The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Edgar Fouche - Disclosing Secret Technologies
Edgar Fouche - Disclosing Secret Technologies
Over the last few weeks, I have been in contact with Edgar Fouche and he kindly offered to do a series of video interviews over "Oovoo" (like Skype but it allows easier video recording). I must've recorded about 4 or 5 hours with Ed and I have broken down the sessions into 10-20 minute segments. Feel free to read on below, and share these links as you wish.
I have a few more parts to post yet, and may even record 1 or 2 more segments with Ed and post those in due course - whence I will send round additional inks.
Please view the parts in order to get the full story!
I first came across Edgar Fouche in 1999 – speaking in a UK UFO documentary called “Riddle Of The Skies”. Ed only appeared on the screen for a few minutes and, partly because of the way the information was presented in this documentary. I hadn’t really “taken in” the huge significance of what he was disclosing to the world at that time. Edgar Fouche was disclosing information regarding what he had seen in a number of secret projects – or “black programmes”.
In the 1960’s, having completed his High School education Ed was drafted from college during the Vietnam conflict. Ed was selected for the US Air Force Pararescue field and then, following an injury, retrained as an electronics and cryptographic specialist. His continually growing skills and knowledge in these and other areas lead him to gain a top secret “crypto” clearance. He then spent about 20 years in the US military and another decade working for defence contractors.
Ed worked with many people – across many levels of the military – and gained many awards for the high standards of his work. His reputation meant that his skills were often sought after by the people high up in his chain of command.
As Ed will explain, all these factors lead him, in the mid-late 1970’s, to work, for some short periods, in top secret facilities in the Nevada Test Site – known as Area 51. This brought him into contact with some advanced digital technology – which, as part of his work, he held in his hands. Also, he communicated with many people in or connected to the US military, that he came to know and trust. Over time, they gave him their own accounts of incredible technologies and programmes that they had witnessed or worked on.
In the early 1990’s, with the help of a few close friends, even though they knew that they would be putting themselves at risk of reprisals, the decision was made that they would disclose to the world what they knew – that the US government had been covering up the development of advanced, potentially world-changing technologies.
Ed collected together many documents to back up what he was presenting. Some documents were extremely sensitive and therefore had names or dates blacked out or deleted.
After years of careful research, interviewing, writing and preparation, Ed made his first disclosures in 1998, at a number of public presentations – including MUFON and IUFOC events in the USA. Ed had also written down much of the information in the form of a book, also published in 1998, which was co-authored by well known author Brad Steiger. The book was called “Alien Rapture – The Chosen” and it used Ed’s life as a “canvas” on which was “painted” the information he was disclosing. Due to the legal advice he received, most of the characters and scenarios in the “painting” are presented as fictional, but essentially, they are based on real people and true events. The only thing in his book that was fiction was the 'Alien Agenda.'
Al 11 jaar cover-up over de aanwezigheid van een Second Sun
Al 11 jaar cover-up over de aanwezigheid van een Second Sun
In 1983 werd bekend dat infraroodtelescoop IRAS een ‘onbekend object’ had ontdekt dat groter was dan Jupiter en deel uit zou kunnen maken van ons zonnestelsel.
Journalisten van grote Amerikaanse kranten vroegen zich af of planeet X was ontdekt.
In 1984 kwam de NASA terug op deze uitspraken en sindsdien wordt het bestaan van Nibiru stelselmatig ontkend. Datzelfde jaar werd voor het eerst geëxperimenteerd met chemtrails. Vanaf 2003 begonnen op internet afbeeldingen van de planeet te verschijnen. Mensen zagen iets ongewoons in de richting van de zon. Op foto’s waren twee zonnen te zien aan de hemel.
Sommige foto’s in de video zijn gemaakt met behulp van infraroodcamera’s en telescopen en doen vermoeden dat iets zich schuilhoudt in de omgeving van de zon en in de richting van onze aarde beweegt.
Ook in Nederland is sinds 2003 door honderden mensen melding gemaakt van een tweede zon. Een aantal van deze meldingen is ook gedaan bij het KNMI, dat de mensen doorverwijst naar Stichting de Koepel. Het fenomeen is met name bij zonsopgang en -ondergang te zien als de lucht niet is volgesproeid met chemtrails.
Er zijn nogal wat hoogwaardigheidsbekleders en wetenschappers die hebben gezegd dat buitenaardsen ons onder leven en dat we, zonder dat we het weten, met ze in contact staan.
Hoogleraar filosofie dr. Robert Tundle van de North Kentucky University kon vanwege zijn kijk op buitenaardsen rekenen op felle kritiek van collega’s.
Hij schreef het boek ‘Is ET Here? No Politically, but Yes Scientifically and Theologically’. Bestaat ET vanuit een politiek standpunt? Nee, omdat de overheid bang is voor een cultuurshock en paniek. Wetenschappelijk gezien kunnen de verklaringen van duizenden getuigen niet simpelweg worden genegeerd. Tundle doelde onder meer op piloten die bij hun standpunt bleven, ook al moesten ze als gevolg daarvan worden onderworpen aan een geestelijk onderzoek.
De Canadese oud-minister van Defensie Paul Hellyer vertelde onlangs dat buitenaardsen onder ons zijn. “Ik heb uit verschillende bronnen vernomen dat er tenminste 80 soorten zijn waarvan sommige niet zijn te onderscheiden van mensen,” zei hij.
Award-winnaar en natuurkundige Paul Davies heeft gezegd dat buitenaards leven recht onder onze neus is te vinden. Microben uit de ruimte zijn mogelijk op aarde en zelfs in ons lichaam te vinden, zei hij.
Lachezar Filipov, hoofd van het ruimteonderzoeksinstituut van de Bulgaarse Academie voor Wetenschappen, zei dat hij samen met zijn collega’s 30 vragen over wereldwijde problemen had gesteld aan buitenaardsen en antwoord had gekregen in de vorm van graancirkels.
De buitenaardsen vertelden Filipov ook dat de pogingen van het SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute op niets uitlopen vanwege ‘magnetische velden’. “Buitenaardsen zijn overal om ons heen en houden ons altijd in de gaten,” zei Filipov, die onder meer meewerkte aan een ruimtemissie naar het Russische ruimtestation MIR.
Sun Shili, een voormalig Chinees kabinetslid, heeft verklaard dat buitenaardse wezens incognito onder de bevolking leven. Volgens Shili, die door oud-president Mao Zedong werd ingezet als tolk en vertaler Spaans, leven verschillende buitenaardse wezens onder ons en verspreiden ze via ons hun informatie.
“Tachtig procent van de nieuwe uitvindingen komt voort uit de dromen van uitvinders,” zei hij. “Misschien is dat de manier waarop buitenaardsen met ons communiceren. Mochten ze ons die uitvindingen in één keer aanreiken, dan zouden we ze niet meer kunnen beheersen.”
Het programma Ancient Aliens trekt veel bekijks. Volgens sommige onderzoekers is er bewijs dat onze voorouders contact hadden met ruimtereizigers.
Op 10.000 jaar oude grotschilderingen in Val Camonica in Italië zijn mensen te zien die ruimtepakken lijken te dragen.
Graveringen op mysterieuze stenen die 12.000 jaar oud zijn vertellen naar verluidt het verhaal van een UFO-landing. Teksten in het Sanskriet uit het oude India spreken van vliegende machines, beter bekend als vimanas, die buitenaardse wezens naar de aarde brachten.
Grote voetafdrukken
De Indiase geoloog Nitish Priyadarshi doet in de deelstaat Jharkahnd onderzoek naar grote voetafdrukken die volgens een legende duiden op de aanwezigheid van de luchtgoden. Priyadarshi ontdekte naast de voetafdrukken een gravering van een vliegend object.
“De voetafdruk en het vliegende object zijn op dezelfde rots te zien,” zei hij. “Wellicht zijn ze in het gesteente gegraveerd om te laten zien dat in het gebied twee goden zijn geland in een vliegend object.”
Toen in de jaren twintig vliegtuigen over de Nazcalijnen in Peru begonnen te vliegen zag menig piloot tot zijn verbazing kolossale figuren in het landschap, waarvan sommige zich uitstrekten over een gebied van honderden meters. Ze zijn zo tussen 300 voor Christus en 800 na Christus gemaakt.
Sommige onderzoekers zeggen dat de makers van de Nazcalijnen hulp moeten hebben gehad vanuit de lucht. Het blijft een mysterie waarom mensen dergelijke grote geogliefen hebben gemaakt, die alleen vanuit de lucht goed kunnen worden bewonderd.
Eén van de gigantische geogliefen wordt ook wel ‘de astronaut’ genoemd. Er zijn ook tientallen figuren van dieren, honderden geometrische vormen en duizenden lijnen en lijnenspellen in het woestijnzand van de hoogvlakte van Peru bewaard gebleven.
De schijven zijn naar schatting tussen de 10.000 en 12.000 jaar oud en zijn gevonden tijdens een expeditie die werd geleid door dr. Chi Pu Tei. De hiërogliefen vertellen het verhaal van mensen die ‘de Dropa’ worden genoemd en met hun ruimteschepen in de bergen waren gecrasht.
Dr. Tsum Um Nui heeft de hiërogliefen vertaald: “De Dropa kwamen in hun vaartuigen uit de lucht. De mannen, vrouwen en kinderen uit de buurt verborgen zich voor zonsopkomst in de grotten. Toen ze de gebarentaal van de Dropa eindelijk begrepen, beseften ze dat de nieuwkomers vredige intenties hadden.”
Hoewel de schijven in diverse Chinese musea zijn opgeslagen, zijn ze stuk voor stuk verdwenen. ISRPPA heeft ze niet meer kunnen traceren, maar ontdekte wel een foto van de stenen die was genomen in een museum in Cen, even ten zuiden van Guanzhou, voordat de tentoonstelling werd verwijderd.
Publisher's Note:I came across this item in my Google Alerts and it reports a possible discovery of a UFO Hot Spot in Cornwall in the United Kingdom. The Cornwall UFO Research Group has stated that in an area known as the Cornwall Triangle multiple UFOs sightings are being reported. The article appeared online and was written by WBMiles. Please follow the link at the bottom of the article to read the entire story. Enjoy DIrk
The truth is out there – and it’s apparently in Cornwall.
Researchers into the paranormal claim a Cornwall UFO Triangle exists in the county.
The triangle shows the area that has the most reported UFO and paranormal activity, according to the Cornwall UFO Research Group.
The triangle of apparent alien activity runs from Land's End to Falmouth bay to St Ives Bay.
The truth is out there – and it’s apparently in Cornwall.
Researchers into the paranormal claim a Cornwall UFO Triangle exists in the county.
The Cornwall UFO Triangle - image from the Cornwall UFO Research Group.
The triangle shows the area that has the most reported UFO and paranormal activity, according to the Cornwall UFO Research Group.
The triangle of apparent alien activity runs from Land's End to Falmouth bay to St Ives Bay.
Cornwall has the highest number of sightings of UFOs in the country according to the latest research.
Lionel Fanthorpe from the Cornwall UFO Research Group said: “It’s extremely difficult – nearly impossible – to obtain rigorously balanced, objective data for paranormal and anomalous events.”
Mr Fanthorpe said calculations were based on first-hand experiences, on-site investigations, case studies and discussions with other researchers.
He said: “When the many different types of reported psychic, paranormal and anomalous phenomena are brought together and given the same statistical weighting, three localities seem to stand out: Cornwall, Norfolk and an area bounded by Harrogate, Leeds and York.”
The figures show more than 60 reported sightings of UFOs in Cornwall compared to a national average of 40 sightings for comparable areas.
[Final Update - 1/29/14] (I hope!) – The person in the video below, has created another video explaining the first, denouncing the information that was intended as a joke for friends and that video is directly below. I promised him I would post it if he made one, and so I am!
[Update] I received a response to my email to the person in the video, who is NOT missing and seems to be alive and well, although a bit dumbfounded at how this whole thing blew up.
Via his email:
Hello Susan,
The video was intended as a joke for my friends. I was never observing “Nibiru” nor was taken away by the government Unfortunately the video has went viral people have taken it too seriously.
According to the video below uploaded on January 26, 2014, a man that claims he is an astronomer, “Dr. [Name Redacted]” at the University of Texas, speaks about the Nibiru cover up, but the uploader states in text at the beginning that [Name Redacted] went missing on January 26, 2014 and the footage that will be shown was found by an anonymous employee via the memory card from [Name Redacted] camera.
In this supposed “found footage” the person who calls himself [Name redacted] claims Nibiru has been found and will pass by Earth in August 2014.
Hunting for a [Name redacted] at the University of Texas, the only information that is found, so far, is of a graduate student, [Name Redacted], referred to under the current research category on Dr. Shardha Jogee page, HERE, and on the 2014-2014 astronomer research groups PDF HERE, under Galaxies heading, graduate students.
Absolutely nothing in my searches so far, mentions him or any professor and/or students missing from University of Texas.
With all that said, watch the video and decide for yourself if this is real or some hoax.
[Update] According to one of the comments on the original video, Kane Lynch states “I am not a scientist and cannot speak to the veracity of the information. But I have known [Name Redacted] for years (went to HS together in CA), and he is indeed an astronomer in Austin. Or he WAS, as recently as a month or two ago…”
It is also noteworthy that the video uploader triclon has only posted one video, which is the one below.
[Name Redacted]Undergraduate [Name Redacted] is currently working on analyzing the spectral absorption lines of metal strong damped Lya systems from quasar spectra. His interests include galaxies, quasars, and the evolution of the universe.
[Update #3]I found [Name Redacted] email and phone number, have a request in for a response on his video. Will update if I get an answer.
(Update) The video above is a copy of the original which was removed by user after the entire “joke” got out of hand. A good lesson for [Name Redacted] would be that once it is up on the internet, it lives forever!
Rhawn Joseph is taking legal action on the basis that NASA isn’t doing enough to investigate alien life. The author and researcher has filed the unusual lawsuit because he doesn’t believe that NASA is doing everything possible to investigate potential signs of extraterrestrial life on Mars. Joseph’s main argument centers around the recent photographs taken by the Opportunity rover that show a strange rock appearing on the ground between shots. At the time, NASA scientists concluded that the rock had been kicked in to frame by the rover’s wheels, but Joseph maintains that there is something more to it and believes NASA should have conducted a more thorough investigation. “The refusal to take close up photos from various angles… to take microscopic images of the specimen… to release high resolution photos, is inexplicable, recklessly negligent, and bizarre,” he wrote. NASA has yet to comment on the lawsuit. Read more at NYDailyNews.
This is the perfect lead into my discoveries on Mars, Moon and Saturn I have been discovering strange objects and buildings for years. NASA has made it so hard to find these images but the information is hidden in plain sight on the Web. Google Moon and Mars have been a large help in finding these hi-definition images.
Its hard to believe that there are only a few people who are willing to spend the time to find these objects. Its does take approximately 5 hours to scan each photo but the rewards are great. If anyone has any strange findings on the planets and Moon, send them to me at and I will publish them on my web site . Please make a notation on the photos as to when you discovered the object and the location on the plants or the Moon.
You can use my photos as an example on how to do that. As you can see I only publish something that is definitely a strange artifact. Too many published photos show blurry structures and hard to see things that are not good examples of findings on the Planets. I am enclosing a few of the findings I have made and would like your opinion. Debunkers stay away. Your opinion is not worth the time to read. I want further investigation into these photos and someone with the equipment to do so.
I welcome researchers and professionals to look further into these images and maybe get a better view or image of my findings. These are only a few of the discoveries I have made. Most UFO organizations area afraid to publish articles like this. This also make me wonder if they have their own agenda or maybe they are afraid of the truth.
The more information, that we can supply to the public, will increase our odds of making the government finally disclose what they know. Right now they look stupid because we all know, that they know, what’s going on. Some will say I have no qualifications to do this but I say ” I do have eyes and I do have the passion to find out the truth.” You do not have to be a Doctor, Professor, Astronomer or Scientist to find these things. All you need is the will to do it.
I was so happy to see this video, because I was working late one night and saw this same looking UFO over my home about a couple miles over the neighborhood about 3am. I saw fog all of a sudden come into a clear sky, and in the fog was this MONSTER size black ship. It was hard to explain, because of its shape, not round, not square but a walnut shape.. and it was HUGE going VERY slow when I saw it out my window. Creepy, these are showing up more and more. The stangest thing is, they must be from this world, or I’m sure the military would get rid of them? Or make friends with them Right?
He is suing NASA and its administrator, Charles Bolden, in an effort to compel the space agency to take a closer look at the rock. The petition, which was filed Monday in California, calls for NASA to "closely photograph and thoroughly scientifically examine and investigate a putative biological organism."
But NASA identified the object as a rock -- an odd rock that was somehow flicked into view, possibly by the rover itself -- but a rock nonetheless.
"We have looked at it with our microscope. It is clearly a rock," principal rover investigator Dr. Steve Squyres said during an event marking the 10th anniversary of Opportunity's landing on Mars. "It appears that it may have flipped itself upside down."
Joseph asserts that the object resembles a "mushroom-like fungus" similar to an apothecium. He also contends that rather than mysteriously appearing in the photo, the rock was present in a "before" photo released by NASA. He posted on a magnified version of the photo to show that the object is partially visible.
How does that support his argument? Joseph provides an explanation in the suit:
[S]pores were exposed to moisture due to changing weathering conditions on Mars. Over the next 12 days these spores grew and developed into the structure depicted... The evidence is consistent with biological activity and suggests that life on Mars may have been discovered. However, in the absence of moisture, biological specimens such as Apothecium will dry out, turn brittle and break apart and this appears to be the condition of the structure as depicted.
NASA spokesman Allard Beutel told The Huffington Post that agency scientists are continuing to analyze the rock. "Finding evidence of life on worlds other than Earth is obviously an important goal for NASA," Beutel said. "But it has to be definitive evidence."
Meanwhile, Joseph waits for those high-resolution photos of the mysterious object.
"The refusal to take close up photos from various angles, the refusal to take microscopic images of the specimen, the refusal to release high resolution photos, is inexplicable, recklessly negligent, and bizarre," he writes in the petition.
This artist's concept depicts the rover Curiosity, of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission, as it uses its Chemistry and Camera (ChemCam) instrument to investigate the composition of a rock surface. ChemCam fires laser pulses at a target and views the resulting spark with a telescope and spectrometers to identify chemical elements. The laser is actually in an invisible infrared wavelength, but is shown here as visible red light for purposes of illustration.
Daybreak At Gale Crater
This computer-generated view depicts part of Mars at the boundary between darkness and daylight, with an area including Gale Crater beginning to catch morning light.
Curiosity Launch Vehicle
The Atlas V 541 vehicle was selected for the Mars Science Laboratory mission because it has the right liftoff capability for the heavy weight requirements of the rover and its spacecraft.
Mars Science Laboratory Spacecraft During Cruise
This is an artist's concept of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft during its cruise phase between launch and final approach to Mars. The spacecraft includes a disc-shaped cruise stage (on the left) attached to the aeroshell. The spacecraft's rover (Curiosity) and descent stage are tucked inside the aeroshell.
Curiosity Approaching Mars
The Curiosity rover is safely tucked inside the spacecraft's aeroshell. The mission's approach phase begins 45 minutes before the spacecraft enters the Martian atmosphere. It lasts until the spacecraft enters the atmosphere.
Curiosity Inside Aeroshell
The Curiosity rover and the spacecraft's descent stage are safely tucked inside the aeroshell at this point. The aeroshell includes a heat shield (on the right, facing in the direction of travel through the atmosphere) and backshell. The diameter of the aeroshell is 14.8 feet (4.5 meters), the largest ever used for a mission to Mars.
Mars Science Laboratory Guided Entry At Mars
The mission's entry, descent, and landing (EDL) phase begins when the spacecraft reaches the top of Martian atmosphere, about 81 miles (131 kilometers) above the surface of the Gale crater landing area, and ends with the rover safe and sound on the surface of Mars. During the approximately seven minutes of EDL, the spacecraft decelerates from a velocity of about 13,200 miles per hour (5,900 meters per second) at the top of the atmosphere, to stationary on the surface.
Deceleration of Mars Science Laboratory in Martian Atmosphere
This artist's concept depicts the interaction of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft with the upper atmosphere of Mars during the entry, descent and landing of the Curiosity rover onto the Martian surface.
Mars Science Laboratory Parachute
This is an artist's concept of the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover parachute system.
Curiosity While On Parachute
This is an artist's concept of NASA's Curiosity rover tucked inside the Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft's backshell while the spacecraft is descending on a parachute toward Mars. The parachute is attached to the top of the backshell. In the scene depicted here, the spacecraft's heat shield has already been jettisoned.
Curiosity And Descent Stage
This is an artist's concept of the rover and descent stage for NASA's Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft during the final minute before the rover, Curiosity, touches down on the surface of Mars.
Curiosity's Sky Crane Maneuver
The entry, descent, and landing (EDL) phase of the Mars Science Laboratory mission begins when the spacecraft reaches the Martian atmosphere, about 81 miles (131 kilometers) above the surface of the Gale crater landing area, and ends with the rover Curiosity safe and sound on the surface of Mars.
Curiosity Touching Down
This artist's concept depicts the moment that NASA's Curiosity rover touches down onto the Martian surface.
A Moment After Curiosity's Touchdown
This artist's concept depicts the moment immediately after NASA's Curiosity rover touches down onto the Martian surface.
Curiosity Mars Rover
This artist concept features NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover, a mobile robot for investigating Mars' past or present ability to sustain microbial life.
Curiosity's Close-Up
In this picture, the mast, or rover's "head," rises to about 2.1 meters (6.9 feet) above ground level, about as tall as a basketball player. This mast supports two remote-sensing instruments: the Mast Camera, or "eyes," for stereo color viewing of surrounding terrain and material collected by the arm; and, the ChemCam instrument, which is a laser that vaporizes material from rocks up to about 9 meters (30 feet) away and determines what elements the rocks are made of.
Mars Rover Curiosity
This artist concept features NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover, a mobile robot for investigating Mars' past or present ability to sustain microbial life.
31-01-2014 om 10:36
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Ancient Aliens Archons Invaders from Space
Ancient Aliens – Archons – Invaders from Space
Were ancient, Bronze Age civilizations taken over by sophisticated, parasitic extra-dimensional entities who manipulate the human mind to this day for their own evil purposes? Ancient Gnostic texts may hold the key to the greatest conspiracy in ALL human history! This is the story of the Archons, Invaders from Space.
Strange object falls from space above Dillon, Montana on 23rd January 2014
Strange object falls from space above Dillon, Montana on 23rd January 2014
News reported: A Dillon resident saw a huge fireball in the sky, just before 8 a.m Tuesday. Ruth Jackson of Dillon spoke to NBC Montana over the phone and says she had no idea what she was looking at, so she pulled over to take a photo.
“We were driving east on Helena St. in Dillon and the sun hadn’t come up yet but there was this bright thing in the sky and I said to my husband, ‘What is that?’” said Jackson.
She was a passenger in the car along with her husband and two granddaughters. They were on their way to drop the girls off at school when they stopped to take the picture.
“I am always looking for something to take a picture of, but this was just awesome,” said Jackson.
Moon like UFO over Sacramento, California in January 2014
Moon like UFO over Sacramento, California in January 2014
New amazing video footage of a moon – like UFO recorded in the night sky above Sacramento, California in January 2014.
News reported: We are back. It is a celestial rock in space, if you will. Dirk, what is it? Is it a planet? Is it the milling? We have been searching for you in the newsroom to find out. That is interesting. Is it the moon? I don’t know. You would have to back up to really see. At that looks like a point of light. If it is close to the sun and the sun is coming up, it is more than likely…it is close. But It is not a planet, because it is not twinkling. No, I would say that is not a planet. That cannot be Saturn unless there is an eclipse going on.
UFOs caught over San Antonio, Texas on 26th January 2014
UFOs caught over San Antonio, Texas on 26th January 2014
Interesting video footage of a bright UFO recorded in the sky above San Antonio, Texas on 26th January 2014.
Witness said: As i was Skywatching facing west using a Sony with an IR Filter..I Notice this flash high in altitude it did not appear to be an aircraft.So i grabbed my camcorder began for a closer observation..When zooming in two rotating Orbs traveling high in altitude came into view…You can clearly see them rotating as they traveled overhead..They were traveling at high altitude used the top of the trees as reference point(giving the altitude it was traveling)..A tripod was used allowing us to see they traveled overhead…On the video stills you can clearly see these U.F.O Orbs..I tried to keep them in frame as they traveled…I followed them until they were out of sight….In my opinion these glowing objects were clearly no aircraft,weather-balloon or satellite…..
Filers Files # 5 2014 General Twinings Memo UFOs Are Real
Filer’s Files # 5 – 2014 General Twining’s Memo “UFO’s Are Real”
George A. Filer III New Jersey State Director MUFON Eastern Region Director January 29, 2013
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. . In special reports, this week’s files cover: General Nathan Twining says “UFOs were real, California Boomerang, Alleged Space Craft Filmed, Ten Facts about Meteors, Clymene Dolphin Is a Hybrid Species, Mayan Letter from Bryan, and Book New Heaven and New Earth Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Texas.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, and England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Special Reports
Commander General Nathan Twining signed Air Material Command’s Memo“UFOs Were Real”
General Twining flight logs of 1947 have been released showing his trip from Wright Field to New Mexico where an alien craft crashed in his only trip during the summer of 1947. IPU Summary Page 4 states the following:- 7th July 1947 – Twinning went to Alamogordo AAF for a secret meeting with AAF Chief Of Staff Spaatz and to view recovered remains of craft from crash landing site 20 miles northwest of Socorro. 8th July 1947 – Twinning went to Kirtland AAF to inspect parts recovered from the power plant. 9th July 1947 – Twining and staff went to White Sands Proving Ground to inspect pieces of craft being stored there. 10th July 1947 – Twining made inspection of R&D facilities at Alamogordo and then returned to Wright Field. Much of a craft was sent to Wright Field.
Air Accident Report by General Twining to Headquarters, 16 July 1947 This three page bureaucratic report provides the first glimpses of Lt. General Nathan F. Twinning’s Air Accident Report who was the Commander of Air Material Command. Twining describes in detail the inside of a “flying disc”, everything from typewriter-like keys that control the propulsion system to a thirty-five foot doughnut shaped one-inch tube inside the craft filled with a clear substance and a coil of copper-like material. Twining’s engineers from Engineering Division T-3 scientific personnel from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and other educated experts report that the object was not manufactured by the US, Germany or the USSR for a variety of reasons including; lack of any known design resemblance, lack of external propulsion system and power plant, and the lack of identifying markings.
The experts theorized about how the craft is powered, how it moves, and how and where it is controlled from, but there is no real knowledge beyond the theories. The inability for the experts to prove the object to be made in any of the advanced technological societies on Earth is intriguing and thought provoking. The significance and consistency of the technological societies is intriguing and thought provoking. The significance and consistency of the technical content has not been evaluated, although it is clear that the writing is consistent with 1947 state of the art, not modern.
A general description of the flying saucer craft is presented including a host of historically accurate AISI metallurgical tests. The research team did have success in identifying some control surfaces and exhaust ports and concluded the spherical reactor (hydrogen isotope type) was connected to propulsion motors. Originally published in Leonard Stringfield’s (now deceased) Status Report VII, in 1994. And Skywatch OK Main Site
September 23, 1947 SUBJECT: AMC Opinion Concerning “Flying Discs” TO: Commanding General Army Air Force Washington 25, D.C.
ATTENTION: Brig. General George Schulgen AC/AS-2 1. As requested by AC/AS-2 there is presented below the considered opinion of this command concerning the so-called “Flying Discs.” This opinion is based on interrogation report data furnished by AC/AS-2 and preliminary studies by personnel of T-2 and Aircraft Laboratory, Engineering Division T-3. This opinion was arrived at in a conference between personnel from the Air Institute of Technology, Intelligence T-2, Office, Chief of Engineering Division, and the Aircraft, Power Plant and Propeller Laboratories of Engineering Division T-3. 2. It is the opinion that: a. The phenomenon is something real and not visionary or fictitious. b. There are objects probably approximating the shape of a disc, of such appreciable size as to appear to be as large as man-made aircraft. c. There is a possibility that some of the incidents may be caused by natural phenomena, such as meteors. d. The reported operating characteristics such as extreme rates of climb, maneuverability (particularly in roll), and motion which must be considered evasive when sighted or contacted by friendly aircraft and radar, lend belief to the possibility that some of the objects are controlled manually, automatically or remotely. e. The apparent common description is as follows:- (1) Metallic or light reflecting surface. (2) Absence of trail, except in a few instances where the object apparently was operating under high performance conditions. (3) Circular or elliptical in shape, flat on bottom and domed on top. (4) Several reports of well kept formation flights varying from three to nine objects. (5) Normally no associated sound, except in three instances a substantial rumbling roar was noted. (6) Level flight speeds normally above 300 knots are estimated. f. It is possible within the present U.S. knowledge — provided extensive detailed development is undertaken — to construct a piloted aircraft which has the general description of the object in sub- paragraph (e) above which would be capable of an approximate range of 7000 miles at subsonic speeds. g. Any development in this country along the lines indicated would be extremely expensive, time consuming and at the considerable expense of current projects and therefore, if directed, should be set up independently of existing projects. h. Due consideration must be given the following:- (1) The possibility that these objects are of domestic origin – the product of some high security project not known to AC/AS-2 or this Command. (2) The lack of physical evidence in the shape of crash recovered exhibits which would undeniably prove the existence of these subjects. (3) The possibility that some foreign nation has a form of propulsion possibly nuclear, which is outside of our domestic knowledge. 3. It is recommended that:- a. Headquarters, Army Air Forces issue a directive assigning a priority, security classification and Code name for a detailed study of this matter to include the preparation of complete sets of all available and pertinent data which will then be made available to the Army, Navy, Atomic Energy Commission, JRDB, the Air Force Scientific Advisory Group, NACA, and the RAND and NEPA projects for comments and recommendations, with a preliminary report to be forwarded within 15 days of receipt of the data and a detailed report thereafter every 30 days as the investigation develops. A complete interchange of data should be affected. 4. Awaiting a specific directive AMC will continue the investigation within its current resources in order to more closely define the nature of the phenomenon. Detailed Essential Elements of Information will be formulated immediately for transmittal thru channels. Note: Lt. General Nathan Twining headed the Air Materiel Command at Wright-Patterson AFB in 1947, when Twining was asked to study UFO reports; he recommended that a formal study of the phenomenon take place; Project Sign was the result. He was selected Air Force Chief of Staff (1953–1957); President Eisenhower named him Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff (1957–1961 the Nation’s highest military position.
California Boomerang
Newark — Brendan writes, “Did the UFO’s in the picture from your current news letter look like my attached picture? I couldn’t tell from the picture size their shape, and thus if the reporting party was referring to their specific shape or their formation or both as that of a “V”. Thank you for all your hard work, I always look forward to the newsletter.” Best Regards, Brendan Suraci
Alleged Space Craft Filmed
Turner Radio Network (TRN) has obtained photos of the unknown spacecraft that at first was thought to be a meteor and has an audio interview with an outside consultant from NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office (MEO) who confirms that for almost two years the U.S. government used the McDonald Observatory in Texas to track the approach of two of these enormous objects. A year ago, in January 2013, the objects had gotten to 200,000 miles past Mars when they suddenly vanished and now are thought to be in the vicinity of the moon. Thanks to Note: I have no confirmation for this story from any other observatories or astronomers.
Ten Facts about Meteors
1. A meteor shower occurs when the Earth passes through the trail of debris left by a comet or asteroid.
2. Meteors are bits of rocks and ice ejected from comets as they move in their orbits about the sun.
3. A meteor that reaches the ground it is called a meteorite.
Quadrandid Meteor Shower peaks on January 4.
4. Meteor showers get their names from the constellation in where their radiant is located. Perseids come from Perseus, hence the name Perseids. 5. Comets continuously eject material with each passage around the sun; this replenishes the shower meteoroids. 6. Approximately 30 meteor showers occur each year that are visible to observers on Earth. Some of these showers have been around longer than 100 years. For example, the Perseid meteor shower, which occurs each year in August, was first observed about 2000 years ago and recorded in the Chinese annals. 7. Meteors are sometimes observed with red, yellow or green trails. The colors are caused by the ionization of molecules like oxygen which appears to be green.
8. A fireball is a meteor that is brighter than the planet Venus. 9. Radar indicates there are 12,000 meteors on a given night that are about the size of a piece of dust. 10. The International Space Station has protection for meters up to an inch thick. Thanks to NASA
Scientists Discovered the Clymene Dolphin Is a Hybrid Species.
The Clymene dolphin (Stenella clymene) is something of a biological riddle. Though these animals were first declared their own species by the American Society of Mammalogists in 1981, they were originally thought to be a subspecies of the spinner dolphin (S. longirostris), despite their similarities to the striped dolphin (S. coeruleoalba). DNA analysis has solved the puzzle, conclusively stating that clymene dolphins are a distinct species. In her study, Ana Amaral at the University of Lisbon collected both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA from 72 individuals of the three similar dolphin species. Mitochondrial DNA is passed on through the organism’s mother, whereas nuclear DNA comes from both parents. Here, analyzing both was key. In her analysis, Amaral found that the DNA from the nucleus was most similar to the spinner dolphin, while DNA from the mitochondria was most similar to the striped dolphin.
This suggests that the clymene dolphin is the product of crossbreeding striped and spinner dolphins—natural hybrid, something scientists know is rare but possible in wild animals. Hybrids are thought to be even rarer still in marine mammals, and before this study, hadn’t been previously documented. What’s more unusual was the fact that they produced not only viable offspring, but an entirely new species. Charles Q. Choi, writing for National Geographic News: “You need to have hybrids be as fit as the parental species, able to carve out their own ecological space,” explained [evolutionary ecologist Pamela Willis of the University of Victoria in Canada]. Then they somehow have to mate with only each other, rather than with either parental species, “hence allowing them to spin off onto their own, independent evolutionary trajectory and become a species of their own,” Willis added. “Both of these conditions are hard to meet.” It’s a rare window into an evolutionary process that’s seldom seen in animals as advanced as cetaceans. Fortunately, we still have clymene dolphins around to evidence that aliens are upgrading human DNA and may also be improving Dolphins. witness it, though the situation for many dolphin species is increasingly dire. Note: There is increasing evidence of a DNA upgrade and symbiotic relationship with extraterrestrials.
Mayan Letter from Bryan
Brian Britten writes, “Firstly, Lloyd Pye will be missed; in my last correspondence he wrote “We don’t expect it to be easy, but we don’t expect to be stopped, either”.says a lot about his persistence in his research to get the truth out there. Your introductory article about the Pleiades star cluster with its astronomical and cosmological significance throughout our planetary history was briefly touched upon by a PowerPoint presentation that I put together several years ago. The Mayans and many American Indian tribes such as Pawnee, Cherokee, claimed to have come from the Pleiades or worshiped the stars.
The Pleiades were used in development of their religious structures
Note: To the Maya, the Pleiades or the Rattle of the Cosmic Serpent, represents the seven siblings of our Sun and are the seven powers of our Solar System. The pyramids generally had flat surfaces so UFOs were able to land. Regards, Brian Britten
A New Heaven, A New Earth, A Novel by David E. Twichell
In a future Earth setting, the one-world government is collaborating with otherworldly beings to evacuate a race of human/ape hybrids facing extinction. New Earth is a planet in the galaxy’s fourth quadrant which, cycles earlier, proved suitable for Earth’s genetic engineering experimentation. Now, a gigantic asteroid, Laanah, is on an inescapable collision course with New Earth.
Commander Eli Bertram of the interplanetary star-craft, Ark II, along with Lieutenant Abe Shunt and his trusted, diminutive gray Duplicant, Freddy, race to evacuate selected specimens before tragedy strikes. Unbeknownst to them, a particularly evil Reptilian, Gurange, has other plans for the mission’s fate.
David Twichell writes, “I’m happy to hear that you are enjoying the book. I did a lot of research on technologies that we have based on what is reported by UFO witnesses and abductees. For example, we already have paint that with microscopic silicon bits that illuminates the walls when an electric grid is placed behind those walls. A flat screen TV is based on the same principle. The “maglev train” is technology that we have and is employed by my characters in their trams in the ship. Some technologies that the book has are fiction but not beyond the realm of possibility. That is evidenced in what has been witnessed. Mainstream science wouldn’t believe that because they are yet to harness the process. Maybe someday they will. Don’t forget, a lot of yesterday’s fiction is today’s fact.” Thanks to David Twichell.
Sightings in the United States
Alaska TV Lights
NOME – On the Bering Sea Gold TV show episode 31, I recorded it on December 12, 2014, of strange lights. This is some kind of huge craft above city lights on the land as a point of reference. Is there any way you can let me know if you were already aware of this? This absolutely floored me. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Arizona Dark Objects
SURPRISE — I was going to pick up dinner at a pizza place on Reems on January 24, 2014, and saw two stationary dark objects to the NE. Three more objects appeared and I first thought these might be the F-35′s heading to Luke AFB in Glendale. I decided to head NE and noticed there were two high objects and one above the mountain top. I took some pictures and a video when I parked at the Surprise City Hall. One object was quite low to the ground. When I left at 5:45 PM the objects were gone. Thanks to MUFON CMS
PRESCOTT — On Sunday, January 19th, 2014, at 8:15 PM, NUFORC receives two reports from seemingly independent sources about peculiar a bright white light that streaks across the sky, slows to a dead stop, and then suddenly accelerates very quickly and disappears over the horizon. The second witness reports that bizarre, metallic, “clanging” sounds emanated from his radio, during the time the object was above him. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director
California Lights
FREMONT – I live in a residential area with heavy air traffic and had a sighting was at 8:20 PM, of a silent object on January 17, 2014. I observed a low flying orangeish-yellow light just above the tree line that was like a ball of fire. The object veered to my left slightly and stopped over the house across the street. As if it had some intelligence, it stopped when I started to talk and then started to move up and north at an ascending angle at a leisurely pace. The orb shaped object appeared to have flames within the shape. Thanks to MUFON CMS ‘
Colorado Lights
HIGHLAND RANCH — At 9:25 PM, on January 24th 2014, I observed two reddish orange lights that flew north in an ascending pattern. New lights appeared to be “launching” or rising rapidly and travelling to the north. After reaching various altitudes, the lights would stop hover change direction and then eventually fade out and disappear at various intervals. This occurred 20 -25 times. There was no sound. Thanks to MUFON CMS Note: Depending on the wind direction the description is similar to Chinese Lanterns
Florida Cylinder
Davenport — I was leaving my sister’s home during the late afternoon, and traveling West on Ridgewood Lakes Boulevard and saw an interesting cloud formation that looked like a dragon with razor sharp teeth, I took four pictures on August 25, 2013.When I loaded the photos on my computer; I noticed “spots” on two of my shots. The angle of the “spots” and shade of them were different in both shots. When blown up, they seem to be darker on the bottom than the top. The car was traveling about 35 MPH, but “spots” were blurry, trees nearby were not. I feel the object was traveling slowly enough for camera shutter to catch it, but too fast to get a clear shot. Thanks to MUFON CMS – ORLANDO — While staying at the World Center Marriott Resort in Orlando I stepped onto the back porch to make a panoramic photo of the sunrise. While taking a series of 3 photos I noticed a curving brighter line in the clouds. I assumed it was part of a contrail and paid no attention until it came time to process the photos. After loading the file images into my computer and into PhotoShop the bright curve caught my attention. When I blew the image up to 1:1 pixel view I was astounded to see that my “contrail” was actually a sharply defined disc. The disc was tilted toward me, the top partially obscured by the clouds but the bright edge of the disc very clearly visible. The image was taken with an Olympus OM-D E-M5 using an Olympus 14-150 mm lens at 14mm. Guesstimating that the object might be as much as 5-10 miles away I concluded that the size of the disc might be about 850-1700 feet. The disc appears on two of the three overlapping images I made for the panoramic photo. There are only a few seconds elapsed between the two images and the disc shows no apparent motion. Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ and Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Light
On January 20, 2014, here’s another of tonight’s sunset, but maybe you could have your meteorologist take a look at it. There’s the sunset in the distance with an orange glow. Could that possibly be a view of Mars or another planet rarely seen by the naked eye? Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kentucky Flap
McDowell — I have had an encounter that I have no answers for, and still they keep flying around like it’s a UFO meeting place! I have quit writing times and dates and details down! Watching your so called “investigators” bring out equipment to test an analyze is for TV and that’s it! These things follow me and they’re everywhere and nobody is looking up! I had a family photo made at Myrtle Beach and the guy that we hired to take the photos stopped in his tracks and looked up and over us and said, “I swear I just saw something in the sky! In two photos there’s a light out over the ocean that I purchased. I keep a gun on my bed now because all of the stuff that’s went down! I still haven’t heard a thing from anyone connected to you guys? Snip Thanks to MUFON CMS
Louisiana Light
NEW IBERIA — Attached is a digital photo of the items that only showed up in the photos on January 28, 2014. I did not see them so they must have been instantaneous.
This is not a time lapse photo. This happened in the instance of taking the picture. Thanks to MUFON CMS
DENHAM SPRINGS — Copper color ball under the moon and the blue ball was to the left a little lower in the sky. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan Round Object
HAMTRAMCK – On January 15, 2014, during the evening just before a large snowstorm hit Detroit I witnessed this object from my upstairs South window.
It appeared to hover over the houses. I managed to take one picture from my itouch, and looked down to check my picture. It was gone when I looked up, and the reflection of my hat can be seen in window. Thanks to MUFON CMS Note – May be the reflection of ceiling Light
LAKE HURON These objects were spotted on January 19, 2014, around 2 PM. They were moving very fast from north to south on Lake Huron near Tawas City, MI.
Nevada Blue Strobe Light and Disc
LAS VEGAS – The witness was walking to check mail after getting off work in the early morning, and saw a light hovering over the Red Rock area on January 17, 2014 at 02:29 AM. He has no idea what the bright bluish light with a small strobe was. It made no noise and flew down then straight up and could no longer see it after 3 minutes. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director
LAS VEGAS — The witness was home smoking when he noticed a star trying to hide in the clouds on January 28, 2014 at 6 AM. It was going in and out, growing shrinking, when he noticed the disc flying on the horizon. Since he was already filming he turned to the dark disc. There was a star and allot of stuff flying in and out of clouds on the horizon stopping then going back and forth and descending like it was going to land. It dropped below the buildings obstructed my view. P.S. The video files are too large, and I have to edit them. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Triangle
MONROE TOWNSHIP — Seven circular objects flew in a straight line NNE at roughly 11:30 PM on June 17, 2013. The first two went by following the other; I jumped out of my hot tub and got my cell phone and took a picture of them. Then five others equally spaced on the same trajectory passed by with no sound. A week later I zoomed in the pictures until the objects appeared as all having yellow pinwheels at the bottom of the disc. These craft were circular had no wings, no running lights, and made no sound. These objects were twice the size of military transport aircraft. Thanks to MUFON
SALEM – I was at work and went outside on January 20, 2014, at 11:25 PM, and noticed the moon was low with another bright white light crossing below the moon. I grabbed my binoculars to see a triangle shaped craft with lights on each corner. The front light was a solid white light while the back two lights were randomly changing from white, to red, and blue. I followed the silent triangle for 40 seconds until it disappeared behind the trees. The object was big and not an airplane. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Triangle
NEWBURGH — I was driving on a very busy road and I saw in the trees a row of lights on January 17, 2014. When we came to a clearing in the trees, there was a huge black hovering triangle with bright white lights at each point of the triangle with a blinking red light in the middle. We stopped the car and opened the windows but heard no noise. It was weird because the huge size of this craft should have been making some type of noise. It didn’t move, but we took off out of fear as it was one of the scariest moments of my life, because I felt it was watching us just like we were watching them. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Sightings
LUZERNE COUNTY — We have had three UFO sightings reports over nuclear facilities. Two over the Susquehanna Nuclear Plant and one over the new Bell Bell Nuclear plant construction site. Reports came in on Bell Bend in 2010 and 2013 for the Susquehanna plant. All sightings reported as saucer or oval shaped with blue and green lighting either passing over the facility or hovering over the facility. There have been a few others in the state but we were not involved in those cases. Best Regards Butch
South Carolina Rectangle
MYRTLE BEACH — On January 14, 2014 about 7:00 PM my wife and I went outside to have a cigarette on the beach and noticed several star size lights randomly blinking all over the sky. At times there may be one and other times at least 10 of them. About 7:15 PM, we both witnessed a sphere like white light suddenly appear about 30 degrees off the horizon heading north. A couple minutes later another white light appeared and split into two separate lights, one kept going in the same direction the other turning east and then going out.
Ten minutes later we saw a rectangular object in four square sections that resembled windows and the entire thing was glowing white and horizontal to the ocean. It lasted ten seconds before it went out. A few minutes later the rectangle object appeared again in a vertical position and again in ten seconds went out. Just south of us a single white bright light appeared over the water, after a few seconds it went out. We watched 7 of these white lights appear and within seconds go out. Around 7:35 PM we observed a red pulsating object that disappeared. At about 8 PM, another red object flying the same path did the same thing. I’ve been in the military and in law enforcement and have been around a lot of different aircraft, flares and even seen Chinese lanterns before and no way possible it could be any of these things. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Bullet and Lights
NEW BRAUNFELS – As I was driving home to Canyon on FM 2722 on January 3, 2014 around 11 AM, I saw a bullet shaped object floating in the sky. It was a little less than a mile away and I noticed it did not have wings, so I pulled over on the side of the road and began taking pictures. There was no noise, and I knew immediately it was not an airplane or helicopter. It seemed to be floating and moving south with an orange-red glow on the front half and a grey metallic color on the back. I was in awe and took a picture and checked to make sure the picture turned out. I looked up and the object was gone. I started to drive off and then I saw the object far away within seconds. My name is Kerry Kassel. I’m 58 years old. Over the course of my lifetime I’ve witnessed 5 UFO sightings. All of them, except one were during the day.
SAN ANTONIO — Kerry Kassel writes, “About a month ago I had my fifth sighting. It was also the longest in duration (from 3-5 minutes). The best way I can describe it is to say it was an Armada of 6 crafts. 4 huge oil barrel shaped crafts and 2 tiny sphere shaped crafts. I made a full report to the San Antonio Chapter of MUFON. These crafts flew at an extremely slow speed over the San Antonio International Airport with impunity. I called my next door neighbor over to witness this with me. The four huge crafts were (and I’m guessing) about the size of 3 football fields end to end. There is nothing in our technology that could fly the way these crafts did. Sincerely, Kerry Kassel
SWEENY — I photographed these pictures the night of January 18th 2014. I have been seeing this light for about a year and just dismissed it as a star. It has always been east of my location, but last night it was due south of me was moving. The photo captures the movement of the light. Recently I noticed a second but smaller light. On clear nights the lights can be seen most nights. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide Sighing Reports
Argentina Alien Craft Landing
BAHIA BLANCA — Dr. Botta a 40 years old man in 1950 was well educated and respected by all who knew him. He was an ex-war pilot and aeronautical engineer. He was employed as an architectural engineer working with a well known company in Caracas. Botta was driving down the highway about seventy-five miles from his hotel in an isolated area known as Bahia Blanca when he saw a metallic disc-shaped object sitting on the grass just off the road way. He stopped his car to watch the object for a few minutes but there was no movement so he walked closer to the disc. This vantage point allowed him to see an opening or doorway in the object’s side. He decided to go inside that at first seemed empty, except for a blinking red light in a domed top. As he ventured farther inside, he saw a curved divan with four seats; three of these seats were occupied with small beings about four feet tall with gray, tight-fitting overalls.
The three small creatures were facing a control panel. It consisted of lights, gauges, and meters of different types. Standing quietly behind them, Botta could not resist the urge to touch one of the small beings. As he did, he felt a rigid, charred texture. The three strange creatures were dead! He rushed from the saucer, got into his car, and was speeding down the highway. Arriving at his hotel, he related his strange experience to two of his closest friends. The group of men armed themselves and decided to return to the scene of Botta’s encounter the next morning to do their search.
Early the next day, Botta led the three directly to the spot of the previous day’s unusual encounter, but there was no craft there now. All that was found at the site the object had occupied was a pile of ashes. One of the men scooped some up. Immediately, his hand turned purple, and remained that way for several days. The three men, discouraged by the absence of the object, began to look around the area to see if any other evidence of its landing could be found. One of the men looked up and saw three objects in the sky. One, the largest of the three, was cigar-shaped, while the two smaller objects were disc-shaped. Dr. Botta took five pictures of the objects, of which only two showed vague images of the objects. Soon, the two smaller objects joined the cigar-shaped flying object. The three became one, turned blood red and quickly disappeared from view.
Dr. Botta recalled that he saw vents or holes in the floor of the object. The control panel had a transparent sphere above it which rotated. The rigidness of the aliens’ skin was an indication to him that they had died in a crash or malfunction. He also was amazed at the skin of the saucer, which was metallic in appearance, but had a “rubbery” feel to it. Immediately after the encounter, Dr. Botta came down with a fever, and his skin was blistered. Doctors were unable to discover the origin of either ailment. The symptoms lasted for several weeks. He also had an impression of the sunglasses he wore into the craft on his face. A test showed no sign of radiation. Botta kept the details of his strange encounter private, except for his two companions, Horacio Gonzales G., and Leon Stringfield. Although the details of the strange happenings in Argentina seem most improbable, the character and reputation of Botta make this case extremely difficult to discount. NOTE: The above image is a rendering. Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Australia Red Orbs
DELAHEY, VICTORIA — On January 1st 2014, at 12.20 AM watching fireworks on New Year’s Eve from our second floor balcony I observed five objects spaced apart high in the sky moving slowly southeast where they eventually disappeared one after the other.. They were red orbs, not blinking or making any sound as the fireworks had finished by then.
The first ones were close together and the last one was well back but all on the same flight path. A satellite much higher up was travelling east crossed the path of the leading orb just before the spot where they disappeared. I called my wife to tell her about the sightings and according to a blog site others had reported these from Melbourne at the same time. My sighting lasted until about 12.30 AM. Apparently it was seen over New Zealand just prior to my sighting.
HELENA VALLEY, PERTH, WESTERN — It was a clear night tonight January 2nd, 2014, I was going outside to join my wife and child who were lying down on the grass watching the stars. My wife called me over urgently at 9:30 PM, and pointed out an orange flying object that was either larger or closer than a plane but made no noise. Its lights didn’t flash like a plane does either. I had never seen something like this. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Brazil Lights
RIO DE JANEIRO — From my balcony I saw a light that was too bright and then saw some others. The object was not moving but kept changing, and was too big for an airplane. I checked flight radar and there were no airplanes in the area at the moment. It started with a white light, and then three red lights showed up and then disappeared. Then three random bright blinking white lights appeared again with an orange trail for 10 minutes. Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Light
BRITISH COLUMBIA – My sister asked me to look at a bright white/yellow/orange spot in sky to left of sunrise on January 26, 2014. As we watched, it slowly turned into a bright cigar shaped beam of light clearly appearing out of nowhere. It grew very slow making a lightning like streak. Its direction abruptly changed “falling” towards earth. After disappearing a mysterious chemtrail appeared that came from different direction yet joined up with trail left from object we witnessed. There was evidence of another. A wide trail appeared that ran parallel to the object we saw falling. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Japan Mass Sighting
OKINAWA — At around 9 pm on the 23rd, orange lights, about 10 of them had been seen floating around in the Naha sky; multiple reports of sightings were received at this newspaper. Experts said, “That the lights were not considered to astronomical phenomena.” According to one witness, most of the lights appeared in the sky near Naha Port in the town of Naha Tondo; they repeatedly move up and down left and right, about 15 minutes later they were all gone.
According to the Japan Air Self-Defense Force, they don’t have any information on the mystery lights. “Self-Defense Forces’ aircraft did not fly at that time; all training flights took place before 19:20 the same day.
Mexico Jellyfish
CANCUN – “I took this picture around 1 PM on the beach in the Cancun Hotel Zone standing in front of the Bay View Grand Condos looking south. I did not notice the purple object in the picture until I uploaded it on my laptop.
It looks like an upside down jellyfish.” I used a Kodak 3X Digital Zoom Camera on the “auto” setting. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Zealand Orange Light
TIROHANGA BEACH, WELLINGTON — On January 1st 2014, at 1 AM, my husband called, “Come quickly there is something in the sky, It was a bright orange light with a flicking of red. In the sky it was about the size of a $2 coin. It looked like it was coming towards us at a moderate speed and there was no sound. I ran for the camera but it flew off to the left of us and into some clouds. I was unsuccessful in getting a photo. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK Black Rectangular Object
DARTMOUTH –The photo was taken at Dartmouth Regatta air display on Aug 30, 2013 in Devon, UK.
Thanks to William Puckett, Director
SHERBORNE SAINT JOHN — I was out in the fields walking the dogs on January 19, 2014, and came into an open space on a hilltop with a good view of surrounding area, and saw a hovering black rectangular object. It was silent and stayed there for awhile and then started moving changing direction from roughly northwest to west. It wasn’t until I slipped and looked down, looked back up and the object was nowhere to be seen. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Jeff Rense Radio Program
Major Filer currently makes a regular appearance the first Tuesday of each month on the Jeff Rense radio program from 10:00 to 11:00 PM (Eastern). The program is heard over more than 200 stations, and over the internet at and
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Exorcism vs. Spiritual Healing and Entity Releasement (The God-like Powers of the Human Mind)
Meditations , genetic dispositions for psychic sensitivities, Reiki healings, any opening oneself, even intense prayer, not unlike employing one's mind in using a OUIJA board, can spiritually be most seriously dangerous.
For those dubious or cynical about the' realities' discussed, herein, I remind you that it's never too late to increase your learning, now that you're aware at least that much knowledge exists outside of your accumulated realm of learning.
It's sadly more than probable that there are many like you who are totally unaware of the unseen, as well as the evil unseen, which makes you and them all the more vulnerable.
Knowledge is power and in this realm ignorance is hardly ever bliss.
The unseen evil world around us is as real as the nose on your face and as equally hard to see, but it exists nonetheless.
Western science does not differentiate between spiritual possession and clinical mental illness ; a child who hears discorporate voices and who claims to see spirits/ghosts is deemed psychotic not psychic, and thus is wrongly medicated.
As mental illness permeates our society as the most ubiquitous prevalent disease, its epidemiology and causality is largely misunderstood, just as in the example, above.
Is then, mental illness largely a symptom of demonic entities, meddling and infernal, seeking semi-possession?
Many institutionalized back -ward 'psychotic' patients are possessed not insane.
Unseen negative-thought beings are an astonishing negation to,"Seeing, is believing"!
Negative thought entities, from unseen demons, unseen reptilians or hostile ghosts are inter-dimensional entities, denizens of several parallel spirit worlds.
Most people with unwanted predatory energy attachments will have more than one of the following:
Cold patches in the aura
Bad dreams and nightmares
Unexplained aches and pains
Anxiety and fearfulness
Obsessive/compulsive behavior
Self mutilation
Eating Disorders
Out of character behavior, especially angry outbursts
Lack of eye contact or a ‘haunted' look in the eyes
Drug addiction or alcoholism
Suicidal thoughts or actual attempts
"Earworms", a popular term for a cyclical, obsessive melody or fragment of a song that will not go away or that returns again, is a signature symptom of an intrusive entity 'attachment'.
That revealing melody is merely the tip of the submerged iceberg of an often highly intelligent devious astral parasite.
When I strongly psychically resisted, my inner imp would send songs whose lyrics reflected an all knowing proprietary demeanor:"You belong, to me", an old sixties song and the Beatles',"Can't you see that you're mine, we've been together for a long, long time" sinisterly echoed repeatedly, inwardly, in a retort response...
it is astounding how almost universal this evil psychic symptom is; as we ride horses, we are likewise sought to be 'ridden', by brilliant and predatory negative thought entities towards partial possession.
They are lampreys and remora predators of consciousness, itself.
Try to dislodge it and it becomes less quiescent; sudden and persistent appetites, addictions, bad dreams, drug use and spontaneous unsolicited strong sexual urges all blossom and prevail.
The only sure cure is a difficult one: to strengthen one's 'immunity" by a spiritual method.
One must self-dwell in a realization that one is NOT just a body with an inner spirit, but instead a spirit having Earthly adventures.
One must embrace the conviction that one's body does not CONTAIN a soul, but that one IS a soul, temporarily residing in a body.
All bodies die, but the soul does not. One is not one's car,or clothing or body; we step out of those and remain ourselves, an undying spirit with creative God-like powers.
Within THAT spiritual realization comes authority and newfound power to repulse the evil that is unseen.
It's a painful process for most who view themselves as mere victims in their body.
These people characteristically fear physical injury more than spiritual injury.
One can use that greater spiritual awareness as a defensive tool. The very essence that these entities seek is the very essence we can use to repulse them.
If one is 'under telepathic attack', psychically, with compulsions or nightmares, one can deter this 'attack' with a basic training course, a full realization of one's spiritual existence, which extends astounding powers.
Now, you can fully accept and deeply 'know' that it's no accident that these untoward spiritual/paranormal events happened, as you are primarily a spirit who is 'learning', in this school called Earth, temporarily housed in a human DNA nanotech arranged body.
Love will blossom, generate within and replace fear and doubt.
Rather than a demonic haunting or alien abduction where you're the 'victim', you now fully accept that these horrid experiences are here to make you grow spiritually, a crucible of learning and growth, a hard mortar-pestle experience, to grow you towards God.
Within that larger realization, held close, is strong salvation-protection, both for you as well as for the harrassing being.
Compassion felt for the unseen mean-spirited being, from you, a heartfelt compassion,(one cannot not fake compassion ) can overpower them, when you lovingly counsel and remind them that they must move into the light for their perfection.
If one feels truly SORRY for an unseen nightmare entity, it acts to repel them, elsewhere.
Augment this and visualize a circle of bright sunlight around them that dissolves their exterior black negativity as it surrounds them.
You have loved it away.
If none of this works, then at least it's been an assessment test to determine more about the nature of the entity.
These beings vary from lost human souls, to brilliant, malevolent, predatory, sinister reptilians, who specialize in human and cow abductions.
(Round craft, designed for human abductions, piloted by reptilians.
Other varied craft shapes delineate varied functions.)
Predatory and opportunistic energies are all around us, as are many confused or sinister earthbound lost souls, the gangster fringe element of the spirit world.
Are ghosts 'lost souls'?
(When ghosts are heard on EVP's, revealingly, they generally do plead for, ask for our help.)
If one stumbles into a haunted house or if a ghost stumbles into YOUR house, or poltergeists persist after a sighting of UFOs, then there are God-like powers of our minds that we can employ to help them.
Within a fuller spiritual realization comes the 'voice" to assert control and authority.
Healing is a must for all those who desire to operate in other realms of consciousness.
You must have "Self " - assert your authority and maintain control.
If you are experiencing negative vibrations, anxiety attacks, bad dreams or just creepy feelings, they are either thought forms, demonic reptilian aliens, contractual psychic bonds or disincarnate entities (lost souls) ghosts, all of which are clearly in need of healing.
These beings are bound to the Earth's vibration or to human abductions because of lower vibrational attitudes and emotions.
Some are coercive and desire to manipulate or control.
Some are predatory, sinister and self-justifying, the combined magic trio qualities, that define Evil.
Sometimes a demon will coast in like a Great White Shark and they, like aliens, require much hard work to dislodge.
When I used to feel my skin burn locally on my upper arm where an earthbound ghost or stronger energy reptilian attached to me ( for ostensible ethereal feasting), I would say aloud;
" All contracts and agreements, known and unknown, with earthbound spirits are now null and void, contracts and agreements known and unknown with Dark energies and Dark entities in my blueprint are cancelled and ended and(focusing on the energy, itself, now) I BANISH this energy from my space."
This was given to me by Robert Bruce, "Astal Dynamics", a true mystic.
I would stubbornly repeat this when I felt that 'touch' persist, in a lingering stubborn reluctance to leave.
This often helped a great deal.
Spoken and deeply felt from a strong spiritual realization of oneself, the message INTENT, to another spirit, is overwhelming.
Rules ARE sometimes rules, it appears.
If it were still persistent, blessed holy water mixed with essential oils, sprayed in a plant mister helped to relieve this proximity.
I could combine this 'banishment' with a surge of repelling energy which began at the base of my spine, traveled up and exploded from my face area.
This, done repeatedly, would always knock them back on their heels, away, a short space.
One must claim one's space!
This is hardly a perfect defense against the stronger demonics who cannot be loved away; like praying mantids, both insects and the higher E.T. forms, they cannot understand higher feelings and motives like love, compassion, peace ,forgiveness, redemption .
True devils exist.
They are capable of negative miracles.
Statue of Repto Sapien god from ancient Sumer.
On display in The British Museum
May God protect us all from devils.
Reptilians, who operate UFOs and who subjugate greys see us, as we fancy veal!
With such predatory, malevolent interdimensional and highly technological beings as these, even
surrounding oneself in a white light can make one a lunch feast, just as can fervent prayer.
It is a far better defense to make oneself INVISIBLE to such entities.
I have not the practical rudiments of such metaphysics, but many others can do this astral invisibility, mind over matter magic.
Our astral 'running lights' can often attract spiritual nighttime moths, and then bats, just like our house porchlights attract such series of physical midnight carrion.
Protection involves visualizations of re- colorizing one's fourth chakra; in a series of kundalini points, altered in color, one becomes astrally "unseen" and thus no longer a possible target, for the gangster fringe element of the spirit world!
Until one acquires this expertise envisioning electric purple light all around you is the single best deterrent to strong attacks. Love Heals
Casting out entities, be they ETs, spirits, demons, jinns or ghosts, only sends them to another place to torture and trouble another person .
It's like pulling a nail out of one's flat tire and then casting the nail out into traffic for someone else to run into.
In all healing, do remember that God is "pure" Love and exists hidden within every cell of your being. It is only the power of Love that heals and lifts, elevates the soul to higher planes.
Another essential self-defense rule?
Unlearn fear as fear feeds and empowers bullying negative entities. I give you the following steps to clear the negative energy:
First, hold close that spiritual metamorphosis realization that you are a spiritual being, a tiny fragment of God's light and love.
1. Close your aura by visualizing a white or gold light around you.
2. Call upon your chosen cultural representative of God, be it Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, Mary, Mohammed, White Eagle or another one of the beautiful Many "Christed" Ones.
3. Tell the entities they are healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened.(repeat this as often as you feel it is needed.)
4. Tell them that they are filled and surrounded with the Christ light and the Christ love (or the highest consciousness and energy available)
5. Ask that your chosen representative (I use my personal angels) arrive and take them to their perfect place and highest expression.
I often state that they be taken to the correct color light and to their proper place within that light.
6. Ask that all negative thought forms, and limiting mental concepts be dissolved, and lifted into the light of truth.
7. Ask that all of their psychic bonds be severed, and that they close their auras to all but spirit of the highest vibration.
I ask that all negative karmic, sexual, known and unknown contractual bonds be severed. I augment this with a visualization of a blue flaming sword that severs black cords, in all directions.
Repeat this process until you feel clear.
There may indeed often be more than one healing to accomplish.
Remember that your spoken word is very powerful, and what is spoken, on their level, manifests instantly.
Many enlightened ones use this process before opening their energies and mind to prayers , healings, doing psychic readings of others and angelic channeling.
Like burning sage to dissipate negative energies, this process creates a clear and safe environment and also lifts the vibrational energy of the one who is doing the healing.
Intent, the inner generator of your mind-soul, is nine-tenths of the spiritual law.
It is true as suspected, that tacit 'permission' IS required before a demon or negative entity can trouble one, but often unknowingness or sheer trickery arranges this 'permission'.
We are all harrassed, whether we admit it or are unaware of it .
I was a degenerate logician, an atheist who could not accept the premise of God, who has been snuck into the back door of faith, by virtue of mine and many others tales of horrid, untoward spiritual experiences.
Fear empowers all negative, bullying entities, but fear unlearned, supplanted by love, is murderously hard for most harrassed alien/demon troubled people to attain.
The thing that makes all these 'victims' special, is that unseen entities, who highly prize their own hidden status, purposefully went out of their way to make these people aware of them.
Within this realization, a person one can see himself as a hero, rather than that of a victim.
I recommend that you try to employ this loving 'expulsion', and resist the approach of orthodox rituals of exorcism, as it raises trapped spirits' vibrational levels and does true service to the Other Side.
Moreover, such psychic flexing of unconditional love, illustrates the God-like creative powers of the human mind.
EPILOGUE ``Do you believe it?'' I asked the monk. ``I scarcely know,'' he replied; and I continued: ``If there are other beings besides ourselves on this earth, how comes it that we have not known it for so long
a time, or why have you not seen them? How is it that I have not seen them?''
He replied: ``Do we see the hundred-thousandth part of what exists?
Look here; there is the wind, which is the strongest force in nature. It knocks down men, and blows down buildings, uproots trees, raises the sea into mountains of water, destroys cliffs and casts great ships on to the breakers; it kills, it whistles, it sighs, it roars.
But have you ever seen it, and can you see it?
Yet it exists for all that.''
( Guy de Maupassant)
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, until he saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.
It was then that he knew that they were interested in" an essence" he never suspected that he had, a Soul. It is our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals (ETs, spirits, ghosts) are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.
They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with people, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.
These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to your energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.
FREE 1-HOUR MOVIE. From UFOTV®, accept no imitations. It caused a great media sensation.
30-01-2014 om 23:17
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Mac's UFO News 2013 - Volume II
Mac's UFO News 2013 - Volume II
Volume II, is the culmination of nine months of UFO sightings for the year 2013. The video includes 46 cases caught on video. Celebratory compilation video to mark two years of Mac's UFO News.
Mac's UFO News 2013 - Volume II
Volume II, is the culmination of nine months of UFO sightings for the year 2013. The video includes 46 cases caught on video. Celebratory compilation video t...
30-01-2014 om 23:11
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Physicists say energy can be teleported 'without a limit of distance'
Physicists say energy can be teleported 'without a limit of distance'
A team of physicists has proposed a way of teleporting energy over long distances. The technique, which is purely theoretical at this point, takes advantage of the strange quantum phenomenon of entanglement where two particles share the same existence.
The researchers, who work out of Tohoku University in Japan, and led by Masahiro Hotta, describe their proposal in the latest edition of Physical Review A. Their system exploits properties of squeezed light or vacuum states that should allow for the teleportation of information about an energy state. In turn, this teleported quantum energy could be made useable.
Unlike teleportation schemes as portrayed in Star Trek or The Fly, this type of teleportation describes entanglement experiments in which two entangled particles are joined despite no apparent connection between them. When a change happens to one particle, the same change happens to the other. Hence, the impression of teleportation. Physicists have conducted experiments using light, matter, and now, energy.
According to Hotta, a measurement on the first particle injects quantum energy into the system. Then, by carefully choosing the measurement to do on the second particle, it is possible to extract the original energy.
Back in 2008, Hotta, with another team, first devised a theory for teleporting energy based on taking advantages of vacuum states—theory suggests they are not truly empty, instead there are particles in them that pop in and out of existence, some of which are entangled. While interesting, the theory suggested that teleporting energy could only be carried out over very short distances. In this new effort, Hotta et al have found a way to increase the teleportation distance by making use of a property known as squeezed light which is tied to a squeezed vacuum state.
Quantum mechanics laws limit the ways that values in a system (such as a vacuum) can be measured—physicists have found however, that increasing the uncertainty of one value, decrease the uncertainty of the value of others—a sort of squeezing effect. When applied to light, theory suggests, it leads to more pairs traveling together through a vacuum, which in turn leads to more of them being entangled, and that the team suggests should allow for teleporting energy over virtually any distance.
Moving forward, the researchers want to put their theory to the test in a lab. Hotta hints that his team is in the process of doing just that.
Interestingly, this work has implications to a number of related fields, including black hole physics and the quantum theory of Maxwell's demon.
To learn more about this, I recommend you read this MIT article from 2010, which covered an earlier version of Hotta's theory.
An intresting watch for those of us who are intrested in the real history of our planet.
“In the human unconscious there is an extremely powerful force that acts on an individual keeping him from seeing with clarity the obvious symptoms of his next death. Only in the last moments, are the eyes of the soul opened and man understands his situation and accepts it. The landslide of all the empires and all the human institutions is evident as soon as one studies the past. Why do we believe in a progress without end? Everything dies around us.” Dr. Robert M. Schoch
This original feature documentary features multi- year on site research in the wild Carpathian Mountains by American world -renowned geologist Dr. Robert M. Schoch whose ground-breaking work has appeared on BBC, National Geographic Channel, Discovery and History channel.
“There is no doubt that this (Bucegi Mountains with the Sphinx site) was a cultural nucleus during the last Ice Age, tens of thousands of years ago.” Dr. Robert M. Schoch
Published on Jan 30, 2014
Now presenting fascinating new theories and discoveries about the missing link of human evolution and the soul of man, as we explore the Ancient Mystery of the Carpathian Sphinx and evidence of an intervening leap in human evolution that occurred deep in our ancient past. Featuring Dr. Robert Schoch and filmmaker Oana Ghiocel.
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Proponents of ancient astronaut theories often maintain that humans are either descendants or creations of beings who landed on Earth thousands of years ago. The most popular theory is that human knowledge, religion, and culture came from extraterrestrial visitors in ancient times. Ancient astronauts have been widely used as a plot device in science fiction, but the idea that ancient astronauts actually existed is not taken seriously by most academics.
Arguments can be made that the evidence for ancient astronauts comes from supposed gaps in historical and archaeological records, and they also maintain that absent or incomplete explanations of historical or archaeological data point to the existence of ancient astronauts. The evidence is said to include archaeological artifacts that are beyond the presumed technical capabilities of the historical cultures with which they are associated. This also includes artwork and legends that are interpreted as depicting extraterrestrial contact or technologies.
Notwithstanding these contentions, let us say that there is an axiom to the ancient astronaut theory. Then we need to ask, who were these beings? What did they represent to the inhabitants of earth? Where these beings the ancient Gods of antiquity?
Ra, the Eye of the Sun
P’TAH (Gods of Heaven came to Earth from the Celestial Disk) installed as Egypt’s first Divine Ruler his own son RA. Once known as ATUM, he is probably the most important of Egyptian Gods and sails across the sky in his solar boat. The legend goes that mankind was formed from RA’s tears. Need confirmation? Look above from the hot desert sands at the Sun…that’s his all-powerful eye bearing down on you.
Ancient Egyptian legends tell of Tep Zepi, or the First Time. This is described as an age when “sky gods” came down to Earth and raised the land from mud and water. They supposedly flew through the air in flying “boats” and brought laws and wisdom to man through a royal line of pharaohs.
RA is said to have an unusual relationship with his wife, the Sky Goddess NUT. In the evening he sails through her mouth and then has to battle through her nightmare insides (The Milky Way). RA wends his way through twelve gates at the rate of one per hour avoiding malevolent monsters including the Snake God APEP who lies in wait hoping to go snatch him up. Once these perils are transversed, he then surfaces via NUT’s birth canal to greet the new day. He’s not alone in his journey. Other Gods – THOTH, MAAT, HATHOR, HORUS are the top cohorts, with ABTU, ANET and KHEPRI closely watching for trouble. The night boat is called Mantchet, and a day boat called Semketet, which they board in order to make their rounds. NUT gave birth to OSIRIS. At the time of OSIRIS’ birth, a loud voice was heard all over the world, saying, “The lord of all the earth is born.”
Many Gods try to emulate RA by adding his name to theirs for added glory. The most notable of these was AMUN-RA.
RA is the only god, apart from OSIRIS, who is definitely said to be not on the earth. RA, it is said, is an aging god, still powerful, but too old to deal with his children any longer, so he has gone exclusively to the sky to watch over the world. HORUS rules over the earth and the gods in his stead, demonstrating the divine right of kingship.
In the New Kingdom the god AMUN rose to prominence and was fused with RA as AMUN-TA. During the Amarna Period, Akhenaten suppressed the cult of RA in favour of another solar deity, the ATEN, the deified solar disc, but after the death of Akhenaten the cult of RA was restored.
What can be extracted for this information. Despite the building of elaborate structures like the Great Pyramid or the knowledge of technology even before their use of the wheel, the Egyptians were a remarkable civilization with a rich and vibrant history. If they were helped by so-called ancient astronauts, it would not take away any of their greatness and inspiration they have left for subsequent generations.
Huang-Di (2697-2598 B.C.) is considered to be the first emperor of China and the ancestor of all Chinese. Huang Di, or the Yellow Emperor, is referred to as the “Originator of the Chinese Culture”, and all people of the Chinese race regard themselves as descendants of Yan Di and Huang Di. According to many sources he was one of the legendary ‘Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors’. Chinese scholars have argued whether Huang-Di was “real” or “mythical”. Depending on the source you use he has been described as a god-king, a mythical-king, a real king, a god-like-king, a “son of the heavens” or a half-god. Chinese history suggests that he was real but not human.
Many ancient cultures have kings and rulers that have descended from the skies and referred to as “Gods” and their offspring, as a result from relations to humans, as “half-gods”. Chinese accounts are no different in this respect. According to legend, before Huang-Di was born there was “a radiance from the great star Chi and the Dipper Constellation (Ursa Major)”. His conception was marked by a “thunderclap on a clear day in the skies”. Huang-Di then begins his unification of China and is also credited with being a culture-hero, having brought traditional Chinese Medicine (including acupuncture) to the country. His wife taught the Chinese how to make silk. He was said to live in the Kunlun-Mountains in the heart of Tibet. After he lived and ruled for over 100 years he is said to have prepared his “return to the skies”. Then a Dragon “descended from the sky and took Huang-Di away”. Some sources say that he did not die then but lived another 200 years in the Syuan Yuan stars (the Leo Constellation).
Huang-Di is also said to have authored a book called “Bai Ze Tu” which describes 11520 types of “shapeshifters, monsters, spirits, beings” in the Universe. This book is considered lost. Some sources also cite Huang-Di as having instructed Lao Tzu…the originator of Taoism.
Ancient accounts on Huang-Di refer to him as an inventor of odd mechanical devices. A machine called “the south pointing chariot” helped him win various battles. Another odd device which Huang-Di is supposed to have invented is described as “a tripod”. This “tripod” was 4 meters in height and “100s of energies filled its inside” and made “odd noises”. According to legend this tripod depicted “dragons flying in the clouds”. Furthermore, the tripod was set up at the “Summit Lake Mountain” and “had to be pointed at the Syuan Yuan star” (the brightest star in this Constellation is Regulus). This is also the star Huang-Di is said to be from. Apparently this “tripod” was also able to store data and has recorded the life and times of Huang-Di. Huang-Di’s “Dragon” is not described as some mythological creature but as a device to ascend to “the suns”…a means of transportation and more than three thousand years old.
The works on Huang-Di’s life state that the dragon named ‘Changhuan’ covers an extreme distance in only one day and that any human who rides it can reach the age of two thousand years…a concept consistent with other worldwide legends and accounts of gravitational time dilation in regards to these “vehicles of the Gods”.
When the Huang-Di reached the age of just over a hundred years, he arranged his worldly affairs with his ministers, and prepared for his journey back to the Heavens. The close of his long reign was made glorified by the appearance of a phoenix and a mysterious animal known as the Qilin as tokens of his administration. The life of Huang-Di is celebrated annually by the Chinese people.
What can be extracted from this information? The start of Chinese culture has always been murky…they are a remarkable civilization with an uncommon and mysterious history. If the ancient Chinese were helped by so-called ancient astronauts, it would not take away any of the skill and traditions they have left for subsequent generations.
Krishna is usually regarded as an avatar of Vishnu and in some traditions considered the Supreme Being. Lord Krishna is the embodiment of love and divine joy, that destroys all pain and sin. He is the protector of sacred utterances and cows. Krishna is an instigator of all forms of knowledge and born to establish the religion of love.
Tradition holds that Krishna saw Vishnu in a vision in which the former deity told Krishna to destroy Kamsa son of a demon, a tyrannical ruler of the world. Krishna’s mother, Devaki, was Kamsa’s half-sister. Kamsa already killed her first six sons because he had been told one of her sons would kill him. Krishna’ elder brother, Devaki’s seventh child, Balarama was miraculously saved by Vishnu.
Krishna was also saved when exchanged by his parents for the daughter of a herdsman Nanda and his wife Yasoda (the daughter was also a divine being, an incarnation of Maya). With his foster parents Krishna spent a happy life playing boyish pranks and seducing the gopis (cow girls) and other rustic maidens. They found his flute playing irresistible. Legend has it he may have had 16,000 wives. But his favorite was Radha, daughter of his foster father, and his childhood lover, although they did not marry.
According to legend Krishna was not only divine, but heroic as well. He is alleged to have defeated numerous dragons and monsters, and eventually as predicted, killed his half-uncle the tyrannical king Kamsa.
It was said that demi-gods or devas use to appear frequently to people and gave them technology and knowledge, they also interbred with the population. The Rishis were the keepers of the highest science and knowledge and they learned this from a “divine source”.
Some examples of mortal and gods interaction:
Kunti got all her sons from the gods. She learnt how to summon these gods from a Rishi who gave her a mantra for each god. Also, Kunti’s fathers grand father was actually a naga (shape shifting serpent)
Krishna’s city of Dwarika and Ravans city of Lanka was built by Vishwakarma, who was the chief architect and engineer of the demi-gods. Vishwakarma was also to transport entire land masses. He also revealed the art of mechanical engineering and architecture to humans. And made the weapon “Agneyastra”.
The demi-god Indra was where Arjuna (who was his son) obtained all his celestial futuristic weapons and his vimana (aeroplane).
Krishna, was “not of this Earth” and he knew all the demi-gods very well and they all revered him. In fact Krishna was implanted into the womb of mother of Krishna by a ray of light from the sky (virgin birth).
The story of Krishna also narrates the tale of how Shalva attacked the city of Dwarka with what appears to be a flying saucer.
On learning of Shishupala’s death, his friend, Salva, invoked Shiva and secured from him a flying saucer, a vimana that could travel anywhere in the world, in air, on the ground, under the sea. Using this vimana, Salva launched an attack on Dwaraka determined to avenge his friend’s death. Both Krishna and Balarama were in Indraprastha attending Yudhishtira’s coronation when this happened. So the defence of the city was left to the other Yadavas. Dwaraka was pounded by missiles from the skies. Krishna’s sons and grandsons put up a brave fight but were no match for Salva. When news of the aerial attack on Dwaraka reached Krishna, he hurried home and entered the battlefield immediately. First he shot an arrow with the Sharanga bow and brought Salva’s vimana down as if it was a bird. He then hurled the Kaumodaki mace and smashed the vimana to dust. Then raising the Nandaka sword, he beheaded Salva. The Yadavas were jubilant in victory.
Even the Ramayana talks about a flying chariot called pushpaka-vimana. To many the account of this chariot is not poetic imagination but historical evidence that airplanes existed in Vedic times. The chariot belonged to the yaksha-king Kubera. Ravana took it by force after driving Kubera out of Lanka. Ravana used the chariot to abduct Sita. After killing Ravana and rescuing Sita, Rama returned to the city of Ayodhya on this flying chariot.
Dwarka is a city and a municipality of Jamnagar district in the Gujarat state in India. Dwarka is rated as one of the seven most ancient cities in the country. The legendary city of Dvaraka was the dwelling place of Lord Krishna. It is believed that due to damage and destruction by the sea, Dvaraka has submerged six times and modern day Dwarka is therefore the seventh such city to be built in the area.
Krishna was the charioteer during the War of Kurukshetra. While the war was on swing, Krishna was a witness to the death of Duryodhana (the eldest son of the blind king Dhritarashtra by Queen Gandhari and an avatar of the demon Kali). Immediately after, Krishna received the curse of Duryodhana`s mother, Gandhari for not rescuing his son. She was an ardent worshipper of Lord Vishnu and recognised Krishna as his incarnation. She equally believed and revered Krishna, but on seeing her son die she could not find any justification as to why Lord Krishna allowed such a thing to happen.
Gandhari cursed Lord Krishna that he would perish after thirty-six years, all alone and in a miserable state. All his followers, devotees, relatives and loved ones will also die simultaneously. When this time arrived in Krishna`s life; a madness seized the inhabitants of Dwaraka in such an extent that the people started to kill one another. All sons and grandsons of Krishna were also dead in the massacre. Only the women, Krishna and Balaram were alive in Dwaraka.
After a while Balaram isolated himself in a dense forest. Lord Krishna then went to his father, took blessings and left for the forest, where Balaram awaited him. He saw that his elder brother was sitting under a mighty tree on the fringes of the forest. Balaram was sitting in a posture of a Yogi, eventually a thousand headed snake, `Ananta naga` came out from his mouth and glided its way to the ocean. Soon, the ocean and other holy rivers came together to welcome Anant Naga into their realm.
Lord Krishna saw his brother depart from the real world and he started to wander in the forest. Finally he sat on the ground, started to think of Gandhari`s curse, and realized that the time for his departure has already arrived. He self-possessed his senses and concentrated on his Yoga. A hunter approached that spot of the forest and from a distant saw him and thought to be a deer. He loosed his shaft, took out the arrow, and mistakenly pierced Lord Krishna`s foot. He came hurried near to the Lord and saw him to be a man wrapped in yellow robes practicing yoga. The hunter immediately touched the feet of Lord Krishna and asked for apology.
Lord Krishna opened his eyes and comforted the hunter, then ascended towards the heaven, thus filling the whole sky with glory. After passing through Indra`s paradise, he reached his place at even higher strata. Krishna wives; including Rukmini became Sati and burned themselves on pyre. The rest of the women of Dwaraka became ascetics and nuns. After each and every living being of Dwaraka moved away to other places, the ocean came about and engulfed the city, thus leaving no trace of the land of Lord Krishna.
To the Sumerians and all of Mesopotamia, Anu was a sky-god, the god of heaven, lord of constellations, and the father not only of all the gods but also of evil spirits and demons, most prominently the demoness Lamashtu, who preyed on infants. He was the father of the Anunnaku (also spelled Anunnaki). It was believed that he had the power to judge those who had committed crimes and that he had created the stars as soldiers to destroy the wicked. His attribute was a royal tiara decorated with two pairs of bull horns. His symbol resembles somewhat like a Maltese cross, representing as it appears the four points of the compass and hence the entire heavens. His bow, which is frequently mentioned, can probably be identified as the Milky Way.
Anu possesses vast powers of an unknown nature, which seem to surpass the powers of any other Mesopotamian god. Magical in their form and nature, these powers can be employed in numerous forms. He can project rays of mystical forms resembling modern lasers that can explode on impact and erect shields and objects such as thrones and ships from this energy. He can also create dimensional portals at will to travel between earth and heaven and create spells that augment or enforce spells already in existence. He can project his image, voice or energy bolts from heaven to earth and even place bondage spells powerful enough of bonding individuals to certain realms. Anu seems to have limited precognitive and sensory awareness to perceive facts and information from beyond time and space.
Anu was considered part of a triad including Enlil, god of the air and Enki, god of water. In the Code of Hammurabi it is said that then the goddess Inanna (or Antum) of Ereck may at one time have been his consort. Anu is so prominently associated with the city of Erech in southern Babylonia that there are good reasons for believing this place to have been the original seat of the Anu cult. Anu was the god of the ‘great above’, and the son of the first pair of gods, Ansar and Kisar, descendant of Apsu and Tiamat.
In the Sumerian cosmology there was, first of all, the primeval sea, from which was born the cosmic mountain consisting of heaven, ‘An’, and earth, ‘Ki’. They were separated by Enlil, then Anu carried off the heavens, and Enlil the earth.
According to the Earth Chronicles series by Zecharia Sitchin, the wife of Anu was a fertility goddess and the mother of the gods; her cult was centered in Munster. However, Anu was one of the Anunnaki who came from the planet Nibiru (Marduk). According to Sitchin’s theories on Sumerian legend and lore, the Anunnaki arrived first on Earth probably 400,000 years ago, looking for minerals, especially gold, which they found and mined gold in Africa.
After ruling for 9 years of his own, Anu was dethroned by his son, Enlil. There have been comparisons with the myth of Anu’s dethronement to that of the Greek myth concerning Zeus and his father, Cronos. Like Cronos, Anu was castrated by his son with a bronze sickle.
Anu cursed Enlil to have three miserable sons for his disobedience and escaped. He retires to the upper heavens where Anu welcomed most of the gods into this new realm he called Celestial Dilmun, but Enlil, now calling himself Dagon, was soon overthrown by his brother Hadad, now called Baal. He confined both of them to Earth and after both of them were ousted as rulers, he confined both of them to separate kingdoms in the underworld. From the heavens, Anu reclaimed his role as King of the gods.
In 1838, a party led by Captain George Grey stumbled across paintings in the Kimberley district of Western Australia that have been the subject of controversy ever since. Exploring among the hills near the Prince Regent River, Grey’s group found a number of caves in which many extraordinary figures were painted.
Describing the main painting in one of the caves Grey investigated, he wrote in his journal that “It was the figure of a man, ten feet 6 inches [3.2 metres] in length, clothed from the chin downwards in a red garment, which reached to the wrist and ankles”
“…The face and head of the figure were enveloped in a succession of circular bandages or rollers…these were colored red, yellow and white: and the eyes were the only features represented on the face. Upon the highest bandage or roller, a series of lines were painted in red, but…it was impossible to tell whether they were intended to depict written characters, or some ornament for the head..”
Grey continued to state that the paintings: “…had the appearance of being much more defaced, and ancient, than any of the other’s that the party had seen”.
Wandjina (the spirit in the cloud), as the paintings have become known, have given rise to many theories. Some people contend that the Wandjina represent visiting extraterrestrials, with their spherical helmets to protect them from our earthly environment. The existing rock art has depicted them as having huge upper bodies and large heads. Their faces show eyes and nose, but typically lack mouths. Around the heads of Wandjinas there appears to be lightning and feathers.
To the Australian Aborigines, the Wandjina (or Wondjina) were cloud and rain spirits who, during the Dreamtime, painted their images (as humans but without mouths) on cave walls. Dreamtime is a sacred era in which ancestral Totemic Spirit Beings formed The Creation. It has been said if the Wandjina had mouths, the rain would never cease. They also lacked limbs and had a skull-like face. Their ghosts still exist in small ponds. Walaganda, one of the Wandjina, became the Milky Way.
The Wandjinas have common colors of black, red and yellow on a white background. Wandjinas are believed to have made the sea, the earth and all its inhabitants. The Wandjina is thought to have special powers and if offended, can cause flooding and intense lightning. The paintings are still believed to have special powers and therefore are to be approached cautiously.
Aboriginal actor-historian Ben Blakenley tells of “The Legend of the Silver Bird”, “Long long ago, far back in the Dream Time, a great red coloured egg (spaceship) came down from the skies. It tried to land safely on the ground but broke (crash landed). Out of it emerged white-skinned culture-heroes (gods) and their children.”
“The children’s elders soon died, either through their old age or because they could not accustom themselves to our atmosphere. The children however were young and able to adapt more easily to their new surroundings. They carved and painted the likenesses of their parents upon cave walls to perpetrate their memory. In time the great red colored egg rusted away until its remains had merged with the ground, thus creating the red soil of Central Australia. The children of the culture heroes who came from the sky grew in numbers until they eventually populated the whole land, their skins turning black due to the hot climate.”
Scholars have long argues whether these are visiting astronauts and their spacecraft, or mythical culture heroes and toltemic designs. Ufologists have pointed out that many of these puzzling shapes are similar to UFO shapes which have been sighted and reported in the 20th century. The implications are that 15,000 years ago strange shapes were observed in the skies. Whether these were spacecraft containing ancient astronauts remains unknown. There is evidence both for and against the theory of ancient astronauts and that they may once have visited and had some influence upon the ancient history of Australia.
An ancient astronaut legend comes from the Blue Mountains of New South Wales. This was told by the Dharuk tribe which formerly occupied a vast area stretching from the Hawkesbury River-Sydney District across to the western slopes of the Blue Mountains. The legend concerns “Biramee the Bird Man,” who laid a great egg near what is now the town of Linden, from which the ancestors of the Aborigines hatched.
Another legend contends that Biame, the Sky God, came down from the sky in a big dreamtime hunt across the Blue Mountains. He gave the Aborigines the spear thrower and the boomerang, teaching them how to hunt their food and also to make fire…then he returned to the sky from whence he had come. The carvings not only depict Biame but also many strange little figures which were also the totemic figures of the various tribal groups that peopled the area. Among these totemic figures carved on the stone is a strange fish-like object which some have theorized to be space-craft. They also point to a strange human figure clad in garments which could be said to resemble an astronaut; others see a resemblance between this figure and a Egyptian soldier equipped with helmet and shield and say that the above creation myth is more reminiscent of those of the middle-east.
Although these finds may not be proof of extraterrestrial civilizations having visited earth in antiquity, there is certainly evidence which could be said to lend considerable weight to the ancient astronaut theory in Australia. The evidence primarily consists of archaeological finds which imply the former existence on this continent of a race of non-aboriginal man who inhabited Australia before the dawn of history, and who have left behind them traces of a vast astronomical knowledge. Similar features are to be found elsewhere throughout the ancient world. However, the mystery remains as to how these ancient peoples came by their knowledge often without sophisticated equipment which is only now available too modern man.
On January 28th 2014, while on break at work in Scarborough, I was outside checking out the skies and was ready to head back inside being so cold when I noticed a object that appeared white and blue up a couple of thousand feet. Without hesitation pulled out my camera and took six pictures.
As I’m filming and noticing it’s movements appeared to be in a tumbling fashion. It moved close to over our roof giving me about twenty second window in total to observe this object. After that I lost sight of it still wondering?
Could this simply be a Mylar balloon or a UFO? Out of the six pictures I captured five photographs with this object at 3:17pm.
After showing this to a few people they said it looked more like a UFO – not a balloon.
The fourth picture caught my attention of being so white and distorted – no other colors. Maybe the camera glitch?
Also below in another picture there is a white dot just below this object. Though still feel could be just a balloon or is this really a UFO probe type?
In this day and age when every photograph of UFOs are suspect, these babies are free from that stigma. I urge you to look at the photos and investigate them. Read the stories behind them and see what you find. The one thing you won’t find is that they are hoaxes. Enjoy -Mort
FO hunters believe that may have found evidence of a UFO streaking through the sky – on Mars.
They claim a picture taken by the Curiosity rover shows a possible extra terrestrial craft.
In the image, a bright object can been seen appearing to leave a trail in the Martian sky.
The video, posted by prolific UFO hunter Streetcap1 uses an image stored on Nasa’s servers.
‘Enlargement of the object reveals a spherical top cone, a rounded center mass and what looks like some kind of propellant ejecting from its tail,’ the Bublews site claims.
‘Does Mars have its own space programme?’
According to the ufosightingsdaily site, ‘Another UFO was caught in a Mars rover photo.
‘If you look at it closely, you see that it has a trail behind it and it looks to be moving to the upper right side of the photo.’
The image is one of several UFO hunters have claimed show mysterious objects in the sky.
However on further inspection many turn out to be meteors in the sky.
One Youtube commenter points this out, saying ‘I’m sure they will have a meteor excuse but the trail says otherwise.’
The finding is not Curiosity’s first brush with extraterrestrial life – according to some experts.
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Andere universa laten afdruk achter op het onze
Andere universa laten afdruk achter op het onze
Als het universum oneindig is bestaan er ook parallelle universa, zegt natuurkundige Brian Greene.
Veel theoretici achten het mogelijk dat het multiversum bestaat. Ze benaderen dit fenomeen vanuit verschillende invalshoeken.
Kosmoloog Alexander Vilenkin van de Tufts-universiteit zegt bijvoorbeeld dat in de ruimte bellen zijn ontstaan, waarin zich vele geïsoleerde universa hebben gevormd. Onze bel wordt niet verder opgeblazen zodat in dit universum bepaalde voorwaarden gelden, maar andere worden wel steeds verder opgeblazen en hebben hele andere fysieke eigenschappen dan wij gewend zijn, aldus Vilenkin.
Aanhangers van de snaartheorie zien het universum als een wereld die bestaat uit zeer dunne trillende snaren. Deze snaren creëren de aantrekkingkracht die wij kennen als zwaartekracht. Vanuit deze theorie bekeken is het universum een hologram dat geprojecteerd wordt vanuit een lagerdimensionale kosmos, één die eenvoudiger en platter is en die niet onderhevig is aan de zwaartekracht.
In 2007 stonden wetenschappers versteld toen ze in de ruimte een vacuüm met een doorsnee van één miljard lichtjaar ontdekten. Twee jaar later werd een vacuüm van 3,5 miljard lichtjaar gevonden. Deze vacuüms kunnen niet worden verklaard aan de hand van de huidige opvattingen over de evolutie van het heelal.
Oneindige cyclus
Theoretisch natuurkundige Laura-Mersini Houghton van de Universiteit van North Carolina zei: “Dit zijn onmiskenbaar afdrukken van andere universa. Als gevolg van de kwantumverstrengeling tussen dit en een ander heelal is na de scheiding tussen beide universa een vacuüm ontstaan.”
Natuurkundigen Paul Steinhardt en Neil Turok zien de creatie van dit heelal meer als onderdeel van een oneindige cyclus van botsingen tussen ons universum en een parallelle wereld. Deze theorie is deels gebaseerd op de supersnaartheorie.
Eerder deze maand stelde een ‘donut-steen’ op Mars wetenschappers voor raadsels. De steen is wit met een rode donkere plek in het midden.
Het is niet duidelijk waar de steen vandaan komt en experts stellen dan ook dat zij ‘volledig in de war zijn’ door de vondst. Enkele dagen eerder lag de steen er namelijk nog niet.
De steen bestaat uit zwavel en magnesium. Ook zit er tweemaal zoveel mangaan is als al het andere dat is onderzocht op Mars. Wetenschappers hebben nog nooit zoiets gezien en weten niet wat het moet betekenen.
De Amerikaanse schrijver en wetenschapper Rhawn Joseph heeft nu een rechtszaak aangespannen tegen de NASA. Hij stelt dat de witte steen die door de Marswagen Opportunity is gevonden een levensvorm moet zijn. Joseph wil de NASA en directeur Charles Bolden dwingen de steen nauwkeurig te gaan onderzoeken.
Op 8 januari jongstleden fotografeerde de Marsrover een witte steen, die er twee weken daarvoor nog niet lag. De ruimtevaartorganisatie denkt dat de steen afkomstig is van een meteoriet of dat een wiel van de Marswagen het brokje heeft verplaatst en omgedraaid. Volgens Joseph is het geen steen, maar ‘groeide de levensvorm tot hij kon worden gezien’. In de aanklacht staat dat de steen een paddenstoelachtige schimmel is die we op aarde kennen als een apothecium.
Joseph, zelf betrokken bij het tijdschrift Journal of Cosmology, wil dat de NASA ‘het vermeende biologische organisme van dichtbij fotografeert en op een wetenschappelijke manier onderzoekt’.
Joseph noemt het onverklaarbaar, onachtzaam en bizar dat de NASA geen foto’s van dichtij, microscopische foto’s of hoge resolutie foto’s wil maken van de witte steen.
What if all the forms of reported aliens are actually the pro-creators of worlds? Each world in this universe, seeded with parts of DNA from each species, left to evolve and in that process of evolution and civilization or self-destruction, a new component to the universe is complete?
What if each alien culture is a hybrid itself, and unites with other aliens to use DNA from each as the raw material for our world (a kind Adam and Eve without mating)?
Many ancient alien advocates point to the advancement in man's brain and technology along the way being a jump that defied evolution. Scientists counter that with the point that man suddenly got more protein in his diet, but then that certainly didn't make lions particularly more cognizant and intelligent with their high-protein diets. It could be conceived that what we consider evolution was simply “revisions” and that “revisions are still happening” (alien interventions/abductions). In fact, given plants and animals as sources of food, it might be that it was yet another test of our will as a people to consider ourselves beside the animals or above them in a food chain.
What if the randomness of our own trek here on earth, given their DNA, this planet and its resources, we have proved yet another unique concept to a universe made up of so many unique and random crap shoots that more and more knowledge is gained about the process of conditions, DNA manipulation, atmosphere, resources, and the individual souls and the universe becomes more varied, more knowledgeable and more humbled by its own infinite possibilities?
Some day, in fact, might we be seeding another world ourselves perhaps millions of years from now?
There was no newsletter last week as I was in Costa Rica for a wedding. This week Norio Hayakawa writes about how to get a job at Area 51. Then Jon Kelly reports on Edward Snowden and ETs and about UFO communications over BC. Chris Holly talks about the 'Unknown' in 2014. Scott Corrales writes about a humanoid ET in Argentina and drones over Mexico. Pat Regan reports on the Herefordshire UFO. Next,Carolyn Shield informs us about a Mars jelly donut on Mars. Then, John Foster writes more about his unbelievable encounters of the third kind. Columnist Jasper Copping writes about an airline almost colliding with a UFO. I report on the International UFO Congress being held in February. Tim Beckley offers his unique perspective on the strange. Steve Erdmann reviews The Noir of Murder Incorporated. Roger Marsh is back writing about the Kyle XY TV series. Finally, Hope Bradford writes about camouflage realties and NDEs. Enjoy Dirk
It is almost next to impossible for most people to land a job at Area 51, even if one is a decent aeronautical engineer, an avionics-related weapons systems specialist, etc., unless by high recommendation from a high-ranking member of the upper management of the Groom Lake operations. More...
A new video posted to YouTube on January 28, 2014, exposes an involuntary process of deep disclosure taking place during former CIA employee and NSA contractor Edward Snowden’s recent interview with German television broadcaster Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR) taped in Moscow. The video demonstrates how secret messages encrypted backwards in the whistleblower’s statements relate details of telepathic contact with human extraterrestrials. More... Also read: UFO COMMUNICATIONS OVER BRITISH COLUMBIA
Each year my loyal readers email me and ask me my thoughts concerning the New Year ahead. In the past I have made predictions as I had anticipated changes however the last few years I have given up as I watched the paranormal community continue with the merry go round ride that has become the normal way of things in the unknown. More...
Around 21:30 on Friday, 17 January of this year, seven (7) people were traveling in a Ford F100 pickup truck at a speed of some 40 kilometers an hour. Franco and Javier were in the payload of the vehicle with their two siblings. Their parents and grandmother were inside the cabin. They were returning from San Eduardo, Santa Fe, and in order to reach the field where they live it was necessary to traverse the 15 kilometer stretch that separated them from their destination. More... Also read: UFOS OR DRONES OVER REYNOSA, MEXICO?
I was contacted by a gentleman called David Whillis in January 2014, who had seen my UFO reports. Dave kindly wanted to share something amazing with me that he had witnessed as an 8 year old boy. The witness stated that this UFO was seen by numerous other witnesses and was reported on the “6 o clock news” as well. I shall let Dave explain this sighting in more detail as he recalls it. More...
Theories are buzzing over the internet on where the mysterious rock spotted by Rover comes from. NASA scientists are puzzled and the rock is very unusual in its contents. It has high concentrations of manganese, magnesium and sulfur. It in fact has twice as much as any other rocks on Mars. More...
This is a passage written in Chapter Seven, “Ecological Conservation,” of the book, To Earth From Heaven. It occurred during the summer of 1956, in the deep wilderness, near Bog Lake, several miles north of Dubois, Wyoming…at the end of a wondrous day filled with so-called UFO encounters. The churning cloud phenomenon and the crafts entering it was very similar to the rolling clouds and the UFO craft’s emergence from and disappearance into them as it was portrayed in the movie, “Encounters Of The Third Kind.” When I saw the movie, not yet experiencing my 1986 flood of recollection, I wept continuously from start to finish and didn’t know why. More...
Any pilot flying holidaymakers between Manchester and Ibiza must be prepared for outlandish sights. But perhaps nothing so apparently unworldly as this. The captain of a Thomas Cook airliner flying tourists back from the Spanish holiday island to the north of England reported a "near miss" with a "rugby ball"-shaped UFO, which passed within feet of his jet. More...
Tempe, AZ, January 29, 2014 --( The International UFO Congress, presented by Open Minds Production, is the largest annual conference on UFOs and extraterrestrial life in the world. The conference will be held at the Fort McDowell Resort and Casino in Fountain Hills, Arizona, February 12th – 16, 2014. More...
TERRIBLE NEWS – Those in the paranormal world knew her best as Lady Suzanne (Miller). She was a dear friend since she was 18 years old and walked into a metaphysical school I was running in NYC in the early 1970s. She became a teacher of the occult arts and eventually authored “Curses and Reverses,” which we published. We spent some time traveling to exotic places (including Disneyland) and taking several cruises. More...
The book opened with this stentorian statement: “In the three-year period which followed the murder of President Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald, 18 material witnesses died: six by gun fire, three in motor accidents, two by suicide, one from a cut throat, one from a karate chop to the neck, three from heart attacks and two from natural causes. An actuary engaged by the London Times calculated the probability that at least 18 witnesses would die of any cause within 3 years of the JFK assassination as 1 in 100,000 trillion.” (Quoted in the promotion of the 1973 film Executive Action) More... Also read: THE NOIR OF MURDER INCORPORATED - PART II
As a 50-something male viewer, I am the wrong demographic for the ABC Family network's "Kyle XY," but I found the paranormal-like story line a wonderful source of entertainment despite the heavy dose of teenage angst. Creators Eric Bress and J. Mackye Gruber legitimized seemingly paranormal behavior with the premise that if the human brain was simply left alone in the womb a while longer - like, they point out, Albert Einstein - the result would be humans with extraordinary capabilities. More...
By defining us as Creators involved in a specific “Collective Agreement”, Kuan Yin has answered what may be the most important question of ours or any other era: who are we as a species? For what we believe about ourselves, we will certainly perpetuate. The current state of affairs of global war, inequality and environmental degradation cause many modern philosophers to question whether we, as a species, are innately cooperative or competitive. Often Darwin’s research on the nature of various species is cited as an explanation for acts of war and aggression; that humanity is a naturally competitive species. More...
Subscribers: As regular readers of the UFO Digest newsletter could you please forward a copy to friends or associates you believe may be interested in our articles. The newsletter is an important element of UFO Digest and I would really like to increase its membership. Thanks Dirk.
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UFO or orb over New Orleans on 26th January 2014
UFO or orb over New Orleans on 26th January 2014
New high quality video footage of a bright UFO or orb recorded int the sky above New Orleans on 26th January 2014.
Witness said: UFO Orb over New Orleans I have several videos of a similar type of UFO Orb you can see in my UFO’s Playlist here on youtube But this one came closer than any of the other’s and that makes it very interesting I think their is a message and contact will come soon
Amazon Supernatural Machu Picchu and Terence McKenna
Amazon Supernatural – Machu Picchu and Terence McKenna
Featuring Visionary Terence McKenna in one of his final interviews. Take a Journey high atop the Andes Mountains, to the heart of the ancient site of Machu Picchu. Along the way members of a small group of explorers ingest a Shamanic Medicine derived from the San Pedro Cactus. The San Pedro Cactus has Hallucinogenic properties and is used for Deep Exploration. See what mysteries will be unlocked in this amazing journey of discovery. In the second half, Visionary Terence McKenna gives one of his final interviews.
Amazing UFO sighting over Sacramento, California on 28th January 2014
Amazing UFO sighting over Sacramento, California on 28th January 2014
New amazing video footage of a morphing UFO light recorded in the night sky above Sacramento, California on 28th January 2014.
Witness said: Oh my goodness, we have NO IDEA what this is it came STRAIGHT DOWN out of the sky like a Meteor and then started Hovering and just VANISHED! 30 Miles North of Downtown Sacramento! 10 Miles South of Marysville, CA in the NW Sky!
Amazing UFO sighting over Van Cortland Park, Bronx, New York on 3rd January 2014
Amazing UFO sighting over Van Cortland Park, Bronx, New York on 3rd January 2014
UFO sightings2014 – Interesting video footage of a bright UFO recorded in the sky above Van Cortland Park, Bronx, New York on 3rd January 2014.
Witness said: I’m not sure what exactly it was that I photographed, perhaps a drone? It was there for at least an hour from just before sunset around 4PM, not sure of the exact time, on January 3, 2014. It was in the sky until well after dark over Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx, NY. It may have been there longer, because I just looked up from my computer and there it was flashing toward my window. I didn’t film the whole time as I am recovering from a broken arm and it was difficult for me to keep holding the camera.
'Voorwerpen museum Irak bewijs voor buitenaards leven'
'Voorwerpen museum Irak bewijs voor buitenaards leven'
In het Nationaal Museum van Irak in Bagdad zijn artefacten van de Sumerische, Babylonische, Akkadische, Assyrische en Chaldese beschavingen te bewonderen.
Hoewel het museum in 2003 werd geplunderd, zijn veel kunststukken bewaard gebleven. Het museum doet niet onder voor het Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York en het Louvre in Er zitten ook een aantal vreemde, onverklaarbare voorwerpen tussen die waarschijnlijk bewijs zijn voor het bestaan van buitenaards leven.Parijs.
Enkele potten zijn voorzien van mysterieuze figuren. Op één van de potten, die dateert van 4000 tot 6000 voor Christus, is een wezen te zien met grote bolle ogen, een lang lichaam en dunne armen. Deze figuren zouden buitenaardsen zijn die de aarde duizenden jaren geleden hebben bezocht.
“Deze vreemde kunstobjecten bewijzen waarschijnlijk het bestaan van buitenaardsen of op zijn minst vreemde niet-menselijke wezens die onze planeet bewoonden,” luidt het.
In het museum is ook de goudcollectie van Nimrod te zien. De collectie bestaat uit gouden sieraden en beelden van edelstenen en dateert van de negende eeuw voor Christus. Er liggen ook 5000 jaar oude kleitabletten uit de Sumerische stad Uruk.
De ruimte is niet leeg. Het vacuüm is in feite een plenum en bevat grote hoeveelheden energie.
Tussen het fysieke rijk en het nulpuntsveld wordt een kosmische dans van energie uitgevoerd. Er vindt een constante creatie en vernietiging van materie plaats.
De constante stroom van energie van en naar de materiële wereld lijkt op de kosmische dans van Shiva, zoals omschreven in de hindoeïstische kosmologie. Kan het zijn dat de nulpuntsenergie in werkelijkheid ons eigen collectieve bewustzijn is en dat we de fysieke wereld om ons heen creëren met deze energie?
Als bewustzijn de oorzaak is van de fysieke realiteit in plaats van het effect, dan hebben we een geschikte kandidaat gevonden voor de benodigde spirituele energie. De oude wetenschap is door de geschiedenis heen in het geheim bewaard gebleven en wordt nu omgevormd door de moderne wetenschap.
Heilige geometrie
Deze oude kennis wordt heilige geometrie genoemd. In de oudheid werd het onderwezen aan de mysteriescholen van de Egyptenaren en de Grieken. Op straffe van de dood moesten ingewijden deze kennis geheimhouden.
In het Westen werd de kennis met name doorgegeven door gnostici, tempeliers en vrijmetselaars. De heilige geometrie stelt dat alles in ons universum voortkomt uit een onzichtbare geometrische structuur die een fundamenteel principe volgt. Vandaag de dag gebruiken wetenschappers heilige geometrie om te verklaren hoe de fysieke realiteit is opgebouwd uit de alom aanwezige achtergrond-energie van het fysieke vacuüm.
Last week the Okinawa Times reported that they received multiple reports of bright orange lights being seen above the nearby town of Naha. One witness submitted a 5 minute video. However, they recently updated their story and now believe the lights to be due to military flares.
The lights were seen at around 9 pm on January 23. They were described as 10 or so bright lights that stayed in a group before disappearing after about 15 minutes. The director of the local Ishigaki Island Observatory, Miyaji Takeshi, said he did not think the lights were due to meteorites or any other astronomical phenomenon.
To add to the mystery, Japan’s Air Self-Defense Force claimed they also had nothing to do with the lights. They told the Okinawa Times, “Self-Defense Forces machine do not fly in that time.” They said they had finished their training exercises by 7:20 pm that night.
RocketNews24 noted that the objects did look like flares, but also that locals would likely be used to seeing flares, so they should not be easily confused.
The Okinawa Times updated their story on January 29, and due to what they discovered, took the term UFO out of their headline. The U.S. Marine Corps news department showed the Okinawa Times video of their training using flares fired from aircraft. They said the third Marine Expeditionary Force is using a bombing field to the west of Naha, but would not reveal its exact location.
Similar flares can be seen on the Barry Goldwater Range near my house in Maricopa, Arizona, and are also often mistaken for UFOs.
By Francisco Santibañez (photo credit: Francisco Santibañez)
REYNOSA, Tams. – For some months now, the skies over the city of Reynosa have been a source of polemics among citizens, as hundreds of witnesses claim having seen unusual red spheres traveling in threes in a triangular formation.
These strange spheres appeared sporadically during the first months of 2013, but alarm over the lights was unleashed in the last three months of this year. Sightings have once again become more frequent in the first days of 2014.
While some say that the UFO phenomenon is involved, others believe they could be U.S. surveillance drones flying over the center of this Tamaulipas city.
Using social media, Reynosans have started sharing the images and video recordings they have managed to take of this unusual phenomenon, asking for answers on the nature of these unidentified flying object.
Videos shared on YouTube and recorded by the residents of this border community show the three red spherical shapes, flying in a triangular formation, and becoming a source of bewilderment to those who saw them.
The photos and recordings were taken on different dates and places by witnesses in Reynosa. However, they appear to match perfectly, since the luminous spheres have the same hue and do not make any noise.
UFOs or Monitoring Drones?
Monitoring drones or UAVs are vehicles that fly without any crew whatsoever and are remotely guided. They are frequently employed for military surveillance exercises and are able to maintain a controlled flight thanks to a reaction engine, which makes a high-decibel noise.
There exists a wide array of drone designs. The most common ones are airplane-shaped, although there are some with blades similar to those of a helicopter. They also have a variety of classifications:
- Target drones: They simulate airplanes or enemy attacks for defense systems.
- Surveillance: These submit military information.
- Combat: These are armed and ready for high-risk confrontations.
- Logistical: Conveying items to a given area.
- Commercial: Manufactured for entertainment purposes, such as movie-making.
These vehicles are controlled from a distant base. However, others perform their missions autonomously, based on programmed systems that greatly aid their exploration missions.
You can draw your own conclusions: are these intelligent airplanes, created by the U.S. government? Or could these lights that cause Reynosans such disquiet actually be UFOs?
Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum and her grandson Colby are driving home after visiting a bingo hall in Dayton, Texas. On a country road, they encounter a large, diamond-shaped craft shooting fire out of its base. The heat is so intense it melts the vinyl of their vehicle's dashboard. They report seeing at least a dozen military helicopters in pursuit of the object. All three suffer physical symptoms similar to radiation poisoning and spend a decade pressing the U.S. government for answers.
Part 2: SPACE ROCK: MAY 20, 1967:
Stephen Michalak is an amateur geologist in search of quartz in Falcon Lake, Manitoba. When he arrives at his prospecting site, Michalak encounters a discshaped metallic object, which lands metres away from him. He thinks he hears voices inside the craft, so he moves closer, assuming it is a secret military test vehicle. As Michalak touches the craft, it suddenly blasts off, burning his shirt and leaving permanent marks on his chest. Despite investigations by the U.S. and Canadian governments, no one could ever explain Stefan Michalak's extraordinary encounter.
Filmed in Denver, August of 1997, at the Global Science Congress Convention. Arousing and provoking lectures by Paul Schaffranke and Harry Hubbard as they br...
29-01-2014 om 23:03
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Is this an alien structure or a secret human moon base?
Is this an alien structure or a secret human moon base?
A mystery object spotted on the surface of the moon has sent conspiracy theorists into overdrive.
The bizarre wedge-shaped structure with rows of seven light-like dots along its edge appears on the lunar surface.
It was discovered on the Google Moon viewer at coordinates 22042’38.46N and 142034’44.52E.
Speculation has exploded over the images of the anomaly that UFO websites have likened to an alien lunar base or spaceship.
There are also theories that it is an alien spaceship nestled under the dust of the moon or even a secret moon base occupied by humans.
The two-sided, triangular feature was uncovered by paranormal researcher WowForReeel and posted in a new video.
The finder claims to have spotted a similar mystery structure in Antarctica
‘Is is just a weird looking crater? or is it something else?,’ he asks.
‘It is really there, not faked and I have no clue what it is. I found nothing else like it in any of the other craters.’
According to website Tech and Gadget News: ‘The gigantic shape actually looks like the leading edge of an immense, triangular space ship, similar to, so far, super secret stealth aircraft technology, but is much larger than any airplane ever built on Earth.
‘To date, no other feature has ever been discovered which matches this shape on the moon, or any other planet observed by satellite or exploratory rover.
‘The anomaly is so huge, it’s possible it is some sort of moon base used as a facility for storing and launching alien UFO spacecraft.’
The same YouTube user also claims to have found a similar mystery structure on Earth, nestled under the ice in Antarctica.
‘It is also a triangular shape, measuring 125 by 90mtres.
‘It is unique in the area,’ he said.
Google Moon, which works in a similar way to Google Earth, was launched in 2009 on the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing.
Close-up of the photographed ‘rock.’ (Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
The plaintiff in a new lawsuit accuses NASA of failing to properly investigate an object on the Martian surface that he believes is alive.
In mid-January, NASA’s Opportunity rover photographed a mysterious object on Mars that had not been there when Opportunity photographed the same location just twelve days prior. Dr. Rhawn Joseph filed a petition for a writ of mandamus in a federal court on Tuesday, January 28 in which he requests that NASA “perform a public, scientific, and statutory duty which is to closely photograph and thoroughly scientifically examine and investigate a putative biological organism.”
Dr. Rhawn Joseph. (Credit: Rhawn Joseph)
NASA has already inspected the mysterious object. And as Popular Science explains, “For the record: NASA has identified it as a rock. A very special rock, with rare properties, even. But definitely a rock.” The organization believes this rock was simply kicked up by the rover.
However Joseph disagrees with the rock explanation. It is his belief that the “rock” was in that location the whole time. It just took time for it to grow enough to become visible to the rover. Joseph asserts in the suit that “The refusal to take close up photos from various angles, the refusal to take microscopic images of the specimen, the refusal to release high resolution photos, is inexplicable, recklessly negligent, and bizarre.”
Th Orwellian so called New World Order psychopath’s control over humanity is based to a large extent on interlocking financial, political, social and military networks around the globe. Those of us that desire to raise the consciousness of humanity toward more positive outcomes need to learn to mirror the efforts of our adversaries that hold humanity hostage for selfish gain. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter are powerful tools at our disposal if we learn to use them properly and not allow our networks to be trashed by low credibility communications and information.
Many of us in the UFO/ET community realize that control over extraterrestrial contact and cover-up is part and parcel of this larger elite control mechanism. Some of us are beginning to realize that we can network individually and collectively on the social networks to combat the detrimental effects on humanity by the NWO gang. What I am personally trying to do on Facebook is to get my now free disclosure book to as many new readers as possible and to promote the Extraterrestrial Cultural Center Concept.
The idea of an Extraterrestrial Cultural Center was allegedly first proposed to the UFO investigator Wendelle Stevens by a human extraterrestrial. I have taken this idea and developed it in detail on the Center’s website and have been promoting the concept on our Center’s Facebook pages. Also about once a month I have taken on the monotonous duty J of spending about six hours posting to UFO and NWO Facebook groups updates on my and the Center’s activities. I also try to post Facebook links to some of the more credible groups I post to on a monthly basis, so our Center members can also join these groups and interact and link together. Center home page:
There is no way I can personally do much more to communicate through all these groups, but collectively through interlocking groups we can move our agenda for a better humanity forward. This in much the same way our adversaries are working to dominate and control humanity for selfish gain and instead of evolving humanity devolving it. I would hope that folks that see this post can do the same and post updates about their group to the Center’s public Facebook page on a once monthly basis. To do any more group promotion would just add to our collective spam problem.
I have noticed that during a month’s time many new people circulate through groups and it is imperative that these new people are not put off and discouraged by all the trash circulating though UFO and NWO groups. I used to try to fight with scammers, hoaxers, and viral marketing operations but have decided to just settle for trying to get high quality information to the Facebook groups through the Center and on my personal Facebook Wall. Unfortunately I have reached my 5000 limit and can only put on new people as friends as others drop off. People can click on the follow function however to receive my UFO and NWO daily news postings. I try to stick with mostly UFO related posting to the Center’s public Facebook page. I don’t have a problem with folks just adding me to their UFO groups without out checking with me because that allows me to reach even more people.
I would like to encourage people in other credible groups to post about their group to the Center on a monthly basis just as I post here, but not to spam our site with constant promotions either. (We do moderate our group to try to keep the posts credible and prevent being spammed.) The Center also wants and needs to collaborate with other Facebook and Internet groups. We are grateful for the collaboration and help we already are getting from UFO Digest, UFO World Day and Paranormal World.
A new video posted to YouTube on January 28, 2014, exposes an involuntary process of deep disclosure taking place during former CIA employee and NSA contractor Edward Snowden’s recent interview with German television broadcaster Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR) taped in Moscow. The video demonstrates how secret messages encrypted backwards in the whistleblower’s statements relate details of telepathic contact with human extraterrestrials.
The American computer specialist now residing in Russia first came to international attention in 2013 by revealing operational details of global surveillance activities conducted by the National Security Administration and its Five Eyes partners in Canada, Australia, Great Britain and New Zealand.
Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg referred to these events as the most important leaks in American history.
But what if there is something more to the leaks than what is already known? What if during his tenure with the American intelligence community Edward Snowden received access to CIA and NSA files concerning UFOs and extraterrestrials?
Tehran’s leading independent news agency recently circulated a report describing the controversial whistleblower’s “unconscious concerns about [NSA] PRISM being used to mine online UFO and ET contact-related data as part of an ongoing attempt by the U.S. government to implement tyrannical space wars initiatives.”
Watch the Video
Click here to watch “Edward Snowden’s Psychic Human ETs” on YouTube: “An expose revealing involuntary processes of deep disclosure taking place during former CIA employee and NSA contractor Edward Snowden’s recent interview with German television broadcaster Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR). The video demonstrates how secret messages encrypted backwards in the whistleblower’s statements relate details of telepathic contact with human extraterrestrials.”
Stage-Managed Disclosure
Active censorship by the British Guardian newspaper was evident prior to a July 17, 2013, live online question and answer session with Edward Snowden when this reporter posted the following question: “Edward Snowden, please comment on the following Google News-syndicated article citing “concerns about PRISM being used to mine online UFO and ET contact-related data as part of an ongoing attempt by the U.S. government to implement tyrannical space wars initiatives. Source: PRISM mining UFO data, targets false flag ET invasion as pretext to space wars”
The Guardian responded through an act of prior restraint in which the question was deleted from their website before the session began. In its place was the following citation stating how “This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards.”
Further inquiry to the Guardian’s CIF Moderation Team generated an email response suggesting that the comment was “blocked because it was considered to be off topic.”
Of the potentially hundreds of questions asked by the public via posting to the Guardian website for this session, only a select number were answered and the majority were simply ignored. However, deleting journalistic questions about internationally-syndicated news articles reveals evidence for an active censorship and stage-management initiative on behalf of the Guardian (and perhaps Edward Snowden’s handlers as well).
The Edward Snowden public leaks concerning NSA's global spying free-for-all are evidently not in aid of a free and uncensored British press. In William Blackstone's “Commentaries on the Laws of England” (a set of four volumes published between 1765 and 1769), the notion of Freedom of the Press is reportedly defined as “the right to be free from prior restraints.”
What the Latest Messages Say
The following is a partial transcript of Edward Snowden’s televised interview with German broadcaster NDR, including the text of secret encrypted messages describing contact with psychic human ETs embedded within each of the statements. Encrypted messages not spoken contiguously are isolated numerically (/2). A complete English-language transcript can be found here.
“It’s no secret that every country in the world has the data of their citizens in the NSA. Millions and millions and millions of data connections from Germans going about their daily lives, talking on their cell phones, sending SMS messages, visiting websites, buying things online, all of this ends up at the NSA and it’s reasonable to suspect that the BND may be aware of it in some capacity. Now whether or not they actively provide the information I should not say.”
Secret Message: “Knows an alien. 2/ Variable. Alien. We leave with it.”
“The kind of things that they’re discussing there are two things. They’re talking about filtering of ingest which means when the NSA puts a secret server in a German telecommunications provider or they hack a German router and they divert the traffic in a manner that lets them search through things they’re saying “if I see what I think is a German talking to another German I’ll drop it” but how do you know?”
Secret Message: “First I prove the alien heard our memory.”
“If the NSA isn’t collecting information on German citizens in Germany are they as soon as it leaves German borders? And the answer is “yes”. Any single communication that transits the internet, the NSA may intercept at multiple points, they might see it in Germany, they might see it in Sweden, they might see it in Norway or Finland, they might see it in Britain and they might see it in the United States.”
Secret Message: “The alien that is human. Then their blood is human.”
Meaning Within the Messages
The first of Edward Snowden’s secret messages identified by this study discusses cognition of something alien or extraterrestrial-related. The second phrase in this part of the transcript appears to describe the acquisition and transportation of something associated with this entity, such as information concerning its existence, as an additional variable or negotiating chip while relieving the NSA of other surveillance-related data.
The second of these messages claims that an ET was listening to people’s thoughts, implying telepathic or psychic abilities, while prioritizing the necessity of proving that this took place (and perhaps proving the existence of telepathy and other little-understood phenomena of consciousness as well).
This could be further understood as an appeal to psychic capabilities as an instrument of espionage and counterespionage, a topic that has received considerable attention in discussions of Remote Viewing.
The third message emphatically identifies an ET as a human being, going so far as to state that it possesses human blood. This involuntary remark could indicate Edward Snowden’s possession of intelligence community medical research data produced during studies of extraterrestrial bodies discovered during crashed UFO recovery operations.
One report of such an incident implicates Dr. Wernher Von Braun as a witness to ET bodies at a recovery site.
In an article outlining the first of Edward Snowden’s unconscious UFO disclosures, discussed the NASA space scientist's foresight in warning his colleagues that “terrorists, asteroids and ET’s would be categorized under an American “Enemy's List” to sustain “War Mode” and Pentagon budgets.”
Mineta Standard
The discovery of three instances of encrypted involuntary statements from Edward Snowden during his recent NDR interview describe psychic human ETs in a way that complies with what this reporter has proposed as a Mineta standard of deductive reasoning.
Former United States Secretary of Transportation and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient Norman Mineta has explained how the rule of three guides his analytic perspective on questions related to air transportation safety in the following remarks where he states “When you see one of something happen, it’s an accident. When you see two of the same thing happening, it’s a trend. When you see three, it’s a plan.”
More About Secrets of Unconscious Communications
Click here to listen to acclaimed communications expert Jon Kelly discuss his journey to discovery and the procedure that revealed Edward Snowden’s secret messages concerning UFOs and psychic human extraterrestrials in an exclusive one-hour interview with Radio 3Fourteen.
UFO’s are increasing in numbers and doing so exponentially. Peter Davenport stated on Coast to Coast several weeks ago that there has been a huge spike in UFO sightings world-wide. When we interviewed George Filer for Watchers 7, he stated there was a significant increase in sightings. The link that Richard sent me is very strange and in some ways reminds me of the “Mother Ship” from the movie Close Encounters. Combined with this is the growing rise of the demonic—as I posted in yesterday’s blog—that is now being pumped in to our living rooms thanks to pop singers like Katy Perry, Niki Minaj and others.
I was at the airport a few days ago in Lima Peru, and went into one of the little shops. There on the wall was the entire Harry Potter collection! Folks, the occult is everywhere, from the shows we watch on TV, to the movies in our theater. Recently my wifey and I walked out after about 40 minutes of watching Thor, because it was so blatantly demonic.
I believe the veil is thinning and with it the sightings of UFOs along with demonic manifestations are becoming more frequent. I also realize that I’m putting the two seemingly disjunct topics in the same sentence. This, on my part is deliberate, as I believe the two are connected. Jacque Valle has stated: ”[An] impressive parallel [can] be made between UFO occupants and the popular conceptions of demons.
I did two, half hour radio shows with Dr. Noah Hutchings, of Southwest Radio Church, yesterday and we discussed at length Watchers 7, which may be one of the most cutting edge expose’s on the UFO phenomena ever produced. The programs will be aired soon, but during the course of the interview Noah asked me why pastors should be concerned with the UFO phenomena. I went on for about 5 minutes answering the question, but the bottom line is this, pastors should be aware and up to date with what is happening in our skies, as after all, Paul Hellyer, former defense secretary of the Canadian government has stated: UFOs are as real as the airplanes flying overhead! I believe this is the coming great deception and when it finally is revealed it will be the ultimate game changer!
In closing todays’ post. I believe the veil is thinning and the Fallen One is growing bold. I honestly believe we will see some kind of manifestation this year and not just the lights in the sky, but perhaps a life changing event as a mile-wide craft appears over a city somewhere in broad daylight for all to see. I’m not acting like a prophet here, just stating what I think may happen. In short, I believe the veil is thinning!
To book L. A. Marzulli please email him at
L. A. Marzulli shares the platform with a variety of speakers with many different world views. Marzulli does not endorse anyones world view unless specifically noted.
On April 25, 1977 in Pampa Lluscuma (near Putre), Chile a soldier was in shock after a strange, five-day saga with a UFO. Six members of an army patrol saw two bright objects descending from the sky. Cpl. Armando Valdes, the patrol leader, set out alone to investigate and, according to the men, simply vanished. Fifteen minutes later, they said, he reappeared, tried to speak and passed out. The date on his watch had been advanced five days, and he now had about a week’s growth of beard. “You don’t know who we are or where we come from but we will be back soon.” These are the strange words uttered by Corporal Armando Valdes, leader of a Chilean military patrol. Just some 15 minutes previously he had been subjected to a mysterious UFO encounter at Pampa Lluscuma near Putre in Chile. The date was April 25, 1977 and the time about 4:00 AM. Putre is 50 air miles ENE of Arica, a larger city in Chile. Corporal Valdes was in charge of a patrol on routine assignment near Putre in the early morning hours of April 25, 1977. He and his six-man patrol were sitting around a campfire alongside a wall of stones and mud at the secret army post of Pampa Lluscuma. They were talking and singing quite a while to stay awake. Two of the men kept watch several feet away. About four in the morning one of the men. Private Rosales, ran back to Valdes to report that two bright violet lights had landed, one of which was in sight and illuminated the whole area. The light approached closer. Valdes ordered his men to cover up their fire with blankets. The violet light with a red spot at each end withdrew and then returned closer. The patrol was terrified. There was no sound with the UFO motion. The Chilean high plateau was amazingly silent. Corporal Valdes stated “after praying to God and ordering the light to leave…after demanding that it identify itself, I moved a few meters away from my men.” The corporal moved toward the object. He disappeared for some 15 minutes. When he reappeared, he was shaking and his voice seemed different.
The light had been illuminating the whole area. As Corporal Valdes reappeared he was heard to utter the words at the beginning of this article. He then became unconscious and was attended by his fellow men till he awoke some two hours later. The UFO also disappeared about this time. While the unconscious Corporal Valdes was assisted by his patrol, his men made another strange observation. They saw that Valdes had a beard growth equivalent to several days without shaving. He had been well shaven before the incident. As Valdes awoke he exclaimed, “I don’t remember anything from the moment I left you.” He then ordered, “Get ready to leave because it’s 4:30 in the morning. It was actually about 7 AM. His calendar watch had stopped at 4:30 but the date was five days advanced – to the 30th instead of the 25th. These are the bizarre circumstances in the case. Many of the details were related some two hours after the incident to Pedro Araneda, a correspondent and lecturer. The presence of UFOs are not a surprise to Corporal Valdes. He, as well as others in the interior of Chile near Arica, often see luminous UFOs moving about the skies. Valdes states, “The surprising thing was the way it approached us. As soldiers we are trained to deal with any situation. But this phenomenon didn’t seem to have any logical explanation. I would like to regain my memory of those fifteen minutes. I would even like to submit to hypnosis to draw out information about what happened.” President and Commander in Chief Augusto Pinochet of Chile has prohibited further interviews with the soldiers. Medical, psychiatric and eventually hypnotic tests are planned for member of the patrol to confirm their stories. Meanwhile more sightings have occurred at Arica, Punta Arenas, Santiago, and other locations up and down the 2700 mile length of Chile. NASA and the University of Chile jointly operate a space tracking station north of Santiago, Chile. Officials of the station could offer nothing to elucidate the facts in this case. The time fact in this particular case – increased beard growth and accelerated clock time – are elements which make this case exceptional and worthy of further consideration. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
British Mathematician and pop culture celebrity Hawking, who pioneered the pseudo scientific delusion of “black holes” several decades ago, has just abandoned his former belief – albeit for an equally wacky half baked “theory”. Hawking is one of the reasons modern ‘physics’ has come to embrace terms like “big bang”, “dark matter”, “dark energy” and of course “black holes”. All of the above belong in the realm of black magic and medieval alchemy. They have no place in real science. Black holes do not exist, but not for the cooked up reasons proposed by Hawking in his recent practical joke. Watch the video below for a detailed rebuttal.
Stephen Hawking has shocked the scientific community by radically claiming there are no black holes.
In an article by Nature it is reported that Hawking, who is responsible for creating the theories on what we know about black holes today, has done away with notions science has held true for almost 40 years.
He claims the event horizon – an invisible boundary covering every black hole beyond which nothing, not even light can escape – do not exist.
Instead what Hawking suggests is an “apparent horizon”, which temporarily traps matter and energy before releasing it into space.
“There is no escape from a black hole in classical theory,” Hawking told Nature. Quantum theory, however, “enables energy and information to escape from a black hole”.
Now buckle up – here’s where it all gets a bit confusing.
It was previously believed that should an astronaut be unlucky enough to fall into a black hole they would happily pass through the event horizon, being gradually pulled inward – stretched out along the way like spaghetti – and eventually crushed at the black hole’s infinitely dense core.
However, theoretical physicist Joseph Polchinski came to the conclusion that the laws of quantum mechanics would change the situation completely, turning it into a highly energetic area that would instead burn the astronaut to a crisp. But if this was the case it could dismiss Einstein’s theory of relativity. This is what’s known as the blackhole firewall paradox and it’s been puzzling scientists for years.
But now Hawking’s third theory as to what a black hole could look like has got physicists’ heads spinning. Hawking’s new suggestion is that the apparent horizon is the real boundary. “The absence of event horizons means that there are no black holes – in the sense of regimes from which light can’t escape to infinity,” Hawking writes.
Polchinski, however, is sceptical that black holes without an event horizon could exist in nature, “the kind of violent fluctuations needed to erase it are too rare in the Universe,” he says.
If you’ve managed to understand any of this, we applaud you. While we won’t even pretend to get our own heads around it some scientists have and explain how this revelation “highlights how abhorrent physicists find the potential existence of firewalls.”
Raphael Bousso, a theoretical physicist and former student of Hawking’s states: “the idea that there are no points from which you cannot escape a black hole is in some ways an even more radical and problematic suggestion than the existence of firewalls,” he says. “But the fact that we’re still discussing such questions 40 years after Hawking’s first papers on black holes and information is testament to their enormous significance.”
De bekende professor Stephen Hawking heeft de wetenschappelijke gemeenschap geschokt door te stellen dat zwarte gaten niet bestaan.
Toch staat hij zelf aan de basis van een aantal theorieën rond zwarte gaten. Hawking beweert dat de waarnemingshorizon, de onzichtbare grens van een zwart gat waarachter niets kan ontsnappen, niet bestaat.
In plaats daarvan is er een ‘schijnbare horizon’, die tijdelijk materie en energie opvangt om ze daarna weer de ruimte in te lossen, aldus Hawking. “In de klassieke theorie kun je niet om het bestaan van een zwart gat heen,” zei hij in vakblad Nature. “De kwantumtheorie maakt het echter mogelijk dat energie en informatie ontsnappen uit een zwart gat.”
Hawking zegt dat de schijnbare horizon de echte grens is. “De afwezigheid van de waarnemingshorizon houdt in dat er geen zwarte gaten zijn – in de zin van stelsels waaruit licht niet kan ontsnappen tot in het oneindige,” aldus de natuurkundige.
Theoretisch natuurkundige Joseph Polchinski is sceptisch over het idee dat zwarte gaten zonder waarnemingshorizon in de natuur kunnen bestaan. “Het soort gewelddadige schommelingen dat nodig is om ze weg te vagen is te zeldzaam in het heelal,” zei hij.
First, I must put a disclaimer – I have never ever believed in aliens or UFOs being from other planets. I've never been particularly interested in the concepts and, other than old 50s black and white corny scifi movies, have not been distracted by the genre or concepts. Even as a paranormal investigator, I've not taken any real focus of attention to alien/UFO subjects even though I have seen UFOs that were unexplainable, I still believed they were of this world.
But, then, one day about 1992, I decided I needed to get hypnosis to help me get over an addiction to chocolate (actually in the future I would divorce my husband and lose all cravings for chocolate completely – a symptom of withholding anger). I found a hypnotherapist who would do several sessions to get me through it and perhaps the origins of the dependency on chocolate.
I underwent a hypnosis session and it was quite amazing. I could hear the phone ring, but my mind didn't think “who is going to answer that?” It was just a sound and meant nothing to me. If she didn't ask a question, I said nothing. When I came out of it, she said “how long were you under?” I said “15 minutes?” She showed me the clock. Two hours had passed.
She decided in one session to take me back in time to childhood. She took me back to a small child, perhaps 5 or 6. I was in the bedroom and I looked around, seeing details I had completely forgotten, like the blanket, the canopy on the bed, the place where I left my shoes in the corner, the throw rug, and more. I could feel it and even smell it. The therapist told me to look around and just take it in. In my perspective, I was lying on my bed and I turned my head to the left to see a grey alien about six or eight feet away.
He was flanked on both sides by tall slender pale beings. I did not look up to see their faces because my eyes were on the grey and I was mesmerized. He wore a jewel or stone of some kind on his forehead between his eyes and my immediate thought was “he's a king!”
Nothing was said between us, but I know what he was conveying to me. It wasn't in words. It was simply knowledge. The message was basically this:
I have given you things that make you different than others. You will have many trials ahead of you in your life. Eventually, you will use your skills in your mission. You will not see me again (followed by an almost faintly wistful feeling of pride from him which I got the sense was a rare emotion).
It's hard to explain this part. While he was there, I was also aware he was outside of my window in a space not on this plane. I have always been spatially gifted and store knowledge outside my body (more on that later). I wasn't sure if this was the case with him or he was literally traveling from the room to the outside as the thought transference ended. I felt a strange bond with him, as if he was father-like and understood me like no one else ever would. I was sad he was leaving. I was very worried about these trials. I thought it meant I'd be in trouble all my life.
When the therapist took me out of the hyponosis, I had not described any of this to her because she had not asked me to tell her what I saw. In hypnotic state, responses are very literal. I couldn't do something if she didn't offer it.
I left the session puzzled. I did not believe in aliens. They did not exist. Therefore, hyponosis was not a legitimate means to recall things or make new behaviors. A totally bogus business, nothing more than a dream/fantasy state!
I never went back.
But, something about it hung over me. What was conveyed made sense. I had some very odd abilities (or as I thought of them, disabilities) and I did have a life that was wrought with trials since early childhood.
Over a decade later, in 2003, having put it all aside, I was compelled to begin paranormal investigating to get answers to the oddities I had experienced all my life. This was initiated by prophetic dreams in my adulthood that came to be true within 48 hours in amazing detail. I did not know how to deal with these dreams and I had not used my other psychic skills since I was an adolescent when I wanted to fit in and especially when I started dating my husband, I put them underground in deep freeze for decades. There was much I was avoiding and I needed to now examine, as I couldn't escape the very real fact I had some highly unusual skills that were hard to keep down.
In 2008, I started this blog and even then was afraid to reveal my true self, calling myself “Autumnforest.” I was in the death throes of my marriage and gathering my bravery to leave inch by slow inch. The more I used my skills in my blog and investigations, the more I was sure I couldn't stay in the marriage. But, letting the real me out, threatened the relationship even more. I had suppressed my abilities and my interests since I was 16 to make him happy and be what he wanted – a woman with no mystery, no oddities or imperfections, and certainly no para-experiences.
Once I went through the divorce in 2010, things began to really happen for me. What I once thought were “flaws” that made me different in a bad way were strengths. Here are some of them:
High IQ. The school called mom in when I took the test. I thought I was in trouble. Mom hid the score from me. She was unsure what to do. They wanted to customize schooling for me. I later paid my brother to show me the paper and when I read the score and found out I was in genius level, suddenly things made sense – like why I could get As on tests with zero studying and barely any attention paid during lessons and never reading the books. I didn't understand why I could do many things at one time and do them well and others struggled to focus on one sentence. I was bored, restless, daydreaming. A typical gifted child. I took the test again in my 40s and got the same score, confirming what I already suspected.
Facial amnesia. I cannot conjure a single face in my mind, not even my own or my son's or anyone's. I simply am blank. I spent a lifetime not looking at faces because it wouldn't matter if I looked, I wouldn't remember them. I focus on one tiny aspect of a person to identify them. If I run into someone where I don't expect them, I have no clue who they are. If I expect to meet them, I look for the tall bald man who wears faded jeans and uses his hands when he talks and those kinds of cues. Even in my dreams, I have never once looked at a face – I simply instinctively know who it is.
Spaital giftedness and spatial synesthesia. This is a hard one to explain, but I store information outside my body in a grid of sorts, different heights, quadrants, distances from me, especially time like days of the week and months of the year. I do not see calendars in my mind. Monday is jslightly left of my left eye, about 6 feet off the ground and about 6 feet away from my body.
Psychic skills. Since I was a child digging up relics at our estate, I've been able to read objects by touching them (psychometry) and later found other skills like out of body travels, remote viewing, and prophetic dreams that come true.
In working the blog and writing and coming up with hypotheses in the field of paranormal study, these unusual skills were being utilized all the time. Still, I did not believe in aliens, only that they were fantasies.
That is, until 2012.
I was chugging along as a now single person, publishing books on paranormal and horror, running my blog, working a full-time miserable job that I hated, and exhausting myself with a desire to make up for lost time (the marriage did not allow for paranormal exploration), also trying to get caught up on the paranormal realm and studying Bigfoot. I had gone onto some Bigfoot sites regularly and my intelligent and sharp banter with the idiot trolls in Bigfoot sites got the attention of some people – one person who would become very prominent in my life.
I went to bed one night and awakened, wide awake for no reason. I pulled the blanket back, sat up and swung my legs around to go to the bathroom, but in front of me was a grey alien. I knew he wasn't alone. I looked at the corner of the bed at the foot of the bed and there was another. There was another at the foot of the bed and one more on the other side of my bed. They were encircling it. The immediate collective basic thought from them was like, “Oh shit! She wasn't supposed to see us!” Of course, there were no words in my head, just a knowledge that they were not expecting me to awaken
I saw an orange-red light and turned. The one at the foot of the bed was awash in this light that seemed as if it came from above him in a cone shape and then got very bright and blocked him out and he disappeared. The one next to me became awash in the same orange-red cone-shaped light and disappeared. The one at the corner foot of the bed too. Then, I glanced at the one on the other side of the bed and he turned away as if he thought I wouldn't see him while he awaited the light. I was thinking in my head something to the effect of, “dude I can totally see you.” I reached out, hoping to touch the skin on his arm and he became awash in the orange-red light and disappeared.
I was on all four on the bed and the room smelled of ozone, then temperature dropped drastically and very quickly it heated up very warm and then leveled off. I got up, inspecting the carpet and the room, peering out between the blinds to the still night and the apartment complex lanterns were glowing as usual. It was still and quiet.
When they had been in the room, the collective message they embedded me with was:
You have progressed, you are using your abilities, and you are ready for your mission.
The next day, out of the blue, I got an email from a man who wanted to talk about Bigfoot with me. He called me a while later. After that several-hour long call, I realized my mission might have just arrived.
He had read my writings online and appreciated my sass, my mind, my bravery to stand up to the morons in the field, and my attitude about protection and respect for our co-inhabitants, the Tall Ones. He wanted me to join a group of thoughtful researchers who quietly and behind the scenes worked to develop understanding, communication, and protections.
As it turned out, he became my dearest friend and the mentor I had not had since my father was alive (he died when I was 16). We discussed Bigfoot and life and its lessons.
I had quietly dared the aliens to give me a means to get out of my miserable career and be free to research and go out in the field and contribute more to this mission. Ironically, when I had voiced that opinion, my mentor started asking if I'd ever thought of stock trading. I had only 2 years experience at paying bills and balancing checkbooks. I was never a numbers person. He reminded me of my IQ and I decided it was time to test it. He started teaching me stock trading and I took off with it for the next year and a half. I was utilizing all my unusual skills in this venture and it was proving to be the ideal use of my abilities.
I continued on in the field of research in all things paranormal and gathering a greater understanding of many aspects of the world we have been oblivious to the signficance of. At times, it felt like I was unfolding spiritually as well as mentally. I wanted to quit my job in the late fall of 2013, but felt insecure about it. I had never been without work and paying my own benefits and such, it sounded very daunting. I daily went back and forth, feeling sure, then insecure. I was vacillating and my body was deteriorating from the desk job with horrid sciatica that made me no longer able to feel my feet and in great pain.
Then, a couple months ago, out of the blue, another visit. This time – the grey from my childhood the one with the decorative stone on his forehead.
I woke up in my bed. Wide awake as if I had been summoned. I was staring at the ceiling, but I saw something out of the corner of my eye beside me that should not be there. I started to turn my head, but was told basically “do not look.” I obeyed. I studied the ceiling. I knew it was him, the grey from my childhood, the one I thought of as a second father. His message was basically this:
You will find the schism between the worlds. You will open and close the door at will in front of witnesses. From the corner of my eye, a flash of orange red light, ozone, cold, and heat. Then, quiet and normal all over again within seconds.
I got up, got a drink of water, looked outside, came back, lied down, realized it was all over and my mind raced with knowledge. I had no idea where it came from, but I was being “downloaded” a vision of the world and this is the best I can describe it:
It began with the formation of this world in a physical form, the interaction of ethereal types from other parallel worlds who came and went freely. Man was formed and lived here, interacting with these spiritual-like beings readily. Thus fantastic spirituality and religious concepts were born in man based on factual understanding of the universes. But, over time and formation of the final man, the worlds were closed off to allow this physical world to develop and evolve. Man was also left with the pineal gland in the brain to allow for cycles that created sleep and dream state where he would rememer his origins in worlds with no physical form. There were fissures that remained between our world and theirs, allowing beings from the other realms to come and go from time to time, working to not interrupt the growth of the man here on this thing we call Earth., yet giving us glimpses to try and shake our collective amnesia and test our openness to knowledge of other realms. Periodically, aliens, monsters, and spirit forms come and go and we glimpse them, but they return to their realms. It has come to a time where they try to give us more encounters to gauge man's reaction to such concepts and if we are ready to accept the reopening of the fissures and interacting with other realms or if we are too primitive and caught up in the physical form, forgetting the ethereal, as thus far the only time we truly escape it is in death when we realize our true origins and join the universal collective again. If we do not accept concepts like Bigfoot and aliens and spirits well, then the fissures will be closed and such interactions will never occur again. And, man's soul will be trapped here, as well.
As exceptional as all of this vision of the world was in the middle of the night after another alien visitation, I lied back on the pillow and fell asleep. Before sunrise, I had a dream. My cell phone made a texting sound. I looked at the screen in my dream and in the bottom corner of the screen in large white letters it spelled out “OPEN DOOR” in all capital letters.
My eyes flew open. I sat up. What a night!
Since that time, things have moved at an accelerated pace, information being dropped in front of me that does not seem coincidental, but purposeful, meeting people who provide other parts of the puzzle, and all the time wondering about how to open and close this door between the worlds for people to see the other side. It seems like such a huge request of anyone, much less overtaxed and overworked me. I tried not to sweat it. After all, if it was that important, wouldn't they have given me instructions? And, almost immediately, I quit my job and took the big plunge. I realized that if I was given these skills and don't use them to my advantage, I was not truly living, only existing. They seemed to have opened paths to make it possible for me to take my “mission” further.
A few nights ago, I had a dream in which I was in a room. I had no body, did not need to breathe, was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It was dark and strange. I was able to feel the texture with my mind and see light with sound. It was synesthetic and wild. I called out “hello?” and my voice echoed and I realized I was in a lock, like the locks of a canal that help a ship to rise and lower to get through to the other body of water. This was a lock between worlds. It wasn't just a door to the other side. It was spatial chambers that allow you to get used to each phase of the transition from losing your body and physical needs to shedding your 5 senses and 3-dimensional mindset. I was in the middle lock, close to the end, but I was afraid. I woke myself up to get out of it.
Is this what the doorways between the world are like? I honestly believe it is. Something like the near-death experience to prepare you, to shed the body and the mortal plane for something ethereal and omnipotent.
Ultimately, the responsibility lays on my shoulders to prove that these encounters were real. I was ready to throw it all out because little gray men from other planets is ridiculous, right? So, why am I taking it more seriously now? Because things are coming together as they said and I am being given so many obviously blatant signals, that I either have to believe I'm part of some great Matrix that is forcing me to play out a plot or I am truly being given crumbs and a path. Since I am curious by nature, I will continue to follow these crumbs, fearlessly and unrelentingly.
After all, you don't give someone gifts and expect them not to use them -
“Another UFO was caught in a Mars rover photo. If you look at it closely, you see that it has a trail behind it and it looks to be moving to the upper right side of the photo. Great catch by Streetcap1,” says UFO Sightings Daily Author Scott Warning.
UFO sighting over Bangor, Ireland on 20th February 2013
UFO sighting over Bangor, Ireland on 20th February 2013
Interesting video footage of a HUGE UFO light recorded in the night sky above Bangor, Ireland on 20th February 2013.
A motorcyclists garage security camera catches a UFO moving intelligently and illuminating the whole area at night over Bangor Town in Northern Ireland on the 20th/02/2013.
Travelling low then ascending to move onwards! turning to avoid obstacles and then making its way off while glowing super bright, the object surely is a UFO if you ever have seen one.
Witness statement: Low Light 1004X camera, wind was going that direction, Also stating: Its in Bangor, its a low light cam that run pretty much 24 hours a day the time and date are on bottom of vid cheers.
A pattern of UFO communications is evident in the skies over Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Bidirectional signalling bridges earth and air to evoke signs of psychic contact taking place over a multi-year period. Two different electronic instruments register the same repeatable phenomena indicating open lines of communications from advanced intelligences cooperating in the development of human consciousness.
It is almost next to impossible for most people to land a job at Area 51, even if one is a decent aeronautical engineer, an avionics-related weapons systems specialist, etc., unless by high recommendation from a high-ranking member of the upper management of the Groom Lake operations.
At present, there are an estimated 1200 to 1800 employees working for highly compartmentalized projects for several defense contractors present at the base.
In addition, there are an estimated 1500 defense specialists who are indirectly related to Groom Lake operations who do not work at the base.
One has to be a U.S. citizen in order to be able to land a position at the base.
The only application form for an “outsider” to even attempt to find a job at Area 51 is through an organization called JT3, a joint venture of Raytheon and URS (former EG & G) and several other contractors.
Even if one is accepted by JT3, it will be JT3 itself which initially decides where you will be assigned to, whether it be in Nevada, Southern California or Utah.
The APPLICATION FORM is in their website.
Fraudulent applicants could easily be traced by JT3 and could be reported to Federal authorities.
CLOAKING ALIEN CRAFT PHOTOGRAPHED OVER ORLANDO FLORIDA JANUARY 24, 2014 … ORLANDO FLORIDA While staying at the Orlando World Center Marriott Resort in Orlando I stepped onto the back porch to make a panoramic photo of the sunrise. While taking a series of 3 photos I noticed a curving brighter line in the clouds. I assumed it was part of a contrail and paid no further attention until it came time to process the 3 photos into a panorama a day or two later. After loading the 3 digital Olympus RAW file images into my computer and into PhotoShop the bright curve caught my attention again. When I blew the image up to 1:1 pixel view I was astounded to see that my “contrail” was actually a sharply defined disc resting in the clouds about 15-20 degrees above the horizon. The disc was tilted toward me, the top partially obscured by the clouds but the bright edge of the disc very clearly visible. The image was taken with an Olympus OM-D E-M5 using an Olympus 14-150mm lens at 14mm. The E-M5 is a micro 4/3 camera and the short side of the image at 14mm covers approx 45 degrees. By laying a grid over the image I was able to determine that the diameter of the disc was covering approximately 2 degrees. Guesstimating that the object might be as much as 5-10 miles away I concluded that the size of the disc might be about 850-1700 feet. The image of the disc appears on two of the three overlapping images I made for the pano. There are only a few seconds elapsed between the two images and the disc shows no apparent motion. I am attaching the jpeg image of the pano I created along with a 1:1 pixel crop of the area showing the disc which is located at the lower left of the pano. The RAW files of the original are available on request. Note that the timestamps in the EXIF data are 1 hour ahead of actual time as I forgot to adjust the camera for end of daylight savings in the fall. KEN PFEIFER WORLD UFO PHOTOS AND NEWS WWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORG WWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOS.ORG WWW.MUFON.COM CASE FILE
One Reader Exclaimed!These Arctic structures are quite remarkable, but it is hard to get an accurate picture of their scale, but I do know that they don’t harbor human artifacts in them. What create these wonders of our world? Are they cause by geothermal vents rising from the volcanoes on the ocean floor?
Life on an exo-planet? No,these amazing images were taken near the Arctic Circle, where temperatures can fall as low as -40 degrees Celsius by nature photographer Niccolò Bonfadini who captured the shots during a nine-day camping trip to Finland last January.
“I was blown away by the otherworldly landscape, everything was white as far as the eye could see. Everything was frozen,” Bonfadini told “It was incredible to see how ice would form on top of every free surface. Even my snow shoes and fuel bottles would be covered in ice if I left them outside my tent during the night.”
“I feel small and vulnerable among the power of nature,” he explained to Daily Mail. “During those moments I really feel alive.”
Lights from the Fakeplane , Bonus I found this fakeplane from a another video from me thats looks like the same type from the plane in the video "Lights from...
28-01-2014 om 23:32
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Publisher's Note: Received an email from UFO Digest contributor Alexandra Holzer, who sent me a very interesting link about an airliner that came within feet of a UFO. Please use the link at the bottom of the article to continue reading. The article was published on the Internet here: Enjoy Dirk
By Jasper Copping
Any pilot flying holidaymakers between Manchester and Ibiza must be prepared for outlandish sights.
But perhaps nothing so apparently unworldly as this.
The captain of a Thomas Cook airliner flying tourists back from the Spanish holiday island to the north of England reported a “near miss” with a “rugby ball”-shaped UFO, which passed within feet of his jet.
The encounter, over Reading, Berks, was reported to the aviation authorities, who launched an investigation. But no earthly identity for the object could be established.
The encounter was disclosed earlier this month by the Telegraph, following the publication of a report into the inquiry. The document did not identify the aircraft involved.
However, following an analysis of flight data recorded on the internet, the Telegraph has established it was a Thomas Cook plane, with the flight number TCX24HX. It was an A320, with the registration G-KKAZ, which was made in 2003.
The jet was flying to Manchester International airport, from Ibiza, on July 19th 2013. For years, the island has enjoyed a hedonistic reputation, attracting thousands of tourists each summer, many attracted to its vibrant nightlife. In recent years, it has attracted an increasingly upmarket clientele, among them David and Samantha Cameron.
The aircraft was flying at 516mph, at an altitude of 34,000ft, when it was passed by the UFO.
Any pilot flying holidaymakers between Manchester and Ibiza must be prepared for outlandish sights.
But perhaps nothing so apparently unworldly as this.
The captain of a Thomas Cook airliner flying tourists back from the Spanish holiday island to the north of England reported a "near miss" with a "rugby ball"-shaped UFO, which passed within feet of his jet.
The encounter, over Reading, Berks, was reported to the aviation authorities, who launched an investigation. But no earthly identity for the object could be established.
However, following an analysis of flight data recorded on the internet, the Telegraph has established it was a Thomas Cook plane, with the flight number TCX24HX. It was an A320, with the registration G-KKAZ, which was made in 2003.
The jet was flying to Manchester International airport, from Ibiza, on July 19th 2013. For years, the island has enjoyed a hedonistic reputation, attracting thousands of tourists each summer, many attracted to its vibrant nightlife. In recent years, it has attracted an increasingly upmarket clientele, among them David and Samantha Cameron.
The aircraft was flying at 516mph, at an altitude of 34,000ft, when it was passed by the UFO.
The encounter occurred in daylight, at around 6.35pm. It only emerged following publication of the report, which concluded it was “not possible to trace the object or determine the likely cause of the sighting”.
The captain said he spotted the object travelling towards the jet out of a left hand side, cockpit window, apparently heading directly for it. He said there was no time to for the aircrew to take evasive action.
He told investigators he was certain the object was going to crash into his aircraft and ducked as it headed towards him.
The incident was investigated by the UK Airprox Board, which studies “near misses” involving aircraft in British airspace.
The report states: “(The captain) was under the apprehension that they were on collision course with no time to react. His immediate reaction was to duck to the right and reach over to alert the FO (First Officer); there was no time to talk to alert him.”
It adds: “The Captain was fully expecting to experience some kind of impact with a conflicting aircraft.”
He told investigators he believes the object passes “within a few feet” above the jet.
He described it as being “cigar/rugby ball like” in shape, bright silver and apparently “metallic” in construction.
Once it had passed, the captain checked the aircraft’s instruments and contacted air traffic controllers to report the incident. However, there was no sign of the mystery craft.
As part of the inquiry, data recordings were checked to establish what other aircraft were in the area at the time. However, all were eliminated. The investigation also ruled out meteorological balloons, after checking none were released in the vicinity. Toy balloons were also discounted, as they are not large enough to reach such heights. Military radar operators were contacted but were unable to trace the reported object.
A spokesman for Thomas Cook Airlines said, “All our pilots are trained and required to report any unexpected events that occur during the flight to the aviation authorities.”
The Ministry of Defence closed its UFO desk in December 2009, along with its hotline for reporting such sightings. Following that change, the Civil Aviation Authority took the decision that it would continue to look into such reports, from aircrew and air traffic controllers, because they could have implications for “flight safety”.
In 2012, the head of the National Air Traffic Control Services admitted staff detected around one unexplained flying object every month.
Extra information about the article:
The Telegraph has established the aircraft was an A320, with the registration G-KKAZ, which was made in 2003
This is a passage written in Chapter Seven, “Ecological Conservation,” of the book, To Earth From Heaven. It occurred during the summer of 1956, in the deep wilderness, near Bog Lake, several miles north of Dubois, Wyoming…at the end of a wondrous day filled with so-called UFO encounters. The churning cloud phenomenon and the crafts entering it was very similar to the rolling clouds and the UFO craft’s emergence from and disappearance into them as it was portrayed in the movie, “Encounters Of The Third Kind.” When I saw the movie, not yet experiencing my 1986 flood of recollection, I wept continuously from start to finish and didn’t know why.
“We all returned to the top of the flowered slope and Don and I got into Teddy’s pickup. Leaving the lake, we encountered even another strange craft. As we drove out of the forest, near the rocky road, we all saw an astonishing sight that overshadowed all of the magnificent views we had experienced this same day. The natural clouds, covering a wide area, moderately high in the sky, began violently churning. A small flight of large dark discs flew slowly over us, then mysteriously merged up into the dark fast churning clouds. It was such an amazing sight, we got out of the pickup. Blitz also got out of his pickup. Then, another flight of large dark craft flew over us and mysteriously entered the boiling clouds, whereupon the rolling of the clouds began to slow down. The dark clouds settle upward, into what eventually seemed to be a perfectly natural overcast sky.
This strange sequence was so shocking, none of us could completely perceive the stark realness of it all. We got back into our pickups and drove down the rocky road, into the blackness of night, toward the town of Dubois, where, because of the blackness of night, the surrounding natural wonderland, like the mysterious craft, now lay beyond the veil of the visible.”
A similar phenomena my wife, our oldest daughter and I saw at a children’s home in Northeast Lincoln, Nebraska – early 1980s:
Pékin (AFP) - Les réseaux sociaux chinois étaient inondés lundi de messages d'inquiétude et de voeux de rétablissement concernant le véhicule téléguidé envoyé par Pékin sur la Lune, qui a rencontré une anomalie mécanique.
"Lapinou, nous prions pour toi", a confié un internaute, en référence au nom officiel du "rover" lunaire: le "Lapin de jade".
"J'espère que tu vas ressusciter", a souhaité un autre anonyme, en soulignant la "grande beauté" mais aussi les "grosses difficultés" de l'exploration spatiale.
"Adieu la Terre", "Adieu les humains", ont écrit d'autres internautes, en imaginant un message posthume du Lapin de jade, envoyé de l'au-delà.
L'agence de presse Chine nouvelle a annoncé samedi que l'engin tout-terrain à six roues, bourré d'électronique, avait rencontré un problème mécanique causé par "l'environnement compliqué de la surface de la Lune".
Les scientifiques chinois "oeuvrent à réparer" le véhicule, a précisé l'agence officielle, sans plus de détails, en citant l'administration d'Etat pour la Science, la Technologie et l'Industrie de la Défense nationale.
La Chine est devenue mi-décembre la troisième nation mondiale à réussir un alunissage en douceur, avec sa sonde spatiale Chang'e-3 qui a déposé sur le satellite de la Terre ce véhicule d'exploration.
Cet exploit technologique a marqué une étape importante dans l'ambitieux programme spatial de la Chine, qui rêve d'être le premier pays asiatique à envoyer un homme sur la Lune, probablement après 2025.
Le "Lapin de jade" est chargé d'effectuer des analyses scientifiques, notamment géologiques. Il était prévu qu'il soit opérationnel trois mois, pendant lesquels il devait se déplacer à une vitesse maximale de 200 mètres par heure.
Stephen Hawking : "les trous noirs n'existent pas"- Sciences et Avenir, la revue de toute la science, le magazine de la physique, la chimie, l'histoire des sciences et de la natureFondamental
Stephen Hawking : "les trous noirs n'existent pas"
Sous cette déclaration provocante à la revue Nature, le célèbre physicien explique que ces monstres cosmiques sont incompatibles avec la physique quantique.
INEXACT. « Il n’y a pas de trou noir » : c’est ce que vient de déclarer le célèbre physicien britannique Stephen Hawking à la revue Nature après sa conférence à l’Institut Kavli pour la physique théorique à Santa Barbara en Californie… avant de rajouter « le concept de trou noir est incompatible avec la physique quantique».
Par cette phrase qui commence de manière provocatrice, le physicien -atteint d’une sclérose latérale amyotrophique- dont chaque parole compte puisqu’il parvient à s’exprimer très difficilement, rappelle les conséquences de ses travaux d’il y a plus de vingt ans. En effet, explique-t-il, la description des trous noirs par la physique classique, telle qu'on l'enseigne aux cours des premières années universitaires aux étudiants, n’est pas exacte.
Les trous noirs s'évaporent à l'échelle quantique
Cette dernière décrit le « trou noir » comme un astre si compact avec un champ de gravité si puissant qu’il retient tout ce qui passe à sa proximité, et n’émet ainsi ni matière ni rayonnement. Selon cette description, puisque rien n’échappe à un tel dévoreur de matière, un tel astre compact ne devrait laisser échapper aucune information…
À l'échelle macroscopique, cela semble être le cas. Mais selon Stephen Hawking, à l'échelle subatomique (de l'infiniment petit) qu'est la physique quantique, certaines radiations pourraient parvenir à s'échapper des trous noirs. Le physicien émet cette hypothèse de « l’évaporation » des trous noirs dès 1975. Et selon lui, ce phénomène serait inversement proportionnel à la masse de ces astres : plus un trou noir est petit, plus il laisserait échapper de grandes quantités de matière.
Ainsi les trous noirs stellaires (de taille intermédiaire) émettent plus de rayonnement – on pourrait dire s’évaporent plus rapidement- que les gigantesques trous noirs supermassifs qui nichent au centre des galaxies. Tandis que les trous noirs microscopiques qui ont pu se former au tout début de l’Univers se seraient, eux, évaporé très rapidement …
À la recherche d'une théorie unifiée
De ce fait, la physique quantique contredit l’idée commune qui stipule que rien ne peut s’échapper d’un trou noir – ni lumière ni matière – ayant comme conséquence qu’un trou noir ne peut que grossir au fur et à mesure qu'il se nourrit des astres alentours.
D’une manière générale, précise Hawking, on ne peut rendre compte parfaitement de ces astres curieux tant que nous n’avons pas élaboré une théorie de la gravité unifiée. C'est à dire capable de concilier les lois de la physique quantique des échelles subatomiques avec la relativité générale qui rend compte de l’astronomie…
C’est dans la quête de ce Graal de la physique que s’inscrivent les deux théories en confrontation : la théorie des cordes et celle des boucles. Une quête qui risque d'occuper les physiciens pendant encore quelques décennies.
In what has been dubbed “Sweden’s Atlantis“, an ancient civilization has been found deep beneath the Baltic Sea that archaeologists believe dates back to the Stone Age. It is being reported that this incredible find and settlement was swallowed whole by the sea in much the same way the mythical “Atlantis” was in the Atlantic Ocean.
Tools, cattle, ropes and other artifacts have been uncovered, with the animal remains dating back to the 1600s. One of which was a harpoon created from the extinct Auroch, the last of which reportedly died in 1627 in Poland.
It does make one wonder how many of these “Atlantis” civilizations existed and why only the one infamous and never-found Atlantis became legend.
Are Extraterrestrial Races Living Among Us? – FULL SHOW
January 27 2014
(Stay clear of the woman able to channel alien races part, seriously!)
A global effort has been ineffect for a VERY long time! Aliens definitely ARE among us! It could be your grocery man, your kid’s techers, YOUR NEIGHBOR? Indeed, the more we dig, the more we find.
Listen to me, this is NOT hype. There WILL be an alien invasion and coming exceedingly SOON. I would venture to guess within 8 or 9 years. SERIOUSLY. These “aliens” are NOT your friend but indeed are fallen angels/DEMONS in disguise. They will lie to us, will continue to deceive us. Remember what I’m saying here. THEY CAN NOT BE TRUSTED! They are exceedingly DANGEROUS!
Christians, ask the Lord for spiritual discernment and wisdom. We are in the end times & all HELL is about to break loose!
Are you prepared?
CERTAIN CHANGES ARE COMING OUR WAY. ARE YOU READY, ARE YOU PREPARED?PLEASE DO NOT STAY STUCK IN DENIAL! Our time truly is limited. Sure, people have been saying that they are in the “end times” for ages now, saying that “Jesus is coming soon”. Seriously these Jesus freaks keep on saying the same thing and nothing ever really happens. In fact, it is such an old “war cry” that you have tuned it out which in turn has hardened your heart to the warnings. Please just take a quick glance at the news headlines and put the pieces together. There is no denying the signs, the “labor pains” and symptoms any longer. And labor pains progress, they do not diminish.
Are you prepared? Are you protected?
If you are scoffing at the warnings, guess what? You are fulfilling prophecy and you are only hurting yourself and any of those who may be listening to you. Check it out, I’m not putting you on: 2 Peter 3:3, 4 and also in Jude 1:18,19 both are in the New Testament. Get saved; you are going to need His protection. More importantly, you will definitely need your salvation for all of eternity. I don’t know you, but I certainly care about you and your eternity. This is not a gimmick; the only thing I gain from you trusting God is another brother or sister in the Lord.
The ULTIMATE Preparation Right Here:God, Please remove any deception that I may have listened to, believed or embraced that is hindering me from knowing the truth. Because I am not perfect, I am a sinner that needs forgiveness and I ask You to forgive me. I believe You are Savior and Lord Who shed Your Holy, Sinless Blood and died for my sins to be forgiven, and rose from the dead; You live forever. I want to turn away from (repent) my sins. I invite You, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, God the Messiah to come into my heart and life as Savior and Lord. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and personal Savior. In the all powerful Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray. Amen.
The content in the video(s) do not necessarily reflect my personal viewpoint or opinion. FBI WARNING: FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes, to advance understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Federal law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video tapes, or video disks under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. This infringement of copyright is called FAIR USE… and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody
The International UFO Congress, presented by Open Minds Production, is the largest annual conference on UFOs and extraterrestrial life in the world. The conference will be held at the Fort McDowell Resort and Casino in Fountain Hills, Arizona, February 12th – 16, 2014.
The event features more than 20 speakers and wide variety of exhibitors from around the country, and covers a varying degree of topics related to the UFO phenomenon including sightings, technology, government cover-ups, exopolitics, black projects, crop circles, alien visitation, space, and more.
Aaron Sagers
This conference isn’t just for UFO and space enthusiasts; everyone is encouraged to come hear from these seasoned professionals on what might be one of the greatest mysteries of our time. The diverse and still growing line-up includes Richard Hoover, a former NASA Astrobiologist, George Noory, host of the nationally syndicated radio show Coast to Coast AM, Aaron Sagers, journalist and host of the Travel Channel series Paranormal Paparazzi, as well as Dr. John Alexander, a retired colonel and non-lethal weapons specialist.
Panel presentations on Government Cover-Up , Science and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life, and Alien Abduction will feature authors, researchers, experiencers and TV personalities and provide the audience a chance to interact with speakers and ask the pertinent questions.
“We’ve got a very diverse line-up this year,” conference co-organizer Maureen Elsberry says, “we’ve pulled in speakers and events that will interest the general public as well as UFO and space enthusiasts. The UFO phenomenon is considered one of the great mysteries of our time and by delving deep in the subject maybe one day we will have some answers.”
Another special event will be a night vision skywatch on Friday, February 14th, led by Ben Hansen, the lead investigator from the popular SyFy show Fact or Faked. Night Optics USA, a Bushnell company, will be providing some of their latest military-grade technology for the watch. Night Vision Ops will also have a booth in the vendor room.
The event will also feature the Meet the Speakers cocktail party, the EBE Film Festival Awards Banquet, a performance by local musicians the Austen Mack Quartet, as well as special exclusive premieres of new extraterrestrial shows from the Discovery Network.
Conference admission will be sold in packages for those many guests who make a week of the event, along with à la carte options available for those who just want to check it out for an afternoon. Arizona students will receive a 40% discount when they present a valid student ID at the door. The vendor room, film festival, and skywatch are free and open to the public.
For more information on the International UFO Congress, please visit
About the International UFO Congress: The International UFO Congress is an Arizona based organization dedicated to the dissemination of information related to many areas in ufology. It was established in 1991 and hosts an annual conference which is the largest of its kind in the world. It features presentations given by authors, researchers, experts, enthusiasts, and those who have witnessed paranormal or anomalous phenomena from all over the world. It also provides a forum to discuss the experiences and findings. This event usually has over 20 Speakers, a Film Festival, tons of vendors as well as experiencer sessions. Topics generally covered are abduction, UFO sightings, UFO crashes, crop circles, paranormal experiences, government conspiracy and much more.
Britse admiraal en legerstafchef: 'Buitenaards bezoek serieuze mogelijkheid'
Britse admiraal en legerstafchef: 'Buitenaards bezoek serieuze mogelijkheid'
Lord Peter Hill-Norton was een admiraal met vijf sterren en stafchef van het Britse leger. Hij was ook voorzitter van de militaire commissie van de NAVO. Kortom iemand die goed op de hoogte was van wat er op aarde speelt.
Volgens Lord Hill-Norton is er een serieuze mogelijkheid dat we worden bezocht door buitenaardse beschavingen.
Er zijn inmiddels voldoende hooggeplaatste functionarissen geweest die de echtheid van UFO’s hebben bevestigd. Het lijkt er nu meer om te gaan door wie deze onbekende objecten worden bestuurd. Een deel van de UFO’s zou een buitenaardse herkomst hebben.
Lord Hill-Norton:
Als overheden de waarheid vertellen over de objecten in onze atmosfeer, die veel verder ontwikkeld zijn dan onze toestellen, moeten ze toegeven dat we niet kunnen voorkomen dat ze ons bezoeken en dat we ons er niet tegen kunnen verdedigen als ze vijandig blijken te zijn. Ik denk dat overheden bang zijn dat mensen in paniek zouden raken als ze dergelijke feiten uit de doeken zouden doen. Ik geloof niet dat mensen vandaag de dag nog in paniek zouden raken bij dit soort informatie.
Er is een serieuze mogelijkheid dat we al vele jaren worden bezocht door wezens uit de ruimte, door andere beschavingen. Wie ze zijn, waar ze vandaan komen en wat ze willen zou op een strikt wetenschappelijke manier moeten worden onderzocht en niet het middelpunt zijn van spot in de sensatiepers.
Uit de UFO-documenten die de afgelopen jaren zijn vrijgegeven blijkt dat veel overheden uitgebreid onderzoek doen naar dit fenomeen. In een vrijgegeven document van de Amerikaanse spionagedienst NSA is bevestigd dat er contact is geweest met buitenaards leven. De NSA heeft bijna 30 boodschappen ontvangen vanuit de ruimte.
De Canadese oud-minister van Defensie Paul Hellyer sprak in 2008 zijn frustratie uit over het feit dat biljoenen dollars worden uitgetrokken voor projecten waar de hoogste legerbazen en zelfs de president niets van weten.
“Een probleem kan niet opgelost worden vanuit hetzelfde niveau van bewustzijn dat het probleem creëerde”. – Albert Einstein
Witness said: During the evening just before a large snowstorm hit Detroit i witnessed this object from my upstairs south window. It appeared to hover over the houses. I managed to take one picture from my iTouch looked down to check my picture it was gone when i looked up the reflection of my hat can be seen in window.
Huge meteor or fireball over Texas, Puerto Rico on 18th January 2014
Huge meteor or fireball over Texas, Puerto Rico on 18th January 2014
Witness said: A huge meteor was visible from several parts of the island and its brightness was so intense that lit areas as if it were day , the Astronomical Society of the Caribbean ( SAC ) reported . The sighting was reported by several people who got up early on Saturday morning as it was recorded at about 5:43 am on Jan. 18.
The fireball was reported as “extremely bright ” from several towns including San Juan , Arecibo , Ponce and Aguadilla, said the SAC . The organization was able to capture images through cameras that capture the sky from San Juan and the area west of the Island ” looked so intense that ‘ saturated ‘ or highlighted some of our cameras ,” said Eddie Irizarry , president of the SAC .
Irizarry said that in the pictures you can see the huge meteor that left a trail of smoke remained visible for more than 15 seconds until finally dissipated . The SAC said it was a remarkable sporadic meteor caused by a space rock a few feet in diameter. “Usually most disintegrates and although some fragments may reach the surface , the more likely they fall into the sea due to the territorial limitation of our island ,” said the educational institution.
Amazing UFO sighting in the skys above Naha, Japan on 23th January 2014
Amazing UFO sighting in the skys above Naha, Japan on 23th January 2014
UFO sightings2014 – New amazing video footage of an UFO sighting recorded in the night sky above Naha, Japan on 23th January 2014. According to the witness multiple UFO lights appeared in the sky at 9:00 AM. After 15minutes they disappeared.
Triangle formation UFO over France on 23th January 2014
Triangle – formation UFO over France on 23th January 2014
New video footage of a triangle – shape UFO formation recorded in the sky above France on 23th January 2014.
Witness said: I filmed a beautiful clear triangle formation in the blue sky, during a nice morning in the countryside. I’m still wondering if it’s an orb formation or one single transparent ship spying the area. If there are some experts about UFO formations, please tell me!
The sightings of strange objects in the sky predate modern man.
The earliest depiction of spacecraft, with occupants, is carved on a mountain in Hunan Province, China.
It is assigned an age of 47,000 years, within the span of Neanderthals predating Homo sapiens.
I write ad absurdum , about my encounters/experiences and my opinions, article after article, about direct experiences/encounters with similar entities, and no one really cares to read beyond the first 100 words because within our culture, in our society, one sidles down the park-bench, a distance, from anyone who discusses, seriously, such things.
Here goes:
Their UFO pilots are synthetic-work-being-greys, overlorded by saurian creatures, who look like a combination of men and tall upright monitor lizards , technologically advanced, with natures diabolical, cunning, deceptive, cruel and predatory.
Draconian law rules, as the race ironically is called Dracos, reptilians, tall and winged, stand some eight feet tall, have cat-like slit eyes, webbing between scaly brown fingers, and, in my presence, radiate an undeniable palpable loathing.
Their natures are telepathic, as are the bio-engineered greys, who do the business end of abduction and later cloning and also able to leash the human psyche in a rapture of cocooned delusions, imposed dreamlike leashes of psychic control. most uncannily canny.
But, have these Bible "God" beings been with us THAT long?
Hold onto your seats.
This planet is a 'preserve', and like good gameskeepers, they never let the animals within, suspect that it IS, indeed, a preserve.
Indigestible ontological questions loom and dissipate .
A Old Testament masquerade by reptilian interdimensional and intergalactic beings, contrived to delude and jade us, to point our finger not to God, but towards them.
WHO or WHAT alien intelligence feigned being an ancient"God" of the Old Testament, displayed a God eager for wholesale murder, a self-admitted God of 'jealousy, vengeance' and bloodthirsty aspect.
The strict religious imposed punishments for violations of "God's' regulations upon these ancient people reveals the shadow darkness of serpentine nature.
One of the Bible's ten basic Pillars, the ten commandments, says: "Thou shalt not murder. (Exodus 20:13)."
Yet, in the Bible, we see an unholy alien entity masquerading as the God of the Universe, commanding the sanctioned killing of every breathing creature from humans to animals.
.Murder is divinely legislated and sanctioned throughout the Old Testament's Social Laws:
"And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death. (Exodus 21:17)"
"For every one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death: he hath cursed his father or his mother; his blood shall be upon him. (Leviticus 20:9)"
"And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name of the Lord, shall be put to death. (Leviticus 24:16)"
"If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying:
Let us go and worship other gods (gods that neither you nor your fathers have known, gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other, or gods of other religions), do not yield to him or listen to him."
"Show him no pity. Do not spare him or shield him. You must certainly put him to death.
Your hand must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the people." (Deuteronomy 13:6-9)"
"And he should go and worship other gods and bow down to them or to the sun or the moon or all the army of the heavens, .....and you must stone such one with stones and such one must die. (Deuteronomy 17:3-5)"
God orders the killing of everything that "breathes" from humans to animals:
Deuteronomy 20:16
" in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes."
Apparently, it is God's edict to mass-murder every single human and animal from the defeated enemy:
1 Samuel 15:2-4
2 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt.
3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.
4 And Saul gathered the people together, and numbered them in Telaim, two hundred thousand footmen, and ten thousand men of Judah.
An alien imposter and not an all loving God dictates that everyone be killed, everyone except for virgin girls:
"They fought against Midian, as the LORD commanded Moses, and killed every man........Now kill all the boys [innocent children]. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man. (Numbers 31:7,17-18)"
If Exodus 20:13 was supposed to be the basic pillar that prevents the Bible followers from committing murders against innocent people, then how are Numbers 31:17-18 and 1 Samuel 15:2-4 justified when God Almighty decided to order the killing of innocent children and girls ?
How compromised is fundamentalist religious Islam, Judaism and Christianity, to notions of unspeakable violence, in this world, when the Book that they all worship finds Holy slaughter acceptable as Heavenly and Godly behavior?
Throughout history religious people have advocated and engaged in horror and bloodshed, in the name of God, having learned that one can do violence, in His name, to grow towards Him.
The alien silouette is revealed by proscribed punishments and rules of the murderous shockingly un-divine, Old Testament
Bible God, a bane to an all-loving God.
Like the 'chosen' children of Israel, abductees are subjected to harsh tactics and controlling motives, seen not as a sentient race, but as a human crop to harvest.
Ancient prophets, Isaiah, Mohammed, Ezekiel, Moses, Saul (Paul) and Jesus were 'ascended' into craft, to later suffer psychological distress, having met "God, or the Devil and His Angels".
Ancient alien abductions recorded in the Old Testament, reflect ontological shock after superior beings with miraculous technology identified themselves as,"God", worshiped by Hebrews who called the skies above, 'Heaven'.
Their technology still looks like magic to us, 5000 years after the Old Testament's documented encounters with this,"God".
How else does the "good book' fail?
In all fundamentalist religions women are second class citizens, but
a man cannot be free if his wife is not free, and a man's children cannot be free, if their mother is not free yet
Judaism, Christianity and Islam relegate women to the non-status of less than third class citizens.
Slavery is such an intrinsic evil that an eleventh commandment should have been,"Thou shalt not enslave thy brother".
The religious fundamentalist flouts God by not using the incisive mind that God gave him, to parrot others' teachings, word for word, a catechism of often evil and mind-boggling teachings.
The worst sin of religion, is the teaching of religious hatred, or that one's religion is the "ONE and ONLY TRUE religion", but also sinful in attempts to explain the inexplicable, de-mystify the mysterious, and ignore cosmology queries with patent, format answers.
God, our spirit of love and light, is too imbued within our consciousness and everything around us to be thus so easily discerned,.
Biblical Godly raw goodness, was down a long hall and somewhere else.
An alien manipulated charade, an E.T. impersonation of a God, in full controling character, a culprit whose technology looks like magic, yet who show a belligerant, controling , bloodthirsty nature towards humans.
Did reptilians reveal themselves into Christianity's roots, as well, for the image of a man suffering on a cross is a demented centerpiece for ANY religion?
And yet 5,000 years later, their technology STILL looks like magic, to us.
Bible aside, Insist on a higher level of humanity and moral good than the Bible teaches, and you will be an elevated spirit status, above most Bible scholars.
Biblical adherents, who say every word was inspired by God, can't accept the alien case that it could well have been be an E.T. 'God' , clearly up to no good, definitely, an -alien -God-behaving-badly.
Let your faith in God be strengthened, and not diminished by this, even after all human foibles are tabulated, we are much closer, to God, than they are.
Hi, My name is Chris. On March 26, 2013 I had a strange experience. I filed a report with MUFON. This happened in Brownsburg, Indiana. At the time of my report I did not realize that I had been abducted. This was on my way home from work. I have driven this path every day for the last 20 years. I felt this strange light and could not move and when it quit I saw the UFO. I know when I felt the light and when I saw the UFO and realized I had driven a mile down the road that I don’t remember. A few weeks later I was pulled out of my bed then awoke seconds later back in bed. The missing time is 20 to 30 minutes every time. This usually happens around 2:30 AM. I have lost count of the times I have been abducted. Twice I was aware of my surroundings. One time I was on a hard surface and felt heavy weight on me and finally screamed to get off me. It took a lot of effort to get the words out; then I was back in bed. The other time I was being forced to walk and felt something happening behind me. When I turned my head I saw an alien standing there for just a second then I was back in bed. Each time this happens I get a two inch “dent” in my head… This is about a half inch wide with a circle indentation at the end. This takes several hours to appear. A couple of time the dent is bigger and wider at the top back of my head and this one appears quickly. I have had headaches from the start. I don’t always wake up when this happens. I work long hours and don’t sleep long. Due to my job I wish to keep this private. I have a year until I can retire so don’t want to draw attention to myself. I am curious to see how many other people this is happening to. Thanks for any information that you might share. NOTE : The above image is a rendering.
A new video posted to YouTube on January 23, 2014, reveals evidence for communications bridging the gap between human consciousness and other cosmic intelligences. A series of displays from mysterious sky objects recorded in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, reveal how these entities appear to possess an uncanny knack for showing up in the right place at the right time whenever the cameras are rolling.
Captured over a five-year period, the luminous interactive displays were recorded using two different optical systems, including a professional series digital broadcast camera featuring a redundant triple-sensor array.
Click here to watch “A Pattern of UFO Communications” on YouTube, featuring highlights from five years of local skywatching and contact documentation: “A pattern of UFO communications is evident in the skies over Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Bidirectional signalling bridges earth and air to evoke signs of psychic contact taking place over a multi-year period. Two different electronic instruments register the same repeatable phenomena indicating open lines of communications from advanced intelligences cooperating in the development of human consciousness.”
Intelligent Communications
According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, semaphore is a method of visual communications employing lights or flags that in late 18th century France utilized telescopes to perform long distance sightings of signals between fixed transmission points.
The evidence appears to show that semaphore, an established mode of terrestrial communications utilizing lights and telescopes, and the recent Vancouver, British Columbia video utilizing lights and telephoto optics possess more than a few similar traits.
But are these apparent similarities only accidental in nature or is there something more to it?
The signalling interactions revealed in the video also appear to show UFOs offering receipt of transmission acknowledgements like those utilized in data communications networks. Furthermore, synchronization of signals is evident in these instances where a clearly defined order of events occurs after commencement of signal transmission from the ground.
To further clarify, the ordering of these events is depicted on screen as:
1. Signal transmission
2. Receipt of transmission acknowledgement
Are these synchronized sequential communications between UFOs and people on the ground evidence of an emerging trend?
Binary Encoding
Contemporary digital data communications between computers on the Internet utilize binary on/off encoding to transmit information in strings of ones and zeroes. A brief exposition on the evolution of binary encoding in human history cites its appearance in the Sanskrit Vedas, the communications logic of German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz and the Boolean logic of English mathematician George Boole.
Readers who wish to deepen their understanding of how seemingly meaningless on/off iterations can convey meaning between communicators may try using this free online translator to decode the following strings of numbers written in binary:
The highly publicized 1974 Arecibo message transmitted by professional scientists into space fabricated the popular illusion of mainstream science’s interest in communicating with extraterrestrials. 25 years later it was revealed by Cornell News how this event had less to do with any serious attempt at understanding the subtleties of human-ET communications, offering in their place only a crude unilateral exhibition of the transmission capabilities of that era.
As far as communications are concerned, Arecibo was all about affectation in the absence of authenticity. has previously reported how “possibly more valid instrumental evidence for ET contact was published to YouTube in 2012 than SETI has produced in the past 40 years,” a scenario which apparently eludes “team scientists struggling to appear relevant during an era of widely-accessible, affordable digital night vision.”
Elite Agendas
The suggestion that authentic human-ET communications were taking place outside of the sphere of common public knowledge during the time of Arecibo was highlighted in the 1977 film “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” wherein elite operatives of an international shadow governmental body are portrayed using sound and light signals to communicate with ET spacecraft.
In present day contact circles, the theme of elitist politics runs deep through the CSETI culture, whose skywatching protocols apparently require participants to voluntarily surrender their rights to free speech in a country where those rights are protected by constitutional law.
A document hosted on the website titled “AGREEMENT FOR PARTICIPANTS IN CSETI'S AMBASSADORS TO THE UNIVERSE TRAINING RETREAT” states unambiguously how signatories “Agree to hold all proceedings of this CSETI Ambassadors to the Universe Training Retreat confidential and agree that it shall not be shared publicly without the prior express written consent of CSETI.”
Are such undemocratic and elitist practices providing a smokescreen of cover for professional misconduct and potentially criminal abuses? Some attendees at the reportedly disastrous 2013 Contact in the Desert UFO conference appear to believe this to be the case.
Cosmic Program
The four incidents of clearly illustrated Vancouver UFO communications from the years 2009, 2013 and 2014 depicted in the video “A Pattern of UFO Communications” exceed one Latin maxim’s consideration for the number three.
Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient Norman Mineta has illustrated his own plan-detecting methodology by citing the rule of three on a number of occasions as expressed in the maxim “omne trium perfectum” (Latin: “Everything that comes in groups of three is complete”).
“When you see one of something happen, it’s an accident. When you see two of the same thing happening, it’s a trend. When you see three, it’s a plan,” says the former transportation secretary in an on-camera interview posted to YouTube.
Click here to watch former United States Secretary of Transportation and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient Norman Mineta explain how the rule of three guides his analytic perspective on questions related to air transportation safety.
MR. MINETA: Absolutely. And in terms of what motivated me to bring all the aircraft down, as you see one thing happen, that's an accident. When you see two of the same thing occur, it's a pattern. But when you see three of the same thing occur, it's a program. And so at that point I decided to bring all the aircraft down.
During an interview with UC Berkley’s Daily Californian newspaper, the former transportation secretary observed how “If you see one of something occur you consider that an accident. But when you see two of the same thing occur then you know that there is a pattern or a trend. In this instant we had three of the same thing occur, and that is a program or a plan. So I then informed the FAA to bring all the airplanes down.”
By such a Mineta standard reiterated below it can be understood that multiple incidents of UFO communications in Vancouver are no accident and not simply a pattern but are in fact indicative of planned communications leading to the unfoldment of human consciousness and the integration of modern civilization with a larger cosmic society.
