has been one of the prime objectives of multiple missions to Mars, including the recently launched Perseverance rover. Perseverance has been exploring the Martian rocks since early 2021, and now, it has found strong signals of organic matter on Mars. So, how did Perseverance make this significant discovery? What does it tell us about the history of Mars? Finally, and most importantly, if life existed on Mars, what did it look like?
Kyiv Astronomers capture “UFOs everywhere” using meteor-tracking software
Kyiv Astronomers capture “UFOs everywhere” using meteor-tracking software
According to the astronomers at Kyiv’s Main Observatory, they have been able to spot many unknown objects in Ukraine’s daytime skies.
It’s believed that this incident happened decades before the development of UFOs. In 1942, soldiers from Russia and Germany were watching a dogfight near Leningrad during the Eastern Front war. Hundreds of them reportedly saw two silver disc-shaped objects.
The two objects, which were reportedly hovering above the dogfight, quietly observed the aircraft involved. They were most likely looking for something that was flying over them. The Germans had been keeping accurate combat reports during the war, and this incident is likely included in them.
Are the Old Tombs of Kaole, Tanzania, Really Able To Heal?
Are the Old Tombs of Kaole, Tanzania, Really Able To Heal?
Situated on the beautiful east coast of Africa, Tanzania is a fascinating country with a rich culture and no shortage of historic sites on its Indian Ocean coast. Kaole, an abandoned town and archaeological location, is one of the most significant of these sites due to the development of Islam and commerce in the region.
The History of Kaole, Tanzania
Kaole is located near the historic town of Bagamoyo and, based on archaeological research, we know the area was first settled by local tribes as early as the 8 th century, drawn to the region’s resources. Unfortunately, because it was made of wood, most of the first settlement no longer exists.
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The tribesmen traded extensively with seafarers, including Arabs and Persians. In fact, the eastern coast of Africa has been decisively influenced by Arab-Persian traders and merchants who brought Islam to the area, which in turn led to the development of the unique Swahili culture.
Still the predominant ethnic group in the region, the Zaramo people settled in Kaole around the 10 th century. During the Middle Ages, roughly 13 th century AD, the town of Kaole was occupied by both Arabs and a Swahili population. The town was diverse and had extensive trade connections both by land and sea; pottery and other artifacts which have come from as far afield as China have been found.
Old Arab Teahouse, Bagamoyo (Jones, A / CC BY 3.0 )
The town was ruled by local sheikhs who had immense political and religious authority. One of the best known was Sheikh Ali Muhamad al-Hatim al-Barawi, an important figure in the region who is still revered by local Muslims. At some point in time, however, Kaole was a dependency of the power city-state of Kilwa. The town was controlled by Muslims, often of Arab origin, who taxed the local population.
In the 18 th century settlers from Oman came to the area. They moved the markets to the small settlement of Bagamoyo, three miles north of Kaole, due to the fact that the harbor upon which the prosperity of the town rested had silted up and was no longer suitable for merchants’ vessels.
The Timeless Ruins at Kaole, Tanzania
There are significant archaeological remains at the site dating from the Middle Ages, including houses, wells, and walls. At the center of the old town stand two mosques. The first is from the period of the Sultanate of Kilwa and dates to the 13 th century, the oldest on mainland Tanzania. A paved pathway, which is one of the finest examples of Medieval paving in Africa, leads to the second mosque which dates from the 15 th century. Approximately 22 graves of foreigners who resided in the town during its heyday have been found.
Several Shirazi style tombs with distinctive pillars which are almost certainly the graves of local religious leaders grace the area. These tombs are thought to be of Persian inspired design and indicate the level of influence the culture had on the east coast of Africa. Many tombs found around the old town which have no inscriptions are those of children.
The Spiritual Significance of Kaole, Tanzania
This site retains a great deal of religious significance for communities in the area and pilgrims still visit the tombs of the religious leaders or sheiks. It is widely believed in this part of Tanzania that certain tombs have magical healing powers, so many people looking to be cured of evil spirits come to this site that overlooks the magnificent Indian Ocean. Another option is hammering iron nails into a sacred tree which is believed to transfer bad luck or illness into the wood.
Getting to Kaole
The Kaole ruins are five kilometers (three miles) southeast of the town of Bagamoyo from where you can hire a taxi. Accommodation near the archaeological site is plentiful.
Top image: Old mosque of Kaole. Source: Hinrichsen, L / CC BY 3.0
High Fidelity
Harvard professor Avi Loeb has long been outspoken about taking the search for extraterrestrial life more seriously. In an eyebrow-raising quest, he's often even exhorted his colleagues to take UFO research more seriously.
Now, Loeb says he hopes to collect a "high resolution image" of a UFO within the next couple years, according to a new interview with the Guardian.
"I really want the next generation to be free to discuss it, and for it to become part of the mainstream," Loeb told the paper. "My hope is that by getting a high resolution image of something unusual, or finding evidence for it, which is quite possible in the coming year or two, we will change it."
Saucer Watcher
Last year, Futurism talked to Loeb about his book “Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth,” which purported that an interstellar object that drifted through our solar system in 2017 may have been an alien probe rather than a boring space rock. At the time, Loeb said many of his colleagues held UFO research at arm's length and generally dismissed findings as natural events or the stuff of conspiracy theory.
"The scientific community can address a topic even if other people address it in a way that is not scientific and doesn’t make much sense," he said.
Loeb heads the Galileo Project, in which a team of more than 100 scientists are establishing a network of sophisticated telescopes to scan the skies for extraterrestrials. According to the Guardian, Loeb's first telescope will begin operation from the roof of the Harvard college observatory this summer, equipped with infrared cameras rolling 24/7, a radio sensor, an audio sensor and a magnetometer to detect non-visual objects.
"We’re taking a road not taken so there may be low hanging fruit, that nobody else picked because it was not taken," Loeb told the Guardian.
Loeb says capturing strong UFO evidence, including the high-res image he hopes to snap within the next two years, will attract younger scientists scared away by the older, more cynical crowd. If he manages to pull it off — a major if, to be clear — we may finally have to take UFO research more seriously.
REVEALED: The first images of DART's asteroid crash captured by the tiny LICIACube satellite show the incredible moment NASA's spacecraft smashed into Dimorphos and its bright, messy aftermath
REVEALED: The first images of DART's asteroid crash captured by the tiny LICIACube satellite show the incredible moment NASA's spacecraft smashed into Dimorphos and its bright, messy aftermath
The small LICIACube spacecraft captured the first images NASA's successful DART asteroid crash, including a before and after of the Didymos system and bright debris emanating from the incredible collision
NASA's DART spacecraft completed its mission to crash into an asteroid in the first planetary defense test on Monday at 7:14 pm ET
The mission aimed to nudge the asteroid from its orbit, but NASA won't know the results for two months
The space agency's technique could be used in the future to prevent an asteroid from colliding with Earth
fter NASA's DART spacecraft successfully completed its first planetary defense test last night, the tiny Light Italian Cubesat for Imaging of Asteroids (LICIACube) spacecraft captured the moment in its messy glory.
The Italian space agency released a series of images this afternoon that show a before-and-after comparison of the Didymos asteroid system and a bright burst of debris surrounding Dimorphos.
LICIACube is tiny, contaiAns two optical cameras and weighs about 31 pounds. The small spacecraft hitched a ride with DART, which deployed the cubesat on Sept. 11, and is operated from a mission control center in Turin, Italy.
'We're really very proud,' Elisabetta Dotto, science team lead at Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF), said during a news conference held in Italian on Tuesday.
After NASA 's DART spacecraft successfully completed its first planetary defense test last night, the tiny Light Italian Cubesat for Imaging of Asteroids (LICIACube) spacecraft captured the moment in its messy glory
The Italian space agency released a series of images this afternoon that show a before-and-after comparison of the Didymos asteroid system and a bright burst of debris surrounding Dimorphos
The images will help researchers gain a better understanding of Dimorphos' structure and composition, Dotto explained, noting that there will be more images released in the coming days.
In the last image, Dimorphos is blanketed by bright and hazy debris.
'Dimorphos is completely covered really by this by this emission of dust and detritus produced by the impact,' Dotto said, according to
On Monday, the LICIACube stayed at a safe distance as DART zoomed into its target, but then performed a perfectly timed drive-by past the impact site a few minutes later.
The small but mighty craft is now conducting Italy's first deep-space mission and will continue to beam images back to Earth.
NASA's DART mission slammed into Dimorphos, a smaller space rock circling a larger asteroid called Didymos, to see if it could throw off the orbit of a potential future asteroid that was threatening life on Earth. Scientists will be watching the Didymos system closely to see how much Dimorphos' orbit actually changed - those results won't come for at least another two months.
Confirmation of NASA's successful planetary defense test came seconds after the 7:14 ET (00:14 BST) 14,000 mph collision, sparking applause among the ground team at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Maryland. 'Impact success!' NASA tweeted after the DART spacecraft collided with the 560 foot asteroid, around 6.7 million miles away from Earth.
'We're really very proud,' Elisabetta Dotto, science team lead at Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF), said during a news conference held in Italian on Tuesday
LICIACube is tiny, contains two optical cameras and weighs about 31 pounds. The tiny spacecraft hitched a ride with DART, which deployed the cubesat on Sept. 11, and is operated from a mission control center in Turin, Italy
By striking Dimorphos head on, NASA hopes it pushed it into a smaller orbit, shaving 10 minutes off the time it takes to circle Didymos, which is currently 11 hours and 55 minutes.
