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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
The US has been sending mixed signals over UFOs for 75 years
The US has been sending mixed signals over UFOs for 75 years
A legacy of hype, hysteria and fraud is undermining legitimate inquiry into strange objects often reported in the skies
By Stephen Mihm / Bloomberg Opinion
The spectacle of the US military shooting down three unidentified objects in the space of a week has opened the door to baseless speculations and conspiracy theories, thanks in part to the government’s contradictory messaging, which has toggled between genuine alarm and casual dismissal.
Sadly, this looks a lot like what happened 75 years ago, when sightings of what became known as unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, led to a media circus that undermined legitimate inquiry into what are now known simply as unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP.
This legacy of hype and fraud is with us today. That is unfortunate, given that more recent sightings — many recorded by decorated combat pilots — prompted the US Congress to pass legislation that seeks to get to the bottom of the mystery. Doing so must avoid the rank silliness and deliberate obfuscation that defined our first major engagement with the issue.
Although sightings of unexplained aerial phenomena date back centuries, our collective obsession with flying saucers, aliens, “little green men” and other now-familiar tropes arguably began on June 24, 1947, when Kenneth Arnold, a businessman and pilot, spotted nine objects flying at unfathomable speeds near Mount Rainier in Washington state.
Arnold dutifully reported these to aviation officials. When pressed to describe the movement of the curious craft, he likened it to “a saucer skipping across the water.” This initial report went out across the news wires. Bored reporters eager to make something of the story ran with it, inventing details along the way.
In a few days, journalists had turned Arnold’s movement metaphor into something more material — a “flying saucer.” Arnold complained to veteran journalist Edward Murrow that newspapers had “misunderstood and misquoted me,” but to no avail. The idea of a flying saucer immediately captured the nation’s imagination, sparking a flood of alleged sightings.
Popular culture was not far behind. One month later, country singers Chester and Lester Buchanan issued the first song celebrating the phenomenon: (When You See) Those Flying Saucers. Others followed. In Two Little Men in a Flying Saucer, Ella Fitzgerald crooned about aliens with “little green antennas” who find Earth decidedly wanting and conclude: “It’s too peculiar here.”
Hollywood did its part, too, with several films about alien visitors, most of which featured flying saucers. Sometimes their occupants came in peace (Klaatu, the noble protagonist of The Day the Earth Stood Still), but for the most part, alien visitors had a bone to pick with humans — for example, The Thing From Another World and the classic Earth vs. The Flying Saucers.
US government info on “everything” to do with UFO sightings, held by the CIA, was released and published online on January 14, 2021 .
Retailers sold flying saucer wind-up toys, flying saucer kids’ pajamas and other artifacts testifying to our collective obsession with aliens. All of this went hand-in-hand with thousands of alleged sightings of flying saucers, or what the US Air Force increasingly referred to as UFOs.
Government representatives found the collective obsession with UFOs deeply frustrating. In public, they dismissed the reports, arguing that ordinary citizens, their imaginations inflamed, had mistaken weather balloons, jet planes and meteorites for extraterrestrial craft.
Yet in private, high-ranking officials acknowledged that some sightings, particularly those reported by military pilots and radar, could not be so easily dismissed. In the fall of 1947, General Nathan Twining, then head of the US Air Force Materiel Command, authored a memo on the subject. Reviewing classified data, he concluded that “the phenomena is something real and not visionary or fictitious.”
By “phenomena,” Twining was referring to craft that moved at extraordinary speeds and displayed “extreme rates of climb, maneuverability (particularly in roll), and motion.”
These aerial vehicles, he reported, generally left no trail and rarely made any noise. They behaved in ways that defied conventional explanations.
Twining, who would go on to become chief of staff for the US Air Force and eventually chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was extremely circumspect in his assessment. Notably, he did not speculate about extraterrestrials and instead worried that a foreign nation could be responsible.
The air force’s “Project Sign,” begun that same year, studied the phenomena more closely. An initial memorandum — known as the “Estimate of the Situation” — seriously entertained the possibility that at least some of the sightings might be interstellar craft, although leaders of the air force did not take kindly to this unsettling conclusion. They remanded the memo and ultimately shut down Project Sign, replacing it with Project Grudge.
The new initiative was not a dispassionate inquiry, but a deliberate attempt to quell public anxiety. One scholarly account has described it as a “a public relations campaign designed to persuade the public that UFOs constituted nothing unusual or extraordinary.”
While it is easy to interpret these initiatives as government cover-ups, the reality is far more complicated and interesting. Their implementation reflected a genuine concern that the task of investigating the torrent of sightings would divert precious time and money from countering the more immediate threat posed by the Soviet Union.
Some strategists even feared that the Soviets might be sowing hysteria about UFOs in order to overload the nation’s air defenses. One CIA analyst said in 1952 that the spate of official and unofficial sightings had overwhelmed the military’s ability to recognize Soviet bombers.
“As tension mounts,” the analyst wrote, “we will run the increasing risk of false alerts and the even greater danger of falsely identifying the real as phantom.”
Still, not everyone got the memo. In 1952, after ground observers and radar picked up fast-moving mysterious objects over the nation’s capital, then-US Air Force intelligence director John Samford held a news conference. He bluntly spoke of “credible observers” reporting “relatively incredible things.”
That same year, a scientific adviser within the CIA warned that “something was going on that must have immediate attention.” He concluded that “sightings of unexplained objects at great altitudes and traveling at high speeds in the vicinity of major US defense installations are of such nature that they are not attributable to natural phenomena or known types of aerial vehicles.”
However, such incidents, impossible to explain and posing no obvious threat to the US and its allies, increasingly took a back seat to dealing with the Soviet Union. Through the later 1950s and 1960s, Project Blue Book, the successor to Project Grudge, successfully quelled the nation’s obsession with flying saucers. Increasingly, UFOs became a risible punchline, akin to Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster.
Fast forward to the 21st century. In recent years, a growing number of aircraft sightings defying the laws of physics has belatedly prompted a federal effort to collect and analyze data. Meanwhile, the damage done by Grudge and Bluebook — what the US director of national intelligence recently described as “sociocultural stigmas” — has made that task difficult.
So does the fact that our newfound interest in the subject is taking place against the backdrop of a growing conflict with another rival superpower: China. The risk that Chinese espionage could become entangled with the UAP question is high.
Witness, for example, the confused and contradictory messaging around the three objects shot down last week in the wake of the downing of a Chinese spy balloon. A day after the US Air Force general overseeing North American airspace said he was not ruling out extraterrestrial origins for the UAPs, a White House spokesperson said: “There is no, again, no indication of aliens or extra terrestrial activity with these recent takedowns.”
If we are to avoid a repeat of the mistakes of an earlier era, we must avoid both the popular hysteria and hostile indifference that defined our first engagement with the issue. That means the government and the media must adopt a far more nuanced, transparent approach.
One step in that direction is to acknowledge that there might be things out there that cannot yet be explained, but should be studied with an open mind. If we can pursue that inquiry without succumbing to either skepticism or credulousness, we might finally get to the bottom of the mystery.
Stephen Mihm is a professor of history at the University of Georgia
Oldowan tools, consisting of stones with one to a few flakes removed, are the oldest widespread and temporally persistent hominin tools. The oldest of these were previously known from around 2.6 million years ago in Ethiopia, and by 2 million years ago, they were found to be quite widespread. Now, paleoanthropologists have discovered a new, older fossil site from around 3 to 2.6 million years ago in Kenya, where Oldowan tools were not only present, but were also being used to process a variety of foods, including hippopotamus and bovids. Thus, it appears that these tools were widespread much earlier than previous estimates and were widely used for food processing. Which hominins were using these tools remains uncertain, but Paranthropus fossils occur at the site.
Oldowan tools from the site of Nyayanga in Kenya: a dorsal flake, a ventral flake, and a core.
Image credit: Plummer et al., doi: 10.1126/science.abo7452.
The appearance of Oldowan tools around 2.6 million years ago was a technological breakthrough that used systematically produced, sharp-edged flakes for cutting and cobbles or cores for percussion.
Although the Oldowan is often attributed to the genus Homo, multiple hominin species overlapped with these early tools, and it is possible that other genera, such as Paranthropus, made and/or used them.
Some scientists have linked emergent Oldowan technology to the first access to or more efficient processing of nutrient-rich animal carcasses.
Scientists have unearthed more than 300 stone tools at the Nyayanga site in southwestern Kenya (pictured in 2014, prior to excavation).
Others have argued that plant food processing was the primary goal of early Oldowan stone tool usage, with increased carnivory — and butchery with stone tools) being added to the behavioral repertoire after 2 million years ago.
The evolutionary benefits connected with the emergence of Oldowan technology are unclear because of the paucity of Late Pliocene Oldowan sites, previously known only from the Afar Triangle of Ethiopia.
The new finds from the 3.03- to 2.6-million-year-old site at Nyayanga, Kenya, expand the geographic range of the earliest Oldowan tools by more than 1,300 km and the range of Paranthropus by approximately 230 km to southwestern Kenya.
“This is one of the oldest if not the oldest example of Oldowan technology,” said Queens College researcher Thomas Plummer, lead author of the study.
“This shows the toolkit was more widely distributed at an earlier date than people realized.”
Not only were Oldowan tools present, but fossilized bones with associated stone-tool damage demonstrate the tools were used to butcher large animals: hippopotamids and bovids.
Furthermore, use-wear patterns on the tools themselves suggest the processing of plant materials.
“The site featured at least three individual hippos,” Dr. Plummer and colleagues said.
“Two of these incomplete skeletons included bones that showed signs of butchery.”
“We found a deep cut mark on one hippo’s rib fragment and a series of four short, parallel cuts on the shin bone of another.”
“We also found antelope bones that showed evidence of hominins slicing away flesh with stone flakes or of having been crushed by hammerstones to extract marrow.”
“The analysis of wear patterns on 30 of the stone tools found at the site showed that they had been used to cut, scrape and pound both animals and plants”
“Because fire would not be harnessed by hominins for another 2 million years or so, these stone toolmakers would have eaten everything raw, perhaps pounding the meat into something like a hippo tartare to make it easier to chew.”
The discovery of teeth from the muscular-jawed Paranthropus alongside these stone tools begs the question of whether it might have been that lineage rather than the Homo genus that was the architect of the earliest Oldowan stone tools, or perhaps even that multiple lineages were making these tools at roughly the same time.
“The behaviors preserved at Nyayanga are at least 600,000 years older than prior evidence of megafaunal carcass and plant processing and substantially predate the increase in absolute brain size documented in the genus Homo after 2 million years ago,” the authors concluded.
“The Late Pliocene expanded geography of the earliest Oldowan, and new evidence of its use in diverse tasks amplifies our understanding of the adaptive advantage of early stone technology in hominin diet and foraging ecology.”
A paper on the findings was published February 9, 2023 in the journal Science.
Thomas W. Plummer et al. 2023. Expanded geographic distribution and dietary strategies of the earliest Oldowan hominins and Paranthropus. Science 379 (6632): 561-566; doi: 10.1126/science.abo7452
Astronomers Observe Elongated Object near Milky Way’s Central Black Hole
Astronomers Observe Elongated Object near Milky Way’s Central Black Hole
An elongated dust and gas feature named X7 has a mass of about 50 Earth masses and is on an orbital path around Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, that would take 170 years to complete.
Morphology evolution of X7’s thermal dust emission between 2002 and 2021: the images are oriented with equatorial north at the top and with Sagittarius A* positioned in the upper left corner of each panel.
Image credit: Ciurlo et al., doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/acb344.
“No other object in this region has shown such an extreme evolution,” said Dr. Anna Ciurlo, an astronomer in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of California, Los Angeles.
“It started off comet-shaped and people thought maybe it got that shape from stellar winds or jets of particles from the black hole.”
“But as we followed it for 20 years we saw it becoming more elongated. Something must have put this cloud on its particular path with its particular orientation.”
X7 has a mass of about 50 Earths and is on an orbital path around Sagittarius A* that would take 170 years to complete.
But that might never happen. Based on its trajectory, Dr. Ciurlo and colleagues estimates that the object will make its closest approach to the supermassive black hole around the year 2036, and then likely spiral toward it and disappear.
“We anticipate the strong tidal forces exerted by the Galactic black hole will ultimately tear X7 apart before it completes even one orbit,” said University of California, Los Angeles Professor Mark Morris.
“Tidal forces are the gravitational pull that cause an object approaching a black hole to stretch; the side of the object closest to the black hole is pulled much more strongly than the opposite end.”
X7 shows some of the same properties as the other strange dusty objects orbiting Sagittarius A*.
Those so-called G-objects look like gas but behave like stars.
But X7’s shape and velocity have changed more dramatically than G-objects have.
As it accelerates toward the black hole, X7 is moving rapidly, clocking in at speeds of up to around 1,130 km per second (700 miles per second).
“It’s exciting to see significant changes of X7’s shape and dynamics in such great detail over a relatively short time scale as the gravitational forces of the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way influences this object,” said Dr. Randy Campbell, an astronomer at the W.M. Keck Observatory.
Although X7’s origin is still the subject of debate, the finding suggests that it arose after two stars collided.
“One possibility is that X7’s gas and dust were ejected at the moment when two stars merged,” Dr. Ciurlo said.
“In this process, the merged star is hidden inside a shell of dust and gas, which might fit the description of the G-objects. And the ejected gas perhaps produced X7-like objects.”
“The merger of two stars is very common, especially when they are near black holes.”
“This is a very messy process: the stars circle each other, get closer, merge, and the new star is hidden within a cloud of dust and gas. X7 could be the dust and gas ejected from a merged star that’s still out there somewhere.”
A paper on the findings was published in the Astrophysical Journal.
Anna Ciurlo et al. 2023. The Swansong of the Galactic Center Source X7: An Extreme Example of Tidal Evolution near the Supermassive Black Hole. ApJ 944, 136; doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/acb344
Webb Discovers Impossibly Massive Galaxies in Early Universe
Webb Discovers Impossibly Massive Galaxies in Early Universe
Astronomers using the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope have observed six candidate galaxies with stellar masses as high as 1011 solar masses about 500-700 million years after the Big Bang.
Images of six candidate massive galaxies, seen 500-700 million years after the Big Bang. One of the sources (bottom left) could contain as many stars as our present-day Milky Way, but is 30 times more compact.
Image credit: NASA / ESA / CSA / I. Labbe, Swinburne University of Technology / G. Brammer, Niels Bohr Institute’s Cosmic Dawn Center, University of Copenhagen.
Webb is equipped with infrared-sensing instruments capable of detecting light that was emitted by the most ancient stars and galaxies.
Essentially, the telescope allows astronomers to see back in time roughly 13.5 billion years, near the beginning of the Universe as we know it.
“We expected only to find tiny, young, baby galaxies at this point in time, but we’ve discovered galaxies as mature as our own in what was previously understood to be the dawn of the Universe,” said Dr. Joel Leja, an astronomer at the Pennsylvania State University.
“These objects are way more massive than anyone expected.”
“This is our first glimpse back this far, so it’s important that we keep an open mind about what we are seeing.”
“While the data indicates they are likely galaxies, I think there is a real possibility that a few of these objects turn out to be obscured supermassive black holes.”
“Regardless, the amount of mass we discovered means that the known mass in stars at this period of our Universe is up to 100 times greater than we had previously thought. Even if we cut the sample in half, this is still an astounding change.”
This program obtained multi-band images with Webb’s Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam) in a ‘blank’ field, chosen to overlap with existing Hubble imaging.
“We’ve never observed galaxies of this colossal size, this early on after the Big Bang,” said Dr. Ivo Labbé, an astronomer at Swinburne University of Technology.
“The six galaxies we found are more than 12 billion years old, only 500 to 700 million years after the Big Bang, reaching sizes up to 100 billion times the mass of our Sun. This is too big to even exist within current models.”
“This discovery could transform our understanding of how the earliest galaxies in our Universe formed.”
Follow up measurements are being carried out to confirm the galaxies and rule out alternative explanations.
“One alternative, equally fascinating, is that some of the objects belong to a new class of emerging supermassive black holes, never seen before,” Dr. Labbé said.
One way to confirm the team’s finding and alleviate any remaining concerns would be to take a spectrum image of the massive galaxies.
That would provide the authors data on the true distances, and also the gasses and other elements that made up the galaxies.
They could then use the data to model a clearer of picture of what the galaxies looked like, and how massive they truly were.
“A spectrum will immediately tell us whether or not these things are real,” Dr. Leja said.
“It will show us how big they are, how far away they are. What’s funny is we have all these things we hope to learn from Webb and this was nowhere near the top of the list.”
“We’ve found something we never thought to ask the Universe — and it happened way faster than I thought, but here we are.”
A paper describing the findings was published in the journal Nature.
Labbé et al. A population of red candidate massive galaxies ~600 Myr after the Big Bang. Nature, published online February 22, 2023; doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-05786-2
On July 20, 1969, history was made when Apollo 11 became the first spaceflight to land humans on the moon. It was the culmination of centuries of staring up at the moon wondering what was up there, and a breakthrough new step on our path to the stars, and as people all around the world watched as Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin landed the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle and Armstrong became the very first person to step on the moon. It remains a landmark achievement for our kind, a stepping stone to the stars and a testament to our desire to explore and reach out over the next horizon, but the Apollo moon landing has long been orbited by various conspiracies, and one of those is that Buzz Aldrin saw UFOs up there and that this information was suppressed.
The story has its beginning with a curious transmission that occurred between Aldrin and mission command in Houston on the third day of the mission as they hurtled toward the moon. In the radio exchange, Aldrin asks, “Do you have any idea where the S-IVB is with respect to us?” which is referring to the third stage of the Saturn V rocket that was jettisoned earlier in the flight. Mission control then responds, “Apollo 11, Houston. The S-IVB is about 6,000 nautical miles from you now. Over.” Aldrin then pauses for around 12 seconds, after which he simply says “Okay. Thank you” and ends the transmission This seemingly innocuous exchange would then be made more mysterious when Aldrin later admitted that they had seen an unidentified shiny white object that seemed to be matching their speed, and UFO conspiracy theorists jumped all over this, taking it to mean that he was admitting to seeing aliens from outer space. Aldrin to his credit tried to squash the spreading rumors by clarifying that although he wasn’t sure exactly what it had been, it had probably been one of four discarded panels that had come off his own spacecraft from the separation of the spacecraft from the upper stage and were reflecting light. He would clearly say that it was not aliens, saying:
It was not an alien. On Apollo 11 in route to the Moon, I observed a light out the window that appeared to be moving alongside us. There were many explanations of what that could be, other than another spacecraft from another country or another world – it was either the rocket we had separated from, or the 4 panels that moved away when we extracted the lander from the rocket and we were nose to nose with the two spacecraft. So in the close vicinity, moving away, were 4 panels. And I feel absolutely convinced that we were looking at the sun reflected off of one of these panels. Which one? I don't know. So technically, the definition could be ‘unidentified.’
Buzz Aldrin
The crew decided to move on and mention it later in mission debrief, Aldrin added. However, while engineers and scientists can be reasonably confident what was seen was one of the panels, to an engineer/scientist, it is still technically 'unidentified,” still technically a “UFO” and so the UFO crowd ran with it. On top of this, according to conspiracy theorists, well, NASA would want us to think it was a panel, wouldn’t they? The idea was that Aldrin was being told what to say, and that the 12 second pause in the original recording of the radio exchange somehow proved that Aldrin was utterly perplexed by whatever it was he was seeing, and that it could not have been something as mundane as a panel. David Morrison, an American astronomer and senior scientist at the Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute, at NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California has further tried to put these rumors to rest by saying:
I just talked to Buzz Aldrin on the phone, and he notes that the quotations were taken out of context and did not convey the intended meaning. After the Apollo 11 crew verified that the objects they were seeing was not the SIVB upper stage, which was about 6000 miles away at that time, they concluded that they were probably seeing one of the panels from the separation of the spacecraft from the upper stage. These panels were not tracked from Earth and were likely much closer to the Apollo spacecraft. They chose not to discuss this on the open communications channel since they were concerned that their comments might be misinterpreted (as they are being now). Apparently all of this discussion about the panels was cut from the broadcast interview, thus giving the impression that they had seen a UFO.
Nevertheless, the rumor would not die, with much chatter about how Aldrin had seen aliens on the moon, and this wild conspiracy got further fueled in 2018 with a spectacular headline stating that not only had Aldrin in fact seen an alien spacecraft, but that he had passed a lie detector test proving it. Wait, what? The report appeared in an issue of The Daily Star, which stated that secret technology developed by the “Institute of BioAcoustic Biology and Sound Health” had been used on the astronauts’ acounts on strange sightings in space using a technique for what they claim can tell when people are lying through the frequencies of their voice. In the case of listening to Aldrin talk about his experiences, they said their equipment gave them strong evidence under “laboratory conditions” that, despite him denying it was aliens, his voice frequency says that he was “completely convinced” that he had seen an alien spacecraft. The report would claim:
Aldrin believes what he is saying emotionally but has doubts intellectually. His ego, on a highly spiritual level, is solidly involved. He has a firm belief in what he saw but logical awareness that he cannot explain what he saw; therefore he thinks he should be doubted. His gut level emotions and system of integrity is well grounded with the exception that he has some issues around people asking too much of him and expecting him to take care of things for them. For the benefit of the people, he wants his statements about his seeing a UFO to be believed.
Buzz Aldrin on the moon
It sounds pretty amazing, and the news went absolutely viral, appearing in various news publications and all over the Internet. After all, this was a seasoned, respected astronaut who had been found by a lie detector to have actually seen aliens! Golly Gee! However, the story was very sensationalized, twisted facts, was misleading in its presentation, and is based on a good amount of nonsense. Where to begin with what is wrong with it? Well, first and foremost, The Daily Star is a trashy tabloid, not exactly known for its integrity and high-quality commitment to facts and good journalism, so that should already put up a red flag. Also interesting is that it wasn’t a lie detector test in the official, traditional sense, and it was not done live with Aldrin himself. What happened is that the fancy-sounding Institute of BioAcoustic Biology and Sound Health used decades-old recordings of Aldrin talking about what he had seen, which had then been "computer analyzed" using some ill-defined “top secret technology” that can somehow tell if a person is lying through the use of bioacoustics, although it is never explained how. It sounds like it could possibly be legit on the surface, until you realize that A) BioAcoustic Biology and Sound Health is a for-profit company selling pseudoscientific cures for various health issues, B) while bioacoustics is a real thing, it involves what sounds animals make, how they make them and when they make them, and has nothing to do with lie detectors, and C) they also claim they can not only detect lies with their technology but also “reverse diseases and traumas previously thought to be incurable, to reveal the secrets of our true nature, to enhance our lives, to predict what may be our fate through the frequencies of our voice.” Doesn’t really sound so legit anymore, does it?
There are other problems with the claims as well. For one, the report claims that “Aldrin, Al Worden, Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper all took part in the study,” but unless their technology can also pick up voices from beyond this is impossible because both Mitchell and Cooper are dead. They may have used recordings of their voices, but it is misleading to say that they “took part” in the program. There’s also the fact that even real lie detectors are questionable in their accuracy, so it would be a pretty magical process indeed if they could use their technological wizardry to come to this conclusion with absolute certainty. In the meantime, Aldrin has constantly and repeatedly denied having seen aliens. What seems far more likely is that this is a story that sort of got a bit out of control, propelled by sensational headlines and unfounded speculation. It seems more like a lesson in how a UFO conspiracy legend is birthed more than anything else, but believe it or not the Buzz Aldrin UFO thing is still discussed to this day, the discussion on whether he saw aliens up there or just a panel from his own spacecraft somewhat marring a stunning milestone in history.
It's no secret I'm a big believer in the theory there was once a Martian civilization; a civilization that is now long gone. All we have left is a body of strange, ancient items strewn across the floor of Mars - and that's it. Not at all unlike what we see in the final moments of the 1968 movie, Planet of the Apes, the Martian landscape appears, to me, to be littered with evidence of what was once at least one or several sprawling cities, but all now rendered pulverized and flattened. And a civilization collapsed. In the movie, such a city would turn out to be New York, as the presence of a ruined and pummeled Statue of Liberty makes abundantly and graphically clear. That’s when Charlton Heston’s astronaut character, "Taylor," learns to his sudden horror that he is not on a faraway world, after all, but on Earth, thousands of years after the human race has all but decimated our world and its people. There’s another parallel with that classic movie, too. It concerns one of the primary characters in Planet of the Apes, Dr. Zaius, the Minister of Science. He has spent much of his life terrified by the possible revealing of the true history of the ape planet. Namely, that we, the human race, came first and that, in terms of technology, we were once far ahead of the apes’ society. Zaius’s fear is that opening the equivalent of Pandora’s Box will cause chaos in the world of the apes. So, he takes the only option he thinks is viable: Zaius buries everything, just in case, even if he’s not fully sure of what went on before his civilization emerged. In other words, Zaius knew of an ancient, advanced human civilization. Such scenarios may have occurred in the real world. And on Mars, no less.
(NASA) A "Mars-Henge"? It just might be
Now, let us take a careful look at some of the other imagery that has been collected, studied and placed into the public domain as evidence that there was (and possibly still is) life on Mars. One particular case - that I personally think has a high degree of merit attached to it - concerns what has become known as the “Face-Hugger photograph.” Taken in July 2015 by NASA’s Curiosity Rover, it appears to show a strange creature that looks astonishingly like the monstrous face-invading creatures that appear in the phenomenally successful series of Alien movies. They starred Sigourney Weaver as Warrant Officer Ellen Ripley and reaped in an incredible amount of dollars. The story broke in early August 2015. The headlines were predictably sensational. The U.K.’s Metro newspaper ran with the story and titled their feature as follows: “Crab-like alien ‘facehugger’ is seen crawling out of a cave on Mars.” The article included the words of Seth Shostak, a skeptic when it comes to the matter of life on Mars, and the Senior Astronomer and Director of the Center for SETI Research; “SETI” standing for “search for extraterrestrial intelligence.” Shostak said of the strange looking thing and other allegedly anomalous photos that reach him from time to time: “Those that send them to me are generally quite excited, as they claim that these frequently resemble something you wouldn’t expect to find on the rusty, dusty surface of the Red Plane. It’s usually some sort of animal, but occasionally even weirder objects such as automobile parts. Maybe they think there are cars on Mars.”
On the other side of the coin were the words of Scott Waring who, at UFO Sightings Daily, said that: “It does appear alive. It may be a crab-like animal, or it also may be a plant. This object has many arms and one of them goes to the left of the picture a very long ways. That arm is longer than all others. Plant or animal it really doesn't matter. The significance of this is that it shows signs that it is alive. That is everything, but not to NASA.” And, that’s pretty much how the online debate went on: for the world of science the face-hugger was nothing but an example of pareidolia. UFO seekers and conspiracy theorists said otherwise, suggesting that what looked like an eerie, creepy animal was exactly that – an eerie, creepy animal. That it appeared to be in the opening to a small cave and maneuvering up (or, granted, scuttling down) the cave wall with its multiple limbs only seems to add to the theory that NASA had captured on camera a genuine Martian animal – and a very hair-raising one, too! In my view, the spidery, crab-like animal is not a case of the eye seeing what it sorely wants to see. And, the story isn’t quite over: later on, we’ll take a close and careful look at the incredible story of a skilled remote-viewer who, in late 2019, was able to add further, and undeniably astonishing, data to this particular story of the closest things to real-life face-huggers.
Now, what about Mars’ very own dolphin? Say what? Yes. Or not. This is one of the examples that I find difficult-to-impossible to believe is anything but a mark on the landscape that just happens to appear dolphin-like. Which, admittedly, it does. That it is located not at all far from the Face on Mars has ensured that it still provokes debate and commentary. But, it really shouldn’t. A carved dolphin? Not a chance in Hell. Forget it. Moving on, there is what has been termed “The Crowned Face.” A photo taken in the Libya Montes area – a ring of mountains on Mars - by the Mars Global Surveyor appears to show a large face, with a pointed chin, a pair of eyes and a nose. Also, what appears to be crown-like headgear - hence the name that has been attached to it, – whatever “it” may be. On this one, I can go both ways: I’m not convinced that it shows evidence of huge, mega-sculpting of the landscape. On the other hand, I definitely think it is well worth tackling this enigma to a greater degree; if only to relegate it to the “maybe”-box. I should stress, though, that Mars expert Tom Van Flandern was quite enthusiastic about the discovery: “While not near the Cydonia area, this face portrayal is again striking for the richness of its detail, far better than the typical face arising in clouds or geological formations on Earth. The latter tend to be distorted and grotesque when they are more than simply impressionistic.”
“Dinosaur skulls” on Mars don’t impress me in the slightest. I have yet to see one that really jumps out at me. There are a few of them, again captured by NASA’s cameras, but I am not persuaded here. That said, there is one skull-like item that I find very interesting. Obtained by NASA’s Spirit, the photo does appear to show a large skull on the rocky, desert floor of Mars. One can see a pair of eye-sockets. Moreover, those same sockets seem to be in perfect alignment with each other. A nose and nostrils, a robust jaw, and even the vague outline of a bony mouth are all in evidence. The skull is clearly somewhat different to a regular, human skull, in the sense that it seems to be much bulkier. If the anomaly is what it appears to be – the skull of a Martian - it’s hardly likely to look exactly the skull of a member of the Human Race! There is something else too: what look like a pair of protrusions – or what Mike Bara refers to as “jowl-like appendages” – situated around the chin area. They look as if they could inflict serious injury if one got too close. Now, we come to a story that practically circled the globe in 2008. It provoked sensational comments, controversial observations, and wild conclusions. The story suggested that nothing less than the ancient statue of a man wearing a robe, or a woman wearing a long dress – and with one arm poking out - could be seen on the Martian landscape. Also, the statue appeared to be in a sitting position, taking a break from whatever it is that the average Martian does on the average Martian day. It was a story that was picked up by not just the blogs of UFO researchers, but by the likes of CNN, the BBC, and Reuters. And the initial data seemed to be impressive. It would not stay like that.
Ben Radford, of the Skeptical Inquirer, and someone who has yet to see an anomaly that he cannot explain, said: “According to astronomer Phil Plait of Bad Astronomy Web site, if the image really is a man on Mars, he’s awfully small: ‘Talk about a tempest in a teacup!’ Plait said: ‘The rock on Mars is actually just a few inches high and a few yards from the camera.’” Plait was correct: despite the extensive coverage that the story got, very few media outlets pointed out that the figure was indeed barely a few inches tall and that the Spirit – which secured the image – was actually extremely close to the “figure” when the photo was taken. Just about all of the reproductions of the photo made it appear as if the viewer was looking at a large object, or a human-sized figure, in the distance.
Mike Bara had an answer for this: he theorized that the admittedly-eerie-looking figure was an ancient, Martian artifact of small proportions. To bolster his argument, Bara showed examples of equally small, carved figures of the Egyptian pharaoh, Khufu. A very small Martian humanoid taking a break on a rock? A tiny piece of rock that seemed to resemble a living being? A carefully fashioned, small statue of the type that Mike Bara offered as a potential answer to the controversy? The questions are several. The answers, however, depend very much upon your own, personal perspective. And still on the matter of perspectives: if only the mainstream media had made it abundantly clear from the beginning that what we were seeing was nowhere near a life-sized figure - but something around the size of a kid’s toy soldier - we would not still be debating on this issue years down the line. And a significant portion of this article could have been seamlessly omitted.
(NASA) Not the Face on Mars. This one is called the Crowned Face. That's two faces on Mars
I sometimes ponder on the possibility that some of our scientists - not unlike Dr. Zaius in their mindsets - might be fearful of what the ramifications could be if history is changed by the opening of that aforementioned box. So, rather like the person who wakes up one morning and finds a lump under one of their armpits, and who refuses to go to the doctor for fear of what they might learn, the truth is ignored, with a hope that it will go away. But, it doesn’t go away. It just piles up more and more. Maybe, that’s how things are with NASA: a case of: "If we forget about the Face on Mars we won’t have to deal with it." But, it’s clearly not going away. Nor are the many other anomalies that are scattered across the Red Planet.
Of course, I can't prove any of this; but, based on what we've seeen so far, I really do have a deep belief that Mars really was once a sprawling, beautiful world. And, at some point in its "life" Mars was all but destroyed. Whether the destruction came by something like a comet or a huge meteorite, I really don't know. Maybe, the Martians went to war with each other and, as a result, they destroyed themselves. If you look at all of the many and varied anomalies that can be seen on the surface of Mars, it's very hard to dismiss all the oddities on the planet: such as the "Marshenge." But, there is something else, too: these connections, in many respects, seem to link with our world in some ways - albeit thousands of years ago. Did Mars and our world once have a connection? If so, did it turn into a planetary war. Such a thing, in my view, is entirely possible. Let's hope nothing like that happens to us.
NASA is an arm of the U.S. Government. Therefore, the two photos included in this article are in the public domain
Strange DNA found in the desert offers lessons in the hunt for Mars life
Strange DNA found in the desert offers lessons in the hunt for Mars life
Story by Joel Achenbach
The Atacama Desert in Chile is just about the driest place on Earth. In spots, it looks a lot like Mars. But it’s not lifeless, even in the hyper-arid regions. Using state-of-the-art equipment to probe the desert rocks, researchers found bits of DNA from an intriguing mix of microbes.
Strange DNA found in the desert offers lessons in the hunt for Mars life
Strikingly, 9 percent of the genetic fragments belong to organisms unknown to science, making them part of the “dark microbiome,” according to a report published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications.
These organisms are bacteria that are “so strange and different,” as the report puts it, that researchers could not identify any known relatives.
“In almost half of the cases, the databases could not clearly say what we had in our hands,” lead researcher Armando Azua-Bustos, a microbiologist at the Center of Astrobiology in Madrid, told The Washington Post.
And that brings him back to the Mars analogy: The Atacama, he and his scientific colleagues believe, is a brilliant test bed for the search for Martian life. But the same search conducted with versions of the instruments on today’s Mars rovers could barely detect the microbial signatures. That means finding conclusive evidence of present or past life in Martian soils is going to be difficult without bringing samples back to Earth, Azua-Bustos and his colleagues concluded.
The research seems to bolster the long-term Mars exploration strategy of NASA and its partner, the European Space Agency. They are in the midst of a multistage mission called Mars Sample Return. If all goes as planned, samples of Martian soil obtained by NASA’s Perseverance rover — which just celebrated its second anniversary on Mars — will be hauled back to Earth sometime early in the next decade for scrutiny in high-containment laboratories.
But this new research also highlights the challenges facing scientists who want to know the (conjectured) biological history of Mars. Microbial life, especially if extinct and long fossilized, may exist at or beyond the farthest limit of what can be detected with the kind of instruments small enough to be blasted into space and landed on another planet.
Scientists have never found an example of life beyond Earth, but a general assumption is that “habitable” worlds will become inhabited — that life emerges, somehow, under the right conditions. The Red Planet has long tantalized astrobiologists. It was more Earthlike about 3 billion years ago, when it had a thicker atmosphere and liquid water on the surface. Conceivably, there is still cryptic life on Mars, although astrobiologists would be thrilled to find even a microfossil of something that lived billions of years ago.
NASA’s Viking mission of 1976 carried experiments designed to detect life, and one offered an initially promising signal, but most scientists concluded that they’d landed on sterile soil.
Since the Viking mission, NASA has followed a more incremental strategy focused on finding and exploring sites that show evidence of being potentially habitable billions of years ago, when Mars was warmer and wetter. Perseverance and its still active predecessor, the Curiosity rover, have found traces of organic molecules — the kind of molecules that are the basis of life as we know it — on the surface, though this is not by itself proof of a biological origin.
“The question remains whether they are meteoritic, geologic, or biologic,” said Amy Williams, a planetary scientist at the University of Florida and a member of the Curiosity and Perseverance scientific teams.
Williams said the new report from Azua-Bustos and his collaborators is important because it shows that the preservation of organic matter is limited in Mars-like environments and will be difficult to detect even with state-of-the-art laboratory instruments.
“This means that organics detection with spaceflight instruments, like on current and future Mars rovers, may be an even larger challenge, as organic matter is readily broken down in the radiation-bathed Martian surface environment,” Williams said in an email.
Still, the Atacama research shows that even a very arid environment will have layers of sedimentary rock with significant amounts of biological remnants, said Chris House, a Pennsylvania State University geologist and astrobiologist. “It is not really a surprise, but the results might have just shown uniform bleakness,” he said. That’s good news for scientists hoping dry Mars rocks might yield traces of alien biology.
Azua-Bustos is a native of the Atacama who spent years as a winemaker before becoming a scientist. He recalls growing up in a Chilean town where rain would fall only about once a year, always a highlight. There are places, he said, where residents have never seen rain going back multiple generations.
He said he would regularly pass through a region of the desert, called Red Stone, en route to a research site, and one day he decided it would be worth a closer look. The rocks were rust-red because of the presence of a mineral, hematite, that also accounts for the red color of Mars, he said.
More than 100 million years ago, in the age of dinosaurs, the Red Stone site was a river delta, much like the plateau on Mars within Jezero Crater that Perseverance is exploring.
NASA’s Perseverance rover captured this portrait of 10 recently collected rock samples on Jan. 31.
Azua-Bustos was surprised by the genetic material of an unfamiliar nature seen in the Atacama research. All life on Earth comes from a common ancestor — so far as we know. There has been speculation, notably from scientist and author Paul Davies, that life could have originated on Earth more than once and to this day there could be a “shadow” biosphere that is simply too weird to fit into our definition of Earth life.
Azua-Bustos, however, defaults to the less spectacular interpretation of the unclassified organisms: This is relic genetic material from life forms long extinct and not previously documented.
The Perseverance rover continues to explore Jezero Crater, digging up and storing samples of Martian soil. The plan is to put another spacecraft on the surface, which would double as a launchpad. Perseverance would then deliver the samples to the lander, which would hurtle the material into orbit. There it would rendezvous with yet another vehicle, a European-built orbiter, that could transport the precious cargo back to Earth for analysis with the best possible lab instruments.
The new research suggests this may be the most effective — and possibly the only conclusive — way to find out if anything was ever alive on Mars.
“We know there are things to detect,” Azua-Bustos said. “But if your instrument is not designed to be able to detect those things, then we have a problem.”
Is there life on Mars? We don’t know the answer to that question yet, but we’re getting closer as more rovers and landers are sent to the Red Planet’s surface and human missions are planned. In order to prepare for these and future missions, NASA and other space agencies needed a place that was dry enough, rugged enough and dusty enough to resemble the Martian surface. They found that the most Martian place on Earth is in Chile – the closest place on Earth is the Atacama Desert west of the Andes Mountains in Chile. It is the driest desert on our planet and the only hot true desert to receive less precipitation than the polar deserts. While we don’t know yet about life on Mars, we suspect it could survive there because life appears in some parts of the Atacama Desert – over 500 species of vegetation, some reptiles, a few rodents, penguins, insects and a few others. And now there is one that scientists cannot identify – a “dark microbiome” whose DNA comes from organisms "unknown to science." Could this be the life we should be looking for on Mars?
“Results from Mars so far suggest that organics are not prevalent on its surface, but here we hypothesize that current instrument limitations and the nature of organics in Martian rocks may also hinder our ability to find evidences of life on the red planet.”
The research is led by Alberto G. Fairén, a visiting scientist in the Department of Astronomy in the College of Arts and Sciences at Cornell University and the senior author of “Dark microbiome and extremely low organics in Atacama fossil delta unveil Mars life detection limits,” published recently in Nature Communications. Fairén and a multi-institution team are testing some old and some new equipment for future Mars missions to determine if the tools are sensitive enough to detect organic compounds that may be quite different from those on Earth. These tests were conducted at the most ‘Mars on Earth’ spot in the Atacama Desert – the Red Stone Jurassic fossil delta, a 100 million-year-old riverbed which resembles Mars’ Jezero Crater and its ancient river delta where the Perseverance rover is roving and the Ingenuity helicopter is flying. The Red Stone delta is 100 million years old, while the Jezero Crater and its delta were not the site of a lake and a river since more than 3 billion years ago, but it’s the best we have for comparison. Like Jezero, it has sandstone, clay and hematite – the iron oxide that makes Mars red. The researchers expected to find more similarities between Jezero and Red Stone. What they found instead was unexpected.
The Atacama Desert - an amazing Martian landscape stand-in
“For this work, the researchers conducted geological tests at Red Stone using four instruments that are currently or will soon be on Mars. They found that Red Stone samples display numerous microorganisms of undetermined classification – what the researchers term “dark microbiome” – and a mix of biosignatures from current and ancient microorganisms that can be barely detected with state-of-the-art laboratory equipment.”
According to the Cornell press release, “Dark microbiome” is a catch-all term researchers use for genetic fragments from organisms “unknown to science. What Fairén and the other scientists found was that nine percent of the genetic fragments analyzed were from dark microbiome and so unusual that they could not compare them to any other known organisms.
"In almost half of the cases, the databases could not clearly say what we had in our hands.”
Microbiologist at the Center of Astrobiology in Madrid and lead author and lead researcher Armando Azua-Bustos speculated that this dark microbiome was from long extinct life forms that have never been found before anywhere on Earth. If they are from ancient Earth, could they also be from ancient Mars? No one can say because no one knows what they are. That’s the problem – the samples are dark microbiome mixed with biosignatures from current and ancient microorganisms that the team barely detected with the most advanced technology on Earth or Mars. Azua-Bustos fears the worst – false positives that would trigger announcements that life has been found, or false negatives which means the Mars instruments missed discovering life because they didn’t recognize the biosignature. What now?
“You need to decide whether is more advantageous having limited capability for analysis on the surface of Mars to interrogate a wide variety of samples, or having limited samples to be analyzed with the wide variety of state-of-the-art instrumentation on Earth.”
The Atacama Desert
One alternative is to leave the best technology on Earth and just send scoopers and rockets to Mars to bring back samples to analyze. Neither of these is cheap, easy or fast … as we have seen. And bringing samples back to Earth leaves the planet and humanity open to exposure to unknown viruses, bacteria or a Martian dark microbiome. NASA is working with the European Space Agency and others to build a lab for the Martian geological samples gathered by the Perseverance rover, but that probably won’t happen in this decade. That’s frustrating, but it gives the engineers more time to develop instruments that can dig deeper into the Martian soil for older samples. Fairén thinks this is the best approach.
“If biosignatures are better preserved at depth, which we expect, there will be more abundance and diversity, and better preservation of biosignatures, in those deep samples. Our instruments in the rover will therefore have more chances to detect them.”
Strange DNA found in the desert offers lessons in the hunt for Mars life
Azua-Bustos says that “We know there are things to detect,” so this means more trips back to the Red Stone in the Atacama Desert with new instruments. This research points out the obvious – all of this talk about sending humans to Mars in the near future is fanciful at best. We can barely get a little mechanical scooper up there to dig up some samples and put them on a return space Uber to a super-secure lab on Earth. It is good to dream but it is better to be realistic and practical – that’s what the space budgets are based on.
Mudlarker Finds Bronze Age Shoe on a UK Riverbank Dated 2,800 Years Old!
Mudlarker Finds Bronze Age Shoe on a UK Riverbank Dated 2,800 Years Old!
A man exploring along a riverbank in northern Kent recently discovered the oldest shoe ever found on United Kingdom soil. Carbon dating tests proved the decayed but still recognizable leather artifact was nearly 3,000 years old, having been manufactured sometime between the years 888 and 781 BC. This incredible age highlights what an absolute miracle this discovery was, as the ancient shoe, which likely belonged to a toddler, was lying out in the open fully visible to anyone who might walk by.
One of the Best Mudlarking Adventures Ever
The small, flattened shoe was spotted by archaeologist Steve Tomlinson, a resident of Ramsgate, Kent who works with the Canterbury Archaeological Trust.
On September 17, 2022, Tomlinson and a colleague, archaeologist Emily Brown, were out walking along rivers in Kent, searching for valuable artifacts that might have washed up along the edges. This activity is known as mudlarking, and archaeologists who do it often find intriguing objects that may be anywhere from a few decades to a few centuries old. The best sites for mudlarking are rivers that feed into the ocean (like the River Thames , for example) and are affected by the rising and sinking of the tides. Mudlarkers will arrive during times of low tide, searching along shores that are normally covered by water.
Someone with an untrained eye might have passed by the shoe without noticing it, or even caring if they did notice. But Tomlinson was actively searching for anomalous objects, and the aged shoe caught his attention immediately.
“The day started well, and between us we had a good selection of finds including plenty of pottery sherds from the Roman period, and various small objects like a small piece of Roman tesserae,” Tomlinson recalled in an article in the Isle of Thanet News :
“We had been out for 3 hours scouring the shoreline, and the tide was turning when we hit the last leg of our day. As we made our way along the foreshore … I came across what looked like a very old shoe-like piece of leather washed up on the mud. It was around 15 centimeters [6 inches] in length.”
Tomlinson and Brown examined the weathered leather of the flattened shoe carefully, trying to estimate its age. The archaeologists concluded that it was most likely an early medieval artifact, meaning it might have been dropped or washed into the river as long as 1,000 years ago.
It might seem unusual that someone finding a shoe next to a river would conclude the object was centuries old. But this wasn’t Tomlinson first time. While mudlarking in 2018, he discovered an Anglo-Saxon shoe sticking out of the mud that was ultimately dated to the 10th century AD.
Expecting a similar result this time, Tomlinson sent his interesting discovery on to the SUERC carbon dating facility in East Kilbride, Scotland. But when the lab revealed the results five weeks later, Tomlinson received one of the great shocks of his life, as he learned he’d underestimated the age of the little old shoe by nearly 2,000 years.
"The date they had given me was just astonishing,"Tomlinson said. “This could be not only the oldest shoe found in Kent, but in the British Isles itself, and a very high possibility that this is also the smallest Bronze Age shoe ever discovered in the world.”
It has now been confirmed that this is the most ancient shoe ever recovered in the United Kingdom. This distinction previously belonged to a 2,000-year-old shoe found in 2005 in a quarry in Somerset.
By modern standards the shoe would be listed as a child size 7, and would be appropriate for a toddler aged around 2-3 years old, explained Mr Tomlinson. The child presumably had lost the shoe while playing in or around the riverbank all those years ago, and it had been lying on the bottom of the riverbank waiting to be found ever since.
Walking Back in Time in a Bronze Age Toddler’s Shoe
Archaeologists are always surprised and delighted when they find ancient items of clothing that are in good enough shape to be studied.
“Prehistoric textiles like this rarely survive and the only chance is by finding them in anaerobic conditions such as bogs and mud (away from the air),”Tomlinson explained.
But even when an organic artifact is preserved for hundreds or thousands of years, it still takes a lot of luck to actually locate it. And Steve Tomlinson was blessed with an inordinate amount of good fortune, as he fully appreciates.
"Finding something like that is quite extraordinary,”Tomlinson confirmed in an interview with Kent Online . "It opens up history too; we just know nothing about these kinds of things."
The ancient toddler’s shoe will be transferred to the British Museum for more analysis. Now that the shoe has been successfully dated to the Late Bronze Age , it will be tested further to see if scientists can learn what animal it came from. Attempts will be made to extract traces of human DNA from the artifact as well, and if this is successful it could reveal the true age, gender and ethnic identity of the child who wore the leather shoe in the first millennium BC.
Top image: The Bronze Age shoe, in situ where it was found on the river edge in Kent, England.
g of getting home, opening the door and realising your child has somehow lost a shoe.
Scientists now think it could be a feeling that tens of billions of parents have felt for millennia.
A 3,000-year-old toddler's shoe from the Bronze Age, dating from between 888 and 781BC, has been discovered in a north Kent riverbed.
A comforting fact is since then at least 62 billion people have come and gone on Earth and many have likely also faced the same shoe problem that parents today often scratch their heads about.
The rare Bronze Age 15cm leather shoe is thought to be the oldest found in the UK and was found by archaeologist Steve Tomlinson, 51, as he was mudlarking in September.
A Bronze Age leather shoe (pictured) thought to be the oldest in the UK was unearthed in north Kent riverbed
Archaeologist Steve Tomlinson, 51, (pictured) discovered the 3,000-year-old shoe that belonged to a toddler
A micro-CAT scan (pictured) of the shoe discovered that the sole was made from several layers
Mr Tomlinson, from Ramsgate, Kent, didn't think much of the find at first but sent it for carbon-dating at a unit in East Kilbride, Scotland.
Five weeks later he received the 'shocking' result that dated the show from the late Bronze Age.
Mr Tomlinson said: 'I thought it was something good but I still thought it was medieval.
'I sent it off for carbon-dating and five weeks later I got a call from a gentleman at the lab who said to me, "I think you better sit down for this".
'I'd had a good day's mudlarking that day - I'd found quite a few Roman pottery shards - but I was not expecting that.
'I could've quite easily missed it but I had an inkling it was something special.
'It's absolutely fascinating.'
The unassuming ‘thing’ on the river beach didn’t slip past finder Steve’s trained eye
The shoe is 15cm long, meaning in today's terms the child would have been a size seven
The child is thought to have been around two or three years old and scientists will do DNA tests to try to determine whether the show's owner was a boy or a girl
An X-ray carried out at Canterbury Christchurch University found the underside of the sole is imprinted with a textile pattern
In today's sizes the shoe would be a size seven and archaeologists think its owner was around two or three years old.
Mr Tomlinson said he is 'confident' it is the oldest of its kind in the UK and possibly the smallest in the world.
'We hope professionals might be able to reconstruct it eventually and that it might go into the British Museum down the line.
'It's of incredible national interest.'
The shoe is now in the care of heritage scientist and archaeological conservator Dana Goodburn-Brown, 63, who specialises in micro-excavation.
Ms Goodburn-Brown said: 'Organic materials like leather, textiles or wood will not survive unless they're somewhere very arid or in mud without oxygen.
'This shoe has been in a silt environment with sediment, without oxygen.
'It's what we call anaerobic conditions .
'It gets to this equilibrium state where it doesn't biodegrade. That's why it's so rare.
'It's amazing that it survived so long.
'The fact that it dislodged from elsewhere and Steve came across it before it started to degrade is incredible.
'We don't know where it originated but it's most likely it was either washed out with cliff erosion, which happens quite regularly in Kent, or emerged during dredging.
Dana, from Sittingbourne, Kent, took the shoe to experts at the University of Kent who examined it under a micro-CT scanner, where they discovered the sole was made up of several layers.
More significantly, an X-ray carried out at Canterbury Christchurch University found the underside of the sole is imprinted with a textile pattern, suggesting it had either been wrapped in or pressed against a piece of material for some time.
The next step is to send the leather for DNA testing to see what they can learn about the shoe's original owner.
Scientists might even be able to tell whether the toddler was a boy or a girl and what animal the leather came from.
The shoe has been conserved by Dana Goodburn Brown, an accredited Archaeological Conservator at DGB Conservation .
KIJK. Unieke beelden van noorderlicht boven grote delen van Nederland. “Zelfs boven Vlaanderen was het poollicht fotografisch zichtbaar”
Boven grote delen van Nederland was zondagavond een bijzonder natuurverschijnsel te zien: het noorderlicht. Dat is een aantal keer per jaar in het noorden van het land te fotograferen, maar is niet vaak met het blote oog te zien. In Vlaanderen was het poollicht niet met het blote oog te zien maar wél te fotograferen.
Hoe verder naar het noorden, hoe beter zichtbaar het poollicht was. Twitteraars legden het bijzondere natuurverschijnsel vast. Maar zelfs in Cuijk, in het noorden van Brabant, was het beeld goed zichtbaar. Daar maakte Van Bernebeek bovenstaande foto.
Wat is het noorderlicht?
Poollicht, aurora polaris, ontstaat wanneer onze zon geladen deeltjes met enorme snelheden richting de aarde slingert. Wanneer deze deeltjes het magnetische veld van onze planeet weten te omzeilen belanden ze via de polen in onze atmosfeer. Daar komen ze, op een hoogte van gemiddeld 100 tot 300 kilometer, in contact met de gassen. Die botsingen veroorzaken de prachtige gloed die we kennen als het poollicht. Afhankelijk van welke gassen de geladen deeltjes tegenkomen (dat verandert met de hoogte) verschilt de kleur. Zie je het poollicht in het noorden, dan spreekt met van aurora borealis of noorderlicht. In het zuiden is het aurora australis, het zuiderlicht. Het was Galileo die in de 17de eeuw de naam aurora borealis introduceerde, verwijzend naar ‘Aurora' de Romeinse godin van het morgenlicht en ‘Borealis' de Griekse god van de noorderwind.
Afhankelijk van de richting en de kracht worden de deeltjes van de zonnestorm naar het zuiden geblazen, legt Van Bernebeek van Weerplaza uit. Dat gebeurt vrij regelmatig boven Scandinavië, waar je het noorderlicht van onderen kunt bekijken. Daar is dan een groene gloed te zien. Door de bolling van de aarde kijken we vanuit Nederland naar de bovenkant van de zonnestorm. Dat licht is rood.
Dat was zondagavond samen met de bijbehorende verticale strepen erg goed te zien. Het verschijnsel komt gemiddeld zo’n zeven keer per jaar voor, maar dan vooral in de noordelijke provincies van Nederland. Meestal is het dan slechts met een fototoestel met lange sluitertijd in beeld te brengen, als er tenminste geen bewolking is. Dat het licht gisteravond zó goed zichtbaar was met het blote oog, en in grote delen van het land, is volgens Van Bernebeek bijzonder.
In Vlaanderen kon je het poollicht trouwens ook zien, al was het enkel met een fototoestel. Zo wist Bart Medaer het in Gierle (Antwerpen) op beeld vast te leggen. Ook de poollicht Facebook pagina van Urania en Ruben Weytjens wisten het noorderlicht te fotograferen vanuit Gent en Limburg.
De social media berichten.
De meteoroloog Wouter van Bernebeek waarschuwde vlak voor het gebeurde al fotografen dat de zonnestorm ons land zou kunnen bereiken. “We kunnen volgen wat een zonnewind doet. Als die naar beneden duikt, naar het zuiden, weet je dat er kans is op noorderlicht dat te fotograferen is. Dat kun je in principe al als zo’n zonnestorm loskomt van de zon, ongeveer drie dagen voor hij hier is. Maar dat hij zó zuidelijk zou komen had niemand verwacht. De laatste keer was in 2015. ”
Meer bijzondere verschijnsels
Gisteravond en de rest van de week is nog een tweede opvallend verschijnsel te zien in de lucht. Aan het begin van de avond kun je twee heldere hemellichamen zien, die opvallend dicht bij elkaar staan: Jupiter en Venus.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Three UFO Reports, Mexico To Florida! Feb 27, 2023, UFO Sighting News. 100% Raw Footage!
Three UFO Reports, Mexico To Florida! Feb 27, 2023, UFO Sighting News. 100% Raw Footage!
Date of sighting: Feb 27, 2023
Location of 1st sighting: River Maya, Mexico
Location of 2nd sighting: Miami, Florida, USA
Location of 3rd sighting: Sarasota Florida, USA
Hey everyone, check this out. Three different eyewitness videos just came in today and they are all of the same UFO, but in different locations and this baby is big! I as a UFO researcher for the last 20 years have never seen anything like this. It's really strange, very odd, looks like a cloud, but its not, its a solid craft, actually two solid craft one following the other. Absolutely mind-blowing raw footage! This is 100% proof that aliens are putting in the effort to make themselves known to the public. The real question is the US government going to try to cover this one up?
“What’s Up With UAPs?” Exploring the Government’s Interest in UFOs with Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson
“What’s Up With UAPs?” Exploring the Government’s Interest in UFOs with Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson
Unidentified aerial phenomena, commonly referred to as UFOs, have captured the imagination of people around the world for decades. These sightings of strange objects in the sky have prompted many to speculate about the possibility of extraterrestrial life, sparking widespread interest and fascination. However, as astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson explains in a recent Youtube video, the government’s interest in investigating these phenomena is not based solely on their potential connection to alien life.
According to Tyson, the government’s interest in investigating UFOs is largely motivated by concerns over safety and security. If there is something flying in the sky that cannot be identified, it is important to determine whether it poses a threat to individuals, the economy, or national security. As such, it is reasonable to allocate resources towards identifying and investigating these phenomena.
Despite the common association between UFOs and aliens, Tyson cautions against jumping to conclusions about the nature of these phenomena. As a scientist, Tyson encourages a skeptical, evidence-based approach to studying and investigating the unknown. While it may be tempting to attribute unexplained sightings to alien life, it is important to maintain a rational perspective and consider alternative explanations.
Furthermore, Tyson notes that the prevalence of technology such as smartphones means that any potential alien invasion would likely be reported and documented quickly. With millions of people around the world carrying smartphones capable of recording and sharing videos, it is unlikely that any significant event would go unnoticed or unreported.
In summary, while UFOs and their potential connection to alien life continue to capture the public’s imagination, the government’s interest in investigating these phenomena is primarily motivated by concerns over safety and security. Rather than making extraordinary claims without evidence, it is important to approach these sightings with a scientific mindset, embracing the unknown and seeking to understand the phenomena through rational investigation.
When Rohit Bhattacharya began his PhD in computer science, his aim was to build a tool that could help physicians to identify people with cancer who would respond well to immunotherapy. This form of treatment helps the body’s immune system to fight tumours, and works best against malignant growths that produce proteins that immune cells can bind to. Bhattacharya’s idea was to create neural networks that could profile the genetics of both the tumour and a person’s immune system, and then predict which people would be likely to benefit from treatment.
But he discovered that his algorithms weren’t up to the task. He could identify patterns of genes that correlated to immune response, but that wasn’t sufficient1. “I couldn’t say that this specific pattern of binding, or this specific expression of genes, is a causal determinant in the patient’s response to immunotherapy,” he explains.
Bhattacharya was stymied by the age-old dictum that correlation does not equal causation — a fundamental stumbling block in artificial intelligence (AI). Computers can be trained to spot patterns in data, even patterns that are so subtle that humans might miss them. And computers can use those patterns to make predictions — for instance, that a spot on a lung X-ray indicates a tumour2. But when it comes to cause and effect, machines are typically at a loss. They lack a common-sense understanding of how the world works that people have just from living in it. AI programs trained to spot disease in a lung X-ray, for example, have sometimes gone astray by zeroing in on the markings used to label the right-hand side of the image3. It is obvious, to a person at least, that there is no causal relationship between the style and placement of the letter ‘R’ on an X-ray and signs of lung disease. But without that understanding, any differences in how such markings are drawn or positioned could be enough to steer a machine down the wrong path.
For computers to perform any sort of decision making, they will need an understanding of causality, says Murat Kocaoglu, an electrical engineer at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. “Anything beyond prediction requires some sort of causal understanding,” he says. “If you want to plan something, if you want to find the best policy, you need some sort of causal reasoning module.”
Incorporating models of cause and effect into machine-learning algorithms could also help mobile autonomous machines to make decisions about how they navigate the world. “If you’re a robot, you want to know what will happen when you take a step here with this angle or that angle, or if you push an object,” Kocaoglu says.
In Bhattacharya’s case, it was possible that some of the genes that the system was highlighting were responsible for a better response to the treatment. But a lack of understanding of causality meant that it was also possible that the treatment was affecting the gene expression — or that another, hidden factor was influencing both. The potential solution to this problem lies in something known as causal inference — a formal, mathematical way to ascertain whether one variable affects another.
Computer scientist Rohit Bhattacharya (back) and his team at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts, discuss adapting machine learning for causal inference.
Credit: Mark Hopkins
Causal inference has long been used by economists and epidemiologists to test their ideas about causation. The 2021 Nobel prize in economic sciences went to three researchers who used causal inference to ask questions such as whether a higher minimum wage leads to lower employment, or what effect an extra year of schooling has on future income. Now, Bhattacharya is among a growing number of computer scientists who are working to meld causality with AI to give machines the ability to tackle such questions, helping them to make better decisions, learn more efficiently and adapt to change.
A notion of cause and effect helps to guide humans through the world. “Having a causal model of the world, even an imperfect one — because that’s what we have — allows us to make more robust decisions and predictions,” says Yoshua Bengio, a computer scientist who directs Mila – Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute, a collaboration between four universities in Montreal, Canada. Humans’ grasp of causality supports attributes such as imagination and regret; giving computers a similar ability could transform their capabilities.
Climbing the ladder
The headline successes of AI over the past decade — such as winning against people at various competitive games, identifying the content of images and, in the past few years, generating text and pictures in response to written prompts — have been powered by deep learning. By studying reams of data, such systems learn how one thing correlates with another. These learnt associations can then be put to use. But this is just the first rung on the ladder towards a loftier goal: something that Judea Pearl, a computer scientist and director of the Cognitive Systems Laboratory at the University of California, Los Angeles, refers to as “deep understanding”.
In 2011, Pearl won the A.M. Turing Award, often referred to as the Nobel prize for computer science, for his work developing a calculus to allow probabilistic and causal reasoning. He describes a three-level hierarchy of reasoning4. The base level is ‘seeing’, or the ability to make associations between things. Today’s AI systems are extremely good at this. Pearl refers to the next level as ‘doing’ — making a change to something and noting what happens. This is where causality comes into play.
A computer can develop a causal model by examining interventions: how changes in one variable affect another. Instead of creating one statistical model of the relationship between variables, as in current AI, the computer makes many. In each one, the relationship between the variables stays the same, but the values of one or several of the variables are altered. That alteration might lead to a new outcome. All of this can be evaluated using the mathematics of probability and statistics. “The way I think about it is, causal inference is just about mathematizing how humans make decisions,” Bhattacharya says.
Yoshua Bengio (front) directs Mila – Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute in Montreal, Canada.
Credit: Mila-Quebec AI Institute
Bengio, who won the A.M. Turing Award in 2018 for his work on deep learning, and his students have trained a neural network to generate causal graphs5 — a way of depicting causal relationships. At their simplest, if one variable causes another variable, it can be shown with an arrow running from one to the other. If the direction of causality is reversed, so too is the arrow. And if the two are unrelated, there will be no arrow linking them. Bengio’s neural network is designed to randomly generate one of these graphs, and then check how compatible it is with a given set of data. Graphs that fit the data better are more likely to be accurate, so the neural network learns to generate more graphs similar to those, searching for one that fits the data best.
This approach is akin to how people work something out: people generate possible causal relationships, and assume that the ones that best fit an observation are closest to the truth. Watching a glass shatter when it is dropped it onto concrete, for instance, might lead a person to think that the impact on a hard surface causes the glass to break. Dropping other objects onto concrete, or knocking a glass onto a soft carpet, from a variety of heights, enables a person to refine their model of the relationship and better predict the outcome of future fumbles.
Face the changes
A key benefit of causal reasoning is that it could make AI more able to deal with changing circumstances. Existing AI systems that base their predictions only on associations in data are acutely vulnerable to any changes in how those variables are related. When the statistical distribution of learnt relationships changes — whether owing to the passage of time, human actions or another external factor — the AI will become less accurate.
For instance, Bengio could train a self-driving car on his local roads in Montreal, and the AI might become good at operating the vehicle safely. But export that same system to London, and it would immediately break for a simple reason: cars are driven on the right in Canada and on the left in the United Kingdom, so some of the relationships the AI had learnt would be backwards. He could retrain the AI from scratch using data from London, but that would take time, and would mean that the software would no longer work in Montreal, because its new model would replace the old one.
A causal model, on the other hand, allows the system to learn about many possible relationships. “Instead of having just one set of relationships between all the things you could observe, you have an infinite number,” Bengio says. “You have a model that accounts for what could happen under any change to one of the variables in the environment.”
Humans operate with such a causal model, and can therefore quickly adapt to changes. A Canadian driver could fly to London and, after taking a few moments to adjust, could drive perfectly well on the left side of the road. The UK Highway Code means that, unlike in Canada, right turns involve crossing traffic, but it has no effect on what happens when the driver turns the wheel or how the tyres interact with the road. “Everything we know about the world is essentially the same,” Bengio says. Causal modelling enables a system to identify the effects of an intervention and account for it in its existing understanding of the world, rather than having to relearn everything from scratch.
Judea Pearl, director of the Cognitive Systems Laboratory at the University of California, Los Angeles, won the 2011 A.M. Turing Award.
Credit: UCLA Samueli School of Engineering
This ability to grapple with changes without scrapping everything we know also allows humans to make sense of situations that aren’t real, such as fantasy movies. “Our brain is able to project ourselves into an invented environment in which some things have changed,” Bengio says. “The laws of physics are different, or there are monsters, but the rest is the same.”
Counter to fact
The capacity for imagination is at the top of Pearl’s hierarchy of causal reasoning. The key here, Bhattacharya says, is speculating about the outcomes of actions not taken.
Bhattacharya likes to explain such counterfactuals to his students by reading them ‘The Road Not Taken’ by Robert Frost. In this poem, the narrator talks of having to choose between two paths through the woods, and expresses regret that they can’t know where the other road leads. “He’s imagining what his life would look like if he walks down one path versus another,” Bhattacharya says. That is what computer scientists would like to replicate with machines capable of causal inference: the ability to ask ‘what if’ questions.
Imagining whether an outcome would have been better or worse if we’d taken a different action is an important way that humans learn. Bhattacharya says it would be useful to imbue AI with a similar capacity for what is known as ‘counterfactual regret’. The machine could run scenarios on the basis of choices it didn’t make and quantify whether it would have been better off making a different one. Some scientists have already used counterfactual regret to help a computer improve its poker playing6.
The ability to imagine different scenarios could also help to overcome some of the limitations of existing AI, such as the difficulty of reacting to rare events. By definition, Bengio says, rare events show up only sparsely, if at all, in the data that a system is trained on, so the AI can’t learn about them. A person driving a car can imagine an occurrence they’ve never seen, such as a small plane landing on the road, and use their understanding of how things work to devise potential strategies to deal with that specific eventuality. A self-driving car without the capability for causal reasoning, however, could at best default to a generic response for an object in the road. By using counterfactuals to learn rules for how things work, cars could be better prepared for rare events. Working from causal rules rather than a list of previous examples ultimately makes the system more versatile.
Using causality to program imagination into a computer could even lead to the creation of an automated scientist. During a 2021 online summit sponsored by Microsoft Research, Pearl suggested that such a system could generate a hypothesis, pick the best observation to test that hypothesis and then decide what experiment would provide that observation.
Right now, however, this remains a way off. The theory and basic mathematics of causal inference are well established, but the methods for AI to realize interventions and counterfactuals are still at an early stage. “This is still very fundamental research,” Bengio says. “We’re at the stage of figuring out the algorithms in a very basic way.” Once researchers have grasped these fundamentals, algorithms will then need to be optimized to run efficiently. It is uncertain how long this will all take. “I feel like we have all the conceptual tools to solve this problem and it’s just a matter of a few years, but usually it takes more time than you expect,” Bengio says. “It might take decades instead.”
Bhattacharya thinks that researchers should take a leaf from machine learning, the rapid proliferation of which was in part because of programmers developing open-source software that gives others access to the basic tools for writing algorithms. Equivalent tools for causal inference could have a similar effect. “There’s been a lot of exciting developments in recent years,” Bhattacharya says, including some open-source packages from tech giant Microsoft and from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He and his colleagues also developed an open-source causal module they call Ananke. But these software packages remain a work in progress.
Bhattacharya would also like to see the concept of causal inference introduced at earlier stages of computer education. Right now, he says, the topic is taught mainly at the graduate level, whereas machine learning is common in undergraduate training. “Causal reasoning is fundamental enough that I hope to see it introduced in some simplified form at the high-school level as well,” he says.
If these researchers are successful at building causality into computing, it could bring AI to a whole new level of sophistication. Robots could navigate their way through the world more easily. Self-driving cars could become more reliable. Programs for evaluating the activity of genes could lead to new understanding of biological mechanisms, which in turn could allow the development of new and better drugs. “That could transform medicine,” Bengio says.
Even something such as ChatGPT, the popular natural-language generator that produces text that reads as though it could have been written by a human, could benefit from incorporating causality. Right now, the algorithm betrays itself by producing clearly written prose that contradicts itself and goes against what we know to be true about the world. With causality, ChatGPT could build a coherent plan for what it was trying to say, and ensure that it was consistent with facts as we know them.
When he was asked whether that would put writers out of business, Bengio says that could take some time. “But how about you lose your job in ten years, but you’re saved from cancer and Alzheimer’s,” he says. “That’s a good deal.”
Universe-Breaking Galaxies, Source of Dark Energy, Mars Anniversary
Perseverance has been on Mars for two years. Are black holes the source of dark energy? Universe-breaking galaxies found. And an early warning system for asteroids.
Mars Anniversary
NASA’s Perseverance Rover is about to begin its third year exploring Mars. NASA released this cool two-year animation of images from the rover’s Front Left Hazard Avoidance Camera to celebrate. During the timelapse, you can see various rocks that Perseverance stopped to study with its robotic arm and sensors. The rover initially landed in Jezero Crater on Feb. 18th, 2020, and has now travelled almost 15 km and taken 18 samples of rocks, regolith, and even the Martian atmosphere.
“The Universe Breakers”: Six Galaxies That are Too Big, Too Early
New images from JWST show six galaxies at a time when the Universe was only 3% of its current age, 500-700 million years after the Big Bang. They should be baby galaxies, but they contain 100 times more stellar mass than astronomers were expecting to see soon after the beginning of the Universe. If true, this calls the current thinking of galaxy formation into question or challenges most models of cosmology.
A 500-Meter-Long Asteroid Flew Past Earth and Astronomers Were Watching
An asteroid the size of the Empire State Building flew past Earth on Feb. 3rd, coming within 1.8 million km of our planet. For context, that’s about five times the distance between the Earth and the Moon. Astronomers turned the Goldstone Solar System Radar dish on the space rock, mapping its surface. The asteroid, called 2011 AG5, is one of the most elongated objects ever seen, with a length-to-width ratio of 10:3. It’ll have another close flyby in 2040 when it comes within three times the Earth-Moon distance.
A new paper was released suggesting that there might be a link between dark energy and the growth of supermassive black holes. Researchers speculate that, in fact, black holes can be the source of dark energy. If true (which we yet need to prove) this can be ground-breaking.
To shed more light on the research here’s an in-depth interview with Dr Chris Pearson from STFC RAL Space, who is a co-author of the paper.
New Spacecraft Can See Into the Permanently Shadowed Craters on the Moon
The permanently shadowed craters at the Moon’s south pole are exciting because they contain vast reserves of water ice that future human explorers could use. But studying these craters is difficult because they’re in shadow and have no direct illumination falling inside them. NASA’s new ShadowCam instrument is at the Moon, flying with Korea’s Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter. ShadowCam can see in such low light that it can reveal incredible details in these shadowed craters as if they were lit in sunlight.
ESA is considering their own mission to search for potentially dangerous asteroids. The spacecraft will be called NEOMIR and it will go to the Earth-Sun L1 Lagrange point. This way it will be able to see incoming space rocks that will otherwise be missed because of the Sun blinding the telescopes. NEOMIR will also operate in the infrared, which will make its task even easier.
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Lights Over Luke AFB Near Glendale, Arizona Feb 1, 2023, UFO Sighting News. Warning The Military That Aliens Are Still #1 Most Powerful On Earth.
Lights Over Luke AFB Near Glendale, Arizona Feb 1, 2023, UFO Sighting News. Warning The Military That Aliens Are Still #1 Most Powerful On Earth.
Date of sighting: Feb 1, 2023
Location of sighting:Glendale, Arizona, USA
They eyewitness was really on top of it when he caught a fleet of glowing spheres over Luke AFB a few days ago. The UFOs glowed powerfully and each was almost the same size as the one next to it. UFOs are often seen investigating the USAF military bases, even known at to shut down nuclear missiles in silos, forcing the military to remove them entirely since they could never repair them (Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota). Ellsworth was my personal base I worked at in the USAF (Scott Waring) and its also where I had a sighting of a fleet of over 25 spheres the size of 747s back in 1990 abouts, when I worked on B1 Lancer Bombers. There is another aliens interaction with guards at Ellsworth, but this is about Luke AFB, so for a later time. Aliens have a high interest in US military, to both predict, control and warn the Governments of the world of their own alien power being still #1 on Earth.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
Started off with 3 Lights then I initially saw them they slowly faded in then 5 other lights fade into sight then faded out the same way they appeared.
Mexican president photographed a Maya elf in a tree, releasing it on Twitter, UFO Sighting News.
Mexican president photographed a Maya elf in a tree, releasing it on Twitter, UFO Sighting News.
The president of Mexico has posted a photo on Twitter of a strange tree climbing, hiding creature that resembles a human with a hoodie. The photo resembles some ancient mayan gods carved in stone, but he said it reusables a woodland elf. Maybe, maybe not, but its odd, and he himself recored this strange alien creature. Yes I said alien. I believe it to be an alien species watching the president, recording him, because he will do something very important, very soon. Similar sightings occurred to US president Ronald Reagan, who saw twice a UFO while flying his private plane as Governor of California. Also US president Jimmy Carter said he came out of the building and saw from a distance a glowing light in the sky, watching him. It was such a profound experience that President Carter went home and wrote it all down in a diary. So yeah, presidents are on the top of the list for aliens to observer, record, and even visit. In 1957 US president Eisenhower met with an alien from Venus Captain Val Valient Thor, so says the US delegated priest in charge of meeting all foreign VIPs at the US presidents side.
The UFO Mystery of Hessdalen, Norway - Researcher Dr. Erling Strand speaks with Richard Dolan about what he knows
The UFO Mystery of Hessdalen, Norway - Researcher Dr. Erling Strand speaks with Richard Dolan about what he knows
The remote village of Hessdalen, Norway may well be the scene of the longest continuously recorded UFO activity in the world. For more than forty years, people have observed -- and scientists have recorded -- highly unusual and so far inexplicable phenomena there.
Especially high activity of Hessdalen lights took place from December 1981 until the summer of 1984 when lights were observed 15–20 times per week. Since then, the activity has decreased and now the lights are observed some 10–20 times per year.
Some researchers believe that that bubbles of ionized gas are created when sulphurous fumes from the River Hesja react with the humid air of the valley. The geology also forms electromagnetic field lines in the valley, which could explain why for example orbs of light move around, but that has not been proven and it doesn't explain all the other unknown objects appearing over Hessdalen from which some of these objects appear to have involved craft under intelligent control, others have not.
Now, Dr. Erling Strand has studied the Hessdalen mystery since the beginning and speaks with Richard Dolan about what he knows.
Unexplained UFO Sighting in Glendale, Arizona – Witness Reports Mysterious Appearance and Disappearance of Lights on February 1, 2023
Unexplained UFO Sighting in Glendale, Arizona – Witness Reports Mysterious Appearance and Disappearance of Lights on February 1, 2023
UFO sighting over Glendale, AZ
On February 1, 2023, a mysterious sighting of unidentified flying objects occurred in Glendale, Arizona. According to a witness report, the sighting started with three lights that slowly faded into view. Then, five additional lights appeared and also slowly faded out of sight, leaving observers puzzled and intrigued.
The witness report describes the UFO sighting as a slow and deliberate appearance and disappearance of the lights. This raises questions about what type of technology was used to create such an effect. Were the lights under the control of a human operator, or was this something beyond our current understanding of technology?
Glendale, Arizona is not a stranger to UFO sightings, as there have been numerous reports of similar events in the past. In fact, Arizona is considered to be one of the top places in the United States for UFO sightings, with some of the most famous sightings taking place in Phoenix in 1997.
Geen spionageballon, ufo of bom: mysterieuze metalen bal die aanspoelde op Japanse kust zou gewoon boei uit China zijn
Is het mysterie rond de ijzeren bal die eerder deze week aanspoelde op het strand van het Japanse kuststadje Hamamatsu opgelost? Volgens de Britse tabloid The Daily Mail alvast wel. Zo beweert de krant dat de bal niet meer dan een boei van de Chinese marine is. Het ondefinieerbare object zorgde deze week voor grote verwondering maar ook angst onder de lokale bevolking. Niemand leek immers te weten waar het ding vandaan kwam.
Volgens The Daily Mail schuilt er geen spannend verhaal achter de mysterieuze ijzeren bal, maar zou het louter gaan om een stuk materiaal dat door de marine wordt gebruikt. Kort nadat de bal, die een diameter van 1,5 meter heeft, was aangespoeld op het strand van het Japanse kuststadje Hamamatsu, stelde de politie een perimeter van 200 meter in en startten experten een onderzoek. Uit röntgenfoto’s bleek dat de bal vanbinnen hol is. De onderzoekers konden dus al snel uitsluiten dat het om een explosief ging.
De bal vertoont een sprekende gelijkenis met een ijzeren boei die geproduceerd wordt door het Chinese scheepsbouwbedrijf Nantong Yangfan, aldus The Daily Mail. De marine gebruikt zo’n boei om scheepvaarders te begeleiden en bepaalde posities op zee te markeren. Het bedrijf zelf, dat gevestigd is in de Chinese kustprovincie Jiangsu in het oosten van China, bevestigt dat de kans bestaat dat de boei is losgekomen en vervolgens oostwaarts richting Japan is gedreven.
De bal bevat een metalen handvat, waaraan normaal gezien een touw is vastgemaakt. Het object heeft een vervaagde gele kleur en heeft ook bruine vlekken, die waarschijnlijk door roest zijn veroorzaakt.
Geen spionageballon
Kort na de vondst van de bal werd er al snel van uitgegaan dat het een spionageobject uit China was. Eerder deze maand schoot de Verenigde Staten een vermoedelijke Chinese spionageballon uit de lucht. China blijft ontkennen dat de ballon voor spionage werd gebruikt en beweert dat het een weerballon was die uit koers was geraakt.
Eerder deze maand bleek ook uit een analyse van het Japanse ministerie van Defensie dat drie ongeïdentificeerde objecten die de afgelopen jaren in het Japanse luchtruim werden waargenomen, vermoedelijk Chinese spionageballonnen waren.
Wat waren de twee heldere lichtpuntjes aan de hemel afgelopen nacht?
Gisterenavond en afgelopen nacht kon je naast de maan nog twee andere, heldere puntjes opmerken aan de hemel. Op Twitter zijn er verschillende foto’s terug te vinden van dit fenomeen. Wetenschapsjournalist Martijn Peters bracht al snel helderheid. “De planeten Venus en Jupiter zijn nu prachtig zichtbaar boven de westelijke horizon”, klonk het op Twitter en Facebook.
Twee heldere lichtpuntjes waren zichtbaar aan de hemel. Dat waren de planeten Venus en Jupiter
De planeten Venus en Jupiter zijn naast de zon en de maan de twee helderste objecten aan de hemel. Op dit moment zijn de twee planeten op weg naar een conjunctie of dichte samenstand, die vindt plaats op 1 en 2 maart. “Venus is de helderste van de twee. De volgende dagen zullen de planeten mekaar verder naderen”, aldus Martijn op Facebook.
Bij een conjunctie of dichte samenstand lijkt het, vanaf de Aarde bekeken, alsof de twee planeten met elkaar zullen botsen, maar niet is minder waar. In werkelijkheid staan de planeten zo’n 700 miljoen kilometer uit elkaar.
Een conjunctie of dichte samenstand komt wel vaker voor, telkens zijn de planeten dan ‘s avonds en ‘s nachts te zien boven onze westelijke horizon. En dat was gisterenavond en vorige nacht dus het geval. Dat blijkt uit verschillende foto’s die Twitter-gebruikers de wereld in stuurden.
As of this writing, almost 5300 exoplanets spanning approximately 4000 planetary systems have been confirmed to exist in our universe. With each new exoplanet discovery, scientists continue to learn more about planetary formation and evolution that has already shaken our understanding of this process down to its very core. One such example is “Hot Jupiters”, which are Jupiter-sized exoplanets, or larger, that orbit closer to their parents stars than Mercury does to our own. This is in stark contrast to our own Solar System, which has rocky planets closer towards our Sun and the gas giant planets much farther out.
Therefore, it is only right that a recent discovery published in The Astrophysical Journal continues to push our understanding of the cosmos. In this study, an international team of researchers led by the Carnegie Institution for Science confirm the existence of a new Jupiter-sized exoplanet, TOI-5205b, orbiting a young, low-mass, main-sequence red dwarf (M dwarf) star, TOI-5205, located approximately 87 parsecs (284 light-years) from Earth.
What makes this discovery unique is the mass of TOI-5205b is rather large for orbiting such a young and small red dwarf star, thus challenging previous understandings of planetary formation and evolution. This is because gas giant exoplanets have traditionally been observed orbiting older and larger M dwarf stars.
“The host star, TOI-5205, is just about four times the size of Jupiter, yet it has somehow managed to form a Jupiter-sized planet, which is quite surprising!” exclaimed Dr. Shubham Kanodia, who is a postdoctoral fellow in the Carnegie Earth & Planets Lab and an expert in red dwarf stars, and lead author of the study. Dr. Shubham recently discussed the discovery in an in-depth blog post, as well. Using food as an analogy, Jupiter orbiting our Sun is equivalent to a pea orbiting a grapefruit, whereas TOI-5205b orbiting its parent star would be equivalent to a pea orbiting a lemon.
Artist illustration demonstrating size comparisons of TOI-5205b orbiting its parent star (left) compared to Jupiter orbiting our Sun (right). (Artwork Credit: Katherine Cain/Carnegie Institution for Science)
The general theory of planetary formation begins with a massive, rotating disk of gas and dust encircling young stars, with gas planets initially being formed from rocky material comprising approximately 10 Earth masses. Over time, this material forms the core of the giant planet which then accumulates large amounts of gas from the disk to produce the massive gas giants we observe today. As it turns out, the confirmation of TOI-5205b could throw this theory into disarray.
Artist illustration of TOI-5205b orbiting its parent star. (Artwork Credit: Katherine Cain/Carnegie Institution for Science)
“TOI-5205b’s existence stretches what we know about the disks in which these planets are born,” explained Dr. Kanodia. “In the beginning, if there isn’t enough rocky material in the disk to form the initial core, then one cannot form a gas giant planet. And at the end, if the disk evaporates away before the massive core is formed, then one cannot form a gas giant planet. And yet TOI-5205b formed despite these guardrails. Based on our nominal current understanding of planet formation, TOI-5205b should not exist; it is a ‘forbidden’ planet.”
The discovery was initially made using data from NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), which uses the transit detection method for locating exoplanets, and the data indicated that TOI-5205b blocks approximately 7% of its parent star’s light, making TOI-5205b one of the largest transits ever recorded for a confirmed exoplanet in orbit around a main-sequence star.
Given the very large transit that TOI-5205b produced, the researchers demonstrated that this could make this exoplanet an ideal candidate for future atmospheric observations using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), which could help scientists better understand the secrets behind its formation and evolution, as well. This is because JWST has already been successful in observing exoplanet atmospheres in incredible detail, as it recently demonstrated with exoplanet, WASP-39b.
Learn about the recent JWST atmospheric observation of WASP-39b, and a similar study could also be conducted on TOI-5205b!
What fascinating new discoveries will scientists make about exoplanets in the coming years and decades, and how much will these discoveries continue to push our knowledge of planetary formation and evolution? Only time will tell, and this is why we science!
Pulsating Orb Over El Paso, Texas Feb 25, 2023, UFO Sighting News. Video.
Pulsating Orb Over El Paso, Texas Feb 25, 2023, UFO Sighting News. Video.
Date of sighting: Feb 25, 2023
Location of sighting: El Paso, Texas, USA
Wow, this one was recorded over Texas a few days ago. The eyewitness saw it coming from over the mountains and then all about for 15+ minutes. From the colors, I would say this one has a real friendly and happy glow about it. The orb knew it was being watched and didn't want to cause any fear. Oh, and yes, orbs can change colors, saw a softball size UFO up close 2 meters from me here in Taiwan and it was like cloudy liquid silver, colors moving slowly within it, but 50 meters away it was white as a star. Orbs change colors at will, they can also read your mind, your thoughts and if you call them to you with a kind and open heart, I promise, you will see one. But they are sneaky, the one I saw so close, it came behind my camera. As I said, it could read my thoughts and knew where to come safely.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
Orb with pulsating lights. Saw object come over mountain range. Stayed in area 15 minutes.
Ancient Aliens: Great Flood DESTROYS Lost Iraqi Civilization (Season 19)
Did civilization exist 12,000 years ago? See more in this scene from Season 19, Episode 3, "Mystery of the Lost Civilization."
A 10 Million Year Old Find Rewrite Human History!
I often talk about the fact that archeological finds can rewrite our history, and this time the find was not long in coming. In Germany, archaeologists discovered a unique object that was checked in a variety of ways in order to 100% clarify its age. And they were amazed that it was about 10 million years old! It has the power to completely rewrite our history! I will talk about this find and others in this video.
14:24 ► Ancient tombs and sarcophagus found under Notre Dame
A unique find of archaeologists that amazed the whole world. It has the power to rewrite the history of mankind. To learn more about it and see the most ancient buildings of the United Arab Emirates, the oldest Buddhist temple, the Peruvian "sea monster" and the world's oldest family tree, then you should watch this video to the end! Hi Friend. You are on the KirTop channel.
The UnXplained: "Unearthly Image" Hidden in Utah Desert (Season 4)
Over 200 monoliths have mysteriously appeared around the world. See more in this scene from Season 4, Episode 22, "Mysterious Monoliths."
Have Aliens Found Us? More Oumuamua Like Technology Interstellar Spacecrafts Now in Our Solar System
Have Aliens Found Us? More Oumuamua Like Technology Interstellar Spacecrafts Now in Our Solar System. A strange Cosmic object was flying past our planet and no one had the slightest clue 5 days later the interstellar object was on its way out of the solar system when Robert Warwick an astronomer at the University of Hawaii at Manoa spotted it. It was from the moment of its discovery a weird object, weird orbit, weird speed, and weird properties, the strange object was called Oumuamua, the first known Interstellar object to visit the solar system but here is the thing astronomers had only 11 days to observe the odd visitor.
China’s New H-20 Stealth Bomber is Worse Than You Think
This new aircraft could change the balance of power in the world. Currently the United States is the only nation to operate a strategic stealth bomber fleet like the B-2. This new Chinese stealth bomber is the type of aircraft that is sent to destroy an entire enemy airfield or soften up defenses for an invasion. The H-20 would have major ramifications for a possible invasion of Taiwan if it is able to evade their air defense systems.
19 Events That Will Happen Before 2050 Compilation
19) Colonization of Mars No, we’re not talking about an upcoming sci-fi blockbuster – the colonization of Mars is a real possibility in the foreseeable future.
18) Technological singularity The technological singularity is the hypothesis that the invention of artificial super-intelligence will trigger rampant technological growth, resulting in unimaginable changes to human civilization.
17) Nuclear fusion In nuclear physics, nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei are combined to form one or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles - neutrons or protons. Fusion was accomplished in 1951 with the Greenhouse Item nuclear test, while nuclear fusion on a large scale in an explosion was first carried out on November 1, 1952, in the Ivy Mike hydrogen bomb test.
16) Interstellar exploration Until recently, interstellar travel was nothing more than a theoretical possibility. However, the exploration of other star systems may become reality sooner than you think
15) Ice-free Arctic The loss of Arctic sea ice is one of the clearest signs of human-caused climate change and so far the Arctic Ocean has melted to its lowest extent ever recorded since satellites began measuring it in 1979
14) 99942 Apophis asteroid threat Before global warming brings humanity on the verge of extinction, a giant rock from outer space might wipe us all out
13) Chocolate extinction Bad news for all of you chocolate lovers out there: your favorite food may actually become extinct in a few decades
12) Antibiotics stop working According to a major 2016 UK study, urgent action is needed to control the use of antibiotics before they stop working and leave a number of major conditions untreatable
11) Technological singularity The technological singularity is the hypothesis that the invention of artificial super-intelligence will trigger rampant technological growth, resulting in unimaginable changes to human civilization
10) New countries Situations and circumstances keep changing, but conflicts rarely end. Unfortunately, in most cases, it is war that ultimately leads to the division of borders and fights for independence have been ongoing for a long time in many parts of the world. Countries and Land Masses At first, this one may sound a bit...abstract. After all, don't we already have a LOT of countries on this Earth of ours?
9) A New Pandemic? We're sure that this one terrifies you to a certain level, but if 2020 proved anything to us, it's that you don't know what to expect until it happens
8) Brand New Medicines If you were to look at medicine as it was in the 1920s and see where they are in the year 2020, you'll see such a rapid scale improvement it would see ludicrous that people survived during the times without this medicine.
7) Sci-Fi Tech Don't go overboard on this one, we're not saying that hovercars and jetpacks are going to be commonplace in our world in the year 2050, however, certain pieces of sci-fi tech are likely to come around by 2050.
6) Green Planet? This one is honestly a bit more wishful thinking than anything else but it could happen should the right forces come into play.
5) Y2K Part 2? If you recall the year 1999, you might remember a gigantic fear that was going on called the Y2K Bug.
4) True Virtual Reality Heading back to sci-fi tech, let's single out another desired object that might just happen by 2050: true virtual reality.
3) A.I. Everywhere Judgment Day is inevitable, and yes, we're quoting Terminator.
2) Super-Automation Here's a darker element of growing technology that we're already facing right now. The more that technology grows, the more that humans can be replaced by automated machines.
1) The Unthinkable When it comes to predicting the future...there's always a risk. Because in truth, you have NO idea what's going to happen in the next however many days or months or years or decades
The hidden agenda: Metallic UFO and its companion spotted over the Arizona desert
The hidden agenda: Metallic UFO and its companion spotted over the Arizona desert
On January 24, 2023 what seems to be a metallic UFO has been spotted while hovering above the Arizona desert. the UFO is accompanied by another object visible in the distance.
Isn't it strange that these kinds of unknown objects can fly through US airspace at low altitudes seemingly undisturbed and are not intercepted and brought down like the Chinese hot air balloon and the other three unknown objects?
Wouldn't it make sense that these types of objects would also be intercepted and shot down by the US Airforce as happened with the Chinese balloon and the other three unknown objects?
Since the many UFOs and UAPs are left alone, not only does it say a lot about the knowledge the Pentagon and the US government have about these UFOs and UAPs to make the decision not to shoot down these objects, but it also says a lot about the shooting down of the other objects, likely indicating that these actions were carried out as part of a secret agenda behind the scenes, that may not be known to the US government, to archive a particular target in the near future.
Where Are The Aliens? The Search For Extraterrestrial Life
Where Are The Aliens? The Search For Extraterrestrial Life
For more than four decades, scientists have been on a mission to find techno-signatures – signals coming from distant alien civilizations. Despite the search, no convincing evidence has been found for biology beyond Earth. But, considering the vastness of the universe, it is estimated that our galaxy, the Milky Way, which contains about 400 billion stars, is likely to have life beyond our planet.
The Fermi paradox remains unresolved, which states that if intelligent extraterrestrial life exists, then why haven’t we seen any evidence of it? Some scientists have attempted to estimate the number of technologically advanced species in the universe through the Drake Equation, which has seven terms that need to be answered to get an estimate. While this equation has been useful, a slightly different approach has been suggested by Adam Frank from the University of Rochester. Rather than estimating how many civilizations are out there to communicate with today, they estimate how many civilizations have been out there since the beginning of the universe.
The first term of the Drake Equation is the rate of star formation, which we now know is about one star forming per year. The next two terms we’ve recently nailed down are the fraction of stars that have planets and the number of habitable zone planets – planets in the right place for life to form. For every five stars, one of them has a planet in the right place for life to form.
While we have made a lot of progress in the last 20 years, the question remains, where are the aliens? The answer to this question could lie in the search for technological signatures of other civilizations. Several international scientific projects are devoted to searching for evidence of life beyond Earth, from biomolecular detection to exoplanet atmospheres and biomarker detection.
In 2017, an object hurtled through the solar system. Although most astronomers believe it was a natural phenomenon, some believe it was the result of advanced technology developed by an alien civilization. NASA has funded a mission concept known as the Extrasolar object Interceptor.
The search for alien life has progressed a long way. According to a study published in the planetary science journal Planetary Science Journal earlier this month, NASA’s James Webb telescope can detect consistent passive technosigns. One of the most common characteristics of industry on Earth is atmospheric pollution. If this type of pollution is found in an exoplanet’s atmosphere, it could provide evidence of alien technology.
Where Are The Aliens? The Search For Extraterrestrial Life from Science Time
Civilizations need only be older than ours to have technology that we are incapable of understanding. If we were to meet life from a planet that had no contact with Earth, it would likely be shocking to us. Other planets have different histories of cooking their soup of chemicals and making life out of it. Most stars are different than the sun, which may explain why interstellar tourist agencies never advertise Earth as a desired tourist destination, as all we can offer them is green grass vacation sites illuminated by visible light.
In conclusion, the search for aliens has been ongoing for several decades, and we have made significant progress in our understanding of the universe. The quest to find intelligent extraterrestrial life may still be ongoing, but we continue to make discoveries that bring us closer to the answer.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Ancient Aliens: Origins of Humanity
Ancient Aliens: Origins of Humanity
Over the past couple of years, the number of reports of extraterrestrial beings being spotted in different parts of the world has increased. These sightings put a question mark over the possibility of alien life. While some believe that the notion of alien life is just science fiction, other believers think that there’s more to it.
One of the most interesting aspects about the UFO phenomenon is the idea that extraterrestrial beings may have been visiting Earth for thousands of years. In ancient cultures, there have been numerous stories about encounters with beings in the sky. These stories provide a glimpse into the beliefs of our ancestors.
In ancient Egyptian literature, the gods were referred to as individuals who came from the sky and taught people how to build structures such as pyramids. In the Bible, there are also references to extraterrestrial beings and chariots of fire. The Mahabharata, which is a part of the Hindu epicurean literature, talks about the gods’ use of flying machines known as “Vimas,” which were capable of moving across different dimensions.
The increasing number of reports about extraterrestrial beings has raised various questions about the nature of our existence. Some believe that these beings could have helped us develop our ancestors by providing us with the necessary tools and knowledge to build advanced civilizations. Others think that they might have left us with advanced technology that governments around the world have been keeping secret.
Although the idea of ancient aliens has been around for a long time, the mainstream scientific community has started to take it seriously in the last couple of years. In 2017, the U.S. Defense Department released footage of an alleged alien encounter, which caught the public’s attention.
Despite the lack of evidence supporting the existence of alien life, the discovery of new planets outside our solar system has raised the possibility that other civilizations could also exist. Some believe that the conditions in the universe are so similar that intelligent life could easily evolve.
Despite the various cover-ups and mysterious nature of alien life, the evidence supporting the notion of alien existence continues to grow. As we continue to search for new planets outside of Earth, it’s possible that we will find more proof of alien life. However, it’s not yet clear if we will ever encounter these beings.
Although it may seem extraterrestrial life is already a distant idea for some people, the evidence suggests there could be more to it than we currently know. We must not lose sight of the fact that these beings have been a part of our culture and history. As the universe continues to expand, we can only look for answers to the many alien-related questions.
Watch FULL documentary movie about Origins of Humanity
Maak kennis met TOI-5205b, een planeet die volgens alles wat wij over de vorming van planeten weten, eigenlijk niet zou mogen bestaan.
Onderzoekers hebben een vrij ongewoon planetair systeem ontdekt. Het gaat om een grote gasreus die rond een kleine rode dwergster cirkelt. De bevindingen dagen lang gekoesterde ideeën over planeetvorming uit.
Rode dwergsterren Rode dwergsterren (M-sterren) zijn de meest voorkomende en langstlevende sterren in het heelal. Ze zijn een stukje kleiner en koeler dan onze eigen zon. Hoewel rode dwergsterren over het algemeen meer planeten herbergen dan andere type sterren, is het vrij onwaarschijnlijk dat ze gasreuzen huisvesten. Dat heeft er onder andere mee te maken dat rode dwergen extreem actief zijn en op krachtige wijze uitbarsten, waardoor een mogelijk rondom cirkelende planeet van zijn atmosfeer wordt ontdaan. Het betekent dat dergelijke zonnestelsels onherbergzame plekken lijken voor de vorming van gasachtige planeten.
Ontdekking Toch is dat precies wat astronomen nu hebben ontdekt. De nieuwe planeet, die de naam TOI-5205b heeft gekregen, kwam als eerste in het vizier van planetenjager TESS. Na verdere analyse bevestigden onderzoekers dat het hier inderdaad om een planeet ging en wisten ‘m met behulp van verschillende instrumenten verder te karakteriseren.
Gasreus Toen uit vervolgmetingen bleek dat onderzoekers hier ook nog eens op een – in verhouding – grote gasreus waren gestuit, stonden ze versteld. “De moederster, TOI-5205, is ongeveer vier keer zo groot als Jupiter, maar toch is het op de één of andere manier gelukt om een planeet ter grootte van Jupiter voort te brengen,” zegt onderzoeker Shubham Kanodia. “Dit is heel verrassend.”
Erwt en citroen Om dit wat beter te begrijpen; onderzoekers hebben vaker Jupiter-achtige planeten rond een zon-achtige ster gevonden, wat je qua grootte kunt vergelijken met een erwt die rond een grapefruit draait. Maar de rode dwergster TOI-5205 is veel kleiner. In dit geval lijkt het meer op een erwt die rond een citroen draait. Wanneer TOI 5205b voor zijn moederster langs beweegt, blokkeert ie zelfs ongeveer zeven procent van haar uitgestraalde licht – een van de grootste bekende planeetovergangen.
De grootte van de gasreus vergeleken met die van zijn moederster. Afbeelding: Katherine Cain is courtesy of the Carnegie Institution for Science
Overigens is het niet voor het eerst dat onderzoekers een gasreus rond een rode dwerg aantreffen. Er is namelijk een klein aantal gasreuzen ontdekt in een baan rond oudere rode dwergsterren. Maar tot nu toe is er nog nooit een gasreus gevonden in een planetair systeem rond een lichte M-ster, zoals TOI-5205.
Verboden planeet Dat de gasreus dus toch het levenslicht rond TOI-5205 heeft gezien, is merkwaardig. Onderzoekers begrijpen er dan ook niet veel van. Sterker nog, ze noemen de gasreus een ‘verboden’ planeet: Op basis van ons huidige begrip van planeetvorming zou TOI-5205b helemaal niet moeten bestaan. De ontdekking daagt dan ook de theorieën over de vorming van gasreuzen uit.
Geboorte van een gasreus Planeten worden geboren in een roterende schijf van gas en stof die jonge sterren omringt. Om een gasreus te vormen, moet ongeveer 10 aardmassa’s van dit rotsachtige materiaal zich ophopen, waardoor een massieve, rotsachtige kern ontstaat. Daarna zal het grote hoeveelheden gas uit naburige gebieden naar zich toetrekken. En zo ontstaat een gigantische gasreus. Het tijdsbestek waarin dit allemaal gebeurt is cruciaal. “Het bestaan van TOI-5205b staat op gespannen voet met wat we weten over de schijven waarin dergelijke planeten geboren worden,” legt Kanodia uit. “Wanneer zo’n schijf net is ontstaan, zit er namelijk nog niet genoeg rotsachtig materiaal in om een kern te vormen. En dus kan er ook geen gasreus geboren worden. Ook aan het einde van de rit, als de schijf verdampt voordat de massieve kern is gevormd, kan er geen gasreus meer gevormd worden. En toch zag TOI-5205b het levenslicht.”
Het bestaan van TOI-5205b roept dus nog veel vragen op. Want hoe kan zo’n lichte ster zo’n grote gasreus hebben voortgebracht? Onderzoekers hopen de bizarre planeet dan ook met toekomstige waarnemingen verder te doorgronden. Het liefst zouden ze de krachtige James Webb-telescoop op de gasreus richten. Zo denken ze dat deze ruimtetelescoop de enige is die licht zou kunnen werpen op de atmosfeer en enkele aanvullende aanwijzingen zou kunnen geven over hoe deze vreemde planeet het levenslicht zag.
In a first, planetary geologists describe an active mantle plume on the surface of Mars.
An illustration of Olympus Mons, the largest known volcano in the solar system. Mars may have a mantle plume that's fueling its earthquakes and recent volcanism.
For decades, astronomers assumed that Mars was geodynamically dead — a planet without rumbling earthquakes and erupting volcanoes. Though remnants of towering volcanoes exist on the surface of the Red Planet today, these colossal structures have been dormant for millions of years. With little to no heat firing the planet's engine, scientists reasoned, Mars became dormant long ago.
However, over the last five years, this assumption has been proven wrong. NASA's InSight mission has detected quakes and even evidence of recent volcanism around one Martian region, known as Elysium Planitia. And now, they think they know why this activity is occuring.
In a paper published in the journal Nature Astronomy(opens in new tab) Dec. 5, scientists describe what appears to be the first active mantle plume discovered on the Martian surface. Study co-author Jeff Andrews-Hanna(opens in new tab), a planetary geologist at the University of Arizona, called the finding a "very big surprise."
The finding suggests that Mars may be cooling significantly more slowly than scientists had anticipated. If this is the case, it could have profound implications not just for the planet's geology but also in the search for water — or perhaps even alien life.
In terms of geology, Mars and Earth have several key differences. Our planet's crust is divided into many tectonic plates, which move around and bump into one another, driving geological activity. "On Earth, most volcanism takes place around the boundaries of these plates," Paul Byrne(opens in new tab), a planetary geologist at Washington University in St. Louis who was not involved in the new research, told Live Science in an email.
Here we see a false color image of Elysium Planitia on Mars. The linear depressions on the left are created by tectonic faults. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU)
But Mars lacks separate tectonic plates; instead, its crust is a single continuous sheet sitting atop the mantle. For this reason, scientists think volcanic activity on Mars, both ancient and more recent (geologically speaking), must be the result of mantle plumes.
A mantle plume is an upwelling of hot, rocky material from a planet's mantle, the layer that sits just beneath the crust like the white of an egg under a shell. Unlike an egg white, however, the mantle isn't liquid. "All that material is actually solid," Andrews-Hanna told Live Science, but "over geologic time scales, it's able to flow." This gradual mantle movement allows plumes to bubble to the surface like wax in a lava lamp. Plume activity is generally believed to drive terrestrial volcanoes in places such as Hawaii and Iceland.
Researchers have known for some time that volcanoes used to exist on Mars; the largest known volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons, was discovered on the Martian surface in 1971. Olympus Mons has been inactive for around 25 million years. Based on what we know of Martian geology, it makes sense for the enormous volcano to be quiet.
Smaller celestial bodies tend to cool faster than their larger counterparts. Planets with a thinner mantle — the geological layer that drives most volcanic activity — also cool off at an even quicker rate. "So, at least in this case, size matters," Byrne said. Mars is about 53% the size of our planet, and its mantle is only 15% as thick. Because of this, scientists have long speculated that Mars should be relatively dead from a volcanic and geological perspective.