“Well, when that third one went into the Pentagon, it's like anything else. If you see one of something it's an accident. When you see two of the same thing, it's a pattern or a trend. But when you three — see three of the same thing occurring, then you know it's a program or a plan.”
What Hollywood did to witches in the 1970s and demons and possession in the early 2000s, it is doing with the image of alien interactions. Other than ET and Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind, can you think of many “friendly” alien encounter movies?
When people encounter something novel, they must sift in micro-seconds through their vault of experiences and information about a subject. Guess what sifts through your mind when you run into a creepy building with a bad history of murder and mayhem and you feel a chill or you hear a sound? In those micro-seconds you sift through your collective knowledge of this novel encounter – you are relying on the memory base you have and that might be movies like “The Exorcist” or “The Exorcism of Emily Rose.” It will definitely have an adrenalin response followed by an action, such as hysteria or running.
As a psychic, I know that we are only as good a psychic reader as we are an interpreter and you can't interpret accurately if you don't have a vast knowledge to pull from. If your only encounter with Jewish people was seeing someone wear a Yamaka, then Jewish customs and terms are going to mean nothing if they float through your mind. Such is the case with alien encounters. We are only as good at handling these encounters as our base of knowledge on the subject.
Reports of abductions and testing, horror and terror abound in the accounts of alien interactions, but as a paranormal investigator who offers reframing techniques, one has to ask – if they could truly hurt us, really wanted something from us, wouldn't they simply take us without regard to not interrupting our neighbors or families, placing us back where we belong, and leaving us to continue our lives? Do our own researchers performing animal testing do this for the creatures they research?
We make a lot of assumptions that aliens would take over our world if we let them in or they would mean us harm, steal our resources, consider us ants on an ant hill, but in the reportedly millions of years they have visited our planet, they might very well be the reason we are here and able to be self sufficient and be such an interdependent planet with such viable intelligent beings upon it. In fact, we might very well be the proud children of these races who watch our progress, monitor our level of enlightment and tweak our gene pool when necessary.
I have a post going up on Wednesday in which I explain my encounters with aliens throughout my lifetime and it might give you a new concept of these “experiments” and that my encounters I have never once even had a twinge of fear; they have been positive ones. But, perhaps, I am among the more enlightened and this is because I have known the intent of their business here and many others don't understand their part in this intricate and ancient interaction.
I hope that you start questioning how you receive information from Hollywood, even from reality shows. It is to their advantage to make things forbidden, scary, and even completely and totally ruin concepts, like making one believe witches summon the devil when their very spiritual practice has no devil concept, or that possessions happen and provide extraordinary examples of suprahuman outcomes.
If we have to sift through our vaults of information on subjects in nanoseconds, let's begin by being open-minded. There is no threat until there is an action and even that action is not a threat if we observe it. If you give a child a vaccination, they scream, but that was an intervention for their benefit.
In other words lets try to put this in perspective. We are still here. We are not being invaded. We are not being controlled, and we are not just disappearing right and left permanently. Given that context, let's reframe the alien experience to something more curious and less threatening.
NOTE: The picture above is a hoax, but it’s the only one I could grab as the Internet is really slow here! L.A.
NUFORC WEBPAGE UPDATE ON JANUARY 10TH, 2014 – Over the course of the last two weeks, our Center has been inundated with an abnormally large volume of sighting reports, submitted from around the world. We have received approximately 650-700 reports, during that time period, which we have posted to our website, as of January 10th.
To put this volume of reports in better perspective, two years ago, we considered a “normal” volume of reports to be between 250 and 500 per month. Hence, NUFORC has been receiving reports at approximately 3-4 times what we used to consider normal. What this translates to is that our workload of getting all the reports proof-read and posted amounts to 3-4 times what it used to be, which explains why it is taking us a bit longer to get all of the new reports up on our website.
We have made our best effort to proof-read the reports we have posted, but there is always the possibility of our overlooking flawed reports. Consequently, we always request of the visitors to our site to be on the look-out for cases that have errors, or which can be explained away by mundane events, of terrestrial origin. If you find what you believe to be a flawed report, please send a note to, and we will address the issue, and make changes, as may be required. Thank you!
This post from Peter Davenport should make us all take notice. We talked about this in Watchers 7, where we stated UFO sightings have reached epic proportions. It would appear the phenomena has taken perhaps an even more dramatic upswing. They are revealing themselves in greater numbers than ever before. Folks, I don’t have a lot of time today to BLOG as we’re about to head out and see some interesting sites along Lake Titicaca, which is at 12,500 above sea level. I’ve got to go and get ready! However, I will state this for the record. I believe we could be looking at some kind of event which would lead to disclosure. The churches, for the most part continue to sleep and it’s time to wake them up.
With that thought in mind if you live near the Southern California area there’s going to be a great conference in February. I will be addressing this and more at the conference. Hope to see you there!
Join UFO Researcher Harry Drew & Host Mike (MJ) Lucas (Inception Radio Network) as they explore the Kingman UFO Crashes of 1953 which has been clouded by what seems to be an organized diversionary effort to keep the truth from being revealed. Claims about the date of the crash, the recovery process, the crafts’ crew members, the highways taken, and underground bases, have been distorted and manipulated to keep the public from knowing what really happened at Kingman Arizona in May 1953. Why?
When I was younger, I was distressed and frantic about my sightings of overhead UFOs, confused and alarmed by accompanying, concurrent paranormal experiences, and then I by fortuitous chance, stumbled upon Derrel Sims.
He was patient, wise and reassuring to me, over the telephone.
Well known, as an "Alien Hunter", Derrel seemed omnipresent throughout the World Wide Web of the Internet and he was very busily engaged in helping other alien abductees.
Nonetheless, I often held on for an hour, sure that he was too tired after sessions to return my calls.
There was my life before, and then there was my life after, an astonishing paranormal event.
I had seen a virtual flotilla of round craft assemble overhead and afterwards had suffered repeated nightmare like "dreams", vivid recollections of aliens and of abductions.
I had sat, eyeball to eyeball with a telepathic being, an off white Gumby creature with long arms and legs who had flashed a tidal wave of LOVE, at me, at one point, after "exams" that had consisted of inserting me into varied 'scenarios',to gauge and assess my reactions.
All of the non human being sitting at a table was visible to me, except for his eyes, over which hung a clouded and an obscured blur, his will for me not to see his eyes.
I still wonder why his eyes were purposefully blocked, too blurred for me to observe or regard.
I am also still ambivalent about accepting, or embracing that vividly recalled tsunami wave of telepathic broadcasted LOVE.
However, some abductees report that during their abductions on board craft, they instead often see a different and frightening alien race.
These taller reptilian beings radiate rage and hatred, and clearly appear to be overlords of the many alien races who frequent the crossroads of Earth for salvage, and to abduct humans, and these reptilian beings are in command of the grey aliens who pilot UFOs.
Small greys, who act in unison like robots, are work beings, designed and created and labeled,'synthetic'.
There are worldwide similar descriptions of these fierce reptilian overlords:
Muscular, winged, sentient, highly technological, upright standing to seven or eight feet tall, scaled reptilian beings, with webbing between their claws, who have yellow/red cat-like eyes, and stand upright.
These saurian 'monitor lizards', Mothmen, alien reptilians looked upon us, as we fancied veal.
(That may completely explain the alien- (Old Testament )'God-ordered' Kosher dietary laws; if they strictly control what human animals eat,( as we do with beef and snails fed strictly on corn) you can make them more desireably edible. )
At Bud Hopkins' house, during Saturday evening meetings, I learned that abductees had gleaned what reptoids regular diets consisted of, infant human beings..
It was a chilling story I was to hear
repeatedly, echoed elsewhere, throughout the UFO and abductee community, not unlike one Rod Serling's
,"Twilight Zone" episode,"To Serve Man", where our importance as a race in the Universe, to other aliens eyes, is that of a delectable condiment.
It re framed correctly, the true modus operandi behind this particular alien type and its ancient and continuing interaction/visitations with mankind, since Mayan, Aztec and ancient Hebrew interactions with "God".
We were NOT the top of the food chain!
As for alien abductions, unhappy evidence suggested that most people who entered an alien spaceship did not remember it or even know what had happened to them, except in recalled 'dreams', or under medical hypnosis .
Few people can even hope to remember or carefully examine their dreams, dreams lost as they struggle into consciousness each morning.
I had called Derrel, in Houston Texas, in near hysterics; I had seen, eyeball-to-eyeball, alien entities and upclose, their crafts, UFOs.
I told him that I had recalled being on-board an alien craft, with a larger group of 'sleeping' people, and had recalled seeing our Moon and Earth visible a midst stars, from the craft's window.
Later, unseen poltergeist activity, a paranormal chaos, had erupted in my house.
I had also been terrified and experienced being vibrated out of my body, in my bed; while my whole body had electrically tingled, I had seen two bodies, one slowly rising out of my 'body', while another 'body' remained on my bed, face up.
I had told him that I recalled that while I had been on-board an alien craft, I had been subjected to a series of worst scenario, vivid nightmarish like 'scenes', as though I were the main character, in those many staged scenarios.
These scenarios had been telepathically imposed, as enveloping 3-D holographs; each one edged towards a test or type of "exam".
Within each dream-state scenario, I had been tested, measured, assessed, and recorded, for my emotional and cognitive psychological reactions, to the staged situations before me.
The back of my brain seemed detached from the front, such that if my shoe hung before my eyes, I could strain to perceive, but could not quite discern just what precisely it was.
I thought that I had begun to lose my mind to fear, in the full realization of all these bizarre recalled experiences and told him so.
During many of these conversations, he tried to assuage my extreme trepidations and to replace them with a mindset of courage and small acts of resistance.
He had unblocked my fears, directly describing the abducting alien entities that I had seen: "tall, white like a refrigerator, flat like a Gumby character, highly telepathic and sinister in controlling aspect."
I also recalled the presences of smaller, very dark greys, sinister and mind controlling; they had amazing telepathic powers.
They were diminutive and mean spirited and could both read and control my mind.
Resisting their mind control, a paralyzing tsunami of extreme fear, was like running down an up escalator, swimming against the current of a white water rapid.
It WAS, nonetheless possible to resist.
Once, on-board a craft, I had managed to wander into a 'wrong' room and after entering it, had been slammed sideways by a sudden Niagara of "terror".
Agog, I had looked all about for the possible source of this imposed sudden, overwhelming flood of terror, and I soon realized that the avalanche of smothering terror, emanated from a very small, mean faced, scowling dark creature who was off in a far corner with his thin arms folded.
Derrel had assured me that I was not alone; though these beings characteristically micro managed many people's lives, throughout, I could, he said, now put a stop to it all.
When I asked him about what motives, purposes these entities had, in such encounters, he gave me a metaphor of 'farmers milking cows' as an overview.
To him, this metaphor distilled the precise relationship between alien entities and all of the human beings, who they abducted.
He went on to tell me, in subsequent conversations, that he'd learned that traces of post-abduction were as subtle as fast growing hair and fingernails, as dramatic as a detectable luminous phosphorescence," alien touches", revealed under black light, on alien abductee's skin.
He had noticed, he also told me, that alien abductees had higher serotonin levels than other people; these people were resistant to pain killers, like Novocain, and could even awaken during surgery.
This higher level of serotonin, he then said, may perhaps make it easier for aliens to 'contact' these people.
He was fearless, seeking creative resistances to abductions and pointedly asked me, "Why not turn the tables on these aliens and abduct one of them?!"
He assured me that aliens often made lots of mistakes and were clearly sloppy in many of the abductions; people were alerted to and recalled these episodes rather than forgot them.
He had even played a dangerous game of "Manchurian Candidate" with thse abducting alien entities, using abductees as his tools of hypnotherapy, to plant 'spies' within their midst, aboard their craft, using abductees as his ears and eyes.
He told me about an experience he had, when he had tried a unique anti-mind-control experiment .
He had taken a row of pre-selected long time abductees, had put them all in a light trance and in a light state of altered consciousness, had put in a post hypnotic suggestion, buried in amnesia, with a target trigger.
They would all pass the initial alien mind scan; they could not reveal what they themselves did not know.
All were programmed to release an accusatory finger- pointing indictment, at the aliens, and then to break the short psychic leash.
When they were within twenty inches of their captors, always just out of sight, the statement would be released and triggered.
They would come out of their mind controlled fugue and they would ask,
"Now, just why are you doing these terrible things to perfectly innocent people!?"
Within five days the allof the results were in.
In each case, in the delivery of that sentence, the trance had indeed been broken and then each abductee could clearly see that they had faced a small, dark, large-eyed creature.
One woman member had said that for the first time in over thirty years of her abductions, the alien had suddenly become enraged and livid, violently angry, something she had never seen before.
The response from all abductee, had been identical, instantly chilling in its implied vindictiveness:
"Now, you tell Derrel, that we're going to come for him AND his son!" ..
I had shivered in fear, long ago, when Derrel had related this to me; I soon held him in my esteem as one of the bravest people I had ever stumbled across. in my long journey to understand and integrate my experiences concerning these same non -human entities.
I recall properly, as I have an uncanny photographic memory,what Derrel had discussed, with me, about his 'craft' of revealing truths, from abductees, who had undergone his regressive hypnosis.
He said that no hypnotic disassociated techniques were used, because
that hypnotic tool had been stubbornly discredited as a method of re-experiencing because that is the precise way phobias are usually clinically erased, remotely, freeing both the therapist and the patient to amend and change what is seen on the remote projection screen, to freeze it, slow it down, and thus slowly extinguish the phobia.
Since that "screen viewing" is, in itself, repeatedly altered, it was felt by other specialists that that recall technique was a flawed one, as far as abduction recall, was concerned.
If you're still a cynic, you're not a singularity of cynicism; there are also many others.
One abductee stated:
'A leap in consciousness will require a dissolution and restructuring of your beliefs about the nature of reality'
To my mind, to live unburdened by an insatiable curiosity to comprehend the mysteries of the pilots of UFOs motives, in our immediate universe, was, in itself, quite an amazing thing.
To quote that same author-abductee:
'The history of mankind has been punctuated by personalities who refused to be bound by the grand illusion of space and time, seekers who penetrated the limitations of space and form.'
Knowing that the aliens reside in a different reality explains why this whole UFO phenomenon is so slippery; we exist within a matrix of other realities all merging in one spot: the mind.'
Aliens and their craft exist.
My expanded consciousness and psychic abilities are mere outcome of my lifetime of contacts with them.
To quote her again:
'Their world coexists with our own intimately intertwined and separated by the thinnest veil- our arrogant assumption that we are the sole proprietors of the only reality.'
We foolishly believed that we were ordained to this Earth, by God, and now know that we are someone else's experiment and considered someone else's valuable 'property'..
The sad legacy of mankind's origins is now yet a trade off for alien technology, like cheap wampum offered for our valuable souls.
Alien technology, recovered from downed discs and other craft, or given outright, has inspired Skunkworks to give us the ability to reverse engineer:
fiber optics,
nuclear power,
cold fusion anti gravity,
ultrasound weapons,
stealth technology,
weather control,
mind-control tech,
specialized surgical tools,
cloning-genetic engineering,
and psycho-tronics.
Most recently, governments scramble to deduce 'smart skins' of craft which like chameleons, alter shape and color according to environments.
An alien craft is brown against a mountain, and blue, against the sky.
All of these magical technologies, successfully studied, reverse engineered and imitated are a puerile substitute for equanimity.
We have a lot of technology to be thankful for, because of Klaatu, though he is the complete opposite of the charming, handsome, gracious, elevated spirit in film and in book.
He, in reptilian form and in grey form, instead sees us in much the same perfunctory way, that we see chickens.
To glean more unknown facts about the alien-human interactions, learned by Derrel Sims,
I highly recommend reading this newest book by Derrel Sims; it is an expose, an amazing read, a compendium of facts gleaned about these intruders since he and I last spoke many years ago.
Director of CIA, Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter: "It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel." p. 58, quoted from New York Times, February 28, 1960, p. L30
"I'm not at liberty to discuss the governments knowledge of extraterrestrial UFO's at this time. I am still personally being briefed on the subject!" --President Richard M. Nixon
"I think about how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And I ask you, does not this threat alread exsist?" --President Ronald Reagen UN address
"The US Airforce assures me that UFO's pose no threat to National Security.." --President John F Kennedy
"I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment on this subject" --President Gerald Ford (1966)
"Extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon. The Vatican is receiving much information about extraterrestrials and their contacts with humans from its Nuncios (embassies) in various countries, such as Mexico, Chile and Venezuela." -- Monsignor Corrado BalducciAs stated 5 different times on Italian TV** (Vatican theologian insider close to the Pope,Monsignor Balducci said that he is on a Vatican commission looking into extraterrestrial encounters, and how to cope with the emerging general realization of extraterrestrial contact.)
"Given the millions of billions of Earth-like planets, life elsewhere in the Universe without a doubt, does exist. In the vastness of the Universe we are not alone." --Albert Einstein
"The evidence points to the fact that Roswell was a real incident and that indeed an alien craft did crash, and that material was recovered from that site. We all know that UFOs are real.All we need to ask is where do they come from, and what do they want?" --Capt. Edgar Mitchell Apollo 14 Astronaut
"In my mind, there is no question that they're out there. My Career is well established. My texts books are required reading in all the major capitals on planet earth. If you want to become a physicist to learn about the unified field theory-you read my books. Therefore, I'm in a position to say: Yes- Most likely they're out their, perhaps even visited, perhaps on our moon. - ABC News Quote -- -- Professor Dr. Michio Kaku
"We must insist upon full access to disks recovered. For instance, in the La case the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination." --J Edgar Hoover
I feel that the Air Force has not been giving out all the available information on the Unidentified Flying Objects. You cannot disregard so many unimpeachable sources." -- John W. McCormack, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States. January (1965)
"UFO sightings are now so common, the military doesn't have time to worry about them - so they screen them out. The major defense systems have UFO filters built into them, and when a UFO appears, they simply ignore it." --Lee Katchen (former atmospheric physicist with NASA)
"Let there be no doubt. Alien technology harvested from the infamous saucer crash in Roswell, N.Mex., in July 1947 led directly to the development of the integrated circuit chip, laser and fiber optic technologies, Particle beams, Electromagnetic propulsion systems, Depleted uranium projectiles, Stealth capabilities, and many others! How do I know? I was in charge! (A matter of public record)I think the kids on this planet are wise to the truth, and I think we ought to give it to them. I think they deserve it.' --Colonel Philip Corso
Army Intelligence officer, former head of the Foreign Technology at the U.S. Army's Research and Development department at the Pentagon.
Four years director of intelligence on President Eisenhower's White House National Security Staff
Paul Schroeder's bio:
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL Paul saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.
Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence that he never suspected that he had, a nonphysical soul.
Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.
They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with human beings, as a sanctuary, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.
Souls are garnered, detoured from our natural spiritual evolution in Heaven.
These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to our energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation.
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Pleiades 100 Million Old Stars, UFO Flap, UFOs Visit ISS,Former Defense Minister of Canada Aliens Live Among Us, Iran Claims US is working with Aliens, High Speed Space Ship Earth,Weather Polar Vortex, Emergency Kit,Did Iranian F-14 Tomcats Battle UFOs or Drones?,SR-72 Flies at Mach 6, Lloyd Pye Has Died,The 4000 year old Beauty of Loulan of China, and a New Earth.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Italy, Mexico, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, United Arab Emirates, England in the United Kingdom and Venezuela.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years; and we continue this research.
I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO's are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George Filer & Arie Vandenberg MUFON Conference, 2012
Hello Readers,
I've been helping George Filer publish Filer Files for a number of years now and when MUFON held a conference in Covington, Ky., I finally got to meet George in person. I came away feeling that he's one of the nicest, most dedicated people I know. I also know that it's a passion and labor of love for him.
If you enjoy Filer's Files every week, show your love and support to George by donating to the cause. Help us continue bringing you these great reports on UFOs, exopolitics, new books, news and science.
The Pleiades, a small dipper-shaped cluster of young stars in the constellation Taurus, is one of a handful of celestial objects, along with the Moon and Saturn that can turn casual observers into lifelong stargazers. A network of a 100 million year old stars 440 light years away of mostly icy-blue stars wrapped in faint nebulosity set against a sparse background of black sky, the cluster is visually stunning in binoculars or a wide-field telescope. Even for those who care little for stars, the Pleiades rivet the attention like few other sights in nature. Several Indian civilizations and tribes claim to have come to the Earth from the Pleiades. The Pleiades, M45. Image credit: Robert Fields and Terry Hancock.
Peter Davenport Director reports, “Over the course of the last two weeks, our Center has been inundated with an abnormally large volume of sighting reports, submitted from around the world. We have received approximately 650-700 reports, during that time period, which we have posted to our website, as of January 10th. To put this volume of reports in better perspective, two years ago, we considered a “normal” volume of reports to be between 250 and 500 per month. Hence, NUFORC has been receiving reports at approximately 3-4 times what we used to consider normal. What this translates to is that our workload of getting all the reports proof-read and posted amounts to 3-4 times what it used to be, which explains why it is taking us a bit longer to get all of the new reports up on our website. www.UFOCenter.comMUFON is also receiving a large number of reports up 23% from last year.
UFOs Visit International Space Station
Date of sighting: Location of sighting: Earth’s Orbit at ISS
The ISS is a having more UFO visits than ever before. This is the 3rd report of a UFO on January 15, 2014, of the ISS this week with a video to back it up. Streetcap1 of YouTube caught this one and it looks to be a triangle craft.
According to the Fars News Agency, the English-language news service of Iran, claims Edward Snowden has provided the Russians "incontrovertible proof" that an "alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda is driving U.S. domestic and international policy." Documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden conclusively prove that the United States has been ruled by a race of tall, white space aliens who also assisted the rise of Nazi Germany in the 1930s.
These revelations about our alien overlords might not cost you any sleep. But the part that should concern you is that the Fars News Agency is reportedly affiliated with Iran’s influential Revolutionary Guards, which suggests that Iran is either desperate to smear the U.S. any way it can, or the Iranian government a powerful nation of 76 million people, with a possible nuclear arsenal believes the US has been given alien technology. Thanks to FARS
Weather Polar Vortex
The Jet Stream moved much further south to the Southern US bringing the "polar vortex" that swept the country over the last couple weeks setting record-low temperatures from Wisconsin to Hawaii. At one point it was colder in Atlanta than it was in the South Pole. Sixty percent of the Great Lakes are frozen where 38 % is the normal. Philadelphia had three more than six inch snow falls for the first time ever. Below freezing temperatures are reported in most of the US.
Both the Arctic and Antarctic have unusual cold occurring even though the Earth is now closest to the Sun. Global Warming enthusiasts had support in the 1980s and 90s but temperatures worldwide have been flat for 15 years. About a million more square miles of ocean are covered in ice in 2013 than in 2012, a whopping 60 percent increase -- and a dramatic deviation from predictions of an "ice-free Arctic in 2013." Arctic sea ice averaged 2.35 million square miles in August 2013, as compared to the low point of 1.32 million square miles recorded on Sept. 16, 2012, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center.
Antarctic sea ice has grown greatly to a 35 year old record for a second straight year, baffling scientists seeking to understand why this ice is expanding rather than shrinking in what they say is a warming world. Economists estimate that each polar vortex will cost the U.S. economy $5 billion. The second polar vortex is hitting us this week affecting 200 million people, leaving many without electricity or heat. Perhaps Mother Nature or God is angry; another possibility is we are being sabotaged by weather warfare by a cunning and shrewd adversary.
Emergency Supplies Kit
Whether it's the threat of bioterrorism or a severe winter storm, you are always encouraged to prepare for emergencies. Using the following checklist, you can take steps now and be ready to cope with emergency situations. Assemble supplies you might need if confined at home or evacuated due to an emergency. Items you will need in an evacuation should be stored in an easy-to-use container such as a backpack or duffle bag.
Your Kit Should Include:
A supply of water (at home, keep at least a three-day supply for each person—one gallon per person per day is recommended).
A supply of non-perishable packaged or canned food and non-electric can opener.
Blankets or sleeping bags.
A change of clothing, rain gear and sturdy shoes.
A first aid kit and prescription medications.
A battery-powered radio, flashlight and plenty of extra batteries.
An extra set of car keys.
Credit cards and cash.
A list of family physicians and their telephone numbers.
A list of important family information and documents such as insurance policies, immunization records, bank account numbers, and important telephone numbers; include the style and serial number of medical devices such as pacemakers. Keep these records in a water-proof container.
Special items for infants, elderly or disabled family members.
Extra eyeglasses or contact lenses and supplies.
Don't forget books and games for entertainment. Get to know your neighbors and determine how you can work together after a disaster. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has issued a disaster preparedness guide containing, among many other things, information on radiation emergencies involving nuclear power plant accidents. The 204 page guide is designed to help Americans prepare for a wide variety of emergencies and provides basic, easily understood, step-by-step instructions to keep yourself and your family safe. Download the FEMA Brochure directly from FEMA HERE
High Speed Space Ship Earth
Hold onto your chair Earth is a space ship orbiting the Sun at the speed of 108,000 km/h. 69,000 mph. The planet travels 940 million km during one orbit. The Earth completes one orbit every 365.242199 mean solar days (that might help explain the need for a leap year). The planet’s distance from the Sun varies as it orbits. Actually, the Earth is never the same distance from the Sun from day to day. When the Earth is closest to the Sun it is said to be at perihelion. This occurs around January 3rd at a distance of 147,098,074 km. When it is at its furthest distance from the Sun, Earth is said to be at aphelion. That happens around July 4th at a distance of 152,097,701 km
That’s not all our wonderful Earth is now moving in six different directions with a combined speed of approximately 574,585 MPH.
69,361 MPH Spin and Orbit 43,200 MPH Towards the Lambda Herculis Constellation 15,624 MPH Solar system moving Perpendicular to Galactic Plane shown in image.446,400 MPH Orbiting the Galactic Center {or Galactic Spin Rate.
------------------- 574,585 MPH Total Speed of Earth within Our Galaxy
Ronald Regehr writes, “Another great "file". Might I offer a revision? MIDAS was an infrared satellite system to detect and provide warning of the hot exhaust of Soviet ICBMs but it was of limited success (the early W-17 sensor system was woefully inadequate), and plagued by launch failures and development woes. However, the 12 MIDAS spacecraft provided invaluable to development of its successor, the Defense Support Program. And yes, DSP was more than capable of detecting UFOs and asteroids. DSP detected and reported the famous Iranian UFO of Sept. 1976.
Aliens Live Among Us
The story got another kick this week when former Defence Minister of Canada, Paul Hellyer, claims that the aliens are already working for us, in an interview with the RT, the Russian TV channel. He says it is as true as an aircraft flying over us.
According to Mr. Hellyer, there are about 80 alien species living among us, a fascinating fact, which makes us looking around to spot them in a crowd. Mr. Hellyer sheds some light on the nature of these beings: they can be short grays, the tall whites and the Nordic blondes, Mr. Hellyer says.
There is a rapid increase in the reported sightings of UFO in recent months. In that context, the claim that aliens are visiting our battered planet does not sound strange. When a former Canadian Defense Minister – a former leading figure in the NATO - the news is never short of the ingredients to arouse shock and awe among the ordinary people.
Mr. Hellyer went on to say that aliens are mostly benign and want to help us get out of our miseries. Some are mischievous, though. Mr. Hellyer explains why the aliens do not want to share high technology with us: because, we are destroying our planet with what we already have – pollution and the thermonuclear bombs.
The interview reached its climax, when Mr. Hellyer quite boldly claimed that some aliens are already working for the US military in Nevada. Then, in the same breath, he said that recently two female aliens visited a supermarket in Las Vegas incognito as nuns. Mr. Hellyer says the two aliens got away with their stunt.
When asked about his own personal experience with the aliens, he described how he and his wife spotted a UFO in the Canadian skies while living in a cottage near Toronto. He said that the same UFO appeared on two successive days for well over 20 minutes, before disappearing at, what he termed as, astonishing speed.
Did Iranian F-14 Tomcats Battle UFOs or Drones?
Combat Aircraft Monthly’s Babak Taghvaee’ reports, Iranian F-14 Tomcat fighters attempted to intercept what it believed to be U.S. spy drones overflying Iran’s nuclear facilities. According to Iranian sources, the intruders, are luminous objects and are CIA’s intelligence drones that display astonishing flight characteristics. They have the ability to fly outside the atmosphere, attain a maximum cruise speed of Mach 10, and then hover over the target. They use powerful high levels of ECM magnetic energy to jam Iranian radars and to disrupt navigation systems. The Iranians claim the US is using alien technology.
In one intercept an Iranian F-14 Tomcat tried to lock its radar on to a luminous object, only to have the radar beam disrupted. “The pilot described the object as being spherical, with something like a green afterburner creating a considerable amount of turbulence behind it.” The intruder then increased its speed and “disappeared like a meteor.”
In January 2012, an F-14 was scrambled to intercept an intruder and exploded, killing both crewmen just after takeoff.
I briefed the 21st Air Force General staff on Iranian F-4 fighters attempting to attack a UFO in 1976. Their missiles failed to fire at the UFO but the fighters were able land safely.
Only UFOs or rockets are thought able to fly at Mach 10 or 7,612 miles per hour. If the “luminous objects” can fly at Mach 10, it suggests a reliable hypersonic reconnaissance aircraft is in the US inventory. Perhaps the SR-72 is operational.
Lockheed Martin SR-72 Flies at Mach 6
Aviation Week & Space Technology, Senior Editor Guy Norris lifts the wraps on the SR-72’s cutting-edge design, including a propulsion breakthrough that would allow the aircraft to fly twiceas fast as the SR-71 Blackbird -- six times the speed of sound -- but still take off from and land on a runway like a conventional aircraft. Nearly two decades after the famed Mach 3 SR-71 Blackbird spy plane was retired, its developer, Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works, has revealed exclusively to Aviation Week that it is ready to begin development of a hypersonic successor, the SR-72. Lockheed Martin and partner Aerojet-Rocketdyne have been working in secret for seven years on the concept, which centers on integrating an off-the-shelf turbine with a scramjet to power the aircraft from standstill to Mach 6. The hypersonic aircraft is designed for both long-range strike and reconnaissance. Thanks to
Starchild Skull Researcher Lloyd Pye Has Died I have just learned of the passing of a great man, Lloyd Pye shown here with the Starchild skull. The author and paranormal researcher died December 9, 2013, at the age of 67 after a battle with cancer. Image Credit: YouTube. He was best known for his extensive research and promotion of the Starchild skull, an abnormally shaped human-like skull that he believed was evidence of the hybridization of humans with an advanced extraterrestrial race. He was the author of several books including the novels That Prosser Kid and Mismatch.
The skull was originally discovered in a mine southwest of Chihuahua, Mexico in 1930 and was later obtained by Pye. He spent years researching and promoting the find and maintained his alien hybridization theory right up until the end. Pye will always be remembered for his devotion to finding the truth. He asked me to hold the strange skull and examine it. He was exciting to talk to and avidly believed the skull was alien and had spent a fortune with laboratories to prove his hypothesis. He will be sorely missed.
The 4000 year old Beauty of Loulan of China
Loulan was discovered in 1980, but it was 3800 years ago that she died in China on the trade route known as the Silk Road. The natural dryness and salty soil preserved her and over two hundred other mummies, who had lived in settlements along the trade route. The mummy has been called the Loulan Beauty because of her amazingly preserved stately facial features that have remained quite beautiful even in death.
The Chinese government has been reluctant to allow full access to the mummies because of their Caucasian identity. The Tarim mummies look more European than Asian and May descendants of the original inhabitants of the area and not later arrivals, as Chinese history claims.
Victor Mair, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, was instrumental in getting access to these mummies’ genetic samples in 1993. Their findings revealed that the mummies are indeed European but they probably migrated from the Siberian region. Mainstream historians have always had the concept that early people were not world travelers when in fact most evidence points to just the opposite. Loulan’s people are clearly of Caucasian descent and their grave goods suggest that they were probably merchants of textiles.
The settlements along the Silk Road might very well have been meeting points where merchants from the west traded their goods for goods from the east. Pliny the Elder described the traders from this area as tall with flaxen hair and blue eyes. Loulan herself lived to be about 40 to 45. One of the mummies, the Yingpan Man, was six feet six inches tall and wore a red tunic with gold embroidery. He also wore a gold foil burial mask.
She probably died from lung disease and was buried in well-made woven clothing. Some of the mummies are actually wearing plaid patterned loomed cloth. Many of the mummies are tattooed like modern tattooing and one female has crescent moons and ovals tattooed on her face. A male mummy known as the Chrechen Man has sun tattoos on his temples, although the tattoos could represent UFOs. It is known that the ancient people rode horses, used chariots and had at least some medical knowledge.
The Chinese government did allow further testing in 2007 and 2009 and the findings supported the Siberian connection as well as suggesting the mixing of people from Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, Europe and other unknown sources. Thanks to Margaret Moose.
Note: I suggest the unknown sources were extraterrestrial. Almost 200 pyramids ten thousand years old are found in China near other Caucasian blonds and red heads.
27-01-2014 om 16:40
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer's Files #4 2014 - Recent UFO Flap, US is Working with Aliens -Iran, Lloyd Pye Departs - PART II
Filer's Files #4 2014 - Recent UFO Flap, US is Working with Aliens -Iran, Lloyd Pye Departs - PART II
Sightings in the United States
Alaska Square Object
Cooper Landing, Kenai Peninsula -- On December 30th, 2013, at 10:15 PM,driving south bound from Anchorage to Soldotna, my son Shawn driving in front of me while talking on our cell phones, said, “wow that plane is low!” I said, “It’s going too slow for an airplane.” He said, “It's too wide for a helicopter.” Then it hovered over the river. It had multi colored lights, more than required by FAA. It made no noise that we could hear. Thanks to
Arizona Light
Scottsdale – “I was waiting in my car with my daughter for her karate lesson to begin at 1730. Around 1710 I was looking at the northern sky when what I thought at the time was a helicopter flying south bound and with a wobbling path at first then it straightened out and headed right at us. I started to point it out to my daughter and it stopped and seemed to hover and move east. My daughter spotted it and said maybe it’s a balloon, I said, "No balloon moves at the rate of speed this thing was moving at us.” My daughter’s next words were, “It looks like a triangle and I said yeah it does! It started to climb heading west. I pulled out my I-phone and started to take pictures of the metallic shinny. At 1715 the doors open for the karate lesson, and five minutes later I returned alone to my car and the object was out of sight. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Lights
WESTWOOD // CENTURY CITY-- One of the most amazing four hours of my life occurred on January 17, 2014. And yes... this time I've got photos. However, the most amazing moment was not captured on 'photo' since it happened too darned fast. Just as my cam/telescope was brought to the window, the object disappeared.
This thing hovered for over four hours over my building. It seemed to cloak itself and moved around, went away until I ventured onto the roof and it reappeared. This really was something! Take a look at the photos that I included. But I would like to think that the photos of the 'thing itself' might leave absolutely no room for those saying its helicopters. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Lights
LUTZ -- I was walking home from a friend's house when I noticed a strange formation of lights hovering just above the tree line on February 3, 2013. This was not the first time I have seen these UFO's. My neighbors were outside so we all watched and he pulled out his phone and recorded the event. We saw multiple circular flying orbs that were red and an orange like-fire. The objects were in a straight line ascending and descending for five minutes until they disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
On January 17, 2014, I went outside to walk my dog about 11 pm, and saw this huge orange translucent object is heading my way. Emotions flooded my brain as I tried to make sense of the object. I called my son to look. His mother and my son ran out to see the object but they could not make sense of it either. My son finally snapped a picture. It was the size of an airplane and but could not be one as it flew too slow and was too big to be a helicopter. The oval orange translucent object flew towards me silently. As I caught the side view it looked cylinder shaped. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Georgia Lights
Hartwell --On January 12, 2014, at 8:15 PM, a Media helicopter reports witnessing three orange lights streaking across the night sky. They were visible to the witness for 10 seconds, who believes that they were within a half a nautical mile of his position, and that they were traveling at 150 to 200 knots. Toward the end of the sighting, the objects suddenly split up, and flew off in different directions at high speed. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director
Illinois Lights
CHICAGO -- It was about 5:30 PM, when I went to prepare soup and looked out the kitchen window to see a stationary light on November 18, 2013. It abruptly moved east and then returned. I made a short video. I could not zoom in close enough with my iPhone camera to get a clearer picture so I ran inside to get my Olympus binoculars. I held my iPhone up to the binoculars’ and painstakingly snapped images that looked saucer shaped. It made no sound and I am convinced this was not an earthly craft. Thanks to MUFONCMS
Nevada Lights
INDIAN SPRINGS – Driving north on Route 95 in early January the witness noticed high speed lights moving parallel along the mountain ranges. These lights moved four or five times faster than jet aircraft. These may be some type of advanced experimental craft from Nellis Test Range.
Rachel-- Frank J Hoary writes, “The clips are from video footage shot by me in August 1997. I shot some chemtrails all that day and 16 missiles looking objects that were never identified. The object was emitting intense light, and spinning very fast. It flew down through the clouds, hovered for about 10 minutes before flying back into the clouds.” I do have the video of these objects, shot by mygirlfriend and I with two camcorders. Thanks to Frank J Khoury.
New Jersey Orbs Change into Craft
east rutherford – I was driving on Route 3 west approaching Giant’s Stadium about 10 AM on January 6, 2014, when I saw something odd in the sky. I got my I phone ready and took a blind photo towards the object thru my windshield. I saw a big military type helicopter thru my skylight and assumed this was the object I must have seen. Looking thru my photos today I came to that photo and I am at a loss to explain what is on the image. I’m sure I captured the object thru the window. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Newark airport -- writes, “This was taken in between the United hangars and it was forwarded to me on January 16, 2014. I can't tell what these are since they have Strange ‘v’ shape. The mechanic who sent it was amazed by it. Thanks to Stan Cooper.
Salem -- I first noticed this white, round object that looked like a giant orb, silently hovering on December 22, 2013. After ten minutes, the object changed direction and shape. “It literally changed shape from an orb into a weird looking triangular aircraft right over top of where cattle are raised on a farm close to my house”. And days leading up to this event, the cattle had been making the worse noises I’ve ever heard any cattle ever make. My father was also a witness to this event, I should add. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Mexico Disc
las cruces -- On January 17, 2014, the witness was driving from Las Cruces, late in the evening and took this photo of something that got his eye. The disc was brightly lit.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York City– The witness states, “I did get a signed and notarized affidavit from my dentist stating his description of this thing and that in 26 years of practice, he’s never seen anything like it. It has been there since at least 2003 and to date at least six dentists and one radiologist have looked at this and have no idea what it is. I have no memory of receiving this nor was it a necessary procedure as I have excellent teeth/dental health.”Thewitness is a psychic medium and has had several “unusual” experiences best categorized as paranormal. She had been having problems chewing and visited a dentist because of her discomfort. Dental x-rays were taken revealing an unusual object at the top of her teeth. The dentist had no explanation for these anomalies.
The witness states, “I was having unusual experiences in 2011 with tooth pain and sensitivity. I was always having strange unexplainable experiences since at least 2007, prior to my official awakening into 2008. There was some kind of dormancy into 2007 after I had an encounter with who I believe was a human ET sunlit. After I met this person, I suddenly became obsessed with UFOs which I later found out is typical of people who have encounters. For the next nine months all I could do was research UFOs 10 to 12 hours a day and aliens as well. And then in 2008 I had another encounter with the UFO that started talking to me telepathically. Shortly after my thirdexperience I was opened up, when this voice asked, “Do you want to be a professional psychic?” I don’t know why I just said, “Yes Yasemin and there was a flash of light and I knew I couldn’t stop doing readings for people”. I don’t know if that was divine or ET’s or both, but that is what happened. Then I started having really bizarre paranormal experiences every single day of my life. It is how I make my living now! So frankly other than the sudden deep pain, sensitivity and my tooth I couldn’t tell you specifically of anything that happened. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
South Carolina Light
Saint Stephen– The light moves slowly across the scene from left to right. Video of light moving across the horizon just above the trees from left to right slowly. Event described in Case # 53486.Thanks to MUFON CMS
MYRTLE BEACH – Hard to describe the video taken on January 16, 2014.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Light
Crystal Springs -- Wednesday, January 15, 2014, at 8:45 PM, an adult male, with considerable experience in law enforcement, reports that while he was driving north on “FM 1433,” he witnessed an object streak from his “10 o’clock” position, off to his quartering left, to his “6 o’clock” position, covering that 120-degree angle, in an estimated five seconds. During the five seconds that it was visible to the witness, the object gave off four extremely bright flashes of light, at regular time intervals. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director
El Lago – My two teenage girls went to check the mail and called for me to come outside on January 15, 2014. I went outside with my younger daughter and saw them pointing at a large orange/yellow sphere in the sky. It looked like fire was coming out from the bottom. It travelled silently toward us faster than a hot air balloon but slower than an airplane. It hovered near us for a few moments before it shot straight up into the air at a very high rate of speed and faded out of sight. The girls said that it changed directions and descended again over the trees and faded out, but I did not see that happen. Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virginia Sphere
ALEXANDRIA -- I was walking my dog on Sunday afternoon at the school across the street from my home on January 5, 2014. As I turned to head to look up and saw what appeared to be a sphere gliding silently across the sky. I got my cell phone out of my pocket t and managed to film zoom in a bit for a brief video but I’m still unable to recognize what the object is. I kept walking my dog and as I walked beneath a part where trees overhang I lost sight of where it went. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Argentina Light
Cordoba -- On January 17, 2014, I was sitting in my house garden relaxing and meditating when I noticed the light, first it looked like a commercial airplane but then I noticed it was moving in a strangely slow velocity. When it reached a certain point near a cloud next to the moon, it hovered very still for 5 minutes, then its light stopped or disappeared and I didn't see it anymore. I was completely frozen. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Australia Boomerang Shaped
Taylors Beach, Queensland – My brother and I decided to go for a walk down the beach on Christmas Eve at 9 PM, when I saw a strange boomerang shaped blue light. I pointed it out to my brother who was quite scared by the experience and was suggesting we leave the beach. The boomerang light was moving extremely erratically until flew directly above us. It was moving at lightning speed disappearing and then reappearing only to move in the shape of a perfect half circle across the sky and repeat the process over and over again for about 3 minutes. My brother likened the experience to seeing a ghost.
Renmark -- My husband and I were sitting on the back of a houseboat fishing in the Murray River Christmas night at 10.20 PM, many miles away from any houses when all of a sudden four white lights, similar to stars appeared in the southwest sky. I told my husband to look at the moving lights that were in a box shaped formation. These gradually moved across the sky in a straight line for two minutes and then turned south. We have never seen anything like this before. Thanks to
Mount Colah, Sydney New South Wales – I’m 10 years old and was asleep in bed when a low rumbling noise woke me up on January 10, 2014, at 10:41 PM. It sounded like a helicopter, but much lower rumble so I looked up through my window and saw a bright sharp green circle with a green light orbiting around it. The witnesses father described that the "lights going around the central light looked like what you see on a revolving radar screen, like a fan". I realized that the circle was an UFO. Thanks to
Canada Light
Medicine Hat, Alberta -- My 13 year old son took pictures with his cell phone of strange lights in the sky over Kin Coulee Park on October 13, 2013 at 10 PM. He said at first he saw five orange circle lights. He ran in the house and got his cell phone and came back out and took pictures of what he saw. He said there were then only three lights which moved slowly away and up into the clouds and disappeared. He was with his father and younger brother who also witnessed the same. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Italy Disc
corato -- My son was playing in the swimming pool in the villa of our neighbor in August 2013. His friend was taking a video of him swimming and jumping for few seconds. Just behind my son, you can see an object crossing the video very quickly.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexico Flying Object
Mexico City – On Sunday, January 12, 2014, this object was videotaped in the southern part of Mexico City at 3:14 PM.
A GZ_MG630AU JVC Everio camcorder model was used to take three different shots. Thanks to
Xalapa Region, Veracruz -- My friend Jose posted this picture in Face Book flying above a church. Picture was taken on December 31, 2013. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Zealand Five Round Orange/Red Orbs
Whakatane, Bay of Plenty – On December 31st 2013, about9:30 PM, my dad and uncle came inside and said, “Do you guys want to see real UFOs! We all went outside to see a flying object that radiated a vibrant orange color. We watched as three in remarkable orders disappeared reappeared and took flight, they came from different directions. We six witnesses saw another two appear before our eyes this was over a mass of about 20 minutes. They were not lanterns as they flew in different places and different directions. These things were not afraid to been seen.
Serbia Three Orange Flying Objects
Belgrade-- I was walking from the store and suddenly this orange light was about 20 meters above me on January 14, 2014 at 12:34 AM. It didn’t make any sound and just kept moving real fast in a straight line. After 20-30 seconds it was gone, but I saw another one, moving north; It was the same size moving fast. After a minute a third one flew silently above me heading northeast. I have never seen such things before. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director
Spain Flying Object
Córdoba, Andalusia-- I was sitting in my house garden relaxing and meditating when I noticed the light on January 17, 2014, first it looked like a commercial airplane but then I noticed it was moving in a strangely slow velocity. When it reached a certain point near a cloud next to the moon, it hovered very still for 5 min, then its light stopped or disappeared and I didn't see it anymore. I was completely frozen. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Africa Shape of Big Family Car
Reeds, Centurion, Gauteng – A red light approached me from the east and passed directly over me 7:40 PM. At first I thought it was a flare as lots of fireworks were shot for New Year's Eve, but then I noted it was travelling west at great speed with a big red light visible only till it passed overhead silently and then no lights at all. I could see a black object against clouds that looked like a big family car. It had no metallic glint/sheen and was dull black as it disappeared. Thanks to
United Arab Emirates like a Star
Ruwais, Abu Dhabi – OnDecember 30th 2013, my friend and I were standing in the bus station at 7:00 PM and when I look up and saw a bright light moving straight east. In the middle the objects got brighter and disappeared in the sky. I use to see this kind of objects in my area, but I am confused because the military base is also near to my place. Most of the nights these kind of objects use to appear and disappear in the sky. Thanks to
UK/ Bright Orange Sphere
LONDON -- I was driving home after work and noticed a bright orange ball heading west on January 17, 2014. It looked like a fireball. It definitely was not the type of lights you would see on a normal plane. The color was so bright I had to stop my car to take a picture. Unfortunately there was traffic behind me so couldn’t stop much longer. I was almost in shock as I’ve never seen anything like it before. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Teignmouth, Devon – I have been seeing a lot of USO Activity off the southwest coast of England lately. This leaves me to believe that there is an Alien base somewhere in the vicinity. The photo was taken in Teignmouth, Devon on January 11, 2014 at 4:50 PM. These objects were seen by me entering the water. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
Venezuela Dish
CARACAS– I was in a park where almost everything looks alicante and I saw a steady light that started to increase and decrease its light. Several other people who were with me watched as the light began to move to the right. Then several lights moved left in a straight line next to each other. Then I realized it was a disc spinning like a dish. It then returned to where it was at first and beamed spotlights shining down and out towards the ground, and then disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
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27-01-2014 om 16:06
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Piloot moet uitwijken voor sigaarvormige UFO
Piloot moet uitwijken voor sigaarvormige UFO
Een vliegtuig van Thomas Cook, dat op weg was van Ibiza naar Manchester, werd op enkele meters gepasseerd door een onbekend vliegend object.
De piloot maakte boven Reading melding van een object met de vorm van een rugbybal. De luchtvaartautoriteiten stelden een onderzoek in, maar konden de herkomst van het object niet achterhalen.
Na het analyseren van vluchtgegevens op internet werd duidelijk dat het om vluchtnummer TCX24HX ging. Een Airbus A320 vloog op 19 juli 2013 van Ibiza naar Manchester International Airport. Het toestel vloog met een snelheid van ruim 800 kilometer per uur op een hoogte van 10.000 meter toen het werd gepasseerd door een UFO.
De waarneming werd overdag gedaan, zo rond 18.35 uur plaatselijke tijd. Vanuit het cockpitraam zag de piloot hoe het object op zijn vliegtuig afstevende. Hij zei dat er geen tijd meer was om uit te wijken. Hij was er zeker van dat hij op het object zou botsen en stuurde omlaag.
Uiteindelijk passeerde het onbekende object op enkele meters boven het vliegtuig. De piloot omschreef het object als sigaarvormig, zilverkleurig, ‘als een rugbybal’, met een glanzend metaalachtig oppervlak.
Na de passage nam de piloot contact op met de luchtverkeersleiding en controleerde hij alle instrumenten. Er was echter geen spoor te bekennen van het onbekende object.
Iedere maand
De autoriteiten hebben uitgesloten dat het een weer- of speelgoedballon is geweest. Er werd contact opgenomen met militaire radarstations, maar die konden het object ook niet traceren.
Een woordvoerder van Thomas Cook Airlines zei: “Al onze piloten moeten onverwachtse gebeurtenissen tijdens de vlucht melden aan de luchtvaartautoriteiten.”
In 2009 werd de ufodesk van het Britse ministerie van Defensie gesloten, waarna de burgerluchtvaartautoriteit besloot onderzoek te doen naar meldingen van onbekende objecten. In 2012 gaf het hoofd van de Britse luchtverkeersdienst toe dat iedere maand wel een onbekend vliegend object wordt gemeld.
Scott Waring, author of UFO Sightings Daily, says, “While looking at a Mars photo I found some odd anomalies that stood out from the other things in the photo. Some of these look like ancient remains of structures and statues, but others actually have such unique colors that I would have to assume its a type of life form…maybe plant or snail like creature (photo below). “ Snail like creature or plant?
Date of discovery: January Location of discovery: Mars surface Source photo:
The photo above shows a structure with three long arms of metallic color.
In the above photo Waring found a goat/camel like face. He says it “Looks like it has broken off its statue long ago and was just laying on its side. From the destruction everywhere…it does look like Mars met with a death from a planet wide high energy impact of some sort.”
In the photo below Waring found what looks like a bluish-white structure. It almost looks to be made of white marble.
This structure and the photo below it are very close to one another. Please notices the right angles.
Aliens aren't always reported as the grey, large-eyed, small-bodied beings as the one in the photo above. A wide variety of them have been reported by a wide swath of witnesses. I will discuss some of the more popularly described ones:
Diminutive, gray-skinned, huge black eyes, tiny delicate bodies, enormous heads… these are the classic ones most often portrayed in movies and TV and stories told by supposed abductees. The majority of those who encounter aliens, report the greys and not always positive encounters, often times involving abduction and medical testing. For some, like myself, it has been a positive experience. More on that on a post on Wednesday.
Reported with typical Aryan traits, they have blond hair, blue eyes, strong and robust, webbed toes, and 24 teeth supposedly. These are described as kind of like “star child” earth-loving, eco-weenie, peaceful sort of beings. A popularly held belief is that during Eisenhower's time in office, the Nordics arrived in a meeting in California with the president hoping to make a connection, but was rejected. Then, later, he met in New Mexico with the greys and made a deal with them instead – a deal they regretted later.
These humanoids are described as tall and scaly. Often, they are reported in caves or around caves. Encounters with reptilians have not always been positive and sometimes downright threatening, but they appear to want to remain very hidden and have also been associated with the ability to walk in and out of walls in a kind of parallel world membrane. Reptoids are often part of legends of cave dwelling and underground tunnels in the Ozarks and California.
Hairy Dwarfs
Reported to have hairy bodies, small, almost alien grey shaped, but sometimes wearing a strange helmet on their head. These have so far been reported in Latin America.
Small green humanoids
These unusual beings are reportedly exceptionally small, like under one foot tall. Their bodies appear to be diminutive versions of a human, but their heads are unusually large and oddly shaped.
Aquatics (Sirians)
The Sirians were said to be the first to visit our planet in ancient times, 4 to 5 billion years ago (how this is confirmed given there is no written language from back them of eye witnesses, I'm not sure). Reportedly, they along with other aliens, DNA manipulated our life on this planet.
Tall Whites
Described as exceedingly tall, about 8 feet, with pale chalky skin and wrap around blue eyes. I saw two of these as a child (more on that on Wednesday). They are said to have translucent platinum hair. Iran believes there is a base of them under their land –
These beings are described as blue and said to have landed in Florida in the 1950s, trying to convince our government not to work with the greys to no avail. They have wrap-around eyes and are sensitive to light. It is said they are friends with the Nordics. From Exopaedia: “They claim to be descendants of Noah who traveled to the Western Hemisphere a few centuries after the deluge and discovered ancient antediluvian cavern systems and technologies which had been abandoned in the subterranean recesses. They have been encountered mostly in deep cavern-systems beneath the general region of the Ozarks-Arkansas and surrounding regions (Evadamic).” Other sources tell of encounters with this same race in the Southern States of the USA.” As ludicrous as this sounds, much of the concept of underground caverns and alien civilizations really do ring true for most researchers who are finding more and more correlations, especially in the Missouri/Arkansas/Ozark area.
What is the mysterious object in the sky in the video below that has this newsroom and meteorologist completely baffled? The meteorologist in this video is quick to point out that this object is not the moon; is it Nibiru?
Amazing UFO light recorded in the night sky above Brazil on 24th January 2014
Amazing UFO light recorded in the night sky above Brazil on 24th January 2014
New interesting video footage of a strange UFO sighting recorded by Emanuel Uzza in the night sky above Brazil on 24th January 2014. In this 6 minutes video you will see an strange UFO light that is changing it’s shape while descending.
Experiencers John Mack Alien spacecraft lands in Ariel School
Experiencers – John Mack – Alien spacecraft lands in Ariel School
Alien spacecraft lands in ariel school. over 60 children lives to tell about it. There is no way this can be a hoax. Children tells about thealiens. Typical Grey aliens. This is Real.
Multiple Black UFOs recorded over Surprise, Arizona on 24th January 2014
Multiple Black UFOs recorded over Surprise, Arizona on 24th January 2014
Interesting video footage of multiple black UFOs recorded in the daytime sky above Surprise, Arizona on 24th January 2014.
Witness said: I was going to pick up dinner at a pizza place on Greenway & Reems in Surprise. Traveling north on Rems I noticed 2 stationary dark objects to the NE of my location. 3 to 4 more objects appeared and I first thought these might be the F-35′s heading to Luke AFB in Glendale or helicopters. I decided to head NE and noticed that now there were 3 objects, 2 high and 1 just above the mountain tops, the others vanished and there were only 3 in the sky. I grabbed my phone while I was talking to a friend and took some pictures and a video when I parked at the 142nd Ave and Statler (Surprise City Hall). The main objects remained pretty much stationary but one object to the left of the main 2 was quite low to the ground and was faint to see at times. I left the area after 8 minutes and they were still there. I left the area to pick up my food and when I left at 545pm the objects were gone from my view. I continued to check the whole sky on my way home and there was no sign of anything. The video was taken with an HTC One X. Resolution is 3264 X 1840.
On July 13, 1959 in Blenheim, New Zealand, Mrs. Moreland saw a sharply- outlined saucer-shaped object with two extremely bright sources of green light on the underside. The object was approximately 20 to 30 feet wide and hovered at roof-top level, about 15 feet above the ground. Inside a transparent dome, she said, there were two men, “dressed in fairly close-fitting suits of shiny material. “Mrs. Frederick Moreland, of Blenheim, New Zealand, a busy housewife with five children, was helping her husband tend their small nine-acre farm as well as working part-time as a nurse’s aid at Lister Hospital, in Blenheim, at the time her sighting occurred. On July 13, 1959, at 5:50 a.m., it was dark with a low cloud cover when Mrs. Moreland went to the barn to do the morning milking. She noticed a green glow in the overcast and was half-way across the paddock when she saw two large green lights emerge from the clouds and descend rapidly toward the ground, in her direction. “I noticed that I was bathed in a green light and that all the paddock was green, too,” she later reported. In her written statement to the local police, she said that it was so bright she could not see her own “torchlight” in the green glare. “It was a horrid sort of color. My first thought was, `I shouldn’t be here, ‘and I made a dive for the trees on the other side of the paddock.” In the protection of the trees, Mrs. Moreland saw a sharply- outlined saucer-shaped object with two extremely bright sources of green light on the underside. The light from these sources beamed out over an area of 50 yards. Two rows of jets around the center of the object “shot out orange-colored flame” and appeared to revolve in opposite directions. The object was approximately 20 to 30 feet wide and hovered at roof-top level, about 15 feet above the ground. It was no more than 50 yards away from her.
“The jets stopped,” Mrs. Moreland said, “and a light was switched on in what appeared to be a perspex or glass roof or dome, which glowed.” (Compare with the Ririe and Idaho Falls, Idaho, cases of late 1967) She said the bottom appeared to be of a grayish, metallic color. There was a faint hum as the object hovered “and the air became very warm.” Inside the transparent dome, she said, there were two men, “dressed in fairly close-fitting suits of shiny material.” She compared the material to aluminum foil. She said the occupants wore “opaque helmets” that rose straight from their shoulders. They seemed to be of normal size. She noted that one of the occupants never moved. I could not see their faces,” she said. “One of the men stood up and put two hands out in front of him, as if leaning over to look downwards. After a minute or two, the jets started off again and, tilting slightly at first, the thing shot up vertically at great speed and disappeared into the clouds. When it did this, it made a soft but high-pitched sound.” She reported that a peculiar smell, somewhat similar to pepper, lingered in the air as the object departed. Mrs. Moreland stood in the trees for several minutes, not knowing exactly what to do. She finally went on with her milking but was so disturbed by what she had seen that, at 7:00 a.m., she went back into the house and told her husband what had happened. Mr. Moreland, employed by the Royal New Zealand Air Force, suggested that she call the police, which she did. An official enquiry began which included an investigation by the RNZAF. Mrs. Moreland’s report was given wide coverage in the press and some time later it was learned that about an hour before Mrs. Moreland’s sighting a Blenheim man named Holdaway had seen a white-orange object through his window. Many people subsequently interviewed the witness, who impressed them with her straightforward account of what she had seen. NICAP has a copy of the witness’ first-hand, signed report of the incident. Dr. James E. McDonald, during a trip to Australia and New Zealand in 1967, had the opportunity to interview the witness and he told NICAP that he had been quite favorably impressed. NOTE: The above image is a witness rendering
On July 13, 1959 in Blenheim, New Zealand, Mrs. Moreland saw a sharply- outlined saucer-shaped object with two extremely bright sources of green light on the underside. The object was approximately 20 to 30 feet wide and hovered at roof-top level, about 15 feet above the ground. Inside a transparent dome, she said, there were two men, “dressed in fairly close-fitting suits of shiny material. “Mrs. Frederick Moreland, of Blenheim, New Zealand, a busy housewife with five children, was helping her husband tend their small nine-acre farm as well as working part-time as a nurse’s aid at Lister Hospital, in Blenheim, at the time her sighting occurred. On July 13, 1959, at 5:50 a.m., it was dark with a low cloud cover when Mrs. Moreland went to the barn to do the morning milking. She noticed a green glow in the overcast and was half-way across the paddock when she saw two large green lights emerge from the clouds and descend rapidly toward the ground, in her direction. “I noticed that I was bathed in a green light and that all the paddock was green, too,” she later reported. In her written statement to the local police, she said that it was so bright she could not see her own “torchlight” in the green glare. “It was a horrid sort of color. My first thought was, `I shouldn’t be here, ‘and I made a dive for the trees on the other side of the paddock.” In the protection of the trees, Mrs. Moreland saw a sharply- outlined saucer-shaped object with two extremely bright sources of green light on the underside. The light from these sources beamed out over an area of 50 yards. Two rows of jets around the center of the object “shot out orange-colored flame” and appeared to revolve in opposite directions. The object was approximately 20 to 30 feet wide and hovered at roof-top level, about 15 feet above the ground. It was no more than 50 yards away from her. “The jets stopped,” Mrs. Moreland said, “and a light was switched on in what appeared to be a perspex or glass roof or dome, which glowed.” (Compare with the Ririe and Idaho Falls, Idaho, cases of late 1967) She said the bottom appeared to be of a grayish, metallic color.
There was a faint hum as the object hovered “and the air became very warm.” Inside the transparent dome, she said, there were two men, “dressed in fairly close-fitting suits of shiny material.” She compared the material to aluminum foil. She said the occupants wore “opaque helmets” that rose straight from their shoulders. They seemed to be of normal size. She noted that one of the occupants never moved. I could not see their faces,” she said. “One of the men stood up and put two hands out in front of him, as if leaning over to look downwards. After a minute or two, the jets started off again and, tilting slightly at first, the thing shot up vertically at great speed and disappeared into the clouds. When it did this, it made a soft but high-pitched sound.” She reported that a peculiar smell, somewhat similar to pepper, lingered in the air as the object departed. Mrs. Moreland stood in the trees for several minutes, not knowing exactly what to do. She finally went on with her milking but was so disturbed by what she had seen that, at 7:00 a.m., she went back into the house and told her husband what had happened. Mr. Moreland, employed by the Royal New Zealand Air Force, suggested that she call the police, which she did. An official enquiry began which included an investigation by the RNZAF. Mrs. Moreland’s report was given wide coverage in the press and some time later it was learned that about an hour before Mrs. Moreland’s sighting a Blenheim man named Holdaway had seen a white-orange object through his window. Many people subsequently interviewed the witness, who impressed them with her straightforward account of what she had seen. NICAP has a copy of the witness’ first-hand, signed report of the incident. Dr. James E. McDonald, during a trip to Australia and New Zealand in 1967, had the opportunity to interview the witness and he told NICAP that he had been quite favorably impressed. NOTE: The above image is a witness rendering
The 1954 story of Ike meeting with aliens at Muroc AFB is only one of many high-level government alien encounter stories that were reported that year. It may be significant to note that1954 was the only year that such multiple contact stories were told. 1954 found similar documented alien encounters with high level officials in America, Canada and the United Kingdom. In April the Soviet Union indicated that they might also be in contact when they publicly announced that they had set up a “permanent interdepartmental commission for interplanetary communication”, headed up by leading Russian physicist and later Nobel Prize winner Pyotr Kapitsa.”
1954 – Other High Level USA Extraterrestrial Contacts and the Mystery Satellites
The Eisenhower – Muroc base encounter was not the only 1954 government alien encounter event being reported in the United States. There were also two other very significant cases involving the U.S. government and communication with aliens.
These two stories were closely tied to two orbiting satellites that had been detected by the US government. The 1954 satellite story became a story like Roswell in that the government was able to successful kill after a couple shaky moments when it appeared at the time the story might unravel the entire UFO cover-up.
The related government ET stories began only a few weeks after the rumored Francis swanEisenhower alien encounter. Francis Swan, a poorly educated housewife in Elliott Maine, suddenly started reporting to the Navy that she was getting messages from aliens who she said were orbiting the earth in two large spaceships.
Right from the start the United States Navy, AFOSI, CIA, and the Canadian
Eisenhower and His Alien Contacts: Part 2 government took a serious interest in what Swan was saying.
The 1954 story of Ike meeting with aliens at Muroc AFB is only one of many high-level government alien encounter stories that were reported that year. It may be significant to note that1954 was the only year that such multiple contact stories were told.
1954 found similar documented alien encounters with high level officials in America, Canada and the United Kingdom. In April the Soviet Union indicated that they might also be in contact when they publicly announced that they had set up a “permanent interdepartmental commission for interplanetary communication”, headed up by leading Russian physicist and later Nobel Prize winner Pyotr Kapitsa.” [1]
1954 – Other High Level USA Extraterrestrial Contacts and the Mystery Satellites
The Eisenhower - Muroc base encounter was not the only 1954 government alien encounter event being reported in the United States. There were also two other very significant cases involving the U.S. government and communication with aliens.
These two stories were closely tied to two orbiting satellites that had been detected by the US government. The 1954 satellite story became a story like Roswell in that the government was able to successful kill after a couple shaky moments when it appeared at the time the story might unravel the entire UFO cover-up.
The related government ET stories began only a few weeks after the rumored Eisenhower alien encounter. Francis Swan, a poorly educated housewife in Elliott Maine, suddenly started reporting to the Navy that she was getting messages from aliens who she said were orbiting the earth in two large spaceships.
Right from the start the United States Navy, AFOSI, CIA, and the Canadian government took a serious interest in what Swan was saying. [2]
(The interest would take on a very serious turn in 1959 when Swan taught one of two visiting CIA Intelligence officers to channel one of the commanders of one of the two spacecraft named AFFA. Robert Nisham, the officer in question, would race to the highly secret CIA – National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC), where the Director Arthur Lundahl, rumored to be the man who briefed the President on UFOs, would supervise a channeling where they got a flying saucer to fly by the window.) [3]
The reason that officials may have taken Swan so seriously may have been that they had been tracking two large objects circling the Earth since the fall of 1953 just as Swan was claiming. In addition, reports had started to emerge about large objects were being spotted over Washington D.C. Then months later a Chicago radio station would try and communicate with the two satellites, and the entire CIA would go to great lengths to recover and then cover-up the audio tape that resulted from that experiment.
Major Donald Keyhoe, the head of the biggest UFO research organization at the time called the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena ( NICAP), reported that huge objects were tracked by radar over Washington on May 5, 6, and 13. In June a giant UFO was again detected over Washington and Baltimore which caused officials to put the entire “east coast on full alert.”
In May, Keyhoe announced in an interview with national broadcaster Frank Edwards that the one and possibly two artificial satellites had been detected by Air Force radar at White Sands in late 1953 and that scientists were working hard to figure out what the satellites were and where they came from.[4] Keyhoe also stated that Canadian scientists had put out an alert to all sky watchers to report any unusual objects.
On August 23, things got worse for Eisenhower’s officials when the premiere aviation magazine in the country Aviation Week broke the same story in their August 23, 1954 issue. They basically confirmed Swan’s claim that there were two large objects orbiting the earth – one at 400 miles and one at 600 miles above the Earth.
Pentagon scare over the observance of two previously unobserved satellites orbiting the earth has dissipated with the identification of the objects as natural, not artificial satellites. Dr. Lincoln LaPaz, expert on extraterrestrial bodies from the University of New Mexico, headed the identification project. One satellite is orbiting about 400 miles out, while the other track is 600 miles from the earth. Pentagon thought momentarily the Russians had beaten the U.S. to space explorations.[5]
A couple days later, and then again in October 1954, the New York Times also printed an article about the two mysterious satellites. The story of the discovery was becoming public.
Wilbert Smith, who was running the Canadian investigation into UFOs, was in contact with Swan and knew that the Pentagon had tracked two large objects backing up Swan’s claims. His correspondence showed him writing letters to researchers asking them to visually search for the objects in the sky and report back to him.
Other media outlets also picked up the story of the satellites. One story published by the Washington Evening Star stated there were many more than two unknown objects in orbit around the Earth.
They referenced the work of an electrical engineer John P. Bagby who disclosed his findings in a paper he delivered at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago. Bagby reported that there were “more than fifty objects, some of which glowed dull red occasionally.” He calculated that the objects were orbiting at “about 475 miles from the earth…perhaps moving in an elongated elliptical orbit,” and that he had made his first observation of the objects in February 1954.[6] (The same month as Eisenhower’s rumored meeting with the aliens at Edwards)
The story of the satellites was printed by many publications but none caused more concern for Eisenhower’s White House than the story published on May 25, 1955 concerning the mystery objects.
The article called “Debate on the Satellite” was written by Steward Alsop.[7] Steward and his brother were two of the most prominent political journalists of the 1950s writing for theNew York Herald Tribune, the Saturday Evening Post, and Newsweek. At one point in their career their column was the most heavily syndicated in the United States. In his article Alsop wrote,
“The possibility that the Soviets will launch a satellite is taken so seriously that a satellite detection project has been established at White Sands, New Mexico and at Mount Wilson, California. A tremendous flap was caused not long ago in the Pentagon when the project identified not one but two satellites. It turned out that both were natural satellites, never before detected.”[8]
Even though the story about the Pentagon tracking program picking up orbiting objects had already been made public, the Alsop article sent Robert Cutler, National Security Advisor to Eisenhower, into a rage. Keyhoe reported that Cutler was so angry at the publication of the article that people at the NSC were afraid to be around him. (Cutler would later become a well know name in Ufology when researchers Bill Moore and Jamie Shandera would recover a memo Cutler had written in government archives. The memo[9] dated July 14, 1954, was written just weeks after the series of large objects were tracked over Washington D.C. In the memo Cutler identified an upcoming Special Studies Project briefing to be given by the NSA and MJ-12 which were the groups controlling the UFO subject)
The Alsop article also described the rage that Cutler went into over the satellite story, but they kept his name out of the story till three weeks later. In that article they detailed the fallout that ensured from the satellite article in an article titled “Censorship Warning.”
The initial article described how the “Administration was practicing a widespread censorship, which is no less effective in slanting the news because it is insidiously indirect.”
The Alsop article reported that two close friends of Joseph Alsop had cancelled attending a party he had set up just after the satellite article appeared. Joseph was told bluntly that “their official positions (on the NSC) would be compromised if the party were to be held as planned.”
The Alsops learned that the day after the satellite article appeared, that the White House NSC meeting broke into a “prolonged outburst of righteous indignation” led by Cutler. “Here once again,” wrote the Alsops, “the American people were being told facts of the utmost national importance – but facts which the NSC wanted to cover up.”[10]
It became clear that Cutler had told the two NSC employees to cancel the party Joseph Alsop was attending. Speaking of Cutler the Alsops wrote, “he did not fear any improper disclosure (by the two employees, but he greatly feared the attack that would develop on his agency, if it became known that important subordinates of his dared to continue an old friendship with persons who dared to write about facts of highest national importance.”
What ensued next was an attack on the Alsops by the White House. In a series of four articles on censorship the brothers wrote how they had become the target of a security investigation. They accused the Eisenhower White House of tapping their phones, bugging their houses, dropping hints of arrest and prosecution and ensuring that “official acquaintances and friends are subject to the most shameful harassment.” [11]
So why was there such a negative reaction to the story of the two satellites and how could they be considered “facts of highest national importance?”
As mentioned above many of the key agencies rumored to be involved in UFOs were carefully monitoring “the odd case of the lady from Maine who, while in a hypnotic trance, had allegedly communicated with a starship.” This according to Victor Marchetti, a former assistant to the Deputy Director of the CIA, was once of the rumored UFO stories that he heard had ciculated at the highest levels of the CIA.[12]
The fact that Mrs. Swan was describing two large alien spacecraft orbiting the Earth at the same time the Air Force was tracking two newly discovered Earth satellites seemed to tie the two together as items of high national security importance. This would especially be true if the 1954 story of a communication between Eisenhower and visiting extraterrestrials was true. It would have meant there was communication along with the tracking of the satellite objects.
What made the 1955 Alsop article about the mysterious 1954 satellites so important is that Mrs. Swan was not the only one claiming an ET contact experience with the satellites.
In November 1954 there would be another claim about the two orbiting satellites that would drag the Air Force, the CIA, and its director into a messed up covert operation that almost cost them the UFO cover-up.
It is a story that the CIA even spent part of a 1997 study paper on UFOs telling their distorted version of the story. Not surprisingly the 1997 CIA version conveniently leaves out the fact that the story centered on the two 1954 mysterious satellites.
The CIA and the Orbiting Satellites
On the evening of November 28, 1954, at radio station WGN in Chicago, the two orbiting satellites were the main topic of conversation. The host Jim Mills, and his guest for the day UFO researcher John Otto, got an idea to try and communicate with the two satellites. The plan of action was carefully planned and kept secret until the day of the plan.
At exactly 11:15 during the radio show, Mills made an announcement that they were going to attempt to send a signal to the orbiting satellites, and get the aliens to send back a message for the radio listeners. Mills announced that in ten minutes - at 11:25 they would prompt the aliens to send their message with the words “Come in outer space.” Only 10 minutes warning were given to prevent someone in the audience from getting a truck with the proper radio equipment and broadcasting a signal.
Once they had prompted the space men to talk they would shut off the microphones in the studio for fifteen seconds. They would, however, continue to broadcast their signal to the Chicago audience. The aliens were expected to tap into the WGN transmitter, and send their signal to the radio listeners. All the radio listeners were encouraged to run and get a tape recorder so they could record the signal if it did come through.
When 11:25 arrived, Mills uttered the words “Come in outer space” and turned off the microphones. The two men had a radio in the studio so they too could hear the alien message. They sat and waited the appointed fifteen seconds but heard nothing coming over their own radio. The show ended and the two men left the studio.
Mills and Otto were therefore away from the studio when the calls began to come in. There were four calls in total coming from people who claimed that they had heard the alien message. They were from varying places around the radio listening audience. Later CIA documents revealed that five Chicago ham radio operators also claimed to have taped these wired coded messages from outer space. (One listener in Wisconsin stated they too had made a tape recording of the message but it was never recovered.)
One of the calls claiming a message came from two older sisters who lived north of the studio. The two sisters, Marie and Mildred Maier, phoned in and were upset about the joke the station had just played on the listeners. They stated that it was not funny to be playing jingle bells pretending it was a message from space.
They were told that jingle bells had not been played, and arrangements were made to visit with the ladies. John Otto met with the women to get their story, and was able to make a copy of the tape they had made. The tape was then played a number of times over the air. It apparently did sound like jingle bells with some sort of strange telex noise in the background.
In early 1955 the Maier sisters reported on their UFO experiences, along with the story of the message from space in the Journal of Space Flight. The Office of Scientific Investigation at the CIA saw the article and quickly contacted the Scientific Contact Branch to recover the tape.
Two men from the Chicago Contact Division, George O. Forrest and Dewalt Walker, met with the sisters to recover the tape. Because the CIA was on the record claiming that they had no involvement in the UFO phenomena, beyond their short involvement with the 1953 Robertson Panel, they could not tell the Maier sisters they were from the CIA.
What they did to overcome this problem was to dress up as Air Force officers to make the Maier sisters believe they would be dealing with the Air Force. They did this as the Air Force was publicly known to be working on UFOs.
Their first attempt to recover the tape from the two women was unsuccessful. The women were impressed that the government was interested in their tape, but they would not part with it. In the second visit the two intelligence officers were able to get a copy of the tape. They forwarded a copy to CIA headquarters.
Agent Forrest reported that he felt the case was not a hoax. “In all seriousness,” he wrote to CIA headquarters. “We don’t think that the sisters themselves are trying to fake anything.” He then wrote that he hoped the Chicago office would be informed if there should be an answer.
The story rested until 1957, when NICAP researcher Leon Davidson, talked to the Maier sisters and decided that he would like to talk to the Air Force officer who had recovered the tape. Furthermore, he was very interested to see the analysis that the Air Force had done on the tape.
Davidson wrote to the address that Dewalt had given the sisters, and received a reply from Walker stating that he had forwarded the tape to the proper authorities and had no further information.
Not satisfied and now assuming Walker might actually be CIA he wrote to the Director of Central Intelligence Allen Dulles demanding the results of the tape analysis, and the real identity of Dewalt.
Dulles did is what the CIA often does in such cases. Firstly, he reported Davidson to the FBI as a possible subversive, and secondly he created a new lie.
The Air Force was contacted by the chief of the Chicago Contact Division and told to write a letter to Davidson falsely telling him that Dewalt was in fact an Air Force officer and that the tape had shown only identifiable Morse code from a known U.S. -licensed radio station.
Next J. Arnold Shaw, assistant to Allen Dulles, wrote Davidson on May 8, 1957 with a carefully worded statement deflecting involvement away from the CIA to the Air Force. “A survey of the intelligence community has resulted in the determination that the tape in question was analyzed by another agency of the government,” wrote Shaw. “We believe you will receive another communication shortly from the Air force which will answer your query as to the nature of the recording.”
Armed with this new information Davidson again contacted the CIA demanding to know the identity of the Morse code operator and the name of the agency that had done the analysis claimed by the Air Force. As the CIA had claimed the tape was not analyzed they were in a situation where they didn’t know what to do.
CIA officers under cover contacted Davidson and promised to try and get him the name of the Morse operator and the identification of the transmitter if possible. This, of course, was just a stall tactic.
When this did not pacify Davidson, the CIA again dressed up an intelligence officer in an Air Force uniform who met with Davidson in person in New York City, and this officer tried to talk Walker out of pursuing the case any longer. He told Davidson that the Air Force could not “disclose who was doing what.” Davidson understandably would not accept the argument and pressed on. The officer told Davidson he would see what he could do.
With the situation going from bad to worse the CIA chose to “keep lying till you get it right.” When confronted with a letter from Congressman Joseph Karth related to Davidson’s claims that he was being lied to by the CIA, the CIA chose to lie outright to the Congressman. Karth was told that other than a brief involvement with the Robertson panel, the “CIA has not participated in any flying saucer activities and has referred all correspondence to the Air Force.” As to Mr. Davidson’s charges the CIA wrote to the congressman;
Mr. Davidson’s belief that this agency is involved in the “flying saucer furor” and is using this as a tool in psychological warfare is entirely unfounded. His indication that CIA is misguiding persons in leading them to believe in Flying Saucers is also entirely unfounded.
Next the CIA again tasked an agent to again impersonate an Air Force officer and phone Davidson to tell him that a thorough check showed that the signal had been of U.S. (not outer space) origin, and the tape and notes had been destroyed to conserve space.
Knowing now that he was getting the runaround by the CIA, Davidson warned the agent that “he and his agency, whichever it was, were acting like Jimmy Hoffa and the Teamster Union in destroying records which might indict them.”
This threat by Davidson caused panic inside the CIA. People dealing with Davidson were warned that he had already been given too much information, and too many names. No one was allowed to answer anything from Davidson unless the letter was registered. They were reminded that they were under no legal obligation to answer questions from the public.
Strangely, this new strategy of simply ignoring Davidson actually worked. Eventually, Davidson seemed to give up on the case, and the tape from outer space was forgotten until the CIA told their distorted version of the story in a 1997 UFO report initiated by then CIA Director James Woolsey in 1993 who requested “another review of all Agency files on UFOs.” The report was titled A Die-Hard Issue: CIA’s Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90” and it was published in a CIA publication called “Studies in Intelligence” .[13]
Note: This author has spent over two years trying to recover the documents used to tell the satellite story in “A Die-Hard Issue: CIA’s Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90."
The first FOIA gained a couple documents from the numerous footnotes in the article
An appeal produced a number of new documents not referenced in the paper.
Searches on the CIA website searching "Davidson" and "radio code" turned up others that had not been released to me.
I then filed for the entire CIA file on the Maier sisters which brought an end to CIA cooperation that I had received to that point.
The CIA now demanded that I pay search fees as a few search would be required, and because they had concluded that the material would not add to understanding about how the government operated.
An appeal was filed which was ruled against by the CIA.
1954 – A High Level British Contact
In 1954 the United Kingdom also had a high level government contact with extraterrestrials. Unlike the Eisenhower contact the government individual in the UK went on the record to tell the whole story.
Like in the Eisenhower contact nuclear weapons were a key component in the UK extraterrestrial story. The UK had just gotten into the nuclear race with their first atomic test in October 1952 and then two more nuclear tests in October 1953. In 1954 they had their visit from an extraterrestrial.
The reported UK alien contact was made with Air Marshall Sir Peter Horsley who had been Deputy Commander-in-Chief, RAF Strike Command. In this key position Horsley would have had a key control role related to the nuclear weapons held by the British. At the time of the alien contact he was in the employ of Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, as equerry.
Part of Horsley’s job was to receive UFO reports at the main operations center at the Department of Defense. He reported that gave some of these reports to the Prince Philip who had developed an interest in the subject.
It was late in his life that Horsley related that his involvement with UFOs involved much more than reports. He told researchers about what he believed to be a 1954 direct alien encounter. He recounted the experience in his autobiography Sounds from Another Room.
The meeting was set up by a mysterious General Martin who told Horsley he believed “the aliens were here to warn us of the perils of nuclear war.” The General told him that a Mr. Janus had a “message of the utmost importance” that needed to be discussed with Horsley in person.
When Horsley arrived at the appointed meeting spot General Martin was not there but there was a Mrs. Markham at the apartment who welcomed Horsley and introduced him to a Mr. Janus.
Janus asked Horsley what he knew about UFOs and after many questions Horsley asked Janus what his interest was. “I would like to meet the Duke of Edinburgh,” came the reply.
As Horsley began to tell Janus that this would not be easy he became convinced that the man seated across from him was able to read his mind which disturbed him.
Asked why he wanted to meet with the Prince, Janus replied that the Prince “is a man of great vision…who believes strongly in the proper relationship between man and nature which will prove of great importance in future galactic harmony.”[14]
Janus went on to tell Horsley that mankind was “now striving to break his earthly bonds and travel to the moon and the planets beyond…the earth is going through a Dark Age at the moment where material possessions count more than a Man’s soul…”
Janus spoke of the “dreadful specter of (mankind) blowing up his world” which was the other thing that really disturbed Horsley. In conversations with Tim Good Horsley recalled that this extraordinary man “knew all Britain’s top-secret nuclear secrets,” and “by the end of the meeting, I was quit disturbed, really.”[15]
Horsley prepared a verbatim report of the meeting and presented it to Buckingham Palace. Prince Philip’s private secretary thought it was a joke, but the prince had an open mind about the event. The fact that Janus knew all Britain’s nuclear secrets made the Palace consider the situation a security risk and Horsley was sent back to talk to Janus again. When he arrived at the flat where the meeting had been the flat was abandoned, which really disturbed Horsley. Horsley never saw General Martin, Mrs. Markham, or Janus again. It led Horsley to conclude the man he had met with was an alien.
Although Horsley recorded the incident in his autobiography, the official file of the event remains classified and unavailable.
1954 – High Level Canadian Extraterrestrial Contacts
In 1954 the Canadians had their own encounter with aliens who had made contact with Wilbert Smith who was running the Canadian flying saucer program. Smith was, according to his wife, also in direct contact with Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent.
An important consideration in the Canadian story is that Smith was a contactee who claimed to be in contact with aliens named AFFA, PONNAR, and TYLA. These were the same aliens that Francis Swan in Maine claimed contact with.
These aliens carried messages against the continued building and testing of nuclear weapons. In answer to a question why the flying saucers were here Smith stated, “I think that these people from elsewhere are concerned with our playing with atomic energy, and about our plans for space travel and interplanetary exploration and conquest. I am sure that they do not hold us in very high esteem, and are worried about what we might do if we ever got loose in space armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons.”[16]
AFFA stated that the nuclear tests were creating areas of reduced binding, which were causing airplane crashes from flying through the areas. Smith actually filed a report with the government on these areas of reduced binding. TYLA, on the other hand stated that part of his job was as a “dustman.” It was his job to fly around and clean up the mess created by open air nuclear testing.
A significant difference between the 1954 Eisenhower encounter and the 1954 Canadian encounters is that the Canadian government actually admitted that their incidents had occurred.
The first Canadian alien contact came on August 8, 1954. Weeks earlier Smith had been down to visit Mrs. Swan and according to the FBI document filed on the meeting Mrs. Swan was arranging for AFFA to fly over the flying saucer observatory outside the nation’s capitol that Smith had built as part of the official government flying saucer investigation known as Project Magnet.
The flyover was planned for August 1st but for some reason it did not occur until the 8th. The alarms went as the gravimeter showed a large and unexplainable deflection on the graph paper. Smith and his staff raced out to see what had set of the gravimeter. It was overcast and the object was not visible. Smith however, spelled out to the press that the object did not have the signature of any known object.
The Canadian government was now on record having successfully arranged for an extraterrestrial to fly over the nation’s capitol. It was written up in all the major Canadian newspapers.
Two days later the government shut down Project Magnet stating “no definite conclusion had been reached.” Smith was allowed to continue to use the equipment, but there was no be no expense to the government, and Smith could no longer make statements on behalf of the government.
That was the well known extraterrestrial encounter. The less know encounter was much more dramatic and involved the Canadian government actually trying to land an alien at a Top Secret Canadian base in 1954. Surprisingly, the initial announcement of the attempted landing came not from some researcher leak, but from the Canadian government itself.
The year was 1967, and it was the 100th anniversary of Canada as a country. Many cities and towns built special buildings and tourist attraction to celebrate the centennial. In St. Paul, Alberta, their idea was to build a UFO landing base. When the day came for it to be opened, none other than the Canadian Minister of Defense showed up to cut the ribbon.
During his speech at the opening Defense Minister Paul Hellyer would tell a story that would go down as one of the best UFO stories ever. Through a defense department official (identified by Hellyer as the Department expert on UFOs) Hellyer told a story to the people gathered for the UFO landing pad opening that would turn out to be pretty accurate.
In the Canadian government version of the story a Top Secret Project had been set up, in which UFOs would be allowed to land at the Defense Research Board experimental Station at Suffield, Alberta. The base is the Canadian equivalent to Area-51. Here in a one thousand mile restricted tract of land the Canadian carried out chemical weapon tests and all other forms of secret things. The base was completely isolated and like Area-51 had a restricted no fly zone over it. As it was on flat ground there was no worry of people getting up in top the mountains to look down at what they were doing.
There was according to the official government story, as told by Minister Hellyer, a special committee attached to a Top Secret UFO project. This was a revelation, as Smith’s Flying Saucer Project Magnet was always seen as the official top government program, but was only classified at the “secret’ level. It appeared that the committee referred to by Hellyer had to be independent and superior to Magnet.
The actual identity of the committee will probably always remain as mystery, as the Canadian government claimed the committee records were destroyed in 1957.
Then, despite the 1967 announcement of the attempt to land an alien at Suffield, even the story itself disappeared. Yurko Bandarchuk, a Canadian researcher, was told in 1979, “we have no record of any such project and… from the information I have, we never had one.”
The Canadian government version of the story as related by Hellyer was as follows.
“Several groups became convinced that some unknown beings were trying to make contact with the Earth. One group made a strong representation to the committee . . .because there had been attempts made by Canadian and U.S. Air forces planes to shoot down the UFOs the flying saucers were reluctant to land.”
“It was argued if there was ever to be any contact, the hazards had to be removed. The UFOs had to be provided with a safe place. Accordingly, in an effort to give the ‘believers’ a chance to demonstrate the existence of the flying saucers trying to make contact with the earth, the defense Research Board was designated as a landing area. The step brought no results . . . insofar as the committee was concerned no evidence had been produced to prove their existence.”
The story was printed in many newspapers across the country in July 1967. The revelation brought almost no reaction from the UFO community. Not until the late 1970s did people start to chase down the story.
I picked up on the story and began to put the story in front of Smith inner circle members as well as writing to Paul Hellyer. Unknown to me was the fact that Arthur Bray, the researcher who was in possession of the Smith files at the time, was also writing Hellyer asking him for a full explanation of what had occurred.
Of the many people that I put the story to, only Mrs. Smith knew the story fully and was prepared to talk about what had really happened.
During my 1978 interview of Mrs. Smith I showed her the Winnipeg Free Press article telling of the statements that had been made by Minister Paul Hellyer at the UFO base opening in St. Paul in 1967. I asked Mrs. Smith if Wilbert had been involved.
She read the article over carefully and then said, “Yes, Wilbert was involved.”
In her version of the story this is what happened. Smith had always wanted a chance to convince the government that the aliens existed, and he believed strongly that the government should talk to the aliens face-to-face to learn all the elements beyond the simple reality of the aliens, such as where they are from and what they are doing here.
Smith believed that if the government would stop shooting at the objects he might be able to get AFFA to land for a meeting. As described above he had already exhibited that he could get an object to fly over his observatory.
The arrangement to land at the Suffield base initiated by Smith who was negotiating the landing with what Mrs. Smith described as “the government.” The three agencies representing the government, according to Mrs. Smith were the R.C.M.P., the Defense Department, and the Prime Minister. This may have been the Top Secret committee referred to in Hellyer’s speech.
In contacts that were made through Mrs. Swan, AFFA would land at Suffield provided that there was no attempt to shoot him down. This request for protection by AFFA is actually mentioned in the August 1954 FBI memo, where AFFA is promising to fly near the flying saucer observatory and make a visible appearance.
According to Mrs. Smith, Wilbert Smith put this demand to the government or committee, and the committee agreed no one would shoot AFFA’s ship down. Up to this point both sides were telling the same story, and there are documents to prove these events did occur.
Following this AFFA, through Mrs. Swan, demanded that once he had landed and talked to whoever was there to meet him, he would be allowed to take off without any interference. According to Mrs. Smith the R.C.M.P. and Defense Department agreed to this, but when Smith approached what was described to me as the “government” a cabinet meeting was held to discuss AFFA’s demand. When the meeting was over the “government” could not give a 100% guarantee that AFFA would be allowed to take off once he had landed at Suffield. Smith immediately called off the planned landing. That is the story Mrs. Smith told.
I placed many requests to the R.C.M.P. and the Defense Department requesting information or documents on the Top Secret UFO committee. All requests came back that they had no information. I requested a ministerial inquiry from parliamentary representative Lloyd Axworthy. Axworthy never did spell out what actions he had taken to force action, but stated to me on two occasions, “I can’t help you.”
That ended the 1954 alien encounters in Canada. The government story was true. Nothing landed at the base. They just left out the part of the story as to how the alien was to know what square mile out of the 3.8 million square miles of the country he was to land in.
[2] This case was first made public when a former Air Force official provided the case for a documentary in the 1970s called “UFOs, Past, Present, and Future.”
[5] The idea that they were natural objects captured by the Earth’s gravitation field is not rational as it true the objects would still be there. They aren’t.
[7] Steward Alsop “Matter of Fact” N.Y. Herald Tribune may 25, 1955. Much of the detailed work on this 1954 satellite story and the Alsop connection was done by Dr. David Rudiak.
[8] Steward Alsop, “Matter of Fact” NY Herald tribune, May 25, 1955
This month on Mac's UFO News: Citizen Hearing on Disclosure update, UFO Sightings for October, Extraterrestrial Etiquette, Area 51, UFO over
27-01-2014 om 00:16
geschreven door peter
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UFO Organization Plans To Re-Investigate Tinley Park Lights
UFO Organization Plans To Re-Investigate Tinley Park Lights
Allison Nettles discovered something not usual above her Frankfort home nearly 10 years ago. On October 31, 2004, her husband had just accompanied their three boys to bed when they saw three lights across the night sky with equal distance from each other. They found out that the illumination was very huge, moving slowly towards south, according to Nettles, 44. She could not tell if the lights were attached to one object or separated.
The couple was not alone in witnessing the UFO incident that became widely known as the Tinley Park Lights. Actually, there was a series of five sightings that night, being witnessed by hundreds of witnesses. The incident eventually attracted national interest.
History Channel’s “UFO Hunters” did an interview with Nettles in 2008. The sightings attracted her and other witnesses in the field of UFO investigation. Shortly after her revelation online, Mutual UFO Network Illinois director Sam Maranto contacted her, and she became intrigued by the MUFON’s investigation and eventually joined the team.
Just last week, Maranto told the audience during a meeting at the Orland Park Library that he will re-investigate the Tinley Park Lights in celebration of the 10-year anniversary of the mysterious event. Moranto explained that their investigation is not about believing but research. He revealed that MUFON is looking for more investigators who will go through training.
A UFO Nearly Crashed Into A Jet From Spanish Holiday Island
A UFO Nearly Crashed Into A Jet From Spanish Holiday Island
It is just common for pilot flying holidaymakers between Ibiza and Manchester to experience outlandish sights. However, captain of a Thomas Cook airliner somewhat encountered more bizarre than usual. Cook was flying tourists back from a holiday island in Spain to the north of England when he experienced a near collision with a UFO that passed within feet of his jet. The shape of it was like a rugby ball.
Aviation authorities received the report about the encounter above Reading, Berks. Investigation has been launched but authorities failed to establish the identity of the mysterious aerial object.
The encounter was disclosed by different news sites earlier in January, following the released on the inquiry report. The document, however, did not identify the aircraft involved.
After analyzing the flight data spread all over the internet, it can be established that it was a Thomas Cook plane with TCX24HX flight number. It was a 2003 A320 jet with the registration G-KKAZ.
The plane was flying from Ibaza to Manchester International airport on July 19, 2013. It was moving at 516 mph at 34,000 feet above the ground when it was passed by the mysterious aerial object.
The investigation report concluded that it was not possible to trace the UFO or determine the cause of the sighting. The captain pilot said he noticed the object moving towards the jet through the left cockpit window. He said that the incident created a “no time to react” situation for the aircrew. He told investigators that his immediate reaction was to duck the object as it headed towards him.
UFO and alien enthusiasts got excited with the discovery of a very huge under water pyramid between Sao Miguel and Terceira islands in the Azores of Portugal. Portuguese news reported the claims about the structure that is said to be perfectly squared and oriented by the cardinal points. With the used of GPS digital technology, it is estimated that the large underwater pyramid measures 60 meters in height with 8000 square meters base.
Currently, the mysterious structure is investigated further by Portuguese Hydrographic Institute of the Navy. Their job is to know whether it is man-made or not.
Local newspaper Insular reported that the pyramid was discovered in mid-Atlantic area that has been underwater for around 20,000 years. If the pyramid was formed 20,000 years ago, the civilization before the ice age was responsible for such amazing structure. That civilization remains to be known whether it was human or not. The Portuguese Navy is still in the process of identifying the origins. What makes more interesting about the discovery is that many question why the structure has not been first reported sooner than late 2012.
NOAA has been studying the area heavily for volcanic activity and that it would have discovered the mysterious structure through sonar imaging and other high-tech equipment to determine volcanic activity. Many speculate that either the NOAA has not really discovered it, they’re keeping secret of their discovery, or the pyramid doesn’t exist.
Quebec Family and QMI Agency Report UFO Phenomenon Near Montreal
Quebec Family and QMI Agency Report UFO Phenomenon Near Montreal
A family from Quebec has been witnessing unusual lights in the horizon for three years and what makes this claim more interesting is that QMI Agency reportedly seen the phenomenon this January. A family from Quebec has been witnessing unusual lights in the horizon for three years and what makes this claim more interesting is that QMI Agency reportedly seen the phenomenon this January.
A QMI reporter claims seeing six lights flying above a wooded area in the Laurentians region, just an hour northeast of Montreal on January 9 at 6PM. The objects appeared in the sky and moved across the horizon one after another, about a minute apart. They were moving without sound from west to east. The reporter observed the mysterious objects in less than 45 minutes.
The incident that the QMI reported took place near the home of local businessman Benoit Meilleur who recalls witnessing the light show for the first time in 2011. He says that he was on his way home when he spotted a triangular object flying very slowly near his house. He initially thought it was an airplane, but it was flying very low that he could have hit it with a golf ball.
Meilleur recalls calling the Canadian Armed Forces. He says that CAF told him that they did not detect anything. He then contacted NORAD and Quebec provincial police but made little development. He says that they even asked him if he was feeling alright.
Samuel, Meillueur’s 18-year-old son, says the lights tend to show up between 6 PM to 8 PM every night.
A QMI reporter claims seeing six lights flying above a wooded area in the Laurentians region, just an hour northeast of Montreal on January 9 at 6PM. The objects appeared in the sky and moved across the horizon one after another, about a minute apart. They were moving without sound from west to east. The reporter observed the mysterious objects in less than 45 minutes.
The incident that the QMI reported took place near the home of local businessman Benoit Meilleur who recalls witnessing the light show for the first time in 2011. He says that he was on his way home when he spotted a triangular object flying very slowly near his house. He initially thought it was an airplane, but it was flying very low that he could have hit it with a golf ball.
Meilleur recalls calling the Canadian Armed Forces. He says that CAF told him that they did not detect anything. He then contacted NORAD and Quebec provincial police but made little development. He says that they even asked him if he was feeling alright.
Samuel, Meillueur’s 18-year-old son, says the lights tend to show up between 6 PM to 8 PM every night.
Uit een nieuwe studie blijkt dat de Melkweg mogelijk van binnenuit is ontstaan, iets wat Nassim Haramein jaren geleden al voorspelde.
Hij concludeerde op basis van zijn onderzoek dat ieder sterrenstelsel ontstaat uit een supermassief zwart gat. Vanuit dit galactische centrum komen vervolgens de miljarden sterren voort.
Uit de eerste data van ruimtetelescoop Gaia blijkt dat de Melkweg is ontstaan als gevolg van expansie vanuit het centrum. Astronomen kunnen aan de hand van bepaalde elementen vaststellen hoe snel verschillende delen van de Melkweg zijn gevormd. Het onderzoek laat zien dat de binnenste delen van ons sterrenstelsel zich sneller hebben gevormd dan de buitenste delen.
De studie is verschenen in de astronomische database Astro-ph. Er werd gekeken naar verschillen in metaliciteit, het gehalte aan elementen zwaarder dan helium en waterstof. De meeste sterren bestaan uit deze twee elementen.
Als we de Melkweg van opzij zouden bekijken, zou zij eruitzien als een vliegende schotel (de galactische schijf) met een verdikte kern (de centrale verdikking). De onderzoekers ontdekten dat binnen de ‘zonnecirkel’, de baan van de zon om de kern van de Melkweg, met name oudere sterren voorkomen en dat in de buitenste regionen van de galactische schijf, buiten de zonnecirkel, vooral jonge sterren worden gevonden.
De binnenste delen van de schijf vormden zich veel sneller dan de sterren die zich buiten de zonnecirkel bevinden, aldus de sterrenkundigen.
Vaticaan houdt informatie achter over buitenaards leven
Vaticaan houdt informatie achter over buitenaards leven
De afgelopen twee decennia heeft het Vaticaan zijn aandacht gericht op ongeïdentificeerde vliegende objecten en de mogelijkheid van leven op andere planeten.
Zowel paus Johannes Paulus II als Benedictus XVI kregen tijdens ontmoetingen met verschillende Amerikaanse presidenten informatie over buitenaardse wezens.
Er lijkt nieuw beleid te zijn uitgestippeld nu de Heilige Stoel openlijk nadenkt over het bestaan van intelligente buitenaardsen.
Aartsbisschop Celestino Migliore, de permanente waarnemer van de Heilige Stoel bij de Verenigde Naties, was naar verluidt aanwezig bij gesprekken over de implicaties van buitenaards bezoek.
In november 2009 organiseerde de Heilige Stoel in samenwerking met de Pauselijke Academie voor Wetenschappen en de Vaticaanse Sterrenwacht een conferentie over astrobiologie.
In de monumentale villa Casina di Pio IV in Vaticaanstad kwamen meer dan 30 astronomen, biologen, geologen, wetenschappers en religieuze leiders bijeen om te spreken over buitenaards leven.
Was de conferentie een teken dat internationale instituties het volk voorbereiden op een soort formele publieke bekendmaking van buitenaards leven?
Sergeant Clifford Stone zag buitenaardsen tijdens bergingswerkzaamheden
Sergeant Clifford Stone zag buitenaardsen tijdens bergingswerkzaamheden
De Amerikaanse sergeant Clifford Stone vertelt een fascinerend verhaal over de geschiedenis van UFO’s en buitenaards contact, dat teruggaat tot het begin van de jaren veertig.
Generaal Douglas MacArthur stelde in 1943 een groep samen die ook wel de Interplanetary Phenomena Research Unit werd genoemd.
Tot op de dag van vandaag doet deze groep onderzoek naar onbekende vliegende objecten en buitenaardse wezens. Daarnaast is de eenheid belast met de berging van onbekende objecten die niet van de aarde afkomstig zijn.
De eenheid verzamelt inlichtingen en stuurt ze door naar de ‘bewakers van deze informatie’. Men dacht dat deze eenheid samenwerkte met Project Blue Book, maar dat blijkt niet het geval te zijn geweest.
Stone heeft tijdens bergingswerkzaamheden levende en dode buitenaardsen gezien. Hij denkt dat buitenaardsen voorkomen dat we de diepe ruimte kunnen verkennen totdat we ons verder hebben ontwikkeld. Stone stelt dat ze zich vroeg of laat bekend zullen maken als we niet eerst hun aanwezigheid erkennen.
'Onweerlegbaar bewijs dat de geschiedenis niet klopt'
'Onweerlegbaar bewijs dat de geschiedenis niet klopt'
Onweerlegbaar bewijs voor het bestaan van hoogontwikkelde beschavingen dwingt ons de geschiedenis te herschrijven.
Dat stelt antropoloog dr. Semir Osmanagić. Hij voegt toe dat bouwwerken van vele tienduizenden jaren oud over de hele wereld zijn gebouwd door hoogontwikkelde beschavingen.
Uit laboratoriumonderzoek in 2008 en eerder dit jaar is gebleken dat de Bosnische piramides bijvoorbeeld 29.400 jaar oud moeten zijn. Volgens Osmanagić is dit reden genoeg om de ontwikkeling van de beschaving en de geschiedenis te herzien.
“De mensen die deze piramides hebben gebouwd kenden de geheimen van frequentie en energie,” zei hij. “Ze gebruikten deze natuurlijke hulpbronnen om technologieën te ontwikkelen en te bouwen op een schaal die we nog nooit op aarde hebben gezien.”
De piramides zouden zijn gebouwd als oude energiemachines die werden uitgelijnd met het energieraster van de aarde. De energie werd vervolgens gebruikt voor genezing en vermogen.
Schrijver Michael Cremo theoretiseert in zijn boek Forbidden Archeology dat kennis over een hoogontwikkelde Homo sapiens is onderdrukt of genegeerd door de wetenschappelijke gemeenschap omdat het in strijd is met de huidige kijk op de menselijk oorsprong.
De vier Bosnische piramides zijn ongeveer drie keer zo groot als de Piramides van Gizeh en bevatten bovendien een uitgestrekt tunnelnetwerk. In de tunnels worden vele artefacten gevonden, waaronder megalieten, stenen met hiërogliefen en oude teksten en kunstvoorwerpen.
Welke geheimen liggen er verborgen in de datacenters van de het Amerikaanse leger, de NASA en het ministerie van Defensie? Waarom worden er ieder jaar biljoenen dollars in dit ministerie gepompt?
We hebben het recht om te weten wat er op deze planeet gebeurt op het gebied van wetenschappelijke en technologische doorbraken.
Hoe kan er echt sprake zijn van transparantie als het militair-industrieel complex operaties onder valse vlag blijft bedenken om de wereld in een constante staat van oorlog en angst te houden? De aanslagen op 11 september 2001 werden bijvoorbeeld uitgevoerd om Irak aan te kunnen vallen. Onder het mom van nationale veiligheid worden veel wetenschappelijke en technologische ontwikkelingen stilgehouden.
Volgens de meest nauwkeurige schattingen is de helft van alle Amerikaanse overheidsdocumenten geheim. Voor de gemiddelde archivaris blijft het grootste gedeelte van de geschiedenis dus geheim.
Welke informatie wordt met name weggehouden bij het volk? Iemand die daar alles van weet is de Schotse systeembeheerder Gary McKinnon. Hij wordt beschuldigd van de grootste militaire computerkraak in de Amerikaanse geschiedenis.
Hij drong in de periode februari 2001 en maart 2002 binnen in 97 topgeheime computers van het Amerikaanse leger en de NASA. Door zijn toedoen waren meer dan 2000 computers een etmaal lang platgelegd. Kort na 11 september 2001 legde hij ook een aantal systemen plat die pas een maand later weer operationeel waren. Volgens de Amerikaanse aanklager hadden zijn daden een schade van 700.000 dollar tot gevolg.
In 2005 werd hij in Londen opgepakt, maar nooit aangeklaagd. Jarenlang vocht hij met zijn advocaat tegen uitlevering aan de Verenigde Staten. In oktober vorig jaar besloot de Hoge Raad dat McKinnon definitief niet zal worden uitgeleverd.
De Amerikaanse regering was bezorgd over de informatie die McKinnon had gevonden. Hij kwam uit bij de geheimen van het militair-industrieel complex. Politici zijn slechts marionetten, zij hebben niets te vertellen en doen ons geloven dat zij de belangrijke beslissingen maken. De hooggeplaatste militairen en gelddrukkers zwaaien de scepter.
McKinnon stuitte op informatie over een geheim ruimtevaartprogramma en een geheim ruimteschip dat door niet-aardse officieren wordt bemand. Ook blijkt de VS te beschikken over antizwaartekracht-apparaten. De hacker vond daarnaast diverse foto’s van UFO’s en lijsten van schepen die in de ruimte worden bevoorraad.
Join UFO Researcher Harry Drew & Host Mike (MJ) Lucas (Inception Radio Network) they explore the Kingman UFO Crashes of 1953 which has been clouded by wha...
An UFO crash in Baltic Sea from The Ocean Explorer' divers
An UFO crash in Baltic Sea from The Ocean Explorer' divers
Here is a news update on the Baltic Sea UFO/Anomaly. I am afraid we end up with many more fascinating questions then we get answers but none the less this is still a great story with many unresolved answers. This was published in the Swedish Newspaper Expressen on May 24, 2013. The circle in the Baltic Sea continues to perplex. New test results from Israel shows that a part of the circle is metallic – and researchers there think it is a metal that nature itself can not manufacture. Swedish researchers say the opposite. - It can be created in nature, but it has different conditions in different waters, says geologist Fredrik Klingberg. In June 2011, the divers Dennis Åsberg and Peter Lindberg, a mysterious discovery on the Baltic seabed. Ocean X team found a circle with a diameter of 60 meters almost 90 meters into the sea. Previous test results from Tel Aviv has shown that there have been burnt organic material on the circle. Now, the new test results from another part of the circle. Result from Israel shows that the bit is metallic and contains limonite and goethite. Professor Dr. Steve Weiner of Israel says to the divers that there is a metal that not nature can produce itself. - I do not know what to believe anymore. The response from Tel Aviv, the object that we found a metal that is designed, makes you get goose bumps, says diver Dennis Åsberg.
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Into the Matrix: Artificial Intelligence, Future Humanity and the UFO Enigma
Into the Matrix: Artificial Intelligence, Future Humanity and the UFO Enigma
The theories involving what, exactly, may exist behind the UFO mystery are many and varied. On one hand, we have the popular notion that UFO craft represent alien beings from outer space. On another, we see there are the skeptically-minded observers of this phenomenon that believe we are dealing entirely with a variety of man-made technology, designed by the hands of humans like you or I, and kept away from general public (or even a majority of government) knowledge.
Still others believe that UFOs represent extra-dimensional physical anomalies, or some kind of meta-terrestrial intelligence that is capable of intersecting with our reality in quick bursts, much to the terror and fascination of its Earthly observers.
Wide and open as the number of possibilities for UFO origin remains, it is likely that, in the broader sense, the summation of the phenomenon we call UFOs is comprised of a combination of all these things. Much the same, there may be as-yet-unfathomable explanations that would form the basis for a number of strange things observed in our reality. One of these involves the manipulation of our surroundings by intelligence that seems to abide by physical laws vastly different from ours; but what is the possibly that such intelligence might nonetheless be related very closely to us… or even exist as some strange extension of humanity itself?
The idea is already quite popular in books and film that a sort of programmable structure could exist within our reality, or that some kind of virtual reality might be imposed on humanity, manipulated by other intelligences, culminating in what we perceive as the world around us. The series of Matrix films starring Keanu Reeves explore this possibility, as have, to a certain extent, other sci-fi films and series including Vanilla Sky, The Terminator Trilogy, and a number of others, in that what we view and perceive as the “real world” could be the result of a dreamlike state, or even the result of non-temporal intrusion (i.e. time travel from the future).
Applying all this in a very real sense, on very unique take on this motif was recently expressed at the blog of Maxim Kammerer, an internationally-published scholar, art and history critic, and a researcher of esoterica based out of New York. In his article, A New UFO Hypothesis: Artificial Intelligence, Matrix Simulation World, and Post-Singularity Homo Mechanicus, Kammerer posits the theory that some UFO phenomena may be the result of future humans, referred to appropriately as Homo Mechanicus due to their presumed mechanization in a post-Singularity future, interacting with our present day via a complex reality matrix.
This theory is outlined more in depth in a manuscript that Kammerer details in the article, titled Space-Time Illusions: A Transhumanist Exploration of Jacques Vallee’s Interdimensional UFO Hypothesis, which will hopefully be published in the near future. In his own words, the author says:
“The manuscript compares Vallee’s idea of the unity of matter and consciousness to David Bohm’s theory of the Implicate Order, according to which mind and matter are generated by an underlying Implicate Order which consists of pre-consciousness and pre-matter existing as a single, interpenetrating, and inseparable phenomenon. That UFOs exhibit simultaneous physical and immaterial aspects suggests that the phenomenon is neither material nor immaterial in the normal senses of those terms, but that it may instead originate from a technology that has mastered Bohm’s Implicate Order which lacks spacetime and which consists of an inseparable pre-matter and pre-consciousness that generates matter and consciousness in the domain of illusory spacetime. In this way, a technological mastery of the common ground behind matter and consciousness might help explain the UFO phenomenon. Vallee’s multiverse may be essentially the same as Bohm’s Implicate Order.”
Essentially, Vallee’s interpretation of various dimensional phenomenon in relation to UFOs is not to be interpreted like conventional notions of a “multiverse,” as proposed by adherents to String Theory and multiple alternate dimensions existing alongside ours. Instead, accepting the notion that space and time are, in fact, illusions imposed on our consciousness resulting from our physical ability as humans to perceive a three-dimensional world, we may begin to understand that in the absence of real, physical space, the idea of alternate locations in coincidence with our own becomes obsolete; instead, we are operating in one perceptual area of awareness. Arguably, some of the phenomenon we call “UFOs” or “aliens” represents consciousness stemming from an entirely different perceptual state, which as if by magic to the average human observer, occasionally manage to intersect with humans in this reality.
The entire idea is quite thought-provoking, and as a brief aside, having corresponded with Kammerer about his ideas a good deal in the past, I believe this theory regarding a multitude of strange phenomenon we observe from time to time is as good as any, so far as explaining the often ghostly and intermittently-physical manifestations that constitute UFOs and other anomalies. To read Kammerer’s ideas at his website, simply follow this link.
26-01-2014 om 12:39
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Aliens. We think we know what they are, little grey men, sometimes described as lizard people, and yet other times Nordics. But, do we really know WHAT they are?
Here's just some possible explanations -
Collective hysteria/imaginings If you ask the government, they'd likely tell you that as a society we have become believers in aliens because of Hollywood and hysteriaThere are plenty of concepts that support this hypothesis. The majority of encounters with aliens happen in bed – a time when sleep paralysis, shifting dream states, and even vivid dreaming because of geomagnetic storms could be at play.
Visitors from another planet 48% of Americans believe aliens come from other planets. It is interesting to note the similarities in experiences and descriptions of the aliens and that some people don't recall it until under hypnosis (as in my case).
People from our planet's future There is a good deal of conjecture that in the future, man will evolve into a different form because of less need for muscle – more reliance on machines, and larger brain to handle growing technology and its applications. When UFOs arrive, some of the population has come to accept this is extraordinary technology, but they are skeptical it came from light years away. The only possible explanation that, to many makes more sense, is that they are visitors from our future. In other words, were are their ancestors and they are our descendents.
Other dimensional/parallel world Shadow people, aliens, cryptids are believed to be other dimensional or parallel world occupants who can cross back and forth between the worlds. Why are they able to do this? Well, let's look at it this way: We are a physical form that houses a soul. We can go into that spiritual world in prayer, astral projection, meditation and other means. We are still in our physical form, but we have entered another realm in our mind/soul. What if these beings are soul forms that can house a body? They must concentrate to produce a physical form as we focus on a mantra to enter the spirit realm.
For the last several years, the south eastern portions of South Carolina have remained a frequent hub for observation of mysterious lights in the night sky. Reports of colorful, illuminated spheres of light have both made headlines in the news, as well as having drawn attention from UFO enthusiasts around the country.
Among the more widely circulated reports of these illuminations, objects seen off the coast of the Myrtle Beach area, as well as numerous descriptions of aerial illuminations further inland, have garnered the attention of researchers hoping to determine if there could be some variety of natural phenomenon, or perhaps even a military presence, that could exist as a source for the lights.
Recently, South Carolina’s unexplained illuminations became the focus of a night time video that has begun making rounds on the web, which appears to show a large, orange orb of light being escorted by what the camera operator says were likely military jets. What does the footage represent, and is there an ongoing military presence over South Carolina that may have led to reports of some of these strange lights in the sky?
The footage, taken my Mr. Milton Finch, was captured on the evening of January 15, 2014, at approximately 7:50 in the evening, local time, near his home in St. Stephen, South Carolina. Below is a segment where the video is featured, with commentary, on a recent edition of the UFO Planet vignette, beginning at 16:07:
Mr. Finch, with whom I correspond frequently, shared the following about his observation:
I suddenly felt the urge to go outside. I asked my wife to get the night vision video equipment. I went outside and looked to the north. The moon was full. Little or no wind. Clear for the most part. I witnessed an orange sphere that de materialized from sight. My wife came out and we were both looking north. I began video taping the event and scanning the northern sky. We then noticed some bright flashing lights to the north. Three at first. Then right behind the three flashing lights, we spotted an orange sphere. It was followed by a smaller red light or sphere. That was followed by another flashing light. The flashing lights were noticeably smaller than the larger orange and slightly smaller red spheres. They were proceeding slowly to the west. The duration of the event was about 10 and a half minutes of video.
“The orange sphere was about the size of an aspirin,” Milton says, noting that it was very apparently round in shape. “We lost sight of the objects due to trees to our west,” Milton related further. “Also, there has been a good amount of military aircraft in the skies this evening. More than usual.”
The video and subsequent report were featured at the UFO Stalker website, where Mr. Finch also shared details about the encounter.
There are small airports at Summerville and Mount Holly, located to the north and northeast of St. Stephen, respectively. The largest and most heavily-trafficked airport nearby is the Charleston International Airport, which is located parallel to Joint Base, an Air Force outpost with which it shares runways.
Joint Base, under the command of the 628th Air Wing, features an engineering complex allocated under the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWAR), which is purportedly the largest single employer in the Charleston area. Joint Base is also the busiest surface port in the defense transportation system located anywhere in the United States. Based on this information, the presence of varieties of aircraft in the region that appear to be advanced or of official origin might be expected, due to the heavy traffic at Joint Base.
Have you made similar observations of strange aircraft, particularly in southeastern South Carolina? Feel free to share your own experiences in the comments section below, or email me directly with your story.
Well, we all have been expecting the “invasion” and now I am all the more convinced that this will be coming very, very soon. (FF to 9:00 into the video for this part of the reporting)
“I’m skeptical about many things, including the notion that government always knows best, and that the people can’t be trusted with the truth. The time to pull the curtain back on this subject is long overdue. We have statements from the most credible sources – those in a position to know – about a fascinating phenomenon, the nature of which is yet to be determined.” – John Podesta (taken from Leslie Kean’s 2010 New York Times bestseller, “UFOs: Generals, Pilots, And Government Officials Go On The Record,” where Podesta wrote the forward) -
Crop Circles & Healing Sounds Divine Frequencies Join thousands throughout the planet for the 12th Annual WORLD SOUND HEALING DAY on Friday, February 14, 2014.
Crop Circles & Healing Sounds Divine Frequencies Join thousands throughout the planet for the 12th Annual WORLD SOUND HEALING DAY on Friday, February 14, 2014.
Join thousands throughout the planet for the 12th Annual WORLD SOUND HEALING DAY on Friday, February 14, 2014. At 12 noon (local time in your time zone), sound forth for 5 minutes with the “AH”, created and projected with the energy of compassion and love, sending a sonic valentine to Gaia, our Mother Earth.
If you cannot tone at 12 noon, sounding anytime during February 14, 2014 will help create positive shift and change for our planet on World Sound Healing Day.
An image from Colin Andrews featuring the Hackpen formation of 1999
The collection of Colin Andrews crop circle photographs from 1983-2004 can be seen on his CD-ROM “Cosmic Artist”. Full details are on his web site:
I saw this clip and was amazed at the great music and sacred geometric patterns that proceed the crop circle photos.
Created by illuminated orbs of fast moving lights in the night and sometimes in the daytime.
In this video, internationally acclaimed teacher, author and chant master Jonathan Goldman takes us on a captivating tour of the world of Sound Healing. Through teachings, meditations, healings and visual imagery, he shows us how to use the innate power of sound to heal our bodies, clear our minds, and renew our spirits. From the ancient knowledge of the past, to the advanced science of today, Goldman reveals a magical world that is created, healed and transformed by the power of sound. In this insightful and informative presentation, he introduces us to some of the basic concepts in the use of sound as a therapeutic and healing modality.
Included in this lecture are topics such as: the vibratory nature of our world, brainwave activity, bio-resonant frequency, sonic entrainment, the magic of Cymatics, the effects of sound on the immune system and the power of right intention in the healing process. During the course of this video, Goldman discusses and demonstrates the use of the voice as a potent instrument for the restoration and maintenance of optimal health, how the power of music can assist us in leading more vital, energetic and well-balanced lives and how we can use simple techniques of sound healing to bring more luminosity into our bodies and energy fields. In addition, through the use of visual images, he shows us how sound vibrations can change molecular structure, as well as how sonic frequency coupled with intent equals healing. Also included are excerpts from Jonathan Goldman’s many rich and meditative albums.
“What is sound? Sound travels as a wave. Each sound has a frequency or rate of vibration; A low sound vibrates slower; a high pitched sound vibrates faster. When sound reaches the human ear, resonance takes place.
Musician and sound healer Jonathan Goldman thoroughly explains the scientific aspects of how each object of matter, including stars, planets, human bodies, and plants, vibrates at it’s own rate, giving off a sound that emanates out into space, in this fascinating and inspiring presentation.
When Goldman engaged in a scientific research project involving sound waves, he realized the human body is like an orchestra where the sound of each organ and each function combines to create the music of the body. When one aspect of the body gets ill or out of balance, the whole orchestra may give off disharmonic waves, causing disease. By applying sound therapy, the body may be brought back into balance and healthy vibrations.
Healing Sounds is a fascinating account of Goldman’s scientific and spiritual studies. Goldman plans to produce a Program 2 DVD in the future. Display this with Goldman’s CD Chakra Chants.” –New Age Retailer Magazine
“Healing Sounds is a great gift for humankind. It is of benefit now and for the future.” — Kitaro, musician and composer
Jonathan Goldman, a pioneer in the field of Sound Healing, is the author of several acclaimed books including Healing Sounds. He has recorded numerous award-winning albums including Chakra Chants, winner of the 1999 Visionary Award for “Best Healing-Meditation Album.” He has studied with masters of sound from the scientific and spiritual traditions and utilized both ancient and cutting edge technology in his work on healing through sound.
On the winter’s night of February 20, 1947, five months before the famous Roswell UFO incident, two classmates of Syracuse University along with an astronomer reportedly witnessed strange elliptical or circular objects crossing across the horizon, covering the stars as they passed at tremendous speed. The two classmates were walking around 10:15 PM on the school campus and noticing that the dome doors of Holden Observatory were not close. Not only that the dome doors were left opened they also discovered that entrance door of the small building was also open as they passed it. Out of curiosity, the two classmates wandered into the ground floor and they noticed a 6 or 7-foot long refracting telescope that was suspended around 12 feet above the floor. It was used by a man who walked it back and forth rapidly in the length of the dome opening. When the astronomer noticed the two students as they climbed the platform, he was thanking God that the two were there. He invited them to take a look of his found to tell others that he was not crazy.
The man told the two students that he had been witnessing something not usual in the night sky. He then let the two to take a look what he’d been watching without giving them a clue. One of the two students grew in New York City so, he only had a chance to appreciate the beauty of the stars in the night sky on campus, especially using a telescope. He was in awe of the bright star field and then noticed a light passed his view in the dark sky. He then observed more after 20 or 30 seconds. He counted approximately twelve mysterious lights. After being puzzled of what he had seen, he then gave the telescope to his pal. After a few minutes, his pal looked as puzzled as him and the astronomer. The three men agreed that they had seen the same objects. The three men were able to witness the details of these objects through the telescope. They all witnessed the same objects that appeared to have a greyish bottom, slightly lighter than the dark sky background. The objects had thin bright yellow orange trailing edge which appeared slightly rippling. All men noted that some of the objects appeared to be brighter than others. The astronomer assured the students that he had never seen anything like the mysterious objects. After a couple of minutes, the students bid the astronomer a good night. That was the first and only time they met the astronomer. The two students have talked about the incident a number of times for many years. NOTE : The above image is a rendering. KEN PFEIFER WORLD UFO PHOTOS AND NEWS WWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORG WWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOS.ORG THANKS TO
Strange UFO sighting above the coast of Monte Hermoso, Buenos Aires, on 14th January 2014
Strange UFO sighting above the coast of Monte Hermoso, Buenos Aires, on 14th January 2014
Amazing video footage of a strange UFO sighting recorded in sky above the coast of Monte Hermoso, Buenos Aires, on 14th January 2014
Witness said: About 21hs Day 14/01/14 could see this from the coast of Monte Hermoso. Searching the Internet, it is called a meteorite in Buenos Aires on 12/01, one in Saltillo, Mexico and San Antonio, Texas on 11/01. Be the same?
Many UFO lights over Illinois on 21st January 2014
Many UFO lights over Illinois on 21st January 2014
Interesting UFO photo of many UFO lights recorded in the night sky over Illinois on 21st January 2014.
Witness said: On my drive to work, roughly 4 am Chicago time I saw strange lights almost immediately once I got out of my subdivision and onto a secondary road. Whilst driving west on 143 rd st. in Homer Glen from west of Parker rd to HWY i355 I was completely enamored by these strangely shaped beams of light. Once I got to the HWY I saw them more clearly. Just by luck I had my “good” cell phone with me and was able to snap a shot of the lights.
The lights did not move, they did not make noise. I observed them from some distance. I was on the HWY and they looked to be high in the sky off in the distance south of i355 @ archer ave. exit.
One was red-orange, one was white, one was yellow, and the others were very faint, but there seemed to be at least 4 and as many as 6 beams of light.
I first thought that the lights may be some chemical reaction of the gasses released into the atmosphere by the refinery, but then I saw the smoke from the refinery being blown away almost immediately escaping the smoke stack, and these lights were high above making it seem impossible that plumes of anything would go straight up because of the winds that morning.
My feelings were that of amazement. I don’t like to jump to conclusions as to what this may be. I am smart enough o realize that I do not know much about chemical reactions of gasses in the atmosphere and I also know nothing about aliens, or UFO sightings.
I lost sight of the object by the time I got to the i55 exit because I kept driving on my way to work.
UFO sighting above Oregon recorded in beginning of 2014
UFO sighting above Oregon recorded in beginning of 2014
New interesting video footage of an amazing UFO recorded in the night sky above Oregon in beginning of 2014.
Witness said: Great timing on the over flight working against less than optimum skywatching conditions. The first object in 2014 after weeks of inclement weather, cloudy and ice fog. Even shortly after this capture the fog inversion returned but not until we get to observe a silent object with changing light array move overhead.
I am naturally cynical about ANY new age psychic these days and for a solid, good reason.
Fifteen years ago, on a Thursday night, at bedtime, I was meditating on angels and protective prayers, right before sleep.
I tried a creative self healing metaphysical technique learned from someone I admired, Sylvia Browne, who advised this over the phone.
After many abductions I suddenly suffered from enigmatic, diagnosed degenerative spinal disease of my neck's seven discs.
Chronic back pain would be alleviated, psychic Sylvia Brown assured me, if I followed her directions for creating a "Healing Room" where healing spirits could enter, a comfortable ornate room within which a spiritual healer could enter to heal you.
She had me carefully create a mental construct of such a "room" with a healing table in the center, which was surrounded by comforts, technology, decor and objects that I might ever crave.
I was assured by her that healing would be easier if I asked for healing for only one part of my body and she told me not be afraid of the healer when I was approached as the healer would be from God.
I was instructed that the time and effort I put into creating it, even into the ornate wood design of the handles on the central table, would pay off.
The idea was that if I took time, in fine detail, to build it, a healer will come.
There were other metaphysical preparations involving washing and imbuing myself with different colors.
It was, she said, involved metaphysics.
Sadly, results were instant, nightmarish and horrid.
I awoke in sleep to find myself floating amongst small medical grey aliens, aboard a craft, in a small, white, medical room.
In the center of a circular room was a grey alien doctor in whites and a grey attending nurse, also in whites, absorbed in reading a chart on a clipboard.
At first, they were unaware of my presence.
Then he turned and without my saying a word he said, "Oh, so you want your back healed, now do you?!"
He growled in rage and in a flash was on top of me, traversing the room in quick jumps like a jumping spider.
I relaxed expecting healing but as he lay on top of me he squeezed my spine, very hard hurting me.
I awoke in bed, in my physical body, in sudden severe pain, hollering.
Hobbled , with all of my spinal discs save one herniated,
I remain unable to move without assistance, since that moment.
Did Sylvia have the faintest, remotest clue?
Psychics whom are gifted are tapped into that greater "reality" that generally eludes all of us and as such they are far from distorted"mirrors" but act instead as floodlights on flatcars that pierce the darkness.
It is the monsters behind some psychic's curtains that makes some of them, "New Age" inclined, to flirt unknowingly with nonhuman alien beasts of evil and madness who are behind some of these psychic's curtains.
Grey reptilian aliens, monsters behind psychics' curtains, masquerade as spirit guides. Like rooftop gargoyles, they can see down our 'road' a distance, but they are far from hoped for elevated spiritual beings behind psychics' 'gifts'.
Such sinister alien beings, diabolically brilliant in deception, can be lethal, mean-spirited and vengeful, when elicted or stumbled upon.
These beings stand behind the curtains of our dimension and our energies, and thus what we grasp as truth, is down a long hall and somewhere else.
"All truth passes through three (3) stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." – Arthur Schopenhauer ”
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL Paul saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.
Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence that he never suspected that he had, a nonphysical soul.
Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.
They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with human beings, as a sanctuary, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.
Souls are garnered, detoured from our natural spiritual evolution in Heaven.
These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to our energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.
On July 13, 1959 in Blenheim, New Zealand, Mrs. Moreland saw a sharply- outlined saucer-shaped object with two extremely bright sources of green light on the underside. The object was approximately 20 to 30 feet wide and hovered at roof-top level, about 15 feet above the ground. Inside a transparent dome, she said, there were two men, “dressed in fairly close-fitting suits of shiny material.”
Mrs. Frederick Moreland, of Blenheim, New Zealand, a busy housewife with five children, was helping her husband tend their small nine-acre farm as well as working part-time as a nurse’s aid at Lister Hospital, in Blenheim, at the time her sighting occurred.
On July 13, 1959, at 5:50 a.m., it was dark with a low cloud cover when Mrs. Moreland went to the barn to do the morning milking. She noticed a green glow in the overcast and was half-way across the paddock when she saw two large green lights emerge from the clouds and descend rapidly toward the ground, in her direction.
“I noticed that I was bathed in a green light and that all the paddock was green, too,” she later reported. In her written statement to the local police, she said that it was so bright she could not see her own “torchlight” in the green glare.
“It was a horrid sort of color. My first thought was, `I shouldn’t be here, ‘and I made a dive for the trees on the other side of the paddock.”
In the protection of the trees, Mrs. Moreland saw a sharply- outlined saucer-shaped object with two extremely bright sources of green light on the underside. The light from these sources beamed out over an area of 50 yards. Two rows of jets around the center of the object “shot out orange-colored flame” and appeared to revolve in opposite directions. The object was approximately 20 to 30 feet wide and hovered at roof-top level, about 15 feet above the ground. It was no more than 50 yards away from her.
“The jets stopped,” Mrs. Moreland said, “and a light was switched on in what appeared to be a perspex or glass roof or dome, which glowed.” (Compare with the Ririe and Idaho Falls, Idaho, cases of late 1967) She said the bottom appeared to be of a grayish, metallic color.
Image by Mark Cashman based on witness account and sketch. (credit: Mark Cashman,
There was a faint hum as the object hovered “and the air became very warm.” Inside the transparent dome, she said, there were two men, “dressed in fairly close-fitting suits of shiny material.” She compared the material to aluminum foil. She said the occupants wore “opaque helmets” that rose straight from their shoulders. They seemed to be of normal size. She noted that one of the occupants never moved.
“I could not see their faces,” she said. “One of the men stood up and put two hands out in front of him, as if leaning over to look downwards. He then sat down and, after a minute or two, the jets started off again and, tilting slightly at first, the thing shot up vertically at great speed and disappeared into the clouds. When it did this, it made a soft but high-pitched sound.” She reported that a peculiar smell, somewhat similar to pepper, lingered in the air as the object departed.
Mrs. Moreland stood in the trees for several minutes, not knowing exactly what to do. She finally went on with her milking but was so disturbed by what she had seen that, at 7:00 a.m., she went back into the house and told her husband what had happened. Mr. Moreland, employed by the Royal New Zealand Air Force, suggested that she call the police, which she did.
An official enquiry began which included an investigation by the RNZAF. Mrs. Moreland’s report was given wide coverage in the press and some time later it was learned that about an hour before Mrs. Moreland’s sighting a Blenheim man named Holdaway had seen a white-orange object through his window.
Many people subsequently interviewed the witness, who impressed them with her straightforward account of what she had seen. NICAP has a copy of the witness’ first-hand, signed report of the incident. Dr. James E. McDonald, during a trip to Australia and New Zealand in 1967, had the opportunity to interview the witness and he told NICAP that he had been quite favorably impressed.
Another image by Mark Cashman. (credit: Mark Cashman,
Summary of Sighting from original SATCU file report
“…Mrs. Frederick Moreland went out [in] the morning to milk the cows…crossing the paddock [she] suddenly noticed a bright green light among the clouds; it caught her attention because there was no moon… she saw two green lights rapidly descending. ‘I noticed that I was bathed in a green light and the paddock was green, too… A saucer-shaped glow with two indented green lights in the bottom descended.. Two rows of jets around the middle shot out orange colored flames… the jets stopped, and a light was switched on in what appeared to be a perspex or glass roof or dome, which glowed… There were two men in it, dressed in fairly close fitting suits of shiny material… after a minute or two, the jets started off again, and… the thing shot up vertically at great speed and disappeared into the clouds.
“… she noticed an unusual green glow, emanating from the cloud above and bathing the area in a ghastly light… Then, suddenly, two green lights “like eyes” appeared through the clouds, circled by a band of orange lights. All around her the ground was illuminated by the sickly green light… she too was bathed in this green glow… She saw a flattish cylindrical object slowly descending from about 50 ft above the ground. It stopped its smooth descent some 30 feet above the ground and hovered about 15 feet above a group of peach trees (10-15 feet high)… it was between 7.5-8 feet high and 20-25 feet across. There were two circumferential rows of orange-green “jets” set into bands at the top and the bottom of the main body… the jets were a brilliant orange color, with greenish centers, and faded to the outside, through orange to yellow. They made a faint hissing noise…
“The motionless object hovered some 30 feet above the ground, about 120 feet out in the center of the paddock…
“On stopping, the jets immediately shut off and reappeared at a slight angle. Each band of jets began to counter-rotate at high speed, the top band from right to left, and the bottom band from left to right. The speed became so great that the bands of light became continuous, “like halos”… a loud humming could be heard, and the noise of the jets hissing… There was a clear, glassy, dome-like structure on top [shaped like an F-16 cockpit crossing the top of the disc], filled with a bright white light… She could see two figures seated, one behind the other and facing the same way, a little over an arm’s length apart… The two figures were dressed in almost skin-tight metallic suits which crinkled and creased with each movement and reflected the light. The man at the rear suddenly stood up and leaned forward on his hands and appeared to be observing something between himself and the figure in front, possibly the brightly flickering light source… The rear figure then sank back to his former position – the front figure remained motionless…
“The object then tilted slightly, the bands of jets went out, then back on again without the rotation. There was a loud “whoosh” of air and the object rose vertically (the body still at a slight angle) and vanished into the cloud at tremendous speed… accompanied by a high pitched [very loud] whine… A moment or two later a wave of warm air reached Mrs. Moreland and there was a strange hot pepper smell of ozone.” – SATCU file report
Side-view drawing based on the sketches by the witness, courtesy of SATCU (Scientific Approach to Cosmic Understanding). (credit: Mark Cashman,
NICAP Summary
July 13, 1959: Blenheim, New Zealand. 5:50 a.m. Mrs. Frederick Moreland, a part-time nurse’s aide, was helping her husband tend their nine-acre farm. It was dark with low cloud cover when she went to the barn to do the morning milking. She noticed a green glow in the overcast and was halfway across the paddock when two large green lights emerged from the clouds and descended rapidly toward the ground in her direction.
“I noticed that I was bathed in a green light [emphasis added] and that all the paddock was green, too.” she later reported. In a statement to local police, she said that the green glare was so bright that she could not see her own “torch light” (flashlight beam). “It was a horrid sort of color. My first thought was, ‘I shouldn’t be here,’ and I made a dive for the trees on the other side of the paddock.”
From the protection of the trees, Mrs. Moreland saw a distinct saucer-shaped object with two extremely bright sources of green light on its underside that illuminated an area of 50 yards (45 meters). Two rows of what seemed to be jets around the center of the object were emitting orange-colored flame. The rows appeared to revolve in opposite directions. The object, about 20-30 feet (6-9 meters) in diameter. hovered at rooftop level, about 15 feet (4.5 meters) above the ground. It was no more than 50 yards (45 meters) away from her.
‘The jets stopped,” she said, “and a light was switched on in what appeared to be a Perspex (plastic) or glass roof or dome [emphasis added], which glowed.” The underside was a gray, metallic color. She could hear a faint hum, and “the air became very warm.” Inside the transparent dome were two men “dressed in fairly close-fitting suits of shiny material.” She compared the color to aluminum foil. They wore “opaque helmets” that rose straight from their shoulders. They seemed to be of normal size. One, she noticed, never moved.
“I could not see their faces,” she said. “One of the men stood up and put two hands out in front of him, as if leaning over to look downward. He then sat down and, after a minute or two, the jets started off again and, tilting [emphasis added] slightly at first, the thing shot up vertically at great speed and disappeared into the clouds. When it did this, it made a soft but high-pitched sound [emphasis added].” A peculiar, peppery smell lingered in the air. – Richard H. Hall – NICAP
Daily 2 Cents: Chupacabras In Russia? Bufeo Colorado Legend There Are No Black Holes
Daily 2 Cents: Chupacabras In Russia? — Bufeo Colorado Legend – ‘There Are No Black Holes’
(Before It's News)
Moscow Region Officials Formally Deny Existence of Chupacabra
It’s official: At least one corner of Russia is free of “fairytale creatures.”
The legendary monster chupacabra was blamed for the recent inexplicable death of 60 sheep in a remote corner of the Moscow Region.
The livestock’s killer left no footprints in the snow, which prompted farmers and media in the town of Beloomut, 150 kilometers southeast of the city of Moscow, to look for supernatural explanations.
But the region’s Agriculture Ministry formally denied that a chupacabra could have been involved.
Rangers who investigated the incident believe that the culprit was a dog, either a stray or a pet that someone intentionally set on the sheep, the ministry said in a statement on Thursday.
All traces of the attacker were covered by the fresh snowfall, the statement said.
“There are no fairytale creatures in the Lukhovitsky district of the Moscow Region,” the ministry said.
The chupacabra, accused of attacking goats and sucking their blood, is a cryptid, a creature whose existence has been suggested but not confirmed.
The legend originated in Latin America in the mid-1990s. The name chupacabra literally translates as “goat sucker.”
No scientifically proven sightings of the chupacabra were reported. Scientists blame attacks attributed to the creature on dogs and coyotes with mange.
In 2010, villagers in western Ukraine claimed that a chupacabra killed their rabbits. However, no supposed chupacabra was discovered during the subsequent sweep of the area. – RIA
“There is no escape from a black hole in classical theory, but quantum theory enables energy and information to escape.”
Most physicists foolhardy enough to write a paper claiming that “there are no black holes” — at least not in the sense we usually imagine — would probably be dismissed as cranks. But when the call to redefine these cosmic crunchers comes from Stephen Hawking, it’s worth taking notice. In a paper posted online, the physicist, based at the University of Cambridge, UK, and one of the creators of modern black-hole theory, does away with the notion of an event horizon, the invisible boundary thought to shroud every black hole, beyond which nothing, not even light, can escape.
In its stead, Hawking’s radical proposal is a much more benign “apparent horizon”, which only temporarily holds matter and energy prisoner before eventually releasing them, albeit in a more garbled form.
“There is no escape from a black hole in classical theory,” Hawking told Nature. Quantum theory, however, “enables energy and information to escape from a black hole”. A full explanation of the process, the physicist admits, would require a theory that successfully merges gravity with the other fundamental forces of nature. But that is a goal that has eluded physicists for nearly a century. “The correct treatment,” Hawking says, “remains a mystery.”
Hawking posted his paper on the arXiv preprint server on 22 January1. He titled it, whimsically, ‘Information preservation and weather forecasting for black holes’, and it has yet to pass peer review. The paper was based on a talk he gave via Skype at a meeting at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics in Santa Barbara, California, in August 2013.
Fire fighting
Hawking's new work is an attempt to solve what is known as the black-hole firewall paradox, which has been vexing physicists for almost two years, after it was discovered by theoretical physicist Joseph Polchinski of the Kavli Institute and his colleagues (see 'Astrophysics: Fire in the hole!').
In a thought experiment, the researchers asked what would happen to an astronaut unlucky enough to fall into a black hole. Event horizons are mathematically simple consequences of Einstein's general theory of relativity that were first pointed out by the German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild in a letter he wrote to Einstein in late 1915, less than a month after the publication of the theory. In that picture, physicists had long assumed, the astronaut would happily pass through the event horizon, unaware of his or her impending doom, before gradually being pulled inwards — stretched out along the way, like spaghetti — and eventually crushed at the 'singularity', the black hole’s hypothetical infinitely dense core.
But on analysing the situation in detail, Polchinski’s team came to the startling realization that the laws of quantum mechanics, which govern particles on small scales, change the situation completely. Quantum theory, they said, dictates that the event horizon must actually be transformed into a highly energetic region, or 'firewall', that would burn the astronaut to a crisp.
This was alarming because, although the firewall obeyed quantum rules, it flouted Einstein’s general theory of relativity. According to that theory, someone in free fall should perceive the laws of physics as being identical everywhere in the Universe — whether they are falling into a black hole or floating in empty intergalactic space. As far as Einstein is concerned, the event horizon should be an unremarkable place.
Beyond the horizon
Now Hawking proposes a third, tantalizingly simple, option. Quantum mechanics and general relativity remain intact, but black holes simply do not have an event horizon to catch fire. The key to his claim is that quantum effects around the black hole cause space-time to fluctuate too wildly for a sharp boundary surface to exist.
In place of the event horizon, Hawking invokes an “apparent horizon”, a surface along which light rays attempting to rush away from the black hole’s core will be suspended. In general relativity, for an unchanging black hole, these two horizons are identical, because light trying to escape from inside a black hole can reach only as far as the event horizon and will be held there, as though stuck on a treadmill. However, the two horizons can, in principle, be distinguished. If more matter gets swallowed by the black hole, its event horizon will swell and grow larger than the apparent horizon.
Conversely, in the 1970s, Hawking also showed that black holes can slowly shrink, spewing out 'Hawking radiation'. In that case, the event horizon would, in theory, become smaller than the apparent horizon. Hawking’s new suggestion is that the apparent horizon is the real boundary. “The absence of event horizons means that there are no black holes — in the sense of regimes from which light can't escape to infinity,” Hawking writes.
“The picture Hawking gives sounds reasonable,” says Don Page, a physicist and expert on black holes at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, who collaborated with Hawking in the 1970s. “You could say that it is radical to propose there’s no event horizon. But these are highly quantum conditions, and there’s ambiguity about what space-time even is, let alone whether there is a definite region that can be marked as an event horizon.”
Although Page accepts Hawking’s proposal that a black hole could exist without an event horizon, he questions whether that alone is enough to get past the firewall paradox. The presence of even an ephemeral apparent horizon, he cautions, could well cause the same problems as does an event horizon.
Unlike the event horizon, the apparent horizon can eventually dissolve. Page notes that Hawking is opening the door to a scenario so extreme “that anything in principle can get out of a black hole”. Although Hawking does not specify in his paper exactly how an apparent horizon would disappear, Page speculates that when it has shrunk to a certain size, at which the effects of both quantum mechanics and gravity combine, it is plausible that it could vanish. At that point, whatever was once trapped within the black hole would be released (although not in good shape).
If Hawking is correct, there could even be no singularity at the core of the black hole. Instead, matter would be only temporarily held behind the apparent horizon, which would gradually move inward owing to the pull of the black hole, but would never quite crunch down to the centre. Information about this matter would not destroyed, but would be highly scrambled so that, as it is released through Hawking radiation, it would be in a vastly different form, making it almost impossible to work out what the swallowed objects once were.
“It would be worse than trying to reconstruct a book that you burned from its ashes,” says Page. In his paper, Hawking compares it to trying to forecast the weather ahead of time: in theory it is possible, but in practice it is too difficult to do with much accuracy.
Polchinski, however, is sceptical that black holes without an event horizon could exist in nature. The kind of violent fluctuations needed to erase it are too rare in the Universe, he says. “In Einstein’s gravity, the black-hole horizon is not so different from any other part of space,” says Polchinski. “We never see space-time fluctuate in our own neighbourhood: it is just too rare on large scales.”
Raphael Bousso, a theoretical physicist at the University of California, Berkeley, and a former student of Hawking's, says that this latest contribution highlights how “abhorrent” physicists find the potential existence of firewalls. However, he is also cautious about Hawking’s solution. “The idea that there are no points from which you cannot escape a black hole is in some ways an even more radical and problematic suggestion than the existence of firewalls,” he says. "But the fact that we’re still discussing such questions 40 years after Hawking’s first papers on black holes and information is testament to their enormous significance."
A family from Bulawayo’s Nketa 7 suburb dumped its tenant’s “goblin” at the Tshabalala Police Station, sending cops fleeing in different directions.
The incident occurred at about 8 pm on Wednesday.
A family that claimed a lodger owned the goblin brought it to the station in a suitcase.
“We heard some screaming from the charge office and most officers who had knocked off rushed to see what was happening. At first everyone gathered around the suitcase, wanting to see what was inside,” said a cop.
The officer said a traditional healer who had come with the family opened the suitcase and a weird looking creature jumped out of a bottle that was filled with blood.
“No one told anyone it was time to run. One minute, the charge office was full, the next, it was empty. I think some people went out through the windows because we could not all have fitted through the door. Fat cops and slim cops all ran for their lives screaming,” said the cop.
Police officers gave differing versions about how the goblin looked. Some said it looked like am snake with the head of a dog and others said it was a dog with scales like a pangolin.
They all agreed that it smelt terribly.
The traditional healer is said to have overpowered the goblin and burnt it.
Contacted for comment, Bulawayo deputy police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Bhekimpilo Ndlovu confirmed the incident. – Bulawauo24
According to local legend, the Bufeo Colorado falls in love with a girl then adopts the appearance of a handsome man who woos her with lavish attention and presents. Before long, the girl is drawn to the bank of the river and throws herself into the water to be with the Bufeo Colorado – forever.
In 1966 the now-defunct Marineland of Florida made an expedition to Iquitos, Peru to collect Amazon freshwater dolphins (Inia geoffrensis). In its native waters this dolphin is known locally as bufeo blanco or bufeo rojos, depending on size and color. Adults are often entirely white or pink in color. After six weeks on the Amazon, the collectors returned to Marineland with several dolphins for research and exhibition. But it was the native superstition surrounding this species that compelled Marineland’s curator, Dr. David Caldwell to mention it in his 1969 SEA FRONTIERS article, ‘The Ugly Dolphin’. Unexplained pregnancies among young unmarried women that live alongside the river in Peru are attributed to this dolphin, which is said to adopt a human appearance and come ashore to make love with the native girl. Also, the pink Amazon dolphin is the only known species of dolphin to bring ‘gifts’ to its mate. Male dolphins have been observed brings tree and palm-frond branches to female dolphins in a courting ritual – Greg May
Extra Terrestrial Disclosure, Regarding proof of Reverse ET Engineering, Ancient Aliens/Wingmakers/Anunnaki!
By Michael Lee Hill
I am releasing what I believe to be some serious Extra Terrestrial Disclosure, Regarding proof of Reverse ET Engineering, Ancient Aliens/Wingmakers/Anunnaki all with actual interviews I have had the privilege and honor of doing with the actual folks where this cutting edge information is coming from.
I have put it all together here in a nice cohesive package that is I believe is backed with re-searchable facts and actual interviews with all the folks actually involved so you can make up you own minds.
William Birnes of the History Channel revealed in our recent interview that Cornel Philip Corso of “Day After Roswell” fame stated we almost went to war with Russia and that conflict was settled because somehow, the USA gave the Russian Government the technology for the Russian Mig Fighter Jets Radar systems during our interview I will share below.
So the question then is who gave the Russian Government the US technology Russia and the rest of the world were so far behind on?
Who was involved ya know?
Actual proof given for ET related reverse engineering is a reality!:
Phazotron Research! and the Omnigon Corporation!
“So what can you share with me that corroborates — even to a tiny degree — that the Labyrinth Group might exist?”
Dr. Neruda: “Nothing. There’s nothing you could do to trace things back to the Labyrinth Group. I can’t stress it enough. Our ways of filtering technologies into the private sector are extremely subtle.”
Sarah: “Okay, then. Just give me an example.”
Dr. Neruda: “The Labyrinth Group developed a computer system, which we call ZEMI. Part of the unique characteristics of ZEMI is that its information structure is based on a new form of mathematics for information storage, recombinant encryption, and data compression. It was a mathematics that provided quantum improvements in each of these areas. And we shared it with scientists involved in the design of the MiG-29.”
Dr. Neruda: “No, we never worked with governments directly. In this case, we worked with the Phazotron Research and Production Company in Moscow. We supplied them with an assortment of algorithms, which they in turn adapted for use within their information and fire control radar systems aboard the MiG-29.
“My own research into the reality of these claims my Dr. Neruda” – MLH
The aircraft is equipped with an information and fire control radar system comprising: an N-019 radar developed by Phazotron Research and Production Company, Moscow; an infrared search and track sensor; a laser rangefinder; and a helmet-mounted target designator.For longer-range air combat, the MiG-29 uses radar guidance for the R-27 missile.
Sarah: “Russia? Are you saying the Labyrinth Group works with the Russian government?”
Dr. Neruda: “No, we never worked with governments directly. In this case, we worked with the Phazotron Research and Production Company in Moscow. We supplied them with an assortment of algorithms, which they in turn adapted for use within their information and fire control radar systems aboard the MiG-29. These same algorithms were discovered by American interests and are now being adapted for use in broadband delivery systems for the global market.”
Sarah: “Who’s the American interest? Can you give me names?”
Dr. Neruda: “It’s not a well-known company, but they go under the name of Omnigon, based in San Diego.”
Sarah: “And Omnigon has this technology, which was originally developed by the Labyrinth Group for computer storage, and now they’re using it to build broadband delivery systems? In layperson’s terms, can you tell me what these networks will do?”
Dr. Neruda: “Assuming they use this technology appropriately, it’ll enable Omnigon to embed a significant amount of functionality in the switches of the ATM network and not rely on server-side solutions, which will increase the speed and custom functionality of a network.”
Sarah: “By my definition, that wasn’t in layperson terms. But it doesn’t matter.
“Did the Labyrinth Group create this technology or reverse-engineer it from ET sources?”
Dr. Neruda: “A little of both, actually. They were created within the Labyrinth Group, but some of the initial thinking came from the Zetas, which was reverse-engineered from one of their spacecraft.”
Sarah: “How did the organization in Russia get this technology from the Labyrinth Group?”
Dr. Neruda: “Fifteen knew one of the senior scientists at Phazotron and presented him with the idea. It was a friendly gesture, which he believed would later be useful in recruiting this scientist. This method of sharing creates loyalty and it can be done in such a skillful way that the recipient of the idea can believe it was their idea and not simply given to them.”
Sarah: “But you must track these technologies or how else would you know it ended up in Omnigon’s hands?”
Dr. Neruda: “We have operatives from the intelligence community who feed us information. They’re essentially moles that live within the major government research labs and the military industrial complex. In this case, one of our operatives at General Dynamics brought this to our attention. We even use our Remote Viewing technology to track some of our more advanced technologies that we’ve placed within major syndicates.”
“A. R. Bordon is a retired itinerant scientist, traveling the roads of America in search of people talented in extended human functions. He is a former deputy director of a corporate research centre, former executive director of the American Association of Remote Viewers.”
“Much of this was already known to us in the early 90s, several years before Jamisson Neruda let the cat out of the bag to a journalist named Sara. Moreover, as a linguist, Neruda’s direct contributions to the present effort have not extended beyond his initial exposition of the matter in his interviews with Sara and through the website subsequently set up to publicize the findings” - AR Bordon
I now know that “Fifteen” spoken of above is indeed AR Bordon, So Philip Corso got the ET Reverse Engineered tech for Russia Mig Fighter Jet’s from AR Bordon or Fifteen, head of the Labyrinth Group!!
Corso would have went to AR even back then to acquire this ET reversed technology for Russia!
So AR Bordon saved us all back then from World War 3 by working this Trade out with Russia?
Mind Blowing!
So where can these interviews with Jamisson Neruda & journalist named Sara that AR Bordon was talking about actually be found?
Here are those actual DR. Neruda Interviews!
The interviews contained in this section of the WingMakers’ website are transcripts taken from a series of interviews between Dr. Neruda (the defected ACIO scientist) and Sarah the journalist he contacted shortly after his defection. These interviews provide provocative insights into the Advance Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO) – the secret government organization responsible for reverse-engineering acquired extraterrestrial technologies.
The Neruda Interviews also provide remarkable insight into a wide variety of topics, including the human genome, secret societies, new physics, cosmology, extraterrestrial influence on earth, and the spiritual nature and purpose of humankind. The interviews are recorded and then transcribed by Sarah exactly as they occurred. These are the original files. It is recommended to read them in the order they were recorded.
Fifteen/AR Bordon worked side by side with the Corteum/Anunnaki!
“Fifteen was approached by the Greys in his role at the ACIO, and they desired to provide a full-scale technology transfer program, but Fifteen turned them down. He had already established a TTP with the Corteum/Anunnaki, and felt that the Greys were too fractured organizationally to make good on their promises. Furthermore, the Corteum/Anunnaki technology was superior in most regards to the Greys — with the possible exception of the Greys’ memory implant and their genetic hybridization technologies.
“However, Fifteen and the entire Labyrinth Group carefully considered an alliance with the Greys if for no other reason than to have direct communication with regard to their stated agenda. Fifteen liked to be in the know — so eventually we did establish an alliance, which consisted of a modest information exchange between us. We provided them with access to our information systems relative to genetic populations and their unique predisposition across a variety of criteria including mental, emotional, and physical behaviors; and they provided us with their genetic findings.
“The Greys, and most extraterrestrials for that matter, communicate with humans exclusively through a form of telepathy, which we called suggestive telepathy because to us it seemed that the Greys communicated in a such a way that they were trying to lead a conversation to a particular end. In other words, they always had an agenda, and we were never certain if we were a pawn of their agenda or we arrived at conclusions that were indeed our own.
“I think that’s why Fifteen didn’t trust the Greys. He felt they used communication to manipulate outcomes to their own best interest in favor of shared interests. And because of this lack of trust, Fifteen refused to form any alliance or TTP that was comprehensive or integral to our operations at either the ACIO or the Labyrinth Group.”
Sarah: “Did the Greys know of the existence of the Labyrinth Group?”
Dr. Neruda: “I don’t believe so. They were generally convinced that humans were not clever enough to cloak their agendas. Our analysis was that the Greys had invasive technologies that gave them a false sense of security as to their enemy’s weaknesses. And I’m not saying that we were enemies, but we never trusted them. And this they undoubtedly knew. They also knew that the ACIO had technologies and intellects that were superior to the mainstream human population, and they had a modicum of respect — perhaps even fear — of our abilities.
Onderzoekers van het Johnson Space Center, het centrum van de NASA voor bemande ruimtevaartactiviteiten, proberen te bewijzen dat het mogelijk is om sneller dan het licht te reizen.
Ze hopen op een dag een ruimtevaartuig te bouwen dat lijkt op het fictieve sterrenschip Enterprise uit de televisieserie Star Trek.
NASA-wetenschapper Harold G. White denkt dat het mogelijk is om tijd en ruimte te buigen. Zijn onderzoek is gebaseerd op de theorieën van de Mexicaanse natuurkundige Miguel Alcubierre, die in 1994 stelde dat het mogelijk moest zijn om Albert Einsteins galactische snelheidslimiet te overschrijden als wetenschappers een manier zouden ontdekken om gebruik te maken van de samentrekking en expansie van de ruimte.
Door een ‘warpbel’ te creëren, die de ruimte aan de ene kant van een ruimteschip uiteentrekt en aan de andere kant samentrekt, wordt het vaartuig door de ruimtetijd bij de aarde vandaan geduwd en naar een verre ster getrokken.
Dr. White vertelde aan The New York Times dat er een kans is dat mensen ontdekken hoe ze op warpsnelheid in het heelal kunnen vliegen, omdat de natuur het ook kan.
Met een warpdrive zou NASA de reistijd naar andere zonnestelsels kunnen terugdringen van tienduizenden jaren naar enkele weken of maanden. Met een dergelijke technologie zouden astronauten snel een reisje naar een ander zonnestelsel kunnen maken om de planeten er te verkennen.
Alcubierre wees op een belangrijk obstakel: een warpbel kan niet worden bereikt met een signaal vanuit het schip en kan niet worden aangezet of uitgeschakeld. White en zijn collega’s gaan door met hun onderzoek en zijn ervan overtuigd dat ze warpsnelheid realiteit kunnen maken.
Grondlegger ruimtevaart: 'Vliegende schotels komen uit de ruimte'
Grondlegger ruimtevaart: 'Vliegende schotels komen uit de ruimte'
De Duitse natuurkundige en ingenieur Hermann Oberth wordt beschouwd als één van de grondleggers van de ontwikkeling van raketten en de ruimtevaart.
In de jaren vijftig en zestig gaf Oberth openlijk zijn mening over ongeïdentificeerde vliegende objecten.
Oberth werkte onder meer voor Wernher von Braun, een raketingenieur die ruimteraketten ontwikkelde voor de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA.
Intelligente waarnemers
Hij was ervan overtuigd dat UFO’s die op aarde worden waargenomen afkomstig zijn uit de ruimte. Op 24 oktober 1954 stond bijvoorbeeld in The American Weekly te lezen: “Ik ben van mening dat vliegende schotels echt zijn en dat het ruimteschepen zijn die uit een ander zonnestelsel komen. Ik denk dat ze mogelijk worden bestuurd door intelligente waarnemers die onderdeel uitmaken van een ras dat onze aarde al eeuwen bestudeert.”
In Flying Saucer Review schreef Oberth een artikel getiteld ‘They Come From Outer Space’ (Ze Komen Uit De Ruimte). Hij behandelde de waarnemingen van ‘vreemde lichtgevende objecten’ in de lucht.
Stralende schilden
De oudste waarneming werd volgens Oberth gedaan door Plinius de Oudere, een Romeins militair en letterkundige. Plinius sprak van ‘stralende schilden’.
“Na zorgvuldige afweging vind ik de verklaring dat vliegende schotels uit de ruimte komen de meest aannemelijke,” schreef Oberth. “Ik noem dit de Oeranidenhypothese omdat de hypothetische wezens vanuit ons gezichtspunt uit de hemel lijken te komen.” Oberth verwees hiermee naar Ouranos, de personificatie van de hemel.
Jesse Randolph Singer van UFOTV presenteert de 10 belangrijkste UFO-klokkenluiders aller tijden.
We trappen af met de Amerikaanse piloot en zoon van de uitvinder van de Learjet John Lear, die in de jaren tachtig en negentig uit de school klapte over onbekende vliegende objecten in het luchtruim.
Ook Larry Warren maakt deel uit van de top 10. Hij was in 1980 gestationeerd op de luchtmachtbasis van Bentwaters in Engeland, toen hij samen met een aantal collega’s een vreemd rood licht zag dat plots verdween en opnieuw verscheen. Hij zag ook een vorm van energie. Enkele jaren geleden werd een geluidsopname van de UFO-waarneming vrijgegeven voor het grote publiek.
In complete opposition to the sanguine notion of alien shock and awe over mankind's pugilistic in-fighting nature, is the truth that aliens have micromanaged our histories and our violence to cull and control us.
Alien puppet masters are and have been simply more aggressive and bellicose than humankind can imagine,
Our Old Testament is the best UFO book ever written and it reveals how the "God" masquerade by aliens has micromanaged violence throughout the ancient world history.
I find that radio interviews allow me to make this assertion to the widest audiences..
Doing radio, is very much like talking to your belt buckle, in a closet; you do not know who's really out there listening, until all the phones on the switchboard light up.
When I submit to periodic radio broadcast interviews, I am careful, beforehand, to be sure that the studio is free of debunkers or cynics, as I am interested only in reaching accepting and inquiring minds audiences; I am become very spoiled.
When I am interviewed, I later enjoy fielding questions from the broadcast audience, but I will not speak at length with those who are dubious about UFOs and telepathic little green men; I tell such callers that I feel sorry for them, because they are so very poorly informed.
I have seen reptilians eyeball-to eyeball and they radiate hatred like a radiator grill radiates warmth.
Physical shape shifting isn't what occurs; the telepathic hypnotic suggestive mind control exerted by these beings, is what alters your awareness of what you're seeing.
If I can open someone's unhealthy cynical mind and turn it into healthy skepticism and then into a grudging tacit acceptance I have done my sworn duty to awaken a comatose society.
Lately, as I grow older, I have no patience for ignorance; there is no room, anymore, with the plethora of alien visitation evidence and UFO abduction evidence over five decades from reliable multiple witnesses and countless international gun camera footage, the world over, for ignorance, no room, whatsoever.
I refuse to do radio broadcast shows anywhere where this worldwide phenomenon is abjectly questioned.
Any opportunity for a studio built-in debunker, an interviewer who wishes to argue alien existence, translates into didactic ambush, scorn and much worse, disinformation.
Debunkers who after all this time deny others' experiences with these alien pilots, are evolved polished nihilistic logicians.
What can I possibly tell them?
If one person hallucinates alien entities and alien abductions, that's only his reality, but if millions worldwide see and experience the precise same hallucination, it is very objectively real, in every sense of what reality is.
A debunker who calls in to a studio where I am being interviewed is not a singularity of cynicism; there are sadly many others who have not yet the dimmest idea, and will thus never suspect that we humans, someone else's valuable property, are being 'kept' on a planetary alien preserve that we call, Earth..
Can the public mind be lead to accept this alternative reality? One abductee states:
"A total and complete leap in consciousness will require an insurmountable dissolution and restructuring of their beliefs about the nature of reality."
What of those who aren't even curious?
For them to live unburdened by any insatiable curiosity to comprehend the mysteries of the UFO pilots in our immediate universe is quite an amazing thing, in itself.
In doing radio I have discovered that accepting audiences are generally more than troubled about these beings' visitations, hidden agendas and motives, but are audiences generally more elevated in their functioning concepts than the comatose public at large.
These people are like evolved goldfish who finally will suspect a larger world, beyond the pond's surface.
(“All truth passes through three (3) stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." – Arthur Schopenhauer”)
To quote this same abductee,
"The history of mankind has rarely been punctuated by personalities who refused to be bound by the grand illusion of space and time, alternative thinkers and seekers who struggled against a river of ignorance to penetrate the limitations of space and form, are rare, far and a few.."
I am not such a mind, but instead one who, given glimpses of the alien truth, prays for one to appear.
Knowing that the aliens reside in a different reality explains why this whole UFO phenomenon is so slippery; "we exist within a myriad panoply matrix of other realities, all merging in the human mind."
What glimpses?
Aliens and their craft have always existed.
We have never been alone.
My expanded consciousness and mental abilities are merely the outcome of my contacts with them.
From that abductee, again:
"Their alien world and ours co-exist separated by only the thinnest imagineable curtain- our ridiculous assumption that we are the single and solitary proprietors of the only reality."
Behind many of us are reptilian puppet masters.
I am driven to do such radio interviews because I hope that I am able to assist others also troubled by Reptilian/Grey UFO entities' tactics and sinister motives.
Radio is a bully pulpit to raise a call of warning high above the treetops.
I am afire with a clarion purpose to speak for others who have suffered as I do but who haven't found their voice.
Outside of the circles of such accepting radio audiences, the stench of ignorance prevails.
Educational dilemma is inherent, in human beings, as most people will not believe in that which they have not directly experienced.
How, then, should one,"cry wolf" to sheep who are simply and innately unable to even imagine a wolf?
Aliens have not only always been here but are as native and terrestrial to our planet as are thunderstorms; these advanced beings are the game wardens of this preserve that we call 'Earth and much like good game wardens, they do not let the creatures within suspect that it is, indeed, a preserve.
These beings who pilot UFOs are inter dimensional beings as well as inter galactic beings. They use the same parallel dimension that ghosts and demons do, when they enter and exit our physical reality.
Revealingly, the lower Earth animal forms seen as reptiles, amphibians, insects and felines are mirrored and echoed by the higher technological forms of beings which have been seen aboard craft, who have eons ago lent their DNA to create this preserve.
We, too, as even Genesis obliquely reveals, are constructs of their creative meddling.
But we are managed by them as we do to Earth's animals, within an unenlightened form of animal husbandry.
When people during abduction scenarios ask them,"Where are you from?" Where do you come from?", they are often told,"We come from within."
That is, during post physical alien abductions, their possessing energies are deposited, lamprey and remora-like, within the multi layered human psyche/mind.
They seek, to use their expression,"sanctuary"
Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals, are sadly the very powers that we as a race of beings barely perceive.
They seek to infect our energies and auras with attachments to themselves and to ride the reincarnation roller coaster with we human beings, as a sanctuary, to avoid the death that they fear, usurping the spiritual recycling that we have.
Worse, in their inherent proprietal natures towards us, our souls are garnered, detoured from our natural spiritual evolution within Heaven.
Thus, however advanced technologically, these joyriding greys/ reptilians can easily be seen as sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to our energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.
Alien technology, recovered from downed discs and other craft, has already inspired Skunkworks to give us the ability to recreate and reverse engineer:
fiber optics,
nuclear power,
cold fusion anti gravity,
stealth technology,
specialized surgical tools,
cloning-genetic engineering-
and most recently we scramble to deduce 'smart skins' of craft which like chameleons, alter shape and color according to environments.
All of these magical technologies were successfully studied, reverse engineered and imitated.
We have a lot to be thankful for because of Klaatu, even though he is the complete opposite of the charming, handsome gracious, elevated spirit in film and in book.
He, in reptilian form and in grey form instead, see us in much the same perfunctory fashion, that we see chickens.
Het ruimteschip van Virgin Galactic, de SpaceShipTwo, heeft zijn derde testvlucht vanuit de Mojave woestijn in Californië met succes volbracht. Het ruimtevaartuig kwam tot een hoogte van 21,640 meter.
Volgens het bedrijf van de Britse zakenman Richard Branson werd het ruimteschip per vliegtuig naar een hoogte van 14.000 meter gebracht en vervolgens losgelaten. Met behulp van een raketmotor werden de laatste kilometers afgelegd. Het toestel bereikte niet eerder zo'n hoogte.
De tweekoppige bemanning slaagde erin het toestel na de 10 minuten durende testvlucht weer veilig aan de grond te krijgen.
Virgin Galactic hoopt op termijn commerciële vluchten naar de ruimte aan te kunnen bieden. Wanneer de eerste ruimtevlucht plaats zal vinden is onbekend, maar honderden mensen hebben al een aanbetaling op zo'n ruimtevlucht gedaan.
Virgin Galactic heeft een nieuwe technische mijlpaal bereikt. Het ruimteschip 'SpaceShipTwo' is er donderdag tijdens een testvlucht in geslaagd om sneller en hoger te vliegen dan ooit. Het commerciële ruimtetoerisme komt zo weer een stapje dichterbij.
Het draagvliegtuig WhiteKnightTwo bracht de SS2 tot op een hoogte van 14.300 meter waarna het losgekoppeld werd. Het ruimteschip bereikte de stratosfeer op een hoogte van ruim 21 kilometer door zijn motor twintig seconden te laten ontbranden. Het toestel klom zo hoger dan de eerste testvlucht in april en behaalde een topsnelheid van Mach 1,43 of omgerekend zo'n 1.750 kilometer per uur. De vlucht werd uitgevoerd boven de Mojavewoestijn in het zuidwesten van de Verenigde Staten.
Indien alle testen positief blijven verlopen, zullen de eerste commerciële ruimtevluchten volgend jaar al van start kunnen gaan.
Bekijk alvast de spectaculaire beelden van de testvlucht in onderstaande video.
De beroemde professor Stephen Hawking heeft de wetenschapswereld geschokt door radicaal te beweren dat er geen zwarte gaten bestaan. Nochtans ligt hij zelf mee aan de basis van bepaalde theorieën rond de zogenaamde 'black holes'. In een artikel in Nature lijkt hij nu dus wetenschappelijke inzichten die al veertig jaar lang voor waar worden aangenomen, te ondermijnen. Of niet?
Hawking beweert dat de waarnemingshorizon - de onzichtbare grens van elk zwart gat waarachter niets, zelfs geen licht, kan ontsnappen - niet bestaat. In plaats daarvan vermoedt Hawking het bestaan van een "schijnbare horizon" ('apparent horizon'), die tijdelijk materie en energie opvangt alvorens ze te lossen in de ruimte.
"Je kan niet om het bestaan van een zwart gat heen in de klassieke theorie", zegt Hawking in Nature. Kwantumtheorie echter "maakt het mogelijk dat energie en informatie ontsnappen uit een zwart gat". En nu wordt het allemaal een beetje verwarrend...
Vroeger dacht men dat als een astronaut ongelukkig genoeg in een zwart gat zou vallen, hij graag langs de waarnemingshorizon zou passeren, om geleidelijk naar binnen getrokken te worden - zich onderweg uitstrekkend als spaghetti - en uiteindelijk te pletter te slaan op de oneindig dichte kern van het zwarte gat.
Maar theoretisch natuurkundige Joseph Polchinski kwam tot de conclusie dat de wetten van de kwantummechanica de situatie volledig zouden veranderen. Het zou een hoogenergetisch gebied worden dat de astronaut helemaal zou verbranden. Als dit echter het geval was, dan konden we Einsteins relativiteitstheorie opbergen. Dit is de bekende 'blackhole firewall paradox' en het houdt wetenschappers al jaren bezig.
Nu komt Hawking met een derde theorie op de proppen over hoe een zwart gat er zou kunnen uitzien. En die doet de hoofden van natuurkundigen dollen. Hawking suggereert immers dat de schijnbare horizon de echte grens is. "De afwezigheid van de waarnemingshorizon betekent dat er geen zwarte gaten zijn - in de zin van stelsels waaruit licht niet kan ontsnappen tot in het oneindige", schrijft Hawking.
Polchinski staat echter erg sceptisch tegenover het idee dat zwarte gaten zonder waarnemingshorizon in de natuur zouden kunnen bestaan. "Het soort gewelddadige schommelingen die nodig zijn om ze weg te vagen zijn te zeldzaam in het heelal", beweert hij.
Tolt jouw hoofd nu ook een beetje? Je bent niet alleen... Arie Nouwen doet een poging om een en ander duidelijker te stellen op "Hawking denkt nog steeds dat zwarte gaten bestaan, alleen ziet hun waarnemingshorizon er volgens zijn laatste inzichten anders uit dan men eerst dacht. (...) In plaats van de scherp begrensde waarnemingshorizon komt Hawking met een zogenaamde schijnbare horizon, die zich om het zwarte gat zou bevinden." De titel van het artikel in Nature is dus enigszins misleidend, volgens Nouwen.
Unique Airship Designed For Massive Cargo Is Almost Ready For First Test Flight
MONTEBELLO ( — A new airship designed to carry massive cargo is almost ready for its first test flight.
The 36,000-pound, blimp-like aircraft, made of aluminum and carbon fiber, is the first of its kind and built in the Southland. It took four years to create.
The Pentagon and NASA commissioned Worldwide Aeros Corp., based in Montebello, to build the airship on a $35-million contract. The aircraft company employees 100 people.
“I’m sure people are going to be like, ‘Oh, there’s a UFO flying around,’” Worldwide Aeros engineer Tim Kenny said. This is the next step of aviation. We haven’t had anything like this for how many years now of advancement.”
It was designed to carry tons of cargo to areas with little to no infrastructure. The vessel would likely be used for military and humanitarian operations in developing countries.
“We can offload the cargo and come home, completely independent of any infrastructure,” Kenny said.
The model being tested is a preliminary design before Worldwide Aeros goes on to build three bigger models. The first test flight is scheduled for some time in the next couple of months.
Shocking footage out of Brazil shows the moment a Brazilian boy and his grandmother were mowed down by a car while walking together. By some miracle, the pair, identified by Britain’s The Independent newspaper as Vilma Nascimento and her grandson, Joao, managed to walk away from the accident, which occurred in the central city of Anápolis. Brazilian TV reported on the incident on Tuesday.
In the video, the tyke clutches his grandmother’s hand as a vehicle approaching them up the road crashes into a car pulling out of a side road.
The first car swerves and then plows into a parked white Chevy, which crashes into the woman and the boy. Both are thrown to the ground and the Chevy appears to run over the little boy’s head as it skids across the sidewalk.
Incredibly, the boy pops up almost immediately and runs over to help his grandmother. The Independent reported that the boy was unhurt, while Nascimento suffered only minor wounds to her legs and feet. She was released from the hospital after about a day, the newspaper said.
There appears to be much more than meets the eye with this kid! Alien Hybrid child? Nephelim child?
Spec Ops Disclosure: We Witnessed UFO’s and Found Hidden Village. While in South America a team witnessed two ufo sightings and discovered a hidden village!
Deze spectaculaire UFO-beelden zijn gemaakt door spaceshuttle Discovery
Deze spectaculaire UFO-beelden zijn gemaakt door spaceshuttle Discovery
De Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA verzwijgt al sinds de eerste vlucht dat astronauten in de ruimte niet alleen zijn.
Oud-senator en astronaut John Glenn vloog aan boord van de Mercury MA-6 als eerste Amerikaan in een baan om de aarde en nam tijdens zijn vlucht diverse UFO’s waar.
Hij zei in 2001 op televisie: “Sommige mensen vroegen me of ik alleen was in de ruimte. We gaven nooit het echte antwoord. We zagen vreemde dingen in de ruimte en weten wat we hebben gezien. We mochten niets zeggen. De bazen waren bang dat er paniek zou uitbreken op straat. We moesten het stil houden.”
Geen eenduidige verklaring
Tijdens STS-48, een spaceshuttlemissie met de Discovery in 1991, zijn indrukwekkende beelden gemaakt van ongeïdentificeerde vliegende objecten. Het beeldmateriaal is athentiek, goed gedocumenteerd en onderworpen aan verschillende wetenschappelijke onderzoeken (pdf).
In de video zijn tientallen objecten te zien die op een ongewone manier bewegen. Op het moment dat nabij de horizon een object verschijnt, is een flits te zien waarna een ander object met hoge snelheid door het beeld beweegt en de ruimte in schiet.
Er is nog altijd geen eenduidige verklaring voor de objecten. Sommigen vermoeden dat het buitenaardse ruimteschepen zijn, terwijl anderen denken dat de objecten te maken hebben met het ruimteweer.
“Er is veel bewijs dat we al lange tijd worden bezocht door andere beschavingen. Dat hun uiterlijk vanuit ons materialistische, westerse oogpunt als bizar wordt gezien. Dat deze bezoekers technologieën gebruiken die zijn gebaseerd op bewustzijn; ze gebruiken torussen, coroterende magnetische schijven, om hun schepen aan te drijven,” zei NASA-astronaut dr. Brian O’Leary.
Mogelijk zijn deze beelden het bewijs waar O’Leary over spreekt. Tientallen overheden hebben de afgelopen jaren in totaal duizenden UFO-documenten vrijgegeven. We hebben gezien hoe hooggeplaatste militairen en politici naar buiten zijn getreden en zich hebben uitgesproken over dit onderwerp. Onlangs zei de Canadese oud-minister van Defensie Paul Hellyer nog dat ‘tenminste vier buitenaardse soorten onze planeet bezoeken’.
We hebben grote gaten gevonden waar de Rapa Nui boomstammen in vastzetten. De boomstammen en de standbeelden werden door middel van touwen aan elkaar vastgemaakt. De Rapa Nui gebruikten de boomstammen vervolgens om de standbeelden rechtop te zetten. Voordat ze rechtop stonden voorzagen de Rapa Nui de standbeelden van graveringen. Daarna werden de beelden rechtop gezet en werd de achterkant voorzien van petrogliefen.
De standbeelden werden beschilderd met rood pigment. Rond de beelden zijn veel menselijke resten gevonden, wat een indicatie is dat mensen hun doden er begroeven.
Het team van Van Tilburg ontdekte ook dat de beelden niet bewust zijn begraven, maar door de eeuwen heen bedolven zijn geraakt als gevolg van erosie.
De Paaseilandbeelden rusten op grote, vlakke stenen. Op de achterkant van de beelden zijn veel oude petrogliefen gevonden, waarvan de meeste nog niet zijn ontcijferd.
De bijna 1000 gigantische moai op het Paaseiland worden al jaren door mysteries omgeven. Zo is het nog steeds onduidelijk hoe de honderdduizenden kilo's wegende beelden over afstanden van meerdere kilometers zijn verplaatst.
TOP 10 UFO Government Whistleblowers of All Time 2014
TOP 10 UFO Government Whistleblowers of All Time 2014
The Top 10 UFO Government Whistleblowers of All Time. All of the greats are represented and presented in detail. Now celebrating The Top 10 UFO Government Whistle-blowers of All Time.
Double Halo effect in the sky of Toronto on 22nd January 2014
Double Halo effect in the sky of Toronto on 22nd January 2014
Two videos from Toronto showing clearly the mysterious double halo around the sun has surfaced online and residents were shocked at how clear these lights appeared looking like meteor shaped lights or mistaken for UFO’s in some cases.
NASA has a video online which details the sun having actual wormholes that open and close at will but sometimes stay active for twenty minutes, stating also that the sometimes be visible in double halo effects which have optical illusion type halos of electrically charged particles colliding in a magnetic funnel, north and south wormholes are actually more like left and right than top and bottom. NASA also state that they will be able to stabalize their own wormholes which could lead to solar system travel.
Huge disc UFO above Boca Beach, Florida on 22nd January 2014
Huge disc UFO above Boca Beach, Florida on 22nd January 2014
UFO sightings2014 – New interesting video footage of a HUGE disc – shaped UFO recorded above Boca Beach, Florida on 22nd January 2014.
Witness said: A startled couple where shocked to witness a bright disc come from the sea and ascending slowly over Boca beach, south Pavillion Florida. Recording the event which is short, the couples reactions were that of being starstruck, the footage is short, But clearly a disc shaped bright object is there out at sea and it resembles nothing of Earthly aircraft.
On January 12, 2014, this object was videotaped over Mexico City, Mexico
George A. Filer III New Jersey State Director MUFON Eastern Region Director January 22, 2013
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. In special reports, this week’s files cover: Pleiades 100 Million Old Stars, UFO Flap, UFOs Visit ISS, Former Defence Minister of Canada Aliens Live Among Us, Iran Claims US is working with Aliens, High Speed Space Ship Earth, Weather Polar Vortex, Emergency Kit, Did Iranian F-14 Tomcats Battle UFOs or Drones?, SR-72 Flies at Mach 6, Lloyd Pye Has Died, The 4000 year old Beauty of Loulan of China, and a New Earth.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Italy, Mexico, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, United Arab Emirates, England in the United Kingdom and Venezuela.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Special Reports
Pleiades 100 Million Old Stars
The Pleiades, a small dipper-shaped cluster of young stars in the constellation Taurus, is one of a handful of celestial objects, along with the Moon and Saturn that can turn casual observers into lifelong stargazers. A network of a 100 million year old stars 440 light years away of mostly icy-blue stars wrapped in faint nebulosity set against a sparse background of black sky, the cluster is visually stunning in binoculars or a wide-field telescope. Even for those who care little for stars, the Pleiades rivet the attention like few other sights in nature. Several Indian civilizations and tribes claim to have come to the Earth from the Pleiades. The Pleiades, M45. Image credit: Robert Fields and Terry Hancock. See more at:
UFO Flap
Peter Davenport Director reports, “Over the course of the last two weeks, our Center has been inundated with an abnormally large volume of sighting reports, submitted from around the world. We have received approximately 650-700 reports, during that time period, which we have posted to our website, as of January 10th. To put this volume of reports in better perspective, two years ago, we considered a “normal” volume of reports to be between 250 and 500 per month. Hence, NUFORC has been receiving reports at approximately 3-4 times what we used to consider normal. What this translates to is that our workload of getting all the reports proof-read and posted amounts to 3-4 times what it used to be, which explains why it is taking us a bit longer to get all of the new reports up on our website. MUFON is also receiving a large number of reports up 23 % from last year. UFOs Visit International Space Station
UFOs Visit International Space Station
The ISS is a having more UFO visits than ever before. This is the 3rd report of a UFO on January 15, 2014, of the ISS this week with a video to back it up. Streetcap1 of YouTube caught this one and it looks to be a triangle craft. to ISS Live cam at:
Iran says US is Working with Aliens
According to the Fars News Agency, the English-language news service of Iran, claims Edward Snowden has provided the Russians “incontrovertible proof” that an “alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda is driving U.S. domestic and international policy.” Documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden conclusively prove that the United States has been ruled by a race of tall, white space aliens who also assisted the rise of Nazi Germany in the 1930s. These revelations about our alien overlords might not cost you any sleep. But the part that should concern you is that the Fars News Agency is reportedly affiliated with Iran’s influential Revolutionary Guards, which suggests that Iran is either desperate to smear the U.S. any way it can, or the Iranian government a powerful nation of 76 million people, with a possible nuclear arsenal believes the US has been given alien technology. Thanks to FARS
Weather Polar Vortex
The Jet Stream moved much further south to the Southern US bringing the “polar vortex” that swept the country over the last couple weeks setting record-low temperatures from Wisconsin to Hawaii. At one point it was colder in Atlanta than it was in the South Pole. Sixty percent of the Great Lakes are frozen where 38 % is the normal. First three more than six inch snow falls ever in Philadelphia and are freezing US. Both the Arctic and Antarctic have This unusual cold is occurring even though the Earth is closest to the Sun. Global Warming enthusiasts had support in the 80s and 90s but temperatures worldwide have been flat for 15 years. About a million more square miles of ocean are covered in ice in 2013 than in 2012, a whopping 60 percent increase — and a dramatic deviation from predictions of an “ice-free Arctic in 2013.” Arctic sea ice averaged 2.35 million square miles in August 2013, as compared to the low point of 1.32 million square miles recorded on Sept. 16, 2012, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center.
Antarctic sea ice has grown greatly to a 35 year old record for a second straight year, baffling scientists seeking to understand why this ice is expanding rather than shrinking in what they say is a warming world. Economists estimate that the polar vortex will cost the U.S. economy $5 billion. The second polar vortex one is hitting us this week affecting 200 million people, leaving many without electricity or heat. Perhaps Mother Nature or God is angry; another possibility is we are being sabotaged by weather warfare by a cunning and shrewd adversary.
Emergency Supplies Kit
Whether it’s the threat of bioterrorism or a severe winter storm, citizens are always encouraged to prepare for emergencies. Using the following checklist, you can take steps now and be ready to cope with emergency situations. Assemble supplies you might need if confined at home or evacuated due to an emergency. Items you will need in an evacuation should be stored in an easy-to-use container such as a backpack or duffle bag. Your Kit Should Include: • A supply of water (at home, keep at least a three-day supply for each person—one gallon per person per day is recommended). • A supply of non-perishable packaged or canned food and non-electric can opener. • Blankets or sleeping bags. • A change of clothing, rain gear and sturdy shoes. • A first aid kit and prescription medications. • A battery-powered radio, flashlight and plenty of extra batteries. • An extra set of car keys. • Credit cards and cash. • A list of family physicians and their telephone numbers. • A list of important family information and documents such as insurance policies, immunization records, bank account numbers, and important telephone numbers; include the style and serial number of medical devices such as pacemakers. Keep these records in a water-proof container. • Special items for infants, elderly or disabled family members. • Extra eyeglasses or contact lenses and supplies. Don’t forget books and games for entertainment. Get to know your neighbors and determine how you can work together after a disaster.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has issued a disaster preparedness guide containing, among many other things, information on radiation emergencies involving nuclear power plant accidents. The 204 page guide is designed to help Americans prepare for a wide variety of emergencies and provides basic, easily understood, step-by-step instructions to keep yourself and your family safe. Download the FEMA Brochure directly from FEMA HERE
High Speed Space Ship Earth
Hold onto your chair Earth is a space ship orbiting the Sun at the speed of 108,000 km/h. 69,000 mph. The planet travels 940 million km during one orbit. The Earth completes one orbit every 365.242199 mean solar days (that might help explain the need for a leap year). The planet’s distance from the Sun varies as it orbits.
Actually, the Earth is never the same distance from the Sun from day to day. When the Earth is closest to the Sun it is said to be at perihelion. This occurs around January 3rd at a distance of 147,098,074 km. When it is at its furthest distance from the Sun, Earth is said to be at aphelion. That happens around July 4th at a distance of 152,097,701 km
That’s not all our wonderful Earth is now moving in six different directions and a combined speed of approximately 574,585 MPH.
69,361 MPH Spin and Orbit 43,200 MPH Towards the Lambda Herculis Constellation 15,624 MPH Solar system moving Perpendicular to Galactic Plane shown in image. 446,400 MPH Orbiting the Galactic Center {or Galactic Spin Rate. ——————- 574,585 MPH Total Speed of Earth within Our Galaxy These movements suggest an intelligent universe that a supernatural God can provide life everlasting.. Thanks to:
Killer Asteroids
Ronald Regehr writes, “Another great “file”. Might I offer a revision? MIDAS was an infrared satellite system to detect and provide warning of the hot exhaust of Soviet ICBMs but it was of limited success (the early W-17 sensor system was woefully inadequate), and plagued by launch failures and development woes.
However, the 12 MIDAS spacecraft provided invaluable to development of its successor, the Defense Support Program. And yes, DSP was more than capable of detecting UFOs and asteroids. DSP detected and reported the famous Iranian UFO of Sept. 1976.
Thanks to Ronald Regehr
Aliens Live Among Us
The story got another kick this week when former Defence Minister of Canada, Paul Hellyer, claims that the aliens are already working for us, in an interview with the RT, the Russian TV channel. He says it is as true as an aircraft flying over us. According to Mr. Hellyer, there are about 80 alien species living among us, a fascinating fact, which makes us looking around to spot them in a crowd. Mr. Hellyer sheds some light on the nature of these beings: they can be short grays, the tall whites and the Nordic blondes, Mr. Hellyer says. There is a rapid increase in the reported sightings of UFO in recent months. In that context, the claim that aliens are visiting our battered planet does not sound strange. When a former Canadian Defence Minister – a former leading figure in the NATO – the news is never short of the ingredients to arouse shock and awe among the ordinary people.
Mr. Hellyer went on to say that aliens are mostly benign and want to help us get out of our miseries. Some are mischievous, though. Mr. Hellyer explains why the aliens do not want to share high technology with us: because, we are destroying our planet with what we already have – pollution and the thermonuclear bombs. The interview reached its climax, when Mr. Hellyer quite boldly claimed that some aliens are already working for the US military in Nevada. Then, in the same breath, he said that recently two female aliens visited a supermarket in Las Vegas incognito as nuns. Mr. Hellyer says the two aliens got away with their stunt. When asked about his own personal experience with the aliens, he described how he and his wife spotted a UFO in the Canadian skies while living in a cottage near Toronto. He said that the same UFO appeared on two successive days for well over 20 minutes, before disappearing at, what he termed as, astonishing speed.
Did Iranian F-14 Tomcats Battle UFOs or Drones?
Combat Aircraft Monthly’s Babak Taghvaee’ reports, Iranian F-14 Tomcat fighters attempted to intercept what it believed to be U.S. spy drones overflying its nuclear facilities. Iran describes the intruders, as “luminous objects.” According to Iranian sources, the CIA’s intelligence drones displayed astonishing flight characteristics, including an ability to fly outside the atmosphere, attain a maximum cruise speed of Mach 10, and then hover over the target. They used powerful high levels of magnetic energy ECM jamming Iranian radars and disrupting navigation systems. The Iranians claim the US is using alien technology. In one intercept an Iranian F-14 Tomcat tried to lock its radar on to a luminous object, only to have the radar beam disrupted. “The pilot described the object as being spherical, with something like a green afterburner creating a considerable amount of turbulence behind it.” The intruder then increased its speed and “disappeared like a meteor.”