The space probe used what is called kinetic impact, which involves sending one or more large, high-speed spacecraft into the path of an approaching near-earth object.
Such a mission may evoke memories of a Hollywood disaster movie such as Armageddon, but this is very much real and could save Earth from colliding with a deadly space rock.
The last complete image of asteroid moonlet Dimorphos, taken by the DRACO imager on NASA's DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) mission from 7 miles (12 kilometers) from the asteroid and 2 seconds before impact
NASA's DART successfully impacted the Dimorphos asteroid on Monday at 7:14pm ET. This is the first planetary defense test and it could be used to save Earth. Pictured is an image from the DART satellite just before impact
Confirmation came seconds after the 7:14pm ET collision, sparking an applause among the ground team at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
The last image to contain a complete view of asteroid Didymos (top left) and its moonlet, Dimorphos, about 2.5 minutes before the impact of NASA's DART spacecraft, taken by the on board DRACO imager from a distance of 571 miles (920 kilometeres)
DART is the world’s first planetary defense test mission.
It comprises a satellite that's crashed into the small moonlet asteroid Dimorphos, which orbits a larger companion asteroid called Didymos.
The satellite was intentionally crashed into the asteroid to slightly change the latter's orbit.
Dimorphos is about 525 feet in diameter, and although it doesn't pose a danger to Earth, NASA wants to measure the asteroid's altered orbit caused by the collision.
Post-impact observations from Earth-based optical telescopes and planetary radars will measure the change in Dimorphos' orbit around Didymos, according to NASA.
This demonstration of planetary defense will inform future missions that could one day save Earth from a deadly asteroid impact.
NASA Administrator Bill Nelson congratulated the DART team shortly after the mission was completed, highlighting how the successful test could one day save humanity.
'We are showing that planetary defense is a global endeavor, and it is very possible to save our planet,' Nelson said.
Elon Musk's SpaceX also applauded NASA on the successful mission.
'Congratulations on successfully crashing a spacecraft into an asteroid,' the billionaire entrepreneur's company said in its tweet.
The US space agency's staff cheered and clapped in a video shared online as the vending machine-sized spacecraft successfully smashed into Dimorphos, which is the size of a football stadium.
'And we have impact. A triumph for humanity in the name of planetary defense,' a member of NASA's team said in a video recorded in the control room as the collision took place.
The asteroid's bread bun shape and rocky surface finally came into clear view in the last few minutes as DART raced toward it.
'Woo hoo,' exclaimed Johns Hopkins mission systems engineer Elena Adams. 'We're seeing Dimorphos, so wonderful, wonderful.'
With an image beaming back to Earth every second, Adams and other ground controllers in Laurel, Maryland, watched with growing excitement as Dimorphos loomed larger and larger in the field of view alongside its bigger companion.
As the craft propelled itself autonomously for the mission's final four hours like a self-guided missile, its imager started to beam down the very first pictures of Dimorphos, before slamming into its surface.
'Impact success!' NASA tweeted after the DART spacecraft collided with the 170-metre wide (560ft) asteroid, around 6.8 million miles away from Earth. SpaceX replied: 'Congratulations on successfully crashing a spacecraft into an asteroid!'
This astonishing image from NASA shows asteroid Dimorphos as seen by the DART spacecraft 11 seconds before impact. DART’s on board DRACO imager captured this image from a distance of 42 miles (68 kilometers). This image was the last to contain all of Dimorphos in the field of view
The closer DART got, the more detailed the asteroid appeared and the last shot was an up-close image of the asteroid's rocky surface - before the screen went black.
In a live question-and-answer session after the crash, senior leaders from NASA and Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory said the mission was 'straight down the middle' and nothing went wrong.
Engineers said DART is completely destroyed, but there might be pieces of it in the crater it left during impact - and some of the team said they shed a tear knowing the craft is now gone.
Adams said the craft landed 55 feet from the targeted landing site, but still enough to assume it was a success.
'It was basically a bullseye. I think, as far as we can tell, the first planetary defense test was a success, and we can clap to that,' she said in a post-mission press conference.
'Earthlings should sleep better, and I definitely will.'
Didymos (left corner) and Dimorphos (back, right) are currently making their closest approach to Earth in years, passing at a distance of about 6.7 million miles from our planet. The livestream showed the twin asteroids getting larger as the craft got closer
A toaster-sized satellite called LICIACube, which already separated from DART a few weeks ago, made a close pass of the site to capture images of the collision and the ejecta - the pulverized rock thrown off by impact.
DART launched aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket last November, which was called NASA's 'Armageddon moment'.
DART 'is something of a replay of Bruce Willis's movie, "Armageddon", although that was totally fictional,' Nelson said in a November interview referring the 1998 film that saw teams travel to an asteroid heading to Earth with the hopes of destroying it before impact.
Didymos and Dimorphos are currently making their closest approach to Earth in years, passing at a distance of about 6.7 million miles from our planet.
The European Space Agency (ESA) is launching a mission in 2024 that will send a probe to Dimorphos and Didymos to study the pair in greater detail.
Dimorphos completes an orbit around Didymos every 11 hours and 55 minutes. It was discovered in 1996 by the Spacewatch survey at Kitt Peak.
The asteroid is classified as both a potentially hazardous asteroid and a near-Earth object.
Orbiting Didymos is a 'moonlet' called Dimorphos, which was found in 2003.
An asteroid the size of Dimorphos could cause a continent-wide destruction on Earth, while the impact of one the size of the larger Didymos would be felt worldwide.
NASA emphasized that the asteroids in question pose no threat to our home planet, but were chosen because they can be observed from ground-based telescopes here on Earth.
Andy Rivkin, of JPL's 's applied physics laboratory, and Dart investigation team lead, said Monday that the two asteroids are perfect to test this planetary defense test.
'We needed something with a moon that was small enough that we could move it with a strike from a from a spacecraft, but not so small that we wrecked the moon,' Rivkin continued.
'So when you kind of tick off all the possibilities, Didymos ended up as the best choice, and really the only choice, that would provide a mission in this time period.'
Telescopes were also watching and studying from afar, including NASA's new $10 billion James Webb observatory, while DART will also return images to Earth at the rate of one per second as it heads towards its 'deep impact'.
The theory is that if an asteroid was on a collision course with Earth, you would only need to change its velocity by a small amount to alter its path so that it misses us, provided this was done far enough in advance.
Rome-based Virtual Telescope Project has also teamed up with several observatories in South Africa, and will be showing the target asteroid in real-time at the moment of the scheduled impact.
The change in the orbital period will be measured by telescopes on Earth. The minimum change for the mission to be considered a success is 73 seconds.
The DART technique could prove useful for altering the course of an asteroid years or decades before it bears down on Earth with the potential for catastrophe.
NASA considers any near-Earth object 'potentially hazardous' if it comes within 0.05 astronomical units (4.6 million miles) and measures more than 460 feet in diameter.
More than 27,000 near-Earth asteroids have been cataloged but none currently pose a danger to our planet.
The Double Asteroid Redirection Test was launched last November ahead of a year-long journey to crash into the small asteroid Dimorphos, which orbits a larger one called Didymos
Brace for impact: NASA's first ever 'planetary defense' spacecraft – sent to deflect an asteroid 6.8 million miles from Earth – hit Monday, September 26. The graphic above shows how the mission worked
Deflecting an asteroid such as Bennu, which has a small chance of hitting Earth in about a century and a half, could require multiple small impacts from some sort of massive human-made deflection device, according to experts.
Scientists in California have been firing projectiles at meteorites to simulate the best methods of altering the course of an asteroid so that it wouldn't hit Earth.
According to the results so far, an asteroid like Bennu that is rich in carbon could need several small bumps to charge its course.
Bennu, which is about a third of a mile wide, has a slightly greater chance of hitting Earth than previously thought, NASA revealed earlier this month.
The space agency upgraded the risk of Bennu impacting Earth at some point over the next 300 years to one in 1,750.
Bennu also has a one-in-2,700 chance of hitting Earth on the afternoon of September 24, 2182, according to the NASA study.
Scientists have been seriously considering how to stop an asteroid from ever hitting Earth since the 1960s, but previous approaches have generally involved theories on how to blow the cosmic object into thousands of pieces.
The problem with this is these pieces could potentially zoom towards Earth and present almost as dangerous and humanity-threatening an issue as the original asteroid.
A more recent approach, called kinetic impact deflection (KID), involves firing something into space that more gently bumps the asteroid off course, away from Earth, while keeping it intact.
Recent KID efforts were outlined at the 84th annual meeting of the Meteoritical Society held in Chicago this month and led by Dr George Flynn, a physicist at State University of New York, Plattsburgh.
'You might have to use multiple impacts,' Dr Flynn said in conversation with The New York Times. 'It [Bennu] may barely miss, but barely missing is enough.'
Researchers have been working at NASA's Ames Vertical Gun Range, built in the 1960s during the Apollo era and based at Moffett Federal Airfield in California's Silicon Valley, for the recent KID experiments.
They fired small, spherical aluminum projectiles at meteorites suspended by pieces of nylon string.
The team used 32 meteorites – which are fragments of asteroids that have fallen to Earth from space – that were mostly purchased from private dealers.
The tests have allowed them to work out at what point momentum from a human-made object fired towards an asteroid turns it into thousands of fragments, rather than knocking it off course as desired.