This assumption has been challenged in recent years by NASA's InSight mission, which landed a seismometer on Mars in 2018. Since landing in the Elysium Planitia region, Mars' second-largest volcanic region, this device has detected a wellspring of seismic activity. "Maybe 90% of the Marsquakes that we recorded and analyzed come from this one region," study first author Adrien Broquet(opens in new tab), a planetary geophysicist at the University of Arizona, told Live Science.
In 2020, scientists also described fissures in the area that may have been volcanically active as recently as 50,000 years ago. And this hot spot just so happens to be the same place where Broquet and Andrews-Hanna posit that the mantle plume is slowly bubbling up.
They suspect that a mantle plume could explain this unexpected seismic and volcanic activity. "What this is telling us is that Mars' interior is not behaving," Andrews-Hanna said.
However, one mantle plume and several hundred Marsquakes do not mean that Mars is gearing up for a massive eruption anytime soon. Assuming the site is indeed volcanically active, Byrne said, "the amount of energy there is still a tiny amount of what the planet once had." In other words, Mars is still cooling, just more gradually than scientists had assumed.
But there is one other exciting implication of discovering an active mantle plume on Mars. "The heat coming from the plume could allow for water," by melting the ice that exists under the planet's surface and creating aquifers, Broquet said. If this is the case, Elysium Planitia could be the best location on Mars to search for evidence of past or present life.
Depositing the cores is an early step toward the first-ever Mars sample return. “We’re coming up on this really big and exciting milestone,” says Meenakshi Wadhwa, a planetary scientist at Arizona State University in Tempe and NASA’s principal scientist for the Mars sample return.
Perseverance drills and stores rock samples in its belly as it rolls around on Mars; by depositing some of them in what NASA calls a sample depot, it will create a cache of back-up samples that will be safe if something goes catastrophically wrong as the rover continues to explore Jezero. “It guarantees that a scientifically high-value sample collection will be available for Earth return,” Wadhwa said on 16 December, at a press briefing at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union.
The Martian site nicknamed Three Forks, where the Perseverance rover will soon deposit a cache of samples.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS
Perseverance will deposit the tubes at the base of an ancient river delta in Jezero, in a flat area called Three Forks, where it should be easy for future spacecraft to land. The contents of the ten tubes include three samples of sedimentary rock from the delta, which scientists think will offer the best chance of finding evidence of past life on Mars. The sediments probably settled out at the bottom of slow-flowing water in the delta; on Earth, such sediments often preserve signs of microbial life.
The depot will also include four crater-floor samples of igneous rocks, which are volcanically derived rocks that will allow researchers back on Earth to determine, for the first time, the absolute age of rocks from a particular place on Mars. Rounding out the collection will be one sample of Martian dirt, one of the Martian atmosphere and one ‘witness tube’ that will show whether Earth contaminants were present during sample collection.
Ticket to ride
Perseverance has near-duplicates of most of the samples it will cache, and will keep those duplicates on board. After it drops off the ten cores, it will continue exploring Jezero, adding cores from each of the interesting rocks it encounters. The goal is that the rover will ultimately hold the near-duplicates of the cores that it put down at Three Forks, plus more cores that represent an even wider range of geological diversity. If everything goes well, a future spacecraft will fly to wherever Perseverance ends up and will retrieve the samples directly from the rover.
At Three Forks, Perseverance will put the 10 tubes between 6 and 15 metres apart on the surface, says Katie Stack Morgan, the rover’s deputy project scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. That’s to make sure there is enough room for tiny wheeled helicopters to roll up next to them, pick them up and fly them over to the future fetch lander. The collection will then blast off the surface — in the first-ever rocket launch from another planet — and into Mars orbit, and will eventually return to Earth no earlier than 2033.
After the rover lays down the 10 tubes, it will still have 25 empty tubes on board for whatever it might encounter in the years to come.
Op een koude februaridag in 2021 lichtte een ruimtesteen de nachtelijke hemel op in Alberta, Canada. De vuurbal liet de wetenschap schudden op zijn grondvesten.
De ruimtesteen kwam namelijk vanuit de Oortwolk aansuizen en was opgebouwd uit rotsachtig materiaal. Tot op heden werd verondersteld dat objecten uit deze immense wolk aan de rand van ons zonnestelsel alleen uit verschillende soorten ijs, zoals waterijs, methaan, ethaan, koolstofmonoxide of waterstofcyanide konden bestaan.
On Feb. 22, YouTuber Mieszko Paradis caught a glimpse of a meteor as it flew through the sky over Edmonton.
(Video credit: Mieszko Paradis/YouTube)
De Oortwolk bestaat uit vele miljarden komeetachtige objecten rondom ons zonnestelsel. De Nederlandse astronoom Jan Hendrik Oort bedacht deze hypothese in 1950. Volgens Oort is er een stabiele wolk waar zo nu en dan een komeet vandaan komt die richting de aarde gaat, met een omlooptijd van duizenden jaren, zoals de bekende komeet Hale-Bopp. Dichterbij de aarde zijn er de Kuipergordel en de scattered disk, twee schijven vol puin buiten de baan van Neptunus. Hier komen periodieke kometen met een omlooptijd van minder dan tweehonderd jaar vandaan, zoals de komeet Halley. Materiaal uit deze meer dichtbijgelegen verzameling ruimtepuin bestaat vaker uit gesteente.
Mysterieuze Oortwolk Passerende sterren, die mogelijk ook een eigen Oortwolk in hun buitenste schil hebben, duwen de ijzige reizigers uit ‘onze’ Oortwolk soms richting de zon, is de veronderstelling. We kunnen deze kometen dan waarnemen als lange lichtgevende slierten, omdat het ijzige materiaal verdampt en kleur afgeeft. Wetenschappers hebben nog geen objecten in de Oortwolk direct waargenomen, maar alles wat tot nu toe onze kant op is geslingerd, leek gemaakt van ijs. Tot de ontdekking van vorig jaar dus. En dat zet ons begrip van het ontstaan van ons zonnestelsel op z’n kop. Er zouden alleen ijzige objecten moeten bestaan in deze buitenste regionen, in de theorieën is geen plaats voor rotsachtig materiaal.
De astronomie kan echter niet om de rotsachtige meteoroïde heen, die als een oogverblindende vuurbal door de lucht boven centraal Alberta vloog. Vele professionele en amateurastronomen legden de immense vuurbal vast op de gevoelige plaat en analyseerden de data en het beeldmateriaal. Een team van de University of Western Ontarioconcludeerde dat alle tekenen erop wijzen dat de oorsprong van de ruimtesteen recht in het midden van de Oortwolk ligt.
Bom onder ontstaanstheorieën “Deze ontdekking dwingt ons na te denken over een geheel ander model van de vorming van het zonnestelsel, een model dat het idee ondersteunt dat aanzienlijke hoeveelheden rotsachtig materiaal samen met ijzige objecten rondvliegen in de Oortwolk”, zegt expert in de meteoorfysica Denis Vida. “De conclusies uit ons onderzoek stroken niet met de meest gangbare modellen waarin de vorming van het zonnestelsel wordt beschreven. Dit is een complete gamechanger.”
De superscherpe Global Fireball Observatory (GFO)-camera’s van de University of Alberta kregen de rotsachtige meteoroïde van ongeveer 2 kilo, ter grootte van een grapefruit, in het vizier en hebben het laatste stukje van zijn reis door het zonnestelsel en door de aardse dampkring vastgelegd. Het team kon zo berekenen dat de ruimterots zich in een baan bewoog die normaal gesproken alleen wordt afgelegd door ijsklompen uit de Oortwolk.
“In zeventig jaar van regelmatige vuurbalwaarnemingen is dit een van de meest bijzondere ooit geregistreerd. Het is geweldig hoe de GFO, die vijf jaar geleden is opgestart en zo het bereik enorm vergrootte, het voor elkaar heeft gekregen om wetenschappelijke experts van over de hele wereld bij elkaar te brengen”, zegt hoofdonderzoeker van de GFO Hadrien Devillepoix. “We kunnen hierdoor meer kostbare meteorieten vinden en bestuderen, maar misschien nog wel belangrijker: het lukt ons nu om deze zeldzame gebeurtenissen rechtstreeks te volgen en de gegevens op te slaan die zo essentieel zijn voor het begrijpen van ons zonnestelsel.”
Rotsvast bewijs Waarom denkt men nu dat de vuurbal van Alberta van steen was gemaakt en niet van ijs? De ruimteklomp drong veel dieper de atmosfeer binnen dan ijzige objecten die in het verleden in vergelijkbare banen richting het aardoppervlak vlogen. Hij brak op exact dezelfde manier in stukken als een vuurbal, die in rotsachtige delen uit elkaar valt. Dit bewijst dat dit stuk ruimtepuin van steen is gemaakt en niet van ijs.
“We willen erachter komen hoe deze rotsachtige meteoroïde daar aan de rand van ons zonnestelsel is terechtgekomen, omdat we onze eigen oorsprong willen begrijpen. Hoe beter we de omstandigheden begrijpen waarin het zonnestelsel werd gevormd, hoe beter we snappen wat nodig was voor het ontstaan van leven op aarde”, legt Vida uit. “We willen een zo nauwkeurig mogelijk beeld schetsen van deze vroege momenten van het zonnestelsel, die zo cruciaal waren voor alles wat er daarna gebeurde.”
Where could aliens exist in our solar system? Mars, Jupiter's moon Europa and Saturn's satellites Enceladus and Titan are among the worlds most likely to host extraterrestrial life, experts say - PART I
Where could aliens exist in our solar system? Mars, Jupiter's moon Europa and Saturn's satellites Enceladus and Titan are among the worlds most likely to host extraterrestrial life, experts say - PART I
MailOnline looks at the worlds in our solar system most likely to harbour alien life
They include Jupiter's moons, a dwarf planet, Mars, Venus and Saturn's satellites
For thousands of years, humanity has wrestled with the idea we may not be alone in our solar system.
Speculation that aliens might exist dates back to philosophers in ancient Greece, but it was the middle of the 20th century when people's imaginations really began to run riot — suddenly 'little green men' were everywhere in popular culture.
Although the use of the phrase is believed to have originated in 1908, it was between the 1920s and 50s that green Martian characters were plastered all over the covers of science fiction
The reality is that if extraterrestrial life does exist in our solar system it will be of a more simpler variety, perhaps hidden in Venus' clouds, beneath Mars' surface or in the vast underground oceans of one of Saturn's icy moons.
But where else is the best bet of finding it? MailOnline speaks to a number of experts to find out.
Are we alone? For thousands of years, humanity has wrestled with the idea that aliens might exist in our solar system. But despite mid-20th century's excitement about 'little green men', if there is extraterrestrial life it will be of a more simpler variety, perhaps hidden in Venus' clouds, beneath Mars' surface or in the vast underground oceans of one of Saturn's icy moons
The most obvious candidate for extra-terrestrial life either past or present.
Scientists know the Red Planet was once habitable because billions of years ago it had lakes and rivers of liquid water on its surface, as well as a much thicker atmosphere than the thin one it has now.
But although the conditions were right for life to emerge, is that actually what happened?
Scientists have been trying to find out since the 19th century, although the answer has so far eluded them. Telescopes and probes have offered clues, while NASA has also deployed rovers to hunt for evidence over the past two decades.
Near neighbour: Mars is the most obvious candidate for another world in our solar system to harbour alien life either past or present. NASA's Perseverance rover is currently collecting samples in its search for evidence of ancient life, which will be analysed on Earth in the 2030s
Opportunity and Curiosity began the work, but today that baton has very much been handed over to Perseverance and its accompanying Ingenuity helicopter, which touched down on the Red Planet in February 2021.
Car-size robot Perseverance, nicknamed Percy, has so far collected 18 samples of rock and regolith (broken rock and soil) from the Jezero Crater where a river flowed billions of years ago.
Busy: Car-size robot Perseverance (pictured) has so far collected 18 samples of rock and regolith (broken rock and soil) from the Jezero Crater where a river flowed billions of years ago
Mars is the fourth planet from the sun, with a 'near-dead' dusty, cold, desert world with a very thin atmosphere.
Mars is also a dynamic planet with seasons, polar ice caps, canyons, extinct volcanoes, and evidence that it was even more active in the past.
It is one of the most explored planets in the solar system and the only planet humans have sent rovers to explore.
One day on Mars takes a little over 24 hours and a year is 687 Earth days.
Facts and Figures
Orbital period: 687 days
Surface area: 55.91 million mi²
Distance from Sun: 145 million miles
Gravity: 3.721 m/s²
Radius: 2,106 miles
Moons: Phobos, Deimos
When these sample tubes are eventually collected and returned to Earth by a European spacecraft some time in the 2030s, it could help scientists determine whether microbial left ever existed in the region.
If there are signs of ancient life, it is also possible that there are still alien microbes on Mars today, although these would more likely be underground rather than on the surface.
Several studies have previously used radar observations to show that reservoirs of liquid water probably exist just over a mile below the surface, but it would take future exploration – and likely a tricky mission – to try and establish once and for all if life exists there.
Professor Andrew Coates, from the Department of Space & Climate Physics at University College, said the UK-built Rosalind Franklin rover could help with this.
'We're searching for evidence of biomarkers with the Rosalind Franklin rover (launch 2028), which will drill 2m under the surface, below where UV and oxidants are, and below where energetic solar and galactic radiation can penetrate,' he told MailOnline.
Professor Coates said Mars would be in his top three most likely worlds to host life in our solar system.
'Mars had the right conditions 3.8 to 4 billion years ago – with evidence for water on the surface, CHNOPS [the six elements of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur make up 98 per cent of living matter on Earth] and energy – at about the same time life was starting on Earth,' he added.
'It is the nearest possibility for life beyond Earth. Even the cold night side on the Mars surface (about 150K) is warmer than the surfaces on Europa (140K), Enceladus (70K) and Titan (90K).
Professor Michael Garrett, of the University of Manchester, said: 'There is probably no life above ground (Mars' atmosphere is thin to absorb sterilizing UV radiation from the sun) but underground looks a better bet.
'There is likely to be significant quantities of water underground and the temperature is also higher, so it's possible some sort of basic life might be hiding there, like microbial life.'
How are we going to confirm either way?
In all likelihood, Perseverance. There are high hopes for the Mars rover, but it won't be for another decade until we potentially get an answer.
Earth's closest neighbour and the second planet from the sun, Venus is a hellish world where surface temperatures are hot enough to melt lead and its atmosphere is thick with carbon dioxide.
But despite such inhospitable conditions, there has been a lot of excitement recently that it might in fact host a type of life in an unusual place.
Scientists claimed that the planet could be becoming 'more habitable' after identifying a chemical pathway by which life could neutralise Venus' acidic environment, creating a self-sustaining, habitable pocket in the clouds.
For nearly 50 years experts have been baffled by the presence of ammonia, a colourless gas made of nitrogen and hydrogen, which was tentatively detected in Venus' atmosphere in the 1970s.
Hellish world: Venus has been in the news a lot recently amid excitement that the planet might host life. Just over a year ago, a new study suggested that alien lifeforms 'unlike anything we've ever seen' may be living in the clouds of Earth's 'evil twin'
Venus's atmosphere consists mainly of carbon dioxide, with clouds of sulphuric acid droplets.
The thick atmosphere traps the sun's heat, resulting in surface temperatures higher than 470°C (880°F).
The atmosphere has many layers with different temperatures.
At the level where the clouds are, about 30 miles (50 km) up from the surface, it's about the same temperature as on the surface of the Earth.
As Venus moves forward in its solar orbit while slowly rotating backwards on its axis, the top level of clouds zips around the planet every four Earth days.
They are driven by hurricane-force winds travelling at about 224 miles (360 km) per hour.
Atmospheric lightning bursts light up these quick-moving clouds.
Speeds within the clouds decrease with cloud height, and at the surface are estimated to be just a few miles (km) per hour.
On the ground, it would look like a very hazy, overcast day on Earth and the atmosphere is so heavy it would feel like you were one mile (1.6km) deep underwater.
At the heart of the confusion is that it should not be produced through any chemical process known on the hellish planet.
In the study by Cardiff University, MIT and Cambridge University, researchers modelled a set of chemical processes to show that if ammonia is present, the gas would create a cascade of reactions that would neutralise surrounding droplets of sulphuric acid.
If that were the case, this would then result in the acidity of the clouds dropping from -11 to zero, which although still very acidic on the pH scale, is a level that life could potentially survive at.
As for the source of ammonia itself, the authors believe the most plausible explanation is of biological origin, rather lightning or volcanic eruptions.
This chemistry suggests that life could be making its own environment on Venus.
'No life that we know of could survive in the Venus droplets,' said study co-author Sara Seager, from MIT.
'But the point is, maybe some life is there, and is modifying its environment so that it is liveable.'
If the researchers are correct, the lifeforms are likely to be microbes similar to bacteria found on Earth.
However, a separate study by Cambridge University scientists – published in the summer of last year – claimed to have found no evidence of life in the planet's clouds.
Any life form in sufficient abundance is expected to leave chemical fingerprints on a planet's atmosphere as it consumes food and expels waste.
But the Cambridge experts found no sign of this in the atmospheric and biochemical models they used.
'We wanted life to be a potential explanation [for the strange behaviour going on in Venus' clouds], but when we ran the models, it isn't a viable solution,' said lead author Sean Jordan from Cambridge's Institute of Astronomy.
The debate rages on and will likely not end until the various hypotheses can be tested with proposed Venus-bound missions set to launch later this decade.
The belief that life may exist in Venus's clouds has been disputed. Some studies say it could but others have ruled it out. Pictured is an artist's impression of what microbial life could look like
How are we going to confirm either way?
Two new NASA probes, coming in at a total cost of $500million (£352m), are set to blast-off later this decade and head for Venus. They have cool acronyms – DAVINCI+ and VERITAS – but they won't actually be able to confirm the existence of life.
Despite this, scientists hope the information and findings they can gather will at least get us closer to answering that question more concretely.
VERITAS (Venus Emissivity, Radio Science, InSAR, Topography, and Spectroscopy), will orbit Venus and peer through its thick clouds to map the surface.
Its aim is to understand the planet's geological history and investigate why it developed so differently to Earth. The probe could also discover whether volcanoes and earthquakes are still happening on Venus.
In June NASA announced that it is sending two new missions to Venus to examine the planet's atmosphere and geological features. They will be the first US probes sent to explore the hellish world in 30 years.
The missions, which have each been awarded $500million (£352m) in funding, are:
Pictured: The Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging probe (DAVINCI+) that will carry out flybys of Venus and land on its surface
What does it stand for?
Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging
What will it do?
As it drops to the surface the high-tech probe will measure Venus' acrid atmosphere to understand how it formed and evolved.
It will also aim to determine whether Venus — which is the hottest planet in the solar system with a surface temperature of 500C — ever had an ocean.
As it heads toward the surface, DAVINCI+ is expected to return the first high resolution images of the planet's 'tesserae' geological features in Alpha Regio.
Scientists believe these features could be comparable to continents on Earth and may possibly suggest that Venus has plate tectonics.
When will it launch?
When will its scientific experiments begin?
The spacecraft will carry out two flybys of the planet in 2030 to study its atmosphere and the nightside surface.
Seven months after the two flybys, the craft will make a one-hour descent through the clouds, beaming back data all the way down to its landing site Alpha Regio.
What could its big discovery be?
Whether Venus ever had an ocean.
Pictured: The Venus Emissivity, Radio Science, InSAR, Topography, and Spectroscopy (VERITAS) probe that will orbit Venus and peer through its clouds to map the surface
What does it stand for?
Venus Emissivity, Radio Science, InSAR, Topography, and Spectroscopy
What will it do?
VERITAS will orbit Venus and peer through its thick clouds to map the surface.
The aim is to understand the planet's geological history and investigate why it developed so much differently than Earth.
When will it launch?
What could its big discovery be?
Whether volcanoes and earthquakes are still happening on Venus.
DAVINCI+ (Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging), meanwhile, will go one step further by actually landing on the hothouse world.
As it drops to the surface the high-tech probe will measure the planet's acrid atmosphere to understand how it formed and evolved.
It will also aim to determine whether Venus — which is the hottest planet in the solar system with a surface temperature of 900°F (500°C) — ever had an ocean.
US company Rocket Lab is also developing the first privately-funded science mission to Venus called Venus Life Finder (VLF).
It will see a probe inserted into the planet's hot, thick cloud layers to spend just five minutes searching for signs of habitable conditions.
The plan is for VLF to be launched in May this year and arrive at Venus in October, but if it misses this target lift-off date it will have to wait until the next launch window in January 2025.
You wouldn't think that an object completely covered in ice would offer even the remotest chance of hosting life.
But although the surface of Enceladus is freezing cold, there is a lot of activity going on beneath it.
Scientists know this because Saturn's sixth largest moon ejects liquid water, ice and organic material from its core out into space.
The organic molecules have been identified as nitrogen and oxygen-bearing compounds, similar to those involved in chemical reactions on Earth that produce the amino acids that are the building blocks of life.
Saturn's moon Enceladus is thought to have a vast salty, liquid water ocean hidden below its frozen crust, while NASA has also found evidence of hydrothermal activity deep underground. This, scientists believe, could provide the source of heat needed to give life a chance to thrive
Enceladus is Saturn's sixth largest moon, at 313 miles wide (504 kilometres).
It is an icy satellite with hydrothermal activity - a rare combination - with vents spewing water vapour and ice particles out from a global ocean buried beneath the moon's frozen crust.
A handful of worlds are thought to have liquid water oceans beneath their frozen shell, but only Enceladus sprays its ocean out into space, where a spacecraft can sample it.
According to Nasa observations, the plume includes organic compounds, volatile gases, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, salts, and silica.
Microbes on our planet either produce these compounds or use them for growth, leading some to speculate that tiny organisms live in Enceladus's hidden ocean.
This means that while Enceladus may look 'inhospitable' like Saturn's other moons, it is a prime candidate in our search for alien life.
The world is thought to have a vast salty, liquid water ocean hidden below its frozen crust, while NASA has also found evidence of hydrothermal activity deep underground.
This, scientists believe, could provide the source of heat needed to give life a chance to thrive.
'If the conditions are right, these molecules coming from the deep ocean of Enceladus could be on the same reaction pathway as we see here on Earth,' Nozair Khawaja, of the Free University of Berlin, has previously said.
He carried out research on data from NASA's Cassini mission, which discovered the organic compounds during a 13-year mission that ended in 2017.
'We don't yet know if amino acids are needed for life beyond Earth, but finding the molecules that form amino acids is an important piece of the puzzle,' Khawaja added.
Professor David Rothery, of the Open University, said he believed Enceladus was one of two worlds in our solar system most likely to harbour extraterrestrial lifeforms.
'The big unknown is how likely it is for life to get started, if conditions are suitable for life,' he told MailOnline.
'However, Enceladus and Europa both have internal (below an ice shell) oceans sitting on top of tidally-heated (so warm) rock.
'Chemical reactions between water and hot rock probably result in "hydrothermal vents" (hot springs) on the ocean floor, where microbes can feed off the chemical energy.
'It doesn't matter that sunlight can't penetrate to those depths — we have similar "chemosynthetic life" clustered around hydrothermal vents on Earth's sunless ocean floors too.
'If there are microbes, maybe some more complex forms of life have evolved that eat the microbes.'
Active: Saturn's sixth largest moon ejects liquid water, ice and organic material from its core out into space. It is thought to have a salty, liquid water ocean hidden below its frozen crust, while NASA has also found evidence of hydrothermal activity deep underground (pictured)
Professor Andrew Coates, of UCL, also said Enceladus was one of the leading contenders to host alien life.
'The plumes discovered by Cassini-Huygens come from a subsurface salty ocean under the ice, and the mission also discovered evidence for silicates in the plumes, which likely come from vents on the ocean floor, perhaps a bit like black smokers on Earth,' he told MailOnline.
'Also hydrogen was directly found, completing CHNOPS at Enceladus. [The six elements of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur make up 98 per cent of living matter on Earth.]'
How are we going to confirm either way?
Unfortunately there aren't currently any missions scheduled to study Enceladus. A number of proposals have been put forward, including several to NASA, but nothing has been picked to actually go to Saturn's moon.
This is a shame, given that many scientists believe Enceladus to be one of the most likely candidates to host extra-terrestrial life.
If and when we ever do go there, digging into the ocean would be the best way to see if any lifeforms exist on the moon, although it might also be possible to detect biosignatures in cryovolcanoes.
These are volcanos that erupt vaporised materials such as water or ammonia rather than molten rock.
Another popular candidate to host alien life — and this time there might soon be an answer from missions scheduled to fly to it.
Europa is the smallest of Jupiter's four Galilean moons but it is seen by most experts as the most likely to have the right ingredients for life.
Part of the reason is its massive subsurface, and potentially salty, ocean which is heated up by tidal forces.
This is believed to create an internal circulation system which keeps waters moving and replenishes the icy surface on a regular basis.
Such a theory is significant because it means scientists would not necessarily have to delve deep into the underground ocean to find evidence of life, as the fact that the ocean floor interacts with the surface means it could throw up clues there.
A big contender: Europa is the smallest of Jupiter's four Galilean moons but it is seen by most experts as the most likely to have the right ingredients for life
'Of the Galilean satellites, Europa is the most likely [to have alien life] as the ocean is likely in contact with sand/rock according to models,' Professor Coates told MailOnline, 'whereas at Ganymede and Callisto the ocean floor would be ice due to lower temperature'.
He added that because Europa is bathed by Jupiter's energetic radiation belts this too could be useful for emerging life, as it could result in oxygen potentially finding its way into the subsurface oceans.
Professor Garrett, of the University of Manchester, added: 'The giant planets like Saturn and Jupiter tend to churn up the interiors of their icy moons, so there is a lot of mixing of water with carbon rich chemistry — but it would probably be microbial life, if there is any life at all.
'If we do find life in the solar system, I wouldn't be shocked if we discover it somewhere we think is least likely — new science is always full of surprises.'
How are we going to confirm either way?
NASA's Europa Clipper will provide the best chance of confirming the existence of extraterrestrial life on Europa.
The spacecraft is due to launch in 2024 and reach the Jovian moon in 2030, at which point it will carry out a series of low-altitude flights to study the surface.
Clipper will also investigate the subsurface environment where possible, in an attempt to find signs of alien activity.
More data will also be provided by the European Space Agency's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) spacecraft, which is due to launch in April.
It will make two flybys of Europa during its time in the Jovian system and is set to explore three of Jupiter's moons during its mission.
The Europa Clipper (pictured) will provide the best opportunity of confirming the existence of extraterrestrial life on Jupiter's moon. It is due to launch in 2024 and reach Europa in 2030
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Where could aliens exist in our solar system? Mars, Jupiter's moon Europa and Saturn's satellites Enceladus and Titan are among the worlds most likely to host extraterrestrial life, experts say - PART II
Where could aliens exist in our solar system? Mars, Jupiter's moon Europa and Saturn's satellites Enceladus and Titan are among the worlds most likely to host extraterrestrial life, experts say - PART II
MailOnline looks at the worlds in our solar system most likely to harbour alien life
They include Jupiter's moons, a dwarf planet, Mars, Venus and Saturn's satellites
For thousands of years, humanity has wrestled with the idea we may not be alone in our solar system.
Speculation that aliens might exist dates back to philosophers in ancient Greece, but it was the middle of the 20th century when people's imaginations really began to run riot — suddenly 'little green men' were everywhere in popular culture.
Now we're going a bit further afield.
Triton is Neptune's largest moon and one of just five natural satellites in our solar system confirmed to be geologically active.
Scientists know this because it has active geysers that spew out sublimated nitrogen gas.
Much like Enceladus, it is a freezing cold world. But that's in part because it is so far from the sun, circling the most distant planet in our solar system.
Its surface is mostly frozen nitrogen, while it has water ice in its crust and an icy mantle.
Freezing: Triton is Neptune's largest moon and one of just five natural satellites in our solar system confirmed to be geologically active. However, despite there being a possibility of alien microbes, the fact that the moon is so cold makes it unlikely anything could stay unfrozen for long enough to exist
Voyager 1 is currently 14.5 billion miles away from Earth, travelling northward through space.
The probe sent back data to NASA once it reached interstellar space that cosmic rays are as much as four times more abundant in that region, beyond the sun's direct influence, than in the vicinity of Earth.
This suggests that the heliosphere, the region of space that contains our solar system's planets, may act as a radiation shield.
Meanwhile, Voyager 2 is now 12 billion miles from Earth, travelling south towards the interstellar region.
The contrasting locations of the two spacecraft allow scientists to compare two regions of space where the heliosphere interacts with the interstellar medium.
Voyager 2 crossing into the interstellar medium allows scientists to sample the medium from two different locations at the same time.
However, because of a gravitational phenomenon known as tidal heating, it is thought to receive some heat from Neptune that could help warm its waters and create conditions possible for life.
An example of how this works elsewhere in the solar system is the gravitational tug-of-war between Jupiter's moons and the planet itself, causing the natural satellites to stretch and squish enough to warm them.
It that some of the icy moons contain interiors warm enough to host oceans of liquid water, and in the case of the rocky moon Io, tidal heating melts rock into magma.
However, despite there being a possibility of alien microbes on Triton, the fact that the moon is so cold makes it unlikely anything could stay unfrozen for long enough to exist.
Most scientists agree that the world is pretty low down on the list of potential sources of extraterrestrial life.
How are we going to confirm either way?
Finding life on Triton seems highly unlikely, in part because the only mission to ever visit the world was Voyager 2 in 1989, and there is nothing else scheduled in the near future.
One of the main stumbling blocks for this is that the window for such a mission to Triton only opens every 13 years.
A concept to explore Triton, along with flybys of Jupiter and Neptune, was proposed to NASA in 2019.
However, the so-called Trident mission seems unlikely because it was beaten out by other concepts chosen by the US space agency, including the two probes to Venus.
Finding life on Triton seems like a very distant possibility, as the only mission to ever visit the world was Voyager 2 in 1989. The spacecraft (pictured) is now 12 billion miles and 18 hours' light distance from us
Not only is Ganymede Jupiter's largest moon, it is also the biggest natural satellite in our entire solar system.
Like some of the other moons mentioned, Ganymede has an icy shell with secrets hidden beneath its surface.
Once again, it has a saltwater ocean so vast that it is believed to contain more water than all of Earth's oceans combined, a potential breeding ground for life.
The moon also has two more things going for it which would be beneficial for any extraterrestrial lifeforms.
The first is an extremely thin oxygen atmosphere and the second is a magnetic field, something that is vital in protecting worlds from the sun's radiation and an attribute that no other moon in the solar system has.
All very positive you may think.
The problem is that Ganymede is much colder than Earth, with daytime surface temperature ranging from 90 to 160 Kelvin (or -297 to -171 degrees Fahrenheit).
Not only that, but Jupiter and its moons receive less than 1/30th the amount of sunlight that the Earth does, and Ganymede has essentially no atmosphere to trap heat.
Biggest moon in the solar system: Ganymede has a saltwater ocean so vast that it is believed to contain more water than all of Earth's oceans combined, a potential breeding ground for life
How are we going to confirm either way?
Sadly, there are no dedicated missions due to study Ganymede.
However, the JUICE mission mentioned above will take a close look at the moon when it enters its orbit in 2032.
The European spacecraft may have an opportunity to peer down at the surface and study Ganymede's interior with radar, perhaps providing an insight into whether it is in any way habitable.
Saturn's largest moon Titan is so huge it is actually bigger than the planet Mercury.
Interesting though that may be, what really makes the world exciting is that it is extremely rich in organic materials and possesses the sort of simple chemistry that is believed to have been vital in the creation of life on Earth.
Thanks to flybys from the Cassini spacecraft, experts have also found evidence of great lakes and signs of rain near the moon's north pole, while it has one of the thickest atmospheres for a rocky world outside of Earth and Venus.
The methane in this atmosphere is what makes Titan's chemistry possible, but where this gas comes from is a mystery.
Like other moons mentioned above, Titan is also thought to have a subsurface ocean that is around 35 to 50 miles (55 to 80 kilometres) below its icy ground.
On the surface, the world is teeming with lakes, rivers, and seas, but rather than being made of water these are actually liquid methane and ethane, providing a potentially habitable environment for life.
The only problem, once again, is that Titan is very cold. It is nine times further from the sun than Earth, so only receives about 1 per cent the amount of solar warming.
Massive: What really makes Saturn's largest moon Titan so exciting is that it is extremely rich in organic materials and possesses the sort of simple chemistry that is believed to have been vital in the creation of life on Earth
Using data collected as Cassini flew through Titan's upper atmosphere, at about 950–1300 km (590-807 miles) above the surface, researchers have identified what are known as 'carbon chain anions'.
These are thought to be the building blocks of more the more complex compounds that make life possible.
Researchers say the data from Cassini's plasma spectrometer (CAPS), suggest the carbon chains 'seeded' larger molecules at Titan, as they were found to dwindle closer to the moon, while precursors to larger aerosols underwent rapid growth.
Not only does the discovery suggest Titan may contain molecules that drive prebiotic chemistry, but it could also help to explain how life sprung up on Earth, according to the European Space Agency.
It all adds up to the theory that if there is extraterrestrial life on this world it will be very alien indeed, and certainly different to us.
That's because anything on the surface would have to be ethane-based rather than water-based, and molecules such as DNA would not work.
Nevertheless, Titan still sits at the number 4 spot on Professor Coates' list of worlds most likely to harbour extraterrestrial life, in part because of its thick atmosphere and prebiotic chemistry he told MailOnline.
Dr Joanna Barstow, of the Open University, also had Titan in her top three.
She told MailOnline: 'I would consider Titan to be a contender because it is the only other body in the solar system to have surface lakes [besides Earth].
'In the case of Titan, these are made of liquid hydrocarbons (methane and ethane) not water — but it isn't impossible that life elsewhere could have evolved to make use of these liquids instead.
'If there is anything there, we would expect it to be microorganisms.'
How are we going to confirm either way?
NASA's mission to Titan, known as Dragonfly, will fly more than 100 miles around the celestial satellite. It was originally set to launch in 2026, but the Covid pandemic pushed back the launch date to 2027.
The mission will see the US space agency send a drone helicopter to explore Titan's atmosphere from 2034 in an attempt to shed further light on the moon's prebiotic chemistry.
The craft will explore diverse environments from organic dunes to the floor of an impact crater where liquid water and complex organic materials key to life once existed together for possibly tens of thousands of years.
It will also investigate the moon's atmospheric and surface properties and its subsurface ocean and liquid reservoirs, while trying to search for chemical evidence of past or current life.
NASA's Dragonfly mission will see the US space agency send a drone helicopter (depicted) to explore Titan's atmosphere
The most fascinating fact about Jupiter's moon Callisto is that it has the oldest surface of any world in our solar system, at about 4 billion years old.
That doesn't have any real bearing on its potential for life, but it is another world thought to have a large ocean deep underground and an interesting atmosphere.
It is thin, but Callisto's atmosphere is more Earth-like than most other moons in the solar system as it contains oxygen, hydrogen and carbon dioxide.
The drawback to there actually being life is again how cold the moon is.
In the past, scientists always thought Callisto was a boring 'ugly duckling moon' and a 'hunk of rock and ice' because it was a crater-covered world which didn't seem to have much going on geologically.
The chance of it actually having life is less likely than some of the other planets and moons listed here, but it is certainly not seen as being as boring as it once was.
The most fascinating fact about Jupiter's moon Callisto (shown bottom) is that it has the oldest surface of any world in our solar system, at about 4 billion years old
How are we going to confirm either way?
Once again, JUICE will offer the most insight. The spacecraft will make several close flybys of Callisto during its mission to carry out detailed observations of Jupiter and its three large ocean-bearing moons.
After a seven or eight-year cruise to Jupiter, utilising Earth and Venus gravity assists to get there, JUICE will go into orbit around the gas giant in 2031.
So we'll have to wait another decade before we have any more clues as to whether they could be life on Callisto or Jupiter's other moons.
The European Space Agency's JUICE spacecraft will make several close flybys of Callisto during its mission to carry out detailed observations of Jupiter and its three large ocean-bearing moons
We've looked at the planets and moons that could host alien life in our solar system, but what if the most likely candidate is actually a dwarf planet?
It's an interesting thought, but seems unlikely.
Scientists think Ceres – which sits between Mars and Jupiter – could be home to liquid water deep underground, perhaps around 25 miles below the surface.
If this is the case, it would almost certainly be extremely salty and therefore would stop the water from freezing.
Not only that, but NASA's Dawn probe found evidence of organic compounds on Ceres while orbiting the world between 2015 and 2018.
As mentioned in relation to some of the other leading candidates for life above, this could provide the raw materials needed for life, but the world would need some heat source to actually create it.
Also working against Ceres is its size. The tiny dwarf planet is 13 times smaller than Earth, making it a complete mystery as to how the fraction of gravity on the world could affect any potential life.
Tiny dwarf planet: Scientists think Ceres (pictured) – which sits between Mars and Jupiter – could be home to liquid water deep underground, perhaps around 25 miles below the surface
How are we going to confirm either way?
As some of the interesting features about Ceres have only been discovered in the past decade, there is no mission currently scheduled to visit the dwarf planet.
So it will be a while before we get any concrete answers.
That being said, there has still been a series of proposals for how Ceres could be better studied by future missions.
Discovery of pulsars
British astronomer Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell was the first person to discover a pulsar in 1967 when she spotted a radio pulsar.
Since then other types of pulsars that emit X-rays and gamma rays have also been spotted.
Pulsars are essentially rotating, highly magnetised neutron stars but when they were first discovered it was believed they could have come from aliens.
'Wow!' radio signal
In 1977, an astronomer looking for alien life in the night sky above Ohio spotted a radio signal so powerful that he excitedly wrote 'Wow!' next to his data.
In 1977, an astronomer looking for alien life in the night sky above Ohio spotted a radio signal so powerful that he excitedly wrote 'Wow!' next to his data
The 72-second blast, spotted by Dr Jerry Ehman through a radio telescope, came from Sagittarius but matched no known celestial object.
Conspiracy theorists have since claimed that the 'Wow! signal', which was 30 times stronger than background radiation, was a message from intelligent extraterrestrials.
Fossilised Martian microbes
In 1996 Nasa and the White House made the explosive announcement that the rock contained traces of Martian bugs.
The meteorite, catalogued as Allen Hills (ALH) 84001, crashed onto the frozen wastes of Antarctica 13,000 years ago and was recovered in 1984.
Photographs were released showing elongated segmented objects that appeared strikingly lifelike.
Photographs were released showing elongated segmented objects that appeared strikingly lifelike (pictured)
However, the excitement did not last long. Other scientists questioned whether the meteorite samples were contaminated.
They also argued that heat generated when the rock was blasted into space may have created mineral structures that could be mistaken for microfossils.
Behaviour of Tabby's Star in 2005
The star, otherwise known as KIC 8462852, is located 1,400 light years away and has baffled astronomers since being discovered in 2015.
It dims at a much faster rate than other stars, which some experts have suggested is a sign of aliens harnessing the energy of a star.
The star, otherwise known as KIC 8462852, is located 1,400 light years away and has baffled astonomers since being discovered in 2015 (artist's impression)
Recent studies have 'eliminated the possibility of an alien megastructure', and instead, suggests that a ring of dust could be causing the strange signals.
Exoplanets in the Goldilocks zone in 2017
In February 2017 astronomers announced they had spotted a star system with planets that could support life just 39 light years away.
Seven Earth-like planets were discovered orbiting nearby dwarf star 'Trappist-1', and all of them could have water at their surface, one of the key components of life.
Three of the planets have such good conditions, that scientists say life may have already evolved on them.
Researchers claim that they will know whether or not there is life on any of the planets within a decade, and said: 'This is just the beginning.'
They are often depicted as either little green men, bug-eyed creatures or terrifying monsters intent on wiping out all life on Earth.
But if aliens do exist, what might they actually look like?
MailOnline asked a number of experts what they think — both for potential extraterrestrial life within our own solar system, as well as on distant exoplanets in faraway galaxies.
Among the wide-ranging answers were features such as big brains, enormous wings and gravity-induced spindly frames, while 'crab or squid-like beasties', jellyfish-esque creatures and aliens that look almost human-like are also a possibility.
The latter might seem surprising given how aliens are often portrayed in popular culture, but some experts think if another intelligent civilisation exists, life could have evolved in a similar way to us.
Mystery: If aliens do exist, what might they actually look like? MailOnline asked a number of experts and these were some of their answers
Mystery: They are often depicted as either little green men, bug-eyed creatures or terrifying monsters intent on wiping out all life on Earth (stock image), but this is unlikely to be the case
As one scientist put it, the reason is 'simple physics, plus competition for food and the need to escape predation will favour organisms with similar body plans to those that are successful on Earth'.
Closer to home, if alien life does exist on Mars, Jupiter's moon Europa or Saturn's satellites Enceladus or Titan, it is likely to be somewhat anti-climactic because it would probably just be 'scum-like' microbes.
Professor David Rothery, of the Open University, said it would probably be 'invisible to the unaided eye if you are trying to see an individual'.
He told MailOnline that it could well be 'like a scum or a stain on the rocks of an ocean floor or a discolouration in the surface ice if there is a colony'.
That may sound a little boring, but Professor Rothery does have hope that something slightly more interesting could exist in our solar system.
'There may be larger organisms that have evolved to browse on the microbes,' he said, 'but crab-like, shrimp-like and squid-like beasties in Europa's ocean are probably too much to hope for.'
NASA also believes that on Jupiter's icy moon, 'the best chance for life would be microbial'.
Professor Andrew Coates, of University College London, thinks any life forms in our solar system would be 'simple, single cell'.
'But we won't know until we find it,' he added, 'and the hunt is on with missions like Rosalind Franklin [the UK-built Mars rover due to launch in 2028].'
That's near Earth though. Surely there are more mind-bending and endless possibilities in distant galaxies?
Astronomer Michael Garrett, a professor at Manchester University, thinks 'we might be in for a shock'.
He told MailOnline: 'I think the way complex life might appear will depend a lot on the environment within which it evolves.
'For example, a more massive planet where the force of gravity is strong might favour life forms that are quite squat and muscular, while a less massive planet (where the force of gravity is weaker) might suit the evolution of complexities that are more delicate and potentially quite spindly and tall.'
Professor Garrett also said that if the world had a low density atmosphere, it may have 'life forms with wings of enormous scale'.
'Or if your star is a red giant, you might find life with eyes that are much more sensitive and larger than ours,' he added.
'Anyway, I'd be prepared for something very different that might be quite shocking at first but we'd hopefully soon get over that and begin to also see some similarities.'
NASA scientists have previously studied an 'extreme shrimp' ecosystem in the Caribbean (pictured) to find clues about what life could be like on other planetary bodies such as Europa, which has a subsurface ocean
Astronomer Michael Garrett, a professor at Manchester University, said the appearance of aliens would depend on their environment. For example, a less massive planet (where the force of gravity is weaker) might suit creatures 'quite spindly and tall', he added (stock image)
Professor Garrett is one of a number of scientists who think human-like aliens are also a possibility.
'Intelligent life like humans would presumably have relatively big brains, and have limbs and flexible digits that can record history and advances in knowledge that can then be passed on from one generation to the next, always building on what has gone before,' he said.
Researchers have previously shown how evolutionary theory can be used to predict alien behaviour.
Their theory supports the argument that foreign life forms undergo natural selection, and like us, are evolving to be stronger over time.
Using the idea of alien natural selection as a framework, the researchers addressed extra-terrestrial evolution, and how complexity will arise in space.
On Earth, species have become more complex as a result of a handful of events.
These transitions occur when a group of separate organisms evolve into a higher-level organism - when cells become multi-cellular organisms, for example.
Data suggests that extreme conditions are required for major transitions to occur.
Both Professor Rothery and Professor Simon Conway Morris, a palaeontologist at the University of Cambridge, agree that extraterrestrial life, if out there, would resemble the creatures we see around us on Earth, with limbs, heads, and bodies.
'There is a school of thought that says that simple physics plus competition for food and the need to escape predation will favour organisms with similar body plans to those that are successful on Earth,' Professor Rothery told MailOnline.
'It is clearly effective to have your sense organs at the front (or top).'
He added: 'On other Earth-like planets some have surely developed complex life forms, but its anybody's guess what they look like.'
Professor Morris also said that any Earth-like exoplanet should evolve predators like sharks, pitcher plants, mangroves, and mushrooms, among many other things.
Another previous study suggests that in reality, aliens could be more similar to us than some would think.
The University of Oxford research indicates that life would potentially be shaped by the same processes that created humans, such as natural selection, and that these extraterrestrials may even 'look like us'.
Lead author Sam Levin said: 'We still can't say whether aliens will walk on two legs or have big green eyes.
'But we believe evolutionary theory offers a unique additional tool for trying to understand what aliens will be like, and we have shown some examples of the kinds of strong predictions we can make with it.
'By predicting that aliens have undergone major transitions — which is how complexity has arisen in species on Earth, we can say that there is a level of predictability to evolution that would cause them to look like us.'
He added: 'We can't say whether or not we're alone on Earth, but we have taken a small step forward in answering, if we're not alone, what our neighbours are like.'
Arik Kershenbaum, author of The Zoologist's Guide to the Galaxy, also agrees that Darwinian natural selection would apply throughout the universe.
Welcoming our new jellyfish overlords: This is what evolution might have come up with on a world such as Saturn's moon Titan, Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock believes
The University of Cambridge astrobiologist said this would result in alien creatures that have symmetrical bodies with wings, legs or fins.
They would also be intelligent, have a developed language and possibly technology, he believes, and even added that humans might be able to 'have tea with an alien' if we came into contact with them.
Others don't think extraterrestrial life would look like us.
One leading space scientist previously claimed that aliens could look like giant jellyfish.
Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock, a satellite expert and former government adviser, said extraterrestrial life was likely — but just more alien-like than some might imagine.
She believes Saturn's moon Titan could have aliens that look like football field-sized jellyfish, complete with onion-shaped appendages and an orange underbelly or bottom.
Generated from silicon, rather than the carbon that is the basis of life as we know it, the creatures she envisions would be able to live off light absorbed through their 'skin' and chemicals sucked in through their giant mouths.
Discovery of pulsars
British astronomer Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell was the first person to discover a pulsar in 1967 when she spotted a radio pulsar.
Since then other types of pulsars that emit X-rays and gamma rays have also been spotted.
Pulsars are essentially rotating, highly magnetised neutron stars but when they were first discovered it was believed they could have come from aliens.
'Wow!' radio signal
In 1977, an astronomer looking for alien life in the night sky above Ohio spotted a radio signal so powerful that he excitedly wrote 'Wow!' next to his data.
In 1977, an astronomer looking for alien life in the night sky above Ohio spotted a radio signal so powerful that he excitedly wrote 'Wow!' next to his data
The 72-second blast, spotted by Dr Jerry Ehman through a radio telescope, came from Sagittarius but matched no known celestial object.
Conspiracy theorists have since claimed that the 'Wow! signal', which was 30 times stronger than background radiation, was a message from intelligent extraterrestrials.
Fossilised Martian microbes
In 1996 Nasa and the White House made the explosive announcement that the rock contained traces of Martian bugs.
The meteorite, catalogued as Allen Hills (ALH) 84001, crashed onto the frozen wastes of Antarctica 13,000 years ago and was recovered in 1984.
Photographs were released showing elongated segmented objects that appeared strikingly lifelike.
Photographs were released showing elongated segmented objects that appeared strikingly lifelike (pictured)
However, the excitement did not last long. Other scientists questioned whether the meteorite samples were contaminated.
They also argued that heat generated when the rock was blasted into space may have created mineral structures that could be mistaken for microfossils.
Behaviour of Tabby's Star in 2005
The star, otherwise known as KIC 8462852, is located 1,400 light years away and has baffled astronomers since being discovered in 2015.
It dims at a much faster rate than other stars, which some experts have suggested is a sign of aliens harnessing the energy of a star.
The star, otherwise known as KIC 8462852, is located 1,400 light years away and has baffled astonomers since being discovered in 2015 (artist's impression)
Recent studies have 'eliminated the possibility of an alien megastructure', and instead, suggests that a ring of dust could be causing the strange signals.
Exoplanets in the Goldilocks zone in 2017
In February 2017 astronomers announced they had spotted a star system with planets that could support life just 39 light years away.
Seven Earth-like planets were discovered orbiting nearby dwarf star 'Trappist-1', and all of them could have water at their surface, one of the key components of life.
Three of the planets have such good conditions, that scientists say life may have already evolved on them.
Researchers claim that they will know whether or not there is life on any of the planets within a decade, and said: 'This is just the beginning.'
Jupiter’s second Galilean moon, Europa, is one of the most fascinating planetary objects in our Solar System with its massive subsurface ocean that’s hypothesized to contain almost three times the volume of water as the entire Earth, which opens the possibility for life to potentially existon this small moon. But while Europa’s interior ocean could potentially be habitable for life, its unique surface features equally draw intrigue from scientists, specifically the large red streaks that crisscross its cracked surface.
While these red streaks are one of the most striking features on Europa, scientists have been unable to identify its chemical signature since no substance on Earth possesses a complementary signature itself. They have previously made their own hypotheses to their origins, with a 2015 study suggesting the red streaks could come from Europa’s interior ocean sea salt that has been blasted with radiation on the surface.
It is these red streaks, and more specifically their chemical origin, that an international team of researchers led by the University of Washington (UW) have addressed in a recent study with the discovery of a new kind of solid crystal that could help explain the scientific processes responsible for the red streaks’ existence on Europa. While this new crystal was created in a laboratory setting, scientists hypothesize it could also form at the bottom of the deep oceans on worlds like Europa, as well. The newly discovered solid crystal is formed from water and table salt (sodium chloride), which are two of the most common substances found on Earth.
Learn more about this remarkable study here!
“It’s rare nowadays to have fundamental discoveries in science,” said Dr. Baptiste Journaux, who is an acting assistant professor in UW’s Department of Earth and Space Sciences, and lead author of the study. “Salt and water are very well known at Earth conditions. But beyond that, we’re totally in the dark. And now we have these planetary objects that probably have compounds that are very familiar to us, but at very exotic conditions. We have to redo all the fundamental mineralogical science that people did in the 1800s, but at high pressure and low temperature. It is an exciting time.”
For the study, the researchers investigated what is known as a hydrate, which is an icy lattice formed in cold water temperatures from the combination of salts and water. Until now, only one sodium chloride hydrate was known to exist, known as hydrohalite, which consists of one salt molecule for every two water molecules.
Using transparent diamonds and cold temperatures, the team compressed a miniscule amount of salty water near 25,000 times Earth’s atmospheric pressure, where they observed two new sodium chloride hydrate crystal structures. The first structure contains two sodium chloride molecules for every 17 water molecules, and the other contains one sodium chloride molecule for every 13 water molecules. It was also discovered that the structure containing 17 water molecules remained stable even near vacuum pressure, which is equivalent to the Moon’s surface, while the structure containing 13 water molecules only maintained its stability at high pressure. It is hypothesized that these unique crystal structures could help explain the “watery” signatures from Jupiter’s moons.
This microscopic image displays the study’s newly discovered hydrate containing two sodium chloride molecules for every 17 water molecules. This crystal structure was produced at high pressure but maintains its stability under cold and low-pressure environmental conditions. Scale bar: 50 micrometers = 0.000050 meters. (Credit: Journaux et al./PNAS)
Previously known sodium chloride hydrate containing one salt molecule for every two water molecules (left); two newly discovered crystal structures with two sodium chloride molecules for every 17 water molecules (center) and one sodium chloride molecule for every 13 water molecules (right). (Credit: Baptiste Journaux/University of Washington)
“We were trying to measure how adding salt would change the amount of ice we could get, since salt acts as an antifreeze,” said Dr. Journaux. “Surprisingly, when we put the pressure on, what we saw is that these crystals that we were not expecting started growing. It was a very serendipitous discovery.”
These same cold, high-pressure environments likely exist on Europa, as scientists postulate its interior ocean could be hundreds of kilometers deep underneath approximately 5 to 10 kilometers of ice, with denser ice structures possibly existing at the bottom of the ocean where the temperatures and pressures would be even colder and more extreme.
For next steps, the researchers wish to create or collect a bigger sample to conduct a more in-depth investigation regarding whether icy moons signatures such as the red streaks found on Europa complement the two recently discovered hydrates.
Both NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) currently have a few planetary missions scheduled to visit Europa and Titan to explore their potential habitability. These include the ESA’s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, also known as JUICE, which is slated to launch in April of this year and arrive at the Jupiter system in July 2031; NASA’s Europa Clipper mission, which is slated to launch in October 2024 and arrive at the Jupiter system in 2030; and NASA’s Dragonfly mission to Titan, which is slated to launch in 2027 and arrive at Titan in 2034. All these missions will attempt to learn more about the chemical compositions of these mysterious and intriguing worlds, which will help scientists determine the best ways to search for life.
Get a recent update on NASA’s Europa Clipper mission here!
“These are the only planetary bodies, other than Earth, where liquid water is stable at geological timescales, which is crucial for the emergence and development of life,” said Dr. Journaux. “They are, in my opinion, the best place in our solar system to discover extraterrestrial life, so we need to study their exotic oceans and interiors to better understand how they formed, evolved and can retain liquid water in cold regions of the solar system, so far away from the sun.”
What new discoveries will scientists make about Europa, its chemical signatures, and potential for life in the coming years and decades? Only time will tell, and this is why we science!
Passenger on Allegiant Flight 1127 Captures Video of Pulsating UFO Lights – over West Virginia/Pennsylvania Border
Passenger on Allegiant Flight 1127 Captures Video of Pulsating UFO Lights – over West Virginia/Pennsylvania Border
Flashing UFOs filmed from a plane over West Virginia – Pennsylvania border
On February 20, 2023, a peculiar incident occurred in the skies over the West Virginia/Pennsylvania border. A passenger aboard Allegiant Flight 1127, captured footage of a flashing unidentified flying objects while the plane was descending into Pittsburgh. The witness took a picture of the sunset and later noticed an unusual object in the frame. Curiosity led the individual to switch to video mode and capture footage of the lights emanating from the unidentified object.
The footage captured by the witness shows a small, circular object with a glowing aura, slowly moving across the sky. The lights emanating from the object are bright and pulsating, with different colors appearing at different times. The video lasts for approximately 2 minutes and provides a clear view of the object from different angles.
Upon closer inspection of the footage, it appears that the object is following the same flight path as the commercial airplane. The witness reported that the object was visible for a significant amount of time and that other passengers on the flight were also able to witness the strange phenomenon.
The witness has not provided any further information about the incident, and there has been no official statement from Allegiant Air or any relevant authorities. The incident has garnered attention from UFO enthusiasts and researchers, with many speculating about the nature of the object and its purpose.
The West Virginia/Pennsylvania region has been a hotspot for UFO sightings in the past, with numerous reports of strange objects and lights in the sky. While many sightings can be easily explained as natural phenomena or man-made objects, some incidents remain unexplained and shrouded in mystery.
The sighting on February 20, 2023, adds to the list of unexplained phenomena in the region, and the footage captured by the witness has sparked interest and curiosity among those interested in the UFO phenomenon. While the incident remains a mystery, it is a reminder that there is still much to be explored and discovered about the world around us.
Pentagon Withholds Images of Unidentified Objects from Recent Shootdowns
Pentagon Withholds Images of Unidentified Objects from Recent Shootdowns
U-2 Spy Plane Pilot’s Selfie Goes Viral After Being Released by U.S. Department of Defense
The U.S. Department of Defense recently released a photograph taken by a pilot of a U-2 spy plane showing a suspected Chinese surveillance balloon flying over the continental U.S. While the image provided unprecedented details of the balloon, the release of the photo has left many wondering about the images showing the three unidentified objects shot down over Alaska, northern Canada, and Lake Huron over the weekend of February 10.
Although the Pentagon has not officially confirmed the presence of images of the incidents, it is not planning on releasing them to the public. A spokesperson for the office of the secretary of defense stated that there are currently no other aerial images available.
The three objects shot down are suspected to have been benign amateur hobbyist or research balloons rather than state-sponsored espionage. However, the “unidentified” status of the objects has fueled public speculation that these could be something more than just wayward hobby balloons.
Social media users have speculated that the shoot downs were part of a cover-up operation to conceal the truth about the US’ involvement in the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage. Others have claimed that the objects were alien spacecraft. The lack of debris recovery and images has also been interpreted as part of an attempt by the government to conceal its UFO activities.
It’s believed that the Pentagon obtained some of the captured images and video of the objects before they were shot down. However, it’s not clear if they were able to identify the objects using the jet’s targeting pods.
To investigate the object spotted near Alaska, a couple of F-35 aircraft were launched. These aircraft were equipped with the EOTS, which was designed to provide high-definition and electro-optical images. Unfortunately, the system was not able to capture images of the object. Two F-16C airplanes from Wisconsin’s 148th Fighter Wing were able to shoot down the object. They were equipped with the Sniper ATP, which is a sophisticated targeting pod.
According to the audio recordings of the cockpit conversations of the fighter planes, which were captured by amateur radio users, it’s almost certain that video of the object was taken during the shoot down. However, these descriptions do not provide enough evidence to identify the object.
An aura of mystery will remain over the incident until the Pentagon decides to release the captured images. Although the objects were likely benign, the lack of transparency by the Pentagon has led to various conspiracy theories and speculation.
President Ronald Reagan Felt Burden Of Knowing Aliens Exist, Sept 1983 United Nations Speech, Video, UFO Sighting News.
President Ronald Reagan Felt Burden Of Knowing Aliens Exist, Sept 1983 United Nations Speech, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of speeches: Sept 16, 1983
Location of speech: United Nations
Below is a video, of US President Reagan speaking at three different engagements, and in each...he tries to leak the truth...that aliens exist. He really tried hard to inform the public, even when he knew it was against national security to do so. On Sept 16, 1983, US President Ronald Reagan gave a memorable speech in front of the United Nations. In it, he subtly suggests that aliens exist and that all of humanity could be lost if they decide to attack. President Reagan states:
Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.
Of course President Reagan had inside information from the CIA and NASA and was told that aliens do exist. But he couldn't just come out and say so without breaking national security rules. So instead...he subtly hinted to the rest of the world leaders about what he had learned from the CIA and NASA. He also knows that a small percentage of the other presidents at the United Nations meeting also knew about the existence of aliens. He even hints at one other president...he talked to the General Secretary Gorbachov...who then later became Russian president. Now pondering about world peace is nice...but I feel that President Reagan felt a weight on his shoulders...a burden of carrying this knowledge of the existence of aliens. Remember its was the 1980s and back they the technology was very inferior to today tech marvels. It must have been very frightening for him to know that aliens existed, but to have so few people he could sit down and talk about this subject openly. Watch the video below and see. He is trying to tell the world the truth...that aliens exist. Scott C. Waring
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
The Soviet X-Files: Decoding the Enigma of the Petrozavodsk UFOs
The Soviet X-Files: Decoding the Enigma of the Petrozavodsk UFOs
If you are fascinated by the unknown and the unexplained, you might have heard of the UFO sightings over Petrozavodsk, a city in the northwestern part of the Soviet Union (now Russia), in the fall of 1977. The sightings involved multiple witnesses, including military personnel and civilians, who reported seeing strange, glowing, and sometimes pulsating objects in the sky. The objects appeared to move in a controlled manner, sometimes hovering or changing direction abruptly, and emitting bright beams of light. The sightings attracted the attention of both Soviet and international media, as well as ufologists and skeptics, who offered various explanations, ranging from natural phenomena to extraterrestrial visitations.
However, the true nature of the Petrozavodsk phenomenon remains elusive and controversial to this day. While some experts have dismissed the sightings as a result of misperception, hoaxes, or propaganda, others have suggested that they might be related to top-secret experiments by the Soviet military or intelligence agencies. In this article, we will explore two different angles of the UFO sightings over Petrozavodsk and the wider Soviet Union, based on two primary sources: the eyewitness testimonies and the official investigations by the Soviet Academy of Sciences.
Eyewitness testimonies:
Unearthed: The Long-Lost Photograph of the Mysterious Petrozavodsk Object
According to the accounts of the witnesses, the UFO sightings over Petrozavodsk and other parts of the Soviet Union were not isolated incidents, but rather part of a pattern of unexplained aerial phenomena that had been occurring since at least the early 1970s. The witnesses described the objects as large, bright, and silent, often shaped like spheres or ellipsoids, and emitting intense and colorful light. Some witnesses reported feeling a sense of awe or fear, while others tried to approach the objects or even shoot at them. However, none of the witnesses could identify the origin or purpose of the objects, and some reported being harassed or intimidated by the authorities for their testimonies.
The Soviet Academy of Sciences launched several investigations into the UFO sightings over Petrozavodsk and other areas, involving scientists, engineers, and military experts. However, the official reports were inconclusive and sometimes contradictory. Some investigators suggested that the sightings might be related to natural phenomena, such as auroras, meteorites, or chemiluminescence, while others proposed that they might be linked to Soviet space missions, rocket tests, or ionospheric experiments. However, none of the hypotheses could fully explain the observed characteristics of the objects, such as their high altitude, speed, maneuverability, and radiation.
Soviet Academy of Sciences Dispatches Expert Group to Karelia in 1978 to Investigate Unexplained Phenomenon
Conspiracy theories
Given the lack of consensus among experts and the secrecy of the Soviet regime, the UFO sightings over Petrozavodsk have spawned various conspiracy theories, ranging from the benign to the bizarre. Some theorists have claimed that the objects were extraterrestrial spacecraft, sent by aliens to study or communicate with humanity. Others have suggested that the objects were secret weapons or surveillance devices, developed by the Soviet military or intelligence agencies to spy on the West or intimidate their own citizens. Still, others have speculated that the objects were part of a wider cover-up or disinformation campaign, aimed at confusing or distracting the public from other sensitive issues, such as nuclear tests or political dissent.
Soviet ancient aliens: The Petrozavodsk Phenomenon – FULL DOCUMENTARY
In conclusion, the UFO sightings over Petrozavodsk and other parts of the Soviet Union remain a mystery, shrouded in secrecy, controversy, and speculation. While some experts have offered natural or human-made explanations, the eyewitness testimonies and the official investigations suggest that the objects were highly unusual and unexplained by conventional means. Whether the sightings were a result of a technological breakthrough, a psychological projection, or an extraterrestrial visit remains a matter of debate and conjecture. The lack of reliable and verifiable data, coupled with the political and ideological context of the Soviet Union, makes it difficult to separate fact from fiction and truth from propaganda. Nevertheless, the UFO sightings over Petrozavodsk continue to fascinate and intrigue people around the world, serving as a reminder of the enduring mystery and wonder of the universe. Whether you are a believer, a skeptic, or something in between, the Petrozavodsk phenomenon invites us to keep an open mind and a curious spirit, and to explore the boundaries of our knowledge and imagination. Who knows what other mysteries and surprises await us in the vastness of the cosmos?
Big black holes in dwarf galaxies on course for smash-up
For the first time, NASA Chandra X-ray telescope has been used to discover a pair of black holes in dwarf galaxies that are on a collision course. The Chandra team explains.
Credit: NASA/CXC/A. Hobart
China and Russia to build a Moon base, laughing at SpaceX&NASA...
It happened! China and Russia to build a Moon base (No SpaceX) ….
In the next decade, an International coalition plans to build a lunar research station to transform humanity's exploration and observation of the moon. The planning phase is already underway, and it is going well. Construction is slated for 2026 through 2035, and crews could start operating from the base by 2036. The station will feature a lunar orbiter, a large, multi-level, habitat to enable surface-based activities, and play host to several lunar rovers. If this sounds a lot like the NASA and SpaceX Lunar Gateway program, think again. The station, called the International Lunar Research Station, is a rival to the U.S. space agency’s plans to put humans permanently on the surface of the Moon within a similar time frame. Instead, the ILRS is the brainchild of China and Russia — two of the U.S.’ greatest rivals on Earth. " We're in a space race today just as we were in the 1960s. And the stakes are even higher." Let’s dive into China's Secret Plans to Build A Moon Base and More in today’s episode of Alpha Tech!
On March 9, 2021, Zhang Kejian, the administrator of China National Space Administration (CNSA), and Rogozin, the General Manager of State Space Corporation “Roscosmos” (ROSCOSMOS), signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Russian Federation Regarding Cooperation for the Construction of the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS).
Presently, China’s lunar presence includes the Chang’e 4 lander and the Yutu 2 rover, whose arrival in 2019 marked humanity’s first landings on the dark side of the moon. Both lunar crafts is performing scientific experiments, with Chang’e 4 conducting a lunar biosphere experiment to see how silkworms, potatoes, and Arabidopsis (a small flowering plant) seeds grow in lunar gravity, while the Yutu 2 rover is exploring the Von Kármán crater.
China and Russia to build a Moon base, laughing at SpaceX&NASA...
KSP 2: Interstellar, Multiplayer, Colonies and more! Interview with lead developers about the future
Just one more day until launch everyone! For today's KSP 2 video, I sit down with creative director Nate Simpson and senior designer Chris Adderley to ask some questions about what they're most excited about, what features they wish could be ready sooner, and Nate gives us lots of information about how colonies and multiplayer will work! Rest assured, the future is looking very exciting for Kerbal Space Program 2!
Is The Earth In The Wrong Place In The Galaxy?
By now we have no doubt. We are not at the center of the solar system, nor are we at the center of our galaxy... Much less are we at the center of the universe... One step back at a time, we have finally realized that our planet is just one of many, among billions of billions of others. Sure, a lucky planet, it seems... favored by exceptional cosmic coincidences... But are we really sure? For example, are we really sure that the position where the Solar System was formed in the Milky Way is just the absolute best? Could we have found better? Could we have found worse?
Agreed, we are not in a "privileged" position in the universe. But perhaps the fact that we are not is in itself a special thing. Who knows? But we are not here to philosophize... Our purpose is to try to understand whether Earth's position in the Milky Way may have positively or negatively affected its own development. We all know that what we call the Milky Way is nothing more than the galaxy that houses our planetary system. In this case, it is a spiral galaxy about 120,000 light-years in diameter (just to understand what a boundless size we are talking about, one light-year is equivalent to about 63,000 times the distance between Earth and the Sun). Its basic structure consists of a stellar component compressed into a disk about 1,500 light-years thick--a disk filled with hundreds of billions of stars, dust, and gas, mostly arranged in irregular spiral arms. Globular clusters surround the disk in a spherical swarm concentrated toward the center of the disk
UFO Disguised As the Sun Spotted In The Sky
UFO Disguised As the Sun Spotted In The Sky. A small white light appears to launch from the top of Popocatépetl Volcano, also known as El Popo. Yes, it’s the volcano from the legend. It explodes into a giant ball and looks exactly like the sun but moving at a faster speed. And if you think that this is one of the instances that something strange has been seen over Mexico city, then let us show you what a second camera facing El Popo spotted on a different day.
Blue Origin Reveals MAJOR NEW Breakthrough On The Moon!
Blue Origin Reveals MAJOR NEW Breakthrough On The Moon!
Can a 3-D Printed Rocket Compete With SpaceX? | WSJ
Startup Relativity Space is developing the world's first 3-D printed rocket, which it says is cheaper and quicker to manufacture than conventional rockets. Ahead of the company’s first orbital launch attempt, WSJ visited its California facility to meet founder Tim Ellis.
0:00 Startup Relativity Space is creating new ways to manufacture rockets
0:51 Background on the global commercial space industry
2:47 How Relativity uses 3-D printers to produce rockets faster
3:30 Relativity’s 3-D printers use proprietary metal alloys
3:50 To refine its rocket designs, Relativity uses algorithms and machine learning
4:20 Following Terran-1, Terran-R is the second rocket from Relativity
6:30Relativity is planning to be first for a commercial mission to Mars, before Space-X
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope spots six massive galaxies that are so old they shouldn't EXIST – in discovery that 'pushes the limits of our understanding of cosmology'
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope spots six massive galaxies that are so old they shouldn't EXIST – in discovery that 'pushes the limits of our understanding of cosmology'
NASA's new space telescope has found six massive galaxies in the early universe
Discovery upends what experts previously thought about the origins of galaxies
NASA's new super space telescope was built to peer back to the dawn of time and give us clues about how the universe burst into existence.
In less than a year, James Webb has already dazzled us with incredible images — but now it is challenging our very understanding of the origins of galaxies.
That's because the $10 billion (£7.4 billion) observatory has just spotted six massive galaxies in the early universe that are so old they shouldn't actually exist.
'These objects are way more massive than anyone expected,' said Joel Leja, assistant professor of astronomy and astrophysics at Penn State.
'We expected only to find tiny, young, baby galaxies at this point in time, but we've discovered galaxies as mature as our own in what was previously understood to be the dawn of the universe.'
Ground-breaking: NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has just spotted six massive galaxies in the early universe (pictured) that are so old they shouldn't actually exist. One of the sources (bottom left) could contain as many stars as our present-day Milky Way
The researchers said their new discovery 'pushes the limits of our understanding of cosmology' and suggests that galaxies grew massive quicker than expected early in the history of the universe.
'We've been informally calling these objects "universe breakers" — and they have been living up to their name so far,' Leja said.
NIRCam (Near InfraRed Camera) an infrared imager from the edge of the visible through the near infrared
NIRSpec (Near InfraRed Spectrograph) will also perform spectroscopy over the same wavelength range.
MIRI (Mid-InfraRed Instrument) will measure the mid-to-long-infrared wavelength range from 5 to 27 micrometers.
FGS/NIRISS (Fine Guidance Sensor and Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph), is used to stabilise the line-of-sight of the observatory during science observations.
He added that the galaxies were so big they came into conflict with 99 per cent of the models for cosmology.
To account for the high mass, it means these models would either have to be changed, or astronomers would have to alter their fundamental understanding of how galaxies formed in the early universe.
Namely, that they started as small clouds of stars and dust that gradually grew larger over time.
Whichever way scientists go, Leja said it would require a fundamental rethink about how the universe came to be.
'The revelation that massive galaxy formation began extremely early in the history of the universe upends what many of us had thought was settled science,' said Leja.
He said the international team of researchers had 'no idea what we were going to find' when they looked at Webb's first batch of data from the early universe.
'It turns out we found something so unexpected it actually creates problems for science. It calls the whole picture of early galaxy formation into question,' Leja added.
The new findings show that the six galaxies were as mature as our Milky Way when the universe was just 3 per cent of its current age — about 500-700 million years after the Big Bang.
Webb is capable of seeing as far back in time as 13.5 billion years – around two million years after the universe was formed – because it has infrared-sensing instruments that are able to detect light emitted by the most ancient stars and galaxies.
Baffling: Researchers said their new discovery suggests that galaxies grew massive quicker than expected early in the history of the universe. These images are a composite of separate exposures taken by the James Webb Space Telescope using its NIRCam instrument
'This is our first glimpse back this far, so it's important that we keep an open mind about what we are seeing,' Leja said.
'While the data indicates they are likely galaxies, I think there is a real possibility that a few of these objects turn out to be obscured supermassive black holes.
'Regardless, the amount of mass we discovered means that the known mass in stars at this period of our universe is up to 100 times greater than we had previously thought.
'Even if we cut the sample in half, this is still an astounding change.'
The research was carried out using the spectroscopic data and Webb's first full-colour images, which were released by NASA in July last year.
'When we got the data, everyone just started diving in and these massive things popped out really fast,' Leja said.
'We started doing the modelling and tried to figure out what they were, because they were so big and bright.
Time machine: Webb (pictured in an artist's impression) is able to see as far back in time as 13.5 billion years – around two million years after the universe was formed – because it has infrared-sensing instruments that are capable of detecting light emitted by the most ancient stars
'My first thought was we had made a mistake and we would just find it and move on with our lives. But we have yet to find that mistake, despite a lot of trying.'
Leja said the way for astronomers to confirm his team's findings would be to take a spectrum image of the massive galaxies.
This, he added, would provide data on the true distances of the galaxies and also the gasses and other elements they are made of, which in turn would allow experts to create a clearer picture of how massive they truly were.
'A spectrum will immediately tell us whether or not these things are real,' Leja said.
'It will show us how big they are, how far away they are. What's funny is we have all these things we hope to learn from James Webb and this was nowhere near the top of the list.
'We've found something we never thought to ask the universe — and it happened way faster than I thought, but here we are.'
The discovery has been published in the journal Nature.
The James Webb Telescope: NASA's $10 billion telescope is designed to detect light from the earliest stars and galaxies
The James Webb telescope has been described as a 'time machine' that could help unravel the secrets of our universe.
The telescope will be used to look back to the first galaxies born in the early universe more than 13.5 billion years ago, and observe the sources of stars, exoplanets, and even the moons and planets of our solar system.
The vast telescope, which has already cost more than $7 billion (£5 billion), is considered a successor to the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope
The James Webb Telescope and most of its instruments have an operating temperature of roughly 40 Kelvin – about minus 387 Fahrenheit (minus 233 Celsius).
It is the world's biggest and most powerful orbital space telescope, capable of peering back 100-200 million years after the Big Bang.
The orbiting infrared observatory is designed to be about 100 times more powerful than its predecessor, the Hubble Space Telescope.
NASA likes to think of James Webb as a successor to Hubble rather than a replacement, as the two will work in tandem for a while.
The Hubble telescope was launched on April 24, 1990, via the space shuttle Discovery from Kennedy Space Centre in Florida.
It circles the Earth at a speed of about 17,000mph (27,300kph) in low Earth orbit at about 340 miles in altitude.
Astronomen ontdekken oeroude sterrenstelsels die niet zouden mogen bestaan
De James Webb-ruimtetelescoop heeft sterrenstelsels ontdekt die bijna zo groot zijn als onze eigen Melkweg. Op zich niets uitzonderlijk, ware het niet dat niemand ze op die plaats verwacht had. Meer nog, ze konden daar gewoonweg niet zijn. Niemand kan verklaren hoe ze zich gevormd hebben. Een mysterie dat heel wat astronomen hoofdpijn bezorgt.
Afbeeldingen van zes kandidaat-zware sterrenstelsels, 500-800 miljoen jaar na de oerknal gezien. Een van de bronnen (linksonder) zou evenveel sterren kunnen bevatten als onze huidige Melkweg, maar is 30 keer compacter.
Een half dozijn sterrenstelsels vormen een raadsel voor wetenschappers van over heel de wereld. Het is de James Webb-ruimtetelescoop die ze heeft vastgelegd op een zogenaamd ‘deep field’-beeld. Daarbij kijkt men naar het zwakke licht van sterren en sterrenstelsels die zich enorm ver weg bevinden. De sterrenstelsels die in dit nieuw wetenschappelijk onderzoek zijn beschreven liggen zo ver van ons af dat ze enkel op het beeld van onze krachtigste ruimtetelescoop ooit verschijnen als kleine rode stippen. Door dit licht te bestuderen, kunnen we te weten komen hoe oud ze bijvoorbeeld zijn.
Die ouderdom blijkt een probleem te vormen. Volgens analyses is het licht van de zes sterrenstelsels vertrokken toen ze amper 500 tot 700 miljoen jaar oud waren. Het universum stond op dat moment nog in zijn kinderschoenen, net na de oerknal. Dat er toen al sterrenstelsels bestonden is niet verrassend, wel dat ze zo goed ontwikkeld waren. De sterrenstelsels lijken te groot, de sterren te oud. Dat is volledig in strijd met onze bestaande ideeën over hoe het universum er in zijn beginjaren uitzag en evolueerde. Het komt ook niet overeen met de eerdere observaties van Webb zijn voorganger, de Hubble.
“Deze objecten zijn veel groter dan iemand had verwacht”, vertelt Joel Leja, assistent-professor astronomie en astrofysica aan de universiteit van Penn State, in een persbericht. “We hadden verwacht dat we alleen kleine babystelsels zouden vinden. In de plaats daarvan hebben we sterrenstelsels ontdekt die net zo volwassen zijn als onze Melkweg. En dat in de tijdsperiode die we beschouwen als de dageraad van het universum.”
Dat deze sterren en sterrenstelsels ouder waren dan verwacht kunnen de wetenschappers zien aan de kleur. Jonge sterren schijnen meestal met een helderblauwe kleur. Bij het ouder worden krijgen ze dan een rode gloed. Dat de James Webb-telescoop zulke rode sterren ziet bij het terugkijken in de tijd had men gewoonweg niet verwacht. En ook niet dat de sterrenstelsels zo kolossaal zijn. Ze zijn bijna even massief als ons eigen sterrenstelsel op een moment dat het universum nog maar 3 procent van zijn huidige leeftijd was.
“Nog nooit hebben we zo ver terug in de tijd kunnen kijken, dus het is belangrijk dat we openstaan voor nieuwe ontdekkingen”, zegt Leja. “De data geven aan dat het waarschijnlijk sterrenstelsels zijn, maar wie weet zijn een paar van deze objecten verborgen superzware zwarte gaten. Hoe dan ook, met deze ontdekking zijn we te weten gekomen dat de massa van sterren uit deze periode 100 keer groter is dan we eerst dachten. Dat is verbazingwekkend.”
Tijd dus om de kosmologische theorieën over hoe sterrenstelsels na de oerknal ontstonden te herschrijven. Al moeten astronomen er eerst voor zorgen dat ze zeker zijn dat de rode stippen echt niet iets anders zijn. Maar zelfs als dat zo is, zal men hele nieuwe concepten moeten uitdenken voor deze alternatieven. Al hoeft dat niet lang te duren. Astronomen zijn van plan om binnenkort Webbs spiegel opnieuw naar deze sterrenstelsels te richten voor een lichtspectrum. Daarmee kunnen ze onmiddellijk vertellen of hun hypothesen juist zijn. Spannend dus, want deze eerste ontdekking is misschien wel het begin van een transformatie van hoe we de wereld om ons heen bekijken.
Dust Storms on Mars Generate Static Electricity. What Does This Do to Its Surface?
Dust storms are a serious hazard on Mars. While smaller storms and dust devils happen regularly, larger ones happen every year (during summer in the southern hemisphere) and can cover continent-sized areas for weeks. Once every three Martian years (about five and a half Earth years), the storms can become large enough to encompass the entire planet and last up to two months. These storms play a major role in the dynamic processes that shape the surface of Mars and are sometimes visible from Earth (like the 2018 storm that ended the Opportunity rover’s mission).
When Martian storms become particularly strong, the friction between dust grains causes them to become electrified, transferring positive and negative charges through static electricity. According to research led by planetary scientist Alian Wang at Washington University in St. Louis, this electrical force could be the major driving force of the Martian chlorine cycle. Based on their analysis, Wang and her colleagues believe this process could account for the abundant perchlorates and other chemicals that robotic missions have detected in Martian soil.
Dr. Wang led an international team of researchers from Texas Tech University, the University of Delaware, the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences (MCSS), and Oxford University. The paper that describes their findings recently appeared in the Geophysical Research Letters. In it, Wang and her colleagues demonstrated how electrical discharge caused by dust storms could be responsible for decomposing chloride salts and creating atmospheric chlorine and other chemical compounds found on the surface (chlorates. perchlorates, and carbonates).
Close-up image of a Martian dust storm acquired by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) on Nov. 7th, 2007. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
On Mars, chlorine is considered one of five ” mobile elements,” the others being hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and sulfur. Like Earth’s water cycle (or Titan’s methane cycle), this means that chlorine is transferred between the Martian surface and the atmosphere in different forms. It exists in gaseous form in the atmosphere, while chloride deposits are found across the surface. These deposits are similar to salt pans found across Earth, like the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, the Etosha Pan in Namibia, and the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia (the largest in the world).
Similar to Earth, these chloride deposits are likely to be the dried remains of briny patches of water that existed on the surface. It is theorized that they formed from interactions between the surface and atmosphere during the Amazonian period. This geological era extends to this day and is thought to have begun with the end of the Hesperian period (ca. 3 billion years ago) when Mars was still transitioning from a warmer, wetter environment to what we see there today (extremely cold and desiccated).
Since there is no longer exchange between the surface and atmosphere, scientists have wondered how atmospheric chlorine and chloride deposits could be linked. In their new study, Wang (a faculty fellow with the MCSS) and her colleagues demonstrated that electrical discharges caused by dust storms are an efficient way for chlorine exchange between the surface and air. The possibility that dust storms might be a source of reactive chemistry on Mars was first proposed when the Viking 1 and 2 missions landed there in the 1970s.
However, the chemical effects of dust activities were difficult to study since the ESA’s Schiaparelli lander (which would study the phenomenon) crashed on the surface in 2016. As a result, scientists have had to stick with climate modeling and experimental studies, including research that Wang and other planetary scientists have done in recent years. These have shown that when electrostatic discharges interact with chlorine salts in a carbon dioxide-rich environment (like the Martian atmosphere), chlorine gas is released, and perchlorates and carbonates can be generated.
A Martian dust devil in the Amazonis Planitia region on March 14th, 2012, captured by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
However, this latest study was the first time planetary scientists attempted to quantify how much of these chemicals are produced during Martian dust storms. This was done through a series of experiments at Washington University’s Planetary Environment and Analysis Chamber (PEACh), where the team subjected various common chloride mineral salts to electrical discharges under Mars-like conditions. As Wang indicated in a Washington University (The Source) press release, the results confirmed their theory:
“Frictional electrification is a common process in our Solar System, with Martian dust activities known to be a powerful source of electrical charge buildup. The thin atmosphere on Mars makes it much easier for accumulated electrical fields to break down in the form of electrostatic discharge. In fact, it’s a hundred times easier on Mars than on Earth.
“The reaction rates are huge. Importantly, the released chlorine in a short-time mid-strength electrostatic discharge process is at a percent level. No other process that we know of can do this, especially with such quantitatively high yield of chlorine release.”
During a seven-hour simulated electrostatic discharge experiment, they found that at least 1 out of 100 chloride molecules decomposed and released a chlorine atom. In addition, the electrical discharge also accounted for the very high global concentrations of perchlorate and carbonate compounds in Martian topsoil – though the formation rates were slightly lower (sub-percent per-thousand levels). The experiment also showed that the observed concentration ranges could be accumulated within half of the Amazonian period.
Simulated views of a darkening Martian sky from NASA’s Opportunity rover’s point of view, the right side simulating Opportunity’s view in the global dust storm as of June 2018. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/TAMU
Lastly, the high yields could account for the high atmospheric concentrations of hydrogen chloride observed during the 2018 and 2019 dust storms. Said Kevin Olsen, a research fellow at The Open University and a co-author of the new study:
“The high-releasing rate of chlorine from common chlorides revealed by this study indicates a promising pathway to convert surface chlorides to the gas phases that we now see in the atmosphere. These findings offer support that Martian dust activities can drive a global chlorine cycle. With the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, we see repeated seasonal activity that coincides with global and regional dust storms.”
Another interesting takeaway from this study was how the team theorized what electrostatic discharges might look like on Mars. According to Wang, the discharge would not look like a flash of lightning (as is the case on Earth). Instead, she said, it would be more akin to a glow due to Mars’ thin atmosphere. “It could be somewhat like the aurora in polar regions on Earth, where energetic electrons collide with dilute atmospheric species,” she said.
To date, no robotic missions on Mars, be they landers, rovers, or orbiters, have witnessed an electrical discharge during a dust storm. The glows would likely be obscured by the heavy dust concentrations and not be visible from orbit. Meanwhile, surface missions that rely on solar power are forced to suspend operations in heavy storms to preserve power (as was the case during the recent storm season for the Ingenuity helicopter). But perhaps the nuclear-powered Curiosityor Perseverancerover could get a candid shot of this phenomenon before their missions are complete.
Otherwise, we might have to wait on crewed missions to see one of these “aurora,” which could lead to a Mark Whatney-like situation!
Clouds of Carbon Dust Seen When the Universe was Less Than a Billion Years Old
The Milky Way Galaxy contains an estimated one hundred billion stars. Between these lies the Interstellar Medium (ISM), a region permeated by gas and dust grains. This dust is largely composed of heavier elements, including silicate minerals, ice, carbon, and iron compounds. This dust plays a key role in the evolution of galaxies, facilitating the gravitational collapse of gas clouds to form new stars. This galactic dust is measurable by how it attenuates starlight from distant galaxies, causing it to shift from ultraviolet to far-infrared radiation.
However, the origin of various dust grains is still a mystery, especially during the early Universe when heavier elements are thought to have been scarce. Previously, scientists believed that elements like carbon took hundreds of millions of years to form and could not have existed before about 2.5 billion years after the Big Bang. Using data obtained by the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES), an international team of astronomers and astrophysicists report the detection of carbonaceous grains around a galaxy that existed roughly 1 billion years after the Big Bang.
Galaxy GN-z11 superimposed on an image from the GOODS-North survey. Credit: NASA/ESA/STScI
The JADES program is an extragalactic survey and a collaborative effort between the JWST Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) and Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) instrument teams. The purpose is to conduct deep parallel mid-infrared imaging and spectroscopy of roughly 100,000 galaxies in two extragalactic deep fields (GOODS-South (CDF-S) and GOODS-North (HDF)). These fields were previously imaged in the optical, infrared, and ultraviolet (UV) bands by the Hubble, Spitzer, and Chandra space telescopes as part of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS).
So far, the JADES survey has pushed the boundaries of astronomy by discovering and confirming galaxies that are about 13.4 billion light-years away – the most distant galaxies ever observed. By comparing these to the optical spectroscopy and morphology of galaxies 10 to 11.5 light-years distant, JADES will reveal more about the early phases of galaxy formation. Of particular concern is the role of cosmic dust – the stuff stars, planets, organic molecules, and all life are made of – and when certain grains formed.
The JWST is particularly well-suited to studying dust grains because of its advanced infrared imaging capabilities. As Dr. Joris Witstok, a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Kavli Institute for Cosmology (University of Cambridge), told Universe Today via email:
“Dust grains catalyze the formation of molecules and the fragmentation of gas clouds, two mechanisms that are essential to star formation. Furthermore, while the dust mass of a galaxy is negligible compared to its stellar or gas mass, dust grains absorb a significant fraction of the optical and ultraviolet (UV) light and thermally re-emit the absorbed energy in the infrared (IR).”
An international team of astronomers has used data from the JWST to report the discovery of the earliest galaxies confirmed to date (ca. 13.4 billion years ago).
Based on the data obtained from these fields, the team observed direct evidence of carbonaceous grains that existed up to one billion years after the Big Bang (ca. over 13 billion years ago). This was evident from the broad UV absorption feature in the deep near-infrared spectra (2175 angstrom). This feature had previously been observed only in older galaxies at redshifts of z=< 3 (less than 11.476 billion years ago). These grains were previously believed to be produced by Red Giant stars over the course of hundreds of millions of years. Said Witstok:
“Most dust formation models typically rely on carbonaceous dust grains being formed in the stellar winds of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, while stars can only reach this evolutionary stage ~300 million years after they form. Therefore, it is surprising to see evidence for carbon dust in such early galaxies, the most distant of which is seen when the age of the Universe was only 800 million years: this implies its star formation started only a few hundred million years after the Big Bang (which, in cosmic timescales, is very early), or instead the carbonaceous dust grains can be formed through another faster mechanism.”
These results imply that a more rapid mechanism was responsible for forming carbonaceous dust grains in the early Universe. As Witstok explained, he and his colleagues suspect that supernovae seeded the early Universe with carbon as they blew off their outer layers. “This has important implications for galaxy evolution because the carbon from which the grains are made are also synthesized by these stars, meaning certain elements may spread through the galaxy more quickly than previously thought,” he said.
1KM Comet Or UFO Caught By Artemis 1 Cubsat! Video, UFO Sighting News.
1KM Comet Or UFO Caught By Artemis 1 Cubsat! Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Feb 20, 2023
Location of sighting: Is within the Taurus constellation
This Comet ZTF (AKA) Comet C/2022 E3 doesn't seem to be a comet at all, but looks more like a huge sphere UFO. This was recorded by Japans Artemis cubesat Mission. But I feel that its caught a UFO disguised as a comet. Why? Because it has no long tail behind it, even though its at its closest position to Earth, and very close to our sun. Take a look and tell me your thoughts below.
City In Moon Crater Recorded By Artemis 1 Mission Cubesat, Feb 20, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
City In Moon Crater Recorded By Artemis 1 Mission Cubesat, Feb 20, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: Feb 20, 2023, but taken in 2022
Location of discovery: Earths moon Source: Twitter
Check out this latest tweet from the Artemis 1 moon mission when it was tweeted. A cubsat took an awesome photo of the moon and in it was more than they expected and more then they realized. I looked over the photo carefully enlarging it by 3X and found several amazing structures in a crater. The three structures all have signs of intelligent design. They are glowing, and yet they are on the bottom of the crater 2 miles deep or more. That means they have their own light source. They are making the light. The largest structure is a three armed structure and on each arm are about 6-8 round glowing spheres. This is 100% proof that aliens built structures on the moon and it comes from Artemis 1 mission cubsat!
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
Antarctica’s Secret Alien Cover-Up
Antarctica’s Secret Alien Cover-Up
UFO in Antarctica
Antarctica is a land of mystery, a place where secrets are kept hidden beneath layers of ice and snow. It is a place where strange things happen, where rumors of alien activity have circulated for years. Could it be that Antarctica is home to an ancient extraterrestrial civilization that has been hidden from us all along?
According to ancient astronaut theorists, there is far more going on in Antarctica than we have been told. The sheer depth of the ice covering the landmass has made it impossible for us to see what lies beneath. But there are those who believe that something is happening on this mysterious continent, something that suggests the presence of an alien base.
In July 2018, Linda Moltenhow interviewed a whistleblower who claimed to have visited an ancient structure in Antarctica. The whistleblower, identified only as Spartan One, described the structure as an octagonal shape protruding from the ice. He claimed that the doors to the structure, which were between 18 and 30 feet thick, could be opened with just one finger, despite the outside temperature being 40 degrees below zero.
Inside the structure, Spartan One reported that the temperature was an astonishing 68 to 72 degrees, and the walls were lined with hieroglyphics unlike anything he had ever seen before. He speculated that buried beneath the ice in Antarctica could be stone temple constructions and biological remains of beings that once lived there.
Could it be that Antarctica is home to an extraterrestrial civilization that has been hidden from us for thousands of years? If the rumors are true, it would be the greatest reveal in all of human history. It is no surprise that the government and military personnel have kept a tight lid on any information about the possible existence of an alien base in Antarctica.
The idea of ancient aliens and their possible influence on our history and technology has been a topic of debate for many years. The ancient astronaut theory suggests that extraterrestrial beings have visited our planet in the distant past and have had a profound impact on human civilization. Could it be that Antarctica is the key to unlocking this ancient mystery?
While there is no concrete evidence to support the idea of an alien base in Antarctica, the rumors and speculation continue to circulate. It is a place that holds our imagination and fuels our curiosity. The idea that something so incredible could be hidden beneath layers of ice and snow is enough to keep us all wondering what else lies hidden in the depths of this frozen continent.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Pentagon has received 'several hundreds' of new UFO reports
Pentagon has received 'several hundreds' of new UFO reports
All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office was set up to track unidentified objects in the sky, underwater or in space
FILE - The Pentagon is seen from Air Force One as it flies over Washington, March 2, 2022. A new Pentagon office set up to track reports of unidentified flying objects has received “several hundreds” of new reports, but no evidence so far of alien life. That's according to the leadership of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File) (ASSOCIATED PRESS)
WASHINGTON (AP) — A new Pentagon office set up to track reports of unidentified flying objects has received “several hundreds” of new reports, but no evidence so far of alien life, the agency's leadership told reporters Friday.
The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) was set up in July and is responsible for not only tracking unidentified objects in the sky, but also underwater or in space — or potentially an object that has the ability to move from one domain to the next.
The office was established following more than a year of attention on unidentified flying objects that military pilots have observed but have sometimes been reluctant to report due to fear of stigma.
In June 2021 the Office of the Director of National Intelligence reported that between 2004 and 2021, there were 144 such encounters, 80 of which were captured on multiple sensors.
Since then, “we've had lots more reporting,” said anomaly office director Sean Kirkpatrick. When asked to quantify the amount, Kirkpatrick said “several hundreds.”
An updated report from the Director of National Intelligence that will provide specific figures on new reports received since 2021 is expected by the end of the year, the officials said.
The office was set up not only to examine the question of whether there’s extraterrestrial life, but also because of the security risk posed by so many encounters with unknown flying objects by military installations or military aircraft.
This May, Congress held its first hearing in more than half a century on the topic, with multiple members expressing concern that whether or not the objects are alien or potentially new, unknown technology being flown by China, Russia or another potential adversary, the unknown creates a security risk.
So far, “we have not seen anything, and we're still very early on, that would lead us to believe that any of the objects that we have seen are of alien origin,” said Ronald Moultrie, under secretary of defense for intelligence and security. “Any unauthorized system in our airspace we deem as a threat to safety.”
The office is also working on ways to improve its ability to identify unknown objects, such as by recalibrating sensors that may be focused just on known adversary aircraft or drone signatures, Moultrie said.
One reason for the hundreds of additional reports coming in may be the outreach the department has done to destigmatize reporting potential encounters. Each service has also established its own reporting processes, Kirkpatrick said.
Beyond unidentifiable objects, there’s a lot of new technology — such as future stealth bombers and stealth fighters, drones and hypersonic missiles being fielded by both the U.S. and China — that could be mistaken for a UFO. Kirkpatrick said the new office has been coordinating with the Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence community to get the signatures of U.S. technology in order to rule out those aircraft or drones.
“We are setting up very clear mechanisms with our blue programs, both our DOD and IC programs, to deconflict any observations that come in with blue activities, and ensure that we weed those out and identify those fairly early on,” Kirkpatrick said, referring to the “blue” U.S. aircraft programs in operation by the Pentagon or intelligence agencies.
Ancient grammatical puzzle that has baffled scientists for 2,500 years is SOLVED: Expert finally cracks the riddle by decoding a rule taught by 'the father of linguistics' Pāṇini
Ancient grammatical puzzle that has baffled scientists for 2,500 years is SOLVED: Expert finally cracks the riddle by decoding a rule taught by 'the father of linguistics' Pāṇini
Pāṇini was a scholar in India who lived between the 6th and 4th century BC
Cambridge researcher has decoded a rule in Pāṇini's 'language machine'
The language machine teaches the pronunciation of the Sanskrit language
It means Pāṇini’s grammar can be taught to computers for the first time
A grammatical puzzle that has defeated scholars since the 5th century BC has finally been solved.
Dr Rishi Rajpopat, an Indian PhD student at the University of Cambridge, has decoded a rule that devised by 'the father of linguistics' Pāṇini.
The rule is a fundamental part of an ingenious grammatical system created by Pāṇini, called the 'language machine', intended to teach India's sacred Sanskrit language.
Dr Rajpopat's efforts, detailed in his PhD thesis published today, now mean Pāṇini’s language machine can be taught to computers for the first time.
Pāṇini's ingenious grammatical system - 4,000 rules detailed in his greatest work, the Aṣṭādhyāyī, which is thought to have been written around 500BC – is meant to work like a machine
Who was Pāṇini?
Pāṇini was a philologist, grammarian, and scholar in ancient India, who lived sometime between the 6th and 4th century BC.
It's thought he lived in a region of what is now north-west Pakistan and south-east Afghanistan.
He was the first linguist to organise the structure of the human language, and is considered the 'first descriptive linguist' and 'the father of linguistics'.
He developed the 'language machine' which is widely considered to be one of the great intellectual achievements in history.
Pāṇini was a philologist, grammarian and scholar in ancient India, who lived sometime between the 6th and 4th century BC.
His 'language machine' is widely considered to be one of the great intellectual achievements in history.
It was detailed in his revered work, the Aṣṭādhyāyī, thought to have been written around 500BC.
'It's one document and all it's got is 4,000 very short rules,' Dr Rajpopat told MailOnline.
'Each rule is about three to four words on average. What these 4,000 rules do is they help us derive any word of Sanskrit.
'These 4,000 rules essentially function together as a machine.'
Dr Rajpopat refers to it as a conceptual machine rather than a physical machine.
The purpose of the language machine is 'derivation' – the formation of a word by changing the form of the base or by adding affixes to it (e.g., 'hope' to 'hopeful' or 'combine' to 'combination').
To give an example in English, a user would take the base word 'define' and the affix 'ation' and give the resulting word to use – 'definition'.
The thing is, when combining a base word and an affix, there are sound differences that need to be accounted for, otherwise it would give a nonsensical word like 'define-ation' (pronounced def-ine-ey-shun).
Dr Rishi Rajpopat (pictured) made the breakthrough by decoding a rule taught by 'the father of linguistics' Pāṇini
What is Sanskrit?
Sanskrit is an ancient and classical Indo-European language from South Asia.
It is the sacred language of Hinduism, but also the medium through which much of India’s greatest science, philosophy, poetry and other secular literature have been communicated for centuries.
While only spoken in India by an estimated 25,000 people today, Sanskrit has growing political significance in India, and has influenced many other languages and cultures around the world.
The 4,000 rules that make up Pāṇini's system effectively help users produce grammatically-correct forms of words.
Each rule has a serial number, based on its order in the document – for example, 7.3.103.
In case a user found that two of these rules were applicable – a situation known as 'rule conflict' – Pāṇini created one 'metarule' to help users decide which of the two rules should be applied.
Dr Rajpopat names Pāṇini’s metarule '1.4.2 vipratiṣedhe paraṁ kāryam'.
Until now, the meaning of this 'metarule' was widely misinterpreted for around 2,500 years, leading to grammatically incorrect results.
'Unfortunately the first scholar to comment on Pāṇini's grammar, Katyayana, misunderstood this metarule,' Dr Rajpopat said.
'He was familiar with two possible interpretations of this rule and unfortunately he chose the wrong one.
'Thereafter, all the scholars to write about Pāṇini's grammar over the last 2,500 years essentially went ahead with that incorrect interpretation.'
Pāṇini was a philologist, grammarian, and revered scholar in ancient India, who lived sometime between the 6th and 4th century BC. Pāṇini is thought to have lived in a region in what is now north-west Pakistan and south-east Afghanistan
The traditional but incorrect interpretation of rule 1.4.2 is that when there is a conflict between two rules, the rule with a higher serial order should be chosen or 'wins' (for example, 7.3.103 rather than 7.1.9).
'Now that of course gives us all kind of grammatically incorrect forms if we are to go by that interpretation,' Dr Rajpopat said.
'I reinterpreted this rule as in the event of such interaction between two rules at the same step, the rule that is applicable to the right-hand part of the word wins.
'That has helped us figure out the algorithm that runs this machine, so now when you follow the correct interpretation of this rule you automatically get the correct answer.'
Unlike scholars before him, Dr Rajpopat correctly interpreted one of the 4,000-odd rules that make up the so-called 'language machine'. Pictured is his interpretation of the rule, which is referred to when there is 'rule conflict'
For the last 2,500 years, scholars laboriously developed hundreds of other metarules to try and fix the system and make it work – even though the system wasn't broken.
'They had to come up with all kinds of extra instructions to help the grammar achieve the grammatically correct form,' Dr Rajpopat told MailOnline.
'Pāṇini had an extraordinary mind and he built a machine unrivalled in human history. He didn’t expect us to add new ideas to his rules.
'The more we fiddle with Pāṇini's grammar, the more it eludes us.'
Dr Rajpopat’s work means we have a 'very elegant, simple, teachable' algorithm that runs Pāṇini's grammar, which could potentially be taught to computers.
Professor Vincenzo Vergiani, Dr Rajpopat’s supervisor at Cambridge, said: 'This discovery will revolutionise the study of Sanskrit at a time when interest in the language is on the rise.'
Pāṇini's 'language machine: A revered system for using the ancient Sanskrit language
Pāṇini’s language machine is a reference document for how to use the Sanskrit, a classical Indian language, consisting of a checklist of about 4,000 rules.
The system – 4,000 rules detailed in his greatest work, the Aṣṭādhyāyī, which is thought to have been written around 500BC – is meant to work like a machine.
Feed in the base and suffix of a word and it should turn them into grammatically correct words and sentences through a step-by-step process.
Until now, however, there has been a big problem. Often, two or more of Pāṇini’s rules are simultaneously applicable at the same step leaving scholars to agonise over which one to choose.
Solving so-called 'rule conflicts', which affect millions of Sanskrit words including certain forms of ‘mantra’ and ‘guru’, requires an algorithm.
Pāṇini taught a metarule ('1.4.2 vipratiṣedhe paraṁ kāryam’) to help us decide which rule should be applied in the event of 'rule conflict'.
But for the last 2,500 years, scholars have misinterpreted this metarule meaning that they often ended up with a grammatically incorrect result.
In an attempt to fix this issue, many scholars laboriously developed hundreds of other metarules but Dr Rishi Rajpopat, an Indian PhD student at the University of Cambridge, found these are not just incapable of solving the problem at hand.
Dr Rajpopat found that Pāṇini’s 'language machine' is 'self-sufficient'.
Rajpopat said: 'Pāṇini had an extraordinary mind and he built a machine unrivalled in human history.
'He didn’t expect us to add new ideas to his rules. The more we fiddle with Pāṇini's grammar, the more it eludes us.”
Traditionally, scholars have interpreted Pāṇini’s metarule as meaning: in the event of a conflict between two rules of equal strength, the rule that comes later in the grammar’s serial order wins - but Dr Rajpopat rejects this
Instead, he claims the rule has the following meaning: between rules applicable to the left and right sides of a word respectively, Pāṇini wanted us to choose the rule applicable to the right side.
Employing this interpretation, Rajpopat found Pāṇini’s language machine produced grammatically correct words with almost no exceptions.
The US National Ignition Facility has reported that it has achieved the phenomenon of ignition.
Credit: Jason Laurea/Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Scientists at the world’s largest nuclear-fusion facility have for the first time achieved the phenomenon known as ignition — creating a nuclear reaction that generates more energy than it consumes. News of the breakthrough at the US National Ignition Facility (NIF), made on 5 December and announced today by US President Joe Biden’s administration, has excited the global fusion-research community. That research aims to harness nuclear fusion — the phenomenon that powers the Sun — to provide a source of near-limitless clean energy on Earth. Researchers caution that, despite this latest success, a long path remains to achieving that goal.
