The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Vreemde 'donut' op Mars stelt wetenschappers voor raadsel -
Vreemde 'donut' op Mars stelt wetenschappers voor raadsel -
De onderzoekers van de ruimtevaartorganisatie zijn helemaal in de war over de herkomst van het 'gesteente' dat momenteel helemaal onder de loep wordt genomen door de meetinstrumenten van de Opportunity.
Slecht weer Astronomen merkten op foto's dat de 'donut' plots uit het niets verscheen. Twaalf Martiaanse dagen eerder - op Mars heet een dag een sol en die duurt duurt 24 uur, 39 minuten en 35 seconden - vertoonden beelden genomen op exact dezelfde plaats immers geen bizar gesteente. De Marsjeep staat zo goed als stil en fotografeert al meer dan een maand dezelfde locatie wegens het slechte weer.
Discussies NASA verspreidde daarop een persbericht om de merkwaardige ontdekking wereldkundig te maken. "De rode planeet blijft ons verrassen", aldus wetenschapper Steve Squyres. Uit de eerste metingen van de Marsjeep blijkt dat de donut een hoog gehalte aan zwavel en magnesium bevat. Ook is er dubbel zoveel mangaan gemeten dan bij andere gesteenten die de Opportunity ooit onderzocht. "Iets dergelijk hebben we nog nooit op Mars aangetroffen", verklaart Squyres. "Binnen het team discussiëren we wat af over wat het kan zijn maar dat is ook de schoonheid van deze missie."
Theorieën Volgens Squyres zijn er tal van verklaringen mogelijk maar hij acht twee theorieën plausibel. Het merkwaardige rotsblokje kan door een wiel van de jeep weggeslingerd zijn en ligt nu ondersteboven. Of het is een restant van een meteoriet. Verder onderzoek zal meer duidelijkheid moeten brengen.
Voedsel verbouwen op Mars is wellicht mogelijk. Maar dan moet er wel een gebouw of een kas gebouwd worden, lucht en licht gemaakt worden en het zou ook handig zijn als er insecten meekomen van aarde om het een en ander te bevruchten.
Mogelijk vormt de zwaartekracht ook een probleem, want die is anders. Op Mars is alles drie keer zo licht als op aarde.
De Nederlandse ecoloog Wieger Wamelink heeft op nagemaakte Mars- en maangrond een vijftiental gewassen proberen te verbouwen. "De maan was een beetje een teleurstelling", zei hij vandaag. "Maar op de Marsgrond ging het goed. Dat is fijn, want als je op Mars ooit gewassen wil gaan verbouwen, hoef je in ieder geval geen grond meenemen."
Eetbaar Wamelink wist succesvol rogge, tuinkers, tomaat, brandnetel en worteltjes te verbouwen. Maar het experiment duurde maar 50 dagen, en dat is niet lang genoeg om de tomaten en worteltjes echt goed te laten groeien. Als dat al lukt, blijft de vraag hoe eetbaar de marsgewassen zijn. In de grond zitten zware metalen zoals cadmium. Plantjes kunnen daartegen, maar mensen niet. "Daar kan je heel ziek van worden", aldus Wamelink. Hij wil nog laten analyseren in een laboratorium hoe veilig het is om het verbouwde voedsel te eten.
Klavers en lupine, die het ook goed doen op de Marsgrond, kunnen met de grond vermengd worden, waardoor voedingsstoffen vrijkomen. "Maar op Mars zal je ook je eigen uitwerpselen moeten gebruiken als mest om de gewassen te laten groeien."
Maanzand Wamelink deed zijn onderzoek door verschillende zaadjes te planten in door de NASA nagemaakt Mars- en maanzand. De ecoloog is nog lang niet klaar met zijn onderzoek. Hij wil onder meer nog uitzoeken hoe de plantjes groeien met minder licht, omdat Mars verder van de zon staat dan de aarde. Hij wil ook proberen om het aanwezige aluminium uit het maanzand te spoelen, om te kijken of plantjes er dan wel op groeien.
'De aarde is hol en mensen wonen er vredig samen' (Fictie?)?)
'De aarde is hol en mensen wonen er vredig samen'
Er zijn al duizenden boeken geschreven over de theorie van de holle aarde. Volgens die theorie zijn de aarde – en bij uitbreiding ook andere hemellichamen – hol van binnen. Satellietfoto’s bewijzen dat zogezegd.
Rodney M. Cluff schreef er een boek over: ‘World Top Secret: Our Earth is Hollow!’ De man stelt dat binnenin de aarde het ‘aardse paradijs’ schuilt.
Het is ook ‘de plaats waar de oorspronkelijke Tuin van Eden zich nu bevindt’. “De tien verloren stammen van Israël wonen er, alsook de Vikingen van Groenland. Duitsers die verdwenen na de Tweede Wereldoorlog leven er eveneens.”
“Wie er leeft, kan honderden jaren oud worden. Er heerst vrede en voorspoed voor iedereen.”
“Het middenste van de aarde is tevens de plek waar de binnenzon zich bevindt en waar vliegende schotels vandaan komen,” schrijft Cluff op zijn website.
1. What was your motivation and inspiration to create your new book, “Mid-Atlantic UFOs High Traffic Area?”
Inspiration came from my own experiences with aliens and UFOs. I’ve had thirty-four events as of this date and expect many more in the coming year. Motivation for writing Mid-Atlantic UFOs and my previous book UFOs above PA, as well as my upcoming book set in New Jersey, was the fact that the alien phenomenon is the most important story of all time. People need to know about it, either through reading it in books like mine or from other authors, and preferably to have their own first-hand experiences which all my books encourage people to do.
2. Could you share some of the statistics you shared about UFO Sightings in the Mid Atlantic? And also from what info gathering organizations did this info come from?
During a one-year period, reporting from only two of the many info gathering organizations, there were 1729 UFO sightings for the United States mid-Atlantic region. Included in this area are New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and Washington DC. This averaged 144 per month, or roughly 5 per day – and these are just those reported! The two sources used were the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC). Other sources that were not used were the International UFO Museum in Roswell, New Mexico, UFOs Northwest,, and the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) among others. The reason I did not use these other sources was for simplicity’s sake when writing the book. The five sightings per day figure, however, in no way reflects an accurate number of sightings for the mid-Atlantic region since this does not include the larger volume of sightings that are never reported! For instance, I’ve had thirty-four experiences as of this date, yet I’ve never reported one of them to any official recording body. Why? I just never felt a need to do that, and most people who have sightings do not report them to any official body. Also, the thirty full length stories in Mid-Atlantic UFOs have never before been reported anywhere. Neither have the stories in my previous and upcoming book. So, what’s the real number for daily sightings in the mid-Atlantic region? While that can only ever be estimated, my best guesstimate is at least twenty per day.