'If you break it into pieces, some of those pieces may still be on a collision course with Earth,' Dr Flynn said.
Carbonaceous chondrite (C-type) asteroids, such as Bennu, are the most common in the solar system.
They are darker than other asteroids due to the presence of carbon and are some of the most ancient objects in the solar system – dating back to its birth.
According to the findings from experiments at AVGR, the type of asteroid being targeted (and how much carbon it has in it) may dictate how much momentum would be directed at it from any human-made KID device.
From the experiments, the researchers found C-type meteorites could withstand only about one-sixth of the momentum that the other chondrites could withstand before shattering.
'[C-type] asteroids are much more difficult to deflect without disruption than ordinary chondrite asteroids,' the experts concluded.
'These results indicate multiple successive impacts may be required to deflect rather than disrupt asteroids, particularly carbonaceous asteroids.'
Therefore, around 160 years in the future – when Bennu is most likely to collide with Earth, according to NASA – a KID device would have to give it a series of gentle nudges to prevent it from breaking up and sending dangerous splinter fragments flying towards Earth.
NASA's recent study about Bennu, published in the journal Icarus, did point out there is more than a 99.9 per cent probability Bennu will not smash into Earth over the next three centuries.
'Although the chances of it hitting Earth are very low, Bennu remains one of the two most hazardous known asteroids in our solar system, along with another asteroid called 1950 DA,' NASA said in a statement.
LICIACube Sends Home Images of the DART Impact and the Damage to Dimorphos
LICIACube Sends Home Images of the DART Impact and the Damage to Dimorphos
The Light Italian CubeSat for Imaging of Asteroids (LICIACube) has returned a series of close-up images of the asteroid Dimorphos, after last week’s successful impact of the Double Asteroid Redirect Test (DART) probe. LICIACube was built and operated by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), and was designed to capture post-impact imagery for the DART team, to help assess the effects of the impact.
The initial set of images received after the impact, show a dramatic plume of dust and debris. They were captured about 2 minutes and 45 seconds after the impact, during a fly-by of Dimorphos. This same plume was clearly visible to ground-based telescopes. Future images should hopefully reveal details of the impact crater, and could help researchers better understand the composition of the little asteroid. The shoebox-sized CubeSat will spend the next few weeks sending the remaining data to Earth. If it has enough propellant remaining, it will hopefully be able to return for a second flyby.
The DART mission was launched in November 2021, to test the feasibility of redirecting an asteroid by crashing into it. If a large body should be discovered in our Solar System that is on a collision course with Earth, we may be able to deflect it from its course. In theory, even a small space probe crashing into the object at a high enough speed should change its course enough to stop it from later crashing into Earth, provided this is done early enough. But theory is not enough, so the DART mission was developed to test and confirm that it can be done, and that it will work as expected.
DART’s target, Dimorphos, is a small asteroid with a length of about 160 meters. It orbits a larger companion named Didymos, with a diameter of about 780 meters. The two objects take 11 hours and 55 minutes to orbit one another, at a separation of 1.18 kilometers. If theoretical models of the impact are correct, this orbital period should have been shortened by a few minutes. This estimate is only an approximation, however, based on the likely masses of the two objects.
The DART spacecraft, weighing in at 570 kg, rammed into Dimorphos on 26 September, 2022, at roughly 22 500 km/h. The impact is the first test of the “Kinetic Impact” method of asteroid redirection. If astronomers should ever detect an asteroid on a collision course with Earth, and if it is massive enough to be a threat to human life or property, the best action to take would be to change its path so that the collision never happens. The kinetic impact method of redirection involves simply firing a heavy object at it, imparting enough kinetic energy to nudge it into a slightly different orbit. Because asteroids are so massive, even a very powerful impact would likely only change its velocity by a very tiny amount, but even a small deflection would be enough to ensure a miss if it happens early enough.
The Didymos and Dimorphos pair occupy an elliptical orbit around the Sun. Its perihelion, or the lowest point in its orbit, is slightly further out from the Sun than Earth, and its highest point, or aphelion, is a little past Mars. This orbit is tilted from the plane of the ecliptic by about 3 degrees, so it never crosses the paths of either Earth or Mars. This means that the Didymos binary asteroid system will never approach Earth, and is not a collision risk. The DART impact would have changed the speed of Dimorphos by only a fraction of a percent, far too little to create any risk of a collision with Earth or any other planet.
LICIACube is Italy’s first deep space mission. It was built in its entirety, and is operated, by ASI. The little spacecraft was carried piggy-back by DART to its current location, and is currently positioned near Didymos and Dimorphos, two objects orbiting each other to make a double asteroid orbiting the Sun.
DART team engineers lift and inspect the LICIACube CubeSat after it arrived at APL in August. The miniaturized satellite will deploy 10 days before DART’s asteroid impact, providing essential footage of the collision and subsequent plume of materials. Image credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL/Ed Whitman
Its mission was to capture images of both bodies through all phases of the DART mission, and sending those data back to the mission’s ground controllers. The images are meant to help measure how the orbit of Dimorphos has changed. They will also show us what effect the impact has on the asteroid itself, and likely provide useful data to scientists who would like to better understand the composition of the asteroid itself.
Other methods being explored to protect Earth from an asteroid impact include landing on the asteroid and installing a rocket motor; stationing a spacecraft near the object to deflect it gravitationally; or even painting one side of the asteroid so that it gets unevenly heated by the Sun, making it emit more heat radiation from one side than the other, creating a tiny amount of thrust! All these ideas are sound in theory, and may even be practical under varying circumstances, but the kinetic impact method has the advantage of simplicity, and doesn’t require the development of any new technology.
Here are the first images taken by #LICIACube of #DARTmissionimpact on asteroid #Dimorphos. Now weeks and months of hard work are now starting for scientists and technicians involved in this mission, so stay tuned because we will have a lot to tell!
20 Jumpgate Missions to Mars through jumpgate portals located in El Segundo, California
20 Jumpgate Missions to Mars through jumpgate portals located in El Segundo, California
Andrew Basiago, J.D., claims that he visited Mars 20 times between 1981 and 1984 through a Jumpgate located in El Segundo, California. He says others, including VIPs such as former CIA Director Admiral Stansfeld Turner, were also sent to the Martian surface through eight jumpgate portals dispersed around the middle latitudes. Basiago says the average daily temperature was around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and the air was similar in oxygen content to an altitude of 11,000 feet on Earth.
Basiago claims that at any one time there were up to 1,500 Americans on Mars surface that were there to maintain a continuous presence, and they had to escape numerous predators. His experiences with Mars predators and other wildlife led to him recognizing some of these animals and vegetation in NASA Rover images.
His most controversial claims concern unusual creatures he says can be identified in other Mars Rover and satellite imagery, which includes a scorpion man and gremlins. Basiago refutes criticism that what he witnessed in the Mars images is merely a case of pareidolia, especially when it comes to an alleged image of a striding gremlin in what appears to be a small grove of trees. In the subsequent discussion, Dr. Michael Salla proposes a distinction between objects Basiago recognized from his time on Mars, which can be asserted to be corroborating evidence for his overall experiences, to other objects such as gremlins, which may be attributed as pareidolia.
Regardless of the more controversial elements of Andrew Basiago's analyses of Mars Rover and satellite images, his detailed memories of travel to Mars on 20 occasions where he spent significant periods on the Red Planet from 1981 to 1984 have been independently corroborated by several other individuals. These include Brett Stillings, William White Crow and Bernard Mendez who all have publicly confirmed their participation in the Mars Jumpgate program, and the involvement of others such as Major Ed Dames.
Related articles:
Project Pegasus: Travelling to Mars – Teleportation and “Jump Rooms”
Possible triangle UFO video from Burlington, Ontario, Canada 29-Sep-2022
Possible triangle UFO video from Burlington, Ontario, Canada 29-Sep-2022
This fast triangular-shaped formation was filmed in the night sky above Burlington, a city in the Regional Municipality of Halton at the northwestern end of Lake Ontario in Ontario, Canada on 29th September 2022.
Witness report:
It was in Burlington Ontario Canada. I live in an area of Burlington called aldershot. The objects came from the direction of the skyway bridge. If you check it out on Google maps you can see the area and the landmarks I’m describing. I took this video on September 29 at around 1015 pm. And the whole reason I bought a night vision camera is because just over a month before this video, I had a similar sighting coming from the same area. The 2 sighting were just over a month apart, and both right around the 1015pm mark.
Floating UFOs over Lee’s Summit, Missouri – October 2022
Floating UFOs over Lee’s Summit, Missouri – October 2022
These two unidentified flying objects were filmed in the night sky above Lee’s Summit in Missouri on 2nd October 2022.
Witness report:
Around dusk while traveling southbound on interstate i70 in Independence, Missouri I observed two starlike objects. One remained fixed in the sky while the other rose to meet it and then descend down again. I observed 1:32 of this before the landscape obstructed my view.
Most impressively there were 18 Landings, Hovering, or Takeoffs reported and 19 Entities observed. Number of abduction (ERT) cases were 30. Number of submitted Experiencer Questionnaires were 0.
Whilst the war in Ukraine escalates, things seem quieter than usual when it comes to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).
However, the movement continues to occur behind the scenes.
Although there was some hope that both the National Defense Authorization Act 2023 (NDAA) and Intelligence Authorization Act 2023 (IAA) would pass before the midterm elections in November 2022, it is now likely that the legislation is passed in December.