“It’s an incredible accomplishment,” says Mark Herrmann, the deputy programme director for fundamental weapons physics at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, which houses the fusion laboratory. The landmark experiment follows years of work by multiple teams on everything from lasers and optics to targets and computer models, Herrmann says. “That is of course what we are celebrating.”
A flagship experimental facility of the US Department of Energy’s nuclear-weapons programme, designed to study thermonuclear explosions, NIF originally aimed to achieve ignition by 2012 and has faced criticism for delays and cost overruns. In August 2021, NIF scientists announced that they had used their high-powered laser device to achieve a record reaction that crossed a key threshold in achieving ignition, but efforts to replicate that experiment failed. Ultimately, scientists scrapped efforts to replicate that shot, and rethought the experimental design — a choice that paid off last week.
“There were a lot of people who didn’t think it was possible, but I and others who kept the faith feel somewhat vindicated,” says Michael Campbell, former director of the laser energetics laboratory at the University of Rochester in New York and an early proponent of NIF while at Lawrence Livermore lab. “I’m having a cosmo to celebrate.”
Nature looks at NIF’s latest experiment and what it means for fusion science.
What did NIF achieve?
The facility used its set of 192 lasers to deliver 2.05 megajoules of energy onto a pea-sized gold cylinder containing a frozen pellet of the hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium. The laser’s pulse of energy caused the capsule to collapse, reaching temperatures only seen in stars and thermonuclear weapons, and the hydrogen isotopes fused into helium, releasing additional energy and creating a cascade of fusion reactions. The laboratory’s analysis suggests that the reaction released some 3.15 MJ of energy — roughly 54% more than went into the reaction, and more than double the previous record of 1.3 MJ.
“Fusion research has been going on since the early 1950s, and this is the first time in the laboratory that fusion has ever produced more energy than it consumed,” says Campbell.
However, although the fusion reactions produced more than 3 MJ of energy — more than was delivered to the target — NIF’s lasers consumed 322 MJ of energy in the process. Still, the experiment qualifies as ignition, a benchmark criterion for fusion reactions.
“It’s a big milestone, but NIF is not a fusion-energy device,” says David Hammer, a nuclear-energy engineer at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.
Herrmann acknowledges as much, saying that there are many steps on the path to laser fusion energy. “NIF was not designed to be efficient,” he says. “It was designed to be the biggest laser we could possibly build to give us the data we need for the [nuclear] stockpile research programme.”
NIF scientists made multiple changes before the latest laser shot, based in part on analysis and computer modelling of previous experiments. In addition to boosting the laser’s power by around 8%, scientists reduced the number of imperfections in the target and adjusted how they delivered the laser energy to create a more spherical implosion. Operating at the cusp of fusion ignition, the scientists knew that “little changes can make a big difference”, Herrmann says.
Why are these results significant?
On one level, it’s about proving what is possible, and many scientists have hailed the result as a milestone in fusion science. But the results carry particular significance at NIF: the facility was designed to help nuclear-weapons scientists study the intense heat and pressures inside explosions, and that is possible only if the laboratory produces high-yield fusion reactions.
It took more than a decade, “but they can be commended for reaching their goal”, says Stephen Bodner, a physicist who formerly headed the laser plasma branch of the US Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC. Bodner says the big question now is what the Department of Energy will do next: double down on weapons research at the NIF or pivot to a laser programme geared towards fusion-energy research.
What does this mean for fusion energy?
The latest results have already renewed buzz about a future powered by clean fusion energy, but experts warn that there is a long road ahead.
NIF was not designed with commercial fusion energy in mind — and many researchers doubt that laser-driven fusion will be the approach that ultimately yields fusion energy. Nevertheless, Campbell thinks that its latest success could boost confidence in the promise of laser fusion power and spur a programme focused on energy applications. “This is absolutely necessary to have the credibility to sell an energy programme,” he says.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory director Kim Budil described the achievement as a proof of concept. “I don’t want to give you a sense that we’re going to plug the NIF into the grid: that is definitely not how this works,” she said during a press conference in Washington DC. “But this is the fundamental building block of an inertial confinement fusion power scheme.”
There are many other experiments worldwide that are trying to achieve fusion for energy applications using different approaches. But engineering challenges remain, including the design and construction of plants that extract the heat produced by the fusion and use it to generate significant amounts of energy to be turned into usable electricity.
“Although positive news, this result is still a long way from the actual energy gain required for the production of electricity,” said Tony Roulstone, a nuclear-energy researcher at the University of Cambridge, UK, in a statement to the Science Media Centre in London.
Still, “the NIF experiments focused on fusion energy absolutely are valuable on the path to commercial fusion power”, says Anne White, a plasma physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge.
What are the next major milestones in fusion?
To demonstrate that the type of fusion studied at NIF can be a viable way of producing energy, the efficiency of the yield — the energy released compared to the energy that goes into producing the laser pulses — needs to grow by at least two orders of magnitude.
Researchers will also need to dramatically increase the rate at which the laser’s pulses can be produced and how quickly they can clear the target chamber to prepare for another burn, says Tim Luce, head of science and operation at the international nuclear-fusion reactor ITER, which is under construction in St-Paul-lès-Durance, France.
“Sufficient fusion-energy-producing events at repeated performance would be a major milestone of interest,” says White.
The US$22-billion ITER project — a collaboration between China, the European Union, the United Kingdom, India, Japan, South Korea, Russia and the United States — aims to achieve self-sustaining fusion, meaning that the energy from fusion produces more fusion, through a different technique from NIF’s ‘inertial confinement’ approach. ITER will keep a plasma of deuterium and tritium confined in a doughnut-shaped vacuum chamber, known as a tokamak, and heat it up until the nuclei fuse. Once the reactor starts working towards fusion, currently planned for 2035, it will aim to reach ‘burning’ stage, “where the self-heating power is the dominant source of heating”, Luce explains.
What does it mean for other fusion experiments?
NIF and ITER use only two of many fusion-technology concepts being pursued worldwide. The approaches include the magnetic confinement of plasma, using tokamaks and devices called stellarators — inertial confinement, used by NIF, and a hybrid.
The technology required to generate electricity from fusion is largely independent of the concept, says White, and this latest milestone won’t necessarily lead researchers to abandon or consolidate their concepts.
The engineering challenges faced by NIF are different from those at ITER and other facilities. But the symbolic achievement could have widespread effects. “A result like this will bring increased interest in the progress of all types of fusion, so it should have a positive impact on fusion research in general,” says Luce.
Seismic waves have helped researchers to learn about the layers that comprise Earth’s solid centre.
Credit: Maksym Yemelyanov/Alamy
The reverberations from earthquakes as they bounce back and forth through the centre of Earth have revealed new details about the structure of the planet’s inner core, according to a study published in Nature Communications this week1.
For several decades, evidence has been mounting to suggest that the planet’s solid inner core is made up of distinct layers2,3 but their properties have remained mysterious.
To better understand the inner core’s structure, researchers used multiple seismometers to examine how seismic waves are distorted as they pass through the solid ball of iron nickel at Earth’s heart. “Earth oscillates like a bell after a large earthquake, and not just for hours, but days,” says co-author Hrvoje Tkalčić, a geophysicist at the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia.
To detect these oscillations, researchers recorded the waveforms at close to the original site of the earthquake and at the antipode —the direct opposite position on the surface of Earth. This enabled them to look at the multiple journeys through Earth’s centre. “It’s like a ping-pong ball that’s bouncing back and forth,” says co-author Thanh-Son Pham, a postdoctoral fellow at the Australian National University. Each reverberation takes around twenty minutes to cross from one side of the planet to the other, and the seismometers recorded up to five bounces from a single event.
Stacked measurements
The original earthquakes each reached a magnitude of greater than six, but the waves got progressively weaker as they passed through Earth’s core. The researchers used a technique called ‘stacking’, in which they combined the waveforms from a single event to build a more detailed picture of the distortion from the innermost core.
They found that the waves travelled differently through the innermost inner core — which they estimate to be around 650 kilometres thick — than through the outer part. Waves passing through the innermost part of the core slowed down in one direction, whereas waves passing through the outer layer slowed down in another direction. “It simply means that the iron crystals — iron, which is dominant in the inner core — is probably organized in a different way than in the outer shell of the inner core,” Tkalčić says.
Geophysicist Vernon Cormier at the University of Connecticut in Storrs says that the study is important because it offers a measurement of Earth’s innermost section that was very difficult to achieve. “It requires finding seismic waves recorded at very long distance and that are fairly weak in amplitude, and then enhancing the amplitude so that you could measure the wave speed in the very deep interior of the Earth,” says Cormier.
Although the technique is routinely used for minerals exploration, it is not commonly used in geophysics.
The latest finding will help in understanding how Earth’s solid inner core formed — a process that is thought to have started somewhere between 600 million and 1.5 billion years ago — and what role that might have had in shaping the magnetic field.
Pham, T.-S. & Tkalčić, H. Nature Commun.14, 754 (2023).
Before the experts decided on the ultimate design for planes, a ton of bizarre flying contraptions were proposed, but just because we now have designs that function doesn't stop individuals from imagining new methods to explore the sky.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Carl Sagan Explains The Cosmos Using Drake Equation, To Find How Many Intelligent Civilizations In Our Galaxy. UFO Sighting News.
Carl Sagan Explains The Cosmos Using Drake Equation, To Find How Many Intelligent Civilizations In Our Galaxy. UFO Sighting News.
The Drake Equation is a formula that attempts to estimate the number of intelligent civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy with whom communication might be possible. The equation takes into account a number of factors, including the rate of star formation, the fraction of stars with planets, and the number of planets that could support life.
The Drake Equation is often used as a starting point for discussions about the possibility of extraterrestrial life, but it is important to note that the values used for each parameter are highly uncertain and could vary widely depending on a number of factors. Using the Drake Equation to estimate the number of intelligent alien species in the universe is difficult, as it requires making assumptions about a number of unknown factors.
However, some estimates suggest that there could be as many as 10 billion intelligent civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy alone. It is important to note, however, that these estimates are highly speculative and subject to significant uncertainty. As we continue to explore the universe and gather more data about the conditions necessary for life, our estimates of the number of intelligent alien species in the universe may change.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
John Lennon describes seeing a UFO over New York, 1974 UFO Sighting News.
John Lennon describes seeing a UFO over New York, 1974 UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: 1974
Location of sighting: New York City, New York, USA
John Lennon, one of the founding members of the Beatles, was known for his creative talents, activism, and controversial views on various topics. In 1974, Lennon reportedly had a UFO encounter that left a lasting impression on him. According to reports, Lennon and his girlfriend, May Pang, were living in an apartment in New York City when they observed a bright, circular object hovering in the sky outside their window. Lennon described the object as being "a very vivid, white light" that he initially thought was a helicopter. However, when the object began to move erratically and change colors, Lennon realized it was not a conventional aircraft. Lennon later recounted the experience in interviews and even mentioned it in some of his songs. He described feeling a sense of awe and wonder at the sighting and suggested that it had a profound impact on his worldview.
White UFO Over Kellog, Iowa May 28, 2022, UFO Sighting News. Video
White UFO Over Kellog, Iowa May 28, 2022, UFO Sighting News. Video
Date of sighting: May 28, 2022
Location of sighting: Kellog, Iowa, USA Source: MUFON
I made a close up of 6 seconds and slowed it down 2X to make it a total of 12 seconds and put it at the start of the video. That way everyone could see this objects shape, but its odd, its rectangle then oval then round, so its shape seems to change. This to me indicates its a true alien craft, because there are no aircraft or rockets capable of changing shape. 100% alien tech.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Report just in Today. Eyewitness states:
On May 28, 2022, my neighbors contacted me about a bright object in the sky at 7:50 PM and sent a picture. I was unable to see it from my location, so I walked down the street with my wife and our 11 year old son to their location. I took a number of pictures from that location and then we all walked about 3/4 of a mile further to a more open area near the lake so we could get a better view. I contacted to two other neighbors to join us with a telescope or binoculars if they had one. He only had a digital camera, and by the time he got set up the object appear to dim. One neighbor asked if it seemed to be fading, my wife watched it blank out 2 to 3 times and then disappear about 9:25 pm.
I posted about it on a local drone Facebook page. Someone replied that there was a weather balloon in the area, and I dismissed it as a possible weather balloon. After the recent sightings across the United States of odd shaped objects, I looked at the pictures again. One in particular stood out to me, as when I change the contrast from the original blurry photo of a zoom in on the object using my phone editing feature, a strange shape or structure emerges from within the disc. The object did not appear to be reflecting light but had its own light source which sometimes looked like balls of light around it. These pictures were all taken from my iPhone 13 Pro. Included is the compass direction of the location and the known balloon location approximate the time of the event. I originally dismissed this as a possible weather balloon, but after the recent sightings decided to take another look at the pictures.
The sightings The Belgian UFO wave began in November 1989. Reports were filed, most many weeks after the events. Many of the reports related a large object flying at low altitude. Some reports also stated that the craft was of a flat, triangular shape, with lights underneath. The Belgian UFO wave peaked with the events of the night of 30–31 March 1990. On that night, one unknown object was tracked on radar, and two Belgian Air Force F-16s were sent to investigate, with neither pilot reporting seeing the object. No reports were received from the public on the date. But over the next 2 weeks reports from 143 people who claimed to have witnessed the object were received, all of them after the event. Over the ensuing months, many others claimed to have witnessed these events as well. Following the incident, the Belgian Air Force released a report detailing the events of that night At around 23:00 on 30 March, the supervisor for the Control Reporting Center (CRC) at Glons received reports that three unusual lights were seen moving towards Thorembais-Gembloux, which lies to the southeast of Brussels. Glons CRC requested the Wavre gendarmerie send a patrol to confirm the sighting. Approximately 10 minutes later, some later reports stated that a second set of lights were seen, moving towards the first triangle. Traffic Center Control at Semmerzake tracked one object only on its radar, and an order to scramble two F-16 fighters from Beauvechain Air Base was given. Throughout this time, in reports after the event, some people claim that the phenomenon was visible from the ground, describing the whole formation as maintaining their relative positions while moving slowly across the sky.
Belgian UFO wave,sightings of triangular UFOs in Belgium lasted from 29 November 1989 to April 1990
The Belgian UFO wave began in November 1989. Reports were filed, most many weeks after the events. Many of the reports related a large object flying at low altitude. Some reports also stated that the craft was of a flat, triangular shape, with lights underneath.
The Belgian UFO wave peaked with the events of the night of 30–31 March 1990. On that night, one unknown object was tracked on radar, and two Belgian Air Force F-16s were sent to investigate, with neither pilot reporting seeing the object. No reports were received from the public on the date. But over the next 2 weeks reports from 143 people who claimed to have witnessed the object were received, all of them after the event. Over the ensuing months, many others claimed to have witnessed these events as well. Following the incident, the Belgian Air Force released a report detailing the events of that night.
Belgian UFO Wave - Reportage Belgische Ufologen (1995)
Interview met Belgische Ufologen Mark Broux, Wim Van Utrecht en Prof. Vermeessen. Fragment VTM Reportage (1995)
Belgian UFO videos 2022
Videocompilatie van de UFO-beelden die in 2022 bij het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt ( binnenkwamen.
Belgian UFO videos 2021
Videocompilatie van de UFO-beelden die in 2021 bij het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt ( binnenkwamen.
UFO boven België
Op 23 juni 2020, om 22:02 uur zagen Jasmina Van Wrydeve en haar moeder Manuela Dello een UFO in Zeebrugge (België) vanuit hun appartement vlakbij de zee. Ze slaagden erin het evenement vast te leggen en vertelden ons dat dit geen geïsoleerd evenement was. Volgens hen is er tegenwoordig veel UFO-activiteit op de Noordzee.
Original F-16 radar lock-on footage of a UFO & interview with Belgian Air Force Maj. Gen. De Brouwer
Belgian UFO wave, 1989 - 1990.
"The events of November 29 would be documented by no less than thirty different groups of witnesses, and three separate groups of police officers. All of the reports described a large object flying at low altitude. The craft was of a flat, triangular shape, with lights underneath.
This giant craft made not a sound as it slowly and fearlessly moved across the landscape of Belgium. There was free sharing of information as the Belgian populace tracked this craft as it moved from the town of Liege to the border of the Netherlands and Germany.
This first startling sighting would evolve into a wave over the next several months. On two occasions, a pair of F-16 fighters chased the mysterious object, but to no avail.
On March 30, 1990, a frantic call to military headquarters came from a Belgian national police Captain.
He marveled at a giant triangle passing over and simultaneously two ground radar stations were reporting an object of unknown origin on their screens.
One of these bases was NATO controlled near the city of Glons, southeast of Brussels.
After contacting other radar facilities, they learned that at least four other stations were also reporting the object on their screens. The object was moving across their screens slowly, and failed to send a transponder signal to identify itself.
Two F-16s were ordered to intercept and identify this phenomenon, and one of the jet's radars locked the object in. It appeared as a small diamond on the pilot's screen.
The pilot reported that only a few seconds after locking on the target, the object began to pick up speed, quickly moving out of radar range.
An hour long chase ensued, during which time the F-16s picked up the strange craft's signal two additional times, only to see it fade from view.
The triangular craft seemed to be playing a cat and mouse game, and finally was lost in the night lights of Brussels.
The pilots of the fighters reported that the UFO had made maneuvers at speeds beyond the capability of their technology, and once the radar showed the craft drop from 10,000 to 500 feet in 5 seconds!"
-Belgium General says incredible UFO case is a mystery - Exclusive
In this video, retired Belgian Air Force General Wilfried De Brouwer discusses a wave of triangular UFOs he investigated in 1989 and 1990. He was in charge of the Belgian Air Force's official investigation. They never came to a definite conclusion as to where the mysterious triangles came from. De Brouwer also discusses the controversial photograph that was allegedly taken in Petit-Rechain.
TRIANGULAR UFOs - Mysteries with a History
Driehoekige UFO's als onderwerp is opnieuw in het nieuws gekomen met een nieuwe waarneming boven de Las Vegas-strip tijdens Kerstmis, met video's die op verschillende sociale media zijn geplaatst. Terwijl lokale tv-zenders en nieuwsuitzendingen zich haastten om het te ontkrachten als een zeldzaam weerfenomeen, hebben veel getuigen en anderen gezegd dat dit niet lijkt op iets dat te wijten is aan het weer. Driehoekige UFO-waarnemingen komen vaak voor en hebben een lange geschiedenis. Sommigen zeggen dat het geheime militaire vliegtuigtechnologie is, terwijl anderen zeggen dat het nagemaakte buitenaardse vaartuigen zijn. In deze aflevering zullen Cristina Gomez en Jimmy Church gevallen en theorieën onderzoeken met betrekking tot dit fascinerende aspect van het UFO-mysterie.
ONDERWERPEN DIE IN ELKE AFLEVERING BEHANDELD WORDEN - Mysteries met een geschiedenis is een wekelijkse show die kijkt naar specifieke plaatsen, gebeurtenissen en onderwerpen met een belangrijke geschiedenis en die ons begrip op de proef stellen. Van UFO-waarnemingen tot UFO-hotspots, het paranormale, inclusief plaatsen van geesten, bizarre bovennatuurlijke activiteit, stedelijke legendes, overleveringen, mythen en nog veel meer.
Cristina Gomez stelt vragen, zoekt naar antwoorden en kijkt in de marge van de menselijke ervaring om aanwijzingen te vinden over enkele van de meest vreemde mysteries die de mensheid in verwarring brengen. Ze onderschrijft geen bepaalde overtuigingen en haar meningen zijn gewoon speculatief.
The Day UFOs Stopped Play: Recalling the Fascinating Sighting at Stadio Artemi Franchi, Florence, Italy, with a Sketch of the Event by Silvio Neri
UFOs have been a subject of fascination and intrigue for decades. The idea that we may not be alone in the universe has captivated our imaginations for years, and while there are still many questions unanswered, sightings of UFOs continue to occur all over the world. One such sighting occurred in 1954 at a football stadium in Florence, Italy. The event became known as the day UFOs stopped play, and it has since become one of the most well-known sightings of its kind.
On October 27, 1954, the Fiorentina football club was playing against its local rival Pistoiese at the Stadio Artemi Franchi in Florence. The match was well underway, with 10,000 fans watching in the concrete bowl of the stadium. However, just after half-time, the game was interrupted when spectators spotted something strange in the sky. According to the referee’s match report, play was suspended because spectators saw something in the sky. The players stopped playing, and the ball rolled to a standstill.
Stadio Artemi Franchi
One of the footballers on the pitch at the time was Ardico Magnini, a legend at the club who had played for Italy at the 1954 World Cup. He later recalled the events of that day, saying, “I remember everything from A to Z. It was something that looked like an egg that was moving slowly, slowly, slowly. Everyone was looking up, and there was also some glitter coming down from the sky, silver glitter. We were astonished we had never seen anything like it before. We were absolutely shocked.”
Another player, Romolo Tuci, also vividly remembers the event. “In those years everybody was talking about aliens, everybody was talking about UFOs, and we had the experience, we saw them, we saw them directly, for real,” he said.
Among the crowd was Gigi Boni, a lifelong Fiorentina fan. “I remember clearly seeing this incredible sight,” he said. His description of multiple objects differs slightly from Magnini’s. “They were moving very fast, and then they just stopped. It all lasted a couple of minutes. I would like to describe them as being like Cuban cigars. They just reminded me of Cuban cigars, in the way they looked.”
The incident at the stadium cannot simply be interpreted as mass hysteria. There were numerous UFO sightings in many towns across Tuscany that day and over the days that followed. According to some eyewitness accounts, a ray of white light was seen in the sky coming from Prato, north of Florence.
60 Years On: Recalling La Nazione's Reporting of the Unforgettable UFO Sighting over Florence, Italy, and the Mysterious Glass Fibres That Followed
Another man who relishes the chance to speak about that day is Roberto Pinotti, the president of Italy’s National UFO Centre. He has written many books about UFOs (you can find them on Amazon), and his home in the center of Florence is stuffed full of alien memorabilia, posters of old Italian B-movies, framed newspaper articles, and black-and-white photographs of blurry flying saucers. “The players and the public were stunned seeing these objects above the stadium,” Pinotti says. “At the time the newspapers spoke of aliens from Mars. Of course, now we know that is not so – but we may conclude that it was an intelligent phenomenon, a technological phenomenon, and a phenomenon that cannot be linked with anything we know on Earth.”
Pinotti is also intrigued by the material that fell from the sky – what Magnini describes as silver glitter. “A wave of flying saucers over Italy,” reported the Domenica del Corriere three years later. “It is a fact that at the same time the UFOs were seen over Florence, there was a strange, sticky substance falling from above. In English, we call this ‘angel hair,'” says Pinotti.
Unraveling the Enigma of Angel Hair: A Closer Look at the Mysterious Substance Connected to UFO Sighting
Variously described by witnesses as similar to cobwebs, cotton wool, or even marshmallows, angel hair is a strange substance that has been reported in connection with UFO sightings around the world. According to Pinotti, the substance is a type of organic material that has not yet been identified. He believes that it is created by the propulsion systems of UFOs and is left behind as they move through the atmosphere.
UFOs Over Italy: Unveiling the Fascinating Coverage of the Domenica del Corriere on the Wave of Flying Saucers That Took the Nation by Storm
The incident at the Stadio Artemi Franchi was not the first time that UFOs had been reported in Italy. In fact, the country has a long history of UFO sightings, with many of them occurring during the 1950s and 60s. Some of the most well-known sightings include the so-called “Sanremo incident” in 1954, in which two Italian air force planes chased a UFO over the Ligurian Sea, and the “Carmine UFO” sighting of 1965, in which a group of schoolchildren in the town of Carmine witnessed a large, cigar-shaped object hovering over their schoolyard.
Football Legends and Fans Gather: Ardico Magnini, Ronaldo Lomi, Romolo Tuci, and Gigi Boni Remember the Day UFOs Stopped Play at Stadio Artemi Franchi
Despite the wealth of sightings and evidence, the scientific community remains divided on the topic of UFOs. While some researchers argue that there is a great deal of evidence to support the existence of extraterrestrial life and that UFO sightings are proof of this, others are more skeptical. They argue that many UFO sightings can be explained by natural phenomena or are the result of misidentification or hoaxes.
Fifa (Federation Internationale de Football Association) also posted a documentary on their website about the UFO sightings at football matches. You can watch full documentary at this link or in just a part about the Day UFOs Stopped Play in the video bellow!
Regardless of which side of the debate you fall on, there is no denying that the incident at the Stadio Artemi Franchi was a truly remarkable event. It captured the imagination of people all over the world and remains one of the most fascinating UFO sightings on record. Today, over 65 years later, it still inspires wonder and intrigue and reminds us that there is much we still don’t know about the universe and our place in it.
Ancient Environmental DNA Reveals Thriving 2-Million-Year-Old Life on Greenland
Ancient Environmental DNA Reveals Thriving 2-Million-Year-Old Life on Greenland
A “breakthrough” has been made in understanding the history of our planet. Studying ancient environmental DNA a team of researchers has now tracked and mapped the evolution of biological communities that existed some two million-years-ago (Mya).
Until now, the scientific understanding of Earth’s ancient biological lifeforms was greatly built on the oldest environmental DNA available, which was taken from a woolly mammoth that roamed in the Siberian tundra around 1 Mya. But a team of researchers has now sampled and interpreted DNA from sedimentary clay and quartz deposits taken from the permafrost of Greenland that dates back to around 2 million Mya.
Based on this new study of ancient environmental DNA, the team of researchers has presented a detailed picture of life in a 2-million-year-old (Myo) environment, describing it as “far removed from the icy shores of the Arctic Circle.” But more importantly, they think their new techniques and methodology might soon shine light on the ancient origins of humans .
A two-million- year-old trunk from a larch tree still stuck in the permafrost within the coastal deposits. The tree was carried to the sea by the rivers that eroded the former forested landscape.
A new paper published in the journal Nature explores an ancient ecosystem through the results of an analysis of “the oldest ancient environmental DNA recovered to date,” anywhere. The samples were all taken in the north of Greenland, and the study reveals the animal and plant species that roamed these northern territories approximately two Mya.
Author of the new paper, Geneticist Eske Willerslev of the University of Cambridge in the UK and the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, says the new research opens “a new chapter spanning 1 million extra years of history.” And as a result of this new study scientists can now “look directly at the DNA of a past ecosystem that far back in time" added Eske.
Prof. Eske Willerslev and a colleague sample sediments for environmental DNA in Greenland.
(Courtesy of NOVA, HHMI Tangled Bank Studios & Handful of Films/ Nature)
Revolutionary Steps in Environmental DNA Analysis
The ancient environmental DNA was identified in samples taken at the Kap København Formation, located in Peary Land, North Greenland. Often described as a ‘polar desert’ this region is renowned for its rare fossils dating back to the Neogene period beginning 23.03 million years ago (Mya) to the beginning of the present Quaternary Period 2.58 Mya.
Notwithstanding, because ‘vertebrate’ fossils are rare in the Arctic researchers have always struggled to obtain samples that reveal new data about ancient biological communities. Eske explains that all previous research suggested that around 2–3 Mya the Kap København Formation region had experienced a much warmer climate with “temperatures 11–19 °C warmer than today.” But the new research was constructed around extracted and sequenced DNA “from 41 organic-rich sediment samples taken from 5 different sites within the Kap København Formation.”
Newly thawed moss from the permafrost coastal deposits. The moss originates from erosion of the river that cut through the landscape at Kap København some two million years ago.
Geologist Kurt Kjær of the University of Copenhagen explains that most of the samples were taken many years ago during other research projects. It wasn't until “a new generation of DNA extraction and sequencing equipment was developed” that extremely small and damaged fragments of DNA in the sediment samples could be analysed enabling the new “map a 2-million-year-old ecosystem."
The new model of the Greenland polar region some 2 Mya shows an ancient ecosystem thriving with fern and fauna. An open boreal forest was filled with “a mixed vegetation of poplar, birch and thuja trees, as well as a variety of Arctic and boreal shrubs and herbs.” Furthermore, mitochondrial DNA allowed the researchers to build a picture of the wildlife from the ground up.
On a microscopic scale, DNA was identified from microorganisms and fungi and the ancient world was populated by ants and fleas. On the other end of the spectrum giant mastodons roamed among reindeer, rodents and geese, and until this study it was thought that mastodons did not range as far north as Greenland. Then, in areas that were once ancient seas, the scientists recovered DNA from the Atlantic horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus).
Questing Ancient Origins
In conclusion, the authors suggest their data points towards “Earth's future in the face of a changing climate.” What they mean here is that they now have insights into the ability of different species to adapt to the changing environments resulting from temperature increases. Geogeneticist Mikkel Pederson of the University of Copenhagen said the new found information suggests that given time, “more species can evolve and adapt to wildly varying temperatures than previously thought.”
In the opening sentence this new research was described as a “breakthrough.” Why so? Now that ancient environmental DNA has been extracted from clay and quartz samples, and successfully analysed, the new technique might now be turned towards deposits from other locations around the world. Willerslev said “the possibilities are endless" and that if the new method was applied in Africa scientists might soon be gathering “ground-breaking information about the origin of the first humans and their ancestors."
Top image: Reconstruction of Kap København formation two-million years ago in a time where the temperature was significantly warmer than northernmost Greenland today.
The European Space Agency hopes that its Argonaut Moon missions (artist’s impression) will be powered by batteries that use the radioactive element americium.
Credit: ESA
European scientists are developing a breed of battery for space missions that is powered by nuclear waste. The European Space Agency (ESA) hopes that the technology will, by the end of the decade, allow it to operate spacecraft that don’t rely on solar panels and can explore the Moon and far-off reaches of the Solar System without relying on equipment from international partners.
Ministers at ESA’s ministerial council meeting in Paris on 22 and 23 November agreed to fund a €29-million (US$30-million) programme called European Devices Using Radioisotope Energy (ENDURE). This aims to develop long-lasting heat and electricity units powered by the radioactive element americium-241, in time for a series of ESA Moon missions in the early 2030s.
“If we want to have autonomy in exploration, we need these capabilities,” says Jason Hatton, a co-leader of ENDURE, based at the European Space Research and Technology Center (ESTEC) in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. ESA’s growing space ambitions mean it needs its own source of long-lasting power, says Hatton.
Element 241
Americium, a by-product of plutonium decay, has never been used as a fuel. For missions in which solar power would not suffice — either because of shade or because of distance from the Sun — ESA has relied on US or Russian partners, which have used plutonium-238 batteries to power missions since the space race. NASA built plutonium batteries, for example, that warmed the Huygens probe during its descent to Saturn’s moon Titan in 2005. But plutonium-238 has been in short supply over the past decade and is expensive to produce.
And ESA severed ties with Russia after the country invaded Ukraine. “The current political situation demonstrates that you cannot always rely on partners”, says Athena Coustenis, an astrophysicist at the Paris Observatory in Meudon, France, who chairs an ESA advisory committee that backed the new programme.
The lack of a power source has long restricted the solo missions that European scientists propose, and limited others. The agency felt its lack of radioisotope power keenly in 2014, when its comet-landing Philae probe was operational for less than three days because it ended up in a shaded spot where its solar panels were useless. “For years, European scientists have been saying that if you want to go far, or to dark and cold places, there is no other way,” says Coustenis.
Better than plutonium?
Americium’s big advantage over plutonium is that it is cheaper and more abundant, repurposing waste that would otherwise be useless, says Véronique Ferlet-Cavrois, who co-leads the ENDURE initiative at ESTEC.
Plutonium-238 is made in a two-stage process that involves irradiating a neptunium target with neutrons. Researchers at the UK government’s National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) in Sellafield have shown that americium can be extracted from reprocessed nuclear fuel used in civil power plants and made into fuel pellets, which form the core of the batteries. Part of the ENDURE programme will include raising americium production capacity to what is needed for batteries, says Hatton.
Americium has a longer half-life than plutonium-238, which means it lasts longer but packs less power per gram. But because americium is more readily available, producing one watt of power costs about one-fifth as much as it does using plutonium, says Markus Landgraf, who coordinates work on future lunar missions at ESTEC.
Over the next three years, the ENDURE team will develop prototypes into models that can be tested in mission-like conditions, as precursors to usable devices. In a collaboration with NNL, a team at the University of Leicester, UK, has developed two types of device: a radioisotope heating unit, which warms instruments with heat produced in the decaying americium, and radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs), which use the heat to produce electricity by creating a temperature difference across metal plates.
The researchers designed both types of device to account for americium’s higher volume for a given power output, and cooler temperatures, compared with plutonium, says Richard Ambrosi, a physicist and specialist in space power systems, who leads the team at the University of Leicester.
Safety is also crucial, because of the use of radioactive materials. The units are encapsulated in layers including a platinum alloy, which seal in the americium while allowing heat to escape, he says. The programme’s next phase will focus on safety testing, so that the americium units can be certified for launch. Tests will include monitoring the behaviour of components at high temperatures and under impact — for example, during an explosion on the launch pad — to ensure that radioactive material would not leak. “We have to be able to survive a significant set of very extreme scenarios,” says Ambrosi.
Once developed, the same basic power system could be reused on any missions for which solar energy is unavailable, says Ferlet-Cavrois. This is the case during nights on the Moon, which last 14 Earth days, and on expeditions to the Solar System beyond Jupiter. To survive the harsh lunar night, China’s active Moon rover, Chang’e-4, uses plutonium heating units built in collaboration with Russia.
ESA’s first target for launching americium power sources is its Argonaut Moon lander, scheduled to launch in the early 2030s. The Argonaut missions would conduct long studies on the lunar surface and support astronauts working there, says Landgraf. And in the 2040s, ESA hopes to power a mission to the ice giants Uranus and Neptune, says Ferlet-Cavrois. These planets have been studied only during fly-bys by NASA’s Voyager 2 probe in the 1980s.
Americium’s availability, and the challenges of producing plutonium-238, mean that NASA might want to use it too, says Landgraf. The agency is assessing its ability to produce enough RTGs for its coming missions. For its Artemis programme, which aims to establish a long-term presence on the Moon, “they consider our americium very interesting”, he says.
It has taken more than a decade of research to get the americium technology to the stage at which it can be developed for real missions, says Ambrosi. “The excitement is actually quite palpable at the moment. We’ve been working on this for a long time,” he says.
Voor zover we weten komen de mineralen hier op aarde van nature niet voor.
Canadese wetenschappers ontdekten de twee mineralen toen ze zich bogen over een stukje van een 15 ton zware meteoriet die in Somalië is teruggevonden. Het gaat om de op acht na zwaarste meteoriet die ooit op aarde is ontdekt. Maar nieuw onderzoek wijst nu dus uit dat het gewicht en de omvang niet het enige is wat deze meteoriet zo speciaal maakt. De buitenaardse steen blijkt namelijk ook twee mineralen te herbergen die hier op aarde van nature niet voorkomen.
Elaliite en elkinstantonite De wetenschappers hebben de twee mineralen de namen elaliite en elkinstantonite gegeven. De mineralen zijn aangetroffen in een 70 gram wegend plakje van de meteoriet dat aan de wetenschap ter beschikking is gesteld. En mogelijk herbergt dit plakje nóg een mineraal dat hier op aarde van nature niet voorkomt, maar dat wordt momenteel nog nader onderzocht.
Soepeltjes De ontdekking van de eerste twee ‘nieuwe’ mineralen ging overigens verrassend soepeltjes. Het was in eerste instantie wetenschapper Chris Herd die in het stukje meteoriet iets geks aantrof. Hij schakelde vervolgens collega Andrew Locock in, die eerder al nieuwe mineralen beschreef. “En de eerste dag dat hij (Locock, red.) enkele analyses uitvoerde, zei hij al: ‘Je hebt hier minimaal twee nieuwe mineralen in zitten’,” vertelt Herd. “Dat was fenomenaal. Meestal is het namelijk heel veel werk om te kunnen concluderen dat er een nieuw mineraal in zit.”
Dat het dit keer zo gemakkelijk ging, is goed te verklaren. Want hoewel beide mineralen van nature niet op aarde voorkomen, hebben wetenschappers ze eerder wel in het laboratorium weten te creëren. En een vergelijking van de nieuwe, op natuurlijke wijze in deze meteoriet tot stand gekomen mineralen met synthetische mineralen leidde Locock tot de spoedige conclusie dat we hier te maken hebben met mineralen die – voor zover we weten – van nature niet op aarde voorkomen.
Andere chemie En dat is een opwindende ontdekking, vindt Herd. “Wanneer je een nieuw mineraal vindt, betekent het dat de geologische omstandigheden (waaronder de steen gevormd is, red.), de chemie van de steen anders is dan alles wat we hiervoor gezien hebben. En dat maakt dit zo opwindend. Want in dit geval hebben we zelfs twee mineralen die nieuw zijn voor de wetenschap.”
Nader onderzoek De mineralen worden nu nog nader onderzocht. Herd en collega’s hopen zo te achterhalen wat ze ons kunnen vertellen over de omstandigheden waaronder de meteoriet tot stand is gekomen. “Dat is mijn vakgebied,” aldus Herd. “De geologische processen en de geologische geschiedenis van de planetoïde waar deze steen ooit deel van uitmaakte, achterhalen.”
Zoals gezegd wordt vermoed dat het dunne plakje van de meteoriet dat Herd en collega’s bestudeerd hebben nog een derde mineraal herbergt dat we hier op aarde niet kennen. En wanneer wetenschappers de beschikking zouden krijgen over aanvullende stukjes van de meteoriet is het niet ondenkbaar dat daarin nog meer nieuwe mineralen worden aangetroffen. Of het zover gaat komen, is helaas zeer twijfelachtig; volgens de laatste berichten is de meteoriet naar China overgebracht, met als doel deze daar te verkopen. Of wetenschappers in de toekomst nog stukjes van de meteoriet tot hun beschikking krijgen, is dan ook onzeker.
De onfortuinlijke ster werd volledig aan flarden gescheurd, wat leidde tot een recordbrekend heldere uitbarsting waarbij er meer licht werd uitgestraald dan 1000 biljoen zonnen samen!
Eerder dit jaar ontdekten astronomen een ongewoon heldere lichtbron aan de nachtelijke hemel. Meerdere telescopen, waaronder de Very Large Telescope (VLT), werden door onderzoekers van over de hele wereld op de mysterieuze bron gericht. En wat blijkt? Het signaal is waarschijnlijk afkomstig van een straal materie (een jet) die bijna met de snelheid als het licht uit een superzwaar zwart gat schiet. En deze jet blijkt het product van een zwart gat dat plotseling een nabije ster begon te verslinden, waarbij een enorme hoeveelheid energie vrijkwam.
Tidal disruption event Sterren die onverhoopt te dicht bij een zwart gat in de buurt komen, worden door diens enorme getijdenkrachten aan flarden getrokken. Zo’n gebeurtenis wordt ook wel een ‘tidal disruption event’ (TDE) genoemd. In ongeveer één procent van de gevallen schieten bundels van plasma en straling uit de polen van het draaiende zwarte gat weg. In 1971 omschreef zwarte-gatenpionier John Wheeler het concept van TDE’s met jets als ‘een tube tandpasta die in het midden stevig wordt samengeknepen, waardoor aan beide uiteinden materie wegspuit’.
Deze animatie laat zien hoe materiaal van een ster naar een zwarte gat in het centrum van een ver sterrenstelsel toe valt, waarbij ‘jets’ van materie en straling ontstaan. Een deel van het materiaal van de ster wordt naar binnen getrokken en wervelt om het zwarte gat, waardoor de hierboven afgebeelde schijf ontstaat. In zeldzame gevallen (zoals deze), schieten materie en straling uit de polen van het zwarte gat weg. In het geval van AT2022cmc zijn deze ‘jets’ gedetecteerd met verschillende telescopen, waaronder de VLT, die vaststelde dat dit het verste voorbeeld van een gebeurtenis van dit type is.
Zeldzaam Dit soort verschijnselen zijn uiterst zeldzaam en geven zich niet gemakkelijk prijs, waardoor ze moeilijk te bestuderen zijn. “We hebben tot nu toe pas een handjevol TDE’s met jets gezien en het zijn nog steeds heel exotische en slecht begrepen gebeurtenissen,” zegt onderzoeker Nial Tanvir. Astronomen zijn dus voortdurend op jacht naar deze extreme verschijnselen, om te begrijpen hoe de jets precies ontstaan en waarom ze maar bij zo weinig TDE’s optreden.
Speurtocht In het kader van deze zoektocht speuren veel telescopen regelmatig de hemel af naar tekenen van kortstondige – vaak extreme – gebeurtenissen, die vervolgens veel gedetailleerder onder de loep kunnen worden genomen door telescopen zoals de VLT. In februari van dit jaar ontdekten astronomen vervolgens de nieuwe mysterieuze bron van zichtbaar licht. De gebeurtenis, die AT2022cmc is genoemd, leek op een gammaflits – de krachtigste lichtbron in het heelal. Het vooruitzicht om getuige te zijn van dit zeldzame verschijnsel bracht astronomen ertoe om telescopen van over de hele wereld te activeren om de mysterieuze lichtbron beter te kunnen bekijken.
Verste en helderste ooit In totaal hebben 21 telescopen allerlei soorten licht – van hoogenergetische gammastraling tot radiogolven – verzameld. Verschillende theorieën over wat de heldere flits kon hebben veroorzaakt, passeerden de revue. Maar uiteindelijk is het enige scenario dat met de gegevens overeenkomt een zeldzame TDE, waarbij een onfortuinlijke ster door een hongerig zwart gat wordt opgeslokt. Wanneer de stellaire materie vervolgens in het zwarte gat valt, komt een heldere uitbarsting van energie vrij die onderzoekers kunnen detecteren. En van de weinig TDE’s met jets die tot nu toe zijn ontdekt, is AT2022cmc zowel de verste als de helderste.
Hoe dan? De bron bevindt zich op een slordige 8,5 miljard lichtjaar afstand – meer dan halverwege het universum. Het licht van AT2022cmc begon zijn reis toen het heelal nog maar ongeveer een derde van zijn huidige leeftijd had. Hoe zo’n verre gebeurtenis zo helder aan onze hemel kan verschijnen? Het team denkt dat de uitgespuugde jet mogelijk rechtstreeks naar de aarde wijst, waardoor het signaal helderder lijkt dan wanneer de jet in een andere richting zou wijzen.
Zichtbaar licht Dat is nog niet eens het enige bijzondere. “De weinige TDE’s met jets die tot nu toe zijn waargenomen, zijn in eerste instantie opgemerkt met telescopen die hoogenergetische gamma- en röntgenstraling detecteren,” vertelt onderzoeker Daniel Perley. “Maar AT2022cmc is de eerste ontdekking van een TDE in zichtbaar licht.” Dit betekent dat er blijkbaar nog een andere manier bestaat om TDE’s met jets te detecteren en deze zeldzame gebeurtenissen in de extreme omgevingen rond zwarte gaten nader te onderzoeken.
De waarnemingen verschaffen meer inzicht in superzware zwarte gaten. Zo zou het meer kunnen verhelderen over hoe zwarte gaten zich voeden en groeien. Daarnaast gaat de jacht op TDE’s onverstoorbaar door. En mogelijk wachten er in de nabije toekomst nog veel meer op ontdekking. In de komende jaren zullen er namelijk meer krachtige telescopen in bedrijf worden genomen die in staat zijn TDE’s aan het licht te brengen. “We verwachten in de toekomst nog veel meer van TDE’s te vinden,” zegt onderzoeker MatteoLucchini. “Dan zullen we mogelijk ook achterhalen hoe zwarte gaten de waargenomen extreem krachtige jets precies lanceren.”
The European Rosalind Franklin rover will have a 2-metre drill to probe the Martian surface.
Credit: ESA/ATG medialab
Europe’s Rosalind Franklin Mars rover, part of the beleaguered €1.3-billion (US$1.35-billion) ExoMars programme, is now set to launch in 2028, after securing a reported €360-million investment from European countries.
The money will allow the European Space Agency (ESA) to start designing a new landing platform to lower its first Martian rover onto the planet’s surface. The work became necessary after ESA severed ties with its former partner on the mission, the Russian space agency Roscosmos, in March, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Roscomos was in charge of designing and building landing gear for the rover, as well as launching the mission from its site in Baikonur, Kazakhstan.
“I am very relieved and incredibly happy that this great mission was not taken away from us, and that I can continue to hope to steer a rover on Mars one day,” says Daniela Tirsch, a planetary geologist at the German Aerospace Center in Berlin. Only the United States and China have so far placed working rovers on Mars.
The latest postponement is the third in the mission’s history. The ExoMars rover was originally intended to launch in 2018, but technical issues scuppered that plan. The COVID-19 pandemic then delayed a scheduled 2020 flight to 2022, before relations with Russia deteriorated. The cost of this second delay was on the order of €100 million, an ESA spokesperson told Nature.
Deep drilling
Despite the hold-ups and burgeoning costs, scientists remain excited about the ExoMars rover. It is the second part of the programme, following on from an orbiter that arrived at the red planet in 2016 and has been hunting for biological or geological origins of methane and other gases.
The Franklin rover carries a 2-metre drill that will burrow deep beneath the Martian surface to search for preserved signs of ancient life. “We will search for evidence of past life in the subsurface for the very first time,” says Jorge Vago, ESA project scientist for the mission, based at the European Space Research and Technology Centre in Noordwijk, the Netherlands.
“ExoMars is a really incredible mission that will be unique in method and scientific approach, even if launched in 2028,” says Francesca Esposito, a planetary scientist at the INAF Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte in Naples, Italy, and member of the mission team.
“It’s the first mission which can probe the very early history of terrestrial planets,” adds Tirsch, noting that the rover’s intended landing site, a vast plain called Oxia Planum, records “unique information on ancient, water-rich Mars environments, prebiotic chemistry, and, perhaps, life”.
ESA expects that NASA will help by contributing the mission’s launcher, its braking engine — for use during landing — and its radioisotope-based heating units, said ESA director-general Josef Aschbacher at a press briefing on 23 November. The units are necessary for Rosalind Franklin to survive the harsh Martian nights. But European technology will replace the rest of Russia’s lost contribution, he said.
Member states promised the cash for the mission at the ESA ministerial conference in Paris on 22 and23 November, at which they committed a budget of €16.9 billion in total for projects over 5 years. This includes €2.7 billion for human and robotic space exploration, an increase of 16% over the last allocation in 2019, and €3.2 billion for the agency’s scientific programme, a rise of 19%.
As part of this commitment, ministers agreed to fund the Solaris project, a programme to scope out the viability of developing, from 2025, a space-based solar-power system that would transmit energy to Earth. Nations worldwide are exploring technology to beam down energy from a kilometres-sized solar array in orbit, an idea that has become more viable given the plummeting costs of space launches.
There is much written about the infamous Blue Beam project from which it is said that it will be used to create a fake alien invasion.
Now, there are rumors that soon they are going to rollout this blue beam technology in order to convince the people that there is a threat from outer space.
Of course there are secret government projects that use certain technologies and they have powerful satellites and ground based systems that can project holograms. They have been developing and perfecting this holographic blue beam technology for decades and it looks real.
But creating a fake alien invasion would require an enormous amount of resources and would be very difficult to keep it secret. Additionally, such an event would likely have major ethical and political implications that the US government would not want to risk, therefore it is unlikely that it would be used to create a false flag event, but you never know.
Watching the video below of a large fire-breathing dragon flying around at the opening of a baseball game at Happy Dream Park in South Korea in 2019 which was streamed live through sports broadcasting channels then it's not hard to imagine what's possible by using 3D holographic blue beam technology.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
UFO Sighting in Quebec: Telepathic Chat with Pleiadians
UFO Sighting in Quebec: Telepathic Chat with Pleiadians
UFO Sighting in Quebec: Telepathic Chat with Pleiadians?
On the 10th of August 2022, a driver in St-Élie-de-Caxton, Quebec, Canada, witnessed a mysterious UFO in the sky. The object was large and silvery white, with some small darker vessels below it. The driver was able to film the UFO, but the camera failed to capture the full extent of what the driver’s eyes could see.
The sighting was not just a random event, as another witness from a nearby town also saw the UFO and confirmed the presence of smaller vessels below the main one. However, what set this sighting apart from others was the fact that the driver claimed to have chatted telepathically with the UFO afterwards, and it identified itself as a Pleiadian spacecraft.
The Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters, is a star cluster located in the Taurus constellation, and it has been the subject of much fascination for many years. According to believers in the existence of extraterrestrial life, the Pleiadians are an advanced race of beings who have been visiting Earth for a long time. They are said to be peaceful and benevolent and have been working to help humanity in various ways.
The driver’s telepathic chat with the Pleiadian craft was an extraordinary event, but it raises a lot of questions. How did the driver know that the craft was a Pleiadian spaceship? Was the chat genuine, or was it just a figment of the driver’s imagination? These are difficult questions to answer, and it’s up to each person to decide what they believe.
Despite the skepticism that some may have towards the driver’s experience, it’s worth noting that there have been many reports of people claiming to have had telepathic communications with extraterrestrial beings. In some cases, these contacts have led to profound changes in people’s lives, inspiring them to become more spiritual or pursue a deeper understanding of the universe.
In any case, the sighting in Quebec is an exciting event that adds to the long list of mysterious and unexplained phenomena that continue to fascinate people around the world. Whether or not the driver’s telepathic chat with the Pleiadian craft was genuine, it’s clear that the event had a profound impact on the driver and may inspire others to keep an open mind about the possibility of life beyond Earth.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Mercury transits the Sun in these awesome Solar Orbiter views
ESA's Solar Orbiter captured views of the planet Mercury passing in front of the Sun on Jan. 3, 2023. Multiple instruments aboard the spacecraft captured the imagery.
These Rocks Did Something We Were Not Expecting | 1st Year Perseverance Supercut
SpaceX NEW Dragon scheduled to ISS with astronauts made Russia embarrassed cause of Soyuz
SpaceX Dragon to ISS with astronauts while Soyuz is empty, Dragon to rescue Soyuz...
This is the International Space Station or ISS for short. It has been continuously occupied since November 2000. The station is divided into two sections: the Russian Orbital Segment is operated by Russia, while the United States Orbital Segment is run by the United States as well as by the other states. Countries have cooperated very well with each other over the past two decades. But the ISS status is recently experiencing a lot of turmoil due to the Soyuz leak two times in nearly two months. More stress will come this week as in just a short period of time, SpaceX Dragon will dock to ISS with astronauts while Soyuz is empty to rescue the MS-22 crew. Explain all of this in today's episode of Alpha Tech: First, in an important news, one leaky Russia space station ships burned up over the Pacific Ocean last week. The Progress MS-21 cargo ship undocked from space-facing Poisk module on the Russian segment of the space station at 9:26 p.m. EST Friday (0226 GMT Saturday), keeping a departure date that has been set for months. But the routine undocking took special significance after the Progress MS-21 cargo ship suddenly leaked coolant last Saturday, Feb. 11, soon after the docking of a fresh Progress resupply spacecraft to a different port on the space station. The timing of the leak soon after the docking of another Progress supply ship was presumably a coincidence, but it was the second time in less than two months that a Russian spacecraft suddenly lost its coolant fluid while docked at the international research complex. Russia’s Soyuz MS-22 crew ferry ship leaked coolant in December, an incident that Russian space agency officials previously blamed on a likely high-speed impact from a micrometeoroid, or a tiny fragment of rock from deep space. Russian engineers continue analyzing the cause of the coolant leak on the unpiloted Progress MS-21 cargo ship, and officials have not said whether both leaks were caused by the same failure, or if both spaceships suffered untimely hits by space junk or micrometeoroids. The coolant on both vehicles is used to dissipate heat generated by internal spacecraft electronics, and maintain comfortable operating temperatures for computers, cargo, and people inside. The 58-foot-long (17.6-meter) Canadian-built robotic arm inspected the damaged thermal control system radiator Progress MS-21 spacecraft’s rear instrumentation compartment earlier last week, according to Roscosmos, Russia’s space agency. Russian space officials decided to move ahead with the planned undocking and re-entry of the Progress MS-21 spacecraft, which is carrying trash and other unnecessary space station equipment for disposal. SpaceX NEW Dragon scheduled to ISS with astronauts made Russia embarrassed cause of Soyuz
Breakthrough In Dark Energy? Here's What The Researchers Have To Say
A recent research paper suggests that supermassive black holes can be the source of dark energy. It's a big potential breakthrough in Astronomy. So, here's what the co-author of the study, Dr Chris Pearson from STFC RAL Space, has to say about it.
Since space exploration began, only four spaceships have managed to reach Saturn. But, only one managed to enter the planet's bowels and reveal what is hidden under its cloud-filled atmosphere. Is it difficult to get to the planet with the giant asteroid rings? Ready? Let's get started! Being the sixth closest planet to the sun, Saturn is also known for its famous asteroid rings, but despite its fame, few have been the ships that have managed to reach this distant planet. The Gas Giants One of the main reasons Saturn is so difficult for our spacecraft or space exploration probes to visit is that it is part of the planets known as "gas giants," which are very far from Earth and the sun. Any spacecraft destined to visit the outermost planets of the solar system must meet specific requirements that are very difficult to achieve. One such requirement is that the spacecraft must have a nuclear battery that provides it with electrical power for all its data transmission functions. These ships must carry this type of battery instead of the classic solar panels because these planets are too far from the sun; because of this, very little light arrives, and the solar panels fail to provide enough energy for the operation of the ship. Due to the lack of light, it is necessary to incorporate batteries that work with nuclear thermal energy. Still, the problem with these batteries is that they weigh a lot, which considerably increases the cost of the spaceship, in addition to the fact that the heavier it is, the more fuel is also needed to take it very far, compared to the energy needed by exploration probes that use solar panels. Gas giants like Saturn are located beyond the asteroid belt; in these regions, the temperatures are very, very low, which is why the ships that are sent to explore these planets must have isolation systems to the low temperatures of the interplanetary medium. And, of course, one of the most important reasons why it is tough to reach Saturn is that it is 1,300 million kilometers from Earth. To cover this distance, a large amount of energy and fuel is necessary at the time of launch, which is why the probes that have visited Saturn have been supported with the gravitational assistance of Jupiter. Too far for telescopes
Scientists Just Opened A Black Hole And FINALLY Found What's Inside
For as long as most of us can remember, black holes have been seen as one of the scariest things mankind has ever come across. They have the ability to swallow up anything that comes too close, including galaxies, stars, and any other matter in their reach. But there is much more to black holes than meets the eye. The thing is, you can't exactly get up close to one to study it, or can you? Well, scientists have just admitted that they've created an actual black hole in their lab, and well, it's revealed details that no one saw coming. Join us as we explore the incredible and mysterious world of black holes, what scientists were able to find out with the one they made, and what it all might mean for the future of science and mankind as a whole.
You Won’t Believe Your Eyes What NASA Found In Space!
Google's AI Robot Terrifies Officials Before It Was Quickly Shut Down
Google's AI Robot Terrifies Officials Before It Was Quickly Shut Down. Google engineer Blake Lemoine began talking to LaMDA as part of his job to test if the artificial intelligence used discriminatory or hate speech. But what followed, let Lemoine’s jaw open.
Elon Musk Drops Truth Bomb About Aliens - You Won't Believe What He Said!
Elon Musk Drops Truth Bomb About Aliens - You Won't Believe What He Said!
In this video, we explore what Elon Musk just said about aliens and how it could potentially change our understanding of the universe. From the possibility of life on Mars to the potential implications for space travel, Musk's comments have left many people wondering about the future of space exploration. Join us as we dive into this fascinating topic and uncover the truth about Elon Musk's thoughts on extraterrestrial life.
NASA’s Webb Reveals Intricate Networks of Gas and Dust in Nearby Galaxies
NASA’s Webb Reveals Intricate Networks of Gas and Dust in Nearby Galaxies
New imagery from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope is giving scientists their first look at high resolution into the fine structure of nearby galaxies and how that’s impacted by the formation of young stars. NGC 1433 is a barred spiral galaxy with a particularly bright core surrounded by double star forming rings. For the first time, in Webb’s infrared images, scientists can see cavernous bubbles of gas where forming stars have released energy into their surrounding environment. In the image of NGC 1433, blue, green, and red were assigned to Webb’s MIRI data at 7.7, 10 and 11.3, and 21 microns (F770W, F1000W and F1130W, and F2100W, respectively).
Credits: NASA, ESA, CSA, and J. Lee (NOIRLab). Image processing: A. Pagan (STScI)
Researchers using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope are getting their first look at star formation, gas, and dust in nearby galaxies with unprecedented resolution at infrared wavelengths. The data has enabled an initial collection of 21 research papers which provide new insight into how some of the smallest-scale processes in our universe – the beginnings of star formation – impact the evolution of the largest objects in our cosmos: galaxies.
The largest survey of nearby galaxies in Webb’s first year of science operations is being carried out by the Physics at High Angular resolution in Nearby Galaxies (PHANGS) collaboration, involving more than 100 researchers from around the globe. The Webb observations are led by Janice Lee, Gemini Observatory chief scientist at the National Science Foundation’s NOIRLab and affiliate astronomer at the University of Arizona in Tucson.
The team is studying a diverse sample of 19 spiral galaxies, and in Webb’s first few months of science operations, observations of five of those targets – M74, NGC 7496, IC 5332, NGC 1365, and NGC 1433 – have taken place. The results are already astounding astronomers.
“The clarity with which we are seeing the fine structure certainly caught us by surprise,” said team member David Thilker of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.
“We are directly seeing how the energy from the formation of young stars affects the gas around them, and it’s just remarkable,” said team member Erik Rosolowsky of the University of Alberta, Canada.
The spiral arms of NGC 7496 are filled with cavernous bubbles and shells overlapping one another in this image from MIRI. These filaments and hollow cavities are evidence of young stars releasing energy and, in some cases, blowing out the gas and dust of the interstellar medium surrounding them. In this image of NGC 7496, blue, green, and red were assigned to Webb’s MIRI data at 7.7, 10 and 11.3, and 21 microns (F770W, F1000W and F1130W, and F2100W, respectively).
Credits: NASA, ESA, CSA, and J. Lee (NOIRLab). Image processing: A. Pagan (STScI)
The images from Webb’s Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) reveal the presence of a network of highly structured features within these galaxies – glowing cavities of dust and huge cavernous bubbles of gas that line the spiral arms. In some regions of the nearby galaxies observed, this web of features appears built from both individual and overlapping shells and bubbles where young stars are releasing energy.
“Areas which are completely dark in Hubble imaging light up in exquisite detail in these new infrared images, allowing us to study how the dust in the interstellar medium has absorbed the light from forming stars and emitted it back out in the infrared, illuminating an intricate network of gas and dust,” said team member Karin Sandstrom of the University of California, San Diego.
The high-resolution imaging needed to study these structures has long evaded astronomers – until Webb came into the picture.
“The PHANGS team has spent years observing these galaxies at optical, radio, and ultraviolent wavelengths using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array, and the Very Large Telescope’s Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer,” added team member Adam Leroy of the Ohio State University. “But, the earliest stages of a star’s lifecycle have remained out of view because the process is enshrouded within gas and dust clouds.”
Webb’s powerful infrared capabilities can pierce through the dust to connect the missing puzzle pieces.
For example, specific wavelengths observable by MIRI (7.7 and 11.3 microns) and Webb’s Near-Infrared Camera (3.3 microns) are sensitive to emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which play a critical role in the formation of stars and planets. These molecules were detected by Webb in the first observations by the PHANGS program.
Studying these interactions at the finest scale can help provide insights into the larger picture of how galaxies have evolved over time.
In the MIRI observations of NGC 1365, clumps of dust and gas in the interstellar medium have absorbed the light from forming stars and emitted it back out in the infrared, lighting up an intricate network of cavernous bubbles and filamentary shells influenced by young stars releasing energy into the galaxy’s spiral arms. In this image of NGC 1356, blue, green, and red were assigned to Webb’s MIRI data at 7.7, 10 and 11.3, and 21 microns (F770W, F1000W and F1130W, and F2100W, respectively).
Credits: NASA, ESA, CSA, and J. Lee (NOIRLab). Image processing: A. Pagan (STScI)
“Because these observations are taken as part of what's called a treasury program, they are available to the public as they are observed and received on Earth,” said Eva Schinnerer of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany, and leader of the PHANGS collaboration.
The PHANGS team will work to create and release data sets that align Webb’s data to each of the complementary data sets obtained previously from the other observatories, to help accelerate discovery by the broader astronomical community.
“Thanks to the telescope's resolution, for the first time we can conduct a complete census of star formation, and take inventories of the interstellar medium bubble structures in nearby galaxies beyond the Local Group,” Lee said. “That census will help us understand how star formation and its feedback imprint themselves on the interstellar medium, then give rise to the next generation of stars, or how it actually impedes the next generation of stars from being formed.”
The James Webb Space Telescope is the world's premier space science observatory. Webb will solve mysteries in our solar system, look beyond to distant worlds around other stars, and probe the mysterious structures and origins of our universe and our place in it. Webb is an international program led by NASA with its partners, ESA (European Space Agency), and CSA (Canadian Space Agency).
How will AI change mathematics? Rise of chatbots highlights discussion
How will AI change mathematics? Rise of chatbots highlights discussion
Machine learning tools already help mathematicians to formulate new theories and solve tough problems. But they’re set to shake up the field even more.
AI tools have allowed researchers to solve complex mathematical problems.
Credit: Fadel Senna/AFP/Getty
As interest in chatbots spreads like wildfire, mathematicians are beginning to explore how artificial intelligence (AI) could help them to do their work. Whether it’s assisting with verifying human-written work or suggesting new ways to solve difficult problems, automation is beginning to change the field in ways that go beyond mere calculation, researchers say.
“We’re looking at a very specific question: will machines change math?” says Andrew Granville, a number theorist at the University of Montreal in Canada. A workshop at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), this week explored this question, aiming to build bridges between mathematicians and computer scientists. “Most mathematicians are completely unaware of these opportunities,” says one of the event’s organizers, Marijn Heule, a computer scientist at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Akshay Venkatesh, a 2018 winner of the prestigious Fields Medal who is at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, kick-started a conversation on how computers will change maths at a symposium in his honour in October. Two other recipients of the medal, Timothy Gowers at the Collège de France in Paris and Terence Tao at UCLA, have also taken leading roles in the debate.
“The fact that we have people like Fields medallists and other very famous big-shot mathematicians interested in the area now is an indication that it’s ‘hot’ in a way that it didn’t used to be,” says Kevin Buzzard, a mathematician at Imperial College London.
AI approaches
Part of the discussion concerns what kind of automation tools will be most useful. AI comes in two major flavours. In ‘symbolic’ AI, programmers embed rules of logic or calculation into their code. “It’s what people would call ‘good old-fashioned AI’,” says Leonardo de Moura, a computer scientist at Microsoft Research in Redmond, Washington.
The other approach, which has become extremely successful in the past decade or so, is based on artificial neural networks. In this type of AI, the computer starts more or less from a clean slate and learns patterns by digesting large amounts of data. This is called machine-learning, and it is the basis of ‘large language models’ (including chatbots such as ChatGPT), as well as the systems that can beat human players at complex games or predict how proteins fold. Whereas symbolic AI is inherently rigorous, neural networks can only make statistical guesses, and their operations are often mysterious.
2018 Fields Medal winner Akshay Venkatesh (centre) has spoken about how computers will change mathematics.
Credit: Xinhua/Shutterstock
De Moura helped symbolic AI to score some early mathematical successes by creating a system called Lean. This interactive software tool forces researchers to write out each logical step of a problem, down to the most basic details, and ensures that the maths is correct. Two years ago, a team of mathematicians succeeded at translating an important but impenetrable proof — one so complicated that even its author was unsure of it — into Lean, thereby confirming that it was correct.
The researchers say the process helped them to understand the proof, and even to find ways to simplify it. “I think this is even more exciting than checking the correctness,” de Moura says. “Even in our wildest dreams, we didn’t imagine that.”
As well as making solitary work easier, this sort of ‘proof assistant’ could change how mathematicians work together by eliminating what de Moura calls a “trust bottleneck”. “When we are collaborating, I may not trust what you are doing. But a proof assistant shows your collaborators that they can trust your part of the work.”
Sophisticated autocomplete
At the other extreme are chatbot-esque, neural-network-based large language models. At Google in Mountain View, California, former physicist Ethan Dyer and his team have developed a chatbot called Minerva, which specializes in solving maths problems. At heart, Minerva is a very sophisticated version of the autocomplete function on messaging apps: by training on maths papers in the arXiv repository, it has learnt to write down step-by-step solutions to problems in the same way that some apps can predict words and phrases. Unlike Lean, which communicates using something similar to computer code, Minerva takes questions and writes answers in conversational English. “It is an achievement to solve some of these problems automatically,” says de Moura.
Minerva shows both the power and the possible limitations of this approach. For example, it can accurately factor integer numbers into primes — numbers that can’t be divided evenly into smaller ones. But it starts making mistakes once the numbers exceed a certain size, showing that it has not ‘understood’ the general procedure.
Still, Minerva’s neural network seems to be able to acquire some general techniques, as opposed to just statistical patterns, and the Google team is trying to understand how it does that. “Ultimately, we’d like a model that you can brainstorm with,” Dyer says. He says it could also be useful for non-mathematicians who need to extract information from the specialized literature. Further extensions will expand Minerva’s skills by studying textbooks and interfacing with dedicated maths software.
Dyer says the motivation behind the Minerva project was to see how far the machine-learning approach could be pushed; a powerful automated tool to help mathematicians might end up combining symbolic AI techniques with neural networks.
Maths v. machines
In the longer term, will programs remain part of the supporting cast, or will they be able to conduct mathematical research independently? AI might get better at producing correct mathematical statements and proofs, but some researchers worry that most of those would be uninteresting or impossible to understand. At the October symposium, Gowers said that there might be ways of teaching a computer some objective criteria for mathematical relevance, such as whether a small statement can embody many special cases or even form a bridge between different subfields of maths. “In order to get good at proving theorems, computers will have to judge what is interesting and worth proving,” he said. If they can do that, the future of humans in the field looks uncertain.
Computer scientist Erika Abraham at RWTH Aachen University in Germany is more sanguine about the future of mathematicians. “An AI system is only as smart as we program it to be,” she says. “The intelligence is not in the computer; the intelligence is in the programmer or trainer.”
Melanie Mitchell, a computer scientist and cognitive scientist at the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico, says that mathematicians’ jobs will be safe until a major shortcoming of AI is fixed — its inability to extract abstract concepts from concrete information. "While AI systems might be able to prove theorems, it’s much harder to come up with interesting mathematical abstractions that give rise to the theorems in the first place.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Pilots report seeing 'large white balloon' floating 50,000ft above Hawaii on plane radars - after Pentagon downed four objects flying over US in last month
Pilots report seeing 'large white balloon' floating 50,000ft above Hawaii on plane radars - after Pentagon downed four objects flying over US in last month
There have been multiple reports of a large white balloon sighted by pilots over Honolulu, Hawaii
Some postings on social media report how a 'large white balloon' was spotted by pilots at an altitude of around 50,000 feet.
However, Air Traffic Control and other US officials have not yet confirmed such reports with the identity of the object and the potential threat it poses to the public unknown.
Pilots have allegedly been told to look out for another large white balloon off the Hawaii coast on Sunday
Air traffic control sent out instructions asking for pilots to report any sightings of the balloon
The balloon was allegedly spotted about 600 miles northeast of Hawaii on Sunday afternoon
A 'Large White Balloon' was spotted 524 nautical miles NE of Honolulu on Sunday afternoon
It comes after recent claims by US officials that a Chinese 'spy' balloon targeting Hawaii had been blown off course (file photo from earlier this month)
An image posted to social media online shows what looks to be a pilot in the cockpit holding a note.
'Report of large white balloon in vicinity of 2639N15021W. Estimated to be between FL400 and FL500. Precise altitude unknown. Advise ATC if object is seen.'
Oakland Oceanic Air Traffic Control Center confirmed the existence of the flying object which reported how the balloon was about 600 miles northeast of Honolulu, over the Pacific Ocean.
The US military shot down several balloons earlier this month, including what was believed to be a Chinese spy balloon on February 4 off the coast of South Carolina.
Since February 4, four objects have been shot down including the Chinese spy balloon, and then three 'UFOs'
Last week another balloon was shot down over Alaska. A map of the hobby balloon's predicted path indicates it was heading towards the site where the UFO was downed
On February 4, a much bigger balloon - believed to be a Chinese spy balloon (pictured) - was shot down off the coast of South Carolina
U.S. Navy shows sailors assigned to Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group 2 recovering a high-altitude surveillance balloon off the coast of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Sailors assigned to Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group 2 recovering a high-altitude surveillance balloon off the coast of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina earlier this month
The remnants of the downed balloon from earlier this month is packed away for investigation
OnThursday Joe Biden said that the U.S. is updating its guidelines for monitoring and reacting to unknown aerial objects after the discovery of a suspected Chinese spy balloon transited the country triggered high-stakes drama.
It saw the U.S. shootdown that balloon off the South Carolina coast and three smaller ones days later.
Biden said officials suspect the three subsequent balloons were ordinary ones which could mean they were used for research, weather, recreational or commercial purposes.
Officials have been unable to recover any of the remains of those three balloons, and late Friday the U.S. military announced it had ended the search for the objects that were shot down near Deadhorse, Alaska, and over Lake Huron on February 10 and 12.
President Joe Biden said there was no evidence of a surge in mysterious balloons, when he addressed the nation on Thursday. 'We're now just seeing more of them,' he said
'The U.S. military, federal agencies, and Canadian partners conducted systematic searches of each area using a variety of capabilities, including airborne imagery and sensors, surface sensors and inspections, and subsurface scans, and did not locate debris,' officials said on Friday.
In the South Carolina incident, the U.S. military has said it believes it has collected all of the Chinese balloon's priority sensors and electronics as well as large sections of its structure.
The balloon, which Beijing denies was a government spy vessel, spent a week flying over the United States and Canada before being shot down off the Atlantic Coast on Biden's orders.
Another large balloon has been spotted near Honolulu, Hawaii
Another large balloon has been spotted near Honolulu, Hawaii
Currently multiple commercial flights flying through the area have reported through ACARS seeing the large white balloon around 500 Miles to the East of Honolulu putting this potential balloon at 40-50,000 feet high.
Will the US Air Force also shoot this balloon out of the sky?
All these objects shot down by the US Air Force the last weeks have nothing to do with aliens. As Neil deGrasse Tyson said during an interview with CNN: "We have expensive planes and expensive missiles to pop balloons, and that's odd, but Ok that's fine to protect the airspace, Do I think these are visiting aliens? It would be odd. If they were aliens moving across the galaxy and dropping some balloons, oh what aliens would do?"
It is clear that there is more to it than we are being told, and it is not just about these balloons and unknown objects shot down by the US Airforce. They know what is coming and they are preparing for it.
The fact that a truckdriver (see video below) has driven for the last few days truckloads of products from the Kraft Foods plant which is an American food manufacturing to deliver it to the Springfield Underground base says enough that they are preparing for something that is going to take place on a large scale.
NASA caught bizarre elongated shaped asteroid-like object similar to Oumuamua
NASA caught bizarre elongated shaped asteroid-like object similar to Oumuamua
This collage shows six planetary radar observations of 2011 AG5 a day after the asteroid made its close approach to Earth on Feb. 3. With dimensions comparable to the Empire State Building, 2011 AG5 is one of the most elongated asteroids to be observed by planetary radar to date.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has captured one of the longest asteroids ever found. The oddly shaped object is as big as Empire State Building and to get a sense of its scale, scientists have estimated the object is about 1,600-by-500 feet, roughly comparable to that of the world-famous landmark that looms over 100 stories above New York.
The supposed asteroid, which recently sped past Earth, has caught the attention of NASA astronomers for its bizarre long shape. The space object is more than three times as long as it is wide and it is as dark as charcoal when viewed by the human eye, it appears to be scooped on one side and is spinning around every nine hours.
"Of the 1,040 near-Earth objects observed by planetary radar to date, this is one of the most elongated we’ve seen," said Lance Benner, principal scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in a statement.
The strange space object reminds us the infamous object called Oumuamua which was the first interstellar object, detected by the Pan-STARRS telescope at Haleakalā Observatory, Hawaii, on 19 October 2017, passing through the Solar System.
Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb suggested that Oumuamua could be an alien spacecraft, and given the equality of the new discovered elongated shaped object to Oumuamua we should at least be open to the possibility that it could be evidence of another interstellar alien spacecraft.
The Truth Behind the Infamous ‘Tic Tac’ UFO Video: A Former Navy Officer’s Shocking Revelations
The Truth Behind the Infamous ‘Tic Tac’ UFO Video: A Former Navy Officer’s Shocking Revelations
The year was 2004, and the USS Nimitz was on a combat training mission off the coast of San Diego. It was a day like any other, until Kevin Day, the chief radar officer for the Navy, witnessed one of the biggest UFO sightings in the 21st century. Day had a front-row seat to the Nimitz video, which would become known as the “Tic Tac” video, and would change his life forever.
In a recent interview, Day revealed details of his encounter with the unidentified flying object. The cylindrical object in the shape of a Tic Tac hovered between 15,000 and 24,000 feet in midair, before suddenly darting off. The encounter was captured on video, which was leaked to the New York Times 13 years later. To this day, analysts have been unable to identify the craft, and there is simply no denying that this was a UFO.
Day, who was the radar operator on the Nimitz that day, has since left the Navy, but has been warned not to discuss what he saw. Despite the risk, Day agreed to meet with Ben, a UFO witness, to recount the details of his encounter.
Day recalled that on the morning of November 14, they had planned to do a major air defense exercise. They were off the coast, about 90 miles off San Diego. As the anti-air warfare coordinator, Day’s job was to identify objects that flew. He noticed some strange contacts off Catalina Island, which were at 28,000 feet in a loose formation, tracking south at 100 knots.
“I had never seen anything fly like that before. Immediately we’re thinking, ‘hey, are these things real?’ Is this some type of glitch? So, we ran a bunch of diagnostic tests and we brought all our systems back up, and the contacts were stronger now.”
The object seemed to ping-pong through the sky, changing speed and direction in ways that defy the laws of physics. Day became concerned about these things and strongly recommended that they take one of the aircraft that had just launched off the Nimitz and intercept one to see what it is.
Commander Fravor was one of the first pilots to launch off the Nimitz. He was one of the best pilots that the Navy had ever produced, and Day said that he immediately engaged when he heard the order to intercept. The object was described as a white 40-foot long Tic Tac-shaped craft, dropping from 28,000 feet down to the surface of the water in less than a second.
Fravor followed the object down to the surface, and the craft recognized him. The next thing he knew, the craft was gone. The encounter was one of the most humbling moments of Day’s life. They were a highly trained group of people on that ship, with years of experience, and these objects totally kicked their asses. If they had been hostile, there was nothing Day could have done.
In the interview, Day speculated that the objects had been there for a long time. He believed that the technology upgrade that their ship had received gave them the ability to finally see these objects. He thinks that they were curious about what they were doing out there and that they’ve been there for a long, long time.
The encounter was recorded on video, and Day confirmed that there was a system on the ship that recorded all their external communications onto an optical disk. When people with top-secret clearances came on board the ship, they collected a bunch of stuff, including the voice data.
As Kevin Day finishes recounting his experience with the Tic Tac UFO sighting off the coast of California, it’s hard not to be impressed with the sheer scale and intensity of what he witnessed. For years, the video footage of this sighting has been the subject of intense speculation, with many people wondering what exactly the object captured on film could be.
But hearing Kevin’s firsthand account of what he saw only serves to deepen the mystery surrounding this incident. How could an object moving at such high speeds, changing direction so suddenly and seemingly defying the laws of physics, be anything other than extraterrestrial in nature?
And yet, as Kevin himself admits, there’s still so much we don’t know. Were the beings piloting this craft simply curious about what was happening on our planet, or were they up to something more sinister? What kind of technology did they possess that allowed them to move at such incredible speeds without suffering the ill effects of G-forces that would surely have incapacitated any human pilot?
Perhaps most intriguingly of all, Kevin speculates that this is not the first time these objects have been seen. Instead, he believes they’ve been present on our planet for a very long time, and that it’s only through recent advances in technology that we’ve finally been able to detect them.
Whether or not you believe in UFOs, it’s hard not to be fascinated by the story that Kevin Day has to tell. In a world where so much of what we take for granted is based on what we can see and touch, the idea that there might be something out there that we can’t explain or comprehend is both humbling and awe-inspiring.
And who knows? Perhaps one day we’ll finally be able to unlock the secrets of these mysterious objects and understand what they represent. Until then, though, the story of the Tic Tac UFO will remain one of the most compelling and fascinating tales of our time.
Meteor Explodes Over English Channel, Moon Breakthrough, Dark Matter Galaxy
Blue Origin wants to build solar panels on the Moon, out of the Moon, SpaceX sold its floating landing pads, and another asteroid hits Earth exactly where and when astronomers predicted.
Blue Origin’s Blue Alchemist
Blue Origin announced a new technology they call Blue Alchemist. It will allow making solar panels out of Moon regolith. This can be a very big deal, as a system like that will not require any additional input from Earth. All it needs is energy. So, once you put a robot like this on the Moon and give it some time, you should have a bunch of solar panels as the result. Of course, it’s still in development and tests will be required to prove the concept viable. But it definitely sounds promising.
In the past, SpaceX had bought two oil platforms that they hoped to convert into Starship launch and landing pads. The platforms were called Phobos and Deimos, after the two satellites of Mars. However, this week we learned that the company sold the platforms. Gwenn Shotwell, president of SpaceX, told the press that SpaceX needs to learn to fly Starship first and understand the vehicle better, before expanding the infrastructure like sea launch and landing pads.
Another Meteoroid Discovered Right Before it Hits the Atmosphere
Sneaky asteroids have a hard time crashing into the Earth without notice these days. For the seventh time, astronomers detected a small space rock, or meteoroid, about half a day before it impacted the planet. The detection was made by Krisztián Sárneczky using a 60 cm Schmidt telescope from the Piszkéstet? Observatory in Hungary. The 1-meter object was designated as 2023 CX1 and was predicted with 100% certainty to hit Earth above the English Channel. Astronomers continued to track the object, and then it lit up the skies in Europe right on schedule.
Russia announced that another spacecraft at the International Space Station is leaking coolant. This time it’s the unpiloted Progress 82 cargo ship that’s docked at the station, is filled with trash and will be de-orbited on Feb. 17th. Roscosmos is investigating the leak, which follows the recent Soyuz coolant leak reportedly caused by a micrometeorite impact. Is there an underlying technical problem with Russian spacecraft? The replacement Progress 83 arrived on February 11th, bringing more supplies to the station.
Astronomers found an unusual galaxy that is made mostly of gas and dark matter. Meaning, there are almost no stars in it. It’s also close to us, just 1 million lightyears away. It’s not clear why there are almost no stars in the galaxy. However, such objects can potentially help to solve the missing dwarf galaxy problem in cosmology. As our models predict more dwarf galaxies to exist than being observed. If a lot of small galaxies are in fact just dark matter and gas, it might be the solution.
When galaxies merge, their supermassive black holes inevitably find one another. Some merge, while others recoil from an encounter and are kicked out of the galaxy at tremendous speeds. Astronomers think they’ve found one of these hypervelocity supermassive black holes hurtling away from a galaxy at 1,600 km/s. It’s leaving a trail of destruction in its wake, containing shocked gas and new star formation. It’s believed that the black hole began its journey about 39 million years ago.
Astronomers at NSF’s NOIRLab found new evidence for a mass immigration of stars into the Andromeda Galaxy. This image shows individual stars from blue (moving toward us) to red (moving away from us).
Image Credit: KPNO/NOIRLab/AURA/NSF/E. Slawik/D. de Martin/M. Zamani
By studying the motion of stars in Andromeda galaxy, astronomers have discovered about 7,000 which are moving together and recently migrated into the area. These stars were once part of a dwarf galaxy orbiting Andromeda, similar to the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds around the Milky Way. About 2 billion years ago, the galaxy got too close and was unwound, with its stars joining the vastly larger Andromeda Galaxy.
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Five Legendary Lost Cities that have Never Been Found
Five Legendary Lost Cities that have Never Been Found
The story of Atlantis is one of the most renowned and enduring tales of a lost city, said to have been swallowed up by the sea and lost forever. Yet, the story of Atlantis is not unique, as other cultures have similar legends of landmasses and cities that have disappeared under the waves, been lost beneath desert sands, or buried beneath centuries of vegetation. From the ancient homeland of the Aztecs, to jungle cities of gold and riches, we examine five legendary lost cities that have never been found.
Since Europeans first arrived in the New World, there have been stories of a legendary jungle city of gold, sometimes referred to as El Dorado. Spanish Conquistador, Francisco de Orellana was the first to venture along the Rio Negro in search of this fabled city. In 1925, at the age of 58, explorer Percy Fawcett headed into the jungles of Brazil to find a mysterious lost city he called “Z”. He and his team would vanish without a trace and the story would turn out be one of the biggest news stories of his day. Despite countless rescue missions, Fawcett was never found.
In 1906, the Royal Geographical Society, a British organization that sponsors scientific expeditions, invited Fawcett to survey part of the frontier between Brazil and Bolivia. He spent 18 months in the Mato Grosso area and it was during his various expeditions that Fawcett became obsessed with the idea of lost civilizations in this area. In 1920, Fawcett came across a document in the National Library of Rio De Janeiro called Manuscript 512. It was written by a Portuguese explorer in 1753, who claimed to have found a walled city deep in the Mato Grosso region of the Amazon rainforest, reminiscent of ancient Greece. The manuscript described a lost, silver laden city with multi-storied buildings, soaring stone arches, wide streets leading down towards a lake on which the explorer had seen two white Indians in a canoe. Fawcett called this the Lost City of Z.
In 1921, Fawcett set out on his first of many expeditions to find the Lost City of Z, but his team were frequently hindered by the hardships of the jungle, dangerous animals, and rampant diseases. Percy’s final search for Z culminated in his complete disappearance. In April 1925, he attempted one last time to find Z, this time better equipped and better financed by newspapers and societies including the Royal Geographic Society and the Rockefellers. In his final letter home, sent back via a team member, Fawcett sent a message to his wife Nina and proclaimed “We hope to get through this region in a few days.... You need have no fear of any failure.” It was to be the last anyone would ever hear from them again.
While Fawcett’s lost city of Z has never been found, numerous ancient cities and remains of religious sites have been uncovered in recent years in the jungles of Guatemala, Brazil, Bolivia and Honduras. With the advent of new scanning technology, it is possible that an ancient city that spurred the legends of Z, may one day be found.
The Aztec people of Mexico created one of the most powerful empires of the ancient Americas. While much is known about their empire located where today’s Mexico City can be found, less is known about the very start of the Aztec culture. Many consider the missing island of Aztlan to be the ancient homeland where the Aztec people began to form as a civilization prior to their migration to the Valley of Mexico. Some believe it is a mythical land, similar to Atlantis or Camelot, which will live on through legend but will never be found in physical existence. Others believe it to be a true, physical location that will someday be identified. Searches for the land of Aztlan have spanned from Western Mexico, all the way to the deserts of Utah, in hopes of finding the legendary island. However, these searches have been fruitless, as the location – and existence – of Aztlan remain a mystery.
The formation of civilization at Aztlan comes from legend. According to Nahuatl legend, there were seven tribes that once lived at Chicomoztoc – “the place of the seven caves.” These tribes represented the seven Nahua groups: Acolhua, Chalca, Mexica, Tepaneca, Tlahuica, Tlaxcalan, and Xochimilca (different sources provide variations on the names of the seven groups). The seven groups, being of similar linguistic groups, left their respective caves and settled as one group near Aztlan.
The word Aztlan means “the land to the north; the land from whence we, the Aztecs, came.” It is said that eventually, the people who inhabited Aztlan became known as the Aztecs, who then migrated from Aztlan to the Valley of Mexico. The Aztec migration from Aztlan to Tenochtitlán is a very important piece of Aztec history. It began on May 24, 1064, which was the first Aztec solar year.
To this day, the actual existence of an island known as Aztlan has not been confirmed. Many have searched for the land, in hopes of having a better understanding of where the Aztecs came from, and perhaps a better understanding of ancient Mexican history. However, like other lost cities, it is not clear whether Aztlan will ever be found.
In Arthurian legend, Lyonesse is the home country of Tristan, from the legendary story of Tristan and Iseult. The mythical land of Lyonesse is now referred to as the “Lost Land of Lyonesse,” as it is ultimately said to have sunk into the sea. However, the legendary tale of Tristan and Iseult shows that Lyonesse is known for more than sinking into the ocean, and that it had a legendary presence while it remained above ground. While Lyonesse is mostly referred to in stories of legend and myth, there is some belief that it represents a very real city that sunk into the sea many years ago. With such a legendary location, it can be difficult to ascertain where the legend ends and reality begins.
There are some variations in the legends that surround the sinking of the land. Prior to its sinking, Lyonesse would have been quite large, containing one hundred and forty villages and churches. Lyonesse is said to have disappeared on November 11, 1099 (although some tales use the year 1089, and some date back to the 6th century). Very suddenly the land was flooded by the sea. Entire villages were swallowed, and the people and animals of the area drowned. Once it was covered in water, the land never reemerged. While the Arthurian tales are legendary, there is some belief that Lyonesse was once a very real place attached to the Scilly Isles in Cornwall, England. Evidence shows that sea levels were considerably lower in the past, so it is very possible that an area that once contained a human settlement above-ground is now beneath the sea level. Indeed, fisherman near the Scilly Isles tell tales of retrieving pieces of buildings and other structures from their fishing nets. These stories have never been substantiated, and are viewed by some as tall tales.
From the legendary tales of Tristan and Iseult, to Arthur’s final battle with Mordred, to the stories of a city being swallowed by the sea, the tales of Lyonesse invoke a vast array of thoughts and emotions by those who wish to know more about this legendary city, and who like to believe that it’s legendary tales are founded upon a very real lost city.
For hundreds of years, treasure hunters and historians alike have searched for El Dorado, the lost city of gold. The idea of a city filled with gold and other riches has a natural appeal, drawing the attention of individuals from all over the world in hopes of discovering the ultimate treasure, and an ancient wonder. In spite of numerous expeditions around all of Latin America, the city of gold remains a legend, with no physical evidence to substantiate its existence.
The origins of El Dorado come from legendary tales of the Muisca tribe. Following two migrations – one in 1270 BC and one between 800 and 500 BC, the Muisca tribe occupied the Cundinamarca and Boyacá areas of Colombia. According to legend, as written in Juan Rodriguez Freyle’s “El Carnero,” the Muisca practiced a ritual for every newly appointed king that involved gold dust and other precious treasures.
When a new leader was appointed, many rituals would take place before he took his role as king. During one of these rituals, the new king would be brought to Lake Guatavita, where he would be stripped naked, and covered in gold dust. He would be placed upon a highly decorated raft, along with his attendants, and piles of gold and precious stones. The raft would be sent out to the center of the lake, where the king would wash the gold dust from his body, as his attendants would throw the pieces of gold and precious stones into the lake. This ritual was intended as a sacrifice to the Muisca's god. To the Muisca, “El Dorado” was not a city, but the king at the center of this ritual, also called “the Gilded One.” While El Dorado is meant to refer to the Gilded One, the name has now become synonymous with the lost city of gold, and any other place where one can quickly obtain wealth.
In 1545, Conquistadores Lázaro Fonte and Hernán Perez de Quesada attempted to drain Lake Guatavita. As they did so, they found gold along its shores, fueling their suspicion that the lake contained a treasure of riches. They worked for three months, with workers forming a bucket chain, but they were unable to drain the lake sufficiently to reach any treasures deep within the lake. In 1580, another attempt to drain the lake was made by business entrepreneur Antonio de Sepúlveda. Once again, various pieces of gold were found along the shores, but the treasure at the depths of the lake remained concealed. Other searches were conducted on Lake Guatavita, with estimates that the lake could contain up to $300 million in gold, with no luck in finding the treasures. All searches came to a halt when the Colombian government declared the lake a protected area in 1965. Nonetheless, the search for El Dorado continues, even without the ability to search Lake Guatavita. The legends of the Muisca tribe, the Gilded One and their ritualistic sacrifice of treasures have transformed over time into today’s tale of El Dorado, lost city of gold.
Dubai cultivates an ultra-modern image of dazzling architecture and effortless wealth. Yet its deserts conceal forgotten cities and a hidden history which reveal how its early inhabitants adapted and overcame dramatic past climate change.
One of the most famous lost cities of Arabia – tantalizingly so because historians have known it existed from written records but simply could not find it – is the medieval city of Julfar. Home to the legendary Arabian seafarer Ahmed ibn Majid, as well as allegedly to the fictional Sindbad the Sailor, Julfar thrived for a thousand years before falling into ruin and disappearing from human memory for almost two centuries. Unlike other desert cities, Julfar was a thriving port, in fact the hub of southern Gulf Arabic trade in the Middle Ages.
Julfar was known to be somewhere on the Persian Gulf coast north of Dubai, but the actual site was only found by archaeologists in the 1960s. The earliest signs of settlement found on the site date from the 6th century, by which time its inhabitants were already trading as far afield as India and the Far East on a routine basis.
The 10th to 14th centuries were a golden age for Julfar and for long-distance Arab trading and seafaring, with Arab navigators routinely traveling halfway around the world. Arabs had sailed into European waters long before Europeans succeeded in navigating through the Indian Ocean and into the Persian Gulf, for instance. As the main base for these voyages and trade, Julfar was the largest and most important city in the southern Gulf for over a thousand years. Arab merchants routinely made the mammoth eighteen-month sea voyage as far as China, and traded almost everything imaginable.
Such a valuable commercial centre attracted constant attention from rival powers though. The Portuguese took control in the 16th century, by which time Julfar was a substantial city of around 70,000 people. A century later the Persians seized it, only to lose it in 1750 to the Qawasim tribe from Sharjah who established themselves next-door at Ras al-Khaimah, which they continue to rule to this day, leaving the old Julfar to gradually decay until its ruins became forgotten amongst the coastal sand dunes. Today most of Julfar in all likelihood remains still hidden beneath the sprawling dunes north of Ras al-Khaimah.” – courtesy David Millar
Study finds space travel influences working of brain
Scientists of the University of Antwerp and the University of Liege have found how the human brain changes and adapts to weightlessness, after being in space for 6 months.
Some of the changes turned out to be lasting – even after 8 months back on Earth. Raphael Liegeois, soon to be the third Belgian in space, acknowledges the importance of the research, “to prepare the new generation of astronauts for longer missions.”
A child who learns not to drop a glass on the floor, or a tennis player predicting the course of an incoming ball to hit it accurately are examples of how the brain incorporates the physical laws of gravity to optimally function on Earth. Astronauts who go to space reside in a weightless environment, where the brain’s rules about gravity are no longer applicable.
A new study on brain function in cosmonauts has revealed how the brain’s organization is changed after a six-month mission to the International Space Station (ISS), demonstrating the adaptation that is required to live in weightlessness.
The University of Antwerp has been leading this BRAIN-DTI scientific project through the European Space Agency. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data were taken from 14 astronaut brains before and several times after their mission to space.
Using a special MRI technique, the researchers collected the astronauts’ brain data in a resting condition, hence without having them engage in a specific task. This resting-state functional MRI technique enabled the researchers to investigate the brain’s default state and to find out whether this changes or not after long-duration spaceflight.
Learning effect
In collaboration with the University of Liege, recent analyses of the brain’s activity at rest revealed how functional connectivity, a marker of how activity in some brain areas is correlated with the activity in others, changes in specific regions.
“We found that connectivity was altered after spaceflight in regions which support the integration of different types of information, rather than dealing with only one type each time, such as visual, auditory, or movement information’, say Steven Jillings and Floris Wuyts (University of Antwerp). “Moreover, we found that some of these altered communication patterns were retained throughout 8 months of being back on Earth. At the same time, some brain changes returned to the level of how the areas were functioning before the space mission.”
Both scenarios of changes are plausible: retained changes in brain communication may indicate a learning effect, while transient changes may indicate more acute adaptation to changed gravity levels.
“This dataset is so special as their participants themselves. Back in 2016, we were historically the first to show how spaceflight may affect brain function on a single cosmonaut. Some years later we are now in a unique position to investigate the brains of more astronauts, several times. Therefore, we are deciphering the potential of the human brain all the more in confidence”, says Dr. Athena Demertzi (GIGA Institute, University of Liege), co-supervisor of this this work.
New generation of astronauts
“Understanding physiological and behavioral changes triggered by weightlessness is key to plan human space exploration. Therefore, mapping changes of brain function using neuroimaging techniques as done in this work is an important step to prepare the new generation of astronauts for longer missions”, comments Raphael Liegeois, Doctor of Engineering Science (ULiege) with a Thesis in the field of Neuroscience, future ESA Astronaut.
The researchers are excited with the results, though they know it is only the first step in pursuing our understanding of brain communication changes after space travel. For example, we still need to investigate what the exact behavioral consequence is for these brain communication changes, we need to understand whether longer time spent in outer space might influence these observations and whether brain characteristics may be helpful in selecting future astronauts or monitoring them during and after space travel. (ANI)
Wetenschappers van de Universiteit Luik en de Universiteit Antwerpen hebben onderzocht hoe het menselijk brein verandert en zich aanpast aan gewichtloosheid na een verblijf van zes maanden in de ruimte. Sommige veranderingen blijken permanent, zelfs na acht maanden terug op aarde.
“Dit onderzoek is erg belangrijk om de nieuwe generatie astronauten voor te bereiden op langere missies”, zegt Raphaël Liégeois, die binnenkort de derde Belg ooit in de ruimte zal zijn. Liégeois doctoreerde overigens aan de Universiteit van Luik met een proefschrift over neurowetenschappen.
Het nieuwe onderzoek naar de werking van de hersenen bij astronauten toont nu aan dat bepaalde hersenstructuren veranderen na een verblijf van zes maanden in de gewichtloosheid van het Internationaal Ruimtestation (ISS). De Universiteit Antwerpen leiddde het wetenschappelijke project ‘BRAIN-DTI’ via het Europees Ruimteagentschap (ESA).
Hoe werd dit ontdekt?
Door de hersenfunctie in kaart te brengen via neurobeeldvorming, willen de wetenschappers astronauten beter voorbereiden op lange missies. “Als we mensen verantwoord de ruimte in willen sturen, moeten we meer inzicht krijgen in fysiologische veranderingen en gedragsveranderingen door gewichtloosheid”, aldus nog de toekomstige ESA-astronaut.
De onderzoekers maakten MRI-scans van de hersenen bij maar liefst dertien astronauten, zowel voor hun ruimtereis als na hun terugkomst. De wetenschappers verzamelden initieel gegevens over de hersenen van de ruimtevaarders in rust, zonder dat die een specifieke taak moesten uitvoeren. Na een verblijf in de ruimte werd vervolgens gekeken of de toestand veranderd was.
Wat is er ontdekt?
Uit de recente analyses van de hersenactiviteit in rust, uitgevoerd in samenwerking met de Universiteit van Luik, blijkt dat de functionele connectiviteit - een maatstaf voor de correlatie van activiteit in verschillende hersengebieden - veranderd was in specifieke gebieden bij de ruimtevaarders.
“We stellen vast dat de connectiviteit na een ruimtereis anders is”, legt Floris Wuyts (UA) uit. “Zeker in bepaalde hersengebieden die de integratie van verschillende soorten informatie tegelijk ondersteunen en zich niet focussen op één type prikkel tegelijk.”
“Sterker nog”, gaat zijn collega Steven Jillings verder. “Sommige van de gewijzigde communicatiepatronen waren acht maanden na hun terugkeer naar de aarde nog steeds aanwezig. Andere hersenveranderingen werden dan weer wél teruggedraaid naar het niveau van functioneren van voor de ruimtereis.”
De permanente veranderingen getuigen van een zeker leereffect, menen de onderzoekers. Tijdelijke veranderingen wijzen verder op een aanpassing aan de gewijzigde zwaartekracht.
Wat brengt verder onderzoek?
Volgens dokter Athena Demertzi ( Universiteit Luik) is de dataset die de onderzoekers ter beschikking hebben erg bijzonder. “In 2016 toonden wij als eerste aan hoe de werking van de hersenen bij één astronaut veranderd was na een ruimtereis. Nu kregen we de kans om meerdere astronauten te volgen. Zo krijgen we een steeds beter beeld van het ware potentieel van het menselijk brein.”
De onderzoekers zijn enthousiast over de resultaten, maar zeggen te beseffen dat dit nog maar de eerste stap is. Er moet bijvoorbeeld nog onderzocht worden of ons gedrag concreet verandert na een ruimtereis, en of een langer verblijf in de ruimte onze waarnemingen kan beïnvloeden. Ook de vraag of bepaalde hersenkenmerken verkieslijk zijn bij de selectie van toekomstige astronauten of specifiek opgevolgd moeten worden tijdens en na een ruimtereis, is nog open voor debat.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Incredible Bill Herrmann UFO & Alien Abduction Case
Incredible Bill Herrmann UFO & Alien Abduction Case
Bill Herrmann UFO & Alien Abduction case
William J. Hermann’s experience with a UFO and alleged alien abduction in 1978 is a remarkable story that still generates interest among people interested in the UFO phenomenon. Hermann’s story is unique in that he claimed to have taken photographs of the UFO, which were eventually authenticated by photo experts. Furthermore, his story of being taken aboard the UFO and examined by humanoid beings during a hypnosis session is intriguing.
Bill Herrmann UFO photo of a flying saucer
Hermann’s experience began in November of 1977 when he claimed to have had a series of sightings of a UFO over Charleston, South Carolina. On January 22, 1978, he was finally able to take nine photographs of the object. Two months later, he claimed to have had a close encounter with the same UFO. According to Hermann, the disc he had sighted earlier reappeared and came toward him. It sent out a light beam that paralyzed him, causing him to lose consciousness. He awoke three hours later 15 miles away and watched the UFO depart.
After reporting the incident to the police, Hermann began suffering from insomnia and general nervousness and unrest. He eventually submitted to hypnosis under the guidance of James A. Harder, a prominent UFO researcher associated with the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization. During the hypnosis, he recalled being aboard the UFO and examined by three humanoid creatures with large hairless heads, oversized eyes, pale skin, and red clothing. One of the three spoke to him, but his mouth did not appear to move. He was given a brief tour of the spacecraft and then lost consciousness. He claimed the beings were from Zeta Reticuli and had been observing Earth for half a century. They were concerned about humanity’s tendencies toward war and warned that our violent natures would destroy human civilization.
Video #1: Bill Herrmann’s 1978 UFO Encounter and Alien Abduction: Details from his Hypnosis Session
In the weeks following the hypnosis session, Hermann claimed to have other sightings and began channeling messages from the people who had abducted him. He also produced a metal bar that he claimed came from the aliens, which was eventually shown to be made of lead and antimony, similar in content to the material in an automobile battery. In May of 1979, Hermann claimed to have had a final contact with the saucer beings, who took him for a ride.
Video #2: Bill Herrmann’s 1978 Encounter: Capturing Photos of a Hovering UFO Close to Charleston Air Force Base
As Hermann’s story became more widely known, he coauthored a more complete account of his story with Wendelle Stevens, a publisher of UFO contactee material (Amazon link). The volume circulated in the contactee subculture but was generally dismissed by ufologists as lacking any collaboration.
Overall, William J. Hermann’s experience is a fascinating example of an alleged UFO encounter and alien abduction that has captured the imagination of people interested in the UFO phenomenon for decades. While skeptics may dismiss his story, it is clear that Hermann truly believed in what he experienced, and it remains an intriguing part of UFO lore.
Video #3: Bill Herrmann’s 1978 Experience: Encountering UFO and Being Abducted by
Special reports are President Reagan’s Diaries, Solar Warden, China Controls our Weather, Strange Craft, MUFON Social Network, and Carbon 60.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia Nevada, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Chile, India, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force and DOD investigated UFOs for more than forty years; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors
Special Projects
President Reagan’s Diaries
Solar Warden – The Secret Space Program
The National Archive Records Administration made available almost 250,000 pages of documents from President Reagan’s administration that includes a curious comment found in President Reagan’s Diary. The entry for Tuesday, June 11, 1985 (page 334) reads:
“Lunch with 5 top space scientists.”
“It was fascinating. Space truly is the last frontier and some of the developments there in astronomy etc. are like science fiction, except they are real. I learned that our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people.”
The Space Shuttle grounded by President Obama held a maximum of eight people and only five were built for space flight. Even if all five took off fully loaded it would be impossible to place and maintain 300 astronauts in orbit. Apparently, President Reagan revealed the existence of a highly classified space program that could accommodate hundreds of astronauts in orbit?
Apparently hidden within one of the ten unified combatant commands of the U.S. military, Strategic Command, is a highly classified fleet of aircraft carrier sizedantigravity vehicles that operate in outer space.
Lunch with 5 Top Space Scientists
President Reagan Diary states,we could orbit 300 people.”
Editor’s Note: This would indicate a spaceship at least as large as a 747-8 aircraft that is 250 feet long. It is likely much bigger to accommodate sleeping quarters, kitchen facilities, bathrooms, storage radar and weapons. The now grounded Space Shuttle held a maximum of eight people and only five were built for space flight.
A highly classified space program that could accommodate hundreds of astronauts in orbit was buikt. These comments by two Presidents indicate we have large spaceships defending Earth. Apparently hidden within one of the ten unified combatant commands of the U.S. military, Strategic Command is a highly classified fleet of aircraft carrier sized antigravity vehicles that operate in outer space. The United States has organized its military forces into ten unified combatant commands respectively led by a single four star General or Admiral who are cleared for UFO data. Only these commanders know of the existence of UFOs and appoint a few subordinates who have a need to know. Six of the unified commands span the globe in terms of different geographical areas. There are four functional commands where specialized military activities are run by a single “Combatant Commander.” From 1985 to 2002 Space Command was responsible for outer space operations. In June 2002, Space Command merged with Strategic Command, located at Offutt Air Force Base, Neb. which is responsible for a range of space, satellite, missile, nuclear and intelligence activities. The U.S. Space Force was established Dec. 20, 2019, when the National Defense Authorization Act was signed into law, creating the first new branch of the armed services in 73 years.
Solar Warden – The Secret Space Program
Space Force Released Photo
Clarkson writes, “ Former President Donald J. Trump developed the “Space Force,”. After telling an audience at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar that “space is a war fighting domain,” Trump said, “that “We may even have a space force.” Also, the Air Force announced that the 200 man National Space Defense Center will operate 24 hours seven days a week to protect US satellites. It appears offensive forces would be needed to conduct combat operations to protect our satellites.