3. When did your fascination of UFO sightings start exactly and why?
“When” is easy. I have always been interested in space travel, aliens, and all that goes with it. As of today, January 8, 2014 I’m sixty-one years old. That’s a long time to be following a topic. My first conscious memory of a UFO sighting was back around 1993 in Pine Bush, New York. I went up there specifically to have a UFO sighting. The reason I went there was because Pine Bush had been featured several times on the then-current television show called Sightings on the Fox network and the small town was considered a UFO hotspot. Sure enough, after about an hour of observing the sky on a Saturday night I saw a white globe flying next to a small private airplane coming out of Stewart Airfield. From that moment I was hooked. The “why” is a little trickier. What captures my interest most about the alien phenomenon is, the fact that they do exist opens up to all humanity the potential for sticking our fingers into the full expanse of our universe and perhaps beyond. Of course this would have to be with the help of other civilizations, beings who would be willing to assist us in learning more about our massive surroundings.
4. Can you share with us the story of the Delaware “Red Sphere?”
On a Wednesday night in August 1959, Walt, his Uncle JR, and his buddy, Lou, were taking an overnight fishing trip. Often during the week, they borrowed one of his dad’s ferry boats and navigated down the Delaware River to Delaware Bay to fish. The boat was tied up to an oyster bed, which was three-to four hundred feet from Blake Channel, the deepest part of Delaware Bay. By around 2:00 a.m. Walt and Lou were still eager to fish and had put lights on the side of the boat to attract night feeders. Suddenly a huge, glowing, shiny, red tinted sphere rose out of the water from the deep part of the channel just south of their position. Once fully out of the water it stopped and sat there suspended against gravity, its bottom extremity barely touching the water. It was about a tenth of a mile away and about 40 feet in diameter. That made it larger than many residential homes. It made no sound, and according to Walt it was ominous. The men watched it for several minutes before it surprisingly shot off into the night sky in about one second’s time and disappeared completely. It changed Walt’s life forever.
5. How about “The Little Men” encounter that also took place in Delaware?
One early spring night in 1952, six-year-old Sandra and her three-year-old sister Ann were asleep in their bedroom on Fifth Street in Wilmington, Delaware. All the windows of the brick row house were closed and locked and the two girls were asleep in their beds facing the one window in the room. Sandra suddenly shot awake and became riveted on three unexpected visitors who miraculously entered the room through the glass window without breaking it. The little men, barely three-feet tall, were gray in color, had no hair, but were humanoid enough not to frighten the little girl. Their facial features, however, were a blur. The three men jumped from the window sill over a baby stroller onto the bedroom floor—and then they were instantly gone! The next morning, Sandra was in the kitchen telling her mother and grandmother about the “dream” that she had about the three men who mysteriously appeared in her room. No sooner had she finished her tale than her little sister Ann came into the room and recited the exact same story. That seemed to be the end of the adventure, except that for the next sixty years the two sisters always wondered how they had shared a dream when generally it is impossible to do so. In the end, separate hypnotic regressions on the two women revealed that it was not a dream, and that the three little men had taken both girls out of the room, out through the closed window and up to a vessel somewhere away from the house.
6. Okay I have to hear this “Night of the Mist” story involving the teenage campers. Sounds like an 80′s horror flick. Would you share it with us?
Unfortunately, in this story the word “horror” may actually apply. It would be a horror that is unexplainable, bizarre and a slow torture over many months. But it may, in the end, not necessarily be the “alien’s” fault. Near the end of June, 1992, six young men had just graduated high school and were on a five-day backpacking trip across their home state of northern Maryland to celebrate. At the end of the first night they set up camp, had dinner, and were in their nylon sleeping bags around the dying fire, under the stars, by 11:00 p.m. At 2:00 a.m. several of the boys awoke to find their friend Joe—the only one of the six sleeping under a wool blanket –in an unusual condition. Around him, and on him, was a strange blue-green haze. The mist had a defined appearance; it was contained in a soft oblong shape with rounded corners and wispy edges. It was thick, between eight and twelve inches high, about seven feet long, close to three feet wide. It was semi-transparent. The fog-like cloud settled over Joe’s sleeping area in this neat form; there was no fog anywhere else. The boys tried to wake their friend by calling to him softly at first, than shouting loudly. He did not respond. They tried to get close to him in order to drag him from under the blue-green area. But the closer they got to Joe, the more their hands, arms, feet and legs began to go numb and lose mobility. In the end, there was little they could do to help him. Then, as suddenly as the mist had appeared it vanished as if from a flick of a switch. The boys were then able to wake Joe and ask him if he was okay. He had no idea what they were talking about and thought that they were playing a joke on him. His only real need was to go back to sleep and get some rest and he suggested that his friends all do the same. The the next morning, however, Joe had a different mindset. He insisted on going home. The other boys were surprised and urged him to shake off any ill feelings that he had from the night under the mist and to continue on with their week of frivolity as planned. But Joe was adamant. Home was calling him right now. The trip was canceled and the boys took their friend to his house. From that moment on Joe’s relationship with his friends changed profoundly. Up to that day he had been a fun friend to the group. They hung together closely all through high school, shared many interests and even double dated at times. Joe’s late teenage energy tempered by his good nature made him an important part of the pack. But after the intrusion of the blue-green mist, Joe changed. Immediately, on the ride home, he began pulling away from his friends. He gave them one word answers to their queries, or ignored them altogether. Over the ensuing months he became a recluse. Not only did he stop associating with the group, but he stopped talking to them. Joe never called them on the phone and he would not answer or return their calls. One of his friends, Bill, tried to keep in touch with Joe despite his reticence. He would talk with Joe’s mother and get reports from her to find out how his old friend was doing. She told Bill that rarely did Joe ever leave the house anymore except for doctor’s visits. Health issues manifested almost overnight. The medical visits were not only for physical but also mental evaluations and they grew in frequency. Joe’s medical examiners were never able to determine exactly what was wrong with him or the reason for his physical and mental deterioration. For whatever reason, Joe was becoming a different person. Finally, after about seven months, Bill was able to contact Joe on the phone directly. He had to drag every answer out of his old friend. “What’s wrong with you,” he asked, frustrated after a few lines of small talk that felt like a tug-o-war. “Honestly,” Joe said in a slow, despondent voice, a voice that barely sounded like the former vibrant young man, but more like a child talking from down a hollow well. “After we got back from that trip, I felt like something was taken from me. I can’t describe exactly what it is, but that mist seemed to suck the soul right out of me.” Three months later, Joe committed suicide. As strange and despondent as the story sounds, the rest of it is even stranger.
7. This is a wildcard question. What story would you like to share with us from the book?
Of course, I’d like your readers to buy the book so I could share all the stories with them! All the full-length stories are written in a short-story style to make them fun to read. But there are also many short reports throughout the book, about a dozen in each state, which just give nuts and bolts information about the UFO experience. One of the wildest ones happened in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, on April 17, 2004, approximately 3:30 AM. The witness originally reported seeing fifteen orange balls of light fly over her house in a sharp V formation. And if that was all she saw, it would have been fantastic. But over the next hour she actually reported seeing not just fifteen, not a hundred, but 500 orange balls of light in groups of between fifteen and fifty at a time! This may be one of the largest mass sightings of all time!