In January 2012, an F-14 was scrambled to intercept an intruder flying and exploded, killing both crewmen. I briefed the 21st Air Force General staff on Iranian F-4 fighters attempting to attack a UFO in 1976. Their missiles failed to fire at the UFO.
Only UFOs or rockets are thought able to fly at Mach 10 or 7,612 miles per hour. If the “luminous objects” can fly at Mach 10, it suggests a reliable hypersonic reconnaissance aircraft in the US inventory. Perhaps the SR-72 is operational?
Lockheed Martin SR-72 Flies at Mach 6
Aviation Week & Space Technology, Senior Editor Guy Norris lifts the wraps on the SR-72’s cutting-edge design, including a propulsion breakthrough that would allow the aircraft to fly twice as fast as the Blackbird — six times the speed of sound — but still take off from and land on a runway like a conventional aircraft. Nearly two decades after the famed Mach 3 SR-71 Blackbird spy plane was retired, its developer, Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works, has revealed exclusively to Aviation Week that it is ready to begin development of a hypersonic successor, the SR-72. Lockheed Martin and partner Aerojet-Rocketdyne have been working in secret for seven years on the concept, which centers on integrating an off-the-shelf turbine with a scramjet to power the aircraft from standstill to Mach 6. The hypersonic aircraft is designed for both long-range strike and reconnaissance. Thanks to
Starchild Skull Researcher Lloyd Pye Has Died
I have just learned of the passing of a great man, Lloyd Pye shown here with the Starchild skull. The author and paranormal researcher died December 9, 2013, at the age of 67 after a battle with cancer. Image Credit: YouTube. He was best known for his extensive research and promotion of the Starchild skull, an abnormally shaped human-like skull that he believed was evidence of the hybridization of humans with an advanced extraterrestrial race. He was the author of several books including the novels That Prosser Kid and Mismatch.
The skull was originally discovered in a mine southwest of Chihuahua, Mexico in 1930 and was later obtained by Pye. He spent years researching and promoting the find and maintained his alien hybridization theory right up until the end. Pye will always be remembered for his devotion to finding the truth. He asked me to hold the strange skull and examine it. He was exciting to talk to and avidly believed the skull was alien and had spent a fortune with laboratories to prove his hypothesis. He will be sorely missed.
The 4000 year old Beauty of Loulan of China
Loulan was discovered in 1980, but it was 3800 years ago that she died in China on the trade route known as the Silk Road. The natural dryness and salty soil preserved her and over two hundred other mummies, who had lived in settlements along the trade route. The mummy has been called the Loulan Beauty because of her amazingly preserved stately facial features that have remained quite beautiful even in death. The Chinese government has been reluctant to allow full access to the mummies because of their Caucasian identity. The Tarim mummies look more European than Asian and may descendants of the original inhabitants of the area and not later arrivals, as Chinese history claims.
Victor Mair, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, was instrumental in getting access to these mummies genetic samples in 1993. Their findings revealed that the mummies are indeed European but they probably migrated from the Siberian region. Mainstream historians have always had the concept that early people were not world travelers when in fact most evidence points to just the opposite. Loulan’s people are clearly of Caucasian descent and their grave goods suggest that they were probably merchants of textiles.
The settlements along the Silk Road might very well have been meeting points where merchants from the west traded their goods for goods from the east. Pliny the Elder described the traders from this area as tall with flaxen hair and blue eyes. Loulan herself lived to be about 40 to 45. One of the mummies, the Yingpan Man, was six feet six inches tall and wore a red tunic with gold embroidery. He also wore a gold foil burial mask.
She probably died from lung disease and was buried in well-made woven clothing. Some of the mummies are actually wearing plaid patterned loomed cloth. Many of the mummies are tattooed like modern tattooing and one female has crescent moons and ovals tattooed on her face. A male mummy known as the Chrechen Man has sun tattoos on his temples, although the tatoos could represent UFOs. It is known that the ancient people rode horses, used chariots and had at least some medical knowledge.
The Chinese government did allow further testing in 2007 and 2009 and the findings supported the Siberian connection as well as suggesting the mixing of people from Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, Europe and other unknown sources. Thanks to Margaret Moose. I suggest the unknown sources were extraterrestrial. Almost 200 pyramids ten thousand years old are found in China near other Caucasian blonds and red heads.
New Heaven A New Earth A Novel By David E. Twichell
In a future Earth setting, the one-world government is collaborating with otherworldly beings to evacuate a race of human/ape hybrids facing extinction. New Earth is a planet in the galaxy’s fourth quadrant which, cycles earlier, proved suitable for Earth’s genetic engineering experimentation. Now, a gigantic asteroid, Laanah, is on an inescapable collision course with New Earth. Commander Eli Bertram of the interplanetary star-craft, Ark II, along with Lieutenant Abe Shunt and his trusted, diminutive gray Duplicant, Freddy, race to evacuate selected specimens before tragedy strikes. Unbeknownst to them, a particularly evil Reptilian, Gurange, has other plans for the mission’s fate. Buy Books on the Web Or send a check or money order for $9.95 to: PO Box 511, Trenton, MI 48183-0511
Sightings in the United States
Alaska Square Object
COOPER LANDING, KENAI PENINSULA — On December 30th, 2013, at 10:15 PM, driving south bound from Anchorage to Soldotna, my son Shawn driving in front of me while talking on our cell phones, said, “Wow that plane is low!” I said, “It’s going too slow for an airplane.” He said, “It’s too wide for a helicopter.” Then it hovered over the river. It had multi colored lights, more than required by FAA. It made no noise that we could hear. Thanks to
Arizona Light
SCOTTSDALE – “I was waiting in my car with my daughter for her karate lesson to begin at 1730. Around 1710 I was looking at the northern sky when what I thought at the time was a helicopter flying south bound and with a wobbling path at first then it straightened out and headed right at us. I started to point it out to my daughter and it stopped and seemed to hover and move east. My daughter spotted it and said maybe it’s a balloon, I said, “No balloon moves at the rate of speed this thing was moving at us.” My daughter’s next words were, “It looks like a triangle and I said yeah it does! It started to climb heading west. I pulled out my I-phone and started to take pictures of the metallic shinny. At 1715 the doors open for the karate lesson, and five minutes later I returned alone to my car and the object was out of sight. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Lights
WESTWOOD // CENTURY CITY– One of the most amazing four hours of my life occurred on January 17, 2014. And yes… this time I’ve got photos. However, the most amazing moment was not captured on ‘photo’ since it happened too darned fast. Just as my cam/telescope was brought to the window, the object disappeared.
This thing hovered for over four hours over my building. It seemed to cloak itself and moved around, went away until I ventured onto the roof and it reappeared. This really was something! Take a look at the photos that I included. But I would like to think that the photos of the ‘thing itself’ might leave absolutely no room for those saying its helicopters. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Lights
LUTZ — I was walking home from a friend’s house when I noticed a strange formation of lights hovering just above the tree line on February 3, 2013. This was not the first time I have seen these UFO’s. My neighbors were outside so we all watched and he pulled out his phone and recorded the event. We saw multiple circular flying orbs that were red and an orange like-fire. The objects were in a straight line ascending and descending for five minutes until they disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
On January 17, 2014, I went outside to walk my dog about 11 PM, and saw this huge orange translucent object is heading my way. Emotions flooded my brain as I tried to make sense of the object. I called my son to look. His mother and my son ran out to see the object but they could not make sense of it either. My son finally snapped a picture. It was the size of an airplane and but could not be one as it flew too slow and was too big to be a helicopter. The oval orange translucent object flew towards me silently. As I caught the side view it looked cylinder shaped. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Georgia Lights
HARTWELL –On January 12, 2014, at 8:15 PM, a Media helicopter reports witnessing three orange lights streaking across the night sky. They were visible to the witness for 10 seconds, who believes that they were within a half a nautical mile of his position, and that they were traveling at 150 to 200 knots. Toward the end of the sighting, the objects suddenly split up, and flew off in different directions at high speed. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director
Illinois Lights
CHICAGO — It was about 5:30 PM, when I went to prepare soup and looked out the kitchen window to see a stationary light on November 18, 2013. It abruptly moved east and then returned. I made a short video. I could not zoom in close enough with my iPhone camera to get a clearer picture so I ran inside to get my Olympus binoculars. I held my iPhone up to the binoculars’ and painstakingly snapped images that looked saucer shaped. It made no sound and I am convinced this was not an earthly craft. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nevada Lights
INDIAN SPRINGS– Driving north on Route 95 in early January the witness noticed high speed lights moving parallel along the mountain ranges. These lights moved four or five times faster than jet aircraft. These may be some type of advanced experimental craft from Nellis Test Range.
RACHEL — Frank J Hoary writes, “The clips are from video footage shot by me in August 1997. I shot some chemtrails all that day and 16 missiles looking objects that were never identified. The object was emitting intense light, and spinning very fast. It flew down through the clouds, hovered for about 10 minutes before flying back into the clouds.” I do have the video of these objects, shot by my girlfriend and I with two camcorders. Thanks to Frank J Khoury
New Jersey Orbs Change into Craft
EAST RUTHERFORD– I was driving on Route 3 west approaching Giant’s Stadium about 10 AM on January 6, 2014, when I saw something odd in the sky. I got my I phone ready and took a blind photo towards the object thru my windshield. I saw a big military type helicopter thru my skylight and assumed this was the object I must have seen. Looking thru my photos today I came to that photo and I am at a loss to explain what is on the image. I’m sure I captured the object thru the window. Thanks to MUFON CMS
NEWARK AIRPORT— writes, “This was taken in between the United hangars and it was forwarded to me on January 16, 2014. I can’t tell what these are since they have Strange ‘V’ shape. The mechanic who sent it was amazed by it. Thanks to Stan Cooper.
SALEM — I first noticed this white, round object that looked like a giant orb, silently hovering on December 22, 2013. After ten minutes, the object changed direction and shape. “It literally changed shape from an orb into a weird looking triangular aircraft right over top of where cattle are raised on a farm close to my house”. And days leading up to this event, the cattle had been making the worse noises I’ve ever heard any cattle ever make. My father was also a witness to this event, I should add. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Mexico Disc
LAS CRUCES— On January 17, 2014, the witness was driving from Las Cruces, late in the evening and took this photo of something that got his eye. The disc was brightly lit. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Implant
New York City – The witness states, “I did get a signed and notarized affidavit from my dentist stating his description of this thing and that in 26 years of practice, he’s never seen anything like it. It has been there since at least 2003 and to date at least six dentists and one radiologist have looked at this and have no idea what it is. I have no memory of receiving this nor was it a necessary procedure as I have excellent teeth/dental health.”The witness is a psychic medium and has had several “unusual” experiences best categorized as paranormal. She had been having problems chewing and visited a dentist because of her discomfort. Dental x-rays were taken revealing an unusual object at the top of her teeth. The dentist had no explanation for these anomalies.
The witness states, “I was having unusual experiences in 2011 with tooth pain and sensitivity. I was always having strange unexplainable experiences since at least 2007, prior to my official awakening into 2008. There was some kind of dormancy into 2007 after I had an encounter with who I believe was a human ET sunlit. After I met this person, I suddenly became obsessed with UFOs which I later found out is typical of people who have encounters. For the next nine months all I could do was research UFOs 10 to 12 hours a day and aliens as well. And then in 2008 I had another encounter with the UFO that started talking to me telepathically. Shortly after my third experience I was opened up, when this voice asked, “Do you want to be a professional psychic?” I don’t know why I just said, “Yes Yasemin and there was a flash of light and I knew I couldn’t stop doing readings for people”. I don’t know if that was divine or ET’s or both, but that is what happened. Then I started having really bizarre paranormal experiences every single day of my life. It is how I make my living now! So frankly other than the sudden deep pain, sensitivity and my tooth I couldn’t tell you specifically of anything that happened. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
South Carolina Light
SAINT STEPHEN – The light moves slowly across the scene from left to right. Video of light moving across the horizon just above the trees from left to right slowly. Event described in Case # 53486.Thanks to MUFON CMS
MYRTLE BEACH – Hard to describe the video taken on January 16, 2014. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Light
CRYSTAL SPRINGS — Wednesday, January 15, 2014, at 8:45 PM, an adult male, with considerable experience in law enforcement, reports that while he was driving north on “FM 1433,” he witnessed an object streak from his “10 o’clock” position, off to his quartering left, to his “6 o’clock” position, covering that 120-degree angle, in an estimated five seconds. During the five seconds that it was visible to the witness, the object gave off four extremely bright flashes of light, at regular time intervals. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director
EL LAGO – My two teenage girls went to check the mail and called for me to come outside on January 15, 2014. I went outside with my younger daughter and saw them pointing at a large orange/yellow sphere in the sky. It looked like fire was coming out from the bottom. It travelled silently toward us faster than a hot air balloon but slower than an airplane. It hovered near us for a few moments before it shot straight up into the air at a very high rate of speed and faded out of sight. The girls said that it changed directions and descended again over the trees and faded out, but I did not see that happen. Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virginia Sphere
ALEXANDRIA — I was walking my dog on Sunday afternoon at the school across the street from my home on January 5, 2014. As I turned to head to look up and saw what appeared to be a sphere gliding silently across the sky. I got my cell phone out of my pocket t and managed to film zoom in a bit for a brief video but I’m still unable to recognize what the object is. I kept walking my dog and as I walked beneath a part where trees overhang I lost sight of where it went. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Argentina Light
CORDOBA — On January 17, 2014, I was sitting in my house garden relaxing and meditating when I noticed the light, first it looked like a commercial airplane but then I noticed it was moving in a strangely slow velocity. When it reached a certain point near a cloud next to the moon, it hovered very still for 5 minutes, then its light stopped or disappeared and I didn’t see it anymore. I was completely frozen. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Australia Boomerang Shaped
TAYLORS BEACH, QUEENSLAND – My brother and I decided to go for a walk down the beach on Christmas Eve at 9 PM, when I saw a strange boomerang shaped blue light. I pointed it out to my brother who was quite scared by the experience and was suggesting we leave the beach. The boomerang light was moving extremely erratically until flew directly above us. It was moving at lightning speed disappearing and then reappearing only to move in the shape of a perfect half circle across the sky and repeat the process over and over again for about 3 minutes. My brother likened the experience to seeing a ghost.
RENMARK — My husband and I were sitting on the back of a houseboat fishing in the Murray River Christmas night at 10.20 PM, many miles away from any houses when all of a sudden four white lights, similar to stars appeared in the southwest sky. I told my husband to look at the moving lights that were in a box shaped formation. These gradually moved across the sky in a straight line for two minutes and then turned south. We have never seen anything like this before. Thanks to MOUNT COLAH, SYDNEY NEW SOUTH WALES – I’m 10 years old and was asleep in bed when a low rumbling noise woke me up on January 10, 2014, at 10:41 PM. It sounded like a helicopter, but much lower rumble so I looked up through my window and saw a bright sharp green circle with a green light orbiting around it. The witnesses father described that the “lights going around the central light looked like what you see on a revolving radar screen, like a fan”. I realized that the circle was an UFO. Thanks to
Canada Light
MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA— My 13 year old son took pictures with his cell phone of strange lights in the sky over Kin Coulee Park on October 13, 2013 at 10 PM. He said at first he saw five orange circle lights. He ran in the house and got his cell phone and came back out and took pictures of what he saw. He said there were then only three lights which moved slowly away and up into the clouds and disappeared. He was with his father and younger brother who also witnessed the same. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Italy Disc
CORATO — My son was playing in the swimming pool in the villa of our neighbor in August 2013. His friend was taking a video of him swimming and jumping for few seconds. Just behind my son, you can see an object crossing the video very quickly. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexico Flying Object
MEXICO CITY – On Sunday, January 12, 2014, this object was videotaped in the southern part of Mexico City at 3:14 PM. A GZ_MG630AU JVC Everio camcorder model was used to take three different shots. Thanks to
XALAPA REGION, VERACRUZ – My friend Jose posted this picture in Face Book flying above a church. Picture was taken on December 31, 2013. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Zealand Five Round Orange/Red Orbs
WHAKATANE, BAY OF PLENTY– On December 31st 2013, about 9:30 PM, my dad and uncle came inside and said, “Do you guys want to see real UFOs! We all went outside to see a flying object that radiated a vibrant orange color. We watched as three in remarkable orders disappeared reappeared and took flight, they came from different directions. We six witnesses saw another two appear before our eyes this was over a mass of about 20 minutes. They were not lanterns as they flew in different places and different directions. These things were not afraid to been seen.
Serbia Three Orange Flying Objects
BELGRADE — I was walking from the store and suddenly this orange light was about 20 meters above me on January 14, 2014 at 12:34 AM. It didn’t make any sound and just kept moving real fast in a straight line. After 20-30 seconds it was gone, but I saw another one, moving north; It was the same size moving fast. After a minute a third one flew silently above me heading northeast. I have never seen such things before. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director
Spain Flying Object
CÓRDOBA, ANDALUSIA — I was sitting in my house garden relaxing and meditating when I noticed the light on January 17, 2014, first it looked like a commercial airplane but then I noticed it was moving in a strangely slow velocity. When it reached a certain point near a cloud next to the moon, it hovered very still for 5 min, then its light stopped or disappeared and I didn’t see it anymore. I was completely frozen. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Africa Shape of Big Family Car
REEDS, CENTURION, GAUTENG – A red light approached me from the east and passed directly over me 7:40 PM. At first I thought it was a flare as lots of fireworks were shot for New Year’s Eve, but then I noted it was travelling west at great speed with a big red light visible only till it passed overhead silently and then no lights at all. I could see a black object against clouds that looked like a big family car. It had no metallic glint/sheen and was dull black as it disappeared. Thanks to
United Arab Emirates like a Star
RUWAIS, Abu Dhabi – On December 30th 2013, my friend and I were standing in the bus station at 7:00 PM and when I look up and saw a bright light moving straight east. In the middle the objects got brighter and disappeared in the sky. I use to see this kind of objects in my area, but I am confused because the military base is also near to my place. Most of the nights these kind of objects use to appear and disappear in the sky. Thanks to
UK/ Bright Orange Sphere
LONDON — I was driving home after work and noticed a bright orange ball heading west on January 17, 2014. It looked like a fireball. It definitely was not the type of lights you would see on a normal plane. The color was so bright I had to stop my car to take a picture. Unfortunately there was traffic behind me so couldn’t stop much longer. I was almost in shock as I’ve never seen anything like it before. Thanks to MUFON CMS
TEIGNMOUTH, DEVON – I have been seeing a lot of USO Activity off the southwest coast of England lately. This leaves me to believe that there is an Alien base somewhere in the vicinity. The photo was taken in Teignmouth, Devon on January 11, 2014 at 4:50 PM. These objects were seen by me entering the water. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
Venezuela Dish
CARACAS– I was in a park where almost everything looks alicante and I saw a steady light that started to increase and decrease its light. Several other people who were with me watched as the light began to move to the right. Then several lights moved left in a straight line next to each other. Then I realized it was a disc spinning like a dish. It then returned to where it was at first and beamed spotlights shining down and out towards the ground, and then disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
25-01-2014 om 01:12
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UFOs and Area 51: The Bob Lazar Video Alien Technology
UFOs and Area 51: The Bob Lazar Video – Alien Technology
On a dark and lonely road in the mountains of Mexico Carlos Diaz had an encounter with UFOs that changed his life forever.
Over 12,000 eyewitnesses, including journalists, scientists and even the Mayor of Mexico City, also share this same story of an alien encounter with UFOs. Now, 20 years later, alien encounters with UFOs over Mexico continue at an alarming rate.
Get all of the facts in this amazing program which is considered the most comprehensive investigation of UFO alien contacts ever produced for home viewing. Learn about messages received by Carlos Diaz from his UFO alien encounters and what meaning they may hold for us here on Earth.
Features stunning film footage video and photos of alien UFOs along with an unprecedented collection of interviews with researchers eyewitnesses experiencers and the best known most credible UFO authorities in the world today.
On July 1, 1965 in Valensole, Basses Alpes, France, farmer Maurice Masse was inspecting his field of lavender when he heard a whistling sound, then noticed an egg-shaped object with six thin legs and a central pedestal standing nearby. A classic close encounter case from France. At the same time, he also saw two “small boys,” humanoid-looking beings less than four feet tall, dressed in grayish-green one-piece coveralls.
On July 1, 1965, near Valensole, France, a farmer named Maurice Masse noticed something unusual in his lavender field. It was around 5:45 a.m., as Masse was smoking himself a cigarette before starting his tractor, when he was suddenly startled by a whistling noise. At the time, he was positioned next to a 7-foot-tall rubble pile at the edge of a vineyard, so he had to step out from around this to view the source of the sound. It was then that he saw something shaped rather like a rugby ball and about the size of a Dauphine automobile, resting on four legs some 200 feet away in his lavender field. Close to the curious looking object were two figures resembling “boys of about eight years.” More curious than afraid, Masse approached and when he got within approx. 15-20 feet of the figures, they became aware of his presence and stood up. Masse described the beings as less than 4 feet tall, as dressed in gray-green overalls with smooth, bald, pumpkin like heads, large slanted eyes, and with little holes for their mouths. They made grunting sounds between them, although their mouths did not change appearance, and Masse was not sure where on their bodies the noise was coming from.
One of the beings pointed a pencil-like object at Masse, whereupon he found that he could no longer move. Then the being placed the object into a small case or holster on its left side, and then the two beings moved with great agility toward the UFO, which they entered through a sliding door. Then with a whistling noise the UFO lifted off the ground and within seconds had disappeared in a westerly direction. After about 20 minutes, Masse had regained full control of his body again.
Marks from the apparent craft remained visible on the ground. Three days after the incident, Masse suffered a great loss of energy. He slept 12 to 14 hours on the first day, and then the next day he slept nearly 24 hours. It was several weeks before he was able to resume his normal sleep routine.
A number of investigators who had interviewed Masse (including the distinguished Professor Jacques Vallee) concluded that he wasn’t telling the whole story. Though he hinted that there had been some sort of communication between himself and the beings, he never revealed the particulars to investigators. He told Vallee that one was best off not sharing such encounters with anyone, even family. “One always says too much,” he added. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
“Streetcap1 of Youtube recorded this UFO near the ISS this week and it has a light that is coming down against the outer wall of the ISS itself. Amazing catch and just goes to prove that if you try to catch a UFO on live cam at the ISS, you will succeed sooner or later. Awesome catch!” says Scott Waring, author of UFO Sightings Daily.
Harvard Psychiatry Professor, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and Nobel Prize winner, Dr. John Mack, a celebrated man of science, lost everything when he reluctantly agreed to work with alleged alien abductees and drew a conclusion that completely shattered and transformed his worldview and his life.
Dr. John E. Mack …in his own words:
“I have come to realize this alien encounter phenomenon forces us, if we permit ourselves to take it seriously, to re-examine our perception of human identity — to look at who we are from a cosmic perspective.
“These phenomena tell us many things about ourselves and the universe that challenge the dominant materialistic paradigm. They reveal that our understanding of reality is extremely limited, the cosmos is more mysterious than we have imagined, there are other intelligences all about (some of which may be able to reach us), and our knowledge of the properties of the physical world is far from complete.
“The secular assumptions about reality, dominant during my university training, were in fact a grand illusion, a materialist superstition that had kept Western thought stranded and imprisoned for the last 300 years. How do the keepers of the dying, yet more traditional paradigm respond to these phenomena? Many raise the cry of ‘pseudoscience’.
“The methods of science — hypothesis, testing, rigor, experimentation, control — are valuable and essential for studying phenomena that reside primarily in the material world. But they may be inadequate for exploring matters that straddle the visible and unseen realms. They surely are insufficient for learning about realities beyond the manifest. Here we must rely more upon experience, intuition, non-ordinary states of consciousness, and holistic or heart knowing, thoughtfully and rigorously applied.
”The alien encounter experience seems almost like an outreach program from the cosmos to the consciously impaired.
On April 25, 1977 in Pampa Lluscuma (near Putre), Chile a soldier was in shock after a strange, five-day saga with a UFO. Six members of an army patrol saw two bright objects descending from the sky. Cpl. Armando Valdes, the patrol leader, set out alone to investigate and, according to the men, simply vanished. Fifteen minutes later, they said, he reappeared, tried to speak and passed out. The date on his watch had been advanced five days, and he now had about a week’s growth of beard.
“You don’t know who we are or where we come from but we will be back soon.” These are the strange words uttered by Corporal Armando Valdes, leader of a Chilean military patrol. Just some 15 minutes previously he had been subjected to a mysterious UFO encounter at Pampa Lluscuma near Putre in Chile. The date was April 25, 1977 and the time about 4:00 AM. Putre is 50 air miles ENE of Arica, a larger city in Chile.
Corporal Valdes was in charge of a patrol on routine assignment near Putre in the early morning hours of April 25, 1977. He and his six-man patrol were sitting around a campfire alongside a wall of stones and mud at the secret army post of Pampa Lluscuma. They were talking and singing quite a while to stay awake. Two of the men kept watch several feet away. About four in the morning one of the men. Private Rosales, ran back to Valdes to report that two bright violet lights had landed, one of which was in sight and illuminated the whole area. The light approached closer. Valdes ordered his men to cover up their fire with blankets. The violet light with a red spot at each end withdrew and then returned closer. The patrol was terrified.
There was no sound with the UFO motion. The Chilean high plateau was amazingly silent. Corporal Valdes stated “after praying to God and ordering the light to leave…after demanding that it identify itself, I moved a few meters away from my men.” The corporal moved toward the object. He disappeared for some 15 minutes. When he reappeared, he was shaking and his voice seemed different. The light had been illuminating the whole area. As Corporal Valdes reappeared he was heard to utter the words at the beginning of this article. He then became unconscious and was attended by his fellow men till he awoke some two hours later. The UFO also disappeared about this time.
While the unconscious Corporal Valdes was assisted by his patrol, his men made another strange observation. They saw that Valdes had a beard growth equivalent to several days without shaving. He had been well shaven before the incident. As Valdes awoke he exclaimed, “I don’t remember anything from the moment I left you.” He then ordered, “Get ready to leave because it’s 4:30 in the morning. It was actually about 7 AM. His calendar watch had stopped at 4:30 but the date was five days advanced – to the 30th instead of the 25th.
These are the bizarre circumstances in the case. Many of the details were related some two hours after the incident to Pedro Araneda, a correspondent and lecturer. The presence of UFOs are not a surprise to Corporal Valdes. He, as well as others in the interior of Chile near Arica, often see luminous UFOs moving about the skies. Valdes states, “The surprising thing was the way it approached us. As soldiers we are trained to deal with any situation. But this phenomenon didn’t seem to have any logical explanation. I would like to regain my memory of those fifteen minutes. I would even like to submit to hypnosis to draw out information about what happened.”
President and Commander in Chief Augusto Pinochet of Chile has prohibited further interviews with the soldiers. Medical, psychiatric and eventually hypnotic tests are planned for member of the patrol to confirm their stories. Meanwhile more sightings have occurred at Arica, Punta Arenas, Santiago, and other locations up and down the 2700 mile length of Chile. NASA and the University of Chile jointly operate a space tracking station north of Santiago, Chile. Officials of the station could offer nothing to elucidate the facts in this case. The time fact in this particular case – increased beard growth and accelerated clock time – are elements which make this case exceptional and worthy of further consideration. – APRO, July, 1977
Source: Terra Chile Date: 02.01.2011
Chile: Controversy Over an Intriguing UFO Case
The Valdés Case – the most paradigmatic episode of Chilean ufology – has been revisited in “La noche de los centinelas” (The Night of the Sentries), an 8-year-long journalistic investigation that looks into background events, locates the protagonists and “uncovers more than one surprise”, according to the author.
It occurred one early morning on April 1977 near Putre, in the Chilean highlands.
Eight young soldiers were keeping watch around a fire when they were startled by the appearance of two ghostly lights of unknown origin in the vicinity of some nearby hills.
One of them disappeared behind a small hill while the other placed itself at the foot of a mountain, flying over the area and engaging in approach-and-retreat maneuvers before the eyes of the disconcerted soldiers.
After three minutes of terror, corporal Armando Valdés, in charge of the squad, walked away from his companions toward the light. The young conscripts watched him vanish from sight for 15 minutes, during which their calls for him and their search yielded no result.
At a given moment, they heard the subofficer’s voice pleading for help, and they saw him walking toward them unsteadily. He had a dense growth of beard despite having been clean-shaven just minutes earlier, and the calendar on his digital watch was five days fast.
The startled conscripts settled him near the fire. And that was when he said, in a strange voice:” “You will never know who we are, nor where we come from, but we will return again.” He then fell asleep.
The case became a journalistic sensation and achieved global notoriety. But within days, its protagonists slipped into obscurity and Corporal Valdés became a legend.
Twenty-five years later, journalist and researcher Patricio Abuselme took up the challenge of reinvestigating the case and interview its main protagonists, an effort which is summarized in his book La noche de los sentinelas, an in-depth journalistic investigation on the incident, which he published in late 2010 under his own publishing house – Terra Incognita.
“This is the case that made Chilean ufology known worldwide. However, no one bothered to conduct a serious, in-depth investigation of the case. I took up the challenge in 2002, and it took me eight years to compile the protagonists’ accounts and reassemble this “impossible story”, says the author.
In less than 300 pages, Abusleme provides a comprehensive view of the case, from the first journalistic dispatches reporting the incident to exclusive interviews with the main protagonists, including subofficer Valdés (Ret.) – unpublished details and conclusions that the author has described as preliminary.
“When I started this investigation, I did so in the secret hope of explaining the whole case in conventional terms. And I thought I was well on the way until the main protagonist of the story debunked the cases most controversial aspects – the growth of his beard and the wristwatch’s date change – by providing conventional explanations. The problem is that when I tried to corroborate it with the other witnesses, they provided a version that was mutually congruent, but at odds with the one offered by Valdés. For this reason, the book poses a controversy,” says Abusleme.
“If someone is looking for a story of mystics in direct contact with Martians, he or she won’t find it here. What they will find is information, information and more information. The outcome of a detailed journalistic investigation that enables the reconstruction of an intriguing real case that captured headlines over 30 years ago.”
SANTIAGO, Chile — A Chilean soldier is still in shock after a weird, five-day ordeal with a UFO.
This is his story.
It was 4:15 a.m. in Chile’s far north desert country,
Six members of an army patrol were bedded down around a campfire while two men stood guard. Suddenly, two bright objects began descending from the sky.
One dropped into the Andes foothills out of direct sight, but the men in the patrol, now fully awake, could see the glow of its light.
The second, they said, lowered almost to the ground about 500 yards away from the camp. The men said it shone with a violet light with two points of intense red.
Cpl. Armando Valdes, the patrol leader, ordered the soldiers to take up their weapons. Then he set out alone to investigate and, according to the men, simply vanished. Fifteen minutes later, they said, he reappeared, tried to speak and passed out.
They said he regained consciousness about 7 a.m. but that his watch showed only 4:30, the approximate time he reappeared. They also said the date on the watch had been advanced five days, and that Yaldes now had about a week’s growth of beard.
According to his comrades, when Valdes was beginning to regain consciousness he said: “You do not know who we are, nor where we come from. But I tell you that we will soon return.”
This purported sighting occurred April 25, and since the soldiers’ tale was publicized dozens of other unidentified flying objects have been reported up and down the 2,700-mile length of Chile.
Valdes says he does not recall anything that happened during the 15 minutes he was missing-Some skeptics said the soldiers may have seen a desert mirage. But other sightings have been reported on the outskirts of this capital city, in the rainy lake region about BOO mites to the south, and over the Straits of Magellan at I he cold southern tip of the continent.
The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the University of Chile jointly operate a space tracking station a few miles north of Santiago, but officials at the station had no official comment on the reports.
A source at the station who asked not to be identified said he felt some of the previous UFO sightings in Chile were satellites or airplanes. But he said the most, recent sightings, made at relatively close distances, did not appear to be satellites.
Oscar Bravo, a radio announcer at Punta Arenas, the major town on the Straits of Magellan, said he awoke about 3 a.m. one night and went, to the kitchen for a glass of water.
“First, I noticed the sky was bright,” he said.
“This caused me to open the curtains, and I could see these two things suspended in the air emitting a strong light, bright and orange.
“The light went out but returned, with a violent color. Then these two things, of oval shape, moved at a rapid speed, opening themselves like a V and closing at a higher point in the sky.” They finally disappeared over the straits, he said.
A few nights later, passengers on a bus going from Puerto Monti to Puerto Varas in southern Chile said they saw something similar about. 100 yards above them in the sky.
Several people who have seen UFOs recently estimated their size at about 12 feet in diameter. Most say they are round or oval—”like a huge wagon wheel,” said one woman. – Associated Press / San Antonio News, May 23, 1977
TEMUCO, September 26, 2003 – In an exclusive interview with, legendary corporal Armando Valdes claimed that from the start he knew ha had not been abducted. From his home in Temuco, he stated that his story had been misinterpreted, “although the matter of the beard and the wristwach was true”.
He likewise spoke about his current project: a book that should appear by year’s end in which he retells his version of the events which transpired on April 25, 1977 in Chile’s First Region.
Terra: Recently, you have been engaged in discreet research into your experience. Is this true?
AV: Yes, in fact I’ve been fully involved in developing my book and furthermore, looking into my experience, since I wish to be as factual as possible in my story.
Terra: As a result of this research, have you returned to the scene of the events?
AV: Yes, I went back in November 2002–25 years later…Pampa Lluscuma and the remains of the horse stables where the events occure. There, in the company of researcher and journalist Patricio Abusleme, we recreated the events and made a series of measurements, gathering very significant background information.
Terra: How did you feel about going back?
AV: As you can imagine, it was shocking. It was the first time I went back after two decades. It was a motivating experience which allowed me, first and foremost, to confirm or recall certain detaills which were lost with the passing of time.
Terra: While much was said about the “abduction” of Corporal Valdés, there was none. What’s your version?
AV: Truly, I wasn’t abducted. This is the reason for sensitive nature of what I’m putting forth in the book. Some important background details are being released.
Terra: Did you think at any time that you had been abducted or did you always know this wasn’t the case?
AV: Look, it’s really complicated to explain all of a sudden. That’s the reason behind my trip to Putre, my scientific studies and the book I’m writing, because it’s all very complicated.
Terra: But did you think at first that you’d been abducted?
AV: I would say that I knew immediately how things had happened. What I’m explaining in my book [is making known] the reasons for which certain items went off on another track.
Terra: In other words, your initial story was misconstrued?
AV: Indeed. I didn’t think at first that I’d been abducted, althought the matter of the growth of beard is true, as well as the subject of my wristwatch. Buf for this reason I have taken to writing the book to explain the reasons behind all of these things.
Terra: Lately you have been silent in the media. Why is this?
AV: What’s happening is that I’m engrossed in finishing my book. I wanted to work in silence until the task was done.
Terra: When can we expect the book to be published?
AV: In the book itself I say that it’s been a serious mistake to promise dates. Many special situations have occurred–some very strange things–but I’m making an effort to finish it by the end of the year. I’m giving it my all, since I’d like to finish it as soon as possible.
Terra: Any options to publish the book abroad?
AV: Yes, there have been offers from abroad, but I don’t want to entertain them until the book is finished. My greatest desire is for everyone to read it, since I have a message for all humankind in it. Therefore its publication in Chile or elsewhere is unimportant. We will decide where to publish it at some point.
Terra: I understand that you are a [born again] christian and an evangelical. Is this true?
AV: Yes, I am, and a teacher of the evangelical faith.
Terra: How have your religious surroundings influenced your story? Or rather, how has your story been received?
AV: My story and explanations have been accepted to a certain extent, and I have told them certain things and in a certain manner. There are many who hold points of view different from my own and I don’t have to deny that there are contradictions. But as I said, the story is mine and they have not influenced me at all regarding my book. In fact, there are those who may agree or not agree with my book tomorrow, and will not stop what I’m doing.
Terra: Would you say that the experience you underwent in Pampa Lluscuma was more of a spiritual than a ufological event?
AV: There are mixed items. The term UFO today is contaminated by another type of thing, and I prefer to speak in terms of FANI (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). I think that in my experience there is a bit of everything–a good measure of paranormal phenomena, strange effects, lights, many things acting in unision and this is what I am showing in my book, although it’s been hard for me to convey on paper what I felt, what I experienced and what really happened.
Terra: Finally, are you in touch with those who also took part in the unusual event and who formed part of your patrol?
AV: Yes, over the phone more than anything. For some reason we haven’t been able to have a closer relationship, but we are in touch by phone and I must say that we currently have disagreements over the events that occured. Some are telling another story. – Terra Networks Chile S.A
Hey NASA Why Didn’t You tell Us About This Anomaly
A group of debris or a group of UFO’s? NASA missing frames yet again. TEN streaks all going in the same direction. Check it out, mystery objects and NASA has missing footage as usual!
Are you prepared?
2 Planet Like Mystery Objects In Sat Images & 1 Possible Cylinder UFO
CERTAIN CHANGES ARE COMING OUR WAY. ARE YOU READY, ARE YOU PREPARED?PLEASE DO NOT STAY STUCK IN DENIAL! Our time truly is limited. Sure, people have been saying that they are in the “end times” for ages now, saying that “Jesus is coming soon”. Seriously these Jesus freaks keep on saying the same thing and nothing ever really happens. In fact, it is such an old “war cry” that you have tuned it out which in turn has hardened your heart to the warnings. Please just take a quick glance at the news headlines and put the pieces together. There is no denying the signs, the “labor pains” and symptoms any longer. And labor pains progress, they do not diminish.
Are you prepared? Are you protected?
If you are scoffing at the warnings, guess what? You are fulfilling prophecy and you are only hurting yourself and any of those who may be listening to you. Check it out, I’m not putting you on: 2 Peter 3:3, 4 and also in Jude 1:18,19 both are in the New Testament. Get saved; you are going to need His protection. More importantly, you will definitely need your salvation for all of eternity. I don’t know you, but I certainly care about you and your eternity. This is not a gimmick; the only thing I gain from you trusting God is another brother or sister in the Lord.
The ULTIMATE Preparation Right Here:God, Please remove any deception that I may have listened to, believed or embraced that is hindering me from knowing the truth. Because I am not perfect, I am a sinner that needs forgiveness and I ask You to forgive me. I believe You are Savior and Lord Who shed Your Holy, Sinless Blood and died for my sins to be forgiven, and rose from the dead; You live forever. I want to turn away from (repent) my sins. I invite You, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, God the Messiah to come into my heart and life as Savior and Lord. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and personal Savior. In the all powerful Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray. Amen.
The content in the video(s) do not necessarily reflect my personal viewpoint or opinion. FBI WARNING: Federal law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video tapes, or video disks under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. This infringement of copyright is called FAIR USE… and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody.
By William Hamilton III
The alleged recovery of a flying disk near Roswell,New Mexico in July 1947 has sparked discussions, opinions, and reports that the U.S. Army and Air Force studied the remnants of the disk, especially the methods and modes of its propulsion with the intent of “reverse engineering” the advanced technology found in the alien craft. Is it even possible to comprehend such advanced technology much less attempt to duplicate its function? We will examine these possibilities in this article and try to sum up what has been learned to date.
Alien astronautics is a subject predicated on the existence of intelligent alien life forms whose evolution occurred on an extraterrestrial world and who developed means to travel from their world to other worlds in spacecraft. Reverse engineering is predicated on the fact that we have acquired alien hardware through flight systems failure of an alien spacecraft or through communication and negotiation. Reverse engineering of mechanical parts requires extraction of information about an instance of a particular part sufficient to replicate the part using appropriate fabrication techniques.
A human-fabricated spacecraft consists of many sub-systems integrated through various operational parameters. Our first search in the case of an alien spacecraft would be for recognizable systems and parts; foremost among these would be some sort of propulsion system.
The most prominent UFO crash-retrieval case, of course, is the Roswell case, but other UFO crash events have been reported, and a few investigated to lend support to the idea that some UFOs have malfunctioned and crash-landed on earth despite advanced technology. Some of our most advanced aircraft, including the F-117A stealth fighter, have malfunctioned and crashed. Sensitive electronic systems when exposed to sources of electromagnetic radiation have been known to fail or receive anomalous signals that caused the system to malfunction. It is not inconceivable that alien technology could have vulnerable sensitive systems, especially when operating in foreignenvironments.
The first objective in the military recovery of foreign vehicles is to examine the vehicle for new and advanced technology with a view toward reproducing that technology through devising methods of fabrication and manufacturing. If this technology comes from another off-world culture, the objective has an even higher priority as such a culture has demonstrated a feat beyond the capability of our own technology. The military thinking on this is to treat such incursions by alien technology as possibly hostile and a threat to our national and global security. We must act to even the odds as soon as possible to develop counter-measures to a possible military threat to our systems of defense. This is why reverse engineering becomes imperative.
Some of the systems that would be studied include:
In addition to these systems, the actual material structure of the spacecraft would be studied. If the aliens were found wearing flight suits, a study would be made of the material and methods of fabrication. If the spacecraft were able to defend itself through high-speed aerobatic maneuvering or using defensive shields or counter-measures, an assessment of these capabilities would be of prime importance. The study would have to eventually extend into other scientific fields to obtain a broader picture of the alien’s origin and mission,which would include autopsies of alien bodies and a profiling of the alien psychology and motivation. In fact, every clever way that you could think of would be used to study the alien and the technology. And all of this would have to be conducted in utmost secrecy so as to maintain a decided advantage in the scheme of things in the global political arena.
Reverse Engineering is the process of figuring out how a system was made without having instructions or diagrams. Unless the system is very complex, it is often possible to do this without actually having a sample of the system. Some of the engineering disciplines that exist today that would engagein reverse engineering are culled from a list:
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Computer Technology
Adaptive Systems and Artificial
Life – Artificial Intelligence -
Computer Mediated Communication and Control Systems
Additionally, unknown systems that may enhance alien psionic interfaces or alien teleportation systems may not even be conceived of within our own technological framework. Some of these systems may be less amenable to reverse engineering until the time we make appropriate scientific discoveries. First, a word about reverse engineering and then we will examine some of the claims that have been made and what we can infer about the evolution of our own technology based on testimony given by a number of sources some of which still prefer to remain anonymous. We must also understand how secret projects are classified and conducted in the Black World.
What distinguishes ‘reverse engineering’ from forward engineering? In a sense most engineering starts as reverse engineering as inventors puzzled out how to imitate nature. Some of the first designs for flying machines imitated the flapping wings of birds to obtain lift. Nature is a large inspiration to engineers and inventors. Science may try to wrest the secrets of nature, but it is engineering that attempts to imitate or even surpass the works of nature. We mustn’t forget that termites and moles have constructed underground structures and beavers have built dams. Certain fish propel themselves through water using jet propulsion. As soon as science uncovers more secrets, engineers attempt to put them to use. Forward engineering proceeds from there and attempts to improve on the original inspired work.
In a sense, the arguments against reverse engineering alien technology are similar to the arguments against ancient astronauts engineering ancient buildings. Essentially that argument is that humans are and were smart enough to conceive, design, and build all the technological wonders that we enjoy. While this may be true we must bear in mind my former statement that much of what man has built is inspired by his observations of nature. We are not discrediting man’s accomplishments by saying that certain technological developments may have been inspired by other preceding technological developments, whether human or alien.
The tales of reverse engineering alien technology are based on the reports of UFO crashes and military recovery efforts. Here is a partial list of UFO crashes that have been uncovered from the years 1947 through 1953:
1941 Cape Girardeau, Missouri
1947 May – Spitzbergen, Norway
1947 May 31- Socorro, NM
1947 July 4 Roswell, NM
1947 July 5 – Plains of San Augustin, NM
1947 July 31 - Maury Island, Tacoma
1947 August 13 – New Mexico Desert
1947 October - Paradise Valley, AZ
1948 February 13 – Aztec, NM
1948 April – 12 mi. outside Aztec, NM
1948 March 25 – White Sands, NM
1948 7/8 July – Laredo/30mi inside Mexico
1948 August - Laredo, Texas
1949 - Roswell, NM
1950 January - Mojave Desert, Ca
1950 Dec 6 – El Indio/Guerrero area, Tex/Mex border
1952 June - Spitzbergen, Norway
1953 - Brady, Montana
1953 20/21st May – Kingman, AZ A friend of mine met Charlie in a photocopy shop in the summer of 94. Charlie was contacting OMNI magazine about their article on the UFO cover up. I met Charlie later after writing a letter to him that he never received. Instead, I received a reply from a veteran’s organization that warned me not to contact Charlie anymore. According to the letter of reply the subject of UFOs was classified permanently.
It also stated that UFOs and aliens should be the responsibility of the military and that civilians had no business delving into military secrets. Nevertheless, Charlie contacted me later through our local MUFON group.
Charlie had been in the Marines and aboard the U.S.S. Oriskany aircraft carrier in 1958 during the early Vietnam era. His father was a commander in the navy and was stationed with the Pentagon’s Research and Development Board. His father had been with President Eisenhower at Edwards AFB in 1954 when an extraterrestrial spacecraft had landed. The base had already been renamed Edwards at the time of the occurrence and was no longer known as Muroc (Corum spelled backwards after one of the early families who settled in the Mojave Desert). Charlie said the aliens at Edwards were human types with flaxen hair and pale blue eyes. Charlie’s first experience occurred when he was assigned to a special operations team that retrieved a crashed disk in
Vietnam and stowed aboard the aircraft carrier. According to Charlie, this disk was 10 meters in diameter and lighter than a Volkswagen. It had a crew of two aliens. The recovery team transported the disc back to the Oriskany where it was stored on the flight deck between mattresses that were used to cushion the craft on deck. A tarpaulin was thrown over the disc and when the Oriskany put into port in
San Francisco, the cover story told by the Captain was that a special water tank was being brought in for maintenance and the tarpaulin was used to protect it from storms at sea. Charlie referred to this disc as the IRC-10. IRC is an abbreviation for Instellar Reconnaissance Craft. Charlie refers to the Sports Model as an IRC-16 because it is 16 meters in diameter. It is not known whether these metrics are exact.
Charlie explains that not all UFOs or discs are from another planet. Some are from a parallel world. These parallel worlds exist in another time dimension. It’s as if our universe runs on the beat on one clock and another on the beat of another clock. Normally, the two are out of phase and there is no interaction between universes, but, occasionally, there are locations where the two universes synchro-phase and a portal opens up between the two allowing passage from one to another. Many discs originate from another dimension and use a transpatial field resonator to bridge the gap between their universe and ours.
The aliens project their thoughts into a thought amplifier plate that carries signals to the avionics controls via optical fibers. Another saucer scientist, Bill Uhouse of Las Vegas, says that he designed flight simulators for our pilots because our pilots had difficulty controlling the aliens’ avionics.
Bill worked at Los Alamos in conjunction with an alien scientist on designing a simulator using our own avionics technology. Bill said that General Electric built the anti gravity engines for U.S. discs and Westinghouse provided the nuclear reactors to power the engines. I asked him if he knew any reason why U.S. discs could not fly in space and he replied that he thought they could. Bill was a Mechanical Design Engineer when he was recruited for this highly secure position.
On September 23, 1990 I was introduced to a man named Ozzie who related a detailed story of his participation in two crash-retrievals while he was in the Army stationed at Roswell in 1948 and 1949. This is a single-witness story that has not been corroborated by other witnesses. He doesn’t know the exact dates of the crashes, but believes the first one occurred in the desert near Socorro, New Mexico. His recounting of this incident took place inside of a locked car with rolled-up windows, which seemed a little paranoid to me. There was no doubt that he came across as sincere, answering all my questions without hesitation and to the best of his knowledge. His attitude was one of not caring whether he was believed or not as he claimed he had already been the butt of much ridicule. He currently held a job at a large aerospace company and did not want to publicly divulge his background. I found this to be the case with other witnesses I have interviewed.
One night in 1948 he was called out of his barracks to climb aboard a bus that looked like an old school bus with darkened windows. After hours of riding through the desert on a generally westward course, the bus came to a stop during the very early hours of the morning and he could see a disk standing on the desert sands illuminated by floodlights. It was like a movie set, but there were no movie cameras or directors barking orders. The disk was silvery and about 30 feet in diameter. He learned that two aliens were recovered from the disk. One was alive. White-coated doctors walked the live alien around the site. It lived for 12 hours. The disk had one compartment with a shaft running up the center of the compartment. The exterior hull of the craft felt smooth and slippery to the touch. Ozzie said that only 3 men lifted the lightweight craft onto a flat bed truck. Men went ahead and scouted a back roads transport of the truck away from the site. Ozzie accompanied a scientist who caravanned along the back roads until they reached their ultimate destination at a little auxiliary airfield on the edge of Groom Lake in Nevada.
There were only five buildings at this airfield and they arrived at night. The truck drove up to one of the buildings and Ozzie saw two living aliens standing by this building. One of the doors of the building opened, he could see that six other disks had already been retrieved and placed inside the building.
The whole recovery team was taken into a room in another one of the buildings and debriefed. Ozzie saw pictures on the wall of the room that depicted six different types of aliens. He remembers that one of the aliens looked human. Short grays were also in one of the pictures. He did not say whether these were photos or drawings, but he called them pictures so I assume they were photos. At one point during the debriefing, a small alien appeared to pass through one of the walls of the room. He was holding a small black box that Ozzie called an “augmenter.”
Ozzie made some interesting detailed observations, but it is admitted that his story has bizarre elements to it. But, when we compare some of these bizarre elements to stories told by abductees they seem less bizarre by far. We find it hard to believe that the military had such a high degree of involvement with aliens as early as 1948.
Ozzie claims that he was called out on a second retrieval in 1949 at close to the same site as the first retrieval. The second disk was 100 feet in diameter and ten dead crew were found at the site. Their skin had turned a purplish color. These beings were about 5′ 8″ in height. Ozzie had to carry one of the aliens and estimated its weight at only 55 pounds. He was very emotional about this incident. The aliens were dressed in one-piece coveralls that have a Velcro-type fastener at the back. Of course, velcro-type fasteners did not exist in 1949 and Ozzie is only comparing what he saw to what we know today. The big disk had a conveyor on the floor that transported the crew from one control center to another. There was also an instrument that contained colored fluids. A central column ran through the center of the craft, which had multiple rectangular compartments. When inside the control room of the craft, Ozzie said you could plainly see through the sidewall of the craft and the desert was plainly visible even at night. The metal of the craft could not be marred with any of our tools. This disk was also transported to the site at Groom Lake.
That ended Ozzie’s involvement in crash-retrievals though he has kept in contact with others he had met during his involvement. He also claims that he has a photo of the second retrieval locked in a vault or safekeeping. He does not know when it might become safe enough to bring out this photo as evidence. So we are left with another story and no corroborating evidence, but a pattern begins to emerge from the details as we talk to other witnesses.
A man named Frenchie was stationed at Edwards AFB in 1951 when he was called out of his barracks along with others because something had crashed just south of the air base. When he got to the site, he was not allowed to get any closer than an outer established security perimeter, but could see men lifting up large chunks of metal. Sheets of metal were all over the crash site, but no engine or fuselage was visible. Frenchie said they had to cut out a piece of a C-47 to enlarge its door to fit a large piece of the retrieved material into the plane for transport. The large piece was lightweight and was lifted by two men. Frenchie never found out what the object was.
A lot of this crash debris was supposedly transported to the Air Material Command at Wright Field. However, craft recovered in one piece were probably shipped elsewhere, perhaps Groom Lake. The engineering division at Wright Field called T-3 had already concluded that the UFOs were advanced aircraft or spacecraft, which used nonconventional methods of propulsion and were constructed from composite layers of lightweight material. It was the opinion of the General staff that the unidentified objects were interplanetary spacecraft.
There are more reports that can be added to the list up to the present year. However, investigators have obtained little information on most of these, little to no corroboration by multiple witnesses, and questionable physical evidence. Yet the stories persist and the list has gotten longer over the years. The Roswell incident has been the most compelling of the crash-retrieval stories because of the sheer number of witnesses who have testified to this event, albeit there are discrepancies when trying to recreate the actual scenario of events. Without publicly available records and mostly human testimony, the actual events around these early crashes may never be known.
The military agenda for recovered alien vehicles was to learn as much as possible about the technology. To do this, they had to turn to the experts in corporate America, to companies they had a long-standing relationship with, and which had the facilities to conduct studies and maintain the vow of silence on their findings.
The engineering of secret technology to satisfy DOD requests is conducted under a classified umbrella of programs and projects, the most secretive of which are known as Special Access Programs. There are even unacknowledged SAPs. This is what has been referred to as The Black World. Lockheed Skunkworks developed the U-2 and SR-71 spy planes in the Black World.
The money for financing these projects is part of a black military budget that recently exceeded $14 billion. This does not include the cost of operations and construction. Two of our famous stealth aircraft, the B-2 and the F-117 were born in the Black World, but have become a part of the white world. The existence of the so-called Aurora spy plane was denied by the Air Force. The expenditure of these funds is in itself a secret and a mystery. We now know that Area 51, the Nevada flight test base has been the home of classified aircraft projects since 1955. Engineers, technicians, and security personnel generally do not talk about their experiences in the Black World. In some cases, workers have reported that security was oppressive. I have had engineers tell me that not only were their activities at work monitored, but their leisure-time activities and their conversations with friends.
The back engineering of alien space technology would probably rank as the deepest Black World project in terms of secrecy and security. It also carries with it a natural cloak of security—it sounds too incredible to be true. Many would not believe it without an overwhelming presentation of evidence, and, yet the intense security surrounding these projects makes it nearly impossible to obtain that evidence. Researchers have attempted to obtain what little evidence they can from testimony, leaked documents, and direct observations of secret sites outsidethe security perimeters of these sites.
With the handicap of limited disclosure we can still try to reconstruct an overview for alien astronautical systems and, from this, learn something about the aliens who developed this artful handiwork.
In 1997 (Ret) Colonel Philip J. Corso’s book hit the UFO book market with a splash. The Day After Roswell contained some eye-opening revelations. The Colonel divulges how he spearheaded the Army’s super secret reverse-engineering project that “seeded” extraterrestrial technology at American corporations such as IBM, Hughes Aircraft, Bell Labs, and Dow Corning – without their knowledge. He describes the devices found aboard the Roswell craft, and how they became the precursors for today’s integrated circuit chips, fiber optics, lasers, night-vision equipment, super-tenacity fibers (such as Kevlar plastic armor), and classified discoveries, such as psychotropic devices that can translate human thoughts into signals that control machinery, Stealth aircraft technology, and Star Wars particle-beam devices. He also discusses the role that extraterrestrial technology played in shaping geopolitical policy and events; how it helped the United States surpass the Russians in space; spurred elaborate Army initiatives such as SDI (Star Wars Projects), Project Horizon (to place a military base on the Moon), and HARP; and ultimately brought about the end of the Cold War.
Colonel Corso also said that captured UFOs were/are kept at Norton, Edwards and Nellis (Area 51) Air Force Bases.
Many UFO researchers have found discrepancies in Colonel Corso’s accounts and have discarded his testimony as authentication of reverse engineering. If they are right, it doesn’t negate the possibility of reverse engineering, but it does emphasize the minefield that this subject presents to those who are trying to ferret out the truth about our black world efforts.
In 1989, Robert Lazar had come forward with the claim that he had worked on a reverse engineering project at S-4, a site 10 miles from the Groom Lake test site. Although Lazar’s credentials were questioned and no record of his claimed educational degrees as a physicist could be found, Colonel Corso’s credentials were a matter of public record.
Others have spoken out as witnesses to captured UFOs or reverse engineering projects. The case of the Kingman UFO retrieval involved an engineer who took preliminary measurements to assess the momentum of a crashing craft, measurements useful to any reverse engineering efforts. The engineer who brought this story to light was Arthur G. Stancil (previously known by the pseudonym Fritz Werner). Stancil graduated from Ohio University in 1949 and was first employed by Air Material Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio as a mechanical engineer on testing Air Force aircraft engines.
Dr. Eric Wang who was suspected of leading a reverse engineering team on alien craft headed the Installations Division within the Office of Special Studies where Arthur worked.
Stancil was loaned out to the Atomic Energy Commission and was designated as a project engineer on some atomic bomb tests referred to as “Operation Upshot Knothole”. The location of these tests was at Frenchman’s Flats at the southern end of the Nevada Test Site. The test director was a Dr. Ed Doll.
On May 21, 1953 Stancil was told to report for a special assignment at the Indian Springs Air Force Base where 15 other specialists joined him. They were flown by military plane to Phoenix where they boarded a bus with blacked-out windows and rode for an estimated four hours. When they arrived at their destination somewhere southeast of Kingman in one of the washes of the
Hulapai Mountains, they were met and briefed by an Air Force Colonel who told them they were to investigate the crash of a super-secret test vehicle. Stancil’s job was to determine the forward and vertical velocities of the vehicle when it impacted in the sand.
Stancil was escorted to the site by military police. Two spotlights illuminated the saucer, which appeared to be two convex plates inverted over each other, approximately 30 feet in diameter. The saucer was embedded in the sand about 20 inches. From this Stancil had determined that the saucer crashed at a velocity of 100 knots yet it had not dents, marks, or scratches on its burnished aluminum surface. The disc was oval and looked like two deep saucers inverted over each other. It was constructed of dull silver metal like brushed aluminum. Another specialist had gotten a look inside the craft, as a 1.5 x 3.5 foot hatch was open revealing an oval interior cabin with two swivel seats and many instruments. Stancil saw one body recovered from the crash. It was humanoid, about 4 feet tall, with brown skin and wearing a silver-metallic flight suit.
Stancil worked for Raytheon in Sudbury, Massachusetts in the early seventies on avionics systems. It is unknown as to whether he had further involvement with alien technology, especially since it is likely that he worked for Dr. Wang at some point. Dr. Wang was an Austrian-born graduate of the Vienna Technical Institute, and close associate of Victor Schauberger who had developed a concept of a flying disc and worked on the German flying disc program as early as 1941. Wang taught structural and metallurgical engineering at the University of Cincinnati from 1943 to 1952. Dr. Wang supposedly examined some of the recovered crashed discs and compared them to the vehicles tested in the German V-7 program, but found the retrieved craft to be different in nature. In 1949, he became Director of the Department of Special Studies at Wright-Patterson where he worked long hours in cooperation with scientists from the “Office of Naval Research” and with Dr. Vannevar Bush and others from the “Research and Development Board”. Dr. Wang relocated his research from Wright-Patterson to Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Dr. Wang passed away on December 4, 1960.
Bill Uhouse served 10 years in the Marine Corps as a fighter pilot, and four years with the Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB as a civilian doing flight-testing of exotic experimental aircraft. Later, for the next 30 years, he worked for defense contractors as an engineer of antigravity propulsion systems: on flight simulators for exotic aircraft - and on actual flying discs.
He testifies that that the first disc they tested was the re-engineered ET craft that crashed in Kingman, Arizona in 1953. He further testifies that the ET’s presented a craft to the US government; this craft was taken to Area 51, which was just being constructed at the time, and the four ET’s that accompanied the craft were taken to Los Alamos. Mr. Uhouse’s specialty was the flight deck and the instruments on the flight deck – he understood the gravitational field and what it took to get people trained to experience antigravity. He actually met several times with an ET that helped the physicists and engineers with the engineering of the craft.
Strange as it seems it was during the 1950s that various aircraft companies started research projects on the control of gravity and electro-gravitational propulsion. It is possible that these projects constituted some of the first reverse engineering projects on extraterrestrial propulsion systems.
American physicist and inventor, T. Townsend Brown discovered an effect of highly charged disk-shaped capacitors. When the capacitors were charged in excess of 50 KV, they would have a tendency to accelerate in the direction of the positive pole. Suspending a number of these disk capacitors from a freely rotating carousel would cause, when charged, the entire assembly to rotate. These charged capacitors could also levitate.
According to the Air Force Manual from Wright-Patterson AFB on Electrogravitics we have this description on the Thomas Townsend Brown discovery.
Electrogravitics might be described as a synthesis of electrostatic energy used for propulsion – either vertical propulsion or horizontal or both – and gravitics, or dynamic counterbary, in which energy is also used to set up a local gravitational force independent of the earth’s.
Electrostatic energy for propulsion has been predicted as a possible means of propulsion in space when the thrust from a neutron motor or ion motor would be sufficient in a dragless environment to produce astronomical velocities. But the ion motor is not strictly a part of the science of electrogravitics, since barycentric control in an electrogravitics system is envisaged for a vehicle operating within the earth’s environment and it is not seen initially for space application. Probably large scale space operations would have to await the full development of electrogravitics to enable large pieces of equipment to be moved out of the region of the earth’s strongest gravity effects. So, though electrostatic motors were thought of in 1925, electrogravitics had its birth after the War, when Townsend Brown sought to improve on the various proposals that then existed for electrostatic motors sufficiently to produce some visible manifestation of sustained motion. Whereas earlier electrostatic tests were essentially pure research, Brown’s rigs were aimed from the outset at producing a flying article. As a private venture he produced evidence of motion using condensers in a couple of saucers suspended by arms rotating round a central tower with input running down the arms. The massive-k situation was summarized subsequently in a report, Project Winterhaven, in 1952. Using the data some conclusions were arrived at that might be expected from ten or more years of intensive development – similar to that, for instance, applied to the turbine engine. Using a number of assumptions as to the nature of gravity, the report postulated a saucer as the basis of a possible interceptor with Mach 3 capability. Creation of a local gravitational system would confer upon the fighter the sharp-edged changes of direction typical of motion in space.
The essence of electrogravitics thrust is the use of a very strong positive charge on one side of the vehicle and a negative on the other. The core of the motor is a condenser and the ability of the condenser to hold its charge (the k-number) is the yardstick of performance. With air as 1, current dielectrical materials can yield 6 and use of barium aluminate can raise this considerably, barium titanium oxide (a baked ceramic) can offer 6,000 and there is promise of 30,000, which would be sufficient for supersonic speed.
The original Brown rig produced 30 fps on a voltage of around 50,000 and a small amount of current in the milliamp range. There was no detailed explanation of gravity in Project Winterhaven, but it was assumed that particle dualism in the subatomic structure of gravity would coincide in its effect with the issuing stream of electrons from the electrostatic energy source to produce counterbary. The Brown work probably remains a realistic approach to the practical realization of electrostatic propulsion and sustentation. Whatever may be discovered by the Gravity Research Foundation of New Boston a complete understanding and synthetic reproduction of gravity is not essential for limited success. The electrogravitics saucer can perform the function of a classic lifting surface – it produces a pushing effect on the under surface and a suction effect on the upper, but, unlike the airfoil, it does not require a flow of air to produce the effect.
The Department of Defense was not ignoring these ideas, but was more intent on turning theory into practice. In June, 1957 G. Harry Stine wrote for Mechanix Illustrated magazine that “there is a good chance that the rocket will be obsolete for space travel within 50 years”. This was at a time when the multi-stage rockets were being fired from White Sands Army Proving Grounds in New Mexico. Though Werner von Braun saw the multi-stage rocket as a solution to space travel, able to boost a payload beyond the pull of earth’s gravity, the DOD had other purposes in mind. The rocket was the dream of the future, and yet Stine was predicting its obsolescence. That was because he was aware of T.T. Brown’s work on electro-gravity and the DOD contractors that were working on anti-gravity — the Glenn L. Martin Company, Bell Aircraft, General Electric, and Sperry-Rand just to name a few.
24-01-2014 om 16:44
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
By William Hamilton III
In July, 1957 another article appeared in the same magazine. This one written by Michael Gladych. He begins by describing the following: “The spherical craft squatting on a concrete strip emitted a faint hum. A ghostly glow surrounded its shell. The strange craft rose and hovered momentarily while its landing gear retracted. Then the hum increased and the craft shot eastward and vanished beyond the horizon before the witnessing scientists could click their stop watches.” Sounds like a typical UFO sighting, but he goes on to say that the Canadian government’s Project Magnet had been working on a gravity-defying vehicle powered by electromagnetic forces. He also states that at least 14 United States universities and other research centers were hard at work cracking the gravity barrier and also mentions the Glen L. Martin Company and Bell Aircraft as well as others. Even the late Lawrence D. Bell said that they were on the threshold of amazing new concepts (beyond the Bell research rocket planes) .
Bell said, “We are already working with nuclear fuels and equipment to cancel out gravity instead of fighting it.” This article concludes by saying, “Make no mistake about it, anti-gravity motors and G-ships are coming.”
And, we are still waiting! Or, have we developed anti-gravity spacecraft in secret?
Donald Keyhoe looked into this possibility and found that our government had set up 46 different research projects on various aspects of gravity control. The Air Force ran 33 of those projects. Experiments and research were conducted at two Air Force laboratories: Flight Dynamics and General Physics Research. Other labs involved were RCA, MIT and several engineering centers. A large number of corporations were involved in gravity research of the fifties: Bell Aerospace, General Electric, Hughes Aircraft, Boeing, Douglas and others. There were at least 65 to 70 projects going on.
Dr. Oberth believed that “energy, inertia, and gravitational fields are only aspects of one and the same thing”. William P. Lear agreed with him and predicted that future U.S. vehicles will also use artificial gravity.
He said, “people on board would probably not feel any more effect than they do from the tremendous speed of the Earth as it rotates and orbits the sun.” It is certain that Lear’s son, John, is prepared to fly such a craft.
Years ago, Glenn Martin’s vice-president of advanced design, G.S. Trimble, predicted that by 1985 practically all airliners would be using artificial gravity, yet the 1995 debut of Boeing’s most advanced jetliner, the 777, still uses turbojet propulsion.
One of the leading physicists of the German Institute of Field Physics at Goettingen, German, Dr. Burkhard Heim had been searching for the answer to the riddle of gravity. He said that he had discovered a positive lead to antigravity. The discovery involved an intermediate field, neither electromagnetic nor gravitational. The results, applied to space flight, would be direct levitation, conversion of electricity into kinetic energy without any waste, and “immunizing the occupants and the structures of such vehicles against any effects from acceleration of the vehicle, however great or violent.”
The Martin subsidiary that investigated gravity control was RIAS Inc. Now, the Glenn Martin Company through a series of evolutionary mergers has absorbed GE Aerospace and merged with Lockheed to become the Martin-Lockheed Company, a company known to be in the forefront of classified aerospace craft.
In a book entitled Spacepower (1958), fusion, photon, and anti-gravity propulsion techniques were considered to be accomplished facts beyond 1990. If they are secret accomplished facts, why are we still flying that flaming torch called the STS?
Was Project Outgrowth a secret Air Force project that attempted to utilize the knowledge gained in field propulsion research? Twenty-eight members of the Air Force Systems Command at Edward’s Air Force Base published a technical report dated June, 1972 that covered such categories as: electrostatics effects, Alfven wave propulsion, electromagnetic spacecraft propulsion, superconducting particle accelerators, and anti-gravity propulsion. The Air Force Systems Command also has a presence at Groom Lake in Area 51. I asked a colleague, Randy Koppang, to see if he could get a hold of this document. He contacted the Edwards AFB library. The librarian informed Randy that the report was removed from the library and was not available to the public.
According to Bill Jenkins who hosted the Open Mind talk-radio show a few years ago, there was a secret showing of our own antigravity aircraft at Norton AFB on November 12, 1988. Norton was also home to the Air Force’s Audio-Visual Division for the investigation of crashed aircraft (or UFOs). A flying saucer was put on display in a guarded hangar. The electro-gravity engine in the craft was built by GE Aerospace and the composite skin structure supposedly made by AMOCO. Was this craft a result of back-engineering of alien spacecraft?
Dr. Woolman received his doctorate in 1976 in theoretical physics following his receiving his BS in aerospace engineering in 1973 and was requested to join the Air Force where he continued his studies along with his special and highly classified assignments.
He worked for the US Air Force Systems Command, Aeronautical Engineering Division (Wright-Patterson AFB, OH) for 7 years and then after resigning, co-started several very successful high-technology businesses, focusing on new product design and automation in the computer industry. After an extremely successful career, he retired in 1989 to raise his 2 adopted children with his wife Roberta where they live a quiet and secluded life near their children’s school.
Dan told me that the Air Force would give him some object and just ask him to study it. Rarely was he given an answer. They wanted to know what he could find out as a physicist.
Dan worked on a reverse-engineered craft that had layered material which acted like supercapacitor. The amount of charge could be varied on selected plates and allow the operator to control the vectoring of the craft. Dan flew one of these craft using a specially-constructed helmet interface that picked up his voice command and translated them into flight commands. The craft was capable of trans-atmospheric flight and interplanetary travel. Dan had a license to fly both single and multi-engine aircraft, but this aerospace craft was unique and developed after years of study.
CEO Ben Rich, the hand-picked successor of Skunk Works founder Kelly Johnson and the man famous for the F-117 Nighthawk “Stealth” fighter, its half-pint prototype the HAVE BLUE, and the top secret F-19 Stealth Interceptor. Before Rich died of cancer, Andrews took my questions to him. Rich confirmed:
1. There are two types of UFOs — the ones we build, and ones THEY build. We learned from both crash retrievals and actual “Hand-me-downs.” The Government knew, and until 1969 took an active hand in the administration of that information. After a 1969 Nixon “Purge”, Administration was handled by international board of directors in the private sector.
2. “‘An’ item” — as opposed to “‘The’ item” – was recovered near the world’s only combat operational atom bomb base (Roswell AAF) in 1947. Hull design, aerodynamic measurements and propulsion info was passed directly to Jack Northrop and Kelly Johnson, beginning in 1950, with a major block of data being passed on from “The Working Group” at Wright Patterson AFB’s Foreign Technologies Division in 1952. “‘The’ item”refers to the top secret designation of Kelly’s original variant of the U-2 (TR-1) spy plane in Congressional and Pentagon budgets in the 1950s.
3. Nearly all “Biomorphic” aerospace designs were inspired by the Roswell spacecraft, from Kelly’s SR-71 Blackbird onward to today’s drones, UCAVs, and aerospace craft On March 23, 1993, at an engineering conference in Los Angeles, Dr. Ben R. Rich stated to the future Section Director of the Mutual UFO Network of Orange County, California, engineer Jan Harzan, that we already had in our possession the technology to take us to the stars, saying that “we now have the technology to take ET home”. This was in a conference room full of aerospace and computer engineers from many different aerospace and software companies.
The late Ben R. Rich, a UCLA School of Engineering alumnus who is known as the “Father of Stealth”, is recognized as one of the best aircraft engineers in theworld and led development of the heralded F-117 stealth fighter.
24-01-2014 om 16:42
geschreven door peter
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Top 10: Controversial pieces of evidence for extraterrestrial life -- NewScientist Space
Top 10: Controversial pieces of evidence for extraterrestrial life
Over the years many hints have emerged that there might be life beyond Earth. New Scientist looks at 10 of the most hotly-debated discoveries.
1. 1976, The Viking Mars landers detect chemical signatures indicative of life
Tests performed on Martian soil samples by NASA's Viking landers hinted at chemical evidence of life. One experiment mixed soil with radioactive-carbon-labelled nutrients and then tested for the production of radioactive methane gas.
The test reported a positive result. The production of radioactive methane suggested that something in the soil was metabolising the nutrients and producing radioactive gas. But other experiments on board failed to find any evidence of life, so NASA declared the result a false positive.
Despite that, one of the original scientists - and others who have since re-analysed the data - still stand by the finding. They argue that the other experiments on board were ill-equipped to search for evidence of the organic molecules - a key indicator of life.
This boulder-strewn field reaches to the horizon, nearly 2 miles distant from Viking Lander 2's position on Mars' Utopian Plain. Scientists believe the colours of the Martian surface and sky in this photo represent their true colours (Image: NASA Langley Research Center)
2. 1977, The unexplained extraterrestrial "Wow!" signal is detected by an Ohio State University radio telescope
In August 1977 an Ohio State University radio telescope detected an unusual pulse of radiation from somewhere near the constellation Sagittarius. The 37-second-long signal was so startling that an astronomer monitoring the data scrawled "Wow!" on the telescope's printout.
The signal was within the band of radio frequencies where transmissions are internationally banned on Earth. Furthermore, natural sources of radiation from space usually cover a wider range of frequencies.
As the nearest star in that direction is 220 million light years away, either a massive astronomical event - or intelligent aliens with a very powerful transmitter would have had to have created it. The signal remains unexplained.
3. 1996, Martian "fossils" are discovered in meteorite ALH84001 from Antarctica
NASA scientists controversially announced in 1996 that they had found what appeared to be fossilised microbes in a potato-shaped lump of Martian rock. The meteorite was probably blasted off the surface of Mars in a collision, and wandered the solar system for some 15 million years, before plummeting to Antarctica, where it was discovered in 1984.
Careful analysis revealed that the rock contained organic molecules and tiny specs of the mineral magnetite, sometimes found in Earth bacteria. Under the electron microscope, NASA researchers also claimed to have spotted signs of "nanobacteria".
But since then much of the evidence has been challenged. Other experts have suggested that the particles of magnetite were not so similar to those found in bacteria after all, and that contaminants from Earth are the source of the organic molecules. A 2003 study also showed how crystals that resemble nanobacteria could be grown in the laboratory by chemical processes.
4. 2001, More rigorous calculations connected to the 1960s "Drake equation" suggests that our galaxy may contain hundreds of thousands of life-bearing planets
In 1961 US radio astronomer Frank Drake developed an equation to help estimate the number of planets hosting intelligent life - and capable of communicating with us - in the galaxy.
The Drake equation multiplies together seven factors including: the formation rate of stars like our Sun, the fraction of Earth-like planets and the fraction of those on which life develops. Many of these figures are open to wide debate, but Drake himself estimates the final number of communicating civilisations in the galaxy to be about 10,000.
In 2001, a more rigorous estimate of the number of life-bearing planets in the galaxy - using new data and theories - came up with a figure of hundreds of thousands. For the first time, the researchers estimated how many planets might lie in the "habitable zone" around stars, where water is liquid and photosynthesis possible. The results suggest that an inhabited Earth-like planet could be as little as a few hundred light years away.
5. 2001, The red tinge of Jupiter's moon Europa proposed to be due to frozen bits of bacteria, which also helps explain the mysterious infrared signal it gives off
Alien microbes might be behind Europa's red tinge, suggested NASA researchers in 2001. Though the surface is mostly ice, data shows it reflects infrared radiation in an odd manner. That suggests that something - magnesium salts perhaps - are binding it together. But no one has been able to come up with the right combination of compounds to make sense of the data.
Intriguingly, the infrared spectra of some Earthly bacteria - those that thrive in extreme conditions - fits the data at least as well as magnesium salts. Plus, some are red and brown in colour, perhaps explaining the moon's ruddy complexion. Though bacteria might find it difficult to survive in the scant atmosphere and -170°C surface temperature of Europa, they might survive in the warmer liquid interior. Geological activity could then spew them out periodically to be flash frozen on the surface.
6. 2002, Russian scientists argue that a mysterious radiation-proof species of microbe may have evolved on Mars
In 2002 Russian astrobiologists claimed that super-hardy Deinococcus radiourans evolved on Mars. The microbe can survive several thousand times the radiation dose that would kill a human.
The Russians zapped a population of the bacteria with enough radiation to kill 99.9%, allowed the survivors to repopulate, before repeating the cycle. After 44 rounds it took 50 times the original dose of radiation. They calculated that it would take many thousands of these cycles to make common microbe E.coli as resilient as Deinococcus. And on Earth it takes between a million and 100 million years to encounter each dose of radiation. Therefore there just has not been enough time in life's 3.8 billion year history on Earth for such resistance to have evolved, they claim.
By contrast, the surface of Mars, unprotected by a dense atmosphere, is bombarded with so much radiation that the bugs could receive the same dose in just a few hundred thousand years. The researchers argue that Deinococcus's ancestors were flung off of Mars by an asteroid and fell to Earth on meteorites. Other experts remain sceptical.
7. 2002, Chemical hints of life are found in old data from Venus probes and landers. Could microbes exist in Venusian clouds?
Life in Venus' clouds may be the best way to explain some curious anomalies in the composition of its atmosphere, claimed University of Texas astrobiologists in 2002. They scoured data from NASA's Pioneer and Magellan space probes and from Russia's Venera Venus-lander missions of the 1970s.
Solar radiation and lightning should be generating masses of carbon monoxide on Venus, yet it is rare, as though something is removing it. Hydrogen sulphide and sulphur dioxide are both present too. These readily react together, and are not usually found co-existing, unless some process constantly is churning them out. Most mysterious is the presence of carbonyl sulphide. This is only produced by microbes or catalysts on Earth, and not by any other known inorganic process.
The researchers' suggested solution to this conundrum is that microbes live in the Venusian atmosphere. Venus's searing hot, acidic surface may be prohibitive to life, but conditions 50 kilometres up in the atmosphere are more hospitable and moist, with a temperature of 70°C and a pressure similar to Earth.
8. 2003, Sulphur traces on Jupiter's moon Europa may be the waste products of underground bacterial colonies
In 2003, Italian scientists hypothesised that sulphur traces on Europa might be a sign of alien life. The compounds were first detected by the Galileo space probe, along with evidence for a volcanically-warmed ocean beneath the moon's icy crust.
The sulphur signatures look similar to the waste-products of bacteria, which get locked into the surface ice of lakes in Antarctica on Earth. The bacteria survive in the water below, and similar bacteria might also thrive below Europa's surface, the researchers suggest. Others experts rejected the idea, suggesting that the sulphur somehow originates from the neighbouring moon Io, where it is found in abundance.
9. 2004, Methane in the Martian atmosphere hints at microbial metabolism
In 2004 three groups - using telescopes on Earth and the European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiting space probe - independently turned up evidence of methane in the atmosphere. Nearly all methane in our own atmosphere is produced by bacteria and other life.
Methane could also be generated by volcanism, the thawing of frozen underground deposits, or delivered by comet impacts. However, the source has to be recent, as the gas is rapidly destroyed on Mars or escapes into space.
In January 2005, an ESA scientist controversially announced that he had also found evidence of formaldehyde, produced by the oxidation of methane. If this is proved it will strengthen the case for microbes, as a whopping 2.5 million tonnes of methane per year would be required to create the quantity of formaldehyde postulated to exist.
There are ways to confirm the presence of the gas, but scientists will need to get the equipment to Mars first.
10. 2004, A mysterious radio signal is received by the SETI project on three occasions - from the same region of space
In February 2003, astronomers with the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) project, used a massive telescope in Puerto Rico to re-examine 200 sections of the sky which had all previously yielded unexplained radio signals. These signals had all disappeared, except for one which had become stronger.
The signal - widely thought to be the best candidate yet for an alien contact - comes from a spot between the constellations Pisces and Aries, where there are no obvious stars or planets. Curiously, the signal is at one of the frequencies that hydrogen, the most common element, absorbs and emits energy. Some astronomers believe that this is a very likely frequency at which aliens wishing to be noticed would transmit.
Nevertheless, there is also a good chance the signal is from a never-seen-before natural phenomenon. For example, an unexplained pulsed radio signal, thought to be artificial in 1967, turned out to be the first ever sighting of a pulsar.
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Shocked astronomers discover strange new type of space object
Shocked astronomers discover strange new type of space object
The object in these photographs captured by Hubble is not a comet. It's something that no astronomer has ever seen before, according to NASA: An asteroid with six comet-like tails that isn't moving like a comet and it's not made of ice. It's just hanging up there, rotating like a crazy space spider.
According to lead investigator David Jewitt of the University of California at Los Angeles, "we were literally dumbfounded when we saw it [in the solar system's asteroid belt] We were completely knocked out."
NASA says that "unlike all other known asteroids, which appear simply as tiny points of light, this asteroid, designated P/2013 P5, resembles a rotating lawn sprinkler. Astronomers are puzzled over the asteroid's unusual appearance."
Jewitt and his colleagues have a theory about how this one-of-a-kind object came to be: a space collision.
Jewitt said it appears P/2013 P5 is a fragment of a larger asteroid that broke apart in a collision roughly 200 million years ago. There are many collision fragments in orbits similar to P/2013 P5's. Meteorites from these bodies show evidence of having been heated to as much as 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit. This means the asteroid likely is composed of metamorphic rocks and does not hold any ice as a comet does.
However, NASA also says that "they do not believe the tails are the result of an impact with another asteroid because they have not seen a large quantity of dust blasted into space all at once."
24-01-2014 om 15:49
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
On July 1, 1965 in Valensole, Basses Alpes, France, farmer Maurice Masse was inspecting his field of lavender when he heard a whistling sound, then noticed an egg-shaped object with six thin legs and a central pedestal standing nearby. A classic close encounter case from France. At the same time, he also saw two “small boys,” humanoid-looking beings less than four feet tall, dressed in grayish-green one-piece coveralls.
On July 1, 1965, near Valensole, France, a farmer named Maurice Masse noticed something unusual in his lavender field. It was around 5:45 a.m., as Masse was smoking himself a cigarette before starting his tractor, when he was suddenly startled by a whistling noise. At the time, he was positioned next to a 7-foot-tall rubble pile at the edge of a vineyard, so he had to step out from around this to view the source of the sound. It was then that he saw something shaped rather like a rugby ball and about the size of a Dauphine automobile, resting on four legs some 200 feet away in his lavender field. Close to the curious looking object were two figures resembling “boys of about eight years.” More curious than afraid, Masse approached and when he got within approx. 15-20 feet of the figures, they became aware of his presence and stood up. Masse described the beings as less than 4 feet tall, as dressed in gray-green overalls with smooth, bald, pumpkinlike heads, large slanted eyes, and with little holes for their mouths. They made grunting sounds between them, although their mouths did not change appearance, and Masse was not sure where on their bodies the noise was coming from.
One of the beings pointed a pencil-like object at Masse, whereupon he found that he could no longer move. Then the being placed the object into a small case or holster on its left side, and then the two beings moved with great agility toward the UFO, which they entered through a sliding door. Then with a whistling noise the UFO lifted off the ground and within seconds had disappeared in a westerly direction. After about 20 minutes, Masse had regained full control of his body again.
Marks from the apparent craft remained visible on the ground. Three days after the incident, Masse suffered a great loss of energy. He slept 12 to 14 hours on the first day, and then the next day he slept nearly 24 hours. It was several weeks before he was able to resume his normal sleep routine.
A number of investigators who had interviewed Masse (including the distinguished Professor Jacques Vallee) concluded that he wasn’t telling the whole story. Though he hinted that there had been some sort of communication between himself and the beings, he never revealed the particulars to investigators. He told Vallee that one was best off not sharing such encounters with anyone, even family. “One always says too much,” he added.
Malta UFO Research Account
On 1 July 1965, in the early hours of the morning, French farmer Maurice Masse at Valensole was attracted to the sight of a landed object in his lavender field by a strange high-pitched sound.
The object was shaped like an egg with a cupola on top and was approximately fifteen feet wide. It was standing on six legs in a manner reminiscent of a spider, according to the witness. The door of the object was open and within it Masse could see two seats.
Near the object were what Masse took to be two young boys apparently taking lavender plants; they turned out to be entities from the object about four feet tall and clad in green “ski suits”. When they noticed Masse approaching, one of them levelled a rod towards him which immobilised him.
On further examination the entities appeared to have large bald heads, big slanting eyes, pronounced chins and small lipless mouths; in fact, very much the description given by many American witnesses. They made guttural sounds.
This style of entity is often recounted by Americans under hypnosis in most fearful terms but Masse’s conscious recall remembers them as good-natured and bringing a sense of peace to him. It is interesting that many American cases involving these entities combine fear with a great longing to be with the creatures, whether or not that emotion is “engineered”.
While Masse was still immobilised, the entities returned to their craft and took off, with the landing legs retracting. It was some considerable time before Masse was able to move. Four days after the event occurred he fell into a deep sleep and members of his family fought to wake him up, believing that otherwise he would have slept for a very extended period. Usually Masse slept only five or six hours a night but for months after the event he needed at least twelve hours sleep.
The most remarkable of the ground traces was that no lavender plants would grow at the landing site for ten years!
Evidence Compiled by UFO Research Australia
The following account is drawn from a series of articles which originally appeared in the English Flying Saucer review (1965):
Valensole is a small village in the south-east of France, near to Nice. A significant event occurred there on July 1, 1965. In the month of June, Maurice Masse, a World War Two resistance fighter, and a trustworthy farmer according to local police; together with his father had noticed someone had been picking their lavender plants. At 5.45 a.m. Masse was standing by a tractor smoking a cigarette. The tractor was parked by a mound of pebbles and rakings, close to a small vineyard, in the lavender field.
A whistling sound came to his attention which he thought was a helicopter. However, upon looking around the mound he saw an unusual object. It was shaped like a rugby football and the size of a car. It stood on a number of legs, stated to have been 6 in number by Bowen (1974:246) and 4 by Vallee (1990:108). There was a central pivot stuck into the ground beneath it. Masse noted what he first took to be two children, about aged eight years, close by the object apparently inspecting a lavender plant.
Masse thought at first, from an initial distance of 60m, that these were the people who had been taking his plants. He decided to approach quietly through the vineyard. However, when he got closer he realised the figures were not children but unusual beings. He left the vineyard and walked though the low height lavender field.
At about 5m distance from the object, one of the beings turned and pointed a pencil-like object towards him and Masse was frozen, unable to move. Vallee (1988:27) reports that masse could still breath and feel his heart beat present.
The beings were described as follows. They were some 120cm tall and wore close fitting, grey-green clothes, but no head covering. Their heads were pumpkin-like, with high fleshy cheeks. The eyes were large and Vallee (1988:26) adds that Masse told him that the eyes con- veyed human expressions. These eyes slanted away around the sides of the face. The mouth was merely a slit or hole, without noticeable lips. Their chins were very pointed. Vallee (1988:26) adds their hands were small and nor- mal. Grumbling sounds came from their middles.
Masse has consistently refused to disclose what – if anything – happened between him and the beings.
After a while the beings re-entered their object. Vallee (1988:27) notes the door closed “like the front part of a wooden file cabinet. “ The beings were apparently visible looking at him from inside the object, while the legs whirled and retracted. The central pivot made a thumping noise. Then the object lifted offand floated silently away.
At 20m distance from the landing spot the object simply vanished fromview. Masse, according to Vallee (1988 :27), says: “One moment the thing was there and the next moment it was not there anymore.”
It took some 20 minutes forthe paralysis to wear off. After that Masse went back to Valensole. The proprietor of the cafe des Sports questioned him after being alarmed by Masse’s appearance. Masse told him part of what had happened, and the police were informed.
The Digne Gendarmerie, lead by a Captain Valet, were called in to investigate.
The traces:
At the time traces were found at the spot where the object had rested. These consisted of a flat imprint just over 1m in diameter. In the centre, where the central support had been, was a cylindrical hole some 30cm deep and some 15cm diameter. From the hole radiated four flat grooves, making an x shape. Each of the grooves was 2m long and 25cm deep. The soil here was of a near-liquid consistency despite the fact that it had not rained for some time.
That evening Masse and his 18 year old daughter went back to the site . The soil surrounding the central trace was as hard as cement compared to the surrounding soil which crumbled when held.
After a period of time, a 3 m diameter circular area in the middle of rows of lavender plants died, with only a few weeds continuing to grow. Around the perimeter a num- ber of lavender Plants were stunted and withered looking.
The calcium content of the soil, taken from the site, was much higher then in soil taken from other areas of the field (Phenomenes Spatiaux 1966:26)
Masse reploughed the landing site and replanted, but these plants also died.
After effects:
Vallee (1988:27) reports that for several weeks after the event, Masse was overcome with drowsiness and found it difficult to stay awake for more then four hours at a time.
Aime Michel visited Masse on Aug 8,1965, and at the end of the interview showed Masse a drawing of the Socorro object which Masse took to be his object.
Michel reported that Masse appeared anxious, nervous and distressed at interview. Masse said of the beings: “They were good” and they did not wish to do us any harm.”
The Physical Evidence – The Valensole Case
Summary: This case, which Jacques Vallee described as, “the best-authenticated close encounter incident in continental Europe”, includes not only hard traces, botanical data and physiological data, but detailed descriptions of beings associated with the UFO. It came to be known as ‘The Valensole Case’. Not only is it one of the most thoroughly investigated close encounters on record, but examination by French government agencies began on the day of the event.
Our final case, which Jacques Vallee described as, “the best-authenticated close encounter incident in continental Europe”, includes not only hard traces, botanical data and physiological data, but detailed descriptions of beings associated with the UFO. It came to be known as ‘The Valensole Case’. Not only is it one of the most thoroughly investigated close encounters on record, but examination by French government agencies began on the day of the event.
During early morning of 1 July 1965, Maurice Masse, a French lavender farmer, was working in his field in the village of Valensole, near the lower Alps, when he suddenly noticed an object that had landed in his lavender field. At first glance from a distance, he thought that it was a helicopter or some sort of experimental prototype, but as he approached closer to the object, he saw that it was oval shaped and rested on six curved legs and some type of central pivot. Through an opening in the craft he thought that he could see two back-to-back seats. Suddenly he saw two beings, less than four feet [1.2 metres] tall, wearing grey-blue-green suits but without any type of breathing devices. One of them pointed a small tube at the farmer, which immediately paralyzed him. Although lying on the ground, he remained fully conscious, noting that as they looked at him, with what he later described as ‘concerned expressions’, they made strange gurgling sounds from deep within their throats as they communicated with one another. Masse saw that the two beings had large hairless heads, smooth white skin, large eyes that slanted away, pointed chins and small mouths without lips. After their brief dialogue, they entered the craft through a sliding panel and the object took off, leaving a deep crater and an area of moisture that later became as hard as concrete.
After about twenty minutes Masse was able to move his arms and legs, but four days after the incident he collapsed and his sleep pattern was dramatically altered for several months. Rather than his usual five or six hour sleep break, he was sleeping for periods of twelve hours or more and his wife and father noted distinct behavioural changes. Masse was a former Resistance fighter, an astute farmer and regarded as ‘absolutely trustworthy’ by police investigators. Lieutenant-Colonel Valnet, Maitre Chautard, leading the gendarmerie and the Mayor of Valensole, in fact everyone who investigated the case, concluded that Maurice Masse was telling the truth.
Investigators found that the ground where the craft had landed was soaked with moisture, although no rain had fallen. Geometrically spaced indentations covered the area and the plants were affected by the proximity of the phenomenon, appearing to decay in direct proportion to their distance from the central column of the craft. The calcium content of the soil at the landing site was found to be much higher than in samples taken from other areas in the field.
Famous UFO writer and researcher Dr Jacques Vallee, returning to the scene of the incident in 1979 and meeting with Maurice Masse and two of his close friends, makes a number of interesting observations. He notes that Masse was reluctant to give all the details of his experience to investigators as well as to his own family at the time, including the fact that he believed that some type of silent communication took place between himself and the beings. From the beginning he wanted to minimise the impact of the experience, not wanting publicity, amongst other reasons. Like many experiencers of this phenomenon, he had changed in many ways as a result of the experience, including the belief that some form of contact, once established, continued in subtle forms. Vallee concludes, “Throughout these discussions with Mr Masse I had the feeling that I was in the presence of a very intelligent man, capable of deep emotions and rational thought. He is also quite humble; he has declined to appear on a television documentary with a nationally known journalist…. I had brought with me a photograph of similar traces left after another case. Mr Masse looked at me with a mixture of amazement and relief that someone else was aware of these particular marks. He told us that he sometimes found them in his field; that’s how he knows that ‘they’ have come back. He always erases the traces immediately.” – Michael Jordan
Gisteren was het precies 40 jaar geleden dat een onbekend vliegend object in Groot-Brittannië neerkwam.
De UFO stortte op 23 januari 1974 neer in het Berwyn-gebergte in Llandrillo in het noorden van Wales. Er wordt ook wel gesproken van het Welshe Roswellincident.
In de lucht werden een aantal vreemde lichten gezien waarna de grond begon te schudden. In eerste instantie dacht men dat een vliegtuig was neergestort of dat er een meteoriet was geëxplodeerd.
Militaire operatie
De politie en de luchtmacht zetten een zoekactie op touw, maar vonden niets. Later werd gesteld dat in het gebied een UFO was neergestort en dat er lichamen van buitenaardse wezens waren gevonden. Onderzoekers beweren dat de lichamen zijn overgebracht naar een topgeheim onderzoeksinstituut op Porton Down. De Britse overheid zou de informatie in de doofpot hebben gestopt.
Onderzoeker Andy Roberts toonde aan dat het leger het gebied had afgezet terwijl het toestel werd geborgen. Mensen in omliggende dorpen werden naar verluidt bezocht door de zogeheten ‘mannen in het zwart’.
Diverse Britse onderzoekers zeggen te hebben gesproken met getuigen die op de avond van de crash in het Berwyn-gebergte waren en zagen dat buitenaardse wezens uit het toestel kwamen.
Ufoloog Russ Kellett stelde op basis van een rapport van de Britse kustwacht dat in diezelfde periode een militaire operatie werd uitgevoerd, genaamd Photoflash. Volgens Kellett werd de kust verlicht om UFO’s onder het wateroppervlak te kunnen zien.
Stuk metaal
Kellett had contact met een visser die in de buurt van Puffin Island een UFO uit het water had zien komen. Hij werd daarnaast benaderd door een aantal mensen die naar eigen zeggen in Llandrillo werden tegengehouden door militairen.
“Ze zagen hoe buitenaardse wezens uit het toestel kwamen en door militairen in een vrachtwagen werden gestopt,” zei Kellett. Hoewel de bewuste getuigen niet meer in leven zijn, heeft hij nog wel een vreemd stuk metaal dat na het incident is gevonden.
Volgens één theorie explodeerde op 23 januari 1974 een meteoriet boven het Berwyn-gebergte en deed zich tegelijkertijd een aardbeving voor. Enkele jaren geleden kwam het Britse ministerie van Defensie met een soortgelijk verhaal. Veel van de getuigen kunnen zich echter niet vinden in de conclusies van het ministerie.
“Er is die avond iets gebeurt wat de autoriteiten stil willen houden,” zei Huw Lloyd, één van de getuigen. “Een UFO behoort zeker tot de mogelijkheden. Ik denk alleen dat we nooit zullen horen wat het geweest is.”
Bekijk ook de aflevering Britain’s Closest Encounters: Berwyn Mountain Mystery die op 2 juli 2008 op de Britse televisie werd uitgezonden:
The Star Nations: Part 1, Gamma Ray Burst and Neutron Stars.
January 21 2014
Every nation on Earth is waiting for an arrival from heaven! Every belief system is waiting for the return of their savior and relaize that we are in the end times. The signs are all around us, and globally. There are signs that the sound of the trumpets is near.
These balls of energy are believed to be used as mode of transportation for fallen angels. What do you think?
Are you prepared?
The Star Nations: 2014 Gamma Ray Burst, Part 2 of 3.
Are Governments the World over preparing for an Alien Attack
CERTAIN CHANGES ARE COMING OUR WAY. ARE YOU READY, ARE YOU PREPARED?PLEASE DO NOT STAY STUCK IN DENIAL! Our time truly is limited. Sure, people have been saying that they are in the “end times” for ages now, saying that “Jesus is coming soon”. Seriously these Jesus freaks keep on saying the same thing and nothing ever really happens. In fact, it is such an old “war cry” that you have tuned it out which in turn has hardened your heart to the warnings. Please just take a quick glance at the news headlines and put the pieces together. There is no denying the signs, the “labor pains” and symptoms any longer. And labor pains progress, they do not diminish.
Are you prepared? Are you protected?
If you are scoffing at the warnings, guess what? You are fulfilling prophecy and you are only hurting yourself and any of those who may be listening to you. Check it out, I’m not putting you on: 2 Peter 3:3, 4 and also in Jude 1:18,19 both are in the New Testament. Get saved; you are going to need His protection. More importantly, you will definitely need your salvation for all of eternity. I don’t know you, but I certainly care about you and your eternity. This is not a gimmick; the only thing I gain from you trusting God is another brother or sister in the Lord.
The ULTIMATE Preparation Right Here:God, Please remove any deception that I may have listened to, believed or embraced that is hindering me from knowing the truth. Because I am not perfect, I am a sinner that needs forgiveness and I ask You to forgive me. I believe You are Savior and Lord Who shed Your Holy, Sinless Blood and died for my sins to be forgiven, and rose from the dead; You live forever. I want to turn away from (repent) my sins. I invite You, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, God the Messiah to come into my heart and life as Savior and Lord. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and personal Savior. In the all powerful Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray. Amen.
The content in the video(s) do not necessarily reflect my personal viewpoint or opinion. FBI WARNING: Federal law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video tapes, or video disks under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. This infringement of copyright is called FAIR USE… and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody.
As reported to ASD by phone today: I was driving South on Woods Chapel Road last night at approximately 7:00 p.m. when I noticed several bright orange lights above the cars behind me in my rear-view mirror. At first I thought it must have been some strange light on someone’s antenna, but realized that it was floating above the cars in the distance. The shape of the object was oval and there were orange lights spinning around the edge of it. I could not see the object itself, only the lights which remained in the same position as they spun around the oval object, however the object was tumbling around in the sky. It was very strange and I’ve never seen anything like it. I watched it for two or three minutes while driving and at a stop light– until the road dipped down. When I went back up the hill the object was no longer there. The direction of the object was towards Lake Tapawingo. I saw a car on Ligget road that had its emergency flashing lights on where the location would have been good to see the object so there may be another witness. The size of the object was large – it was the width of the cars behind me but I could not tell the distance. There was no sound. I’m hoping someone else saw this and will report it. I’m quite shaken by the experience. NOTE: the above image is a rendering.
Read other New UFO Reports added today @ Chris Holly’s Paranormal Wolrd
Interview with Jacques Vallee Implications of UFO Phenomena
Interview with Jacques Vallee – Implications of UFO Phenomena
Jacques Fabrice Vallée is a venture capitalist, computer scientist, author, ufologist and former astronomer currently residing in San Francisco, California.
In mainstream science, Vallée is notable for co-developing the first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA and for his work at SRI International on the network information center for the ARPANET, a precursor to the modern Internet. Vallée is also an important figure in the study of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), first noted for a defense of the scientific legitimacy of the extraterrestrial hypothesis and later for promoting the interdimensional hypothesis.
UFO Planet EP91 Multiple Spheres Over South Carolina
UFO Planet EP91 – Multiple Spheres Over South Carolina
UFO Planet Episode 91 – Take a journey into the unknown with Darin Crapo and examine UFO Sightings recorded over Alexandria, Virginia, USA; Windsor, Ontario, Canada; Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Colonia, Del Sacramento, Uruguay; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada and Saint Stephen, South Carolina, USA.
Iranian Air Force Grumman F-14A Tomcat (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
As if the Iran-UFO connection (the Axis of Alien-ness?) couldn’t get any weirder, it now appears that the Iranian Air Force attempted to shoot down aircraft that didn’t seem very Earth-like.
Before I go any further, the following does not come from a conspiracy Web site. It’s from an article last October in Combat Aircraft Monthly, a military aviation magazine that features some well-respected writers. The article on Iranian F-14 Tomcat fighters by Babak Taghvaee, who has written extensively on the Iranian Air Force, also recounts how Iran attempted to intercept what it believed to be U.S. spy drones overflying its nuclear facilities.
What’s interesting in Taghvaee’s piece is how Iran describes the intruders, which the Iranians called “luminous objects” in the belief that they were emitting light to enable night photography:
According to Iranian sources, the CIA’s intelligence drones displayed astonishing flight characteristics, including an ability to fly outside the atmosphere, attain a maximum cruise speed of Mach 10, and a minimum speed of zero, with the ability to hover over the target. Finally, these drones used powerful ECM that could jam enemy radars using very high levels of magnetic energy, disrupting navigation systems.
In one intercept over the Arak nuclear facility in November 2004, an Iranian F-14 Tomcat tried to lock its radar on to a luminous object, only to have the radar beam disrupted. “The pilot described the object as being spherical, with something like a green afterburner creating a considerable amount of turbulence behind it,” according to the article. The intruder then increased its speed and “disappeared like a meteor.”
The tale took a deadly turn in January 2012, when an F-14 was scrambled to intercept an intruder flying towards the Bushehr nuclear power plant. Seconds after take-off, the F-14 exploded, killing both crewmen. No cause for the tragedy was determined.
This is not the first time that Iranian fighters tangled with alleged UFOs: In 1976, during the reign of the Shah before the fundamentalists took over, Iranian F-4 Phantoms unsuccessfully attempted to intercept fast, bright objects, only to have some unknown force knock out their instruments. Yet note that nowhere in Taghvaee’s article do Iranian authorities describe the luminous objects in 2004 and 2012 as UFOs (indeed, the only time the word “UFO” is used at all is in a single sub-headline). It is possible that jamming could have disrupted the dated 1970s radar of Iran’s F-14s in the 2004 incident, while an aging aircraft kept flying by parts smuggled past a Western embargo may have exploded in 2012 for reasons other than extraterrestrial action.
In that case, the question becomes, what kind of aircraft flies at Mach 10? That’s 10 times the speed of sound, or 7,612 miles per hour (the legendary SR-71 Blackbird spy aircraft flew at around Mach 3, or 2,283 miles per hour). An obvious candidate is a hypersonic aircraft like NASA’s experimental X-43 hypersonic aircraft, which flew at Mach 9.68 in 2004. That program was terminated, and briefly resurrected as the Air Force X-51 Waverider, which flew at Mach 5 for nearly four minutes last May before plunging into the Pacific.
But these projects are more like experimental missiles that one day might become manned or unmanned aircraft. If the “luminous objects” described by Iran really did fly at Mach 10, jam radars and zoom away from jet interceptors, then this suggests a hypersonic aircraft mature and reliable enough to be trusted with sensitive reconnaissance missions. Perhaps the semi-mythical Aurora?
Without a lot more evidence, such as a crashed spacecraft of an alien pilot, I am not inclined to believe that UFOs felt a need to peek at Iran’s nuclear sites. It’s more likely that the Iranian military – perhaps through an honest mistake – exaggerated the performance of the intruders. But if they didn’t, and the U.S. was able to deploy Mach 10 reconnaissance aircraft a decade ago, then here’s the biggest mystery: Why is America spending a trillion dollars to develop a troubled F-35 Joint Strike Fighter that can’t even fly Mach 2?
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Tall White Nazi Space Aliens Are Not -- We Repeat NOT -- Invading
Tall White Nazi Space Aliens Are Not -- We Repeat NOT -- Invading
The craziest story to emerge from the Edward Snowden leaked documents affair probably has nothing to do with Edward Snowden ... or reality.
According to a story posted by Iran's Fars News Agency, the U.S. government has been under the control of a shadow government overseen by extraterrestrials who helped Nazi Germany's rise in the 1930s.
The news agency story suggests that documents revealed by Snowden are part of a Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) report which states the information provides "incontrovertible proof that an alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda is driving U.S. domestic and international policy, and has been doing so since 1945."
But what has yet to be clarified is how the reputation of one prominent member of the community of UFO believers -- former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer -- has been exploited and misrepresented.
As this story spiraled out of control, Hellyer allegedly confirmed the Fars story was totally accurate. But let's do a little fact checking.
It is true that Hellyer is outspoken about his belief that Earth has been visited by ETs. Nevertheless, he denies any connection to the original source of this Nazi space alien yarn.
The Toronto-based ZlandCommunications News Network, on behalf of Hellyer, sent correspondence to the Washington Post, including:
Mr. Hellyer categorically rejects all and any statements and sources ... which in any manner serve to associate Mr. Hellyer with the following: Edward Snowden, Mr. Snowden's documents, the NSA, the FSB (the Russian Federal Security Service), the website and the Fars News.
At no time was Mr. Hellyer ever in communication with the FSB, Fars News or What Does It Mean. ... We insist that the Washington Post publish a full retraction as well as a public apology to Mr. Hellyer.
In fact, the only reason why Hellyer is involved with this story is because of his recent appearance on Russia Today's TV program, "SophieCo."
Hellyer, 90, was Canada's minister of defense during the 1960s. After his retirement, he became the first cabinet-level politician from a G8 country to go on the record claiming that extraterrestrials are already on Earth.
On the "SophieCo" program, Hellyer was outspoken about Earth's interaction with many extraterrestrials, including a race of "Tall Whites" that are allegedly mentioned in Snowden's documents.
While some might link "Tall Whites" to Hitler's idealized super race of white Aryans, Hellyer never made such an association. That false connection seems to be how the Canadian politician got snagged in this mess.
It turns out that Fars didn't even write the story described above. By its own admission -- at the very bottom of the web page -- it acknowledges that it merely reprinted the whole thing, word-for-word. The story originated a day earlier on what the Washington Post refers to as "the ultra-fringe conspiracy theory website," Their story was written by one "Sorcha Faal," who is further identified as "Sister Maria Theresa, the 73rd Sorcha Faal of the Sorcha Faal Order, elected as Mother Superior 3 February 2007."
Faal's story contained references to Hellyer's appearance on Russia Today, where he mentioned the Tall White aliens. Then, Faal reported that these Tall Whites were included in Snowden's alleged alien-related documents. Of course, there's no proof that Snowden's documents had such a reference, either.
And then, Fars News picked up Faal's story, saying, "This report has been wired from ... All responsibility for the veracity, authenticity and reliability of this report lies with its original source,"
It probably would've helped clarification of all of this if Fars had added that piece of information at the top of its story rather than all the way down at the bottom.
Fars even explains why it decided to reprint the story in the first place:
To those of you who may ask why we have basically carried this story, we should say that FNA has been seeking to inform its viewers of those stories which are ignored by the mainstream media, specially in the West. A part of our daily efforts is focused on such reports. In doing so, we sometimes try to cover some -- specially controversial -- topics with different reports to give our viewers a chance to study them from various perspectives.
And there it is, in a nutshell, or nutcase. Fars is essentially off the hook re. where this entire story originated.
Timeline: It all started in December, with Hellyer's televised appearance where he continued his claims about ETs on Earth -- claims he's made for years.
Hellyer was one of many speakers who testified in front of six former members of Congress at the 2013 Citizen Hearing On Disclosure in Washington, D.C.
Shortly after Hellyer's TV rant -- purely coincidental with the ongoing Snowden stories that have seeped into our consciousness -- all of a sudden, comes out with a story that combines Snowden's leaked documents with Hellyer's comments, and places that far-fetched nonsense into a general environment where people often believe anything they read, especially when the elements of UFOs, aliens, world domination and Nazis are tied together.
That's exactly what happened with this story. In fact, the only thing we know for sure is that Hellyer was on television. But, even that is filled with credibility gaps, as the former Canadian defense minister hasn't come up with even a shred of real evidence of the things he talks about.
Where does credibility begin and end here?
Here are some excerpts from the Hellyer interview after Sophie Shevardnadze asks him why he believes UFOs are as real as airplanes flying over our heads:
Because I know that they are. As a matter of fact, they've been visiting our planet for thousands of years. ... There's just so much evidence, if anybody will take time off to do a little bit of research and study. Some people are interested and will take the time, and others just say, 'Oh, you know it's just fantasy.' Since I've been public on this subject, I get probably three or four emails a week from all over the world, from people who've actually witnessed sightings, and some of them who've actually been on the ships, and some of them who've actually been transported to another planet.
The latest reports that I've been getting from various sources are that there are about 80 different species (of aliens) and some of them look just like us and they could walk down the street and you wouldn't know if you walked past one. They are what we call Nordic Blondes and also the Tall Whites who were actually working with the U.S. Air Force in Nevada. They're able to get away with that -- they had a couple of their ladies dressed as nuns go into Las Vegas to shop and they weren't detected.
Here's the complete interview with Paul Hellyer broadcast on Russia Today's "SophieCo":
All that's really left are the continuing questions about Hellyer and why he maintains his story about aliens visiting Earth. If only he could offer some real, tangible evidence for his claims. That would be nice.
24-01-2014 om 00:47
geschreven door peter
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Paul Hellyer reageert op artikel 'VS wordt bestuurd door buitenaardsen'
Paul Hellyer reageert op artikel 'VS wordt bestuurd door buitenaardsen'
Enige dagen geleden meldde het Iraanse persbureau Fars dat de Verenigde Staten worden bestuurd door buitenaardsen.
Volgens het persagentschap wordt de VS al sinds het einde van de Tweede Wereldoorlog bestuurd door een buitenaardse schaduwregering.
Het stuk werd afgedrukt in de krant Al Arabiya, inclusief de zogezegde bewijzen van de buitenaardse invloed op het beleid van het land. Er werd onder meer verwezen naar onthullingen door Edward Snowden, die een rapport van de Russische veiligheidsdienst FSB in handen had weten te krijgen.
De Canadese oud-minister van Defensie Paul Hellyer zou hebben bevestigd dat de informatie van het persbureau klopt, maar zelf weet hij van niets. Hellyer liet de Washington Post weten dat hij niet geassocieerd wil worden met Edward Snowden, diens documenten, de NSA, de FSB, de website en Fars News. Hij is nooit benaderd door de FSB, Fars News of Whatdoesitmean en eist dat de Washington Post het artikel verwijdert en excuses aanbiedt.
Hellyer werd in het stuk genoemd vanwege zijn recente uitspraken tijdens het programma SophieCo van Russia Today. De 90-jarige Hellyer zegt al enkele jaren openlijk dat buitenaardsen onze planeet bezoeken.
Tijdens de uitzending sprak Hellyer over de vele buitenaardse beschavingen die interacteren met de aarde, waaronder ook de ‘tall whites’ of de Nordics.
Fars News heeft het artikel overgenomen van de complotsite van Sorcha Faal, die de uitspraken van Hellyer heeft verdraaid en daarmee diens reputatie op het spel zet. Fars heeft het stuk naar eigen zeggen overgenomen omdat het persbureau zich ook wil richten op onderwerpen die worden genegeerd door de reguliere media, met name in het Westen.
Hellyer getuigde in 2013 in Washington, DC voor zes Amerikaanse oud-congresleden en mocht zijn opvattingen afgelopen december op televisie kracht bijzetten. Volgens de oud-minister bezoeken buitenaardsen onze planeet al duizenden jaren. Hij krijgt iedere week wel een aantal e-mails van mensen die zeggen aan boord te zijn geweest van ruimteschepen of zelfs zijn meegenomen naar een andere planeet.
Dit doet denken aan de uitspraken van de Japanse voormalige First Lady Miyuki Hatoyama, die enige jaren geleden aangaf met een driehoekige UFO naar de planeet Venus te zijn gereisd. “Het was een prachtige wereld en het was er heel groen,” zei ze.
Tijdens het tv-programma legde Hellyer uit dat er zo’n 80 soorten buitenaardsen zijn en dat sommige niet zijn te onderscheiden van mensen. Dit zijn onder andere de ‘Nordics Blondes’ of ‘tall whites’, en zij werken samen met de Amerikaanse luchtmacht in Nevada, aldus Hellyer.
Er zijn op dit moment zeer bijzondere verschijningen in het luchtruim. Zijn het vuurballen of onbekende objecten?
In de afgelopen dagen zijn vuurballen gezien boven Saoedi-Arabië, diverse Amerikaanse staten, Australië, Duitsland en Groot-Brittannië.
Eind december waren honderden Amerikanen getuige van een overvliegende vuurbal boven Iowa. Een camera van een lokaal weerstation registreerde de vuurbal, die werd waargenomen in de staten Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri en Tennessee.
In oktober vorig jaar was IJsland in de ban van een lichtgevend object dat in een tuin van een stadje terechtkwam en vervolgens uitdoofde. Er zijn nog geen sporen aangetroffen van het object.
Komeet ISON raasde eind november vorig jaar langs de zon. In januari 2013 zag ruimtesonde Swift dat de kern van ISON iedere minuut meer dan 50.000 kilogram stof naar buiten spuwde.
Komeetonderzoeker Paul Wiegert van de University of Western Ontario zei dat de aarde rond 12 januari dit jaar een aantal dagen in aanraking zou kunnen komen met brokstukken van komeet ISON. Hij voegde toe dat de deeltjes te klein zouden zijn om te verbranden in de atmosfeer.
Fel licht
Er is op dit moment met name aandacht voor een vuurbal die dinsdagochtend is vastgelegd boven de stad Dillon in de Amerikaanse staat Montana.
Ruth Jackson reed vlak voor zonsopkomst met haar man en twee kleindochters door Dillon toen ze een fel licht in de lucht zag. Het gezelschap stopte langs de kant van de weg om foto’s te maken.
Het beeldmateriaal werd opgestuurd naar het Montana Space Grant Consortium. Directeur Angela Des Jardins reageerde: “Het eerste wat ik zag was iets wat door de lucht vloog en in brand leek te staan.”
“Het zijn in dit geval geen buitenaardsen en hoewel ik geen autoriteit ben op het gebied van meteoren, kunnen we in dit geval aannemen dat het geen meteoor is geweest,” ging ze verder.
Het onderzoeksinstituut krijgt geregeld foto’s toegestuurd van mensen, maar heeft zoiets nog nooit gezien, aldus Des Jardins.
A Star Just Exploded 'Next Door' And It's A Huge Deal
While you were sleeping, a supernova was spotted "practically next door" and it is, to paraphrase Joe Biden, a big freaking deal.
The stellar explosion occurred in the galaxy Messier 82 (M82), about 12 million light years from Earth. This means the star exploded nearly 12 million years ago and we're just seeing it. University College London claimed to be one of the first to spot the supernova, one of the closest since the 1980s.
It's a huge deal.
This animation, from Ernesto Guido, Nick Howes and Martino Nicolini, shows the before and after:
Want to see the supernova for yourself? Look into the constellation Ursa Major in the Northern Hemisphere. Skymania provided this map:
The best time to see the supernova "is as soon as the sky gets dark when it’s already up in the northeastern sky above the Dipper Bowl," reports Universe Today.
Researchers speculate this may be a type Ia supernova, which is "the type we use to measure the expansion of the Universe and so that would be especially exciting."
Astronomer and cosmologist Brad Tucker made this timelapse of a similar supernova beginning Oct. 24, 2012:
Ce choix de l’atome d’antihydrogène pour percer les mystères de l’antimatière et tenter de trouver des traces d’une nouvelle physique n’est pas anodin. Il y a d’abord le fait que l’hydrogène constitue environ 75 % de la matière observable. Surtout, c’est l’un des systèmes physiques les plus simples et les mieux décrits théoriquement avec les protons et les électrons. Or, il existe un théorème très profond, issu des lois de symétrie, qui s’applique à toutes les théories quantiques relativistes des champs, donc au modèle standard : le théorème CPT.
Les membres de l’expérience Atomic Spectroscopy And Collisions Using Slow Antiprotons (Asacusa) au Cern viennent de faire savoir qu’ils se préparaient à un nouveau bond dans la mesure précise des propriétés des atomes d’antihydrogène en annonçant, dans un article de Nature Communications, qu’ils avaient réussi pour la première fois au monde à produire un faisceau de tels atomes.
80 atomes d'antihydrogène en vol
Jusqu’à présent, les champs magnétiques qui permettaient de stocker un grand nombre d’atomes d’antihydrogène s’opposaient aussi à l’augmentation de la précision des mesures des niveaux d’énergies hyperfins de ces atomes. Pour contourner ce problème, il fallait pouvoir produire un faisceau d’atomes d’antihydrogène loin des gradients de champs magnétiques élevés de leur piège qui brouillaient les mesures spectroscopiques de ces niveaux. C’est chose faite avec la détection non ambiguë de 80 atomes d’antihydrogène à 2,7 mètres de leur lieu de production.
Il reste encore aux chercheurs à améliorer la qualité des faisceaux d’atomes d’antihydrogène qu’ils peuvent produire ainsi que leurs techniques de mesure sur ces objets. De nouvelles expériences sont prévues pour l’été 2014. Celles avec le LHC ne reprendront qu’en 2015.
Any pilot flying holidaymakers between Manchester and Ibiza must be prepared for outlandish sights.
But perhaps nothing so apparently unworldly as this.
The captain of a Thomas Cook airliner flying tourists back from the Spanish holiday island to the north of England reported a "near miss" with a "rugby ball"-shaped UFO, which passed within feet of his jet.
The encounter, over Reading, Berks, was reported to the aviation authorities, who launched an investigation. But no earthly identity for the object could be established.
However, following an analysis of flight data recorded on the internet, the Telegraph has established it was a Thomas Cook plane, with the flight number TCX24HX. It was an A320, with the registration G-KKAZ, which was made in 2003.
The jet was flying to Manchester International airport, from Ibiza, on July 19th 2013. For years, the island has enjoyed a hedonistic reputation, attracting thousands of tourists each summer, many attracted to its vibrant nightlife. In recent years, it has attracted an increasingly upmarket clientele, among them David and Samantha Cameron.
The aircraft was flying at 516mph, at an altitude of 34,000ft, when it was passed by the UFO.
The encounter occurred in daylight, at around 6.35pm. It only emerged following publication of the report, which concluded it was “not possible to trace the object or determine the likely cause of the sighting”.
The captain said he spotted the object travelling towards the jet out of a left hand side, cockpit window, apparently heading directly for it. He said there was no time to for the aircrew to take evasive action.
He told investigators he was certain the object was going to crash into his aircraft and ducked as it headed towards him.
The incident was investigated by the UK Airprox Board, which studies “near misses” involving aircraft in British airspace.
The report states: “(The captain) was under the apprehension that they were on collision course with no time to react. His immediate reaction was to duck to the right and reach over to alert the FO (First Officer); there was no time to talk to alert him.”
It adds: “The Captain was fully expecting to experience some kind of impact with a conflicting aircraft.”
He told investigators he believes the object passes “within a few feet” above the jet.
He described it as being “cigar/rugby ball like” in shape, bright silver and apparently “metallic” in construction.
Once it had passed, the captain checked the aircraft’s instruments and contacted air traffic controllers to report the incident. However, there was no sign of the mystery craft.
As part of the inquiry, data recordings were checked to establish what other aircraft were in the area at the time. However, all were eliminated. The investigation also ruled out meteorological balloons, after checking none were released in the vicinity. Toy balloons were also discounted, as they are not large enough to reach such heights. Military radar operators were contacted but were unable to trace the reported object.
A spokesman for Thomas Cook Airlines said, “All our pilots are trained and required to report any unexpected events that occur during the flight to the aviation authorities.”
The Ministry of Defence closed its UFO desk in December 2009, along with its hotline for reporting such sightings. Following that change, the Civil Aviation Authority took the decision that it would continue to look into such reports, from aircrew and air traffic controllers, because they could have implications for “flight safety”.
In 2012, the head of the National Air Traffic Control Services admitted staff detected around one unexplained flying object every month.
23-01-2014 om 19:49
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Berwyn Mountains UFO Crash: 40 years on, it's still a mystery
Berwyn Mountains UFO Crash: 40 years on, it's still a mystery
A UFO allegedly crashed into Berwyn Mountains in January, 1974
On January 23, 1974, people reported hearing a huge bang, felt earth tremors and saw a brilliant light in the sky above the Berwyn Mountains. Families in the villages of Llandderfel and Llandrillo were settling down to watch TV when an explosion was heard and the ground shook. It measured 3.5 on the Richter scale. As people ran from their homes fearing another tremor, they saw a blaze of light on the mountainside.
A nurse who believed an aircraft had crashed drove to the site and saw a pulsating orange and red glow on the hillside and other lights.
Police converged on the area and emergency services were put on standby. Although searches were undertaken, officially nothing was found – leading to claims of a cover-up.
In the four decades since there has been a huge debate as to what exactly happened that night, with TV documentaries made and books written on the subject.
Some researchers have claimed a UFO crashed, with further claims “bodies” were retrieved and taken away by soldiers. Other theories suggest it was a meteor shower combined with an earthquake – the epicentre of which was at Bala Lake – and the misperception of poachers on the hillside carrying lamps.
Over the years more information has surfaced which has added to the enigma. In 2008 the Daily Post acquired official documents showing how Gwynedd Police were bombarded with calls and eye witness accounts of the strange event, with some convinced they had seen a UFO. They gave a fascinating insight into what was going on that night.
Gwynedd Police Constabulary Major Incident Log – explosion – 21.10pm PC receiving 999 calls of UFO.
A witness who saw an object on the hillside said in a statement: “Saw bright red light, like coal fire red. Large perfect circle. Like a big bonfire. Could see lights above and to the right and white lights moving to bottom. Light changed colour to yellowish white and back again.”
A message in a police log said: “There’s been a large explosion in the area and there is a large fire in the mountainside. I can see the fire where I am.”
Telex message to chief constable Gwynedd constabulary. 22.00pm approx 23/1/74: Saw bright green lights, object with tail – travelling west. Saw about Bangor direction – dropped down.
At approx 10pm on 23/1/74: Saw a circular light in the sky at an estimated height of 1,500 feet. This object exploded and pieces fell to the ground. Mr ...... estimates the pieces would have fallen into the sea between Rhyl and Liverpool.
In 2010 key witness, retired nurse Pat Evans, insisted she saw something strange on the mountainside. At the time she said: “It (the object) couldn’t have got there any other way apart from being flown there, so it had to be a UFO of some sort. I’m talking about something that could only have got there by flying and landing.”
Ms Evans, who was living in Llandderfel, near Bala, added: “We just saw this huge ball glowing and pulsating on the mountain. Some lights seemed to be scattered around it and I just wish we’d stayed to see what the end result was – whether it would just disappear or fly away.
“We didn’t see anybody on the road even though there were various reports that we were told to go away by armed police and military etc, which was all totally untrue.
“We’d heard an almighty bang and we live at the foot of the mountain. I thought it might have been a plane crash. Me being a nurse and my girls being in St John (Ambulance), I thought we could help.”
She told how the object glowed orange, red and yellow and was “moon like, but without windows or doors”. Mrs Evans added: “I’ve never seen anything like it before or since. I have no idea what it was.”
A document from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency revealed a military operation, codenamed Photoflash, was scheduled for that evening. It involved about 10 military aircraft and a series of powerful flashes across the North Wales coast and Liverpool Bay.
The MCA letter said: “During the late afternoon and early evening of 23rd January 1974 there was an exercise from Jerby Range on the Isle of Man. The exercise was called ‘Photoflash’ and coastguards were advised to expect at least 10 aircraft taking part and at least 80 flashes around the Liverpool Bay area and the North Wales coastline.”
There was no more information from official sources on that specific exercise and if it was connected to Berwyn. A spokesman at the RAF Museum Research Department suggested photoflash operations were used for training exercises to illuminate the ground below.
"But the mystery still remains. Researcher Russ Kellett still believes the answer is out there: “I have been researching this for years and I am convinced there was more than one UFO involved that night,” he said. “All the evidence that we have uncovered over the years has consistently pointed that way.”
23-01-2014 om 19:44
geschreven door peter
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Dwarf planet Ceres may be home to alien life
Dwarf planet Ceres may be home to alien life
(Before It's News)
Scientists have detected water on Ceres, a dwarf planet residing in our solar system’s asteroid belt.
The Herschel Telescope detected water vapor spouting from Ceres. According to Michael Küppers of the European Space Agency, “This is the first clear-cut detection of water in the asteroid belt.” The Weather Channel explains that scientists have suspected the presence of substantial water on Ceres for decades. Those suspicions haven’t been confirmed until now.
Researchers postulate that when Ceres moves closer to the sun, part of its icy surface is melted. And according to Popular Science, if all this ice were melted, “it would be more fresh water than is available on all of Earth.”
Marc Rayman of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory told Reuters, “One of the things that’s intriguing here is the possibility of there being liquid water as opposed to ice . . . Certainly all life that we know depends on water. And so this is part of the larger question of where can life exist.” But Rayman says it is premature to declare Ceres a potential habitable environment for alien life. Rayman continued, “There’s a lot more than just water that’s required for life. And whether Ceres has those other ingredients – which include, for example, a source of energy and all of the nutrients that life requires, the rest of the chemistry – it’s too early to say.”
NASA’s space probe Dawn is scheduled to take a closer look the surface of Ceres in the spring of 2015.
Water Discovered on Dwarf Planet Ceres, May Erupt From Ice Volcanoes
IMCCE-Observatoire de Paris/CNRS/Y. Gominet, B. Carry
An artist's impression of water outgassing from two sources on the dwarf planet Ceres, which is also the largest asteroid in the solar system.
Astronomers have discovered direct evidence of water on the dwarf planet Ceres in the form of vapor plumes erupting into space, possibly from volcano-like ice geysers on its surface.
Using European Space Agency's Herschel Space Observatory, scientists detected water vapor escaping from two regions on Ceres, a dwarf planet that is also the largest asteroid in the solar system. The water is likely erupting from icy volcanoes or sublimation of ice into clouds of vapor.
"This is the first clear-cut detection of water on Ceres and in the asteroid belt in general," said Michael Küppers of the European Space Agency, Villanueva de la Cañada, Spain, leader of the study detailed today (Jan. 22) in the journal Nature.
The research has implications for how Ceres formed, and supports models that suggest the planets moved around a lot within the solar system during its formation, Küppers told [See more photos of the dwarf planet Ceres]
Ceres, a dwarf planet or giant asteroid (depending on the definition used), is the largest object in the asteroid belt, orbiting at 2.8 astronomical units (the distance from Earth to the sun).
The "snowline" is thought to partition the solar system into dry objects inside the asteroid belt, and icy objects such as comets further out. But the finding of water on Ceres suggests more mixing has occurred.
Scientists have suspected that there is a substantial amount of water on Ceres for about 30 years. A study found hints of water in the form of hydroxide, a product of water's dissociation, on Ceres in 1991, but the finding wasn't confirmed by later observations. Now, Küppers and his colleagues have confirmed the finding.
The researchers used the Herschel Space Observatory's spectrometer to look for signals of water. Clouds of water vapor around Ceres absorbed the heat that radiates from the dwarf planet, which Herschel's instrument detected.
ESA/ATG medialab
An artist's depiction of the dwarf planet Ceres. Observations by ESA's Herschel space observatory between 2011 and 2013 find that the dwarf planet has a thin water vapor atmosphere.
The team found that Ceres produces about 2×10^26 molecules, or 13 lbs. (6 kilograms), of water vapor per second from its surface.
One possible source of the water is icy volcanism. "It is like volcanism in that hot material from the interior is 'spat out' to the surface," Küppers said — much like a geyser. But these icy volcanoes eject water vapor instead of molten rock, he said.
Another possibility is that ice near the surface of Ceres sublimes, or goes directly from a solid to a gas, dragging with it dust from the surface and exposing more ice. A similar process occurs on comets.
"I personally consider cometary-style sublimation the most likely source, because I find it difficult to maintain the internal heat over the age of the solar system to maintain volcanoes," Küppers said, but he added that more studies were needed.
NASA's Dawn spacecraft, set to go into orbit around Ceres in early 2015, could answer some questions about the water on Ceres. Dawn recently visited the asteroid Vesta, a baked world whose surface is covered with volcanic eruptions.
"One of the most puzzling questions about the origin and evolution of asteroids is why Vesta and Ceres are so different," astrophysicists Humberto Campins and Christine Comfort at the University of Central Florida in Orlando wrote in an article in the same issue of Nature.
Water vapor can transport a lot of heat, so when Ceres formed 4.6 billion years ago, sublimation of water ice might have dissipated much of its heat into space, Campins and Comfort wrote. "This would have stopped Ceres from ending up with an igneous surface like that of Vesta."
Detecting water on Ceres supports models of the solar system in which giant planets, such as Jupiter, migrated to their current positions, mixing material from the outer and inner regions of the solar system.
This mixing could have moved Ceres and Vesta far from the sites where they formed. Ceres probably formed close to its current position, but accreted material from further out, Küppers said.
The findings also suggest that asteroids may have delivered some of the water in Earth's oceans.
God is responsible for the spiritual entities within our bodies, and more likely, aliens are the most likely candidates for the geniuses behind the amazing nanotech DNA which designs our life form physical bodies; there is no argument required.
What I find most objectionable in the Bible is that there's no humor in the Bible, not a single amusing anecdote and God, unlike the controlling entity described in that Book, has a refined sense of ironic humor.
The alien silhouette fingerprints, within our DNA, points to evidence that we were not at all ordained to this planet, by God, an acquired notion that will newly reveal our real destiny as a race, in this universe.
Everyone was religious, believed in religious myths when we were children, for we thought and reacted and learned as children, but as adults, we must now leave behind childish ideas.
Children, when it comes to God, very much like the children of Israel, ask no questions and believe what they are told to believe.
The notion of God, is true enough, but the Bible as a touchstone, with its myths and tales has no adult place in our amended and raised consciousness.
We were NOT ordained to this planet, by God.
There are many predominant planets whose entire intelligent life forms are spiritual entities who have no physical DNA required to house such a spirit being.
Our physical world is an anomaly, by virtue of the sheer numbers of many such noncorporeal worlds, by comparison.
Does human DNA reflect a computer code, an alien nanotech, and thus the not so hidden hidden fingerprint of a "Creator"?
Scientists have found that our genetic code has all of these key elements.
"The coding regions of DNA," expostulates Dr. Stephen Meyer, "have exactly the same relevant properties as a computer code or language" (quoted by Strobel, p. 237, The Case for a Creator, 2004)
Whose mind or what entity could shrink and miniaturize such information and place our DNA's enormous number of 'letters' in their correct sequence as a genetic building block instruction manual?
Could evolution in itself have progressively come up with a nanotech system like this?
It is difficult to fathom, but the quantum of information in our human DNA is roughly comparably equal to 12 sets of The Encyclopedia Britannica-an amazing 384 volumes worth of detailed data that would fill 48 feet long of required library shelves .
Yet in their precise size-only two millionths of a millimeter thick-a teaspoon of DNA, according to molecular biologist Michael Denton, has "all the information needed to build the proteins for all the species of organisms that have ever lived on the earth, and there would still be enough room left for all the information in every book ever written" (Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, 1996,
p. 334).
Intelligent Design of our Human DNA
As scientists began to unravel and decode the human DNA molecule, they found something amazingly unexpected-a computer programmer's exquisite 'language' composed of some 3 billion genetic letters.
"One of the most extraordinary discoveries of the twentieth century," says Dr. Stephen Meyer, director of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute in Seattle, Wash., "was that DNA actually stores information-the detailed instructions for assembling proteins-in the form of a four-character digital code" (quoted by Lee Strobel, The Case for a Creator, 2004, p. 224).
As George Williams explains it: "The gene is a package of information, not an object. The pattern of base pairs in a DNA molecule specifies the gene. But the DNA molecule is the medium, it's not the message" (quoted by Johnson, p. 70).
Design from an intelligent source
To any discerning mind, this type of nanotech high-level information has been deduced to originate only from a seemingly intelligent source.
As Lee Strobel explains: "The data at the core of life is not disorganized, it's not simply orderly like salt crystals, but it's complex and specific information that can accomplish a bewildering task-the building of biological machines that far outstrip human technological capabilities" (p. 244).
For example, the precise nature of this genetic language is such that the average error that is not caught turns out to be one error per 10 billion letters.
If an error occurs in one of the most important parts of the code, in the genes, it causes diseases such as sickle-cell anemia. Yet even the best and most apt typist in the world couldn't come close to making only one mistake per 10 billion letters-far from it.
Michael Behe, a biochemist and professor at Pennsylvania's Lehigh University, explains that DNA genetic data is primarily an instructionmanual.
He reasons: "Consider a step-by-step list of [genetic] instructions. A mutation is a change in one of the lines of instructions. So instead of saying, "Take a 1/4-inch nut," a mutation might say, "Take a 3/8-inch nut." Or instead of "Place the round peg in the round hole," we might get "Place the round peg in the square hole" . . . What a mutation cannot do is change all the instructions in one step-say, [providing instructions] to build a fax machine instead of a radio" (Darwin's Black Box, 1996, p. 41).
We therefore have in our human genetic code an huge complex instructionmanual that appears to have been eloquently designed by a more highly intelligent source than mere human beings.
The God agnostic and recently deceased Francis Crick, one of the discoverers of DNA, after decades of work deciphering it, admitted that "an honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going" (Life Itself, 1981, p. 88, emphasis added).
Dean Kenyon, a biology professor who repudiated his earlier book on Darwinian evolution-because of discoveries of information found in DNA-states: "This new realm of molecular genetics (is) where we see the most compelling evidence of design on the Earth" (ibid., p. 221).
As well, one of the world's most famous atheists, Professor Antony Flew, admitted that he couldn't explain how DNA was created and developed through evolution. He now sees the demanding need for an intelligent source to have been involved in the making of our human DNA code.
"What I think the DNA material has done is show that intelligence must have been involved in getting these extraordinary diverse elements together," he said (quoted by Richard Ostling, "Leading Atheist Now Believes in God," Associated Press report, Dec. 9, 2004).
" I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made . ."
Written some thousands of years ago, King David's words about our constructed human bodies seems most true. He wrote: "For You formed my inward parts, You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made . . . My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought. . ." (Psalm 139:13-15, emphasis added).
Where does all this deposit the theory of evolution? Michael Denton, an agnostic scientist, concludes: "Ultimately the Darwinian theory of evolution is no more nor less than the great cosmogenic myth of the twentieth century" (Denton, p. 358).
Thus we are left like a precipitate out of a solution with the astounding Creator notion that every life-form on Earth carries a genetic code for his extraterrestrial cousin and that evolution is hardly what we deduce that it is it .
This discovery shall shake our roots of humanity and confirm or deny our beliefs, both in our concept of a Creator as well as in our own concept of our destiny.
Within this very paradigm, all forms of life farmed throughout the Universe may well be seen as an enormous molecular nanotech creation by a intelligent Creator using amino acid thoughts expressed mathematically.
Crick, DNA's discoverer, perhaps, said it best:
"Life did not evolve first on Earth, a highly advanced civilization became threatened so they devised a way to pass on their existence.
They genetically-modified their DNA and sent it out from their planet on bacteria or meteorites with the hope that it would collide with another planet.
It did, and that's why we're here.
The DNA molecule is the most efficient information storage system in the entire universe.
The immensity of complex, coded and precisely sequenced information is absolutely staggering. The DNA evidence speaks of intelligent, information-bearing design.
Complex DNA coding would have been necessary for even the hypothetical first ‘so-called' simple cell(s).
Our DNA was encoded with messages from that other civilization.
They programmed the molecules so that when we reached a certain level of intelligence, we would be able to access their information, and they could therefore "teach" us about ourselves, and how to progress.
For life to form by chance is mathematically virtually impossible."
Right: A carbon nanotube. Copyright Prof. Vincent H. Crespi Department of Physics Pennsylvania State University.
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL he saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night. Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence he never suspected that he had; a soul. Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.
They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with people, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.
These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls ,stuck to your energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.
NASA Didnt Tell You About This Anomaly!! What Is It?
NASA Didn’t Tell You About This Anomaly!! What Is It?
(Before It's News)
I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like this before. On January 20th, ten streaks hit the stars. Is it debris? Meteors? The camera lenses? UFO ships? What is it?
Catherine Austin Fitts, voormalig directeur en bestuurslid van de Wall Street-firma Dillon, Read & Co, ving in 1984 op haar werk een gesprek op.
Tijdens het gesprek bespraken topmannen van verschillende bedrijven hoe subliminale boodschappen via de televisie zouden worden verspreid met behulp van audiovisuele entrainment.
Fitts, die tijdens de eerstetermijn van president Bush werkzaam was voor het ministerie van Volkshuisvesting en Stedelijke ontwikkeling, was na het gesprek zo ontdaan dat ze haar televisie voorgoed de deur uit heeft gedaan.
Fitts waarschuwt dat de tv niet het enige telecommunicatiesysteem is waarbij deze technieken worden toegepast. Ook de mobiele telefoon, radio en het internet worden gebruikt om met behulp van geavanceerde technologieën consumenten over te halen, tegenstand de kop in te drukken en de status quo te behouden.
Financiële instellingen maken vaak gebruik van deze technologieën om de consument in een bepaalde gemoedstoestand te krijgen. De Schumann-resonantie kan worden gebruikt om verlost te worden van de invloed van mind control.
As I was pulling into the driveway this particular evening, I noticed a very slow and low flying aircraft just above the trees and roofs two houses down from mine. It seemed unusual so I stayed in the truck and watched as it slowly turned and flew over the neighbors houses and also noticed the irregular light blinking pattern which seemed atypical to that of other planes and helicopters. During this time I searched for my cell phone to take a picture and then it was over my house and I stepped out of the vehicle and realized that there was absolutely no noise or emissions coming from this craft either. I was able to obtain some kind of video, but by the time I was able to gather myself, the video I captured did not show all of the lights and their distinct pattern. As the craft flew over, I noticed it was the clear shape of a triangle and was a combination of black as well as a grey, with somewhat of a pattern or what seemed like lines which met in the center of craft out to the corners, and within each of those triangles had lines connecting the edge of the craft to the lines coming from corners to meet in the center. As mentioned earlier, I did obtain some video, but it unclear of the shape and all three of the lights blinking pattern, but as soon as I got back into the vehicle, it was higher in the sky and it seemed to by flying at a faster rate that before when going over the houses. I then got back into the vehicle to try and follow the craft. I was able to for about two or three miles, turned onto an upcoming street, and then it just disappeared and could not find it anywhere, in any direction nearby or off in the distance. I then went back to the house and kept watching out the window every so often to check if it would happen to be out and nearby again, but that was the last I saw of the craft. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
Scientists using the Herschel space observatory have made the first definitive detection of water vapor on the largest and roundest object in the asteroid belt, Ceres. Plumes of water vapor are thought to shoot up periodically from Ceres when portions of its icy surface warm slightly. Ceres is classified as a dwarf planet, a solar system body bigger than an asteroid and smaller than a planet.
"This is the first time water vapor has been unequivocally detected on Ceres or any other object in the asteroid belt and provides proof that Ceres has an icy surface and an atmosphere," said Michael Küppers of ESA in Spain, lead author of a paper in the journal Nature.
The results come at the right time for NASA's Dawn mission, which is on its way to Ceres now after spending more than a year orbiting the large asteroid Vesta. Dawn is scheduled to arrive at Ceres in the spring of 2015, where it will take the closest look ever at its surface.
"We've got a spacecraft on the way to Ceres, so we don't have to wait long before getting more context on this intriguing result, right from the source itself," said Carol Raymond, the deputy principal investigator for Dawn at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "Dawn will map the geology and chemistry of the surface in high resolution, revealing the processes that drive the outgassing activity."
For the last century, Ceres was known as the largest asteroid in our solar system. But in 2006, the International Astronomical Union, the governing organization responsible for naming planetary objects, reclassified Ceres as a dwarf planet because of its large size. It is roughly 590 miles (950 kilometers) in diameter. When it first was spotted in 1801, astronomers thought it was a planet orbiting between Mars and Jupiter. Later, other cosmic bodies with similar orbits were found, marking the discovery of our solar system's main belt of asteroids.
Scientists believe Ceres contains rock in its interior with a thick mantle of ice that, if melted, would amount to more fresh water than is present on all of Earth. The materials making up Ceres likely date from the first few million years of our solar system's existence and accumulated before the planets formed.
Until now, ice had been theorized to exist on Ceres but had not been detected conclusively. It took Herschel's far-infrared vision to see, finally, a clear spectral signature of the water vapor. But Herschel did not see water vapor every time it looked. While the telescope spied water vapor four different times, on one occasion there was no signature.
Here is what scientists think is happening: when Ceres swings through the part of its orbit that is closer to the sun, a portion of its icy surface becomes warm enough to cause water vapor to escape in plumes at a rate of about 6 kilograms (13 pounds) per second. When Ceres is in the colder part of its orbit, no water escapes.
The strength of the signal also varied over hours, weeks and months, because of the water vapor plumes rotating in and out of Herschel's views as the object spun on its axis. This enabled the scientists to localize the source of water to two darker spots on the surface of Ceres, previously seen by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and ground-based telescopes. The dark spots might be more likely to outgas because dark material warms faster than light material. When the Dawn spacecraft arrives at Ceres, it will be able to investigate these features.
The results are somewhat unexpected because comets, the icier cousins of asteroids, are known typically to sprout jets and plumes, while objects in the asteroid belt are not.
"The lines are becoming more and more blurred between comets and asteroids," said Seungwon Lee of JPL, who helped with the water vapor models along with Paul von Allmen, also of JPL. "We knew before about main belt asteroids that show comet-like activity, but this is the first detection of water vapor in an asteroid-like object."
IT COULD hardly be more timely. Less than a month after China's Chang'e-3 mission placed a rover on the lunar surface, an art show, Republic of the Moon, sets out its own exploration of our natural satellite. Put together by the Arts Catalyst, an organisation whose remit is "provocative, playful, risk-taking" art-science projects, the aim is to encourage public engagement with a field usually dominated by politics, science, business and space enthusiasts.
There is a publication, too: Manifesto for a Republic of the Moon, which works with the show to provide an alternative take on the moon's significance, focusing on wit, imagination, small-scale science and the unresolved issue of ownership .
Take the "Moon Treaty", which came into force 30 years ago. It was framed to put the moon under international control, but as the moon race reheats, only 15 states have signed up to it. Aside from China's rover Yutu (which means "Jade Rabbit", a mythical pet of moon goddess Chang'e), India, Japan and South Korea also have projects. And companies are lining up, spurred by mining potential, interest in space tourism and Google's Lunar X prize of $20 million to create a privately funded lunar rover.
These competing agendas are cleverly captured by artists Hagen Betzweiser and Sue Corke, who work together under the name WE COLONISED THE MOON. They are artists in residence at the exhibition. Entering their area, you are faced with a blackboard bearing the words: "Theme Park or Quarry".
Elsewhere in the show, whimsy and imagination feature strongly. In Moon Goose Analogue: Lunar Migration Bird Facility, a film and elaborate control room by artist Agnes Meyer-Brandis, we see how she raised 11 geese, making them think she was their mother, and taking them on walks in a lunar-like landscape.
Similarly imaginative is Joanna Griffin's work, Moon Vehicle, created with P. Shreekumar, an astrophysicist at the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in Bangalore. This documents a project set up at a top art school in the city. Students used "imagination" experiments, art, and visits to ISRO to explore the technologies used in India's first lunar probe, Chandrayaan-1.
Underlining the importance of other kinds of thinking, Griffin writes in the Manifesto: "Moon missions risk becoming a transport system whereby [only] certain ideologies and habits of thinking from Earth are projected onto the Moon." In other words, we are in danger of repeating the mistakes of the colonial era, but on an interplanetary scale.
This problem is crystallised in Liliane Lijn's art. Her ongoing Moonmeme work consists of a proposed projection of the word "SHE" across the face of the moon. Such an approach sees the moon as a blank canvas on which, she says, to "transform the meaning of an essential word".
Translation and transformation are also key to Katie Paterson's Earth-Moon-Earth. She turned Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata into Morse code, reflected it off the moon and deciphered it back on Earth for a self-playing baby grand piano. The result is recognisable but glitch-ridden because the moon absorbs some information in its shadows. The "moon-altered" score turns the gaps into enigmatic intervals and rests.
In Paterson's work, the moon is an agent of change. But in Leonid Tishkov's Private Moon, it is a fixed point. This set of photos, each coupled with a verse, tells of a relationship between a man who met the moon and stayed with "her" for the rest of his life. It is touching, but the images see the moon as alien, empty, passive; the man is the only active force.
Overall, the show is admirable for its attempts to engage the public and for suggesting that when it comes to the moon's ownership, narratives of colonialism and gender are never far away. But it remains open to charges of anthropocentrism: as if the moon only matters in how it relates to humanity. The exhibition repeats the logic that gave us anthropogenic climate change, and, for all its emphasis on imagination and wit, fails to offer us an escape route.
Tom Jeffreys is an art critic, and edits online magazine The Learned Pig
Water found in stardust suggests life is universal
Water found in stardust suggests life is universal
A sprinkling of stardust is as magical as it sounds. The dust grains that float through our solar system contain tiny pockets of water, which form when they are zapped by a blast of charged wind from the sun.
The chemical reaction causing this to happen had previously been mimicked in laboratories, but this is the first time water has been found trapped inside real stardust.
"The implications are potentially huge," says Hope Ishii of the University of Hawaii in Honolulu, one of the researchers behind the study. "It is a particularly thrilling possibility that this influx of dust on the surfaces of solar system bodies has acted as a continuous rainfall of little reaction vessels containing both the water and organics needed for the eventual origin of life."
Dust rain
Solar systems are full of dust – a result of many processes, including the break-up of comets. John Bradley of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California and his colleagues inspected the outer layer of interplanetary dust particles extracted from Earth's stratosphere.
Ultra-high-resolution microscopy allowed them to probe the 5- to 25-micrometre specks of dust to reveal small pockets of trapped water just beneath the surface.
Laboratory experiments offer clues to how the water forms. The dust is mostly made of silicates, which contains oxygen. As it travels through space, it encounters the solar wind. This stream of charged particles including high-energy hydrogen ions is ejected from the sun's atmosphere. When the two collide, hydrogen and oxygen combine to make water.
As interplanetary dust is thought to have rained down on early Earth, it is likely that the stuff brought water to our planet, although it is difficult to conceive how it could account for the millions of cubic kilometres of water that cover Earth today. "In no way do we suggest that this was sufficient to form oceans," says Ishii.
Universal water
A more likely origin for the huge volume of water on our planet is wet asteroids that pummelled early Earth. Comets are also a candidate: the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft, due to send a lander to a comet later this year, is tasked with probing their role.
However, the Bradley team's results are relevant to the quest for life on other planets. The water-producing reaction is likely to be universal, and to happen in any corner of the universe with a star, or even a supernova, says Ishii.
What's more, interplanetary dust in our solar system – and in others – contains organic carbon. If stardust contains carbon and water, it means the essentials of life could be present in solar systems anywhere in the universe and raining down on their planets.
"These are the types of processes that we expect to occur in other planetary systems," says Fred Ciesla of the University of Chicago in Illinois, who was not involved in the work. "Water and organics are not uncommon."
Sent by Eisenhower to Meet an ALIEN Amazing Confession of Ex Military
Sent by Eisenhower to Meet an ALIEN – Amazing Confession of Ex Military
This video interview was displayed as part of the Citizen Hearing held April 30 – May 3, 2013, about ET disclosure and the cover up. This hearing was held in Washington, in front of six former US congressmen and congresswomen, as well as a US senator.
'UFO's hebben buitenaardse oorsprong en worden magnetisch aangedreven'
'UFO's hebben buitenaardse oorsprong en worden magnetisch aangedreven'
De Canadese overheid heeft een aantal jaren officieel onderzoek gedaan naar ongeïdentificeerde vliegende objecten.
Project Magnet was de naam voor het programma dat het Canadese ministerie van Transport tussen 2 december 1950 en 1954 gebruikte voor het onderzoek naar UFO’s.
Directeur Wilbert B. Smith concludeerde na afloop van het project dat UFO’s waarschijnlijk een buitenaardse oorsprong hebben en vrijwel zeker magnetisch worden aangedreven.
Aardmagnetisch veld
Het programma was bedoeld om gegevens over UFO’s te gebruiken voor nieuwe technologieën. Daarnaast wilde men onderzoeken of het mogelijk was om het aardmagnetisch veld te gebruiken voor de aandrijving van vaartuigen. Smith en zijn collega’s geloofden dat UFO’s de sleutel waren tot deze nieuwe energiebron.
In juni 1952 concludeerde Smith in een rapport dat UFO’s waarschijnlijk afkomstig waren van intelligente, buitenaardse bronnen en vrijwel zeker gebruikmaakten van magnetische manipulatie om te kunnen vliegen.
Enkele maanden daarvoor startte de Canadese overheid een tweede UFO-programma, te weten Project Second Storey. Het project bestond uit een groep wetenschappers en legerofficieren, die geregeld bijeenkwamen om te spreken over UFO’s.
Volgens Smith konden UFO’s worden gelinkt aan bovennatuurlijke fenomenen. Hij zei zelf in contact te staan met buitenaardse wezens die op telepathische wijze met hem communiceerden. Hij schreef een aantal artikelen waarin hij zijn contact met de ‘ruimtebroeders’ zoals hij ze noemde uit de doeken deed. In 1954 maakte de overheid bekend dat het programma niet werd verlengd.
Ze bestaan echt, zegt UFO-deskundige Coen Vermeeren. Al tientallen jaren spreken tienduizenden mensen uit mijn vakgebied – astronauten, piloten, luchtverkeersleiders, militairen – serieus over UFO’s.
Volgens Vermeeren is het de hoogste tijd dat wetenschappers de getuigen en ook de talloze waarnemingen eindelijk serieus nemen.
Coen gelooft heilig dat er intelligent buitenaards leven bestaat en dat valt niet goed in het wetenschapswereldje.
Beter kijken
“Zolang ik nog geen kopje koffie of een biertje kan drinken met een alien ben ik nog niet overtuigd,” zegt Hans van der Lande van ruimtevaarttentoonstelling Space Expo.
“Het [de UFO’s] kunnen ook lege rakettrappen zijn, het kan ook ruimteafval zijn, het kunnen ook meteorieten zijn, het kan van alles zijn,” aldus Van der Lande. “Het kan natuurlijk ook heel goed mogelijk zijn dat het wel buitenaards leven is, alleen het is geen bewijs en wij willen graag bewijs zien vanuit de wetenschap.” Volgens Vermeeren is dat gewoon een kwestie van beter kijken.
Positieve reacties
Met zijn boek probeert de eigenzinnige Coen zijn collega’s nu alsnog te overtuigen. “Ik verwacht eigenlijk heel veel positieve reacties,” zegt hij. “Het verhaal is zo duidelijk wat mij betreft en ik denk dat iedereen die het leest denkt: Vroeger dacht ik dat het onzin was en nu twijfel ik.”
“Edgar Mitchell, de zesde man op de maan, zegt dat UFO’s buitenaardse voertuigen zijn,” gaat hij verder. “Dat weten we ook. Onze regeringen weten dat, maar vertellen ons dat niet.”
De 59-jarige Kent Senter lijdt aan de ziekte van Kahler, een kwaadaardige woekering van een bepaald soort witte bloedcellen. Hij had nog één wens: het organiseren en financieren van een internationale UFO-conferentie.
Vandaag en morgen komen 12 sprekers uit de wetenschappelijke en militaire wereld bijeen in Greensboro, North Carolina om te spreken over UFO’s.
Senter raakte geïnteresseerd in UFO’s nadat hij er zelf tot twee keer toe had een aantal had gezien. Op 33-jarige leeftijd zag hij op een dag drie gele bollen in de lucht. Toen hij zijn zaklamp op de objecten richtte verdwenen ze plotseling. Ervoor in de plaats kwam een rechthoekig lichtgevend object, dat kort daarop ook verdween.
Groot taboe
Senter merkte al snel dat er binnen de media en overheidskringen een groot taboe heerst op UFO’s. Het frustreerde hem dat mensen die melding deden van een UFO stelselmatig belachelijk werden gemaakt. Wel kan hij rekenen op de steun van zijn gezin.
Achteraf gezien had Senter graag natuurkunde willen studeren. “Het zijn de wetenschappers die het taboe op UFO’s moeten zien te doorbreken en daarbij niet bang moeten zijn om hun baan te verliezen,” zei hij.
Tijdens het symposium in North Carolina komt ook generaal-majoor b.d. Wilfried de Brouwer aan het woord. Van oktober 1989 tot juni 1991 was er sprake van de zogeheten Belgische ufogolf. Door honderden getuigen, waaronder ook politieagenten, werd toen melding gemaakt van geluidloos vliegende zwarte of donkergrijze driehoeken die op elke punthoek en in het midden een markeringslicht voerden.
De Brouwer zette tevergeefs F-16 gevechtsvliegtuigen in om één of meerdere van deze UFO’s te kunnen onderscheppen. De Belgische luchtmacht heeft in 1990 een officiële verklaring uitgegeven over deze gebeurtenissen, waarin stond dat ze geen idee had wat de aard van deze verschijnselen was.
Officiële agentschappen
In een toenemend aantal landen, waaronder Frankrijk en Chili, zijn officiële agentschappen opgericht om onderzoek te doen naar UFO-meldingen. Xavier Passot is het hoofd van de Franse UFO-onderzoeksgroep GEIPAN, dat onder de Franse ruimtevaartorganisatie CNES valt. Hij zal vertellen wat zijn overheid weet over onbekende vliegende objecten.
Ook de Chileense overheid doet uitgebreid onderzoek naar UFO’s. Naar schatting 85 procent van de Chilenen gelooft dat UFO’s echt zijn.
The feeling of unseen human hands and their undeniable touches on my arms, back and shoulders with concurrent accompanying psychic disturbances increase, but now when I do experience these symptoms of a lost soul/ ghost who jumps on me, an energy connection is felt such that my skin burns where I am touched.
At one time, in order to block these experiences, knowing that some medications did change brain chemistry to the extent as to simply put one beyond the reach of such creatures, I tried antihistamines and did indeed manage to stop it all temporarily.
I had read that on the Internet and just wanting to feel normal, again, tried it on myself. I don't know how it works but it works..... temporarily.
But, one can't live on Benedryll.
Other medications have specifically been developed for people who are troubled by 'seeing things', 'hearing things' and 'feeling things' and these were
pharmacologically designed because modern medicine makes no differentiation, no distinctions between spiritual dysfunctions and psychological dysfunctions.
A modern clinician unarmed and unversed in such spiritual truths, perceives a child patient who experiences these phenomena as more psychotic than more psychic, and not ever as a young 'sensitive' who has not yet learned but must, how to close his energies to such entities...
I was told by others early on that what I was going through was a blessing.
I did not accept that at the time.
It has been a tough learning experience for both me and the unseen world; I once advised a spirit whose hand rested heavily on my right shoulder(I could feel the span of fingers) to "cross over to the other side", of course meaning the other dimension that we all come from and and go to, 'Heaven' , and a few seconds later, it obliged my request by crossing over to my left side and good naturedly resting its hand, THERE.
I deduced that rather than it having a rarefied sense of humor, it had no idea whatsoever what I was referring to...
Of course, when none of this works, or when a demon or non juvenile reptilian cruises in, for what turns out to be an extended visit, an onset of the most awful nightmares unlike any you can imagine, vivid and terrifying ensues.
Such entities refuse rescue and delight in tormenting humans; nothing else except unholy ones could do such violence to mere dreams.
During such sieges, I am in spiritual crises and I have had to neatly discard any pedestrian Freudian or Jungian explanations as simply moot and seek
metaphysical approaches that do, after a fashion, work.
Recently, in self defense for myself as well as in empathy and pathos for a lost soul, I counsel any such spirit who stumbles onto me with love and compassion, as one would a lost traveler.
It could very well be you or I who were so lost.
Rather than dismiss an unseen touch and the ghost as though it were a fly at my mustache, or treat it with the disgust or shock that a ghost often elicits from a random stranger, I openly complain to the spirit that phantoms DO fill the air around us, and add that although we all come from God, one way or the other, we all must have to fight very hard to return to God.
I relay this to the unseen intelligence, touching me, with a newfound lack of fear and with real pathos and as much sympathy as I can muster all the while fully aware that it is likely psychically dangerous and as much disturbed as it was when it was a person, in the body.
An unfortunate wrinkle, a major trouble is, not all negative energies 'out there', earthbound for a sensitive to sense are human; some are reptilian.
If it is still insistently hungry and topical arm and leg burning touches apprise me that connections between my energies and it are continuing and it's still stubbornly in my face, a sprits of incensed holy water from a plant misting bottle clears the attachment feeling and the onset of mild psychic attack; one can feel their angst.
At that point, I tell them that it's so sad and ironic that God has sent them to me for help, as there are no accidents, and that most ironically, they have been sent to me for directions, when I myself am often so helplessly lost.
I go on to tell them that touching people for energy, stealing energy from people further traps them here, in a type of inter dimensional Hell, between worlds where they are subject to bullying from other larger, fiercer predators.
I ask them to try to reach higher into their own dimension by asking for angelic help as I do the same, in mine.
I remind them that they didn't really die when they left their body and that they cannot and won't die if they refrain from doing without stolen human energy; that some humans look just like bright lights to them.
Some do not listen; when advised that they are dead and not in the physical body, the retort I have more than once heard in my skull was,"How do I know that YOU'RE not dead?"
Some listen. I ask my angels to work with their angels to bring a friend, a neighbor, a lover, a child, a former pet, a parent, a friend, a schoolmate, SOMEONE who they can trust, to bring them over to the Other Side.
I try to surround them in a white light and lead them to into it.
I pray FOR them, instead of for myself and my relief from them. It raises their vibrations and moves them out of the darkness and is appreciated by them and by others.
I then also try to goad them into a finer purpose of helping me.
I ask them to leave here as the' goofy Earthbound' spirit that they now are and that after they have traveled to the Christ light, and to Heaven, to help themselves and their Karma and me; that they RETURN to me, as purified cleansed spirits, afterwards, to assist me in rescuing others, just in the same way as they have been rescued.
What usually appeals to the 'holdouts' is my reminding them that nobody has spoken to them or paid attention to them for a long time, except for me.
Rarely, then, do they attack with projected telepathic/psychic attack in nightmares or sinister poltergeist machinations .
I have bought some peace and I have done some service to the Other Side..
Russian space troops are not ready to battle with aliens yet! Should we be worried, not because they are not ready, but because we actually have space troops! – What do the Russians know ?
We are not ready to fight extraterrestrial civilizations, says defence official – but we will be soon!
On top of the troubling news this week that the Twitter account of Nasa’s Near-Earth Object Program, which monitors potentially hazardous asteroids and comets, isn’t operational because of the US shutdown, today comes further worrying news from Russia regarding threats from space.
Russia’s Aerospace Defence Troops, or ‘space troops’ as they have become known, are not prepared for an alien invasion, a defence official has said.
Russia Today reported that during a press conference at the Titov Main Test and Space Systems Control Centre near Moscow, the centre’s deputy chief Sergey Berezhnoy was asked about extraterrestrial security.
“So far we are not capable of that. We are unfortunately not ready to fight extraterrestrial civilizations,” Berezhnoy replied.
“Our centre was not tasked with it yet. There are too many problems on Earth and near it,” he added.
The Russian Space Forces were established initially in August 10, 1992 after the break-up of the Soviet Union. It was replaced in 2011 by the Russian Aerospace Defence Forces. This branch of the Russian military is responsible for air and missile defence and the operation of military satellites.
One of its tasks is also “monitoring space objects and the identification of potential threats to the Russian Federation in space and from space, prevention of attacks as needed.”
Russia Today reassures readers that despite the inability to defend the country against attacks from outer space the Russians do have “extremely effective and high tech means for dealing with terrestrial issues and threats.”
A novel strategy may help astronomers better target extraterrestrial intelligent life. Dr. Michael Gillon, of the University of Liege in Belgium, proposes an approach that would monitor the regions of nearby stars to search for interstellar communication devices.
The most common method in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (abbreviated as SETI) is the use of giant radio dishes to scan the stars, listening for possible faint signals coming from distant civilizations.
While the SETI institute has been hard at work since 1959 we haven’t chanced upon a signal yet. But that doesn’t mean we’re alone or that we should stop looking.
Even without a confirmed extraterrestrial signal, most astronomers would argue that recent discoveries have strongly reinforced the hypothesis that extraterrestrial life may just be abundant in the Universe. With the help of the Kepler Space Telescope we have learned that planets are plentiful throughout the Milky Way. With most stars harboring at least one planet, it’s conceivable that a few of those planets will have the right conditions for life.
So why haven’t we detected extraterrestrial intelligent life? Why do we have this glaring Fermi Paradox — the apparent contradiction between the high probability of extraterrestrial civilizations’ existence and the lack of contact with such civilizations? One hypotheses to explain the famous Fermi Paradox is that self-replicating probes could have explored the whole Galaxy, including our Solar System, but we just haven’t detected them yet. A self-replicating probe is one sent to a nearby planetary system where it would mine raw materials to create a replica of itself that would then head towards other nearby systems, continuing to replicate itself along the way.
While our own technological civilization is less than two hundred years old, we have already sent robotic probes to a large number of bodies in our Solar System and beyond. Our furthest-reaching probe, Voyager 1, just made it to interstellar space. But it took it over 40 years.
“We are still far from being able to build an actual self-replicating interstellar spaceship, but only because our technology is not mature enough, and not because of an obvious physical limitation,” Dr. Gillon told Universe Today.
The above unknown visitor came from deep space. It passed nearly as close to the Earth as the moon on May 21st. Its spectrum didn’t match any known asteroid. At a feeble absolute magnitude of +28.9, the traveler must have only been about the size of a truck.
The detection is tantalizing, nevertheless, because we can identify space objects down to a few feet across. That’s the scale of what you might expect any alien probe might be, assuming their technology is comparable to ours. (Forget about those huge motherships in the 1996 film “Independence Day,” the fuel costs are astronomical.)
On the hypothesis that we might have been visited long ago, could there be alien artifacts left behind, perhaps abandoned in solar orbit alongside our own space junk?
The fact that we haven’t found anything yet makes it clear that any visiting aliens didn’t do anything obvious to say they came by. But I can make a few cautious extrapolations from how they might have conducted the exploration of our solar system – that is, if they think like we do!
First, we have to assume there is a nearby extraterrestrial civilization that is inquisitive enough to invest the resources into building interstellar probes.
They first identified Earth as inhabited in telescopic surveys, then they wanted to know what lives here. Given the extreme physics of interstellar travel, answering that question is no small expense.
Secondly, these probes are built purely for data collection and beaming findings to their home planet. They are the mechanical equivalent of Lewis & Clark, with the intelligence to self-reprogram their mission depending on what they discover.
A probe’s mission is not to plant the flag of Zork on top of the U.S. Capitol, or make direct contact such as: “Greetings from the Zeta Reticulans. how are you?”
In a paper published in the 1960s, Carl Sagan, using the Drake Equation, statistically estimated that Earth might be visited every few tens of thousands of years by an extraterrestrial civilization.
The unknown visitor came from deep space. It passed nearly as close to the Earth as the moon on May 21st. Its spectrum didn't match any known asteroid. At a feeble absolute magnitude of +28.9, the traveler must have only been about the size of a truck.
The detection is tantalizing, nevertheless, because we can identify space objects down to a few feet across. That's the scale of what you might expect any alien probe might be, assuming their technology is comparable to ours. (Forget about those huge motherships in the 1996 film "Independence Day," the fuel costs are astronomical.)
On the hypothesis that we might have been visited long ago, could there be alien artifacts left behind, perhaps abandoned in solar orbit alongside our own space junk?
The fact that we haven't found anything yet makes it clear that any visiting aliens didn't do anything obvious to say they came by. But I can make a few cautious extrapolations from how they might have conducted the exploration of our solar system – that is, if they think like we do!
First, we have to assume there is a nearby extraterrestrial civilization that is inquisitive enough to invest the resources into building interstellar probes.
They first identified Earth as inhabited in telescopic surveys, then they wanted to know what lives here. Given the extreme physics of interstellar travel, answering that question is no small expense.
Secondly, these probes are built purely for data collection and beaming findings to their home planet. They are the mechanical equivalent of Lewis & Clark, with the intelligence to self-reprogram their mission depending on what they discover.
A probe's mission is not to plant the flag of Zork on top of the U.S. Capitol, or make direct contact such as: "Greetings from the Zeta Reticulans. how are you?"
In a paper published in the 1960s, Carl Sagan, using the Drake Equation, statistically estimated that Earth might be visited every few tens of thousands of years by an extraterrestrial civilization.
If this is a reasonable estimate, then what evidence might have been left behind? (And pull-eeze — it's not the Great Pyramids, not the Nazca lines and not Stonehenge!)
For starters, the probe might self-destruct after reconnoitering the solar system and transmitting its findings back to its builders. It would be “retired” simply for the sake of not polluting our system with evidence of alien technology. For biological quarantine, NASA crashed its Galileo orbiter into Jupiter, and that is the ultimate fate of the Cassini probe at the end of its mission to Saturn.
But could you program an artificially intelligent machine to commit suicide? It simply might change its mind.
Given all the expense to get the probe here, its builders would strive to make it immortal through self-repair, if not replication. This is embodied in the popular idea of a Von Neumann machine.
The probe would have to find a place to park and collect resources for self repair (but not a stop at Radio Shack). It may be instructed to do a re-reconnoiter of our solar system periodically and go into hibernation for long intervals. (No, it wouldn't need to tap into our power grid as alleged in several goofy UFO stories. Who needs energy from a fossil fuel-dependent medieval planet?)
The visitor could park in a solar orbit. If the probe detected artificial electromagnetic transmissions from Earth, it might go into stealth mode to avoid detection and capture. After all, it couldn't collect much data if it were snagged and put on display at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C.
Even if visitors to our solar system were sloppy, with one or more probes leaving debris on asteroids or even planets, the artifacts would be pretty difficult for us to detect.
NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) has photographed our lunar artifacts, such as the Surveyor 6, shown here. But we knew what we were looking at. Even the shadow from a black alien monolith on the moon might get overlooked as just another tall boulder.
To get attention, a piece of space junk from an alien probe would have to be big and morphologically peculiar, or have an odd spectral signature or albedo.
I can’t help but wonder if aliens would want to just leave a calling card that one of their robotic explorers passed through our solar system. It could be as simple as a passive artifact with etchings or some indelible feature that would survive micrometeors and radiation exposure over hundreds of millions of years. This is similar in concept to the Pioneer plaque and Voyager record placed on our first probes to escape the solar system.
But where would aliens place such an artifact so that it is easily found? The fact that we haven’t stumbled across anything obvious yet reduces the likelihood of this hypothesis.
If you were an alien visiting the solar system, where would you leave a message? And, what would it say? Maybe something like: "We Came in Peace for All Klattukind."
Many UFO researchers working on their research in the 1970s and 1980s died under mysterious circumstances, and may have been killed. This is the conclusion reached by an amateur astronomer, a former U.S. government adviser Timothy Hood. He made this statement at an international conference in Amsterdam dedicated to search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
This statement is true not so much for the chasers for unidentified flying objects, but the researchers trying to find extraterrestrial life, including professional astrophysics. Hood’s conclusion was prompted by a 30-year study of this topic.
Famous American astronomer Morris K. Jessup, whose books about intelligent life beyond Earth have become bestsellers, committed suicide. He ended his life by opening an exhaust pipe in his car, locking his door and turning on the ignition. Professor James Edward McDonald, who for many years served as head of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Earth and studied unidentified aerospace objects, put a bullet in his head.
Edward Ruppelt, who led a project for the study of unidentified objects in the skies over the United States, died of a cardiovascular crisis at the age of 37. On November 5, 2001, William Milton Cooper, a famous UFO researcher who has repeatedly accused the U.S. government of hiding the truth about UFOs, was killed by police in his home. Cooper, who clearly suffered from delusion, lived in Yeager (Arizona). He bought weapons in bulk to create units to fight a secret government led by aliens.
Before the incident the police was told that Cooper threatened harmless residents, believing, apparently, that they were chasing him on the instructions of the authorities. The police surrounded the ranch where he lived. He said that anyone who would dare to cross the threshold of his private property will be killed, but the police ignored him. As a result, one policeman was seriously wounded, and the other one had to shoot the researcher as self-defense.
There is also the famous “Sheldon list.” The famous American writer Sidney Sheldon, working on his novel “The End of the World”, drew attention to a series of mysterious deaths among British specialists developing space weapons.
In October of 1986, Professor Arshad Sharif killed himself by tying one end of the rope to a tree, making a loop at the other end, putting his head through it and driving the car away. A few days later another London professor, Vimal Dazibay, jumped head first from the Bristol Bridge. Both of them worked on the development of electronic weapons for the English government program, similar to the American “Star Wars.”
In January of 1987, another scientist, Avtar Singh-Guide, went missing. He was later declared dead. In February of 1987, Peter Pippel was run over by his car in his garage. In March of 1987, David Sands committed suicide by crashing his car into a building. In April of 1987, four developers of space programs died. Mark Wiesner hung himself, Stuart Gooding fell victim of murder, David Greenhalgh fell off the bridge, and Shani Warren drowned. In May of that year, Michael Baker was killed in a car accident.
In a relatively short time, 25 people who worked in the space field died for various reasons. Sidney Sheldon, who discovered this tragic phenomenon, seriously believed that it had to do with aliens.
According to Timothy Hood, these deaths were not accidental, but rather, were the work of special services that eliminated the experts because they knew too much. In the 1970′s and 1980′s in the United States there were secret UFO research programs such as the “Blue Book”, “Aquarius”, “Area 51″, “Majestic 12″, and GEIPAN. While official data show that most of these projects are now inactive, many conspiracy theorists doubt it. Every now and then “sensational” materials emerge in the media whose purpose is to convince the public that the U.S. government is hiding the truth about human contact with aliens.
Perhaps it has to do not with the aliens but military secrets or falsified facts. In any case, the intrigue remains. The topic of contacts with other civilizations continues to thrill, and the perceived danger makes it even more exciting.
Asteroïdengordel bestaat uit resten van vernietigde planeet
Asteroïdengordel bestaat uit resten van vernietigde planeet
Op een zeer oude rolzegel staat de oudste kaart van sterren en planeten getekend, waarop 4000 jaar voor Copernicus ons zonnestelsel op schaal in beeld is gebracht.
Op de kaart is tussen Mars en Jupiter, daar waar zich tegenwoordig de asteroïdengordel bevindt, nog een planeet te vinden.
Is deze planeet het antwoord op de vraag over de oorsprong van de mens? Lag daar misschien het verloren paradijs uit de Bijbel? Kwam Adam van een andere planeet, zoals in de Koran staat beschreven?
Wet van Titius-Bode
De Duitse wetenschapsonderzoeker dr. Johannes von Buttlar inventariseert in zijn boek ‘De Tiende Planeet’, dat na het verschijnen gelijk een bestseller werd, alle theorieën die zijn gehanteerd over de oorsprong van de mens. Hij betoogt dat deze oorsprong gezocht moet worden op een tot nu toe onbekende planeet, namelijk Phaëton.
Von Buttlar bouwt een lange brug vanaf de aankomst van de mens op aarde tot zijn verre toekomst. Volgens hem slaan afgezanten van hogere beschavingen de ontwikkeling van de mensheid al sinds de oertijd gade.
In 1596 stelde Johannes Kepler dat tussen Mars en Jupiter nog een planeet moest worden gevonden. Johann Daniel Titius en Johann Elert Bode kwamen in 1772 na een aantal berekeningen tot dezelfde conclusie. Hun formule werd later ook wel de wet van Titius-Bode genoemd. Volgens Von Buttlar is de planetoïdengordel het gevolg van een geëxplodeerde planeet. Sinds de ontdekking van Titius en Bode wordt gespeculeerd over de vermeende planeet.
De ruimteschepen van Ezechiël
Von Buttlar wijst op een duizenden jaren oude Sumerische rolzegel met een kaart van ons zonnestelsel. Volgens de nieuwe definitie telt ons zonnestelsel acht planeten, maar de Sumeriërs kenden er 10.
De bewoners van de planeet tussen Mars en Jupiter kwamen met grote ruimteschepen naar de aarde, aldus Von Buttlar. In oude geschriften worden veel verwijzingen aangetroffen naar waarnemingen van ruimteschepen. Zo zou Ezechiël, één van de grote profeten uit de Bijbel, er één hebben gezien. Tijdens het schrijven van het boek 'The Spaceships of Ezekiel' (1974) raakte Josef F. Blumrich, die destijds afdelingshoofd was van het Marshall Space Flight Center van NASA, ervan overtuigd dat Ezechiël daadwerkelijk een ruimteschip had gezien.
Von Buttlar wijst erop dat de geschiedenis van de mensheid heel anders is verlopen dan wij denken. Volgens hem kan het heel goed zijn dat er 60 miljoen jaar geleden al mensen op aarde waren.
In sterrenstof dat door het zonnestelsel zweeft is voor het eerst water aangetroffen. Eerder werden organische stoffen in interplanetair stof gevonden.
Het lijkt erop dat stofkorrels in de ruimte de basisingrediënten bevatten voor leven. Omdat dergelijk stof in alle zonnestelsels in het heelal wordt gevonden, komt leven hoogstwaarschijnlijk overal in de kosmos voor.
Zonnestelsels bevatten veel stof, dat onder meer vrijkomt bij het uiteenvallen van kometen. John Bradley van het Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Californië analyseerde de buitenste laag van interplanetaire stofkorrels die in de stratosfeer waren verzameld. Vlak onder het oppervlak trof hij kleine waterzakjes aan. Het onderzoek is gepubliceerd in tijdschrift PNAS.
Het stof bestaat grotendeels uit silicaten, die zuurstof bevatten. In de ruimte komt het stof in aanraking met de zonnewind. De geladen deeltjes van de zonnewind bevatten waterstofionen die worden gelanceerd vanaf het zonneoppervlak. Samen vormen ze water in de ruimte.
Het is aannemelijk dat interplanetair stof water naar de aarde heeft gebracht. Ook asteroïden brengen doorgaans water met zich mee. Kometen zijn een derde mogelijke kandidaat. Ruimtesonde Rosetta gaat later dit jaar de rol van kometen bestuderen.
De onderzoekers zeggen dat in elke uithoek van het universum met een ster of een supernova water wordt geproduceerd.
Interplanetair stof in ons zonnestelsel - en andere zonnestelsels - bevat bovendien koolstof. Nu we weten dat sterrenstof uit koolstof en water bestaat, kan worden gezegd dat de bouwstenen van leven in elk zonnestelsel in het universum aanwezig zijn en op planeten kunnen neerdalen.
Les astronomes ont découvert, grâce au télescope spatial Kepler, que des systèmes d'étoiles binaires abritent des planètes.
Les couchers de soleil sur Terre sont souvent magnifiques. Alors imaginez un double coucher de soleils avec des étoiles de différentes couleurs tournant l'une autour de l'autre ! Pendant des années, nous nous sommes demandé si les paires d'étoiles, les « binaires », sont accompagnées de planètes. Se pourrait-il qu'il existe des planètes telle Tatooine, imaginée par le cinéaste George Lucas dans le film Star Warsoù le ciel est éclairé par le rougeoiement de deux soleils ?
Certains astrophysiciens doutaient de cette possibilité. L'environnement autour d'une paire d'étoiles, expliquaient-ils, serait trop chaotique pour que des planètes se forment. Contrairement à un corps en orbite autour d'une seule étoile, une planète en orbite autour de deux étoiles serait soumise à deux champs gravitationnels. Et comme les étoiles elles-mêmes sont en orbite l'une autour de l'autre, l'intensité des forces gravitationnelles changerait en permanence. Même si une planète pouvait se former dans un tel environnement, sa stabilité à long terme ne serait pas assurée : la planète risquerait d'être éjectée hors du système stellaire ou de s'écraser sur une des étoiles. Si des observations de systèmes d'étoiles binaires montraient déjà des signes indirects de l'existence de ces planètes « circumbinaires », les preuves directes manquaient.
En 2009, la NASA a mis en orbite le télescope spatial Kepler, dont l'objectif est la recherche d'exoplanètes. Des milliers de « planètes candidates » ont été découvertes par la méthode des transits. Cette technique consiste à rechercher des mini-éclipses résultant du passage devant l'étoile d'une planète en orbite : la planète bloque alors une partie de la lumière émise par l'étoile, de sorte que son éclat est modifié de façon périodique. Après deux ans d'observations, aucune planète circumbinaire n'avait été détectée par le télescope. Nous commencions à croire que cette configuration était impossible.
Puis le découragement a laissé la place à l'enthousiasme avec la découverte de Kepler-16b, la première planète circumbinaire à transit. Quelques mois plus tard, nous ajoutions deux autres planètes (Kepler-34b et Kepler-35b). Tout en étant exotiques, ces systèmes ne sont pas si rares. Sept planètes circumbinaires ont été dévoilées par Kepler, d'autres devront être confirmées. Les calculs suggèrent qu'il en existe vraisemblablement des dizaines de millions dans la Voie lactée.
La quête des planètes circumbinaires a commencé avant même les premières preuves de l'existence d'« exoplanètes » en dehors du Système solaire. Cependant, nous savions que les transits pour une planète circumbinaire seraient complexes à détecter. Nous nous sommes donc concentrés sur la configuration particulière des étoiles binaires à éclipses. Observées de la Terre, ces binaires à éclipses se déplacent l'une autour de l'autre dans un plan tel qu'elles passent régulièrement devant leur partenaire. Si une planète est présente dans le système, elle devrait perturber la date des éclipses des étoiles. Nous avons même commencé par étudier une configuration encore plus spécifique. Nous avons cherché des planètes situées dans le même plan que leurs étoiles, qui produiraient un transit lors du passage de la planète devant les...
Daytime UFO over Edinburgh, Scotland on 16th January 2014
Daytime UFO over Edinburgh, Scotland on 16th January 2014
New interesting video footage of a bright UFO or orb recorded in the daytime sky above Edinburgh, Scotland on 16th January 2014.
Witness said: I saw two strange flying objects when I was traveling on the train from Edinburgh to London Kings Cross. The train left Edinburgh at 2.00pm on 16.01.14 and I spotted the two objects at approximately 2.10pm. The objects seemed to be tube / disc shaped. At first I only saw one object, then a second object came into view – it was some distance behind the first but caught up with it very quickly.
It was a clear day – there were no wings to be seen on the objects. I tried my best to video them and eventually managed to do a close up shot of one of them – very tricky on a moving train. I watched them for approximately 3 minutes and then they both rose up into the cloud and disappeared from view. I have used slow motion, close ups and an ‘x-ray’ on the video – as well as highlighting where to look at the start of the video with two ‘red rings’. This was a really puzzling but amazing experience – please leave a comment if you saw these objects on 16.01.14. Thanks for looking.
UFO Conference, educating all, one at a time. Ther definitely IS an alien invasion on the horoizon. DO NOT believe anything they have to communicate to us!!
Matthew 24:25 tellus that He has told us ahead of time. Please listen.
Are you prepared?
CERTAIN CHANGES ARE COMING OUR WAY. ARE YOU READY, ARE YOU PREPARED?PLEASE DO NOT STAY STUCK IN DENIAL! Our time truly is limited. Sure, people have been saying that they are in the “end times” for ages now, saying that “Jesus is coming soon”. Seriously these Jesus freaks keep on saying the same thing and nothing ever really happens. In fact, it is such an old “war cry” that you have tuned it out which in turn has hardened your heart to the warnings. Please just take a quick glance at the news headlines and put the pieces together. There is no denying the signs, the “labor pains” and symptoms any longer. And labor pains progress, they do not diminish.
Are you prepared? Are you protected?
If you are scoffing at the warnings, guess what? You are fulfilling prophecy and you are only hurting yourself and any of those who may be listening to you. Check it out, I’m not putting you on: 2 Peter 3:3, 4 and also in Jude 1:18,19 both are in the New Testament. Get saved; you are going to need His protection. More importantly, you will definitely need your salvation for all of eternity. I don’t know you, but I certainly care about you and your eternity. This is not a gimmick; the only thing I gain from you trusting God is another brother or sister in the Lord.
The ULTIMATE Preparation Right Here: God, Please remove any deception that I may have listened to, believed or embraced that is hindering me from knowing the truth. Because I am not perfect, I am a sinner that needs forgiveness and I ask You to forgive me. I believe You are Savior and Lord Who shed Your Holy, Sinless Blood and died for my sins to be forgiven, and rose from the dead; You live forever. I want to turn away from (repent) my sins. I invite You, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, God the Messiah to come into my heart and life as Savior and Lord. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and personal Savior. In the all powerful Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray. Amen.
The content in the video(s) do not necessarily reflect my personal viewpoint or opinion. FBI WARNING: Federal law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video tapes, or video disks under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. This infringement of copyright is called FAIR USE… and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody.
NOTE: The picture above is a hoax, but it’s the only one I could grab as the Internet is really slow here! L.A.
NUFORC WEBPAGE UPDATE ON JANUARY 10TH, 2014 – Over the course of the last two weeks, our Center has been inundated with an abnormally large volume of sighting reports, submitted from around the world. We have received approximately 650-700 reports, during that time period, which we have posted to our website, as of January 10th.
To put this volume of reports in better perspective, two years ago, we considered a “normal” volume of reports to be between 250 and 500 per month. Hence, NUFORC has been receiving reports at approximately 3-4 times what we used to consider normal. What this translates to is that our workload of getting all the reports proof-read and posted amounts to 3-4 times what it used to be, which explains why it is taking us a bit longer to get all of the new reports up on our website.
We have made our best effort to proof-read the reports we have posted, but there is always the possibility of our overlooking flawed reports. Consequently, we always request of the visitors to our site to be on the look-out for cases that have errors, or which can be explained away by mundane events, of terrestrial origin. If you find what you believe to be a flawed report, please send a note to, and we will address the issue, and make changes, as may be required. Thank you!
This post from Peter Davenport should make us all take notice. We talked about this in Watchers 7, where we stated UFO sightings have reached epic proportions. It would appear the phenomena has taken perhaps an even more dramatic upswing. They are revealing themselves in greater numbers than ever before. Folks, I don’t have a lot of time today to BLOG as we’re about to head out and see some interesting sites along Lake Titicaca, which is at 12,500 above sea level. I’ve got to go and get ready! However, I will state this for the record. I believe we could be looking at some kind of event which would lead to disclosure. The churches, for the most part continue to sleep and it’s time to wake them up.
With that thought in mind if you live near the Southern California area there’s going to be a great conference in February. I will be addressing this and more at the conference. Hope to see you there!
Scientists have determined that stardust contains water, a discovery that suggests the universe is rife with life.
Although scientists have previously suggested that dust grains floating through our solar system contain water, it has actually been detected for the first time in the results from a recent study. A research team that includes John Bradley of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California inspected the outer layer of interplanetary dust particles collected from Earth’s stratosphere. Using ultra-high-resolution microscopy, the team inspected the tiny specks of space dust and discovered pockets of water just beneath the surface.
(Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/T. Pyle)
Researchers concluded that the dust is mostly composed of silicates–an oxygen-containing compound. New Scientist describes how scientists speculate the water forms: “As stardust travels through space, it encounters the solar wind. This stream of charged particles including high-energy hydrogen ions is ejected from the sun’s atmosphere. When the two collide, hydrogen and oxygen combine to make water.”
According to New Scientist, “Combined with previous findings of organic compounds in interplanetary dust, the results suggest that these grains contain the basic ingredients needed for life. As similar dust grains are thought to be found in solar systems all over the universe, this bodes well for the existence of life across the cosmos.”
January 20, 2014 …. SALEM NEW JERSEY
I was at work, went outside to smoke. I look at the night sky every chance I get. I came out the door at 11:25pm and noticed the moon was low on the horizon and as I was looking at the moon I saw a bright white light cruising across the sky crossing a little below the face of the moon from my vantage point heading north-northwest. I thought it was the I.S.S. so I went into my truck which was right outside the door and grabbed my binoculars to look at it. Only when I had the binoculars did I see the triangle shape and the 3 lights, one on each corner. The front light was a solid white light, never wavering or change of color. The back 2 lights were randomly changing from white, red, and blue. I followed the object for 40 seconds until it disappeared behind the trees obstructing my view. It made no sound. And now thinking back on it, the brightness of the object was I.s.s.-like but the object was bigger because it was way closer than the I.s.s. I have no doubt of what I saw. It was not an airplane, satellite, shooting star, etc. I saw it clear as day through those lenses. If you have other witnesses of this event or need anymore details from me please do not hesitate to contact me
NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
KEN’S NOTE: There have been quite a few triangle sightings in this south Jersey area. Salem Nuclear Plant may be the reason.
This case is under investigation by Ken Pfeifer of MUFON New Jersey.
Wetenschapsjournalist Pieter Van Dooren citeert in De Standaard de Hongaarse fysicus Léo Szilárd.
Toen zijn collega Enrico Fermi beklag deed over het gebrek aan bewijs voor buitenaardse wezens antwoordde Szilárd: “Ze zijn onder ons, maar noemen zichzelf Hongaren.”
Van Dooren gebruikt de uitspraken van Szilárd in een stuk over een onderzoek naar tijdreizigers. Hij besluit met: “Het is nog steeds de meest zinnige verklaring voor het feit dat de Hongaren een eiland vormen, met een taal die aan geen enkele andere Europese, of sterker: aardse taal verwant is.”
Is het Hongaars een buitenaardse taal? Het woord 'Megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedéseitekért' is bijvoorbeeld het Hongaarse equivalent van ons woord Hottentottententententoonstelling.