Between now and December, we may see further amendments to the NDAA and IAA, potentially tightening and adding to the current UAP language. And as Dean Johnson recently posted, there is some possibility that the IAA is attached to the NDAA, meaning both pieces of legislation pass at the same time.*
As for midterms races, Democrats are slightly favoured to retain the Senate, whilst Republicans are slightly favoured to win the House. If correct, then Representative Mike Turner (Republican - Ohio), who represents and has a close relationship with Wright Patterson Air Force Base, would become Chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. However, it must be stressed that his views on UAP are not known publicly.
Rep Mike Turner pictured with General Willaim McCasland
(U.S. Air Force photo by Niki Jahns)
Another politician to keep a close eye on is Senator Marco Rubio (Republican - Florida), Vice Chair of the Senate’s Intelligence Committee and a leading advocate for previous UAP legislation. He faces a tight race in Florida and could potentially lose to Democrat Val Demings.
Demings is a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and attended the classified hearing on UAP in May 2022. Following that meeting, Demings commented**:
“As a former chief of police there’s nothing I take more seriously than the safety and security of the American people. We will always investigate any potential threat from our adversaries. The top goals of this investigation are seriousness, transparency, and national security. Just because something is unidentified doesn’t mean that it’s unidentifiable, and truth must always be a precondition to good policy.
“By treating this issue seriously, working with Pentagon experts, and empowering witnesses and hard evidence, we can find answers, ensure the integrity of American airspace, counter global threats, and keep Americans safe at home and abroad. I will continue to work with the Pentagon and our intelligence agencies on this important issue.”
What Next For AARO?
Liberation Times understands that any expected public report in October 2022 from the DoD-led UAP Office named the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), may be hugely underwhelming. Some sources have also raised the possibility of the report being delayed, due to the AARO’s lack of resources for most of 2022.
The fate of the AARO’s Twitter page, which has remained inactive since July 2022 may be called into question soon.
If legislation in its current form passes in December 2022, the name AARO will be scrapped and replaced with the Unidentified Aerospace-undersea Phenomena Joint Program Office (UAPJPO). And if that occurs, it is quite possible that the Twitter page is deleted or possibly renamed.
The IAA in its current form would also create a core group consisting of representatives from:
The Central Intelligence Agency
The National Security Agency
The Department of Energy
The National Reconnaissance Office
The Air Force
The Space Force
The Defense Intelligence Agency
The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
Department of Homeland Security (new addition)
If enacted in its current form, it will be difficult for any of the above organisations to retain distance from the issue of UAP.
Former AATIP Director, Lue Elizondo, who was confirmed to be advising Space Force on ‘classified topics’, recently told Liberation Times that Space Force does take the issue of UAP very seriously, commenting:
“The men and women at U.S. Space Force are some of the most capable and patriotic individuals I know and let it be known to all that may ask, they are taking the topic of UAPs very seriously and should be commended for their efforts.”
It is understood by Liberation Times (as backed up in recent explanatory language from the Senate) that there has been an exponential increase of UAP activity. With tensions heightened in Taiwan and Ukraine, unknown craft could pose risks, due to misunderstanding, leading to potential hostilities.
As for the U.S. Space Force, its new Chief of Space Operations, General Bradley Chance Saltzman, has now been confirmed by the Senate. And he could be a potential ally for the UAP cause.
Of interest, incoming Space Force Chief Saltzman has served as a Minuteman III launch officer, and at Malmstrom, in addition to being a National Reconnaissance Office satellite operator.
UAPs have reportedly deactivated minuteman nuclear weapons systems according to testimony from veterans, including former Malmstrom Air Force Base nuclear missile launch control officer, Robert Salas.
* Following the release of this article Dean Johnson provided an update regarding UAP legislative progress. Language within the NDAA and IAA has been combined and the Department of Homeland Security has been added to the ‘core group’.
You DO realize that the missile deactivation was found to be caused by a power surge, right? And that missile silos were deliberately designed to automatically deactivate and reactivate when a power surge was detected? And there was NOT "testimony for veterans, Including Robert Salas, Salas was the only one to make the claim. I'll stick with information that hasn't been thoroughly debunked, thank you.
Rep. Mike Turner as Chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence would at least bring an air of familiarity to the proceedings…
“At multiple times during his tenure in Congress, Turner has faced protests from constituents for refusing to host public town hall events […] In both 2008 and 2010 Turner was listed as one of the "most corrupt members of Congress" by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington for "enrichment of self, family, or friends" and "solicitation of gifts" […] In April 2019, Citizens Against Government Waste named Turner the "Porker of the Month" for leading the effort to "spend more taxpayer dollars on the most expensive weapons system in U.S. history", the F-35 program. This designation came in recognition for his continued support for expansion of the program, which had already been in development for 17 years, was seven years behind schedule, and was nearly $200 billion over budget.” [Wikipedia]
Andrew Basiago, J.D., claims that he visited Mars 20 times between 1981 and 1984 through a Jumpgate located in El Segundo, California. He says others, including VIPs such as former CIA Director Admiral Stansfeld Turner, were also sent to the Martian surface through eight jumpgate portals dispersed around the middle latitudes. Basiago says the average daily temperature was around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and the air was similar in oxygen content to an altitude of 11,000 feet on Earth.
Basiago claims that at any one time there were up to 1,500 Americans on Mars surface that were there to maintain a continuous presence, and they had to escape numerous predators. His experiences with Mars predators and other wildlife led to him recognizing some of these animals and vegetation in NASA Rover images. In Basiago’s first paper about Mars dated December 12, 2008, he examines NASA image PIA 10214 and claims a number of creatures are in it which he recognized from his trips there, which include plesiosaurs and water buffalo.
His most controversial claims concern unusual creatures he says can be identified in other Mars Rover and satellite imagery, which includes a scorpion man and gremlins. Basiago refutes criticism that what he witnessed in the Mars images is merely a case of paredolia, especially when it comes to an alleged image of a striding gremlin in what appears to be a small grove of trees. In the subsequent discussion, Dr. Michael Salla proposes a distinction between objects Basiago recognized from his time on Mars, which can be asserted to be corroborating evidence for his overall experiences, to other objects such as gremlins, which may be attributed as paredolia.
Regardless of the more controversial elements of Andrew Basiago’s analyses of Mars Rover and satellite images, his detailed memories of travel to Mars on 20 occasions where he spent significant periods on the Red Planet from 1981 to 1984 have been independently corroborated by several other individuals. These include Brett Stillings, William White Crow and Bernard Mendez who all have publicly confirmed their participation in the Mars Jumpgate program, and the involvement of others such as Barack Obama (aka Barry Soetaro) and Major Ed Dames.
A selection of Andrew Basiago’s papers on Mars can be found here.
Public Testimony by William White Crow supporting Andrew Basiago’s experiences on Mars can be found here.
Public Testimony by Brett Stillings supporting Andrew Basiago’s testimony is available here.
Public Testimony by Bernard Mendez supporting Andrew Basiago’s testimony is available here.
This is the fourth in a series of interviews with Andrew Basiago examining his participation in two teleportation programs, Project Pegasus (1969 to 1972) and Jump Room to Mars (1980 to 1984).
I was looking over this unusual moon map when I decided to focus on the southern area since most photos blur that area out. Here I found that it was clear and unobstructed. De Forest crater looks to be at least 40km long on each of its four walls. I came to that because De Forest is known to be 57 km in diameter, so 40 km is a conservative estimate. The small nuclear device dropped on Cabeus crater base was back in 2009 and I watched it on live cam with my students in class...but there was no explosion, no cloud of dust arose. SCW
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
Cigar Shaped UFO Witnessed Over Watervliet Missouri
Witness records cigar shaped UFO. Video Source MUFON Case # 125599
RELATED VIDEOS ( selected by peter2011)
Four UFO "Orbs" Sighted Over Sacramento, California. September 30, 2022
This sighting was posted to MUFON on October 1, 2022 with the following statement: Sept 30th 2022 -1010 pm
Sacramento California Driving Mid 70s weather First headed towards the freeway, than hovered for a bit than traveling east. Full sighting lasted about 3 or 4 mins Video taped about half way through.. Couldn't pull over on semi busy highway 80 Sound was not applicable due to driving and wind Crazy ufo sighting about 20 mins ago. "Around 10:10pm, first it was two lights..perfectly spaced between each other..kinda tilted one belowthe other..than they seem to swivel and a third light "popped" on...i drove for another 5 seconds and that was when i realized i should record this .. .so the video isn't perfect, than a 3rd light just popped on, than a 4th light popped up. I wishi could have pulled over. I took the next exit, but lost site of the lights. It's just crazy that they popped on. I was on highway 80, on the "causeway" these where over the rice fields, I was driving east into west Sacramento... it was crazy."
Scientist talks about cattle being marked by UFO before mutilation
Scientist talks about cattle being marked by UFO before mutilation
During the 1970s, several small-scale cattle ranchers in the Midwest reported that their animals had been mutilated. The incident was often dismissed as a sensationalized report, but it highlighted the growing frustration of the ranchers with the government’s restrictions and intrusiveness.
The incident highlighted the growing frustration of the ranchers with the government’s restrictions and intrusiveness. They blamed the government for the incident and expressed their anger through their actions. The economic conditions during that period also contributed to the development of the mutilation phenomenon.