8. So out of all these stories you’ve been told what can you tell us about the alien beings? What do you think they are up to and why?
This is a funny question that I get asked all the time. And while I know that it’s a popular practice to put out a theory on whatever subject you’re working on once you’ve “published,” I try not to do that. Perhaps that frustrates some people, and if it does, I’m sorry. Because we are dealing with beings who are so far beyond us technologically, intellectually and perhaps spiritually, our ability to surmise their intentions and the reasons behind them, I feel, is way outside the reach of human beings. For me, the only real way to get answers to what they’re up to and and why they perform in such fashions is to ask them directly. Of course, the problem with that is you need to stand face-to-face with them, asked them point blank questions, and hope to heaven that you can understand the answers. I don’t believe aliens would intentionally lie to us because they have so little to fear from us. I do, however, think that even if you can get to the point of face-to-face communications, the alien’s interest in explaining their position in human terms may simply be too far below them. Having said all that, here’s one thing I feel strong about. The aliens are not here to take over our world. That could have been done easily at any time in our history. If, as the Ancient Alien theory postulates, we are the children of the star people, then there would be little sense in them having nurtured us through centuries of development, incrementally upgrading our DNA, only to dash us to pieces or enslave us. There is some masterful, grand design in play by the aliens, but that design is so enormous that it is impossible for us to step far enough back to see. We have to get off the planet to do that, way off the planet. And to do that we would need their help. I can only hope that the help comes soon.
9. This “Trespass Against Us” story in West Virginia sounds like a horror of a story. What can you tell us about it?
This is an abduction story of Tracy and Will, two young people from West Virginia. Their decision to relocate to Utah for both business and pleasure ended up being neither. The couple’s perceptions of “aliens,” and their youthful hopes for “happily ever after,” were forever dashed by the intervention of a being that was as incomprehensible as it was terrifying. On Sunday, February 13, 2011, the couple, who had been driving along a familiar highway, in an instant found themselves in a building of unknown design and origin. They seemed to be waiting for something. The area was dark and forbidding. Suddenly, a fiery red face with black highlights manifested into view as if formed from the very darkness of the room. It was holding Tracy and Will as prisoners. They pleaded for their release, but the terrifying form refused. Its potential aggression seemed imminent. For in the creature’s bony hand was clutched a living human infant, an infant soaked in blood. Later, the couple would hypnotically regress themselves to learn of additional maddening details of their experience. The outcome is heart wrenching and hair-raising.
10. Any links you’d like to share and when can we expect your next book? Thanks for this interview.
Folk in the lower forty-eight states interested in autographed copies of Mid-Atlantic UFOs: High Traffic Area, can send a check for $22 to: Gerard J. Medvec PO Box 42 Delaware City, DE 19706
Or pay by credit card on PayPal at: People outside the forty-eight can email for a price quote.
My next book about UFOs in New Jersey will be out this spring. Thanks for the interview, Jeffery.
This book, the first of its kind, delves into the many leaked documents that describe research into alien biology and virology. Dr. Robert Wood’s forensic analysis of the documents themselves argues strongly for their authenticity. And their implications are startling. Alien viruses are not only deadly, but are of key importance to biological warfare on Earth. Wood examines the mysterious deaths of key microbiologists and virologists, offers insight into the huge government secret expenditures, and provides an incredible revelation from an Area 51 insider on autopsies of bodies of unknown origin. With assistance from seasoned researcher Nick Redfern, extensively footnoted, and with a comprehensive Index, this is the authoritative treatment of the subject.
About the Author
Bob Wood received a B.S. in Aeronautical Engineering from University of Colorado in 1949, a Ph.D. in Physics from Cornell in 1953, worked for General Electric Aeronautics and Ordnance, served in the U.S. Army at Aberdeen Proving Ground for two years, and then completed 43 years with Douglas Aircraft and its successors. A long-time Director of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a Councilor for the Society for Scientific Exploration, and member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics since 1947, he has garnered a reputation for integrity and scholarship in this field over the last two decades. His aerospace career included the thermodynamics of keeping missiles cool; managing and selling the independent research and development projects of a couple of dozen scientists and engineers; designing radars to discriminate between Soviet ballistic missiles and their decoys; applying advanced technology to make the Space Station cheaper, better, and sooner; and finally helping to sell the Delta launch vehicle as the workhorse for NASA orbital payloads. In the late 1960s, he ran a proprietary project to try to discover how UFOs “worked,” and has been studying the UFO topic ever since. Upon retirement, he became involved in the forensics of authenticating questioned “leaked” UFO documents, collaborating occasionally with his colleague and son Ryan (author of MAJIC – Eyes Only). He recognized the excellence of Nick Redfern’s attention to high standards and asked him to provide his international reports concerning aliens and viruses.
Ive been watching the skies as much as possible lately. I was made aware of a technique called C.E.5.
The idea is that All points in time and space are connected.
Telepathy exists; the power of prayer so to speak. Here in North Atlanta the weather has been complete shit lately. I wont insult anyones intelligence here, I will just say it; the skies are being concealed from us this month. Its blatantly obvious.
This afternoon the sky broke wide open and I went to take some sun shots. I cleared my mind and sent a pure stream of conscious thought space bound. I started snapping photos when an intrusive thought came directly to mind.
It simply flashed the word “Trees.”
I understand Quantum Physics, Behavioral Sciences, and understand my own mind better than anyone. This was a conscious thought.
After 2 minutes of snapping @the sun, I went inside and my wife had asked me what I was doing. I told her.
She is an amazing woman, and over the years has come to understand my fascination with the skies, and has on a previous encounter; witnessed something before w/me.
I went into the kitchen and shut the lights off to examine the digital photos.
On the 5th picture in sequence, there is a solid greenish white glowing orb/sphere in the trees. It is legit. I have examined the photo seriously,and it is confirmed.
While examining the photo I was instantly reminded of the intrusive thought.
This may seem crazy. But with God as my witness; its 100% the truth.
These things exist. Its not some opinion. Follow me on Twitter if you care to: @stucifer2
This newly released video from Dahboo777 shares what he considers to be the ‘craziest fireball’ he’s ever seen. Is it a UFO? Is it some kind of an aircraft or even a meteor? Dahboo shares that he’s never seen a fireball that appears to be ‘somewhat in control’ before.
De mysterieuze lichtbol die zaterdagavond te zien was boven Nederland en een stuk van België, was waarschijnlijk een steen uit de ruimte. Dat zegt Marc Van den Broeck van volkssterrenwacht Urania. "De steen vloog met een zeer hoge snelheid onze atmosfeer in, wat zorgde voor een soort gasontwikkeling. Dat is die groene schijn die iedereen zag."
Most people taken aboard craft will awaken with no recollections
Alien Abduction Self-Defense and Resistance Alien Abduction Self-Defense and Resistance Often when alien abductions do occur, the abducting entity places a screen memory in place; a telepathically..