De leeftijd van het universum en het reusachtige aantal sterren lijken aanwijzingen voor de aanname dat buitenaards leven veel zou moeten voorkomen, aldus Fermi. De Amerikaanse schrijver John McPhee schreef in 1973 in zijn boek The Curve of Binding Energy:
De theorie dat Hongaren van Mars komen vond lange tijd veel steun. De gedachte erachter is als volgt: De Martianen verlieten hun eigen planeet lange tijd geleden en kwamen naar de aarde; ze landden in wat nu Hongarije is; de Europese stammen waren zo primitief en barbaars dat ze hun evolutionaire verschillen moesten verbergen, wat grotendeels lukte, al konden de Hongaren drie eigenschappen niet verbergen: hun reiskoorts, wat resulteerde in de Hongaarse zigeuner; hun taal (Hongaars is niet gerelateerd aan talen die in omliggende landen worden gesproken); en hun intelligentie. Edward Teller, Eugene Wigner, Léo Szilárd en John von Neumann, stuk voor stuk Hongaar.
Wigner ontwierp de eerste plutoniumreactors. Szilárd stelde voor dat kernsplijting gebruikt kon worden voor het maken van bommen. Von Neumann ontwikkelde de digitale computer. En Edward Teller wordt ook wel de vader van de waterstofbom genoemd.
Hongaren spreken een taal en vormen een cultuur die uniek is in de regio. Al meer dan 1100 jaar wordt het Hongaars gezien als een bron van trots, maar ook als obstakel.
Bulgaarse wetenschappers: 'Buitenaardsen zijn hier'
Bulgaarse wetenschappers: 'Buitenaardsen zijn hier'
Eind 2009 maakten Bulgaarse overheidswetenschappers bekend dat ze in contact stonden met buitenaardse wezens.
Astronomen van het ruimteonderzoeksinstituut van het land waren bezig een aantal ingewikkelde symbolen te ontcijferen.
De buitenaardsen gaven antwoord op 30 vragen die waren gesteld. Het onderzoek werd tegenover diverse Britse media bevestigd door Lachezar Filipov, adjunct-directeur van het ruimteonderzoeksinstituut van de Bulgaarse Academie voor Wetenschappen (BAS).
Kracht van gedachten
De onderzoekers analyseerden 150 graancirkels van over de hele wereld die antwoord zouden geven op de vragen. “Buitenaardsen zijn overal om ons heen en houden ons constant in de gaten,” vertelde Filipov aan de Bulgaarse media. “Ze zijn niet vijandig, maar willen ons helpen. We zijn niet genoeg gegroeid om direct contact te kunnen leggen.”
Filipov merkte op dat zelfs het Vaticaan heeft gezegd dat buitenaardsen bestaan. De Bulgaarse wetenschapper voegde toe dat mensen niet door middel van radiogolven gaan communiceren met buitenaardsen, maar met behulp van de kracht van gedachten.
“De mensheid zal binnen nu en 10 tot 15 jaar open contact hebben met de buitenaardsen,” zei hij. “Buitenaardse wezens zijn kritisch over de manier waarop mensen natuurlijke processen verstoren.”
Kort na publicatie van het nieuws nam Filipov zijn telefoon niet meer op. Tussen diverse Bulgaarse ministers vond een verhit debat plaats over de uitspraken. Er werden vraagtekens gezet bij de rol van de BAS. Lange tijd was het stil totdat een Kroatische cameraploeg Filipov mocht interviewen in de lobby van het academiegebouw in Sofia. De beelden werden nooit gebruikt omdat Filipov ‘bedwelmd’ was.
De Amerikaanse radiopresentator Kevin Smith kreeg de beelden onder ogen en concludeerde dat Filipov aan slaapdeprivatie leed. De oud-politieagent stelde bij de Bulgaarse wetenschapper ook een nystagmus vast, een verschijnsel waarbij de ogen op een specifieke manier heen en weer bewegen. Smith zei dat slaapdeprivatie veel wordt toegepast door de Bulgaarse beruchte geheime dienst Darzhavna Sigurnost, die nog altijd actief schijnt te zijn.
Slaagde de Bulgaarse Academie voor Wetenschappen erin contact te leggen met buitenaardse wezens? Deelde de adjunct-directeur van de academie deze informatie vervolgens met de pers? Werd hij daarop benaderd door de Bulgaarse geheime dienst?
Eerste foto van het kosmische web dat alle sterrenstelsels met elkaar verbindt
Eerste foto van het kosmische web dat alle sterrenstelsels met elkaar verbindt
Voor het eerst zijn gasslierten gefotografeerd die onderdeel uitmaken van de mysterieuze structuur die alle sterren en sterrenstelsels bij elkaar houdt.
Wetenschappers vermoeden dat materie in het universum zich uitstrekt in een gigantische webachtige vorm. Ze spreken ook wel van het kosmische web.
In de achtergrondstraling en de samenstelling van het heelal zijn aanwijzingen gevonden voor het bestaan van deze structuur. Zonder de mysterieuze kracht die zichtbare materie vasthoudt in dit web, zouden sterrenstelsels willekeurig over het universum zijn verspreid. Dat is niet het geval.
Sterrenstelsels worden gevonden in groepen en die groepen komen samen in grotere clusters. Uit computermodellen wordt opgemaakt dat de clusters bij elkaar worden gehouden door lange gasslierten en donkere materie, een mysterieuze substantie die we niet kunnen zien en waar het web voor het grootste deel uit bestaat.
Men denkt dat gas en donkere materie langs de slierten stromen en groepen sterrenstelsels vormen waar de draden van het web elkaar kruisen. Het blijkt in de praktijk zeer lastig om de gasslierten te detecteren.
Om er één te vinden keken de astronomen naar een quasar, een extreem heldere massa van energie en licht. Het licht van de quasar op ongeveer 10 miljard lichtjaar scheen als een soort zaklamp op het omringende gas.
De onderzoekers troffen een gaswolk aan die zich uitstrekt over een gebied van twee miljoen lichtjaar. Het gaat om de grootste gaswolk die ooit in de intergalactische ruimte is gevonden. De gaswolk bestaat uit delen met veel gas en donkere gebieden waar minder gas is.
De gassliert is in werkelijkheid waarschijnlijk nog veel groter omdat men alleen het deel heeft gezien dat werd verlicht door de straling van de quasar. Het onderzoek geeft ‘een geweldig inzicht in de structuur van ons universum’.
UFO Sightings U.S. Senator Says Snowden Is a Hero & UFO Disclosure Is Near Exclusive Watch Now! Part 1 Dr. J Andy Ilias, and Blake Cousins interview Senator Michael Gravel In Regards to Area 51 Snowden, and Osama Bin Ladin, and the UFO Cover Up!
Marcela (who is from Peru) mentioned this article (in to me. It is an indication, perhaps, that the “visible type” disclosure will be taking place more frequently during this coming year. We did talk about how the “off-world-visitor” phenomenon is much more accepted and readily discussed in almost all countries outside of the US. Anyway, these photos are spectacular…
At approximately 11 and 30 on Saturday night, were captured with a camera unidentified objects in the center of Lima, on the Cathedral and the Government Palace.
In the pictures, taken by a journalist at Fashion RPP sequence, you can see glowing objects oval or conical shape that are not held in the same place.
The socket on the Cathedral of Lima shows four foreign object into the building while the picture recorded on the side of the Government Palace an object of celestial light that is followed by other white objects seen.
Anthony Choy, paranormal investigator, said that much research is needed to determine the truth, however, hinted that may be due to a phenomenon called “lens flare” that generates light in photographs.
I would like to start off by saying this event happened in 1996. The past five years have been a nightmare for me. I’m completely stressed out and desperate need help. I force my self to stay awake till the sun comes up. I won’t sleep in bedrooms anymore. I have to make sure all windows and doors are locked. All the lights in my house are on at all times. When I’m in a room I find myself always towards the corner so I have vantage points. It is effecting my whole life and I’m at the point where I’m emotionally spent. The fear is uncontrollable. The parts I remembered always are fresh in my mind. Even after 17 years I remember It clearly. This is what happened… I was 16, I came home from playing basketball with a few of my friends around 12:30 am. My whole family was on a cruise so I had the house to myself. I ate, took a shower then went into my bedroom. I got into my bed and was sitting with my back against the wall. All of a sudden my bed started shaking. Eventually it was basically jumping around only having. One foot on the floor at a time. This lasted for about 15-20 seconds then just stopped. To be honest I was really scared at this point. I thought it was just a ghost even though I don’t really believe in them. about 10-15 seconds after my bed stopped shaking I turned to my right and saw two aliens staring thru my window. My bedroom was on the second floor. outside my window their was a roof for the first floor deck. That is what they were standing on. They were about 3 1/2 tall. one was about 3″-4″ taller than the other. When I first turned to look at them I immediately locked on to the ones eyes. I looked at them for only about 15 seconds. Then I turned to my left and looked at my bedroom door which was closed. The bottom of my door was a little too short so their was a gap at the bottom. I had left my hallway light on so light was coming thru the bottom. I saw two pairs of legs step to my door and just stand there. My reaction was to throw my blankets over my head. I remember being under the blanked for about 20 seconds. The next thing I remember is waking up in my living room the next morning. Two days after I thought I saw a shooting star. I watched it come across the sky. Then it stopped right above me in the middle of the sky and stayed there for 30-40 seconds. It was far away. Then in a blink of an eye it shot across the other half of the sky. After the abduction I felt a burning sensation in the shower. At the very bottom of by back. Right at my butt. There was a something there I would pick at it would burn like crazy when soap would hit it. I never ever even though about what it was from. I started looking for help with abduction online about two years ago. I came across a women who had the same story about the scar and burning sensation. She said her tailbone was removed. I was absolutely shocked to read that. My girlfriend felt around and said my tailbone was not there. I felt hers then mine. I have do definitive proof of that being connected with the abduction or if I ever had a tailbone. I haven’t had health insurance in a while and when I do this is something I would like to look into. Also right after the abduction I had severe constipation. I lost my job because of so many doctors appointments. I missed school. Once again I’m not sure if its connected to the abduction but I always wondered. In 2005 I woke up in the middle of the night with me already sitting up in my bed with a can of soda opened, upside down in my hand. It was pouring all over me and my bed. I was completely paralized and could not move till the can of soda was empty. I don’t know how or why that happened but I always felt it was abduction related. When I was a kid I always had dreams about fleets of UFO’s outside my window. I had that dream most of my childhood. I often have sleep paralysis but not sure if it has anything to do with this. I’m telling you my story now because I feel like I’m at my breaking point. This effects every aspect of my life. I cant even walk in my own house without looking over my shoulder or hesitating to walk into a room. I always feel like they are right around the corner, or close, or listening. Its not a good way to live. I’m confident I’ve been abducted more than once. I only remember one time but am almost sure its happened over and over. And If I’m wrong about that then I was only abducted once and it messed me up big time. 2 years ago when I started looking into help I would join forums. Everyone would tell me to pray and to give myself to god. That really pissed me off. So I started looking into contacting experts. I found a lady Kathleen Marden. We e-mailed for a while and eventually spoke on the phone. She was helpful because I never talked to anyone in-depth like that before. She suggested I might have post traumatic stress disorder. I don’t know. What I do know is that I don’t want to live the rest of my life like this. I’m jealous of people who can just go to sleep because they are tired and not fight it every night. Or not being scared every day. I thought about sending MUFON my story before but was scared. I felt like I already knew too much of my abduction and didn’t want to dig deeper. At this point I feel I have nothing
Deep in north central New Mexico is the sleepy little town of Dulce. Dulce is located on the Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado – New Mexico Border. It is home to about 3000 residents and is the capitol of the Jicarilla Apache Nation. For as small and as insignificant as this remote location may sound, it became the center of controversy in the early 1980′s.
Physicist and inventor, Paul Bennewitz claimed he had discovered an underground base occupied by extraterrestrials near Dulce. His story quickly spread through the UFO community. Allegations that surround the base include human abductions (“alien abductions”) by these extraterrestrial beings.
He also asserted that the extraterrestrials were engaging in the development of advanced technology including genetic manipulation. Their plan, according to Conspiracy Theorists, is to control the government and gain ultimate control of the Earth by means of a New World Order.
Underground City
Stories have emerged regarding an untoward alliance between humans and the inhabitants of the Dulce base which include ties to shadow governments via secret societies such as the Illuminati, the Masons, the Bilderberg Group and the Skull and Bones. Dulce is not the only place on earth where it is believed underground bases exist, but it is the one which has received the greatest notoriety in recent times.
Snowden Documents Proving US-Alien-Hitler Link Stun Russia
Snowden Documents Proving “US-Alien-Hitler” Link Stun Russia
(Before It's News)
TEHRAN (FNA)- Former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden revealed documents providing incontrovertible proof that an alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda is driving US domestic and international policy, and has been doing so since at least 1945, some media reports said.
A stunning Federal Security Services (FSB) report on the nearly two million highly classified top-secret documents obtained from the United States Department of Defense (DOD) run National Security Agency-Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) by the American ex-patriot Edward Snowden states that this information is providing “incontrovertible proof” that an “alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda” is driving US domestic and international policy, and has been doing so since at least 1945, reported.
This FSB report further states that Snowden, in December, 2012, contacted the highly respected American columnist, blogger, and author Glenn Greenwald by an email headed with the subject line stating, “I and others have things you would be interested in.?.?.?.”
In Snowden’s own words, this report continues, he outlined to Greenwald the reason for his highly secretive group obtaining and releasing these documents by warning that that there “were actually two governments in the US, the one that was elected, and the other, secret regime, governing in the dark.”
As to who is running this “secret regime” Snowden and his cohorts were warning about, FSB experts in this report say, was confirmed this past weekend by former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer who was given access to all of Snowden’s documents by Russian intelligence services and stated they were, indeed, “accurate.”
TEHRAN (FNA)- Former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden revealed documents providing incontrovertible proof that an alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda is driving US domestic and international policy, and has been doing so since at least 1945, some media reports said.
A stunning Federal Security Services (FSB) report on the nearly two million highly classified top-secret documents obtained from the United States Department of Defense (DOD) run National Security Agency-Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) by the American ex-patriot Edward Snowden states that this information is providing “incontrovertible proof” that an “alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda” is driving US domestic and international policy, and has been doing so since at least 1945, reported.
Edward Snowden is a computer specialist, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee, and former NSA/CSS contractor who disclosed these classified documents to several media outlets in late 2012 and was granted temporary asylum in Russia in 2013 after his designation by the Obama regime as the “most wanted man on earth.”
This FSB report further states that Snowden, in December, 2012, contacted the highly respected American columnist, blogger, and author Glenn Greenwald by an email headed with the subject line stating, “I and others have things you would be interested in.?.?.?.”
In Snowden’s own words, this report continues, he outlined to Greenwald the reason for his highly secretive group obtaining and releasing these documents by warning that that there “were actually two governments in the US, the one that was elected, and the other, secret regime, governing in the dark.”
As to who is running this “secret regime” Snowden and his cohorts were warning about, FSB experts in this report say, was confirmed this past weekend by former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer who was given access to all of Snowden’s documents by Russian intelligence services and stated they were, indeed, “accurate.”
Even though Defense Minister Hellyer’s exact statements to the FSB in regards to Snowden’s documents remain classified, shortly after his “extensive electronic interview” by the FSB he was allowed to appear on Russia Today’s program SophieCo this past fortnight where he shockingly admitted that aliens have “been visiting our planet for thousands of years” and described several types of these extraterrestrials, including “Tall Whites” who are working with the US Air Force in Nevada.
Of the many explosive revelations in this FSB report, the one most concerning to Russian authorities are the Snowden’s documents “confirming” that the “Tall Whites” (further revealed by Defense Minister Hellyer as noted above) are the same extraterrestrial alien race behind the stunning rise of Nazi Germany during the 1930’s.
In just one example of the many outlined in this FSB report, it shows that with this “alien assistance,” at the end of the 1930’s, when Nazi Germany possessed just 57 submarines, over the four years of World War II it built 1,163 modern technologically advanced submarines at its dockyards and even put them into operation.
Snowden’s documents further confirm, this report says, the “Tall Whites” (Nordic) meetings in 1954 with US President Dwight D. Eisenhower where the “secret regime” currently ruling over America was established.
Most disturbingly, this FSB report warns, is that the “Tall White” agenda being implemented by the “secret regime” ruling the United States calls for the creation of a global electronic surveillance system meant to hide all true information about their presence here on earth as they enter into what one of Snowden’s documents calls the “final phase” of their end plan for total assimilation and world rule.
Unbeknownst to the FSB, this report confirms, are those still in the US government backing Snowden, but whose presence Russian intelligence experts note is “unmistakable” and shows a cataclysmic power struggle is currently underway against this “secret regime” now headed by Obama by “forces unknown.”
Most to be feared by Russian policy makers and authorities, this report concludes, is if those opposing the “Tall White” “secret regime” ruled over by Obama have themselves aligned with another alien-extraterrestrial power themselves.
This report has been wired from As you can see, we have both mentioned and hyperlinked the source of this report and also released it in the wire section of our website to notify our viewers that all responsibility for the veracity, authenticity and reliability of this report lies with its original source,
The wired report further mentioned that former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer has confirmed Snowden's remarks and expressed his supportive views in an interview with Russia Today after he was given access to all of Snowden's documents by Russian intelligence services. To help our readers with more relevant sources of information we included the video of Hellyer's interview with RT, where he said extraterrestrial beings are amongst us and if we down at least one UFO, we'll be facing an interstellar war, and that Apollo astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, told him there were something around two and twelve spices of aliens visiting the Earth, and that the aliens have provided people in the American government with military technology. The interview had been released on December 30, 2013 that is a few days before the whatdoesitmean report.
Yet, again this does not mean that we support or reject Hellyer's views.
What is interesting here is how professional media outlets in the West, who are well informed of the wiring rules and technique, have tried hard to attribute the story to FNA in naive forms, ignoring the hyperlinked source and the RT video completely, and the first western media which rushed to make some use of this story to somehow link it to the worldview of a part of the Iranian political community was Washington Post, while a brief look at the archives of the western media outlets shows how they were trying to convince the world for even two decades after the World War II that Hitler and the Nazi Germany were driven by extraterrestrial beings. A February 1957 report by Reuters and Washington Post went so far to say that the Nazi Germany developed flying saucers that could flew 1,000 miles an hour to invade the US.
Most western media outlets have either completely ignored the RT video and the wired nature of this report, or mentioned its original source only at the end of their stories to first convince their readers that the story fully belongs to FNA.
And to those of you who may ask why we have basically carried this story, we should say that FNA has been seeking to inform its viewers of those stories which are ignored by the mainstream media, specially in the West. A part of our daily efforts is focused on such reports. In doing so, we sometimes try to cover some – specially controversial - topics with different reports to give our viewers a chance to study them from various perspectives. When the Occupy Wall Street Movement was ignored by the mainstream media in the West, we were almost among the first in the world to cover it on a daily basis for months.
It is also interesting that on the same day that the whatdoesitmean story was released, we also wired a report, 'PRISM Mining UFO Data, Targets False Flag ET Invasion as Pretext to Space Wars', from Examiner to provide an opportunity for our viewers to deal with this topic from a different perspective; yet again the mainstream media in the West which is looking for a scapegoat to blame Iran and the Iranians ignored it completely.
Finally, some of our viewers have complained that they have not been able to view the video and demanded a script of the Former Canadian Defense Minister's statements. For those of our viewers, here is the full text of Mr. Hellyer's remarks according to Russia Today:
Paul Hellyer was Canadian Minister of Defense in 1960s, ruling over the country's armed forces during the time of the Cold War – and when he retired he publicly stated that we are not alone in the universe, and some guests from outer space actually live here, on planet Earth. Is this fantasy? Is someone actually watching us? Today we ask the man who says UFOs are a serious business – Paul Hellyer.
Sophie Shevardnadze: Our guest today is the Honorable Paul Hellyer, former minister of Defense of Canada, and he believes that life forms from space are present on Earth. It’s great to have you on our show. Why do you say that UFOs are as real as airplanes flying over our heads?
Paul Hellyer: Because I know that they are. As a matter of fact, they’ve been visiting our planet for thousands of years and one of the cases that would interest you most if you give me two or three minutes to answer is that during the Cold War, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying south from Russia across Europe, and Supreme Allied Command was very concerned and about ready to press the 'Panic' button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole. They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for 3 years and they decided that, with absolute certainty, four species - at least – had been visiting this planet for thousands of years. We have a long history of UFOs and of course there has been a lot more activity in the last few decades, since we invented the atomic bomb and they are very concerned about that and the fact that we might use it again, and because the Cosmos is a unity and it affects not just us but other people in the Cosmos, they are very much afraid that we might be stupid enough to start using atomic weapons again, and this would be very bad for us and for them as well.
SS: No serious scientist has ever publicly confirmed evidence of an encounter with extra-terrestrials – why would scientists not confirm the facts if they exist?
PH: I'm afraid they must go out of their way not to find out. Even if they do 10 percent of the amount of research I’ve done in the last 8 years they would be as convinced as I am. I mean, they could do it even faster. Might take it a little longer, when they didn’t have military background, but there are so many wonderful books that tell these stories and they’ve been authenticated; the sightings have been authenticated by more than one witness and also by radar, and they have landed in various places around the world, including Russia. There’s famous case there, I can’t remember the name of the place, but it was widely reported at the time, a man wrote a book about it and then the French bought the book rights so it wouldn’t be circulated around… There’s just so much evidence, if anybody will take a time off to do a little bit of research and study. Some people are interested and will take the time, and the others just say “Oh, you know it’s just fantasy”. Since I’ve been public on this subject I get probably three or four emails a week from all over the world, from people who’ve actually witnessed sightings, and some of them who’ve actually been on the ships, and some of them who’ve actually been transported to another planet. This information… it is top secret in a way that governments don’t talk about it, but if you listen to whistleblowers and to the people who have worked in the industry, and who know what is going on, there’s just a lot of information out there and it doesn’t take very long to get your hands on it.
SS: See, the problem is that some who report UFOs sightings and alien abductions have been shown to make things up to be famous, to make money – or just for a prank. How do we tell fiction from a fact?
PH: You have to spend a lot of time trying to find…we use to say “separating wheat from the chaff”, and it takes a lot of effort. When I was minister I got sighting reports and when we checked them out, about 80 percent, 8 out of 10, were not real, they were sights of Venus or of plasma or a dozen other things, but there were 15 percent or 20 percent for which there was no explanation and they were the genuine unidentified flying objects. One of the conferences I went to… it was in Las Vegas… was promoted by chap who had written a book about crashes and there were dozens and dozens of them and many of them very-very well authenticated, so it would be impossible to read of that evidence and not come to the conclusion that these vehicles were real.
SS:Have you ever had your own encounter with aliens?
PH: Not encounter with aliens, no. I’ve seen a UFO, about 120 miles north of Toronto, over Lake Muskoka, where I have a cottage. Two years ago, at Thanksgiving, which is October, [my wife?] said that she wanted to go out and look at the stars, so…I’m not much of a night man… but I put on my cap and went out with her and she looked into the eastern sky and said, “There’s a star” and I turned the other way and said, “Oh, there’s a much brighter one over here” and she looked there and we watched it until our necks almost broke for about 20 minutes, and it was definitely a UFO because it could change position in the sky by three or four degrees in three or four seconds. I checked out – there were no satellites that could do that, a space station wasn’t going by and it isn’t able to move that fast anyway and there was no other explanation except that it was the real thing. Two days later I went down in the dark, got a comfortable chair, and watched. It came back almost at the same spot and entertained me for as long as I could take it. Then I went back to the cottage but it was very interesting because it would drop down in the sky and then it would roar back up and it would shift across a few degrees and do a circle and come back at just an astronomical speed, since you know they travel very-very fast.
SS: So does it just look like a falling star that falls really quickly and then rises again? What does it look like?
PH: Well, it looked just like a star.
SS: It looks just like a star?
PH: I don’t know if you personally have ever read the Bible or not but I think the star of Bethlehem was one of God’s flying saucers.
SS: You also told me that people write you emails, three to five emails a week, and they’ve actually been abducted or they had encounters with aliens. Do they actually tell you what these aliens look like? I mean, everyone’s interested – how would I know if I see an alien and he abducts me?
PH: First question you have to ask is how many species are there? I used to think there were between two and twelve. Apollo astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, who came to Toronto a few years ago and had dinner with us agreed there were something around two and twelve, but the latest reports that I’ve been getting from various sources are that there are about 80 different species and some of them look just like us and they could walk down the street and you wouldn’t know if you walked past one. They are what we call “Nordic blondes” and also the Tall Whites who were actually working with the US air force in Nevada. They’re able to get away with that, they had a couple of their ladies dressed as nuns go into Las Vegas to shop and they weren’t detected. I have a friend who saw one of the men walking along the street, he is somebody who can recognize that they were different, and he did. Then there’s the Short Grey’s as they are called, and they are the ones you see in most of the cartoons, they have very-very slim arms and legs, they are very short, just a little over 5 feet, and they have a great big head and great big brown eyes. But, there are different species and you have to know that they are different species and know that they all are different. If you saw the Short Greys you’d certainly know there’s something up that you’ve never seen before, but if you saw one of the Nordic Blondes, you’d probably say “Oh I wonder if she’s from Denmark or somewhere.”
SS: So these species that you are describing – are they all different in terms of nice and mean? Are some of them nice and benevolent and others nasty, how are they? Are they good to people on Earth or are they here to harm them?
PH: It’s a difficult question to answer, because they have different agendas and maybe all of us on Earth should have the same agenda, but you couldn’t say, maybe, that Russia and China and the US all had the same agenda at every turn, because they don’t. I would say that nearly all are benign and benevolent and they do want to help us, there may be one or two species which do not. That’s one of the things I’m investigating at the moment, to see who they are, what they are up to and what their agendas really are.
SS: These extraterrestrial creatures – where did they come from and how did they get here, to Earth?
PH: They come from various places. For a long while I only knew about ones who came from different star systems – the Pleadis, Zeta Reticuli and several other star systems…but in the past few months I have met [those] who made me aware that there are some in our star system, and that there are actually extraterrestrials who live on a planet called Andromedia, which is one of the moons of Saturn and that there are others on Venus and some on Mars and that they may be interacting between themselves – I suspect that they are because there is what is called a “Federation” of these people and they have rules. For example, one of the rules is that they don’t interfere with our affairs unless there are invited to – and that’s one of the reasons, probably, that we haven’t seen more of them until very recently…
SS:But, what do you mean, there are lots of people who want to interact with them, there are a lot of people who actually want to see them and to know who they are. What, do they need a special invitation to interact with us? What does it mean – “they don’t want to interfere with our affairs”?
PH: They don’t want to tell us how to run our affairs, they have accepted the fact that this is our planet, and that we have the right to run it, but they are very-very concerned: they don’t think we are good stewards of our planet, we’re clear cutting our forests, we’re polluting our rivers and our lakes, and we’re dumping sewage in the oceans, and we’re doing all sorts of things which are not what good stewards of their homes should be doing. They don’t like that and they made it very clear. As a matter of fact they have given us a warning.
SS: How?
PH: This has come from more than one source…
SS: How have they made it clear, what have they done?
PH: They have talked to people. One of the chaps I’ve talked with about a month ago was interacting with them in 1974, he and his brother, in Peru. They were taken to Andromedia, teleported. They were told what people there think and that we’re really wrecking our planet and in fact that something dreadful is going to happen to it if we don’t smarten up and change our ways. We spend too much time fighting each other, we spend too much money on military expenditures, and not enough on feeding the poor and looking after the homeless and the sick, and that we are polluting our waters and our air and that we’re playing around with these exotic weapons, thermonuclear weapons and atomic weapons, which have such devastating effects both on Earth and other areas of Cosmos. They don’t like that and that’s the reason they would like to work with us, to teach us better ways, but only, I think, with our consent. They work through individuals; they try and pick out individuals who won’t be frightened to death by them, because they can get you quite afraid. One of the cases I’m familiar with was with the Tall Whites in Nevada, where the US airman working with them was just frightened to death of them, and one, Charles Hall, rescued the daughter of one of the high-up people in the Tall White and as result became very good friends with the mother, and as soon as they could trust each other, they had a wonderful relationship. He wrote a book about it, called “Millennial Hospitality” – it tells you how you go through these stages, of being scared out of your wits, but then, when you establish a trust and a working relationship –you can have the same kind of relationship that you would have with someone here on Earth.
SS: But here’s what I’m thinking: if you are outing their presence, which is clearly not what they want, since they are hiding, why aren’t you afraid of repercussions? You are obviously stating that they are here, among us, telling me all these species that exist…
PH: They are here among us and I’m not afraid because in most cases, as far as technology is concerned, they are light years ahead of us, and we have learned a lot of things from them. A lot of the things we use today we got from them, you know – led lights and microchips and Kevlar vests and all sorts things that we got from their technology and we could get a lot more too, especially in the fields of medicine and agriculture if we would go about it peacefully. But, I think, maybe some of our people are more interested in getting the military technology, and I think that’s wrong-headed, and that’s one of the things that we are going to have to change, because we’re going to have to work together, all of us, everywhere on the planet.
SS: You’ve mentioned military technology and swapping technologies and barters in-between aliens and people in American government. I want to ask you as a former minister of Defense of Canada – is interstellar war a possibility? Should we be creating a Star Wars force to defend ourselves from possible invasion or something like that?
PH: I think it’s a possibility, but it’s a possibility especially if we shoot down every UFO that comes into our airspace without asking who they are and what they want. Right from the beginning we started scrambling planes, trying to shoot them down, but their technology was superior enough that we weren’t able to get away with it, certainly not for a long while. During that period of time they could have taken us over without any trouble if they wanted to, so I think, rather than developing our own Star Wars to protect ourselves against them, we should work with the benign species that are of a vast majority and work together, and rely largely on them, of course, and cooperate, so that we would be contributing something at the same time; I don’t think there’s any point in us developing a galactic force that would tempt us to ride on our own and get into mischief, which is one of the things that some of them are concerned about.
SS:What do you expect to happen if people start to believe in alien existence on Earth? Things are definitely going to change: our lives aren’t going to be the same anymore.
PH: I hope that’s the case. I am all for full disclosure, and I’m going to push very hard for full disclosure in the book I’m writing, to give some reasons for it, things that we really have to know and have a right to know. Our future as a species, and here I mean all of the species in the world, is potentially at risk if we don’t figure what’s going on and work together to try and make life more amenable for all of us, and to work with our neighbors from other planets as well.
SS: Still, I’m thinking to myself – if they’ve been here for such a long time as you say, and they are interested in helping humanity, as you say, why is our world such a mess? If you want help someone, you just help someone, you don’t wait for that someone to invite you to help that someone, no?
PH:I think parents sometime say to their children – “this is what you should do”, but that doesn’t mean children are going to do it, does it? The Cosmos is based on free choice. We’re given the option of making mistakes, of making wrong choices, and I guess, what bothers some of us, is that we’ve made too many wrong choices, and not enough right choices. So we’re going to have to start switching our priorities and stop spending so much time and effort on weapons to kill each other, or to dominate each other, and spend a lot more time on how to help each other to have a better life and a more just society, and life which is healthier. When the healthcare is better and when the food distribution is better and when the air is cleaner and water is cleaner and all of those things that are waiting to be done, if we just get together and, as we say, row in the right direction, in the same direction, it’s possible, but it’s a tall order and so far we haven’t done it. My thesis is that we have to do it, we have to start doing it right away.
SS: Thank you so much for this interesting interview and insight on extraterrestrial life. That was Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian minister of Defense, who says aliens exist and live among us on Earth. That's all the time we have for today, I will see you in the next edition of Sophie&Co.
A web comic titled Trying Human is a fictional drama about an alien abductee. The comic’s creator, Emy Bitner, started Trying Human on the Internet in 2008, but she is now taking the comic from the web to print.
Bitner launched a Kickstarter campaign on January 17 to help fund the process of turning Trying Human into a graphic novel. The Kickstarter description explains:
Trying Human is a full color graphic novel that follows New York City secretary, Rose, as she learns she’s being abducted by a group of aliens, the Greys, a race without emotions or sentiment. She catches the interest of Hue, an empathetic Grey, and his funny friend, Quazky, a Reptoid alien from a neighboring mothership. Using a device, the trying human circuit, the two friends infiltrate Rose’s life and the human world.
A second storyline that begins every chapter, encompasses the lives of Phillis, Walter, and Dr. Glasner, all of whom are stationed at the Nellis Testing Range in 1947. Followed by a menagerie of aliens, the mysterious MAJESTIC12, and one defunct German scientist, the two girls try to figure it all out with over half a century between them.
The first four chapters which comprise the first volume focus mostly on Rose’s abductions, her boyfriend Roger’s new job for a secret branch of the government, and Phillis’ initial encounters with EBE1, an alien under her care.
Bitner explains that modern ufology influences the comic, “with much of the focus being the interpersonal relationships between the aliens and humans.” In fact, she admits that, when she is not drawing, she is studying UFOs and alien abductions.
The crowdfunding campaign for Trying Human on Kickstarter runs through Sunday, February 16. The funding goal is $10,000. But if that goal is surpassed by $10,000, Bitner plans to also create a “full color 4 to 7 page comic about the Betty and Barney Hill alien abduction.”
Plot: This presentation includes a rare and exclusive interview filmed with Bill Cooper. That includes extensive information about his background and how he became aware of the U.S. Military’s role in the UFO cover-up, his own experiences and theories about the phenomenon. John Lear and Bob Lazar offer important information about U.S. Military back engineering projects involving crashed or captured Alien hardware. Marina Popovich was a hero of the Soviet Union. As a Lieutenant Colonel in the Soviet Air Forces, she set thirteen world records. As a Cosmonaut, she tested equipment and passed information and photos to western nations with the blessing our her government. Her knowledge of Soviet and Russian UFO encounters is legendary. This presentation contains information that the U.S. Military doesn’t want you to have. It’s an expose of the structure and purpose behind their cover-up of Alien visitations to our planet.
UFO enthusiasts are calling on the US government to end what they say is a truth embargo over the existence of alien life.
They have gathered at a conference in Washington DC to share their stories of extraterrestrial sightings and provide evidence they say is too strong to deny.
Lord Hill-Norton is a five-star Admiral and the former Head of the British Ministry of Defense who was kept in the dark about the UFO subject during his official capacities. In this short interview, he states that this subject has great significance and should no longer be denied and kept secret.
Mark McCandlish is an accomplished aerospace illustrator and has worked for many of the top aerospace corporations in the United States. His colleague, Brad Sorenson, with whom he studied, has been inside a facility at Norton Air Force Base, where he witnessed alien reproduction vehicles, or ARVs, that were fully operational and hovering. In his testimony, you will learn that the US not only has operational antigravity propulsion devices, but we have had them for many, many years and they have been developed through the study, in part, of extraterrestrial vehicles over the past fifty years. In addition, we have the drawing from aerospace inventor Brad Sorenson of the devices that he saw, as well as a schematic of one of these alien reproduction vehicles — in some remarkable detail.
De onderzoekers van de ruimtevaartorganisatie zijn helemaal in de war over de herkomst van het 'gesteente' dat momenteel helemaal onder de loep wordt genomen door de meetinstrumenten van de Opportunity.
Slecht weer Astronomen merkten op foto's dat de 'donut' plots uit het niets verscheen. Twaalf Martiaanse dagen eerder - op Mars heet een dag een sol en die duurt duurt 24 uur, 39 minuten en 35 seconden - vertoonden beelden genomen op exact dezelfde plaats immers geen bizar gesteente. De Marsjeep staat zo goed als stil en fotografeert al meer dan een maand dezelfde locatie wegens het slechte weer.
Discussies NASA verspreidde daarop een persbericht om de merkwaardige ontdekking wereldkundig te maken. "De rode planeet blijft ons verrassen", aldus wetenschapper Steve Squyres. Uit de eerste metingen van de Marsjeep blijkt dat de donut een hoog gehalte aan zwavel en magnesium bevat. Ook is er dubbel zoveel mangaan gemeten dan bij andere gesteenten die de Opportunity ooit onderzocht. "Iets dergelijk hebben we nog nooit op Mars aangetroffen", verklaart Squyres. "Binnen het team discussiëren we wat af over wat het kan zijn maar dat is ook de schoonheid van deze missie."
Theorieën Volgens Squyres zijn er tal van verklaringen mogelijk maar hij acht twee theorieën plausibel. Het merkwaardige rotsblokje kan door een wiel van de jeep weggeslingerd zijn en ligt nu ondersteboven. Of het is een restant van een meteoriet. Verder onderzoek zal meer duidelijkheid moeten brengen.
Voedsel verbouwen op Mars is wellicht mogelijk. Maar dan moet er wel een gebouw of een kas gebouwd worden, lucht en licht gemaakt worden en het zou ook handig zijn als er insecten meekomen van aarde om het een en ander te bevruchten.
Mogelijk vormt de zwaartekracht ook een probleem, want die is anders. Op Mars is alles drie keer zo licht als op aarde.
De Nederlandse ecoloog Wieger Wamelink heeft op nagemaakte Mars- en maangrond een vijftiental gewassen proberen te verbouwen. "De maan was een beetje een teleurstelling", zei hij vandaag. "Maar op de Marsgrond ging het goed. Dat is fijn, want als je op Mars ooit gewassen wil gaan verbouwen, hoef je in ieder geval geen grond meenemen."
Eetbaar Wamelink wist succesvol rogge, tuinkers, tomaat, brandnetel en worteltjes te verbouwen. Maar het experiment duurde maar 50 dagen, en dat is niet lang genoeg om de tomaten en worteltjes echt goed te laten groeien. Als dat al lukt, blijft de vraag hoe eetbaar de marsgewassen zijn. In de grond zitten zware metalen zoals cadmium. Plantjes kunnen daartegen, maar mensen niet. "Daar kan je heel ziek van worden", aldus Wamelink. Hij wil nog laten analyseren in een laboratorium hoe veilig het is om het verbouwde voedsel te eten.
Klavers en lupine, die het ook goed doen op de Marsgrond, kunnen met de grond vermengd worden, waardoor voedingsstoffen vrijkomen. "Maar op Mars zal je ook je eigen uitwerpselen moeten gebruiken als mest om de gewassen te laten groeien."
Maanzand Wamelink deed zijn onderzoek door verschillende zaadjes te planten in door de NASA nagemaakt Mars- en maanzand. De ecoloog is nog lang niet klaar met zijn onderzoek. Hij wil onder meer nog uitzoeken hoe de plantjes groeien met minder licht, omdat Mars verder van de zon staat dan de aarde. Hij wil ook proberen om het aanwezige aluminium uit het maanzand te spoelen, om te kijken of plantjes er dan wel op groeien.
'De aarde is hol en mensen wonen er vredig samen' (Fictie?)?)
'De aarde is hol en mensen wonen er vredig samen'
Er zijn al duizenden boeken geschreven over de theorie van de holle aarde. Volgens die theorie zijn de aarde – en bij uitbreiding ook andere hemellichamen – hol van binnen. Satellietfoto’s bewijzen dat zogezegd.
Rodney M. Cluff schreef er een boek over: ‘World Top Secret: Our Earth is Hollow!’ De man stelt dat binnenin de aarde het ‘aardse paradijs’ schuilt.
Het is ook ‘de plaats waar de oorspronkelijke Tuin van Eden zich nu bevindt’. “De tien verloren stammen van Israël wonen er, alsook de Vikingen van Groenland. Duitsers die verdwenen na de Tweede Wereldoorlog leven er eveneens.”
“Wie er leeft, kan honderden jaren oud worden. Er heerst vrede en voorspoed voor iedereen.”
“Het middenste van de aarde is tevens de plek waar de binnenzon zich bevindt en waar vliegende schotels vandaan komen,” schrijft Cluff op zijn website.
1. What was your motivation and inspiration to create your new book, “Mid-Atlantic UFOs High Traffic Area?”
Inspiration came from my own experiences with aliens and UFOs. I’ve had thirty-four events as of this date and expect many more in the coming year. Motivation for writing Mid-Atlantic UFOs and my previous book UFOs above PA, as well as my upcoming book set in New Jersey, was the fact that the alien phenomenon is the most important story of all time. People need to know about it, either through reading it in books like mine or from other authors, and preferably to have their own first-hand experiences which all my books encourage people to do.
2. Could you share some of the statistics you shared about UFO Sightings in the Mid Atlantic? And also from what info gathering organizations did this info come from?
During a one-year period, reporting from only two of the many info gathering organizations, there were 1729 UFO sightings for the United States mid-Atlantic region. Included in this area are New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and Washington DC. This averaged 144 per month, or roughly 5 per day – and these are just those reported! The two sources used were the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC). Other sources that were not used were the International UFO Museum in Roswell, New Mexico, UFOs Northwest,, and the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) among others. The reason I did not use these other sources was for simplicity’s sake when writing the book. The five sightings per day figure, however, in no way reflects an accurate number of sightings for the mid-Atlantic region since this does not include the larger volume of sightings that are never reported! For instance, I’ve had thirty-four experiences as of this date, yet I’ve never reported one of them to any official recording body. Why? I just never felt a need to do that, and most people who have sightings do not report them to any official body. Also, the thirty full length stories in Mid-Atlantic UFOs have never before been reported anywhere. Neither have the stories in my previous and upcoming book. So, what’s the real number for daily sightings in the mid-Atlantic region? While that can only ever be estimated, my best guesstimate is at least twenty per day.
3. When did your fascination of UFO sightings start exactly and why?
“When” is easy. I have always been interested in space travel, aliens, and all that goes with it. As of today, January 8, 2014 I’m sixty-one years old. That’s a long time to be following a topic. My first conscious memory of a UFO sighting was back around 1993 in Pine Bush, New York. I went up there specifically to have a UFO sighting. The reason I went there was because Pine Bush had been featured several times on the then-current television show called Sightings on the Fox network and the small town was considered a UFO hotspot. Sure enough, after about an hour of observing the sky on a Saturday night I saw a white globe flying next to a small private airplane coming out of Stewart Airfield. From that moment I was hooked. The “why” is a little trickier. What captures my interest most about the alien phenomenon is, the fact that they do exist opens up to all humanity the potential for sticking our fingers into the full expanse of our universe and perhaps beyond. Of course this would have to be with the help of other civilizations, beings who would be willing to assist us in learning more about our massive surroundings.
4. Can you share with us the story of the Delaware “Red Sphere?”
On a Wednesday night in August 1959, Walt, his Uncle JR, and his buddy, Lou, were taking an overnight fishing trip. Often during the week, they borrowed one of his dad’s ferry boats and navigated down the Delaware River to Delaware Bay to fish. The boat was tied up to an oyster bed, which was three-to four hundred feet from Blake Channel, the deepest part of Delaware Bay. By around 2:00 a.m. Walt and Lou were still eager to fish and had put lights on the side of the boat to attract night feeders. Suddenly a huge, glowing, shiny, red tinted sphere rose out of the water from the deep part of the channel just south of their position. Once fully out of the water it stopped and sat there suspended against gravity, its bottom extremity barely touching the water. It was about a tenth of a mile away and about 40 feet in diameter. That made it larger than many residential homes. It made no sound, and according to Walt it was ominous. The men watched it for several minutes before it surprisingly shot off into the night sky in about one second’s time and disappeared completely. It changed Walt’s life forever.
5. How about “The Little Men” encounter that also took place in Delaware?
One early spring night in 1952, six-year-old Sandra and her three-year-old sister Ann were asleep in their bedroom on Fifth Street in Wilmington, Delaware. All the windows of the brick row house were closed and locked and the two girls were asleep in their beds facing the one window in the room. Sandra suddenly shot awake and became riveted on three unexpected visitors who miraculously entered the room through the glass window without breaking it. The little men, barely three-feet tall, were gray in color, had no hair, but were humanoid enough not to frighten the little girl. Their facial features, however, were a blur. The three men jumped from the window sill over a baby stroller onto the bedroom floor—and then they were instantly gone! The next morning, Sandra was in the kitchen telling her mother and grandmother about the “dream” that she had about the three men who mysteriously appeared in her room. No sooner had she finished her tale than her little sister Ann came into the room and recited the exact same story. That seemed to be the end of the adventure, except that for the next sixty years the two sisters always wondered how they had shared a dream when generally it is impossible to do so. In the end, separate hypnotic regressions on the two women revealed that it was not a dream, and that the three little men had taken both girls out of the room, out through the closed window and up to a vessel somewhere away from the house.
6. Okay I have to hear this “Night of the Mist” story involving the teenage campers. Sounds like an 80′s horror flick. Would you share it with us?
Unfortunately, in this story the word “horror” may actually apply. It would be a horror that is unexplainable, bizarre and a slow torture over many months. But it may, in the end, not necessarily be the “alien’s” fault. Near the end of June, 1992, six young men had just graduated high school and were on a five-day backpacking trip across their home state of northern Maryland to celebrate. At the end of the first night they set up camp, had dinner, and were in their nylon sleeping bags around the dying fire, under the stars, by 11:00 p.m. At 2:00 a.m. several of the boys awoke to find their friend Joe—the only one of the six sleeping under a wool blanket –in an unusual condition. Around him, and on him, was a strange blue-green haze. The mist had a defined appearance; it was contained in a soft oblong shape with rounded corners and wispy edges. It was thick, between eight and twelve inches high, about seven feet long, close to three feet wide. It was semi-transparent. The fog-like cloud settled over Joe’s sleeping area in this neat form; there was no fog anywhere else. The boys tried to wake their friend by calling to him softly at first, than shouting loudly. He did not respond. They tried to get close to him in order to drag him from under the blue-green area. But the closer they got to Joe, the more their hands, arms, feet and legs began to go numb and lose mobility. In the end, there was little they could do to help him. Then, as suddenly as the mist had appeared it vanished as if from a flick of a switch. The boys were then able to wake Joe and ask him if he was okay. He had no idea what they were talking about and thought that they were playing a joke on him. His only real need was to go back to sleep and get some rest and he suggested that his friends all do the same. The the next morning, however, Joe had a different mindset. He insisted on going home. The other boys were surprised and urged him to shake off any ill feelings that he had from the night under the mist and to continue on with their week of frivolity as planned. But Joe was adamant. Home was calling him right now. The trip was canceled and the boys took their friend to his house. From that moment on Joe’s relationship with his friends changed profoundly. Up to that day he had been a fun friend to the group. They hung together closely all through high school, shared many interests and even double dated at times. Joe’s late teenage energy tempered by his good nature made him an important part of the pack. But after the intrusion of the blue-green mist, Joe changed. Immediately, on the ride home, he began pulling away from his friends. He gave them one word answers to their queries, or ignored them altogether. Over the ensuing months he became a recluse. Not only did he stop associating with the group, but he stopped talking to them. Joe never called them on the phone and he would not answer or return their calls. One of his friends, Bill, tried to keep in touch with Joe despite his reticence. He would talk with Joe’s mother and get reports from her to find out how his old friend was doing. She told Bill that rarely did Joe ever leave the house anymore except for doctor’s visits. Health issues manifested almost overnight. The medical visits were not only for physical but also mental evaluations and they grew in frequency. Joe’s medical examiners were never able to determine exactly what was wrong with him or the reason for his physical and mental deterioration. For whatever reason, Joe was becoming a different person. Finally, after about seven months, Bill was able to contact Joe on the phone directly. He had to drag every answer out of his old friend. “What’s wrong with you,” he asked, frustrated after a few lines of small talk that felt like a tug-o-war. “Honestly,” Joe said in a slow, despondent voice, a voice that barely sounded like the former vibrant young man, but more like a child talking from down a hollow well. “After we got back from that trip, I felt like something was taken from me. I can’t describe exactly what it is, but that mist seemed to suck the soul right out of me.” Three months later, Joe committed suicide. As strange and despondent as the story sounds, the rest of it is even stranger.
7. This is a wildcard question. What story would you like to share with us from the book?
Of course, I’d like your readers to buy the book so I could share all the stories with them! All the full-length stories are written in a short-story style to make them fun to read. But there are also many short reports throughout the book, about a dozen in each state, which just give nuts and bolts information about the UFO experience. One of the wildest ones happened in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, on April 17, 2004, approximately 3:30 AM. The witness originally reported seeing fifteen orange balls of light fly over her house in a sharp V formation. And if that was all she saw, it would have been fantastic. But over the next hour she actually reported seeing not just fifteen, not a hundred, but 500 orange balls of light in groups of between fifteen and fifty at a time! This may be one of the largest mass sightings of all time!
8. So out of all these stories you’ve been told what can you tell us about the alien beings? What do you think they are up to and why?
This is a funny question that I get asked all the time. And while I know that it’s a popular practice to put out a theory on whatever subject you’re working on once you’ve “published,” I try not to do that. Perhaps that frustrates some people, and if it does, I’m sorry. Because we are dealing with beings who are so far beyond us technologically, intellectually and perhaps spiritually, our ability to surmise their intentions and the reasons behind them, I feel, is way outside the reach of human beings. For me, the only real way to get answers to what they’re up to and and why they perform in such fashions is to ask them directly. Of course, the problem with that is you need to stand face-to-face with them, asked them point blank questions, and hope to heaven that you can understand the answers. I don’t believe aliens would intentionally lie to us because they have so little to fear from us. I do, however, think that even if you can get to the point of face-to-face communications, the alien’s interest in explaining their position in human terms may simply be too far below them. Having said all that, here’s one thing I feel strong about. The aliens are not here to take over our world. That could have been done easily at any time in our history. If, as the Ancient Alien theory postulates, we are the children of the star people, then there would be little sense in them having nurtured us through centuries of development, incrementally upgrading our DNA, only to dash us to pieces or enslave us. There is some masterful, grand design in play by the aliens, but that design is so enormous that it is impossible for us to step far enough back to see. We have to get off the planet to do that, way off the planet. And to do that we would need their help. I can only hope that the help comes soon.
9. This “Trespass Against Us” story in West Virginia sounds like a horror of a story. What can you tell us about it?
This is an abduction story of Tracy and Will, two young people from West Virginia. Their decision to relocate to Utah for both business and pleasure ended up being neither. The couple’s perceptions of “aliens,” and their youthful hopes for “happily ever after,” were forever dashed by the intervention of a being that was as incomprehensible as it was terrifying. On Sunday, February 13, 2011, the couple, who had been driving along a familiar highway, in an instant found themselves in a building of unknown design and origin. They seemed to be waiting for something. The area was dark and forbidding. Suddenly, a fiery red face with black highlights manifested into view as if formed from the very darkness of the room. It was holding Tracy and Will as prisoners. They pleaded for their release, but the terrifying form refused. Its potential aggression seemed imminent. For in the creature’s bony hand was clutched a living human infant, an infant soaked in blood. Later, the couple would hypnotically regress themselves to learn of additional maddening details of their experience. The outcome is heart wrenching and hair-raising.
10. Any links you’d like to share and when can we expect your next book? Thanks for this interview.
Folk in the lower forty-eight states interested in autographed copies of Mid-Atlantic UFOs: High Traffic Area, can send a check for $22 to: Gerard J. Medvec PO Box 42 Delaware City, DE 19706
Or pay by credit card on PayPal at: People outside the forty-eight can email for a price quote.
My next book about UFOs in New Jersey will be out this spring. Thanks for the interview, Jeffery.
This book, the first of its kind, delves into the many leaked documents that describe research into alien biology and virology. Dr. Robert Wood’s forensic analysis of the documents themselves argues strongly for their authenticity. And their implications are startling. Alien viruses are not only deadly, but are of key importance to biological warfare on Earth. Wood examines the mysterious deaths of key microbiologists and virologists, offers insight into the huge government secret expenditures, and provides an incredible revelation from an Area 51 insider on autopsies of bodies of unknown origin. With assistance from seasoned researcher Nick Redfern, extensively footnoted, and with a comprehensive Index, this is the authoritative treatment of the subject.
About the Author
Bob Wood received a B.S. in Aeronautical Engineering from University of Colorado in 1949, a Ph.D. in Physics from Cornell in 1953, worked for General Electric Aeronautics and Ordnance, served in the U.S. Army at Aberdeen Proving Ground for two years, and then completed 43 years with Douglas Aircraft and its successors. A long-time Director of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a Councilor for the Society for Scientific Exploration, and member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics since 1947, he has garnered a reputation for integrity and scholarship in this field over the last two decades. His aerospace career included the thermodynamics of keeping missiles cool; managing and selling the independent research and development projects of a couple of dozen scientists and engineers; designing radars to discriminate between Soviet ballistic missiles and their decoys; applying advanced technology to make the Space Station cheaper, better, and sooner; and finally helping to sell the Delta launch vehicle as the workhorse for NASA orbital payloads. In the late 1960s, he ran a proprietary project to try to discover how UFOs “worked,” and has been studying the UFO topic ever since. Upon retirement, he became involved in the forensics of authenticating questioned “leaked” UFO documents, collaborating occasionally with his colleague and son Ryan (author of MAJIC – Eyes Only). He recognized the excellence of Nick Redfern’s attention to high standards and asked him to provide his international reports concerning aliens and viruses.
Ive been watching the skies as much as possible lately. I was made aware of a technique called C.E.5.
The idea is that All points in time and space are connected.
Telepathy exists; the power of prayer so to speak. Here in North Atlanta the weather has been complete shit lately. I wont insult anyones intelligence here, I will just say it; the skies are being concealed from us this month. Its blatantly obvious.
This afternoon the sky broke wide open and I went to take some sun shots. I cleared my mind and sent a pure stream of conscious thought space bound. I started snapping photos when an intrusive thought came directly to mind.
It simply flashed the word “Trees.”
I understand Quantum Physics, Behavioral Sciences, and understand my own mind better than anyone. This was a conscious thought.
After 2 minutes of snapping @the sun, I went inside and my wife had asked me what I was doing. I told her.
She is an amazing woman, and over the years has come to understand my fascination with the skies, and has on a previous encounter; witnessed something before w/me.
I went into the kitchen and shut the lights off to examine the digital photos.
On the 5th picture in sequence, there is a solid greenish white glowing orb/sphere in the trees. It is legit. I have examined the photo seriously,and it is confirmed.
While examining the photo I was instantly reminded of the intrusive thought.
This may seem crazy. But with God as my witness; its 100% the truth.
These things exist. Its not some opinion. Follow me on Twitter if you care to: @stucifer2
This newly released video from Dahboo777 shares what he considers to be the ‘craziest fireball’ he’s ever seen. Is it a UFO? Is it some kind of an aircraft or even a meteor? Dahboo shares that he’s never seen a fireball that appears to be ‘somewhat in control’ before.
De mysterieuze lichtbol die zaterdagavond te zien was boven Nederland en een stuk van België, was waarschijnlijk een steen uit de ruimte. Dat zegt Marc Van den Broeck van volkssterrenwacht Urania. "De steen vloog met een zeer hoge snelheid onze atmosfeer in, wat zorgde voor een soort gasontwikkeling. Dat is die groene schijn die iedereen zag."
Most people taken aboard craft will awaken with no recollections
Alien Abduction Self-Defense and Resistance Alien Abduction Self-Defense and Resistance Often when alien abductions do occur, the abducting entity places a screen memory in place; a telepathically..
Alien Abduction Self-Defense and Resistance
Often when alien abductions do occur, the abducting entity places a screen memory in place; a telepathically imposed vivid dream, or if one is attempting active resistance, a nightmare replaces the actual abduction scenario, before one's physical or astral face and masks any real recollection.
However, the imposed worst scenario dreams do reflect the inner nature of the creatures who are psychically 'in charge'.
Each night after writing essays, like this one, I have always received a slapping rebuke.
Last night was no different; after writing and posting this my night became emblazoned, again, with their unseen presences.
I was locked into vivid nightmares that I could not awaken from.
I wrote about my abductions and about alien entities and about an alien invasion quietly happening on this planet, that we call Earth and that very night it happened, again.
Imposed nightmares, given in retribution, are screen memories, to muddle the recollection of an abduction, as well as telepathic attacks by these alien entities, who are seeking an in-dwelling or attached status..
Therein is the true invasion; God only knows how long this has been going on with people, on Earth.
It is surely demonic in nature.
Young reptilians are affixed ethereally along the human spinal cord , feeding from joys and angst as parasites.
Imagine a cityscape with most people walking around with such alien parasites secured and feeding.
It adds a new meaning to the phrase, "Silent Invasion".”
Aliens, not unlike ghosts and demons, seek our layered psyches to hide within; when questioned, greys will oddly explain their desired partial possession of us as ,"sanctuary", as though they also seek respite from sinister reptilians.
Who can abductees turn to for help, in our nation?
The NATIONAL RECONNAISSANCE ORGANIZATION conducts surveillance, interdiction, confiscation of UFOs and extra-terrestrial occupants, surveilles experiencers, dispersed among Delta Force Special Operations USAF Blue Light at Hurlburt Field, Mary Esther, FL, Beale Air Force Base, Marysville, CA.
Our government is surely aware that the mean and controlling natures of
reptilian overlords are predatory, sinister and self-justifying, the three criteria of pure evil.
But they hope by cooperating, to later unfurl the knot of bondage.
I surmise that alien greys and reptilians use us as we use horses to ride upon, and certainly, as I have briefly seen one materialize, for three seconds or less in the shower stall while I was showering, young immature reptilians are installed for our predation.
Unlike the horse most humans are unaware of those reins and stirrups.
These reptilians, saurian entities, half man half lizard, intergalactic and inter dimensional, capable of cloaking their presence in a room, are negative thought beings of a demonic taint, and more prevalent than one would guess; they are overlords of many other subjugated alien races.
Reptilians speak in harsh deep croaks, are red eyed and look like upright monitor lizards.
Their telepathic prowess are quite astounding.
I recall psychic distress, forming a query to pose to them, only to have it quickly telepathically answered even before I could mentally formulate a bare few words within a long sentence.
Brilliantly sentient, crafty, devious and diabolical, reptilians will eventually grow wings and as adults stand upright, over eight feet tall .
Worse, these Moth men reptilians loathe us with a tangible, palpable rage.
When young immature reptilians ones are affixed ethereally along the human spinal cord, abductees suffer spinal diseases and ailments; they reside within our energies as lampreys and remora affix themselves to ocean denizens, as parasites.
Last night, again, after publishing my last entry, I was attacked; vivid nightmares, imposed worst scenarios broadcast into my mind, made me realize upon awakening, that my writings had surely irked them; any truths about them, represent light shone on them, light which they detest and work to extinguish.
Light shone onto darkness, diminishes darkness.
They work behind our curtains, but crave non detection.
They also perceive such revealing writings as resistance, which they despise, in any form.
Under the guise of technical testing, reptilian grey creatures interfere with our daily lives, behind our curtains, orchestrating problems and then answering our fervent prayers, and resolving them.
They create dithers and stresses, impose raw anxieties into abductee's lives to create the juices, the endocrine stress flavors that their nighttime palates crave, a unique relationship akin to vampires of the 3rd century myths, who as negative, bedroom, nighttime intruders, were deemed to crave bodily juices.
Oddly, not unlike these proverbial vampires, garlic does indeed deter them as an herbal repellent.
Psychic alien reptile vampires from techno space?
Although it all sounds like a very bad B movie, abductees are food, ethereally and physically, cows for their milking; through implants which act as energy drains and controls, these puppet masters can micro manipulate virtually all of our psychic and bodily functions.
They can turn up the urge for sexuality, drugs, meats, sweets and rage.
We are mere marionettes, to these ' puppet masters', who do blatantly consider humans their own very valuable property.
The parallel between abducting alien entities and demonic entities in tactics and motives, is quite striking.
Oddly, tall grey alien entities appear to be more vulnerable to demonic possession by dark force demonics, as are reptilians, than we humans are.
Like insect praying mantis on Earth, their highly technological alien archetypes, alien mantids and reptilians, donot understand higher, elevated ideals like compassion, forgiveness, love and mercy; they prevail against our psyches and life-scripts with intrusive dark intentions to disrupt and control and do so without conscience.
One obvious difference between unseen demons and possessing aliens, is in the alien facile use of astoundingly advanced technology.
Demons do not need craft technology to manifest and interact with our physical world, to jump onto our energies; aliens do, when they ride down on tractor light beams from overhead cloaked craft.
Are all aliens sinister, as demons are all sinister?
I can recall an ineffable moment aboard a craft when a brief psychic wave of intense affection and love was broadcast into my mind from a very tall grey who was seated at a table.
This wave of affection was broadcast into me after I had been subjected to a series of surreal imposed scenarios exams aboard a craft.
I often juxtapose that brief wave of 'affection' from that taller grey being, with the opposing psychic signature of imposed 'terror', generated by smaller very dark greys.
Small dark greys use broadcast 'terror' to control humans who might attempt to move about more independantly onboard craft.
When I encountered it and tried to resist that broadcast overpowering fear, it was like swimming against a powerful current; like a surfer I slalomed sideways through tsunami waves of alien generated terror, a broadcasted telepathy of panic.
Smaller darker greys generate, this disabling terror when they move to attempt to control abductees.
Are we as a race of beings lost and helpless against such myriad forces of evil?
Should we resign ourselves to deep despair?
Is there any possibility of any personal or human species liberation?
After abductions, feeling tinges of despair, I am however convinced that struggling against alien evil ones who overpower us, who prey upon our consciousness, and who see us as mere 'containers' for their own embodiment and possession, force us to evolve more than we could have otherwise, growing more adept in moral, psychic and spiritual growth.
How then, to fight such alien enemies of our very consciousness, itself?
One must tangentially rebuke and sidestep them, vector affronts to them sideways, in small moral baby steps; I have learned that any reciprocal mean spirited direct attack against them, in kind, any frontal lunge, full in their face, brings horrid retributions.
The NEXT big step, knowing that they are within our energies, is to vector ALL inner negativity away; unsureness, hurt, fear, jealousy, spite, grudges, anger, all swatted away, like so many flies at one's inner psyche's mustache.
The next time that negativity assails you, rebuke it and substitute a positive thought, instead.
It is at that point, that it'll give you a clearer 'peek', at it, when openly and repeatedly chided and taunted, that it isn't welcome within oneself, at all...
We shall overthrow all yokes only with God's help.
We must try to keep singlemindedly to the narrow path of a higher moral higher ground to therapeutically instruct them of their gross wrongdoings.
This tactic will not give them an additional blatant reason to continue to destroy us.
We must not use comparable evil methods against them, methods that we condemn them for using against us.
Not unlike Gandhi's tenets, we shall endeavor in pure goodness and sheer moral ingenuity, to prevail against them, having first won God's assistance and Heaven's intervention.
After all, we are much closer to God than they are.
Director of CIA, Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter: "It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel." p. 58, quoted from New York Times, February 28, 1960, p. L30
Sobering, Unbelievable, Shocking! Fierce External BALL of ENERGY in Our SOLAR System IMPACTING Earth and SOON! Endtime Events Happening NOW! Pts 1-5 (Video x 5) Do NOT Miss This One! VITAL Info!
Sobering, Unbelievable, Shocking! Fierce External BALL of ENERGY in Our SOLAR System IMPACTING Earth and SOON! Endtime Events Happening NOW! Pts 1-5 (Video x 5) Do NOT Miss This One! VITAL Info!
The sky changing colors, at sunset when it’s most visible. Abrupt storms, lightening storms 100 times more powereful than anything we have experienced in the past. We will know that we are at that tipping point when these “symptoms begin to transpire. Governments communicating with other worldly entities for AGES for possible solutions, so clearly … they know what is coming. “They” do NOT want the public to know. Date setting is an impossiblility (And unscriptural) but here is the 411 of what is going on. Calmly but ever so plainly!
Here is your opportunity to know what in our solar syatem is going on that we have ZERO ability to fix, change, or prevent that may ultimately scare the hell out of you, or that may ultimately scare you straight. I hope not to just scare you, that is NOT the purpose, nor productive!
Are you prepared?
Unbelievable Endtime Events. Part Two
End Time Events, Part 3
End Time Events; Part 4
Endtime Events; Part 5 Fridays Blogtalk Show. With Author Anthony Patch and Michael.
CERTAIN CHANGES ARE COMING OUR WAY. ARE YOU READY, ARE YOU PREPARED?PLEASE DO NOT STAY STUCK IN DENIAL! Our time truly is limited. Sure, people have been saying that they are in the “end times” for ages now, saying that “Jesus is coming soon”. Seriously these Jesus freaks keep on saying the same thing and nothing ever really happens. In fact, it is such an old “war cry” that you have tuned it out which in turn has hardened your heart to the warnings. Please just take a quick glance at the news headlines and put the pieces together. There is no denying the signs, the “labor pains” and symptoms any longer. And labor pains progress, they do not diminish.
Are you prepared? Are you protected? If you are scoffing at the warnings, guess what? You are fulfilling prophecy and you are only hurting yourself and any of those who may be listening to you. Check it out, I’m not putting you on: 2 Peter 3:3, 4 and also in Jude 1:18,19 both are in the New Testament. Get saved; you are going to need His protection. More importantly, you will definitely need your salvation for all of eternity. I don’t know you, but I certainly care about you and your eternity. This is not a gimmick; the only thing I gain from you trusting God is another brother or sister in the Lord.
The ULTIMATE Preparation Right Here:God, Please remove any deception that I may have listened to, believed or embraced that is hindering me from knowing the truth. Because I am not perfect, I am a sinner that needs forgiveness and I ask You to forgive me. I believe You are Savior and Lord Who shed Your Holy, Sinless Blood and died for my sins to be forgiven, and rose from the dead; You live forever. I want to turn away from (repent) my sins. I invite You, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, God the Messiah to come into my heart and life as Savior and Lord. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and personal Savior. In the all powerful Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray. Amen.
The content in the video(s) do not necessarily reflect my personal viewpoint or opinion. FBI WARNING: Federal law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video tapes, or video disks under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. This infringement of copyright is called FAIR USE… and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody.
Ball of Energy Approaching Earth From the South.
To take concern or not? Do we REALIZE what is coming? Not only in the atmosphere, not only on the Earth, not only from our government … but now we have a LARGE MAGNETIC ball approaching Earth. The authorities will stay SILENT until it begins to take effect.
What is about to happen is GOING TO BE SCARY because there is nothing that can be done about it!!
DO LISTEN VERY CAREFULLY to this video!!! It may safe your life and the lives of your loved ones!
Ball of Magnetic Energy approaching Earth from the South!!!
Sure, people have been saying that they are in the “end times” for ages now, saying that “Jesus is coming soon”. Seriously these Jesus freaks keep on saying the same thing and nothing ever really happens. In fact, it is such an old “war cry” that you have tuned it out which in turn has hardened your heart to the warnings. But our time truly is limited. Please just take a quick glance at the mainstream headlines and put the pieces together. There is no denying the signs; the “labor pain” symptoms any longer.
If you are scoffing at the warnings, guess what? You are fulfilling prophecy and you are only hurting yourself and any of those who may be listening to you. Check it out, I’m not putting you on: 2 Peter 3:3,4 and also in Jude 1:18,19 both are in the New Testament. Get saved; you are going to need His protection. More importantly, you will definitely need your salvation for all of eternity. I don’t know you, but I certainly care about you and your eternity. This is not a gimmick; the only thing I gain from you trusting God is another brother or sister in the Lord.
Group of UFOs recorded over Harrow, London, UK on 12th January 2014
Group of UFOs recorded over Harrow, London, UK on 12th January 2014
UFO sightings2014 – New amazing video footage of multiple UFO lights recorded in the night sky above Harrow, London, UK on 12th January 2014.
Witness said: As I was walking home from work, just as I was turning into my road I noticed these 8 bright orange lights, all hovering in a group! Could it be a sign that they’re coming??? Branker Road, Harrow.
UFO sighting over Saudi Arabia on 17th January 2014
UFO sighting over Saudi Arabia on 17th January 2014
New interesting video footage of a UFO sighting recorded over Prophet’s Mosque, Medina, Saudi Arabia at 9:00 – 10:00 PM UAE time.
Witness Fahd Al Harbi said: I was passing just near the mosque when I saw the object. I captured a film of it but I could not trace it as it split into two or three parts.
Un météore "boule de feu" a traversé la Belgique samedi soir
Un météore "boule de feu" a traversé la Belgique samedi soir
Ce samedi soir, une météorite a traversé le ciel belge. De nombreuses personnes ont appelé l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique pour signaler la présence d'une boule de feu dans le ciel aux alentours de 21h20.
Un bolide lumineux dans le ciel. Pas courant et toujours impressionnant. C'est ce qu'ont pu observer les Belges ce samedi soir, aux alentours de 21 h 20, dans le nord du pays. Selon l'agence Belga qui cite l'Observatoire royal de Belgique, "ce météore peut être classé parmi les exemplaires exceptionnellement lumineux. Différentes couleurs ont été observées, mais le vert était dominant".
Plusieurs centaines de personnes ont aperçu ce météore très lumineux qui allait d'est en ouest, en direction de la Mer du Nord. Selon Marc Van den Broeck, directeur de l'observatoire Urania, le météore avait la taille d'une balle de tennis. "Il était probablement plus petit qu'un ballon de football, car à partir de cette taille, une explosion se produit accompagnée d'une forte détonation".
UFO disrupts air traffic at Bremen airport Jan 7, 2014
UFO disrupts air traffic at Bremen airport – Jan 7, 2014
Reports of passenger aircraft involved in a near miss with unidentified flying objects as well as unidentified flying objects disrupting air traffic at airports (drones, balloon-like aircraft or remote-controlled model craft?)
1. UFO disrupts air traffic at Bremen airport
The latest report came from Bremen airport. An unidentified flying object disrupts air traffic at Bremen airport on Monday night, Jan 6, 2014, when it kept appearing on air traffic control’s radar.
The airport said on Monday night that the UFO showed up on its radar several times over three hours from 6.30pm to 9.30pm.
Police said in a statement that they were alerted at 6.30pm about a UFO over Bremen and a patrol car also saw the object. A police helicopter was sent up to try and find the UFO but could not, although the Weser Kurier newspaper reported it could be seen through binoculars from the airport’s traffic control tower.
The helicopter search was called off at 8.45pm, according to the police statement.
A flight from Frankfurt had to be cancelled and a second flight from Munich was diverted to Hannover. Another plane coming from Paris had to stay airborne for a while before it could land. source
2. Pilot reports near miss with ‘rugby ball-shaped UFO’ near Heathrow Airport
An airline pilot has reported a near miss with a “rugby ball-shaped” UFO that passed within metres of his passenger jet near Heathrow airport. He told aviation authorities investigating the incident last July that he was certain the object was going to crash into his aircraft and that he ducked as it headed towards him.
They have been unable to establish the identity of the mysterious craft, which apparently approached the airliner at great speed.
The incident occurred while the Airbus A320 was cruising at 34,000ft, around 32 kilometres west of the airport.
The investigators’ report states: “He was under the apprehension that they were on collision course with no time to react. His immediate reaction was to duck to the right and reach over to alert the FO [First Officer]; there was no time to talk to alert him.”
The pilot told investigators the object passed “within a few feet” of the top of the jet and that it was “cigar/rugby ball-like” in shape, bright silver and “metallic” in construction.
The episode was examined by the UK Airprox Board, which studies “near misses” involving aircraft in British airspace. It checked data recordings to establish what aircraft were in the area but eliminated them all, along with meteorological balloons. Military radar operators were also unable to trace the reported object.
The sighting occurred in daylight, at around 6.35pm on July 13. source
3. Passenger plane involved in near miss with UFO near Glasgow airport
A passenger plane was involved in a near miss an unidentified flying object, two pilots have reported.
The blue and yellow UFO came within 300ft of the Airbus 320 on December 2 above Baillieston as the plane approached Glasgow Airport.
The UK Airprox Board – which investigates near misses in the skies – heard the incident had taken place at around 3500ft.
Both pilots on the flight reported seeing the UFO “loom ahead”. The board head the object passed directly beneath the plane before either of the crew had time to take avoiding action or had “really registered it” although they were both agreed that it appeared blue and yellow or silver in color with a small frontal area but that it was “bigger than a balloon”.
4. UFO collided with Chinese Passenger Plane at 26,000 Ft.
A passenger jet was forced to make an emergency landing after a mysterious mid-air collision with a ‘foreign object’ at 26,000 ft. severely dented its nose cone.
The plane was climbing over China when a large bang was heard from the front of aircraft.
The pilots of Air China flight CA4307 left Chengdu on the morning of June 4, headed for Guangzhou contacted the control tower of Chengdu airport, requesting an emergency landing due to “mechanical failure” and returned to Chengdu for an emergency landing.
No one was hurt in the mysterious incident. The front of the Air China Boeing 757 had been pushed in and scratches and scraped paintwork The nose of the aircraft shows evidence of the collision, the question here is, with what did this Boeing 757 collide at 8000 meters?
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Life on other planets could be far more widespread, study finds
Life on other planets could be far more widespread, study finds
Earth-sized planets can support life at least ten times further away from stars than previously thought, according to academics at the University of Aberdeen.
A new paper published in Planetary and Space Science claims cold rocky planets previously considered uninhabitable may actually be able to support life beneath the surface.
The team, which included academics from the University of St Andrews, challenge the traditional ‘habitable zone’ – i.e. the area of space around a star, or sun, which can support life – by taking into consideration life living deep below the ground.
“The traditional habitable zone is also known as the Goldilocks zone,” explains PhD student Sean McMahon. “A planet needs to be not too close to its sun but also not too far away for liquid water to persist, rather than boiling or freezing, on the surface.
“But that theory fails to take into account life that can exist beneath a planet’s surface. As you get deeper below a planet’s surface, the temperature increases, and once you get down to a temperature where liquid water can exist – life can exist there too.”
The team created a computer model that estimates the temperature below the surface of a planet of a given size, at a given distance from its star.
“The deepest known life on Earth is 5.3 km below the surface, but there may well be life even 10 km deep in places on Earth that haven’t yet been drilled.
“Using our computer model we discovered that the habitable zone for an Earth-like planet orbiting a sun-like star is about three times bigger if we include the top five kilometres below the planet surface.
“The model shows that liquid water, and as such life, could survive 5km below the Earth’s surface even if the Earth was three times further away from the sun than it is just now.
“If we go deeper, and consider the top 10 km below the Earth’s surface, then the habitable zone for an Earth-like planet is 14 times wider.”
The current habitable zone for our solar system extends out as far as Mars, but this re-drawn habitable zone would see the zone extend out further than Jupiter and Saturn. The findings also suggest that many of the so-called “rogue” planets drifting around in complete darkness could actually be habitable.
“Rocky planets a few times larger than the Earth could support liquid water at about 5 km below the surface even in interstellar space (i.e. very far away from a star), even if they have no atmosphere because the larger the planet, the more heat they generate internally.
“It has been suggested that the planet Gliese 581 d, which is 20 light years away from Earth in the constellation Libra, may be too cold for liquid water at the surface. However, our model suggests that it is very likely to be able to support liquid water less than 2 km below the surface, assuming it is Earth-like.”
The significance of the subsurface is further illustrated by another paper published by the same team which suggests there could be more life below the surface of the continents on Earth thanthere is below the seafloor.
McMahon hopes the studies will encourage other researchers to consider how life on other planets might be detected.
“The results suggest life may occur much more commonly deep within planets and moons than on their surfaces. This means it might be worth looking for signs of life outside conventional habitable zones. I hope people will study the ways in which life below the surface might reveal itself. Because it’s not unimaginable that there might be signs at the surface that life exists deep below.
“The surfaces of rocky planets and moons that we know of are nothing like Earth. They’re typically cold and barren with no atmosphere or a very thin or even corrosive atmosphere. Going below the surface protects you from a whole host of unpleasant conditions on the surface. So the subsurface habitable zone may turn out to be very important. Earth might even be unusual in having life on the surface.”
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Is there a Portal on Glastonbury Tor? (part 1)
Is there a Portal on Glastonbury Tor? (part 1)
The small Somerset town of Glastonbury, like its sister centre the Hebridean Isle of Iona, has enjoyed a celebrity status for some time now. Still a Mecca for those seeking spiritual insight, magic or other worldly dimensionality and, of course, host to the most famous and enduring music festival of them all. So how did it all come about, this self nominating of exceptionalness, a special place in England above most all others?
Part of the answer lies with those naughty monks of the Abbey who in 1191 declared that they had found the bones of King Arthur and his Queen Guinevere – or phonetic ‘Queen of Air’ as the alchemical phonetic of the (Dan) Green Language prefer to call her. Given that these figures are more fantasy than real, we can confidently surmise that they didn’t really find such bones at all, but it didn’t stop them relocating and burying them in the Abbey’s chancery in 1278 in front of reigning and certainly for real King Edward and his Queen Eleanor at the time. This little incident added to the forthcoming consolidation of Grail Romance that was bolstered by equal assertions that no less than Jesus’ uncle Joseph (he of Arimathea) had arrived at Glastonbury bringing with him the Holy thorn legend upon Wearyall Hill. People, apparently, aren’t all weary of this tale.
Only recently Glastonbury Abbey have now added to their tourist literature that legend says Joseph also brought the youngster Jesus here and they built an old wattle church now buried underneath the existing Mary chapel. Tying in anything loosely Jesus-like with Arthur – possibly greedily claiming both legendary figures – spawned the Grail stuff even more and so, hey presto, Glastonbury conceals the Grail, no less, down Chalice Well. Well, many thousands of us have popped our head down there in the hope that it could be that simple. No Grail – obviously, not, that simple.
Many people are unaware of a fine book that was written in 1932 by a fellow called John Cowper Powys (1872-1963) a Derbyshire born author and lecturer who passed away before Glastonbury really took off big time. The book was called ‘A Glastonbury Romance’ and for many hits the nail on the head as valid and timelessly today as it did then. Described as ‘an epic novel of terrific cumulative force and lyrical intensity’ the work weaving the ancient with the modern probes the effect of this mystical and spiritual history upon the residents of the town. The longest undivided novel in English, the 1120 pages book muses over the possibilities upon the table – not Arthur’s Round one entirely – that Glastonbury could become a place of pilgrimage, just as easily an experimental socialist commune, or simpler still, a modern industrial town.
Well, today it appears to be a nation divided, with standardised Christians on the one hand and the new age (surely Old age by now) mystics. It certainly reaps the tourist benefits from either side, with the historical Jesus figure stuck in the middle owing to Glastonbury being the first point of Christianity in England and, of course, the lad’s cup so sought after by those on a Quest. John Michel’s 1972 book ‘City of Revelation’ mapping out the sacred geometry of Glastonbury Abbey seemed to contribute to both camps.
Back in 1970 the first ever Glasto festival only drew 1,500 attendants but today it draws some 180,000 over three days, praise the endurance of farmer Micheal Eavis who once declared during the 90s that he made a 3m clear profit each year. Unavoidably, the festival and its original association with travellers and hippies and their suspicious habits have left a scar in the town and modern day sociology will bear out that it harbours more than its fair share of citizens with problems. A lot of the hippies stayed and still stay. It reminds one a little of how in 1978 hordes of Scotland football fans went to the World Cup in Argentina and, running out of money, simply didn’t come back, hence the abundance of Scottish surnames in many families in towns near Cordoba!
There is another facet and feature caught up in the tug of war of Christianity and the mystical within Glastonbury with both sides vying for its ownership and it is that pyramidical shaped natural hill the Tor which also has a dependency on legend and myth for its celebrity status. Modern day magicians and Pagans complicate things even a bit further by introducing a schism amongst their occultists informing us that the energy harnessed upon the Tor can be utilised for either good or bad. You can just imagine a patient line of queuing and at odds sorcerers awaiting their turn! It’s equally funny and serious then, in this respect, when in 2005 a Dalek, those lunatic pepper-pot enemy of the time travelling fictional Dr Who, was stolen from an exhibition staged at nearby Wookey Hole Caves and deposited at the top of the Tor as if to claim it as its territory on behalf of malefaction. A manifestation brought about by the Collective Unconscious perhaps?
Two years later the South face of the Tower was covered in paint and graffiti by sympathisers of the voluntary run organisation Fathers4Justice. Negativity struck again when in 2010 the Holy Thorn was vandalised, hacked down leaving only its roots, the most likely culprits acting on behalf of those owed money by the owner of the land upon which the Thorn bloomed, having been sent to prison bankrupt owing the same figure as Michael Eavis’ annual profit. Another deficit came the following April when the Glastonbury Anglican Annual Pilgrimage, whereby 2,000 visit and ascend the Tor, and has been running since 1924, was scrapped due to soaring petrol costs, its future now in doubt.
High up on the Tor stands the Christian claim to the hill , the tower the remnants of a St Michaels church destroyed by an earthquake in 1275, the symbol of the Christian Prince of Peace meant to supplant all previous Pagan, and earlier Druidic, ownership of their own sacred hill. Should we ask, would the Christian god have destroyed his own church by his own act? Oh well. The most famous legend concerning the Tor, upon whom many a visitors have had a variety of weird experiences, is that in its ‘faery hill’ aspect it conceals the entrance to the underworld kingdom of Gwyn Ap Nudd, this beginning to touch on the hypothesis that Glastonbury is dimensional, which will please the many who claim UFO sightings there, including one previous Mayor of the town who one night witnessed what he himself called a ‘spaceship’ when he saw a reddish orange light appear above the Tor before sinking into the summit, more akin faerie activity than UFO. However, the suggestion that the Gwyn Ap Nudd legend is a reminiscence of a long forgotten potential dimensional opening based on the hill, currently referred to as a ‘portal’, may indeed be Glastonbury’s best bet for a genuine claim of the paranormal. With this is mind, or possibly Mind, although any such portal would be ancient, an interesting photo was taken only five years back by a local resident on one of his many daily walks.
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Buitenaardse motoren in Area 51 (video)
Buitenaardse motoren in Area 51 (video)
De Amerikaanse ruimtevaartadviseur David Adair vertelt voor het eerst voor het oog van de camera over het zien van een buitenaardse motor en zijn contact met agenten van het ministerie van Defensie.
Hij gaat ook in op een ontmoeting met luchtmachtgeneraal en kandidaat-vicepresident Curtis LeMay in 1971 in Groom Lake in Nevada, oftewel Area 51.
Adair doet een boekje open over geavanceerde buitenaardse technologieën en de best bewaarde geheimen van het leger. Op 17-jarige leeftijd bouwde hij een speciale raketmotor waarna hij door hoge pieten in het leger werd uitgenodigd om zijn raket te lanceren op de White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. Hij werd vervolgens meegenomen naar Area 51, waar hij motoren zag die reageerden op de gedachten en emoties van de piloten.
Nu dit soort informatie steeds vaker het grote publiek bereikt, heeft Adair na 25 jaar besloten zijn geheimen naar buiten te brengen.
UFO “Spirit” filmed over burning Twin Towers (9/11)
I was doing some research for a video I posted on my other Channel (scariestmovieever111) and stumbled across THIS. Watch @ 1:41 and you’ll see it leaves an “energy trail” behind as it moves. What exactly it is….??? Mass Ritual Sacrifice?? We know the attack was demonically-inspired hatred. Check this out!
UFO’s and “aliens” are NOT your friend, PLEASE remember that!!
Videos show an unidentified object moving through the sky on the night of Thursday, January 16 in the Saudi Arabia city of Medina (also spelled Madinah).
The UFO was reportedly spotted at approximately 9:00 p.m. At least two lights are visible moving through the sky in the videos, creating the possibility that the recorded UFO was actually multiple independent objects. The video at the top of this post was recorded near the Prophet’s Mosque in Al-Masjid al-Nabawi Square.
Arabic newspaper Al Sada reported the sighting. And according to news website Emirates 24|7, one of the witnesses who recorded video of the incident explained, “I was passing just near the mosque when I saw the object . . . I captured a film of it but I could not trace it as it split into two or three parts.” This witness description, paired with the UFO’s appearance in the videos, suggests that what streaked through the Saudi Arabia sky was a meteorite breaking up as it entered the atmosphere.
The incident was reported on several meteorite and fireball websites, and was apparently witnessed by thousands of people.
I was standing just my door of my garage on the north side of my house smoking a cigarette because I do not smoke inside. I first noticed the object coming from the west. I first noticed the object because it was moving too slow and did not have the usual navigation or strobe lights. The object moved silently to the north. The were two triangular isosceles shaped vehicles. The lead vehicle had soft white lights on each point. The second vehicle was just below with its lead point just below and seemed to just about touch the lead vehicle. The vehicle had no lights on its points but did have a large pulsating light in its middle. It reminded me of military C5 aircraft refueling an AWACS, however, I could not see any connection between the two. My view of these crafts was enhanced by light pollution from the city which gave the sky a light gray hue. there was no noise at all on its flight path which was slow and straight. My feelings was one of wonder and a strange feeling as to who or what was flying this thing and also I was wondering if any one else had seen it. I think about this event all the time. I cannot forget it. I called a friend who lived about three miles northeast of my location immediately after I lost sight as it went beyond the tree line. She never caught sight of it. I was later interviewed by our local ABC affiliated TV station which featured a program ” Strange lights over Richmond”. I served in the Navy as an Aviation Electricians Mate and later as an Army Infantry Officer. I still work for the department of Defense and certify that everything that I have recounted is true. I will even submit to Hypnosis because I still have to know. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
I posted this narrative last week, but forgot to add two images supplied by the experiencer:
Hello Lon,
I am writing to you to tell you about a strange development that has occurred to me throughout my life. I am a bit hesitant to write about this due to the fact that I don’t want to be looked at as crazy nor as a science experiment. I approach you knowing you and your site are honest and welcoming to the many strange things that happen in this big world of ours. The following may be some of the strangest accounts you have heard but they are sadly all true.
I honestly am not sure what is happening to me but the only rational thing I can think is that for some reason I have been continually exposed to having implants put into my body. When I was about 15 sudden I found that on my mid section I had a series of 8 bumps protruding from the skin right underneath, but following, my bottom of my rib cage (4 on each side). The bumps are perfectly spaced and it almost looks as if something was there to spread my ribs. I had showed my doctor them at one point and he just looked at me puzzled and said ,”Huh, I’ve never seen something like that before.” I am in my early 30′s now and the bumps are still there and the strange thing about them is that they will raise and lower during periods of high energy. My wife is fascinated by them and wants me to show them to who ever will listen but I am cautious.
If the bumps weren’t strange enough about 10 years ago I was roused from sleep suddenly at 5:30 am for no apparent reason but at the same time I felt completely refreshed (I am not a morning person). I carried on my day as usual but later I happened to look at my arms and noticed a strange development. If I held my hands palm up and closed my fingers my wrists moved as if there is pistons under the skin. Now I know some people have something “sort of” similar but no like this. It truly looks as if when I close my fingers the “piston” moves down a good 1″ up my arm and when I open the fingers it returns back.
About six years ago I ,again, awoke suddenly at 2:00 am and felt the need to go to the bathroom (which I am rarely ever awoken by need to relieve myself). I went to the bathroom and as I turned to leave and I blacked out and fell on the bathtub. It only took a moment to collect myself from the floor and I crawled back into bed. I am not one to go to the doctors office very often nor the ER but when I woke up I told my wife I needed my ribs checked out. At the hospital I had chest x-rays done to which I had cracked two of my ribs. In our hospital when they get x-rays back they put them up to examine them in the nurses station to which a patient can look out and see them. My wife and I kept hearing the doctors saying, “What is that?” and when I opened the curtain of my room I saw they were looking at my x-ray and on it about where my left pectoral muscle sets was the perfect image of a black box with wires coming from the top about 3″ long and 2″ wide. The doctors kept staring at it and discussing it but when they came to my room nothing was mentioned. I don’t have heart problems and the only surgery I have had is on my right knee (so it wasn’t a pace maker).
I know you must be reading this thinking this guy is just messing with me but I swear all of it is true but sadly my latest development is the most strangest thing to date. It was an event that I even had a hard time approaching my wife about for fear she would think I had lost it. So other than my wife you are the second one to hear this. Two days ago I was sitting on our couch just relaxing before supper the tv wasn’t on and it was kind of getting dark out. I happened to look over at the arm of the couch and suddenly in my left eye three lines of alien like symbols appeared scrolling in a Matrix fashion only in an almost illuminated blue light. The problem was it wasn’t something I was seeing it was literally IN my eye and it happened to me two more times that night. The symbols scrolled so fast I could only pick up 4 or 5 of them but it put me in mind of a computer doing diagnostics. After going to bed I was again awoken from my sleep feeling refreshed at 5:30. I am not sure if anything new has been added or if something has been removed.
I don’t use drugs, I quit drinking 8 years ago so I am clueless. I am beginning to feel like I am being transformed into a cyborg slowly. It’s mad and ludicrous but I am helpless and left without any answers. I fear going too public about it since I don’t want experimented on or worse (grabbed by a secret agency). I have no issues with publishing this as it may help others who are just as afraid as I am. I have enclosed pictures I have tried to draw via paint to try to show what I have going on.
David M. Jacobs, Ph.D. is Associate Professor of History at Temple University specializing in twentieth century American history and culture.
Dr. Jacobs began researching the controversy over unidentified flying objects in America in the mid 1960′s, and has amassed over 35 years of primary research data and analytical hypotheses on the subject.
Since 1973 Dr. Jacobs has continued to devote most of his professional and personal energies to researching the UFO phenomenon in general, and the abduction phenomenon in particular.
Having conducted over 750 hypnotic regressions with over 125 abductees, Dr. Jacobs is one of the foremost UFO abduction researchers worldwide.
As a result of his extensive primary research, he has developed the first scientific typology of the abduction experience.
1 Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of Ufo Abductions
2 UFOs & Abductions: Challenging the Borders of Knowledge
3 The THREAT: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda
Jacobs has a high profile in the field of Ufology.
He has lectured widely, been interviewed, and participated in numerous television and radio shows on the subject of alien abductions.
David Jacobs has written four books on the topic of UFOs and alleged alien abductions.
In recent years Jacobs has argued publicly that the evidence from his research, which sometimes includes utilizing hypnotic regression with alleged alien abductees along with traditional interview techniques, shows that alien-human hybrids are engaged in a covert program of infiltration into human society with possibly the final goal of taking over Earth.
He asserts that some of his research subjects are teaching these hybrids how to blend into human society so that they cannot be differentiated from humans, and that this is occurring worldwide.
It's early evening in rural Pennsylvania when several dozen witnesses report seeing a fiery object falling through the sky and landing in nearby woods. Volunteer Firefighter, Jim Romansky, is called to the scene to investigate what they think is a crashed plane. As Romansky combs the woods near Kecksburg, he spots a glowing acornshaped metallic object. As he moves in to investigate the strange craft, the military orders Romansky and any other civilians to leave the area. The military denies ever finding a craft in the woods that night.
Thousands of people in Phoenix, Arizona are stargazing In search of the Hale-Bopp comet, which is supposed to be visible in the night sky. Instead, hundreds of witnesses report seeing strange lights flying in a formation, while hundreds more report boomerang- and triangular-shaped crafts the size of three football fields flying low and soundlessly over their homes. The U.S. Air Force immediately denies anything unusual in the airspace that night.
A dark and ominous event has recently occurred in the abduction research community. News recently reached me that Kay Wilson was so harassed by malicious stalkers/ hackers that she closed her website, The Alien Jigsaw to prevent the inadvertent dissemination of corrupted information. This site is, or shall I more correctly say was, one of the finest websites dealing with the alien abduction phenomenon. Its closing is a major loss to our community, especially following the loss of other important websites associated with Budd Hopkins, John Mack, Karla Turner and a number of other dedicated abduction researchers.
It has taken me awhile to sufficiently recover from the shock of this news to respond for those of us who care about Kay and the abductions that she and so many others have endured. Kay Wilson had great empathy for those like her who have been subject to these experiences. Through her website, published books and memoirs she meticulously attempted to analyze the significance of this unrecognized reality. And how was she rewarded for her efforts? Heaped upon the physical and emotional toll of her abductions, she has been stalked, persistently harassed, had her site hacked and her files corrupted with malicious intent. Furthermore, there is some evidence that misinformation in the form of rumors and innuendos have been silently communicated about her through emails to other members of our community. The secretive nature of these communiques have even prevented her the from knowing exactly what was said and by whom in order to defend herself from their effects.
I only know Kay through her publications and website ‘“The Alien Jigsaw.” Though I only know her through intermittent email communications, I have nevertheless come to appreciate how truly special she is. Kay Wilson is a sincere, dedicated and compassionate abductee and researcher who had devoted herself to sharing her understanding of the abduction phenomenon at great personal cost. I am outraged that she is being harassed by a small number of those she has so diligently attempted to serve.
Few of us will ever know the full extent of what Kay has endured both by alien assaults upon her health, by being stalked and harassed by fellow abductees, and by having her website hacked and private files corrupted. All that we are now left with are precious glimpses into this unseen world left to us from her diaries. The Alien Jigsaw served as a haven for all those who cared about alien abductions and the unseen reality that pervades our daily lives.
While I cannot phantom the reason(s) for cruelty directed toward Kay and her work, I feel it is imperative that those of us who care about these matters continue her quest to understand the nature of the abduction phenomenon. Strangely, whether by chance or intuition, her abductor’s could not have selected anyone who could better represent humanity at its best. I never knew a kinder or more sincere person than Kay Wilson. For Kay, and for those like her, let us remain resolved to not be bullied or intimidated by those who oppose us or our views. In her name, let us remain inspired to unashamedly speak the truth about the events we experience.
Deep in north central New Mexico is the sleepy little town of Dulce. Dulce is located on the Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado – New Mexico Border. It is home to about 3000 residents and is the capitol of the Jicarilla Apache Nation. For as small and as insignificant as this remote location may sound, it became the center of controversy in the early 1980′s.
Physicist and inventor, Paul Bennewitz claimed he had discovered an underground base occupied by extraterrestrials near Dulce. His story quickly spread through the UFO community. Allegations that surround the base include human abductions (“alien abductions”) by these extraterrestrial beings.
He also asserted that the extraterrestrials were engaging in the development of advanced technology including genetic manipulation. Their plan, according to Conspiracy Theorists, is to control the government and gain ultimate control of the Earth by means of a New World Order.
Underground City
Stories have emerged regarding an untoward alliance between humans and the inhabitants of the Dulce base which include ties to shadow governments via secret societies such as the Illuminati, the Masons, the Bilderberg Group and the Skull and Bones. Dulce is not the only place on earth where it is believed underground bases exist, but it is the one which has received the greatest notoriety in recent times.
Out of This World The Grey Disaster at Roswell July 2nd 1947
“Out of This World” – The Grey Disaster at Roswell – July 2nd 1947
(Before It's News)
“Out of This World” …
The Grey Disaster at Roswell – July 2nd, 1947
A Brief Synopsis of the Roswell UFO Crash & Causes According to Charles J. Hall’s “Millennial Hospitality”
By James Cray Pike
(Copyright 2014, JCP-RDM* – All Rights Reserved
After reading all 5 volumes of Charles J. Hall's, “Millennial Hospitality” series, I’ve found that they have given me greater insight on ET life (on Earth) than ever before. The 5 volumes of “Millennial Hospitality” are wonderful and informative books.
Below I present a brief synopsis of Hall's account regarding the Roswell UFO Incident, the crash(es) and details of the causes and the recoveries.
I recently emailed Charles J. Hall and asked him if he had gotten any help with his analysis of Extraterrestrials, their biology, behavior and their histories (i.e. Greys and the Tall Whites). Mr. Hall basically said, “No.” His account is, principally and essentially, a personal experience (as I had already inferred from our correspondence).
I think UFO Digest readers may find this interesting. For the sake of brevity, I could not include many important details, all of which support Mr. Hall's thesis.
However, I truly think he is on to something very important after coming to understand the familial relationships the species have with their young.
Bob, I'll give you the forty-five. As you know Hall spent time with three different species: Tall Whites, Norwegians (24 teeth), and the Greys.
Two things to note: Both Tall Whites and Greys use fiber optics within their double-hulled ships. This allows for faster than light travel.
Problem: the ship's fiber optics need to stay cool. When they get hot they over-heat and have to be shutdown before a catastrophic meltdown. Hall has seen this happen when the fiber optics got too hot, just short of disaster no less.
In fact, the ships when experiencing extreme trouble due to over-heating drop the burnt fiber-optics from the bottom compartments of their ships. See Maury Island incident, which I know you are familiar with. What is dropped is burnt fiber optics in the form of black slag.
Keep in mind the ships fiber optics do extremely well when on full power and in the very cool atmosphere of space or high altitudes. Performance is high and safe when these conditions are present. However, when ship is on the desert floor and lower than usual power is applied the fiber-optics heat up real fast and have to be monitored.
Keep also in mind that both the Greys and Tall Whites have excellent eyesight and hearing. Hall has said on many occasions in his books that both species see as well as a cat and hear as well as a dog. Hence, why the Greys turned down the power on their ships. One, this aided in hearing and seeing for those on the ground. And two, those on the ground could engage in a high-pitched whistling. which would alert the Greys in the air. Evidently humans cannot hear on this frequency according to Hall.
Let’s back track a bit-> On July 2, 1947, two (2) Grey ships headed out to what Hall calls their “playground” among many in the South West United States.
One playground was near Alamogordo, NM, near the mountain ranges, which are considered refuges by the Greys. Here is what Hall thinks happened:
The two Grey ships were waiting for a third one to arrive.
It appears to Hall that the ships were all coming from underground bases in and around Bishop, CA. The ships, , are manned by kids and teenagers, but they were Greys according to Hall!
The Grey kids do not need to wear the breathing apparatus that the adults have to eventually wear. Hall has observed this. In fact, the ship's sizes are dependent on the age of the Greys, i.e., small ships for kids, middle sized ships for teenagers, bigger ships for the adults. I guess Goldilocks would have a say in this too. Get the picture?
Now the adults more often than not cannot accompany the Grey kids and teenagers due to the lack of oxygen and atmospheric pressure as they get older. The kids are not affected by this, and the teenagers more so, until they get older which requires them to wear the oxygen apparatus.
Now the ships in 1947 were older models. According to Hall the ellipsoidal craft are much safer than the disc type that crashed. Again, older models for kids.
Moving on, two of the crafts were waiting for the third which was manned by the very young kids. All three crafts enjoyed playing with the Mogul Balloons in what appears to be a cat and mouse game. Kids will be kids. In fact, the “kids” watching humans play chicken in their cars emulated this also with human craft. The kids felt we got off on this too. How many incidents have we read were ET craft buzzed ours. Think about it. Also, Hall pointed out that many Mogul balloons have crashed for reasons unknown. Now we know why.
Again, moving on. The two other UFOs waited for the third, which was heading east along the Utah River Valley system. The kids flew low to the desert floor as not to be detected by American radar.
However, as you know the desert floor is hot and Hall believes the third on the way out experienced a GRADUAL fiber-optic meltdown which went undetected by the Grey kids until it was too late.
That craft then experienced problems, and going off course, had to crash land.
This was ONE of the craft found at Roswell.
The two other craft waiting were directed by their Grey base to conduct a search and rescue for the last departing and missing craft. Unfortunately , to do this, they both turned down their force fields making them susceptible to the 509th Wing’s radar beacons from Roswell Air Force Base.
It was at that point a P-80 (jet) was sent to intercept. The kids turned the power down to stop the “hazing,” an ionized field surrounding it, which accompanies full power to the craft. This was done so the rescue team could see and hear better. Also, they both joined up, side by side, being no more than 10 FEET from each other so as to appear much bigger to those on the ground who were searching for them.
Keep in mind the P-80 Shooting Star was by then trailing the two craft. If the power had been up on any one of the two search crafts the P-80's pilot would have been unable to knock one of them out of the air. I recommend that UFO Digest readers go to Wilbur Smith's treatise on electromagnetic forces and study the section on EMG forces’ “area of loose binding.”
Moving on. Keep in mind, also, that the Greys could monitor our communications and understand English
If the P-80 had gotten anywhere near a “powered up” UFO craft in all likelihood it would have experience a shutdown or crashed.
When the UFO ships are powered up, bullets will not be able to penetrate their force fields. On that day, both UFO crafts were powered down. This allowed the P-80 to get close. If any of the craft were powered up and the P-80 got too close it would be the P-80 that would have lost. So in essence, powered up ET craft are invulnerable. Powered down, they are vulnerable.
On that day in 1947, both UFOs powered down because they saw no threat from the P-80 as explained below.
Take note that at no point during the P-80 pilot's communications with ground control was there ever any mention of weapons or firing at the craft. The Greys would obviously have reacted otherwise.
Moreover, the two Grey ships could observe that they did not see weapons on the P-80. This was a fatal mistake. The P-80 had its guns mounted inside the wings.
Now what happened next just makes my head spin.
P-80 “Shooting Star” Intercepts and Tracks 3 Grey Alien UFOs
Photo facsimile illustration above composed by Robert D. Morningstar, based on recent Australian UFO photo
(PhotoCredit: Vangie Esterbauer/The Armidale Express – with 3rd UFO & P-80 Shooting Star by RDM*)
As the search and rescue was being conducted with the P-80 in close pursuit and not a threat to the Greys, the pilot finally asked the tower if he should fire on the craft. The tower (Commander) ordered the pilot to engage in a firing run.
Well, all hell broke loose on the two ET ships.
They heard the US Air Force communications between pilot and Roswell Tower, and it was then the fatal mistake was made.
One of the Grey ships suddenly POWERED UP! And with the other ship only 10 feet away!
When this happened the ship that powered created an electric arc that up blew a hole into its sister's ship, simultaneously causing shrapnel/fragments to hit the powered-up ship. The ship that had the hole in the side made it into a thunderstorm but the UFO was fatally damaged.
The ship that powered up was also damaged beyond repair and was also doomed to crash. The ship with the hole in it had to crash land and this is what led to the discovery of the bodies and wreckage that was later found, along with the third ship that had a meltdown. The ship that powered-up made it into the mountain ranges and crashed. This ship was not found until years later, and quite inadvertently.
That is the gist of “Millennial Hospitality” …
There are sundry more details, which really have to be read and pondered. “Millennial Hospitality” by Charles J. Hall (in 5 volumes) is all well worth the time and the reading. Millennial Hospitality speaks volumes to the subject of government involvement with UFOs and reveals many details of the relationship of the US Government with The Greys and to “The Tall Whites.”
I recommend that all serious UFO researchers give Charles J. Hall’s “Millennial” series a good reading and get the latest Volume V, entitled ”The Greys.”
Why We Should Take Charles J. Hall's UFO/ET Experiences & Revelations Seriously
One of the criticisms with UFO/ET research is the all-too-often anthropocentric view that we ascribe, or more aptly, project onto aliens, perhaps mistakenly assigning to them attributes, which they as :”alien” do not really have.
We must always take into account that “A” for “Alien” means just that. It is something out of this world.
“The Alien” is something that does not “fit” in our earthly experience. The Alien does nor “belong” amongst us here as we, humans, understand “belonging”.
The fact is that we really just don't know how aliens think or feel, or if they do at all for it is not clear that it is possible for aliens “feel” altogether as we understand the meaning of “feelings”.
However, we now have before us one gentleman who gives us insight to those qualities that Aliens do have, separate and apart from humans, and that insight derived from “Millennial Hospitality” engender a far deeper understanding of the psychological and sociological ramifications of how “some” extraterrestrials conduct themselves within their social and family structures and how they (choose to) interface with the human species .
But in the end, we humans must not assume anything about the Alien presence on Earth, and we must never forget that the Latin roots of the word “Extraterrestrial” doliterally mean … “Out of this World.”
Meteoor duikt op boven ons land - Het
Meteoor duikt op boven ons land
De mysterieuze lichtbol die zaterdagavond rond negen uur opdook boven ons land en Nederland, was waarschijnlijk een klein rotsblok uit de ruimte. Dat zegt Alex Scholten van de Volkssterrenwacht bij het Gelderse Bussloo. Een Nederlandse automobilist maakte met een dashcam toevallig beelden van het indrukwekkende schouwspel.
Uit vrijwel heel Nederland kwamen zaterdag meldingen binnen over de opvallende lichtbol. Ook in ons land werd de meteoor waargenomen. Op sociale netwerksites maakten heel wat mensen melding van het vreemde fenomeen, dat vermoedelijk werd veroorzaakt door een meteoor.
'Het ging waarschijnlijk om een object ter grootte van een voetbal, of iets groter', zegt Alex Scholten van de Volkssterrenwacht. 'Ze beginnen op grote hoogte op te branden. Soms al op 80 kilometer.' Van de meteoor blijft vermoedelijk weinig meer over. ‘Als er al een stukje rots over is, dan is dat waarschijnlijk in de Noordzee terechtgekomen', aldus Scholten.
Aliens already walk among us and are refusing to share their technology until we change our warring and polluting ways, claims former Canadian defense minister
Aliens already walk among us and are refusing to share their technology until we change our warring and polluting ways, claims former Canadian defense minister
Former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer, 90, declared on Russian TV on Saturday that there are 80 different species of aliens
He said aliens have 'been visiting our planet for thousands of years' and are rather unimpressed with how we live
Hellyer described several types of aliens including 'Tall Whites' who are working with the U.S. air force in Nevada
He claims that 'a couple of their ladies dressed as nuns go into Las Vegas to shop and they weren’t detected'
Hellyer first went public with his belief in aliens on earth in 2005 and he is the first high ranking politician to publicly state that aliens are real
A former Canadian defense minister has declared on Russian TV that not only do aliens already walk amongst us but they are refusing to share their advanced technologies until we change our warring and polluting ways.
According to Paul Hellyer, who was a Liberal defense minister from 1963 to 1967 under prime minister Lester B. Pearson, there are 80 different species of extra-terrestrials.
Some of whom ‘look just like us and they could walk down the street and you wouldn’t know if you walked past one,' he told Russia Today’s program SophieCo on Saturday.
Scroll down for video
According to Paul Hellyer, who was a Liberal defense minister from 1963 to 1967 under prime minister Lester B. Pearson, there are 80 different species of extra-terrestrials
In a bizarre interview, Hellyer made a series of pronouncements about aliens which grew increasingly outlandish and sounded closer to the plot of Star Trek than what is officially known about ETs.
‘We have a long history of UFOs and of course there has been a lot more activity in the last few decades since we invented the atomic bomb,’ he said.
‘They are very concerned about that and that we might use it again, because the whole cosmos as a unity, and it affects not just us but other people in the cosmos, they are very much afraid that we might be stupid enough to start using atomic weapons again.’
However Hellyer told SophieCo that most of the aliens want to help rather than destroy us.
At times Hellyer's pronouncements got a little too close to Star Trek as he talked about a 'federation' of aliens that has a rule not to interfere in our affairs
At times Hellyer's pronouncements got a little too close to Star Trek as he talked about a 'federation' of aliens that has a rule not to interfere in our affairs
Most aliens come from other star systems, although there are some living on Venus, Mars and Saturn’s moon
There have been four species of aliens visiting our planet for thousands of years
There are between two and twelve total species of aliens (although some place the number closer to 80). Some look just like humans, while others appear more like the creatures portrayed in popular culture
Most alien species have benevolent intentions toward humanity, although a handful have ulterior motives
One alien species, known as the 'Tall Whites' is working with the U.S. Air Force in Nevada and has been known to pass for humans in public
The 'federation' of alien species has vowed not to intervene in human affairs unless they are invited to
The federation is disappointed in the way humans have treated the planet
Aliens technology is far more advanced, but have given us LED lights, microchips and Kevlar vests
‘I would say that nearly all are benign and benevolent and they do want to help us, there may be one or two species which do not,’ he said.
Hellyer, 90, first went public with his belief in aliens on earth in 2005 and he is the first high ranking politician to publicly state that aliens are real.
He adds that the aliens have 'been visiting our planet for thousands of years' and are rather unimpressed with how we live.
‘We spend too much time fighting each other, we spend too much money on military expenditures and not enough on feeding the poor and looking after the homeless and sick,’ he said.
‘They would like to work with us and teach us better ways but only, I think, with our consent. They don’t think we are good stewards of our planet.
'We are clear-cutting forests and polluting our rivers and our lakes. We are dumping sewage in the oceans. We are doing all sorts of things which are not what good stewards should be doing and they don’t like that.’
At times Hellyer's pronouncements got a little too close to Star Trek as he talked about a 'federation' of aliens that has a rule not to interfere in our affairs - much in the same way as Star Fleet follows a very similar 'prime directive.'
'Our future as a species, and here I mean all of the species in the world, is potentially at risk if we don’t figure what’s going on and work together to try and make life more amenable for all of us, and to work with our neighbors from other planets as well.'
Aliens are also responsible for some of our modern technology including the microchip, LED light and Kevlar vest, he said.
Hellyer said there has been a lot more activity with aliens in the last few decades since we invented the atomic bomb
One of the technological advances that humans have aliens to thank for are Kevlar vests, left, Hellyer described one group as 'Short Greys' who have very slim arms and legs and are about five feet high with large heads
While Hellyer said he has never met an alien, but has seen a UFO near his cabin on Ontario’s Lake Muskoka.
Hellyer described several types of aliens including 'Tall Whites' who are working with the U.S. air force in Nevada.
‘They’re able to get away with that; they had a couple of their ladies dressed as nuns go into Las Vegas to shop and they weren’t detected,’ he claimed.
Another group of aliens are called ‘Short Greys’ who have very slim arms and legs and are about five feet high with large heads.
A third group are called 'Nordic Blondes' and Hellyer said that if you meet one you’d probably say, 'I wonder if she’s from Denmark or somewhere.'
Wetenschappers hebben met verbazing gereageerd op een mysterieuze steen die plotseling bij de Marsrover Opportunity is verschenen.
De rover, die in 2004 op Mars is geland, staat al een maand stil in afwachting van beter weer op de rode planeet.
Op een foto die op 8 januari jongstleden is genomen is een steen te zien die niet zichtbaar is op eerdere foto’s. Astronomen van het Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Californië hebben de donutvormige steen Pinnacle-eiland genoemd. De ontdekking werd bekendgemaakt door wetenschapper Steve Squyres van de Mars Exploration Rover Mission.
Volgens Squyres gaat het mogelijk om een steen die is losgekomen uit de bodem na de inslag van een meteoroïde. Anderen zeggen dat de steen vastzat in één van de wielen van de rover en er onlangs is uitgevallen.
“De steen viel op zijn kop,” zei Squyres. “We zien dus een kant die de Marsatmosfeer in geen miljarden jaren heeft gezien. Dit is puur geluk.”
De Opportunity verblijft inmiddels 10 jaar op Mars. Hij landde op 25 januari 2004 in de Eaglekrater op de Meridiani Planum-vlakte. Het plan was dat het robotwagentje een missie zou uitvoeren van 90 sol, ongeveer 90 Mars-dagen. Het voornaamste doel van de rover is het zoeken naar bewijs dat er water op Mars aanwezig is of aanwezig is geweest.
Hoogtepunten van de missie zijn de ontdekking van de eerste meteoriet op een andere planeet, het meer dan twee jaar bestuderen van de Victoriakrater en het bereiken van de Endeavourkrater.
Er wordt op dit moment veel gespeculeerd over afbeeldingen die een vreemd object op het maanoppervlak lijken te tonen.
Mensen vragen zich af of het gaat om een deel van een buitenaards ruimteschip of misschien een geheime basis die wordt bemand door mensen, zo melden diverse Britse media
Het driehoekige ‘toestel’, dat op Google Moon is gevonden, is aan twee zijden voorzien van een aantal lichten, zo lijkt het. Het object op het maanoppervlak is ontdekt door paranormaal onderzoeker wowforreeel.
“Is het een ongewoon gevormde krater of is het iets anders?” vraagt hij zich af. “Het [object] is er echt en ik heb geen idee wat het is. Ik heb in andere kraters nog nooit zoiets gevonden.”
De website Tech and Gadget News meldt het volgende: “Het gigantische object lijkt op de voorkant van een reusachtig driehoekig ruimteschip en doet denken aan de supergeheime stealthtechnologie op aarde. Het is veel groter dan welk vliegtuig dan ook.”
De perfect gevormde driehoek lijkt door een bepaalde intelligentie te zijn gemaakt, gaat de website verder. Tot op heden is deze vorm nog nooit eerder op de maan of op andere planeten ontdekt door satellieten of robotwagentjes.
De anomalie is zo groot dat het een soort maanbasis kan zijn waar buitenaardse ruimteschepen worden opgeslagen en gelanceerd.
Dezelfde YouTube-gebruiker zegt onder het ijs van Antarctica een soortgelijk mysterieus object te hebben gevonden. “Dat object is ook driehoekig van vorm en is 125 meter lang en 90 meter breed.”
UFOs appear over Paducah, Kentuckey on 15th January 2014
UFOs appear over Paducah, Kentuckey on 15th January 2014
Interesting video footage of multiple UFO lights forming a triangle – shaped formation in the daytime sky above Paducah, Kentuckey on 15th January 2014.
Witness said: Can anyone explain this or seen this? Weve thought about a few things, wind not blowing hard, their were 6 n only 2 lost altitude, n they flew at least a mile n we lost sight of them, no noise from them at all. This video was taped on January 15 2014 at around 4:30 in western Kentuckey bout 10 miles south of Paducah.
UFOs recorded over Bermuda Triangle from a Cruise Ship on 2nd October 2009
UFOs recorded over Bermuda Triangle from a Cruise Ship on 2nd October 2009
UFO sightings 2009 – Video footage of two bright UFO lights recorded while hovering in the sky above Bermuda Triangle recorded from a Cruise Ship on 2nd October 2009.
Witness said: Filmed these early evening on Oct. 2, 2009 while in the Bermuda Triangle with one other witness. The ship was headed to Nassau, Bahamas. You can’t tell by this video, but these objects were very large and VERY bright. There was a third witness confirmed later.
Triangle shaped UFO sighting over Hollywood, California on 8th January 2014
Triangle – shaped UFO sighting over Hollywood, California on 8th January 2014
New amazing video footage of a triangle – shaped UFO sighting recorded in the night sky above Hollywood, California on 8th January 2014.
Witness said: I recorded this the other day, but didn’t realize it was so odd until reviewing the footage later. SO – it’s a UFO until someone can provide the make/model aircraft it is! I’m not saying it’s aliens, but….. it’s government (pretty sure). Hence the flashing lights and the not-getting-shot-down-by-our-guys.
I’ve seen and filmed this same exact type of craft NUMEROUS times in Tucson, AZ.
Are Extraterrestrial Races living with us on Earth?
Are Extraterrestrial Races living with us on Earth?
They live and work in your town. In fact, they may be members of your country’s government. But they’re not who, or what, they appear to be. We’ll unseal the truth about these aliens among us and tell you who has come in peace…and who has a far more sinister purpose in mind.
If we down at least one UFO we'll be facing an interstellar war - Former Defense Minister of Canada
He was Canadian minister of Defense in 1960s, ruling over the country’s armed forces during the time of the Cold War – and when he retired he publicly stated that we are not alone in the universe, and some guests from outer space actually live here, on planet Earth. Is this fantasy? Is someone actually watching us? Today we ask the man who says UFOs are a serious business – Paul Hellyer.
Sophie Shevardnadze:Our guest today is the Honorable Paul Hellyer, former minister of Defense of Canada, and he believes that life forms from space are present on Earth. It’s great to have you on our show. Why do you say that UFOs are as real as airplanes flying over our heads?
Paul Hellyer: Because I know that they are. As a matter of fact, they’ve been visiting our planet for thousands of years and one of the cases that would interest you most if you give me two or three minutes to answer is that during the Cold War, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying south from Russia across Europe, and Supreme Allied Command was very concerned and about ready to press the “Panic” button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole. They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for 3 years and they decided that, with absolute certainty, four species - at least – had been visiting this planet for thousands of years. We have a long history of UFOs and of course there has been a lot more activity in the last few decades, since we invented the atomic bomb and they are very concerned about that and the fact that we might use it again, and because the Cosmos is a unity and it affects not just us but other people in the Cosmos, they are very much afraid that we might be stupid enough to start using atomic weapons again, and this would be very bad for us and for them as well.
Is this plant INTELLIGENT? Tropical fern found to 'learn and remember' despite having no brain
Is this plant INTELLIGENT? Tropical fern found to 'learn and remember' despite having no brain
Scientists from the University of Western Australia found Mimosa pudica plants can learn and remember as well as some animals
Fern responds to touch and curls up to protect itself from predators
But eventually 'learned' not to curl up when rain drops landed on it
Researchers aren't certain why the plants are able to do so, but think it might be down to a calcium-based signally network in their cells
Study suggestsexperience teaches plants to learn details to survive
Marvellous memories are often attributed to elephants, but scientists have discovered that plants can also learn and remember – even though they do not have a brain.
Scientists claim fern-like plants that respond to touch have learned that water droplets are not harmful and remember the finding weeks afterwards.
Their research suggests that experience teaches plants to learn details to survive and could lead to scientists viewing flora in a new way.
Scientists claim fern-like plants Mimosa pundica (pictured) that respond to touch, learned that water droplets are not harmful in an experiment and remember the lesson for weeks afterwards
Mimosa pudica is also called the sensitive plant, sleepy plant and the touch-me-not.
Its leaves fold inwards and droop when touched or shaken to protect it from predators and re-open minutes later.
The species is native to South America and Central America.
It is known for its rapid plant movement as the foliage closes during darkness and reopens in light.
The leaves also close when touched, warmed, blown-upon or shaken - known as seismonastic movements.
The movement occurs when specific regions of cells lose turgor pressure, which is the force that is applied onto the cell wall by water within cells.
When the plant is disturbed, specific regions on the stems are stimulated to release chemicals including potassium ions which force water out of the cells and the water diffuses out of the cells, producing a loss of cell pressure and cell collapse.
This differential stiffness between regions of cells, leads to the closing of the leaflets.
The researchers studied Mimosa pudica, which folds inwards when touched to protect itself from predators.
The University of Western Australia study, which also involved Professor Stefano Mancuso at the University of Florence in Italy, found the action is not simply a reflex.
They examined the species’ short and long-term memories under both high and low light environments by repeatedly dropping water on the plants using a custom-designed apparatus to look at their response.
The strange fauna stopped curling up once it learned that the water was not a threat to its survival and no damage was done, according to the study, which was published in the journal Oecologia.
Mimosa plants were able to acquire the learnt behaviour in a matter of seconds and as in animals, learning was faster in low light.
‘Most remarkably, these plants were able to remember what had been learned for several weeks, even after environmental conditions had changed,' the researchers said.
The study shows that Mimosa pudica plants can learn and remember just as well as it would be expected of animals, but of course, they do it all without a brain.
The study shows that Mimosa pudica plants can learn and remember just as well as it would be expected of animals, but of course, they do it all without a brain. The findings may make some think of J.R.R. Tolkien's 'Ents' in Lord of the Rings (pictured) that are trees that can think and talk
While the scientists are unsure who the plant learns and remembers, they think it might be down to a calcium-based signally network in its cells, which are in some ways similar to animals’ memory process.
The research radically changes the way humans perceive plants and the boundaries between plants and animals, including our definition of learning as a property special to organisms with a nervous system, the scientists said.
Dr Monica Gagliano, an Australian Research Council research fellow at the university’s Centre for Evolutionary Biology, who led the study, only recently published a paper that claims plants can ‘talk’ using sounds.
The research at the university suggests that plants have abilities widely used by animals and seen in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, where fictional Ents - a race of beings which resemble trees that are ancient shepherds of the forest - are able to think and talk.
Chatterboxes: It is claimed sagebrush plants (pictured) send chemical messages through the air
A previous study in 2009 found that members of the vegetable kingdom can communicate with each other.
They are 'capable of more sophisticated behaviour than we imagined,' says American bug expert Professor Richard Karban.
His work, which he admits is 'controversial', suggested that plants converse by sending chemical messages through the air, warning of hungry predators.
When a neighbouring plant 'hears' the message, it boosts its defences against grasshoppers, caterpillars and other invaders, he believes.
Professor Karban, of the University of California, claimed to have proved that conversations happen between sagebrush bushes - hardy, yellow-flowered shrubs native to the western U.S.
Using scissors, he clipped away at leaves and stems of potted shrubs, damaging them in the same way as a grasshopper would.
He then planted some damaged and undamaged plants in a field and measured levels of predation on their neighbours.
The leaves of the plants with clipped neighbours suffered the least grasshopper damage, according to the journal Ecology Letters.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation.
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Golden Sphere two Meters from Space Station, ISS Followed by UFO Cross, Cosmonaut Kovalyonok Saw UFO, US is losing its technological edge,
Life on Other Planets Widespread,Lt. Col. Philip Corso Saw an Alien, and Navy Flight Encounters Gigantic UFO.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Arizona, Alaska, California, Colorado, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Republic of Ireland, South Korea, and England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years; and we continue this research.
I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO's are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George Filer & Arie Vandenberg MUFON Conference, 2012
Hello Readers,
I've been helping George Filer publish Filer Files for a number of years now and when MUFON held a conference in Covington, Ky., I finally got to meet George in person. I came away feeling that he's one of the nicest, most dedicated people I know. I also know that it's a passion and labor of love for him.
If you enjoy Filer's Files every week, show your love and support to George by donating to the cause. Help us continue bringing you these great reports on UFOs, exopolitics, new books, news and science.
Eyewitness: Scott C. Waring states, “I was taking a look at the International Space Station (ISS) on January 7, 2014, when I began to listen to some of their conversation to see what they were talking about. As I was listening, I saw this golden orb about a meter or less hovering about 2 meters from the walls of the space station. As I watched the solar panels behind it were moving and we could clearly see the orb was between the camera and the solar panels. As the solar panels moved away from the orb...meaning the orb now had a blue background so it stood out more...suddenly NASA cut to blue screen. But I did notice just 5 seconds before they cut to blue screen that the camera was begging to pan out...making the orb seem to move further away. Did they see the orb and cut the video? I can vouch for its authenticity.”
ISS Followed by UFO Cross
NASA live cam: On January 10, 2024, I spotted a gold UFO again that is likely the same one I reported on yesterday, it has just changed its shape a bit. It is probably following and monitoring the space station for a few days. I have observed the ISS cam for over two years now and have never in that time seen this anomaly. When the sun is at a certain angle to the darkness it becomes revealed for about 8-10 minutes. Keep an eye on the cam and you may catch it again. SCW Thanks to
Many cosmonauts have seen phenomena which are far beyond the experiences of earthmen. Cosmonaut Major General Kovalyonok states, “My encounter was on May 5, 1981, at about 6 PM, during the Saljut Mission over South Africa, moving towards the Indian ocean. I saw in front of me, through a porthole, an object which I could not explain. It is impossible to determine distances in Space. A small object can appear large and far away and the other way around. Anyway, I saw this object and then something happened that I could not explain something impossible according to the laws of Physics. The object had an elliptical and flew with us. From a frontal view it looked like it would rotate in flight direction.”
It only flew straight, but then a kind of explosion happened, very beautiful to watch, of golden light. This was the first part. Then, one or two seconds later, a second explosion followed somewhere else and two spheres appeared, golden and very beautiful. After this explosion I just saw white smoke, then a cloud-like sphere. Before we entered the darkness, we flew through the terminator, the twilight-zone between day and night. We flew eastwards, and when we entered the darkness of the Earth shadow, I could not see them any longer. The two spheres never returned.
Thanks to Source: Michael Hesemann, International UFO Congress (2002)
US is losing its technological edge
America is losing its technological edge thanks to repeated rounds of defense cuts, said senior House leaders this week. The joint statement—issued by House Armed Services Committee Chairman Rep. Buck McKeon [R-Calif.], HASC sea power and projection forces panel chairman Rep. Randy Forbes [R-Va.], and HASC strategic forces panel chair Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.)—follows a revelation by the Washington Free Beacon that China has completed the first flight test of a new hypersonic glide vehicle, which could be used to deliver warheads past missile defenses at hypersonic speeds. The test of the weapon, dubbed the WU-14, took place on Jan. 9, and officials state the space vehicle is constructed to be deployed on top of a Chinese intercontinental ballistic missile, then to glide and maneuver at hypersonic speeds (over Mach 5 or greater than 6,000 miles per hour) to its target. The Pentagon has confirmed the test occurred, but did not offer comment on the specifics, according to the Free Beacon. "The Chinese and other competitor nations [are pushing toward] military parity with the United States; in some cases, as in this one, they appear to be leaping ahead of us," states the Jan. 13 joint statement. They added, "The Asia Pacific is fast becoming a powder keg. Allowing nations that do not share our respect for free and open avenues of commerce to gain a strategic advantage over the United States and her allies only brings us closer to lighting the fuse." Thanks to Washington Free Beacon
Life on Other Planets Widespread
Earth-sized planets can support life at least ten times further away from stars than previously thought, according to academics at the University of Aberdeen. Planetary and Space Science claims cold rocky planets previously considered uninhabitable may actually be able to support life beneath the surface. The team from the University of St Andrews, challenge the traditional ‘habitable zone’ – i.e. the area of space around a star, or sun, which can support life – by taking into consideration life living deep below the ground.
“The traditional habitable zone is also known as the Goldilocks zone, “A planet needs to be not too close to its sun but also not too far away for liquid water to persist, rather than boiling or freezing, on the surface.
Killer Asteroids
In the early 1960s, the Air Force had tried to develop an infrared satellite system known as MIDAS to detect the hot exhaust of Soviet ICBMs and provide warning that the United States was under attack. The system was to consist of a constellation of satellites in low earth orbit. One or more satellites would always be in view of Soviet ICBM launch sites. The military is set up to spot and catalog near Earth objects (NEOs) in space and should keep track of them as a service to humankind, says Air Force Brig. Gen. Simon P. Worden, deputy director of operations at U.S. Space Command.
That's because the same equipment that watches space for terrestrial threats like missiles could cover extraterrestrial bogies at relatively small extra cost. Worden cautions the U.S. Aerospace Commission that the problem isn't limited to extinction-level events. An asteroid as small as 100 meters in diameter could release enough energy to devastate a wide area below even if it never hits the surface, while a sea strike could inundate coastal areas. Satellites are vulnerable to fast-moving objects as small as the dust particles left over from comets, and a bright meteor could spoof missile warning sensors with grave consequences in a tense international crisis." He could just as well be talking about UFOs. We have tried several times to get the attention of agencies like NORAD about using the data that the systems have been taking for years even though the data isn't related to the primary mission. Astronomers have spotted the first new asteroid of 2014 — a car-size space rock that apparently slammed harmlessly into Earth's atmosphere off the coast of West Africa about 9 p.m. EST) on Jan. 1, 2014 " -
It had happened in 1956. Cruising at 19,000 feet, a Navy R7V-2 transport - a four-engine Super-Constellation - was flying west across the Atlantic Ocean from Iceland. The next stop was Gander, Newfoundland enroute to Pawtuxet, Maryland.
The night was clear and in the senior pilot's seat, Commander George Benton was checking the dim-lit instruments. At thirty-four, Benton had made the Atlantic crossing more than two hundred times. Back sleeping in the cabin were two extra Navy air crews, en route home from foreign duty.
Commander Benton and Lieutenant Graham Bethune, copilot leaned forward, puzzled. A few minutes before, the sea below had been dark. Now there was a cluster of lights, like a village, about twenty-five miles ahead below the horizon. "What do you make of those lights?""Looks like a small town!"
"That's what I thought." Benton quickly called the navigator, Lieutenant Alfred C. Erdman. "We must be way off course. There's land down there." "It can't be land." Erdman hurried forward from his map table. "Well?" said Benton. "They must be ships," said Erdman. "They don't look like ships," said Benton. If they were ships, they were keeping radio silence. "Wake up those other crews, maybe somebody can dope it out." In a few moments, three airmen crowded into the cockpit. Benton banked to give them and the men in the cabin a better view. As the transport began to circle, the strange lights abruptly dimmed and then several colored rings appeared, began to spread out. One, Benton noticed, seemed to be growing in size.
That luminous ring wasn't on the surface - it was something rushing up toward the transport. Benton rolled the Constellation out of its turn to start a full-power climb. Then he saw it was useless as the luminous ring caught them. This huge flying object shown above may have been an ascending from underwater base similar to those photographed on the Moon.
The glow came from the rim of a large, round object. It reached their altitude, and swiftly took the shape of a giant disc-shaped machine.
Dwarfing the Constellation, it raced in toward them. "It's going to hit us!" said Erdman as they waited for the crash. The disc tilted reducing its speed sharply and angled on past the port wing of the aircraft and was drawing abreast, pacing them at about one hundred yards. Its diameter was nearly 500 feet, three to four times the Constellation's wing span and at least thirty feet thick, like a gigantic dish inverted on top of another.
Seen at this distance, the glow along the rim was blurred but bright enough to show the disc's curving reflecting metal surface. Gradually, the strange machine pulled ahead and quickly accelerated and was lost. Commander Benton called Gander Airport and asked. "You show any other traffic out here?" he asked the tower. "We had something on the scope near you," Gander told him. "We saw it was no aircraft." Benton gave the tower a concise report, and Gander teletype messages were rushed to the U.S. Air Defense Command, Eastern Sea Frontier, the Director of Air Force Intelligence and the Air Technical Intelligence Center.
When they landed at Gander, Air Force intelligence officers debriefed the crew. From the start, it was plain they accepted the giant disc sighting as fact. For two hours, the crew was carefully debriefed separately and together: The flying disc was between 350 to 500 feet in diameter, and apparently metallic. Time for the giant disc to climb to the transport's altitude, between five and eight seconds, indicated speed between 1,400 and 2,200 knots; the dischad accelerated above this speed on departure.
"No, but it was intelligently controlled, that's certain. Benton looked at him closely. "That size, it would hardly be remote-controlled, would it?" "I couldn't say," replied the Air Force man.
Five days later, Commander Benton met with a scientist from a high government agency who showed him some UFO photographs.
"Was it like any of these?" At the third picture, Benton stopped him. "He looked sharply at the scientist; somebody must know the answers, if you've got photographs of the things?"
The other man took the pictures. "I'm sorry, Commander." He closed his dispatch case and left. Thanks to Donald Keyhoe National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena.
Note: This Google Earth image on the left appears to show an underwater base. While this photo right shows a similar base on the Moon. If a base can be placed on the moon with little atmosphere; bases can also be placed underwater on Earth. One of the main missions of intelligent alien life appears to be the mining of minerals and the obtaining of food and water. When I investigated the Gulf Breeze sightings several witnesses saw the craft coming out and entering the Gulf of Mexico. Numerous Navy personnel have also reported high speed underwater USOs craft.
Dawn of a New Age’ ‘the original notes of U.S. Army Colonel Philip J. Corso- are available at We can now get to the core of the classified activities and research on the Roswell files examined by Corso at the Pentagon between 1961 and 1963.
Philip J. Corso, Sr. died in July of 1998 at the age of 83. Thirteen years after his death, we will finally get to see his manuscript, which has never released in the US [the only foreign edition was published in Italy by Pendragon in 2003]. People interested in UFOs will be compelled to read this book, because too much of the information in the bestseller ‘The Day After Roswell’ does not stand up to what Corso really wrote in his diary. Philip Corso Jr., a man devoted to fulfill his father’s legacy, described the manuscript in his lecture at the 2007 IUFOC in Laughlin.
“Dawn Of A New Age” I had no intentions to put out this book. This one here [holding a book] is all in my dad’s originalnotes without Hollywood involved and is what the people really wanted. They don’t want it edited. But it reads like a textbook, in other words. It’s a manual and much more believable
Corso had help in writing ‘The Day After Roswell’book but Dad did not proofread it. When, Dad went through ‘The Day After Roswell, book ‘he was upset, it was a yellow liningeverything that he didn’t say and didn’t like. He got half way through it and quit because it was impossible. He had almost every page blacked out’ my dad was really very upset about the book’.
Executing General Arthur Trudeau’s orders at the Pentagon, Corso handled technical data and some mysterious components derived from the alien craft that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, in early July 1947. Corso had also seen medical reports of the autopsies performed on the bodies retrieved at the incident site.
According to Corso, they determined that the craft was a biological spaceship, functioning in conjunction with a crew of EBE’s (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities). They were biological robots created through advanced genetic engineering, clones designed to withstand the extreme conditions of space travel. These EBE’s were able to drive their starship through a particular neural interface, whereby they could connect with the craft, becoming an almost integrated part of it.
Working under Lt. General Trudeau; Corso was responsible for handing parcels of alien technology to several industrial contractors connected to the US military. Their development would lead to discoveries such as night vision devices, Lasers, fiber optics, transistors, integrated circuits, irradiated food, anti-missile technology, and numerous other advancements that was the result of back engineering the craft.
Would such a highly-decorated military figure lie so blatantly? This is hardly believable, especially considering the affidavit signed by Corso, arranged by the Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS), a few weeks before his death. Unfortunately, we do not have a corroborative statement by anybody who knew what Corso was really doing in the early 60’s when he was head of the Foreign Technology Research and Development department for the Army at the Pentagon. Corso claims back-engineering of the alien spaceships resulted in these advances.
On June 8, 1998 CAUS issued this press release:
Attorney Peter A. Gersten, executive director of Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, Inc (CAUS), announced that retired Army Colonel Philip J. Corso has provided CAUS with a sworn affidavit that he saw alien bodies in July, 1947 and hadthe opportunity to read their autopsy reports in 1961. Thanks to
This is the text of the Corso affidavit:
Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso, (Ret.) do hereby swear, under the penalties of perjury, that the following statements are true:
That at all times hereinafter mentioned, I was a member and officer of the defendant. That during my tenure with the defendant I was a member of President Eisenhower’s National Security Council and former head of the Foreign Technology Desk at defendant’s Research & Development department.
That on or about July 6, 1947, while stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas, I personally observed a four-foot non-human creature with bizarre-looking four-fingered hands, thin legs and feet, and an oversized incandescent light bulb-shaped head. The eye sockets were oversized and almond shaped and pointed down to its tiny nose. The creature’s skull was overgrown to the point where all its facial features were arranged frontally, occupying only a small circle on the lower part of the head. There were no eyebrows or any indications of facial hair. The creature had only a tiny flat slit for a mouth and it was completely closed, resembling more of a crease or indentation between the nose and the bottom of the chinless skull than a fully functioning orifice.
That in 1961, I came into possession of what I refer to as the ‘Roswell File.’ This file contained field reports, medical autopsy reports and technological debris from the crash an extraterrestrial vehicle in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.
That I have personally read the medical autopsy reports which refer to the autopsy of the previously described creature that I saw in 1947 at Fort Riley, Kansas. That said autopsy reports indicated the autopsy was performed at Walter Reed Hospital, which was under the authority of the defendant at the time of the autopsy. That said autopsy report referred to the creature as an ‘extraterrestrial biological entity.’ signed,Colonel Philip J. Corso (ret.)Sworn before me this day of ___ May, 1998.
The manuscript of ‘Dawn of a New Age’ is of essential importance in order to better know Philip James Corso and fully appreciate his fundamental contribution to the cause of truth. Not only for the Roswell incident, but for many very factual events narrated in his notes as he lived them. These are actual facts that do not appear in the over glamorized ‘The Day After Roswell’.
Note: I took the book ‘The Day After Roswell’ and showed it to General Goodpaster who was Eisenhower’s Chief of Staff who knew Corso, He laughed after perusing the book and thought it read like fairytales, and did not take it seriously.
17-01-2014 om 23:56
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer's Files #3 2014 - ISS Followed by UFO, Col. Philip Corso & Sworn Affidavit - PART II
Filer's Files #3 2014 - ISS Followed by UFO, Col. Philip Corso & Sworn Affidavit - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
Arizona Rectangle
Phoenix – A husband and wife were driving east on I-10 on December 31, 2013, and decided to snap a few pictures of the mountains. The first picture has the UFO in it and a second later I snapped the second picture in which the object was no longer present. The pictures have not been doctored in anyway. I snapped these photos on my Galaxy 4 phone.
Note: The object actually shows up in the second photo taken by the witness. If the object was on the windshield, it should have shown up in both photos. I found no evidence of any suspension strings or that the photo was edited. The object is likely real. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
Alaska Lights
Anchorage – I couldn’t sleep in the early hours on December 11th, 2013, between 3:30 and 6:30 AM. Looking out my window I noticed a very bright object hovering at different levels in sky near Anchorage International Airport. It was an extremely bright object with what looked like several rod extensions projecting from it like a tripod, the same color and intensity of display as the main object. I simply decided to pick up my phone and began snapping images. When I checked my pictures only one was bright orange red image all the others were white and they just disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Lights
Newport Beach -- I filmed this on New Year’s Eve December 31, 2013, and noticed three orbs rising. Throughout the sequence the objects change shape and light up. The lights were clearly changing shape. Motion tracking and digital zoom were applied.
Later that night, I noticed a single orb, and a second orb coming into the frame. From there the lights start strobing and flashing very fast. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
Note: Several hundred orbs were reported on New Year’s Eve. Most did not float for a short time like Chinese Lanterns or Earth Lights that are seen during Earthquake activity. Clear skies tend to rule out ball lightning.
Petaluma-- I was driving my car to Target at about 9:30 pm, on January 3, 2014, when I saw orange and white round objects moving. I didn’t know what they were so I pulled over to take video!
They were in a straight line then they kept doing formations what looked like the Big Dipper.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Photos
THOMTON -- I’m writing because UFOs are appearing in photographs I take lately. I dont see them until I review pictures and they are there.
This has happened four times since December and I have seen two others while driving my car on January 4, 2014. Are others reporting more frequent sightings? Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Light
Joliet – I’m a freelance reporter for the Southtown Star and I’m looking into a claim from two snowplow drivers who think they might’ve seen a UFO on Sunday evening on January 5, 2014. They were plowing lots around the Joliet Mall and the object appears to hover for five minutes over near Caton Farm Road.
In the final minute of the video, the object moves overhead and looks cross-shaped with lights on each end. It might be a drone. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kentucky Green Light
Pendleton County -- Glenn Pennington lives on his farm and is an outdoorsman who has trouble sleeping and observes UFOs above his home on almost every night. He sends images to me periodically and one of these is shown below. He reports his animals are often excited and fearful of the UFOs. He states, Look inside the greenish colored lights and you can see a good Saucer picture.
Thanks to Glenn Pennington
Maine Light
Scarborough Beach -- I admire you and look forward to your newsletters. I have seen most recently an orb recorded on my camera while taking family pictures on the beach at dusk. Later when I saw the pictures they showed a large luminous "moon-like" but there was no moon. It is not sea spray. It seems to show heat on one side and movement in a downward direction. All that you report is vastly interesting to me. God Bless you. Thanks to Sandra Fordyce
New Jersey Cigar
Clinton – A dark black cigar shaped object with several small lights was the only thing visible on January 8, 2014 at 6 PM. We could not make out what it was but could see a low flying blue and red light up front, with a small row of white lights. It was about the size of four helicopters and flew low along tree line. At the far end was one small green light. It made a low humming noise. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director
New York Object
Buffalo -- This large object was hovering motionless over a major highway near WEDG 103.3 Radio Station. When first observed, I believed it to be a commercial airliner on a landing flight path to Buffalo Niagara International Airport on November 16, 2013. But it never moved as we traveled home on NYS I90 near the Galleria Mall. I assumed it was an aircraft but my wife disagreed and snapped this picture.
Queens; Forest Hills – Driving towards 108th Street and 67th avenue, as passenger I saw a white plane shaped at complete "stand still" hovering over area on January 9, 2013. At 11:45 PM. No airline logo at all. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oregon Lights
Eugene -- We were driving south on 8th Avenue at Almaden, when I observed a no known terrestrial craft on January 13, 2014. We followed west to get a clearer view and noticed two more similar objects. The first turned west and faded as four more appeared following the same path, coming from south then slowly turning west. They all were roundish, the same color, and moving about the speed of a private plane. I have photographed many unknowns and it was a treat to observe these. All five faded from sight. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Light
LEVITTown – I was in my living room, reading when something caught my eye outside and I saw three round objects traveling SW on December 29, 2014. They appeared to be moving slowly, flying low, looked round and white with the sun reflecting off of them. One broke off from the group and quickly shot straight up and out of sight. As soon as that happened the two remaining balls flew in a straight line at an extremely high rate of speed. The next two nights, my husband saw three very large green lights at 12:30AM, and took a video of them and after four minutes they faded out. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virginia Boomerang
WOODLAWN -- I stepped outside my to let my dog out when this big boomerang shaped object came over top of the Pine Trees similar size to a C141 four engine aircraft until I realized there was no tail section, and silent. It was flying too slow to stay aloft but flew in a straight line east out of sight. I was in disbelief that anything that big was flying so slowly. It scared my dog. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Light
Perth (Helena Valley) –It was January 2, 2014, at 9:30 PM, when I went outside to join my wife and a child who were lying down on the grass watching the stars. My wife started calling me urgently pointing out an orange light moving through the clear night sky. It was clearly either larger or closer than a plane, but silent unlike the many other planes we saw. The lights didn't flash like a plane does either. We had a strange feeling as I had never seen something like this before and it slowly moved away from us east over the hills towards Darlington. Five minutes later, I saw another one higher up. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director
Hurstville, Sydney -- As I walked out of my friend’s place on December 13, 2013, I was attracted to a red flashing light. There were two of them in fact, one slightly higher than the other about eight kilometers away. It was not a helicopter and they appeared to float either left or right. The objects stayed for twenty minutes and moved away at speed and then just vanished. This same event took place over the next four nights at 9 PM. I believe that these objects were over the Sydney coast line. The lights flashed, blinked and changed rapidly from red, green, yellow, blue, violet and the most amazing richness of the colors was 'mind blowing.
On one occasion a bright yellowish white light flared up and went out quickly. I called my brother to describe what I was seeing when a small round white light appeared and circled the lights. That light doubled and small white lights danced around the lights. Through binoculars what I was seeing was not of this world. Each night after twenty minutes the lights would fade. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Alien Craft Underwater
LAKE ONTARIO -- In late August of 1981, about 5:30 PM, three men and two women were driving in Hamilton, Ontario when one of the occupants saw a strange craft. The craft was ared-orange, domed saucer shaped object, which appeared solid, with many yellow lights radiating from the base or bottom. It was roughly 3-4 car lengths, and 3 car heights for the height of craft. “Not a small craft”. This would put the UFO in the area of 47 to 62 feet in diameter and 14 Feet in height. Its speed and altitude was similar to an aircraft on approach for a landing. It was on a course roughly parallel to theirs and then it flew over them heading north-northwest. The radio was now getting static EM effects. They followed the UFO as it flew towards Hamilton Harbor, slowed down and gently entered the water that is 7 or more meters (23 feet) and gets deeper in Lake Ontario. There are many cases of UFOs submerging in shallow waters. They remained in the area for seven hours. Between 12:20 and 1:00 am, two objects were seen to partially emerge and remained in that position until the group finally left. Another possibility regarding the emerging objects might be the tide going out and revealing some fixed underwater object.
TORONTO -- Adaraworld writes, “I'd like to forward more photographic evidence to you as I normally am able to take some pictures of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs). This photo is an original taken on November 16, 2013. The picture reveals a type of vortex.
Another photo which I took on November 19th is very different and astonishingly has an appearance of an enormous sized golden angelic-like person suspended high up in the sky! Thanks to M/A.
Air China Flight's Encounter with a Ufo
CHENGDU-- A passenger jet was forced to make an emergency landing after a mysterious mid-air collision with a 'foreign object' at 26,000 feet severely dented its nose cone. The pilots of Air China flight CA4307 left Chengdu on the morning of June 4, 2013. As the plane was climbing out a large bang was heard from the front of aircraft. The pilots requested an emergency landing back to Chengdu due to "mechanical failure."
A passenger took this image of the damage to the 757’s radome and scraped paintwork. The nose of the aircraft shows evidence of the collision. China Daily news reports the damage was due to a bird, but there are no bird remains.” Besides, the plane’s elevation was too high for birds. There are speculations that the collision was caused by a UFO but no one was hurt.
There are dozens of reports of near misses between UFOs and commercial aircraft. Just last week, three jet pilots saw UFOs on their approach to Gatwick Airport. The pilots reported seeing two flat, silver discs within 100 feet of their aircraft. Air traffic control had six UFOs on their radars that suddenly vanished. Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Germany UFO
Bremen Airport -- On Tuesday, January 6, 2014, police and authorities have confirmed that a UFO flew over Bremen and passed within 300 meters of the Werder stadium at 6:30 pm. The incident forced closure of the airspace of the Northern German city for three hours, during which time the object appeared and disappeared on the airport radars. The event led to several delayed flights and a police spokesman stated, "There was something there, but we don't know what it was." The entire German press has been reporting on the incident.
Tokyo -- Yuji asks, “ I am writing to ask your opinion on the attached pictures of discs (Bell-shaped, UFOs) and the two lights that I videotaped in 2010. The first picture on the left appears in your latest news taken in Guatemala on December 30,2013. The middle one appeared in your past files taken in California on March, 2013. The right one appeared in another site taken in Verona, Italy on April 24, 2013.
To my eyes, these three pictures seem to show the same image. I am not sure whether they are real or not.
Note: It is my opinion these are real UFOs although they may be back engineered craft that belong to governments. Hokkaido, Japan -- The second picture shows two lights that I video-recorded on June 25, 2010, at 11 PM, at the plateau of 1000 meters above sea level. I have 7 second video file of these moving lights. The two lights appeared only at the left-bottom corner in the video screen, but they showed zigzag motions and changed lights by turns with 0.5 second interval. Thank you for your news always.
Note: The lights may be so called Earth lights seen along fault lines or they may be light from the propulsion system of a UFO. Just looking at a photo it is ifficult to assign the exact identification. Thanks to Yuji in Tokyo
Mexico Sphere
Nevado de Toluca Crater – I was walking in the crater of Nevado de Toluca, and making an excellent recording of a spherical object rising and falling within the crater on January 4, 2014. We shot considerable distance from where the lake was, but were fortunate to see a very clearly spherical shaped object. It was making very strange movements up and down. It was initially on the surface of the water and then moved up and down inside the crater of Nevado de Toluca. Thanks to Spanish UFO News.
Republic of Ireland Rainbow
Portlaoise, CO. Laois -- In September 2013, while driving I took a picture of a rainbow near my home. When I uploaded the pictures to my PC, I was amazed to see much more than just a rainbow. I showed the pictures to a friend, and the Irish Astrology Society, but neither saw anything strange.
I am wondering if I am the only one who sees a huge very distinguishable twin decked craft, with two bright spots to the top right hand side of one picture. The craft is partially hidden in the cloud, but is definitely not caused by atmospherics or any trick.
Note: The witness stated that the photos were taken in September of 2013. Metadata with the photo files indicates that the date was October 19, 2013. (This is assuming that the date was correctly set in the camera.) Thanks to William Puckett, Director
South Korean Saucer
Busan – I spotted an interesting shaped cloud while I had a smoke at a highway pit stop. My mother asked me to take some pictures of it on January 7, 2014 at 12:15 PM. Once I had taken a photo, we noticed something left of a cloud what seems to be like a huge saucer. Part of it is illuminated and the other end of it was light blue as if it is far out of our atmosphere. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director
UK/England Disc
Brecon -- The picture was taken half way up a very steep climb at Storey Arms, Brecon Beacon’s Western Area on May 24, 2013 at 12.56 PM. I did not see anything when I took the picture. The frame before and after have no objects, I have taken over 10,000 pictures with this camera (Canon 650d fitted with a Canon 15 to 85 zoom) and have had no similar markings. The day was very windy, visibility was good, a forest was 600 to 700 feet below and the area we were walking in is short rough scrub/grassland. There are white sheep in the far hillside. The shutter speed was 160th sec at f7.1, 100 ISO, and image size was 18mp. Nothing has been altered from the original image apart from contrast, saturation and crop to enable a large zoom image.
LONDON -- I felt the need to look at the sky on January10, 2014, because although there were many stars there was something very bright and flashing. I quickly photographed and also filmed the object that had the shape initially of a typical disc-shaped ship. The unidentified object in my first sighting always kept in the same area with a speed much higher than a normal plane.
Subsequently there was a change to a round shape that I also photographed. I made the universal greeting and it flashed with a flash effect with a new image that sent me back to the classic face of the UFO. The latter is also documented. After that the object flew sharply to the right.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Support Earth Changing Research
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for a donation of only $50
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
17-01-2014 om 23:23
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Italian Woman Impregnated by Aliens - ( TRUE OR FALSE?= incredible story!!! (peter2011)
The photos and videos you will see are supposedly a human/alien hybrid fetus, collected from an abortion performed on an Italian woman in 2010 who claims to have been abducted and impregnated by aliens. Aliens first began visiting Giovanna when she was 4 years old. She is now 41.
The woman from Italy claims to have been impregnated by aliens several times.
Apparently the creatures removed the other fetuses at around 2 months. Giovanna claims that the creatures speak to her telepathically and that they have told her they want to create a hybrid race that is genetically close to their species.Because we are supposedly biologically compatible with their race, we have been chosen. Or more specifically, Giovanna has been chosen to propagate their race by means of a new hybrid species. Giovanna relates that the aliens visited her often when she was a young girl. At that time the aliens would use her for research, collecting biological material (tissue and blood).
Their nocturnal visits left marks on her body, along with a phosphorescence material that Giovanna says is something they use as a disinfectant to prevent her from getting infections from them and to prevent them from getting infections from her. When examined by researchers, the phosphorescent substance taken from Giovanna’s room provided evidence that the substance was not natural and that it included no nitrates or phosphor. It was also magnetic. Doctors also found something implanted in Giovanna’s head but could find no scar indicating how the object got inside her head. The object implanted was of undetermined origin and could not be qualified.
The first record of alien DNA? There is NO MISTAKING the difference. Durable, strange fibers are in the matrix of the bone that is not found in ANY other species.
Are you prepared?
CERTAIN CHANGES ARE COMING OUR WAY. ARE YOU READY, ARE YOU PREPARED?PLEASE DO NOT STAY STUCK IN DENIAL! Our time truly is limited. Sure, people have been saying that they are in the “end times” for ages now, saying that “Jesus is coming soon”. Seriously these Jesus freaks keep on saying the same thing and nothing ever really happens. In fact, it is such an old “war cry” that you have tuned it out which in turn has hardened your heart to the warnings. Please just take a quick glance at the news headlines and put the pieces together. There is no denying the signs, the “labor pains” and symptoms any longer. And labor pains progress, they do not diminish.
Are you prepared? Are you protected? If you are scoffing at the warnings, guess what? You are fulfilling prophecy and you are only hurting yourself and any of those who may be listening to you. Check it out, I’m not putting you on: 2 Peter 3:3, 4 and also in Jude 1:18,19 both are in the New Testament. Get saved; you are going to need His protection. More importantly, you will definitely need your salvation for all of eternity. I don’t know you, but I certainly care about you and your eternity. This is not a gimmick; the only thing I gain from you trusting God is another brother or sister in the Lord.
The ULTIMATE Preparation Right Here: God, Please remove any deception that I may have listened to, believed or embraced that is hindering me from knowing the truth. Because I am not perfect, I am a sinner that needs forgiveness and I ask You to forgive me. I believe You are Savior and Lord Who shed Your Holy, Sinless Blood and died for my sins to be forgiven, and rose from the dead; You live forever. I want to turn away from (repent) my sins. I invite You, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, God the Messiah to come into my heart and life as Savior and Lord. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and personal Savior. In the all powerful Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray. Amen.
The content in the video(s) do not necessarily reflect my personal viewpoint or opinion. FBI WARNING: Federal law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video tapes, or video disks under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. This infringement of copyright is called FAIR USE… and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody.
Enormous Cone Head Of Paracas Peru – Lost Human History Revealed
January 16 2014
Comparisons against regular humans of the Inca period. Fo one, I’m shocked that the museum let this giu handle the skulls like this. So are these truly “normally” like this genetically or are these skulls due to “boxing”? Some nice close ups of the skulls.
Are you prepared?
CERTAIN CHANGES ARE COMING OUR WAY. ARE YOU READY, ARE YOU PREPARED?PLEASE DO NOT STAY STUCK IN DENIAL! Our time truly is limited. Sure, people have been saying that they are in the “end times” for ages now, saying that “Jesus is coming soon”. Seriously these Jesus freaks keep on saying the same thing and nothing ever really happens. In fact, it is such an old “war cry” that you have tuned it out which in turn has hardened your heart to the warnings. Please just take a quick glance at the news headlines and put the pieces together. There is no denying the signs, the “labor pains” and symptoms any longer. And labor pains progress, they do not diminish.
Are you prepared? Are you protected? If you are scoffing at the warnings, guess what? You are fulfilling prophecy and you are only hurting yourself and any of those who may be listening to you. Check it out, I’m not putting you on: 2 Peter 3:3, 4 and also in Jude 1:18,19 both are in the New Testament. Get saved; you are going to need His protection. More importantly, you will definitely need your salvation for all of eternity. I don’t know you, but I certainly care about you and your eternity. This is not a gimmick; the only thing I gain from you trusting God is another brother or sister in the Lord.
The ULTIMATE Preparation Right Here: God, Please remove any deception that I may have listened to, believed or embraced that is hindering me from knowing the truth. Because I am not perfect, I am a sinner that needs forgiveness and I ask You to forgive me. I believe You are Savior and Lord Who shed Your Holy, Sinless Blood and died for my sins to be forgiven, and rose from the dead; You live forever. I want to turn away from (repent) my sins. I invite You, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, God the Messiah to come into my heart and life as Savior and Lord. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and personal Savior. In the all powerful Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray. Amen.
The content in the video(s) do not necessarily reflect my personal viewpoint or opinion. FBI WARNING: Federal law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video tapes, or video disks under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. This infringement of copyright is called FAIR USE… and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody.
James Gilliland over foto's van buitenaardsen en hoaxers (video)
James Gilliland over foto's van buitenaardsen en hoaxers (video)
Vandaag gaan we kijken naar de meercontroversiële aspecten van het UFO-fenomeen. Sommigen brengen informatie alleen naar buiten voor het geld en verspreiden desinformatie.Toch krijgen ze veel volgelingen.
Er zijn ook mensen die zeggen dat er helemaal geen kwaadaardige buitenaardsen bestaan en dat ‘kwaad slechts een illusie is’.
Daarnaast proberen bepaalde mensen door middel van drugs in contact te komen met buitenaardse wezens. Gilliland legt uit dat de gevestigde orde de meeste macht heeft op aarde, maar dat hun imperium vroeg of laat uit elkaar valt. Hoe hoger mensen in de bestuursregionen van grote bedrijven komen, hoe meer duister zich om hen heen verzamelt.
De grote ‘banksters’ van Wall Street hebben hun ziel min of meer verkocht aan parasitaire buitenaardsen die de mensheid door middel van programmering in bedwang houden. Als mensen door die programma’s kijken en de illusie doorzien, valt het kaartenhuis van de ‘powers that were’, zoals Gilliland ze noemt, in elkaar.
Gilliland deelt ook beeldmateriaal dat afkomstig is van zijn ECETI Ranch en vertelt wat mensen daar zoal meemaken. Volgens Gilliland is buitenaards contact een feit en hebben de mensen die zijn ranch hebben bezocht levensveranderende ervaringen gehad.
The Most Science Fictional News Stories Of 2013 In Pictures
The Most Science Fictional News Stories Of 2013 In Pictures
In his 2005 novel Accelerando, science fiction author and futurist Charles Stross wrote a collection of stories about the accelerating pace of change in the modern world: Inspired by his experience as a coder at a 30%-annual-growth-rate financial startup during the dotcom boom, he set out to capture what happens when technological progress builds upon itself, so that the future seems to approach more quickly every year.
This year, it seems, the future caught up with him.
As Stross wrote in his blog earlier this month, he had been planning to author a third book in his Halting State trilogy, whose story centered on crime and espionage carried out in a massive multiplayer game’s virtual world. His problem: reality had become stranger than science fiction. As revealed in classified documents leaked by intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, employees of the NSA and Britain’s GCHQ spy agency infiltrated virtual worlds like World of Warcraft and Second Life as recently as 2009, recruiting informants and patrolling for terrorists who might use the worlds as hidden channels for communication or money laundering.
When real-life intelligence agencies are using virtual Orc avatars to fight Al Qaeda, science fiction seems redundant. Stross writes:
At this point, I’m clutching my head. “Halting State” wasn’t intended to be predictive when I started writing it in 2006. Trouble is, about the only parts that haven’t happened yet are Scottish Independence and the use of actual quantum computers for cracking public key encryption (and there’s a big fat question mark over the latter—what else are the NSA up to?)…I’m throwing in the towel.
In many ways, 2013 felt like a year where Stross’s phenomenon of “accelerando” brought our notion of the future rushing into the present ahead of schedule, again and again. From augmented reality headsets to cryptocurrency to 3D-printed guns, the ingredients of cyberpunk and dystopian worlds are stepping out of novels and films and directly into headlines.
Iranian Air Force Grumman F-14A Tomcat (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
As if the Iran-UFO connection (the Axis of Alien-ness?) couldn’t get any weirder, it now appears that the Iranian Air Force attempted to shoot down aircraft that didn’t seem very Earth-like.
Before I go any further, the following does not come from a conspiracy Web site. It’s from an article last October in Combat Aircraft Monthly, a military aviation magazine that features some well-respected writers. The article on Iranian F-14 Tomcat fighters by Babak Taghvaee, who has written extensively on the Iranian Air Force, also recounts how Iran attempted to intercept what it believed to be U.S. spy drones overflying its nuclear facilities.
What’s interesting in Taghvaee’s piece is how Iran describes the intruders, which the Iranians called “luminous objects” in the belief that they were emitting light to enable night photography:
According to Iranian sources, the CIA’s intelligence drones displayed astonishing flight characteristics, including an ability to fly outside the atmosphere, attain a maximum cruise speed of Mach 10, and a minimum speed of zero, with the ability to hover over the target. Finally, these drones used powerful ECM that could jam enemy radars using very high levels of magnetic energy, disrupting navigation systems.
In one intercept over the Arak nuclear facility in November 2004, an Iranian F-14 Tomcat tried to lock its radar on to a luminous object, only to have the radar beam disrupted. “The pilot described the object as being spherical, with something like a green afterburner creating a considerable amount of turbulence behind it,” according to the article. The intruder then increased its speed and “disappeared like a meteor.”
The tale took a deadly turn in January 2012, when an F-14 was scrambled to intercept an intruder flying towards the Bushehr nuclear power plant. Seconds after take-off, the F-14 exploded, killing both crewmen. No cause for the tragedy was determined.
This is not the first time that Iranian fighters tangled with alleged UFOs: In 1976, during the reign of the Shah before the fundamentalists took over, Iranian F-4 Phantoms unsuccessfully attempted to intercept fast, bright objects, only to have some unknown force knock out their instruments. Yet note that nowhere in Taghvaee’s article do Iranian authorities describe the luminous objects in 2004 and 2012 as UFOs (indeed, the only time the word “UFO” is used at all is in a single sub-headline). It is possible that jamming could have disrupted the dated 1970s radar of Iran’s F-14s in the 2004 incident, while an aging aircraft kept flying by parts smuggled past a Western embargo may have exploded in 2012 for reasons other than extraterrestrial action.
In that case, the question becomes, what kind of aircraft flies at Mach 10? That’s 10 times the speed of sound, or 7,612 miles per hour (the legendary SR-71 Blackbird spy aircraft flew at around Mach 3, or 2,283 miles per hour). An obvious candidate is a hypersonic aircraft like NASA’s experimental X-43 hypersonic aircraft, which flew at Mach 9.68 in 2004. That program was terminated, and briefly resurrected as the Air Force X-51 Waverider, which flew at Mach 5 for nearly four minutes last May before plunging into the Pacific.
But these projects are more like experimental missiles that one day might become manned or unmanned aircraft. If the “luminous objects” described by Iran really did fly at Mach 10, jam radars and zoom away from jet interceptors, then this suggests a hypersonic aircraft mature and reliable enough to be trusted with sensitive reconnaissance missions. Perhaps the semi-mythical Aurora?
Without a lot more evidence, such as a crashed spacecraft of an alien pilot, I am not inclined to believe that UFOs felt a need to peek at Iran’s nuclear sites. It’s more likely that the Iranian military – perhaps through an honest mistake – exaggerated the performance of the intruders. But if they didn’t, and the U.S. was able to deploy Mach 10 reconnaissance aircraft a decade ago, then here’s the biggest mystery: Why is America spending a trillion dollars to develop a troubled F-35 Joint Strike Fighter that can’t even fly Mach 2?
Self Defense Against Panic/Anxiety Attacks:The Noonday Devil
Psychics well know that along with psychic gifts, come awful penalties.
Spending a lifetime, in snippets, with highly psychic abducting entities has made my intuitions uncanny.
One technique that seems easy enough, is to internally tell yourself that you wish to be "open", and then to relax, as you await an insight or mind's eye picture.
I was once stopped in a busy college hallway by an unknown female student who grabbed my arm and blocked my path, to class, who said "Read me; I want you to read me!" I was startled and affronted, wondering how this student had heard that I could do such things and suddenly worried about job security if Administration became aware.
I told her,"forget it" but she actually half-pushed me against a wall, and insisted again.
I relaxed completely, still annoyed and was flooded with an image of water, lake water, a shore surrounded by water, accompanied by a feeling of dread. I quickly asked her,"Why am I seeing water?", to which she shrugged. I asked her again.
"Oh," she said, "I'm on the swimming team."
I told her,"promise me that you'll never swim in a lake, it's far too dangerous and you might drown, and promise me you'll tell no one about this moment and conversation." She agreed and I, late for class hurried elsewhere.
It's a totally relaxed state that allows images to float in accompanied by an expectation that it will; the real problem is trying to figure out, what it actually means.
Part of the alarming nature of the unknown is its mysterious link to the known; I awaken each night to a lewd exhibition of the merging.
I open my eyes and turn to see the digital alarm clock, sitting on the lamp table next to my bed and see: 12:12, and 1:11 am, 2:22 am and 3:33 am and 4:44 am.
This distresses me so badly, upon awakening, that I cannot think; a wave of panic that SOMETHING is awakening me, with alacrity, strikes me, as the calculated odds of awakening each night precisely at those specific times is, without question, astronomically impossible.
The message intended seems designed to throw me off balance, to keep me wrapped in fearful confusion; it lets me know that I am being toyed with but yields no greater insight.
It has taught me that when I sleep I wander amongst adept monsters and psychic beastly company.
Sometimes after abductions, the inter dimensional door, left open, invites the gangster fringe element of the spirit world; worse, sometimes, demons are thrown into the equation as spite work, and to muddle the picture, for one's repeated attempts at thwarting abductions.
As my spirituality increases, it appears that I am become more of an increasing beacon, a porch light, for psychic moths and bats, a metaphor for Dark Force entities.
Amazingly, NOT all of those negative energies afoot, earthbound, are human!
Some are reptilians.
“For we are fighting with people not made of flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies—evil rulers of the unseen world, those mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world, and against huge numbers of wicked spirits in high places. Ephesians 6.”
Some are reptilians!
One of my growing psychic sensitivities, an allergy of sorts, acts as an early warning system; my skin burns locally with a painful 'buzzing', when a negative thought entity intrudes upon my energies and insinuates a 'connection.'
In such a moment, should sprayed holy water from a plant misting bottle fail to end the pain, I seek a powerful and usually successful ethereal cleansing technique, using running shower water to 'wash', as I visualize washing dark energy down the drain.
It is a defensive tool I have learned to use, to combat the buildup of static electricity, and of EMG connections associated with the pinching, painful 'touch' of predatory, stubborn, unseen and almost 'hungry' entities.
One particular unseen entity awed and baffled me when, rather than vanish, it used the shower water's energy to partially materialize, for a full moment or two to study me, an energy lunch who resisted, and refused to be nibbled at!
It had suddenly drained energy from me, had burned my skin where connections touched, and had buzzed me within, psychically; sudden, unprovoked sexual urges and odd, negative ideation had surfaced.
These are two uniformly similar signature symptoms, of virtually all negative thought entities.
To my horror and disbelief, under the shower's waters, a creature had semi-materialized!
It had stared me right in the eye, had blinked and had looked again.
It had stood under four feet upright, with catlike slit eyes, and had closely resembled a scaled monitor lizard, in aspect and facial structure.
The reptilian had viewed me with its head tilted, cocked sideways, birdlike; it had piercingly studied me with an alert intelligence that had radiated a proprietary curiosity.
After a few seconds, the creature had vanished.
Still under the shower's waters, I had remained frozen, in abject disbelief, and could not believe my eyes;
Amazed, I had seen a creature materialize and vanish like smoke, a creature that I had never imagined existed,
identical in construct to the velosoraptor creatures, in Steven Spielberg's film, "Jurassic Park".
It had radiated a proprietary and sinister demeanor.
Like those cinema raptors, this short, standing reptile had an expression of intense saurian intellect, a mirrored combination of a conscious man and a reptile.
I had been very horrified to glimpse a momentary semi- materialized, inquisitive, immature reptilian 'alien', because it had long had a reputation in UFO literature and research, as an inter dimensional bottom feeder, a sinister common parasite of human consciousness and a clear overlord of all other alien entities, who often pilot UFO craft.
These beings perceived us as mere, "containers", to supplant their energies within our minds and bodies.
Post abduction, alien abductee predation, is done through implant energy drains and by inserting alien energy astral attachments, within the layered human psyche, towards a goal of eventual possession.
During some physical human abductions, reptilian and grey astral energies are deposited, by the lamprey parasites that they are, within the multi layered human psyche/energy.
Predatory relationships with mankind define their nature.
Hollow Earth reptilians are as native and terrestrial to our planet as are thunderstorms; they are the game wardens of this preserve that we call, 'Earth, and like good game wardens, they do not let the creatures within, suspect that it is, indeed, a preserve.
Reptilians, as evidenced by the shower incident, are inter dimensional, (and inter galactic); as beings, they use the same astral doorway dimension that ghosts and demons do, to enter and exit our reality.
Why proprietary?
The lower Earth animal forms seen as reptiles, amphibians, insects are mirrored and echoed by the higher technological forms which have been seen aboard craft who have lent their DNA to create this preserve.
We , too, are constructs of their creative meddling.
When people ask them,"Where are you from?" Where do you come from?", they are often told,"We come from within",
as 'alien' energies, deep within the multi layered human psyche/mind.
Evil is as evil does: kidnapping, rape, telepathic attack, possession, medical procedures, psychic attacks causing anxiety, Dark, insidious, omnipresent whispers, micro-managing of our emotions, energies and sexuality through implant drains.
The Alien Relationship to mankind, is one of treating us like guinea pigs, orchestrating joys, disasters and horrors into our lives to milk us of energy; isn't that enough of a definition of 'evil'?
Evil's definition of predatory, sinister and self-justifying is more than satisfied with these overlord reptilian entities.
Imagine a cityscape of people, all of whom have juvenile saurian parasites ethereally attached to their spinal columns.
It lends a new meaning of present horror to the concept of a silent invasion.
These reptilian beings, highly technological, interdimensional and intergalactic, use us much as we ride horses. We must, as a spiritual race of human beings, achieve the more conscious status of the horse, who is, by contrast, fully aware of the reins and of the rider..
Unlike the hesitant touch of a lost negative earthbound human spirit, the unseen reptilian had prevailed with sharpest painful burning, a stronger negative entity, I surmised, and certainly more persistent than anything unseen that I had previously psychically encountered.
Worse, it now seemed stuck like chewing gum, on the bottom of my psychic 'shoe'.
Morning and night, this persistent horrid entity feasted on my energies like an unerring, stubborn yellow jacket wasp,
fancying me like a can of cola at a picnic with the same insect stubbornness. .
Imposed nightmares were vivid and dazzling in the extreme.
I had taken that shower out of sheer desperation, and had glimpsed something
most certainly NOT human which had radiated a brilliance of intellect.
Seeking advice and insight, scared, flabbergasted and lugubrious, I wrote a long note, not unlike this essay, to Robert Bruce, and later received his wise, short and pithy advice.
(Robert Bruce, a mentor and teacher, ( " Astral Dynamics", " Practical Psychic Self Defense Handbook: A Survival Guide"), is an expert in unseen, meddling, "NEGATIVE ENTITIES".)
Shortly, after I wrote him about my scary shower materialization of a lizard with a strong demonic psychic touch, he responded to my complaints of my now extensive struggles with this reptile being.
(classic round craft, designed specifically for human abductions)
(usual round UFOs are for human abductions and most pilot predators are reptilian..)
He cogently said :
"Something is happening, which is a good sign that what you are doing is having some effect."
Love, Robert
That pithy and cryptic wisdom from Robert Bruce shall have to suffice.
I am sadly sure that my reptoid microcosm experiences of predation and Dark Force energy, reflect the greater human macrocosm, predation, globally, by these self-same unseen reptilian entities...
I have learned an essential lesson, from these encounters: anxiety is the soul's natural reaction to psychic intrusion; sudden panic or slowly mounting free floating anxiety means that 'something', an entity unseen, prying and opportunistic, has just entered your energies to peek within.
That took me a long time to deduce, after wrestling with spates of horrid anxiety.
The implications of this insight, could offer spiritual relief to tens of millions who suffer from free-floating anxiety attacks, but science has relegated this truth, down a long hall and somewhere else.
This assertion can be tested, simply:
One who experiences anxiety, a panic attack onset, can "order it, away!", like a fly at one's mustache, "in the name of God"; the anxiety will abate immediately and then resurge again as the entity responds initially and withdraws and then floats in again.
As its nature is usually sinister, stubborn, and predatory, anxiety levels will climb again.
Repeat the procedure, but now, with stronger insistence and with more anger.
Anxiety will abate, for a longer time, immediately.
Again, a wave of free floating anxiety will reestablish a foothold, anew, as the juvenile demonic grey- reptilian's intrusion approaches within your energies, again.
Who would have ever guessed that panic attacks, are psychic/telepathic intrusions, astral hitchhiking, by a demoniac ?
Like yellow jacket wasps at a picnic can of cola, this reptilian entity was unerring, persistent and sinister; anxiety and wild vivid "dreams" were symptoms, not the disease, itself, which was reptilian telepathic intrusion and attack.
What evidence exists that these are spiritual problems rather than psychological dysfunctions?
The raw evidence is overwhelming but the stench of ignorance prevails.
Ignorance is the mental state of ignoring , not a state of stupidity.
We are actually spirits, in a body, having human experiences, and not humans, having spiritual experiences,.
Proof of the unseen spirit world, all around us, is sustained by irrefutable evidences, which are ignored.
Elusive evidences, become semi-empirical proof, as obvious as a trout in the milk, when they are taken as a WHOLE:
-out of body experiences
-near-death experiences
-ghostly hauntings
-poltergeist phenomena
- highly gifted psychics and mediums
-demonic possession cases
-memories of previous lifetimes by children and by adults under medical hypnosis
-prophetic dreams and 'dreams' of dead relatives
-all major religions-angelic sightings and interventions
-a plethora of crystal clear EVPs and unimpeachable video footage evidence of spirit.
The theory that consciousness ends with physical death has not been proved to me.
Knowledge is power, especially towards attaining spiritual independence.
My encounter with a juvenile reptilian, compared to other encounters with earthbound ghosts, was like the difference between lightning, and a lightning bug.
Outside UFO circles of accepting audiences, the stench of ignorance prevails.
Ignorance dilemma is inherent, as people will not believe in that which they have not directly experienced.
How should one,"cry wolf", to sheep, unable to imagine a wolf?
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL he saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night. Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence he never suspected that he had; a soul. Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.
They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with people, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.
These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls ,stuck to your energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.
""For we are fighting with people not made of flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies—evil rulers of the unseen world, those mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world, and against huge numbers of wicked spirits in high places.
Put on all God's armor so that you will be able to stand safe." Ephesians 6.
On this special one hour premiere episode for season four, Rick welcomes Stanton T. Friedman to the program to discuss his findings, thoughts and theories regarding the subject of Ufology.
Witness said: Here’s my latest submission for Los Angeles CA. I filmed these objects from outside my house on 1/12/14 and on 12/21/13. Thank you for your consideration of the video. I really appreciate your site.
“Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs” explores past and present sightings from around the world with shocking real footage, much of it never before seen, that will leave even the most skeptical viewers scratching their heads. Along with the fascinating collection of stunning eyewitness videos, Aykroyd reveals his own vast knowledge of the strange and paranormal as he explores in detail his views on conspiracy theories, military secrets, and how UFO technology is currently part of our everyday lives.
UFOs or orbs over Saint Stephen, South Carolina on 14th January 2014
UFOs or orbs over Saint Stephen, South Carolina on 14th January 2014
UFO sightings2014 – New interesting video footage of multiple bright UFO lights recorded in the sky above Saint Stephen, South Carolina on 14th January 2014.
Witness said: I suddenly felt the urge to go outside. I asked my wife to get the night vision video equipment. I went outside and looked to the north. The moon was full. Little or no wind. Clear for the most part. I witnessed an orange sphere that de materialized from sight. My wife came out and we were both looking north. I began video taping the event and scanning the northern sky. We then noticed some bright flashing lights to the north. Three at first. Then right behind the three flashing lights, we spotted an orange sphere. It was followed by a smaller red light or sphere. That was followed by another flashing light. The flashing lights were noticeably smaller than the larger orange and slightly smaller red spheres. They were proceeding slowly to the west. The duration of the event was about 10 and a half minutes of video. Straight line path. They flew behind some clouds but I continued the video until they became visible again. The distance was pretty far, but the orange sphere was about the size of an aspirin. Clearly round. Very excited to have it on video at last. We lost sight of the objects due to trees to our west. Also, there has been a good amount of military aircraft in the skies this evening. More than usual.
A man south of Mexico City has captured a UFO on three separate videos in one day. Two of the videos are during the day, and one is at night, although it is unknown whether they are all the same object.
Jesus Correa posted the videos on January 12, 2014. He says he caught them earlier in the day. The first two videos show an object floating around the sky during the day. The object appears to be shiny and elliptical. It moves slowly, but unsteadily, as if it may be floating in the wind.
The object is not shaped like a typical balloon, although its movements are also not outside of what a floating balloon is capable of.
The last video is titled “light orange,” and shows a light in the night sky. It shifts from being clear to hazy, indicative of clouds moving in front of the object. The object also does not appear to move.
In the description of the first video (seen above), Correa writes:
A JVC Everio camera like the one used to record these videos.
“Object videotaped on Sunday January 12, 2014 south of Mexico City at 3:14 pm, one GZ_MG630AU JVC everio camcorder model was used. They are 3 different shots.”
As for the night time video, he writes: “light taken from my backyard, a uniform until it stopped and disappeared appreciation movement.”
Both comments were translated from Spanish using Google Translate.
So far, the videos have been picked up by UFO Sightings Daily and KpopStarz, and have the potential to go viral. The question is, did Correa capture balloons and stars, or UFOs from the stars? Let us know what you think.
A 10+ page public forum is now having an in depth discussion over what the forum moderator is calling ‘something strange being activated under the ice of Antarctica’. Our forum mod claims to be a geologist sent to Neumayer Station in Antarctica to study ice core samples. His introduction to this topic is summed up as below and discussed much further in depth in the newly released video report below. Surprisingly, this claim may have more credibility than one might think.:
About 2 weeks ago we started hearing rumors that strange microwave transmissions were being detected. Eventually it was discovered that these transmission were coming from about 100 feet below the ice about 15 miles from the station. An expedition was sent to that location to investigate the area. What they found were not only microwave transmissions, but also radioactive activity as well as a tremendous amount of heat originating below the ice which was melting the ice.
This is when it all got really strange. Within days a team was sent from the US with heavy earth moving equipment. It was all classified and only a few members of the station are privy to was going on. That team and their equipment was sent to the location probably to dig up whatever was under the ice. About 4 hours after their team and equipment went to the site they all came back. There were 18 of them and 7 of them had to be treated by our doctors for some sort of radiation poisoning.
What is more disturbing is the look on the faces of those team members as well as the look on the faces of the few guys at the station that are in the know when they returned. They all look like they saw a ghost. Totally scared and acting erratic.
Now this are is totally off limits to us an is being guarded by the US military. Rumor is another team from the US is coming to resume the investigation from the Army Corp of Engineers.
The discussion of whatever may or may not be under Antarctica begins at approx. the 30 second mark in this video.
This week with begin with an article by Nick Redfern who explores multiple realities and the Men-In-Black. Then Scott Corrales reports on an Orange Sphere and animals surviving alien mutilation! Jenalyn Villamarin writes about continued UFO sightings in Barnoldswick, England. Next, John Foster reveals the truth behind human illusions. Then, Sean Casteel profiles Mr. UFO, Timothy Green Beckley. Christian Macé reports on a luminous snake-like UFO in France. Contributor Pat Regan has published another new book, THE DEVIL GOD'S BEST FRIEND. I find the work of Graham Hancock incredibly interesting his article about uncovering the mysteries of a lost civilization. Matt Brady opines about proof. Marie D. Jones and Larry Flaxman search for hidden truth in story, symbol and form. Finally, I report on a famous Canadian UFOlogist Oscar Magocsi. Also watch the new videos below the articles. Enjoy Dirk Vander Ploeg
If there is only one thing we can say with any certainty about the infamous events that occurred outside of Roswell, New Mexico in the summer of 1947, it’s that there are multiple theories for what happened. And no-one can offer any real, hard evidence that definitively nails things one way or the other. Of course, Ufology has always been like that. But, Roswell seems to typify that aspect of the UFO phenomenon like no other case. More...
A UFO sighting of a classic disc-shaped object in Barnoldswick, England got featured in the Lancashire Telegraph newspaper. More witnesses stepped forward after the newspaper requested their Twitter followers to share their UFO sighting stories. Twitter account @Bloddys_world responded and even included a captured image of a strange, white and glowing object hovering over the Blackburn town on July 11, 2013. Click HERE to see photo. More...
Throughout the centuries, we have been struggling to understand the true nature of our Earthly reality. Ancient myths and some unbelievable spiritual/religious occurrences, it seems, always have been difficult to accept or understand. Only recently, with the advent of new discoveries in Quantum Mechanics, etc. are we now able to embark on a new adventure trying to apply these new discoveries to the mysteries of history, not to mention the seemingly indelible mysteries of our expanding modern Universe…which, of course, include the phenomenon of UFOs. More...
He calls himself “Mr. UFO,” and chances are you have one or more of his books in your library. He’s written about 50 works on UFOs, the paranormal and a tome or two on celebrities like John Lennon. In addition, as a publisher of some renown, he has made available a total of approximately 250 titles by other authors, such as T. Lobsang Rampa, Brad Steiger, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and, of course, yours truly, Sean Casteel. They are all available More... Also read: THE STRANGE PARANORMAL SAGA OF TIMOTHY GREEN BECKLEY – WHAT A LONG, STRANGE TRIP IT’S BEEN!-PART II
As a faithful reader of your blog for a long time , I am sending you a lot of pictures that I took last night Saturday, January 11, 2014 from 10:20 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. in my garden. I am very interested in UFOs since I 've seen a 50m me in March 1972 in Saint Etienne du Rouvray (76) , one morning going to college in a field behind a classroom pre -fabricated. More...
A ground-breaking new book by controversial UK author, Pat Regan. What a strange and seemingly contradictory title for the latest book in the hard-hitting, Pat Regan collection. In this controversial, no-nonsense attack on fundamentalism Pat Regan illustrates how the international public has been hoodwinked by the devious forces of monotheism into blindly accepting alleged truths, which are in fact nothing of the sort. More...
“Everything we’ve been taught about the origins of civilization may be wrong,” says Danny Natawidjaja, PhD, senior geologist with the Research Centre for Geotechnology at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences. “Old stories about Atlantis and other a great lost civilizations of prehistory, long dismissed as myths by archaeologists, look set to be proved true.” More...
I’ve come up with a new term to describe a fallacy in the way some skeptics view paranormal investigation; the participation paradox. Many prominent skeptics are quick to criticize the community of paranormal investigators for their lack of scientific rigor in the collection and analysis of evidence. While I agree that there is work to be done here the skeptics take it a step too far: They ask why after years and decades of research we do not produce definitive proof of anything? More...
Behind every origin story of ancient cultures and civilizations...behind every myth, every fairly tale and folklore and every religious text is an underlying layer of truth that describes the scientific knowledge and spiritual wisdom of the time. These amazing stories and myths may also hold a storehouse of hidden knowledge that matches today’s most cutting edge theories and discoveries. More...
Oscar Magocsi was born in Budapest, Hungary, in February 1928. After the establishment of a communist regime in Hungary and the lost Hungarian Revolution from 1956, he decided to leave the country and emigrated to Canada in 1957, where he found a job at CBC, the Canadian Television Company. In September 1974, he had his first UFO sighting and since then, ongoing contacts with benevolent human ET's till his death in September 2002. More...
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Auteur Wim Zitman is zich goed bewust van het feit dat hij zich op dun ijs begeeft. Hij zegt bewijs te hebben gevonden voor het feit dat Atlantis heeft bestaan.
Hij gooit gelijk al zijn kaarten op tafel: “Nu de restanten van Atlantis eindelijk zijn gevonden kunnen we ons gaan richten op een nieuw wereldbeeld.”
Goddelijke incarnaties
In 1969 verscheen een egyptologische studie over de herkomst van de voorouders van de Egyptenaren die in de Tempel van Horus te Edfu op de wand gegraveerd staat. De studie, die is uitgevoerd door dr. E.A.E. Reymond van de Universiteit van Manchester is uniek en beschrijft en bevestigt de catastrofale ondergang van een eilandenrijk in lang vervlogen tijden, de bakermat van Egypte.
De piramiden, zo stelt Zitman, zijn de Bergen van Egypte en Gizeh is een kopie van het eilandenrijk Atlantis. De farao’s waren voor de oude Egyptenaren de goddelijke incarnaties van de Atlantiërs, die hun eeuwige rustplaats te midden van hun vroegere bergland kregen.
De gangbare gedachte is dat rondom 3000 v.Chr. de oudste beschavingen ontstonden waarvan nog vele monumenten bestaan, zoals de piramides en de zikkoerats, sphinxen, oblisken en het labyrint. Veelal kennen we hun juiste functie niet of nauwelijks. Hun functie ontgaat ons in de regel, maar hun magie is nog steeds niet uitgewerkt. We hebben geen idee waarom de mens in de oudheid die enorme inspanningen verrichte, waarvan hun nalatenschap blijk geeft.
De bouwwerken die de oude Egyptenaren ons hebben nagelaten werden gebaseerd op de stelling dat ze eeuwigheidswaarde moesten hebben voor hun nazaten. Verblind door de eigen fenomenale kennis van hun vakgebied, zijn wetenschappers meestal niet bereid om hun zekerheden te relativeren en er een ander licht op te laten schijnen. En zeker geen licht dat zij niet kennen en wantrouwen. De wetenschappelijke moed om ons verleden diepgaand en onbevooroordeeld te onderzoeken ontbreekt en stuit op gevestigde belangen en reputaties.
Eerste bakermat
Zitman merkt op dat de papyrus Turijn uit de tijd van farao Ramses II (13e eeuw v.Chr.) het begin van de Egyptische geschiedenis vastlegt in 11.248 v.Chr. De inhoud van de papyrus werpt de bestaande chronologie volledig omver.
De Egyptenaren berichtten herhaaldelijk over hun eerste bakermat, onder andere op de binnenzijde van de westelijke ommuring van de Tempel van Horus. Er wordt gesproken over een vulkanische eilandengroep in het westen. De Egyptenaren spraken over drie eilanden waaruit hun eerste Thuisland bestond, namelijk iw titi (Island of Trampling), en de twee eilanden iw ‘h3 (Island of Combat) en iw htp (Island of Peace).
Zitman concludeert op basis van zijn eigen onderzoek dat de bakermat van de oude Egyptenaren bestond uit de uitgedoofde vulkanische tafelberg Great Meteor en de twee zogenoemde Cruiser zeebergen. Deze eilandengroep is verzonken onder de zeespiegel van de Atlantische Oceaan.
Uit de opgedregde kalkstenen brokken moet volgens Zitman de conclusie worden getrokken dat de Atlantis zeeberg uit de directe omgeving in de laatste 12.000 jaar een eiland moet zijn geweest. Een fysiografische kaart van de westkust van Afrika laat talrijke rivieren zien waarvan de oorspronkelijke mondingen zich tot 800 kilometer in de tegenwoordige Atlantische Oceaan uitstrekken.
De toppen van de drie zeebergen moeten geruime tijd boven de zeespiegel hebben uitgestoken, aangezien de Griek Homerus erover schreef en later ook de geograaf Marcellus de restanten van de drie eilanden kende. De eilandengroep staat ook op een globe die in 1531 door de Fransman Oronteus Finaeus werd gemaakt. Op dezelfde globe staat Antarctica afgebeeld, een continent dat officieel pas in 1820 door de Russische marineofficier Fabian von Bellingshausen werd ontdekt.