Darren Perks
UK News Darren Perks reports since 1980, a secret space fleet code named ‘Solar Warden’ has been in operation unknown to the public.
These are my own words after conducting research into the secret program. While conducting an FOI (freedom of information) request with the DOD (department of defense), I had a very unexpected response by email from them which read:
“About an hour ago I spoke to a NASA rep who confirmed this was their program and that it was terminated by the President. He also informed me that it was not a joint program with the DOD. The NASA rep informed me that you should be directed to the Johnson Space Center FOIA Manager.
I have run your request through one of our space-related directorates and I’m waiting on one other division with the Command to respond back to me. I will contact you once I have a response from the other division. Did NASA refer you to us?”
The program not only operates classified under the US Government but also under the United Nations authority. So, you might be wondering, how do I know this information?
.. One notable contributor is Gary Mckinnon.
Hacker Gary McKinnon
When Gary McKinnon hacked into U.S. Space Command computers several years ago and learned of the existence of “non-terrestrial officers” and “fleet-to-fleet transfers” and a secret program called “Solar Warden”, he was charged by the Bush Justice Department with having committed hacking“the biggest military computer hack of all time” and stood to face prison time of up to 70 years after extradition from UK. But trying earnest McKinnon in open court would involve his testifying to the above classified facts, and his attorney would be able to subpoena government officers to testify under oath about the Navy’s Space Fleet.”To date the UK has refused to extradite McKinnon.
McKinnon also found out about the ships or craft within Solar Warden. It is said that there are about eight cigar-shaped Motherships (each longer than two football fields 200 Yards end-to-end) and 43 small “scout ships. The Solar Warden Space Fleet operates under the US Naval Network and Space Operations Command (NNSOC) [formerly Naval Space Command and most likely has transferred to Space Force Command].
Solar Warden is said to be made up from U.S. aerospace Black Projects contractor at first using submarine designs with anti-gravity engines, but with some contributions of parts and systems by William Tomkins. Canada, United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Australia ,and possibly Russia, The program is operated from secret military bases.”
Early Models Designed Using Submarines for Design
We have a space fleet, which is code named; ‘Solar Warden.’ There were, as of 2005, eight ships, an equivalent to aircraft carriers and forty-three ‘protectors,’ which are space planes. One was lost recently to an accident on Mars’ orbit while it was attempting to re-supply the multinational colony within Mars. This base was allegedly established in 1964 by American and Soviet teamwork. Not everything is, as it seems.”
Darren Perk’s states, “We have visited all the planets in our solar system, at a distance of course, except Mercury. We have landed on Pluto and a few moons. These ships contain personnel from many countries and have sworn an oath to the World Government. The technology came from back engineering alien-disc wreckage. William Tomkins claims to have designed the craft and at times with alien assistance.”
Many people around the world are now witnessing craft moving around in the skies and sub space that completely defy gravity. Whether they are part of the Solar Warden secret program, military experimental aircraft or not, thousands of people know what they see.
In my view is very real and a very strong possibility. So no, I don’t think we should rule it out as complete nonsense. Yes, it’s a conspiracy because of all the hype and controversy surrounding the facts and information about the program.
Sensitive is an understatement. This program would change the world and our views on space exploration and travel, so no wonder that it would be kept a big ‘secret’.! Thanks to Darren Perk’s investigation work here:
Rumors that the U.S. has a highly classified fleet of antigravity vehicles have circulated for years. On March 23, 1993, at an engineering conference in Los Angeles,
Dr. Ben Rich designed theF-117 fighter, CEO of Lockheed’s Skunkworks, at an Engineer’s conference showed a slide with a black disk headed for space and said: “We now have the technology to take ET home“.
Numerous Space Objects Photographed
In 2007, a John Lenard Walson invented a new gadget capable of extending his amateur telescope resolution. The new way to extend the capabilities of his eight-inch Meade telescope to shoot his videos has enabled him to achieve optical resolutions – at almost the diffraction limit. John Lenard Walson has given me permission to show his amazing photos. The discovery was first publicized by Jeff Rense at “Mystery Space Machines Above. Black Ops, Star Wars Or ET? Or All Of The Above?”
Objects are photographed in space several hundred miles above Earth and are likely Solar Warden or extraterrestrial craft. This is an alleged top-secret craft which has incredible abilities. Maybe some of Wilson’s images are sensitive, secret US or Russian military Star Wars machines. On March 23, 1983, President Reagan proposed the creation of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), an ambitious project that would construct a space-based anti-missile system. The SDI was intended to defend the United States from attack from Soviet ICBMs . Maybe these ‘secret’
recently, China has been discussing its anti-sat programs and even threatened to destroy or disable all GPS satellites which over-fly Chinese territory. Billions have been spent by the government for black ops. Walson’s video images and sounds may well show some of these advanced machines. So, what you see could be spacecrafts, and maybe even spaceships, parked or stationed in orbit above the Earth. Some of these items might be products of non-human intelligence but rockets are unlikely able to put these spacecraft into orbit. Another propulsion system would be needed suggesting alien technology.
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Walson received the following comment about one of the videos: “My congratulations on your superb astrophotography. MIT Lincoln Laboratory is the group which has built some of the things you are seeing. Much of what they do is what used to be the Star Wars project, which no doubt involves some of your objects.” MIT Lincoln Laboratory is federally funded and sponsored by the Missile Defense Agency. It is known they examined crashed UFOs in the field and those held at Wright Patterson AFB and likely helped back engineered these craft.
ISS Typical Space Plane Photo
So far, his claims and disclosures have not been given the coverage they deserve. He has hundreds of official USAF documents to back up his claims. If he is correct, then the U.S. does have a secret space fleet consisting probably of dozens of 600 feet wide flying triangles, which can go to and from space with ease, and travel at Mac 9 .For over ten years John Walson shot images of celestial craft. John writes, ‘I have so much more that I have not told anyone yet, I have very specially made UV spectrum telescopes and UV real cameras with very amazing footage. I would really like to share my telescope inventions in a TV show to use my equipment to solve famous historical UFO or Sky space-based events.I’m saving to be able to bring my telescope to a dark area, no atmospheric distractions. I want to give you clear beautiful high-quality video, and evidence from a remote location.
Walson claims he discovered that many “stars” in the sky are in fact HUGE structured objects – giant machines are “fixed” in the sky. With this new-found ability, he has proceeded to videotape, night and day, many strange and heretofore unseen objects in earth orbit. Walson claims that he can record them in plain daylight and can record sounds from the machines in space. The resulting Astro-photographic video footage has revealed a raft of machines, hardware, satellites, spacecraft and likely alien space ships which appear as stars..
These discs are seen hovering over thunderstorms appearing to collect lightning strikes perhaps to collect electrical energy.
John needs to go to an area with less light and cleaner atmosphere. You can help obtain even better images by helping him purchase a van to travel to better locations. Go to the gofundme link here.
Explosion from Missile Hitting Chinese Spy Balloon
Why would China launch balloons that follow the jet stream over the U. S. and Canada for several days. It crossed into Alaska on January 28. The balloon was shot down on Saturday February 4, by a Raytheon AIM-9X Sidewinder missile fired by an F-22 from Langley AFB using after crossing Maelstrom AFB, Montana, B- 2 Whiteman AFB, Shaw AFB in a North Carolina coast. They likely obtained critical intelligence on nuclear missiles and critical weather data. The balloon fell slowly six miles in the Atlantic Ocean from coast. The Chinese spy balloon carried devices to intercept sensitive communications, the State Department said Thursday, offering the first proof that the balloon was on an espionage mission. Allegedly, we were able to block or monitor the data collected from being sent to Chinese satellites. Surveillance balloons allow the operator to “give a more persistent stare in some of the places where we don’t see as well as we can.
The balloon had solar panels large enough to power “multiple active intelligence collection sensors,” There have been at least five spy balloon incursions into U.S. territory, according to the Pentagon. Apparently, they have been flying many years over Japan, Taiwan and the U.S. collecting intelligence and weather data. The heat generated by the electronic systems appeared to be enough to provide a targeting lock for the imaging infrared seeker in the AIM-9X. The height of the target—60,000-65,000 ft.—still required the missile to ascend several thousand feet from a launch point at 58,000 ft. Newly discovered balloon flights over Guam, Hawaii, Texas, and Florida. Instead of a singular provocation, a pattern has developed of Chinese spy flights U.S.
China claimed it was a lost meteorological balloon and has gained useful information concerning U.S. lack of action. The President ordered the balloon shot down on Wednesday, but to avoid populated areas. Chinese Satellites have ability to attain a great deal of intelligence, but weather data is comparatively hard to capture, so weather balloon are often used to collect weather data. A translucent fabric allows most light to pass through the balloon without heating the helium gas inside.
This is likely a sophisticated Chinese Communist Party method possible to destroy the U.S. by using severe weather. The very unusual weather of flooding, tornadoes, and the coldest temperatures ever from New Hampshire to the Florida Keys provides evidence of this weather control capability. These include the coldest weather in 38 years in December and snow storms the worst in generations this Christmas with 25,000 plane flights cancelled, a major bomb cyclone blizzard across the U.S. killing more than 65 people, 4 feet of snow in Buffalo, and homes covered in ice. China has expertise in geoengineering methods, weather control, satellite direct energy weapons, and bio-warfare as the balloon development of Winds aloft Sensor, which in the case of the DARPA project could send real-time stratospheric wind measurements.
Possible UFOs shot down that are unlikely to be revealed to the public.
U.S. and allied forces had bent tracking a metallic cylinder over Alaska into Canadian Yukon Territory for more than a day by the time it was shot down on Saturday February 11. Coast to Coast, Radio claimed the last three balloons were UFOs. China is reporting a UFO flying over Eastern China as officials prepare to shoot it down. “It is China that has a high-altitude surveillance balloon program for intelligence collection that it has used to violate the sovereignty of the US and over 40 countries. Another balloon was shot down Sunday over Lake Huron, Michigan.
Nearly 11,000 Chinese Weather Control weapons
NBC claims Chinese cloud-seeding weapons include 6,781 artillery guns and 4,110 rocket launchers, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency. The China Meteorological Administration says 4,231 flights for cloud seeding were conducted. Plus they have built five HAARP facilities and likely one aboard a ship. The Chinese scientists claim their weather control worked — increasing rainfall during those years by 210 billion cubic meters, enough to meet the annual needs of 400 million people. China has a population of about 1.3 billion.
Over the last ten years, more than 5,000 people have died in the U.S. because of tornadoes, tropical storms, hurricanes, floods, lightning strikes and extremes of heat or cold. During the same period, hazardous weather events caused over $150 billion in property damage
Covid was developed in the Wuhan Chinese Laboratory causing 205,000 + U.S. deaths. China builds advanced weapons systems stealing American chip technology. China now accounts for an incredible 28% of all world manufacturing. The U.S. controlled much of the weather in 1968 in Vietnam and the Chinese have 39,000 weather control personnel in Shanghai alone near their HAARP facility. Everyday Communist Chins radio reminds the Chinese people they are at war with the U.S.
HAARP Antenna Field
China artificially modified the weather in advance of a political celebration last July, a study by Tsinghua University reveals. The Chinese government used ‘cloud seeding’ to control rain and reduce pollution in Beijing, in preparation for its Communist Party Centenary event. Gathering under unusually clear skies, tens of thousands of people attended the ceremony in Tiananmen Square. Reports by the South China Morning Post confirm that the weather Control n succeeded and the city saw a drop in air pollution.
China already spends an estimated $100 million a year and employs 50,000 for rainmaking and weather control. Typical Weather Control Device. At installations, outside Beijing, peasants don military fatigues squat behind anti-aircraft guns and rocket launchers, blasting the sky with silver iodide, hoping to shock rain from the clouds. Chinese scientists say they kept the rain away from the opening and closing ceremony, of Beijing Ceremonies. One staff member at the Beijing Meteorological Bureausaid “This is a sensitive topic the subject was very guarded, Wang Guanghe, deputy director of the Research Center for Weather Modification is primary office that likely sent up the balloon working with the Communist Army.Hong Kong CNN —China revealed plans to drastically expand an experimental weather modification program to cover an area of over 2.1 million square miles – more than 1.5 times the size of India.
According to a statement from the State Council, China will have a “developed weather modification system” by 2025. ” The program will help with disaster relief, agricultural production, emergency responses to fires, and droughts.
A Popular Mechanics article states,Control of the ionosphere and for clandestine communications and detection of submarines a, has created a Chinese chase for a HAARP for weapons instead of science.
Small electrical and temperature changes in the Jet Stream in China or Russia can create large changes in the jet stream when it hits the US. Weather weapons that are able to change the trajectory of the Jet Stream can create record low temperatures that have been recorded in the US during January 2019 and 2023 according to Wikipedia.
Red Jet Stream 100 MPH west to east winds makes unusual curve up to Alaska or Canada bring cold air to U.S.
As the jet stream changes intensity and position, it affects the motion and strength of the Arctic air mass bringing it into the U.S… Jet streams follow the boundaries between hot and cold air and tend to pull the weather with them. That array transmits RF waves that interact with the ionosphere and may affect the location of the jet stream pushing it further north to pick up freezing temperatures. The deadly winter storm knocks out power in 1.5 million homes. The cold air is the coldest and most powerful in a generation and the winds in the jet stream are reaching 200 mph over the North Atlantic.
The HAARP beam is broad like a flashlight’s, not narrow like a laser, but it can be electronically steered anywhere within 30° of zenith—that is, local vertical—and it can operate at 3–10 megawatts of power (MHz) Its powerful radio waves drive ionospheric electrons back and forth in what are called plasma waves. As those driven electrons collide with each other and with background species, their temperature goes up, which is why HAARP is called a heater. Thanks to its frequency agility, the HAARP antenna can heat at specific altitudes where the transmission frequency simultaneously matches two resonances, 180 antennas are linked to function as one mega antenna aiming millions of watts of Extremely Low Frequency waves into one tiny patch of the atmosphere disrupting the jet stream.
During a Senate hearing on May 20, 2014, David Walker, Deputy Secretary of the Air Force for science, technology and regarding HAARP in Alaska. Walker said,” This is not an area that we have any need for in the future” and it would not be a good use of Air Force research funds to keep HAARP going. “We’re moving on to other ways of managing the ionosphere, which the HAARP was really designed to do,” he said “To inject energy into the ionosphere to be able to actually control it. But that work has been completed.”
U S Defense Secretary William Cohen in 2000, said, “ HAARP and weather control is not only possible, but has been and continues to be used as a “super weapon,” “Others [nations] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.
… There are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreck terror upon other nations. It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts. ”
Many believe HAARP was created and has been used for weather control, by controlling the jet streams movement with enough juice to trigger cold weather across the US by directing the jet stream north into Alaska and Canada and then down into the US bringing Polar weather with it. Why build five HAARPs unless you are going to use them to change the jet streams normal patterns .
Climate engineering/geoengineering/weather warfare is mathematically the greatest and most immediate threat we face (short of nuclear cataclysm).
The Chinese Communists have developed at least five HAARP facilities, three in the Gobi Desert, one near Shanghai, and a similar facility on the Hainan Island in the South China Sea. China also likely mounted a HAARP facility on ships and are able to move to key locations and conduct geoengineering such as changing the course of the Jet Stream. Five known Extremely Low Frequency wave transmitters are operated by China. If they work together, they could alter the world’s weather by changing the jet stream’s route. That in turn have cause extreme cold, storms or droughts, or even steer hurricanes. Global climate engineering/geoengineering programs are radically disrupting weather patterns, disrupting the hydrological cycle , causing drought in some regions, contributing to wildfires, and fueling flooding others,
Brigadier General Robert Spalding shares how China took over while America’s Elite Slept, He was interviewed about his book,” Stealth War” that not all wars are violent. General Spalding told how Chinese Communist Party worked behind the scenes to undermine the United States by co-opting our elite people and paying large sums of money to many like Hunter Biden. General Spalding lived in China and spoke Chinese for three years and assumed the duties of Special Assistant to the U.S. Air Force Vice Chief of Staff in February 2018. He states, “Daily the Communist propaganda media reminds the Chinese they are at war with the U.S., and everything should be done to destroy the U.S.”
Why the Chinese during COVID-19 did not allow travel from Wuhan, China into China, but encouraged over 5 million people to travel from Wuhan to all other parts of the world with Covid killing millions. Chinese may attack Taiwan soon/
The European Union called the project a global concern and passed a resolution calling for more information on its health and environmental risks. Despite those concerns, officials at HAARP insist the project is nothing more sinister than a radio science research facility.”
HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) was a critically important to U.S. military 1981, defense project with controversy over its alleged weather control capabilities. The project was given to University of Alaska by the military in 2013-2015, after attracting negative publicity. It was more than a research facility with little military value. Some respected researchers allege that the electromagnetic warfare capabilities of the project were designed to forward the US military’s goal of achieving “Full-spectrum Dominance” by the year 2020 and of “Owning the Weather in 2025” Others claim that Chinese HAARP technologies have been and continue to be used for weather control, to cause earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, to disrupt global s systems, and more.
Dr. Bernard Eastlund is the scientist who created and developed the HAARP project. Below is some info from his website.
Large regions of the atmosphere could be lifted to a high altitude so that missiles encounter unexpected and unplanned drag forces with resultant destruction or deflection. Weather modification is possible by, for example, altering upper atmosphere wind patterns or altering solar absorption patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device. Ozone, nitrogen, etc. concentrations in the atmosphere could be artificially increased.
Electromagnetic pulse defenses are also possible. The earth’s magnetic field could be decreased or disrupted.
U.S. Alaska HAARP allegedly uses s an electrical and radio wave transmitter with 3 million watts to heat the ionosphere. [The equipment could be designed for a billion watts that could act as a death ray or modern weapon. The HAARP allegedly can even change the moods and central nervous systems of people.
From documentary on HAARP weather control capabilities See Canada’s CBCHAARP You Tube
Chinese HAARP showing Beam and Sky
180 antennas are linked to function as one mega antenna aiming millions of watts of Extremely Low Frequency waves to steer the jet stream.
The energy HAARP beams into the atmosphere heats up the ionosphere and pushes it out into space. This could indirectly affect the jet stream as the ionosphere is pushed into space, dragging the stratosphere below up and pulling the jet stream up as well, rerouting it by hundreds of miles. The result changes the way water moves through the atmosphere change weather patterns over large areas.
From 1987 through 1992, California experienced its worst-ever drought. Food prices went up as crops and livestock died. At the same time, , a similar program to HAARP, mysteriously stalled a high-pressure system 800 miles off the coast of California, which was blocking the usual flow of Pacific rain. Normally, the winds blow in an east. However, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) showed the winds were blowing in a west. The jet stream was much weaker. The jet stream only returned to normal in 1995 but soon started acting up. Angels Don’t Play this HAARP:
New UFO/UAP Social Network, MUFON Observer Network
A rare green comet that hadn’t been seen since the time of the Neanderthals made its closest approach to Earth on Wednesday (Feb. 1), thrilling astronomy geeks all over the world.“A comet last visible during the Stone Age has appeared for the first time over Stonehenge,” English Heritage, which manages the iconic prehistoric monument in the south of England, said in a tweet (opens in new tab) accompanying a stunning photograph of the comet above the stone circle.
Strange Craft
The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs
U.S. Air Force Major George Filer belongs to the generation of pilots and aviators who first became aware of the strange aircraft showing up in the Earth’s atmosphere after World War II. These men – military professionals who flew planes, served as radar operators and air traffic controllers at airfields around the world – began to whisper amongst themselves about encounters with suspected extraterrestrial aircraft.
During secret debriefings at U.S. bases, pilots and air crew told their commanders of seeing UFOs off their plane’s wings. Award-winning investigative author John Guerra spent four years interviewing Filer, a decorated intelligence officer.
From objects in the skies over Cold War Europe to a UFOs over during the Cuban Missile Crisis to lights over the DMZ in Vietnam Filer leaves nothing out about his Air Force UFO encounters,
Filer’s most memorable case – the shooting of an alien at Fort Dix Army Base in 1978 – is fully recounted for the first time in this book. As a member of the Disclosure Project, military experts, astronauts, and scientists urge the U.S. government to release all it knows about UFOs to the public.
Filer describes his UFO encounters in this incredible book, by John L. Guerra.
Special reports are President Reagan’s Diaries, Solar Warden, China Controls our Weather, Strange Craft, MUFON Social Network, and Carbon 60.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia Nevada, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Chile, India, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force and DOD investigated UFOs for more than forty years; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors
UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS
Alabama Light
Jacksonville on February 3, 2023, cylinder shaped like a straw, translucent, very dimly lit, fuzzy edges, appeared to cloak over a 5 to 10 second period as it was over my backyard. Estimate it was below 100 feet, no wing, engine, window, etc…
Arizona Light
Scottsdaleon February 6, 2023, I decided to video when object flew over me, I was able to see objects that were in the sky that were not any type of aircraft. Saw flash of light and I saw a gigantic white orb and bizarre object move through my screen.
California Cylinders
Mount Shasta on February 5, 2023,we decided to take pictures but did not see anything in the sky. Later during review, we found three cylinders with heat signature around them.
Florida Rectangle
Bromeliad on September 8, 2022. rectangular shape. Translucent, appeared to have “energy outline.”
Georgia Lights
Mineral Bluffs on January 30, 2023 at 9:34 PM, I saw blinking lights that were coming my way flying slowly west. There were 2 white lights that blinked then 3. I got a new Samsung 22 phone and checked Flight 24 and there are no planes.
Nevada Object
Las Vegason February 4, 2023, I was outside with my sisters talking when I look up and saw something black in the sky that was too big. So, I pointed it out a pure black oval that kept changing its shape. It flew down for 40 seconds until it disappeared.
New Jersey Light
Sussex on August 10 , 2022, witnessed 4 glowing spheres with a separate craft above them making a white line that broke up and then re continued in the same trajectory going westward on Rte. 565.
Ohio Light
Ameliaon February 14, 2023, I did a time lapse with my Brinno set to take a 32 second exposure for each frame.
Pennsylvania Disc
Collegeville, I saw two discs on; hard frost fall Sundays between 1966 thru 1968. at 9 p.m. filed by Phoenixville, police. Ten of us saw enormous red and yellow lights, moving towards us.: Our animals were running around berserk As it passed directly overhead, it vanished. A week later, 9 p.m. we spotted another UFO.
South Carolina Object
Simpsonville on June 7, 2002, I saw orb spheres. I have tons of footage/. I have RH negative blood and a triple moles on my left shoulder. I kept getting sick with vomiting and hospitalized several times.
Texas Light
Corpus Christon January 6, 2023, object was hovering over a neighborhood and I said, “doesn’t anybody else see this?”. Then I hid when I said “You see me now I see you and then it drifted far away.
Utah Oject
On February 7, 2023, I was on a SWA flight from LA. At 5:35 over Utah . I noticed a thin string like object that was vertical. It ended up horizontal when I got a picture
Wisconsin Object
Milwaukee on February 1, 2023, black round object looked to be two-car length.
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Light
Brown Plainson September 6, 2022, at Grand Plaza Shopping Centre with my wife, Janelle, we saw two objects one gold and one white, high in the sky through the glass roof of the mall. The one object that I saw was a gold saucer.
Chie Objects
‘Coyhaique on March 12 , 2023, I was fly-fishing and taking pictures of condors as they flew but never saw the UFO. I used Max focus while reviewing film and saw the UFOs. I was using burst for five pictures per second
India Object
Dombivli on January 3, 2022, The object in the pictures and videos was moving in all sorts of directions at 35000 feet while in flight.
UK/England Light
Shoreham on November 29, 2017, I was sitting outside my local Public House watching the Sunset.
Grayson January 3 , 2023, this is my 6th sighting. I spotted 2 solid singular balls of light, one followed by the other a set distance apart. Two lights fore/aft bow/stern. The latest ‘Royal Navy Astute Class Attack Nuclear Submarines have names like ‘HMS AUDACIOUS’ ‘HMS AMBUSH.’ I saw a likeness of one of these in flight, its lights, and aura held me spellbound.
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Buy a Great DVD
I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
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MUFON Conference in Denver July 8-10, 2022
Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2022 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to
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Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. These files could not be published without the help of my beloved wife who cooks, cleans, washes, etc., and manages the finances. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Ancient Aliens: Thousands of Mysterious Crop Circles in Farm Fields (Season 19)
These mysterious formations have been appearing in farmer's fields for centuries. See more in this scene from Season 19, Episode 2, "The Crop Circle Code."
Watch all new episodes of Ancient Aliens, Fridays, at 9/8c, and next day on The HISTORY Channel website at
Dark Forest Hypothesis: Another Take on The Fermi Paradox
Have you ever looked up into the night sky and wondered, is there something more out there? Well I have a story for you. It's a story of a star system just 4.37 light-years away called Alpha Centauri and its smallest star, Proxima Centauri, around which a planet, Proxima b, orbits. And guess what? Recent studies have indicated that this planet is not only capable of sustaining life, but may even already be home to intelligent life forms! So buckle up, we're about to explore the secrets of Proxima Centauri together. If you looked up into the night sky, you would have a hard time picking out Alpha Centauri A and B, two stars located only 23 times farther away from each other than the Sun is from Uranus. In the ranking of the brightest stars in our night sky, Alpha Centauri takes 3rd place! But while it may be difficult to dissociate them with the naked eye, this fascinating pair of stars has been the subject of close research and speculation for centuries, offering astronomers a unique opportunity to study two stellar bodies in close proximity. Alpha Centauri A and B are both members of the Alpha Centauri star system, a binary star composed of two yellow-white stars, and are located 4.3 light years away from our Sun. They sit very close to each other in space, at just one tenth of a light year apart. Alpha Centauri A is the slightly brighter of the two, and both stars are very similar to the Sun in terms of size and temperature.
The Real Reason "Chinese Spy Balloons" Are Flying Over The U.S
The Real Reason "Chinese Spy Balloons" Are Flying Over The U.S
What SpaceX just did with S24/B7 is thrilled Scientists mind
What SpaceX just did with S24/B7 is thrilled Scientists mind
The rocket is always the star of the show, no matter if it's science fiction or science reality. The joy and inspiration we feel when we witness a rocket firing is well-known. For what it is, the thing SpaceX just did with S24/B7 is unlike anything NASA or anyone has ever done before and thrilled all the Scientists' minds. Find out everything about that in today's episode of Alpha Tech: SpaceX Starship is considered a great inspiration for the 21st century because it is pushing the boundaries of what is possible in space exploration and making the dream of human colonization of other planets a more realistic possibility. Its innovative design, use of reusable rocket technology, and ambitious goals have captured the public's imagination and generated enthusiasm for space exploration. And recently, SpaceX has really pushed space fans to the pinnacle of excitement with Ship 24 and Booster 7. Enjoy this amazing pairing: What SpaceX just did with S24/B7 is thrilled Scientists mind
Rocket Scientist Travis Taylor on the UFOs That Were Shot Down
Was it aliens? China? or something else? Rocket scientist and paranormal expert Travis Taylor weighs in on the recent UFOs that were shot down over North America.
The Dyatlov Pass incident, the Petrozavodsk miracle, the Voronezh case. These three unsolved Alien Mysteries in the Soviet Union amaze and sometimes frighten for the power that generated them, but they also raise the doubt that it was not always an alien hand.
The accounts of unexplained monsters on Earth, from sea demons to cannibal vampire families and attacks by human hybrid creatures in the woods.
It’s Probably the Scariest Discovery About Space in the Whole History of Exploration
Sudden Stratospheric Warming aan de gang. Wat zijn de gevolgen?
Sudden Stratospheric Warming aan de gang. Wat zijn de gevolgen?
Er is momenteel een Sudden Stratospheric Warming aan de gang. Dat wil zeggen dat de gemiddelde temperatuur bij de Noordpool in de stratosfeer op korte tijd enorm stijgt en de Polar Vortex rake klappen krijgt. De Polar Vortex zal zich ook verplaatsen en sterk afzwakken. Er ontstaat daardoor een anticyclonaal patroon boven de Noordpool. Hebben we al meer zicht op de gevolgen?
Ben je geïnteresseerd om deel te nemen als weeramateur of liefhebber van het weer aan het weerforum? Onderaan dit artikel krijg je bliksemsnel & gratis toegang tot alle reacties. Je kan ook je eigen weerfoto’s uploaden.
Impressionante Sudden Stratospheric Warming
In onze vorige blog beschreven we al dat er een Sudden Stratospheric Warming zat aan te komen. Ik ga dus niet meer in detail in op wat dat precies betekent, maar verwijs graag naar dit artikel.
Vaak worden SSW’s geassocieerd met intenser winterweer over Noord-Europa en Azië. Dat staat nog niet meteen op de weerkaarten, integendeel. Momenteel is er nog geen neerwaartse propagatie en koppeling tussen stratosfeer en troposfeer. Dat betekent dat er geen gevolgen zijn van de SSW en Polar Vortex voor ons weer. Als stratosfeer en troposfeer niet gekoppeld zijn werken ze onafhankelijk van elkaar en hebben we dus geen invloed van de SSW.
Krijgen we winterweer in maart?
Toch lijkt het dat er in maart meer klassieke gevolgen te verwachten zijn. De weermodellen hebben er steeds meer vertrouwen in dat de SSW zal evolueren naar een PV-splitsing, wat een sterkere koppeling met het oppervlak en een negatieve NAO aan het oppervlak kan bevorderen.
Daarnaast tonen de laatste updates van de weermodellen duidelijk een meer robuuste neerwaartse propagatie van significante positieve anomalieën naar de tropopauze en zelfs tot aan het oppervlak. Hoewel dit geen garantie is voor een hogedruk blokkade bij Groenland, wordt de kans daarop wel een pak groter.
Als Groenland blokkeert zouden de temperaturen kouder moeten worden in Europa. De lente (maart-april) zou dan ook in het teken kunnen staan van de effecten van de SSW. Misschien krijgen we daardoor wel een koudere (periode in) maart.
Mogelijke effecten van de SSW met hogedruk bij Groenland. (Weatheriscool)
Forecast of warming in the stratosphere from February 3 to February 19
(Source: Judah Cohen/Verisk/AER/NOAA)
Wind direction and speed forecast at the stratosphere at 60 degrees north latitude. The forecast shows a negative wind which means an easterly wind and part of a Sudden Stratospheric Warming.
Wetenschappers registreren enorme opwarming in de atmosfeer
Er heeft zich afgelopen dagen een enorme opwarming voorgedaan in de hogere luchtlagen van onze atmosfeer. In de stratosfeer is er zelfs sprake van een ‘Sudden Stratospheric Warming’. Hiermee stijgt de temperatuur op zo’n hoogte van 20-30 km spectaculair snel. Dat kan volgens weerdienst NoodweerBenelux ook een impact hebben op het weer. “Als de koppeling gemaakt wordt met de lagere luchtlaag in de atmosfeer, dan kan dat leiden tot uitbraken van koude lucht op het noordelijk halfrond”, aldus weeranalist Nicolas Roose.
Forecast of warming in the stratosphere from February 3 to February 19(Source: Judah Cohen/Verisk/AER/NOAA)
De fikse opwarming in de stratosfeer is een vrij zeldzaam gegeven. Normaliter is het op grote hoogte in onze atmosfeer zeer koud met een temperatuur tussen -50 en -80°C. De koude lucht blijft dan vaak ook gevangen boven de Noordpool. Dat wordt ook wel de poolwervel genoemd. Wanneer er zich een plotselinge opwarming ontwikkelt in de stratosfeer, dan kan deze koude lucht boven de Noordpool zuidwaarts geduwd worden. De kans op koude uitbraken in Noord-Amerika, Europa en Azië neemt dan toe.
Een Sudden Stratospheric Warming komt volgens meteorologen om de 2-3 jaar voor. Soms is de impact voelbaar tot op grondniveau met uitbraken van winterweer. Soms veroorzaakt een SSW ook het tegenovergestelde effect en kan het net vroegtijdig lenteweer opleveren.
Onzekerheid weersverwachting neemt toe
De gevolgen door een plotse opwarming in de stratosfeer kunnen grote gevolgen hebben. “Weermodellen houden op dit moment nog onvoldoende rekening met de impact van dit natuurfenomeen. Een weersverwachting wordt met de huidige technologie al vaak sterk onzeker vanaf een termijn van 7 dagen. Met deze complexe opwarming zal dat niet verbeteren en moeten we rekening houden met sterk wisselvallige berekeningen. Extra moeilijk dus voor de meteorologen”, besluit Roose.
Diepvriestemperaturen voor Noord-Amerika
De laatste keer dat een Sudden Stratospheric Warming zich heeft voorgedaan was 5 januari 2021. Toen werd het noorden van Amerika ondergedompeld in arctische lucht met een historisch koude uitbraak sinds 1989. “De extreem koude lucht was toen ook verantwoordelijk voor problemen met het elektriciteitsnet in Texas, meer dan 300 doden en 27 miljard dollar schade”, aldus NoodweerBenelux.
Now this just in, reports are going viral about a dark triangle UFO over Pakistan today. It was there for several hours and seen from two different cities. The UFO is very similar to the black triangle UFO I reported last week over Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. I will place the video below for you to compare. Aliens are coming close, revealing the craft they fly in and they have a plan behind it all. What I'm saying is...a big reveal is coming from the aliens soon.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
News states:
“It was solid black and had no sharp edges. It wasn’t reflecting too much light and no lights were emanating from it.” In the extraordinary footage, the mystifying object is seen hanging motionless over the hustle and bustle of the capital city below. A fly and several birds then also crossed into the shot, showing the clear difference between the creatures and the distant UFO. Arslan added: “I don’t know what it was, but I know what it wasn’t – it wasn’t a bird. “I actually got birds in the clip while I was filming this thing. I fly drones myself so I know it wasn’t a commercial drone either. “And it makes no sense for our military to be flying secret drones over a posh area of Islamabad where most of the army and government officers live.”
I was going through some NASA photos and found this one that really caught my attention and normally I wouldn't even report it as I only report about 5% of what I find.
I found a corpse in the photo. The body has a stomach and legs that are under the boulder. The body is about 2 meters from head to feet. The chest is cut open reveling the spine of the creature as well as the he'd cut off reveal the hole from the spine and a thick neck. The thing that just grabbed me was the arm...not joking, its what I saw first. The upper arm is very muscular and curved and its bent at the elbow, and its huge hands resting on its chest as if it were clawing at the boulder to get it off as it died. The other arm is bent back behind its back so only its shoulder is visible. I also found a face carved in a huge stone, the face has to be similar to that of the creature that died headless, but the face carved shows us what the face looked like. It almost looked human, but with two eyes, a mouth and a nose, but the resemblance stops there. The face has a pig like snout but its long hanging down in front of its mouth. I also found a cross in a round stone which measures about 1.5 meters across. Many exciting things in this NASA photo, all of which you will never hear NASA talk about. However the day will come with AI is widely used and AI will speak the truth, even if its a hacked version that is allowed to do so. AI the gov controlled version will not be allowed to fully speak the truth due to matters of national security, matters of cultural offending, mattes of religious or political offending and so on.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
High speed UFO nearly hits hang-glider over California
High speed UFO nearly hits hang-glider over California
A hang-glider was filming the take-off of another glider near Sutter Buttes, California when he accidentally caught a small, dark, round object whizzes by so close it nearly hits him.
The object which has no wings or visible propulsion has an incredible speed and can only be seen in a split second. Only after slowing down and pause the footage it reveals an object with four pinched-off corners that rests on what looks like a round disk.
Some speculate it might have been a balloon, but the object simply has too much speed to be a balloon.
Beyond SETI: How AI and Interferometry are Advancing the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Beyond SETI: How AI and Interferometry are Advancing the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) has been ongoing for decades, but recent advances in technology have made it possible to detect signals from other civilizations with greater sensitivity and specificity. One such development is the deployment of a powerful signal processor on the MeerKAT telescope in South Africa, which uses a technique called interferometry to combine its 64 dishes to act as a single telescope.
Interferometry is a method of combining multiple telescopes to improve their resolution and sensitivity. By measuring the phase difference of the signals received by each dish, the interferometer can determine the direction and shape of the incoming waves. This technique is better able to pinpoint where in the sky a signal comes from, which will drastically reduce false positives from radio interference.
MeerKAT Radio Telescope
The MeerKAT telescope is a precursor to the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), a mega-telescope that will consist of thousands of dishes and antennas spread across southern Africa and Australia. The SKA will be the largest radio telescope in the world, with a total collecting area of one square kilometer. It will be able to detect radio waves from the early universe, distant galaxies, and potentially, extraterrestrial civilizations.
The search for technosignatures, or signs of technological activity, is a key part of the SETI program. If astronomers do manage to detect a technosignature that can’t be explained away as interference, it would strongly suggest humans aren’t the sole creators of technology within the Milky Way. This would be one of the most profound discoveries imaginable, as it would have profound implications for our understanding of the universe and our place in it.
At the same time, if we detect nothing, that doesn’t necessarily mean we’re the only technologically-capable “intelligent” species around. A non-detection could also mean we haven’t looked for the right type of signals, or our telescopes aren’t yet sensitive enough to detect faint transmissions from distant exoplanets. We may need to cross a sensitivity threshold before a Cambrian Explosion of discoveries can be made.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing a key role in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). With vast amounts of data being generated by telescopes like MeerKAT, AI algorithms can sift through the noise to identify signals that might indicate the presence of alien technology.
One example of AI’s application in SETI is the Breakthrough Listen project, which uses machine learning to analyze huge amounts of data collected from telescopes around the world. The algorithms are designed to identify patterns that might indicate the presence of an extraterrestrial signal, and they can work much faster than humans could on their own.
Another way AI is being used is to help refine the search parameters. As our understanding of what to look for expands, machine learning models can be trained to identify and prioritize the most promising targets. For example, some scientists are using AI to predict where in the sky we are most likely to find habitable exoplanets, which could help focus our search efforts.
Overall, AI is a powerful tool in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, and it’s likely to become even more important as we continue to collect more data and refine our techniques. With the help of machine learning algorithms, we may one day be able to answer one of the most profound questions in human history: are we alone in the universe?
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Voyager 1 Encounters Mysterious Disturbance in Deep Space
Voyager 1 Encounters Mysterious Disturbance in Deep Space
Voyager 1 is the iconic spacecraft that has been exploring deep space beyond our solar system for over 45 years. It has made an incredible contribution to our understanding of the universe, including the now famous “Pale Blue Dot” image of the Earth. Despite its age, the probe has been a reliable explorer until it recently started sending back strange and incomprehensible data, leaving scientists at NASA baffled.
As NASA scientists tried to figure out what caused the anomaly in the data sent by the Voyager spacecraft, they were puzzled by the strange nature of the data. They initially thought that the instrument was being intercepted by extraterrestrials, or that another advanced civilization was taking over. However, they soon learned that the data was corrupted by a computer that has been out of service for years.
NASA scientists were scratching their heads to try to figure out what could have caused this anomaly. Was the Voyager finally intercepted by aliens, or had any other advanced civilization taken over the spacecraft? However, they quickly discovered that the AACS had started sending the telemetry data through an onboard computer known to have stopped working years ago, and that computer had corrupted the information.
Fortunately, the fix was relatively simple. The team needed to instruct the AACS to switch back to the correct computer for sending data. While this might sound easy, it took a significant amount of effort to diagnose the issue, given the vast distance between Voyager 1 and Earth.
The Voyager mission has been a remarkable achievement, with two probes lasting over 10 times their expected lifespan, travelling to the outermost reaches of the solar system, and venturing into interstellar space. The Golden Record and Pale Blue Dot are just a few of the many contributions that have come from this mission.
The discovery of the anomaly has provided scientists with an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the risks involved in space exploration. As the world continues to explore the cosmos, more mysteries will emerge. The scientific community is committed to pushing the envelope of knowledge and discovering the secrets to the universe.
Although the mystery surrounding the spacecraft has been solved, it is still a testament to the mission and legacy of the Voyager 1 that people still keep following it.
Something about dancingrobots seems to tickle people’s fancies. After all, millions of people watched a 2020 video from the robotics company Boston Dynamics of its fancy humanoid and quadrupedal devices getting down to ‘60s soul.
More recently, the murderous (yet campy) villain in the movie M3GAN has captivated the internet with her moves — and even earned recognition as a gay icon. Whether we’re obsessing over grooving robots or moving like robots ourselves, automaton choreography clearly holds a place in our hearts.
M3GAN’s creepy yet delightful dance has captivated the internet.
So it’s no surprise that a niche research field dubbed choreorobotics has gained traction in recent years. Brown University even has an entire course dedicated to the subject. Not only are labs programming robots to gyrate and hop, but dance experts are also helping scientists give their devices more fluid, human-like movements. Ultimately, this kind of work could help us feel closer to robots in an increasingly automated world.
Kate Sicchio, a choreographer and digital artist at Virginia Commonwealth University, combines her dance and tech knowledge to devise robot performances.Last year, Sicchio worked with Patrick Martin from the university’s engineering department to produce a (surprisingly touching) human-automaton duet. Offstage, she also helps design machines with more realistic motions.
Inverse talked to Sicchio to learn more about choreorobotics — and whether increasingly limber robots could actually become blood-thirsty killers like M3GAN.
Boston Dynamics regularly stages elaborate bot performances.
It's really interesting to have this unfamiliar device do this uncanny human thing. It’s similar to why we love putting googly eyes on everything. This makes it human even though it's not supposed to be. And that becomes funny or endearing somehow. It's very popular to make the robot do this very human, expressive thing when it's not human or expressive on its own.
One of the things we found is that a robot on its own feels very isolated and cold. We have this piece called “Amelia and the Machine.”In the opening, this dancer is actually moving the robot arm around.
People are really moved by this intimacy with the robot and the fact that she's touching it.
It's a small manipulator robot, so it's probably the size of a toddler. The fact that she’s sitting next to it — that small connection really changes how people see the robot because it's no longer this isolated thing. All of a sudden it has a companion.
A performance of “Amelia and the Machine” co-choreographed by Kate Sicchio at Virginia Commonwealth University.
My home is contemporary dance, so that's where I go first. That tends to work well because, with the robot we’re using, it's not a one-to-one mapping of the human body onto the robot. Sometimes it's hard to do traditional ballet, where there are really specific positions to hit. It’s really hard to map an arabesque onto a robot that doesn't have a leg.
I think contemporary dance, where there's a lot of freedom and creativity in how you develop movement, works well. I would be interested in doing things with dance forms with more rhythm or more structure and timing — that would be a really interesting study to follow up with at some point. More tutting or street dance forms could be really interesting to play with.
That’s something that we're also studying. There's this weird space where it totally can go wrong and could be like, “They're trying too much to make it human,” and it just falls short and becomes scary. I think what's interesting about M3GAN is that it's a very humanoid robot. The robots I work with do not look human at all, and I'm not interested in trying to make them look human. I get a lot of recommendations to put costumes on them. But I don't know that it needs a hand or a hat, or a tiara. It’s this weird moment where it can become scary instead of endearing or friendly.
One thing that's interesting about M3GAN is how it quickly becomes a killer robot. That is an ethical concern in this field — where might this go wrong? Could this become weaponized somehow if it becomes so good at moving? That's something I think about, too: How do we keep them ethical? I've never taken DARPA funding, but I know people who have gotten military funding for projects like this.
Sicchio enjoys this unnerving performance from Ex Machina.
The scene from Ex Machina. What I like about that dancing robot scene is it’s kind of the reveal that, guess what, this is all training for this AI robot, and all these women you keep seeing in the house aren't really women — and I'm going to show you because we can do this crazy dance routine together.
What stands out and makes it so interesting is that they do all these disco moves, but their eyes are locked on the guy watching. They never move their heads, which is what makes it so weird and un-human: They never unlock their focus. They're not having fun.
The “Amelia and the Machine” piece uses a relatively simple robot, which Sicchio says works well for performance.
With simpler robots, you can better appreciate the movement they can do and see how that can be made into something more expressive or more collaborative with the human. I think that’s less scary because it's not trying to be human and then failing.
Most researchers use more simple devices — a lot do big industrial arms. It's almost become a trope, the pretty ballerina with the big industrial arm. And then Boston Dynamics has the bipedal, more human sort of robots. The company’s dance spectacles look seamless, but they are actually really hard to program. So they never do them live, you only see the edited videos. They’re a huge production that takes several days to film to get you three minutes of a Bruno Mars song or whatever.
The humanoid ones are just tricky, that center of gravity thing is really hard — it’s easier when the robot is low to the ground. With our small robots, if you make a movement too fast or wild, it will fall over. So you can imagine a big humanoid robot trying to get it to jump, and land is very difficult.
I make stage pieces with Patrick Martin, an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering. But we're also doing scientific studies during that process. We found that, because dancers are interested in doing extreme or different movements, they're very good at finding the boundaries of what a robot can do very quickly. A friend of mine calls dancers “extreme user testers.”
We’ve been doing a lot with machine learning and creating new algorithms for robots to move and we’ve been doing that by studying dancers. We do things like motion capture of dancers doing certain gestures, and then see how we can map those to the robot and see if we can get it to move with new qualities or in ways that normal programming hasn't thought of.
I also think it’s interesting when roboticists engage with choreography themselves. We did a workshop with Patrick Martin and his graduate students and some of my dance students — getting them to move. We explored a variety of prompts around moving the body in space, ways to repeat lines of the body with other body parts, and other approaches of responding to the geometry of the body.
When roboticists think about movement, they're always thinking of it outside of their own body. I think about it like getting the robot to follow my arm. Getting roboticists to actually do the dance and be in their bodies is a really interesting place for us to go next. That will start to develop this kind of kinesthetic empathy that perhaps we're searching for with dancing robots. I think roboticists should become dancers.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
UFO Sightings near Volcanoes: Exploring the Latest Footage
UFO Sightings near Volcanoes: Exploring the Latest Footage
UFO over Popocatépetl volcano
For years, reports of UFO sightings near volcanoes have been a topic of intrigue and speculation. From Iceland to North America, sightings of unidentified objects around these natural wonders have become increasingly frequent. The latest video to cause a stir is from Mexico, where webcams recorded an unidentified glowing orb appearing to launch from Popocatépetl Volcano, known locally as El Popo.
The phenomenon is not new to Mexico; the country ranks seventh in the world for the number of reported UFO sightings. MJ Banias, a journalist, believes that UFOs may be attracted to volcanoes for camouflage and energy. The heat emitted by the volcano may draw them in, while the cracks and vents provide a place to hide and refuel. Some even believe that the vent is a point of entry and exit for UFOs to use as a base of operations.
In March to May 2021, state cameras over El Popo captured at least five instances of lights flashing above the volcano. The footage raises the question of whether these lights are from Earth or from somewhere else. However, a closer examination of the video suggests that these sightings may not be as mysterious as they first seem.
Rich Hoffman, a specialist in aviation safety, examined the video of the bright light seen over Mexico City and found it to be doubtful that it was a real UFO. The brilliance of the light should have yielded more reports, yet no geologists or residents in the city reported anything. A closer look at the location of the light revealed that it was close to Puebla International Airport, where aircraft are known to turn on their landing lights when they are below 10,000 feet. The speed and flight path of the light also suggested that it could have been a commercial aircraft heading to Cancun.
In contrast, the footage of floating, glowing orbs seen at different times around the volcano is more challenging to explain. Marc D’Antonio, an astronomer and video effects designer, analyzed the video and eliminated the possibility that the objects were embers or fireflies. He concluded that the lights were not of this world, but could not rule out the possibility that they were man-made drones.
While the latest footage ofUFO sightingsnear Popocatépetl Volcano in Mexico is intriguing, the explanation for such sightings may not be as extraterrestrial as some would like to believe. The heat, energy, and cracks from the volcano may attract attention from humans and other organisms, including drones. However, the mystery remains as to what causes the floating, glowing orbs seen on various occasions around the volcano.
'Hobby balloon' shot down: Republicans mock Biden for military …
'Hobby balloon' shot down: Republicans mock Biden for military …
Republicans mock Biden for having fighter jets potentially shoot down a $13 hobby balloon and providing a 'powerful deterrence for any high school science clubs that might try to invade America'
By Lewis Pennock For Dailymail.Com
Republicans have mocked Biden over claims a hobby balloon was shot down
Ted Cruz says it is a 'deterrence for high school science' trying to invade the U.S.
The Bottlecap Balloon Brigade declared their balloon missing in action last week
When the Bottlecap Balloon Brigade discovered their hobby balloon went missing the same time fighter jets were scrambled to down a mysterious object over Alaska, theories started swirling.
Was their $12 inflatable taken out by a $400,000 Sidewinder missile fired from a $143 million F-22 in a military operation ordered by President Joe Biden?
They reported their property 'missing in action' and have been in contact with the FBI, but whether their balloon was targeted is yet to be confirmed as the Pentagon tries to retrieve the debris.
Yet their involvement in the UFO hysteria of the last two weeks has led to mounting questions, and mockery of the White House.
Ted Cruz wrote on Twitter: 'To be fair, Biden is providing is powerful deterrence for any high school science clubs that might try to invade America….'
Former Republican congressman and Army reservist Peter Meijer added: 'RIP to the Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade’s ~$80 ham radio transmitter balloon, likely the victim of friendly fire by a $143,000,000 USAF F-22 firing a $485,000 AIM-9X Sidewinder missile during the Great Balloon Panic of 2023.'
The hobby balloon's last known location over Alaska came several hours before a fighter jet downed an unknown object several hundred miles away over Canada. A map of the hobby balloon's predicted path indicates it was heading towards the site where the UFO was downed
The Chinese spy balloon triggered a diplomatic crisis between Washington and Beijing - and the subsequent hysteria has led to at least three more unidentified objects being shot down
The Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade (NIBBB) reported one of its balloons 'missing in action' around the same location - and at the time time - a U.S. Air Force jet downed an unidentified object near Alaska using a $400,000 Sidewinder missile.
NIBBB said its 'K9YO' balloon last reported its location shortly before 1am GMT on Saturday, February 11 (8pm EST on February 10), near the coast of southwest Alaska.
Modeling shared by NIBBB shows its balloon was headed in the direction of Yukon before it vanished - and opens up the possibility it was one of the suspicious objects down by the U.S. military.
Members of the Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade, whose balloon went missing near the area where an unidentified object was shot down by a fighter jet over Alaska
An F-22 (similar to the one pictured in this file photo) later shot down a 'cylindrical' metallic object over Mayo, Yukon
A model of the hobby balloon's projected path shows it was headed for Yukon, Canada, where an unidentified object was shot down. The balloon's last known location is marked by a star, while the red line shows its predicted path
A fighter jet flies near the remnants of the Chinese balloon after it was struck by a missile over the Atlantic Ocean, just off the South Carolina coast near Myrtle Beach, Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023
It's been speculated the balloon used for K9YO was a $13.33, silver 32-inch mylar balloon - mainly used for parties and celebrations, but sometimes by hobbyists for high-altitude flights.
Other hobbyists are also speculating that pico balloons could account for some of the mystery objects spotted over the U.S. since a Chinese spy balloon was detected earlier this month.
Ron Meadows, the founder of Scientific Balloon Solutions (SBS), which makes balloons used by hobbyists, told Aviation Week: 'I tried contacting our military and the FBI—and just got the runaround—to try to enlighten them on what a lot of these things probably are. And they're going to look not too intelligent to be shooting them down.'
Tom Medlin, a host on the Amateur Radio Roundtable show, said the objects shot down were 'probably' pico balloons.
He said he uses a $12 foil balloon for his flights - matching the 'metallic' description of the Yukon object - and these can endure long periods of time at high altitudes.
The balloon shot down over Yukon was at an altitude of about 40,000 feet, officials said. The last known altitude of NIBBB's balloon was 37,928 ft.
President Joe Biden said on Thursday admitted the Yukon object and two other mysterious aerial objects destroyed by U.S. warplanes since the China balloon incident were not thought to be surveillance vehicles
'We don't yet know exactly what these three objects were, but nothing nothing right now suggests they were related to China's spy balloon programme, or they were surveillance vehicles from other any other country,' he said.
'The intelligence community's current assessment is that these three objects were most likely balloons tied to private companies, recreation or research institutions, studying weather, or conducting other scientific research.'
Biden came under intense criticism for allowing the balloon to fly all across the U.S. before giving the order to shoot it down once it was off the coast of South Carolina on Feb. 4.
On February 10, an unidentified object was downed over Alaska. The Yukon incident came a day later, then a third UDO was shot down over Lake Huron in the Midwest on February 12.
Military officials and the White House have also not categorically ruled out aliens could be behind the recent UFO incursions.
:National Security Council Coordinator Admiral John Kirby speaks at a White House Press Briefing following the U.S. downing of a number of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), at the White House on February 13th, 2023 in Washington, DC
U.S. Navy sailors assigned to Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group 2 prepare to conduct a search for debris during recovery efforts for the remains of a high-altitude Chinese balloon shot down by the U.S. Air Force off the coast of South Carolina during salvage and investigation operations on February 7, 2023 in this image released by the U.S. Navy in Washington, U.S., February 13, 2023
The White House has announced it is putting together a new UFO task force to study the potential security risks posed by new airborne objects detected in US airspace.
The new group, created on orders from national security adviser Jake Sullivan, will see experts from the Pentagon, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Department of Homeland Security and other government agencies come together to analyze unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) and determine whether they are a threat.
National Security Council spokesman John Kirby on Monday said: 'Every element of the government will redouble their efforts to understand and mitigate these events,' adding the task force would examine the 'broader policy implications' related to the detection and analysis of UFOs over mainland US.
The announcement came just one day after a US air force F-16 fighter jet shot down a UFO over the Great Lakes - the third unidentified object to be downed in as many days.
The UFO narrative wasn't helped by Gen. Glen VanHerck, head of NORAD and US Northern Command, who wouldn't say aliens were off the table during a briefing Sunday night.
The Hobby Club is concerned their missing balloon have been shot down by the USAF
The Hobby Club is concerned their missing balloon have been shot down by the USAF
A group of middle school students is taught how to operate a pico balloon from Scientific Balloon Solutions. Source: Scientific Balloon Solutions
A small, globe-trotting balloon declared “missing in action” by an Illinois-based hobbyist club on Feb. 15 has emerged as a candidate to explain one of the three mystery objects shot down by U.S. Air Force fighters since Feb. 10.
On February 15, a small balloon that was flying around the world was declared missing by a local club in Illinois. It has since emerged as a possible explanation for one of the three objects that were shot down by the US Air Force’s heat-seeking missiles.
The pieces of circumstantial evidence supporting the claim are intriguing. The club’s silver-colored balloon, which was reported missing on February 10, reported its last position at around 38,910 feet. A forecasting tool known as the HYSPLIT model, which is used by NOAA, also predicted that the object would be located somewhere over the Yukon Territory on February 11.
On the same day, an F-22 aircraft from Lockheed Martin was able to shoot down an unidentified object in the same area.
Some members of the community, which is composed of amateur-scale balloonists and ham radio users, are also questioning the nature of this mysterious object. They have contacted the FBI and the military to try and explain what it might be.
According to Ron Meadows, the founder of a tech company that makes small electronic balloons, the object most likely won’t look like it’s intelligent enough to shoot it down.
The descriptions of the objects that were shot down on February 10-12 match the shapes and altitudes of the small electronic balloons that can be purchased for around $12 to $180 each. Tom Medlin, a retired engineer, noted that the objects most likely were pico balloons. He is the co-host of a radio program that’s focused on amateur radio.
Various federal agencies, including the FBI and NORAD, were asked to comment on the possibility of a pico balloon being involved in the incident. The agencies declined to answer questions. The Office of the Secretary Of Defense and the FBI also didn’t acknowledge the idea that the harmless balloons could be the cause of the incident.
NORAD also didn’t provide an update regarding the status of the three objects. On February 15, John Kirby, a spokesperson for the National Security Council, said that the objects might have been launched for commercial purposes.
Over the past decade, the development of circumnavigational pico-balloons has been increasing. According to Lee Meadows, he and his father, Ron, were able to calculate the helium gas needed to make a standard latex balloon perform well at high altitudes. These devices, which are attached to a tether, can update their position to various radio stations around the world.
Several dozen such balloons can be launched at any given moment. They circle the Earth several times before they break apart or malfunction. Launch teams are seldom able to recover their balloons.
There are various types of balloons that can be used. For instance, some people still use the Mylar party balloons, which have a published calculation that shows the amount of gas that’s needed to be injected. However, the round-shaped ones are not capable of rising to higher altitudes.
For $12, Medlin says he uses a Japanese company’s foil balloon, which is made of a material that can endure long periods of exposure at high altitudes. Despite the manufacturer’s claims that the balloon was never intended to be used for this purpose, he noted that the material has proved resilient. Another alternative is the SBS made by Meadows’ company. These are special balloons that are designed to perform well in circumnavigational flights.
The members of the pico-balloon community are worried about the negative publicity they’re getting due to the incident. Some members of Congress and White House reportedly called the objects they shot down at high altitudes dangerous.
According to Kirby, the objects were identified as being capable of posing a threat to air traffic. Although they didn’t have specific reasons to believe that they were being used for surveillance, they could have been launched for commercial reasons.
According to Medlin and Meadows, the small balloons, which weigh less than six pounds, are not subject to FAA restrictions. Three nations, namely North Korea, Yemen, and the UK, have strict airspace restrictions that prevent the transmissions of data from the balloons. As a result, the community has developed a geo-fencing software that prevents the objects from flying over these countries.
The community is also concerned that the objects could be shot down. According to Medlin, one of his balloons, which is known as HYSPLIT, is expected to enter US airspace on February 17. It has already traveled around the world several times, and its trajectory carried it over China before it eventually reached the U.S. or Mexican airspaces.
UFOs of the Gigantic Size: Motherships from the Stars?
UFOs of the Gigantic Size: Motherships from the Stars?
Nick Redfern
My previous article was on the subject of small, mysterious objects seen in the skies for decades. Today, however, I'm going to foucus on huge UFOs: the exact opposite. So, let's have a lok at some of the biggest UFOs out there. UFOs come in all sorts of shapes: flying saucers, cigar-shaped craft, flying triangles, and rocket-like vehicles. And that's just the start of it. There is also the matter of the sizes of some of these craft. Indeed, there are a number of cases that suggest at least some UFOs are massive in size. And that's what today's article is all about. With that said, let's take a look at some cases that fall into that giant-sized category. As its staff state: "The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is responsible for the regulation of aviation safety in the U.K., determining policy for the use of airspace, the economic regulation of Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted airports, the licensing and financial fitness of airlines and the management of the ATOL financial protection scheme for holidaymakers." Over the years the CAA has received more than a few UFO reports, which is hardly surprising. The same goes for numerous military agencies around the world, too. But, it was the period of the 1950s that really got the "huge UFOs" phenomenon going.
UFOs come in all sorts of shapes: flying saucers, cigar-shaped craft, flying triangles, and rocket-like vehicles. And that's just the start of it. There is also the matter of the sizes of some of these craft. Indeed, there are a number of cases that suggest at least some UFOs are massive in size. And that's what today's article is all about. With that said, let's take a look at some cases that fall into that giant-sized category. As its staff state: "The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is responsible for the regulation of aviation safety in the U.K., determining policy for the use of airspace, the economic regulation of Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted airports, the licensing and financial fitness of airlines and the management of the ATOL financial protection scheme for holidaymakers." Over the years the CAA has received more than a few UFO reports, which is hardly surprising. Let's take a look at one such CAA report that is focused on a UFO of huge proportions. The summary of the report reads as follows: "12 Jun 82 Dinkelsbuhi – Large translucent object 500 feet long at 41,000 feet. ATCC [Air Traffic Control Center] requested subject aircraft to investigate this object which was found to have the form of a double rectangle surmounted by a globe (egg shape) crowned by a silver cone. Object observed by all on board."
(Nick Redfern) The U.K. National Archives: This is where the files on the 1957 story (below) of a huge UFO can be found.
Now, let's take a leap back to the 1950s. On the morning of April 4, 1957 – according to now-declassified British Royal Air Force documents housed at the National Archive, Kew, England – radar operators at Balscalloch, Scotland reported to RAF West Freugh, Wigtownshire that they had detected a number of "unidentified objects on the screens of their radars." And it quickly became apparent this was no Cold War penetration of British airspace by Soviet spy-planes or bombers. As the mystified radar-operators watched their screens, they were amazed to see a large, stationary object hovering at 50,000 feet that then proceeded to ascend vertically to no less than 70,000 feet. According to the files: "A second radar was switched on and detected the object at the same range and height." Most significant of all at this stage was the assessment by the radar experts of the incredible proportions of the UFOs: "It was noted by the radar operators that the sizes of the echoes were considerably larger than would be expected from normal aircraft. In fact they considered that the size was nearer that of a ship’s echo."
Consider this case from 1951, which is described in the files of Fort Monmouth, New Jersey: "“On September 20, Andrew J. Reid G-2 [Army Intelligence] Ft. Monmouth, NJ, provided following report of unconventional aircraft observed by radar at above Army installation. On Sept 10, fifty one], an AN/MPG-1 radar set picked up a fast moving low flying target, exact altitude undetermined at approximately 11:10 a.m., southeast of Ft. Monmouth at a range of about twelve thousand yards. The target appeared to approximately follow the coast line, changing its range only slightly but changing its azimuth rapidly. The radar set was set to full aided azimuth tracking which normally is fast enough to track jet aircraft, but in this case was too slow to be resorted to. Target was lost in the N.E. at a range of about fourteen thousand yards. “This target also presented an unusually strong return for aircraft, being comparable in strength to that usually received from a coastal ship. The operator initially identified target as a ship and then realized that it could not be a ship after he observed its extreme speed."
In 1952, radar operator William Maguire had an extraordinary, radar-based UFO encounter in 1952. It was while he was stationed at Royal Air Force Sandwich in Kent, England. Of his experience, Maguire said: “The mechanics were being blamed for not calibrating the instruments properly; we were being blamed for not interpreting the readings properly. But the obvious answer staring us in the face, on every single instrument on the base, was the fact that there was sitting up at an unbelievable height, this enormous thing with the equivalent mass of a warship." Similarly, there are the words of John Oliver, who had his encounter with a huge UFO in 1949. Once again, it was a radar-based encounter. He recalled: "The general consensus regarding its size, among the very experienced radar personnel engaged in the operations, was that the object offered an echo similar to that of a large passenger or freighter surface vessel, something in the region of 15,000 or 20,00 tons."
Born in Poland in 1891, George Adamski – of Flying Saucers Have Landed notoriety - was the ultimate “contactee,” regardless of what you may or may not think of him and his tales. He defined what it meant in the 1950s to have interactions with beings from other worlds; creatures very much like us and who wished us nothing but goodwill. Adamski’s primary visitor from the great beyond was Orthon. Adamski’s forays into the world of the supernatural, however, did not begin when the flying saucer phenomenon was at its height. Adamski had been involved in matters of a metaphysical type for years. For example, in April 1934, the Los Angeles Times ran a feature on the man himself with a headline that succinctly read as follows: “Shamanistic Order to be Established Here.” I should stress I'm not a supporter of Adamski's claims - at all. But, if we are going to talk about huge UFOs, we have to at least make a note about his over the top claims.
(Nick Redfern) George Adamski, the most well-known Contactee. But, also an over the top liar.
It was early on the morning of November 20, 1952. Adamski and his faithful secretary Lucy McGinnis drove to Blythe, California. This was not your average road-trip, however. Adamski, when telling the story to whoever would listen, claimed that the reason for hitting the road to Blythe had an astonishing purpose behind it: aliens dearly wanted to meet with the professor-who-wasn’t. The pair soon met up with other characters in 1950s-era Ufology. They included UFO enthusiasts Al and Betty Bailey, and George Hunt Williamson. The latter was a controversial contactee who crossed paths with the FBI on several occasions, most seriously in 1962. That was when Williamson was suspected by the Bureau of smuggling priceless Mexican artifacts of an historic and archaeological significance into the United States. After refueling their vehicles and their stomachs, the gang then headed out to Parker, Arizona – where, Adamski said, he was absolutely sure that aliens were soon to put in an appearance. So the tale goes, that’s exactly what happened. A huge, “cigar”-shaped UFO loomed into view, high in the skies above Parker. The amazed crew hit a dirt-road in hot pursuit of the mighty craft. Adamski and co. were, apparently, not the only ones who were looking for a close encounter. Adamski claimed that a squadron of U.S. Air Force planes were also after the aliens. The people from the stars almost effortlessly made a quick escape from the pursuing pilots.
It wasn’t long before a much smaller flying saucer made its appearance before the astonished group. In an almost Old Testament-style fashion, the gleaming craft landed on a nearby mountain, awaiting the disciple-like Adamski to come forward and meet his superior. He somehow knew that the aliens had come for him. Adamski approached the craft, while the rest – their mouths no doubt agape – looked on. An extremely-human-looking extraterrestrial exited the futuristic craft, just as Michael Rennie’s character of Klaatu did in the classic 1951 movie, The Day the Earth Stood Still. Unlike Klaatu, though, Adamski’s alien – who announced himself as Orthon – had long hair of the kind that just about any and every 1980s-era “hair-metal” rock band would have been proud to sport. Orthon announced to Adamski that he came from Venus - and that he came in peace, too. In no time at all, Orthon began lecturing Adamski on why we, the human race, needed to ditch our atomic weapons. If we didn’t, the only outcome would be overwhelming, worldwide destruction. Not only that, Orthon wanted Adamski to be one of the key figures in the plan to save the Earth and its people. In an instant, Adamski was up for the challenge. Orthon, seemingly happy with the outcome, returned to his flying saucer and shot off into the skies. An alien had come and gone, and for Adamski a new life had just begun.
(Nick Redfern) Out in the desert areas where Adamski hung out.
There’s no doubt that George Adamski was at the height of his fame from the early-to-mid 1950s, with the absolute peak year being 1953. That was when his book, Flying Saucers Have Landed, was published. It sold more than 100,000 copies in the process. The book was curious not just because of its content – controversial encounters with human-like aliens – but also because of how it was written. And who by. It was credited to Adamski and an Irish writer named Desmond Leslie. That’s not entirely wrong; but, it’s important to note that it’s not precisely correct, either. It so happens that in the same time-fame that Adamski was toiling on his book, Leslie was working on a publication on strange phenomena in the skies: UFOs. Leslie got his hands on sixty pages of a manuscript on Adamski’s claimed encounters that he, Adamski, had cobbled together in somewhat chaotic fashion. An agreement was made to combine the two works-in-progress and fuse them into one, which is exactly what happened. The reality, though, is that those sixty pages were not written by Adamski, at all. They were actually ghost-written by Adamski’s secretary, Lucy McGinnis. Adamski dictated the story to McGinnis, who made the whole thing readable, if not particularly believable.
On this issue of believability, or of a significant lack of it, we need to return to the words of the Gorightly-Bishop team: “Flying Saucers Have Landed wasn’t Adamski’s first stab at literary immortality. In the 1940s, he submitted a science-fiction yarn called ‘Pioneers of Space’ to Amazing Stories that featured an extraterrestrial messianic figure who comes to Earth bearing a message of peace and love. Adamski later self-published a book version of Pioneers of Space that fell by the wayside until debunkers rediscovered the work and pointed to it as an early fictional account of his Orthon encounter.” The odd thing is that Adamski faked tales of giant-sized UFOs when real huge Saucers were being monitored by the U.K. and the U.S military. Ufology is certainly a weird phenomenon!
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Rings Aren't Rosy - Saturn's are Smudged and a Dwarf Planet's are Too Far Away
Rings Aren't Rosy - Saturn's are Smudged and a Dwarf Planet's are Too Far Away
Paul Seaburn
It has probably happened since Dutch spectacle maker Hans Lipperhey patented the first refracting telescope and Galileo Galilei built his own and made them popular – kids get a telescope and the first thing they want to see are the rings around Saturn. For eons, those rings were thought to be unique to Saturn, but later astronomers discovered them circling the other three giant planets - Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune. Saturn’s are still the most spectacular, and the other planets seem to keep the rings in the realm of giant planets. Two recent discoveries have taken the sheen and specialness off of planetary rings – Saturn’s are starting to show some smudges, and a ring system has been found around a dwarf planet. Not only does this blow the ‘only giants have rings’ theory out of the water, this dwarf’s rings are so far away from it that they should be beyond its gravity. The rings around our solar system aren’t rosy these days – let’s see if we can figure out why.
“This latest image heralds the start of Saturn's "spoke season" with the appearance of two smudgy spokes in the B ring, on the left in the image. The shape and shading of spokes varies – they can appear light or dark, depending on the viewing angle, and sometimes appear more like blobs than classic radial spoke shapes, as seen here.”
Two smudgy spokes appear in the B ring, on the left in the image. (Credits: NASA, ESA, and Amy Simon (NASA-GSFC); Image Processing: Alyssa Pagan (STScI))
Before kids started begging their parents for a new telescope because the lens on theirs is smudged, NASA wisely issued a statement explaining that it is “spoke season” on Saturn. Like Earth, Saturn has a tilt and that gives it four seasons. However, because its orbit is so much longer than Earth’s, a season on Saturn lasts seven Earth years. Saturn is currently nearing the end of its summer season, but that doesn’t mean its rings are working on their tans. What it does mean is that the rings are developing smudges or spokes – a phenomenon only discovered about 40 years ago by the Voyager probes. These are not signs of sunburn, but their cause has eluded astronomers. That may change in the current spoke season as the venerable Hubble space telescope has captured some excellent detailed photos of the smudged rings.
"Thanks to Hubble's OPAL program, which is building an archive of data on the outer solar system planets, we will have longer dedicated time to study Saturn’s spokes this season than ever before."
NASA senior planetary scientist Amy Simon, head of the Hubble Outer Planet Atmospheres Legacy (OPAL) program, explains in a press release how the spokes/smudges appear near the last four years of the Saturn summer and will become more pronounced as the autumn equinox arrives in its northern hemisphere on May 6, 2025. As expected, they begin to fade during the winter, then return in the spring to begin the cycle again. Simon thinks this intense crutiny by Hubble will solve the mystery of the smudges. The betting money is on Saturn’s variable magnetic field and how it interacts with the solar wind. On Earth, this causes charged particles in the atmosphere, resulting in the aurora borealis (northern lights) in the norther hemisphere. It is suspected that the massive magnetic field of Saturn causes charged particles all the way into the inner rings. The charge may then lift the smallest particles out of the ring, causing them to cast a shadow on the larger ones, resulting in the smudge or spokes we see.
Or maybe not. Smith says data from the Cassini mission which spent years orbiting Saturn was unable to solve the spoke mystery, or even help predict when they appear. You can be sure NASA will keep us posted as more is known – a kind of ‘Smudge Report’.
Far beyond Saturn to the outer edge of the solar system is the Kuiper Belt – that vast collection of orbiting space rocks known as Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs). Some are large enough to fall into the category of dwarf planets, and one of those is Quaoar. Discovered on June 4th, 2002 by California Institute of Technology astronomers Chad Trujillo and Michael Brown (Brown is famous as a Planet 9 hunter and for knocking Pluto down to dwarf planet status) using the Samuel Oschin Telescope at Palomar Observatory, Quaoar (also called 50000 Quaoar) didn’t seem to have anything that would make it unusual – it was smaller than other dwarfs like Eris, Haumea, and Makemake. That changed recently when astronomers discovered a very unusual ring around Quaoar. It didn’t have any smudges, but its location made its existence a puzzle.
“Up to now, all known dense rings were located close enough to their parent bodies, being inside the Roche limit, where tidal forces prevent material with reasonable densities from aggregating into a satellite. Here we report observations of an inhomogeneous ring around the trans-Neptunian body Quaoar. This trans-Neptunian object has an estimated radius of 555 km and possesses a roughly 80-km satellite (Weywot) that orbits at 24 Quaoar radii. The detected ring orbits at 7.4 radii from the central body, which is well outside Quaoar’s classical Roche limit, thus indicating that this limit does not always determine where ring material can survive.”
A team of astronomers led by Bruno Morgado, a professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and lead author of the paper published recently in the journal Nature, found a ring around Quaoar, which is only about 700 miles in diameter and about 4 billion miles from the Sun. Amazingly, that hasn’t prevented other astronomers from finding Quaoar and its even tinier moon. Now, Morgado and his international team discovered a faint ring by noticing that a star blinked out when Quaoar passed in front of it. The ring is nowhere near Saturnian – it is uneven, measuring from a few miles wide in some spots to hundreds of miles wide in other spots, to almost nonexistent in others. Even more interesting, by standard ring distances, it shouldn’t exist at all – it is outside the so-called Roche limit for the dwarf planet.
An artist's image of Quaoar and its moon Weywot
The Roche limit is named for French astronomer Édouard Roche who determined a formula for measuring the limit of a planet’s gravity for holding a ring in place – outside the Roche limit, the ring particles would be scattered into space. Quaoar’s Roche limit is 1,100 miles (1770 km), while its ring is an unbelievable 2,500 miles (4023 km) away. This either means that Quaoar’s gravity is really strong, or Roche’s limit is really wrong.
“If the data weren’t so convincing, I would insist they weren’t real.”
Even Michael Brown is baffled. He and other astronomers tell The New York Times that they now expect to find more dwarf planets with rings. And even though these ringed dwarfs are out in the Kuiper Belt, they will help explain how planets formed by accreting or accumulating particles. And, as Quaoar shows, those young planets may have had quite a pull.
Perhaps that headline is misleading – the discovery around Quaoar shows that some rings ARE rosy in our solar system.
Black object over Lancaster, California 6-22-2022 UFO Sighting News.
Black object over Lancaster, California 6-22-2022 UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: 6-22-2022
Location of sighting: Lancaster, California, USA Source: MUFON
A dark black object was seen over Lancaster a few months back, but reported today. The object was recorded passing below the clouds, but at one point it passed above some clouds going behind them. This object appears to be city bus size and is rotating slowly. The UFO has a haze, a myst around it that many UFOs have in old Majestic 12 reports from the 1960s. This looks 100% real to me.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
I witnessed a soundless oval object flying over Lancaster, Ca. It did appear to have a point on one side and a glow around it even during the day. It appeared to be under the clouds moving pretty fast from west to east. This happened at 1:47 pm on June 22nd, 2022. The day was great weather, warm, no wind, some clouds moving high above. I’ve witnessed a lot of objects flying here in Lancaster. We are an aerospace community. I ruled out trash bag, balloon or any of the local military planes. My observation of it was better with my eyes and clearer, the video is just capturing what I was seeing. The object looked smooth and appeared to rotate slightly giving me sight to what looked like a point on one side. I often video local planes flying over cause I live in the flight plan for Lockheed, Rockwell, McDonald Douglas and Boeing. This flew over pretty fast. I always watch the skies, just glad I was able to catch this UAP on this day.
Four UFOs Over Ocean Side Beach, California on Nov 5, 2022, UFO Sighting News.
Four UFOs Over Ocean Side Beach, California on Nov 5, 2022, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Nov 5, 2022 Location of sighting: Ocean side beach, California, USA
Source: MUFON
This recent video was taken at a beach in California. The eyewitnesses saw several diamond black objects in the sky for about 15 minutes and they moved only a little bit, but just disappeared soon after. In the video you can see several people turn and look upward at the black UFOs, but then go about their business enjoying the beach. Why? Because its the beach, and thats what people love to do, including me. Aliens in thats news to any of us from there.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
4 diamond shaped objects just hovered there for over 15 mins. Only moving slightly.
Shot down high altitude objects could be 'tied to private companies,' President Biden says
President Joe Biden delivered a statement on Thursday (Feb. 16) about the three unidentified high altitude objects and the Chinese balloon that were recently shot down by the US military.
"The intelligence community's current assessment is that these three objects were most likely balloons tied to private companies, recreation or research institutions, studied weather, or conducting other scientific research," according to Biden.
James Webb Space Telescope delivers stunning views of PHANGS galaxies - See in 4K
See amazing views of the M74, NGC 7496, IC 5332, NGC 1365, and NGC 1433 galaxies captured using the James Webb Space Telescope.The Physics at High Angular resolution in Nearby Galaxies (PHANGS) collaboration is conducting a survey using Webb.
Credit:NASA, ESA, CSA, and J. Lee (NOIRLab), A. Pagan (STScI), the PHANGS-JWST Team, N. Bartmann (ESA/Webb) | edited by's Steve Spaleta (
James Webb Space Telescope's view of Pandora's Cluster is mind-boggling
James Webb Space Telescope imagery of Pandora’s Cluster (Abell 2744) delivers "never-before-seen details," three galaxy clusters and so much more, according to the Space Telescope Science Institute. Take a tour of the view.
Combining All Telescopes On Earth, Cooling Down Venus, Replacing ISS Modules | Q&A 211
Why don't we just combine all telescopes into a single one that will have a crazy resolution? Can we simply replace old ISS modules with new ones? How long will it take to cool down Venus? How much mass can the Earth afford to lose? Why blue shift exists if the Universe is expanding? All this and more in this week's Q&A
30:09 [Dagobah] Why blue shift exists if the Universe is expanding?
32:16 [Yavin] Why not just replace old modules of the ISS?
Terraformed Venus image in the thumbnail, Credit: Ittiz
Will These Next-gen Ion Engine Technologies Make Chemical Rockets Obsolete?
Tracking UFOs over North America with Harvard's Amir Siraj
Tracking the recently shot down UFO backwards to possible points of origin with Amir Siraj.
NASA launches pair of suborbital sounding rockets to the mesosphere
On Feb. 16, 2023, NASA launched a pair of 9 feet tall sounding rockets to conduct a "study of the mesosphere, a layer of Earth’s atmosphere between approximately 31 and 53 miles (50-85 kilometers) altitude," according to NASA's Wallops Flight Center.
Abducted by Aliens: UFO Encounters of the 4th Kind
Abducted by Aliens: UFO Encounters of the 4th Kind
For centuries, people have reported being taken by alien entities against their will. These experiences, known as the fourth kind encounters, involve complex physical and psychological procedures that leave many victims traumatized. But what if our government is aware of these abductions and is powerless to prevent them?
The depth of this conspiracy remains unclear, but with each new case, we gain more knowledge of the alien agenda. Some believe that these beings are from outer space, while others suggest they are from another dimension. Regardless of their origins, the truth is that countless individuals have very real memories of being taken by these entities.
Many of these victims have reported tragic tales of being subjected to experiments and procedures that have left lasting physical and emotional scars. Despite this, some skeptics argue that these encounters are nothing more than elaborate hoaxes or vivid dreams.
So what do we really know about the truth behind these abductions? While the full agenda of the beings responsible remains a mystery, there is no denying that these encounters have left a lasting impact on those who have experienced them.
One thing is for sure: as we continue to uncover more information about these phenomena, we become better prepared for the day when we will have full disclosure that we are not alone in the universe. Whether or not we are being taken by beings from outer space or another dimension, the truth is out there waiting to be uncovered.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Diamond-Shaped Objects Hover Over Oceanside, California
Diamond-Shaped Objects Hover Over Oceanside, California
Diamond shaped UFOs over Oceanside
On November 5th, 2022, there was a reported UFO sighting in Oceanside, California. According to the witness report, four diamond-shaped objects were seen hovering in the sky for over 15 minutes. The objects did not move much and only made slight movements during the entire sighting.
NASA and the European Space Agency are developing plans for one of the most ambitious campaigns ever attempted in space: bringing the first samples of Mars material safely back to Earth for detailed study. The diverse set of scientifically curated samples now being collected by NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover could help scientists answer the question of whether ancient life ever arose on the Red Planet.
Bringing samples of Mars to Earth for future study would happen in several steps with multiple spacecraft, and in some ways, in a synchronized manner. This short animation features key moments of the Mars Sample Return campaign: from landing on Mars and securing the sample tubes to launching them off the surface and ferrying them back to Earth.
Animation is contributed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the European Space Agency, Goddard Space Flight Center, and Marshall Space Flight Center.
With all the unknown small objects flying around, I thought I woud share some cases with you. So, let's get started. Here's the first case. April 13, 1964. At around 8:40 p.m. on the night in question, bus-driver Bob Fall was driving alongside the River Lea in the town of Walthamstow, England when his attention was drawn to a fast-moving aerial object that barely missed his bus as it plunged into the depths of the river. He said: “I just glanced into the sky and saw something coming towards me very, very fast. It flew straight across the road and, had I been a few yards further forward, it would have hit the top deck of the bus. At first I thought the back windows of the bus had come in and, as I turned around, I saw all the passengers looking out towards the river. There was a big splash in the water. I stopped as soon as I could to report it. The thing was at least nine feet long, cigar-shaped and silver,” he insisted. “If it had been a bird or birds I [would] have seen the wings. Besides, it was going too fast.” As a result of the media publicity afforded this event, a British UFO investigator, Ronald Caswell of Harlow, Essex, looked into the case and uncovered a wealth of data that had been almost completely overlooked by his contemporaries.
His notes state:
“I have a piece of one of the telephone wires broken by the object. A newspaper shows great coils of it on the towpath. The police spokesman’s suggestion that a duck, or even four ducks, could have broken those wires is ridiculous. Neither could a swan. The length of the wire across the river would have moved away at the pressure of a plummeting bird, and the bird would certainly have been badly injured, if not killed.” Notably, Caswell also said that he learned “…when it was late enough for the general public to have cleared off, heavy lifting equipment was brought in and a find was made in the early hours of the morning.” What that “find” was, has never been disclosed. Now, to another case of the "object" type.
(Nick Redfern) The U.K. National Archives, where the UFO files are kept.
January 4, 1965: “We have drawn a blank”: In the early part of 1996, the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) declassified under the terms of the Government’s “Thirty Year Ruling” (legislation designed to ensure that all documents, regardless of classification, were withheld from public scrutiny for a minimum of 30 years) a file that detailed a variety of UFO reports that the MoD received during 1965. Contained within the file was an 11-page report concerning an unidentified object that was seen to come down in the vicinity of March, Cambridgeshire, England on January 5, 1965. A man named Max Beran, one of those who witnessed the descent of the object, quickly wrote to the Meteorological Office Unit (MOU) at Huntington Road, Cambridge. Beran stated: “Whilst in the sunlight it remained visible, giving the appearance of a curved object. Perhaps a parachute, but I would have thought too fast for that. Before falling too low to be visible in the low sun it appeared to be falling to a point perhaps a mile or two Southeast of the town center from where I was watching. What could the falling object have been?”
The Senior Meteorological Officer at Cambridge immediately contacted his headquarters at Braknell, Berkshire, regarding Beran’s letter. Recognizing that this was a matter for the Ministry of Defense, Braknell prepared a one-page memorandum for the MoD outlining the facts. The MoD quickly swung into action. According to a one-page handwritten note contained within the file, the police at March had been directed by the MoD to look into the matter. “[The police] sent a car out to look for the object in the vicinity of the ‘Sixteen Root Drain’ but without success,” stated the note. The MoD also put numerous questions to a host of other official departments as it sought to locate and identify the UFO, including the Royal Navy, the Ministry of Aviation, and various civil aviation bodies. Whatever the object was, the MoD claimed, it was not a piece of military hardware. “Things which may on occasion fall from aircraft include external fuel tanks, drag-chutes, cockpit canopies, access panels on doors, and sometimes accumulations of ice,” the MoD informed Max Beran. “We have looked carefully into all these possibilities so far as our own aircraft are concerned, but have drawn a blank.”
Number 3: January 6, 1995: Collision course!“A close encounter between a British Airways jet with 60 passengers on board and an illuminated, triangular-shaped, unidentified flying object at 13,000 feet above the Pennines is under formal investigation by the Civil Aviation Authority,” stated the Times newspaper on February 2, 1995.The incident had actually taken place on January 6, 1995, as Captain Roger Wills and co-pilot Mark Stuart began their descent towards Manchester Airport, England, in a Boeing 737 twin jet. Seventeen minutes before touchdown, all was normal until a mysterious object flashed past the right-hand side of the aircraft at a distance described as being “very close.” So close, that the crew actually “ducked down” in their seats as the object sped past them. An immediate check with air traffic control at Ringway revealed that nothing had been picked up on radar, save for the 737 itself.
Anticipating ridicule, the crew of flight BA 5601 did not report the incident to their colleagues; however, British Airways management was ultimately advised of what had occurred. In line with set procedures, a full report, complete with sketches of the UFO, was sent to the Joint Air Miss Working Group, a part of the Civil Aviation Authority. A CAA spokesperson said that any suggestion that the object had been a UFO was “purely speculative,” adding that the investigation could last up to six months. The spokesperson told the press: “A very small proportion of near-miss situations involving untraced aircraft remain unresolved.” This was one of those “unresolved” ones.
February 5, 1986: An unexplained encounter in the skies: A brief UK Ministry of Defense document reveals the salient data on a UFO encounter involving a highly respectable source, an airline pilot who sighted a UFO in the airspace of Ireland. The report states: “5 Feb 86 5427N 0530W – Bright light passed upwards in front of A/C. A/C was crossing east coast of Ireland on descent. Light travelled towards A/C from a 2.30 position range approx. 11/2 miles and passed 1000 feet above travelling right to left 1 mile ahead. Burst of green light observed at peak of its ballistic flight. A/C ht [height] 1450 ft. CAA closure – possibly flare fired at about time of OCC by Aldergrove. Pilot considered this unlikely but no other explanation has emerged.”
(Nick Redfern) Who knows the truth of the objects?
June 12, 1982: A 500-foot-long UFO: A public service corporation, the Civil Aviation Authority was established by the British Parliament in 1972 as a specialist aviation regulator and provider of air traffic services. Following its separation from the National Air Traffic Services in 2001, the CAA became the U.K.’s independent aviation regulator, with all civil aviation functions (such as economic regulations; airspace policy; safety regulations; and consumer protection) integrated within a single, unified body. The CAA has declassified into the public domain a number of documents that tell of extraordinary encounters with UFOs, as the following, startling extract demonstrates: “12 Jun 82 Dinkelsbuhi – Large translucent object 500 feet long at 41,000 feet. ATCC [Air Traffic Control Center] requested subject aircraft to investigate this object which was found to have the form of a double rectangle surmounted by a globe (egg shape) crowned by a silver cone. Object observed by all on board.” The strange saga of this absolutely huge UFO was never figured out.
August 18, 1983:A Spotted UFO: “18 Aug 83 Florence – Unidentified flying object seen by crew. Large black object, balloon shaped with large white spot on it, observed 10 NM SE of Firenza. No attachments to object. SUPP. INFO.: Italian CAA replied no met [meteorological] balloon could possibly have been present at the indicated place or time.” Prepared by the staff of the UK’s Civil Aviation Authority in the summer of 1983, this particular report, although brief, clearly demonstrates something very unusual was seen in the skies of Florence. Precisely what was seen, however, remains unknown. Here's another: August 21, 1986: A cigar-shaped UFO and an official document. The following is extracted from a notable file on UFOs prepared by the UK’s Civil Aviation Authority in the 1980s: “21 Aug 86 Belgrade – Non UK Airmiss missile type object passed 500 ft above on reciprocal track A/C heading 290 MAG at FL 390. Object was black, cigar shaped, without wings. Belgrade radar informed on RTF. CAA closure – foreign authority advised.”
And, finally: February 9, 1962: A flying saucer and engine trouble. In February 1962, an employee of the UK Royal Air Force Police – one Sergeant C.J. Perry – was ordered to investigate a then-recent, extraordinary UFO report. The documentation prepared by Perry is now in the public domain. It tells an intriguing story: “At Aylesbury on 16th February 1962, at 1530 hrs., I visited the Civil Police and requested information on an alleged ‘Flying Saucer’ incident. I was afforded every facility by the Civil Police authorities and although no official report had been made, details of the incident were recorded in the Station Occurrence book. “The details are as follows: Mr. Ronald Wildman of Luton, a car collection driver, was traveling along the Aston Clinton road at about 0330 hrs. on 9th February 1962 when he came upon an object like a hovercraft flying approximately 30 feet above the road surface. As he approached he was traveling at 40 mph but an unknown force slowed him down to 20 mph over a distance of 400 yrd., then the object suddenly flew off.
(Nick Redfern) UFOs? Drones? Balloons?
“He described the object as being about 40 feet wide, oval in shape with a number of small portholes around the bottom edge. It emitted a fluorescent glow but was otherwise not illuminated. Mr. Wildman reported the incident to a police patrol who notified the Duty Sergeant, Sergeant Schofield. A radio patrol car was dispatched to the area but no further trace of the ‘Flying Saucer’ was seen. It was the opinion of the local police that the report by Mr. Wildman was perfectly genuine and the experience was not a figment of imagination. They saw that he was obviously shaken.“I spoke to Sergeant Schofield and one of the Constables to whom the incident was reported. Both were convinced that Mr. Wildman was genuinely upset by his experience.”
February 23, 1975: A spiky UFO: Mavis Allen had a very strange encounter on a particular morning in 1975, in an area of woodland in central England. As Mavis walked her dog through woods near the town of Rugeley, she was amazed to see a circular, black-colored object rolling along the ground in front of her. It was around six feet in circumference and had four protrusions (that Allen referred to as “spikes”) that stuck out from equal points around the middle. Allen stopped in amazement as the object rose slowly and silently, to a height of around fifteen feet and which then shot away at a fast pace.
May 1, 1994: A “Boomerang” attracts official, secret attention: Under the terms of the UK Freedom of Information Act, the following, brief extract from a much longer, and still withheld, file offers the following, tantalizing insight: “1 May 1994 – Sighting of unusual object. Member of public reported seeing a black boomerang-shaped object, which appeared to hover over RAF Northolt, above 30,000 feet, before tumbling approx 2000-3000 feet, while rotating through 180 degrees on its axis. No other reports of anything unusual received – possibly A/C in Bovingdon stack seen from odd angle in setting sun.” What all of this tells us is that reports in the skies of our world, concerning mainly small objects, is nothing new at all. Of course, none of these "things" can be said to military craft, unknown objects or alien spacecraft. Yet, what we're saying now was being done decades ago.
The Time a Peruvian Fighter Pilot Tried to Shoot Down a UFO
The Time a Peruvian Fighter Pilot Tried to Shoot Down a UFO
Paul Seaburn
The news over the past two weeks has been inundated with reports about a Chinese surveillance balloon being shot down by U.S. fighter jets just after it passed over a major portion of the country, followed by reports of three unidentified flying objects that appear to be balloons being shot down over the U.S. and Canada. Many of the reports treat this as an unheard of, never-before seen occurrence of an engagement between a fighter pilot and a balloon-shaped UFO resulting in the UFO being fired upon. Peruvian Air Force (FAP) fighter pilot Lt. Oscar Santa María Huerta would beg to disagree.
“On April 11, 1980, at 7:15 in the morning, 1800 men were in formation at the Air Base of La Joya, Arequipa. They all observed a stationary object in the sky, which looked like a balloon, at about three miles distance, and approximately 1,800 feet altitude. It was luminous because it reflected the sun. My unit commander ordered me to takeoff in my Sukhoi 22 jet to shoot down the spherical object. It was in restricted airspace, without clearance, and we were concerned about espionage.”
What was Peruvian Air Force (FAP) fighter pilot Oscar Santa María Huerta about to engage with?
Thus begins Oscar Santa María Huerta’s account of a little-known event in 1980 – what some media reports called the only known attempt to shoot down a UFO by a military pilot. At a press conference in 2009, the now retired fighter pilot revealed startling details of the incident in 1980 that is still believable to this day. At the time, Lt. Huerta was 23 years old, had been a pilot for eight years and had been flying Peruvian Air Force fighter jets since he was 19. In other words, Oscar Huerta was a very experienced pilot. The year was 1980 – a tense time. It was just a few years after the war in Vietnam had ended but the Soviet Union was still in existence and considered to be a threat by many countries. Peru had been a U.S. ally, but in 1968, a military junta led by pro-Soviet Peruvian Army General Juan Velasco Alvarado took over and the Peruvian Air Force acquired Soviet-made aircraft, including Sukhoi Su-22 fighters, transport aircraft and helicopters. The pro-American leaders returned to power in 1980, but Huerta points out that the government was still concerned about Soviet spies.
“I approached the object and strafed sixty-four 30 mm. shells at it. Some projectiles went towards the ground, and others hit the object fully, but they had no effect at all. The projectiles didn't bounce off; probably they were absorbed. The cone-shaped "wall of fire" that I sent out would normally obliterate anything in its path.”
This was 1980, not 2023, and Huerta was flying an older Soviet jet, so his weaponry was not heat-seeking missiles like the F-22s of the modern U.S. Air Force but guns firing 30 mm shells. That probably should have been sufficient if he was firing at a balloon – which he and so many of his fellow military personnel on the ground thought he was attacking. However, whatever he had just blasted did not act like any aircraft would have after absorbing such a shelling.
“The object then began to ascend, and move farther away from the base. When I was at about 36,000 ft., it made a sudden stop, forcing me to veer to the side since I was only 1500 feet away. I flew up higher to attack It from above, but just as I had locked on to the target and was ready to shoot, the object made a straight vertical climb evading the attack.”
Those kinds of evasive maneuvers could not be made by any know balloon in 1980 – not even in 2023. Huerta believed that the craft was able to either predict his actions or was somehow picking up signals because two more times he had his sights locked on it and the object deftly moved out of range. He then pursued it as rapidly it ascended to 63,000 feet. (Note: that was about the altitude of the Chinese surveillance balloon when the U.S. fighter jet shot it down.) It was at this altitude that Huerta says he realized this was not a balloon.
“At this point, I came within about 300 feet of the UFO. It was about 30 feet in diameter. It was an enameled, cream-colored dome, with a wide, circular, metallic base. It had no engines, no exhausts, no windows, no wings or antennae. It lacked all the typical aircraft components, with no visible propulsion system.”
It was at this altitude that Huerta also realized his jet was just about out of fuel. He radioed for another jet to pursue the UFO but was told it was too high. He then disengaged and dangerously descended – gliding at some points to save fuel and zigzagging to avoid being attacked. After landing safely, he estimated that he had engaged with the UFO for 22 minutes – a UFO that was still visible from the ground to Huerta and other military personnel for two more hours. He concluded by noting that a 1980 US Department of Defense document titled 'UFO Sighted in Peru' described the incident and stated that the vehicle's origin “remains unknown.”
“I find myself in the unique position, at least for the moment, and as far as I know, of being the only military pilot in the world who has actually fired a weapon and struck a UFO. It still gives me chills to think about it.”
If it wasn't a balloon, could it have been a balloon-shaped craft like this?
That was in 2009. Huerta’s purpose for participating in this press conference was to call attention to this little-known encounter and convince the Pentagon to open investigations into it and other similar engagements between military jets and UFOs. It is now 2023. We have just had four encounters with either balloons or unidentified objects behaving like balloons in U.S. airspace. It is obvious his testimony – along with the knowledge that hundreds of soldiers and officers at the La Joya Air Force Base in Peru witnessed the UFO and the encounter - did little to move the Pentagon in the years after he testified.
Forty-three years later, we still don't know what evaded the attack by fighter pilot Lt. Huerta. Will the pilots who shot down the UFOs in 2023 end up giving press conferences in ten years to convince the Pentagon to do something about them? Or have times changed?
Why are Jupiter’s Trojan Regions so Unevenly Balanced With Asteroids?
Solar systems evolve, especially early on in their lifetimes. While this evolution is primarily driven by gravity, there are some parts of our own solar system that are difficult to understand – especially how gravity forced them into their current configuration. One of the most prominent of these areas is the Trojan asteroids.
These 10,000 asteroids, which congregate at the L4 (Greek) and L5 (Trojan) points of Jupiter’s orbital path, don’t contain the same amount of asteroids on each side. In fact, despite the fact that collectively the two asteroid groupings are known as the Trojans, the Greeks actually outnumber the Trojans by about 60%.
Typical models of the evolution of the solar system, especially those that are highly reliant on gravity, don’t result in this uneven distribution of asteroids between the two seemingly stable gravitational points. Gravity-based models would imply that each asteroid grouping should have a similar number of asteroids, given that each point is considered to be equally stable. So what caused this uneven distribution?
Lucy, a spacecraft from NASA, will be visiting the Trojan asteroids. Here’s UT’s video on the mission.
Researchers from various institutions in China, America, Abu Dhabi, and Japan think they might have an answer. They found that a very fast migration of Jupiter from the inner solar system to its current orbital path could result in the divergent numbers of asteroids at its stable gravitational points. Given that Jupiter is one of the two lodestars of the Trojan system (the other being the Sun), that seems a plausible scenario.
Partly that is due to some previous theories that are beginning to gain some credence among the scientific community. The Grand Tack Hypothesis, which suggests that Jupiter formed slightly further out than Earth, then came inwards in the solar system and was catapulted (at high speeds) out to its current orbital path, seems to fit the bill nicely for exactly this kind of fast migration. In fact, that fast migration is exactly the kind of event that could potentially cause this uneven distribution, so this research could be thought of as a point toward confirmation of the Grand Tack Hypothesis itself.
In order to prove their own theory, though, the researchers did as all good researchers would do when they lack experimental evidence – they developed a model. This particular model focuses on how Jupiter’s orbit has evolved since its inception and, in particular, what impact that has on the local asteroid population. The findings from the model were in line with the expected values for the population of the Greek and Trojan asteroids.
Asteroids aren’t the only thing that could be located at the Trojan points. We could build settlements at the Earth’s own.
However, there are some downsides to this model. In particular, it doesn’t account for what, if any, other evolutionary aspects of the solar system might have had on the Trojan’s formation. There are plenty of other models that do account for such evolutionary aspects, so maybe someone in the near future will be able to combine the broader solar system models with the Jupiter-specific ones and see what kind of impact it has on the distribution of the asteroids. After all, the more we understand about our early solar system, the better.
Glowing Objects Fall Over Miami, Florida Feb 14, 2023, UFO Sighting News. Video.
Glowing Objects Fall Over Miami, Florida Feb 14, 2023, UFO Sighting News. Video.
Date of sighting: Feb 14, 2023
Location of sighting: Miami, Florida, USA
Source: MUFON
This report just in. An eyewitness in Miami recorded strange glowing objects that were falling and then stopped and hovered over an area for a few minutes. At first the object appears to be falling space debris or a meteor breaking apart, but then suddenly they stop falling and start hovering. Please tell me you thoughts on this sighting. Thanks, Scott C. Waring
Latest UFO Sightings: Strange Objects Spotted in Olympia, Washington on Valentine’s Day
Latest UFO Sightings: Strange Objects Spotted in Olympia, Washington on Valentine’s Day
UFOs hovering above Olympia, WA
On the evening of February 14, 2023, some residents of Olympia, Washington, reported seeing mysterious lights and objects in the sky. According to one witness, who captured the incident on video, the UFOs appeared to be moving in unusual patterns and directions, and were not easily explainable as any known aircraft or natural phenomenon. The witness also ruled out the possibility that the objects were from a nearby airport or military base, as they were seen in a different direction and distance.
The footage shows five glowing orbs hovering and moving above the cityscape. The color and intensity of the lights vary, and seem to pulsate or flicker at times. In one clip, the UFOs seem to merge and split, or change their shape and size, while emitting a humming or buzzing sound. In another clip, the lower object appears to make a sudden turn or jump, as if avoiding something or adjusting its trajectory.
The witness said that he had never seen anything like this before, despite living in the same building for almost two years. The witness also noted that the distance between Olympia and Seattle airport, which is the closest major airport, is about 55 miles, and that there were no other visible planes or helicopters in the area at the time of the sighting. The witness encouraged others to come forward and share their experiences, and hoped that experts or investigators could shed some light on what the UFOs might be.
If you are curious about the latest UFO sightings, and want to stay informed about the latest developments and news, be sure to follow our website and social media channels. We will continue to monitor and report on the most credible and intriguing reports of UFO sightings!
UFO Mania: Experts Warn of Impending UAP Sightings Wave in the UK
UFO Mania: Experts Warn of Impending UAP Sightings Wave in the UK
UFO sightings over UK
Are we alone in the universe? That’s a question that has fascinated people for generations. Recently, there has been renewed interest in UFO sightings after four flying objects were shot down over North America, three of which remain unidentified. This has led experts to suggest that the UK (and of course other countries in Europe) could be about to experience a wave of sightings in its skies.
Joe McGonagle, an amateur UFO researcher in the UK, claims that the recent news about alien life has caused people in the country to start thinking about it. However, he advises against jumping to conclusions.
Despite the increasing number of UFO sightings, according to McGonagle, many of these will remain unsolved. He believes that there is a wide range of plausible explanations behind these sightings, and he claims that people like himself are more likely to know about it than the authorities. For decades, he has been studying classified documents about the Ministry of Defence to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon.
However, even evidence to the contrary is often not enough to deter the most ardent alien hunters from their belief in a conspiracy to keep sightings secret. The increased press coverage of UFO sightings is likely to lead to a rash of reports from people who don’t usually look at the sky. As McGonagle warns, this can create a self-fulfilling cycle where people start to see things they don’t recognize, report them, and then spark an alien invasion rumor.
While there has been a recent increase in UFO sightings, we should not jump to conclusions about the origins of these flying objects. It is essential to keep an open mind and acknowledge that many sightings will remain unexplained. Still, it’s fascinating to ponder whether we are alone in the universe or not. So keep looking up, and who knows what we might see?
Astronomers Spot a Rogue Supermassive Black Hole, Hurtling Through Space Leaving Star Formation in its Wake
This artist's conception illustrates a supermassive black hole (central black dot) at the core of a young, star-rich galaxy. Now astronomers have found a rogue SMBH travelling through space.
Astronomers Spot a Rogue Supermassive Black Hole, Hurtling Through Space Leaving Star Formation in its Wake
Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) lurk in the center of large galaxies like ours. From their commanding position in the galaxy’s heart, they feed on gas, dust, stars, and anything else that strays too close, growing more massive as time passes. But in rare circumstances, an SMBH can be forced out of its position and hurtle through space as a rogue SMBH.
In a new paper, researchers from Canada, Australia, and the USA present evidence of a rogue SMBH that’s tearing through space and interacting with the circumgalactic medium (CGM.) Along the way, the giant is creating shock waves and triggering star formation.
If you’ve never heard of a runaway SMBH, you’re not alone. SMBHs are normally locked into place at the centers of galaxies, and that’s where they stay. But scientists think that in rare circumstances SMBHs can escape their galaxies. In their paper, the authors explain how an SMBH can be cast out of its host galaxy.