The growing frustration of the ranchers with the government also contributed to the development of the mutilation phenomenon. It was the impetus for various uprisings, such as the Sagebrush Rebellion. The incident highlighted the significant effects of the 1960s’ libertarian movement, which gained popularity in the Midwest and West.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Two Interesting Cases from the MUFON Case Management System Currently being Investigated
Two Interesting Cases from the MUFON Case Management System Currently being Investigated
By Bob Spearing
Case # 123176 took place in Singapore on June 26,2022. The witness submitted an intriguing photograph showing an elongated diamond shaped red pillar of light in the night sky.
Singapore is an island, a city and a country in Asia bordering Malaysia at the edge of the Pacific Ocean. Itis a highly industrialized city with Air Force Bases, Commercial Airports and a variety of industrial complexes all crammed onto the tiny island. MUFON had seen this type of phenomenon before. It looked very similar to the flame usually associated with an oil refinery burning off excess gas at refineries. The logical thing to do was to check if any oil refineries were within a reasonable distance of the witness. Our investigation showed that Jurong Island, 15 miles southeast of the witness housed a massive EXXON Oil Refinery. The witness stated he was looking east.
Case # 123176 is being closed as an IFO (Identified Flying Object - actually a man-made phenomenon).
However, things get more intriguing in the African Country of Mauritius where a witness in Case #120103 on January 1, 2022 submitted an extraordinary narrative to MUFON.
Mauritius is an island country in East Africa in the Indian Ocean near Madagascar and Reunion Islandwhich is a hotbed of UFO activity. The case is being investigated by our National Director there Johnathan Hague. The witness narrative is as follows:
“The first time I saw it, it was about 100m with light. The next day I saw it again, I was scared but I approached it. It was landed near foot of the mountain. I runaway to my home. The third time was after two days. Again, it landed but this time I approach the maximum I can but hiding also. The thing that Itook attention was I saw symbol of triangle and circle. When I made all around the object, I saw two window glass. It was something like dark glass, then I saw two things like humanoid. They were lonwith big head like helmet of cyclist. After that I felt like I was unconscious. When I wake up, they were gone. After maybe 3 months, I saw them again. Some people who have cattle, said that 4 or 5 animals are missing.”
What the reader should note is that cyclist helmeted beings are quite common in UFO reports. A cattle mutilation in the middle of the Indian Ocean is extremely rare. But more reports of logos of triangles within circles are widely documented.
In the first of two correlating reports, the first from Renton Washington in 2005, 2 short grotesque entities with lightbulb shaped heads and slits for mouths abduct a woman. They are no taller than 5 feet with very long arms and only 4 fingers. They are wearing blue grey metallic uniforms and had an insignia on their chest of an isosceles triangle in a white circle.
At Mount Pleasant, Michigan on March 8, 2015, the witness awoke sensing someone was in his house and spied two small beings. He is levitated through his wall to a star. In a sort of pseudo-sexual abduction, the witness awakes next to an entity. The entity named ZETA informs him he has made a child for the future of Earth. ZETA was wearing a shiny spandex outfit with a triangle and circle insignia on it. What that symbol means is still not understood. When several reports of similar symbols and insignia are found in the UFO literature, it creates a basis for a pattern even if these reports are years apart and thousands of miles away from each other. With the advent Artificial Intelligence at our doorstep, perhaps the near future will provide MUFON and other researchers with the tools to finally analyze these patterns in a meaningful way. John Keel would be pleased! He had the right idea but was decades too early to see it come to fruition.
How Does NASA Plan to Keep Samples From Mars Safe From Contamination (and Contaminating) Earth?
How Does NASA Plan to Keep Samples From Mars Safe From Contamination (and Contaminating) Earth?
NASA’s Mars Sample Return Mission is inching closer and closer. The overall mission architecture just hit a new milestone when Perseverance collected the first sample that will be sent back. But what happens once that sample actually gets here? NASA and its partner, ESA, are still working on that, but recently they released a fact sheet that covers what will happen during the first stage of that process – returning to the ground.
That return will take place in the middle of the desert in the western US, in an area called the Utah Test and Training Range (UTTR). While this may seem like an obscure place to land such an important mission, it does have several things going for it.
First, it’s in the continental US. That gives it relatively easy access to advanced laboratory equipment available throughout the country. NASA is the most likely candidate to be able to marshal all the resources necessary to quarantine the sample to keep it separate from the wider Earth environment, which would help eliminate the (admittedly unlikely) event of a Martian superbug getting on the loose.
UT video describing the MSR mission.
Secure containment is one of the reasons the agency is foregoing a water landing. Doing so would lessen the impact on the samples, but it also would have a slight chance that the capsule could sink into the ocean and the tiny bits of Mars within it could be lost to the sea. Avoiding that would be nice, so it’s better to land on land.
But that land has to be isolated, another advantage of the UTTR. Not only is it not near any roads, but it is also already restricted air space, as it is the site of plenty of rocket and plane testing. Being isolated also means that the capsule is less likely to impact anything important if something goes wrong with the trajectory.
That will be particularly important given the method of landing selected for the MSR capsule. It’s going to fall to the ground using only aero-braking – no parachute required. Therefore, it will be going significantly faster than the typical parachute-assisted capsule returns. But, according to NASA’s calculations, the samples and their containers should survive the impact. Not using a parachute will massively simplify the capsule’s design and lessen its weight, both of which are essential factors considering the capsule itself has to return from Mars.
A test capsule from NASA also makes a nice dent in the landscape. Credit – NASA
Even so, the impact itself is going to make a nice dent in the landscape. NASA has already begun performing testing using a mock-up of the MSR’s sample return capsule. Doing so has created a series of 1.3-meter-wide craters in the landscape and ejected material 15 meters away from the crater.
Assuming the samples and capsule do survive, the next step would be safely transporting them to a laboratory where they can be properly studied. That is, after all, the whole purpose of the Mars Sample Return mission. So far, that part of the program hasn’t been defined yet, but knowing that the samples will end up in the middle of the Utah desert is at least a place to start.
Something Strange Is Happening In Space! - Jason A Must Video
Something Strange Is Happening In Space! - Jason A Must Video
I find it interesting how JWST was supposed to “see into the early universe” by looking farther than any other telescope. We got the first couple of images of deep space and apparently they didn’t see what they expected to see. Now they are looking at planets, galaxies and nebula that are not in deep space. There is a lot of deep space to look at and it seems like they are afraid of what else they may find.
I don’t believe they can see out that far…. we have been lied to for time and memoriam!
Orb Fleet Over Sacramento, California Sept 30, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Orb Fleet Over Sacramento, California Sept 30, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Sept 30, 2022
Location of sighting: Sacramento, California, USA
This eyewitness was driving along the freeway when then noticed three UFOs which broke into four and flew along side the freeway for about 20 minutes. The driver wanted to stop, but said there was no place safe to pull alongside. California and aliens...we all knew they lived there.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
Oct 30th 2022 1010 pm Sacramento California Driving Mid 70s weather First headed towards the freeway, than hovered for a bit than traveling east. Full sighting lasted about 3 or 4 mins Video taped about half way through.. Couldn't pull over on semi busy highway 80 Sound was not applicable due to driving and wind Crazy ufo sighting about 20 mins ag0. around 10:10pm, first it was two lights..perfectly spaced between each other..kinda tilted one belowthe other..than they seem to swivel and a third light "popped" on...i drove for another 5 seconds and that was when i realized i should record this .. .so the video isn't perfect, than a 3rd light just popped on, than a 4th light popped up. I wishi could have pulled over. I took the next exit, but lost site of the lights. It's just crazy that they popped on. I was on highway 80, on the "causeway" these where over the rice fields, I was driving east into west Sacramento... it was crazy. So 1st video is screen recording of original video..but up close.. 2nd video is original video, unfortunately with cars behind me lights in rear view mirror
Sacramento, California UFO Sighting: 4 UFOs headed east direction 2022
Sacramento, California UFO Sighting: 4 UFOs headed east direction 2022
These bright unidentified flying object was seen and recorded in the night sky above Sacramento, California on 30th September 2022.
Witness report:
First headed towards the freeway, than hovered for a bit than traveling east. Full sighting lasted about 3 or 4 mins. Video taped about half way through.. Couldn’t pull over on semi busy highway 80. Sound was not applicable due to driving and wind. Crazy ufo sighting about 20 mins ag0. around 10:10pm, first it was two lights..perfectly spaced between each other..kinda tilted one belowthe other..than they seem to swivel and a third light “popped” on…i drove for another 5 seconds and that was when i realized i should record this .. so the video isn’t perfect, than a 3rd light just popped on, than a 4th light popped up. I wishi could have pulled over. I took the next exit, but lost site of the lights. It’s just crazy that they popped on. I was on highway 80, on the “causeway” these where over the rice fields, I was driving east into west Sacramento… it was crazy.
Two “Super Mercury” Exoplanets Found in a Single System
Two “Super Mercury” Exoplanets Found in a Single System
There’s a star system out there with three super-Earth planets and two super-Mercuries. Super-Earths are fairly familiar types of exoplanets, but super-Mercuries are rare. Those are planets with the same composition as our own Mercury, but larger and denser. Yet, here’s HD 23472, showing off two of eight known super-Mercuries in the galaxy.