Plato deelde expliciet mee dat Atlantis in de Atlantische Oceaan lag, voorbij Gibraltar of de Zuilen van Herculus. Zitman stuitte in 2005 op de restanten van het eilandenrijk via een satellietfoto van NASA, waarop verzonken zeebergen of eilanden zichtbaar worden. Volgens hem zijn er veel geomorfologische overeenkomsten tussen de drie zeebergen en de drie piramides van Gizeh.
De Egyptische Osiris-religie zou nauw verweven zijn met de landschappelijke vorm van de eilandengroep. Deze vorm werd op dezelfde breedtecirkel als drie kunstmatig gebouwde bergen gekopieerd in Gizeh. De afstand tussen de drie zeebergen en Gizeh, gemeten tussen de lengtemeridianen, bedraagt exact 60°. “Geometrie in optima forma,” aldus Zitman.
Objecten vertonen zich wereldwijd... wie zijn de piloten?
Objecten vertonen zich wereldwijd... wie zijn de piloten?
We laten in de drie volgende filmpjes zien waar de vele objecten uit het universum vandaan komen.
Het eerste filmpje heeft betrekking op de bekendste sterrenvolkeren die verenigd zijn in de zogeheten Galactische Federatie. Deze zouden zich in voor ons nog onbekende realiteiten of bewustzijnsgebieden bevinden.
Hun intentie zou zijn om de mens te begeleiden in de evolutiesprong waar velen al in schijnen te zitten en waar de rest snel mee in aanraking moet gaan komen. Vele van deze op de mens gelijkende buitenaardse rassen zouden al onder ons zijn. Buitenaards contact is voor ons een voldongen feit. Deze rassen hebben volgens hooggeplaatste militairen het kernwapenarsenaal onklaar gemaakt om ons voor een catastrofe te behoeden.
Buitenaardse beschavingen 1 - Mensen
Het tweede filmpje betreft dimensies waar wij als UFO-meldpunt vanaf december 2006 concreet mee te maken kregen. Deze meldingen zijn bijzonder en waren bij ons in Nederland geheel onbekend. Dit verschijnsel had niets meer te maken met UFO's en deed zich in heel Nederland en vermoedelijk ook wereldwijd voor. Vele van deze verhalen hebben hun weg nog niet richting het grote publiek gevonden. Onderstaande beelden van de People of the Universe zoals ze zich bij velen hebben gemeld, zijn nog niet te bevatten, maar zijn voor steeds meer mensen wereldwijd de nieuwe en de enige, echte realiteit.
People of the Universe
Het derde filmpje betreft een overzicht van de Greys, Reptilians en vele andere rassen die hier op aarde en in het universum zouden leven. We luisteren ook naar een fragment van het Disclosure Project, dat de inhoud van bovenstaande filmpjes voor een groot deel bevestigt. Realiseert u zich dat u in dit filmpje andere rassen ziet waarvan de meeste in hogere dimensies leven. In het universum maakt het niet uit welke gedaante je hebt gekozen, maar hoe je je op zielsniveau ontwikkelt. Er zijn dus goede Greys, Reptilians of Draconiërs, maar ook slechte.
(N.Morgan) Another one of Nature’s beautiful surprises! A volcano that spews a beautiful, blue lava. This remarkable wonder is found in East Java, Indonesia. This a true wonder and a sight to behold! Pictures and video included.
Kawah Ijen volcano in East Java, Indonesia, produces molten suphur which leaks from its sides.Miners funnel it in to a crater where they allow it to cool before breaking it off in order to sell. The burning chemical appears red during the day but at night the blue flames become visible.
Once the chemical element has cooled the miners break off blocks weighing up to 220lb and haul it away by hand in order for it to be sold.
They must also move solid blocks of sulphur weighing up to 220lb up a very steep slope in order to sell them, using nothing more than a basket and their bare hands.
Breaking News UFO Sightings Large Pyramid Shaped UFO Spotted Over Bulgaria
Breaking News UFO Sightings Large Pyramid Shaped UFO Spotted Over Bulgaria 2014! Krasen Hristov Reports and Incredible Sighting of what looks to be a Massive Triangular shaped UFO To Thirdphaseofmoon! Media silence, of course.
A mothership? What is this massive triangular object in the sky? Aliens are NOT our friends! They are not our “salvation”!
Are you prepared?
Sure, people have been saying that they are in the “end times” for ages now, saying that “Jesus is coming soon”. Seriously these Jesus freaks keep on saying the same thing and nothing ever really happens. In fact, it is such an old “war cry” that you have tuned it out which in turn has hardened your heart to the warnings. But our time truly is limited. Please just take a quick glance at the mainstream headlines and put the pieces together. There is no denying the signs; the “labor pain” symptoms any longer.
If you are scoffing at the warnings, guess what? You are fulfilling prophecy and you are only hurting yourself and any of those who may be listening to you. Check it out, I’m not putting you on: 2 Peter 3:3,4 and also in Jude 1:18,19 both are in the New Testament. Get saved; you are going to need His protection. More importantly, you will definitely need your salvation for all of eternity. I don’t know you, but I certainly care about you and your eternity. This is not a gimmick; the only thing I gain from you trusting God is another brother or sister in the Lord.
The ULTIMATE Preparation Right Here:
Dear Lord Jesus,
Please remove any deception that I may have listened to or embraced. Because I am not perfect, I am a sinner that needs forgiveness and I ask You to forgive me. I believe You are Savior and Lord Who shed Your Blood and died for my sins to be forgiven, and rose from the dead; You live forever. I want to turn from (repent) my sins. I invite You Jesus Christ of Nazareth to come into my heart and life as Savior and Lord. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and personal Savior. In the all powerful Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray. Amen.
Publishers Note:One of UFO Digests readers sent me this article by Graham Hancock and since you read our articles you already know of my fascination for lost civilizations, so I thought I would share. Dirk
By Graham Hancock
“Everything we’ve been taught about the origins of civilization may be wrong,” says Danny Natawidjaja, PhD, senior geologist with the Research Centre for Geotechnology at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences. “Old stories about Atlantis and other a great lost civilizations of prehistory, long dismissed as myths by archaeologists, look set to be proved true.”
I’m climbing with Dr Natawidjaja up the steep slope of a 300-ft high step-pyramid set amidst a magical landscape of volcanoes, mountains and jungles interspersed with paddy fields and tea plantations a hundred miles from the city of Bandung in West Java, Indonesia.
The pyramid has been known to archaeology since 1914 when megalithic structures formed from blocks of columnar basalt were found scattered amongst the dense trees and undergrowth that then covered its summit. Local people held the site to be sacred and called it Gunung Padang, the name it still goes by today, which means “Mountain of Light”, or “Mountain of Enlightenment”, in the local Sundanese language. The summit, where the megaliths were found arranged across five terraces had been used as a place of meditation and retreat since time immemorial, archaeologists were told, and again this remains true today.
However neither the archaeologists, nor apparently the locals realized the pyramid was a pyramid. It was believed to be a natural hill, somewhat modified by human activity, until Natawidjaja and his team began a geological survey here in 2011. By then the summit had long since been cleared and the megalithic terraces recognized to be ancient and man-made, but no radiocarbon dating was ever done and the previously accepted age of the site – about 1,500 to 2,500 BC -- was based on guesswork rather than on excavations.
The first scientific radiocarbon dating was done by Natawidjaja himself on soils underlying the megaliths at or near the surface. The dates produced – around 500 to 1,500 BC – were very close to the archaeological guesswork and caused no controversy. However a surprise was in store as Natawidjaja and his team extended their investigation using tubular drills that brought up cores of earth and stone from much deeper levels.
First the drill cores contained evidence – fragments of columnar basalt – that man-made megalithic structures lay far beneath the surface. Secondly the organic materials brought up in the drill cores began to yield older and older dates – 3,000 BC to 5,000 BC, then 9,600 BC as the drills bit deeper, then around 11,000 BC, then, 15,000 BC and finally at depths of 90 feet and more an astonishing sequence of dates of 20,000 BC to 22,000 BC and earlier.
“This was not at all what my colleagues in the world of archaeology expected or wanted to hear” says Natawidjaja, who earned his PhD at Cal Tech in the United States and who, it becomes apparent, regards archaeology as a thoroughly unscientific discipline.
The problem is that those dates from 9,600 BC and earlier belong to the period that archaeologists call the “Upper Palaeolithic” and take us back deep into the last Ice Age when Indonesia was not a series of islands as it is today but was part of a vast southeast Asian continent dubbed “Sundaland” by geologists.
Sea level was 400 feet lower then because huge ice caps two miles deep covered most of Europe and North America. But as the ice caps began to melt all the water stored in them returned to the oceans and sea-level rose, submerging many parts of the world where humans had previously lived. Thus Britain was joined to Europe during the Ice Age (there was no English Channel or North Sea). Likewise there was no Red Sea, no Persian Gulf, Sri Lanka was joined to southern India, Siberia was joined to Alaska, Australia was joined to New Guinea – and so on and so forth. It was during this epoch of sea-level rise, sometimes slow and continuous, sometimes rapid and cataclysmic, that the Ice Age continent of Sundaland was submerged with only the Malaysian Peninsula and the Indonesian islands as we know them today high enough to remain above water.
The established archaeological view of the state of human civilization until the end of the last Ice Age about 9,600 BC was that our ancestors were primitive hunter gatherers incapable of any form of civilization or architectural feats. In the following millennia settled agriculture was very gradually developed and perfected. Around 4,000 BC the increasing sophistication of economic and social structures, and growing organizational abilities, made possible the creation of the earliest megalithic sites (such as Gigantija on the Maltese island of Gozo for example) while the first true cities emerged around 3500 BC in Mesopotamia and soon afterwards in Egypt. In the British Isles Callanish in the Outer Hebrides and Avebury in southwest England, both dated to around 3,000 BC, are the oldest examples of true megalithic sites. The megalithic phase of Stonehenge is thought to have begun around 2,400 BC and to have continued to around 1,800 BC.
Within this well worked out and long-established chronology there is no place for any prehistoric civilization such as Atlantis. But interestingly the Greek philosopher Plato, whose dialogue of Timias and Critias contains the earliest surviving mention of the fabled sunken kingdom, dates the catastrophic destruction and submergence of Atlantis by floods and earthquakes to “9,000 years before the time of Solon” – i.e. to 9,600 BC, the end of the last Ice Age. Since the Greeks had no access to modern scientific knowledge about the Ice Age and its rapidly rising sea levels (often accompanied by cataclysmic earthquakes as the weight of the melting ice caps was removed from the continental landmasses) the date Plato gives is, to say the least, an uncanny coincidence.
In Danny Natawidjaja’s view, however, it is no coincidence at all. His research at Gunung Padang has convinced him that Plato was right about the existence of a high civilization in the depths of the last Ice Age – a civilization that was indeed brought to a cataclysmic end involving floods and earthquakes in an epoch of great global instability between 10,900 BC and 9,600 BC.
This epoch, which geologists call the “Younger Dryas” has long been recognized as mysterious and tumultuous. In 10,900 BC, when it began, the earth had been emerging from the Ice Age for roughly 10,000 years, global temperatures were rising steadily and the ice caps were melting. Then there was a sudden dramatic return to colder conditions – even colder than at the peak of the Ice Age 21,000 years ago. This short, sharp deep freeze lasted for 1,300 years until 9,600 BC when the warming trend resumed, global temperatures shot up again and the remaining ice caps melted very suddenly dumping all the water they contained into the oceans.
“It is difficult,” Natawidjaja says, “for us to imagine what life on earth must have been like during the Younger Dryas. It was a truly cataclysmic period of immense climate instability and terrible, indeed terrifying, global conditions. It’s not surprising that many large animal species, such as the mammoths, went extinct during this precise time and of course it had huge effects on our ancestors, not just those ‘primitive’ hunter gatherers the archaeologists speak of but also, I believe, a high civilization that was wiped from the historical record by the upheavals of the Younger Dryas.”
by Graham Hancock New original feature article by GRAHAM HANCOCK, 10 January 2014
[NB The artist's impression of Gunung Padang as it would have looked in antiquity is attached herewith by and courtesy of architect Pon S Purajatnika]
“Everything we’ve been taught about the origins of civilization may be wrong,” says Danny Natawidjaja, PhD, senior geologist with the Research Centre for Geotechnology at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences. “Old stories about Atlantis and other a great lost civilizations of prehistory, long dismissed as myths by archaeologists, look set to be proved true.”
I’m climbing with Dr Natawidjaja up the steep slope of a 300-ft high step-pyramid set amidst a magical landscape of volcanoes, mountains and jungles interspersed with paddy fields and tea plantations a hundred miles from the city of Bandung in West Java, Indonesia.
The pyramid has been known to archaeology since 1914 when megalithic structures formed from blocks of columnar basalt were found scattered amongst the dense trees and undergrowth that then covered its summit. Local people held the site to be sacred and called it Gunung Padang, the name it still goes by today, which means “Mountain of Light”, or “Mountain of Enlightenment”, in the local Sundanese language. The summit, where the megaliths were found arranged across five terraces had been used as a place of meditation and retreat since time immemorial, archaeologists were told, and again this remains true today.
However neither the archaeologists, nor apparently the locals realized the pyramid was a pyramid. It was believed to be a natural hill, somewhat modified by human activity, until Natawidjaja and his team began a geological survey here in 2011. By then the summit had long since been cleared and the megalithic terraces recognized to be ancient and man-made, but no radiocarbon dating was ever done and the previously accepted age of the site – about 1,500 to 2,500 BC -- was based on guesswork rather than on excavations.
The first scientific radiocarbon dating was done by Natawidjaja himself on soils underlying the megaliths at or near the surface. The dates produced – around 500 to 1,500 BC – were very close to the archaeological guesswork and caused no controversy. However a surprise was in store as Natawidjaja and his team extended their investigation using tubular drills that brought up cores of earth and stone from much deeper levels.
First the drill cores contained evidence – fragments of columnar basalt – that man-made megalithic structures lay far beneath the surface. Secondly the organic materials brought up in the drill cores began to yield older and older dates – 3,000 BC to 5,000 BC, then 9,600 BC as the drills bit deeper, then around 11,000 BC, then, 15,000 BC and finally at depths of 90 feet and more an astonishing sequence of dates of 20,000 BC to 22,000 BC and earlier.
“This was not at all what my colleagues in the world of archaeology expected or wanted to hear” says Natawidjaja, who earned his PhD at Cal Tech in the United States and who, it becomes apparent, regards archaeology as a thoroughly unscientific discipline.
The problem is that those dates from 9,600 BC and earlier belong to the period that archaeologists call the “Upper Palaeolithic” and take us back deep into the last Ice Age when Indonesia was not a series of islands as it is today but was part of a vast southeast Asian continent dubbed “Sundaland” by geologists.
Sea level was 400 feet lower then because huge ice caps two miles deep covered most of Europe and North America. But as the ice caps began to melt all the water stored in them returned to the oceans and sea-level rose, submerging many parts of the world where humans had previously lived. Thus Britain was joined to Europe during the Ice Age (there was no English Channel or North Sea). Likewise there was no Red Sea, no Persian Gulf, Sri Lanka was joined to southern India, Siberia was joined to Alaska, Australia was joined to New Guinea – and so on and so forth. It was during this epoch of sea-level rise, sometimes slow and continuous, sometimes rapid and cataclysmic, that the Ice Age continent of Sundaland was submerged with only the Malaysian Peninsula and the Indonesian islands as we know them today high enough to remain above water.
The established archaeological view of the state of human civilization until the end of the last Ice Age about 9,600 BC was that our ancestors were primitive hunter gatherers incapable of any form of civilization or architectural feats. In the following millennia settled agriculture was very gradually developed and perfected. Around 4,000 BC the increasing sophistication of economic and social structures, and growing organizational abilities, made possible the creation of the earliest megalithic sites (such as Gigantija on the Maltese island of Gozo for example) while the first true cities emerged around 3500 BC in Mesopotamia and soon afterwards in Egypt. In the British Isles Callanish in the Outer Hebrides and Avebury in southwest England, both dated to around 3,000 BC, are the oldest examples of true megalithic sites. The megalithic phase of Stonehenge is thought to have begun around 2,400 BC and to have continued to around 1,800 BC.
Within this well worked out and long-established chronology there is no place for any prehistoric civilization such as Atlantis. But interestingly the Greek philosopher Plato, whose dialogue of Timias and Critias contains the earliest surviving mention of the fabled sunken kingdom, dates the catastrophic destruction and submergence of Atlantis by floods and earthquakes to “9,000 years before the time of Solon” – i.e. to 9,600 BC, the end of the last Ice Age. Since the Greeks had no access to modern scientific knowledge about the Ice Age and its rapidly rising sea levels (often accompanied by cataclysmic earthquakes as the weight of the melting ice caps was removed from the continental landmasses) the date Plato gives is, to say the least, an uncanny coincidence.
In Danny Natawidjaja’s view, however, it is no coincidence at all. His research at Gunung Padang has convinced him that Plato was right about the existence of a high civilization in the depths of the last Ice Age – a civilization that was indeed brought to a cataclysmic end involving floods and earthquakes in an epoch of great global instability between 10,900 BC and 9,600 BC.
This epoch, which geologists call the “Younger Dryas” has long been recognized as mysterious and tumultuous. In 10,900 BC, when it began, the earth had been emerging from the Ice Age for roughly 10,000 years, global temperatures were rising steadily and the ice caps were melting. Then there was a sudden dramatic return to colder conditions – even colder than at the peak of the Ice Age 21,000 years ago. This short, sharp deep freeze lasted for 1,300 years until 9,600 BC when the warming trend resumed, global temperatures shot up again and the remaining ice caps melted very suddenly dumping all the water they contained into the oceans.
“It is difficult,” Natawidjaja says, “for us to imagine what life on earth must have been like during the Younger Dryas. It was a truly cataclysmic period of immense climate instability and terrible, indeed terrifying, global conditions. It’s not surprising that many large animal species, such as the mammoths, went extinct during this precise time and of course it had huge effects on our ancestors, not just those ‘primitive’ hunter gatherers the archaeologists speak of but also, I believe, a high civilization that was wiped from the historical record by the upheavals of the Younger Dryas.”
What has brought Natawidjaja to this radical view is the evidence he and his team have uncovered at Gunung Padang. When their drill cores began to yield very ancient carbon dates from clays filling the gaps between worked stones they expanded their investigation using geophysical equipment – ground penetrating radar, seismic tomography and electrical resistivity – to get a picture of what lay under the ground. The results were stunning, showing layers of massive construction using the same megalithic elements of columnar basalt that are found on the surface but with courses of huge basaltic rocks beneath them extending down to 100 feet and more beneath the surface. At those depths the carbon dates indicate that the megaliths were put in place more than 10,000 years ago and in some cases as far back as 24,000 years ago.
Columnar basalt does form naturally – the famous Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland is an example – but at Gunung Padang it has been used as a building material and is laid out in a form never found in nature.
“The geophysical evidence is unambiguous,” Natawidjaja says. “Gunung Padang is not a natural hill but a man-made pyramid and the origins of construction here go back long before the end of the last Ice Age. Since the work is massive even at the deepest levels, and bears witness to the kinds of sophisticated construction skills that were deployed to build the pyramids of Egypt or the largest megalithic sites of Europe, I can only conclude that we’re looking at the work of a lost civilization and a fairly advanced one.”
“The archaeologists won’t like that,” I point out.
“They don’t!” Natawidjaja agrees with a rueful smile. “I’ve already got myself into a lot of hot water with this. My case is a solid one, based on good scientific evidence, but it’s not an easy one. I’m up against deeply entrenched beliefs.”
The next step will be a full-scale archaeological excavation. “We have to excavate in order to interrogate our remote sensing data and our carbon dating sequences and either to confirm or deny what we believe we’ve found here,” says Natawidjaja, “but unfortunately there’s a lot of obstacles in our way.”
When I ask what he means by obstacles he replies that some senior Indonesian archaeologists are lobbying the government in Jakarta to prevent him from doing any further work at Gunung Padang on the grounds that they “know” the site is less than 5,000 years old and see no justification for disturbing it.
“I don’t deny that the megaliths at the surface are less than 5,000 years old,” Natawidjaja hastens to add, “but I suggest they were put here because Gunung Padang has been recognized as a sacred place since time immemorial. It’s the deepest layers of the structure at between 12,000 and more than 20,000 years old that are the most important. They have potentially revolutionary implications for our understanding of history and I think it’s vital that we be allowed to investigate them properly.”
Gunung Padang is not the only ancient site that raises huge question marks over the story archaeologists tell us about our past. On the other side of the world, in southeastern Turkey, another man-made hill has been excavated during the past decade, this time by Professor Klaus Schmidt of the German Archaeological Institute. The site, called Gobekli Tepe (which means “Potbellied Hill” in the local Kurdish language) consists of a series of immense megalithic stone circles on the scale of Stonehenge and was deliberately buried (creating the appearance of a hill) around 8,000 BC by the mysterious ancient people who made it. The circles themselves date back to 9,600 BC, however, with the oldest work being the best. At least twenty further circles on a similar scale, identified by ground penetrating radar, are still deeply buried. Some of these, Klaus Schmidt told me when I visited Gobekli Tepe in September 2013, are likely to be much older than those already excavated.
At 7,000 or more years older than Stonehenge the megaliths of Gobekli Tepe, like the deeply buried megaliths of Gunung Padang mean that the timeline of history taught in our schools and universities for the best part of the last hundred years can no longer stand. It is beginning to look as though civilization, as I argued in my controversial 1995 bestseller Fingerprints of the Gods, is indeed much older and much more mysterious than we thought.
In essence what I proposed in that book was that an advanced civilization had been wiped out and lost to history in a global cataclysm at the end of the last Ice Age. I suggested there were survivors who settled at various locations around the world and attempted to pass on their superior knowledge, including knowledge of agriculture, to hunter-gatherer peoples who had also survived the cataclysm. Indeed even today we have populations of hunter gatherers, in the Kalahari Desert, for instance, and in the Amazon jungle, who co-exist with our advanced technological culture – so we should not be surprised that equally disparate levels of civilization might have co-existed in the past.
What I could not do when I wrote Fingerprints, because the evidence was not then available, was identify the exact nature of the cataclysm that had wiped out my hypothetical lost civilization, and this absence of a specific “smoking gun” was one of the many aspects of my argument that was heavily criticized by archaeologists. Since 2007, however, masses of scientific evidence have come to light that have identified the smoking gun for me in the form of a comet that broke into multiple fragments now known to have hit the earth 12,980 years ago. The impacts (some on the North American ice cap, some elsewhere) caused floods and tidal waves and threw a vast cloud of dust into the upper atmosphere that enshrouded the entire earth for more than a thousand years, preventing the sun’s rays from reaching the surface, and setting off the Younger Dryas deep freeze.
I believe it is possible that Gobekli Tepe may prove to be the work of the survivors of a great civilization lost during the Younger Dryas (interestingly the so-called “origins of agriculture” have been traced back by archaeologists to the vicinity of Gobekli Tepe and to the exact period in which Gobekli Tepe was created). But it is to Gunung Padang that I now look for a possibly even more stunning confirmation of my theory. Danny Natawidjaja’s geological survey has revealed not only deeply buried massive constructions and very ancient carbon dates at Gunung Padang but also the presence of three hidden chambers, so rectilinear in form that they are most unlikely to be natural. The largest of these lies at a depth of between 70 and 90 feet beneath the summit of the pyramid and measures approximately 18 feet high, 45 feet long and 30 feet wide. Could it be the fabled “Hall of Records” of Atlantis? If Dr Natawidjaja’s geological excavation is allowed to proceed, despite strenuous attempts by local archaeologists to prevent it, then we should know the answer to that question, one way or another, by the end of 2014.
Note: GRAHAM HANCOCK is working on a sequel to Fingerprints of the Gods, provisionally titled Magicians of the Gods, to be published in October 2015 by Coronet in the UK, by Saint Martin's Press in the US, by Kadokokawa Shoten in Japan and by Corbaccio in Italy. Graham Hancock’s website is A more fully illustrated version of this article, with multiple photographs, will be published on next week.
16-01-2014 om 11:14
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
I am writing to you to tell you about a strange development that has occurred to me throughout my life. I am a bit hesitant to write about this due to the fact that I don’t want to be looked at as crazy nor as a science experiment. I approach you knowing you and your site are honest and welcoming to the many strange things that happen in this big world of ours. The following may be some of the strangest accounts you have heard but they are sadly all true.
I honestly am not sure what is happening to me but the only rational thing I can think is that for some reason I have been continually exposed to having implants put into my body. When I was about 15 sudden I found that on my mid section I had a series of 8 bumps protruding from the skin right underneath, but following, my bottom of my rib cage (4 on each side). The bumps are perfectly spaced and it almost looks as if something was there to spread my ribs. I had showed my doctor them at one point and he just looked at me puzzled and said ,”Huh, I’ve never seen something like that before.” I am in my early 30′s now and the bumps are still there and the strange thing about them is that they will raise and lower during periods of high energy. My wife is fascinated by them and wants me to show them to who ever will listen but I am cautious.
If the bumps weren’t strange enough about 10 years ago I was roused from sleep suddenly at 5:30 am for no apparent reason but at the same time I felt completely refreshed (I am not a morning person). I carried on my day as usual but later I happened to look at my arms and noticed a strange development. If I held my hands palm up and closed my fingers my wrists moved as if there is pistons under the skin. Now I know some people have something “sort of” similar but no like this. It truly looks as if when I close my fingers the “piston” moves down a good 1″ up my arm and when I open the fingers it returns back.
About six years ago I ,again, awoke suddenly at 2:00 am and felt the need to go to the bathroom (which I am rarely ever awoken by need to relieve myself). I went to the bathroom and as I turned to leave and I blacked out and fell on the bathtub. It only took a moment to collect myself from the floor and I crawled back into bed. I am not one to go to the doctors office very often nor the ER but when I woke up I told my wife I needed my ribs checked out. At the hospital I had chest x-rays done to which I had cracked two of my ribs. In our hospital when they get x-rays back they put them up to examine them in the nurses station to which a patient can look out and see them. My wife and I kept hearing the doctors saying, “What is that?” and when I opened the curtain of my room I saw they were looking at my x-ray and on it about where my left pectoral muscle sets was the perfect image of a black box with wires coming from the top about 3″ long and 2″ wide. The doctors kept staring at it and discussing it but when they came to my room nothing was mentioned. I don’t have heart problems and the only surgery I have had is on my right knee (so it wasn’t a pace maker).
I know you must be reading this thinking this guy is just messing with me but I swear all of it is true but sadly my latest development is the most strangest thing to date. It was an event that I even had a hard time approaching my wife about for fear she would think I had lost it. So other than my wife you are the second one to hear this. Two days ago I was sitting on our couch just relaxing before supper the tv wasn’t on and it was kind of getting dark out. I happened to look over at the arm of the couch and suddenly in my left eye three lines of alien like symbols appeared scrolling in a Matrix fashion only in an almost illuminated blue light. The problem was it wasn’t something I was seeing it was literally IN my eye and it happened to me two more times that night. The symbols scrolled so fast I could only pick up 4 or 5 of them but it put me in mind of a computer doing diagnostics. After going to bed I was again awoken from my sleep feeling refreshed at 5:30. I am not sure if anything new has been added or if something has been removed.
I don’t use drugs, I quit drinking 8 years ago so I am clueless. I am beginning to feel like I am being transformed into a cyborg slowly. It’s mad and ludicrous but I am helpless and left without any answers. I fear going too public about it since I don’t want experimented on or worse (grabbed by a secret agency). I have no issues with publishing this as it may help others who are just as afraid as I am. I have enclosed pictures I have tried to draw via paint to try to show what I have going on.
We are in the seven-day passage, going through ISON’s debris trail. Now we have NASA actually warning Americans of an imminent, dangerous meteor strike! Remember, duck/drop and cover (flying glass), shelter-in-place!
Are we naive enough to think America can continue to slide on terrorism, threats from other nations, war, forced invasions, or to carry on without any repercussions for our indulgent lifestyles? Folks, extremely bad times are on the horizon, utter chaos can break at any time with the signs of the times flashing warning! warning! right in our faces. It is impossible to deny that we live in threatening times.
Hell is eternal and it certainly is not one big party.
There is only one way to avoid eternal damnation with its extreme suffering and that is through accepting God’s priceless, yet free to us, gift of salvation. For all mankind. That one way is achieved by believing and confessing the following:
Every person is a sinner, including you, so admit it to God Who loves you regardless. Ask for His forgiveness.
Be willing to turn from your sins, He will help you to do so if you ask and trust Him to.
Believe Jesus Christ the Messiah; God in human flesh, shed His majestic and replete Blood to cleanse you from your sins, died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
Invite the living, sacred Jesus Christ of Nazareth; God the Messiah (NOT the prophet!) into your life to be your personal Savior.
According to Dr. Gregory Little, a psychologist and UFO researcher /author, Steiger, [cited in] Blue Book Files Released in Canadian UFO Report, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1977, p. 20
"We are part of a symbiotic relationship with something which disguises itself as an extra-terrestrial invasion so as not to alarm us."
-Terrence McKenna [from a lecture] "One theory which can no longer be taken very seriously is that UFOs are solely interstellar spaceships."
- Arthur C. Clarke, New York Times Book Review, 07/27/75
"There seems to be no evidence yet that any of these craft or beings originate from outer space."
-Gordon Creighton, Official 1992 Flying Saucer Review Policy Statement:
"A large part of the available UFO literature is closely linked with mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals with subjects like mental telepathy, automatic writing and invisible entities as well as phenomena like poltergeist [ghost] manifestation and 'possession.'
Many of the UFO reports now being published in the popular press recount alleged incidents that are strikingly similar to demonic possession and psychic phenomena."
- Lynn E. Catoe, UFOs and Related Subjects: USGPO, 1969; prepared under AFOSR Project Order 67-0002 and 68-0003 "UFO behaviour is more akin to magic than to physics as we know it... the modern UFOnauts and the demons of past days are probably identical."
-Dr. Pierre Guerin, FSR Vol. 25, No. 1, p. 13-14 "The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon..."
-Trevor James, FSR Vol. 8, No. 1, p.10 "Studies of flying saucer cults repeatedly show that they are part of a larger occult social world."
-Stupple & McNeece, 1979 MUFON UFO Symposium Proceedings, p. 49:
"The 'medical examination' to which abductees are said to be subjected, often accompanied by sadistic sexual manipulation, is reminiscent of the medieval tales of encounters with demons. "
"It makes no sense in a sophisticated or technical framework: any intelligent being equipped with the scientific marvels that UFOs possess would be in a position to achieve any of these alleged scientific objectives in a shorter time and with fewer risks."
Director of CIA, Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter: "It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel." p. 58, quoted from New York Times, February 28, 1960, p. L30
"The symbolic display seen by the abductees is identical to the type of initiation ritual or astral voyage that is embedded in the [occult] traditions of every culture...the structure of abduction stories is identical to that of occult initiation rituals...the UFO beings of today belong to the same class of manifestation as the [occult] entities that were described in centuries past."
-Dr. Jacques Vallee citing the extensive research of Bertrand Meheust [ Science-Fiction et Soucoupes Volantes (Paris, 1978); Soucoupes Volantes et Folklore (Paris, 1985)], inConfrontations, p. 146, 159-161:
"[The occultist] is brought into intelligent communication with the spirits of the air, and can receive any knowledge which they possess, or any false impression they choose to impart...the demons seem permitted to do various wonders at their request."
"These entities are clever enough to make Streiber think they care about him. Yet his torment by them never ceases. "
"Whatever his relationship to the entities, and he increasingly concludes that their involvement with him is something 'good,' he also remains terrified of them and uncertain as to what they are."
The fear was so powerful that it seemed to make my personality completely evaporate...
What was left was a body and a state of raw fear so great that it swept about me like a thick, suffocating curtain, turning paralysis into a condition that seemed close to death...I died and a wild animal appeared in my place."
"Increasingly I felt as if I were entering a struggle that might even be more than life and death. UFOs have beings within who are supernatural.
It might be a struggle for my soul, my essence, or whatever part of me might have reference to the eternal.
There are worse things than death, I suspected... so far the word demon had never been spoken among the scientists and doctors who were working with me...
Alone at night I worried about the legendary cunning of demons ...At the very least I was going stark, raving mad."
"I felt an absolutely indescribable sense of menace. It was hell on earth to be there [in the presence of the entities], and yet I couldn't move, couldn't cry out, couldn't get away.
I'd lay as still as death, suffering inner agonies. Whatever was there seemed so monstrously ugly, so filthy and dark and sinister.
Of course they were demons. They had to be. And they were here and I couldn't get away."
"Why were my visitors so secretive, hiding themselves behind my consciousness.
I could only conclude that they were using me and did not want me to know why...What if they were dangerous?
Then I was terribly dangerous because I was playing a role in acclimatizing people to them."
"Like insect praying mantids and their higher mantid alien archetype who also cannot understand higher, elevated ideals like compassion, forgiveness, love and mercy, intrusive dark intentions to disrupt and control and possess come from both aliens who abduct, as well as from demons, and both move against us, without conscience."
Paul Schroeder
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL Paul saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.
Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence that he never suspected that he had, a nonphysical soul.
Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.
They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with human beings, as a sanctuary, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.
Souls are garnered, detoured from our natural spiritual evolution in Heaven.
These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to our energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.
La "main de Dieu" repérée dans l'espace par un télescope de la NASA
Le télescope spatial NuSTAR a permis à une équipe de la NASA d’observer un nuage de matière spatiale à la forme étonnante qui a poussé les scientifiques à la surnommer "main de Dieu".
Un nuage de points rouges, des filaments jaunâtres et une sorte de boule de lumière bleue... A première vue, cet ensemble ne rappelle pas grand chose, à moins d'utiliser son imagination. Et c'est précisément ce qu'ont fait les scientifiques de la NASA qui ont étudié cette structure et y ont tout simplement vu la "main de Dieu" ("hand of God") ! Ce nuage de matière a pu être observé grâce au télescope spatial NuSTAR (ou Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array) qui en a donné un aperçu inédit.
En effet, grâce à ce télescope, il est possible d'observer les rayons X de haute énergie qui n'avaient jamais pu être captés avant dans ce nuage. Sur l'image, ils apparaissent en bleu. Les autres couleurs, rouge et vert, proviennent de précédentes observations réalisées elles, par l'observatoire Chandra détectant des rayons X de plus faible énergie. Ce nuage de matière est situé à 17.000 années-lumière de la Terre et est ce qu'on appelle un plérion ou en anglais, "pulsar wind nebula", explique la NASA dans un communiqué.
Un nuage qui brille
Il est alimenté par le coeur dense d'une étoile qui a explosé en supernova. Ce dernier appelé PSR B1509-58 (ou B1509) serait l'un des pulsars les plus jeunes de notre Galaxie, avec un âge d'environ 1.500 ans. Il tourne sur lui-même à raison de sept fois par seconde dans la constellation du Compas. Et tout en tournoyant, il libère un vent de particules qui balaie la matière éjectée suite à l'explosion de l'étoile.
Les particules interagissent alors les champs magnétiques présents ce qui a pour effet de chauffer le nuage et de le rendre brillant, par l'intermédiaire de l'émission de rayons X.
"Le résultat est un nuage qui, dans les images précédentes, ressemble à une main ouverte", explique la NASA, justifiant le surnom choisi par les scientifiques. Le pulsar lui-même peut être aperçu dans l'image et est localisé près du point blanc brillant. Toutefois, la structure est loin d'avoir dévoilé tous ses mystères.
Une structure mystérieuse
Par exemple, les astronomes ignorent si les particules émises interagissent avec la matière de façon à former la main ou alors si la matière présente déjà une forme ressemblant à une main. Le nouvel aperçu fourni par le télescope NuSTAR permet d'apporter de nouvelles pièces au puzzle. L'image montre que la "main" parait un peu contractée, la faisant un peu plus ressembler à un poing.
Par ailleurs, la région située au nord, où se trouvent les doigts, est plus repliée que celle située au sud, suggérant que les deux sont physiquement différentes, indique la NASA. Le nuage rouge situé à l'extrémité des doigts, en tout cas, est lui une structure bel et bien différente nommée RCW 89. Les astronomes pensent que le vent libéré par le pulsar réchauffe le nuage, le poussant à émettre de la lumière sous forme de rayons X de plus faible énergie, apparaissant ainsi en rouge sur les observations du télescope Chandra.
UFO sighting over Mexico City on 12th January 2014
UFO sighting over Mexico City on 12th January 2014
New amazing video footage of a UFO recorded in the daytime sky above Mexico City on 12th January 2014.
Witness said: Object was video taped on Sunday January 12, 2014 in the southern part of Mexico City at 3:14 pm, using a GZ_MG630AU JVC Everio camcorder model. There are 3 different shots.
Mensen kunnen met hun geestkracht fysieke objecten buigen
Mensen kunnen met hun geestkracht fysieke objecten buigen
De Amerikaanse luchtmacht heeft diverse malen onderzoek laten doen naar teleportatie en aanverwante fenomenen.
Teleporteren is de rechtstreekse verplaatsing van objecten van de ene plaats naar de andere, zonder dat het object fysiek de ruimte tussen beide plaatsen hoeft te doorkruisen.
Op de website van de Federation of American Scientists (FAS) is bijvoorbeeld het Teleportation Physics Report (pdf) te vinden. Daarin zegt hoofdonderzoeker Eric Davis dat geestelijke teleportatie, waarbij je door middel van gedachten van de ene locatie naar de andere gaat, echt is en kan worden gestuurd.
In de studie passeren diverse experimenten de revue. Er wordt gesproken over kwantumteleportatie, een techniek waarbij de eigenschappen – niet de locatie – van subatomaire deeltjes op grote afstand worden veranderd.
Met behulp van wormgaten, of sterrenpoorten zoals Davis ze noemt, kan men daarnaast met behulp van de zwaartekrachtvelden in de buurt van zwarte gaten openingen creëren naar afgelegen gebieden in het heelal.
Het document gaat dieper in op experimenten die zijn gedaan met telekinese, of geestelijke teleportatie, waarbij wordt verwezen naar UFO-waarnemingen, Russische en Chinese studies naar paragnosten en onderzoeken uitgevoerd door het Amerikaanse leger naar het buigen van vorken en lepels. Indiviuen bleken in staat het bestek te buigen zonder daarbij fysieke kracht uit te oefenen.
In 1994 werden bovendien stukken vrijgegeven over een project dat was gericht op remote viewing of verzien. Het project, uitgevoerd door de inlichtingendiensten van het Amerikaanse leger, moest antwoord geven op de vraag of de geestkracht van de mens kon worden aangewend om de Sovjet-Unie te bespioneren.
Davis adivseerde de luchtmacht 7,5 miljoen dollar (5,5 miljoen euro) te investeren in experimenten met geestelijke teleportatie.
Pupils face alien invasion ( Can this story be true? Peter2011)
Pupils face alien invasion
AN Alien invasion puzzled pupils at Liden Primary School, who spent an entire week uncovering the truth behind UFO sightings and unsettling evidence of extraterrestrial goings-on in Swindon.
Children came into school last Monday morning to find classrooms cordoned off and two police officers investigating a bizarre scene.
At their morning assembly, pupils were informed that the caretaker had discovered mysterious metal debris that had crash landed in the courtyard.
They were later shown a video message from a scientist asking them to keep their eyes peeled.
Carefully planned by staff who fed pupils droplets of information each day, the mock alien invasion was the chance for children to take part in a variety of artistic and educational activities as well as honing in their investigative and problem-solving skills. The event also inspired pupils to produce some clever reports about their findings.
Tuesday brought more clues to the little detectives as they arrived at school to find slimy footprints had appeared in a classroom, along the corridor, on some doors, and leading outside.
The following day, a nest containing glowing eggs was spotted by a tree.
The caretaker, wearingprotective clothing, carried it into the hushed and dimly lit assembly hall for the children to see.
On Thursday the eggs and metal spaceship parts had vanished. Instead triangle shapes had appeared on the school field in what looked like a launch site. A message etched in strange letters left to the children said: “Goodbye Earthlings and thank you.”
Deputy headteacher Emma O’Neill said: “The children have been fully engaged. They have become confident risk-takers with their learning. Childhood is about using their imagination and having fun.
“This was a memorable experience the children won’t forget.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
More People Actually Believe in Aliens Than in God
More People Actually Believe in Aliens Than in God
According to results of a British poll, almost 60% of people believe that extraterrestrial lifeexists, while a survey carried out by the University of Chicago states that only 37% actually believes in God.
Speaking to, Nick Pope, the former head of the project for investigation of UFO sightings of the Ministry of Defense, said: “Around 60 % of people believe that we are not alone in the universe. This means that actually more people believe in aliens than in God.”
“Some people of course argue that the ufology is essentially a new religion, a religion of the 20th and 21st century.
It is one of the most profound questions we should ask. If we could get a clear answer, it would change our world forever. The discovery of extraterrestrial life would be in contrast with almost anything else in our history”. The latest research for extraterrestrial life also concluded that more than one in ten people claim to have seen UFO.
Pope said: “When I was worked for the Ministry of Defense, we investigated 2300 reports of UFO sightings each year. If 10% of the population has seen a UFO, this is shocking”.
From the events of 2012 in Nevada, when a group of BBC journalists were arrested in gunpoint at the entrance of Area 51, the interest in extraterrestrial life has intensified.
The poll shows that one in seven believes that at least one UFO is still being kept in the notorious military base. But Mr. Pope argues that if there is extraterrestrial life in Area 51 and it is known to the outside world, then the government would have enough time to transfer it to an unknown location.
“Area 51 certainly exists: it is a top secret military base. Some people believe that apparently there is extraterrestrial life form in there… If it really once was there, I suspect that it has long been moved to a place that we have never heard of.”
Often when alien abductions do occur, the abducting entity places a screen memory in place; a telepathically imposed vivid dream, or if one is attempting active resistance, a nightmare replaces the actual abduction scenario, before one's physical or astral face and masks any real recollection.
However, the imposed worst scenario dreams do reflect the inner nature of the creatures who are psychically 'in charge'.
Each night after writing essays, like this one, I have always received a slapping rebuke.
Last night was no different; after writing and posting this my night became emblazoned, again, with their unseen presences.
I was locked into vivid nightmares that I could not awaken from.
I wrote about my abductions and about alien entities and about an alien invasion quietly happening on this planet, that we call Earth and that very night it happened, again.
Imposed nightmares, given in retribution, are screen memories, to muddle the recollection of an abduction, as well as telepathic attacks by these alien entities, who are seeking an in-dwelling or attached status..
Therein is the true invasion; God only knows how long this has been going on with people, on Earth.
It is surely demonic in nature.
Young reptilians are affixed ethereally along the human spinal cord , feeding from joys and angst as parasites.
Imagine a cityscape with most people walking around with such alien parasites secured and feeding.
It adds a new meaning to the phrase, "Silent Invasion".”
Aliens, not unlike ghosts and demons, seek our layered psyches to hide within; when questioned, greys will oddly explain their desired partial possession of us as ,"sanctuary", as though they also seek respite from sinister reptilians.
Who can abductees turn to for help, in our nation?
The NATIONAL RECONNAISSANCE ORGANIZATION conducts surveillance, interdiction, confiscation of UFOs and extra-terrestrial occupants, surveilles experiencers, dispersed among Delta Force Special Operations USAF Blue Light at Hurlburt Field, Mary Esther, FL, Beale Air Force Base, Marysville, CA.
Our government is surely aware that the mean and controlling natures of
reptilian overlords are predatory, sinister and self-justifying, the three criteria of pure evil.
But they hope by cooperating, to later unfurl the knot of bondage.
I surmise that alien greys and reptilians use us as we use horses to ride upon, and certainly, as I have briefly seen one materialize, for three seconds or less in the shower stall while I was showering, young immature reptilians are installed for our predation.
Unlike the horse most humans are unaware of those reins and stirrups.
These reptilians, saurian entities, half man half lizard, intergalactic and inter dimensional, capable of cloaking their presence in a room, are negative thought beings of a demonic taint, and more prevalent than one would guess; they are overlords of many other subjugated alien races.
Reptilians speak in harsh deep croaks, are red eyed and look like upright monitor lizards.
Their telepathic prowess are quite astounding.
I recall psychic distress, forming a query to pose to them, only to have it quickly telepathically answered even before I could mentally formulate a bare few words within a long sentence.
Brilliantly sentient, crafty, devious and diabolical, reptilians will eventually grow wings and as adults stand upright, over eight feet tall .
Worse, these Moth men reptilians loathe us with a tangible, palpable rage.
When young immature reptilians ones are affixed ethereally along the human spinal cord, abductees suffer spinal diseases and ailments; they reside within our energies as lampreys and remora affix themselves to ocean denizens, as parasites.
Last night, again, after publishing my last entry, I was attacked; vivid nightmares, imposed worst scenarios broadcast into my mind, made me realize upon awakening, that my writings had surely irked them; any truths about them, represent light shone on them, light which they detest and work to extinguish.
Light shone onto darkness, diminishes darkness.
They work behind our curtains, but crave non detection.
They also perceive such revealing writings as resistance, which they despise, in any form.
Under the guise of technical testing, reptilian grey creatures interfere with our daily lives, behind our curtains, orchestrating problems and then answering our fervent prayers, and resolving them.
They create dithers and stresses, impose raw anxieties into abductee's lives to create the juices, the endocrine stress flavors that their nighttime palates crave, a unique relationship akin to vampires of the 3rd century myths, who as negative, bedroom, nighttime intruders, were deemed to crave bodily juices.
Oddly, not unlike these proverbial vampires, garlic does indeed deter them as an herbal repellent.
Psychic alien reptile vampires from techno space?
Although it all sounds like a very bad B movie, abductees are food, ethereally and physically, cows for their milking; through implants which act as energy drains and controls, these puppet masters can micro manipulate virtually all of our psychic and bodily functions.
They can turn up the urge for sexuality, drugs, meats, sweets and rage.
We are mere marionettes, to these ' puppet masters', who do blatantly consider humans their own very valuable property.
The parallel between abducting alien entities and demonic entities in tactics and motives, is quite striking.
Oddly, tall grey alien entities appear to be more vulnerable to demonic possession by dark force demonics, as are reptilians, than we humans are.
Like insect praying mantis on Earth, their highly technological alien archetypes, alien mantids and reptilians, donot understand higher, elevated ideals like compassion, forgiveness, love and mercy; they prevail against our psyches and life-scripts with intrusive dark intentions to disrupt and control and do so without conscience.
One obvious difference between unseen demons and possessing aliens, is in the alien facile use of astoundingly advanced technology.
Demons do not need craft technology to manifest and interact with our physical world, to jump onto our energies; aliens do, when they ride down on tractor light beams from overhead cloaked craft.
Are all aliens sinister, as demons are all sinister?
I can recall an ineffable moment aboard a craft when a brief psychic wave of intense affection and love was broadcast into my mind from a very tall grey who was seated at a table.
This wave of affection was broadcast into me after I had been subjected to a series of surreal imposed scenarios exams aboard a craft.
I often juxtapose that brief wave of 'affection' from that taller grey being, with the opposing psychic signature of imposed 'terror', generated by smaller very dark greys.
Small dark greys use broadcast 'terror' to control humans who might attempt to move about more independantly onboard craft.
When I encountered it and tried to resist that broadcast overpowering fear, it was like swimming against a powerful current; like a surfer I slalomed sideways through tsunami waves of alien generated terror, a broadcasted telepathy of panic.
Smaller darker greys generate, this disabling terror when they move to attempt to control abductees.
Are we as a race of beings lost and helpless against such myriad forces of evil?
Should we resign ourselves to deep despair? Is there any possibility of any personal or human species liberation?
After abductions, feeling tinges of despair, I am however convinced that struggling against alien evil ones who overpower us, who prey upon our consciousness, and who see us as mere 'containers' for their own embodiment and possession, force us to evolve more than we could have otherwise, growing more adept in moral, psychic and spiritual growth.
How then, to fight such alien enemies of our very consciousness, itself?
One must tangentially rebuke and sidestep them, vector affronts to them sideways, in small moral baby steps; I have learned that any reciprocal mean spirited direct attack against them, in kind, any frontal lunge, full in their face, brings horrid retributions.
The NEXT big step, knowing that they are within our energies, is to vector ALL inner negativity away; unsureness, hurt, fear, jealousy, spite, grudges, anger, all swatted away, like so many flies at one's inner psyche's mustache.
The next time that negativity assails you, rebuke it and substitute a positive thought, instead.
It is at that point, that it'll give you a clearer 'peek', at it, when openly and repeatedly chided and taunted, that it isn't welcome within oneself, at all...
We shall overthrow all yokes only with God's help.
We must try to keep singlemindedly to the narrow path of a higher moral higher ground to therapeutically instruct them of their gross wrongdoings.
This tactic will not give them an additional blatant reason to continue to destroy us.
We must not use comparable evil methods against them, methods that we condemn them for using against us.
Not unlike Gandhi's tenets, we shall endeavor in pure goodness and sheer moral ingenuity, to prevail against them, having first won God's assistance and Heaven's intervention.
After all, we are much closer to God than they are.
Director of CIA, Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter: "It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel." p. 58, quoted from New York Times, February 28, 1960, p. L30
Buitenaards contact als voorbode van alomvattende ascentie
Buitenaards contact als voorbode van alomvattende ascentie
Niet alleen de aarde, maar het hele universum ondergaat momenteel het proces van ascentie, waarbij het leven zoals we dat kennen drastisch zal veranderen.
Het fysieke universum ontwikkelt zich dusdanig dat lagere energie-frequenties uiteindelijk gaan verdwijnen.
Dat staat te lezen in het nieuwe boek From Contact to Ascension: Timely Information from members of the Intergalactic Board of Council. In het boek wordt onderscheid gemaakt tussen de hogere vijfde, zesde en zevende dimensies en de lagere eerste, tweede en derde dimensies. In de hogere dimensies overheerst eenheidsbewustzijn: het leven is onlosmakelijk verbonden en leeft in harmonie. De lagere dimensies worden gekenmerkt door de dualiteit en mensen worden geconfronteerd met waarden die gebaseerd zijn op goed/slecht.
Type IV
Mensen die ascentie ondergaan blijven in hun lichaam, dat op den duur in perfecte staat van gezondheid is en terugkeert naar de oorspronkelijke blauwdruk. Mensen die geascendeerd zijn zoals dat heet, leren te manifesteren met behulp van hun gedachten waardoor alle technologieën en fysieke structuren die we kennen veranderen. Dit doet denken aan hetgeen Arthur C. Clarke omschrijft in zijn boek Childhood’s End.
Het ascentieproces blijkt niet alleen voorbehouden te zijn aan intelligent leven. Ook planeten en sterren ondergaan dit proces. De schrijfster van het boek krijgt haar informatie naar eigen zeggen van wezens die op basis van het werk van de Russische astronoom Nikolaj Kardasjev (1964) kunnen worden geclassificeerd als type IV buitenaardsen, buitenaardsen die alle beschikbare energie in een supercluster van melkwegstelsels kunnen gebruiken.
De Australische onderzoeker dr. Michael Salla zegt dat geascendeerde wezens de aarde al duizenden jaren helpen in een poging het bewustzijn te verruimen. Het doel is steeds geweest om de mensheid klaar te stomen voor geavanceerde buitenaardse technologieën die in diverse tijdperken beschikbaar zijn gekomen.
De laatste tijd is er veel aandacht geweest voor de ontdekking van het Higgs-bosondeeltje. De Large Hadron Collider werd in eerste instantie gebouwd om het bestaan van het Higgsveld te bevestigen, het veld dat deeltjes afremt waardoor ze massa krijgen. Dat gebeurde op het moment dat het Higgs-bosondeeltje werd gevonden.
Wetenschappers hebben ontdekt dat het Higgsveld instabiel is. Als dit veld verandert, kan het fysieke universum imploderen. Volgens het boek zal deze zogeheten Big Crunch, de ineenstorting van het heelal als gevolg van de zwaartekracht, over miljarden eonen (de grootste eenheid voor tijd) plaatsvinden.
In From Contact to Ascension staan technologieën omschreven die zijn ontwikkeld om de verbinding tussen het brein en de ziel te verbreken. Met name mobiele telefoons bereiken dit doel omdat ze ervoor zorgen dat mensen makkelijker zijn te manipuleren.
In het boek lezen we verder dat buitenaardsen in de toekomst openlijk verschijnen en interacteren met de mensheid. Daarnaast is er aandacht voor de publieke bekendmaking van buitenaards contact, waarbij onderscheid wordt gemaakt tussen inspanningen van burgers om informatie naar buiten te brengen en de officiële bekendmaking door overheden.
Het Amerikaanse tijdschrift Combat Aircraft Monthly maakt melding van onbekende vliegende objecten die in het Iraanse luchtruim zijn waargenomen door piloten van F-14 Tomcat gevechtstoestellen.
De schrijver van het stuk gaat met name in op UFO-waarnemingen rond nucleaire installaties in het land.
In november 2004 probeerde een Iraanse F-14 Tomcat een lichtgevend object boven de kernreactor in Arak te onscheppen, toen plotseling zijn radarstraal werd verstoord. De piloot omschreef het object als bolvormig met een groene naverbrander. Het object accelereerde en ‘verdween als een meteoriet’.
In januari 2012 werd een F-14 ingezet om een onbekend object boven de kerncentrale in Bushehr te onderscheppen. Het toestel explodeerde enkele seconden nadat het was opgestegen.
Het is niet voor het eerst dat Iraanse gevechtstoestellen worden geconfronteerd met UFO’s. In 1976 wisten Iraanse F-4 Phantoms er niet in te slagen om lichtgevende objecten boven Teheran te onderscheppen. De instrumenten van de vliegtuigen werden door een onbekende kracht uitgeschakeld.
De objecten haalden naar verluidt Mach 10. Dat is 10 keer de snelheid van geluid. Voor zover bekend bestaat er geen vliegtuig dat zich gedraagt zoals de UFO’s in Iran. De X-43A Scramjet van NASA bereikte in 2004 een topsnelheid van 9,6 Mach, maar kan niet boven een doel blijven hangen.
In Nederland komt informatie over confrontaties tussen UFO’s en de luchtmacht maar heel mondjesmaat naar buiten. Zo werd in augustus 1977 een schotelvormig object waargenomen boven vliegbasis Soesterberg, waarna een F-4 Phantom van de Amerikaanse 32nd Tactical Fighter Squadron werd ingezet om de UFO te onderscheppen.
Het vliegtuig was uitgerust met complete wapenuitrusting, wat wijst op een scramble in plaats van een routinevlucht. De piloot voerde air combat manoeuvring (ACM) uit en crashte uiteindelijk met zijn F-4 in de Noordzee.
In 1979 werd op vliegbasis Soesterberg opnieuw een UFO waargenomen. Volgens de officiële lezing was het een luchtspiegeling, een verzinsel. Maar volgens verschillende Soesterbergers en specialisten ‘hebben buitenaardsen wel degelijk een bezoek gebracht aan de basis’.
We all know NASA is blatantly lying to the public about what is going on in the heavens. So we are left to seek the answers ourselves. Comet Siding Spring (C/2013 A1), the newest comet in our skies, is an Oort cloud comet discovered on January 3, 2013 by Robert H. McNaught atSiding Springs Observatory. In the video below BPEarthwatch dives into the likelihood of meteor storms arriving during the Feast of Trumpets and its effects on Mars and ultimately the possibility of Mars’ disastrous effect on Earth.
One Million UFOs are reported each year. [Dubious - MUFON receives less than 10,000].
5% are unexplained
These are the "Close Encounters"
Well, not really. "Close Encounters" are supposedly those cases where the UFO comes within a few hundred yards of the observer. The problem is, people are quite unable to accurately judge how far away a light in the sky is. The UFO literature is filled with reported "close encounters" with objects whose distance from the observer turns out to be measured in hundreds of miles, if not in millions.
The re-entry of the rocket booster Cosmos 2335, as depicted by Discovery Canada.
As you can deduce from the above promotional image, the series contains a large amount of re-enactment of supposedly unexplained UFO cases. We saw similar scenes in 2012 in the National Geographic's Chasing UFOs, which ultimately floundered because of the unintentional comedy of its "investigators" stumbling around in the dark with cameras and microphones seemingly hovering over every orifice, and ultimately finding nothing of significance. UFOs are not things that can be chased in real-time. But existing UFO claims can be endlessly re-enacted, and the reenactment can be sexed up to where even the original witnesses would not recognize it. Witnesses do not merely stand and look at a light in the sky. They fall to the ground and writhe while the light in the sky meancingly shines beams at them. As relief from the heavy drama, Close Encounters gives us talking heads who repeat every pro-UFO claim about the case, completely ignoring difficulties, inconsistencies, and - especially - rational explanations.
And what was the first UFO case of the first episode? Believe it or not, they chose the now-embarrassing 1996 "Yukon UFO" whose definitive explanation by Ted Molczan, Harro Zimmer, and James Oberg was published in this Blog nearly two years ago, on April 30, 2012. If you Google "Yukon UFO," that is the first page to come up. This Discovery Canada episode was filmed in March of 2013, so they can't say that they didn't know about the explanation. Before that explanation was published, space journalist and author James Oberg sent a courtesy note to Stanton Friedman, the "Flying Saucer Physicist." Oberg outlined the solution, and asked Friedman whether he wanted to reconsider his earlier strong endorsement of the case. Friedman's reply was clear and succinct: NO WAY JOSE.
Witness PEL2 drew the Yukon UFO passing below the Big Dipper
I won't repeat the details of the case here - you can read it in the linked Blog entry - but the supposed "close encounter UFO" reported by the observers matches up exactly with the flaming re-entry of the rocket booster that placed the Cosmos 2335 satellite into orbit earlier that day. There is no possible doubt that this identification is correct. Ted Molczan is widely considered to be the top civilian authority on satellite observations and orbits. He is a major contributor to the satellite observing group SEESAT, containing the most serious and exacting satellite observers in the world. Harro Zimmer, another satellite expert, re-computed and refined Molczan's orbital calculations, and reached exactly the same conclusion. One of the observers drew the "UFO" passing under the Big Dipper, from left to right. Molczan's software drew the path of the decaying rocket booster, as seen from that location. It was exactly the same! Case Closed.
Molczan's software-generated plot of the decay of the rocket booster for Cosmos 2335
Discovery's "talking heads" for that case were Martin Jasek of UFO-BC, the original investigator of the case, and Chris Rutkowski, a Canadian UFO researcher who has had (at least until now) a decent reputation for objectivity. Rutkowski was participating in a Facebook discussion of the case a few days before the episode aired. I entered the thread to ask, "Chris Rutkowski, I'm just wondering if you were totally unaware that the Yukon UFO case was solidly debunked almost two years ago?", and gave a link to my Blog entry. Rutkowski replied,
Robert: Of course. I am aware it was debunked, but not too solidly. I reviewed the analysis that it could have been a rocket re-entry, and I discussed it with the original investigator, Martin Jasek, who is also interviewed in the episode. We knew that some of the characteristics of the re-entry could have been be observable that night. One sticking point was the set of observations by the two cousins who observed the object simultaneously from two different angles, with one at an acute angle and the other directly underneath. Given the altitude of the re-entry and the small separation of the two witnesses' simultaneous observations, the two are not compatible. In fact, this is what I focussed on when I was interviewed for the episode. I recall that on camera Iexplained that there had been the suggested explanation as a rocket re-entry, but the cousins' testimonies were at odds with it. Whether that is reflected in the aired episode, I suppose we'll see... [it wasn't]
I replied,...we know for certain that the Russian rocket booster body was right where the witnesses said they saw their UFO. The drawing of the UFO passing under the Big Dipper, left to right, matches exactly the calculated path of the flaming booster. If a UFO was also present, then two bright objects should have been reported, not one. Knowing how unreliable eyewitness testimony often is, it makes much more sense to attribute discrepancies to witness fallibility, guided by preconceived ideas about what UFOs are like, than to assume that a "real UFO" miraculously appeared at the same time and place as the flaming rocket body.
James Oberg jumped in with, "Chris, I'm going to elaborate on Robert's point: to suggest as you did that 'some' of the witness reports could be attributed to the simo reentry apparition is to require the 'UFO doppelganger effect' -- a TRUE UFO chose the reentry event opportunity to fly along the same path at a much lower altitude and speed, while also perfectly blocking its witnesses from ALSO observing the ongoing satellite reentry. Gribble expressed this hypothesis in the MUFON Journal about a 1987 reentry which seems to have sparked a vivid CEIII event that he wanted to believe. To call this merely a ''stretch" is to reinvent Spandex. When you seriously study the range of witness misperceptions from other documented reentries -- as Molczan and I have done, see -- you find there is NO witness perception to the Yukon event that does not have precedents in reports from earlier reentries. Of course that does not PROVE that Yukon wasn't different from every earlier reentry witness testimony, but it diminishes the likelihood substantially. In an email discussion, Oberg notes,
We should also point out that Rutkowski's and Jasek's approach to testing the reliability of the eyewitness testimony starts with Step #1: "Assume the testimony is reliable." I can't make this kind of stuff up. As Ted has already pointed out in detail, for example, the 'triangulation' approach to proving the object was nearby relies on implicitly assuming the object was nearby and 'overhead' as described by a witness, despite numerous instances from the case studies I've prepared in which people [who see the apparition high in the sky and think it's nearby] reasonably extend to it the vague description "overhead". How many times does that have to be shown to be 'the rule' rather than 'the exception' for bright fireball swarms even at lower elevation angles below 30 degrees?
Oberg has prepared the following resources to illustrate other cases in which observers made these same kind of mistakes in describing satellite reentries:
The absurdity is compounded by the fact that Molczan is Canadian, and lives right in Toronto, where the episode was filmed. He remarked, "they could have had my input for the cost of cab fare." But of course Discovery Canada had no interest in that. Not a hint of questioning or doubt appears in the episode. Sensation and ratings are the only goal, and troubling facts are things to be ignored. This is Tabloid TV at its worst. The once-factual Discovery Channel has now joined the purveyors of entertainment masquerading as documentaries.
According to this information the Russians have known about alien civilizations for several decades, to many this comes as no surprise, there have been rumors floating around for many years. Well respected military and government scientist have been trying to speak out on this issue for sometime now. In the vast majority of cases the mainstream media either treats this like a non event, or they treat it like the information is coming from very unreliable sources. This information is a big step in disclosure process for mankind.
In Soviet times, the Ministry of Defense was working on a secret project aimed at creating a superhuman with paranormal abilities. Under this project, a group of scientists managed to get in touch with a foreign(read alien) civilization. The head of this top-secret project shared some details with reporters for the first time.
On a regular winter day in Moscow, in the comfort a room with a fireplace, journalists were given a real sensation. A senior retired official of the Ministry of Defense, lieutenant-general in reserve, PhD, a fellow of the Academy of Natural Sciences Alexey Savin said that in the late 1980′s a group of researchers from the Expert Management Unit of General Staff managed to make a contact with representatives of another civilization.
Interestingly, none of the journalists were particularly surprised but, rather, relieved with the “confession.
Vasily Yeremenko, a Major General of FIB in reserve, academician of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement, was the first to speak to the press. In Soviet times he served in the KGB and supervised the Air Force and development of aviation technology.
Among his assignments was collection of information by the Air Force of the facts of appearance of unidentified flying objects. According to Vasily Yeremenko, by that time there was an ample amount of such information.
We worry about the one race of space aliens doing salvage work, here, on Earth, and wonder what happened to all of the other elevated alien groups who initially donated their DNA to help create this preserve.
They know how to vibrate your astral self out of the human chop-meat, leaving the chop meat in bed, and a conscious astral self, transportable and intact in every nuance and decision making personality, to prey upon our conscious energies.
Can these beings affect our sun to foster natural selection, on Earth?
Some say the World will end in an alien bang; others say the Earth will die in an alien whisper.
The planet that we live on is dependently grateful for the living light of its only sun.
But this light that gives us life could soon turn against us.
A planetary magnetic pole shift, episodic, less stable, is in the works, already forming new magnetic realignments on this Earth. .
Rather than South becoming North in a flash, a total pole reversal of magnetic North and South which can happens every 3500- 5000 years can, scientists say, fully shift in as few as five years..
Pockets of migrating magnetic South areas and pockets of migrating magnetic North areas drift towards each other's pole with force field pockets of North and South schematically looking like huge jellyfish.
This unspoken and under announced shift poses an unseen and treacherous threat for our planet's life.
According to James Pover there is a widely known and well hidden scientific secret:
"contention that a brown dwarf star will decimate Earth. Orbiting in our solar system, its inbound passage every 3,600 years, causes Earth's magnetic field to fall, and sends civilizations back to the hunter/gatherer state.
In a binary system with our sun, the brown dwarf star is dark and impossible to see from a distance, yet as it draws closer, it will likely appear the same size as the sun, though as a big black circle in the sky, he continued.
The dwarf star will emit a lot of radiation, as well as gravitational pull that will cause massive earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, and climate extremes; as an example of the coming change was the sun rising two days early in Greenland this year.
The "powers that be" are aware of the coming dwarf star and have already made survival preparations including an underground facility at the Denver Airport.
They have also authorized the spraying of chemtrails which contain barium-- this absorbs and reduces the effects of radiation."
(from a social media communique)
With that hidden truth, shifts, now in progress, present a sudden and real danger that Earth will be exposed to solar flares; we may see the extinction of many animal and some plant life species on Earth, lost to slow radiation poisoning.
Unlike our nebulous plans for vectoring away an asteroid's arrival on Earth with space effort technologies, there is precious little that we can do to avert this cyclical impending planetary disaster, so the threats stay a secret.
Besides, we much too distracted and concerned with terrorism, global warming and financial conundrums to worry our heads about North and South or secret killer dwarf stars.
Evidence strongly points that
aliens seem to be, for the most part, perfunctory, in their stance of salvage activities on Earth, and in their abductions of people; this perfunctory salvage is most revealing and seems to support what they've been telling ordinary people for decades, people powerless to change the world from, what they are told by alien entities, is a certain, imminent wholesale destruction.
If the dwarf brown star doesn't outright kill us, the planet's magnetic shift may.
The Earth's magnetic field is the shield that protects this planet from our sun's deadly solar flares and from lethal space and supernovae radiations.
The colors of the auroras in the skies at poles ends are the visible interaction between these two forces.
As the Earth's magnetic field confronts the sun's flare radiations, the Earth protects us; our sky's dark night shades become luminescent colors in Auroras Borealis that ebb and wane in a gorgeous visual electrical magnetic display of that protection.
But the signs of polar shifting already in the works are now showing some clearer signs of the impending danger to us.
Most revealingly, and not coincidentally, Auroras Borealis flares can now often be seen in the night skies as far south as Alabama.
More signs of this potentially lethal planetary magnetic shift, have been evident in the migration confusion of some fish, some 'no shows' of certain migrating butterflies and other migrating creatures who use the Earth's magnetic fields to locate over great distances.
Animals who are extremely sensitive to solar energy like some species of frogs as well as many newts and salamanders have virtually and quietly vanished the world over.
Honey bees which pollinate every vegetable and fruit tree the world over, have also been crippled by their inability to hive-foodstuff geo-navigate and with their insect directional equipment suddenly askew, they experience hive desertions and colony deaths frequently prevail.
Einstein once said ;"Without bees, mankind would starve to death in four years."
This electrical-magnetic planetary shield's shift has allowed solar winds to intrude and caused a marked increase in skin cancers all over the world especially in the last few years.
Although the clear observable circular hole above the poles caused by ozone depletion by fluorocarbons is a dangerous hole, a magnetic flux from pole reversal would create a plethora and abundance of much larger holes in our planet's shield.
Unlike the gargantuan geologic time frames evident in Earth changes, a major magnetic shift of fully reversed polarities can likely occur in just a few y year's time. A Dwarf star, hidden by our sun, could well fry the planet of most life so why panic people if noting can be done?
Only a few - quietly ignored by the world press-scientists are raising an alarm and we, in America, like most of the world's nations who are distracted, pay the nightmarish scientific implications little heed and attention.
This, in progress and soon to greatly increase, planetary magnetic shift. may in itself oddly explain why UFO / alien encounters and abductions appear to be so perfunctory; rather than friendly galactic greetings, the feel of expedient salvage work prevails instead.
Is this why so many birds, whales, porpoises, bees and dolphins who geo-navigate using tiny ferrous particles in their heads are suffering unprecedented mass dislocations, turning up dead in record numbers?
It may well shed some light onto our government's preoccupation with incessant and feverish digging, building many very deep underground networks and bases. A dwarf brown star can scorch only a foot or two under and beneath the ground.
Only deeply dug underground facilities would totally afford protection from the sun's killing flare radiations.
The obvious scenarios depict that planetary magnetic shifts give large windows of full exposure to places on the Earth to deadly space and solar radiation.
Fifty X-rays of 500 roentgens dose equivalent per day would cause worldwide leukemias and cancers to exposed and almost certainly uninformed populaces, and result in DNA degradation preceding planetary decimation.
Although there seems to be as yet no definitive scientific archeological evidence that supports the well held theory that sudden mass extinctions are tied to Earth's planetary magnetic reversals, one must recall that mankind, 50,000 years ago lived more IN the Earth than ON the Earth.
The Earth's very oldest known written texts are in the Hindi language and date from about eight to nine thousand years ago.
The second oldest known writing dates back to almost 3,000 years ago and is the Gilgamesh.
Mankind, the race of men who lived 50,000 years ago, left behind no manmade ruins or written hints about their then designed structural architecture.
There appears not to have been above ground dwellings; most tribes and small hunting communities are believed to have burrowed into cliffs, communal caves and shallow caverns well sheltered from the sun's X-RAYs which surely blazed minutes, and then much later hours of lethal radiation, with regular frequency during that magnetic readjustment of Earth's poles.
We, today's humans, in comparison, are more apt to suffer exquisitely.
When predicted severe solar flares reach the Earth, no longer vectored off by our magnetic shield, all in- flight and all on -the- ground electronic equipment will surely fail.
A global failure in all cell phones, computers, satellites, radios and televisions will isolate us from each other.
If we as a race of beings were ever forced to desert and leave Earth, only Eskimo Innuit tribesmen would be able to carry mankind's genetics into space to perpetuate mankind, as only they have the cultural tools to eke a bare survival from maximum inhospitable environs; PHDs would perish within a week.
Worse than cellphone and computer isolation, power grids already fragile will fail for months. and without power, and without water (the pumps are electrically operated) for many months, civilization as we know it. will collapse.
Instead of mankinds' life on the Earth ending with the proverbial " bang", this magnetic flux and dwarf brown star event could, with a suitable stretch of imagination, be a silent killer that could do mankind in, with mere whispers.
A review of the Pysical Evidence, history, the methods, the technology, and the scientific pioneers ...
A review of the Pysical Evidence, history, the methods, the technology, and the scientific pioneers in the search for extraterrestrial life.
Alien implants is a term used in Ufology to describe a physical object placed in someone's body after they have been abducted by aliens. Claimed capabilities of the implants range from telepresence to mind control to biotelemetry (the latter akin to humans tagging wild animals for study). As with UFO subjects in general, the idea of "alien implants" has seen very little attention from mainstream scientists.
According to Peter Rogerson writing in Magonia magazine, the concept of alien implants can be traced to a March 1957 Long John Nebel radio show interview with UFOlogist John Robinson where Robinson recounted a neighbor's claim of being kidnapped by aliens in 1938 and kept subdued by "small earphones" placed behind his ears.
Massachusetts resident Betty Andreasson claimed that aliens had implanted a device in her nose during her supposed alien abduction in 1967, first publicized by Raymond Fowler in his book, The Andreasson Affair. A Canadian woman named Dorothy Wallis claimed a similar experience in 1983. In later years, the claims of authors like Whitley Streiber would popularize alien abduction ideas in general, including reports of unusual "implants" associated with abductions. Dr. John E. Mack wrote in his book Abduction: Human Encounters With Aliens that he examined a "1/2- to 3/4-inch thin, wiry object" given to him by a twenty-four-year-old woman client who claimed it came out of her nose following an abduction experience. California podiatrist Roger Leir also claims to have removed alien implants from patients.
Roger K. Leir is a podiatrist and ufologist best known as an investigator of alien implants. Leir has appeared on TV and talk radio programs devoted to ufology.
Leir says he's removed about a dozen implants from people's bodies and claims they are devices that "emit radio signals." Leir alleges that implants have moved by themselves during surgery as if to avoid removal. Leir says that laboratory testing of the implants imply they are of extraterrestrial origin.
15-01-2014 om 19:27
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
He calls himself “Mr. UFO,” and chances are you have one or more of his books in your library. He’s written about 50 works on UFOs, the paranormal and a tome or two on celebrities like John Lennon. In addition, as a publisher of some renown, he has made available a total of approximately 250 titles by other authors, such as T. Lobsang Rampa, Brad Steiger, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and, of course, yours truly, Sean Casteel. They are all available
Timothy Green Beckley, president of Inner Light – Global Communications, has recently released an updated version of “Strange Saga,” an eclectic collection of his earliest writings that spans a period beginning in the 1960s and running through until the 1980s. Beckley has also included a smattering of the newspaper articles written about him during that same period, mostly in small town local papers that covered his radio and television appearances as he traveled the country spreading his views on UFOs and the Ultra-Terrestrial presence, as he prefers to identify the energies behind the UFO puzzle. An energetic researcher, Beckley often spent weeks “On The Trail Of The Flying Saucers,” which just so happened to be the title of his regular column in a popular newsstand magazine, “Flying Saucers From Other Worlds,” published by one of his mentors, the late Raymond A. Palmer. (Palmer is often credited as having created the flying saucer craze in the late 1940s. He was one of the original editors of “FATE Magazine” and a friend of the original flying saucer observer Kenneth Arnold.) Truth is, Beckley was pounding the pavement in the era before Budd Hopkins and Whitley Strieber arrived upon the scene to take away some of his thunder. Beckley was even invited by his friend the Earl of Clancarty, Brinsley Le Poer Trench, to speak before a closed session of the House of Lords on the emerging global UFO phenomena.
The obvious temptation is to call this sort of “shameless self-promotion” extreme vanity, even hubris, but that would be to overlook how interesting, even more, how exquisitely assembled the overall package is. We are given an excellent time capsule, a look back that is admittedly nostalgic and sentimental at times, but which also functions as an historical primer in what the UFO culture was really like back then. Interestingly enough, Beckley sees himself as being highly objective in this field, thus overcoming all the bias that would shape his and others’ views. He managed to befriend the early contactees despite the fact that he was never a full-fledged cheerleader of their often farfetched claims, while at the same time remaining on fairly even terms with the more serious students of the subject. This despite his often awkward friendships with controversial figures like Jim Moseley and Gray Barker, who were often up to no good shenanigans in creating fraudulent scenarios in the guise of disinformation and having a bit of fun at the expense of others.
Beckley is in his mid-60s and has suffered health problems recently, which are discussed in the new edition’s preface. He writes of how staring down death as he awaited heart surgery made him realize his own mortal impermanence, but also reinforced for him how the UFO phenomenon existed long before he arrived on Earth, and would live on long after his demise, likely forever. He then pays tribute to his fallen comrades, men like Ray Palmer, Richard Shaver, Donald Keyhoe and Jim Moseley. Like him, they never learned the full truth, but also like him, they went on searching to the end.
The next section of the book is an introduction I wrote for the first edition of “Strange Saga,” which is an only partially successful attempt to tell Beckley’s complex life story in a mere eleven pages. A great many of you reading this article may have already heard of Beckley, but it is doubtful that most of you know much about his personal history and what he often calls the “long, strange trip” that has been his earthly existence.
Beckley began to publish material on UFOs at age fourteen, using a mimeograph machine he purchased with money he had made doing odd jobs. His interest in the subject began a few years earlier, when he was ten, and saw two UFOs rotating in the sky over his home in New Jersey. The fact that other neighbors had seen the UFO as well but that the local media completely ignored the sighting made him determined to bring the truth of the phenomenon to an unsuspecting world.
Famous names in paranormal journalism like Ray Palmer and Gray Barker were sufficiently impressed with Beckley’s early efforts to give him a leg up by publishing his writing. The bulk of the columns Beckley wrote for Palmer’s publications are included in “Strange Saga,” such as Beckley’s account of attending the Third Annual Congress of Scientific UFOlogists conference in Cleveland in 1966. The amiable camaraderie Beckley describes as he greets old friends like Allen Greenfield and others who shared his passion for the subject is a joy to read about and restores one’s faith in the notion of our belonging to a UFO “community,” and not simply an aggregation of competing, ambitious researchers and writers trying to exploit flying saucers to make a fast buck.
The fact that the UFO subject was also an impoverished element of pop culture was not lost on Beckley, and he often brought a kind of rock-n-roll chic to these public events that is evidenced in his writing as well, making the connections between UFOs and rock music not only more apparent but very entertaining. In the 1970s, he promoted concerts and dances in his adopted New York City and made the acquaintance of rock superstars interested in UFOs, such as David Bowie and John Lennon.
Before going on to discuss Beckley’s early writing in more detail, I’d like to talk about some of the reporting about Beckley from those aforementioned local newspaper articles. For example, in an article in the “Sunday News,” a newspaper that billed itself as “New York’s Picture Newspaper,” (the “Daily News” at this time had a circulation of over three million copies a day) dated Sunday, August 31, 1969, writer Alex Michelini asks Beckley about his feelings on the Apollo 11 moon landing, which had taken place the previous month.
“Now that man has stepped foot on the moon,” Michelini begins, “and found no signs of life, can we safely write off all those tales about flying saucers as pure bunk? ‘Not so fast,’ says Timothy Green Beckley. He’s one of the nation’s leading authorities on Unidentified Flying Objects and he insists it’s too early to discount the existence of life on the moon.”
The writer then quotes Tim as saying, “I don’t really know how we could expect to find any signs of life when such a small portion of the surface of the moon was explored. In fact, there is ample evidence to indicate that the lunar surface is being used as a base by alien beings.” It should be noted that theories such as Lunar and even Martians bases are pretty common among even the “straight” UFOlogists in this supposedly more enlightened era.
Tim continues by telling Michelini that he has spoken to several contactees who say they have been warned that – if earthlings attempt to colonize the moon – there will be serious repercussions on Earth, like earthquakes, fires and power failures. The space beings’ primary intent is to keep earthlings from using the moon for military purposes, and more specifically to prevent our misuse of nuclear weapons in space.
Again, it is important to remember that these comments were being made in 1969, but using the moon for military purposes is still being discussed today, and the race to exploit the moon for numerous reasons continues to be a reality.
A couple of the articles Beckley reprints refer to him as “moon-faced.” A newspaper in Tacoma, Washington, says, “Timothy Beckley is a good-natured, moon-faced man who has written half a dozen books about UFOs,” while a paper in Norfolk, Virginia, says, “A moon-faced man wearing rose-tinted sunglasses and purple tennis sneakers, [Beckley] considers himself the country’s expert on UFOs, space creatures, flying saucers and unexplained things that blink, bump or thump in the night.” I don’t know why exactly, but it struck me as sort of amusing that even the shape of Beckley’s face has a loose outer space connection, as though it were a kind of alien-imposed karma. Like most people in the world, he hasn’t been getting by on his good looks, which of course has no relation to his 50-year body of work, but he continues to employ his characteristic tongue-in-cheek approach to the subject and those associated with it as perceived by the media. The publishing of this sort of “On the Road” collection of newspaper and magazine clips makes him sound like the Jack Kerouac of UFOlogy, which Beckley says he has no problem with because it portrays him as a somewhat sexy, hipster figure in an otherwise straight-laced field of endeavor.
At this point it is perhaps essential to point out that the title “Strange Saga” has a special meaning and plays a part in the roots of Beckley’s journalistic career.
In addition to being a freelance stringer for several sensationalistic national tabloids, such as the Enquirer, the Tattler and the Star (now a glossy celebrity weekly sold at most supermarket checkout counters), Beckley also penned articles for many of the multimillion-selling men’s magazines, including the monthly “Saga Magazine,” which published a combination of adventure and UFO articles as well as a heavy dose of girly cheesecake photos Seeing that the UFO topic was garnering them a new stable of readers they would not have attracted otherwise – and doubling their circulation – the owners of “Saga” decided to publish a spin-off pulp magazine called “UFO Report,” which paid its writers enough to attract a formidable stable of authors like John Keel, Otto Binder and, of course, Tim Beckley. The magazine is generally credited as having published some of the best-researched pieces on the subject of UFOs up until it went out of business in the 1980s. Since Beckley feels the articles he wrote for “Saga’s” brainchild are among his best ever, he decided to pay homage to the publication’s title and incorporate it in the title of the collection we are discussing. Truth be told, some of that work was, in its time, truly groundbreaking and fascinating and it holds up decades later, as you will see when you peruse such contributions from the best of the “Saga” and “UFO Report” articles as:
• Apollo 12’s Mysterious Encounter.
• Calvert, Texas: Flying Saucer Way Station.
• Invasion of the Space Giants.
• Warminster UK – The Town Haunted By Flying Saucers.
• Carl Higdon, Kidnapped By Aliens – The Most Credible UFO Abduction Of All Time!
• UFO Base Just 40 Miles From The White House.
• UFOs Along California Fault Lines.
In what I consider to be one of the most groundbreaking pieces in the book, Beckley writes about alien mind manipulation. The article is titled “The New UFO Terror Tactic.” Beckley begins by telling the story of Paul Clark (a pseudonym), who had a UFO encounter as a teenager. In the aftermath, Clark began to gradually fall apart, developing symptoms of mental illness that cost him his wife and his job, and made relationships with his family and coworkers extremely strained and eventually impossible to maintain at all.
Clark described a later encounter that took place when he was still married. He and his wife were returning from visiting relatives in a nearby town at around 1:30 A.M. A UFO resembling a large, yellowish ball of fire appeared on the road ahead of them, and Clark slammed on the brakes to avoid colliding with it. He felt irresistibly directed to get out of the car and walk toward the UFO, leaving his pleading and frightened wife in the vehicle.
When he returned, his wife said he looked as though he had been transformed into a monster, his features having changed into something grotesque, like special effects makeup had been used on him. She said she wanted to drive him to a hospital, but he shoved her aside and got into the driver’s seat. He grabbed the steering wheel in a rage and it bent out of shape, as though it was “made of putty.”
Part II of this article continues tomorrow Tuesday, January 14, 2014!
“Within a minute of this remarkable feat,” Beckley writes, “one that would require extraordinary strength, Paul slumped against the dashboard, with his eyes shut and his forehead dripping perspiration.”
It doesn’t get much more harrowing. But to Clark, it was all a dream. He told Beckley in the interview that he didn’t remember anything after being directed to approach the UFO. He would have said that his wife had made up the whole story but for the fact of the twisted steering wheel.
Along with the strange psychological changes Clark suffered after the first sighting as a teenager, he suddenly developed an intense interest in physics and engineering. He had been only an average student in high school, but inexplicably he found himself voraciously reading difficult scientific texts. According to Beckley, Clark finally managed to stabilize his life somewhat and was on the threshold of earning a degree in electrical engineering when last Beckley spoke with him. Clark still believed he was acted upon by an alien force but had slowly learned to cope with what happened to him.
This sort of psychological and emotional transformation is common with abductees, who typically overcome the initial trauma and begin to achieve an understanding that allows them to function more normally again. Researchers like the late Budd Hopkins said it remains to be seen whether this change is something intended by the alien abductors or is simply a matter of human resiliency asserting itself.
In that same article, Beckley relates a story told by well known writer and researcher Brad Steiger about a young couple called Sam and Mary. The two had been doing their own research, trying to track down and verify sightings of humanoid creatures in their home state, which is not named in Beckley’s article. It was the couple’s practice to notify Steiger of their findings.
“One evening,” Beckley writes, “after returning home from an interview with the witnesses of a humanoid sighting, Mary began feeling strange. A terrific headache sent her off to bed early. Once asleep, she was visited in her dreams by ‘grotesque entities’ who told her that they wanted her and that she must leave her husband. They threatened violence if she did not obey.”
In subsequent dreams, she saw “grim, dark-complexioned men beat Sam to death.” Beckley points out here that this is an often-demonstrated capability of the space entities. They are able to enter and manipulate the dreams of earthlings, and to maintain their hold. But the torment didn’t end there. One night, as she languished in one of these bizarre nightmares, her phone rang. She answered it, and heard a cold, mechanical voice ask, “Are you ready to come over to our side?”
According to Steiger, Mary was later visited by a man who flashed impressive-looking credentials, claiming to be from the phone company and pretending to be concerned about her “problems.” When Sam tried to verify the man’s story with the phone company, he was told the man didn’t work for them in any capacity. Immediately afterward, Mary began falling into deep, coma-like trances that she was powerless to control.
The couple called Steiger and asked for his help. He told them, “The important thing is not to play their game. In many ways, their affect is like an echo. Cry out in fear and they’ll give you good reason to fear them.” Sam and Mary took Steiger’s advice, and were greatly relieved to find that the phenomena came to an abrupt end.
The entities making war on the couple were obviously demonic, or at least evil, and hopefully do not represent the whole of the alien presence. Abductee Betty Andreasson Luca, a lifelong Christian who has said she has encountered benevolent, angelic aliens, once told me that she believes mankind is the battlefield on which a cosmic war is being fought, and the demonic side is constantly battling to destroy as many earthlings as possible. This may be what was meant when the voice on the phone asked Mary if she were willing to “come over” to their “side.” Perhaps the nightmares in which grotesque entities threatened her and her husband with violence were intended to bully her into surrender and a life spent in service to something cruel and inhuman.
Yet another interesting story is told in Beckley’s article. He interviewed a Dane given the pseudonym “Hans Lauritzen,” who encountered two disc-shaped craft in December of 1967. Hans also had some emotionally trying experiences, which Beckley relates in some detail. But there were positive aspects as well. The chronic hepatitis Hans had suffered with for years suddenly cleared up, and the medical experts who confirmed the cure could find no explanation. Hans also reported periods of extreme depression and mental suffering, as well as feeling that he no longer had any free will and was compelled to conform to the opinions of others like a robot. Along the way, he experienced strange but very pleasurable sensations as well.
When Beckley asked Hans to sum it all up for him, Hans answered, “It has been the most wonderful and pleasurable experience of my entire life. On the other hand, it has also been the most painful, horrible thing that has ever happened to me. Before, I had a bad liver. Now, I am strong and healthy again. I am most thankful to the UFOs for having cured my otherwise chronic hepatitis, without which I would never have been able to resume my work and other normal activities.”
Beckley has here dug up some fascinating case histories that are found nowhere else. His face-to-face interviews with Paul Clark and Hans Lauritzen deserve wider exposure than they received when first published in “UFO Report,” and hopefully the fact that the article is now reprinted in “Strange Saga” will help to bring that about.
But what has been described in this article is only the briefest sampling of what “Strange Saga” actually contains. Beckley has also written an in-depth story on a sightings wave that took place in Calvert, Texas, in the 1970s. He interviewed the local newspaper editor, who was a firm believer in the reality of UFOs as alien spacecraft, as well as local lawman Steve Abraham, who says a UFO followed him down a lonely back road and is pictured holding a drawing he made of the ship. A slew of other locals are interviewed as well, and a brilliantly drawn portrait of a town under siege emerges that rivals any major Hollywood production on the subject you could name. Associated with this little known flap – which in at least some respects can be compared to the more recent 2008 sightings in Stephenville, Texas – are a series of phantom radio broadcasts picked up by residents, signals which are attributed to aliens occupying the UFOs hovering in the vicinity of Calvert.
In addition to covering other aspects of the phenomenon, Beckley also interviewed the late Dr. J. Allen Hynek, perhaps the most reputable name in UFOlogy in the 1970s. But of course the collection of impressive feats of UFO journalism that fills “Strange Saga” is easier to take in and absorb if one actually reads the book and immerses oneself in Beckley’s reportage from a bygone era that still resonates with believers today. While much of the book was written well over 40 years ago, we still grapple with the same issues, still ponder the same mysteries, and still long for answers to the same questions.
One of the old local newspaper articles reprinted in the book dismisses Beckley as a “young huckster.” But without Timothy Green Beckley, also known as “Mr. UFO,” and his lifelong hunt for the truth about UFOs and aliens, other unknown creatures, and the truth about government cover-ups, as listed in the subtitle of “Strange Saga,” our own search for the truth would not be nearly as fun.
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UFO sighting over Grove City, Ohio on 6th July 2013
UFO sighting over Grove City, Ohio on 6th July 2013
Video footage of a strange UFO sighting recorded in the night sky above Grove City, Ohio on 6th July 2013.
Witness said: There was a spate of UFO sightings right across the U.S from the 2nd July onwards! This sighting is possibly the same as witnessed by hundred’s if not thousands! Recently there was reports relating to lights hovering and blinking on and off throughout the U.S.
UFO Case Review Betty and Barney Hill Abduction, 1961
UFO Case Review – Betty and Barney Hill Abduction, 1961
On the drive back home to Portsmouth, New Hampshire after a trip to Montreal Québec, Betty and Barney Hill caught sight of a UFO. The object followed them down the highway for some before swooping in over top of their car, producing some strange noises, and suddenly disappearing. But when the Hills reflected on the sequence of events that night, they realized that more had happened than they’d remembered. After undergoing hypnotherapy, the couple recovered memories of being taken aboard an extraterrestrial spaceship and subjected to intrusive medical examinations. This was the first widely publicized UFO case in modern history to involve so-called “missing time,” and it brought the subject of alien abduction to a world audience.
UFO acitvity over Melbourne, Australia in beginning of January 2014
UFO acitvity over Melbourne, Australia in beginning of January 2014
UFO sightings2014 – New interesting video footage of a strange UFO activity recorded in the night sky above Melbourne, Australia in beginning of January 2014.
Witness said: Satellites don’t turn. There is no aircraft strobes. Consistent track indicates ‘object’ orbiting over Melbourne.
PBS Space Documentary Origins: Where Are The Aliens
PBS Space Documentary – Origins: Where Are The Aliens
“Origins: Where are the Aliens?,” Tyson explores such provocative questions as: would “ETs” resemble us or the creatures of science fiction? Are there “aliens” already amongst us on Planet Earth’s brainy creatures whose intelligence is very different from our own? And are planets on which life can flourish rare or common in our universe?
Mentioned in not only a Nova documentary on PBS TV in the 1980’s but a book written by the first Director of Project Blue Book Captain Edward Ruppelt, “The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects ” released in 1956 is an obscure incident witnessed in the undisclosed air space over the US in 1948. By then many major UFO sightings rocked the world such as the Roswell Crash and the Kenneth Arnold Sighting with many more to come, yet this particular sighting stands out as a peculiar if not important reference to a technology that we are only now beginning to understand and implement, and that is stealth technology. Is it no wonder that our extraterrestrial counterparts operating here on planet earth would have already showcased their capabilities a long time ago?
Who was there?
It happened in most routine fashion actually as a patrolling interceptor pilot in his P-51 Mustang observed something unusual as he flew at altitude and maintained aerial surveillance under his orders. What he observed may have seemed somewhat mundane, yet the implications of his debriefing as well as the photographic evidence he took would later have greater implications for those studying this mysterious phenomena in years to come.
High altitude phantom
At 30,000 feet and climbing while traveling at an estimated 400 mph was a contrail that was observed by the pilot as he began his pursuit of the unknown intruder. Were the performance characteristics that fantastic for the time? No, many US and world fighter aircraft were capable of this speed and altitude. As a matter of fact, our B-17 bombers routinely flew over Germany in World War II and bombed their targets from 30,000 feet. This was not even their maximum service ceiling, but in order to accurately hit their targets using the Norden bombsite and make anti-aircraft artillery less deadly, this altitude was used most often. So for an F-51 interceptor pilot on routine patrol to engage a contrail at 30,000 feet was not such a fantastic occurrence, but there was something very strange happening that defied explanation.
What was he observing?
As the pilot pulled back on his throttle and adjusted his control surfaces for a steep and fast climb he was intrigued by what he saw. There was no aircraft at the head of the contrail! The US aviator was well within visual distance but was unable to determine what if anything was making the exhaust trail that spread out into the cold thin atmosphere before him as he pursued his unknown aerial opponent. Radioing his observation to his superiors, the pilot maintained his course and heading as he attempted to identify the “Bogey”.
It is not known whether military radar picked up the unknown airborne craft, but the pilot was firmly fixated on his target. There was only one problem as the aerial mystery continued to climb it was outdistancing its pursuer’s capability. At 41,900 feet maximum service ceiling the pilot was going to be outmatched very quickly as his prey ascended to a higher altitude. The very fascination known to pilots as target fixation when a combat aviator is intent upon shooting down his aerial foe was responsible for the tragic death of Captain Thomas Mantell in his ill-fated chase of a UFO over Godman Air Field in Kentucky in that same year of 1948. Flying in his unpressurized cockpit and exceeding his recommended maximum altitude of 20,000 feet, many thought it was anoxia that was responsible for Mantell’s fatal crash, yet this would not be the outcome of this particular engagement.
An invisible foe
As the mysterious contrail with a seeming nonexistent craft outdistanced the American aviator pursuing this anomaly he pulled back on his controls to expose several feet of gun camera footage in order to record and verify what he was chasing through the icy thin upper atmosphere. He photographed the exhaust trail which apparently had no flying machine generating the exhaust vapor that was leaving a telling trail. It would not be until later photo analysis that the true nature of what the pilot had encountered was addressed.
New technology might as well be magic
In 1948 there was no concept of stealth except from the early attempts by the Horton Brothers who produced flying wings for the German Luftwaffe with streamlined features that could have reduced their radar signatures, but this invisible craft at the head of its contrail as it out climbed its F-51 Mustang pilot was here to fore unknown at the time. It would not be until years later that the full implications of such a sighting could be ascertained. In 1948 stealth originating from another civilization operating in earth’s atmosphere may very well have been observed and documented for the first time although the full dynamics of this discovery could not have been fully realized at the moment in time as US Air Force photo analysts puzzled over their frames of combat film footage and wondered just what it was they were looking at.
A telltale sign with few answers
What is now a viable technical advancement was in 1948 a mystery that remained to be solved. Just as the Roswell crash and its artifacts were being analyzed by specialists who wondered how such exotictechnology could ever be incorporated into human devices, the phantom contrail appeared to be an unsolvable puzzle. Now we know that even if an exotictechnology could cloak an aircraft in the sky still its propulsion system would leave a trail in the icy upper atmosphere as the fuel particles crystalized from the cold temperatures at such heights, that is if it were using a jet turbine, ram jet, rocket motor, or scram jet engine. If the object had been utilizing an electromagnetic form of power, there would have been no telltale contrail.
Once again a superior technology exhibited by those from an unknown realm haunts our perception of ourselves and history and compels us to rethink our assumptions. Surely this little know aerial encounter attests to much more than it seemed at the time and we are amazed at the era in which this incident revealed itself to us. Until next time when the unknown eclipses our comfortable reality and beckons us to realizations we had not suspected before.
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Le Chevalier Noir, un Satellite Alien Vieux de 13 000 Ans ?
Le Chevalier Noir, un Satellite Alien Vieux de 13 000 Ans ?
Épave spatiale ou « Satellite » Extraterrestre, le « Chevalier Noir » tel qu’il est appelé aujourd’hui – a maintenant trainé dans le coin depuis quelques temps. Cette découverte est probablement la plus célèbre des objets spatiaux qui orbitent notre Planète. Ce « Satellite Artificiel » a provoqué un intérêt majeur des médias à partir de la deuxième moitié des années 1950, et est devenu l’un des objets de l’espace les plus discutés. D’abord considéré comme un satellite d’espionnage Russe, le Chevalier Noir a saisi l’intérêt de millions de personnes à travers le monde.
Selon les agences de surveillance à travers le monde, le Chevalier Noir transmet des signaux radio depuis plus de 50 ans.
Les Etats-Unis et l’Union Soviétique ont démontré un intérêt particulier pour cet « objet spatial non-identifié ». Depuis sa découverte, ce satellite a intéressé des pays comme la Suède et les passionnés de par le monde. L’un d’entre eux est un opérateur radio qui apparemment a décodé une série de signaux reçus du satellite OVNI et les a interprété en tant que plan stellaire concentré sur le système solaire d’Epsilon Bootis, et que le Chevalier Noir est venu de ce système il y a 13 000 ans. (Wikipedia – Epsilon Bootis est une étoile de la constellation du Bouvier. Elle porte également les noms traditionnels Izar ou Pulcherrima.)
Mais selon plein de gens, cette découverte a été faites plus tôt que nous le pensons.
Les rumeurs disent que c’était Nicolas Tesla qui a été le premier à avoir « intercepté » un signal de ce satellite d’un autre monde en 1899 après la construction d’un dispositif radio à haute tension dans le Colorado. Après la découverte de Tesla, 30 à 50 ans plus tard le signal a été intercepté plus fréquemment jusqu’à ce qu’il ne soit apparemment « décodé ». A partir des années 1930 les astronomes du monde entier ont rapporté d’étranges signaux radios qui prétendument proviennent du « Chevalier Noir ».
En 1957, le Dr. Luis Corralos du Ministère des Communications du Venezuela l’a photographié alors qu’il prenait des photos de Spoutnik II alors qu’il passait au dessus de Caracas. L’étrange objet n’était en rien similaire au premier ou deuxième Spoutnik, Le Satellite du Chevalier Noir orbitait la Terre d’Est en Ouest. Spoutnik I et II orbitaient d’Ouest en Est en utilisant la rotation naturelle de la Terre afin de maintenir leur orbite.
L’histoire du Chevalier Noir a fait ses débuts dans les médias dans les années 1950 quand leSt. Louis Dispatch et le San Francisco Examiner écrivirent à propos du « Satellite » le 14 Mai 1954. Le Time Magazine a écrit un article dessus en Mars 1960. Voila ce qui était dit à propos de lui.
Il y a trois semaines, les grands titres annonçaient que les Etats-Unis avaient détecté un mystérieux satellite « noir » se déplaçant au dessus de nos têtes sur une orbite régulière. Il y avait la spéculation nerveuse que cela pouvait être un satellite de surveillance lancé par les Russes, et il apporta la sensation désagréable que les USA ne savaient pas ce qu’il se passait au dessus de leur propre crâne. Mais la semaine dernière le Ministère de la Défense a fièrement annoncé que le satellite avait été identifié. C’était une épave spatiale, les restes d’un satelliteDiscoverer de l’Air Force qui s’était égaré. Lire toute l’affaire en allant sur le site duTime Magazine.
L’article de 1954 :
Les articles du St. Louis Dispatch et du San Francisco Examiner à propos du satellite non-identifié.
Le 23 Août 1954 le magazine de technologie de l’aviation hebdomadaire et Technologie Spatialepublièrent une histoire qui a irrité le Pentagone qui essayait de garder l’information secrète.
La peur du Pentagone en rapport à l’observation de deux satellites orbitant la Terre, qui n’avaient pas été observés auparavant s’est dissipée par l’identification des objets comme étant naturels, et non des satellites artificiels. Le Dr. Lincoln LaPaz, expert des corps extraterrestres de l’Université du Nouveau Mexique, dirigeait le projet d’identification. L’un des satellites orbite à plus de 600 km, alors que l’autre est à plus de 900 km de la Terre. Le Pentagone pensa momentanément que les Russes avaient battu les Etats-Unis dans la course à l’exploration spatiale.
L’intérêt pour le Chevalier Noir était plus important chaque année, en 1957, un « objet »inconnu a été aperçu en train de « projeter son ombre » sur l’engin spatial Spoutnik I. D’après les rapports, l’ »objet non-identifié » était en orbite Polaire, et à cette période les Etats-Unis tout comme les Russes ne possédaient pas la technologie afin de maintenir un engin spatial en Orbite Polaire. D’après notre recherche le premier satellite orbitant le pôle Nord a été lancé en 1960. Les orbites polaires sont souvent utilisées pour cartographier la Terre, l’observation terrestre, prendre des photos de la Terre et pour des satellites de reconnaissances. Cela placerait le Chevalier Noir dans la catégorie des Satellite observateur, la seule question ici est, qui a placé le Chevalier Noir sur une orbite Polaire et dans quel but?
L’Objet continua d’époustoufler les astronomes du monde entier. En 1960 le Chevalier Noir était à nouveau localisé en orbite Polaire. Les astronomes et scientifiques ont calculé le poids de l’objet et ferait 10 tonnes, ce qui aurait été à cette période le satellite artificiel le plus lourd en orbite autour de notre Planète. L’orbite du Chevalier Noir n’était pas comme celle des autres objets en orbite autour de la Terre, car il se déplaçait deux fois plus vite comparé aux vaisseaux fabriqués par l’homme.
En 1963, Gordon Cooper a été envoyé dans l’espace. Sur son orbite finale, il a rapporté avoir vu un objet vert brillant en face de sa capsule au loin se déplaçant dans sa direction. La station de suivi de Muchea, en Australie, que Cooper avait contactée pour rapporter la présence de l’objet, a récupéré l’objet non-identifié sur son radar voyageant d’Est en Ouest. NBC a rapporté cela mais après le retour de Cooper sur Terre, le journaliste n’a pas été autorisé à demander à Cooper son avis sur l’objet non-identifié. L’explication officielle donnée aux observations de Cooper était « un très haut niveau de dioxyde de Carbone qui causa des hallucinations. »
Le Chevalier Noir a été un sujet d’intérêt partout dans le monde. Jusqu’à nos jours la plupart des informations « officielles » sur l’objet mystérieux sont gardées en sécurité et à l’écart de la société. Personne n’a répondu à certaines des questions les plus simples et logiques à poser, qui a placé ce « satellite » en orbite Polaire? Pour quel but?
Est-ce que le Chevalier Noir est un satellite Extraterrestre envoyé sur Terre pour étudier la Race Humaine? Est-ce que le Satellite essaye de communiquer avec la race humaine? Avons-nous ignoré les tentatives de communications? Une chose est certaine, le Chevalier Noir reste l’un des objets les plus mystérieux en orbite autour de notre Planète. Y a-t-il une connexion entre cet objet spatial célèbre et les anciens accomplissements de l’humanité?
Visitez aussi les images officielles de la NASA pour le « Chevalier Noir » avec ces liens:
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Vrije energie bevestigd door wetenschappers
Vrije energie bevestigd door wetenschappers
Waarom zijn we nog afhankelijk van fossiele brandstoffen? Mensen blijven oorlog voeren en de natuur vernietigen, terwijl de top van de energie-industrie ieder jaar biljoenen dollars binnenhaalt.
De media doen ons van tijd tot tijd geloven dat we in een energiecrisis verkeren en dat we zwaar in de problemen komen vanwege een tekort aan hulpbronnen.
De aandeelhouders die een flinke vinger in de pap hebben in de energie-industrie, zijn ook eigenaar van de gevestigde media. Waarom zijn er onvoldoende hulpbronnen als we weten dat er systemen zijn die vrije energie kunnen leveren?
Deze systemen kunnen oneindig blijven draaien en leveren energie aan de hele planeet zonder fossiele brandstoffen te gebruiken. Een groot deel van de rekeningen die je betaalt zou komen te vervallen en het schadelijke effect dat de mens op de aarde heeft zou flink worden teruggedrongen.
Het Casimireffect laat zien dat het bestaan van vrije energie, of nulpuntenergie, niet kan worden ontkend. Dit is het natuurkundige verschijnsel waarbij twee bij elkaar geplaatste metalen platen in een vacuüm door kwantumfluctuaties krachten ondervinden die ze naar elkaar toe drijven. Een vacuüm wordt in het algemeen gezien als een leegte, maar Hendrik Casimir voorspelde dat ze fluctuaties van elektromagnetische golven bevatten.
Uit een studie in het tijdschrift Foundations of Physics Letters in 2001 blijkt dat de algemene relativiteitstheorie kan worden gebruikt om de werking van de perpetuum mobile te verklaren. Een perpetuum mobile is een apparaat dat, eenmaal in beweging, uit zichzelf blijft bewegen en energie opwekt uit het ‘niets’.
De studie laat zien dat elektromagnetische energie uit het vacuüm kan worden onttrokken om bijvoorbeeld een perpetuum mobile aan te drijven. Professor emeritus Theodor C. Loder III van de Universiteit van New Hampshire schreef in zijn paper Space and Terrestrial Transportation and Energy Technologies for the 21st Century: “Er is bewijs dat wetenschappers na Tesla wisten van het bestaan van deze energie, maar dat het bestaan en gebruik ervan de afgelopen decennia is ontmoedigd en onderdrukt.”
Is de mensheid klaar voor een transformatie? Technologieën die betrekking hebben op nulpuntenergie worden momenteel achter slot en grendel bewaard, vertelde oud-directeur van de afdeling Skunk Works van vliegtuigbouwer Lockheed Martin Ben Rich. Hij voegde toe dat ze niet zomaar zullen worden vrijgegeven.
De Amerikaanse astronaut Brian O’Leary zei dat ook UFO’s gebruikmaken van dergelijke technologieën. “Hun aandrijfsysteem is gebaseerd op torussen en ronddraaiende magnetische schrijven,” zei hij. “De UFO’s kunnen tijd en ruimte manipuleren. Dat stelt ze in staat om hun eigen antizwaartekrachtaandrijving en energieveld op te wekken.”
In complete opposition to the sanguine notion of alien shock and awe over mankind's pugilistic in-fighting nature, is the truth that aliens have micromanaged our histories and our violence to cull and control us.
Alien puppet masters are and have been simply more aggressive and bellicose than humankind can imagine,
Our Old Testament is the best UFO book ever written and it reveals how the "God" masquerade by aliens has micromanaged violence throughout the ancient world history.
I find that radio interviews allow me to make this assertion to the widest audiences..
Doing radio, is very much like talking to your belt buckle, in a closet; you do not know who's really out there listening, until all the phones on the switchboard light up.
When I submit to periodic radio broadcast interviews, I am careful, beforehand, to be sure that the studio is free of debunkers or cynics, as I am interested only in reaching accepting and inquiring minds audiences; I am become very spoiled.
When I am interviewed, I later enjoy fielding questions from the broadcast audience, but I will not speak at length with those who are dubious about UFOs and telepathic little green men; I tell such callers that I feel sorry for them, because they are so very poorly informed.
I have seen reptilians eyeball-to eyeball and they radiate hatred like a radiator grill radiates warmth.
Physical shape shifting isn't what occurs; the telepathic hypnotic suggestive mind control exerted by these beings, is what alters your awareness of what you're seeing.
If I can open someone's unhealthy cynical mind and turn it into healthy skepticism and then into a grudging tacit acceptance I have done my sworn duty to awaken a comatose society.
Lately, as I grow older, I have no patience for ignorance; there is no room, anymore, with the plethora of alien visitation evidence and UFO abduction evidence over five decades from reliable multiple witnesses and countless international gun camera footage, the world over, for ignorance, no room, whatsoever.
I refuse to do radio broadcast shows anywhere where this worldwide phenomenon is abjectly questioned.
Any opportunity for a studio built-in debunker, an interviewer who wishes to argue alien existence, translates into didactic ambush, scorn and much worse, disinformation.
Debunkers who after all this time deny others' experiences with these alien pilots, are evolved polished nihilistic logicians.
What can I possibly tell them?
If one person hallucinates alien entities and alien abductions, that's only his reality, but if millions worldwide see and experience the precise same hallucination, it is very objectively real, in every sense of what reality is.
A debunker who calls in to a studio where I am being interviewed is not a singularity of cynicism; there are sadly many others who have not yet the dimmest idea, and will thus never suspect that we humans, someone else's valuable property, are being 'kept' on a planetary alien preserve that we call, Earth..
Can the public mind be lead to accept this alternative reality? One abductee states:
"A total and complete leap in consciousness will require an insurmountable dissolution and restructuring of their beliefs about the nature of reality."
What of those who aren't even curious?
For them to live unburdened by any insatiable curiosity to comprehend the mysteries of the UFO pilots in our immediate universe is quite an amazing thing, in itself.
In doing radio I have discovered that accepting audiences are generally more than troubled about these beings' visitations, hidden agendas and motives, but are audiences generally more elevated in their functioning concepts than the comatose public at large.
These people are like evolved goldfish who finally will suspect a larger world, beyond the pond's surface.
(“All truth passes through three (3) stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." – Arthur Schopenhauer”)
To quote this same abductee,
"The history of mankind has rarely been punctuated by personalities who refused to be bound by the grand illusion of space and time, alternative thinkers and seekers who struggled against a river of ignorance to penetrate the limitations of space and form, are rare, far and a few.."
I am not such a mind, but instead one who, given glimpses of the alien truth, prays for one to appear.
Knowing that the aliens reside in a different reality explains why this whole UFO phenomenon is so slippery; "we exist within a myriad panoply matrix of other realities, all merging in the human mind."
What glimpses?
Aliens and their craft have always existed.
We have never been alone.
My expanded consciousness and mental abilities are merely the outcome of my contacts with them.
From that abductee, again:
"Their alien world and ours co-exist separated by only the thinnest imagineable curtain- our ridiculous assumption that we are the single and solitary proprietors of the only reality."
Behind many of us are reptilian puppet masters.
I am driven to do such radio interviews because I hope that I am able to assist others also troubled by Reptilian/Grey UFO entities' tactics and sinister motives.
Radio is a bully pulpit to raise a call of warning high above the treetops.
I am a fire with a clarion purpose to speak for others who have suffered as I do but who haven't found their voice.
Outside of the circles of such accepting radio audiences, the stench of ignorance prevails.
Educational dilemma is inherent, in human beings, as most people will not believe in that which they have not directly experienced.
How, then, should one,"cry wolf" to sheep who are simply and innately unable to even imagine a wolf?
Aliens have not only always been here but are as native and terrestrial to our planet as are thunderstorms; these advanced beings are the game wardens of this preserve that we call 'Earth and much like good game wardens, they do not let the creatures within suspect that it is, indeed, a preserve.
These beings who pilot UFOs are inter dimensional beings as well as inter galactic beings. They use the same parallel dimension that ghosts and demons do, when they enter and exit our physical reality.
Revealingly, the lower Earth animal forms seen as reptiles, amphibians, insects and felines are mirrored and echoed by the higher technological forms of beings which have been seen aboard craft, who have eons ago lent their DNA to create this preserve.
We, too, as even Genesis obliquely reveals, are constructs of their creative meddling.
But we are managed by them as we do to Earth's animals, within an unenlightened form of animal husbandry.
When people during abduction scenarios ask them,"Where are you from?" Where do you come from?", they are often told,"We come from within."
That is, during post physical alien abductions, their possessing energies are deposited, lamprey and remora-like, within the multi layered human psyche/mind.
They seek, to use their expression,"sanctuary"
Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals, are sadly the very powers that we as a race of beings barely perceive.
They seek to infect our energies and auras with attachments to themselves and to ride the reincarnation roller coaster with we human beings, as a sanctuary, to avoid the death that they fear, usurping the spiritual recycling that we have.
Worse, in their inherent proprietal natures towards us, our souls are garnered, detoured from our natural spiritual evolution within Heaven.
Thus, however advanced technologically, these joyriding greys/ reptilians can easily be seen as sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to our energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.
Alien technology, recovered from downed discs and other craft, has already inspired Skunkworks to give us the ability to recreate and reverse engineer:
fiber optics,
nuclear power,
cold fusion anti gravity,
stealth technology,
specialized surgical tools,
cloning-genetic engineering-
and most recently we scramble to deduce 'smart skins' of craft which like chameleons, alter shape and color according to environments.
All of these magical technologies were successfully studied, reverse engineered and imitated.
We have a lot to be thankful for because of Klaatu, even though he is the complete opposite of the charming, handsome gracious, elevated spirit in film and in book.
He, in reptilian form and in grey form instead, see us in much the same perfunctory fashion, that we see chickens.
Salut à tous, Les premières images en direct de deux exoplanètes : Beta Pictoris b et HR 4796 A, révélées par une équipe américano-canadienne. Il ne s'agit plus là de détection indirecte par la méthode des transits, velocité radiale ou faisceau relativiste mais bien de visualisation de la planète elle-même. Cela grâce à un instrument révolutionnaire, le Gemini Planet Imager du télescope Gemini Sud au Chili, un projet du Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. Il se caractérise par son optique adaptative (4000 micro-miroirs) et son coronographe. Ses performances ont été révélées au 223ème congrès de l'American Astronomical Society (Washington DC, 5-9 Jan 2014). De plus, ces images (dans le proche infrarouge) ne nécessitent que quelques minutes de pose au lieu des nombreuses heures habituelles. Les soleils Beta Pictoris et HR 4796 sont respectivement à 63 et 240 AL de la Terre. Les photos sur : parlent d'elles-mêmes. Grâce à la nouvelle génération de GPI, on pourra bientôt voir non seulement l'atmosphère mais aussi les continents (éventuels) de planètes extrasolaires. Et dans quelques années, qui sait ? de belles nanas se bronzant sur les plages, sous un soleil étranger. Bien cordialement
An exciting new tool for exoplanet discovery was revealed at this week’s 223rd meeting of the American Astronomical Society being held in Washington D.C.
On Tuesday, researchers unveiled the first new images from the Gemini Observatory’s Gemini Planet Imager (GPI). Based at the Gemini South Telescope in Chile, the GPI saw first light this past November, and operates at near-infrared wavelengths that will allow it to directly detect exoplanets in orbit around nearby stars.
“Even these early first-light images are almost a factor of 10 better than the previous generation of instruments,” said the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Bruce Macintosh. “In one minute, we are seeing planets that used to take us an hour to detect.”
The Gemini Planet Imager focused on the known gas giant planet orbiting the star Beta Pictoris in the southern hemisphere constellation of Pictor, revealing the world in unprecedented resolution. At about 4 to 10 Jupiter masses, Beta Pictoris b orbits it host star at a distance of nine times the Earth-Sun distance and is 63 light years away. Beta Pictoris b is one of the very few exoplanets to have been directly imaged.
The team also focused the Gemini Planet Imager on the young star HR4796A, revealing the dusty disk surrounding the star. Such techniques may soon be able to catch young solar systems “in the act” of formation, and provide astronomers with key insights into how planetary systems such as our own were formed.
The dust disk surrounding HR 4796A as imaged by the GPI. Credit/Marshall Perrin/Space Telescope Science Institute
The chief difficultly in seeing exoplanets directly lies in the fact that they are located near their bright parent star, which swamps the view with light. The Gemini Planet imager gets around this by use of adaptive optics and a coronagraph with which to occult or cover up the host star, revealing the nearby planet shining at near-infrared wavelengths.
The Gemini Planet Imager will also open up possibilities for characterizing extrasolar planets as well. Not much is known about planets that are detected by radial velocity measurements or stellar transits; astronomers can only infer the orbital period and perhaps the lower limits on mass and radius from these indirect methods. But if a direct image of an exoplanet can be obtained, researchers can then gather a spectra that can tell us much more about the atmospheric composition of a distant world.
“Most planets that we know about to date are only known because of indirect methods that tell us a planet is there, a bit about its orbit and mass, but not much else,” said Macintosh. “With GPI we directly image planets around stars – it’s a bit like being able to detect the system and really dive into the planet’s atmospheric makeup and characteristics.”
And although the detector was made for exoplanet hunting, it can take some amazing images of objects in our own solar system as well. Check out this test image of Jupiter’s moon Europa taken with the GPI:
Europa: a comparison between a composite Galileo/Voyager 1 image (to the left) and a recent GPI image. Credit/Marshall Perrin, Space Telescope Institute and Franck Marchis/SETI Institute.
Congratulations to the team at Lawrence Livermore and Gemini South on ushering in a new era of exoplanet astronomy.
Uit stukken die door ex-NSA-medewerker en klokkenluider Edward Snowden zijn gelekt blijkt dat het Amerikaanse beleid al sinds 1945 wordt beïnvloed door buitenaardsen.
Dat meldt het Iraanse persbureau Fars. In de Verenigde Staten is een buitenaardse schaduwregering actief die opereert vanuit Nevada.
Het persagentschap bericht over honderden onderzeeërs die tegen het einde van de Tweede Wereldoorlog zijn gebouwd, veel meer dan men met de beschikbare technologie kon bouwen. Dit is bewijs dat een buitenaards ras de nazi’s heeft gesteund, aldus Fars. Na de oorlog gebruikten deze buitenaardsen de VS als uitvalsbasis.
Snowden zou de documenten hebben overgedragen aan de Russische staatsveiligheidsdienst FSB. De Canadese oud-minister van Defensie Paul Hellyer heeft de stukken bestudeerd en heeft bevestigd dat de informatie klopt, aldus het persbureau. Hellyer zei tijdens het programma SophieCo van Russia Today dat buitenaardsen de aarde al duizenden jaren bezoeken en dat verschillende van hen samenwerken met de Amerikaanse luchtmacht in Nevada.
Volgens het persbureau zijn de Russische autoriteiten bezorgd over het feit dat de VS in het geheim wordt bestuurd door de ‘tall whites’ of Nordics, dezelfde buitenaardsen die de nazi’s in de jaren dertig aan de macht hebben geholpen.
De documenten bevestigen dat de Nordics in 1954 ontmoetingen hebben gehad met de Amerikaanse president Dwight D. Eisenhower om te spreken over het ‘geheime regime’.
The Washington Post wijst erop dat Fars de berichtgeving volledig baseert op, een complotsite van Sorcha Faal waar nieuwsartikelen worden geplaatst met sensationele koppen en een laag waarheidsgehalte. Het Iraanse persbureau doet er verstandig aan alleen te verwijzen naar betrouwbare bronnen.
News agency claims Snowden docs prove aliens helped Hitler, and currently control U.S. govt
News agency claims Snowden docs prove aliens helped Hitler, and currently control U.S. gov’t
Edward Snowden. (Credit: Laura Poitras/Praxis Films).
An Iranian news agency alleges that documents provided by former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden prove that “an alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda is driving US domestic and international policy, and has been doing so since at least 1945.”
The Fars News Agency asserts that the shadow alien government running the United States is based in Nevada, and these aliens previously ran Nazi Germany. The Washington Post reports, “As proof that aliens were secretly behind the Nazis, the report explains that Germany built hundreds of submarines toward the end of the war, far more than would have been possible with mere human technology.” But the Post continues, “It does not explain why aliens with access to interstellar travel built subs that were so grossly incapable against the British navy, or why all-powerful extraterrestrials were unable to help the Nazis resist an invasion by Allied forces that are mere cavemen relative to their own technology. So far, these are pretty unimpressive aliens.”
It was apparently after losing the war that these aliens established themselves as the secret controllers of the United States government.
Paul Hellyer
Fars News claims that Snowden provided documents proving these allegations to Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB). And Fars News further asserts that the claims were recently confirmed by Canada’s former minister of defence Paul Hellyer. The news agency alleges that Hellyer was given access to all of Snowden’s documents by FSB and he confirmed their accuracy. It was reportedly shortly after this that he appeared on Russia Today’s program SophieCo where he announced that aliens have visited Earth for thousands of years, and that several are working with the U.S. Air Force in Nevada.
But Hellyer’s statements on SophieCo are hardly confirmation of recently seen documents acquired by FSB from Edward Snowden. Hellyer has been outspoken about his extraterrestrial beliefs for years. He even spoke about these same issues at the 2013 Citizen Hearing on Disclosure at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.
The story on the Fars website. (Credit: Fars News Agency)
Huge UFO filmed while landing over mountains of Normandy, France on 11th January 2014
Huge UFO filmed while landing over mountains of Normandy, France on 11th January 2014
Latest UFO sightings2014 – New amazing video footage of a saucer – shaped UFO recorded in the daytime sky while slowly landing above mountains of Normandy, France on 11th January 2014.
Witness said: 11/01/14 – Slow saucer-shaped UFO floating slowly over a mountain in Normandy, filmed by me. It seems spying the area.
Type ➫ Saucer Scale ➫ About 10m in diameter Duration ➫ 30 sec. Color(s) ➫ Black / Grey Light(s) ➫ Red light on the side Speed ➫ Slow Filmed with ➫ iPhone 5S
Multiple UFOs or orbs above over Long Beach, California on 22nd November 2013
Multiple UFOs or orbs above over Long Beach, California on 22nd November 2013
New amazing video footage of multiple bright UFOs or ORBs lights recorded in the night sky above Long Beach, California on 22nd November 2013.
Witness said: Nov. 22, 2013 7:15pm overlooking the Queen Mary and Grissom island in Long Beach, CA Sorry I got scared and turned off the camera! My sister and I were watching tv when we saw these lights coming over the Palos Verdes Penninsula and flying over Grissom Island and the Queen Mary . We thought planes/helicopters but they were flying too close and too many. Chinese balloons with candles? We don’t know and this has been bothering us. Any ideas? This area is within the Devil’s Triangle – Catalina Island, Long Beach and Los Angeles.
UFO or orb lights over Colorado, USA on 11th January 2014
UFO or orb lights over Colorado, USA on 11th January 2014
New interesting video footage of a UFO or orb lights recorded in the night sky above Colorado, USA on 11th January 2014.
Witness said: There were 4 BRIGHT red orbs. I cant say for sure that I saw them take off, but they did all come from the same area and seem to be very low to the ground and go higher and higher. They changed directions, one stayed still, but all disappeared. I have seen many other orbs disappear into nothingness in the past, but have never seen one that was red. I got video of all but the first one, but the first one was truly the most incredible sighting out of the 4. Below is a link to one of the 2 videos I filmed.
Abby Martin interviews Dr. Steven Greer on RT’s “Breaking the Set” about the US government’s secrecy of the UFOs and extraterrestrial presence. Dr. Steven Greer follows up on his work with the Disclosure Project, an organization that has collected testimonies from over one hundred US government officials concerning the existence of extra-terrestrial life.
The following article was originally written by me and posted almost 3 years ago. A reader had commented on it today, so I decided to offer it once again:
On October 30, 1938 the global uneasiness with alien beings began. That was the day Orson Welles narrated his adaptation of H.G. Wells’ novel ‘War of the Worlds’ over the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network. The ‘news bulletin’ style simulation created a panic so widespread that nearly 2 million listeners believed it to be factual. Later in 1947 there would be a reported, later denied, crash of an unknown craft in the New Mexico desert. Then the USAF started ‘Project Blue Book’, a bit of ‘window dressing’ that would possibly ease the public uncertainty, as well as coax the Soviets into thinking that U.S. spy planes were actually UFOs. Thousands of sighting reports and science fiction films later, the public fascination with alien beings had been heightened to the point where people are demanding that governments disclose all information in reference to UFOs and the non-human entities that supposedly control these craft.
I may have asked this question more than I would admit but “why do people think that these unidentified flying objects are of such concern?” The answers I generally receive are that these may be precursors to an invasion or that the aliens are arriving in small groups in order to gather information before they take over the planet. Most times, I just nod in agreement and change the subject…not that I total disagree with their assessments but more concerned that they aren’t seeing the big picture.
Over the years I have been fortunate to have investigated individuals’ claims of alien entity abduction and infestation. Some of those cases have been documented on this blog, especially when evidence suggested some validity to the claims. In almost all cases the witnesses want to remain anonymous, at least at the initiation of the inquiry. Despite what most people think, I have not met one witness who wanted to cash in on their experience. There may have been some consideration later but that is usually because producers of paranormal television programming hound witnesses until they relent…then the final product is rarely factual. But that’s another story.
The word ‘extraterrestrial’ simply means ‘not of or belonging to Earth.’ In that context, it can be defined as any life form or inanimate object that is not from our planet. In the modern vernacular it is simply understood to represent life forms that do not originate from Earth. So I guess the next question is “have the extraterrestrials ever come to Earth?” I think it’s safe to assume that alien life forms have found their way to Earth but I truly doubt they arrived by space craft. For the most part I agree with much of the ancient astronaut theories until the argument centers around mode of transportation.
It’s very difficult to determine when these early beings arrived on Earth but there is some evidence to suggest that it has been a process that has continued for many thousands of years. I suppose the earliest testimony of these non-humans making contact with man have come from the Hebrew Bible and, in particular, the Book of Enoch. The first part of Book of Enoch describes the fall of the ‘Watchers’, the angels who fathered the Nephilim. The first section of the book depicts the interaction of the fallen angels with mankind. The fallen angel Sêmîazâz, of apocryphal Jewish and Christian tradition that ranked in the heavenly hierarchy as one of the Grigori, compels the other 199 fallen angels to take human wives to “beget us children.”
“And Semjâzâ, who was their leader, said unto them: ‘I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.’ And they all answered him and said: ‘Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.’. Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it.”
This results in the creation of the Nephilim:
“And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another’s flesh, and drink the blood.”
“And Azâzêl taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjâzâ taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, Armârôs the resolving of enchantments, Barâqîjâl, taught astrology, Kôkabêl the constellations, Ezêqêêl the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiêl the signs of the earth, Shamsiêl the signs of the sun, and Sariêl the course of the moon.”
Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel appeal to God to judge the inhabitants of the world and the fallen angels. Uriel is then sent by God to tell Noah of the coming apocalypse and what he needs to do. After this, God then commands Raphael to imprison Azâzêl:
“Then said the Most High, the Holy and Great One spoke, and sent Uriel to the son of Lamech, and said to him: Go to Noah and tell him in my name “Hide thyself!” and reveal to him the end that is approaching: that the whole earth will be destroyed, and a deluge is about to come upon the whole earth, and will destroy all that is on it. And now instruct him that he may escape and his seed may be preserved for all the generations of the world.”
“the Lord said to Raphael: ‘Bind Azâzêl hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: and make an opening in the desert, which is in Dûdâêl (Gods Kettle/Crucible/Cauldron), and cast him therein. And place upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there for ever, and cover his face that he may not see light. And on the day of the great judgement he shall be cast into the fire. And heal the earth which the angels have corrupted, and proclaim the healing of the earth, that they may heal the plague, and that all the children of men may not perish through all the secret things that the Watchers have disclosed and have taught their sons. And the whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azâzêl: to him ascribe all sin.”
A Grigori ‘Watcher’
God gave Gabriel instructions concerning the Nephilim and the imprisonment of the fallen angels…then commands Michael to bind the fallen angels:
“And to Gabriel said the Lord: ‘Proceed against the biters and the reprobates, and against the children of fornication: and destroy [the children of fornication and] the children of the Watchers from amongst men [and cause them to go forth]: send them one against the other that they may destroy each other in battle”
“And the Lord said unto Michael: ‘Go, bind Semjâzâ and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness. 12. And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgement and of their consummation, till the judgement that is for ever and ever is consummated. 13. In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire: (and) to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined for ever. And whosoever shall be condemned and destroyed will from thenceforth be bound together with them to the end of all generations.”
These fallen angels, according to the text, were sent to Earth as ‘Watchers’ or ‘Watchmen’ in order to observe and protect mankind. Instead, these ‘Watchers’ corrupt and impregnate their charges resulting in hybrid offspring. The situation results in a war instigated by the Archangels and fought between the ‘Watchers’ and their offspring. The ‘Watchers’ are then imprisoned for a specific period of time…then led off to the underworld.
It’s a great story….but how much of it can be considered as truth? One might inquire as to the identity of ‘God’ in the Book of Enoch. Is there an ultraterrestrial supreme being who can be everywhere and see everything at all times? It’s an interesting concept…it certainly would answer a lot of questions. Did this same supreme being also create mankind as prescribed in Genesis as well as manifest on Mt. Sinai? Is it possible that we are children of an ultraterrestrial? I’m not saying that we should or should not consider the Hebrew Bible or the Book of Enoch as trustworthy but I do think that there may be a connection that is conceivably accurate.
The early Babylonians and Egyptians depicted and worshiped supernatural winged beings that ascended to Earth. The Greeks and Hebrews called these winged beings ‘messengers of God’. Eventually the combination of Old English and French resulted in the word ‘angel’. These angels have been depicted in the modern religions as winged human-like entities who delivery the word of God to his children on Earth. Well, the angels may be delivering messages but it’s not by the power of winged flight….that’s if you believe in the Bible. The Bible never describes angels with wings…or any other means of transportation.
Now, let’s get back to the discussion of alien beings. Though much of the evidence is anecdotal, word of mouth, ancient text, etc., a sensible argument can be made for the existence of an ultraterrestrial entity presence. When I state ‘ultraterrestrial’ I refer to those beings who have been here, who continue to reside here and who can easily manifest here without the use of flying craft. There is a multidimensional condition to these ultraterrestrial beings…it currently transpires and will continue to commence in the future.
How can I prove this theory? I can’t…and I’ll be the first to admit it. The ultraterrestrial hypothesis has been proffered by paranormal researchers for several years and seems to be the most plausible and persuasive argument that encompasses all known reported cases of high strangeness. The only suggestions I can offer are those I have posted above and, more importantly, those perceptions within my heart, conscience and intellect.
Publisher's Note:Christian Macé has sent me the original email and photos he received from one of his blog's readers Philippe who has supplied him with a sightingt report, past history of UFO sightings and recent UFO photographs, one of which seems to show a luminous snake UFO. Enjoy Dirk
Hello Christian
As a faithful reader of your blog for a long time , I am sending you a lot of pictures that I took last night Saturday, January 11, 2014 from 10:20 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. in my garden.
I am very interested in UFOs since I 've seen a 50m me in March 1972 in Saint Etienne du Rouvray (76) , one morning going to college in a field behind a classroom pre -fabricated.
Having the habit of always being ahead wherever I go, I arrived before everyone and unfortunately I was the only witness to the observation.
I saw a sphere from July to August m diameter advancing very slowly , hugging the herbs of the field. She had a South-North direction. The sphere had a slightly bright orange color, I felt that grazing flames turned around the surface without ever depart.
So since that time I am interested in this UFO phenomenon, as well as everything related to the paranormal and space conquest , although I followed the exploits of the Apollo missions since 1969 , with the landing of Apollo 11.
Since I saw repeatedly other "unidentified" aerial phenomena.
Among others in 2006, I was next to Toulouse, at the end Cornebarrieu tracks Blagnac Airport.I rented a house and a summer evening , I put in my hanging on its metal support hammock , so nothing above me , clear and starry sky. I saw passed over me in silence and two arcs of bright orange circle like two horseshoes side by side. It seemed a patrol fighter in the way they fly.
They went above Cornebarrieu the pistes then quietly walked away before disappearing from view.I think their large size (about 8 to 10 meters ) compared with the habit of seeing passed over the house just before attérir aircraft ;
Another time in 2012, late one evening strolling on the beach of Le Touquet, I saw 3 bright white balls that passed the Channel to England. Distance and impossible to determine, given the distance size.
And the last time this summer in my garden in the afternoon ( around 16:00 ) , lying in my lounge chair watching the clouds , suddenly I saw a very bright white sphere out over a cumulos - nimbus and turn around to return immediately above the cloud, although I waited a while to watch , it is not re- appeared. Size and altitude not easy to estimate either.
Since 1972 I have often nose in the air hopefully see a few things, and from time to time with my binoculars or my telescope , and it works ! Course there ISS easy to recognize, and that the passage of many satellites, but sometimes there are other things malheuseument I'm not equipped to film or to a web -cam on my telescope , but it will come good.
That is why I am writing , I took the habit in the evening when it is dark to take photos on the fly in my garden and the sky above. I often catch round ORBS that merely pass, either one by one or in strips of different sizes. ( I can send you pictures if you like).
So last night I did as usual but here for the first time I got in through the lens and the flash of " ectoplasmic " clouds, the sky was clear and cloudless , chimneys around did not smoke , so no disturbance nearby. And on one of them there is even a " coil " that flies, we see a few fixed stars so it is not pressing the button I moved and made a blur with a lamp, with the Moon not because I had more in the back.
Here is my story, this is the first time I talk to someone other than my wife, and I hope it will interest you , having already seen articles about it on your blog. It may be a little long but it feels good to finally talk about it. FYI I read regularly : Sky and Space, Astronomy Magazine , Top Secret and Unknown World. I regularly consults sites Soho and Stereo, different sites talking about UFOs and there but we need to sort and leave. However, if you want to bring up my story, thank you state only : Philippe.G Isneauville (76)
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Etude norvégienne: Les effets biologiques des retombées de la géo-ingénierie sur la vie végétale
Etude norvégienne: Les effets biologiques des retombées de la géo-ingénierie sur la vie végétale
L’étude traduite et recopiée ci-dessous a été préparée par des chercheurs norvégiens. Elle contribue à documenter quelques-uns des effets hautement néfastes des programmes de GSA (géo-ingénierie stratosphérique par aérosols) et de GRS (gestion des radiations solaires) en cours. Il ne subsiste désormais plus de sources « organiques » de nourriture. Tout a été pollué avec les métaux toxiques et les produits chimiques qui sont émis par les programmes mondiaux de vaporisation d’aérosols. Certains des éléments toxiques que nous sommes contraints d’ingérer dans notre alimentation ont été identifiés, d’autres sont sans doute encore inconnus.
Conférence « Esprit Ouvert », Oslo, 19-21 octobre 2012
Harald Kautz-Vella:
Effets néfastes théoriques et scientifiquement prouvés des nano-particules de (Ba, Srx) TiO3 sur la croissance des végétaux (premier jet)
Concernant les qualités chimiques et physiques du TiO3 (Ba, Srx) désigné comme aérosols dans les concepts d’ingénierie climatique globale
Les implications théoriques ainsi que les preuves scientifiques indiquent que des nano-particules de <100nm [1/1O.OOOème de millimètre, ndt] de (Ba, Srx) TiO3 [titanate de baryum/strontium - baryum=Ba, strontium=Sr, le 'x' indique l'usage de plusieurs isotopes de cet élément, titane=Ti, le suffixe -ate indique un composé contenant de l'oxygène, O - ndt] telles que celles faisant l’objet de discussions, en tant que composantes de l’ensemencement du nuages dans les brevets de modification climatique globale, nuiraient aux végétaux en:
- interrompant la communication cellulaire au seuil d’absorption de rayonnement UV de 230nm, en absorbant les faibles signaux UV intracellulaires responsables du déclenchement de la division cellulaire;
– irradiant l’ADN de la plante avec de la lumière hautement énergétique de longueur d’onde (λ) de 230nm stockée dans un état excité dans les nucléides [les protons et les neutrons présents dans le noyau des atomes, ndt] de baryum et de strontium. Cette excitation est provoquée par l’exposition aux radiations cosmiques dans les nuages. Les photons à haute énergie stockés peuvent être relâchés par une interaction non-linéaire lorsqu’un photon longitudinal UV de faible énergie et de même λ (un bio-photon) frappe une nano-particule. L’état excité des nucléides se décharge alors en une onde en réplique inversée dans le temps qui s’écoule directement en retour vers l’ADN, l’exposant alors à un impact photonique UV de même λ mais beaucoup plus énergétique;
- déséquilibrant le potentiel électrique de la cellule lorsque stimulées par le champ électromagnétique terrestre, des radiations radar ou des micro-ondes, en relâchant des électrons libres lors d’une altération induite dans leur géométrie cristalline selon leurs propriétés piézo-électriques, rendant les plantes vulnérables aux attaques fongiques.
L’interaction complexe de ces trois formes de nuisance théoriquement envisageables n’est pas entièrement comprise. Toutefois l’effet général sur les végétaux a pu être expérimentalement confirmé, démontrant un dosage létal pour les plantes d’approximativement 35mg de (Ba, Srx) TiO3 par kg de matière organique sèche, en fonction du type de plante et d’autres variables externes (à la fois par des analyses en laboratoire et) des études en extérieur.
Attendu que:
- la quantité de (Ba, Srx) TiO3 évaluée, en g/ha [grammes par hectare, ndt] et par an résultant des projets de géo-ingénierie est beaucoup plus élevée que le dosage mesuré comme mortel pour les végétaux en g/ha et qu’en sus de cela,
- l’indissolubilité de ces cristaux mènerait à une accumulation continuelle de ces particules dans la biosphère,
la mise en œuvre de ces projets serait une menace pour les écosystèmes du monde qui tôt ou tard mèneraient à la destruction totale des biotopes naturels et des récoltes agricoles dans les zones de retombées.
1. Introduction
L’esprit humain est entraîné à penser à l’échelle macroscopique, ce qui peut mener à des erreurs de décision quand il s’agit d’exposer la nature à des nano-particules. Plus petites sont les particules, le plus grand devient le rapport de surface au volume. Nous sommes techniquement capables de produire des particules de (Ba, Srx) TiO3 offrant une surface de 2500m² au gramme. Pour les estimations qui vont suivre, cette valeur servira dans les opérations de calcul.
En théorie une quantité de 300 tonnes de ce matériau serait suffisante pour en construire une couche de l’épaisseur d’une particule à même de couvrir optiquement un pays de la taille de l’Allemagne. Assurer la dissémination par aérosols de ces particules prendrait 30 vols de Boeing 737.
Ce simple calcul est ce qui rend ces matériaux si tentants quand il s’agit de géo-ingénierie. Que ce soit pour l’ensemencement de nuages pour contrôler le changement climatique, ou pour protéger des zones industrielles des effets d’éruptions solaires en formant un écran de plasma dans les couches supérieures de l’atmosphère en utilisant les propriétés piézo-électriques de ce matériau – les bénéfices peuvent être considérables. De plus le baryum, les isotopes non-radioactifs 85, 86, 87 et 88 du strontium et le titane ainsi que ses oxydes peuvent être considérés comme chimiquement non-toxiques.
Il y a des preuves irréfutables que des vaporisations non-autorisées ont été menées par le passé. Des séquences vidéo d’avions militaires en pleine opération de vaporisation, de traînées d’avions persistantes à des températures de -35° et un taux d’humidité de 40%, la langue de bois des personnes impliquées jusqu’à l’ancien directeur du FBI, et des analyses chimiques révélant les taux de titanate de baryum/strontium dans l’analyse des eaux pluviales, des sols et de spécimens de plantes dans la plupart des pays industrialisés. Nonobstant cela l’objectif de ce document n’est pas de discourir sur l’existence ou la légitimité d’actions passées, mais de présenter les effets d’activités futures alors qu’elles sont apportées dans le débat public, notamment par le service fédéral allemand de l’environnement, « Umwelt Bundesamt » dans le livret « Geo-Engeneering. Wirksamer Klimaschutz oder Grössenwahn. Methode. Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen. Umweltpolitische Fragen. Berlin, April 2011″ [Géo-ingénierie. Protection du climat efficace ou mégalomanie. Méthode. Cadre juridique général. Questions de politique environnementale. Berlin, avril 2011 - PDF (en anglais)]
Ne sont pas prises en considération dans ces discussions publiques les propriétés optiques et électro-physiques de ces matériaux, qui sont remarquables, ou leur possible interaction avec les systèmes biologiques.
L’objectif de ce document est d’apporter ces considérations au débat.
Des échantillons de plantes mourantes dont le taux de croissance avait été ralenti de manière significative de tout autour du monde ont révélé au cours d’analyses de laboratoire des valeurs répétitivement hautes de baryum, de strontium et de titane en une concentration molaire relative indiquant une quantité de 35mg de titanate de baryum/strontium nano-cristallin par kg de matière organique sèche au moment de la mort de la plante. Bien qu’il n’y ait pas d’explication biochimique pour quelque dommage causé à la plante, la corrélation des dommages et des concentrations de baryum, de strontium et de titane est suffisamment significative pour prendre en considération des mécanismes alternatifs d’interaction plante-particule autres que ceux qui sont connus par la chimie. Sachant que des nano-particules de la taille de celles projetées dans les brevets de géo-ingénierie peuvent être absorbées par les plantes dans leur ensemble, et connaissant les propriétés remarquables de ces matériaux, ces modes d’interaction alternatifs peuvent très bien être optiques et/ou électro-physiques dans leur nature.
2. Affirmations
2.1 Interruption optique de la communication cellulaire
Dans la conception des bio-photons les molécules d’ADN d’une plante envoient des modèles qui s’interfèrent de faibles émissions bidirectionnelles dans la gamme des UV, qui toutes ensemble forment une image holographique servant de schéma directeur pour la plante, amenant à des divisions cellulaires là où il n’y a pas d’onde-réplique renvoyée par une molécule ADN receveuse pour cause d’une cellule « manquante ». L’onde mono-directionnelle et donc visible déclenchera la division cellulaire dans une cellule avoisinante pour refermer l’espace. Des plantes entières auraient leurs échanges luminiques intracellulaires dans un état entièrement annihilé par les ondes UV et leurs répliques inversées dans le temps, les plantes blessées ou les zones de croissance active comme le cambium devraient montrer un excès d’ondes UV mono-directionnelles, déclenchant la division cellulaire.
Une forme simplifiée de ce concept est utilisée dans des technologies de projection holographique se servant de lasers comme « ADN transmetteur » et du même type de nano-cristaux piézo-électriques comme « ADN récepteur » et capables de projeter des hologrammes en 3D de haute définition.
Le seuil d’absorption des nano-particules de titanate de baryum/strontium a son maximum à une longueur d’onde de 250nm, absorbant 90% de la lumière passant par le cristal.
La communication intracellulaire qui est responsable du déclenchement est accomplie par des photons de faible énergie d’une longueur d’onde de 260nm.
Adjoindre ces deux découvertes ensemble démontre que l’insertion de particules piézo-électriques de cette qualité devrait interférer lourdement avec la communication cellulaire – ainsi l’ADN et les particules se servent de la même longueur d’onde et de la même forme d’onde électromagnétique pour communiquer.
Afin de comprendre la relation quantitative entre ce type particulier d’opacité suscité par les nano-particules et les dommages causés aux plantes il est utile de calculer la densité optique des particules dans la plante au moment de la mort.
Estimant qu’une concentration de 35mg/kg de matière organique sèche ainsi que mesurée dans l’herbe norvégienne comme dans l’écorce d’arbres californiens mourants l’on peut affirmer que
35mg ≈ 87,5m² de surface particulaire ≈ 21.875 de surface optique
Estimant que 1kg de matière organique sèche équivaut à 3l = 0,003m3 de matière organique vivante, l’opacité sera atteinte à une distance optique de 0,1311mm ce qui est dans l’ordre de la taille d’une cellule.
Au moment de la mort d’une plante, contenant 35mg (Ba, Srx) TiO2, la densité optique des nano-particules est suffisamment élevée pour aller jusqu’à interrompre les communications de cellules directement avoisinantes!
2.2 Irradiation de l’ADN des plantes avec du rayonnement UV de haute énergie
Comprendre le concept de bio-photons comme un modèle d’ondes bi-directionnelles avec leurs ondes-répliques inversées dans le temps envoyées et reçues par des molécules d’ADN, incluant des éléments photo-actifs étrangers pourrait induire le changement de la force des photons impliqués de faibles à pas si faibles.
Il est connu que des particules dans les nuages peuvent être excitées par la radiation cosmique incidente et relâcher cette radiation plus tard sous la forme de rayons gamma. Cette émission de rayons gamma peut subvenir spontanément ou être déclenchée par l’arrivée d’un photon.
En visualisant cette possibilité, il devient évident que l’implication de nucléides en état d’excitation dans un échange de bio-photons pourrait mener à l’émission de quanta de rayons gamma stockés sous la forme d’ondes de réplique inversées dans le temps étant dirigées directement en retour vers l’ADN qui avait émis le photon déclencheur.
Ce processus non-entropique redirigeant de grandes quantités d’énergie de retour vers une source faible déclencheuse est en fait la caractéristique principale des systèmes optiques non-linéaires. Pour une compréhension plus complète veuillez vous rapporter aux articles référencés.
Le rayonnement UV de haute énergie est connu pour être la source principale de dommages aux végétaux. Par conséquent un dépôt d’aérosols optiquement excités pourrait mener à des dommages à l’ADN par l’émission de quanta UV.
2.3 Déséquilibrage du potentiel cellulaire
Le système immunitaire de toutes les cellules suit une courbe hautement raffinée de potentiels électromagnétiques cellulaires, avec des différences de potentiel définies entre le cœur de la cellule et la membrane cellulaire interne, ainsi qu’entre la membrane cellulaire interne et la membrane cellulaire externe. Toute altération de ces potentiels cellulaires affaiblit le « système immunitaire » en dérangeant l’équilibre des procesusi oxydants et anti-oxydants.
Le titanate de baryum/strontium, en tant que substance piézo-électrique change sa géométrie cristalline quand elle est exposée à des champs électromagnétiques externes. Tout changement dans la structure cristallographique est accompagné de l’émission d’électrons.
En tant qu’aérosol dans l’atmosphère cet effet peut être utilisé pour « allumer ou éteindre » des nuages en appliquant des champs électromagnétiques tels qu’utilisés par les appareils HAARP et ICECAT ou d’autres systèmes d’antennes de radiations de micro-ondes en altérant la structure cristallographique, ce qui mène à changer par du courant libre la particule en ion, provoquant instantanément la formation d’une gouttelette dans le nuage.
Le même effet provoqué par des téléphones cellulaires terrestres, des transmissions radar ou de micro-ondes mèneraient à l’émission spontanée d’électrons libres par la particule, ce qui altérerait le potentiel cellulaire de la plante et donc détruire ou affaiblir le système immunitaire de la plante.
Comme cause indirecte la plante pourrait mourir d’infections fongiques dissimulant la cause première de sa souffrance.
3. Preuves expérimentales
Des expériences de germination avec du titanate de baryum/strontium du domaine industriel, ajouté en concentrations différentes pré-définies au processus de germination, ont besoin d’être menées afin de déterminer de manière expérimentale le dosage létal de titanate de baryum/strontium pour les plantes. J’estimerais une concentration de 35mg/kg de graines imbibées comme zone ciblée d’expérimentation, ajoutant le titanate de baryum/strontium à l’eau pour être sûr qu’il soit complètement absorbé par les graines.
Je suggérerais de travailler sur des semences céréalières telles que le maïs, le soja et le blé, et des plantes à croissance rapide comme le cresson pour des résultats rapides afin de pouvoir publier une première version.
Il devrait être possible d’acheter du (Ba, Srx) TiO3 via Internet, j’ai vu des offres. S’il est impossible de mettre la main sur de petites quantités je suggère de contacter en privé des personnes travaillant dans des laboratoires où cette substance est utilisée.
4. Conclusion
Bien que les mécanismes présentés en postulat avec leurs interactions n’aient pas fait l’objet de recherches complètes il y a assez de preuves et de logique autour du sujet pour NE PAS utiliser les nano-particules décrites à moins que la chose ait été convenablement étudiée, et que les dommages à la nature et aux végétaux aient pu être exclus.
Bien qu’il soit tentant de contrôler la météo pour le bénéfice de l’agriculture, bien qu’il puisse paraître sans alternative, pour protéger nos technologies pendant les éruptions solaires pouvant nous frapper jusqu’à l’équateur pendant un possible basculement magnétique – surtout, pris en considération le déplacement s’accélérant de façon exponentielle du pôle nord magnétique au cours des cinq dernières années, indiquant la période de novembre 2012 à mars 2013 comme moment de transition possible – le prix pourrait être trop élevé et la nature pourrait simplement ne pas se réveiller après un hiver de vaporisation d’aérosols – étant totalement aveuglés par notre tentative de protection.
Madame, Monsieur,
Je demande respectueusement à tous et à toutes qui ont accès à des conditions de laboratoire ou à des serres disposant de conditions contrôlées de se livrer aux expériences manquantes au chapitre 4 et de rapporter les résultats, comprenant des photos à:
Tél. 0049 179 2661123
Si je ne devais pas réagir à des résultats arrivants dans la semaine ce texte peut être utilisé dans le domaine public et complété avec vos résultats chiffrant les doses létales de titanate de baryum/strontium, ensemble avec les preuves expérimentales. Tant qu’un e-mail ou contact téléphonique m’a été donné je souhaite évaluer les résultants entrants moi-même et les publierai dès qu’il y aura un schéma visible dans ces résultats.
Merci pour votre attention et possibles contributions.
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Al Gore Admits They are Spraying 90 Million Tons Per Day of Toxic Chemicals into the Atmosphere
Al Gore Admits “They” are Spraying 90 Million Tons Per Day of Toxic Chemicals into the Atmosphere .
Drake shared this one; unsure of the source. Back in February of this year, Ellen DeGeneres hosted Al Gore and this discussion. She apparently is awake.
I’ve heard there are several reasons for spraying us like roaches—ultimately it’s the eugenics program, but weather mod, climate control, disease propagation, control of the food supply/starvation… but most importantly, our spiritual evolution.
The sun is bringing the energies required to transform this planet and us, into 5D and above. They think that spraying things into the atmosphere is going to prevent ascension—but they’re wrong. Nothing can stop it. It’s already well underway.
He must know more than us average folks do.
Here is something he obviously knows about stratospheric aerosol spraying (a.k.a.) chemtrails that I have not heard up to this point.
Listening to Mr. Al Gore(-ithum) or Ellen normally makes me want to change the channel immediately, or puke, however this time he shared information which he must be privy to that disclosed the magnitude of the toxic chemicals which are being dumped into the atmosphere on a DAILY basis.
NINETY MILLION tons, PER DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He acts like it’s terrible that they would spend all that money to pollute the atmosphere and we should unite to put a stop to it. We all know he’s just jealous that money would be better spent to pay his Global Cap and Trade Taxes and cow farts.
NINETY MILLION tons, PER DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is a smokin’ gun to the magnitude of what they dumping on us via Chem-trail Aerosol Spraying.
You do the math, NINETY MILLION tons, PER DAY x 365 days x 10+ years = ????????
Also, note his comments regarding how this is part of the plan of manipulating the droughts, floods and super storms across the nation.
For those who haven’t bothered to pay attention to the skies for the last 10+ years check out the links listed after the Al Gore admission video.
For those people you know that believe “ignorance is bliss” tell them not to watch or listen to this information.
Best regards,
Al Gore admits Chemtrails are for blocking the SUN
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Buitenaards leven kan diep onder de grond bestaan
Buitenaards leven kan diep onder de grond bestaan.
Schotse wetenschappers hebben bepaald dat planeten en manen die relatief ver van hun ster staan ook leven kunnen herbergen.
Bij de berekening van de bewoonbare zone, of het Goudlokjesgebied, wordt geen rekening gehouden met het feit dat vloeibaar water ook diep onder het oppervlak kan bestaan.
De Schotse onderzoekers hebben berekend dat de bewoonbare zone rond aardachtige planeten tot wel 14 keer groter is dan altijd is gedacht. Ze concludeerden dat er ‘veel meer planeten’ zijn die binnen dit gebied vallen.
Zonder atmosfeer
Het is bekend dat op onze planeet leven voorkomt op een diepte van 5,3 kilometer, maar het is goed mogelijk dat we zelfs op 10 kilometer diepte leven gaan vinden, aldus hoofdonderzoeker Sean McMahon.
De bewoonbare zone voor een aardachtige planeet die rond een zonachtige ster draait is ongeveer drie keer groter wanneer ook rekening wordt gehouden met het gebied tot vijf kilometer onder het oppervlak van de planeet.
Op planeten in ons zonnestelsel waar het aan het oppervlak te koud of te warm is wemelt het mogelijk toch van leven. Het kan goed zijn dat onder het oppervlak van planeten zoals Mars en manen als Europa en Ganymedes leven kan bestaan. Buitenaards leven kan ook worden gevonden in werelden waar extreme omstandigheden aan het oppervlak gelden, zoals planeten die door de interstellaire ruimte zwerven, planeten zonder atmosfeer of extreem warme planeten zoals Venus.
De bevindingen ondersteunen de theorie dat een planeet genaamd Nibiru het grootste deel van zijn omlooptijd in de interstellaire ruimte doorbrengt. Volgens de Soemeriërs was Nibiru de thuiswereld van een buitenaards ras dat bekendstaat als de Anunnaki. Het is mogelijk dat de Anunnaki ondergrondse koloniën hebben gesticht om de lange periode in de interstellaire ruimte te overleven.
Planeten als Venus, waar de omstandigheden aan het oppervlak ongeschikt zijn voor leven, beschikken mogelijk over een bewoonbare zone onder de grond waar wel leven kan bestaan. Er zijn verschillende mensen, waaronder Luis Fernando Mostajo Maertens, die hebben aangegeven dat op Venus ondergrondse beschavingen kunnen worden gevonden.
Ruïnes diep in Ecuadoraanse jungle ontrafelen eeuwenoude archeologische mysteries
Ruïnes diep in Ecuadoraanse jungle ontrafelen eeuwenoude archeologische mysteries
In het dichte regenwoud in het oosten van de Andes is op ruim 2500 meter boven zeeniveau een bouwwerk opgegraven.
De ruïnes in de Zuid-Amerikaanse bergjungle kunnen eeuwenoude mysteries ontrafelen en herbergen mogelijk een koninklijke Incaschat.
Het bouwwerk bevat volgens één theorie de Schat van de Llanganatis, een enorme goudschat die in de zestiende eeuw door Inca-generaal Ruminahui zou zijn verborgen voor de Spaanse conquistadores.
Mooie berg
Volgens de legende reisde de generaal naar het Llanganatis-gebergte, waar hij de rijkdommen in een grot heeft verstopt of in een meer heeft gegooid. Hij werd uiteindelijk gevangen genomen door de conquistadores, maar gaf niets prijs over de locatie.
Jungleverkenners hebben op het platte dak van het gebouw, mogelijk het mausoleum van de dertiende Inca-heerser Atahualpa, diverse artefacten gevonden.
De vindplaats bevindt zich in Nationaal Park Llanganates, wat mooie berg betekent. Bezoekers van het park komen meestal via de nabijgelegen plaatsen Salcedo of Baños. Het oostelijke deel van het park is zeer slecht en uitsluitend te voet bereikbaar.
De verkenners doen er ongeveer 8 tot 10 uur over om het bouwwerk te bereiken. Daar komt bij dat het grootste deel ervan is overwoekerd door de dichte jungle.
De Ecuadoraanse overheid steunt een officiële archeologische expeditie naar de vindplaats. Een woordvoerder van het ministerie van Toerisme zei: “We hopen deze vondst te laten zien aan lokale en buitenlandse bezoekers, zodat ze een uniek inzicht krijgen in de cultuur van onze voorouders.”
PUBLISHED: 14:57 GMT, 5 January 2014 | UPDATED: 16:04 GMT, 5 January 2014
A pilot has reported a mysterious flying object passed within feet of his cockpit in the skies around London's Heathrow Airport.
The captain of the A320, flying to the west of the airport, was looking out the a cockpit window and saw a cigar-shaped metallic object flying at a similar altitude, seemingly directly at his plane.
A report on the apparent near-miss, which took place in July, has just been released by the UK Airprox Board, part of the Civil Aviation Authority.
Are they out there? The captain of the A320, flying just to the west of the airport, was looking out the a cockpit window and saw a cigar-shaped metallic object, it has been reported. File picture
Fire in the sky: The pilot described the craft as shaped like a rugby ball or cigar and metallic in appearance. File picture
It said: 'Having very little time to focus, he was under the apprehension that they were on a collision course with no time to react.
'His immediate reaction was to duck to the right and reach over the alert the FO (first officer); there was no time to talk to alert him.
'His first words to the FO were, "did you see that?", who replied "see what?"
The captain perceived an object pass within a few feet of the aircraft. It could best be described as cigar/rugby ball-like in shape, bright silver and metallic-like in construction.'
The pilot asked air traffic control if any other aircraft were in the vicinity, but was told that there none close by, although there were other airliners to the west.
An aerial view of Heathrow Airport. The A320 was flying to the west of the airport
Investigators ruled out the possibility that it was a meteorological balloon or a helium balloon.
The report added: 'Nevertheless, the A320 pilot was subject to a powerful impression of immediate danger, caused by his perception of an object closing rapidly on his aircraft.
'Although only supposition, members opined that this may have been due to a combination of a possible reflection of the low sun off one of the aircraft to the west, and of the pilot's head movement as he looked forward.
'It was decided that, although the reflection theory had some merit, the overall dearth of information relating to the event rendered and meaningful finding impossible.'
An interesting legend, mysterious “domes” or “cauldrons” in Siberia, and multiple meteors in Russia are the subject of the video below which points to a connection of what legends surrounding the most remote and unexplored area of Siberia referred to as the “Valley of Death,” where locals claim those that enter do not come out, and the unexplained, witness accounts of fireballs coming up from the ground in a epic battle before those meteors exploded in midair.
Local legends include underground alien structures, once above ground and referred to by many from the 1800′s and 1900′s as metal structures, with metal rooms, unlike anything ever seen before they supposedly sank underground.
They are referred to in many ways, but usually “dome” structures or “cauldrons.
The legends refer to “epic battles” that occurred where fireballs came up from the ground, with many believing they were activated, for lack of a better term, when meteors or asteroids came too close to earth.
Was that what happened in Tunguska in 1908? Chulym in 1984? Vitim in 2002? Irkutsk in 2011? Last but not least, perhaps in Chelyabinsk in February 2013?
All exploded before hitting the surface of Earth.
Eyewitness reports of the destruction of meteorites over Siberia in 1984 and 2002 by “terminator spheres” give further credence to accounts of the 1908 Tunguska explosions and the ancient legends. (Source)
Across a vast area of sparsely populated Yakutia in Siberia can be found strange metallic structures and evidence of devastating nuclear-type explosions every six or seven centuries.
These structures have been described by many, and the link above provides eyewitness accounts, including but not limited to the ones quoted below:
Right up until 1936, a merchant named Savvinov traded on the route; when he gave up the business, the inhabitants gradually abandoned those places. Finally, the aged merchant and his granddaughter Zina decided to move to Siuldiukar. Somewhere in the land between two rivers that is known as Kheldyu (“iron house” in the local language), the old man led her to a small, slightly flattened reddish arch where, beyond a spiral passageway, there turned out to be a number of metal chambers in which they then spent the night. Zina’s grandfather told her that even in the harshest frosts it was warm as summer in the chambers.
In days gone by, there were bold men among the local hunters who would sleep in these rooms. But then they began to fall seriously ill, and those who had spent several nights in a row there soon died.
In 1853, R. Maak, a noted explorer of the region, wrote:
“In Suntar [a Yakut settlement] I was told that in the upper reaches of the Viliuy there is a stream called Algy timirbit (which translates as “the large cauldron sank”) flowing into the Viliuy. Close to its bank in the forest there is a gigantic cauldron made of copper. Its size is unknown as only the rim is visible above the ground, but several trees grow within it…”
And here is a passage from a letter penned in 1996 by another person who visited the Valley of Death. Mikhail Koretsky from Vladivostok wrote:
“I was there three times. The first time was in 1933, when I was ten – I travelled with my father when he went there to earn some money – then in 1937, without my father. And the last time was in 1947 as part of a group of youngsters.
“The ’Valley of Death’ extends along a right-hand tributary of the Viliuy River. In point of fact it is a whole chain of valleys along its flood lands. All three times I was there with a guide, a Yakut. We didn’t go there because life was good, but because there, in the back of beyond, you could pan for gold without the threat that at the end of the season you’d be robbed or get a bullet in the back of your head.
“As for mysterious objects, there are probably a lot of them there, as in three seasons I saw seven of those ’cauldrons’. They all struck me as totally perplexing: for one thing, there was their size – between six and nine meters in diameter.
Read much more at the link above.
The came explorers in more recent times that went to see if they could locate these mysterious metal structures and what they found, described in the video below, were areas where these metal domes or cauldrons had sunk but what was more interesting was they became ill just as legends described, loss of hair, skin conditions, loss of eyesight but when they returned home, doctors could find no reason.
If there is only one thing we can say with any certainty about the infamous events that occurred outside of Roswell, New Mexico in the summer of 1947, it’s that there are multiple theories for what happened. And no-one can offer any real, hard evidence that definitively nails things one way or the other. Of course, Ufology has always been like that. But, Roswell seems to typify that aspect of the UFO phenomenon like no other case.
The many and varied scenarios involve a crashed UFO, a fallen weather balloon, a Mogul balloon used in the detection of Soviet atomic-bomb tests, an experiment based around high-altitude balloons and Japanese people, some sort of atomic mishap, a Soviet ruse involving mutated kids, crash-test dummies, a flying-wing experiment, a craft flown by time-travelers from our future, a vehicle created by an ancient terrestrial race that lives deep underground in vast caverns, and even a demonic, Trojan Horse-style deception.
But, of one thing we can be sure: clearly all of the above scenarios cannot be correct. But, hang on a minute or several. Just maybe they can all be correct, after all. Welcome to the complex world of multiple timelines, alternative realities, and multi-dimensions.
Now before I get taken to task (as someone will surely do), I’m not saying – at all – that what I’m about to discuss definitively explains Roswell, only that it’s something worth musing upon and speculating on – and that’s it. There’s nothing wrong with wildly theorizing. And if you have a problem with wild theories, tell it to someone who actually cares, not to me.
Consider this: what makes Roswell so confusing is that many of the theories actually have degrees of merit attached to them. The original comments of Mack Brazel (who found the huge debris field on the Foster Ranch, Lincoln County, New Mexico) do seem to suggest something like a weather-balloon came down. And when one takes a careful read of the Air Force’s 1994 “Mogul Balloon Report” some – but certainly not all – of the data does resonate with the Mogul scenario.
On the other hand, the so-called “memory metal” strewn all across the ranch does not accord with balloon debris in the slightest. It does indeed suggest something unearthly was in our midst.
Then there is the matter of the bodies. Let’s start with the crash-test dummies scenario. Although many Roswell researchers dismiss their testimony, both Gerald Anderson and Jim Ragsdale described seeing dummy-like bodies. As for the Japanese theory, Melvin Brown – a witness to the strange corpses – told his family that the bodies he saw could have “passed for Chinese.” We have others who claim diminutive Gray-like aliens were recovered on the ranch. Others talk of far more human-looking aliens, somewhere around five feet in height.
As for the crash site itself, we hear of a debris field and nothing else. Others, however, claim that a definitive flying saucer was found somewhere in the area. Or was it a semi-intact saucer? Some say neither: instead, it was an escape pod, or a German Horten aircraft, or a mistakenly dropped (but, thankfully, unexploded) atomic bomb.
How is it feasible that so many people could have so many conflicting stories of what they saw, knew or heard? The most obvious answer is that multiple scenarios, and story-lines, have been officially created over the years to deliberately create confusion over what really happened – and that may very well be the crux of it and nothing else.
But, let’s indulge ourselves for a while in the multi-timeline and multiple realities theory. To do so, we have to address the thought-provoking words of a friend of mine, Joshua P. Warren.
If there is only one thing we can say with any certainty about the infamous events that occurred outside of Roswell, New Mexico in the summer of 1947, it’s that there are multiple theories for what happened. And no-one can offer any real, hard evidence that definitively nails things one way or the other. Of course, Ufology has always been like that. But, Roswell seems to typify that aspect of the UFO phenomenon like no other case.
The many and varied scenarios involve a crashed UFO, a fallen weather balloon, a Mogul balloon used in the detection of Soviet atomic-bomb tests, an experiment based around high-altitude balloons and Japanese people, some sort of atomic mishap, a Soviet ruse involving mutated kids, crash-test dummies, a flying-wing experiment, a craft flown by time-travelers from our future, a vehicle created by an ancient terrestrial race that lives deep underground in vast caverns, and even a demonic, Trojan Horse-style deception.
But, of one thing we can be sure: clearly all of the above scenarios cannot be correct. But, hang on a minute or several. Just maybe they can all be correct, after all. Welcome to the complex world of multiple timelines, alternative realities, and multi-dimensions.
Now before I get taken to task (as someone will surely do), I’m not saying – at all – that what I’m about to discuss definitively explains Roswell, only that it’s something worth musing upon and speculating on – and that’s it. There’s nothing wrong with wildly theorizing. And if you have a problem with wild theories, tell it to someone who actually cares, not to me.
Consider this: what makes Roswell so confusing is that many of the theories actually have degrees of merit attached to them. The original comments of Mack Brazel (who found the huge debris field on the Foster Ranch, Lincoln County, New Mexico) do seem to suggest something like a weather-balloon came down. And when one takes a careful read of the Air Force’s 1994 “Mogul Balloon Report” some – but certainly not all – of the data does resonate with the Mogul scenario.
On the other hand, the so-called “memory metal” strewn all across the ranch does not accord with balloon debris in the slightest. It does indeed suggest something unearthly was in our midst.
Then there is the matter of the bodies. Let’s start with the crash-test dummies scenario. Although many Roswell researchers dismiss their testimony, both Gerald Anderson and Jim Ragsdale described seeing dummy-like bodies. As for the Japanese theory, Melvin Brown – a witness to the strange corpses – told his family that the bodies he saw could have “passed for Chinese.” We have others who claim diminutive Gray-like aliens were recovered on the ranch. Others talk of far more human-looking aliens, somewhere around five feet in height.
As for the crash site itself, we hear of a debris field and nothing else. Others, however, claim that a definitive flying saucer was found somewhere in the area. Or was it a semi-intact saucer? Some say neither: instead, it was an escape pod, or a German Horten aircraft, or a mistakenly dropped (but, thankfully, unexploded) atomic bomb.
How is it feasible that so many people could have so many conflicting stories of what they saw, knew or heard? The most obvious answer is that multiple scenarios, and story-lines, have been officially created over the years to deliberately create confusion over what really happened – and that may very well be the crux of it and nothing else.
But, let’s indulge ourselves for a while in the multi-timeline and multiple realities theory. To do so, we have to address the thought-provoking words of a friend of mine, Joshua P. Warren.
A few years ago I interviewed Josh – for my book, The Real Men in Black – on the theory that the MIB might be time-travelers and – more importantly – time-manipulators. Josh had a great deal to say on this matter, much of which revolved around a certain, infamous photograph that no-one can find.
During the course of the interview, Josh discussed the strange story of what has become known as The Thunderbird Photograph. So the admittedly very odd tale goes: back in the 1960s, a photograph, said to date from the late 1800s, appeared in the pages of a newsstand magazine of the day – possibly True, Saga, or Argosy – and displayed the deceased remains of a gigantic, monstrous bird, pinned to a pair of barn-doors somewhere in rural North America. The exact location being a matter of some debate, just like the picture itself.
Numerous researchers, investigators and authors of a whole range of anomalies claim, with absolute unswerving certainty, that they personally saw the priceless picture when it was published. The big problem, today, however, is that despite the fact that the pages of all the above-magazines, and many others too, have been carefully and dutifully scoured – even to the point of near-obsession – the picture cannot be found; anywhere at all.
It’s almost as if it never even existed in the first place. And, in a curious way, maybe it didn’t. Or, if Joshua P. Warren’s theories are correct, maybe it did…but just for a while.
How can we explain such a strange situation? A specific photograph cannot simply disappear from every publication that it ever appeared in – can it? Maybe, if we follow Josh’s lead, it certainly can: “I get the impression,” he said to me, “that there might be a shifting timeline that we are passing through on a day-by-day basis. One day UFOs might be real, and the next they’re not. The next day Bigfoot is running around your backyard, and the next day he doesn’t exist.”
Josh continued: “One day the Thunderbird photo is in a magazine, and then when the timeline is played with again, it’s no longer in the magazine. And it may be that, day by day, hour by hour, or even minute by minute, small changes to the timeline are being made by these entities, or beings, coming back and constantly playing around with the past and the future. So, things we remember in the past, like the Thunderbird photo, suddenly no longer exist in the present”
And maybe that is what has happened with Roswell. But, just perhaps, there are not just multi-timelines, but multiple realities, too, ones ripe for equal manipulation by something akin to the MIB. Perhaps, in one of those realities, aliens met their deaths at Roswell. In another reality, Mac Tonnies’ “Cryptoterrestrials” gave themselves away by coming down on the Foster Ranch. In a third, it was all due to the Japanese. And, in a fourth world, crash-test dummies were the cause all along. And so on. And so on. And so on.
But, maybe the MIB – definitely manipulative characters at the best of times – surfed those same realities and timelines and put everything into a state of “unified flux.” The result: the many alternative realities have became fused into one – thus creating a scenario where, today, Roswell is a mixture of memories borne out of chaotic meddling with the natural order, and a combination of different scenarios originating within varying realities that have bled through into our world.
Perhaps that also explains why there are so many conflicting theories for who Jack the Ripper was: a doctor, a member of the British Royal Family, a Freemason, an actor, and even a midwife! Maybe Jack was all of these. It just depends on which reality you call home. Until, that is, the MIB move in and do their work of the weird and weaving variety. The same could also apply to the JFK assassination of November 1963. Was it the Cubans? The Russians? The CIA? Lee Harvey Oswald? The Mob? The answer may very well be: Yes, it was!
If multiple realties, and multiple Earths exist, perhaps Roswell, Jack the Ripper and the Kennedy assassination are exactly to the people of those worlds as as they are to us: a confusing mass (and mess) of theories that all seem to have a degree of validity to them, something which should be impossible. But which may actually not be quite so impossible after all, if someone has decided to screw around with what passes for reality and time.
But why would the MIB, or something like them, engage in such manipulation? It may be very simple: they do it because they can and it amuses them to screw with the Human Race.
I’ve come up with a new term to describe a fallacy in the way some skeptics view paranormal investigation; the participation paradox. Many prominent skeptics are quick to criticize the community of paranormal investigators for their lack of scientific rigor in the collection and analysis of evidence. While I agree that there is work to be done here the skeptics take it a step too far: They ask why after years and decades of research we do not produce definitive proof of anything?
This confuses me because it seems obvious to me skeptics have answered their own question. How would a community that lacks the ability to gather and catalog these phenomenon in a scientific way be able to prove the phenomenon exists in the eyes of science? It’s not a trick question. The answer is they can’t; in fact it would be virtually impossible. In one statement skeptics acknowledge there is a lack of scientific engagement in the investigation of the paranormal and in another they use the lack of scientific proof as an excuse to put a dis-proven stamp on anything labeled paranormal.
Now if the skeptic community actively engaged in investigation in an objective and thorough manner then there would be room for discussion, but they don’t. Most skeptics, even several prominent ones, are arm-chair researchers who do not attempt to collect evidence, determine the validity of eyewitness testimony or really analyze the details of the problemset. The few skeptics that conduct field research base their results on a simplified definition of the phenomenon, an extremely limited sample size and a clear bias to prove their own beliefs. In fact these investigations are often nothing more than a dog and pony show to create the illusion of investigation. For those that disagree with this paragraph I have detailed why this is so in several analyses of the work of prominent skeptics and will continue to do so to provide further proof of my claims.
Of course there is another reason we do not have proof of the paranormal. These phenomenon are so outside the realm of anything known that there is no easy way to prove it if it did exist. There are no ghost detectors, no alien meters or Sasquatch finders; the methods to collect evidence are limited and it is easy to dismiss any evidence collected with these limited methods. So how could there possibly be definitive proof of the paranormal? Perhaps someone needs to capture a ghost in a bottle.
Unfortunately instead of lending a hand in the investigation many skeptics will follow their bias. The fact is the skeptical community could be a great help to the paranormal investigation community if they could set their bias aside and help the real investigation proceed in a more scientific manner. Until a skeptic can tell me a scientific process or device to prove a ghost actually exists, I stick with my vote to put the scientific method aside and adopt a more practical methodology, based off of techniques used in the intelligence community.
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Alien Life Could Be Much More Widespread Than Originally Thought
Alien Life Could Be Much More Widespread Than Originally Thought
Before It's News)
Earth-sized planets can support life at least ten times further away from stars than previously thought, according to academics at the University of Aberdeen.
A new paper published in Planetary and Space Science claims cold rocky planets previously considered uninhabitable may actually be able to support beneath the surface.
The team, which included academics from the University of St Andrews, challenge the traditional ‘habitable zone’ – i.e. the area of space around a star, or sun, which can support life – by taking into consideration life living deep below the ground.
The traditional habitable zone is also known as the Goldilocks zone, explains PhD student Sean McMahon. A planet needs to be not too close to its sun but also not too far away for liquid water to persist, rather than boiling or freezing, on the surface.
But that theory fails to take into account life that can exist beneath a planet’s surface. As you get deeper below a planet’s surface, the temperature increases, and once you get down to a temperature where liquid water can exist – life can exist there too.
The team created a computer model that estimates the temperature below the surface of a planet of a given size, at a given distance from its star.
The deepest known life on Earth is 5.3 km below the surface, but there may well be life even 10 km deep in places on Earth that haven’t yet been drilled.
Using our computer model we discovered that the habitable zone for an Earth-like planet orbiting a sun-like star is about three times bigger if we include the top five kilometers below the planet surface.
The model shows that liquid water, and as such life, could survive 5 km below the Earth’s surface even if the Earth was three times further away from the sun than it is just now.
If we go deeper, and consider the top 10 km below the Earth’s surface, then the habitable zone for an Earth-like planet is 14 times wider.
The current habitable zone for our solar system extends out as far as Mars, but this re-drawn habitable zone would see the zone extend out further than Jupiter and Saturn. The findings also suggest that many of the so-called “rogue” planets drifting around in complete darkness could actually be habitable.
Rocky planets a few times larger than the Earth could support liquid water at about 5 km below the surface even in interstellar space (i.e. very far away from a star), even if they have no atmosphere because the larger the planet, the more heat they generate internally.
It has been suggested that the planet Gliese 581 d, which is 20 light years away from Earth in the constellation Libra, may be too cold for liquid water at the surface. However, our model suggests that it is very likely to be able to support liquid water less than 2 km below the surface, assuming it is Earth-like.
The significance of the subsurface is further illustrated by another paper published by the same team which suggests there could be more life below the surface of the continents on Earth thanthere is below the seafloor.
McMahon hopes the studies will encourage other researchers to consider how life on other planets might be detected.
The results suggest life may occur much more commonly deep within planets and moons than on their surfaces. This means it might be worth looking for signs of life outside conventional habitable zones. I hope people will study the ways in which life below the surface might reveal itself. Because it’s not unimaginable that there might be signs at the surface that life exists deep below.
The surfaces of rocky and moons that we know of are nothing like Earth. They’re typically cold and barren with no atmosphere or a very thin or even corrosive atmosphere. Going below the surface protects you from a whole host of unpleasant conditions on the surface. So the subsurface habitable zone may turn out to be very important. Earth might even be unusual in having life on the surface.
To take concern or not? Do we REALIZE what is coming? Not only in the atmosphere, not only on the Earth, not only from our government … but now we have a LARGE MAGNETIC ball approaching Earth. The authorities will stay SILENT until it begins to take effect.
What is about to happen is GOING TO BE SCARY because there is nothing that can be done about it!!
DO LISTEN VERY CAREFULLY to this video!!! It may safe your life and the lives of your loved ones!
Sure, people have been saying that they are in the “end times” for ages now, saying that “Jesus is coming soon”. Seriously these Jesus freaks keep on saying the same thing and nothing ever really happens. In fact, it is such an old “war cry” that you have tuned it out which in turn has hardened your heart to the warnings. But our time truly is limited. Please just take a quick glance at the mainstream headlines and put the pieces together. There is no denying the signs; the “labor pain” symptoms any longer.
If you are scoffing at the warnings, guess what? You are fulfilling prophecy and you are only hurting yourself and any of those who may be listening to you. Check it out, I’m not putting you on: 2 Peter 3:3,4 and also in Jude 1:18,19 both are in the New Testament. Get saved; you are going to need His protection. More importantly, you will definitely need your salvation for all of eternity. I don’t know you, but I certainly care about you and your eternity. This is not a gimmick; the only thing I gain from you trusting God is another brother or sister in the Lord.
Dear Lord Jesus,
Please remove any deception that I may have listened to or embraced. Because I am not perfect, I am a sinner that needs forgiveness and I ask You to forgive me. I believe You are Savior and Lord Who shed Your Blood and died for my sins to be forgiven, and rose from the dead; You live forever. I want to turn from (repent) my sins. I invite You Jesus Christ of Nazareth to come into my heart and life as Savior and Lord. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and personal Savior. In the all powerful Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray. Amen.
Les observations les plus inexplicables sont des véhicules qui ont été repérés sortant de la mer et entrant directement en orbite solaire.
Parce que les informations sur les systèmes de suivi de missiles balistiques et les sonars en haute mer sont gardés comme des secrets d'État, les scientifiques n'ont pas accès aux données sur ces objets.
Les extrêmophiles peuvent vivre à des températures différentes que nous, et ils ont été en mesure de prospérer et de se développer à un rythme apparemment plus accéléré parce qu'ils ont tout simplement évolué sans avoir a subir les vicissitudes que nous avons eu à la surface.
Le sentiment général est que nous ne sommes que des fourmis de leur point de vue, il ya donc peu de chance qu'ils tentent de communiquer avec nous."
Les critiques pourront dire que ces révèlations n'en sont pas car tout ceci est parfaitement connu par les Ufologues et exo-politiciens.
Tout comme PRISM nous a éclairé d'une nouvelle lumière sur allées et venues dans les systèmes informatiques ECHELON de la NSA , les radars à pénétration profonde de la terre ont révélés dans les années 1990 les vastes complexes de villes souterraines.
On a donc des AliensCompilation videos ET. Lire la suite ... » (au moins 80 races différentes dont certaines nous ressemblent parfaitement) venus de l'espace et d'autres qui ont toujours été là (meme avant nous ?) sous terre dans des villes souteraines.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Fall of the Archons Update.
Fall of the Archons Update.
There is a certain important operation of the Light forces taking place behind the scenes under strictest secrecy. Insiders have been instructed to release no significant intel until this is completed. That is the reason why apparently »nothing« is happening, except for usual Fukushima and Dinar / RV hype.
The only thing I can say about this operation is that it is related to removal of all remaining Archons from the planet and also related to removing the real cause that allowed darkness to spread across the Galaxy millions of years ago in the first place.
On the physical plane, the current Archon leader is now living in a small provincial city not too far from Rome. He came to Earth in 1995 through a portal in a deep underground military base near Verona to prevent the Ascension and planetary liberation process which was in full force then, and to prepare and organize the Congo Archon invasion in 1996. Obviously he does not belong to old Italian black nobility. But he is very well connected with them and with the Jesuit network through the following three main communication nodes:
His role now is to maintain the quarantine status of planet Earth and to »prevent certain things from happening«. T
he main Archon black nobility families still worth noticing are Farnese, Orsini, Aldobrandini and Chigi. The Farnese family is the main architect of the Cabal as they have created the Jesuits with a little help of the Borja family back in the 1540s. Immediately after that, they have built their first Pentagon in Caprarola near Rome:
In their »map room« inside that building they have shaped the destiny of the world during 16th and 17th centuries:
It is interesting to note that the world map from the 16th century shows Antarctica, which was officially »discovered« in the 1770s. Around that time the Farnese have decided to use Jesuit Adam Weishaupt to create Illuminati, elevate the Rothschilds to power and move the Farnese seat of power to Washington, DC. They have built their second Pentagon there. It is also interesting to see that Larry Farnese, a member of the family, is a senator:
The Orsini family has a very strong connection with the Reptilian race and is the main connecting link between the physical and non-physical Archons. They are the ones who created the pact between the Reptilian race and the Roman Catholic Church. Long time ago, their main portal was in the underground tunnels beneath Pitigliano. That system of tunnels went all the way to Orvieto and in underground chambers beneath Orvieto they have stored the Vatican gold. The Orsini family lost a lot of their power in May 2010 in a major operation of the Light forces codenamed Mission Blue Shield.
The Aldobrandini family contains members of the original group which chose to experience separation from the Source millions of years ago. They have in their possession secret documents about the existence of Atlantis and fragments of rituals of Atlantean mystery schools. This family is aware of the importance of the Goddess energy. There is a certain fact about this family that will be made public after the Event and will surprise many people. The Chigi family are bankers for the Jesuits and they control Banca Monte dei Paschi de Siena. As I have stated over a month ago, the Eastern Alliance is disrupting their financial machinations and here are the results:
All these families are losing power rapidly and the Cabal is losing support that was covering their backs for centuries. Besides that, the Cabal is now worried about this:
This is the reason many people within the Cabal structure are preparing for the end of the current civilization and building shelters. All high level intel about Galactic Center activity, especially in the March to May timeframe, must remain classified for now. T
he Eastern Alliance is making big progress, especially in China, removing Cabal minions from positions of power and reforming the system: Certain operation of the Light forces will be completed in a week or so and things will begin to move forward and more intel and good news might be released soon. On the non-physical planes, removal of Archons, their minions and their technologies continues. One of areas where good progress was made is the removal of etheric infrasound technology which suppresses human vibrational frequency. More than two thirds of that technology have been removed in the last month. Etheric scalar devices can produce physical infrasound that can be measured. In two independent measurements of the ambient sound in nature you can see that ambient infrasound up to 100 Hz goes up to 35 dB above the ambient sound in other frequencies. You can also see a curious ultrasound peak at 10 kHz in one measurement and 15 kHz in the other. They correspond to etheric ultrasound network which scans the brain activity:
The intensity of the etheric infrasound and ultrasound is set to remain just below the hearing threshold of an average human being to avoid people becoming curious about it and realizing that something strange is going on. You can see that perceived human hearing graph looks quite similar to the graphs above:
Some people are still able to hear that infrasound and some even the ultrasound frequencies and many researchers call this the Taos hum. This hum was recorded with a professional sound equipment and it sounds like this:
Removal of these technologies and structures requires a lot of hard work of the Light forces, as the Archons were improving their non-physical control networks for the last 25,000 years. It will take much less than 25,000 years to dismantle all this, but do not be discouraged if a month or two passes without any visible breakthroughs. There will be results soon enough and in the meantime you can read this very informative article:
Updated version of Extraterrestrial technology on the Moon a.k.a. "Project Golden Dragon". Before yo...
13-01-2014 om 10:48
geschreven door peter
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Pilot tells of near-miss with UFO near Heathrow Airport
Pilot tells of near-miss with UFO near Heathrow Airport
A passenger jet pilot has told how he was sure his plane would be hit by a UFO at 34,000ft. The captain claimed the ‘metallic’ bright silver ‘cigar/rugby ball-like’ UFO came within a few feet of his A320 Airbus.
He spotted the object travelling towards the jet out of a left-hand side cockpit window. The close encounter took place about 20 miles west of Heathrow, although the Airbus is not believed to have taken off from the airport. Immediately after the incident the pilot checked the aircraft’s instruments and reported it to air traffic control but there was no sign of the UFO.
The report found that it was ‘not possible to trace the object or determine the likely cause of the sighting’, which took place at about 6:30pm on July 13 2013.
This is the full episode of ‘UFO Hunters The Silencers’. The hunters delve into cases involving witness interrogation by mysterious agents known as the “Men in Black” (MIBs), who sometimes appear suddenly after a UFO event, exhibit unusual behaviour, know facts that have not been divulged by witnesses, and threaten the lives of those involved with severe consequences unless they remain silent about their encounter.
Glowing UFO fleet over Petaluma, California on 3rd January 2014
Glowing UFO fleet over Petaluma, California on 3rd January 2014
New interesting video footage of a fleet of UFOs recorded in the night sky above Petaluma, California on 3rd January 2014.
Witness said: I was drive in my car to Target at about 9:30pm Friday Jan 3.rd 2014 when these orange and white circle object to the sky were moving slow and fast.I didnt know what they were so I pull over to get To take pictures i got a video clip! They were in a straight line then they kept doing formations what looked like the Big Dipper. It was a trip to have witnessed it.
The Laredo, Texas UFO crash is a case in which at least two U.S. military aircraft allegedly chased a 90-foot-diameter (27 m) silver disc-shaped unidentified flying object (UFO) across Texas before watching the object crash approximately 30 miles (48 km) south-southwest of Laredo, Texas on July 7, 1948. U.S. servicemen were reportedly dispatched from a nearby military base to cordon off the UFO crash site until a special U.S. retrieval team arrived to examine the wreckage and carry it away to a military base in San Antonio, Texas. Supposedly, the badly burned body of a non-human entity was recovered from the crash site.
Schumann-apparaat beschermt astronauten tijdens ruimteverblijf
Schumann-apparaat beschermt astronauten tijdens ruimteverblijf...
Al het leven op aarde heeft zich ontwikkeld binnen de elektromagnetische velden van onze planeet. Zonder deze velden kunnen we niet bestaan.
Als een dier wordt geïsoleerd van deze velden zal het sterven. Door de jaren heen zijn verschillende apparaten ontwikkeld die natuurlijke elektromagnetische straling opwekken.
Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig van het Instituut voor Biofysica in Tauberbischofsheim in Duitsland was één van de belangrijkste pioniers op dit gebied. Hij deed uitgebreid onderzoek naar de natuurlijke velden waar we aan worden blootgesteld en ontwikkelde apparatuur om deze velden op te wekken.
Ludwig ontdekte dat in de natuurlijke omgeving van de aarde drie bio-energetische signalen aanwezig zijn: Schumann-resonanties, geomagnetische straling en zonnestraling (Ludwig, W. (1999) Informative Medizin, Essen).