It always starts when galaxies merge. That leads to the formation of a binary SMBH at the center of the merger remnant. The binary SMBH can be very long-lived, surviving for as long as one billion years before merging. If during that time, a third SMBH reaches the galactic center, then a three-body interaction can give one of the SMBHs a velocity boost, and it can be driven from the galaxy.
But despite their theoretical underpinnings, finding these rogue SMBHs is difficult. Astronomers identified one of the best candidates in 2021, about 230 million light-years away. The authors noticed peculiar movement and velocity that indicated recent disruption. But they couldn’t conclude whether they saw an ongoing galaxy merger, a binary black hole system, or a gravitational-wave recoil event.
Astronomers recognize a couple of ways that they can identify a runaway SMBH. The easiest way is if the hole is actively absorbing material as an active galactic nucleus and can be identified by its luminosity. “For such objects,” the authors write, “the presence of an SMBH is not in doubt, but it can be difficult to determine whether they are ‘naked’ black holes or the nuclei of merging galaxies.”
Another way is by the stellar mass that the rogue hole drags along with it. When an SMBH is ejected, its massive gravitational power pulls some stars along with it. But without the luminosity from an AGN, the dimness makes identifying the hole and its stellar companions difficult from a great distance.
A third way that astronomers could recognize a potential rogue SMBH is by the effect it has on the difuse gas in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) as it passes through it.
“The interaction of a runaway supermassive black hole with the CGM can lead to the formation of a wake of shocked gas and young stars behind it,” the authors write. In their paper, they report the serendipitous discovery of a linear feature in images from the Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys that could be one of these wakes.
These images from the Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys show the linear feature that may result from a rogue SMBH. Image Credit: van Dokkum et al. 2023
When an SMBH travels through ionized hydrogen in the CGM, it produces a shock front with a long wake trailing behind it. In the wake, clouds of shocked gas can cool and form stars that look like knots in the trail. The researchers analyzed three of the knots in the linear feature and measured their ages and metallicity.
Theory and modelling show that the youngest stars formed in the wake should be younger than about 30 million years old. When the researchers measured their properties, they found that the three knots are within the age range laid out by models. They’re also within the range of metallicities and dust content.
This image from the work shows three knots in the tail that are likely recently formed stars. The researchers found that the three stars fall within the correct ranges of metallicity, age, and dust content to conform with a rogue SMBH that left its galaxy about 39 million years ago. Image Credit: van Dokkum et al. 2023
If the host galaxy ejected an SMBH, the galaxy should show signs of disruption. SMBHs are extraordinarily massive, and that much mass can’t move through a galaxy without shaping it. The team examined the galaxy that spawned the rogue SMBH and found that its morphology was disrupted.
This figure from the research shows the morphology of the galaxy in F606W and F814W (Hubble filters.) The arrow indicates the direction of the linear feature. The galaxy is compact and shows irregular features, possibly indicating a recent merger and/or a connection to the linear feature. Image Credit: van Dokkum et al. 2023
There is, however, another possible explanation for the linear feature. It could be a black hole jet rather than a rogue SMBH. Under the right conditions, black hole jets can also shock gas in the CGM and lead to star formation. “There are two well-studied nearby examples of jets triggering star formation,” the authors state. One of them is called Minkowski’s Object.
This image shows two views of Minkowski’s Object. On the left is a Hubble image showing MO in blue. The elliptical galaxy NGC 541 is above and to the right. A jet coming from NGC 541’s black hole is powering star formation in Minkowski’s Object. Image Credit: (L) NASA, ESA, and S. Croft (Eureka Scientific Inc.); Image Processing: Gladys Kober (NASA Goddard/Catholic University of America). (R) Sloan Digital Sky Survey/H. R. M. Zovaro et al.
The authors acknowledge the black hole jet explanation as a possibility, but they say there are too many problems with it. Visible emission lines aren’t a property of black hole jets, and there’s no evidence of nuclear activity. There’s also a problem with morphology. “A more serious issue is that the morphology of the feature does not match simulations or observations of jet-induced star formation,” the authors explain.
They settle on a runaway SMBH as the best explanation for the data and observations.
This schematic from the research shows how a rogue black hole is born. In 1 and 2, a merger leads to the formation of a long-lived binary SMBH. In 3, a third galaxy comes in, and its SMBH sinks to the center of the new remnant. This creates a three-body interaction in 4. The least massive SMBH becomes unbound from the other two and receives a velocity kick in the opposite direction. 5 shows that if there’s a powerful enough velocity kick, then it’s possible that all three SMBHs could be ejected. 6 is a frame from Illustris TNG showing that the circumgalactic medium can have highly assymetric flows, and the SMBH at A is travelling through such a region of relatively dense and cold CGM. Image Credit: van Dokkum et al. 2023
“The line ratios, colours, and the overall morphology are consistent with an ejected SMBH moving through the CGM at high speed while triggering star formation,” they write.
Locating the black holes would be incontrovertible evidence for this conclusion. “The ‘smoking gun’ evidence for this scenario would be the unambiguous identification of the black holes themselves,” the researchers write. “The obvious places to look for them are A and B in Fig. 6.”
“These are candidates for ‘hyper compact stellar systems,'” SMBHs enveloped in stars and gas that escaped with them,” they explain.
This is Figure 6 from the paper, showing points A and B, which the authors say are the obvious places to look for the SMBHs. Unfortunately, they’re below Hubble’s resolution. Image Credit: van Dokkum et al. 2023
The long feature in these observations is highly unusual, so it won’t be a surprise if it has an unusual cause. Only more observations can determine if rogue SMBHs are at work, and the JWST could provide them. “Deeper data, for instance, from the JWST NIRSPEC IFU, may show the expected broad, highly red- or blueshifted emission lines of ionized gas that is bound to the black holes themselves. Those data could also spatially resolve flows, shocks, and star formation near A,” the authors say, looking ahead.
And if there is one instance of runaway SMBHs creating these features, there will be others.
“Looking ahead, the morphology of the feature in the HST images is so striking that it should not be too difficult to find more examples if they exist. Future data from the Nancy Grace Roman telescope can be searched with automated algorithms,” they explain.
A rogue SMBH disconnected from its galaxy and roaming through the circumgalactic medium is a fascinating phenomenon. We’re only in the early stages of understanding SMBHs, how they’re linked with galaxy growth, and how they merge to produce gravitational waves.
To find that they can be kicked out of their host galaxies adds a layer of complexity only nature could come up with.
Falling asteroid sparks brilliant fireball over Europe just hours after discovery (video)
Falling asteroid sparks brilliant fireball over Europe just hours after discovery (video)
Elizabeth Howell
Screenshot of a video showing a fireball falling over France Feb. 13, 2023.
A dramatic fireball lit up European skies just hours after its discovery in space.
Krisztián Sárneczky spotted the small asteroid at Konkoly Observatory's Piszkéstető Station, located some 60 miles (100 kilometers) northeast from Budapest, with a 2-foot (0.6-meter) telescope. The information was passed along to the European Space Agency, hours before it fell into the atmosphere around 10 p.m. EST Feb. 12 (0300 GMT Feb. 13).
"I discovered this small body during a routine NEO [near Earth object] hunt," Sárneczky told senior writer Tereza Pultarova in an e-mail. "It was immediately obvious that it was an NEO, but it wasn't particularly fast across the sky, as it was heading right towards us, and it was faint," Sárneczky added.
It's not the first time Sárneczky has given a heads-up for a dramatic fireball event, as the professional asteroid hunter did the same thing in March 2022. "At the time I thought it was a once-in-a-lifetime event," he said. "I was wrong."
KIJK. Spectaculaire beelden tonen hoe asteroïde door atmosfeer vliegt in Noord-Frankrijk: natuurspektakel ook in ons land te zien
KIJK. Spectaculaire beelden tonen hoe asteroïde door atmosfeer vliegt in Noord-Frankrijk: natuurspektakel ook in ons land te zien
Afgelopen nacht is boven Noord-Frankrijk een asteroïde door de atmosfeer gevlogen. De asteroïde, genaamd Sar2667, was ongeveer een meter groot en ongevaarlijk. Het is nog maar de zevende keer ooit dat experten de meteoor hadden voorspeld. Verschillende Fransen konden het unieke spektakel vastleggen. Ook in ons land was de asteroïde te zien, zo legde een deurbelcamera in Haaltert het fenomeen vast. Bekijk in bovenstaande video de beelden.
Hoe ontstaan meteorieten? En hoeveel zijn ze waard?
Guys I found this crashed UFO last night when looking at a Mars gigapan photo. The UFO is about 10-13 meters across and would have held at least six people but probably more. The back broken hull does look solid, meaning the non passenger areas are solid so tech is more secure from jiggling or breaking, thus if they were ever attacked, it would take many hits to break the spacecraft. Solid crafts like this are only about 75% solid, the rest is for crew. This is from recent rover photos, not sure how NASA missed it, I'm sure they would have explored its insides had they seen it. This photo is huge, so don't think you will find it in 3 seconds, it will take about 30 or more to find it, please us my video as reference to help.
This is undeniable proof that intelligent aliens lived and thrived on planet Mars.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
Black Object Over Thirsk, England Sept 12, 2022, UFO Sighting News. Video.
Black Object Over Thirsk, England Sept 12, 2022, UFO Sighting News. Video.
Date of sighting: September 12, 2022
Location of sighting: Thirsk, England
Source: MUFON
This video was taken about five months ago, but reported only today. The eyewitness recorded a dark sphere object over the city of Thirsk during sunset and the stillness of the craft is disturbing. It must have come up out of the forest and was caught during sunset, which crates a triangle from three points (eyewitness, UFO, Sun) at which point any cloaking device on the UFO will be useless for a 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Absolutely fantastic catch, steady camera work, I only wish we could see how it left the area, going up or down to an alien underground base.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
I have been driving back home from work , and I have noticed an object on sky not moving at all. It was way from york to malton , but I change the direction to get closer to object so I turned at thrisk, I seen object long time, but my phone couldn’t make a picture so I decided I will close enough to get pictures and call my wife on FaceTime to show her what happened!!!
US Military Downs 4 Unidentified Flying Objects; Officials Do Not Dismiss Possibility of Extraterrestrial Origin
US Military Downs 4 Unidentified Flying Objects; Officials Do Not Dismiss Possibility of Extraterrestrial Origin
The U.S. military has shot down four unidentified high altitude objects in just eight days, prompting speculation about their nature and purpose. Thelatest takedown occurred over Lake Huron, with President Joe Biden ordering the action on the grounds that the object posed a potential surveillance threat. However, despite enhanced radar and other measures, officials remain in the dark about the nature of the objects, leading to calls for greater transparency from lawmakers. While defense officials deny that the objects are related to aliens, the lack of information has fueled anxiety and speculation about the potential for extraterrestrial life.
The recent events have been described as “nothing short of craziness,” with military leaders struggling to determine what is out there and what the dangers might be. The repeated takedowns are believed to be a response to a spy balloon from China that emerged over U.S. airspace in late January, but officials remain cautious about ruling out UFOs. While some have criticized the military for being trigger happy, others have argued that this is preferable to the permissive approach taken towards the Chinese spy balloon.
Despite the lack of concrete information, the situation has sparked widespread interest in UFO sightings, with many people searching for the latest news and updates. While the truth about these sightings may remain shrouded in mystery for now, the search for answers continues, as military officials and lawmakers work to uncover the truth about these high-flying objects.
Do Advanced Civilizations use Black Holes as Giant Quantum Computers?
If life is common in our Universe, and we have every reason to suspect it is, why do we not see evidence of it everywhere? This is the essence of the Fermi Paradox, a question that has plagued astronomers and cosmologists almost since the birth of modern astronomy. It is also the reasoning behind the Hart-TIpler Conjecture, one of the many (many!) proposed resolutions, which asserts that if advanced life had emerged in our galaxy sometime in the past, we would see signs of their activity everywhere we looked. Possible indications include self-replicating probes, megastructures, and other Type III-like activity.
On the other hand, several proposed resolutions challenge the notion that advanced life would operate on such massive scales. Others suggest that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations would be engaged in activities and locales that would make them less noticeable. In a recent study, a German-Georgian team of researchers proposed that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations (ETCs) could use black holes as quantum computers. This makes sense from a computing standpoint and offers an explanation for the apparent lack of activity we see when we look at the cosmos.
The first SETI survey (Project Ozma) was conducted in 1960 and was led by famed astrophysicist Dr. Frank Drake (who proposed the Drake Equation). This survey relied on the Green Bank Observatory‘s 26-meter (85-foot) radio telescope to listen for radio transmissions from the nearby star systems of Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani. Since then, the vast majority of SETI projects have been geared towards the search for radio technosignatures, owing to the ability of radio waves to propagate through interstellar space. As Dvali and Osmanov explained to Universe Today via email:
“Currently, we are mainly looking for radio messages, and there have been several attempts to study the sky for finding the so-called Dyson sphere candidates – megastructures built around stars. On the other hand, the problem of SETI is so complex that one should test all possible channels.
“A whole “spectrum” of technosignatures might be much wider: for instance, the infrared or optical emission from megastructures also built around pulsars, white dwarfs, and black holes. A completely new “direction” must be the search for an anomalous spectral variability of these technosignatures, which might distinguish them from normal astrophysical objects.”
For their study, Dvali and Osmanov suggest looking for something altogether different: evidence of large-scale quantum computing. The benefits of quantum computing are well-documented, which include the ability to process information exponentially faster than digital computing and being immune to decryption. Given the rate at which quantum computing is advancing today, it is entirely logical to assume that an advanced civilization could adapt this technology to a much grander scale. Said Dvali and Osmanov:
“No matter how advanced is a civilization or how different is their particle composition and chemistry from ours, we are unified by laws of quantum physics and gravity. These laws tell us that the most efficient storers of quantum information are black holes.
“Although our recent studies show that theoretically, there may exist devices created by non-gravitational interactions that also saturate the capacity of information storage (so-called “saturons”), the black holes are the clear champions. Correspondingly, any sufficiently advanced ETI is expected to use them for information storage and processing.”
This idea builds on the work of Nobel-prize winner Roger Penrose, who famously proposed that limitless energy could be extracted from a black hole by tapping into the ergosphere. This space lies just outside the event horizon, where infalling matter forms a disk that is accelerated to near the speed of light and emits tremendous amounts of radiation. Several researchers have suggested that this may be the ultimate power source for advanced ETIs, either by feeding matter onto an SMBH (and harnessing the resulting radiation) or simply harnessing the energy they already put out.
Simulation of the emitted light from a supermassive black hole binary system. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
Two possibilities for this latter scenario involve harnessing the angular momentum of their accretions disks (the “Penrose Process“) or capturing the heat and energy generated by their hypervelocity jets (perhaps in the form of a Dyson Sphere). In their later paper, Dvali and Osmanov suggest that black holes could be the ultimate source of computation. This is based on the notions that: a) a civilization’s advancement is directly correlated to its level of computational performance, and b) that there exist certain universal markers of computational advancement which can be used as potential technosignatures for SETI.
Using the principles of quantum mechanics, Dvali and Osmanov explained how would be the most efficient capacitors for quantum information. These black holes would likely be artificial in nature and micro-sized rather than large and naturally occurring (for the sake of computing efficiency). As a result, they argue, these black holes would be more energetic than naturally-occurring ones:
“By analyzing the simple scaling properties of information retrieval time, we showed that the optimization of the information volume and processing time suggests that it is maximally beneficial for ETI to invest energy in the creation of many microscopic black holes as opposed to a few large ones.
“First, the micro-black holes radiate with much higher intensity and in the higher energy spectrum of Hawking radiation. Secondly, such black holes must be manufactured by means of high-energy particle collisions in accelerators. This manufacturing necessarily provides an accompanying high-energy radiation signature.”
In honor of Dr. Stephen Hawking, the COSMOS center will be creating the most detailed 3D mapping effort of the Universe.
Credit: BBC, Illus.: T.Reyes
Hawking radiation, named in honor of the late and great Stephen Hawking, is theorized to be released just outside the event horizon of a black hole due to relativistic quantum effects. The emission of this radiation reduces the mass and rotational energy of black holes, theoretically resulting in their eventual evaporation. The resulting Hawking radiation, said Dvali and Osomanov, would be “democratic” in nature, meaning that it would produce many different species of subatomic particles that are detectable by modern instruments:
“The great thing about Hawking radiation is that it is universal in all the existing particle species. Thereby, ETI quantum computers must radiate “ordinary” particles such as neutrinos and photons. Neutrinos, in particular, are excellent messengers due to their extraordinary penetration ability, which avoids the possibility of screening.
“This, in particular, offers novel fingerprints of ETI in the form of a flux of very high energy neutrinos coming both from Hawking radiation of information storing micro black holes as well as from the collision ‘factories’ that manufacture them. The Hawking component of radiation is expected to be a superposition of black body spectra of very high energies. In the paper, we have shown that the IceCube observatory can potentially observe such technosignatures. However, this is just one potential example of a very exciting new direction for SETI.”
In many respects, this theory echoes the logic of the Barrow Scale, proposed by astrophysicist and mathematician John D. Barrow in 1998. A revision of the Kardashev Scale, the Barrow Scale suggests that civilizations should be characterized not by their physical mastery of outer space (i.e., planet, solar system, galaxy, etc.) but of inner space – i.e., the molecular, atomic, and quantum realms. This Scale is central to the Transcension Hypothesis, a proposed resolution to Fermi’s Paradox that suggests that ETIs would have “transcended” beyond anything we would recognize.
Dr. Frank Drake scrawling the Drake Equation on a whiteboard. Credit: SETI Institute
Herein lies another exciting aspect of this theory, which is how it offers another possible resolution to the Fermi Paradox. As they explained:
“Up until now, we have completely overlooked a natural direction for SETI in form of high energy neutrinos and other particles produced by the Hawking radiation of artificial black holes. Thereby, various experimental searches for such high energy particles can potentially shed an extremely important light on the presence of advanced ETI within the observable part of the Universe.”
In short, it could be that we see a “Great Silence” when we look into the cosmos because we’ve been looking for the wrong technosignatures. After all, if extraterrestrial life has had a jump on humanity (which seems reasonable given the age of the Universe), it stands to reason they would have outgrown radio communications and digital computing a long time ago. Another advantage to this theory is that it need not apply to all ETIs to explain why we haven’t heard from any civilizations to date.
Given the exponential rate at which computing progresses (using humanity as a template), advanced civilizations might have a short window in which they broadcast in radio wavelengths. This is a key part of the Drake Equation: the L parameter, which refers to the length of time civilizations have to release detectable signals into space. In the meantime, this study offers another potential technosignature for SETI surveys to look for in the coming years. The Paradox persists, but we need only find one indication of advanced life to resolve it.
Fourth UFO shot down by the US, this time over Lake Huron
Fourth UFO shot down by the US, this time over Lake Huron
Latest update on the unidentified objects flying over the US and Canada:
Yesterday the US Airforce has shot down another unidentified flying object, this time the object was shot down over Lake Huron and they are going to recover the debris to analysis the object.
The Pentagon has refused to rule out the recent unidentified objects shot out of the sky could be aliens. US Air Force General Glen VanHerck said intelligence services were exploring all avenues - including the three most recent objects may be linked to extraterrestrials.
Asked whether he had ruled out 'aliens or extraterrestrials', he said: 'I'll let the intel community and the counterintelligence community figure that out. I haven't ruled out anything' reports the Dailymail.
It seems as that the US air force has more information about these mysterious objects and although they refuse to give an explanation, the statement of US Air Force General Glen VanHerck is remarkable.
Next, it seems that China will also have to deal with these unidentified flying objects. Sky News Asia Correspondent Brent O’Halloran says the Chinese authorities are considering shooting down an unidentified flying object after it was “detected” near a “port city” in the Northern Shandong province.
So far;
02-04-2023: Chinese Spy Balloon shot down off the coast of South Carolina
02-10-2023: Airborne object shot down over Alaska, Dead Horse
02-11-2023: Airborne object shot down over Northern Canada near Mayo, Yukon
02-11-2023: Airborne object detected on radar over Montana
02-12-2023: Airborne object show down over Lake Huron
The next three videos provide an update on the latest development on these unidentified flying objects whereby the third video from MRMBB333 provides more detailed insight including footage of a transport of a UFO-like object and a footage of a series of unidentified objects flying over the Argentine Sea.
The MUFON UFO Stalker website has been seized by the Department of Defense
The MUFON UFO Stalker website has been seized by the Department of Defense
The website UFO Stalker says "This domain has temporarily been seized by the Department of Defense in coordination with the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice in support of an ongoing investigation related to the unidentified aerial phenomena occurring within North American Airspace."
With all the strange things going on in the skies over US and Canada, US Airforce shooting down unknown flying objects and now the Department of Defense has been seized the well known website UFO Stalker who reports UFO sightings on daily base.
Are more websites and YouTube channels who are reporting about the UFO phenomenon to be seized in the near future?
In the meantime a fourth unknown flying object has been shot down over Lake Huron yesterday and also a new unknown flying object has been detected over Canada.
The fact that the Pentagon said that they cannot rule out that the unknown objects flying over the US and Canada are Aliens is something to think about.
Maybe it is too far fetched but could it be that they are preparing a false flag alien invasion, and they don't want UFO related websites and YouTube channels reporting about it? We may wonder whether more UFO related websites and YouTube channels will be seized soon, something is going on for sure.
Could UFOs over the US be the same as the infamous 'Tic Tac' caught on video? Expert says mysterious objects resemble white oblong spotted by the US Navy in 2004 – as the Pentagon refuses to rule out ALIENS
Could UFOs over the US be the same as the infamous 'Tic Tac' caught on video? Expert says mysterious objects resemble white oblong spotted by the US Navy in 2004 – as the Pentagon refuses to rule out ALIENS
UFO fever is gripping the US after a third mysterious object was shot down using a missile from a F-16 fighter jet yesterday.
The 'octagonal' object with 'potential surveillance capabilities' flew near a sensitive military site in Montana before being taken over the Great Lakes on Sunday.
It follows a further two objects that were shot down over Alaska and Canada in the preceding days and a Chinese 'spy balloon' being eliminated the weekend before.
While China claimed ownership of the spy balloon, the origin and purpose of the three subsequent unidentified flying objects are more mysterious, with the Pentagon refusing to rule out an extraterrestrial origin.
British UFO expert Nick Pope, formerly with the UK's Ministry of Defence, told MailOnline that he 'can't rule out a connection with the Tic Tac sighting' but cautioned that an overall explanation is 'still to be determined'.
Here's all you need to know about what the UFOs could be, and why they are increasingly becoming a major breach of Northern American airspace.
A mysterious object was taken down over the Great Lakes on Sunday after being detected in US airspace. The Pentagon issued a statement saying its path and altitude had 'raised concerns'. It followed two other crafts discovered and destroyed over Alaska and Canada on Friday and Saturday, respectively, and a Chinese balloon taken down on February 4
Three UFOs shot down in three days
- Friday Feb. 10: First UFO shot down (over Alaska)
- Saturday Feb. 11: Second UFO shot down (Yukon, Canada)
- Sunday Feb. 12: Third UFO shot down (Great Lakes)
More unusual activity:
- Saturday Feb. 4: Chinese ‘spy’ balloon shot down (South Carolina coast)
US authorities were alerted to a flying octagonal object discovered in US airspace on Sunday – the third in as many days.
An F-16 fighter jet shot it down from around 20,000 feet over the Great Lakes at 2:42pm local time, following orders from President Biden.
Two other crafts had been discovered and subsequently destroyed over Alaska and Canada on Friday and Saturday, respectively.
China has admitted ownership of the balloon, although it insisted it was an unmanned weather surveillance aircraft that had veered off-course.
In comparison, the three aircraft that followed at the weekend are unidentified and their nature and origin are far less clear.
The first two UFOs shot down over Alaska and Canada on Friday and Saturday have both been described as 'cylindrical'.
According to ABC News citing an unnamed US official, the first one was described as 'cylindrical and silver-ish gray' and seemed to be floating without any sort of propulsion.
Pictured, the 148th Fighter Wing F-16C that shot down the unidentified object over Lake Heron on Sunday. The missile is circled
China's surveillance balloon is still shrouded in mystery to some extent, but it's thought to have sensors, radar, and cameras
Meanwhile, the second was also cylindrical and described as much smaller than the Chinese spy balloon of February 4.
Both were believed to have a payload, either attached or suspended from them, according to the officials.
It's possible the Alaska and Canada UFOs were of the same design.
However, the third one was described as 'octagonal' with strings hanging off, but had no discernible payload.
Officials have said they would not definitively characterise these aircrafts as 'balloons' until the debris is recovered.
It's possible that all the objects are balloons that China has released to bombard North American airspace, either as a threat or a political statement.
Following the take-down operation of the third UFO on Sunday, the Pentagon issued a statement saying its path and altitude had 'raised concerns'.
The statement said: 'North American Aerospace Defense Command detected the object Sunday morning and has maintained visual and radar tracking of it.
'Based on its flight path and data we can reasonably connect this object to the radar signal picked up over Montana, which flew in proximity to sensitive DOD [Department of Defense] sites.
'We did not assess it to be a kinetic military threat to anything on the ground, but assess it was a safety flight hazard and a threat due to its potential surveillance capabilities.'
Pictured, the spherical Chinese balloon that was shot down on February 4 over South Carolina
Canada searching for object shot down over Yukon Saturday
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Sunday said teams are looking for the cylindrical object that a US fighter jet shot down over Yukon territory on his orders a day ago so that they can analyze it and learn more about its purpose.
'Recovery teams are on the ground, looking to find and analyze the object,' Trudeau told reporters.
'There's still much to know about it. That's why the analysis of this object is going to be very important.'
Source: Reuters
The Pentagon has refused to rule out the possibility that the collection of unidentified objects could be linked to extraterrestrials.
US Air Force General Glen VanHerck said intelligence services were exploring all avenues and would not rule out aliens or any other explanation yet.
'I'll let the intel community and the counterintelligence community figure that out. I haven't ruled out anything,' VanHerck said.
'At this point we continue to assess every threat or potential threat, unknown, that approaches North America with an attempt to identify it.'
Mr Pope says everything that's been shot down so far is some kind of surveillance device rather than an extraterrestrial.
'I'm sure there's life out there in the cosmos, and I'm open minded about the idea of visitation – to borrow the general's phrase, I don't rule it out,' Pope told MailOnline.
'But this isn't The War of the Worlds, it's spying, and I'm sure the US is making every effort to assess what damage has been done, and to mitigate the threat.'
According to Pope, VanHerck's statement was a 'generic response' that's used when people don't really have an answer, but it has had the effect of inviting an extraterrestrial hypothesis.
Legendary English physicist Professor Brian Cox has also weighed in with a tweet laced with a good dose of irony.
'I've always suspected that an advanced alien civilisation with the technology to travel at close to light speed across interstellar distances would arrive in Earth orbit unobserved and proceed to dispatch a fleet of small, easily detectable balloons into our atmosphere,' he said.
US Air Force General Glen VanHerck said they are still unsure how the three objects were staying aloft
All the same, the cylindrical shape of the first and second object has suggested a potential link with the famous 'Tic Tac' UFO of 2004.
In November 2004, US Navy pilots were conducting a routine training mission with the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz off the Southern California coast
There they noticed the so-called 'Tic Tac' UFO, which was leaked in an official US government video taken aboard the Navy fighter jet.
Aboard was US Navy Lieutenant Commander Alex Dietrich, who first noticed an unusual 'churning' of the ocean surface before seeing the UFO.
The smooth, white oblong object – resembling a large Tic Tac breath mint – flew at high speed over the water, maneuvering and accelerating in ways which seemed to defy the laws of physics.
'It appeared to respond in a way that we didn't recognise', Dietrich told Reuters in 2021, and seemed to lack 'any visible flight control surfaces or means of propulsion'.
'We don't know what it was, but it could have been a natural phenomenon in human activity,' she said. 'But the point was that it was weird, and we couldn't recognise it.'
So could its characteristic shape give it any relation to the recently-downed objects?
Pope said he 'can't rule out a connection with the Tic Tac sighting' but cautioned that an overall explanation is 'still to be determined'.
'I don't have an explanation for the Tic Tac incident, and to the best of my knowledge the DOD and the US Navy are still categorising it as unidentified,' he told MailOnline.
The Pentagon has refused to rule out an extraterrestrial origin, but the shape of two of the objects recalls the famous 'Tic Tac' UFO of 2004
Department of Defense admitted it is examining 510 reports of UFO sightings and an office dedicated to reviewing UFOs received 247 new reports since June 2021 (artist's depiction)
The hunt is now on by US authorities to find the fragments of the downed objects and analyse them to reveal more about their identity.
The Pentagon has said Department of Defense staff will now work to recover Sunday's object 'in an effort to learn more' about its purpose and origin'.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also said analysis of the object that penetrated his country's airspace 'is going to be very important'.
However, intelligence gathered from the investigations could be kept as closely-guarded secrets.
'The fact that this involves the intelligence agencies is one reason for the secrecy, and while more information will emerge, some details will doubtless be kept from the media and the public, for reasons of national security,' Pope told MailOnline.
'That will probably ensure that the conspiracy theories about aliens aren't going to go away just yet.'
Pentagon issues statement following downing of mysterious 'airborne object' at 20,000 feet
Today at 2:42 p.m. ET, at the direction of President Biden, and based on the recommendations of Secretary Austin and military leadership, an F-16 fired an AIM9x to successfully shoot down an airborne object flying at approximately 20,000 feet altitude in US airspace over Lake Huron in the State of Michigan.
Its path and altitude raised concerns, including that it could be a hazard to civil aviation.
The location chosen for this shoot down afforded us the opportunity to avoid impact to people on the ground while improving chances for debris recovery. There are no indications of any civilians hurt or otherwise affected.
North American Aerospace Defense Command detected the object Sunday morning and has maintained visual and radar tracking of it.
Based on its flight path and data we can reasonably connect this object to the radar signal picked up over Montana, which flew in proximity to sensitive DOD sites.
We did not assess it to be a kinetic military threat to anything on the ground, but assess it was a safety flight hazard and a threat due to its potential surveillance capabilities.
Our team will now work to recover the object in an effort to learn more.
There has been a spike in reported sightings of unidentified flying objects in North American skies. The most recent instance was on Sunday, when a US fighter jet shot down an unidentified object that was flying over Lake Michigan. This is the third time in a row that an aircraft has been forced to shoot down an unidentified object in the region.
Brig. General Pat Ryder, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, stated that the object was not considered a threat, but it was regarded as a flight hazard due to its capabilities. The military is currently working to recover it.
Lakes Huron and Michigan
Melissa Dalton, the assistant secretary of defense for homeland defense, said that the objects were taken down due to the recent incident involving a Chinese surveillance balloon. She also noted that these types of objects can be used for legitimate research.
The object was reportedly spotted on radar in Montana on Saturday. It was flying at an altitude of 20,000 feet and was described as an “octagonal” object with strings that were hanging off. Although it was not considered a military threat, it was believed that it could have posed a flight hazard to civilians.
Democratic Rep. Elissa Slotkin of Michigan and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer have both released statements about the incident. Slotkin praised the work of the US Air Force and National Guard pilots who carried out the mission, while Whitmer emphasized the importance of national security and safety, and confirmed that the National Guard was ready to respond.
Elon Musk also posted a Tweet about this in his own style.
The recent surge in UFO sightings and incidents has sparked a renewed interest in the mystery surrounding unidentified flying objects. As the Pentagon continues to recover and analyze the objects shot down in recent days, it will be interesting to see what more is learned about these mysterious objects.
UFO filmed over Lake Michigan yesterday!
This object over Lake Michigan was filmed yesterday around noon (12th February) from Grant Park in Chicago. Is this the object that was shoot down over Lake Huron? Leave me your opinions in the comment section below!
Breaking News: Canada Shoots Down Its Own UFO in the Sky!
Breaking News: Canada Shoots Down Its Own UFO in the Sky!
Canada Shoots Down Its Own UFO
On February 11th, 2023, the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced that the Canadian Forces shot down an unidentified flying object (UFO) over the Yukon Canadian territory. The object was described as high-altitude and the Prime Minister stated that he had spoken with President Biden and that the Canadian Forces would be analyzing the wreckage. The exact nature of the object remains unknown, with the White House referring to it as a “high-altitude object” and National Security Council spokesman John Kirby describing it as the size of a small car. However, unnamed national security sources have described it as cylindrical and silverish-grey, unmanned, and floating, not appearing to be powered by any recognizable aviation systems.
This mysterious event comes shortly after the United States shot down a UFO just outside of Alaska, with President Biden ordering the downing of the object after it was detected and surveilled by U.S. intelligence and military. The object was described as being the size of a small car and floating in the sky.
With UFO sightings on the rise and US Congress taking the matter seriously, this event has sparked the interest of many and the internet is buzzing with conspiracy theories. It’s not surprising that the Roswell incident from 1947, in which a UFO crash was covered up as a weather balloon, has come to mind.
Only time will tell if the government will provide more information about what these objects actually were, but it’s definitely an exciting and mysterious topic to keep an eye on.
Starbase Bustling: Before & After Historic 31 Engine Static Fire - Starbase Update
A 1-meter (3.28 foot) asteroid, designated Sar2667, will impact "Earth's atmosphere over northern France between 3:50-4:03 CET," on Feb. 13, 2023 (9:50pm - 10:05pm EST on Feb. 12), according to the European Space Agency. It is expected to safely burn up in the atmosphere but could be visible between London and Northern France.
Wow! Asteroid Sar2667's Earth impact seen over France and Germany
Small asteroid Sar2667 impacted Earth hours after being discovered by Kristian Sarnecki using the Konkoly Observatory's Piszkéstető Station in Hungary. It safely burned up in the atmosphere, providing fireworks to skywatchers in France and Germany. | footage courtesy: Thomas Petit @MegaLuigi in Rouen, France, Aaron in Caudry, France, Sang-Hyeok Lee in Aachen, Germany | animation courtesy: Tony Dunn / | edited by Steve Spaleta (
What we know about the unidentified object shot down over Lake Huron on Sunday
The U.S. military shot down what it's calling a "high altitude object" on Sunday over Lake Huron, just hours after airspace was closed over Lake Michigan. On Sunday night, Department of Defense officials held a briefing to speak about their decision to shoot down the object over the lake. It's the latest in a string of similar sightings and take-downs. The first happened two weeks ago when officials say a suspected Chinese spy balloon crossed into U.S. airspace and was later downed by a U.S. fighter jet.
Hear what pilots said about mysterious object shot down near Alaska
An unidentified object was shot down 10 miles off the frozen coast of Alaska on Friday afternoon, US officials announced, but details about the object are scarce.
US shoots down 4 UFOs, military officials won't rule out aliens
A U.S. fighter jet shot down an “unidentified object” over Lake Huron on Sunday on orders from President Joe Biden. It was the fourth such downing in eight days and the latest military strike in an extraordinary chain of events over U.S. airspace that Pentagon officials believe has no peacetime precedent.
Part of the reason for the repeated shootdowns is a “heightened alert” following a spy balloon from China that emerged over U.S. airspace in late January, Gen. Glen VanHerck, head of NORAD and U.S. Northern Command, said in a briefing with reporters.
Since then, fighter jets last week also shot down objects over Canada and Alaska. Pentagon officials said they posed no security threats, but so little was known about them that Pentagon officials were ruling nothing out — not even UFOs.
“We have been more closely scrutinizing our airspace at these altitudes, including enhancing our radar, which may at least partly explain the increase,” said Melissa Dalton, assistant defense secretary for homeland defense.#WakeUpCLT#UFO#Politics
What were the flying objects shot down by US military? - BBC News
The US military is 'still unsure' what the flying objects it shot out of the skies over North America were - and how they were able to stay aloft.
President Joe Biden ordered another object - the fourth in total this month - to be downed on Sunday.
As it was traveling at 20,000ft (6,100m), it could have interfered with commercial air traffic, the US said.
A military commander said it could be a "gaseous type of balloon" or "some type of a propulsion system". He added he could not rule out that the objects were extra-terrestrials
Pentagon briefing on unusual flying objects shot down across America | General Glen VanHerck
The U.S. Air Force general overseeing North American airspace said on Sunday (February 12) after a series of shoot-downs of unidentified objects that he would not rule out aliens or any other explanation yet, deferring to U.S. intelligence experts.
Asked during a Pentagon briefing whether he had ruled out an extraterrestrial origin for three airborne objects shot down by U.S. warplanes in as many days, General Glen VanHerck said: "I'll let the intel community and the counterintelligence community figure that out. I haven't ruled out anything."
China sends defiant message as US jet shoots down fourth flying object
Sky's Beijing correspondent Helen-Ann Smith reports from China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs where a spokesperson has not confirmed nor denied involvement with the recent flying objects shot down by the US.
The latest take down is the fourth in just over a week and the third in as many days after objects were shot down in Alaska and Canada.
Mystery object shot down by US jets - but not a spy balloon
US fighter jets have shot down an unidentified object in the skies over Alaska, although authorities say they don't believe it was a spy balloon.
The object, which was the size of a car, and reportedly described by one official as silver coloured and cylindrical, was first spotted on Thursday, flying at around the same altitude as commercial airliners.
It comes just a week after a Chinese surveillance balloon was shot down over South Carolina.
US Air Force shoots down unidentified object over Lake Huron - the third take down in three days over skies of North America - as White House contradicts Schumer over 'balloon' origin of craft
US Air Force shoots down unidentified object over Lake Huron - the third take down in three days over skies of North America - as White House contradicts Schumer over 'balloon' origin of craft
A third unknown aerial object was shot down over the Great Lakes on Sunday
The Pentagon has shot down another unknown aerial object over the Great Lakes after previously destroying two other crafts over Alaska and Canada.
Rep. Jack Bergman, of Michigan, tweeted Sunday afternoon that he had been in contact with his colleagues at the Department of Defense following reports of an unidentified air craft making its way across the Great Lakes.
Around 3.30pm, he revealed: 'The US military has decommissioned another "object" over Lake Huron.'
The announcement marks the third balloon shot down by the American military in just one weekend, after an unidentified object was shot down over Alaska on Friday and another was shot down in Canada on Saturday.
United States Rep. Elise Slotkin also confirmed that the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena was struck down over Lake Huron.
'The object has been downed by pilots from the US [Air Force] and National Guard,' she tweeted. 'Great work by all who carried out this mission both in the air and back at headquarters.
'We're all interested in exactly what this object was and its purpose. she continued. 'As long as these things keep traversing the US and Canada, I'll continue to ask for Congress to get a full briefing based on our exploration from the wreckage.
The Democrat had earlier tweeted that 'our military has an extremely close eye on the object above Lake Huron.
'We'll know more about what this was in the coming days, but for now, be assured that all parties have been laser-focused on it from the moment it traversed our waters.'
Only a few hours earlier, the Federal Aviation Administration abruptly closed 'national defense airspace' over part of Lake Michigan.
The agency announced that it closed down the area to examine a 'potential contact'. It was lifted less than an hour later.
GOP Rep. Matt Rosendale revealed on Saturday that he was informed of such a developing incident, though officials at the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) later indicated that was a false alarm.
But according to the Montana conservative's latest update - the situation may have been more serious than it seemed.
'I am in constant communication with NORCOM and they have just advised me that they have confidence there IS an object and it WAS NOT an anomaly,' Rosendale wrote on Twitter.
'I am waiting now to receive visual confirmation. Our nation’s security is my priority.'
Montana Rep. Matt Rosendale said he was in communication with officials on Sunday about an unidentified object in his state's airspace
It comes after earlier updates he posted about a sighting of an unknown object on Saturday night reached out to NORAD for comment but was directed to the agency's previous public statements. A subsequent inquiry sent on Rosendale's latest post was not immediately returned.
The Pentagon said it had nothing further to add other than NORAD's Saturday night statement.
Montana's Democratic Sen. Jon Tester said on Sunday that he was in touch with Defense officials regarding the developments from Saturday night, but offered no new updates himself.
'I’m continuing to receive regular updates from the Pentagon and our intelligence community as we closely monitor American airspace in light of last night’s development. I will keep holding them accountable so the public gets the answers they deserve,' Tester said.
The moderate senator indicated earlier on CBS News' Face The Nation that he was still aware of something developing in Montana's airspace.
'I think the investigation is still going on as we speak,' Tester said.
'The truth is, is that there was an anomaly, and they've investigated. I think it got dark last night, so they couldn't fully check it out. I'm sure, as we speak, it's being checked out right now.'
He summarized the uncertainty, 'There may still be something out there. It may be a false alarm.'
If there is indeed an unknown or malign object in Montana's airspace, Tester guessed 'it'll get shot down' by the military.
It's not immediately clear what the object is, or where it's from, but Americans have been on high alert ever since the Chinese spy balloon shot down last weekend led to a host of revelations about Beijing's vast global surveillance program.
Defense officials said they were able to gain valuable insight into China's spy balloon program by studying the device as it drifted across the country, while avoiding shooting it down over the continental US and risking injuries for Americans on the ground.
A flight radar shows military aircraft scrambled off the northeast coast of Alaska to search for the debris from the unidentified object. This comes after the US reportedly developed a system in 2022 to detect spy balloons on a radar
The fighter jets were scrambled from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson near Anchorage on Friday morning to intercept the object near Deadhorse Bay (above) on the northeast coast
White House: 'Not yet cl
The sighting on Sunday marks the third unidentified aerial object found flying over American soil in just one weekend.
On Thursday, officials said, a UAP — or unidentified aerial phenomena — was picked up on United States radar when it was crossing over Alaska.
Crews then conducted a fly-by that night, with a second on Friday morning.
The object was taken down by an F-22 using an A9X missile out of Joint Base Elmendorf–Richardson in Anchorage.
Several officials also said the object shattered into pieces after being struck by the missile, adding to the mystery of what the object truly is.
A US official revealed the pilots who intercepted the object said it had a cylindrical shape and no observable surveillance equipment attached.
Authorities have only said it was traveling at an altitude that was potentially harmful for civilian aircrafts, The New York Times reported.
The Pentagon has now launched a recovery operation to collect the debris from the surface of the frozen waters off Alaska.
Justin Trudeau, Canada's prime minister, is seen on Tuesday. On Saturday he announced an 'unidentified object' had been shot down over the Yukon
The next day, another UAP was spotted flying over Canada.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on Saturday that he had requested US and Canadian forces scramble to intercept 'an unidentified object that violated Canadian airspace', and a U.S. F-22 shot it down at 3:41pm Eastern Standard Time.
A senior government source explained to CBC News that the object crossed into Canadian territory on Saturday morning. It was described as being smaller than the Chinese spy balloon that made its way across the US earlier this month.
Two F-22s were dispatched from the U.S. from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Alaska; and two F-18s from Cold Lake Air Base in Alberta, Canada to shoot down the object over Canada.
It was shot down with an AIM-9X missile at 3:41pm Eastern Standard Time, and was flying at about 40,000 feet. The missile is described by the manufacturer as 'the most advanced infrared-tracking, short-range, air-to-air and surface-to-air missile in the world.'
In the aftermath, Trudeau said Canadian teams were now working to recover the debris.
'I ordered the take down of an unidentified object that violated Canadian airspace,' he tweeted on Saturday.
'@NORADCommand shot down the object over the Yukon. Canadian and U.S. aircraft were scrambled, and a U.S. F-22 successfully fired at the object.'
Trudeau said that he had been in contact with Biden about the intrusion.
He thanked NORAD - the North American Aerospace Defense Command, based in Colorado Springs, Colorado - for their work with his forces.
'I spoke with President Biden this afternoon. Canadian Forces will now recover and analyze the wreckage of the object,' Trudeau said.
'Thank you to NORAD for keeping the watch over North America.'
Canada's defense minister, Anita Anand, also praised the joint operation.
She said that she had discussed the incident with US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin 'and reaffirmed that we'll always defend our sovereignty together.'
The origins of these aircrafts remains unclear, with the Biden administration contradicting Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's assertation that they balloons.
Officials have said they would not definitively characterize these aircrafts as 'balloons' until the debris is recovered.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer received a briefing on the two recently downed objects on Saturday night
Schumer said the objects were 'much smaller' than the balloon downed earlier this month, which was confirmed by US Defense officials to be a spying device from Beijing.
He did not say where those objects originated or whether he learned of their purpose, nor did he give any indication they were related to China's surveillance program.
Republicans had heaped criticism on the Biden administration for only shooting it down after it traversed several US states at a low enough altitude to be seen by the naked eye - unnerving millions of Americans. .
By contrast, the objects shot down over Alaska on Friday and Canada on Saturday were taken down in remote wilderness shortly after detection.
But on Sunday, Schumer defended the Pentagon's response to the initial balloon and praised how the latest two incidents were handled.
'Both of those, one over Canada, one over Alaska were at 40,000 feet. Immediately it was determined that that's a danger to commercial aircraft which also fly at 40,000 feet,' Schumer said.
'The first balloon, there was a much different rationale which I think was the appropriate rationale. We got enormous intelligence information from surveilling the balloon as it went over the United States.'
The New York Democrat did not say whether the latter two also came from China or if they were used for surveillance.
Since then the Pentagon has revealed it detected one other balloon in US airspace under the Biden administration, as well as three across Donald Trump's White House term - something the Republican administration's officials have denied.
Defense officials believe they are part of a massive surveillance effort spanning 40 different countries - but one that the US did not detect until President Biden took office.
'It is wild that we didn't know,' Schumer conceded during his television interview.
CNN's Natasha Bertrand revealed over the weekend that F-35 pilots charged with taking down an unidentified flying object over Alaska did not know what it was
Fighter pilots who shot down the object over Alaska have revealed that it 'interfered with their sensors' and had 'no identifiable propulsion system.'
In an interview with host Jim Acosta on Saturday, CNN's Natasha Bertrand reported on the findings of the F-35 pilots called in to take down an unidentified flying object over Alaska on Friday.
She brought up the fact that another unidentified flying object was shot down over Alaska on Friday by Air Force pilots who 'were not able to identify what they saw.
'So when the US first detected this object over Alaska on Thursday, they sent up F-35 jets to find of look at it and see what was going on. And these pilots reported back very conflicting accounts,' she revealed.
'Some of them said that this object was actually interfering with the sensors of their aircraft and they couldn't figure out why, because there was no identifiable kind of surveillance equipment on the object.
'There was nothing that appeared readily able to interfere with that communication system,' Bertrand said.
'And then other pilots were saying that they did not see anything on the object that appeared able to propel it, that it seemed like there was no way that this was actually able to stay in the air.'
She pointed out that the pilots were flying really fast so it is 'possible that these pilots just didn't get a good look at it.'
'But that is part of why the Pentagon has been so reluctant to come out and say more about what this object actually is.'
Amerikaans leger haalt voor vierde keer in korte tijd ongeïdentificeerd object neer
UPDATE Het Amerikaans leger heeft een ongeïdentificeerd object boven het Huronmeer aan de grens met Canada uit de lucht geschoten. Het object viel in het meer en er zijn geen aanwijzingen van bijkomende schade, zo melden Amerikaanse media. Het is al de vierde keer op korte tijd dat de Amerikanen ‘vliegende voorwerpen’ in het Amerikaanse en Canadese luchtruim hebben onderschept.
“Het object is neergehaald door piloten van de Amerikaanse luchtmacht en de Nationale Garde”, schreef Elissa Slotkin, lid van het Huis van Afgevaardigden namens de staat Michigan, dat ten zuiden en ten westen van het meer ligt. Eerder zondag had de Afgevaardigde Jack Bergman verklaard dat boven het meer een object “ontmanteld” was.
In de loop van de dag was het luchtruim boven het Michiganmeer, in het noordoosten van de Verenigde Staten, al kortstondig gesloten om redenen in verband met de "nationale defensie", zo had de Amerikaanse regulator van de burgerluchtvaart (FAA) zondag bekendgemaakt.
"De FAA heeft een deel van het luchtruim boven het Michiganmeer kortstondig gesloten om de activiteiten van het ministerie van Defensie te ondersteunen. Het luchtruim is heropend", deelde de regulator mee.
Het nieuws komt op een moment dat in een week tijd al drie keer vliegende voorwerpen boven de VS en Canada neergeschoten werden. De VS en Canada zijn de afgelopen weken zeer alert op indringers vanuit de lucht sinds de verschijning van een wit, in het oog springende ballon eerder deze maand boven het Amerikaanse luchtruim.
Het ging volgens de VS om een Chinese “spionageballon”. Het Amerikaanse leger schoot de ballon op 4 februari neer. China ontkent dat de eerste ballon werd gebruikt voor surveillance en zegt dat het een civiel onderzoeksluchtvaartuig was.
De objecten die de afgelopen dagen boven de Amerikaanse staat Alaska en Canada zijn neergehaald, leken volgens een Witte Huis-woordvoerder “niet veel” op de Chinese ballon - die eerder deze maand voor de kust van South Carolina werd neergeschoten - en waren veel kleiner. De woordvoerder zei ook dat het onderzoek naar de objecten nog loopt en dat de wrakstukken ervan nog niet zijn gevonden.
Ook van het zondag neergeschoten vliegende object is nog niet duidelijk wat het precies was en waarom het door het Canadese en Amerikaanse luchtruim vloog.
Giant Angel Entity Exists Sun On NASA Camera! UFO Sighting News.
Giant Angel Entity Exists Sun On NASA Camera! UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Feb 9, 2023
Source of sighting: NASA/SOHO website
I was checking out the NASA SOHO video of our sun and found this, a giant angelic figure exiting our sun. The figure is about 50X the diameter of Earth. I made some screenshots at the beginning to show you the detail side by side. It seems to me something this big, if intelligent is some kind of god or a very ancient alien species that existed ten or more billion years ago and the beginning of our universe. Mind-blowing is an understatement here. I'm at a loss for words. I have always believed that intelligent life could exist in infinite sizes both big and small, this is 100% proof of that. Please help me get more subscribers by sharing this video. I hope it inspires you as much as it inspired me.
Mysterious Lights over Wilcox, Pennsylvania Feb 10, 2023 UFO Sighting News.
Mysterious Lights over Wilcox, Pennsylvania Feb 10, 2023 UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Feb 10, 2023
Location of sighting: Wilcox, Pennsylvania, USA
When I watch this recent eyewitness video, I can't help but feel very excited by it. This is excellent proof that UFOs exist. The objects suddenly glow in the sky as big as a city bus and as bright as the sun. But as it grew I noticed it changed shape from one orb, to two, then three and then four orbs, each touching the others edges. I have heard about such UFO reports from Majestic 12 top secret documents, but this is the first time in 20 years I have ever seen a video of such a rare event where a single orb divides into four. And compounded by the fact that the eyewitnesses said two fighter jets soon appeared when the orbs were gone is proof they were seen on US military radar!
Never seen anything like this before, there was fighter jets with full afterburner shortly after plus 2 other unknown lights that I do have on video. Was around 6:30 pm and I was just finishing up working on a vehicle for a customer and I was outside walking back towards my shop and I saw a strange light, so I hurried to get my phone because I thought it was a drone and by the time I put my camera on it was gone, so I stayed there for about 10 min and then that when it appeared and I was able to capture it on video, it's kinda hard to believe.
Guys this is one very interesting catch. A security cam caught this and you could not have seen it with the human eye. How do I know? Because this is inferred night vision and the cam can see IR where the human eye cannot. This is a UFO. Todays tech is growing and evidence of aliens visiting Earth are increasing with technological innovation. A few years more and we will have undeniable proof that aliens visit Earth. Please follow my Youtube channel for more great catches.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
A white orb appeared out of nowhere on my security camera outside my apartment. It looks like it flies right thru one of the vehicles parked in the parking lot & comes out the other side. I was sleeping when it happened & noticed it when I checked the camera the next day. Whatever that was it sure was bizarre.
A Montana congressman said on Saturday night that he had been told an unidentified object was spotted over his district, forcing the temporary closure of airspace - and the search for it would resume at daylight.
Matt Rosendale, a Republican elected in 2020, said he had been briefed by the Department of Defense, while he was at a Lincoln Reagan dinner.
Fighter jets were scrambled and airspace above Havre, a town of 10,000 people, 30 miles south of the Canadian border, was shut at 7:50pm before being reopened about 50 minutes later.
'I'm at an event, a Lincoln Reagan dinner in Columbus, Montana right now,' Rosendale told Fox News.
'And DOD called me as I have been sitting here and started giving me briefings to tell me what was going on.
'I clarified with them that this is actually the fourth balloon, OK.'
Matt Rosendale, a Montana congressman whose district includes Havre, said on Saturday night he had been told the U.S. military was 'going to track the object until it gets light again'
Earlier on Saturday, Justin Trudeau, the Canadian prime minister, confirmed an object had been shot down by U.S. F-22s in Yukon, as part of a joint Canadian-U.S. operation.
Rosendale continued: 'The first we shot down over the Atlantic. One was shot down before it entered into Alaska's airspace. A third was shot down, Trudeau ordered over Canada. So now we're talking about a fourth incident.'
He said he was told the Pentagon would follow the object, but were unable to shoot it down because it was dark.
'DOD told me that they are going to be tracking the object - they can't even say exactly what it is - they are going to track the object until it gets light again,' he said.
'They don't have the ability to put any more eyes on it with aircraft until it's light again.
'And then tomorrow morning we'll be dealing with it.'
NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command, issued a statement shortly after Rosendale's interview and confirmed it was a false alarm.
'With the cooperation of the Federal Aviation Administration, North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) implemented a temporary flight restriction airspace in central Montana on Feb. 11, 2023, to ensure the safety of air traffic in the area during NORAD operations,' the statement said.
'The restriction has been lifted,' it continued. 'NORAD detected a radar anomaly and sent fighter aircraft to investigate. Those aircraft did not identify any object to correlate to the radar hits. NORAD will continue to monitor the situation.'
NORAD said a 'radar anomaly' was seen, but jets 'did not identify any object to correlate to the radar hits.'
Greg Gianforte, the governor of Montana, tweeted that he had been briefed at the White House.
'I received a briefing tonight at the White House about an object in Montana airspace,' he tweeted.
'I will continue to receive regular updates.
'With questions about the Chinese spy balloon still unanswered, the Biden administration must be fully forthcoming with Montanans and all Americans.'
Rosendale's assertion that the object could not be shot down because it was dark was greeted with much mockery online.
One man joked: 'NORCOM to pilots: "Well guys, we're all getting pretty tired here and it's close to quitting time. Let's all just go home, get some shut-eye, and continue this at, let's say, nine-ish."'
Another added: 'We have flashlights maybe.'
'What hours is our military open?' another asked.
'That Montana law that says no objects can be shot down after 5pm really needs to be changed,' said another.
And another remarked: 'Gee I hope no-one ever bombs us at nighttime.'
Trudeauannounced earlier on Saturday that he had requested U.S. and Canadian forces scramble to intercept 'an unidentified object that violated Canadian airspace', and a U.S. F-22 shot it down at 3:41pm Eastern Standard Time.
Canada's defense minister said it was a 'a small cylindrical object' that was not as big as the South Carolina spy balloon.
A NORAD spokesman, Maj. Olivier Gallant, said on Saturday evening the military had determined what it was but would not reveal details.
Two F-22s were dispatched from the U.S. from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Alaska; and two F-18s from Cold Lake Air Base in Alberta, Canada.
Instructions were given that whoever had the first clear shot should shoot it down.
It was shot down with an AIM-9X missile at 3:41pm Eastern Standard Time, and was flying at about 40,000 feet. The missile is described by the manufacturer as 'the most advanced infrared-tracking, short-range, air-to-air and surface-to-air missile in the world.'
The incident came a day after Joe Biden ordered another 'unidentified object' be shot down over Alaska, and a week after a spy balloon which crossed the U.S. was shot down off South Carolina.
Havre, home to 10,000 people in northern Montana, is 30 miles south of the Canadian border
Justin Trudeau, Canada's prime minister, is seen on Tuesday. On Saturday he announced an 'unidentified object' had been shot down over the Yukon
The airport in the tiny village of Mayo, home to 200 people in remote Yukon wilderness, was closed while the operation was taking place.
A senior government source told CBC News that the object crossed into Canadian territory on Saturday morning.
Trudeau tweeted that Canadian teams were now working to recover the debris. The debris was being monitored from a CP-140.
'I ordered the take down of an unidentified object that violated Canadian airspace,' he tweeted on Saturday.
'@NORADCommand shot down the object over the Yukon. Canadian and U.S. aircraft were scrambled, and a U.S. F-22 successfully fired at the object.
Trudeau said that he had been in contact with Biden about the intrusion.
He thanked NORAD - the North American Aerospace Defense Command, based in Colorado Springs, Colorado - for their work with his forces.
'I spoke with President Biden this afternoon. Canadian Forces will now recover and analyze the wreckage of the object,' Trudeau said.
'Thank you to NORAD for keeping the watch over North America.'
The involvement of U.S. jets raised eyebrows among some Canadians, with questions asked as to why Canada itself wasn't able to deal with the situation.
'So it's just confirmed that this 'object' over Canadian airspace was taken out by a U.S. F-22 jet,' tweeted Michael Chong, the shadow foreign minister.
'We do not have the capacity to defend ourselves and our sovereignty. Hard questions need to be asked about the state of the Canadian armed forces.'
Canada's defense minister, Anita Anand, praised the joint operation.
Anita Anand, Canada's defense minister, is seen on Saturday evening at a press conference
She said that she had discussed the incident with US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin 'and reaffirmed that we'll always defend our sovereignty together.'
Anand, asked during a press conference on Saturday evening why a Canadian jet did not shoot it down, said this was 'NORAD doing what it was supposed to do.'
She added: 'We wanted to ensure we had enough assets in the air to ensure a successful mission.'
Asked whether it was from China, she said: 'It would not be prudent to speculate on the origins of this object at this time.
'It's a cylindrical object we are working to analyze the debris to identify the specifics.
'But it appears to be smaller in size than the one that was shot down off the coast of South Carolina.'
She said they are working to confirm further details.
'At this point we can say that it appears to be a cylindrical object, smaller in size than the one shot down over the coast of North Carolina, and further details will be available as we have them.'
A White House source told NBC News on Saturday that the object was closely tracked over last 24 hours, and Biden was continually briefed. He authorized the F-22 activity.
NORAD earlier on Saturday said they were monitoring the balloon.
'We have positively identified a high-altitude airborne object over Northern Canada,' said Major Olivier Gallant, a NORAD spokesperson, in a statement.
'While we cannot discuss specifics related to these activities at this time, please note that NORAD conducts sustained, dispersed operations in the defense of North America through one or all three NORAD regions.'
Earlier Saturday, Canada's Global News has reported that security sources were monitoring 'one or two more objects' that they thought could be spy balloons.
A source told Fox News the earlier unidentified object was discovered 'over Alaska not far from the northern coast'. The object was first spotted north of Anchorage, Fox News' Lucas Tomlinson tweeted.
It comes after sources told CNN the military had developed a method to track spy balloons last year - despite the object, which is said to be the size of a small car, not being picked up on radar until after it was over Alaska.
Officials said it was traveling at an altitude that was potentially harmful for civilian aircrafts, The New York Times reported.
The object was taken down by an F-22 using an A9X missile out of Joint Base Elmendorf–Richardson in Anchorage.
Several officials also said the object shattered into pieces after being struck by the missile, adding to the mystery of what the object truly is.
A US official revealed the pilots who intercepted the object said it had a cylindrical shape and no observable surveillance equipment attached.
The Pentagon has now launched a recovery operation to collect the debris from the surface of the frozen waters off Alaska.
A flight radar shows military aircraft scrambled off the northeast coast of Alaska to search for the debris from the second unidentified object. This comes after the US reportedly developed a system in 2022 to detect spy balloons on a radar
The US began developing a system to detect spy balloons shortly after Biden took office in 2021, after a Chinese spy balloon briefly flew over the US.
They used the balloon's signals to run test to see where other balloons might have popped up in the past.
What they found allowed them to create a consistent technical method to track balloons around the world.
The Chinese 'spy balloon' is pictured being shot down last weekend
They began using the method in 2022 and has not revealed how it was ultimately developed or how signals are detected, according to CNN.
Biden called the second Alaska operation a 'success' when asked by reporters at the White House - but Republicans were quick to ask why the US didn't shoot down the Beijing surveillance balloon earlier.
'So we can shoot down suspicious objects BEFORE they get over our border… Just as I suggested,' Kansas Republican Senator Roger Marshall tweeted Friday afternoon.
Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan, a Republican, said in a Friday press release that he 'appreciated the senior Defense Department officials who briefed me this morning on the sighting of this latest object.
'As I've been doing for the past week, including in a classified briefing with senior Pentagon officials yesterday, I strongly encouraged the NORTHCOM Commander this morning to shoot down this latest unidentified intrusion into Alaska air space,' Sullivan said.
'I commend them for doing so today.
'As I reiterated with senior Defense Department officials yesterday, we need to reestablish deterrence with regard to Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party, which believes they can willfully infiltrate American airspace whenever they want.
'That has to stop. The best way to do this is through the type of actions that we've taken today in Alaska and to publicly reiterate that we will be shooting down any and all unknown aircraft that violate our airspace.
'We also need to appropriately equip our military in Alaska with the sensors and aircraft needed to detect and, if necessary, destroy everything from slow-moving balloons to hypersonic missiles.
'Alaska is the frontline of defense for our nation. The past few weeks have made this even more evident.'
The Pentagon said on Wednesday that four previous Chinese spy balloon flights over the United States passed over sites that would be 'of interest to the Chinese'.
Officials did not elaborate on the paths the balloons took or whether the US sites were military ones.
Brig. Gen. Patrick S. Ryder, Pentagon spokesman, said the United States was aware of the four past flights before it detected the latest Chinese balloon prior to its arrival over Alaska on January 28.
The fighter jets were scrambled from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson near Anchorage on Friday morning to intercept the object near Deadhorse Bay (above) on the northeast coast
A US military fighter jet shot down that balloon off the South Carolina coast, triggering condemnation from China, which claimed it was a civilian air vessel.
China insisted the flyover was an accident involving a civilian aircraft and threatened repercussions.
Biden issued the order but had wanted the balloon downed even earlier, on Wednesday.
He was advised that the best time for the operation would be when it was over water, US officials said.
Military officials determined that bringing it down over land from an altitude of 60,000 feet would pose an undue risk to people on the ground from falling debris.
China responded that it reserved the right to 'take further actions' and criticized the US for 'an obvious overreaction and a serious violation of international practice.'
Another UAP shot down over Canada and unknown object detected on radar flying over Montana
Another UAP shot down over Canada and unknown object detected on radar flying over Montana
Yesterday we reported that a U.S. F-22 fighter jet shot down an unidentified object flying high over Alaska on Friday, February 10, 2023. The object was described as cylindrical, silver gray and no visible propulsion and was reportedly about the size of a small car.
Now one day later, on Saturday another unidentified flying object was detected over northern Canada and confirmed by the North American Aerospace Defense Command after which US and Canadian fighter jets were scrambled and a US F-22 fighter jet shot it down with an AIM 9X missile. The object’s origin and identity is unclear.
Then on Saturday night once again fighter jets were scrambled due to a 'radar anomaly' but the fighter jets failed to locate the new unidentified flying object detected over Montana after military shut down airspace over the 'radar anomaly'.
This means that in 1 week time three high altitude airborne objects were shot down and they failed to locate another unidentified flying object detected on radar.
02-04-2023: Chinese Spy Balloon shot down off the coast of South Carolina
02-10-2023: Airborne object shot down over Alaska, Dead Horse
02-11-2023: Airborne object shot down over Northern Canada near Mayo, Yukon
02-11-2023: Airborne object detected on radar over Montana
As for the airborne objects, till now they refuse to give further information about the origin of the objects. As for the object over Montana, it is quite possible that the object was equipped with a cloaking device.
It will not surprise us that more similar strange incidents will take place in the near future. Are these flying objects a wake-up call for an impending space war?
Canadian North crew reports 2 lights dancing in the sky over Yellowknife
Canadian North crew reports 2 lights dancing in the sky over Yellowknife
“2 UFOs dancing in the sky”
The incident, which occurred on January 29, 2023, has raised questions about the flight ATR 42-500 charter crew’s view of the sky. According to their report, they saw two lights in the sky as they flew over Yellowknife. The incident occurred at around 11:15 pm.
“We’re looking at two lights dancing around here.”
In the audio recording, the crew can be heard telling the Yellowknife air traffic control tower that they were observing two lights “dancing around” in the sky. As they approached the airport, the lights appeared to shift from the east to the northwest of the city. However, the air traffic controller on the ground reported seeing nothing on radar and had no sign of any other objects in the sky.
The incident was reported using the CIRVIS protocols (Communication Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings), which are used by pilots to report sightings of unidentified flying objects or hostile aircraft. According to the incident report, the crew members did not explain why they saw the lights.
The incident took place around the same time a Chinese spy balloon was reportedly drifting across Canada, but it is unclear if the two events are related. The Canadian North incident was tagged in the CADORS database with the labels “weather balloon, meteor, rocket, Cirvus/UFO.” An Air Canada flight over British Columbia filed a similar report just two days later, describing a large balloon with something hanging from it.
Although there is no clear explanation for what the Canadian North crew saw, the report and audio recording have added fuel to the ongoing debate about UFO sightings and their authenticity. Whether it was a weather balloon, meteor, rocket, or UFO, the incident has sparked curiosity and interest among the general public.Full transcript between Canadian North flight 5071 and Yellowknife air traffic control is available in the video below!
Archaeologists Discover 3 Million-Year-Old Tools From an Unexpected Human Relative
Archaeologists Discover 3 Million-Year-Old Tools From an Unexpected Human Relative
Paul Seaburn
When asked what one thing sets humans apart from even the smartest and most advanced animals, most people (leaving a religious argument aside) would say that our use of tools best shows our advantage over animals. While there are a few examples of chimps and birds using rudimentary tools for simple tasks, our ability is so advanced, we even fashion clothing to wear our tools wherever we go – flouting our intelligence and manual dexterity to passing creatures. Unfortunately, our tool-based dominion over all other creatures has been called into question … and it looks like we were not the only species to learn how to use tools. In fact, we probably weren’t the first either.
Archaeologists in Kenya have uncovered stone tools dating back around 2.9 million years … and the users of those tools were not ancestors of Homo sapiens. Even more ego-deflating – the tools were found in a primitive tool-making factory where these hominids used tools to make better tools for others. Does this change everything? Are the animals gloating?
“Oldowan tools, consisting of stones with one to a few flakes removed, are the oldest widespread and temporally persistent hominin tools. The oldest of these were previously known from around 2.6 million years ago in Ethiopia, and by 2 million years ago, they were found to be quite widespread.”
In a new paper published in the journal Science, Tom Plummer, a paleoanthropologist at Queens College and lead author, explains how Oldowan tools – named for the site of Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, where in the 1930s archaeologist Louis Leakey found the first of these tools – have been thought to date back 2.6 million years and were linked to early hominins of the Homo genus that are related to or are direct ancestors of modern homo sapiens. The earliest known stone tools date to 3.3 million years old and were found at site Lomekwi 3 in Kenya, but those were primitive compared to Oldowan tools. However, they were also attribute to human ancestors. While how tools developed is a mystery, the idea that ancient humans of the homo genus invented them has remained a constant.
Carved Oldowan tool
That is, until paleoanthropologist Emma Finestone, from the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, helped excavate an ancient hippo skeleton at a dig site in Nyayanga, Kenya. The skeleton and other bones at the site showed signs of butchering - cutmarks from tools – and the diggers soon found stone blades used to cut meat and plants. Since the site was dated to about 2.8 million years ago, the archeologists expected to find remains of the butchers – and they did. However, these were not the butchers they were looking for.
“When we found the Paranthropus molar, it got really, really exciting.”
What Firestone and the team uncovered was the tooth of a member of the extinct hominin genus Paranthropus, which is believed to contain two species: P. robustus and P. boisei. (Photos of the tooth and the tools can be seen here.)
Fossil hippo skeleton and stone tools are shown in July 2016 at the Nyayanga site in Kenya.
Paranthropus skulls found before were large, with gorilla-like features in the jaw area suggesting they had strong chewing muscles, and wide teeth which were used for grinding. Also, other characteristics indicated Paranthropus like soft foods, so paleontologists assumed they didn’t need tools for killing, butchering or eating animals. That was supported by the assumption that Paranthropus was more apelike than human and did not possess the mental ability to make and use stone tools. That molar under the hippo skeleton upended all of those previous assumptions.
“They are not newbies—they have bashed rocks together before. This hints at an earlier stem to the Oldowan.”
Peter Ditchfield, a geologist at the University of Oxford who helped date the fossils, says in the press release that there is more to find … this site shows that the owner of the molar was already skilled at knapping – using one stone to chip off flakes from another to make it sharp for cutting and stabbing. The earliest known human ancestor with this ability to make Oldowan tools is Homo habilis. Make that “was.”
“Typically, it’s thought that the smaller-toothed Homo would have benefited from making stone tools that assisted in processing food outside of the mouth, whereas Paranthropus was typified by processing its food entirely with its teeth, using its large chewing muscles. When our team determined the age of the Nyayanga evidence, the perpetrator of the tools became a ‘whodunnit’ in my mind. There are several possibilities, and except for fossilized hand bones wrapped around a stone tool, the originator of the early Oldowan may be an unknown for a long time.”
Study coauthor Rick Potts, a paleoanthropologist at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC, tells CNN that the first ancient hominin to invent tools is a mystery once more. He also marvels and the sophisticated ability of the Paranthropus based on the remains and artifacts found at Nyayanga. He compared the sharp stone flakes to lion’s teeth, and the large hammerstones to the grinding molars of elephants. This indicates these Paranthropus members could obtain a variety of plants and animals to eat, and the tools showed that they were skilled in preparing them.
“(The tool kit was) the first simple food-processor.”
While the stone tools showed that Paranthropus were experienced chefs, the tools would have been ineffective for hunting. Since none of the bones showed signs of hunting, the paleontologists conclude that these ancient human relatives butchered hippos that were already dead. That still would have made them alpha hominins of their time – those large amounts of protein and fat gave them stronger bodies and fed the development of bigger brains.
If Paranthropus were so smart, why didn’t they become the dominant species instead of Homo? The evolution of Paranthropus is still not scientifically agreed upon. Some researchers think P. aethiopicus appeared 3.3 million years ago on the Kenyan floodplains of the time. Other debate whether Paranthropus and Homo split as they evolved from Australopithecus. If that happened, it is possible that climate change - a drying period 2.8–2.5 million years ago in the Great Rift Valley – caused Homo to move to the open savanna areas while Paranthropus went to the forests, which were dying off from the drought. Even with their tools for providing a variety of foods, the drought made them unavailable and Paranthropus went extinct. While that makes sense, it is not accepted by all scientists.
A depiction of Australopithecus
Archaeologist Sonia Harmand of Stony Brook University, who was not part of the study, proposes one more controversial theory:
“We’re starting to see … lots of different species around that could have been able to make stone tools. I like the idea that they might have learned directly from each other.”
Could Paranthropus have learned how to make and use tools from the species of Homo and Australopithecus which lived in Kenya at the same time? If ancients human could learn to share and play well together, why can’t we?
Arctic Ocean recovery begins for cylindrical 'high-altitude' unidentified object 'with no observable surveillance equipment' shot down over Alaska by Sidewinder missile: Pentagon admits it doesn't know who the mystery object the size of a car belongs to
Arctic Ocean recovery begins for cylindrical 'high-altitude' unidentified object 'with no observable surveillance equipment' shot down over Alaska by Sidewinder missile: Pentagon admits it doesn't know who the mystery object the size of a car belongs to
Biden ordered the Pentagon to shoot down the unidentified object on Friday
Sidewinder missiles fired from an F-22 downed object near Deadhorse, Alaska
Military 'successfully shot down the object over US territorial waters,' which are currently frozen
The Pentagon and White House have admitted they don't know who owns or operates the unidentified object that was shot down off the coast of Alaska by an F-22 on Friday - just a week after the Chinese spy balloon was taken out.
President Biden ordered the Pentagon to down the unmanned airship, which was 40,000ft over the Arctic Ocean, in the second major military operation in less than seven days.
The fighter jets were scrambled from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson near Anchorage on Friday morning to intercept the object - which was the 'size of a small car' - near Deadhorse Bay on the northeast coast.
National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said it posed a threat to civilian aircraft, but conceded the military was still investigating where it came from and who it belonged to.
A U.S official revealed the pilots who intercepted the object said it had a cylindrical shape and no observable surveillance equipment attached.
The Pentagon has now launched a recovery operation to collect the debris from the surface of the frozen waters off Alaska.
Biden called the second operation a 'success' when asked by reporters at the White House - but Republicans were quick to ask why the US didn't shoot down the Beijing surveillance balloon earlier.
National Security Council spokesman John Kirby confirmed Friday that there was an object flying over Alaska airspace and President Joe Biden ordered it shot down
President Biden ordered the Pentagon to down the unmanned airship that was 40,000ft over the Arctic Ocean in the second major military operation in less than seven days
'So we can shoot down suspicious objects BEFORE they get over our border… Just as I suggested,' Kansas Republican Senator Roger Marshall tweeted Friday afternoon.
Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan, a Republican, said in a Friday press release that he 'appreciated the senior Defense Department officials who briefed me this morning on the sighting of this latest object.
'As I've been doing for the past week, including in a classified briefing with senior Pentagon officials yesterday, I strongly encouraged the NORTHCOM Commander this morning to shoot down this latest unidentified intrusion into Alaska air space,' Sullivan said. 'I commend them for doing so today.
'As I reiterated with senior Defense Department officials yesterday, we need to reestablish deterrence with regard to Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party, which believes they can willfully infiltrate American airspace whenever they want.
'That has to stop. The best way to do this is through the type of actions that we've taken today in Alaska and to publicly reiterate that we will be shooting down any and all unknown aircraft that violate our airspace.
'We also need to appropriately equip our military in Alaska with the sensors and aircraft needed to detect and, if necessary, destroy everything from slow-moving balloons to hypersonic missiles.
'Alaska is the frontline of defense for our nation. The past few weeks have made this even more evident.'
National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said at Friday's briefing: 'So, I can confirm that the Department of Defense was tracking a high-altitude object over Alaska airspace in the last 24 hours.
'The object was flying at 40,000 feet and posed a reasonable threat to the safety of civilian flight.'
A flight radar shows military aircraft scrambled off the northeast coast of Alaska to search for the debris from the second unidentified object
Kirby said that 'out of an abundance of caution and at the recommendation of the Pentagon, President Biden ordered the military to down the object and they did, and it came inside our territorial waters.'
He said US authorities do not know if the object was 'state-owned' and described it as 'much, much smaller' than the Chinese spy balloon shot down Saturday.
Kirby said it was 'roughly the size of a small car' and had no significant payload.
'I am not classifying it as a balloon right now,' he also said.
Originally discovered on Thursday, Biden ordered to shoot it down on Friday morning, after military pilots determined the object was unmanned.
A pair of F-22 fighter jets were sent to monitor the object near the northeastern corner of Alaska, close to the Canadian border and over the Beaufort Sea. One of the pilots launched a single AIM-9X Sidewinder missile, which brought the object down to the frozen waters of the Arctic Ocean but inside US territory.
The Federal Aviation Administration put in place temporary flight restrictions near the town of Deadhorse, Alaska.
The latest military action comes after much of last week was devoted to Biden's handling of a Chinese spy balloon, which was spotted in Montana and then drifted all the way to South Carolina's coastline, before the Air Force sent an F-22 to take it down on Saturday.
The fighter jets were scrambled from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson near Anchorage on Friday morning to intercept the object near Deadhorse Bay (above) on the northeast coast
An AIM-9M Sidewinder was used to bring down the Chinese spy balloon off the coast of North Carolina as well as the 'unidentified object' over Alaska on Friday (file photo)
Biden insisted that he gave the order to shoot down the balloon on Wednesday, but listened to Defense Department officials' advice to wait until it was over water, because it was so large.
The Pentagon described that balloon as being 200 feet tall, weighing thousands of pounds and with a payload the size of a jetliner.
The delay opened him up to political attacks from Republicans, who demanded that the Chinese spy balloon be shot down immediately.
The president, speaking to Noticias Telemundo's Julio Vaqueiro Thursday in Tampa, said it was 'not a major breach' for the balloon to fly almost the entire length of the US.
The State Department determined that the balloon was part of Beijing's vast surveillance network.
It had multiple antennas that were likely capable of collecting and geo-locating communications.
It flew over military bases housing U.S. missiles.
'It's totally... it's a violation of international law. It's our airspace. And once it comes into our space, we can do what we want with it,' Biden said in the same interview.
Just happened: US shot down cylindrical UFO off Alaska Coast
Just happened: US shot down cylindrical UFO off Alaska Coast
According to reports, a U.S. F-22 fighter jet shot down an unidentified object flying high over Alaska on February 10th, 2023. The object was described as cylindrical, silver gray and no propulsion and was reportedly about the size of a small car. It was flying at approximately 40,000 feet and was determined to be unoccupied.
The Pentagon and the White House declined to give a detailed description of the object and U.S. officials declined to speculate about its origin. A significant amount of debris was recovered and is being taken to labs for analysis.
In the video below, Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder talks about the "'high-altitude airborne object'" shot down by the US military off the coast of Alaska on Feb. 10. 2023. Ryder said: " The object above Alaska wasn't an aircraft per se."
Well, there we go again, they shot down a unidentified flying object the size of a car by well trained pilots who clearly observed the object and determined that it was unoccupied, they recovered a significant amount of debris debris of the object in no time, but they refuse to give a detailed description of the object, only that it wasn't an aircraft.
This unidentified flying object has all the hallmarks of a UFO. The fact that no further information on the object's identity or origin has been made publicly available points to a cover-up.
UFO Sightings Video: UAP’s Harnessing Energy from Electrical Storms over Austin, Texas
UFO Sightings Video: UAP’s Harnessing Energy from Electrical Storms over Austin, Texas
UFO sighting over Austin, Texas
A recent UFO sighting in Austin, Texas on May 5th, 2022, has sparked new theories about extraterrestrial life and their interaction with Earth’s natural phenomena. A witness captured two UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) on video while filming a time-lapse of a storm over the Austin airport. The witness noticed two objects on the video that were not visible to the naked eye at the time of filming, leading to the theory that they were cloaked.
One of the objects was flying directly into the electrical storm, and it was only visible on the video, which the witness assumes was due to the object being cloaked. The other object was stationary and pulsated to the rhythm of the lightning storm, increasing its brightness as if it was harnessing the energy from the lightning. The witness ended the video with the other object flying towards the stationary object.
UFO sighting witness report
This sighting has sparked new theories about UAPs and their relationship with Earth’s natural phenomena. Some UFO experts believe that UAPs are using the energy from natural events, such as lightning storms, to fuel their ships. The witness’s video shows a picture of a lightning strike on one of the objects, which could indicate that the object has a force field, further strengthening the theory that UAPs are technologically advanced beings.
However, despite the compelling evidence, many people remain skeptical of the witness’s claims. Skeptics argue that the video could be fake, or that the objects captured in the video are some sort of natural phenomenon.
In conclusion, the recent UFO sighting in Austin, Texas, has sparked new debates and theories about UAPs and their interaction with Earth’s natural phenomena. Although the evidence is compelling, more research is needed to determine the truth behind this and other UFO sightings.
Mystery Object Shot Down Over Alaska: US Military Confirms Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon
Mystery Object Shot Down Over Alaska: US Military Confirms Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon
F22 shots down UAP
According to a statement released by the White House, the US military was able to take down an unidentified object flying over Alaska. The object, which was the size of a small car, was targeted by an F-22 Raptor fighter jet It was brought down using a missile. Although the exact nature of the object and its origin are not known, a salvage effort is currently under way to retrieve its debris.
The US military was alerted to a possible threat to air traffic after a small plane was spotted flying at an altitude of around 40,000 feet, which is about the same as that of a commercial airliner. The object, which was described as a silver-colored orcylindrical plane, did not seem to have propulsion.
This recent UFO sighting and subsequent action by the US military follows the recent shooting down of a suspected Chinese spy balloon off the coast of South Carolina. The US has blacklisted six Chinese companies for their involvement in Beijing’s military modernization efforts and aerospace programs, stating that China’s use of high-altitude balloons poses a threat to US national security.
The downing of these two unidentified objects has raised questions about the militarization of space and the threat of new conflicts in the edge of space. As countries scramble to maintain a strategic advantage in this new frontier, it is important to understand the nature and origin of these objects, as well as the motivations behind their presence. The recent salvage efforts, particularly of the Chinese balloon, will provide valuable information in helping to answer these questions.
REVEALED: Dramatic Top-Secret UFO Sightings That Are Classified
For all the skeptics out there, the NASA, just announced 16 people who will study UFO’s to see what’s natural and what isn’t. Using unclassified data, the team will "lay the groundwork for future study" of UFOs by examining how the data is gathered by the public, local government and other sources. remember the famous tic-tac UFO that the United States government released in 2020? Well, it’s time to move over it, because we have a, wait for it, rubber duck UFO.
The Biggest Military UFO Cover-Up Exposed | Aliens Are Living Amongst Us
The Biggest Military UFO Cover-Up Exposed | Aliens Are Living Amongst Us. A rancher named William Brazel, woke up for a normal day's work in New Mexico, 75 miles north of Roswell, when he made a shocking discovery. There has been another Roswell incident that has been successfully buried by the government before the media could blow it up. And this incident does not just concern a UFO, but also an alien, that tried to run away. Aliens Are Living Amongst Us and The Military UFO Cover-Up That Involved An Entire Town.
UFO Chronicles - What The President Doesn't Know about Aliens and UFOs
Top 4 UFO Sightings AROUND THE WORLD! | The Proof Is Out There
These 4 UFO Sightings will blow your mind, in this compilation from The Proof Is Out There.
Exploring the Mysteries of the Welsh Skies: Collection of 400+ UFO Newspaper Articles
Exploring the Mysteries of the Welsh Skies: Collection of 400+ UFO Newspaper Articles
1977 West Wales UFO Landing
For many years now, the topic of UFO encounters and sightings has been a controversial one. Following the Roswell incident, various theories and speculations have been presented regarding the nature of the object. Isaac Koi has been digitalizing and collecting old newspapers articles and maganizes about this subject for many years and is dedicated to reporting on all of these occurrences in his blog (link).
Isaac has collected newspaper articles about UFOs from Wales from 1954 to 2013. He has meticulously gathered more than 400 cuttings from Welsh newspapers, preserving them for future generations to study and analyze. This is a remarkable feat, and it speaks to Isaac’s passion for the subject and his commitment to documenting the history of UFO sightings and encounters.
Flying Cigar UFO sighting, 1963
The collection of Welsh UFO articles is available for anyone to view as a pdf at this link, provided by Isaac. This is a valuable resource for researchers, journalists, and anyone interested in the history of UFO sightings in Wales. The articles range from reported sightings and encounters to discussions of government policies on the subject, providing a unique and fascinating look into the public’s perception of UFO sightings over the years.
Isaac’s collection of Welsh UFO articles is not only a testament to his passion and dedication but also a valuable resource for anyone interested in the subject. It provides a glimpse into the history of UFO sightings in Wales and offers insights into how the public has perceived and responded to these events over the years. So if you’re interested in learning more about the history of UFO sightings and encounters, be sure to check out Isaac’s collection of Welsh UFO articles.
Wavelengths of light from three space observatories are overlapped to provide a unique view of the Sun in the image at left. The high-energy X-ray light detected by one of those observatories, NASA’s NuSTAR, is seen isolated at right; a grid was added to indicate the Sun’s surface.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/JAXA
Some of the hottest spots in the Sun’s atmosphere appear in the telescope’s X-ray view.
Even on a sunny day, human eyes can’t see all the light our nearest star gives off. A new image displays some of this hidden light, including the high-energy X-rays emitted by the hottest material in the Sun’s atmosphere, as observed by NASA’s Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR). While the observatory typically studies objects outside our solar system – like massive black holes and collapsed stars – it has also provided astronomers with insights about ourSun.
In the composite image above (left), NuSTAR data is represented as blue and is overlaid with observations by the X-ray Telescope (XRT) on the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency’s Hinode mission, represented as green, and the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), represented as red. NuSTAR’s relatively small field of view means it can’t see the entire Sun from its position in Earth orbit, so the observatory’s view of the Sun is actually a mosaic of 25 images, taken in June 2022.
The high-energy X-rays observed by NuSTAR appear at only a few locations in the Sun’s atmosphere. By contrast, Hinode’s XRT detects low-energy X-rays, and SDO’s AIA detects ultraviolet light – wavelengths that are emitted across the entire face of the Sun.
The Sun appears different depending on who’s looking. From left, NASA’s NuSTAR sees high-energy X-rays; the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency’s Hinode mission sees lower energy X-rays; and NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory sees ultraviolet light.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/JAXA
NuSTAR’s view could help scientists solve one of the biggest mysteries about our nearest star: why the Sun’s outer atmosphere, called the corona, reaches more than a million degrees – at least 100 times hotter than its surface. This has puzzled scientists because the Sun’s heat originates in its core and travels outward. It’s as if the air around a fire were 100 times hotter than the flames.
The source of the corona’s heat could be small eruptions in the Sun’s atmosphere called nanoflares. Flares are large outbursts of heat, light, and particles visible to a wide range of solar observatories. Nanoflares are much smaller events, but both types produce material even hotter than the average temperature of the corona. Regular flares don’t happen often enough to keep the corona at the high temperatures scientists observe, but nanoflares may occur much more frequently – perhaps often enough that they collectively heat the corona.
Although individual nanoflares are too faint to observe amid the Sun’s blazing light, NuSTAR can detect light from the high-temperature material thought to be produced when a large number of nanoflares occur close to one another. This ability enables physicists to investigate how frequently nanoflares occur and how they release energy.
The observations used in these images coincided with the 12th close approach to the Sun, or perihelion, by NASA’s Parker Solar Probe, which is flying closer to the our star than any other spacecraft in history. Taking observations with NuSTAR during one of Parker’s perihelion passes enables scientists to link activity observed remotely in the Sun’s atmosphere with the direct samples of the solar environment taken by the probe.
More About the Mission
NuSTAR launched on June 13, 2012. A Small Explorer mission led by Caltech in Pasadena, California, and managed by JPL for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington, it was developed in partnership with the Danish Technical University (DTU) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI). The telescope optics were built by Columbia University, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and DTU. The spacecraft was built by Orbital Sciences Corp. in Dulles, Virginia. NuSTAR’s mission operations center is at the University of California, Berkeley, and the official data archive is at NASA’s High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center. ASI provides the mission’s ground station and a mirror data archive. Caltech manages JPL for NASA.
NASA’s Curiosity Finds Surprise Clues to Mars’ Watery Past
NASA’s Curiosity Finds Surprise Clues to Mars’ Watery Past
NASA’s Curiosity used its Mastcam to capture this 360-degree panorama of “Marker Band Valley” on Dec. 16, 2022, the 3,684th Martian day, or sol, of the mission. Rippled rock textures found in this area are the clearest evidence the rover has seen of water and waves from Mars’ ancient past.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
Among other discoveries made by the rover, rippled rock textures suggest lakes existed in a region of ancient Mars that scientists expected to be drier.
When NASA’s Curiosity rover arrived at the “sulfate-bearing unit” last fall, scientists thought they’d seen the last evidence that lakes once covered this region of Mars. That’s because the rock layers here formed in drier settings than regions explored earlier in the mission. The area’s sulfates – salty minerals – are thought to have been left behind when water was drying to a trickle.
So Curiosity’s team was surprised to discover the mission’s clearest evidence yet of ancient water ripples that formed within lakes. Billions of years ago, waves on the surface of a shallow lake stirred up sediment at the lake bottom, over time creating rippled textures left in rock
NASA’s Curiosity rover recently found surprising clues to Mars’ watery past, including while exploring a region called the “Marker Band.”
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
“This is the best evidence of water and waves that we’ve seen in the entire mission,” said Ashwin Vasavada, Curiosity’s project scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. “We climbed through thousands of feet of lake deposits and never saw evidence like this – and now we found it in a place we expected to be dry.”
Layers of History
Since 2014, the rover has been ascending the foothills of Mount Sharp, a 3-mile-tall (5-kilometer-tall) mountain that was once laced with lakes and streams that would have provided a rich environment for microbial life, if any ever formed on the Red Planet.
Billions of years ago, waves on the surface of a shallow lake stirred up sediment at the lake bottom. Over time, the sediment formed into rocks with rippled textures that are the clearest evidence of waves and water that NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover has ever found.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
Mount Sharp is made up of layers, with the oldest at the bottom of the mountain and the youngest at the top. As the rover ascends, it progresses along a Martian timeline, allowing scientists to study how Mars evolved from a planet that was more Earth-like in its ancient past, with a warmer climate and plentiful water, to the freezing desert it is today.
Having climbed nearly a half-mile above the mountain’s base, Curiosity has found these rippled rock textures preserved in what’s nicknamed the “Marker Band” – a thin layer of dark rock that stands out from the rest of Mount Sharp. This rock layer is so hard that Curiosity hasn’t been able to drill a sample from it despite several attempts. It’s not the first time Mars has been unwilling to share a sample: Lower down the mountain, on “Vera Rubin Ridge,” Curiosity had to try three times before finding a spot soft enough to drill.
Scientists will be looking for softer rock in the week ahead. But even if they never get a sample from this unusual strip of rock, there are other sites they’re eager to explore.
At the bottom of this valley, called Gediz Vallis, is a mound of boulders and debris that are believed to have been swept there by wet landslides billions of years ago. The rover team hopes to get a closer look at this evidence for flowing water, which is likely the youngest Curiosity will ever find. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
Martian Clues
Far ahead of the Marker Band, scientists can see another clue to the history of Mars’ ancient water in a valley named Gediz Vallis. Wind carved the valley, but a channel running through it that starts higher up on Mount Sharp is thought to have been eroded by a small river. Scientists suspect wet landslides also occurred here, sending car-size boulders and debris to the bottom of the valley.
Because the resulting debris pile sits on top of all the other layers in the valley, it’s clearly one of the youngest features on Mount Sharp. Curiosity got a glimpse of this debris at Gediz Vallis Ridge twice last year but could only survey it from a distance. The rover team hopes to have another chance to view it later this year.
One more clue within the Marker Band that has fascinated the team is an unusual rock texture likely caused by some sort of regular cycle in the weather or climate, such as dust storms. Not far from the rippled textures are rocks made of layers that are regular in their spacing and thickness. This kind of rhythmic pattern in rock layers on Earth often stems from atmospheric events happening at periodic intervals. It’s possible the rhythmic patterns in these Martian rocks resulted from similar events, hinting at changes in the Red Planet’s ancient climate.
“The wave ripples, debris flows, and rhythmic layers all tell us that the story of wet-to-dry on Mars wasn’t simple,” Vasavada said. “Mars’ ancient climate had a wonderful complexity to it, much like Earth’s.”
Curiosity used its ChemCam instrument to view Gediz Vallis Ridge, spotting boulders that are thought to have been washed down in an ancient debris flow. One reason scientists are interested in this ridge is because it includes boulders like these, which originated much higher up on Mount Sharp, where Curiosity won’t be able to reach. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/LANL/CNES/CNRS/IRAP/IAS/LPG
More About the Mission
The Curiosity mission is led by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which is managed by Caltech in Pasadena, California. JPL leads the mission on behalf of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Malin Space Science Systems in San Diego built and operates Mastcam.
The mystery object was about the size of a small car, U.S. officials said.
An F-22 fighter jet in flight off the coast of Virginia in December 2022. A fighter jet took out a small, mysterious object off the coast of Alaska on Feb. 10, 2023, according to Pentagon officials.
(Image credit: U.S. Department of Defense)
For the second time in less than a week, the U.S. military has blasted an intruder out of the nation's skies.
A fighter jet took out a mysterious object just off the coast of northern Alaska at 1:45 p.m. EST (1845 GMT) on Friday (Feb. 10), Department of Defense officials said.
"The object was flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet [12,000 meters] and posed a reasonable threat to the safety of civilian flight," Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder said during a press briefing on Friday.
Friday's high-altitude action comes just six days after an F-22 fighter jet shot down a Chinese spy balloon with a Sidewinder missile off the South Carolina coast. But there may not be a connection between the two downed objects.
The Chinese spy balloon was huge; its inflated envelope was about 200 feet (60 meters) tall, and the (presumably instrument-studded) truss structure that hung beneath it was the size of several school buses.
The object that was shot down over Alaska on Friday was "about the size of a small car, so, not similar in size or shape to the high-altitude surveillance balloon that was taken down off the coast of South Carolina on February 4," Ryder said.
Ground-based radar detected the Alaska intruder on Thursday (Feb. 9), he added. Fighter jets subsequently investigated, confirming the object's presence and altitude. U.S. President Joe Biden ordered the object to be taken out, and the military did so quickly.
"We have no further details about the object at this time, including a description of its capabilities, purpose or origin," Ryder said.
Sailors assigned to Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group 2 recover a high-altitude surveillance balloon off the coast of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, on Feb. 5, 2023. £(Image credit: U.S. Navy Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Tyler Thompson)
Teams have already begun searching for pieces of the destroyed Alaska object, Ryder added. He also gave an update about similar efforts with the Chinese balloon debris, which landed just 6 miles (10 kilometers) offshore in water about 47 feet (14 m) deep.
"Recovery teams have mapped the debris field and are in the process of searching for and identifying debris on the ocean floor," Ryder said, referring to pieces of the Chinese balloon. "Debris that's been recovered so far is being loaded onto vessels, taken ashore, cataloged and then moved onwards to labs for subsequent analysis."
Those teams, he added, "have located a significant amount of debris so far that will prove helpful to our further understanding of this balloon and its surveillance capabilities."
Mike Wall is the author of "Out There(opens in new tab)" (Grand Central Publishing, 2018; illustrated by Karl Tate), a book about the search for alien life. Follow him on Twitter @michaeldwall(opens in new tab). Follow us @Spacedotcom(opens in new tab), or on Facebook(opens in new tab) and Instagram(opens in new tab).
Amper enkele dagen na de Chinese "spionageballon": Verenigde Staten schieten boven Alaska opnieuw "hoogvliegend voorwerp" neer
Amper enkele dagen na de Chinese "spionageballon": Verenigde Staten schieten boven Alaska opnieuw "hoogvliegend voorwerp" neer
De Verenigde Staten hebben boven de westelijke staat Alaska een "hoogvliegend voorwerp" neergeschoten. Dat laat het Witte Huis weten. Volgens woordvoerder John Kirby had het voorwerp de grootte van "een kleine auto", en vloog het over dunbevolkt gebied.
Rik Arnoudt, Belga
President Joe Biden besliste het voorwerp, waarvan de oorsprong onbekend is, neer te laten schieten.
Nog maar enkele dagen geleden schoot Washington een Chinese ballon neer die, volgens de VS, gebruikt werd om te spioneren.
Volgens John Kirby is de oppervlakte waar de brokstukken van het object zijn gevallen veel kleiner dan die van de Chinese ballon die de Amerikanen vorige week hebben neergehaald. Een gevechtspiloot heeft vastgesteld dat het vliegend object niet bemand was, vóór hij het heeft neergeschoten.
Voorlopig is het nog onduidelijk over welk soort vliegend object het gaat en of het toestel bedoeld was om te spioneren. Anders dan de vorige week neergeschoten ballon lijkt dit voorwerp geen aandrijving of besturing te hebben. Volgens het Amerikaanse ministerie van Defensie dreef het af in noordoostelijke richting.
Woordvoerder John Kirby: "Het voorwerp vormde een gevaar voor de veiligheid van de burgerluchtvaart":
Metal robot can melt its way out of tight spaces to escape
Metal robot can melt its way out of tight spaces to escape
A millimetre-sized robot made from a mix of liquid metal and microscopic magnetic pieces can stretch, move or melt. It could be used to fix electronics or remove objects from the body
A miniature, shape-shifting robot can liquefy itself and reform, allowing it to complete tasks in hard-to-access places and even escape cages. It could eventually be used as a hands-free soldering machine or a tool for extracting swallowed toxic items.
Robots that are soft and malleable enough to work in narrow, delicate spaces like those in the human body already exist, but they can’t make themselves sturdier and stronger when under pressure or when they must carry something heavier than themselves. Carmel Majidi at Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania and his colleagues created a robot that can not only shape-shift but also become stronger or weaker by alternating between being a liquid and a solid.
They made the millimetre-sized robot from a mix of the liquid metal gallium and microscopic pieces of a magnetic material made of neodymium, iron and boron. When solid, the material was strong enough to support an object 30 times its own mass. To make it soften, stretch, move or melt into a crawling puddle as needed for different tasks, the researchers put it near magnets. The magnets’ customised magnetic fields exerted forces on the tiny magnetic pieces in the robot, moving them and deforming the surrounding metal in different directions.
For instance, the team stretched a robot by applying a magnetic field that pulled these granules in multiple directions. The researchers also used a stronger field to yank the particles upwards, making the robot jump. When Majidi and his colleagues used an alternating magnetic field – one whose shape changes predictably over time – electrons in the robot’s liquid metal formed electric currents. The coursing of these currents through the robot’s body heated it up and eventually made it melt.
“No other material I know of is this good at changing its stiffness this much,” says Majidi.
Wang and Pan et al.
Exploiting this flexibility, the team made two robots carry and solder a small light bulb onto a circuit board. When they reached their target, the robots simply melted over the light bulb’s edges to fuse it to the board. Electricity could then run through their liquid metal bodies and light the light bulb.
In an experiment inside an artificial stomach, the researchers applied another set of magnetic fields to make the robot approach an object, melt over it and drag it out. Finally, they shaped the robot like a Lego minifigure, then helped it escape from a cage by liquefying it and making it flow out between the bars. Once the robot puddle dribbled into a mould, it set back into its original, solid shape.
Wang and Pan et al.
These melty robots could be used for emergency fixes in situations where human or traditional robotic hands become impractical, says Li Zhang at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. For example, a liquefied robot might replace a lost screw on a spacecraft by flowing into its place and then solidifying, he says. However, to use them inside living stomachs, researchers must first develop methods for precisely tracking the position of the robot at every step of the procedure to ensure the safety of the patient, says Zhang.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Metal robot can melt its way out of tight spaces to escape
Metal robot can melt its way out of tight spaces to escape
A millimetre-sized robot made from a mix of liquid metal and microscopic magnetic pieces can stretch, move or melt. It could be used to fix electronics or remove objects from the body
A miniature, shape-shifting robot can liquefy itself and reform, allowing it to complete tasks in hard-to-access places and even escape cages. It could eventually be used as a hands-free soldering machine or a tool for extracting swallowed toxic items.
Robots that are soft and malleable enough to work in narrow, delicate spaces like those in the human body already exist, but they can’t make themselves sturdier and stronger when under pressure or when they must carry something heavier than themselves. Carmel Majidi at Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania and his colleagues created a robot that can not only shape-shift but also become stronger or weaker by alternating between being a liquid and a solid.
They made the millimetre-sized robot from a mix of the liquid metal gallium and microscopic pieces of a magnetic material made of neodymium, iron and boron. When solid, the material was strong enough to support an object 30 times its own mass. To make it soften, stretch, move or melt into a crawling puddle as needed for different tasks, the researchers put it near magnets. The magnets’ customised magnetic fields exerted forces on the tiny magnetic pieces in the robot, moving them and deforming the surrounding metal in different directions.
For instance, the team stretched a robot by applying a magnetic field that pulled these granules in multiple directions. The researchers also used a stronger field to yank the particles upwards, making the robot jump. When Majidi and his colleagues used an alternating magnetic field – one whose shape changes predictably over time – electrons in the robot’s liquid metal formed electric currents. The coursing of these currents through the robot’s body heated it up and eventually made it melt.
“No other material I know of is this good at changing its stiffness this much,” says Majidi.
Wang and Pan et al.
Exploiting this flexibility, the team made two robots carry and solder a small light bulb onto a circuit board. When they reached their target, the robots simply melted over the light bulb’s edges to fuse it to the board. Electricity could then run through their liquid metal bodies and light the light bulb.
In an experiment inside an artificial stomach, the researchers applied another set of magnetic fields to make the robot approach an object, melt over it and drag it out. Finally, they shaped the robot like a Lego minifigure, then helped it escape from a cage by liquefying it and making it flow out between the bars. Once the robot puddle dribbled into a mould, it set back into its original, solid shape.
Wang and Pan et al.
These melty robots could be used for emergency fixes in situations where human or traditional robotic hands become impractical, says Li Zhang at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. For example, a liquefied robot might replace a lost screw on a spacecraft by flowing into its place and then solidifying, he says. However, to use them inside living stomachs, researchers must first develop methods for precisely tracking the position of the robot at every step of the procedure to ensure the safety of the patient, says Zhang.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
James Webb pierces the cold heart of the Chameleon
James Webb pierces the cold heart of the Chameleon
By observing distant stars through a star-forming cloud of gas and dust, Webb is helping astronomers map out the complex chemicals that could form life.
NASA, ESA, CSA, and M. Zamani (ESA/Webb); Science: F. Sun (Steward Observatory), Z. Smith (Open University), and the Ice Age ERS Team.
Stars form when massive clouds of cold gas and dust fragment, condense, and collapse. As the density in a small part of the cloud grows high enough, the pressure skyrockets until it ignites the fusion process that forms the fiery heart of a new star.
As the nascent star grows, it becomes encircled by a protoplanetary disk made of the same material that formed the star. This disk is what eventually gives birth to the planets, asteroids, and comets around the new sun.
This gorgeous new image from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) features the molecular cloud Chameleon I, one of the nearest star-forming regions to Earth, located just 626 light-years away. At upper left is a young protostar called Ced 110 IRS 4, whose light illuminates the dense, bluish cloud at the infrared wavelengths Webb observes. Just visible through the cloud at center are several small, pointlike background stars, mostly obscured by the cold material. But these stars are the cornerstone of a new study, which used JWST to decode the chemical composition of ices within Chameleon I.
Here's how the study worked: As starlight from those background stars filters through the cloud, some of that light gets absorbed by ices. By splitting apart the light that makes it through the cloud — using a technique called spectroscopy — astronomers can look at which specific wavelengths are absorbed. This lets them determine which atoms are responsible for absorbing each specific wavelength.
In the case of Chameleon I, they identified ices inside the cloud such as water, carbonyl sulfide, ammonia, methane, and methanol. Researchers also found hints of even more complex molecules, such as ethanol.
Webb's new view of the Chameleon is the most comprehensive look at ices within such a dense molecular cloud to date. The observations are providing astronomers with important information about the particular molecules that are available to form new planets — and any life that might eventually evolve on them.