Alien Abduction Self-Defense and Resistance
Often when alien abductions do occur, the abducting entity places a screen memory in place; a telepathically imposed vivid dream, or if one is attempting active resistance, a nightmare replaces the actual abduction scenario, before one's physical or astral face and masks any real recollection.
However, the imposed worst scenario dreams do reflect the inner nature of the creatures who are psychically 'in charge'.
Each night after writing essays, like this one, I have always received a slapping rebuke.
Last night was no different; after writing and posting this my night became emblazoned, again, with their unseen presences.
I was locked into vivid nightmares that I could not awaken from.
I wrote about my abductions and about alien entities and about an alien invasion quietly happening on this planet, that we call Earth and that very night it happened, again.
Imposed nightmares, given in retribution, are screen memories, to muddle the recollection of an abduction, as well as telepathic attacks by these alien entities, who are seeking an in-dwelling or attached status..
Therein is the true invasion; God only knows how long this has been going on with people, on Earth.
It is surely demonic in nature.
Young reptilians are affixed ethereally along the human spinal cord , feeding from joys and angst as parasites.
Imagine a cityscape with most people walking around with such alien parasites secured and feeding.
It adds a new meaning to the phrase, "Silent Invasion".”
Aliens, not unlike ghosts and demons, seek our layered psyches to hide within; when questioned, greys will oddly explain their desired partial possession of us as ,"sanctuary", as though they also seek respite from sinister reptilians.
Who can abductees turn to for help, in our nation?
The NATIONAL RECONNAISSANCE ORGANIZATION conducts surveillance, interdiction, confiscation of UFOs and extra-terrestrial occupants, surveilles experiencers, dispersed among Delta Force Special Operations USAF Blue Light at Hurlburt Field, Mary Esther, FL, Beale Air Force Base, Marysville, CA.
Our government is surely aware that the mean and controlling natures of
reptilian overlords are predatory, sinister and self-justifying, the three criteria of pure evil.
But they hope by cooperating, to later unfurl the knot of bondage.
I surmise that alien greys and reptilians use us as we use horses to ride upon, and certainly, as I have briefly seen one materialize, for three seconds or less in the shower stall while I was showering, young immature reptilians are installed for our predation.
Unlike the horse most humans are unaware of those reins and stirrups.
These reptilians, saurian entities, half man half lizard, intergalactic and inter dimensional, capable of cloaking their presence in a room, are negative thought beings of a demonic taint, and more prevalent than one would guess; they are overlords of many other subjugated alien races.
Reptilians speak in harsh deep croaks, are red eyed and look like upright monitor lizards.
Their telepathic prowess are quite astounding.
I recall psychic distress, forming a query to pose to them, only to have it quickly telepathically answered even before I could mentally formulate a bare few words within a long sentence.
Brilliantly sentient, crafty, devious and diabolical, reptilians will eventually grow wings and as adults stand upright, over eight feet tall .
Worse, these Moth men reptilians loathe us with a tangible, palpable rage.
When young immature reptilians ones are affixed ethereally along the human spinal cord, abductees suffer spinal diseases and ailments; they reside within our energies as lampreys and remora affix themselves to ocean denizens, as parasites.
Last night, again, after publishing my last entry, I was attacked; vivid nightmares, imposed worst scenarios broadcast into my mind, made me realize upon awakening, that my writings had surely irked them; any truths about them, represent light shone on them, light which they detest and work to extinguish.
Light shone onto darkness, diminishes darkness.
They work behind our curtains, but crave non detection.
They also perceive such revealing writings as resistance, which they despise, in any form.
Under the guise of technical testing, reptilian grey creatures interfere with our daily lives, behind our curtains, orchestrating problems and then answering our fervent prayers, and resolving them.
They create dithers and stresses, impose raw anxieties into abductee's lives to create the juices, the endocrine stress flavors that their nighttime palates crave, a unique relationship akin to vampires of the 3rd century myths, who as negative, bedroom, nighttime intruders, were deemed to crave bodily juices.
Oddly, not unlike these proverbial vampires, garlic does indeed deter them as an herbal repellent.
Psychic alien reptile vampires from techno space?
Although it all sounds like a very bad B movie, abductees are food, ethereally and physically, cows for their milking; through implants which act as energy drains and controls, these puppet masters can micro manipulate virtually all of our psychic and bodily functions.
They can turn up the urge for sexuality, drugs, meats, sweets and rage.
We are mere marionettes, to these ' puppet masters', who do blatantly consider humans their own very valuable property.
The parallel between abducting alien entities and demonic entities in tactics and motives, is quite striking.
Oddly, tall grey alien entities appear to be more vulnerable to demonic possession by dark force demonics, as are reptilians, than we humans are.
Like insect praying mantis on Earth, their highly technological alien archetypes, alien mantids and reptilians, donot understand higher, elevated ideals like compassion, forgiveness, love and mercy; they prevail against our psyches and life-scripts with intrusive dark intentions to disrupt and control and do so without conscience.
One obvious difference between unseen demons and possessing aliens, is in the alien facile use of astoundingly advanced technology.
Demons do not need craft technology to manifest and interact with our physical world, to jump onto our energies; aliens do, when they ride down on tractor light beams from overhead cloaked craft.
Are all aliens sinister, as demons are all sinister?
I can recall an ineffable moment aboard a craft when a brief psychic wave of intense affection and love was broadcast into my mind from a very tall grey who was seated at a table.
This wave of affection was broadcast into me after I had been subjected to a series of surreal imposed scenarios exams aboard a craft.
I often juxtapose that brief wave of 'affection' from that taller grey being, with the opposing psychic signature of imposed 'terror', generated by smaller very dark greys.
Small dark greys use broadcast 'terror' to control humans who might attempt to move about more independantly onboard craft.
When I encountered it and tried to resist that broadcast overpowering fear, it was like swimming against a powerful current; like a surfer I slalomed sideways through tsunami waves of alien generated terror, a broadcasted telepathy of panic.
Smaller darker greys generate, this disabling terror when they move to attempt to control abductees.
Are we as a race of beings lost and helpless against such myriad forces of evil?
Should we resign ourselves to deep despair?
Is there any possibility of any personal or human species liberation?
After abductions, feeling tinges of despair, I am however convinced that struggling against alien evil ones who overpower us, who prey upon our consciousness, and who see us as mere 'containers' for their own embodiment and possession, force us to evolve more than we could have otherwise, growing more adept in moral, psychic and spiritual growth.
How then, to fight such alien enemies of our very consciousness, itself?
One must tangentially rebuke and sidestep them, vector affronts to them sideways, in small moral baby steps; I have learned that any reciprocal mean spirited direct attack against them, in kind, any frontal lunge, full in their face, brings horrid retributions.
The NEXT big step, knowing that they are within our energies, is to vector ALL inner negativity away; unsureness, hurt, fear, jealousy, spite, grudges, anger, all swatted away, like so many flies at one's inner psyche's mustache.
The next time that negativity assails you, rebuke it and substitute a positive thought, instead.