A team of researchers at the Instituto de Astrofisica e Ciencias do Espaco in Portugal discovered these two dense inner planets. Their study is focused on small exoplanets and their compositions, and how position, temperature, and the properties of their stars affect them. The team chose HD 23472 as a candidate to study exoplanets and the transition between having or not having an atmosphere. It could be related to the evaporation of an atmosphere by irradiation from the parent star.
The discovery of two super-Mercuries in the system was unexpected, according to team leader Susana Barros. “The team found that this system is composed of three super-Earths with a significant atmosphere and surprisingly, two Super-Mercuries, which are the closest planets to the star,” she said.
This artist’s concept shows a five-exoplanet system similar to the one being studied. At HD 23472, however, there are two Super-Mercuries orbiting the star. Courtesy NASA Ames/Kepler/K2 Mission.
What’s a Super-Mercury and Why so Rare?
To get a handle on these rare planets, take a look at our own Mercury. It orbits closest to the Sun. So do these two planets. Structurally, it’s quite dense, as these super-Mercuries are. What we don’t know is their internal structure. If they’re like our Mercury, then they should each have a molten inner core as it does. In our Mercury, that core is surrounded by a solid iron sulfide outer core. A relatively thin crust made of silicate rocks lies at the top. Mercury also has a magnetic field. The temperature on its surface ranges up to 700 K (427 C), although the poles remain out of the sunlight and very cold.
Basically, it’s a small overheated planet. And, Mercury has no atmosphere but does have an “exosphere”. That’s a thin sheath of atoms of hydrogen, helium, oxygen, calcium, and others. It doesn’t hang around long and gets carried off by the solar wind, which also feeds the exosphere. Atoms of other elements come from the surface or are delivered by cometary impacts (in the case of water vapor).
Mercury’s desiccated, overheated appearance is due to its proximity to the Sun. It might have had a more substantial mantle and crust early in its history. But, that likely got blasted off by impacts. Mercury is a rarity even in our own solar system. And, scientists didn’t expect to see many of them around other stars. Yet, they’re out there. Do they have similar interior characteristics to our own Mercury? And, could their histories be similar? Those questions remain to be answered.
How Do Super-Mercuries Form? It’s Still an Open Question
Barros’s team’s discovery of two super-Mercuries has some promising areas of research—and some puzzles. “For the first time we have discovered a system with two super-mercuries,” she said. “This allows us to obtain clues about how these planets were formed, which could help us exclude some possibilities. For example, if an impact large enough to create a Super-Mercury is already very unlikely, two giant impacts in the same system seem very improbable. We still don’t know how these planets are formed but it appears to be connected to the composition of the parent star. This new system can help us find out”.
All planets form in the clouds of gas and dust that orbit their newborn parent stars. Planet formation is a complex process, and each system has its own quirks and idiosyncrasies. Some of those quirks come from the composition of the parent star; others from the chemical composition and structure of the protoplanetary disk—the birth crêche—of the planets. It’s important to know more about how planets grow from tiny seeds to finished worlds within those clouds. Finally, scientists have to take into account interactions between planets in a forming system.
Team member Olivier Demangeon explained that understanding how two Super-Mercuries could form in the standard planet-crêche environment also requires more information about the composition of the finished worlds. “As these planets have radii smaller than the Earth, current instrumentation does not have the sensitivity to probe the composition of their surface or the existence and composition of a potential atmosphere,” he said. There’s still a great deal of information to gather about this system, including the birth stories of its two Super-Mercuries.
A Census of HD 23472
Here’s what the team does know. Of the five planets in the HD 23472 system, three have masses smaller than the Earth. These are among the lightest exoplanets whose masses were measured using the radial velocity method. That measurement was only possible due to the very high precision of the ESPRESSO instrument. That stands for Echelle Spectrograph for Rocky Exoplanets and Stable Spectroscopic Observations), installed in ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT), in Chile. The presence of not one, but two super-mercuries in its data, left the team wanting to go further.
In the meantime, big questions remain: did the Super-Mercuries form in much the same way that our Mercury did? If so, what are the chances of multiple giant impacts transforming these worlds at HD 23472? Will exoplanet hunters find more of them out there?
The team hopes eventually to use the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) and its first-generation high-resolution spectrograph to make the observations. Both instruments will have the sensitivity and precision to help characterize the composition of planets like those orbiting HD 23472.
NASA's Dragonfly Helicopter Will be Exploring This Region of Titan
NASA's Dragonfly Helicopter Will be Exploring This Region of Titan
In June 2027, NASA will launch the long-awaited Dragonfly missiontoward Saturn’s largest moon,Titan. By 2034, the 450 kg (990-lbs) nuclear-powered quadcopter will touch down at its target landing site (the Selk crater region) and begin searching Titan’s surface and atmosphere to learn more about this curious satellite. In particular, the mission will investigate the moon’s prebiotic chemistry, active methane cycle, and organic environment. These goals underpin Dragonfly’s main objective, which is to search for possible signs of life (aka. “biosignatures”) on Titan.
For years, scientists have speculated if life could exist on Titan since it appears to possess all the necessary ingredients (though not for life as we know it). This curiosity has only deepened since the Cassini–Huygensmission, which spent thirteen years exploring Saturn and its system of moons (from 2004 and 2017). Recently, a team of Cornell researchers combined and analyzed radar images taken by Cassini to determine the properties of the surface. The result is a detailed map of the Dragonfly‘s landing site, revealing a landscape of sand dunes and broken-up icy ground.
Bonnefoy was part of the research group led by Alex Hayes, an associate professor of astronomy and the Director of the Spacecraft Planetary Image Facility, which specializes in identifying and characterizing potentially habitable environments across the Solar System. Their work has included data from the Cassini orbiter, the Perseverance, Curiosity, Spirit, and Opportunity rovers, and the upcoming Europa Clipper mission. As Bonnefoy explained in a recent Cornell Chronicle release, Dragonfly will be investigating one of the most promising environments to date:
“Dragonfly – the first flying machine for a world in the outer Solar System – is going to a scientifically remarkable area. Dragonfly will land in an equatorial, dry region of Titan – a frigid, thick-atmosphere, hydrocarbon world. It rains liquid methane sometimes, but it is more like a desert on Earth – where you have dunes, some little mountains and an impact crater.
“We’re looking closely at the landing site, its structure and surface. To do that, we’re examining radar images from the Cassini-Huygens mission, looking at how radar signal changes from different viewing angles. “The radar images we have of Titan through Cassini have a best-resolution of about 300 meters per pixel, about the size of a football field and we have only seen less than 10% of the surface at that scale. This means there are probably a lot of small rivers and landscapes that we couldn’t see.”
During its many orbits of Saturn, the Cassini orbiter took multiple radar images of Titan and its many larger moons. On Christmas Day, 2004, the orbiter released its partner mission – the Huygens lander – which began its descent into Titan’s dense atmosphere on January 14th. During its two-hour descent, the lander gathered data on Titan’s atmosphere to determine what aerosols and chemicals are present (and in what amounts). It also returned pictures of the surface that showed river valleys not visible in the orbiter’s radar images.
For their study, Bonnefoy and the group used radar reflectivity from the Cassini images and angled shadows to map six terrains in the Selk crater, characterizing the landscape and gauging the height of its rim. Knowing the crater’s shape will provide insight into the region’s geology and help mission planners identify scientific objectives for the Dragonfly mission. Titan’s rich prebiotic environment contains organic compounds in its atmosphere and on its surface, where they resemble sand and form dune-like features.
Titan’s dense atmosphere, which is largely composed of nitrogen (around 95%), methane (~5%), and other hydrocarbons, is about four times as dense as Earth’s atmosphere. Combined with Titan’s low gravity (13.8% that of Earth), this will enable Dragonfly to remain airborne and perform like a drone, researching Titan’s atmosphere, surface, and methane lakes to learn more about the planet’s composition and its potential to support life. Said Bonnefoy:
“Over the next several years, we are going to see a lot of attention paid to the Selk crater region. Lea’s work provides a solid foundation upon which to start building models and making predictions for Dragonfly to test when it explores the area in the mid-2030s. Dragonfly is going to finally show us what the region – and Titan – looks like.”
Since Titan’s environment today is believed to be similar to primordial Earth, the data obtained by Dragonfly could help scientists learn more about how life emerged on Earth. There’s also the prospect that life emerged on Titan and is still there today, most likely in microbial form. The discovery and study of these potential lifeforms could shed light on how and where life emerged in the Solar System, not to mention how the building blocks might have been distributed billions of years ago (aka. lithopanspermia).
A Dwarf Galaxy Passed Close to the Milky Way and Left Ripples in its Wake
A Dwarf Galaxy Passed Close to the Milky Way and Left Ripples in its Wake
When you imagine the collision of galaxies, you probably think of something violent and transformational. Spiral arms ripped apart, stars colliding, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria. The reality is much less dramatic. As a recent study shows, our galaxy is in a collision right now.
Although the big collision between the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy is still yet to come, our galaxy has undergone galactic collisions in the past. The most well-understood collision is that between the Milky Way and the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy. This small galaxy first impacted the Milky Way about 6 billion years ago and may have triggered the star-forming period that produced our Sun.
History of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy collision. Credit: ESA
But collisions on a galactic scale are slow and tedious. Over billions of years, the core of the Sagittarius galaxy has struck the Milky Way a few times as it is gradually ripped apart. It can now be seen as arcs of stars encircling our galaxy. It stands to reason that such an ancient collision is long over, but this recent study shows it still has ripple effects on the Milky Way. Literally.