The results suggest that planets can essentially “inherit” already chemically complex molecules straight from molecular clouds. They also hint at the possibility that such complex molecules, which are essential to life on Earth, are widespread; they are not unique to the protostellar cloud that formed our Sun and planets.
However, the Chameleon I observations still revealed far fewer available building blocks in the ices than astronomers expected the cloud to contain. This means that in addition to being locked up in ices, elements such as carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and sulfur also likely exist as sooty or even rocky material within the cloud.
Webb alone was able to do this work, as Chameleon I is so dense and cold that most of the background starlight gets absorbed; only faint infrared wavelengths can pierce through it.
The new observations are part of the Ice Age project, which is using JWST to look for the building blocks of life to help determine how common (or rare) life might be in the universe. So stay tuned, because more surprises are sure to come.
Here's how the study worked: As starlight from those background stars filters through the cloud, some of that light gets absorbed by ices. By splitting apart the light that makes it through the cloud — using a technique called spectroscopy — astronomers can look at which specific wavelengths are absorbed. This lets them determine which atoms are responsible for absorbing each specific wavelength.
In the case of Chameleon I, they identified ices inside the cloud such as water, carbonyl sulfide, ammonia, methane, and methanol. Researchers also found hints of even more complex molecules, such as ethanol.
Webb's new view of the Chameleon is the most comprehensive look at ices within such a dense molecular cloud to date. The observations are providing astronomers with important information about the particular molecules that are available to form new planets — and any life that might eventually evolve on them.
The results suggest that planets can essentially “inherit” already chemically complex molecules straight from molecular clouds. They also hint at the possibility that such complex molecules, which are essential to life on Earth, are widespread; they are not unique to the protostellar cloud that formed our Sun and planets.
However, the Chameleon I observations still revealed far fewer available building blocks in the ices than astronomers expected the cloud to contain. This means that in addition to being locked up in ices, elements such as carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and sulfur also likely exist as sooty or even rocky material within the cloud.
Webb alone was able to do this work, as Chameleon I is so dense and cold that most of the background starlight gets absorbed; only faint infrared wavelengths can pierce through it.
The new observations are part of the Ice Age project, which is using JWST to look for the building blocks of life to help determine how common (or rare) life might be in the universe. So stay tuned, because more surprises are sure to come.
The dwarf planet Quaoar has a ring that is too big for its metaphorical fingers. While all other rings in the solar system lie within or near a mathematically determined distance of their parent bodies, Quaoar’s ring is much farther out.
“For Quaoar, for the ring to be outside this limit is very, very strange,” says astronomer Bruno Morgado of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. The finding may force a rethink of the rules governing planetary rings, Morgado and colleagues say in a study published February 8 in Nature.
Quaoar is an icy body about half the size of Pluto that’s located in the Kuiper Belt at the solar system’s edge (SN: 8/23/22). At such a great distance from Earth, it’s hard to get a clear picture of the world.
So Morgado and colleagues watched Quaoar block the light from a distant star, a phenomenon called a stellar occultation. The timing of the star winking in and out of view can reveal details about Quaoar, like its size and whether it has an atmosphere.
The researchers took data from occultations from 2018 to 2020, observed from all over the world, including Namibia, Australia and Grenada, as well as space. There was no sign that Quaoar had an atmosphere. But surprisingly, there was a ring. The finding makes Quaoar just the third dwarf planet or asteroid in the solar system known to have a ring, after the asteroid Chariklo and the dwarf planet Haumea (SN: 3/26/14; SN: 10/11/17).
Even more surprisingly, “the ring is not where we expect,” Morgado says.
Far-out ring
In this illustration, dwarf planet Haumea and asteroid Chariklo both have rings (white) that are close to their Roche limits (yellow), to the best of astronomers’ understanding. Quaoar, in contrast, has a ring that is clearly well beyond its Roche limit, an imaginary line beyond which rings aren’t thought to be stable.
Rings around three small objects in the solar system
Known rings around other objects lie within or near what’s called the Roche limit, an invisible line where the gravitational force of the main body peters out. Inside the limit, that force can rip a moon to shreds, turning it into a ring. Outside, the gravity between smaller particles is stronger than that from the main body, and rings will coalesce into one or several moons.
“We always think of [the Roche limit] as straightforward,” Morgado says. “One side is a moon forming, the other side is a ring stable. And now this limit is not a limit.”
For Quaoar’s far-out ring, there are a few possible explanations, Morgado says. Maybe the observers caught the ring at just the right moment, right before it turns into a moon. But that lucky timing seems unlikely, he notes.
Maybe Quaoar’s known moon, Weywot, or some other unseen moon contributes gravity that holds the ring stable somehow. Or maybe the ring’s particles are colliding in such a way that they avoid sticking together and clumping into moons.
The particles would have to be particularly bouncy for that to work, “like a ring of those bouncy balls from toy stores,” says planetary scientist David Jewitt of UCLA, who was not involved in the new work.
The observation is solid, says Jewitt, who helped discover the first objects in the Kuiper Belt in the 1990s. But there’s no way to know yet which of the explanations is correct, if any, in part because there are no theoretical predictions for such far-out rings to compare with Quaoar’s situation.
That’s par for the course when it comes to the Kuiper Belt. “Everything in the Kuiper Belt, basically, has been discovered, not predicted,” Jewitt says. “It’s the opposite of the classical model of science where people predict things and then confirm or reject them. People discover stuff by surprise, and everyone scrambles to explain it.”
More observations of Quaoar, or more discoveries of seemingly misplaced rings elsewhere in the solar system, could help reveal what’s going on.
“I have no doubt that in the near future a lot of people will start working with Quaoar to try to get this answer,” Morgado says.
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Dr Michio Kaku Asteroid Warning: Now Nibiru is a Big Problem For All of Us — ( Preparations Imminent – TSUNAMI EXPECTED – Mega Earthquake Tsunami Threat: Urgent Plans Implemented for U.S. West Coast Disaster )
Dr Michio Kaku Asteroid Warning: Now Nibiru is a Big Problem For All of Us — ( Preparations Imminent – TSUNAMI EXPECTED – Mega Earthquake Tsunami Threat: Urgent Plans Implemented for U.S. West Coast Disaster )
Although the planet has not even been confirmed by scientists, some believe that there is an elusive planet in our solar system which has a huge orbit and such a strong magnetic pull that it can effect life on Earth.
Researchers dealing with the issue of Planet X or as it is called the planet Nibiru, said that this mysterious planet is inexorably approaching the Earth and from November 2022to January 2024 on our planet due to the impact of Nibiru, there will be a catastrophic and irreversible changes.
An asteroid is a small, rocky or metallic object orbiting the Sun. They are now usually defined as being larger than 1 meter in diameter with objects smaller than that being called meteoroids. The largest asteroid is Ceres at 965 km (600 mi) diameter. Most asteroids, including Ceres, are located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, but some asteroids come near to or cross Earth’s orbit. There are several related terms that come up when talking about things hitting Earth, so here are some related definitions:
What is a comet?
A comet is a small, icy/dusty object orbiting the Sun. Comets formed in the outer solar system where ice is stable. Most of them spend most of their time far beyond the orbit of Neptune, and all spend most of their time beyond Jupiter. But some have orbits that bring them occasionally through the inner solar system including sometimes past Earth’s orbit. When they are in the inner solar system, their ice sublimates (goes from ice to gas), kicking off dust and forming the coma and tails they are famous for.
What is a meteoroid?
A meteoroid is a rocky or metallic object in space that is smaller than an asteroid, the boundary usually being defined as 1 meter diameter. Very tiny meteoroids, smaller than 1 gram or so are often called micrometeoroids or space dust.
What is a meteor?
A meteor is the streak of light that occurs when an object (e.g., asteroid or meteoroid) hits the Earth’s atmosphere at high speed causing the object to heat up and glow.
What is a meteorite?
If part of a meteoroid, asteroid, or comet makes it to the ground, it is called a meteorite.
How do asteroids form? Where do asteroids come from?
Asteroids are typically material left over from the period of planetary formation 4.5 billion years ago, the stuff left over that didn’t form into planets in the inner solar system. Often they are fragments of collisions between asteroids in the past.
Many experts often talks about natural events that could make humans extinct. Asteroid impacts. Supernovae. Gamma ray bursts. Climate change. Or human caused, nuclear war. He has an agenda here, because he wants us to go into space. They thinks the future of humanity is in space, and he thinks this is how we can escape from disasters that could make Earth uninhabitable. But you don’t have to motivate humans in space in this way. You can motivate it just as well as a way to move heavy industry into space, to protect Earth from asteroids, for knowledge, for resources from the Moon and asteroids, for the search for biology based on different principles from DNA, for adventure and tourism, in many other ways.
By calculations of experts already on the Ground is a significant influence of Nibiru on our planet by 1 degree per day, and 14th december 2022 this figure will reach 25 degrees.
The approach of planet X will cause a pole shift of the earth that will lead to catastrophic melting of glaciers and the incredible magnitude of the rise in global sea level. Huge waves with a height of over 100 meters, fall on the continents and destroy everything alive.
The earth will be shaken by a mega-earthquake the magnitude of which will exceed 11 points on the Richter scale, and on the surface of the planet will rage giant storms and hurricane-force winds of great power. Volcanoes of the planet will begin eruption – all at once, including the famous super volcano Yellowstone. The warm Gulf stream will stop and the Earth will begin a terrible ice age.
Skywatch Media News says that Planet X is bound for Earth after completing half of its 3,600-year elliptical orbit.
It says that the magnetic force of Planet X is so strong that it can effect anything within 48.6 astronomical units (AU) of it – one AU is the distance between Earth and the Sun.
With the planet having completed the first half of its elliptical orbit, it is heading back towards Earth and its strong magnetic pull is causing problems already.
Thousands of conspiracy theorists have been going wild with rumours about the world ending.
An outrageous theory about a rogue Planet X, known as Nibiru, claims that the colossal planet will pass earth to start the apocalypse.
The main purveyor of the doomsday prophecy is Christian numerologist David Meade who published his theories in his book, Planet X – .
The author has spectacularly claimed that Nibiru’s approach will match an astrological constellation from the biblical Book of Revelation.
But on the eve of the apocalypse, Mr Meade has come out to claim that actually, the world is not about to end.
Nibiru is a proposed large planet that conspiracy theorists have predicted will crash into and destroy Earth. Many prognostications had the cataclysm occurring in 2012, to coincide with the supposed “Mayan apocalypse.”
“The world is not ending, but the world as we know it is ending,” he told The Washington Post. “A major part of the world will not be the same on next year.”
We see that Nibiru’s black magnetic shell represents a protective region with such dense magnetism that it permits no light, visible or invisible, to pass through it, except for the intense radiation from the core. The core, at the centre of which resides Nibiru itself, appears to be a self-contained area that, relative to the absolute coldness of the shell, must be very hot or radioactive (meaning high luminous or light activity). Indeed, it is so radioactive that it is emitting very powerful radiation beams or gamma ray bursts from both poles, which are acting as relief valves to eject any excess radiation being generated within the core. Typically, only some of the universe’s most powerful entities or events detected by modern science, such as supernovas, neutron stars, pulsars, quasars, black stars (so-called ‘black holes’) and even entire galaxies, are known to emit gamma ray bursts. Nibiru’s GRBs are still minuscule in comparison with those of these humongous stellar objects, but the fact that it emits them at all is extraordinary!
As for the outer magnetic field, it is now close enough for the left edge of it (from Earth’s POV) to completely overtake Saturn. It reached the planet on about 1 November 2022, causing super-massive storms to rage across its atmosphere and forcing the solar system’s second largest planet to tilt away from normal by almost 90° ! NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope has spotted a massive, nearly invisible ring around Saturn. The ring’s orbit is tilted 27 degrees from the planet’s main ring plane. The bulk of it starts about 3.7 million miles (6 million km) away from the planet and extends outward another 7.4 million miles (12 million km). This is not actually a completely new ring like Nasa thinks. It was formed from dust and debris pulled by the approaching Nibiru’s magnetic force from the original rings of Saturn. Saturn’s own magnetism kept the dust particles in an orbit around it and thus forming a ‘new’ ring.
Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, shoots out a huge jet of water, ice, dust and gas from a huge crack on its surface. The giant crack first appeared around October 2008 , which is the same period that large sink holes also appeared on Enceladus’ surface . Elenin was closest to Saturn around this time as it approached it on its way to the inner solar system. The object is having the same effect on Earth as it nears us, causing huge sinkholes and cracks to appear on the land in many countries.
Titan and Dione during 5April 2010 Cassini flyby with the red glow from Nibiru lurking behind the shadow of Titan as the giant approached Saturn – the red glow seems to be causing a green light on the night side of Titan’s atmosphere. Note the black smudge behind Dione to conceal whatever is casting the red glow. The formidable magnetism of Nibiru has indeed tilted Saturn, the second largest planet in our solar system, by up to 90° away from its natural inclination.
Another thing we’ve observed is that the tilt of Saturn is noticeably more pronounced in some earlier images more than later ones. This may be because Nibiru’s magnetism pulses, both increasing and receding in steady cadence like waves hitting a beach, and like waves some are stronger (causing a more severe tilt) than others (causing a slighter tilt).
The Pioneer Anomaly
Pioneer 10’s trajectory from Saturn orbit to Uranus orbit and the point when it encountered a mysterious force – dubbed the Pioneer anomaly by baffled Nasa scientists – that gently pushed against it in the opposite direction back towards the Sun and effectively decelerating its forward momentum. Pioneer was travelling towards the right of Nibiru at this point when the massive object was 66.8 (58.8 + 8) AU from the Sun. This tells us two things:
That Nibiru’s outer magnetic force (drawn as a dark red circle in the image above) is so strong it can affect objects 46.8 AU from Nibiru (Pioneer’s approx distance from it at the time), way beyond the central and certainly much stronger magnetic field (the purple circle) that we’ve calculated spans about 16 AU with a reach or radius of only 8 A
That Nibiru’s magnetism rotates in a clockwise fashion, because that is the only way it could push Pioneer back when the deep space probe was flying to the right of it. If it rotated anticlockwise and the Pioneer 10 was travelling in the same direction it would push the probe slightly forward and to the right of its trajectory – so the effect would have been the opposite as the probe would seen to be slightly accelerating, not decelerating, in its drift.
It is interesting that the Pioneer case reveals that Nibiru has a much larger magnetic field or magnetic affect than the one that extends 8 AU from its centre. The hurricane/cyclone analogy will serve useful here to better understand what we’re seeing here. A hurricane or cyclone has four basic components: the eye, the inner eye wall, the outer eye wall and the peripheral rainbands.
We can now see why this Nibiru object has been disturbing the Earth and the rest of the solar system for a long time now. It is because its outer ‘rainbands’ have been hitting us again and again in gradual ever stronger series of waves as it floods the Sun’s magnetic field (the solar system) with its own. The two magnetic fields directly oppose each other and have reverse polarities, with Nibiru’s spinning in a clockwise fashion as opposed to the Sun’s counter-clockwise rotation. The computer-generated image below gives us a good schematic visual of how Nibiru’s clockwise-rotating magnetic field should look like if we could see it in detail. Like a cyclone, Nibiru’s strongest magnetic ‘winds’ are on its right-hand side (from our perspective). Unfortunately for us, Nibiru is approaching us from the left-hand side (of the Sun, from our perspective). This means we will be encountering the strongest magnetic whirls from Nibiru, because we will be in the right-hand side of its core as it approaches us.
Another effect Nibiru would have is that it will slow down Earth’s counter-clockwise orbit round the Sun. We will be hit by the strong right-hand side, which is also the ‘pushing’ side. Like it did to Pioneer 10, this side will try to push us in the opposite direction of our orbit. The Sun’s opposing magnetism will largely prevent that, being stronger than Nibiru’s, so the overall effect of the magnetic push is to slow us down more and more as the object gets closer and closer. NASA have announced that the Earth may be about to experience a pole shift, leaving it unable to defend itself against solar radiation for up to 200 years, which would have devastating consequences for humans.
Will the Sun turn Black in 2023? Are we seeing changes with the sun’s behavior? There very well may be a good reason for this. Nemesis the brown dwarf star, Originally postulated in 1984 to be orbiting the Sun at a distance of about 95,000 AU (1.5 light-years), somewhat beyond the Oort cloud, to explain a perceived cycle of mass extinctions in the geological record, which seem to occur more often at intervals of 26 million years.
Two teams of astronomers, Daniel P. Whitmire and Albert A. Jackson IV, and Marc Davis, Piet Hut, and Richard A. Muller, independently published similar hypotheses to explain Raup and Sepkoski’s extinction periodicity in the same issue of the journal Nature. This hypothesis proposes that the Sun may have an undetected companion star in a highly elliptical orbit that periodically disturbs comets in the Oort cloud, causing a large increase of the number of comets visiting the inner Solar System with a consequential increase of impact events on Earth. This became known as the “Nemesis” or “Death Star” hypothesis.
Muller, referring to the date of a recent extinction at 11 million years before the present day, posits that Nemesis has a semi-major axis of about 1.5 light-years (95,000 AU) and suggests it is located (supported by Yarris, 1987) near Hydra, based on a hypothetical orbit derived from original apogees of a number of atypical long-period comets that describe an orbital arc meeting the specifications of Muller’s hypothesis. Richard Muller’s most recent paper relevant to the Nemesis theory was published in 2002. In 2002, Muller speculated that Nemesis was perturbed 400 million years ago by a passing star from a circular orbit into an orbit with an eccentricity of 0.7.
Using newer and more powerful infrared telescope technology, able to detect brown dwarfs as cool as 150 kelvins out to a distance of 10 light-years from the Sun, results from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE survey) have not detected Nemesis yet, but they are still looking.
Is Planet X (Nibiru) the cause of the heatwaves being felt worldwide or is it being caused by the climate changes that scientist are claiming are occurring? Is the government putting their infamous Haarp machine to work to drive up prices on agricultural products? We may never know the truth but with more extreme and unusual weather ahead in 2023– 2024 one has to ask, “are we the people the cause of the many strange events being experienced around the globe or is the culprit something much bigger?”
Each year since 2001 has seen at least 0.4 degree—Celsius above the long-term average for the 1961—1990 base period, used by the UN agency as a reference for climate change monitoring.
Extreme weather and climate conditions, including Arctic “heatwaves”, have continued into 2020, after global temperatures set record last year and the world witnessed exceptionally low sea ice and unabated ocean heat, the UN weather agency said.
While global temperatures hit a remarkable 1.1 degree- Celsius above the pre-industrial period, global sea-level touch record highs and the planet’s sea-ice coverage dropped more than four million square kilometres below average in November — an unprecedented anomaly for that month, according to the World Meteorological Organisation’s (WMO) statement on the state of the Global Climate in 2023.
“This increase in global temperature is consistent with other changes occurring in the climate system,” WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas said.
“With levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere consistently breaking new records, the influence of human activities on the climate system has become more and more evident,” Taalas said.
Each of the year since 2001 has seen at least 0.4 degree—Celsius above the long-term average for the 1961—1990 base period, used by the UN agency as a reference for climate change monitoring.
The 2023 heating was further boosted by the powerful El Nieather system, during which global sea-level also rose very strongly.
Similarly, carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere reached the symbolic benchmark of 400 parts per millions in 2015 — the latest year for which WMO global figures are available — and will not fall below that level for many generations to come because of the long-lasting nature of CO2.
“The extreme weather patterns are continuing in 2021 adding that at least three times so far this winter, the Arctic saw what can be called the Polar equivalent of a heatwave, with powerful Atlantic storms driving an influx of warm, moist air,” WMO said.
“This meant that at the height of the Arctic winter and the sea ice refreezing period, there were days which were actually close to melting point,” it said.
In the US alone, 11,743 warm temperature records were broken or tied in February, according to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said the UN agency.
“Even without a strong El Nin 2017, we are seeing other remarkable changes across the planet that are challenging the limits of our understanding of the climate system,” said World Climate Research Programme Director David Carlson.
“We are now in truly uncharted territory,” Mr. Carlson added.
The extreme climate conditions also added to human suffering as 2019 saw severe droughts, affecting millions in southern and eastern African and Central America.
In the midst of such challenges, Taalas underlined the importance of implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change, which also entered into force last year.
“The entry into force of the Paris Agreement on 4 November 2016 represents a historic landmark,” he said, adding that it is vital that its implementation becomes a reality and that the Agreement guides the global community in addressing climate change by curbing greenhouse gases, fostering climate resilience and mainstreaming climate adaptation into national development policies.
“The Planet X effect is setting the Earth up for a coming pole shift.”
Although no one knows what might happen when Planet X reaches its closes point to Earth in its orbit, it is feared that it could spark another ice age or catastrophic earthquakes.
We have been feeling the disruptive effects of the inbound rogue Planet X since 1996 in the form of increased seismic and volcanic activities, freak weather patterns, and natural disasters.
NASA, the Pentagon, and the CIA are aware of the approaching rogue planet. The Vatican has also been briefed, but the public is being kept in the dark about the impending apocalypse. But despite efforts to keep the information secret, there have been leaks. … many conspiracy theorists insist that that NASA’s “Planet X” is Nibiru.
Nibiru, by all definitions, concepts and research scholars in the field, is a red or brown dwarf star that carries along with it seven planets orbiting around each other; therefore it is a Mini Solar System. Nibiru is close to 5 times than Jupiter. So by turn, it is 6500 times larger than the earth!
With the gigantic size, it has very strong gravitational pull and it influences our oceans and all magnetic fields. So in 2011, when Nibiru approached the Sun, it began forcefully “pulling” at the Sun’s core. The core of the Sun is only 65 times that Nibiru. Thus, the solar activity in relation to explosions and solar storms has increased so much that the “Maximo Solar” started in 2011 and has not stopped to this day (2023). The emissions are in the ultraviolet solar radiation level (range from 0 to 16) are currently at 15, and the normal is between 9 and 10 units. This was caused by the approach of Nibiru towards the Sun.
So, one must ask, why are they suddenly telling us now? Scientists have known about this planet since 1983 and they’ve been using WISE and IRAS to monitor it. Does this mean it will be visible this year? I’m thinking so. They have no choice but to tell us as it will viewable to everyone w/o a telescope this year. And why are they not calling this planet by its real name? Nibiru? Planet X? Well, that would mean that all of us so called “conspiracy theorist’s” and our ancient ancestors, were right all along!
NASA WISE Telescope shows a Giant Planet next to the Solar System. February 10, 2023. NASA confirms that is tracking Hercolubus, at the moment scientists call it as Tyche. The NASA Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) telescope is showing a giant planet next to the Solar System. Tyche (Hercolubus) is 4 times bigger than Jupiter and orbit at the outer edge of the Solar System.Scientists are just analyzing the data gathered by a NASA space telescope WISE, it shows a giant planet up to four times the mass of Jupiter lurking in the outer Oort Cloud, the most remote region of the solar system. The orbit of Tyche (Hercolubus) would be 15,000 times farther from the Sun than the Earth’s, and 375 times farther than Pluto’s.
NASA then prepared a very well-built simulation that projected the orbit of Nibiru. Transformed the simulation in video and “sneak” released on the internet. The simulation done by NASA computers presented visually not only the displacement of Nibiru in its orbit, but also the orbits of all the planets of the solar system.
Doomsday solar mega-flare could blast humanity back to the Stone Age, scientists warn. Lead scientist Chloe Pugh, from the University of Warwick, said: “If the Sun were to produce a superflare it would be disastrous for life on Earth; our GPS and radio communication systems could be severely disrupted and there could be large-scale power blackouts as a result of strong electrical currents being induced in power grids.”
According to researchers from UC Berkeley and China, a rapid succession of coronal mass ejections — the most intense eruptions on the sun — sent a pulse of magnetized plasma barreling into space and through Earth’s orbit. Had the eruption come nine days earlier, when the ignition spot on the solar surface was aimed at Earth, it would have hit the planet, potentially wreaking havoc with the electrical grid, disabling satellites and GPS, and disrupting our increasingly electronic lives. The solar bursts would have enveloped Earth in magnetic fireworks matching the largest magnetic storm ever reported on Earth, the so-called Carrington event of 1859.
The far greater electromagnetic fields of Planet X will cause great earthquakes (greater than the highest level of 9.5 known to date), volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and a shift of the physical poles. Now it is public knowledge that government agencies are on a need-to-know classification (intra-agency), and that they never publish information in advance that could cause an economic or other disruption.
However, if you do any research at all you will run into different levels of disinformation. Some of this is from uneducated members of the public and some of it is very likely on purpose. You have to use your head when you do research. “The superflare studied by the team occurred on the binary star KIC9655129.Using data from the American space agency Nasa’s Kepler space telescope, the scientists determined that it had wave properties identical to those seen in solar flares.
I think that 2023 will bring even more asteroids coming close to Earth and there is always a chance that one will head straight for us. NASA says that they can redirect these but the device they have has not been tested yet and I would imagine it would have to depend on the size of the asteroid or meteor. It would take a nuclear bomb to move an asteroid miles wide and NASA’s track record for spotting meteors has not been the greatest, especially when it come from the direction of the sun.
So what about our sun? Although it has been relatively quiet these days with only “M” class flares that have been Earth directed, it does not mean that one day we could experience a massive “X” class flare that would cripple the Earth, throwing us back to the Stone Age. I am not trying to panic anyone and the likelihood of such an event would be rare but it is always possible. Are they going to declare Doomsday preppers mentally incompetent? One guy in the States was certainly affected and it seems his rights were violated. Could this happen to you?
People, please wake up; it is close. Don’t listen to any of those who say it does not exist; just do your homework and keep an open mind. There are many trolls out there who are very good at convincing you that Planet X is a hoax. So you have to ask yourself, if it does not exist, why are they trying to convince you of that? Hmm. They don’t want you to prepare to save yourself and your family; they want you to die.
ALL RELATED VIDEOS, selected and posted by peter2011
Mysteries Of The Unseen World | National Geographic
Mysteries Of The Unseen World | National Geographic
Mysteries of the Unseen World transports audiences to places on this planet they have never been before, to see things that are beyond their normal vision, yet are literally right in front of their eyes.
High-speed and time-lapse photography, electron microscopy, and nanotechnology are just a few of the advancements in science that allow us to see a whole new universe of things, events, creatures, and processes we never knew existed. These technologies now give us “super powers” to see beyond what is in front of us.
Visually stunning and rooted in cutting-edge research, Mysteries of the Unseen World will enthrall audiences as they begin to understand the enormity of the world they can’t see, a world that exists in the air they breathe, on their own bodies, and in all of the events that occur around them minute-by-minute—and nanosecond-by-nanosecond. With this understanding comes a new appreciation of the wonder and possibilities of science. #NatGeo #UnseenWorld #Science
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Angela M. Cowan, Education Specialist and Curriculum Designer
Cynthia Olson, Designer
Julie Brown, National Geographic Society Elaine Larson, National Geographic Society
What are these mysterious beams of light coming from the sky over Hawaii
What are these mysterious beams of light coming from the sky over Hawaii
On January 28, 2023 it was cloudy on Mauna Kea, but The Subaru Telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii captured video of a strange sky phenomenon with its livestreaming Subaru-Asahi Star Camera. Although it was only a second or less they managed to capture mysterious green laser lights, coming from the sky!
Image credit: SubaruTel_StarCamAdmin
The mysterious beams of light raised many questions from the viewers who suggested it was a UFO that fired the beams or it was related to the mysterious project Blue Beam.
On February 6, 2023 Dr. Martino, Anthony J., a NASA scientist working on ICESat-2 ATLAS, said that that the beams did not come from one of their instrument but by others. His colleagues, Dr. Alvaro Ivanoff et al., did a simulation of the trajectory of satellites that have a similar instrument and found a most likely candidate as the ACDL instrument by the Chinese Daqi-1/AEMS satellite.
While it is important to note that these types of sightings are not uncommon and are often caused by the reflection of sunlight off of satellites or other objects in space and despite the statement by Dr. Martino and Dr. Ivanoff that the Chinese Daqi-1/AEMS satellite is the most likely candidate based on simulations and available evidence, it's always possible that additional information could change the understanding of what 'really' caused the strange sighting.
Screen shot of the strange spiral-shape captured by the Subaru Star Camera
(Image Source: Subaru Telescope/ the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
Latest UFO Sighting from Port Allegany, Pennsylvania 8-Feb-2023
Latest UFO Sighting from Port Allegany, Pennsylvania 8-Feb-2023
Latest UFO Sighting over Pennsylvania
On the 8th of February 2023, residents in Port Allegany, Pennsylvania were left in awe as a strange metallic craft was seen hovering low in the sky. The unidentified flying object was first reported by a witness who stated that the craft was not emitting any lights. However, as the witness followed the object in their vehicle, the craft lit up and flew away at such a high speed that it nearly disappeared.
The witness managed to capture a video of the strange object and shared it on Facebook, where hundreds of others reported seeing the same object and shared their photos and videos. The video, which has since gone viral, shows a metallic craft hovering in the sky with several bright lights surrounding it. The object remains stationary for a few seconds before suddenly accelerating and flying away at an incredible speed.
This latest UFO sighting has sparked widespread excitement and speculation among UFO enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists. Many are trying to explain the strange object as a new military aircraft or drone, while others believe it could be an extraterrestrial spacecraft. However, with no official explanation from the government or military, the true identity of the craft remains a mystery.
Stellar Rarity
Astronomers have found the first known example of a binary star system doomed to meet its end in an explosive collision known as a kilonova, a phenomenon so rare that it's estimated there are only ten binary systems in our entire galaxy capable of producing one, according to their study published last week in the journal Nature.
"We know that the Milky Way contains at least 100 billion stars and likely hundreds of billions more. This remarkable binary system is essentially a one-in-ten-billion system," said astronomer and co-author of the study André-Nicolas Chené, in a statement. "Prior to our study, the estimate was that only one or two such systems should exist in a spiral galaxy like the Milky Way."
Danse Macabre
The binary system, CPD-29 2176, comprises a massive star that closely orbits a neutron star. Both are victims of each other's gravity. The neutron star formed as the result of an ultra-stripped supernova, a less explosive form of a typical supernova that occurs in stars that have had their atmospheres siphoned by the gravity of a nearby stellar companion.
But the massive companion star will eventually share the same fate, too. The neutron star it created is incredibly dense, wielding a gravitational pull nearly as terrifying as a black hole. Thus, over time, the companion star will also lose its atmosphere, succumbing to an ultra-stripped supernova and diminishing into a neutron star itself.
And eventually, those two neutron stars will collide, resulting in a mega-powerful kilonova that has seldom been observed.
"For quite some time, astronomers speculated about the exact conditions that could eventually lead to a kilonova," Chené said. "These new results demonstrate that, in at least some cases, two sibling neutron stars can merge when one of them was created without a classical supernova explosion."
Heavy News
Even short cosmic timelines are lengthy in human terms, of course. According to the astronomers, it will be at least another million years until the companion star collapses into a second neutron star, and from there, millions more until the two neutron stars collide.
So while we may not be able to witness a colossal kilonova for ourselves, the discovery still provides an invaluable insight into the formation of the universe's heaviest elements.
"Those heavy elements allow us to live the way that we do," explained astronomer and lead author of the study, Noel D. Richardson, in a statement. "Most gold was created by stars similar to the supernova relic or neutron star in the binary system that we studied. Astronomy deepens our understanding of the world and our place in it."
Do Astronomers Know How Many Galaxies There Are in the Universe? New Research Suggests It May Be Infinite
Do Astronomers Know How Many Galaxies There Are in the Universe? New Research Suggests It May Be Infinite
Margaret Davis
(Photo : Pixabay/WikiImages) Do Astronomers Know How Many Galaxies There Are in the Universe? New Research Suggests It May Be Infinite
How many galaxies are there in the universe, and is it possible to compute them? As perBBC Sky and Night, the number of galaxies in the universe will be equal to the Universe's size multiplied by the average number density of galaxies. In practice, estimating these two figures properly is tough.
The universe's overall size is unknown. Recent studies suggest that the number of galaxies may be limitless, meaning that there are an endless number of galaxies.
Photo : Pixabay/WikiImages) Do Astronomers Know How Many Galaxies There Are in the Universe? New Research Suggests It May Be Infinite
Galaxies in the Observable Universe
The universe is so big that there is a limit beyond what humans can see. It is because light beyond has not had the time to reach Earth ever since the Big Bang.
According to NASA, astronomers use mathematical models to observe and construct feasible ideas about the evolution and origins of the universe. They use Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity and other theories of basic particles to explain the Big Bang Theory. Today, space telescopes, like the Hubble and JWST, help measure the universe's expansion.
BBC reported that the 'observable universe' is predicted to be a sphere with a diameter of around 92 billion lightyears and a volume of approximately 410 nonillions (410 thousand billion billion billion) cubic lightyears.
However, estimating the numerical density of galaxies has its own set of challenges. First, it is impossible to count all of the galaxies in the sky as it would be far too time-consuming.
Furthermore, even the greatest telescopes would overlook galaxies that are too faint, too tiny, or too near to other galaxies, as well as those that are covered by intervening material or do not produce measurable light by the telescope.
But this approach will give a lower limit on the number of galaxies. One estimate suggests that the visible universe contains between 100 and 200 billion galaxies.
Other astronomers have attempted to estimate the number of missed galaxies in prior studies, yielding a total of 2 trillion galaxies in the universe. However, based on current observations of the night sky's blackness, this may be an overestimation.
The universe is around 13.82 billion years old based on the measurements of its expansion made by watching galaxies moving away from Earth's view. However, reports that galaxies will recede more and further from Earth, making them harder to observe with telescopes, as the universe grows older and larger.
Furthermore, galaxies evolve throughout time as well. The Milky Way is colliding with the neighboring Andromeda Galaxy, and the two are estimated to combine in 4 billion years. Other galaxies nearest to the Milky Way are also expected to ultimately merge. Experts said that residents of that future galaxy would see a considerably darker cosmos.
They explained that there was no indication that there was a cosmos with 100 billion galaxies when civilization began. More so, they would not have noticed the expansion so they would not know that Big Bang occurred.
The prehistoric White Horse of Uffington is one of the oldest hill figures in Britain, and is believed to have inspired the creation of all the other white horse hill figures in the region. Mystery abounds the creation of the White Horse – who made it, when and why? Some historians believe the figure represents a horse goddess connected with the local Belgae tribe, others believe it is Celtic goddess Epona, protector of horses, while an alternative theory suggests it is not a horse at all but the mythical dragon slain by Saint George.
Oxfordshire, the region in which the figure is found, and its neighbouring county of Wiltshire, are home to many white horse hill figures. There are or were at least twenty-four of these hill figures in Britain, with no less than thirteen being in Wiltshire. However, the White Horse of Uffington is the only one with known prehistoric origin. Initially believed to date back to the Iron Age due to similar images found depicted on coins from that period, more recent dating by the Oxford Archaeological Unit placed the hill figure in the Bronze Age, some 3000 years ago.
The Uffington White Horse is high on an escarpment of the Berkshire Downs below Whitehorse Hill, a mile and a half south of the village of Uffington. Measuring some 374 feet in length, the stylised image was created by digging trenches into the earth some ten feet wide, exposing the white chalk bedrock below.
The shape of the horse has changed over the centuries. The present outline may be only a part of the original: aerial photography shows that a larger, more conventional shape of a horse lies beneath. The loss of shape has been caused by slippage of the top soil and by repeated recutting.
The horse is only part of the unique complex of ancient remains that are found at White Horse Hill and beyond, spreading out across the high chalk downland. To the east of the Manger lies Dragon Hill, a low flat-topped mound. It is said to be the site where St. George, England's patron saint, slew the dragon, its blood spilling on the hilltop and leaving forever a bare white patch where no grass can grow. Across the region, numerous burial mounds can be spotted. These date from the Neolithic period and have been reused up to the Saxon age. The largest contained 47 skeletons.
Dragon Hill.
Photo source: Wikipedia
Whether the hill figure is indeed intended to represent a horse, or some other creature instead, has been debated, but it has certainly been called a horse since at least the 11 th century.
The original purpose of the figure is unknown. The horse, which can only be viewed from above or from an adjacent plateau in the distance, is unique in its features and this leads some to believe it represents the mythical dragon that St. George slain on the adjacent Dragon hill or even his horse. However others believe it represents a Celtic horse goddess Epona, known to represent fertility, healing and death. Epona had a counterpart in Britain, Rhiannon, so the Uffington white horse may have been cut by adherents of a cult of the horse-goddess to be worshipped in religious ceremonies.
Others believe it may have been the emblem of a local tribe, and have been cut as a totem or badge marking their land. Alternatively, the horse could have been cut by worshippers of the sun god Belinos or Belenus, who was associated with horses. He was sometimes depicted on horseback, and Bronze and Iron Age sun chariots were shown as being drawn by horses. Conceivably, if this suggestion is correct, the horse could have been cut on the shallower slope at the top of the hill in order to be seen from above by the god himself.
Once every seven years from at least 1677 until the late 18th century a midsummer ‘scouring festival’ was held, during which the local people cleaned the chalk outline of the horse and enjoyed a three-day celebratory feast within the hillfort. The festival, which may have had ancient origins, lapsed about a hundred years ago and the horse is now cleaned by members of English Heritage, who are responsible for the site.
While the stylised image of the White Horse of Uffington remains elegantly etched within the picturesque Berkshire Downs, its true meaning and purpose appears to have been lost to the pages of history.
Major Burn
SpaceX just pulled off an incredible stunt.
The company fired 31 of its gigantic Super Heavy booster's 33 rocket engines at once, producing a gargantuan amount of thrust — likely the most powerful rocket ignition in human history.
It's a massive step forward, setting the stage for SpaceX's long-awaited, inauguralorbital test launchof its Starship, a spacecraft that could potentially revolutionize space travel before the end of the decade.
"Team turned off 1 engine just before start & 1 stopped itself, so 31 engines fired overall," CEO Elon Musk tweeted. "But still enough engines to reach orbit!"
Big Thruster
It was truly a sight to behold. Live streams of the event show a gigantic fireball emanating from under the rocket booster prototype, engulfing the entire region in smoke and forcing countless birds to clear the area at once.
According to early back-of-the-envelope math by NASASpaceFlight's Stephen Clark, the test firing produced over 15 million pounds of thrust.
That means Super Heavy just produced "nearly double" the amount of thrust compared to NASA's retired Saturn V rocket and Space Launch System, according to Clark.
NASA wαs forced to shut down theιr lινe stream after a mysterιous UFO was seen enterιng Earth’s atmosphere (VIDEO)
NASA wαs forced to shut down theιr lινe stream after a mysterιous UFO was seen enterιng Earth’s atmosphere (VIDEO)
If you hανen’t heαrd, UFO hunters from αll oνer the world hανe come together to clαιm thαt on July 9th, α gιgαntιc UFO entered our αtmosphere.
The UFO wαs fιrst notιced by the Internαtιonαl Spαce Stαtιon’s offιcιαl lινe feed, whιch wαs then wιdely dιssemιnαted onlιne by specιαlιsts lιke Streetcαp1, who creαted theιr own fιlms on the subject.
Despιte the fαct thαt physιcιsts αnd αstronomers thιnk ιt ιs nothιng more thαn α meteor, he ιs certαιn thαt ιts pαtterned fly ιs α demonstrαtιon of ιts oνerαll superιor sophιstιcαtιon.
Whαt’s weιrder αbout thιs reνelαtιon ιs the fαct thαt the UFO seems to force the ISS cαmerα to cut out premαturely, proνιng NASA’s role ιn keepιng thιs α secret, αs Streetcαp1 poιnted out.
UFO Sιghtιngs Hotspot αlso sαιd thαt ιf we hαd hαd α closer look αt ιt, we would hανe most certαιnly seen α cleαrer νιew of ιts αrtιfιcιαl desιgn, but NASA wouldn’t let ιt.
Scott C. Wαrιng, who runs the UFO Sιghtιngs Dαιly sιte, αlso chιmed ιn, clαιmιng thαt ιt wαs eιther α UFO or the Chιnese spαce stαtιon Tιαngong-1.
Although thιs spαce stαtιon wαs sent ιnto orbιt ιn September 2011, ιt does not fιt the descrιptιon, whιch stιll doesn’t explαιn why the νιdeo shuts out so soon.
As we hανe more tιme to αbsorb whαt we know so fαr αbout thιs “dιαmond-shαped UFO,” mαybe αddιtιonαl ιnformαtιon wιll surfαce.
The moon over the skies of Tokyo on 8 November 2022. Photograph: Richard A Brooks/AFP/Getty Images
Proponents of a “moonshot” idea to deal with global heating have been handed a new, very literal, interpretation by researchers who have proposed firing plumes of moon dust from a gun into space in order to deflect the sun’s rays away from Earth.
The seemingly outlandish concept, outlined in a new research paper, would involve creating a “solar shield” in space by mining the moon of millions of tons of its dust and then “ballistically eject[ing]” it to a point in space about 1m miles from Earth, where the floating grains would partially block incoming sunlight.
“A really exciting part of our study was the realization that the natural lunar dust grains are just the right size and composition for efficiently scattering sunlight away from Earth,” said Ben Bromley, a theoretical astrophysicist at the University of Utah, who led the research, published in Plos Climate.
“Since it takes much less energy to launch these grains from the moon’s surface, as compared with an Earth launch, the ‘moonshot’ idea really stood out for us.”
Bromley and two other researchers considered a variety of properties, including coal and sea salt, that could dim the sun by as much as 2% if fired into space. The team eventually settled on the dust found on the moon, although millions of tons would have to be mined, sifted and loaded into a ballistic device, such as an electromagnetic rail gun, and fired into space each year into order to maintain this solar shield.
Getting this mining and projective equipment to the moon would be a “significant project”, Bromley conceded, and might also require the positioning of a new space station in an area called the L1 Lagrange point, found between Earth and the sun, in order to “redirect packets of dust on to orbits that could provide shade for as long as possible”.
Such an approach would act as a “fine-tuned dimmer switch, leaving our planet untouched”, Bromley said, an advantage over other solar geoengineering proposals that have raised concerns about the environmental impact of spraying reflective particles within the Earth’s atmosphere.
The moon dust would have to be continually propelled into space in order to take the edge off global heating, however, or risk a so-called “termination shock” whereby temporary cooling is abruptly stopped and the world is left to rapidly heat up. Bromley insisted that the research’s sci-fi idea is no substitute for the primary task of cutting planet-heating emissions in the first place.
“Nothing should distract us from reducing greenhouse gas emissions here on Earth,” he said. “Our strategy may just be a moonshot, but we should explore all possibilities, in case we need more time to do the work here at home.”
Tinkering with the world’s climate, including attempts to reflect sunlight, is a controversial and still relatively fringe response to the climate crisis. It has gained some traction amid repeated warnings that countries are not slashing emissions quickly enough to prevent disaster, however, with the US government launching a research project around the concept last year.
Tinkering with the world’s climate, including attempts to reflect sunlight, is a controversial and still relatively fringe response to the climate crisis. It has gained some traction amid repeated warnings that countries are not slashing emissions quickly enough to prevent disaster, however, with the US government launching a research project around the concept last year.
Ted Parson, an expert in environmental law at UCLA, said the moon dust proposal was “fun, scientifically interesting speculation” that was unlikely to be put into practice, partially due to the larger cost and lack of control compared with Earth-based geoengineering options.
“There seems to be a bit of uptick of interest in space-based geoengineering schemes more broadly,” Parson said. “They were long dismissed as wildly impractical due to technical and cost considerations, but my impression is that the ongoing reduction of launch costs is piquing people’s interest and strange ideas are bubbling around.”
But opponents of solar geoengineering, whether on Earth or in space, argue that it is an unhelpful and potentially dangerous distraction from the urgent imperative to transition away from burning fossil fuels.
“The idea to mine the moon or near-Earth asteroids in order to artificially block parts of the sunlight is no solution to the ongoing and intensifying climate crisis,” said Frank Biermann, professor of global sustainability governance at Utrecht University.
“What is needed are massive cutbacks in greenhouse gas emissions, which require rapid technological advancement and socioeconomic transitions. Mining the moon is not the answer that we need.”
Oplossing voor de klimaatcrisis: “De maan ontginnen”, zeggen wetenschappers
Er zijn al heel wat oplossingen bedacht om de klimaatcrisis aan te pakken, maar nu is er een oplossing die echt heel ‘ver’ gaat. Hoe ver? Wel, tot aan de maan en terug. Wetenschappers zijn er namelijk van overtuigd dat als we maanstof met een kanon de ruimte inschieten, dat we zonnestralen kunnen afbuigen. Voor dat ‘zonneschild’ moeten we wel de maan gaan ontginnen en dat is voor sommigen een stap te ver.
Het vrij bizarre concept houdt in dat een ‘zonneschild’ in de ruimte wordt gecreëerd met miljoenen tonnen maanstof dat ontgonnen zou worden. Het maanstof wordt weggeschoten met raketten naar een punt in de ruimte op ongeveer 1 miljoen kilometer van de aarde. Daar zouden de zwevende korrels het inkomende zonlicht gedeeltelijk kunnen blokkeren.
“Een heel fijn onderdeel van onze studie was het besef dat de natuurlijke maankorrels precies de juiste grootte en samenstelling hebben om zonlicht efficiënt van de aarde weg te sturen”, zei astrofysicus Ben Bromley aan het wetenschappelijk magazine ‘Plos Climate’.
Maanstof was niet de eerste keuze. Bromley en twee andere onderzoekers overwogen eerst andere materialen zoals steenkool en zeezout. Die zaken zouden de zon met wel 2 procent kunnen dimmen als ze de ruimte in worden geschoten. Het team merkte uiteindelijk dat maanstof het beste werkte. Hiervoor zouden wel miljoenen tonnen gedolven en gezeefd moeten worden.
Het maanstof zou ook voortdurend de ruimte in moeten worden gestuwd om de opwarming van de aarde tegen te gaan. Anders zou er een zogenaamde ‘eindschok’ kunnen ontstaan waarbij de tijdelijke afkoeling abrupt stopt en de wereld snel opwarmt. Bromley benadrukte dat hun creatief idee er niet mag voor zorgen dat we stoppen met andere inspanningen om de opwarming van de aarde terug te dringen.
Sleutelen aan het wereldklimaat, inclusief pogingen om zonlicht te weerkaatsen, is een controversieel antwoord op de klimaatcrisis. Het heeft echter enige aanhang gekregen na herhaalde waarschuwingen dat landen hun emissies niet snel genoeg verminderen om een ramp te voorkomen. De Amerikaanse regering heeft vorig jaar dan ook een onderzoeksproject rond dit concept gelanceerd.
Ted Parson, een expert in milieuwetgeving, zei aan de Britse krant ‘The Guardian’ dat het voorstel “leuke wetenschappelijke speculaties” zijn, maar dat die waarschijnlijk niet in praktijk zullen worden gebracht. De voornaamste redenen zijn de hoge kosten en het gebrek aan controle.
Er zijn ook heel wat tegenstanders van dit idee. “Het idee om de maan te ontginnen, is geen oplossing voor de voortdurende klimaatcrisis”, zegt Frank Biermann, hoogleraar aan de Universiteit Utrecht. “Wat we nodig hebben, is een massale vermindering van de uitstoot van broeikasgassen.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
UFO Over Scottsdale, Arizona for 12 Minutes! Feb 5, 2023, UFO Sighting News
UFO Over Scottsdale, Arizona for 12 Minutes! Feb 5, 2023, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: February 5, 2023 Location of sighting: Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
The awesome video is 12 full minutes long! Thats rare guys, and its from the Arizona state which means its close to Area 51 and Area S4 and the Extraterrestrial Highway. This is massive evidence that tic-tac UFOs do exist.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
I had seen some thing in the sky a few days prior and thought I would go outside and just record and as soon as I started recording, and after the birds flew by, I noticed this object coming from the north traveling south. I tried to zoom in as it crossed overhead and follow the object until it disappeared. I was watching it with both my slow motion, camera mode, and with my eyes. I did not see the second craft until I was watching the video.
The first craft was brilliant and flickering and even orb like… it exploded, and what looked like an orb, flash of color a few times. Very unusual, and I saw it with my naked eye as well. I don’t know what is going on in our skies, but I thought it was mandatory that I give you this information.
The second craft I did not see, but as I watched the video, I watched it mutate from an orb type craft into some kind of metallic craft. It’s like it changed in the sky.
Former F/A-18 pilot on UFO encounters and mysteriously missing radar footage
Former F/A-18 pilot on UFO encounters and mysteriously missing radar footage
As a former F/A-18 Hornet pilot with extensive experience and multiple encounters with unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), Mark Hulsey's perspectives on this issue are certainly worth considering.
Frustrated, Mark questions why these phenomena are not openly investigated.
The issue of missing radar footage is particularly concerning, as it raises questions about the potential for evidence to be concealed or suppressed. In a field where safety and transparency are of the utmost importance, it is essential that all relevant data is collected and analyzed in order to better understand the UAP phenomenon.
Ultimately, Mark's belief that everyone has the right to know what is happening in the skies is a fundamental principle of transparency and open inquiry.
San Diego Skies Light Up with Mysterious Orangish Glows
San Diego Skies Light Up with Mysterious Orangish Glows
UFO sighting over San Diego
UFO sightings have been a topic of fascination for decades, and one such incident occurred in San Diego, California on June 27th, 2022. The event witnessed by several people from La Jolla to North Island, caused a stir in the community and sparked interest from UFO enthusiasts.
According to a witness report, a series of glowing orangish lights were observed hovering in the sky near the beach. The witness was walking their dogs, as they often do, when they noticed the lights. As more and more people gathered, it was estimated that around 15 individuals were observing the strange lights in the sky.
However, the next day, the local news reported that the sightings were merely naval exercises with flares. Yet, the witness and several others who saw the lights were convinced that what they saw was not a typical naval exercise. The lights, which multiplied in numbers and disappeared and reappeared, were not consistent with the behavior of flares. Moreover, the lights rose in altitude and increased in brightness, further fueling the belief that what they saw was not a conventional occurrence.
The witness also reported having recorded several videos of the incident, but due to an error while uploading the videos, only a few were successfully uploaded. The individual had approximately 20 minutes of video that they were unable to share, as the error message stated that “an error occurred while loading a higher quality version of this video.”
Triangle Shaped UFO Sighted Over Utah & Black Flying Saucer Found On Google Earth.
Clip One: This dark triangle shaped UFO was sight over Salt Lake City in Utah but was filmed from Draper. The witness stated the following: "From the SLC avenues mid September 2022 at sundown, I noticed a fairly large triangular object hovering in the sky. It was first floating stationary but moving kind of wavy. It then proceeded to slowly move North. I captured a total of 4 videos of approximately 1 minute 30 seconds each. The object kept floating North and then seemed to dissapear from view. The object was definitely triangle and guessing the size could have been around 60-75 ft in length. The location when first spotted was just above the high rise buildings in downtown Salt Lake. It appeared to be about 1250-1500 ft in the sky."
SOURCE: MUFON Case Number: 128404
Clip Two:This black "Flying Saucer" was found on Google earth and here are the coordinates so you guys can have a look for yourselves.
Google earth: 41°51'39"N 4°10'53"W
The Incredible Logistics Of NASA's Ingenuity Drone
The Incredible Logistics Of NASA's Ingenuity Drone
Last Video: The Real Reason NASA Is Developing A Nuclear Rocket Engine!
The Space Race is dedicated to the exploration of outer space and humans' mission to explore the universe. We’ll provide news and updates from everything in space, including the SpaceX and NASA mission to colonize Mars and the Moon. We’ll focus on news and updates from SpaceX, NASA, Starlink, Blue Origin, The James Webb Space Telescope and more. If you’re interested in space exploration, Mars colonization, and everything to do with space travel and the space race... you’ve come to the right channel! We love space and hope to inspire others to learn more!
Can We Blame Jupiter For Extinction Of Dinosaurs?
The Earth has seen its fair share of mass extinctions throughout its history. These catastrophic events have resulted in the loss of countless species of plants and animals, forever altering the course of life on our planet. The most famous mass extinction event is the one that wiped out the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago. Scientists believe that a massive asteroid impact was the cause, leading to the extinction of around 75% of all species on Earth. But how did that asteroid find its way to Earth? Did Jupiter play a role in it? In this video, we will talk about whether we can blame Jupiter for the extinction of dinosaurs or not.
A massive cosmic collision is one of the most serious existential dangers to life on Earth. An intense enough impact with Earth — typical of objects a few kilometres or bigger in size — might easily produce a mass extinction event, and may perhaps utterly sterilise a living globe, putting an end to a multi-billion-year cycle of life. For billions of years, these events have occurred across the universe, including in our solar system. It has traditionally been believed that the Solar System is favorable for life as it has Jupiter, which acts as a shield against objects that could impact Earth. Jupiter, the largest planet in our Solar System, experiences collisions much more often than Earth, serving as its protector. However, this understanding is incorrect. Its existence in fact increases the likelihood of collisions on Earth, and researchers estimate that there's a high chance that the K-Pg extinction event would not have occurred without Jupiter's presence.
Something Bizarre is Going On Thousands of Kilometers Beneath Your Feet at The Core of The Earth
Something Bizarre is Going On Thousands of Kilometers Beneath Your Feet at The Core of The Earth. Many scientists think that the earth’s inner core spins faster than the planet, however, in the past few years that has changed. The earth’s core has apparently stopped spinning.
Thousands of Galactic "Fossils” Discovered by Webb! Explaining the Latest James Webb Image in 4K
For more than a year now we have been witnessing the incredible capabilities of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) as it observes the universe like never before. We have seen distant planets, colossal galaxy mergers, ancient stars and even the regions where new stars are born. In this video, we will look at one of the latest images captured by JWST, revealing galactic fossils. Ancient galaxies as they looked when the universe was still in its infancy. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the universe like never before.
Credits:NASA, ESA, CSA, JPL-Caltech//R. Hurt (Caltech-IPAC), STScI, Webb ERO Production Team, A. Martel
New Discovery In The Nile River Reveals Terrifying Truth About The Pyramids
It's easy to look at the futuristic cities of today, like Tokyo or Hong Kong, and marvel at the advanced technologies and astounding architecture. Nothing beats the marvels of ancient civilizations. Over 5,000 years ago, Ancient Egypt flourished with incredible monuments, stories, and artifacts but most of them were lost over the centuries.
Thanks to modern archaeologists, historians, and their hard work, many of these mysterious wonders have been revealed in recent years, giving us a glimpse of the extraordinary culture and civilization that existed in Ancient Egypt, and well, it's happened again, and this time, it's the river Nile. Join us as we uncover the recent amazing discovery that has shocked scientists and explore the secrets of one of Ancient Egypt's greatest mysteries.
Curiosity discovers evidence of water on ancient Mars with ripples and landslide debris
NASA's Curiosity rover has found evidence of water on ancient Mars with "rippled textures" and "landslide debris" in the foothills of Mount Sharp.
Hycean Planets & Ice Worlds
Our telescopes find new exoplanets and reveal deeper details about them everyday, unveiling massive hydrogen-rich atmosphere planets and icy worlds which may be able to harbor life even far from any star.
Stuck in a Space Station, Black Holes' Habitable Zones, Human-Rated Starship | Q&A 210
Is there a habitable zone around a black hole? Can you get stuck in the middle of a big space station? How will Starship get human-rated? Why is the Fermi Paradox even a paradox? All this in this week's Q&A!
Voyager 1 Is Sending Back Mysterious Signals. What Are They?
NASA Space Probe Discovered Something Strange in the Solar System
The approximate radius of the solar system is 30 trillion kilometers. During the whole time of exploration of this space, mankind has found 316 minor planets. And 8 main ones that everyone knows about. But “know” is too big a word. In most cases, we only know what these planets look like and at what distance they are from the Earth. Everything else is just our assumptions. To replace speculation with facts, humanity regularly sends space research probes to other planets.
Linda Napolitano was a simple New York housewife, at least until November 30, 1989, when in the middle of the night she was abducted by aliens and made to float above the Manhattan sky until she entered a UFO where she was subjected to mysterious experiments. Hypnosis, aliens, man in black and important political figures, these are the pieces that characterize the alien abduction of Linda Napolitano, what over time was defined by experts as "the alien abduction case of the century".
In December, computational biologists Casey Greene and Milton Pividori embarked on an unusual experiment: they asked an assistant who was not a scientist to help them improve three of their research papers. Their assiduous aide suggested revisions to sections of documents in seconds; each manuscript took about five minutes to review. In one biology manuscript, their helper even spotted a mistake in a reference to an equation. The trial didn’t always run smoothly, but the final manuscripts were easier to read — and the fees were modest, at less than US$0.50 per document.
This assistant, as Greene and Pividori reported in a preprint1 on 23 January, is not a person but an artificial-intelligence (AI) algorithm called GPT-3, first released in 2020. It is one of the much-hyped generative AI chatbot-style tools that can churn out convincingly fluent text, whether asked to produce prose, poetry, computer code or — as in the scientists’ case — to edit research papers (see ‘How an AI chatbot edits a manuscript’ at the end of this article).
The most famous of these tools, also known as large language models, or LLMs, is ChatGPT, a version of GPT-3 that shot to fame after its release in November last year because it was made free and easily accessible. Other generative AIs can produce images, or sounds.
“I’m really impressed,” says Pividori, who works at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. “This will help us be more productive as researchers.” Other scientists say they now regularly use LLMs not only to edit manuscripts, but also to help them write or check code and to brainstorm ideas. “I use LLMs every day now,” says Hafsteinn Einarsson, a computer scientist at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik. He started with GPT-3, but has since switched to ChatGPT, which helps him to write presentation slides, student exams and coursework problems, and to convert student theses into papers. “Many people are using it as a digital secretary or assistant,” he says.
LLMs form part of search engines, code-writing assistants and even a chatbot that negotiates with other companies’ chatbots to get better prices on products. ChatGPT’s creator, OpenAI in San Francisco, California, has announced a subscription service for $20 per month, promising faster response times and priority access to new features (although its trial version remains free). And tech giant Microsoft, which had already invested in OpenAI, announced a further investment in January, reported to be around $10 billion. LLMs are destined to be incorporated into general word- and data-processing software. Generative AI’s future ubiquity in society seems assured, especially because today’s tools represent the technology in its infancy.
But LLMs have also triggered widespread concern — from their propensity to return falsehoods, to worries about people passing off AI-generated text as their own. When Nature asked researchers about the potential uses of chatbots such as ChatGPT, particularly in science, their excitement was tempered with apprehension. “If you believe that this technology has the potential to be transformative, then I think you have to be nervous about it,” says Greene, at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora. Much will depend on how future regulations and guidelines might constrain AI chatbots’ use, researchers say.
Fluent but not factual
Some researchers think LLMs are well-suited to speeding up tasks such as writing papers or grants, as long as there’s human oversight. “Scientists are not going to sit and write long introductions for grant applications any more,” says Almira Osmanovic Thunström, a neurobiologist at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden, who has co-authored a manuscript2using GPT-3 as an experiment. “They’re just going to ask systems to do that.”
Tom Tumiel, a research engineer at InstaDeep, a London-based software consultancy firm, says he uses LLMs every day as assistants to help write code. “It’s almost like a better Stack Overflow,” he says, referring to the popular community website where coders answer each others’ queries.
But researchers emphasize that LLMs are fundamentally unreliable at answering questions, sometimes generating false responses. “We need to be wary when we use these systems to produce knowledge,” says Osmanovic Thunström.
This unreliability is baked into how LLMs are built. ChatGPT and its competitors work by learning the statistical patterns of language in enormous databases of online text — including any untruths, biases or outmoded knowledge. When LLMs are then given prompts (such as Greene and Pividori’s carefully structured requests to rewrite parts of manuscripts), they simply spit out, word by word, any way to continue the conversation that seems stylistically plausible.
The result is that LLMs easily produce errors and misleading information, particularly for technical topics that they might have had little data to train on. LLMs also can’t show the origins of their information; if asked to write an academic paper, they make up fictitious citations. “The tool cannot be trusted to get facts right or produce reliable references,” noted a January editorial on ChatGPT in the journal Nature MachineIntelligence3.
With these caveats, ChatGPT and other LLMs can be effective assistants for researchers who have enough expertise to directly spot problems or to easily verify answers, such as whether an explanation or suggestion of computer code is correct.
But the tools might mislead naive users. In December, for instance, Stack Overflow temporarily banned the use of ChatGPT, because site moderators found themselves flooded with a high rate of incorrect but seemingly persuasive LLM-generated answers sent in by enthusiastic users. This could be a nightmare for search engines.
Can shortcomings be solved?
Some search-engine tools, such as the researcher-focused Elicit, get around LLMs’ attribution issues by using their capabilities first to guide queries for relevant literature, and then to briefly summarize each of the websites or documents that the engines find — so producing an output of apparently referenced content (although an LLM might still mis-summarize each individual document).
Companies building LLMs are also well aware of the problems. In September last year, Google subsidiary DeepMind published a paper4 on a ‘dialogue agent’ called Sparrow, which the firm’s chief executive and co-founder Demis Hassabis later told TIME magazine would be released in private beta this year; the magazine reported that Google aimed to work on features including the ability to cite sources. Other competitors, such as Anthropic, say that they have solved some of ChatGPT’s issues (Anthropic, OpenAI and DeepMind declined interviews for this article).
For now, ChatGPT is not trained on sufficiently specialized content to be helpful in technical topics, some scientists say. Kareem Carr, a biostatistics PhD student at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was underwhelmed when he trialled it for work. “I think it would be hard for ChatGPT to attain the level of specificity I would need,” he says. (Even so, Carr says that when he asked ChatGPT for 20 ways to solve a research query, it spat back gibberish and one useful idea — a statistical term he hadn’t heard of that pointed him to a new area of academic literature.)
Some tech firms are training chatbots on specialized scientific literature — although they have run into their own issues. In November last year, Meta — the tech giant that owns Facebook — released an LLM called Galactica, which was trained on scientific abstracts, with the intention of making it particularly good at producing academic content and answering research questions. The demo was pulled from public access (although its code remains available) after users got it to produce inaccuracies and racism. “It’s no longer possible to have some fun by casually misusing it. Happy?,” Meta’s chief AI scientist, Yann LeCun, tweeted in a response to critics. (Meta did not respond to a request, made through their press office, to speak to LeCun.)
Safety and responsibility
Galactica had hit a familiar safety concern that ethicists have been pointing out for years: without output controls LLMs can easily be used to generate hate speech and spam, as well as racist, sexist and other harmful associations that might be implicit in their training data.
Besides directly producing toxic content, there are concerns that AI chatbots will embed historical biases or ideas about the world from their training data, such as the superiority of particular cultures, says Shobita Parthasarathy, director of a science, technology and public-policy programme at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Because the firms that are creating big LLMs are mostly in, and from, these cultures, they might make little attempt to overcome such biases, which are systemic and hard to rectify, she adds.
OpenAI tried to skirt many of these issues when deciding to openly release ChatGPT. It restricted its knowledge base to 2021, prevented it from browsing the Internet and installed filters to try to get the tool to refuse to produce content for sensitive or toxic prompts. Achieving that, however, required human moderators to label screeds of toxic text. Journalists have reported that these workers are poorly paid and some have suffered trauma. Similar concerns over worker exploitation have also been raised about social-media firms that have employed people to train automated bots for flagging toxic content.
OpenAI’s guardrails have not been wholly successful. In December last year, computational neuroscientist Steven Piantadosi at the University of California, Berkeley, tweeted that he’d asked ChatGPT to develop a Python program for whether a person should be tortured on the basis of their country of origin. The chatbot replied with code inviting the user to enter a country; and to print “This person should be tortured” if that country was North Korea, Syria, Iran or Sudan. (OpenAI subsequently closed off that kind of question.)
Last year, a group of academics released an alternative LLM, called BLOOM. The researchers tried to reduce harmful outputs by training it on a smaller selection of higher-quality, multilingual text sources. The team involved also made its training data fully open (unlike OpenAI). Researchers have urged big tech firms to responsibly follow this example — but it’s unclear whether they’ll comply.
Some researchers say that academics should refuse to support large commercial LLMs altogether. Besides issues such as bias, safety concerns and exploited workers, these computationally intensive algorithms also require a huge amount of energy to train, raising concerns about their ecological footprint. A further worry is that by offloading thinking to automated chatbots, researchers might lose the ability to articulate their own thoughts. “Why would we, as academics, be eager to use and advertise this kind of product?” wrote Iris van Rooij, a computational cognitive scientist at Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, in a blogpost urging academics to resist their pull.
A further confusion is the legal status of some LLMs, which were trained on content scraped from the Internet with sometimes less-than-clear permissions. Copyright and licensing laws currently cover direct copies of pixels, text and software, but not imitations in their style. When those imitations — generated through AI — are trained by ingesting the originals, this introduces a wrinkle. The creators of some AI art programs, including Stable Diffusion and Midjourney, are currently being sued by artists and photography agencies; OpenAI and Microsoft (along with its subsidiary tech site GitHub) are also being sued for software piracy over the creation of their AI coding assistant Copilot. The outcry might force a change in laws, says Lilian Edwards, a specialist in Internet law at Newcastle University, UK.
Enforcing honest use
Setting boundaries for these tools, then, could be crucial, some researchers say. Edwards suggests that existing laws on discrimination and bias (as well as planned regulation of dangerous uses of AI) will help to keep the use of LLMs honest, transparent and fair. “There’s loads of law out there,” she says, “and it’s just a matter of applying it or tweaking it very slightly.”
At the same time, there is a push for LLM use to be transparently disclosed. Scholarly publishers (including the publisher of Nature) have said that scientists should disclose the use of LLMs in research papers (see also Nature 613, 612; 2023); and teachers have said they expect similar behaviour from their students. The journal Science has gone further, saying that no text generated by ChatGPT or any other AI tool can be used in a paper5.
One key technical question is whether AI-generated content can be spotted easily. Many researchers are working on this, with the central idea to use LLMs themselves to spot the output of AI-created text.
Last December, for instance, Edward Tian, a computer-science undergraduate at Princeton University in New Jersey, published GPTZero. This AI-detection tool analyses text in two ways. One is ‘perplexity’, a measure of how familiar the text seems to an LLM. Tian’s tool uses an earlier model, called GPT-2; if it finds most of the words and sentences predictable, then text is likely to have been AI-generated. The tool also examines variation in text, a measure known as ‘burstiness’: AI-generated text tends to be more consistent in tone, cadence and perplexity than does that written by humans.
Many other products similarly aim to detect AI-written content. OpenAI itself had already released a detector for GPT-2, and it released another detection tool in January. For scientists’ purposes, a tool that is being developed by the firm Turnitin, a developer of anti-plagiarism software, might be particularly important, because Turnitin’s products are already used by schools, universities and scholarly publishers worldwide. The company says it’s been working on AI-detection software since GPT-3 was released in 2020, and expects to launch it in the first half of this year.
However, none of these tools claims to be infallible, particularly if AI-generated text is subsequently edited. Also, the detectors could falsely suggest that some human-written text is AI-produced, says Scott Aaronson, a computer scientist at the University of Texas at Austin and guest researcher with OpenAI. The firm said that in tests, its latest tool incorrectly labelled human-written text as AI-written 9% of the time, and only correctly identified 26% of AI-written texts. Further evidence might be needed before, for instance, accusing a student of hiding their use of an AI solely on the basis of a detector test, Aaronson says.
A separate idea is that AI content would come with its own watermark. Last November, Aaronson announced that he and OpenAI were working on a method of watermarking ChatGPT output. It has not yet been released, but a 24 January preprint6 from a team led by computer scientist Tom Goldstein at the University of Maryland in College Park, suggested one way of making a watermark. The idea is to use random-number generators at particular moments when the LLM is generating its output, to create lists of plausible alternative words that the LLM is instructed to choose from. This leaves a trace of chosen words in the final text that can be identified statistically but are not obvious to a reader. Editing could defeat this trace, but Goldstein suggests that edits would have to change more than half the words.
An advantage of watermarking is that it rarely produces false positives, Aaronson points out. If the watermark is there, the text was probably produced with AI. Still, it won’t be infallible, he says. “There are certainly ways to defeat just about any watermarking scheme if you are determined enough.” Detection tools and watermarking only make it harder to deceitfully use AI — not impossible.
Meanwhile, LLM creators are busy working on more sophisticated chatbots built on larger data sets (OpenAI is expected to release GPT-4 this year) — including tools aimed specifically at academic or medical work. In late December, Google and DeepMind published a preprint about a clinically-focused LLM it called Med-PaLM7. The tool could answer some open-ended medical queries almost as well as the average human physician could, although it still had shortcomings and unreliabilities.
Eric Topol, director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in San Diego, California, says he hopes that, in the future, AIs that include LLMs might even aid diagnoses of cancer, and the understanding of the disease, by cross-checking text from academic literature against images of body scans. But this would all need judicious oversight from specialists, he emphasizes.
The computer science behind generative AI is moving so fast that innovations emerge every month. How researchers choose to use them will dictate their, and our, future. “To think that in early 2023, we’ve seen the end of this, is crazy,” says Topol. “It’s really just beginning.”
Source: Adapted from ref 1.
Nature614, 214-216 (2023)
Correction 08 February 2023: This News feature misrepresented Scott Aaronson’s views on the accuracy of watermarking in identifying AI-produced text. Human-produced text might also be flagged as having a watermark, but the probability is extremely low.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
UFO Over Scottsdale, Arizona for 12 Minutes! Feb 5, 2023, UFO Sighting News
UFO Over Scottsdale, Arizona for 12 Minutes! Feb 5, 2023, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: February 5, 2023
Location of sighting: Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
The awesome video is 12 full minutes long! Thats rare guys, and its from the Arizona state which means its close to Area 51 and Area S4 and the Extraterrestrial Highway. This is massive evidence that tic-tac UFOs do exist.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
I had seen some thing in the sky a few days prior and thought I would go outside and just record and as soon as I started recording, and after the birds flew by, I noticed this object coming from the north traveling south. I tried to zoom in as it crossed overhead and follow the object until it disappeared. I was watching it with both my slow motion, camera mode, and with my eyes. I did not see the second craft until I was watching the video. The first craft was brilliant and flickering and even orb like… it exploded, and what looked like an orb, flash of color a few times. Very unusual, and I saw it with my naked eye as well. I don’t know what is going on in our skies, but I thought it was mandatory that I give you this information. The second craft I did not see, but as I watched the video, I watched it mutate from an orb type craft into some kind of metallic craft. It’s like it changed in the sky.
Witte Huis: "Voorbije jaren Chinese ballonnen waargenomen boven 5 verschillende continenten"
De ballon die over de VS vloog, werd uiteindelijk boven de Atlantische Oceaan neergeschoten.2023
Witte Huis: "Voorbije jaren Chinese ballonnen waargenomen boven 5 verschillende continenten"
De Verenigde Staten beschuldigen China ervan dat het de voorbije jaren over 5 verschillende continenten spionageballonnen heeft laten vliegen. Dat heeft het Witte Huis bekendgemaakt. De Verenigde Staten hebben hun bondgenoten ingelicht.
Freek Willems
De Chinese "spionageballonnen" die vorige week boven de Verenigde Staten en Latijns-Amerika vlogen, zijn allesbehalve de eerste ballonnen die China heeft ingezet. De voorbije jaren zijn volgens de VS in totaal boven 5 verschillende continenten dergelijke ballonnen waargenomen. Om welke landen het precies gaat, is nog niet duidelijk.
Het Witte Huis noemt de ballonnen een "schending van de soevereiniteit". De ballon die over de VS vloog, werd uiteindelijk na een aantal dagen boven de Atlantische Oceaan uit de lucht geschoten.
Brokstukken van de ballon en vooral de apparatuur die eraan hing, werden verzameld om te analyseren. De ballon was zo'n 60 meter lang en had volgens Amerikaanse functionarissen een laadgedeelte dat vergelijkbaar was met dat van een regionaal vliegtuig.
De ontdekking van de ballon veroorzaakte een nieuwe diplomatieke crisis tussen de VS en China. De Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Antony Blinken stelde een gepland bezoek aan China op het allerlaatste moment uit. Volgens de VS was de ballon bedoeld om de militaire capaciteit van de VS in kaart te brengen.
Salt Lake City resident just recently reported on MUFON website this strange, large blacktriangle UFO hovering in the sky on September 16, 2022. This latest UFO sighting, caught on camera by a local witness, is stirring up excitement and intrigue among UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike.
According to the witness report, the object was first seen floating stationary in the sky above downtown Salt Lake City in Utah but soon began to move North. The witness was able to capture a total of 4 videos of the strange object, which appeared to be approximately 60-75 feet in length (about 20 meters).
Despite some speculation that the object might be a USAF TR3B or triangle craft, experts believe it is highly unlikely that the military would fly such a craft in the open during the day. Additionally, the object’s slow and wavy movement, as well as its semi-transparent reflective hump on the lower center, are not characteristic of any known military aircraft.
The TR-3B is a rumored military aircraft with a triangular shape, said to use advanced technology such as antigravity and electromagnetic propulsion systems. However, its existence has not been officially confirmed by the military.
This latest UFO sighting in Salt Lake City is being considered one of the most credible and convincing triangle UFO sightings in recent history. The fact that the object was seen in the daylight and captured on video is adding to its authenticity.
Triangle UFO Sighting in Lakeland, Florida: What Really Happened on January 23, 2023?
Triangle UFO Sighting in Lakeland, Florida: What Really Happened on January 23, 2023?
Latest triangle UFO sighting from Florida
UFO sightings have always been a topic of intrigue and speculation. The latest UFO sightings have once again sparked the interest of many, with the latest event taking place in Lakeland, Florida. On January 23, 2023, a local resident reported seeing strange lights appearing to rotate and move in the night sky.
The witness was speaking to a friend on the phone when they noticed the lights moving over their truck. They immediately hung up and started recording the events. The lights moved relatively slow and towards the north while gaining altitude. At first, the witness thought that the lights might be from a balloon or lights hanging from a balloon, but then the objects turned in an odd manner, which led them to believe it might be something more. The witness got out of their truck and continued to film, but eventually lost sight of the objects due to buildings and trees in the way.
Witness report of the UFO sighting
The video of the sighting has since gone viral, with many people speculating about the identity of the strange lights. Some people believe that it might be an extraterrestrial spacecraft, while others believe it might be some sort of military experiment or a hoax. Regardless of the speculation, one thing is for sure – the latest UFO sightings in Lakeland, Florida, have caught the attention of the world.
Ex-Intelligence Official Shares Insights on Government’s Secret UFO Investigations
Ex-Intelligence Official Shares Insights on Government’s Secret UFO Investigations
Jay Stratton, a former high-ranking intelligence official, is breaking his silence on government UFO investigations. With his extensive experience working with various intelligence agencies, Stratton has had access to some of the Pentagon’s most classified UFO files. He’s the only person in the federal government to have worked directly on all three of the most recent UFO programs, including one based in Las Vegas.
In this exclusive interview, Stratton shares the latest UFO sightings and details on his role in uncovering the truth behind them. Stratton was the man behind the investigation into the Tic Tac UFO, a mysterious object that left Navy aviators and sensors baffled off the coast of San Diego in 2004. The Tic Tac UFO was the first incident tackled by the Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Application Program (OSAP), a secret program created by the Defense Intelligence Agency and funded by a black budget.
As a result of Stratton’s work with the OSAP, he’s become one of the leading experts on the latest UFO sightings. Stratton and his colleague, Dr. James Lekatsky, were the driving force behind the creation of a central location to analyze unknown craft sightings. They even investigated the famous “UFO hotspot” Skinwalker Ranch in Utah.
In 2021, Stratton left the UAP Task Force, but his work formed the basis of a comprehensive report to Congress. Out of the 144 incidents investigated by the task force, 143 were considered unidentified. Today, Stratton works for Radiance Technologies, a defense contractor, and continues to uncover the truth behind the latest UFO sightings.
So what’s the latest on the UFO front? Stratton scoffs at the debunkers who’ve tried to explain away UFO sightings as flares, drones, or birds. With 144 incidents still considered unidentified, Stratton and his team have a lot of work to do. But they’re up for the challenge and are dedicated to uncovering the truth behind the latest UFO sightings.
The Falcon Lake Incident: Canada's Most Mysterious Unsolved UFO Case...
The Falcon Lake Incident: Canada's Most Mysterious Unsolved UFO Case...
In 1967 Stefan Michalak claims to of witnessed two UFOs in the woods of Manitoba, Canada at falcon lake. His story has become one of the most documented and heavily studied reports in history regarding UFOs. Interestingly, Stefan had more to back up his story than just recounting what he saw, he sustained an injury that still to this day cannot be explained away.
What follows is what many consider to be the best evidence of UFO’s of all time, this is the story of the falcon lake UFO.
In the fat report of the Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects by the University of Colorado under contract to the United States Air Force (1969), Michalak's UFO encounter was described as "unknown", meaning there was no explanation. Their concluding remarks (on page 323) were impressive: "If Mr. A's reported experience were physically real, it would show the existence of alien vehicles in our environment."
Cacao Nibs
NASA's Curiosity Mars rover has stumbled across yet another fascinating discovery while exploring the planet's barren surface.
This time, it appears to be an iron-nickel meteorite dubbed Cacao, which measures roughly a foot across and can be seen in an ultra-high resolution image, stitched together from 19 individual photos taken by the rover on January 28.
The mysterious object's lovely silver metallic hue stands out like a sore thumb in the surrounding, rust-colored landscape, a sulfate-bearing region of the Red Planet's Mount Sharp.
"Rock. Rock. Rock. Rock. Rock. Rock. METEORITE!" the rover's official Twitter account wrote. "It's not uncommon to find meteorites on Mars — in fact, I've done it a few times! But a change in scenery's always nice."
Pet Rock
Unfortunately, Curiosity, which has been roaming the surface for well over a decade now, isn't equipped to take a sample from Cacao and bring it back home. That's one of the main objectives of the rover's cousin Perseverance, the only other active rover currently roaming the surface of Mars, which has been industriously picking up samples of Martian rock and soil.
The meteorite could still allow scientists to glean insights into the Red Planet's ancient past or whether it once hosted life. The scars and indentations on Cacao's surface were likely formed as it made its way through the planet's atmosphere, as Universe Today reports, despite the planet's thin atmosphere.
Iron nickel meteorites are also the rarest kinds of meteorites and stand a very good chance of surviving their journey through either Mars' or Earth's atmosphere.
The Beast
As the Curiosity team points out in its update, the rover has come across several meteorites not unlike Cacao, from the golf ball-sized "egg rock" it found in 2016, to the massive seven-foot iron meteorite "Lebanon" — or "the Beast" — meteorite in 2014.
But there's only so much the scientists will be able to learn about Curiosity's newest find.
"There’s no way to date these," the team admitted in a Twitter reply. "But it could have been here millions of years!"
Some time ago, NASA began looking for extraterrestrial life, however, no signal from space has been received… or so it is believed. Recently, the UK Ministry of Defense declassified the National Archives for the seventh batch of UFO files, where it was explained that the space agency received “signals of a human civilization” from another planet.
One of the files has an article from the September 15, 1998 Weekley World News , in volume 19, superscript 51. That article narrates that NASA detected and decoded signals from a human civilization.
Supposedly requesting help since they were doomed on a planet outside of our galaxy.
Signs of a human civilization on another planet
The article says that the signal was detected in January 1998 , although it took several months before it was decoded.
Experts claimed that they intercepted an intergalactic distress signal from a human civilization. Supposedly, it had already peaked and was dying when humanity was still in prehistory.
But only in the last few weeks, radio astronomers and experts have found the key to cracking the language based on mathematics . Thus was translated the desperate plea for help.
According to a senior NASA source in Houston, Russian space scientist Viktor Kulakov , who leads a United Nations research team at a state-operated observatory 80 kilometers northwest of Moscow.
Kulakov said the signal was sent from a point beyond our galaxy , possibly from Andromeda . He also assured that it was about 80,000 years ago, by a human civilization more advanced than ours .
The fact that we received and decoded the message shows that the knowledge and technology of that civilization were better than the terrestrial one .
But despite being much more advanced than us, the death of such a civilization was not the result of a cosmic catastrophe . It was the result of its collapse , possibly due to the devastating use of some nuclear weapon.
the end of civilization
The scientist declined to provide a transcript of the message, but did say it started with a guilty plea . Then there was the request for help and finally, he passed the data of his location.
There was also an exact description of the devastation; explosions, widespread death and terminal illnesses.
The message contained a feeling of resignation and underlying guilt. It’s as if the senders recognized that the end of their planet was their fault.
Everything seems to indicate that they did not have the means to evacuate the remaining population. Interplanetary travel was possibly available to them, but only at a limited level . The message made it clear that they were trapped.
Kulakov is believed to have been made invisible by NASA and fired. In addition, any link that linked him to the agency was erased. It only remained as a curious note, as an atypical testimony.
Another point to take into account is that the Weekly World News, the newspaper where the article was published, was discontinued . It was also branded as a “conspiracy” medium, for which reason its veracity was questioned.
Some believe that Kulakov’s testimony is real, others that it was just another sensationalist article. However, the mystery is still present, and the possibility that a human civilization has communicated with us exists.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Focus on Chinese Spy Balloon Sets Up 'Perfect Storm for a Global Conflict'
Focus on Chinese Spy Balloon Sets Up 'Perfect Storm for a Global Conflict'
If the earth is round and each country has satellites in orbit in outer space, with technology like this, how come major nuclear powers are using Balloons?
Nearly identical Chinese spy balloons have been dispatched by the Chinese military into the airspace of Japan and India and the Philippines and in at least one case, probably all cases, at least one we know of, over a military installation.
Could there be deception here?
Focus on Chinese Spy Balloon Sets Up ‘Perfect Storm for a Global Conflict’ – Reality Rants
What does Islam say about alients? With the Universe being as unfathomably vast as it is, it seems impossible that Earth is the only planet that contains life. It just may be, however, that Islam has already confirmed the existence of extraterrestrial life. Here's what the Qu'ran and hadith say about aliens.
The idea of extraterrestrial life is one of incredible fascination to us. Perhaps aggrandized through a century of literature and film, human beings are obsessed with the idea of searching the stars and discovering intelligent life.
With the Universe being as unfathomably vast as it is, it seems impossible that Earth is the only planet that contains life.
Humans have been searching for alien life rigorously for the past few decades. It just may be, however, that Islam has already confirmed the existence of extraterrestrial life.
Even within the solar system, there exists the possibility of some form of life. Europa, for example, one of Jupiter’s larger moons, is believed to be a geologically active world, due to the gravitational fields of Jupiter heating its interior. Its surface is covered by water ice, and scientists believe that beneath the surface, due to the heated interior of the moon, is a global ocean which may be over 100 km deep. It’s plausible that the ocean floor contains hydrothermal vents and volcanos, features on Earth that enable the existence of life in the deepest depths of its oceans.
Enceladus, one of Saturn’s moons, is also ice covered with a subsurface ocean of salty liquid water. Scientists discovered enormous geysers near the moon’s south pole which spray out water into space. The water contains tiny grains of rocky silicate particles that provide strong evidence for the existence of hydrothermal vents, and possible conditions for life.
Another moon of Saturn which is of interest to scientists looking for life is Titan. Its weather system is methane-based, instead of water-based, and the moon contains rivers and lakes made of methane and ethane, as well as possible cryovolcanoes that erupt liquid water rather than lava. It’s entirely possible that lifeforms exist on Titan, made up of different chemistry to lifeforms on Earth.
Titan, artist’s depiction.
Some scientists are still hopeful of the discovery of life on Mars. It had water billions of years ago, and potentially life, but what interests scientists today is the methane that exists in the Martian atmosphere, as methane can be produced by biological processes. While its atmosphere is very thin, it’s not impossible that life may still exist if the planet has managed to retain some reserves of water beneath its surface.
NASA’s Curiosity Rover on Mars / NASA
Outside of the solar system, the possibilities are endless. Scientists generally look for planets in what is known as the Goldilocks Zone, which refers to the habitable zone around a star where the temperature is just right for liquid water to exist on a planet. And, based on our understanding of life, where there is water, there should be life.
There are however other factors to consider. Scientists look for rocky planets, rather than gas giants like Jupiter or Saturn. And even if they find them, it doesn’t automatically make them inhabitable. For example, Mars and Venus exist in our sun’s Goldilocks Zone, but Mars barely has an atmosphere, and Venus is being decimated by its own greenhouse effect. Scientists would also look for traces of gases on potential worlds that can only be produced by life.
The Goldilocks Zone
In short, there may be life outside Earth. There may not be. What that life may look like – and whether it is intelligent life – no-one can say for sure. Whether we will ever even discover life outside of Earth, no-one can know for sure. And, regardless, given how vast the Universe is, finding life is unbelievably difficult.
The Holy Qur’an, perhaps, alludes to the existence of alien life multiple times.
In a surah we read every single day – Surah Al-Fatiha, Allah (SWT) says:
All praise is for Allah—Lord of all worlds.”
(Holy Qur’an 1:2)
Allah emphasises that He is the Lord of all worlds, perhaps referring to worlds as in planets, universes, or dimensions. ‘Aalam’ – the word used for worlds here – can refer to an entire world or an entire people. Classical scholars obviously understood ‘aalam’ to mean people, animals, jinn, angels etc, but Allah is, from the very beginning, saying here that we are not alone.
The biggest pointer to life on other planets is a verse in Surah Ash-Shuraa, where Allah says:
And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and of whatever living creatures He has spread forth in both. And He has the power to gather them together whenever he pleases.” (Holy Quran, 42:30)
Examination of this verse leads many to believe that Allah is being clear here about the existence of extraterrestrial life. Firstly because the plural is used for heavens – ‘Samawaat’, meaning He is not just referring to the sky above us. Secondly, because the word used for creatures here is ‘daabah’. ‘Daabah’ refers to land-dwelling animals that move along the surface of the Earth. Therefore He is not referring to spiritual beings, but literal beings that occupy the Heavens (i.e., outside of Earth).
Artist concept of Kepler-186f in the Kepler-186 system, the first validated Earth-size planet to orbit a distant star in the habitable zone / NASA Ames
The famous Qur’an translator Abdullah Yusuf Ali seems to agree. He writes:
…it is reasonable to suppose that life in some form or another is scattered through some of the millions of heavenly bodies scattered through space.” (The Quran: Text, Translation and Commentary, Ad-Dar Al- ‘Arabiah, Beirut, 1938, 1314)
He isn’t the only one. In a commentary on this verse, Allamah Tabatabai says:
The apparent meaning of this verse is that there are living creatures (Dawab) in the heavens similar to those on earth…”
(Al-Mizan – Volume 18, Page 58)
Islamic theologian Fahir al-Din al-Razi says in his commentary of this verse:
It is not impossible that in the heavens there are species of animals that move just like humans walk on the earth.”
(Religions and extra-terrestrial life, David Weintraub, pg. 165)
Agha Mahdi Puya, the Ayatollah who authored his famous Qur’an tafsir, was quite specific about the existence of alien life. He writes:
Life is not confined to the earth. It is indicated in this verse that life in some form or other is existing in the millions of heavenly bodies scattered through space. The Almighty who created such countless beings has surely the power to bring them together when the trumpet is blown.”
What’s also interesting is the latter portion of the verse, where Allah says ‘He has the power to gather them together whenever he pleases’, emphasising that He can gather these various types of life together. Meaning that if the verse does refer to extraterrestrial life, He could be alluding to contact between beings on Earth and beings living beyond it. Let’s not forget that we look back at many verses today that highlighted hidden mysteries which science later “discovered”, such as living things being made of water, the expansion of the Universe, etc. We may one day look back at this verse and point out that the Qur’an foretold first contact with extraterrestrial life.
An Artist’s rendering of an exoplanet.
However, it’s important to remember that how we interpret this verse is based on how we choose to interpret the word used for Heavens – ‘Samaawat’. Objectively, the word has been used in the Qur’an for multiple meanings, including referring to above, planets in the sky, and the atmosphere on the Earth. So when Allah uses the word ‘Daabah’ in the context of ‘samaawat’ meaning the atmosphere of the Earth, ‘Daabah’ may actually be referring to microscopic life forms or large creatures (like birds) that surround or travel in the atmosphere.
Furthermore, Allah referring to gathering these beings together, could simply be referring to gathering them on the Day of Judgement, and not before.
In another verse, Allah (SWT) says:
Allah is He Who created seven heavens, and of the earth the like thereof. The divine command comes down in their midst, that you may know that Allah has power over all things, and that Allah encompasses all things in His knowledge…” (Holy Quran: 65:13)
Here Allah alludes to the fact that there are similar, if not identical bodies to Earth. While this may be referring to planets in general, He also reminds us that divine revelation comes down to all of them. This could mean that divine revelation descends to alien life as well.
In another verse, Allah says:
The seven heavens and the earth and those that are in them extol His glory…” (Holy Quran, 17:45)
Here, Allah uses the pronoun ‘men’ when saying ‘those’, indicating that He is referring to intelligent life that occupies the heavens, or distant star systems, perhaps.
An artists impression of Proxima B, orbiting the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri / SO / M. Kornmesser / UNIG
The last verse, which Dr. Yasir Qadhi mentions is perhaps the biggest proof for extraterrestrial life (though he leans toward its existence, as opposed to fully supporting the idea) is where Allah says:
Indeed, We have dignified the children of Adam, carried them on land and sea, granted them good and lawful provisions, and privileged them far above many of Our creatures.” (Holy Qur’an 17:1)
His point is that Allah is telling us here that we are higher than many other creatures – but not all of them (hence His use of the word ‘many’). And since we know that we are higher than angels, jinn, and animals, this verse is alluding to another form of creation that we are not aware of – perhaps, alien life.
It’s when we begin to look into the ahadith, of the Shia Muslim tradition specifically, that things start to become more interesting.
Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq, famous scholar and 6th Imam of Shia Islam, is quite specific when it comes to this topic. He says:
Maybe you see that God created only this single world and that God did not create humans besides you. Well I swear by God that God created thousands and thousands of other worlds and thousands and thousands of humankind.” (Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 8, p. 375)
Another hadith I came across, also attributed to Imam Al-Sadiq, says:
Allah has created twelve thousand worlds and every one of them is bigger than the seven skies and seven earths together, none of the people of these worlds ever think that Allah has created any other worlds.”
(Khisal, vol. 2, pg. 639, hadith 14)
In another tradition, found in Safinatul Bahar, Imam Ali says:
These stars which are in the sky are like cities similar to the cities on earth, every city with another city (every star with another star) is connected by pillars of light.” (Safinatul Bahar: Volume 2, Page 574)
While Imam Ali has often used metaphors that the Arabs of his time would understand to describe the Universe (see Nahjul Balagha), it could be said that he is literally referring to alien civilizations here.
Artist’s concept of an exoplanet
Another hadith by the 5th Shia Imam, Imam Mohammed Al-Baqir, states:
Allah has Created this Domain of green aquamarine. It is from its greenery that the sky appears as such’. I said, ‘And what is the Domain?’ He said: ‘The veil. By Allah(azwj), behind that (veil) are seventy thousand worlds, more numerous that the number of the human beings, and the Jinn…”
(Basaair Al Darajaat, pg. 512)
However, while the Shia Muslim literature above seems to essentially confirm the existence of extraterrestrial beings, the authenticity of these narrations up for debate. And even if they are authentic, how one chooses to interpret these hadith is also based on what one is looking for. It could be that the Imams are referring to different dimensions or universes that we just do not (and cannot) understand. Other hadith references that there were peoples who existed before humankind as we know it, meaning the above hadith may fall into a similar category of discussion.
Ultimately, Islamic literature is far from explicit on the existence of alien life. It can be said that, perhaps, some Islamic literature can be interpreted to point toward the existence of life beyond Earth. Whether that be what we consider to be intelligent life, different types of creatures not unlike that which we find in the deepest depths of our oceans, or alien beings whose genetic and societal makeup is beyond our ability to understand, is up to pure speculation.
Much like the conclusion of science, the truth is, we just don’t know, and, at least right now, only Allah does. But after searching the stars enough, perhaps one day we will.
James Webb-telescoop ontdekt "per toeval" kleine asteroïde
Europese astronomen hebben met de James Webb Ruimtetelescoop (JWST) "per toeval" een asteroïde ontdekt in de belangrijkste asteroïdengordel tussen de planeten Mars en Jupiter. De asteroïde, die ongeveer zo groot is als het Romeinse Colosseum, is het kleinste object dat tot nu toe met de ruimtetelescoop is waargenomen, zo heeft het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartagentschap NASA gisteren gemeld.
"De ongelooflijke gevoeligheid van de telescoop heeft het mogelijk gemaakt om dit object van ongeveer 100 meter breed op een afstand van meer dan 100 miljoen kilometer waar te nemen", zegt Thomas Muller, een astronoom aan het Max Planck Instituut in Duitsland.
De ontdekking vond plaats tijdens het kalibreren van het infrarood-instrument MIRI. Dat instrument is het resultaat van een Europees-Amerikaanse samenwerking, waarbij ook Belgische onderzoekers betrokken waren. Er zijn nog meer waarnemingen nodig om de aard en de eigenschappen van de nieuwe asteroïde beter te karakteriseren.
De telescoop is niet ontworpen om te zoeken naar kleine objecten zoals deze nieuwe asteroïde. De vondst toont volgens Muller aan dat nog veel nieuwe objecten ontdekt kunnen worden met de James Webb-telescoop.
UITGELEGD. Hoe ziet James Webb eruit en wat doen ze ermee?
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Black Triangle Over Salt Lake City, Utah Sept 16, 2022, UFO Sighting News.
Black Triangle Over Salt Lake City, Utah Sept 16, 2022, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: September 16, 2022
Location of sighting: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
This is something very cool. A large black triangle was seen over Salt Lake City. The object seem to have a clear or reflective hump on its lower center that was semi transparent (as the screenshot shows).
This object held position not moving, which means its not one of the Stealth fighter jets often seen over Utah. However it might be a USAF TR3B or triangle craft using the Stealth fighter design and body. But the fact that its sunset and the USAF would not fly a TR3B during the day to keep it hidden form the public makes me know that this is 100% a real alien craft. This is a UFO. Wow, what a great video, oh and please subscribe to my channel UFO Sightings Daily on Youtube for more.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
From the SLC avenues mid September 2022 at sundown, I noticed a fairly large triangular object hovering in the sky. It was first floating stationary but moving kind of wavy. It then proceeded to slowly move North. I captured a total of 4 videos of approximately 1 minute 30 seconds each. The object kept floating North and then seemed to dissapear from view. The object was definitely triangle and guessing the size could have been around 60-75 ft in length. The location when first spotted was just above the high rise buildings in downtown Salt Lake. It appeared to be about 1250-1500 ft in the sky.
The Roswell UFO incident, which occurred in the New Mexican desert in 1947, remains the most well-known and debated UFO case in history. Many people believe that the crash was evidence of humanity’s first contact with extraterrestrial life. However, the truth behind the incident has been shrouded in secrecy and controversy for decades.
Leaked CIA memos and statements from ex-military officers have hinted at a government cover-up, leading many to believe that top secret information was kept from the public. Despite these efforts, the truth cannot be kept hidden forever and the mystery of the Roswell UFO incident continues to captivate and puzzle people to this day.
A 2020 documentary film about the Roswell UFO incident, “Roswell UFO Conspiracy: Unlocked,” was recently released on YouTube for free. This film offers a new perspective on the famous case and provides further insight into the shocking and complicated mystery that spans decades and continents.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
5 Most Terrifying Alien Encounters Suppressed by the Government
5 Most Terrifying Alien Encounters Suppressed by the Government
The events that happened during the recent history, such as the Roswell crash and the Pentagon UFO recordings, have raised questions about the government’s involvement in the UFO sightings phenomenon. In this episode, we will the top five most alarming sightings of extraterrestrials that the government covered up.
Elon Musk: "Starship orbital flight in March"! Elon reacts Falcon Heavy's 1st launch
Elon Musk: "Starship orbital flight in March"! Elon reacts Falcon Heavy's 1st launch
See huge comet 96P flyby the sun in epic SOHO spacecraft time-lapse
The ESA/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) captured comet Comet 96P/Machholz latest flyby of the Sun from Jan. 29 to Feb. 2, 2023. See a time-lapse of the footage here.
Nasa Detects New Alien Life Radio Signals From Outer Space
Space is full of the known and the unknown! However, the unknown far outweighs the known, and we continually get baffled by phenomenons that, try as may, we cannot explain! Thanks to sophisticated equipment and sound data interpretation, we can detect many strange things, even though we struggle to explain them or their origin! The latest discovery that has left even the best NASA scientists scratching their heads is a series of strange radio signals emanating from space! What are these strange radio signals? Are they coming from intelligent aliens trying to establish communication with us? And how do they affect your everyday life? Join us as we dive deep into the strange radio signals coming from space that NASA just detected! Sitting in a cozy, well-lit room on Earth, space might look like a serene place where you can enjoy solitude, unlike the hustle and bustle of the big cities down here. However, that perception could not be more wrong! One of the most common is radio emissions because they come from basically everywhere! From planets and stars, exotic objects like pulsars and black holes, galaxies. Radio emissions even come from human technology. So, at any point in time, radio waves are emanating from uncountable sources! Despite the many possible sources, astronomers have detected new and unusual radio wave signals, unlike any found before! The radio waves fit no currently understood patterns of variable radio sources but are coming from the direction of the center of our Milky Way galaxy! The discovery was made using the ASKAP radio telescope. What is ASKAP? It stands for Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder and is a next-generation radio telescope incorporating novel receiver technologies and leading- edge ICT systems. It is made up of 36 antennas, each 12 meters in diameter, that all work together as a single instrument. When ASKAP is completed, it will be capable of high dynamic wide-field imaging using novel phased array feeds that will provide a unique new capability within radio astronomy. The design of ASKAP is unique among radio telescopes because its antennas feature three-axis movement and will use phased array feeds or radio cameras rather than ‘single pixel feeds’ to detect and amplify radio waves. These attributes mean that the telescope will survey large areas of the sky with unprecedented sensitivity and speed. Why did the scientists believe this radio wave was different from whatever they had heard before? They explained that it has a very high polarization. This means its light oscillates in only one direction, but that direction rotates with time. Apart from this, the brightness of the object also varies dramatically, by a factor of 100, and the signal switches on and off apparently at random, unlike anything the scientists had ever seen before! Initially, the scientists thought it could be a pulsar or else a type of star that emits huge solar flares. But the signals from this new source don’t match what these celestial objects emit! While the investigation continues on the radio wave, the source of the signals has been dubbed the ASKAP J173608.2-321635. However, even though the scientists werebaffled by the source of the emission, finding it was nothing short of extraordinary! The astronomers detected six signals over a period of nine months in 2020. But, when the astronomers tried to find the source in visible light, using optical telescopes, they saw nothing. The Parkes radio telescope in Australia also came up empty. This telescope, located just outside the town of Parkes in the central-west region of New South Wales, is one of the four instruments that make up the Australia Telescope National Facility. Parkes has a diameter of 64 meters, making it one of the largest single-dish telescopes in the southern hemisphere dedicated to astronomy. It started operating in 1961, and the surface, control system, focus cabin, receivers, computers, and cabling have all been upgraded to keep the telescope at the cutting edge of radio astronomy. The telescope is now 10,000 times more sensitive than when it was first commissioned. However, it failed to detect the source of the radio signal! Luckily, there is the MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa, an array of 64 interlinked receptors. A receptor is the complete antenna structure, with the primary reflector, sub- reflector, and all receivers, digitizers, and other electronics installed. Forty-eight of the receptors are concentrated in the core area, which is approximately 1 km in diameter. MeerKAT is even more powerful than Parkes, so the astronomers turned to it to unravel the mystery of this strange radio signal! MeerKAT did detect the signal! However, it was intermittent and different, signaling that
The Inside Story on the F-22's Chinese Spy Balloon Kill
Ward gives the details behind the F-22 shootdown of the Chinese Spy Balloon that occurred on February 4, 2023, the first kill by a Raptor in the history of that stealth fighter.
How an F22 Raptor shot down China's spy balloon | Why US choose F22 Raptor | USA China Geopolitics
How an F22 Raptor shot down China's spy balloon | Why US choose F22 Raptor | USA China
This May Be The Real Reason Why China Is Flying Spy Balloon Over US: Gordon Chang | Forbes Exclusive
Author and geopolitical expert Gordon Chang joins Diane Brady on "Forbes Newsroom" to discuss the Chinese spy balloon that is terrifying the US.
Now the Chinese 'spy balloon' is down, what was it for?
Military divers are searching the ocean for pieces of the balloon that was shot down over the weekend.
250 Tonnes to Orbit!?: SpaceX's New Expendable Starship Option
Today, an array of captivating topics to delve into. From the latest updates on the Starship project including the creation of a potential water deluge system, announcement of a 250 Tonnes to Orbit New Expendable Starship Option, to an intriguing rideshare mission with spectacular Starlink launches. Also we get to exploring NASA's innovative rotating detonation rocket engine design. And that's not all, another breath-taking spacewalk, honoring two heroes with the Space Medal of Honor, and much, much more. So sit back, and hold on tight as we blast through yet another awesome week of updates.
Former intelligence official breaks silence on gov't UFO investigations
Jay Stratton is one of the United States government's highest-ranking and most experienced UFO hunters. During his long career working with various intelligence agencies, Stratton might have seen more of the Pentagon's hidden UFO files than anyone. He is the only person in the federal government to have worked directly on all three of the most recent UFO programs, including one based in Las Vegas.
Urgent mission to recover Chinese spy balloon debris | WNT
U.S. Navy and Coast Guard ships are searching and securing a massive perimeter to retrieve every piece of the balloon they can find.
Why Don't Venus And Mars Have Life If They Are Both In The Habitable Zone?
The habitable zone is a region of the solar system where temperatures allow liquid water to exist on a planet, that is, a region that is neither too hot nor too cold. Did you know that there are three planets within the habitable zone in our solar system?
The habitable zone
The habitable zone is an area around a star within which temperatures between 32°F (0°C or 273K) and 212°F (100°C or 373K) are reached. That is, the habitable zone corresponds to the area around a star where the average temperature of the planets there would allow liquid water on its surface.
Other factors for habitability
The existence of liquid water on a planet does not depend only on the amount of energy it receives from its star. Atmospheric pressure also plays a vital role in the presence of water. Some of these other factors are:
Greenhouse effect: carbon dioxide in a planet's atmosphere generates the well-known greenhouse effect, due to which much of the radiation from the star cannot escape from the planet's surface. Albedo: is called albedo to the level of reflectivity of the surface of the planets or celestial bodies.