It is at that point, that it'll give you a clearer 'peek', at it, when openly and repeatedly chided and taunted, that it isn't welcome within oneself, at all...
We shall overthrow all yokes only with God's help.
We must try to keep singlemindedly to the narrow path of a higher moral higher ground to therapeutically instruct them of their gross wrongdoings.
This tactic will not give them an additional blatant reason to continue to destroy us.
We must not use comparable evil methods against them, methods that we condemn them for using against us.
Not unlike Gandhi's tenets, we shall endeavor in pure goodness and sheer moral ingenuity, to prevail against them, having first won God's assistance and Heaven's intervention.
After all, we are much closer to God than they are.
Director of CIA, Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter: "It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel." p. 58, quoted from New York Times, February 28, 1960, p. L30
Sobering, Unbelievable, Shocking! Fierce External BALL of ENERGY in Our SOLAR System IMPACTING Earth and SOON! Endtime Events Happening NOW! Pts 1-5 (Video x 5) Do NOT Miss This One! VITAL Info!
Sobering, Unbelievable, Shocking! Fierce External BALL of ENERGY in Our SOLAR System IMPACTING Earth and SOON! Endtime Events Happening NOW! Pts 1-5 (Video x 5) Do NOT Miss This One! VITAL Info!
The sky changing colors, at sunset when it’s most visible. Abrupt storms, lightening storms 100 times more powereful than anything we have experienced in the past. We will know that we are at that tipping point when these “symptoms begin to transpire. Governments communicating with other worldly entities for AGES for possible solutions, so clearly … they know what is coming. “They” do NOT want the public to know. Date setting is an impossiblility (And unscriptural) but here is the 411 of what is going on. Calmly but ever so plainly!
Here is your opportunity to know what in our solar syatem is going on that we have ZERO ability to fix, change, or prevent that may ultimately scare the hell out of you, or that may ultimately scare you straight. I hope not to just scare you, that is NOT the purpose, nor productive!
Are you prepared?
Unbelievable Endtime Events. Part Two
End Time Events, Part 3
End Time Events; Part 4
Endtime Events; Part 5 Fridays Blogtalk Show. With Author Anthony Patch and Michael.
CERTAIN CHANGES ARE COMING OUR WAY. ARE YOU READY, ARE YOU PREPARED?PLEASE DO NOT STAY STUCK IN DENIAL! Our time truly is limited. Sure, people have been saying that they are in the “end times” for ages now, saying that “Jesus is coming soon”. Seriously these Jesus freaks keep on saying the same thing and nothing ever really happens. In fact, it is such an old “war cry” that you have tuned it out which in turn has hardened your heart to the warnings. Please just take a quick glance at the news headlines and put the pieces together. There is no denying the signs, the “labor pains” and symptoms any longer. And labor pains progress, they do not diminish.
Are you prepared? Are you protected? If you are scoffing at the warnings, guess what? You are fulfilling prophecy and you are only hurting yourself and any of those who may be listening to you. Check it out, I’m not putting you on: 2 Peter 3:3, 4 and also in Jude 1:18,19 both are in the New Testament. Get saved; you are going to need His protection. More importantly, you will definitely need your salvation for all of eternity. I don’t know you, but I certainly care about you and your eternity. This is not a gimmick; the only thing I gain from you trusting God is another brother or sister in the Lord.
The ULTIMATE Preparation Right Here:God, Please remove any deception that I may have listened to, believed or embraced that is hindering me from knowing the truth. Because I am not perfect, I am a sinner that needs forgiveness and I ask You to forgive me. I believe You are Savior and Lord Who shed Your Holy, Sinless Blood and died for my sins to be forgiven, and rose from the dead; You live forever. I want to turn away from (repent) my sins. I invite You, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, God the Messiah to come into my heart and life as Savior and Lord. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and personal Savior. In the all powerful Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray. Amen.
The content in the video(s) do not necessarily reflect my personal viewpoint or opinion. FBI WARNING: Federal law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video tapes, or video disks under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. This infringement of copyright is called FAIR USE… and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody.
Ball of Energy Approaching Earth From the South.
To take concern or not? Do we REALIZE what is coming? Not only in the atmosphere, not only on the Earth, not only from our government … but now we have a LARGE MAGNETIC ball approaching Earth. The authorities will stay SILENT until it begins to take effect.
What is about to happen is GOING TO BE SCARY because there is nothing that can be done about it!!
DO LISTEN VERY CAREFULLY to this video!!! It may safe your life and the lives of your loved ones!
Ball of Magnetic Energy approaching Earth from the South!!!
Sure, people have been saying that they are in the “end times” for ages now, saying that “Jesus is coming soon”. Seriously these Jesus freaks keep on saying the same thing and nothing ever really happens. In fact, it is such an old “war cry” that you have tuned it out which in turn has hardened your heart to the warnings. But our time truly is limited. Please just take a quick glance at the mainstream headlines and put the pieces together. There is no denying the signs; the “labor pain” symptoms any longer.
If you are scoffing at the warnings, guess what? You are fulfilling prophecy and you are only hurting yourself and any of those who may be listening to you. Check it out, I’m not putting you on: 2 Peter 3:3,4 and also in Jude 1:18,19 both are in the New Testament. Get saved; you are going to need His protection. More importantly, you will definitely need your salvation for all of eternity. I don’t know you, but I certainly care about you and your eternity. This is not a gimmick; the only thing I gain from you trusting God is another brother or sister in the Lord.
Group of UFOs recorded over Harrow, London, UK on 12th January 2014
Group of UFOs recorded over Harrow, London, UK on 12th January 2014
UFO sightings2014 – New amazing video footage of multiple UFO lights recorded in the night sky above Harrow, London, UK on 12th January 2014.
Witness said: As I was walking home from work, just as I was turning into my road I noticed these 8 bright orange lights, all hovering in a group! Could it be a sign that they’re coming??? Branker Road, Harrow.
UFO sighting over Saudi Arabia on 17th January 2014
UFO sighting over Saudi Arabia on 17th January 2014
New interesting video footage of a UFO sighting recorded over Prophet’s Mosque, Medina, Saudi Arabia at 9:00 – 10:00 PM UAE time.
Witness Fahd Al Harbi said: I was passing just near the mosque when I saw the object. I captured a film of it but I could not trace it as it split into two or three parts.
Un météore "boule de feu" a traversé la Belgique samedi soir
Un météore "boule de feu" a traversé la Belgique samedi soir
Ce samedi soir, une météorite a traversé le ciel belge. De nombreuses personnes ont appelé l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique pour signaler la présence d'une boule de feu dans le ciel aux alentours de 21h20.
Un bolide lumineux dans le ciel. Pas courant et toujours impressionnant. C'est ce qu'ont pu observer les Belges ce samedi soir, aux alentours de 21 h 20, dans le nord du pays. Selon l'agence Belga qui cite l'Observatoire royal de Belgique, "ce météore peut être classé parmi les exemplaires exceptionnellement lumineux. Différentes couleurs ont été observées, mais le vert était dominant".