The team used data from the Gaia spacecraft and looked at the motion of stars near the outer edge of the Milky Way. The velocities of these stars showed a rippled distribution of motion, created by Sagittarius the way a dropped stone might trigger ripples on a pond. Overall the stars at the outer edge of the Milky Way are not in gravitational equilibrium, which is a fancy way of saying our galaxy is still feeling the effects of the collision.
The team was surprised by the level of detail the Gaia data provided. By measuring the positions of more than two billion stars, and the motions of more than 30 million, Gaia has given the team a kind of galactic seismology that can be used to trace the dynamic history and evolution of the Milky Way.
Galactic collisions are dramatic on cosmic scales. They are a central process of galactic evolution that can trigger star formation, black hole mergers, and the formation of large elliptical galaxies. But as this latest work shows, on a human scale, it’s all just another day for life on Earth.
McMillan, Paul J., et al. “The disturbed outer Milky Way disc.” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516.4 (2022): 4988–5002.
Ring of lights over Post Falls, Idaho Sept 24, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Ring of lights over Post Falls, Idaho Sept 24, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Sept 24, 2022
Location of sighting: Post Falls, Idaho, USA
Watch as a football game in Post Falls ends and people head out to the parking lot when one person noticed some strange lights in the sky. The lights were lined up and a few of them were huge. So huge that it was the size of a city bus. Some may say oh...its Starlink, but hell no! It's not, these are huge glowing lights in the sky, they are not moving forward, but sitting there in the same exact position. Starlink would move forward in a straight line. This doesn't move forward but holds position. This is 100% proof of UFOs over Idaho.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
Set of 14 lights in a large circle slowly spinning at about a 30 degree angle.
Black Oval Craft Over Leeds, Alabama On Sept 22, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Black Oval Craft Over Leeds, Alabama On Sept 22, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Sept 22, 2022
Location of sighting: Leeds, Alabama, USA
This awesome sighting of a dark UFO was recorded earlier this week but reported today. The UFO was seen over the local Walmart and moved slowly across the sky. The object looks to be as big as a 747, but this is no typical aircraft because there are no aircraft lights. This is a rare and detailed video of a real UFO over Alabama.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
I was sitting in my car in the Walmart parking lot finishing up a smoke listening to a great song. I had my windows open and hear a whirl faint at first, grew louder. I didn’t know where it was coming from. Sounded like all around. For some reason I looked up straight at it. I knew what it was immediately. I started videoing with my cell phone while in the car but wasn’t happy with the clarity. I got out and it was pretty clear and you could really hear the whirling and hum.i looked around to see if anyone else was watching it, no one was so I turned back and it was gone. And so was the sound it was making. I put my smoke out and went inside the store.
Orbs Over Trees Near Cliffs, Teignmouth, UK 6-16-2022 Video, UFO Sighting News.
Orbs Over Trees Near Cliffs, Teignmouth, UK 6-16-2022 Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: 6-16-2022
Location of sighting: Teignmouth, Devon, UK
This just in. An eyewitness just reported two UFO orbs they saw while fishing at the mouth of the Estuary facing the sea in the UK. The lights came within 500 feet of the eyewitnesses and pulsated with different colors. They moved from the cliffs to the sea...only to disappear out in the ocean. I believe they dived below the surface to return to an underwater base off the ocean side of Teignmouth.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
Me and a friend were fishing in the evening on June 16th, in Teignmouth just on the mouth of the estuary facing out at sea, when we both Spotted some bright lights in the sky that looked about 500 ft away from us. They made no sound at all. They were pulsating different colours and hovering through the air very slowly. They moved from the cliff side near the trees, south facing towards the pier side south east facing. The lights were reflecting off the sea water and the 2 orb like objects started to separate and move closer towards each other. It lasted about 2-3 minutes and soon both objects disappeared into the dark.
Disk-shaped alien craft at the bottom of a crater on Pluto?
Disk-shaped alien craft at the bottom of a crater on Pluto?
A high-resolution image of Pluto taken in 2015 by New Horizons Long-Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) in “ride-along” mode with the LEISA spectrometer shows a region called 'the dark, forbidding region informally known as Cthulhu Regio, and the mysterious, possibly cryovolcanic edifice Wright Mons.'
Among the many notable details, is a saucer-shaped object with on top a cylindrical tube located at the bottom of a crater.
It doesn't appear to have formed naturally, suggesting that the circular object could be the top of an extraterrestrial base built inside the crater or... maybe it's a parked disk-shaped alien craft?
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
Congress claims that aliens are responsible for UFOs
Congress claims that aliens are responsible for UFOs
Clear and precise definitions are crucial in Congress, where legislation is produced, discussed, and passed. Recently, politicians dramatically changed the definition of “UFO” in response to military aircrews encountering UFOs more frequently. The provocative suggestion that certain UFOs may not have human origins is crucial among them.
A draft law overwhelmingly passed by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence renames UFOs as “unidentified aerospace-undersea phenomena,” as was initially reported by researcher Douglas Johnson. The scope of a powerful new office charged by Congress with examining UFOs is dramatically widened by expanding the term to encompass objects in space and beneath the oceans.
According to MPs, “transmedium” objects that “transition among space and the atmosphere, or between the atmosphere and waterbodies,” are now included in the amended definition of “UFO.”
Members of a significant body focusing on national security say that unidentified objects are showing astonishingly high technology by flitting between space, air, and water. The “transmedium dangers to U. S. national security are rising rapidly,” according to a study that accompanies the legislation.
It is difficult to accept that legislators would incorporate such remarkable language in public legislation absent strong justification. Members may have access to the top-secret sensor data that led the former director of national intelligence for President Trump to claim that UFOs use “technology that we don’t have and that we are not able to fight against.”
Most startlingly, “man-made” objects are not included in Congress’s revised definition of “UFO.”
Most UFO reports during the past seven decades have involved “man-made” items, including mistaken planes, balloons, satellites, or drones. However, “man-made” objects “should not be classified under the category as unexplained aerospace-undersea phenomena,” according to Congress.
Additionally, according to a legislative instruction, any objects the new UFO office identifies “as man-made” will be sent to the proper offices of the [Department of Defense and Intelligence Community] for additional investigation.
In other words, Congress is pressuring the government to concentrate on things that aren’t “man-made.”
Assume that the new UFO office spots a cutting-edge drone operating in a restricted area of the sky. According to the proposed legislation, the UFO office must immediately cease its investigation and turn the matter over to another government agency, regardless of whether the drone is Chinese, Russian, or from anywhere else.
This shows that there is a unanimity and bipartisan agreement among members of the Senate Intelligence Committee that certain UFOs are not made by humans. After all, Congress would not have established and given authority to a powerful new office to investigate non-“man-made” UFOs.
Make no mistake, the suggestion that UFOs may not have originated from humans by a part of the American government is a dangerous development.
Additionally, it is a part of a striking shift in government perceptions about UFOs.
Many high-ranking government officials thought that UFOs originated from “interplanetary” systems in the late 1940s and early 1950s. However, a string of inexplicable meetings in the summer of 1952 gave rise to concerns about Cold War national security among the military and intelligence services. As a response, the American government launched a drive to “debunk” and refute all UFO reports, regardless of how reliable they were. Officials ridiculed any claims that UFOs originated from other planets for many years.
NASA administrator Bill Nelson has asserted in conversations and interviews that UFOs seen by military aircrews in recent years may have extraterrestrial origins.
Avril Haines, director of national intelligence and America’s top spy, has not ruled out the possibility that UFOs had alien origins, despite the fact that Top Gun-trained pilots continue to believe they saw things that were “not of this world.”
In addition, when asked about UFOs, former President Clinton automatically brings up the high probability of extraterrestrial life existing in the cosmos. When questioned about recent military UFO sightings, former President Obama freely hypothesized about contact with alien species.
When the issue of “UFOs” was brought up, both Clinton and Obama assumed a somber, matter-of-fact approach after the normal chuckles and smirks subsided. A television audience was chastised by Clinton in particular for laughing when a broadcaster quizzed him on UFOs. It is noteworthy that previous presidents still receive the most exclusive intelligence briefings from the government.
Unsurprisingly, this amazing change in perceptions about UFOs is encouraging a more extensive and in-depth study of the topic.
For instance, political journalist and comedian Bill Maher recently proposed the theory that UFOs deliberately make themselves known to military pilots.
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He could have a point. The well-known 2015 UFO contact off the U.S. East Coast’s geometrically rebuilt flight path shows that the object reacted when a Navy fighter jet tried to sneak up behind it. The movement of the item was significant since it suggested curiosity about the aircrew instead of animosity, who finally “flew right up to the thing.”
A UFO connected to the now-famous 2004 “Tic Tac” episodes showed up on radar precisely where a meeting point that was only known to a select number of pilots and radar operators was located. Ten years later, a UFO was hovering at the precise position and height of the entrance to a military training range when two fighter aircraft almost crashed with it.
To Maher’s point, some UFOs seem to maneuver and position themselves in a way that alerts adjacent military aircrews to their existence.
This conduct is particularly noteworthy given that Congress has openly suggested that UFOs have extraterrestrial origins.
This UFO sighting video was filmed in the sky above Teignmouth, a seaside town, fishing port and civil parish in the English county of Devon on 16th June 2022.