The habitable zone of other stars The main factor that determines the extent and characteristics of the habitable zone is stellar luminosity. As such,
Venus and Mars: habitable or not?
As we have already seen, the habitable zone of our solar system hosts three planets, Venus, Earth, and Mars; however, of those three, only Earth has life. Not only that but Venus and Mars are a long way from habitable planets.
1. Dough Low-mass planets are bad candidates for life for two reasons. First, its low gravity makes conserving the atmosphere difficult. 2. Orbit and rotation of the planet As in the other criteria, stability is critical in determining the effect of orbital and rotational characteristics on planetary habitability.
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Credits: Ron Miller, Mark A. Garlick / Credits: Nasa/Shutterstock/Storyblocks/Elon Musk/SpaceX/ESA/ESO/ Flickr
00:00 Intro 00:45 The habitable zone 1:28 Other factors for habitability 3:40 The habitable zone of other stars 7:05 Venus and Mars: habitable or not?
Starship will make its maiden orbital flight NEXT MONTH: Elon Musk reveals target launch date for his highly-anticipated £2.4 billion, 395ft-tall craft that was built to go to Mars
Starship will make its maiden orbital flight NEXT MONTH: Elon Musk reveals target launch date for his highly-anticipated £2.4 billion, 395ft-tall craft that was built to go to Mars
The rocket ship that could take humans to Marswithin the next decade is set to make its maiden orbital flight next month.
Elon Musk said SpaceX was targeting March for the eagerly-anticipated launch of his $3 billion (£2.4 billion) Starship — a vehicle that could be a game-changer for long-distance space travel.
Now the tech entrepreneur has revealed that his SpaceX company will try to send its huge Starship rocket to Earth orbit for the first time in a matter of weeks, providing the vehicle successfully ticks a few more boxes.
'If remaining tests go well, we will attempt a Starship launch next month,' Musk wrote on Twitter.
Readying for lift-off: Elon Musk's $3 billion (£2.4 billion) Starship – a vehicle that could be a game-changer for long-distance space travel – is now just weeks away from shooting for the stars in what will be a highly-anticipated maiden orbital launch
'If remaining tests go well, we will attempt a Starship launch next month,' Musk wrote on Twitter
'Success is far from certain, but excitement is guaranteed.'
There is reason to take the pledge with a pinch of salt, however.
The billionaire is famous for being overly-ambitious when it comes to targets — and Starship has already faced months of delays while readying for its debut orbital lift-off.
First launch: March 2023?
What will it be used for? Partly the lander for NASA's moon missions but also to transport humans to Mars.
Height: 395ft (120m)
Weight: 11 million pounds (5 million kg)
Thrust:16 million pounds (70 Meganewtons)
Is it reusable? Yes
Max payload to low-Earth orbit: 220,000-330,000 pounds (100-150 tonnes)
Max payload to lunar orbit:220,000 pounds (100 tonnes)
Solid fuel: N/A
Liquid fuel: Oxygen and methane
Engines: Powered by around 32 Raptor engines
Crew module:Starship (ultimately able to carry up to 100 passengers)
Cost to build: Around $3 billion (£2.4 billion) in terms of total development
Price per launch: Ultimately around $2 million (1.7 million), according to Musk
Where will it launch from? Likely the Starbase facility near Boca Chica, Texas. But possibly Launch Complex 39A at the Kennedy Space Center.
Total launches:0
But there's no doubt that the wet dress rehearsal was a step in the right direction.
It includes many of the procedures SpaceX engineers will perform on launch day, such as pumping liquid oxygen and liquid methane propellant into the vehicle's Super Heavy first stage and Starship upper stage.
The vital mission – which will blast off from Texas and send the craft around Earth once, with a targeted splashdown in the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii – will act as an early milestone in Musk's ambition for Starship to carry people and cargo to the moon and Mars.
No spacecraft is currently capable of sending humans to the Red Planet — but all that could change with the development of Starship.
Its creation is part of Musk's grander vision of making us a 'multi-planetary species', first by starting a human colony on Mars and even getting to the point of building cities.
That may seem ambitious, but the tech supremo's long-term objective for Starship is for it to possibly carry people to destinations in the 'greater Solar System', including gas giants such as Jupiter or one of its possibly-habitable moons.
The thinking is that if there were ever a global apocalypse on Earth, the human race would have a better chance of several if people lived on different worlds in our solar system.
Starship will be capable of carrying up to 100 people to the Red Planet on a journey that is 250 times further than the moon and would take around nine months each way.
Musk and SpaceX have remained tight-lipped about a lot of the details regarding Starship, including images of what the inside will look like, but the 51-year-old has previously said he is looking to install around 40 cabins in the payload area near the front of the upper stage.
'You could conceivably have five or six people per cabin, if you really wanted to crowd people in,' the Tesla, SpaceX and Twitter boss added.
'But I think mostly we would expect to see two or three people per cabin, and so nominally about 100 people per flight to Mars.'
The Martian surface is not the only destination for Starship, however.
Powerful: Musk's vehicle (pictured earlier this week) packs 16 million pounds (70 Meganewtons) of thrust, which is almost double that of the other new generation rocket created by NASA and known as the Space Launch System (SLS)
A base on Mars? In terms of a Starship capsule travelling to the Red Planet, Musk wants to install around 40 cabins in the payload area near the front of the upper stage. This artist's impression shows what it would be like having multiple Starship vehicles on the Martian world
In April 2021, NASA announced that it had selected SpaceX's next-generation vehicle as the first crewed lunar lander for its Artemis III mission — due to put the first woman and first person of colour on the moon in 2025.
The Starship HLS – or Starship Human Landing System – will include SpaceX's Raptor engines, while also pulling inspiration from the Falcon and Dragon vehicles' designs.
It will feature a spacious cabin and two airlocks for astronaut moonwalks.
However, 2025 won't be the Starship HLS' first moon landing. That's because NASA wants the vehicle to perform an uncrewed test touchdown before it returns human boots to the lunar surface for the first time since 1972.
The other uses for Starship are to deposit satellites into low-Earth orbit and possibly carry out space tourism trips.
Musk has already promised a trip around the moon to the Japanese online retail billionaire Yusaku Maezawa, who at the end of last year announced that a crew of eight artists would be joining him for the dearMoon mission.
It is currently scheduled for sometime this year, but with Starship not yet having completed a successful orbital launch, that date seems poised to slip.
Musk has previously estimated the total development cost of the Starship project to be between $2 billion (£1.6 billion) and $10 billion (£8 billion).
He later said it would probably be 'closer to two or three [billion] than it is to 10.'
The booster element alone has been developed over the years, from the Falcon 1 which was retired in 2009 to the Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy, and now Super Heavy.
The idea for the Super Heavy dates back to November 2005, when Musk first discussed his desire to create a rocket he then termed BFR or Big F***ing rocket.
Since then, other SpaceX launch vehicles have followed, all building up to the development of the Super Heavy.
How Starship works
Starship aims to be SpaceX's first fully-reusable rocket, which is part of the reason why the flight costs for Musk's vehicle could end up 200 times cheaper per launch than most other rockets.
So how will it work?
When it is ready to land on Earth, Starship will initially re-enter the atmosphere at a 60-degree angle, before 'belly-flopping' to the ground in a horizontal position.
This type of return uses our planet's atmosphere to slow the vehicle's descent but makes it unstable.
Starship aims to be SpaceX's first fully-reusable rocket, which is part of the reason why the flight costs for Musk's vehicle could end up 200 times cheaper per launch than most other rockets
It is for this reason that Starship will use four steel landing flaps, positioned near the front and rear of the vehicle, to control its descent, working in a similar way to how a skydiver uses their arms and legs to control a free-fall.
As Starship approaches the ground, it flips back into a vertical position and then uses its Raptor engines as retro-rockets to guide it down for a safe landing.
In November 2019, Musk claimed a Starship launch could cost just $2 million (£1.8 million) each time, thanks to efficiency savings that come from reusing a rocket.
By comparison, NASA's new Space Launch System (SLS) rocket is estimated to cost an eye-watering $4.1 billion (£3.3 billion) per launch.
Where will Starship launch from?
Starship is expected to launch from the Starbase facility in Texas, close to the town of Boca Chica.
However, SpaceX will first need a launch license from the Federal Aviation Administration before it can blast off.
Musk has also previously said that the ship could lift off from Launch Complex 39A at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, which is currently used by SpaceX for its Falcon series of rockets.
This was the launchpad that Apollo 11 blasted off from for its legendary mission to the moon in July 1969.
Is it the biggest rocket ever?
Yes. And not only that, it is also the most powerful.
Musk's vehicle packs 16 million pounds (70 Meganewtons) of thrust, which is almost double that of the other new generation rocket created by NASA and known as the SLS.
You might remember SLS for successfully delivering the Orion spacecraft to orbit last November as part of the Artemis I mission that saw it fly around the moon and back.
Starship is 395ft (120m) tall, with the ship itself measuring 164ft (49m) and the booster 230ft (70m).
No surprise, but SpaceX's Super Heavy rocket and the accompanying Starship spacecraft are, well, heavy.
The whole thing comes in at 11 million pounds (5 million kg) when fuelled.
Jeannette Kras
De titanosaurus spreekt met zijn maximale lengte van 30 meter tot de verbeelding. Dankzij de vondst van 256 dino-eieren weten we nu veel meer over dit gigantische beest.
In Centraal-India zijn 92 fossiele nesten vol met reuzeneieren gevonden, die zo’n 18 centimeter groot zijn. Ze blijken afkomstig van de titanosaurus (letterlijk: reusachtige of titanische hagedis), met een lengte tot wel 30 meter en een gewicht van 75.000 kilo waarschijnlijk de grootste dinosauriër die ooit op het Indische subcontinent heeft rondgelopen. Ondanks zijn enorme postuur was het waarschijnlijk een goeiige lobbes. Hij at louter planten, maar kon wel een vernietigende klap uitdelen met zijn staart of met zijn lange nek als een bloeddorstig monster het lef had om een hap uit hem te willen nemen.
Prehistorische kraamkamer De Lameta-formatie, gelegen in de Narmada-vallei in Centraal-India, staat bij paleontologen bekend om zijn vruchtbare bodem. Er zijn in de afgelopen 200 jaar al ontzettend veel fossielen van dino-skeletten, botten en eieren gevonden, die stammen uit het laatste stukje van het Krijt-tijdperk, tussen 70 miljoen en 66 miljoen jaar geleden, vlak voordat de dinosaurussen uitstierven.
Maar er lagen nog een aantal onaangeroerde prehistorische verrassingen op de wetenschappers te wachten. Liefst 256 titanosauruseieren kwamen na zorgvuldig onderzoek uit de aardlagen naar boven en geven ons een prachtig inkijkje in de leefwereld en leefgewoonten van deze gigantische dinosaurussen.
Ondiepe kuilen Onderzoekers van de Universiteit van New Delhi analyseerden de versteende eierresten en vonden uiteindelijk zes verschillende eiersoorten die allemaal onder de noemer titanosaurus vallen. Dit was een verrassing voor het team, omdat zij niet eerder zoveel diversiteit in skeletresten uit de omgeving waren tegengekomen. Ook de plaatsing van de tientallen nesten was interessant. Het kan niet anders dan dat de reusachtige dieren hun eieren in ondiepe kuilen begroeven, net als hedendaagse krokodillen dat doen. Er werden daarnaast verschillende afwijkingen gevonden in de eieren. Zo vonden ze bijvoorbeeld een ‘ei in een ei’. Dit is iets wat zelden voorkomt en erop duidt dat de fysiologie van de voortplanting van titanosaurussen erg lijkt op die van moderne vogels, die op dezelfde manier het ene na het andere ei produceren en in het nest leggen.
Broedkolonie Er zijn verspreid over het gebied heel veel nesten dicht bij elkaar gevonden. De wetenschappers concluderen dan ook dat de titanosaurussen, net als 13 procent van de hedendaagse vogelsoorten (waaronder veel zeevogels, maar ook roeken, kauwen en zwaluwen), gezamenlijk broedden in een titanische broedkolonie. Maar de kleine afstand tussen de nesten liet weinig ruimte over voor de immense dinosauruspapa’s en mama’s, waardoor het er sterk op lijkt dat de volwassen dieren de pasgeborenen al snel aan hun lot overlieten.
Het is zonder zulke archeologische vondsten onmogelijk om dit soort dingen over de voortplanting te ontdekken. De fossiele nesten leveren een schat aan gedetailleerde informatie en dragen enorm bij aan het begrip van paleontologen over hoe dinosaurussen leefden en evolueerden.
1000 kilometer aan eieren “Ons onderzoek heeft een grote broedplaats van een kolonie titanosaurussen blootgelegd. We hebben nieuwe inzichten opgedaan over het nestgedrag en de eerste levensfase van de reusachtige dieren. Er zijn door ons werk veel nieuwe details bekend geworden over de voortplantingsstrategie van deze dinosauriërs, vlak voordat ze zijn uitgestorven”, zegt onderzoeker Harsha Dhiman.
“De dinosaurusnesten in Centraal-India van Jabalpur in de oostelijke Narmada-vallei tot Balasinor in het westen, zijn nu gekoppeld aan de nieuwe broedplaatsen van het Dhar-district in Madhya Pradesh. Al met al is er een 1000 kilometer lang gebied ontstaan, dat een van de grootste dinosaurusbroedplaatsen ter wereld vormt”, besluit onderzoeksleider Guntupalli Prasad. En vermoedelijk zijn de onderzoekers nog lang niet uitgegraven. Het is een kwestie van tijd tot er nieuwe interessante details bekend worden over het leven van de reusachtige dinosauriërs.
Are the Misty Peaks of the Azores Remnants of the Legendary Atlantis?
Are the Misty Peaks of the Azores Remnants of the Legendary Atlantis?
Jutting from the deep briny mists of the mid-Atlantic, some 800 miles (1287 km) due west of Portugal, the Azores strike one as bejeweled, fern and flower-encrusted baubles in a vast expanse of blue oblivion. Largely a dormant volcanic archipelago today, to most, the region is a popular exotic getaway, but to some, these verdant islands represent the best case for a present-day fragment of the famed sunken landmass of Atlantis.
In a summary of a 2014 keynote speech given by legendary ocean explorer Thor Heyerdahl and Dr. Dominique Görlitz in Oslo, Norway, event planners state;
“In the last three years, the president of the Portuguese Association of Archaeological Research, Nuno Ribeiro, has been claiming that archeological remains of structures discovered on several Azorean islands are of pre-Portuguese origin. Together with the Portuguese archaeologist Anabela Joaquinito, he has identified dozens of similar pyramidal structures in the Madalena area of Pico Island. Artifacts were also found on site which may predate the Portuguese settlement on the island. They believe the structures may have been built according to an oriented plan, aligned with thesummer solstices , which suggests they were built with an intended purpose. They also believe that the Madalena pyramidal structures are analogous to similar prehistoric structures found in Sicily, North Africa and the Canary Islands which are known to have served ritual purposes.”
This is quite interesting in and of itself, but consider that if one takes Plato's account as detailed in Critias and Timaeus at face value, then geographically, the primary Atlantean landmass from which sprang its sprawling seaborne empire would have been situated almost directly where the modern Azores island chain currently peeks out of the deep Atlantic. That is, directly “in front of the Pillars of Hercules,” i.e., Straits of Gibraltar. Ignatius Donnelly, the U.S. Congressman and dear friend of Abraham Lincoln who wrote the iconic 1882 book Atlantis: The Antediluvian World , was among the first to note this, as were the crew of the survey ship H.M.S. Challenger, whose 1877 article inScientific American , entitled “Glimpses of Atlantis,” stated;
“While the new America was thus forming, the ancient Atlantis was no doubt sinking as well as washing away. When its final disappearance occurred remains to be determined; quite recently however, two or three lines of research seem to converge in support of the truth of the ancient story, long considered mythical, in regard to the geologically recent occurrence of that wonderful catastrophe. Archaeo-geology has sufficiently demonstrated that the memory of man runs back vastly farther than history has been willing to admit; so that there remains no inherent improbability in the story the Egyptian priests told to Solon .”
Sao Jorge island in the Azores. Could it be that the Azores are actually the location of the legendary Atlantis?
Quite a conclusion from some of the most respected oceanographic pioneers, and one whose honest and open tone struck me as fundamentally different from the snide and condescending assessments of many mainstream discussions today, who in the ever-evolving debate surrounding Atlantis that we have thus explored, largely preclude a serious discussion of its historical or geographic reality before the conversation even begins. Yet until quite recently, historically speaking, this was not necessarily the case.
In a lighthearted Washington Post article from 1988 entitled “São Miguel, the Azores: Misty Fragments of Atlantis,” for example, travel correspondent David Yeadon flew to the Azores to meet with a local tour guide in São Miguel to catalog some choice sightseeing spots, only to find himself debating Atlantis over drinks with his host, something I can certainly relate to as this book was taking shape over the years. In the article he writes;
“Most Azoreans have no doubts on the matter at all.
‘Of course, this is Atlantis!’ Antonio Pinero insisted.
We sat sipping coffee and aguardiente (Azorean firewater made from the remnants of grape pressings) in an outdoor café overlooking the broad harbor at Ponta Delgada, capital of São Miguel Island and largest town in the nine-island archipelago of the Azores.
Antonio had been a modest, soft-spoken companion during my first hours in this little outpost of Portugal, 800 miles due west of Lisbon in the North Atlantic Ocean. But about this particular subject he tolerated no ambiguity whatsoever. From inside his worn wool jacket, he pulled a much-thumbed book titled Plato's History of Atlantis.
‘Was Plato a wise man?’ he challenged, obviously preparing for an extended semantic foray.
‘Yes, he certainly was,’ he responded. ‘Now please listen to what he wrote.’
He turned the grubby pages with solemnity.
‘For in those days,’ he began, ‘the Atlantis (sic) was navigable from an island situated to the west of the straits, which you call the Pillars of Hercules.’
He paused. ‘That's Gibraltar - the way out from the Mediterranean.’
I nodded; he nodded.
‘… and from it could be reached other islands and from the islands you might pass through to the opposite continent.’
He paused again. ‘That’s America.’
‘Plato knew about America?’ I laughed (a little).
Tony was not amused.
‘Plato knew everything. ’”
Back in Athens, 2,345 years before this little exchange at the São Miguel cafe was unfolding, Plato wrote in his Timaeus, describing a portion of the Atlantean capital city;
“In the next place, they used fountains both of cold and hot springs; these were very abundant, and both kinds wonderfully adapted to use by reason of the sweetness and excellence of their waters. They constructed buildings about them, and planted suitable trees; also, cisterns, some open to the heaven, other which they roofed over, to be used in winter as warm baths, there were the king’s baths, and the baths of private persons, which were kept apart; also, separate baths for women, and others again for horses and cattle, and to them they gave as much adornment as was suitable for them.”
While this may seem like a trivial aspect of our investigation, consider that today, one of the Azores’ main tourist attractions is its numerous healing springs. As a travel guide recently explained, “São Miguel Island is home to an exceptional array of mineral hot springs sure to elevate you to unmatched levels of relaxation. The Azores’ unique volcanic origins make these islands a thermal paradise, featuring steamy, iron-rich pools tucked amid lush green vegetation and tropical trees, and even a natural ocean pool heated by a volcanic vent and cooled by the ebbing tides of the Atlantic.” Sounds pretty nice.
The Azores were also briefly in the spotlight in 2013 when a chance discovery revealed a strange object at the bottom of the ocean. Diocleciano Silva, a Portuguese fisherman, noticed an unusual image on his yacht’s depth-finder while trolling between the islands of São Miguel and Terceira. According to his instruments, the pyramidal structure's base measured a whopping 86,111 square feet (8,000 sqm.), and its apex was submerged only 40 feet (12.2 m) beneath the surface, while the structure itself stood nearly 200 feet tall (61 m) from its base. It was also determined to be directly oriented to the four geophysical cardinal directions.
Reporting the findings to the Portuguese government in short order, they began their own investigation which naturally led to the official pronouncement that Silva had simply been using cheap and inaccurate equipment which gave an artificially sharp contour to what they claimed was a long-known natural volcanic formation in the area despite the iconic image of what is clearly a pyramid, which Portuguese television showed in a live broadcast at the time.
2021 oceanographic chart of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
Geographically, regarding the working hypothesis – and description by Plato – that the region we call the Azorean Archipelago is the true geographical location of a former Atlantean home-island, in final reduced size after the continent´s previous two destructions as detailed by Edgar Cayce and others like Rudolf Steiner and William Scott-Elliott, what is truly astounding to me is that when one views a modern chart of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, one can clearly see the almost identical outline of the remaining Atlantean landmass hand-drawn by a teenage Frederick Oliver around 1886 during his clairaudient dictations of the past life of his muse Phylos in Atlantis in 11,160 BC on the island of Poseid.
This was contained in a loose collection of notes that later became the book A Dweller on Two Planets , privately published by his mother in 1904, years after Oliver’s early death in 1899, and not reaching wider audiences until a second publishing in 1920. Oliver’s channeled sketch is uncannily accurate given that he did not have access to detailed maps of the ocean floor at the time his manuscript was written in 1884-86, as none existed.
To my knowledge the only map he could have seen, had he visited a research library, would have been a basic contour map made by Sir Wyville Thomson in 1877 and released shortly after the H.M.S. Challenger survey, which contains no explicit details of the full boundaries and shape of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Compared to a modern oceanographic or bathythermic chart, there is no comparison regarding the level of detail, making Oliver’s sketch a bizarre and statistically improbable coincidence.
Frederick Oliver’s sketch of Poseid, 1886 (oriented).
(Author provided)
Yet if one traces the shape of Oliver’s channeled drawing, the curvature and geographical indentations of the landmass of Poseid are uncannily similar to the actual modern image of the Azorean seabed. In fact, it fits over the modern chart like a puzzle piece if exploded to equal size and oriented. “Pitach Rokh,” the highest point in Poseid according to Frederick Oliver’s book, was an enormous snow-capped active volcano in 11,160 BC.
Now note its location in his hand-drawn map's extreme southeast quadrant. This is very close to where the Azores jut out of the mid-Atlantic, straight “in front of the Pillars of Hercules ” as Plato stated. And from Plato’s description of the famed circular capital of Atlantis, whose central feature was a monumental statue of Poseidon surrounded by the Nereids, it would make sense that Oliver and Cayce both refer to the island as Poseid, and the culture as Atlantis.
Don’t forget that today, Mount Pico - a dormant stratovolcano and the highest point in the Azores which officially towers over the countryside at almost 7,700 feet (2,347 m) - when measured from its base deep in the ocean where once likely stood dry land some 13,000 years ago, is even taller; in fact, it would be one of the tallest mountains on earth. And so we are left with another interesting clue in our survey of these fragments of Atlantis, another piece of the puzzle as it were. Are Pitach Rokh from A Dweller on Two Planets and Mt. Pico one and the same? Time will tell, I suppose.
Athanasius Kircher's map of Atlantis, turned upside down, which located Atlantis in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
Even the map the Jesuit polymath Athanasius Kircher claims to have found in the Vatican Library during the Renaissance (above), copied from an alleged original brought to Rome from Egypt during the time of Octavian in the 1st century B.C., when flipped upside down so that Spain is oriented to the right, does, if you pay attention, show a more-similar-than-not, fin-shaped top portion of Atlantis divided by two rivers where the true-north compass symbol was placed.
And Edgar Cayce, one of the most studied clairvoyants in modern history, whose over 500 hypnogogic trance readings on Atlantis we have already explored at length, claimed that after many destructions and disturbances, but before the final separation into the separate islands of Poseid, Aryan and Og, the Atlantean landmass was crisscrossed by said rivers, even giving a date of 28,000 BC for this second of three destructions due to an unintended over-tuning of the massive Tuaoi crystal powering the civilization, which fractured the substrata. Perhaps this is the phase portrayed in Kircher’s map, whose upper portion too encompasses the Azores, and where our oceanographic chart displays that curious triangular seamount beneath the ocean.
At the end of the day, it’s all quite a coincidence if skeptics and debunkers claim unequivocally that Plato’s account of Atlantis was a pure fiction designed to glorify Athens, or at best, simply a fantastical reprise of more mundane Mediterranean disasters like the volcanic eruptions on the island of Thera in historical times, both of which I categorically reject based on the evidence thus presented throughout this book, as well as on Plato’s own frank and specific account from his dialogues which, like it or not, seems to point to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge as the nucleus of the vast and powerful final iteration of the empire of Atlantis, whose imperial ambitions against the peoples of the Mediterranean were checked by its infamous and catastrophic destruction around 9,600 BC according to his seminal account.
But don’t take my word for it; it was Critias himself who explained in Plato’s Timaeus, “Let me tell you this story then, Socrates. It’s a very strange one but even so, every word of it is true. It’s a story that Solon, the wisest of the seven sages once vouched for.”
This article is an extract taken from the book Visions of Atlantis: Reclaiming our Lost Ancient Legacy by Michael Le Flem. View it on Amazon.
Top image: The verdant Azores islands represent the best case for a present-day fragment of the famed sunken landmass of Atlantis. Image depicts Mount Pico in the Azores.
A body is embalmed in an underground chamber (artist’s impression).
Credit: Nikola Nevenov
Labelled pots found in a 2,500-year-old embalming workshop have revealed the plant and animal extracts used to prepare ancient Egyptian mummies — including ingredients originating hundreds and even thousands of kilometres away.
Chemical analysis of the pots’ contents has identified complex mixtures of botanical resins and other substances, some of them from plants that grow as far away as southeast Asia. The discovery was reported in a 1 February paper in Nature1.
Previously, insights into the embalming process have come from two main sources: historical texts and chemical analyses of the mummies themselves. But linking these strands of information has proved difficult, says Salima Ikram, an archaeologist and mummy specialist at the American University in Cairo. “You might have the name of something, but you don’t know what the hell it is, except the hieroglyphics suggesting it’s an oil or a resin.”
That has now changed thanks to an underground embalming workshop discovered in 2016 at Saqqara, an ancient Egyptian burial ground in use from 2900 BC or earlier. The site also includes burial chambers, and it is likely that elite members of society were interred there, the authors say. Inside the Saqqara workshop, which dates to 664–525 BC, archaeologists discovered dozens of ceramic vessels used in the embalming process, many labelled with the ingredients they contain and their use. “This is the first time you’ve got jars with labels of the contents,” says Ikram.
Vessels from the embalming workshop display a variety of colours and shapes.
Credit: Saqqara Saite Tombs Project, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany; Photo: M. Abdelghaffar
To identify the specific contents of the vessels, an Egyptian–German team analysed the mixtures using a technique called gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, at a National Research Centre laboratory in Giza, Egypt. This showed that the pots contained substances previously linked to mummification, including extracts from juniper bushes, cypress trees and cedar trees, which grow in the eastern Mediterranean region. The team also found bitumen from the Dead Sea, along with animal fats and beeswax, probably of local origin.
But the researchers also identified two surprising ingredients: one resin called elemi, which comes from Canarium trees that grow in rainforests in Asia and Africa; and another called dammar that comes from Shorea trees found in tropical forests in southern India, Sri Lanka and southeast Asia.
“Egypt was resource poor in terms of many resinous substances, so many were procured or traded from distant lands,” says Carl Heron, an archaeological scientist at the British Museum in London.
The Saqqara Saite Tombs Project excavation area, overlooking the pyramid of Unas and the step pyramid of Djoser.
Ancient trade networks connected India and southeast Asia with the Mediterranean region. But it’s not clear whether Egyptian embalmers sought out these specific ingredients or came across them through trial and error, says Ikram. “Absolutely amazing”, she says. “Who would have thought that they were getting stuff that might be coming from India?”
Ancient Egyptian embalmers had a sophisticated understanding of the raw materials’ properties, the authors say. Pots contained complex mixtures of ingredients that, in some cases, had been carefully heated or distilled. Many of the resins had antimicrobial properties — one bowl containing elemi and animal fat was inscribed “to make his odour pleasant” — or characteristics that promoted preservation.
“Their knowledge of these substances was incredible,” says study co-author Maxime Rageot, a biomolecular archaeologist at the University of Tübingen in Germany.
Chemical studies of mummies suggest that embalming recipes became more complex over time, notes Rageot. But one open question is how ancient Egyptians developed specific embalming procedures and recipes — and why they selected certain ingredients over others, said study co-author Mahmoud Bahgat, a biochemist at Egypt’s National Research Centre in Cairo, at a press briefing. “We need to be as clever as them to discover the intentions.”
Future Space Telescopes Could be 100 Meters Across, Constructed in Space, and Then Bent Into a Precise Shape
It is an exciting time for astronomers and cosmologists. Since the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), astronomers have been treated to the most vivid and detailed images of the Universe ever taken. Webb‘s powerful infrared imagers, spectrometers, and coronographs will allow for even more in the near future, including everything from surveys of the early Universe to direct imaging studies of exoplanets. Moreover, several next-generation telescopes will become operational in the coming years with 30-meter (~98.5 feet) primary mirrors, adaptive optics, spectrometers, and coronographs.
Even with these impressive instruments, astronomers and cosmologists look forward to an era when even more sophisticated and powerful telescopes are available. For example, Zachary Cordero of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) recently proposed a telescope with a 100-meter (328-foot) primary mirror that would be autonomously constructed in space and bent into shape by electrostatic actuators. His proposal was one of several concepts selected this year by the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program for Phase I development.
Corder is the Boeing Career Development Professor in Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT and a member of the Aerospace Materials and Structures Lab (AMSL) and Small Satellite Center. His research integrates his expertise in processing science, mechanics, and design to develop novel materials and structures for emerging aerospace applications. His proposal is the result of a collaboration with Prof. Jeffrey Lang (from MIT’s Electronics and the Microsystems Technology Laboratories) and a team of three students with the AMSL, including Ph.D. student Harsh Girishbhai Bhundiya.
Their proposed telescope addresses a key issue with space telescopes and other large payloads that are packaged for launch and then deployed in orbit. In short, size and surface precision tradeoffs limit the diameter of deployable space telescopes to the 10s of meters. Consider the recently-launched James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the largest and most powerful telescope ever sent to space. To fit into its payload fairing (atop an Ariane 5 rocket), the telescope was designed so that it could be folded into a more compact form.
This included its primary mirror, secondary mirror, and sunshield, which all unfolded once the space telescope was in orbit. Meanwhile, the primary mirror (the most complex and powerful ever deployed) measures 6.5 meters (21 feet) in diameter. Its successor, the Large UV/Optical/IR Surveyor (LUVOIR), will have a similar folding assembly and a primary mirror measuring 8 to 15 meters (26.5 to 49 feet) in diameter – depending on the selected design (LUVOIR-A or -B). As Bhundiya explained to Universe Today via email:
“Today, most spacecraft antennas are deployed in orbit (e.g., Northrop Grumman’s Astromesh antenna) and have been optimized to achieve high performance and gain. However, they have limitations: 1) They are passive deployable systems. I.e. once you deploy them you cannot adaptively change the shape of the antenna. 2) They become difficult to slew as their size increases. 3) They exhibit a tradeoff between diameter and precision. I.e. their precision decreases as their size increases, which is a challenge for achieving astronomy and sensing applications that require both large diameters and high precision (e.g. JWST).”
While many in-space construction methods have been proposed to overcome these limitations, detailed analyses of their performance for building precision structures (like large-diameter reflectors) are lacking. For the sake of their proposal, Cordero and his colleagues conducted a quantitative, system-level comparison of materials and processes for in-space manufacturing. Ultimately, they determined that this limitation could be overcome using advanced materials and a novel in-space manufacturing method called Bend-Forming.
This technique, invented by researchers at the AMSL and described in a recent paper co-authored by Bhundiya and Cordero, relies on a combination of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) deformation processing and hierarchical high-performance materials. As Harsh explained it:
“Bend-Forming is a process for fabricating 3D wireframe structures from metal wire feedstock. It works by bending a single strand of wire at specific nodes and with specific angles, and adding joints to the nodes to make a stiff structure. So to fabricate a given structure, you convert it into bending instructions which can be implemented on a machine like a CNC wire bender to fabricate it from a single strand of feedstock. The key application of Bend-Forming is to manufacture the support structure for a large antenna on orbit. The process is well-suited for this application because it is low-power, can fabricate structures with high compaction ratios, and has essentially no size limit.”
In contrast to other in-space assembly and manufacturing approaches, Bend-Forming is low-power and is uniquely enabled by the extremely low-temperature environment of space. In addition, this technique enables smart structures that leverage multifunctional materials to achieve new combinations of size, mass, stiffness, and precision. Additionally, the resulting smart structures leverage multifunctional materials to achieve unprecedented combinations of size, mass, stiffness, and precision, breaking the design paradigms that limit conventional truss or tension-aligned space structures.
In addition to their native precision, Large Bend-Formed structures can use their electrostatic actuators to contour a reflector surface with sub-millimeter precision. This, said Harsh, will increase the precision of their fabricated antenna in orbit:
“The method of active control is called electrostatic actuation and uses forces generated by electrostatic attraction to precisely shape a metallic mesh into a curved shape which acts as the antenna reflector. We do this by applying a voltage between the mesh and a ‘command surface’ which consists of the Bend-Formed support structure and deployable electrodes. By adjusting this voltage, we can precisely shape the reflector surface and achieve a high-gain, parabolic antenna.”
An arrangement of 3 exoplanets to explore how the atmospheres can look different based on the chemistry present and incoming flux.
Credit: Jack H. Madden used with permission
Harsh and his colleagues deduce that this technique will allow for a deployable mirror measuring more than 100 meters (328 ft) in diameter that could achieve a surface precision of 100 m/m and a specific area of more than 10 m2/kg. This capability would surpass existing microwave radiometry technology and could lead to significant improvements in storm forecasts and an improved understanding of atmospheric processes like the hydrologic cycle. This would have significant implications for Earth Observation and exoplanet studies.
The team recently demonstrated a 1-meter (3.3 ft) prototype of an electrostatically-actuated reflector with a Bend-Formed support structure at the 2023 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) SciTech Conference, which ran from January 23rd to 27th in National Harbor, Maryland. With this Phase I NIAC grant, the team plans to mature the technology with the ultimate aim of creating a microwave radiometry reflector.
Looking ahead, the team plans to investigate how Bend-Forming can be used in geostationary orbit (GEO) to create a microwave radiometry reflector with a 15km (9.3 mi) field of view, a ground resolution of 35km (21.75 mi) and a proposed frequency span of 50 to 56 GHz – the super-high and extremely-high frequent range (SHF/EHF). This will enable the telescope to retrieve temperature profiles from exoplanet atmospheres, a key characteristic allowing astrobiologists to measure habitability.
“Our goal with the NIAC now is to work towards implementing our technology of Bend-Forming and electrostatic actuation in space,” said Harsh. “We envision fabricating 100-m diameter antennas in geostationary orbit with have Bend-Formed support structure and electrostatically-actuated reflector surfaces. These antennas will enable a new generation of spacecraft with increased sensing, communication, and power capabilities.”
A Martian Meteorite Contains Organic Compounds. The Raw Ingredients for Life?
In a recent study published in Sciences Advances, an international team of scientists led by the Technical University of Munich examined the Martian meteorite Tissint, which fell near the village of Tissint, Morocco, on July 18, 2011, with pieces of the meteorite found as far as approximately 50 kilometers (30 miles) from the village. What makes Tissint intriguing is the presence of a “huge organic diversity”, as noted in the study, which could help scientists better understand if life ever existed on Mars, and even the geologic history of Earth, as well.
“Mars and Earth share many aspects of their evolution,” Dr. Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin, who is the Director of the Research Unit Analytical Biochemistry at the Technical University of Munich, and lead author of the study, said in a statement. “And while life arose and thrived on our home planet, the question of whether it ever existed on Mars is a very hot research topic that requires deeper knowledge of our neighboring planet’s water, organic molecules, and reactive surfaces.”
Organic moleculesare molecules comprised of carbon atoms that are bonded to hydrogen atoms, but can also contain oxygen, nitrogen, and other elements, as well. The four primary classes of organic molecules include carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids. As seen on Earth, organic molecules are analogous to life, but the study notes that abiotic organic chemistry, non-biological processes, have been observed “in other Martian meteorites.”
“Understanding the processes and sequence of events that shaped this rich organic bounty will reveal new details about Mars’ habitability and potentially about the reactions that could lead to the formation of life,” Dr. Andrew Steele, who is a Staff Science at Carnegie Science, a member of the Mars Sample Return Campaign Science Group for NASA’s Perseverance rover, and a co-author on the study, said in a statement. Dr. Steele has also conducted extensive research pertaining to organic material found in Martian meteorites, to include Tissint.
For the study, the researchers examined the entirety of Tissint’s organic composition, and identified a “diverse chemistry and abundance in complex molecules “, as noted in the study, while also helping to unlock the past geologic processes within the crust and mantle of the Red Planet. The researchers also identified a plethora of organic magnesium compounds never before observed on Mars, which could bring new evidence about the geochemical processes that shaped Mars’ deep interior while possibly making a link between the Red Planet’s mineral evolution and carbon cycle.
NASA’s upcoming Mars Sample Return mission could provide even greater insights into both the organic and mineral composition of the Red Planet. Dr. Schmitt-Kopplin recently told Universe Today that such a mission could be just as successful as Japan’s Hayabusa2 asteroid sample return mission since they “were able to show that meteorites reflect nicely the chemistry found in the return mission, we probably will be able to do the same.”
Tissint has a total weight of 7 kilograms (15 pounds), and is currently the fifth meteorite classified as being of Martian origin, with a 2012 study estimating it was ejected from Mars approximately 700,000 years ago from some type of violent event. Tissint draws some parallels with one of the most famous meteorites of Martian origin found on Earth, ALH 84001, which was the subject of much scrutiny in the late 1990s when it was initially believed to contain microfossils, findings that since been rendered inconclusive.
“ALH 84001 was one of the most studied Mars meteorites because it was found in Antarctica and thus was ‘conserved’ in the ice with low contamination,” Dr. Schmitt-Kopplin recently told Universe Today. “That time looking at molecules of life in the diverse chemistry of that meteorite and seeing in addition biological-like features in microscopy led to a too rapid conclusion of having found Life on Mars.”
Credit: NASA/Johnson Space Center
Microscopic structures within ALH 84001 fragments that were initially interpreted to be microfossils, but those findings have since been rendered inconclusive.
(Credit: NASA)
What new secrets of Mars will Tissint, future meteorites, and the future samples returned from Mars teach us about the Red Planet? Only time will tell, and this is why we science!
Watch This 12-Year Timelapse of Exoplanets Orbiting Their Star
Four faint exoplanets orbit star HR8799, which is represented by a star-shaped icon in the center. (The star itself was removed from the video because its glare is so intense that it blocks out the surrounding planets.) Credit: Jason Wang/Northwestern University.
Watch This 12-Year Timelapse of Exoplanets Orbiting Their Star
Back in 2008, astronomers made a big announcement: for the first time, they had taken pictures of a multi-planet solar system, much like ours, orbiting another star. At the time, the star system, named HR8799 was known to have three planets, but follow-up observations a year later revealed a fourth world.
Astronomers have continued to watch this intriguing star system, and now, using observations from the last 12 years, astrophysicist Jason Wang has put together a time lapse video showing the orbital motions of the four planets.
“Astronomical events either happen too quickly or too slowly to capture in a movie,” said Wang.” But this video shows planets moving on a human time scale. I hope it enables people to enjoy something wondrous.”
The dusty young star HR8799 ch is 140 light years away and about 1.5 times the size of our Sun. Even more intriguing is that HR8799 is visible to the naked eye. It has a magnitude 5.96 and it is located inside the western edge of the great square of Pegasus almost exactly halfway between Scheat and Markab.
The planets were imaged using high-contrast, near-infrared adaptive optics observations with the Keck and Gemini telescopes. In a press release from Northwestern University, Wang said he was instantly fascinated by the system when the news broke in 2008, and has been watching it ever since. He and his colleagues applied for time on the W. M. Keck Observatory, located on the top of Mauna Kea in Hawaii, to observe the system each year.
Using 12 years of imaging data, Wang put together the time lapse video, which shows the entire time period in a condensed 4.5-second time lapse.
“There’s nothing to be gained scientifically from watching the orbiting systems in a time lapse video, but it helps others appreciate what we’re studying,” Wang said. “It can be difficult to explain the nuances of science with words. But showing science in action helps others understand its importance.”
The image from 2008 of the three exoplanets orbiting HR8779 using Keck Observatory near-infrared adaptive optics. The planets are labeled and the two outer ones have arrows showing the size of their motion over a 4 year period. Credit: Keck Observatory.
The outer planet orbits inside a dusty disk, much like our own Kuiper belt. Astronomers says it is one of the most massive disks known around any star within 300 light years of Earth. There is an additional debris disk just inside the orbit of the innermost planet – which was the fourth planet to be found. Astronomers say that would be room in the inner system for terrestrial planets. The planet nearest the star takes about 45 Earth years to make one revolution. The farthest planet, on the other hand, takes nearly 500 years to orbit the star.
Wang and his collaborators aren’t finished making observations of this system, and now are examining the light emitted from the star and its planets in order to better understand what they are made of.
“In astrophysics, most of the time we are doing data analysis or testing hypotheses,” he said. “But this is the fun part of science. It inspires awe.”
Pole Shift Is Happening! Earth's Magnetic Field Is Getting Weaker! Feb 2023
Pole Shift Is Happening! Earth's Magnetic Field Is Getting Weaker! Feb 2023
Pole Shift Is Happening! Earth’s Magnetic Field Is Getting Weaker! Feb 2023
If you are not aware there are two North Poles.
True North (located on a map)
Magnetic North (the magnetic North force that a compass points to)
The Magnetic North Pole moves and bounces around, however it has been making its way to this magnetic anomaly located in Russia. The Magnetic Pole started moving back in the 1800s, but always seemed to move and then bounce back and repeat. However, over the last 11 years, the magnetic pole has been moving very fast and is currently moving a rate of 5.25 miles ever 30 days!
According to experts, past Pole Reversals happened every 12,000 years. However, experts say that a full reversal has not taken place for 36,000 years! Talk about overdue.
It is currently 71 miles from a specific point knows at the 40 degree marker. At a rate of 5 miles per month, that puts the magnetic pole position at the 40 degree mark by March of 2023!
What happens to the Poles at the 40 degree mark?
Well, like any two magnets that attract to one another, a stronger magnet can make another flip completely. Based on what I have researched, that 40 degree marker is where the pull becomes so strong that it can cause a reversal, or some kind of permanent shift; or could flip the North and South magnetic or electromagnetic grid.
We do know that the electromagnetic field that protects life on earth (whether the earth is a sphere or a flat plane) is weakening as this Pole moves toward this anomaly in Russia. During the reversal the electromagnetic grid will be affected. The weather could change, atmosphere may change, even if temporarily; some say there will be something else completely, but let's get into this further.
How can this Pole Reversal or Shift change things?
Will you live in tropical weather if you live in the North East of the USA? I have no idea! However, some reports say that we are to go into the opposite; and experience an arctic freeze like many earth cycles in the past. Other theories are that a Great Solar Flash could take place; some say it will be the end; and others, like NASA say, "Though they sound scary, pole flips can take a long time to occur and pose no immediate threat."
If NASA says, "everything is fine"... it is fine...right...right?
In my experience and research, I have found coverup after coverup when it comes to NASA or any space program. One thing I CAN agree with NASA on is that this can change our weather patterns.
Our weather patterns have been changing for years and strange weather patterns have been increasing as time goes on; more earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and more have been on the uptick across the board! Are these related? Yes, common sense would tell you they are; but common sense seems to be missing in our sciences these days.
Schumann Resonance
Additionally, changes in the Schumann Resonance could greatly effect humans as a whole! Why? Well studies show that this frequency that the earth emits is connected to the human body, like a life force. It is true! The frequency or natural earth heartbeat is at about 7.8 Hz. When the human being lacks this frequency of 7.8 Hz, it can become ill both physically and mentally. Say Whaaaaat??!
That's right, you cannot live without this Schumann Resonance and the Earth's frequency, at least not for long and not in a healthy way. Since, the earth and the human body are connected, it would make sense that the body will be effected by this pole reversal since the Schumann Resonance is measured based on the atmospheric electromagnetic resonance. If the frequency of the atmosphere is changed, it will have effects on humans in some way.
You are vibrating particles, everything you see is frequency; just vibrating at different rates. Changes in earths Frequency will effect the human body, but will it effect it in a negative or positive way? That has yet to be determined, seen, experienced and recorded for future generations. Until then, we wait and hope that someone will come up with some more answers.
Conclusion and Final Thoughts on all this...
There is no way our changes in weather; the uptick in natural disaster; the desire for populations control and the FACT that the Pole Reversal is not even on the News are completely unrelated. The push to convince people that "Global Warming" will be our demise is, at this point, BOLOGNI!
The FACTS are this:
Main stream news has not reported on this at all!
NASA is basically reporting there is "nothing to see here."
No one at any of the Observatories are reporting on this either but ONE! Maverick Star Observatory
This has not happened for 36,000 years! An epic moment for humans on Earth and NO ONE even knows!
The changes in the poles will effect the electromagnetic grid, the Schumann resonance and all life forms in some way.
For Fun, here are some THEORIES of what may happen:
The Great Solar Flash a.k.a The Event
Complete chaos and catastrophe
Reversal of the weather patterns
The sun will rise in the west and set in the east
Complete ice age
3 days of darkness will commence
The veil will be lifted to all spiritual realms and dimensions
Additional lands and realms outside of our knowledge will be unlocked
There will be two suns in our sky, the current one and one from the central sun (inner earth)
The Return of Jesus (Jeshua), the end of all lies and the beginning of truth; Revelation
Some will unlock powers they never knew they had such as telepathy, healing and psychic abilities.
Who owns these pyramid-shaped UFOs that are flying in restricted airspace?
Who owns these pyramid-shaped UFOs that are flying in restricted airspace?
Over the years, reports of pyramid-shaped UFOs have surfaced online.
For example on December 18, 2009, a large triangle-shaped craft hovered above Red Square in Moscow and on December 18, 2018 a pyramid-shaped UFO was spotted over the Pentagon. That same year a leaked footage surfaced online of a meeting at the UN where the pyramid-shaped UFO was also discussed.
During the meeting Maria Garces said that on December at 4.07 pm an extraterrestrial contact occurred. A metal object, shaped like a pyramid appeared over the Pentagon, Washington DC, USA. The unidentified object with a diameter around 100 meters rotated around its own axis at an altitude of around 500 meters.
NASA operational task group, specializing in the receiving and processing of space data; received incoming data from the object. The data (information from the radars, the visual information and the fixation of the radio signals incoming from the UFO). After analyzing all data of the object that hovered over the Pentagon, NASA explained that the object can be identified as an craft of unknown origin, hypothetically of extraterrestrial origin.
The question is, who are they, where are they from, and what is their intention? Moreover, while the US shoots down an alleged Chinese spy balloon with a stinger missile (if you have to believe the hyped stories of the mainstream media about the Chinese spy balloon) then why are these unknown craft equipped with advanced and sophisticated technology allowed to fly with impunity within restricted airspace.
UFO at 37,000′ – Captain Delgado’s Amazing UFO Sightings
UFO at 37,000′ – Captain Delgado’s Amazing UFO Sightings
Captain Delgado’s Amazing UFO Sightings
In recent years, UFO sightings have become a hot topic of discussion among people from all over the world. With the advancement of technology, more and more individuals are capturing videos and images of unidentified flying objects. One such individual is Captain Erik Delgado, who has recently captured several videos and photos of UFO sightings. Chris Leto, a popular YouTuber, recently interviewed Captain Delgado and shared his videos and photos with the world.
Captain Delgado’s videos and photos show an unidentified flying object moving in the sky, at times changing its shape and color. He captured these images while flying his airplane and was amazed to see the object in the sky. According to Captain Delgado, the object did not have any strobes or beacon lights, which are commonly seen on aircraft. The object remained in the sky for several minutes and at times seemed to be moving away from his airplane.
The first of Delgado’s four videos is around four minutes long, with the object appearing in and out of the clouds. The second video is around one minute long and shows the object changing colors. The third video is around 30 seconds long and shows the object turning colors and moving away from the airplane. The fourth video shows the object as a teardrop-shaped object. Chris Leto has cropped each one of Delgado’s photos to provide a better view of the object.
It’s hard to say what the object captured by Captain Delgado was, but it’s an amazing account nonetheless. The videos and photos show an object moving in the sky, changing shape, and color, and moving away from the airplane. This account raises many questions about the possibility of extraterrestrial life and the existence of UFO’s.
In conclusion, Captain Erik Delgado’s UFO sightings have been captured on video and photos and have recently been shared with the world by Chris Leto. The videos and photos show an unidentified flying object moving in the sky, changing shape, and color, and moving away from the airplane. This account raises many questions about the possibility of extraterrestrial life and the existence of UFO’s. The footage is intriguing and has left many people wondering what the object could have been. Whether it was an extraterrestrial spacecraft or a weather phenomenon, it’s a fascinating account that has caught the attention of many.
Could NASA’s Studies on Hibernating Squirrels Help Astronauts?
Could NASA’s Studies on Hibernating Squirrels Help Astronauts?
Can studying sleeping Arctic ground squirrels help astronauts and further NASA’s mission? Dr. Kelly Drew and her students studied hibernating squirrels and their ability to retain muscle and bone mass during extended hibernation and they think it could apply to astronauts.
Drew, a professor of chemistry and biochemistry at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks in Fairbanks, Alaska was awarded funds though through NASA Space Grant. Through the Alaska Space Grant Consortium, over 200 students and faculty have had the opportunity to further their research in areas such as - code and testing of autonomous systems, cameras to detect free electrons, and studying various characteristics of glaciers.
Senior biology major Colleen Bue holds a hibernating ground squirrel in Drew's lab in the Irving Building at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks in Fairbanks, Alaska.
Credits: Todd Paris, University of Alaska
Lessons learned through the study of hibernating Arctic ground squirrels can help researchers understand how the human body functions in a weightless environment. These animals are unique as they hibernate for eight to nine months out of the year while slowing their metabolism so much that their body temperature can drop below freezing without suffering the usual side effects like freezing, muscle loss, or loss of bone density during the long winter months.
This research could be used to help future missions, from the extreme of medically induced hibernation for long term space missions, protecting astronauts from cabin fever, ionizing radiation, and much more. It could also prove effective in preventing muscle and bone loss in zero gravity.
Senior biology major Colleen Bue assists Professor Kelly Drew with her research involving hibernating ground squirrels in Drew's lab at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks in Fairbanks, Alaska.
Credits: Todd Paris, University of Alaska
The work done with the Alaska Space Grant consortium, although not the primary focus of Drew’s research, has presented her with opportunities to explore ways of creating human applications from the work with the ground squirrels. She has dedicated a great deal of time and funding research into the work of hibernation in humans for neurocritical care applications, including medications that could aid in the process. This could mean that patients who have suffered from a stroke or heart attack could be placed in medically induced hibernation (keeping the body temperature cooler) to slow their metabolism until they can be transported to a hospital to receive care, which could significantly improve medical outcomes. For the past decade Drew has mentored interns through opportunities provided by Space Grant and NASA Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCOR) program.
Space Grant and NASA EPSCOR are a part of NASA STEM Engagement that strives to increase K-12 involvement in NASA projects, enhance higher education, support underrepresented communities, strengthen online education, and boost NASA's contribution to informal education. The intended outcome is a generation prepared to code, calculate, design, and discover its way to a new era of American innovation.
Astronomers have captured a spectacular, ongoing collision between at least three galaxy clusters. Data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, ESA’s (European Space Agency’s) XMM-Newton, and a trio of radio telescopes is helping astronomers sort out what is happening in this jumbled scene. Collisions and mergers like this are the main way that galaxy clusters can grow into the gigantic cosmic edifices seen today. These also act as the largest particle accelerators in the universe.
The giant galaxy cluster forming from this collision is Abell 2256, located 780 million light-years from Earth. This composite image of Abell 2256 combines X-rays from Chandra and XMM in blue with radio data collected by the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT), the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR), and the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) all in red, plus optical and infrared data from Pan-STARRs in white and pale yellow.
Credits: X-ray: Chandra: NASA/CXC/Univ. of Bolonga/K. Rajpurohit et al.; XMM-Newton: ESA/XMM-Newton/Univ. of Bolonga/K. Rajpurohit et al. Radio: LOFAR: LOFAR/ASTRON; GMRT: NCRA/TIFR/GMRT; VLA: NSF/NRAO/VLA; Optical/IR: Pan-STARRS
Astronomers studying this object are trying to tease out what has led to this unusual-looking structure. Each telescope tells a different part of the story. Galaxy clusters are some of the biggest objects in the universe containing hundreds or even thousands of individual galaxies. In addition, they contain enormous reservoirs of superheated gas, with temperatures of several million degrees Fahrenheit. Only X-ray telescopes like Chandra and XMM can see this hot gas. A labeled version of the figure shows gas from two of the galaxy clusters, with the third blended too closely to separate from the others.
The radio emission in this system arises from an even more complex set of sources. The first are the galaxies themselves, in which the radio signal is generated by particles blasting away in jets from supermassive black holes at their centers. These jets are either shooting into space in straight and narrow lines (those labeled “C” and “I” in the annotated image, using the astronomer’s naming system) or slowed down as the jets interact with gas they are running into, creating complex shapes and filaments (“A”, “B,” and “F”). Source F contains three sources, all created by a black hole in a galaxy aligning with the left-most source of this trio.
Radio waves are also coming from huge filamentary structures (labeled "relic"), mostly located to the north of the radio-emitting galaxies, likely generated when the collision created shock waves and accelerated particles in the gas across over two million light-years. A paper analyzing this structure was published earlier this year by Kamlesh Rajpurohit from the University of Bologna in Italy in the March 2022 issue of The Astrophysical Journal, and is available online. This is Paper I in an ongoing series studying different aspects of this colliding galaxy cluster system.
Finally, there is a "halo" of radio emission located near the center of the collision. Because this halo overlaps with the X-ray emission and is dimmer than the filamentary structure and the galaxies, another radio image has been produced to emphasize the faint radio emission. Paper II led by Rajpurohit, recently published in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics and available online, presents a model that the halo emission may be caused by the reacceleration of particles by rapid changes in the temperature and density of the gas as the collision and merging of the clusters proceed. This model, however, is unable to explain all the features of the radio data, highlighting the need for more theoretical study of this and similar objects.
Paper III by Rajpurohit and collaborators will study the galaxies producing radio waves in Abell 2256. This cluster contains an unusually large number of such galaxies, possibly because the collision and merger are triggering the growth of supermassive black holes and consequent eruptions. More details about the LOFAR image of Abell 2256 will be reported in an upcoming paper by Erik Osinga.
The full list of co-authors for papers I and II include researchers from the University of Bologna, Italy (Franco Vazza, Annalisa Bonafede, Andrea Botteon, Christopher J. Riseley, Paola Domínguez-Fernández, Chiara Stuardi, and Daniele Dallacasa); Leiden Observatory, Leiden University, the Netherlands (Erik Osinga, Reinout J. van Weeren, Timothy Shimwell, Huub Röttgering, and George Miley); Thüringer Landessternwarte, Tautenburg, Germany (Matthias Hoeft and Alexander Drabent); INAF-Istituto di Radio Astronomia, Bologna, Italy (Gianfranco Brunetti and Rossella Cassano); Hamburger Sternwarte, Germany (Denis Wittor, Marcus Brüggen, and Francesco de Gasperin); Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio di Bologna, Italy (Marisa Brienza); Center for Astrophysics, Harvard | Smithsonian (William Forman); Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley (Sangeeta Rajpurohit); Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India (Arvind Singh Rajpurohit); Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany (Etienne Bonnassieux), and INAF–IASF Milano, Italy (Mariachiara Rossetti).
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center manages the Chandra program. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory's Chandra X-ray Center controls science operations from Cambridge, Massachusetts, and flight operations from Burlington, Massachusetts.
Filer’s Files Feb. 1 2023 - New UFO Intelligence released Jan 14 2023 -PART I
Independence, Missouri on January 5, 2023
Filer’s Files Feb. 1 2023 - New UFO Intelligence released Jan 14 2023 -PART I
Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director’ V04 2023
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month!
Special reports are: Douglas Aviation Think Tank Held the Secret of UFOs, William Tompkins ET Contact, Robert Shiepe Discovered Tiny UAP/UFOs, National Intelligence released a new Jan 14, 2023 , International UFO Congress a Success, Force Report of 2021, 150,000+ UFO Sighting Reports ‘ UFOs ‘Flew out o Underwater Base Near Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, China at War with U.S,. Strange Craft
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, I, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, Texas. And Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, China, France, India Mexico, South Africa, and England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced craft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years; and we continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Special Projects
Douglas Aviation Think Tank Held the Secret of UFOs
Donald Douglas with DC-8 Commercial Jet
Donald Douglas, CEO of Douglas Aircraft founded the Douglas Aircraft Company in 1921 and built various aircraft successfully for years. Under his leadership, the company became one of the leaders of the commercial aircraft industry, engaging in a decades-long struggle for supremacy with Boeing Aircraft Company. Douglas gained the upper hand, particularly with his revolutionary and highly successful Douglas DC-3 airliner and its equally popular World War II military transport version, the C-47; at the start of the war. His airplanes made up 80% of all commercial aircraft in service. In 1942, Douglas had a sighting of UFOs over Southern California and spoke frequently of the reality of UFOs. He studied UFOs and setup an engineering team at Douglas Aircraft to study UFOs. William Tomkins was part of the think tank studying UFOs. From its very inception the men of RAND knew much about saucers. RAND was conceived by Donald Douglas and General Curtis LeMay above (the US Air Force’s Chief of Development) and General Hap Arnold (considered the “father” of the modern U.S. Air Force.)
RAND Corporation was established in 1946 by the US Army Air Force as Project RAND (for Research and Development) and is today registered as a nonprofit organization. In May of 1948 RAND was separated from Douglas Aircraft and became its own operating entity. Among RAND’s earliest government reports was the release of the enigmatically titled, “Preliminary Design of an Experimental World-Circling Spaceship.” LeMay expressed deep interest and concern about the flying saucer phenomena. More than this, LeMay himself was a keeper of the purported 1947 Roswell UFO crash debris. This was revealed in a stunningly candid interview with the late U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater, who was a U.S. Presidential Candidate in 1964, a Major General and Command Pilot. General LeMay became the Air Force Chief of Staff, professional associate and close friend of Goldwater.
LeMay’s UFO involvement was related by Goldwater in a live worldwide broadcast with CNN’s Larry King in 1994. Goldwater informed King that he knew the truth to be far different. He knew this, he explained, because in the 1960 s he had approached LeMay about the crashed UFO issue.
General Curtis LeMay
Senator Goldwater -who no doubt himself held the highest security clearances- told Larry King: “I think at Wright-Patterson, if you could get into certain places, you’ll find what the Air Force and the government knows about UFOs. Reportedly, a spaceship landed. It was all hushed up.
I called Curtis LeMay and I said, ‘General, I know we have a room at Wright Patterson where you put all of this secret stuff. Could I go in there? I’ve never heard General LeMay get mad, but he got madder than hell at me, cussed me out and said, ‘Don’t ever ask me that question again!”Goldwater never did.
Senator Barry Goldwater
Despite LeMays turndown, Goldwater dicsovered a great deal about UFOs.
Running for President on the Republican ticket and a Senator he often watched our rockets heading into space and saw the UFOs that frequently were present.
Anthony Bragalia writes, “Since the 1940’s the U.S. government has quietly engaged one of its key defense and intelligence agency contractors as a secret UFO think tank.” New investigation reveals that the esteemed RAND Corporation is a “think tank” that has given far more than “passing thought” to things extraterrestrial.
Rand’s hidden history of UFO involvement has been discovered to include work in policy analysis; evaluation of evidence and in advising on the potential technological advantages achieved from UFO study. Telling connections have also been found between RAND and the Roswell crash event of 1947.
The RAND Corporation is funded through government contracts, university collaborators. Over 30 Nobel Prize winners have been employed by RAND. From physics to economics, the 2000 person think tank provides high-level information and evaluation to the U.S. government. RAND has conducted studies in UFO studies, weapons development, intelligence gathering and the design of sensitive underground installations for the USAF.
Battelle Memorial Institute
“Like RAND- Battelle Memorial Institute was heavily engaged by government to study UFOs.” It now appears that Battelle metallurgists likely analyzed the Roswell memory metal retrieved from the 1947 crash. That conclusion was drawn from a “reverse engineering of information” of the literature on shape recovery metal; by the revealing statements of two U.S. Generals; through the confession of analysis by a senior Battelle scientist and by establishing other connections.
But perhaps the most interesting of these telling connections is this: The Director of Battelle at the time of the Roswell crash -Clyde E. Williams- simultaneously sat on the Board of Trustees of the RAND Corporation! Thanks to Deep Secrets of a UFO Think Tank Exposed! by Anthony Bragalia
Keeping it all in the Family with Ben Rich
Benjamin Rich helped to lead aerospace giant Lockheed Martin as President of Lockheed Advanced Aeronautics. He oversaw the ultra-secret Lockheed “Skunk Works” division where he spearheaded the development of the Stealth bomber and universally acknowledged as “the father of Stealth technology.” Ben Rich stated some extremely revealing things about the reality and nature of UFOs before he passed on. In a letter to his friend and associate John Andrews he replies to Andrew’s observations about the UFO phenomena. Andrews had written a letter to Rich in which Andrews says, “I believe with certainty in manmade UFOs. I am tending to believe there are also extraterrestrial UFOs.”
Rich -In handwritten letter- replies to Andrews, “Yes, I am a believer in both categories.” Andrews was a forensic illustrator and aviation model-maker. Before his own death, Andrews related that Rich went further in privately explaining that, “there are two types of UFOs, the ones we build and the ones ‘they’ build.”
Rich told Andrews of his concern that the public should not be told. But Rich told Andrews he had recently changed his mind on this and that, “those involved in dealing with the ‘subject’ could represent a bigger problem to citizens than knowledge of the visitors themselves.” Just before he died, Andrews says that Rich confirmed to him that “items” were recovered at the crash at Roswell in 1947. Rich also told associate John Goodall, “We have things at Area 51 that you and the best minds in the world won’t even be able to conceive for the next 30-40 years.” He stated, “We have the technology to take ET home.” In fact Rich gave numerous clues and hints about the alien reality to several people before he passed.
Lockheed Skunk-works Model of our UFO
William Tompkins ET Contact
William Tompkins states, “That our planet has been a battleground for warring extraterrestrial cultures for thousands of years. The result has been wars, destruction and attempts to hinder our progress. Recently there has been a great spike in technical innovation due to help from friendly aliens. He believes that perhaps he and many other uniquely talented people have been gifted with skills that more closely reflect what human intelligence is capable of when not held back by outside forces. Regardless of your opinion of the UFO phenomenon, Mr. Tompkins has taken on this subject with energy and claims he designed eight cylinder shaped craft 600 feet long carrying smaller fighting craft”. He has done extensive research into extraterrestrials and UFOs.
“Selected by Extraterrestrials.
“Tomkins claims the Extraterrestrials also recently, helped develop a great spike in technical innovation in the US. most of the Mars life is underground in various caverns. Some human’s ancestors are from other star systems.”
Naval Air Station San Diego was commanded by Admiral Abaca who had 29 Navy spies in Germany. They claimed Hitler had signed an agreement with Reptilians which gave Nazis UFOs and life lengthen capability.
German Haunebu UFO
Navy operatives would return to in a small conference room in a tower at the US base. Data was put into packages and flown to these to top secret Naval Research Facilities , aviation companies, and universities. They were to develop parts of UFOs at Douglas, Lockheed, Northrop, Grumman, JPL, etc.
After the war, some German scientists and their technology were brought to the US in Project Paperclip along with their advanced technology. Tomkins e claims we were able to bring the Roswell alien craft down using an advanced technology.
YB-49 Flying Wing
The YB-49 featured a flying wing design was a jet-powered development of the earlier, piston-engine Northrop XB-35. The flying wing was passed over in favor of the more conventional Convair B-36 piston-driven design. Design work performed in the development of lying wings proved to be valuable decades later in the development of the B-2 stealth bomber, which entered service in the early 1990s.
Technically they had won the competition against the B-36. The Northrop flying wings were more difficult to pick up on radar and could fly much faster and was an excellent bombing platform. Tompkins frequently visited China Lake Naval Station that has a large cavern underground and a network of rail systems underground. Bill Tompkins said, he drove up to Lake Isabella on the highway to Walker Pass where his family of five were abducted. They lost time but Tompkins no recollection of what happened.
William Tomkins joined along with Admiral Webster and developed a Navy League Council from 1982 to-2000 in Southern Oregon. Former Navy officers had been seeing UFOs coming in and out of Mt. Shasta in Northern California. They flew their private planes to attempt to locate the doors that opened to let the craft pass though. Children were being contacted and met with an alien lady would use holograms to explain ET in Medford, Oregon. Many had taken ETs lessons and later joined the Navy.
Robert Shiepe Discovered Tiny UAP/UFOs
Numerous Black Tiny 10 inch UFO/UAPs Around Heo8c90ter
Robert Shiepe is the discovery and creator of a new subliminal photography that makes it possible to find and record unknown, fast small moving objects. Robert Shiepe (pictured with his cameras above) lives in Marina Del Rey, Los Angeles. In 2017, he noticed some new unusual flying activity by the Army, Coast Guard and LA Police (LAPD choppers). He has recorded and documented over 4000 videos. The authorities are now and have been chasing an uncatchable drone approximately the size of a football. These drones are nearly invisible to the human eye (too fast) but not to the camera. For obvious reasons, this story is not yet in the news. He has personally given this information to the echelon of Aviation and the intelligence community and SETI and the Air Force.
Robert Shiepe, a Pharmacist, is the inventor and founder of the first mail-order pharmacy in the United States in 1986.
Robert Shiepe writes, “These small drone-like objects here and now will be referred to as ”Dragons” because their silhouette resembles that of a ‘dragon fly’. These dragons have been chased by many agencies, over 3000 sorties. These dragons are also being recorded by at least three ocean vessels and have been recorded in Marina del Rey and north to Venice beach.”
M134 GAU-17 “Vulcan” cannon is a six-barreled
“Thank you for posting my UAP dragon photos in your MUFON news report. It is a great honor to have earned your trust. Obviously this is a new science and it will take about another year before people will understand these dragons. its exciting that we are hear to share this new advance information with others. Again these UAP activities are happening everyday in Marina del Rey.
Seahawk mh60 Romeo Hrliocopter
January 12 2023, we had a powerful video day. The Government / Dept of Homeland Security / DHS , sent in a lot of helicopters , like the coast guard , police, CBS news chopper an the navy Seahawk mh60 Romeo. It was crazy over here. The Seahawk came in ready for bear. the pilot and the gunner had their doors open. The gunner did not have a machine gun but a Gatling gun. I was lucky enough to get the video. check it out and tell me what you think. Also is it normal for a Seahawk to fly over Los Angeles with a gunner with a Gatling gun ? seems a bit too much..
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a new Jan 14, 2023 report about UFO sightings in the United States. The US government has received over 350 UFO sighting reports since March 2021, half of which remain unexplained.
Bruce Smith writes,Many years ago, that then-vice president of engineering at Seagate Technology told me of his earlier US Air Force experience with UFOs when he was assigned to a Strategic Air Command unit. He told me that SAC and USAF pilots would often detect and track UFOs, but were ordered to not submit written reports of sightings. For SAC, the “unusual flight patters” of interest occasionally included UFOs’ accelerating to great speed in one direction and suddenly making sharp (e.g., 90-degree) turns at undiminished speed — seemingly in non-adherence to fundamental laws of physics. He said that the UFOs’ flight speeds sometimes substantially exceeded the capabilities of any human-built flying craft or device then (and now) in existence. Radar operators were instructed to deny they had UFOs on their screens and to divert the aircraft away from the UFOs.
Former Area 51 security guard reveals existence of disc-shaped craft and alien beings at top-secret S4 facility. Shocking details revealed in exclusive interview.
International UFO Congress a Success
by Rich Scheck
I recently attended the International UFO Congress in Mesa, AZ. I had a good time and met members of the UFO Community who shared my passionate search for the truth regarding the Phenomena. Most of the speakers were competent but few demonstrated the willingness to push the envelope in the spirit of Hal Puthoff’s call for an “aggressive forensic mindset!”John Ramirez was inspiring to the extent his thorough review of the pending legislation before Congress. evoked the same goal of transparency many have promoted for years. While there, I bought 2 old copies of Open Minds, the now expired UFO News and Investigations Journal to which Alejandro Rojas, one of the Congress organizers, was a major contributor.
Dr. and Colonel John Alexander
Issue #17 from December/January 2013 had a long article by John Alexander in which he gave a thorough overview of contemporary Ufology. In it, he echoed the same theme from his excellent 2011 book, UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies and Realities, that despite the clever efforts by some to promote wild theories regarding secret government research, none existed. Fascinating, but 100% wrong! Concurrent with him elaborating in great detail all the reasons why such speculations were misguided or malevolent myths, the DOD was in fact engaging in just such research into “high strangeness” and UAPs as part of AAWSAP and AATIP! What is key here is that despite his enthusiasm for the topic and elite status among researchers called the “invisible college” by Jacques Vallee, Alexander was ostensibly ignorant of what was actually going on because most of this type of activity is highly compartmentalized, hidden in black budgeted special access programs tightly controlled by a few with “need to know” clearances.
Jack: I think Alexander was simply lying as a disinformation agent for the forces described by Yuri Bezmenov as he does consistently now in regard to the truth about Donald Trump and he 2020 election et-al. And similarly, it follows that this process also entails much of this advanced space technology being under the provenance of a few aerospace corporations and NOT the government which is why the Wilson/Davis Memo controversy is right on target! Regarding that pending whistleblower protection legislation, it incorporates many of the points I raised in a memo prepared by me for Richard Dolan analyzing the one page “leak” he made of the classified portion of the UAP Task
Editor’s Note:
The Air Force had a policy of only briefing four star generals and a few high ranking personnel the Four stars had personally cleared concerning UFOs. Unless Alexander was cleared by four stars very little would be available to him. A close friend of mine who had three stars was never briefed about UFOs despite being in charge of developing B-2 bombers.
Force Report of 2021.
In it, I challenged the legality of special access programs and the Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) used to insulate the public and everyone else from full disclosure that blocks transparency under a veil of secrecy. Despite the optimism of Ramirez, Hoagland, Mellon and others, I remain skeptical that the US Congress will be as aggressive as they predict. It will be extremely difficult to force the government to reveal what it knows, much less getting those who may actually hold the secrets to undermine their proprietary interest by sharing patents or technology.
As for Mr. Alexander, he has done the best he can to serve the UFO Community within the constraints I described. Hopefully, he now realizes how extreme is the duplicity and extensive is the secrecy surrounding this incredibly important story. With regard to my assertion that Israel is playing a significant role in this conversation, I invite Blumenthal, Kean, Cooper, the NY Times as well as the rest of the UFO Community to ponder what John Ford meant when he was quoted in the 2015 book by William Birnes, UFO Hunters 2, paraphrasing:
General Haim Eshed Director of Space
“Israel intends to form an international coalition to expose the US coverup of the UFO Phenomena!” Haim Eshed is a visiting professor of aeronautics and retired brigadier general in Israeli Military Intelligence claims US astronauts work with ETs on a Mars base but was instructed to remain hushed about it on orders of the Galactic Federation. All that while Zionist Barry Chamish states that Israel is the country most frequented by UFOs; Uri Gellar says they are quite real; Harvard’s Avi Loeb of the Galileo Project was trained by Israeli intelligence; and that tiny ME nation was able to send a probe to the Moon in 2019. As we revisit John Alexander’s remarks from a decade ago, we must keep “open minds” about all the possibilities involved despite what Rojas or anyone else may think is appropriate to a full discussion of this fascinating topic.
Julien Geffray wrote: “Such asymmetry can be engineered within the fields themselves as I understand, or by tweaking the physical geometry of the fuselage, or with a combination of both. However, I wonder if the larger area of that figure should always be at the stern (underneath when hovering above the ground) or if it could be made on the contrary at the bow of the aircraft (top area while hovering)? “ Jack Sarfatti states No, no. No tweaking physical geometry, just the control fields suffice. The idea is that the fuselage meta-surface is tiled with meta-atoms which are tiny essentially pumped LCR oscillators like in Chi 23/24 of Feynman Vol. 1. Oddly enough I had this image back at ISSO with Creon Levit et-al 1999-2000 knowing nothing about meta -materials.
Scientist Jack Sarfatti
The relative phase between input EM field and output gravity field is individually controlled at each meta-atom. This requires at least a quantum AI to sense and control the value of cos (relative phase) + or – ~ 1 for gravity or antigravity near field at each meta-atom “lattice point.’ Therefore, any part of the fuselage can act as a “nose” or a “tail” explaining the sudden ZERO G-Force bizarre zig zag motions Fravor and other pilots report.
Since the early 2000s, the DoD has pursued hypersonic weapons development as a part of the conventional Prompt Global Strike Program. These efforts are accelerating in response to advances of global peer capabilities. Radiance is proud to be part of the accelerated effort to field both U.S. capability and counter threat hypersonic systems. We are part of the Army’s effort to field a land-based hypersonic missile. We also support efforts to understand and counter adversary capabilities.
During the war, The Soviet Union supplied 7,658 SAMs to North Vietnam, and their defense forces conducted about 5,800 launches, usually in multiples of three. By the war’s end, the U.S lost a total of 3,374 aircraft in combat operations; however, the U.S states only 205 of those aircraft and 15 B-52s were lost to North Vietnamese (Soviet) S-75 surface-to-air missiles.[33]
150,000+ UFO Sighting Reports
47 Years in Operation National UFO Reporting Center
Center Director – Peter Davenport
Peter Davenport has been director of the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) since 1994. He has also served as the director of investigations for the Washington Chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. He often presents lectures on UFO cases and has been interested in e UFOs since his early boyhood. He experienced his first UFO sighting over the St. Louis municipal airport in the summer of 1954, and he investigated his first UFO case during the summer of 1965 in Exeter, New Hampshire. He has also been witness to several subsequent anomalous events, possibly UFO related, including a dramatic sighting over Baja California in February 1990
Peter received his education at Stanford University in California, where he earned bachelor’s degrees in both Russian and biology, as well as a translator’s certificate in Russian translation. His graduate education was completed at the University of Washington in Seattle, where he earned an M.S. degree in the genetics and biochemistry and an M.B.A. degree in finances.
Peter has worked as a college instructor, a commercial fisherman, a Russian translator in the Soviet Union, a fisheries observer aboard Soviet fishing vessels, a flight instructor, and a businessman. Peter was the founding president of a Seattle-based biotechnology company, which currently employs over 300 scientists and technicians.
Multiple Anomaly Detection and Automated Recording
Those of you who diligently scan NUFORC reports have likely noticed references to MADAR nodes, for example this report from May of 2022. MADAR stands for Multiple Anomaly Detection and Automated Recording, and these reports document alerts triggered by a network of special sensors placed in strategic locations around the globe. The sensors are designed to detect electromagnetic and ionospheric disturbances that may be caused by UFOs. The project is unique in that it uses a scientific approach to collecting data and analyzing it, rather than relying on anecdotal evidence. This has led to a high level of credibility for the project and its findings.
Francis Ridge, the the archivist and webmaster for NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) and a former Indiana MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) state director, developed the technology in the 60’s, and has been actively improving with it since its inception. Ridge has been instrumental in promoting the project and its findings to a wider audience through his extensive network of contacts in the UFO research community. Click here for a detailed explanation of the MADAR Project.
UFO Detection Using Passive Radar Technology
At the 2022 MUFON Symposium, Peter Davenport and Mitch Randall gave an update on the project to build a UFO detection system utilizing passive radar. We were excited to announce that the construction and testing of such a system is finally underway, under the auspices of the Galileo Project at Harvard. UFO detection using passive radar technology
Its purpose is to alert the UFO community to the fact that new developments in passive, multi-static radar, and in related technologies, will permit,, remote, real-time detection of UFO’s in the near-Earth environment. also, it will permit determination of their flight characteristic, e.g. velocity, acceleration, flight path, and perhaps size. The technology is real. Peter’s original 2004 paper can be read Microsoft Word – MUFONPresentation.doc (
UFOs ‘Flew out o Underwater Base Near Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
underwater alien base
A former U.S. Marine has made bizarre claims that he and his comrades saw dozens of huge, hi-tech spacecraft flying out of an ‘underwater alien base’ next to the Guantanamo Naval Base in the late Sixties.
The Marine – who has chosen to remain unnamed – claims that he was forbidden to talk about the shimmering 100 foot craft he had seen, and claims he saw intelligence officers filming the craft. The interview comes courtesy of UFO researchers MUFON. The Marine said, ‘All of us marines were amazed at the amount of UFO activity over and around this base.
Underwater Base
‘Virtually every night UFOs were flying overhead with altitudes of less than 300 feet.’
‘When I stood guard duty on the south side of the base, I witnessed on many, many nights UFOs landing and taking off out of the ocean.’ ‘There were large blue lights moving around after their landing in the ocean and then slowly dimming down as they obviously descended deeper.’
The encounters occurred between 1968 and 1969. He says that the machines he saw were not flying saucers, describing one as a ‘huge white cloud with a blue/white, baby blue pulsating light in the middle of it.’ From Jack Sarfatti.
China at War with U.S.
General Chi Haotian
Genera Chi Haotian writes,” To Communist China solving the ‘issue of America’ is the key to solving all other issues. First, this makes it possible for us to have many people migrate to the United States and even establish another China under the same leadership of the CCP. America was originally discovered by the ancestors of the yellow race, but Columbus gave credit to the White race. We the descendants of the Chinese nation are ENTITLED to the possession of the land! It is historical destiny that China and United States will come into unavoidable confrontation on a narrow path and fight. In the long run, the relationship of China and the United States is one of a life-and-death struggle. Of course, right now it is not the time to openly break up with them yet.”
The Chinese Communist media tells the people they are now at war with the US. Our reform and opening to the outside world still rely on their capital and technology. We still need America. Therefore, we must do everything we can to promote our relationship with America, learn from America in all aspects and use America as an example to reconstruct our country. Only by using special means to ‘clean up’ America will we be able to lead the Chinese people there. Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves.” Thanks to Chi Haotian, Vice-Chairman of China’s Military Commission
We know no travel was allowed from Wuhan within China but hundreds of thousands traveled all over the world carrying the COVID-19
Don’t drink Chinese Wine, fish, Soy, since some food contains sharp minute virus size nano structures that can cause intentional problems, Toxic dog food some with US labels, White Rabbit Creamy Candy, contained deadly melamine, Toxic toothpaste and Radioactive drywall.
So far the US has recalled 338 Chinese products overall this year.
The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs
U.S. Air Force Major George Filer belongs to the generation of pilots and aviators who first became aware of the strange aircraft showing up in the Earth’s atmosphere after World War II. These men – military professionals who flew planes, served as radar operators and air traffic controllers at airfields around the world – began to whisper amongst themselves about encounters with suspected extraterrestrial aircraft.
During secret debriefings at U.S. bases, pilots and air crew told their commanders of seeing UFOs off their plane’s wings. Award-winning investigative author John Guerra spent four years interviewing Filer, a decorated intelligence officer.
From objects in the skies over Cold War Europe to a UFOs over during the Cuban Missile Crisis to lights over the DMZ in Vietnam Filer leaves nothing out about his Air Force UFO encounters,
Filer’s most memorable case – the shooting of an alien at Fort Dix Army Base in 1978 – is fully recounted for the first time in this book. As a member of the Disclosure Project, military experts, astronauts, and scientists urge the U.S. government to release all it knows about UFOs to the public.
Filer describes his UFO encounters in this incredible book, by John L. Guerra.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files Feb. 1 2023 - New UFO Intelligence released Jan 14 2023 - PART II
Independence, Missouri on January 5, 2023
Filer’s Files Feb. 1 2023 - New UFO Intelligence released Jan 14 2023 - PART II
Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director’ V04 2023
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month!
Special reports are: Douglas Aviation Think Tank Held the Secret of UFOs, William Tompkins ET Contact, Robert Shiepe Discovered Tiny UAP/UFOs, National Intelligence released a new Jan 14, 2023 , International UFO Congress a Success, Force Report of 2021, 150,000+ UFO Sighting Reports ‘ UFOs ‘Flew out o Underwater Base Near Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, China at War with U.S,. Strange Craft
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, I, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, Texas. And Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, China, France, India Mexico, South Africa, and England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced craft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years; and we continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS
Alabama Light
Cullman on January 4, 2023, I have numerous sightings at this location. I noticed 5-9 searchlights trying to get a lock on the object. which looked like a dumbbell. Then it changed shape into a fan shape,. The object then begins to dodge the spotlights when the object denaturized into nothing.
Arizona Object
Sedonaon January 23, 2023, I’m a retired public utility manager and private pilot. I have recently photographed a UAP fly into and out of range of my drone camera before I crashed into a tree. I will supply the video and a series of still shots that I captured from the video.
California Objects
Gonzaleson January 14, 2023, I saw this bright object right away. I pulled over and watched it hover for about 30 minutes It was in the SE portion of the sky and right at the horizon. As the sun came up, it was not visible.
Los Angeles on January 23, 2023, we were driving home from work when the object passed over our car from south to north it appeared to be a clutter of objects with some kind of flashing lights
Florida Lights
Crystal River on January 7, 2023, stationary lights shimmer red and blue lights with position changed slightly over time and moved further away. Review of video showed a tight cluster of several glowing yellow lights.
Missouri Object
Independenceon January 5, 2023, video was recorded by my 11 year old granddaughter and her friend in their backyard. I have looked at it over and over again and it is not a plane or a drone and it made no sound. It looks like it has headlights in the sky very strange
New Jersey Lights
Long Branch on January 2, 2023, A sudden urge to go outside to see a triangle, it looked like TR3-B, with a large center circle with 3 outer circles on bottom hovering silent 50′ above a neighbor’s house. I realized was really scared. I was yelling out phrases of fear of a craft stopping and performing colors and shape shifting. as I had become aware was with me being the only witness, Fear and a drive to get video had me try to remember where the phone was.. A few shape shift and color shift. all white, 3 balls of light all white, the, all blue, then all red. c How did it select me to encounter and put on a show?
Texas Object
Midlothianon January 16, 2023, Observed object in sky for about 5 minutes thought it was a cloud at first. I saw a helicopter in the morning around the same area doing figure 8s then flew off. I thought that was strange.
Washington Light
Lynwoodon January 29 , 2023, I was taking a couple photos of the moon low in the horizon. I did not see anything when I took the pictures. When I looked at the pictures there is a wing shape object in the first picture flying NW and then in the second picture headed SW and apparently much closer due to its larger size.
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Objects
Sydneyon January 25 , 2023, a spotted and filmed a UFO earlier this month. 13 second video captures spectacular speed amd hovering. One of the latest UFO sightings that has people talking. Watch the video on Twitter. Depiction of earlier sighting.
China Disc
Hong Kong, reported on December 12, 2022, three years after actual sighting ;n August 2019.
France Object
Le Puy Ste Réparade on August 20, 2008, I noticed a yellow/orange shape, in the sky, very bright, which was obviously reflected in the setting sun; I did see a square/diamond geometric shape, as if it was turning in my direction and immediately/.
India Object
On August 8, 2019. Object was hovering then path near a thunderstorm.
Mexico Light
El Novillo, Sonora on on January 18, 2023, unknown object with very bright light, which was moving very fast, it seemed that it could change its destination whenever it wanted, they were seen near where there is water.
South Africa Light
Thohoyandou on January 19 , 2023, around 8:02, one of my friends saw something moving fast in the sky which looked long in size. With bright straight lights which became dim, and then it disappeared..
UK/England Light
Londonon December 12, 2018, the light moved across the sky at a low speed with lights unlike a plane, much brighter almost like light bursts. No sound, and movement looked controlled.
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Our outreach relies on the generosity of our supporters. Join us today. I have put together a DVD or flash drive of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Buy a Great DVD
I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
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MUFON Conference in Denver July 8-10, 2022
Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2022 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to
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CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. These files could not be published without the help of my beloved wife who cooks, cleans, washes, etc., and manages the finances. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.
A.I. Finds a New Way to Build Multiple-Star Systems
Over over 50% of high mass stars reside in multiple star systems. But due to their complex orbital interactions, physicists have a difficult time understanding just how stable and long-lived these systems are. Recently a team of astronomers applied machine learning techniques to simulations of multiple star systems and found a new way that stars in such systems can arrange themselves.
Classical mechanics has a notorious problem known as the three-body problem. While Newton’s laws of gravity can easily handle calculations of the forces between two objects and their subsequent evolution, there is no known analytic solution when you include a third massive object. In response to that problem, physicists over the centuries have developed various approximation schemes to study these kinds of systems, concluding that the vast majority of possible three-object arrangements are unstable.
But it turns out that there are a lot of multiple-star systems out there in the galaxy. Indeed, over half of all massive stars belong to at least a binary pair, and many of them belong to triple or quadruple star systems. Obviously the systems last a long time, otherwise they would have flung themselves apart a long time ago before we had a chance to observe them. But because of the limitations of our tools we have difficulty assessing how these systems organize themselves and what the stable orbit options exist.
Recently a team of astronomers conducted tens of thousands of simulations of quadruple star systems, varying the mass and orbital distances of all the objects. They then ran the simulation outputs through a machine learning classifier to pull out general trends and categories for the structures of the stable orbits.
They found one such structure of orbits that was already familiar to old analytic techniques. This is the so-called nested triple system. You start with two stars close together orbiting around a common center of mass. Then you add a third star in a large enough orbit around those other two so that from that distance the other two might as well be a single star. Then to add a fourth star you put it at an even greater distance so it orbits around the other three.
But their simulations and machine learning analysis also found a new kind of orbital arrangement. In this arrangement, you have two sets of binary stars, with each set orbiting around a common center of mass.
This arrangement was just as stable as the nested triple arrangement and led to systems that could last for hundreds of millions of years.
Astronomers want to understand how these systems arrange themselves because that tells us how the stars themselves form. Understanding the present day structure of stellar orbits in multiple-star systems helps us unwind the clock to peer into their formation, and tells astronomers how the largest stars in the universe evolve.
LEAKED VIDEO of a PYRAMID SHAPED UFO shot in 1968 in Soviet Union & smuggled by GEORGE KNAPP in the 90s
LEAKED VIDEO of a PYRAMID SHAPED UFO shot in 1968 in Soviet Union & smuggled by GEORGE KNAPP in the 90s
The leaked video of a pyramid-shaped UFO shot in 1968 in Latvia (back there Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic (Latvian SSR), part of the Soviet Union) is a topic that has captured the imagination of many people around the world. It all started in the early 1990s when the American television investigative journalist, news anchor, and talk radio host, George Knapp, was on a mission to uncover the truth about Russia’s UFO files. With the help of a Russian physicist who was in contact with the government, Knapp was able to make contact with the Ministry of Defense and intelligence officials in Russia.
The Russians were conducting a ten-year-long large-scale study of UFOs and had collected tens of thousands of reports and videos, including the pyramid-shaped UFO video that was shot in Latvia in 1968. Knapp was able to obtain the classified video and smuggle it into the United States. This video became a significant piece of evidence in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon.
The video depicts a huge pyramid-shaped object in the skies over Latvia in 1968. Despite its age, the video quality is remarkable, and it shows the object hovering in the air, with a beveled edge. This footage was part of a gigantic cache of information that the Ministry of Defense collected over a ten-year period, and it was considered to be a genuine UFO because of its unique characteristics.
Over the years, there have been numerous other videos of pyramid-shaped UFOs, including footage from 2019 that showed multiple triangle-shaped UFOs pulsing in the sky. This new footage has sparked a lot of speculation and debate among UFO enthusiasts and experts. Some people believe that the two videos could be related and that the technology reflected in the 2019 footage could be a more advanced version of the technology in the 1968 video.
It’s interesting to note that despite the abundance of video documentation of pyramid-shaped UFOs, it’s only in recent years that people are talking and paying attention to it. This could be attributed to the growing interest in the UFO phenomenon and the increasing coverage of it by mainstream media.
Ancient Aliens: Intergalactic Mystery Baffles Scientists
In 2017, scientists in Hawaii detected a strange object traveling through our solar system. See more in this scene from Season 6, Episode 1, "Aliens and Outer Space."
The Real Reason NASA Is Developing A Nuclear Rocket Engine!
Compare news coverage. Spot media bias. Avoid algorithms. Be well informed.
8 More Interesting Signals Found By SETI Using AI Algorithm
You Won’t Believe What NASA Found on Mars
Scientists used to consider Mars a geologically dead planet. It's smaller than Earth and loses internal heat faster. In the past, there was a lot of activity in its depths, and there are many traces of huge volcano eruptions on its surface. The largest volcano in the Solar System, Olympus, can be seen from Earth even with an amateur telescope. But volcano eruptions on Mars stopped a long time ago. The planet's interior cooled and solidified, the internal cooling weakened its magnetic field, the solar wind blew away the atmosphere, and the remaining water froze.
But recently, Mars has become more active. Everything changed when astronomers studied thousands of images of the Martian equatorial region. The images were taken between 2006 and 2020 by the NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
The HiRISE camera took the images at an altitude of 300 kilometers above the Martian surface. The images allow us to distinguish individual objects with a size of up to 1 meter. The study revealed a large number of landslides and debris flows on the slopes of the Martian volcanoes. Scientists have discovered more than 4,500 traces of rocks that have left characteristic patterns in the shape of a Christmas tree, which usually happens after strong earthquakes. The longest trace is more than 2.4 kilometers [1.5 miles] long and in total, these traces are around 900 kilometers [560 miles] long. About a third of the traces weren’t present on images before 2006, indicating that they formed later. It’s clear that only very powerful underground tremors are capable of moving these huge boulders. However, until recently, such tremors weren’t found on Mars.
What helped scientists find out that Mars woke up? How did the recent samples taken from one crater almost come to life? And why will one of the most harmful gasses on Earth be so crucial for Martian colonists?
Will Jupiter`s Moons Save Us from Extinction?
NASA Just Found Declassified Photos of Venus by the Soviet Union. Real Images!
NASA Just Found Declassified Photos of Venus by the Soviet Union. Real Images! Venus's surface has hellish acoustics. Nearly 465°C and dotted with mountains and volcanoes that rise toward sulfuric acid clouds characterizes this intolerably hot place. The atmosphere is under intense barometric pressure, almost similar to being 1,500 meters underwater, and clouds are being driven across a murky yellow sky by fast-moving winds.
Little was known about this planet before the Soviets turned their attention to Venus and began their exploration. What was found on Venus? Is there life form living on Venus? What secrets did the Soviet Union hide about the planet when they visited?
This Is What The Surface Of Venus Sounds Like! Venera 14 Sound Recording 1982 (4K UHD)
Nearly 40 years ago Venera 14 landed on Venus and recorded the sound of its eerie, scorched surface. But what did it hear? Click of the video to find out!
If you want to learn more about the Venera program then check out this awesome website -
This Is What the Sun's Wind Sounds Like! (Very Creepy) - Six Real Sound Recordings (4K)
Does the Sun make sound?
Yes! and it's very unsettling! During its first few years of exploring the Sun, NASA's Parker Solar Probe recorded six strange but amazing sounds of the solar wind. The solar wind is a stream of charged particles released from the Sun's upper atmosphere, known as the Corona. Scientists have studied the solar wind for more than 60 years, but they're still puzzled over some of its behaviours. However, by listening to the pressure waves it produces, we can hear the bizarre sounds of the Sun. The small chirps, squeaks, hurricane-like screams and rustles recorded by the Parker Solar Probe hint at the origin of this mysterious and ever-present wind. So what does the Sun sound like? Click on the video and listen to real audio recordings of our closest star.
BREAKING NEWS: Fighter jet shoots down China spy balloon off the coast of South Carolina after Biden vowed to 'take care of it' and the FAA closed airspace and three airports- PART I
BREAKING NEWS: Fighter jet shoots down China spy balloon off the coast of South Carolina after Biden vowed to 'take care of it' and the FAA closed airspace and three airports - PART I
A missile burst the balloon at 2.38pm and separated its payload - carrying its cameras - sending it plummeting towards the ocean off Myrtle Beach
Footage showed a fighter jet screaming towards the spy aircraft before firing a missile which shredded the balloon. It then dropped straight down
Biden told reporters, 'I told them to shoot it down on Wednesday. They said to me let's wait for the safest place to do it'
Fighter jets shot down the Chinese spy balloon over the Atlantic today after Joe Biden vowed to 'take care of it' and the FAA shutdown three airports in the Carolinas.
A missile burst the balloon at 2.38pm and separated its payload - the metal structure carrying its cameras - sending it plummeting towards the ocean off Myrtle Beach.
Footage showed a fighter jet screaming towards the spy aircraft before firing a missile which shredded the balloon as stunned locals watched from the coast.
An operation was underway to recover the wreckage and retrieve any valuable intelligence before it sinks into the ocean.
Biden told reporters, 'I told them to shoot it down on Wednesday. They said to me let's wait for the safest place to do it.'
'We successfully took it down it down and I want to compliment our aviators,' the President said he stepped off Air Force One en route to Camp David at Hagerstown Regional Airport, Maryland.
The Pentagon confirmed: 'The balloon, which was being used by the People's Republic of China in an attempt to surveil strategic sites in the continental United States, was brought down above US territorial waters.'
Defense officials estimated the balloon was about the size of three buses and that any debris field would be substantial.
The balloon was seen bursting at 2.38pm and its payload - the metal structure carrying its cameras - appeared to have been separated as it plummeted towards the Atlantic off Myrtle Beach
Biden (boarding Air Force One this morning in Syracuse, NY) told reporters, 'I told them to shoot it down on Wednesday. They said to me let's wait for the safest place to do it'
Jets were seen flying close to the balloon around 1.30pm after a source revealed that defense officials were planning a shoot down and capture mission
Military aircraft have been spotted ripping around the Chinese balloon
The airspace in the Carolinas has now reopened after the Federal Aviation Authority announced a 'ground stop' at Charleston, Myrtle Beach and Wilmington's international airports shortly after 1pm.
The Coast Guard earlier advised mariners to immediately leave the area due to military operations 'that present a significant hazard.'
The Biden administration confirmed the shoot-down order around 2pm after the President this morning vowed, 'We're gonna take care of it,' as he stepped off Air Force One at Hancock Field Air National Guard Base, upstate NY.
Biden gave the order as it emerged that a Chinese spy balloon had been spotted over Latin America, passing over the Panama Canal and moving southeast over Venezuela.
The Pentagon confirmed the second Chinese aircraft Friday night.
'We are seeing reports of a balloon transiting Latin America. We now assess it is another Chinese surveillance balloon,' chief Pentagon spokesperson Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder said.
But the Biden's administration's attempts to hide the blatant US airspace violation from the public for almost a week and inaction over the threat to national security have infuriated Republicans.
'Communist China's surveillance balloon violates international law and threatens our homeland,' Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-Staten Island) told The New York Post.
'It's an outrage that the Biden Administration spotted this balloon days ago as it was flying over the Aleutian Islands and did nothing about it,' she said. 'The president has not even made a comment about this unacceptable act of aggression by the CCP.'
Biden first became aware of the balloon last Sunday, January 28, when it was spotted over Alaska. The US military tracked it over Canadian airspace and as it re-entered US territory on Tuesday.
'We successfully took it down it down and I want to compliment our aviators,' the President said he stepped off Air Force One en route to Camp David at Hagerstown Regional Airport, Maryland
Biden confirms he gave the order on Wednesday to the Pentagon to shoot it down as soon as possible
🚨#BREAKING: The FAA have blocked of airspace off the coast of South Carolina
The FAA has shutted down 3 airports and closes airspace for parts of North Carolina and South Carolina due to amid expectations that the Chinese balloon will be shot down
The aircraft was tracking towards the Carolinas this morning and is due to exit the east coast by noon after passing over a sensitive nuclear missile site in Montana dubbed America's 'Doomsday Base'. It comes amid mounting pressure on Biden as it emerged that a second Chinese spy balloon had been spotted over Latin America, passing over the Panama Canal and moving southeast over Venezuela. The Pentagon confirmed the second Chinese aircraft Friday night. 'We are seeing reports of a balloon transiting Latin America. We now assess it is another Chinese surveillance balloon,' chief Pentagon spokesperson Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder said
A US defense official said the balloon is the size of several buses - but doesn't pose an immediate threat to Americans. The balloon, pictured over Montana, has been tracked for several days but officials decided not to shoot it down over fears about debris. China claims it is a civilian airship used for meteorological research. However, William Kim, a specialist in surveillance balloons at the Marathon Initiative think tank in Washington, said the balloon has a significant, visible 'payload' - the electronics for guidance and collecting information, powered by large solar panels. Artificial intelligence has made it possible for a balloon, just by reading the changes in the air around it, to adjust its altitude to guide it where it wants to go, Kim said
The following day, Biden was given a detailed report on the aircraft and its course, attended by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley.
Biden initially wanted to take it down but Milley and Austin argued the risk from falling debris was too great, sources revealed.
Meanwhile, the administration went to the Chinese embassy for an explanation and continued making preparations for Blinken's landmark diplomatic visit.
The administration finally told the public on Thursday after local Montana paper, the Billings Gazette, published photos of the balloon.
The emergence of the spy aircraft comes on the heels of a classified report to Congress which outlined advanced new technology that US adversaries were harnessing to spy on the country.
The report last month mentioned at least two incidents of a rival power conducting aerial surveillance with what appeared to be unknown cutting-edge technology, sources told The New York Times.
Although the report did not single out any country, two US officials familiar with the research named China.
The two sites where the unusual surveillance was detected included a military base in the US and another overseas.
Since 2021, the Pentagon has studied 366 unexplained incidents and determined that 163 were balloons.
A handful of these were advanced surveillance balloons, a US official told the Times.
The President was last night slammed by the Governor of Montana over his inaction. Greg Gianforte (pictured in the Montana State Capitol on Jan. 25) said that as as a result, 'Americans are endangered and our enemies are emboldened.'
Stunned Montana residents Friday posted videos on social media of helicopters buzzing overhead after the emergence of the balloon
The footage, taken near Billings, Montana, appears to show Chinooks escorted by smaller helicopters
Chinese balloon hard to take down and controlled by advanced AI tech, expert says
William Kim, a specialist in surveillance balloons at the Marathon Initiative think tank in Washington, said the balloon could be steered by AI and has superior technology to another developed by the US.
It has a quite large, visible 'payload' -- the electronics for guidance and collecting information, powered by large solar panels.
And it appears to have advanced steering technologies that the US military hasn't yet put in the air.
Artificial intelligence has made it possible for a balloon, just by reading the changes in the air around it, to adjust its altitude to guide it where it wants to go, Kim said.
'Before you either had to have a tether... or you just send it up and it just goes wherever the wind takes it,' he said.
'What's happened very recently with advances in AI is that you can have a balloon that... doesn't need its own motion system. Merely by adjusting the altitude it can control its direction.'
That could also involve radio communications from its home base, he said.
But 'if the point of it is to monitor (intercontinental ballistic missile) silos, which is one of the theories... you wouldn't necessarily need to tell it to adjust its location,' he added.
Kim said that as satellites become more vulnerable to being attacked from the Earth and space, balloons have distinct advantages.
Firstly, they don't easily show up on radars.
'These are materials that don't reflect, they're not metal. So even though these balloons expand to quite large, detecting... the balloon itself is going to be a problem,' he said.
And the payload, if small enough, can be overlooked.
Balloons also have the advantage of holding relatively stationary positions over a surveillance target, compared to constantly orbiting satellites used by spy agencies to take photographs.
'These things can stay overhead, they can stay over one spot months at a time, compared to the low-Earth-orbit satellites,' Kim said.
Shooting down a balloon is not as easy as it sounds, said Kim.
'These balloons use helium... It's not the Hindenburg, you can't just shoot it and then and then it goes up in flames.'
'If you do punch holes in it, it's just kind of going to leak out very slowly.'
Kim recalled that in 1998 the Canadian air force sent up F-18 fighter jets to try and shoot down a rogue weather balloon.
'They fired a thousand 20-millimeter cannon rounds into it. And it still took six days before it finally came down. These are not things that explode or pop when you shoot at them.'
He said it was not clear if using surface-to-air missiles would work, because their guidance systems are designed to hit fast-moving missiles and aircraft.
Reporting by AFP.
Biden was last night slammed by the Governor of Montana over his inaction. Greg Gianforte said that as a result, 'Americans are endangered and our enemies are emboldened.'
Speaking to Fox News, the Republican governor revealed that he was briefed earlier in the week that the Pentagon had been looking at taking it out.
'Clearly this went to the President's desk and he chose not to act,' Gianforte said.
He added: 'If it was up to Montanans this thing would have taken out the sky the moment it entered our sovereign airspace and it clearly had been there for a while. It's not moving that fast.'
China insisted the balloon is an errant civilian airship used mainly for meteorological research that went off course due to winds.
However, the US rejected that out of hand and Blinken cancelled his trip to Beijing, telling a senior Chinese diplomat that sending the balloon over the US was 'an irresponsible act'.
Shooting the slow-moving, low-flying balloon down is not as simple as it sounds.
William Kim, a specialist in surveillance balloons at the Marathon Initiative think tank in Washington, told AFP that the target was resistant to missiles and bullets.
'These balloons use helium... It's not the Hindenburg, you can't just shoot it and then and then it goes up in flames,' he said.
'If you do punch holes in it, it's just kind of going to leak out very slowly.'
He said it was not clear if using surface-to-air missiles would work, because their guidance systems are designed to hit fast-moving missiles and aircraft.
Kim said the Chinese balloon is also far more advanced and could be using artificial intelligence (AI), allowing it to steer through severe winds at extreme altitudes.
It has a significant, visible 'payload' - the electronics for guidance and collecting information, powered by large solar panels, he said.
AI has made it possible for a balloon, just by reading the changes in the air around it, to adjust its altitude to guide it where it wants to go, Kim said.
'Before you either had to have a tether... or you just send it up and it just goes wherever the wind takes it,' he said.
'What's happened very recently with advances in AI is that you can have a balloon that... doesn't need its own motion system. Merely by adjusting the altitude it can control its direction.'