Op 100 kilometer hoogte wordt de aarde omgeven door de ionosfeer. De enorme ruimte tussen de ionosfeer en het aardoppervlak lijkt op de klankkast van een muziekinstrument. Schumann-resonanties, vernoemd naar de natuurkundige W.O. Schumann, hadden een frequentie van ongeveer 7,83 Hz. Dezelfde frequentie wordt teruggevonden in belangrijke delen van het brein, waaronder de hippocampus en de hypothalamus. We kunnen stellen dat onze hersenen resoneren met de aarde.
Dr. Ludwig kwam tot de ontdekking dat een onbalans in de Schumann-resonanties bij levende wezens leidt tot stress. In 1974 ontwikkelde hij de eerste apparaten die Schumann-resonanties kunnen opwekken. De NASA consulteerde hem en installeerde dergelijke apparaten vervolgens in bemande ruimtecapsules om de astronauten te beschermen tegen de schadelijke effecten die optreden als ze worden geïsoleerd van deze natuurlijke frequenties.
De aardkorst bevat 64 elementen die een organisme nodig heeft voor een goede groei en functie, zogeheten sporenelementen. Ieder element heeft een eigen specifieke trilling, die invloed heeft op het aardmagnetisch veld. Deze invloed vertaalt zich in geomagnetische straling. De aardkorst bevat dezelfde essentiële mineralen die ook in rode bloedcellen van mensen worden gevonden.
De zon is een belangrijke bron van natuurlijke elektromagnetische straling. Op het aardoppervlak bestaat de zonnestraling hoofdzakelijk nog uit zichtbaar licht en een gedeelte in het radiospectrum. De rest van de energie wordt door de atmosfeer geabsorbeerd. De ultrakortegolf in het zonnespectrum blijkt te resoneren met de cellulaire bouwstenen van alle organismen.
De apparaten van dr. Ludwig zijn uniek omdat ze gebruikmaken van alle drie de genoemde bio-energetische signalen: Schumann-resonanties, geomagnetische straling en zonnestraling.
New Study Claims ET Life Can Exist Inside Planets with Inhospitable Surfaces
New Study Claims ET Life Can Exist Inside Planets with Inhospitable Surfaces
By Dr Michael Salla, Exopolitics - January 11, 2014
Scientists at the University of Aberdeen and University of St Andrews, Scotland, have concluded that extraterrestrial life is far more prevalent than previously thought.
In a paper titled “Circumstellar habitable zones for deep terrestrial biospheres,” released in the journal, Planetary and Space Science, they have redefined the “Goldilocks Zone”, the optimal zone for life to exist on planets.
They have found that life can flourish beneath a planet’s surface where liquid water can be found at varying depths.
Planets in our solar system where the surface is too frigid for liquid water to exist, may be teeming with life below the surface where liquid water can exist in abundance. Planets such as Mars and moons such as Europa and Ganymede may be teeming with life under their respective frigid surfaces.
Subsurface habitability zones in proportion to distance from sun and depth from surface. Credit: Sean McMahon
The scientists’ findings is likely to revolutionize the way in which extraterrestrial life is thought to exist, and where it may be found. Perhaps more significantly, their paper gives support to claims that extraterrestrial life can exist inside worlds with extreme surface conditions such as rogue planets in interstellar space, and extremely hot planets such as Venus.
The Goldilocks zone is currently defined as a region in space where liquid water can exist on the surface on a planet without boiling or freezing. For our solar system, this is roughly the region in space from Venus to Mars. However, as one goes beneath the surface, the temperature increases due to the internal heat generated by the hot cores of a planet or moon.
This means that while water may instantly freeze on the surface, thereby making life difficult to establish itself there, liquid water may existence in abundance below the surface.
This is how one of the scientists involved in the “Circumstellar habitable zones” paper, Ph.D. student Sean McMahon, described in the abstract this new way of locating extraterrestrial life:
We introduce a new term, subsurface-habitability zone (SSHZ) to denote the range of distances from a star within which rocky planets are habitable at any depth below their surfaces up to a stipulated maximum, and show how SSHZs can be estimated from a model relating temperature, depth and orbital distance.
We present results for Earth-like, Mars-like and selected extrasolar terrestrial planets, and conclude that SSHZs are several times wider and include many more planets than conventional surface-based habitable zones.
Using computer simulations, the scientists found that if one goes to a depth of 5km below the surface, then the habitable zone in space increases by a factor of three. If one goes to 10km below the surface, then the habitable zone extends by a factor of 14 which would extend the habitable zone beyond Saturn. Thus several of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, could have life thriving in habitats kilometers beneath their surfaces.
In response to questions from the International Business Times, McMahon also opened up the possibility that rogue planets that drift in interstellar space may even harbor life:
Rocky planets a few times larger than the Earth could support liquid water at about five km below the surface even in interstellar space (i.e. very far away from a star), even if they have no atmosphere because the larger the planet, the more heat they generate internally.”
The scientists findings give surprising support for the radical theory proposed by Zecharia Sitchin that a rogue planet called Nibiru spends most of its 3600 year orbit in interstellar space. According to Sitchin, the Sumerians believed that Nibiru was the home world of a race of beings called the Anunnaki.
The University of Aberdeen scientists paper makes it possible that the Anunnaki, if the Sitchin’s interpretation of the Sumerians is correct, established themselves in underground colonies to survive the long periods in interstellar space.
Furthermore, McMahon pointed out that subsurface conditions protect life from extreme conditions on the surface, and this may be the norm on most habitable planets:
The surfaces of rocky planets and moons that we know of are nothing like Earth. They’re typically cold and barren with no atmosphere or a very thin or even corrosive atmosphere. Going below the surface protects you from a whole host of unpleasant conditions on the surface. So the subsurface habitable zone may turn out to be very important. Earth might even be unusual in having life on the surface.
The scientists’ findings makes it possible that worlds such as Venus, with very hot surface conditions may have a “subsurface-habitability zone” that support life. This gives support to the claims of several extraterrestrial “contactees” that the planet Venus hosts life in underground civilizations. For example, Luis Fernando Mostajo claims to have been taken to an underground civilization on Venus via a stargate device he calls a “Xendra”.
The Goldilocks zone in space is being radically redefined as scientists find more ways in which liquid water can exist in abundant supply on different planets or their moons. The new idea of “subsurface-habitability zones” will dramatically increase the number of exoplanets and exomoons deemed suitable candidates for extraterrestrial life. It is also likely that in the future, we will find that our own solar system harbors life hidden in subterranean regions of different planets and moons.
A new video portrays humanity in a negative light in an effort to warn extraterrestrials to avoid visiting Earth.
Why should extraterrestrials steer clear of Earth? Because, as the Huffington Postexplains, “let’s face it, we’re pretty awful. Not only do we kill, maim, mock and annoy each other constantly . . . we also eat living things, and search relentlessly for new planets to conquer. We suck, basically.”
The video was created by Tom Scott in response to a post at the blog that said:
It’s funny how science fictionuniverses so often treat humans as a boring, default everyman species or even the weakest and dumbest.
I want to see a sci fi universe where we’re actually considered one of the more hideous and terrifying species.
Although the video’s satirical presentation of humans is perfect for some lighthearted Friday entertainment, it raises some good points and it may also lead some to view humanity’s place in the universe differently. One can easily get caught up in pop culture’s depiction of hostile, vastly superior extraterrestrials. But with the potentially infinite forms of life in the universe, there are surely some that would benefit by leaving Earth off their travel plans.
This is the official recording of the Alien interview at Area 51 / S4. DNI (Department of Naval Intelligence) This tape was smuggled out of area 51 by a mysterious person who called himself "Victor".
12-01-2014 om 18:35
geschreven door peter
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Alien Beings Caught Alive With Horns! Are They Biblical Demons?
Alien Beings Caught Alive With Horns! Are They Biblical Demons?
In this just released video from David Vose we learn of ‘alien beings with horns’ that were supposedly caught alive in Brazil. Are these ‘Biblical demons’ that are spoken of by witnesses in the video below? David’s own description of these alien beings below.
Published on Jan 10, 2014
Brazilian Government has captured DEMONIC BEINGS ALIVE! While many thought the characterization of Satan with HORNS and red eyes was a myth, there is now evidence that this creature does in fact exist and is helping the U S government control the masses. If Aliens are DEMONS, this would explain why those who have seen them call them reptilian, and, eye witnesses testify they have horns and huge red eyes, as well as reptilian skin. This is not a hoax, an entire city all saw these creatures and there are high up military people coming out with their stories. Even one of our own astronauts is reporting his beliefs on these contacts. Watch the video for yourself. I believe that this is true and if it is not many people are lying. One or the other. Either way, many people are lying. What I thought was most interesting was that the beings have horns. And may look reptilian. If this is true it could be that they are trying to appear to be this form only to make us believe they are demons and then to later pretend they are not evil but harmless creatures. In that case these are very clever hoaxes to deceive. But, either way it confirms the scriptures. And, either way they are EVIL life forms who deceive us.
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Un ovni perturbe le trafic aérien à Brême, ALLEMAGNE
UN ovni perturbe le trafic aérien à Brême, ALLEMAGNE.
Un mystérieux objet est apparu plusieurs fois sur le radar de la sécurité aérienne, dans le nord de l’Allemagne. Les spéculations sur sa nature vont bon train.
«Nous ne savons pas encore ce que c’était. Mais c’était là.» La phrase n’est pas extraite d’une série télévisée, elle a été prononcée par un porte-parole de la police de Brême, dans le nord de l’Allemagne. Dans la nuit de lundi à mardi, un «mystérieux objet volant» a perturbé le trafic de l’aéroport: un vol a dû être détourné, un autre en provenance de Francfort a été annulé, l’atterrissage d’un troisième, arrivant de Paris, a été retardé.
L’objet est apparu plusieurs fois sur le radar de la sécurité aérienne, à partir de 18h30, avant de disparaître trois heures plus tard. Des témoins affirment l’avoir aperçu. Mais, malgré ses recherches, un hélicoptère de la police n’a pas réussi à retrouver l’ovni. Un numéro de téléphone a été diffusé pour recueillir d’éventuelles informations. Tous les journaux allemands relatent mardi l’incident à grand renfort de photos d’archives floues: «Un mystérieux objet volant perturbe le trafic aérien», titre der Spiegel. «Alerte ovni», écrit Bild.
«Les aliens arrivent rarement seuls», poursuit le tabloïd. L’ovni de Brême n’est effectivement pas seul à avoir choisi de se poser en Allemagne. Dimanche, c’est dans le ciel de Zwickau dans la Saxe qu’un objet non identifié avait été aperçu… il s’agissait en fait d’un ballon téléguidé dont Bild a retrouvé le propriétaire assez facilement. En ce qui concerne l’incident de Brême, la police privilégie aussi cette hypothèse ou bien celle d’un drone. La radio locale a retrouvé des témoins qui sont loin de s’inquiéter: «Bien sûr je n’ai pas pensé à un ovni, mais plutôt à un petit avion égaré», explique par exemple Monika avant d’ajouter: «C’était déconcertant et puis soudain, ça a disparu.»
See more at:
12-01-2014 om 12:28
geschreven door peter
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Giant UFO over RIO caught on auto cam the walnut shapped UFO has its own magnetic field see the frame by frame
Giant UFO over RIO caught on auto cam – the walnut shapped UFO has its own magnetic field – see the frame by frame.
(Before It's News)
I was so happy to see this video, because I was working late one night and saw this same looking UFO over my home about a couple miles over the neighborhood about 3am. I saw fog all of a sudden come into a clear sky, and in the fog was this MONSTER size black ship. It was hard to explain, because of its shape, not round, not square but a walnut shape.. and it was HUGE going VERY slow when I saw it out my window. Creepy, these are showing up more and more. The stangest thing is, they must be from this world, or I’m sure the military would get rid of them? Or make friends with them Right?
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Daytime UFO above Newport Beach, California on 7th January 2014
Daytime UFO above Newport Beach, California on 7th January 2014
New amazing video footage of a daytime UFO recorded in the sky above Newport Beach, California on 7th January 2014.
Witness said: Filmed this on Jan 7, 2013 in Newport Beach CA at 10:30 am. I was having coffee when I looked up and saw a large triangle formation above my roof! The object consisted of 3 orbs working together to form this triangle. They hovered in formation for about a min then took off north towards the ocean. At 1:24 shows a breakdown of the triangle activity. I also managed to film some Rods. The video shows various Rods flying thru the screen and flying in packs! This is the clearest footage of Rods from my deck yet. There were also some orbs captured. It was high activity!
Former defenseminister of Canada, Paul Hellyer, was the honorable guest of Sophie Shevardnadze on the RT interview show SophieCo and discussed about UFOs and extra-terrestrials.
Hellyer has been strongly believing for years that extraterrestrials are visiting Earth through their spaceships and he has been public about it. In fact, on several instances, he said that UFOs are real as the aircraft that fly across the horizon. When asked to explain about it, he stated that he knows that they have been visiting Earth for thousands of years.
When it comes to technology, Hellyer said that extraterrestrials are light years ahead than mankind’s technology and most of the things that humanity have learned are coming from these aliens such as microchips, led lights, Kevlar vests and many more. He added that more technologies can be acquired from these aliens, especially in the fields of agriculture and medicine if people would go about it peacefully. However, he noted that some people are more interested in getting military technology which he considers as wrong-headed and that is one of the things that people should change in order to work together, everywhere on the planet.
When asked about the possibility of interstellar war, he said that invasion or something like it is very possible if humanrace shoots down every alien UFO that enters into the airspace without knowing their identity and what they want. He further stated that creation of Star Wars force is not necessary and could be useless considering the advanced technology of these aliens. Additionally, he said that these aliens have no intention to harm human beings because if they want, they did it long time ago without any trouble. He suggested that working together with extraterrestrials is a better move than creating humanStar Wars force so that people would be contributing something to them at the same time.
Hellyer was one of many witnesses with great reputation who took to the witness stand during the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure in May 2013 in Washington, DC. He then said that aliens are living in planet Earth and at least two of them are working with the U.S. government. He was also one of the honorable speakers at the 2011 International UFO Congress.
He was Canadian minister of Defense in 1960s, ruling over the country's armed forces during the time of the Cold War -- and when he retired he publicly stated that we are not alone in the universe, and some guests from outer space actually live here, on planet Earth. Is this fantasy? Is someone actually watching us? Today we ask the man who says UFOs are a serious business -- Paul Hellyer.
12-01-2014 om 01:48
geschreven door peter
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NASA COVER UP Alien Bases Shown in Chinas Moon Rover Video. More UFO Cover Up! (Video)
NASA COVER UP Alien Bases Shown in China’s Moon Rover Video. More UFO Cover Up! (Video)
(Before It's News)
Structures, pyramids, triangular light formations and more are uncovered in China’s new moon rover landing footage. This is the smoking gun if we’ve ever seen one!
There is no doubt aliens are real. They really are fallen angels and are NOT our friends. More images continue to come in showing their existance. Their agenda will include a mass “visit” which should be happening relatively soon.
Are you prepared?
Are we naive enough to think America can continue to slide on terrorism, threats from other nations, war, forced invasions, or to carry on without any repercussions for our indulgent lifestyles? Folks, extremely bad times are on the horizon, utter chaos can break at any time with the signs of the times flashing warning! warning! right in our faces. It is impossible to deny that we live in threatening times.
Hell is eternal and it certainly is not one big party.
There is only one way to avoid eternal damnation with its extreme suffering and that is through accepting God’s priceless, yet free to us, gift of salvation. For all mankind. That one way is achieved by believing and confessing the following:
Every person is a sinner, including you, so admit it to God Who loves you regardless. Ask for His forgiveness.
Be willing to turn from your sins, He will help you to do so if you ask and trust Him to.
Believe Jesus Christ the Messiah; God in human flesh, shed His majestic and replete Blood to cleanse you from your sins, died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
Invite the living, sacred Jesus Christ of Nazareth; God the Messiah (NOT the prophet!) into your life to be your personal Savior.
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Best images from Chinas Change moon mission so far
Best images from China’s Chang’e moon mission so far
The mission set down on moon on December 14, 2013 at 9:12 p.m. Beijing time. China is the third country to land on the moon, after U.S. and former Soviet Union.
Emily Lakdawalla at the Planetary Society posted some of the best images we’ve seen so from China’s Chang’e moon lander yesterday (January 10, 2014). Lakdawalla wrote:
Almost all of the images I’ve seen to date have been shared through a bizarre roundabout method of projecting them on a screen, then filming them with a video camera, then aired on television, and then screen-grabbed. These photos are different: they are clearly direct from the original digital data. They’re still not perfect — they have been downsampled, contrast-enhanced, watermarked, and JPEG-compressed — but they’re so, so much better than what I’ve seen before, rich with detail and nuanced in color.
By the way, Chinese media is reporting today (January 11) that the Chinese lunar rover Yutu has successfully reawakened after a potentially dangerous two-week hibernation to ride out the darkness of the lunar night. Click here to read more about Yutu’s hibernation and awakening. Thank you, Twitter user Daniel Fischer (@cosmos4u)
Earth as seen by Chang’e on the moon on December 25, 2013. Chinese Academy of Science photo via the Planetary Society.
Earth in ultraviolet as seen by Chang’e on the moon, December 16, 2013. Chinese Academy of Science photo via the Planetary Society.
Chang’e has this view of the lunar surface. Image acquired December 15, 2013. Chinese Academy of Science photo via the Planetary Society.
360-degree panorama, taken by Chang’e on the moon. Chinese Academy of Science photo via the Planetary Society.
When the rover Yutu was safely deployed on the lunar surface, the lander captured this photo. December 16, 2013. Chinese Academy of Science photo via the Planetary Society.
Bottom line: Best images so far from China’s moon mission, which set down in the moon’s Bay of Rainbows on December 14, 2013 at about 9:12 p.m. Beijing time. China’s moon landing made it only the third country in the world to land on the moon, after the U.S. and former Soviet Union. The lander delivered a robotic rover called Yutu (“Jade Rabbit”) to the moon’s surface. The plan is
Chang’e lander on the moon. The rover Yutu captured this image on December 15, 2013. Chinese Academy of Science photo via the Planetary Society.
for the rover to spend some months exploring on the moon’s surface.
Strange UFO lights over Joliet, Illinois on 5th January 2014
Strange UFO lights over Joliet, Illinois on 5th January 2014
New amazing video footage of some strange UFO lights recorded in the night sky above Joliet, Illinois on 5th January 2014.
Witness said: Cross-like ojbect with lights appears to hover then fly slowly I'm a freelance reporter for the Southtown Star. Im looking into a claim from two snowplow drivers who think they mightve seen a UFO on Sunday evening. They were plowing lots around the Joliet Mall. The object appears to hover for five minutes over near Caton Farm Road in the Joliet Mall area. In the final minute of the video, the object moves eastward and overhead. It looks cross-shaped with lights on each end. Would someone please examine the video and tell me what they think it is? To me, it looks like it might be a drone.
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Fast UFO sighting above Lynwood, Western Australia on 9th January 2014
Fast UFO sighting above Lynwood, Western Australia on 9th January 2014
New interesting video footage of a UFO flying in the night sky above Lynwood, Western Australia on 9th January 2014 at 8:47 PM at a high speed.
Witness said: Recorded in the East a Strange object in which the likes I have never seen any object behave in that way. It traveled vertically from my perspective, I was previously following a satellite that was heading past the constellation of Canis Major.
Recorded time 8:47pm Direction: East Location: Lynwood, Western Australia
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Disk shaped UFO over Seattle, Washington on 8th January 2014
Disk – shaped UFO over Seattle, Washington on 8th January 2014
Witness said: UFO In Seattle discovered in time lapse Edit 08/01/2014. Here the original video have to see it in at 0:40 later at 0:46 and appears very fast because the video is accelerated and edited it at normal speed.
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Green Halo Over Rome
Green Halo Over Rome
Captain Poggi is a senior 747 captain for Alitalia. He relates an event where, when flying from Rome to Sao Paolo in July of 1999, he witnessed a glowing green halo soaring past just 500 feet below his 747. At another time while flying over Turin, Italy in 1992, he saw a distant elliptical sphere maintaining a very steady position relative to the clouds as if stationary.
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Buitenaardse technologie op aarde: Interview met dr. Steven Greer (video)
Buitenaardse technologie op aarde: Interview met dr. Steven Greer (video)
Abby Martin van Russia Today spreekt met ufoloog dr. Steven Greer over zijn werk bij het Disclosure Project, een organisatie die honderden getuigenissen van overheidsmedewerkers heeft verzameld over het bestaan van buitenaards leven.
Afgelopen jaar werkte Greer aan de realisatie van de film Sirius, waarin werd onthuld dat de aarde al meerdere malen is bezocht door buitenaardsen.
In de documentaire werden beelden getoond van een klein humanoïde wezen dat jaren geleden werd gevonden in de Chileense Atacamawoestijn. Volgens Greer, grondlegger van het Studiecentrum voor Buitenaardse Intelligentie, werd het buitenaardse bezoek steeds geheimgehouden onder druk van een militaire, industriële en financiële elite. Eén en ander blijkt ook uit getuigenverklaringen van vooraanstaande wetenschappers en officiële documenten, die het bestaan van buitenaardsen aantonen.
Onderzoekers hebben achterhaald welke alternatieve energie buitenaardsen gebruiken om in korte tijd immense afstanden af te leggen. Greer stelt dat die technologie zelfs door de mensheid kan worden aangewend.
“Dankzij deze kennis over de werking van UFO’s, die door overheden systematisch verborgen is gehouden, zullen olie en kernenergie overbodig worden. Dat is meteen ook de belangrijkste reden waarom regeringen deze informatie nooit publiek maken,” aldus de wetenschapper.
How North Dakota Plans To Become The Drone Capital Of America
How North Dakota Plans To Become The Drone Capital Of America
Draganflyer 6-rotor helicopter with camera
In 2015, the Federal Aviation Administration will admit military, private, and commercial drones into U.S. airspace. The move could dramatically increase the number of unmanned aircraft shooting through the skies, and with it, the value of the domestic drone economy. The Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems International estimates that the new regulations will result in "100,000 jobs created and economic impact of $82 billion" by 2025. For several cities and states across the country, that means one thing: ka-ching.
Take North Dakota, where law enforcement, local government, federal agencies, and universities have already laid the groundwork for the coming drone-volution. The state has the nation's first degree program in unmanned vehicles, at the University of North Dakota; an Air National Guard unit that switched from F-16 fighters to MQ-1 Predator drones a few years ago; and $5 million set aside for drone development if the FAA approves North Dakota as a drone test site. (Several U.S. regions are currently competing to be FAA-designated drone testing sites; six winners will be approved in December.)
To better grasp how the Roughrider state hopes to corner the market on drones, I sat down with Al Palmer, director for the University of North Dakota's Center for UAS Research, Education and Training, at the 2013 Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International convention. Here is how North Dakota is trying to lead the nation in unmanned robots.
1. Invest in drone development.
North Dakota is funding drone development and education on its own, thanks to a tremendous budget surplus ($2 billion predicted in 2013), largely from fracking and horizontal drilling.
That budget surplus means the state can reduce taxes and create income tax credit incentives for research expenditures to make a very business-friendly climate for drone-related startups, Palmer says.
2. Exploit old aviation roots.
Drones, despite their reputation as creepy spy bots, are just a subset of powered flying machines, and humans have been using those since 1903. When the University of North Dakota began its unmanned aviation degree program in 2009, it didn't starting from scratch; the school drew experience from its airplanes program (which began in 1968) and helicopters program (which began in 1981).
The program trains pilots and gives students the skills to create drone-related startups. Field of View is one such startup. Founded by a UND graduate from the school's Unmanned Aircraft Systems Center of Excellence, the company makes drone accessories for agricultural applications.
3. Give drones the dangerous jobs.
Crop dusters, who fly small propeller-powered planes over fields to spray them with pesticide, have the third-highest fatality rate among professions in the U.S., according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Palmer argues that we should give jobs like this to unmanned aircraft. "One day the crop duster is going to get up, fix his eggs and bacon and his toast and his coffee, and then go over to his computer and hit 'L' for launch," Palmer says.
This kind of practical commercial application isn't as exciting as drones that deliver pizza and wedding cakes, but it's low-hanging fruit. Replacing a manned crop duster with an unmanned one that also collects data as it dusts allows small farmers to better use their land, Palmer says.
4. Work with local politicians.
For places that lack police helicopters, small cheap drones offer law enforcement agencies an affordable eye in the sky. But convincing people to feel comfortable with cameras in the sky can be an uphill battle.
To help address this problem, North Dakota implemented an Unmanned Aircraft Systems Research Compliance Committee, which includes first responders, university community members, clergy, and city leadership. Every research project involving the university's drones has to be vetted and approved by the committee. Right now, when law enforcement officials wants to use a drone, they launch the project with the university, if the committee approves. Palmer explains that while many people are comfortable using drones to monitor vehicle crashes, for search and rescue, and for event-specific traffic control, they don't want drones used for police missions like tracking down bank robbers. Working with the community helps prepare the public for a future increasingly filled with flying robots.
10-01-2014 om 23:54
geschreven door peter
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Filers Files #2 2014 UFOs Are Real
Filer’s Files #2 – 2014 UFO’s Are Real
Photo taken over Jalapa, Guatemala on December 30, 2013
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation.
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Defense Minister Paul Hellyer says Alien Forms among Us, Blackstar Craft Witness, Weather Warfare, Chinese Weather Modification, Japan’s Radiation Spreading, Earth Lights, and Mars flowing water.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Utah.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Japan, South Africa, and England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Special Reports
Defense Minister Paul Hellyer says Alien Forms among Us
RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios: RT’s Sophie Shevardnadze states: “Our guest today is the Honorable Paul Hellyer, former minister of Defense of Canada, and he believes that life forms from space are present on Earth. It’s great to have you on our show. Why do you say that UFOs are as real as airplanes flying over our heads?
He was Canadian minister of Defense in 1960s, ruling over the country’s armed forces during the time of the Cold War — and when he retired he publicly stated that, “We are not alone in the universe, and some guests from outer space actually live here, on planet Earth.” Is this fantasy? Is someone actually watching us? Today we ask the man who says UFOs are a serious business — Paul Hellyer.
H: First question you have to ask is how many species are there? “I used to think there were between two and twelve. Apollo astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, who came to Toronto a few years ago and had with dinner with us agreed there were something around two and twelve, but the latest reports that I’ve been getting from various sources are that there are about 80 different species and some of them look just like us and they could walk down the street and you wouldn’t know if you walked past one. They are what we call “Nordic blondes” and also the Tall Whites who were actually working with the US Air Force in Nevada.” They’re able to get away with that, they had a couple of their ladies dressed as nuns go into Las Vegas to shop and they weren’t detected. I have a friend who saw one of the men walking along the street, he is somebody who can recognize that they were different, and he did.
“Then there’s the Short Grey’s as they are called, and they are the ones you see in most of the cartoons, they have very-very slim arms and legs, they are very short, just a little over 5 feet, and they have a great big head and great big brown eyes.” But, there are different species and you have to know that they are different species and know that they all are different. If you saw the Short Grays you’d certainly know there’s something up that you’ve never seen before, but if you saw one of the Nordic Blondes, you’d probably say “Oh I wonder if she’s from Denmark or somewhere.” ‘Aliens could share more tech with us, if we warmonger less’ – At least four alien species are visiting Earth for thousands of years. Published on Jan 5, 2014 RT LIVE
Blackstar Craft Witness
David Whiteford writes, “I thought you might like to know that in 1994, I saw a ship very similar to the Aviation Week Blackstar Craft, seen in the latest Filer’s Files. It was flying silently about 1000 feet over a mountain ridge in the Christmas Valley area near South Lake Tahoe on a vector that would take it toward Groom Lake and Area 51. It was dark, around 9 PM, though lit by the moon and running lights it was very clearly seen by me and two friends. My sense is that it is a human made vehicle; it just has our design characteristics. I estimate the size to be in the battleship to carrier range, and yes it made quite an impression. I am certain that I will forget a great deal of experiences before I lose track of that memory.” Thanks to David Whiteford
Weather Warfare – Global Warming May Be Over
Someone or something is changing the Earth’s weather; the temperatures in the United States and much of the world are the lowest in twenty years. The lowest temperatures suggest Global Cooling or some sort of Weather Control is occurring. Frigid temperatures generated by a “polar vortex” took hold across a wide swath of the Midwest and Northeast early Sunday, as the regions dug out from a deadly snow storm and braced for another blast of dangerous winter weather. Global Warming enthusiasts had support in the 80s and 90s but temperatures worldwide have been flat for 15 years.
Professor Mike Lockwood of Reading University argues that the world is set for global cooling due to rapidly falling solar activity. “By looking back at certain isotopes in ice cores, [Professor Lockwood] has been able to determine how active the sun has been over thousands of years,” the BBC reports. “Following analysis of the data, Professor Lockwood believes solar activity is now falling more rapidly than at any time in the last 10,000 years.”
I’m sitting here at almost zero degrees in New Jersey it is very cold. The weatherman claims a polar vortex was established when the jet stream moved so far south. The polar vortex is a persistent, large-scale cyclone centered near the Earth’s Poles in the middle and upper troposphere and the stratosphere where HAARP operates.
The Arctic polar vortex is elongated in shape, with two centers, one roughly over Baffin Island in Canada and the other over northeast Siberia. It is contained by a strong west-to-east jet stream that circles the polar region. This jet stream is usually referred to as the polar night jet. I don’t know what is upsetting our weather. Perhaps God is angry over the foolishness of humans, or aliens are messing with the sun that is unusually quiet. I like to find a reason for changes.
The frigid air is coming from the North Pole and — due to a jet stream — will be intense and mobile, Ryan Maue, a meteorologist for Weather Bell said, “Record lows could be eclipsed, all the ingredients are there for a near-record or historic cold outbreak. ” Because of the winds, “It may feel as cold as negative 50 to negative 60 on Sunday night over sections of the north-central states,” the National Weather Service said.
Much of the world is freezing. “China is enduring its coldest winter in nearly 30 years. Eastern Russia is so freezing — minus 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and counting — that the traffic lights recently stopped working in the city of Yakutsk.” A vicious storm bringing rain, snow and floods just struck the Middle East.
About a million more square miles of ocean are covered in ice in 2013 than in 2012, a whopping 60 percent increase — and a dramatic deviation from predictions of an “ice-free Arctic in 2013,” the Daily Mail noted . Arctic sea ice averaged 2.35 million square miles in August 2013, as compared to the low point of 1.32 million square miles recorded on Sept. 16, 2012, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center. A chart published Sept. 8 by NSIDC shows the dramatic rise this year, putting total ice cover within two standard deviations of the 30-year average. Several ice breakers were even caught in the expanding Antarctica ice.
Anastasios Tsonis of the University of Wisconsin states, “We are already in a cooling trend, which I think will continue for the next 15 years at least. There is no doubt the warming of the 1980s and 1990s has stopped,” told London’s Mail on Sunday. Meanwhile, global surface temperatures have been relatively flat over the last15 years according to the United Nations.
Antarctic sea ice has grown greatly to a 35 year old record for a second straight year, baffling scientists seeking to understand why this ice is expanding rather than shrinking in what they say is a warming world. Perhaps the Global Warming predictions are in error. There is satellite measured evidence our oceans have warmed fairly suddenly giving rise to the Global Warming predictions. However, this warming may have been caused by alien underwater activity creating tremendous heat and mining rather than by man-made causes.
On Saturday, the Antarctic ice extent reached 19.51 million square kilometers, according to data posted on the National Snow and Ice Data Center Web site. That number bested record high levels set earlier this month and in 2012 (of 19.48 million square kilometers). Records date back to October 1978. The Antarctic polar vortex is more pronounced than the Arctic one and creates the coldest places on Earth that on East Antarctic Plateau temperatures dipped in December to minus 133.6 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 92 degrees Celsius in December.
Studies show that the world was warmer than it is today during the Roman Empire, and when the Vikings were plundering Europe and settling in Greenland because it was relatively warm.
During the second week in December, the U.S. saw more than 2000 record low temperatures and record snowfalls, according to the National Weather Service.. There were 606 record low temperatures, 1,234 low maximum temperatures and 285 record snowfalls across the country. January will add to these records. Read more:
Satellite temperature readings show hot spots in the world’s ocean areas not known to have volcanic action. Hydrographers, experts in the ocean bottom, are poring over not only everything already known about the Pacific Ocean floor, but endless streams of new data as the ocean floor is being carefully scrutinized for heat and structures. High speed underwater Unidentified Sea Objects (USOs) are being recorded and moving to suspected underwater bases. Speculation suggests deep underwater mining and production has been warming our oceans. Another possibility is weather warfare by a cunning and shrewd adversary.
Chinese Weather Modification
The Chinese are very clever and produce much of the world’s computers, iPhones, TVs and utility equipment used throughout the world. They cleverly use professional hackers to obtain advanced technology secrets from the US and its allies. British hacker Gary McKinnon claims when he raided NASA and US military sites he was surrounded by Chinese Hackers also gathering secrets. Gary claims he saw photos of alien space craft’s on NASA`s site and documents recording 400 testimonies of UFOs.
Perhaps this is why China has a million Ufologists and is quickly advancing in technology and space, and even now has a rover on the Moon. Australian journalist John Taylor reported, “Its uncanny living in Beijing how it rains on the eve of major events. Be it a big domestic event, or a visiting foreign politician, the rain has usually fallen the day before, making for temporary blue skies free of the normal haze.”
Chinese officials say cloud seeding has helped to relieve severe droughts and water shortages in its cities. In Shanghai officials allegedly cause rain to fall to cool the daytime temperature, easing demand for electricity. The Beijing is part of China’s nationwide weather control effort, believed to be the world’s largest; it employs 37,000 people nationwide, who seed clouds by firing rockets and shells loaded with silver iodide into them. According to Zhang Qiang, cloud seeding increased precipitation in Beijing by about one-eighth.
The scientists also used ionizers to create the rainstorms. The Chinese Weather Modification Office may be manipulating our weather patterns.
The HAARP ionosphere heater installations around the globe appear to be routinely manipulating the jet stream. Dr. Nick Begich writes, “HAARP will zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam. It is an advanced model of an “ionospheric heater.” The ionosphere is the electrically-charged sphere surrounding Earth’s upper atmosphere.
HAARP is the test run for a super-powerful radiowave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas. “Weather modification is possible by altering upper atmosphere wind patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device.” From Angels Don’t Play this HAARP:
The US has a HAARP site in Alaska but it is doubtful it alone is effective or motivated to harm the US. This year the jet stream was involved in hundreds of severe tornados and flooding in the US causing billions in damage and the frequent loss of life.
The Jet stream is moving around 32,000 feet at usually over a 100 mph. c Russia has more HAARP ionosphere heater installations than any other country and Russia or China or together could be manipulating the jet stream that circles the world. Pushing the jet stream near Moscow, Central Russia and the Kamchatka Peninsula could cause the jet stream to undulate north to Alaska and pick up the cold air and bring it south into the US.
China has admitted it has the ability to cause it to snow or rain in various places in its country. Much of the Eastern US was hit by 10 to 12 inches of wet snow and temperatures 20 to 30 degrees below normal.
Ice on the Great Lakes is the worst since the 1930’s and it’s colder in Chicago than parts of Siberia. Bill Woodley, NOAA, a weather modification researcher who spent several decades running cloud seeding experiments for the government.
“There’s much we don’t know, as compared to others, it’s a shame, because with all the billions of federal dollars spent uselessly elsewhere, the government ought to shake a few million weather modification dollars out of the White House,” Woodley seemed a bit chagrined. “China’s investment is a 100 million a year. They’re training young scientists and pilots; they’ve just gone crazy there. It’s the epicenter of all weather modification activity. They’re pushing hard. Whereas in the United States, the amount of money invested by any government is probably in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, if that.”
It is my opinion that countries often attempt to harm others and the United States and its allies are not prepared for a Weather War. Japan’s Radiation Spreading
Steam is suddenly emanating radiation from Fukushima reactor # 3 – could reach the West Coast of North America in the beginning of this year. Radiation is increasing in the Western States although it is not now at dangerous levels.
Dr. Thomas S. Lee, NMD says, “One important way to protect yourself from radiation is by using Vitamin C and other supplements such as Organic Sulfur. Sulfur reacts with radioactive mineral isotopes, turning them into harmless sulfates.” Sulfur also facilitates the movement of oxygen in and out of our cells to assist in the repair of damaged or dying cells. Sulfur-containing amino acids are needed to repair protein that has been damaged and to build new cells. Those amino acids can’t be formed as well without adequate sulfur. claims the US Federal Government has placed an Emergency order for 14 million Potassium Iodine pills to be delivered to a Maryland warehouse near Washington DC on or before February 1, 2014? The pills are also known to be effective in helping the effects of radiation.
UFO lights” may help predict earthquake: scientists
Mysterious “UFO lights”, known as “ground lights” or “earthquake lights”, sometimes appear before or during earthquakes and take a number of forms, including spheres of light orbs floating through air. The mysterious “UFO lights” may occur at rifts or nearly vertical faults as the crystalline structure of the magmatic stones, subjected to intense pressure, releases electrical energy. . Some have confused the globular luminous air masses with UFOs. For instance, seconds before the 2009 L’Aquila, Italy, earthquake struck, pedestrians saw 10cm high flames of light flickering above the Francesco Crispi Avenue in the town’s historical city center. In 1988 a bright purple-pink globe of light moved through the sky along the St. Lawrence River near the city of Quebec, Canada, 11 days before a powerful quake.
Scientists said the “earthquake lights” are more likely to occur on or near a rift, an elongated depression in the Earth’s crust bounded on both sides by normal faults. Stress-activated mobile electronic charge carriers, termed positive holes, flow swiftly along stress gradients. Upon reaching the surface, they ionize air molecules and generate the observed light.
“Earthquake lights as a pre-earthquake phenomenon, in combination with other types of parameters that vary prior to seismic activity, may one day help forecast the approach of a major quake,” said Robert Thiriault, Geologist of the Ministry of Natural Resources in Quebec. Thanks to the journal of Seismological Research Close Up of Mar’s Moon Phobos
Mars Express Orbiter completes a daring Phobos Flyby at arm’s reach of the mysterious moon of Mars. Completing its ten-year old mission on Dec. 29 2013, the ESA had extra celebrating to do on New Year’s Eve. During the flyby the orbiter relayed information about its velocity and the mild acceleration caused by the gravity of Phobos via long-range radio signals captured on earth by a joint NASA and ESA radio receiver dish array. ESA scientists used the information to help determine the mass of Phobos, whose structure has been determined to be almost a third empty space. Both Phobos and the smaller moon Deimos share this mysterious structure, and astronomers are eager to get more information about the circumstances of their origins. Thanks to NASA
Mars Flowing Water
For many years I have claimed flowing water exists on Mars and it now appears NASA has reported that their Curiosity Rover had discovered the remains of a freshwater lake on Mars. Now, Popular Science says the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has spied some curious dark ‘finger-like’ features near Mars’ equator. Experts say the dark ‘finger-like’ appearance of the soil offers evidence that water may now be flowing on the surface of Mars.
Mars is typically considered a dry and barren planet, but these observations may prove that the liquid appears in the Martian winter but it evaporates in the warm summer sun. If NASA was able to confirm the find it would likely change their understanding of the alien environment. Scientists are hoping that the discovery of flowing water may increase their chances of discovering life on Mars.
NASA first spotted the dark ‘finger-like’ features back in 2011, but recent examinations have experts saying that they actually do show what appears to look like a “heck of a lot like liquid water.” A planetary scientist at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Alfred McEwen, is just one scientist that would disagree. McEwan and his team have found 12 other locations around the equator that also contain steaks in the soil. With the Martian equator sustaining nearly the same temperature year-round, Mars would need to possess a mechanism to replace the flowing water. Sites located in the southern highlands have warm summers and freezing winters. These dark fingers appear to be water just under the Martian surface and are now called “recurring slope lineae.”
Discovering flowing water on Mars may aid future colonists of the alien planet. The privately funded Mars One project has plans of establishing a human colony on the planet by year 2025. The Martian colonists could take advantage of any flowing water that the planet may have to offer. Thanks to Brent Matsalla Sources: Popular Science
UFO Sightings in the United States
Alabama Stars
TRUSSVILLE – The witness states, “I was outside at night around 10 PM and looking at the moon on October 8, 2013, when I saw an orange round object approach the moon.” The object appeared to be about 1/4 size of the moon and then passed behind the moon. I have two pictures taken about ten seconds apart and you can see the distance and elevation the object traveled. I do not know what it was, other than unusual. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Arizona Lights
MARICOPA — On Christmas night six other family members and I were at my mother’s house for Christmas dinner. My brother was outside in the backyard on the phone around 7:30 PM when he yelled for us to come outside and look at this orange light in the sky. He pointed north and we saw an orange fireball slowly floating towards us in a southern direction. We watched it for five minutes as it floated by. It had a flickering orange light all around it and was about 1000-1,500 feet in altitude. As it went over our subdivision my mother, my son took video and I took images. After it passed it faded and went dark, turned right and disappeared. We have seen these types lights over the Ak-Chin Indian Reservation. Three minutes later we observed a second red light north of us was on the same path and altitude as the first one and it also went dark around the same location. We also took video and pictures of that one as well. They crossed directly over the Air Force Space Debris Surveillance station at Gila River Indian Reservation a few miles outside our town on highway 347. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Crop Circle?
SALINAS — On December 31, 2013 at 3:24 PM, An unexplained crop circle has captured the curiosity of alien enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists across the nation. The patterns were noticed by aerial photographer Julie Belanger, who told ABC News she was shocked to discover them during a flyover on Monday.
Adding to the mystery is a video posted on YouTube that shows two friends coming across the patterns after seeing green lights emanate from a field. A representative from local Echelon Security Co. told the San Jose Mercury News he was hired to protect the land from rowdiness, but could not provide the identity of the landowner. A spokesperson for Echelon declined to provide further comment to ABC News. Thanks to Jonah Lustig According to several experts, the crop formation which appeared in Salinas, California on December 30, actually contains a message encoded in Braille that translates directly as: 192 192, B 192 1, so it is likely a marketing gimmick.
192 192 equals=1wa 1wa on your phone.
LOS ANGELES — On January 1, 2014, photograph reveals bright row of vertical lights.
About an hour ago I shot this photo. If you zoom in next to the high rise you will see a vertical line of lights.
I have never reported anything before. Note: The lights are likely the result of a lens flare caused from a reflection off of one of the buildings. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
SACRAMENTO — – From Placer County to the Hollywood Hills, two hundred people reported seeing mysterious lights in the sky on New Year’s Eve. Terry and Hans Mauth of Auburn said, “They watched a large egg-shaped object with a bright light shining upward drift over their neighborhood, and then suddenly accelerate. There was no sound, that’s the funny thing, just this big illuminated form.” Steven Brown of Sacramento reported a similar sighting above Belle Coolidge Park. by George Warren, News10/KXTV
TRACY – I’d been working on a 4×4 Blazer, and was taking pictures at midnight of my work. I looked up to see an orange line of objects traveling slowly across the southeast sky. I thought maybe it was an airplane contrail. I just started taking pictures of bright colored lights moving across the sky like a moving rainbow, with solar flares flashing as if the sky was on fire.
Orion is in the southwestern sky and that is where I pointed the camera and started taking pictures. This picture was shot around 1:30 AM, on December 21, 2013. Every time it was something different in the sky as if they were working on something. I have 15-20 pictures of what looked like a giant astro aliens working in flight suits. I have some 1500 pictures. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Lights
AURORA — New Years Day 2014 at 12:12 AM, I let my dog out and noticed two unusual yellowish lights lined up in the northeast. They were hovering and looked different from airplanes or helicopters. A third one appeared and the three formed a triangle. I went to get was my camera and when I came back the third one gone. This is the picture I took, and then I saw one large one was rising up. There were three smaller ones again and they lined up in a straight line. After I filmed the formation broke up.
The smaller lights appeared and spread out in a zigzag pattern with the largest one still hovering. There were a total of 7 across the sky hovering and blinking. At this point I freaked out and went inside. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Fast Object
FT. LAUDERDALE – I was at the beach just before sunset and noticed a craft in the sky leaving a short contrail. Traveling nearby and slipping in its path was an object first that had no outline. I thought it was a military plane as its speed was greater than a passenger jet. I then lost sight of it. It acted more like a fiery object and its contrails seemed too short for a plane. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Orange Glow
VIRGINIA — At 8:30 PM, on January 7, 2014, my wife and I were driving down Morgan Street when I spotted three large sets of strange reddish orange lights in the western part of the sky. They were spread out in a triangle formation. The light would appear and would last three seconds before they would disappear. When that light would go out another light would begin to appear. This went on for a short while and then they disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
CHICAGO— Ben Garfield reports that on, “On December 29, 2013, at 5:05 AM, I was walking towards my truck and looked up to see a fast moving sheet blowing in the wind way up high with an orange glow. The glow was moving on the object. Then it dawned on me it was reflecting the glow from the ground because of all the city lights lighting up the snow cover. It was 1/2 inch by 1/4 inch at arm’s length. It was mirage like the way it faded in and out randomly.” It traveled south east and I eventually saw it under the developing clouds. I have never seen anything like that before. If it wouldn’t have been reflecting the ground lights I never would have seen it. It was not an airplane but flew over Chicago about 5:15 to 5:30 AM. Thanks to Ben Garfield
Kentucky Lights Continue
PENDLETON COUNTY— Glenn Pennington reports, “I’m sending a few interesting pictures I took recently. I’m still trying to get help documenting our nightly visits from multiple UFOs.” UFO visitations seem to be increasing and the craft fly low over the house. Plenty of people in the county are now seeing them and making local reports. Thanks to Glenn Pennington
Michigan Disc
LANSING — When I was 8 years old I remember looking out the window at a fairly bright light just above the eastern tree line on August 20, about 7 PM. Upon closer inspection I could make out a disc shaped object with a white dome on top that looked like a UFO. Its lower section had alternating red and white panels. I kept staring out the window and time seemed to change. It was now 10 PM, and my mom called me to go to bed. The object was still there and I looked back to tell my mom about the object. I glanced out the window and it was gone. It was almost as if time stopped for me, and I dont know what happened during those three hours. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Neon Light Flying Slowly
BUENA VISTA – On December 28, 2013, we saw a round flying object moving west at 5 to 15 MPH. It had a steady bright neon light all around it at 5:54 PM. My son took a picture of the object with his cell phone while I observed with binoculars. It did not look like any airplane or anything that I have seen before. My entire family witnessed it too. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
OCEAN CITY – I was on the Boardwalk for the New Year’s fireworks with a crowd of people all looking up at five huge red-orange lights flying in a straight line at December 31, 2013 at 11:45 PM. The lights and the formation were weird. They flew over the Music Pier Building and they all started to move out of line and huddled near each other and all dimmed, but one stayed for a little bit. Everyone just kept walking like zombies to the end of the Boardwalk; I don’t know how many cared to watch.
My mom and I watched them reappear silently, but they didn’t stay long as they faded away again. It sure looked like a UFO and started to get really scared. No one in the crowd said a thing about those huge lights that were obvious. Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Glowing Red Orange Balls
The witness observed glowing red orange balls with different shapes for twenty minutes starting at about 10:30 PM, on December 31, 2013. Coming from the north was a complete path of about 7-8 miles across the horizon of UFOs. They hovered until they kind of phased out. Watch sky for another 1/2 hour and seen nothing. At 11:45 PM, three more came on the same path with no noise and hovered in the same area as the first one. As they phased out two, then three more came from the north and hovered before phasing out. Photos show mist and UFOs. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Triangle
LATROBE— I was driving to pick up my daughter after a New Year’s Party on January 1, 2014, when I saw straight ahead of me red/orange lights shaped like a triangle or diamond. I pulled out my cell phone and took a picture of the lights in the distance. You can see the colors and the basic shape. The streaks are because I was moving, not the object. This is definitely not fireworks as it stayed the same shape the entire time. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Utah Moon UFO
ST. GEORGE — Moon was supposed to be big due to proximity to Earth on January 2, 2013. I took some pictures and saw the object and tried to get decent telephoto shots. My batteries went dead so I hurried into house to change batteries and upon return the moon was behind western ridge and the object was gone. I think it was orbiting our moon. Object was at the bottom right of the moon. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Light
MELBOURNE – The eyewitness states: “Lou is using both night visions at night and infrared filter in day to see these UFOs, because most of them are not visible to the human eye. Tithe digital eye is a totally different matter during the week of Dec 20-28, 2013.” I especially like the two UFOs that shoot past a third going in the opposite direction. Nice work and excellent compilation video. Thanks to
Brazil Sightings
UBERABA– MG – I was cycling and on my right was a ship in the clouds on December 21, 2013. I saw a white object shaped like a shovel that seemed to come and go.
I do not believe it was a plane by the way it flew in and out of the clouds. It was very fast paced. This is a rendering. Thanks to MUFON CMS
ITAJUBÁ — A red glowing sphere appeared moving slow, stopped and took off quickly on December 21, 2013. My cousin does not use drugs and he got it on tape.
I saw it this morning, when he e-mailed me the photo and the video. Everyone was going outside to see the lights.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Lights
MAPLE RIDGE — My wife and I stepped onto our back deck on December 31, 2013, to have a cigarette just before 10:30 PM, New Years Eve. I happened to look north and saw two bright stars (#1 and #2) in the northwestern sky, above the horizon. They were red in intensity and identical in size, and hovering. My wife agreed the two stars were red. I caught sight of a similar “star” (#3) but this one flew to the right just above the trees. Then (#2) and finally (#1) grew smaller as they disappeared from sight, again this took about 30 sec. It appeared that the three “stars” had all flown away. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Dominican Republic
SANTA DOMINGO – On December 25, 2013, we saw five orbs just like this one we photographed traveling super fast upward and then disappearing.
Thanks to William Puckett, Director
Guatemala Disc
JALAPA — My friend José posted this picture in Face Book on December 30, 2013, of a disc shaped object.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Japan UFOs
TOKYO — For forty minutes five UFOs hovered over head on Christmas Day at 4 PM. A news reporter heard about the UFOs and ran out to his balcony to record them himself. The UFOs all tilt up at about 25 degrees. The positioning of the UFOs tells us they are piloted by intelligent beings, perhaps even coming from a cloaked exit in the volcano Mount Fuji. and
South Africa Orbs
JOHANNESBURG — Clinton Morris reports, “On Christmas Eve December 24, 2013, nine orbs appeared in formation over North Riding, at 9:37 PM. They appeared one at a time in sequence until nine were visible at the same time. They moved slowly left to right then disappeared as silently and abruptly as they arrived. I got two photos but I’m not sure of the quality as I was too excited due the fact that this is the third time in three years I’ve got to witness these Angels. The color of the orbs went from dull orange to bright white at times but always back to orange. Chinese lanterns are not between 20/30 foot wide. Take care and God bless.” Thanks to Clinton Morris South Africa BlackBerry
UK/ England Alien Craft and Plane’s Near Collision
LONDON — UK-based organization that reviews aircraft near collision incidents claims a pilot reported a near-miss with a UFO above London on July 19, 2013. In a Daily Mirror report, the pilot thought that they were on a collision course with no time to react. The captain of an A320 who reported the incident says that, “He saw the object coming straight for his aircraft at a similar altitude. The object was bright silver in color and made of metallic material in a cigar/rugby ball like in shape.” He instinctually ducked and alerted his fist officer.
The pilot did not have time to say anything as the sighting happened so quickly, according to the report. The captain asked the first officer if he had also seen the UFO but he was looking at his log book and did not see the mysterious flying object.
An evaluation of the incident was carried out by the UK Airprox Board, a group composed of experts in aviation that meets every month to review near-miss reports. The incident happened around 6:25 PM above Berkshire County, London. The radar at that time recorded an unknown in the area but it was later identified as a Tiger Moth aircraft travelling at a lower elevation. There were no weather balloon launches at that time. Balloons of all types were ruled out. The immediate reaction of the captain pilot for what he thought an extreme danger situation could create an impression that the UFO was not a balloon or a reflection from another aircraft. Therefore, the mysterious object is still to be determined. NOTE: The above image is a rendering. Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
UFO Meetings
The New Jersey/Pennsylvania UFO Paranormal Study Group meets the second Wednesday each month in the downstairs conference room in the Hamilton Library from 7 to 10 PM off White Horse Avenue at 1 Justice Samuel Alito Way Trenton, NJ 08619 For more information; call Pat Marcattilio at (609) 631-8955.
Support Earth Changing Research
Help Support Filer’s Files and the National UFO Center Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most important sightings. I spend about 50 hours a week preparing the files. Only a few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a donation. I would greatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the people who have sent donations to Filer’s Files for this year. When you send in a subscription, please include your latest E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing to humans and animals?
When I was younger, I was distressed and frantic about my sightings of overhead UFOs, confused and alarmed by accompanying, concurrent paranormal experiences, and then I by fortuitous chance, stumbled upon Derrel Sims.
He was patient, wise and reassuring to me, over the telephone.
Well known, as an "Alien Hunter", Derrel seemed omnipresent throughout the World Wide Web of the Internet and he was very busily engaged in helping other alien abductees.
Nonetheless, I often held on for an hour, sure that he was too tired after sessions to return my calls.
There was my life before, and then there was my life after, an astonishing paranormal event.
I had seen a virtual flotilla of round craft assemble overhead and afterwards had suffered repeated nightmare like "dreams", vivid recollections of aliens and of abductions.
I had sat, eyeball to eyeball with a telepathic being, an off white Gumby creature with long arms and legs who had flashed a tidal wave of LOVE, at me, at one point, after "exams" that had consisted of inserting me into varied 'scenarios',to gauge and assess my reactions.
All of the non human being sitting at a table was visible to me, except for his eyes, over which hung a clouded and an obscured blur, his will for me not to see his eyes.
I still wonder why his eyes were purposefully blocked, too blurred for me to observe or regard.
I am also still ambivalent about accepting, or embracing that vividly recalled tsunami wave of telepathic broadcasted LOVE.
However, some abductees report that during their abductions on board craft, they instead often see a different and frightening alien race.
These taller reptilian beings radiate rage and hatred, and clearly appear to be overlords of the many alien races who frequent the crossroads of Earth for salvage, and to abduct humans, and these reptilian beings are in command of the grey aliens who pilot UFOs.
Small greys, who act in unison like robots, are work beings, designed and created and labeled,'synthetic'.
There are worldwide similar descriptions of these fierce reptilian overlords:
Muscular, winged, sentient, highly technological, upright standing to seven or eight feet tall, scaled reptilian beings, with webbing between their claws, who have yellow/red cat-like eyes, and stand upright.
These saurian 'monitor lizards', Mothmen, alien reptilians looked upon us, as we fancied veal.
(That may completely explain the alien- (Old Testament )'God-ordered' Kosher dietary laws; if they strictly control what human animals eat,( as we do with beef and snails fed strictly on corn) you can make them more desireably edible. )
At Bud Hopkins' house, during Saturday evening meetings, I learned that abductees had gleaned what reptoids regular diets consisted of, infant human beings..
It was a chilling story I was to hear repeatedly, echoed elsewhere, throughout the UFO and abductee community, not unlike one Rod Serling's,"Twilight Zone" episode,"To Serve Man", where our importance as a race in the Universe, to other aliens eyes, is that of a delectable condiment.
It re framed correctly, the true modus operandi behind this particular alien type and its ancient and continuing interaction/visitations with mankind, since Mayan, Aztec and ancient Hebrew interactions with "God".
We were NOT the top of the food chain!
As for alien abductions, unhappy evidence suggested that most people who entered an alien spaceship did not remember it or even know what had happened to them, except in recalled 'dreams', or under medical hypnosis .
Few people can even hope to remember or carefully examine their dreams, dreams lost as they struggle into consciousness each morning.
I had called Derrel, in Houston Texas, in near hysterics; I had seen, eyeball-to-eyeball, alien entities and upclose, their crafts, UFOs.
I told him that I had recalled being on-board an alien craft, with a larger group of 'sleeping' people, and had recalled seeing our Moon and Earth visible a midst stars, from the craft's window.
Later, unseen poltergeist activity, a paranormal chaos, had erupted in my house.
I had also been terrified and experienced being vibrated out of my body, in my bed; while my whole body had electrically tingled, I had seen two bodies, one slowly rising out of my 'body', while another 'body' remained on my bed, face up.
I had told him that I recalled that while I had been on-board an alien craft, I had been subjected to a series of worst scenario, vivid nightmarish like 'scenes', as though I were the main character, in those many staged scenarios.
These scenarios had been telepathically imposed, as enveloping 3-D holographs; each one edged towards a test or type of "exam".
Within each dream-state scenario, I had been tested, measured, assessed, and recorded, for my emotional and cognitive psychological reactions, to the staged situations before me.
The back of my brain seemed detached from the front, such that if my shoe hung before my eyes, I could strain to perceive, but could not quite discern just what precisely it was.
I thought that I had begun to lose my mind to fear, in the full realization of all these bizarre recalled experiences and told him so.
During many of these conversations, he tried to assuage my extreme trepidations and to replace them with a mindset of courage and small acts of resistance.
He had unblocked my fears, directly describing the abducting alien entities that I had seen: "tall, white like a refrigerator, flat like a Gumby character, highly telepathic and sinister in controlling aspect."
I also recalled the presences of smaller, very dark greys, sinister and mind controlling; they had amazing telepathic powers.
They were diminutive and mean spirited and could both read and control my mind.
Resisting their mind control, a paralyzing tsunami of extreme fear, was like running down an up escalator, swimming against the current of a white water rapid.
It WAS, nonetheless possible to resist.
Once, on-board a craft, I had managed to wander into a 'wrong' room and after entering it, had been slammed sideways by a sudden Niagara of "terror".
Agog, I had looked all about for the possible source of this imposed sudden, overwhelming flood of terror, and I soon realized that the avalanche of smothering terror, emanated from a very small, mean faced, scowling dark creature who was off in a far corner with his thin arms folded.
Derrel had assured me that I was not alone; though these beings characteristically micro managed many people's lives, throughout, I could, he said, now put a stop to it all.
When I asked him about what motives, purposes these entities had, in such encounters, he gave me a metaphor of 'farmers milking cows' as an overview.
To him, this metaphor distilled the precise relationship between alien entities and all of the human beings, who they abducted.
He went on to tell me, in subsequent conversations, that he'd learned that traces of post-abduction were as subtle as fast growing hair and fingernails, as dramatic as a detectable luminous phosphorescence," alien touches", revealed under black light, on alien abductee's skin.
He had noticed, he also told me, that alien abductees had higher serotonin levels than other people; these people were resistant to pain killers, like Novocain, and could even awaken during surgery.
This higher level of serotonin, he then said, may perhaps make it easier for aliens to 'contact' these people.
He was fearless, seeking creative resistances to abductions and pointedly asked me, "Why not turn the tables on these aliens and abduct one of them?!"
He assured me that aliens often made lots of mistakes and were clearly sloppy in many of the abductions; people were alerted to and recalled these episodes rather than forgot them.
He had even played a dangerous game of "Manchurian Candidate" with thse abducting alien entities, using abductees as his tools of hypnotherapy, to plant 'spies' within their midst, aboard their craft, using abductees as his ears and eyes.
He told me about an experience he had, when he had tried a unique anti-mind-control experiment ..
He had taken a row of pre-selected long time abductees, had put them all in a light trance and in a light state of altered consciousness, had put in a post hypnotic suggestion, buried in amnesia, with a target trigger.
They would all pass the initial alien mind scan; they could not reveal what they themselves did not know.
All were programmed to release an accusatory finger- pointing indictment, at the aliens, and then to break the short psychic leash.
When they were within twenty inches of their captors, always just out of sight, the statement would be released and triggered.
They would come out of their mind controlled fugue and they would ask, "Now, just why are you doing these terrible things to perfectly innocent people!?"
Within five days the allof the results were in.
In each case, in the delivery of that sentence, the trance had indeed been broken and then each abductee could clearly see that they had faced a small, dark, large-eyed creature.
One woman member had said that for the first time in over thirty years of her abductions, the alien had suddenly become enraged and livid, violently angry, something she had never seen before.
The response from all abductee, had been identical, instantly chilling in its implied vindictiveness:
"Now, you tell Derrel, that we're going to come for him AND his son!" ..
I had shivered in fear, long ago, when Derrel had related this to me; I soon held him in my esteem as one of the bravest people I had ever stumbled across. in my long journey to understand and integrate my experiences concerning these same non -human entities.
I recall properly, as I have an uncanny photographic memory,what Derrel had discussed, with me, about his 'craft' of revealing truths, from abductees, who had undergone his regressive hypnosis.
He said that no hypnotic disassociated techniques were used, because
that hypnotic tool had been stubbornly discredited as a method of re-experiencing because that is the precise way phobias are usually clinically erased, remotely, freeing both the therapist and the patient to amend and change what is seen on the remote projection screen, to freeze it, slow it down, and thus slowly extinguish the phobia.
Since that "screen viewing" is, in itself, repeatedly altered, it was felt by other specialists that that recall technique was a flawed one, as far as abduction recall, was concerned.
If you're still a cynic, you're not a singularity of cynicism; there are also many others.
One abductee stated:
'A leap in consciousness will require a dissolution and restructuring of your beliefs about the nature of reality'
To my mind, to live unburdened by an insatiable curiosity to comprehend the mysteries of the pilots of UFOs motives, in our immediate universe, was, in itself, quite an amazing thing.
To quote that same author-abductee:
'The history of mankind has been punctuated by personalities who refused to be bound by the grand illusion of space and time, seekers who penetrated the limitations of space and form.'
Knowing that the aliens reside in a different reality explains why this whole UFO phenomenon is so slippery; we exist within a matrix of other realities all merging in one spot: the mind.'
Aliens and their craft exist.
My expanded consciousness and psychic abilities are mere outcome of my lifetime of contacts with them.
To quote her again:
'Their world coexists with our own intimately intertwined and separated by the thinnest veil- our arrogant assumption that we are the sole proprietors of the only reality.'
We foolishly believed that we were ordained to this Earth, by God, and now know that we are someone else's experiment and considered someone else's valuable 'property'..
The sad legacy of mankind's origins is now yet a trade off for alien technology, like cheap wampum offered for our valuable souls.
Alien technology, recovered from downed discs and other craft, or given outright, has inspired Skunkworks to give us the ability to reverse engineer:
fiber optics,
nuclear power,
cold fusion anti gravity,
ultrasound weapons,
stealth technology,
weather control,
mind-control tech,
specialized surgical tools,
cloning-genetic engineering,
and psycho-tronics.
Most recently, governments scramble to deduce 'smart skins' of craft which like chameleons, alter shape and color according to environments.
An alien craft is brown against a mountain, and blue, against the sky.
All of these magical technologies, successfully studied, reverse engineered and imitated are a puerile substitute for equanimity.
We have a lot of technology to be thankful for, because of Klaatu, though he is the complete opposite of the charming, handsome, gracious, elevated spirit in film and in book.
He, in reptilian form and in grey form, instead sees us in much the same perfunctory way, that we see chickens.
To glean more unknown facts about the alien-human interactions, learned by Derrel Sims,
I highly recommend reading this newest book by Derrel Sims; it is an expose, an amazing read, a compendium of facts gleaned about these intruders since he and I last spoke many years ago.
Director of CIA, Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter: "It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel." p. 58, quoted from New York Times, February 28, 1960, p. L30
"I'm not at liberty to discuss the governments knowledge of extraterrestrial UFO's at this time. I am still personally being briefed on the subject!" --President Richard M. Nixon
"I think about how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And I ask you, does not this threat alread exsist?" --President Ronald Reagen UN address
"The US Airforce assures me that UFO's pose no threat to National Security.." --President John F Kennedy
"I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment on this subject" --President Gerald Ford (1966)
"Extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon. The Vatican is receiving much information about extraterrestrials and their contacts with humans from its Nuncios (embassies) in various countries, such as Mexico, Chile and Venezuela." -- Monsignor Corrado Balducci As stated 5 different times on Italian TV** (Vatican theologian insider close to the Pope,Monsignor Balducci said that he is on a Vatican commission looking into extraterrestrial encounters, and how to cope with the emerging general realization of extraterrestrial contact.)
"Given the millions of billions of Earth-like planets, life elsewhere in the Universe without a doubt, does exist. In the vastness of the Universe we are not alone." --Albert Einstein
"The evidence points to the fact that Roswell was a real incident and that indeed an alien craft did crash, and that material was recovered from that site. We all know that UFOs are real.All we need to ask is where do they come from, and what do they want?" --Capt. Edgar Mitchell Apollo 14 Astronaut
"In my mind, there is no question that they're out there. My Career is well established. My texts books are required reading in all the major capitals on planet earth. If you want to become a physicist to learn about the unified field theory-you read my books. Therefore, I'm in a position to say: Yes- Most likely they're out their, perhaps even visited, perhaps on our moon. - ABC News Quote -- -- Professor Dr. Michio Kaku
"We must insist upon full access to disks recovered. For instance, in the La case the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination." --J Edgar Hoover
I feel that the Air Force has not been giving out all the available information on the Unidentified Flying Objects. You cannot disregard so many unimpeachable sources." -- John W. McCormack, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States. January (1965)
"UFO sightings are now so common, the military doesn't have time to worry about them - so they screen them out. The major defense systems have UFO filters built into them, and when a UFO appears, they simply ignore it." --Lee Katchen (former atmospheric physicist with NASA)
"Let there be no doubt. Alien technology harvested from the infamous saucer crash in Roswell, N.Mex., in July 1947 led directly to the development of the integrated circuit chip, laser and fiber optic technologies, Particle beams, Electromagnetic propulsion systems, Depleted uranium projectiles, Stealth capabilities, and many others! How do I know? I was in charge! (A matter of public record)I think the kids on this planet are wise to the truth, and I think we ought to give it to them. I think they deserve it.' --Colonel Philip Corso
Army Intelligence officer, former head of the Foreign Technology at the U.S. Army's Research and Development department at the Pentagon.
Four years director of intelligence on President Eisenhower's White House National Security Staff
Paul Schroeder's bio:
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL Paul saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.
Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence that he never suspected that he had, a nonphysical soul.
Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.
They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with human beings, as a sanctuary, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.
Souls are garnered, detoured from our natural spiritual evolution in Heaven.
These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to our energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.
10-01-2014 om 23:21
geschreven door peter
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Missing Files From Roswell To Rendelsham To MKUltra
Missing Files From Roswell To Rendelsham To MKUltra
(Before It's News)
Q&A with Nick Redfern
What about the missing files from Roswell? What do we know about them?
In early 1993, United States Congressman Steven Schiff began probing into the many complexities of the Roswell affair. He approached the Government Accountability Office (or the General Accounting Office, as it was known in 1993 and up until the time of its name change in 2004), which is the investigative arm of the United States Congress. During the course of their search for records to try and understand what had really taken place in New Mexico in early July 1947, the GAO learned that a massive amount of official documentation generated from within the confines of the Roswell Army Air Force between March 1945 and December 1949 had vanished. Moreover, that same documentation had disappeared under very odd circumstances: when GAO investigators asked for an explanation, they were told by the Chief Archivist for the National Personnel Records Center that its staff had been unable to ascertain how, why, and under whose jurisdiction, the Roswell files were gone.
How about the vanished files on England’s Rendlesham Forest?
ANSWER One of the little known rumors surrounding the Rendlesham Forest “UFO landing” case is that at the height of the strange encounters a panicky British Government was on the absolute verge of evacuating a number of nearby prisons. In the 1980s, the late Graham Birdsall, who was the editor of Britain’s UFO Magazine from the 1990s to the early 2000s, had the opportunity to speak with one George Wild – a prison officer at Armley Prison in the English city of Leeds – who had some intriguing data to impart on this notable aspect of the story. According to what Wild told Birdsall, a senior prison official from the British government’s Home Office had once let it slip to him, Wild, that high-level orders had arrived at the nearby HM Prison Highpoint North advising staff to prepare for a possible evacuation of the inmates due to a matter of grave national security. Interestingly, the official records for Highpoint, for December 1980 (the time of the nearby Rendlesham Forest incident) have gone missing.
What can you share about the destroyed files from the MKULTRA program in the 70′s?
ANSWER: Certainly, the most notorious of all those many and varied operations of a so-called “mind-control” nature was MKUltra, which began in the early 1950s. One of the most interesting things about MKUltra is that when knowledge of its secret existence was leaked to the media in the early 1970s much of the then still existing documentation on the project was destroyed. One of the chief reasons for the destruction was the fear that the Soviets would get their hands on the leaked data, so it was very understandable that such steps would have been taken.
For the rest of this interview visit the following link
Interview with Nick Redfern on "For Nobody’s Eyes Only: Missing Government Files and Hidden Archives That Document the Truth Behind the Most Enduring Conspiracy Theories"
1. Can you tell us how you use the Freedom of Information act to gain materials to write books like For Nobody’s Eyes Only?
FOIAs exist in numerous countries. They permit members of the general public and the media the right to file a request with government agencies to (a) obtain copies of files that may already be declassified; or (b) request that files which are currently withheld – either in whole or in part – be declassified into the public arena. The FOIA is not a tool that is guaranteed to open all doors, however. There are many clauses within such act sthat permit government, military, and intelligence-based bodies to withhold their files, if they deem it appropriate to do so. The grounds for denial of access to files via the FOIA include national security concerns, matters having a bearing on the defense of the nation, privacy issues, data relative to legal and criminal subjects, and the internal operations of the relevant agency or agencies.
2. When it comes to Special Access programs how do those work to keep secrets hidden?
Contrary to what is often assumed – or claimed by alleged whistleblowers of distinctly dubious credibility – there are absolutely no levels of secrecy that extend beyond Top Secret. Not a single one. That does not mean, however, that having a Top Secret clearance provides a person with carte-blanche access to every secret, every conspiracy, and every cover-up under the face of the Sun. In fact, quite the opposite is the general rule of thumb. Here we come to something termed need to know. Person “A” might have the same level of clearance – let’s say Top Secret – as person “B.” But, here’s the important thing: to protect the security and secrecy of the project on which “A” is working, he or she is given a classified piece of data that acts as a key to open the door to that same project. That key might be in the form of a piece of documentation, such as a sternly-worded, non-disclosure agreement. Alternately, it might be a classified codeword that, without which, access to the program would be denied at all times. So, we have a situation where “A” and “B” possess the exact same clearance level of Top Secret, but only “A” knows what is afoot in the classified world of “Project X.” Such “Project X”-type operations are termed SAPs: Special Access Programs.
3. What about the missing files from Roswell? What do we know about them?
In early 1993, United States Congressman Steven Schiff began probing into the many complexities of the Roswell affair. He approached the Government Accountability Office (or the General Accounting Office, as it was known in 1993 and up until the time of its name change in 2004), which is the investigative arm of the United States Congress. During the course of their search for records to try and understand what had really taken place in New Mexico in early July 1947, the GAO learned that a massive amount of official documentation generated from within the confines of the Roswell Army Air Force between March 1945 and December 1949 had vanished. Moreover, that same documentation had disappeared under very odd circumstances: when GAO investigators asked for an explanation, they were told by the Chief Archivist for the National Personnel Records Center that its staff had been unable to ascertain how, why, and under whose jurisdiction, the Roswell files were gone.
4. How about the vanished files on England’s Rendlesham Forest?
ANSWER One of the little known rumors surrounding the Rendlesham Forest “UFO landing” case is that at the height of the strange encounters a panicky British Government was on the absolute verge of evacuating a number of nearby prisons. In the 1980s, the late Graham Birdsall, who was the editor of Britain’s UFO Magazine from the 1990s to the early 2000s, had the opportunity to speak with one George Wild – a prison officer at Armley Prison in the English city of Leeds – who had some intriguing data to impart on this notable aspect of the story. According to what Wild told Birdsall, a senior prison official from the British government’s Home Office had once let it slip to him, Wild, that high-level orders had arrived at the nearby HM Prison Highpoint North advising staff to prepare for a possible evacuation of the inmates due to a matter of grave national security. Interestingly, the official records for Highpoint, for December 1980 (the time of the nearby Rendlesham Forest incident) have gone missing.
5. What can you share about the destroyed files from the MKULTRA program in the 70′s?
ANSWER: Certainly, the most notorious of all those many and varied operations of a so-called “mind-control” nature was MKUltra, which began in the early 1950s. One of the most interesting things about MKUltra is that when knowledge of its secret existence was leaked to the media in the early 1970s much of the then still existing documentation on the project was destroyed. One of the chief reasons for the destruction was the fear that the Soviets would get their hands on the leaked data, so it was very understandable that such steps would have been taken.
6. Could you go into the J. Edgar Hoover files that were destroyed after his death?
ANSWER: J. Edgar Hoover was noted for his dedication to the compilation of files on just about anyone and everyone that he saw as being ripe and relevant for covert surveillance. The voluminous document collection in question has become infamously known as the Secret Files. Unfortunately for historians, Hoover’s classified records are gone. After Hoover’s death, from heart disease, on May 2, 1972, those same files were quickly destroyed. The secrets those voluminous papers told went, just like Hoover, himself, to the grave. Fortunately, however, the story of how and why those documents came to be destroyed most certainly did not follow suit. It all revolved around an old lady, a septuagenarian, who was fiercely loyal to her boss, J. Edgar Hoover. Her name was Helen Gandy and, given that Hoover made it clear to her that she should handle the destruction of his files, she pretty much outwitted everyone as she sought to ensure Hoover’s secrets didn’t become open knowledge.
7. What would you like to share from the book with us if you could choose? A wildcard question if you will.
ANSWER: I think, more than anything else, it’s the very intriguing pattern we see time and again – and particularly so regarding the issue of UFOs and missing files. It’s a trend that suggests to me a concerted effort has been made to obliterate the files or to bury them incredibly deeply when they deal with significant UFO events. Unlike many researchers, however, I don’t believe this is due to the fault or the actions of the known agencies at all. Rather, I believe there is a kind of “shadow government,” or “shadow agency” that seems to have incredible power – at times, bizarrely, even a paranormal power – and tentacles all across the world that allow its members to move in and secure the required documents whenever and wherever they see fit. In other words, the agencies and elected officials are not the bad guys at all. They, in many cases, are just as baffled as we are by the large-scale disappearances of documents, such as the Roswell papers mentioned above.
8. David Kelly the UN weapons inspector?
ANSWER: Dr. David Kelly was a man with a great deal of fingers in many secret and sensitive pies. Back in 1984, Kelly accepted the prestigious position of Head of Microbiology at Britain’s highly sensitive installation, Porton Down. Kelly also served as the British Ministry of Defense’s Chief Scientific Officer and Senior Adviser to the Proliferation and Arms Control Secretariat, and to the Foreign Office’s non-proliferation department. And, on top of that, he was Senior Adviser on Biological Weapons to the United Nations. On July 17, 2003 he was found dead under very controversial circumstances in woods near his Oxfordshire, England home. A great deal of data was missing from the scene of what was alleged to be a suicide. His glasses and other items were all wiped clean of fingerprints – by who, we don’t know. More amazing, not a single scrap of DNA could be found on the glasses her wore every day. On top of that, and initially at least, his autopsy report was ordered withheld for 70 years! It’s a very strange affair that has convinced many that Kelly’s “suicide” was actually murder.
9. What are you up to next book wise and projects wise? Thanks for this interview.
My next book – from New Page Books – will be “Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind,” which deals with mysterious and suspicious deaths in the field of UFO research. That book will be published around July 2014, so for the next nine months or so, I’ll be very much off the radar for a change! Which is a good thing, as I have a lot of areas of writing I want to pursue that have nothing to do with UFOs, weirdness or conspiracies in the slightest. I can easily see myself moving away from all those issues and just writing on other areas in the future.
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(Before It's News)
OSCAR MAGOCSI (February 5, 1928 – September 8, 2002) was an outstanding Canadian UFO Contactee.
Oscar Magocsi was born in Budapest, Hungary, in February 1928. After the establishment of a communist regime in Hungary and the lost Hungarian Revolution from 1956, he decided to leave the country and emigrated to Canada in 1957, where he found a job at CBC, the Canadian Television Company. In September 1974, he had his first UFO sighting and since then, ongoing contacts with benevolent human ET's till his death in September 2002.
“I have been living in Toronto since 1957 and working in the communication industry as an electronic technician. Contrary to my earlier disinterest in the UFO phenomena and such matters, I've become actively engaged in psychic-metaphysical and related fields ever since my first UFO encounters of 1974-1975. After all these years, my alien friends still keep in touch. They have their ways of communicating, plus monitoring people and events.”
“Now I understand the full importance of our alien space friends' mission, and I resolved to do my part in helping their cause. My motivation is to communicate my experiences, to further the publicizing about the existence of alien intelligences interested in Earth-affairs, and to comply with the insistent urgings of my alien friends by spreading the word about them as I keep coming across new pieces of information. For I am part of their team now, I feel that my involvement in this field has just barely begun, and there will be much more experiences and encounters to come for me yet.” (“My Space Odyssey in UFOs” – 1980)
Short Summary of Oscar Magocsi's statements According to Oscar, there is a real Space Federation in our Cosmic region, formally called “Interdimensional Federation Of Free Worlds”, spread over 33 galaxies and in different dimensions. The population is mainly human, but alien worlds are members as well. These non-humanoid species may be aquatics, amphibians, crustaceans, reptilians, mammalians, avians, large insecteans, … – just to mention a few possible types; planetary atmospheres ranging from methane to chlorine.
Photo: Oscar Magocsi, 2001
They use hyperspace-technology and a system of star gates for interstellar and intergalactic space travel. They have all kinds of super technologies, like hover-cars, teleportation and levitation systems, holographic worlds, androids, robots, domed cities, and so on… The Federation is guided and adviced by a group of Masters from the uppermost regions of the causal plane, the “Council of Guardians”. They were described as “pure energy beings who dwelt in a non-physical realm beyond time and space. Like some heavenly host, they were the Elder Brothers, guiding the fate of humankind in all the dimensions and universes throughout the vast Cosmos.”
The Greater Federation is only one Space Civilization among others. One neighbor is an alliance of mainly non-humanoid hostile species, the so-called “Imperial Alliance Of Rightous Worlds”. Federation and Alliance are in a Cold War for thousands of years. Both try to increase their power or influence in our cosmic region and want new planets – like our Earth – to be part of their ideological system. The Federation sent people for development assistance to boost our cultural and spiritual progress, the Alliance tried to establish a hidden power system on Earth to control our planet. Both sides have multiple secret bases on our planet and in our Solar System.
Oscar was contacted by a group of benevolent ET's, which called themselves “Psycheans”. These Psycheans are the successors of a giant ancient space empire called AN, which was almost completly destroyed in a Great Cosmic War, several hundred thousand years ago. The last surviving worlds from AN were called “psy-che-AN” (those from AN). These Psycheans tried to rebuild their old greatness and initiated the growth of bigger conglomerations of worlds to build a new huge space civilization. This time, they used a federation system (instead of an imperial system, as in ancient AN).
According to Oscar Magocsi, the NEW AGE MOVEMENT, this powerful global network that is working to bring about a radically positive change on Earth, was initiated and inspirated by extra-terrestrial and etheric powers: “It all came from the Forces of Light: through the Space Brothers, the continuing transmissions from Sirius Centre, and the untiring workers of the Great White Brotherhood and associates.”
John Robert Colombo “I am pleased that the man and his mission are being treated seriously. Yes, I exchanged a couple of letters with him and wrote about him and his work in “UFOs over Canada” and I read his four books. I am pleased, as well, that they have been collected and reprinted in what seems to be a handsome edition. It is very well done.”
Timothy Green Beckley “I met the man face to face, and I can see no reason why he would have made up the whole thing as he never received any sort of financial gain or much in the way of notoriety either. He still has a following in some parts of the world, people who believe in him and want to keep his story alive.”
Brad Steiger “I admit that I was unfamiliar with his name. Back in the 1960s and early '70s it was far easier from me to keep track of most of the more prominent contactees. These days, it is almost impossible. Obviously either more contact is being made or more people are believing that they have been contacted by the Visitors.”
Extra information about the article:
Photo: UFO congress Guetersloh, Germany 1997, together with Howard Menger, (left) and Oscar's German publisher Juergen Gottsleben (right)
(N.Morgan) Prof. Jiro Kondo and a mission from Waseda University’s Institute of Egyptology,made an amazing discovery! They discovered a private tomb of Khonsuemheb, in the el-Khokha area of the Theban necropolis, across the Nile from Luxor. This remarkable discovery uncovered a beautifully preserved and elegantly decorated tomb, with painting adorning the walls. This tomb probably dates back to the Ramesside period.
Images of Khonsuemheb (center) and his Family. (Credit: Copyright : Waseda University Institute of Egyptology)
The tomb was discovered while the Japanese team was cleaning the forecourt of the tomb of Userhat (wsr-HAt, TT 47), overseer of the king’s private apartment (imy-r ipt-nswt) under Amenhotep III. The tomb of Khonsuemheb is connected to an unfinished tomb hewn in the southern wall of the forecourt of Userhat’s tomb, and has a T-shaped plan.
Most of the walls and ceiling of the transverse hall are decorated. On the side wall of the northern part of the transverse hall, the tomb owner Khonsuemheb, his wife Mutemheb, and his daughter Isetkha are represented as statues. Several different motifs representing Khonsuemheb and his family are painted on the walls of the transverse hall.
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De effecten van recente zonnevlammen
De effecten van recente zonnevlammen
Begin deze maand circuleerden beelden van een grote heldere zonnevlam op internet. Het fenomeen werd geclassificeerd als een X1,2-zonnevlam. X-zonnevlammen kunnen gsm- en communicatiesignalen verstoren.
De zonne-activiteit heeft ook invloed op mensen. Met name na M-zonnevlammen wordt een duidelijk effect waargenomen.
Zonnevlammen hebben invloed op het centrale zenuwstelsel, hersenactiviteit, gedrag en psychofysiologische reacties. Ze kunnen ervoor zorgen dat mensen zich nerveus, bang, moe, geïrriteerd, futloos, misselijk of onrustig voelen. Ook krijgen mensen na zware zonne-uitbarstingen vaak last van hoofdpijn, geheugenverlies of hartkloppingen.
Zonnevlammen veranderen de structuur van onze fysieke realiteit omdat ze een krachtig effect hebben onze cellen. Het geheugen van de cellen wordt geactiveerd en opgeschoond. We merken dit vaak doordat ons lichaam plotseling opwarmt.
De energie van lagere emoties als gevolg van bijvoorbeeld traumatische gebeurtenissen wordt opgeslagen in onze cellen. Fotonen die met de zonnewind de aarde bereiken zijn hoogenergetisch geladen deeltjes. Ze trekken de lagere emoties letterlijk naar boven. Vaak worden deze lagere emoties zoals verdriet en woede losgelaten zonder dat we weten waarom. Dit kan per keer ongeveer 20 minuten duren.
De elementen van onze blauwdruk zijn nauw verweven met het bewustzijn van onze cellen. Wanneer de blauwdruk wordt versterkt door de fotonen sijpelen de verschillende elementen in ons bewustzijn en beginnen we ons doel te herinneren. Er wordt aan ons getrokken om te veranderen, maar we weten niet waarom.
De energie van fotonen verbindt zich met onze gedachten en dus is het belangrijk dat we weten wat we willen in plaats van wat we niet willen, want anders creëren we alleen maar meer van wat we niet willen. Als je in het proces van verandering en transformatie zit werkt deze energie goed. Als je echter vast wordt gehouden door het verleden, creëer je door woede en de slachtofferrol meer redenen om vast te blijven zitten tot je bereid bent los te laten.
De zonnevlammen kunnen oude gedachtepatronen doorbreken zodat er ruimte komt voor nieuwe. Daardoor kunnen we ons tegelijkertijd hyper en uitgeput voelen. Ze kunnen ook leiden tot storingen in communicatie en de elektriciteitsvoorziening.
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Ons DNA draagt een buitenaardse stempel
Ons DNA draagt een buitenaardse stempel
Kazakse wetenschappers stellen dat er in ons DNA een genetische code van buitenaardse wezens zit.
Zij schreven in het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Icarus over hun onderzoek, dat uitwijst dat het menselijk DNA door een oude buitenaardse beschaving werd gecodeerd.
Volgens de onderzoekers van de Universiteit van Kazachstan en het Fesenkov Astrofysisch Instituut kan de wiskundige code van het menselijk DNA niet alleen worden verklaard door de evolutietheorie van Darwin. Het draagt een buitenaardse stempel.
Een oude beschaving heeft in de Melkweg eonen geleden een buitenaards signaal aangebracht, dat uiteindelijk de weg naar de aarde vond en een genetische code in het DNA van mensen implanteerde, aldus de wetenschappers.
“Eens geïnstalleerd kan de code gedurende ettelijke kosmologische tijdperken onveranderd blijven; het is de meest duurzame constructie die we kennen,” aldus de onderzoekers. “We werden miljarden jaren geleden buiten het zonnestelsel gemaakt. De mensheid speurt de ruimte af met telescopen op zoek naar buitenaardsen, maar een buitenaardse boodschap kan even goed al in onszelf zitten.”
In onderstaande video vertelt astrofysicus Paul Davies waarom we met een open geest dit soort theorieën moeten onderzoeken.
We, on earth, are 'managed', as we manage and husband our Earth animals,in preserves.
The very best gameskeepers never let the animals within, suspect that it is, indeed, a preserve.
Equanimity? Respect? Co-existence?
Reptilians fancy us, as we view veal.
They and we know precisely how it works; they will cull and keep the best and let harsh evolutionary UnMotherly Nature filter out the rest.
So, ARE alien abductions evil?
Evil, as a stipulated definition, is sinister, predatory and self-justifying and our human history and our religions are replete with duplicitious reptilian masquerades.
For now, one group, abducted, taken by aliens, prefers to call themselves the positive label of"contactees" and sees an alien bouquet of roses.
The other group of abducted, taken by aliens, negatively asserts themselves kidnapped as "abductees", and they instead see an open, festering, bleeding wound.
Although I am in agreement with the second group, all that both groups can agree on, is that it's red.
"I'm not at liberty to discuss the governments knowledge of extraterrestrial UFO's at this time. I am still personally being briefed on the subject!" --President Richard M. Nixon
"I think about how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And I ask you, does not this threat alread exsist?" --President Ronald Reagen UN address
"The US Airforce assures me that UFO's pose no threat to National Security.." --President John F Kennedy
"I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment on this subject" --President Gerald Ford (1966)
"Extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon. The Vatican is receiving much information about extraterrestrials and their contacts with humans from its Nuncios (embassies) in various countries, such as Mexico, Chile and Venezuela." -- Monsignor Corrado Balducci As stated 5 different times on Italian TV** (Vatican theologian insider close to the Pope,Monsignor Balducci said that he is on a Vatican commission looking into extraterrestrial encounters, and how to cope with the emerging general realization of extraterrestrial contact.)
"Given the millions of billions of Earth-like planets, life elsewhere in the Universe without a doubt, does exist. In the vastness of the Universe we are not alone." --Albert Einstein
"The evidence points to the fact that Roswell was a real incident and that indeed an alien craft did crash, and that material was recovered from that site. We all know that UFOs are real.All we need to ask is where do they come from, and what do they want?" --Capt. Edgar Mitchell Apollo 14 Astronaut
"In my mind, there is no question that they're out there. My Career is well established. My texts books are required reading in all the major capitals on planet earth. If you want to become a physicist to learn about the unified field theory-you read my books. Therefore, I'm in a position to say: Yes- Most likely they're out their, perhaps even visited, perhaps on our moon. - ABC News Quote -- -- Professor Dr. Michio Kaku
"We must insist upon full access to disks recovered. For instance, in the La case the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination." --J Edgar Hoover
I feel that the Air Force has not been giving out all the available information on the Unidentified Flying Objects. You cannot disregard so many unimpeachable sources." -- John W. McCormack, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States. January (1965)
"UFO sightings are now so common, the military doesn't have time to worry about them - so they screen them out. The major defense systems have UFO filters built into them, and when a UFO appears, they simply ignore it." --Lee Katchen (former atmospheric physicist with NASA)
"Let there be no doubt. Alien technology harvested from the infamous saucer crash in Roswell, N.Mex., in July 1947 led directly to the development of the integrated circuit chip, laser and fiber optic technologies, Particle beams, Electromagnetic propulsion systems, Depleted uranium projectiles, Stealth capabilities, and many others! How do I know? I was in charge! (A matter of public record)I think the kids on this planet are wise to the truth, and I think we ought to give it to them. I think they deserve it.' --Colonel Philip Corso
Army Intelligence officer, former head of the Foreign Technology at the U.S. Army's Research and Development department at the Pentagon.
Four years director of intelligence on President Eisenhower's White House National Security Staff
What's my slant from my own abduction experiences?
"For we are fighting with people not made of flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies—evil rulers of the unseen world, those mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world, and against huge numbers of wicked spirits in high places.
Put on all God's armor so that you will be able to stand safe." Ephesians 6.
10-01-2014 om 18:34
geschreven door peter
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UFO disrupts air traffic at Bremen airport Jan 7, 2014
UFO disrupts air traffic at Bremen airport – Jan 7, 2014
Reports of passenger aircraft involved in a near miss with unidentified flying objects as well as unidentified flying objects disrupting air traffic at airports (drones, balloon-like aircraft or remote-controlled model craft?)
1. UFO disrupts air traffic at Bremen airport
The latest report came from Bremen airport. An unidentified flying object disrupts air traffic at Bremen airport on Monday night, Jan 6, 2014, when it kept appearing on air traffic control’s radar.
The airport said on Monday night that the UFO showed up on its radar several times over three hours from 6.30pm to 9.30pm.
Police said in a statement that they were alerted at 6.30pm about a UFO over Bremen and a patrol car also saw the object. A police helicopter was sent up to try and find the UFO but could not, although the Weser Kurier newspaper reported it could be seen through binoculars from the airport’s traffic control tower.
The helicopter search was called off at 8.45pm, according to the police statement.
A flight from Frankfurt had to be cancelled and a second flight from Munich was diverted to Hannover. Another plane coming from Paris had to stay airborne for a while before it could land. source
2. Pilot reports near miss with ‘rugby ball-shaped UFO’ near Heathrow Airport
An airline pilot has reported a near miss with a “rugby ball-shaped” UFO that passed within metres of his passenger jet near Heathrow airport. He told aviation authorities investigating the incident last July that he was certain the object was going to crash into his aircraft and that he ducked as it headed towards him. They have been unable to establish the identity of the mysterious craft, which apparently approached the airliner at great speed.
The incident occurred while the Airbus A320 was cruising at 34,000ft, around 32 kilometres west of the airport.
The investigators’ report states: “He was under the apprehension that they were on collision course with no time to react. His immediate reaction was to duck to the right and reach over to alert the FO [First Officer]; there was no time to talk to alert him.”
The pilot told investigators the object passed “within a few feet” of the top of the jet and that it was “cigar/rugby ball-like” in shape, bright silver and “metallic” in construction.
The episode was examined by the UK Airprox Board, which studies “near misses” involving aircraft in British airspace. It checked data recordings to establish what aircraft were in the area but eliminated them all, along with meteorological balloons. Military radar operators were also unable to trace the reported object.
The sighting occurred in daylight, at around 6.35pm on July 13. source
3. Passenger plane involved in near miss with UFO near Glasgow airport
A passenger plane was involved in a near miss an unidentified flying object, two pilots have reported.
The blue and yellow UFO came within 300ft of the Airbus 320 on December 2 above Baillieston as the plane approached Glasgow Airport.
The UK Airprox Board – which investigates near misses in the skies – heard the incident had taken place at around 3500ft.
Both pilots on the flight reported seeing the UFO “loom ahead”. The board head the object passed directly beneath the plane before either of the crew had time to take avoiding action or had “really registered it” although they were both agreed that it appeared blue and yellow or silver in color with a small frontal area but that it was “bigger than a balloon”.
4. UFO collided with Chinese Passenger Plane at 26,000 Ft.
A passenger jet was forced to make an emergency landing after a mysterious mid-air collision with a ‘foreign object’ at 26,000 ft. severely dented its nose cone.
The plane was climbing over China when a large bang was heard from the front of aircraft.
The pilots of Air China flight CA4307 left Chengdu on the morning of June 4, headed for Guangzhou contacted the control tower of Chengdu airport, requesting an emergency landing due to “mechanical failure” and returned to Chengdu for an emergency landing.
No one was hurt in the mysterious incident. The front of the Air China Boeing 757 had been pushed in and scratches and scraped paintwork The nose of the aircraft shows evidence of the collision, the question here is, with what did this Boeing 757 collide at 8000 meters?
UFO Sighting Photos leaked out of NASA-Johnson Space Center, 100% clear UFOs In High Detail!
The UFOsshown in the video are in the NASA photos. It is a rare thing when a UFO photo sneaks its way out of NASA by accident, so this is a treasure for UFO researchers around the world.
Waring writes, “Take a look at these amazing photos that were leaked out of NASA Johnson Space Center. The quality of the photos is almost HD and the detail we see of the UFO recorded by a NASA satellite orbiting are incredible. The most important question here is not what they are…space stations or ships, but is the species that built them still on board those ships? It looks to me that these photos were taken by someone that works for NASA and had access the famous “airbrush room.” That is where they erase all the UFOs or alien evidence out of photos before they are released to the public. These photos are real, I stake my reputation on it.”
Exopolitics Institute author and researcher Michael Salla says “As the photos and video make clear, there is unmistakable evidence of UFOs of an artificial design that have been photographed by NASA’s earth orbiting spacecraft. The UFO does not correspond to any known terrestrial spacecraft and appears to be alien in design. Nothing is known of the occupants, but Clark McClelland a former NASA employee who completed training as a Spacecraft Operator may have the answer.
During a 34 year career working as a NASA contractor/employee, McClelland was responsible for ensuring the safety of numerous NASA missions including Mercury spaceflights, Apollo missions, the International Space Station and the Space Shuttle. In a statement released on his website on July 29, 2008, McClelland revealed that he witnessed an eight to nine foot tall extraterrestrial in association with a Space Shuttle mission he was monitoring from the Kennedy Space Center.
McClelland wrote: I, Clark C. McClelland, former ScO [Spacecraft Operator], Space Shuttle Fleet, personally observed an 8 to 9 foot tall ET on his 27 inch video monitors while on duty in the Kennedy Space Center, Launch Control Center (LCC). The ET was standing upright in the Space Shuttle Payload Bay having a discussion with TWO tethered US NASA Astronauts! I also observed on my monitors, the spacecraft of the ET as it was in a stabilized, safe orbit to the rear of the Space Shuttle main engine pods. I observed this incident for about one minute and seven seconds. Plenty of time to memorize all that I was observing. IT WAS AN ET and Alien Star Ship!
Furthermore, McClelland wrote that he was not the only NASA official who witnessed the incident: “A friend of mine later contacted me and said that this person had also observed an 8 to 9 foot tall ET INSIDE the SPACE SHUTTLE CREW COMPARTMENT! Yes, inside OUR Shuttle! BOTH missions were DoD (Pentagon) TOP SECRET (TS) encounters!’
Waring admits he was a little taken aback when he saw the original photos. “How often do you get crisp 100% clear photos of a UFO and from non other that the US government to boot. With a source like that these photos cannot be disputed or debunked, but many have tried,” Waring says
Don’t take my word for it. Go to the photo links below and see them for yourself. Once you do, any doubt you once had about UFOs will vanish.
According to Salla at the Exopolitics Institute, McClelland’s testimony reveals that extraterrestrial vehicles and personnel are able to perform highly complex maneuvers in the vicinity of NASA spacecraft, and even perform docking maneuvers. This gives credence to whistleblower claims that NASA regularly sanitizes videos or photographs of any images involving extraterrestrial technologies or artifacts during space missions.
Finally, McClelland’s testimony suggests that there is a high level of cooperation between at least one extraterrestrial civilization and NASA/Pentagon. It appears that extraterrestrials may even be giving assistance in some space missions where difficulties arise as may have occurred with the tethered astronauts. McClelland’s statement helps confirm other whistleblower testimonies of secret agreements concerning extraterrestrial life and technology (see: ). These testimonies have led to a civil society initiative to begin the process of nullifying all secret agreements concerning extraterrestrial life and technology.
This video shows more UFOs captured by NASA cameras
NASA JSC deleted the high resolution versions, and kept the low res versions. Why did they do that? Here are the links to the low res versions:
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UFO activity over Bremen Airport, Germany on 6th January 2013
UFO activity over Bremen Airport, Germany on 6th January 2013
An unidentified flying object which ruined the travel plans of passengers at Bremen airport on Monday night looked like a plane but was a lot louder, according to eyewitnesses. The airport said on Monday night that the UFO showed up on its radar several times over three hours from 6.30pm to 9.30pm. Police said in a statement that they were alerted at 6.30pm about a UFO over Bremen and a patrol car also saw the object.
A police helicopter was sent up to try and find the UFO but could not, although the Weser Kurier newspaper reported it could be seen through binoculars from the airport’s traffic control tower. The helicopter search was called off at 8.45pm, according to the police statement. Officers are now investigating the case on grounds of unauthorized intrusion into controlled air space.
A spokeswoman for German Air Traffic Control (DFS) said: “It had normal lights, red and green, and an approach light on both sides,” the Weser Kurier reported. Eyewitness Dominique Höber told the paper the object was flying at between 100 and 200 metres and passed over his house four times. “It looked like a plane,” he said. “It had lights but was a lot louder.”
A flight from Frankfurt had to be cancelled and a second flight from Munich was diverted to Hannover. Another plane coming from Paris had to stay airborne for a while before it could land.
A Bremen police spokesman said. “We still don’t know what it was, but it was there.” Possible explanations are that it was a drone or a balloon-like aircraft. On Sunday in the town of Zwickau, Saxony, an initially unidentified aircraft landed on a field behind a house. Hours later it turned out to be a remote-controlled model airship.
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UFO sighting over Nevado de Toluca, Mexico on 4th January 2014
UFO sighting over Nevado de Toluca, Mexico on 4th January 2014
New video footage of a UFO activity recorded above the crater of Nevado de Toluca, Mexico on 4th January 2014.
Witness said: A strange spherical object is captured while I was walking in the crater of Nevado de Toluca, excellent recording where you can see a spherical object rising and falling within the crater of the volcano of Toluca on January 4, 2014, know that’s what we shoot, we were at a considerable distance from where the lake was, but fortunate to see at that point to an object very clearly spherical shape, but making very strange movements up and down. Was shifted initially on the surface of the water and then moves up and down inside the crater of Nevado de Toluca. Very strange sighting of a UFO into a volcano in Mexico.
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UFO activity recorded on tape above Werder Bremens stadium, Germany on 7th January 2014
UFO activity recorded on tape above Werder Bremen’s stadium, Germany on 7th January 2014
LatestUFO sightings2014– New interesting video footage of a bright UFO or orb recorded in the sky above Werder Bremen’s stadium, Germany on 7th January 2014 ad 6:30PM.
Exorcism vs. Spiritual Healing and Entity Releasement (The God-like Powers of the Human Mind)
Meditations , genetic dispositions for psychic sensitivities, Reiki healings, any opening oneself, even intense prayer, not unlike employing one's mind in using a OUIJA board, can spiritually be most seriously dangerous.
For those dubious or cynical about the' realities' discussed, herein, I remind you that it's never too late to increase your learning, now that you're aware at least that much knowledge exists outside of your accumulated realm of learning.
It's sadly more than probable that there are many like you who are totally unaware of the unseen, as well as the evil unseen, which makes you and them all the more vulnerable.
Knowledge is power and in this realm ignorance is hardly ever bliss.
The unseen evil world around us is as real as the nose on your face and as equally hard to see, but it exists nonetheless.
Western science does not differentiate between spiritual possession and clinical mental illness ; a child who hears discorporate voices and who claims to see spirits/ghosts is deemed psychotic not psychic, and thus is wrongly medicated.
As mental illness permeates our society as the most ubiquitous prevalent disease, its epidemiology and causality is largely misunderstood, just as in the example, above.
Is then, mental illness largely a symptom of demonic entities, meddling and infernal, seeking semi-possession?
Many institutionalized back -ward 'psychotic' patients are possessed not insane.
Unseen negative-thought beings are an astonishing negation to,"Seeing, is believing"!
Negative thought entities, from unseen demons, unseen reptilians or hostile ghosts are inter-dimensional entities, denizens of several parallel spirit worlds.
Most people with unwanted predatory energy attachments will have more than one of the following:
Cold patches in the aura
Bad dreams and nightmares
Unexplained aches and pains
Anxiety and fearfulness
Obsessive/compulsive behavior
Self mutilation
Eating Disorders
Out of character behavior, especially angry outbursts
Lack of eye contact or a ‘haunted' look in the eyes
Drug addiction or alcoholism
Suicidal thoughts or actual attempts
"Earworms", a popular term for a cyclical, obsessive melody or fragment of a song that will not go away or that returns again, is a signature symptom of an intrusive entity 'attachment'.
That revealing melody is merely the tip of the submerged iceberg of an often highly intelligent devious astral parasite.
When I strongly psychically resisted, my inner imp would send songs whose lyrics reflected an all knowing proprietary demeanor:"You belong, to me", an old sixties song and the Beatles',"Can't you see that you're mine, we've been together for a long, long time" sinisterly echoed repeatedly, inwardly, in a retort response...
it is astounding how almost universal this evil psychic symptom is; as we ride horses, we are likewise sought to be 'ridden', by brilliant and predatory negative thought entities towards partial possession.
They are lampreys and remora predators of consciousness, itself.
Try to dislodge it and it becomes less quiescent; sudden and persistent appetites, addictions, bad dreams, drug use and spontaneous unsolicited strong sexual urges all blossom and prevail.
The only sure cure is a difficult one: to strengthen one's 'immunity" by a spiritual method.
One must self-dwell in a realization that one is NOT just a body with an inner spirit, but instead a spirit having Earthly adventures.
One must embrace the conviction that one's body does not CONTAIN a soul, but that one IS a soul, temporarily residing in a body.
All bodies die, but the soul does not. One is not one's car,or clothing or body; we step out of those and remain ourselves, an undying spirit with creative God-like powers.
Within THAT spiritual realization comes authority and newfound power to repulse the evil that is unseen.
It's a painful process for most who view themselves as mere victims in their body.
These people characteristically fear physical injury more than spiritual injury.
One can use that greater spiritual awareness as a defensive tool. The very essence that these entities seek is the very essence we can use to repulse them.
If one is 'under telepathic attack', psychically, with compulsions or nightmares, one can deter this 'attack' with a basic training course, a full realization of one's spiritual existence, which extends astounding powers.
Now, you can fully accept and deeply 'know' that it's no accident that these untoward spiritual/paranormal events happened, as you are primarily a spirit who is 'learning', in this school called Earth, temporarily housed in a human DNA nanotech arranged body.
Love will blossom, generate within and replace fear and doubt.
Rather than a demonic haunting or alien abduction where you're the 'victim', you now fully accept that these horrid experiences are here to make you grow spiritually, a crucible of learning and growth, a hard mortar-pestle experience, to grow you towards God.
Within that larger realization, held close, is strong salvation-protection, both for you as well as for the harrassing being.
Compassion felt for the unseen mean-spirited being, from you, a heartfelt compassion,(one cannot not fake compassion ) can overpower them, when you lovingly counsel and remind them that they must move into the light for their perfection.
If one feels truly SORRY for an unseen nightmare entity, it acts to repel them, elsewhere.
Augment this and visualize a circle of bright sunlight around them that dissolves their exterior black negativity as it surrounds them.
You have loved it away.
If none of this works, then at least it's been an assessment test to determine more about the nature of the entity.
These beings vary from lost human souls, to brilliant, malevolent, predatory, sinister reptilians, who specialize in human and cow abductions.
(Round craft, designed for human abductions, piloted by reptilians. Other varied craft shapes delineate varied functions.)
Predatory and opportunistic energies are all around us, as are many confused or sinister earthbound lost souls, the gangster fringe element of the spirit world.
Are ghosts 'lost souls'?
(When ghosts are heard on EVP's, revealingly, they generally do plead for, ask for our help.)
If one stumbles into a haunted house or if a ghost stumbles into YOUR house, or poltergeists persist after a sighting of UFOs, then there are God-like powers of our minds that we can employ to help them.
Within a fuller spiritual realization comes the 'voice" to assert control and authority.
Healing is a must for all those who desire to operate in other realms of consciousness.
You must have "Self " - assert your authority and maintain control.
If you are experiencing negative vibrations, anxiety attacks, bad dreams or just creepy feelings, they are either thought forms, demonic reptilian aliens, contractual psychic bonds or disincarnate entities (lost souls) ghosts, all of which are clearly in need of healing.
These beings are bound to the Earth's vibration or to human abductions because of lower vibrational attitudes and emotions.
Some are coercive and desire to manipulate or control.
Some are predatory, sinister and self-justifying, the combined magic trio qualities, that define Evil.
Sometimes a demon will coast in like a Great White Shark and they, like aliens, require much hard work to dislodge.
When I used to feel my skin burn locally on my upper arm where an earthbound ghost or stronger energy reptilian attached to me ( for ostensible ethereal feasting), I would say aloud;
" All contracts and agreements, known and unknown, with earthbound spirits are now null and void, contracts and agreements known and unknown with Dark energies and Dark entities in my blueprint are cancelled and ended and(focusing on the energy, itself, now) I BANISH this energy from my space."
This was given to me by Robert Bruce, "Astal Dynamics", a true mystic.
I would stubbornly repeat this when I felt that 'touch' persist, in a lingering stubborn reluctance to leave.
This often helped a great deal.
Spoken and deeply felt from a strong spiritual realization of oneself, the message INTENT, to another spirit, is overwhelming.
Rules ARE sometimes rules, it appears.
If it were still persistent, blessed holy water mixed with essential oils, sprayed in a plant mister helped to relieve this proximity.
I could combine this 'banishment' with a surge of repelling energy which began at the base of my spine, traveled up and exploded from my face area.
This, done repeatedly, would always knock them back on their heels, away, a short space.
One must claim one's space!
This is hardly a perfect defense against the stronger demonics who cannot be loved away; like praying mantids, both insects and the higher E.T. forms, they cannot understand higher feelings and motives like love, compassion, peace ,forgiveness, redemption .
True devils exist.
They are capable of negative miracles.
Statue of Repto Sapien god from ancient Sumer.
On display in The British Museum
May God protect us all from devils.
Reptilians, who operate UFOs and who subjugate greys see us, as we fancy veal!
With such predatory, malevolent interdimensional and highly technological beings as these, even
surrounding oneself in a white light can make one a lunch feast, just as can fervent prayer.
It is a far better defense to make oneself INVISIBLE to such entities.
I have not the practical rudiments of such metaphysics, but many others can do this astral invisibility, mind over matter magic.
Our astral 'running lights' can often attract spiritual nighttime moths, and then bats, just like our house porchlights attract such series of physical midnight carrion.
Protection involves visualizations of re- colorizing one's fourth chakra; in a series of kundalini points, altered in color, one becomes astrally "unseen" and thus no longer a possible target, for the gangster fringe element of the spirit world!
Until one acquires this expertise envisioning electric purple light all around you is the single best deterrent to strong attacks. .Love Heals
Casting out entities, be they ETs, spirits, demons, jinns or ghosts, only sends them to another place to torture and trouble another person .
It's like pulling a nail out of one's flat tire and then casting the nail out into traffic for someone else to run into.
In all healing, do remember that God is "pure" Love and exists hidden within every cell of your being. It is only the power of Love that heals and lifts, elevates the soul to higher planes.
Another essential self-defense rule?
Unlearn fear as fear feeds and empowers bullying negative entities. I give you the following steps to clear the negative energy:
First, hold close that spiritual metamorphosis realization that you are a spiritual being, a tiny fragment of God's light and love.
1. Close your aura by visualizing a white or gold light around you.
2. Call upon your chosen cultural representative of God, be it Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, Mary, Mohammed, White Eagle or another one of the beautiful Many "Christed" Ones.
3. Tell the entities they are healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened.(repeat this as often as you feel it is needed.)
4. Tell them that they are filled and surrounded with the Christ light and the Christ love (or the highest consciousness and energy available)
5. Ask that your chosen representative (I use my personal angels) arrive and take them to their perfect place and highest expression.
I often state that they be taken to the correct color light and to their proper place within that light.
6. Ask that all negative thought forms, and limiting mental concepts be dissolved, and lifted into the light of truth.
7. Ask that all of their psychic bonds be severed, and that they close their auras to all but spirit of the highest vibration.
I ask that all negative karmic, sexual, known and unknown contractual bonds be severed. I augment this with a visualization of a blue flaming sword that severs black cords, in all directions.
Repeat this process until you feel clear.
There may indeed often be more than one healing to accomplish.
Remember that your spoken word is very powerful, and what is spoken, on their level, manifests instantly.
Many enlightened ones use this process before opening their energies and mind to prayers , healings, doing psychic readings of others and angelic channeling.
Like burning sage to dissipate negative energies, this process creates a clear and safe environment and also lifts the vibrational energy of the one who is doing the healing.
Intent, the inner generator of your mind-soul, is nine-tenths of the spiritual law.
It is true as suspected, that tacit 'permission' IS required before a demon or negative entity can trouble one, but often unknowingness or sheer trickery arranges this 'permission'.
We are all harrassed, whether we admit it or are unaware of it .
I was a degenerate logician, an atheist who could not accept the premise of God, who has been snuck into the back door of faith, by virtue of mine and many others tales of horrid, untoward spiritual experiences.
Fear empowers all negative, bullying entities, but fear unlearned, supplanted by love, is murderously hard for most harrassed alien/demon troubled people to attain.
The thing that makes all these 'victims' special, is that unseen entities, who highly prize their own hidden status, purposefully went out of their way to make these people aware of them.
Within this realization, a person one can see himself as a hero, rather than that of a victim.
I recommend that you try to employ this loving 'expulsion', and resist the approach of orthodox rituals of exorcism, as it raises trapped spirits' vibrational levels and does true service to the Other Side.
Moreover, such psychic flexing of unconditional love, illustrates the God-like creative powers of the human mind.
``Do you believe it?'' I asked the monk. ``I scarcely know,'' he replied; and I continued: ``If there are other beings besides ourselves on this earth, how comes it that we have not known it for so long
a time, or why have you not seen them? How is it that I have not seen them?''
He replied: ``Do we see the hundred-thousandth part of what exists?
Look here; there is the wind, which is the strongest force in nature. It knocks down men, and blows down buildings, uproots trees, raises the sea into mountains of water, destroys cliffs and casts great ships on to the breakers; it kills, it whistles, it sighs, it roars.
But have you ever seen it, and can you see it?
Yet it exists for all that.''
( Guy de Maupassant)
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, until he saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.
It was then that he knew that they were interested in" an essence" he never suspected that he had, a Soul. It is our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals (ETs, spirits, ghosts) are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.
They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with people, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.
These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to your energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.
The Brooklyn Bridge Abductions
In Memorium Budd Hopkins
09-01-2014 om 23:34
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
This week we begin with an article about stealth UFOs in the 1940s by Doc Vega. Next, Scott Corrales reports on UFOs over Argentina and submits Part II of his Moonlight on Tombstones article. I publish an article about two passenger planes altering course to afford a UFO! Sean Casteel is back examining the Tesla Death Ray and the Columbia Disaster. Regan Lee is the subject of an article "THE ORANGE ORB'S REGAN LEE SPOTS UFO OVER EUGENE" and responds with her own comments. Major Ed Dames was back on Coast to Coast AM promoting his KILL SHOT! Victoria Woollaston reports on time travelers on the Internet. New contributor Matt Brady tries to define 'definitive proof!' Finally, Dr. Susan Shumsky explains the meaning of Aura! Enjoy Dirk Vander Ploeg
Mentioned in not only a Nova documentary on PBS TV in the 1980’s but a book written by the first Director of Project Blue Book Captain Edward Ruppelt, “The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects ” released in 1956 is an obscure incident witnessed in the undisclosed air space over the US in 1948. By then many major UFO sightings rocked the world such as the Roswell Crash and the Kenneth Arnold Sighting with many more to come, yet this particular sighting stands out as a peculiar if not important reference to a technology that we are only now beginning to understand and implement, and that is stealth technology. Is it no wonder that our extraterrestrial counterparts operating here on planet earth would have already showcased their capabilities a long time ago? More...
Contributing editor Guillermo Gimenez provides us the following photo from Luis Burgos's FAO site. The image, taken by Javier Lopez Posse, is accompanied by the following text: "Attention, Tucumán! Today at 09:03 p.m. I captured three white lights in the shape of a triangle (possible triangualr UFO) flying from East to West at a 60-degree elevation. I was looking at it from North to South, apparently heading toward Cerro San Javier. It gave the impression of being translucent, with white yet opaque lights. If anyone else saw or recorded it, please advise me privately." More... Also read: FRIGHTENED BY GHOSTS BY MOONLIGHT ON TOMBSTONES? - PART II
A UFO scare near Beijing International Airport caused two passenger planes to be diverted and dozens of flight delays. According to the South China Morning Post, China's Civil Aviation's radar picked up a UFO which was flying at around 2,000 ft and at 60 mph. Two planes were immediately diverted in order to steer clear of the unidentified object while a police helicopter was scrambled. More...
The tragic loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia and its seven astronauts will live forever in the memory of the American public. While the actual cause may never be known beyond a shadow of a doubt, it is nevertheless possible that an outside force acted upon the spaceship, an outside force that may have been set in motion many decades ago by the work of the legendary inventor, Nikola Tesla, and the shadowy scientists who followed in his wake. More... Also read: THE MYSTERY OF THE TESLA COLUMBIA DEATH RAY - PART II
Sadly, but not unexpectedly, this item from KVAL news is as vapid as main stream UFO reports insist on being. The comments posted are as equally ignorant. Yep, it's a UFO if you don't know what it the thing you saw was, as in: UFO is short for Unidentified Flying Object. This simple fact goes over the heads of most of the population who seem to think they're the intelligent ones by questioning such sightings. If I sound pissy it's because I am; fed up with this idiocy. By the way, I emailed Justin Templeton at KEZI news with a report of what I saw, along with the usual bio blurb; you know, I'm not a nut but writer and researcher blah blah. Never heard a word. More...
When Major Ed Dames predicted on his recent Coast to Coast AM show that 2014 was going to be a wild ride, and that this could very well be the beginning of the end, he wasn't kidding. On New Year's Day we reported breaking news about plumes of radioactive steam coming from Fukushima, and today, NBC News reveals breaking news that an X1 flare has burst from the sun aimed directly at Earth! More... Also read: THE ORANGE ORB'S REGAN LEE SPOTS UFO OVER EUGENE, OREGON!
Anyone hoping to one day emulate the likes of time travellers Doctor Who or Marty McFly in Back To The Future has just been dealt a devastating blow. Researchers from Michigan have scoured websites, search engine results and social networks dating back as far as 1996 in search of people who discussed select events before they happened. They even asked time travellers from the future to tweet using a specific hashtag. More...
This one has really been bugging me lately. Believer collect a piece of evidence, a video, a photo, even a hair sample and shoot from the rooftops this is definitive evidence. Then they stand aghast when the world doesn’t believe them. Here’s the problem, definitive evidence isn’t easy. Definitive evidence will probably never be a video or photo or even a footprint. Now a collection of hundreds of these, analysed by experts is getting closer, but the point is these things can be faked or misidentified too easily to accept as proof positive. Now there are things like DNA tests which could be considered definitive, however in order for these to be definitive the results must be replicated. That means if a lab claims to have found DNA from a Bigfoot, the results will need to be independently verified by others. More...
Have you ever wondered, What is keeping my body alive? What energy gives life to my body with my first breath, and what energy will leave my body when I die? Let us consider some fundamental questions. Obviously you have a physical body, which seems to run by itself: Lungs breathe, food digests, and blood rushes through your veins. Yet what makes it breathe? What makes your heart beat continually? What keeps it running like a clock, and what makes it stop? The answers to these questions seem elusive. More...
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AVIATION authorities have been left baffled after a UFO in the shape of a rugby ball reportedly passed within a few feet of a passenger jet near Heathrow Airport.
A pilot on the A320 Airbus reported the near miss to air traffic controllers, prompting an investigation. However, no one has been able to identify the object.
The aircraft was cruising at 34,000ft, around 20 miles west of Heathrow Airport, over the Berkshire countryside, when the captain spotted the object out of a left-hand side cockpit window.
It was said to be "cigar/rugby ball like" in shape, bright silver and "metallic" and travelling towards the jet. The pilot said he felt certain it was going to crash into his aircraft and ducked as it headed towards him, but it did not appear to make impact. He told investigators he believed the object passed "within a few feet" above the jet.
The sighting occurred in daylight, at around 6.35pm on 13 July last year". It has only emerged now, following publication of the report, which concluded it was "not possible to trace the object or determine the likely cause of the sighting". The incident was investigated by the UK Airprox Board, which studies "near misses" involving aircraft in British airspace. It ruled out other aircraft, meteorological balloons, toy balloons and military objects.
The report does not name the airline or flight involved, but the Daily Telegraph says the aircraft was likely to have been travelling between a regional UK airport and another in Europe. The A320 Airbus typically carries around 150 passengers.
Aviation staff detect around one unexplained flying object every month, according to figures from the National Air Traffic Control Services in 2012. The Ministry of Defence closed its UFO desk in December 2009, after which the Civil Aviation Authority decided to look into such reports from aircrew and air traffic controllers.
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Submitted by Thomas Kirkland on January 6, 2014 - 1:51pm.
In World War II many pilots reported similar incidents...They became known as "Foo Fighters" objects that would follow aircraft for miles without hitting them.
Submitted by inachu on January 6, 2014 - 1:53pm.
The latest on ball lightning is considered to be created by underground earthquakes that perform something like static shock and energizes the air above sometimes 30 minutes before the quake can be felt. Leaving positive or negatively charged air particles might let a charged air pocket to follow a plane.
Submitted by FTN on January 6, 2014 - 1:55pm.
"Hey, Jimmy, what are you doin' with my rugby ball and that helium?"
Submitted by Floyd Howard Jr on January 6, 2014 - 1:55pm.
They's aliens! I seed 'em.
Submitted by JJnTX on January 6, 2014 - 1:56pm.
With the use of so many drones these days, it will be difficult for the crazies to tell the drones from the really "interesting" UFOs.
Submitted by John (magnum) on January 6, 2014 - 1:58pm.
The NSA on the job !
Submitted by Johnrambo1 on January 6, 2014 - 1:59pm.
Submitted by Amorphous1991 on January 6, 2014 - 2:02pm.
Poor writing. Never mentioned the dimensions.
Submitted by Retired guy on January 6, 2014 - 2:03pm.
, bright silver and "metallic" ..with Happy Birthday on the side in pink letters
Submitted by rjm2238 on January 6, 2014 - 2:03pm.
Are they illegal aliens? I bet if they lean to the left the can get all kinds of benefits and will be able to stay, just as long as they vote democrat. Rich in New Mexico.
Submitted by Stuna The Circus Tuna on January 6, 2014 - 2:03pm.
Has to be due to global warming.
Submitted by wargamer1969 on January 6, 2014 - 2:03pm.
Surprised they even released this report without explaning it away as natural phenomenon...
Submitted by JstAnotherAnimal on January 6, 2014 - 2:04pm.
It was an artifact of America's increasing debt ceiling.
Submitted by JstAnotherAnimal on January 6, 2014 - 2:05pm.
Illegal? No problem. They make an Executive Order for that!
Submitted by EpicMale on January 6, 2014 - 2:05pm.
It is extremely hard to estimate dimensions without a frame of reference. If you don't know how far away the object is, size becomes rather indeterminate. Against a blue sky, or an over cast backdrop, it can fool you quickly.
Submitted by JoetheFilmmaker on January 6, 2014 - 2:06pm.
It was approximately 24 inches in diameter. Does that help?
Submitted by Albertus Magnus on January 6, 2014 - 2:06pm.
I am not a believer of alien visitation and such things. But I really dislike those who dismiss all accounts of UFOs and call people crazy just because.
If you ever see something the mainstream news can't explain, keep it to yourself...or you are crazy!
Stay inside the 3x5 card of acceptable thought and make fun of those who don't. Ahhh....the spirit of the intellectual frontier.
Submitted by EpicMale on January 6, 2014 - 2:06pm.
I had forgotten those eerie reports! Thanks for reminding me.
Submitted by Canis Dirus on January 6, 2014 - 2:08pm.
It's the law of probability....
Submitted by Fly On Thewall on January 6, 2014 - 2:08pm.
why would they make contact when we keep electing people like Obama, clearly no signs of intelligent life here.
Submitted by Albertus Magnus on January 6, 2014 - 2:09pm.
So the long shot never happens?
I guess any time the odds are stacked one way, we should dismiss entirely the occurrence of an event of low odds.
That's just intellectual laziness, imho.
If we are going to consider ourselves people seeking truth / knowledge / wisdom then we have to be open to just about anything.
Otherwise, we are operating on assumptions too strongly and eliminating possible truths.
That isn't science, imho. That's using science to create a reality that makes us comfortable from a sociological point of view.
Submitted by Drosack on January 6, 2014 - 2:13pm.
Hobama Choom needs a good ass kicking.
Submitted by Charles on January 6, 2014 - 2:14pm.
My wife and I saw an object last summer about 15-minutes before dusk. It passed almost directly over us and was only about 50-feet above the ground. It was traveling about 20-miles an hour and didn't make a sound. I first thought it was a drone, but then realized this thing didn't have any wings! What was it? I still don't know, but I can tell you this: at about 10-12 feet wide and 35-40 feet long, it was larger than any drone I've seen.
Submitted by RedstateDawnRising on January 6, 2014 - 2:14pm.
lol... yes, and at 34000 feet and traveling at 600 mph? Now that is some birthday balloon=
Submitted by JJ on January 6, 2014 - 2:17pm.
Yeah, cause the author should've fabricated that evidence. Let's say it was ohhhh 50/10/10 meters. guh.
Submitted by Charles on January 6, 2014 - 2:20pm.
I should add, on a scale of 1-10 for aerodynamics, it would get a zero, as its shape was like an upside down school bus without the wheels!
Submitted by Nekromanteion on January 6, 2014 - 2:22pm.
If citizens took their governments back they'd discover all sorts of interesting things that have been hidden from them.
Submitted by Sylvia_Allen on January 6, 2014 - 2:22pm.
These things are all government technologies and experiments.
Submitted by WhereDidMyLibertyGo? on January 6, 2014 - 2:23pm.
Yet another of Obama's secret drones?
Submitted by WhereDidMyLibertyGo? on January 6, 2014 - 2:24pm.
It can't be global warming. It's "climate change" now. You know, since the East Anglia bruhaha.
Submitted by Dewreck on January 6, 2014 - 2:25pm.
Interesting to think about, but warping space is possible, this gets around the whole can't go faster than light problem...
Submitted by Likell on January 6, 2014 - 2:25pm.
I once saw an orange party balloon while turning for an approach to a small airport in Kentucky. For several moments it had the appearance of a much larger, faster object that was maneuvering. I was low and slow and turned to keep it in sight and therefore was able to determine it was about 10 inches in diameter and very close.
Submitted by Wilchbla on January 6, 2014 - 2:26pm.
It was Uncle Rico throwing a football over the mountain.
Submitted by kmrod on January 6, 2014 - 2:27pm.
how did they rule out toy balloon?
Submitted by Wilchbla on January 6, 2014 - 2:28pm.
Al Gore invented the UFO along with the internet and global warming.
Submitted by kmrod on January 6, 2014 - 2:28pm.
occam's razor.
Submitted by oz on January 6, 2014 - 2:28pm.
"Illegal" implies that we have rule of law in this country. LMAO! Thanks, I needed the laugh.
Submitted by kmrod on January 6, 2014 - 2:29pm.
"So the long shot never happens?"
when the choices are "aliens warped space so they could visit earth" and "oddly shaped mylar balloon" no, the long shot did not happen.
Submitted by WatchmanDB on January 6, 2014 - 2:30pm.
Many things in heaven and earth are "improbable".
Submitted by doctorivy on January 6, 2014 - 2:31pm.
Probably just swamp gas.
Submitted by teaisstronger on January 6, 2014 - 2:31pm.
When the USA was a supper power, we did those things to the Third World Nations, now China is doing it to this Third World Nation and there is nothing the USA can do to stop them.
Submitted by MythozDog on January 6, 2014 - 2:32pm.
Scientist are the worst at accepting things that do not fall within their criteria of what is possible. Little to no imagination. Plait and his Bad Astronomy IMHO are prime examples.
Submitted by WatchmanDB on January 6, 2014 - 2:34pm.
Klaktu nikto barrada
Submitted by Richard Dunnagan on January 6, 2014 - 2:34pm.
Model Rocket?
Submitted by Chris on January 6, 2014 - 2:34pm.
Sounds like liberal dogma
Submitted by royg on January 6, 2014 - 2:34pm.
GB's fault.
Submitted by Mike Mangan on January 6, 2014 - 2:36pm.
With the likes of Red Lobster, Applebees, and the Golden Corral, the US is still the world's leading supper power. C'mon. What other nation offers Buy One, Get One Free?
Submitted by USNbubblehead on January 6, 2014 - 2:36pm.
Maybe it WAS a rugby ball.
Submitted by kthomp1123 on January 6, 2014 - 2:37pm.
Another comment section ruined by bad Obama jokes. Obama derangement syndrome.
Submitted by Leslie G on January 6, 2014 - 2:37pm.
Are they time travelers? Just recently we learned that the Obama admin funded a study that looked for proof of time travelers on the internet, of course, wasting money while people are out of work & hungry is what they do best.
Submitted by Jim Rall on January 6, 2014 - 2:37pm.
Because a toy balloon can't travel 90 degrees to the aircraft flight path... toward the aircraft Mach 0.8.
Submitted by Jim Rall on January 6, 2014 - 2:39pm.
If it appeared metallic then it would have shown up on Radar
Submitted by Jesse on January 6, 2014 - 2:39pm.
I can image the way we look to them. A destructive civilization driving around in aluminum cans powered by liquified dinosaurs.. I'd be scared to meet us too.
Submitted by USNbubblehead on January 6, 2014 - 2:39pm.
Or maybe it was a punt from Mike Scifres of the San Diego Chargers that hadn't come down yet.
Submitted by cageysea on January 6, 2014 - 2:39pm.
I'm going to go with a shiny, metallic, rugby ball/cigar-shaped thingy. That or super-model Claudia Schiffer; we haven't seen her for awhile.
Submitted by Karlos_Danger on January 6, 2014 - 2:39pm.
Balloons don't float to 34k feet. But nice try.
Submitted by nodork on January 6, 2014 - 2:40pm.
spot on!!!
Submitted by USNbubblehead on January 6, 2014 - 2:40pm.
Or my favorite:
It was some swamp gas that got trapped in a thermal pocket and refracted the light from Venus.
Hat tip: Tommy Lee Jones MIB
Submitted by Jim Rall on January 6, 2014 - 2:41pm.
A rugby ball is shaped like a football... not a rectangular box?
Submitted by kmrod on January 6, 2014 - 2:41pm.
a toy balloon can travel 90 degrees to the aircraft flight path...anything can.
a toy balloon can travel toward the aircraft, or the pilot could have been wrong about that.
"at Mach 0.8".......that detail isn't included in the story. where are you getting that?
Submitted by Karlos_Danger on January 6, 2014 - 2:42pm.
RIGHT...but mylar balloons wont reach anywhere near 34k... so it wasn't a balloon.
Submitted by Oboy_must_go on January 6, 2014 - 2:42pm.
Wow those Brits can sure kick a ball!
Submitted by mallen717 on January 6, 2014 - 2:42pm.
Was it shaped like a Drink cart?
Submitted by Karlos_Danger on January 6, 2014 - 2:43pm.
Im guessing that since the object passed within a "few feet" of the plane... he could give accurate dimensions.
Submitted by Oboy_must_go on January 6, 2014 - 2:43pm.
Maybe these "ancient aliens" are satanic and they're coming to take Obama back to Hell?!
Submitted by Karlos_Danger on January 6, 2014 - 2:43pm.
>>> it was the planet Venus.
Submitted by gammer on January 6, 2014 - 2:44pm.
Who might "they" be?
A UFO is any flying object that has not been identified. Nothing about little green men, etc. _You_ have no place talking about intelligent life.
Submitted by USNbubblehead on January 6, 2014 - 2:44pm.
And, of course, these omnipotent and benevolent beings never EVER used ANY natural resources to become an advanced civilization. They all just held hands in a circle singing the alien version of Kumbaya and POOF, interstellar travel and everything. Just like that.
Submitted by kmrod on January 6, 2014 - 2:44pm.
google "Test of Toy Balloons Performed For Federal Department of Aviation".
yes they can.
Submitted by gdturner on January 6, 2014 - 2:44pm.
Why do all the remaining thinking people only live in our mother country ?
Submitted by LoneStar on January 6, 2014 - 2:45pm.
One can hope!
Submitted by USNbubblehead on January 6, 2014 - 2:45pm.
At 1/10 the speed of light, it's the fastest practical design I've seen.
Submitted by John Robert Norton on January 6, 2014 - 2:45pm.
I was raised on Edwards air force base. they are real and have been here before. they landed of the flight line in 1968 3 ufos fully documented
Submitted by GWAR44 on January 6, 2014 - 2:45pm.
I didn't know there were any bad Obama least its just a comment section being ruined, instead of the entire middle class of a country....
Submitted by John Robert Norton on January 6, 2014 - 2:46pm.
I have seen one and my brother has too
Submitted by J.M.W. on January 6, 2014 - 2:47pm.
Soon all jokes on this subject will stop.
Submitted by Josh Drewien on January 6, 2014 - 2:47pm.
Shut up about Obama, such a easy jab isnt it.
Submitted by USNbubblehead on January 6, 2014 - 2:47pm.
Or 'super-sizing.'
Submitted by Oboy_must_go on January 6, 2014 - 2:48pm.
Probably not.
Submitted by 94c2500 on January 6, 2014 - 2:49pm.
Obama IS the joke...
Submitted by tymwltl on January 6, 2014 - 2:52pm.
When they see how shallow the gene pool is on this planet, I'm sure they will leave us to our certain fate.
Submitted by imatellau on January 6, 2014 - 2:53pm.
any photos? a phone takes pretty good pics these days.
Submitted by Cynthia Troendle on January 6, 2014 - 2:53pm.
It's like you all have never heard of Quidditch.
Submitted by TUMAY on January 6, 2014 - 2:53pm.
Submitted by Oboy_must_go on January 6, 2014 - 2:53pm.
If the aliens are liberal they didn't build that.
Submitted by gordon_wagner on January 6, 2014 - 2:54pm.
He's a lost negro.
Submitted by Jeebus on January 6, 2014 - 2:54pm.
Like you do?
Submitted by Jeebus on January 6, 2014 - 2:54pm.
Bush's fault.
Submitted by chefjim on January 6, 2014 - 2:55pm.
I've never seen one and neither has my sister.
Submitted by Mike Mangan on January 6, 2014 - 2:55pm.
Little Johnny is at it again... President Obama was visiting a primary school and he visited one of the classes.
They were in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings.
The teacher asked the president if he would like to lead the discussion on the word 'tragedy'?
So our illustrious president asked the class for an example of a 'tragedy'.
One little boy stood up and offered: 'If my best friend, who lives on a farm, is playing in the field and a tractor runs over him and kills him, that would be a tragedy?'
'No,' said Obama, 'that would be an accident.'
A little girl raised her hand: 'If a school bus carrying 50 children drove over a cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy.'
'I'm afraid not,' explained Obama. 'That's what we would call great loss.' The room went silent. No other children volunteered.
Obama searched the room. 'Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?'
Finally at the back of the room, Little Johnny raised his hand.
In a quiet voice he said: If the plane carrying you and Mrs. Obama was struck by a 'friendly fire' missile and blown to smithereens that would be a tragedy.'
'Fantastic!' exclaimed Obama. 'That's right. And can you tell me why that would be tragedy?'
'Well,' says Little johnny, 'It has to be a tragedy, because it certainly wouldn't be a great loss... and it probably wouldn't be an accident either.
Submitted by Nitro Norris on January 6, 2014 - 2:56pm.
just a new high-tech drone running a test flight...nothing else.... move on, sheep.
Submitted by TUMAY on January 6, 2014 - 2:56pm.
All the technology the world has mostly came from capitalistic ventures started here in the US of A. All these damned liberals that want communism and socialism tend to forget that their stupid iphones are a product of capitalism.
Submitted by Fly On Thewall on January 6, 2014 - 2:56pm.
very easy, thank you.
Submitted by napoleon_solo on January 6, 2014 - 2:56pm.
You are really bright, aren't you? You think Heathrow airport and Berkshire are in the US. Or you somehow think that the US airspace extends to the British Isles? No wonder this country (US) is in so much trouble.
Submitted by Obamanomics on January 6, 2014 - 2:56pm.
i am sure she has seen something cigar shaped
Submitted by Navyvetew1 on January 6, 2014 - 2:57pm.
Thats Klatu barrada nikto. Yes, I know that makes me a bigger nerd than you. lol
Submitted by Fly On Thewall on January 6, 2014 - 2:57pm.
It's a joke dude...lighten up Francis
Submitted by TUMAY on January 6, 2014 - 2:57pm.
Submitted by Dewreck on January 6, 2014 - 2:57pm.
Look closer to the warping of space/time, they have actually done it in experiments.
Submitted by Obamanomics on January 6, 2014 - 2:58pm.
Dems will want to legalize them and chain them to the welfare state for another victim voting group.
Submitted by Nitro Norris on January 6, 2014 - 2:58pm.
Submitted by David on January 6, 2014 - 2:59pm.
what only non-democrat politicians are fair game for barbs? If the readers don't do it, who will? 90% of the media is drooling still in complete idol worship of a leftwing politician of black skin tone who can read a teleprompter
Submitted by Gib Pleh on January 6, 2014 - 2:59pm.
That poor pilot probably just ended his career. They're supposed to keep 'mum' about these things.
Submitted by TUMAY on January 6, 2014 - 2:59pm.
oooooohhhhhh no you didnt
Submitted by ObamaTheRodeoClown on January 6, 2014 - 2:59pm.
It was the new SR-72.
Submitted by Oboy_must_go on January 6, 2014 - 3:00pm.
My brother and sister-in-law saw something in the desert on the way to California. They said it was a s
09-01-2014 om 23:14
geschreven door peter
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Dear "Scientists", What About Precognitive Remote Viewing? Read About It In The Secret Life of Uri Geller (Pp. 42-44)
Dear "Scientists", What About Precognitive Remote Viewing? Read About It In The Secret Life of Uri Geller (Pp. 42-44)
Back to the future? Time travel missing on Twitter
WASHINGTON (AP) - Time travelers, if they really exist, seem to be keeping their adventures to themselves.
Researchers with perhaps a bit too much time on their hands conducted an extensive Internet and social media search for evidence of time travelers going back in history and then bragging about it online.
And they came up empty. No real life Dr. Who or Marty McFly from "Back to the Future" tweeting secrets a bit early.
Spurred by idle chat during Thursday poker games, an astrophysicist and his students at Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Mich., searched for mentions of Pope Francis and Comet ISON before they popped into reality. Francis was elected pope last March and ISON was first detected in September 2012.
The idea: If someone mentions a Pope Francis in a 2011 tweet, Facebook post or blog item, then they must have come back from the future with special knowledge.
But no one posted anything prescient.
And last September, the researchers asked people to tweet "#Icanchangethepast2" - but do it before August, a month earlier. Again, no one did.
The disappointing results, rejected by three physics journals, will be presented Tuesday at the American Astronomical Society conference in Washington.
If someone went back in time and said something to hint about the future, it would prove the concept of time travel, said astrophysicist Robert Nemiroff.
He said this was merely summer fun that cost nothing to do.
"This wasn't a major research push," Nemiroff said Monday at the astronomy meeting. "This was typing things into search engines. Billions of dollars are spent on time travel movies and books and stuff like that. This probably costs less than a dollar to check on it."
Nemiroff said this isn't his normal field and he didn't much believe in traveling backward in time before - and believes less in it now. "Unless I go back (in time) and publish lots of papers," he joked.
Other scientists didn't quite take it too seriously either.
Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb said in an email, "as anyone who uses online dating knows, the Internet is the last place to find the truth about the physical reality."
Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Publisher's Note:I am always intrigued when I come across a story about time travel. So I was happy to find this article writter by Victoria the newsletter. It is about researchers, investigators looking for time travelers on the Internet. Good read. Dirk
Anyone hoping to one day emulate the likes of time travellers Doctor Who or Marty McFly in Back To The Future has just been dealt a devastating blow.
Researchers from Michigan have scoured websites, search engine results and social networks dating back as far as 1996 in search of people who discussed select events before they happened.
They even asked time travellers from the future to tweet using a specific hashtag.
Yet despite comprehensive analysis of thousands of records, they were unable to find any evidence time travellers existed.
Since the late 1800s, writers and filmmakers have been obsessed with the allure and intrigue of time travel from H.G Wells’ 1895 book The Time Machine to the Back To The Future franchise and Doctor Who.
Inspired by this fascination, Professor Nemiroff, along with a MTU graduate Teresa Wilson, wanted to use the web to try and find evidence of people from the future living among us.
They began by selecting two events from recent history - the Comet ISON in September 2012 and the appointment of Pope Francis in March 2013.
They then scanned websites and search engine results for conversations or references to these events made between January 2006 and September 2013.
'Were a time traveller from the future to access the internet of the past few years, they might have left once-prescient content that persists today,’ explained Nemiroff and Wilson.
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De bekendste UFO-meldingen in Duitsland
De bekendste UFO-meldingen in Duitsland
Er is de laatste dagen veel te doen geweest over de UFO die maandag in de buurt van de luchthaven van Bremen verscheen.
In Duitsland worden al bijna 500 jaar onbekende vliegende objecten gemeld. In de zestiende eeuw werd een houtsnede gemaakt van een UFO-waarneming boven Neurenberg.
Het werk van Hans Glaser laat diverse UFO’s zien die op 4 april 1561 boven de Duitse stad werden gezien. De houtsnede wordt bewaard in de Centrale Bibliotheek van Zürich in Zwitserland.
Volgens getuigen verschenen er honderden bollen, cylinders en sigaarvormige objecten in de lucht. Ze zagen ook een groot zwart driehoekig toestel en maakten melding van een crash buiten de stad.
Greifswald Lights
Op 24 augustus 1990 zagen vele getuigen onafhankelijk van elkaar formaties lichtgevende bollen in de lucht boven de gemeente Greifswald. Vanwege de vele video’s en foto’s die zijn gemaakt is dit één van de best gedocumenteerde UFO-waarnemingen in Europa. Men spreekt ook wel van de Greifswald Lights.
Tot op heden blijft de sighting onopgelost. Gerald Schwab, één van de getuigen, vertelde aan de Duitse krant Bild: “Ze bleven drie minuten hangen voordat ze plotseling snel accelereerden.”
Honderden toeristen en inwoners uit Greifswald, Rostock, Usedom en Neubrandenburg legden het fenomeen vast. De bollen vormden een ‘Y’ en waren in totaal ruim 30 minuten zichtbaar.
De Hessischer Rundfunk, de openbare omroep van de deelstaat Hessen, maakte op 10 april afgelopen jaar melding van een UFO die de Duitse luchtverkeersleiding DFS voor een raadsel stelde. Het object zag eruit als een torso en werd gezien boven het platteland rond Frankfurt.
Een woordvoerster van de DFS zei: “Het gaat om een onbekend vliegend object dat we niet kunnen identificeren.”
Contributing editor Guillermo Gimenez provides us the following photo from Luis Burgos's FAO site. The image, taken by Javier Lopez Posse, is accompanied by the following text: “Attention, Tucumán! Today at 09:03 p.m.
I captured three white lights in the shape of a triangle (possible triangualr UFO) flying from East to West at a 60-degree elevation. I was looking at it from North to South, apparently heading toward Cerro San Javier. It gave the impression of being translucent, with white yet opaque lights. If anyone else saw or recorded it, please advise me privately.”
If it turns out to not to be a conventional object, this will be the first UFO photo received from South America in 2014.
Videographer David Vose believes he has discovered a planet that NASA knows about but has hidden the discovery of, using the images from when ISON was entering perihelion, when all eyes were on ISON, and a strange planet-looking “something” behind ISON, to which NASA scrubbed off their official photos.
What VOSE found hasn’t been mentioned nor discussed to date, and in his details he invites the “professionals” (who haven’t said a word about this planet-like object which is moving at a pretty good clip) to weigh in and correct him if he is wrong.
So, what is it? Is it a planet since it moves like one, acts like one and looks like one? Or is there a another explanation.
More importantly, why is NASA not acknowledging it? Has Vose managed to stumble onto the controversial Nibiru which some say definitely exists and others scoff at?
Evolution is still touted as the Devil's tool, debated and refused as required curriculum in science classrooms by religious fundamentalists who refute scientific findings.
Bacterial strains, now able to resist antibiotics, only fifty years in use, and malaria's total resistance to any of the last fifteen years' known cures, surely both illustrate and represent evolution, in its clearest sense.
Such minds assert and retort that the Devil plants dinosaur bones to confound us and that our Earth, as the Bible states, is merely 6,000 years old- Carbon 14 dating be damned- that man coexisted, lived with dinosaurs.
What can science do to deter such minds who deny the fossil record and who see, "The Flintstones", as a documentary?
Surprisingly, they may find it hard to deny DNA research findings.
Because even if they will not admit science into their classrooms or churches, they will admit it into their living rooms!
Through television crime stories, they're well acquainted with how DNA mirrors an individual’s unique identity and now from genome research we also know it reflects how closely related we all really are to one another and to all Earth life.
The Human Genome Experiment Research Project has determined some additional scientific findings that may furthur illuminate these unknowingly -television-educated Bible Thumpers.
Research has determined that the DNA relationships among ALL of Earth's organisms, are almost as alike as we are to all other humans.
DNA, Deoxyribonucleic acid, the building tool of living tissues and all of their functions, has molecular codes that regulate the output of genes, the timing and extent of protein-making, and these are remarkably identical and alike in almost all aspects from the oak tree to a human being, from a whale to a worm, with negligible differences.
Don't be fooled; despite the fact that we LOOK different, from each other, all over the world, or seem different from a tree or a whale, we, all of life, are a family and are all almost exactly identical in our DNA!
The genetic difference between individual humans today is minuscule – about 0.1%, on average.
What about being a "monkey's uncle"?
Was Darwin onto something?
Surprisingly, the species of African great apes, including humans, has a closer kinship bond with one another than the African apes have with orangutans or other primates.
DNA research cemented that fact.
The scientific surmise and prediction that was made in 1871 – that human evolution began in Africa, has been upheld by DNA research, as well.
Because of many billions of years of constant evolution, humans share genes with each other and all living Earth organisms.
The raw percentage of genes or DNA that organisms share, records their similarities.
Of course, we share more genes with organisms that are more closely related to us, but only a smidgen more.
Today's humans belong to the unique biological group known as Primates, and are classified with the great apes, one of the larger groups of the primate evolutionary tree.
Besides our distinct similarities in anatomy and behavior, our close biological brotherhood with other primate groups is delineated and indicated clearly, by DNA research evidences.
(“If we are going to teach creation science as an alternative to evolution, then we should also teach the stork theory as an alternative to biological reproduction.”
Judith Hayes)
It clearly confirms that our closest living biological relatives are indeed chimpanzees with whom we share many common traits.
However, we did not evolve directly from any of the primates living today.
Preachers, at revival meetings get, "AMENS!" when they hollar from the pulpit,
"Iff'en evolution is a happen'en, why don'cha see monkeys STILL a changin' to people, these a days!?"
Scientific research hollars back and tells them to seek more 'light' and less 'heat', in their boxed-in religious search, for understanding.
Divine creation is correct, but only for our souls' within these animal bodies, souls that recycle constantly, each time, moving closer, towards God.
Our bodies are protein nanotech, likely alien engineered, but are merely container to house the divine creation of our spirit.
It's amazing that "Creationists" won't accept this tweaking of knowledge!
DNA evidence from research clearly shows that our species and chimpanzees diverged from a common ancestor species that lived between 8 and 6 million years ago.
Also, the terminal, last common ancestor of monkeys and apes lived about 25 million years ago.
Our species’ almost negligible genetic DNA variation reveals a common African root for all people living today.
The movement of humans, the permanent migration dispersal to other continents, from Africa, began only a mere 60,000 years ago.
Human beings differ widely in skin color and other facile, superficial features, but these characteristics occur as gradients, not as separate geographic clusters; the pigmy and tall Nordic basketball player are closest DNA brothers.
Research into ancient DNA reveals amazing insights about ancient forms of mankind before Homo Sapien.
Ancient DNA has been found, recovered and analyzed in Neanderthal fossil remains.
These ancient preserved DNA molecules disclose the status of Neanderthals as a separate species, some characteristics of Neanderthal physical appearance, their likely speech capabilities, and population structure.
One species of humankind, living worldwide, is my family of mankind, an amazingly adaptable creature, Homo sapiens; written into our genes, and into the fossil and behavioral evidence, is our Family Story.
Evolution's rudiments, can be proved and explained remarkably easily, to any open mind: Ontology recapitulates Phylology.
It's that simple.
That is, the stages of development of an embryo, from a unicellular entity, to a fishlike entity with gills, to an amphibean-like entity, to a primate with a tail, within utero, mirror and reflect all the stages of evolution from our beginnings in the oceans, to our upright status now, as developing, evolving creatures, simians who knot neckties and ride aboard public conveyances.
Did I just now hear you say,"Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle!"?
All forms of life farmed throughout the Universe may well be seen as an enormous molecular nanotech creation by a intelligent Creator using amino- acid -thoughts, expressed mathematically.
Crick, DNA's discoverer, perhaps, said it best:
"Life did not evolve first on Earth, a highly advanced civilization became threatened so they devised a way to pass on their existence.
They genetically-modified their DNA and sent it out from their planet on bacteria or meteorites with the hope that it would collide with another planet.
It did, and that's why we're here.
The DNA molecule is the most efficient information storage system in the entire universe.
The immensity of complex, coded and precisely sequenced information is absolutely staggering. The DNA evidence speaks of intelligent, information-bearing design.
Complex DNA coding would have been necessary for even the hypothetical first ‘so-called' simple cell(s).
Our DNA was encoded with messages from that other civilization.
They programmed the molecules so that when we reached a certain level of intelligence, we would be able to access their information, and they could therefore "teach" us about ourselves, and how to progress.
For life to form by chance is mathematically virtually impossible." (Crick)
Others' experiences with these proprietary alien pilots, of UFOs have made them keenly aware that we have been "created in their own image"
What can I possibly tell you about them?
Millions worldwide see and experience the precise same hallucination of alien abductions, and thus as a shared experience it is very objectively real, in every sense of what reality is.
There are many others who have not the dimmest idea, and who will never suspect that we, someone else's valuable property, are 'kept' on a planetary alien preserve that we call, Earth..
Can the public mind be lead to accept this alternative reality? To quote one abductee aware of the hybrid breeding efforts of her abductors states:
"A leap in consciousness will require a dissolution and restructuring of beliefs" (about the nature of alien reality concerning our origins.)
Contrary to the Bible, it appears, we were NOT ordained, by God, for this planet, but by reptilian overlords of the greys.
What of those who refuse awareness of UFOs and their pilots, those too busy with life to be alien curious?
For them to live unburdened by an insatiable curiosity to comprehend the mysteries of the UFO pilots in our immediate universe and their craftsmanship of our DNA, is quite an amazing thing, in itself.
"The probability of life originating from accident is comparable to the probability of the unabridged dictionary resulting from an explosion in a printing shop." Conklin, Edward
"Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favors not only the clever but the murderous." Ehrenreich, Barbara
"Darwinian man, though well-behaved, at best is only a monkey shaved." Gilbert, W. S.
"The pre-human creature from which man evolved was unlike any other living thing in its malicious viciousness toward its own kind. Humanization was not a leap forward but a groping toward survival." Hoffer, Eric
"I believe that our Heavenly Father invented man because he was disappointed in the monkey." Twain, Mark
"We are the products of editing, rather than of authorship." Wald, George
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL Paul saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.
Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence that he never suspected that he had, a nonphysical soul.
Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.
They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with human beings, as a sanctuary, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.
Souls are garnered, detoured from our natural spiritual evolution in Heaven.
These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to our energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.
09-01-2014 om 17:55
geschreven door peter
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This is again the time of year that we start to look for more writers and editors for this blog. We are always looking for people who are excited about UFOs and also writing exciting and engaging articles for our ever expanding audience. I would love to hear your theories on UFO conspiracies and also on the phenominon in general. If you are interested in being a guest writer or guest editor please leave a comment on this blog post or any other and I will be sure to contact you. Make sure you leave your email address so I can contact you about giving you the proper credentials. I am happy to link to your site as well if you having your own UFO blog and want to guest post.
Thank you for your continued support of this blog and I look forward to talking with you.
There is renewed interest in this very odd 1950′s document that has appeared in the official FBI archive. The subject of the document is called “Flying Saucers” and there are discriptions of saucers being found in New Mexico.
The FBI has this week finally said that there is nothing new, that they DID investigate the claims of the saucers but there is no evidence of UFOs.
Anyway, it’s worth it for you to check out the document yourself:
So this is another compilation video of some of the better UFO sightings this month. To be honest most of these are certainly just military aircraft, but some are a bit more explainable. As we said before it was a slow month here for good footage so we’ll hope that April will bring better videos for us to check out.
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UFOs over Virginia, Illinois on 7th January 2014
UFOs over Virginia, Illinois on 7th January 2014
Latest UFO sightings2014 – New interesting video footage of some UFO lights forming a triangle – formation in the night sky above Virginia, Illinois on 7th January 2014 at 8:30 PM.
Witness said: At 8:30 pm my wife and I were traveling down Morgan st when I turned my head to the left and 3 large sets of strange reddish orange lights in the westrn part of the sky towards Beardstown. They were spread out in a triangle – formation. The light would apeared and would last about 3 seconds before they would disappear. As that light would go out at the same time next to it another light would begin to appear. This went on for a short while then as if there was nothing there they disappeared. I did manage to get sum video but it didn’t turn out very well.
Instead a Crop Circle made by Aliens it was a marketing stunt mean to attract free publicity made by one of the biggest computer graphics producer NVIDIA.
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Triangle shaped UFO formation over Pula, Croatia on 7th January 2014
Triangle – shaped UFO formation over Pula, Croatia on 7th January 2014
New video footage posted by Jurica eleznjak was recorded on 7th January 2014 at about 20:00 PM above village Šišansko near Pula, Croatia. Unusual reflecting lights could be UFOs. He was not the only witness that recorded this event.
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A Different Perspective - Creating Memories - MAGONIE
Pour l'ufologie comme activité anti-américaine, c'est Klass: "In 1983, Klass began an attack directed against the University of Nebraska because they were sponsoring a UFO conference. In a conversation with the university's administrator Klass charged that "ufologists 'seek what the Soviet Union does, to convey to the public that our government can not be trusted, and I resent it as an American citizen." He equated UFO research with communism, as un- patriotic and anti-American. Klass went on to phone faculty and further claimed that for the university to sponsor such a conference (UFOs) was comparable to the dilemma they would face if the American Nazi Party wanted to hold a conference there. Later CSICOP spokesman Mark Plummer wrote that he found nothing excessive in Klass's claims. " Don Ecker, liste UfoUpdate:
A Different Perspective - Creating Memories
This one, I’m afraid, is for the skeptics in the crowd. It deals with memory, how it is formed, how it is recalled, and what it means to those of us who conduct investigations of long-ago events. The problem is that most of what we believe about memory is about to be radically altered, and if we pay attention to the on-going research into memory, it can only lead to better information gathered about long-ago events.
First, let me say that I have known for a long time that memory is often hazy and sometimes radically altered in the mere process of remembering. In The Abduction Enigma we looked at the phenomenon of “flash bulb” memory, that is, those memories formed around some sort of important event. The old standby was “where were you when you learned the president had been assassinated?” The thought was that this sort of a memory was “burned” into the brain with greater intensity than the mundane memories of day-to-day life and would be recalled with much better accuracy.
But, according to Professor Ulric Neisser, who was at Emory University in January 1986 when the space shuttle Challenger exploded, this might not be true. He had a rare opportunity to study these flash bulb memories because of the Challenger disaster. The day after the spacecraft blew-up, he presented his first-year students with a short questionnaire that dealt with what they were doing, where they were, and what they remembered. Three years later he gave them the same questionnaire but asked one additional question. He wanted to know how accurate they thought their memories were.
According to the results published by Neisser and his graduate assistant Nicole Harsh, one quarter of the students didn’t have any accurate memories of the event. In one case a student said that he had been with his parents when he learned of the disaster, but the questionnaire revealed he had been at school at the time.
More important was the reaction of the students when confronted with the discrepancies. None disputed the accuracy of the written documents but one student, when shown the questionnaire said, “I still remember everything happening the way I told you. I can’t help it.” She was defending her memories that were clearly an invention of her own mind.
The other 75% of the students remembered some, most, or all of it accurately. Twenty-five percent remembered the disaster accurately, so we can see that not all those involved were wrong and some can accurately recall the “stored” events. It would be interesting to see how they remembered the events today, after so many years have passed but that research has not been attempted.
I say all this as introduction to a new study that suggests memory is even more flawed than Neisser and Harsh suggested. According to an online article in Wired (March 2012) by Jonah Lehrer entitled The Forgetting Pill Erases Painful Memories, and available at:
Consider the study of flashbulb memories, extremely vivid, detailed recollections. Shortly after the September 11 attacks, a team of psychologists led by William Hirst and Elizabeth Phelps surveyed several hundred subjects about their memories of that awful day. The scientists then repeated the surveys, tracking how the stories steadily decayed. At one year out, 37 percent of the details had changed. By 2004 that number was approaching 50 percent. Some changes were innocuous—the stories got tighter and the narratives more coherent—but other adjustments involved a wholesale retrofit. Some people even altered where they were when the towers fell. Over and over, the act of repeating the narrative seemed to corrupt its content. The scientists aren’t sure about this mechanism, and they have yet to analyze the data from the entire 10-year survey. But Phelps expects it to reveal that many details will be make-believe. “What’s most troubling, of course, is that these people have no idea their memories have changed this much,” she says. “The strength of the emotion makes them convinced it’s all true, even when it’s clearly not.
”Lehrer noted that most of what we thought we knew about memory going back to the ancient Greeks is in error. Lehrer wrote, “Since the time of the ancient Greeks, people have imagined memories to be a stable form of information that persists reliably. The metaphors for this persistence have changed over time—Plato compared our recollections to impressions in a wax tablet, and the idea of a biological hard drive is popular today—but the basic model has not. Once a memory is formed, we assume that it will stay the same. This, in fact, is why we trust our recollections. They feel like indelible portraits of the past.”
But, according to the research, this is all untrue. In studying memory, and the way it is stored in the brain, it seems that the memory evolves as it is accessed. Each time someone remembers something, it can be subtly altered. New information might be included, old information edited out, and anything that a person has heard about an event can be incorporated in the memory.
An example of this Lydia Sleppy, the teletype operator (well, secretary at a New Mexico radio station KOAT in 1947) who was typing the story of the UFO crash as told to her by Johnny McBoyle. According to an article by Bobbi Ann Slate and Stan Friedman in the Winter 1974 issue of Saga’s UFO Report, “As the woman began typing out the fantastic news item over the teletype to their other two radio stations, a line appeared in the middle of her text, tapped in from somewhere, with the official order: ‘Do not continue this transmission!’”
"In The Roswell Incident by Charles Berlitz and William L. Moore, the statement was, “Attention Albuquerque: Do not transmit. Repeat do not transmit this message. Stop communication immediately.”
She told me, in a February 1993 interview, “I don’t know how much I had typed but I was typing what John [McBoyle] dictated when the signal came on that this was the FBI and we were to cease transmitting.”
In her signed affidavit of September 1993, she said, “This is the FBI. You will immediately cease all communication.”
While it can be seen here that she clearly added the FBI to her story, what we don’t know is how it was introduced. It could be it was something that she remembered, or it could be that someone, asking about that communication wondered if it might not have been the FBI, and she incorporated the FBI into her memory. Clearly the memory has changed from the time it was first told and reported in 1974, until she talked to me and signed the affidavit nearly twenty years later.
What all this new research says to me is that memories, no more than a year old can be badly flawed. Memories that are accessed time and again, as most of those for the various “Roswell” witnesses have been, could easily be altered as they come into contact with new information.
Jason Kellahin, who was a reporter in 1947, told me, that they had been alerted to the UFO crash story in the morning and drove to the Foster ranch. Brazel, his wife and young son were there. Brazel took Kellahin and Robin Adair, the photographer into the field.
There is nothing in the record, anywhere, to suggest that Brazel was in the field with a balloon to be photographed and when Kellahin was in that field, Brazel was already in Roswell, in the hands of the military. These facts can all be documented by various newspaper accounts and the testimony of nearly everyone else interviewed.
Nearly everything that Kellahin told me was wrong and I know this, not because he was reinforcing the balloon explanation, but because the facts, established through documentation from the time, prove that his story is untrue… but I should be clear on this, I didn’t say he was lying. He seemed to have believed everything he was saying, it was just contradicted by documentation.
And that is the key here. How do we determine what is an accurate picture of the events of July 1947 and what is a combination of confabulation (that is, an unconscious filling in of details of a story) and memory reconsolidation which is the way memory is recreated in the brain?
The answer is use the documentation available to corroborate the stories, use the testimony of others who were involved as a way of testing the veracity of a story, and cross check the information with what the witness has said before.
This new information, from Wired, is a cautionary tale for us. While we know that many of the witnesses were telling the truth, as they remember it, we must be aware that they might not remember it correctly. This complicates the task of putting together an accurate history of the Roswell case, but it also provides us with information that will be helpful in determining what the truth is.
This one has really been bugging me lately. Believer collect a piece of evidence, a video, a photo, even a hair sample and shoot from the rooftops this is definitive evidence. Then they stand aghast when the world doesn’t believe them. Here’s the problem, definitive evidence isn’t easy. Definitive evidence will probably never be a video or photo or even a footprint. Now a collection of hundreds of these, analysed by experts is getting closer, but the point is these things can be faked or misidentified too easily to accept as proof positive. Now there are things like DNA tests which could be considered definitive, however in order for these to be definitive the results must be replicated. That means if a lab claims to have found DNA from a Bigfoot, the results will need to be independently verified by others.
And there is good reason for the this – proof of the paranormal is well, extremely significant. It would rock many accepted notions in science and leave many skeptics (including some influential scientists) red in the face. Definitive proof is not a word to be used lightly.
The reality is if something like ghosts really existed to actually prove their existence is going to be a task that takes decades to accomplish, not a couple of field investigations. This is something paranormal investigators and skeptics need to understand. There is no easy way to prove anything paranormal. Paranormal events by their very definition are outside of our current scientific understanding. If they are true they have gone unproven for so long because of the extreme difficulty in proving them. To expect every photograph, video or witness testimony is definitive proof is unrealistic.
To actually get to a point of definitive proof there are two paths. The first is to wait until technology advances to a point where we can measure the phenomenon or test possible hypotheses until we find a match. The other method is to build a mountain of research; but this research cannot be loosely gathered testimony and samples. The collection and analysis practices must be improved and we need a methodology to see how this evidence influences the validity of competing hypotheses. Hint: I’ve already been working on one.
Many skeptics claim there is no way to disprove the paranormal in the eyes of believers but this is in fact not true. Most believer are rational minded human beings and would accept a scientific explanation if it could be demonstrated repeating all of the characteristics of a phenomenon. In other words you can’t expose one UFO video as a hoax and condemn every UFO sighting as the same. We need to see your hypothesis put into practice and it has to match the reports.
The fact of the matter is all of the cases of suspected paranormal have a root cause. These cases don’t remain controversial because two sides can’t agree the phenomenon is proven or dis-proven; they remain controversial because neither side has demonstrated their hypothesis for a root cause is actually true. Until both communities can accept and understand this fact we will continue to have both sides on single-minded journeys to prove their own viewpoints when w really need to focus on improving the investigations and analyses of these phenomenon.
When Major Ed Dames predicted on his recent Coast to Coast AM show that 2014 was going to be a wild ride, and that this could very well be the beginning of the end, he wasn't kidding. On New Year's Day we reported breaking news about plumes of radioactive steam coming from Fukushima, and today, NBC News reveals breaking news that an X1 flare has burst from the sun aimed directly at Earth!
Earlier today, Major Ed Dames informed the Remote Viewing office that this is just one of the many things he was referring to on his recent Coast to Coast AM show. Today's flare won't be that disruptive, but it could have a small impact in terms of communications and satelite operation as NASA expects the CME to sweep over us somewhere around 3 p.m. ET Wednesday, but this is a definite sign of things to come and we're only one week into 2014. The flares surrounding the actual Killshot are going to be MUCH larger than anything we've seen before and this should be a wake up call for those not paying attention. Major Dames also reminded us that there are still several precursor events that need to occur before "the Killshot sequence" begins; which includes the prediction he made regarding North Korea.
In case you haven't heard by now, Major Ed Dames has agreed to hold one final LIVE Killshot event with sanctuary survival map for those that could not attend the previous sold out events, as well as a LIVE 2-day training course that will also discuss Killshot sanctuaries. This was announced on his recent Coast to Coast Am show and space it filling up FAST!
For more information about Ed Dames or Remote Viewing click here:
Believed to be related to the race Anunnakithey come from the planet Dillimus
08-01-2014 om 22:34
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
'UFO's overal ter wereld waargenomen'
'UFO's overal ter wereld waargenomen'
Maandag werd het vliegverkeer in de omgeving van Bremen Airport drie uur stilgelegd nadat op de radar een onbekend vliegend object was verschenen.
UFO-deskundige Coen Vermeeren zei gisteren in het radioprogramma Dit is de Dag dat op alle continenten het vliegverkeer wel eens is stilgelegd door de aanwezigheid van UFO’s.
Hij voegde toe dat de waarneming rond Bremen serieus moet worden genomen. “Het object is drie uur lang te zien geweest op de radar en een computer bedenkt geen vliegend fysiek voorwerp. Dus er moet iets geweest zijn boven Bremen,” zei hij.
Afgelopen jaar presenteerde Vermeeren zijn boek ‘UFO’s bestaan gewoon’. Hij probeert met dit boek het onderwerp uit de taboesfeer te halen.
Het is volgens Vermeeren lastig om te verklaren waarom onbekende objecten zich rond onze planeet laten zien. “Ik weet dat er bij veel meer overheden dossiers zijn over UFO’s, maar die zitten achter slot en grendel. Ik hoop dat er snel openheid van zaken komt, zodat we meer te weten kunnen komen over de achtergrond van deze UFO’s,” zei hij.
Kostbare gebeurtenis
In de afgelopen jaren hebben UFO’s zich vaker boven vliegvelden laten zien, weet Vermeeren. De waarneming boven Bremen is juist betrouwbaarder omdat die niet door een individu op de grond is gedaan, maar door een professionele luchtverkeersleiding die iets niet snel voor UFO zal aanzien.
“Met zulke waarnemingen wordt niet lichtzinnig omgegaan,” zei Vermeeren. “Het luchtverkeer wordt ervoor stilgelegd en dat is een kostbare gebeurtenis. Dat doen ze niet zomaar.”
Woensdagavond 15 januari 2014 organiseert Stichting In-zicht, stichting voor spirituele bewustwording, een bijzondere lezingavond met UFO-deskundige Coen Vermeeren. Deze avond zal gehouden worden in Party-en Zalencentrum ’t Haske in Joure. De aanvangstijd is 19.30 uur. De toegangsprijs bedraagt €11,-. Voor meer informatie:
(A True Story, based on the experiences of Derrel Sims,"Alien Hunter")
The next guest speaker was Dr. Gary Lincoff, a world renowned psycho anesthesiologist who was also an abductee.
He had been taken from the desert, in Texas, when he was seven years old. His father, shot-gun in hand and he were climbing rocky outbreaks amidst cactus and scrub.
A craft appeared overhead.
It had appeared from nowhere instantly.
It had been blue, like the sky, slowly changing to brown, like the desert floor, then silver, as though the color progression change of metal cooling.
Later, when his father had awoken, a shell had been discharged, missing from the chamber but he had no memory of ever firing the gun.
Gary was swept into an overhead craft and examined by small, dark, large-eyed, hairless beings with large pear-shaped heads that extended in the back, a thin torso, long arms with three long fingers, spindly legs, no ears and mere slits for mouth.
The large black eyes failed to have compelling power and as he screamed they penetrated parts of his body with multiple energy drains and implants in his ears, eyes, nose, head, sinuses, feet, arms, intestines, and legs.
Large black-wet eyes stared at him ,close to his head.
"This, will not hurt," they said.
But agony suffused lines and channels in his body until rage and pain overcame him.
The creatures were puzzled that they could not alleviate his suffering and that he was resistant to hypnotic control.
When he returned to the desert floor some forty minutes later, his father looked switched off, eyes glazed, saliva dribbling from the right corner of his mouth.
The boy's sobbing woke the father.
His father told him he had imagined and dreamed it.
"The Texas sun can give you heat stroke, make you see things", he had said, holding the shaking boy close and placing a hand over his son's forehead.
"We'll find some shade."
They walked to the shade of hemlock and mesquite at the foot of rock outgrowth, and silently ate bologna sandwiches with yellow mustard, and washed it down with warm canteen water.
The child held his father's hand and would not let go and he stared upwards, in fear.
When he was seventeen his abduction experiences ended violently.
One night he pretended to be asleep; going into deep, regular breathing, visualizing a dream he would like to be in.
The wallpaper on three walls bulged, snouts and pear-shaped grey heads waggled quickly back and forth.
They had melted out of his bedroom walls to stand coldly surrounding him.
He had jumped up and grabbed the closest one to him around the neck; clutched the feather-like being's back to his own chest, pinioning him.
The creature frantically struggled to hit him with a rod-like device, but the pillows prevented the creature from hitting the teenager.
In panic, the creature squirmed and thrashed in the boy's tightening grip.
The others, in quick moves like jumping spiders scattered from the tight circle. He tightened his grip and squeezed hard.
Something brittle snapped in the creature's neck.
Suddenly the scene changed; he saw his whole family, brother, mother and father surgically eviscerated but alive.
On a black floor under hospital lights were lungs, intestines, strewn amidst gore as they pleaded with their eyes to him to save them.
The image was real, and confused and startled and distracted him.
He was convinced that real harm had come to his family and he loosened his grip.
His parents writhed in agony, butchered horribly in front of his eyes.
There was a dank, musty smell that permeated the room.
The creature in his arms, in self protection, in desperate panic to free itself, had blasted the delusion scenario into his mind, but he thought he had killed one of them.
They never came for him again after that night, and he resolved to devote his life to understanding mind control.
He began a career in medicine at age twenty at Johns Hopkins, specializing in psychiatry in 1972.
In 1975, he finished his post-doctoral work in psycho anesthesiology from the Mayo Clinic, where he had worked in obstetrics, delivering babies, without any anesthetics to the mothers.
It had been two full days since the darkness had begun. Dark storm clouds threatened; in the distance thunder rumbled.
Dr. Lincoff was 38 years old, chubby, spectacled, and chain smoked cigarettes as he paced nervously and gesticulated nervously with his hands as he spoke.
He stood on the auditorium stage of St. John's University's Avery Hall, behind a lighted lectern with a yellow spotlight surrounding him.
As he spoke behind him on a large screen flashed preprogrammed- 35 mm slides in five second intervals, of UFO's and myriad alien life forms .
"The traces of post-abduction are subtle; fast growing hair and fingernails,also, there is a detectable luminous phosphorescence on abductees skin with black light.
I've noticed that abductees have much higher serotonin levels than other people; these people are resistant to pain killers, like Novocain and may even awake during surgery.
This higher level of serotonin may make it easier to contact these people.
'But the unhappy evidence suggests that most people who have entered an alien spaceship will not remember it or ever know what had happened to them except in dreams or under medical hypnosis, as few people can remember or examine their dreams, dreams lost as they struggle into consciousness each morning.'
'Throughout the world,abduction is merely a frightening experience that many therapists would rather not confront unless symptoms resulting from the encounter require them to do so.
For most people it's just terrifying nightmares that they barely remember.
Small, large-eyed, dark, telepathic creatures under reptilian controls, are playing at Frankensteins in space suits, genetically engineering a "new" creature, the best of their race and mankind's to replace all destroyers of the planet. Like Neanderthals, who also vanished mysteriously, today's breed of mankind has been judged and again the verdict is annihilation. "
He took a row of pre-selected abductees on stage.
"All of you have undergone regressive hypnosis, by me, with no hypnotic disassociated techniques.
Those techniques have been stubbornly discredited as a method of re-experiencing, because phobias are usually erased that way, freeing both the therapist and the patient to amend and change what is seen on the remote projection screen, freeze it, slow it down, to slowly extinguish the phobia.
Since that "screen viewing" is altered, specialists say that this recall technique is flawed, in as far as abduction recall is concerned"
"I would like to turn the tables on the aliens by abducting one of them; who'd like to help?
I need a volunteer.
All six responded with upraised arms.
With the audience in evidence, he put them all in a light trance; they entered quickly, deeply relaxing as he took them down ten ladders to a warm swim on a beach.
With the abductees in a light state of altered consciousness, he inserted a post hypnotic suggestion, that was buried in amnesia, and contained a target -trigger.
They would all pass the initial mind scan, as they could not reveal what they themselves did not seemingly know.
All were programmed to release an accusatorial finger pointing indictment, at the aliens, and to temporarily break the alien's rapture, a short psychic leash.
When they were within twenty inches of their captors, always just out of sight the statement would be triggered and released.
They would say "why are you doing these terrible things to innocent people?"
Within five days the results were in.
In the delivery of that sentence the trance had been broken and each could clearly see that they faced a small, dark, large-eyed creature.
One member said that for the first time in over thirty years of her abductions, the alien had become enraged and livid, violently angry; something she had never seen before.
The response from all was identical and instantly chilling in its vindictiveness.
"Tell Gary we're going to come for him and his son." .......
Postscript: Director of CIA, Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter: "It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel." p. 58, quoted from New York Times, February 28, 1960, p. L30
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL Paul saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.
Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence that he never suspected that he had, a nonphysical soul.
Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionales are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.
They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with human beings, as a sanctuary, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.
Souls are garnered, detoured from our natural spiritual evolution in Heaven.
These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to our energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.
08-01-2014 om 19:52
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Before It's News)
In late August of 1981, between five and six pm, three men and two women were driving west from a mountain area slightly east of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and south of Lake Ontario. The weather was clear and sunny. At a point, roughly half way through Hamilton, one of the occupants in the car saw a strange craft through the window of the car, and by their exclamation, alerted the others in the car to the sight. The craft was a red-orange, domed saucer shaped object, which appeared solid, with many yellow lights radiating from the base or bottom. In answer to the question of size, she (the witness of this report) answered that the diameter would be roughly 3-4 car lengths, and 3 car heights for the height of craft (also a rough guess). Her closing remark on this was “Not a small craft”. Indeed it wasn’t, as I measured two cars belonging to family members that are of “medium size”. They average out to 15’ 7” in length and 4’ 6” in height. This would put the UFO in the area of 46’ 9” to 62’ 4” in diameter and 13’ 6” in height. Slightly smaller than the B‑25 Mitchell bomber of WW2 … “Not a small craft !!!” Its speed and altitude could only be expressed as that of an aircraft on approach for a landing near an airport. It was on a course roughly parallel to theirs. Due to the curving road it was first sighted to their right (north) and then over them and then to the left. Its course was roughly north-northwest. While driving the radio had been on and, while in the vicinity of the object, was now getting static (EM effects), which the driver turned it off to avoid further distraction. Someone in the car at this point had said, “Follow that UFO”. All being in agreement, they did precisely that. Although the road had many curves, the craft was seen to move in a straight line towards Hamilton Harbour. As it approached the Harbour, it appeared to slow down, and then angle itself downward and gently entered the water. At the point of entry (rough approximation), it can be seen on the nautical chart that the water depth at this point is 7 or more meters (23 feet) and gets deeper in the direction of Lake Ontario, so the UFO had at least 10 feet to spare. Therefore a craft of 13 feet in height could be covered by water. There are many cases of UFOs submerging in shallow waters. The witness reporting this case states that the UFO had passed them and was at a distance away when it entered the Harbour, and does not recall any major disturbance of the water as it went in. After it had entered the water the group lost sight of the area for a period, due to the topography. Overcome with curiosity, the group went to the waterfront to see what they could. From a city map of Hamilton, the distance from the “mountain” area and the waterfront is roughly 12 km or 7.45 Statute miles, and could have been reached quickly. They remained in the area for approximately seven hours, wondering if the UFO would surface, whether any aircraft would attempt a search of the area, and delving into various possibilities of the event. Between 12:20 and 1:00 am, two objects were seen to partially emerge and remained in that position through the point that the group finally left. The question of these two objects being submarines came up and has been done away with, as information from the Canadian Navy states that it does not use the few subs they have in any of the Great Lakes. Another possibility regarding the emerging objects might be the tide going out and revealing some fixed underwater object. This portion of the sighting is the most speculative and should not detract from the sighting of the craft and its actions. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
1. When it comes to creating The Children of the Greys your experiences are obviously the catalyst and motivation. Could you go into your experiences with us some?
My abductions by the alien species commonly called the Greys began when I was five years old and are still continuing. The shock of suddenly coming face to face these hideous insect looking creatures at such a young age left an indelible mark on my psyche that has caused reoccurring nightmares ever since. My experiences since then have ran the gamut. I’ve been subjected to various medical procedures including sperm being taken which is akin to being repeatedly raped as all of this is against one’s will. I’ve had many different kinds of mental control and monitoring experiments done on me in which they create a scenario which usually derives from something they have pulled from my own memories and then recreate that reality in order to monitor my emotional reaction to it. I’ve been forced into sexual experiments with other humans and even female hybrids. I’ve got several unexplainable scars across my spine and puncture wound scars on the side of my upper torso from procedures done on me by them. In the late 80′s I was taken, with my then girlfriend, who was almost 4 months pregnant at the time. I was forced to watch them remove the fetus from her. To this day she also remembers the event. On a subsequent abduction a few years later, a small female hybrid child was presented to me by another adult female hybrid. On the other hand, I’ve also had unexplainable healings of which I attribute to the Greys. Of course, this was most likely done more for their benefit than mine. I’ve included photos and sketches and I go into great detail about these and other experiences in my book.
2. Would you give us some background on you and your wife Gina’s paranormal investigation organization Halo Paranormal?
Gina and I have both had an interest in the paranormal since we were kids. A few years ago we decided to give it a name ( Halo Paranormal ) and work under that. We are a husband and wife team although we often work with other investigators. We are known for our evp ( electronic voice phenomena ) and ITC ( Instrumental Trans Communication ) work.
I’ve been experiencing paranormal activity since I was a kid which led me into researching and learning more about it. I now believe that the increase in paranormal events is a direct result of my abductions. Through our research, Gina and I have found many other alien abductees that have also experienced an increase in paranormal activity which began after their abductions did. I believe this is due to an increase in the energy vibrational frequency of the abductee due to the dimensional shift that happens during the abduction. The spirit world seems to be at the same or close to the same vibrational frequency which makes those of us who have had abductions experiences a beacon of sorts to them. I wrote about several of my paranormal experiences in the book and more about the connection to abductees because I feel it is a very important but often overlooked aspect of abduction research.
3. I’m sure it was an honor to have Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle to contribute to your book’s forward. What did his message embody?
Yes, it was an great honor to have the legendary Ufologist Dr. Sprinkle contribute the foreword for Children Of The Greys. We had some wonderful conversations about the trauma inflicted on experiencers and how to heal from it. He relayed to me some of his own experiences and how like me, it changed and enhanced his spiritual beliefs. In the foreword he summarizes the history and interpretations of alien research, the meanings and traditions of it throughout history and how it has evolved and changed through the years specifically in relation to our modern views on aliens. He writes about how that has affected our own human perceptions of spirituality and of how we view ourselves.
4. I see Brent Raynes, Brad Steiger, Kathleen Marden and Sandy Nichols contributed. I’d like for you to break down their messages from the book that they contributed for the next few questions. What did Brent Raynes contribute?
I asked all my contributors to give their views and insight on what they believe might be the alien agenda and how alien abductions plays into it. It could be the Greys agenda or any other alien species or simply an overview of what the alien agenda in general might be. Since it is such a complex question with no single answer, I wanted to present to the readers a wide spectrum of thought about this from well respected UFO/alien researchers who might each be looking at it from a slightly different angle.
Brent covered the vast amount of physical evidence that investigators have to work with in contactee cases and how consistent the similarities have been from the thousands of reported cases. He delved into other cultural views on the alien abduction phenomenon and how it played into their system of religious beliefs in which otherworldly beings such as elementals, Jinn and even fairies are thought to be doing the abducting.
5. Alright how about Brad Steiger and what did he have to say regarding this phenomenon?
Brad wrote about many of the conclusions he has arrived at after over 50 years of research. Not only is he convinced that an “external intelligence” has interacted with Homo sapiens throughout history but that they need us and much as we need them. He wrote about the possibility that these aliens may not be extraterrestrial but multidimensional beings; that we could be a part of complex large community of intelligences. He goes on to cover the spirituality and evolutionary aspect of human/alien interactions.
6. How about Kathleen Marden and her contribution, what was her message?
Kathleen’s research is based primarily on alien abductions. She focused on her perception of the Greys agenda based on the multitude of alien abduction cases she has investigated. She recently completed a year long research project called “Commonalities Study Final Report” that was designed to identify commonalities among abduction experiencers. I participated in that project and have found the results to be very interesting. She shares much of that report in her contribution as well as other insights on alien abductions she has learned from her years of research.
7. What about Sandy Nichols what did he contribute to the book?
Sandy wrote an in depth piece about the history of alien visitation. He gives many references to ancient cultures, their Gods, the alien connection and the influences ancient aliens have had on mankind. Sandy also gives his personal perspective of the alien agenda based on his own life long abduction experiences.
8. When it comes to your experiences Bret why do you think you were picked for these events and how do you view the Grey aliens? Do you them to be malicious? Have you seen any other beings besides the Greys?
I think the Greys are interested in certain genetic traits. The seem to have DNA preferences. I am Native American, English and Irish and that particular DNA combination appeals to them. I have found this same or close to this same ethnicity in many abductees. I also think it runs in families. Once they find what they like they stay with that family generation after generation.
I don’t view the Greys as being purposely malicious. I sense desperation in their actions. I believe that they are trying to save their species and doing whatever it takes to achieve that end. They have done very cruel things to me. They’ve hurt me physically and they have hurt me mentally. It’s taken a very long time to release the anger I had from what they have subjected me too. Now I try and take away the positives from my experiences. They have healed me before, I’ve been forced to become a stronger person because of them. I’ve developed a more loving and open view of the world and it’s inhabitants because of my experiences. I’ve also learned to use my increased energy frequency in energy healing and I no longer fear the constant spirit contact as a result from it but instead embrace it and use it to help both the living and those on the other side.
I have seen other beings besides the Greys. I’ve seen both male and female hybrids. I’ve seen some kind of a grotesque baby that I don’t know what it was. On two occasions I’ve seen what I perceived as other humans working along side the Greys. These were not other humans who, like me, had been taken but rather human men all wearing the same kind of tight black uniforms and who all looked very similar to each other.
9. I recently had an experience via a vision quest type scenario and in it I was lying on a slab and grey aliens were standing around me. I woke up and had fears and trauma come up and it was like a knot being untied but felt better late. I always wondered if I had been taken after seeing so many UFOs in the past and yes even beings but never Greys. But this memory had the Greys which surprised me. What do you have to say about dealing with the anxiety and madness these events bring upon us over the years?
The important thing is to find the source and confirm it. That is the first step in the process of healing. People who are experiencers may suspect these events have happened to them but do not want to fully except the reality of it. Most would rather dismiss it, bury it away somewhere deep in their subconscious, and carry on with their life. For a few, that works but for most it does not. The trauma will surface in one way or another; self esteem issues, various addictions, sleep disorders, anxiety and so on. My experiences surfaced in the form of anxiety attacks. It took years for that to happen but when it did it was severe. I suggest leaving the memories of any abduction events alone if it is not affecting or disrupting your life and consider yourself one of the lucky ones if that is the case. If it is beginning to surface then find a therapist who has a reputation for taking on alien abduction cases. I have never had hypnotic regression in order to remember my abductions but it can be helpful. I didn’t need regression therapy as mine began to come out without it. Learning relaxation techniques, self hypnosis, regular meditation and sharing your experiences with a therapist and others are all a direct path to healing. It is very important to not become a victim to the experiences. Learn to accept it, release as much of the anger as possible, and empower yourself using the methods I mentioned.
10. I am very much looking forward to interviewing you on Erica Goetch’s show The Galactic Connection very soon. What are you up to next book wise or projects wise and do you havie any links you would like to share?
Since “Children Of The Greys” was just released we have been busy getting the word out about it. I want to bring as much public awareness and acceptance to the reality of alien abductions as I can and I want to help other experiencers. No one should have to suffer in silence as I did for so many years. I have started the concept and outline for my next book but that’s in the very early stage right now. Gina and I have been approached by a production company to do a new television show which we are working on the concept with them at the present time. If we can work out something that is new and different then we will proceed with that. I am very interested in doing a documentary on alien abductions and hoping to find a production company to work with.
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UFO News 2014 : UFO Sightings Filmed Over Oregon, USA (video)
UFO News 2014 : UFO Sightings Filmed Over Oregon, USA (video)
UFO sightings were reported all across the country on New Year’s Eve. Bright orbs of light, often in a triangle formation, were seen in California, Florida, Virginia, and Oregon.
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Unsealed Alien Files S02E16 The Watchmen
Unsealed Alien Files S02E16 – The Watchmen
Unsealed: Alien Files investigates recently released documents regarding alien and UFO encounters, made accessible to the public in 2011 by the Freedom of Information Act. Each week, Unsealed: Alien Files tackles one compelling alien case by opening these previously off-limits secret files. Based on the newly discovered information the show re-examines key evidence and follows developing leads.
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ECETIs James Gilliland on Aliens and Predictions for 2014
ECETI’s James Gilliland on Aliens and Predictions for 2014
Josh sits down with the ECETI (Enlightened Contact with ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) Ranch’s resident UFO guru James Gilliland to discuss his beliefs and predictions for major Earth changes in 2014.
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Archaeologists Discover 5000 Year Old Egyptian Artifacts That Came From Space - See more at:
Archaeologists Discover 5000 Year Old Egyptian Artifacts That Came From Space-
by Arjun Walia
See more at:
This may be old news to some, but for many it wont be. A study published in the Journal of Archaeological Science in December of 2013 found that the earliest known (according to the study) iron artifacts that date back to circa 3200 BC, from two burials in northern Egypt were made from meteoritic iron, and shaped by careful hammering of the metal.(1) After hammering pieces into thin sheets before being rolled into tubes, the nine beads that were found were originally strung into a necklace with other materials like gold and gemstones. This discovery reveals the value of these materials in ancient times. It also reveals that in the fourth millennium BC, metal workers had mastered the smithing of meteoritic iron, well before what was previously thought.
The beads were excavated in 1911, found in a cemetery, and are believed to be the earliest known iron artifacts. A total of nine beads were retrieved, and the necklace beads were found in their original order. Since both tombs securely date back to Naqada, 3400-3100 BC, the beads predate the emergence of iron smelting by nearly 2000 years, and other known meteoritic iron artefacts by 500 years or more.
Professor Thilo Rehren from Hamad bin Khalifa University in Qatar was the lead author of the paper. They used x-ray methods to determine whether the 5,000 year old beads were actually meteoric iron, and not magnetite, which can often be mistaken to be corroded iron due to similar properties.
“The really exciting outcome of this research is that we were for the first time able to demonstrate conclusively that there are typical trace elements such as cobalt and germanium present in the beads, at levels that only occur in meteoritic iron. We are also excited to be able to see the internal structure of the beads, revealing how they were rolled and hammered into form. This is very different technology from the usual stone bead drilling, and shows quite an advanced understanding of how the metal smiths worked this rather difficult material” – Professor Rehren
There is a lot of mystery surrounding Egypt, but the fact that they made cosmic jewelery is pretty cool. We don’t often reflect on just how advanced civilizations were in these times. Even today, how the pyramids were built, the mathematical precision and the astronomical alignments that correlate with them are astonishing. If we wanted to do something like that today, even with all of our technology, it would still be almost impossible to recreate. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that these ancient civilizations were much more advanced than we are. I find it quite amusing that they knew that the Earth was round, before we even believed it to be flat!