Plusieurs centaines de personnes ont aperçu ce météore très lumineux qui allait d'est en ouest, en direction de la Mer du Nord. Selon Marc Van den Broeck, directeur de l'observatoire Urania, le météore avait la taille d'une balle de tennis. "Il était probablement plus petit qu'un ballon de football, car à partir de cette taille, une explosion se produit accompagnée d'une forte détonation".
UFO disrupts air traffic at Bremen airport Jan 7, 2014
UFO disrupts air traffic at Bremen airport – Jan 7, 2014
Reports of passenger aircraft involved in a near miss with unidentified flying objects as well as unidentified flying objects disrupting air traffic at airports (drones, balloon-like aircraft or remote-controlled model craft?)
1. UFO disrupts air traffic at Bremen airport
The latest report came from Bremen airport. An unidentified flying object disrupts air traffic at Bremen airport on Monday night, Jan 6, 2014, when it kept appearing on air traffic control’s radar.
The airport said on Monday night that the UFO showed up on its radar several times over three hours from 6.30pm to 9.30pm.
Police said in a statement that they were alerted at 6.30pm about a UFO over Bremen and a patrol car also saw the object. A police helicopter was sent up to try and find the UFO but could not, although the Weser Kurier newspaper reported it could be seen through binoculars from the airport’s traffic control tower.
The helicopter search was called off at 8.45pm, according to the police statement.
A flight from Frankfurt had to be cancelled and a second flight from Munich was diverted to Hannover. Another plane coming from Paris had to stay airborne for a while before it could land. source
2. Pilot reports near miss with ‘rugby ball-shaped UFO’ near Heathrow Airport
An airline pilot has reported a near miss with a “rugby ball-shaped” UFO that passed within metres of his passenger jet near Heathrow airport. He told aviation authorities investigating the incident last July that he was certain the object was going to crash into his aircraft and that he ducked as it headed towards him.
They have been unable to establish the identity of the mysterious craft, which apparently approached the airliner at great speed.
The incident occurred while the Airbus A320 was cruising at 34,000ft, around 32 kilometres west of the airport.
The investigators’ report states: “He was under the apprehension that they were on collision course with no time to react. His immediate reaction was to duck to the right and reach over to alert the FO [First Officer]; there was no time to talk to alert him.”
The pilot told investigators the object passed “within a few feet” of the top of the jet and that it was “cigar/rugby ball-like” in shape, bright silver and “metallic” in construction.
The episode was examined by the UK Airprox Board, which studies “near misses” involving aircraft in British airspace. It checked data recordings to establish what aircraft were in the area but eliminated them all, along with meteorological balloons. Military radar operators were also unable to trace the reported object.
The sighting occurred in daylight, at around 6.35pm on July 13. source
3. Passenger plane involved in near miss with UFO near Glasgow airport
A passenger plane was involved in a near miss an unidentified flying object, two pilots have reported.
The blue and yellow UFO came within 300ft of the Airbus 320 on December 2 above Baillieston as the plane approached Glasgow Airport.
The UK Airprox Board – which investigates near misses in the skies – heard the incident had taken place at around 3500ft.
Both pilots on the flight reported seeing the UFO “loom ahead”. The board head the object passed directly beneath the plane before either of the crew had time to take avoiding action or had “really registered it” although they were both agreed that it appeared blue and yellow or silver in color with a small frontal area but that it was “bigger than a balloon”.
4. UFO collided with Chinese Passenger Plane at 26,000 Ft.
A passenger jet was forced to make an emergency landing after a mysterious mid-air collision with a ‘foreign object’ at 26,000 ft. severely dented its nose cone.
The plane was climbing over China when a large bang was heard from the front of aircraft.
The pilots of Air China flight CA4307 left Chengdu on the morning of June 4, headed for Guangzhou contacted the control tower of Chengdu airport, requesting an emergency landing due to “mechanical failure” and returned to Chengdu for an emergency landing.
No one was hurt in the mysterious incident. The front of the Air China Boeing 757 had been pushed in and scratches and scraped paintwork The nose of the aircraft shows evidence of the collision, the question here is, with what did this Boeing 757 collide at 8000 meters?
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Life on other planets could be far more widespread, study finds
Life on other planets could be far more widespread, study finds
Earth-sized planets can support life at least ten times further away from stars than previously thought, according to academics at the University of Aberdeen.
A new paper published in Planetary and Space Science claims cold rocky planets previously considered uninhabitable may actually be able to support life beneath the surface.
The team, which included academics from the University of St Andrews, challenge the traditional ‘habitable zone’ – i.e. the area of space around a star, or sun, which can support life – by taking into consideration life living deep below the ground.
“The traditional habitable zone is also known as the Goldilocks zone,” explains PhD student Sean McMahon. “A planet needs to be not too close to its sun but also not too far away for liquid water to persist, rather than boiling or freezing, on the surface.
“But that theory fails to take into account life that can exist beneath a planet’s surface. As you get deeper below a planet’s surface, the temperature increases, and once you get down to a temperature where liquid water can exist – life can exist there too.”
The team created a computer model that estimates the temperature below the surface of a planet of a given size, at a given distance from its star.
“The deepest known life on Earth is 5.3 km below the surface, but there may well be life even 10 km deep in places on Earth that haven’t yet been drilled.
“Using our computer model we discovered that the habitable zone for an Earth-like planet orbiting a sun-like star is about three times bigger if we include the top five kilometres below the planet surface.
“The model shows that liquid water, and as such life, could survive 5km below the Earth’s surface even if the Earth was three times further away from the sun than it is just now.
“If we go deeper, and consider the top 10 km below the Earth’s surface, then the habitable zone for an Earth-like planet is 14 times wider.”
The current habitable zone for our solar system extends out as far as Mars, but this re-drawn habitable zone would see the zone extend out further than Jupiter and Saturn. The findings also suggest that many of the so-called “rogue” planets drifting around in complete darkness could actually be habitable.
“Rocky planets a few times larger than the Earth could support liquid water at about 5 km below the surface even in interstellar space (i.e. very far away from a star), even if they have no atmosphere because the larger the planet, the more heat they generate internally.
“It has been suggested that the planet Gliese 581 d, which is 20 light years away from Earth in the constellation Libra, may be too cold for liquid water at the surface. However, our model suggests that it is very likely to be able to support liquid water less than 2 km below the surface, assuming it is Earth-like.”
The significance of the subsurface is further illustrated by another paper published by the same team which suggests there could be more life below the surface of the continents on Earth thanthere is below the seafloor.
McMahon hopes the studies will encourage other researchers to consider how life on other planets might be detected.
“The results suggest life may occur much more commonly deep within planets and moons than on their surfaces. This means it might be worth looking for signs of life outside conventional habitable zones. I hope people will study the ways in which life below the surface might reveal itself. Because it’s not unimaginable that there might be signs at the surface that life exists deep below.