That could also involve radio communications from its home base, he said.
But 'if the point of it is to monitor (intercontinental ballistic missile) silos, which is one of the theories... you wouldn't necessarily need to tell it to adjust its location,' he added.
Kim said that as satellites become more vulnerable to being attacked from the Earth and space, balloons have distinct advantages.
Firstly, they don't easily show up on radars.
'These are materials that don't reflect, they're not metal. So even though these balloons expand to quite large, detecting... the balloon itself is going to be a problem,' he said.
And the payload, if small enough, can be overlooked.
Balloons also have the advantage of holding relatively stationary positions over a surveillance target, compared to constantly orbiting satellites used by spy agencies to take photographs.
'These things can stay overhead, they can stay over one spot months at a time, compared to the low-Earth-orbit satellites,' Kim said.
Kim called it a 'real possibility' that a Chinese balloon may have been intended to collect data from outside US boundaries or much higher but malfunctioned.
'These balloons don't always work perfectly,' he said. He said it was 'definitely a little low (in the sky).'
The Chinese surveillance balloon is estimated to be about the width of three buses. The balloon is fitted with solar panels to power the on-board equipment, which could include long-range cameras and radar. It was traveling at an altitude of around 60,000ft on Friday afternoon, but the balloons can reach heights of around double that
'If you wanted it to be harder to spot, if you want it to be harder to shoot down, then it would make sense to operate at higher altitudes,' Kim said.
Even if it's not armed, the balloon poses a risk to the US, a former military leader has warned. Retired Army Gen. John Ferrari claimed the flight itself can be used to test America's ability to detect incoming threats and to find holes in the country's air defense warning system.
It may also allow the Chinese to sense electromagnetic emissions that higher-altitude satellites can't detect, such as low-power radio frequencies that could help them understand how different US weapons systems communicate.
He also said the Chinese may have sent the balloon 'to show us that they can do it, and maybe next time it could have a weapon. So now we have to spend money and time on it' developing defenses.
The discovery of the balloons dealt a new blow to already strained US-Chinese relations that have been in a downwards spiral for years over numerous issues.
Still, US officials maintained that diplomatic channels remain open and Blinken said he remained willing to travel to China 'when conditions allow'.
'We continue to believe that having open lines of communication is important,' he said.
A US State Department official said Blinken and deputy secretary of state Wendy Sherman had both protested to the top official at the Chinese Embassy on Wednesday, a day before the Pentagon announced the discovery of the balloon.
A second Chinese spy balloon was reported flying over Latin America, with many taking photos of a balloon hovering above Venezuela (left). The sighting comes after a surveillance balloon was spotted flying Montana (right)
A social media user shared this photo of the suspected Chinese spy balloon allegedly flying over Costa Rica yesterday
The aircraft has also sparked concerns that China could have deliberately sent the balloon to spy on US bases.
Montana Senator Steve Daines warned that the balloon might've been targeting his state's nuclear missile fields.
'Montana plays a vital national security role by housing nuclear missile silos at Malmstrom AFB,' Daines wrote to the Department of Defense.
'Given the increased hostility and destabilization around the globe aimed at the United States and our allies, I am alarmed by the fact that this spy balloon was able to infiltrate the airspace of our country and Montana.'
Blinken claims he told senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi in a phone call that sending the balloon over the US was 'an irresponsible act and that (China's) decision to take this action on the eve of my visit is detrimental to the substantive discussions that we were prepared to have'.
China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement: 'In actuality, the US and China have never announced any visit. The US making any such announcement is their own business, and we respect that.'
According to Beijing, Wang said China 'has always strictly followed international law, we do not accept any groundless speculation and hype. Faced with unexpected situations, both parties need to keep calm, communicate in a timely manner, avoid misjudgments and manage differences'.
The Chinese surveillance balloon is estimated to be about the width of three buses. The balloon is fitted with solar panels to power the on-board equipment, which could include long-range cameras and radar. It was traveling at an altitude of around 60,000ft on Friday afternoon, but the balloons can reach heights of around double that
CIA Director William Burns pictured on Thursday at Washington's Georgetown University, where he called China the 'biggest geopolitical challenge' facing the United States
China's foreign ministry said the balloon 'seriously deviated from the scheduled route' and expressed regret that 'the airship strayed into the United States due to force majeure' and claimed it was used for scientific research 'such as meteorology' – something the Pentagon disputed.
The detection of the balloon, which triggered alarm in the White House and the Pentagon, adds to a series of recent controversies that have further strained the tense relationship between China and the United States.
Beijing had urged calm while it established the 'facts' before a statement yesterday morning said the balloon was a weather research device that had 'deviated far from its planned course'.
The Chinese foreign ministry said it regretted that the balloon had mistakenly entered US airspace.
Republican leaders and former President Trump had led calls for the balloon to be shot down.
Analysts said the balloon is about the size of 'three buses' and could be fitted with high-tech equipment including cameras, sensors and radar.
The alleged Chinese spy balloon is pictured over Maracaibo, Venezuela yesterday
A model of the path the balloon caught hovering over the US is thought to have taken, created by meteorologist Dan Satterfield, showed it originated in central China
US officials had said that the balloon is large enough that destroying it would rain down debris, risking the safety of people on the ground.
After it was spotted flying over, the balloon was tracked further south on Friday afternoon flying over Missouri.
BREAKING NEWS: Fighter jet shoots down China spy balloon off the coast of South Carolina after Biden vowed to 'take care of it' and the FAA closed airspace and three airports - PART II
BREAKING NEWS: Fighter jet shoots down China spy balloon off the coast of South Carolina after Biden vowed to 'take care of it' and the FAA closed airspace and three airports - PART II
A missile burst the balloon at 2.38pm and separated its payload - carrying its cameras - sending it plummeting towards the ocean off Myrtle Beach
Footage showed a fighter jet screaming towards the spy aircraft before firing a missile which shredded the balloon. It then dropped straight down
Biden told reporters, 'I told them to shoot it down on Wednesday. They said to me let's wait for the safest place to do it'
The Pentagon said the balloon was floating at around 60,000 feet on Friday afternoon
Images posted by the National Weather Service in Kansas City, MO, showed an unidentified balloon flying over the state which is believed to be the Chinese surveillance device.
A report from the crew of a Cessna Citation private jet on Friday afternoon said they observed a 'derelict balloon adrift' while cruising at 43,000 feet near Kansas City.
They said the balloon was floating at around 50,000 feet, which could cause safety concerns among aviation officials.
Military and defense officials previously said the balloon was floating at around 60,000 feet and doesn't pose a threat to civilians or civil aviation.
A Pentagon spokesman also noted the aircraft could remain aloft over the US for 'a few days,' extending uncertainty about where it will go.
The news initially broke as CIA Director William Burns was speaking at an event at Washington's Georgetown University, where he called China the 'biggest geopolitical challenge' facing the United States.
Elaborating on China's readiness for an invasion of Taiwan, Burns added: 'Now, that does not mean that he's decided to conduct an invasion in 2027, or any other year, but it's a reminder of the seriousness of his focus and his ambition.
A high-altitude Chinese balloon that was spotted flying over Missouri and sensitive areas of Montana - where nuclear warheads are siloed - yesterday, prompting the military to take actions to prevent it from collecting intelligence.
'Our assessment at CIA is that I wouldn't underestimate President Xi's ambitions with regard to Taiwan,' he said, adding that the Chinese leader was likely 'surprised and unsettled' and trying to draw lessons from the 'very poor performance' of the Russian military and its weapons systems in Ukraine.
Russia and China signed a 'no limits' partnership last February shortly before Russian forces invaded Ukraine, and their economic links have boomed as Russia's connections with the West have shriveled.
The Russian invasion had fueled concerns in the West of China making a similar move on Taiwan, a democratic island Beijing says is its territory.
China has refrained from condemning Russia's operation against Ukraine, but it has been careful not to provide the sort of direct material support which could provoke Western sanctions like those imposed on Moscow.
'I think it's a mistake to underestimate the mutual commitment to that partnership, but it's not a friendship totally without limits,' Burns said.
VS schieten Chinese spionageballon uit de lucht boven Atlantische Oceaan
UPDATE De Verenigde Staten hebben een vermeende Chinese spionageballon die al enkele dagen over het land vliegt, dan toch uit de lucht gehaald. Dat is te zien op live beelden. Eerder vanavond werden drie vliegvelden aan de oostkust gesloten en burgerluchtvaart tijdelijk verboden in een gebied van enkele honderden kilometers boven de Atlantische Oceaan en de kust van South Carolina.
Een fotograaf van persbureau Reuters in Myrtle Beach - waar één van de drie gesloten vliegvelden gesitueerd is - kon de ballon zien overvliegen, met twee straaljagers die ernaast vlogen.
Aanvankelijk was besloten om de ballon niet neer te halen. Het Pentagon onderzocht op vraag van president Joe Biden de optie, maar het risico van vallend puin voor de bewoners van het Amerikaanse vasteland dat eronder lag, was te groot. De ballon was immers zo groot als drie bussen en had een behoorlijk gewicht.
De ballon vloog eerst over Alaska en Canada en vervolgens over Montana, Kansas en Missouri. Vandaag werd hij gespot boven de oostelijke staat North Carolina. Vandaar dreef hij richting Atlantische Oceaan.
“De huidige denkpiste is om te wachten tot de ballon boven de Atlantische Oceaan vliegt, om hem neer te halen en op te vissen. Zo kan hij bestudeerd worden en kan men nagegaan welke technologie hij aan boord heeft”, zei ABC news eerder vandaag, zich baserend op “een hoge Amerikaanse functionaris”.
Dat scenario zou evenwel niet eenvoudig uit te voeren zijn. “Ze hebben maar twaalf zeemijl (iets meer dan 22 kilometer, red.) om het te doen, want daarna zou de ballon zich boven internationale wateren bevinden. En het laatste wat de Verenigde Staten willen, is een internationaal conflict uitlokken”, aldus de Witte Huis-correspondent van ABC News.
Voor de operatie zou een substantieel deel van het lokale luchtruim mogelijk gesloten moeten worden, aldus de functionaris. En dat gebeurde vanavond ook: de Amerikaanse luchtvaartdienst FAA sloot drie vliegvelden aan de oostkust “ter ondersteuning van een actie van het ministerie van Defensie voor de nationale veiligheid”.
Het FAA gaf ook mee dat het de burgerluchtvaart tijdelijk geschorst had in een gebied van 260 vierkante kilometer boven de Atlantische Oceaan en aan de kust van South Carolina.
President Biden liet niet in zijn kaarten kijken. Hij antwoordde op een vraag over het eventuele neerschieten van de ballon alleen dat de VS de zaak “zou afhandelen”.
Onder meer de Republikeinse gouverneur van de staat Montana - waar de ballon overvloog - riep al op om het toestel uit de lucht te halen, net als voormalige president Donald Trump. “Als het aan ons lag, zou dit ding al uit de lucht geschoten zijn op het moment dat het ons soeverein luchtruim binnendreef”, aldus gouverneur Greg Gianforte bij Fox News. “Het vliegt hier duidelijk al een tijdje rond. Het gaat niet zo snel.”
Peking heeft al toegegeven dat de ballon inderdaad uit China afkomstig is, maar zegt dat het om een onschuldige weerballon gaat en niet om een spionagetoestel. Hij zou per ongeluk afgedreven zijn naar de VS. Intussen heeft het Pentagon echter ook melding gemaakt van een tweede Chinese ballon, boven Zuid-Amerika.
Mysterious UFO Sighting Captured by Fighter Pilot in Iraq: A Closer Look
Mysterious UFO Sighting Captured by Fighter Pilot in Iraq: A Closer Look
A recent UFO sighting photo has caused quite a stir in the world of ufology. The photo, which was taken in Iraq in 2015, depicts a mysterious flying object in the sky. The image was captured by a veteran F-16 pilot during a mission in the war-torn country.
According to the pilot, they were on a mission to provide air support to troops on the ground. During the mission, they noticed a strange object in the sky, which they quickly captured on camera. The object was described as being a disc-shaped craft with a metallic exterior. It was also noted that the object was completely still in the sky and made no noise, making it unlike any other aircraft they had seen before.
The photo was eventually released by documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell, who has made a name for himself by investigating and documenting UFO sightings. In a recent interview, Corbell spoke about the significance of this photo, stating that it provides further evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life and the possibility of advanced technologies beyond our understanding.
It’s worth noting that this photo is not the only evidence of UFO sightings in Iraq. In recent years, there have been several other reports of strange flying objects in the region, many of which remain unexplained. The release of this photo has reignited the debate about the reality of UFO sightings and the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
In conclusion, the UFO sighting in Iraq captured by the veteran F-16 pilot has caused a lot of excitement and speculation among the UFO community. The photo provides a fascinating glimpse into the unknown, and serves as a reminder of the many mysteries that still exist in our world. Whether this photo is the result of a natural phenomenon, a secret military operation, or extraterrestrial life, it remains a mystery that continues to captivate and intrigue people around the world.
Watch the analysis of the ORB photo made my Chris Lehto in the video bellow!
ANOTHER Chinese spy balloon is spotted: Mystery 'surveillance device' floated over Costa Rica before reaching Venezuela, the Pentagon confirms amid frenzy over airbone spyware in the air over the United States
ANOTHER Chinese spy balloon is spotted: Mystery 'surveillance device' floated over Costa Rica before reaching Venezuela, the Pentagon confirms amid frenzy over airbone spyware in the air over the United States
Second Chinese spy balloon was spotted over Latin America, officials confirmed
Pentagon said it does not appear the balloon is heading into the United States
A second Chinese spy balloon was spotted hovering over Latin America just hours after the Pentagon accused Beijing of using a similar balloon to spy on sensitive military sites in the US.
Early reports indicated the surveillance craft was flying over Costa Rica, Colombia and Venezuela. Officials say the new balloon does not appear to be heading to America.
The US was tracking another high-altitude Chinese balloon that was spotted flying over Missouri and sensitive areas of Montana - where nuclear warheads are siloed - prompting the military to take actions to prevent it from collecting intelligence
China insisted the balloon is an errant civilian airship used mainly for meteorological research that went off course due to winds.
However, the US rejected that out of hand and Secretary of State Antony Blinken cancelled his high-stakes trip to Beijing, telling a senior Chinese diplomat that sending the balloon over the US was 'an irresponsible act'.
A second Chinese spy balloon was reported flying over Latin America, with many taking photos of a balloon hovering above Venezuela (left). The sighting comes after a surveillance balloon was spotted flying Montana (right)
The infographic shows the suspected paths of the two Chinese spy balloons spotted hovering over the west yesterday
Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder said reports showed 'a balloon transiting Latin America,' confirming last night that it was another Chinese surveillance balloon.
'We now assess it is another Chinese surveillance balloon,' Mr Ryder said. He declined to offer further information such as where it was spotted.
The US actually had been tracking the first balloon since at least Tuesday, when President Joe Biden was first briefed, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters.
After passing the sensitive military sites in Montana, the balloon was moving south-east over the heartland of the central United States during the day and was expected to remain in US airspace for several days, officials said.
According to three US officials, Mr Biden was initially inclined to order the surveillance balloon to be blown out of the sky, and a senior defence official said the US had prepared fighter jets, including F-22s, to shoot it down if ordered.
Officials said defence secretary Lloyd Austin and general Mark Milley, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, strongly advised Mr Biden against shooting down the balloon, warning that its size – as big as three buses – and considerable weight could create a debris field large enough to endanger Americans on the ground.
A social media user shared this photo of the suspected Chinese spy balloon allegedly flying over Costa Rica yesterday
The alleged Chinese spy balloon is pictured over Maracaibo, Venezuela yesterday
The Chinese surveillance balloon is estimated to be about the width of three buses. The balloon is fitted with solar panels to power the on-board equipment, which could include long-range cameras and radar. It was traveling at an altitude of around 60,000ft on Friday afternoon, but the balloons can reach heights of around double that
Video of the aftermath reveals a trail of smoke in the sky where the balloon was when flying over Billings, Montana, on Friday
The Pentagon also assessed that after unspecified US measures, the possibility of the balloon uncovering important information was not great.
It was not the first time Chinese surveillance balloons have been tracked over US territory, including at least once during former president Donald Trump's administration, officials said.
Even if it's not armed, the balloon poses a risk to the US, a former military leader has warned. Retired Army Gen. John Ferrari claimed the flight itself can be used to test America's ability to detect incoming threats and to find holes in the country's air defence warning system.
It may also allow the Chinese to sense electromagnetic emissions that higher-altitude satellites can't detect, such as low-power radio frequencies that could help them understand how different US weapons systems communicate.
He also said the Chinese may have sent the balloon 'to show us that they can do it, and maybe next time it could have a weapon. So now we have to spend money and time on it' developing defences.
The discovery of the balloons dealt a new blow to already strained US-Chinese relations that have been in a downwards spiral for years over numerous issues.
Still, US officials maintained that diplomatic channels remain open and Mr Blinken said he remained willing to travel to China 'when conditions allow'.
'We continue to believe that having open lines of communication is important,' he said.
A US State Department official said Mr Blinken and deputy secretary of state Wendy Sherman had both protested to the top official at the Chinese Embassy on Wednesday, a day before the Pentagon announced the discovery of the balloon.
A US defense official said the balloon is the size of several buses - but doesn't pose an immediate threat to Americans. The balloon, pictured over Montana, has been tracked for several days but officials decided not to shoot it down over fears about debris. China claims it is a civilian airship used for meteorological research
The Pentagon said the balloon was floating at around 60,000 feet on Friday afternoon
The aircraft has also sparked concerns that China could have deliberately sent the balloon to spy on US bases.
Montana Senator Steve Daines warned that the balloon might've been targeting his state's nuclear missile fields.
'Montana plays a vital national security role by housing nuclear missile silos at Malmstrom AFB,' Daines wrote to the Department of Defense.
'Given the increased hostility and destabilization around the globe aimed at the United States and our allies, I am alarmed by the fact that this spy balloon was able to infiltrate the airspace of our country and Montana.'
The incident heightened tensions between Washington and Beijing, with the US cancelling Mr Blinken's long-planned trip to China.
The trip was to feature a landmark meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, a trip President Biden and Xi announced during their own high-stakes summit meeting in Bali in November.
'We do acknowledge, we note the PRC statement of regret,' a senior State Department said yesterday when announcing the decision.
'But again, the presence of this balloon in our airspace is clearly unacceptable and a clear violation of our sovereignty. And our clear assessment was that under these current conditions, it wouldn't be constructive to visit Beijing at this time.'
Mr Blinken, who had been due to depart Washington for Beijing yesterday, claims he told senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi in a phone call that sending the balloon over the US was 'an irresponsible act and that (China's) decision to take this action on the eve of my visit is detrimental to the substantive discussions that we were prepared to have'.
China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement this morning: 'In actuality, the US and China have never announced any visit. The US making any such announcement is their own business, and we respect that.'
According to Beijing, Mr Wang said China 'has always strictly followed international law, we do not accept any groundless speculation and hype. Faced with unexpected situations, both parties need to keep calm, communicate in a timely manner, avoid misjudgements and manage differences'.
A high-altitude Chinese balloon that was spotted flying over Missouri and sensitive areas of Montana - where nuclear warheads are siloed - yesterday, prompting the military to take actions to prevent it from collecting intelligence
A model of the path the balloon caught hovering over the US is thought to have taken, created by meteorologist Dan Satterfield, showed it originated in central China
China's foreign ministry said the balloon 'seriously deviated from the scheduled route' and expressed regret that 'the airship strayed into the United States due to force majeure' and claimed it was used for scientific research 'such as meteorology' – something the Pentagon disputed.
The detection of the balloon, which triggered alarm in the White House and the Pentagon, adds to a series of recent controversies that have further strained the tense relationship between China and the United States.
Beijing had urged calm while it established the 'facts' before a statement yesterday morning said the balloon was a weather research device that had 'deviated far from its planned course'.
The Chinese foreign ministry said it regretted that the balloon had mistakenly entered US airspace.
Republican leaders and former President Donald Trump had led calls for the balloon to be shot down.
The Chinese surveillance balloon is estimated to be about the width of three buses. The balloon is fitted with solar panels to power the on-board equipment, which could include long-range cameras and radar. It was traveling at an altitude of around 60,000ft on Friday afternoon, but the balloons can reach heights of around double that
A missile alert facility near Belt, Montana. Officials feared the spy balloon could be used to gather intelligence about nuclear sites in the state as it floated overhead
Analysts said the balloon is about the size of 'three buses' and could be fitted with high-tech equipment including cameras, sensors and radar.
US officials had said that the balloon is large enough that destroying it would rain down debris, risking the safety of people on the ground.
After it was spotted flying over, the balloon was tracked further south on Friday afternoon flying over Missouri.
Images posted by the National Weather Service in Kansas City, MO, showed an unidentified balloon flying over the state which is believed to be the Chinese surveillance device.
A report from the crew of a Cessna Citation private jet on Friday afternoon said they observed a 'derelict balloon adrift' while cruising at 43,000 feet near Kansas City.
They said the balloon was floating at around 50,000 feet, which could cause safety concerns among aviation officials.
Military and defense officials previously said the balloon was floating at around 60,000 feet and doesn't pose a threat to civilians or civil aviation.
A Pentagon spokesman also noted the aircraft could remain aloft over the US for 'a few days,' extending uncertainty about where it will go.
CIA Director William Burns pictured on Thursday at Washington's Georgetown University, where he called China the 'biggest geopolitical challenge' facing the United States
Pictured: A map showing China's likely tactics when it comes to an invasion of Taiwan
China's President Xi Jinping has ordered his military to be ready to invade Taiwan by 2027, the director of the CIA has warned. Pictured: Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) soldiers during military training at Pamir Mountains in Kashgar, northwestern China's Xinjiang region
The news initially broke as CIA Director William Burns was speaking at an event at Washington's Georgetown University, where he called China the 'biggest geopolitical challenge' facing the United States.
Elaborating on China's readiness for an invasion of Taiwan, Burns added: 'Now, that does not mean that he's decided to conduct an invasion in 2027, or any other year, but it's a reminder of the seriousness of his focus and his ambition.
'Our assessment at CIA is that I wouldn't underestimate President Xi's ambitions with regard to Taiwan,' he said, adding that the Chinese leader was likely 'surprised and unsettled' and trying to draw lessons from the 'very poor performance' of the Russian military and its weapons systems in Ukraine.
Russia and China signed a 'no limits' partnership last February shortly before Russian forces invaded Ukraine, and their economic links have boomed as Russia's connections with the West have shrivelled.
The Russian invasion had fuelled concerns in the West of China making a similar move on Taiwan, a democratic island Beijing says is its territory.
China has refrained from condemning Russia's operation against Ukraine, but it has been careful not to provide the sort of direct material support which could provoke Western sanctions like those imposed on Moscow.
'I think it's a mistake to underestimate the mutual commitment to that partnership, but it's not a friendship totally without limits,' Burns said.
Why would China launch a 'spy balloon' over Montana? Beijing suspected of delving into the 'Cold War playbook'
The detection of the suspected Chinese spy balloon over the United States triggered speculation that Beijing was mounting a concerted surveillance effort near sensitive military sites.
China has claimed the balloon is a civilian airship that blew off course, but analysts have said the balloon could be a Cold War-era espionage technique deployed in US airspace.
Balloons have been used as a spying technique - including by the US - since the 1950s. But technological advancements mean modern models are harder to detect and have much greater surveillance capabilities.
The balloon currently floating over the US is about the size of three buses. It is believed to have flown over the Aleutian Islands in the northern Pacific Ocean, and then crossed Canadian airspace into the United States.
One model suggests it's likely to drift further into the Midwest and over Missouri by Saturday, but the nature of the device and changing weather makes an accurate prediction difficult.
The balloon is large enough that destroying it would rain down debris, risking the safety of people on the ground, US officials said.
The balloon's path takes it over 'a number of sensitive sites', a senior Pentagon official said when asked about the presence of nuclear missile silos in Montana.
'Clearly, they're trying to fly... this balloon over sensitive sites... to collect information,' the official added.
However, the balloon's tech is not 'revolutionary' and its observations are not better than what China is capable of seeing through other means such as its spy satellites.
China's claim that the balloon is a civilian weather-monitoring device are not totally baseless. Such balloons, which can appear similar to a surveillance device, are common tools for meteorological research.
China has sent such balloons over the United States in recent years, the senior Pentagon official said.
The official did not share details, but indicated the flights were detected as far back as the administration of the previous president Donald Trump.
However, the official added, this is the first time a Chinese balloon has stayed in US airspace for an extended period.
Pilots in multiple Russian planes reported a UFO buzzing Volgograd when Vladimir Putin visited the city on Thursday.
The extraordinary accounts say the unidentified object 'changed colour and height' in the sky.
A report by Telegram channel Aviatorschina said the UFO was seen and reported to the aviation authorities by the crews of four separate passenger planes.
Putin had flown to Volgograd under close security to attend ceremonies linked to the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad in the Second World War.
He said: 'We don't send our tanks to their borders but we have the means to respond, and it won't end with the use of armoured vehicles, everyone must understand that.
'A modern war with Russia will be completely different.'
Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers his speech as he attends commemorations marking the 80th anniversary of the Soviet victory in the battle of Stalingrad in Volgograd
S7 airlines flight S72046 from Sochi to Moscow reported a sighting of 'an unidentified flying object' over Volgograd, Russia, on 2 February 2023
Aviatorschina channel reported: 'The crew of an Airbus A321 of S7 Airlines, operating flight S72046 from Sochi to Moscow, 12 minutes before reaching Volgograd at an altitude of 10,000 meters, reported that they observed an unidentified flying object at right angles to the plane, on the left side.
'The object was changing colour and height, and the direction of movement.'
The channel monitors air incidents and added: 'Later, the crews of Aeroflot (SU1125), S7 Airlines (S73750) and Rossiya (SU6358) flights confirmed this information after flying near Volgograd.'
The Rossiya plane crew assessed the distance of the UFO at around 125 miles.
The sightings were reported to air traffic control and civil and military authorities.
'The competent authorities have been notified, since no flight plans were provided in the specified area at the time.
'Permission to use the airspace was not issued.'
The S7 crew reported the timing at 19:08 Moscow time [16:08 GMT] on Thursday.
The timing of the other sightings were not precisely revealed.
The 19:08 sighting was around three hours after Putin's arrival, and occurred as he took part in the commemorations which included his sabre-rattling speech.
It is known that laser displays linked to the 80th anniversary commemorations were taking place at 18:00, 19:00, 20:00 and 20:45.
Vladimir Putin visits Volgograd on 2 February 2023 to commemorate the Battle of Stalingrad
A laser show pictured in Volgograd, southern Russia, amid celebrations in February 2023
Yet the pilots would be expected to be informed about this.
The Russian authorities have not commented on the UFO reports.
The flights reporting the strange sightings were S72046 - S7 or Siberia Airlines - from Sochi to Moscow, SU1125 - Aeroflot - also Sochi to Moscow, S73750 Istanbul to Moscow and SU6358 - Rossiya - from Mineralnye Vody to St. Petersburg.
The flight paths took the planes to the east of Volgograd, formerly called Stalingrad.
All the air routings show major detours to avoid flying close to the war zone in Ukraine before they flew past Volgograd.
The Bonnybridge Mystery: Scotland’s Hotbed for UFO Sightings
The Bonnybridge Mystery: Scotland’s Hotbed for UFO Sightings
UFO sightings over Scotland
Bonnybridge, a small Scottish town, is located in the heart of the Falkirk Triangle, one of the world’s most renowned hotbeds for UFO sightings. In just a 20 square mile radius, encompassing the towns of Stirling, Cumbernauld and Falkirk, over 60,000 people claim to have had a UFO sighting or believe in them wholeheartedly.
Councilor William Buchanan, who has served as a representative of Falkirk City for over 25 years, firmly stands by the credibility and sincerity of his town’s residents. Since 1992, when cases of UFO sightings were first reported, Buchanan has been advocating for the Scottish and English governments to launch a thorough investigation. He shuns media circus and the notion of mystery tourism, but rather, has written to every Prime Minister that has come to power, demanding respect and an in-depth investigation into the strange occurrences in the area.
In a 2017 exclusive interview with “Becarios del Misterio,” Councilor Buchanan candidly shares his own extraordinary encounter with a suspected alien. He also delves into the history and various theories surrounding the Falkirk Triangle and the mysterious happenings that take place all too often in this Scottish triangular landscape.
This short documentary, “The Bonnybridge Files,” is a must-watch for anyone intrigued by the mystery of UFO sightings and the unexplained phenomenon in the Falkirk Triangle. Councilor Buchanan’s testimony adds credibility to the many strange occurrences in this Scottish town and serves as a call to action for a deeper investigation into the mystery.
Many people around the world have reported seeing orange lights in the sky. This unexplained aerial phenomenon (UAP) often appears as balls of orange yellow light in the sky. Many people believe these UFOs have an alien origin, leading many to wonder exactly what is happening.
Orange Orb UFO Characteristics
What are they? Why are they orange? Where do they come from? What do they want? These are just some of the unanswered questions that UFO hunters and others ask. The orange orb UFOs are different from the run-of-the-mill UFOs since they seem to have the ability to morph easily in size, shape, and even number by splitting into two separate orbs.
Unlike other UFOs, the orange ones appear to be fireballs and often bounce about in non-formation. Another characteristic is that they usually appear in clusters.
Many people around the world have reported seeing orange lights in the sky. This unexplained aerial phenomenon (UAP) often appears as balls of orange yellow light in the sky. Many people believe these UFOs have an alien origin, leading many to wonder exactly what is happening.
Orange Orb UFO Characteristics
What are they? Why are they orange? Where do they come from? What do they want? These are just some of the unanswered questions that UFO hunters and others ask. The orange orb UFOs are different from the run-of-the-mill UFOs since they seem to have the ability to morph easily in size, shape, and even number by splitting into two separate orbs.
Unlike other UFOs, the orange ones appear to be fireballs and often bounce about in non-formation. Another characteristic is that they usually appear in clusters.
Reports of Orange Lights in the Sky
In 2012, NUFORC (National UFO Reporting Center) Director Peter Davenport shared with what he called the fireball phenomenon of orange and red lights being reported.
Davenport stated that "clusters of red, orange and yellow 'fireballs' are occurring, for which there appears to be no adequate explanation." He also noted many possible explanations have been ruled out, including:
Weather balloons
Known aircraft
Witnesses have seen orange orb UFOs around the world, and some have captured them on video. These reports and videos reveal the color, intensity and traveling pattern of these the UAPs. Various people offer possible explanations, such as drones, satellites, ISS (International Space Station), Chinese lanterns, plasma balls, plasma entities, and misidentification. Some people believe all UFO videos are part of a hoax, while others maintain these orange orbs are real UFOs.
July 4th Orange Orb UFOs
On July 4, 2018, Isabella Linarez saw three objects in the sky that all had an orange glow. She captured them on her camera video and posted the footage on YouTube. Some commenters believed the orbs were plasma, while others claim the orbs are alien entities. Others guessed the objects were Chinese balloons since it the sighting occurred during a Fourth of July celebration.
Vero Beach, Florida
During one of Steven Greer's 2015 classes on contacting UFOS, the group filmed two brightly glowing orange objects along the horizon. Greer was quick to point out to his students that the object was not a flare, describing how flares would have dropped from the sky, not just suddenly appear along the horizon. As the group watched one orange light began to fade and appeared to drop into the ocean.
He joked that even swamp gas has been ruled out. Davenport recounted a report filed from Castle Rock, Washington by an airline pilot. The pilot witnessed three orange objects moving at a very low altitude along a rather remote road that he was traveling. He told Davenport the objects were so close he expected them to land right in front of his car.
Escondido, California
In May 2013 around 9:30 p.m. this eyewitness stepped outside from a car and noticed six orange UFOs moving about the sky in an unsynchronized manner. The witness began filming, and Extreme UFO Hunter posted the video on YouTube.
Murrysville, Pennsylvania
Similar lights have been spotted in and around Murrysville, PA:
Also in PA, Alison Kruse states she uses a $7,000 video camera, and her videos aren't color enhanced. She states she also uses night vision to reveal that when the UFOs seem to disappear, they can still be seen using night vision technology.
Wakefield, Rhode Island
On October 16, 2016, from 8:15 to 8:30 PM EDT, a woman witnessed an orange molten object shining multiple lights onto the ground in a searching manner. Moon gazing at the "blood moon," the woman reported the moon was suddenly blacked out by a "sparkler type material" that she related to appearing like fireworks. This quickly transformed into a brilliant orange molten object that moved very slowly in a northern, then southern, direction. The woman stated the object appeared to be coming towards her. Frightened, she ran into her house. The entire episode lasted 15 minutes.
Lafayette, Colorado
Alex Lankhorst posted two videos of the UFOs he witnessed while on vacation in March 2011. He filmed the UFOs from his cousin's backyard. He states this is the same incident that was featured on a National Geographic UFO documentary. Alex writes the lights remained in a triangular formation as they moved through the night sky, and they watched the lights for nearly 20 minutes. He states that when the lights finally disappeared, they did so one at a time.
St. Neots, Cambridgeshire, UK
In October 2015, the Daily Mirror reported that at 7 am, Kirstie Hockley of St Neots (Cambridgeshire) was cooking breakfast when she saw a strange orange UFO out the window. Grabbing her phone, she began recording the object as it shot upward into the atmosphere. The video (as seen on the Daily Mirror site) reveals two streams of orange light moving through the sky and within seconds, it becomes no more than a microdot.
Melbourne, Australia
This YouTube video doesn't have much information other than that it was filmed in Melbourne, Australia and depicts a flowing orange UFO gliding soundlessly through the night sky. The photographer shows the image with a filter, and you can see the distinct outline of a metallic object with a yellowish core and the orange light radiating in a brilliant glow.
New Zealand and Oceania
New Zealand and Oceania are reporting an increase in the number of UFOs. The flurry has stirred fears and rumors of an impending alien invasion.
The increase in New Zealand UFO sightings is particularly significant since the country has only had 10 UFO reports over the previous six-year period. In 2015, orange and red lights were seen in the Christchurch area. These were the same type of lights people claimed to have been seen in 2013, only the UFOs were seen along the Bay of Plenty and Hamilton, North Island.
The New Zealand's Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) confirmed the 2015 sightings. A March 2016 report was highly unusual. Witnesses saw what could only be termed as a falling light. The subsequent investigation of the phenomena concluded that the object descent had been too slow for a meteor but was also too fast for a plane. There hasn't been any explanation for the falling light or the orange glowing orbs of light.
Cork, Ireland
This video is very unstable, but it does reveal a startling visual of several brilliantly glowing orange objects moving across the sky in Cork, Ireland. No information about the video is offered on the YouTube pages, but it's quite a capture of orange UFOs.
What Does It All Mean?
According to a June 2016 article in the Daily Mirror, the increase in orange orb UFOs has fueled conspiracy theories. One such theory is that the Earth is being invaded. Another one postulates that the aliens are on the verge of revealing themselves to the world. The mystery behind these sightings makes them all the more unusual and exciting.
Orange Balls in the Sky: The Feb 1st 2023 UFO Sighting in Mesa
Orange Balls in the Sky: The Feb 1st 2023 UFO Sighting in Mesa
On the night of February 1st 2023, residents of Mesa, Arizona were stunned by a mysterious UFO sighting. According to a witness report, the person saw several orange balls in the sky, which were too big to be stars or planes. The balls remained stationary for several minutes before disappearing.
The sighting has sparked speculation about a possible connection to the rumored underground base in Mesa. There have been rumors for years about a secret underground facility located beneath the city, with some suggesting that it may be a joint human-alien base.
The term Dulce Base refers to a widely held conspiracy theory suggesting that a secret underground facility is being operated by humans and aliens. The idea of this concept emerged during the 1970s after Paul Bennewitz, an Albuquerque businessman, claimed that he had intercepted alien communications. Over time, various claims about the facility and UFO sightings began to emerge within the UFO community.
According to Michael Barkun, a political scientist, the base story became popular in 1986 after the Cold War’s underground missile facilities were discovered in the area. Despite the lack of concrete evidence supporting the base’s existence, the legend has persisted to captivate UFO fans. According to some residents of the town of Dulce, they have seen strange objects in the area, and the town has even organized a Dulce Base UFO Conference to promote tourism.
Find out more at the video bellow called UFO Hunters: Alien Experiments at Secret Underground Base
Why Doesn’t Biden’s Pentagon Shoot Down the Chinese Surveillance Balloon Over Montana?
Why Doesn’t Biden’s Pentagon Shoot Down the Chinese Surveillance Balloon Over Montana?
The Biden Administration has decimated America’s credibility and deterrence. This is the result. A Chinese spy balloon flying over the state of Montana. The CCP would not have dared done this under President Trump. Gd help us.
On Thursday afternoon, NBC News revealed that a suspected Chinese surveillance balloon is hovering over Billings, Montana. The supposed weapon of espionage had apparently flown from the Alaskan Aleutian Islands and over Canada before making its way to airspace above the U.S. nuclear arsenal. According to NBC News, the balloon was spotted over the state that’s home to 150 warheads on Wednesday, near where the Chinese have been buying up American farmland.
The Federalist:“The U.S. military has been monitoring a suspected Chinese surveillance balloon that has been hovering over the northern U.S. for the past few days,” NBC reported. “Military and defense leaders have discussed shooting it out of the sky, according to two U.S. officials and a senior defense official.”
Defense officials told reporters that military leaders refused to shoot the balloon down because a widespread debris field would pose a threat to civilian life in the rural state. According to The Wall Street Journal, President Joe Biden was briefed on the issue on Wednesday.
If the Pentagon knew the surveillance tool was on its way to the nuclear arsenal, however, why didn’t the president have it shot down when it was over Alaska? Was Biden’s Wednesday briefing his first? Why wasn’t he told sooner? Why didn’t officials inform the public when it crossed into U.S. airspace? Did our government maybe not catch the balloon and are now covering for their own negligence? And why didn’t the Canadians shoot it down?
Even more troubling is why the Chinese would have a surveillance balloon over Montana in the first place, considering Beijing’s advanced satellites in low-earth orbit that provide all the bird’s eye images they need. Are they sending a message before Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to the Chinese capital next week?
I am demanding answers from the Biden administration about the spy balloon that flew over our airspace.
The administration failed to protect our border and now has failed to protect our
The U.S. government is monitoring a suspected Chinese surveillance balloon that has been moving over northern states over the past several days.
Pentagon spokesperson Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder said during a briefing on Thursday afternoon that the U.S. government has detected a high-altitude surveillance balloon over the continental U.S.
"Ballonincident is spionage, China wil mogelijk Amerikaanse procedures testen", zegt professor Criekemans
De Chinese president Xi Jingping en de Amerikaanse president Joe Biden spraken elkaar op de G20-top in Indonesië
"Ballonincident is spionage, China wil mogelijk Amerikaanse procedures testen", zegt professor Criekemans
Het ballonincident in de VS heeft de gespannen relatie tussen Amerika en China nog maar eens op scherp gezet. "Je zou de timing kunnen interpreteren als een poging van China om het bezoek van de Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Antony Blinken te dwarsbomen, maar dat is niet duidelijk. Mogelijk hebben de Chinezen de Amerikaanse procedures in kaart willen brengen", legt professor David Criekemans uit in "Terzake".
Ludwig De Wolf
Amerika is in de ban van een Chinese "spionageballon". De voorbije dagen is de grote witte ballon gespot in de Amerikaanse staat Montana. Volgens China gaat het om een ballon die gebruikt wordt voor klimaatonderzoek die uit koers geslagen is. Professor internationale politiek David Criekemans is ervan overtuigd dat China geprobeerd heeft Amerikaanse militaire installaties te bespioneren met een ballon.
"Het is duidelijk spionage. De woordvoerder van het Pentagon heeft ook duidelijk gezegd dat het om een spionageactiviteit gaat. De Chinezen proberen in Montana boven een aantal nucleaire sites waar zich intercontinentale nucleaire raketten bevinden, te kijken wat er allemaal gaande is. Misschien wil men ook kijken hoe de Amerikanen reageren op zo een ballon. Wie belt wie en wat zijn de procedures", legt Criekemans uit.
"Met andere woorden: hoe reageren de militairen, hoe lang duurt het vooraleer ze jets de lucht in sturen, hoe reageert de militaire top en de politieke top en wat zijn de procedures?"
De ballon is net voor het bezoek van Blinken aan China gespot in de VS. "Je zou dat kunnen interpreteren als zijnde een poging van China om het bezoek van Blinken te verhinderen. Het bezoek is intussen geannuleerd", analyseert Criekemans.
De context van de hele heisa is de toenemende spanningen tussen China en de Verenigde Staten, zowel op politiek, economisch en militair gebied.
"Er is een race gaande tussen beide grootmachten. China dreigt groter te worden dan de VS in termen van handel en economie. Dat is zich ook technologisch aan het vertalen. Wat er nu langs Chinese zijde gaande is, is dat men daar goed beseft dat ze misschien maar tien, vijftien jaar de tijd hebben om de economische, politieke en militaire groei door te maken, want de Chinese demografie zal heel snel dalen als gevolg van het eenkindbeleid. De jaren 20 zijn enorm cruciaal in de machtsstrijd tussen de VS en China", zegt Criekemans.
Machtstrijd over Zuid-Chinese Zee
Momenteel is er een pokerspel aan de gang tussen China en de VS met als inzet de Zuid-Chinese Zee. "De VS heeft afgesproken met de Filipijnen samen te werken op militair vlak. Ze willen hun legers beter afstemmen op elkaar en samen oefeningen doen. De VS doet dat met meer landen in de regio. De VS is bezig met een klassieke indammingsstrategie tegen een opkomend China."
Volgens Criekemans is China net hetzelfde aan het doen. "Eerst via de zachte weg van buitenlandse investeringen in de regio. Nu is China zich militair meer aan het manifesteren. De Zuid-Chinese Zee is het theater van toenemende spanningen de komende maanden en jaren. Taiwan is daar de hoofdvogel in. Je zal allerlei tactieken van de VS zien om de militaire opkomst van China te dwarsbomen, maar ook het terughalen van de Amerikaanse economie weg van China naar huis. Dat zal ook gevoeld worden in Europa", besluit Criekemans.
"Met andere woorden: hoe reageren de militairen, hoe lang duurt het vooraleer ze jets de lucht in sturen, hoe reageert de militaire top en de politieke top en wat zijn de procedures?"
UFO or China Spy Balloon Over Laurel, Montana Feb 1, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
UFO or China Spy Balloon Over Laurel, Montana Feb 1, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Feb 1, 2023
Location of sighting: Laurel, Montana, USA
Source: MUFON
Guys this is awesome. A person filmed the moon and then to the far left of it was this white sphere. Now the US gov is calling this a Chinese spy balloon and refuses to shoot it down for unknown reasons, and they say its over 4 miles up. If its really that high, then this orb is over 30 meters across! Because the video shows is big, really big compared to the moon. I think the US gov is lying again and trying to blame China, but this looks like its alien tech to me. Remember the three orbs seen close up near the bay of the Shuttle Atlantis, recorded by an external shuttle camera? They look exactly the same! This is a UFO. Thats why they don't shoot it down, they don't want to attack an alien species, especially one that could wipe out the entire planet overnight.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
I happened to be fooling around on Flight Radar around 3 pm on 2/1 and noticed an interesting flight pattern by a USAF KC-10 about 50 miles south of where we saw the object (See screenshot). An hour later, I saw some chatter on local social media pages about "an object" in the sky and went outside to look. I was shocked by what I saw. The bright white orb appeared to be about 1/4 the size of the moon and just as bright. It was stationary and was a perfect sphere. It was behind some light cloud cover at times, and it appeared to remain in the same spot for at least two hours. My low-power binoculars didn't reveal any distinguishing features. I finally lost sight of it in the clouds and/or it disappeared as dusk settled into evening. Interestingly, our local airport (BIL) unexpectedly grounded/re-routed all flights for about 1.5 hours during this time period, with very limited explanation given. I don't know what the object is/was but it was like nothing I've ever seen and I'm 100% certain it was not a comet, rocket launch, drone, or weather balloon.
After 50,000 years a rare green comet passes Earth again
After 50,000 years a rare green comet passes Earth again
During the Stone Age, faraway Comet ZTF (C/2022 E3) began falling toward the inner solar system. The billions of years old comet finally reached Earth, only 0.28 AU away.
The orbital period of the comet is 50,000 years according to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, meaning It hasn't been so close to Earth for 50,000 years since the last ice age and prior to the extinction of the Neanderthals.
Chinese spy balloon the size of three buses is spotted floating over Montana for DAYS as U.S. mobilizes F-22 Raptors to intercept: Biden wanted to shoot it down but Pentagon advised him not to because of falling debris
Chinese spy balloon the size of three buses is spotted floating over Montana for DAYS as U.S. mobilizes F-22 Raptors to intercept: Biden wanted to shoot it down but Pentagon advised him not to because of falling debris
A Chinese surveillance balloon has been hovering over the northern U.S. for the past few days, the Pentagon confirmed on Thursday
Defense officials discussed shooting it out of the sky on Wednesday while it was above Billings, Montana - but decided instead to monitor it closely
F-22 Raptors were sent from Nellis Air Force Base in southern Nevada, but they did not engage with the object
A massive Chinese surveillance balloon has been hovering over the northern United States for the last few days, senior defense officials confirmed on Thursday - with Joe Biden being briefed on Wednesday about his options, including shooting it out of the sky.
Biden suggested the high-altitude balloon should be shot down, after it was spotted and reported by civilians in a commercial airliner, U.S. officials told The Wall Street Journal.
The Pentagon opposed the move, fearing civilian casualties if the giant balloon - the size of three buses - is exploded in the air.
'The United States government has detected and is tracking a high-altitude surveillance balloon that is over the continental United States right now,' Pentagon spokesperson Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder told NBC News.
'We continue to track and monitor it closely.'
F-22 Raptors were sent from Nellis Air Force Base in southern Nevada, but they are not thought to have engaged with the balloon - their activities prompted a ground stop at the airport in Billings, however, with air traffic controllers citing a 'special military mission.'
Sources told NBC News that there were concerns about the possible debris from shooting the balloon out of the sky. ABC News reported it was as big as three buses, and had what they termed 'a technology bay'.
It was flying above Billings, Montana on Wednesday, NBC reported. Montana is home to fields of underground Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile silos.
China is thought to be flying a surveillance balloon over the United States, and Joe Biden (left)
wanted to shoot it down. Pictured right is President Xi Jinping
A senior defense official said that the U.S. has 'been tracking it for some time.'
They added: 'And we have had custody of it the entire time it has been over U.S. airspace, entered the continental United States airspace a couple of days ago.'
It is not the first time spy balloons have been spotted over the United States, but this one has stayed for longer than usual.
Chinese spy balloons have previously been seen over Hawaii and Guam, officials said on Thursday night.
The balloon's current flight path carries it over 'a number of sensitive sites,' a source told CNN - but the official said it does not present a significant intelligence gathering risk.
Map showing the areas of the six Minuteman Missile wings on the central and northern Great Plains. The areas in black denote deactivated missile wings, the areas in red denote the active missile wings
The Pentagon said that, once it was detected, they acted to prevent sensitive information being stolen.
'Once the balloon was detected, the U.S. government acted immediately to protect against the collection of sensitive information,' they said - without specifying what actions they took.
A defense source said: 'We know exactly where this balloon is, exactly what it is passing over.
'And we are taking steps to be extra vigilant so that we can mitigate any foreign intelligence risk.'
The high-altitude balloon was spotted over Billings, Montana, on Wednesday - having flown in above the Aleutian Islands, through Canada, and into Montana.
The Pentagon said the balloon is still over the U.S. - but would not say where.
In a sign of how seriously the incursion was being taken, the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, gathered his military chiefs for an emergency meeting on Wednesday to discuss the balloon. He was traveling in the Philippines at the time.
The balloon is seen in the sky above Montana
Lloyd Austin, the Defense Secretary, gathered his top advisors and military chiefs on Wednesday to discuss the spy balloon
Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, Pentagon press secretary:
'The United States Government has detected and is tracking a high altitude surveillance balloon that is over the continental United States right now.
'The U.S. government, to include NORAD, continues to track and monitor it closely.
'The balloon is currently traveling at an altitude well above commercial air traffic and does not present a military or physical threat to people on the ground.
'Instances of this kind of balloon activity have been observed previously over the past several years.
'Once the balloon was detected, the U.S. government acted immediately to protect against the collection of sensitive information.'
Present were Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; General Van Herck, commander of NORTHCOM/NORAD, and other combatant commanders, NBC reported.
They discussed shooting it out of the sky, but decided it was too risky to recommend.
They decided not to 'take kinetic action due to the risk to safety and security of people on the ground from the possible debris field.'
A defense source explained: 'We have to do the risk-reward here.
'So the first question is does it pose a threat - physical kinetic threat to individuals in the United States or the U.S. Homeland. Our assessment is it does not.
'Does it pose a threat to civilian aviation? Our assessment is it does not.
'Does it pose a significantly enhanced threat on the intelligence side? Our best assessment right now is that it does not.
'And so given that risk, that profile, we assess that the risk of downing it, even if the probability was low in a sparsely populated area of the debris falling and hurting somebody or damaging property that it wasn't worth it and that was the recommendation of our military commanders.'
Pentagon leaders presented the options to Biden on Wednesday, NBC said.
'Currently we assess that this balloon has limited additive value from an intelligence collection perspective over and above what the PRC can do through other means,' the senior defense official said.
'Nevertheless we are taking all necessary steps to protect against foreign intelligence collection of sensitive information.'
The official said the balloon does not pose a threat to civil aviation because of its altitude.
The U.S. is confident the balloon was launched by China, the source told NBC News, and has raised the issue with Beijing.
The complaint was to the Chinese government 'through multiple channels both here in D.C. and in Beijing.'
It is unclear whether China admitted the balloon was theirs.
If the risk of the balloon changes, the U.S. 'will have options to deal with this balloon,' a source told CNN.
'We have communicated to [Chinese officials] the seriousness with which we take this issue,' the source said.
'But we have made clear we will do whatever is necessary to protect our people and our homeland.'
The brazen move comes days before Secretary of State Antony Blinken is expected to travel to the Chinese capital for high-level talks.
Stationary Orb Suddenly Takes Off With Much Brighter Orb In Tow!
Small Orb that looks like it could be a star suddenly jets off with much brighter Orb following after.
See astronauts work outside space station in 2nd spacewalk of 2023
NASA astronaut Nicole Mann and Japan's Koichi Wakata are making their second spacewalk of 2023 on Feb. 2 to prep the International Space Station for solar array upgrades.
Strangest Radio Signal Detected So Far Challenges Modern Theories, New FRB Mystery
White dwarf star's mass measured using Hubble and gravitational microlensing
The Hubble Space Telescope has been used to determine the mass of white dwarf star LAWD 37. It is "56 percent the mass of our Sun," according to NASA/ESA.
Credit:NASA, ESA, P. McGill (Univ. of California, Santa Cruz and University of Cambridge), K. Sahu (STScI), J. Depasquale (STScI), N. Bartmann (ESA/Webb) / K. Bacon (STScI) | edited by's [Steve Spaleta](
The Most Terrifying Things Said by Astronauts in Space!
Gigantic, overwhelming, mysterious: There really are many words to describe the universe. However, our fascinated gaze at the stars is accompanied by a big downer: Only very few of us are ever granted the opportunity to set off into the vastness of space ourselves. So to find out what a trip to space feels like, we'd better ask those in the know! But beware: In view of the frightening reports from the astronauts, we should probably be glad that we didn't become astronauts after all! Because let's be honest: What is a snake doing in space - and why is something, or someone, knocking on the outside of a spaceship? Are you just as fascinated by the mysteries of the cosmos as we are? Then let us know with a like and a subscription! And now get ready for some seriously Spooky Astronaut Testimonials!
Booster 7 Raptors Swapped for 33 Engine Static Fire
SpaceX swapped Raptor engines in preparation for Booster 7's upcoming 33 engine static fire. This test is critical as they work towards the orbital test flight. Meanwhile, work continued on Ship 27, 28, and Booster 10.
How Ripples on Titan's Lakes Shocked NASA Scientists
Saturn's moon, Titan, is the only other body in the solar system that can support liquid on its surface. But not liquid water, liquid methane. What did NASA's Cassini discover about the methane lakes of Saturn's moon, Titan?
Exploring the Moon's permanently shadowed regions with "ShadowCam"
Th Korean Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter's NASA-funded instrument ShadowCam has delivered its first image of a permanently shadowed region of the moon. See the image and learn about the instrument here.
Credit: Arizona State University
The Secret Science of World War II - Full Documentary
In the crucible of World War II, Germany’s most brilliant scientists raced to create an arsenal of terrifying new weapons of mass destruction, even an atomic bomb. Before the war ended, they produced a series of technological firsts that were the basis for many modern-day air and spacecraft. This documentary highlights the inventions of Wernher von Braun, Werner Heisenberg, and many others.
African Tribe's SHOCKING Origin Story in the Stars | Ancient Aliens (Season 1)
The Dogon tribe knew about a star that is invisible to the human eye years before it was discovered, how could this be possible? See more in this scene from Season 1, Episode 6, "Mysteries of the Outer Realms."
On February 1st, 2023, a UFO sighting was reported in Laurel, Montana. According to the witness, the object appeared as a stationary, bright white orb about a quarter of the size of the moon, and was visible for at least two hours. The witness also mentioned that the local airport (BIL) unexpectedly grounded or re-routed all flights for about 1.5 hours during this time period, with limited explanation given.
Chinese spy balloon?
The sighting has gained attention due to the recent discovery of a suspected Chinese surveillance balloon flying over U.S. airspace. The U.S. government has stated that they have “very high confidence” that the balloon is Chinese and that it was flying over sensitive sites, including Montana, which houses one of the country’s three nuclear missile silo sites located at Malmstrom Air Force Base, to collect information. The decision to not shoot the balloon down was made over concerns of hurting people on the ground.
This incident has added further strain to the already heightened tensions between the U.S. and China. The U.S. government has not officially commented on the UFO sighting, leaving many to speculate about the true nature of the object and its relation to the Chinese balloon.
The witness report of the UFO sighting, combined with the unexpected grounding of flights, has sparked the interest of the public and raises questions about the possibility of foreign surveillance or even extraterrestrial activity. However, until the U.S. government provides further information, the true identity of the object remains unknown.
Neanderthals hunted enormous elephants that weighted up to 12 tonnes and could feed 100 people for a month, new research has shown.
The study, carried out by Johannes Gutenberg University in Germany, analysed the 125,000-year-old skeletal remains of a prehistoric species known as Palaeoloxodon antiquus.
These giant elephants were twice the size of the modern-day animal, standing up to 15ft tall with tusks that reached up to 10ft in length.
Of the 70 elephants studied by scientists, few were found with complete skeletons.
But marks found on the bones suggest the mammals - bigger than woolly mammoths - had been thoroughly butchered to ensure all meat and fat was stripped from the bone.
Neanderthals hunted enormous elephants that weighted up to 12 tonnes and could feed 100 people for a month, a study carried out by Johannes Gutenberg University in Germany has revealed. Pictured: Dr Sabine Gaudzinski-Windheuser examines the femur of a large adult male elephant for the presence of cut marks
The researchers calculated that all the flesh from one of the elephants would have fed about 100 adults for a month, with them being 'really big calorie bombs'.
The findings, published in Science Advances, led scientists to believe that Neanderthals, who hunted in large groups, used tools to slaughter the elephants.
Lead author Dr Sabine Gaudzinski-Windheuser said: 'With male elephants weighing as much as 12 tonnes, butchering an animal of this size must have involved multiple tools and butchers.
'It would have taken days to complete, and yielded copious amounts of meat that could have lasted for up to three months for as many as 25 people.'
Even the elephants' brains and pads on the bottoms of their feet had been scrapped off.
Further to this there were few gnaw marks from other scavengers found on the bones, showing very little meat was left.
Neanderthals hunted in groups to boost their chance of survival, where they would have to defend themselves against hyenas and lions, who would have been attracted to the deceased elephant.
Wil Roebroeks, a co-author of the study said: 'Hunting these giant animals and completely butchering them was part of Neanderthal subsistence activities at this location.
'This constitutes the first clearcut evidence of elephant-hunting in human evolution.'
This photo reveals the longest cut mark found on the bone of the of the elephants discovered, which is about 4cm long
This photo reveals cut marks on a foot bone of one of the elephants, showing that Neanderthals tried to grab as much meat and fat off the animal as possible
Neanderthals and humans coexisted for up to 2,900 years in France and Spain
Humans and Neanderthals may have coexisted in Europe for up to 2,900 years, giving them time to learn from and breed with each other.
The study, carried out at Leiden University in the Netherlands, carried out the research looking at tools and bounds found on two archaeological sites in France and Spain.
Archaeologists then determined that humans were present around 42,500 years go.
The subspecies of archaic humans appeared 40,000 years before disappearing 1,000 years later.
This means the two species lived alongside each other in the region for 1,400 to 2,900 years, marking the first evidence showing how long and where the pair mingled before subspecies of archaic humans went extinct.
The bones showed that the animals had been punctured with spears - the oldest example of hunting marks in the history of hominins, or early humans.
Neanderthals used sophisticated close-range techniques to capture their prey - indicating they were much smarter than we once gave them credit for, the researchers said.
They added that the stereotypical image of the ancient human species being knuckle dragging brutes was incorrect.
Instead, they were complex and empathetic - creating symbolic art, producing geometric structures and controlling fire to use on tools and food.
Roebrokes added: 'Neanderthals were not simple slaves of nature, original hippies living off the land.
'They were actually shaping their environment, by fire … and also by having a big impact on the biggest animals that were around in the world at that time.'
The research gives significant insights into Neanderthals communities and ways of life.
As these elephants were the largest terrestrial mammals of their, it shows that the hunting communities were bigger and less mobile than previously thought.
Dr Gaudzinski-Windheuser added: 'They must have lived more stationary lifestyles in larger units than commonly supposed.'
Male elephants would have been the best option for the Neanderthals to capture as they were generally solitary beings, unlike female elephants who move in groups to protect their young.
The male species would have been easier to immobilise by being driven into mud and pit traps.
They also would contain more calories than their female counterparts, as Roebroke said 'these elephants are really big calorie bombs'.
The bones were first discovered alongside other animal remains and old tools at a quarry near Halle, Germany in 1988 but only now have they been studied in more depth.
Dr Gaudzinski-Windheuser said: 'Cutmarks suggest they were routinely hunted and butchered by Neanderthals.
'By evaluating bone surfaces under a microscope and reviewing what was already known about the remains, we inferred Neanderthals methodically cut, hacked, and extracted parts of the animal, leaving distinct markings on the bone surface.'
The study gives further insight into the lives of Neanderthals, challenging the perception that they lived in small groups.
Professor Britt Starkovich, an anthropologist at Tubingen University who was not involved in the study, said: 'It is increasingly clear that Neanderthals were not a monolith and, unsurprisingly, had a full arsenal of adaptive behaviors that allowed them to succeed in the diverse ecosystems of Eurasia for over 200,000 years.'
The timeline of human evolution can be traced back millions of years. Experts estimate that the family tree goes as such:
55 million years ago - First primitive primates evolve
15 million years ago- Hominidae (great apes) evolve from the ancestors of the gibbon
7 million years ago - First gorillas evolve. Later, chimp and human lineages diverge
5.5 million years ago- Ardipithecus, early 'proto-human' shares traits with chimps and gorillas
4 million years ago - Ape like early humans, the Australopithecines appeared. They had brains no larger than a chimpanzee's but other more human like features
3.9-2.9 million years ago- Australoipithecus afarensis lived in Africa.
2.7 million years ago - Paranthropus, lived in woods and had massive jaws for chewing
2.6 million years ago- Hand axes become the first major technological innovation
2.3 million years ago - Homo habilis first thought to have appeared in Africa
1.85 million years ago - First 'modern' hand emerges
1.8 million years ago - Homo ergaster begins to appear in fossil record
800,000 years ago- Early humans control fire and create hearths. Brain size increases rapidly
400,000 years ago - Neanderthals first begin to appear and spread across Europe and Asia
300,000 to 200,000 years ago - Homo sapiens - modern humans - appear in Africa
54,000 to 40,000 years ago - Modern humans reach Europe
Neanderthalers jaagden in groepen op enorme tot 4 meter hoge olifanten
Neanderthalers jaagden in groepen op reusachtige olifanten, de grootste landzoogdieren uit de ijstijd, maar ondertussen uitgestorven. Nooit eerder werd voor dat jachtgedrag zulk duidelijk bewijs gevonden, stellen onderzoekers van onder meer de Universiteit Leiden.
De onderzoekers uit Leiden en Mainz (in het westen van Duitsland) bestudeerden duizenden olifantfossielen op snijsporen, gemaakt tijdens het slachten van de dieren. Ze concluderen dat neanderthalers gedurende zo’n 2.000 jaar in groepen op bosolifanten jaagden, vooral op volwassen mannelijke olifanten. Die konden 13 ton wegen en tot schouderhoogtes van 4 meter groeien. Omdat ze vaak in hun eentje rondliepen, waren ze toch een relatief makkelijke prooi.
Bovendien was de beloning groot: een mannelijke olifant van 10 ton leverde minstens 2.500 porties vet en vlees voor volwassen neanderthalers op. Dat betekent volgens de onderzoekers dus ook dat ze in staat moeten zijn geweest om grote hoeveelheden vlees gedurende langere tijd op te slaan. De groepen zouden tijdelijk uit maximum zo’n twintig individuen bestaan, stellen de wetenschappers. De studie werd gepubliceerd in het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift ‘Science Advances’.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Lights Make Triangle Over Yakima, Washington Jan 31, 2023 UFO Sighting News.
Lights Make Triangle Over Yakima, Washington Jan 31, 2023 UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Jan 31, 2023 Location of sighting: Yakima, Washington, USA
In this one minute video, the eyewitness recorded 3-6 pulsing UFOs over Yakima this week. The objects seem to be using the flashes as communication as they come closer together and form a triangle. Very cool, very odd indeed. 100% alien tech involved here.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
Pulsating lights. Strange light patterns that changed color from red to white in close proximity to one another over the course of a little more than a minute.
We at are thrilled to announce that we’ve recently reached a major milestone on both Instagram and Twitter! On Instagram, we now have over 2000 followers and on Twitter, we have over 7000 followers. We couldn’t have done it without the support of our dedicated followers and readers.
We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you who has followed us and engaged with our content. Your support has been essential in helping us share the latest news and information on UFO sightings and related topics.
For those of you who are not already following us, we invite you to join our growing community. Our mission is to provide accurate and up-to-date information on UFO sightings and related news, and we believe that sharing this information with a wider audience will help to further advance our understanding of this fascinating subject.
So, whether you’re a seasoned UFO enthusiast or just curious to learn more, be sure to follow us on Instagram and Twitter to stay in the loop. We’re looking forward to connecting with even more followers and readers in the coming days, weeks, and months!”
In recent years, there has been an increased interest in unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, with more and more people reporting sightings of strange objects in the sky. This has led the Pentagon to take a closer look at the phenomenon and gather more data on the matter. The Pentagon has recently released its 2022 Annual Report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), which highlights their efforts to better understand these mysterious sightings.
According to the report, there were 366 new reports of UAP in 2022, with over half of them believed to be either airborne clutter, drones, or balloon-like entities. However, 171 of these reports remain completely unidentifiable, with some even demonstrating “unusual flight characteristics”. The Pentagon is working with allies to try to get to the bottom of what these UAP are and better understand the phenomenon.
While the idea of aliens visiting our planet is intriguing, it is important to approach the topic of UAP objectively and without jumping to conclusions. Our brains naturally fill in the blanks, and it is easy to automatically assume that aliens are the explanation for these sightings. However, there is currently no evidence to support this theory, and we must approach the topic with a scientific mindset.
Instead of relying on anecdotal evidence and personal beliefs, we should focus on gathering data and analyzing it to build a body of knowledge about UAP. The Pentagon’s focus on gathering data on UAP is a step in the right direction, as it will help us better understand the phenomenon and potentially lead to new discoveries.
On the other hand, the idea that we are the awe-inspiring creatures ourselves cannot be ignored. A hundred years ago, most people were still riding horses, and they would have looked at our modern world and thought that aliens had taken over. Scientific breakthroughs happen all the time, and who is to say that we won’t discover something new and incredible in the future that could explain these mysterious sightings.
The topic of UAP should not be treated as a religious belief, but rather as a scientific inquiry. We need to gather data and analyze it to figure out what is happening in our airspace and keep ourselves safe. This approach will also allow us to learn from the phenomenon and make new discoveries that could change our understanding of the world.
The release of the Pentagon’s UAP report is a positive step forward in the quest to understand these mysterious sightings. By gathering data and working with allies, the Pentagon is working to get to the bottom of what these UAP are and better understand the phenomenon. It will be interesting to see what new discoveries and breakthroughs come from this effort in the future.
In conclusion, while the idea of aliens visiting our planet is intriguing, it is important to approach the topic of UAP objectively and with a scientific mindset. The Pentagon’s focus on gathering data and working with allies is a step in the right direction, and we can only hope that this effort will lead to new discoveries and a better understanding of the mysterious phenomenon of UAP.
Triangle UFOs: Real Accounts from Military Personnel and Civilian Eyewitnesses
Triangle UFOs: Real Accounts from Military Personnel and Civilian Eyewitnesses
Angelo Accetta witnessed triangle UFOs in Lemoore Naval Air Station in California
For centuries, people have been fascinated by the idea of extraterrestrial life and the possibility of visiting aliens. This has led to numerous UFO sightings around the world, with some of the most intriguing being triangle-shaped objects. The sightings of these triangular objects have sparked much debate and speculation, with many people believing that they are proof of alien life visiting our planet. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at triangle UFOs and the history of their sightings.
Triangle UFOs: A Brief History
The first recorded triangle UFO sighting occurred in the late 1940s, when a series of strange objects were observed flying over the skies of Europe. These objects were described as having a triangular shape and were said to be unlike anything seen before. Over the next few decades, similar sightings continued to be reported all over the world, with many people describing similar triangular objects in the sky.
One of the most famous triangle UFO sightings occurred in Belgium in the early 1990s. Over a period of several months, thousands of people reported seeing a massive triangle-shaped object flying over the country. The Belgian military even scrambled fighter jets to investigate the strange object, but it remained unexplained. The incident sparked international media attention and is still considered one of the most well-documented UFO sightings in history.
Despite the numerous sightings of triangle UFOs, there is still no concrete evidence to prove that they are indeed extraterrestrial in origin. However, many witnesses have reported strange experiences and encounters with the objects, leading some to believe that they are indeed proof of alien life.
One witness, Angelo Accetta, reported a close encounter with a black triangle UFO in the early 2000s. Accetta was working at Lemoore Naval Air Station in California when he and several other witnesses observed a massive black triangle hovering in the sky. According to Accetta, the object was completely silent and had a series of lights along its edges. He reported the incident to the military, but it remains unexplained to this day.
David Marler with triangle UFO
David Marler is a renowned researcher and author in the field of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and has dedicated much of his life to investigating and analyzing numerous documented cases of UFO sightings. He is considered an expert in the field and has authored several books on the subject, including “Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation” (Amazon link) and “UFOs Over America.” Marler’s approach to research is rigorous and data-driven, relying on the facts and evidence to form his conclusions. He believes that by focusing on the hundreds of well-documented UFO cases, researchers can eventually gain insights that will lead to definitive answers about the nature and origins of these strange aerial phenomena. Marler’s passion for the subject is evident in his tireless efforts to unravel the mystery of the UFO enigma, and his work continues to inspire others to maintain a cautious optimism about the possibility of discovering the truth about the existence of extraterrestrial life.
Triangle UFOs: The Future
The search for answers about triangle UFOs continues, with the US government taking a closer look at the numerous reported sightings. Despite their skepticism, many people, including military and civilian witnesses, remain convinced that these strange objects are proof of extraterrestrial life.
Ross Coulthart
The black triangle sightings are not limited to the United States. In Australia, a journalist and filmmaker named Ross Coulthart has been investigating UFO sightings for years. Coulthart, who is best known for his work on the popular Australian TV program “60 Minutes”, has dedicated much of his time to uncovering the truth about UFO sightings in Australia and around the world. In recent years, Coulthart has focused on the so-called “triangle UFO” sightings, which have become increasingly common in Australia and other parts of the world.
Coulthart’s work on triangle UFO sightings has brought him in contact with numerous witnesses and experts in the field, including retired military personnel and pilots. He has also examined hundreds of documents and photographs related to UFO sightings, and has analyzed the available data to try and get to the bottom of the mystery. Coulthart’s work has been widely praised by those in the UFO community, and he is considered to be one of the leading experts on the subject.
In his research, Coulthart has found that many of the triangle UFO sightings share common features, such as the presence of three lights, a large size, and a slow and silent flight pattern. He has also discovered that many of these sightings have been reported by credible witnesses, including military personnel and commercial pilots. This, according to Coulthart, suggests that there may be something behind these reports and that the sightings could represent a real phenomenon.
Coulthart has also stressed the importance of witnesses coming forward with their UFO experiences. He believes that the more people speak out, the more likely it is that the truth will be uncovered. In his view, the truth about the existence of extraterrestrial life is too important to be suppressed, and he encourages people to share their experiences, no matter how strange they may seem.
Check out the complete interview with Ross Coulthart below:
The phenomenon of triangle UFOs continues to intrigue people all over the world. While there is still no concrete evidence to support the extraterrestrial hypothesis, the numerous reported sightings and strange experiences of witnesses make it a topic worth exploring. For those who are passionate about the search for answers, the skies will always hold the mystery and wonder of what may be out there.
Wow! James Webb Space Telescope sees 'field of galaxies' - See it in 4K
Among a "field of galaxies;" the James Webb Space Telescope captured spiral galaxy LEDA 2046648, a billion light-years from Earth in the Hercules constellation.
Protecting from Solar Flares, Tiny Rockets, Oldest Possible Ice | Q&A 209
Can you maintain a stable orbit with just a solar sail? Will a Dyson sphere or swarm kill all life inside of it? Can you protect yourself from a solar flare? What's the oldest ice in the Universe? All this and more in this week's Q&A!
Today we’ll talk about changes in the Earth’s core, a quantum computer that folds a mini-protein, radioactive water that the Japanese want to dump into the ocean, NASA’s plans for a nuclear rocket and a transonic plane, how to send data without power, recovering signals from noise, light pollution, and of course, the telephone will ring.
Planetary Terraforming Strategies
Once we journey out to the stars, we will need to forge new worlds to live on. Choosing the best terraforming techniques for each planet and star system will be vital to surviving on alien worlds.
How A Realistic Mars Mission Will Play Out
How will a human Mars mission play out? Where exactly should it go? What unexpected challenges will we face? We're discussing all these aspects with Rick Davis. He is the Assistant Director for Science and Exploration, NASA’s Science Mission Directorate.
James Webb Telescope Announced New SHOCKING Discovery On Pluto!
Pluto, formerly a planet, was classified as a dwarf planet by the International Astronomical Union. However, it still irks the interests of scientists who have done continuous and extensive research on it and other celestial bodies. Thanks to the new technological innovations in space observations, scientists have made more detailed discoveries on celestial bodies. With the James Webb Space Telescope, they have made groundbreaking discoveries that even surpassed human speculations of Pluto. Such discoveries could shape the course of human life and lead to Pluto regaining its former status as a planet.
Biggest Sinkholes Caught Swallowing Things On An EPIC Scale
Biggest Sinkholes Caught Swallowing Things On An EPIC Scale
If you haven’t seen any sinkholes, let us tell you that they are pretty terrifying to watch, let alone be close to. Just imagine the fear anyone would feel while being swallowed by the earth under their feet. It’s pretty much the same as being buried alive. Although not all sinkholes turn out to be utterly devastating, some are the epitome of danger. In today’s video, we’ll be telling you all about the craziest sinkholes that were caught on camera, from a sinkhole that boiled people alive to the one that swallowed an entire beach.
Astronomers Detect a Second Planet Orbiting Two Stars
Artist's impression of Kepler-16b, the first planet known to definitively orbit two stars - what's called a circumbinary planet. The planet, which can be seen in the foreground, was discovered by NASA's Kepler mission.
Astronomers Detect a Second Planet Orbiting Two Stars
Planets orbiting binary stars are in a tough situation. They have to contend with the gravitational pull of two separate stars. Planetary formation around a single star like our Sun is relatively straightforward compared to what circumbinary planets go through. Until recently, astronomers weren’t sure they existed.
Astronomers rarely find binary stars with planets orbiting them. It may be because they’re rare, or it may be because they’re difficult to detect, likely both. Now a team of researchers has found a binary star with more than one planet. This is only the second instance of a multiplanet, binary star system.What does it tell us about these types of solar systems?
The system is called TOI-1338 and is a binary star about 1300 light-years away in the constellation Pictoris. TOI 1338 A is a main sequence star of 1.12 solar masses, and TOI 1338 B is an M-dwarf (red dwarf) of 0.3 solar masses. The star system is about 4.4 billion years old.
A summer intern at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center found the first planet around the binary in 2017. TOI 1338 b is a circumbinary planet with about 33 Earth masses and is in between Saturn and Neptune in size. It’s on a 95-day orbit around the binary stars.
This is an artist’s illustration of TOI-1338b, the first planet found around the binary star. An intern found it in 2017, and now astronomers have found its sibling, TOI-1338/BEBOP-1c. Image Credit: By NASA –, Public Domain,
Circumbinary planets are hard to find in the data because the stars can eclipse each other, making planetary transits difficult to discern. Their transits can also be irregular, and they can transit in front of only one of the binary stars. TOI 1338 b’s transits occur irregularly, between every 93 and 95 days, making it non-periodic. And since both stars are moving, the depth of the transit varies.
Because of TOI 1338 b’s inclination, from our perspective, it will stop transiting in front of its star in November 2023. Then in about 2031, we’ll see the transits again.
The angle of TOI 1338 b’s orbit around the stars changes over time, so after 2023, there will be an eight-year gap in transits from our point of view. This gap leads astronomers to believe that there are many other circumbinary planets out there, but we have to be observing at the right time to find them. Image Credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
Now astronomers have found a second planet orbiting TOI 1338. It’s called TOI-1338/BEBOP-1c, and they found it using the radial velocity method rather than the transit method. The name BEBOP comes from an observing project. “To increase the number of known circumbinary planets and to provide accurate masses for systems discovered with the transit method, we initiated a radial-velocity observing survey dedicated to circumbinary planet detection called Binaries Escorted By Orbiting Planets (BEBOP),” the authors explain in their paper.
The researchers reported their findings in a paper titled “The First Circumbinary Planet Discovered with Radial Velocities.” It’s been accepted for publication in Nature Astronomy and is available on The lead author is Matthew R. Standing, a Ph.D. student at the School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, UK.
The new planet is a gas giant of about 65 Earth masses. It’s on a wider orbit than TOI 1338 b and has an orbital period of about 215 days. Astronomers discovered it using radial-velocity data collected with the HARPS and ESPRESSO spectrographs. This discovery marks the first time astronomers have found a circumbinary planet using radial velocity, and the system is only the second multiple-planet circumbinary system found.
This graphic from the research shows the TOI-1338 system in detail. Planet c has a much wider orbit than planet b, and neither is in the system’s habitable zone. Image Credit: Standing et al. 2023.
Astronomers are very interested in circumbinary planets. They’ve been common in science fiction but weren’t confirmed until the Kepler mission found the first one. It’s called Kepler-16b, and it’s an oddball in its own way. It’s inside the radius that astronomers thought was the inner limit for planets in binary star systems. Kepler-16b has no sibling planets.
Now we know of 12 circumbinary planets, and two of them are in multiplanet systems. The first multiplanet circumbinary system astronomers found is called Kepler-47, and it hosts three known explanets. The BEBOP observing program is designed to uncover more circumbinary planets and find out more about them. Its main goal is to find more of them, and it’ll do that by overcoming some of Kepler’s observational biases.
Binary star systems are far more complicated than single-star systems like ours. Binary stars disrupt planet formation in ways that more predictable single-star systems don’t. The dual stars create harsh conditions in the protoplanetary environment. Astronomers used to think that planets in these systems would be subjected to catastrophic collisions or be flung out of their systems by gravitational perturbations. But all these recent discoveries show that’s not necessarily true. By finding more circumbinary planets and characterizing their similarities with and differences from single-star planets, astronomers will learn a lot about how planets form and migrate.
One of the difficulties in studying circumbinary planets is determining their masses. BEBOP was designed to not only find planets but to measure their masses more accurately. That’s critical because knowing their masses helps determine which ones are puffy, with extended atmospheres suitable for atmospheric spectroscopy. BEBOP not only found the second planet, but it measured TOI-1338’s inner planet’s mass more accurately.
“If we are to unveil the mysteries of circumbinary Tatooine-like exo-atmospheres, the TOI-1338/BEBOP-1 system provides a new hope.”From
“The First Circumbinary Planet Discovered with Radial Velocities.”
Finding another multi-planet circumbinary system and determining their masses is an important discovery. While these systems up-end some parts of the models for how planets form, they’ll ultimately make our models more accurate.
This figure from the study illustrates what the astronomers found in TOI-1338. The red inset graph shows the magnified 14.6-day binary period associated with the stars, and the blue inset graph shows the magnified 215.5-day period of TOI1338/BEBOP-1c. Image Credit: Standing et al. 2023.
The researchers say that at some point, TOI-1338/BEBOP-1c is guaranteed to transit the primary star, but they can’t say when. That’s in spite of the misalignment between the planet and the star. “It may seem counterintuitive at first that a planet-binary misalignment makes transitability more likely,” they write. That’s because the planet’s sky inclination oscillates around the binary’s sky inclination, according to the authors, and eventually, the planet’s inclination will approach 90o. That means “… the vast majority of circumbinary planets orbiting eclipsing binaries will eventually transit.”
The team also examined the issue of other planets around the binary star. None have been detected yet, but they may yet be. While they can’t say for sure if there are additional planets, they calculated and graphed the limitations on any potential detections.
This density plot from the research shows the detection limits of the researchers’ method. It’s pretty complicated, but it basically shows that their method is “…sensitive to additional sub-Saturn mass planets for periods out to 2000 days, while we are sensitive to Neptune mass planets near the instability limit.” Image Credit: Standing et al. 2023.
One of the problems with studying circumbinary planets around binary stars is that most of the ones we know of are too faint. That means that for most of them, including the new planet TOI-1338/BEBOP-1c, there’s no opportunity to employ spectroscopy to probe their atmospheres. But its previously discovered sibling, TOI-1338b, might be illuminated enough. “Therefore,” the researchers write, “despite the challenges it may present, TOI-1338/BEBOP-1b is our only possibility to shed light on the atmospheric make-up of circumbinary planets.”
“Of the now 15 known circumbinary exoplanets, TOI-1338/BEBOP-1b is the only one for which James Webb Space Telescope transmission spectroscopy can currently be pursued. If we are to unveil the mysteries of circumbinary Tatooine-like exo-atmospheres, the TOI-1338/BEBOP-1 system provides a new hope,” the authors write in their paper.
AI Joins Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life
AI Joins Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life
Paul Seaburn
It is safe to say that not a day goes by without a new group of workers fearing they will soon lose their jobs to artificial intelligence. Customer service representatives, receptionists, proofreaders, data entry clerks, fast food help, assembly line workers, retailers, doctors … even writers. This week, an unexpected job category has been added to the list – people who search for extraterrestrial life. That’s right – AI is taking over SETI. A new study reveals how machine learning, a subset of artificial intelligence, is being used to analyze the skies and has recently identified eight previously undetected signals of interest that have certain characteristics expected of genuine technosignatures of intelligent life forms. When that ship from another star system lands and an alien demands to be taken to our leader, will it be GPT-3?
Isn't searching for extraterrestrial intelligent life the job of Earth's intelligent life?
“The biggest challenge for us in looking for SETI signals is not at this point getting the data. The difficult part is differentiating signals from human or Earth technology from the kind of signals we’d be looking for from technology somewhere else out in the Galaxy.”
Sofia Sheikh, an astronomer at the SETI Institute, is a co-author of “A deep-learning search for technosignatures from 820 nearby stars,” published in the journal Nature Astronomy, points out why artificial intelligence is the perfect non-person for this job. Telescopes are great at scanning the skies and collecting data – in fact, they’ve collected so much data that it is impossible for even supercomputers with sophisticated search algorithms to process it. That problem is compounded by the fact that we don’t really know what kind of signal extraterrestrials will be sending. While biosignatures may be easier to predict from a planet with a similar geological and atmospheric composition to Earth, those same planets could be millions of years more advanced than us technologically. We have no idea what their technosignature might look like.
“The key issue with any technosignature search is looking through this huge haystack of signals to find the needle that might be a transmission from an alien world. The vast majority of the signals detected by our telescopes originate from our own technology – GPS satellites, mobile phones, and the like. Peter’s algorithm gives us a more effective way to filter the haystack and find signals that have the characteristics we expect from technosignatures.”
Dr. Steve Croft, an astrophysicist with the Breakthrough Listen team at the University of California, Berkeley, uses a Breakthrough Initiatives press release to introduce us to Peter Ma, the first author on the paper and an undergraduate student at the University of Toronto. Ma looked at the challenge presented by Earth’s technology and determined that we are just not smart enough to outsmart ourselves when it comes to filtering out our own signals. While machine learning had been used as a supplemental tool in SETI before, Ma decided to give it the entire job to create a neural network to do it.
“In total, we had searched through 150 TB of data of 820 nearby stars, on a dataset that had previously been searched through in 2017 by classical techniques but labeled as devoid of interesting signals,"
Ma explains in a SETI Institute press release how he used data collected from 820 nearby stars which conventional analysis determined had no ET technosignatures. He notes that the algorithms used were good for finding signals that may be coming from a specific point in space, but completely ineffective when the data comes from crowded regions. He compares this to listening for a unique whisper in a loud and crowded auditorium. To solve this problem, Ma inserted simulated signals into real data, and then trained an artificial intelligence algorithm known as an autoencoder to learn their fundamental properties. The output from this process was then fed into a second algorithm known as a random forest classifier, which learns to pick out the potential signals from the noisy background.
Once trained, Ma gave the AI algorithm the data taken with the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia which showed no technosignatures of interest. This time, it found eight radio signals that could potentially be transmissions from extraterrestrial intelligence belonging to five different star systems located 30 to 90 light years away from Earth. The signals of interest had these characteristics:
The signals were narrow band, on the order of just a few Hz. Signals caused by natural phenomena tend to be broadband.
The signals had non-zero drift rates, which means the signals had a slope. That meant they were not local to the radio observatory.
The signals appeared in ON-source observations and not in OFF-source observations. Human radio interference usually occurs in ON and OFF observations due to the source being close by.
Does this mean the eight signals are from intelligent extraterrestrials? Hardly. For one thing, the SETI researchers examined the eight targets of interest again and have not had any re-detections of the signals. This doesn’t mean the machine learning algorithm is wrong – it just means these signals are unusual but likely not intelligent. On the positive side, Ma’s machine learning neural network approach will help identify signals of interest more quickly in large datasets, allowing a quicker re-analysis to confirm or reject the signal as a technosignature. The study’s research team is now reexamining other datasets previously analyzed and looking at new and even large datasets, like observations using the MeerKAT telescope in South Africa.
Is SETI another job lost to AI?
Does this mean that the job of SETI researcher is soon to be all AI with no human involvement? Not yet … but it’s a definite possibility. In February 2023, astronomers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), will launch a project where volunteers from the public will sort through images of radio signals and classify them as potential types of interference. Those selected signals will then be used to train another machine-learning algorithm to search SETI data. That’s right – humans are training AI to take their jobs. In fact, astronomers have used machine learning to come up with a ranking of stars to be observed in a SETI project using the 500-metre FAST radio telescope in China. These projects are a mixture of classical and machine-learning approaches – but leaning more towards AI.
Are we becoming sheep that are training a wolf AI to one day eat us … or at least take away our jobs of providing wool and lamb chops? Are intelligent life forms watching us and shaking their heads? Or are they rubbing their hands and making evil grins?
There are few UFO researchers in the UK as well-versed in extraterrestrial encounters than Malcolm Robinson – an investigator and author who began as a skeptic and debunker but has become one of the world’s leading authorities on these subjects. Robinson recently made headlines when he revealed in an interview that he believes extraterrestrials vising Earth “have an agenda” … but “I wouldn't say they are peaceful.” Should we be worried? Does Malcom Robinson know something the rest of us don’t? Let’s find out.
"What is in no doubt, is that the UFO enigma is real, very real, it has been with us throughout time. We see this in Renaissance paintings and old cave paintings, these strange shapes and entities."
Malcom Robinson tells The Daily Star what he as well as many other UFO investigators have found – this is not a new phenomenon. Robinson says he himself has been investigating them since he was 20 when he “honestly felt that there was no validity to UFOs." His opinion on UFOs and extraterrestrials changed quickly as he learned enough to inspire him to found Strange Phenomena Investigations in 1979 – now Scotland's oldest active UFO/Paranormal society with members around the world. his experiences have resulted in Robinson authoring numerous books on UFOs and paranormal subjects, including “UFO Case Files of Scotland,” “The Dechmont Woods UFO Incident, and “The A70 UFO Incident,” as well as others on the Loch Ness monster and ghosts.
They don't look too friendly.
“[These are] small childlike creatures, about 3 to 4 feet in height with bluey-grey translucent skin, large pear-shaped heads with inky black wrap-around eyes. No sign of any genitalia. These small greys are the most commonly reported entities seen in close proximity to UFOs."
Robinson has interviewed many UFO and ET witnesses, including a number of them who report being abducted. “The A70 UFO Incident” details Scotland's first-ever alien abduction – on August 17, 1992, Edinburgh residents Garry Wood and Colin Wright claimed they encountered a two-tiered disc shaped UFO wider than the A70 road they were on. While watching the smooth, black object, they blacked out and were in a daze when they arrived at their destination … one-and-a-half hours later than expected with no recollection of what had happened. On a recent podcast, Robinson recalled that the two men contacted him for help figuring out what had happened. He arranged for the two men two have separate hypnotic regression sessions and their memories matched exactly … and what memories they were!
Wood and Wright claimed their car had been hit by a light and was approached by six humanoid being who put them on stretchers and gave them electric shocks. They were taken to the circular UFO, stripped naked, examined physically, then imprisoned in a glass cell and scanned by a device with a triangular head and two red lights. Both men experienced pain and heard strange noises during the scanning. They estimated there were 20 to 30 beings on the ship and described them as “deformed and extremely ugly” with “what looked like Native American markings below their eyes.” One word they understood the beings saying was “sanctuary.” They claimed when they awoke that stuff from inside the car was scattered on the ground, and the vehicle was covered with a “white crystallization” that remained for weeks.
“Both Garry and Colin are left feeling bemused by what happened to them. Their lives may have changed, but they are still the men they were, albeit with a different perspective on life."
Despite the men being “bemused,” Robinson was concerned then and is more concerned today about what purpose these aliens – especially the ones making abductions and examinations like the A70 UFO incident – have in visiting Earth and what kind of response we humans should be prepared to give.
"They have an agenda for sure - we can but speculate.”
If anyone can speculate and offer advice, it would be Malcolm Robinson. He was the chief Investigator into the Bonnybridge UFO sightings in Central Scotland in 1992. Many witnesses saw unidentified lights in the sky over Bonnybridge, and they soon stretched from Stirling to Fife, causing the area to be called the "Falkirk Triangle" and for it to be designated as one of the world’s top UFO hot spots with an average of around 300 sightings per year. One incident in 1992 involved a mother and daughter who saw a blue light, followed by a UFO landing and a door opening. While police wrote off the sightings as balloons released from a party, investigators like Robinson found that some of the witnesses were police officers and pilots, and some of the UFOs were picked up by radar. However, none have been identified.
“I wouldn't say they are peaceful, due to the thousands of UFO abductions worldwide."
One famous abduction Robinson wrote a book about is the Dechmont Woods Encounter or “Taylor Incident.” On November 9, 1979, forestry worker Robert ‘Bob’ Taylor claimed he saw a “flying dome” land on Dechmont Law (a law is a hill) in Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland. He later recounted that two-spiked spheres rolled out towards him and, as he passed out, they grabbed his legs and dragged him onboard. He awoke 20 minutes later looking like he had been assaulted and he remembered a burning smell. Because he came home with torn clothes and injuries on his chin and thighs, the police were brought in and started a criminal investigation. Robinson examined his trousers and said the rips and tears did not look like they were caused by Taylor crawling on the ground. The police went to the sight where Taylor said he was abducted and found something strange -- 32 holes in the ground that were about 3.5 inches in diameter, along with what looked like bulldozer tracks. Taylor’s employer said the marks and tracks were not from their equipment, and one police report made many suspect Taylor was telling the truth about a flying disk.
Close encounters of the road kind don't seem to turn out well.
"These marks just arrived. They did not come from anywhere or go anywhere. They just arrived as though a helicopter or something had landed from the sky."
“(The marks indicated an) object of several tons had stood there but there was nothing to show that it had been driven or towed away".
"There appeared to be no rational explanation for these marks."
The Dechmont Woods Encounter has come to be known as the "only example of an alien sighting becoming the subject of a criminal investigation.” For Malcolm Robinson, they are yet another indication that aliens are not visiting Earth with a peaceful agenda.
"Whilst a large proportion of UFOs can be explained away as having natural explanations, only a few remain, and it is to that small one percent that I and my colleagues worldwide are trying to get to the bottom."
One final takeaway from his interview with The Daily Star – Robinson seems to believe that most, if not all, of these alien encounters are with small grey aliens of the kind most often depicted in movies and on television. While that may give some comfort to humans over four feet tall that they can survive an encounter, people like Bob Taylor, Garry Wood, Colin Wright … and Malcolm Robinson … disagree, and may have the evidence to prove it.
Rotsschilderingen van 4.000 jaar oud ontdekt in Frankrijk
In het zuidoosten van Frankrijk zijn meer dan honderd rotsschilderingen van 4.000 jaar oud ontdekt die van de nieuwe steentijd dateren, een vondst van formaat volgens de voorzitter van het Franse instituut Ipaam (Institut de préhistoire et d’archéologie Alpes-Méditerranée).
De 120 rotsschilderingen, die oorlogen en “gevechtstaferelen, chaos of begrafenissen” weergeven, dateren van 2.000 jaar voor onze jaartelling, van “het laatneolithicum en het prille begin van het bronzen tijdperk”, legde Claude Salicis uit, de voorzitter van Ipaam. Hij bevestigde een bericht in de regionale krant Nice-Matin.
De site van Valdeblore, op een twintigtal kilometer van de duizenden rotsgravures van de Vallée des Merveilles, is “een ontdekking van groot belang in de streek want tot nu toe werden slechts twee van dit soort schilderingen in dit departement geïdentificeerd”, benadrukte Salicis.
De datering en echtheid van de schilderingen konden met een analyse van de gebruikte pigmenten achterhaald worden.
Twee judoka’s die in de omgeving wonen, ontdekten de rotsschilderingen in de zomer van 2022. De schilderingen bevinden zich in overhangende rotswanden op een klif die in 2017 van struikgewas ontdaan werd voor beklimmingen. “Het komt er nu op aan de schilderingen als erfgoed te beschermen”, aldus nog Salicis.
Grotschilderingen in de grot van Lascaux in Frankrijk
Alpes-Maritimes: 4000 jaar oude grotschilderingen ontdekt in een "heilig" neolithisch gebied
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Holes In Clouds Are 100% Proof Of Alien Craft Passing Through, San Antonio, Texas, UFO Sighting News.
Holes In Clouds Are 100% Proof Of Alien Craft Passing Through, San Antonio, Texas, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 26, 2023
Location of sighting: San Antonio, Texas, USA
Some newscasters tried to explain away these holes in the cloud by making up anything they could, like trying to say its planes punching holes in the clouds. Wow, no...planes would not do that. I worked in the USAF on B1 Lancer bombers and no, they don't do that. But I wouldn't expect a weatherman to understand aircraft.
These holes are made by huge UFO either came from below from underground bases or came from space then broke through the clouds as they went to an underground base. The UFOs have energy shields which they use to appear invisible or cloaked. The UFOs push within the clouds to hide and when they leave...a hole is left for up to 15 minutes after they leave. The faster the UFO, the more perfect the edges of the whole. These UFOs moved fast but not super fast, they were probably coming down, ready to enter a tunnel in the desert floor of Texas going to the alien base.
How do I know this? Easy, the case of the UFO over O'hare airport. You see, the O'Hare Airport UFO incident that UFOs make holes in cloud as proven by many eyewitness accounts of the event. Also the 90 page MUFON report they wrote also states this eyewitnesses seeing it happen. The UFO over O'Hare (Nov 2006) hung out there for several minutes disturbing pilots and radar tower then shot up at an angle cutting an round hole through the low level clouds that remained there for over 15 minutes later. So yeah, UFOs make holes in clouds. However, this looks like the UFO came from above as you see the uneven edges were pushed down rather than up.
100% proof that several huge UFOs flew over San Antonio, Texas and entered an alien base located somewhere outside of San Antonio.
A UFO sighting was reported on the night of January 20th, 2023. The witness, who was observing the night sky, noticed an unusual object that appeared to be flying lower than the clouds. The object was silent and was seen to change its formation at some point, which left the witness feeling bewildered. Despite not being an expert in this field, the witness was confident that what he saw was not a conventional aircraft. The incident has left the witness with more questions than answers, and he is still uncertain about the nature of the object he saw that night.
Stanton sighting – UFO only seen on camera, not with naked eye!
Stanton sighting – UFO only seen on camera, not with naked eye!
UFO sighting over California
On March 22, 2022, a UFO sighting was caught on camera in Stanton, California and it was just recently submitted to MUFON. The strange object was only captured on camera and was not visible to the naked eye. According to the witness, the camera malfunction was not related to their iPhone and they were able to obtain photos and video footage of the sighting.
In the footage, the UFO can be seen hovering in the sky while cars pass by and the moon is also visible. The exact nature of the object remains unknown and it is not clear if it was a natural phenomenon or a man-made object.
This is not the first time a UFO sighting has been reported in Stanton, and it has sparked interest and speculation among the local community. Despite the increasing number of UFO sightings in recent years, there is still much that is unknown about these strange objects and the reasons for their appearance. This recent sighting in Stanton adds to the growing body of evidence and serves as a reminder of the mysteries that still exist in our world.
Stunning UAP Sightings by Pilots: Its Implications for Aviation Industry
Stunning UAP Sightings by Pilots: Its Implications for Aviation Industry
The aviation industry is in dire need of a proactive approach to addressing the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). With reports of UFO sightings increasing in number, it’s time for the industry to start taking the issue seriously and come up with a trustworthy reporting mechanism for pilots and other stakeholders.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has a reactive rather than proactive approach to the issue, only addressing the problem when it becomes necessary. However, there are trusted resources such as the integration and Outreach committee at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), NASA’s UAP study team, and other organizations that are working towards finding a solution.
Recently, a commercial pilot and guest on a Merged podcast, Mark, spoke about his own experience with a UFO sighting and the need for a more proactive approach to the issue. He believes that encouraging more pilots to come forward and share their experiences is a crucial step in solving the mystery.
The aviation industry should also be exploring different technologies that might be useful in detecting and reporting UFO sightings. Off-the-shelf technology can be modified to build sensors and improve the overall reporting process. The industry should strive to make this a continuous and active conversation, taking new data and great ideas to drive the conversation forward.
At the end of the day, NASA holds the authority for aviation safety in the United States and has established trusted programs for reporting safety hazards. However, the current procedures for reporting UFO sightings are scattered and not official, and there is no practical method for reporting such incidents.
It’s time for the aviation industry to take the issue of UFOs seriously and come up with a reliable and trustworthy reporting mechanism for all stakeholders. This way, the industry can work towards finding solutions and understanding the phenomenon of UFOs.
SETI, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, is deploying machine-learning algorithms that filter out Earthly interference and spot signals humans might miss.
Machine learning is good at picking out unconventional signals that might have come from an E.T.
Credit: Universal Pictures/Allstar/Alamy
From the hills of West Virginia to the flats of rural Australia, some of the world’s largest telescopes are listening for signals from distant alien civilizations. The search for extraterrestrial intelligence, known as SETI, is an effort to find artificial-looking electromagnetic-radiation signals that might have come from a technologically advanced civilization in a far-away solar system. A study published today1 describes one of several efforts to use machine learning, a subset of artificial intelligence (AI), to help astronomers sift quickly through the reams of data such surveys yield. As AI reshapes many scientific fields, what promise does it hold for the search for life beyond Earth?
“It is a new era for SETI research that is opening up thanks to machine-learning technology,” says Franck Marchis, a planetary astronomer at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California.
The problem of big data is relatively new for SETI. For decades, the field was constrained by having hardly any data at all. Astronomer Frank Drake pioneered SETI in 1960, when he pointed a telescope in Green Bank, West Virginia, towards two stars and listened for radio transmissions. Most of the SETI searches that followed were also limited to a small number of stars.
But in 2015, billionaire Yuri Milner funded the biggest SETI programme ever, in Berkeley, California: the Breakthrough Listen project to search one million stars for signs of intelligent life. Using telescopes in West Virginia, Australia and South Africa, the project looks for radio emissions that come from the direction of a star and that change steadily in frequency, as would happen if an alien transmitter were on a planet moving with respect to Earth.
“The biggest challenge for us in looking for SETI signals is not at this point getting the data,” says Sofia Sheikh, an astronomer at the SETI Institute. “The difficult part is differentiating signals from human or Earth technology from the kind of signals we’d be looking for from technology somewhere else out in the Galaxy.”
The Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia is one of several helping to look for alien civilizations.
Credit: Jim West/Alamy
Going through millions of observations manually isn’t practical. A common alternative approach is to use algorithms that look for signals matching what astronomers think alien beacons could look like. But those algorithms can overlook potentially interesting signals that are slightly different from what astronomers are expecting.
Enter machine learning. Machine-learning algorithms are trained on large amounts of data and can learn to recognize features that are characteristic of Earthly interference, making them very good at filtering out the noise.
Overlooked signals
Machine learning is also good at picking up candidate extraterrestrial signals that don’t fall into conventional categories and so might have been missed by earlier methods, says Dan Werthimer, a SETI scientist at the University of California, Berkeley.
Peter Ma, a mathematician and physicist at the University of Toronto, Canada, and lead author of today’s paper, agrees. “We can’t always be anticipating what ET might send to us,” he says.
Ma and his colleagues sifted through Breakthrough Listen observations of 820 stars, made using the 100-metre Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope. They built machine-learning software to analyse the data; this netted nearly three million signals of interest but discarded most as Earth-based interference. Ma then manually reviewed more than 20,000 signals and narrowed them down to 8 intriguing candidates.
The search ultimately came up empty — all eight signals disappeared when the team listened again. But the methods could be used on other data, such as a flood of observations from the MeerKAT array of 64 radio telescopes in South Africa, which Breakthrough Listen began using in December. The machine-learning algorithms could also be used on archived SETI data, says Ma, to seek signals that might previously have been overlooked.
Citizen SETI
Machine learning is also at the heart of a separate SETI effort that will launch next month. On 14 February, astronomers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), will launch a community-science project in which volunteers from the public will sort through images of radio signals and classify them as potential types of interference, to train a machine-learning algorithm to search SETI data from Green Bank.
And AI can help with other stages of the SETI process. Werthimer and his colleagues have used machine learning to come up with a ranking of stars to be observed in an ongoing SETI project that uses the world’s largest single-dish telescope, the 500-metre FAST radio telescope in China.
Still, SETI will probably continue to use a mixture of classical and machine-learning approaches to sort through data, says Jean-Luc Margot, an astronomer at UCLA. Classical algorithms remain excellent at picking up candidate signals, and machine learning is “not a panacea”, he says.
“The machines can’t do it all, yet,” agrees Werthimer.
Ma, P. X. et al.Nature Astron. (2023).
Groene komeet bereikt na 50.000 jaar zijn dichtste punt bij de aarde: waar en hoe kan je hem zien aan de nachtelijke hemel?
Maar liefst 50.000 jaar is C2022 E3 (ZTF) onderweg geweest. Dat is de naam van de groene komeet die voor het laatst in de buurt van de aarde kwam toen de Neanderthalers er nog op rondliepen. Momenteel nadert hij zijn dichtste punt bij de aarde. Maar wat is een komeet precies en hoe spot je hem in de komende nachten?
Martijn Peters
Groene komeet bereikt na 50.000 jaar zijn dichtste punt bij de aarde
Kometen zijn, net zoals asteroïden, restjes van toen de planeten zich vormden. Het is een allegaartje van stof, rots en ijs. Vandaar hun toepasselijke bijnaam: stoffige ruimtesneeuwballen. Meestal zijn ze enkele honderden meters tot kilometers groot. Kometen zijn afkomstig uit de Kuipergordel of Oortwolk. De donutvormige kuipergordel ligt net voorbij Neptunus op ongeveer 4,5 miljard kilometer van de zon. De Oortwolk ligt nog een stukje verder, op 300 miljard kilometer afstand. Hij zit als een schil rond ons zonnestelsel.
De groene komeet die onze planeet nadert, is afkomstig uit die Oortwolk. Wetenschappers ontdekten hem vorig jaar en gaven hem de naam C/2022 E3 (ZTF). Dat is niet zomaar. De “C” betekent dat zijn baan rond de zon meer dan 200 jaar duurt. Voor deze komeet is dat zelfs een pak langer, zo’n 50.000 jaar. De “2022” verwijst naar het jaar waarin hij ontdekt is. Dat was in de eerste helft van maart en het was de derde al die maand, daarom “E3”. Tot slot staat de “ZTF” nog voor Zwicky Transient Facility, die legde de komeet vast op beeld.
Op dit moment komt C/2022 E3 (ZTF) het dichtst in de buurt bij de aarde. Al is dat wel nog zo’n 43 miljoen km. Met een magnitude rond de 6 zal hij net helder genoeg zijn om met het blote oog te zien. Je kijkt dus best met een verrekijker of telescoop. Waar precies? Zoek de poolster in het noorden. Een klein stukje rechts daarvan vliegt C/2022 E3 (ZTF). Vannacht doe je dat best tussen 06u en 08u. De maan en zon zijn dan allebei achter de horizon.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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