Ancient Egyptians were fascinated with the sky, and according to Joyce Tyldesley, who co-authored a study on the same findings that was published in the journal Meteoritics and Planetary Science, “the sky was very important to the ancient Egyptians, something that falls from the sky is going to be considered as a gift from the gods.” (2)
While we are on the topic of meteorites, just a year earlier a group of scientists claimed with certainty that tiny fossils uncovered inside a meteorite found in Sri Lanka in late December 2012, are proof of extraterrestrial life. The paper was published in the Journal of Cosmology by Chandra Wickramasinghe, the director of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology at the University of Buckingham in the United Kingdom. The study was conducted alongside researchers at the School of Mathematics at Cardiff University and from the Medical Research Institute in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Obviously, the study is surrounded by much controversy, you can read more about that and view the study here.
Earlier this year, a group of scientists claimed with certainty that tiny fossils uncovered inside a meteorite found in Sri Lanka in late December 2012, are proof of extraterrestrial life. A paper was published in the Journal of Cosmology (1)(3) by Chandra Wickramasinghe. Wickramasinghe is the director of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology at the University of Buckingham in the U.K. The study was conducted alongside researchers at the School of Mathematics at Cardiff University and from the Medical Research Institute in Colombo, Sri Lanka. – See more at:
- See more at: http://www.collective
On October 5, 1996, Brazilian pilot Haroldo Westendorf, 39, was flying over Pelotas when he encountered an enormous pyramid or cone shaped UFO, with 8-10 sides; it was 100 meters in diameter and 70 meters high. Westendorf was able to fly around the base of the object three times, at one point coming as close as 40 meters. Then, out of an opening at the top of the craft, a smaller classic disc-shaped UFO emerged and flew off at tremendous speed. Three air traffic controllers and others on the ground also witnessed the event:
“Mothership” viewed at close range by Brazilian pilot
Perhaps the most impressive UFO story told during the recent Brazilian World UFO Forum was that of Haraldo Westendorf, who made news headlines a year ago when he allegedly flew his private plane within a few dozen meters of an enormous unidentified flying object.
Westendorf is 40 years old, a father of three children and a successful businessman. He is also an avid private pilot rated for acrobatic flying. The following account is based directly on his one-hour presentation at the Brazilian UFO conference, which included several detailed illustrations.
Westendorf says he took off in his single-engine Piper Apache from the city of Pelotas near the southernmost tip of Brazil on the morning of November 5, 1996. It was to be a routine recreational flight of the kind he takes for fun whenever time allows.
On this occasion, he had been in the air only about 12 minutes and was flying at an altitude of 5,000 feet over a large lake some five miles southeast of Pelotas when he saw ahead of him an enormous aerial object. The time was about 10:30 a.m.
He radioed the Pelotas tower to learn if they could see the object from the ground. They confirmed that the object was visible to them and asked him for a close-range report. Westendorf then decided to fly as close as he could.
Westendorf emphasizes that he did not believe in UFOs and says this accounts for his initial willingness to fly close to the object. He didn’t know he might be in danger.
When he got close to the object, he realized that in his twenty years of piloting experience he had never seen or heard of anything like it. Since he had done stunt training in the United States and had also flown in France, he had become acquainted with some very advanced and exotic aircraft. But he knew that this was not an airplane.
Westendorf showed several detailed color drawings of the object, with his own plane drawn to scale alongside it. He describes the object as a faceted cone, flat on the bottom with a rounded point on top. On each of the eight or ten sloping side panels were three large bulges, like triangle-shaped bay windows on the side of a house — but they did not look like windows. The entire surface was brown in color. The structure was about 70 meters (225 feet) high and about 100 meters (325 feet) in diameter, big enough to fill nearly an entire soccer field if landed. His own plane, less than 6 meters wide, was tiny by comparison.
Westendorf says he spent about 12 to 14 minutes in close proximity to the object, trying to see as much as he could. Although the Pelotas air tower does not have radar, he believes the airport radar at Curitiba (nearly 450 nautical miles northeast of his position) tracked the whole encounter. However, officials at Curitiba deny this (see below).
The object was spinning around slowly and moving southeast toward the nearby seacoast at a speed of about 60 nautical miles per hour. Westendorf managed to fly entirely around the base of the object three times. At one point, he says, his wingtip came within about 40 meters of the object.
After his third lap around the object, Westendorf noticed that the rounded top seemed to disappear, leaving what looked like an open hole at the top. Then he saw, emerging from inside the object, a classic flying saucer. It rose sideways, its long axis vertical until it cleared the top of the larger object, then tipped down to assume its normal orientation and departed at tremendous speed. Westendorf said that this saucer was about 10 meters in diameter, or nearly twice as wide as his own plane, and he thinks it flew away at more than Mach 10. The saucer showed no indication of noticing Westendorf’s presence nearby.
As soon as the saucer disappeared, Westendorf decided to try to fly over the top of the object. Brazilian media later reported that he wanted to fly his plane into the interior of the object, but he says he never even considered that. He only hoped for a peek through the opening.
To get more altitude, he flew his plane several hundred meters away from the object, turned around and began a steep climb. He noticed that the object was now rotating much faster. Then he saw brilliant beams of red light shoot from the top of the object toward the sky. He quickly abandoned his plan to fly over the top.
Then, to his amazement, the object rose straight up at tremendous speed. For the first time, Westendorf was scared, because he believed the object’s rapid acceleration might produce a shock wave of turbulence that could overwhelm his own plane. As a trained pilot, he knew that air traffic controllers recommend staying at least three minutes behind a large aircraft to avoid such turbulence. He estimated that the unidentified object probably weighed at least three times as much as a 747 jumbo jet, so its shock wave should be huge — and he was only a few hundred meters away.
Two more drawings by the craft. On the left, the witness’ airplane is drawn to scale alongside the UFO. On the right, brilliant beams of red light shoot from the top of the object, just before it shot up vertically. (credit: Ricardo Varela Correa)
He quickly began emergency procedures in case his plane went into a spin or a stall. But to his surprise, he did not encounter any turbulence.
At that point the Pelotas air traffic controller told Westendorf to contact the government-controlled Curitiba air defense system radar center. Doing so, he asked if the Curitiba radar tower could see what was happening to him on their radar. They said they didn’t see anything. He then called a second time, identifying himself by the transponder number of his own aircraft and again asking if they could see anything unusual. Again they denied seeing anything. He called a total of four times. Finally the Curitiba tower told him that they showed no traffic at all within two hundred nautical miles of his position. At this point, Westendorf became convinced they were lying, because there are two large cities with airports — Santa Maria and Porto Alegre — closer than 200 miles from his position. He believes there had to be at least some normal air traffic near those cities.
Meanwhile, people in the Pelotas tower had watched the entire encounter. Even sunbathers on the beach at Pelotas were able to see it.
At that time there was a thick layer of nimbo-stratus clouds above Westendorf’s position, and the object had apparently entered that cloud cover. He decided to fly above the clouds if possible to see if he could relocate the object. He emerged from the clouds at about 10,000 feet, but he never saw the object again.
Westendorf happened to have a cell phone with him in the plane, and at that moment his young son called him on the phone. Westendorf asked to talk to his wife. He told her that he had just had a close encounter with a UFO. He says he was now trembling and stuttering when he talked. But his wife didn’t believe him and said he sounded crazy.
He then decided to return to Pelotas airport. But when he landed, he discovered that press and TV people were already on hand, waiting for him. This happened because three of his friends, all private pilots like himself, happened to be monitoring his radio transmissions on their own radios at home. When they heard he was flying around a UFO, they alerted the press.
The press mobbed him the minute he got out of his plane. But Westendorf told everyone that he would not say anything until he talked with the people in the Pelotas control tower.
Speaking with the head air traffic controller and two others on duty at that time, he asked them if they would back up his story to the press. He said that if they refused to back him up, he would deny the whole thing. So the head traffic controller called his boss, an Air Force colonel in the city of Porto Alegre, to ask permission to talk about the UFO. The colonel told the traffic controller to decide for himself — so the controller told Westendorf that he and his assistants would back up the story. All of them agreed to have their pictures and stories printed in one of Brazil’s leading news magazines, and from that point on the case became a national sensation. Westendorf himself was featured on the cover of that magazine (he carries a copy with him to prove it).
Despite his prolonged and close proximity to the huge UFO — an object that surely fits the idea of a “mothership” — Westendorf says that neither he nor his aircraft showed any signs of ill effect either during or after the encounter. His aircraft instruments and systems functioned properly throughout, and apart from becoming highly agitated during the latter part of the event, he did not experience any physical, mental or emotional difficulties.
This case seems to qualify as the closest daylight aircraft encounter with a UFO ever reported. The multiple professional witnesses, including three ground-based air traffic controllers, numerous other eyewitnesses and at least three civilians who heard Westendorf’s running radio commentary of the event, lend very large credence to the story. The reported size and behavior of the object positively rule out any known human aircraft, and the observation of a classic flying saucer emerging from the larger craft supports the often-mentioned but rarely corroborated existence of a true “mothership.”
While the multiple visual witnesses are impressive, the denial of radar observation at Curitiba airport is ambiguous. Westendorf seems sure the Curitiba officials were lying. But there are reported cases of UFOs clearly visible to eyewitnesses but seemingly invisible to radar. Was this the case here? Certainly the Brazilian military cannot have failed to study this case, which became an instant sensation in the press. If in fact their radar did not detect the object, this must have been cause for concern. On the other hand, if their radar did confirm the object, one can only imagine the impact it must have had upon Brazil’s government and military leaders. – CNI News / Ricardo Varela Correa – Dec. 20, 1997
The witness, Haraldo Westendorf, in the aircraft cockpit.
Haroldo Westendorff’s UFO Encounter
On October 5, 1996, at nine in the morning, shortly after breakfast, Haroldo Westendorff took off from the Pelotas International Airport for a ride in his light aircraft (Tupy PT-NTH). The sky was clear and sunny that day that allowed a flight with an excellent view. At about ten o’clock, when he was about 15 kilometers from the airport, near the city of São José do Norte and flying over “Lagoa dos Patos” (literally: Ducks’ Lagoon), he ran into a humongous unidentified aerial object, flying over the island of Saragonha at an altitude of 1,800 meters. The shock was so great that he did stutter for a few seconds. But when he recovered from the shock, the businessman was able to approach the object, where he remained for about twelve minutes carefully examining the ship’s surface to make a very detailed report on the anomalous object.
Haroldo affirms that the object had a base the size of a soccer stadium, about 100 meters in diameter and 50 to 60 meters high. He also says that it had the shape of a pyramid with eight sides. Each side had three protruding domes. The businessman remained flying around the UFO at a distance of approximately 100 meters. He took three laps around the craft to observe its details well. It had a metallic appearance, with a smooth bottom. The ship revolved around its own axis heading slowly toward the sea.
During the time the witness remained around the UFO, he noticed that it did not make a hostile move. One of the most memorable moments of the experience was when suddenly a hatch opened on top of it and three discoid objects came out. The discs left in a vertical position, they inclined at 45 degrees angle and shot up at an impressive speed.
At this time, Haroldo maneuvered his light aircraft to observe the interior of the mothership, which was still opened on top of it. This was when this gigantic craft began to emit some reddish rays through the opening that scared the pilot, which prompted him to move away from the craft. At this time, the huge craft ascended vertically at an amazing speed, without wind, without a roaring sound and with no other physical reaction.
This event makes an impression not only by the richness of the details described by a pilot with over 20 years of experience, but also by the quantity and quality of the witnesses who claim to have seen the same ship.
During the second lap around the ship, Westendorff used the plane’s radio to inform “Infraero” (Brazilian Company of Airport Infrastructure) control room at Pelotas International Airport of what was happening. He informed the operator Airton da Silva Mendes that he had seen to the east “a grayish pyramid form object with eight sides, on the horizon.” With him were the assistants of port services, Gilberto Martins dos Santos and Jorge Renato S. Dutra who visually confirmed the flying object and together tried to identify it.
Westendorff also contacted “Cindacta II” (Integrated Air Traffic Control and Air Defense Center), in Curitiba, in the state of Paraná, which is responsible for monitoring the skies of southern Brazil. The response received was that there was no record of anything unusual on radar, but could detect the presence of the plane.
The Ministry of Aviation maintains an undercover investigation on the ship sighted by Westendorff. A sergeant of the Canoas Air Force Base traveled to Pelotas to collect the testimony of the businessman and of the Infraero officials. The sergeant asked for anonymity, but spent an afternoon at the airfield where he heard the eyewitness accounts and took knowledge of the episode.
This case is undoubtedly one of the ufology stories with very precise details of a UFO coming from someone who has been a pilot since the 1970s, and from one who has had a pilot license since the age of 19. In addition, Westendorff is also a two-time Brazilian champion in aerobatics. It is obvious that Haroldo Westendorff encountered something unusual when piloting his light aircraft on a clear and sunny sky, allowing an excellent visibility. – Nelson C. Rivera (PRUFON)
Colonel Musgrove: Where the Ark of the Covenant was kept, right?.
Indiana: That's exactly what the Nazis are looking for.
Major Eaton: Now what does this Ark look like?
Indiana: Uh... there's a picture of it right here.
[ opens a book on the table]
Colonel Musgrove: That's it.
[ they all look at an illustration of the Hebrews devastating their enemy with the Ark]
Major Eaton: Good God!
Indiana: Yes, that's just what the Hebrews thought.
Major Eaton: [ pointing to a beam of light] Uh, now what's that supposed to be coming out of there?
Brody: Lightning. Fire. Power of God or something.
Indiana: I'm beginning to understand Hitler's interest in this.
Brody: Oh, yes. The Bible speaks of the Ark leveling mountains and laying waste to entire regions. An army which carries the Ark before it... is invincible.
The O.T.Bible has stories within, identical to and taken from Sumerian writings 7,000 years before Israel: The Commandments, some "rules" in Leviticus, the garden of Eden, the Great Flood, and The Creation of Earth; do those facts impute the Old Testament's legitimacy, as
God's word?
Like the 'chosen' children of Israel, abductees are subjected to harsh tactics and controlling motives, seen not as a sentient race, but as a human crop to harvest.
Ancient prophets, Isaiah, Mohammed, Ezekiel, Moses, Saul (Paul) and Jesus were 'ascended' into craft, to later suffer psychological distress, having met "God, or the Devil and His Angels".
Ancient alien abductions recorded in the Old Testament, reflect ontological shock after superior beings with miraculous technology identified themselves as,"God", worshiped by Hebrews who called the skies above, 'Heaven'
Their technology still looks like magic to us, 5000 years after the Old Testament's documented encounters with this,"God".
Modern abductees report that during their abductions on board craft, they often see a frightening alien race.
These beings radiates rage and hatred, and appear to be overlords of the many alien races who frequent the crossroads of Earth for salvage, and to abduct humans and these beings command and pilot UFOs.
Small greys, who act in unison like robots, are work beings, designed and created and labeled,'synthetic work beings'.
There are similar descriptions of these overlords:
Muscular, winged, sentient, highly technological, upright standing to seven or eight feet tall, scaled reptilian beings, with webbing between their claws, who have yellow/red cat-like eyes, upright saurian 'monitor lizards', Mothmen, alien reptilians who looked upon us, as we fancied veal.
(That may completely explain the 'God-ordered' Kosher dietary laws; strictly control what human animals eat,( as we do with snails) and you will make them more edible.
At Bud Hopkins' house, during Saturday evening meetings, I learned that abductees had also somehow gleaned what reptoids regular diets consisted of..
It was a chilling story I was to hear repeatedly, echoed elsewhere, like Rod Serling's Twilight Zone episode,"To Serve Man", where our importance as a race in the Universe is that of a mere condiment.
It re framed correctly, the true modus operandi behind this particular alien type and its ancient and continuing interaction/visitations with mankind.
We were NOT the top of the food chain!
Reading the O.T. Bible, again with alien-fresh eyes, even a non abductee can discern the elusive and controlling reptilian silhouette.
Statue carvings of reptilians display the Mayan 'God' and Egyptian 'God' who created other similar "chosen people" sacrificial religions.
This reptilian 'God', seated within a comparable "Holy of Holies", in ancient Central America, was the centerpiece of power and evil, poised to eat and relish the Mayan God's favorite dish, that of still beating human hearts.
This 'God' is the self- same demanding, controlling, punishing UFO 'Heavenly' "God" who insisted and demanded to the Hebrews that by 'law', much sacrificial blood be splashed on all four corners of His Altar.
In the Garden of Eden tale, are clear reptilian fingerprints; alien advanced technological surgery (Adam put to sleep and a 'rib' removed for cloning and genetic manipulation) created a human- alien hybrid, the status of modern man and modern woman.
Reptilian horrid creatures are completely in command of other alien subservient beings, aboard UFO craft and star ships.
Some wrongly and whimsically surmised about "God", that pigs wrote the Bible, as half the world's two major religions forbade the eating of swine...
It is laughable, to us, today, that ancient human cultures throughout the ancient world wrongly mistook highly technological beings, who landed in craft, from the skies, as "God", but the Mayans and Israelites were clearly and purposefully duped, by these beings.
There is a human unconscious remnant distant memory, of looking up, towards the stars for 'God'; Earth, is the only planet, not named for a 'God'.
A closer look at the Ark of the Covenant, is more illuminating and revealing towards this realization of non-divine origins of the Old Testament; it was an object that breached the physical world of the Jews and the unseen paranormal world of the demanding "God" who had suddenly burst upon the scene.
Biblical evidence exists that the Ark of the Covenant was structurally designed as superior technology, acting as an alien transmitter-capacitor as well as a alien weapon.
The Ark, lethal when touched, was used to communicate with alien entities who masqueraded as "God", who insisted a contrivance to be built, which would carry 'God's voice', and aid Israelites when it was carried into battles:
"And they shall make an Ark of shittim wood, two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof.
'And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold, within and without shalt thou overlay it, and shalt make upon it a crown of gold around and all about."
One of the Gold plates was positively charged and one was negatively charged and together they formed the condenser.
If one of the cherubim's positioned above the Mercy Seat acted as a magnet, then one has the rudimentary requirements of a two way communication set.
The 'Lord', this "God", even detailed what clothing should be worn when consulting "God" through this Ark device, so that no interference would be encountered and to limit the risk of electrocution.
This discussion shall follow, shortly.
Further proof of the Ark's innate communication function can be found in the First Book Of Samuel, Chapter 3:3, when the Ark directly speaks to Samuel:
"And ere the lamp of God went out in the temple of the Lord, where the Ark of God was, and Samuel was laid to sleep.
'That the Lord called Samuel, and he answered here am I.
'And he ran unto Eli, and said here am I, for thou calledst me. And he said. I called not, lie down again. And he went and lay down".
This repeated itself on two more occasions and eventually Eli realized that the Lord was speaking to Samuel via the Ark, which he then told to Samuel, and on the fourth occasion Samuel was able to converse with the "Lord", directly THROUGH this contrivance.
The only persons in the house at the time were Eli and Samuel, and it is quite blatant that it was indeed the Ark which 'spoke' to Samuel.
This Ark , clearly an alien technological invention, beyond ancient man's technological understanding, seems a most unseemly 'tool' for our true, good and all powerful, God of the Universe, who communicates through angels, coincidences and signs, dreams, infused insights, inspiration and telepathy. This machine/ weapon technological artifice was an alien designed three-in- one communication device set, religious receptacle and weapon of mass destruction.
The Ark had these three uses; at all times of communication with 'God' and at all times of great battles, the Ark was invariably present.
Unfortunately, not everyone had the same opinion of the Ark as lethally divine in intent.
David decided for safety's sake, to 'steal away with it', with Uzzah's help, with tragic consequences as retold in the second book of Samuel, Chapter 6:
"And when they came to Nachons threshing-floor, Uzzah put forth his hand to the Ark of God, and took hold of it, for the oxen shook it.
'And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah, and God smote him there for his error, and there he died by the Ark of God."
Quite clearly the Ark , carrying a massive electrical charge, killed Uzzah on the spot when he touched it.
Theologians mince words.
Why didn't "the God of the Universe", kill Uzzah for attempting to sequester the Ark at the outset; why did He have to wait until the Ark was actually touched?
Because, theologians, 'God', accurately described in the Hebrew Old Testament, was a crafty, manipulative, and completely masquerading alien.
Regard this startling photo of a Sumerian 'God', worshiped and obeyed 2000 years before Abraham, Isaac and Moses, with much the same sacrificial orders.
Statue of Repto Sapien god from ancient Sumer. On display in The British Museum
Good technology always looks just like magic to a primitive.
This Ark 'contrivance', from the UFO document of the Old Testament, reveals more about this ancient,'God' who used the Ark as an alien technological tool to conduct this masquerade.
Insights about this 'God Machine' reveal the reptilian fingerprint and silhouette, unfurled in Biblical descriptions that yield more truths.
The Ark of the Covenant ordered built, was an ornate golden chest used for electrical radiation/ radio communication, to hear from 'God' and to speak to "God", also used as a terrible weapon against the enemies of the Israelites.
In order to operate it safely, the high priest from the family of Kohath (of the tribe of Levi), who knew even more of its 'secrets', had to wear a breastplate with twelve sacred gemstones called 'the Stones of Fire', for his own physical protection.
The 'holiest' part of the Ark was called the 'oracle', the place where one could literally discern audible orders to Israel from "God", which were almost totally made through Moses.
When Moses entered into the tabernacle of the covenant to consult with this 'oracle', he heard a voice speaking to him from the 'propitiatory', a sectional 'speaker' that was over the ark between the two cherubim, the wings of which acted as separate battery terminal poles.
This is technology, not spirituality.
Specific directives, given to Moses, would now come from "God", through this machine :
"Thence will I give orders, and will speak to thee over the propitiatory, and from the midst of these two cherubim, which shall be upon the Ark of the testimony, all things which I will command the children of Israel by thee".
Unlike orders given from a ' burning bush', a disembodied voice in a laser of light focused upon a bush, all of "God's" future orders came from this 'burning' box , an electronic technological contrivance.
There was an intermittent appearance of a "cloud" between the cherubim and at these times the Ark machinery was considered so dangerous that Moses, himself, would not approach it.
I am personally sure that the accompanying sharp smell of ozone, a characteristic smell of a modern powerful radio transmitter, filled the room, at such times, as well.
A "fire" which emerged from the Ark of the testimony was preceded by a "glow" which the Bible describes as the "glory of the Lord".
At such times, the Israelites believed that their holy relic was truly in the possession of an angry God as it surely killed many who approached it .
Moses was able to "receive" but evidence suggests that he must NOT have been equally able to "transmit", at will.
'God' has ordered a transmitter built, so that, remotely, 'He' may be obeyed.
This controlling and demanding "God", elusive, evasive and smarmy from the first 'encounter', reflects and echoes reptilian nature:
In the mountains Moses hears a disembodied voice who commands that he worship and obey.
Moses, seeking any real deeper sense, asks the entity, a voice embedded in a laser, focused brightly on a bush , an essential question:
"Who, What 'God'?", and the elusive quick non response is:
"I am that I am."
An elusive "God" avoiding Moses' direct question, has in the Ark, designed Moses a physical weapon, proof of "God's" prowess and promise
The electrical field generated from the Ark that 'spoke to God', could be pointed, focused and fired, apparently, from Biblical evidences.
A sacred gem called the "Stone Of Fire" was mounted on the breastplate of the High Priests, from the tribe of Levi, for their protection and for their operation of the "Ark Of The Covenant" when in frequent battles, they carried the weapon ahead of the Hebrew army.
Joshua 6:6 - 15-During the famous battle siege of Jericho, the energy of the Ark was displayed when it was carried seven times around the city accompanied by priests blowing rams' horns and all the wall's structures quickly disintegrated.
1 Samuel 5:1 - 6; 6:5-While in battle the Philistines captured the Ark and although they endeavored to keep it they were plagued with earthquakes which toppled their sacred statues, by odd diseases that produced boils and by being overrun with mice, the Ark's side effects of electrical radiation energy bursts that could damage human skin as well as dramatically disrupt small rodent animal life .
1 Samuel 6:19-When the Philistines returned the Ark to the Hebrews to get rid of it at Beth-shemesh a group of them made the error of examining the chest up close which resulted in 50,000 of their people falling down dead.
1 Kings 8:8-When at rest, the Ark was placed in its Holy of Holies so that one end of its gold-plated carrying poles touched the veil separating the two compartments of the Tabernacle.
This helped to rekindle the energy of the chest while inside by re-connecting it with its re-charging housing.
Leviticus 16-Moses, Aaron and the attending Levite high priests were warned not to enter into the area of the Ark often and to carry out certain rituals only once a year on a designated day (Yom Kippur) as over-exposure to the Ark's lethal electrical radiation was dangerous.
Numbers 35:5, Joshua 4:5-The Ark was always carried at least two thousand cubits or paces in front of the Hebrew host or army as it traveled.
This area energy of a specific circumference surrounded the golden chest when it was in motion.
Joshua judged a safe distance from the Ark as two thousand cubits distance or close to a mile .
Even when carried, the Ark was covered with a veil of tachash skins and a blue cloth which functioned as an electrical field dampener.
The Hebrews were warned to never remove the poles that the Ark was carried with as they provided sufficient insulation protection.
When Saul's daughter, Michal, insulted David for dancing before the Ark, she was struck with permanent sterility.
David was wearing an ephod or protective garment, while Michal was not, thus making her vulnerable to the Ark's radiation long-term effects.
It must have similar to the lead apron which covers the groin area when extensive dental x-rays are taken.
It does not take too much imagination to review what I have said, here, and to begin to rethink your assessment of the Old Testament.
A UFO "God" COULD part the Red Sea!
As a UFO document, the Bible excels, and therein it fails the test of Divine authenticity.
God of the Universe in the O.T.Bible is perverse in His nature, mean spirited, and vengeful, an angry "God", commanding, controlling and vindictive in disposition.
The true ONE, God of our Universe, in very sharp contrast, is a blinding energy-intelligence which radiates bliss, love and peace like a tsunami, when one stands in His presence.
Who took the Jews out of Egypt' and micromanaged them with 613 Torah harsh rules and kept them fed with 'manna', wandering for forty years, an accurate life span, to reap a new generation for "chosen people status" gene splicing and DNA manipulations?
One cannot deny that an alien-human hybrid 'Jewish head', works amazingly better and is apt to succeed, generally, than its Christian -Neanderthal competitors.
I am totally serious.
Reptilian aliens, within the Intelligence and the UFO communities, are highly recognizable, diabolical alien entities who command and pilot UFOs.
They have always' interacted' with us, as Earth is a preserve sanctuary, manned by Reptilian 'Gods', manipulative and disingenuous, controlling and devious and a million years more advanced technologically than we.
The best games-keepers of the galaxy, never let the animals within guess that it is, a preserve, and has farmed humankind, throughout the universe.
Highly technological alien beings, masquerading as Egyptian, Mayan, Hebrew "Gods" deluded ancient people, who in turn advanced the teachings of their "book" and unknowingly, and with good intent, deluded the world.
The 'God' Deity had chosen to 'own' them, "a chosen people",'chosen' for genetic manipulation and alteration, enforced by a pervasive Biblical genetic edict:
"thou shall not go into other Nations and peoples".
This was an in- breeding requirement.
These 'rules' and this Rule Book was passed down by the religious, by further orders: "thou shall teach thy sons and thy daughters" to eventually become the Old Testament Bible.
Just Imagine that our sole source of information about God, actually outlines an alien masquerade, of a 'God'!
The Old Testament Bible represents an unbroken line, from then to now, of a continuity of contacts with mean spirited, overlord duplicitous grey- reptilian aliens, who view us, historically, as we view veal.
These entities, not our 'space brothers', sought control then, as now, with persistently diabolical, misleading, controlling, vindictive and punishing natures.
Biblical rigid and harsh laws were backed up by their death decrees and lethal punishments.
No one except Moses could violate strictly enforced exclusionary entry rights, into the 'Holy of Holies', where a reptilian likely resided.
These were the alien "God of the Mayans and of Hebrews, bloodthirsty ancient cultures that required the splashing of blood on the four corners of an altar, from live sacrifices.
The Bible is alien fairytales, with its flood and creation myth and many 'laws' identical to Sumerian texts 2,000 years before, and Moses, God bless him, was a plagiarist.
Reptilian-grey entities preying on humans-encounters became spiritual truth, a Book of alien encounters described by traumatized ancient Jews as encounters with God Almighty.
And so deluded, they went on to delude the whole world.
What's 'in it', today, for cynical, all-knowing yet cooperating world governments, who attempt to secretly ally with these entities?
There are Klatuu advantages.
Skunkworks technology from recovered craft:
- fiber-optics
-nano tech applications
-smart skin aircraft camouflage
-cold fusion anti gravity
-specialized medical tools
-time travel/inter dimensional travel
-mind control technology
-cloning and cross species experimentation
-orthoscopic surgery advances
But charming, gracious Klatuu is instead a devious, sinister reptilian who rather than assume equanimity, sees us as we see chickens, something governments well know, but they also know that the army that carried the Ark of the Covenant, before it, was invincible.
What do they hope to gain from a species who fancies us as we fancy veal?
Such governments and Skunkworks are setting up deckchairs on the Titanic.
What I find most objectionable in the Bible is that there's no humor in the Bible, not a single amusing anecdote and God, unlike the controlling entity described in that Book, has a refined sense of ironic humor.
The alien silhouette fingerprints, within our DNA, points to evidence that we were not at all ordained to this planet, by God, an acquired notion that will newly reveal our real destiny as a race, in this universe.
Everyone was religious, believed in religious myths when we were children, for we thought and reacted and learned as children, but as adults, we must now leave behind childish ideas.
Children, when it comes to God, very much like the children of Israel, ask no questions and believe what they are told to believe.
The notion of God, is true enough, but the Bible as a touchstone, with its myths and tales has no adult place in our amended and raised consciousness.
Director of CIA, Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter: "It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel." p. 58, quoted from New York Times, February 28, 1960, p. L30
07-01-2014 om 22:53
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
The tragic loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia and its seven astronauts will live forever in the memory of the American public. While the actual cause may never be known beyond a shadow of a doubt, it is nevertheless possible that an outside force acted upon the spaceship, an outside force that may have been set in motion many decades ago by the work of the legendary inventor, Nikola Tesla, and the shadowy scientists who followed in his wake.
I wrote a short book about this idea, entitled “Nikola Tesla’s Death Ray and the Columbia Disaster,” which has recently been revamped by Timothy Green Beckley’s Global Communications. The book has received some attention over the years, including requests for radio and television appearances, and the decision to republish it in a new format is part of Beckley’s continuing efforts to introduce readers to books and concepts that may have slipped through the cracks of their paranormal reading menu the first time around.
Let us review the events of February 1, 2003.
As reported in the February 10, 2003 issue of “Time Magazine,” the final 45 minutes of the Columbia’s descent to death went like this:
“Commander Rick Husband fired his de-orbit engines at 8:15 AM Eastern Time when the ship was high over the Indian Ocean. Half an hour – and half a world – later, it hit the edges of the atmosphere just north of Hawaii at an altitude of about 400,000 feet. Shortly after, a faint pink glow began to surround the ship, as atmospheric friction caused temperatures to rise to between 750 and 3000 degrees across various parts of the spacecraft’s underbelly.
Is a form of Tesla technology responsible for the Columbia space shuttle disaster?
“The astronauts, busy monitoring their deceleration, temperature, hydraulics and more, didn’t have much time to watch the light show play out, and by the time the pink glow brightened from faint pink to bright pink to plasma white, the ship had arced around the planet into thick air and daylight.
“On the ground, things were smooth, too. At Cape Canaveral, the conditions were perfect for landing, with temperatures in the low 70s and a light breeze blowing, well within NASA’s wind limits. The families of some of the seven crew members had already been shown to the runway, assembling for their close-up view of the touchdown.”
But into that idyllic picture, the problems seemed to come from nowhere.
As the ship was flying over San Francisco, several technical malfunctions began to happen in rapid succession, with many of the shuttle’s sensors suddenly ceasing to transmit data back to Mission Control. As the Columbia reached the skies over Texas, spacecraft communicator Charlie Hobaugh attempted to alert the seven crew members. Commander Rick Husband began to respond to Hobaugh, but his transmission went dead before the astronaut could complete his first sentence.
Hobaugh tried repeatedly to re-establish contact, but soon the ship was coming apart over the Dallas-Fort Worth area. When the shuttle failed to land on schedule at 9:16 AM, NASA began a search and rescue effort.
“With reports coming back of a debris field that stretched from eastern Texas to Louisiana, and possibly even further, NASA put out the somewhat disingenuous word that fumes from the fragments could be dangerous and that people who found them should leave them where they lay and alert the authorities – as if any toxic fuel could have survived the heat of re-entry,” “Time Magazine” reported.
Was that initial warning from NASA about people not touching the fragments they found an early attempt to cover up just exactly what caused the Columbia to crash? Even the normally stalwart “Time Magazine” seems to distrust NASA’s real intentions there, calling the warning “disingenuous,” and one is led to speculate that the wreckage could have held clues vital to understanding whether a top-secret particle beam weapon was the real culprit in what happened to Space Shuttle Columbia and the seven astronauts who entrusted their lives to the integrity of the ship.
The idea of terrorism being involved was also an early concern, but that was quickly dismissed. Theoretically, a shoulder-launched missile could shoot down an aircraft, but no such missile could have reached the altitude the Columbia was at when it disintegrated. Also, security around the shuttle was simply so tight that it was considered impossible that some kind of explosive could have been smuggled onboard at some point prior to takeoff.
The mainstream press grappled publicly with other mysteries as well. The day after the Columbia disaster, “The San Francisco Chronicle” ran an article about photos taken by an amateur astronomer who photographed the space shuttles whenever their orbits carried them over the Bay Area. The photos revealed what appeared to be electrical phenomena flashing around the track of the shuttle’s passage. The photographer, who asked not to be identified, said, “They clearly record an electrical discharge like a lightning bolt flashing past, and I was snapping the pictures almost exactly when the Columbia may have been breaking up during re-entry.”
The “Chronicle” reporter, who was also the paper’s science editor, was invited to see the photos on the astronomer’s computer screen and wrote, “They are indeed puzzling. They show a bright, scraggly flash of orange light, tinged with pale purple, and shaped somewhat like a deformed L.” He also wrote that just as the flash appeared to cross the Columbia’s contrail, it seems as if the contrail brightened, thickened and began to wobble. The photographer said he could see none of this activity with his own eyes, but that it had showed up clearly on his film when he developed it.
On February 5, the “Chronicle” ran a follow-up story about NASA’s interest in the photographs. The space agency dispatched former shuttle astronaut Tammy Jernigan, then a manager at Lawrence Livermore Laboratories, to the San Francisco home of the amateur astronomer/photographer to examine the digital images. After viewing the photos, Jernigan also took the camera itself to NASA headquarters in Houston on a specially chartered T-38 jet.
“It certainly appears very anomalous,” Jernigan said of the strange purple light visible on the images. “We sure will be very interested in taking a very hard look at this.”
Did some unknown weapon cause the mysterious flash? Is that why NASA sent a former astronaut to view the images, then flew the camera itself to Houston?
From the account of the Columbia tragedy, we next flashback to September 22, 1940, when an article appeared in “The New York Times” in which Nikola Tesla first revealed his “Death Ray” to the public. The entire text of the article is included in “Nikola Tesla’s Death Ray and the Columbia Disaster,” but I will present only portions of it here. The article was headlined, “Death Ray For Planes.”
In the article, Tesla declared that he stood ready to divulge to the United States government the secret of his “teleforce,” which he claimed could melt an airplane motor at a distance of 250 miles. The device would allow for a “Chinese Wall of Defense” to be built around the U.S. that would protect the country from any attack by an enemy air force, no matter how large.
The Death Ray was based on an entirely new principle of physics that no one had ever dreamed about, and different from the principles involved in Tesla’s earlier inventions relating to the transmission of electrical power from a distance. The new type of force would operate through a beam one-hundred-millionth of a square centimeter in diameter, and could be generated from a special plant that would cost no more than $200,000 and would take only three months to construct. A dozen such plants, located at strategic points along the coast, would be enough to defend the country against all aerial attack.
Tesla further claimed that the beam could melt any engine, whether diesel or gasoline, and would also ignite the explosives aboard any bomber. No possible defense against it could be devised, as the beam would be all-penetrating through wood and metal alike.
This is obviously nearly laughably “dated” material, given that it speaks of planes powered by gasoline and diesel fuel. The technology of military aircraft has come so far since the era in which Tesla was speaking that it becomes difficult to see the relevance of his claims at all. But let us read further.
“The New York Times” writer continues by saying, “The beam, he states, involves four new inventions, two of which already have been tested. One of these is a method and apparatus that eliminates the need for a ‘high vacuum’; a second is a process for producing ‘very great electrical force’; the third is a method of amplifying this force, and the fourth is a new method for producing ‘a tremendous repelling electrical force.’ This would be the projector, or the gun of the system.”
Tesla also told the reporter that the voltage used to propel the beam to its target would attain a potential of 80 million volts, thus causing microscopic electrical particles of matter to be catapulted on their mission of defensive destruction. Tesla said he had been working on the invention for many years and had made numerous improvements on it.
It is interesting to note that Tesla was promoting the invention as a weapon of defense, not as an offensive weapon of mass destruction. Tesla said that, given adequate funding, he could have the device up and running within three months. Had the government taken him up on his offer, he might have had the Death Ray in place before the attack at Pearl Harbor, which happened a little more than a year after Tesla went public with his proposal in “The New York Times.”
According to writer and Tesla expert Tim Swartz, what Tesla is describing is to our current age the familiar concept of the particle beam weapon.
According to writer and Tesla expert Tim Swartz, what Tesla is describing is to our current age the familiar concept of the particle beam weapon.
“The concept of the Death Ray,” Swartz said in an interview conducted for the book, “was nothing new back at the turn of the century. There were a number of scientists working on the idea. I recently saw a photograph that showed British scientists in 1924 working on a Death Ray. There was no description, but it looked almost like they were working on a form of laser beam. So it wasn’t science fiction. It’s just that the technology at the time wasn’t up to the requirements to make a Death Ray feasible. There was no power source available to energize a beam to make it effective.
“But Tesla was probably one of the first scientists,” Swartz continued, “to come forward with something new in terms of actually building a Death Ray. In the mid-1930s, Tesla laid out his preliminary design for accelerating microscopic particles of mercury and tungsten to incredible velocities. Tesla preferred that his beam be composed of a long train of single particles in order to minimize any scattering due to collisions within the beam.”
In the interview, Swartz goes on to explain other technical details about how Tesla would have succeeded where others were failing in their attempts to develop a Death Ray. The U.S. government may also have been impressed with Tesla’s progress. When the inventor died in 1943, the feds raided his laboratory and hotel room, seizing the papers and notes he had left behind. FBI documents released under the Freedom of Information Act revealed that the government’s main interest in seizing Tesla’s papers was for the design of his Death Ray.
Before his death, a financially ailing Tesla had tried to sell his invention to various countries, including the U.S. and the Soviet Union, but was told they weren’t interested, perhaps because they were already doing their own experiments with particle beam technology and believed their own designs were superior to his. But building such a weapon may have turned out to be more difficult than they had anticipated, thus they confiscated Tesla’s notes in hopes of getting a better idea of what progress he may have been making with the problems involved. There are conflicting stories about it, but some believe Tesla’s papers were then returned to the government of his native Yugoslavia, which allowed the Soviet Union easy access to them and may have helped them leap ahead of the U.S. in particle beam technology.
I asked Swartz if what we are dealing with are scientists who basically picked up the ball from Tesla and ran with it.
“Yeah,” he replied. “You know, after World War II, both the United States and the Soviet Union were in a Cold War. They were developing missiles and atomic weapons and they were also trying to come up with anything else that could give them an edge over the other. The whole idea originally of the Tesla-based energy weapons was that they were to be used as a missile defense shield that could knock missiles or planes out of the sky before they had a chance to explode over your territory. So both the United States and the Soviet Union and probably other countries – China, maybe even Israel – were working on these same devices.
“Now, whether or not they’re currently very effective,” Swartz added, “is still open to conjecture. It’s my opinion that if these Tesla-based energy weapons WERE that effective, we would be seeing them used more often and not being kept secret. If somebody really had a controllable particle beam energy weapon, based on Tesla technology, I think they would be all too happy to let the rest of the world know that they’ve got this weapon.”
Swartz acknowledged that, on the other hand, the rumored secrecy around the Tesla Death Ray might in fact be all too real.
“One of the reasons you would want to keep it secret,” he said, “is that that’s your ace. You’re going to keep that hidden until the very last minute. And you’re not going to use it unless you really, really have to. Then, when you really have to, you strike your enemy down. Boom! ‘Don’t mess with us. We’ve got this!’ So if there was any reason to keep something like this secret, that alone would be it. But again, probably one of the major reasons that this technology is being kept secret is that it’s not an easy technology to control. You could just as easily kill yourself in operating something like this than kill someone else.”
And what does all this have to do with the Columbia disaster?
According to Swartz, “A radio operator by the name of Marshall Smith has reported that on the day that Columbia was going down, HAARP was doing what he called their ‘missile defense radio transmissions.’ Now, a lot of researchers have asserted that the HAARP facility in Alaska is the U.S. version of a Tesla electromagnetic energy weapon, albeit more sophisticated than the ones that the Soviet Union was working on, and going quite a ways beyond Tesla’s original concepts.
“HAARP allegedly takes this idea one step further,” Swartz went on, “and uses different frequencies of electromagnetic energy, radio frequency, to achieve the same effects. So you transmit your energy into the atmosphere and focus it at a distance, which then enables it to be aimed anywhere on the globe. Some people have speculated that the HAARP facility, at least in part, is a missile defense installation, or at least an ‘experimental’ missile defense installation, using radio frequencies to try to knock missiles out of the sky.”
Returning to the story told by Marshall Smith, Swartz said, “Smith, who has been a licensed commercial radio engineer since the 1960s, reported that on the morning of Saturday, February 1, 2003, HAARP was transmitting from 4:15 AM to about 7:20 AM PST in missile defense mode. That was the first HAARP transmission since late 2002. Columbia re-entered the atmosphere over California at 5:53 AM PST, right in the middle of HAARP’s transmissions.
“Smith speculates that this may have been an accidental testing – or maybe deliberate, though I’d hate to think that – but an accidental testing of HAARP’s antimissile defense capabilities. The space shuttle accidentally got in the way and was brought down. I find it very interesting that the radio frequencies that Tesla talked about using for his electromagnetic defense shield are the same frequencies that HAARP was broadcasting on the morning that the shuttle came down.”
Swartz said he prefers to believe the tragedy was an accident, but admits we will likely never know for sure.
“Nobody’s going to come forward and say, ‘Oh, by the way, we accidentally killed seven astronauts because somebody left the transmitter in Alaska on a little too long.’ But if that’s the case,” he said, “it also shows how effective this Tesla-based technology can be over great distances.”
The idea that the Columbia disaster may have been a deliberate act is not an easy one to deal with for Swartz. It forces one to consider uncomfortable theories of political conspiracy or terrorists operating at a frightening level of technological expertise. The possibility that a terrorist organization like Al Qaida could get hold of a particle beam weapon is very “James Bondian,” Swartz said, and he is probably correct that such scenarios fall outside the realm of believability very quickly.
In any case, to those interested in reading about these and other ideas in more detail, don’t hesitate to check out the Global Communications reprint of “Nikola Tesla’s Death Ray and the Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster,” as well as other books on Nikola Tesla the company has published. Obviously, none of these books can give the reader definitive answers, and may not even always ask the right questions. But they can appeal to the imagination, they can entertain, and they can provide a look at Tesla as a primary architect of our current technological age without what some consider the obligatory reining in of the childlike urge to explore these mysteries with an open mind and a willingness to believe in what we are so often told is impossible by debunkers and the people for whom repressive secrecy is a necessity they have forgotten is ultimately evil.
Mentioned in not only a Nova documentary on PBS TV in the 1980’s but a book written by the first Director of Project Blue Book “The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects ” released in 1956 is an obscure incident witnessed in the undisclosed air space over the US in 1948. By then many major UFO sightings rocked the world such as the Roswell Crash and the Kenneth Arnold Sighting with many more to come, yet this particular sighting stands out as a peculiar if not important reference to a technology that we are only now beginning to understand and implement, and that is stealth technology. Is it no wonder that our extraterrestrial counterparts operating here on planet earth would have already showcased their capabilities a long time ago?
Who was there?
It happened in most routine fashion actually as a patrolling interceptor pilot in his P-51 Mustang observed something unusual as he flew at altitude and maintained aerial surveillance under his orders. What he observed may have seemed somewhat mundane, yet the implications of his debriefing as well as the photographic evidence he took would later have greater implications for those studying this mysterious phenomena in years to come.
High altitude phantom
At 30,000 feet and climbing while traveling at an estimated 400 mph was a contrail that was observed by the pilot as he began his pursuit of the unknown intruder. Were the performance characteristics that fantastic for the time? No, many US and world fighter aircraft were capable of this speed and altitude. As a matter of fact, out B-17 bombers routinely flew over Germany in World War II and bombed their targets from 30,000 feet. This was not even their maximum service ceiling, but in order to accurately hit their targets using the Norden bombsite and make anti-aircraft artillery less deadly, this altitude was used most often. So for an F-51 interceptor pilot on routine patrol to engage a contrail at 30,000 feet was not such a fantastic occurrence, but there was something very strange happening that defied explanation.
What was he observing?
As the pilot pulled back on his throttle and adjusted his control surfaces for a steep and fast climb he was intrigued by what he saw. There was no aircraft at the head of the contrail! The US aviator was well within visual distance but was unable to determine what if anything was making the exhaust trail that spread out into the cold thin atmosphere before him as he pursued his unknown aerial opponent. Radioing his observation to his superiors, the pilot maintained his course and heading as he attempted to identify the “Bogey”.
It is not known whether military radar picked up the unknown airborne craft, but the pilot was firmly fixated on his target. There was only one problem as the aerial mystery continued to climb it was outdistancing its pursuer’s capability. At 41,900 feet maximum service ceiling the pilot was going to be outmatched very quickly as his prey ascended to a higher altitude. The very fascination known to pilots as target fixation when a combat aviator is intent upon shooting down his aerial foe was responsible for the tragic death of Captain Thomas Mantel in his ill-fated chase of a UFO over Godman Air Field in Kentucky in that same year of 1948. Flying in his unpressurized cockpit and exceeding his recommended maximum altitude of 20,000 feet, many thought it was anoxia that was responsible for Mantel’s fatal crash, yet this would not be the outcome of this particular engagement.
An invisible foe
As the mysterious contrail with a seeming nonexistent craft outdistanced the American aviator pursuing this anomaly he pulled back on his controls and expose several feet of gun camera footage in order to record and verify what he was chasing through the icy thin upper atmosphere. He photographed the exhaust trail which apparently had no flying machine generating the exhaust vapor that was leaving a telling trail. It would not be until later photo analysis that the true nature of what the pilot had encountered was addressed.
New technology might as well be magic
In 1948 there was no concept of stealth except from the early attempts by the Horton Brothers who produced flying wings for the German Luftwaffe with streamlined features that could have reduced their radar signatures, but this invisible craft at the head of its contrail as it out climbed its F-51 Mustang pilot was here to fore unknown at the time. It would not be until years later that the full implications of such a sighting could be ascertained. In 1948 stealth originating from another civilization operating in earth’s atmosphere may very well have been observed and documented for the first time although the full dynamics of this discovery could not have been fully realized at the moment in time as US Air Force photo analysts puzzled over their frames of combat film footage and wondered just what it was they were looking at.
A telltale sign with few answers
What is now a viable technical advancement was in 1948 a mystery that remained to be solved. Just as the Roswell crash and its artifacts were being analyzed by specialists who wondered how such exotic technology could ever be incorporated into human devices, the phantom contrail appeared to be an unsolvable puzzle. Now we know that even if an exotic technology could cloak an aircraft in the sky still its propulsion system would leave a trail in the icy upper atmosphere as the fuel particles crystalized from the cold temperatures at such heights, that is if it were using a turbine, ram jet, rocket motor, or scam jet engine. If the object had been utilizing an electromagnetic form of power, there would have been no telltale contrail.
Once again a superior technology exhibited by those from an unknown realm haunts our perception of ourselves and history and compels us to rethink our assumptions. Surely this little know aerial encounter attests to much more than it seemed at the time and we are amazed at the era in which this incident revealed itself to us. Until next time when the unknown eclipses our comfortable reality and beckons us to realizations we had not suspected before.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Canadese oud-minister van Defensie: 'Buitenaardsen willen ons helpen'
Canadese oud-minister van Defensie: 'Buitenaardsen willen ons helpen'
Een gesprek tussen de Canadese ex-minister van Defensie Paul Hellyer en Paola Harris over de UFO-doofpot en het financiële systeem.
Harris reisde speciaal af naar Canada om Hellyer te interviewen. Hij spreekt ook over zijn boek ‘Light at the End of the Tunnel: A Survival Plan for the Human Species’.
Hellyer, die tussen 1963 en 1967 minister van Defensie was onder minister-president Lester B. Pearson, zegt sinds 2005 openlijk dat buitenaardsen op aarde zijn.
De inmiddels 90-jarige Hellyer meent dat er zo’n 80 soorten buitenaardsen zijn, waarvan sommige er precies zo uitzien als wij en op straat niet zouden worden herkend als buitenaardse wezens.
“Vrijwel alle soorten zijn goedaardig en willen ons helpen,” aldus Hellyer. “Er zijn misschien één of twee rassen die niet het beste met ons voor hebben.”
Volgens Hellyer is er een ‘federatie’ van buitenaardsen die zich niet mag bemoeien met onze aangelegenheden. Hij liet weten dat deze federatie niet onder de indruk is van de aardlingen. “Ze vinden dat we niet goed zorgen voor onze planeet,” legde hij uit. “We kappen de bossen, vervuilen de rivieren en meren en dumpen rioolslib in de oceanen.”
January 06 2014
If this authentic, that UFO was sonic fast folks! I see a oddity during the UFO “flight” so it has me skeptic. What do you think, check it out.
Ufo sighting caught on tape while filming stunt plane AEROBATICS 2014! This remarkable Ufo Sighting was discovered in video tape footage of a Stunt Plane “Oracle” was performing Aerobatics during an air show. This video is being made public for the first time ever on LookNowTV in January 2014. The video was filmed at Jones Beach in, Long Island New York last summer. You can see the Ufo enter frame left, and exit frame right at a high rate of speed. As always, you decide. Thank you for watching!
Gisteravond heeft de waarneming van een onbekend vliegend object tot vertraging geleid op de luchthaven van Bremen.
Vluchten van passagiers die naar het vliegveld van de Duitse stad wilden werden omgeleid. Op de radar verscheen steeds korte tijd een object, maar de luchtverkeersleiders wisten niet wat het was.
De politie deed met een helikopter vergeefse pogingen om het object te traceren. Pas na drie uur verdween de UFO uit beeld.
“We weten niet wat het was, maar er was wel degelijk iets,” zei een politiewoordvoerder. De luchthaven nam het zekere voor het onzekere en legde het vliegverkeer stil.
Een binnenkomende vlucht uit München moest uitwijken naar Hannover. Een toestel uit Frankfurt bleef aan de grond. De passagiers aan boord van een Frans vliegtuig mochten pas landen nadat ze een aantal rondjes boven Bremen hadden gevlogen.
Ook in Nederland wordt het nieuws met interesse gevolgd. Daniëlle van Aalderen, de ex-vrouw van Lange Frans, is nieuwsgierig geworden door de recente berichten over UFO-waarnemingen. Lange ‘Kamervragen’ Frans staat erom bekend in buitenaards leven en doofpottheorieën te geloven.
Ufo verstoort vliegverkeer Bremen Airport
BREMEN- De waarneming van een onbekend vliegend object op de radar heeft maandagavond voor enige vertraging gezorgd op het vliegveld van Bremen. De vluchtleiding ontdekte de 'ufo' op de radar. Pas drie uur later verdween deze uit beeld. Een politiehelikopter is opgestegen, maar heeft niets opmerkelijks gevonden.
„We weten niet wat het was, maar er was wel degelijk iets”, aldus een politiewoordvoerder.
Het spotten van het onbekende object zorgde ervoor dat een vlucht uit Frankfurt werd geannuleerd. Een vliegtuig uit München moest via Hannover worden omgeleid en de piloot van een toestel uit Parijs moest korte tijd boven de luchthaven blijven cirkelen voordat hij op Bremen mocht landen.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Gezagvoerder: 'Ufo viel mijn Airbus aan'
Gezagvoerder: 'Ufo viel mijn Airbus aan'
LONDEN - Een Airbus A320 is in het Engelse luchtruim op een haar na geramd door een 'ufo'. Dat vertelt de gezagvoerder van het toestel aan The Telegraph. Het zilverkleurige vliegende object, dat vlak langs het passagierstoestel scheerde, had de vorm van een rugbybal.
Volgens hem kwam het voorwerp zo snel op het vliegtuig af dat hij er zeker van was dat de 'close encounter' ging botsen met zijn toestel. Dit vertelt hij in The Telegraph. Uiteindelijk passeerde het voorwerp op slechts enkele meters afstand het vliegtuig.
Het incident is onderzocht door de Britse luchtvaartautoriteiten, maar tot nu toe zonder resultaat. Ook verder onderzoek heeft nog niets uitgewezen.
'Britse piloot ziet onbekend vliegend object'
Een A320 Airbus passagiersvliegtuig is volgens de piloot van het toestel vlakbij het Britse vliegveld Heathrow bijna tegen een ongeïdentificeerd vliegend object gebotst. Wat er precies gebeurd is, is vooralsnog een raadsel.
Foto: ANP
Volgens de piloot vloog er een object met de vorm van een rugbybal een paar meter van het vliegtuig. De piloot was er zeker van dat het object tegen het toestel zou botsen.
Het incident is onderzocht, maar van het vliegende object is geen spoor teruggevonden.
Het incident gebeurde toen de Airbus zo’n 30 kilometer van Heathrow vloog, op een hoogte van tien kilometer. De piloot zag het object van links op het vliegtuig afkomen.
Hij stuurde het toestel onmiddellijk naar rechts, maar verwachtte het object niet meer te kunnen ontwijken.
Uiteindelijk miste het object het toestel maar net. De piloot omschreef het als zilverkleurig, gemaakt van metaal en in de vorm van een sigaar of een rugbybal, zo meldt de Telegraph.
Het incident, dat gebeurde op 13 juli om 6.35 uur, is pas nu bekendgemaakt. Uit onderzoek is gebleken dat er op dat moment geen andere vliegtuigen of weerballonnen in de buurt waren.
Door: Blommaert
07-01-2014 om 10:47
geschreven door peter
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Nvidia à l'origine d'un mystérieux "crop circle", '20 Minutes', Lausanne, 7.1.2014
Nvidia à l'origine d'un mystérieux "crop circle", '20 Minutes', Lausanne, 7.1.2014
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At Least 4 Known Alien Species Have Been Visiting Earth For Thousands Of Years X Canadian Defence Minister Continues To Blow The Whistle -
“At Least 4 Known Alien Species Have Been Visiting Earth For Thousands Of Years” X Canadian Defence Minister Continues To Blow The Whistle-
- See more at:
I am well aware that just because somebody (no matter what their ‘position’) says something to be true, does not mean it’s true. Exceptions, however can be made if there is evidence that goes beyond their words and correlates with what they say. At the end of the day, you have to listen to what your heart tells you.
Paul Hellyer was the Canadian Minister of National Defense in the 1960′s during the cold war. He was responsible for combining the Canadian Air Force, Navy and Army into what is known today as the Canadian Forces. He was the highest ranking person (on paper) inside of the Department of Defence for Canada. The Honorable Paul Hellyer is the highest ranking person among all g8 countries to openly speak about UFOs and extraterrestrials.
He has been speaking about UFOs and extraterrestrials for quite some time now, and he recently made an appearance on RT news stating that there are at least 4 known alien species that have been visiting Earth for thousands of years.
Upon retirement, Hellyer began to blow the whistle on UFOs and extraterrestrials. His testimony is backed up by hundreds of other high ranking military and political personnel all over the world, including official documents released by dozens of governments worldwide that have officially acknowledged the presence of UFOs.
I think it’s also important to point out that the Canadian government recently acknowledged the fact that various federal agencies, including Transport Canada, the RCMP and the Department of National Defence used to track and investigate UFO sightings. (1) They claim to have stopped those programs, but that contradicts the defence minister’s (Hellyer) claims. There is good reason to believe, and a lot of evidence to suggest that some of these UFOs are indeed extraterrestrial space craft (not all military), and the activities of the agencies responsible for these programs goes far beyond just tracking of UFOs, but into contact with various extraterrestrial races, other classified technological developments and more.
Here is some of what Paul Hellyer has to say, for more you can watch the video clip below:
” In one of the cases during the cold war, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying South from Russia across Europe. The supreme allied commander was very concerned and was about ready to press the panic button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole. They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for three years and they decided that with absolute certainty that four different species, at least, have been visiting this planet for thousands of years. There’s been a lot more activity in the past two decades, especially since we invented the atomic bomb. They are very concerned about that and if we will use it again, because the whole cosmos is a unity and it affects not just us but other people in the cosmos. They’re very much afraid that we might start using atomic weapons again and this would be very bad for us, and them also.” – Paul Hellyer
“Many are benign and benevolent, and a few are not. They come from various places, for a long while I only knew about ones that came from different star systems, the Pleadies. There are extraterrestrials that come from Andromeda, and ones that live on one of Saturn’s moon’s. There is a federation of these people, and they have rules, one of them is that they don’t interfere with our affairs unless they are invited. They have accepted the fact that this is our planet, and we have the right to run it but they are very concerned, they don’t think that we are good stewards of our planet. We are ruining our planet, we’re doing all sorts of things that we shouldn’t be doing, and they don’t like that. They’ve made it clear, and they have given us a warning.” – Paul Hellyer
“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. It is ironic that the US should be fighting monstrously expensive wars, allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on black projects which both congress and the commander in chief have been kept deliberately in the dark.” – Paul Hellyer
- See more at:
07-01-2014 om 10:28
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Multiple UFO sightings were reported on 1st January 2014 above Oregon, Florida, Virginia and other parts of USA.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Large disk shaped UFO seen near a plane over Sydney, Australia on 4th January 2014
Large disk – shaped UFO seen near a plane over Sydney, Australia on 4th January 2014
New interesting video footage of a disk – shaped UFO recorded in the sky above Sydney, Australia on 4th January 2014 while flying near a plane.
Witness said: When I filmed the plane this large cluster or Cigar shape object appeared close the Plane. This object changed slowly the shape from Spheres to Cigar then Cluster shape.The camera was using: SONY. D C R-T R V.530 Digital camera with I R 850 Infra red digital filter fitted.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Strange UFO lights above San Antonio, Texas on 20th December 2013
Are this Thais ballons? (peter2011)
Strange UFO lights above San Antonio, Texas on 20th December 2013
UFO sightings2013 – Amazing video footage of multiple UFO lights recorded in the sky above San Antonio, Texas on 20th December 2013.
News said: Several San Antonio residents have reported seeing strange lights in the sky over the holidays. Many KSAT viewers submitted pictures and videos of the lights and one viewer said he saw the strange sight a few days before New Year’s Eve.
“We didn’t think much of it so we dropped it until today (Thursday) when we saw the show about the other lights in California,” said Tony Ybarra. “We were like, ‘Wow! Those were the lights we saw!’”
Ybarra showed KSAT a photo of some strange lights in the sky he shot ten days before the New Year’s Eve sightings. He and three friends saw them after putting up Christmas lights.
How To Protect Oneself From Demons: (Metaphysics) Cleansing of Demonic Nightmare Images
Psychic Protection from Negative Thought entities; Personal metaphysics cleansing of demonic nightmare images
(et al; robert bruce,') All quotes are Bruce's, taken from private communiques:
(Demonologists and exorcists know full well that demons and other negative thought entities cause nightmares for a reason, and that is to actually RESIDE in them, so metaphysical removal of imagery is tantamount.) (R.Bruce,et al)
"Core Image Removal
The basic core image treatment techniques involve reliving and capturing snapshot images of bad or traumatic experiences with visualizations, in the minds eye. Core images can stem from real life experiences, or from bad dreams and disturbing fantasies. "
"They can also be implanted by demons via telepathic/hypnotic attack and broadcast. This can happen in the waking state, but more usually happens during sleep.
The key to breaking demonic attachments is to unearth and destroy mental attachment points inside personal inner meta-space, the mind and aura. These attachments are rooted in core images (memory images) implanted within the mind/memory of victims.
From these core images grow the bio energy body attachment points of demonic residence and eventually possession, as is their goal. "
"The physical manifestation of these bio-points are usually identifiable, as they cause skin blemishes, i.e., lumps, moles, rough patches, irritations, infections.
The stronger demonic types of blemishes appear as gristly lumps (a kind of tumor) under the skin and these generally indicate that much stronger varieties of demonic are involved.
There are two main types of core images, natural and created. The natural types (i.e., memory images of actual experiences) are grafted onto, where the created types are specifically designed and implanted as attachment points. "
"All core images of this ilk are the types of memories that cause stress when they are relived, i.e., painful or distressing or worrying memories.
Created core image (artificial) are made by telepathically broadcasting into victims during the sleep state. This impinges on the victim's dream mind and generates distressing images, as the signature symptom, nightmares.
The mind cannot really tell the difference between a real traumatic experience and one that it experiences in the dream state. When remembered and relived, you will find these all cause stress, i.e., anxiety, increased heart rate and blood pressure, sweating, fear and long recollections of these nightmares, afterwards.
They will also have the effect of making you obsess about them, going over them again and again, trying to change them or to forget them.They may often appear to be meaningless, illogical fantasy scenarios.
Some core images are hidden, i.e., the dream memory causing them is forgotten (as dreams are often forgotten) and they thus bury themselves deep into the subconscious mind. There are ways of digging these up, but this is more advanced and I will not go into this at this point. "
Bruce continues;
"Discovering Core Images: I discovered the principles of core images and their significance, after experiencing two strange, disturbing dreams, after sleeping in a badly infested house, dreams that kept bothering me for many days after having them.
I began to get suspicious of these dreams, and eventually wondered if something sinister might be behind them. During meditation, following my intuition, I relived the first dream. Again this caused mild stress symptoms, which I ignored.
Following an idea, I used my 'awareness hands', (astrally visualized hands in your mind's eye) and pushed the scenario away from me, visualized it in my mind's eye until it was less than postcard size (small envelope size).
Intuitively, I reached out and grabbed hold of this image with my awareness hands and tried to turn it over, to see if anything was beneath it. Feeling a lot of resistance, I found it would not turn easily.
I had to shed some honest mental sweat over it. Eventually, with great effort, I managed to turn it over. It moved suddenly, with a 'tearing' sensation inside my mind; I felt this movement with my awareness hands.
Behind it (amazed look) I found a tree root-like structure, ropy and crystalline, as if it had been torn out of the ground and damaged, i.e., bits of root were broken.
Intuitively, I adapted Dion Fortune's (Psychic Self-Defense) ritual of severance, to this situation and attacked this structure with a mentally visualized created sword in my right awareness hand and a burning torch in my left, repeatedly hacking away at it, then burning it with the torch. I then tackled the second core image (from dream #2) with similar results.
Of interest, I noted/saw with astral sight, black, ropy lines (about as thick as a finger) arcing back from these core images into my body and mind. These I also attacked, severed, and then burnt. "
"(Note: experimentation has shown me that it does not really matter what you use for this, i.e., I often use an imaginary chainsaw and flamethrower. A flamethrower, you'll find, is good for reaching core images that appear at a distance in your mind's eye space. A couple of my patients are also having success using an imaginary laser guns and rocket launchers).
Imaginary, visualized weapons and tools used for this, may seem ridiculous to some, but think on this: in personal inner-meta space, these weapons have just as much substance as the core images they are being used against.
They are in fact composed of a very similar substance: a mind energy substance. One could aptly call this astral matter.The more that they are used the stronger and more 'real' that they become. Demons and other negative thought entities can see these tools and are fearful, as you are 'fighting fire with fire', using applied metaphysics in the same ethereal dimension that they frequent. ('imagination', is a word that should be totally removed from our language) "
"The results of my first experiment were quite amazing. The next day, a large gristly lump (1/4 the size of a walnut) on the back of my neck, that I'd had for several years, disappeared, gone overnight.
Probably 50% of the negative internal urges and cravings that had been troubling me for several months vanished with this lump.
I felt lighter, had more energy, slept better, and nocturnal psychic attacks on me were reduced significantly. I also grew stronger by the day, especially in mental/psychic energy. The attachments I removed seemed to have been draining me of these.
Of note, for the first three days after removing these core images I came under significant psychic attacks nightly, as entrance again was re-sought.
But this was quite different from the usual strong attacks I had been weathering for many years. And now I had something to fight back with besides prayer and use of garlic as a successful herbal repellent, i.e. cutting and burning core images as they appeared in my mind's eye during the attacks.
These attacks quickly reduced, but for a couple of weeks after I felt intermittently depressed, seemingly lost and empty, but nothing really major. This was followed by a period of strong positive internal growth.
Logically, I had removed something from inside of me, something that was influencing/ motivating me, and taking up some of my internal personal space. This took some getting used to, but I soon moved to fill that space within me (with more of 'me'') thus becoming larger and stronger in the process.
Since removing these first core image attachment points, I regularly hunt more during meditation and pre-sleep for such imagery. I have worked my way through a great many real memories that could contain attachments, including early childhood memories; sometimes I find them, sometimes not. "
Bruce continues:
"Its easy to tell if a core image has nothing attached to it as it turns over easily in your 'awareness hands' and nothing is seen or felt underneath it.
I also worked through dream and fantasy memories; occasionally finding roots and other strange looking devices. Sometimes they look like roots, sometimes like a circuit board stuck to the back of the core image. Sometimes it will move under my Awareness Hands and reveal a black snake (typical astral snakes and spiders, classic demonic impositions).
Of note, if nothing is present on a core image, it will turn easily in your awareness hands. But if one is present, the turning can be quite difficult. "
"However, easily turned images can sometimes have links attached to them that will lead to real core images. For example, you may easily turn prospective core image in your 'Hands', only to find a picture of some person attached to the underside.
Turning this new picture over, again easily, you find another image, and so on.
Eventually, this process leads to the real core image, which is then treated as usual, i.e., slashed and burned. "
"Floating Core Images: Negative energies generate strange patterns and faces and objects in the mind's eye, seen most clearly during meditation and pre-sleep, where the sight center of the brain interprets demonic energies as ugly or strange floating images.
I have come to habitually attack anything strange or ugly-looking in my mind's eye, with my sword and torch.
This helps to stop them from attaching and/or reattaching.
This can also break any new psychic attacks and demonic influences associated with floating core images fairly quickly, while they are at their weakest.
. Most of my patients find a baseball bat, rocket launcher and flame thrower are a good set of tools. Some prefer to use a laser gun. Myself, I used my own astral sword, plus a large, burning torch. Traditionally, these items should be blessed by the name of God and the Holy Spirit. This does help, but is not absolutely necessary. "
Core Image Treatment Instructions: Grip the image with your 'awareness hands' and push it away from you until it is postcard sized or smaller in your minds eye. Then turn it over with your 'awareness hands.' If nothing is behind it, it will turn easily. If something is behind it, it will feel solid and immovable. Lots of effort is sometimes required to turn it over.
Once it is turned over it will be broken, but will still need destroying with the meta sword and burning with the torch.
Often, when treating a spontaneous core image, this will trigger a major core image to appear, the one it is attached to. You'll know when this happens as it'll suddenly get serious and more difficult. When this happens, fight for all you are worth and never give up.
These things cannot actually hurt you if they are uncovered and fought in an inner- meta space battlefield, in the mind's eye. "
"Sometimes you'll see the demonic entity behind the core images, once core images have been ripped away. Astral snakes and spiders,insects,scorpions often with ET type heads, are common. Don't be scared, they are ugly but they can't hurt you at this time. They are the ones vulnerable and exposed. Take advantage of this to get some payback. Call up all the anger and rage you can and slog it out and you'll win every time.
If one relives a snippet of a dream during daytime hours, if that image resurfaces, spontaneously, during one's waking day, it is a clear sign that an unclean one hidden or hiding within that image has either exited or is reentering.
One must use slash/ cutting and burning of that image using an envisioned sword to sever connections between that image and its ropy connections to one's layered psyche and then a blowtorch envisioned to burn the severed remnant stumps of vestigial connections.
This metaphysics removal of the image that spontaneously surfaced is designed to eliminate the evil one's "Hiding place" within one's mind.
The image of an alien's face or a snakelike, bug like image or a skull and crossbones demon's representation in your mind's eye will scurry from its now discovered and now removed previous hiding place."
--Fighting (metaphysics) fire with (metaphysical) fire, works perfectly as envisioned "tools" are as real in that dimension as the interloper is real and the more that they are used become a threat to the invasive indwelling demonic.
Now, that's something that Freud, psychiatry and psychology simply cannot ever wrap their analytically trained minds around .
If Freud's and Jung's models are wrong, then our mind's embrace of that whole subject can also be wrong.
Even as a 'jumping off place' towards understanding the layered psych, one is awry and stiltedly wrong in one's foundation premise .
The same holds true for Freud's dream analysis models of dream symbols; he was also predominately wrong about the very nature of dreaming, itself
If one hears voices that sound sinister and threatening one is certainly far more psychic than psychotic, but one could not ever be seen thus by a trained Freudian or Jungian clinician.
There are dozens of such examples of unseen outside influences as a threat to the layered mind, a concept that psychoanalytically trained clinicians cannot grasp at all on any level because of their training.
Bruce comments:
"One other addition I have found valuable. Once a core image has been hacked to pieces and burned, sealing the residue (the dimensional hole in your personal inner-meta space it represents) should be sealed.
Using 'imagination', visualize, see any holy symbol that has meaning to you, i.e., crucifix, pentagram, Start of David. Simply imagine/visualize this being placed over the hole. Repeating this last bit several times (redrawing it in your minds eye) is a good idea if you are having trouble holding the shape of the symbol in your imagination. "
"It is also a very good idea to bless this creation by saying a prayer after creating it. Ask for this hole to be sealed in the name of God (or deity of choice) forever and ever, Amen. And if you are familiar with other metaphysical magical practices, this symbol can be connected to a reliable power source.
That Empty Feeling: After successfully removing a core image, and consequentially breaking a demonic attachment, it is quite common to experience a period of emptiness, even depression. This comes from the lost influence and motivations, caused by the previously attached negative entity.
An empty space has been created, vacated, by the evicted demon."
Bruce approaches a conclusion by saying;
"This empty feeling may last up to a few weeks, but eventually ones own personality and mind will grow to fill the empty space."
Who would have ever thought that there was a true and present danger inherent in nightmares towards long-term astral invasion ?
For those dubious or cynical about the'realities' discussed, herein, I remind you that it's never too late to increase your learning,now that I've made you aware, at least, that much knowledge exists outside of your accumulated realm of learning.
It's sadly more than probable that there are many like you who are totally unaware of the unseen as well as the evil unseen, which makes you and them all the more vunerable .Knowledge is power and in this realm, ignorance is hardly ever bliss and most are at best, poorly informed.
The unseen evil world around us is as real as the nose on your face and as equally hard to see,but it exists nonetheless.
You'll find much about this topic under the headings, on the net, of metaphysics, exorcism/ possession, psychic defense and demonology.
I leave you with this seed of thought, which you must water and plant:
``Do you believe it?'' I asked the monk. ``I scarcely know,'' he replied; and I continued: ``If there are other beings besides ourselves on this earth, how comes it that we have not known it for so long a time, or why have you not seen them?
How is it that I have not seen them?''
He replied: ``See them?Do we see the hundred-thousandth part of what exists? Look here; there is the wind, which is the strongest force in nature. It knocks down men, and blows down buildings, uproots trees, raises the sea into mountains of water, destroys cliffs and casts great ships on to the breakers; it kills, it whistles, it sighs, it roars. But have you ever seen it, and can you see it? Yet it exists for all that.'
(Guy du Maupassant )
06-01-2014 om 20:35
geschreven door peter
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Britse piloot ziet onbekend object bij Heathrow
Britse piloot ziet onbekend object bij Heathrow
Een Britse piloot heeft in de buurt van luchthaven Heathrow een ongeïdentificeerd vliegend object gezien. Volgens de piloot had het object de vorm van een rugbybal.
Het incident deed zich voor toen het toestel, een Airbus A320, boven het platteland van Berkshire vloog, op zo’n 30 kilometer van Heathrow.
De gezagvoerder was er zeker van dat het object in botsing zou komen met het vliegtuig. Het object passeerde uiteindelijk op enkele meters van het toestel. De verkeerstoren kon het mysterieuze object niet traceren met behulp van de radar. Op militaire radartoestellen was ook niets te zien.
Gat in het wolkendek
Het komt vaak voor dat piloten en medewerkers van luchthavens UFO’s zien. De Mexicaanse oud-luchtverkeersleider Enrique Kolbeck zag gedurende zijn carrière vaak onbekende vliegende objecten rond de Internationale Luchthaven Benito Juárez.
Afgelopen week werd een UFO waargenomen bij de Internationale Luchthaven van Peking. Twee vliegtuigen werden omgeleid en tientallen vluchten liepen vertraging op. Het bleek uiteindelijk te gaan om een drone.
De online tentoonstelling ter gelegenheid van het 50-jarig bestaan van O’Hare International Airport, een vliegveld op 27 kilometer van Chicago, bevatte een video uit 2006 van een piloot die melding maakt van een UFO.
Op 7 november dat jaar hing er minutenlang een schotelvormig object boven het vliegveld. Volgens veel getuigen, waaronder piloten en ander luchtvaartpersoneel, schoot het object recht omhoog waardoor het een groot gat in het wolkendek achterliet.
Eind juli 2012 zag een piloot een UFO toen hij Kansas City International Airport wilde naderen. Toen hij de landing inzette zag hij samen met zijn co-piloot dat zijn vliegtuig werd vergezeld door een onbekend object.
In augustus 2011 werden verschillende vluchten omgeleid nadat een mysterieus object was waargenomen boven Jiangbei International Airport in de Chinese stad Chongqing. Een jaar eerder deed zich een vergelijkbaar incident voor. Toen werd luchthaven Xiaoshan in de oostelijke stad Hangzhou afgesloten nadat luchtverkeersleiders een UFO op hun radar hadden zien verschijnen.
In maart 2011 kwam het bericht naar buiten dat luchtverkeersleiders in Siberië een UFO hadden gezien met aan boord een vrouwelijke buitenaardse die sprak in een soort kattentaal. Het mysterieuze object verscheen plots op de radar boven de stad Jakoetsk. De luchtverkeersleiding probeerde contact te maken met het schip, maar ‘bleef een stem horen die kattengeluiden maakte’.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
'Komeet ISON was een ruimteschip'
'Komeet ISON was een ruimteschip'
De graancirkel die eind vorige maand in Californië verscheen, bevatte volgens oud-moleculair bioloog en graancirkelonderzoeker dr. Horace Drew drie gecodeerde boodschappen.
Uit één van de boodschappen zou blijken dat komeet ISON een buitenaards ruimtevaartuig is geweest.
De formatie verscheen opvallend genoeg pas na het einde van het graancirkelseizoen in Engeland. Volgens graancirkelonderzoeker Paul Jacobs zouden drie mensen er negen dagen over doen om het patroon te kunnen maken.
Daar komt bij dat een onbekend agentschap op de dag van de ontdekking de veiligheidsfirma Echelon Securities heeft ingehuurd om de graancirkel te bewaken.
De graancirkel bevatte een aantal ingewikkelde geometrische patronen, waarvan een aantal werden ontcijferd door een braillelezer. De brailleboodschap luidde als volgt: (192)-(192)-2-(192)-1-(192)-(192). Dr. Drew gebruikte de zoekmachine om de code te vertalen als: ‘De blinden zullen zien en zij die zoeken zullen vinden’.
Door gebruik te maken van Morsecode wist dr. Drew een ander deel van de boodschap te vertalen als: E-T B I-S-O-N S-T-S, waarbij ISON staat voor de gelijknamige komeet en STS staat voor het Space Transportation System, de officiële naam van de spaceshuttle.
In december deed de Hubble-ruimtetelescoop nog een vergeefse poging om de eventuele restanten van komeet ISON, die kort voor zijn dichtste nadering tot de zon onder de hitte bezweek, op te sporen. Er was nog enige tijd een zwak restant van het object te zien, maar het was al vrij snel duidelijk dat er niet veel van ISON over was.
Sommigen beweerden al dat ISON een kunstmatig object was, gestuurd om te interacteren met het binnenste deel van het zonnestelsel. Anderen gingen nog verder en stelden dat ISON bestond uit een kleine vloot buitenaardse toestellen.
Gisteren liet videokaartfabrikant Nvidia weten dat de graancirkel een publiciteitsstunt was voor de nieuwe mobiele GPU met maar liefst 192 kernen. Sinds de opkomst van smartphones en tablets is het bedrijf met een inhaalslag bezig, zo luidde het. Nvidia plaatste dezelfde dag een video op YouTube waarin je een kijkje achter de schermen krijgt.
Italian researcher Matteo Ianneo, presents in his book Messages From Mars I° elements common to our civilization: human faces and profiles,animals, ruins, cities and vegetation that he found scanning Mars with Google Earth. The 172 page book is the result of his careful and diligent study of his step by step searching the surface the Red Planet.
This is the first “face that Ianneo found. His first discovery was made in September 2009 at 3am Italian time. It can be found on Google Earth on Mars at Latitude 33°12’29.82″N Longitude 12°55’51.21″
He says, “Here is the Face of Gandhi. This face is very important to me, many human elements and aspects can be seen: the round head with a dark part that seems to represent the subject’s hair, an ear, an eyebrow, an eye, the nose, mouth and neck. I have to say that it really is a good profile. Of course, I leave it to the reader to formulate an opinion and/or personal judgement.”
Here is “A beautiful face which in my opinion is feminine in nature.” says Ianneo.
Google Earth is as follows:Latitude 43°19’19.30″N Longitude 22°53’5.29″E
Inneo writes in his book Messages From Mars I°: If this face is artificial in nature, it must surely have been carved by some unknown means. My hypothesis is a sculpture carved from above by technology unknown to us. Perhaps enormous spaceships left these marks as a sign of their arrival on this planet – a type of competition to see who was the most powerful godexplorer and conqueror of universes.”
Ianneo found a castle on Mars using the Google Earth program for Mars at the Martian coordinates: Latitude 84 ° 13’27 .72 “N Longitude 22 ° 32’19 .53″ W.
Ianneo writes, “I kept thinking that what was amazing about these images was that they shared common details to us, i.e. human features. I wasn’t surprised that later I discovered others. And so it was. As I scanned the surface of Mars, in one area I noticed the profile of an anthropomorphic being.” The position on Google Earth is as follows: Latitude 40°01’25.89″N Longitude 8°58’21.53″W
Ianneo says, “I would like you to look at this last discovery that made me incredibly happy: the face of the Holy Shroud.” The position on Google Earth is as follows: Latitude 38°20’49.26″N Longitude 13° 2’5.56″W
Ianneo says, “Remember that every face examined by me is not the result of erosion caused by natural elements, but hidden wonders created by people who dominated this extraordinary planet.”
His critics are harsh and say his work is “useless” and only the product of “a very well known phenomenon of perception of the human mind: to be able to, or to want to see human faces in everything. This feature of the human brain has been widely studied and has the scientific name of pareidolia.” His efforts have been called the “height of misinformation.”
I used to firmly believe that we as predators were at the very top of the food chain.
Then, others like me, who also claimed to be abductees, some of who I met through Budd Hopkins and his house get togethers many years ago told me horror stories about some abductions.
They had seen on-board craft, a Mothman alien race, an 'in-charge' being who radiated rage and hatred.
This satanic, diabolical alien being was overlord of many alien races who abduct humans and who pilot UFOS.
Muscular, winged, sentient, highly technological, upright standing to seven feet tall, monitor lizards governed large craft; reptilians who looked upon us as we fancied veal violated our World's airspace every night...
These abductees had even gleaned what reptoids regular diets consisted of..
Just as bad or even worse there was a spiritual/supernatural element, an ethereal placement of young reptilians along human abductees spinal chords for aural feasting; they could trespass interdimensionally as well and tamper with our energies that extended there also.
That explained why so many abductees had such horrid spinal issues; tampering with astral energies causes somatic injury.
Imagine a whole cityscape with most people walking around with an affixed juvenile reptilian attached upside-down to their spines; it lends a new meaning to a silent invasion.
It was a chilling story I was to hear repeatedly echoed.
"Aliens" have long been on and involved with this planet, eons BEFORE mankind showed up in simian form, and though their selfish and cruel tactics are despicable They HAVE HAD THE EARTH FOR THEIR OWN PURPOSES long before they began tampering with our DNA to create us, a naked ape who knots neckties and rides buses.
After a lifetime of abductions and research I have gotten this hard fact from abductees who have actually had their questions answered by their abductors.
It re-framed correctly, at least to my mind, what the ulterior motive, purpose was behind many alien/mankind interaction/visitations.
And it angered me to think how blind UFO sky-watchers and media are to simply focus attention and reporting on craft and not ever the intent of occupants within.
It puts one in mind of a Twilight Zone episode called,"To Serve Man", which neatly summed up man's importance in the galaxy as a mere condiment.
Director of CIA, Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter: "It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel." p. 58, quoted from New York Times, February 28, 1960, p. L30
But you and I, reader, should not worry as our flesh is too tough, old and tainted with age.
It makes one want to change, to make an apparent moral decision and assume a vegetarian diet and not ever atavistically revert;
but we too have mouths intended by evolution, equipped with meat tearing incisors.....
Who could ever imagine such creatures ?
MY abduction recalls were of entities who were masters of illusions, ones who tested me in mind imposed scenarios of moral dilemmas and values choices.
They calibrated souls and assessed minds.
They were tall, white like a refrigerator, flat like a Gumby cartoon character and politely spoke mind to mind.
Years later I saw one close up; at first, it cocked its head at me sideways, birdlike .
I had tried an experiment with my mind to see if I could control a UFO by remote viewing, a mind flexing field exercise to show my irritation for the copious nosebleeds I had sustained after my abductions from devices inserted into my sinuses.
By virtue of the unexpected result, the appearance of a saurian monstrously tall reptilian in the center of my living room who radiated a loathsome palpable rage and hatred shortly after I tried using this psychic technique, I determined that I would never try this mental exercise tool again;
however, a skilled TEAM might bring marvelous results.
The unused power of our mind is part of the raw quantum physics of the universe ; it has latent power both miraculous and awesome, seen in this power flexing exercise.
The fact that it brought almost immediate retaliation against me underlines its potential efficacy.
Will you be as foolhardy as I?
With your eyes closed, visualize an alien craft, a disc shaped or cigar shaped large UFO, and see it perched or flying above our planet or high within our skies, many miles overhead.
Visualize all quadrants of this very large craft, full of overlord reptilians and subservient greys all busy at machinery; study the tiers and levels of it in full detail for a full half minute.
Visualize that a force from your mind sharply hits the ship; jar the craft violently and then toss it into another section of space, like a football, end over end.
Clearly see it hurled across a short distance in space, at a tilted pitched angle and visualize/ imagine all entities onboard now suddenly very startled and frightened.
(Imagination, is a word that should be eliminated from our language.)
I augmented this visualization and used a quick head tilt to accentuate the strong mental suggestion of the craft's jump.
I had totally forgotten about this experimental exercise within an hour.
But then between me on the couch and my television set, a creature from a nightmare appeared and changed my life. There are moments that define one's life, moments that one says, 'this was before that', 'this was after that'.
A mothman-like reptilian, a winged scaled saurian being a ceiling-high materialized.
Without moving I was suddenly warmed ; hatred surrounded me with menace as though I were near a hot radiator.
Its cat-like eyes radiated a palpable loathing and rage, which awed me rather than frightened me as I had lost my senses to surprise..
It vanished after less than five seconds .
Later, days and weeks later in my life, that saurian vendetta surely and without question manifested a series of horrid and painful accidents which seemed later to underline the smoldering, tangible hatred and rage that it had radiated towards me.
In retrospect, those agonies and sudden misfortunes were not worth the risk of what was after all a very foolhardy experiment.
But I couldn't help but wonder how merely one single human mind could be such a powerful weapon/tool, to control alien craft, that do indeed respond to powerful telepathic messages.
And I later also couldn't help but wonder what more a highly skilled group of focused minds, an orchestra of minds in unison, might also be able to accomplish.
We are not as helpless against these creatures and their machines as everyone has thought...
06-01-2014 om 20:02
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Er zijn twee soorten overheidsdocumenten binnen de UFO wereld: de geheime en de openbare. De openbare zijn in mijn ogen het meest interessant omdat iedereen ze op kan vragen (althans als je in de VS woont) met behulp van de Freedom of Information Act. De eerste lezing die hieronder te zien is, gaat over deze openbare documenten. Denk niet te snel dat een lezing saai gaat zijn, deze lezing is meer dan de moeite waard! Er worden alleen maar feiten gepresenteerd en er wordt niet teveel gespeculeerd over het wel of niet bestaan van aliens en UFO's. Er wordt echter wel duidelijk geconstateerd dat de Amerikaanse overheid liegt over haar interesse in het UFO fenomeen. Het officiele standpunt van de VS is dat het allemaal maar onzin is, maar uit de openbare documenten blijkt het tegenovergestelde waar te zijn.
Dan zijn er ook nog de geheime of gelekte documenten. Bij deze documenten is het belangrijk om de authenticiteit vast te stellen. Iets wat niet is weggelegd voor u of voor mij, maar de analyse van Stanton Friedman over de Majestic 12 documenten is op zijn minst erg interessant.
Dan is er verder nog een hele interessante website van historicus Richard Dolan. Ook hij heeft veel openbare documenten gevonden die zeer interessante informatie bevatten over de relatie van de Amerikaanse overheid en het UFO fenomeen. Hieronder een stuk tekst in het Engels van Dolan's website. Mocht je geen zin hebben om deze tekst te lezen, ga dan wel even kijken op de website van Dolan die onderaan staat. Hier kun je de scans van de originele documenten bekijken. Erg interessant om even snel door te lezen.
Twelve Government Documents That Take UFOs Seriously
"Ask people what they think about UFOs, and you're sure to get opinions ranging through all extremes and nuances. Some are so embarrassed by the topic that they simply refuse to consider any evidence whatsoever, like the Pope refusing to look through Galileo's telescope. Others claim not only to be certain that aliens are here, but to have exact, insider knowledge of what it's all about. Between these extremes are endless variations.
It's the same with how we approach the subject. Some people read UFO books for fun, like a mystery novel or scary story. Others are more interested in scientific evidence, such as analysis of photographs, videos, or material samples. Still others prefer more hypothetical roads, like theories about the likelihood of life elsewhere in the universe, or how an advanced propulsion system might work. There are a host of specialized studies, too, ranging from abductions, to crop circles, to animal mutilations, and more. Or, you may focus on the believers and witnesses themselves by studying UFOs as an element of popular culture, or from a psycho-social perspective.
Another approach is historical. There are, after all, government UFO documents that anyone can read. What do they say? Can these documents tell us whether the government or military have ever been interested in this phenomenon? If so, why?
Granted, this approach might not be of the same value as subjecting a piece of flying saucer to laboratory tests. But it would certainly be important if the government had documents showing that UFOs are truly something extraordinary, and even possibly alien. Especially after telling the public the opposite for years. Since belief in UFOs is a near-professional suicide in most respected circles, what would it mean if we discovered that, within the classified world, people have taken it seriously for years?
It just so happens that they have. They do.
For many years, it was hard to obtain declassified government documents about UFOs. During the 1950s and 1960s, a few documents wended their way to the rest of the world, but this was rare. Then, in 1974, the U.S. government amended the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The result was a veritable golden age of document releases that lasted roughly until a 1982 Executive Order from President Reagan. While UFO documents continue to be released, a repeat of the Great Flood of the seventies appears unlikely.
Blacked-out, declassified UFO documents look rather cool, but most don't provide any evidence for aliens, and many of them are not even that interesting. But some are very interesting. Whether they prove that UFOs are aliens or something entirely different, they make it clear that this topic has been taken very seriously at high levels, and has been subject to a great deal of secrecy.
Considering how marginalized this subject is from mainstream culture, making this point is enough for a day's work. There are always deeper waters within which to swim, but for now let us stay close to the shore and look at a few of these documents. Even though most of these are well-known to UFO researchers, they continue to remain almost completely unknown to the wider public. Apparently, some things are so obvious that they are invisible.
Publisher's Note:Found this article once again in my Google Alerts. According to the Travel AOL webiste a UFO sighting causes various planes to divert from their landing patterns to avoid UFOs. Enjoy Dirk
A UFO scare near Beijing International Airport caused two passenger planes to be diverted and dozens of flight delays.
According to the South China Morning Post, China's Civil Aviation's radar picked up a UFO which was flying at around 2,000 ft and at 60mph.
Two planes were immediately diverted in order to steer clear of the unidentified object while a police helicopter was scrambled.
It was eventually discovered that the UFO was an unmanned remote controlled drone aircraft being used for survey work. It had not been granted permission to fly, and four men operating the aircraft were later arrested for "endangering public security."
Feng Chang, co-founder of Beijing FlyCam, which specialises in aerial photography and videography, told the South China Morning Post: All unmanned aircrafts are banned from entering the 15km range of airpots and from flying higher than 100m on flight courses elsewhere.
Meanwhile, in California, reports that unexplained crop circle which was discovered on Monday has caused a sensation. A video posted on Youtube (below) shows two friends coming across the patterns after seeing green lights emanate from a field.
De Amerikaanse inlichtingendienst CIA heeft enkele documenten openbaar gemaakt die een kleine inkijk gunnen in het reilen en zeilen op Area 51, een van de meest mysterieuze militaire basissen ter wereld. In het gebied werden jarenlang spionagevliegtuigen ontwikkeld en getest door de CIA.
Area 51 ligt in de Nevadawoestijn boven Las Vegas en zou een neergestorte ufo of, minstens, een overleden alien herbergen. In 1947 zou in Roswell een ufo zijn gecrasht die volgens de overlevering naar Area 51 werd gebracht. Daarvan is in het 355 pagina's tellende CIA-rapport niets terug te vinden. Er is wel te lezen dat de basis diende als testcentrum voor de spionage- en verkenningsvliegtuigen U-2 en U-12 in de jaren vijftig en zestig.
De U-2 was een licht éénmotorig vliegtuig, dat uitgerust was met spionagecamera's. Ze deden het werk dat 'drones' vandaag doen. De ontwerpers van de U-2 moesten, aldus het rapport, oplossingen zien te verzinnen voor de brandstofcapaciteit en het gewicht van het vliegtuigje: het moest ver genoeg kunnen geraken, maar toch licht genoeg zijn om ultrahoog (meer dan 20 kilometer) te kunnen vliegen, zodat het niet onderschept zou worden.
Daarom werden de staart, vleugels en het landingsgestel van het vliegtuig anders geconstrueerd. Dat maakte van de U-2 niet alleen een toestel dat zeer gevoelig was in besturing en handelbaarheid, maar ook een toestel met heel kleine foutmarges. Dat zorgde in de jaren '50 voor enkele ongevallen.
Vanuit lijnvliegtuigen konden de zilveren vleugels van de veel hoger vliegende U-2 gemakkelijk beschouwd worden als 'vurige objecten', aldus het rapport. Wat dan de vele ufo-meldingen zou kunnen verklaren.
De documenten werden gepubliceerd op vraag van Jeffrey T. Richelson van de National Security Archives, die onderzoek doet naar de Amerikaanse bewaking van het luchtruim. Het is de eerste keer dat de Amerikaanse overheid dergelijke informatie vrijgeeft over de basis.
Shaun Ryder, die in de jaren negentig furore maakte als de zanger van The Happy Mondays én verslinder van allerlei drugs, vindt mensen die niet in buitenaards leven geloven "f*cking idiots".
Ryder beweert dat hij meer dan eens tekenen van buitenaards leven heeft gezien, als sinds zijn vijftiende. Hij erkent weliswaar dat sommige mensen die zijn overtuiging delen niet goed bij hun verstand zijn, maar wijst erop dat er ook heel wat geloofwaardige getuigenissen zijn.
Ryder, die de tv-show 'Shaun Ryder on UFO's' presenteert: "Je kan geen grotere 'believer' treffen dan ik. Ik weet wat ik heb gezien en ik had geen drugs genomen. Wie zegt dat er in de ruimte geen ander leven is, is een volslagen idioot".
"Je hebt veel verschillende mensen die in UFO's geloven. Daar zitten ook fantasten bij, maar wij hebben ook met fysici, agenten en generaals gesproken. Geloofwaardige mensen dus. Mensen die volhouden dat wij mensen de enigen in het universum zijn, zijn eikels".
Ryder was verbaasd toen hij de getuigenis hoorde van iemand die beweerde ontvoerd te zijn geweest door aliens. Daar was hij vroeger immers sceptisch over.
"Ik hecht niet veel geloof aan verhalen over ontvoeringen door aliens. Maar ik ontmoette een kerel, Travis Walton, en die deed me mijn ogen openen. Hij vertelde me hoe hij een ruimteschip zag, de lucht inging en het schip aanraakte. De energie die daarbij vrijkwam, gooide hem zes meter de lucht in. Daarna werd hij binnengelaten in het ruimteschip, kreeg hij er medische zorgen en dat redde zijn leven. Hij was vijf dagen lang vermist en zag eruit alsof hij uit de Vietnamoorlog kwam met posttraumatische stress".
Een piloot heeft melding gemaakt van een 'close encounter' met een ufo nabij de Britse luchthaven Heathrow. Het ongeïndentificeerd vliegend object, dat vlak naast de Airbus scheerde, had de vorm van een rugbybal.
Het incident vond plaats toen de Airbus A320 boven het platteland van Berkshire vloog, zo'n 30 km van Heathrow verwijderd. De gezagvoerder vertelde nadien aan de luchtvaartautoriteiten dat hij er zeker van was dat het object ging botsen met het passagiersvliegtuig. Hij had de indruk dat de ufo zo snel op het toestel afkwam dat er geen tijd meer overbleef om te reageren. Uiteindelijk passeerde het object slechts op enkele meters van het vliegtuig.
Zilverkleurig De ufo was zilverkleurig en had volgens de piloot de vorm van een rugbybal. Na het incident checkte hij de boordinstrumenten en nam onmiddellijk contact op met de controletoren. Maar er was geen spoor meer te bekennen van het mysterieuze object.
De bijna-botsing werd onderzocht door de Britse luchtvaartautoriteiten maar het speurwerk heeft vooralsnog geen klaarheid kunnen scheppen. Andere vliegtuigen, die op het moment van de feiten in de buurt waren, werden gecheckt maar zonder resultaat. Ook meteorologische heliumballonnen werden van de lijst geschrapt wegens niet in de buurt. Radartoestellen van het leger werden vruchteloos geraadpleegd.
Onderzoeksrapport De waarneming gebeurde bij daglicht rond 18u35 op 13 juli jongstleden. De feiten kwamen nu aan het licht omdat het onderzoeksrapport over het incident pas de afgelopen week werd gepubliceerd. Het rapport vermeldde niet welke airline betrokken was. De conclusie luidde dat het tot nader order onmogelijk was om het object op te sporen of te identificeren.
An 'ear worm', a repeated inner obsessive musical fragment that circulates repeatedly, in your mind, is a well recognized symptom of a "Negative Thought Entity's" intrusion into one's mind/aura .
But is it a reptilian alien or a demon, from Hell?
Think about how common that symptom is to most people and you have an idea of how universal and intrinsic their 'invasion' truly is!
Years ago, I would have sidled away down the park bench a distance, from anyone who broached this subject, as the subject as well as the person must surely both be this side of crazy.
Though I have moved a distance back, closer, on that bench, to such discussion, I still know that it must sound nuts, to the unknowingness which prevails, in 'average' OTHER people..
Rather than scary and crazy, the topic of alien abductions, to actual abductees, often elicits debates about basics: what have we separately learned about aliens' common traits , tactics and motives?
Do our experiences with these nonhuman kidnappers reveal truths, which follow common threads?
I remind sanguine abductees that these entities do not knock on the noonday door and politely ask if you'd "care to be 'abducted', if you nothing else to do, just now?"
Taken body and spirit, wrapped in REMs, we are instead considered a product, not a sentient entity race worthy of respect and dignity and mutual non-interference..
These thieves, highly technological and very highly psychic,
are abducting, controlling, nighttime, bedroom visitors, negative-thought entities, who pilot and frequent alien craft UFOs.
Has this been going on from the beginning of time?
Are we someone else's valuable property?
These questions, debated between abductees, seem less an odd singularity of unaccepted reality, ;but instead more of a predominant reality, in itself.
Ontological shock IS profound, within abductees.
When I write, do radio interviews, I walk that tightrope; most people who sky watch for UFOs do not ever have serious discussions about the UFO alien pilots' motives.
In the World's public domain, there IS no such UFO discussion.
If UFOs are ever mentioned as a phenomenon, in the free press media, the total focus is on the craft, not a syllable about the pilot, his motives and tactics.
I AM now become one to sidle away from a distance, down that bench.
Alien abductions, UFOS and nonhuman alien entities, remain topics that alert uninformed strangers, as a symptom, that you're crazy.
The In-House-Debate:
Dear Paul,
These aliens are here for our spiritual evolution and aren't 'bad', at all.
“"Many are destined to reason wrongly, others, not to reason at all; and others, to persecute those who DO reason." – Voltaire”
They aren't that awful, not really at all anymore. You must respect their efforts to help us evolve. My research says that your beliefs about aliens are wrong. We must surrender any fear to them because they are here to evolve us, spiritually.
Dear Bruce,
You're so "all wet" that you may as well be a fish and not at all a thinking human being.
My experiences with these alien beings clearly contradicts everything that you have ever learned or been told, by clearly uninformed others.
Dear Paul,
These terrifying experiences of yours that you write of come from within you. You have a fear of the visitors themselves.
I was frightened at first like any body would be but I faced them and now reap the benefits from experiences I have. I have realized more about my existence, purpose of being, and the whole scheme of things from my experiences than I ever thought possible.
It is the Grays I'm referring to.
I can have a complete stranger come to my house and know his or her intentions simply by sight. This is but one of many abilities I have acquired through my experiences.
Are you sure you aren't dealing with entities from another dimension who do not have your best interests in mind instead of ETs? ETs deserve respect.
Dear Bruce,
I too have had much growth in intuition; spending time in the company of very highly, potently psychic beings does unquestionably increase alien abductee's psychic abilities.
But, it also has allowed me to sense ghostly energies, which in turn, attracts more of them to me, a growing problem and hardly a improvement in my life.
I also have a healthy respect for aliens AND for our government in its collusion with aliens playing at God, in breeding and hybrid experiments, but I like little of alien's or our government's aspect.
I have a very healthy respect for alien technology and their psychic prowess, and for our government, but also harbor a deep resentment and mild abhorrence for them.
Aliens easily and often play games with our minds.
I am sure that's why your "Stockholm Syndrome" is so all inclusive and so insistent .
Many abductees tell of horrid surgical procedures and even worse psychic, eyeball-to eyeball experiences, with nonhuman grey- reptilian aliens.
They always skulk around at night, like burglars, abductor 'farmers' of our spirit, seed and of our endocrines.
Kidnappings is another word for abductions; no one with good intentions would so sneak around;
they are clearly up to no good.
We are biped cows for the milking.
I am one who resents the periodic milking and tries to kick over the pail.
That is why we are treated 'differently' by these same entities.
I am convinced that they have brainwashed you, left you out to dry in the UFO community for disinformation purposes.
Dear Paul,
You are still missing my point.
They use the fears we have locked deep within our own minds. Whatever fears a person has buried deep in their mind will come out during an experience.
They want such experiences to surface so the subject can face them and let go of whatever the problem it is that caused these memories to exist. For example, if a 30 year old man was molested by an uncle he will harbor such traumatic memories in his mind even though they are buried and he has no conscious recollection of the incident. When he is abducted his old memories which has remained obscured for decades will come out. This may be in the form of the visitors playing the role of his uncle. They will bring such traumatic memories out because no one is able to realize higher spiritual knowledge if they are carrying around the excess baggage of traumatic memories.
It is a process similar to what psychiatrists use here in Norway.
One must face their own devils before they can move on to a normal life.
It is a mind cleaning process so to speak. My research proves that aliens are good not bad.
Dear Bruce,
I AM very phobic of: tall heights, sharks in deep ocean, electrical house fires, dentists, surgery, dark closets, highway speeding, losing loved ones, jungles, diseases, deer ticks, cockroaches, handguns, organized criminal hoodlums, falling on black ice;( I could go on for quite a while).
Abductions and nightly nightmares have NEVER had 'scenarios' involving ANY of these deep seated fears.
If what you say had any truth they would have sought to illuminate my fears in a comparable remediable disguise.
I have no repressed traumatic sexual or any negative childhood experiences that might be central, core problems, and thus surfacing, when I am with abducting aliens.
Although I do understand what you are saying, you are way somewhere else and off down a wrong long hallway.
These are predators of consciousness, itself.
They are omnipresent.
Psychic and attached to our energies, tail gaiting around after us, unseen, they telepathically sub vocalize, insinuate themselves under our awareness into our own mind's 'voice', and masquerade as our own thoughts, desires.
What reveals them to us is their persistent, ego-alien, perverse and untoward whispering; when one attaches to a person early in childhood it is almost impossible to dislodge it, in later life, even after it is detected and actively resisted..
It can often be like the ancient television show of the sixties, the 'Andy Divine Show", where Andy Divine's impish froggie character intercedes Andy's subscript internal conversational sentences with embarrassing/inappropriate asides, which Andy then blurts out as his own ideas.
This causes a confusion that flusters or thwarts Andy's expression into comedic sputters.
But there's nothing funny about these predators of consciousness, itself.
They are a first order psychic disorder.
Most 'normal' minds would mistake those voices as their own inner voices(froggies) and wrongly and honestly assume that they had a serious personal mental flaw that merited hiding it from oneself as well as from the world.
Spiritual disturbances , by unseen demonic types, were long believed to be the sole cause of nightmares; primitive man knew more about these unclean, nighttime, bedroom, harassing beings, than classrooms of Harvard shrinks
When it comes to demons and telepathic attacks, not psychiatrists, but demonologists are educated.
A formally trained shrink in this realm is as useless as teats on a bull........
An alien who tackles you in R.E.M. , micro manages you in surreal vivid screen memories.
Alien imposed 3-D scenarios serve to 'mask'/ screen an abduction; one is in elevators, trains, buses, planes, dark busy cityscapes.
Debriefing you of all that has since transpired, alien mind-to- human mind scans proceed, where you lecture/ teach/ pontificate/ sermonize/ babble in front of an audience of people, to 'download' you.
Demons are qualitatively different in the way that they embrace and attack your mind, and are more like spiders with their eight eyes, like octopi with their three brains.
Compared to aliens, demons engage our minds with a dazzling hallucinogenic cartoon torrent, nonstop black and white or colorful kaleidoscope imagery, that fascinates, stuns, envelops and fatigues.
They attack children with this psychic barrage of cartoon animations to keep them awake, exhaust them and create a hypnotic sleep deprivation state that enables them to psychically climb aboard, more securely.
But evil ones come in all shapes and shades.
As offered proof, that some nonhuman aliens are evil bastards at heart, powerfully untoward, I recount two poignant frozen recollections that I have of their alien dispositions, observed during my abductions.
I awoke and found myself onboard a large craft.
I was in the presence of very small greys who radiated psychic feelings of fear, raw terror into my mind.
To describe even one of these many encounters is most difficult but astoundingly revealing.
In this abduction experience, I became lucid and willfully turned a wrong corner into another room, of sorts..
All of a sudden, I was swept away, a Niagara of fear, within the grip of a sudden overwhelming TERROR.
I had wandered into a large workroom with a moving conveyor belt, filled with packages, unloaded at a dead run, served by a double handful of running young boys,
as though an Auschwitz scenario.
At first, almost bowled over from the imposed TERROR, visceral and tsunami-like in power, I saw that
beyond belief, it was generated, coming from a single small grey, in the back of the room who I had noticed, who stood thirty feet feet away.
It was standing towards the back of the room, arms folded, scowling a fury of anger.
The tsunami of raw terror, I struggled to sidestep, to turn sideways against the current, came from one little dark grey, broadcasting telepathic waves of TERROR like a concert speaker set at a deafening 500 decibel level.
Behind a glowering scowl, like a powerful radio transmitter from a radio station, one small grey broadcast psychic waves of disabling TERROR, generated a potent and crippling mind control power over the room's occupants. I had stumbled into the wrong room.
TERROR, broadcast into my mind, also sharply affected the more vulnerable minds of what I now saw to be ten or more young boys who were about the age of eight or nine, thin and wiry running boys who scurried in subjugated, and horrific TERROR to unload that swiftly moving conveyor belt; there was no question that they also were consumed by that same blast of disabling total TERROR that I now suddenly felt.
They were filling and organizing a room with goods, unloading various boxes of goods from a moving belt, controlled and engaged in slave labor.
They ran consumed by a TERROR that I now struggled against.
I mentally fought to escape, to slalom sideways away from it,
fighting the TERROR, like swimming upstream against a powerful current.
Trying to resist that broadcasted overpowering fear to reach the door again was like surfing, moving sideways through waves of grey imposed terror.
I slowly struggled across it and managed escape into the doorway, free from its effects into yet another room.
I then lost lucid recall.
I have often prayed for those young boys.
Worse, I believe that my microcosm experience, echoes the macrocosm,
the larger picture of alien intent and tactics in most alien-human interactions.
We are seen as a slave race.
.... the etymology of fairies' magic wands is from witnesses having seen, over millennium, tiny grey aliens' technology of control; they carry wands which are stun devices engineered to deal with people.....
You have a false optimism about alien interactions, full of denial.
This optimism towards alien motives reminds me of the optimism of many European Jews of WW 2 in Europe.
Judenrat overseers- committees of Jews- were appointed under Gestapo control.
As intermediaries, these Jews, in turn, delivered the SS orders. They stood between German S. S. orders and all of the certainly doomed ghetto Jews throughout Europe.
These duped Jews were consumed of an optimism that grasped at any and all straws, false hopes and concrete denials, in the face of mass exportations to Death Camps and wholesale murders of Jews by Germans in the ghetto streets.
I have often recalled that TERROR scenario and have prayed for those lost boys, symbols of alien tactics and motives.
I can well imagine our world
in the hands of similar comparable alien intelligence and it isn't your sanguine picture version.
In another horrid encounter with a nonhuman entity, onboard a craft, I was negatively slammed sideways, telepathically.
A tall reptilian stood before me.
I felt powerful and undeniable psychic waves of HATRED, overwhelming telepathic waves of intense loathing that radiated in palpable waves of murderous intent.
This tangible, powerful psychic HATRED emanated from an immensely tall reptilian, a Spielberg creation half saurian/half human, ceiling high in stature.
I was much too agog to remember to feel fear.
It is a miracle that I was too stunned to show fear.
Our space friends and brothers?!
Your research has led you astray or you have encountered different entities during your abductions.
These entities of whom I write are vicious, demonic in nature and treat us in the same perfunctory way that we treat laboratory rats.
Dear Paul,
It is surely your formal religious background training and rigid religious belief system that forces you to label these alien entities as evil and not Space Brothers.
You must be writing to scare people and to earn big bucks.You should be writing Science Fiction because my research findings reveal that they are here to help mankind. It must be demons not aliens. I have no bad feelings towards you.
Dear Bruce,
Concurrent with seeing a virtual squadron of UFOs assemble overhead, at zenith, at eight o'clock on a cold December 2nd in 1995, poltergeist activity and vivid worst scenario nightmares consequently began, and continue unabated, to date.
I had gone from unknowingness to suspicion to resistance within just a few years.
Demons do not need overhead luminescent, highly technological craft, UFO ovals in shape, to manifest.
The astounding alien answer in part begins with the realization that we are, by nature, beyond our awareness and general understanding, inter dimensional beings.
We contain and exude both physical energy and spiritual energy.
As some of our psychic "energy" extends into other dimensions, these energies can be seen and regularly utilized by dark entities.
Reptilian/grey aliens, pilots of UFOs, demons, and other dark astral wildlife, frequent this dark dimension.
Although aliens can be 'physical' aboard craft, they are unseen in the room with you, discorporate, manipulative and controlling intelligence.
They do ride us as we ride horses but horses at least know their rider.
Rather than us being 'helped' by aliens, they help themselves to us.
To them, you're a 'human study' under the guise of testing; our "loosh" is farmed as energy food through implant drains/ and ethereal connections; we are like pinned insects, tortured by boys .
Reptilian juveniles jump onboard our energies like joyriders for a feast.
They are the ants milking aphids, and we survive these murderous, lethal ant incursions by surrendering a sweet 'honey' that is harvested.
Is it-the alien/human and ant/aphid-relationship less a predation and more of a symbiosis?
Evil is as evil does.
Sounds like a bad, silly B movie:"Vampires from outer Space!"
Abductees are seen the way that aphids are seen by ants; dithers/ stress are choreographed, micro managed to get us 'aphids' to give off a drop of honey, "loosh" energy to feed the ant 'farmers'.
These inter dimensional pilots of UFOs are farmers; they do indeed ethereally feast on our "Loosh" produced from our angst.
Mind-control combined with occupation of abductee's bodies, a possession of the fourth kind is occurring all over our World, a silent invasion ; the battlefield is within..
Most human 'cows' are unaware of nightly milking by reptilian-greys ; most 'cows', wrapped in a mind controlled dream are marched around an alien craft and awaken none the wiser.
Taken In REM's, kept on short psychic leashes of control, few people are even dully aware of the abduction, a nighttime, subtle meddling. The farmer comes to milk the cows.
I resent, resist and try to thwart such abductions, if I can and I counsel others who like me suffer in the same way.
I resent the episodic milking and may kick over the pail and even threaten the farmer, himself.
That very well may be why we are treated differently by these same entities.
Aliens often seek us in the same way that remora and lamprey seek denizens of the deep, for parasitic reasons.
Grey-reptoid aliens will even throw demons who they have access to, into the equation to muddle things, just for spite, for those who show resistance, which grey-reptilians hate in any form.
Many "in the know," now accept my view:
" was obvious that the aliens were no benevolent spirit guides or Earth guardians! They were deceivers with questionable motives who had interfered in abductees’ lives. Not only this, but once the truth behind their activities was seriously challenged, reprisals ensued.”
(Whitley Strieber)
Bruce, demon possessed or not, sinister aliens, much like demons, enter our physical world from a dimension which is the very same that ghosts inhabit.
They prey/ feast upon human beings, who they carefully control and seek to possess.
The nightmares and negative images are broadcast into your mind during dream state to secure "them" to you, metaphysically.
Oddly and somewhat beyond my pedestrian understanding, they can actually DWELL within the etheric energy of those same negative images broadcast into your mind, to reside within your layered psyche, precisely as demons do..
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL Paul saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.
Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence that he never suspected that he had, a nonphysical soul.
Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.
They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with human beings, as a sanctuary, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.
Souls are garnered, detoured from our natural spiritual evolution in Heaven.
These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to our energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL Paul saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.
Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence that he never suspected that he had, a nonphysical soul.
Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.
They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with human beings, as a sanctuary, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.
Souls are garnered, detoured from our natural spiritual evolution in Heaven.
These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to our energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.
06-01-2014 om 10:27
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Cube UFO over Mexico City, Mexico on 30th December 2013
Cube UFO over Mexico City, Mexico on 30th December 2013
New amazing video footage of a dark cube UFO recorded in the daytime sky above Mexico City, Mexico on 30th December 2013.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Ancient Aliens 6: Buitenaardsen en mysterieuze bergen (video)
Ancient Aliens 6: Buitenaardsen en mysterieuze bergen (video)
In het verleden werden bergen door verschillende beschavingen gezien als plekken waar de almachtige goden woonden.
De oude Grieken geloofden bijvoorbeeld dat de Olympiërs vanaf de berg Olympus een epische strijd om de heerschappij over het universum voerden.
De ruïnes van een 4000 jaar oude sterrenwacht op een berg in Macedonië laten zien dat oude volkeren de beweging van hemellichamen met grote precisie wisten te volgen. In Peru maken de afstammelingen van de Inca’s traditiegetrouw een pelgrimstocht om te communiceren met berggeesten die bekendstaan als Apu.
Kunnen deze goden buitenaardsen zijn geweest? Gebruikten ze afgelegen bergtoppen om in contact te treden met de mens? Kan dit verklaren waarom mensen zich al duizenden jaren aangetrokken voelen tot bergen?
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Ancient Aliens 6: Buitenaardsen en mysterieuze bergen (video)
Ancient Aliens 6: Buitenaardsen en mysterieuze bergen (video)
In het verleden werden bergen door verschillende beschavingen gezien als plekken waar de almachtige goden woonden.
De oude Grieken geloofden bijvoorbeeld dat de Olympiërs vanaf de berg Olympus een epische strijd om de heerschappij over het universum voerden.
De ruïnes van een 4000 jaar oude sterrenwacht op een berg in Macedonië laten zien dat oude volkeren de beweging van hemellichamen met grote precisie wisten te volgen. In Peru maken de afstammelingen van de Inca’s traditiegetrouw een pelgrimstocht om te communiceren met berggeesten die bekendstaan als Apu.
Kunnen deze goden buitenaardsen zijn geweest? Gebruikten ze afgelegen bergtoppen om in contact te treden met de mens? Kan dit verklaren waarom mensen zich al duizenden jaren aangetrokken voelen tot bergen?
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James Gilliland over buitenaards contact en het jaar 2014 (video)
James Gilliland over buitenaards contact en het jaar 2014 (video)
Schrijver en onderzoeker James Gilliland is oprichter van de ECETI (Enlightened Contact with ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) Ranch, een UFO-hotspot waar geregeld onderzoek wordt gedaan.
Gilliland houdt zich bezig met de ontwaking en genezing van de mensheid en de aarde en geeft les in hogerdimensionale realiteiten.
Volgens Gilliland kunnen we in contact komen met het eenheidsbewustzijn en andere wezens in het verenigde veld. Het huidige tirannieke imperium voert een strijd om ons bewustzijn waardoor twee werelden, twee systemen ontstaan.
In deze video gaat James dieper in op buitenaards contact en de desinformatie die veelvuldig wordt verspreid binnen de UFO-gemeenschap. Daarnaast verwacht hij in 2014 grote veranderingen op planeet aarde.
Thank you for watching my video investigation. I believe it deserves to become a full-format movie. It took me over 200 hours to gather and study the materials. The materials are not the images you see - they are given for illustration purpose only - but the pieces of story itself. They are ALL in open, independent from each other sources accessible to public. However, in order to read them, you have to speak at least a few languages. In the meantime, it were like a puzzle. After I put the facts together, I just realized how fascinating a whole picture is. These events took place 60 years ago, but they are still able to steal the show. This story gives us the answers to greatest mysteries of our times...True origin of UFOs...Do aliens are really aliens here?.. Is it true a paradise exists within this planet?.. Earth Geophysics is not the same as we were taught at school?.. Food for thought. Keep your mind open. For serious thinkers and just for anyone who know the truth is out there...This film consists of 3 episodes. Also, besides these three, you may watch my other two videos.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Very close encounter: Pilot tells of near-miss with UFO near Heathrow Airport
Very close encounter: Pilot tells of near-miss with UFO near Heathrow Airport
A passenger jet pilot has told how he was sure his plane would be hit by a UFO at 34,000ft.
The captain claimed the ‘metallic’ bright silver ‘cigar/rugby ball-like’ UFO came within a few feet of his A320 Airbus.
He spotted the object travelling towards the jet out of a left-hand side cockpit window.
The close encounter took place about 20 miles west of Heathrow, although the Airbus is not believed to have taken off from the airport.
A report into the incident states: ‘He (the pilot) was under the apprehension that they were on collision course with no time to react.
‘His immediate reaction was to duck to the right and reach over to alert the FO (first officer); there was no time to talk to alert him.
‘The captain was fully expecting to experience some kind of impact with a conflicting aircraft.’
Immediately after the incident the pilot checked the aircraft’s instruments and reported it to air traffic control but there was no sign of the UFO.
Meteorological balloons and other aircraft in the area were all ruled out during an investigation by the UK Airprox Board, which looks into near misses in British airspace.
The report found that it was ‘not possible to trace the object or determine the likely cause of the sighting’, which took place at about 6:30pm on July 13 last year.
Dr David Clarke, the UFO consultant for the National Archives, told the Telegraph: ‘This latest sighting is interesting, because it is detailed and clear. These pilots don’t file these reports for something and nothing. There was obviously something there.’
The Ministry of Defence closed its UFO desk and hotline in 2009.
05-01-2014 om 19:55
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
I Assume "They" Were Not Policing Its Delicious Cargo
I Assume "They" Were Not Policing Its Delicious Cargo
The events of Japan Airlines flight 1628 are immortalized as one of the most compelling UFO close-encounter cases of all time.
There are several contributing factors that validate the latter, including, but not limited to: the fact that the report was made by Captain Kenju Teraushi, a former Japanese fighter-pilot with over twenty-nine years of flight experience (at the time of the event), as well as his copilot and flight engineer; the dialogue between the crew and the FAA flight control tower was recorded for the entire duration of the event; the latter dialogue confirmed that military radar picked up additional traffic (aka the presence of another aircraft) in the immediate vicinity of JAL flight 1628; and even the alleged intervention by the CIA whom confiscated the aforementioned radar evidence.
So what happened?
(Note: Part of what makes this encounter so significant is the vast amount of detail, testimony, data, etc. associated with it. Because there is such a wealth of information, I will only summarize the important parts of the encounter from two sources: a fantastically detailed case report by which I highly recommend reading for a full understanding of the details in this encounter [including the dialogue between JAL 1628 and the Traffic Control Tower], as well as a personal interview with John Callahan which can be found at the end of the article).
On November 17th, after a stop in Iceland, Captain Kenju Terauchi and his crew of two others (copilot and were flying over Alaska carrying a cargo of wine. Just after around 5pm, Terauchi first noticed the presence of additional traffic in his vicinity: a group of lights below and to the left of his heading at the time. Terauchi’s first thought was that these lights belonged to special military jets on a mission, which made sense because Alaska, being so close to Russia, was patrolled by aircraft of the United States Air Force (this thought was further reinforced by the fact that there were two military bases in the area: Eielson and Elmendorf). Terauchi ignored the additional aircraft as such and proceeded to the specified air route (called Talkeetna) as per the request of the Anchorage Air Route Traffic Control Center (AARTCC). However, he wouldn’t be ignoring these lights much longer because a couple minutes after making the course change, Terauchi realized that those lights had not changed course; they were flying along with JAL1628.
As Captain Terauchi and his crew progressed, the lights remained to the bottom left of their airplane until something suddenly appeared directly in front of JAL1628′s cockpit. “Traffic in front of us” was Terauchi’s response, according to the recorded communications between the cockpit and AARTCC. According to Terauchi’s description (taken from his post-encounter written testimony): “It was about seven or so minutes since we began paying attention to the lights (when), most unexpectedly, two spaceships stopped in front of our face, shooting off lights. The inside cockpit shined brightly and I felt warm in the face.” Terauchi goes on to speculate about a variety of the “spaceships” characteristics including the crafts’ use of “jets” to maneuver/maintain balance and the ability of one or both of those ships to not only fly level with, but also maintain the speed of Terauchi’s jumbo jet (despite having just made such a radical, high-speed maneuver from the left of the jumbo jet to the immediate front of it).
Shortly thereafter, a conversation ensued between Captain Terauchi and the AARTCC regarding the unknown traffic in the immediate vicinity of JAL1628. It began with Terauchi asking the flight controllers whether or not they had any traffic on radar ahead of JAL1628. When the AARTCC replied that they in fact did not have any additional traffic on radar, they proceeded to ask Terauchi to describe what he was seeing. They asked about the altitude of the traffic (which was reported as matching that of JAL1628) and whether it was military or civilian (Terauchi was unsure, but reported seeing white and yellow navigation lights and strobe lights).
Following this conversation, the two aircraft remained with JAL1628 and changed formation from one on top of the other, to one in front of the other, still at a consistent distance of about a mile. During this time, Terauchi requested that his copilot retrieve his Alpha 7,000 camera with ASA 100 film from behind his seat. After taking out the camera, Terauchi attempted to take pictures of the aircraft but failed. He claimed that the auto-focus did not function correctly and after switching to manual focus, the shutter apparently would not close and, after their plane began to vibrate, Terauchi put the camera away in an effort to concentrate on observing the lights. Around this time the s nearby Elmendorf Regional Operational Control Center (ROCC) to see if they had picked up the alleged additional traffic around JAL 1628.
During the few minutes it took for the ROCC to respond, the lights directly in front of JAL 1628 darted away from the jet toward a “flat pale white light”, which Terauchi would later claim to be part of a much larger mother-ship (featured in the above illustration); the lights previously in front of his plane were alleged to be returning to this mother-ship. Minutes later the ROCC would report that they were not picking up any additional traffic either. Despite the latter, Terauchi decided that he would estimate the distance the lights had moved away from the plane, input that relative area into the plane’s weather radar, and check to see if the objects showed up. Sure enough, right there on the plane’s radar was a large, round object (or an elongated, “stream-like” dot according to the flight engineer). Either way, the radar target was green meaning it was a weaker target, whereas a red target is almost always another aircraft (again, visit the article to see additional information on the radar data including the primary and transponder returns).
The AARTCC had radioed JAL 1628 to see if the crew still had visual contact of the unidentified traffic. Not only did they have visual contact, but they had radar contact as well. The AARTCC then indicated that they had picked up a signature trailing about five miles behind the plane. The crew corrected that the traffic was at 11 o’clock, around eight miles away and at the same level as the plane. After a solid amount of dialogue between the AARTCC and the ROCC, the latter identified a signal on the ground radar that was at the 10 o’clock direction of JAL 1628, at the same altitude about seven to eight miles away. In other words, the ROCC had confirmed that there was in fact additional traffic exactly where Terauchi said it was.
After this confirmation, there was communication between the AARTCC and the ROCC about the unknown target on radar, including how the target was unknown to the AARTCC and how Terauchi could empirically describe the aircraft but could otherwise not identify it as any known aircraft. During this dialogue, the ROCC lost the unknown target on radar. Apparently the explanation for this is that the unknown craft changed it’s position after being identified from radar; it shifted from being in front and slightly above JAL 1628, to the left and below (all the while maintaining a distance of seven to eight miles from JAL 1628).
The sky was getting darker and Terauchi began losing visibility of the objects (plural because despite the singular target on radar, “two small spaceships” were accompanying the larger target, or “mothership” as Terauchi referred to it, for the duration of the encounter) because they were on the darker side of the sky, while Terauchi was on the lighter side (again refer to the UFOevidence link above for more detail). Visibility of the objects remained low until two bright lights suddenly appeared to the north which Terauchi estimated to be “four to five mountains away” above the Alaska pipeline.
At this time JAL 1628 was about thirty miles outside of Eielson air force base and with the bright city lights illuminating the sky, Terauchi looked back The crew requested permission for an immediate, forty-five degree course change. The course change was granted, they executed it, and the ship was alleged to still be following them.
Terauchi then requested a descent to which he was again granted permission. All the while, the gigantic space ship was maintaining its position and this prompted the crew to request a direct flight path to Talkeetna, which was also granted. Still, the ship stayed steadily behind them. Eventually, the AARTCC routed a United Airlines passenger plane to JAL 1628′s position to verify what was happening. In the time it took the United plane to get there, however, the gigantic space ship had fallen back, allowing JAL 1628 to move significantly ahead. When the two planes were about twelve miles apart, the spaceship had allegedly disappeared and aside from a number of primary hits on their radar, the United plane saw nothing except for JAL 1628. Terauchi and his crew then continued on to their destination and so ended the encounter.
Terauchi made the news with his narrative and an FAA investigation by John Callahan and others was underway. The investigation was interrupted by a third party, however, and the evidence was allegedly confiscated. All of this and more of the entire case is very well explained in the following personal interview with John Callahan:
After reading (and watching) all of the above, hopefully it is apparent why this encounter over Alaska was one of the most significant UFO cases in history.
John Callahan presented the above witness testimony at the Citizen’s Hearing, the most recent attempt at coaxing disclosure. Unfortunately, Callahan’s time was limited and he didn’t have a whole lot of time to explain everything, but it was still one of the most compelling cases to be presented. As such I think this case deserves more attention because the current accepted explanation that Terauchi’s story could not be verified is a poor one. There is just too much detail and information to this case for it to remain unexplained.
One of the Bible's ten basic Pillars, the ten commandments, says: "Thou shalt not murder. (Exodus 20:13)."
Yet, in the Bible, we see an unholy alien entity masquerading as the God of the Universe, commanding the sanctioned killing of every breathing creature from humans to animals.
.Murder is divinely legislated and sanctioned throughout the Old Testament's Social Laws:
"And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death. (Exodus 21:17)"
"For every one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death: he hath cursed his father or his mother; his blood shall be upon him. (Leviticus 20:9)"
"And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name of the Lord, shall be put to death. (Leviticus 24:16)"
"If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying:
Let us go and worship other gods (gods that neither you nor your fathers have known, gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other, or gods of other religions), do not yield to him or listen to him."
"Show him no pity. Do not spare him or shield him. You must certainly put him to death.
Your hand must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the people." (Deuteronomy 13:6-9)"
"And he should go and worship other gods and bow down to them or to the sun or the moon or all the army of the heavens, .....and you must stone such one with stones and such one must die. (Deuteronomy 17:3-5)"
God orders the killing of everything that "breathes" from humans to animals:
Deuteronomy 20:16
" in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes."
Apparently, it is God's edict to mass-murder every single human and animal from the defeated enemy:
1 Samuel 15:2-4
2 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt.
3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.
4 And Saul gathered the people together, and numbered them in Telaim, two hundred thousand footmen, and ten thousand men of Judah.
An alien imposter and not an all loving God dictates that everyone be killed, everyone except for virgin girls:
"They fought against Midian, as the LORD commanded Moses, and killed every man........Now kill all the boys [innocent children]. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man. (Numbers 31:7,17-18)"
If Exodus 20:13 was supposed to be the basic pillar that prevents the Bible followers from committing murders against innocent people, then how are Numbers 31:17-18 and 1 Samuel 15:2-4 justified when God Almighty decided to order the killing of innocent children and girls ?
How compromised is fundamentalist religious Islam, Judaism and Christianity, to notions of unspeakable violence, in this world, when the Book that they all worship finds Holy slaughter acceptable as Heavenly and Godly behavior?
Perhaps this explains how and why, throughout history religious people have advocated and engaged in horror and bloodshed, in the name of God.
05-01-2014 om 12:20
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Top 10 UFO sightings of 2013
Top 10 UFO sightings of 2013
New amazing video collection of the best UFO sightings recorded in 2013.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Amazing UFO sighting over Taylors Hill, Australia on 31st December 2013
Amazing UFO sighting over Taylors Hill, Australia on 31st December 2013
New amazing video footage of a UFO recorded in the skies above Taylors Hill, Australia on 31st December 2013.
Witness said: I thought this was going to be an epic sighting, then when I reviewed the footage I was like woah what is this…. It looks like a branch towards the end of the footage, but a branch should have some weight to it, how did it get that high in the sky to begin with? I couldn’t see it with the eye either, when the footage cut out due to a cable fault, I chased after it but I saw nothing.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Daytime UFO over Los Angeles, California on 3rd November 2013
Daytime UFO over Los Angeles, California on 3rd November 2013
New amazing video footage of a orange color triangle – shaped UFO recorded in daytime sky above Los Angeles, California on 3rd November 2013.
Witness said: I summoned and captured this AMAZING Orange Tube Shaped UFO. At the 54 second mark you can observe a UFO behind this initial one moving from left to right. At the 10:54 mark you can see this large UFO break in half into separate pieces. I filmed this in front of my house just as my other videos. Thanks and enjoy. Filmed November 2nd, 2013.
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Best UFO photo of 2013
Best UFO photo of 2013
Last year best UFO photo was taken over Muilderslot Castle near Amersterdam by Corinne Federer. This UFO sighting report was also one of the most readed in the last year.
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Glowing UFOs over Loganville, Georgia on 31st December 2013
Glowing UFOs over Loganville, Georgia on 31st December 2013
Witness said: My daughter and her friend were walking about 10 p.m. and called me frantically telling me to come outside to see the lights in the sky. By the time I got there they were gone. She managed to video tape a small part of the event but stopped because she didnt feel she was getting anything. Here is a synopsis of the event in her words:
“There were three large balls of light that hovered in the sky. One was very slowly hovering up and down, above and below the treetops in the distance. The others remained stationary for a while until the leftmost one sluggishly moved off to the left, away from the rest. A little bit after that happened, another one slowly showed itself to the right of the two that remained. In the video, I saw twinkling that I did not see with the naked eye.”
In the video her father and I downloaded from her LG motion cell phone, we saw some interesting artifacts not visible to her or her friend at the time. Although the video is short, there are a lot of curious bits in it notably to the left of the first light. The objects have a strange shape to them and do not appear to be lighted, but seen from light the balls cast.
Please let us know if anyone else saw these or what you think they may be. It was enough of an event to alarm the girls, who walk outside at night a lot, and was definitely not the usual aircraft we see flying into Hartsfield Jackson. These lights, according to my daughter, were extremely bigger than aircraft lights we see on our nightly walks.
I am including a copy of the video. It is not retouched or faked and is straight off of her cell phone.
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Crop circle reveals comet ISON was spacecraft & July 8, 2014 ET event
Crop circle reveals comet ISON was spacecraft & July 8, 2014 ET event
see also
A crop circle that appeared 11 miles southeast of Salinas, California on December 28, 2013 contains three coded messages according to renowned crop circle researcher, Dr Horace Drew. According to Dr Drew, a retired molecular biologist who worked at Caltech and Australia’s CSIRO, one of the coded messages was to be vigilant about an upcoming astronomical event. The next message referred to a date in the near future when an astronomical event is to occur by July 8, 2014. The third and most startling message was that comet ISON was a space transportation system. Taken in their entirety, the three messages appear to be encouraging people to watch the skies for an upcoming astronomical event featuring remnants of ISON that will in fact be an extraterrestrial event of some kind. If genuine and correctly interpreted, the Salinas crop circle is a vindication for those claiming that Comet ISON was no comet at all, but one or more objects under intelligent extraterrestrial control with a specific mission for the inner solar system and Earth.
The December 28, Salinas crop circle attracted widespread attention due to its unusual timing and location. It appeared well after the crop circle season in southern England had concluded, and most crop circle researchers had quietly withdrawn to write summaries of the 2013 summer season. According to an email by crop researcher Paul Jacobs, who began investigating the Salinas crop circle:
No one in the area has made claim to it and the locals had no knowledge of it or its construction. I estimate it would have taken three men working in daylight conditions doing 9-hour shifts for nearly 9 days to complete this pattern. My gut feeling is we have an important event on our hands here.
More tellingly, a security firm was hired by an unknown agency to begin guarding the crop circle on the same day it was discovered. According to Linda Moulton Howe from
On Saturday morning, December 28, 2013, Echelon Security in San Jose, California, was hired by an agency to guard the intricate pattern in the 2 to 3 foot high barley in the Chualar field east of Salinas. This fact was confirmed the afternoon of December 31, 2013, by staff writer Phillip Molnar at the Monterey County Herald.
Howe described an account by Jeff Krause, of how the security firm deployed four security trucks with personnel to keep people out of the crop circle:
I arrived at the site near 7:15 AM Pacific on December 31, 2013. When I got there, four security trucks were parked on the road outside the circle to keep people from going in. They were very adamant about not letting anybody on the field property.
It would be odd for a farmer to hire and pay for four security trucks and personnel to protect a barley field. The clear implication is that an unnamed U.S. agency saw the Salinas crop circle as having national security implications and funded Echelon Securities to keep the public away. So what was the message that the crop circle contained and may have sparked a national security response by an unknown U.S. agency?
The Salinas crop circle had a circular design with a number of complex geometric patterns that appeared to be coded messages. The main breakthrough came when a Braille language interpreter identified some of the crop patterns as being text book characters from the Braille language. The Braille message was quickly interpreted as a series of numbers and letter - (192)-(192)-2-(192)-1-(192)-(192).
According to Dr Drew, when the British search engine is used, the code can be translated as: “The blind will see, and those who seek will find.” If interpreted correctly, the message here was that something will shortly happen that will be so unambiguous, that even die-hard skeptics will see what they previously denied. For others, the upcoming event will be vindication for what they have been seeking.
The second message was identified by Dr Drew as an outer code featuring three tall poles accompanied by numbers using Morse code. The message was 3-space-3-space-1. Dr Drew interpreted this as referring to an event timed to occur in the near future: “we should go around the “polar clock” by three full turns (days, weeks, months?) until some “event time” is reached.” According to a retired US Navy Flight Officer, Captain Mark Wood, the date referred to by the number 192 in the main coded message is July 8, 2014, which is 192 days from December 28. Significantly, the alignment of planets on July 8, matches the crop circle configuration of celestial bodies.
The third message was an inner code again using Morse code according to Dr Drew. This message was the most startling since it appeared to refer to comet ISON. He translated the code as: E-T B I-S-O-N S-T-S. Here is how Dr Drew interpreted the code:
One interpretation of this cryptic message might be: “E T B(e)” or “extra-terrestrials exist”. Then “I-S-O-N (comet)” is an “S-T-S (space transportation system)” like for the NASA space shuttles (see
So could the Salinas crop circle refer to an upcoming extraterrestrial event connected to the remnants of Comet ISON, which was no comet at all? Comet ISON received widespread scientific interest as a possible Comet of the century, but fizzled out shortly after its perihelion on November 28, 2013. After perihelion astronomers quickly concluded that the comet had disintegrated. Yet comet ISON made a remarkable recovery surprising many scientific observers. It was only temporary, however, and ISON soon disappeared again. Most astronomers concluded that it had perished after all. All that remained was small comet debris that temporarily lit up after perihelion giving the illusion that the comet had survived.
There were others, however, who claimed that ISON was in fact an artificially targeted object designed to interact with the inner solar system in a specific manner on certain dates. Others went further to claim that ISON was a small fleet of extraterrestrial vehicles on a specific mission designed to educate Earth’s inhabitants about extraterrestrial life. These startling analyses of ISON seemed to be quashed by ISON’s disappearance after perihelion. Now the Salinas crop circle suggests that these analyses of ISON may have been right all along. We will have to wait and see in the months ahead, and the possible July 8 date, whether an astronomical event occurs that settles once and for all the true nature of comet ISON and whether an extraterrestrial intelligence was behind it.
Further Reading Is Comet ISON accompanied by UFOs? Crop circle accurately predicts solar storms Did Comet Elenin disintegrate or reveal alien energy shield?
A UFO scare near Beijing International Airport caused two civilian flights to be diverted. The UFO turned out to be a drone used by a local Beijing company for surveying. The four men operating the drone were arrested for not adhering to proper unmanned aerial vehicle regulations.
According to the South China Morning Post, China’s Civil Aviation Administration picked up a UFO on radar at 11 am on Sunday. It was flying at an altitude of around 2000 feet, and traveling at more than 60 miles per hour. Two civilian airplanes were diverted in order to steer clear of the UFO, resulting in dozens of flight delays. Police scrambled a helicopter, which discovered the drone and forced it to land.
The drone that caused all of the commotion is a modified remote controlled airplane used for survey work. However, the proper permission was not obtained before the flight near the airport was conducted. Four men who were operating the drone were arrested for “endangering public security” which caused “seriously interrupted flight orders.”
As in the United States, drone usage has been on the increase in China, and just like here authorities are struggling with regulating the increase in unmanned aircraft traffic. However, regulations about flying near civilian aircraft are clear. Feng Chang, co-founder of Beijing FlyCam which specializes in aerial photography and videography, told the South China Morning Post on Tuesday, “All unmanned aircrafts are banned from entering the 15-kilometre range of airports and from flying higher than 100 metres on flight courses elsewhere.”
“Civilian drones face very strict regulations on the mainland. Anything that flies, like hot air balloons or drones, must have official permission,” said Zhang Qizhun, a researcher at the aviation and space research centre at the China University of Political Science and Law and a director of the aviation law committee of the Beijing Bar Association.
“Our country is ready to go to war. It is always on the alert for national safety threats, although in the case of commercial civilian drones, public safety is also at stake,” he said.
Approval to fly drones is not obtained easily. Earlier this year a bakery in Shanghai was denied permission to fly drones to deliver cakes to weddings and banquets. Incake Bakery had purchased three drones for this purpose, but will have to shelve their plan despite several successful test pastry deliveries.
Officials cite concerns for safety. One official told Shanghai Daily, “These aircraft are not trying to fly around no man’s land, but are in the middle of the city. When accidents happen, it’s beyond imagination.”
You’ve probably heard of “the Egyptian Sphinx mystery”?
Jonathan Gray shares some fascinating secrets about its true age.
So how old is the Sphinx – really?
On the plateau of Giza west of Cairo, Egypt, sits the Great Sphinx of Giza, a statue 240 feet long, with a lion’s body and a human head wearing the headdress of the Pharaohs.
It is surrounded by desert sand. But there’s evidence of erosion.Erosion by wind-borne sand? No. By water! says Gray.
The edges of the rock are rounded. And there are apparently deep fissures in the rock.The impressions on the stones are not horizontal, as would be caused by sand and wind (like the pyramids in the area); instead, they are vertical.This suggests that the Sphinx has been subjected to heavy rainfall.
The erosion is stronger on the upper parts of the Sphinx and its enclosure walls than around the base.
This erosion of these “upper” surfaces exhibits a pattern of weathering commonly associated with exposure to rainwater run-off.
There is a rolling and undulating vertical profile, with many vertical and sloping channels where joints in the bedrock have been opened up.
French scholar R. A. Schwaller, independent Egyptologist John West, and geologist Robert Schoch examined it. Schoch contrasted this situation at the Sphinx with the state of weathering seen at other rock-cut features of the Giza Plateau.
For example, in various Old Kingdom tombs, erosion by windblown sand has picked out areas of poorer quality rock, but has left the anciently cut facades and doorways not markedly damaged. But the highly rounded weathering on the Sphinx and its enclosure indicates the action of rainwater over a long period.
You ask, could the erosion have been caused by the Nile flooding and washing around the Sphinx at some remote time? The answer is that to erode the monument up to its neck would have required floods of twenty meters or more over the Nile Valley. No, if this was erosion by water, then it had to be rainwater.
Do you know, there is good evidence that Egypt experienced very heavy rainfall in the earliest period.
According to popular view, the transition from ice age to the present desert environment took place between 10,000 and 3000 BC.
Then rainfall tapered off to its current level of about 20 cm per year by about 2200 BC.
So if we must go back 9,000 years for sufficient precipitation to cause this pattern of rainfall erosion on limestone, thought West and Schoch, then the Sphinx must have been constructed either during or before this transition – say, 7000 BC.
That meant, it could be twice as old as “officially” claimed.
OR 10,500 BC?
Enter Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock. These two writers believe that the Sphinx was built not around 2500 BC… not in 7000 BC… but in 10,500 B.C.
According to their theory, the stars of the Belt of Orion and Leo the Lion, as arranged in the sky, almost match the positions of the pyramids of Giza. And they believe that the time when the pyramids were in perfect alignment with the Belt of Orion was when it was at its lowest point, in 10,450 B.C.
They believe the Sphinx was probably built during this time.
Of course, however attractive this may sound, it is a theory not proven. Gray says there is no stable background of fact to support 10,500 B.C.
Gray says, “As much as we might wish it to be, attempts to establish vast ages for civilizations on the basis of astronomical data, must fail – for the simple reason that the earth was violently tipped off its axis in 2345 BC.”
Australian astronomer G.F. Dodwell has analyzed the observational records com-piled for the many gnomons erected all over the civilized world during the past 4,000 years. Gnomons are vertical markers that cast shadows from which the local latitudes can be computed. (All one needs are the measurements of the shadow lengths on the longest and shortest days of the year.) The earth’s tilt or obliquity-of-the-ecliptic may also be calculated from gnomon data — and therein lies the anomaly. The tilt of the earth’s axis is supposed to vary cyclically between 22 and 24.5° over a period of some 40,000 years due to the pulls of the moon, the sun, and the planets on the earth’s equatorial bulge…
Credit: Bowden, M.; “The Recent Change in the Tilt of the Earth’s Axis,”
Tilt angles computed from ancient gnomon observations deviate markedly from the theoretical curve. The alignment of the ancient Egyptian temple at Karnak and other oriented sites extend the deviation toward the date 2345 B.C. Either the ancient observations were systematically in error all over the world or the earth’s tilt angle changed in historical times.
According to The Paradise Post, Dodwell’s conclusion means that the Earth’s axis had once been almost upright, but it had suddenly changed to a 26½ degrees tilt, from which it had been wobbling back to its present mean tilt of 23½ degrees. Dodwell’s research was confirmed by Dr. Rhodes W. Fairbridge of Columbia University, in Science Magazine, May 15, 1970.
Dodwell concluded that something ‘struck’ the earth at that time. He realised that this would have resulted in massive, worldwide flooding and catastrophic geological effects. The date of this event, from his curve of observations, is 2345 BC – about 4,355 years ago. There is a clear pattern of recovery since 2345 BC that has not been disrupted. (”)
According to Barry Setterfield, Dodwell in The Obliquity Of The Ecliptic assumed that the original axis tilt of the earth, before 2345 B.C., was nearly upright. For that reason, he supposed a very strong impact was necessary to jolt the earth from that position to its current 23.5 degree tilt. This is why a number of astronomers have rejected Dodwell’s work in this area. However, if the axis tilt was greater than its current axis tilt before 2345 B.C., then an impact of much less force would have been required to restore the earth to a slightly more upright position. The evidence for this greater axis tilt may be seen in the evidence of the ice age which covered most of Europe prior to 2345 B.C.
“The locations of the stars as seen from every fixed point on earth were radically altered.So you cannot count back using earth’s present stability as a reference point. To claim that you can is wishful thinking,” asserts Gray.
A remarkable confirmation of the obliquity in the year 2045 B.C. is given by the oriented solar Temple of Amen Ra at Karnak, Egypt, the largest temple that has ever been built. This is described in Chapter 8 of The Obliquity Of The Ecliptic. Hieroglyphic inscriptions, engraved in granite, show that the ancient Egyptians took great pains to orient their solar temples. The rays of the rising or setting sun, on certain important dates, then shone straight down the long central avenue, or temple axis, into the darkened sanctuary and illuminated the image of the sun-god within it.
A panorama of a frieze in the Precinct of Amun Re
In the great Solar Temple at Karnak, this occurred at sunset on the day of the summer solstice. It will be shown that in 2045 B.C., the foundation date of the Temple, the sun’s solstitial declination, or maximum distance from the celestial equator, was 25 degrees, 9 minutes, 55 seconds. This value is in exact agreement with the prolongation of the curve of the ancient observations, and exceeds Newcomb’s value for that date by 1 degree 14 minutes. Further confirmation, at other points on the curve, is given by the famous solar monuments at Stonehenge, England, and Tiahuanaco, Peru.
Photograph of the Karnak, temple complex taken in 1914
Credit: Cornell University Library
The 10,500 BC and 7000 BC theories are rejected by other scientists for several reasons:1. There is no evidence of an Egyptian civilization so old.
2. Architectural evidence dates the Sphinx to around the same time as the nearby Pyramid of Khafra. And that pyramid may now be dated to 2144 BC. (See Gray’s recent book The Corpse Came Back, p.251)
(a) Khafra had four twenty-six foot long sphinxes constructed. Two were in front of each entrance to his Valley Temple. A drainage channel from the causeway to Khafra’s pyramid empties into the Sphinx enclosure, which presumably would have desecrated the enclosure if it had already existed.
(b) The center court of the Sphinx Temple is identical to the center court in Khafra’s Mortuary Temple adjacent to his pyramid.
(c) The core blocks of the Sphinx Temple match some of the strata of bedrock in the Sphinx enclosure and show that the Temple was built as the enclosure was being excavated. It may be inferred that if other Khafra structures and the Sphinx Temple dated to the same time, then the excavation of the Sphinx itself dated to that time as well.
3. The Sphinx, a rapidly weathering structure, appears older than it is.
4. Subsurface water drainage (periodic wetting of the limestone by water-saturated sand) or Nile flooding could have produced the pattern of erosion. The water in the surrounding sand would have been drawn up to elevations higher than flood levels due to capillary action. (The Sphinx and Valley temples have been covered by sand for most of the time of their existence.)
5. There are thought to be two reasons why the erosion of the higher elevated Giza Pyramids is different from the erosion of the less lower altitude Sphinx: (a) The Nile floods were partly the source of the flood water filling the Sphinx enclosure (which is lower than the pyramids).
(b) If the Sphinx erosion was caused by rainfall 7000 years ago and if the other structures in the Giza Plateau (built 4000 years ago) show normal wind based erosion, why didn’t the weathering by wind destroy the older water-based weathering? (You must admit, that’s good logic!)
6. The Sphinx is believed to resemble Khafre, the pharaoh who built one of the nearby pyramids of Giza. He lived not too long before 2000 BC.It has also been suggested that weathering on the Sphinx depends more on the properties of the rock itself. The middle layer of the Sphinx shows the most erosion because it is made of more porous limestone.The pores of the rock being larger, they invite a process called “salt crystallization”.
This occurs when morning moisture condenses on and in the rock, dissolving the natural salt present in the rock. During the day, this moisture evaporates. The salt crystallizes then presses against the pore walls. This process generally weakens the rock and enlarges pre-existing fissures.
The climate of Egypt right up to 2000 BC was rain…rain…rain.
Plant and animal species depicted in the early tomb paintings show that the weather of Egypt was then wetter than it is now.
Yes, it did rain in the Old Kingdom, more than today.Gray now tosses a cat among the pigeons. There is startling new evidence that Egypt did not spring up until afer the Great Flood of 2345 BC.
That’s right! There’s been a massive dating mistake! (But that’s for another time.) And the transition from ice age to the present desert environment did not take place between 10,000 and 3000 BC, but as recently as 2250 to 2000 BC.
And around 2200 BC Menes (Mizraim) and his followers arrived, embanked the Nile and established the Egyptian civilization.That’s when the pyramids and the Sphinx were built! Some time ago Gray sent out an email that shocked many. Because, he stated (among other things) that scientists reject most carbon dating results.
In other words, we’ve been had. So you can forget just about all you’ve been told in school and in the media about dating ancient remains.
But we also announced the special 7-ebook set at a big reduction. And within minutes, the requests started pouring in. (they’re an instant download).
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Niburu neemt initiatief tot bekendmaking buitenaards contact
Niburu neemt initiatief tot bekendmaking buitenaards contact
Als het Witte Huis het niet doet, doen wij het. Niburu maakt officieel bekend dat er buitenaards contact is. Dat doet zij al sinds 2002 en wel op veel verschillende manieren.
Het onomstotelijke bewijsmateriaal en de talloze verklaringen worden grotendeels genegeerd door overheid en media. Brieven en gesprekken met onze regeringsleiders hebben weinig effect gehad.
De publiekelijke bekendmaking van buitenaards contact heeft ondanks de grote bewijslast nog niet plaatsgevonden. Nu is toch het moment aangebroken dat de omvang en de echtheid van het bewijs niet langer genegeerd kan worden.
We bundelen onze krachten en blijven hier mee doorgaan totdat Disclosure een feit is en in het collectieve bewustzijn op Aarde is doorgedrongen. Laten we goed beseffen dat we met grote aantallen inwoners in een relatief klein gebied veel in beweging kunnen brengen en een voorbeeld kunnen zijn voor de rest van de wereld. We nodigen iedereen uit om hier onderdeel van te worden door te praten over dit onderwerp en de informatie via alle mogelijke kanalen te verspreiden.
Honderdduizenden Nederlanders zijn getuige geweest van buitenaardse objecten en duizenden hebben contact gehad met buitenaardse levensvormen. Elke dag melden zich meer mensen. Het gaat om burgers, politici, politieagenten, militairen, wetenschappers en zakenlieden die tegenover Niburu hebben verklaard contact te hebben gehad.
Het is natuurlijk te begrijpen dat er veel mensen zijn die ‘buitenaards contact’ bij voorbaat afwijzen omdat ze weinig of niet in aanraking komen met deze informatie via de massamedia. Het is niet zo dat de meeste mensen denken dat we de enige levensvorm zijn in ons universum. De meesten denken wel dat het al publiekelijk bekend zou zijn wanneer er buitenaardse beschavingen zouden zijn die onze planeet bezoeken.
Op Aarde is de laatste duizenden jaren geen sprake geweest van evolutie. Mensen leven niet in harmonie met elkaar, kunnen de natuur niet beschermen en hebben een gebrek aan gezondheid en geluk. Daar komt bij dat veel mensen niet in hun basisbehoefte kunnen voorzien terwijl er wel geldverslindende projecten zijn om technologische vooruitgang te boeken. Waar ligt de prioriteit? De meeste rijkdom is in handen van één procent van onze wereldbevolking. Vanwege economische belangen wordt voorkomen dat geavanceerde technologieën op basis van antizwaartekracht en vrije energie terechtkomen in het publieke domein. Belangenverstrengeling, machtsposities en cover-ups hebben de ontwikkeling van de mensheid doen stagneren.
Soms nemen we niet waar wat we zien, maar wat ons brein zich herinnert. Toen Columbus Amerika ontdekte konden de indianen zijn schepen waarschijnlijk niet zien omdat hun referentiekader geen afbeelding van een schip kon vinden. Voor andere natuurvolkeren is contact met buitenaardse schepen en bemanning erg gewoon omdat hun waarnemingen niet worden beïnvloed door de programmering van de samenleving.
Zouden buitenaardsen gezien het verleden van de mensheid niet heel zorgvuldig kiezen in welke mate zij zichzelf laten zien en aan wie? Zouden zij zich vanuit mentaal-emotioneel oogpunt dan niet weerhouden van het verspreiden van angst? Zouden zij zich niet ten koste van alles willen houden aan de universele wetten om uit het wiel van karma te blijven?
Volgens het Witte Huis is er geen buitenaards contact op Aarde, maar is de regering wel op zoek. De ambtswoning van de zittende Amerikaanse president noemt het SETI-project, maar dat is erg verrassend. In het begin werd SETI gesteund door NASA, maar later grotendeels genegeerd door de Amerikaanse regering. Sterker nog, de regering was er grotendeels de oorzaak van dat het project in april dit jaar werd stilgelegd. Zonder actrice Jodie Foster zou SETI mogelijk niet langer bestaan.
Er zijn veel aanwijzingen dat de Aarde er zonder hulp van buitenaardse beschavingen niet meer was geweest. Laten we deze hulp met open armen ontvangen en zelf het initiatief nemen. Openheid is de enige manier. Mensen die denken dat we geïsoleerd leven van andere beschavingen in het universum kunnen ter overweging onderstaande video’s bekijken.
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254 onbekende vliegende objecten gespot in België
254 onbekende vliegende objecten gespot in België
Het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt heeft het afgelopen jaar 254 meldingen geregistreerd. Dat zijn er ongeveer 70 minder dan het jaar ervoor.
Dat heeft de organisatie die meldingen van vreemde luchtverschijnselen verzamelt en zoekt naar verklaringen laten weten.
In 2012 kwamen er 326 meldingen binnen. “De daling is grotendeels te verklaren door de extra uitleg die sinds dit jaar bij het meldingsformulier gegeven wordt en waarbij ook gevraagd wordt om bepaalde herkenbare categorieën waarnemingen niet meer te melden,” aldus Frederick Delaere van het UFO-meldpunt. “Daardoor krijgen we weinig tot geen meldingen meer binnen over Thaise wensballonnen.”
De meeste meldingen zijn gedaan door particulieren, maar ook het Koninklijk Meteorologisch Instituut van België (KMI) en diverse sterrenwachten hebben een duit in het zakje gedaan.
Van alle meldingen is ongeveer 90 procent logisch te verklaren als lampion, meteoor of komeet, maar de rest van de vreemde luchtverschijnselen is niet te verklaren.
Zoals blijkt uit onderstaande video kunnen UFO-waarnemingen een enorme impact hebben op mensen. Hun leven en overtuigingen kunnen er voor altijd door worden veranderd. In de Verenigde Staten werden in het afgelopen jaar de meeste UFO-meldingen geregistreerd: 6457. Mauricio Ruiz uit de staat Texas heeft in zijn leven al meerdere onbekende vliegende objecten mogen zien.
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Mysterieuze orbs zijn voorteken van aardbeving
Mysterieuze orbs zijn voorteken van aardbeving
Er is meer duidelijkheid gekomen over mysterieuze orbs die ook wel ‘aardbevingslichten’ worden genoemd.
De lichten, die vaak zijn gelinkt aan UFO’s en allerlei verschillende vormen aannemen, zijn een indicatie zijn dat er een aardbeving op komst is.
Luttele seconden voor de aardbeving in het Italiaanse L’Aquila in 2009 zagen voetgangers 10 centimeter hoge vlammen van licht in het historische stadscentrum.
In 1988 verscheen in de lucht boven de rivier Saint Lawrence nabij de stad Quebec een paars-roze gloed. Elf dagen later vond een krachtige aardbeving plaats.
In 1906 zag een stel op 100 kilometer ten noordwesten van San Francisco twee dagen voor een verwoestende aardbeving lichtbollen boven de grond.
De zeldzame aardbevingslichten worden meestal gezien nabij een rift, een gebied op het aardoppervlak waar extensie van de aardkorst plaatsvindt. Onder invloed van dit proces wordt een langgerekte depressie in het landschap gevormd.
Rond openingen worden luchtmoleculen geïoniseerd en ontstaat zichtbaar licht. De lichten werden rond het begin van de zeventiende eeuw al omschreven in Amerikaanse en Europese documenten.
Geoloog Robert Thériault van het Canadese ministerie van Natuurlijke Hulpbronnen zei dat aardbevingslichten op een dag mogelijk kunnen worden gebruikt om een grote aardbeving te voorspellen.
Tijdens de aardbeving met een kracht van 8,0 op de schaal van Richter in de Peruaanse stad Pisco in 2007 zijn door ooggetuigen en veiligheidscamera’s grote aantallen lichtflitsen vastgelegd. De lichtflitsen bleken precies samen te vallen met seismische golven.
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Ancient Aliens 6: Buitenaardsen en mysterieuze bergen (video)
Ancient Aliens 6: Buitenaardsen en mysterieuze bergen (video)
In het verleden werden bergen door verschillende beschavingen gezien als plekken waar de almachtige goden woonden.
De oude Grieken geloofden bijvoorbeeld dat de Olympiërs vanaf de berg Olympus een epische strijd om de heerschappij over het universum voerden.
De ruïnes van een 4000 jaar oude sterrenwacht op een berg in Macedonië laten zien dat oude volkeren de beweging van hemellichamen met grote precisie wisten te volgen. In Peru maken de afstammelingen van de Inca’s traditiegetrouw een pelgrimstocht om te communiceren met berggeesten die bekendstaan als Apu.
Kunnen deze goden buitenaardsen zijn geweest? Gebruikten ze afgelegen bergtoppen om in contact te treden met de mens? Kan dit verklaren waarom mensen zich al duizenden jaren aangetrokken voelen tot bergen?
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation.
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Significant UFO Events, PRG Congressional Hearing Initiative, Gary McKinnon, the English Hacker Wins, Space Force, Mayan Artifacts Reveal Aliens Visited Earth, Alien Pyramids Worldwide, Ancient Gold Alien, China Spacecraft Lands on the Moon, Watchers 7, and Opinions of the future.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Alabama, California, Connecticut, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, Ohio, Oregon, and Texas.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Canada, Indonesia, Lithuania, Romania, South Africa, England and Scotland in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video vidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one overEngland while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers
George Filer & Arie Vandenberg MUFON Conference, 2012
Hello Readers,
I've been helping George Filer publish Filer Files for a number of years now and when MUFON held a conference in Covington, Ky., I finally got to meet George in person. I came away feeling that he's one of the nicest, most dedicated people I know. I also know that it's a passion and labor of love for him.
If you enjoy Filer's Files every week, show your love and support to George by donating to the cause. Help us continue bringing you these great reports on UFOs, exopolitics, new books, news and science.
Last year, had many important events that helped the release of information concerning the UFO phenomenon that will likely increase in the coming year. The people have watched in darkness has seen great lights nightly in the skies. Thousands of orbs are witnessed monthly and there are over 2000 reported sightings each a month and interest is growing from the public as websites, Television and radio programs grow in importance.
The PRG Congressional Hearing Initiative
The PRG Congressional Hearing Initiative is tentatively set to launch on January 8, 2014. A full set of DVDs of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure CHD will be sent to each congressional office. The plan is for each DVD set to be accompanied by a letter signed by the CHD witnesses.
Thanks to Stephen Bassett of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG)
The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure held at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. was both unusual and powerful. It was unusual because the testimony focused on the history of events and evidence pointing toward an extraterrestrial (non-human) intelligence engaging the human race now and in the past. It was powerful because of the transformative impact the testimony had on the sitting committee of six former members of Congress, all of whom held skepticism on the subject matter.
Witnesses included Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, former Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister of Canada Paul Hellyer, and many former members of the U. S. military such as me who held high security clearances. More information is available at:
Gary McKinnon, the English Hacker Wins
Gary McKinnon, the English hacker facing 70 years in U.S. prison for searching Pentagon sites for UFO evidence, extradition was blocked on November 19, 2013 and also he will not be imprisoned by the U.K..
McKinnon said he was able to access the US’ Space Command network, where he found evidence of an extra terrestrial mission. “I found a list of officers’ names,” he claims, “under the heading ‘Non-Terrestrial Officers’… What I think it means is not earth-based. I found a list of ‘fleet-to-fleet transfers’ and a list of ship names. I looked them up. They weren’t U.S. Navy ships. What I saw made me believe they have some kind of spaceship, off-planet.”
The hacker claimed there were hackers from Denmark, Italy, China, Germany, Turkey, Thailand… every night for the entire five to seven years I was doing this.
McKinnon says the weirdest thing he found was a list of "Non-Terrestrial Officers" and fleet transfers between ships that don't exist in the U.S. Navy.” -
Prime Minister David Cameron has stated, “I do recognize the seriousness of this case, and the Deputy Prime Minister and I actually raised it with President Obama when he visited. I think the point is that it is not so much about the alleged offence, which everyone knows is a very serious offence, and we can understand why the Americans feel so strongly about it.
Note - If Mr. McKinnon's data is correct, it validates the assumption the US Navy may well be operating off-planet via back-engineered ET technology. His data indicates the Navy and probably the Air Force operate a fleet of space craft. Gary McKinnon states, "What I saw made me believe they have some kind of spaceship, off-planet”
In his interview with the BBC, Gary claimed, "The Disclosure Project" had some very credible people all saying there is UFO technology, there's anti-gravity, there's free energy, and it's extraterrestrial in origin and they've captured spacecraft and reverse engineered it."
He claimed to have viewed a detailed image of "something not man-made and cigar shaped floating above the northern hemisphere. McKinnon stated the image was 256 megabytes in size, yet that the craft's details were still distinct in 4-bit color and low resolution
Space Force
Former Alaska Senator, Mike Gravel, told us during the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure held at the National Press Club, “We have a space force in existence and it has been written about extensively.”
We have confirmation from a Senator the US has a Space Force that apparently is designed to fight off alien intruders? Perhaps the Star Wars program was real and ultimately successful?
You’ll need to go back to the words of President George H.W. Bush in June of 2001 to discover US plans to build a military base on the moon!
Does our President know about the alien presence? According to Stephen Bassett, Executive Director of the Paradigm Research Group, he likely does. Bassett claims that John Podesta one of Obama’s advisors was his transition appointee and is now a newly hired Obama consultant is an acknowledged X-Files buff, who encouraged full disclosure of UFO files at the National Press Club.
The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), also known as Star Wars, was a program first initiated on March 23, 1983 under President Ronald Reagan. The intent of this program was to develop a sophisticated anti-ballistic missile system in order to prevent missile attacks from other countries, specifically the Soviet Union. The nickname “Star Wars” was attached to the program for some of its abstract and science fiction ideas, many of which included lasers, subatomic particle beams, and computer-guided projectiles fired by electromagnetic rail guns—all under the central control of a supercomputer system.” By using these systems, the United States planned to intercept intercontinental ballistic missiles and perhaps UFOs while they still flew high above the Earth. One interesting point was that President Reagan publicly offered the Star Wars system to the Soviet Union and spoke about the nations of Earth joining to fight an extraterrestrial force. It became the most expensive weapons system in the history.
Reagan had lunch with 5 top space scientists and he wrote, “I learned that our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people.”
Reagan’s comment was revealing since the Space Shuttle held a maximum of eight people and only five were built for space flight. Five times eight is forty, suggesting 260 others could be in space. Was Reagan revealing the existence of a highly classified space program that could accommodate hundreds of astronauts in orbit? Thirty years later it likely exists and Russian and American astronauts are in space together.
By the end of SDI, the primary focus of the weapons design group was focused on “land based kinetic energy weapons.” These weapons were essentially guided missile projectiles. At the end of the Strategic Defense Initiative, thirty billion dollars had been invested in the program.
The original Star Wars System as changed according to prime contractor TRW: Working in pairs for stereoscopic viewing, the SMTS is the low earth satellite the SMTS is the low earth satellite orbit component of the Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS shown here). Its unique capability to track missiles throughout their trajectory allows the system to effectively cue missile defense systems with accurate targeting data.
The satellites developed precise location, velocity and acceleration data on the enemy vehicles. The planned interceptors can engage threats at ranges beyond the capabilities of their associated radars. Using data generated by SMTS, these interceptors can use that excess capability to negate attacking missiles far from friendly forces and population centers. This shoot-look-shoot option reduces interceptor inventory requirements. Early intercepts made possible by SMTS extend the boundaries of the defended area some three to five times.
SMTS can precisely cue ground radars; allowing them to limit operations until a hostile missile is within their range. This reduces the threat from homing anti-radiation missiles -- likely players on modern battlefields. The constellation provides global surveillance for ballistic missile launches within seconds.
Alien Pyramids Worldwide
Dr. Sam Osmanagich Ph.D., director of Center for Anthropology and Archaeology at the American University in Bosnia has authored 11 books about ancient civilizations. He claims many Pyramids are 10,000 to 25,000 years old and built well before mankind was sophisticated, had agriculture or cities. The question is did ancient civilizations build them or are ancient aliens responsible for a worldwide pyramid construction system? Twenty Chinese Pyramids on Google Earth are shown here. The builders of hundreds of pyramids are thought to have been blonde, blue eyed, light skinned called Nordic aliens whose bodies are often found nearby.
Oldest Chinese and Egyptian pyramids are much superior to those made later, as unsuccessful replicas. Older pyramids are built from granite and sandstone blocks, more recent ones are much smaller built from bricks and mud. Traces of more advanced beings who were likely alien are everywhere around us. In the meantime, mainstream scientists try to fit those monuments into their time coordinates, falsifying the truth. Hundreds of pyramids are being found all over the Earth including under the sea like the three found off the coast of Florida. It is apparent that ancient aliens or a previous sophisticated civilization existed on Earth.
Twenty miles northwest from Sarajevo, thecapital of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Dr. Osmanagich his attention was caught by two regularly shaped hills, which he later named the Bosnian Pyramids of the Sun and Moon. For thousands of years locals have considered those hills to be natural phenomena because they were covered by soil and vegetation. However, when he first saw their triangular faces, obvious corners and orientation toward the cardinal points, he knew that they had to be constructed by a force other than nature. He states,” Since I had been investigating pyramids for decades I knew that the pyramids found in China, Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador had the same type of soil and vegetation coverage.”
The Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation is conducting time the pyramid investigations in Bosnia and has become the world’s largest inter-disciplinary archaeological project.
This discovery is historic and changes the early history of Europe since these are the first pyramids discovered in Europe, and is the largest pyramid structure in the world at 220 meters is much higher than the Great Pyramid of Egypt (147 meters). It has precise orientation towards cosmic north and the soil covering the pyramid is 12,000 years old. There is an extensive underground tunnel network which runs for more than ten miles.
The Bosnian Pyramids contain high quality man-made concrete five times stronger than today’s concrete. (shown at left) Evidence of concrete being used in pyramid construction is shown by the work of professor Michel Barsoum, Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Drexel University, who has found scientific evidence that parts of the Great Pyramids of Giza were built using an early form of concrete.
A team of physicists detected an energy beam coming through the top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. The radius of the beam is 4.5 meters with a frequency of 28 kHz. The beam is continuous and its strength grows as it moves up and away from the pyramid. This phenomenon contradicts the known laws of physics and technology. It seems that the pyramid-builders created a perpetual motion machine a long time ago and this “energy machine” is still working
Mayan Artifacts Reveal Aliens Visited Earth
Newly released Mayan documents, i.e. artifacts, dating back at least 1300-years reveal that the human race is not alone and highly advanced technologies including space travel have likely existed for quite some time. Not only does this documentation released by the Mexican government show the existence of an explorer race, it may also reveal the roots of mankind.The Mexican government is releasing information held for 80-years.
Producer calls it the most important archaeological finding in the history of mankind.
MEXICO CITY -- An underwater Maya city, a millennia-old landing pad once used for spacecraft, and human contact with extraterrestrials. These may sound like the makings of a blockbuster Hollywood film, but they're actually the alleged discoveries behind the documentary “Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond.”
"It is the most important archaeological finding in the history of mankind," he says. "It's going to open the eyes of humanity and elevate the consciousness of every human being on the planet. I guarantee it."
Julia-Levy, who is producing alongside Ed Elbert(Paraiso Travel), says the mother of all secrets will be revealed at the Calakmul archaeological site, though he declined to specify what could possibly trump the aforementioned findings.
The documentary also unveils a 3,000-year-old spacecraft landing pad that was allegedly built atop a rock structure capable of holding electromagnetic energy.
The government’s presentation of the information to be a major step forward for humanity as the truth is finally being let out. Hopefully this will prompt other governments around the world to be more forthcoming with such information, turning the tide in the UFO and extraterrestrial research community for good. Sundance winner Juan Carlos Rulfo’s Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond also touches on such technology.
So far, the minister of tourism for the Mexican state of Campeche, Luis Augusto García Rosado, appears to be the highest-ranking government official to go on record confirming the discovery of extraterrestrial life, but he’s not holding back. In a statement, Rosado spoke of contact between the Mayans and extraterrestrials, supported by translations of certain codices, which the government has kept secure in underground vaults for some . In a telephone conversation with the Wrap, he also spoke of “landing pads in the jungle that are 3,000 years old”. Thanks to Intellihub,,,,
Columbian Gold Artifacts.
Pre-Columbian Art shows artifacts of possible alien craft and some of their pilots from Tumaco, Columbia on the Pacific Ocean or the La Tolita Culture. (600 B.C. to 200 A.C.).
Standing figure is thought to be 2000 years old and has a remarkable likeness to the description of grey aliens. Its importance is suggested by its gold construction. It appears to have six fingers. Colombia or Ecuador. Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York.
Watchers 7 Film
Researcher L.A. Marzulli has filmed an excellent documentary called Watchers 7. The newest video in the Watchers series, Watchers 7, called “Something is Happening” has wonderful UFO scenes provided by Jaime Maussan in Mexico City. He has the longest running UFO television series around the globe.
Jose Escamilla has exciting footage of a pyramid and other structures on the Moon’s surface as shown here.
Marzulli shows intriguing UFO footage captured in Kumburgaz, Turkey which may show actual ET inhabitants in the craft. There are metal samples taken from a sphere that supposedly fell from space into a field that does not come from Earth.
Regarding alien implants removed by Dr. Roger Leir, they could be a type of highly sophisticated computer. Marzulli claims hybrid beings are being integrated into the population via abduction and breeding programs, and the ETs (who are the "fallen ones" from the Bible) are creating their own army.
The section in the film on the Vatican suggests they are getting ready to reveal an ET connection.
Watchers 7, is chock full of sensational and rare video footage that is 83 minutes in length and loaded with one-on-one interviews with prominent theologians, abduction victims, and UFO researchers like myself.
Dr. David Jacobs, a former professor at Temple University in Philadelphia is interviewed in his home where he shares his 30+ years of abduction encounters from well over 1,000 victims. His conclusion is this breeding program is a “replacement” program.
The Honorable Paul Hellyer, Canada’s former Minister of National Defense states, “UFOs are as real as the airplanes that fly overhead.”
ZAOSTROVKA -- Well known Russian UFO investigator Nikolay Subbotin relates an amazing story of a battle of flying saucers. This incident allegedly took place on September 16, 1989, when six circular, silver, flying saucers ganged up and fought a seventh, golden saucer, in full view of the residents of the town. Hundreds of witnesses watched the gang of six chase the golden saucer out of a cloud bank. All of the saucers made unbelievable maneuvers during this dog fight, and at times, the UFOs flew as low as 5,000 feet. The weapon of choice was a strong beam of light or energy fired at and from the escaping golden UFO.
According to the RUFORSInternet newsletter, an account of this event was published in the local newspaper, and a Russian helicopter commander in the Afghan war, the energy emitted during this battle shut down the local power grid. plunging the city into total darkness for a time. The author, named Sichenko, interviewed witnesses of the event, publishing many of their fantastic accounts of the events that day. The witnesses claimed that the outnumbered golden UFO finally was defeated, losing altitude due to the continued hits by the energy beams, losing control, and plunging to the ground. The six assaulting saucers soon disappeared from view.
The lost saucer had crashed into a bog on a military test range that was "off limits" to the general public. A military team descended on the boggy area, and conducted a full search and rescue operation. Russian Ufologist Emil Bachurin was able to see medical files which confirmed details of injuries to military personnel involved in the mission. Security at the crash site was very tight and put under heavy guard. It is very similar to another Russian case, the Shaitan Mazar Crash, which also involved Subbotin and Bachurin.
China has landed its Chang'e 3 first robotic Lander on the moon on December 14, 2013, with color images. The moon rover Yutu, or "Jade Rabbit" landed in the moon’s Bay of Rainbows the Earth’s first landing in 37 years.
Seeking a clean energy solution, China is searching for helium-3 that is a light, non-radioactive isotope of helium that is nearly nonexistent on Earth, yet abundant on the moon. It is considered the missing piece needed to create a fusion power a new source of energy without radiation.
Helium-3 has a higher efficiency of conversion to electricity than fission, at a rate of 60-70%. There is ten times more energy in helium-3 on the moon than in all the natural gas, oil, and coal on the Earth combined. "Forty tons of helium-3 would provide all the electricity for the U.S. in 2014." Thanks to China Aerospace.
Opinions About the Future
My opinion is that the number of UFO reports will continue to rise as will Standard & Poor's 500 Index will advance 11% in 2014, rising to 2,000. That will take the closely watched index up to the highest level in history.
A turbulent period is ahead for the Earth's climate, including more severe storms, and volatility in the weather and seasons. The environment is struggling in part due to actions by the humans and activity on the sun. Volcanic activity over a number of different areas and Earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and flooding in places such as the Midwest will continue. The terrorism threat will continue.
More serious effects of the Fukushima disaster will be felt in the Northern Hemisphere and the Pacific Ocean. The dollar is in danger and other currencies may be better to hold.
04-01-2014 om 19:38
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer's Files #1 2014 - Pentagon's "Non-Terrestrial Officers", Paradigm Research Group, Watchers 7 Film - PART II
Filer's Files #1 2014 - Pentagon's "Non-Terrestrial Officers", Paradigm Research Group, Watchers 7 Film - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
Alabama Stars
Enterprise -- I am a cook supervisor at the Health and Rehabilitation Clinic, at 8:45 PM, on December 27, 2013; I was taking out the trash when I noticed three red stars in a "v" formation moving from my right to my left. Then I witnessed two more formations followed by a single star that moved very silently and casually. When they came to the area above the ESCC Baseball Field, they moved into a circle formation and just as the tenth star approached, they went dark and were gone. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Light
Sylmar -- From December 23rd through December 25th, 2013, I have seen the same light in the sky. On December 23rd, around 7:00 PM, just after dusk I was walking my dogs when I saw an extremely bright white large light very low on the horizon. I stopped and took a video of the light that stood out because it was so much brighter than anything in the sky. A helicopter started circling it, and after observing for an hour or so I brought the dogs back in the house. When I came back out an hour later the light was gone.
One December 24th, the exact same thing happened and I took pictures this time to record what I saw. I started to assume this had to be a star if it re-appeared the very next night. On December 25th, in the evening the light was gone. Later, on the 118 Freeway around 9 PM, my boyfriend says "Oh my gosh I see the light". Everyone in the car was amazed as the light was so low and bright it was impossible to be a star. Then it was gone. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Connecticut Lights
NORWALK -- It was about 7:30 PM, on December 24, 2013 and I went out to untie my dog and noticed a light in the sky heading towards me. I realized there were no red or green flashing lights a plane would have. As it got closer I noticed it had a semi-ovalshape and a second identical craft appeared at 11 PM. I knew I was looking at something different so I called my wife to come out quick.
Just as she came out the first one circled around the second and almost merged with it and then float back in line as four more came from the northwest. As they floated overhead silently, I told my wife to grab the camera. I was able to get a picture of two lights. I watched as they flew away in a southwest direction and disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Flying Object
KEY WESTKEY WEST -- Looking out my aircraft window while climbing above the clouds I notice a grey circle below on December 3, 2013. I took two photos as it stayed in the same area. I lost sight as plane continued ahead. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Indiana Light
Markleville-- I was in my office in my garage when I picked up an older 3.2 MP, HP 733 Digital Camera and went outside and took shots of the sky. It was late 10 pm to 2 am, and snapped four consecutive pictures one right after the other. I did NOT see the object.
When I loaded the pictures onto my computer on September 2, 2012, I was shocked to see the maneuvering lights. In all four photos the object fly’s around doing acrobatic maneuvers while the background stars are still. I think I have had an unexplainable event take place to myself and possibly my wife. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kentucky Lights
PENDLETON COUNTY -- Glenn Pennington reports, “I’m sending a few interesting pictures I took recently. I'm still trying to get help documenting our nightly visits from multiple UFOs.” UFO visitations seem to be increasing. Plenty of people in the county are now seeing them and making local reports. Thanks to Glenn Pennington
Mississippi Lights
Picayune -- On the way back from college I noticed the beautiful sunset so I pulled my phone out and started take multiple pictures on November 19, 2013. I took 100 pictures in 20 minutes, but I’m not really looking at the sky in detail. Later, I came across multiple pictures that had weird glowing objects in the sky. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Montana Red Object near Moon in Several Photos -
EAST HELENA– William Puckett writes, “My girlfriend runs early every morning and around 5 AM she captured this red object near the moon on December 15, 2013.
She didn’t see the red light. It was only noticed in the photo. Note: Initially our impression is that the object is not real and is a reflection of the moon on the camera lens producing a “ghosting” or lens flare.” (Correction) Thanks to William Puckett, Director
Nevada Lights
RENO -- On December 25, 2013, around 7 PM, The witness was letting out the dogs and noticed five reddish orange lights in the southeast sky. I thought it was a little weird for planes in a landing pattern and called my husband to come and look. Then two more appeared and seven objects hovered in a path and then started to move in other directions. Then they returned to the path pattern again. This lasted about 30 minutes, and then they disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Orbs
– Bellemawr – Here are some orbs for taken on December 17, 2013, at 4 AM. You will see that they are coming from every direction, onto the concrete slab.
Do you have any thoughts on what they may be because my research finds nothing that can fly through things?
Note: Snow was falling at nearby Philadelphia Airport at the time of the video clip. The white orbs are most likely snowflakes although it is difficult to see any snow accumulating on the ground. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
TABERNACLE – On December 30, 2013, at 11 PM a large triangular shaped craft with an extremely bright light was seen flying north at about 500 feet altitude. The large size, lights that appeared to be searching, and the low altitude and silent operation suggest this was not a normalaircraft. Thanks to Taylor.
Ohio Triangle of Lights
At around 10 minutes after 10 PM, Tuesday December 24, 2013, I walked my mother and sister outside to their car as they were leaving the Christmas party at my house here in Austintown, Ohio. As my mother turned to get into her driver’s side door, she looked up and exclaimed "Wow look at those". My sister and I turned around, and overhead of the house were three bright orange/red orbs moving west. We had only 35 seconds to observe them before they went into a cloud bank. Thanks to MUFON CMS
They were low, maybe 2,500 feet disappeared into the clouds so I went back inside the house. I waited five minutes and looked up and the rather large cloud bank that they disappeared into had also disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oregon Red Lights
Winston -- Witness and I have observed strange lights in the Riverbend Park during the summer and on October 26, 2013, when I got this photo. Lights are often seen just before it gets dark and between 2 AM and sunrise on clear nights. The lights seen in the park react to a laser pointer by moving closer, and farther away. The lights are between the school and the mountain behind it. They look very solid in appearance and appear under intelligent control. Our animal gets nervous and uneasy at times as do we. I have an android app that tells when electromagnetic interference goes on. When they react to us is when it happens. Police scanner posts a code; ACTIVATE THE HEART OF GOLD that is often heard often during the summer of these occurrences. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Lights
Anthony -- I stepped into my backyard at about 8 PM on December 28. 2013, when I noticed an orange light to the east, I felt it was a really bright star because I knew that Jupiter was elsewhere, within my field of view. Two minutes later, I noticed another similarly colored object was right next to it. The object to the right was very noticeably red so I ran inside to get my camera. The slowly pulsating lights stood in the same spot for 30 minutes above the mountain silhouette. Two airplanes flew "by" the object, as well. After recording video and taking photos, the lights disappeared. I used a Nikon Coolpix P80, Aperture F/5, and ISO 6400. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Ball of Fire
TOWNSVILLE, QUEENSLAND– A bright blue light was seen passing north from our balcony facing the radio towers in Townsville on December 15th 2013. The light performed a sweeping loop near Castle Hill, before travelling fast erratically performing huge dips. It was almost as bright as Venus and was flashing blue. It would occasionally go behind low lying clouds. Six witnesses saw it about 8:30 PM.
It was in view for about three minutes before dipping towards the horizon and behind the ground lights. It almost looked as if it was travelling on the winds and falling through air pockets, but it was fartoo big to be so susceptible to that. Thanks to
Canada Lights
SASKATCHEWAN – Seven of us were traveling home in separate cars and witnessed six orange, star-like objects traveling east on December 21, 2013. They were in a formation of three with three directly below. Two moved closertogether and we realized they were not planes. They burned out one by one. They were not planes. They burned out one by one. The photos were images captured by three different camera phones. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Indonesia Cylinder for 1.5 hours
PADANG, WEST SUMATRA-- A cylinder type craft with very bright rotating lights was observed for 1.5 hours on December 19, 2013. It was at the west side of Padang, and lower than its previous position at 18:30 hours.
Like a couple days ago the brightness of the lights changed, I assumed because he object maneuvered in a certain length of time. After 1.5 hours the craft suddenly disappeared leaving no sign at all that it was there before. Is it possible the object just switched the lights off? Thanks to Peter Davenport Director
Lithuania Flying Object
I was at home when I spotted a stationary object in the sky on April 11, 2012. I took my camera and went to the balcony. I observed an object for about 1 hour. During whole observation the object hung in the same position. When the object left I didn’t see it.
Note: During 2012 Google photographed our street as a view in Lithuania, maybe it was Google device? Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Zealand Lights
AUCKLAND, NORTH ISLAND– The lights appeared to be three then one disappeared, and the other two very bright lights remained on December 16, 2013, at 5.15 PM. I took pictures with my iPad of a kind of light star fish. My hubby opened the curtains and told me there were three lights as one left very quickly. He called me to look but I only seen two. The shape is still in my eye sight so beautiful and clear. The object moved slowly at first then started to disappear as I kept watching. Interesting it’s like they knew I was watching and I noticed the birds were singing louder than usually, really different. An hour later they totally couldn't be seen. Thanks to
Romania Abduction
cluj napoca -- I am working on a farm in my native village at around 2 AM, on November 19, 2009, when a bright light appeared in the sky. After an hour my mother woke up in another part of the farm with a bloody nose and with several scars. When I go to sleep I do not know what happens to me I want you to help me or to see what happens. Thank you for understanding and do not wait to contact me. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Africa Fireball Spherde
JEFFREYS BAY – I saw very large orange spherical fireball, with a very prominent dark outline descending from the sky in a diagonal line to the southwest on December 20, 2013. It flew much faster than a Boeing aircraft. I lost sight of it as it descended past the roof of neighbor’s house and headed towards the silently. The sphere phenomenon moved a constant speed with purpose on a set course from our house 1.2 kilometers to the coastline
It was definitely not a meteorite, but I wonder whether the excessive speed of the phenomenon causes friction with the air molecules, hence the fireball appearance? It was definitely an unidentified flying object. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director
UK/England Ovaloid
Barnsley, South Yorkshire---Two very large and brightly lit objects underneath were seen on December 14th/15th, 2013 from 11 PM, through to 7 am. One was over the fields seen from our front window and the others were at the back of the house. Smaller orange objects were lit a distance away from these two. They were viewed on the same night at the same times. They switched places and travelled over the house. This is not the first time I have seen ufos here.
Whitstable, Kent -- On December 13, 2013, at 4:25 PM, I observed a an Ovaloid shaped looking UFO with a tremendous white brightness that was hovering over Ashley Drive and the Faversham Road in Whitstable. The object was hovering at an altitude of 200 feet above ground level at 4:32 PM. It seemed to grow brighter and lighter in radiance, with electromagnetic distortion emanating from the hovering object.
It had a steady pulsating rhythm as it slowly flew away from Whitstable and along the coast around 4:47 PM. The UFO vehicle was flying south towards Preston Parade. The photonic luminosity emanating from this object created the impression that the UFO vehicle was crystalline. Finally the object was seen at 4:53 PM, radiating small light sparks and steady ripples of energy before continuing onwards towards the Swale. Thanks to
Scotland Lights -- I was on holid
TYNDRUM may to Scotland on May 15, 2013, and took many images. I only saw what appeared to be two orbs side by side on two pictures when going through pictures on my computer. The orbs can be clearly seen and I have not altered them in any way. The objects are the same ones in each picture. Thanks to MUFON CMS
STERLING -- I saw something on December 1, 2013, at around 7:.30 pm I can't explain. I am ex military and a bit of an aviation enthusiast so am quite familiar with most of the aircraft in our skies. On Sunday evening my girlfriend and I were travelling home on M-9 south en route to Glasgow. My friend and I became aware of a large gold light above the Gargunnock Hills. I am familiar with aircraft landing lights and they are seldom gold and don't remain in the same location or shine with the intensity these light were shining with.
We watched these lights for 30 seconds as they blinked out one after another above the silhouette of the hills. Whilst illuminated the lights were in an almost disc configuration although quite flat at the bottom and were angled up. The gold light seemed to twinkle, as if there was more than one and they were shinning in succession before blinking out over a five second period. I have never seen anything like it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
We have had some success in finding missing persons. Contact me at
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for a donation of only $50
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
04-01-2014 om 19:05
geschreven door peter
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Let's start 2014 with a newsletter full of interesting reading, To begin, Nick Pope offers an article on UFOlogy and the kids under 20 attending UFO seminars Next, Richard C. Cook asks if JFK could have been the real Flash Gordon? Then, Nick Redfern investigates a break-in by ETs into a British Space Facility! Scott Corrales writes about ghosts, tombstones, and humanoids 'south of the border.' John Foster wonders if UFOs or religious beings accomplish ET Control. Good question. Then Sophie Shevardnadze interviews former Canadian Defense Minister about a possible alien attack! Pat Regan begins the New Year writing about January and in an earlier article pens the 'Dream Alien'. Edward Crabtree remembers Colin Wilson and finally Ron Murdock concludes there must be life out there? Enjoy Dirk
I’ve often spoken at UFO conferences – particularly in America – where you could count on one hand the number of people in the audience under the age of 20. So where are all the young people and how can they be attracted to ufology? To be fair, some people in the UFO community have done some hard thinking about this problem and have come up with some good theories about why comparatively few young people are getting actively involved. These theories include a lack of attractive role models (NB the point in the final paragraph), the failure of the UFO community to adequately ‘police’ its ranks to weed out charlatans and crazies, and the comparative slowness of UFO organizations and authors to engage with new media, social networking sites, etc. More...