“The surfaces of rocky planets and moons that we know of are nothing like Earth. They’re typically cold and barren with no atmosphere or a very thin or even corrosive atmosphere. Going below the surface protects you from a whole host of unpleasant conditions on the surface. So the subsurface habitable zone may turn out to be very important. Earth might even be unusual in having life on the surface.”
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Is there a Portal on Glastonbury Tor? (part 1)
Is there a Portal on Glastonbury Tor? (part 1)
The small Somerset town of Glastonbury, like its sister centre the Hebridean Isle of Iona, has enjoyed a celebrity status for some time now. Still a Mecca for those seeking spiritual insight, magic or other worldly dimensionality and, of course, host to the most famous and enduring music festival of them all. So how did it all come about, this self nominating of exceptionalness, a special place in England above most all others?
Part of the answer lies with those naughty monks of the Abbey who in 1191 declared that they had found the bones of King Arthur and his Queen Guinevere – or phonetic ‘Queen of Air’ as the alchemical phonetic of the (Dan) Green Language prefer to call her. Given that these figures are more fantasy than real, we can confidently surmise that they didn’t really find such bones at all, but it didn’t stop them relocating and burying them in the Abbey’s chancery in 1278 in front of reigning and certainly for real King Edward and his Queen Eleanor at the time. This little incident added to the forthcoming consolidation of Grail Romance that was bolstered by equal assertions that no less than Jesus’ uncle Joseph (he of Arimathea) had arrived at Glastonbury bringing with him the Holy thorn legend upon Wearyall Hill. People, apparently, aren’t all weary of this tale.
Only recently Glastonbury Abbey have now added to their tourist literature that legend says Joseph also brought the youngster Jesus here and they built an old wattle church now buried underneath the existing Mary chapel. Tying in anything loosely Jesus-like with Arthur – possibly greedily claiming both legendary figures – spawned the Grail stuff even more and so, hey presto, Glastonbury conceals the Grail, no less, down Chalice Well. Well, many thousands of us have popped our head down there in the hope that it could be that simple. No Grail – obviously, not, that simple.
Many people are unaware of a fine book that was written in 1932 by a fellow called John Cowper Powys (1872-1963) a Derbyshire born author and lecturer who passed away before Glastonbury really took off big time. The book was called ‘A Glastonbury Romance’ and for many hits the nail on the head as valid and timelessly today as it did then. Described as ‘an epic novel of terrific cumulative force and lyrical intensity’ the work weaving the ancient with the modern probes the effect of this mystical and spiritual history upon the residents of the town. The longest undivided novel in English, the 1120 pages book muses over the possibilities upon the table – not Arthur’s Round one entirely – that Glastonbury could become a place of pilgrimage, just as easily an experimental socialist commune, or simpler still, a modern industrial town.
Well, today it appears to be a nation divided, with standardised Christians on the one hand and the new age (surely Old age by now) mystics. It certainly reaps the tourist benefits from either side, with the historical Jesus figure stuck in the middle owing to Glastonbury being the first point of Christianity in England and, of course, the lad’s cup so sought after by those on a Quest. John Michel’s 1972 book ‘City of Revelation’ mapping out the sacred geometry of Glastonbury Abbey seemed to contribute to both camps.
Back in 1970 the first ever Glasto festival only drew 1,500 attendants but today it draws some 180,000 over three days, praise the endurance of farmer Micheal Eavis who once declared during the 90s that he made a 3m clear profit each year. Unavoidably, the festival and its original association with travellers and hippies and their suspicious habits have left a scar in the town and modern day sociology will bear out that it harbours more than its fair share of citizens with problems. A lot of the hippies stayed and still stay. It reminds one a little of how in 1978 hordes of Scotland football fans went to the World Cup in Argentina and, running out of money, simply didn’t come back, hence the abundance of Scottish surnames in many families in towns near Cordoba!
There is another facet and feature caught up in the tug of war of Christianity and the mystical within Glastonbury with both sides vying for its ownership and it is that pyramidical shaped natural hill the Tor which also has a dependency on legend and myth for its celebrity status. Modern day magicians and Pagans complicate things even a bit further by introducing a schism amongst their occultists informing us that the energy harnessed upon the Tor can be utilised for either good or bad. You can just imagine a patient line of queuing and at odds sorcerers awaiting their turn! It’s equally funny and serious then, in this respect, when in 2005 a Dalek, those lunatic pepper-pot enemy of the time travelling fictional Dr Who, was stolen from an exhibition staged at nearby Wookey Hole Caves and deposited at the top of the Tor as if to claim it as its territory on behalf of malefaction. A manifestation brought about by the Collective Unconscious perhaps?
Two years later the South face of the Tower was covered in paint and graffiti by sympathisers of the voluntary run organisation Fathers4Justice. Negativity struck again when in 2010 the Holy Thorn was vandalised, hacked down leaving only its roots, the most likely culprits acting on behalf of those owed money by the owner of the land upon which the Thorn bloomed, having been sent to prison bankrupt owing the same figure as Michael Eavis’ annual profit. Another deficit came the following April when the Glastonbury Anglican Annual Pilgrimage, whereby 2,000 visit and ascend the Tor, and has been running since 1924, was scrapped due to soaring petrol costs, its future now in doubt.
High up on the Tor stands the Christian claim to the hill , the tower the remnants of a St Michaels church destroyed by an earthquake in 1275, the symbol of the Christian Prince of Peace meant to supplant all previous Pagan, and earlier Druidic, ownership of their own sacred hill. Should we ask, would the Christian god have destroyed his own church by his own act? Oh well. The most famous legend concerning the Tor, upon whom many a visitors have had a variety of weird experiences, is that in its ‘faery hill’ aspect it conceals the entrance to the underworld kingdom of Gwyn Ap Nudd, this beginning to touch on the hypothesis that Glastonbury is dimensional, which will please the many who claim UFO sightings there, including one previous Mayor of the town who one night witnessed what he himself called a ‘spaceship’ when he saw a reddish orange light appear above the Tor before sinking into the summit, more akin faerie activity than UFO. However, the suggestion that the Gwyn Ap Nudd legend is a reminiscence of a long forgotten potential dimensional opening based on the hill, currently referred to as a ‘portal’, may indeed be Glastonbury’s best bet for a genuine claim of the paranormal. With this is mind, or possibly Mind, although any such portal would be ancient, an interesting photo was taken only five years back by a local resident on one of his many daily walks.
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Buitenaardse motoren in Area 51 (video)
Buitenaardse motoren in Area 51 (video)
De Amerikaanse ruimtevaartadviseur David Adair vertelt voor het eerst voor het oog van de camera over het zien van een buitenaardse motor en zijn contact met agenten van het ministerie van Defensie.
Hij gaat ook in op een ontmoeting met luchtmachtgeneraal en kandidaat-vicepresident Curtis LeMay in 1971 in Groom Lake in Nevada, oftewel Area 51.
Adair doet een boekje open over geavanceerde buitenaardse technologieën en de best bewaarde geheimen van het leger. Op 17-jarige leeftijd bouwde hij een speciale raketmotor waarna hij door hoge pieten in het leger werd uitgenodigd om zijn raket te lanceren op de White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. Hij werd vervolgens meegenomen naar Area 51, waar hij motoren zag die reageerden op de gedachten en emoties van de piloten.
Nu dit soort informatie steeds vaker het grote publiek bereikt, heeft Adair na 25 jaar besloten zijn geheimen naar buiten te brengen.
UFO “Spirit” filmed over burning Twin Towers (9/11)
I was doing some research for a video I posted on my other Channel (scariestmovieever111) and stumbled across THIS. Watch @ 1:41 and you’ll see it leaves an “energy trail” behind as it moves. What exactly it is….??? Mass Ritual Sacrifice?? We know the attack was demonically-inspired hatred. Check this out!
UFO’s and “aliens” are NOT your friend, PLEASE remember that!!
Videos show an unidentified object moving through the sky on the night of Thursday, January 16 in the Saudi Arabia city of Medina (also spelled Madinah).
The UFO was reportedly spotted at approximately 9:00 p.m. At least two lights are visible moving through the sky in the videos, creating the possibility that the recorded UFO was actually multiple independent objects. The video at the top of this post was recorded near the Prophet’s Mosque in Al-Masjid al-Nabawi Square.
Arabic newspaper Al Sada reported the sighting. And according to news website Emirates 24|7, one of the witnesses who recorded video of the incident explained, “I was passing just near the mosque when I saw the object . . . I captured a film of it but I could not trace it as it split into two or three parts.” This witness description, paired with the UFO’s appearance in the videos, suggests that what streaked through the Saudi Arabia sky was a meteorite breaking up as it entered the atmosphere.
The incident was reported on several meteorite and fireball websites, and was apparently witnessed by thousands of people.
I was standing just my door of my garage on the north side of my house smoking a cigarette because I do not smoke inside. I first noticed the object coming from the west. I first noticed the object because it was moving too slow and did not have the usual navigation or strobe lights. The object moved silently to the north. The were two triangular isosceles shaped vehicles. The lead vehicle had soft white lights on each point. The second vehicle was just below with its lead point just below and seemed to just about touch the lead vehicle. The vehicle had no lights on its points but did have a large pulsating light in its middle. It reminded me of military C5 aircraft refueling an AWACS, however, I could not see any connection between the two. My view of these crafts was enhanced by light pollution from the city which gave the sky a light gray hue. there was no noise at all on its flight path which was slow and straight. My feelings was one of wonder and a strange feeling as to who or what was flying this thing and also I was wondering if any one else had seen it. I think about this event all the time. I cannot forget it. I called a friend who lived about three miles northeast of my location immediately after I lost sight as it went beyond the tree line. She never caught sight of it. I was later interviewed by our local ABC affiliated TV station which featured a program ” Strange lights over Richmond”. I served in the Navy as an Aviation Electricians Mate and later as an Army Infantry Officer. I still work for the department of Defense and certify that everything that I have recounted is true. I will even submit to Hypnosis because I still have to know. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
I posted this narrative last week, but forgot to add two images supplied by the experiencer:
Hello Lon,
I am writing to you to tell you about a strange development that has occurred to me throughout my life. I am a bit hesitant to write about this due to the fact that I don’t want to be looked at as crazy nor as a science experiment. I approach you knowing you and your site are honest and welcoming to the many strange things that happen in this big world of ours. The following may be some of the strangest accounts you have heard but they are sadly all true.
I honestly am not sure what is happening to me but the only rational thing I can think is that for some reason I have been continually exposed to having implants put into my body. When I was about 15 sudden I found that on my mid section I had a series of 8 bumps protruding from the skin right underneath, but following, my bottom of my rib cage (4 on each side). The bumps are perfectly spaced and it almost looks as if something was there to spread my ribs. I had showed my doctor them at one point and he just looked at me puzzled and said ,”Huh, I’ve never seen something like that before.” I am in my early 30′s now and the bumps are still there and the strange thing about them is that they will raise and lower during periods of high energy. My wife is fascinated by them and wants me to show them to who ever will listen but I am cautious.
If the bumps weren’t strange enough about 10 years ago I was roused from sleep suddenly at 5:30 am for no apparent reason but at the same time I felt completely refreshed (I am not a morning person). I carried on my day as usual but later I happened to look at my arms and noticed a strange development. If I held my hands palm up and closed my fingers my wrists moved as if there is pistons under the skin. Now I know some people have something “sort of” similar but no like this. It truly looks as if when I close my fingers the “piston” moves down a good 1″ up my arm and when I open the fingers it returns back.
About six years ago I ,again, awoke suddenly at 2:00 am and felt the need to go to the bathroom (which I am rarely ever awoken by need to relieve myself). I went to the bathroom and as I turned to leave and I blacked out and fell on the bathtub. It only took a moment to collect myself from the floor and I crawled back into bed. I am not one to go to the doctors office very often nor the ER but when I woke up I told my wife I needed my ribs checked out. At the hospital I had chest x-rays done to which I had cracked two of my ribs. In our hospital when they get x-rays back they put them up to examine them in the nurses station to which a patient can look out and see them. My wife and I kept hearing the doctors saying, “What is that?” and when I opened the curtain of my room I saw they were looking at my x-ray and on it about where my left pectoral muscle sets was the perfect image of a black box with wires coming from the top about 3″ long and 2″ wide. The doctors kept staring at it and discussing it but when they came to my room nothing was mentioned. I don’t have heart problems and the only surgery I have had is on my right knee (so it wasn’t a pace maker).
I know you must be reading this thinking this guy is just messing with me but I swear all of it is true but sadly my latest development is the most strangest thing to date. It was an event that I even had a hard time approaching my wife about for fear she would think I had lost it. So other than my wife you are the second one to hear this. Two days ago I was sitting on our couch just relaxing before supper the tv wasn’t on and it was kind of getting dark out. I happened to look over at the arm of the couch and suddenly in my left eye three lines of alien like symbols appeared scrolling in a Matrix fashion only in an almost illuminated blue light. The problem was it wasn’t something I was seeing it was literally IN my eye and it happened to me two more times that night. The symbols scrolled so fast I could only pick up 4 or 5 of them but it put me in mind of a computer doing diagnostics. After going to bed I was again awoken from my sleep feeling refreshed at 5:30. I am not sure if anything new has been added or if something has been removed.
I don’t use drugs, I quit drinking 8 years ago so I am clueless. I am beginning to feel like I am being transformed into a cyborg slowly. It’s mad and ludicrous but I am helpless and left without any answers. I fear going too public about it since I don’t want experimented on or worse (grabbed by a secret agency). I have no issues with publishing this as it may help others who are just as afraid as I am. I have enclosed pictures I have tried to draw via paint to try to show what I have going on.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Alvast bedankt voor al jouw bezoekjes en jouw reacties. Nog een prettige dag verder!!!
Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.