Witness report:
Me and a friend were fishing in the evening on June 16th, in Teignmouth just on the mouth of the estuary facing out at sea, when we both Spotted some bright lights in the sky that looked about 500 ft away from us. They made no sound at all. They were pulsating different colours and hovering through the air very slowly. They moved from the cliff side near the trees, south facing towards the pier side south east facing. The lights were reflecting off the sea water and the 2 orb like objects started to separate and move closer towards each other. It lasted about 2-3 minutes and soon both objects disappeared into the dark.
The Moon was Pummeled by Asteroids at the Same Time the Dinosaurs Died. Coincidence?
The Moon was Pummeled by Asteroids at the Same Time the Dinosaurs Died. Coincidence?
It only takes a quick look at the Moon to see its impact-beaten surface. There are craters everywhere. Some of those impact sites apparently date back to the same time some very large asteroids were whacking Earth. One of them formed Chixculub Crater under the Yucatan Peninsula. That impact set in motion catastrophic events that wiped out much of life on Earth,including the dinosaurs.
Did some of the craters on the Moon form from the same asteroid swarm that impacted Earth and precipitated the demise of the dinosaurs? Chang’e 5 samples from specific craters on the Moon seem to show that this could well have happened.
That’s the conclusion a group of Australian scientists came to after studying glass beads from the Moon. They outlined their findings in a paper about the science they performed on samples picked up from the Moon by the Chang’e 5 Lunar mission. The beads were created by the heat and pressure caused by meteoritic impacts on the Moon. The lead author of the paper, Professor Alexander Nemchin, from Curtin University’s Space Science and Technology Centre (SSTC) in the School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, said the findings imply that the timing and frequency of asteroid impacts on the Moon may have been mirrored on Earth. If so then the find tells us more about the history of the evolution of our own planet.
“We combined a wide range of microscopic analytical techniques, numerical modeling, and geological surveys to determine how these microscopic glass beads from the Moon were formed and when,” Professor Nemchin said. “We found that some of the age groups of the lunar glass beads coincide precisely with the ages of some of the largest terrestrial impact crater events, including the Chicxulub impact crater responsible for the dinosaur extinction event.”
Glass beads collected by the Chang’e 5 mission date back some 66 million years and could have formed from impacts. Courtesy Beijing SHRIMP Center, Institute of Geology, CAGS
Looking at the Earth/Moon Asteroid Bombardment Coincidence
The team looked at the idea that large impacts, such as the Chixculub event, were accompanied by smaller impacts. The event that led to Chixculub’s formation happened about 66 million years ago. If the “big one” aimed at Chixculub had company, then it’s a good idea to look at the Moon, too. The ages and frequencies of impacts on the Moon around the same time might give clues to bombardments on Earth and the other inner solar system planets.
The death of the dinosaurs is one of the most fascinating stories to spring from Earth’s ancient geological history. The story goes (and there’s geological evidence to back it up) that an impact was certainly part of the story. Some 65 million years ago, Earth was basking in the Cretaceous period. Dinosaurs had been roaming the planet for about 165 million years. They still reigned across the globe along with some of the earliest mammals and other forms of life. However, the number of dinosaur species was starting to shrink. At the same time, some pretty severe volcanic eruptions were affecting Earth’s atmosphere and surface.
That Asteroid Likely Had Company
The asteroid that set off the extinction, not just of dinosaurs, but other species, left behind evidence. It’s in the form of a layer of iridium in geological strata around the world. That layer dates back to around 66 million years ago. Asteroids are rich in iridium. Finding it provided “smoking gun” evidence something from space helped hasten the demise of 75 percent of life on Earth way back then. At the same time the Chicxulub impactor hit, something excavated several other craters around the planet. This suggests that multiple impactors—possibly from the same parent asteroid—smacked into Earth, too. So, it’s not a big leap to find evidence of impacts on the Moon from objects in the same asteroid swarm.
Co-author Associate Professor Katarina Miljkovic, also from Curtin’s SSTC, said future comparative studies of the lunar samples could also add to our store of knowledge about the Moon’s geological history. “The next step would be to compare the data gleaned from these Chang’e-5 samples with other lunar soils and crater ages to be able to uncover other significant Moon-wide impact events which might, in turn, reveal new evidence about what impacts may have affected life on Earth,” she said.
So, the death of the dinosaurs and the mysterious glass beads are likely related. They both speak to a larger bombardment event that involved both Earth and the Moon.
A Computer Algorithm is 88% Accurate in Finding Gravitational Lenses
A Computer Algorithm is 88% Accurate in Finding Gravitational Lenses
Astronomers have been assessing a new machine learning algorithm to determine how reliable it is for finding gravitational lenses hidden in images from all sky surveys. This type of AI was used to find about 5,000 potential gravitational lenses, which needed to be confirmed. Using spectroscopy for confirmation, the international team has now determined the technique has a whopping 88% success rate, which means this new tool could be used to find thousands more of these magical quirks of physics.
“These lenses are very small so if you have fuzzy images, you’re not going to really be able to detect them,” said Dr. Kim-Vy Tran, from the ARC Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3-Dimensions (ASTRO3D) and the University of NSW (UNSW), who led the study. “Our spectroscopy allowed us to map a 3D picture of the gravitational lenses to show they are genuine and not merely chance superposition.”
Pictures of gravitational lenses from the AGEL survey. The pictures are centred on the foreground galaxy and include the object name. Each panel includes the confirmed distance to the foreground galaxy (zdef) and distant background galaxy (zsrc).Credit: ARC Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3-Dimensions (ASTRO3D) and the University of NSW (UNSW).
Scientists say that gravitational lenses could transform our ability to chart the evolution of galaxies since the Big Bang. This type of lensing occurs when light from a distant object is distorted by a closer massive object along the same line of sight. This distortion effectively creates a giant lens which magnifies the background light source, allowing astronomers to observe objects embedded within those lens-created arcs and rings that are otherwise be too far and too dim to see.
Gravitational lenses are a great tool for astronomy. Not only do gravitational lenses reveal distant objects like galaxies, but it can also provide information about how far away these galaxies are. Additionally, analyzing the nature of gravitational lensing patterns tells astronomers about the way dark matter is distributed within galaxies. It also provides a way to investigate both the development of structure in the universe and the expansion of the universe.
Tran and colleagues assessed 77 of the 5,000 candidate lenses using the Keck Observatory in Hawai’i and Very Large Telescope in Chile. They confirmed that 68 out of the 77 are strong gravitational lenses spanning vast cosmic distances. This suggests that the algorithm is reliable enough to find thousands of new gravitational lenses. To date, gravitational lenses have been hard to find and only about a hundred are routinely used.
“Never did we dream that the success rate would be so high,” said professor Karl Glazebrook from Swinburne, and co-Science Lead on the paper, in a press release. “Now we are getting images of these lenses with the Hubble Space Telescope, they range from jaw-droopingly beautiful to extremely strange images that will take us considerable effort to figure out.”
The work is part of the ASTRO 3D Galaxy Evolution with Lenses (AGEL) survey. Tran said their goal now with AGEL is to spectroscopically confirm around 100 strong gravitational lenses that can be observed from both the northern and southern hemispheres throughout the year.
UFO Chases Thunderbirds at Skyfest Airshow at Fairchild AFB, May 15, 2022, Video, Washington, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Chases Thunderbirds at Skyfest Airshow at Fairchild AFB, May 15, 2022, Video, Washington, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: May 15, 2022
Location of sighting: Fairchild AFB, Washington, USA
Watch this fantastic recording of a UFO that not only noticed some Thunderbird jets performing for the audience below, but also decided to participate itself and show how much faster these UFOs are compared to the jets. The UFO is seen flying towards the jets from the distance and then it flys alongside them, only to suddenly pass them and move out ahead of them. I am sure the pilots must have seen this object shooting around. Its impossible for a pilot not to notice something like this shooting around them. The alien pilot of this UFO clearly does have an ego and was catering to it today.
Micro ET Drone Caught While Flying Drone Over Area In UK, Sept 9, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Micro ET Drone Caught While Flying Drone Over Area In UK, Sept 9, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Sept 9, 2022 Location of sighting: UK
Watch this drone footage as it catches a micro UFO shooting below it. The UFO is small, however size matters little when alien tech is involved. Alien drones can be any size, even so small they can swim in a persons bloodstream. Anyone who doubts such things clearly is new in the area of UFO research. This is rare and fantastic proof that aliens are highly interested in all flying tech...even our drones.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
This is a remote place in the Lake District as there was me & one other person there flying drones, at that time I was the only one flying a Drone so you can rule out that it was not a drone flying passed. I can say that it looked like a metal type of material with sharp edges as you can see in the video. Filmed this with my Mavic Air 2 Drone. Filmed & edited by Exploring with Eden Valley Drones. Drone & landscape photography filmed in the UK.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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Rep. Mike Turner as Chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence would at least bring an air of familiarity to the proceedings…
“At multiple times during his tenure in Congress, Turner has faced protests from constituents for refusing to host public town hall events […] In both 2008 and 2010 Turner was listed as one of the "most corrupt members of Congress" by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington for "enrichment of self, family, or friends" and "solicitation of gifts" […] In April 2019, Citizens Against Government Waste named Turner the "Porker of the Month" for leading the effort to "spend more taxpayer dollars on the most expensive weapons system in U.S. history", the F-35 program. This designation came in recognition for his continued support for expansion of the program, which had already been in development for 17 years, was seven years behind schedule, and was nearly $200 billion over budget.”