Dr. Michael E. Salla is director of the Exopolitics Institute, which studies UFO and extraterrestrial phenomena from the standpoint of how we can penetrate the veil of secrecy drawn by governments over the massive amount of UFO/ET contact that has reportedly taken place worldwide over the past seven decades. The main culprit in this secrecy, of course, is the (secret) U.S government.. More...
DID ET SPIES BREAK-IN TO ENGLISH SPACE FACILITY? by Nick Redfern. Now and again a story comes along that is just about as bizarre as it is fascinating. And the following most definitely falls into both categories. It’s one that many might dismiss out of hand. Others, of a more open mind, however, might ponder on the possibility that the case in question is just the tip of a very big iceberg. And, with that said, read on… More...
Anyone would reasonably suppose that with the proliferation of ghost-and-paranormal shows on television (Ghost Adventures, Dead Files, etc.) the average citizen would be completely inured to stories chronicles of hauntings and proof of survival beyond the grave. However, the ghost story still has the power to petrify the reader of viewer, not only in the United States but around the world. Cemeteries – as a rule – are places to be shunned or at least given a wide berth, despite efforts aimed at making them places where people can go for a quiet afternoon of jogging or even meditation, or just to look at some unusual and imaginative headstones, if nothing else. The fear is nonetheless hard to dispel, and medical science avails itself of the term “coimetrophobia” to describe the overwhelming fear of final resting places. More... Also read: OBSERVATIONS ON THE NECOCHEA BEACH HUMANOID: LUIS BURGOS
From this point forward, I will offer some brief observations that I feel are important in understanding the true nature of life…our reality, our world…including reflections on science, religion, history, philosophy and ethics, etc. The first is included below. “The mysterious intelligences’ ” influence over a child, above his parents control: During the experience at 68th and Garland Streets, in Lincoln…Chapter 7 in the book Eminent Discovery…at the first house in which I lived…the mysterious voice (one of the primary “mysterious intelligences”) levitated a young neighbor boy and I up into “the large object” that hovered about 100 feet above us. More...
He was Canadian minister of Defense in 1960s, ruling over the country’s armed forces during the time of the Cold War – and when he retired he publicly stated that we are not alone in the universe, and some guests from outer space actually live here, on planet Earth. Is this fantasy? Is someone actually watching us? Today we ask the man who says UFOs are a serious business – Paul Hellyer. More...
Following Yuletide and the Midwinter solstice in December, we rapidly enter the start of another contemporary year with the icy month of January. I emphasise the word ‘contemporary’ because artificial calendars have so recurrently changed over the centuries. The pastoral, pre-Christian, Celtic land dwellers regarded the time we now call Halloween, in October, as the end of summer and beginning of winter. It marked the launch of their New Year. More... Also read: DREAM ALIEN...
Last Year – 2013-the Grim Reaper claimed many people who brought refreshment into our lives. The rock artist and science fantasy author Mick Farren breathed his last. James Herbert, master of supernatural thrillers joined the spectral world and Roy Mackal, the onetime Nessie hunter, will hunt no more. More...
To say that we live on the only inhabited planet in the entire cosmos is pretty vain, arrogant and egotistical on our part. With all the potential planets that could support life similar to ours it is astronomical odds to bet against Earth being the only planet supporting life forms. The numbers must be in the millions if not billions. This is a topic that many have wanted answers to since the dawn of mankind. More...
Subscribers: As regular readers of the UFO Digest newsletter could you please forward a copy to friends or associates you believe may be interested in our articles. The newsletter is an important element of UFO Digest and I would really like to increase its membership. Thanks Dirk.
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Gloucestershire police’s calls about aliens revealed
Gloucestershire police are one of 17 forces to have received 999 calls about UFOs and the supernatural.
According to the Daily Mail, 17 police forces in England and Wales have revealed details of 277 cases in which people had requested urgent assistance following ’paranormal’ or ‘extra-terrestrial’ incidents over the past three years.
Most of the calls related to ghosts with some claiming to have been possessed.
The Citizen, Gloucestershire Echo and Stroud Life previously revealed some of the details of calls made to the Gloucestershire Constabulary.
In 2011, we revealed calls to the force had led to this note: “Caller sighted two UFOs last night, and tonight she has seen at least three or four.”
There were nine alien and UFO reports to Gloucestershire Constabulary between 2008 and 2011.
On May 29, 2009, in Gloucester, one emergency call handler took a call and noted: “Caller reports five bright orange objects in the sky moving in a circle then disappeared. Caller never seen anything like this before.”
On December 9, 2010 in Churchdown, this was taken down: “Caller reports he is looking south from his back garden and he can see a bright light to the south, it is not a star or a helicopter, he is convinced it is a UFO, has checked it with binoculars. He is not mad.”
Elsewhere in the county, this report was taken from a caller in the Stroud area on May 22, 2010: “Road obstruction, caller has come home to find an alien’s car parked on his driveway.”
On May 11, 2009, in Cheltenham, one 999 operator received a call and noted: “Saw a UFO travelling from Up Hatherley to Bishop’s Cleeve area.
“Very fast, changing colours from green and red and then possibly orange. Very pleasing to the eye and exciting. Travelling due north or north north-east.”
On October 21, 2009, the following was reported: “Large disc flying in the sky, yellow and pink.
“Darting in and out of the clouds at high speeds. Caller given UFO hotline number.”
Churchdown’s Dave Cosnette, who co-founded UFO and paranormal websiteCosmic Conspiracies, told The Citizen at the time that the New Year was a good time to spot UFOs in Gloucestershire.
He said: “Over New Year there will be plenty of reports I’m sure, but most will turn out to be those Chinese lanterns.
“Gloucester isn’t a bad place to see UFOs actually, we get our fair share. The thing is, knowing who to report a sighting to. The MOD used to take calls, but not anymore.”
Police said they send information to the Ministry of Defence where appropriate, although in some cases people have mistaken aircraft.
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UFOlogy and young people
UFOlogy and young people
I’ve often spoken at UFO conferences – particularly in America – where you could count on one hand the number of people in the audience under the age of 20. So where are all the young people and how can they be attracted to ufology?
To be fair, some people in the UFO community have done some hard thinking about this problem and have come up with some good theories about why comparatively few young people are getting actively involved. These theories include a lack of attractive role models (NB the point in the final paragraph), the failure of the UFO community to adequately ‘police’ its ranks to weed out charlatans and crazies, and the comparative slowness of UFO organizations and authors to engage with new media, social networking sites, etc.
Debunkers love to say that the lack of young people in ufology reflects a wider truth about the subject: “ufology is dead” is a neat and provocative line that has been regularly trotted out in attempts to generate interest in skeptical magazines or conferences. But it’s a lazy soundbite, and worse than that, it’s a lie. Ufology isn’t dead and the easiest proof of this is the steady stream of new UFO stories in the media and new UFO-related shows on TV. News editors and TV network executives know what people find interesting and entertaining (from getting feedback on media stories, studying ratings, conducting market research, etc.), and only continue to push this subject because they know it’s popular – across all age demographics.
There are other indicators that young people are interested in UFOs and extraterrestrials. The popularity of sci-fi movies and video games incorporating these themes is a case in point, and while there’s a debate to be had about the exact nature of the relationship between these subjects, it’s clear that there’s some degree of crossover. So why don’t many of the young people interested in sci-fi and video games get involved in ufology? Perhaps the answer here is to turn the question around, and ask what ufology does to attract them. The answer to this question, I believe, is “not much”. Indeed, there’s a certain aloofness about the UFO community’s stance towards sci-fi and video games. I’ve witnessed this first hand.
Aside from the work I do as an author, journalist and broadcaster who covers UFOs, the unexplained and conspiracy theories, I’m a sci-fi writer and someone who contributes to various TV shows about the sci-fi genre. I’ve also worked with various film companies to promote Hollywood sci-fi movies such as The X-Files: I Want to Believe, and the modern remakes of War of the Worlds and The Day the Earth Stood Still. While many ufologists like sci-fi, the aloofness that I mentioned comes into play too. It’s as if ufologists are saying “science fiction is fine, but it’s just make-believe. This stuff is real”. A fair enough point of view, but it’s the slightly patronizing way that it comes across that’s the problem. It’s a two-way street, of course, and plenty of sci-fi enthusiasts regard ufology with disdain and say things like “we know this is fiction and have fun with it, but you people are crazy to think it’s real, and take yourselves far too seriously”. These ‘quotes’ are made up, but are a fair distillation of things I’ve heard from both ‘sides’.
Few things illustrate the problem more than the UFO community’s reaction to the gaming community. Again, I speak from experience here, having worked on the promotion of some alien invasion-themed video games such as Resistance: Burning Skies, XCOM: Enemy Unknown and – most recently – The Bureau: XCOM Declassified. As part of this, I’ve appeared on cult shows such as IGN’s Up at Noon, hosted by Greg Miller, and have been interviewed by Adam Sessler at Rev3. Those people in the UFO community who aren’t ‘gamers’ have probably never heard of these games, shows and personalities. And that’s the problem. Because there’s a whole bunch of young people out there who love these games and might just take a look at ufology, if the UFO community reached out to them. But again, the aloofness I mentioned kicked in, and when I went on these shows and had genuine opportunities to interest the gaming community in ufology, some people in the UFO community reacted with horror and accused me of trivializing the subject. When I checked what comments these sorts of interviews were generating (from gamers) on YouTube, it was clear that many were fascinated by the UFO phenomenon and wanted to find out more. But instead of regarding what I was doing as an opportunity, some ufologists seemed to take the view that I was ‘sleeping with the enemy’.
Few would disagree that ufology needs to make itself more relevant and attractive to young people, and get more young people actively involved. In the sci-fi and gaming communities, there are many young people who might relatively easily be attracted to the subject. Yet at the moment, it seems to be a case of “East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet”.
On a related issue, a disproportionate number of speakers at UFO conferences are white males (usually middle-aged, or older) wearing suits. Ufology is hardly the only field where this is the case, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t an issue that should be looked at. But this, perhaps, is a topic for another day.
Nick Pope is a former employee of the UK Ministry of Defense. From 1991 to 1994 he ran the British Government’s UFO project and has recently been involved in a five-year program to declassify and release the entire archive of these UFO files. Nick Pope held a number of other fascinating posts in the course of his 21-year government career, which culminated in his serving as an acting Deputy Director in the Directorate of Defense Security. He now works as a broadcaster and journalist, covering subjects including space, fringe science, defense and intelligence.
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Could this be the year we make contact with aliens?
Closer encounters: ETs may finally make contact this year
Could this be the year we make contact with aliens?
From near-certainties to the far-fetched, Michael Hanlon looks at some of the science and technology headlines we may see over the next 12 months.
The Jubilee year of 2012 was a vintage one for science – as well as for our athletes and our Queen. This was the year that the Curiosity Rover landed on Mars, and the Higgs boson was finally smoked out. Nothing that happened in 2013 could quite top that, but notable discoveries and accomplishments of the past year included the confirmation that Nasa’s Voyager 1 probe had finally entered interstellar space, the discovery of a new species of carnivorous mammal in South America (the Olinguito), the award of the Nobel Prize to Peter Higgs and his colleagues, and yet more evidence that traits and changes acquired in an animal’s lifetime may be passed on to the next generation (the rehabilitation of the once-heretical doctrine of Lamarckism via the science of epigenetics). In this case, scientists in Atlanta, Georgia, found that mice scared out of their wits could pass on their fears to their young, even their grandchildren.
The year also saw growing evidence for a puzzling slowdown in global warming (almost certainly explained by the function of the world’s oceans as a gigantic heat sink), the suggestion that our galaxy may be home to a billion or more “Earths” (making the continuing non-appearance of ET ever more mysterious), and China’s further advance into space, with a successful landing on the Moon of a wheeled robotic rover. India, too, has entered the space premier league with the launch of the Mars Orbiter spacecraft on November 5.
Finally, 2013 was the year that someone at last managed to make the International Space Station (ISS) interesting, when Commander Chris Hadfield reprised David Bowie’s Space Oddity in an extraordinary video shot aboard the station.
So what might 2014 hold? Here we look at some of the headlines from the world of science, technology and the environment that you may be reading in the next 12 months. Some of what follows is almost certain to happen, some is merely likely – and we have also made a couple of left-field suggestions.
First landing on a comet
Our machines have so far made successful landings on the Moon, the planets Mars and Venus, and Saturn’s moon Titan. Next November a small robotic probe called Philae will detach from the Rosetta spacecraft (a European mission to explore comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko) and land on its surface.
Comets are deeply mysterious objects. Though often called “dirty snowballs” due to their composition of various ices, including water, they are actually lumps of complex chemistry, including organic compounds. It should be stressed here that “organic” in the chemical sense means “contains carbon” rather than “alive”, but that has not stopped some scientists speculating that comets, and objects like them, may act as cosmic dispersal systems for primordial microbes throughout the universe (a hypothesis called panspermia, which sounds crazy yet which has never been entirely discredited). Philae, some of whose components were built in Britain, may answer the question of whether comets supplied the early Earth with the bulk of its oceanic water. And it will provide some spectacular images.
The Large Hadron Collider completes its upgrade
The biggest and most expensive particle accelerator ever built is currently shut down for maintenance and a series of upgrades which will mean that, when it is switched on, it will operate at double the power it had at its disposal when it found the elusive Higgs boson. This will almost certainly not happen until early 2015, but Cern’s scientists will spend this coming year poring over the countless petabytes of data produced by the LHC already, and preparing for the reactivation of a machine that may be able to solve some of the greatest mysteries in science, including the nature of dark matter and even the detection of parallel universes.
Google Glass hits the shops
Google does not work like other companies. Its prototype Google Glass headsets were not released conventionally, but sold to a selected group of “early adopters” and Google employees last year for $1,500 a pop. Google Glass is a type of “augmented reality” wearable computer, of the kind we have been promised for a decade but has conspicuously failed to materialise. The headset, which looks like a geeky version of a pair of spectacles, allows the user to overlay a transparent computer screen on their field of vision. Look at a building and the computer will flash up information about what it is. You can tell the glasses to take a picture or video, and although Google says it has disabled this function, the technology is there for instant face-recognition: you look at someone, and the magic of the web means that you can have a name, address and telephone number in the time it takes to say “stalker”. Google Glass may end up being a game-changer of the like we have not seen since the first iPhone. Or it may be an overhyped dud. Given Google’s record to date, the latter is unlikely.
First three-parent baby given the go-ahead
Parliament is due to vote in 2014 on a proposal to allow IVF clinics to offer treatment to couples where the woman suffers from mitochondrial mutations. Mitochondria are tiny “organelles”, energy-factories that live in the cytoplasm of our cells. Problems with mitochondria can lead to a host of diseases, and faulty mitochondria are passed on down the female line.
Scientists have found a clever way round this. Take an egg cell from a donor whose mitochondria are healthy. Remove its nucleus (the bit with the mother’s main DNA) and replace it with a nucleus taken from the mother. Then fertilise the egg, in vitro, using sperm from the father with conventional IVF.
The “three-parent” tag is a little misleading. The dna that makes you “you” comes entirely from your mother and your father; this will still be the case with the new technique. But, importantly, the mitochondria from the donor do contain their own DNA, and this would be passed on to the resulting child. This would be the first time that assisted-reproduction technology will have been used to alter the fundamental genetics of a subsequent generation (albeit only affecting 0.1 per cent of its total DNA), a move that makes some people uneasy.
The ISS gets even more interesting
Chris Hadfield’s YouTube rendition of Space Oddity made headlines in 2013 and finally made the much-derided ISS cool. But in 2013 the International Space Station may finally have made a scientific discovery of the magnitude that would justify its estimated £100 billion price tag (16 times as much as the LHC and, by most measures, the single most expensive object ever constructed).
In April 2013 an instrument aboard the ISS called the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS), a particle detector, picked up an anomaly in the cosmic rays it was analysing – an unexpectedly large number of antimatter particles. This is interesting because one mechanism to explain this involves interaction between high-energy cosmic rays and a good candidate for the “dark matter particle”, the neutralino – a heavy, stable critter that in theory has all the properties needed to explain dark matter.
If the AMS confirms in 2014 that it has indeed found dark matter – a large component of the “missing mass” of the Universe (the other being “dark energy”) – that would be a spectacular triumph for the ISS, and a rebuttal of those critics who have dubbed it the ultimate white elephant. It would also probably mean a second Nobel for the instrument’s lead investigator, MIT’s Samuel Ting.
The internet continues to fragment
What many see as a worrying trend, the fragmentation of the internet into a series of “walled gardens” and more loosely connected networks, is set to continue apace in 2014. So far the internet, as a unitary entity free and open to all, has come under inevitable pressure from commerce. The development of smartphone-friendly apps and attempts to control traffic by content providers (violating the principle of “net neutrality”, which says that the highways of cyberspace must allow all traffic unimpeded) together with the creation of censorship walls, by China and others, have been the greatest challenges to the old idea of the universal world network.
But now the antics of the American National Security Agency pose an even more serious threat. Because so much internet traffic goes through American servers (and thus comprises data that can be subject to NSA snooping) some countries, notably Germany, are talking about constructing their own mini-internets insulated from America’s prying eyes. According to New Scientist, which quoted the Washington think-tank the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, the growing distrust of America’s online spooks could cost US businesses $35 billion in the next two years.
Fracking arrives in a field near you
Earlier this month, the Government announced that it would grant licences for thousands of exploratory wells to be dug in 2014 in the search for shale gas, the “fuel of the 21st century”. Huge swathes of the country could be affected – it would be easier to list the places where geologists say it won’t be found than those it might. The latter include Cornwall, much of Devon, southern East Anglia and some of the East Midlands, the Lake District, the Scottish Borders, most of Wales, and the Scottish Highlands. Shale gas – methane trapped in pore spaces in hard rocks deep underground – can be extracted by a controversial technique known as “fracking”, or hydraulic fracturing. Opposition to fracking has to date centred upon supposed environmental damage and pollution (all unproven) and a slight risk of causing minor earthquakes; but if fracking gets under way in earnest, opposition will start to centre on land ownership and mineral rights issues, noise and traffic disruption. It is worth noting that to date not a single British kettle has been boiled by the energy from shale gas.
Curiosity finds something curious
Nasa’s Mars mega-rover, Curiosity, which landed in Gale Crater in August 2012 and has been trundling around since, has made a number of interesting scientific discoveries. These include finding conglomerate rocks that were probably laid down in an ancient river, and recent confirmation that “life-friendly” conditions (ie, warmish weather and liquid water) pertained on this part of the Red Planet’s surface billions of years ago.
But Curiosity has not found microbial life on Mars, nor evidence of past life. Its critics say it was a mistake not to equip it with a life-detector (such as was fitted to the twin Viking landers of 1976) and that Curiosity represents a missed opportunity. Perhaps, but there is a chance that the nuclear-powered machine could detect something interesting in 2014 as it begins its long ascent up the flanks of 18,000ft Mount Sharp, which lies in the middle of the crater. If Mars was ever home to microbial life, or even something bigger, then Curiosity might – just might – be able to spot the fossil evidence in the rocks. And it is possible – just possible – that it could even spot something alive: a very long shot, perhaps, but Mars is a very strange place and may yet surprise us.
Neutrinos come in from the cold
Only slightly less weird than dark matter, neutrinos are the fast-moving, fundamental particles that bombard the Earth (and you) in their trillions from all directions every second, yet which hardly interact with ordinary matter at all (on average you need about a light year of lead to guarantee stopping one in its tracks). Being nearly massless, neutrinos are too light to account for the “missing mass” of dark matter itself, but cosmologists think that neutrinos, which come in various flavours, comprise a key, and as yet poorly understood, part of what makes the universe tick.
Because they are so hard to catch, neutrino science is in its infancy, but this year scientists using a telescope buried in the Antarctic ice detected high-energy neutrinos formed outside the solar system (the one light year of lead is an average for the amount of stuff you need to stop a neutrino; a very small proportion will be stopped by far less matter, such as several hundred metres of ice).
ET gets in touch
The longest shot of all, and there is no reason to believe that it is any more likely to happen in 2014 than the year after or indeed a thousand years hence. But that said, the more we learn about the universe the more, not less, curious it seems that we are apparently alone. When scientists including Enrico Fermi and Frank Drake first started seriously speculating about the possibility of extraterrestrial civilisations more than half a century ago, astronomers knew of only one solar system in the whole of the cosmos – ours. Now we know of more than a thousand, several containing apparently Earthlike planets, a handful of which may lie in their stars’ “habitable zone”, an orbit in which it is neither too hot nor too cold for liquid water to exist.
All this raises the question: where the heck is everybody? Given that we have the technology today (but not as yet the money) to build telescopes big enough to spot signs of life spectroscopically on nearby “Earth analogues”, if intelligent life is as common as some suspect then it is certain that by now the aliens have used their telescopes to detect us. Maybe a signal is overdue. Or maybe someone is on their way. Or, of course, there is simply no one out there. The wonderful thing is that any of these possibilities is equally awe-inspiring.
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Video: UFO Files of the Italian Air Force 2013
Video: UFO Files of the Italian Air Force 2013
In his testimony, Dr. Pinotti speaks about the 215 inexplicable UFO events in the Italian Air Force files.
He obtained official Italian documents that date back to the 30′s, specifically 1936 where the then Fascist Government was handling and documenting UFO sightings. Mussolini was very concerned about these unexplained craft because of the effect they might have on the Italian Air Force.
The documents talk about elongated craft expelling smaller flying saucer type UFOs. One sighting happened over the skies of Venice. The Air Force attempted to intercept these craft but could not as they were too fast.
Recently the Chief of the Intelligence Office of the Italian Air Force, General Olivero, spoke about this subject saying that the problem of UFO’s exists and that the Air Force has been dealing with it since 1978.
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MARS: HISTORY NASA HIDES + true or fantasie???
by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.),
author, Anunnaki: Gods No More
Overwhelming evidence from a plethora of impeccable witnesses have, IMHO, clearly established the presence of the Greys. They may have a base on Mars’ moon, Phobos.
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin reported sighting a huge monolith on Phobos. The monolith seems similar to those the Anunnaki (Homo Sapiens from the planet Nibiru who settled Earth 400,000 years ago) used for the power grid they established on Earth with monoliths like Stonehenge, statues on Rap Nui and in Indonesia’s Bada Valley and diorite stone balls in Costa Rica and Bosnia.
The missile or rocket that brought down the Phobos II probe seems to have come from Phobos (see the shadow of the missile or rocket, recorded just before our probe disappeared). Zecharia Sitchin, in Genesis Revisited, speculated, the Greys still maintain a base on the Phobos, the moon, and that a craft or ICBM from that moon destroyed Phobos II, the probe.
by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)
Extracted from Anunnaki: Gods No More and based on works of Zecharia Sitchin 450,000 years ago, Mars “was a planet with pleasant seasons, flowing water, oceans and rivers, cloudy blue skies and simple plant life. It’s now going through an ice age that started 13,000 years ago. When the next Martian warm period (interglacial) arrives, Mars will again flow with water.”
Mars goes greater distance and takes more time to orbit around the sun than distance Earth goes and time Earth takes, since Mars’ orbital path stretches longer over its elliptical circuit than Earth’s also elliptical orbit takes.
Mars’ summers, when Mars passes passes closest to the sun and warms, lasts longer than Earth’s summers. The length of Mars’ winters, when it’s colder and farthest from Solaris lasts longer than Earth’s winters. Mars’ seasons last twice as long as Earth’s. Both Earth and Mars rotate on their own axes in about 24 hours, so they have equivalent cycles of day and night.
Mars also has both longer colder glacial periods and longer warmer interglacial periods than Earth. Mars’ cycle of glacial and interglacial periods is 50,000 years; Earth’s glacial/interglacial cycle’s only 41,000 years long. When the Enki, Anzu and crew first landed on Mars, Mars was in its warm, interglacial phase, when its waters flowed on its surface. [ZS,Genesis: 232 -234] 450,000 YEARS AGO, ANU DEPOSED AND SUCCEEDED ALALU AS KING OF PLANET NIBIRU
“Alalu in combat was defeated; by acclaim Anu was hailed as king. Anu to the palace was escorted.”
“Alalu to the palace did not return. From the crowds he stealthily escaped; of dying like Lahma he was fearful. Unbeknownst to others, to the place of the celestial chariots [rockets] he hurriedly went. Into a missle-throwing chariot Alalu climbed; its hatch behind him he closed. The forepart chamber he entered; the commander’s seat he occupied. In the celestial boat Alalu from Nibiru escaped. To snow-hued Earth, Alalu set his course.” [ZS, Enki: 24 - 39]
Alalu nuked asteroids en-route to Earth and, 440,000 Earth years ago, he landed on marshy land near Basra, on the Persian Gulf and waded ashore. He confirmed gold. He targeted Nibiru with missiles. “The Speaker-of-Words he stirred up; toward Nibiru the words to carry, “On another world I am, the gold of salvation I have found. The fate of Nibiru is in my hands. To my conditions you must give heed! Return my throne“ [ZS, Enki: 60]
On Nibiru, the Council heard Alalu’s demands.
Enki said he’d rocket to Earth and see if it had enough gold to send miners. “If from gold dust of Earth a shield for Nibiru its atmosphere to save,” said Enki, “let Alalu Earth rule as King. For kingship on Nibiru, let him wrestle Anu. Let me in a chariot [rocket] to Earth journey, a path through the Bracelet [Asteroids] with water, not fire I shall fashion. On Earth, from the waters let me the precious gold to obtain; to Nibiru back it will be sent.” So Anu sent son Enki to Earth to mollify Alalu. Enki could mediate between Anu and Alalu, since Alalu was Enki’s father-in-law.
To Earth with Enki, Anu also sent Alalu’s grandson, pilot Anzu (an astro-navigation expert), and fifty men. The name, “Anzu,” means ‘He Who Knows the Heavens’ or astronavigator. Anzu charted the course toward the Sun.
Enki diverted water from the ship’s engine-cooling system to a water cannon. With the cannon, he blasted rocks from his course though the asteroid belt. “Critical Water depleted,” Anzu warned; “engine failure immanent.” Mars’ waters could save them.
Enki and Anzu landed on Mars which had water and air too.
“The water was good for drinking but the air was insufficient for breathing; they needed their Eagle’s helmets to breathe.” On Mars, they drew water from a lake.” [Sumerian clay tablets show water on Mars long before Twenty-First Century scientists found water traces there]. [Tellinger, Slave Species: 432]
Rocket’s water renewed, Enki launched for Earth, “its gold Nibiru’s fate for salvation or doom containing.” [ZS, Enki: 71]
When Anu and his sons divided rule of Nibiru and Earth, “Forward toward Anu Alalu stepped, shouted, ‘Mastery of Earth to me was allotted; that was the promise when the gold finds to Nibiru I announced! Nor have I the claim to Nibiru’s throne forsaken.’“ [ZS, Enki : 93]
Anu wrestled Alalu. They grappled.[ZS, Wars:86] “Anu on the chest of Alalu with his foot pressed down, victory in the wrestling thereby declaring, ‘I am King.”
But when Anu lifted his foot from Alalu, “swiftly he the manhood of Anu bit off, the malehood of Anu Alalu did swallow.” [ZS, Wars: 94]
Enlil subdued and tied Alalu while Enki gave Anu first-aid. Anu groaned, “Maroon Alalu on Mars, I shall. Slowly will he die from my flesh ingested, “His flesh killed anyone who ate it.
So Anu, en-route to Nibiru, left Alalu with food and tools on Mars. On Mars also, Anu left Anzu to tend the ex-King as he died. [Tellinger, Slave Species:438]
On Nibiru, Anu ordered freight rockets to shuttle from Earth and its moon, as well as other planets and satellites between Nibiru and the sun.
The Nibirans much later had Sumerian scribes, identify, for Nibiran pilots, that Mars could give them “water as they passed Saturn and Jupiter.” This inscription shows Sumerians knew Mars had water long before modern probes confirmed this long ridiculed fact. Adding still more credence to the Sumerian recording of Nibirans’ dictates about their route from Nibiru, the scribes made a chart that showed Mars as the “planet where the right course is set, turn right.”
NINMAH SAVED ANZU ON MARS, BUILT MARSBASE The King sent daughter Ninmah with female medical officers to Earth. “On Mars stop,” he said, “If Anzu lives, to him give men to there a base start.”
On the shores of a lake on Mars Ninmah found Alalu Theand Anzu dead but she revived Anzu. To honor Alalu who found the gold that could save Nibiru, “The image of Alalu upon the great rock mountain [Cyndonia] with beams they [Ninmah’s crew and Anzu] carved. They showed Alalu wearing an eagle’s helmet; his face they made uncovered.” Alalu’s head, the Cyndonia statue, climbed a full half mile.
Before she left Mars for Earth, Ninmah, as Anu had ordered, gave Anzu twenty astronauts from her company and told them to build a way-station for the gold freighters.* They, and later shipments of workers built three pyramids, which they used as power stations for the complex they built near Alalu’s statue. * [ZS, Genesis: 232 -271; Enki: 104].
From Marsbase, Anzu ruled 300 Nibirans, a space station that circled Earth and the shuttle service. Either Nibiran space-station personnel or some earlier space travelers had moved two water-bearing asteroids into artificial circular (not elliptical, like non-artificial) orbits around Mars’ equator. These are Mar’s two moons, Deimos and Phobos. Phobos circles Mars 3.5 times each Martian day.The Nibirans or their predecessors on Phobos enlarged caverns on the 17 x 13 x 12 mile large Phobos, a mere 5,800 niles from Mars. The fashioners of this base made a hollowed-out base there on Phobos.
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin reported sighting a huge monolith on Phobos–a monolith like those the Anunnaki made for their power grid on Earth with monoliths like Stonehenge, statues on Rap Nui and Indonesia’s Bada Valley and diorite stone balls in Costa Rica and Bosnia. [Ancient Aliens, Season 5, Chapter 6]
The Phobos base was sheltered by miles of rock from radiation and meteorite bombardment.
The Soviet Phobos 2 probe in 1994 was scheduled to shoot Phobos with a laser from a mere 150 feet above the moonlet. Close-up cameras would then record what the laser stirred up. Before Phobos 2 could shoot, a missile or spacecraft destroyed the probe. Phobos had by 1994 become a base for Greys, who took over the base in the hollowed out moon. It was probably they or an automatic defense system that brought the probe down. [ZS, Genesis:293 -298] Back when Anzu ran the base on Mars itself, his men, the Igigi, rocketed to Sippar and loaded gold from submersibles up from Africa. Anzu’s men on Mars took the gold to Nibiru, where scientists powdered and spread it in the air. “Slowly was the breach in the heavens healing.” [ZS, Enki: 117; Time: 232]
From Mars, Anzu and the Igigi demanded Enlil better their work-conditions, issue more elixir and build a recreation center on Earth. Anu, from Nibiru, ordered Anzu to Earth to talk with Enlil. The King told Enlil to show Anzu everything. At Nippur [Iraq], Enlil wouldn’t, at first, show the control room to Anzu. Enlil told Anzu, “I alone rule all Earth operations: You and the Igigi must obey, not challenge, me.”
Enki, however, told Enlil to show the gold mining, refining and transport system to Anzu. “Get Anzu to keep his men on the job.” So Enlil told Anzu, “Let’s cover ourselves with sterile clothes for the restricted area.” But when Enlil stripped, Anzu stole his keys, slipped into the control room and seized the crystals [computers] that ran Sumer’s spaceport and cities.
Anzu forced pilot Abgal to take him to the spaceport,, where Anzu’s men declared Anzu King of Earth and Mars. Anzu turned off vital services at headquarters (Nibru-ki), cut Earth-Nibiru communications, and, from his aircraft, buzzed Enlilite positions.
Ninurta launched his jet and shot Anzu down. Then the Ninurta freed Abgal, retrieved the crystals that controlled the Expedition’s facilities. Finally, the Champ captured Anzu and dragged him before Enlil.
The Seven Who Judge–Enki, Damkina, Marduk, Nannar, Enlil, Ninmah and Ninurta–found Anzu guilty of treason. Ninurta executed him “with a killing ray.” Enlil ordered Marduk to display Anzu’s body on Mars, then bury him there; let the astronauts see Ninurta kills rebels. [ZS, Wars: 95 -102, 124--Drawing of cylinder seal VA/243, Berlin Museum]
In a few thousand years, Adapted Earthlings workers (whom Enki, Ninmah, and Enki’s son Ningishzidda bred with the Nibiran genome, clay, copper and a few proto-Bigfoot [Erectus] genes) proliferated. They worked the African mines and submersible cargo boats that, in just ten days, brought the gold from the mines to Bad-Tibira in Sumer to smelt, refine and form into portable ingots for transshipment to Mars. “The vital gold to Nibiru was coming; steadily. Nibiru’s atmosphere was slowly healing.” Nibirans shuttled to and from Earth and took gold to and from the base on Mars.[ZS, Lost Realms: 232; Enki: 151; Giants: 99]
When Nibiru crossed between Jupiter and Mars, Nibiru’s gravity jounced planets and disrupted Nibiru’s atmosphere. When, 300,000 years ago, Nibiru crossed, hurricanes and “brimstones” hit Earth’s Moon. The crossing agitated atmosphere, ignited volcanoes, and loosed mighty earthquakes on Earth. Nibiru’s crossing battered Mars too then. It ruined the astronaut base, destroyed the smelting plant and wrecked the transshipment warehouses on Mars. Marduk, Mars’ manager, asked Enlil to employ him on Earth. Commander Enlil beamed King Anu on Nibirum who replied: No more gold transshipment from Mars. Rockets had to take gold right from Sumer to Nibiru. So Anu ended gold transfer on Mars and with it, Marduk’s job as Operations Boss. Out of a job, and passed over for command of the Astronauts on Earth–Enlil gave that job to Marduk’s cousin Utu–Marduk proclaimed he’d marry Sarpanit, daughter of his dad’s Adapted Earthling overseer, Erkime.
In 3450 B.C., Enlil let Marduk and Sarpanit wed at Eridu [Basara]. But he ordered the couple, after the ceremony at Eridu, to retire to Egypt (henceforth Marduk’s fief) within Enki’s Africa. “A great multitude of Civilized Earthlings in Eridu assembled. Young Igigi from Lahmu [Mars] in great numbers came.” They captured 200 beautiful Earthlings and forced Enlil to let them settle on Earth and build lineages.
When, 13,000 years ago, the Deluge threatened, Enlil ordered Marduk to shelter on Mars and Marduk’s allies, the lineages the Igigi from Mars had begat, to shelter atop Earth’s peaks till the waters receded.
To Baalbek [Lebanon] Enlil summonsed Nibirans who, on Earth’s peaks, survived the flood and the astronauts in spacecraft that orbited the planet. He also called in Nannar from the Moon and Marduk from Mars.
Marduk reported that Mars, “by the passage of Nibiru was devastated. Its atmosphere was sucked out, its waters evaporated, a place of dust storms it is.”
* Thousands of years later, Marduk’s armies threatened Enlil and his Enlilite lineage. Enlil shifted the Nibiran gold-shipping from southeast Africa to Tianhanaco and Pumapunku atop the Andes.
At Tiahuanaco Ninurta and Adad-Viracocha laid out power-generator and space-marker pyramids. On Mars’ “Inca City” area, Sitchin discerned interlocking huge stone blocks, like those found at Sacsahuaman, Peru. A chunk of these blocks, probably moulded into a cement with the Anunnaki equivalent of our Brown’s gas, buried itself as a meteorite in Antarctica [Mariner 9 photo frame 4212-15].
Anunnaki pyramids on Earth, and probably on Mars too, amplified vibrations from the planet pumping stagnant water beneath them, boosting it with the controlled explosive release of hydrogen gas and further magnified with crystals to meet their power needs. Nibiran-built pyramids on Earth, and probably on Mars too, amplified vibrations from their planets. The pyramids pumped stagnant water under them. The pumped water sent a pulse upward in the pyramids. To boost this ascending pulse, they fed hydrogen chloride and hydrated zinc though stone ducts into an explosion chambers. The HCL and zinc combined in the chambers and sent an ongoing controlled explosive release of hydrogen gas upward through a series of crystal amplifiers. The pulse thus enhanced exited the tops of the pyramids as perpetual microwaves out the pyramids tops to meet their power needs.
Inside Anunnaki pyramids, after the hydrogen gas exploded and amplified the pulse from the pool beneath, crystals, says Christopher Dunn, amplified it’s with crystals, as shown:
Crystals amplified microwave in Giza’s Great Pyramid
Our probe, Mariner 9, registered two pairs of pyramids on Mars. One of the pyramid pairs on Mars measured two miles across and half a mile high [Mariner 9 frames 4205-78, 4296-23; ZS, Genesis: 2462 -246].
The Anunnaki set out Earth’s pyramids in Giza and Tiahuanaco exactly as they’d set out Mars’ pyramids just west of Alalu’s statue at Cyndonia. Near Cyndonia, they raised beds of crops they irrigated from canals that reached the nearby lake [NASA Frame 52-A-35, Plate L].
Giza’s on right; Mars, left.
On both Mars and Giza, the Nibirans marked their pyramids’ entrances with statues. On Mars, the mile-high statue that fronted their big pyramid featured Alalu’s face [Viking photo 76-A-593/17384]. Alalau’s head rose a half-mile above Mars’ plateau.
In Egypt, Anunnaki built the Giza complex around 10,500 B.C.. There they first put the face of Ningishzidda-Thoth, who designed the complex, on the statue of a crouching lion (Sphinx) that marked the pyramids.
In 3100 B.C., Marduk-Ra displaced Ningishzidda from Egypt. Marduk replaced Ningishzidda’s face on the Sphinx with the face of Osiris, Marduk’s murdered son. The face of the Sphinx face gazed at the mile-high stone face of Alalu, Marduk’s mother’s father, on Mars.
The complex of statue and pyramids the Nibirans laid out at Giza (around 10,500 B.C.) served as beacon for incoming rockets. On Earth, incoming rockets could sight a line from Mount Ararat in Turkey–Earth’s most obvious natural marker–to the Sinai Landing Corridor. This mirrored their layout on Mars. The entire Cyndonia plan marked a path in line with Olympus Mars, Mar’s most obvious visible (15 miles high) natural marker for Mar’s Utopian area. The Utopian area on Mars featured “a pentagonal structure [NASA frame 086-A-07] and a runway next to evidence of mining [NASA frame 086-A-08, PlatesI and J]. The runway led “to an elevated structure of geometric design with straight sides and pierlike teeth on one side–a structure now mostly buried under windblown sands–to the shore of what was once a lake.”
Mars also had an airport near the equator, “a circular hub from which loading gates radiated” at longitude 186.4. [ZS, Genesis:280]
Other photos of Mars “show tracks on an escarpment above the great canyon in the Valles Marineris near the Martian Equator.” These tracks, like those at Nazca, crisscross in a way that natural tracks would not.
At Tiahuanaco, canals connected the Nibirans’ structures to Lake Titicaca, just as on Mars, canals connected their structures to an adjacent lake.
At Tiahuanaco, the main buildings were the Kalasasaya, a square hollowed out pyramid they used for astronomical readings, and one called the Akapana, “engineered to process ores.”
The nearing (perigee) of Nibiru to the inner solar system, 11,000B.C., destroyed the Nibiran space facilities in Iraq. The nearing also threw a huge boulder on the north wall of the big pyramid on Mars, just west of Alalu’s statue. The wall of this pyramid on Mars crumbled in the great onslaught. The rain of debris and proximity of Nibiru to Mars also vaporized Mars’ surface water and stripped away its atmosphere. The north corner of the pyramid just west of Alalu’s statue at Cyndonia was crushed by a huge boulder, probably during the same 11,000 B.C. nearing of Nibiru to Earth, the same perigee that caused Earth’s Deluge. The smashed pyramid at Cyndonia was fed water from the nearby lake by “an array of large piers, just as at Pumapunku [ZS, Genesis: 232 -271; Plate H].
Basiago, A.2008, The Discovery of Life on Mars, Mars Anomaly Research Society
Lessin, S.000,
Sereda, D.2012, Breakthrough: Faster Than Light Communication with ET, Open Minds
Sitchin, Z. [ZS in text attributions] 1976, The 12th Planet, Avon1983, The Stairway to Heaven [Stairway], Avon 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men [Wars], Avon 1990, Genesis Revisited Avon 1990, The Lost Realms Avon 1993, When Time Began [Time], Avon 1995, Divine Encounters [Encounters], Avon 1996, Of Heaven and Earth, Book Tree 1998 The Cosmic Code, Avon 2002, The Lost Book of Enki [Enki], Bear 2004, The Earth Chronicles Expeditions [Expeditions], Bear 2007, The End of Days, HarperCollins 2007, Journeys to the Mythical Past [Journeys], Bear 2009, The Earth Chronicles Handbook [Handbook], Bear 2010, There Were Giants Upon The Earth [Giants], Bear 2013, The King Who Refused to Die [King], Bear
03-01-2014 om 23:53
geschreven door peter
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Alien Contact - Canadian Defence Minister - Disclosure 2014 ?
Alien Contact - Canadian Defence Minister - Disclosure 2014 ?
UFO - Extraterrestrial Contact Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer Exposing the truth rega...
03-01-2014 om 23:43
geschreven door peter
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UFO Sightings Huge Mother Ship Cloaked As A Star
UFO Sightings Huge Mother Ship Cloaked As A Star
UFO Sightings Huge Mother Ship Cloaked As A Star? Incredible Evidence Dec 8 2013 Incredible Call into Thirdphaseofmoon Radio Via Vince Pounds Captures Shocking Photos of What He Claims is a Mother ship Of L.A. Cloaked as A Star!
On New Year's Eve, many people across the state of California witnessed strange lights and craft in the sky. Witnesses in Auburn, California saw a large egg-shaped object with a bright light slowly cruising across the sky before suddenly accelerating at a high rate of speed. Others witnesses in the Sacramento area saw bright lights in a triangular formation. The same "orb triangle" UFOs were also witnessed in Los Angeles the very same night.
192′ The hidden message in Crop Circle Salinas, California
’192′ The hidden message in Crop Circle Salinas, California
"192' The hidden message in Crop Circle Salinas, California possible explanation of the dot pattern in the middle section of the crop circle. The dot pattern is written in Braille. Braille is a tactile system of raised dots representing letters of the alphabet. Braille is to the person with vision loss what the printed word is to the sighted individual. First row: 192 192 Second row: B 192 1 Third row: 192 192 The backwards ‘L’ is an indicator that numbers are to follow. See Clip and more:
A possible explanation of the dot pattern in the middle section of the crop circle.
The dot pattern is written in Braille.
Braille is a tactile system of raised dots representing letters of the alphabet. Braille is to the person with vision loss what the printed word is to the sighted individual.
The three rows inside and translated in Braille:
First row: 192 192 Second row: B 192 1 Third row: 192 192 The backwards ‘L’ is an indicator that numbers are to follow.
Some suggestions:
The letter B refers to the word Braille 192 – key numbers Outer circle: Imagine it as a clock face The dots would be at: 192
Some meanings of the number 192:
192 – Number of manslaughter 192 – atomic weight of the element Iridum 192 – a unit of time ( SI – System of Units ) 192 – a bit rate in telecommunications and computing
Imagine the number is 129 – around 129 BC the greek astronomer Hipparchus produced the first well known star catalog.( Stellar Magnitude System )
You know, the dates in 1986 and 2014 match up exactly. Jan.1 back then fell on a Wednesday, just like this year, and both years had 28 days in February. Overall, 1986 wasn’t the best of years. The Challenger space shuttle exploded and the Chernobyl power station in Ukraine (then part of the Soviet Union) failed.
A witness in Hamilton describes sighting UFO orbs over Lake Ontario on 7 Dec, 2013 at 2:01 pm. He also alleges that there is an alien base under the lake. This report has been obtained from a testimony included in the database of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), published on 15 Dec, 2013.
Hamilton is a city southwest of Toronto which is Canada's largest city.
The witness begins the report by describing what he was doing at the time of the sighting.
“Walking home from my shift at work when a tingly sensation came over me.”
He talks about what he saw, when he looked up in the sky.
“I looked up and saw numerous balls or orb like lights in the sky.”
He tells us that he felt sick and was unable to move when he sighted the orbs.
“I then felt sick and faint but kept focus on them. I tried to move but could not.”
The talks about the total number of orbs and their direction.
“There approx 10 orbs hovering above then slightly away from me, before the moved off quietly to the SE.”
He further tells us that he has seen many orbs over the lake in the past.
“I have seen many orbs or spheres out over the lake over the years.”
He then says that the incident was real and he feels that the aliens were trying to communicate with him. He also alleges that he could not account for 11 minutes of his time.
“This was real and I think it was aliens trying to communicate with me as I seem to have missed about eleven minutes of time.”
The witness finally alleges that there is an alien base under the lake.
Lake Ontario has ben referred to as part of the "Great Lakes Triangle" in relation to alleged alien activities. Watch video below concerning the "Great Lakes Triangle".
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Alien Base Inside The Bucegi Mountains
Alien Base Inside The Bucegi Mountains
Before It's News)
I. Short Introduction
In the summer of 2003, in an unexplored area of the Bucegi Mountains, a team from Zero Department (a top secret section of the Romanian Intelligence Service — SRI), had made an epochal discovery, which could had completely change mankind’s destiny.
The United States of America exercised colossal diplomatic pressure on the Romanian Government, which intended to disclose the findings to the entire world.
The implications became far more complex due to the brutal interference of the Order of the Illuminati, which sought to take control of both the location of the discovery, and the joint Romanian – American expedition.
The expert on strange phenomena, and also the leader of operations for the Romanian State, Cezar Brad, is the “hero” of the shocking events that occurred in the Bucegi Mountains. He also had two memorable meetings with a leading representative of the Illuminati, and top Bilderberg member.
The Bucegi Mountains
II. A Strange Visit From The Most Powerful Bilderberg Member
In May 2003, Cezar was visited by a highly important character. The meeting request came through SRI, as a result of the government’s intervention. The person was a foreigner, but spoke the Romanian language very well. He was also familiar with the country. The SRI informed Cezar that the visitor was a high ranking member of a very important Masonic lodge from Italy, he was a noble, and had very strong financial influence in Romania.
His political influence was also very high, since he was able to penetrate the wall of SRI agents and reach the DZ.
Cezar felt a high pressure and a heavy weight around this person. He was surrounded by a cloud of heavy, unpleasant radiation which concealed his true intentions. For this meeting, Cezar prepared thoroughly, isolating himself in a room and falling into a state of deep meditation, to learn more about the person. A SRI helicopter brought this arrogant, tall gentleman, wearing a black suit. He had a cane with ivory handle and gold inlay. His face expressed harshness and his green eyes had a strange effect, radiating unusual coldness. He presented himself as Senior Massini (probably not the real name). He was very confident of his power and created the impression of a person who was used to give orders.
He was the leader of one of the most important Masonic Lodges of Europe and also to one of the most influential Masonic organizations in the world: the Bilderberg Group.
Massini was very direct and stated that humans are of two kinds: those who can be manipulated and ruled (these form the majority), and those who have certain virtues and strong personalities. He said that his group is part of the highest Masonic order and is very interested in the outcome of the discussion.
Mister Massini explained that the Bilderberg Group is not a Masonic lodge, and it means much more than that. He said that the lodges are just facades and the real power is much higher than the thirty-third hierarchical level. Massini invited Cezar to join the group, letting him understand that he will have many advantages.
According to Cezar, Massini was both physically and psychical strong, which contrasted with his age. Unfortunately for him, his power was centered on a huge ego, arrogance and sense of superiority over the rest.
Massini informed Cezar that he requested him personally, using his political influence, because he was impressed by Cezar’s psychic power.
III. The Pentagon Spies With Satellites
A Pentagon satellite used for geodetic espionage, based on bionic technology and shape waves, discovered in 2002 a separate unit in a specific area of the Bucegi Mountains. The empty space inside the mountain had no correspondence with the outside, and looked like it was carved from the inside, by intelligent beings. It was definitely not a cave.
Tunnel and dome inside the Bucegi Mountains
The Romanian Sphinx of Bucegi
The satellite scan of the mountain revealed two major energetic blocks. These barriers were made of artificial energy. The first one was like an energetic wall, blocking the access to the tunnel, while the second one was shaped like a dome (or hemisphere), and was located at the opposite end of the tunnel, near the center of the mountain.
Massini was sure that inside the dome they will discover something extremely important.
He had deep knowledge about the origin of this discovery and had knew of the existence of at least one item located inside the great hemispherical hall. The tunnel and dome were strangely aligned with the rock formations from the top of the mountain, known as “Babele” and the “Sphinx of Bucegi”.
IV. A Similar Structure In Iraq
The Pentagon team noted that the hemispherical energy barrier had the same vibrational frequency and the same shape as one other top secret underground structure that they had discovered prior, near Baghdad, Iraq. Shortly after this discovery, the Iraqi war broke out and after a few months, the Americans had access to the biggest secret in the area — which the Iraqis knew nothing of. Massini explained Cezar that the content of that discovery had to do with Earth’s mysterious past and the history of their secret organizations. When the Pentagon investigation noted the similarities between the underground structure of Baghdad and the one from the Bucegi Mountains, Massini and his masonic lodge became extremely agitated. Initially, they’ve almost panicked. The panic was due to the fact that this structure – much larger and more complex than the one from Iraq – is on Romania’s territory.
(Apparently, Romania is probable to play an important role in the downfall of the secret societies that control the world and enslave mankind. It was also suggested that somewhere above the Bucegi Mountains, an energetic pyramid is located, which is invisible to the naked eye, and contains the real history of our planet. One can imagine their panic).
Massini brought to the drilling site an ultra sophisticated, hard rock drilling machine, used by the US military. The device used a strong plasma jet and a sort of rotating magnetic field, literally melting the rock with no visible effort.
V. The Secrets Of The Bucegi Mountains — Year 2003
They were able to achieve penetration about 60-70 meters away from the first energetic barrier, and reached the first gallery, which looked like a subway tunnel. Its walls were perfectly polished. At the end of the tunnel there was a massive stone gate, which was protected by an invisible energetic barrier. Three members of the first special intervention team tried to touch the door, and immediately died of cardiac arrest.
Any object (rock, plastic, metal or wood) threw at the barrier, immediately turned into fine dust. Two generals from the Pentagon and the U.S. presidential adviser arrived on the spot.
VI. The Grand Gallery
Beyond the formidable energy barrier, which caused the deaths of three people, there was also the solid rock gate. On the tunnel’s wall, just in front of the gate, there was an area of 20 square cm, on which there was precisely drawn an equilateral triangle pointing up. The square was located between the huge grinding stone gate and the invisible energy barrier.
Cezar felt that there is some kind of compatibility between the energetic barrier and himself, something like a mutual “sympathy”. His hand lightly touched the surface of the energetic barrier and he felt a tingling on the skin. The shield was completely harmless to him, so he stepped forward, passing right through it. The U.S. officials were absolutely stunned.
Cezar estimated the barrier to be no more than an inch thick.
He touched the triangle drawing located in the center of the square, and the gigantic stone door silently slid to the left, into the wall. That command also cancelled the energetic barrier, giving them access to a huge room, which was later named “The Grand Gallery”.
Even though there was no visible light source, the Grand Gallery was perfectly lit.
After turning off the first energetic barrier, the huge hemispherical shield at the other end of the room, suddenly tuned to a higher vibration and started emitting higher radiations.
On a closer analysis, the wall inside the Grand Gallery seemed synthetic but also felt like something organic was part of it. It had the color of oil, but the reflections were green and blue.
Later tests revealed that the wall’s material was somewhat rough to the touch, but it could not be scratched or bent. It withstood any attempt of breaking, piercing or cutting it. Later, the scientists tried to burn the material, but in a mysterious way, the flames were somehow absorbed within it, leaving it untouched.
The American scientists agreed that the material is a mysterious combination of organic and inorganic matter. After 280 feet, the gallery suddenly turned to the right in a sharp angle. Further ahead a blue, sparkly, light could be seen. The blue light at the end of the gallery was the reflection of the protective shield of energy.
VII. A Similar Base In Iraq
The U.S. adviser on national security issues received a call and he was notified that the energetic shield from Baghdad, Iraq, had been suddenly activated, and it was also pulsating at a higher frequency. In front of the shield from Baghdad, a hologram of our planet appeared, which sequentially and progressively depicted the European Continent, then moved to the south-east, then it showed the Bucegi Mountains from Romania and, finally, it showed their own location within the structure’s corridor. It was obvious that the two hemispherical energy shields were in a direct connection.
Basically, the Iraqi base had been notified about the presence of people inside the Romanian base.
The bad news was that the U.S. presidency was notified and it contacted the Romanian diplomacy. In just a few minutes, the whole operation had been disclosed, and Lord Massini’s plan went down the drain.
The U.S. presidency demanded to take control over the secret base and the entire operation. The Romanian politicians, who knew nothing of the undergoing secret operation, panicked.
The Pentagon’s generals present at the scene, had been informed that Washington demanded an urgent meeting. VIII. CSAT (Supreme Defense Council) Emergency Meeting
An emergency session of the Supreme Defense Council (CSAT) had created a huge wave of sympathy for the Zero Department. Most were shaken by the news they’ve received. The CSAT’s decision was to continue the research, but under Zero Department’s complete control. They’ve had also demanded an inventory of everything found in the Great Room.
From Bucharest (Romania’s capital), the orders came in waves, canceling each other. Some were very vehement and strict, while others were elusive — denoting the huge tension.
CSAT’s members were in continuous session, keeping in touch with the Bucegi Mountains team. After discussing everything for hours, they had decided to make the discovery public. The Romanian government was to make a formal statement to the entire world. Some CSAT members vehemently opposed the decision.
IX. Romania’s Official Statement
When the U.S. diplomacy had been informed that Romania will disclose the discoveries, everything tuned into chaos. The President was called for a direct phone conversation with the White House. Within hours, the U.S. blocked all financial transactions with Romania and its access to all other financial institutions. Romania was about to declare “State of emergency” in the Bucegi Mountains and the capital.
The talks between the U.S. officials arrived in Bucharest and the Romanian Emergency Department took place without a translator. The U.S. officials were verbally violent, constantly shouting and uttering threats to Romania and its officials.
Romania’s official disclosure to the world would have provided photographic evidence and anything else essential for a complete clarification. Leading scientists and researchers from all over the planet were to be invited for in depth studies. But most importantly, it would have revealed the truth about mankind’s distant past and the real history — which according to what Cezar witnessed inside the Grand Gallery, is almost entirely counterfeit.
The reaction of the U.S. government was so brutal because that disclosure would have shattered their global influence and power, in a instant.
The official reason cited by the U.S., was not to create panic in the world, but they had omitted to acknowledge that the current state of global anguish is a direct result of deliberate deceit and manipulation conducted by the Freemasonry and other secret societies, for millenia.
There was also an intervention from the Vatican (if you wonder how did the Vatican found out about this discovery, then you should know that they are at the very top of the world’s control pyramid, and their religious piety is merely a facade — read: The Darkest Secrets of the Vatican), in which the Pope (!) called for moderation before this great, fundamental, step for mankind.
The Pope promised to make certain documents available to the Romanian state from the ancient papal secret archives, which were of great importance for Romania. The documents were backing up the discoveries (yes, that’s how powerful a Pope is).
After 24 hours of negotiations, a final agreement occurred between Romania and the USA. The Romanian state was to postpone the disclosure, and gradually present everything to the people.
X. The Projection Room
The Projection Room (click to enlarge)
The Grand Gallery ended abruptly with a giant auditorium, 30 meters in height (98,5 feet) and a length of 100 meters (328 feet). The Projection Room was smaller in size and it was protected by an energetic shield. Advancing towards the shield, a portion of it disappeared, in the shape of a door, allowing access inside it. The shield protected the room by any outside influences. Once inside the room, the shield became compact and looked like a white-golden wall.
Basically, the shield formed this dome-shaped room, with curved walls and ceiling. At the back of the room, at a height of a about 10-12 meters (33-39,5 feet), the shield ended where it touched the room’s stone wall. In this wall there were three enormous tunnel holes: one located straight ahead, and the other two were symmetrical on both sides. They were lit by a diffuse light in a greenish tint. Both sides decided to prohibit the access to these tunnels and a protocol was signed between them.
XI. Tables For Giants A series of huge stone tables were arranged along the right and left walls (five on each side), following their curvature. The tables were about 2 meters in height (6,6 feet).
The table tops had precision cut-in reliefs, different signs of an unknown writing and characters that resembled ancient cuneiform. The writing also contained more general symbols, such as triangles and circles. Although the signs were not painted, they’ve had a fluorescent light radiating in various colors, different for each table.
On some of the tables there were different objects, which appeared to be technical tools. From many of these tools, translucent-white wires descended to the floor, and entered inside shiny, silver-like, rectangular boxes. These boxes were placed directly on the floor.
At a closer inspection, the cables were extremely flexible and lightweight, and light pulses could be seen circulating along their length.
Each time someone approached the tables, a holographic projection was automatically activated, presenting aspects of a particular scientific field. The three dimensional images were perfect and had height of almost two and a half meters (8,2 ft).
The projections were automated and ran by themselves, but at the same time they were interactive, and changed according to the signs touched on the tables’ surface.
XII. A Great Discovery: Holographic DNA Combinations Between Extraterrestrial Species
Because of the great height of the tables, the scientists used special tripods to climb at a comfortable height. At a closer investigation they’ve observed a dark-glassy material covering the table tops. The material was divided into several large squares, bounded by straight lines, which formed some kind of a grid.
One of the tables contained information from the field of biology, and it projected images of plants and animals, some of which were completely unknown to the scientists. After touching one of the squares, a hologram presenting the structure of the human body was activated. The hologram was constantly rotating, highlighting various areas of the human body.
Touching other squares activated holographic projections of extraterrestrial beings, from other planetary systems. Simultaneously touching two different squares, a complex scientific analysis was projected, showing the DNA of both species, and compatibility possibilities between the two.
On the sides, in vertical lines, there were written explanations in the same, alien alphabet. At the end of the simulation, a crossbreed between the two species was displayed.
XIII. Real Giants
Judging by the size of all the objects within the Projection Room, the creators of the edifice were probably very tall beings.
A confirmation of giant humanoid skeletons found in Romania could be found in a newspaper called “The Newspaper”:
“The team from the newspaper is accompanied by researcher Vasile Rudan, who noted that the people of the Bozioru village have concrete evidence: a cemetery with skeletons of giants. It was discovered by chance over 20 years ago, when the authorities decided to plant apple trees in the village of Scaieni. Digging on a hill, the villagers discovered huge skeletons, measuring more than 2,40 m (7 ft 10 in).
Dragoi Ilie, one of those who worked in the apple orchard, takes us to the spot. Mister Ilie shows us around the orchard: ‘Everywhere are tombs of giants. We were making holes, to plant saplings, when we found a human head as big as a pumpkin. Neither one of us had ever seen anything like that. We were all amazed. Digging further, we’ve found some bones of the feet, as big as the vineyard poles. The dead one must have been very big.‘”
XIV. The Library Of The Universe
The Projection Room contained detailed information from fields like: physics, cosmology, astronomy, architecture, technology, biology, genetics, and even religion. Because it contained so much information, the room was compared to a library.
In the middle of the room, there was a podium-like area which contained an interesting device. The scientists speculated that it might have been a device to enhance various cerebral functions.
XV. Romania’s Control Panel
Next to it there was a command panel, covered with various geometric symbols, in different colors. There were also two sliding levers and a red button, in the center of the panel, above all other commands. A holographic simulation explained the purpose of the button. It showed an image of the Carpathian Mountains as seen from 25 km (15,5 miles) above them and next, an enormous quantity of water flooded the lowlands and plains.
Next, from the territories of Romania, Hungary and Ukraine, more streams of water appear, heading towards the Transylvanian plateau, in the form of huge rivers. The image focused on Romania’s territory and showed most of its surface covered by the waters of a great sea. Some of the tallest mountain peaks could now be seen as small, floating islands.
Next, the waters begun to withdraw, as soon as the leavers found on the panel were activated, leaving sunk only a small area near the Retezat Godeanu mountain. A true manual.
XVI. A Mysterious Amphora
Behind the control panel there was a square pedestal, of about three meters (9 ft 10 in) per side, on which a mysterious amphora was resting. Lord Massini had knowledge of its existence and, for him and his Masonic elite, this was the most important discovery.
The amphora contained a very fine white powder. The researchers were dismayed to find that the powder was a high purity formula of monatomic gold, with an unknown crystalline structure.
The gold powder in its pure form greatly stimulates certain waves and energy exchanges at cellular and neural level. This causes an accelerated process of rejuvenation. Theoretically, a man can live in the same physical body for several thousand years, provided they consume from time to time, a well-defined quantity of monatomic gold powder. This explains many puzzling aspects about the incredible longevity of some important figures and uncovers part of the hidden intentions of the global elite.
XVII. The Real History Of Our Planet
Behind the amphora, in the middle of the square, there was a huge dome that projected holograms. It displayed the main aspects of humanity’s most distant past, from its very beginning. Cezar explained that according to the images projected by the hologram, about 90% of mankind’s official history is false and counterfeit. Darwin’s evolutionary theory is also incorrect.
In the middle of the square is a huge dome which projects a hologram of moving parts. It contains the main aspects of the very distant past of humanity, from its very beginning. Cezar explained that according to the images projected by the hologram, Darwin’s evolutionary theory is completely false. The true origin of man is depicted in a condensed holographic form. After these lessons of truth, we can say that 90% of the official history of mankind is false and counterfeit. Unbelievable, but what is now considered to have really happened in our history, never did, while the so called “myths” and “legends” are almost entirely true.
Also, most archaeological theories are false. For example, the dinosaurs did not went extinct 65 million years ago, and the old continents of Lemuria and Atlantis existed.
This strange inversion caused many problems and conflicts between people in our past.
For a correct dating of the presented events, a star map corresponding to that period was projected on the background.
Although the time period covered by the projections was very large (several hundred thousand years), and the procession cycle of the Earth is 25,920 years, by observing the number of “Platonic years” (the 25,920-year cycle) the exact dating of the events was possible. The Bucegi Mountains are 50-55 thousand years old.
XVIII. Shocking Revelations
Cezar saw what happened during the so called Great Flood and where the human civilization originated, but he decided not to reveal this, as the revelations are too shocking for the mentality, ideas and knowledge of the contemporary man.
Personally, I think people like him are also responsible for the current state of unawareness and latency of the human species. We have been lied and manipulated for millenia, and as soon as we are close to the truth, someone decides that we are not yet ready to hear it. This is an arrogant and selfish approach! The people are as ready today as they will ever be, and the sooner the truth will be released, the better. Having more pieces of the puzzle will make them accept the truth easier and, more importantly, will make convince them to take action against the manipulators and enslavers.
In a disturbing display of images, the existence of Jesus and his crucifixion was also presented. The projections revealed that many of those who witnessed the crucifixion came there from other historical periods.
They were wearing the same kind of clothing as the rest of the people, but their facial features were different, hence they were constantly covering their faces.
The hologram also presented fragments from the spiritual lives of other exceptional characters of mankind’s distant past, including people that we know nothing of.
In those times, the social and population distribution were completely different from what is known today, so the archaeologists and anthropologists should review their theories from scratch.
XIX. The Three Mysterious Tunnels
The discovered tunnels are thousands of miles in length and lead to three different areas of the planet. The one in the left connected the Romanian base to a yet to be discovered underground base somewhere in Egypt (which was definitely discovered and explored by now).
The right tunnel led to a similar but smaller structure, in the “Tibetan Plateau”. This tunnel had three secondary ramifications. One led to an underground area near the Romanian city of Buzaru (close to the “Carpathian Bend”). Another one led to the already mentioned Iraqi base, while the final ramification led to an underground base in the “Gobi Desert”, in Mongolia.
XX. The Third Tunnel — A Secret World
The middle tunnel was the most important to both Lord Massini and the U.S. Government, which strongly requested to be kept secret to the public. This tunnel descended to extreme depths towards a veritable underground world, located near the center of our planet.
Those of you who are not familiar to the hollow earth theory, please note that there are important figures who support the theory that all planets are probably hollow on the inside, and bring interesting scientific arguments to support their claims.
Also, there are some very interesting and beautiful stories about people who allegedly traveled to this world. The realm is commonly known as Agartha, and the third tunnel was probably leading straight to it. It only makes sense that the shadow elite were not interested to make the discovery known to the people.
Intense preparations begun for expeditions inside all 3 tunnels, as following: the first one to Egypt, the second to Tibet, and the third one to Earth’s core.
(Summary of events from the book: “Viitor cu cap de mort”, by “Radu Cinamar” — the pen name for an undisclosed writer, which in my opinion, is none other than ex-General Emil Strainu. I base my statement on the extremely similar writing style and the fact that the author had direct access to this above-Top Secret alien base — something that couldn’t have happened unless the person was an insider.)
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We zien minder ufos (want we melden geen wensballonnen meer) -
We zien minder ufo’s (want we melden geen wensballonnen meer)
BRUSSEL - Bij het Belgisch Ufo-meldpunt zijn vorig jaar 254 waarnemingen binnengekomen. Dat zijn er ruim 70 minder dan het jaar daarvoor.
In 2012 waren er nog 326 waarnemingen. ‘De daling is grotendeels te verklaren door de extra uitleg die nu bij het meldingsformulier gegeven wordt. Daarbij wordt ook gevraagd bepaalde herkenbare categorieën waarnemingen niet meer te melden’, zegt Frederick Delaere. ‘Daardoor krijgen we weinig tot geen meldingen meer binnen van Thaise wensballonnen.’
Vrijwel alle meldingen komen van particulieren, maar bijvoorbeeld ook van het KMI en sommige sterrenwachten. Van de onderzochte meldingen is negen op de tien logisch te verklaren. Het merendeel van de vreemde verschijnselen blijken lampionnen, meteoren of kometen. Een kleine minderheid is niet te verklaren.
03-01-2014 om 11:04
geschreven door peter
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Mexican Government Releases Proof of E.T.’s and Ancient Space Travel CALAKMUL, MEXICO (INTELLIHUB) — Newly released Mayan documents, i.e. artifacts, dating back at least 1300-years reveal that the human race is not alone and highly advanced technologies including space travel have likely existed for quite some time. In what will soon be considered as the Holy Grail of extraterrestrial research, the Mexican government has released ancient documents proving the existence of E.T.’s once and for all. Reports are popping up stating that the Mexican Government is prepared, and going to, release proof of extraterrestrial life and ancient space travel.
Recently released Mayan artifacts seem to show what look like flying disc shaped ships, along with alien entities, and will be showcased in an upcoming documentary. The artifacts date back 1300 years and if proven real would be very definitive proof that we are not alone in the cosmos as intelligent beings, and that space travel has been around for well over 1000 years. A short film called Revelations Of The Mayans touches on some detail on some of these artifacts. Produced by Raul Julia-Levy, he states that the documentary makers worked in collaboration with the Mexican Government for ‘the good of mankind’, with the order to collaborate on the project coming direct from the president.
[1] The two circles near the center of the artifact appear to be earth. [2] This appears to be a spacecraft of some type. [3] This appears to be a massive comet or asteroid headed toward earth. [4] Appears to be a specially designed spacecraft capable of deflecting a large comet or meteor, such as NASA “Deep Impact”. [5] Appears to be an astronaut in control of a craft. [6] What appears to be an intelligently controlled spacecraft.
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Mysterious UFO over Poole, England on 31st December 2013
Mysterious UFO over Poole, England on 31st December 2013
New interesting mysterious UFO seen and recorded on tape while hovering in the sky above Poole, England on 31st December 2013.
Witness said: Not sure if this is ball lightning. It appeared late on new years eve. It is not a lantern as I was looking at it and I know what a lantern looks like. This was a ball of white light. Look at how bright the gardens are illuminated at the beginning.
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Defense Minister of Canada announces that Aliens are here to help
Defense Minister of Canada announces that Aliens are here to help
He was Canadian minister of Defense in 1960s, ruling over the country’s armed forces during the time of the Cold War – and when he retired he publicly stated that we are not alone in the universe, and some guests from outer space actually live here, on planet Earth. Is this fantasy? Is someone actually watching us? Today we ask the man who says UFOs are a serious business – Paul Hellyer.
Image captured near Washington Monument in DC on December 7, 2010
Extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but over a thousand UFOs are reported each month and represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth.
Nothing about this phenomenon has changed since Biblical times.
Many of these sentient beings in UFO's were once mistaken for 'angels', and their UFO craft were further mistaken as 'chariots', in our Old Testament Bible; this has not ceased but rather beings and their craft still visit us, but in ever-increasing numbers.
Our Old Testament Bible completely documents the pervasive influence that such sightings of alien craft and such interactions with alien beings who piloted them had in the minds of ancient men:
"The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels." (Psalm 68)
"....his chariots of conveyance, which he sends for his friends, as he did for Elijah ...his chariots of state, in the midst of which he shows his glory and power." Psalm 91.
And In terms of the more sinister alien being types the Bible warns us:
Remember, "For we are fighting with people not made of flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies—evil rulers of the unseen world, those mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world, and against huge numbers of wicked spirits in high places. Put on all God's armor so that you will be able to stand safe."Ephesians 6.
From what we now understand and have since learned about aliens, the Bible is one of the best books ever written about UFOs and their occupants.
Mistaken for 'angels', alien beings in Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament Bible, the Jewish Torah, are described as having bodies with parts such as hands, feet, eyes, head, voices, mouths, hair, faces and other living being body parts.
Genesis is oddly accurate in its descriptions of aliens and should be seen as a historic and scientific document rather than a religious one.
ancient civilizations were more technically and scientifically oriented through interactions with these beings, than we once believed.
Ancient Sumerian texts, reveal the existence of Aliens mistaken for 'Angels' as Anunnaki, 'those who from Heaven to Earth Came'.
Biblical people called the skies," Heaven".
One interesting fact is that the Bible often refers to 'Angels' in Glowing Metal craft.
The Hebrew word 'hashmal' refers to glowing metal in the description of the divine glory and brightness and the appearance of fire from the craft.
The descriptions of Ezekiel in the Bible (1:4, 8:2) clearly indicate brilliant highly polished glowing yellow like brass or electrum an alloy of silver and gold.
Throughout the Bible and Torah we are told that the "Angels" were able to introduce life into old women and even very young girls, by implication, virgins.
Aliens masquerading as 'angels' took part in 'God's 'covenant' with Abraham and Sarah his barren 90 year old wife and gave them a son, Isaac.
Today we well know that births that appeared supernatural could have likely been accomplished by alien advanced technology, much as we would transfer fertilized eggs into a ovary of a woman recipient.
Interestingly, John the Baptist was born after the 'Angel', Gabriel, appeared before Zechariah and his barren wife Elizabeth.
According to the testimony of modern-day abductees similar births are commonly occurring today.
Moreover, to understand the meaning of Christmas, one must take into account the blazing 'star' which hovered over Christ's place of birth; such a star would move, making transit to Christ's birthplace by the magi impossible.
An alien craft instead held fast in the sky to make geonavigation possible. UFO aliens, that they called called' angels' are still here accomplishing miracles among us.
"For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways."Psalms 91.
The Bible states that alien craft were omnipresent concerning Christ's birth events: His mother Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph. But while she was very young( still a virgin) she became pregnant by the 'Holy Spirit'.
Then Joseph, her fiance, a man of stern principle, decided to break the engagement and to do it quietly, as he did not want to disgrace her.
As he lay awake considering this, he fell into a dream and saw an 'angel' standing beside him.
The alien('angel') said, "Joseph son of David, don't hesitate to take Mary as your wife! For the child within her has been conceived by the Holy Spirit. And she will have a Son and you will name him Jesus (meaning 'Savior') for he will save his people from their sins.
This will fulfill God's message through his prophets. Listen! The virgin shall conceive a child! She shall give birth to a Son, and he shall be called 'Emmanuel' (meaning God is with us)"
When Joseph awoke, he did as the alien, ('angel') commanded, and brought Mary home to be his wife, but she remained a virgin until her Son was born, and Joseph named him 'Jesus'." (Matthew 1-18 to 25).
The children of Israel followed a light, by night, a platform, cloud, by day and fed by manna, wandered forty years in the desert, the time necessary for a new generation of altered DNA, "chosen people" to come upon the scene.
If we shift our perspective to look at this continuing, UFO entities phenomenon, with modern eyes, we now can use modern photographic evidences:
UFO Enthusiasts Want to Build Memorial to 'Fallen Aliens' in Ukraine
UFO enthusiasts want to build a memorial to "fallen aliens" who have died during their alleged Earthly encounters, news channel tells us.
These "ufologists" are collecting money for their extraterrestrial monument in the historic northern city of Ukraine, the project's organizer, Aleksandr Nalisman, writes that aliens "usually became the victims of different catastrophes," including "a jet fighter [that] collided with a UFO in 1997 in the ancient city of Kherson."
The source says the UFO's pieces were taken by Ukrainian soldiers for examination. Later, they succeeded in bringing down six more UFOs. It helped them "begin constructing its analogue." Whether the scientists found the remains of the fallen UFO pilots is not known. New reporter, Nalisman, issued his call for remembrance because "people of Earth have not paid attention to the lives of the aliens." Monastery of the Carmelites
The 1945 New Mexico UFO Crash before Roswell
In August of 1945 Jose Padilla and Reme Baca said they were sent out on horseback from the Padilla Ranch in San Antonio New Mexico tasked to check on Jose's father's herd of new cows.
What they were sent to do and what they claimed to have experienced was nothing short of what actually occurred to ancient people.
With their horses tethered as they hid behind a rock in the distant reaches of the New Mexico desert - Jose 9 and Reme 7 years of age at the time - were awe-struck by the sound of thunder and the grinding thud of something strange that came to earth on the Padilla Ranch.
With trepidation tendered by child-like watchfulness they approached the crash site to within 200 yards to witness a craft stuck in rock and sand; its charred 30 foot hull shrouded in dust and burned ash had skidded to rest at the end of a wide plough-like furrow the length of a football field.
Using binoculars they saw strewn wreckage, strange creatures and military activity that would haunt them for days to come and - for the rest of their lives.
All of this occurred two full years before Roswell.
These astonishing claims, made by Jose Padilla and Reme Baca, have been researched and recorded by Denver author/researcher Paolo Rodriquez who detailed what these two young Hispanic children saw:
At least three creatures in the unusual oval shaped craft, had, some days later, climbed into the craft itself to retrieve pieces of the wreckage after guards had vacated the area and, how these children were told by State Police to be quiet about what they had seen.
Sightings in the United States
Arizona Round Object
Mesa -- On December 13, 2010, I saw a round and small object sometimes dimly lit seen traversing at around 1315 hours each day and path for three days straight.
I have been observing this faint white and round object that seemed to just appear in the sky. The object could easily be overlooked especially with sunglasses on or if you were directly in the sun.
Once your eyes has adjusted, the object can be seen and sometimes with no difficulties.
The object is moving extremely slow. What seems always, the object would appear while looking almost Southwest in direction (compass bearing 244 degrees) from Power Rd. and Hwy 60, and between 30 to 45 degrees above the SW horizon at an altitude estimated to be about 3,000 feet.
The object appears to be traversing West (270 degrees).
And for the past two days, I was also trying to get additional pictures. Today, I managed to set my camera on the tripod, locate, and keep track of the object. I used 2 different lenses: a 300mm lens 4.5G and a 500mm lens with a 2X telo-converter (1000mm) with built-in darken lens. When I used the 1000mm, the object was about 22 to 30 degrees above the horizon. The picture shown is the 1000mm.
Phoenix -- A camera was set up to take time lapse, one photo every minute on December 12, 2010. When reviewing later that night I saw this image in one frame. The location is 35 Ave. and Lower Buckeye Rd. in Phoenix looking south over the Estrella Mountains. 9:50 am.
I also have collected some anomalous fibers falling from the sky both in town and way out in the desert. I have examined the fibers under 20 x magnifications, ultraviolet light, and side by side with cotton and spider/cobwebs. It is some strange stuff.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Moreno VALLEY -- While out heading east on Romana Expressway and taking pictures of the beautiful scenery on December 4, 2010, I stopped to take pictures of some clouds.
When I returned home and loaded them into my computer I noticed something strange in the picture.
At first I thought it was a reflection but I noticed it had a shadow on the cloud and it looked like an octagon but when I cropped it and tried to enhance it I noticed that it was more like a cube.
It seemed like the picture I took was at an angle that captured it when it was blending in with the clouds. It was reflecting the clouds and no one would have noticed it with the naked eye.
This is scary because this thing was huge and just sitting there with no one even knowing it is there. I think the government need to find out what they want and are they a danger to us if they don't already know they are there.
It seems kind of strange that people take pictures of these things they can't see with a naked eye and see it later on their camera. It's hard to believe that the government doesn't know the UFOs are there.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Antioch -- On December 7, 2010 , I saw and captured on video a small pulsating ruby red light in the night sky at 11 PM.
The first time was Thanksgiving evening around 9:30 PM, and the second time was this past Tuesday evening. I was using a Konica-Minolta Dimage Z10 digital camera.
I needed to slow down the actual time down by ten times in order to be able to intelligently see what this red light actually is.(click on the photo to start the video)
I was surprised and I expected to see some sort of craft.
I saw a red pulsating light of a small bodied object that seems quite elastic and is crawling around the sky on an invisible web that I call the "Cosmic Spider.
I have combined the two together in a slowed down version and the length of the clip runs almost 15 minutes, but it has great detail and it's easy to view.
Note: This same witness has taken other interesting footage of strange airborne objects. The above video is a small clip of the original which I brightened to reveal more detail.
Thanks to William Puckett, Director
Connecticut Triangular Craft Spotted
Farmington -- While driving south down a two lane highway, I noticed an object in the sky moving towards me on November 15, 2010, at 8:20 PM.
I thought it was a passenger plane heading to Bradley Airport, but it seemed too low to be this far away. I turned left on to Route 4 keeping an eye out for the craft. I saw it coming towards me, now to my right. I pulled my truck off the road and rolled down my window sticking my head out.
It passed directly over me at a constant rather slow speed - it was now on the left side of the truck.
I listened hard for a sound of engines. None detected. I could make out a triangular shape, although the rear corners of the wings (or whatever) had a radius - not sharp angles.
Craft was the width of my fingers held 2 - 3 inches wide at arm's length. There were 3 rather large square white lights, or illuminations, down the bottom center of the craft. This seemed unusual to me.
There were two white strobes flashing on each side of the craft. This may have been a secret military craft. It flew a constant, straight path towards the north. I do not feel it was alien in nature. It did nothing remarkable.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Star like Objects
NAPLES -- On December 8, 2010, I was on the couch on my computer about to go to bed then I looked out my window when it flew overhead from my house to the next building across from me , 20 feet away, low enough to almost land on the roof; it just bolted across and then disappeared .
It was a light Blue in color and very bright. I knew it was not a plane or helicopter as it had no flashing light, just a solid light blue color.
Bradenton -- On December 10, 2010, I was taking pictures of the sun and these star like objects nearby. I got a cluster on one shot, and very clear bright object on another.
I took 30 shots around 1pm on a clear day no birds in the area. I have taken pictures of birds by the sun I know what they look like; they appear as black smudges/dots.
Shots were taken every 5 seconds for up to 30 shots. Only two shots showed objects. Most of the time, the shots are clear, but once in while I find an object. These seem to be illuminating with their own light.
These are not lens flare. Lens flare appears as a line across the picture. And it would not be a cluster. I continue also to record nightly with night vision scope. Still waiting to hear about the midnight flashes I sent in a while ago.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Idaho Disc
PLACERVILLE -- My son in law and myself were deer hunting around 11:15 am on November 27, 2010. It was a clear day with some cloud cover and about 38 degrees. There was no Deer/Elk to be found , not even a chipmunk or squirrel.
I thought that was a bit odd since this area is teaming with wildlife. The whole time we were in that valley it felt as if someone was watching us.
After hunting for awhile I decided to snap a few pictures with my Canon Powershot A550 7.1.
I got home and downloaded the pictures and I noticed a disk in my picture.
I am a retired Military man stationed on aircraft carriers and one of my "jobs" was to identify aircraft on approach during launch and recovery cycles. I have never seen anything like what was on this picture!
Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON New Jersey
Haliimaile Maui -- I was driving home from work at 4 PM, on November 29, 2010, when my five year old daughter says, "Mommy, why is there something making a line in the sky?"
I looked and saw a white circle-ish object moving across the sky towards Haleakala Crater going really fast with a contrail behind it.
At first I thought it was a plane but it was just too weird of a shape. Then it began making a downwards movement and heading straight towards the mountain.
I thought it was a missile. I watched it descend and fly right into the mountain. I was waiting for a crash or fire or something, but there was nothing. I noticed that the clouds were really weird after that. They turned a darkish color and were covering the whole mountain.
Thanks to Brian Vike
Illinois Multiple Lights
Des Plaines -- My sister, my brother and I witnessed multiple lights in the sky December 5, 2010, from 5:30 to 7 PM. At first I thought they were planes, but then we noticed they would hover in the sky and change colors. We witnessed two of the objects turn into one and then the light of the object got bright. At first they were scattered. Then they synchronized into a huge oval shape.
They were in the sky for about an hour.
I couldn't believe no one else was stopping to look. I counted eleven of them and it looked like they were moving west and then they would come back. We got in the car to see if I could get a better recording of the on my iPod, but as we kept driving we realized they were a lot further then they actually looked like they were. We live by O'Hare Airport and I have lived here long enough to know the difference between a plane and something that is not.
Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Michigan X pattern and right Object
Detroit -- T his sighting has been driving me crazy. I was driving south on Highway 75 where there is a lot of industrial ground light and to the left I saw an X pattern coming slowly across the highway, with no lights at all. The X pattern looked like very dim ovals that were barely visible.
No noise and no lights. I could not make out any other shape behind the X, except a blackish back ground that seemed to absorb the ground light. I never believed in this stuff until last night. Have you had any other sightings of this kind?
Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Ann Arbor -- I left for work from Burton on December 2, 2010, and as I was driving I kept noticing a bright object hovering in the sky for about a half hour.
I called home and told my wife to go outside and look in the easterly direction and she also saw it. She took pictures with the camera and went back inside.
I reached just outside of Ann Arbor and it was still visible in the parking lot at work. One noticeable thing about the object is the moonlight was pointing directly at it. It appeared it was in alignment with the Sun and Moon. It seemed too bright to be a planet or star and it was low in the sky? My wife's pictures show a shape.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Hampshire Silver Missile Shaped
Manchester -- My Fianc went out on the side porch on November 28, 2010, and noticed something hovering in the south east sky. He called me out to ask what I thought. It was a silver missile shaped object with a semi-circle attachment to one end.
As it was very cold outside we watched it off and on from inside the house and outside the house. It appeared to be using the rising sun to gather energy.
After the first five minutes, the semi circle part started 'pulsating' and appeared to be morphing. I got a pair of binoculars to watch; as the semi circle thing appeared to morph off of the missile shape object.
On one of the many times we went into the house to get warm when we came back out the missile shaped object disappeared. I know it wasn't a plane or blimp, or any type of balloon. It pulsating and morphing.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Red-Orange Object Racing across the Sky
Glassboro "On November 28, 2010, I was outside on our deck smoking and saw a red-orange object flying in a straight line level with ground at a low altitude at about 75-80 degrees above the horizon. It was flying west very fast and I saw it for one or two seconds before it disappeared behind my neighbor's house.
The object looked like a fire log with no flames, just glowing red hot. I thought it was a meteor at first, but just didn't look like one after I thought about it.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
NEW BRUNSWICK -- I was exiting off of Route 18 North on December 2, 2010, and began to merge onto Route 1 South, at 8 PM , and noticed a low-altitude object with three bright white lights over the highway.
I thought at first it was a plane, but I noticed there were no red, green, or flashing navigation lights visible.
I was trying to get a better visual while driving but this object was large enough and flying low so I was able to get a good look at it going 50 mph down the highway.
It was triangular in shape with three bright white lights on each corner. The edges of the craft were illuminated slightly and there was also a red light toward the center of the craft that was also steady and not blinking.
The object was headed in a northerly direction right over Route 1 as I was headed south.
The sheer size of the craft was immense and I was reluctant to post this sighting until I did some research on large military cargo planes like the Galaxy and Globe master. However, I do not believe that the object was any of these planes. Secondly, I do not believe a military cargo plane would be devoid of proper navigation lights and flying at such a low altitude. The above image is a rendering.
This case is under investigation by Jack Nicholias.
Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON New Jersey
New York Fire Ball
EVANS MILLS -- I was driving home from work on December 9, 2010, and looked over and had seen this fire ball looking thing with looked like two tails coming off of it.
I then called my wife and told her to go outside and start recording it then I pulled up to the house a minute later then took over recording it on her Samsung Galaxy phone.
I couldn't get the phone to zoom in at the time and then the object started going down behind some clouds.
I have seen this type of object all over the internet and this is my second time seeing it in person the first time was down in Louisiana a month ago before seeing this object.
The wife also told me she heard a sonic boom right before I called her and the dogs were barking loudly. I have a little more footage on my Sony Camcorder.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Averill Park -- An all black flying saucer shaped object was seen moving low to the ground going slow it then sped up and it was gone on November 20, 2010 at 5 PM.. It had about eight lights around it red, green and yellow lights and it turned as it moved through the sky.
Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Ohio Triangle
Massillon -- A t riangular-shaped object was flying low with white flashing lights over Perry Township on November 19, 2010 at 8:04 PM. As I was driving north on Genoa Avenue, I saw something that was not an airplane or a blimp, or anything I'd ever seen before.
It had two red lights on the edge of the wings, with white lights in the middle.
The craft was heading south as I drove north. It was flying slow and very low, maybe 100 feet above the trees. As I drove closer to it, I could see flashing multiple white lights underneath it. I had my window down, and I noticed there was no noise at all.
I tried taking a photo with my phone, but it didn't turn out.
Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Tennessee Fast Shiny Craft
SweetWater -- As I was facing the town of Sweetwater we saw a very bright craft that was silently flying a low across the sky. The craft then slowed down long enough for me to point out the bright object then sped up and vanished. It also had no sound. I was not able to identify the shape of the object.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Low Flying Object
Brownwood -- The wife and I had driven to San Angelo from Brownwood that day to find some good food and was a mile west of Santa Ana on our way home and I observed a low flying object.
At first, I thought it was a really low plane, but there's no airport nearby, and it made no sounds.
The object flew just a hundred feet up hovering and turning clockwise. I could see its round shape and three very bright white lights, but none were blinking. At first I thought it was a plane turning, but the lights kept rotating around the object, two lights showed and then three.
One would rotate out of view and another would appear from the other side.
It made about ten revolutions and disappeared completely. My wife said, "Did you just see that?" And I said, "Yes, I did, but kept silent from the awe." We slowed and looked around.
The only other traffic was an 18-wheeler behind us and he slowed too and seemed to be looking! We pulled over to let him pass and he waved and pointed up, so we knew he had seen it too!
Thanks to MUFON CMS
HOUSTON -- On November 25, 2010, I was out in the garden looking for chemtrails and I noticed a shimmery flash, glow in the sky.
I couldn't exactly make out what it was so I took the picture with my phone. When I transferred it to my lap-top that is when I saw the UFO. Incidentally, the day before this event I was back in the garden again when I did see a strange, unidentifiable object hovering very slowly across the roof of my house.
I believe it was the same UFO that I caught the picture of. I have seen and photographed many strange things and UFO's. I live near Stonehenge, and I think that's the connection. If you have a field office out here I would love to contact them to show them some of my photos.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide Sightings
Australia Flattish Square
Adelaide -- This unidentified flying object was filmed on December 07, 2010, and shown on UTube.
Thanks to FluffyJetProductions
ELIZABETH GROVE -- I was driving south past Elizabeth Grove along Main North Road on November 17, 2010, when my son and I saw an unusual object about five kilometres out to the west at about 30 degrees up from the horizon either moving very slowly or motionless.
The object seemed to be of a flattish square shape, hovering in a horizontal position. I estimate its size was about 10-15 meters squared. The underside was a whitish colour with dark geometrical lines, hard to tell but there could have been dark features on either its top or edge. It seemed to be quite a solid object as it looked very stable considering there was quite a bit of wind.
Brazil Cylinder
SAO PAULO -- This cylinder shaped UFO was filmed in May of 2010, at 4:30 PM.
The complete video may be seen on UTube.
Canada Image
Scarborough -- I thought to share a strange anomalous dark object caught on film while at work on December 7, 2010,
I noticed the clouds southwest were very colorful of rainbow colors. At exactly 4:12 pm, I took two pictures of these colorful clouds.
The next day, I reviewed the pictures. I found one quite fascinating revealing an unknown dark oval object NOT seen with the naked eye.
My good friend Chris enhanced the object to better illustrate photographic description. There also appears to be a white aura surrounding this thing.
Thanks to Paul Shishis
Italy Disc Photo
PALERMO -- On 23 November 2010, around 12 PM, we stopped on the highway to get fuel, and I shot some photos of the mountain.
I took four photos, one after another, within one minute, then two or three photos more.
I didn't see anything strange moving in the sky before, during or after I took the photos.
Two days later, I downloaded the photos, and saw this fourth photo that there is something, like a spot on the image so I zoomed in and I was shocked to find that it looks like a cap, with two lights on it.
I increased the contrast at maximum and decreased at a minimum the mid-tones and the result was really surprising. I am sending you the original photo plus the first before and the first after.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
52.132633 N 5.291266 E -- On December 12, 2010, I saw a triangle flying towards me that was close and silent. It had three red lights at each end, and two airplane strobe like lights on its side. It flew above my house and I could clearly see it was a black triangle.
Perfectly black, it was beautiful! It slowly flew back towards the direction it came from and I could follow it with my eyes for twenty minutes with no noise. It was very slow and flying just under the clouds.
I saw it nine times coming from different directions. I called my brother and he saw it also and was amazed by how silent and slow it flew. It was like it was doing a grid search.
There was a cigar like objects filled with seven horizontal bright lights that I observed from 10 PM till 04:30 AM. I have never ever seen so many ufo's ever in one night.
UK/England Flash
Stonehenge -- On December 4, 2010, I was out in garden sky-watching that is my favorite hobby and noticed a shining flash, glow in the sky.
I couldn't exactly make out what it was so I took the picture with my phone. When I transfer it to my lap-top that is when I saw the UFO.
Incidentally, the day before this event I was back in the garden again when I did see a strange, unidentifiable object hovering very slowly across the roof of my house.
When I think about this I believe it was the same UFO that I caught the picture of. I have seen and photographed many strange simulacra's and UFO's. I live near Stonehenge; I think that's the connection.
Now, that you have seen some recent evidences, clear and irrefutable photographic proofs of nonhuman beings piloting highly technological craft, in the skies above many countries, seriously reconsider and rethink the experiences that Abraham and Moses and Ezekiel had .
If you had lived in ancient times thousands of years ago,
'chariots' flown by 'angels', is precisely what you would have recorded seeing.
Alien technology, recovered from downed discs and other craft, has already inspired Skunkworks to give us the ability to recreate and reverse engineer: lasers,
fiber optics,
nuclear power,
cold fusion anti gravity,
stealth technology,
specialized surgical tools,
cloning-genetic engineering-
and most recently we scramble to deduce 'smart skins' of craft which like chameleons, alter shape and color according to environments.
All of these magical technologies were successfully studied, reverse engineered and imitated.
We have a lot to be thankful for because of Klaatu, even though he is the complete opposite of the charming, handsome gracious, elevated spirit in film and in book.
He, in reptilian form and in grey form instead sees us in much the same perfunctory way, that we see chickens and perpertrated a hoax in ancient times, masquerading as God.
The result was the writing and compilation of the Old Testament Bible.
Director of CIA, Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter: "It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel." p. 58, quoted from New York Times, February 28, 1960, p. L30
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL Paul saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.
Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence that he never suspected that he had, a nonphysical soul.
Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.
They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with human beings, as a sanctuary, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.
Souls are garnered, detoured from our natural spiritual evolution in Heaven.
These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to our energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.
03-01-2014 om 10:37
geschreven door peter
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Video: Best UFO Sightings in 2013
Video: Best UFO Sightings in 2013
Video: Best UFO Sightings in 2013
The best unexplained UFO footage reported throughout 2013 by Youtube channel UFODI.
03-01-2014 om 10:30
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Bij het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt zijn vorig jaar 254 waarnemingen binnengekomen, ruim 70 minder dan het jaar daarvoor. Dat is vernomen bij de organisatie die meldingen van vreemde luchtverschijnselen verzamelt en zoekt naar verklaringen.
In 2012 waren er nog 326 waarnemingen. "De daling is grotendeels te verklaren door de extra uitleg die sinds dit jaar bij het meldingsformulier gegeven wordt en waarbij ook gevraagd wordt om bepaalde herkenbare categorieën waarnemingen niet meer te melden", zegt Frederick Delaere van het UFO-meldpunt. "Daardoor krijgen we weinig tot geen meldingen meer binnen van Thaise wensballonnen."
Vrijwel alle meldingen komen van particulieren, maar bijvoorbeeld ook van het KMI en sommige sterrenwachten. Van de onderzochte meldingen is negen op tien logisch te verklaren: het merendeel van de vreemde luchtverschijnselen blijken lampionnen, meteoren of kometen. Een kleine minderheid is niet te verklaren.
Vreemde luchtverschijnselen kunnen gemeld worden op
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Animal Planet: Buitenaardse wezens op aarde (video)
Animal Planet: Buitenaardse wezens op aarde (video)
In de Verenigde Staten zien mensen meer ongeïdentificeerde vliegende objecten dan ooit tevoren. Hoe kan dit toenemende aantal worden verklaard?
Zijn de UFO’s die worden gezien buitenaardse schepen? Weet de overheid meer dan zij wil toegeven?
Meer dan zes miljoen Amerikanen zeggen wel eens een fysiek buitenaards wezen te hebben gezien. Een team van vier professionele ufologen doet onderzoek naar dit fenomeen. Ze reizen door de VS om de waarheid te achterhalen.
De teamleden zijn onder andere gespecialiseerd op het gebied van luchtvaartkunde en persoonlijke ontmoetingen tussen buitenaardsen en mensen. Ze hebben één doel, namelijk het onthullen van de waarheid over het toenemende aantal beweringen dat buitenaards leven hier op aarde is te vinden.
De onderzoekers gaan naar ‘UFO-hotspot’ Sedona in de staat Arizona. In het gebied worden geregeld UFO’s en militaire toestellen gezien. Een oud-senator stelt dat de overheid buitenaardse technologieën gebruikt. Een lokale fotograaf laat authentieke foto’s van UFO’s zien. En een voormalig luchtvaartingenieur overhandigt topgeheime stukken waaruit blijkt dat de overheid op geheime bases in Amerika onderzoek doet naar gecrashte UFO’s.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
'Obama gaat zeggen dat we zijn bezocht door buitenaardsen'
'Obama gaat zeggen dat we zijn bezocht door buitenaardsen'
Activist Jim Garrow zei tijdens het radioprogramma van Fox News-columnist Erik Rush dat president Obama zal proberen zijn populariteit een boost geven door te stellen dat wetenschappers hebben gecommuniceerd met buitenaardsen.
Rush en een andere gast, Nancy Smith van de nieuwsshow ‘Politichicks’, zeiden niet verrast te zijn door de uitspraken van Garrow.
“Ik heb van een aantal andere bronnen precies hetzelfde vernomen,” aldus Smith. Garrow, die een Amerikaanse oud-inlichtingenofficier beweert te zijn, zegt te vermoeden dat Obama het plan spoedig in werking zal stellen.
“Wat we binnenkort gaan zien is de onthulling dat we zijn bezocht door en in contact staan met afgezanten van beschavingen die niet van de aarde komen,” legde Garrow uit.
Ruim 30 jaar geleden zou een CIA-agent aan Garrow hebben verteld over het plan. Garrow denkt dat het plan, Operation American Spring geheten, snel in werking zal treden omdat de agent enkele maanden geleden om het leven zou zijn gebracht in Hong Kong.
Garrow beweert verder dat het plan onderdeel is van ‘de grote misleiding’, maar John Podesta, de nieuwe adviseur van president Obama, is ervan overtuigd dat de aarde wel degelijk is bezocht door buitenaardse wezens.
In 2002 riep Podesta de federale regering op alle documenten over UFO-onderzoeken te openbaren. “Het is tijd dat de overheid stukken vrijgeeft die wetenschappers zullen helpen de echtheid van dit fenomeen vast te stellen,” zei hij. “Het is tijd voor de waarheid. De Amerikanen – en mensen van over de hele wereld – willen het weten en kunnen de waarheid aan.”
Publisher's Note: I found this story in my Google Alerts. It contains a interview between former Canadian minister of Defense Paul Hellyer and Sophie Shevardnadze discussing possible circumstances that could lead to intersteller war! Enjoy Dirk
He was Canadian minister of Defense in 1960s, ruling over the country’s armed forces during the time of the Cold War – and when he retired he publicly stated that we are not alone in the universe, and some guests from outer space actually live here, on planet Earth. Is this fantasy? Is someone actually watching us? Today we ask the man who says UFOs are a serious business – Paul Hellyer.
Sophie Shevardnadze: Our guest today is the Honorable Paul Hellyer, former minister of Defense of Canada, and he believes that life forms from space are present on Earth. It’s great to have you on our show. Why do you say that UFOs are as real as airplanes flying over our heads?
Paul Hellyer: Because I know that they are. As a matter of fact, they’ve been visiting our planet for thousands of years and one of the cases that would interest you most if you give me two or three minutes to answer is that during the Cold War, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying south from Russia across Europe, and Supreme Allied Command was very concerned and about ready to press the “Panic” button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole. They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for 3 years and they decided that, with absolute certainty, four species - at least – had been visiting this planet for thousands of years. We have a long history of UFOs and of course there has been a lot more activity in the last few decades, since we invented the atomic bomb and they are very concerned about that and the fact that we might use it again, and because the Cosmos is a unity and it affects not just us but other people in the Cosmos, they are very much afraid that we might be stupid enough to start using atomic weapons again, and this would be very bad for us and for them as well.
I’ve often spoken at UFO conferences – particularly in America – where you could count on one hand the number of people in the audience under the age of 20. So where are all the young people and how can they be attracted to ufology?
To be fair, some people in the UFO community have done some hard thinking about this problem and have come up with some good theories about why comparatively few young people are getting actively involved. These theories include a lack of attractive role models (NB the point in the final paragraph), the failure of the UFO community to adequately ‘police’ its ranks to weed out charlatans and crazies, and the comparative slowness of UFO organizations and authors to engage with new media, social networking sites, etc.
Debunkers love to say that the lack of young people in ufology reflects a wider truth about the subject: “ufology is dead” is a neat and provocative line that has been regularly trotted out in attempts to generate interest in skeptical magazines or conferences. But it’s a lazy soundbite, and worse than that, it’s a lie. Ufology isn’t dead and the easiest proof of this is the steady stream of new UFO stories in the media and new UFO-related shows on TV. News editors and TV network executives know what people find interesting and entertaining (from getting feedback on media stories, studying ratings, conducting market research, etc.), and only continue to push this subject because they know it’s popular - across all age demographics.
There are other indicators that young people are interested in UFOs and extraterrestrials. The popularity of sci-fi movies and video games incorporating these themes is a case in point, and while there’s a debate to be had about the exact nature of the relationship between these subjects, it’s clear that there’s some degree of crossover. So why don’t many of the young people interested in sci-fi and video games get involved in ufology? Perhaps the answer here is to turn the question around, and ask what ufology does to attract them. The answer to this question, I believe, is “not much”. Indeed, there’s a certain aloofness about the UFO community’s stance towards sci-fi and video games. I’ve witnessed this first hand.
Aside from the work I do as an author, journalist and broadcaster who covers UFOs, the unexplained and conspiracy theories, I’m a sci-fi writer and someone who contributes to various TV shows about the sci-fi genre. I’ve also worked with various film companies to promote Hollywood sci-fi movies such as The X-Files: I Want to Believe, and the modern remakes of War of the Worlds and The Day the Earth Stood Still. While many ufologists like sci-fi, the aloofness that I mentioned comes into play too. It’s as if ufologists are saying “science fiction is fine, but it’s just make-believe. This stuff is real”. A fair enough point of view, but it’s the slightly patronizing way that it comes across that’s the problem. It’s a two-way street, of course, and plenty of sci-fi enthusiasts regard ufology with disdain and say things like “we know this is fiction and have fun with it, but you people are crazy to think it’s real, and take yourselves far too seriously”. These ‘quotes’ are made up, but are a fair distillation of things I’ve heard from both ‘sides’.
Few things illustrate the problem more than the UFO community’s reaction to the gaming community. Again, I speak from experience here, having worked on the promotion of some alien invasion-themed video games such as Resistance: Burning Skies, XCOM: Enemy Unknown and – most recently – The Bureau: XCOM Declassified. As part of this, I’ve appeared on cult shows such as IGN’s Up at Noon, hosted by Greg Miller, and have been interviewed by Adam Sessler at Rev3. Those people in the UFO community who aren’t ‘gamers’ have probably never heard of these games, shows and personalities. And that’s the problem. Because there’s a whole bunch of young people out there who love these games and might just take a look at ufology, if the UFO community reached out to them. But again, the aloofness I mentioned kicked in, and when I went on these shows and had genuine opportunities to interest the gaming community in ufology, some people in the UFO community reacted with horror and accused me of trivializing the subject. When I checked what comments these sorts of interviews were generating (from gamers) on YouTube, it was clear that many were fascinated by the UFO phenomenon and wanted to find out more. But instead of regarding what I was doing as an opportunity, some ufologists seemed to take the view that I was ‘sleeping with the enemy’.
Few would disagree that ufology needs to make itself more relevant and attractive to young people, and get more young people actively involved. In the sci-fi and gaming communities, there are many young people who might relatively easily be attracted to the subject. Yet at the moment, it seems to be a case of “East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet”.
On a related issue, a disproportionate number of speakers at UFO conferences are white males (usually middle-aged, or older) wearing suits. Ufology is hardly the only field where this is the case, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t an issue that should be looked at. But this, perhaps, is a topic for another day.
Nick Pope is a former employee of the UK Ministry of Defense. From 1991 to 1994 he ran the British Government's UFO project and has recently been involved in a five-year program to declassify and release the entire archive of these UFO files. Nick Pope held a number of other fascinating posts in the course of his 21-year government career, which culminated in his serving as an acting Deputy Director in the Directorate of Defense Security. He now works as a broadcaster and journalist, covering subjects including space, fringe science, defense and intelligence.
Following Yuletide and the Midwinter solstice in December, we rapidly enter the start of another contemporary year with the icy month of January.
I emphasise the word ‘contemporary’ because artificial calendars have so recurrently changed over the centuries.
The pastoral, pre-Christian, Celtic land dwellers regarded the time we now call Halloween, in October, as the end of summer and beginning of winter. It marked the launch of their New Year.
When we overlook the manmade calendar and take a long hard look at nature's shifting moods, this elderly method of time computation begins to make a great deal of sense. At the beginning of the modern New Year celebrations, trees have already started to produce swelling buds and nomadic fish like salmon and sea trout have long since spawned in highland streams.
Mother Nature celebrates her own New Year just like the Celts did, several months before today's more haphazard occasion.
Numerous parts of our contemporary culture are sparsely based on the gigantic wisdom of our ancient Pagan ancestors. Naturally, confrontational religious fundamentalists eager to expand a platform for their narrow-minded, sectarian worldview often try to refute this truism. Their re-hashed version (Jesus) of the ancient sun god mythos fits awkwardly into the wholesome, agricultural, Pagan calendar that the ancients translated so well via mythological discourse.
January in fact receives its designation from the great Roman god of doorways/new ventures, ‘Janus.’
This deity was frequently portrayed in classical art with two heads, or faces; one looking to the past, whilst the second viewed the future.
Some ancient scholars have preferred to suppose of this god as watching over the inauguration and finish of the sun's travel though the daily sky. Personally, I think that both schools of thought contain a measure of authenticity.
Janus therefore lends his name to the New Year's beginning and like us he looks nostalgically back at the past, then onto the exhilarating future to come.
Your dreams may indeed come true in the year ahead, but you might have to work on them a little to gain the desired result…
On Friday night, at 11:30, I lit a prayer candle and prayed to the spirit world. I asked Easter Lily Fryer, a beloved baby-nurse to help me.
She was a loving black woman who had cared for both my babies years ago while I was at work. She succumbed to breast cancer some fifteen years ago.
I fervently pleaded with this life-long devout Christian to send me Jesus, the Christ, to send me the Christ-light, an expression I had learned from others.
It was a spiritual entity that transcended the physical body of Jesus the Christ, 'Christos', from Greek, for 'chosen one".
I reminded her that she had known about Christ all her life as a Christian.( I had been an atheist until poltergeist phenomena snuck me, through the back door, to faith..)
I had only recently accepted his spiritual possibility, on faith, and only in recent years -- by virtue of the power of his name to dispel unseen evil ones.
But that's another story.
The following Sunday afternoon was Easter Sunday.
As the sun set in baffled light through the maple trees in the late afternoon, a song rang in my head.
Leaving my house, through the back door, I felt strangely compelled to sit on my front steps.
This is something I never do.
At first, I couldn't place a song that I began to hear. It echoed in my mind. A Christmas tune? A Christmas song in April?
It was the Christmas carol " Oh come all ye faithful" repeated over and over in my mind.
Four or five feet up in the air above the front garden suddenly appeared an undeniable figure of a man in dazzling light.
A man's figure floating in light! I couldn't shake it.
Aware that it might mean something psychically, I frowned into the light, puzzled.
A tidal wave of encompassing warmth washed over me. Love, peace, and serenity overwhelmed me.
Bliss radiated from this figure of light.
Later, I recalled my previous special request, and remembered that it was, indeed, Easter Sunday.
I recalled my plea to Easter Lily to assist me.
I had heard the song about Christ, had seen the figure of light, and had experienced bliss and rapture.
I had observed what I realized later was the Christ-light.
Since then I care little for any didactic about Jesus the man.
I hum that song, when I need reminding of the miracle sighting that I apparently had.
I have since learned the heart-breaking truth that reptilian alien overlords masqueraded and contrived to deceive me into believing that I had seen the Christ-light, to ensnare and connect me more thoroughly to them.
Never forget that Lucifer, means, "light-bearer"...
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL Paul saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.
Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence that he never suspected that he had, a nonphysical soul.
Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.
They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with human beings, as a sanctuary, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.
Souls are garnered, detoured from our natural spiritual evolution in Heaven.
These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to our energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.
02-01-2014 om 17:05
geschreven door peter
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WOW!! UFO at ISON Perihellion!! Do You Mind Explaining This One NASA?! (Video) (Video)
WOW!! UFO at ISON Perihellion!! Do You Mind Explaining This One NASA?! (Video) (Video)
UFO At ISON Perihellion You Mind Explaining This One NASA!!
You Mind Explaining This One NASA IM CALLING YOU OUT AND PUTTING YOU ON BLAST FOR AN ANSWER! Ok guys what is really going here. …. image obtained from
Comet ISON Being Escorted By Two UFOs Toward Earth!
Here is some footage of the comet ISON close up. This footage shows two cigar shaped UFOs orbiting the comet. I believe these two UFOs are either hiding with the comet so they wont be detected by other aliens or…even more likely, these UFOs are escorting…guiding the comet to an unknown destination so that the aliens could harvest the valuable minerals it contains.
This is the second video in recent days of this comet. The first one shows that the comet is actually three different parts, two long and one round. This new video confirms that its fact. Two videos…confirming the same thing. This is not coincidence.
Now for the scary part. This comet is suppose to pass so close to earth that you will be able to see it with a telescope. Are these UFOs guiding the comet to use it to impact the Earth? The comet is 5km or 3.1 miles across! Enough to do the job…an extinction event.
Look at it this way, when scientists finish an experiment that they used dog or monkeys in, when the experiment is finished, the destroy all the animals. In this way the experiment will not polluteother possible experiments. If humanity is just an alien experiment then this is what we can expect one day.
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NP: Creationism and the Future of Americas Children
NP: Creationism and the Future of America’s Children
By James W. Astrada
There has always been the argument of what type of education should be taught to children concerning the origin of the universe. Public schools have been at the center of this controversy especially when it comes to the science factor. Luckily in 1987, the Supreme Court stated that teaching the pseudo-biblical story in school as a sort of explanation alongside science (evolution) was deemed unconstitutional and violated the First Amendment. Some states however like Tennessee and Louisiana are passing laws that allow teachers to profess their religious beliefs on students; offering their “critique” on how the world might have formed despite evidence proving the opposite. Bill Nye, scientist and children’s TV personality has pleaded to parents who reject the theory of evolution, not to teach and impose their personal belief systems on their children. Nye points out some very realistic facts on why teaching children fairytale beliefs based on cultural upbringing may hinder the personal level of growth.
Creationism is an odd theory based on the premise that an invisible deity created the human being in its present form along with the universe within the last 10,000 years ago in seven days. The absurdity of this claim has been destroyed in many ways due to the fact that the earth itself is 4.6 billion years old. Fossil records have given rise to a plethora of evidence that species have evolved over millions of years and human have been around for at least 100,000 years on this planet alone. Nye pointed out last week in his video called Creationism is not appropriate for children; bare essential facts and concern for the future of child education: “I say to the grownups, ‘If you want to deny evolution and live in your world that’s completely inconsistent with everything we’ve observed in the universe that’s fine. But don’t make your kids do it.”
English: Artist’s conception of the spiral structure of the Milky Way with two major stellar arms and a central bar. “Using infrared images from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, scientists have discovered that the Milky Way’s elegant spiral structure is dominated by just two arms wrapping off the ends of a central bar of stars. Previously, our galaxy was thought to possess four major arms.” (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Three major areas according to Nye would be affected by the rejected belief on evolution: intellectual capital, the general grasp of science, and innovation in the United States. Not allowing children in the most important stage of their life access to facts and evidence that disprove personal beliefs could be dangerous in the long run. Even Nye commented about keeping medieval superstitious nonsense in the technological world we reside in would severely hinder intellectual growth for the rest of society: “When you have a portion of the population that doesn’t believe in (evolution) it holds everybody back, really.”
According to a poll in May, over 46% percent of adults in the U.S. describe themselves as creationists for believing that a god/supreme being created humans in their present form. If people want to believe in their religion, the United States allows this as part of the constitution; however, it does not give the right to invent or deny that facts and evidence display the real world in a different light. The phrase “keep thy religion to thyself” should be mandatory along with the rest of the commandments religiously interjected upon society either indirectly or directly. Faith is a strange concept brought upon cultural upbringing and practice at a very young age; the time where our brains develop into the machines we will utilize in the future. Like any machine, if one neglects maintenance or feeds it’s the wrong information, the effect could be negative and dangerous for future generations. Nye pointed out realistically that “teaching children the building blocks of science is essential for the country’s future. We need them. We need scientifically literate voters and taxpayers for the future.”
This image was selected as a picture of the week on the Farsi Wikipedia for the 8th week, 2011. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
As science and technology shape our everyday lives through evolution from the first IBMcomputer to ultra-thin laptops, IPhone, tablets, 5G, A.I. etc… the same model must be applied to humanity. Humanity evolved over time as evidence shows; and with the proper education and an open mind to a larger world based on facts and discoveries, our society will be more evolved to help solve our current issues effectively. Yes in our human past, religion was necessary to control the bourgeois from realizing the pain and hardship of poverty, caste system placement and the lack of education. Now due to technology, education is available to everyone with the desire to know. For the poor, public school is their way out of poverty and the chances for a bright future. Nye makes a very important case that if these children receive the right education, they will be better prepared to take on pressing issues of the society they will become part of in the near future. When they are taught vigilance, logic, reasoning, and common sense, they will have the open minds to see the difference between fact and fiction.
The Creation of Adam (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The belief system that Earth is the only place with life that a creator god fashioned when evidence of over 100 to 200 billion galaxies exist in this universe. The Milky Way galaxy alone contains over 200 to 400 billion stars. Our sun is a class G3 star which is a typical star found in a typical solar system. There are many solar systems outside our own such as the Gliese 581 system and Kepler 22b that have similar environments to our own with the right conditions for life. Over 50 billion planets alone in this galaxy we live in have the conditions for “life” out of 500 billion planets. It is shameful and absurd to think in the vastness and complexity of space, one creator god chose this average planet 5,000 years ago to create the first human male (and the first female through the “rib”) in the middle of a desert after the Earth itself went through 4.6. Billion years of species extinction, worldwide floods, meteor storms, magnetic reversal of the poles, worldwide fires, plate tectonics, volcanic eruptions, etc…
There is the point that only those with an understanding of science can make a difference in this technological world that exists on systems based the speed of light, radioactivity, biology, geology, chemistry and other vital sciences that provide our societies with jobs, inventions, and the affluence all humans desire. It is time to give our education system the chance it needs to create bright, insightful and innovated children to help humanity ascend into the next level.
Lily Kuo. “Bill Nye, The Science Guy, Says Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children (VIDEO).” Huffington Post (August 2012).
Fraser Cain “How Many Galaxies in the Universe.” Universe Today (May 2009).
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Video: Uncovering Aliens Black Ops Conspiracy
Video: Uncovering Aliens – Black Ops Conspiracy
Across America, there are more UFO sightings than ever before. 6 million Americans believe they’ve had an actual physical encounter with an extra-terrestrial. What lies behind this increasing number of reports? Are these UFO’s actually extra-terrestrial craft? And do our government know more than they are letting on? A team of four professional UFO investigators has come together to investigate the phenomena. They are travelling across America in attempt to hunt down the truth. This is no ordinary group of investigators. They bring a broad range of skills and experience to the subject to maximise their chance of success. From aeronautics engineering to personal abduction experience this team is unified by one common goal: to uncover the truth behind the growing claims that extra-terrestrial life exists here on planet earth.
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Crop Circle appears in Salinas, California on 30th December 2013
Crop Circle appears in Salinas, California on 30th December 2013
Witness said:
A massive crop circle appeared in Salinas, California during the night of December 30, 2013. The dots in the center of the formation are apparently a message encoded in braille. KSBW consulted braille transcriber Debra Falanga, as well as orchestra conductor Carl Christensen, and both agree the dots are braille and the message is “192″. It translates directly as
192 192 B 192 1 192 192 “It’s fascinating. I don’t know what it means, but it’s readable,” Falanga said. “Those dots are in very specific order. It’s so perfect it’s almost like a machine did it. They are not off in any way, shape, or form.” “Now we just need to follow the 192 clue!” Christensen said.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:NIEUWS VAN JAN ( NL)
Magnificent spherical UFO above Siera Nevada mountains on 28th December 2013
Magnificent spherical UFO above Siera Nevada mountains on 28th December 2013
New amazing video footage of a spherical glowing UFO recorded in the night sky above Siera Nevada mountains on 28th December 2013.
Witness said: What you are about to witness is footage recorded on December 28th 2013 at 8 PM. The unknown object is hovering in the sierra foothills just along the edge of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. In theory we believe that the object is very similar to another UFO we filmed on December 12th 2013 where an actual landing took place on a hill near my home. I spent the last two weeks sky watching to see if this object would make a return visit and I hit literally a home run with a little patience and allot of luck! If you pay very close attention you will observe a few things first the dogs barking, secondly the object pulsates producing three colors per second and the third would be that the illumination is equally distributed surrounding this sphere. Although the UFO is further off distance wise then the December 12th footage you can still some really great close ups at these time stamps of 9:05, 14:03, 16:59,17:01,18:41, 20:02, 20:10, 22:15, 23:15, 26:31, 30:41 and 32:18. The video is best viewed at full screen and take the time to use the pause buttons every second it pulsates so you can view all the brilliant colors of light that the UFO radiates . The colors range from lime, aqua, blue, violet, green, orange, red, yellow, white, orange, gold, cranberry and at times pitch black.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
UFO lights over Melbourne, Australia 31st December 2013
UFO lights over Melbourne, Australia 31st December 2013
New interesting video footage of some UFO lights recorded in the night sky above Melbourne, Australia 31st December 2013.
Witness said: My Partner Lee and I were driving through Melton, Victoria. lee said ” Rob What is that up there? quick pull over” we got out of the car and saw a large star like object in the sky that was bright redorange. we observed it hovering side to side and up and down for several Minutes then it seemed to turn, fade and simply disappear.
Popular UFO claims include alien bases on the Moon and Mars. It is widely (but falsely) reported that Buzz Aldrin saw a UFO on the Apollo 11 flight and that NASA spacecraft discovered a humanoid face and other artifacts on Mars.
Much of the public believes that UFOs are alien spacecraft. This represents a conceptual leap from unidentified lights in the sky or radar bogies that were the UFO stories when I was growing up. Today, “believers” are talking about actual alien contact, with alien bases on the Moon and Mars, and their concerns receive reinforcement from radio, TV, and Internet blogs.
On one level UFOs are real, of course; many people occasionally see objects in the sky that are not immediately identifiable as planes, balloons, planets, stars, or unusual atmospheric phenomena. But the questions I receive from the public (submitted to a NASA Web site) suggest a belief system linking UFOs with alien visitations and abductions spiced up by “conspiracy theories” to hide this information from the public.
If UFOs are alien spacecraft visiting Earth, then it seems reasonable that evidence of alien civilizations might be seen by astronomers or the radio signals from alien spacecraft might be picked up by the sensitive receivers we use to communicate with our own spacecraft. Perhaps astronauts who venture into space would be among the first to make reliable observations of alien spacecraft or artifacts. Perhaps we should look for alien bases on other worlds. Indeed, the Internet carries many stories of such encounters. I will examine some of the evidence cited for alien presence in the solar system.
Astronaut Encounters with Aliens
One allegedly well-documented report stems from an interview in which astronaut Buzz Aldrin describes seeing a UFO during the Apollo 11 mission. In an interview on the Science Channel (left, top), Aldrin stated that he, Neil Armstrong, and Mike Collins saw unidentified objects that appeared to follow their Apollo spacecraft.
To get the story straight, I called Buzz Aldrin, who was happy to explain what happened. He said that his remarks were taken out of context to reverse his meaning. It is true that the Apollo 11 crew spotted an unidentified object moving with the spacecraft as they approached the Moon. After they verified that this mystery object was not Apollo 11’s large rocket upper stage, which was about 6,000 miles away by then, they concluded that they were seeing one of the small panels that had linked the spacecraft to the upper stage (any part of the spacecraft’s rocket upper stage will continue to move alongside the spacecraft,as both are floating in free-fall). These panels were too small to track from Earth and were relatively close to the Apollo spacecraft. Aldrin told me that they chose not to discuss this on the open communications channel since they were concerned that their comments might be misinterpreted. His entire explanation about identifying the panels was cut from the broadcast interview, giving the impression that the Apollo 11 crew had seen a UFO. Aldrin told me that he was angry about the deceptive editing and asked the Science Channel to correct the intentional twisting of his remarks, but they refused. Later, Aldrin explained what happened on CNN’s Larry King Live (left, bottom) but was nearly cut off by the host before he could finish.
With the popularity of YouTube, this same question is addressed to me repeatedly, as in: “Check out this video on YouTube with Buzz Aldrin saying he saw a UFO on Apollo 11. Who is fibbing? NASA or the great American hero, Buzz Aldrin?” My answer was that the fibbing was being done by the producers of the video, who omitted the second half of the interview.
It is instructive to watch this interview to see the ways the story is embellished and ultimately manipulated. Most of the talking is done by the interviewer and not Aldrin, but their comments have been edited to create the illusion of a seamless narrative. Throughout the interview we see a montage of short scenes from Apollo and other missions, including a blurry image through the window taken during a later flight. Only a critical viewer will distinguish what Aldrin said from the narrative by the interviewer or realize that the video clips are unrelated. The end product is clever disinformation, strongly suggesting—without explicitly lying—that Aldrin and his crewmates saw an alien spacecraft.
Many Internet claims of encounters between NASA astronauts and alien spacecraft are based on quotes from “secret communications” between flight crews and Houston. It is true that there are such private conversations, concerning crew health for example. But the Internet stories of overheard conversations are never documented and often attributed to leaks from unnamed NASA workers whose jobs (or even lives) would allegedly be at risk if they were identified. Many of these stories involve the Apollo 11 flight, and they include claims that alien spaceships accompanied the NASA craft during its Moon landing and that a row of alien spacecraft along a crater rim monitored the astronauts’ spacewalk on the lunar surface. (Incidentally, Apollo 11 landed on a flatplain where there were no hills or crater rims to provide such a viewpoint.)
To my knowledge, no NASA astronaut has ever reported seeing a UFO in space, let alone having a confrontation with aliens. However, this is not to say that no astronaut believes that alien visitations to Earth might be happening. Recently there were news reports that Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell believes in the reality of some reports of UFOs. He has attended a number of meetings of UFO believers, and he asserts that some of these reports are true, and that the U.S. government and military are aware of these alien visits. However, Mitchell does not claim to have seen aliens himself. His astronaut colleagues tell me that he has always had an interest in the occult, and he even tried to conduct a parapsychology experiment on the way to and from the Moon. It is easy for a journalist to ignore Mitchell’s caveats about most UFO reports being untrue, or about not encountering an alien himself, to give the impression that he and other astronauts have had frequent encounters with beings from other worlds.
One argument presented to me by several correspondents is that aliens must have warned humans to stay away from their bases on the Moon. Otherwise, why was the Apollo program suddenly terminated with three more missions scheduled and almost ready for launch? (The huge Apollo/Saturn-5 rockets that enthrall visitors to the NASA space parks at Canaveral, Houston, and Huntsville are not mock-ups; they are real hardware built for Apollo 18, 19, and 20.) The conspiracy story attributes our failure to follow up on the Apollo flights to this same interplanetary quarantine and suggests that NASA’s current program to return astronauts to the Moon will be cancelled for the same reason. I admit being baffled by the sudden termination of the Apollo program at the peak of its success, but I accept the official explanation that it was due to the changing political priorities of the Nixon administration, where many looked upon Apollo as a Kennedy-Johnson program.
Mars: The Viking Era
Mars plays a unique role in public consciousness. Just a century ago, this planet was widely thought to be inhabited by intelligent creatures, largely due to astronomical studies and the popular writing of Percival Lowell. The classic science-fiction novel War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells reinforced public curiosity about the possibility of aliens on Mars. But early space missions that showed decisively that Mars was not really very Earth-like—with no canals and an atmosphere only 1 percent the size of ours—damped much of the public’s fascination. Scientific interest has steadily increased, however, and Mars is the planet most visited by spacecraft. The first stage of scientific exploration climaxed in 1976 with two identical Mars landers and orbiters as part of the Viking program. All four Viking spacecraft were fabulously successful, providing a comprehensive survey of the planet together with detailed analysis at two landing sites, including clever experiments to search for evidence of microbial life.
After two decades of post-Viking neglect, NASA initiated a new series of Mars missions with the 1996 Mars Pathfinder, which included a rover about the size of a microwave oven. After two mission failures in 1998, several remarkably successful orbiters and the two famous Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, followed. In addition to high-resolution orbiting cameras, there is also a digital, global topographic map based on laser ranging between the orbiter and the surface. As a result, we have more detailed and quantitative data on martian topography than we do for much of the Earth’s surface.
Naturally, the tens of thousands of high-resolution photos from orbit and on the ground (all publicly available) have been studied for evidence of life and any potential artifacts of a possible ancient civilization. In this respect, the most famous discovery was made by Viking Orbiter 1 in 1977, in a low-resolution (about 40 meters) photo of the ancient Cydonia region of Mars. In the midst of a heavily eroded plain with irregular low mountains or mesas is the Face on Mars, one of the iconic images of the space program.
The Face on Mars, seen under oblique lighting, seems to be an oval humanoid face with eyes, nose, and a mouth. It is about one kilometer across and surrounded by a sort of halo that reminds some of the cloth headpiece worn by Egyptian pharaohs. It was spotted by Viking scientist Toby Owen and released to the press as a joke to show how even on Mars we (humans) could find features that looked vaguely like ourselves. Unfortunately, Viking project scientist Jerry Soffen made an offhand remark to the press that this “face” showed up only under this particular lighting and not in other photos of the same site. The problem was that Viking had not taken other photos of this spot at equal or higher resolution, and the mission ended before this area could be mapped again. Thus began another conspiracy theory: NASA was suppressing confirming photos of the face. When the next NASA mission to photograph Mars (Mars Observer) failed in 1992 shortly before its arrival at the Red Planet, the story began to circulate that this failure was faked and the spacecraft was really in orbit and sending back secret high-resolution images of the face.
The Face on Mars has been vigorously promoted by one energetic entrepreneur: Richard C. Hoagland. A young freelance journalist and one-time museum guide, Hoagland was a part of the large corps of journalists who encamped at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for the Viking landings. Hoagland not only accepted the artificial origin of the face, he went on to develop a detailed “theory” that linked this feature with a number of others in Cydonia that he also interpreted as artificial. These included a set of intersecting low ridges that he called the “city” and several mountains of roughly pyramid shape. (Pyramid-shaped peaks with three or four sides are a rather common product of both ice and wind erosion on Earth.)
As improving technology allowed for higher photo resolution, the “face on Mars” looked less like a face and more like the natural landform it is.
Hoagland set out to study the geometry of this layout, finding coincidences in the angles between the features that further demonstrated (to him) their artificial origin. He published the results from his “research” in a 350-page book called The Monuments of Mars (now in its fifth edition). He also undertook a lecture circuit that climaxed when a naïve public affairs officer at NASA Glenn (then Lewis) Research Center in Cleveland invited him to present a director’s seminar and then offered to put a videotape of this talk on the NASA TV channel. Hoagland also began making regular appearances on Art Bell’s late-night talk show Coast to Coast AM, where he still happily holds forth on the conspiracies of NASA and the U.S. government to keep the truth from the public.
Hoagland’s elaborate interpretation of the “monuments” on Mars represents an amazing flight of imagination. Since the features are in a state of ruin, he concludes that the aliens who built them are no longer present and dates the construction of these huge projects to about half a million years ago. Since the face is (in his opinion) clearly human and directed upward (best seen from above), he concludes that it was built as a message for Homo sapiens, a species that was just emerging on Earth at the time. The story then bifurcates: either these aliens were also visiting Earth at the time and knew about the future rise of humans (analogous to the opening sequences in the book and film 2001, A Space Odyssey), or the monuments themselves were built by an earlier race of humans that had moved from Earth to Mars and left no traces of their tenure on our planet. Yet another option is that Homo sapienshad a martian origin, migrating to Earth when their own planet became uninhabitable (a conclusion that flies in the face of all modern genetic analysis of humans and their primate cousins).
Hoagland’s analysis of the geometric patterns of the alleged monuments convinced him that the entire layout in Cydonia was a technical message to humans, one that included the key to a limitless source of energy. Apparently he has deciphered the message but is not revealing it just yet, other than to say that this energy could be tapped only at latitude 19.5 degrees (north or south) on the Sun as well as Earth and Mars. More recently, Hoagland linked the monuments on Mars with the crop circles appearing on Earth, which also allegedly held the key to unlimited energy, implying that the creators of the city on Mars were also active today on Earth. The fact that Hoagland was able to peddle this bizarre fairy tale for two decades and make a living selling books and videotapes is a testament to his ability as a salesman, if not to his unscientific acumen.
The two-decade post-Viking hiatus from Mars provided plenty of time for Hoagland to market his fantasy. The 1992 failure of Mars Observer, far from ending this story, was twisted by Hoagland into an additional conspiracy theory. The day the failure was announced, a group of his followers demonstrated outside the JPL gates to protest the blanket of secrecy they claimed had been thrown over this mission whose real purpose was to allegedly study the face. In the late 1990s, one of the two most frequently asked questions in letters and emails received by NASA concerned the Face on Mars (the other topic was asteroid impacts).
New Results from Mars
In 1998, a much-improved camera arrived at Mars on the Mars Global Surveyor orbiter. A vocal segment of the public demanded that NASA give high priority to re-photographing the face. NASA wisely argued that this was not a high-priority target but quietly obtained a high-resolution image of the face as soon as the spacecraft orbit permitted it. On April 5, 1998, when the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos, revealing a natural landform. However, the new lighting was very different from that of the original Viking photo, and some face proponents refused to believe that this was really the same feature. On April 8, 2001, the MOC captured a photo using the camera’s maximum resolution, better than two meters, which was twenty times higher than the Viking original. This spacecraft also carried another instrument, a laser ranging device, which gradually built up an extremely detailed quantitative topographic map of Mars that did not depend on lighting angles. With these data, it was possible to reconstruct exactly how the mesa would look from any direction. Many details of this story are recounted in the article “Unmasking the Face on Mars”.
Additional images with even higher resolution were obtained in 2007 by the University of Arizona HiRISE camera on the NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. With a resolution of 25 cm, these photos showed features as small as a briefcase. Such data eventually convinced almost everyone that the face was simply a mesa surrounded by an apron of eroded debris. NASA’s chief Mars scientist, Jim Garvin, even jokingly plotted a hiking trail that ascended the rugged hill. However, as the true nature of this eroded mesa became undeniable, the suggestion was made that the face had been intentionally destroyed by NASA: the clandestine mission of Mars Observer had been to first photograph the feature in detail, then deface it with a well-aimed nuclear missile.
Meanwhile, Richard Hoagland was moving on and generating new claims, some even more bizarre than those associated with the face. The Wikipedia article on Hoagland mentions his assertions that “Rocks on Mars containing biological fossils were purposely destroyed by NASA’s rover Opportunity. Numerous objects surrounding the landing sites of the Mars Exploration Rovers are in fact pieces of martian machinery. There are large semitransparent structures constructed of glass on the lunar surface, visible in some Apollo photography. There is a clandestine space program, using antigravity technology reverse-engineered from lunar artifacts and communicated by secret societies. Federal agencies such as FEMA and NASA are linked to Freemasonry.”
Hoagland held a press conference at the National Press Club on October 30, 2007, to “review NASA’s 50 years of cover-ups and hidden solar system data.” His accusations against NASA appeared in more detail in his book with Mike Bara, Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA. He was also by then in his crop circle phase, promoting new sources of energy revealed to him in the crop circles. And he is still a regular guest on Coast to Coast AM, where he has the title of science advisor.
Humans have a natural tendency to see anthropomorphic features in natural shapes such as clouds and mountains. As thousands of new photos of the martian surface were streaming back from the rovers, some of these tendencies were bound to pop up. One of the funniest is an image of a tiny eroded rock only a few centimeters long that looks rather like the famous “little mermaid” statue in Copenhagen Harbor. This too has been hailed as a real photo of a Martian. The continuing torrent of spacecraft images from current missions to Saturn and Mercury as well as Mars will probably generate new advocates for aliens in space. Fortunately, the vast majority of people are happy to accept these images as wonderful products of our space age exploration of the solar system and not as a new episode in the great alien cover-up.
David Morrison
David Morrison is a long-time NASA senior scientist and Committee for Skeptical Inquiry fellow. He now divides his time between the SETI Institute and the NASA Lunar Science Institute. He hosts the "Ask an Astrobiologist" column at NASA's website.
01-01-2014 om 23:36
geschreven door peter
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Publisher's Note.I found this little bit of ET history in the Conspiracy Journal newsletter. It was written by Nick Pope and published originally in the Dirk
Now and again a story comes along that is just about as bizarre as it is fascinating. And the following most definitely falls into both categories. It’s one that many might dismiss out of hand. Others, of a more open mind, however, might ponder on the possibility that the case in question is just the tip of a very big iceberg. And, with that said, read on…
The date was early 1974, and the setting, the Marconi Space and Defense facility at Frimley, England. At the time, the witness was employed as a draughtswoman in the Central Services branch – having previously served an apprenticeship in a division of the British Royal Navy – something which ensured that she had access to much of the establishment.
On arriving at work one particular morning, she was surprised to see an inordinate number of Ministry of Defense personnel swarming around one specific building which had been cordoned off. Although she was aware that something of deep significance had occurred, it was not until later that she was able to tackle a trusted colleague, who was himself a manager at the base.
“Something very serious has happened, hasn’t it?” she inquired. “Yes,” was the quiet response, “we’ve had a break-in. I can’t say anymore.” Over the course of several weeks, however, further pieces of the puzzle fell into place. It transpired that the break-in was far more than simply an unauthorized entry. What occurred was nothing short of the penetration of a highly sensitive facility by a living, breathing, extraterrestrial creature!
I was cautiously advised that the incident had occurred late at night, and the solitary witness was a security guard who had been patrolling the building as part of his routine duty. While walking along a corridor, the guard was startled by a dazzling blue light that emanated from one particular room. But this was no ordinary room: it was a storage facility for top secret documentation generated by Marconi as part of its work on behalf of the British Government and the Ministry of Defense, much of which was related to classified, radar-based programs.
Realizing that no-one – at all – should have been in the area at that time of night, the guard burst into the room, only to be confronted by a shocking sight. There, literally sifting through pages and pages of top secret files was a gray-skinned humanoid – but decidedly non-human – creature which quickly dematerialized before the shocked guard’s eyes. Although severely traumatized by the event, he was able to provide a brief description of the being to his superiors and noted that the blue light emanated from a helmet which encompassed the head of the entity.
By the following morning the guard had suffered a near-complete nervous collapse and was taken away, under a military guard, to an unspecified hospital for intensive therapy. He was not seen at the Frimley facility ever again. Some weeks later, my source had occasion to overhear snippets of a conversation which took place in the office of her boss, a Mr. Bevan.
I have been advised that the following is a close approximation of the relevant section of the conversation: “We have no way of keeping these beings out; we just don’t know what to do next. If they can get in here, they can get in anywhere.”
Are James Bond-style extraterrestrials really infiltrating our most protected research stations and stealing our defense secrets? As outlandish as such a theory may sound at first glance, it does receive a degree of support from official sources. For example, consider the following, extracted from a 1972 report titled Controlled Offensive Behavior – USSR, which was prepared for the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency:
“…before the end of the 1970s, Soviet diplomats will be able to sit in their foreign embassies and use ESP (extra-sensory perception) to steal the secrets of their enemies…a spy would be hypnotized, then his invisible ‘spirit’ would be ordered to leave his body, travel across barriers of space and time to a foreign government’s security facility, and there read top-secret documents and relay back their information…the Soviets are at least 25 years ahead of the U.S. in psychic research [and] have realized the immense military advantage of the psychic ability known as astral projection (out-of-the-body travel).”
Bizarre? Most certainly. But military agencies throughout the globe are very keen to exploit new and novel intelligence-gathering techniques. The method described above is simply one of many which have been examined in the past half a century by the governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the former Soviet Union.
Perhaps, somewhere else in the Universe, such techniques have already been perfected, to the extent that a living organism can now literally come and go at will, completely unhindered by our seemingly rigid, physical laws…
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If we down at least one UFO we'll be facing an interstellar war - Former Defense Minister of Canada
If we down at least one UFO we'll be facing an interstellar war - Former Defense Minister of Canada
He was Canadian minister of Defense in 1960s, ruling over the country’s armed forces during the time of the Cold War – and when he retired he publicly stated that we are not alone in the universe, and some guests from outer space actually live here, on planet Earth. Is this fantasy? Is someone actually watching us? Today we ask the man who says UFOs are a serious business – Paul Hellyer.
Sophie Shevardnadze:Our guest today is the Honorable Paul Hellyer, former minister of Defense of Canada, and he believes that life forms from space are present on Earth. It’s great to have you on our show. Why do you say that UFOs are as real as airplanes flying over our heads?
Paul Hellyer: Because I know that they are. As a matter of fact, they’ve been visiting our planet for thousands of years and one of the cases that would interest you most if you give me two or three minutes to answer is that during the Cold War, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying south from Russia across Europe, and Supreme Allied Command was very concerned and about ready to press the “Panic” button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole. They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for 3 years and they decided that, with absolute certainty, four species - at least – had been visiting this planet for thousands of years. We have a long history of UFOs and of course there has been a lot more activity in the last few decades, since we invented the atomic bomb and they are very concerned about that and the fact that we might use it again, and because the Cosmos is a unity and it affects not just us but other people in the Cosmos, they are very much afraid that we might be stupid enough to start using atomic weapons again, and this would be very bad for us and for them as well.
SS:No serious scientist has ever publicly confirmed evidence of an encounter with extra-terrestrials – why would scientists not confirm the facts if they exist?
PH: I’m afraid they must go out of their way not to find out. Even if they do 10 percent of the amount of research I’ve done in the last 8 years they would be as convinced as I am. I mean, they could do it even faster. Might take it a little longer, when they didn’t have military background, but there are so many wonderful books that tell these stories and they’ve been authenticated; the sightings have been authenticated by more than one witness and also by radar, and they have landed in various places around the world, including Russia. There’s famous case there, I can’t remember the name of the place, but it was widely reported at the time, a man wrote a book about it and then the French bought the book rights so it wouldn’t be circulated around… There’s just so much evidence, if anybody will take a time off to do a little bit of research and study. Some people are interested and will take the time, and the others just say “Oh, you know it’s just fantasy”. Since I’ve been public on this subject I get probably three or four emails a week from all over the world, from people who’ve actually witnessed sightings, and some of them who’ve actually been on the ships, and some of them who’ve actually been transported to another planet. This information… it is top secret in a way that governments don’t talk about it, but if you listen to whistleblowers and to the people who have worked in the industry, and who know what is going on, there’s just a lot of information out there and it doesn’t take very long to get your hands on it.
SS:See, the problem is that some who report UFOs sightings and alien abductions have been shown to make things up to be famous, to make money – or just for a prank. How do we tell fiction from a fact?
PH: You have to spend a lot of time trying to find…we use to say “separating wheat from the chaff”, and it takes a lot of effort. When I was minister I got sighting reports and when we checked them out, about 80 percent, 8 out of 10, were not real, they were sights of Venus or of plasma or a dozen other things, but there were 15 percent or 20 percent for which there was no explanation and they were the genuine unidentified flying objects. One of the conferences I went to… it was in Las Vegas… was promoted by chap who had written a book about crashes and there were dozens and dozens of them and many of them very-very well authenticated, so it would be impossible to read of that evidence and not come to the conclusion that these vehicles were real.
SS:Have you ever had your own encounter with aliens?
PH: Not encounter with aliens, no. I’ve seen a UFO, about 120 miles north of Toronto, over Lake Muskoka, where I have a cottage. Two years ago, at Thanksgiving, which is October, [my wife?] said that she wanted to go out and look at the stars, so…I’m not much of a night man… but I put on my cap and went out with her and she looked into the eastern sky and said, “There’s a star” and I turned the other way and said, “Oh, there’s a much brighter one over here” and she looked there and we watched it until our necks almost broke for about 20 minutes, and it was definitely a UFO because it could change position in the sky by three or four degrees in three or four seconds. I checked out – there were no satellites that could do that, a space station wasn’t going by and it isn’t able to move that fast anyway and there was no other explanation except that it was the real thing. Two days later I went down in the dark, got a comfortable chair, and watched. It came back almost at the same spot and entertained me for as long as I could take it. Then I went back to the cottage but it was very interesting because it would drop down in the sky and then it would roar back up and it would shift across a few degrees and do a circle and come back at just an astronomical speed, since you know they travel very-very fast.
SS:So does it just look like a falling star that falls really quickly and then rises again? What does it look like?
PH: Well, it looked just like a star.
SS:It looks just like a star?
PH: I don’t know if you personally have ever read the Bible or not but I think the star of Bethlehem was one of God’s flying saucers.
SS:You also told me that people write you emails, three to five emails a week, and they’ve actually been abducted or they had encounters with aliens. Do they actually tell you what these aliens look like? I mean, everyone’s interested – how would I know if I see an alien and he abducts me?
PH: First question you have to ask is how many species are there? I used to think there were between two and twelve. Apollo astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, who came to Toronto a few years ago and had with dinner with us agreed there were something around two and twelve, but the latest reports that I’ve been getting from various sources are that there are about 80 different species and some of them look just like us and they could walk down the street and you wouldn’t know if you walked past one. They are what we call “Nordic blondes” and also the Tall Whites who were actually working with the US air force in Nevada. They’re able to get away with that, they had a couple of their ladies dressed as nuns go into Las Vegas to shop and they weren’t detected. I have a friend who saw one of the men walking along the street, he is somebody who can recognize that they were different, and he did. Then there’s the Short Grey’s as they are called, and they are the ones you see in most of the cartoons, they have very-very slim arms and legs, they are very short, just a little over 5 feet, and they have a great big head and great big brown eyes. But, there are different species and you have to know that they are different species and know that they all are different. If you saw the Short Greys you’d certainly know there’s something up that you’ve never seen before, but if you saw one of the Nordic Blondes, you’d probably say “Oh I wonder if she’s from Denmark or somewhere.”
SS:So these species that you are describing – are they all different in terms of nice and mean? Are some of them nice and benevolent and others nasty, how are they? Are they good to people on Earth or are they here to harm them?
PH: It’s a difficult question to answer, because they have different agendas and maybe all of us on Earth should have the same agenda, but you couldn’t say, maybe, that Russia and China and the US all had the same agenda at every turn, because they don’t. I would say that nearly all are benign and benevolent and they do want to help us, there may be one or two species which do not. That’s one of the things I’m investigating at the moment, to see who they are, what they are up to and what their agendas really are.
SS:These extraterrestrial creatures – where did they come from and how did they get here, to Earth?
PH: They come from various places. For a long while I only knew about ones who came from different star systems – the Pleadis, Zeta Reticuli and several other star systems…but in the past few months I have met [those] who made me aware that there are some in our star system, and that there are actually extraterrestrials who live on a planet called Andromedia, which is one of the moons of Saturn and that there are others on Venus and some on Mars and that they may be interacting between themselves – I suspect that they are because there is what is called a “Federation” of these people and they have rules. For example, one of the rules is that they don’t interfere with our affairs unless there are invited to – and that’s one of the reasons, probably, that we haven’t seen more of them until very recently…
SS:But, what do you mean, there are lots of people who want to interact with them, there are a lot of people who actually want to see them and to know who they are. What, do they need a special invitation to interact with us? What does it mean – “they don’t want to interfere with our affairs”?
PH: They don’t want to tell us how to run our affairs, they have accepted the fact that this is our planet, and that we have the right to run it, but they are very-very concerned: they don’t think we are good stewards of our planet, we’re clear cutting our forests, we’re polluting our rivers and our lakes, and we’re dumping sewage in the oceans, and we’re doing all sorts of things which are not what good stewards of their homes should be doing. They don’t like that and they made it very clear. As a matter of fact they have given us a warning.
PH: This has come from more than one source…
SS:How have they made it clear, what have they done?
PH: They have talked to people. One of the chaps I’ve talked with about a month ago was interacting with them in 1974, he and his brother, in Peru. They were taken to Andromedia, teleported. They were told what people there think and that we’re really wrecking our planet and in fact that something dreadful is going to happen to it if we don’t smarten up and change our ways. We spend too much time fighting each other, we spend too much money on military expenditures, and not enough on feeding the poor and looking after the homeless and the sick, and that we are polluting our waters and our air and that we’re playing around with these exotic weapons, thermonuclear weapons and atomic weapons, which have such devastating effects both on Earth and other areas of Cosmos. They don’t like that and that’s the reason they would like to work with us, to teach us better ways, but only, I think, with our consent. They work through individuals; they try and pick out individuals who won’t be frightened to death by them, because they can get you quite afraid. One of the cases I’m familiar with was with the Tall Whites in Nevada, where the US airman working with them was just frightened to death of them, and one, Charles Hall, rescued the daughter of one of the high-up people in the Tall White and as result became very good friends with the mother, and as soon as they could trust each other, they had a wonderful relationship. He wrote a book about it, called “Millennial Hospitality” – it tells you how you go through these stages, of being scared out of your wits, but then, when you establish a trust and a working relationship –you can have the same kind of relationship that you would have with someone here on Earth.
SS:But here’s what I’m thinking: if you are outing their presence, which is clearly not what they want, since they are hiding, why aren’t you afraid of repercussions? You are obviously stating that they are here, among us, telling me all these species that exist…
PH: They are here among us and I’m not afraid because in most cases, as far as technology is concerned, they are light years ahead of us, and we have learned a lot of things from them. A lot of the things we use today we got from them, you know – led lights and microchips and Kevlar vests and all sorts things that we got from their technology and we could get a lot more too, especially in the fields of medicine and agriculture if we would go about it peacefully. But, I think, maybe some of our people are more interested in getting the military technology, and I think that’s wrong-headed, and that’s one of the things that we are going to have to change, because we’re going to have to work together, all of us, everywhere on the planet.
SS:You’ve mentioned military technology and swapping technologies and barters in-between aliens and people in American government. I want to ask you as a former minister of Defense of Canada – is interstellar war a possibility? Should we be creating a Star Wars force to defend ourselves from possible invasion or something like that?
PH: I think it’s a possibility, but it’s a possibility especially if we shoot down every UFO that comes into our airspace without asking who they are and what they want. Right from the beginning we started scrambling planes, trying to shoot them down, but their technology was superior enough that we weren’t able to get away with it, certainly not for a long while. During that period of time they could have taken us over without any trouble if they wanted to, so I think, rather than developing our own Star Wars to protect ourselves against them, we should work with the benign species that are of a vast majority and work together, and rely largely on them, of course, and cooperate, so that we would be contributing something at the same time; I don’t think there’s any point in us developing a galactic force that would tempt us to ride on our own and get into mischief, which is one of the things that some of them are concerned about.
SS:What do you expect to happen if people start to believe in alien existence on Earth? Things are definitely going to change: our lives aren’t going to be the same anymore.
PH: I hope that’s the case. I am all for full disclosure, and I’m going to push very hard for full disclosure in the book I’m writing, to give some reasons for it, things that we really have to know and have a right to know. Our future as a species, and here I mean all of the species in the world, is potentially at risk if we don’t figure what’s going on and work together to try and make life more amenable for all of us, and to work with our neighbors from other planets as well.
SS:Still, I’m thinking to myself – if they’ve been here for such a long time as you say, and they are interested in helping humanity, as you say, why is our world such a mess? If you want help someone, you just help someone, you don’t wait for that someone to invite you to help that someone, no?
PH: I think parents sometime say to their children – “this is what you should do”, but that doesn’t mean children are going to do it, does it? The Cosmos is based on free choice. We’re given the option of making mistakes, of making wrong choices, and I guess, what bothers some of us, is that we’ve made too many wrong choices, and not enough right choices. So we’re going to have to start switching our priorities and stop spending so much time and effort on weapons to kill each other, or to dominate each other, and spend a lot more time on how to help each other to have a better life and a more just society, and life which is healthier. When the healthcare is better and when the food distribution is better and when the air is cleaner and water is cleaner and all of those things that are waiting to be done, if we just get together and, as we say, row in the right direction, in the same direction, it’s possible, but it’s a tall order and so far we haven’t done it. My thesis is that we have to do it, we have to start doing it right away.
SS:Thank you so much for this interesting interview and insight on extraterrestrial life. That was Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian minister of Defense, who says aliens exist and live among us on Earth. That’s all the time we have for today, I will see you in the next edition of Sophie&Co.
The landlord wanted to get rid of this crop circle in Salinas CA really quickly. Look closely at the pics in the video, there is a LOT of very important symbolism throughout the crop circle. In Northern California (Nor Cal, NOBODY in CA calls CA “Cali”) a small town of Salinas holds a lot of controversy recently. What do you think, was this man made? Or is the Illuminati making yet another declaration?
Be prepared, be blessed.
Sure, people have been saying that they are in the “end times” for ages now, saying that “Jesus is coming soon”. Seriously these Jesus freaks keep on saying the same thing and nothing ever really happens. In fact, it is such an old “war cry” that you have tuned it out which in turn has hardened your heart to the warnings. But our time truly is limited. Please just take a quick glance at the mainstream headlines and put the pieces together. There is no denying the signs; the “labor pain” symptoms any longer.
If you are scoffing at the warnings, guess what? You are fulfilling prophecy and you are only hurting yourself and any of those who may be listening to you. Check it out, I’m not putting you on: 2 Peter 3:3,4 and also in Jude 1:18,19 both are in the New Testament. Get saved; you are going to need His protection. More importantly, you will definitely need your salvation for all of eternity. I don’t know you, but I certainly care about you and your eternity. This is not a gimmick; the only thing I gain from you trusting God is another brother or sister in the Lord.
Dear Lord Jesus,
Please remove any deception that I may have listened to or embraced. Because I am not perfect, I am a sinner that needs forgiveness and I ask You to forgive me. I believe You are Savior and Lord Who shed Your Blood and died for my sins to be forgiven, and rose from the dead; You live forever. I want to turn from (repent) my sins. I invite You Jesus Christ of Nazareth to come into my heart and life as Savior and Lord. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and personal Savior. In the all powerful Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray. Amen.
This video is a compilation of the HUGE numbers of asteroids, fireballs, meteors and other ‘space debris’ for the month of December, 2013. What has caused such a massive number of fireballs in the sky the last month of 2013? Was December only a mere taste of what January 2014 will bring? Are we witnessing prophecy unfolding?
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Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for December 2013 - part i
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for December 2013: part I
CMS continues to amass sighting reports from around the globe. In December 2013 there were 516 sightings reported to MUFON through CMS from the following countries;
Number of Reports
Within the United States the distribution by State was as follows;
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for December 2013 - part ii
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for December 2013 - part ii
If you are getting more sighting reports than listed here, please be sure to enter them manually into CMS. To make this happen automatically, make sure your local MUFON Website is pointing to the CMS Reporting form on and direct all calls you get to the MUFON website so that witnesses can enter their own report directly into CMS.
ALL sighting reports received by CMS are already filled in by the witness, saving you and your investigators time. Each report is automatically sent to YOU, the State Director and Assistant State Director, for you to assign someone to follow-up and complete the report.
If a UFO sighting comes in over the phone, or by e-mail, and you want to enter it yourself, simply go to CMS at (once logged in) and click on "ADD CASE" in the upper right hand corner of the screen. This gives you a blank sighting reporting form that you can fill out while the witness is on the phone. Once the report is filled out be sure to click "SAVE" and you will have easily added your NEW report to CMS.
Other interesting data points in CMS during December 2013 are the shape of the UFOs reported which were as follows;
Shape of Object
Number of Reports
as well as the distance from the observer;
Distance from Witness
Number of Reports
< 100 ft
101-500 ft
501 ft - 1 Mile
Over 1 Mile
Most impressively there were 15 Landings, Hovering, or Takeoffs reported and 1 Entities observed.
To review the CMS data yourself go to and click on "UFO Case Files" to 1.) Easily look at the Last 20 Sightings, or 2.) Do a customized search of the CMS database by date and/or location, or 3.) Logon to CMS for even more detailed UFO sighting information about your State and the World.
I hope you are enjoying our new internet based Sighting and Reporting System. For questions regarding its use please refer to the User Guide available on your CMS main menu screen. Please send your questions and/or suggestions to Jan Harzan at
An illustration of an asteroid approaching Earth. (Shutterstock*)
A whole lot of space rock is floating around out there, and some massive asteroids have come pretty close to Earth.
On Jan. 13, 2004, for example, some scientists thought an asteroid about 100 feet wide might crash into the Earth within 36 hours. Luckily, they were mistaken, and the asteroid passed at a safe distance of more than 7 million miles (approximately 32 times the distance between Earth and the moon). As it turns out, the asteroid was also much larger than anticipated, measuring some 1,600 feet across. That’s about the size of 4.5 football fields.
In February, another large asteroid passed so close to Earth it was closer than the moon and as close as some geosynchronous satellites.
NASA states on its website: “No one should be overly concerned about an Earth impact of an asteroid or comet. The threat to any one person from auto accidents, disease, other natural disasters and a variety of other problems is much higher than the threat from NEOs [near earth objects]. Over long periods of time, however, the chances of the Earth being impacted are not negligible so that some form of NEO insurance is warranted.”
About every 10,000 years, asteroids larger than 300 feet could hit the Earth, according to NASA, causing tidal waves and local disasters. Every several hundred thousand years, asteroids about a half-mile wide could cause great global disasters, spreading debris that could partially block sunlight, cause severe acid rain, and fire storms.
Here’s a look at five asteroids that have, or may in the future, come close to Earth.
1. 2012 DA14
Size: 164 feet, 50 meters How close: Inside the orbit of the moon When: Feb. 15, 2013
The asteroid named 2012 DA14 (asteroids are named for the year they are first discovered) passed so close to the Earth on Feb. 15, it was not only inside the orbit of the moon, but also inside the orbit of geosynchronous satellites. The NASA website describes the impact it could have had if it hit Earth: “It could have devastated a city-sized landscape, or struck an ocean and raised dangerous tsunamis.”
2. Asteroid That Hit Chelyabinsk, Russia
Size: 55–65 feet, 17–20 meters How close: Made impact When: Feb. 15, 2013
Also on Feb. 15, an asteroid unrelated to the 2012 DA14 penetrated the Earth’s atmosphere and broke up, with parts of it hitting Chelyabinsk, Russia. It injured more than 1,000 people and caused millions of dollars in damage. It gave scientists a chance to study the phenomenon, and research cited by the journal Nature shows an event of a similar size may be expected about every 25 years.
The sky over Chelyabinsk, Russia, on Feb. 15, 2013. (Screenshot/NASA/YouTube)
3. 2004 AS1
Size: 1,600 feet, 500 meters How close: 7.4 million miles, 12 million kilometers, though it was thought to be on course directly for Earth When: January 2004
On Jan. 13, 2004, astronomers considered what kind of alarm to raise after some predicted a large asteroid might hit Earth within 36 hours. They were wary of causing undue panic, and the channels for communicating the information to authorities were also unclear. A BBC article from the time notes that procedures for raising an alarm in such a situation were reviewed following this incident.
Among various predictions for the course the asteroid was to move along, many took it safely past Earth with room to spare, but the possibility of collision had some scientists worried.
It turned out the asteroid stayed 7.4 million miles away. Alan Harris of the Space Science Institute told Universe Today that asteroids of this size and at this distance are “a dime a dozen.”
He used an analogy to highlight the difficulty of accurately gauging the course and size asteroids near Earth: “It’s rather like noticing something in the sky out of your car window that appears to be moving along with you. It could be a bird close to your car flying along at close to the same speed, or it could be a plane in the distance that only seems to be pacing your car.”
Size: 100 feet, 30 meters How close: 26,500 miles, or about 3.4 times Earth’s diameter When: March 18, 2004
Every two years or so, objects about the size of the 2004 FH asteroid pass about as close to the Earth, according to NASA, but they usually pass undetected. “This particular close approach is unusual only in the sense that scientists know about it,” reported NASA at the time.
5. 2004 MN4
Size: 1,000 feet, 320 meters
How close: 1-in-60 chance it will collide with Earth
When: April 13, 2029
In 2005, Paul Chodas, Steve Chesley, and Don Yeomans at NASA’s Near Earth Object Program office calculated a 1-in-60 chance that the 2004 MN4 asteroid will hit Earth on April 13, 2029.
Chodas told NASA’s Science News the asteroid is “big enough to punch through Earth’s atmosphere,” and could cause tsunamis or devastate a region the size of Texas.
The prediction date falls on Friday 13th.
Trajectory of the 2004 MN4 asteroid. (NASA)
Researchers are developing ways to divert problem asteroids with nuclear fusion weapons. The key is to create a blast that will nudge the asteroid off a collision course with Earth without blowing it up, scattering potentially dangerous debris.
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California’s High Tech Crop Circle Appears near Silicon Valley Farmland
Before It's News)
A farmer in the Salinas Valley in California woke up on Sunday morning to find a giant crop circle in his field. To me this beautiful crop circle looks like part of a circuit board that are made in Silicon Valley - for decades this region (my home town) is known for its Fortune 500 computer corporations.
You may want to mute the sound to enjoy what the pattern and see if you get any intuitive sense of a meaning behind the art created.
Julie Belanger / 111th Aerial Photo
Theories are cropping up to explain an intricate circular pattern discovered in a field of grass in California early Monday, December 30th.
Among the first people to spot the crop circle from above were Julie and Pat Belanger, co-owners of the 111th Aerial Photography Squadron company.
Julie Belanger said they were flying in a Robinson R44 helicopter from South County Airport in San Martin toward Carmel when they spotted the circle.
No one realized how intricate the crop circles were until professional photographer Julie Belanger took a helicopter ride Monday morning. Belanger had not heard about the circles and she flew in a helicopter over the farm by coincidence.
Belanger said her first immediate thought was, “What is it?”
“It was beautiful. Quite beautiful,” Belanger told KSBW. “I believe it’s possible that aliens exist, but I don’t know if they would bother making a crop circle to give us a message.”
Curious onlookers grew in number Monday afternoon as word of the crop circles spread. People stood on top of vehicles and fences to get a better view, and security guards kept gawkers from entering the field.
Theories are cropping up to explain an intricate circular pattern discovered in a field of grass in Chualar, California field. KSBW’s Tom Miller reports.
“We were on a photo flight this morning and came across it,” aerial photographer Julie Belanger told NBC News. “It was so unique in the middle of a field.”
What a great gift we received trying to figure out the meaning of the geometric patterns.
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100,000 Year Old Electrical Device Found
100,000 Year Old Electrical Device Found
Before It's News)
Is it possible that an advanced extraterrestrial civilization millions of years ahead of us found a way to manipulate space-time and perhaps even discovered a way to travel through time? We do not posses adequate technology to visit the past or the future, and we do now even know if such remarkable journeys can become reality, but maybe one day in the future humans will see themselves as true time travelers. If that’s true, then time travel already exists. There are a huge number of incredible artifacts lying scattered across the floors of abandoned, forgotten basements of the world’s greatest natural history museums. In the dim, dusty corners of these museums we find some of the keys to the greatest mysteries of Mankind. Strange and unlikely artifacts found, studied and discarded are more common than most people know. Thousands of things have been discovered that argue against the natural order that scientists have deemed as the official record of the rise of humanity. Among them was the remarkable discovery of a stone embedded with a three-pronged plug that is approximately 100,000 years old. NOTE: The above image is real.
KENS NOTE: I feel this earth has been here for millions of years and thousands of civilizations have come and gone from this earth. When will it be our turn ?
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UFO Causes Flights To Be Diverted In Beijing
UFO Causes Flights To Be Diverted In Beijing
Before It's News)
A UFO scare near Beijing International Airport caused two civilian flights to be diverted. The UFO turned out to be a drone used by a local Beijing company for surveying. The four men operating the drone were arrested for not adhering to proper unmanned aerial vehicle regulations.
According to the South China Morning Post, China’s Civil Aviation Administration picked up a UFO on radar at 11 am on Sunday. It was flying at an altitude of around 2000 feet, and traveling at more than 60 miles per hour.
Two civilian airplanes were diverted in order to steer clear of the UFO, resulting in dozens of flight delays. Police scrambled a helicopter, which discovered the drone and forced it to land.
The drone that caused all of the commotion is a modified remote controlled airplane used for survey work. However, the proper permission was not obtained before the flight near the airport was conducted. Four men who were operating the drone were arrested for “endangering public security” which caused “seriously interrupted flight orders.”
Remote controlled UAV airplane made for recreational use. Comes equipped with a “spy camera.” (Credit: NitroPlanes)
As in the United States, drone usage has been on the increase in China, and just like here authorities are struggling with regulating the increase in unmanned aircraft traffic. However, regulations about flying near civilian aircraft are clear. Feng Chang, co-founder of Beijing FlyCam which specializes in aerial photography and videography, told the South China Morning Post on Tuesday, “All unmanned aircrafts are banned from entering the 15-kilometre range of airports and from flying higher than 100 metres on flight courses elsewhere.”
“Civilian drones face very strict regulations on the mainland. Anything that flies, like hot air balloons or drones, must have official permission,” said Zhang Qizhun, a researcher at the aviation and space research centre at the China University of Political Science and Law and a director of the aviation law committee of the Beijing Bar Association.
“Our country is ready to go to war. It is always on the alert for national safety threats, although in the case of commercial civilian drones, public safety is also at stake,” he said.
Incake Bakery delivery drone. (Credit: South China Morning Post)
Approval to fly drones is not obtained easily. Earlier this year a bakery in Shanghai was denied permission to fly drones to deliver cakes to weddings and banquets. Incake Bakery had purchased three drones for this purpose, but will have to shelve their plan despite several successful test pastry deliveries.
Officials cite concerns for safety. One official told Shanghai Daily, “These aircraft are not trying to fly around no man’s land, but are in the middle of the city. When accidents happen, it’s beyond imagination.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Are UFOs the Key? The new Testament, the gnostic scriptures and the second coming.
Are UFOs the Key? The new Testament, the gnostic scriptures and the second coming.
While their presence may be more subtle than in other scriptures and religious writings, flying saucers do make numerous appearances in the New Testament and are an integral part of the story of Jesus Christ.
In the recent release from Global Communications, “Flying Saucers in the Holy Bible,” the Reverend Virginia Brasington addresses numerous instances where the New Testament makes overt references to miracles and signs that are consistent with what we in the present understand to be UFO-related phenomena. Throughout her section, which opens the book, Brasington takes as a given that flying saucers are “God’s transportation,” and this article will take that for granted as well. Among the many passages from the New Testament she uses to make her case is this one:
“When Jesus ascended into heaven,” Brasington writes, “the Bible tells us in Acts 1:9 that ‘He was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.’ A cloud received Him. It was there already. It could have been a dull grey vehicle, or it could have been a vapor around the vehicle. At any rate, the disciples that had gathered, over 500 of them, were told that he would come back in exactly the same way he left.”
Verses that speak of him returning “exactly the same way he left” are also included.
Mark 14:62 says, “And Jesus said, ‘I am; and ye shall see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.’” Luke 21:27, “And then shall they see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” Matthew 24:30, “And they shall see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.” Revelation 1:7, “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him.”
Brasington intends for us to read “clouds of heaven” as “flying saucers,” which reinforces the reality of the Second Coming. If we know flying saucers are real, does it take any great leap of faith to see the reality of the Second Coming?
“The first letter of Paul to the Thessalonians,” Brasington continues, “in the 4th chapter, beginning with the 13th verse, tells about Jesus coming again for the Church. It seems that when He comes, He will be accompanied by a great host from heaven. Read the thrilling words, beginning with verse 16: ‘For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
This passage is one of the very few in the New Testament that speak of the Rapture, the miraculous escape of the righteous chosen ones from the chains of an evil Earth staggering under the oppression of Satan. This has in recent decades become a very popular interpretation of this particular scripture and has generated a great deal of speculation and anticipation, as well as the bestselling “Left Behind” series of books that offered a fictional account of the Earth in the post-Rapture era. Belief in the Rapture is a cornerstone of some people’s faith, and there have been many who have tried to pinpoint the exact time it will come, in spite of Christ’s warning that, “no man knows the day or the hour, not even the angels in heaven.”
But beyond the more apocalyptic prophecies, even the Christmas story has a flying saucer element, according to Brasington.
“In the story of the wise men of the East,” she writes, “visiting the Baby Jesus and following the star until it came and ‘stood over the place where the young child was,’ this ‘star’ has been explained in many different ways – and as far as I am concerned each of them is laughable. The favorite explanation declares the star was the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn that occurred in 6 B.C. If so, the explanation certainly breaks down if one reads Matthew 2:9, where it says that the star came and ‘stood over the place where the young child was.’ In the first place, a conjunction of planets couldn’t possibly have done this. A conjunction simply means that in their orbiting, at certain times, two or more planets are so positioned that they are seen as one, thus making a very bright appearance.
“In the second place, how could the wise men possibly have followed a star that was presumably in the heavens with the Earth orbiting and, of course, changing the position of the star in relationship to the Earth? Anyway, it would have been so far away it could not have possibly led the wise men even to a large city, much less to the small town of Bethlehem, and much, much less the particular stable, or cave, where Jesus was.
“No, not even the wisest of the wise could have followed such a guiding star. It was bound to have been some special craft or manifestation of God that appeared to the wise men and then guided them to the very spot where Jesus could be found. Evidently this was the first time the ‘star’ had hovered over a particular dwelling since the wise men had been following it, because we read in Matthew 2:9-11 that, ‘When they heard the king (Herod), they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him; and when they had opened their treasures, they presented him with gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh.’
“Truly, this was an ‘unidentified flying object,’” the Reverend Brasington concludes. “It has never been identified unless my ideas are correct! Why did they call it a ‘star’? What else would they have called a bright, glowing object that stayed above them in the atmosphere?”
Brasington was licensed as a minister in the State of North Carolina by the Church of the Nazarene. Her book “Flying Saucers in the Bible” was originally published in the 1960s by Gray Barker’s Saucerian Press, and later reprinted by Timothy Green Beckley’s Global Communications, which is the version portions of this article are based on. One would think it unlikely that a North Carolinaminister would end up writing extensively on UFOs in the Bible, but Brasington’s back story was a little different than most of her peers in the clergy.
Regular contributor Sean Casteel has long approached the Bible as an historical UFO record.
“About 1918, in the late summer,” she explains, “my whole family and I were out in the yard after an early supper. We were spending the summer down in the South Mountains, where my father was born and where he had lived as a boy. We did not even have electric lights, and it was necessary to finish our evening chores early. So, we were just sitting around talking when out from behind the mountain back of the house flashed a huge, red, fiery-appearing craft that went across the sky and out of sight behind the horizon. It lighted up the atmosphere in a beautiful pink glow, and was silent as it sped across the sky. When it first appeared, my mother speculated that it was a meteor, but my father thought not because, being so low, had it been a meteor it would have fallen within our eyesight. But this sped straight across the sky and out of sight.
“I was eight or nine years old at the time and remember it vividly. At that time, we didn’t know much about airplanes, much less circular, glowing vehicles.”
Brasington goes on to recount other UFO sightings she had had as an adult, including one she shared with another pastor that involved two planes being unable to approach two rainbow-colored, rectangular ships. The local media’s subsequent coverage of the sighting could offer no explanation. Her point, she says, is that, as a Bible-believing Christian, the notion of space travel and UFOs is nothing new to her. Seeing them with her own eyes has made her sufficiently familiar with the phenomenon.
Writing many years before stories of abduction by aliens became commonplace, Brasington quoted another apt scripture.
“Paul says in Second Corinthians 12:4 that he ‘was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful or expedient for man to utter.’ Whether it was beyond our comprehension, or whether he just didn’t have words to describe it, or whether God told him not to tell us lest we become so homesick for our heavenly home we wouldn’t be any earthly good, I don’t know. Anyway, he didn’t tell what he saw and heard, but he DID say he went there.”
Many an abductee has found himself at a loss for words after returning from the experience. Whether because of alien-induced forgetfulness or the traumatic effects of shock and awe the abductee is often left with, translating into language what has happened is often impossible, and the accounts given by abductees under regressive hypnosis are often frustratingly incomplete, rife with a groping for words and gaps in the narrative that leave many important questions unanswered. As in the experience of the normally quite articulate Saint Paul, expressing the inexpressible just doesn’t come easy.
While the canonical New Testament offers a wealth of UFO references, more than can be covered in this article, attention should also be paid to books written around that same time that never made the final cut, so to speak. In a book of mine called “The Excluded Books of the Bible,” I quote from the great scholar of myth, Joseph Campbell.
In part three of Campbell’s four-volume opus, “The Masks of God,” entitled “Occidental Mythology,” Campbell relates a story of Jesus from the Gnostic book “The Acts of John.”
“The Messiah has just come from his desert fast of forty days,” Campbell writes, setting the scene, “and his victory there over Satan. John and James are in their boat, fishing. Christ appears on the shore. And John is supposed to be telling, now, of the occasion.”
The scripture commences.
“For when he had chosen Peter and Andrew, who were brothers, he came to me and James my brother, saying, ‘I have need of you. Come unto me.’ And my brother, hearing that, said to me, ‘John, what does that child want who is on the shore there and called to us?’ And I said, ‘What child?’ And he said again, ‘The one beckoning to us.’ And I answered, ‘Because of the long watch we have kept at sea, you are not seeing right, my brother James. But do you not see the man who is standing there, comely, fair, and of cheerful countenance?’ But he answered, ‘Him, brother, I do not see. But let us go and see what he wants.’
“And so, when we had brought our boat to land, we saw him also, helping us to settle it; and when we had left, thinking to follow him, he appeared to me to be rather bald, but with a beard thick and flowing, but to James he seemed a youth whose beard had newly come. We were therefore, both of us, perplexed as to what we had seen should mean. And as we followed him, continuing, we both were, little by little, even more perplexed as we considered the matter. For in my case, there appeared this still more wonderful thing: I would try to watch him secretly, and I never at any time saw his eyes blinking, but only open. And often he would appear to me to be a little man, uncomely, but then again as one reaching up to heaven.”
This may seem a little like overreaching, even blasphemy, but I interpret parts of this physical description of Christ as being similar to a gray alien. For example, James sees that a “child” is beckoning to them from the shore, which correlates to the diminutive height of the gray aliens, while John sees a grown man standing there. At one point, John sees Christ as appearing to be “bald,” another characteristic of the grays. He also says Christ looked like a “little man, uncomely,” another thing in common with the grays. “Uncomely,” by the way, means “unattractive” or even “ugly.” John reports that Christ never seems to blink his eyes, which may be similar to a screen memory of the unblinking black eyes of a gray alien.
But there is more from the Acts of John.
“Another glory, also, would I tell to you, my brethren: namely, that sometimes when I would take hold of him, I would meet with a material and solid body, but again, at other times, when I touched him, the substance was immaterial and as if it existed not at all.”
This comparison should be a little more obvious. The gray aliens also seem to have the ability to be either solid or immaterial, to change from the physical to the ethereal at will. When I interviewed abductee and bestselling author Whitley Strieber in 1989, he told me that the grays sometimes seem so ephemeral that one can’t even believe they are alive, that something so delicate can survive in our physical dimension. Was the Apostle John, the author of this obscure Gnostic book, really touching a gray alien that he had come to know as Christ?
John tells us that he writes of these mysteries in order to strengthen our belief in Christ.
“And these things I tell you, my brethren, for the encouragement of your faith in him; for we must, at present, keep silence concerning his mighty and wonderful works, in as much as they are unspeakable, and, it may be, cannot at all be uttered or be heard.”
It is easy to understand why this view of Christ was considered too bizarre to preach publicly. According to Campbell, this was an expression of the ancient view that Christ’s body was “a mere appearance, the reality being celestial or divine, and its appearance, furthermore, a function of the mentality of the seer, not of the reality of the seen; a mere mask that might change but not be removed.”
For another book of mine, “Signs and Symbols of the Second Coming,” I interviewed the Reverend Barry Downing, whose 1968 book “The Bible and Flying Saucers” is considered a classic with close to half a million copies in print.
In our discussion of what the Second Coming will actually be like, Downing said, “I think there pretty much has to be two forms of the Second Coming. One form is, what happens when we die? The body ends. What happens to the person? I think that some Near-Death-Experiences give us a clue that there’s a part of us, another spiritual dimension to us that seems to coexist with our body and is not destroyed by death and goes on to some other form of life.
“One of the possibilities,” he continued, “is that one of the tasks of UFOs, or the angels, is to collect the souls of people when they die and take them off to another world where they begin the next life that they have. This is not the Second Coming as we usually think of it. But Jesus says in John 14, ‘I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place, I will come again and take you to be where I am.’ For this to be true, I think it has to be true when someone dies. That’s probably how it works.
“Likewise, Jesus says to one of the thieves on the cross, ‘Today you will be with me in paradise.’ So I assume there’s a kind of ‘coming for us,’ when we die, and it’s kind of like a return of Christ to take us, or at least the return of the angels to take us. But it’s not the end of history. Obviously, my death or your death is not the end of history.”
Downing began to describe the kind of Second Coming that IS the end of history.
“From my point of view,” he explained, “God is reluctant to bring down the curtain of history, because the scientific evidence suggests that the universe is about 15 billion years old. Our sun is five billion years old. It took millions of years to get the Earth and human civilization to the point it is now. And life on Earth as we see it now has been planned by God, and therefore is serving Gods’ purpose. To bring it to an end, only to have to start over again, either on another planet or on Earth, is just, to put it bluntly, a big hassle. So if I were God, having created Earth as it now is, and the human condition as it now is, I wouldn’t be anxious to bring it to an end.”
Downing also explained why the reality of UFOs strengthens his faith.
“I think one of the roles of UFOs would be,” he said, “to move us to the point where the Biblical faith is more scientifically plausible. You’ve got a huge split in American culture right now between fundamentalists who believe the Bible just because God inspired the Bible, and therefore it must be true. Then you have university types who don’t see the Bible as different from any other book and pretty much don’t believe that God is any part of the universe. They believe the universe was in some sense ‘self-created’ by ways we don’t yet understand therefore there’s no divine force behind anything that we see.
“So the question is,” Downing went on, “how do you get faith back in play? Not based on the Bible alone, but based on modern evidence that says, ‘Hey, the angels may still be here.’ To me, that’s where the UFOs come into the scene. Fundamentalist Christians, of course, tend to see UFOs as demonic. The assumption of fundamentalists is that if UFOs were really the angels of God, they’d show themselves openly. Yet, obviously, the angels of God do not show themselves openly to us. Otherwise, we’d all see them. There’s some part of God that holds God’s self back, that doesn’t reveal God directly to us.”
Downing believes that God shows himself enough that we see belief is possible, but at the same time hides enough so that belief is not “required.”
“It’s a choice you can make,” he said. “I think that God is more likely to use the UFO force to get faith back in business in what you’d call the intellectual side of our culture now, which is very atheistic. In any case, if it should be true that UFOs carry the angels of God as we understand them Biblically, then that would certainly seem to be the way in which the Second Coming would happen. If Jesus was taken up into the sky at his Ascension in a UFO, which is what seems to be said in the Book of Acts, Chapter One, then the other thing that’s said in that same chapter is this: ‘This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.’”
In other words, as he departed in a UFO, so will Jesus come back in a UFO. One begins to see the pattern of how UFOs make miracles plausible, as Downing was explaining earlier.
The books on which this article was based, “Flying Saucers in the Holy Bible,” “The Excluded Books of the Bible,” and “Signs and Symbols of the Second Coming,” all contain a great deal of material not covered in this article. More discussions from learned UFO and religious experts, more analysis of scriptures in the light of the flying saucer presence, and more fascinating UFO and Biblical history are included in all three books. Although the ultimate truth has not yet been revealed, a little explorationof the UFO/Bible connection may be the beginning of a new kind of wisdom for believers of all kinds.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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In World War II many pilots reported similar incidents...They became known as "Foo Fighters" objects that would follow aircraft for miles without hitting them.
The latest on ball lightning is considered to be created by underground earthquakes that perform something like static shock and energizes the air above sometimes 30 minutes before the quake can be felt. Leaving positive or negatively charged air particles might let a charged air pocket to follow a plane.
"Hey, Jimmy, what are you doin' with my rugby ball and that helium?"
They's aliens! I seed 'em.
With the use of so many drones these days, it will be difficult for the crazies to tell the drones from the really "interesting" UFOs.
The NSA on the job !
Poor writing. Never mentioned the dimensions.
, bright silver and "metallic" ..with Happy Birthday on the side in pink letters
Are they illegal aliens? I bet if they lean to the left the can get all kinds of benefits and will be able to stay, just as long as they vote democrat.
Rich in New Mexico.
Has to be due to global warming.
Surprised they even released this report without explaning it away as natural phenomenon...
It was an artifact of America's increasing debt ceiling.
Illegal? No problem. They make an Executive Order for that!
It is extremely hard to estimate dimensions without a frame of reference. If you don't know how far away the object is, size becomes rather indeterminate. Against a blue sky, or an over cast backdrop, it can fool you quickly.
It was approximately 24 inches in diameter. Does that help?
I am not a believer of alien visitation and such things. But I really dislike those who dismiss all accounts of UFOs and call people crazy just because.
If you ever see something the mainstream news can't explain, keep it to yourself...or you are crazy!
Stay inside the 3x5 card of acceptable thought and make fun of those who don't. Ahhh....the spirit of the intellectual frontier.
I had forgotten those eerie reports! Thanks for reminding me.
It's the law of probability....
why would they make contact when we keep electing people like Obama, clearly no signs of intelligent life here.
So the long shot never happens?
I guess any time the odds are stacked one way, we should dismiss entirely the occurrence of an event of low odds.
That's just intellectual laziness, imho.
If we are going to consider ourselves people seeking truth / knowledge / wisdom then we have to be open to just about anything.
Otherwise, we are operating on assumptions too strongly and eliminating possible truths.
That isn't science, imho. That's using science to create a reality that makes us comfortable from a sociological point of view.
Hobama Choom needs a good ass kicking.
My wife and I saw an object last summer about 15-minutes before dusk. It passed almost directly over us and was only about 50-feet above the ground. It was traveling about 20-miles an hour and didn't make a sound. I first thought it was a drone, but then realized this thing didn't have any wings! What was it? I still don't know, but I can tell you this: at about 10-12 feet wide and 35-40 feet long, it was larger than any drone I've seen.
lol... yes, and at 34000 feet and traveling at 600 mph? Now that is some birthday balloon=
Yeah, cause the author should've fabricated that evidence. Let's say it was ohhhh 50/10/10 meters. guh.
I should add, on a scale of 1-10 for aerodynamics, it would get a zero, as its shape was like an upside down school bus without the wheels!
If citizens took their governments back they'd discover all sorts of interesting things that have been hidden from them.
These things are all government technologies and experiments.
Yet another of Obama's secret drones?
It can't be global warming. It's "climate change" now. You know, since the East Anglia bruhaha.
Interesting to think about, but warping space is possible, this gets around the whole can't go faster than light problem...
I once saw an orange party balloon while turning for an approach to a small airport in Kentucky. For several moments it had the appearance of a much larger, faster object that was maneuvering. I was low and slow and turned to keep it in sight and therefore was able to determine it was about 10 inches in diameter and very close.
It was Uncle Rico throwing a football over the mountain.
how did they rule out toy balloon?
Al Gore invented the UFO along with the internet and global warming.
occam's razor.
"Illegal" implies that we have rule of law in this country. LMAO! Thanks, I needed the laugh.
"So the long shot never happens?"
when the choices are "aliens warped space so they could visit earth" and "oddly shaped mylar balloon" no, the long shot did not happen.
Many things in heaven and earth are "improbable".
Probably just swamp gas.
When the USA was a supper power, we did those things to the Third World Nations, now China is doing it to this Third World Nation and there is nothing the USA can do to stop them.
Scientist are the worst at accepting things that do not fall within their criteria of what is possible. Little to no imagination. Plait and his Bad Astronomy IMHO are prime examples.
Klaktu nikto barrada
Model Rocket?
Sounds like liberal dogma
GB's fault.
With the likes of Red Lobster, Applebees, and the Golden Corral, the US is still the world's leading supper power. C'mon. What other nation offers Buy One, Get One Free?
Maybe it WAS a rugby ball.
Another comment section ruined by bad Obama jokes.
Obama derangement syndrome.
Are they time travelers? Just recently we learned that the Obama admin funded a study that looked for proof of time travelers on the internet, of course, wasting money while people are out of work & hungry is what they do best.
Because a toy balloon can't travel 90 degrees to the aircraft flight path... toward the aircraft Mach 0.8.
If it appeared metallic then it would have shown up on Radar
I can image the way we look to them. A destructive civilization driving around in aluminum cans powered by liquified dinosaurs.. I'd be scared to meet us too.
Or maybe it was a punt from Mike Scifres of the San Diego Chargers that hadn't come down yet.
I'm going to go with a shiny, metallic, rugby ball/cigar-shaped thingy. That or super-model Claudia Schiffer; we haven't seen her for awhile.
Balloons don't float to 34k feet. But nice try.
spot on!!!
Or my favorite:
It was some swamp gas that got trapped in a thermal pocket and refracted the light from Venus.
Hat tip: Tommy Lee Jones MIB
A rugby ball is shaped like a football... not a rectangular box?
a toy balloon can travel 90 degrees to the aircraft flight path...anything can.
a toy balloon can travel toward the aircraft, or the pilot could have been wrong about that.
"at Mach 0.8".......that detail isn't included in the story. where are you getting that?
RIGHT...but mylar balloons wont reach anywhere near 34k... so it wasn't a balloon.
Wow those Brits can sure kick a ball!
Was it shaped like a Drink cart?
Im guessing that since the object passed within a "few feet" of the plane... he could give accurate dimensions.
Thats because we don't like him.
Maybe these "ancient aliens" are satanic and they're coming to take Obama back to Hell?!
>>> it was the planet Venus.
Who might "they" be?
A UFO is any flying object that has not been identified. Nothing about little green men, etc. _You_ have no place talking about intelligent life.
And, of course, these omnipotent and benevolent beings never EVER used ANY natural resources to become an advanced civilization. They all just held hands in a circle singing the alien version of Kumbaya and POOF, interstellar travel and everything. Just like that.
google "Test of Toy Balloons Performed For Federal Department of Aviation".
yes they can.
Why do all the remaining thinking people
only live in our mother country ?
One can hope!
I'm pretty hung up on the whole warping space theory. This however seems very promising:
At 1/10 the speed of light, it's the fastest practical design I've seen.
I was raised on Edwards air force base. they are real and have been here before. they landed of the flight line in 1968 3 ufos fully documented
I didn't know there were any bad Obama least its just a comment section being ruined, instead of the entire middle class of a country....
I have seen one and my brother has too
Soon all jokes on this subject will stop.
Shut up about Obama, such a easy jab isnt it.
Or 'super-sizing.'
Probably not.
Obama IS the joke...
When they see how shallow the gene pool is on this planet, I'm sure they will leave us to our certain fate.
any photos? a phone takes pretty good pics these days.
It's like you all have never heard of Quidditch.
If the aliens are liberal they didn't build that.
He's a lost negro.
Like you do?
Bush's fault.
I've never seen one and neither has my sister.
Little Johnny is at it again... President Obama was visiting a primary school and he visited one of the classes.
They were in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings.
The teacher asked the president if he would like to lead the discussion on the word 'tragedy'?
So our illustrious president asked the class for an example of a 'tragedy'.
One little boy stood up and offered: 'If my best friend, who lives on a farm, is playing in the field and a tractor runs over him and kills him, that would be a tragedy?'
'No,' said Obama, 'that would be an accident.'
A little girl raised her hand: 'If a school bus carrying 50 children drove over a cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy.'
'I'm afraid not,' explained Obama. 'That's what we would call great loss.' The room went silent. No other children volunteered.
Obama searched the room. 'Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?'
Finally at the back of the room, Little Johnny raised his hand.
In a quiet voice he said: If the plane carrying you and Mrs. Obama was struck by a 'friendly fire' missile and blown to smithereens that would be a tragedy.'
'Fantastic!' exclaimed Obama. 'That's right. And can you tell me why that would be tragedy?'
'Well,' says Little johnny, 'It has to be a tragedy, because it certainly wouldn't be a great loss... and it probably wouldn't be an accident either.
just a new high-tech drone running a test flight...nothing else.... move on, sheep.
All the technology the world has mostly came from capitalistic ventures started here in the US of A. All these damned liberals that want communism and socialism tend to forget that their stupid iphones are a product of capitalism.
very easy, thank you.
You are really bright, aren't you? You think Heathrow airport and Berkshire are in the US. Or you somehow think that the US airspace extends to the British Isles? No wonder this country (US) is in so much trouble.
i am sure she has seen something cigar shaped
Thats Klatu barrada nikto. Yes, I know that makes me a bigger nerd than you. lol
It's a joke dude...lighten up Francis
Look closer to the warping of space/time, they have actually done it in experiments.
Dems will want to legalize them and chain them to the welfare state for another victim voting group.
what only non-democrat politicians are fair game for barbs? If the readers don't do it, who will? 90% of the media is drooling still in complete idol worship of a leftwing politician of black skin tone who can read a teleprompter
That poor pilot probably just ended his career. They're supposed to keep 'mum' about these things.
oooooohhhhhh no you didnt
It was the new SR-72.
My brother and sister-in-law saw something in the desert on the way to California. They said it was a s
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09-01-2014 om 23:14 geschreven door peter
Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )